GETTING PAST Wrr’ B Solutions to 10 Debilitating Blockers that Plague Content Creators

Getting Past Writer's Block

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Solutions to 10 Debilitating Blockers that Plague Content Creators. To learn more, read our ebook: http://bitly.com/HowHSDoesContent

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Page 1: Getting Past Writer's Block

GETTING PAST Wr!"#r’$ B%&'(

Solutions to 10 Debilitating Blockers

that Plague Content Creators

Page 2: Getting Past Writer's Block

Writer’s block.

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Writer’s block. It’s more than just a  !"#"$ %f &'().

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It’s a &#*#)+.

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It’s a &#*#)+.

A very real, very debilitating malady.

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(even for the most prolific content creators.)

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So … How do you get over wr!"#r’$ b%&'( ?

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the source of the problem.


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Then take it out back and

beat it with a stick.

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Here are the top 10 r#,$&*$ for writer’s block.

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Here are the top 10 r#,$&*$ for writer’s block.

And how to fix them for good.

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Pr&b%#- #1 I don’t know what to write about.

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Fall back on your editorial calendar, where you keep a backlog of topics to write about. You can also reach out to people in other parts of your company and ask them to share some FAQs.

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Pr&b%#- #2 I don’t know how to approach this topic.

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Your topic isn’t specific enough. Refine your working title to say what you really mean. It doesn’t have to sound good; you can finesse it later. Just ensure it’s clear, specific, and tells you exactly what the content is about.

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Pr&b%#- #3 I’m not in the mood to write.

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Use the laptop trick. Unplug your laptop and go into a quiet room, free of distractions. Your challenge is to finish your writing assignment before your battery runs out. Maybe a little competition with yourself can kick things up a notch.

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Pr&b%#- #4 I can’t find the words.

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S&%."!&*: Write like you speak. Content should be free of jargon and business babble, anyway. If you write like you speak, it will be an easier writing and reading experience. Do not, however, write like you think. Our brains are a mess. We filter ourselves for a reason.

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Pr&b%#- #5 I can’t write an intro.

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S&%."!&*: There’s nothing more intimidating than a blank screen. Skip the intro, and dive into the actual content – or at least an outline. Then fill in the introduction later. And remember the formula for a good introduction: Identify the problem, build pain around it, and explain how the content will address it.

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Pr&b%#- #6 I can’t come up with examples to support my content.

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Crowdsource it. Leverage other people’s knowledge and expertise to inform your content. A different perspective can open up, as Aladdin taught us, a whole new world.

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Pr&b%#- #7 I keep getting distracted.

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Sign out of social media, instant message clients, and email. While internet access is important for research and the occasional break, the real-time nature of the other tools make distraction too tempting a mistress.

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Pr&b%#- #8 Someone interrupted me, and I can’t get back on track.

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S&%."!&*: No one comes barging into your meetings uninvited, right? Block off writing time like you block off meetings. If you treat content creation as important as closed-door meetings, others will begin to respect your boundaries. If possible, try to find someplace to work with a little less foot-traffic, too.

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Pr&b%#- #9 I don’t even know where to start.

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S&%."!&*: If a project is big and intimidating, break it into smaller, more manageable chunks. Figure out how much time each portion will take, and in what order they must be completed. Try to complete a few of the smaller chunks right away to get your rhythm going, and feel the satisfaction of crossing items off your list.

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Pr&b%#- #10 I don’t feel qualified to write this.

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S&%."!&*: There are readers of all skill levels. Share your knowledge with others who are just starting out. If you want to target a higher level audience, interview and quote subject matter experts. Be humble and honest about what you do know, and what you don’t. Remember, you’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people like you!

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Learn more in our latest ebook, H&w H.bS/&" D&#$ I*b&.*):

Cr#,"!*0 , C&*"#*" C.%".r#. http://bitly.com/HowHSDoesContent

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By Corey Eridon.
