Being Effective Leader

Personal leadership

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Being Effective Leader

Whom do you see here?

What makes a leader great?






Ability to Nurture?

Being Energetic?


Ability to produce change?



Early Leadership Theories

GR8 man theory

Trait Theory

What types of leaders fail?

Leadership creates culture

Law of the farm...

Leadership Levels

Personal Leadership

Great Leaders

What do leaders need?

What do leaders need? contd..

Social Intelligence

The Eight Habits of highly effective people.

1. They take initiative. (“Be Proactive”)2. They focus on goals. (“Begin with the End in Mind”)3. They set priorities. (“Put First Things First”)4. They only win when others win. (“Think Win/Win”)5. They communicate. (“Seek First to Understand, Then to Be

Understood”)6. They cooperate. (“Synergize”)7. They reflect on and repair their deficiencies. (“Sharpen the Saw”)8. They find their voice and help others find theirs.

Character vs Personality

Much of the business success literature of recent decades has focused on developing a good personality.

Developing a sound character is more important. Character lays the basic foundation. Personality can emerge naturally when character is rooted in and

formed by principles. Forceful display of a personality that is inconsistent with our

character is like wearing a mask. It is deceptive, manipulative and ultimately destructive.

Habits of Personal Effectiveness

Habit 1: Be Proactive

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

Habit 3: Put First things First

Habit 1: “Be Proactive”

Be Proactive

Be responsible for your life

Make Choices from Values Not Temporary or Immediate Feelings

Feel the GAP between Action and Reaction

Best way to predict your future is to CREATE IT!

Action and Reaction

Do we exercise this endowment?

Tools to exercise

Freedom to Choose


Self Awarene



Independent Will

Stimulus Response

Choose your response

Habit 2: “Begin with the End in Mind”

Effectiveness is not just a matter of reaching a goal but rather of achieving the right goal.

Imagine ourselves sitting in the back of the room at our funeral. Imagine what people could honestly say about us based on the way we are now.

Do we like what we hear? Is that how we want to be remembered?

If not, we must change it. We must take hold of our life.

We can begin by drafting a personal mission statement that outlines our goals and describes the kind of person we want to be.

Having a personal mission statement

Mahatma Gandhi.

Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:

I shall not fear anyone on Earth. I shall fear only God. I shall not bear ill will toward anyone. I shall not submit to injustice from anyone. I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in

resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.

Habit 3: “Put First Things First”

We should never let our most important priorities fall victim to the least important.

We confuse the important with the urgent. The urgent is easy to see. The important is harder to discern.

We must spend more time on planning, avoiding pitfalls, developing relationships, cultivating opportunities and recharging ourselves.

We must focus on “important but not urgent” activities.

Habits of Interpersonal Effectiveness

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood

Habit 6: Synergize

Interpersonal Traits

The Pygmalion Effect

Habit 4: “Think Win/Win”

Highly effective people strive for win/win transactions.

They try to ensure that all the parties are better off in the end.

They know that any other kind of transaction is destructive, because it produces losers and, therefore, enemies and bad feelings, such as animosity, defeat and hostility.

A Win-Win mindset can help us multiply our allies.


Leader as a teacher

Organizational Level

Habit 5: “Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood”

To develop win/win relationships, we must find out what the other parties want, and what winning means to them.

We must always try to understand what the other people want and need before we begin to outline our own objectives.

We must not object, argue or oppose what we hear. We must listen carefully, and think about it. We must try to put ourselves in the other party’s



Habit 6: “Synergize”

Effective synergy depends on communication. We often don’t listen, reflect and respond but, instead,

we hear and react reflexively. Our reactions may be defensive, authoritarian or

passive. We may oppose or go along — but we do not actively

co-operate Co-operation and communication are the two legs of a

synergistic relationship.

Habit 7: “Sharpen the Saw” We must take care of our bodies with a program of

exercise that combines endurance, flexibility and strength.

We must nourish our souls with prayer, meditation, or perhaps by reading great literature or listening to great music.

Mental repair may mean changing bad habits, such as the habit of watching television.

We must work to develop our heart, our emotional connections and our engagement with other people.

Habit 8 : “Finding your voice and helping others find theirs.”

“Voice” is the unique personal significance each of us offers, and can bring to bear at work.

The 8th habit is all about moving from effectiveness to greatness

Finding our unique voice means fulfilling our innate potential.

Finding our voice, involves the four elements of a whole person: mind, body, heart and spirit.

Mind = Vision When the mind is fully developed we gain vision, the

ability to discern the highest potential in people, institutions, causes and enterprises.

Body = Discipline

We need discipline to transform vision into reality. Discipline comes by combining vision and commitment.

Heart = Passion

When we develop a wise heart we will feel the passionate fire of conviction, the flame that sustains the discipline needed to achieve the vision.

Passion flows from finding and using our unique voice to accomplish great things.

Spirit = Conscience

Developing our mental identity will lead us toward knowing the right fork in the road, toward an inward moral compass that will guide us.

Four Levels of Principle Centered Leadership





1. Personal

2. Interpersonal

3. Managerial

4. Organizational







Style Skills

Shared Vision and Principles

Structure Systems


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