How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation - Technology

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and

evaluation stages?

Page 2: Evaluation - Technology

Apple iPadI used my iPad to do much of my research online, as it can be used for this easily anywhere with an internet connection.

I also used it to draw out my storyboards, as it is portable and easy to take on location with me when filming. It also allows for amendments to be easily made to the storyboard.

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Adobe Ideas

● This was the app I used on my iPad for drawing the storyboards.

● It has many different pen tools and colour options, so I could make it clear and detailed.

● The storyboards could then be shared, or exported to Photoshop.

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Adobe Photoshop● Adobe Photoshop CS6 is the most recent release of

the acclaimed photo editing software.● I used this for my film poster and magazine cover. It

allowed me to change exposure, contrast and hues, cut objects out, work with text and layer and overall made it easy to create complex prints.

● It allows you to export the file in different types depending of what you're doing with it – for printing I exported it as JPEG.

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● Blogger is the online blogging client I used to present my project.

● It is very useful and allows for uploading of images and videos, helpfully linking to your YouTube account.

● I organised the different parts of my blog onto different pages to help with user navigation

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Final Cut Pro X

● Final Cut Pro X is the video editing software I used to create my trailer.

● It is an industry standard suite and is used for editing many feature films.

● The wide range of tools available allowed me to fine tune my clips and order them so that a cohesive story could be seen.

● I used many transitions, like fade to colour and burn to make effects that created atmosphere and awe.

● It is very complicated and took a while to get used to, but when I was it was an incredibly powerful piece of software.

● I exported my trailer in a format that compressed it to a suitable file size for uploading to YouTube.

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Apple iMac● The Apple iMac and Mac Mini were the computers I

used when producing my products.● They are very powerful machines renowned for their

media capabilities, so were perfect for what I wanted to do.

● Only Apple computers can run Final Cut, so this was another important factor in choosing them.

● One downside was that if I did want to work on a windows machine, file types would often be incompatible, slowing down my progress.

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Nikon D5200 DSLR

● I used this camera for the filming of my trailer and stills due to its high performance and manual focus capabilities.

● The manual focus allowed me to highlight the important aspects of the scene by using racked focus.

● I recorded the entire thing in full 1080p HD, and 25FPS – the PAL standard.

● This camera really made my product look professional.

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GoPro HD Hero 3: Black Edition

● This is the camera I purchased last summer in order to make some practice films.

● It chose this as it is very high performance for it's price.

● Its size allowed for some very unique shots – I mounted it on poles, my chest, cars; it could go anywhere!

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WhatsApp Messenger● WhatsApp Messenger was my primary

method of communication during the planning of my filming.

● It allowed me to communicate with my actors for free, even when I had no signal via WiFi.

● I could also send over video clips and images very fast for free, which was useful in showing them my ideas.

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● YouTube was the method of distribution for my trailer.

● It allowed me to upload all my drafts for free so I could see them all side by side and watch them on any of my internet connected devices.

● The comment system allows for feedback to be sent to me.

● YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world, so my trailer would have maximum exposure.