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; «IX - Clinton County

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ftt tiM M 9L iolUM.MB BMUBT.


The Sewn is in r»r«|pi of m clrru- )ar frttm the nt»o*sv#lt Third Term NBtiunal I^Bar. This iMucuf has teen orsenlsed sC headed byBdward A. Homer, ftirmerly of Uaadville. ('oinrado. who says he Is a •*?ed*hot*’ Democrat who has been driven ti» the ver«e of bankruptcy by the operations of the “system,” and who bM>ks to Ho«»sevelt as the polit­ical savior of the country.

The alms of the leuirue are expres- se«l In the following lairaaraphs fmm their platf<»rm:

“We have c«>me upon days In our | social and political life, fermenting j with distrust anti re«iulrlng firm tun-, tr«»l.

“We view with alarm the evils al­ready gr«»wn from the abuse of cor- IMirate power anti see In these evils a fertile Meld for the demagogue. fr»»m which might readily spring a ledltlcal and social revolution, and Irelleve that nothing shtirt *if tem|»erate an«l pray­erful stdlcltude. on the part of the people, will hold our iMditical and sti- clal structure Intact.

“To the i*euple Irrespective of party lines Is «lue the credit that their Pres­ident, to4ia>. Is Thetolore Uoosevelt. A new era oi real freetitim and vitality In our institutions of government and IHilltics was demanded, anti they wise­ly saw* in him a means to attain it. So valiantly and wh*>lehearte*lly has his man rellecle»l the wishes of the peo­ple. that his |>ers4inalliy has entered Into and l»ec«»me a part of ever>' «le- partment of our national life.

“He has won the i-onfidence of the people: and this fact alone, makes him the iMifent factor in the s«dution of the present disturbing condltbms. T«i eliminate this perstinallty—whit h Is ,t*» eliminate that tonfitlence—at a time when the itettpie. as a whtde. are restive anti trembling w'ith apfirehen- sitin. is to invite natl«»nul disorder.

“•Mreadv has It been tiemtmstratetl that the frighleneti and vengeful mt»ney forces of the country, will re- iHirt tt» any means tti defeat his nttmin- ailf»n for a Presidential Thlnl Term. We. therefore, must be t»n the alert anti i|uick ttt action if we wt>uid save that which has already been accom- pllshetl by our Illustrious President.

“We are not unmintiful of the fact that Theotlftre Itofiisevelt himself «le- claretl in l!#o4. that untler nt» cir­cumstances Would he be a cantlldate for. or. would he accept amtiher nt»m- Inatlon. We challenge, however, his right tt» refuse to act ept the Presi­dency of the I’nltetl States for a Thlrtl Term. In the face t»f the people’s de- mantl. es|>ecially at a time when st> many untlertakings of the highest im- pttrtance have Ijeen brought abt>ut and set in mtition h\ him. anil st* subject them iti the tlanger of an untrletl anti unprttvetl successor. t«t wh*>m public c<»nfltlence woultl be reluctantly ex- tentleil if at all.

“.Manifestly, the selectbtn «*f Its President rests with the |»et*ple. The public, altme. Is judge. Nti man may say he will ni»t accept. It is not the piovint e of Thetttiore lltmsevelt to siiy he will tir will nt>t Ire Presitlent. He. who acts as President, acts stdey as a servant of the people, anti when «all- etl by them, must come.

“We further htdtl. that In isiint of fact his re-eleclbin in Ikos w.iubl n«»i constitute a Thlrtl Term. He has been elected tti the Presltiency hut once. Inasmuch. h«»wever. as the Is­sue has been genrrall> stptken of as a Thlrtl Term, the league lias atloptetl the title. We. therefore. In the Inter­est of publit' welfare, tiemanti that Theotbire Hteiseveli ire nomlnatetl ft»r ih» Presltiency In anti it> thatentl hereby pleilge our supptirt.”

It Is early to forecast the p«ditlcs of lJ»bK, hut it Is by n«> means Im- IHistihb that the country may again demand Theotlore Ittitisevelt. anti If sti there w«iult1 be a basis for the “I>*ague*s" argument that it was n«»t within his province i«i refuse. How­ever. many things may happen l»eft>re

History Is being matle rapltl- ly at Washington and there Is plenty t»f time to get ready. We may even find antither man as well Atted to take up the burden. ft>r It woultl lie a pity If only one man sttMid between the naibrn and disaster.

funny by w—na of stupid plcturw and aplncctea of rud and yallow Ink. They are dlavuallns In raal Ufa. dla- guatln« In talk. dlBpualtug In print.

The editor of Tha ^lawa had tlm plaaaure of llatanluc to a sarmon Iqr Bishop Ftday at Waatphalta a faw waaka ago. In which tha Blahop rB> markad that there were faw daily pa­pers fit for a (’hristfan family to raad. If he had Sunday papers In mind, ha might well have said that there were practically ntme. It Is the duty of ever>* parent whti alma to bring up children tiecenlly n» keep the Sunday coltired supplements out of their hands. Parents ilt» not want their children it) witness lights and braw’Is. to lake |)att In violence that des­troys pro|)ert>. that raise-* bumps oi men’s heads or makes them see st.irs. nor to assist In c«»ntempllble pract*- cal Jtikes. yet the .'Sunday supplement puls the children In exactl> that en- vlr«>nment. It Is nt)t much less harm­ful tt) associate with ntwtlle.'* In print that It Is ttf associate with rowiiie* in real life.

II.\PPY XKWHappy New Year t«» alll In this

greeting there Is a wish that ought to Ik* fuiniled In the gieai majtirlly tif homes In this country. The year just closed has been one of llterallv unex­ampled prosperity, and fortunately there are no citruds In the sky that threaten any Ananclal or Intlusirlal storm iluring the next tw*e|vemt#nth Many a man thinks that the wave of prtisperliy has mlssetl him. •»! tout heil him very slightly, but that is l.e<ause nt*ne «»f us fully appreciate our !»less- Ings. Times will never le so gotid that everybtitly will be rb h. ••r even out of liebf. If a thousanti tlollars In gobl were illsirlbuietl tti every man. wtiman anti chlltl In the I’nltetl .'»’tates, it wiiultl not make them all happy: they woultl still have their troubles, anti maybe In ii little while there would be as many troubles as there were beftire the tllslrlbulbm. We are n ng in a goblen iige yet. but wehave the substantlals that make na­tions prosperous anti happy: we have gtiotl mips, plenty ‘if w«irk. gteol prices, gtMMi wages. Taxes are not crushing, there is nti ftireign warfare or tltimestic tllst>rtler. anti altogeihei we are Iwtter off than any other na­tion has been for a thtiusand year-. This is the time lti live anti gel the what w*e might have anti iltin’t. Me an optimist through If*b7. anti see h*iw gootl it feels.

of m cum do • lIttiB kBCtBr tl

EDITORIAL COMMENT.Mr. Poraker believes. h»i it is rt—

(Mirtetl that the next presitlent shtiubi come from < thbi. but he iltiesn’l think the gentleman sh«>ult| weigh 3ao ptiuntls.—<’hlcagt) Mectti'tl Heraltl.

The ('hlcago authtirlties the other day tleciaretl it man Insane anti sent

' him tt) jail for ihieaienlng “to clean I up the Itiwn.” The man with that ' itiea alHiuC fhlcagt) was probably in­

sane all right, but !• seems it) us he ought to be enctruragetl. —Maginaw

' News,

The separation t)f church tintl state in France will in the end be a l.ene- rtt to both church anil slate. The rniletl .States recognixes no chiirt'h fealty, anti the t'athtilir In this c«iuntiy are both rich anti prtis|)er«)us anti amply able to take care of their relig­ious interests, without help or Inter-

' ference on the part of the stale. The church Is t leaner, stronger ami abler where it must tte|)enil 'in its loyal

^ members for supinirt. rather on state ' supiH*rt.—Atirian Telegram.


Where there is a supply there Is a demand, and ^|s appears to be the only reason for the existence of the colored supplements which accom­pany so many .Sunday papers. Thay are an eyesore and a nuisance, and they are worse than that bacaiMse ttey are degrading to the taste of adult randBra Bad detrimental to the morals of the youag.

lYhen thee# aupplementi were first Introduced a few years ago they seem­ed to make a hit. Their novelty hrought new readers, and at oaes ths earlous publishers jumped lato tha game and ever slnre they have bean trying to see which could put out the courseet and moat gtnrtug picturea. Tliaes supplements maeuneruda un­der the nnaae of “comic’* hut It ronet he pecullnr taaCe that flada them ao. There are a few series of picturee that are realty hnmorone end bright, but The News has never seen a supple­ment that wns all humorous, or half humorous, or even oue-uuarter hu­morous; where there is one series of good pictures there are half a douen ted ones.

The so-called “humor" genearlly cwnalets In crude and exaggerated pictures of practical jokes and per­sonal violence, accompanied by equal­ly rough rr-sdlag matter, aboundlna In words and expressions that no de­cent parent would like to hear his children use. The point of the joks Is generally some act that in real life srould mean Insult, deetnirtlon of pro­perty. personal Injury, and often ■rtms. Such thingi cmiuot he muds

Ni) senabirial contesl In recent years has been st) Important tto the Itepubllcan party of Michigan as will t)e the tine to be ilecided by the next legislature. The |>ei>ple tif this slate are looking to the legislature to con­sider their Interests and they will not be satisfled If this contest shall be settled after the manner of wime which they remember with not only humiliation, but bitter resentment. What the |>eop|e tif Michigan un- tioubtedly ilesire Is that the successor on Menator Alger may be a man of whose qualincatlons there can be no dispute, and In whose election no

; questionable methods shall be em­ployed. Now who In .Michigan wrt>uld

I ever think of W. McMillan as a I candidate for 1’nlted Htates senator If

he were no better Axed Ananclelly than <*i>ngressman Townsend, Con­gressman Hamilton or ('ongresman Ham Hmlth? And if he would not be cousidered except for his great wealth and the McJiillan name, ought he to be couatdered tecuuae he Is the son of hla father, and tecuum It takM seven or eight figures to represent his fort- age? The queetioue to coam tefora the next TTnlted States senate are Im­portant. They require couetderutlou from lagiatators who uuderetaud and are la sympathy with popular Ideuls. They should be cousidered by men of training and cupuclty of stateemsn- shlp. We bellete that It would be unwlm to elect W. C. McRlllaa as United Htates aauator from MIchlguu beouuee he cauunt mticty the wtahea

the people of MIehlgaa: becaum hla eiertlon will represent the auccem of teudancles In politics that ought to be repreeeed; beruuee It will tend to cre­ate a muchtue which would uae fed­eral poeltlous to eubmrve private ends, and lend to place Republican politics In Michigan on the low plane of Tam- nuuiy* and becauee It will make wealth what It does not deeerve to be. a quallAcatton for one of the highest offices In the federal government.— Hastings Banner.

HERE AND THBKE.i4ome dogs like some men. just nat­

urally isn’t get along.• • s

■The impudence of some people l«the only great thing about them.s • s

When a woman bums anything in the oven, she mys. “I got it too brown."

■von a Inay man onu be ludneed to hurry hy the proapecta of loafing

have an Men that town seldM get up In time to do a

good day’s work.• • •

The poorest dressed people youmeet are usually the oum who have money In the bunk.m m m

gome women are so afraid they are going to be flirted with, that it Is nlmoet dangirona for a nmn to trout them politely. • • •

After you find a man Isn’t aa bed ea he la peinted. yon are likely to awing too far the other way.• • s

’The Infant prodigy la another per­son who la uauelly a dweller In the next county, if not In a dlatant suite.

Old people are aatlafled with the greeting. *’l wish you a merry Christ- Bans.” but the children want some­thing more suteuintlel.• • •.

H«>me men not only feel that 'he world owes them a living, but arc -tuc becaues there are no t'ollectlon agen­cies to tvilicct It for them.

• • •Almost any boy is glatl to skat*

with a girl who knows ht)W. t U 1» true devotion when he volunteers toteach her to skate; that’s work.

• • •

After the llrsi iwt> weeks of actU'c service, * a smoking jacket leads an existence as t|Uiet anti iMN'Iucletl as that of the average family Mlble.

• g •

If >tiu brag that j^tu are contenteil l»eople say that you might as well l>e a cow, anil If you are illscftntenteil l)e«)ple May y«)U have a grout h. ami *heri' ytiu are.



Piles gel <|ulck relief from Dr. Sh«>op’s .Maglt ointment. Hemembei '»’m matle alone for piles—am! It vtorks with certainty and satisfaction. Itching, painful, (irotrutling. or bliml piles ili«Hp|»ear like magic by its use. Try it anti see. At ail ilealers.


•Mr. ami .Mis. tJeorge Harx’ey en- :eriHim*tI .Mr. anil .Mrs. Clauil Conk­lin «)f KIsie ami Mr. ami .Mrs. D. I-. U’ilklns«>n anti tiaughier of Ithaca on t ‘hrlstmas.

civile Wjirner of KIsle Is sitemiing -1 few ilavs with .Mr. ami Mts. Karl Hyde.

I’eail Tompkins «)f Pontiac s|)eni I»arl of last week with Mrs. Thomas WiMitlwiii ih ami other relatives.

.Mr. .tn«i Mts. tSootlrlch were at H. Carter’- «’hrl»tmas,

Mr. Plaford of I.a*nslng s|)ent • ’hrlstma"* with his brother. Deo Mlg- f*)ril.

Kail .Stone anti .Miss Hell Wlnfleltl ' iilleil at tle.irgp Harvey’s Saturday' e\ ening.

Mr. ami .Mrs, tHln NVootIworth en- tertninetl 41 tompany of relatives .imi frlemls (’hrlstmas.

Mr. ami .Mrs. Luther Stttne enter- tainetl .Mrs. .'•’ears and Will Christ­mas.


Four generations were present at the family Christmas tree at the home «)f W. J. VanVelsor; among the guests were IJoyil I’nderhill anil Mrs. Dilltert .Merrill anil son of I^nsing ami Meuhen VanVelstir ami Mrs. An­na Cntlerhill and little sons of I«alngs- hurg.

Krnest Kemp has movetl •ml*) the Joseph Linton place.

(’harles ami (’lytle .Xrthur ami their families are siM^mling the holiiiav- wlth their patents. .Mr. ami .Mrs. Th«is. Art hur.

It Is re|»orietl that W. J. VanVelsor is going to have n saw mill on hit place this winter.


It is well to begin to make prepara­tions for bird guests at least as early as the middle tif November. In thw first place It takes some time for the news of one’s hospitality to spread among the featheretl folk, ami th- sooner It starts the better. Then, most |)eo|)le prefer to work tiut of il<)ors In November rather than In Decemlwr. Hut January is not lo«i late. It Is very tiesirable that some of the hlnls shoultl le Imluceti to feetl where they may lie ohioTvetl by their hosts.

Denerally s|>eaking. there ate two , kinds *)f hlnls to prepare for—th»)se ' which eat seetl or grain ami those which piefer animal fo»)tl of some ' kind. There Is another class, well representetl hy bluejays. which will eat almost anything, hut no special preiMtiatlons neetl he matle for the birds belonging to It. since they w’lll fare rl>)tousl> on the ftioil set out for the tithers. First of all we will con- sltler the insectivorous hints. Their natural fare is lately* attainable In winter, hut tieef suet will l>e foumi a very go*)d and I'onvenlent substitute for It. .\ll things I’onsitleretl. suet is i

I the l>esl thing I have trleti for this pur|M)se.

If there hap|>en to be trees near the , house, the problem of the bird-feetler j ' Is simple: all he has to do Is to tie the •uet securely to the tiunkM ami prom- :

; inent branches ami await the arrival ; > of his guests. It there are no trees. : I he shoiiltl go out into the wtMids uml I cut liown ns large a tleatl one as he I <'an handle, ami set it In the gtoumi exat lly* where he wants it. sapling

I will answ’er, but a larger tres- is more interesting.

j Foi the seetl eating filnis It Is well to have a variety tif fttotl. .Mixeti blnl seetl Is excellent for the smaller hints. . iiut to it shoultl be uiiileti «uch things

' as ttals. w’heal. buckwheat, corn ami sunAower seetls. If there are no cats

■ In the neighitorhootl. the best place to s<'atter the seetl Is tin the grountl. ^

: w'here seetl-eating birds usually* get ' their fiMitl. First of all. however, the snow should lie clearetl H%vay: other-

1 w'lge the foot! is liable to sink in out , ; of sight; and bealdea. it is very tllffl- ^ cult for small birds to get alM>ut tm foot in soft, deep snow. If there are | cats about, the fnotl may be plat'eil on shallow frays or tin (tans, which may l)e set on posts or fasteneil to the trunks ami branches «)f trees,—From Krnesi Haroltl Haynes’s “Keeping

, ’ftpen Hf)uae’ for the Hird*’’ in Jan­uary Hi. Nicholas.

Delbert Cobkltn. a olobe nuuwn oi Laiaelaff, 1# yomru oi affs. eras shoi In tola i>«m home laoc ’nittradny at mid- algkt. Hla brother. Melvin Conklin, le In the city jell etcoaed by the wid­ow of the murdered men of having done the ohooilng.

Melvin Conklin efterwerde attempt­ed to cut hla own throat In hie cell el Ite dty jell. ’The wounds were In- Hlrtod with a pleee of broken coffee cup end made quite a geeh In hla tliraet. He eleo attempted to rut the erterloa In hla left wrist.

’Tim weenon with which the killing of hie brother wee done wee a doubJe- bnrreled ehotgun. One charge lore away a portion of Delbert Conklin’s arm. a aocoad struck him In the ehoulder end the third entered hla eMe end nearly disemboweled him. Only a short space of time elapsed be­tween the shots, although the gun was reloadeil. and three empty shells were found.

I’ptm receiving hla liralh wounds Ctinkifn called t»n hla wife to run to a nelghb«)r’s. and as she was croaelng the street she tieclares a shot was Ared at her. •me of the shot entering her elb«>H'.

\Vh«*u the officers, wh < were sum- mon**tt by the wife of the murdered man arrivnl they foaml Melvin Conk­lin. fully dre-Mctl. lying apparently a«’)»*p on a bed in a vacant htiuse re. r y. Cpon being rt)uteti out he im- iiirtliately* iapsetl Into silenie and up- IMiient unconsciousness.

For five hours he lay on the Aoor at the city jail ami feigned uncon- sc'iousneiMi. hut at breakfast time he Woke up anti asked how he came in jail. He ileclines to tulH of the crime ami assumes Ignorance of It. He Is a ))f a low tlegree .tf inieiligeme. He often tiuarreletl with his brother, who hull been warnetl iiy* relatives that harm woultl come (o him.

.Mrs. Conklin >utys that -he wu^ arouseil about mitinighi by a noise at the back tloor. .‘4he awakeneil her husbuntl. who went tiut anti almost immetlialely* a shot was flret*. Her husband, hurribly woumletl in the arm 1‘aine running into the house, crying that he hat! Iieen shot. He was fol- ioued by his brother, who Aretl the seconii anti fatal shot, coolly* reloatling his gun. which was Mtill smoking when .Mrs. Conklin Metl from the house.

The ('onklins are not hish in the social scale. The family* lives at the extereme west eml of the city, the brother who illil the shooting resltllng with his father a little apart from the house Ilf the murtleretl man. A y*oung- er brother is serving a sentence in the Detroit house of correction.

it 1* n*»w claimetl that the bnithers were lovers of the same woman anti that l)Htl hlooti hail existetl Itetween them Mince the marriage of l»e|berf. The men hail hail numerous en- ct)unter«*.

A <«re«l tiutsifle ICetHecly..Most pains are of loi'al origin—a

“crick” In the back, u twinge tif rheu­matism. a soreness all over arising from a cold—are all curetl by* out- slde applicatitms. The t|uickeat. saf­est. anti most certain met hot] is All- cock’s Plaster, known the wtirld over as a universal remetly for pain. They* never fail, they* act promptly*, they are clean .'intl cheap. You can go right on with your work while the healing process gties on. Sixty* years’ use has given (hem a great repiitu

Lflt IffItht **AERMJ-f

TOR** wlmdmm b«irii«t. By^

md gWag ths

third of a tani. a mm md un- fact wmrim mtfmt tor thtdMftiff

Tbit it oat of tht iMtoos why, in tht.prttem remoYabie arms thit carry tha darfta, with tha babbit cast aoiid in tham, we have SIX, TO EIGHT TUIES THE WEARING QUAUTIES POUND IN ANY OTHER MAKE OF WINDMILL.

There are other pointa of superiority, too. which we can

Don't hoy a windmill without sating and investieating the "AERMOTOR," which embodies every advantage, and every modem idea, in windmill constiuction.


Thc»policy ol this store has been in the past xind will be in the future to give one and all the best gntceries ob.

tiiinable nt the lowest pos- sible price, quality of the

^ goods c Hisideref). We give S our eiistoiners the benefit ofTb kit

OMHES « III Liwitl


tt xin ex|K*ri buyer whose aim * it wxisuiid is to Secure goods I that we cjin recommend to tt friends and custfimers ns l>e- t ing (ivholesome, Iresli and I the best of their kind. The tt treatment \ ou receivent our

store is courteous, our deliv- eries prompt by our own wagon and you can do nothing to secure more happiness, health hiuI pros|Hritv for the coming year than to bu}* your grocerii s of

A. G. St Jolma, Midi.


WhatMplig Dm

For iIn* IfunMii BcKly in Hcwltli ami Dlsmsf*.

.% 'TlMMitsiml DollarH Wiirfli tifA. H. Thurncn, a well knt)wn dial

•ifierapir of Huffalt). <>.. wlrtew: “I have been affilctetl with klilney* ami anti lilaiiiler trouble for yearn pane- ing gravel ami nionen with excruclal- ing iialn. I got no relief from metll-

' cine until I liegan taking Foley ’n Kltl- ne> (’ure, then the reMuIi wa» nur- Dilxing. A few tioMe- «lartetl the brick tluat llk^ Ane xione-* ami now I have no pain acroni* my* kItineyM anti I feel like a ne%v man. It ban ibme me li.rtaa worth <^)f gootl.” f«’olti hy

' all •irugginta of St. Johnn.

It Deem- a pity that the Thaw t-a^e In going tt) hob up ami keep Tip At- w*f)ofl anti hi)i leglnlature off the Arat |»age right in the IntereMting part of the fteanlDn.

A—asie^ film RHO*

hrtkim for 1907 place tUt one:

"To insure agiuDSt error of judgment or misplaced confi­dence when wanting to enjoy a good smoke, I will place be-


Ann Arbor in going to ask the ieg- Inlature to tinker with Itn city* charter. Kvitlenily Ann Arbor rttienn't care what hapftenf to it Mime Wetlemeyer can’t be f'ongi ennman.

The Michigan ttale grange iltteMn’t want any* free Meetln from the con- gren«men. Munt he the grange wantn the cttngrennmen to Junt nit aroumi look pleanant ami ilraw their .Halarien.

Noililng lu Try.

The mention of Mulphur will recall to many of us the early days when our mothers ami grandmothers gave us our daily ilose of sulphur and mo­lasses every spring and fall.

It was the universal spring and fall ’’blood purlAer.” tonic and cure-all. and. mind you. this old-fashioned remedy* was not without merit.

The Idea was good, hut the reme­dy was crude and unpalatable, and a large i|uantlty had to be take to get any effect.

Nowadays we get all the teneAclal effecu of sulphur In a pelbttthie. con- centratetl form, so that a single grain is far more effective than a table- spoonful of the crude sulphur.

In recent years research and experi­ment have proven that the best sul­phur for medicinal uee la that obta­ined from Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold In drug stores under the name of Stuart’s Calcium Wafers. They are small chocolate coated pel­lets and contain the active medicinal principle of sulphur In a highly con­centrated. effective form.

Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur In restoring and maintaining bc^lly vigor and health: sulphur acts directly on the liver and excretory organs and puli- flee and enriches the Mood by the prompt elimination of waste material.

Our grandmothers knew this when they dosed ue with salphar and mo- laaeee ever>’ spring and fail, but the crudity and impurity of ordinary flow­ers of sulphur were often worse than the dleeaes, and canaet oompara with the modem coacentratad iweparaUehe of sulphur, of wMeh Stuart’s Calctwn Wafers la undoubtedly the beat and aaoat widaly naad.

Thay are the nntninl anttdeta tor liver end kidney tronMea and enra conMtpntlon and panrlfy tha Moed in a way that often anrfrtaaa pnttant and phyatelM Mlha.

Dr. R. V. WTOtlna. srtuta asparl- menting with anlfdrar ranMdiaa. aaan found umt tha snlpliiir frans Calcinm waa anpertor to any othar form. Ha anys: “For liver, kidney end bleed tronMea, sapsctnlty whan raanltlng from conatipntinn or melarta. X hnve bean snrprlaad at tha raanlta ehtatnad from Btnnrt’a (SaJetnm WMmfb. In pn- tlents sulNiing from holla and pimplaa and even deap-aantad cnrhnnelaa, I have repeetedly aeon them dry up end disnppeer In fonr or five deys. leaving the skin clear end smooth. Althongh Htuert's Calcinm Wafers Is a proprie­tary article and sold by druggists and for that rsaeen tabooed by many physicteaa, yet I hnow of nothing so safe and reliable for censtlpetlon. liv­er and kidney trouMee and especially In all forms of skin dlseesee ee this remedy.*

At any rate people who are tired of pills, cathartics and so-called blood “purillera” will find In Htnart’s Calci­um Wafers, a far safer, more palate- Me and effective preperatlon.

Hend your name and address to­day for a free trial package and see for yourself.

r. A. Httmrt Co.. B7 gtuart Bldg.. Marshall


TIDNH tIF THK MT.\'n*: (1R.%N<1F.Folliiwing i- a partial ILt of the

renttlullone anti queellone fH«|>«iMeil of hy the .'tiair* (irange at Iheir meeting In Drantl Haplile last week:

I>enouniet| (he uee of money in -enatoiial ele< done. ilemantietl an Often ballot in the coming eenatorial i-aucue anti urged the ilirect nomlna- lion ami elet tlon of I’nifetl .Statee iten- Htore.

Intloreeil the llutleon bill exlentling local option to warde anti tow'nshlpe.

Atloptetl a renolutlon favoring the referendum. Initiative and recall.

Hectimmended that the primary law ehotild )>e eimpllAed ae far ae poeei- ble.

Hefueetl to paee a reettiullon ex­empting mortgagee from taxation.

Favored uniform text bcM>k. but against the etate publishing them.

Asketi combination of farmers’ in­stitutes with teachers’ institutes.

Favorerl parrels post.Declared free seed distribution by

congresamen a graft that «hould be stopped.

I’nred a sparrow bounty law*.Ask for three-cent fares In the up­

per peninsula.Recommended a banking law- that

would make directors personally re­sponsible for all defalcatlona of offi­cers and make It obligatory* for offi­cers to Ale with township or county clerks lleta of secuiitles on which loans are made and correct the same every thirty days.

Indoraed Tonwn's system of regts- terlng land tltlea.

Refnaed to urge election of appoint­ive state oflicera, removal of electrir wtree ou highways and repeal of law* retatlve to taxation of Soo wrater pow- er cuaal.

Opposed to railroad paeess except to employees, denounced demurrage charges and asked for revolution of freight rates throughout the state.

Left the matter of piinttug the state lecturer’s obeervallons to her. but or- : dered the news bulletin discontinued.

Abolished the com contest, holding that (he grange cannot conduct an ex- i pertment station.

i’nred that the legislature enact a law reoulring that all mod taxes shall he paid In money, and als«i urging , that convict labttr be used In crush­ing stone for roads.

I>eplored the fact that fhe alcohol < Is so arrangetl that a farmer cannot make his own alcohol, ami urged ; •Mch las as Is In force In Oermany. j whereby tanks ma% be Inspected be- fore alcohol Is matle.

Hefused to pass a resohiilon urg­ing that growing ilml»er not he laxetl. bill urged Mtate prtitectfon against Are and the administration of state tax lands In su< h a manner as to furn­ish rsw material for woo«l working j luduelriM.

A Willlamston man has matle af- davit that he is a liar. Hut then, some Immortal has saltl that ail men are liars. Ami no titnibt they all are. with the exicption -if the newspaper men.

.\ Fanner In Freeport at t onllng to the Hastings Hanner. went into his henhouse the other morning ami fouml that every occupant of the night before hail skltlooetl. He wns in a re- Aectlve mootl ami was about to step out of the c«M)p with ilowncast eyes ami discouragement. The ilow*nrast eyes, though, were Just the thing for the occasion, for h\ them he tllscover- ed a pockcttM)ok lying «in the floor of the coop ami it was fouml tt> contain ISO In money and |)a|>ers that Imllra- letl who the owner Is. If some one hail not stolen it from him ami tlrop- l»et| It where it was ftiuml. The farm­er is w’altlng for the owner to call for It. when explanations as t«> ho%v It came where It wns fouml will l»e In onler, ami it will be mighty Interest­ing for somebody, (im)


kDOwiac full well, by exper­ience. that the comfort I receive thereby will exceed tbet re­ceived from any other dger fold in St. Johns."

CON STEPHAN.Jmv oI High Gf de Cigars.

Our Hluek FVmu BnuMKray.The only absolutely Are-proof

hotel below S2d street. Moder­ate prtcea and all modem con­veniences. Including telephone In every room. Location central, yet tiulet. Rooms from tl.OO per day up. 100 rooms with private bath, 12,00 per day up.

We serve Club llreakfasts and meals at Axed prices. The test Hotel value In New York Clty^ Semi fur (•aide of Nex» \«rrk City. #


OR.tar Owar ID


ig II liTlMPlitatai g paftal MHMat.

ID* ROMl taw h iki sSSImSm! ■Twseii


EVERY DAYYou Can He Tickled to sattsCactlon

With Your

RiflBBF M*

LmIPerhaps you may want to board with ua We have alee rooms ttet are clean, speelal prteee by ibe week.

We wish you a teppy and prosper pus New Year.

And pteaee your appetite toy eating with Yours truly.

R J. MisrroLintnt Ave. NT. JOHNb


7%0 nmtf Rtaaer tk* reg/yee.^ A.a.aMM

emudu rse' /# resSs/er «CR,0tl—Ml

•fSWUI Mil ilteebIM.

It tette It leabn •to-luMly barmteoeaM

ea years tt bae proted tbe teat ismegy a ObiWben teetblag- yo** aaf

Mga WIItBLHW'N NCNimiNU NYRITPAnn rang gotonegg.




i4oC Only Lower Prices Ikit Improved Quality Abo

If the straijrht-line methods of the National Standsdid no more than to show the reduction in prices which all their cipars do show, the triumph of the idea would be plain enoiieh.But the plan has effected more than mere price-saving—it has given better average quality throughout, a better system of cigar keeping, an invariable uniformity of character—in short, a higher degee of safety to the customer.

The purchaser of a cigar of any one of the thirty exclu­sive National brands takes no chances whatever. He is defi­nitely assured that he is getting

The Beat C^gor Vtdue the Momey Has Eoer Secured

Whatever the pace he pays, it purcliases better tobacco and more of it than the same price has ever Iwught before. He is getting the cigar nearer to the actual cost of production cic^rs ever retailed before the National )lan A^as evolved, l ie is getting a cigar that was made in million lots (thus ensur­ing uniformity), and which came direct from the prvduccr^ thus saving cost.

The drug stores which belong to the combination, display the Natioi^ Cigar Stands' emblem in their windows, and sell from a new, scientific, condition-proving case the following brands, among others:

msasl 'WHite—Seed and Havana; as good as was ever bought at 8 for 25c. • • . •i—Clear Havana; Cuban leaf, 8 for 25c. grade -Tm—The best domestic cigar ever sold at -.••••••

-A first-class domestic cigar, presenting superior u'orkmanshtp ••••••-PI^ —Fine, clear Havana cigar, 10c. quality -

i—Choice clear Havana in maiqfpqpuiar sues at • • • • • • SikM*S9c8


The Kind You Have Always Sought, and whiidi has been in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of

and has been nuulo under hiM per- fional supervision sinee Its infhnr^'. Allow no one to deceive you In this.

All Counterfeits, Imitations and ** Just-as*good ** are but Experiments that trifle with and entlanger the health of InfhnSs and Childten Hsperleiice against Experiment.

What is CASTORIACastovla is a harmless substitute ftar Castor Oil, Pare­goric, l>rops and fleothiag flymps. It is Pleasant. It o«»ntalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareoti'* Miihstanee. Its age is Its guarantee. It dtmtrojn W<imi i and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind <N»lic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the FcmnI, regulates tln^ HtnnuM*h and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Pnnseea The Mother's FrlencL


at** m

CSNUINB CASTORIABewn the Signatmte of


The Kind Ton Hare Alwajs BooghtUse For Over 30 Yeera.In

WE invite you to■piendid Bne of Momaments.

All tlMl cMMtiHH* dee

here svUty. rielwi—e off Soeixs mmtd

focol isoSem worimomeLiii A vidt kore>

will provo all iImI wo cloim

riurdock & Ruth, 3t. Johns, flich.isdwia»sss»s»»#»###sa#»sssw»ssgtNi3mi

(*. Ilriiiiiiirr Ilf |il«ti*«lunil»*f iirt* "I l»> Shfrirr KJlli- on a « hai K«' of k> i iilnt; hi har oprn afttr hour> on I hi- nticht of Novi-mlHT 19. Thi- !»h«*rirf hitiiM-if iiiiiih- Ihi* roin- plaint. .Mt. Ilrtmii)i*r walvi-<l examin­ation .mil Kavi- homlfi for hli< iipp«*ar- an-i‘ In lh«* < Iri nil rourt January ‘Jh. Hi* < lalm^ that thf*tx> no founilntion for thf « harxr.

h »'? H-TIn* I'Nmit'r-*' to h<* IN-Itl in

A.-hlev. Jnnuarv x. will <|ouhtli'Mi« lx*thi- . pnti-i' of attrartlon for all proa-

j faimi-r.- In that p.«rt of th«»j 'oiint\ M♦•Nll^^•- thi- loi al talr-nt work-

I .1 Into till- proffram. tuo aihlre^-e- j will Iw alvi-n h> W. T H.4Vi*n. of• Miooklxn Hi- Ir- ^•mplo\••^l hy th«*, i.iti- for thin W'irk. .iml a hi- topl»'-= j ari pi I i.illx uili-il to thta Im ality It■ \\lll III- \\ ii th u hill* to h4*ar himI #

\n liii|MirlMiil t%n-> liHiMlf*<lI iliiwn h\ thr -upr»‘mt* t-oiirt recrntly I In favor of thi- i-lty in th<* rai.#* of ! ih«‘ rit) of Alma vji. Frank t'low. Th«*; < a.i* ha>« l»#i«»n In thi- t-oiirfe for ov^r j two y<iat».. NVatly tso year" uao an \ orillnanrr wan pa>*M-il Impoeina a tax {on all iwilillera ami huik^t^ra. (*|n\v i refu^il to pay tin- tax .-im! \va- arr«*»t- j eil anil ronvirtpil In every appeal I the cltN «a^ Riven the illaclalon j flow |>! an lisent for the Uraml I’n- ! Ion Ten rom|»sn>. The < 'tmpany I • latmeil that aa Itn Saxlnaw ofTIre had i pahl the atate a tax a municipal tax ! i-otilil not )»e levied.I « « #I TIm* t'siininx <'i>. <’anne<l1 ITTi.Oon ( anv of tomatoefi In lia ttwoa- j rUt factory and IJO.tOO In lia Pewamo fartory durlnx the leaeon Juat «-|naed.

j The averaae price paid xrowera |>er I a, rt- vvaa l&O. One farmer drew lilO

for two ai-rea of tnmatoea. The f»wo,- ! ‘o factory will double It, capacityj next ,ieas-»n' llai'iHi. a liaHwr who c«m-

I' durieil .1 shop at f1a,lett Park laat jiaummer. was arrested al Perry on a I « haree of xrand larcenv. The com-* plaint wur made hy Hiram Hammond I of Meridian township who « harsefi i j Itaron with ■t«^Mllns hls f>oi-kett>ook

iinialninir HIT 'me day last aprinitwhile h-^^' '.^as Iwlnir shaved h% the otinx man.

lit,• on w-??p pul In the ‘'wwt l*oxand I onfesje-d that lie had "tolenHtimm^md'- pot-ket iwtok hut ilenle^Ihef It • onlalned HIT. .i* hi itjl> Rot, innli -

t lUi' i.-st •'iiniMii > l; M ftahhiti h * I 'fT iu» I- ■* Ri neril .«i Ha*

s i I’r rt- h'^>l In ortfT; ^ -tolertf- 1 ht fi .lod - itieHett tha's;, n » 5- .I'^O ? t h ll!';i onaiih n*> < on»plafnt \ «” t hats heapmade iRatnat the >oun« man for this



K. .\. Iloiilcn of laiii-lii}* liN- follow •• •i thi f-xamt •»! F V\ Iteilfeni ..i .Mapli ICapid- and ha- i* iKiied ftoiii the exi-tutUt (••inmilit* .»f tin .-ttot tilatlR* HI phi •- will It* tuieil ll> .Mil 't« i Hoftofl who will h' le.ifCl l Im h.K ki-d !•> I • ■ iti rti It I • • In full

< > il with hi: liie.i .1- to th« Ro^-• rnm« nt oi ih« order and th* iii.ir..i»;i • mi-ni of It hu-lm r. .ifftilt »

• • •

\ IniIii wt«. leri on tin* Inoil |Mtri liof i*o«a< H:■^not■^ fiirm hou-^* In I' t-i- oM. litnht lounlx. n lent lx Th. h**U’. I? oo'iiplt-d lix Alfii-'l t dtli Th«wonn-n -d the hou^• \x«-i« working in the hiii k pall iind km-xx iioihltiR 'd thi- Visllot Tilt- < hlld |r^ .iIhiIII thief XX ei'k I* idil. ji hoy. .iiid vx.ir- at rompa. tiled hx ixxo ilre-*.eH ami a nur^inR Im>i- th Ther. l.s n.» « lexx to‘ the p.ii. nl;

# # *■.Imiiii*^ V|i-i.rf*Hiior. ^•Hrr*l•r on mini*

•N’o. 2. .Summ-r. had an i*xpeiien<f one day last xxeexx, of the t>pe thill li-iiVi*.^ a la^llnR lmpri*"^h»n. He xva»* iniikinR the trip us usual. ilrlviuR ti pair of• olts. amt xvhen near the ••p.tllyxx..r” scho.tl house they he. ami- frlKhtetieil Ah thi- Htarted to run the m-<kxoki* hroke. leitinR the tonRUe drop to the Rrotind. and iit-rordlnR to .\lt .M«- tJreanor’H ?;tor>. the next )|uarli‘l <d a mile XXil.*. traveled »omelhinK in th»* style of it roller coaster. Finallx the lonRui* hr«»ki* ami In the next few - onds the hiiRRx xvas redm ei] to kind- llriR xvo.nl NVIth the dem.dlshluR of the huRKV I ompleteii. the team lan a < on^ideralde illstunee iind flnall> l»e-• Htne enianRli'd around a ^tump andxvalled for their driver, xvh.. tii< klfx had esfiiiied xxlih a fexx hrul^e and ii Rood nhakiUR up. •

« « #(f. .\. I-Imiiii. of \<’W IIhvi'Ii. ilh-tl

I»e<-emf»er .*3. Hi* had )»een III for >earr^. but not seriously sp-k until about three weeks l>efore Ate dle,|. He wail lM»rn In Wayne rounix. .\* Y..July IT. 1x42. He i-ame with hls parents to I.>ons. Ionia .-oiintx in lit. 44 and to North Hhaiii* in 1h54. IIi- XXH> married In July 19(2, to I..ouw-ana .dheppard. To them were lairn six children, now survtvInR: .Mr*: N. N. Nevins of Arrada. Jay Isham of Sum­ner: Ira Isham. t*hance. Idaho; John Isham. Iielroli; Mrs. (teorae frlp|>en. Toledo, and .Mrs KuRene ItenInRhaus- en. of firand Itnpids Mrs Isham died ten years aRo. .Seven years aRo Mr. Isham was marrletl > Klhi Hrillhart.

Hr- xvas an old soldier, k meml»er of K.. 2d Mlrhlaan Infantrx also of

the I f» o F. F A A. Al and <i A It• « «

Ur. and Uro. Homer NomoH-r-.. of (’aledonia township. Shiawassee roun- ty. have Rone Into the < .iiirts to pre­vent their helnR turned -lut thex al- leRr practlrally |»ennlles3 Into the I old xvorld The father of .Mr- Som­mers William l»erham Wiini- to iio the turnInR out

.Mr Ilerham. thex :ilh*Ri Iiersiia.led them six years aso to r^imi and live XX Hh him -in hi- ro..,| olRhtx-a>rf f.irm 3 mile s •Miutheast of f»x^.*««*. Thex XX. re f.* Ret a half Interest in i h« plai e th'-x - lalm and xxith that iind*-i •‘land­ing XX.irked hard .iml -im-ii* th.-li m-.n- ■ to keep the farm up Hr -entlx nexx f-uiUllns- Ifti hidina a li-'u*i .not h/irn 'II I; ff*-'tf.l '.n thi* phii r \xhi< h l«n..’x w.xrth Th« S».mmeises. lilrn fh.-x pul up hair thr . »hel*ui'..lnR- N<!xx Iif-rhJ'm h *• luxi-. J them !«• v>-a;r fhex sax ui*! ih*-xpromise.1 .‘<iulix In the farm -.r a cash e«iulvalent

demUe lo In* tHth hi* Hmh- Hy. who hava Rona to the Pacific ri>aat iMH-auaa two of hla tlauRhtars ara be­lieved to be ill with tubarculosta. Frank Al. Hurbank of Ionia will not iiuallfy for a sei-ond term as prosai ul- ItiR ailorne> JMnuar> 1.

He has been advised that one UauRh- ler Is sariousl> III ami he rIvi-s up hls public |M»altion to Im* near her. Judge l>avls of the i-lnult «-ourt xvlll ilaclare the ofhi-e VMi-ant and ap|N»lnt a sureea- ior

■ff mt irFli»|cl llurR«‘Ms., aRt-4l Jl >i*«r«*. u un-

j arrest at ttwosso on a cuiri- of fnr- ' Rery. It was hls first attempt and he I dill a ver> buiiRlitiR Job. Hi- forced I name to ihrei- • hei ks on the t’ltlxeris I .SavIriRs Hank and Rot HO on one i»f

them When the i-hei-k wa.- present- ; ed to the hank the foiRery was evi­dent and the arrest of the young man followed Frliia.x night. <»n hls pers«>ii were found two other rhei-ks whlrh he had Hot yet attempted to cash. He XX HI Im* dealt with "eveiely.

if-TIh* urrMiiR«*tiM*iiiK for iIm* aiiiiual

! hani|Ui-t of the (iridlex Hepuhlb-aii ; • liih of Ionia .'lie umlei wa) Tin- i-oiii- i iiilttee on peiikers. of whil II .Maj. A.

I* I.o.imlr Is ehairmaii, hu -e.-uieil , Kliio Sul Inul. the Japanese student ■ iit .\nn Ailnir. iind Is als.. after Sen-

.il.M I^iFolletti' Till- iittemlam I-pi*.inis«- lo bi- larRi- T.i meet the eiiii-l Ri*neX the -eeretiirx . Frederl- k Kbbl. iiniioum eii that he had ^e. eured

; it new store seating two thousand in : xxhbh |.i h«*lil the .iffli Tin ihite 1;' the first Friday in Feliruurx

« # #’*<•0 Imuim* lo .xoiir ili*ui' olil iiioiImt.

i inl xvhen -01- inr.ixx- het .inns .iIm.iii X.iJ tell iiel that XOII inlellli to live all holiest life ” *

This XX its the .tdvi e Riven FURem Hoiiloii. foiRer, bx .ItlilRe flowiiid WIe-t ,ii I-ansiiiR. xvho liberated the x.iiinK man. Hi plaeed him under fouileen xears’ pldhalioii iind eXUited 4I promts** that he should refrain fr.iin th« Use .if rlgareltes.

Houtot), who 1; twenl.x’-1hi•-♦- years old. foi Ri'il a Iteo pax < het-k to di*fra> the expenses of his XVeddillR trip lastiirnmer

if if h ,TIm* i*X(*<'iittti* isiiiinilii**4’ of iIm*

.Stale (ii'iinRe In "e.^sioii at I-atislitR last week, ilei'ided to insliui't the ICRls- lative rommlltee of the order to make ! a s|»ei-|Hl effort to set un* the enaet- j meni of il staiewiile primary election taw compulsory on all (Hilltical parties, and thi- passage of a law prov'lillng for a non-partisan t onstitutlonal l onven-| tion of delegates to Ih- electeii iind not iippointed.

FfTorls to promote the direct legis­lation firoRram of the firanRe will al­so lie made. The committee will con­centrate Its XV.irk on the three measur­es referred to and ho|ies to secure their enactment.

All the memliers of the i-.iinmlltee except one xxere present this eveninK. .Master piesldlng.

The matter of upp.ilntinK xvHI Im* taken up liefore the e coniludes Its meeting.

# « #TIn* raiM* of William .Aiulrv

mer egg and |M»ullry dealer of firand Ledge. Is now In the bankruptcy court at (Irand Haptds. He xvent Into the business In April last and xvas declar­ed a bankrupt In June, Aci-ordlng to the showInR In court hls Indebtednes.- I is $42,000 iind his assets aleiut half that amount In the Il.**t of creditors there are all kinds of relatives—falh- | er. wife. brothers. mother-ln-laxx, hrothers-ln-laxx. iind their claims ag- gregiite |*.‘.ooo. During the time he XXa.- In husines.s hi- .*ihlf»i>ed 27 « arb.ads of egg.*- iind butter, iind .at .me time hail on ileposit In Nexx York banks Ilft.Ooo. ami this the receiver In bank­ruptcy expects to have f.»r the benefit -.f < redlt..rs. Then- Is ii large number ..f creiIlto|-*< ^..^ttered through .several t.ites hut princlpiillx In .Mb hlgan

t »hl.. iind Imlbimi. form the large ma- »..rltx of xxh.im he bought pr.idiic. .\ndl«- hiid ..ffet.-d to -ettb for 2 T. « ent- on ji ib.Ibir and .--ome had agreed to It

ff x-nx-r-

mSt-tn Ass 1

ImoM Amt if Amy


iLsion h Amtfwom k.

upfratful babgr

Id and

Food innmUp

And It

fotm for

and poor.

083 and ncALL DRUaOISTSi 50o. AND ai.OCL

('ljis«nM»ni llunMir.A teacfier In an east side school

was Riving it less.m in nature study a few days ago. .dhe told her pupils that FngllslT sparroxvs xvere brought to this country to tiestroy worms, xvhlch had done so much damage to trees and growing plants. .She ex­plained that while it seemed cruel for the sparrows to eat the worms, yet it xvas a necessity In order to preserve the trees and floxvers. Wishing to test the scholars' knoxviedgi* of the sph- Ject. she asked:

"Now. which would you rather have, the worms or the sparrows?"

.*4Hence reigneti for u moment and then one of the little ones answered:

"Please, teai’her, I have never had the sparrows."—Sew York Telegram.

What's all this hollering alsiut the l ar shortage in Allchigan for. anyhow? The folks that are putting up the yell must be off their noodles. The cars arxf not shorter, hut are longer than ever be^re. We can well rememlM*r some years ago when the I*umpkln Vine railroad first began operating passenger train.** through hen*, txven- ty years ago, the cars xxen* only fxxen- ty feet long. Noxx they are fifty or sixty and will seat a hundred (lersons easily. <*ar shortage, hoshi—Htevens- vHli- Vigilant.


I In* for-

"1 have iM-en somewhat costive, but Doan's Hegulets gave Just the results desired. They act mildly and regulate the boxvels perfectly."—fJeorge H. Krause. 30ft Walnut Ave., Altoona. Pennsylvania.

Kvery railroad other railroad man time.

man says every has a mighty easy

# #if flnroHii*>i .'\ii4*rT pkciplk. ## #hhififififififififififififififlf

IhMir Hill.Awell known literary man. who

ha b»-en spending several weeks at hls old home In the country, tells of a conversation xvhlch he ov'erheard l>e- txxeen two native.. An aiiuaintance of theirs had Just (tassed In thr street and the following comment was heard hy the visitor:

"There goes Hill Daxvkins." Then u meditative pause. "Mill ain't the man he used to be."

"No—an' he never xvas."—l..<jndon TIt-HIts.

It's a pleasure lo tell our readers alsiut a Cough Cure like Dr. .Shoop's. For years Dr. Shoop has fought against the use .»f opium. Chloroform, or other unsafe ingredients i-ommon- ly found In Cough remedies. Dr. .*4hoop. It seems has welcomed the Pure Food and Drug Law* recently enacted, for he has worked along sim­ilar lines many years. For nearly 20 years I>r. .Shoop's Cough Cure con­tainers have had a warning printed on them against Opium and other nar­cotic |>olsons. He has thus made It {Hisslble for mothers to protect their children hy simply Insisting on hav­ing Dr. Shoop's i’ough .Sure. .S*dd by all dealers.

Kvery father argues that because the baby Is hls Is no reason why he should enjoy caring for It when It cries.

'Hm* lllclit Naim*.August SherfM*. the popular ov- of the fxMir. at For Madison, says: "Dr, King's Nexv Lifeare rightly named: they act agreeably, do more good and one feel better than any <*ther

laxative." (luaranteed to cure bilious­ness and constifiation. 2.^c at the ilrug stores of J. T. .Mlllman and c. K. VanSIckle.



Inebriated congres^iman said toH«»raic tJreelex' oni* dax' self-made man." "Then the phllosophli al Ibirai < relieves the .-Mmighty of sponslblllty."

"1 am a sir." replied *. "the fact a great re-

II lh»- ma.i'Oitx • tall gM xviih

ifPi-icr .Ic'-tcr.

1.- in fjiX'*ithe hide 'if if

of l(ll•*ll

■ if "b tting

llIXX ll*>llip.Slii.ixx.1;-,*-.. • <ointx i- unde: ImimiI- t<* k* «-p til* pt-ai ♦- .iiid .ill Im .Ills* h* pt<<mi^«d f«* loiMi h the far* ..t D*--piiix .sii. riff WlPiin Horn of H« ndi r- -••n

«*n .M'ind.ix Horn \x« nt to .1.-i. i larm to -.-rxe .i warrant on foi

p^ptaiilting hi** aged father Wh*‘n tin .fill e» made knoxvn lii> errand IN'ter

.;~.uied lilm ill- vx.i- ri'it re.idx to Im ,irre-^l»-d .ind that it xx<»uld Im* lietter f.o- tile otTl. el to get lnt«i till- road -mi­nx iilx and « oim liaek ‘in Wedne**ilax Thx- oftleer oi»ex i-d

On Wi*dne!«dax lie put in an ap- |xearane«- .'vgain. I»ut Peter bai kx-d him • iff the farm and |•emarkx*d

"Voiir term of oftlee xx HI ♦*x|»ii« In Just -l\ days, after whb h I am go­ing to i.ikx- a- hlg piini'h at your fan e ’

Hoxxx'xer. Jester xxai:- In court Wed- nrsilaix to ainsxxer to th** aissault charge All. Horn thought the t>er- hap** Jx-ster xxoiibl » arrx out hls Ihreait and beat him up s*imeilme. so he ask- eal and let elveij at xvarraxnt for Jester on the charge of iher.'xtening to ai.*- sault.

.Munb'ipaii Coiistithb John .Martin drove doxxn aind brought th*- man tia» k. He is ai large man and Horn Is uomexvhat porilonabb* foi featiing him. a. he looks like a bruiser. He paid the cost of the ^iiit iind gave l>onn^ to keep the peace.

lll-TlmiHl..\n old man In th*- ba<kxxo.,^|^ of

.Michigan lost hls xvlfe. a must iimtable I iind respectable xvoniiin. About a month later, nothxx Ithstamling the aige

I of the widower he married ai young • iind gbidx gli I Thi* neighbors, who I hail gieiit resfie* t for hls departe.l

*p.»ii*M were v**rx indignant .*<*> the night of the xx**ddlng fe-llviLle- .i trowd gailh*-red from all t>*dnt- men. wom**n md ehlldren 'Thex- carrieil titi piin- kettles, horn.- jind ui it late h-oii b*-giin -111 h ii din a- xv.is never he;ird b**for» Th*- obi iiiiin stt».Ml it ;i‘ long a* in « <»uld. hut llniil x ihrx'W th* dowi open and xxiiving lii.- hand for -Hence, -aid 'It'- -ham* for xoiing folk- to mak*- siicli ii racket round here .soon iifler ;» funeral

\’e| X entered Nexx Y«

Hciuriii'il Wlili liHi*n*s|..\ xoung man iind a xoiing xxoman

leiin over tlie front gate Thex ;ire biver.- It Is moonlight. He Is loth 1*1 leavi as the parting Is the last. He Is about to go axxax .Sh* Is reluetant to sex* him depart. They sxving on the gate "I'll never forget you." h*- says."and If dx*atli should claim m*- my laait thought xvlll Im* of you." "I’ll Ih* true to xoii." she sobs. "Ill never .see anxiMxdy els** or love another a> long

I live" They part. Six years later h* returns. Hls sxveetheart of former xears has mairrled. They meet ait a partx She has changed greatlx . I»e- iween the dances the recognition takes place. "I..et me see.” she muse.s, with her fan lieaitlng ai tntloon on he? pret­ty hand, "xvais It you i»r your Iwother xx'ho was my •»lil sxveetheart?" "Iteally. J aill dax I don’t know." he says Prolialdy it ; Is Just was mx father."

\itolii«*r "Tliail" .sieteii*. .\ii«*<*«lol<*.One XX Inter, xvhen Thaildeus Stev­

ens had come hack taa hls Vermont home hx- xvas victim of a hard cold iiml could not leave the house for manx xveeks. t >ne of his •-allers xvas the iati- Lexx Is "lark, ii man of short siatur**. and who in earlier days had liex*n ai playmate of the "Old (''ani- moner” .ind xva- .i neair neighbor of the Steven.** family In th** Peacham Inune Vermonters had Just liegun til x\i*jit- huffalo i-oats. iind Mr. t'lark iirtlv#*ii iit the .'<tevens home almost liis? in il co.'ii which reached to the giiiiind. Hls upturned c•dlar »-<im- pb’telx .iixered Ills enr.s iind fcce. xxhlle il fur cap • <impleted hi*- illr:- gllis*

"I* thiit you. Ia*xxi ?" :->ked Mr. .*<tex*-n- In iin ini redub*u- ton<-

"Y**s Thiiil ‘ he replied "Well, -kin yoiii'self and -!t ibixx-n."

•*\tliiimi*d the other.During the interesting i iinversatlon

xvhli h followfd. Air. ■’bark asked .‘<t**ven.- If he xx<iuldn't < <im»* hack to th*- Vermont Imm** and live

"No" replleil Slexen.=. "Yiiu have but two season- hen*—xvinter and laic In thx* fall "

.\ Ih'iMlcittcareful was a telegraph

irk. iind sent

\\iMN*r.th»- farmer xvho oftlci* In central this message to

a xvoman In "anada: "Will you be mx wife" Please ansxver at once by telegram ?” Then he sat doxvn and XXailed. No ansxver came. He waited till late In the evening, .still no ans­wer. Karly the next morning he came In iigaln iind xvas handed a dispatch— an afflrmative reply. The tiperaior expressed Ills sympath>. "Twas rough to keep \*x>u so long In sus- |iense,” "IsMik here, young feller." said the farmer "I’ll stand the siis- |iens«*. A wximan that'll hob! l»ack her answer t«i a piopiisnl of marriage

so as to semi H by night rates the eionomb’al woman I’ve

b**en xvaiting for."



I the Bost debilitating oovgh a nMftal wm evar afflicted with, and my frttnde •a^srts^tliat when I left my bed it woald aarely be for my grave. Oar doctor prooomiced my com foible, Imt thenkg be to Ood, four botUee of Dr. King^V Hew DIecovery coiad me eo oomplecely that I am eU Kmnd and well__MRS. BVA UNCAPHBR, Orovertown, Ind.




ofijicr v miWllJ. Ill*: THK NKW IM'HCMIL

lirilJll.NCi AT «IVII>.

Mcr i* (’Irarrd. <'<»ntni<-i H«» Helir« mimI lnirti«»r FllllaMr>» ll««f


Thr butldinK of thf m-w »f4uH»l boUM- 1» t»eJn»c forward lo withmu4 h Intel fat hv ♦'*u h t»vld citlien. Durlna th*- winter month*, a** we allknow. It \n in»i”*^’^ll’'*' a'l\an*« th*- work <»f It* futun -.n.^ti urtlon. All the wretkaae the Inirned hulldInKha* i*een reino>e<i tml only the bare •tte .ind • »e. neil bri k are there to bespeak iht- iioi*ence of th«’ vlll.;*;’achotd •bulldins.

Not oni> the bu»lne»j* poition^ «ifOvid .ire wiltlnif for -prlna when the wi^rKnu'ii will able to ••ommencetheir labor*, but the *ehool Kiris and bov' a* well. Sundry remark* made by them, hav** l>een everheard. which would leatl one to think that they will be much jdeaeed when the new < »vl«l *-hool will “land Himpleted. It I* not that the m'hool children .»re dlstMill*- tied with the t»re*ent quarter* forthe> ^<*uld naturally .••uffer many In* n>n\♦nlvnce*. rather than .»urpen<l the Interestlnis rs hool duties even for •hort lenirth td time. The senior.*lament that they will be unable to enter the new school a* pupil*, that 1*. If th«-> araduate this* year. If they do n«d. th»it I* 'till *‘oin.- hopt- thiit the > lU'I •►hed de:«ire will be Iflven them.

Tht new hool hoU*e win b«- one whl'h .1 much lartfei to*vn than «'vid miaht -how with a thrill of pride, to etranaer^ In It- vl«'lnlt\ It would le lmI.o^»lbi* to Jllid In ihi* “tJite ofMb hlann . j. . .to i .u m«»r* ■ ..mint*- dlou >i.ii«link: than the p|o.|,e tl\* one will pfoV*- to b*

me tlrn ai£o the -ontta ? for th* th‘ ». hooi « con^trui tlon wa* let »o 1*0 e Itio- of .Ml. I'leapani. ‘ »n Jan- u.ir' the bid'i for th* luailnu and plumbtiii: will be Ii« iiiit ,in«l fh*- < "n* tra > . war*l* il

W.ib'Uf* artl* i* - dU* 'll* '••.tt^ ' h»tl* »k* . n*l book' iia\* b*. n alr* .t*l' pur ij • .1 .qnl pi * sai ut )• m* ba\e been tas.eii to k* • i' th*-m i • \t elb-nt on* dlt >u o ii,i» jt Asl. uo! li* n* *>*.»- j % n..i . iin- ' :ii .kir ‘ui nPu'. •

'.ml oit.ii The pUJ'ii' ajo lid e'lt. j ii**artli> into th*li rd ‘o 'h* be>t if •he.i

I in f -iipp-it



OVH» f'HKKHi-: FACTtlKY. j

( The i*hee*e fact<»ry ha* been the M*ene <d two ver> eacitlnK accident* (luiiiiK the past week while the facto* ry wa* beinx furnished with a supply of Ice. ill) Friday mornlnK Han'ey Ituck br*iUKht a load. lUt from Wood* Worth’s iHind. which is southwest of < 'vld. A* it was about noon. Mr. Pin k (let ided until after dinner to un* hiatl the ice. AccoitlInKly he unhitch* e*l hlr team from the heavy waKon. puttlna a llxht busKV In It* place a* a hantller means of < «u)veyanie to hi* home.

It wa^ while returnlna t*» hi* work that he in«'t with tile uicldent. A*. Mr. lltii k leu he«l th** i heese factors

One «d the tia«* * I *■ ame unhooked. The hoi**** weie flightened an«l icreat- ly In* rea****l ih*'li •^■. ee*!. runnlnK dtiwn ilaln :^tie»-i at a furl«*u* pa*e. The lioi “e* bloke l‘»***e fr*»m the vehicle am’. *»ne **f them wa* tauaht Ju*t a* he lea he.l .MiirlH’' pholoKruidi kuI* lei\. The% dbl n*»t *uceee*l In *l**p-

' pliiK the **iher h<»r.*‘e at the .'^ame time. The frlKhtene*! animal wa* hnalli cauKht whet*- he had run uiMin th*- *idewalk In fmnt of Aide'* K«oiei>

' *tore The huXK.i re« elved *ome ilam- a»ce* an«l tan •‘till Im* repalretl. The

!h«*l*e* were <*omewhHt *iraiche»l up. but they wer«* n**t **• !»erlou*ly Injur- e«l aji t*» mak*- It neceaaary ft»i them

'to quit w«irk foi the remaltniei <>f th* da>.

i Th*- **ther at i*lent «lld no! . au*e a* much tle*trui-tlon but wa* tiioi* ter* rlbi*- t«* tile pal 11* Ipaiit.

.\I1 «la\ Frbla.x «*»n*l<Jei-able aiiiioy- • an« *• had been «l\eti by the pulle>

h*>ok that pla-♦-* the 1-, e In the *t*»r* hou**'. an*l whl* h relu**-«l t*» w*irk In the de*>ir*‘*l manner .Vft«r iierf^'im* Inx th* reKular dui> f*»r a )*h**tt time In the morninic th* hook pulle*! out t au*inK ihie* iuiK*- -hunk.*- of b* wIimI) ioK*th*-r weitfli**! ’no pound-*. t*» -Ibb back down the fliut*- «*n whb h lhe\ li.t«l pi*-\lou*l\ b. *-11 iliawn up

.•**1111111* < 1 »* ker. In hi*- w.ixou in whl h oijt . n*l of th* •‘hill*- wa* i. -!- inx. -«-* liiK th*- fl\ inu pi«- *■• of i * iM-ailnx tlo.vn upon him. Jump*-*iov* 1 th* *1*.* of th* w.ix.qi illd ran

j for hi* lit* . lintl -Ml I »*■ k* r 0*1 ie*' pUinttla!. Ill** lex* 'oij.il !i.\« b**-ii I ■ inpb-teb • fu*h* *i

lb—i«le* .b■.•‘tr••> Inx ■ Mi lller whi h la- ailnc it- ili* iK«<r. i. • A.,.^ bioK* n iMi*i III »n' p * .Ih* iiiip.o ’

Tin 111 id. n: .lu-ed 0*1.1.amu** nn n: amoiix the « inp''*\*th* « he* *•• fil' t !l y.

JmmIk HiMlaon was in St. Johns onWsihtAdny.

llAlon Hontor spsnt Tuesday In ht. John* with fiioeda-

Bom to Mr. and Mrs. tleom* Finch racantiy. a dauffhtar.

ilurd Parshlna spent over Sunday ' at his home in Eureka.

Opal Reynolds of dt. Johns spent Tuesday with her Krandmothar.

Mrs. Jack Luckhurst 1* racovarins from a bad atta* k pf bl<K*d jM*laon* Ins.

Hev. F. i’utler «*f Oxford was the suest of Hev. W. F. Hrown on We«l* nesday.

Miss Florence Orubaush went to J<»hns Tuesday to spend the day

with friends.Mr. Hurt Zassl<^helmer of Hastins**

wa* the Kueat of l>r. Ahtiott for a few day* this week.

Mr. and Mr*. L. C*. Cro»* spent New Year's «lay at the home of their son Albert In Owoaso.

Mias Orace Abbott left Tuestlay for VpsilantI where -he will s|»end a few ilavg with friend*.

Mis* Anna .\bbott who ha* been vlsltlnK her parent* returned to Held* ina last Tuesday.

.Mias Viva .Stapleton left Momlay f«»r I>enver. i’**lorHtb». accompanb- 1 by her nurne. Mis* i’arnd.

.\ll**t Mlldre«l Hollaiul r«-(urned i«* l..ansinK on \Vedne*«la> t** * *>1111110* her *ch**ol w*>rk ther**.

.MI*^ (terabllne .Muhane\ oJ <»w.>--- • was In town Tuef>«iay und .Mis** .Mitj**! HlKh went home vvlth her tb e\eii- Inx.

Th*- MU-ee i/arile an*! Lulu i:uske> **f Flint returne*! t«» their Imm*- on Tuemlaj aft«-r >*|»endlnK the ilay In Ovid.

.Mr*. J. A. Haker **f St. John* and .Mr*- William .VutnaiiKher «*f Ithaca vistteil Mr. ami .Mr*-. L. Tucker <»n New Year'* day.

H. K. Hamilton •.|>ent fr*>m Satur- *lay unitl We*lnef‘day In l>etrolt.

.Miss F*ren«‘es I’r**** who has been • julle 111 Is n**w* convaleMclnK.

Air. and -Mr*. «*. K. Ne*l lit are rpendinx the week In N‘»rthvlPe. after which the.v will ko to t’levelan*! where They will mak* their h<>ine ilurtnx the winter n)*)nth».

The .Misses Nina lleebe. I’earl Jill* -oil. Helen \V*Mi«1w'ort h, Litta .Mar* >i)ull aiitl Ib-ulah Jackson r*-lurned t*> Yp;illantl on Tue*tlny t*i **ntlnue their »cho**l .vear.

The .*i‘#uth «ivbl t’oach H**i-e . ..m- |ian> met at th*- hoiu*- *>1 .Ml an<l .Mi* John I\lt»on of South <i\l*l **n New Y*-.ii * da.>. An ov-iei ilinner and -•up* P*M w.-i*- »**rv«-*l. and after th* busl* n»—« of th*- noetlnx I'as i«>mpleied xaril* * \\* ie eiljoyeti. th*- part> ills*

IpeisiiiK at la p.m. I..ist year’' lm*i* Jn*-*' wa \.r\ *at i'Sa.toiw.

Chi with

Ht. Johns. Jan.. 1. 1M7.M|ch.. Jniomiunm,i’ormetAd by Mmw A Bsrs*". John C.

Hichs and John F. Fsrr.WhMit, white and rad.............................f*Oaia ....................................................................t3H>e......................................................4i # Mi'hulea hand plckad Baans ....fl.t#Baana, tUrk rad kldways .............IS.##Banna, light rad kldaaiya.............It.OOOtner baaaa Ic par tw. off for



ilU!<V* ry

0\ IH


W. I. r. ITI’M?*.Tip AV *’ T r Ill* r at th* iioin.

Mr.' i>. F. Oamb**- on Frblay .iff«*r- n«*on. There wa* a t. n xatlieriiix "f menila r* "n thl> o. . asb>n • ..ii.'.iilerinc' th«- disagreeable weather. -Mr- I-. H.Iiaxitct* fr_\«>r<-«l thos*- pr**sent with th*- ^olo "Whi’ie 1.' .My Mo\ T<-n»xht"‘’Ml,'. K. J. I’.irvi* t*-ad si! . \. client paj.* ! -m Th. I»l\..i • l!vi! In th*' ourse ..f till* p.ip.-i «h» r*-markc*l that th. ihi*-*- in..*; notoriou* r^-asoii* for dlvo: ■ « hi.:’, b. *-n foun*l t<i b*- fail­ure •<> -iipport. I r’i*-lty iintl «lrunken- ness. Thes* .ir* th*- citu=*- of so p* i cent, of th* I'.ivoi* e* .it tlu- pr* -a-n: ilni* Flft\ per . ent. *»f thb jiiiiount W.1* dub broiixht jib.'in by diiinkt-n- ne-** .Manx . min* nt i.iwxer**. >b>-t**r.* an»l minl.-t*T* -‘f th* K*>*‘p*-l hay. trie.’In va n ••• fiinl •> r«meib ff>! ?hi’ * vi which niiix I *- oblli* rat*--! *• in* tim* n the fqtui*

The n*-M ni*-* tlnK wti' b* iitM In | tln;< .\ii th* Tf-m|>*i.in* *- liall ou J;tnuar> ll h.iiad*-* This wHi b* ;?n innu.t: !n**‘tlnK xvh*ii rep.irt^ of th* iiasf xeair a ill b. mH*leOfYli.« r^ x'I’l ;iiiM> be « ♦ . t*->l for ; h>

<*minir vck*

>1 *-c^«M lAl.

Til. * 'i *■*' « ni lUb III 1*1 in*' tinx .It th* horn, .>f .Mrs W liter K* bx .Motiditx *-v*-nlnx. Thi- w.t* tin- ,1*! ni*-etlnx h*"ld in th*- •»bl xein ami no t--*pc. ml proxr.tm ha*l b. • n l>ianne<l for th<- «*cc.i*ioii Tii* l.ii!!*-* ha«l fornierl.x .ixree*! to t***-mbl*- .*n*l Juf*; .ipen*! th*' tlm*- In .t '•>' lab!.- xxiix Till, w.i* . .m le.l out bx th. Ill* ml‘-r XX ho .ill ha.I .1 loV.il tlm. This w<l’

dt ll*

1 eni* nib«-ij w*-. xlveii !.j * ’i C-, .-nt • iub

Th** refr«-*hm*-ni.*! x*-.l bsier in th* '-v*

*.in*bvi« h* ollx*’ .. off* .

i Th*- fl«-\t in**tinx .Mr* ,.\ «' iJanliicr11.i rx 1 4th

i .\ ..ojt. n x otiiixI III* rix tjm. .it th*Hamilton ..n Tu.-*.

Ail- •p.’Ilt

jii»-.«.».int fare-ai 1bx the

-.x lib h nlnx •f I i.->l

will b. r, -M.

in^iMt.-I oi=.k.- n!

he’d inilux.

XX Mil Jin-


J.. oj.;. . n1ox*-.l ah«."u« ot bain, h*

....ix .-x*-nMix Th. in plaxlnx x.iiiic*

akiiix .ill lnt«-re-tlnx p.‘i» nt* A.-I. *erx.-.l dm Mix th*th*- iXellllV

NtiTI N.T<» t’f’Hi: A I.V <».\K HAYTake LA.XATIVK UllOMO Quinine Tablet*. DruKfcIct* refund money If It fall* to cure. E. W. fj HOVE’S

V.tei ; ■

HAITI>1Th. 11*11.*! .-Jumla;' *. t \ i-.-

h.-i«l m xt Suiitlay. It. Y b nie*-t ii* U'-iua! n**xt Tu*--ol.ix I’r.tx.'i s«ixi*.* -'ll Thur'‘lax

iisuaiHex Ml Itr-ovn w.t- n St

liiii.ix t.. att. n.l th.- .i-'llnat ;• >n Jax bru.i.-ii

will b. r xvii;

»x *-nlnx cveninx




Our WishTlisttli* New lesrwill lirliix to v<j a a I t bat .-«n «-ome In l be w*x of lieMlth. h*pniti* and prus- |«rtt\ t«i It f'.dle'^t *-xt* nt

That X our .'ollar« and cults xrtil -hoxi- that xviittenesK that allot us Ilk*

That kind of x*«>rk I Hi*- kind that w* will I .rti i>a< k to you the i-oiiiInK year

<iur knowieilx* In wsshlns I* the only renaoti that w* <-1111 *b> isundrv work tlist wtl; Hall«fx you

Yotirs to please all tbro-usb IMT.

4 <lN(.Hi:<. \TM»N Ai. \I’U *S.l:« X J F Fi x*-i xxa* tn «ixxo—o oil

Tu*-»«l.i' pet I..; minx th*- m.iii tax* * •- elii..n\ fo! all - d liuiand fi * ml.

Th*- ;*xiiiai iiiorninx -*1x1**- will be In !d 11* \t .-iun.litx Th* (•astoi xvlll *l»'llver the thlul of th»- «*‘tb-» entltl- *•*1. "Hi-aven” next .Sun*lax * v*-nlnx at vespert® br.syer -o-rvb * ^ a* usual *in Thur*:*b*‘. .-'.‘nlnx.

J. L. STEWARDOvid Laundry

OVIDSnsith Jk hlarr

ONisEvttr>thiog thit yon mad in the bhltert' liow* wt hswe it. and it is the b«C.

Ov IwIivmIwill give you the best short order in the way of a good maal that you may want.

We wish you s very pros­perous New Year.

SiRlil m MmvOVID. lliK3f.

MI.TII<»HI>sT NOTI’S.I In .'^iimiax Th*- usual nioinliix .md

evenlnx -eixi.es will b»- hel.l .Sun«iax- ?«'h**ol at 11 ;?»• Et>xvorfh Lx-.igu* xvlll in*: f u'uai -n Sunday *-xenlnK

The reRuhir pr.iyer meeilnv will hebl i.n Thur?dax evenlnv. Thl.« U a xveek of prayer, th«- meeilnRs • ..ni* men. inx last Tues*lay evenlnR. All ill* invite*! to alien*! an*l enjoy them

.Mvrtle Lemm an*l *l^ter Heita were in «ixvos«<> Friday.

Jax Uo*e of I.«an.3inK ie vUttinK iivitl friends f<»r a short time.

.Miss Nellie WIdeman *if <»wo*»<i “pent Frblay xvlih -Mr**. Hrake.

Mrs Lonveor of .^hepanlavllle •*i>eni Saiurilay with -Mr*. M. An*lerson.

Horn to Mr. and Mr*. Earl Hair*- north of .•^hepardsx’llle, a dauahter, re- ently.

.Mr* Belle Nay of Hancroft .ame Monday to spend a few day* with -Mr*. Harvey.

Mias Lulu Prout went to Detroit Monday where she will visit friend* for a time.

Miss Resale Berry* went to Ionia on Monday to visit friend* and relatlx’es for a week.

Mica Eva Bailey of I.jinalnK spent over Hunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hunter.

Mlse Cecil Hunter went to Lenafna Monday to spend a f#w days after which she .will return to Oberlln Col- le«e.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hyalop and chil­dren who have been spending the week In Haglaaw. returned home on Monday.

Meva Bement returned Monday to her home tn IN. Charles after a week's visit at the home of Mr. sad Mrs. E. N. Walt.

Edna McOllnchsy who haa been the mieet of Mr. and Mra. Frank Comer of Muir , for the paat week, returned home on Monday.

Mr. and Mr*. F W. Redfem and two children left Monday for Maple Hapids where they will spend the re- malntler of the week with friends.

Miss flrac^ Green of Owosso who has been visitina Mrs. K. E. Cowan for the past week left Haturday for Ht. John* where she will be the truest of Mr*. WIdeman.

.Mr, an*l Mr*. Park Merrill an*l two children returned Monday to Ht. John* after spendina the weok at his par* •^onin* h.^me. Mr and Mr*. TreWItt .Merrill

Mis* Alb* ‘'ampbeU who ha* been visitina her parent* went to M«*ni- rose Tue*«lay and her slater Edna re- tuumed with her to epend the re­mainder of the woek in that place.

Corrseted by M. 8. Hunt and 1. T. Hot - ' ton.Cot n 00 oar. per buahal . — t# • 2A jCorn, ahallad ............................ 4S # k#''loxer asad. Jua# and Mammoth M. $7^loxer aaad. Alalko .................. li # I#

LIVE ariticK.Corrected by M. M. Hoeiner A 8on.

Cattle, fatted, per ewt ... .tS O $4.50Calve*, per cwt.......................... ’.$4 O IT ^Hog*, per *-wt ............................ |5 O I#.•theep. {»er cwt .............11.50 O 14.00 |I.utmt>». per cwt ....................... 14 9 IT

HKI.uaiai MEATH.Corrwte*! l>y H. M. H*»erner dt »«>n

Beef, tireseod. cwt ii.OO p 44.64* bork *li*••‘>*••*1. exx t . . . .|T.3*> '•! x.o«iCalx'es. dressed .............IT.5.U to Ik.SOMutton, dressed .... .17.00 9 llAb* Tallow ................................................... S h 4

ij%'E poriyntY.Corre«-te*l by Byron Hanley.

Heavy, fat r*>xvi# ........................ T*s.•^prlnK ‘ hlckens. large fat .. *> •> '*Hens and Chicks. Ilsht..............6 4f T 4Geese, fat ................................................... ^ V*I luck*, fat ................................................. 8 4Turkev*. fat .................................................1-t

HIDES.Corrected by Uyron Hanley and H. M.

Hoemer A Sonilssf HIdas ...................................................... 10Horse hides...................................... 12 to 13x'alf skins, groan ...................................... 11Deacon sklas..................................................liShssp pelts...............................2ic toll.50PRODCCB. VEGETABLES. FRUITS.

Correetetl by A. O. Jones and Parr BrosButter ................................................1» g 20Eas* ................................................... 21 *1 -’2Honey, per pound ................... 11, 12. ISPotatoes, per bushel .............. 40 g 45Apples..................................................35 (I 50Cabbaat-. doz .............................. 40 fl .*>0Hubbard Squashes, cwt .........................75Onions, bushel...............................45 g 75

HAY% SniAM’. WCM>D.Timothy. No. 1 ........................................IllTlmothj*. No. 2 ...................................... lloWood, hard .................................................... 12Wood, soft............................11.25 O 11.50W*M>d. mizsd ...........................................SL50

Cliotgi Tiatfi spi relaUvim la Detroit.

Trumaa Qalhan Is tuMtiog from a stage of rtmumatlMn.

Mrs. Apgiamaa agtertalaed th* U. B. Aid Siifety oa Fildajr.

Mr. and kbu. Bd Clark spent a day or two In Braat last sreok.

Mias Floraaos Oabla la home from Ithaoa to spend th* holldar* wHh her pareute.

Mr. and Mrs. Qeorg* Haynes have oeeo spending a week with friends In Owoepo-

Mrs. Chariss Eckman la apendlng a few days with hsr rslatlrss In St. ChaHe*.

Mra. BAs Hickey la spending a few«leye with her grand**arenta near Chesnaalag.

The W. C. T. U. me*! with Mrs. Elisabeth Smith on We^lnesday Jan-, ua-y 2d.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Williams have been entertaining their *laughter and baby girl from Ow**im»u.

Mr. and Mr*. Ed c|ark entertained Mr. Hn*l Mr*. Jerome Hoover at din- { ner on <'hristmas. |

Mr. Karl Huell wh«> vame home i for Christina* ha^ returned to his | work in Grand Hapid*. 1

Mr. «n*l •Ml'*, c. M. Loyne* enter- I tnine*’ .Mr. an<l Mr*. <5. c beter^ and -om* .It dinner Chiiatma- *lsy.

.Mi> *Je«)rae F'etern en.vrtulned her .Siiiiibix »>• h >*>1 <-la»*. "The Wesleyan*" at h« 1 h«im** *»n Ftitiay evenlna.

.Ml. and .Mr*, .•'nilth Nathaway en- leit.lined u luige *»rn|»any 'if rela- ilv* 1*11*1 friends «in Christmas day.

.Mr. and Mr*. Pearl Haxvyer whf> have tiean visitina relative)! here have returrieil to their h*>me In Detroit.

The .Mlxse* Lulu and I^na Gibson *-ntertulne*i tjuUe a number of their j'ounK friend* at a New Year’s party.

Hev. Hpliert Hlsley will preach In the M. L. ‘-hurrh next .Munilay even- Tna. January Hth. Come out and hear him.

NdiwbTheliTo buy all kinds of Toys andChristmas Goods at Cost!

g AU tfagi wm hgve itft ovtr me gomg at oaat. aod they must be daaad out at onoa. It is never too lata to make gUt§»— they me ahmyt eekome to jroung aod old.

Oor ttoie ia ahenys heertguaTteri tor

Hanvy Wi of AH KindtThe belt that's going, and prices right. Remember we buy butter and eggs at highest market prices; also hides, pehs, furs and tallow. Feathers for sale.



Byron I>anley buys llx*e poultry everx we^ day the year round Full value paid -It all times.

J‘>'**I)hln» blink 1“ filll

Vi tor F. Hrya I* on the

MI-- -I k

LlttIk ; i';.

*■ i'.tbixxin aii*l family returned .\iiiiaii Tluir->l.tx.

•Ml. .111*1 .Mi> J. E. Jayn*’ leturne*! :i<-?n .-ipi iiixi' >11 Frldn.v.

Kiixin<'i)«l Vaiiz .»f llll* >• h.i' x* ry 1..... . i!i*'.*lth ih'j* XX Intel .

T-«l*.- •'ai*!*: ali*i Ivah H*-ll*lM*M*n .x« r* .-iiai 1 It'd. .\l'>n*ln\. He< ember 24.

'r W bahixx n .111*1 xvlf*- vl>lt*‘<i .Mim. '•i.t . Fill x.t-oil 11 l..ini‘tnK Wt-tlne*-

.Mi. .111*1 .ili>. Eail Tuiker *if .Mt.• ’teiiu-n- \l-i***l .MLx .Xilolph Hrya Thur'‘*l.i>.

J. H. -Mallei- .if St John* r|*ent Sunday nixh: with hi* . fiiisin, .Mr*. J.iiii* ' Ftirxii- n

I- J. nd .vlt. from Vermontliax*- bt ♦ n v itlim fi |en*l- here

.’••iirii*-*. Kiltiax•Ml \’l tor '‘laxex anti dauxhter

Luiti xl-!?**I ftleii*! In H<-xv .••’atur- dax and .•“undux

.Ml'. LouL.a F*trler an«l •l.iUKhter* vHIteil her .|*tet. -Ml I'eliler In *;i*-enbu>h lll-t week.

Ii* n !*-inan of H.ii In*-. Wls- on-- n, . .ille*l on .Mi .iiid .Mr- Jarne- Fiirxa-*»n l**.eml*r ..*•

T<itx Fl.-bei ami .xlf*- of Cb|t-aK‘> xifIi*- I .Mi. ami -Mi> .S. W. Norrl-• \x o dax ' of li* -T w *-»-k.

.Ml .iml .Ml-. \\ J. Linn -=pen,•’111 'III.I- at III* h*iin*- of C. I'lemen.-* .imi 1.0X *- in < iiinnl-«invilie.

IM .Mo-*--, xxif*- .iml dauxhter He- ila .*-!• ."'atuiala.x for Fent**n t*> -•penil .\t-w X’*-.*i with th*-ti -on Georxean*! family.

J-din Volz .*11*1 .xil* * nterlallied .Ml . lot .Ml- H*-nr' W* j.snilller. G*o. N\ *-i-miIlt->. -Mr-, ‘■.irn*- Koxvalk ami tiaiixhtti .if I'hrHtma*.

•Ml- .Xitnaii • Ittx.i. .Mr. and .Mi- .\d dpi! Itrxa and on Vk toi, .in«I .VIr V * '..ixex 'I.**!!! Chri^«lfna- vxllh .Ml .iP*l alt . Flank Veney In Ht.

John-.M)'. Tli*oiloi« l.ooiub of .M«-rl*-

b«-a ll. .Mb- Ell.* l-ra(on of N*»llh • >1- IX* .M ? Win H. Knapp of Hiley. .iml .Ml - \V N**i rl?* >tf < illve xxere• aljei- at VKrn*'\ !’* ar-e’' last week.

Jo-* phiii* onlx •tauxhier of .Mr.ciii 1 .Mr'.. F*-ni**n lirlnk «lie«l Januarv 1, .ix* *l thr*-*- x* ai The funeral will l*e held Thui'•*la.\ fi*uii the home .it on* o lo* k. Hev. .Mi Hayxvnril ofTI- latinx.

.Ml.- .Vd*>Iph Htxa •linn* I \V» *lne)»*lit>. -Mi.X*-* *»f .'-axtnaxx. .Mr?'.F.ivl*-i .111*1 wif* .Mrand f«**n. .Mr^ The«i*l*ir*- Hrya an*l .TAiixhier* Mr-. .Vrman* ♦• Hrya *»f I>e- Witt and .Ml*« Mamie Vantlerlcc and -Mr. Euxene Brya .if .'<t. Johns.

.Mr. ami Mr*. J. H. Ileudle enter-tJlned at «ix o’clock dinner Christ­mas. 51r*> -Maud .Matlden an*l *on I’laie <»f .*<t. laiule. .Mr?*, Alvin Beadle ami dauxhter Vitxean from Buffalo.•Ml an*l .Mr*. William Gtto from To­ronto. (‘anatla. .Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hlgs- bee fr**m Iietrolt. -Mr. Delmar Hose of I.a*nf>lnx. John H. Heatlle. wife and •*»n. .Ml. Arlln Gross. Mr. V. Clavey anti .Mis* Lulu Clavey of DeWItt. Af­ter .llnner a Christmas tree was en- Joyetl.

Till-: Fi ll MAlUiRT.;:}kunk: prime black 11..’>b to $1.*'><•*

half strl|*e ll.oo; narrow .••trip*- .broatl stripe 2aC.

.Mink: I.a4ixc 14..*>41 to |r...'i0: me-•liuni 13 to 14; -mall li..**« r*> S2.

t.’oon; latrxe $l,.'>a. ine.lluin ••o* -mall r»oc.

Hat: I..arxe 15* t*. IT*-; wlntei -'•*« t*. 22c.

Wen-ej; XVhItf, prime. J.'**- to '*»i«


Sllxer Hollar of 17#fV.A pr*>mlnent coin «**ille.-tor ha* in

hi* po**e-*l*>n a silver tiollar *lHte«1 1T145. This xxa* «*nlv lhr*-«- year* after ih«- law e*tabII*hlnK our colnax*- *y*- leni was enH*-le«l, ami l.« therefore **»n- *l*lere*l the •il«l*-*t * oln .*f It* kind In ♦•.vi*iem *-. line of the *tble<*t family nieilb lne- bef*i|f the publi* |« the |-el-ebratetl H**'*ietier’*< .’4l**inat h Hitter*, havinx been < <>mi>*>un<ied for •'•3 >eat>. Hiirinx that time it hu*« mu*le a re* *ir<l **f * uie* far In ex*e**>* *if any *»th«*i renie*Iv. ami nianx *.f lh*-ni hav*- been eff*-* te*l w h* n ilht r in*-«ll<-lne* ha*! fnlle.l. It Is «'oni|*«*iind*-il «til--tly in ai-«'oitlaiit * xxitb tli«* puie drux le- i|Uireiii*-nt*. Trx it at <*n* e. It * me* «lv-pepH|u. |fullKe«||on blrtiou.-ne-''. > • •*! i\ ene*s. poor apf**-tlte, * hill*. i-old** • •r iiialaCa, -';*-t ,i ft*-*- ***px of «iurlt*u7 .\imanat fi**m x**ui dniKKl*t <»i-«l*-nler.



• letkinx in J. H.

vislt*-*l In <'’.*r**»n

of Elsie Is vlsli-


Wadnaaday, January 2. 1t07.DETROIT—Wheat: No. l whtto

7SRc; No. 2 rad ipot, Dar76414': M®y. 41 He; July. 7RSc. Com No. 3 mixed. 4S4c; No. 3 yellow, 44H** Oats: No. 3 white. .Ike. Rve: No. 2 TfVe. Beans: Spot, |1 23; Feh.. $1 2# Clover; Si»ot, |3 30; Feh.. |8 40.

CHICA(H>-Wheat: r>ec.. 73c; May TTr; July. 76Hc, ('orn; Dee., 40Hr; .May. 43Se; .hil.v, 43"*r. Osta; Dar. 3.24c; -May. 3f.r: Jiilv. .33He.

Live Stock Markata.DFTTHOIT—Cattle: Choice stae'*a

$4 5(Glo: common killers and f^t rows $2 ."ibgS 50: stoeketK and feeders tJ 50g4. Irheep and lamlia: Active, choice lamHt. 17 30ff7 40; llxht ft frdr. |6 50477; common to prime sheep S’.f75; mlxe*l sheep .ind Iambs, $4 .5( f?.'. 50; common killers. |2 754#3 25 tiills. $2472 50 Hoes- I*rfm** medlunif i'n*l fat xorkiTS, $6 30ffi’. 35; llxht '* »-k*Ta and plxa. |6 30f7r* 35; rough*tree.

CHICACtO—Cattle: Bexvei. $4 10(i ♦, Ml cows an*l heifers. II lu.Stockers and ft'oders. 12 ot*g4 <10 lings: Mlx«**l .md butch*'rt. |6 IStr 6 42; xo<m1 heavy. $6 30^6 45; mux. hxavy. 15; light. |f. 05O'6 3.pigs, if* 5.19*'• 15. Sheep: I..ower sheep. |3 759.5 30; lambs. |4 f

.Ml:-- Zelma <*lt I H*---lXUi**’- -t**i*

.MU* A*la Hull C|i\- ,ive|- .-iundax.

■Mr- J*>hn -Hub Inx l♦•llltlve- h*-i»-.

.Ml- Gilmore of Glatlxxin relatlT*-s her*- last xx>-ek.

H*-vlval ineetlnx- are in proxres* nt the Christian ••hurch.

Mr. an*l Mr*. Wni. Tuttle visite*! frleiuU In t**xvn last xveek.

.Mr- H. H*>*en*'rnn« vlsIte*! her *«*n J**hn near l***nipeli last week.

E*l*lb .-<mlih visile*! hi- xrandpar- •-nt - .It *’.irs**n C|t\ ho*; week.

Aanui Prank* an«l H*»»*ert Hull xvere in Map!*- HapbU .'-aiunlay.

Fl****ie Ellixt t ‘‘f Walkersville. On- intbi. I* visltinx friends In town.

Lyman Hub- vl*iie«l Evert Tr*xun- P**‘.ir at I'errinton last W*-*lne.-*lav.

.\. H. Isham and famll> of Alma vislteil frien«l* In town last week.

c.tr.el l<*-ariUI*-x iiiiil Lulu He««lxule xxei*- In !'ei-rlnt*>n ^in busliie** .•4atur- *lay.

.Mis* Haxt ilHxvkln* of N*>rth Htai vi*tte«l at H«-v. -Mr I'armeter’- last week.

.Ml E. •’*xun-*-lb»i and fainllv vl-^lled xvith Will. .M- Farlan*! ami wife of Newark la.*! week

Th* Kt*xvorth Leaxu* xvlll hold a *0* lal at th*- h**iii»- **f <l*-*>rxe Hule Frblax exeninx Januarv 4.

Forest and Fern Itule vi-iled their Xi«*>i*lparent* Ml .iml .Mr- .V. H Hub- of N*>ith .Sha*b- Th»ir««laynml Filling.

G. F. Gttmvr Is eniertainlnx hU t-ousln of Ann Arlxjr.

•Mrs. Wm. Gr**ner of <!rand Ledge Is Mpendlnx a few day* with Hiley friendt* and relatives.

<’. Si-hafTer und family spent Chrlst- ma* xvith her parents. .Mr. und .Mrs. ' Win. Husmow. I

<*. A. .Marten leiently purchased | an Edison phonograph of H. G. Alll- **»n **f .Ht. J*>hn*. I

N. H. Pratt. <’. Hurman. August and E. Justram. and A. and H. Lan* e were In Foxvler .Hatunlay. j

Wllll«s Groner of tirand I.,edKe vis­ited at the hum*- of his sister. .Mrs. Ed PinK**! Saturday and .Sunday. |

Alfred laince and Eearl la>we at- ' teml*-*! th«- annual meetlnx of HeWitt lodge F. ar A. M. Wedne*4iay night.

Mr*. Frank Easton of Watertown visited at the huine of her father.<.Marten the f**re part *jf the week.

.Mr. ami .Mr*. N. H. Heed of Water- town ami Georx*- Land and daughter .Maud «>f Tusi‘**Ih xvere guests ol .Mr. un«l .VII*, cfiurle* lamtl Thursilay.

.•^Ila* I’laun ami wife entertained at their h*im*- <'hrUtmus .Mi. and .Mrs. E«1 Cniun •>{ .-<t. Johns and .Mr. and .Mr*. Fieil Hrook and s<m l^'nux.

11. (Pratt ami family, <’. E. Hills and wife .ind tlauxhter Hattie and .Mr-,. Mary H*»lb-' and family xvere en- l•■ttulned by Mr. and Mrs, .V. I.ain‘'e I ’hrUlma*.

Hiley <jrange and the Hiley Arbor A <• <• G. will hold a Joint Installa- ib»n *>f **fti< er- f«>r the ensulnx year .It .M. VV. A. hall .Hatunlay evening. January 5. Th* memlier* of ea* h or- iler .md th*-ir families ami friends that may be visit Inx in their home* are •.ordlally Invite*!.

MU* Nellie Travl* returned to Yfisl- lanti Tuesday.

.Mr*. .*4lmm*in* vUlted relatives at Car-*»n <’lfy the first of the tveek,

<»u.x Geoi-gta who has l>een sick the past tw<i months Is able to be out.

.Ml** Kale Hrrtxv-n and brother Vic­tor visited HI Caro the flriK of the w*eek.

•Mr. ami .Mr*, ora Travl* and little *lauKhter •»f Cnbrn City spent last Week xvith relatives here.

Wllbuf Hrown was (julte Imdly hurt last Wednx-**lay by being hit <»n the head by a limb while working In the XX oods.

Hay. Hel’e and Lynn Harper pleas­antly entertained a party o? their friend- Nexx Year')- exe, the evening xva* *|>enl with inu«l. ami xame*.

CASTOR 1Allnr god OhiliNB.

Hi RW Y4i IM Mmr talM

<’tin’ll of Lung Tnuible."It U noxx eleven x eui - .*ln* e I had n

nuii«>w e*rai*e from 1 omsumptlon." write" «’. O. Floyd, a leatlliig bUHilie** man of Kershaxv. S, <’. ”1 hud rundown In xveixht to 13.5 pound*, and Iouxhlnx xvas von*tunt. both by dax .md by night. Finally 1 begun taking Hr. King * Nexx HU***»very. and * *»n- tlnuetl this about ix month*, when my ■ ouxh and lung tr*>ub|e were entirely goii*- .intl I x\-as restored to my n*»rmal weight, 170 poumis.” Thotisan*!* i»f |ier*‘on!- are healed every year. «luar- anteeil at the druir **tore“ .if J. T. .Mill- man an*l <’. E. Van.''*lckle. 5u. an*l $1 Trb'.I b*>ttle free


Fntil further noiit-e Teachers Examin­ation* will lie hebl a* follows.

Ht Johns Hlxh School Kootn, beginning iiecon«i Thursday In Augual

St. John* Eighth Grade Room, Itegln- nlnx thlnl Thursilay In Octol*er.

St. Johns Seventh Uiaile Uo«>m, )*eg1n- nlng third Thurwlay In June

PKtXIHAM.First day, a m -4»rthoxi«ph). .•4|»elllng.

Arithmetic, oral ami written. Theory ami Art. I* m — <leography. Government. U. 8. History

Second <la>. a m —Grammar. Physiology. Heading; i* m—-St-hooi laiw. State Manual and Course of Study. Algebra. Botany and Physics, (second grade 1 General His­tory. (secoml grade.)

Third day. (for first grade applicants only.) General History, I'hyslcs and Geo­metry

Certtfleatea of all grades will be grant- 01I at the examinations at St. Johns In August and March Certincatea of the seettmi and third grades will !>• granted at all other examinations

All examinations will Iregtn at 8 o’clock T H. THW.N’SEND.

Commtaatoner of Schools

H|m‘«’1«I ICripinlIttK llw-.NdikriMil l*ur«' F«mm1 mimI Drug Ldixx.St. J«>hn« druggists are pleased to

ann«iun.:e that Foley'.* H*mey and Tai for cough*, cobis aixl lung tr«>uble- I* not affecteil by the National Pun F*><id and I'rug law as It <-4intuln* no opiate* or *tihei harmful tlrugs, and xxe rexuiiimerid It as a safe remedy f==i <^hlblren ami adults. .Hob! by .liT • lruKKi«i)- 'T .-Jt, John*.


.Mi El’.i J*-well Is working at -^1- vln Cnpif.'.

H4irr> c,,|ey Is entertaining com- panx ft-*m) .Maple Hapid*.

Wm. Hru« *- and -*»n Alpha zpent ChrUtrn.i at Ea*l la'ro.v.

John Hniniugh** ami family have mox-e*! ba* k **nt*> his plait*

A. It, Kintal*! and family of West­phalia -pern .*-'aturf1ay In Hiley.

Etlxai M*>ore .>r I>etr*>it visited last •.xe,-K Ht the h*>me .)f J. H. Ilurnes

A ChristniH* tree was hebl at the [lid house Fridax evening, ra Brace and .Minnie .hiu *nf Iitsi week .It Hfmon-

Kln* ubi MIsse*


Wlllb -e.- . ountyI ’lir -tma-

.Mi and I ’hrUlma Hurne- and

Win. brother

<’up:t .in*l family vi-lt**l frientl*

of Gene- h*-re ix-er


l-»xvmanl>arenl*. H.

.MI . Hh w If •-

Fall, hlld- enteriainetl hi; anti xvife from .Mt. Pleasant

Fridax aiitl .'-aturdav

A isiuinintmJ Carr for Film. Itching, Hllnd. Bleeding. Protnidlns Pllee. Druggists are authorised to re­fund money If PAZO OINTMENT ails to cure In 4 tn 14 days 50c.

FICOIIATF N<1TH’I*—l•n»lMilt• Ct.uri, ClhiKMi <'tiuni>. —N«*llce I* herehx* given that all

« ialm* an<l •iemaritl- against the es­tate of i’linltt* ll. lircvm. deceasetl, xvlll b»- heartl by the Judxe of Proltale of saltl (**iuniy. at the Probait- Hfflt-e In the C|tx *>f Ht J*)hn*. on the *JM||i tla> Ilf .liiiit*. .\. D.. I1NI7. anti that the < red- Itor- «*f =atltl lie* easeil ar** alloxxetl lx month* froni.^dal*- of thI- n*»tb« in xxhii h t*i pit -* nt their « lalni for a*l- jusinient.

l>at*-*l Dct-ember 27th. A. D 19«6.I'HAHLE.^ .M. .MKHHILL

21xv5 Jmlx** of Probate.

• ntertalnetl at an«l .Mr*. I»ur- K. Favler, E.

chnrle?i I>ircnz

VeeelMtiM.Varclnation as n preventive of nnftll-

pox Is salil to lutve been practiced In rblua ICMMi n. C. It WAS Introduced Into EuxlAud by Ixidy Wortley Mon* tagu in 1721.

The Bleplie»t*sElephants, both tu a wild state and

In captivity, show a wonderful amount ef eagacity. Tboee In India. It la aald. amrar themselvee with mud aa a pro­tection agalnat Ineacta. and they will break branches from the trees and them to bniah away the Alee.

Auction SaleTherewill be an Auction Sale at Rew, Michigan, on

jrv __= Wed., January pth, 1907DEwrrr GiiANcii: oFFicKitfi.

The following officer* were elected in f)eWltt Grange I>ecember 24: W. M., Thoma* Htampfly; O., Geo. Turn­er; Lee.. Mrs. C. L. Pearce; Steward. John Lerg; A. 8. f.lyde Favler; Chap.. Sarah Norris; Trees. Allen Htampfly; Hev., Harry Moon; Q. K., James Fur- gaeon: Ceres. Ethel Case; Pomona. Lelah Htampfly; Flora. Etta Liver­more; L A. H.. RdHh Htamplly*.

Tametiane enjoys the unenviable dis­tinction of being the bloodiest conqvnr- or In history. It la computed that dar­ing bis wars nearly -LOOCMBO bmoan beinga were destroyed.

at 10 o’clock in thelforenoon, at which time the following named proxierty will be sold to the highest bidder:


**How did you like my artlele In tiM Jojfelllera’ Rev lew T*

"Very fine indead. Too nrast bare been talklag with Tommy before yon wrote It."

Indeed; It wan ortgtnal. Ttanagywbor


Uaael Floeo."T am searrhlng for a lent goW

mim*""Wlierr have ymi been looking?^"Ro far where It Isn't."

Cboica of VarioBes.••Is *he hl« «»nly ilauahterT'"Ye*, atiil «lu* is tiK* a|*f»le of bta.aye.** "Looks to me more like a peerh."

The aarly RoniaBs found ttw swift i corrant of the Itblne auflcfnt dtfbaaa agatait tba gigantic Oarmana. bat to liwmat tile peaceful aattlipa agiliat all praBbli danger every ford on the up­per Rbtne aud every eoaveolent erooe- tag place on the lower etreua won ttt* ttfied. and tbue a chain of peete won

ruas tba oea ta

If vwu were to ask 26,eee people If anv of them had some sheep for sale, a •loeen would answer you at once. The Want Colamn goea to 2i.### renders every weak.

Tb mabe a bachelor*! pin a brtw or cherry wood pipe witli oetfi wum or bran and over tbia gun e lit­tle piece of velvet. Nest tahe three yanie of haby ribbon aud wind It care fully round the pipaetem. tying a email

, bow at each eud. Btlrk aoaae ptae la ^ the meMon part, and the result Is a dataty trific. very suitable as a baaaar novelty and easy to make.

The cree of newly l«nrn lufanfe are always blue. Ttiey do not Iwurlii to as. aunae tbHr i»rrma;ient colir until th*

• eigtb or alghth w«*#k i.fter birth

Plenty of farms lo rent. You can find out where by using a Waat Col­umn liner. Oae cent a word, mini- men lie.

I Wood Buzzing Rig I Crosscut Circle 5uw, xdM*'I Emery Wheel 9I Cream Sepuretor I of Double Work Harness I Single HarnessI Jlinre, 8 yenrs old. In fonl, Wt. i^o I bkKfc Oelding. la years old, Wt. i joo I Mock Colt, coming two ynnra oM

Eleven years oM3 mnen «.4iws, 4 years old, due In Fob. a NeUers, two years old, due in June I CaN, coming one year In Spring I Osborne Binder

: IIMW Oelding. E m 3 "ilkdi Cows, 4

I Oehome com Harvester I TlcCormlek newer I Champion Mower I Steel Land RoUer I Harrowi .Kesistone a horse Cultivator 1 One hone Cultivator 1 Bemi PuBer 1 Qmin DrM 1 Thomas Hap Rake I OHver Plow No. 43 I Top Bttg|^

nherW.I Cutting BoxI Liimher Wagon and S. R,

And other artaolee to numerous to mentionTERMS—All sums of $6.00 and under oash; on all sums over

$6.00 one year’s time will be given on good approved notes draw­ing interest of six per oent. Three per cent wm be allowed for oash.



«AM mm momm wsALimc. HSR TM2 r ?**Y.

cturing which I will ffivc 25 Per Cent Discount on Every Purchase

Im fiUl

Nothins reserved. Everything goes at the same GREAT PRICE REDUC­TION OF ONE-FOURTH OFF. Don’t fail to grasp some of the many op­portunities offered by this GREAT ONE-FOURTH OFF SALE.

8TKL meK. 8T mm, MIGN.

.\ SKW VK.AIt*H HMAHliri*. Tuemlay ev«*nlnic um I^'o Sfhnt*ld •

WHf tlrivlng towunix th»> husln*'-- M>- lion uf the village, Frank Hrutt anti Frank lt<tie**r» Aert- •liivinK ••u* ■if l••wn. the) inri ntai tlu- «‘hrlxi- lan huifh Th** Kax lamp wax lit. hut WH^ ou: Mf iiiiltT .mil -inuktng anil flaiing hai.ly wax woi-*- .mil n«> llKht ami thf <•«■< upani. of •'Ithi'i rig ilhl not ..M till- other until It wax to., lat* Thi-tr w heeU lo. keil, K. hn»*lil»-r’'» M*. tfoim; >*iuil*x ax(»- overturn-fnu .<• hneliliT*- tia. The horeex xiart- eil r<i run ami >on hroki- tin- top ami xe.t! ••fY -if th* hiigt!\ leaving I>*o In f hi r^ail The horee lontlnueil It. mail loui' '*' tuinlng the i orm-t of •Main =;i*et .mil M.iple Avenue in an effort to run up In fiont of hnel- iler*' meat mark*:. Th»- turn w*a- too long ii'.wf\ei ami the huKg> »m<t*-he«l Int'- the .Ma|i|e Itapli.^ t.ig* whhh.........1 In front of the f»<oitol!l. e .><omeim-n amlliiK m-f .aught th* hoixe

r •!. fuithir ilainage w.i- ilom- Th»- w )i»» ,x ami thlllx wer# l.aillv nia he«l ami thi hot-e ua tuolly I i ul*e«l ..nil

lit .Ml .Siult'- hugg; e « :|-.«l withM :*'W -l:gh! all he ami hi<»Ken

I..-- leij

1m amt Mr A «• Mart « i-lehrateil Ml ami .Mix •• liar « efehtnit-il

their 11th wejiillng .mnlver^aiy New Yeaix < ve hy inviting the meinher of The \\'eiltie.i«iaV I all ami their hii-- h,in<! .mil . few othet I oUpie« fo imltr with tiiem n I waieh me.iirig I’ro- gr» -ive ::.im< - aite |<la>*-i.. there I'eing tin taiiie- ami I illfTereiit gaim r't. e. II tahJe, .Mix. H .- .Mi I’hei inWon till til t pi ise for till laiih-- .m<l .Ml- •» .M. .xtnyiler the booby prixiWilli .Muriay a visitor from Kuieka Won :iu !!r?t p ixe for th* men ami Koh. r: liiatik th* h«>ohy price I.igh' r* ^hm* nt- w* r* * rv* .1 Ju t l»*-for*- 1_ o . 1, k after w hn-h th»- gu*--lx x...in ile|.arte*l tor th*-lr hom*-x on*- .m*l all < ongiitiulattng th*-m-eiv*-- on h* Ing at*i. to Im- prex«-nt

Dee Lyon of St. Juhn^ wa In t**wti .Sstur*h*>.

Mir «’han*lhr «*reaxlnger wn In .Mhlilh-ton Frliliiy.

• ’ L M’hlt*- < f Ir vl lilngfilemi.- m town.

W Ho.rnuril In .~t. John >'? tSaiuril. ’ on huxln*-xx.

Mis- l^iur.t Fulton visited frten<M In Helding la-’ week.

l: 11. Warren of < iwoxxo tmnxnrted huxinex. in town Frldav.

Mt M. J. M’t ' h vixlfe*! lelallv**- In Fi»*ni«int th*- t»axt week.

Mi- Haiti*- .'xi. kle .»f ilhsia lx vixitlng iier lather. Wm. <.Sh kle^

Ml:’*'*-- Harriett Dean an*l Hlan'io « towi«-\ \\*r* In St John* laxt we*-u.

Wm .*<1. kle- returned Thur ala . from ,1 vlf=!t with relativ* - at Ithaeiu

Hilloti .'imith 1; horn*- fr*»m lethal- pf-. Kan^x. where h*- f*ent the sum­mer

llev, K Mudg*- Vlxlteil hi- l-ter Mt'- John Kaegl*-. In Kureka la-t W eek.

•Mr arid .Mr?.. <5»-«irge .xf«iwle of .-t? J«.hn- attended the fun*ritl of Hem Itentley Frhlav.

t'oiirt .x’owlr- of I>etr**lt attended th*- fun*rHl of hi- unile Henr' llent- lef ia-: Friday.

.Mr. an-« .Mis. .1 I*. <’r*f-vf< rd t*-turn-ed Frl*!a> fr**m e visit with r* lat Ive at H**ward ‘Mtv

Thei* w*-re -41 rnerni**-! oU' i! the tlan; *■ '< lili'h wa- held In I*un tall’hall Fildav night.

.Mr .m«l Mr? W. S. Ilarnar*! p*-nt <*hrl«tma- with Mr? lfarnar»r p..i- enix n*..r I*errlnT'*n.

Mr. ami Mr- .Xulirey Haxtlng- r*-- *urne*l Fihla.v fr<»rn i* vl«lt with 'helt friend: In Helding.

t’lareme H<*oker of Herrlnton vl»- ited his sister Mrs. Duixy Ilarnar*! on .Saiurduy and Sunday.

.Mr. and .Mrs. M. Itedfern vlx- ited relativex In llastlngx and (’hlv- go the past w'eek.

.Mr. an«l Mrs. Hurt Hamilton were guextH of .Mr. and .Mrx. t’lyde llrti- t*in the jiaMt week.

K. II. Harr and family' ate Christ' max dinner with Mr. and .Mrs. Wni. .Mulder In Mt. Johns.

.Mr. and .Mrs. K. Huhhell visited their daughter. .Mrs. Itulh Flint In Caixon City luxi w»ek.

•Mlsx Ivuh Huhl*el vlslteil her xlx|*"r .Mrs. fte*»rge Flint an*! family In <’ai- xon ('ity Christmus day.

.Mr. un«l .Mrx. <t*’i>rg** Fnlrrhllil of .Shepherd vislt*-«l .Mr.- Fair* hlld’.* fa­ther. T. It. Hayn*-. the pa-t w*-ek.

Jumex llutler lompleted the work of hullding th*- hank hiilldlng at .Mld- • lleton Frlua> and Is h<»me again.

Heoigt- .AmleriM.n of .Michigan cii\. Indiana, visited hlx pai*ni-. .Mt. ami .Mrs. ItolH-rt Ander-oii. the partt Week

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. •Ifarn*--* -d Watertown w*i* guer.!x *if .Mr. an*] .Mr- W H. Harnur*! .Saturdav an*I .Sun­day.

It. C. la«w*' ol Mviil tianxa< tei| hu- xln*-- In town Fthlav an*l vi-;t*d lu frlen*lx in*l r**l.iil\e- in town an*l vl- « Inliv.

H*-v. .Mr. .Moxher .ix'?t*-«l li\ H* \. J. W .Miller «»f Hovtville will t ondii t a i*-\lval x*-rvli e in th* .'I. F < hur h thl. w*-ek.

AlMVilt rpt of The young people fr**m Ih*- vill.ig* a(len«!*-d a party for .MIxx .Maggi*' .\l*-xxer -•»uth ••■i ‘if Mafde Itapidx Friday night.

.Mr an*l .Mr*' .Morgan H♦•^r^ga wh*» w*-»*- • all*-*] h*-r*- on a* * ount of th*likne-x iind «U-alh of H*nr% Hentley

returne*! to their hom* ;ii Hattie Cre*-k Frldav

lt*-v. K .Mudg* \i-lt***l friends In Hasting, th* pa:;T .%*« k H«- .viU go fioin ther* i«» Chit ago whei*- h** ex­it* t-^ to ?pend th* gi**atei part tif th* winter w’lth his *»n. cnfftird.Mudge and family.

ciauii n lx n I w ahl*- i** -1'u** r*tr i -ht»rt tlm*- **\ ein- ilay, hav ­ing I e. ttv♦-!*-*1 fr*tm til attatk oi ty- phoitl f*v*i. H» -av h« InteniH g**- Ing I .4. k tit vvttrk .ix -.•o»i .s- he .•

•. hi*-.Th*- meinher- *if th*- .s.iio-!- < luh

held .1 vv4itt h ineetlnng at th** h«itm Ilf Mix Klttl* Itohert- .Monday *-ven- ing an*l a mo^t enjo>Hhl* tltm- wa* had.

.Mtr Wm, Wright ent*-rtain» tl th*- meml'er* i»f her **l*l .'^umlav x, h<tol .la,-.-- 4m*l their lailv fro-mix NewY*-ar** Kv* Th*- Imy- think it i- th*-he^^t pla. e In th* world to hav* a gooil t iim-

.Mlsx K,!!*- Ingiahtiiii enl*'t lalneil a nuiiiiie] tif h*-i >t>ung fiiend- at the hom»- tif .Ml. iinii Mr? J .W. .Snillh .\* w Y*-iit- Kv*

A ii»llei skating pat tv wa- hedl in l»tll; Tall il..il Tm?thiv •veiling in lit*nt*i ot • ■t»yne Hulll^. Hat “tow M«*sx, Halil .\i*-\an*l*-i ami Kalph Hewitt.

Chuih-v .Slot k*-t i- visiting Iilen*H anti leiativ*-- in .St. Jolm* thi.^ w*ek

Mitmli--. evening .i- J H •*rawft*r*l w,*.. ih-llv*-i ing milk hi- t tg w.*,- -^tan*i- ing tin M.'pl* A\*-nu*- wiiji* ti* w.i- ■ arrving ti iM*iilt of milk t** th*- h**us*- ■Mis .M. S M wa* tlrlvliig towaril the husliiex- pttrtltiii tif th*' Itiwn Sh* was tlrlvlng i|iill*- fast and tlld not m*il**- .Ml, I’riiwftinr tig in lime to •:*ip the h*»rx»- *»r turn ••iit, “o that the w he*-ls lot k*‘«l 4i‘ h*- di**v*- tiv*-! hisaxle hending It. fneaking *-ver.4l

pok*- In the whe*-I. -latklng Hi* f*-liv ami hi*4ikiiig hix ihlllx N** •liimag* w, X *ltin* Sti Mi .M«»x- oi oei rig

Covn* HulU;^ left Tuexday nmrn- Ing ft*r Tlie Agrl-'UltUIH' college whit h lie i- alt*-ndlnK.

Too Late To Classify.F<ll( >\l.i: or IC«til At K1 ie. L. A

<’hax*- plai *- n*»rih of the --c-h****! hotis*-. «t>n?.tsttng of htiuse. hu'n .md .-helix, t hl- ken-park, and iwt* loix .Vdilress Ia*« A. Chase. T21 Fast Huron. .St.. Ann Arleir, Mhh. Jiff



If your stodc of wiMr vcfetabies U gettiiie low. if the variety is small or you are thed of thiokint up ioiDe> thiif fora chaofe we would soRiest that you ten litt:HoMtud BpHyJnas Bms.... ............. $ .10Clwtwiyipp Ch—p OP p| ffenl—d t^sM.. .lOV'mCmpp’s Siffed IVps..........................irH^rkiape 9mm% WnakUd Pom............... 1?Spywiar Li— Bt—a................................. 10

Bffoa femir —.......................................10of Bis—i jutno .S«|ur (’om..,............ I0

Csnewt H—eo—k ................................ loPndP of MMiiaMi fcooo—k........ .................ISB—kor Hill BuksH Boo—.......................10At—'• Pork —I Boom ........ ... 1^*Hoiot Bokod Boom..... ....... !•'»

Royoi Tiuor Ti —inrs ............................. L**Rohr Bools................................. I«

The above goods have all been guaranteed to us to be pure and un> sdultaratad nd to comply with the strii«ant Pure Food Laws which go into effect January 1st. 1907.

I'Vilt ki.AI.l-r—H'dand t*h‘na. i nolce large .iMiw'x. hreil fur April furmw. F .M. Hlggaitt, sertiun J!>. l-sh«nitn. I*, o. Ft.wler, .Mich. Jltf

W.\NTKII — llasswTiMid and puplar iMilts Ik ur S7 Inches lung. In any •luontltlrs. Columbian .Manufactur­ing Co., St. Johns. .Mirh. Jltf

W.A.VTKI^— 1,000 lords of liaaxw'iwMl and popular bolts, Ik to S€ Inch i-uta. Hoe A. C, Lfetoy*. Phono. 111 blue. Ht. Johna. Mich. SlSp

(’.AKD 'PHA.NHH—We wish to e*- proaa our hoortfolt thanks to tho choir for tho slnclno; also to tho frtonds for thoir kindnoas and sym- pothy Jurina our lote boroovomont.

Mrs. J. P. Frltg.Mr. ami

C'AIU> THANKM—Through thec'olumna of this popor wo doatre to oxproas our hoortfolt thonka to tho many frionda and nolahbora who au kindly aldod us durtnc tho aIcknoM and dooth of our bolorod ono. Aloo for tho booutiful florol trlbuioa fr<im tho frionda. Aid Hocloiy, tho (lran«o and tho choir whooo hymus •Miftonod tho aadnoas our hoarfs ran but fool.

Adam fironnor.Hooroo Bronnor and Family. **

W’AXTItI>—•*«.mpanlon for lady In III hoalth. noo<la «'aro and attontlon but no numtnv: no othor work. In- «|ulro tot Clinton avonno. 2Stf

WAN'TKIk—-Mon to «ut lops hy tho ;hi.uoand In Tonnoaaor I»nK job Kn*iulre of M A. Arthur It. F I» i. SI John- Mlchloan. 3lw3

IVIK SAI.F! ON RF..XT Farm of t7 .icre?. In V|, lor So* to John Mllrro I-alngx>burfr If F. I> 1. JIw4p

|»t|4ir. TNF4> lA'C’f; Ix loraiod at 043 N. Mlllory avonuo. I>oirolt. and —nrantooa pormanont ruro of tho lie—r hoMt for IM. Prof. Thou. tmf, SIwS

Inxure with D. 1- Hunt. tfJ. K. Cartwright of Durnml st»eni

Christmas in this city..Miss Nuns .Moas vlsltoil frionux in

ow'itsMo tho first of tho weok..Mr. and Mrs. J. A. llakor .iml J.

Ml iMinuld visited Mr. ami .Mrs. L. A. Tucker In tivid on Tuexda>.

W. H. Hlf'hmond and It. H. Trem- por attended tho KIks' hamiuot fn Ionia Monday evening.

I .Miss .Maude Kreppx of Holding Ix ' xpending two weekx in St. Johns with .\lr. iiml Mrs W M. l>oNVllt.

.Mr. and .Mrs. Hoo. Holden and habv * were In Fowler on Now Yeai’= day , visiting .Mrs. John Fink.

Mr. and .Mrs. Krnost Wekeninan ' M|>ent Tiiexdnv In Fowler with the lai- ter'a xlxter. Mrs. Matt. <Ht.

.Mr. and Mrs. I>*wL KeiPigg of Kl- lia sfvent .'4undav with th*- formet’^ *|-. ter. -Mrs. 11. H. Hnril.-

Mlsx Anna llairlx ••- K.igl*- ix xp**m|. Ing th«- h**lldav- at her home in thl

Hy.la-wL Harrl.s wax hoim- fi**m Ch«1-

illa for th*- hollilav-Mlsx N**llle Alli^otl of •lV\oxn4l -.V.l'

fh»- gm t «.f her ht«*th*-i. 'll Alli-*»*n an«l family. .Momlav an«l Tuexdav

Ml. iiml .Ml It. .xi .Xrtiioui wet* gu*»-l- of Ml and .Mix ltoh* t* I>»vv. Ill « *vld on New Y*-aC' dav*.

Mrx Fi»-*’. Hoi4hkirx an*! Mitl*- •lau- ghl*-r *»f Hattie C|,.».k 4tr*- visitingt* laitv* ' III .St. Johns thl.' w*-ek

.Mlx.s Winifred Cio>> i? -peniling two Week with friemlx in Ith4i«4i and I letlolt

I-r. A H. Kininoml i*-:iiined t** <*t-4ind Mai ids Tuesdav .ifter pending tW.i Week.- .It hlr hoflle In till- 4 itV

.Ml>? Albert Abbott, om- of the In- trm tor*- In ‘»berlln • "liege, wa- th*

guest of .Mix- < dive Muhger Monday liovvai*! .S<-«»rteld returned to iil-

h**m** In F**nton M«inilav after -peml- ing a Week In St. .Fohn- with his sla­ter. .Mr? U f*. Allison.

.Ml ami -Ml" Hovvar*! K*-enev of F*-nton were guests of .•^h*-rlfr ami Ml- Ke»-ne- fr**m Frb.'iy unlil Wed- n* stl.iv

.Ml*-' KiUia M*irrl reiuined to S* I-«*ul- Tuexday after ^{tending th* h*»I- idav -o-ii-iin with Iw-t |»ai*-nts. .Mr. .iml .Mt' John MorrL in Hlngham.

.Ml*: Kal* Smith of mvv»*ss** .'in*l her biother. Hr. Havbl .Smith of Grand I.x-«lg* . Were Rue:4t- of their t ou«ln. William .M 4ind th* .Mis**-- Mattie nml ■Marv .Smith Mondnv

•Mr .in*l Alix S Host and littledaughter Haullne w*-r*- gu*-?i»i of Mr and .Mrx Frt*<l Cr«»vv*- in < iw*!-:-** on New ^A-ar'-? day. '

.Mt.*'. John .Martin .in«l «laughter- Heiilah 11*1 H*-alrb ** vvei*- gm-t- of th*- f'irm* r'- l*r*»thei W J HUii k. la*t w*ek ami i**lurn*«l t*i fhefr home In I’m knev .Saturda:

Ml am’ .Ml;*-- I* c la'Haron. .Mr. .iinl .Mr F K .Sw.iln rn*l Mi an^I Mr- F «■ .Swain vv’-i* gue.at* .*1 Ja- .s.-arlng .11*1 laiiillv M«»ndav

Mrs Conra*! S* h4*enhal- attende*) n >*unb*n -it ii*-i familv in Hovv.*ll the Isr?!* *»f th* week.

HeiTon Halmer of Hlngham weni to Hig Hntdtis wher*- h*- i ' looking .af­ter a few matter^ «»f biislne-x

, Fre«l Hrigg- returne*! l** thH . liv M«*mlav altei sp.*n*llng a w**-- , t hi-

' h*»iiie In Greenville..Mrs Carrl* .Mo«' l.x vi-dllng her

'er .\li« I* H Hobf*- In Will lam-burg Mr It. H HhlIMps l- ' l«ltlne r*-irt-

tlve- In Heiding thl- weekMl M' H .Hampsoii *f <’hbag**

, In .s» John- th|x w*ekNVill Htuii-oii wax If; Lin ing th*

rtr-T «»f th* w e**k.Hr H I*:;!!!!* ' Is In Hetr.d;, .\nn

.Vilwir an»l Hut on T «»r .t f*-w ilny:*-K*1 Far* let of Sfiir*’!-' wa- a giiesT

of hIx iNiient-. .Mr. an*l Mr* William Fart lei •*ver .°^um!av

Mlsx c*.. 11 Hunter of 'ibetlln vva* In Si J**hiix th»- first •*f ih*- week.

Mr? Klixalteth Webb •if l-'lmlrn. N Y Ix the guest of her •«»n K. H W**hb ami family.

J**** Wekenman relurneil i«i lietroit .Monthly affei -pending 41 week in SI. Johns wifh hi.- iMirenix. .Mr. and .Mrx

I Krnest Wekenman..Ml ami .Mrs F M’ |{e*lfern »»f Gvbl

' were tn .Sf Johns Saitirilay.Mrs. <le**rge <'*»I*- «»f .Maple Kapidx

wax In St. J«»hns .xtaturilay* en r»*ute ! i*» Hurand where “he Is visiting her I friends

James H Green *»f Alford. New I York Is visiting In the home of It. I) Phillips.

Mrs .Minnie Tick went to Fowler Mtinday to • are for her m«dher, .Mrs. C. lt«ixMtw who la III.

.Mrs. K. J Warren was In Fowler the first of the week atttending the wedding of her sister. Mias .Margaret Parks to William Stu'‘gls on New Year's day.

.Mloa Jaan Henderson spent Sunday In f»vld with MIfw Mabel Hkuae.

.Mrs. Charles Wheat went to Will­iamsburg Monday to vlalt her daugh­ter. Mrs. F It Hnbba,

Mm. H. L Spaulding uf Washing­ton. H. C., waa In Mt. Johns over Sun­day.

Paul Seibert returne<l to I>etrolt Monday after spending ten days In Bengal with hla parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Seibert.

Mloa f'ecll Ingraham who has been visiting Mlaa Sarah flyan left Monday for Belding where she will vlalt for a time.

Born Saturday. I»erember 2t. In Williamsburg, to Mr. and .Mrs. t* B. Hobbs, twins, a son and a daughter. Mm. Hobbs waa formerly .Mias Flor­ence Wheal of this city.

Clyde l.<ewls returned fo l»etmir ysterday where he Is taking a httal- ness (•lurse in one of the < ollsge*

The lainstiig schools will be without a •wfi'erintendent at the «lose of th* year Mr Sterling hairing reslgneil lainslng papers mention Siipt Palmet 4if Sf Johnx as ime of the . untlldatex for the pla* ••

Mis- I.40ttle Wetgeli of Chlrag*» with her slater, Mm W. P Samp^*a. Is visiting In St Johns this week

Bom in thia city this momtng to Mr. and Mm. O G Ptnnkett, a dau-

L. A. Wa. hburn returne*! t*» hIx h*»in** In Catlllla* yesterday after -pemling ten days In Ht Johns with hix pai*-nls. .Mr. aii«l Mrx. M. F*. Washlturn.

W. J. S. Jury Ix aitentllng the furnitui* exposition In Gr.nnd Itapldx thix week.

The .MIxxes .\nna and Ktta 3dcllugh of Feuton ale guests nf the Mlxsex .May .tnd .Vniia Fedewa this week.

MImi .Maigaret Merrill returned t**- «lay t«* the .Michigan Agricultural col­lege at Lansing.

.MIxx Fb»rence liexter returned l«* N«irtliampiun. .Mas*,, yestenlay to con­tinue her ?lmli* ^ III .'4niith ««dlege. af­ter a lw»» weeks' v*a<'atl«>ti.

l(o)>ert .Mt KInb-y of r'a^evllle Is vis­iting h!.- xlxter. Mra. John McKinley, thl' wtM-k.

-Mr ami .Mr- G. C, I'iurk. tiaugh- l*ix, Kdith and Itena and x.tn Herton *v*'r* guert? Iff .Mi ami .Mr*. Sherl- «lan Wall In l.Minslng Tuex«lay.

.Ml.-x .Miirb- Smith and .Miss Gpul -MiirrL retuin*-*! vextenluv fi*jm Al­ma vvh*-i*- thev hati be«*n Visiting their * oiirlM .Ml*' H*»i il .'smith.

.Ml- G. H. Ti».i*lwell |••turne«l to he: hotii*' In I**-ti«»lt W***lnc-*luy after pemling i f*-vv .l.iv,' in .'<t. J**hn; with

.Mi. 4in*l .Mi F <’ .Mas**n..Ml* •’ath*-rln*- Gre*-n 'if loniu ha-

b*-*-n v isriinK h* I l>i*dher. Hyr<in for a f*-w *lays,

Joiin LIfibv who ha- b«*-n v’l.^ltliig hi- "Isi'T. .Mi-. John .M» Klnl**y. foi .1 f*-vv *lavx. returne*! f*j hl.% home In Tli<», Ghb*. \**xt**nlay.

I»t 4in*l .Mr- .'s. M. H*»xt were In illlJ-*lal*- last vve*-k visiting the d*»t - t**r'- ?lsi*-rx. .Xlr*. Kugene ||«*vv|lt ami Mrx Angu- He*'r^

ills. Tinkham ha? returne*! to Gratwl la-dg*- after spending ?-*im*- tlm*- In thl.- ' liv with her «luught**i .Mrs. It. H Hull,

.Mir* It**?** Itb hvvim- returnerl .Mon­tis* fi*»m C iluinbiix. Ghio. where -h* hatl l»een ^p**n«ilng the h«»]iday.* with relatives.

Mrs. K41I*- Huiitin anti littb- Gt-trge hav*- returne*! from Calif«>rnla .in*! 4ir*- the gur;:tx In the h*»me «»f Mr. an«l .Mr- F. W. Gottdes thl.- week.

.Mr». Ituymun*! H. Hull and twt> lit- lb- -'ons are siatnding two weeks with Grand l«e*lg«- i*'latives.

H. A. Host vvhti has lieen spending two month In St. J«dins with his br«»ther. Hr. S. .M. I***st. vxent i*i Hlllx- tlale last week where he I? x|»en*ling ta»m*' tlm** with hL .ulsters, l»efore k*i- Ing to Iow.a t*> make his future hom* with a ilaughter.

.Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Clark ami Geo. Huntingdon of Gvid atten«le*l th* funeral *if th*- late .Mrs. Seth Smith last .Sntunln'*

.Mr- Jnn* .Smith an«l .Mrs. .\gn* - .<• .»tT return*-*! yester*lny fr*»m a ten ilavs' vlalt with their br«»lher. Will- inm Hugg«-tt III Capa*.

.Mls.« Carrie l.Mittlm*'r *if I»eir»dt wa­in ihl? ilty vesi*-i*lay vlsltlnv rela- f Iv ex.

■Mr. an*l Mr.=^. .\. J. Vauc*insant re- tiiineil v»-sier*diy frt*m a fen *lnv'' vlalt with telatives In I>etr**lt.

.Mr.- N*»ra Hem hler **f Milwaiike* wh** Is V lulling her um le. Get#, .x<*iw b- iiiitl fiimllv left yestertlay f*»r a sh*»r; visit with relative-: in Helding.

• »rTi*- • *.?bt»rn of Gran*! Itapbl- I- xpeiitllng 41 few tlav - at hi- h<im<- In this liy.

•'iiptuin and .Mrs. Knapp of the Sal- vat bin .\rmy Gwt»sx*» have l»een"peiullne several tla>> In .'*1. Jtihiix.

.Mint, Philip Sturgfx <»f Gvl<l visited iier tb. lighter. .Mr * .\, Crow'ner. yex-tei tlav

.Ml- .Nora Wi^«- <#; Kulatiiaxoo wa? tin- guest of hei father a few tlay? the first ttf rh« week.

.Mr- H. .V. He|ft>r*l t»f Owo—o v\,i = iht- guest t*f 3dr. an*i .Mr*. C. C. WJI- . t»x ••\ei N**vv Year*-.

*' H. S*#wi*- l♦•turne4l *,•» Iietroit ye?^- letibi iifter x|„.nillng T**n tlav;; In .st Jtihn.c with hla parents .Mr an*I .Mr- Gx**rg* .'x**wl*-

Alberf .*<tt»ll trf I ixf'#!*! wax the gliext ttf MIs' Kb>|x*- Wh*-.’.t th*- first of the week.

K. L Ibtollng wax In lainsing *»n Tiiewlay.

.Mrx Klrhar«lxon-Nlchulas *if Ovid wax In thtx • ity yexterday and Pxlay.

.Mlsx Katherine Chestnut of Hllls- tlale vlslieil In the home of Mr. and ■Mrs J. H. Wheat the flmf tif the week.

H. H. Armt»ur vvaa in Lanxing yex- ter*lay.

.Miss Gra<*e tireen of Gwttsaa# wa- the guest of Mrs, W. Glenn WIdeman Hie first Ilf the week returning to her h*»me Tuemlay

Miss Haael K*»eppllnger was in Lan­sing Tueailay.

.Mrx. Harriet .*4«iwle went to lainsing .Monday where she has a p«»slt|on In the tiffice of W. H. Hose. Sta'/r laind < 'ommlaaloner.

L S. J*ihns4in <if Caaevllle la vis­iting In the home of Mr. John Mc­Kinley.

Murray Williams was in Lansing yesterday on business.

C. il. Bailey of Laingaburg vislteii reiallres in this city *ruea«ta*.

The Mloees Mary and Louise Kelly were gueau of thalr alMar, Mm le W. Hlcharil, in Grand Ledge from Friday until Tuesday.

Ralph Ptnekard of the T*nlverelty tif Michigan Is spending a few *lasre In SC. Johns with hla parents Bev. and Mm. J. B. Ptnekard.

Mias Pearl Hart of Kureka return­ed to ech«»ol In Big Kaplds yeeterday.

.Mm. Rll Mann of Battle Creek le visiting I er mother Mrs. Itnsetta Gak- lev who la 111.

Mlaa Mariraret Kelley mtumed to Ow«»seo Tuesday after spending ten days at her home In St. Johns.

Brant Bradshaw tif KIsle accompa- nlesl hy hIx uncle. Mr. Glllam of On- lark*, were caller In this r||y the fimt of the week.

Aildltlonal Brevities on page one.

By tlig Lhrlsf AftlgAg.

bftd g trrlns agfign- dom rgMotlr in Ptttgbnrt. b«r raetuU dBdteg with g little tmBwIjr. the dm- nMUto pgrgoana of whlali were Um eon- tmlio and a binebotUe fly. Tlm re­frain of Nevte'e ’'Tenmlns'* iMd jnet been roncimd and Miaa BoeernMn In ber moot appenllne tones was entraat- Inc. ’YNl fly wttli nm!*' wimn tlm Mae- bottla. aeeaptlng tlm Invitation. aK paarad. Refnalng to be bnislied aside. It baaagd blltlmly about the tlaaer'e pretty face and with commendable taate rulmd in the vldnlty of her llpe. ”Oh. fly! oh. fly!" continued Mlu Sovereign, a bit tremulotialy. ’'nuu!" was Um noncommittal answer. "Oh, fly!" oontined the c<intralto. on g low C that gave ven' MttU* hint of her trepidation. And then the worst hap* liened. Without luiuslng to reflect, the fly Impulsively rushnl Into the breach

I —and dlaapiieared. It was a critical moment for both, hut Miss Sovereign proved equal lo the emergency. With- tiut wincing, and with excellent breath control, she aided the Intruder In Its downward journey, and con­cluded the aemg with a clear, mellow, and truthful. "Oh. fly with roe!" The Incident waa unnotlre<| by the audi­ence, but .Mlaa Sover**lgn still has the fly—in memor>*. at least.


Ordinary iMNvIdiial.

Thfwa aathom a yuar. If wall ehoaan. will ba atiough for Um avemga bual- aaaa man to rand, tblahs Hann Masel. a waU-kaown Franah soelokigleai vrftar. "Thla stataaiaat oeenm In a baok aatlUad "What a maa Must Baad It Hlg Ufaclnm." Kxalnded from aoa- •idaraUoo are tha dally i»apara and •wka raqalrad by one's profaaalon or bualneaa. From the Boston Tmvalar wa qnota Um wrttar’s division of a man's Ufa Into periods with the ap­propriate subjects for reading:

‘The progmm Is laid out In Ufa pe­riods of seven years each. During the flrst period from the age of 18 to that of 24, poets and romances should be read; the second, from 25 to 31. should be conaaemted to the great iwaU of other lands, to the classics, to the an­cient historians; the third, from 32 to 38, to the great antique poets, to mod­em politics, to old chronlclem; the fourth, from 38 to 45, to our classic poets and contem|M*rary novelists, the great phlloaophem and to the authom of memoirs of recent centuries; the flfth, from 48 to 52, to our great think­ers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, to the ancient philosophers, to recent authors of memoirs; the sixth and laat, 53 to 59. to the highest religious authors."—Literary Digest.

NO DOUBT OF NIB WKALTH.Cardinal MasxofantI Probably tha

Oraatast Linguist of tham All.

Fifty-eight lanc’ia :**a at the end of one's tongue! Yet this was the num- l»er of tongiiea of which the Cardinal .Mezxofantl was master, and the most wonderful thing aliont it waa that nearly all of ih**s • fli.T-»rent languages had several aepara'** dialects. Mezzo- fantl waa proha hJv th»* greatest lin­guist the worlil ha< ••ver known. To hear a langua ’•* via-, with him to speak it. He wa% a man with three score words for * v* rv Idea, and he laid his great atTainiiients to his excel­lent memory and to the fact that once hearing a w*irtl he never forgot it.

Jeremiah Curtin, the translator of "Quo Vadls." Is credlte*! with speaJr* Ing CO languagi's and dialects.

There are few men now’adaya who pass the mark of a si>eaklng knowl- eilge of ten languages. Six or eight seem to be the limit, oven with men of great learning. .MIthridates, Pico and Sir William Jones were said to be masters of over 30 tongues, and Sir John Uowiing, .Muller and Fres­nel are said to have spoken In 20.— The Sunday Magazine.

Indapendesce in the Matter of Tips Proved Traveler Mllllomilrs.

I^te In the evening a report spread through the train that we had as a fellow-|»assenger a man worth at least f20,000,004*. When the oppoiiui^ty came I made inquiry of the porter of ray car, and he extdained:

"Dat’s what dey says, aah, but you can't alius tell. He’s In de next cah, aah. but I can't say how much he am wuth till In de mawnln*. .Mebbe he's wiith 120.000,1100, and mebbe he baln't wuth a hundred.”

After breakfast next morning the porter beckoned me Into the smoking compartment, and with a broad smile on bis face, he said:

"Dat ator>- am all true, sah.”"Then tho man Is worth 120,000,000,

is he?""All dat and mebbe a heap mo'.

Yes, sah, dar’s no mistake about dat.""Dut bow did you And out? I don’t

suppose you asked him bow much he was worth?”

"No, sah. I dun found out by de odder po'ter, sab. De millyonalre haa jest gib him 10 cents fur bnishin* him off, while everybody else has come down wld at least a quarter!"

Wedding Cheek Went to Pay Debts.Persons who have been at a loss to

select presents for marrying friends often have fallen back up<m the "sen­sible" practice of sending a check. "It saves the bride the bother of ex­changing presents." has been the ex­cuse. Dut the scheme has drawbacks, as in the case of a young man of social standing but* slender means who re­cently married a girl whose father is one of our city millionaires. The wed­ding took place In Pans and several New York friends of the bridegroom ‘‘chlpi>e<l in" for the sending of a large- figured draft. They expected he would buy an automobile or some other real­ly ncH'vssary article. Great was their annoyance when they learned the young man had used the check's pro­ceeds to settling debts. He had gone to the extreme of meanness. In their eyes, and they will think twice before they make that form of gift again — .N. Y. Press.

Great Dish Washer.I.#ew Rbank. county recorder, was

married a few weeks ago, says the Indianapolis Star. The other day he appeared about bis usual haunts with a foreflnger bound In many bandages

"Cut your Anger T’ ashed one."Yes." said Shank"How?""On a glass,'* he said, mournfully."Durglar, ehT’"No. not a wondow glass." he hast­

ened to explain. "On a tumbler, a drinking glass."

"How In thunder?" asked the man."Wiping It." he said. "Ran the dish

towel way down to the bottom and before I knew It I had nearly cut the end of my Anger off."

"Ob. I’m one of the greatest dlah* washers you ever saw." he added.

First Airship Expertmsntsra.There is little, except the method of

Inflation, that distinguishes the bal­loon of the twentieth century from the machine used by .M. Pllatre de Rosier, the flrst man to trust himself in a balloon. In October. 1783. One of his great triumphs waa fo hover over Paris at th<‘ height of 3iK) feet for a space of nine minutes. M. Pilatre achieved all his efforts by means of hot air proiluce*! by a Are which he carried In the liallcMin Itself, and waa almost ax daring aa an Italian phll- uaopher who itMik flight on a pair of wings of his own co.nitruction from the summit of the castle of Stirling In preaenee of King James IV. of Scot­land. That cnuravfHius experimenter, when picked up from the ground with a bmken leg. ae<'<)untf>d for the col­lapse of his wlngx by exclaiming to the sympathetic courtlem that be had made a mistake In taking some of his feathers from the creatures of the barnyard, whose inclination waa to­ward the earth. Had he selected them from creatures with a heavenly ten­dency. like the eagle, the experiment vwiuld have been successful. He was believed, sad suitably rewarded.

Qallant trfekwiaw ta the Aid •# Beauty hi DMIreaa-

The Boutham wuman't reluctlon to poverty and menial tasks morttllad many a maaljr breast, but few bad the working gaJlaatry of a big-hearted Irishman of whom the author of *T>lxle After the War " tells.

He caught a delicate Georgia woa- aa struggHag urlth the family wash- log. fSkm waa searcely nsore than a girl, although a wife and mother, and had been reared lo luxury. It looked as If she would never get those clothee clean. For one thing, when she tried to wring them they were streaked with blood from her hands and arma She had peculiarly flne and tender skin.

"Faith," said Pat, "an' what Is ut you're thryln' to do?"

"Go away and let me alone.""If y© don’t I'sve off clanln' thlm

garniints, they’ll be that dhlrty—""Go away!""Sure, roe child. If ye’II Jit’ shtep

to th’ other sold© av th' tub wldout puttin' me to ih’ Inconvaniance—"

He was about to pick her up in his mighty hands. She moved and dropped down, swallowing a sob.

"Sure an’ ut’s aa good a washer­woman as ivver wore breches I am," aald Pat. “An’ that’a what I’ve learned In th’ arrmy.”

In short order he had all the clothes hanging snow-white on the line, and before he went back to camp he cut enough wood for her Ironing.

"I’m yer Bridget Ivery wash-day that comes round." he said, as he swung himself off.

He was as good aa his word. This good-natured soldier did her washing every week.—Youth’s Companion.


**Camp-Meeting John's" Smart Anemer to Flippant Qugution.

Camp-meeting John Allen. the grandfather of Madame Nordica, was for many years a picturesque figure among the .Methodist ministers In the state of Maine. A mania for attending camp-meetlngs was not his only dis­tinction. He was a good deal of a wag, and his utterances were much appreciated by both saint and sinner.

At one time, having gone to Lewis­ton to attend a quarterly meeting, he was approached in the street by sev­eral young men who were evidently out for a good time.

"Campmeetlng John." said the spokesman, "who was the devil’s grandmother?"

"The devil’s grandmother." replied Mm old man In the quick, sharp tone ao characteristic of his speech, "the devil’s grandmother—how do you ex­pect me to keep your family recordT’

Pope's Skull.The skull of Alexamler Pope, the

poet and satirist. Is in the private col- I lection of a phrenologist. During { soase alterations in the churchyard ; where Pope was buried it was aeces- I sary to move his coflln. which was opened at the time to ascertain the

' state of bit remains. By brlMns the > segtOD of the church iMtsseaaloo ot the poet’s skull was obtained for the night, and In the momlag a dUlereat skull waa returaed instead. The coat of tha akttll. Including the bribe, wea '

'< 10 ponads.—The Sunday MeBeslae.

An AIMilght Alfelr. j Clarh—I heerd the hoes eektng youjoet DOW whet made you look ao tifad.

Boamle Trs I toM kin I waa ep early this momtna.

darli—What a He! Too never got ap early la yoar life.

Roonde I didn't say I ’got ap;* I Mid I ’wae’ op."

Uncotieelous Irony.A New Rnglaad man says that one

night last winter when the thermom­eter fell below zero his wife expressed her coBcem for the new Swedish maid, who had an unheated room.

"Blxa." said she to the girl, remem berlng the good old eaetora of her yontb. "aa It la Mtterly cold to-night, you’d better take a flat-iron to bed with you."

"Tea. m’ro." said Blsa. in mild and expreeeionleea assent

In the ssoralng the girl wae aeked how the peseed the night With a sigh, abe replied:

"Wall, rn’m. I gat the irroo moet varm before roomlog."—Harper's Weekly.

Blemarek's Eightieth Birthday.When Prince Rismarck was 80 years

old he received an Immense number of congratulartory birthday messages by wire and post. The staff of the tiny postofllce at Frlediichsruh was raised to 30 officials for the birthday week, while th© telegraphers had at their disposal five direct wires to Ham­burg and four to Derllo. From March 25 to .\prll 1 the number of telegrams received gradually rose from 102 lo 4,122. with 128,200 words. During the whole period close ui»n 12,000 tele­grams, aggregating nearly half a mil­lion words, were received and for­warded. In the same period there arrived 979 ordinary parcels. 225 regia lered parcels. 996 registered letters and about 450,000 ordinary letters and book-post consignments. The only tel­egrams to which immediate answer was necessary were those from royal­ties. The only other so honored was one from school children In Knglsnd.

Steel Pena.Steel writing pens are a modem In-

ventloQ. 'They were flrat made In 1803 In Kngland a man oaaMd Wise. TSie quill pen of oor foreCattiert wna Brat used in the firth century. Before that time split seeds were need to write with. There wea not much nee for pent In the olden ttmee. Tbeo- dorfe. king of the OotfogoCba. It la Mid. wna ao llUtemte that, taatead of ngtng a pen wtth which to Mgn doee- ■Mt!. be hod a gold piaio through which lottert were cut. and this belag plaeed on a piece of paper, the king traced hla slgnatore with a qnUl.

getting Mether Rlglit."Come, come." said Toeamy’a moth­

er. "don’t lounge that way. Bit up like a little roan."

"Why, mamma." replied Tommy, "men sit down It's oely dogs and things that •!! up."

ALady-^Tcmr reisrenoei am fhr ttom

■atlotactory.Maid—Refereneea go for little nowa-

daya. Tours were no good, but I thought rd try you."

Hsr^ srr a few principles of value they are simple, and ceav to remem­ber. 1. Re temperate. 2. Be Indua- trtoM* 1. lie fair 4. 14# honest.I. Da aa sensible as poeatble, and avrtid folly of swrx- kind. 4 Be faith­ful to your dullee, whatever they may hr and helpful. If poaalble to irour ae- aociatea. All the wrllera and lectusura

Blind ee a BuL•Do you believe thet love la bHndT" •a know It""How do you know It?""From looking at the kind of men

mw wouMO marry."A man ha* (his edvantag* When

he gels a <llv*»rce. hla original nam* i» reatorr*!.

Y«»u are always fussing he, ..use pr-. pie are not true to you. Are ,ou par- (Uularly true to others*

Be c-andld: Would'nt It be a terrl- ;Me thing If others didn't love you any \

Very few b«h>’ stories are interest­ing except to the parents. Keen aunts anil uncles often find baby atorlea dull

I have about aa much to do with the management of this honee." onld a man to hla wife mhMt

Miser la Btlll Waiting.A roan who waa very- miserly boar<9

ed up bis stacks of hay year after year In the hope of making double the price he was offereil for them. A well- known hay and straw buyer In the district one day asked the price of a stack. An enormous price waa asked, which the buyer accepte<l.

"How about the terms of settle­ment?” asked the miser.

"Well, you see," said the buyer, "my terms are to settle when I fetch the last load away.

"That's a bargain." said the mlaer. slapping the other’s band. The old chap watched every load go away ex­cept the lastMand that the buyer nuver did felM) away.

Inherited Felling.The caller who "drops In for half

a minute" had exceeded the time limit by about four hours, and there wee no proepeet of immediate relief, wtien the mnall boy of the houee came In for the third time la ■maiemn at ■eemg the vtaltpr.

"Ain’t you gone yetr* he aeked, frankly. ’’’Bout time for you to bn golB’. ain’t Itr*

"HuMi. Freddie." cried hla mother, la dletreeo. "Tou mustn’t mind what be Mjrs. Miu. Joaea; ehlMreo don’t mom to know any better than to Miirt tlm truth rtght out oometloMn do they?"

Whereupon the caller gathered ug her dignity and departed.—Harpers.

FrsSssttng ths FuMIs."QIvu ms s can of corned beef.' "Got a prearrtpttoa?""Nopa. WhyT*"Tonn have to glue yoar naam

you It for."—I

me te dp u

"Ton coulda*t fnmlah any knock­down argnuNuit shout your abtllty to do the fsmily sewing."

"Couldn't 1? Juet welch me fell this seam."

If at any time you flgure ahead that the fiddler le apt to present a lerper bill than the pleeoure found tn the dance le worth, thet Is aleo a

ef aga.' or ffMe

s, vm.

i I

BAKER’S COCOAHas held the market with conftamly increasing sales for 126 years, and has won highest awards inEunipr and America.

No CMmt Food Pradnet bmm a LikmMmcafd.

WALTER BAKER & CO.. Ltd.EstaUished 1780 DarchMter. Mass.

'3>' 1-5^

XOitTMWKNT .%lll»l>lil<:ill'ltY.

Mr. anti .Mri«. <ift*r*f Hlieftirtl rniei- tuincil hlM brother tinti wife «if l^insInK <’hrlsiniHs week.

•Messrs. HlKfortl were KUesle ttf Wil­bur lllirftntl anti famllj* Wetlnestlay.

•Mr. anti .\lnt. <le«irire Hlfrfortl anti his bntiher and wife fntni l^ainsInK aliMt Wilbur MUrhtrtl anti family vis- Itetl F*rank Hlirfttrtl and wife Thurs­day tif this week.

<*. .*i*elb anti wife enlerialnetl her imrents. \, H. Whittaker and wife, and his mtiiher. .Mrs. Selb anti stni Ktl ('hrlstmas.

.Mr. anti .Mrs. Uttckwell af lainsInK and .Mr. and .Mrs. Herl»ert Fuller s|»enl fhrlsimas with their father. Davhl t’ainpbell. who realties ttii the I>ver farm.

.Mr. anti .Mrs. FI. Fuller of .Morrlce ealletl on their irrandparents. 1). Sny­der and family last Wednesday.

.Miss Mortiand spent t'hrlsimas with her sister, .Mrs. rtusle Arnold.

I>ennls .Snytler wht» had u stntke of paralysis, remains ab«»ut the same.

.Miss flraee Walworth spent the htdidays with her parents and other friends here.

.Miss liessle llumsey t»f Kalamaaoti was the truest of her aunt Mrs, Hun- tr>on and other friends tlurlna the htdi­days.

I>avld Phillips and wife visited Jnti. Illchards and family t'hrlstrnas.

(1, tJ. .'<mlth anti wife are s|>entllnic the htdidays with his |M>ple In Albion and Pulaski. They will return home Wetinestlay.

Harry Knapp of Henninaton Is stay- Inir with his aunt. .Mrs. L. Vanl>yne.

Abe Snytler anti family spent Christ­mas under the r»Hif of their parents.

Ueulten liennls anti family are at the httme of his |*arents. J. c. I>ennls anti wife.

.Mrs. Ktiaenla anytler was at the home t»f I>. Snyder Friday.

.Mrs. Thomas .Marbtn of Ovbl ealletl on her unrie liennls .Snvtler recently.

fle«irat- .‘inytler called <*n his uncle, I>ennls .*<nytler anti family the fore part of last week.



l.»ewls KelloRK anti wlf* art- Imme frtim .\llnnes<»ta where they havt lieen worklna on a tlretlae.

Jtthn Youna and famil> were the Christmas iruests at the home of their tiuuirhter. .Mrs. Wilbur Stiatttm.

Willis Itaaaelt anti famll.v. Charier^ ItaRK'tt .tml famll.\ of Washlnattm, Henr> I tew i»f t'omlns. J Willis anti family. .Mis. Isttitel Tupper. Ablen Tuppei. Hiram fturllnaame anti Heo. I’^ Iturllnaaine. were Chnstinus auesi^ of S. H. liurlInKame .md wife. Many prt ti\ |iit--.ents wen- left one «»f which was a '‘et of sllverwiire pit senletl by tte.irK*' IturllnKame.

The asstolatlon tllnner will meet at the hiune ttf .Ml. anil Mrs. William .Schoals January Ib. Pearl Car|»enter*s committee is t»n ft»r wt»rk.

.Mrs. Alma lieitai and liauahter tif Jackson vlsiietl at the home t>f K. M. Chadwick .‘^alurtlay.

J. fi. ChafTee. wife and tlauahter Julia. Will. Harrod anil family and K. I). l.a»wrence and wife visited at K. .M. Chadwick’s .*4unday.

.Miss llaael llarrtMl returns to the L. II. I*. Wetinestlay.

Mr. anti .Mrs. tlerman Mypher and Wm. Sypher. .Mr. and .Mrs. C. <1. Chadwick anti stm. Mr. and .Mrs. Ilromley and chllilren and mother. .Mrs. Wilkin from llurtt»n and .Mrs. (Iraham t»f Lanslna tot»k Christmas dinner at c. N. Wilkin’s last Tuesday.

All who attenileil the Christmas tree at the church .Momlay evening wras well repaid. The decttrallons were line and the pr<»Kram which the scholars aave was splenditl and much credit Is tlue .Miss Kvereft. our teacher, who so kimlly ilrllletl the t hlldren. So take It all arountl It was the finest ever Riven at the church.


Mrs. Clarence Clark has l>een f|ulte sick with «iuinsey: .Miss Lillie SniCf has been workinjc ft»r her.

Mm, Frank Flluent visited at her mothers. Mrs. N. Jones of Washlnirton township twtt tlays last week.

Prof. Ml' CullouRh and family* are s|>endlnic twti weeks with friends In liuplaln.

.Mrs. N. Jones anti children attended the Christmas tree at the Haptlst church laat Monday niaht.

.Miss Ivnh Peck anti Mr. Fred (Jru- itauah of Washlnaton ttiwnshlp were united In marrlaac by Hev. .Mr. Hoof at this vlllaire I>e«*ember 25.

.Mrs. Huy* Smith of Cadillac s|»ent Saturtlay* at .Mr. C. Clark's.

.Miss Flitssle Fuller wht» has been worklna at James Otlell’s ft»r s*»me time returneil to her home In Hamil­ton tttwnship Saturtlay.

* L. H. Allen has Iteen entertulnlna ' iwt» ctunratles. .Messrs. J<»nes anti Itall the past week.

I .Mrs, Kltitn tlreen Is vlsltlna her mtither. .Mrs. H. tireen ft»r twti weeks.

I Mr. anti .Mrs. 11. Ixnirwell anti Mr. anti Mrs. I<*»ckwtMnl visitetl their sis­ter. -Mrs. M. H. tireen. and .Mr. Jesse Hatlley: their father was also present.

Miss Llnna iiltick visited the Allen family last week.

Kuaene CnderhlU tif Flint Is spentl- InK his vacation at httme.

tllenn K, Harnes spent Christmas at the home ttf his arantl father. K. I). Pttst.

I), Watlln vlsiietl his hrother-ln-law Win. P«»st last Friday.

Henry Jttnes Is at h*ime. The Jtmes family vlsiietl .Mrs. Jttnes* brtiiher. flarrett Huyck, last Saturtlay.

.Mr. James .See was surprlsetl Christmas by his children. All with their families were present, but a son In Hlchmond. VliRlnla. and twtt icrantl- tlauRhters In Ashley.

A business meetlnk ttf the church was called laat Saturday. The deacons were re-elected. Charles Charm anti K. D. Ptist; Treasurer. L. H. Allen: Clerk. .Mrs. F. K, Hreen: Trustees. F’tl Cnder- hill fttr tine year. Charles Sheehan for two yearn and T. K. (Ireen fttr three years. Plans were talked tif years. Plans were discussetl as ltt •»#•- curinK Hev. .Mr. Fryer tif cvltl ttt till the pulpit when vacant.

H\HT \VAHHI.\liT<>.\.

The Christmutt tree at the I*. It. church was a success; the exercises anti music were splemliil.

.Mrs. Henry Whlifttrtl's health Is ver.v pttttr.

.Ml, anti .Mr- C W Zimmerman ttf Hamiltttn -iient Christmas at the httme ttf the later'.- sister. Nirs. James Ithy nartl.

.Ml. aiitl .Mis. Wm. ll«twen ttf Nttrth .'<tar spent Christmas with his parents. .Mr. anti .Mrs. Jtihn Ititwen

Protracletl meetlnk- at the C It, • hurt h Iteiran last Wetinestlay niRht.


SlOdJVSLiiunveivt^ CM^,Gyld,Gx>up.Sore Ikroflt, StiffRkeumotism oml

NeurolgiaAt *11 Dsalsrs

Price 25c 50c 6 *IX)0


John A. Tubbs and wife visitetl Henry Tubbs Wetlnesday tif last week.

littrn It) .Mr. and Mrs. Hay (1. .Mitch­ell tif Hush township. l>eceml>er 27. a flauirhter, Olivia Carol Mitchell.

.Mrs. J. A. Dunlap. Clare Dunlap anti .Mrs, lllanche Fuller tif Chapin visited her tlauRhter .Sunday at the-home of W. H, .Mitchell In Hush ttiwnshlp.

The next meetinic (leorice A. WInans W. H. C. will be held the secontl Thursday In January. All members are re<iuestetl to lie present as there la business tif Imiairtant'e.

.Mrs. Mary Tubbs ealletl tm .Mrs. J. H. Younir "Tuesday.

Mrs. .Mary Tublis Is nurslna Mrs. H..Mitchell and infant dauRhler tif

Ntirth Carland. .‘the will return httme .Hnturtl^y, January aih.

Ttt sitip a Coltl with “Preventics” Is luifei that iti let It run anti cure It af- lerwartls. Taken at the" sneeac stake" Preventlcs will heatl off all ctilds anti •Irlppt-. anti |ierhaps save yttu frtim Pneiimttnla <tr Hronchitls. I'n-ven- tlcs art* lit!If ittolhsome cantly coltl tablets sclllntc In cent anti 2.'t cent boxf- If ytiii are chilly. If .vtiu is— kin to siiffRf. try Preventlcs. The.v will -urely chtfk the coltl. anti picas#* yttu, S#iltl by all tl«*aler*“.

1.1:11 WON.

Free5k>erfi Book on Horses CetHe, Hogs S PoultryAddres4 Dr. Earl S. Sloan 615 AUmh^ Si: Bosfon.Mess.^ i m. A

Krftinl Nash spent Christinas with filentls near Plymttuih, Wayne Ctt.

Tht ladianttn Farmer*' cluh meets Thurstlay ttf this week with Mi. ami Mrs. Krfttrtl Nash ttf this place.

.Miss Klla .*<ulllvan. eacher In Dis­trict Ntt. 3. spent last week’s httlltlays at her httme In llubhardstttn rtchtt#t| re-oitenetl Wetinestlay.

He\. P. .M. t’rlpps ttf Oraml itaphl- wh*i. sttme twenty years ak«>. was pasttii ttf Ia*hanttn C. It. churt h. was hert last week vlsiilnk many ttbl time frlemls

Nell Faittr anti Frank Httkers wert In I»eiritlt last week ltt see atiout placink the latter’s twtt yttunk nntiher- less chihlren In an Insiltutlfinal Intme In that city.

Karl Httsecrans ttf Kellner. New •Mexlcti. whtt has lately lieen vlsltlnk his father. Oettrae Hosecrans tif .Mt. Pleasant, lalletl ttn friends hen last week.

.Mrs. .M. J. .Hmith of Vickery vllle Whti has lieen vlsltlnk I^haiitin rela­tives the last few weeks went last week ltt Htichesler. .MIchIkan. ttt vis­it he» ilaukhter. Mrs. Fietl Het ket anti family. .Mrs. .Smith was acutm- panted there hy her krantidaukhter. Miss Ktlna Falor. of this place.

Hev. S. .Stevens Is havink ktoitl at­tendant t- and Interest In the ^lik* iwu« meetinks at l^lmnon C. It. churc h.

As a kuest of "The Wm. Ablen .Smith Senattirlal Ctimmittee of Five lluntired Husineiis .Men" Jay .Seasbms is in lainstnk this week attentllnk the ti|>enlnk of the leklstature and wtirk- Ink In the Interests of Mr. Smith’s candidacy for the senattirship



Mr. anti .Mrs Fretl Dlckenain and family of Hunfleld are vlsltlnk rela­tives here.

.Mrs. Hlcirena and Tom went to Hay* city last week to visit relatives, Tom returned the latter i»art of the week and Mrs. HIkirena will return this week.

l.«eonard Black and wife of Albion spent imrt of last week vlsltlnk rel- Mtlvea here. Mr. Hlack has the Jan- Itorshlp of the Albion t'olleke. so he ctiuld n«)t be away only for a short time. They with other relatives num- berink elkbte*n t'xik dinner with Mr. and Mr*. If. Kunter Christmas day.

Master Hoy Hlack accompanied his uncle home for a short time.

.Mlaa Rlla Mahar who la attendlna th«' FerrI* institute at Hik Hapids Is home for a vacation of two week*.

Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Henley iif tlrand I^«lke spent Christmas nikht at James lialck’^

Mrs. fyoitalas and daiikhter. Myni Dutton 4if I'ewamo visited relative- here and at tailnkst>urk fiart of la-1 week.

Hoy Johna«in of Ml. Plea-ent I- vlsltlnk et the horn# of Mr* Mar- tlreen. at present.

Mr. Oeorve Phalps and Mloa Grace Plelila ware quietly married by Uev. Mr. Woodhams at the M. E. parsou- akv in Corunna Darember 24 at l:St.

Dne of the larseat Christmas kuth- erlns* for the year was held at the home of C. M. Handall. when their family aseembled at the home for Christmas dinner. There were aliout SI present. Mr. Wikht came d«iw-n froiii Klale and photokraphed the crowd. A larke Christmas tree was un- biaded «if Its burden, each recelvink a klft. Anioiik those who 1 ame from a dlslaiu'e were May Field and Mona Handall of Detroit, <le«irke MtH'lIntock «ir Owtisso. Hoy* Martiilon and Mias Nora Plehl of <»vld. C. H. Hernui and fainlly* from Chapin. Harry Wallers and wife iUid Imby* of Hra<ly. Ge«irke Phelps and wife ami Harry Ibiuck «if KIsle.

The Herman Itapllst Hreihren re- orkHnlse#! their Huntlay* s<*hool for the next six months. The followink olll- # ers w ere electe«l; Hufierlntendenl. .Mrs. Fanny Alliaukh: rtecretary. lier- Tha Albaukh; Treasurer. .Malle Han­dall. Ch«irister. Hertle .\lbaukh; LI- I rariaiis. Fretidle and Haxel Altiaukh. AM are Invitetl to aiteml the Sunday - ho«#l as well as to the other services.

Huy .ind K»*.dle Han«lall sfieni Thurs- tt\ with o|e\ and Harry Johns*in «)f

i:i-ie.Wm. .\lbaukh and family ex|ierlen-

< eil «iulle a s«are the past week, while they were moviiik lni#» H#ilieri S#»m- ers’ house ihey were on the ^■••a»l with •«#me k<ei«ls and ih** team lie. amt' fiikhienetl luid commenced to run throw IriK off s<ime of the family* and household furnituie. Tht team then ran Into a teleph«#ne jMile anti stopfietl before any serious ilamake was ilone.

.\lrs. .\aron Maker Invlietl In a num- lier ‘if her frientls and relatives Wetl- ne-day In hon##i of her 41 birthday. .Xliout 20 were pre-enl I#* enj#»y the ifooil time.

.Miss .Matle Hantlail s|ienl| Fritlay anti Saturtlay with her sister anti fam­ily. C. Herron and wife,

Heot'ke .McCllnt«ick Is the kUesI of his frlenil. .Miss May Fields a few tlays of this week.

.Misses Ktllth Holden. Ly'tlla Fields ami Jennie Albaukh of the beanery at KIsle sfient .‘*untlay with their par­ents here.

Hev. I^evl liaker s|ient Sumluy with his father. He\. Davhl Maker anti wife in Carstin City.

.Miss Hertle AHmukh I* akain wurk- Ink for her aunt. .Mrs. Makkie Maker, after a few tlays’ vacatbin at htime with her parents. Adam Alliaukh anti wife.

<•. A. Hantlail and wife s|ienl .‘<un- tlay* with .Miss Marla HIney.

Charles Ctirp Is wtirkink at a fouml- ry In Hhbi,


.Miss .\nna Tyler reiurnetl Monday from Chicak** where she has been ftir stime time. Mr. Deerlnk w*hti art*#im- (utnletl her. returnetl to Chicako last ■Thursday*.

Ttim Purtell tif KalamaxMi spent Christmas with his fiaoents In this place.

He«irke Van.*4ctiy untl wife enterialn- etl Httward Frances and wife of Vlc- itir and Wm. Farnswtirih and family* tif this place at dinner Tuesday*.

K. Harte anti ilaukhter Fledn and H. Harle and family s|ienl Christmas In I>eWll! with A. J. Phelps and wife.

Hrble Whitney was In I>elrt»lt a few flavs of last week.

.Miss Hevah Cushman s|»enl a few tlays tif last week with frientls In Jack- son.

Mrs. Waikin spent last week In Ann ArlH.r with her s#in. Perry Spunkier.

The .M. K. L. A. meets Thurs­day. January 1«. with .Mrs, Aanm Conklin ftir dinner.

Arthur Hotttirich anti wife anti tif .St. Johns spent Christmas with Wm, HiMttlrlch anti wife «»f this plate.

Christmas exercise- ctinsistink '»f sttnks anti r»Mllall«ins were hebl In the Haptlst « hurt h .'<untlay mtirnlnk tlur- Ink the Huntlay -chtMil h*mr. anti later a rtn»* Chrisimaf- seromn was tlellveretl In He\ .Ml. HtiwiantI

.Montlax • venink a * aniata enlllb*tl "Mitl KrI- Kiinirb'” was kiven In the .\| K i hiin h b> m*'ml»ers of the .**un- tlax h•*ol There wen- nearix forty per*»*«n- tn lh» play It xvjt- a m<«-t ••njoxabb tiffalr anti tin t him h was

I (iXX ■.•■tl

i:.\sT imwiTT.

Klkhlt#*n aliintbtl iht familx i#*. union on *’hilsimas at Isoii- V«»isln#'t’-

.\li - Kmma Dulcher anti <dlx#- Tul- Ix t»f lainsiiiK «p»*ni Haiurtlax anti .*<un- tiax at Iht httin* tif ih#* ft»rmer‘- par- enls

.Ml anti .Mis Nt»ah Wilhelm are «|ientllnK a c-nipl#* t»f xxeeks xxlih rela­tives t#f ttrall#il t <»nntx

The Malh N«t T ht##*! t»f xx hlch .Ml. Vtiislnel Is leather is c|t»seil t#n act-oiini of measles

.Marx Hellei. John anti Is*na .Mxei#- speni several tlax - al the ht»me of the former’s paieiits. .Mi anti Mrs. Charle- Hellei

Heo Heller t»f Hunnlsonvllle s|»ent ShIumIhx anti Huntlay with hi- untie. IsiUl- Vtilsinet. of this plo. e

$5,000RewardWill Iw paid to any porsou who cuiii»find one atom of opium, (diloral, morphine, cocaine, ether,chloroform, heroin, alpha and beta eu- caine, (*annab)H indira, or chloral hydrate or any of their derivatives, in any of Dr. Miles’ Remedies. Tliis applies to gotnls in original packages, nnoj>- enwl, and not tampered with. Certain unscmpii- louH persons arc making false* statiements about these remedies.

*T havw b»*n traaMad with a t*r- liblv hssulachft fnr th« last t«#n f*«r*: th* tioclom could do nw 1*0 knwd. I •MW l>r. Mil**’ Anti-Pain 1*111* adver- tt*«-rl In tlM Hunday maksalnc. an I tboukht I would try a aanipl*' I did so. and lhay hH|M>«l wondarfullv. I had h#wdac4»^ ao badly I could barxl- ly iw to work, ao 1 amt to the ilnik store an«l arnt a liox. In a couple nr hour* I wr*Mi all rtkht. It wa* tha flrat medlctna to tio me any k^oil ’*

A A II.I.P: PhlUdeiphla. Pk.MCI Tacoow* Htraat.Dr. Mil*** Antl-Pain Pttia ar* sold by

your drukuKit. who wdtl auarants* that tfw first pack an* wtil benefit. If It fstle. be will return your mewey.M deeee. M eents. Never eefd in IwHc.MilM Medical Co., EUdiart. Ind

Chetpere who are paiHaihir atioul tbs dmiliiicM oi wfait they chow, looni tobacco which is exposed to the dtist,dlit

and contaminattiig odors of the average m. That’s why th^ ahaays buy

IGERCUT CHCWmC TOBACCONeat, air-tight, dust^roof packages

keep the sweet, tasty flavor pmrt aird toe tobacco dmm—just as It left the

factory.Tiger is the finest of fine cut tobacco

sweet, tasty, always fresh and abiKilui^y pure, every package sealed,

•o that substitution of cheaper to* baoNis is impoasible. Alwa)r8 bay Tiger when you want the best.

For !*• OL tht Uoltoilby thyou have over

A. D. .Shrrman ami wife virileil thrir tiaukhirr. .Mth. Kitu Pelion. whii liver# In the n«#rihern part of the «taie last week.

.Ml. and Mm. J. H. .Sanderson and J«)hn were at Kukrne Murk’s In f»vld for < 'hrlstmas.

Flossie and Hamid Hmwn from near Hurl. .MIchIkan. were at James .Sand­erson’s last week Friday.

E. E. Leland and family from Hen- nlnkt«*n. K. H. f*utnam and family, Heorkr l*ulnam and family of Hclotu, .Mrs. <'orbit I..eland and little daukh- ler fmm HIrmInkham. .Mich.. Herbert Austin and family of Hvid and <'has. Warren spent t'hrlsimas at D. J. I.,e- land's.

Hrice Holton and xvife from Hush t«iwnshl|t were at K. W. Han<lerson’s Friday last.

•Ml. aiul .Mri*. K. .Mct'arty and .Mrs. -M. Kmer> xvere at K, W. .Sanders*in's f«n J’hrlsimas.

.Mrs. .Hianton and family xxere at E. H. Iteeman’s for t’hrlsimas.

Ji>e Horn and family ale t'hrlstmas ilinner xvlih his brother John and family at t»xv»iss«).

AHiert .Hlocum ha- just finished put- link dttwn a xvell in his sheep sheil.

Any skin Itchink Is a tem|>er-tesier. Th*' itmi#* .xt#u s<*ralfh the xx*«in»e It itches. DoaiV- <Mntment cures piles, ecaema—any skin itchink. At all «lruk stores.

What 1907 Wffl Bring FcMrdi to Users of TUBE ROSE FLOUR

The l>c8t rolls, the lightest biscuits, the whitest bread and sweetest pas­try, the same as it has for the past numlier of years. Ask your neighbors.

THERE’S A REASONThe best selected wheat, properly milled and so blended as to produce a wholesome, meaty flour—the pride of the Ijest cooks.



FARM at AUCTIONOne of the most desirible farms in Lebonon will be offered for sale at auction on

Jtmmmry t8, 1907.at one p. m. sharp, at the premiaes, known as the Wm. Fitxpetrick iarm. four and one-half miles north and one-half mile west of Fowler, or one-half mile east of the Sessbos schoolhoute.

Till*: r.\iui.Th* plat ** (*oni*l*tfi of 140 ai rr*. Iieink the west half of the iMiutheuKt <|uarter of sec­

tion 14. and tht* west half of the northeast quarte** of i*ectton 23, Leluinon. The aolt Is a t'lay and kravel loam, lylnk hikh and well drained. There are 120 acres un<ler the plow and nearly 30 acres of timber, mostly maple, ash and rock elm: a larke amount Ilf Rood saw tineticr. enoukh to put up a Rood barn.

There are 2S acres of wheat on the kni und. about 30 acres see«led. 35 acres fall pioxved. Apple orchard of about 2 acres berries, etc. Fairly xvell fenced. Inrludlnk 2on rmlji wire fence put up this sprtnk. Farm free from foul weeds.

HOrSK.The house consists of an upricht about 18x20 with two xvinks aliout 12x14 and 14x1*#

res|M-«'tlvely. There are five rooms below and two rooms above stairs. Iieslde^ txx«» closets It makes a comfortable house.

IIAItXK.There Is a double tiarn, one 30 x 40. the other 2H x 50. tlooil frames, and can readily

lie put In Rood condition. The lorn crib, hen house, tool shed and kranar>* are com­bined In one bulhllnk separate from the tiarns.

MARK A l-nNK. FAIIM.This farm la especially* adapted to stock ralsinif and would make one of the finest

stock farms In the county. It has four fine sprlnas of water In different parts of the farm, ail In different fields, besides a Rood well at th* houae and windmill klvlnv water In the horse barn and for domestic use. Thouirh well watered, there la no wet land anywhere on the place, the farm lytnk on a rldse and dralnlna both ways.

PRODrCTTIVl-: AND FUfl*: DOTATION.This place Is a very desirable farm, from every standpoint. It le one of the very*

liest In the vicinity, which Include* many fine farms; Its productivity has been fully up to the average amona the beat nelRhborlnir farms, and In wheat production It has often been In the lead.

The location la very Rood, belnk only five mile* from the excellent market of Fow­ler. over one of the heat roada In the county. The farm lies five miles from .Maple Rap­ids; school H mile; church 2 mllee; telephone line pest the houae.

TKRMfi: When struck off the buyer la to deposit 1100 in #ash. note or check to be f#irfelied If he falls to carry out hla agreement: If he carries out the deal, this amount will be applle<l on the purchase price, and the balance will be arranaed nn any mm llmi nmy anil ilw p—^rtmerr. provldlna they are safe and reasonable In character. Tlilr perfect and alntmet given to pnrrhnser.

The undersigned will he pleased lo meet anyone Interested at hto store in Fowler and lake them to the farm or kive any Information desired. Persons Interested are alM In­vited to visit the farm at any time.

NOTE—On the same date the penonal property on the above farm wilJ be toid. Watch for full list of prooerty in the laat issue of The News before the sale.

‘ . .1 ',gipfn I ■

tnr ! f


QMiiNd aad BlMdiiK In Itm* Plicni Hm—noSnltlMtWilli Chw Of Rnpr-TrM «■» iMNdiM and Conanltad Tima Oadon, birt Got No RaHaMlm Onrod and la Vifjr


I Iwd «—a on my hantia for •bout obrran jmmn, Tbo hands crnoksd ocMn in nwnr plnow and blad. Ono

my lUtgarw was so tiad that tho nail oarao off. I had ofton hs«ud of euros hy tho Cutkura Hemodiso, but had DO ronfldsner in thorn as 1 had trlMj so manjr romodita, and they all had faded to euro me. I liad Hoen throe doctor*, but ffot no rollef. Finally my hue- Itand naid that wo would try tin* CuU- eura lirmodios. so are ar>t a cake of ('utioura Htaap. a box nf ruticura Olnt- rmmt.and two liutUcM of Cutieura Hawob vent Fills. Of oourso 1 keeri (*uticura •Soaii all the tim»* for my liaiMlN. but tin* one oake *»f Hoa|i and iialf a Imx <»f C'utii'ura Ointment cun'll rhem. It in fcurely a likwina for me to luive my liandn well, and I am very i>n>ud «if havina irk'il Cutieura lieno'ilieH, aiMl roeomm«‘nd tlieni to all niifTmiig with oceema. Mm. Kiiza A. Wiley, It. F. L). 2, Listomb, Iowa. Oct. JM, lUUO.”


BKATIt»N AT tfT. MAKV'M.' \'*ry beautiful and elaborate ser­vices marked the I'elebratlon of Christ mas at 8t. Mary's church last week three nuhaaee belna celehrateil h>' Kev

' Fr. Hrotfsr with eapec tally tiae mu- Bcl appropriate to the day. The dec­orations were very* tiesutiful. the high

, altar belna elaborately trimmed with I dowers and lights, while at one of ' the side altam was a repreeentallon of the scene of the Nativity.

' The first man w*as at i a.m.. the ^ choir under the leadership of Mr. Ix»e- her nlnglnir Kalm'n mass, “MIsaa Jesu Iteilemptorls.** for four v«»lces. A

! low mass followed, and at lu o‘t htek solemn high mass was celebrated the clndi and orchestra rendering <lrul*er*n Festival Mass. Solemn ves- l>ers l>egan at 3 o'chok. ftdiowed by the l>enr«llctlon and Tel>euni.

A ver> large concourse of i»e<»|de assisted at all the ser^'l* en. and two rtne **ermons were prea* bed by Fr, Hroegger.

ITCHING PIMPLESResulted fixmi Poisoninc. Cured

by Two Sets of CuUcurm Remedies.

** My htjsitand got a blotsl disease from wearing woolen umlerwt'ar. H«* was ail full of itimples. and Ite lta<l an awful itehiiig. H** t<M*k a gissl many so- oailf<l bl<sMl remedies, and nothing did him giHsl. Tlieti we saw in a news- r>a|s‘r aliout CutKura Ibtnedies, and tl>ey cureil him after using in all two nets of Cutiinira Hoap. Cutieura Oint­ment, and Cutieura llewilveni, aral n<»w 1 wouUln't «lo witliout (!uticura Soap. Mm. llanier. Hennem St., Hmuling. Fa.. Jan. 2£. llioti.*'

iXtapMr kitrrssi sad laisnui Trratiaset lor kvrrr liuroor of laUau. ctuMmi. mho AOmnm roa- ■WU of ivumrs snap i2Ar > Ut iSr sfcla.cuiM-urs oiatnirai iJitk , t«> llmi ibr hiim. »au l^iOrurs Hrsnlvf^t i «ur to Us* lorin €»r •ai*- •'ustsu Pills iir vtsi ol *n»i |4> punfr la* ItbsHi --••Id ihbswiMiui tbr scsid P<su-rl>rtMa CUnni I ^irp . h>sp Pru|a Husimi. Ussi smUaitnl t rer. IluaA aa sssi —sealp

C. M. II, \. OFFICF-IlK At the re* ent election of officers of

i Ifraiich C. M. II, A., at .*<t. -Mary'ji ; hull, the folhtwtng were ele<-ted:

Spiiltuul .\dvisor. Itev. F. J. Ilroeg- gel. Chancellor. Theo. Hengel. John c. Ilengeiibuch; l*rep;blent. Win. Saler;

' Fli rtt Vice.Fresblent. Fertlinund .Mar­lin; St'Cond Vlc«‘. .Mathia** llengesitach;

; Ite- 'irdlng Sei retury. Jos. A. Spitz- ley: .\ssi. Itec. firr.. Chas. Iliar. Fi­nancial .''•■c.. Christ Helen. Trsaj-urer. Win. .Martin; Marshal. I>r. .'■iehoenith; Cuard. John J. <5ro-^.

Monday aftatnuun. Oseasnhar 34th at I o'ol^k a pratty but qwlai wad­ding was solamalaad at tha horn# of Mr. and Mrm. Qaurgs Sohani whae thalr >‘ottngaat daughter. Joasis waa unltad In marriage to John Mpanewr of Lanaing. f>nly tha Immadlata friends and relatives ware praaant.

As the strains of the wedding march were being played by Mre. John'Bart­lett. sister of the gr«>om. tha young t'ouple tiMik I hair places under an arrh of groan and ware married by Itev. Mr. Lyon. The bride was tasti­ly gowned In cream silk mull.

After a few days visit with rela­tives In this plac*e they left for Lan­sing where the gr«Mtm had a homa furnished for hie bride. The young peiiple have* a host of friends In this place, who extend heartiest wishes for a happy and orosperous future.

Mies Fra Hutfln of Detroit Is visit­ing relatives In this place.

Miss Floreni'e liuwen of Ovid spent t'hrlstmas day at Itirhard Hazel's.

Mr. and and Mrs. H. I,<eland were guests at (leorge Wllisie*s In Ovid Sunday.

Mrs. M. J. Willis of Hay City Is visiting her brother. J. J. Winfield and family.

.Mr. and Mrt. .Martin Ilenrdict of Carland s|ient Christmas <lay at Mrs. Nancy Ixiunsbury's.

l^fcorn Winfield was the guest of ■ her cousin Kssle Aldrich In t>woss4» part of last week and the first of this. *

.Mr. an«l Mrs. J. f{. .\ldrlrh and family of owoss^i spent Christmas ilay with their parents. Mi. and .Mrs. - J. J. WInlleld. ,

.Mr. an«l .Mrs. 11. Ia*lan<l eniertalne<| ! .Mr. and .Mrs, liiiinphrey Moore of Ovid iind Mr. and .Mrs. K. H, .Munson Tuesday for N«*\\ Year's dinner.

The .M. K. .*<unday s. ho«d elected the following ofTIcers for the coming year: Sufit.. II. .V. Farmalee; Ass’t.Hunpt.. tHlvc Cb-velaml; Sec.. .Minnie <Ms<»n: Treas.. .Mr-.. F. I>. **|eveland. Lib.. Avis Lvon; organist, .Mrs. J. .Ml Cinii uddy.

lF«ed your hair; aouriah k;i it aoaMchiiig to lire ou.,

IThaa it will atop fallliit» will grow long and haary.IAyer*t Hair Vigor it the only;

luioe hair<-fbod you [buy. It gives new.life to tliej I hair* bulbs. Youhair you have« aod gac moiZfi too. Aad it koapa the acalp jclean aad healthy.


A very pru(ly wedding wm* sul- •mntaed at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Oeorge Fsrks. luet Tui^ day St high noon when her youngeet daughter. Mlae Margaret, was ualie<l In marriage to MNIllam H. gturgla. The siralna of the weddtag march, which was -played by Mrs. D. H. Mat - pherson. accumpanlsd the wedding

Krty to their places under s very zutifully decorated archway, at­

tended by Mlse Bertha Mturgls. slater of the groom and Mr. Beryl Parks, brother of the bride. The fwremony was performed by Itm*. J. B. Plnckard, of Hi. J<ihns. In the presence of nearly fifty guests. P»d- lowlng the ceremony and ctmgraiula- tlons dinher was served to the guests.

The bride was attired In a vary be­coming dress of white chins silk, while the bridesmaid wore a neat dress of white linen. The houer was very prettily detorated with unique decorations.

The bride was a very charming young lady of this vicinity, while the groom Is an Industrious young man. .May their life Ih- a long and happy one is the wish of their friends.

K. O. T. M. .M. DPFK'KItK.The Knights of the .Modern .Macca­

bees recently elected the following officers St their regular meeting: Com.. A. F. Htow; Lieut. Com.. Orson Parks; It. K., H. Hutton; F. K.. Oeo.

Mias llsasle Hamer was quite sick last week but la better si this writing.

Mias Mary' Kelser of Ht. Johns vis­ited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kaiser last week.

Mrs. Clarence Turk and daughter Haael of Bengal spent the latter part of laat week with Mr. and Mrs. Itiih- ard Havens.

Prank Kogers of lx>bsnon was in town Monday on business.

Mrs. John Hurwell and children Maud and Warren returned to their home In Durand Monday after s|>end- ing a week with her parents. .VIi. and Mrs. W. L. Feet.

Mr. and Mrs. Prank Cook and chll dren of Fewsmo visited friends Irf town lost week.

Miss Hose Kramer of Ht. Johns has been visiting her imrenis the past week.

Lucene Hturgla was In Ht. Johns the fore part of last week on business.

Mr. anti Mrs. Harley Fayne of .Ma­ple Itapids were In town one day last week.

Wni. Hoyt of Maple I apids vlslt- etl his sister. Mrs. Corwin Hiurgis last week.

Charles Heller is on the «*rk list..Mrs. Isaac .Smith anti little son

Nt>el .xpent the fore part of the week with her parents. .Mr. and Mrs, Minor Hutttm of llengal.

Miss Minnie Frlsble of t'rystul Is visiting friends in town for a few days

F'retl Martin hatl the mUfortune to


oathaftka Imt. Ilka tOamMcb. thay wiU not ba abis to da tiMir aUociad wotk ttptil tbay ara pat iato pro|» ooMls UoMtodoU.

Oaa cannot nMud

DOm tba haman bodp

oat ai piUa. aalta. caatorsiU ■•'/’Of oMhaftlc madicinas ia

^ vioJaat maCbod. Tha uaa of ttia barb laaativa.

ii tha mat hod adoplad by gant peopla.

Haadacbe. backache, indigestion, cooitipation. skin diseases—sli aie benefited immadialaly by the use of this roadictne.

^Drumsusell it at a$c. and 50c.------------------

vislietl in Fontlac last

is xislting relatives in

Blank BooksAT

WholesaleWe have on hand a large line oi Blank Books—



etc., bought direct from manufacturers before the advance in the price of pa|)cr. and we are selling them at actual whole­sale prices.

If you need anything of this kind, our prices are so low you can’t af­ford to get them any other place.

Tram & SbikqiTIm

Comer Drug Store

Tin- Maty. Wr«»nl* u, Francesand Jidic.nna tbictge. all «*f Ht. J«>hns

I aic spentllng the holiday here with relative- and friends.

l.oienz lluhn and AIfi»*d I>ro?;tf lif l>etr«»li hav*- b»-en -pt-ntllng the hol-

, iday vacation here..Mm. .Hiiiith. iMiii .Mi- h. .Hmith. lx

down with typhoid fever, lb r*-* ent- ly leiurned from .<aginaw.

Jos. Halfmun is cunfineil to hix holm <tii ai > ount of Illne>«>.

Jon. Niirenberg ix Mult* ill at the home o] hIx daughtei, .\lt>. Jacob «Jenxterblum.

, .Vlix. Anthony .Hlmoii ix Improving after .in nine««.« of tu«* wi-eks.

.Miss .\ugusta Areiir ol Detroit Is vl-Hlng her mother. .Mix. J<o>eph .\ I enx.

Frank Thom** of .Hi. Johtix and Kd- d> Thomt of iiwoftno ai*- vixiting their pat'-iitx

.VlisM Frames Arens of tirund Hap- Id- I. home for Jl few weeks.

ib'iman Drosie of I>etro|t Is speml- Irig hIx vacation at home.

.Mix- Lizzie F^igelsang of Fontlac Ix visiting hei mother.

|{o»Mi Fohl who hax been visiting , her xisier -Mi>. Jo-eoh Keusch In ' laitixing returned t*» her home here .Monday.

.Mrs. The«Mlore Henge-baih and xon I^>uis returned to Ileal cuy Wednes­day after spending a month with her daughter Mix. Joseph H«»ntaK.

Mix- Oliva .Hmith of Wvandotte Is I visiting her parents.

Feier llurman of l>etrolt spent a I few days last week with htx |i«rents.

Herman Hengesbach of Orand Hap- Idx spent Christma- with his t»ar- ents.

Joseph Hchueller of Fewmmo was In Westphalia on business last .Monday*.

.VH»ert Flatte x|»ent Christmas with .Miss Ttnie Ooerge in drand Hapids.

Wm. Hnitgen w as In Fort land on buxlnesx last Friday.

John Naseman returned to West­phalia Thursday after spending a few weeks in Heal City and In Lansing.

.Mr. and .Mrs. Albert DIener of Kli- zabeih. N. Y.. are -pending a few week- with the latter’x parents. .Mr. and .Mrs. Feter Thome.

Krnest Ie»eher of Ht. Johns Is s|>end- Ing a few days with his parents. .Mr. and .Mrs, Frank I^»eher.

.Miss Kvh .Miller of l.atnslng is vis­iting her brother Jnu. .Miller and wife.

.Hyivester dross and wife went to Heal City .Monday to “fieml a few weeks with the latter's parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Wm, .Hchueller.

Hyivester and Laura Klein of Lan­sing are visiting her grandm«riher. Mrs FInels

.Miss .Mary Hurman of drand Hap- Id. Is x|>endlng a few weeks with her pH rents.

Nick Fedewa and Anthony .Hmith of latnslng are home lu spend the holiday* with their parents.

.Miss Kate Lenneman s|>ent a few days last week with her cousin. .Mrs.

' Katherine Hademai her.


Dr. note's FnwHe PrescibliMi.It not g Merst or petent mcdlclM. N^imA which Um most ioulllgent psopM ora quite ngtanUly averse because of the ua- csrtolatT M to thslr harmlsta charaetsr, but l« a tasdlclae or gaowg evrurostnog, a full liftt of oil lu Ingredieou beiag prtatsd. 4n altain EnaUah, 00 every bottle srrapper. An eaaaimUkgt of ikls Hot of IngreokMiU will dleei^ the fact that It le noa-oleobollc la 1U oonpoeltloo. cbeia- Ically pure glycerine toklnf the place of the eoeaaioMy ueed olcoboL In lu make-

The "KavorlU Preecfiptloo* of Dr. PWree la la faet the ooW medlclae pat up for the core of sroaiaa'a peeallar weak- neaaea aad allmeau, told ihroofb drug- (tou, that doaa not contain aleokol amd fliaHeoktkariiqwaamiw. Purtbemwre, It la tba only medicine for woman'aapaelal dUenaea, tlw lagredleou of which have tka endoraaaasnt of all tbalanding madleni wrluva and laiabui ot all tka aefveral aekoola of pracUoa. aad

u for

Gmunonwealtb Hoteltknt too aa rmaadlea for tke all which "Pavoriu Preacrlptlon * la


A littia book of aonu of rn&am will bo oont to any addi—, ,— pnM. ami abmdoi^ frmlt you tanmd mam by portal card or Irtter, of Dr. B.V. Plerea, UaMaje. ____. _____ _

Don*! forget that Dr. Pter«#e Fasorlta ProecrlpUmi. for womaa’a weaknaaau aad dalieau ailmonu. la not a patent wooerrt ■adldae. belag the -FnvorlU Fraaciip-

- - wolf* *---- —a—

• This hotel la new end absolute- *• ly fireproof; even the floors ere -1$• of etone. nothing wood but the ♦• doors. ^• We offer you the following #• retes* Hoorn with hot end cold #• water end free public bath t1 #• and ll.i»b e day. Hooms with pri- *• vete beth tl.30 end tS a day. •• Will make a weekly rate for «• rooms with hot end cold water ^• of to IN; with private bath #• 19 to 110. Hultee of tsro rooms #• with baths. 114 to 122 #• immiCK F. CRAfTK. #g Manager. #• HKjm FOR ROOIUJBT. #

Lucas CountyFrank J. Cheney makes oath that he

Is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney n Co., doing business In the City of Toledo. County and state afore­said. and that said Arm will pay one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.

FRANK J. CIIKNEY.Hworn to before me and subscribed

In my presence, this 4th day of Decem­ber. A. D. 18NC. tHeal.) A. W. OLEAHON,

Notary Public.

A. I.andi week.

Ida Muotc T • de«l<i.

Will oiierlln <»f Eureka tvnx In town .Monday.

Ihib Carr of .Mesick visited In town .Hatutday.

.V. W. Dlckeix4tn left Monday* for .MIsstiurl.

.MIsx .MhiiiI Churchill visited in Axhiey Tues«;ay.

Earl Troop visited friends In Sheri­dan last week.

.Mr-i. l-»*ttle DeCamp Is visiting her parenix In Ferry.

Charles .M\ers <if Mh!o is visiting his brother .Hlegel.

Eugene .Hmith visiteil In Ashley .Hunday and .Monday.

.Mrs. John Strong was in Ashley .Montlay on business.

E. <L .Hmith of Elsie was in town

F. Stow; Chap.. .M. .Moritz: Herg..Fhllo Parks; M. at A.. J. H. I^r; First “ dnger amputated last Hatur-Master of (iuards. Jos, 1‘. ts.-h; 2nd "T Dr. Mac-.Master of tluardx <»e4», .***mlth: Sent., i P^*^^*****-Hit'hurd Hnven = ley.

FI. ket. NN W. Kin-

Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter­nally. and acts directly on the blood Tuesday on businessand mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free.

Hold by all druggists. 76c.Take Hall's Family Fills for consti­



.H. .Mitchell ix on the sick list.

.H. M. Hubble Is In Hay City visit- ng his nephew .Httm Fergus«in.

Jumex Furves and wife entertained altout 20 relatives on Christmas.

-Mrs L. Waters spent her holidays with .Mrs. Ellen (juinn In Dwosso.

•Mrs. .Mary Anderson of Dvld visited her brother, S. .Hnyder last week.

J. H. l^ewls and family spent Christ­mas with his parents north of Elsie.

N. .Mitchell and wife ate t'hrlstmas llnner with S. 11. Flayer and family

John Dreen and family have re- urne«l from a week's visit In Hoches- er.

A. T. ('olby and daughter visited In Holly and Drank lllanc from Friday unitl Wednesday.

Hch.Mil commences .Monday, Janu­ary Tth. at Carland. Miss Verna Hom­ers of «»vld as teacher.

.Mrs. Dewey McKInzle has been s|»enfllng the holidays with her par­ents. .\. Furves and wife.

A. L. Furves and wife took dinner Christmas with the latter’s parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Kelly In ow*oss«i.

Revival meetings are still In progress ut the .Mission church, H. Zook of Kansas, helping Hey. .Mr. Lyon,

Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Hnyder vlsiie<l the latter’x grandparents .Mr. and Mrs. John Farr of Corunna last Hunday.

l>en White and wife and H. Van I>eusen .iml wife were entertained by their parents. .Mr. xind .Mrs. Park .H«-ott t 'hristmas.


UoQ " of a rog^orlf adnert^ and grodo* ortd phTSiclaii. ^maagml In the p^tlea of his clKJwm specially—lhal of dlMOOrt of wonisn—that lu ingrsdUnU or* printed «n pMn SnQlirh on everr botUe-wranpOT; that It It ihs only medlclM eopaelaliy do- sAgood for the curs of woteou’t dlMOiM that contains no alcohol, and Um only OM that bos a pmfsstlooal endorsetetnt worth more than all the to-call«d "tettl- monlals* ever published for other toed- lelMS. Send for thste eodorsemenU m above. They are fret for the asking.

If you suffer froin periodical, headache, hoekoche. dltzineos. pain or dragging down sensation low down in the abdomen, smnk bock, have disegreeable and weok- Ing, enterrhal. pelvic drain, or are In dlttreot from being longonjroer feet, then you may be sure of )>eneflt from taking Dr. Pierre's Favorite Ihverriptkm,

I>r. I*1erre*s Pleasant l*e||eu the teei lax- Oltre and regnlator of the bosrelt. They Invigorate su*mach. liver and bowel^ One a laxative; two or three a enthartte.

Mrs. Emmu Sherwood was In tSrand Hapids Saturday.

Charles Hreen of (}ranil Hapids s|ient New Year’s In town.

Miss Agnes Helms of Ypsilanti Is spending the holidays In Fewamo.

Miss Cora Young of Aimu Is visit­ing her brother Heorge Young and wife.

He4»rge Amsden of Corunna Is vis­iting his sister. Mrs. J. H. Huel. this week.

F. I... Wellman of Kulumnzoo visited H. H. Crnbb and wife the latter luirt of lust week.

H. F. .Hnyder and wife spent New Year's’ day at Raymond Townsend’s south of town.

A New Year's watch ;iarv was held at the home of J. C. Flemming and wife .Monday evening.

Miss Normu .Hearing of Oklahoma visited her parents James Moarlng and wife during the holidays.

Hela WiMidworth and sister. Vera, are visiting Dr. H. C. Thomas and wife In Windsor, i'anada.

Dr. J. tL Fleming was called to Ferry Tuesday morning to attend Henr>' Kimble a*'io Is III.

Frank Hartshorn who Is now em­ployed at the ^'ommunwealth dam. spent New Year's In Fewamo.

Mias Rmhs Hianley of Oxford vis­ited her .'sier *!lss Edith Htanley. the past wt'ek. returning home Hat- urday.

Mrs. li.’ntsman who has been vis­iting her daughter. Mrs. Lweitts Hlod- dard. for the *.iant wook. retumod to her home HaturMy.

Dr. J. R. Hay and wife and Oeu. Walgle .nd family simnt Friday ev- enlr.«( oot at the new home of Jamee H- arlui. and family.

'!rs. Electa imtton and ilmugrtiter .Myra returned home Haturday from l.ailngsburg where they were visiting a few day* of lost week.

Mr*. Cleorge Taylor of Fontlac re­turned home Haturday after spend­ing the past week with her luirent*. Mr. and Mr*. Charle* Frederick.

The F. A A. M. lodge held their election of officer* December 21 and the following officer* were elected and Installed: W. M.. ('barles Hea- s«»ner: H, W.. Hela W«H»dworth; J. W.. W. K Clreene; Hec.. <J. W. Y<iung; Trea*.. James Huel. H. 1).. II. Mur- rin; J. D.. tieorge Arnold; Stew­ard*. L F. ls»h«le|| ami W. C. Me iLiwan. Mar«hal. W. Robertson. T*>*- ler, Charles H»»merfc

All up-to-date stationery handled at The News Office.

The D. of II ItMlgr held their elec­tion of officer* l>eceml»er 21. F. .Vein* M< lailn. C. A H.. Kvs Irish;I. .. A H.. Mar> Clark: Hecordet. Jen­nie Hrlggs; Financier. Hose Me tiow- an. Hei-elver, Floren«e l*ark*: Fsher. Marv H«tlley: c of c , Ida Ludwick:II. W . Fvs H.dly I W. Katie Wlrft; H. W , Ho*e M<<*owan; .Mternate. Nellie .Mrloiln. Tru*te**. Mar\ Holly, M. E.. Ih*. J. H. Hay.

Lota of people looking for a good man or girl; do you want to work? Try tho Want Colamn, 1 coat a word-

Hairy Hi own of Ferry Is visiting his uncle NImI IJrotvn.

.MIsx Ella Carr of (iwoseo visiteil frlentls In town Monday.

.Misses Jennie and Eva HeeUry vis­ited near < >vi<l last week.

.Myron Tr<M»p and wife s|*ent Hun­day with relatives In Fulton.

.Mrs. H. Fraser of lietndt Is visit­ing her .<«on F. J. Tomlinson.

C. .M. .Hwan and son Newal of Owosso were In town Tuesday.

Mrs. Jno. (Sardham visited her dau­ghter In .Ht. Louis last week.

Maude Hatt left .Monday for Hay City where she will visit an aunt.

George Wooley of Elsie visited his •laughter. Mrs. K. Fray Tuesday.

I-Kinnah Davidson and Hattie My­ers visited In Penmore Haturday.

Will Tllllson and wife of Elsie vis­ited at Harr>’ Hennett's Tuesday.

Mrs. Wm. Evans has returned from her visit w*lth relatives In Ht. Johns.

Mrs. Mert HIvett of Flint is visit­ing her sister. Mrs. Clyde Curchlll.

Joe Kendall and wife of Ht. Johns visited at Hoy Whitman's last week.

Wm. Willson and wife of .Sickles visited at Frank Churchill's Tuesday.

HImeon Haggerty, age<l 72. died at his home ver>' suddenly Hunday night.

Clyde Curchlll and H. Munson were In Marlon Hprings .Saturday on busi­ness.

.Mrs. .Stella I.aibadie and t'hlldren of HIver Rouge are visiting relatives here.

Jay .Sessions and wife of Crystal visited relatives here Haturday and Hunday.

Jennie Heptt Is quite sick and Ed­ith .See Is clerking in her place for F. C. Feck.

Mrs. Lulu WatS4>n of Elsie spent .Sunday with her parenu. .Siegel .My­ers and wife.

<f. E. Henslnger of Cadillac spent .Sunday with his parents. Edward Henslnger and wife.

Colin Campbell and family of Hreiicenridge are visiting his parents D. Campbell and wife.

l..em* .Sheldon and family of Gvid. Wm. Lance and wife of Elsie visited at F. C. Peck’s Tuesday.

Timothy Uardwell. wife and graad- •laughier. Ruby .Mitchell of El well are visiting relatives here.

Miss Kathr>'n Carr of Alma return­ed h«*me Friday, after spending a few days here with old friend*.

Floyd I*lerce and wife of Detroit who have 1«een vlalting relative* here returneil to their home Friday.

George Myer* who visited his brother .Siegel last week returned to his home in GLIo last Friday.

Mrs. J. H. Hpaulding and children visited her parent*. Mr. and Mrs. WiM>dthorpe of I>urand last week.

Htella Greenland who has been vis­iting relatives here the past week, re­turned to her work at Elsie. Monday.

Mr*. Emma Evans of Harrison re­turned home Haturday after spend­ing ('hrlstmns with her mother. .Mr*. George Davidson.

The I. O. O. F. and D. of H, will give the following plays: "Dr. Cure- all." and "Fun on the Podunk Limit­ed." at Lett* A Cordray's hall Friday evening Jan«Miry 4th.

Through the courtesy of The News’ correspondent I wish to thank the pa­trons on Route No. 2 and my many friends for the gift of the beautiful couch and extanaten table last Fri­day evening, os a token of eateem and friendship toward me. a remem­brance never to be forgotten. Claud I). W»M>ley. Carrier Route I4o. 2.

I HoIIm I-Miwton and Kcnticmun friend ' returnetl to their home In l>etr«iit i Toexda> iittef vlsltlna the formei'- ; parents .Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. l.aiwion ' for a few «lays.

.Mr. and .Mrs. K. .h. K«Mtns and x.in Jerry reiurneil to their home In l.atn- sing last Week after being guests In the homes of ctmrles Heller anti Wat- s<»n c.Himer.

Nicholas Jdlller w*as in Ht. Johns ; one tlay last week on business, j .Mr. and .Mrs. .\ugust .Miller and I daughters Amelia and Hertha of , West HIngham spent Sunday with ; .Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Fnsch.

Miss l>oru Lawton of Charlevoix has l»een visiting her parents .Mr. and .Mrs. W. W. Law’ton the ;»asl week.

.Mr. and .Mrs. H. J. Hedfern and son I Sage of Henderson visited the ft»rm- j er’s mother .Mrs. W. H. .Hage and .Mr i and .Mrs. J. E. Baldwin and .Mr. anti Mrs W. H. .Hnelling.

I Messrs. J. E. Baldwin aund H. Hut- loh attended the poultry show at .Ht.Johns last week. They also having s.»me ver>* nice fowls on exhibition there.

Master Harold Bullard of .St. Johns visited friends and relatives In town last week.

Feter Kasper of .Ht. Johns visited his grandmother .Mrs. John Kasper

I and daughter Nora last week, i .Mr. and Mrs. David Vincent and children .tnd .Mr. and .Mrs. Ernest

I Martin and children of Ionia and Mr. j and Mrs. Chas. Martin of Lebanon.' .Miss Myrtle l>ean of Fewamo and the I Misses Grace and Blanche Fox of i I>ellas were guests In the home of I .Mr. and Mrs. 'Thos. Hanlan last week.

.Mrs. .M. J. .Hmith and Miss FIdna Falor have returned from a week’s visit with Mr. and .Mrs, Fred Beckett of Rochester.

Alex Falor of Lelianon called on frientls In tow*n Tuesday .

Fred Gruler was here to spend the holidays with his father C. Gruler and family.

.Miss I»ulse Kennedy spent her va­cation with beer parents .Mr. and Mr*.Kennedy of Ionia.

Richard Haven* has gone to Lan- »lng where he has secured |N>sltlon as conductor on the street cars.

The Misses Franc'es and Fulda Graff of l.<et>anon called on friends In t(»wn Wednesday.

.Miss I.aiura Feldpausch was home from l.ainslng to spend u week with her parents Mr. an«I .Mrs. Chas. Feld- pau*ch of Bengal.

.Miss < da Dunnebacke has returned to I.Jtnslng after spending a few* days with her parents .Mr. and .Mr*. Wm.Dunnebacke.

.Mrs. F. .M. Figgott of l..ettanon and Miss Kate Carrow «»f Dvld were in town Wednesday enrout for Ionia where ths> visited the latter’s sister Mrs. Merbert Martlr Miss ('arrow- left .Montlay for I>erver. '*•!.. accom- panletl hy Miss .Htapleion of Dvld who g*»es there it»r treatment for hem- tirrhages.

.Heveral of the young |»et»ple from here atended the party at the home of •Mr. anti .Mis. Hengesbach of West­phalia last Wednesday evening.

.Mrs. Frank Gruler vislletl friends In Ht. Johns a couple of days t^f last week.

Robert .Hmith of Lansing is visit­ing friends and relatives In town this week.

.Miss Alvina Flatte of Grand Rapid*Is visiting her sister .Mrs. Frank Meek­er ftir a few days.

Mis* Nelta Glllson of Ht. Jtihns Is visiting Mr. and Mr*, t'ha*. Heller.

Mr*. F. L. Mturgl* I* Buffering from an attack of the grip.

.Mr. and Mr*. Jt*hn Wagener of .De- ! Paat'h gave a pleasant trolt are visiting the latter'* father I them laat Haturday evening, the oc- Joa. Geller and family for a few day*. ea*lon being Robert’* llth birthday

The box and pedro social which . and Alfred’* ith birthday. The even- wo* given at the Hturgis Dpem Hou*e • ing w*a» pleasantly spent In game*, last Thursday evening by the Young Popcorn and candy and peanut* were Laidlen' Hodallty wo* well attended served. And at a late hour the

Horn t«» .Mr. and Mrs. Frank .McFrun- gle. Hunday evening. I>eceml>er So, a -«»n.

Hugh Freeman is very III with In- Mammation on the lungs.

.Miss A«lella .Hallshury Is slowly im­proving.

Mrs. Gust .Mlvoter Is improving and ix now* able to sit up.

.Myron .Harrent and family are on the sick list.

Dr. H«*h«»enllh «»f Westphalia was In taiw'ii Monday on business.

Mr. and .Mrs. Russel of Ithaca w'ere the guests of .Mr. and .Mrs. Hoy Fay­ne lust week.

Missex Carrie Dunnebacke and Hosle Gross were the guests of .Mi*s I..aurH Feldpausc'h of Bengal last Sunday and .Monday.

.Mr. and .Mr*. Michael Fedewa en­tertained the Immediate friends and relatives of their family at their home last Tuesdav evening.

Frln. H. I. Clink returned Monday evening from a week's visit with his parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Clink of East Jordan.

.Mrs, Kd Warren of St. Johns spent a few* days of last w*eek with her mother. .Mr*. <teo. Parka and famll.y.

The Misaes Frances and Carrie Dunneluicke. Louisa Martin and Lix- zle Clrlch left Wednesday for Kala- mazcHi where they have employment.

.Mlsa Rosie Grosw returned to Lan­sing Wednesday after visiting her father. Mathias Gross and family.

Arthur Thelen of Ht. Johns visited friends in town Tuesday.

F. L. Hturgis has been having a severe selge with the grip.

The cemetery* aaaoclation will hold their next meeting at the home of Mrs. ('hris Wlllyoung, Friday January 4th.

The dance held at the opera house last New Year’* eve and a good time is reported by all.

A lecture will be given by Prof. D. W. Henderson of Ann Arbor at the Hturgis opera house Saturday even­ing. January* 5. The proceeds are to go tow-ard the enth grade graduating exercise*. Every*body la cordially In­vited.

.Ml** Ireme Schemer has returned from a week’s visit with friends In Toledo.

.Mr. and Mr*. Russel returned to their home In Ithaca Tuesday* even­ing efter spending a couple of days with .Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Fayne.

.Miss Ivah Haven* visited friends In Bengal the fore part of the week.

H. Hutton was In Ht. Johns Friday* on business.

.Mr. and .Mrs. Thos. Hanlan enter­tained the postmaster and family and the mail carrier* with their famllle* at their home one night laat week.

The L. D. T. M. M. ladles held a very pleasing meeting at the hall last ThuiiMlay afternoon. Four new mem- l>er* were added to the lodge.

.Mr. and Mr*. John ('urry entertain­ed a few of their friends at their dancing party which was enjoyed by* all who attended.

Mr*. E. J. I.spddlck of Ovid spent Haturday and Hunday* with friends In town.

.Ml** Hertha C«>o|>er of Ht. John* is spending a week with her parents. Mr. and .Mr*. Jo*. Cooper.

F. L PaiK-h wa* In Fewamo Hatur- day* on boslnes*.

Wm. .Hnitgen of .Ht. John* wa* In town Haturday* on business.

Mis* Gertrude Henning of Ht. Johns spent the fore part of the week In the home* of Wm. Dunnebacke and Mathias Groa*.

Mr. and Mr*. Fred Brown enter­tained the former’* mother and sis­ter of Pinckney laat week.

Jai'ob Price of Manie Rapid* wo* In town recently on bvalnoos.

About twenty* of the friend* and males of Robert and Alfred!

surprise for

and a g«Mi dtlme was enjoyed by all. The society cleared Stt.OO.

Little Mia* Winifred Hturgis spent oa couple of day* of loot week with Mr. and Mr*. A. F. Htow of Dallas

Mr*. Leelte Rice and little daughter •pent loot week with friend* and rel­ative* In Grand Rapid*.

guest* departetl leaving a number of present* a* reminder* of the occasion.

Mr*. LIndermann I* spending a cou­ple of month* with her daughters In I>etrolt.

OivHif OutA «peclfic for pain—‘Dr. Thomas'

Eclectrlc Dll. strongest, cheapest, lln- W. W. KInley* wa* in Ht. John* lost Iment ever devised. A household

Friday on business. remedy In America for 26 year*.

The Ntrugglr IMsmuragr* Mamy a (Tt* laem of Hi. Jolm*.

Around all <lay with an aching back;

Can't reat at night:Enough to make any one "give out."l>oan'* Kidney Pill* will give renew-

ed lifeThey will cure the backache;Cure every* kidney ill.Here I* Ht. John* proof that this la

•o:.Mr*. John Nsetelle. living at 32S

<*hurch street. Ht. John*. Mich.. *ay«: "I.ai*t year Mr. Neatelle suffered a very severe attack of kidney com­plaint which causeil him to be unable to work. HD hark pained him badly, and the action of the kidney* wa* very Irregular. He became weak and lost hU usual strength and ambition. Af­ter using several remedies without any beneflctal results, he • ommenced tak­ing Doan’x KIdnev Pills and after he had need four Imxe*. the romplaint left him. and there ha* been no re­turn of the pains, and hD hack D n"W strt*ng We procured the remedy >f (’. K. VanHIckle’* drug store.”

For sale hy all dealer*.. Price *0 cents. Foster-Mllbum (*«., Buffalo. New York, HoD agents for the I'n- Ited Htatss ,

Hememlter the name—I>oan'*—and taka no othsr. (1)




Dr. and .Mr*. Henry c«Mik -pent the rtr*t of the Week In l>etrt*li.

The Bazaar at .Hi. John's Catholic chun h was a suo ess. netting the S4i< ielv somelhInK like

Revival meetings were l>egun at the .M. E. church on .Hunday* night. .Mon­day night the annual wati’h meeting wa* held.

.Ml*x Lillian T.*wnsend and Ford HradDh went to Newark .Monilay to attend the wedding of yiixx .Mae Hrnd- Ish and Kben Kelb.gg.

Gharles Reed Is • onftned to the hou*e with nn attack of stomach trouble.

D. V. .Hteven*. Nellie MrCar»y anil Hattie Holender are suffering from the grl|»,

.Ml** Katherine Burch returned to the Ypsilanti normal Tue*<lay*.

.Mis* Anna .Hmith left Tuesday for her xch«Hd work near Belding.

<'lin»nl«’ CoNnilpaikHi €'uiv*«|.One who suffers from chronic con­

stipation Is In danger of many* serious ailments. Drinn 1-axatlve Fruit .Hyrup cures chronic constipation as It aids digestion and stimulates the liver and b«»wels, restoring the natural action of these organs. Commence taking it today* and y*ou will feel better at once. Orino I.aixative Fruit .Hyrup •l<»es not nauseate or grR>e and Is very* pleas­ant to take. Refuse substitutes. .Hold by all druggist* of .Ht. Johns.

Not a single instance is reiMirted of a cold resulting In pneum«inla or oth­er lung trouble when Foley’s Honey and Tar has been taken. It not only stops the cough, but heals anil streng­then* the lungs. .\ak for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any sub­stitute offered. Dr. C. J. Bishop of Agnew*. .Michigan, writes: "I have used Foley’s Honey and Tar in three very severe cases of pneumonia with good results In every case." .H«dd by all druggists of Ht. John*.


The Misaes Elma and Gertrude Howe *|>ent last week visiting in Ht. Johns.

Ruby Furl spent Friday and .Hat­urday at the home of H. Gage of Ht. Johns.

Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ragley* and dau­ghter Goldia of Lansing spent from Monday to Wednesday at the home of hD parent*. Mr. and Mr*. E. Cornell,

L. Hauvageot and family*. Mr*. Mary Calder and Mr. E. Brya and family spent Christmas at <'harles Bry*a's and New Year's at F. I>e*prez’s,

Mr. and .Mr*. D. K. Hhumaker en­tertained a number of relatives to a New Year's dinner.

Clara and Nina .Merrihew* enter­tained a party of young people last Friday* evening In honor of .Miss Cla­ra’s 14th birthday*.

Ml** Ro*a Huguelet spent Sunday at the home of her sDter .Mrs, T. Furl.

Frank .Honler of I.anslng visited a part of last week at the home of Frank Boron.

f-lzzle .Molnet of Lansing spene Hunday with her parent*. Mr. and* .Mr*. F. J. Molnet.


Henry* .Mead went to OwosiMt on Hat­urday* for medical treatment with Dr. Lamb.

Mr. and Mr*. Frank Page and family* left on Iiecember 20 for their future home at Pellaton.

Mr. and Mr*. George Cordray of Bannister spent (?hrlstma* day at the home of her parent*. Mr. and Mr*. My'ron Futman.

Mr*. Harry Bralnard of Falrffeld visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Hw*arthout on the 19th and 20th of December.

The following Is a Hat of pupils neither absent or tardy for the month ending December 21: Holland and I^la Hwarthout, Roaa. Maudle. Blan­che and Nellie Page. Don Hherman. Mable and Jemie Hlers. Lloy’d Moora. Howard Johnson. Ethel Leach, and Hellna and Wllard t'lark.

Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ronunell enter­tained the following on Chrlatmoa day: Mr. and Mrs. Henry* Hummell and Mr. and Mr*. H. Moore of EDte. Mr. and Mr*. Bert Rummell and two children and Ifr. and Mr*. J. Moora from near Bannlrter and Mr. and Mrs, t'harle* Jayne* from noar Ht. Johns, and Mr. and Mr*. Jay* Mead and son Kenneth of Dnplaln.

The above photo show* Mrs Joseph Hmith of I^bannn. aged herdaughter. Mr* Calvin Mundell of Lebanon, aged 29 with daughter* opal and Retha. aged 6 and 3. and Mr* Hmith's father. John Nye of LakeGdoaos. oaod IS.

\ RIRTHDAY HtTHPBiaC:.On .New Tear's eve the many friends

of Frenk Hwarthout met at hi* horns to remind him of hD SOth birthday. Game* were played and dancing wgg Indulged In. Music by Buck'* orrhoo- tra. He received a watch and chain from hi* father. Refreshment* wera served. A very enjoyable time was had br oU.

StaA Bttek la violUng at Carlandamt Albert Buck In Ovid.


hove bees rsfmd to health, •treogthand activity after taklag a lew hottlc* of Athlophoro*. It vsp^s the arte acid frooi the systeoi. steps the pala sod iMlps aaiara rchalld tne shsttvred sy*. !•» gvery draggtst In this towp •ells aod rccoaiateads Athlophoros

send aa this adwrttsvmvat and roar druggist*# aamaaod reertv* a fr«« trialboiBeal

ivn A


MTliDAirTh« foUowtav jUrtw w«f« •AmiwI

j«t ttM U. B. mm4mv aciMul laal Bwi- I <lay: Umpi., BloMr l•low•ll:I ftipt.. llMiiMl lllra«p»: Itoc.. AIIm I Hawtclaa: Ttm*.. Klda K«lMr: LIbrm- * rUui, Noah KH»»r; OrsanlaC. Uaaaa Botaford.

Tha maatliuia have cloaad at tha U. B. churrh with quite a (oud b«c-

^ ; The folluainc l» a lUi of oflkamiMBIS 9 B> flft* to AstV p* i «»|#ctatl at the t'hrtatlan Bviiday

HMal. JAM. la

(CooMUtatioo Free.)

■chool iMt ftanday: Bupi.. Mra. 1. ii. lncerat>ll: Aaa't. Hupu. Waalay

_______ Nya: Hat.. H»»a* tllovar. Traaa.. Uola—— I Kaacle: Orvanlat. Jannle ('lavaland;

cmr. mam Hmm. jam. B M*ht»rla(er. F^mma Hart: UbiBrlana.—t Kthel Wetherby and Navm Kirby:

rk. mrcmntm ----------------I Hu^. of Primal^' I>aparunent. HadlaDr. ^kar acoapto for | ,,^,101; Hupt. of fradlT IMII I>a|mrt.MlT sttch emmm aa In hla Turner.mm ba baaafltad or carad a«d will aa- _________

W(M»I>MAN Ol'Flf’KIth.On account ot the meaiilea epidemic

In the nelahtM»rh«H*tJ the M. W' A. public Installation of othcara ha*lieen rancelled and the tianquat |N«at> poned until iMtme future date. Thefolloulna ottlcera Here elected last F'rlday niaht at the reaular meeting:V. I). S. MorrIiNin. \V. A.. J. H. ('ahoon: <*lerk Jaa. I><»iy: lianker (.'.K. ilaker: Kacort. o. L. Miii«t«*ll; Watch-

i man. It. W. J«*nnli**»n. .**entry. NV. 11. .'(mith: Hoard -if Manaaera, I... .‘tllver- nall. \Vm. Heel»ee and Willard I.lve-

, >iiy: <*amp l*h>alclan. I>r. K. Hart.

i>Fi\Tii OF' i.i»*if: sf:vf:y.•Mlaa Ltxxie .Hevey. aaed 16 yeara.

tiauahter of .\lr. and .Mra. .Marlin .‘te- ve> dietl of |>erltonltla at the home of her parents In latnalna l>eceml>er 2 4. .ifter only a week’s Illness. The fun. eral was held at the M. K. church In .St. Johns l>eceml*er 26. Ilev. J. H. Plnckard otnclailnK. Interment was made In F-ureku cemetery. Ilev. Mr. .Mudite of .Maple llapids »’onilucle«l the services at the itrave.

OF'Flt’KHH..\i the regular meetlnic of (Ireen*

' bush lodae No. 31H F. 4lt A. M., last week We«lnesday evenlnK, I>ec. 26. the follow'InK olticers were elected for

; the comlnit year; W. -M.. F’dirar liurk.: H, W.. Hurt Kaeale: J. W.. Kdwln K. i Hall: Secretary. O. L. Hristoll: Treas- ‘ urer. I. X. Kaeitle; S. I).. Wm. K. i Wriithi: J. !>.. t»Hen Stearns: Stew- ; ards. .\flam llussell and William I.lve- say: Tyler. I.e*wls t’arpenter.

Hay t'leland has irone to I^ainsInK to work.

Miss ^fladys Hrew baker Is III with measles.

Lairue Kirby was 111 last week with tfinsllltls.

(Hard Pershinit of OvId was home i over Sunday.

Pearl Hart was home from Ilia Hup- ids to s|tend the holidays.

Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Flurl Hry« ant Christmas day, a S4*n.

.Miss Alice Teets s|»ent last week in St. Johns visit I na relatives.

Master Verne Kaeal^ returne<i to his home In St. I.s>uls Tuesday.

Miss Helle Hanks visiteil relatives In Pompeii a part of last week.

Mr. .Mannassah Koons Is visitina friends at Mt. Pleasant this week.

Aletha Kelser. dauahter of Mr. and .Mrs, Fal Kelser. Is III with measles.

.Silas Turner of .Mesick Is visitina relatives .»nd friend.** here this week.

Hert »’outer anil family of St. Johns spent (’hrisimas with relatives here,

Daniel Turner returne*! horn* from I«.)nsina .Montlny on a» < ount of Itelna •hk.

.M»e Kaealo of HI. .I«*hns spent i-hrlstmas at the hom** of Mr and .Mrr., John Kao ale.

ICInter »*derklrk pent la-t week at the home of hi* -Ister. Mi- Itllla• hlell near l)uran«l.

Hat! Kirby of <’atlan<l wa* i. atte.st.It th.- home of hi- parent* .Mt. an«l .\li: J. 1:. Klrb\ «*hrlslma*

Ml: -e.^ He,^|. an«l linxel Daaaett r* - turne*l t«» St Johns Tues«lay after pendina ih« hjll«lay“ at h«imi'

Harr\ and Je^^*- l*ri« «• return»‘d to .^t. John, fh* first «if th*- week :ift«-r -pen*llna the holl*la\.- at hom*-

.Miii. J .str>*na an*l Mrs Nellie I.etf of Hannlst*r were attests of Mr.. Helle tl.iwer last !fatur*lay.

.Ml-: Kfti*- Hr>ant •»{ St J«dins w.-i t aue*i at the home of her parents. .Mr, on»l .Mt* John Hryant. last week.

Daniel Ttirner returne*! t*» hi work in I...an*lna lr:*t Thtirs*lay. after f*en*l ina a few days with his famil> her*-.

.Mr. .in*l Ml- H. I’ T«*et;^ pent Ye,it* *l=*.\ In St. Ji»hn- at th*-

h*»m«- of their *lauaht*-i. Mr- KttW. -ianer.

.Mr-- J*»hn Hatla* ro an»l *on Fre*l ate visitina Mr'^. Ha<laer*»'- sister .Mr- L F*-i Ku-**n itt th* hom** of K*1 ] >aaaett.

*■ K m*-etlnK .Sumhtx ••venina at 6 .1** t**pi* "Heainnina With <»o*| an<l t’ontiriulna With Him” .Mr- I,, t’ai- |*enter. leinler

Ktlwar*! Hemalev an*l Miss I>ais\ .Miller of Haniister were auests <»f Miss ■Miller’s 'Ister. .Mr* -'harles <'outer last Wednesday.

.Ml-r* He.ssle .\n*Irii.*- >tf (»ran*l llnp- |*|s sp*-nt the h«>li*tnvs at th* h*»m*- of her parents. .Mr. an*l .Mrs. J. F, .\n-• Iru* In (Jreenbush.

All Intereste*! In th*- Installation **f• *f11« ei . are re<|uested t*» he pre>*-nt at the *lranae Hall. Kureku. Januarx •*.

Hrfna your imskeis Hex. an*i Mr? A. Whittaker tif ("ar­

shin «’lt> -iitent iThrlstmas at th** home• if theli tiauahlers. Mrs FImma Mart an«l .Miss Nettle Whittaker.

.Ml an*l .Mrs. .Samuel Jai'^iuett an«l MIse Jessie ('<irnel| of Charbitle spent a pait of last week at the h**me *»f •Mr, and .\lrs F'loy*! r.a>ach.

■Miss Kthel t^’lark an*l Miss Faye Daaaett of (1vl*l were auests of Miss (Ha*lvs Hrewbaker and other friends here from Friday until .Monday.

Mrs. Kmma Penatns and son (Henn returned to their home In Hoyne City Wednesday, after a two weeks’ visit with friends and relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Stafford Armstrona of Mason attended the funeral of Mrs. Armetrona’s aranddauahter. PMorence Fritx. an*l visited relatives for a few days.

Mrs. Albert Parks. «on Hert and *lauahter Idnda are sick with measles. fJlen. Vernon and l^nn Parks are Just recoverina from the j*ame dis­ease.

Wlleon Brewbaker was tailed to Hay f'lty last T'hursday to attend the funeral of his sister. Mrs. Kllen (lull- left, formerly known here as Miss FHIen Brewbaker.

The Ladles’ Aid society of the ('hristlan church will meet at the M. W. A. hall January f. Wednesday, at 10 a.m. They will serve dinner from 12 to 2 p.m. A (-ordlal Invitation to all

Mr. and Mrs Herb Ilummell. Mrs. Alice I.,eddlck and two sons of St. J*»hns. Ira I.>Kldlck of St, f^uls and F:iI Kirby and family of this place ate ('hristmas illnner at the home «»f Mr. and Mrs, Henry Hull

The funeral of Florence K. Frllx the two x*ear old dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P Frits was held at the home last Wsfinesday. December Jt. Hey. K. Mudae of Maple llapids ofTlrlat- Ina: Interment In Kureka cemetery.

Mrs Marx (**>wer. .Mrs Kmma Pers*Tn» -xnd -on DIenn M** Helle f}.%wer *nil <lauahtei Kthet («n*l Mr* .\Ui« (Iriwri .ifr! 'biuahter Maltel sn*l •*»n «Mi.i Tpere rue*it« Mr an*l .Mr- Will Hxdr at I'nl.xn Home last Fri­day

WAl/TKR C. WALKKR. M. D.Tbs well-known Detroit xpeclallat aod

Medical author, who has Ailed recular appointmenu at St.

J«»hn!* f«»r the past eleven years.

Owook' • Pleeaere Reqaire Skllltal TVraineit for Their Care.

Dr. Walker haa made a specialty of Ohronlc diseases for many years. By apecial reeearch. Iona experience and hy the aid of the latest Improved In* atimments and methods, the Doctor la enabled to more accurately dtacnoee sbe dleeaae and to effect a permanent core In a largar percentage of all Chronic and lona-standlna dlaeaaes af- Blcttna mankind.

It should be remembered that to treat any disease latelllcently aad with hope of sucoeae. It la all import- nnt Aral that a correct diagnosis be ■mde of the case, hence the neceoalty ef a personal consultation. Dr. Wal* Imr will irlve you a thorough exam­ination free of charpe and will tell you frankly what he thinks can be tione for you.

Dr. Walker treats successfully all chronic disease.** of the Eye, Ear. Nose. Throat. Luncs. Heart. Stomach. Liver. Bowels, Kidneys and Bladder; also diseases of the Blood. Skin, and all Eruptions Cured. Chronic Female Complaints. Dropsy, Rheumatism. Constipation. fJoltre (blx neck). Fever Bores. Ulcers. Varicose Veins. Tumors, etc. Rectal diseases cured without *r:uttlnx or detention from business.

NKItVOl'H I)I8FL\8F:s.The best medical science has to of­

fer for diseases of the nervous sys­tem. such as Nerx'ous Prostration. Neuritis. Neuralxls. Insomnia, Ner- wous Headache. Ncrx'ous and Physical Debility. Melancholia. Neuraathenla Weakness and Exhaustion from what­ever t ause. Dlaeaaes of the Heart Disxtneas. Defective Memory. Epll- epex- (Ats), and all nervous and chronic diseases of men. women and children.

Bpev'lal X*»tic**—riax'e you been un­able to And a * ure? Are you afflicted now with any chronic disease or ail­ment? If so. remember, a consulta­tion with Dr. Walker on day of visit will cost you nothinx. and It ma> mean to you—The Road to Health. A oandld opinion will be xlven In every case.

Persons applyinx for treatment will please biinx two to four ouncss of urine. (Arst passed In the morning preferred) for analysis.

ICluMKMnKH l>ATE OF VISIT.-A personal (vtnsttllallon Important

W. C. WALKER, M. D.lM8acood Ave., Detroit, MIcb

w\tf:iito\vx cf:ntf:ii.

.Mr. an*l Mr- Dcorge Kin* -jH-nt Sun*la> xvlth their >n Frank King 'intl family.

Mr .in*l .Mr**. Will N*xur.**- and three t’hlblren .-pent last xxefk xxlth rela- tlx»»* he»e

Mre. •’amer*»n an*l (lMUxhi**t Her- tha -^i^-nt ‘’hrlstmss with Mr. an*l Mr!* Hert .\n*lrui* at War*»uxltt.

Mr. an*l Mr*. <’hss. Tucker of Ijin- slng an«l .Mr. and -Mrs. N*>ble I.,ee and •on and (laughter sfwnt ('hristmas with NViliard King and family.

Mr. and Mrs. ('ash (?Iark spent Chrisima- with .Mr. and -Mrs. (leorge Lowell.

Mr. and .Mr**. Samuel Dayton enter­tained a h**use full of relatives on t 'hrlstmae.

The following were entertained on Christmas at the home of Fred t.'or- toln: .Mr. and Mrs. John Knaup ofL^anslng. Mr. Hoylan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alnslee and daughter Mabel, Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Hunter and three *tau* Whters and Mr. and Mrs. M. L*. ('orbln un*1 *laughter^.

('Iau*le and .Mabel Alnslee gave a partx for their young friends Fridax wvening

.Mr and Mrs. John Knaup spent Maiur*1a) at the home -jf Mr. and Mrs JM. L. I’orbln.

Miss (lra<'e Hunter Is spending a yes days with I.<ansing friends.

F!Affr niNOHAM.

John H«»wen of I>etrolt was the guest •sf .Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sage Sunda>.

Aiir>' (Haxler of I.*antlng was the gaw-si iR his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs Wm Howen. recently.

J<»hn fbiwen xvill leax'e for I>etro|t 'J'lie-ila V

Drs|.ep«la Is our national aliment yinTdoc k Hlood Hitters Is the national cure foi It. It strengthens stomach ■Hwnbrnne* pr*>motaa Aow of diges­tive Jubes purtflee the bloo«1 builds ywn ii|x.

Cowunon saaae la iaac as naeaaaarylavaa more so) In madletne aa la bnal- naaa or the affalni ot avary day Ufa. People are patting urknew more than they naad to. Not ao long a«o. It waa tha faahlon to make all aorta of clalma for a modicine, and wind up by aate- Inp the roader t(» go to a drug atore aad buy a bottle. Poople won't atand for that kind of thing now. Thoy want proof—tangible proof. Thoy want to try the remedy Amt and If thoy And II to be what Is clalmod they will be glad enough t** go and buy it.


mm Mary mrnnm la tilting a twowyka vacation nt her homi In (^laa-

Mlaa Ida (iacraador of ■mat laat waok In thia p|"vr* rmmom LndM Aid aa slaty w(a nmac witii Mtei ffatNi January tth for dinnar.

Mte. rpwlaf of m. Johna vlaitad har fathar-ln-law laat waak.

Mra. Baaala Braylla vlaltod at St. Jokna Batnrdi^.

**Orandpa'* l^>wl•r la rocovaring in aidle of hla advnncod aga.

Baby Marbla. Mlldren Sanford and Roacoe Stoat have been on the sick Hat for the peat waak.

Thaodore Sanford la vlalting hla •on. Irvie of Owoaao.

Mm. Hugh MrQiilaclon haa returnad from her vlalt In Ohio and Is at pres­ent with her danghter. Mm. Mahal Hanford of Owoaao.

Mr. and Mm. Jamas Coleman have returned fmm (Canada where they have been for the laat two jraam. T*hey will nettle on their own place the Arst of January-.

Mr. Albaugh will move his family int*i Hob S«>mer’s tenant house.

Services are cl«»aed at the Nrhr»**l house for the present. They will be­gin .igain the Arst of April.

Patr*>ns on n*»ute 1 presented their carrier. Melvin Fuller, with a fur ov- er*'*»at for a ('hrlstmae present.


%.Nt> (mKf*:.NHI'HII.

.\ Convincing argnmmi.

That Is why we .say t*» ever>' jwrson suffering from plies *»r any form **f rectal *ilsease. semi us your name an«l we will gladly send y*>u a free trial package. F*or we kn«»w what the re­sult will be. After using the trial y*>u will hurry t*» y**ur nearest druggist and get a SOct tntx «if Pyramid Pile ('ure. now* admltte*! by th*>uaands t*> be one of the m*»st w«»nderful reliefs an«l cures for Piles ever known.

"Please excuse my delay In w'rltlng to you sfMiner In regard t*) what y*>ur 1‘yramld Pile (’ure has «lone for me. I c*»nslder It •»ne of the rtnest me*ll- clnes In the w*irld f*ir piles. I sufferexl untold misery for f*»ur m*»nths when my wife herred me to send for a 50c box. When it was half g*>ne 1 knew I was better and It didn’t take any t»egging to get me to send fur a sec­ond iHfx. I think I am about well now but If I feel any sympt*»ms of a re­turn I will *>rder at *»nce, 1 order it from the Pyramid Drug ('«*. t** be sure of the cure. Tell all ab*>ut this Ane remedy f*»r piles.

"And if there Is anything in this letter y«*u want t** use d*» s*». I re- celve*! your letter a few 4|a.vs ago. Yours f*»r a remedy like Pyramid I*lle (’ure J. J. MrFHwee.

Honey (Srove. Tex., It. It. S). H*>x 20."P. .s. I **nly use«l txv<» l»oxe** ami

*l*»n’l think 1 nee*l any m*ire. Plies• tf seven months’ standing."

T** get a free trial package sen*l t*i-• lay. t*» th<‘ Pyrambl Drug •'*».. 6 4 Pyr- aml*l Huildlng. .Marshall. .Mb'hlgan. It xvlll come bx return mall an*l the result x\ill both *lelight nnil astonish x-**u.

.Ml ami .Ml- Wlleon Mrewb.-tkei ,*n- lertalne*! th*- fo||**xxlng guests (’hi:.*:;- m;< *lax for *llnmr .Mr. an*l .Mrs. t’alvln Itrexx baker .in*l grnn*U*in Karl. .Mr. .iml .Mr.-. «;***irg* Hrexvhaker .tn*l .3011 Ml .iml Mi> Hert -McKlnsirx an*l *laught*'i. (Ira***. .Mr. an*l .Mrs. H**rt Hrexx li.*k*T. -Mr. an*l .Mr? .Milton Hurk ami ^ori. .Mr. and .Mr.-, oils .MII- l**i ami txx -■•n:- ami .Xrthur Alger an*l Jennie Hrexvhaker <»f .St. J<»hns. •Ma* k Hrewbaker <*f N*»rth Star. an*l MIsse.- .\nna an«l (t*»l*ll«* Teare ami Kthel I<e<'lenr ‘‘f this plac* .

.Mr. nn<l Mrs John H**< k and *iau- gt**f V.-rna an*l -on .Xlbert ami -XI1. ami -Mr. an«l .Xlr^-. Frank H*'*'k of (Ireenbush an*l -Mr. an*l .X!r* (Jlll»ert Heck an*l ilaughter. .Xlarl'»n an*l H*^-:^ He-k -|H*nt ohrlsimas at th** home of .Mr ami .XIr!* K*lgar Hurk.

Th** I. o. F. an*I Itebekalis of Ban­nister xvlll pre-ent the play entitle*!. "F'tin <*n th** I**»dunk Klmlteil," at th** I. o. <» F hall In Kur»*ka F'eMay **venlng. January 11.

If x*iu are (’onstipaie*!. tluli or bll- l«»us. <0 hax'** it -albixx Ilf**less * *»m- pl*'Xl*»n. try Liv-eis Just •»n*e to .-ee xvhat th**x- will *lo f*»r x*»u. laix-ets ar** little t<i*»ths**me (’andx- tablets— nlt*‘ t** eat. nl« *• In effect. N*» griping. n*» pain Just a gentle laxative ^•ffect that pleasingly ilesirable llantly f**r the vest p<nket «»r purse. I«ax-ets meet exery *leslre I.aftX-e|c. i om** to you in Iteaiitlful llth**graphe<l metal ln»xes at a cents an*! 2.'* **ents. H*>I*I hv all *lealers

.Mrs. Irene ('«»le Is *»n the sick list.

.Mrs. lllddle is very ill at the h*ime of her daughter. .Mrs. Wm. Havens.

.Miss Nina .Mahar s|>ent Thursday with .Miss itertha Sllvernall.

.Mrs Arthur Hrlggs iif Falsie spent l>art of last week with Mr. and Mrs. XVlIlle Watkins.

Mrs. .M. (*. (>*tuld eniertalne*! rela­tives from s*>uth of OvId Sunday.

Alvla S***»tt Is speniling the holl- *la>s with Dr. ami Mrs. H. K. Hry­ant of near Detroit.

Mrs. Nola Hllvernall and Mrs. Ikira Sllvernall visite*! relatives and friends in latnsing the latter |>art of las! week.


mm. urnm mm igft tm*-IlhvMBi to HWA tlM fWi- g«Bt, Mil. CMmk. 'Thgy for g row qgyir viiit.hi tiiii victally hod the

••• riBMVOd fvogi thoir root- logC Hgturday.BMgll^ of Imasiiig and Frank A of Ifagie spont Bniidgy at VanDyko’s.

Mrs. rnummr Laakcoa and Mra. Mao' Rohrar yliiiod Mrs. Plsyton Wood­ruff In Dowttt Thnrsdny.

Mr. and Mrs. Ira Knapp Isft Hatur- day to spsnd a few days visiting her bisisr In Bsssx.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Phillips held a family re-unlon on ('hriatmas day.

W. 8. Dills and wife of Dewitt spent Hunday at R. Lank ton’s.

Miss Pariie Knapp of the Deacon­ess home. (Irsnd Rspids. Is spending a couple *»f weeks at the h*>me of her father. Mark Knapp.

Rev. (Feorge Hudson will preach at the Plow'man srhtMil Ipiuse next Mun- day, January 6. at II o’clock a.m.

A. (J. Taylor visited his m»n. H. Tay­lor. several ilays last week.

Mr, and Mrs. Frank Halsey visited their Bister. Mrs. ('. f:, Herlwrlch and lamlly last Weilnesday.

Jerome Dills and wife visited at Fllmer I^nkt*in’s Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. F, Miller entertain­ed H family re-unl**ii 1*1 a six *i’cl«>ck *llnner ('hristmas *lMy.

.Xlr. an*l Mrs. .*4. J. Knapp entertain­ed .Mr. and .Xirs. Ita Knapp ain*l family .Ml. an*I .XIrs. XX'alker an*l family. J. P. flu*ii and wife ami .Mr. and .Mrs. Turner Frlda> evening.

Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Yanx enier- lalne*! the following guests Hundax In h*in*»i tif their I3lh w'e*I(||ng annl* versary: .XI. J. T*»ut an*l wife andArthur Avis *if latnsing. F'red Hu*tt an*! wife un«l Firnie H*»lley an*! xvife and mm Handd.

Fre<l Huol ami wife ami F'rank Vans and xvife and (laughter Pearl spent ('hristmas at Hert Norris’ in Flast l>e\Vltt.

.Mr. and .Mrs. F^rnle H**lly and son Handd s|>ent <’hristmas at ('harle.** H**lly’s In Price.

Mr. and Mrs. H*iss Parmelee ami (laughter Doris who hax*e l>een visit­ing her sister. Mrs. (}e«>rge Oulle. left .Saturday f*»i their home In Hattie (’reek.

iiiij*:y.The I.«ehanon F'armers’ club meets

Thursday (today 1 w’lth Mr. and .Mrs.F^. Nash.

Miss F'dna McLhinahl visited friends ! near Ithaca last week. j ,

Mrs. William Talt ami daughter. daughter MaudIJxxle are visiting relatives In XVayne Tus* «da county spent one day lastcounty.

F?. A. Hmlth an*l wife have returned fn»m their visit with friends In Oak­land county.

F?rfnrd Nash w'as the guest of rel­atives In Canton, Wayne county, last week.

.Mrs. Clara Parker ami bahy who have been visiting her mother. .Mrs. F?mma .McI>onald the |xast two weeks, returned l*» her home In Harfne. Wis­consin. Thursday.

The pupils ahd teacher of the .Htrickland District enjoyed a vaca­tion last x»'eek.

Why Hrnmm With Plira?My patrons know that my guar­

antee Is good and when I say that I guarantee Dr. Colwell's Flgyptlan Pile Cure to cure any caae of piles, j'ou may know that It will do It. If It fails to satisfy you. I will pay you back

week with .Mr, and Mrs. Charles Land.Mr. and .Xlrs. F?d PIngel spent

Christmas with .Mr. and Mrs. (Ironer In (Irand I.,edge.

•Mr. and .Mrs. Klmer F*ratt and Mr. ami .Mrs. Roger Pratt took dinner Christmas w*lth .Mr. and .Xlrs. .\ugust Jastram.

.Mr. and .Xlrs. John PIngel ate Christmas dinner with their daugh­ter Ella and family.

.Mrs. Roger Pratt entertained her niece, .Miss Florence Pratt, last week.

.Mr. and .Mrs. F'd PIngel. Mr. and Mrs. .August Jastram and .Mr. and Mrs. H«»ger I*ratt spent last Wednes­day with .XIi. and .Mrs, K. Pratt In F:ast Itiley.

The dance at Forest Hill last Friday night was well attended.

If you wish l»eautlful clear, white cl«>thes. use Russ Hleaching liiue. All

the purchase price. C. E. VanBIckle. aro* en*. Refuse imitations.


ter olF <sM now Ann yow day ?

Have you thought of it seriously ?

A new year is just begimitog; how much have YOU saved during the yeer just ended? In other words, how much better off are you than you were s year sgo ?

And what of 1907 ? Are you going to do any better this year than last ?

How much will you have saved out of your year's income when neset New Years comes round?

You will earn a large amount or money in 1907; how much of it will be left at the end of the yeer? Will you live it all up. ao that January 1, 1908, will find you just where you ire now ?

Or will there be a substantiaJ sum saved, which will measure the eacact distance you have got ahead during the year?

It is too late to repair the mistakes of last year, but you can start 1907 right. Open a lavii^ ac­count with the State Bank of St. Johns, where your money will eim interest, night end day. and see how far you can get ihead in 1907.

J. W. FITZGERALD. Cashier.


Has a large atock to close cnit before he goes south, Jan. 10, 1907.

.Xlrs. (}e<irge Kls»*anr Is ill xvlth the grip.

Master Alfred I*at(ers«»n Is the {m»s- sesaor *»f a nen . arriage.

.Mias Caaale Pattersrtn is st>endlng a couf*!*- "f weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Jennie Huston and other friends In ('anton. Wayne county.

Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Patterson and .Mr. and .Mrs. Kdwln .Skinner spent .Mrs. F'red Hr*»wn in F'owler.

Mr. and Mrs. Fre<l Brown pleasantly entertained his mother and sisters. Mrs. Harah Brown from Pinckney. Miss Kate Drown from (.'hicago and Mrs. Julia Hodgeman from Oak Grove at Christmas time. The dining room was l>eautlfully decorated with red and green, with a lovely ('hrtstnuui Itell In the same colors suspended above the table. Mra. Brown and Miss Kate Brown renmlned until Hnturday.

Mrs. Dema Adams and grandchil­dren. Kenneth and Treanie 'Terrill of Wllllamston spent Christmas aad the balance of the week with their cous­ins. Charles Cole and family; they re­turned home Haturday morning.

Mr. aad Mrs. Edwin Hkinnar and daughter Agnes and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henjamln spent ('hristmas with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Pat­terson and family In Rosex.

Mrs. F2lla Talt and daughter IJssle went Wednesday to ('anton. Wayne (ounty. to spend a couple of weeks with friends and relatives and friends there. *

Mrs F2rford Nash spent ('hristmas with his mother and brother. Mr- Mary Naah and John Nash and family In Canton, M'ayne *'ouniy. He return­ed home Haturday.

Ryron KIssan** has sold his fram here t*> Patrick Long on account of asthma. Mr. Kloaane will make hl- home In the west.


Pardrklge A MackweU Will Close Thrir Stw’e in the Majestic

Saturday. Jan. 26.After dduys and disappointments esetending over a period of several months, we now have positive assurance from the contractors

that our new building will be ready for occupancy in about four weaks. Accordingly we have decided upon February 2nd for our grand opening day. It will take a week to move and make prepaiatioBS, so we will be *'out of business" from Janonry 26th until

the following Saturday, when our friends and patrons will be invhad to xnsit t» in the finest, most complete and thoroughly up-to*^kRe mtiul establishment in Michigant esrtending an entire block on Farmer street from Gratiot to Monroe avenue, right in "The Heart of Detroit".

The Last Sale We^joee Biqpn MondayAad If a a Bargaan that You Caa’t Alford to RHm.

Nothing so go*Ml .ts Russ lllaaching Rluv iMlights tha laundraoa. All grocars aall It. Hafuaa Imitatlona. *

AU Winter Goods at a trenaandous sacrifice~-llcn*s and Boys* Clothing. Fumiafaingi* Capt and Gloves. Ladia’ Coats. Saits. Skirts. Waists. Fun. Undawear. Hoaiary. Gloves. MiUiaery. Footwear. Childien's Apparel. On these lines prices are redaoed 1-4, 1-3 ^ man 1-2. to make a dam wmaap.

Oar entire stock of Silks. Drew Goods. Wash Goods, Licans aad Domestics* Notions, etc., marked down.Big Savkgs on Carpaa. CwtaiBS. Rags. Cinckaj. Gkwsware. aad Hoaae Furnishings of all kinds.All Broken Lots. Remnants and Holiday Goods dosing oat at lew than coat.

This sale must positively end Saturday, January 26th. to enable us tomove and prepare for the grand opening in our new store Febntary 2J 907.

PARDRIDGE A BLACKWELLThe People** Store Bldg., Detrak

DInInK nmrii ffirt at th«-M hoiive. ‘ tr

l.t-: Till**. liil.k *t«»r«" - on1 ii\<‘nu*‘. all w»*ll , to


I9r KLmtK.Mr. an«l Mm. Frank BMrfitrd •mar-

tmlne<t a p«>dr«i party Ttauraday avan* Inc in htmor of thalr a*int and oncla Mr. and Mra. Rd. BIcford of Lansinc Thr houae waa prattlly dacoraiad with flow am and craan fultaca and dainty rafraahmantii wara aanrad by I ha h«ui- lam*.

.Monday ntchi Kd. LawU aniartaln* ad 40 of tha Padro (*lub. Tha first prisas wrra auarda*! to John tlraham and Nina Htiilaras and i'unaolatAan prlsaa wara awardad to Mlaa Kaby Hiiuarca and Harry* Dunham.

The houaa was taatafully dacoraiad In rtkl and craan. Mr. l^wls cava a lihort antarialnmani with hla craph* ophona. music and dancinc foliow> Inc. aftar which rafrashmants wara sart'ad. than fha crowd waltad and watchad tha old yaar out and tha naw year In.

Friday avanlnc fhara wa» a fara- wall party* clvan to latfayatta .McNall who ax|»a<*ts to start In a faw days for lllc Itaplds.

A Masonic banquet was clvan Thurs day avanlnc at Howarshy’s. 101 platas wara sarvad and a nlca tima anjoyad hy all.

KIZZI-XIi liKl'NION.Tha reunion of tha 40 mam bam of

tha Flzaall family look place at tha pleasant home of lllchard Pluall two miles west of RIsla on Christmas day*. They* commenced to cather about 9 a.m and soon all were present and the forenoon was pleasantly spent In (Minversatlon and muatc. Miss Kffle S<iulras presided at tha orcan. accom* pan led by* lllchard and Charles FIs* sell on the cultar. .\forace Hquires of Detroit sane tenor and Miss Stella .Souiras. alto.

After tha axiellant dinner came the distribution of presents from a well nila«l tree. KfTa .Squires otTlclated as Santa Claus and the little folks were ma«le clad and the old folks smiled all over as their remembrances were handed out. .\t about 4 o'clock the company took leave of their hosts, to meet acain In 1907 at Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hobart's In St. Johns.

CoHila tucs Hi MieiMirdevllleTueedi^.

Dr. Fleirlier of Fowler was la this f city yeeiarday.

Charles Lerlac of ctwoase was la i this city Tuesday .

H. (1. Fearce aad Len Chase were In Maries haaday.

Mrs. Dr. Porter vialted In M. Loala the last of the week.

MIee Neva Brlocs spent Wedaee* day of last week In Ovid.

t'larence carter returned to Lanslnc M. A. C. the first .»f the week.

M. B. Neiauitr Detroit onbuslases last sreek U edaeeday*.

Frank ItUe of Perry was the caest of M. Johas fiietMla Tuesday.

Mm. Frank Harvey Is spendinc a few days with friends In Owose>«.

Mrs. Ardell Finch and Mm. Ack* lauedy spent Saturday In Owoas<«.

Mrs. Hsmbleion and dauchter Ma* rie are vlsltinc relatives In Detroit.

Dewls Ja'k.s«»n spent last week at the home oi his parents In Charlotte.

Will Wool! and wife spent a few days in Hacinaw the first of the week.

Mbs Florence Perk'ns Is attendlnc a house party In Brunson this woek.

I. A. WtMiil and dauchter Clah were In St. Johns Wednesday of last week.

(*harles HarrlMin of Detndt Is vis* Itlfis his m<ither .Mrs. H. M. Kstes this week.

Hucb l>»y nes and wife returned to. their home In Vernon last week Wed­nesday.

Lida Carter returned to her school Tuesday morninc after a week's \*a- cation.

Mr. and Mrs. .Mcl.^an returned to their home In Jacki^on last week Tuesday*.

Mrs. Fercuson and <«on Rarl return­ed to their home in Vernon Saturday eveninC’

.Mrs. Arthur llrlcss has l»een vlslt- Inc her tmrenls near .St. Juhps for the past week.

Mrs. K. C. Dunham's brother. E. Connent. returned to his home In Ohio Saturday*. '

O. II. I..eonard and D. H. Hunt are st>endinK m-o days on Orand river near Lyons,

.Mrs. Will Allen and son Harold returneil to their home In Jackson ! .Saturday morninc*

Lew Chase returruMl to his home in Ann Arb<ir Wednesday*. Mrs. D. Chase accompanied him.

Will Hambleton Is fllllnc his Ice* j house which makes employment for about twelve men. i

Tuesday. Januiity 1. there was a family* Catherine at the hwme of Mr. and Mrs. Wo<»dard. f

Mm. J. W. Smith of Owoss^i vis* Ited her brother. Mi. John Davis and family last week.

\f1ss Nellie Nestelle annd Miss Kflle Bryant went to Orand Itaplds yester* day on business.

Mrs. It, Hurl of Pompel was the cuest of her dauahter .Mrs. W. H. Krepps Tuesday.

Mrs. Vern .\llen has lieen enier- talnlnc her father iind mother and a > ousin from Pontiac.

Mrs. Welmberc went to I>etrolt last week Wednesday to attend the fun*

MI<rrH4IDIflT .\DTRK.Preachinc .Sunday* at 10:4G a. m..

and 7:00 p. m. Class meetinc 10:00 a. m. anti 0:0o p. m.. bible school at 12:00 m. Junior l.<eacue at 6:00 p. m.Kpworth Lcacue 6:0ti p. m., prayer meetinc Thursday* 7:00 p. m.

The subject for Kpw«»rth I.a'acue.•*Th** morninc watch—Secret com*munl'-atlon with (loti." leader MIssjeral of a nephew*.I^exle Wt>o|. * Carl Weller returnetl lt» .Vlblon

The w*eek of prayer and praise w*in i after a ten ilays' visit with his par* Ih* observetl as follows: .Subject for * ents l>r. and Mrs. Weller.Sunday* eveninc. "The call of («od to | iva Dell Munson of Ovid visited His people." J the last of the week at the home of

Tuestlay eveninc subject."The Qos* i o. Bmlnard and wife, pel of (••mI's .s«>n." .Meetinc at the : Mrs. Ida Vauchan of lt»nla was th home of .Mrs, .starkw*eather. ! cuest ot .Mr. anti .Mrs. C. r. Vauchan

Wednestlay eveninc subject. "The from .Saturtliiy until Tuesday. Christian Ministry*." meetinc at the | llev. Edward Call and wife of Yale home tif W, Hambleton. J are vlsltinc at the homes of .Mmes.

Thursday eveninc subject, "Miss* irn Thomas and William Call, lorn* Home and Foreicn." meetinc at * .Miriam Downey expects to tartt he . hur* h.

Frit.ay eveninc subject. "Christian In: !ituH**ns." meetinc at the homo of I A. Warner.

Th« .st.tntlsrd Hearer me. ilnc w ill m^ei .'* the home of .Mrs. M. It. Van* r>u. . T' Weiinesday*. January ;♦ lead* s*- .Mr- Il.a>wery.

M. r. SCMIW .Sf'IKMH. OI'I IC'IIK.S.!h« . nr.ual meetinc >f the Sun*

.lay hoo. ; ..ird of the M. 17. church heU .tt th. j.Krr-onaire I»»reml>er. 2. th- f ij* .tfTlcer- wer. clor-teU.-up \V I. Tip ■? <>n. l;r up:

-n. -nd ~upt. 11 1'.I^xle \V.»..U.

M I. Tit: Jopj, •n.L* V i * n ^ \V* t: tr<*n*.. ileorir*- Pray-ili>i. K I \. Wooil. : h>»| isl i-r I'hr*-I'lllli 1 * it *1 e;- nl r '.. r. c. Crl k.

■ < t . 1 ’ mi *• V.iiil hiesen. pi imar.rill*: Ji r.. c Crl k .ajt='t primary; ;il ? Mr - E C,. ViinlMii-sen. «nptM .ll! «1 ♦-1 •nl'.IIH'nt, IN •v. I T. \\Vl«l*»n.|.r il**TH •tf .< .'i .M .M' Jan*i'n.ti .-•r.-i \ H.H. . W**.. :li* if s s M. .H.. (;**->rit,* Pray

Till : .SICK LIST.H, 1 rnoi) .*--*> l« II u‘h)t ha* h*-**!! thr,-<*i-

«-U*-il .\ 1th t h» f'-ver 1 !« III*!*’ i . Iw* •lita trail

-Ml - T' 1* ■» *-.i,lm«* n Ir •n th* -ihkIDt

.Ml . nil* .Ml Will Hralnai-•r? l*al»\whit h has he#.n sick with bron< hlnl iroiilt!*- for y.tw time L reporteti l»et- ter.

M'l*. .Mur'on’" father Is <iultt sP k.•Ml* Kllj=‘h I t|ulto ,-.j k at

tht* tint.-•Mrs. Kmma Knicht we-t of town

who ha? l»een ^ufferlnc with sclath rhetiniHtl«m r.!n«.e tt.roher 1:^ rettinc *«rne better.

tje-.rce ."J* hen- k Is reiHtried -ome be'f er

ll.\PTIKT NOTHh. ea< htnc at 10:4& a. m.. and 7:00

.Siintlay school at 12:00 m lan Kntleavor at 6:00 p. m.

Haptlst .Sun«lay school elertetl lowinc othcers last Sunday: lentleni. I..ewls Hennot; Trees., me- L-iHeau: librarian, ilieh* ell. orcanlst. Vern .Snellinc:

.Mlltired Chaml>erlaln

ST »*.

FI HE IMUlTEmiOX. tion which was held at the Temple Fritlay to \*ote for

11.000 for fire protection •ws: The whole nmnber err 1S8, for lire proter*• Inst the protection 18:

• Elsie will eoon be re* ew fire protection.



li. »number ol

carried _b'yof Klsle for th

foim^* .r. St*

N4ITR8.I>elces of mall which he rural free dellv* e last quarter were

D. No. 19. 12.488: •8229: 22. 14.180:

f>. Finch



tt .Saturday In

In Owoaao

waa Johns last

In Owoa-


n «t.

for AInta In a few da>*s wher«- sh*' will take up the study* of mush. i

The trains on the Ann .\rl>or road have been late for the past week. I on account of the Christmas trafllc.

Mr. and Mrs. K«1 Seymour and two • « hlldren of Ionia were cuesis of Mr. i and Mrs, Frank I^*\vnham Tuc day.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred L'lark moved cood- :o I^nsinc last week where they will make their future hom*%

I >r .s. ri Mummery oi HIc Hapht \v..- th*- cuc^t «»f .Mr. and .Mi .M Frink In Hencal <•!) New Y.'.nr' da%

j .Ml - \Vo«id. a <-msln ■>! Mis- E!-:- ('rell. who has l>een m.iklnc her "

J short visit r*-turnf d to her l»ome .<..t- j unlay.; .Mis** H..Viidi u- ret urn. d iCiiiiio H.ipid- yesterday haxinc «p-nt ■ the holid.i* .■•.•as.»n at h.-r home In i ‘ Jreenbnsh

.Mr ind Mrs, I.. H.it* are «penil* j Inc few days in Crand i..tdce. ihey \ win als.i y*ltp In I>etrolt Iwfor. re- ; tiirnlnc home.

Avery* HacheUlor .and wife who have been vlsltinc relatlv. « here for the past week have returne.l to their home In Ionia.

Friday. I>e.-eml»er 2’-. tlicr*- was a i family Catherine at the h«»m. of Mr. •*n«l .Mrs L. H. I»ownle. Thei.* wer«-

' r.datives present..Miss Helen Holton has retuine.l to

her hool duties In Northvllle after s|.endlnc ten ilays with her m-dher .Mrs, (‘harles Holton.

Mr-., (i. M. Hhiley win. has b«-»*n th«- Kti»*st of her son F. L. and wifefn nearly two weeks returned to I heir h.iiii.* In Detroit yesterday*.

.\rthur .Monroe of I.ains|nc visited I over .'Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ksohtruth: Willie accompanied him home to spentl a few days.

Mr and Mrs. C. West who have been vlsltinc their son Lawrence for ; the past week hay*e returned to their home In South Cleveland. Ohio.

.Mrs John Tillman of Hvron return* ■ ed to her home Wednes«lny after hav* Inc 'i»eni a week In Ht. Johns with h«-f brother F. A. Hy*att and wife.

.Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Plants who have be.-n thf cuest? «if Mr. and .Mrs. J. C. .dh«*emaker In Olive returned to their h'liuf In <trend IlapUls Wediicsdny*.

.Mis. Lucv Eddy returned home Saturday* nlcht after a week's visit at the home of her crandson. Mr. and Mrs. Olenn Finch of Orand Itaplds. i

Mrs. Lucy Hedman and son Clay* ton of .'Shepherd Is makinc her sis* lers Mrs. Henry Hralnard of Fairfield and Mrs. Jennie Moody of Elsie a two weeks visit.

Mrs. Martin Haynes and three child* ren retume*! to their home In Alma >*ctoterday after spendinc the holl* days In St. Johns with Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Haynes.

J. Earle llrown attended the Elks' banquet at Ionia Monday eveninc* Mrs. Hrown accompanied him and was the cuaM of Mrs. F. LIndley H(»ac while In Ionia.

Mrs. M. R. Natcorc and dauchters Roae and Francas who have baan spendinc the holtdays at thalr homa In RIsla hava ratumad to Datrolt whare the cirls are attendlnc school.

Mrs. M. D. Huhhard and children returned to their home In Pontiac yesterday after havinc spent the hnl* Idays In this city with Mr. and Mrs. A. S, Flldew and Mr. and Mrs, J. T. Millman.

Very SpecialT« Olfiar hi Every IWparfif nt

We have been too busy to give a detailed list this week of the bargains we will offer, but will assure you that if you want any thing in the line of

Dry Goods, Carpetsyou will get your money’s worth or more. We offer special for SATURDAY. JAN. 5th. as displayed in our south show window.a fine new line of 12^c and 15c Wash Goods in Ginghams. Per­cales. Satteens, Flannels and Muslins at, your choice while they last, per yard 1 Oc.

Sl Johns

mr^‘ ^


-rtmnody hnuac owned by A. HInce and movedWHH* ^ . , --- B across the street from his residence.

hU Norton vlelt*^ I* Mr. and Mrs. Hhow have moved t«»Mlw ***^n,.J , , .J Ithaca where thev wlllt make thetr

,-j^ns of BaonUW^ * ^future home.^* ^*a*iurday. Ovi Miss HarHett Thoms who has been

rSuiSr f»*"ny ^ attendlnc school In Frederick. Mary*to town. - Floah* . •nd. arrived Monday and Is visit*nave MlUon Weet ot r . ^ Pruden. Che

* Klsle rtf Eureka I* 'I »eeve next Monday In companyArthur “ 2, ■’

Jit iuiurday In owoaeo on 1 «nk E. Valentine who has been. Nora Wolf w» i summer at Ishpemlnc"•.•e*»MriAay bf !»•* to work Ini ^ Ij.^r northern points was the^ Til *ea b Ti o ^ »»•- n-r-ntts Mr. and Mrs

}:2r uLi to Caamw »"•' ®, il,ntlnr . r.« .I«V. (h. nr.i

.thr flrrt of '5* 2^2 Atm* ’'’•‘""’b.'i .hr • ’ *•» •’'I'* '• '«lArtUt* ----- w 1 Kalatna*o nthsIhr rillrLe BtICF* vliB#^ ^ * I •^verai tno

Oeorce iwrol. in O’'*'

Ernest Knicht visited 1.1- parent' t»ver Chrlstma-i.

The W. <-*. T. I*, will meet w*lth Mr?. Dr. Heal Frld.iy, January 4

Jilrs. Will Wool entertained . -.in- panv from Midland last \v«*ek.

.Mellle .**»->xton and wlf«* were In town I few t.ay- the first of the week

.Mrff Hampton'-- mother Mr- rra\• •f !*err>' visiter her the first -if tin- week.

.Vrthnui Hi-rnear ha« l*een -pen*!- Inc a few tlaj? In Venhe .it the hoim- «tf hir crandparents.

^Ir- .';*»w*ersb> ha? l»een -itentlln:: th*' week In .Ih= ks*in .U the horn* her dauchter Mrs. .McLean.

E. K. J#>hnson f»nd -on if How*ell '-pent New Years at the horn*- of hi* brother Herbert Johnson and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Ilernear and ?on Ar* thur sfient a few ilay.'. in Vern<»n last week at 4he home of I*. I*. Fercuson.

Miss Lillian Peters and sister Huth returned to their home In Ithaca the first of the week after a few* «lay« vD- It with Elsie frienils.

I..ast w*eek Wednesday Mr?. lo. H. Downic entertalne«l .'4arah .Maynard of Houchtonvllle. Ohio, and Mrs. Kit Dunham of Fairfield and Mrs. Austin *>f Elsi*'.

Frank Bennett of Fairfield while helpinc *'barley Munson unloatl ma* «*hlner>*. accidentally t aucht the first flncer «>n th*- left hand In su* h a wsn as to imll the nail ••ut. He has suf* fere.I creat pain from the Injured hand.

Mrs. I'eti-r WacT>er of <’hl(-ac*i. Mr. and .Mrn. John flraham of < ivld. .Mr. and .Mrs. Hiram Loop of Elsie. .Miss Neva Hement of Ht. t’harles. Mr. and .Mrs -\. Mcf'ary of Hhepardsville. and Miss I..ena Hmith of Burton were hoi* Iday visitors at the home of Mr. an»l Mr*. Exra Waite.


Ethc^^l Vices, Wllle H»>l>er and Olady- Mahar have the measles

t'aulde Trumble of Bath s|»ent Hun* day at the home of Burr ."^mlth.

<*arl Hartenburc , returned Monday from a visit with relatives near Eaton tlapids.

A. J. Hath and wife entertained E. Hath and wife ot Lanslnc on New- Year's dav.

A number from this vicinity at* tended the Reed cemeten* asaoclatlon held at D. Ilheuhottom’s on New Year’s day.

<twine to an epedemic of measles It was decided that the Love echool should not re*open until Monday, January 7th.

Mrs. M. W. Kyeo entertalne«l Mrs. J. Iloichot of flc#fnaw. Mrs. flemons and son of Watertown and Mrs. F. Peltier on Friday last.

t'laik Hoisford 1.-


w.\mii\<;tdn < i;vrEH.

\ituii i:h>nard aiitl John Kirh> w« i. .li I^in?inc .M'»nda.\.

.Ml .in*l -Mr? A. Demoi: visited friend- 111 17mers<*n Ia-=t week.

Preai liinc s*-rvl. at th*- rhiirdi ' next Hun*iny eveninc at -even o'clock. I

.MIbs Dretta Hidenour .if .*<1. John* I vi-lie*| jii F Heinb-n'** n few days last * week. I

.Ml and .Mr>. J. Harp and .-hlltlren I vl*ili*-.i friend*. In Cadillac u few .lay- ! last u*-»*k, !

Doll t*iay fr.nn near Pompeii vis- ! Iteil hi' < ouiiln Lynn Helnlen .*^tur* j d.iy .iiiil .*4undH>. ,

Adapin Deinott \%h<» has lieen visit* j Inc frleiuL In .Mhlland . ounty re- J turned h.inie .-taturday.

J.aine- Iteniott who has lieen visit* Inc frlrml* In the Miull^rn part tif : the Btnte returneil home’Mondii>. j

.Mr**. F H«*lnlen entertalne*! a fi*w ^ of her filentls Christmas di»>. Her m.*ther. Mrs. J. Hellen, Mr. and Mr- Dan Johns.in un«l s«in Jay. .Mr. and t Mrs. «Iuy <lra\ and dauchter Ha* hel, , .Mr. and Mrs. J.»hn Baum. Mrs. .Mary . Jenne an«l ill. C. H Itlslev.


«. KEEN III'Hll.

Jennie -itt is <iulte ill.Will .Mattr.-on lost a horse last week I.a'Vl .Me.?ore of Alma D vlsltinc his

lirter, .Mrji. Ed I*ayne.Edith See i- the new clerk at F.Pe. k'.? -tore at Bannister.

.•*amuel .M*.*nt<ir reiurend home from hi' W*-st«rn trip last week Wednes­day.

Mr. and Mrs. <'harlie Hoot enter­tained .ompany ch^Utmu^ from

.’4*>utli(o*t Film.Mr. and Mre. .Sherman Hmith and

dauchter Adah -pent cprlatma- with relailv**t at Elsie.

Mr. aiitl Mrs A. M. Kusfer of Map­le Hupid- were the cuests of Mt. and Mrs. John Hcott .Sunday.

.Mr and Jdrs Ephraim Hayes and ilauchter Carol spent t'hrlstmas with his mother. .Mrs. Caroline Hayoa at Elsie.

Mr. ami ilia. Will Wallhead of Ohio ar*- vlsltinc her father. Htephen Hub­bard uml tw«> sisters. Ida and Erma. an«l their brother Bert Hubbard and wife

Jlr and .Mrs. Charlie Parkes en* i tertained fur Christmas Mr. and .Mrs.I Iru H«»over .ind dauchter Fern, and • Mr. and .Mr?« Je«se Park.« and s*m and


In many households there is a mutual uuderstand- iu^ tliat all i^oods must he useful. .\ud in no store will you hu(l a display of

John of Farwell and Henrv... the aick list, I (‘ook ami tw«» dauchters of Hastlnc«

.S, hool becain In Dlstrlet No. 1 after | were holiday visitors .»f their brotherElmer an*l Htephen Cook and their -Ister. Mrs. John Oberlln.

(roods s<i essentiallv jjractiad as ours. Some thin;.:s wc have are both useful and ornamental, wliile in others utility is the chief feature. Our lar^e line of good goods appeals more to the searcliers alter something good than to those who prefer showiness to (jiinlity. And you will not only he satisfied as to (|uality, hut yfiu’ll find exclusive patterns .and odd things that no one else can carry. And Inst, hut not least, we have what you want and the price is right. Wc wish you a bright and pros^icrous New Year.

J. H. GORBIT, 9tsH w^^k'> vacatilon

Hlan* he Italr <»f th«> M. A. < littni** for the holldM>ii. i

ciMrent*** Hair .vnd wife hav« moved <»ni«t I-ewlii nillson'x farm.

Earl WhKhu-k Is home from the ; Ferris •»oh4*,d f«»r th*- vacation.

Mrs, I..afayette and Mra. W. A. Hll* j veinail «|*ent Friday in Lanalnc*

Hernurd Kress ■>f Cadillac apent a f**w tlays last w*eek with his parents. } I’hfl Ki»-bs nn«1 wife. [

Hi^ph HID-ernall attended th* wed- ' dine Ethel Arm*tronc to Bay Per* ^ ry oi Diirilain Chrlatmas nlcht

.Mr. ami .Mi>. Nelson Younc of Du* ‘ plain hav«- moved onto W. "T. Hair’? - farm wher*- he will work the cominc t year.

Arthur Hieven* an*l family of llrhlce | vllle spent Thursda> with his unde and aunt Mr. and .Mra Andrew .S||. vernall.



Geonre Rardick of Matr l« calllnir on old friend* here.

Mlaa Llasle Leonard apent a few days with her parent* Inat week.

J*me* Foley. Jr. wna quite elek for a few day* laet week hut la Iretter at

M. Hetterlnirion he* houpht the Ice ^ preeent.Mr. and Mr*. Leelle Rice and baby

^'lara apent Chrlatmaa with relatives In (Irend Rapid*.

Mr. and Mra. Albert Walter* of Dowaalac wha have been vlsltinc rel­ative* here the paat two week* re­turned to fhelr home Saturday.

Mr*. Clara Paiiier and bahy re­turned to her home In Racine. Wis­consin. after a two week*' visit at the h«ime of her mother. Mr*. R. D. Mo* ivtnald. .

Bom to Mr. and Mr*. Frank Mr* I Prancl^. December 21. a son.

(*. F. Prine of Lanslnc apent a few | day* with frienda In thi* ytctnlty. I

Mlae Dora RIenateadt of Riley spent I laat we etc with Mlae Anna Roaeow. |

Key. Peters of Marlon Spring spent 1 New Year's with Mr. and Mr*. Fred j TIedt. }

Mr*. Minnie Tick of 9t. Johns vis­ited her mother Mrs. Charles Roaaow Monday.

Mrs. Charles lloeeow who has been quite sick for the past four weeka la ne better.

Charles L. Mc-hults and wife spent Hunday and Monday with Wm. Hch* nelrier and family of Maple Rapids.


Good butter naakers ran sell their butter to private fcmillee in town at better prtcee than they can cet elee* where. Try the Want Column. If you are a good butter maker. One rent a word, minimum 11*.,

J. Davis and wife of Ht. Johns spent «»ne dav of last week at the home of H. N. Carpenter.

Jame- Halner Is movinc to Haint John* e

John Vrtiichn had a h<»r*e kicked In u<'h a manner ns (*» rrark a h*ine In

Its hl|».Mrs W m. Hoffman an*l dauchter

of lainsinc "t^ent two dav* .,1th her Istei. Mr- F W Jason last week.

Mr** Mat Nuffer of near Fow»er. i Fre*l Marten and wife and Mrs. !$ Jason spent last week We4lnesdsy at

I F. W Jason's 1

Desirable Si. Johns ResidenceAT AUCTION

The dettrftble residence known as the Philip R. Sturgis place* 405 Prospact street south, Emmons- viile. 2 blocks west of the Central school. St. Johns, Mich., will be offered for sale it public auction, on

THURSDAT, JANUARY 24.on the premises, at 2 p. m. sharp.

The place consists of lots 7. 8 and the south half of lot 9. block 10, two and a half Iota in aU.The houae consists of two uprights, each two storiae, about 20 hy 20 and 14 by 22 respactfsaly, with

addi^at the back 12 x 32 feat. The hove has 7 rooms: Ptnlor, » natural oak;badroom with cloaat: sHtkic-room; two badrooms opening from skhog-room, one with an arch, the othar badroom has an extm large doaet: cilning*room with dish cupboards; withand m extra large pantry. Thare is a cloaat opening from the dkiiag*room and skthv-room for oolar rJothing, shelves and cupboards. The mcond floor has four large rooms, a hall room and throe large doaact.

There is a porch on the north, on whkh doors om from the dhung-room and parlor. Thare is also s storm rtmd to skdag-room door. There is a goodoSar whkh never freesoi and agood woodshed 10 x 12 feet. Outaida oaHar entrance.

h pakied white with green triiamingi, and on the inaide it is and paperedthroughout. Large waU-shadsd lawn: giapas. cunantt, phuna, paarim, paats. chantes aad aoolai.

The barn is boih of good hardwood tknkar. 24 x 36 tet. It has two doable am m^MU oat ^ «Kkr itw. hamM large kdt for hay. aad cupola. A wagoakicd runniag the wholel*i4tL of barn aim hm a loft for hay or straw. Thtreis slsoa hen house ttd a corn erfo. Tha barn is piimsd red with while trimmugg.

Tfcia bourn to io ovuyy • 4m*iuh4* ruaMMo* T •• bourn ta wall built auri in oouditeou: roof, okimBoyu, CquuSu*a-....11a„ i. . pta—.-iStaL-d.b.u..pZZ

bourn* It I* wHi Imoiod nuly two hlnabo from tbo Oomrol oobool, aud a abott uulk lo tbo buoiuM po« of towu. Tbofu w o ftuo row ol twua in frout. mth o loin* mmfim omi o mry looaooob tauo io tbo booMoo ruooo. oyrioiiM aud n«bor tiowofo Tbofo io o ioriw Soniou. It ia la avorv wuy iUod to oMbo o pioooout wid oomiorwble bouM*

TIgamorSALC: WlmwoWwoh og.limbuyurtotueopoMt aieakiouoh.mif kuouof«uo H oart iMo uoiwme w« bu owuH.^ ^ as


J. JAfSVtS JkmmtU I mil* uorth o# • »v40. rM It, Hhous

Of th**