Pakistan State Oil Prowess Team Includes: Furqan Ali Akhtar Ali Akbar Khan Lodhi Muhammad Zubair Anum Rehman Ahsan Atta

Pakistan State Oil Presentation

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Sales Force Management

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Page 1: Pakistan State Oil Presentation

Pakistan State Oil

Prowess Team Includes: Furqan Ali Akhtar Ali Akbar Khan Lodhi Muhammad Zubair Anum Rehman Ahsan Atta

Page 2: Pakistan State Oil Presentation

Points to be discussed in the Presentation Introduction (Corporate Status, History) Current Distribution Network Current Market Scenario Existing Sales Force Current Sales Force Training Modules Statistics on Gas Stations Supply Chain Recruiting Sales Force Building Team Work Motivation Compensation of Sales Force Recommended System Reforms

Page 3: Pakistan State Oil Presentation

Did you know? PSO was recently recognized among the top

business enterprises of the Muslim World with its 29th ranking in the 5th Annual Dinar Standard list of top 100 companies

PSO is the market leader in Pakistan’s energy sector

Pakistan State Oil, the largest oil marketing company in the country, company’s current value of Rs. 75 billion, its 82.1% share in the black oil market and 61.2% share in the white oil market

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Products WE focused on Engine Oil which is

considered to be a FMCG in drastically changing automobile industry

PSO DEO range, PSO Carient Range, PSO Blaze

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Current Distribution Network PSO has outsourced most of its franchisers

to local dealers There are only 4 Petrol Pump owned by

company in Lahore

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Existing Sales Force For petrol filling For car wash Cashiers HelpersNote: The sales force is selected by the dealersNOT the company but company providesessential training to the hired employees

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Current Training Modules All employees are mandated to go through

safety training They hope that each dealer hold tightly the

standards of PSO Every Sales Force Worker is supposed to

wear PSO uniform and dealers are to make sure that this policy gets implemented

The training is done through an observe and do approach

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Supply Chain

All PSO motor oil is blended in Karachi PSO Plant which they claim in one the bests in Asia

For Lahore Div it is transported to Kot Lakh Pat

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Sales Force Recruitment

All it depends on individual retailers Decentralized hiring All the authorities regarding

managing sales force is delegated to the respective dealer

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Key Accounts of Company

PIA Pakistan Army Pakistan Air Force Pakistan Navy Power Projects

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Financial Performance

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Recommendations Replace decentralized recruitment with a

proper hiring system run by the company itself

Training of sales force should be done by the company, not its dealers SOPs are not defined Safety standards are not met Lack of cleanliness Courtesy training

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Recommendations (Cont’d)

Separate sales for both key accounts and general customers

Geographical divisions should be redefined

More focus on current political and economic research and developing contingency plans

Building team work in Sales Force

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Sales Forecast

Sales Target for the year:Want to increase the sales by 10 %

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Capture a larger market share in Mobil oil

Creating and Implementing a CRM System

Increasing Sales in Business-Business context

Providing superior and quick oil change service

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Our Proposed Hiring Model

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Sales Force Segregation

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Basic Salary + Courtesy Bonus NO Commission Total Package: 10,000 PKR

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Plans for Engaging Existing Sales Force in Training

Need Analysis should be conducted in each station

Hire an external trainer Trainees should be engaged in real

time mock sessions

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PSO urgently needs to amend its policies regarding managing sales force

They need to handle their key accounts in a different way then they handle their consumers