The Truth About Job Hunting

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Some job search techniques generate better results than others. If you have ever sat home wondering why your phone refuses to ring even though you have sent out dozens of resumes, you need to view this presentation. Learn why it is necessary to create a job search strategy, how to do it, and which techniques are most effective. For more job search tips from the experts, visit us at www.distinctiveweb.com or follow us at: Twitter: http://twitter.com/distinctivedocs Facebook: http://facebook.com/DistinctiveDocuments Google+: http://plus.google.com/+Distinctivewebofficial LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/michelledumas

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We all know people who are frustrated in their job search because theyve sent out hundreds ofresumes, without getting one acknowledgment, let alone an interview. In fact, you may be enduring this type of job hunting bad luck yourself.

Its important to step back from your job search and look at the situation candidly. Its not bad luck, its bad strategy. Or worse, no strategy.

Youll continue to suffer through yourjob searchuntil you realize you must make a plan and focus on what is most impactful and cost-effective in order to get results.Sending out resumes in response to ads online, in the newspaper classifieds, or on job boards is usually not cost- or time-effective.

So how should you begin your newjob search? Your new job hunting strategy should be both more specific and more personal. First, think about a company or sector youre experienced in and enjoy. Think first about things like, who do I know that works there, or used to? Who do I know that knows someone who works there or used to?What do I know about the company?WHY IS A NEW JOB HUNTING STRATEGY NECESSARY?

Unless you have very specialized, hard-to-replicate knowledge, education or training, most employers would rather hire people they know. Failing that, theyd rather hire someone that their neighbors friend knows. Any connection is better than none. Why?Its about trust. Put yourself in the place of the hiring manager or business owner. Wouldnt you rather hire someone you know is responsible, and can be counted on to get the work done?

Wouldnt you rather hire someone who gets along well with others? These and other basic trust and dependability questions would go through your mind, if you were on the other side of thejob interview

Youd be surprised how many job hunting interviewees (in general) do not have those basic essentials for success in any workplace. If the boss hires someone they dont know at all, they may find out the person is undependable (or worse) a couple months after hiring them.They the employer would have to put up with the bad behavior, counsel the employee and hope they perform better or fire them.

If you went to Harvard, you may deserve top consideration for a position, but your education/school may not even be noticed (your resume may never reach the hiring managers desk) if someone hasnt vouched for you. Of course, part of an Ivy-League education is networking.

Its all but impossible to come out of Harvard or another world-renowned school, without some important connections in your chosen field. The rest of us have to make our own high-level connections. What are the best ways to do this?WHY TRADITIONAL JOB SEARCH METHODS FAILTons of competition In the age of the Internet, there arent a lot of secrets. Everyone sees the same job ads.Advertised jobs are often those that are difficult to fill for various reasons HR people cast a wide net to show the company that theyre trying.Advertised jobs are often low-paying positions In-the-know job seekers or those seeking internal promotions have already filled mid- to high-level jobs.Employers tend to hire people who are recommended vs. those who respond to ads to avoid costly hiring mistakes.Employers find advertising creates a lot of extra work including lots of administrative time screening responses, taking calls, interviewing strangers.Most jobs are filled before ads are even needed theyre filled by trusted insiders, like you!SPECIFIC JOB SEARCH TECHNIQUES THAT WORK NOWOpen up:Being very open in yourjob searchhelps. Let everyone know you are job hunting. Theres no longer any stigma to changing jobs more often than in the past. Its normal to spend more time between jobs. People are naturally wired to want to help, even if you dont specifically ask. The world has become more social. Social connections have gained value. You should ask for help from those you feel comfortable with, but its not worth ruining a relationship over.

Research:Besides getting info from company insiders (or former insiders) go online to find out all about the companies you may be targeting. Any insight about the companys mission, business model or workplace culture will help. Make sure the information you dig up is accurate and not just gossip. Dont depend solely on Internet research. Vet the info with first-person accounts from people you know whenever possible.If you find out the company is phasing out hardware, dont spend time in your interview touting your hardware acumen. If you find out a lot about the company and are able to demonstrate a bit of this in your interview, youll stand out. A common interview question is why would you like to work for our company? This is a great place to display your knowledge, which shows you take initiative and are looking for a career, not just a job.

Social media:Of course,networking in youronlineneighborhoodcan be a big help. Your cousin (orFacebookfriend, former co-worker, schoolmate) may know someone they went to high school with years ago who is hiring for just the position you need. Youll be surprised at how much better youll be received if you are a known quantity to the interviewer.

Join social groups (online and in-person networks) that deal with your industry:Locate some online industry forums where interesting conversations about the state of the industry and new developments are going on.

Look for elite job ads:Job ads on membership sites and job openings posted on industry forums will be visible to a smaller crowd of candidates. Youll be able to more easily see what (or who) your connections are. Part of your job search strategy is to be a bigger fish in a smaller pond.

Build your own brand:As you become comfortable, participate in discussions, answer questions yourebuilding a reputation for yourself online. (This should be happening whether youre job hunting or not.) How can you fail to get work if you are well-known in your industry or a local version thereof? If you have time, start your own blog. This can be a double-edged sword if you express controversial opinions about your industry.

Volunteer or consult:Youll be gainingnew skills,wider experience and adding to your resume, even when youre out of work. Dont even characterize this period as being merely unemployed to your prospective employers. The latter sounds passive. You want to be seen as positive, energetic and full of new ideas, because you are.

Attend industry conferences, events and meet-ups:Youll gain more insight and make more connections. Now that you have a job hunting strategy and are reaching out, your job search will become much less frustrating and isolating it can even be fun!

Michelle Dumas runs of one of the longest-standing and most respectedprofessional rsum writingfirms on the internet, Distinctive Career Services, LLC (dba Distinctive Documents). Since 1996, Michelle has empowered thousands of professionals with rsums that get results and win jobs fast. Get insider rsum writing tips that you won't find anywhere else at her website. Go now towww.distinctiveweb.com

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