Tổ chức lớp viết báo khoa học Y khoa đăng trên tạp chí quốc tế (15) Kha Thái Đức Đại học Y Dược TP Hồ Chí Minh Giám đốc trung tâm viết báo khoa học bằng tiếng Anh 柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯柯 http://www.chineseowl.idv.tw Viết Tiếng Anh Học Thuật

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Tổ chức lớp viết báo khoa học Y khoa đăng trên tạp chí quốc tế (15)

Kha Thái Đức

Đại học Y Dược TP Hồ Chí Minh Giám đốc trung tâm viết báo khoa học bằng tiếng Anh

柯泰德線上英文論文編修訓練服務 http://www.chineseowl.idv.tw

Viết Tiếng Anh Học Thuật

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Tiểu sử cá nhân

Kha Thái Đức (Ted Knoy) đã dạy viết tiếng Anh kỹ thuật trong các trường đại học ở Đài Loan hơn hai mươi năm. Ông là tác giả của mười bốn cuốn sách về viết tiếng Anh kỹ thuật và chuyên nghiệp. Ông đã thành lập một trung tâm viết tiếng Anh tại trường đại học Y Yunpei đồng thời cũng là giảng viên toàn thời gian tại trường. Ông đã chỉnh sửa trên 55,000 bài viết cho việc đăng báo nghiên cứu khoa học từ năm 1989. Ông là cũng nhà biên tập tiếng anh cho một số tạp chí về khoa học, kỹ thuật và y học của Đài Loan.

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A. Nền tảng (Background)• Thiết lập các đề xuất nghiên cứu (Setting of research proposal): Mô tả

một xu hướng phổ biến, phát triển hoặc hiện tượng trong lĩnh vực của bạn để người đọc có thể hiểu được bối cảnh mà bạn đề xuất nghiên cứu đang được thực hiện .

• Vấn đề nghiên cứu (Research problem) : Mô tả các hạn chế chính hoặc thất bại của các nghiên cứu trước đây hoặc các phương pháp đã nghiên cứu khi giải quyết các xu hướng, phát triển hoặc hiện tượng đã nêu .

• Đặc điểm kỹ thuật định lượng của vấn đề nghiên cứu (Quantitative specification of research problem): Định lượng hoặc đưa ra một ví dụ về vấn đề nghiên cứu được trích dẫn trong tài liệu tham khảo trước đó.

• Tầm quan trọng của vấn đề nghiên cứu (Importance of research problem) : Mô tả các hậu quả về mặt lý thuyết và thực tế nếu không giải quyết vấn đề nghiên cứu.

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B. Thực hiện (Action)• Mục tiêu nghiên cứu (Research objective) : Mô tả mục tiêu của nghiên

cứu đề xuất của bạn và bao gồm các đặc điểm chính riêng biệt của nghiên cứu để đạt được mục tiêu nghiên cứu , điều mà đã không được thực hiện trong nghiên cứu trước đây ( một câu )

• Phương pháp để đạt được mục tiêu nghiên cứu (Methodology to achieve research objective) : Mô tả ba hoặc bốn bước chính để đạt được mục tiêu nghiên cứu của bạn .

• Kết quả dự kiến ( Anticipated results) : Mô tả các kết quả định lượng mà bạn hy vọng sẽ đạt được trong nghiên cứu của bạn.

• Đóng góp trong lĩnh vực lý thuyết và thực tiễn (Theoretical and practical contribution to field) : Mô tả cách thức phương pháp hoặc kết quả nghiên cứu đề xuất của bạn sẽ đóng góp về mặt lý thuyết trong lĩnh vực nghiên cứu, quy luật và cũng đóng góp thiết thực trong sản xuất, ngành công nghiệp dịch vụ.

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Ví dụ 1:Thiết lập các đề xuất nghiên cứu Given the frequency of mangled lower limbs accompanied with popliteal injuries, among the many scoring systems to determine whether to amputate injured limbs include MESS, PSI, and LSI.Vấn đề nghiên cứu While comparing the clinical efficacy of these score systems, previous studies have failed to identify which one can most accurately predict whether to preserve or amputate limbs.Đặc điểm kỹ thuật định lượng của vấn đề nghiên cứu For instance, in a review of articles on mangled limbs and scoring systems entitled “Mangled limbs: Can we trust the scores?”, Lodor (2010) indicated that only 25% of medical literature mentioned a correlation between MESS score and amputation prognosis.Tầm quan trọng của vấn đề nghiên cứu Although diagnosing and treating patients admitted to a hospital less than 6 hours after the injury has occurred is relatively easy owing to state-of-the- art equipment and surgical methods, the opposite is true when they are admitted to the hospital after 6 hours or the popliteal injury involves other knee structures. The inability to identify the most reliable scoring system makes it impossible for physicians to achieve an accurate prognosis with respect to amputation risk of mangled limbs accompanied with popliteal artery injuries.

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Ví dụ 1 (cont.)Mục tiêu nghiên cứu Based on the above, we should attempt to identify the most reliable scoring system to determine in clinical practice whether to preserve or amputate mangled limbs accompanied with popliteal artery injuries.Phương pháp để đạt được mục tiêu nghiên cứu To do so, {HOW MANY?} patients admitted to the emergency department with injured limbs accompanied by popliteal artery injuries can be evaluated based on three scoring systems, i.e. MESS, PSI, LSI score. The lately results : MEANING? ‘subsequent results’?) of the affected limbs can then be assessed based on four categories, i.e. primary amputation, secondary amputation, late amputation after success in vascular repair yet useless limbs, and success with acceptable functioning of the limbs. Next, based on those results, the most reliable scoring system can be identified. Additionally, the treatment outcomes can be examined to calculate the sensitivity and specificity. Moreover, the cut-off level can be identified by using {statistics : WHAT STATISTICS? SPSS statistical software?}.

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Ví dụ 1 (cont.)

Kết quả dự kiến As anticipated, analysis results can demonstrate the feasibility of a reliable scoring system for use in determining the prognosis for amputation risk of mangled limbs accompanied with popliteal artery injury. Đóng góp trong lĩnh vực lý thuyết và thực tiễn Importantly, results of this study can provide physicians with a valuable criterion to decide which limbs should be preserved or amputated.

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Ví dụ 2:

Thiết lập các đề xuất nghiên cứu While posing a major threat to males, prostate cancer normally progresses slowly, lacks explicit symptoms and, upon diagnosis, often finds patients in advanced stages of the disease, subsequently complicating treatment and lowering survival rates. Early diagnosis is thus challenging yet necessary to ensure safe and efficient treatment, necessitating an early diagnosis to distinguish between prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Although widely used to screen for and diagnose prostate cancer, the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test alone fails to yield a high performance in both sensitivity and specificity.Vấn đề nghiên cứu Capable of measuring the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) concentration, the PSA test determines the total amount of PSA (tPSA) and the free PSA (fPSA) in serum. However, owing to occasionally confusing negative and positive results of this test, many studies have attempted to increase its sensitivity and specificity, especially when considering the relationship between PSA and biological parameters (including age and prostate volume). Nevertheless, those studies have failed to reach a consensus on the efficacy of this combination.

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Ví dụ 2 (cont.)Đặc điểm kỹ thuật định lượng của vấn đề nghiên cứu For instance, although a high tPSA level may imply a prostate problem, some (OK?) PCa cases have a normal level of tPSA. Conversely, some (OK?) non-cancer cases have a high level of tPSA. (This phenomenon is OR Above phenomena are: WHICH ONE?) owing to the non-cancerous overgrowth of the prostate known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Therefore, thresholding the PSA value by using conventional statistics and probability approaches may yield high false negative and false positive (results OR outcomes : WHICH ONE?). Despite the availability of many threshold choices (BMJ, 1994; Schroder and Roobool, 2010; Richard et al., 2007), none of them yield high performance (results OR outcomes : WHICH ONE?) (Shariat and Karakiewicz, 2008; Thompson et al., 2004).

Tầm quan trọng của vấn đề nghiên cứu The inability to increase the efficacy of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) serum test leads to many false positive and negative cases when screening for and diagnosing prostate cancer.

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Ví dụ 2 (cont.)Mục tiêu nghiên cứu Based on the above, we should develop a diagnostic approach to screen for prostate cancer patients, based on tPSA, fPSA, age and prostate volume, by combining statistical methods and use of the Support Vector Machine (SVM).

Phương pháp để đạt được mục tiêu nghiên cứu To do so, {HOW MANY?} suspected prostrate patients can be categorized into either a normal or an abnormal group by using SVM method. Exactly which patients in the abnormal group have prostate cancer can then be diagnosed. (NOTE: Add 2 more sentences for methodology)

Kết quả dự kiến As anticipated, the proposed diagnostic approach can increase the sensitivity by {HOW MUCH?}, whereas the specificity is acceptable (i.e. HOW MUCH?).

Đóng góp trong lĩnh vực lý thuyết và thực tiễn Importantly, the proposed approach can improve PSA test performance when screening for and diagnosing prostate cancer as well as provide invaluable molecular information, greatly facilitating efforts to develop a clinical program for determining the incidence of this cancer.

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Ví dụ 3:

Thiết lập các đề xuất nghiên cứu For developing countries such as Vietnam with a high prevalence of retinopathy of prematurity, laser therapy is a conventional means of reducing the incidence of blindness in premature infants, as caused by the abnormal development of retinal blood vessels. Vấn đề nghiên cứu However, most studies assume that the rates of blindness and sequelae occur continuously as children age, while failing to monitor patients for an extended period after laser therapy in order to diagnose retinopathy of prematurity early and act correspondingly.

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Ví dụ 3 (cont.)Đặc điểm kỹ thuật định lượng của vấn đề nghiên cứu According to ET-ROP statistics on a 5 year follow up of those patients, not only did the percentage of unfavorable visual outcomes rise by 10%, but the incidence of related complications (e.g., retinal detachment, corneal opacity, and cataracts) increased by roughly 3-5%; the incidence of strabismus, amblyopia, and refractive errors rose by approximately 20% as well, severely limiting the ability of patients to learn in school and perform daily activities.Tầm quan trọng của vấn đề nghiên cứu The inability to follow up on retinopathy of prematurity patients for extended periods makes it nearly impossible to achieve acceptable outcomes of recovery after laser therapy treatment.

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Ví dụ 3 (cont.)

Mục tiêu nghiên cứu Based on the above, we should evaluate clinical data and laser therapy-related treatment complications in patients diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity after 3 years of follow up {by using WHAT METHODS OR APPROACHES that are different from and able to get better results than other long term follow up studies of this population?}. Phương pháp để đạt được mục tiêu nghiên cứu To do so, clinical data can be obtained from patients diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity after 3 years of follow up in the Pediatrics Department of HoChiMinh City Eye Hospital, Vietnam. Data can then be categorized according to the disease outcome and related complications. Next, those results can be analyzed using SPSS software package.

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Ví dụ 3 (cont.)Kết quả dự kiến As anticipated, analysis results can indicate that the rate of poor outcomes might increase by two folds, which is similar to complications identified in a comparison with the results of laser therapy treatment after 1 year of follow up.Đóng góp trong lĩnh vực lý thuyết và thực tiễn Results of this study can significantly contribute to efforts to re-examine patient more thoroughly and extensively, with a particular focus on detecting and treating changes which influence the visual acuity of patients. Importantly, our results can provide further insight into the later effects of treating the disease, as well as a valuable reference for future studies.

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Ví dụ 4:Thiết lập các đề xuất nghiên cứu As a major community health issue receiving increasing attention, osteoporosis poses a risk for the elderly, as evidenced by its threat not only to menopausal women but also to men as well. Despite its lower prevalence in the latter group, the incidence of secondary complications and mortality rate are higher in male patients once an osteoporosis-related fracture occurs. Vấn đề nghiên cứu As is well known, the strong correlation of bone density and bone turnover marker with bone strength accurately predicts the risk of fracture in both genders. Additionally, the bone {bone fracturing?} process can be evaluated since the bone turnover (including beta-CTX and osteocalcin) reflects the velocity of bone resorption and osteogenesis. Despite numerous attempts to assess the efficiency of these two parameters in predicting the incidence of osteoporosis in a risk population such as menopausal women, previous studies have failed to explore the correlation between bone turnover and risk of fracture in men, especially those over 50 years old.

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Ví dụ 4 (cont.)

Đặc điểm kỹ thuật định lượng của vấn đề nghiên cứu For instance, Wu, Hu, and Biver found a moderately negative correlation between beta-CTX and osteocalcin with bone density in femoral neck and lumbar vertebrae. Tầm quan trọng của vấn đề nghiên cứu The inability to evaluate the correlation between bone turnover and osteoporosis in men makes it impossible for physicians to diagnose osteoporosis in this population when applying these parameters.

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Ví dụ 4 (cont.)Mục tiêu nghiên cứu Based on the above, we should investigate the correlation between bone turnover and bone density by determining the optimum threshold of bone turnover to accurately diagnose osteoporosis in men over 50 years old with respect to sensitivity and specificity.

Phương pháp để đạt được mục tiêu nghiên cứu To do so, roughly 90 male patients over 50 can be divided into two groups:  45 in the case group (osteoporosis) and 45 in the control group (non-osteoporosis) for examination and follow up at the Rheumatology Department and Internal Medicine Clinic in Cho Ray Hospital (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam). Bone mineral density and plasma beta-CTX, osteocalcin can then be determined in all patients. Next, data can be gathered using a data collection sheet, followed by analysis using SPSS 16.0 software.

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Ví dụ 4 (cont.)Kết quả dự kiến As anticipated, analysis results can indicate the negative correlation between bone turnover and bone density (as in women : DO YOU MEAN “in men as well as in women”?). Additionally, the threshold of beta-CTX and osteocalcin in diagnosing osteoporosis in men should exceed that of previous studies in menopausal women. Đóng góp trong lĩnh vực lý thuyết và thực tiễn Results of this study can significantly contribute to efforts to diagnose osteoporosis in men. We can thus recommend that clinicians administer beta-CTX and osteocalcin routinely to screen for osteoporosis in both genders.

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Ví dụ 5Thiết lập các đề xuất nghiên cứu: Healthcare encompasses many innovative medical procedures and protocols. Besides traditional practices and individual expertise, health care providers must adopt innovative interventions based on verifiable research results. Evidence based practice (EBP) is thus highly promising for addressing critical clinical issues and providing optimum care. More than in medicine, EBP is increasingly adopted in nursing-midwifery practice. Implementing EBP requires that a midwife apply verifiable results to clients by searching related evidence, using clinical judgments, and considering client values and system resources.

Vấn đề nghiên cứu: However, while failing to examine the knowledge expertise and attitudes of midwives towards adopting EBP, previous studies lack a protocol to help midwives to apply EBP effectively as well as an evaluation approach for hospital managers to enhance the EBP skills of midwives. In this context, previous studies have also neglected the role of midwives in developing countries such as Vietnam since they are generally not treated as independent healthcare providers yet only as primary caregivers.

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Ví dụ 5 (cont.)Đặc điểm kỹ thuật định lượng của vấn đề nghiên cứu: For instance, previous studies have identified the major obstacles of nurses in implementing evidence into practice, including lack of authority to change practices (Buhaid et al., 2014, Chau et al., 2008, Mehrdad et al., 2008, Wang et al., 2013), lack of support from administrators (Bostrom et al., 2008, Chien et al., 2013, Kajermo et al., 2008, Salsali et al., 2009), unavailability of research reports, as well as difficulties in understanding statistical analysis, using a foreign language, and routine practice dominance (Adamsen et al., 2003, Chinomso & Foluso, 2014, Oranta, 2002) However, facilitators mentioned by nurses included support from unit managers, education in scientific methods, developing literature search skills, guidance and respect from knowledgeable colleagues, and availability of specific scientific journals. Additionally, most midwives base their practices on their own expertise and are unaware of the importance of EBP Moreover, midwifery practices must be improved in developing countries with rising birth rates such as in Vietnam. Still, the role of EBP in midwifery in these settings has seldom been addressed.

Tầm quan trọng của vấn đề nghiên cứu: The inability to carefully evaluate the knowledge skills, attitudes, barriers and facilitators of midwives towards EBP makes it impossible to establish appropriate training programs and help them to incorporate continuity, holism and women-centeredness into their practices.

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Ví dụ 5 (cont.)Mục tiêu nghiên cứu: Therefore, in addition to evaluating the knowledge skills and attitudes of midwives towards using EBP, we should develop a novel protocol to identify barriers and facilitators to successful adopting EBP in hospitals by using a checklist based on EBP practices.

Phương pháp để đạt được mục tiêu nghiên cứu: To do so, a literature review on the role of midwives in EBP can be performed. Self-administered questionnaires can then be designed and distributed to midwives in three large hospitals in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Next, in-depth interviews can be held by focus groups to obtain qualitative data. Moreover, a training program can be established for midwives to adopt EBP program. Furthermore, following a pre-test and post-test, those results can be evaluated using {WHAT SOFTWARE? SPSS?}.


Đóng góp trong lĩnh vực lý thuyết và thực tiễn: {MISSING THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL CONTRIBUTION}

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Tài liệu tham khảo

Knoy, T (2002) Writing Effective Work Proposals. Taipei: Yang Chih Publishing

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Further details can be found at http://www.chineseowl.idv.tw