Understanding ngo dynamics

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NGO Activism and Stakeholders’ Engagement

Akangbe Jamiu E.

Fellow DAS7. Ambassador, TIE

Nigeria.Trainer, Founder, Coach, Advocates and Data Enthusiast


1. The dynamics of NGOs2. Challenges Faced by NGOs in

Nigeria and the coping strategies3. Identifying the Stakeholders and

their Expectation4. Stakeholders Mapping

The dynamics of NGOsThe dynamics of NGOs

Practice ofPractice of Development Development

PractitionerPractitionerDevelopment work is not a destination or an attainment

It is work in progress at any given time

It is a life long process

It takes time!

Not weeks

Not months

Not a few years

Atleast a DECADE!The entrepreneurship circle is estimated to be


7 – 12 years!

Practice ofPractice of Development Development

Practitioner Practitioner Circular Analysis

Phase 1: 1-3years – idea is germinating

Phase 2: 3-7 years - idea is sprouting

Practice ofPractice of Development Development

PractitionerPractitionerPhase 3: 7-12 years - idea stabilizes and begins to influence change

Phase 4:Afterwards - idea scales and globalizes

Practice ofPractice of Development Development


Practice ofPractice ofDevelopment Development

PractitionerPractitionerThe 10,000 hours rule suggests that if you dedicate 10,000 hours to practice on something you are passionate about you will become a master in that field.

You will become among the best in that field and highly successfull.

Practice ofPractice ofDevelopment Development


Practice ofPractice of Development Development

PractitionerPractitionerThe 10,000 principle is predicated such summations

3-4 hours daily, 20 hours a week = 10years,

5- 6 hours daily, 30 hours week = 7 years.

Challenges Faced by NGOs in Nigeria and Challenges Faced by NGOs in Nigeria and the coping strategiesthe coping strategies

Lack of Funds

Poor Governance

Absence of Strategic Planning

Poor Networking

Poor Communications

Limited Capacity

Political Interference

The coping strategiesThe coping strategies

Local Networking

Local Resource Mobilization

NGO Networks

Use Volunteers

NGO Income Generation

Information, Communication and Technology (ICT)

Selected potential partnerships


Local authorities


Interest groups

NGO’sStrategic partners



Resource owners



Provided as handoutProvided as handout

A stakeholder register includes basic information on A stakeholder register includes basic information on stakeholders:stakeholders: Identification information: The stakeholders’ names,

positions, locations, roles in the project, and contact information

Assessment information: The stakeholders’ major requirements and expectations, potential influences, and phases of the project in which stakeholders have the most interest

Stakeholder classification: Is the stakeholder internal or external to the organization? Is the stakeholder a supporter of the project or resistant to it?

Stakeholder RegisterStakeholder Register

Sample Stakeholder RegisterSample Stakeholder Register

Stakeholder EngagementStakeholder EngagementRelationship building:Relationship building:

Be proactive and communicate: Seek out and manage individual key

stakeholders Seek out and manage individuals who may

be critics or blockers Don’t let personalities get in the way Don’t ignore key players Don’t underestimate the time involved in

building relationships Market the Project Team – get faces and

names known

Stakeholders ExpectationStakeholders ExpectationStakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Engagement Manage Stakeholder Expectations:Manage Stakeholder Expectations:

Complex project with many stakeholdersCommunicate clearly to stakeholders:

Project scope - what is included and what is not Specific project objectives and their benefits Project timescales

Managing stakeholders and expectations through the project lifecycle.

Stakeholders MappingStakeholders MappingStakeholder mapping is a collaborative process of research, debate, and discussion that draws from multiple perspectives to determine a key list of stakeholders across the entire stakeholder spectrum. Mapping can be broken down into four phases:

1. Identifying: listing relevant groups, organizations, and people 2. Analyzing: understanding stakeholder perspectives and interests

3. Mapping: visualizing relationships to objectives and other stakeholders

4. Prioritizing: ranking stakeholder relevance and identifying issues The process of stakeholder mapping is as important as the result, and the quality of the process depends heavily on the knowledge of the people participating.

Thank You Thank You

Akangbe Jamiu E.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @jomoluv12

Whatsapp/Call: 08066393577

Project: https://www.facebook.com/SELPAfrica

Passion: https://www.facebook.com/ARLFoundationNGO