SKILL: A System for Skill Identification and Normalization Meng Zhao, Faizan Javed, Ferosh Jacob, Matt McNair

The Skills System

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SKILL: A System for Skill

Identification and


Meng Zhao, Faizan Javed, Ferosh Jacob, Matt McNair

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© 2014 CareerBuilder► 2 ◄

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Surface Forms

Normalized Entity Name


Selected Sections



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Capability, Knowledgeability, Technology, Terminology

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keywords like

school, company,

person and etc.

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Most LikelySense

Skills Sense

(BI -> Business Intelligence)

Google Search (SVM -> Support Vector Machine)

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Tokenize Input text and assemble


Match n-grams directly with Taxonomy

Date of Birth

Birth Childbirth Doomed

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• Neural Network Language Model

• Input is a corpus and output is a Huffman tree

• Given a word predicts the context (or oppositely)

• Mikolov, T. et al., ICLR 20131

• Don’t count, Predict! (Baroni and Kruszewski 20142)

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1 Mikolov, T., Chen, K., Corrado, G., and Dean, J. 2013. Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space. arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3781.

2 Baroni, M., Georgiana D., and Kruszewski, G. 2014. Don't count, predict! A systematic comparison of context-counting vs. context-predicting semantic vectors. ACL

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• Training data: surface forms ONLY

• Substitute ‘\\s+’ by ‘_‘

• Vector size: 200

• skip-gram model with hierarchical softmax (Mikolov et al., ASRU


• Min-count: 1

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* Mikolov, T., Deoras, A., Povey, D., Burget, L., and Černocký, J. 2011. Strategies for Training Large Scale Neural Network Lan-guage Models. ASRU.


Surface FormsNormalized Entity Name


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• Collect seed skills surface forms by direct matching

• For each seed surface form 𝑥𝑖, calculate # of other seed surface forms showing

in its vector

• Choose skills by a user defined cutoff on confidence scores. Default is set at


• If # of words < 150, return all skills.

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• Taxonomy Precision: 90%.

• Taxonomy Recall: 70%. CB Taxonomy ∩ ESCO Taxonomy (50K vs 5K).

• ESCO is a systematic EU government initiative for complete workforce


• Tagging: Precision 82%; Recall: 70%.

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% of Approved Skills # of Responses Cumulative %

100% 902 (28%) 28%

90% - 99% 661 (21%) 49%

80% - 89% 618 (19%) 68%

70% - 79% 432 (13%) 81%

60% - 69% 251 (8%) 89%

50% or less 352 (11%) 100%

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Web service

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