Introduction to Data Science MS - ESCP Europe - 14/02/15 Martin Daniel @martindaniel4 Source : www.d3js.org

Introduction to Data Science - ESCP Europe

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Introduction to Data ScienceMS - ESCP Europe - 14/02/15

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4Source : www.d3js.org


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Head of Data Science

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Organizer d3js / Data For Good




Martin Daniel @martindaniel4

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4


Source : http://www.mercialfred.com/infographie-sms-dechiffres.html

Data is « eating the world »trifacta.com, 2013

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4Source : www.trifacta.com

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4Source : www.raremaps.com

Matthew Fontaine Maury1806 - 1873

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> 200 million £ saving / year

# Healthcare

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Google Flu Tracker vs CDC Official ReportGoogle.org, 2011 - 2012

t(Google) = t(CDC) - 2 weeks

# Healthcare

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« Machine Learning is the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. »

Arthur Samuel, 1959

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4

More Data Beats Usually Better AlgorithmsBanko & Brill, Microsoft Research, 2001

e.g : Choose between {to, two, too}

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Dans quel ordre afficher des produits dans une liste ?

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4Source : fifty-five.com

Taux de clic par position et par listejuin 2013

• Liste = Carrefour d’audience

• Merchandising manuel ou générique

• Problématique large, tous secteurs

Source : fifty-five.com

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4

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Martin Daniel @martindaniel4

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Merci !

Martin Daniel @martindaniel4