http://writersguide.ga 1 Writing Articles Made Easy (and Profitable) Brought to you by Writer's Guide Resources, Tips and Guidance for Writers Topics Covered: How to Reduce Distractions How to Avoid and Overcome Writer’s Block How to Get Ideas Which Topics Are The Best? The Pros and Cons of Choosing Article Niches How to Write Articles Quickly Your Article Writing Options Reviewed Tips That Can Help You Write Articles for Money Writing Articles for Yourself Versus for Someone Else Stand Apart From the Competition How to Avoid Scams Scams to Avoid

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Article writing made easy and profitable

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Writing Articles Made

Easy (and Profitable)

Brought to you by

Writer's Guide

Resources, Tips and Guidance for Writers

Topics Covered:

How to Reduce Distractions

How to Avoid and Overcome Writer’s Block

How to Get Ideas

Which Topics Are The Best?

The Pros and Cons of Choosing Article Niches

How to Write Articles Quickly

Your Article Writing Options Reviewed

Tips That Can Help You Write Articles for Money

Writing Articles for Yourself Versus for Someone Else

Stand Apart From the Competition

How to Avoid Scams

Scams to Avoid

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Writing Articles Made Easy (and Profitable) How to Reduce Distractions If you are new to writing articles for pay, you may find the whole process easier said than done. Many writers experience what is referred to as writer’s block. If you find yourself easily distracted from the task at hand, which would be writing articles, you may be looking for help. First, it is important to know what distractions can or will cost you. Surfing the internet for an extra ten minutes may not seem like a long time, but what if you did so every day of the week for the whole year? The end result could be less money. Typically speaking, the more articles you write, the more money you are able to make. That is why it is important to article writers to learn how to properly reduce or completely eliminate distractions. For this to happen, you must determine what your biggest distractions are. You cannot successfully eliminate or reduce the distractions that are keeping you from writing if you don’t know what they are. It may be a good idea to perform a test. Keep a notebook handy and record what you are doing and the time whenever you find yourself or your mind wandering away from the articles that you are supposed to be writing. One common distraction that many article writers face is with the internet. After all, most do a small amount of research online. Do you find yourself checking your emails, playing games online, or visiting your favorite message boards? If so, you may want to take what some would call a drastic step. That step is disconnecting the internet from your computer; this only needs to be temporary and it may involve disabling a feature on your computer or disconnecting the internet cord. Television is another common distraction that prevents many writers from making the most money. Many find the best luck when having the television turned off. On that same note, some writers actually write better and quicker with a small amount of background noise. If you are one of these individuals, opt for the radio as opposed to the television. Or, turn the television on a program that you don’t want to watch. Avoid your reruns of your favorite television shows or your favorite movies. Interruptions are another distraction that many article writers face. Unfortunately, this is something that can’t always be avoided. Working from home is increasing in popularity and writing articles for pay is a great way to make money online and from home. The only problem is that some parents are working with their children by their side.

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Alter your hours so that you are working when the kids are asleep or otherwise occupied. If you don’t have children, but are faced with interruptions from a roommate, consider working elsewhere. This is nice if you have a laptop computer, as you can visit the library. As you can see, there are a number of ways for you to reduce or completely eliminate distractions. If you are new to writing articles for pay, it is important to know the negative effect these distractions can have on your income. Learning how to write for money isn’t just learning how to find clients or how to sell your articles, it also involves perfecting your writing technique so that you can write quality articles. How to Avoid and Overcome Writer’s Block Are you interested in writing articles for money? If you are, you should know that there will likely come a point in time when you experience writer’s block. Many new writers make the mistake of believe that only book writers experience this problem, but web content writers can face it as well. So, what should you do? One of the best ways to prevent and overcome writer’s block is to reduce or completely eliminate your distractions. Unfortunately, for some this may be easier said than done. If you are a parent who is looking to use article writing as a way to generate extra income, you may find yourself writing with the kids screaming in the background. When possible, try to reduce your distractions. This may involve turning off the television or moving to a different room in the house. In keeping with eliminating distractions, one problem that many web content writers face is the internet. It is ironic in that the internet helps to generate income for article writers, but it can also serve as a huge distraction. If you do not need to do research, but still find yourself surfing the internet, temporarily disable it from working on your computer. This can help to keep you focused and on task. Another great way to avoid writer’s block is to create a work environment that is comfortable for you. As previously stated, some may find working with background noise, like the television or radio, to be a distraction, but you may find it comforting and inspirational. You need to create a work environment that is ideal for you to work in. If you do experience writer’s block, frustration will set in right away. In the back of your mind, you may know what you want to write, but the words just don’t come out. You may also have a deadline to meet, but just can’t seem to write. This is the time when you need to step back and take a break. The more you focus on your inability to write articles, the more difficulty you will have overcoming writer’s block.

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Try something fun. Are you a parent? Take your children to the park for an hour or two. Or, you can put in your favorite movie or listen to music on your headphones. Even if you only write articles part-time or for extra money, we all need a break from work. After having a little bit of fun, you may feel refreshed, recharged, and ready to start writing again. In addition to doing something fun during a small break, try doing something inspirational. One of the best ways to do this is to go for a walk. This can help to clear your mind or even give you new ideas. Remember one of the best ways to overcome writer’s block is to step back and take a short break. As previously stated, you need to create a work environment that works for you. Are you tired of being stuck inside or do you want a change of scenery? If you own a laptop, have you ever thought about working outside? If the weather is nice, you may find the change of environment to be inspirational and calming, which may reduce or completely eliminate your chances of experiencing writer’s block. Brainstorming and creating an outline can also reduce your chances of writer’s block. Whether you are writing articles for your own website and blog or for a client of yours, start with a short brainstorming session. Write down the article titles you need to write and then state a few points that you want to cover. When you have a general outline to follow, you are less likely to experience writer’s block in the middle of your writing. Finally, it is important to know when to ask for help. The above mentioned tips can help you avoid or overcome writer’s block, but they may not work for everyone. Since it can hinder your ability to write articles and make money, you may need to ask for help. That help can come from outsourcing your work to another freelance writer. How to Get Ideas If you have recently learned that you can make money by writing articles, your fingers may be typing away. With that said, most article writers reach a point in time where they do not know what to write about. This time comes when it seems like you have written articles on just about every topic under the sun. So, what should you do? If you are a writer who is outsourced by another writer, a website owner, or a search engine optimization company, you shouldn’t have difficult finding articles to write. This is because your clients tell you want they want written. Simply just follow the directions given to you. If you are writing articles for yourself, this is where you may find the most problems. Articles are used as a way to make money on blogs and content filled websites. To

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increase your changes of making money, with advertisement clicks, your website or blog needs to be filled with fresh content. However, after time it may feel as if you are drained of new ideas. The good news is that there are many ways for you to get new article ideas. If you are writing on a topic that you know about or experienced personally, take a close look at your life. Chances are, your readers can relate to you. Do you have a blog that focuses on job searching? Write a few articles that discuss your struggles to find a job, but add in a few professional tips. Remember, if your readers can relate to you, add a small, but effective personal spin on your articles. One of the easiest ways to get article ideas is to visit websites that are known as question and answer websites or advice websites. These are websites where internet users post questions for others to answer. Honestly, getting article ideas doesn’t get any easier than this. For example, if a poster asks for tips on applying for a position as a part-time bartender, write an article on the subject. Similar to question and answer websites are online message boards. Online message boards are a popular way for internet users to communicate with each other. What is nice is that many online message boards are themed. For example, you can find forums for those who are pet owners, parents, work-at-home parents, video game enthusiasts, and so forth. Find message boards that are in line with the articles you want to write about. See what people are talking or asking about online. Create articles that answer those questions. The news can also be used to give you ideas for articles. One of the best ways to make the most money with articles is to create articles on topics that are popular or in demand. Whether you rely on clicks from your advertisements or if you want to outright sell your articles for others to use, the news can be a great source of information. In keeping with career searching, did you just read an article on the low employment rate? Write an article on how the low employment rate impacts your chances of getting a job. Keyword research tools are another method of getting article ideas. These tools will tell you the exact phrases that internet users are searching with. Not only will this give you article ideas, but it can also perfect your article writing techniques. By incorporating the keyword phrases into your articles, like “free resume templates,” your articles will be picked up by the search engines. This results in more traffic for your website or blog, which can increase your chances of making money through articles and advertisements.

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As previously stated, articles that are in demand tend to sell the best and generate the most website or blog clicks. For that reason, think of the seasons. What is the next holiday to approach? Is it Christmas? Write a few articles on how to apply for seasonal retail positions. Remember useful articles are likely to generate the most income. Which Topics Are The Best? If you are new to writing articles for money, you may be unsure as to what you should write about. Many new article writers ask “what topics are the best to write about?” It depends on a number of different factors. First, you will want to ask yourself what you consider to be “the best.” Do you want to make the most money or do you want to write articles that are easy and quick for you to compose? Next, who are you writing for? Are you writing articles for a client or for your own personal use? The answers to these questions can help you determine what topics are the best for you to write about. One of the best topics for you to write articles on are topics that interest you. For example, do you always look for ways to save money and have tips to share with others? Are you an animal lover? When you write on a topic that interests you, writing may actually seem like fun, as opposed to work. There is nothing better than making money doing something that you enjoy. On that same note, it is important to know that not all articles generate money or the same amount. If you have the freedom to choose your own article topics or points, write on a topic that is popular or in demand. For this, you will want to examine the seasons and the popular products for sale. Is there a new video game that is highly anticipated? Why not capitalize on that anticipation and write articles that focus on gaming? You will also want to examine the seasons. Is Thanksgiving and Christmas quickly approaching? Why not write a few articles that share holiday shopping tips? As previously stated, you can benefit from writing on subjects that you know about. If you are familiar with computers, cell phones, video gaming consoles, and software, you can work as a technical writer. This is one of the best paying web content writing markets. Website owners who need technical content for their websites tend to pay more for quality content that is accurate. Speaking of writing articles for paying clients, you will want to keep your options open. Whether you visit an online bidding website or an online job board, you will see that there a lot projects open and on a wide range of topics. When writing articles for

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money, you do not necessarily have to decide on a theme or niche and stick with it. By expanding your horizons and by being willing to write on a wide range of topics, you increase your chances for making money. If you are looking to write articles for yourself to post on a website or blog, it may be best to have one set topic. This makes it easier for you to make money, as you can choose advertisements that are in line with your website’s main theme. For example, a website that focuses on pet care is likely to make more money than a website that focuses on thirty different topics. Spend your time focusing on and perfecting one subject and then consider moving onto another, creating a new website or blog for each topic. As a recap, if you are a paid writer working for others, you will want to write articles on the topics that you are provided with. If you have freedom to write your own articles, consider what issues that are popular or controversial at the time. The Pros and Cons of Choosing Article Niches Do you want to learn how to make money writing articles? If so, you may turn to the internet to familiarize yourself with this amazing moneymaking opportunity. When you do, you will find a large number of tips. One of those tips is to choose a niche, but can you really believe what you read online? In terms of choosing an article writing niche, it has its pros and cons. When you choose an article writing niche to focus on, you are essentially focusing on a limited number of points. For example, if you opt for a parenting niche, the articles that you write will focus on parenting. Articles produced could include tips for parenting teenagers, preparing children for kindergarten, and so forth. What is nice about creating a niche or specializing in a specific topic is that you get to choose that topic yourself. Most writers will choose topics they are passionate about. On that same note, you should also examine niches that are popular and in demand. You may find that these vary depending on the time of year. For example, spring and summer are both nice for wedding articles, whereas November is about the time people start reading Christmas themed articles online. What is nice about sticking to a limited number of niches or topics is that overtime you can charge more for writing these articles. Why? Because the more articles you write and the more research you do on the subject, the more of an expert you become. If you are writing for others, as opposed to writing for yourself, you can increase your rates.

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Although there are a number of pros to choosing an article writing niche, there are also a number of cons to doing so as well. If you write articles for money for someone else, a client of yours, they may require that you give them exclusive rights. This means that you cannot use the same articles again. This may come back to hurt you if you later want to start your own website or blog on the same subject. Yes, you can write new articles, but you may find it difficult to write a truly unique article when you have already written a hundred plus articles on the same subject. Focusing on one article writing subject or niche may also limit you if you are interested in writing for others for pay. Not everyone is looking for articles on what you want to write about. That is why it is usually recommended that you pick at least two or three different subjects to focus on. To make writing articles easier, you may want to pick a subject that is in demand and one that interests you personally. Staying with limiting yourself, you not only limit yourself in the number of projects you can apply to or accept, but you also limit your money making potential. If you are looking to write articles as a way to generate extra income, this may be acceptable. If you are looking to write articles as a way to make a living, this may cause you some difficulties. So, what should you do? Should you choose an article writing niche to specialize in? In all honesty, it is your decision to make. When making that decision, you are urged to keep the above mentioned pros and cons in mind. How to Write Articles Quickly Are you looking to make money by writing articles? If you are, you may be curious how you make the most money. Of course, you can find well-paying content writing jobs, but there is another approach you can take. That approach is writing articles quickly, as you are able to make more money. On that same note, you must still be able to provide quality content. So, how can you write quality articles, but at a relatively fast pace? For starters, give it time. If you are just getting started with freelance web content writing, it may take you a few weeks or even a couple of months to get into the “grove,” of things. After time, you will learn numerous tips and techniques that can improve your speed, while still allowing you to maintain the same quality.

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Another way that you can write quality articles quickly is to opt for projects that are on subjects that you already know about. This can significantly cut down on your research time. Do you enjoy exercising or do you have a passion for pets? Try finding writing jobs or write your own articles on these topics. Next, it is important to reduce distractions. For example, do you find the internet to be a distraction? If so, temporarily disable it from your computer. This will prevent you from surfing the internet when you should be writing instead. Eliminating distractions will help to keep you working at a steady pace, which should allow you to write articles at a quicker rate of speed. One problem that plagues writers is that of writer’s block. As previously stated, reducing or eliminating distractions is advised, but an outline can also help. Before you start writing, open up a blank copy of Microsoft Word or grab a notebook. Write down the main points that you want to cover in each article. Creating an outline is nice, as it allows you to spend more time writing and less time thinking about what you want to write. As it was previously stated, Microsoft Words is a great tool for writers. Although your clients may provide you with a form to submit your articles through or you may have another writing program on your computer, Microsoft Word is recommended. They have a nice spell check program, which you should rely on. Instead of going back and fixing your errors right away, let Microsoft do the work for you. Once your article is completed, you can simply go back and change the errors, which should be underlined in red for you. On that same note, be sure to proofread your article still. Speaking of proofreading, if you are writing a series of articles, like 3 or more, you may want to write as many articles as possible and then proofread when you are finished. This may help to reduce writer’s blocks. If you get “in the zone,” with writing, you may not want to stop. You may find yourself writing a number of articles at a very fast rate of speed. However, if you stop to proofread each article, your flow may be disrupted. As an important note, many new writers assume that the quickest way to write articles is to rewrite articles they find online. This is a gray area. If you are writing articles for someone else, your client may ask for unique articles. If so, it is okay to use the internet to research, but not to copy an article. However, some clients will ask for article rewrites. Most times, you are rewriting PLR articles, which the clients in question own themselves. As highlighted above, there are a number of ways that you can learn to write articles at a quicker rate of speed. Although this will allow you to make more money, as you can write more articles, never underestimate the power of quality content. In fact, most clients will prefer quality content over content that can be produced in a rush.

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Your Article Writing Options Reviewed Do you enjoy writing? If so, did you know that you can make money writing articles? You can. As for how you can do so, please continue reading on. One of the easiest ways to make money writing articles is to write for someone else. This individual or company is referred to as a client. As for how you can find these clients, you can turn to freelance job boards or online bidding websites. These two websites can be found with a standard internet search. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) companies also hire freelance web content writers and many list their job openings in an employment section on their website. When writing articles for a client that you acquire online, there are a number of different articles that you may end up writing. The topic or niche will depend your client’s wants and needs. A wide range of topics are written on a daily basis, including parenting, computers, and pets. The biggest advantage to writing for a client is that you are paid almost immediately. Most clients will pay their writers within 14 days, on average. If you are interested in writing for yourself, it can take you a few months or even a year before you start seeing profits. The good news is that you have a number of different money making opportunities. As previously stated, you can write articles for a client that you acquire online. When doing so, you write what your client requests. On the other hand, you can write your own articles on topics that interest you or topics that are currently in demand. You can then sell these articles on your own website. By grouping your articles to create PLR article packages, you sell the articles at a cheap rate, but you can sell them more than once. You also have the option of selling just usage rights or giving away full rights, which is known as exclusive rights. In keeping with selling your own articles, there are websites online that will assist you in doing so. These websites allow you to post and list your articles for sale on their own websites. This approach is nice, but you may be charged a fee or a set percentage of each sale. This percentage can be up to 20 percent or more! A unique way to make money writing articles is to turn your articles into an eBook. You can either sell your eBook to readers or offer it for sale with exclusive rights, which essentially means that someone else will pay a large fee for your eBook and then resell it themselves.

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You can either sell your eBook on your own website or use an already established selling site. Once again, they do charge you a fee. With that said, remember that you don’t have to pay for web hosting or do your own marketing, as this is already done for you. In this event, the fee charged may be well worth the costs. The articles that you write, for yourself, can also be used for web content. Have you ever wondered how websites that don’t sell products make money? They do so through advertisements and you can too. The only downside to this approach is that you must market your websites. The good news is that articles can be used to help you do so. You can submit your articles to online article directories and attach a link to your website. While you will not make money directly through these articles, they can help to increase your website profits. With that said, there are a select number of websites where you can make money from your articles and promote websites and blogs at the same time. These websites pay you to list your articles on their websites. You may be paid an upfront fee, a page view bonus, or a combination of them both. These are nice, as you can make money and you can often link back to your own website or blog. Tips That Can Help You Write Articles for Money Have you heard that you can make money writing articles online? If you have, you may want to get started right away. Although just about anyone can write articles for money, there are some points that you will want to take into consideration. These points can help to ensure that you make the most money writing articles. The best way to make money writing articles is first to know what your options are. For starters, you can write for someone else. This individual or company will be referred to as your client. Web site owners hire article writers to produce unique content for their websites and for marketing. There are also search engine optimization (SEO) companies that hire writers. These companies specialize in online marketing, which article writing plays an important role in. You also have the option of writing for yourself. An easy way to get started is to write articles that can be placed on a website or blog. There are also online marketplaces that allow you to sell your articles. In fact, you could even start your own! There are two downsides to writing articles for yourself. First, it may take time before you start seeing money. Second, if you create your own website or blog you not only need to write articles, but you must spend time marketing your website.

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So, which approach should you take? There are many article writers that do both. Divide your time evenly so that you are getting paid almost right away with paying clients and then work to create your own articles. When writing for yourself, especially for a website or blog, you may earn passive income, which means that the income will keep on generating overtime. Since many article writers prefer receiving payment as quickly as possible, you may want to acquire a few writing clients. As for how you can do so, visit online job boards. There are job boards online, which can be found with a standard internet search, that specialize in freelance projects, such as writing and web design. Online bidding websites are another great way to find article writing projects. You find projects that you are interested, place a bid, and wait to see if the buyer chooses you. So, what type of article writing projects should you seek? It depends on your personal preferences, as well as how much money you want to make. You may find it easier to write articles on subjects that you already know about. This can help you write more articles in a shorter period of time, as you may not have to research the topic in question. On that same note, expand your horizons. Topics that you are unfamiliar with may require more research, but they can increase your opportunities for making money. As for writing your articles, some websites and website owners provide you with a form to submit your articles through. This is nice, but it is recommended that you first write articles in Microsoft Word. Why? Because you are provided with a spell check and grammar check program. This makes catching your errors and submitting quality work easier. Even with a spell check and grammar check program, it is important to proofread. Not all programs are 100 percent full proof. Also, be on the lookout for accidentally clicks. Some programs, like Microsoft Word, allow you to add words to their program. If you accidentally add a misspelled word, it will not be recognized as being wrong anymore. At the very least, you should proofread all articles twice. Some recommend proofreading once silently and once aloud. The above mentioned steps are great ways to get started with making money writing articles. As a reminder, you will receive quicker payments when finding clients to work with, but you can create passive income by using your own articles on blogs, content filled websites, or third party websites with revenue sharing programs.

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Writing Articles for Yourself Versus Someone Else Would you like to write articles as a way to generate income for yourself? If so, you may be curious as to what your options are. One of the biggest decisions you will have to make involves deciding who you want to write for. Do you want to write for yourself or for others? To ensure your choice is the right one, you will want to examine the pros and cons of each. The biggest pro or plus side to writing articles for yourself is the freedom to choose your own topics. This means that you could write about a topic you already know about or a topic that you are passionate about. For example, do you homeschool your children? If you do, you may enjoy and prefer writing articles on the subject of homeschooling, and so forth. Next, is the fact that you can do what you want with your own articles. When you write for someone else, you normally give up rights to your work. This means that you cannot use those articles again. This isn’t the case when you right for yourself. You can do what you want with your articles and use them as many times as you want, and just about anyway that you see fit. Another pro or plus side to writing articles for money for yourself versus a client is the ways you can make money. In fact, you may be surprised how many moneymaking opportunities there are for articles. For starters, you can use your articles for newsletters, you can start your own content filled website that displays moneymaking advertisements, you can submit them to article directories, or you can even sell your articles outright (after you have already written them). The only true con or downside to writing for yourself is that you may not get paid right away. If you want to use your articles to create a website, which can make money through advertisements, you need to make sure that others see your website. This involves article marketing. However, as stated above you can submit your articles to article directories, which are considered important website and blog marketing tools. In keeping with internet marketing, it isn’t hard. You need to do a little bit of research to learn a few helpful tips and tricks, but it is more than possible for you to market your own website. After a close examination, you will see that not only can you submit articles to article directories with a link back to your website or blog, but you can also write keyword optimized articles. When you do so, the search engines will find your website on their own. As for writing for someone else, it too has its pros and cons. Perhaps, the biggest pro or plus side to working with clients is that you are paid and often right away. Most professional webmasters will pay their clients within 14 days. There is no having to wait until your website or blog generates traffic to start making money.

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One of the downsides to writing articles for clients, as opposed to for yourself, is that you are told what to write. For some this is actually a benefit, as your client should describe in detail what they want and expect from you. For many, this makes writing articles for money easier. Finding clients to write for can be tricky, but you have numerous avenues to try. Start with creating your own website. List a few of your sample articles, outline the niches you specialize in, as well as your rates. You can also actively search online bidding websites and job boards. So which approach should you take? It all depends on your personal preferences. With that said, you may want to give both options a try. Divide your time between writing for your clients and for yourself. Overtime, you may find yourself earning the most money with articles. Stand Apart From The Competition Are you looking to make money writing articles online? If you are, you will be specializing in web content writing. Unfortunately, over the past couple of years, web content writing has increased in popularity as a way to make money from home. This means that you are likely to face more competition. So, what should you do? You need to make yourself and your articles stand apart from the competition. Article writers generate income by way of articles by taking two different approaches. These ways include writing articles for personal use or writing articles for a paying client. If you are writing articles for your own personal use, you will likely display these articles on either a website or a blog. If your website has pet care theme, you will find that it is one of hundreds online. So, how do you make sure that your website is viewed the most? The easiest approach to take is to produce quality content. Write your articles with great interest and passion. Be sure to proofread and proofread again. Another way that you can make money writing articles for yourself is by posting your articles on already established content filled websites. Some websites pay you for your work. This payment can come in the form of a page view bonus, upfront payment, or a combination of the two. To make sure that your articles receive more views and more money than others, write articles on popular topics or those currently in demand. You can and should make use of keywords. Online, there are keyword research tools that can tell you exactly what internet users are searching for. For example, if you

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want to write articles on selling on eBay, you will see that many internet users ask search engines how they can find things to sell. Incorporate the phrase “things to sell on eBay,” into your article and the search engines will automatically find your article. This is nice, as it requires little or no marketing on your part, although marketing is recommended to make the most money. If you want to write articles for upfront payment for someone else, you need to target website owners. They are always on the lookout for fresh and unique content for their websites. Since many individuals are now trying to make money writing online, you may face some competition. To make yourself stand apart from the competition, create a great pitch. Summarize why you should be hired and why you are the perfect fit for the project in question. When looking to acquire paid writing projects and clients online, a simple resume will not do. Just because you say you are a good article writer, it doesn’t mean that you are. For that reason, compile a list of sample articles you have written and have published online. If you are just getting started, make sure that you have samples. As previously stated, you can use articles to make money with your own content filled website or blog through the use of advertisements. Not only that, but they can be provided as samples too. Since you will face a lot of competition writing articles online for pay, it is important to set realistic goals. Not every article you post on a revenue sharing website will generate loads of income and you will not be hired for every article writing project you apply for. Of course, it is great to have goals, just make sure yours are realistic and within your reach. How to Avoid Scams If you want to make money writing articles online, there is a good chance that you will turn to the internet in search of paying clients. Unfortunately, you are likely to come across a number of scams along the way. Writing articles for money is a great work-at-home opportunity, but, work-at-home opportunities are often common fronts for scammers. So, how can you avoid these scams? You may be surprised just how easy it is. First, it is important to know what types of scams are out there. You may find what appears to be a great client who wants you to write 15 articles on fashion jewelry. However, after submitting your articles, your client is nowhere to be found. They took your articles without paying for them.

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For a writer who takes great pride in their work, this is one of the worst types of scams to fall victim to. There are also scams where companies, claiming to provide you with article writing jobs charge you a fee and then just take your money and run. Some scammers will also create fake article writing jobs in hopes of getting your personal information. As for acquiring your personal information and using it illegally, a legitimate business owner may need your social security number, as they need to report this information on their taxes. Unfortunately, this is how many scammers get personal information out of hopeful writers. To prevent this from happening from you, know the difference between a well-established website and company versus someone who is only asking you to write four articles. Work with a new client a few times before providing them with any personal information. If you are paid and without problems, the individual or company in question really may need your personal information. As for someone taking your articles and running, without paying you, there are a number of ways to avoid this scam. Be cautious of new clients. For projects that are large in size, request a small amount of the payment upfront or at the halfway point. If you aren’t paid, don’t write more articles. For smaller projects, where you may feel uncomfortable asking for payment upfront, use you best judgment. If your articles are not paid for, you retain the rights to them, meaning you can resell them. As for “companies,” who request you pay a fee, you will also want to use your best judgment. There are legitimate companies online that will charge you $5 or $10 a month to participate in their article writing programs. A small fee doesn’t mean that the site is legitimate, but run away from fees that are high, like $20 or more. Also, never pay a company that claims you can make thousands of dollars a day. Article writing can be a well-paying gig, but since it is a legitimate job, so you should have reasonable expectations. As previously stated, be sure to use your best judgment. Although some online scams can be easy to fall for, most are easy to spot and from a mile away. As long as you know that article writing scams do exist and what to look for, you can better protect yourself. By steering clear of the above mentioned scams, you can enjoy a long and profitable career as an article writer.

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Scams to Avoid Are you looking to make money writing articles online? If you are, you need to be cautious. Unfortunately, there are a number of scams that target this amazing work-at-home opportunity. One of the many scams you will come across online involves taking your articles and running. This leaves you with hours unpaid. There is a way that you can prevent this from happening to you. For new projects, most legitimate clients will want to start out small, to gauge your writing skills. This may involve getting a $100 project to start with. Be cautious of someone who wants you to do a $1,000 project the first time. You don’t have to turn it down, but offer yourself protection. Require a small amount of payment upfront or at the halfway point. If you aren’t paid, don’t finish the work. As for what you can do if someone you meet online takes your articles and runs, remember that you retain the rights to your articles. If you were not paid, you still legally own the articles in question. You can use other methods to make money, so that you aren’t faced with a total loss. Post them on revenue sharing websites, where you receive a page view bonus. Since the scammer may have already posted your articles online, take the time to rewrite them. Yes, this isn’t fair, but it does provide you with protection There is another approach that you can take that involves taking action. Look for your articles online. If they are saved on your computer, copy two sentences and enter them into a search engine. Find the website and determine who the web-hosting is through. Contact the company. If advertisements are displayed, contact those advertisers. These companies do not always want their names associated with illegally obtain content, so they may require it to be removed or the scammer may have their accounts disabled. Another scam involves having you pay to get article writing projects. Yes, there are legitimate companies that require you to pay a small monthly fee, like $10, but you shouldn’t have to. There are legitimate article writing opportunities online where you are paid to write, not the other way around. In keeping with paying a fee, bidding websites are a method of finding article writing projects. These websites have projects listed that you can bid on. The buyer will then choose who he or she wants to work with. You are charged a fee for using this website, but it is usually just a percentage of your profits, not always a monthly fee. Websites that offer you protection, such as guaranteeing that you will be paid as long as you completed the work, makes this fee more than worth it.

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Getting your personal information and using it for identity theft is another article writing scam that you may find online. Many companies do need your personal information, such as your full name, address, and even your social security number. However, some scammers are trying to capitalize on this. Legitimate revenue sharing websites will ask for your personal information upfront. If you do not know for sure if the website in question is legitimate, ask around online or perform a standard internet search. As a recap, there are a number of scams that target those looking to make money by writing articles online. With that said, don’t let these scams stop you from making money, as writing articles for pay can be and usually is a legitimate work-at-home opportunity.

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