Reincorporate Store Extract Replace Perform Incorporate AIR EMISSIONS WATER EMISSIONS SOLID RESIDUES HEAT, VIBRATION, NOISE Figure 5. Fundamental uses of waste ABSTRACT: Industrial waste represents 43.5 million tons of waste generated annually in the UK. This research, in recognising that current manufacturing processes are not 100% efficient and considering the burden on the environment under the current climate, political and economical situation, aims to develop a methodology and engineering tools to analyze, transform and market industry’s waste into competitive co-products that add to the triple bottom line of a company. S u s t a I n a b l e M a n u f a c t u r I n g Do not waste your cash, cash your waste! Sustainable development : is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs [1]. The simple definition of sustainability is improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of supporting eco-systems [2]. Waste generation in Fig. 1 reflects environmental issues of resource depletion, economical issues of resource productivity and social concerns about landfills and toxic wastes. Figure. 1. Estimated waste arising by sector: 2004 [4] Figure 2. Accumulation of economic value and environmental impact along the supply chain [6] Figure 3. Material and money flows in a paint shop. [7] Figure 2 illustrates previous research in the field has shown that the early stages of a product’s life cycle have the most environmental impact whilst adding the least economic value [5]. The material flow balance in physical terms considers Outputs all products, wastes and emissions that leave an organization. Product Outputs (PO) are products and by-products including their packaging. Non-Product outputs comprise solid waste, wastewater and air emissions. Any output that is not a Product Output is by definition a Non-Product Output (NPO). “In Material Flow Cost Accounting (MFCA) waste is treated as a separate negative product, proper amounts of costs are allocated to it in proportion to the weights of product and non product output” [7], in this way MFCA attempts to capture the true cost of waste (Figure 3). Based on this understanding, this research led to the development of a model to analyze the portfolio of an organization’s outputs. In enterprise environments the term Triple Bottom Line (TBL) is used as a framework for measuring and reporting corporate performance against economic , social and environmental parameters of sustainability [3]. The new model shown in figure 4 , developed as part of this research, could be used to support strategic decision making regarding the outputs of an organization, the key insight from this model is that there is a potential to transform waste output into competitive co-product output. An extensive literature review across disciplines has revealed the fundamental uses of waste (figure 5). Author: Samuel Bautista Lazo [email protected] Supervisor: Dr. Tim Short. Manufacturing and Laser Engineering SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING 1. Brundtland, H., et al., Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future . 1987, UNITED NATIONS: Oslow, Norway. 2. IUCN/ UNEP/ WWF, Caring for the Earth: a strategy for sustainable living , Gland, Editor. 1991, Communications for a sustainable future: Switzerland. 3. Elkington, J., Towards the sustainable corporation: win-win-win business strategies for sustainable development. California Management Review, 1994. 36 (2): p. 90-100. 4. DEFRA. Key facts about: Waste and Recycling . [Web site] 2006 09/ 28/ 2006 [cited 2010 03/ 17/ 2010]; Available from: http:/ / www.defra.gov.uk/ evidence/ statistics/ environment/ waste/ kf/ wrkf02.htm . 5. Clift, R. and L. Wright, Relationships Between Environmental Impacts and Added Value Along the Supply Chain. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2000. 65 (3): p. 281-295. 6. Clift, R., Metrics for supply chain sustainability. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2003. 5 (3): p. 240-247. 7. Jasch, C., Environmental and Material Flow Cost Accounting . Eco-Efficiency in Industry and Science, ed. A. Tukker,TNO-STB,&T.N. Delft. Vol. 25. 2009, Vienna, Austria: Springer Science + Business Media BV 1. INTRODUCTION WASTE CO- PRODUCT Figure 4. Output portfolio analysis. Q 1 Product Q 2 Waste Loss £ Profit Critical Leader Strategic Error Inefficiency Unavoidable Compliance Upgrader Alchemy Maximicers Enablers Satisficers Q = quantity

Sustainable manufacturing poster

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Winner of the first prize poster for the School of Engineering. University of Liverpool March 2010 Abstract. Industrial waste represents 43.5 million tons of waste generated annually in the UK. This research, in recognising that current manufacturing processes are not 100% efficient and considering the burden on the environment under the current climate, political and economical situation, aims to develop a methodology and engineering tools to analyze, transform and market industry’s waste into competitive co-products that add to the triple bottom line of a company. http://www.liv.ac.uk/media/livacuk/pgr-development/posterday/Poster,Day,2010.pdf

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Figu re 5 . Fu n da m en ta l u s es of wa s te

ABSTRACT:In du s tr ia l wa s te rep res en ts 43 .5 m illion ton s of wa s te gen era ted a n n u a lly in th e UK. Th is res ea rch , in recogn is in g th a t cu rren t

m a n u fa ctu r in g proces s es a re n ot 100% efficien t a n d con s ider in g th e bu rden on th e en viron m en t u n der th e cu rren t clim a te,

polit ica l a n d econ om ica l s itu a t ion , a im s to develop a m eth odology a n d en gin eer in g tools to a n a lyze, t ra n s form a n d m a rket

in du s try’s wa s te in to com pet it ive co-p rodu cts th a t a dd to th e tr ip le bot tom lin e of a com pa n y.

S u s t a I n a b l e M a n u f a c t u r I n g

Do not waste your cash, cash your waste!

Sus tainable development: is developm en t th a t m eets th e n eeds of th e p res en t with ou t

com prom is in g th e a b ility of fu tu re gen era t ion s to m eet th eir own n eeds [1 ].

Th e s im ple defin it ion of s us tainability is im provin g th e qu a lity of h u m a n life wh ile livin g with in th e

ca r ryin g ca pa city of s u ppor t in g eco-s ys tem s [2 ].

Wa s te gen era t ion in Fig. 1 reflects environmental is s u es

of res ou rce dep let ion , economical is s u es of res ou rce

p rodu ct ivity a n d s ocial con cern s a bou t la n dfills a n d

toxic wa s tes .

Figu re. 1 . Es t im a ted wa s te a r is in g by s ector : 2004 [4 ]

Figu re 2 . Accu m u la t ion of econ om ic va lu e a n d en viron m en ta l

im pa ct a lon g th e s u pp ly ch a in [6 ]

Figu re 3 . Ma ter ia l a n d m on ey flows in a pa in t s h op . [7 ]

Figu re 2 illu s t ra tes p reviou s res ea rch

in th e field h a s s h own th a t th e ea r ly

s ta ges of a p rodu ct’s life cycle h a ve th e

m os t en viron m en ta l im pa ct wh ils t

a dd in g th e lea s t econ om ic va lu e [5 ].

Th e m a ter ia l flow ba la n ce in ph ys ica l term s con s iders

Ou tpu ts a ll p rodu cts , wa s tes a n d em is s ion s th a t lea ve

a n orga n iza t ion . Produ ct Ou tpu ts (PO) a re p rodu cts a n d

by-p rodu cts in clu d in g th eir pa cka gin g. Non -Produ ct

ou tpu ts com pris e s olid wa s te, wa s tewa ter a n d a ir

em is s ion s . An y ou tpu t th a t is n ot a Produ ct Ou tpu t is by

defin it ion a Non -Produ ct Ou tpu t (NPO).

“In Ma ter ia l Flow Cos t Accou n t in g (MFCA) wa s te is t rea ted a s a s epa ra te

n ega t ive p rodu ct , p roper a m ou n ts of cos ts a re a lloca ted to it in p ropor t ion to

th e weigh ts of p rodu ct a n d n on p rodu ct ou tpu t” [7 ], in th is wa y MFCA

a t tem pts to ca p tu re th e t ru e cos t of wa s te (Figu re 3 ).

Ba s ed on th is u n ders ta n d in g, th is res ea rch led to th e developm en t of a m odel to

a n a lyze th e por t folio of a n orga n iza t ion ’s ou tpu ts .

In en terp r is e en viron m en ts th e term Tr ip le Bot tom Lin e (TBL) is u s ed a s a fra m ework for

m ea s u r in g a n d repor t in g corpora te per form a n ce a ga in s t economic , s ocial a n d

environmental pa ra m eters of s u s ta in a b ility [3 ].

Th e n ew m odel s h own in figu re 4 , developed a s pa r t of th is res ea rch , cou ld be u s ed to

s u ppor t s t ra tegic decis ion m a k in g rega rd in g th e ou tpu ts of a n orga n iza t ion , th e key

in s igh t from th is m odel is th a t th ere is a poten t ia l to t ra n s form wa s te ou tpu t in to

com pet it ive co-p rodu ct ou tpu t . An exten s ive litera tu re review a cros s d is cip lin es h a s

revea led th e fu n da m en ta l u s es of wa s te (figu re 5 ).

Au th or : Sa m u el Ba u t is ta La zo

s a ba la @liv.a c.u k

Su pervis or : Dr . Tim Sh or t .

Manufacturing and Las er Engineering


1 . Bru n d t la n d , H., et a l., Report of th e W orld Com m is s ion on En viron m en t an d Developm en t: Ou r Com m on Fu tu re . 1987 , UNITED NATIONS: Os low, Norwa y.

2 . IUCN/ UNEP/ WWF, Carin g for th e Earth : a s trategy for s u s tain ab le livin g , Gla n d , Ed itor . 1991 , Com m u n ica t ion s for a s u s ta in a b le fu tu re: Switzer la n d .

3 . Elk in gton , J ., Towards th e s u s tain ab le corporat ion : win -win -win bu s in es s s trategies for s u s tain ab le developm en t . Ca liforn ia Ma n a gem en t Review, 1994 . 36 (2 ): p . 90 -100 .

4 . DEFRA. Key facts abou t: W as te an d Recyclin g. [Web s ite] 2006 09 / 28 / 20 06 [cited 2010 03 / 17 / 2010 ]; Ava ila b le from : h t tp :/ / www.defra .gov.u k / eviden ce/ s ta t is t ics / en viron m en t/ wa s te/ k f/ wrkf0 2 .h tm .

5 . Clift , R. a n d L. Wrigh t , Relat ion s h ips B etween En viron m en tal Im pacts an d Added Valu e Alon g th e S u pp ly Ch ain . Tech n ologica l Foreca s t in g a n d Socia l Ch a n ge, 2000 . 65 (3 ): p . 281 -295 .

6 . Clift , R., Metrics for s u pp ly ch ain s u s tain ab ility . Clea n Tech n ologies a n d En viron m en ta l Policy, 2003 . 5 (3 ): p . 240 -247 .

7 . J a s ch , C., En viron m en tal an d Material Flow Cos t Accou n t in g . Eco-Efficien cy in In du s try a n d Scien ce, ed . A. Tu kker ,TNO-STB,&T.N. Delft . Vol. 25 . 2009 , Vien n a , Au s tr ia : Spr in ger Scien ce + Bu s in es s Med ia BV




Figu re 4 . Ou tpu t por t folio a n a lys is .

Q1 ProductQ2 Waste

- £ Loss

£ Profit









Alchemy Maximicers



Q = quantity