Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner, Vienna, VA June 8 - 11, 2009 Register Early & SAVE! See page 7 www.MilitaryLogisticsSummit.com presents its 5th annual training conference: Don’t miss this unique opportunity to: Speakers Include: Hear DoD priorities and requirements for logistics support operations Learn how major commands and agencies are preparing for increased activity in Afghanistan Receive training on revised acquisition and contracting guidelines from DoD authorities Kevin Billings - Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Environment, and Logistics MG Vincent Boles, USA - Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics G-4, US Army MG James Hodge, USA - Commanding General, Military Surface Deployment & Distribution Command MG Darren Owens, USA - Director of Logistics J4, National Guard Bureau NEW! An exclusive CENTCOM J4 panel will examine logistics operations in Afghanistan! See page 4 for details By popular demand, “MilLog” moves to June

IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

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IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

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Page 1: IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

Sheraton Premiere atTysons Corner, Vienna, VA

June 8 - 11, 2009

Register Early

& SAVE!See page 7


presents its 5th annual training conference:

Don’t miss this uniqueopportunity to:

Speakers Include:

• Hear DoD priorities andrequirements for logistics supportoperations

• Learn how major commands andagencies are preparing for increased

activity in Afghanistan

• Receive training on revisedacquisition and contracting guidelines

from DoD authorities

Kevin Billings- Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for

Installations, Environment, and Logistics

MG Vincent Boles, USA- Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics G-4, US Army

MG James Hodge, USA - Commanding General, Military Surface Deployment &

Distribution Command

MG Darren Owens, USA- Director of Logistics J4, National Guard Bureau

NEW!An exclusive

CENTCOM J4 panel will examine logistics

operations in Afghanistan!See page 4 for details

By popular demand,

“MilLog” moves to June

Page 2: IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

Dear Colleague,

Expanded military operations in Afghanistan are underway. As regional priorities change, troops and supplies are being deployed, re-deployed, and moved to support expanded military operations. The demand for mission support operations has never been greater. A reflection of this is theArmy and Marine Corps being asked to increase their combined force by 92,000personnel.

The Administration has demanded that our troops have the “resources, support, andequipment they need to protect themselves and fulfill their mission” and has pledgedto support troop movement by increasing resources for transportation, logistics,and supplies. Its strategy relies on the logistics community’s capacity to equip,sustain, and support a globally deployed force.

IDGA’s Military Logistics Summit 2009 will provide updated DoD missionpriorities and the information you need now to ensure global DoD mission success.The event will bring together the thought leaders and decision-makers in logisticsoperations to discuss the latest implementation strategies and programinitiatives to ensure the flexibility and preparedness of our military’s future. Critical topics to be discussed include:• How changing priorities in deployment and distribution will affect the defensetransportation network• Enhancing combat unit readiness through more effective supply chain managementand optimization processes• Executing performance based logistics for more efficient and cost-effectivesustainment• Major acquisition priorities for essential logistics and transportation capabilitiesDon’t delay - register now at www.MilitaryLogisticsSummit.com or by calling IDGAcustomer service at 1-800-882-8684.

I look forward to meeting you in June!

Thomas EngelmanProgram DirectorIDGA

PS: Don’t miss the CCJ4panel on logisticsoperations in Afghanistan(1:55pm on Day One)!

Who You Will Meet:

IDGA’s Military Logistics Summit 2009provides unparalleled networkingopportunities. Meet hundreds of senior-level professionals from governmentagencies, military units, contractors, andtechnology service providers with thefollowing responsibilities:

About IDGA

The Institute forDefense &GovernmentAdvancement

(IDGA) is a non-partisan informationbased organization dedicated to thepromotion of innovative ideas inpublic service and defense. We bringtogether speaker panels comprised ofmilitary and government professionalswhile attracting delegates withdecision-making power from military,government and defense industries.For more information, please visit usat www.idga.org.

Join the Military Logistics


Now you can network with defenselogistics professionals and fellowattendees before and after the event!Join today at:www.MilitaryLogisticsSummit.com

• Logistics Operations andManagement/ILS/PBL

• Materiel Management

• Contracting and Acquisition

• Lean Six Sigma

• Life Cycle Management

• Supply Chain Management

• Transportation and Mobility

• Research Scientists

• Program Managers

• Technical Directors

• Chief/Principal Engineers

• Distribution and Deployment

• Third Party Logistics Providers

• Contracting Agencies

2 Sponsors:

Very high end, top notch speakers provided current,pertinent, and interesting information

– Canadian National Defence

Page 3: IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

Track A: Logistics Essentials and NextGeneration Performance

Track B: Defense Transportation Track C: Logistics Challengesand Solutions

9:30 Leveraging Automatic Identification Technology for Efficient Supply Chain Management This workshop will focus on how to maximize RFID readabilityin order to improve supply chain system accuracy andefficiency.What will be covered:• New technology and methods to enhance tag readability• Standards testing to determine the RFID read fields for case

and pallet loads • Manufacturer case studies to best define how to pre-apply

tags in the shipping caseHow you will benefit:• Learn how product materials, packaging materials, and

product shape impact readability• Determine how well reads may occur within a facility or

maintenance depot• What this research means for you and how you can develop

effective and meaningful improvements to your supply chainRobb Clarke, MBA, PhD - School of Packaging, Auto-IDTesting and Research Center, Michigan State University

11:30 Lunch

12:00 Automatic Identification TechnologyThis workshop will focus on the problems of bringing real-timevisibility to physical objects and processes using RFID.What will be covered:• Using RFID to achieve real-time visibility• RFID technology to track products through the supply chainHow you will benefit: • Discover how simple technological advancements can

dramatically improve data processing and analysis• Hear actual examples of real time visibility to physical objects

and processed using RFIDDr. John Williams - Director, Auto-ID Labs, MIT

2:00 Asset Visibility 2.0 System UpdateThis interactive Asset Visibility (AV) workshop will demonstratehow the AV application can be used to track assetsthroughout the logistics pipeline.What will be covered:• How the application has the ability to track items that are

on the shelf ready to issue or from the original requisition• How to follow items through the transportation pipeline to

final destination• The partnership with SDDC and the ability to integrate IRRIS

with the current AV systemHow you will benefit:• Learn what the latest updates to AV are and how they will

be of direct benefit to your organization• Leverage IRRIS mapping technology to improve asset

tracking through the single AV portal• Receive hands-on training that will guide you through the

full range of AV toolsRichard Odden - DLA

8:45 Registration & Coffee

Risk-Based Route Planning for Sense and Respond LogisticsThis workshop discusses ARCORP, an Adaptive Risk-basedConvoy Route Planning decision tool that enables users to planmissions and minimize risks of attack.What will be covered:• Overview of a tool that analyzes and fuses social, cultural,

geospatial, and event knowledgebase• Research in geospatial and socio-cultural data sources,

collection methods, and knowledge engineeringHow you will benefit:• Apply knowledge from past experience learned from

historical patterns of dismounted and motorized traffic topredict trouble spots in transportation routes

• How to represent dynamic events such as traffic conditions,route conditions, and attacks in the defense transportationnetwork

Dr. Alper Caglayan - Senior Scientist, Milcord LLC

JFAST Capabilities Update and Tool DemonstrationThe Joint Flow and Analysis System for Transportation (JFAST) isused to determine transportation requirements, perform course-of-action analysis, and project delivery profiles of troops andequipment by air, land, and sea. This session will focus on themost recent capabilities and enhancements to JFASTWhat will be covered:• An overview of the most recent functional capabilities and

add-ons to the system• A demonstration of the current system and how to leverage

new features for better forecasting, scheduling, and planningof transportation resources

• JFAST Exercise Application for Combatant Command trainingexercises

How you will benefit:• More accurately analyze airlift/sealift transportation

requirements for deploying U.S. forces• Model and create alternative transportation plans for “what-

if scenarios” (canal closings, maintenance delays, etc.)• More effectively train staff with a cost-effective alternative to

the current GTN Exercise SystemRalph Alexander - Vice President, Planning and LogisticsDivision, DPRA

Innovating the Logistics Supply Chain in the DigitalAgeThe traditional view of the military logistics supply chain is a pushmodel, where considerations of process, depot operations andsupply forward are key elements in decision-making. The futurewarfighter will require a warfighter-centric pull approach whereneeds are established by the characteristics of the engagement.This session will discuss the implications of warfighters withinherent social networking tendencies and the impact on thesupply chain.What will be covered:• Approaches to balanced command-and-control policies with

the new realities of this new generation of warfighters• Situational awareness systems involving intelligent preparation

of the logistics battlespace as well as the traditional IPB• Research done around Marine logistics in Iraq, parallels with

social networking trends in the private sectorHow you will benefit:• Discover the implications of ad hoc resupply• Leverage digital technology for improved distribution planning • Hear how parallels with social networking trends in the private

sector apply to defense logisticsDr. Irene Petrick - Professor of Practice and Director,Enterprise Informatics & Integration Center, Penn StateUniversity

Featuring Real World Examples

Sense andRespondLogistics

Back bypopulardemand

Military Logistics UniversityMilitary Logistics UniversityMonday, June 8, 2009


Performance-Based Logistics Problem SetBring your PBL questions and challenges to the table at thisone-of-a-kind session. Work through your toughest obstacleswith a peer group of PBL professionals. This expertlyfacilitated discussion will outline opportunities and potentialsolution sets to a wide range of PBL issues.What will be covered:• PBL sustainment• Training opportunities and challenges• Government and industry partnerships• Establishing performance metricsAnd much more!

Defense Transportation Problem SetCome armed with your toughest transportation challenges!Hear what it takes to support major mobility operations. Thisdiscussion will outline opportunities and potential solution setsto a wide range of transportation issues.What will be covered:• Terrain obstacles and alternative transportation methods• Benefits and disadvantages of outsourcing military

transportation• Balancing economic constraints with mission effectiveness• And many more!

Supply Chain Management and Asset VisibilityProblem SetAsset visibility is critical to providing the right logistics supportto battlefield commanders. Discuss the hard issues withexperienced practitioners and work through practical solutionsto your challenges.What will be covered:• In-transit visibility and the last tactical mile• Challenges of ERP integration• Analysis and processing tools to handle increased

information and data flow.

Submit your topics to Tom Engelman to have them discussed at this

year’s event! [email protected]

Submit your topics to Tom Engelman to have them discussed at this

year’s event! [email protected]

Register today! www.MilitaryLogisticsSummit.com

Case Study ofBreakthrough


AV System Updateand Functionality


Page 4: IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

7:30 Registration & Coffee

8:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks

8:30 Driving Excellence in Global Deployment and Distribution OperationsMG James Hodge, USA, Commanding General, Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command

9:10 Leveraging the Air Force Global Logistics Support Center for Air Force Supply Chain and Sustainment Operations Maj Gen Gary McCoy, USAF, Commander, Air Force Global Logistics Support Center

9:50 Networking & Refreshment Break

10:35 US Army Logistics Operations to Support and Sustain Global Combat and Stability MissionsMG Vincent Boles, USA, Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics G-4, US Army

11:15 Business Transformation Agency Priorities for Efficient and Effective Warfighter Support ActivitiesMs. Kimberly Pisall, Director of Transformation Priorities and Requirements, Business Transformation Agency

11:55 Lunch

1:15 National Guard Bureau Efforts in Support of Logistics and ReadinessMG Darren Owens, USA, Director of Logistics J4, National Guard Bureau

1:55 Overcoming Logistics Challenges in Afghanistan• Overview of major barriers to logistics operations in Afghanistan including lack of infrastructure and terrain obstacles• Re-emerging trends and pitfalls to avoid from previous operations• Tools, technology, and capabilities for increased mission successLTG (Ret) William Mortensen, USA, Deputy Commander, US Army Materiel Command (2005-2008), Director of Logistics J4, USCENTCOM (2003-2005)MG (Ret) Dennis Jackson, USA, Director of Logistics J4, USCENTCOM (2000-2003)MG (Ret) Brian Geehan, USA, Director of Logistics J4, USCENTCOM (2005-2007)

3:00 Networking & Refreshment Break

Track A: Asset Visibility and SupplyChain Management

Track B: Performance Based Logistics Track C: Distribution and Transportation

3:30 AIT-Enabling Technologies in Support of Focused Logistics, Total Asset Visibility (TAV), and the Integration of Global Supply ChainsCOL Patrick Burden, USA, ProductManager, PM J-AIT

4:10 Leveraging BCS3 for EnhancedLogistics Command and ControlLTC Anthony Evans, USA, ProductManager, BCS3

4:50 EPCglobal Technology InnovationsIan Robertson, Global IndustryDevelopment Director, EPCglobal

5:30 End of Main Summit Day 1

C-17 GSP Support: 10+ Years of PBLSuccess, Innovation, and LessonsLearnedRichard B. (Skip) Whittington, SeniorManager, Boeing C-17 GSP

Materiel Availability Sustainment andSupportMike Osborne, Senior Program Analyst,Assistant PEO for Logistics, Missiles &Space, US Army

Air Force Logistics ManagementAgency Support for Air Force MissionPrioritiesDr. Dean Golden, Director, LogisticsManagement Agency, US Air Force

Enhancing Expeditionary LogisticsEd Payne, Vice President, BOHEnvironmental

Logistics Support in AfghanistanCol (Ret) Shahzada Farrukh Zaman,General Manager, Al-Hamd InternationalContainer Terminal


New CommandPerspective

Transformationto Army SALE

National GuardBureau Perspective

Distinguished Panelof CENTCOM

Logistics Directors

PM J-AITUpdate



Main Summit Day OneMain Summit Day OneTuesday, June 9, 2009









Page 5: IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

4:25 End of Main Summit

Track A: Asset Visibility and Supply Chain Management Track B: Sustainment and Maintenance

3:05 Asset Visibility - AV Remote: The Low Bandwidth solutionfor the WarfighterRick Odden, DLIS, Defense Logistics Agency

3:45 In-Transit Visibility of Medical SuppliesDr. Robert Warner, President, Eigent Technologies

Letterkenny Army Depot: Sustainment of Air Defense and Tactical Missile SystemsCOL Steven Shapiro, USA, Commanding Officer, LetterkennyArmy Depot

Fleet Readiness Center East Priorities in Support of Sustainment and Readiness OperationsCol. David Smith, USMC- Commanding Officer, FleetReadiness Center East

7:30 Registration & Coffee

8:15 Welcome & Opening Remarks

8:30 US Air Force’s Initiatives for Excellence in Global Logistics and Mission Support OperationsMr. Kevin Billings, Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force, Installations, Environment, and Logistics

9:10 Logistics and Readiness Priorities at the US Coast GuardRDML Thomas Ostebo, USCG, Assistant Commandant for Logistics and Engineering, USCG

9:50 Networking & Refreshment Break

10:35 LOGCAP IV for Efficient Soldier SupportMr. Lee Thompson, Executive Director, LOGCAP IV

11:15 Acquisition Priorities for Logistics Enterprise Systems at the US ArmyMr. Lee Harvey, Deputy PEO, PEO EIS, US Army

11:55 Lunch

1:15 TRANSCOM Initiatives for Distribution Asset VisibilityMr. David Dias, Chief, Asset Visibility, USTRANSCOM

1:55 Leveraging GCSS-Army in Support of Soldier Readiness and Tactical Logistics OperationsCOL Jeff Wilson, USA,Program Manager, GCSS-A (F/T)

2:35 Networking & Refreshment Break

Main Summit Day TwoMain Summit Day TwoWednesday, June 10, 2009

Register today! www.MilitaryLogisticsSummit.com 5





DLA AVUpdate






Page 6: IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

7:30 Registration & Coffee

8:00 Organizing for the PSI RoleThere are many challenges in developing a comprehensive approach at standing-up a Product Support Integrator (PSI) organization that will sustaina weapon system under a PBL construct. The presenter will discuss his experience with several PBL programs. What will be covered:• Identify all the processes that will be managed by the PSI • Identify the resources employed by the PSI to manage the processes • Create an organization structureBenefits of attending:• How to present an approach at organizing for the PSI role that can be approved by leadership • How to avoid early stage mistakes that can result in the PSI to fail • How to identify low hanging fruit when converting from a CLS to PSI/PBL sustainment approachSession Leader:Ron Giuntini - Principal, OEM Product Services

10:00 Performance Based Service AcquisitionThis session will provide you with an in-depth look at DAU’s 7 step process for effective performance based service acquisition. What will be covered:• An overview of the revised DPAP 7 step process• Demonstration of DAU’s service acquisition mall• Best practices in power-by-the hour and partial PBLHow you will benefit:• Learn how to better understand all stakeholder needs with effective analysis tools• Accurately define requirements and deliverables to create a more realistic roadmap• Leverage DAU’s best practice database for service code specific examples Session Leader:Lyle Eesley - Program Director for Acquisition Services, DAU

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Performance Based ForecastingWhat will be covered:• Forecasting key performance indicators• How to identify and plan for life-cycle risks• Modeling and simulation for improved forecastingHow you will benefit:• Increase mission readiness while reducing costs• Improve PBL contract profitability• More accurately define outcome metricsSession Leader:COL (Ret) Greg Parlier - Redstone Arsenal Contracting, SAIC

2:30 System Engineering Gateway to PBLWhat will be covered:• Introduction and description of producibility and supportability design-to requirements in a systems engineering context• Define new metrics – Producibility – Supportability• Examine the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) as an information node for requirements and features tracking• Describe the interrelationship between these requirements and Total Ownership Cost (TOC)How you will benefit:• Re-engineering systems engineering and product support training to emphasize outcomes management• How to provide logistics requirements to the systems engineers prior to product design start• How all requirements (KPPS, statutory, specified, derived, certification, verification, design considerations, etc) are tracked form source to (and

throughout) the system technical baseline and specification tree• How program technical measures are used to determine program progress and statusSession Leader:Mike Osborne - Senior Program Analyst, Assistant PEO for Logistics, Missiles & Space, US Army

Take time to delve more deeply into performance-based logistics with some of our most popular PBL educators. Bring yourtoughest questions and come away with the knowledge you need to address current challenges.

PBL Master ClassesPBL Master ClassesThursday, June 11, 2009


Crafting aneffective PSI

Update fromDAU

PredictiveAnalysis for

Enhanced PBLProfitability

It was great to hear the perspective of the USAF, USA, USN, and Marines and whatthey’re doing to improve

– Lockheed Martin


Page 7: IDGA's Military Logistics Summit 2009 Program Agenda

Sponsorship & Exhibition Opportunities are StillAvailable!

For more information on sponsoring or exhibiting at IDGA’s MilitaryLogistics Summit 2009 please contact Steve Camac at 646-253-5519or [email protected].


Media Partners:

Sheraton Premiere at Tysons Corner8661 Leesburg PikeVienna, VA 22182Phone: 703-448-1234Web: www.sheraton.com/tysonscorner

IDGA has secured a special room rate of $209 plus applicable taxes, pernight. For your convenience, this rate is also valid 2 days before andafter the event, subject to availability. To benefit from this discountedrate please book your room by calling 1-800-572-7666 no later thanFriday, May 22nd and quoting group "Military Logistics-IDGA".

Venue & Lodging

Register today! www.MilitaryLogisticsSummit.com 7

Military, Government Book By Book By Standard& Academia Fri Apr 10 Fri May 8 Price

Military Logistics University (Mon Jun 8) $500 $500 $500

Main Summit (Tues-Wed Jun 9-10) $799 $899 $999

PBL Master Classes (Thu Jun 11) $500 $500 $500

Superpass (all 4 days) - Best Deal! $1,499 $1,599 $1,699



A $99 processing charge will be assessed to all registrations notaccompanied by credit card payment at the time of registration.

* CT residents or people employed in the state of CT must add 6% salestax.

Details for making payment via EFT or wire transfer:JPMorgan ChasePenton Learning Systems LLC dba IQPC: 957-097239ABA/Routing #: 021000021Reference: Please include the name of the attendee(s) and the eventnumber: 10399.004

Payment Policy: Payment is due in full at the time of registration andincludes lunches, refreshments, and detailed conference materials. Yourregistration will not be confirmed until payment is received and may besubject to cancellation.

Please refer to www.idga.org/cancellation for cancellation,postponement and substitution policy

Special Dietary Needs: If you have a dietary restriction, please contactCustomer Service at 1-800-882-8684 to discuss your specific needs.

©2009 IDGA. All Rights Reserved. The format, design, content andarrangement of this brochure constitute a trademark of IDGA.Unauthorized reproduction will be actionable under the Lanham Act andcommon law principles.

* Discounts apply to registrations submitted together, at the same time.Cannot be combined with any other discount.

Team Discounts*

Number of Attendees Savings of:3 to 4 10%

5 or more 15%

Industry Book By Book By StandardFri Apr 10 Fri May 8 Price

Military Logistics University (Mon Jun 8) $500 $500 $500

Main Summit (Tues-Wed Jun 9-10) $999 $999 $999

PBL Master Classes (Thu Jun 11) $500 $500 $500

Superpass (all 4 days) - Best Deal! $1,699 $1,799 $1,899






Web: www.MilitaryLogisticsSummit.com

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 1-800-882-8684 or 646-378-6026

Fax: 646-378-6025, 24 hours a day

Mail: IDGA535 5th Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017


Registration InformationRegistration Information