Photostory: Family by Family Spring Starter Camp II

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Page 1: Photostory: Family by Family Spring Starter Camp II
Page 2: Photostory: Family by Family Spring Starter Camp II

Friday night. We started with a discussion of the Family by Family values.

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The values.

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Saturday morning. Sarah introduced the ‘family signature’ exercise.

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Families charted the ups & downs of their own lives...

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...and identified the things they said, did, or thought to get through tough times...

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...the strategies that they could draw on to share with other families.

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Tricia, a life coach, introduced a session on learning reflective listening skills.

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The families paired up to try out their listening skills ...

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...and then put them to the test in a game...

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...a very frustrating game.

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The families snuggled down to learn about storytelling from Helen, a storyteller.

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Helen demonstrated storytelling & then worked with families to shape their own stories.

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We’d arranged some model developmental experiences for Saturday night.The families learnt about bush tucker from an indigenous family...

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...and about animals from Animals Anonymous.

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Sunday morning. Carolyn introduces the programme for Sunday.

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The families rehearsed sharing the personal stories they’d worked on the day before.

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Role-play. The families rehearsed recruiting new families to Family by Family.

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Carolyn displayed considerable acting talent in playing a sceptical mum.

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Families from our first camp helped the new families to create a profile for their family.

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A draft family profile.

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Role-play. Carolyn, back in character, providing Daniel with some challenging situations.

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Meanwhile, the kids had turned the camp kitchen into a cubby-house shanty town...

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...and used their constructions to tell their own family stories.

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Sunday afternoon. The families ran developmental experiences for each other.

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The Varona family taught archery.

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Ashlee taught something really cool...

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...how to make miniature paper stars, with a secret message written on the inside.

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Ange shared her family’s favourite recipe - Yum Yum Balls. They were a hit!

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Adrienne taught origami...

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...and the Shekars taught their favourite family game. Chess.

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At the last session the families shared their ideas on what to improve for next time.

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And gave each other feedback to take home.

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Sunday Afternoon. Carolyn closes the camp. We would meet next at our regular Wednesday night ‘Yarn & Dinner’.