Sponsored by: A Service Of: Understanding Power Dynamics at Work Claudette Rowley September 12, 2012

Understanding Power Dynamics at Work

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Are you ever stuck in conflicts that seem unresolvable? Do you sometimes wonder about the cause of a conflict, but can’t put your finger on it? Do you ever avoid particular people because the interactions are unpleasant? In most work environments, power dynamics are an issue we have to manage. Sometimes these dynamics are unseen and unspoken. At their best, power dynamics can be used to build productive relationships, influence others in positive ways, and interact with political savvy. At their worst, power dynamics can result in limited, black and white thinking, bullying and ultimatums in the workplace.

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Understanding Power Dynamics at Work

Claudette Rowley

September 12, 2012

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Advising nonprofits in:

• Strategy

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• Organizational Development


(617) 969-1881

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Today’s Speaker

Claudette Rowley Coach, Consultant, Author

Metavoice Coaching & Consulting Hosting:

Sam Frank, Synthesis Partnership Assisting with chat questions: Jamie Maloney, Nonprofit Webinars

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S E P T E M B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 2

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Understanding Power Dynamics at Work

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Key Take Aways

Understand power dynamics – how do we define them and how do we decipher them?

Learn how to effectively deal with common power dynamics at work.

Recognize your role in positive and negative power dynamics and how to shift that role if needed.

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How Do We Define Power?

1. Designated power (power given by your position)*

2. Distributive power (either/or power)

3. Integrative power (both/and power)

*Definitions from Interpersonal Conflict by Wilmot & Hocker

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Designated Power

Power results from your position within an organization or relationship.

Power is conferred by the position you hold.

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Distributive Power

Results from your ability to achieve your objective over the resistance of another.

“I dominate you or you dominate me.”

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Integrative Power

Power with the other – both/and power.

Joining forces with someone else to achieve mutual goals -- > creating a “win-win” situation.

Both parties achieve results.

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Power Dynamics

The dynamics of power in and of themselves are neutrally charged.

How we use power depends on intent, self-awareness and skill.

Constructive use of power solves problems, enhances relationships, and balances power.

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Interpersonal Power

“Interpersonal power is the ability to influence a relational partner in any context because you control, or at least the partner perceives that you control, resources that the partner needs, values, desires or fears. Interpersonal power also includes the ability to resist the influence attempts of a partner.”

From Mike Monsour, University of Colorado.

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What Gives Us Power?

Control of resources

Interpersonal relationships

Communication skills

Subject matter expertise

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Common Power Dynamics

Assumptions about power

Power is hard to assess from outside a relationship.

It’s challenging to assess who has the most power since two people may balance power in ways unique or specific to them.

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Perceptions of Power

Power can be used in ways that look weak on the surface:

- Ghandi or Martin Luther King

- Employee is trying but failing and someone does task

- Passive-aggressive behavior

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Common Passive-Aggressive Behaviors

Bach & Goldman’s list of passive-aggressive behaviors:

Forgetting appointments, promises or agreements

Slipping and saying unkind things, then apologizing

Acting out nonverbally, such as slamming doors, but denying anything is wrong

Evading situations so others are inconvenienced

Getting confused, tearful, sarcastic or helpless when certain topics come up

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Denying Power Use

Some people are so uncomfortable with power they may deny that they use power and influence.

- Deny that he or she is communicating (“It’s the pressure I’m under” or “I was really stressed. I’m not responsible for what I said.”)

- Deny that a message was communicated (“I didn’t say that”.)

- Deny the situation in which it was communicated.

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Power Imbalances

High power

Low power


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High Power

Is having more power than others in a way that is unbalanced.

People who hold high power may not be pleased with it.

It can be challenging to maintain one’s self integrity.

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High Power

Higher power people MAY develop altered views of themselves:

May pursue power as an end.

May receive false performance feedback designed to protect power.

May devalue those who are less powerful.

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Low Power

Is having less power in a way that is unbalanced.

May feel strong emotion or helpless lethargy.

Breeds hopelessness, frustration or apathy.

May believe they can’t shift, change or influence their positions – this may or may not be true.

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This information is based on the work of Catherine Mattice of Civility Partners LLC.

Mattice is the author of the book BACK OFF! Your Guide to Ending Bullying at Work.

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Definition of Bullying

Repeated, perpetual and ongoing.

Harms target of bullying and witnesses to it.

Perceived power imbalance.

Most power imbalances do NOT lead to bullying.

It has enormous costs:

Human costs

Communication costs

Not meeting org goals

Hurts the org bottom line

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Examples of Bullying in the Workplace

Aggressive communication


Manipulation of work

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What’s Not Bullying?

Conflict between two people or on a team

Harassment or discrimination

Having a boss who challenges you

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How to Eliminate Bullying in the Workplace

Mattice suggests a three-pronged approach:

Leadership – Be an example, hold all employees accountable for respectful behavior, reward positive behavior

Policy – Corporate policy, handling grievances

Culture – provide anonymous reporting, training, performance management

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How to Balance Power or to be Empowered

Wilmer & Hocker describe these balancing “acts”:

1. Conversation

2. Restraint

3. Calm persistence

4. Stay actively engaged

5. Empowerment

6. Frame the conversation

7. Phrases to use to balance power

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Speak in clear, positive tone. Be direct and respectful. Show compassion for others’ perspective.

Listen and ask open-ended questions.

Reflect feelings.

Clarify and summarize what you have heard.

Question when needed.

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The higher power party uses restraint and values the partnership or group over their individual rights to exercise their power.

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Calm Persistence

People with lower power can gain equal power through calm persistence.

Calm, careful analysis draws attention to a problem.

Persuasive skills are important.

Must be judged as credible, effective and practical.

Emotions charged neutral.

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Stay Actively Engaged

Make clear what’s ones beliefs, values and priorities are, and keep behavior congruent with these.

Stay emotionally connected to significant others even when things get intense.

State differences, and allow others to do the same.

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People with higher power can help empower others:

- Power can be balanced with more training, decision making power or more freedom.

- Third parties are invested with power to intervene on behalf of less powerful people (sexual harassment laws, child abuse laws).

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Phrases to Use Balance Power

Validating or acknowledging another

Using “I” statements

Asking the other what they need

Letting the other person know what they would gain from helping you

Announcing any intended escalation and looking for another way.

Expressing optimism

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More Strategies

Slow the process.

Show concern for the relationship.

Describe what the situation or what you are experiencing.

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What’s Your Role in the Power Dance?

Most of us have a common or habitual way that we use power. This may be different at work than at home.

Let’s review the three definitions of power:

1. Designated power (power given by your position)

2. Distributive power (either/or power)

3. Integrative power (both/and power)

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What’s Your Role in the Power Dance?

Assess how much power you believe you have in your organization. High? Low? Balanced? Empowered?

Is it situation specific?

What are your one or two favorite (or habitual) ways of engaging in power dynamics?

How would it benefit you or others to shift? Under what circumstances could you make a change?

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