Diary of a day shooting 4

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Page 2: Diary of a day shooting 4


Page 3: Diary of a day shooting 4

SHOT TABLEMarc Mid shot of

Marc walking

Closer mid shot

Over the shoulder

Mid shot of Marc

High angled of dropping bag

Mid shot of Mac on phone

Matt Wide shot of me getting out of the car

Wide shot opening door for Bill then Charlie

Wide shot of the three

Side close up of head

Mid shot punching pads

Over shoulder of punching pads

Bill Wide shot getting out of the car

Wide shot of the three

Wide shot of three looking through bag

Charlie Wide shot getting out of the car

Wide shot of the three

Side close up of Charlies head

Mid shot of fighting

Close up of face

Long shot running off

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WHAT WE DID After getting a lot of constructive criticism we had to reshoot quite a few bits from before. When we arrived at Marcs we first planned what shots and maybe a few things we could change to make it better. Then Bill went to get petrol while everyone else got changed and got all of the props ready again we left as soon as Bill got back. Once we arrived back at the pub we were relieved that it was emptier than before so we had no trouble getting anyone caught into the shot. Once we had finished filming it all we looked back over the videos and any that didn’t look to great we repeated again. One problem that took about 10 minutes to film was Charlie getting out of the car because as soon as he got out he couldn’t stop laughing. Once we finished everything we went back to Marcs had a cup of tea and we was on our way.

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TECHNICAL ELEMENTS After very hard feedback we new we had to sort ourselves out. We knew the rough cut wasn’t going to be enough to make the level 4. First of all we added music to get sustained tension throughout. Also, we changed a lot of the rough cut, because the money didn’t Look at all like money we used a duffel bag and only done a very rough photo of the money which made it looked much more realistic. Finally, we added in a twist at the ending with a tracker being put into the bag of money. We thought this would add a little bit of suspense to the opening and leave the audience questioning.