Movement of People in the Post-Classical Era

Movement of People 3.1

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Page 1: Movement of People 3.1

Movement of People in the Post-Classical Era

Page 2: Movement of People 3.1

Guiding Question

What were the effects of migration in the post-classical era?

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Focus Questions

What basic understandings of environment and technology did post-classical traders needto conduct their business?

What were the environmental effects of migration in the post-classical era?

What were the linguistic effects of migration in the post-classical era?

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● North Atlantic● Used longships to

travel in the Ocean and into riverways, however shallow

● Raided villages and cities with switch retreat

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Arabs / Berbers

● Sahara● Used camel

caravan to navigate the Trans-Saharan routes

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● Central Asia● Pastoralists used

horses to travel the steppe

● Mongols, Huns (formally Xiongnu)

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Focus Question

What were the environmental effects of migration in the post-classical era?

The migration of Bantu-speaking peoples who facilitated transmission of iron technologies and agricultural techniques in Sub-Saharan Africa.

The maritime migrations of the Polynesian peoples who cultivated transplanted foods and domesticated animals as they moved to new islands

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Some migrations had a significant environmental impact: Bantu

● Originally from West Africa

● Farmed along rivers in rainforest

● Moved south as population grew

● Others settled in grassy west coast of southern Africa where the land was suitable for herding sheep, goats, cattle

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Some migrations had a significant environmental impact: Polynesian

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Focus Question

What were the linguistic effects of migration in the post-classical era?

Some migrations and commercial contacts led to the diffusion oflanguages (spread of Bantu languages including Swahili, Spread of Turkic and Arabic languages) throughout a new region or the emergence of new languages.

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Some contacts led to the diffusion of languages

SwahiliZanzibarMixture of Bantu languages and Arab language

TurkicCentral AsiaBetween 6th and 11th CE, Turks moved west and south into Anatolia and the “Stans”

ArabicArabiaSpread with Muslim conquests during 7th CE