TOP 10 Learning Questions for Chapter 10 Crafting The Brand Position (D)evout - Mary Josette Enriquez December 16,2011 www.maryjosetteienriquez.blogs pot.com

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TOP 10 Learning Questions for

Chapter 10Crafting The Brand


(D)evout - Mary Josette EnriquezDecember 16,2011


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The result of positioning is the successful creating of a _________ a cogent reason why the target market should buy the product

a. an excellent promotional campaign

b. customer-focused value proposition

c. demand channel

d. everyday low pricing

e. strategic window of opportunity



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The result of positioning is the successful creation of a _________, a compelling reason why the target market should buy the product.

a. an excellent promotional campaign

b. customer-focused value proposition

c. demand channel

d. everyday low pricing

e. strategic window of opportunity



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Know the value of your product with your customers



The result of position is the successful

creation of a customer-focused value proposition,

a cogent reason why the target market

should buy the product.

Positioning requires that similarities and

difference between brands be defined and communicated.

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The result of positioning is the successful creating of a _________ a cogent reason why the target market should buy the product

a. an excellent promotional campaign

b. customer-focused value proposition

c. demand channel

d. everyday low pricing

e. strategic window of opportunity



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The result of positioning is the successful creation of a _________, a compelling reason why the target market should buy the product.

a. an excellent promotional campaign

b. customer-focused value proposition

c. demand channel

d. everyday low pricing

e. strategic window of opportunity



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TOP 10 Learning Questions for(Chapter 12)


December 16, 2011

Chapter 12 Setting Product Strategy

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5. Tide detergent comes in two scents and two additives creating variation with the brand. This refers to the _____ of the product mix.

A. DepthB. LengthC. WidthD. ConsistencyE. Breath


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5. Tide detergent comes in several variations – nature fresh/ original scent and with or without bleach. This is known as the _____ of the product mix.

A. DepthB. LengthC. WidthD. ConsistencyE. Breath


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Product Systems and Mixes

The Width of a product mix refers to how many different product lines the company caries.

The Length of a product mix refers to the total number of items in the mix.

If Tide comes in two scents, two formulations and two additives, Tide has a depth of eight because there are eight distinct variants.

The Consistency of the product mix refers to how closely related the various product lines are in end use.


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5. Tide detergent comes in two scents and two additives creating variation with the brand. This refers to the _____ of the product mix.

A. DepthB. LengthC. WidthD. ConsistencyE. Breath


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5. Tide detergent comes in several variations – nature fresh/ original scent and with or without bleach. This is known as the _____ of the product mix.

A. DepthB. LengthC. WidthD. ConsistencyE. Breath


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TOP 10 Learning Questions forSetting Product Strategy


Adventurer Alex Go


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3. It is the total features that affect how a product looks, feels, and functions in terms of customer req’ts.

A. FormB. StyleC. DesignD. CustomizationE. None of the above


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There are several ways that a product can differentiate itself from the competition

Form, Style, Design & Customization are some of the product aspects marketers use to stand out.


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Only design covers the totality of the product features


• Form• Style• Customizatio


• Design

Either specific to shape, size, look & feel, custom made

Total features

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3. It is the total features that affect how a product looks, feels, and functions in terms of customer req’ts.

A. FormB. StyleC. DesignD. CustomizationE. None of the above


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7. Which of the following are not essential for product packaging?

A. Convey descriptive and persuasive information

B. Identify the brandC. Display product imageD. Assist at-home storage


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Packaging is all activities of designing and producing the container for a product

5 objectives must be achieved in packaging:A. Convey descriptive and persuasive information

B. Identify the brand

C. Assist at-home storage

D. Facilitate product transportation and protection

E. Aid product consumption


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Product content photo is not necessary.


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7. Which of the following are not essential for product packaging?

A. Convey descriptive and persuasive information

B. Identify the brandC. Display product photoD. Assist at-home storage


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TOP 10 Learning Questions for

For Chapter 13Designing and Managing


Foglight Carlos GonzagaDecember 15, 2011

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4. The employees' skill in serving the client describes

A. Interactive Marketing

B. Direct Marketing

C. Internal Marketing

D. External Marketing

E. Guerilla Marketing


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4. It is described as employees' skill in serving the client

A. Interactive Marketing

B. Direct Marketing

C. Internal Marketing

D. External Marketing

E. Guerilla Marketing


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Three Types of Marketing in Service Industries


External marketing describes the normal work of preparing, pricing, distributing, and promoting the service to customers.

Internal marketing describes training and motivating employees to serve customers well.

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Three Types of Marketing in Service Industries


Interactive marketing describes the employees' skill in serving the client. Clients judge service not

only by its technical quality (Was the surgery

successful?), but also by its functional quality (Did the

surgeon show concern and inspire confidence?).

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4. The employees' skill in serving the client describes

A. Interactive Marketing

B. Direct Marketing

C. Internal Marketing

D. External Marketing

E. Guerilla Marketing


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4. It is described as employees' skill in serving the client

A. Interactive Marketing

B. Direct Marketing

C. Internal Marketing

D. External Marketing

E. Guerilla Marketing


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Chapter 14

Developing Pricing Strategies and Programs


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Question 2Please give the proper sequence in setting price

initially for the products or services1.Deterimne demand 2.select the price objective

3.analyzecompetitor price mix 4.select final price 5.select

price method 6.estimate costsA 2 1 6 3 5 4B 1 2 6 3 54 C 1 2 3 6 5 4D 2 1 3 6 5 4E 1 2 3 6 4 5

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Question 2Arrange the 6 steps of product price setting

according to its proper order1.Deterimne demand 2.Select the price objective 3.Analyze competitor price mix 4.Select final price 5.Select price method 6.Estimate costs

A. 2 1 6 3 5 4B. 1 2 6 3 5 4 C. 1 2 3 6 5 4D. 2 1 3 6 5 4E. 1 2 3 6 4 5

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AnalysisThe company first decides where it wants to position its market

offering. The clearer a firm’s objectives, the easier it is to set price.

Each price will lead to a different level of demand and will therefore have a different impact on a company’s marketing objectives

Demand sets a ceiling on the price the company can charge for its product. Costs the floor

The firm should first consider the nearest competitor’s price

Given the customers’ demand schedule,the cost function, and competitors’ prices,the company is now ready to select a price

Pricing methods narrow the range from which the company must select its final price

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Please give the proper sequence in setting price initially for the products or services

1.Deterimne demand 2.select the price objective 3.analyze

competitor price mix 4.select final price 5.select price method 6.estimate costs

A 2 1 6 3 5 4B 1 2 6 3 54 C 1 2 3 6 5 4D 2 1 3 6 5 4E 1 2 3 6 4 5

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Question 2Arrange the 6 steps of product price setting

according to its proper order1.Deterimne demand 2.Select the price objective 3.Analyze competitor price mix 4.Select final price 5.Select price method 6.Estimate costs

A. 2 1 6 3 5 4B. 1 2 6 3 5 4 C. 1 2 3 6 5 4D. 2 1 3 6 5 4E. 1 2 3 6 4 5

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Top 10 Concepts

Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, & LogisticsCH 16

Roger C. MabagDecember 15, 2011


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1. This includes all the activities in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for personal, non business use.

a) Retailingb) Retailerc) Retail Stored) Marketing


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1. This includes all the activities in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for personal, non business use.

a) Retailingb) Tradingc) Wholesalingd) Direct Marketing


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Retailing is…

Retailing includes all the activities in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for personal, non business use. A retailer or retail store is any business enterprise whose sales volume comes primarily from retailing.


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Any organization selling to final consumers-whether it is a manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer-is doing retailing. It doesn't matter how the goods or services are sold (in person, by mail, telephone, vending machine, or on the Internet) or where (in a store, on the street, or in the consumer's home).


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1. This includes all the activities in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for personal, non business use.

a)Retailingb) Retailerc) Retail Stored) Marketing


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1. This includes all the activities in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for personal, non business use.

a) Retailingb) Tradingc) Wholesalingd) Direct Marketing


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TOP 10 Learning Questions forDesigning and Managing Integrated

Marketing Communication



December 15, 2011


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3. IMC’s ultimate goal is to build brand equity which is composed of the following except:

A. Brand awarenessB. Brand barriers C. Brand imageD. Brand responsesE. Brand relationships


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3. Brand equity is composed of the following except:

A. Brand awarenessB. Brand barriers C. Brand imageD. Brand responsesE. Brand relationships


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IMC builds brands


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IMC builds brands


Brand Barriers refer to the obstacles encountered by a brand in entering the market

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3. IMC’s ultimate goal is to build brand equity which is composed of the following except:

A. Brand awarenessB.Brand barriers C. Brand imageD. Brand responsesE. Brand relationships


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3. Brand equity is composed of the following except:

A. Brand awarenessB. Brand barriers C. Brand imageD. Brand responsesE. Brand relationships


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8. For a personal and credible approach, which of the marketing communications below should one use?

A. Direct MarketingB. Public Relations and PublicityC. Events and ExperiencesD. Word-of-mouthE. Advertising


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8. Marketers use this method of marketing communications for a more personal and credible approach.

A. Direct MarketingB. Public Relations and PublicityC. Events and ExperiencesD. Word-of-mouthE. Advertising


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Word-of-Mouth Marketing• Credible• Personal• Timely


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Word-of-Mouth Marketing• Credible• Personal• Timely

Word-of-mouth is considered to be a very personal approach as compared to the other components of the marketing mix becauseit stresses how great personal influence can be.


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8. For a personal and credible approach, which of the marketing communications below should one use?

A. Direct MarketingB. Public Relations and PublicityC. Events and ExperiencesD.Word-of-mouthE. Advertising


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8. Marketers use this method of marketing communications for a more personal and credible approach.

A. Direct MarketingB. Public Relations and PublicityC. Events and ExperiencesD. Word-of-mouthE. Advertising


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TOP 10 Learning Concepts

Ch 18 Managing Mass Communications

Ching D. Marcial

December 22, 2011


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Product placement is an example of alternative advertising options which aims for the following , EXCEPT

A. Reach a precise and captive audience in a cost effective manner

B. Provide simple and direct message

C. Enhance brand image and brand awareness

D. Assure consumers of tangible consumer benefits



Question 4

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The Coca Cola glass in American Idol talent show is a good example of product placement which aims to do the following except:

A. Reach a precise and captive audience in a cost effective manner

B. Provide simple and direct message

C. Enhance brand image and brand awareness

D. Assure consumers of tangible consumer benefits



Question 4

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Alternative Advertising Options

can often reach a very precise and captive audience in a cost-effective manner

The message must be simple direct and effective

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Concept Explanation

Alternative Advertising Options

Place Advertising


Point of Purchase

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Product placement is an example of alternative advertising options which aims for the following , EXCEPT

A. Reach a precise and captive audience in a cost effective manner

B. Provide simple and direct message

C. Enhance brand image and brand awareness

D. Assure consumers of tangible consumer benefits



Answer 4

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The Coca Cola glass in American Idol talent show is a good example of product placement which aims to do the following except:

A. Reach a precise and captive audience in a cost effective manner

B. Provide simple and direct message

C. Enhance brand image and brand awareness

D. Assure consumers of tangible consumer benefits



Question 4