Consequences maintain behaviours Goals begin behaviours Look at your goals Look at your performance Does your behaviour match your goals The #1 motivator of people is feedback on results The appraisee to keep detailed notes of performance and send through at regular intervals to appraiser A problem only exists if there is a dierence between what is actually happening and what you desire to be happening If you can't tell what you'd like to happening, then there's no problem - just a complaint Hired to solve problems What are we accountable for? What are each others' responsibilities Responsibilities and accountability THE CONSTANT APPRAISAL ONE MINUTE REPRIMANDS ONE MINUTE PRAISINGS ONE MINUTES GOALS quality is giving people the the product or service they really want and need Productivity = quality + quantity care about people and results People who feel good about themselves produce good results General points ONE MINUTE MANAGER SUMMARY

Ken Blanchard - One minute manager mindmap

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  • 1. Look at your goals Look at your performance Does your behaviour match your goalsONE MINUTES GOALSIf you can't tell what you'd like to happening, then there's no problem - just a complaint Hired to solve problems A problem only exists if there is a difference between what is actually happening and what you desire to be happeningWhat are each others' responsibilities Responsibilities and accountabilityThe #1 motivator of people is feedback on resultsWhat are we accountable for?SUMMARYONE MINUTE PRAISINGSONE MINUTE MANAGERThe appraisee to keep detailed notes of performance and send through at regular intervals to appraiserPeople who feel good about themselves produce good resultsTHE CONSTANT APPRAISALcare about people and resultsGeneral points Goals begin behavioursProductivity = quality + quantityConsequences maintain behavioursONE MINUTE REPRIMANDSquality is giving people the the product or service they really want and need