Where did the name Golf Death come from? About seven years ago, while at Uni in Leeds, me and Laura (now my fiancée) were sat watching TV and some American fashion programme came on. This dude bound onto the screen with huge silver hair, dressed in golf gear with skulls on. He was telling everyone how to dress, and I said “look at old Golf Death, he can talk!” So for a while after that Golf Death was a personal joke, but then when I started drawing, it’s what I named the Facebook page - about 4 years ago.

An interview with Golf Death

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Mutiny chat to Golf Death ahead of their big clothing drop.

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Page 1: An interview with Golf Death

Where did the name Golf Death come from?About seven years ago, while at Uni in Leeds, me and Laura (now my fiancée) were sat watching TV and some American fashion programme came on. This dude bound onto the screen with huge silver hair, dressed in golf gear with skulls on. He was telling everyone how to dress, and I said “look at old Golf Death, he can talk!” So for a while after that Golf Death was a personal joke, but then when I started drawing, it’s what I named the Facebook page - about 4 years ago.

Page 2: An interview with Golf Death

Golf Death is more than a clothing line. What would you say it represents?I was brought up in the generation of South Park, Jackass and Ren & Stimpy. Which, I think has made my generation slightly more mental and funny. These inspirations all go into my work and designs in some way, but ultimately Golf Death represents having a right laugh and being unpredictable.

Page 3: An interview with Golf Death

What makes you different from every other clothing line?All Golf Deaths designs are done by me, so I like to always push my own design limits. I get inspired by album art, stickers and film posters, all of which keep our ideas new and different. Hopefully that sets us apart from other brands in the same game. Ultimately though, I love creating new pieces and I think if you have passion for what you do, it shows.

Page 4: An interview with Golf Death

What does the future hold for Golf Death? What else should we expect to see in 2014?Big Things. We are in talks at the minute with a few independent retailers and online stores. This should hopefully improve brand awareness and make our products more accessible. We’ve really pushed boundaries for our NEW DROP on 30/03/14 by making overseas contacts for quality custom made products, like all-over tees and snapbacks. We’re also currently upgrading our website to be more user-friendly and also working with some mega talented photographers to really show off the products we’ll have on offer. So yeah, pretty busy!

Page 5: An interview with Golf Death

You recently launched a Golf Death YouTube channel. What’s lined up?Some insane ideas haven been flying around, so who knows? Were wanting to document the development of the brand, so at every step we’re filming and picking out the funny and interesting bits. We were all massive fans of CKY and Jackass, so were going for that hand-held and homemade kinda look. We may throw a few sketch’s in, who knows.

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Where can we pick up your threads, YO?You can purchase our stock fromwww.golfdeath.comThe Tattooed Arms Lincolnand www.stukapparel.com. More stockists coming soon!