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THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. - Clinton County, MI

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Sugar Beet Retaras.

aa .. II ^ ^ UK WILL KAISK NO MOkKMeetings Called to Organize An Im- ______



provement AsMiciation.


Hccelvcd a Repart op Nb Crap Ycelcr- day Haratag.

b Adflscd That the Per Ceatafc of Sweet was Leas Than Twelre.

Allison’s Opera House Should be Filled With Loyal Patriots Ready to do Their Share

of the Work.

I ‘*Ni» roon* Miu(Mr ImwIm on m.v Inud,*' iMMidJ.H. llrMtol to Tiik Nkitm dHV. *‘llf>iv in tb** rvfNtrt from tbr lartory,*’ tn* roiittnu*N|, hnitdinK ovrr IIh*

i nnd ivniittiiorf to tbrpHiMT iHHii for iiiN|MN*iioii. “oii'i jou will

tliHt I liut HT {N'T tiin fortlif lM>eiK, him! tb«^* lit not t^ouah in it Ht I lint prtiv. to l■onl|•mM«t** for tb*- t*xtm work atl«^iiliint on rniaiiiK n rro|i.

.Mr. Ilhiitol irn-w tliivH tM-n-w. iind from th*- ttr^t linlf of timi-ropon wliirh rHiuniM wa-n- rr«aeiv»>«l jf»i*t**nlHy Ih* ivi-hvinI P7’». TIiIm would iiitiki* $1oO for tin- •-ntir*- •■rop or prill irroi«« iier .Mr. itriMtolMiiVH that, not countiaK m bb own tinn*. till- »•x|l»•Ml»*l* lor tbr thrw m-iw w**n- PHiJ

11-. 1 • f .1 •• whi«-ti would l*>Hvr a ii»*t train of kHH orTh** tiiin-18 th** <-*ll luM* inaale and It iHiw ainly mnainH for tin* «-iti**-ni» |,p|. m.^,. ||owf*Trr, .Mr.iln8t«il ka*pt <'(11^111 ri8-aara| a»f iii8 fini** iiiai MHVN that it Mboiihl >••* tiirumi al I***a8t pri.’a. Tiiir would riiak** tlw* rx- iH'iutaaH n*arli ptIT. anal tin* mat pnttlt waiiilil In* anJl, i»r pi I |N*r aa-n*.

Ill tfi*- 8iiipiii«*nt wbirli Mr. llriNtol -antit to til** laa-ta»ry wa*n- .■V4,74«» iNiundn and Innii thiia amount tin* faa-lorj' ri^*ort«*al t,7H‘i iHaiiinli* ot ilirt, l*Ntviim a triH*- Inma tliiin-'O.iMNl |niiiiiiIn. (In thin ImniN th*-

. . . . . , . thr*-** arn*i* will niii iilMaiit tifty toiiN.Ntarf the work and to lawn it with Mirh aounalant *-nrrK.v that tin* aimo-ra who

“I am inHianl to think that tb« taxr* bar* not iMwn paid aa pruaipily a« in |in*viouay«af«.”aaid Townahtn Trra—r- *w Cramrr to Tmb Mnwn uim w«*uk. “Whan tb«* a>B« par a-ant. limit wan op. Jaauary ninth, tbarm wn« alill unpaid a trill** oTnr Pd.tMNi. 1 bam nut takrti tb«> fiaiiMi to look bark, bat 1 baHam tbi** ia a laraar auni than ia aaaally dn** at thia tim*-. Mina-a that data aoniatbiuK Hka pI.IMNl baa liaaNi |Mihl, laavion in tba iia«irhba>rho*Ml adPrt.iKHi now dm* am th** mil. Tbia ia tba |M>rtion that will lia liard to a-ollaet, but I am ptMoa altar it anal aball turn aimr tha moaay to tha aNionty traaaurar if it iaa fmaaibla thina- Ha»nM‘<if tbawa whuan taxm ara atill un- (»aid ara RfMid |ia.v, and will, nodoubt,aaa thattiiair aoraiuotM araNatUadop witbina waak or two. I hardly ku(»w wbatbar it ia <Mi aivarwiirht or not, but tbav bam nait liquidatad.” Tha mil thia yaar ainouiitad to P8G,(IH4, an that Mr. ( mmar hna riill^rai pKl.fMMi up to tha l>n*m*nt tinn*.


SPEAR STILL GOESEstex FifiMniiefi Not Frigliteoed

by Repealed Laws.


Secttoa Whkh Nc Cilad Tan Aackat Par Madera Uac.

Maple Hirer Near the Haplds. Camad With FlshenBen*s Shaatles


Nkaws How th** f hurahra I .oar WhroTha* .titrmal (*' (tri .4li*aw With A*>lt4al»«l


of St. .lohiiH to plar»-th**ir Khoiililan* to tha wh***‘l in oin* <-om*«-rta«l rflort and tIn* town will ri'i'aive aiirh an itii|M*tiiH that lM^or»*il ran Imnlly In* raaliz***! than* will In* lorata<i lian*onaof tin* l>rii(bt**Nl and iniNit pr(N*|t**rouit |ihu*aa in all Mirhhrnii.

Tb** MtriHiir **eotiro«*nt in favor id orirniiizatioii, with tin* ob)mt in Tn*w of build* iDir up tin* town, ban rryntaliz***! in tin* i-all of l'rr**i«l**nt Travia. which a|>|n-arH in thia mlunin.

Th«* i-itlimK and loyal |N>opl«-of tin* town now ham it **Hnily in thrir m«*niiN *o

may In* **t«>i-i*<<l at th** tiM>*>tiDu. will f****! that tli**y hav«* at th**ir imrkn tin-|N*opl** of tin-town, that it 18 an •‘ani*<8t inov*-m**nt with only ••8un'»***8’' wntt«*n o»***r tIn­door of itn honi*-. and th** town ih hiio* to irmw and pro8|n*r uinlrr the ii**w order of thinip* 118 18 tin* 81111 to ri8*-. I'n-nid'-nt TrHvi8 writ****:

^ K. .V. TH.WIS i*Mi«iiiR\i.

V \'ll.l..if.» OK Si. .ioM.Nr* PRESIDENT'S OFFICE.9 8T. IdNX- Mit II.

To Tin: ciTizKxs (ir .st .ihhns

For rom*-tiin** th**r<* loo* ln-*-ii iiinirr i*i>ti>iil*-raiioii, on tin* part of th*- r**8idmt8 oi St. .loliiii*, a pro|Mtrition i*i ortraiii/*- an iiiiprov**mriit n88<M in* ti«>u, th** ob)«i’t of which rliall Ih-to in H*'*-iinntr n*-w iniinulactiirinir**ut*‘rprii*K8. anil aid in many wayn in Iniihliutr up th*- town.

U ** all rvaliz*-I hat iiiin-h can Ih- a«‘i-<iiiipliMii*-<l iiIoiik thi8 liii** if tin* unit*-*! and t-ariirat rupiMirt of all our |t**o|i|«- i-nii In* Hc<riir*-<i, .St..lohn8 Hlaiidr ii>iiay on** of th*-8iib8iaiilial i-oiintry villair*-** of th*-8tat*‘, ami i am rtrnily *»f th** opinion that aiuniKf th** n**xf tiv** or f**ii y**ar** w** i*aii iiiak** it <in»*oi tin* iiio8t pr<»*|8 roii« and \m*1** awak**’•inallrr <*iti*w oi .Michiirnn.

Til** l«n*ati*»n *»i n**w fai-oin**** *nn I*** Mi*ur*-*1 h**r** lli** f*aiii*‘ a8 th**y have li **n 8r<*ur»*«l 111 lmn*ir*-*l** of tith**r pla<-**8 in tin* coiintri* wln*n* a iiiiil***i**ffort ha8 In^n inaii** uiiil**r wi*M*ly <lir*'*-t«**i aMMocuitior m.

In thin **«»nnt**-t 1**11 I want t** **iiipha**iz** th** fart that w** want. w«* inn*<l ainl M** htin tin* li**nrtv r«».o|H*ralion of ' c* n/moii in .St. .IoIiiih. I|«*ilii***» Hot ii******«8Hrily ii*****l t«i In* w«irth on** d«illiir to h** tif valu** t»* tin* pro. por*-*! oruanization. M •* rhnll **x|8*rt that tin***** who an* fltiaiicially abh* will acHiMi in tii** work, niiil wli**n I na.i thin I inciiKl** •*vt*f*A- man in th<*ror> poralioti limilK wh**th«*r h** In* a tax|iay**r or not, for **vcrT man '-on do 8**iiiHthinu, if In* Im* no <iiH|MiM,i|. jmil it will In* tin* williiur r**8'Min8** from till our r**Mdt*nlM *\hi(-h will put lift* and vitfor ami *‘ii**rKy into tin* plan an«l mak** iMiMMililr tin* a('*-otnpii8htiirnt **f Moiin-lhitiK which will In* of r**al valu** to th** villajf**.

With fin* •*imI in vM*\v of aM***rtni nitii; th**4»piiiion8aiMliil**a8fromth** {»**<ip|«> of St .lolitin. on fhi>* Miibp-ct, ami t** fomiulat**, if |NtMMibl**. 8oni** niich*UM or pr**liniiiinry oivatiizatton which will aid in incmiMiiiK our |>opii. Iati«»n iiinl our pro8|«rrity. I h**rriiy cull a (uibiic iiH'ctinu of tin* citit**ii8 for Moinlay ••v»*iiinu. .Iiiniiary'Ji;, at 7 «i'c|i>ck, to I*** li**ld at .\lli8on’8 i i|ierfillolln**

I triiMt that at fhi» iin**-tiiitr w** may ►*•** **v**ry man whociaiiiiMa r**8i. • U-in*** III tin-t«oi n. I>(i n<it 8iav at hoiin* and **xtN-ct that your in-mhlHir will tfo and t**ll you tin* in-xt day what whm «|oih*. Ynur |•r••**»*tll■•• will8hnw that you hu\** nii iiHrr****t iii fin* w*mar*-of St. .I*»hii8 iiint that you an* will- itiir t*i h*4|i *»rui»uiz** an iiMxN-ialioii which i8 to mak** your proimrlv mon* valuabi*-, ainl to iinlii**** un*atrr |*r*N*prrity. a {Nirthm of which cTervoncwill haV** the **p|Nirtunity ioM**»*ur»*. We want to**nlarveth**8c*i|N>ofev*>rven- t**rpri8** ill th** pla**** to *lay ami thin i-alU for fh** loyalty «»f every ctlixrn within the efirfMtratioi. liinitH.

Will y«>u att**nd thi8 ineeiinK? (to home and talk it ov**r witl^hiirwife and let lH»th of y*>ii n*i**»lve that y*»n owe it to yourwHviw ami to vnnr rhil- dr**ii to att**iid. and theti lM*on hand and tak** |»art in th«* m*>«*tinK.

F. .V. TII.WIH.I*rmident.

Mr. |tri8tiil ••eem***! mo8t ili88ati8tf**<l with the fn**t that th** factory reiKirl*-*! tin* per ***mfan** *»l MUfrar 8*» low, the t«8t imiH'iitiiiK hut 11 *>•

I'lider the law the factory hue to |iay at tin* rate of four ibillan* |8*r ton when* the 11*81 reach*e* II* |H*r I'ent, hut Mr. llri8t«irN lN***tM 8****m t«> hav*- run under thie. It wae re|Mirt**«l that teo«Ml In***I8 **flen mil ae hitch ae is |n*ri**uit. and the h>w mtefor th** Ii**ef8 icmwn on Mr. Itrieod'e farm WHH eoniethiiiK of a eur- priM*

.Mr Hn8i*ii «*till**<i atl«*nti*Mi to the fact that he iiH«l a very lane** •-mp and thiiike

I that, if tin* yi**ld lia«l Ik8*ii I*^. he w’oiild liiiv** li*8t iinmey. lie eay** that the irreal trouble ie the lalnir fealun*. a** it ie

J iiii|N»f»eii»l** In-n* to ir**t th** iii**ii wh**n th**y £ an* n****<l**4l to ilo the work of thiniiinic w ami to harx’eet iIn* crop, whii-li hae t** In* ^ iloiM* very riipi*lly, when onoi* tin* profler 9 nlatc* i8 rent'll***!.

I A lIlSllui^HEATII^ N.XTIVI-: OF tVF>*ri*ilAI.I.% ItIF.II AT


Itt. lt*'V Kad**niHclier. lM»rn in W*<*»t- plialia, .Mich , ‘ht >e»ii> atco. ‘li***! at Fort Wiivin*. Iiidninti, .laiiiiary 11!th,at 1I:2o, afl**r a \**ar'M illin*88. He wa** bi>liop of t In* <li*N****e-of F«»rt Wayti**,and iia*le)»eiit tlie irreal**r oart of liie life m lalnirintc *nm****tly for tlie I'atliolic chiin*h. Hie »i**ter. Mn*. .l(N*eph H*»hr. n'8iil**e m W»«t* phalia. ainl lie lute a (•rother, fiaeiMtr, in lieintit. The fatlmlrai iMrieh wi»e in* volvetl in deht to tin* amount «il piiHi,> iMMi, and after Muff**riiiit a eex-en* nerv*»UM MliiN’k a y«N»r igc*» In* **<in**t*intly worri»Hi <iv**rtln‘ finam-ial affain* of liie diiNiiM*. If** icn*w woree and in a elmrt time wae

*‘ntin*ly inca|Ni«*itate<l. He wu« under tn-atiin-nt at Fort Wayne for Monie time ami th**n w<*iit to t'hicairo and wiu* under tfi**ciin*of II 8|8<ciali8t. but r»**'eiv*8l no iM-netlt. T?n* laet oltleial m-t he |N*r- fortu**d wa8 a .v**nr aico in Mieiiawaka, Indiana, wh*r*. on N**w Yeai'e day. he <'e!elirHte*l |Nii)titl<'al hiich mam tlien*, HoMiiiK n hrilliaiit two we-eke’icoldeiiju- bil**** «*e|elinilioii of .St, .lotaeiiire t'ath«»li<* eomrn*>ciilioii. In hin ••arly daye lie 8tii*lie*i in Fort Wayne ami wa8ordaiiie*i a imt-Nt ill the caihetlnil by lli8ho|> l.uen* in Istl.'t. He terve*! a |Mi8torate at .\tti*-a. ludiaiiH. tlieii at St. Mary'8 church in F*irt Wayin* It war whil** then* In* WHM a|>|Nunt**<l Iu8h«»p of the diiM******* of Naehvill**, r*‘nti., in 1sn,*i, mi,| nft**rtlie l|••ath of Ititthtip hw**iitc**r, in |sp;i. In* will* a|>|Munte<i hiehop «>f the F«jrt Wavne *liiN’****e.

Ill c-oover8ali*ni with Tmk M«\V8 yewter- da.v retcanliutc tile Hpleodid condition in which the loiindatioii for tin* new I'on* iCfHtrattouai i*hurch wim* Mt for Uh* win* itu*. Ilev. Arte IliiikhorNt iiaid:

‘*.\p|iareutly tin* work ie at a Ntaini 8till, and yet tc*sNl itcliv** work in lieiuK done every tlay. C’olle**tor8 an* bu*y ole tniniiiK money on |>le<l|m«. The Nolicil* iiiK (Niniiiiiltee 18 ttaubinic ite t-anviiMl of the town. Sev rai iwriieH have not lieen 8een who w«* know will tcboily help U8. It will only be a lew we*d(8 wheti work will In* lN*ictin aicaiii on the biiildiiuc- Tie* inateriai ie on hand even to th** NhiniclK**. .After tbe riiHNOUN have o|N*ne«l their work tliey will in ii nhort tim** In* n'Hil.v for the (*arfN*iiterM ami the work will move very rapidly. Every- InnIj NeeniH to In* pinaeed with the ii|e |t**nrain'e of the work, hut we do not n*Hbz**it8 yet what a tine hiiiidinir tie ctinimunity will have wlM>n th** new ton* icreccatiotial «*hitrrh In dout*.

Yet* it 18 a tCtrat **nterjiri8e and it ie (Coinir to lake a (rr**at ileal of hani work, luit every InnIv NeeiiiN to lie wiUiutc anil titail to iielp lilt the burden Then* ••er- taiiiiy 18 no eiiterpriNe from whirli a •■oiii* miinity n*a|N* laraer firotlle and reaiie more iHMlinu reeultH than fniiii the in* ve8tni**nt th**y inak** in up to «iale **11111 ch eipilptlieillN.

It 18 with the«*hiirrh orxaiiiziitionN lu* it 18 witli tile fiirmen*. W** i^n not reap oiir harvewU* and briatc in the 8heav**8 witli th** eipiipment of n half a century aiCo, any mon* than our wh*Nit rT<ip tiiniiiKhoiit the Fiiiteil StaUv* <*aii le taken can* of witli the cradle. It ina.t apfH'ar rallier ex|8Mi8iv** to th** fainier to liiiy a (CoinI up to iImU* Itimler. lint that d«>e8 not co8l him n**Hrly no much ae a wiieti* of rrofi**. t'hun*lit*M hav** hett in the |ia8t iM-eaiim* tliev liave not adapted themeelv**** to th** iieeilM oi tlie dii.V tliir i*liiin*he8 and <'oinniuDiti*8« n'liliz** that, ami ih**n*f*in* an* th**y williiitc to eacri- Hi-i* for adequate church etpiipmeiit.

We n*joic*‘in th** fcood and ph-aeant Npirit the other cliun-hee anil the whole i*oininunity maniieet in our pnij*vt and we have iiitiHdeoct* that our i-nterpri**** will In* II Nii**ceM8 jiiet ae tiie#*ffort8 ol the other chiircheH have lN*eu 8iin<etN*ful.''



.XrrItleNlal lll•rllNnre *>( Utr (Imii Im* **■•> (:«rrvlNC Intlirir^l In.lnrln* from

Whirh he Fonhl n«l Meeoter.





.\t a iiieetiiiic of the common council at ffviil tliie week, the clerk wae iiietnicteii to iMty for the new dynamo which icavi­no much tniiible tiefnn* t be (-romieil wiree wen* Ii8*atei|, .^t a previoiie ineetinjc a ntNiiltition war iiaNNeil inetnirtinic the clerk to notify th** firm who Nold the dynamo that iinleNN they wiur able to make it work Natiafiu-tonly tbt* villaire wonhi not an*ept It. It Neeme that there had lieen tnuibleat the workNcrerNinc** tile new ill nam*I wae iiietailed, and tlie electrician wae unable to maki* it work pni|N>rly and wim |iiit to a icreat ih-al of

'J|vl8i**n fit tlw Aiworia. tniiible and aniiiiyance. TheiHiuncil wae8i^l^ h*^IlM..VrTl^Vt'^“\re^'!Z*lJiVT^’ .if the opinion thut then* mnet lie eoim*.**““-"----------- ------ J^«« thinK the matter with the .lyiiamo and

lid nut pnqNNM* to tiay for it until the wae located by tin* firm wlioeold

eiork ■■ I It anil eatiefactory liichte wen* priNliieeil.Tlie whole tmuble wae fotmd however.

lay nneriKKtn at 'J ;ii» ft'ehtrk The.1 ii-l.*« at .Mn MrFarlaa*. .e.t t;;;;T; .............Mlt^TicKkti At :/:HO oVRirk. am*! fMrd ill twhitliL*

m to In* a I aee of irirh* •NM.n''af VJmnRer- j j, ^

The iieoMi r.i... ,,, ... 1 lie wnote irounie wae loima nowever.with Mr* A w Mklaner WtMtntwIay. Jium' .Veeiataiil Su|NU*intendent fireeo. who art-J4. at to «rrl«M*k All are inrlted*. liNWteil n coiifile ill cnweeii wire* which

The W*oiH*a'« linlM

for the dvnamo.

What wouldiniNii- di-veloiNHl III the hoitn* of I.. .1.Miller, *01 (linfoii avenue eoiith, Tnewliiyeveainv. HuHnic the day. Mr. Miller ate The Womao'« iiniw of m John * rhureh "eremakiD;c the mwehief. Kverythinfc a email pien* of raw iNirk. only addinir a *lve a tea at the hoNH- of Mr. ami Mr*. apiN*nn<il to In* <«ali8lartory after thia Npnnklinfr of NHit and fiepper t.i it «nd , Iw fn.m ftmplaHnjc it in vine*nr. He ^»ve a innreH The m. K ai*i «N*iety ,h iir*enhiMh win i of it to hie little ttiree-vear^dil ilauichter. h**»»e of Mr* Jame* Ainlra*That eveainic. Mr. Miller wae taken aiek IimlTt "in eburrh and wae oblbced to haatiai __ vi •home. He mi eooner amveil than 1 .taTTv^ani w{fhlKrnww5rM»r»L^ wae taken with vtnient iiaueew. He aiif-;femf fniro a liiicb fever all mirbt. Yeafev* . ■■day momime. the Htlle dao«bter wae n, iww, 11.taken in the eatne tnaaaer, but, forto-, /^f- -lohne f'amp .\o. 2,;Im7, Modemnately, the child wae mrt ae ill ae her Wcnidmen of America, ie tawleavoriaic to father. Tb** dbwaei would eeem in indl* I invrrtiae ite tnemherebip to two bnndml «|e rriebinoeie, althouitb the tamily are ' iRf.^ »»«* more. Special lienntv ll**ail not riertded whether or not th»* pork ‘ F**neal, I*. ,1. ItaleUMi, ie condoctinit the mneerl the trouble. Num* of tb** other cauvaae and mi doubt tbie (Nipular fral* member* of the family have Iwen at*: 'Tual i

Will liiiviN, of lliley tow nehip, wl.o wae elnit by th*> nr«*id*>ntnl dieehanc** of a imii while out liiintintc laet W**dn**ei|nv, *ll*-d at III* lioiiie .Siindny (nun the **A»et8 of the wounde. TIh* chant** ent**re«l hie left bn‘aet and lutee***! tliroiiKb the up|N>r |Mri «if the liiiiic. Yoiiiik Havie hail Innu ! liuntinic rabbite with a iieiffbbor (niv. | while after ii loaii of winnI and it ie ear-1 ini8**«l that a <-hunk of winmI fell fnim |

tb** load. Ntrikintc the gun. whicli whn <lie-; chn nre* I with Ite * lead ly effect. It ie li«it known |Nieitiv**ly in juet wliat iiiaoner | the weapon wae diechargnl.

Tltey A*l«»e>e*t a Syerent. I

Mm. .M. I*. Anient, of fiwiNNMt, nd- dreNeeil the ladie* of th** f’oiigreyriittonal chiirrh ut th«* horn** of the iMtetur, Kev. .Vne Hinkhoret. Friday afteraiNin. Iler themee were "MethfMlN of Wnman'e Mle- Niiinar.T Sonetie* in thie I’ountry,” and "Mieeiouary Work in f'hina,” fn>m which country Mm. .\iiient ie a retumerl inie- eioiinry. Mr. .intent ie, at tin* pr**8ent time, ea«a«e*l in mieeion work in f'hina. .it the cine** of a verj* pieaeant eoeial hour, the IndHw re«incnnii**d the Ipiiiliee' Mieeinnnry Ste iet.v of therr churrh and •Miopted a Nveteniatic method of givinn towarde mieeioni*.

Deputy fiuine Warden .illen, of tivid, bad evidimtly been n*ading the old eec- tinn of tbe law rriativ** to Hehing in Mnide Hirer, when lie gave warning liwt wei4, for the eertiun which lie citeN liaN been refNaale*!.

Tiik Nkwn' Mafile Hanide cnm*«|Kind- •*at wrikee thie week ae folhiwe; “If Hanw' Warden .illen ex|8<rte to make a Khowingin hie departnH*nt, from arreete maile uader th« 8*vtion of law to which he liHM recHitly call**d attention throuKli tbe iiewrepafiem, it iiae tieen Nuggeete*! that Mafih* Hapide will In* a fertile Hpot for him to lN*gin ofienitioiie in, neat pm*- HUt the ice covered river hMik** like a ininiaUir** village with ite long niwe of ehantiee, in itacii of aiiich ie a tlNherniau or two, anned with the deadly epiNir.

However, liefore making the trip to thie eid** of tin* <-ouaty, tb** gameofflt**T will Nave hiineelf t*«ineiderabl** annoyiiiice by muling tbe follou*ing Nretiuin* of the game law* paee«*«l in INU7 luid iiniler which tb** Feteex liehcrmeii amconducting operatiuuM and under whicii they are <|aiteapt to i*nntiiiu<‘ for thie Meaeun, at leaet." Th** law*, to w*hicii attention ia called, mule:

“The |N*«t|i(e of the etiite of .Michigan **oa('t. That it hIiuII hereafter In* lawful in theiiionthNuf Itecemlier. .Iiinunry, F*di ruary and .Marrh in **iirh .v<*ar to take. <»tch or kill thrtiugh th** ice liy tlie uee of a 8|N*ar, any or all kinile of IImIi, except linmk trout, rainiNiw tniiit, tiernian or hrowii tniiit, gniyling, land-locked eal* mon and black iNtee, in any nr all the in­land lak**« «ir Htn-ain* of thie Ntat**, in­cluding laikeSt. flair and that part of tin* St. flair river InHow the villag** of .\lgoiuu* in St. flair i-oiiiity, tlie chiiniielN thniugh which Naid river emptiee into lakke.St. flair, luid other channeiN ami ImyouN coiiitiriNitiK the wat**n« of i*aid lake. I'nivide*!, That all watem, iakee anil NtreaiiiN in thie wiat**, ••x<'iqit Miitiie livcr In4»iw ite entriiiic** into (iriitiot ctiiinty, which an* now pnitect***! troni 8|N*nnng by any lfM>nl act of the legieln- tun* of tiiiN Niati*. nIuiII In* exi'iiipt from the proviNionH of thia act. .V11 acta, or (Mirta of acte, III nay way i-niitniv*>niiiK the proviahiiiH *il tbia act, are lierehy re- |8*lll*‘«l."

In n*pl.v to a letter a«ldn*8***<i to fhaae tialMirn**. while he wa* game warden, that otficiai wnite:

“fialer the new 8(M*nriiig law-, iMige of the game law (*om|«ilaii<in. 8|N>iinug la |N*rmitte«l in Vla|ile river In*Iow it* lai- iraim* into finitiot ifimil.v."



or ugATiMu goggatuTbe program given by the K. T. L., or

Joaior Mieiety, last TuiMday evening, was a good oae. Tiie feature of tbe evening wae tbe debate on tbe qneetion. “Keenived, That f^mgrreeaian elect llrlgham H. Roberta, ahould be denied hie Meat in foagreae.’' Two boya. Fred Flaagle and Mnam Smith, wan* given tha raapouaibility of upholding tha cauoe of tba fongremman, while two giria, Klom fhurch and Agnae Savarauoe. rlaiiued that the polygamiet ahonkl not bweenognixed mm n national officer of tba Fnited Stataa. Tha debate waa wail bandied and apirited, mi ranch ao that the judgea li^ <lifllcolty in deciding tbe iiieritN of tbe oaae. Tbe affirmative liHd to tba point that th** .Ainoaaty Act of IMKt •*xaaipt4*«l Kolierta from Uh* crime of which he waa accoee«l. TIh* negativeelaimad that, from atntementM made by ItobartN hiiiiaalf, luid by iwtimion living in tb<* aann* town aa Hulierta, that beta a criminal and that he ahould tbar**- lore ha deniail hia aeat. The negative further claimed that tbe llouae liazl the right to jiidgi* aa to the i|ualiflentioiui of ite memlN*m **leet. The jndgea, .Mm. f. t:. Vaughan, .Mia* Lucia Fry and Nobh* liuroaft gave a dei-iaion in favor of the attimiHtive. .\ti inter»*8ting imrt of the pnigmni waa “The Charge of tin* Light llrigail**” given aa a round by aix girla. Miaa*N* Kloie** Wheat. Inn Malthouae and Flora Church, and tllenn Henderaon Hirnialied tin* muaic, while Mary itaaley gave an intervwtiiig reading.\ numtwr ol alaigh riit*** were **njo.ve«|

by the teocli**ra and pupila of the f mon NchcMil. 'I'lieailay evening. Tbe teachen* of the high Nchool and grmln* indulgeil ill a ride about town. Miaa f iral faater- line entertaineil a number of Neniora Tii«**Mlay ev**niiig. J*wae llancroft **n* t<*rtain^ the eighth gnid** at hia iatlier'a home near .Mapl** HufiidN. Tuaadny even­ing.

The high NchfMil room waa very prettily dec<irat«*d in ml. white and blue bunting for the lyceuni Tiieaday ••vening.

The Junior claaa of tlie high arhiMii will give a NiK'ial in th** Lailiee' Library ItuoniN next .Mondnv ev*aiiiig.

HIS Om TERMJiidie Stow tVeiidwl kiF Ike

Rrsi Tkae


A BOILDING NEEDEDFair Members Discussed Ques­

tion of a New Hall



.lildg** .Stone iM8ii*<<| an tinier .Monday, diNtMilviiig I h** iiijunctiiui wlin-li hail lN***n gninteil. r*N>trainiag Schinil Diatrict .\o. 1. of Watertown, from paying ita teacher. Thia ca*** >8 the on** wher** action WHN lN*giin liy fhiirieaJ. .Stuliler. vho WON iiualenitor of the iNi inl. ami who clHiineti that til** tiie**tingH lind not Innhi r»*guiarlv <'nnduri«*«l and that tiie i-«intra('t wilti tlie pnwnt waa ill**gHt. The iiierita of the*-aa** w**n* not iiivol%'**d in tiia nrgiiineiit which waa iiiad** by .tttomey W. M. Smith. In th*ir anaiver .Itihn tiiMNlrtch hihI tirtoti lirak**. tlie two «ith«*r directiim, nll**g»* lliat the pni* ****e«liiiga reintive to hinog th** t*M**her were not «inly in an-oniane** with th**hiw lint that they w**n* ♦•ntirely fair and jiiat to ev**rylNMly ••onc**rBe*l,

THE (ILI) HELL lifNliEl!


Is Nbn Absntatciy N«€«sMr> to Provide a SnitaMc Roogi

If tbe Herebants arc Expected to Display Tbeir Goods.

I.K.% V .1011 MM T<l I.IVK III** tWIN.


Aim. F*4lx il**iia|er. *d Flat U«M*k, AViiviie county,-waa in .St. .lohna thia week ami will In* Hcroiii|ianie<i hoin** iiy lienetlicl lletiNler and wife who will mak** their home with thetr Non in tlie fntiin*. tild Mr. Hetu*ier liaa lN<eti a familiar tignr** on th«* atreeta of St. .lohna for yearn. He i*nnie to thia country ••ighteen y**am ago at th** tinia F**lix waa marrie<i and haa lN*en a rewident of St. Johna ever aim***. Wh**!! Uh* new lie!I waa iu-atalle*! nt St. Jiweph’a chun*h many yearn igco, Ih* waa deiegate*! to d** the ringing and haa lieen faithful to hia tniat thea** many yenra. The <ild gentlemnii i« iiiiw over •*ighty*fuur venm okl and Ilia wife ia bat two yearn younger.


The moat im|Mirtfiiil ipieation which ciiiiie up at the aniiiial meeting of Ih** t1inl«in county Vgriniltiiral and Horticul­tural 8*N*i**ty. h«*ld at th** ctiurt Iniiiae Sntuniay iifternoon Inat waa the quea- tiou of iiewbuildiiiga. TIh* old hattahave alNiut aeen tb** laat, of their uaeiuln**aa. and now an* not only t4Mi Hmall liiit they leak 8*1 badly that the men'hante an* loath to plan* their gcMNia on exbiliition in them.

The diacuaaion r**lativ<* to a Jnew build­ing waa informal and no diflnite action waa taken, aa that mutter will he taken up bv the iMinrd «if directom later. ifauy» thiugiat** In* dtiiie. It haa lieen aiig* gewteii that <iiH* goial big two atory Imilding would make a great deal more aervit-rahle atnjctun* than the twoaingte atory laiildinga aa at orvaent. In that t*aee, the v**getiiblea ana h**Hvy iliaphiya •-ouhl be ma«ie on the timt floor and the fancy w«irk ami lighter diaplaya could In* provided for on th«* a*«i*nnd tliNir. It waa auggeated that a building with two winga Ilf g*MMl length, would make a aiilMtan- tial aha|N* and would In* found very con* v**ni**nt.

The advimbility of aeiling metnbemhip ticketa to pm vide for the ex|N>na**. waa tnlk*<d. an wen* iwher niethiaia of miaiog tlie iieeeHMtry money.

The elertioii «>f <i(Hrem n*aulte*l aa followa:

...........................('.('. VauKhan

......................H. II. Kltsirrrnl<l

.........................lairr K. Si«»wellFive direetora W**n* el*8*te«l oa tollowa:

William Hvnie, .1. AV. Kniieat, H. N. Carpenter, L T. Fait and J. L. llollinNik. TIh* tlmt four inentioiH**! wen* re-elected.

Treawurer (l***irge N- F**rrv reail hia iinnual n*|airt which waaaa followa;

IH-U KlfTt*llalNBce tniin ianN..._...........• late Kecrlpta ...............................llraail Htan<l HerrIpU ........... .Kniin iWfvtary.............. ........Knim H«i|H*fiii(efi«lent ...........Iliirae Mapertaten.lent............ .HahawripIGins............................. .

A Pleuuit Utile Sccae Was iTrswinI la tbe Coart Romd.

HATKVKKmay have lieen J udge Htoue'n feeiingabM fore he oaun* ttiHi. Johna Monday morning, to open uourt here for tbe drat time in hhi otficiai career, tbe little event which traiiNpirad just previooa to tbear- giiaiHiita in tbe opening cave moot have aet hia mind

at rent relative to the attitude of the at* tomeya who lux* memlN*m of tbe I'lioton t*ounty liar.

It wae all liver in a f**w ininutea, Imt the apirit «if welcume and kindneaa rep- reaent***! a ••ordiality which aurely moat have lieen appreriate*! iiy the new jodsp.

A haodaome btapiet of maea and mixed flowem waa laid on the judge'a deek, bj the lawyem, luid **x-Judge Daboll d^ livennl a little “w'elc<iming nddreee” to tb** new pmiiding officer, which won foil •if kind mMiiraiH*** ami fraternal greeting. Jiidg** .Stone mip«iiifl«*<l feelingly, aaving that he appn*riat«*d the (a<S that in fol* low iug ao able an«l learned a man in tbe lawaaJudgi* DalMiil. he hiul before him a iiiuet anliioua duty, but one which be alionld diaeliargi* to the limt olhiaability. He iwikl the retiring judge a hauilimnie compliment, and altogi*ther the little ••pimMle waa one of thoae pl*>aaant inci- d«*ntH which too infiei|uently mark the {•age*, of bueiniwa and prnfeaaiooal life.

The **ai*e*i which were brought to tbe attention of .fudge .Stiine were all eban- •-ery non-jury caMw. The jiidgi* takca hiild of the w'ork with a«|iiickintelligence an«l rea<ly graa|i of the ait nation*. He ie •-ourteoua luid attentive and it ia (Jain to aee that aa mmhi aa tin* “tHtwneea" of tbe (Niaition wt-ara iiff, lie will In* prompt in the 4lupat<*ii of buaiiHwa. The following i*ai***H wen* dia|KM****i ol thia week:

Lugene JeniH* va. Dexter 11. fninkite. .\aaum|Niit. Judgment for plaintiff for fl >17.78 and ctMta.

Frank .V. .Scofield va. t'lia*. Farmer, tinier **nt«*ml extemiing time in which ap|a*«il may lie taken.

Samuel Carroll va. (’•lunty Drain foin- iiiiaaioiier luiil (’ounfy Traaaiiper. Decree Netting Haid«‘ an ohl tax gnuiteil.

tiraiig** Sink v*. Win. H. liodge. Dill to aet oiude land tnyle; on trial.

Kttfi H. fhapniiiti va. I.<101* S. fhati- inau. I iertwe (or •livon*** granted.




S a.*> HI |,;IH7 a*»

74 n7 j ID.'. 1.-^ •JIH 70

*J4 INI17a .'.O

•Mra. Hvaliiit* l Van .Sickle) ,St4.v«>na died at her bom** in Kurekii, January 1), at tlie lige of aixty-two y<*arH. She waa iNini in IMaware i-oiinty, tihio, Deeem* lier 11), 1H.'17. and removeil to I-miwx tnwnahip in the apring of iSmt, where ahe reaid«*«i for thirty-aex*en yean*. .\iig* uat 7, I H,Vt, aiie ««aa iiniteil in marnogv with .\yera Stevena. and fen chihlren wen* bom to th**ni, three daughtem and eevtai Mina. Nine of the childnai and tbe huabaml an* left to mount her Icm*. Fight of the «*hildren were preaent at tbe olNM*<|Ui**a; om* liaughter. Mra. .Vliop Ly« on, ol Silver Iliime, waa nut iN*rmitteil to In* pn*a*ait. Sh** had retume*! to her home in .\uguat laat, after a aix weahs’ viait lien*. .Mra. Stevena waa on** of tbe Hrat mem here of the fhnatian church in Kaaex, ami liveil 11 conaiatent, devoted fhriatian thmughtuit her life. In INPO, Mn*. St«*vena reniov«*fl with her family to Furekn. and mmhi Hft«*rw-ani united with the fhrtalian chiin-h at that place. Speaking of her life, an old frt**n<l and ac- <|uaintniH>> aaid: “She «li«l in the *tri* iiinpha of a living faith.’ The imat three yeara. ahe liaa lN«en a ennatant attendant iilMin her (inrairtif* huabanil, and tier fhriatian gnn-ea have iM*en rniule to ahioe mon* hrightlv, hy having more fully to lean <in th** kveriaating .\mi. I can tm* ly aa.v that a ilevote*! wife, a loving mother and true fri«*n«l haa laid down the croaa to wear the crown.”



ovKK aeo.nao worth or chkimr •Hll.ll thin vkak.

A l»*»wb»e (MHIwtoy.•Mr. and Mn* Heniy Tatm **njo,v the

privlleg** of •leiehrating their lurthdaya on the aame «late and if all of th** aaai- veraanee of their Mrtha are aa pieaeant aa the laet oa**, which <N*cniTed Monday, they will no dunbt baglml that the mat­ter wa* idanned in thia way. .\lioat thirty of their frletide gather*^ at their howN* and the aveniag wa* pleaaantly Hpant with ranatr ami garaee for <>atrr- taiament. The goeata preaentail their hiMt nod iHwteaa with a heaatifnl water

rrowi • Wawft.Joaenh Clement, (if Flak*, wm* |iainlDlly

injured the fore |mrt of the week in n niiHit |N*mliar manner. While cutting hav in n cuttiag marhin** be mn a lieavy want over an inch in length into the ticahy lairt of hia itaad. \ «er>* iminful amnnd waa inflicted, and anon aiterwaitl the man'a liaod and arm tMgan to awall ami painful inlInmnMkiion haa eaaaed, an

ia reaalt of the acrldeat. Mr. Clement I noffete intenee (win iMtd ttwve in aotm* I fear of (WNeoaing.

___, .. i it^iiA"?!!'^*”*^***”*^**^* **. ■ ""^^y****^** aet aa a t«»ken id I heir friemlahi|i and aa-taeked with the awklieaa ami m.iw of I lb* memh^lp embracaa rWrmhmenta were nerved,them at** any of the mw pork. Mr. Miller n^.v nl tbe mmt (mHaimat eltiiem* .d ^.lat eniovable event.in much lietter t«*da,v and It la to be , St. Jtihna and vieinlty. ___________ |______hoped no aeriona rrenlte will ••aaiH* ----- ----------

Haa a Naeaiaitaa.I^aril af TItaah

Harrlan* Meet The following iniitringi li

t^aanvnaHaa** riiareli Walaa Hihie reading* thia week Wadaeailay,

Thnraday and Frida.v eveninna at 7:**lii. Sobjart*. “The two fold Hfort of the Chrietian.” “Prepared fnreerviee,” wltnrewea of rhri*l.” Sunday aervlrea: Morning onl^t, “Chriet'* deflnition «d the field”. Fvaaing auhjeet, Danlr* aide fiMimlalina”, Snndav aehmil at noon; Y. I*. 8. C. F. nt .'Vijr*.

We t lew re IbrtMMCtl Ibe •ia<t maeWe aa<t *t« «lnrta*i tlw oWfcae nar oaa. We wlaii aonwelaHv

Mm.Asn Mmi l

tMa aw<ll«ni to maak 1 hmmw M* l»o^l«L \ ndlaerlliat fd (Ham gn*nt**il ilnnag the (omtiConaty CWk Wm M. .Smith:■aaad aOer tkeileaili ot | lending member of the fbwtnn Iwdlee ' ^

to tkOSk I ' *!»rd.Sym(dMNiy orrheatra,

nr. FORRMi I •wwring. Jaanarr Her. ta—lime. li. Iteerk, Victor.__Rva R. Rark, Oreenbasii...

Aftveettaad LeHaro.Mr. It. F. H. .tmoM, Mr. Jnmea Canter,

Mra Idhhie Chatterenn. Mine Cora Fox. It C. (iorthv, Mr*. Sarrah Hoover, Mm, Iwe, ('hna. J. MerrivHle. Ira MattSee.

“Fl*ie (Twaae” don* n«it a(i(a<ar on the Idila ol fare in lioteia throughout the atale without caueing aome aork ov**r at the village in the corner of th** •*oant v. .\t the annual meeting of the atock «aim* (lany whirli «iwna the fm-torv*. the a*vn* lari’a report ahoiml that about S4(i,- • NMI worth of i-lieeae aaa made during the (met aenmin Thia ie a inaterMl in* creaM* over laet vear’e onttwit, oml the (wrtiee intereeted are higiily gratitbai at the ahowing. J.t!. IS'iNidant wae eferted eeeretary ami L. (1, llatee. treaenrer. Theoflli-ere will fry t«i im*reaae th** bnei- nme thie .v**ar, if (Nweihie, and e(*ren<l farther “into the cornere uf the earth” the refMitation of the famone cheim .


K.\l*K.\IIITCaK«Ordera outat«n<lliiKAn*l Inearaiiee $• 'attl*K her iui*l l*h*ir................... .r.dlrr evrriee...........................................MoMr..................... ..................... .........Criatlnn..............................................

......... ......................—....................Hpeeil. iHtlaea an*! timen* .............i-remlitin Hat................ ...........................

j H«B«|rtea.....................................................< Holanrr on h»*«l......... —...................

S*.'.ioN nn

S'U.toN aa


KHiiM iimipra-a iiKAai*KHHK

KINO woHtm niH HRV. IMtOD lIBHtMi.


in writiw regarding tbe audtlen death id Hev. Thotnae at KalamaKoo, laat weak. Rev. K. J. Hradaer, formerly «d thieeity.aaye: “Hmt her Thomae wae very near t«i me. I wae ctwiverted under Rev. A D.Newton, but brother T)Him«etNt(v tiael nw. lireaaed im* t«i exhort and to (ireacti, (iraywi me through my flreteer- miNi in the ohl M. F. ehnrrhatSt. John*. nH4ine«imetoinya<MN| wife, atood npfirr lae when I joined the rtmferenee. and hr hna been a lather So m** aver idnee. Mav a donlde (mrtioa of Ua epfrtt full on nw.”

Serretary Millmaii. of the National Telephom* Com(iany, which owoe and ofieralee the local exchaogi*. ei^ve that hie eompani w in no way offerteil hy the hig i-oneolnlailon of the IMI ami New Stake ('timpanie* There wae a mm«ir current to the «#ert that all of the in- i •lefiendent •-ompnniee in Mieh^nxii were 1 to he aboortied and then the Aril com- j (NUi,v wnnld be in n (Nwition to charge | whiM it wwhed for iwrvim. Jnat what j tbe ont4'nnie cd the movement will he It ' ia hard to anrmiae at thie time. It i« to I be htiped that tbe local exchange will main th* (woperty of the preaent com- (uuiy.

lawt ThnriMla.v occurred the nineteenth wedding aaniveraary of Mr. and Mr*. W. A. Norton. To rommemorat** the eveal. thirty-aix gne*ie were invited to tea and to aiieml the evening at their home, comer •diliaton aveane aonth >uh1 MHVaiaeil atreaS. Cardnaml mnair heified paaa awav She evening hour*, and It waa not until n late hour that the rompaay diapainni.

Tbe amendment to tlie Farmer*' Mo* tual Fire Ineurano* Corofmiiy, of Hinton connty, which waa voted nt the onnoal meeting held liMt week, haa lieen op* imived liy Defuity .\ttomey tieoanU Henry F. ( hnae. Th** nmefifiineot eras on tlw (Niiiit of (wyiiig loaaea on Rtoek which might In* atnick wtUi lightning anywhere in Clinton or tiratiot I'onntia*. It waa found by the member* that fre­quently tin* animnla would he iwataml out in tieida anme diatancefrom thetiama and not infm|iientl.v loaam would (Mcnr nt aorh timea, while the at4ick wnaonth* premiaaa of n neighbor nr (Kioeihly in th* adjoining miint.T. Hy the change wbinh haa juat tmai n(ipr<ived the loaa will hold ogaiaat the com(HMi.v if tlH* luiimal* are anywhere in the two conntie*. Tlw iineation of the length of notice wa* nil that harrcil the lngnJ adoption of thia chaagi* a year ago.



\ big cork tightiag event took (dan* Satardav night at DeWitt. A l,aaaiag deingaUnn <d nearly 2iM) and a(mrtiig| men in large numhere from nearby tnwna were preaent to witueaa the ITi hattim whiefi took (dnee. The cnnleatlag Idnli which took (wrt were from l^aaaiinr aad Toronto. CiMiada. I^ancing hirda won 11 (Hit of the in rtghte, iMMi, it ia aaM, about $8011 in money for th^ hnidura.

HeAe l»v«a*a«eal. Tneaday evening nhont

>fa nl^he 1. U. O. P. conlar RponaaAMant (hrM.





ol Ik* Board at HA»orr>rwi» at Cllatan MMtir, MiclUcM. •! tho4r Jao—ry ■—ttdi A. D. IMO.

PbfaMnt u> a4t)«>of—t. Ibo Boon! ol Mo- porviMC*. <>lllMr<«oly ol nioloo, BMiioM. •ooroofHt at thaCoort Hiomo. la iIm Vlllaaa <il 8t JoAo*. la aaitl (Vaioty aod Mtata. tai Mooday, iBa MB 4lay ol Jaaaanr A. O. IMO. at <nm u’rlaah la tka altataaao. aad aa* eallad to urdar by tlM CiMiiauui. tadraa M. Waal.

TIm roll waa eallad by iIm Hark, aad tha fal- loalaa aiaaikaw aaeaarad to tbalr raayaatlva

Itaaraakla*. lath...............baaal...........

Haaarrlaara.................. Hobart MaCoakay,........................kdla B’. Mklaaar*

■limlMai....................................... TbcMaaat'.Botlar.Dalla* ...............................................Joba P. I'lriab.Dawlti................................................(adraar M. Waal.DoPtaii........ .............................. L.all««lO. Bala..■•iiio.................... Wllllaai L. TallaNta.Ikaai............................................... John T. DaaMU.(lfaaaho.li........................................... ..Kdaar Bark.IjahantMi ..................................... Btoti J. MaVatdiOllvr ..................... ................. Malltaw M. Hill.Ovid ............................................Wllllaai U. Hoatar.Bllay.......................... ............Jioaali B. Knaaii.Tiator............................................ Jaaia. D. .HJal«htWatariiiwn............................ ,....Hol»a. T. ('lark.Waatplialin....................... ........... Tbaodiira Haa«»l.

Tharr lialac a •lunmai praaaat. Iba’Buanl paora.il.ii to ha.iaa*..

i.iaai aiiMTio*. ranacucTTt omcTtaa.A coaiaiunieaiioo fmai J. P. Laaalay, Coart

Btaaoifrapliar of iba SMb JndlelaJ niMriet. ara. than raail by tha *rlark. and wa*. <« OMdltai. ralbrmt to ibaroaiaiillaaoa Appropriation., t A coaaaianlratlaMi fman tba Kiaratira ('nm wlllaa of Ilia Mtata Vshk-UIIoD of MnparTloot. «a« than read by tha dark, and «a*.<ai mot loo. foeaivail aad plaraal on (lla.

Tha riark Ibati pra.anta«l tba final raport «*f Harvai \V. ('arrincttm. Ry-t'oanty Itralii (*oaa- ailMioaar. and an aecnmpanyinir Flnanrlai Htataoiriil of tha M>rarnl drain* of tha rtninly, whlrli wa* oonHitiou. rafarra<liolha('oaiinlllaa on Drainaaa.

Maid report wa* raad lo tha Boar^l by tba Clark, aad U a. follow.:

iKXIIIItlT .%»«*r*»aT or Titr •wtiTt oatix roaai.»io*E*.

T«» tha Honorabla RimoI «•! StiparrlMir* ;llanilafnatt In aecrdanea with tha prori*.

loo. of tha.latuta in .urh raM> mada .ml pro- rldmi. I haT« tha Inmor l<i .nbinil my raport a* (Vianiy Drain <*oaimi**»ooar of il»a ('ooaty «*f Clinton. Mtata of Sllrhiaan. aorariiwr llm pariod from tliaWh day of OrKdtar. .V IK. IW. to tha l.t tlay of January. .\. D-. IMi):

Tha followiuir nama«l .Irain* war*- taf* iinfln- IMoal at Ilia data of m) la.l raport, to wit:

Bail (*raak drain, Hal.taail drain. S«i. 39f> dram. Hray •irain. .thapaol and Kilan.mn <lrain. Boiilh ami Marrhant drain. Summar* drain. Waatphalia and Rllay drain. KitMO dram. Arthur •irain, llainill<«i drain, Ki».akran» •train, Baarar •lam dram. Haym.l.l. ami Sa..ion. draiti.

Tha followina iiammi -Irain. hara baaii con- Mmetml and rt>aplatail by ma ilarm.r tha tima nama*l. to wit:

Arthur drain. KiImui drain, Hray drain. \\a.|. pbalia ami HIlay dram. Raym.hl* ami Sa-.Mm. drain. Had ('rrak drain. Roaakran. •Irain, Hal- .l«a<l drain

Tl»a foll«»wina namad lirain* Itara t^an ap- piiml for, lait m>t a.iahli»lia<l. dnriiur tha -.ani llnm. for tha raaMio> iriran in •mrh in.tanra, t«i wit:

An a«tan.iot> to I>>»t ('raak Drain wa* ra. eairati (••o lata In tlia •a.Mm to do anythiiu; tui it.

.\ pt.rtion «»f tha Rid*lla branch of th*- Hafinail dram lui. haanrlaanaal out wiiltout application, a. tlia law <iiraei*

A |H>rti«ai of tlia tlia in tlia Mair and tiarlock draiii lia* liaaii rapalra<l witluiut applicatioii, a* tba law iliri-ci*.

Ami I lio liarah) cartlf). That tha al.ira am- braca* a full ami Ima raport of all tlia .irain. nna.triietml. flni*lia<|. or haaun iimlar my ‘upar- rlahwi. or appINal for <iuriiu{ tlia tima now ami- ina, and that tia- financial .tatamant of aach drain, which acn^miiania* ihl* rapi»rt i* irua ami corract.

All of which i* ravpactfoili .ubmittniH. W. CAHRINtlTlIN.

Count) Dram rommi*.u»oar of tha ('•amt) ofClinton

Data<l. till* .TOth ilay of Imcamliar, \. D.. IMR*. ixTaoi'i < Ttox )i> ati.i.-,.

Claim* numlwr I to *d Inclii.lra ware than pracantaii by tha Clark ami rafarra.1 to tlia commillaaon claim, by tha chairniaii.

uorioy. \Mi aa.<ii.i Ti«*x..On motion of Mr Hala. Iha Htianl abyoiimmi

until tomorrow momiinr at tan ••’clock WILLI.IM M. MMITH. A.SDHF.W t W KMT.

Clark. Chairman.

T«aMla« Coram«M*ii Haa.Ioti, .laniiary ttih, I1NMI.

Th*- Hoanl conranaii pucuant to ad)oum- tuatil. and wa* calla*! to ••niar fry tha Chairman. Roll called; <|uoram praaant ami mi rwpiirtad. Tha minuta* of tha pratiim* ima.iiNi arara raad ami approrad.

ItOTtoX* Al(f> aaaoM TIoX*.Tha mattar'dlprocuriiut *omaMfa place for

tha kaapiiut of tha Drain Raoird* ami himk. fnrtkaCouaty Drain ('ommiMinaar wa* than dlacn».a<l by Iha Hoanl. ami tm motion rafarrMi to tba Coaimittaa on Drainaaa.

On ntotion of Mr. flanlar tba'Boarii adioum- ad uatil lomorroar momiMr at niaa o'clock. WILLIAM M .SMITH. ANDRKW M. WHIMT.

Clark. ClialruMUt.

the mercantile companyCM.. . . . To The Way It Hits Dow Business For Years.

o------------ - ■ ------------ oTO THE CITIZENS OF ST, JOHNS AND CLINTON COUNTY :

The Bis Store's management being convinced that the Old Custom of selling the same goods at different prices to different Customers was grossly unjust—**to all save the higgler for hargains”—decided upon its inception to inaugurate the System in St. Johns of

iSTRICTLY ONE PRICE TO ALLEvery Article being marked in plain figures. Absolutely no deviation is made to any one.

o----------- " : " —-------Oruder the old system the regular Customer, who lias conridence in the ilealer and relies upon his statement as to values, pays the higher price.—While

the bargain driver is shown the prelerenee ol a reduecfl price—in order not to miss the sale. Tnder the new system one has the constant assurance that he is getting the goofls at exactly the same price as the ‘‘hard customer” who sf)eiids hours vainly seeking a reduction.

(‘nder the old, the price is rnarkeil high I for some customers) in order to comfH.‘nsate for the low cuts, which other customers will demand—and receive.Tiider the new, the “one price” is fixed as low as possible consistent with r living profit, with this advantage that by distributing it among all his cus­

tomers. the dealer can aftord to ask l<?ss profit Irom each, than when he obtains the same profit from only a few. It is simply a case of e(|ual justice toall and special favors to none. You must and do rccfigiiize the wisdom and fainiess of these principles. They constitute the corner stone of the business. The Mercantile Company have obtained in St. Johns, and the fieople, appreciating it. have assisted in kecfiing them in practice.




Tlw <HbU«o! llK*»f«Ml•ImiC. rrintiur furrtiwBly............................ *4 2\. R«>MHilhal. snaMl*forrouBt) t V>

TIm» Mt. John* N«»w., priBtin« for r«»uBly A. O. Hunt, trooil. forc-ifonty ......... * ®l.or«fi ('.,*il«>. ilwpiily •liwrifT'* ••■iiBa*.** lU Ot

No. to IhliiM Hro*. A Kver-•nl. ii,ii»il* for foanly tl# *!t

N*.. H Wm. V«,irw nnil other*.wilnt*.*' few* 7 *A

.Vo. IS .V. O. Smith. ju*tle*»fiw* .......... II no

No. IS Homrw I*, linire. iiwler•lierlfT'. few. ......... ttS Sll

Vo. II Nuhie HnmrII. b«h.I«for county 10 (»

I N«i. 1*4 John linker, -leButyi •lieriff'* fee*.......... II flO

N«>. ttt tirome Hulheri. ctio-*tnl>ie fee* .. II 10

So. IT K t'. Ihtnii. M. D.. e>-•minintr inanne i 00

IK M Weller. M. IK. e«-nmininir in*ane... * i»

tf John H. Ibehre, M. D.,eiaminiiur in.nne... j on

No. SDJt. M Po*t. M. D.. es-•miniiur in*nne *• 00

Nt>. :i (K H. Campbell. M. D..In<pie*t fee. 10 tl)

No. 2 S. E. tiillam. M. D .ea.a-'itpilur in*afie '• 00

No. SI .kl*in Miller, wild ratlaHinl) S 00

No. SI l>>rin Ca*tle. .leputy,l»erllT'* fee* IS4 V)

No. Si Clinioti Krpublican,pnnilhtr for r,.<inty 100 OS

No. SI lieorne H. MNr.liall.jii.tice fee* SO a'l

Vo. ST W. M. .*>milh, clerkfee* MM .«

.Vo. SI \. F. Dnui>. lock bill 30 A*.

.Vo. SH Vltoii Smith, -iepuly.lieritT fee. •.e.ee. " 7^

Vo, 30 A. K. Dnnn, trampUwnl hill . la 30

No. 31 F. Dnnn. pri>a>ner'.hnani tiilL.. SOT. 00

N». SS A. E. Dunn. priMioer * wa*li hill

.VU of which i.

u mIts

0 (Rl*.S 01

S :a0

At »

10 on

tnr the kreplna of the •teni**rapher’« note* of cilnlain iHtunl.v trial* wa* Iben «ahinllte«l hy lire crrin mil ter Mal<l refeiri U a* fulluwr*.

Ml. John*. Xlirh.. January D*.To the lloBoralde Hoanl irf Mu|»rrTl*or» irf

t Union County.Your r«*mniliier iin .tppn.prlBilun*. to

which wa* refrrreil the letter ft Mr. Ijin»lev^ Ihecirrult i-oart elenovrapber. aaklnc that

I *|i ihillar* Ire appn>|>iiaie«l to pay for rent of rault In which kerfi ■abl ■ieno»rapber‘* reniril*, woubi rrroininenri that it In* al lowral

.kll of which i* re*prrifolly ••nbmiltr.l,A, W MKI.NNFK. Jitli.V C. ri.illt'll,W. K. TALLMA.V.

Committee.«»n motion, the re|M>rt iif the committer o.i

appn>|>riatb>ne wa* acrrpletl «n«l a*l*»|*lnl a* the action of the hoanl.

MoTtoSM ASH Klieol.l T1«»**

tinaway «eteran* of the cirll war nrr ico- ! In* to orirnnlai- a d. A. il. |MMt.

I ’* It wtia nitnoet it mirartu. Iliinltirk i llltMMl IlitttTe ••ur*<l in** (»l II l••rrlbh• ! f>n*Hkintr niit nil over tin* ImhIv. I iim

very* iruitetiii.'’ .Mine Julia h'ilbntlfr', ‘ Went C«»riiw* II. I'oiiH.

l.<i•llnwtoll iMiaat* of a •-enteBarian rewi- •lent. who ha* paaee*] Ifie •■entury mark by ■la year*.

I>r. Hull'* f'ow«h •4yrwp U a »|>ee*lyami etnenrioua run* for rmaii. wloMiidtitc i-oukIi uBil bninchtti* .Vo rhlbl ahoubl In- left to*nllerthe torture* of tlienr ailment*, wtreii iMtreni* Clin vet tht* wouiterfut remeily f<*r only J-Y cl*

Tb<- lhlr«l of Marahair* |M>pnlatlon ha* ' oiilvrowii tlie present lirewrry lliepr anil a ueu one Ilf much vn-nter cnimcit.v I* to lie e*talill*hei|.


National Importance



F you want it promptly and carefully done at rea­sonable prices call for

Trucking Richard fiay*t>aily, by mail, - - $ba yearDaily a Sunday, by mail, SH a year

II *o<



II 10


Mr. Hiiri. then offereil the followInR nwo- Inllon*

IteiMtlTeil. That Ihecommlllee on irraaiiry lie. nnil are. heretiy laalrucleil lo compare the nintinsent anil po«*r onlera with their reefiecflvr onler teMik* .\l*o, the junir i-er- tlflcale*. •lentil* anil hlrth* ••ertlllcale* apar- n»w. wline** ami all other cerilltcate* anil ontrr*. with their re*|iert|T*- onirr leHik*, anil to check the PMine hy alainpInK acn»*e the *lul> of *nld onler fMMik*. **\lloweil • ’••unty Trea*urrr. Jnnnnry IH, lluMi.” ami that iIn- Malil onler* ami i-ertlfli-ate* lie humnl III the preweBcr «•! the iMianl.

.\l*<», That all the inlaHeilaneon* voBcher* S on '*•’** ’*•*■ recelpl* fnini the Ml ale llouae ••! ( or-

rerilon ami Insane A*ylum, nn«l all other of- Itcer* •ertlltcate*. lie *lalO|>ei| arneM the fare. ‘'Allowf*! t'ounly Treasurer. January 111. I'.NMi." amt that the*ame then Iw tlleil In He- olttce of the county clerk, ami lhe*a <1 clerk I* hereby aulhortaeil to credit the conn- ly in-a*urer with llieiwieral aniouni*.

(In moil<tii of Mr. Hunter, .the remiluib>n was iii-cepleil nml mhipleil a* the action of the le.itnl.

Mr. Henm-I mornl that the lionnl ap|Milnt Mr. tnlbony .\rea*, of Weaiphallalownahlp, aa aRriil hir the tiunal of.lmllcent ■ohller* for that township.

*taiil motion prevallnl.tin (notion • if Mr linrk. Il wa* onteml by

1 be iMinnI that alll•lll■ In* iH, piinted In the pubiiaheil pnicreillnB* ••! the tMianI a* to show tbe amount at whirh each wa* pre- senlnl anil alhiwnl.

Mr. linie* moreil that the iMianI aillourn until tomom^w morninic at ten o'rbwk.

Ma4«l miilbm pretalieil.ANDREW' M. WKMT.

WILLIAM U. SMITH. ChairmanClerk.




10 on

ISl 'lO

i« oe

so V.

la 30'

aor. on

la (to

The Board coBtraBad pnrsaant to ndyoam- BMBt. BBil was aaltad to ordar by tba chainaaB Roll aallad I <|Bomm pfwaaat aad i«o rafmrtml.

Tha miantaa of the praeioa* ■aaaiiai ware raad aad aa^roead.

aaroaror sTawaiao •cmwiTTraa.Tha Comaaitlae •* ClaiaM *abwiitle«i tha

Mlnwiav raport:»:xHiniT M.

Ti> tha Hnaniwhie. the aaid Boani nf Mapar-

................. IK onpectfail) •nbmittad.W ti Hl’NTKR THO' C BI'TLKB TfIKO. BRNtiKL.

Coaimittaa.t In motion of Mr Hnrk, the report •»f the

committer on clalna* waa aceepted an^l ndupteil i*a the action ol the iMiard.

Thec^tmiallfee on treaavrr aabmltteil the follow lair report:

RNIilHIT C.To the lloaoraMe Hoard of Muperrtaor* aif

cilaton Couaty;Your coiaailttee oa treaaury besa laare to j ment nad waa called li»«irder by the rbalr-

make ibeloibiwlBK report. We bare exaai- ' •»<**• waa ralleil (jaoraai preaent aadlaail the iMMtka aad rourhara of the coaaty | ••• reported.

IF 1 If

_____ 8 .T.ARBLEAND


The Sunday Sun

Thiirmtay Koreawon Meeslaa. Jaaaary It,;

The tioani coareaeii pniwuaat to adRiurti I

YoarCommittaeoariaiai* wtraM raapaetfally aabaait Iba foliowtav aa tbair raport. aad do barab) reemaaiaad that the aaearal samaat* aabadolaii haratn ha allowad. nlan that tba Clark of this BaartI ba autboriaad to •Iraw or- dar* oa the (Viaaty Traaaurar for tba Miaiat

Napa of .Nalaraof (Mimaai Csaia. Mabai't'd. AUM,

Ib*. I I*. B. Allaa. dapaty , ......—-........- >paamwartiaa'* faa«... | «S t» | ^ - To^ treaaarer a rr- ^

Mo-t ThaBlcbaMWHlABaek-a* Co., vrnda farCoaaty ........................... •« •«

Bo. • m. 1. HaU. BaHnl lad-

trermurer’s •lAer, aB«I Sa«l aa follnwra;Hataaee la citatoa coaaty trea*-

iirer * haad*. (»rt. 7. INPP...........91'J,IIN71Moaey reeetred by coaaty treaa

iirer la Irrtober, iNtip..................... JA4 4MMoaey reMHred by coaaty treaa-

nrer la NoTemher, IMVt* ............... T.BIOOtiMoaay reretreil hy roaaty treaa-

urer la I4eeentlier, IMiMi.................. 3n.dl1tlHtTotal aaioaat rereieed. laciadtac

ataoaat •ra baad up to Jaa. I,itMMi.................................. ............... fda.Boy IMWe flad order* redeemeil aa fnt-

Iowa:t 'oatiBdeat order*.......$ 3tlPoor order*................... J.-ASA AADrala order*................. -t.AAfi .11Witaaa* aad Jaror or-

Mo 4 Bllay J. WaodroB. ia».lk«

40 00

U 00

; IMafe treaaarer'* re-I refpt* ..........-...............I Noldtar*' rrBrt ....... ......I Retarn of Mrtb*...... ....

Hparri^w ordam..........I Itrer IReaar order*.......1 Detroit Hoaae of (dr-] rartton reecfpt*..........

MleMaan lanaae Aay. lata rerdpta.............

Trarberu' laatitatefaada .................. ..

Haperetaora* pay rail.1A4 (»A MMt 7W

Tosal aaaoaat ...fM.ornOR99«.<1. lOfm.. 917.1

The mlautea of the preTiou* seaaioa were raad aad approreil.

l‘BBaanTATtoN or PrrtTtoira.Mr. Kaapp tbea pteaeatmi a imtIHoa

■ianad by cectala Jaaticeaof the Peace ••! Illaaban) townabip. which waa reail to the iMiard aad wa*. ira motloa. laid oa the tabb*

Hapoar nr i*TAuat*i« cottatiTraa*.Tbecommiltae oa clatia* aabailtteil the

followlaa report :


MT. JiHiM*. January H. lawt To the Hoaorable Hoard of Mupervlaitr* of

Clinton t^Minty:Voar t 'iMamllter oa ('latia* woakt reaped*

fully *HlNalt the follnwlna a* their report, ■ad d«> hereby renwaaieail that the aeeeral aamnata aebedaled bereta be alloweil. atao that the Clerk nf tht* Hmard he anthnriaed tri draw •inter* oa the (ktuaty Treaaarer for the saaar

Nature Hub* .\Ilow-No. t'laiatant. of clatai. mitSed. ed.SI A. r. Dunn, ■berttr fee*. 3k |W WM Weaterti Pub. (Va. tpwd* for

•■odaty 14 no 14 no30 F. C. Dunn. M. IK, laedlaal at-

trndaaar 11 dO H nn0tt “iTI

HO 30 110 9 17 9 47 a

t M • 3b.OAA All

Balaa-e op baad Jaa 1. lOfm.. 917.lh0i«ttA All of wblab Is reapeetWiUy aubailtted,


caaiaHItae(ta BtoSIna of Mr. naater. the rapnrt nf the

erwaadttae na traaaury waa ar cap ted aad adaptad aa tlw arUaa al tba based

Tba rapnrt of tba !Upp*. oa tbappMi

30 T. II, WaMroti. pond* bar ikv. 37 Trada A Maker, ipmd* fortVi at Willard C. Ljma, )o*Uee fee*. m K. M. wii**4aa. (UMb pahl for

coaaty40 PrbnnI IWaOrlrt No. 4. Wap-

baai. use of seboolbooar41 W. M. Wetab A tk*.. pand* for

coooSy4S Jo4mi R. Pal4eri. itepaty *ker

IB faea4B JafMi Keeaey. dapaty ibertlf

feaatkK. pmid* far

Go/dsVhen the children their

feet wet and take cold Rive them a hot foot bath, a bowl of hot drink, a dose of Ayer’s Cheny Pectoral, and put them to becL The chances are they will be all liRht in the momiiiR. Con* tinue the Cherry Pectoral a few days, until all couRh baa dia- apwared.

Old couRha are alto cured; we mean the couRhs of bron­chitis, weak throats and irritable lungs. Even the hard coughs of consumption are always made easy and frequently cur^ by the continued use of

If that 'Itt.VL'ME.TT, you havi* iilroaily or«l**ml of Mr, for S|ini4t tWia-rry, lion* not tiuit you, you ran <-haua*- it, you know for a imttrr onr, an I havr*

I. ••*.. e. ^ * iirvKKEH oTHKHd alway* on hand, of i.iTaaT iiKaio.N, Iwwt matrniil, andU th, Ne,-H-*,r I* ; ..h,.., „„ ti„. I,,-, ,h.. BroaK <!„«. V,h»d (Inott,.

■ I all Ilf any fim*- and HxamiDr your work in it* vartotiH ctaicrti of •'ompirtioii,, _ ...... ‘ fib* t*!*! Mtand.Price 5c a copy. By mail, $3 a year



Every doctor knows that wild cherry bark it the best remedy known to medical science for stmthlng and heallnf inSamed throats and lunga.

Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral


Wa saw baa* saaMaf ^ mmm aab BMM abypiiani la lb* OnM*u Mala*, ttaaaaai m iiiaaiaa* aad aaaaaaUaaatly St tbam la, Kt*um yaa Mdlaal *4rt«*. Wt14* ftaaty *11 tba

W ---- 11 ^ ^

I aa I

traa nat{a 4a

44 MpaaMlap Araaaty 3M S4

i«4«t*aao appfwprta. j 40 RUay Waoalwfwtb.jaattaaf*** SSa otbavbMlA—*»9*—‘ w Vpi. aavlM. rpaalabia fsaa. .. 90 9

The 5t. Johns Building and Loan Association


Small weekly payments will cancel the debt.It is the easiest way to pay, and will stop rent in a few' years. Stock has matured on several series, the average time being

seven and a quarter years.Shares cost 35 cents Each, and 25 cents per share weekly. Interest at 6 per cent, or 15 cea|s per week per share.

If you want to buy a lot, a house or a store, or if you want to build a house, bam, or store, or improve your old one,


The St. Johns Building: and Loan


Inquire of secretarv,

F. M. SPAULDING, St. Johns, Mich






A ialMdiof to purcbasp faroi macfaiow) will HraC daetdff whieb is the lif bIssC ruoouiii sod tbe bsst adsptsd for hts work. Up doss not look for s cbsop srticlp St s low pries, but wonts the BK81' st s FAIR prioo. Yet iKMrcrftPO s mso in purcbsoiiHi s Sowing Uscbiop will look for tbo cbonpoot undo. No tbought ootoro his bond of the long, wonry hours bis wife or dsughter will be coapolled to operste the bard ruoning mncbioe He will think of s light drsft binder to preserve his horsey but be will not tske his wife’s time into oonsidorstion. The sewing tuschinss which todsy stsnd ure-eniinenti) in sdvsnce of sll others sre the Htsodsrd, DonissUc sod t^ite. Ml sdvioe hi competitors when I plsot one of these mschioeo, is, KUKI' OFF THR GK.AHH.

You know, they knosr, thst if desiers sdvertise shoes for Uo cents uso one eipect s tire dollsr srticlc for thst money? OF COURSE NOT.

If a suit of «'lotbes is offered for ti'i is it whst you wsnt for s wedding outHt? OF UOrUHE NOT.

If s lisrgsiu in s horse is offered in St. Johns for #10, will tiorsemen rush after thst soiiusl ei|>ectiog to Hod s carriage (mmsI equal to Maud 8.? OF COURSE NOT.

If sre name a watch for one and a lialf dollars, will people reach for it ea- pecting a chronometer? OF COURSE NtYT.

If I aet a sewing machine outside the door marked #1U, would you ex> peet to see a Standard, Dtmieetic or White? OF COURSE NOT.

.A sntisHed customer is the liest possible advertisement for a Sewing Machimv Proven merit goes farther in edecting a sale than cut prices.

PIAHOS.Are the Schiller, Crown, Haines Brothers, Weeeer 0ms., Kicca and Schaef ter, and have been the choice of such costnnirrs as .Vliss Helen Corbit, Miss Florence Waters. Mias Nina Clark, Mrs. C. S. .Allison, Mrs. .A. .A. Chick Mrs. A. E. Diitcher and Mrs. C. C. .Vaughan, of St. lohns. Kev. K. H l.<ong. Maple Rapids, and Rev. F. E. Warner, Wetister. N. V.

ORGANS.\ro the Estev, United States. Crown. Bridge

l>ort. Netzow and C <> Hlllstroin,

TO MY COUNTRY FRIENDS. When in town and there isn't standing rfsmt on the street, •i'-IS often the case, cjill and see me and rest up. whether intending to (iiiy or not. I am l(K.*ateti in Walter Emmon's jewelry store, St. Johns, Mich.

E. M. SMITHU. S. Personal attention will Is* given to all calls night or day ofllce hoursthe v**ar 'round.

THt SUPEIilfISfflS(UiNitiniieil on |Nige :l]

u as u as


1 u


Robes and Blankets.Tlicst* colli (lays no lior.sc owner wants his

anini.'ils to siitVer troni frosty weather. It can he prevented by a visit to our store and a sinnll ptirchase or two. We carry a line of horse ;joods which a]ipcals to the practical fanner. Conic in and .‘icc.

An excellent showini: of hand-made snoods. No cheap niachinc-work offered by tis.

keineniber we sell the /Vlaud S. Windmill, one of the most satisfactory Mills ever made. The factory recently sent a complete outfit to I’^x-President firover Cleveland on his order.

JESSE GRANGER,Hijihnni Street. West. ST. JOHNS, MICH,

47 Jams Iteksr. irsMp busnt MU 3 as S JS 4m .'^snurl I'lMihSiSM. tMpMly

•brriff ftws IS 17 IS S74S B V. Mautr, oupylng rvwtiwl*M Jolin Hslirr. uunstabM ftw*SI Jubii E. Hill, ilrputy alMtrlg

feem,.as Krivl. Kvrrrtt. inutarrlMug

t««ltiiM>M)rfU S'lMrw A inMida for

otiuiily.S4 Jav ilvpuly mImtUT tent XS as

.All ttf wltlrhU rtHqirciriiUy MiltmllUMl.W.ll. lir.VTEK.Tiuis. r. iirri.Kii.TliKil IIENUEI..

I’timtnittew*.Oil inolluii iIm* rrpiirt of iht* <'«>miiillt4«'imi

1 Taint* wa* art-rpit*! ami a* tlM> ac-lltin Ilf lilt* Iktaral.

TIm* I'ttminin***- «ni Trraaury tlN*n •uiNnIt- Ird IIm* fitiiowiiur rriMtri:

!*T. .IttMM*. MIrh.. July It, lino. To th<' llumtraltb* Ikianl of '•u|i*<rviMir»:

Vour I't mi ml Hr*' on Trnaaury would ma- Itrt'ifully rvuuri. Iliat a* Inairurird liy yitur iMtmtralilc iHHly, wa> liav<< caMupaml ili<< foii- tliijrciit ami piMir tiriicr* wlili ihrtr rr»|M‘ct|r<< ortirr Itouk*. mImi Hit* juror I'riiiAralw d<>alii*aml Mrlli* t'rrtIHralo*. xfiarntw, wit

ami all oHmt reTtlHralaM, «n«l ordrr* willitiM'lr n-aiM-otlvr orii«*r iMiok*. ami liar«- ('lHH*k<*i IIh< *amr liy *taiii|»liig arrtMt* ili«> *ttiln of III,* *al<l tirtU-r Itook*. ** .Allaiwt*! I'ounlv Trva*ufi*r. .lantiary Ittlli. !!•»»,•• ami tliai w<> l|av,' lH-r>’ all *alil ordrr* ami i^'rlifl* calf* lo la- liiiriifal in I In- pra-M-iirt* of iIh- Iktanl. .\l*o. w,- hat(* rancfllftl all mt*<*fl- lam-atu* vourlifr*. ami rf«*fl|ii* from Hh* Malf lloii*f III 1'tirn-a-lion. Iijr *tainplng arro*« ihr facf tif *ai<l tirtlfr* and i-frllS- cai«-«. •• .Vllowfil I'ounty Tr»-M»urfr. .laniiary intli. Kao ” ami iiavr Hhal th,- *amf with tin- I ‘otjiiiy <Tfrk.

All of whirli I* r«-*pt’rlfullv HUlmTltlral.I,.!. HATE.-..1. I». SI.EKillT,•M.M. Illl.l..

I’ommltiff.On niolhtii Ihf rr|airl of Ihf <’ommlltf«< on

Trfa*ury wa* m-cfplfal ami adoptral. ami IIm- ortlfr-and c<-rtlMcal«>* Inarnfat In llu- prra- t-licf of IIm-Ikuirtl.

Thf ('iimmlliff on liralnain- Ihfii *ul>mlt- lf«l Ihf following ri-port •

.-T. JiiMtia. Mich.. .Ian II, l<a)'To IIm' lloitorahir lloani of .-uprrvlmir* of

• TlnUiii i'<Miiiiy'Vour *'ummltli-f on bralnairf rr*|Nf Ifully

rt'itari that ihfv hava- f«anilnr*l iha-I'ltunlv Hraln 4'aiinml»»lonrr'* rr|Mirt, iIm- *ama- Iming fraim ortadirr ‘.till. I*.*!, la, January l*t, ItMu, anal Iha- arav>m|ianylng tinanclal -lata-ma-nt aif Iha- *rvrral •train* of I'Hniatn I'ounty. anal Hnal tiia- linanrial *tala-ma-nt*of lha‘*rvrral drain* cairri*-! at iha-lr faHiilng*. anal ra-f<»m- nia-mi Oiai Om- *alal rf|H«rt ami itiianrial *lala-ma-iil Im- aa-<*rpla*l ami aaiopta-al iiy Ihi* Iktaral

11 .1. Ma VKIOII..I.T l»ANIEI,l.-.UI. II.\T7>.

< 'olitinlM<-fOn inot loll I III'ra-|*irl of I Im-< onimll t•••■ on

Orulnava- a a* afi-fpli-al iin<t ailopla*!.MOTION* tMi lO •OI.I TIaiN-

TIm I oninttlt<'< on liratnair< tlifii an- noiini't*l t hat lln-t hail tindfr foti*lili-rullon 1 hi •ini'*l Ion III lino lillnit .1-.all' for lhfn*a-• if Ihf roiinij Itr.iin i'••iuini**ionfi. iind aoiild ri-foiiinifiiil lhat In 1*' alloai-al lo ■•*• III* -all III I hi *lii-rllT‘* ••rtii-f, ami tooi-i-n|i\ -aiilolhi'i loinlly ailh Ihf -lii rllT If hf *o ilf• *lraal.

• •II niot|i,n Oil- ra i-oniiiif mlat loll* of tha- I oniiiilMa-i on ilraln.it.'f wa-ra- afff|,t«'i| amt ailo|,i,*| tiv I hi’ Itoaril, anil Ihf a'h rk wa* in- *iMii'ii*l to noilit thf Hraln ''••iiinil**iona-r of Ihf Ikiianl * action in Ihf iitalla-r.

I *n uiolloti 11 wa* ortli-riil h> thf Itoaral that till Ill'll lf|•■|•h••nl Ik plafial lli Ihi-• oiirt lioii*,

a In inolhiii II w:i*oratf rail tiy thf lloani that tin *ii|*-rintfmlfnt'o( ihf •••■>r I*-dln-claal III priM-nra' and caii*i In Ih- fra-ciial in ii *iiit uhl,'piacf, on t Im i'latr I'artn. a larir,' wali-r lank lo-.'0*1 noi in fti-a-a-al ^an, *n|ialtlf for ii*|. In fa*i any of tiif piMir I'artn hullilliijr*

* *hoii|il takf lira-.I ••ninoiion of Mr |ianh-H*. It wa* onla-n-ai

Ity till Hoard that On- |inM-a-a-allntf* of IIm- pra-M-nt *f**ii>nof thf lloani la- prlnta-<l in Iha- Ihra-f IM-W*|ia|M-r* pilhll*l-a-al In Iha- Vlllmra-of *1. John*, pniviala-ai that thf -atlii prllitlliir In* dona- Ity i-ach |ui|M'r at otii-lhlnl ia-gal ralt-a.

a >11 mail ion atf Mr. liurk iha-lataral aaljournt-al wliiioiii iiay.

AMiHEW- IVEST.VVII.I.IAM M -Mini. iTialrman

I l. rk


IIKI'Olllt Till. f.AWT VVKKK

ItolM-rt I I'fnifw fI al.. lit iriiantlan III ITitif r 'lit ilf r. f 1% of *f li of *, f I loll IT and Id III f t of Ilf 11 of *4-«->I loll Vaa Kaarla'

P' ink a Ta\f V ami wifi to .liillii* i,.W l*f. w l.% fI. of lot* T. * ami K, Idoi-k 4.-t .lohn* l.ilHi all

Mary .1 -tnllh lo .\iliil-oii WimwI.riiff. It S of m- % of *a-i ilon tn. a t|iv,. ivt

a larla'f .1 Pfnif w a«i al. lo Eltm-r E -nvalf r, f of *a- k of aa-rtlon IT amipt of f If of nai atf *a-rtIon 3ii. Eiurh' ii|. c.i I mt

E.ilwin M. >nilih ami wlfa- lo Eunla-a'.V -tnilh, « T Ilf f 4% of na- I4 of *a<a— thill ■*>. Victor

I 'ollln*! . .\ntha>nv anal wlfi- lai Marv .1. Mnillli. n Sol -n (4 ol *a-rllain II. la-l-anon.



Kranw Thr H«ii..Arthur Mh1imh>.v is UnH** Smiii's

(luiil cwrrW Iruui tbs iiuwt oMtw to ihsIIMW

|tlrput uimI rslUH'. Thr .'t-rvwr-oW

10 a«i

EianilW Baitaii Sistem IRE IBIRBOR HOID




Tliwr Twltlr. In KITm-I .Na>«. IW. 'Ml. I>. A: M. lllvUlaMi.

WRWT wot Nil > SOM *T. ioUX*

No 111 Mornlsg ssd rhkmwo Kipnww Ifc.At ». m.

No. 1:1 Usil snd rhla-««o KiprrM..... ...............91; I g p. m

No 17 lirwsd ilwpid* Kiprt-M 7..Mi p m.N'n 11 Eikat|Wrairrti Kipmaa m gn a m Nam. Ill, in* 17—alally rirrfd Mafwatsy,Nai t t ilslly.

Ka#T MO? Nil

Nai. 13 KsprraHi to Hrtradt h.'Jh w. iw.No, 3fi Msll to Itatrolt 13:07 p. m.No. IN Kvrwlwg Kxprram lo Urtrailt >A.33 p. m. No. 14 Fsst?K«strm Kiprsaiai U iT p si..Nos 13. 30 A 1N—dslly rirrpi Humtsy.No. 14 lUlly.

W. II ItrnKE.Awmi.Ht. Johss.


Nortliem Michigan, Ohio and all Southern Points.

DIrrrt f'oMiMWtloaa i«t I iwoaMMi Jnnrtlon sd Iisrand with Ii. <1. Ii. 4k M. It*y Trnlsa.

T'lmt* 'f'altlt,.

tMkIMo NOKTH l.s. ItwrMMt.

tliiU A. M . ............. mmw..................... UiAO P. ■KIsir. .kaklrv, Ithitrat. .Nt, l.aial«. Aim*

Mt PirwMNt.narr.f'ataltllm- *sat ErwaklorftlOIMO noiTTM—Ls. l»Nr**4.

WtSA A. IS.-------- ----- awl .................. AiM P. MPor llowHI, Aaa Artwar. Mllaui. Tolwalo **«|

aJIHoathrm Pntata,W. II. IIKN.NETT. aa. P A.. TaUrgai. Ohio.

.Ihm. PiTtlrw iasick with mnialrta.Pn<«ta-hiiig Ht thf UnivrrsMlist i-hiirrh

nr*t TusadH.v aiTming.U ('. Hilfirrtli liHa liamn on tliai aisk list

I tba*|M»sl wamk, blit iM iiiipruviiig.I Hoyt Hill wmt to I'hirikgfi liwit a»ra>l( I Hud aniirrtia to mniiiii for minir timr.I Mrs. Jnip' ViioSirklr hnn Imm rsry I Mtrk. blit laa lirttrr nt tha- prrwmit tiriH'.

MisM Srliiiii Itniidorr, of ItiirgaMin. <1., ia thr gurst of hsr aistrr. Mra. S«nUi MH'Hnlry,

lUvirnI nirrlingw liaqrAii •'^uiMlnT ••ven~ ing nt thr M. K ohiirrh himI will eonfinur CHH* wrrk Nt lasMit.

ilnnrtrriv inrrting wnr hrW nt thr M. K. rhtirrh Inat SAtiinlny niial .Suiiilny. Prrstdiiig Klilrr Piifirr wns prwwnt niiii prasirhaiai Snturdny rrrniiw nnd Snndnr iiiomiiiK.


PATENTS.Wu^ UotnKy Rank Bldg.. DRTROIT.

•f *tf IISIS p*sw-

moal* or laUasiaiailoB of thr iuaw*. Tbta t-rtrhrNtSal rrmraty will rarr * riiuirii air a-o|a| ■ inimptiT. It la Ihr hrai mrdiHar for *11 blnata o( IS*g tmwhtai **al raMta hwt 3.% rS*. * hottlr.

*MMlipaMtmiMtrr *t iNiwgtiui. .kllawma roaary, vlrrIMMtl^** . I’owrra, rraaovsal.

iKin't 1st tk*' littk ousH suffsr from rrssnm. m othrr torturing skin disrusiin. No nrsd lor it. IKmmi’s tbntmmt mrs*. I'nn’t hnrm thr most iMienhr Akin. At nay drag at»rs. .V> rsat*.

Vary liiUa B*aw I* wwrthsrw Mtohtg**. batlaMhsratm *rr haaitag losa oa ta» roass of thslr nwa aiahtag.

child of Mrs. John llniuto, umr Kim Hall, ul (fmtiot munty, was mrstilfy burard to ilsatli wbilr in thr hollar akior.

Mm. A. Hriimek. rrtiring prr.idrol.nad Mm. Fouiiir Kminoaa. rstirtug trrosurrf a-rrr prrarnlsd with tirauliful ofainu piaiss by th» Uorfis Monday rvruiug.

Im F'iiirh CMiar horns frtmi Ft. Ktrsir It. U. laat wrsk WraliHsulay. Hr liitM lirni tbmi for thr ftast Isw yaaitm nnd ra- iwrtM lo mimiii nt lioinr alMiut llim* llioutlua.

Ill H mvnt Isttsr to I. .A. Fdldy .Vndmu Higgiiar rrfMrrts thr ground a-«»»rrrd with Muaiw mill tlir iMinds froani a»rrr in timirgiu. wiirfv hr wrut twai wraks ago ID ho|Mm It wnriprr a-liuiatr waiuhl hr Lm-u- rtta-ial for hill rtiruiiiatir iniuhir .

Tin- .Vid tuitirtv id thr F. It. church flirt nt thr hotna' itf .Mr. itiid .Mm. John Mrni'lirr W>*iiH-Mla.v. .\boat thirty were prrarut. Thr iirxt inrrting is to nr liriai at till* hoiiia* ail lir. nnd .Mm. It. H. Itratl, atf KIstr. .Mr. Mmchrr told a»f thr Hr*t fuiirral that lir itltradsd in .Mh’liigan, ItMa'k ill thr piatnawd- ala.vr. Tlir da**ra*Si| Wttia H littir girl, sisirr of t'bnr. llodga-. of Klwir, nnd was biinral in thr Foni amnm- t•■ry In thr prata'mtiaiu thriv wtovi-rvm ata traiiiM/tuai atur light wagon (in lirii of n ImarMr) afruwn by u liairMo Itrlamging to .Mr. MisM'hrr. Sua-h 11 praiai»aa*ia>n watuld IfMik Mtmngr inilrral to thr yatuilg |ira>p|r a if IlMma* aiitVM.

Thr joint iimttillnlion of thf IS. .\ It Hiid tv. It. I', tiaok placf .Monilny iivm- ing. Jnniiiiry H. nt tlir <S. .\. It. tinll in tha* itrsMt-ncf atf iniiiiy viailain*. Tim olii vrifrnn* iinatullrd fhrir aitflcri>» Hrwt with a'aillirnih- Srhetf'k tu> IllUSirniig atltlafr. .\itrr thrir iimtMllHlioii, Mrw. Vtnr^' Ulriiirnt, thf instniling aittlcrr for thr iudina. wns found to In-in wniting in thf nnti-raMini. Vtlrr hrr watrk witr donr, till urn* iiiviifil tat mnnin nuil pnrtnkf aif thr fvtr»**hnifntM fiirnmlH-l liy tlm Indirw. .\lta*r thr rrfrrahiiiamlM wrr»- Mrrva*a|, Ivv iiuil .Voiiif LoVf rrritmf "Sing n Song of UhriMlinns,*’nftrr which Rrv H. I). .Skiiinrr titniff n few tinii|yrmmrk>‘ mill thiai WHM io|liiwai«l by a l•mlltlflll piror of music b.v hm diiiightrr. Mis*Nina. •Miuw Unity .Vimiiii thru gave a m-itation rntitlfil, "Uoiniii’ VVoinnn'M Uoinf,” which put th«‘comitany in goatil hiinior and rlatsfil thf fVfiiing'ti fntrrtHiiiiiifiit.

tllal Praplr M*alr VaaMMC..1. I*. Shmiian. thf vrtrmn awlitnr of

thf Vfrriitiiitrillf ( Vlich.) Echo, hns dis- covcml thf priiiarknblf wrend of ktir|t- ing old iiritplf young. For yawtrs hr linn avoialral NfrValU«»nfMM, Slamp|fMialla*a*. In- aliga*ation. Hi*nrt Troiilth*. UatimliitMtiatn and lUifiiiiialiMin Ity using Klra-irh* IHtta-m. anal Ip-writaw* "It a-aii’t Ita- praisni taui highly. It griitl.v stimiilat*** tin*kidiifv*, toiiair tha- *toiiiaa’h, aid* digrwliitii, anal givam It Hpirtiaiiai ap|>ftitr. It lias watrk-

I aial « ailialrrta latr IIIV wiff anal fnr. If'- Mj I nilirva-lltu- l-rnia-all fitrolal |»a-aipla-’- i-aim-i! plaiiilH." Hilly .'lOa'. at Filabiw anil j . Miliniaii'-drug Mton-.


i Itov Tiiriifr wa-hitiiif iriiiii Si. .lohn*I .Sunday.

Mr*. S. .1. Til men-a ita lilt a- n-pairif<l j la*l wa*-k.j Mr. and .Mr*. Eli Kirby ^|*|•nt .Siimlay I in itaiiiimta-r.I Ib-llii Hnv, of .Vslalry, vi*itfal frirnils i I lirn' Insi Wfa-k.j .Vilison Ka-mrr. of l.tialington. i- vmit- I iiig trifinL hm-.

\V'allt*r linrk wa-ill Itctmil a part ot I Inst Wa*-k all! bll*inrMa..

Mi*H» l*a-nrl Hart si»fnt thf past twii wa—k- in Vlaph* It ipids

Thf M. VV. .\ inslallftl thfir oftfeadN* at thair linll Inst Fridny rvrniiig.

Mr. anal Mr- 1 • II. .Srvy wa*rf gnawts at t .lohn EafgU*'s last wa-rk TiH*saluv.

I arson Miller and wife, of l.ansiiig, arr risiliiig hi- bnithrr. Otis Millrr.

John VVii||a>r and funiily, oi .Vshlry, sfirtit .Sundn.v al i>. U. liigrrsoll’-.

Mr. and Mrs. Hniiirl tlowa-r visilral friiMiils at llnvkt'onilgf a fr* iliiys Inst , Wa*»k.

|lfn)aniiii Hfi-k. of .Millrrslnirg, Ohio, I has l^rrfl risiliug ri-lniiva-a hm- thf past

Mrs. Jitwa-ph Hram wrni to .Slirphml Inst Tiifsiiiiv to visit hrr daughter. .Mrs.1 tala-hollsa-.

I iiiaiii itravrr mi>rting at thf i hrisliaii church this Thiirsaiay fTi-ning. l.a-adfr. Ib'V U. II Lnig.

Eva Til niff retiinpil last wa—k from a twii \va*-ks visit III her liroliirr'-, (Sim Tiiriifr. in (Irand lta|>iais.

.Mrs. II. .\. MayiiHril and dnjightrr. Myrtle, of Elsia*. visilral Mrs. o. I*. | Ing»'r-oll last \Vfiin>iMala.v. 1

Kvangflicnl iiiiiirtrrly mawting al tin- I'oiiniy liiia- i-liiirch next Sntunlay nnd 1 Siiiialny, .Iniiiiury *Jh nnd 21 st. |

Miss Elian .\. Mnnchsstrr n-tamral Inst i Wa*df from II six Wradts VlaMt witli had' sis- I trr, .Mm. Mary Datwiis. at Hastings.

Mr. mid Mm. Noble I'tirtiiairr nuil sain. Eilwnnl, of St. Johns, were gnssts iM , fnrnals hrrr Saturday night mid Smidny. j

Mr, anal Mm. lacwis Hiigiirirt, ot olive, spriit Stiitdny with thrir iiiothrr anil | ststrr. Mm. Marthn and Miss Maggir' Wnshiiigton. ;

Mr. and Mm. .Natr Stevms. who hnvr • Item hrrr fiiiriiig tlir last ilinms. ilrHih luid iNirinI of thnr mother, rstiimni to | thrir home in Howling tSrrm, Ohio, lost Sntunlnv.


Initiatiou nt HrMTitt grmugr next Hat- unlay rvraing.

('has. Wa-bb. of IlsWilt, is at Owoauo fur two srrrks.

tliUoii Fitts fawtk dinorr at Vomsy I'satvr's liMit Frolay.

Miss (isosvisvr Hriukrrhoff is visiting frirmia iu Hay City.

Mr. nod Mm. Edgar Hyde visited nt t^hos. Smith's, in Hrogal, lost weak.

Born, t4i Mr. and Mm Fml Viui VIsst, of iiurtfa Dlivr, Jnimary 4. a daughter.

Mr. nod Mm. I'has. HHlikrr, of Oak* land nottuty, viattrdOliva frtraalsrmmtiy*

Wm. T Rrrd has s«da| his farm to t'has. I«ritxkr, nntl experts to more to KnAsHsiii tin*spring.

Mr. and Mm. N. S Ibll*. Mr. nnai Mn>. tiro. Ilnivrii visitawl at Ulsrk Smith's, in Wiitmiown, latst .Sunday.

Thr .M. E. .lid Sas-irty of north (Mivr met with Airs. M. RockwrII Inst H'ealiHwailHy. Tlir ntlrtiainnn' was large mid H very pie tsoiil time rr|M>rtr«i by all. .\ Isiuntifiii dinner wns smvwl.

There will Is* a imhiuiI saw«iai nt Mnsain- ic hall Turstlnv rvmi'ig, .Imiuarv 2*1. for the iMHHfit of U Knufnian's family. Mm. Kmifmmi is in very |s>iir lienllh.nnd a ly Avsistance any one sasw tit lo give will Is* t'luiikfiillv rsreivrd,

Mr. and .Mm. Vanirv I’*-Hrcr awitrr- tninral Mr. and Mr*. J. H. Hhnk. taeairge llrink, Mr. and Mrs (i**o. Illiu-ird and j d'lnghiers, Mr. anil Mrs. Itodgaiis, Mm. 1 S. I’ierre. of ( Hive. .Mr. mid Mm. (isear | IVilcox and cbiidreu, of .Vairth Farmiog-1 ton. j

L»»st Thursalay, while Uhnstophrr | Kaufmen whs riding with .Ijiliii laoclier. I in H I'nrt atmwn tiy a <*011. the aiiiinal is- I a-nini* frigliieiieal anil ran into a wire (riH*e, throwing Isith geiitlemm to the ground. Mr. Kaufman was quite srr- loiislv iiijiireal, but Mr. Ixichrr fsca|ssl with slight bruises.

The W. T. U. of Ib'Witt met with i Mrs. .1. \V. Biirtl last Friday. Tha* aftrr- iiiKiii wns va*ry pleasantly s|s*nt by all i im-aarnt The ass-irty *iil meet with Mm. Ilii-H Friday. Jmiusry 2(i. We hojs* to j sea-n giMid atta*nilmH'i‘. Ilon’t get alls-; •'aiiiragasi, sisia-m. and stay at homa*, i thinking that wr are not acromplishing ! anything. We may Is* doing iiion* giMsI! than we think

I Would lot Have Catarrh for a ■illion Dollan,’! Sttps Mra. Carter—Pu-m-na her SafaguariL |


“ N-/


MBS. LB8LIE CARTER, THE UREAT AfTREm. OP NEW YORK CITY.Mrs. LmUh Cartor, probably the misit

prominent actress in America, says the following of Hr-m-na:

** Pe-ru-na is sore to prevent a cold. It will stop a cough before it be­comes ssttlrd. It cures all catarrhal offecUons like magic. No money could tempt me to be without this remaviy fur even a day. It Is Just The romasly that all women nerd, especially such women that ore ezpcsiod to the vicissltudus of climate, os I am.


Man-o-lln, without which I should haws Iweu dead by this time. There U nc medicine that con equal Pe-m-na and .Man-a-lin. I tind it a sure core for oil catarrhal affa-ctions; oa for la grl|^ there is no other remedy that con ca>iai (tare with it. I con scarcely find words to cxpraHis my gratitude for I>r. Hai> man's good adrtoe and kindness tc me.

The pecnliar ills to which woman art , : sut»Ject are ufteu very dongeraaus. ItI never neglect an opportnnltr to I |,appe„, victim


liny liritfith is visiting relatives inI^H'k|Mirt, .\. Y.

School is clasaa**! in IHstrict No Fnirtielal, am aavaiunt a>f aliphtheriN.

Earl anal Merl Miiiisain are attaaidiiig j schastl at YaTriiigloii a-olla*ge ill St. l<uiiis. I

Miss llerthii Tmvis retiiriia*al tai her i sliidia«sat Hill*aiale cadlaige Tiia*mlay of; last wasde.

The .lull .\riMir i n's Italimi gmva-l craov will s|s*nd the reiiiiiiiider a»f tlie winter III Ktsia-,

The I,. A, S. a»f |ii*lr'a*t Na». •». I'ail4ie|a| will hailil its next ra-tfiiliir nn-ftiiig at thf K. H parsaniaua- in El-i*'. .laniiary 21, :

The roll a-all nii*-tiiig at ih*- U. II. a-him'h la*l Tliiir-d iv aita-rnafm anal fVa-iiing wa- wam ntifiidf I and wa- |iMteiia*ai t.ta Vfr> *|nriti|-al anal lll*tnia-- Tiva- s- riiifiii ilHivi-ra-all»_\ ItfV. .**laii.-hiiry. of IlllVisOII.


(1iib dani'a*-arai ta> Is* In-l-l at lh»*.'-«nilh ItilfV (iraiig*-(Mill by tin- loiilig |s*aq»lr III this vicinity. The fti>l a»nt- a»f thei -en-otl wid aMV-t|r Fnd iV i-Vflilllg. ; ■laiiiiarx Iti. Everv ann- i- invita*a|. itaMsI niii-ia' ha- Is—n sa'a-iin-l and the liill will Is- ;i." cents.

South Uiley (iraiigi' .No. 4o('* i-la-'fi-al tha- (o.laiwing ortl --r- .Satiinlay evi-tiing, .lainniry l.'lth, for tlif **nsuing .va-ar.j M.. Erin-if (i. Eafd.v; 11,. .irtlnir .Miller: I I.. Mrs. .\rthnr Miller, S.. Yerne Miller; : .1. S . Frank Eaiva*. a-hap., Mrs. Clarenci- .Sins; Ir**asiin*r. I'larein-- l(. Sin-, sa-T**- ' tarv, Elmer It. Lnv**; (a. K.. Ui'a*d 'I*., I (a ingrain. F., .Mrs .S.ir-ih lla'iiiiett. j ('., li'-riliu Ingrain, I.. .V. .S.. Ularabel | Sias. I

recommend this remedy to my friends. It is America’s greatest retneily for America's greatest a^nemy, catarrh and catarrhal affections. I would ni>t have catarrh for a million dollars, and os lung a* I liavc Pc-ru-na at hand to pnimptly chock the slightest sytnptatros of Its approach, I feel |>erfeotly safe from this dlsvaoc.’’ N. Leslie I'arUT.

Mrs. M. Dooley, Mount Airy, Halier- shaiii criuntj', < io.. In a recent letter savs: ** I stifTcraid flva) years mure air Ii'im with catorrli atf the suanoch anti pidvlc or­gans. I trlfwl a gofsl many remtillns of my own, and bought medicine from a dt>ctor that was hlglily recummi-udod, althougii the niodiciuv did mo no gassl wliataivcr. Finally, I cmicluded tosiil)- mlt my case v.* Dr. Hartman. 1 wrote him, and he reoilHy oiivisoil nio. I ts»iight some IV-rii-no, and a few days after was taken witii la gripjie. I took I*e-rii*na and .^lall•s-lin and I can -ay without a ata>ubt that it has a*utirclv rf-llevi-il me of *11 my ailments. I fool better and stronger than I liavo In many

years. .My a|>-p c t I t a* U all right, I have no sy in ptoius of my former iron-1 nolghtiors bios remaining, t medicines


I am able ta> ilai my usual work witiiaiiit fatigue, and havi* every roasuii to t*e-1 lieve That my j health Is the dl-1

lives far from aumpetont medical sistonca*. What shall she do?.-(]i e is not wealthy enough to go to some allstout city fur treatment, and cannatt procure skillful assist­ance at homo.This is what she should do: write Dr. Hartman,Cadumbus, I )., tell him the whole story, and ho w ill ala» tbo rest. Mrs. Margareth Fiota, Wilcox, O. T., writes: **1 extend my sincere thanks for the good advlet you have given mo. I do not belierel waiuld lie living natw If It were nut for yaiu. 1 hod suffera-d with boinorrhoge fair four months and the doctors auuld help mo but little. They uperatad ou mo three times. It was very |iaiuful, and 1 only ohiatned a little relief. .Vs lung os they worked at me, the hem­orrhage sla^pped; hot.jivt as soon 04 thov closa-d the dour it Would • om- monoo to ilow again. I was so weak I cuuid not turn in bed. At lost my

Ttegon to spook of patent Then I applieil to Dr. Hart*

ns.-t cl the Use of Po-ru-us and

man. I did not knaiw whether bo coold tielp mo or not; hut I followed his ad­vice and only used three iiotUes of Pe- ru-na. Now I am well and os strong m I ever was.”

Every waimon ehould bare Dr. IIoi^ man's free tiook to women. Addran Dr. llartmon, Columbus. Ohio.

Ill* wife •««%«-l Mint.My wif#*’- giMNi Hilvia** -ava-ai my lift*, j

wnfes F. .M. Uoie* aif WiiiHa*lal. Teilli., for I had siicli II baat a-aiiigh I caMiiai hitrally 1 hrotlllla-, 1 sfa-aalily grew Uaireeillida-rdiM'- j tor's Ircaiuieiit, hut my wile iirgeai me j ta» use Dr. Kings .New |b-a-a»very fair (’am- -um|ttioii, wliicii a-auiipie*ely a-iiraii me." | Uoiigii-. Uadal*. Ilratltehlli-. Im tin|i|s>, j i*iit-iiiMatiiui, .\stbma. Hay K*-ver ami all malaa|ia-s aif Uh*-st. Thro-tl and Lungs ' ar»' is»sifn»*l,v i iirt'aj (»» tin- mi*rx'f*ia»tis nia-lirin*'. .'•iia'. ami J*l Every ImiI-1lie gnaraiila*-ai. Trial Im»h|i— Dirts, at' Filde* anal .Millman - drug -laara- |


The Epwatrth Is-aguc l.eciiiri- I'atiiree' is a -ureees. The praagrain i- armng«’«l >»*foliatuH; .lainiary Dl, Dr. .1, l'..\shlev. .\lliia>ii I aall-ga-, "The inaKiiig of a man;"F* lininrv (I, Dr. Wm. I’liffer, Imiisiiig," rile sfia |e an I the hamk;" Feltniary 27. Dr. .1. I. Ibia*ll. (irnmi Rapid-."I.otig- | iHlow .\pril I'l. i’a»iH'**rt. .ii— lnl mvv*l-j - iiigs I'onlinm-ill the M. E. ehiin'h. , 4


Women as Well as JVIen Are Made Miserable by

Kidney Trouble.


Richard Ryan is very ill at this writing.Mrs John Tabor sfient Nimday in

Harvard..Mica .Norn .Miti-heil is vieiiing friends in

Uamon I'ity.horn** fn»m PontiacJames (i’Neill is

for several days.Mias Martha ImiM has retunieal fmm

Watertown, New Y* rk.Mrs. Imgraml Hiidsitrandt is serinueiy

ill with inflaiamatorv' rheumatisni.R. Millard, of (Irnad K4tpHls. xvas the 1

guest of Miee Marguerite Hr«>wn, SniHlay and .Mcmday.

.Skating ie the pastime of the day—and night, ('mwihi of msrry iieopie. yiuing ami old are on the ice a grsatar piart of the flaw.

The Ladies' IJhrary .Aeennation will' give a book eiirttd in tlie U-tagragat tonal church, FridaT evening. January IBth. i KvurylMidv is experted to represent some book. A Hterary eatertainnwat will be i given aad refrsehuMate servud. Adnaie-1 eion in rmtm.

Kidney trenbte preys upon thu mind, dle- oeoracas and leaeem amhillon; beauty, vigor

and cheerfulnass soon dteappoar when the kid­neys ere out of order or dteeeeed.

Kidney trouble hae become so preveleiM

' Hut it is net uncommon for e child to be bom effheted with week kid­neys. If the child urin- etee loo often. If the

urine eoaldi the fleeh or if, when the child reeches on ege when It should be eble lo oentrol the peeeuge. it Is jrut eflllcted wMh bed-wetting, depwid upon it. the cause of the difficulty le kidney trouble, and the first step should be towardi the treatment of these tmportaat organa. This unpleaaant trouble Is due to a dieeened ooadttton of the kidasyv aad biedder and net to a habit m


BUT When It comes to subscribing for a newspaper he wsnta the ver}' best for bis money.


In Tdu DcqninlMl Withthe paper that Is read by more people In Michigan than any similar newspa­per published.

The Detroit Journal•CM-WKKKLT?

The Journal Is Indispensable to tbs FARMER, with Ita MARKET RE­PORTS. Two featurM of Ha Satur­day tssuc are COMPI.ETE STIH'K MARKET REPORTS, which are pub­lished In no other newspaper, and THE FARM AND HOME DEPART­MENT. edited bv a practical farmer, and full of Information to the farmer and bis hoiaseboid.The Journal leads In News. Editor- lata. Stories. Cartoons. Portraits and oarefully edited dspartments for ev­ery member of the famUjr.

Tou will want to keep lnforme«l of Reel. UIggest and Cheapest Newspaper will be

oil polUl published

lltical In

movements. Michigan In



#1.00 PE^R

(Write your name and addreua on a poetal card, addrei Scott, Mjgr.. Detroit Journal. Semi-Weekly, for free aompie

The Detroit 3emi-weekly Journal

and the News one year$i.6o.Women ee wall as mun are made mle-

erable wgh kidney and hUrtrtur trauble. and both neud the seme great The mild and the tmmedtau 8uPSni8"R«gC Is seen by drugfBta. In fMljr- oant SM atm dellv ataeo. You may hove a iumple bottle bf mall fvue, ideo pmnsMet tun­ing aU oh^ M. laehi thouBuada of tueti^aonial letters ruuuhred from luBerma ourad. Iu ■uhtug Dr. KMgMr 8 Co.. Bhi^ltainteu. N. Y,, ho mma aad j


^Tnf News Linersidhig muNT of tha W



% St. Johns Nei^~1L ■. rririumALD. poauanaa.""Eleventh year.

ATtuii orrmi. W*UwrlH. K—I.

ay Matl. Part rwXONE TEAK_____________ «0•IX ---------- — •<>THKKK MONTH*--------------- ----------- **

TaKNKwawlti KraMtaUy rwHir* all cm- tin— «>l liiTRl or Iai—t W—A

A—omimuiM bf tiM wrllAT'a wa—*.TM« p*p»r U laUy Mi^pfwtl to do lobaad

HM-------urtaUac. lu maurUOa af« uf!•* latMii •tyW. aa<i tb* worfciaaaabIplaEaar. aatMMi t>l tbr blsbMt tiaallty.

Advarttarm attaat U» Iba aKcattaat aarrlaa laailir ‘ by Y^c .Nawa. Ita Hrralatloa la baaa Adr. aad lla aabarriptloa Hat la alwaya opaa to laapaetIuD.


The dartaioo of tb»* MirhiKaii aqpmn*- court pi4utiT**to urraala in villuKiw would ma^agmt the idru that towiia tboaiacof Ht. johiia luid batttTicat inuuder tberity charter law. The opiniou ia to the a4fe«'t that the rillaneofllrer Is )osUlle«l iu mak- iaitaii amwt or in impriaoaitiK imvone without tt warrant cAiwpl iu case** «if fslony and breach *»l tbepaace. The court alao holds that an oHIcer wlut. in R(»odfaith, makes a complaint in the lielief that an ordinance is valid, is not liahleforany damaio', if tlie court afterwards holds that such law or i>rdinnuc»* in unconsti- tntional.

____ ___ L.Fair com|»*iition is the only hofs* of

th«‘ ambitious business man. says the WashiuKton Times. WillMUit it lie is as | [siwsrless as thouirb In* were without coin. The sob* ob)ert of th«- moremefit | airuiDst ionsoiidute«i capital is tls* re-! Btoration of at Intst the ritfht to sell; one’s products ill any Held: llie riEht to lie free from tin- uiid«*rhnnd tactics of powerful rivals. The (leoplc have no suuiiiy airuiiisi the |M*ssessors of pne periy tuviiinulfiteii wealth firois-rlv nse«J, Hut they an* tielcrtnineil that the riuht t4) a fair opisirtunity shall not lie ren­dered olisolete.

■W" 'Tmosi? caiididnttw who withdrew in ^

favor ol Will Shavey will, at h*ast. •on- sole themselves with the thouirht that they will not lie ohiitnsi to suffer an at­tack of elonxatisl leir next fall. It is said that the preseut occupant of the .'Sheriff's offici* **011 instruct the Watertown man on the isstt remedies for ttm inalaily.

It has not Item iiotiivsl that anyom- is disnutiiiK the claim miule by Kepre- sentative that that the I'iuitree senti­ment bad I'hHiuie)! Miiiiewhat in f’linton county diiniiK the iinsl year.

Thosi; 777 ('omiwtitors who wen- beaten by Hollis f'orbit, in the matfarine atlvertisini; ctintest. no doubt think that the judKes showed verv |NMir taste.

Homi: tnxtHtyers an* no doubt salisHed with the matter'as it is and will not wei-. conn- any extra sessions, or anythinz els*- which thivatens a chaiim-.

llowKVKit. Ib*tr«iit «-aii worj-y ulnuft: with tin- stall snhiotis ttisteiid iti plan* of the stat** capitol. which it seems tols*itii-. UDccessful in ipttinu remove«l.

Tiik only n*Hily iinnicasarir and <lnn- geniiis fetitun* of livitiK in < linton count! is its close proximity to the stulecapiloi.

Ik FIsi*-villair** only had the national. rsfintHtion whn-h its chees*- enjoys, it would MHtii be It bbsiminj; inetroisilis.

Thai I'ythiaii chiirni wbicli fhe^lnivs” present*il tot'hief ('rich Isst week will lie iwrrnvl bv the Are Hirhter as a mascot.

Till: Clinton County .Kirncultiiral Kis'Mty menilters bav*- evidently mo Haded to farm th** nsws|Mi|ier men.

That new tlratiot munty mart bous** bioke very firetty in tin* news}Hi|>er cuts, aiiyhtiw.

JrsT wliat tin- ediUirs illd to dsserv** •urh honors is not stated.


Kalph Ivcw, of .Maple IbipidM. is spend- iiifC a few days with friends here.

Mrs..!.(!. Hutler. of I'orUand, is the truest of her sister, Mrs. K. Houck.

Mrs. il. H. Flanders, tii Chicago, is here carioK for her mother. Mrs. Hyron Vul- entin*-.

Mrs. I .aura Coleman returned home Kridiix, after a three weeks’ visit in HowHi.

Miss Martha Shepard, of Orid, visifetl Miss lisna .Mel,e«id trmn Priiliiy until Monday.

Mrs. Heo. Valentine nod littb- dauirh- tsr, of (Ivid. ore sfsmdiuir the week at Hyron Valentine’s.

Ilert Heach, of Howell, visited his aunt, Mrs. I ,Ham Coleman, and other reiativn* here frtini Thursday until Snnday.

Miss Moy Wllev, of StrHthroy,(>ntari*i. who has spent the iiast two weeks with her sister, Mrs. J. Mcflillimddy, retomeil bom*- Saturday.

A lanrc number of the yonntr friends «»f Lena and tieo. Mel,e«Ml gurf them a pleasant «armriee Friday eveninu. A mtomt enjoyalile time Is reported.


llorrietMi Sutton ie quite ill ul thie writluit.

Mfw. (iMm. UwriuK ie euieriuc with mvery eore eye.

Joeeph Joudemau moved hie family iu Mnir Haturdav.

John U. Fattereun woa in HI. Johns Saturday ua baeioees.

Fred Myerw, Mr. Freeman aad L. W Itaidwin are oo tbs eick list.

A. Harsn. of Milwaakee. ie theirueet of hie eieter, Mm. Ohae. Brunn.

Mm. .Hbenaau, of Feowiek, ie the trimt of her daufchter. Mm. A. Parks.

Fraak Hmler and D. E. Kio* atteadpti ths poultry exhibit at Hecroit last wef'

Mies Maidie Newton, oi Ht. Johns, spent Sunday with her sister, .Mm. R. Hlaak.

.\nthony Martin has gnar to Mcltride, to spend a lew weeks with hia daughter. Mm. .Neff.

Mm. Frank .\. IMilte. of (Irand Rapide. is vieitlng in the home of Mr. and Mm Frank Hecker.

Christofiher Meyers is sfieodinir ttu* week with bis daughter, Mrs. John Swartc, of Ionia.

.Mrs. M. Word and daughter. Helen, an* visiting .Mrs. Ward’s daughter, Mrs F. .Mnndel, uf .\da.

Mm. A. Souder and Miss Hriggw, uf Hiihbardston. visited Mr. and Mm. N. fl. Freeman Tuesday.

.Mr. and Mm. H. W. Wickham, of Sogi naw, wrerc the guests of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Youngs Sunday.

Mr. iind Mrs. Hr. Iluos. of I,ake < Idewsn are visiting .Mrs. Itiise's jiarents. .Mr. and Mrs. Janies I.AD<*e.

Miss Lixsie ririeh. of St. Johns, b the giHwt of tier sister. Mm. M. F*-dewa. and other friemls this week.

Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas .Newton, of Ma- ph* Ibipids. sfwmt .Sunday with their iliiughter, Mrs. H. ('. Hlank.

Mils* May I’enrl, of tiraml Uapids. is the guest <if tier |wireiits, .Mr. <Mid Mrs. Chas. Stanton, iluring the w-eek.

A niimls-r of friends anil ndatives giiv«* Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hmlei a pleasant Kiin»rie«-al their huin*- Tuesday evening

Mrs .s«-<itt ib-ilfem, <if .Maple Uapids. was tile guest of her |iarenis, Mr ami Mrs. Win, Sag*-, iiml other friends th** fore |iart »if the m-ek.

TIh* pniprietors of the Fowler Homs- «M*r»* iilnmietl W*slne«<lay m«irnitig by the erv oi fln*. which was •'aitseil hy clothing being h^t tin* near the stove-j pi|ic. Kittle (inmug** writs done, but the I lruv**liug man who is’cimied the nMiiii | was *'-om|s*lh**l to send to n Hotliiug j slur** ts^on* completing his toik t.


jMr. ami .Mrs. Ornn Skiitt visited rHa-

tivee in .M«iiit«'alm county ns*ently.Uitlph lin-em* has gom* north to work

this winter, ami his wife is living with lier parents. Mr. and .Mrs. Hnvid Uogeis.

The r. H. minist**r, Hev. Havis, of Miitherton, iiitemis to liegin reviriil serTi<v>e ill Henjaniiii's i-hurch next Snn- day night.

.loel Wagar died lit his h«ime in l^eba- non. two miles north of Fowler, January l.'l. agtsi nearly sev**nty-eight y*virs. He was tsim in Uenseelaer (*ouaty. New York, March ,'l. 1h22, wliere lie grew to maiiho*Ml ami marrie«l Lydia M. Haxter. tlctuber 1h47. The family renuivetl to Michigan in and settled on th**fiirm wlien* they have since resiiled. .Mr, Wagnr was one of th** |iioneers of Clin­ton county, having Heiireil the forests from tin* tiirtn he *s cufiied. The wife pr»*- *<e«|e«l the husband to the “Is'tter land" by *inly u few m*intlui. T*i the twain were liorn six chibfreii. only two of whom survive, .Mrs Mttii McPherson, wife of Hr. (ieti, .Mcl'herson. <ii Fowler, and Mrs. Clara Hliss. who r**sides on the home­stead. .Mr. Wagar pnifessed religioii in early life and iinil«‘d with tin* Haptbt church and tvmaineil ii steadfast luid faithful Christian until death. He was an upright citixen nml a truly giHsI iiiaii, and leav*s» liehitMl him the pn**ious leg­acy of a ItlaniHess life. He hu«l suffered from asthma a Im Hi I eighteen years, but bad failed rapidly diiniig the iiast few motillis. until the welcome Messenger of lieaih t-aiiie to relieve his sufferings ami convey his *lisetiilsidie<l s|iirit to Hiwl who gave it. The funeral was lield at the residence .Momla.v, oondwte*! by Hev. K. .Miidg*-, and the remains were i|e|K»s itetj III the fainilv burial ground near by


Miss'*s Iva and lua Fnrragber are very sick with l.vphoid fever.

John Haley viwted at M. H. Hir- mingham’s lost Tbnnsla.v.

Mrs Klla Hee«l. of (Ivid, called at K. U. Mnos4in'H Monday afleinoon.

.Mr. and Mrs. KIvin Miner spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Thomau Hamer, uf (Ivid.

(Inite a few anmnd here were in at­tendance at Charlie Srudder’s anrtiun Tuewday.

.Miss IJIlie Hirminghnnis|ient Saturday ! and Sunday in (ivkl the guest of Hertie I Simniuos.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walker were the guests of Mr. anti .Mrs. K. J. Miner Mon­day evening.

.M. H. Hirminghani and wife were Susan Hirminghani's in Hnplaiii Thurs­day evening.

Mrs. pearl .Miner and Mrs. Havid Hlmi- . ingham spent Tuasday with Mm. Andrew

llidner, of Hnplaln.It snrely looks os if wintar was heri*

j to stay: several iiersnns out trying the : sleighing Hope it will be lietter stiou.

Miss I-iilie Hlrmingham and brntber atteufletl a surprise fmrt.v for tieonp*

! McIssmI in Shefianisville Friday night.I Mrs. Hnvid Hirminghani returnedhonw i Wedaesilny morning after sfiendingthree : weeks with friends anti refatiresin Alma.

DEWITT.M. Peaoell is in luoia ua Immhi

poorMm. H. E. Howell la in beolfh.

Chan. .\. P-oh* returned from (lore the •mt of thM week.

Newton L. W’ebb was in Ht. Johns loat wwek on iMMiotws.

StMor of onr merrhanUt have ■seared their suoplj of tee.

Fred lluot bos sapuml a fioeitioa am I iigiiisT ut the HeW'itt Mills.

Mr. and Mm. (isenr Wiloox are visiting bis mutbsr and frWuKls in this vicinity.

Chos. CzMterHoe, at Maaon. visited at H. Tueker’s lost wtwk and a portion of this week.

CtMintvtlerk Smith, of Ht. Johns, vis­ited frisods in town Friday aftsmoon and evening of lost week.

Wm. Newman, who has been employed at the HeW’itt Mills, biw seruml a fioM- tioo in Hfiriugsteen's mill, liK-Ated near (Ivid at tile present time.

HeW'ltf is tximiug to the front as a poultry market. Cole A Mann have been rieeiving poultry at this place eveiy Mondnv and Tuesday for some time, immI will continue to d«i so during the winter. ThisjMisioeM) fnniishes work for people who would otherwise go elsewhere t4i se-

IS low mmTImM New OaMge Fhcli


•fcln ht C■Triad Pfopsriy of Aoi


Brery Granfe la tlK Tlirae Cowitlet to be Represeated-

The Patrons* Mutual loeunuK-* C<Hn-

Imny, Limited, of Ingham, (Unton and -laton conntiwi. was organixed hv mem- hem of the gnuige last week. (leo. W'. Phelps was elected firesident nod K. A.

Holden, serretnry. Hoth an* lamsing lusn oml the lu>m«* ofHee of the company will be held in that ctly.

There will be 31 dirsetom, one for erery saborriiuate grange in the three counties. TTie directum will colleet the

cure eiupkiyiuent. The {moltry is drciwcd ^ Hswessmeiits ami solicit new business here and ship|ssl to eastern markets.

Hr. Hlioak, of lAmsitig. and F. II. Kills, of this idnee. held ctiuneel in the cose uf Mm Miles Newman, of Mill street, and d«vHde«l an ofieratiun must be perfomie«i Iiefure the |iatient coold recover. Mm.Newman ha« lieen sick for a Irng lime and It is hu|ie<l she may Hnd relief. Th** operation is <iiie of a very delicnte nature and only those skilled in surgery an* rapabk* of handling the cos**.

aiiioog the membem of their own gritnges. The foilowiog dirsetom were elt«ted :

Capital. 1*. H. Towor: W’illiainstou, J. K. W’ebli; White (Ink, tietirwe II. Proctor; F'itchburg, F. W. liaveus: Feits.lt. H. Wright; .Moiedon, J. (I. Itider; HeW’itt, Kdwanl lAX*her; Olive, I,ewis Carpenter; Heugal. Homer Hale; Hingliam, IMos Taiior; Hew, Hiley Meail; Katon Hapids, V. M. Hmitli; Wiiids4ir. John Hull: IMtu. J. 11. Ixiwell; VermoiitvUle, C. (!. Hoiieaberk.

It was left with th«* president to ofe |M>int dirsetom to represent Essex, KIsie,

HuutleUl andharlot Ie gnuigm

Hear «}eiii Mis, don't you liear deni Mis. Yes we will hear deni soon, ring­ing in onr village. l.s,,uth Hilev Hellevne

F. J. Furgas.111. .il Ht. J.ihns, vi«ted , his fiareiits, .Sunday.

(!. K. Weld* is working in ((w*sis«i.Chris. Kaufman was thmwii from a

cart last Thumlny by the mniiiug away of a coll, ami hurt quit** badly. Hr. Haii- fonl att«‘iided him.

The Ibiyal .Neighlsirs will given imiiiimI s«s*ial fur.tlie tienetit of C. Kaufm>in at the Mas«iuic Hall on Ttiesiiay •*v**niug..laiiuary 2.'l. Every IsMiy invil***! toctiim- out ami ii'isist in ii w*irttiy ennee. .N fi>** lunch uf ruffee.Jsandwicliss iui«l *v*W** will Is* server!.

The memliemhip iu the ivimimiiy in eludes (inly metnliem uf tb*- grange whose bnililiugs tin* cum|iaii.v will insun fonuinnuiiint mit Ui exceed thres-fourtha «if their cash value. N«i single {Milicv will Is* issued for ii riidt •*xcf***diog9ri,(NNi Th** i*um|MUiy will not insure extni Imxanloiis pniiwrty such as sttvini mills. t4«uiieri**s. blacksmith shofis or dryem. A |M>licy Iss'omee T<iid if the building in- sunsl mnuins vacant for mure tliaii twenty (lays.

The <*ompany is form**<l strictly un th*


Weilcni H—i Bare ExeltiaE TImui FoUowiaE VmumMid Hwtm.

foxes or hares is too tssse for sportsmen in the west. Wolves srr mors to their liking. On ■ recent occsskm the woives hod been csptnred In besry steel traps, three of them, but they h^ not been rendered st sll ibicile lijr their few days of asoncistloii with huiasn Mags. They were wolve«^ the gnat, gray, tim­ber wolves, larger thsn ■ .Newfouodlsnd dog, with mighty Jsws lined with shiaing

tn eff«irt is Is-iiig ma*l*- t*i raise u fiiml »is.*eHsmeiit plan, the jsilicy hidden* M1*1 help Mrs. Flora Newman to n*ceiv.* an “tKlittblc for an assessment .’lO days.Hs-rati.iii at th** hiH.pital in lainsing., «•*«• a lum *s*nim The mljiistiiig Hh.* has lieeii a gnat sufferer f*ir s<im.* shall consist of the pn*sideut.lini** hihI i-Hnitmtlv tin* nffurtH 'aiin UwaI uir»yU>r.will tie crown***! bv' success and Mm Tlie new .-omiiany will start with nskn .Newman Is* MneHpM tlien bv. iimuuntiug t.i ne.iriy ♦utMl.tMMl and the

— I utffcers *'onteni|ilate that its busineMsBATH. will Is* conduet***! very •-tvinomically.

It is Mieve«| als«> that tlie *'«iro|iauy will ls*uf great aiivantag*- to the grange Is*- *ause many will join that sfM*iety in *inl*H- to avail theniselv*v* of tb«* lien**llts of the iDsurtiiice.


Mt.Jubns, Xlicb., Jsnusr.v IN, Itmu.

, *‘l**ver Heed .....l.,avina | ’iSmothT Heed..

' live....................Huckwbeet......


wsei.icsAUi: csoiit'cK ASH rsviv massst

HHeii Hry*H- was in I-ansiog .Satiiniiiy. |Th«* revival meetings are still *-outitiii- i

iug.Sleigh Mis wen* ntiging merrily Tu*v»-

day **vcniDg.Ibiliert .M**Coukey retunieil fn*m .St.,

.lohus Snttirilay. 'Ibirn to .Mr. an*l Mm. Ilert Ibiot. Fri-1

dav, .lanuarv 1*J. a girl wih*wi end white oildi.Anson H.iby, a f*in*igii pupil, ••om-1 r„rn in eor..’.'.**" .................

inen**e«l school M*iiiday. ! lists......iNewiThe Heading Circl** met with

Montgomery Friilay evening.Th** W. C, T. r. met with Mm.

.Stoughton Tnemlay aft**rn*Min.Mim* .Mayme Wann-r, uf l-iuising.sismt

Sunday with her iimd**. N. A. Hry«T.Mr. and .Mm. Uoliert Hcrliis*in gave a

is*dni |mrty in honor uf the {wdru club of"***^*- I Hhosider smbke*! tier lit...........................

The dan*>* Saturday evening at the hall i l-snt was well attendeil ami all s*anied to ♦•n-ju. v t h**msel »***s.

Littk.lda Faniswurth h*»s liewn v**ry i sick with tiiiisilitis. .Sh*- is soim* lietter ‘ at this writing. - fniekews dres

Miss Kat** Smith, uf Owussu, was the ' dreeseil jier ll>. dive Tarn iguest uf her sist**r, Mrs. l,afayette | Heeswe* |«*w lb.................................lb. iin.ls. *iv.*r Sunilay. ;

(leiirge MHiullignl has ls«en ••ngag«‘*i Ilert hides

............aa i

.... AOSMWI I.... I (V*i *J(l i

J* !Ni«aa4 Mt I

A WESTERN WOLF CEASE, sharp teeth that smipped (iminoatiy when any one came near them. They are not cowards, those timber wolviw. They will attack a mao even wbeo they have not the t*ncouragcment of s park. A timber wolf can thmw ■ steer sod cot bis throat gnickrr than a cowlmy.

**Wonl was sent throughout the town that there wniiUl be ■ wolf chase in the afternoon, sod slsiut .'kHi men. women sod Isiys came out on bmnelKM|to follow the bounds." luiys <■. A. Cunfreed in the Wsshinatoii Post, "The pack was ■ gotsl one and numbered about .lO as goo<l dogs as are to be found in the northwest. 1 think that Colonel Cody owns some of

**Tto old she wolf bod not gone Cmr, gad her Injuries were hwrib"lt»E 1*11 oa her. The staghounds overhauled her. and then tbe rast of ths pock came up, fol­lowed hy the mounted crowd. A circle woe formed arouad the iloga, with the old Mic wolf ia the center. Hbe had laid down, panting and tired, with a long, dripping tongue protruding from her EKiutb. Her dull green eyca were half aloeed, and ohe appeared to be the most uaMoncerned of all present. The hounds came up and snapped at her, but she paid little attention. None of the dogs soeme*l willing to attack her. Finally a dog with more of the bloodhound than the others led the aaoaoll. The old wolf woke lip and killed him instantly. The others then otood aloof.

"One of the cowboys soggested that none of the male dogs would attack a fe­male wolf and that their apparent timid- tty was nothing more than the chivalry of the animal. At that moment the coach with the tourista arrived, and with then) came a fierce female bulldog woigh- lag alioat SU pounds. The owner was

I told the reason why the fight could not I proceed, and he offered to back bis boll- I dog against the old wolf, tie was advis-

■d against the course, but be iosisted, and his pet was uoleusbed.

"It was all right for the first minute or two. The little bnlldog was game aad commenc***) the attack on her adveraary with the ntmoot fierrenes**. The wolf ■till lay on the grooiHl. with half cloned eyes, apparently ooaware that anything annsiial was coing on. Her bide was thick, and the teeth of her small assail­ant dUI not bother her much, bat the bull­dog finally grabbed her by the throat, and this took all the indifference ont of her. The old wolf struggled sod tried to free berself. but In vain. Hb** rose to her feet anti shook herself <iesperately. bat the bulldog hung on with that tenacity which it alone can display.

"At last the wolf shook berself free, but she did not remain unmolested. The gam*- little dog returned to the attack, bat this time she was more than mat. The great Jaws of the old wolf opened, showing the gleaming fangs, now covered with foam. .V feint, a goick snsp, sod the ivory teeth sank *I(>ep into the head of the brart* little bulldog. The lifeless body was thrown aside with contempt. A bal­let from a cowlsiy's aix shooter then ended the old wolTs career, and the rr*»w*l roile liome, trying to figure out whether the gamt* had been worth the raudk*."

Hotter.........................I'beeee..........................l-^ggs-..........................Unions........................It i*iMii>erhu .............

! Uenns liM<l |>4ekt*d...

. liny lianoitiy.... ' liny mlitsl ... . ■ Hf rnw hnle«|.......

............lAstlA....... l.iStlHU I...........1 I •* I......................Ml#I (Ml I...............f 1 tMl

.MStlC I . 7*oh I

fT tut............. $7 «M» '

MIM'Kl.t.A!<r.<ll'M.*1 |M*r IIj ....

b.v H. .Xbdrath t*n lerk in th** drug more., .............II** lieirnn w*irk Miiiidiiy. : Beet (Irr—eU <^'w*t

Mr and Mm 11. MHirafh, hirnieri.v .if.Henihick, Mtchigan, have moved lH*n*. , ,11^,).................They have |iiirchan**<i th** IMI Htuughtuii j cnlven (•Iresse li........houin*. ,,,,

Will Whitney and family have moved | t*i Imnning wh*vv* h** is engage*! to tak«> ■ charg*-*if .Mr. Albright’s gnicrrv- store.W'v «'inh him success.

There wm* a lawsuit in town last .Sat-' uniny lietwten Fr**d Wlldt iui*l WilliamHweein'.v. Thecone wnsdecHtedabout one <»’4-iock Hiindav morning in favor oi Fre«| i XVildt.

Mrs. Sarah Hrh*Msls and daughtio-, 1 Flossie, gave a (Nsrty Friday •*veaingin I homiroftbe ninth and t4Mitb grad«w of j Hath high schtMil. A very pleasant time | woe refNirted b.v all.

WeeUly vs. ISslly l*s|»ers.In as*ither lUore in t«»-day’s issue wil -

he found an nnnounrenwnt of that 'dd | and standard reowdy, Warner’s Hale, (ktre. Herseal .rears agf> the firoprietors of tbs* prefiarntion used the weekly i pofiers very extensively, but more re- [ fwntl.v have confined thrir efforts tsi the doily iwess. Th*‘ fort that the shrewd! proprietors of Warner’s Hole Lure have I rolaatarily token up wsskllee, U |MMdtive proof that they cousider the weekly ’ gives much better returae to the odver-1 User for eoeh thoweand eivmlatioa lh«ui I the daily. !

rnmtrm Vws s UsMYIf uo. then ineteod of taking eo much

quiniae take a pirasant end mUd etowi- osh and bowel reaied.v which will rleaois* the ayetewi, nod you wUi he ewrpriosd to am how qnirkiT the coM will Imre mu. Weesll Hr, I'alttweil’e Hvrnp l*epeio lor

rthie purpnee. TVv It. Kir. Mir nod For imle hy il K VooHiekle.

Dr. Wolhsr’s EMiJmehttW.

:t datu te lOfN).

Ht. Johan

E.XKl't’YOII'M NAI.K —WoUw- Is hveeby gtren tOsl h.v virtse ssU Is nsrsesore of

lirpsse ss*l sstkortMr grssled to sse. the HsS>rstgs>il. hy the Prolmie Oitsr* nffltsfoa rossty, sfste r>t MIrhIgss, os Ike 7tk <ley of

thvesiker. A. P. twUV. t** *041 real estste he- losgtsg l«> the esiste of NsthssM I. lissMIs. fli*>ss»>t. I will sell lU psbNe ssetlan to Ike higkesi hittiler tkevefor. os Ike AOtb «lsy o( Jssseiv. A. I). ItSMi. at «»ae o'clorfc p. si.. St tke rrohate iigHv-. Is Ml. inbss coasty of (Ylstos. slate of mcktgaa. tke mtlowiag •!•*- serlhe*! real rotate, rts. Ylw iwMitk half tke sortkwest fraetloa of tke anstkwesi Oa*. tioaal giMUVer of serttosassiker Hgkt, towa- sklpot Wst*rtowa. ctlatos roaatv, Mlebl- ■aa. earewtisg tbeeefrtHa uae arte ol iaa*l oa the west eMe thereof, iSitees roil* sorVk sad sostk by tea rods c*mH sad west, aow ner*>. nle*l tor sekrrol iM*«Mie idte, ale*i exreptlaq tkeveWost laad roaisirsettta slae rod* sad three (Set iMirtk aad two rods east of the soatkwest roraer of isdd seetloa etakt aa*t theaee rssatag east sisety aa«l oae half feet tkvare stirtk itl.v-4«»er feet, tbeare eastsevea- ty-lssr aad oae k«M( lee«, theaee sorth lea rwde aad toiw fket. ike«M*e «reet lea rods, theaee e«Mtk thirteen ode. fSgkt aad oas ■ half Iket to plare of heotaslaE. mid l«ist m- certtos lartiHttag the three pleree beretotore dreded to Mary^ lirtshta. flssarfhsrh aad Wintaai Ksller. leartsg Aw *Mtle ta eiUd d^ seviptlos larty-«h|ht asree at land store or Mmb.

nwaud. tirresshsr lEXh, MEE*OAKEYe DANIBLUl.

■asswaor ol ths Isst wEi and MstaaMWt a I NoihaaM I. DooMto. Dmsossi.

Oiwe. islleb......................*'owetaltr*l per rwt.....Hteere fatted, rwt.......Huge per rwt.................I.asihe........ ...................Apptee per hu

...................................*’ ^ I them. Then* were foxhounds with a!"!!!. ! cross of the bl*vidboHnd aimat Ibetu. long.

rangy staghounds that covered from 1!0 Co 27* feet at every leap, while other coursers of less distingniBhc«l ancestry wen* brought out to follow with the rab- bk*.

"It may have secm«vl tame to a tender­foot who didn't know anything about the sp*****! an*l endiiraure of the timber wolves. Hut it did not take long for such aroff«*rs to he **nlight**ne*l. The tourists from the inn were given a coach, from the top of which they rviuld view the bunt. The wolves wen* taken out in a wagon and given a little start liefore the hounds wen* unl**asht*d. At first they laid down as if bopel«*sa of escape ami absolutely refused to budge. Even kicks failed to arouse them, l-'inally the small­est of the trio got up And started off with a limp,^ and the others followed him a moment later. They did nut run fast at the Stan, at least they did not appear to. and every one said the ebaoe would be a frost.

"In about a minute the dogs were turn­ed loos*-, and they took up the scent with s chorus that would have made any huntsman's bean beat faster. The way the leaders covered the ground was a caution, and it seemed to me as if the

Stnswwe PM*i«lwatl«sa.The trial of .Marie Hutterfield Hander-

aou. charged with |»uisooing her husband hy mixing glass with his food, is one of t^* most exciting events in the history of Marshall. Mirb. Her former maid testi­fied that she used a spic*- mill in the cel- bir of tier bsmlsome home to grind up broken pieces of bottles. The hits of glass, said this witness, ware given to


....•Im7 ..4*1 A

I«*....................*issH....................................*1*1 H------------ J5i|l*»...;tA*(RA n 1*1*^***- ....gr, 'Niatf? (Ml... un.. .«! .A*»*til 7A ................................................0 ,

.fSO *MiMg4A «H>I'J gA«tf A on

H (HMSgA •Ml .fit NA«( $4 1(1

llrted spplve iier lb........................................ HSS4Pried fisnrhps pesled..._.............................Ma*i«lPotaiose...... ............................ SAMtose lime per bbl........... M4IHsEslu cement per bhi........................... ..f (Mll‘oniaa«l •• *• ........... ............... W MlHtnceo |ier hbl............................................. eV gA

SOUTH RILEY.Ferry Miller is (Hi Uh- sick list thm!

week.Heptimus Miller in suffering from lUt at - i

tack of rhenmatisin.Mrs. Ferry Miller is improving, but ia

not able to eit Up a« yet.(ieear Itobinson has boughtapiiieapfile >

farm of Hi Mcree in Florida.(Jttite I* foil of m*!** name Moodny and j

raoet evfwyooe is making good use of if. |Ther** «*ill be a dnnee at Houth Hilev 1

grange hall, Friday eveniog. January IP. |Claud Hond has hired out to (Hen Hlim*

bir a year. He experte to commenc** w*irk tin* Ifrat of March.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hoyle, ol Hinghani, > visited Mm, Hoyle’e sieier, Mn*. .\rthnr 1 “ Miller, Hnturday and Hnndnv.

Mrs. .\. C. Kobinooii received from her

loweennll nMl •eeslier,Bevcral years ago Henry Ward

Bsiecher and (’okrael Ingrrsoll mut to a rnllrand station In New York atate. where Imtli bad to wait for a train.

! They talked together on 011- aorta of subjscto. more espectally the future of man. Finally the converaatlon drifted to psculfar epitapba 00 gravestoosa, and Mr. Beecher, who bod bueo look­ing over the inpadflan of a morning paper, sxclalmesi;

"Ah. colonel, here Is a fitting epitaph for yon." The day before the birth­day of lioben Burns, the Hcotch poet, bod been celebrated with unusual cere­mony. and a «leacrlptfoo of tbe cefebra- tlon occupied considerable space on the first page of the paper. Mr. Beecher tore off a two c^umii headline and handed It to tbe unbeliever. It read. Robert Barns."Two years latsr Ingersoli and Beech- * nrat again In a St. Louis hotel. "1•Min, (lerar, in Florida,apinmxppb* weigh-1 *

log HS poniids. which woe raked <hi his I remember your epitaph on me. Mr. (iMwi. i Beecher." said Ingenioll. "and I have

Mr. and Mra. iktmr Coee, wImi hare I «*>« oor for you. I will road It for you. Imeri Sfiending the fiasl these months in | *Born In the slavery of aectarian abac- Flo^a. have rstnrned home. Mr. Coaei kise. hungry and thirsty for freedom dHl not have very good health while I gml light, be yet died In reHgloos bood-

1>)*S* It rev te Hwr CltssprA cheafi remedy lor cooghe and <r»ids is |

all right, Imt you wont something that | will rsiiiiv* and <*nrs the nMWt severe and

•esr ■slillHts at the lhael* BamM*- tlew.

At the Farts expeettlon 40.000 square II have been allotted to the Boers.

?: i**"*! Their pastoral life will be shown by ■Ym. ’*"<*1* tl» Itrr

,1 i-a-tbl.. H n..* lor Too, IWo | •' 'e "*« <->*<>«l«* «* *** Tr»»»r«.l

itoagenHwi ilte

in either twee take the oei,t remedy timt has been intrvMlnced in oil civilised enun- triss with stiwwss in severe throat and long tronhise," Hoechee’slierraan Hy rap." It not only heals and stimnlatse the tis-

The natloaai pavllloa of tbe Tnuwvaal. bollt In tbe Hatch style, will display ffeugrsphtent documents, mineral specl- mens and exhibits showing tbe nrath- ods of lEotrEctlon In tbe schools, in

som to dmtroy tbegerm dlseo^, but id-1 11^ B®*r farm will be exhibited tbeloys^fiimtMtioa^M rape^ | pninmls of tbe Tranaroal Tbemlloa. gives a g^ night s rwt aad i _____ _ ^------------- -a**^euros tbe patisai. Try oee bottle. Hse ■••••• h*** umtikmis of transportatioo omnwaded maay ysara by all drEfErisb* ’ •**» »» portrayed Tbe tniEia tbe woHd. Haaiph* bottlsa at Fiuiaw j log tadEottr will be shown by a fiJk HtuatAE's.


thre<- * - ilespped as they wereby Isi *1 be overtaken in lemthan I The reason we thoughtthat * we bad not lieeo l«M>k-Inx SI Tbe minute they heardtbe b* bounds they seemed tohave shoot steel traps sodcopth isd an awkward gait,but t got over tbe groondmade It there wonid be nobrash stt.

’"Til df woa going oo threelags. he trio. A number ofcow Mn HtockweH’a ranch■tarte nk them, in order tobeep I Mtlng Isto tbe fiMtbillsaronn creek. They fired theirrevoli led themselves hoarse,riding I. sad finally got themto go Brection they wantedthem. ere only two doga whogaine* Ives. Iliese were twostagb* keen noses and speedthat I snrpaaaed. Hnch leapsyou a d the rest of tbe parkbad t* leader who was in tbesame le rest. (Iradnally tbestagb* In no the wolves.

“Ho lad been running byaeent. ry caught sight of thefggiti e chase asaumeti a dif­ferent the wolves might aswell I race with an expresstrain.

"Bv it was nothing morethan 1 speed was with tbeBtogb e conrage and fighting^uaUt the hloadboaad stoekin tiM leaders knew the tem­per ol r had to deal with. Tbeold si still leading, and her■omIIi ipsnioas were slightlybehio Instinctive generalship

non- EES. BANDEOsaN rs said to bateUBurXD ULASS.

aged Mr. Ssndereoo hy bis wife In his food. They say that .Mr*. Haoderson is a born actress, who can "mold her face to all uceasioD*." Whether it tw to win over an impressioiiabie Juryman with the pleading glance of injured ioDocence or to dlocompose a wltoem with a dart of her piercing eyes, they say. it is all one to her. Her jMiwer to faarinate all who (OOM* into (vwtart with her la uaques-

nis Prsdlted Pate."In the southern Illinois town where

m.v father lives," sold a Chk-agn man. "there ase<) to he a selectmaii named Watkins, who had held office so long and reached so advanced an age that Jokes aUmi ’few die sod none rf>*ign.’ ’he has solved the guesCioo of living forever,’ etc., were ronstantly airpbctl to him.

".Another seleetraan of the name of Lindsey, who wa* wMoetblng of a wil. was very sick and not rxp*v*ie*l to live, aad whib- be wa* in this state Watkins fell ill of iMwnoMMua. from which diseoav he *kni»*eqnenlly died. A frien»l called *mi Lln*l»ey. toW hisi of AVatkins’ ■ickneea aad that his death was inomenlarily ex­pected. A twinkle crept Info Lindsey’s eye as be whispered to his friend: 'No; AVatkias won’t db* (hb* rim*-. II***I1 never die. They’ll have to shoot him on Jndg menl ilay.*.Vcw Y«*rk Tribune.

^ ’'"i' i IMPERTINENT PERSONALS.aad I Egiing on the groundTbey her for a second. Thenthey the other* and prettyaeon rawllng on the prairie.TYw 1 > and showed fight, butthe Bl lod off. and the wolrsestart* ’The same taetles wererepea » progress was **> im-nedsd !>fc gained rapblly. Theotogb d to devote moM oftheir two mnle wolves, nodthe o gan to get away. Hutthe |i V in sirtklog diataaee.aad t aenerd.

"T1 woives were seen sor-rnuod e was a mis np equal

a foethoil fieW. Tbr aod diapaaed of tee

It Isuks v*>ry ranch aa If Mr. (*haaiber- lata would go down ia history oa "the ■aan behiad the nmaecie." - Hleux City Jeuraol.

Prom Me own pidat of view Mr. Rob­erts* case Is not ao bod. He con go to three different wives far cowooiatbMi.— ('hicagn Record.

(^oa It he poeaiMe that the LippiocoCta had. Just before the Mg fire, roreivvd uo- otber aqral from Anwiie KIvea Trmshet* aboi>—Wow York Prana.

Air. Reed’a kale la on atraigbt. 'np adopllea ef bis ralea by tbs prsssfit houss, of wbicb bo Is EM a uMEibsr, sal* Mss that psiat esoMfiMralr -'EafiM OHff JoUTEOi.


INKSI caiTA’ a complete line of

them in all sized bottles and at all priccH.

The Paul inks arc put up in the most'convenient form of any ink on the 'market, and users testify to their ex­cellence. Set* the Paul Library Book.


Cash 'Books, Day Books,

Record Booksand all the necessary para- phernnliu for keepinjr ac­counts can lie seen at the store.

See whfit wc have to offer liefore opening: up fi new set of books for the vear.

Subscriptions Taken Here for all Papers and Magazines.

ALDRICH’SBook and Stationery Store.

.Monarcii (>v**r |>ain. Itunii*. cuts, spraim*. stiiiip*. Instant ndbd. Hr. Tli«»mMt*’ r.«-l***-trk* Oil. .At »iny drufi sturc.

"Cur** the cttugii and sav** th«* III**.’’ Hr. WimmI’m .Ntirway Fine Syrup « uras cdugbo and c«dd». *l*iwn tu th«> very verg** of (xmsiiinption.

Tlw ■>( iiiMiiinira. A* wHI a* the(srnirr* of tbe vtrlnlty. kn*»w what Is kinmI (or Ihrmsrivrw nad nrr osttinic In all tb*4r spare llsw thU wlnlrr impr*iriaa th** nnula aroiia*! th****- iHtri*

Help...NatureI Babies and childran naad I proper food, rarely ever medi* j cine. If they do not Jirivc I on their food something b I Avrong. They need a little I help to gat their digaiihfe { machinery vforking property.

StiOtsmwill generally comet thb difficulty.

If vnu wHI put from ona- fourtn 7D half a teaspoonfcil in baby’s bottle three or four times a day you Afdlt Mon sae a mariied improAwnant. For larger chMdrim, from half to a tempoonful. according to age, dhaoivcd in their mMi, if you so desire, Avdl very soon show Hi great nonridi* ing power. If the moHMPs mlNl does not nourish the baby, she needs the enwl- skm. H will show «i eliKt at once both upon motlwi and child.

wc. aaS|i*sSi sllgfUHbS*.^ acciTT a POWER, OMmOm. Erar Yach.



CIOAK SALE. (IlMlIDaDJlOQ^ CLOAK SALEGreat Sale—With Extraordinary Attractions.

{Sale Begins FRIDAY, JAN. IBth, AnUasts Ona Week5uch values never offered before, and this Sale should be extraordinary, if the lowest prices of the year possess any attractiveness.

.\ll our $<>.50 and Jackets at. .$3-573Q76.07

off on ail Furs, Prices from $3.00 to $45.00. ^

65 Ladies’ Skirts worth from $2.50 to $30.00 at HALF PRICE

Children’s $3.50 to $4.50 Jackets at.

“ $5.(M) “ $0.50“ $7.50 “ 12.50

1 Electric Seal Jacket worth $50.IK).

1 •• “ “ “ $00.00.



A big line of Plain and Crush Plush Capes at lower prices than ever made on first-class this time of the year.


FVIK HAI.K—A itimmI pliict. lor the rtsht man. nrrr lariu ••nr mile nori li ••I

Ovid. .Ml Improvist, ■mall houau- iin«l l»arii with sImnI. ir<><Ml alKHl shop tlial wl.l luakr ■immI ItMil houar. nlatut <*• lamlinK apple trmi. aomr lamr. 1*10111. nn<l a lea iieacb alitl tinlare Irera. oae-liall arrr ftlark rasplierriea No laiitl Itetlrr for fruit au*l veicrinlilea or aralu. fliHMl monev In furnUhliiK milk for Ovl«l. WHIaell f«*r it.* INPT arrr. T'i*rfurther taformatl'in aililrr— '’ll.kltl.l->^ I'AMK,

ovitl. Mich.

t'OII .SAl.K. —Ilav. .*itraw amir Juki, w.MiAit. r**wi««r.

M. |•<•MT, M. If.. l*h«*4i-tau. .*»urfp^»n ami Niitarj I’ul*!!*- «»ltl«v ,*Trr ^•rr■

iirr's Meat Market. \**. 14 *1lnton nvrnur. |(r«ii|rnrr roritrr l.aii.iua an*! I{..ir«'n. at.. Ml. John**, tlirhiirnu.

hi:. II. I* M«)r.\||:, l'h>«lrlaii ami Mur- trron. • *itl« •r,-.>n<l i1.M*r ifluion l»l•M•k,

.Ml .loliBa. Mlrtiiirnu.4 'II.I..VM A Ml.KIilllT l'h,raiclanann<l Mur- I I irr<*lia < Iftlr,- iillil iv«l*lrm'r wral aht.- «.! I ourl lloaar a.|Unrr 1 lltirr hours I In .*• rrm afirrioMin.||IC J. U. |•Ml.l..tUI^ M |r nn<l Murirr.*n. .Ml Johns Itrr ovrr .Mini** Hank.

!•.. I'h.valclan MIcliliian. of-

IV rlu.lrr . orkrria f**r aalr cheap.\trn


Itllry. Mich.|.ioU MAI.K.—Mix liorar iMiwrr rnsinr nn«l p rlirht liorw iniwrr holW UptiKhI liar bren run hui three weeks an<l will l*e «.>|i| cheap Majom .Vmthi h. Price. Mich.

FI III .MA I.K—liouae, liarn ami four loia on Mtate street, Mt. John*. Very ileetrahle

place. Itt<talre at thlM offire.


F' I. lll'I.l. I'nalertaker. N**. !•: illnton j, .\ve. HeePlence :;iM» state Mt. weet.

11’ It iiMiHiiili, K uneral IMrector. *»p|m». 11 . idle PiMloftIce, re»l«lence corner Mtate

ami iiaklanU. Answer rnlU niahl ami 'lai l.adx iiaelalant. Phone No loo

KKAI. KMT.lTi; Kill: MAJ.K.—.inyonnlealr Ina ahulhllnitlol.fartnor |•lnreothuelnetw

will till Well to i*ee Iia Mt. J**‘l.td.

I.aml 1*0.


IxIlAYINO—I will «lo It lor y«iu If you will I * let me. —Have purrhaae*! the llaininnml

• Iray ami mean t«» itlre aatlsfartl**n l*y prompt aertire and reaaonahle charKea.—I.iet me show von why I <leerrre liualnrae IJ tf > IV. A Htxru.

MtlNieV Til LOAN

MiiNKY Til LOAN —Kfxlewa A Ualhrldpe loan money at l*»w rnlee tit Inlereet on

real eetaie •ecorlty In any Munii* .leelretl


I 4*. I*. Haker line tie^ii riinttiPMi t«i hia 1 liiiiip* M-veml ilnya fhia w*M*k. thn-al**n*Ml with toBnilitia.

' .YttantlOll IM iwlleii to the tliiverfiae-I ineat of The Men autih* (’iita|iHiiy urhhrha|i|iearM on aiiiither |MMn- of thi* ieaue.

J Thi* 1-01111^111'eaifihaeice (he r-aah planI at their aton* ami the vanoaa Tirtmw' which that manner of bueinees imamwa,,*.1 'I It la the i-ominK way of lioiuit IniaiDe,*,.I l.ittie Ilona Itoot, (lauKhtcr of .Mr. anil

Mra. .Arthur ItiMit, of (inuiil Itaiiiii*. iIhmIUat Kmlay, of (HiloMNwrv conaiitiiption.at Iheiure of one luirl uiMMbaif yeare.The funeral aerricea were f-onducte«I laet.^umlay aflemoon by l(ev. .\rie Itinkhoratami tlie interment uiw* made in •'-^t..lohne ••efiietery.

X’liTH'K.— The annual laeetlnit *»f niBt«tttc*>unty .iriiculluiv soeteiy f«»r Oie pur-

|M>ae ol etectlUK oflrera and aurh other l*ual- neae a* mat r**me liel*»rr th*- meeiinK The meetiutr will Im- held at the court lioUee. on Haiunlai. January L't at 1 w*. o ri.e k p. m

t*. A THAI Ih. pree M. KltlNK. Mecretan

N’iiTH K I# lierrtiy irlven that at a meetlnir of the ■torkhohlem <*t theSt. J«*hns liond

i'*im|>Mnv. Llmlle*!. Iiehl at thHr ■•fflee In theVlllaae of Mt Johns, on the HOth day of He- cemlier. A. H.. |Mpw. It waa Tote*i and <leter. ralae»l by a maiorUy In namhrr and valae .*1; latereat that -aid aaeortatlon tie dtaaolTe«i { and the aEalr* of the iiae«*ctatl«»n lie wound np under and hy virtue «il aectlon l•.oM••. and tl.iisT of I'liapter liMi of the t'ompH **( IMP rIadiBK u


f>t I liapter IIMI of the t'omplkal law, 117 «*f Michigan. an*l that notice of mI<I |

lie puhllahe«l for f«»ur conwa-utlvewladiBK up lie puhllahe<l for tour conwa-utlve week. In tin-Clinton HepuhUcan and Tni Mr. JoBM, Nr.w*. wrekiv new,pa|»er« palduhe,! In the vlthMCr of Mt. Jt*hB,. Clinton county, MIchIna.

Ilattal, January l,t. HmmiMt John, laind < 0 IJmIteil by K. P IVA l.lIK*»N. Chairman. KtiHKIlT «». MTKKL. weretarv.

FKKH mill—I Imre imrcbaw,! a fee«l mindinic machine and am n«»w prepare*!

t«i 0tiel We*! Tne,*lay, an«l Krtdnr, of each week at my mill Prtcee l•*w and ,atl,lnc- tlon |t»nmntee,L K. LKACil,yiwfyp Knrekn. MIchIpnn.

BrsiNHSs Dikkctoky.


IKM’IM MK.VKIIANCK. A. IL. Att.*mey.J Counm4or anti Mi*llcltt*r, Ml. J**hn,, Mich, j

SPAI’LIU.MI. NtlllTiiV A IhmiLIM*. iM-jflee f*ver National Hank. j

FvKI*K11A a WALHIUIMIK. Alt**mey, at |Imw oihre **«er Comer lira* Mtore

It’lbL II HIII’NMt»N. Att**rt>ey at laxw yi Mt. Jtthna. Mlrhl«an ,

11. M. PKnniN P K Pr.naiv \. J IUi.pwis. |

PKHIIINM A IIALHH IN. Attorney, at j laiw and Mt*l**MH«r, In Chnnceri. rewl rm- j

tale a«enla. ct.nveynneer, -xnd m*>nex loan er*. examine title,, imt tatev, exrcntr lien aloa tmpers and make ct*lleeilone. Ill hnai. ttmm prtimptly and acenralety altemled ft*. ttScr tieer iTiapninM', Mh<*e Mtore. No If rUnton a venae, Mt. John,. MIehhcnn

.viiW'IN H LY1IN, A tomey at laxw. Mt. John,. MIehIvnaK MMITII, Att<»mey at laxvx Mt.Jt>hna, I Mlcht«nn « HMce at Ct»art ll**narKAHI.K HKOH'N. Atlt>mey at laxw. OMre with K 11. I O'oh Ml iohh, Mich



MRH I»H IMHMIK, Teneher •*! Plant*. t*r.«nn. Vi.enl Mnetc and llarmtiny

lltMdc rotime over Nt*nnl«lln«', llnnlware


PAI.MKK a »rcK, Phrmetan, and Mar ■run,. IMsinass t*f the Rye. Knr, N.me

•ad Throat n Mnertalty iMEee orer linnt*, Dma Mlofe. Nt John*. Mlehlann.

li*-!;.J. V. ImmiLINH. Phjratftna an«l Mar nt John,. MIrhItinn iHEre ore- '

u AlOJ

any r. HAVNNM, M. IK «»«ke NoMe Hnmatt*, Mtore. Mt. John,

P in 11 mmd 3 In A p. m


InHiire with I). I. Hunt.K. .\. Hurkee M|M‘iit Tiiethiiiy in liinia.I' I'. Miller la ,|lemliDK (he week ill

Kime I'ity.

IVtantrnliiiK .Attorney Smith wna m EUie Moutlay.

Harry lloiilii aitent .Suoilay at hin home in Ionia.

II. K. M’alhriijRe triinnartett huainemt lit 4 iriil Moniiay.

Kuiiolph 4Miette ivna llublNinlMtoii on biiniiiena .Satimlay.

K. r. Mnniork waa at Or id n abort time Tneailay. on buainewi.

4:e«irKef)raiit waa the KiMwt of 4»vid frietida .Siitiiniay and Sunday.

Mm. I\ Korhon riaitill lit the home of II. Korhoti. of Konler. Friday.

<ieo. H i'hapiaMi waa in Hymn Tues­day and M'tviaeaday, on bueintmi.

Miaa Cerelia liwraham ia the inieet of her mother, at Fowler, thin week.

.Miaa.iiilia /ell riaiteii her (Mtrenta at Fowler fmni .Hatiirday until Tiienday.

.A .National .Anti-('onferente will lie held in the city of 4’hicnifo on Febniarv lii, next.

.AlmnaS. Huirila of St. .lohna haa laeni irrNiideil an orimnal |ien,inii of $c* per month.

Malter Itiirk. of Kiireka, mtiimeii Sal- unlay fr»»m a few day,' biiainena trip to | Hetrolt. I

Mr. and Mm. .M. L. AVIiiteand Mr. mid 1 .Aim. Tniman Itideoiit were 111 l oninua I .\londay.

•Mm. .lennie Miwm-. of (Irand Mn(>id, ,I*ent Siindav with Mr. and Mm. .N. S. I'armalee.

Hon't fail to read adr. of Mm. L. fan-,held, whieh iipiieara on miottier |Ni|re in thia inmj*-.

M. II. I‘ieiila left .Satunlny forliouKla*. Allecan rnunty. where lie in efiendinv tl»e week with Ilia wife.

Mm. .iohn Shiirfi, of Alma, waa the intent of her {lareatn. Air. ami Mm. (ieti.

j Hire, the (Imt of the w»wk.i Mm. L. \, t'mwiey, of I«aneiiif(, and

Mimi Kthrl Uiehmond vMiteii ftiendn at I Mii|»l«‘ Uaftidn, lant Sunday.I liefiuty I'ounty Treaaarer Fpton. Ma- jior .Arthur iiod Albert PaaMMp*. of I'rin-. were in \emon on buninenn TmuMtay.

T. H. Jitbnnon. of timad Rapid,, ntaleiletmtyof the Royal LYrcl**. wan in St.

■ John, a fi*w houm Friday, on buniaenn. Mm. ti. I). I hapman. of Chewanian, wan

theKuent of Mm. F. M. S|iauldiafr aad________________________________________ Vm. W. H. If. t’hapman the flmt of tbe


w ^ y y T ▼ ▼ ))• ^Hllenberif, of Ruflalo, .New- York,W JL^ IMirt of tbe week, toniwmt M>me time with bin nepbew, Chan. Martin, of Rilny.

Minn Ktta ffamilton, of Weimfer City, Iowa, arrired in Ht. John, thin week aiid*

will upend the winter with her tiarle, M’illiaai Haaiilton.

Mm. .A. J. Raldirin Mt Monda.r morn­ing lor tMiret. l^nttended theoratorio •The Menniah,” in tbe emninir. aimI re.

turned home TiNwIay..Abel('mnon. of rnioo IfiHne. who Mt

three neeke apo for F^Uia Raptdn. to at- I tend the funetal of htn bmtber, Renfnmin ! Crtmon, mtamed home Satorvlay.

i Mm. M. M. Snmmerix, of Kat«m Ra|»- I Min. wbo bnn been eMtlnir l« tbe borne of herhmtber. If. V. Smith, for tbe pnnt

{ two nenka. retnmevl home Friday.

Mm K. R. t'alkian. nbn han been tke mtnnt of ber noa, L. J. Calkinn, dartmr

' tbe paat two wenkn, retumnd Friday to j her home ia Calkinneille. inabelhk county.

Minn Molly l^unk. wbo han bmn the j annul of her lumer, Mm. Fmnk 1*001, of I rnkm Home, during tbe pant wmii, m- tufand to km boaw ia Hyroa Haiurday

I aftnmuwn.




Hr«l CUM TUBULAR WELLS BMdc «ad repaired. All wark Gnarraaiced.

F.J.LOVE. South Riley, Mich.MtH-cmMtr t<» I I Ioann A • L. K.nihnIL


■WM ■new*.mon ty Biniw,_ Oyr .. w IW Tnmhfni OOw ■jwee tiiisws, t»»e teum


CttL WORLD-orld of sports

s A Ni p L F

Mr, and Mm. .loeefih ltanii*|ietit y*wt»T- ility at Ithaca.

L. II. iVilMoii, of (IwiMno, wae ill town tide week on hUNilieee.

M. T. Streeter ,pent a part of yiwter- day nt Fow|«*r, on bueiiieiM.

Hr. J. M, HimIu,* wae in I'ewaiiio Tuee- day, on profeenional bu,iiiewn.

County Clerk .Smith efient Satunla.v and .Sunday at hie home in Hath.

Mine .Ali«- Liiwiitm atteiideil 1he“4Md Mnid’e 4'onventiou" at 4trid Tiieeilay etreiiinu.

Mm. T. I*. Lanelle and iiim*. Mine Loiiiee Rrown, of Muir, were in town Tiiopwlay.

•Mm. Kutfetie KiiiK wae a (fiient in th** hoiiH* of her mill, R. Kin|{. of Fowler, yenteniay.

Mm, Rimetta Drake Mt Monday morii- iuK for I.aioKeburu. where ehe will work ill the interent of the lifeal Reeerre .AMeoriation.

•A. W. Hurk*,- attended th*- dimrtom’ meetinic of the .Alontmim, (Tiiiloii and Ionia Fire Ineiinuire Comtiany, at Ionia, the tlmt of the week.

.Mr. and .Mm. (leo. K. I.ake and m>n,. •Melvin and Harry, Mt the Mmt of the Week f ir I.owe||, where they will make their home in tin* future.

J. L. floIbnMik, of (ireenbueh, a dirw- tor 111 the .Montraim, Clinton and Ionia Fite Innuraure Com|Niiiy, atteniMI the meetintr held at Ionia Monday and Tuen- iliiy.

.SifHior lnn<*retiiiM/ito, liariilHt. with the I'atfx Ciiiaert Co. at .Allimin’e oiiera houM*. Tip-miay oveidiiK. .lunuHry 'J.'tni, aiider (be aunpamn of tbe Iwwliee' Maiidte lit! 4 Tub.

H. 11. Hunt Mt Sattirda.v eveniiiir for (Hivet. til attend tlie mndition of tin- or iitorio, "The MeMniali," whirli itcrtirml Monday etreaiDft. He will return <*ome time tomorrow.

Mm. R. .A. Miaire epent .Sniurdav ami Sunday in (Irand Ra|»ide and Ionia. While ill Ionia, nbe wae the Kueet of Hefe uty I.ml.v Commamier. .Anna R. I'urtie- of the L. O. T. M.

licnter Wiktix luid Kmmet .Nirhole are ill attendance at the T. and .A. .M. (irand Ixtdiie, which in in uennion at Detroit thin week. They were fu-romfmnied b.r Mm. Wilcox iumJ Mm. Nichole.

(leo. Wooil left Toenday mominft for lAUMiimK, to attend the annual Millem' ronvention. whieh i« in eewwioti thie week. He will abni attend the meetinit of the Millem' Fire Ineumoce 4*ompany. m- turninit home today.

Aim. ('arrte lllowem retnmefi to her home in Manton Friday, after «|iendinK th*- |iaet nix week, in tbe home of Aim. Dell Hovel. She wae acrom|Mime<l by daude iiovey, who will vMt frieade in Manton aad Fentwater nntil npriaa.

The l.mdlea' .Mandolin 4 Tub hae tieen very fortanate in neruriiiff tJie Kuamn Fnae (Vmrrrt Co. (or Tueaday eveniaa. Janaar> 2ftrd. at AIRaon'n ofwm boonn. .Mr. I*aae hae a national repatation ae a roarert nnloMt and ie nm|iientionall.v the |nwr of maadoliniala.

The nermtarr of ntate ia aaadina lilaake to tbe rorpnmtioae of tbe ntate

' for their anaaal mfiorte. Kvery rorpnr- I ation hi required to make out theae re- portn Hanitally dnriaa tbe month of Jan­uary, iumI fafliaa to do an bafnm tbe tlmt day of Marrb aabfretn aarh director aad officer to a lieavy |wnalty.

Inaaawertoa quaation ia ntpirri to tJielhiMHiiy of railroadn whme rattle am kiH*<d oa tbe track by euninaa or traiaa. tbe aupmae court haa daeided that tbe owner nlfowinir rntth* to nm at lanie ia bi||b«a.Ta ia rnaaidiwd aa auilty

j of i-oatrtbntory atufinrtwii. Thamfom j Uw owner baa to run Ma rtak If be nMrta I to nue tbe pubRr mndi an paatam

.Aliae HHI*- Fmnkiiii. of Samin, Caiindn, in the (pleat of Mine Nevii AA’albridip* thin we»*k.

.Mine ileleii 4'orliit left the Hmt of the week for 4*hini|(o. wher** ,h*- will In* the icueat of fnetide (or a month.

Floreom I’lMp, .AIcCun*' .America'a Kn-aleet lad.v mandoliiii,f, o|M>rH houae, TiiHwlay eveniiiu, •laniiar.v 'J*L

.Mine Alaidi" .Newton, a teacher in the hitch arhiMil. a|ient Sunday with her aiater. .Mm. R. 4* Rlaiik. of Fowler.

ITbaa. Rlanrhanl. of Lilmrt.v 4‘enter, 4Ihio, wae t he ipieat of hia parent,!. -Mr. and Mm. 4»rriii RIanchanf, yenterday.

R R. AVimmI, nfdmnd Rapida, returned home laat eveoiii(C, after H|teadiuK a few tla.ra at the home of Mr. and .Mm. ttrrin lllaiK'hani.

H. R. Freetnau, of .MuniaiuK, acrom- (Mtiied hy hia eiater-in-lnw, Mian Luoiae (•ihbanl, of Victor, apent 11 |iart of Turn day in .St. .lohne.

Mm II. Iiiirmhani. itf tiraod l.«-4l|ce, who hae lieen the ipieet •*( Mra. W. .A. Ntirtoii eiiice New Year’,, mtume«l home Tueetla.v aftem«Min.

Air. and Aim. 1., .A, Crawley, of I^n* eitlic, were (Pieeta ill the home «»f Aim. Crawley’e bmtber, 4). L. Richmttnd. fmm Thumday until Ttieeday.

.A rtiM* line of ohihlren’e Hllk anti Wted Ibiiiiiete, 'way leSow ivmI, al

Alne. I.. CANnKLii’e.

Myrnt, <'en(|i Nn. HOV. 1C. N of A. Oracle—Merv tlark.V. Oracle—Ifntile XVHteler.P. Oracle—ll<*eciia Itrixke.4'bnncelldr—Minnie .\int<M>n.Uec«*r(ter—I Junlc Vretlenhtire. ileceiver—Mnry lli*lhriM>k.M nmliai — 11 n 1 i Ie <'lark.Awl,tnnt Mamkel—IMIn liuau,1. Hentlnel -ollle Keatcll. 1O. Mentlnel-Kiln Hartreni. jMnunaera —Komi llrtMik,. I'larn <'rtcht4>B,

IJnnlr PuttPhyatclnn—Hr. II li S(|u,lr.

Harmony Temple No 'Ml. KalhlM»neMlMer,. P H**r« Mteel..M. K Kvh MpnulilInK.K K.—NelHe Sinltli K J —Krankte V|<*reinn<L M. <*l T. —Kl«*ra l.e llnrttn.\l. <*( It an*l .Mnry l|a*H>r****k M. «*( K —Kttle \V«mmLP. *»( T.—Anna H**wlc.• I. •*! O. T.—Alla .Mnnii..llt>i*>n fieititk* are uii t<* their neck. In a

tliwiMHlon ne i<i whether the city ituahl to ran It, i*wn llahllna plant, ur have the pul*- He lUlhtlnK <l<>ae hy c<*ntract

Disease. Slaait Bact!Dr. DOHH I. DttHII.


Dm Diin.

.A remnant **Hle of millhiery and fancy fr<NMla Satunla.v at Mm. S. J. Jonaa.

Ihm’t ita.v |in»(ft on llothiuK when you can biiv it at leee than mat at the rl«ia- iiiK out aah*. .1 Kaat. .Sfi.LIvAN.

Wlieii at the |NMt oltli'e, ,tep acmaa the atreet and leave ordem (or your coal, coke tir W€M»d, with W. R. 4ia«nM>n.

ClothiiiK •»( '’*•'•( **4'd Iraa at Jeaae Sulli­van'a. head (lintoii av«ane. weat aitle.

.An* .von tmubMI with hetulchaa and ixm yon aun* of tbe lauae** It may be .vour eyea that an* atflicHd. If ao pm|*- •My fitted idneaaa will |pv«* you immedi­ate nSM. .All kinde of Klnmea made t<i order. F, -A. Cusr.. Kye Spenaliat.

lifflo* with Dr. Sqoair.

Special prtem on Ribboaa. Colomd A'el- vet lUblHtna. Iamvw and Veilioua at

AIm. I.,. CA!«riKi.iiV

lloainK o4it nab* «if eiotliiliK At Janea SnlUvan’s. Near head of Clinton aveaue, want aide.

Annin la RnMnam.I have o|iaued my alio|i iiffain nt th«*

fdtl ataati and shall be irind to welntiae nil my old and aa many new I’uatomera na will call on ina. .Aa (Mon* I shall mn- duct a tinniiHt and ftlnmhinK bnaiueea. and aball enparial attention to aaai- tary pltimbinit and to aawar work. lean tpiamiitee aatMactorv work aodreaaon- alde prieaa. and triMt that thonein need ol work will ffive me a call. I |ia.v i-aah for ra«a. rubber, mpper, tim*. bmaa and old lead. Wii.i.iAM CtuTH.

Sfweial mn on Rtiy’a Snita and doth- InK at th«* Hoainfr out aab*. liead of Hin­ton avenue, weat aide.


By the Great Specialist In Treating: Weak and Diseased Hearts.

Franklin Niles. M. D., t LL. B. I

Whn Will urnit l%'«rtlt nt HI* t'nm- Iplat** nprctal Treatment Kree in

Any .%fnirta«l NatMter.

To «letnouatmi«* the unuaiial curative ' |Mtwem of bia new and i*«>m|»leic ,|m<ciuI | treatnivait for heart tliaeaae. abort breath. I (taiii in th** eidr. oppreaion in th** <*heat.i irregular |>ulac. imlpltation. aniotlienoK Mpriia. piiltli>K of liie ankiea or dn>|iay, . Dr. .Aliiw will *mnd fm*. t<i ever.\ altfict-1 *<<1 iNwaon. two dollam and a half worlli | of hia new treatiiinit.

It ia the reault of twenty-four yearn «»f ••arettil atiidy, •*xleneive reaearch, tuiti re­markable e.\|teti«m*v* in treatiiikr tie* van- 1 OHM ail men ta of the lieart, aioniMch mid 1 nervea. which ao often rtimplicale •■arh cane. S«> MMtoniahiDir arc th** reaulta of hie complete aiwrial tmatment in nmnt ••aaea. that he diam m»t Inwitiite to freely offer all lutlienta a trial fm*.

Certainly uothiuK i-oiiid la* more xen- •*rouM—mom philanthm|ac. Few phyai- ciana haiY* such coiititbaire in (liatr reine- diaa. .And theri* ia no raaaon why •wer.v Mtflirted |M*raon ahould avail tbeni- aelvtw of thie cxeeediofrir liberal filler, aa thny may never have another attch an opIMirtiinit.v. No death romna a** sod- <Mi aa tliat frtiin Imart diaeaMe.

Mm. Kmak Mmlth, of <’hiran«i, wa, rnrart of heart fimpay. after Uva lamilnc phyairtaa, had atrm her up A th«*uann«< rrftrinne i<* and tentImuaini, frtni ItwlNitMi. Pterurmen. Itnnkem. Farmem. and ihrir wire, will be anal tree on refinmi, rhaae Include many wh** have been mrrd alter from fire to rtfteen nhjmtrlaaa anti pmirmom had pro- nnanrad them InrnmMe.

•Send at «hhv to Franklin .Mil«w, M. D.. ctimer State anti .Adame atreetn, I'hicafro for free treatment Iwtore it ia to late and plaani* mention the nnine of thia |ia|ier.

w M



Thorsday, Febr’y. 1stONE DAY EACH MONTH. Office

Hours from 9 a- m. to 7 p. m.C4 INSCLT.ATD iX. KX .A Al I N.ATD l.N .A N l>


Dr. ncDONALD1, one of theOrmte,! IJvInir ^|>eclallai. In the treatment ol all ( hroak- IH,ea,e>. Ilia estenelve prartire aad vuisenor kaowledim enable him If* cure everv curable iH,eaw*. rhr«*nlc flloeaM*, f>f tbe Hrain aptne. Nerran, HI<mmI. .‘tkin. lieart. Lnnir,. IJver. Atomacb. Kldnev,. aad Howl,,, ,-lentlAcally and ntw- reaetullv trenle«l.

IiB. Mf Ho^fxi.p', aucrea, lathe ireatroent of Female Hlmaae, I, vimply laarvetona. HI, tmaimeat make, nlekly wftmeaatronu. Iiean- tllnl aatlaltrn'tlve Weak men, •*ld**ryonnn. mred In every rase aad Mired from a IMe of ••aftenne. Heafnen,. Hbeamallam, aad Par- alynt,. cared tbrounh hhi relrbrate*! BIo*mI and Herve HemedleaamllapentlaltHInrharwrd with rtectrtrlly. Tnr nr.,i M*i*i' To nKAS t TSk i.AMr To'wAi,K * t'atarrh. Throat aad Lunn Hlaeaae rarmL I>r. McDonald rnma Ktta an<l .Nervosa Hlaeaae, Kraema and all Akin Dlaeam, cared.

Ha. Mf'ltfirxLP haa been rallel the Wliard of the llediral Pr«ifeaati»n. becauae he reada all dtoeaae, at a vlaace. wItiMMii aaklap aay f|uealloaa. HIrk ftdk. ctMl on Dr MrDoanM. It la a plaaaare In meet him. Dr. MrDoaaM aerer turaa thejMMir from hi, door.

PtlNArLTATItlN KRKK.Thfwe naable to raM. can addreaa


WeHinirton Flntn, (Imnd Rapida Mick.

A Hard.AAV. tbe undemicnad. «lo hereby im(1w*

U» retund tba money on a .MKcant b*ittle fd lire<*n<*’M Wnrrantml Hynip of Tar if It (aila to cure your couith orrold. Waalati guarantee a I^Ti-ceut bottie to prove aatla- fartory or money mbindad,

IT. K. YanMiekle, Mt. Johna. lYaviak Itakar, St.Johaa.I If to HalHa, Ma|de RikpidM.J. K Jamw. (Ivtd.It. K. Kiag k Co., Fowler.

Taw Oawla* Wwvlb nt l»revaaHaaIf you are nulifert to f-oldn, tbe very

Iwat thiag ynm ean do ia to keep your nvntewi ia an npnn itad pnrfnet coudition an iwaadMr. If you do tbin. you ate munb Inan liahle to tnke roM. Dr. (NUdweirn Syrup f'epaio in an pinanaut to take aa, pare maple nyrup, aad ia tbe moat «#er^ tiventoaiarh ruawdy to bn bad. TrbU | •tann, lUr (lu doam lOeta,); latpe daw, | Mie aad fl. At C. K. VaaUMila'a.

$ BN JANUARYICLOSING OVTSALEII OF MILLINERY |^ Wc Still have many lK*nutii'til anti tiesirnblc things J in trimineti Hats, \\4iich arc tti SELL rcjfarti- J^ less ni'costfi tittrinf? this month. ^

0 Hats which cost $5, $10 &. $15#W will sell tor halt'thnt price and nil otheninccordinfTiy W ^ Allothcr millineryjfoods, CHILDREN’S BONNETS^ ^

CAF*S, ETC., at dosinj; (»nt prices. The lK«st chance M of the season. Yon cannot afford to miss such an 0 opportunity.



WHAT’S II t lAME?if lU • r«

«M It—li*M It oM MtriiMC. *0*1 te tni* um*

too, ••Koon nil 1000 by tbrir work*." Th* pubUr b«vr bMHi ofioti mimoav tioMM by u—cnit»*«»** cIuhimi iiutile for Mllteii toMtiMi of proHt. tlM>y look for MMM>thiiiic morr iMib»UMitl*l; tlwy oak. for fioMim. "nH- llttb* i-uMiiMiror h— mn—l (b«* rnM*t«fb*u matl«> in MIHiiipui and no ini|MMit«v ««n MaaJ It. F'niiii north to Mouth, from mat to wmiI. in In «»VfT> Hty town itail bamirt in tb*- ■tatc, |*»Mi|i*r ntnmi rmUy to tiMilfy to HMTil. iiratitinh* lor omfort bnuiKht to tlioiiMiiKli* ol honHM lirioKi* •nipliaih’ ri*joM*iii|{» ami wonia of jiraiM* tb«* lik**of fvbirh liaa iiol l**^! •^lUallwl in nnalmi tin—. In It a womirr that th«* iiaiiH* lioan i* a in a taiiiihar om* in bouM'lioltl? In It Muroriianir tb«* |nihla- a|i|ir**«*iat«* 1 loau’N Kiilnay Pillnaml will not Ilf ImI iMUmy by tla* iiiKfnioiiN HiortN of woiiltl Ilf rom|N*tltorN7 \ l»f trtiit i-it.Sfii tflU han- why tbf oainfof Ihiaii IN ilfitr to liiia. Mr. U. N. Klliott, of I4.'f Hiifti Nirfft. Ilflnilf niivn;

*’My knowlatlar ot iman'a Klilm-.r I'llU (lalM hark to flvr rrar* aao. I waa thm llrtas In th«- town whrrr Hr. iNian aa» Ifiraifil. I a»m lortumt with kMiirr tmu.btr aail lanainiuator; rlwuraaiUm Thr •tor- tor pr—rllMNl ibr pllU ftir lar whirh barr atarr Iwv-fimr im> Juaili' faiu»»ua. ThHr uaf iiaickli faiolnalr*l tbr urtr arbl Iro n my ayaifni an*l wlib !!• .|f|iarturr ramr I hr run* uflbr rbfUinalUtii amt Ibr rinl of Ibr ktiinry troHhtra It t«M.k hul a Irw iMitra lo a»T«»in. pilab ibUra«i amt I fwl that I owr Hr. H*tan an rrmaalliia •Irhi of irrailimlr f«ir prr« rlh- lajc NNTli a ralual'lr rpi»ir«l> I hair lakm irrral piraaurr In rfr^iniwrndInK thia mf*ll- rlnr t«» a nun»l«rr •»! my mrn<U. I alwaya ktwt> N Imi& of thrar pitta ttn han’t to that atMinbl I takr a ar»m*r«»bl an«l f**H that It la aattllnic on mv khlurra a Ira •hiara <•! Hoan'a Kbinry IMIla rrllrira a'l apprrhanal.iii •'

IhiHiiV Kiiliifv I'lllf iir»* Mill! by all dfiihTN. I*n«v .Mb* iifr Imix .Miulnl on rft*fi|it (if iirio* by Koator. Milburti <’o.. Huffiilo, N. V. Noh* aip-iitf lor the riiitrd Htatn*.

Ufttmiulwr tfio iianif DtiairN ami take no other. W

THEState Bank of SL Johns,

of St. jonns, Mlcliican. COMMERCIAL AND SAVINGS.

SPECIAL SESSION.lEW UNS 01 imAs Enactsd by ths Michigan Lag*

islatura in Spscial. SsMion.

Capital paid in $50,000.00

PORTER K. PERRIR. President.0. W. NUNbiut. VKX President,

I. W. HTZGERALO, Casbler,R. A. BEEBE. Teller.

Thna* |ifr (fnt intfroNi jmikI on (*•• lifl- oat«*N of ilffMiait ami on aavimra iHiok at*- ooanta. Unilta laaiifd «o«mI in any fnirt of tho riiitol Statoa or I'aniula ami in rhe prinripal ('ll••*** of E^iiro|H' \(i*ountN of fariiPTa, nl•■n’llallta ami tma-haiiK-a n- •"fiTcd on favorabi** HTina, ami ••v(*ry ac- tviiinMlalion ••xf*'ml**«l ••onaiatani with Mkfr bankinu. Sma*nor iaotlitira lor makiUK I'ollfTtioiia of all kind**.

looey Loaoed on Approfe Secorlties.DIKKCTOKS:

0. W. Municcr, Geo. F. MarTln,J. H. CorMt,J. H. Fedewa.J. W. Fitzgerald,

Jesse Sullivan, James RIebardson, Dr G. E. CorMn, Porter K. Perrin lohn J. Reiser,

Geo. w. Emmons.

Tin;'‘i.iNTt»N <<*t \ rv nwino^ hankST .loHNv MH II

I’AY.s • I'Kir • I NI isri.Ki.'T M\ hi:I’ohITs \M» 1.0\N> Mosr.l ON \|*-

I’lsol J.H lloNHs WH i:t;\i. i:sTA ri. SK< I itiTA.

AI.HKHT .1 liAl.HW IN. iT.-i.Irni H I’KNNKI.I. \ |•^r-,.|.•nl

I' I. W \ I..S W «»|{TII I'rra.iinTIJ < HK.N'TKIt, A."t rr«-;i«urrr

Dr. I mans Compound

The Ladins:BiiHid Purifier

A Reiiable Stomach, Liver and Kidney Cure.

Pleasant to the taste.Ask your Druggists for it.


ItMlimn *44. w* ninrb ta Ih. r ^ana at th* traaia.

r* an a, l«a<lu«, .. Oia r,iliaat iialit fmm l^tHlMtV y I'an-lla. Ni.fbiaa aiH Twatnbatf ion (•> f ba •rtwOt iTriaii m4 lb. I- ^ iaaar4«na»r Tb. (wm ^ ••.an*. rab4l» la, Iba —lanlr.* •*, *!»•

.(ataarat. t%ir «taa»-la, t inabaaan Ma.I. it. all rotnra

ba-l Iba niaal 4a<»aa*a iiMa l.f NT«bla«HI» «*ll. tw.

bbnnrba uw inMor* »iaH lata Iba iwbtiia at onrr.a ■■ a aa x-taM » punulrr iri****■ inaMb* r. -af Hr Wi|-

■ 3- riLKOiyrrmftWT ta laa-

Mta4 only tar Pllann— ilrbinarr fbai>rtTMap4rta ■«aiy tsit It wnrraaM4. NbM i-y (•rnwtat- cirannt


W m A nnWR RBUVP TO wtoman for •II Irrmbloi pwt «l«r to bor aa*. VT^ttaod by ■Mtl at tram our AaaoA St.OO p»r tw.mUMK VB. OC., Plili., ClEltUM. Ml

f^ F-. Vao Rlfkl**. Mt. Jokno, MirhlRnn. i


Malnrr U»n Katr—rUI—ry bna«|nn W— t'olloU U Hot f'wnraOatl TtMt N*H»n at War Plncraa- llllla W uoM llrrM— Amwa A44UlMaal Tuad far IIm* nteb ood IOd|. A—I Mdatlrm af ll»a Mpaalab.AaaaHr— War braatao t'a>at Abuot B•,•••-Th«* cxtnionllnbry brmbloii of tho

k'ciNlatlirr. nhlih wa» mnvonrd by (lovoriiur I'liipm* on luo Ihtli (Id/ of Ih*4ciulH*r, 1>4Ri. caiiu* to an puu at noon ou tbf tith ilmy ot January, IHhh. It labifd ( xa< ify tin* twt-niy days t:.X(*«l by till* ('oiiiiiHutton aa the U;uU of tlui« for wliU'li l••(:t«latora cat; draw pay <or •fnU-ffi at an fXtrsordlnar> afsalou. Tlicrf In uotblnp in tlir conNlitutlon to prevent I Ilf hiflNlalura fmin eontinu- Inc at work un iiiueb longer than tbf twenty dajN n* they n,*, tit to dotiaif tlo lr M-rvhi b, and ib(*lr aetii would If • iilliely \nlld. bul It lb uui rfoirde*! Uiut the limit wa» ever exeefdftl.

'ri*.(* n*N«ilt t'f thf m*Naioii waa the |tni*Nnae bj I'olh Imuim'n of iilm* bflU. Joint and ifueurreui retuiliitioiu. Nunf of tbfbe are of very tceufral Impor- taiuf. uiiltNN It Im* the om* providlun an iddllloiial fund for tbf rvllff of •tek ami Imliirent aoldlfm (»f the Hpau- l»b-.\im*rltau war. Norn* of tbf tax meaNuivN Pfeomiiifuded by tJovfrnor I’lnuret* In N|H*elal im**aairfi» wfn* piiNNfd. 'fblN was iMt NurfirlNa*. aa It waN eennally eoneedfd lH*fort* tbf afb- aloit was rallfd that noiu* of tUfUi woiihl l••*eouif laws.

Tlif eoat of the Sfmdon was npproxl* m.-itely S'Zo.lNHt. Thf aitsreentf pft ilifui uml tidleaKi* of tnfnilM*rN and obi- ploye.** which lias alrt*aily lM*eti |iald. was slT.AfhldA*. In addition to this thm* will l>e the eost of piintliin thf daily li>Ki>*la<tvf Jouriuil and tlx* oftl- rtal publication of the laws etiartcd. ThlN Is eNttniati*d at $.'»•■> Thf Ufueral lawN i*iukctf«l will In* piibllNlied In kfleliliraii iifWBpa|M*rN. ami it Is esti­mated that this feature will e<t*t $7,*(MHI

i'ullowink are all the laws iiassed at the *‘|NH*lal iM-Msiou:

New imilrra at •Mtldlata* lloitte.A.N .Vt'T t(» innk«* avallalde an Ap-

ptoprtailoii to furnibh new iNtllers to r« place tlioNe now In iim* at the .MIrh* lean .''••Idler*.* Home, lK*liit' art iniiiilM*r one biiiidn-d ami h«*venty fotir, I'tildlc Act of ei;;iiteeu lnimlr«-<l iiluety-iilitf approMil .Inne tw^-nty-ibrcA eiyhieeii ^.l!lldr••l ninety nine, for tlx* folhiwluu pur|H»*^ ' vlx.: Tlx* erertluii of a iw«* Nl«»r> Ibiller IIoUNc. tlx* er(*etloii of a Itrlek «'lilniixy: tlx* pnrehuf*** .aixl *••! tliii: tif IbiiliTs lix-lndlnc Hr(*e< liliu: !•• r-onix-et >aui<* with Siix>ke»taek, pl|>eN atxl •‘«t^ll•■<'ti••llN* oix* IX'W •‘iitriiie nml otx ll•>w dynamo.

Tlx* (••-••pi.- of tbf Stni** of .Mlrblcan riiai't »

.*iei thtii l. That tlx- *11111 of llfteen tix>uv:iiid dollars appr**priat»*<I by -x*. thni •iix* of .net nnmlM'r -iix huixlr«*<l s**\*'nt> four, pnhlx a«T* •*f enrli- t•'en liiiixlred iiiix’tynliie. ap- pro%*-4l .Itiix- twentj tilt**** ••Ichifeti iii’ixlr'ii nlrx ty-nlix*. and tlx* Name Is lx r.*l«> rnadi* aTallahh* for piir|M»N«** nixl aiix»niitN as folli»WN I'or tlx* ••r(*e tlon of one two-Nii*iy iMiller hoUi*f tlir**e tlx»u«aml •lollarN; f<»r tlx* ••rf<* ttoii of oix* brick clitmix*y. nfii***!) Iinixired •lollniN, ft.r tlx* pur eba**' of new Hl(*am l>ollerN ..•’d M*t* tluu of Nsiix*. Inriixllnir Hret'chtii;^ ’o cnnix'*'t lMiih*rs wiili Niixibe stack, six thonMii:<l N*’\en biiiidr(*«l tifty dollarN; for pl|M*>* and coiiiie^’ilonN. iw(» t^ou* sand ilollaiN, for tlx* purebas** of one ix*w «*nulnf. otx* tix>ui*aixl dollars, and for the purrhubf •if ••ue new dynauio, seven hundred tifty dollars; Pro ild(*d. That If the amount de**lKnated In tills s«*etb*n for any «»f ilx* pur|Mi»«*N stalwl In* lll►ntM«•H•nt to eoinpleti* the w«irk or pureliaN**s. any **iirplub re maltiluu after the eomplflh»n of the otlx*r w«irk •»r imrchaNes stN*4'tn«*d In till* *e* Moll ma> l*f UN«il in tlx* ae- <*••111(1 or B«-<<>UlltS where Slirh dftl- «•l••ll<•y rtlslb. tlx* Inleltt of tills 11*0 Im>iiii; to miik<* ili«* •■iiiln* tlfr.-ni thou*and 'lollars avnilabi** t..r •' pur- |H.M* 'fated herein

.'h*< thai Tlx* aux ant appropriated 111 tbf said act iiu'jilM*r otx* buixlrtsl seventy f*>ur shall In* paid «iut of thf general fund In thf Slate tn-aNiiry to the in-asiirer of tlx* .Mh hlKau Sohllrrs* Home at Nix-h times .and In siieli •iixointN as tlx* ueiicrnl m'OouDlliii; laws of the Stale pn*serilN* and tlx* dishiirstni; oltleer shall render his ar- rouuts to the .Auditor tt«*iu‘ral thereuu* der.

This act Is ordered to lake Imnirdl* ate ••fTerl.

Aprovfd I>sernil»fr. 21, ItkAI.LlmtlMl a«Ml Mta •line A|,arw|tr«bll«»ws.an ACn* lo auieud section two of act

oumlwr one hundred forty>two of the laws of eibhtffu hundrt*d iiinfuluo. entltl«*d "All act to repeal section eight of art number two huixlred six of the laws itf eight,M*n hundred eljihty-ouf. entilletl *An act to prorhlo for the Pul* form regulation of ,'ertalu State In* stltutloiis.’ Mild aiuendmenu thereto, lifiDK Nf«*tloii two thousand two huu* dn*,l thirty of the (.‘oniplled Laws of eighteen hundred nlnety-aeveo. and to provide for a change from the (Calen­dar to the F'tscal year for all l.lioH,‘<l and Standing Appropiiatlons where tlx- t|tei-tllc act of the appropriation d«Nm no. ao provide."

The Hsople of the Stale of Michian enact:

SectkMi 1. That section two of act nnmtier one hundre,! forty-two of the laws of eigbleeo hundred nlnoiy-nlue. entitled "An act to proTide for the uni* form regulation of certain Stale In* •tltutlooa. and aaeadineots thereto, being seetloo two thoaaand tsro hun* drs«l thirty, of the compllad laws of elghteea bandred aloety-aevao. and to provide for a change from the calendar to the Aaeai year for all limitad aad aiaadiag appropriations where the ape clflc ar. of tha appropriation daea not an provide" be aaseoded to read aa fai lows;

Heetioa 2. Tha Aaditor Oeneral sImJI beep all aeenuata with apprepriatlons BMtde far aay State laatttatlea or beard by Itocal yaara. aad wbeaever pmvts loo therefor Is not eootalaed la the act asablag the approprtatloB. aad the taa

tor meetlag the aame la provldod In the speeiilr aiHiropiiatlou bill, the ap* pn^M-laliun met by sueb lax levied la the legislative year sliall Im for the period eading June thirty of the aae- recllng year, and the tax leticl In the soct*eedlng year shall In* appropriate,! f(H* the period ending June thirty ful* iow'ng-

Pfoviie,!. That nothing herein ron- i tsliie,! shall affeci the appropriations

heretofore ina*l,‘ for the University of ' kllchlgan.

And Provide,! F'lirther. That nothing hen'In contained shall affect the pro-

I visions of section four of act iiiimlier j flftr-one of the laws oi eight,*en bun*

dretl ninety-nine.; Tills art is onlered to take ImtnedI*I ale cfr,*ct.i ApproviHl I>ecciiil»cr 21, I’lHIi.I Mmi—•! r»r a,, AgyMtintfaeal.

I rONtTHIlK.NT IIKSOI.I’THIN Rel- 1 atlve tu tlx* .\p|M>luiui,*ut of l4*wls M.' Miller as ('oiiimissloiier uu the UevI* I Sion of the Unite,! Siatcui Statutes.I Whereas. There Is a proisHtllloii

pemlliig liefon* the <'oagr,*aH of the j I'nH,*d Mtalea for the ap|Mtlnliti,*iit of

a coturoisaiou for a revlshm of the r.tat* ul,*M. which, on ac'Tount of tlie general I demand for such a revlalon will prole

i bably lM>com,* a law; thereforeU«*N,i|ve«l by Hie iloiis,* Mix* Senate

roucuning;. That our senators and U(*pr,-N«*uiatlres In (’oiigr,*NM are re* qu,*sle,l to use ttx*ir lieat ,*ixl,*avors to si-i-iire tlx* apiNiltilmeiil. as a inenilier of said (-ommlsNiou. of l.,>wlb M, Mllh*r of tliis Stat,*. wixiNc ability lias Is-en so markiNlly evl,leiiee<l by bis work on the Hiiiiotnt,*,! compilation of tlx* gen­eral Ntntui,*N r,*,-eiitly i-ompleted and placcl Id the hands of the |M*ople of this State, who unanimously de,*lare the work Inraluabb* ami hitherto un* rival,*,! In Its excelleixlc's. aixl ao per- fe«'t as to leave Duthlug further to be desired; atid

llesolve,!. Tliat we earnestly request Uresbl,*nt McKinley, in i-as,* of the passag,- of the bill direc-tiiig the said revision, tu appoint tlx* said Ix*wIb kl. Miller to In* one of the ('onimlssloii- ers 1,1 |irep.-»r,* the text for said revi­sion. lN*lievlng as vre do that his serv­ices on said commission will l»e as vnlualde to the |N*n|>le of the T’nH,*«i States as they have prove<I to In* to the p(*o|i|«* of tlx* State of Mirliignn.

IteMilvcI. That copies of this resolu­tion In* sent by the Secretary of Stale to !*resl(|,*nt M«-Klnl,*y .nxl our Sena­tors and ltepres«*ntnMv<*s In ('ongress.

Approv,*d .lanuary 2. lissi.To Iteenver VsImc of l'ro|,ert*.

Jill NT KE8<>l.rTli>N KmiNiwcring tlx* Attorney (;,*ix*ral to Investigate atxl brliit; such leiral priH*ee,lliigh as Ilx* law may warriiiit to r,*e»iver the valix* •if pro|N*rty alleged to linv«*lN*eii frniidiib-iitiy obtained from tlx* .state niNui the Nnb* of •■ertniti .Mllltjirv (HmnI* and .Supplies, and (•i n-imbiirs,* tlx* Stale f^ir •lamngi*** ••erasloix*,! by n fraud alb g*-*! i«» have Ih-«*ii |H-r|ietrated n|Min the Stale in tlx* sab* and piir* clui**- (if Military (HmhI and Supplies

Wli*-n*.a*. It I* alb-ire,! that In the sab- of (-•-rtaiii military grxHU and sup pib** of Ilx- .Stall- of Mb-lilgaii made by tlx- military l>onrd of this ••tal,* <»n or alMtiit tlx* tlilrtieth day of .iiiiie last. siid*1n the s,ib*o-4|uent pnreboe*- iif mil­itary irood« and 'Upplb** by sabi mili­tary l••>arll lor Ibe .National (iiinrd of said .<iaH- • •■rtain fraixl* bav«* In-,-ii IH-rtN trail■«1 by wbb b Ilx* Stale of Mb-bTuati Is allei:«-<l lo have *ufT«red damat;<-N in a lanre amount.

|(e*idve<l. That tlx .\Mi>rney (b-iieral of Ibis ."iiaie lx* and I* lx-r,*by (‘Iiiiniw- eri-«l to lnvi**tlgaie. .and to bring ••tx b 1,'gnl priM i-f-illiigs a* lx* may de,*m lie*!, and to |»rot,*i t tlx* lnierf*Ni‘‘ of the Stale in all defalraib*n mailers, atxl the .XiidHor (|gneral •»! lids .Slate l« tx-reh> illr,-i f*^ to ilraw Ids warrant u|tnn tlx- tr«*a«urer of lids Stale niN*a pro|N*r voix-lx-rs tlier«*f<»r. sigix-d lo sail! .\finm«*y (Jeneral for tlx- |iayiix-nt of all costs ne**«-«*»Hai«-il herein, and l.'*«* treasurer Is hereby illrei t,-,! to pay sni.l warrant out of any moix*ys in the trr-a.-iury n,*i oth,*rwls,- appropriat,*,!.

Af ppov,-,! January s. llssi.I or Kellrf of *M>l4ler* sml sailors.

A> .Vt'T Suppleiix-niary tu ai-t uiiui- b,'r »ix- huixlred tliirty-Hoir. -(f the I’ubrr A( ts of elghl,*eii iiundnsl iilueiy- ulix •-iilllb‘<l ".\u .Vet fur tlx- n*ix-(, uf Sick. IMsabbsl Hixl ixs*dy *ol db-r,, .SailurN and Miirlix** of tlx- lai*- Si .tiii'b .Vinerb-aii VV:ir *'

Tlx- U«-«>pb' uf the Stale -tf Michigan euaet

S«i-tb>li 1. The .Viidllor lb-ix-r.-tl is her«*by aiilhnrix«*<l aixl •-m|Kiu*-n-<l. up oil tlx- pr,*«*'ntatioii ••( ppHif *nliNrue lory !•» him -if Ih*- eorr,**-lix-«s aixl jiiNiix-Ms uf tlx- claims, to -Iraw war runts u|Nvn tlx* tr,*nsiirer ••f tlx* State for *titn<-leiii aniuiiuis tu iNiy «urh claims for the relief of sick, dlsabb**! atxl ix-**,!)' e\ -uddlers. salbws aud ma rlix** of tlx* late Spanish American war as may In* pro|N*rly audited, al- biw^-d aud Hied with Maid Auditor (ien- ,*ral on «ir lH*fore tlx* thirty first day of January nineteen liiiiidr,*,l. by vtr tue of act niiiniwr one hundr,**! thirty- four of tb,‘ laws of elghle,*!! huudr,**! ulneiy-nliie. entitled “An act fur tin* n-llef of sb-k, •llsaMe,! and neeily ex- snldlera. sailors and mariix>s of the late SfMinlsb-Ainerb'au war" the same to In* |Mild •»(!( of any ioon,*ys In tlx* general fund of the .Stale, not •vllier wis,* appropriate,!: Urovld,*d. That not more tliau forty thousand dollarN Shan In* pabi out under MiIn act. an,I no ,-lalisa sliall In* paid bereuixler until after the tlilriy-llrsl (lay of January, ulneieen huixlr,*d. nor until all rIalniN to In* allow,*,1 h,*n*un<ier sliall luive |M*eii present,*,! to the Auditor (leneral. and If the amount herein appropriate,! Is not siitnelent to |mi} all of sabI claims the .vmlltor (iea,*ral Is author Iseil to divide <oild fund among said claimants pmimrtionately acenniing to the amount -tf sabI c-lalma. iwylng to each claimant his pm rata share there- of. or In hi* tllscretlon In such pmpor- tlon as shall be determined by him to be just and ••qaltat>b*

This art Is onlere,! to take Immedi­ate effect.

Appmved January R. IWki

WrMae Aeeses «leswa Olvsr.AN .Vt’T To amend section one of act

numtwr fonr hundred forty five of the I»ml Acts of eighteen hnndre,l ninety- nine. entitled. "An Act to aothoriae the (*lty of firand Rapids In the t'ounty of Kent and Stale of Michigan, to bor­row money to lie expetxled In the con Btmctlon of a hr1«lge arrnas Oraixl River at Bridge fftrret In sabt •-tty. ap proved June fifteenth, eighteen bun dred niaetjr-nine "

The l*eople of the State of Michigan enact:

fleet Ion 1. That section oae of act namhor tear haadrad forty*iTa at Uw

local acts of eighteen hnndred nlnotr- utne. entitle,!. "An .kct to authorise the city of nrand Rapids In the connty of Kent, aad Htate of Michigan, to bor­row money to be expended In the coa- atruetloo of a bridge a«*roaa tirand Riv­er at Bridge Htreet in said city, ap­pmved Juue llfl,*eulb. eighteen huu- ilrcl nIuety-iiltM*." be amended so aa to rrafl as follows;

Kc-tbiii 1. That Ibe Hty of Grand Rapids In the «*ouiiiy of Kent, and Htate of Michigan is bere.iy autlx>rixe«l an,I emfiowerrd to Uirmw money no the fnllli a*xl er,Hllt of tlie city, atxl to Issue iMimls therefor to an amount imt to ,*xeee,l one liundr,’,l fifty lbouaau,i dollars, which sliall In- ex|ieude,l ill coiisimctlrio of a biiilg,* aeroes Grand River at lirtdgi* sin*el In raid city: Umvidt*,!. Tluit a majority of tlx* eJ,*,- tors of sabt city voting on the ques­tion at any s|N-(-lal or regular election at which saUI ipn>«tioii of iNuidlng shall In* subniHt,*,l shall m> determine 111 (viinpllanc* with the pmvisbius uf tills act. and imt ntlx-rwlre.

This act is anUretl tu take Imme­diate eff,*ct.

A|ipmv,-,1 January 5, IHHtl.T« Me«lreH, sod Kriirr H alrr ItoMO*.A.N ,Vi*T To autlmrlx,* ll:e city of

Ionia to Borrow Thirty Tliousaiid Ind- lars uixJ to Issin* the Itouds of the dty therefor,’ tu |m> uutsiamtlug city Boiiils.

Tin* I'eonle of the Stale of Michigan enact:

He,-tlon 1. That for the piirptNo* of rr*d,*«*mlng and r,*tlring thirty thon- sninl tltdlarN* worth of water boinls uf the ('Ity of lonin. ••utsiandlng and Is- sue«l III the yi*ar ,*lgliie,‘ii biindrci and elghty-tlirec*. tlx* city of Ionia, In* and is hereby aullioiix,d. neiing thmiigh ami liy the ,*,)miix,ii council of Nabl city, to iMtrmw thirty thousand dollars ou the cri*dH of the city at a rate of in­terest not ext-ecllng 4 fier cent, per aiiniim ninl to issue the lioiids uf the snbl elty therefor.

Hc-tloii 2. The utnouiit of each Imnd. tin- pla,',* of iiayttient of piiii,*i|uil and Interest time ami (*oiniHloti of pay­ment and time of iiiatuiity is left to the <|ls,-retloii uf the common (-ouiicll of said <*lty.

This ai-i is onlrrcd to take Imim-dl- atc ,*ffect.

Appmv,*<l January 8, iunn.To l*4y (Iststsadisa (Ibligallans.

Au ACT To aultiorlx,* tlx* T*iwnahlp R4Mirl of th,* Township of Springw,>lls, In the t'ouuty of VVa.vn,-, to Imrrow a sum of money not to exceed twenty thoiinaiid dollars lu the y,‘ar nineteen huudrcl. for th,- piir|N»s,> of paying lu pro|N>rtlou of tin* ,-•>*<1 of (*oiiNinictliig a Ilrldg,* over the Itoiig,* River on l-'ort Stre,>t III said T^'wiishlp. and lo (lay the pr*-'*-ni oiitMiaixIing ohitgatioiis uiid indehl,-du«‘NS of said ’^••wnslll|l. and to IsNix- Ibnxls llx-r«-for.

The l*(-,»pl,* of tlx- Siaiv of .Michigan eiia«f

S*‘*-lu>n 1. The lownslilp lNi.<ird of the township «tf .'(pringw(-lls. in the coun­ty tif VVayin*. sh.-ill h:n«- the .iiith<»rity and |N*\\er and Is li«*r«-by niitlxirix,*d uixl ••inHiiwen*,l f«» lN»rr«,w ln••n•*,v oii tlx* faith and cn‘<llt of said township and issix’ lN»nd' tlx*rcf«ir In a 'Uiii uot t(> (>xc*‘«-*l iw,*nt\ ihoiisand •bdlars In tlx* y,*.-ir nln•*t•-•*ll huixlr,*,!. for the piirp*.'* •if pxving Its |iro|Hirtbtn •if the (-•I'l of •-••ii'trix-tlng a lirldge ovi-r tlx* l{••llg•' Rl\«*”. •HI l-'ort Sire«*i in salil lowii'liip and to |ui> tlx- pn-'*-iit out staixllm; ohligaltoiis and lixb-bii-iltie**' of 'Ubl towii'lilp. nixl lssu«‘ iMind-* tlx-n*f«»r l'rovbl,*«l. Tliat a mnjorlty • if tlx- •inalltli-<l •*b«-tors of 4.-1111 town­ship. (••ting at an nnniial or <«|N-<-ial eb-•'lb•n. t«* In* c,<|||e«l pi <-onipbance with t-lnipi-'r lllll•'t•■ell of llcw^-U's Vii- iiotnl'-il Si.-itiiti-N of .Mb-hlgan atxl the ••'ts aiix-txl.-ilory ther,‘to. shall v«,l,* In favor of sin-li loan or iMXid Issue In tha manner tlx*rein N|N*ctt)<-«l aixl not other Wi'^-

S,*^-tbin 2. If 'iich Uind Issue or loan snail In- auth^>rtr.<*d by a majority of sabI •|inllti>-d •-b••-tnrs. said ImiixIs shall In- isNiieil In •len^iminations of tire hun* dn-,! ilolhirs •-ai-li, atxl shall In* iiayabb* at such tlm«*' and amounts at any time within twenty y<*ars from the •late of the Issue .vs and •b*t,'rmlne»l bysabI township iMvvrd. and with a rate of lnten*st uot •*\i-,H*«llng four |N»r cent. I»er annum, and six-h IkiixIs shall In* sigix-d l«y the «u|M*rvlsor and <-b*rk of said loiviishlp. nixl In* neg*itint(>4l by and iiixler tlx* iliri-i'tlon of tlx* lown- s|il|i iMtvni of *(44111 town*>hlp. and the inoix-\ ari'liig fnini tlx* «vb* tlx*n*»if shall In* appropriated In snrli maiiix-r as said fownshlfi Isianl shall deieri-ilix- for Ilx* |Mir|N.s.* vfort'sabi .md not olh (*rn !'•- .-mil tile -(aid township Iwianl shall have th*- {Miwi-r. and it shall In* Its duty to raise liy taxation ,i|Min the taxable pro|N*rty of said township such •nni or »nm' as shall In- suftlcieiit to pay the ninouiit of said Ininds and th,- Interesf then-on ns fast ns the sam** shall lN*»-,inx- ilin*. as lx*reliilN*fore staH-d.

S,*ct|on .T The vote upon such pmp- oslilon shall In* by nrinled tiallot aud shall In* in the following words-

For the Issue of township Imnds.Yes ( I

For the Issue of township Imnds.No ( I

This act Is ordered to lake Immediate effect.

Appmved .lanuary R. 1W«nWeeeal nt ax Art.

AN .Vt'T To n*|N*al act iiiimlier four hiindrtsl aeventeeii of tin- I.rfical Acts sf eighteen hundre,! nliiety-nbx*, en tHIcl. ".\n art to chaag,* tlx* name of fractional scluMd dlstrlrt numiter two of Ulytnoiilh and Novi townships In Ilx- f'oiintles of Wayne and tiakland. In the Slate of .Vflrhigaii. to fractional •rlxMil district iiumlier one of North- vtlle and Novi Townships and to add new leirltory thereto"

The Ueoidc of the Stale of Michigan enaei:

S,*«-ib4i 1. That act number fonr hundre,! sevente-en of the |.n,*ai .Vets of eighteen hundre,! ninety-nine, en tllle,l "An .Vet to change the luiine of fractional s,-ii,ml district nnmlier two of Ulyinonth and Novi townships In the t'ounlies of VV’ayne and Gakland. In the State of Michigan, to fractional •rhool district numluM- one of North vllle anti Novi townships an,I to add new territory thereto." Iw and the same Is hereby repealcl.

This art Is ordemd to take Immadl- ate effe«-t*

ApiwovM January. 8. llkwvI One -if the most Important epaeks I In th,’ history of Germaii jurisprudeaee

iMgan nn the first day of Janoary.I ipnii, when the new German law went , lDi,> effSet. Under this new systeai ' Germany has a ttnlfnnn legal prored- . are appBeaMe to the varions statas

"Oh. tlear!" exrlalme<l the thoagtit- Isaa girl. "I have tkme It agalnT’

"VVliat have you ,1<hx*T*"Hurt the feelings of tliat grolleman

who plays trageily. I aaketl him If ha thought tlx*n* were any great actoni living now."-Washington Htar.

I'n (• Date Mexaiswey.

CANCER 1$ DEADLY!m lA- W-S.-11-- SSI—MNnS rniQ H NM Gws Olt Of Tor—A Gmb Fomd ot Last.

"Ub-as,-. sir. won't you give sumo thing to u iMHir fatlier of a family?"

"Give Nutix'thlug? VV'tial's tliat pho tographle apiiaraius for?"

“I'm an amaicur phologm|iher. air. aud Fill collc-tlug the piciureN of all th,* |N*,»|ile who glv,* me nx»n,*y."—Ib-r Kluh.

Am KmlNirrxaalKs (|oes,l«n.Ja(-k liasidiig KIx-'n the most unin

ti>n*stlng girl I ev,*r met. though sin- Is rich. She can’t say anything xui "yeN" aixl "no."

Uriseilla Which did nIx* Ha,\ lo >uU.' —Harlem Life.

liar I’nixl of a«|*«*rlorllr."Tlien* Is one iMiliit where oiir g,*ri-

,‘tills are s(i|M*rlor to the Itrltlsli.’'"VV'her,* is thalT’"You tloll't IlMV,* lo write lo Ilx- |i:i-

|M*n, to tliid out how th,>y ((miioiince their iiam,*N."—t'levelaixl Ulnlii l»eal,-r.

A I liliiNrIaa.“What kind uf a man Is Bliots?" “H,*'s the klixl of it man who woiihl

fill the candy Imgs on a (’liiistniaM tree with (*ough dmits." -tTblmgo lleeonl.

l>ae«a*t Hraw the L.lae.Miss R<*a<lum —Do you like "The Man

With the Him*?"Mlos Y*>llnwlear Gh. I like any man.

— Raltituore .Vroeriran.

Thin fearful (ligMUtn (iftan first appORM an a mom acmti’h, a ttimple. or lump in the breant. Umi sniull to attract anj iiottee. until, in many canog, the daadly (liMtviN,, ia fully (levelofied.

('aiM^r can not lie curMl a surgicsl ofiemtion, li«<'HUa»( the (iiiteHMe ig a vimlMit

poison in the blond, eirrulxtiir.; throiijfhout the nyHtein, and althou^ the BOPB or ulcer—kiiovirn an the ('aiicer —may lie cut away, thk poison remainM in the hlivNl, and {immptly brmJcM out afrunhi with renewtal vidlems,

The wonderful Huceexx <»f H, H. S. in riirinR olmtimito, daep-neotod blo«al diitHiisax' whit’ll were ,’,»ii:*i,l,*r,* I iiirtirable. itidueail a tew do- spiurim^ nuffemru to trv' it for C.iim’r. aft,'r exhiiimtiiiK fh® akill of tue physieiaiiH without a cure. Much to th,‘ir delight S. S. 8 prrtved equal to th,* tlixeaae and promptly eff,*.’te 1 a cure. The ffiati uewi sprwul rapidly, and it wax h«miii dem«aiHtrat(*,l beyond doubt that a etire had at laid lx*,*ii found for ileadly Cancer. Rv’idence luts ai’cii- miilata,! which in incontnivurtihlu, uf which ttio following; ix u H|iecimeii :

“Cancer is hereditary in (xir family, my father, a Mster and an aunt liaving died from this dreadful dtssnae. My feelini^ may In- imagine,! when the hor­rible duoaas made iu ap|M4trance on iny side It was a tnaligmuit <!anfwr, ,<atiiig iiiwnnily in such a way as tooauae ipeat alarm Tlx* disease -wemed lieyond the Bill of UM d(N-tors. for their trenlinent ilid no g<N>d whatever, tlx, (dancer growing worse all toe whileNumannu reme-lien were uscl for it bul the Cancer MkH. g. H. IDOL,grew steadily worse, until it *.eem,-*l that I was il(H>niedto follow the other*, of the family, f,(r I know how dexdly Cancer la, eopeoinllp when inheriteil I was a<lvi<ie-l try Swift*' .S|NN*ifie i.S H S I, which, from tlw first <iay, foroad nut the isitsnn I continued its use until I had tnkan eightaaa hottles, when I was (’iire<l sound un I well. :uxl luive luxl txi symptoms of tha dreiulful afllictinn. thmigh manv years liave elapsed. S. 8. 8. is the only etna few Caaoar.—Max 8 M. Idol, VV'inMon. N. C.

Our bruik on Cancor. cuntainint; other teatimoniHlH and valnubl# information, will lie x»‘nt fr«*j to any addrong by the Swift SpeciflD Oompeuy, AUmita, Goortpa.

lust the Moment

Doctors B. S. & Co.Th* Oelebralsd H|MN-laltsla of Ibe Amerisaa Merfleal aad Vargiaal laatllato at

Masbegwa. MIeh. Will be at tbe

STEEL HOTEL, SL Johns Mich.,Friday, January 1*. inoo.

Ibiu'l wail, if you think of liiiviiig voui pH-tun- t*ik,‘n. You tuny just iiiin» tlx nuNpM-ioiiN monx‘Ul when your lx*Hltb,

: your eost Clue mid the ntmoNpliere. hut miHit of nil your moixi n^e all in tim,-. U',* aunt y*oi w hci you y,»ur*N*lf wniit t,' i-orne Hiid a* will mnk**n pictur,* ot you tiuit will In* I, m-VeiiltbU).

MA.niLTON. T he Artist


/, /

It pays to attend


The Proof.i ^A 'Students of till- •N-lxMil have

uee»*HH-d (NlVIllg poMitloXN xn

IHmiK.K'KKUURS and .STE;* .N’(iGIt.V UH ints since .Inn’y |.•'!»*' .Ill I omnx-reinl mid .'8|x»rthmid Subjc-is.

Ib*mitifnl eubtloffiie ire,* Railwny far** itllo«(s| Hiudeule from a distnixN*.


D* McLachlan & Co.I

Grand Rkpidg. Mich.

■'A'VX ■i '■



THE BOOK OF THE TEAR.-Tb Bra-tauX Obit u, (Mbr SlMlM.

Wiib aa li •1 uflilon bf A ai • r i ea *s ft sail post, laaMs Whit- ('■MBbiUWy. Aa tllssusMd vot- aaw nf <wtgtaal b u Si oroQS ■ksteass. ramOs

pspSisad oak M^alss A bnafe tkai wtU not

ansxplored gsM of bamOT.A iHMik lA bs fsad rJamA sag sglsTsa amaam 7«ar fttragi. CnabSai -The Bsw-lampd obssk" "Whst, gaa asM riM Nbm. "TtwAtMi Who OMHal I sagti.^ •* Pnashli Tltiss at fatora Bniibs " "SsIMae lanehs nt Halt." "No Waa»a. So Fad ’* --WiKiity ArtiSMa" sir., ste. TMi SM sgtOnn bnoail la Goia, pstatod am satia Sas safer. iumI atonloisty Um mM biaaosnas bisih tsib- Nsliod Wsrth oJg. aMiM fsaisatil Ibr tt.gk (tsdw al riaep Osad Ibr oar now spsrSaJ fllas tratad catalsgas ssoitori ttar. otvss yoo Uw losr- ssi pttBssoaailgtMsl bmoha iilftsMsall urdnsla

rne wkrner company.

Pical Balm Cared TlieaLJWv’s atm tbsv wrm- "Cssarrh rwMf*

"tawll sad UMiriac ijsitrid.’" '’BcrstolsBrsbds bssM;" ' CsMrrb at ilsjistti csrsd.” ^Iss tor tesar? vssrv cersdd Csrss .VstlMa Osagha,

mar Amaaa Used islirasHr sad seSsrai^.JaTSS la: STTLarasT

Consultation and Examinations Free ^nd Strictly ConfldentialOne Day Only liach Ylontn. Office Hours9 a. m. to 7:30 p. m.

RE CURES AFTER OTHERS FAILnw Moat Saccesatttt aad 5clentltlc Treatment of Alt IMaeagea aad Wa^

aesaes ot Manklod Poagiblo to Obtain.The most widely lUPt Its vfrvMy known Bpoelallst tn tha United Males Ills Imw eapari

mes, remarbalile ssill and ont\-ersal surreos In Hie lar'*rst tbisptlalr to the world onSaHS -ilmto treat all CIGtoN’1C, NKIlViit’K. HKIN sad lIl^iHin I>l*,*aww a pon the I stoat sstsa .the prtnrtpleo. oixt eniitlea hira to tbo fall eoofldetwe of U,e aftllrted overy wiwre.

YkD rVTTM AM lias no saiN*rlr.r In dtognnstnt and trealtni; dxsasse i^ds LrH* 1 jvlJAn formttbM. Medteat atxl Hmgtoai IHssases. .\rntoand rhmot.

’'stsrrb. IMseases of Ibr Kjro, Kitr. .Nfwr, Throat atxl laings, I>ys|*e|»Uk llr:cM*a Htosasn HtAl>Ksa. KMney, Ltwr. madder, Obctnle I'emsle and Hexnal Hteease* stiMdlly eared by irratment that haa newt failed tn Uwaissixle •>> rwoee lliai had tieen pronounced heynad Hope. Many peonx naeel death ararr year wbo might have heao reeiored to pat tout haalth had they pUe^ their oaaar it. ibr baode U experta.

XWPOnTAirr to XeU>XSS.-<DU. OTTUAN.afM, yean.ofesaerteaee.baadlecovrred the greatest core kaowa for sll diaaaeesjwcallar to tbe aes. Feaule diaaaaee poaHIvely cored by toe oew reiaedy, OLXTR NlgNaOH. The core is egected bv booietreoiioeaf. EotlraW harotleea aad MXkilT appHed CoaanltatAoa Free aad dtrlctly CoadMentlal.

Xa. OTTXiAlif operates socceeefallv mad i XlSAPinaa. 1 core « yer real, ot Mln. Vise, rases rarrd In • re trealmeot. DXaCBAMOXNO «A»0 carad to everr

galalessly for seaiat eyas, ptervpiaw. Irblec leoiTt tarnlag la at oat at ere lasbas or lids, etosarr of tear dect aad all other eye opera. Itoas. ___

craowxc fMXBJI vna aad graaa.Iltod llde aaicblr cared. ______ ___

A cahrdja Atrv romtfiam etnastar tbe awfel egects at early eice aad tbe aaawroes eeiU tbat follow to its trsia.

VmrWATM BLOOD AND aSXN DiagaaM aaeedily. cearptoMly aad per- ■aaeellT cared.

inNfewotja xxvBXLTTT Ain> an.VAX. mSOUDniS yield rspxlly to bM abilllal iraatowNi

FILM, Fxannua and nsctalmCNiia gaarsataad carad witbaat pata or deSMlKM trns, bosiiMSS.inrraxLxg. oonounna. ox.nnt,flperwisterrbaa, Oaoiiael WeabaoiM, Lost Msaboad, Niebt Kailasmas. Heesyed Fecal, ttoa. FeauX weebaeoe aad ell deUceiadie* orders aecalier looltber sea, paeilleely cared, es well es foactloael dieoeders tbei rreolt freal yaotbtol felUeo or tba eacaae of autaro yaers

•PNCXALTXaa, Catarrh, Shia Dtoeaaee, horea. I'laiptos Mcrolale, Btoad Teiats, kcteaie. (.eacar, Filee ead Hieaaaaeof Woaiea

CATANNB OP THS NOON. broochHto •ad laap troabtos teaead frooi CAtarrb, poaL livaly cared.


A SURE CURE.aaatr wesbseea. desimyiag batb oX^ ead body, Wits all lu draadfal llto, paraMooatlv carad.

DR. OTTMANpaired tbeaioelres by fproper ladalgeaea ead solltery beMte, wblck rota botb aitad eisd body, aaguiat tboai ler baalaaoo, etadp.society er werriegr.

MARRIF.n MFN, or tlwee eotevHig en tbat beppy tifr. awarr at phyatoal deMItty, oairhiT sselsted.^ wu ovAUAurnm ro crmmnartaaaDebility. Feiliav Meahood. grpbills, Vsrton> cele, Strictsre. Gleet, Uaaetarel Dtsebergsa

, Weitb Parte and all KIdaey aad Dtedler ' Dteeaeee.Oeichir ead Perweeeatly Carad by the latest i

epproeed ireaiawot es poriaed by leadiag o—-------------- p.......-----IHiaitolepeciehet. of AaMricaeed Rorope. I bat persnoel coaaaltetloa preferrod.

PBVa NXAHXNATTON OP THB tTHINN.—Recb paroaa eanivtagfari awai sbuaM read or briap Iroai 2 to 4 oooces of artoo itbet paaoed flrsi terrad* a-wrltieo boap triglagaaam: (aimed,etely. Heteye era daagarna.

PIIQ^ Perfocted la oM ceaao wbicb beea baaa aagtociad ar aashilllaim iMIlUdirUL uUECo traatod. Noeapertweois or fellaroa. Perttaa treated by ■al mamaaaa, bat wbara peeatols, paeaaael caaaalmtoa la preferred. Carabte cease aaeraat^A

flKtoaaeand lemapanSi sii aanageaUai. Traataeat aaot C. O. D. ta any parta^^m

aaa NHAHIItATlON OP THH umiNN.—Recb paroaa eMvIagfar asdtcal troat- sbuaM sead .>r bear Iroai 2 to 4 ooace* at artae >tbe, passes flrst la tbe areratag peo> IV wbicb will rereiee e cerefol cbamwel sad atxrsaraaicel eaaaitaaHoo, ead If raaaoMM xeo eaelfsis will be gteea. Parana, raiaad la bealtb by aalearaed rrruadtii. who iriglag witb tbaai maatb alter tMaib. gtvtag peteenaae and lojortoascoMomda. ahaaM

I Jat of I go gixatloaa fmn. Addrs a wita poetage.

DOCTORS B. S. & COMPANY.nuakagon, illlciiliPiivata Bor iko.

Bay Yiar Shoes of C. A. Pitt,NO. 17 CLINTON AVENUE


Annual itTATBMB .T roN the ybaeUMawbrr Bt. A. IM. ul iW

•MiAiliMi mmd MHMln at Uw

Farmers’ iVlutual Fire Insurance Company,

UM'ATKU ATiVT.JOMNM. MU'HKiAN,fTuaaii I uwl*, lA* «•< tW Mat* ul Mi^- •M. ta tiM cmuiiiaa uf i'lia-loa aad llratiot, ia aaid Mtala.

UOHR K.>m)WRLL.CHAM. B. UirrKLM. PraMdaal.

Harratarr.‘ P. <1. aiidf— <il iWcratary, tM Mtali.

MKHBKKMIIIPH.N««Bar at mmmhrnn liPwaiAar U, nf

paavuni* iraar.... t.4S*Naaitaar of aMatbar* atfciad itanaa tlM

araiMit iraar............. . • 4BSTWl............... ............................

Uadaat naaibar <4 oMaabarP witbiiraarii duriaa Ibr taar. aa«l w44ria» raarala«i

raaMai «>l •alatirul.barwiaa .......... 93Nuabar of aiaaibrfa iMiat baUiavina

U> ctaapaaif. .. ................KIHKM.

AMMiuat »»f Bfo|<*n} at n»k Daranihar II itf praticMi. >aar

A ••aal ol rtpA» addxl dartaa |*fa»aat iraar.. ................... imtJM*

Tciial .... .. ....... II1.24.**!Dadort n«k> raacalad, atlbdrawn «r __

lanalnatad .... ^ 9i».4»»Sal aaMkunt iM>ar at rt»li by eum-

paa) ........ *i.«M.2liKBMOrRCEM.

Caab batwt ... ... dt\irr-fin"i*- <4 i>a*t yaar uandtarltNl

MC.on laa« 10 iwr raal ntllarlluu faa 91 '* AaaaaaaMHtt <4 wiur yaar* uamilactait

trarrirtl iu»i<ia 901)T<Aal araila44a raantnran . II.lb) l«

LIAKILITIKMFor Uiaaa* tlua bihI |>ayahla ri .*l! Vt

T.itai liabililla.

TImu. KIcbardaiia. UaWUl.atoraptpa W. H.’lS'w. Kyawrraaa. Hakaown I Juba E. Rraa*. lUrhlaatl. Il«btala«

I A. I.yua. Iiallaa. Ilalilala*I tlualar kabaarkr.WlalaM. llfblaitar I A. A Itbnaaar. Klrlutrdai«a.Uilliala«

MaryiVHli. Maab> Vallry, uakiMraii KTaaataii Uuabl. Plar. wakatrwii

' itarar IViia Kaiata, liajr, dafactitrr • biaiaay

. Jaa. aa«l llaryay MUirr*. IVrTla, da- fartlrr pbltaaajr

Kdain trala*. tktaaaa. Ibrbtalair J. J.i«a>k. llallaa. Uabiaiair N'buul iMalliPt Nu. 3. of IkHMilaaa.

unkiMiata..Juba I. Parkfr. Jr.. Plar. lUrbialaa

Mrt'artliir. Itba*tarr. liirblaliwr o. K. aa«l ttrara .\rrr. orld. lautam

apartt baa II, llraaMMi. t 'rytal. IWrhtaiair Nary E bbrilry, Hrirtdrrr, ll«bl'

ninirJttbii Jubaauu. Iloair, ilrfaptlrr

rbllaiiryKraak Kualalar. t'atu. uakutitra.

II .m: taKirEIITb.

I'aah rollartnl <iti a»*r»»mmt« l•»lr<l duniur iIm* >rar, iial »ll.*l' II

I'aali crulirrtwl «Ni a**r*»a*rot» lrtir<l _im |>rayt«Hi» yrar* 'SI "r

Total parli rrrripi* III.M2 OOAd«l ra*b Iralanc*' at rUur prarrtiiiur___ 3* 73yaar.. .... —

Total »cri|>l§..DisHI’R.tKMKNTS.

llVOil 73

Lomm^ actually i>aitl duriiur tl»r yi ar 113.09 V.) Halariax aaH fr*"» 101111 to ••fllcrrn and

director* ' Hr Iho I ulr A. <AAll otbar «ll«lair*rairt>t» <.'*chr«lulr Ht I..YA i|Total ripen**-- arti’ally iiaid durilitf

tlie year 11.193 BMf'IIRIirLK \

ritarir* H tlllTel..-rrretary. •alary <0)00Dorr K.,J'towell. |»re»ulmt, tier illant

an<i m’ilaae •' 3^John J.JKel*er, dtrertor. |>ar diem aiitlmilaae V» 4i

Jame- ('ortritriil. •Iirector, i-er •l»em and milace *- '*2

H. K. De Mo**, dirertor. I’er diem and milaae

Henry Hiitl '2 *0W. r. Mallory **'

Total Mclietlul. \ -7la 71SfllKDl LK H.

.Aaeiil- .ilid t'ollector* Jt* *9Ketiewiluc "'** 59PrinltMC aiel ad»erti*iiuf IfjJ|'o*tair>' atel Ken-nue 15Ottio- -ui'idie* 25Intere«t 2SHetii aiet lM-atin«.. I- * '•*lllscellaueou* -lb JC*


Ili«a many B»*e**menl- liaie Imi ma<le dur iiitf Ihf irarT All*, tbie.

vi'liat 1* tlie amotinl all the i--e*-menl- maiie (liiritMT tbe year' \n*. yi'-75

\\ liat I* the rale |ier rent of •urii a»-e--ment- «m tlie i'ro,»erty in*iire»IT \n>. I mill* tier cent.

Wliat iimounl of l••••e. or e«peri*e- are allowr*! to accumulate iiefore in a--e..meol I* In led: An* tine year*

I>oe- the rompati) . in makinirali a*-e**ment. provide tliereiii for all! -iirplii- fund over the actual l•^•-e-acrme«l* 5e- If-o, Im>« much ,' All*. '!*•«' , ,What |>ro|M,rtion of damage or artiial lo*- •u>iaine<l itii real pro|<erty tk*-- tlie coin|>anv pat \n« Wlioli-up to amount in*ure<l.

What |>ro|*>rllon of damaae or actual lo». *ii*laiued on iieraiNial i-roiwrly i|«*-* the com liativ pat ‘ .til* ■» up to amiHiiil (fi-«re«l

.Ire ail ri*li-esamilieil lief, ri wtttlen' 5 e- Hy wiMMn Direcloror .orent. jCTATEtif MIt HMi AN -

I oiinlt of I 'linloii. 'llorr K jatotrell. pre-idenl, ainl fbarle* B.

tlirtel- •••creiary of »aid romiiany. do. aiul eacii for liim-elf iloth iie|M>-e alul -ay. that tlie, liavi- real! tin- foremuittf •lalemeiit. uttd ki.-iu Ih.- Content- llien-of. and they liao- ki*«l rea-«m to helietr. «n«l -lo lielievr •aid -lal»-menl to lie true

ImiKH K..xTt»\VKI.I.rre-t.ienl.

< H \HI-V>B.t»IKI-K.U-4 •"Tcretary.

Heorti .vlj<l -uii*cril<e«l to liefor* ii.« at St Jotin- in-itnl blale and county tin- ••ini-nlti day of .lanuary, V I* WM.I.IAM >1 SMITHNotary public :• .in I for I’lliitoii county


Tbrntt Kitfhtli \iiiMi«l >tNlriiiriitIII Tin.

Fin* hwiMIin* I’n..t)f liiMA. MiiMt M INU I'.lIVTiiN < ■•>.. I

Kor Ihi- Aear Kmllnic l»e« ei»ilier .11 I NtW. |

Tuial asKMinl of 41 Paid on liNtii*.Paid Intrrrai un luaa*

•79a 51• 9JM 34

Tutal. •T.lturn Ki.i.ANCiii'a BJtrRitaRa.

• ♦ 73 11: 31

PabI travellnir r»|irii*r*Paid prtiilUuraiuiadvrrtiaiiMr Paid poatapi-. lamtai* anti *ta-

llotirry 115 ^Pabi pefuiidiil aurmnient*. W *•Paiil furl ami ofMce Buppllr* 33 it Paid rent of oBit-e im twi*abl elpri-n. riciiaiufi-. trie-

irrapii ami irlr^mm- J ••Paid Mi"rivrr»of a—i’«*liirnt* 95 SI Paid —dicllomof liiMirance 6M 73 i’aiii pn**bb*nt ami •rerriary 95 •• i'aid din-clor*. alti-ndluu

laianl tai-riiiur*. atllualliur!« c*l4*

I'nMl cirrk** (nr ttitliir Paid Ju*llci-fm- 34l‘ald fro '•tall- .AaMwialion I "UTotal mlacrllaitrou* en»rli*«-« •f.lB' -*41 aaii on liaml I3U

.113 .511

Total t-tiH-ndliiirr*. Im-luil- i•lrca*llon liaml «IW4Hia M

I. TlMima» ti sti-vi-iiaoii. !*ii-ri-tar> ami Trt-a*urerIlf tlir Pi-opli- * Mutual Pin- limur- aiit-r t'otupaii). *bi •oit-iaiily •wi-ar lliat iIh- fon-indiur •taii nu-iit I* iurrect acconlliir to iiiy lw**l kiiowli-ilav'ami tirlirt.TIH'MAsti. .•‘TK.VKN’MtN. '•uli*«-rll>**<l anil •eorii to la-fon- im-tid* ItHli

ilayof January, Ixti..\ K. .MiiMrMol ri:.

Notary Public.


urn, hr

btiBB tl to


uo tbp tbreobotd iliiaooa HtjUMlInc Rtlll wttblu tbr eI(mmd

bitlno. botl (•ooip to ItUtOM* tt» ort'uiuitr*

“Abr**Wbpa bi* ran awnr frnm jron.

UMM4Cbt be botl eocopod. You jodst* wbot bio borror woo wboo. be- UoTtne tbnt 70a wtHild novor bo obbr to And tbv form wttbout o gnldo. be found

_ ; 70U bore within two bouro. Tbot woo why ho would not roow in to aupprr. Anti wlien you were oaleeft ofterwonl

Toieo. monainc ttuii wiiniu uie eummu 1 m tbot ver>- t holr lie coinr in quietly, of the uutbouoe. of which be hod ol- 1 with Tnm. oimI ioum*nei| the inulHer

dy snrh unconny recollectlooo. bo ■ pnunti your neck to look liilo your fOtt*•ml aywreheti yuur pockela to Ami out your uoiiM* ’*

fMt o drood aotslnjc him of the atory tbot bo •boukl hove to boor, lie woo oppreooetl by the knowtodee tbot tbo boy to the mjrotery of llonochloc would within o few'mlnutiM bo In bio kooplnif.

Before blm. otttinic by the kitchen Are. oot flwyn Tregoron. with her beod bock ogolnot her blgb choir, her eyeo dooeil ond on ezpreoolou of Intenoo ogony on her itollkl fore. t>n the op- poolte aide of tbe heortb atooil the old wonuui. leonlng upon her atlck omi pointing with a Iron Anger to tbo door of the uutbouae.

Tom. who woa atomling Just Inside tbe kitrheu door, made a gesture to Mooouii of ent'ouragement. of Inrlto- tlon tti enter, ami oa be dkl oo lie ut- teretl in a tioaroe whisper tbeoe algnlA- oont words;

**(’ome In. air: «'nme In. There's noth­ing to feor here; mdlilng now.**

“Ho It woa lie! Merrick I I rememlterr ej04‘Uhlte«l Moaouu

"Tbeo he was frighteneil. omI gran­ny ami Tom ami all of tia. for we knew yon woukl never get away alive to hiing tlie iMillee liack here with you.”

“What? Volt were ao aure of UT* erhsi Maaooii. with A aliiMitler.

Tbe girl bowed Iter lieoil.

ItKPoKT •)P « oMMITTKE. jl«»MA, Midi., .lanuary I". Itai*

Tl* III*- lluaril tif iHni-tur* of llu- PfupIcV ] Mutual Klri- lll•uranc•• «'iiiutiaiiy uf liuiia. MiUilcalni ami •'lliiliui I *»uiitti-»ViMtr i-iunnilltii- au|*ilnli-il In *«-ltli' with ,

till- 'M-cr« iarv and Tma^un-r. fur ibi* yi-ar ' i-fidiiMr In-.-. nyl«t-r II. ie*i. would m-»i»ii-IIuII> n-|*>ri lliat w* ban- i-an-fully .-\atnliii-il llii- UMiNkMiiii rt-i-oMl* of till* « «iin|iaii>. and from •iidi **\aii»liiallull wi- l*-lli-vi- II**-fi*n-iri»liuf •laii-ntciii 1*1 IM- *‘<>rn-*'l ami iru*-, aii.l that lb*- linaiii-lal *-**mlltl**ii >>f tl.*- • ..infiaiiy wa-.I Ni-.-mla-r 11,1'-e.). a* aU*v*- r«-|*.tt*-<l

.\. r MoltKIHT-l- • *Ki) 11 MINKU.MAIIK PKNNKI.L.

1 <>n*iiiiiic«-.

rOAlTEH XXVI. owTJf rLJ:An« cp riir urarimT.

Htaiiletl by tlieae wortla, Maaaon sold hunietlly, “Thank you.” ami entered tbe kltcbon.

At tbe oouml of bis voice Uwyn nprang up ami ataml at him with wild eyes. Hhe liatl heanl of tbe tragedy which had liapiteiietl hut an hour lie- fore. anil It wan erlilent that It tiad shaken her atill delicate frame an*l struck dismay to her loviug luiture. Hite stareil at Maaaon for a few mo- tueiits. Then for a luoineut her fea- tunt* broke Into a l•entltiflll smile of weleuuii*. hut tiH' next imiuient a kwk of horror came over her faiM*. The slight Ausli diet! atvuy. uimI. turning from him fowant her grandmother with u long, gnsfilng sigh, she fell hack

'I’ou mual Hid fjft iiiciii/ fJilaAiiv/ lAilf we ari n Imdu 111 miirdircra iimf tiilot'ia.*'

I could to warn you. to

MI.Mlir.lt'llll N««. *if fftcfnlH-r* In.. ..|. I-*- Nt>. of lll••fnl*-r’• ii*l*l*-*l 111 I"'*


t*f iii* tiil»-r* • aii*-*-ll* <l ii !••»•N*». *>f ii»«-nil»-r» In-.- .11. l*'*.i

UI-K-.Atmiunt al rl*k In*.- .il, iMa. Amount a*l*t*-*l III 1*0*

Totalt'anci-lli-*i by wltlt*trawal.<uilt-.

atul i»y •»r*lrr Ibiarilof Ibrin-- reclor*

Ilecn-iM*- In n-writins.

.\inounl at ri*k iN-r II. l*** UKMd'B'l.'.

Unpaid a**c**incnt*i*f l*V!* tia*l. on liaml IN-. Jl. I'Si'*


Due f.*r l■*rr..w*-i| imm.-v la**-> on lii-o II U*-«ilt-r, iiHii .III* lam* on h ranklln la-ii*-li imii *lin-i la****>n.lmi II P*-i-k not .Iii*-i


ki.»73.iUl I



•i.tmii Ml

•415 5.1

•44.'* 51

•lAIMMj :4a iiSe7 .wIS an



my and Orizel” ( serial)i THEODORE R O O S E- VELT’S “OLIVERCRO/n- WELL” (serial)

RICHARD HARDING DA VIS’S fiction and spe­cial articles

HENRY NORMAN’SThe Russia of today

.Articles by WALTER A. WYCKOFF, author of “The Workers”

SHORT STORIES by " Thomas Nelson Pajje Henry James Henry Van Dyke ErnestSeton-Thompson Edith Wharton Octave Phanet William .Allen WhiteSPECIAL ARTICLES

The Paris ExptislonFREDERIC IRLAND’S

articles on sport and ex­ploration

“HARVARD FIFTY YEARS AGO,” by Senator Hoar“ NOTABLE ART FEA- T U R E S, THE CROW- WELL ILLUSTRATIONS, by celebrated American and foreijcn artists

PUVIS DE CHAVAN- NES, by JOHN LA FAROE (illustrations in color)

tii.ar ¥iiNfi'Mt:, i*i^*

I'aati *>n liaml IHn-. 31, I*—* f75lllt*-«*nlv 111 im illM-itunt* 7 21lir*-rlTi-«l tnrnil»-r*lil|* li-*-* 3!l«nltt'.-<‘liri'*l 1*11 l.tan* 7.)*SX37KrrHrtil a<.*w«*in*-nt* •*! I—•• II.347 44!••***«• I*!-«I ai>*<-*%tnrnt* InvInI prrvl-

t(U« yt-ars 9*Total mrelpta • IMJ»4ni SA

K.M'F.NDITI’HES*. liW'Umar* CAil*

Harvrv-« iiaa. Hatli. unkmiwn Jo4in MortaKi. orliHtn*. matdw-* Hsrvrjr l> 'Nilmr. tlvlil. lamp break-

iMAlbert I). )4t<itte. IkMurlaa*. malcbea U«*i. Ilolsiew, Mapli- Valley, lantern

npaetK I* imVore. I.ytma. defeetlvi- Hue.. Jaa. K lee*. II.uih- lantern u|iwet Ljrtlla •! Martin, WlnaeM. dnfeetlrt

ehimnayRllia t’loai-. Ikiuflaa*. *lef«-.<llve

(-bimneyF H Hemingway. Weatpballa. an

kmiwnW. J. MaaM.y, Maple Valley. Ire

frnm aloeeMetvtMnaiv llllaa. KIley, anknowti A. U. Hnriiler. Iimla. matebea •elMM»l IHaiiirt Mu. tof Ferria. aparka

from ebimneylist 11 v •> Stryker, t'aio, llghining . wm Haalmeer. HeleHlere, aparka

frnm rlilNineyHelen N f'atlermnte. lieWllt. tnim-

lag atalkaJaa. a«Ml Meleina KM4. iteM. Ilglitn

lagJwlin KalieV. Hkmmer, llgkinlng llanry iMUarlau. WlageM, unkmrwn Hstbaiiv ImUwrwn skarek. limit-

91»: 9(B)


Special illustrative schemes (in color and in black and white) by WAL­TER APPELTON CLARK, E. C. PEIXOTTO, HENRY WcCARTER, DWIGHT L. ELWENDORF and others

Illustrated Prospectus sent free to any addressCharles Scribner’s Sons

PvMlaHura, N«w York.

GE0.H.JINerchaiit Tailor,

Opposite ”The Steel”.

All the

Latest NoYcltics.

Into her cltair and •ttierctl her facw with her liauda.

.\nd for the llrst time the olil wom­an. who luitl niiimil mi iiiiicli auliuoidty In MaamiirN hreast, Hliowitl a sign of teiitli-niemi, of huinaiilty.

"l*on‘t-i-e i-ry. .lesirle. It'a laid. It'a very l«»*l !•» U-jir. lint .lon’i-ii* cry,"

.MtiVmifi inmnI lr:iiiatl\t-i|. l-'or her** WON aiioiiier iiiy*ii-r.\ i*!*-*! iiitil i*> In* mind The wltcidlk*' **l«l u.iiiian, who luol Im*-ii te|Kirit-il tl* *!*■ ik in* I^tt-gliiih iiinl u ho luol. ln*le**l. in'ti-r until that luoriiiiig i:it*-re*l a u.ml In h** hearing, vtii* *|H akiiig a* Ini.-llig iill> iiinl a* in t**dik.il>l> a* any **r ilo ai Her lH-a*IUki* hla* i. <->*•». t*H*. oh****’ nnhlinkliig *tar** luol i*u*' i-an*** of III*' <li*llk*' nIi*'lutii til |dri-*i 111 him. vv*-re Uow full of kiudllii**** ami f*-e|liig.

There \ta* nothing for him to do hut to cro*H thi* floor a* *inletly ami iinoh- tni*l\*-ly Un |M****|h|e and. n*irenitng Into III** luo'kgroiiml of tin* *-orm*r In-- ttve«-ii liie lln-plaee ami the from diMir. to wait niitll they t-hom* to glv** him the contld*'m-«' wliieh he felt sun* was Im- |•eudlllg.

it WMN Toll! who hrok*' the )i||ene««. He put hlH nrni. awkwnnily Init kindly, on IiIm nInOt'n Nlioiild.'r and Muld:

“Ibin’t take on. (iwyn. Tell the gen- tleinan. tell ihe «|iK‘tur all alMmt It. Yuli can m)U !*'

.Vml then he wi-nt out of the room. n*Mldliig to CtN'Ii Tul. who ri'liictuutly fol|iiH**l him. Tile olil Woman trans- feiTe*l h*-r giize from her graud.laiigli- ter to Mn*Noii, ami then itaid. In u lowVOll*'

"MayIn- «h*''n llml It easier to s|>*‘nk to yon alone, nlr. .\ml to tell you what yotr<l iN'iter know. I'll eoiue liack pn-Neiuly.''

.\ml then she retlr*N| In her turn, ami MnsNoii ami llie girl wen* left alone.

l-'or a fi'W ininnii'N ihe n'lnnliiiNl in the Njiim* |s**itlon, with her head iN-nt over her tiamU. lie did not even fe«>| sun- ilmt she was imiM-lous of lil« pn'sefii-e. lint at last hIh* rnlmNl lii'r head ami sliowml him a fuee wlileli wun draivn Into strange puckers ami IUm's by stress of deep f«N>llng.

"I’erluHHi.'* said he gently, “you would rather not s|teak to me. I am <iulte content to go away without bear­ing any thing more, ludeetl. I can guess for myself much tliat you may hav«' thought It necessary for um* to know.”

Hut fiwyn loide him remain, making an lm|N*fiuus gesture of comiiiami rath­er than entreaty that be shouki lie •mknI. Ho he took opposite skie of th*' ilrephir«>, clas|MN| bis liamls loiMiely together ami leatml forwani with hla arms iiimiu his knees, ao that he euuld listen without apfienr- Ing to wall'll her fare.

"Y'oii must kmtw; you must Itear." said she In a falleiing voiei'. “for all oar sake* ami for your <>9n You must not go away thinking that we are a body of inimlerers ami thlevea. We are not. You luust mit (sime Isirk or oend detectives liack to hunt out tin*

“1 dill %^Ua save you.”

“Ilideeil you .lid. I shall uei'er ceoM to Is- grateful.''

“Hut all the time I was torn by two feelings the wisli to save you. to s|air«* him this one mon< ('rime, and the wish to Mive him. I<si. for. n'lneiiilMT, 1 lov­ed him. We all lov*-i| him. In spite of all we knew and all we gu«*ssed wi* kivisl him ami would luive shleldisl him. for he was always gtssl to us. so gtMsI that We i-oiild not iN-lievi* It when we first sus|»ei*t(sl lillu of or'—

*‘.\nd when was thul'f That you tlrst sus|NN't(s| him*/"

“Il was nearly live years ag«*. In the winter. We wen* very, very liadl.v off, bad M-nrrely anything to iiti. ami a traveler cjiine by and n'siisl here ami tulkisl of Ills dealings ami of tlu' mon­ey he luid made. He was a cattle deal­er and carried a long leather purs** with gokl.”

Hlie iHiiiseil. ovenume by Ihe horror of her rei'olh*etlons.

“.Viid will'll he went on (the way was pn'tiy o|N>n iliat winter, ami he knew the romlsi my father went out after him. And when he c.niie Imek lie sei'ni- <n1 Just the same ns ever, *>nl,v Ih* said that he liad got |iuld some money tlmt one of the fanners near had owisl liliii for some yi-Hrs. .Vml we wen* as mer­ry as isiuld In' over this pliN-i* of luck till—till we hl'nni of a traveler lutving bei'ii found di'nd In a stnsim some we**ks after with fsirt of Ids clotlo's wnslusl away. Nolssly thought of foul play till Tolu found out tiuit it was the ('attle ik'nler and that then* was no money foumi. .Mid then we all feansl. aecn'ily. imt telling each other what We thoiiglit granny ami Tom and Merrick and iiiysi'lf."

HI)*' sliuddcreil and |niiis«nI apiin.When she went on. It was In a inon' mpld |Miee. as If s|i*. was anxious to get the illstuni tale emhsl.

"Hut all the while father Ncenied Just Hie same, and we didn't dan* to s|M'nk to him. He seeliied so UllciYn- eeniisl tliat now and then ive would laugh at our fears and think we luid done him a i-niel injustli*!*. It wasn't till the siNund and the tliini ms-ldent ' hoiisi that we felt suri'. sun', .Vud iiieanllmu | sive. I'd had to |N'rsuade issir Merrick to stay on. l-'atli«‘r luaile me. .Vnd the fiN'Iing that he lintisl to stay and that he was .iiily staying Just fur me was hitter and lianl and dnsidfuir'

Masson began to understand. This then was tbe secret of her straugi* cukl- uesa toward th(* man who worshiped her.

“.Vnd then to set' you auspert the p(M>r fellow, when 1 knew who It was that was In fault, that was dreadful too. Hut yet I c'lukln't put you lighL for It would liave Iwen putting toy fa­ther In ilangerr'

"Hut.” said .Maaaon. “If you thought the chair cm the ' ■u<'h a thing 1 can't umierstaml bow

you could go on raiibg for blmT*“Y'ou see." said Hwyn. ('arneatly,

“that all we bad to go upon waa sua- plclnn. for althnugti w« knew that those three iraveleni"—

•Tlireer’“Y’es, yea. While we knew that tbsy

bod dle«l mystetiooaly, ami we con­nected hla aboence flwm home with their deaths, .vet there was never any difference In bis manner to im. ami m»- body els«> ever suspected that they hod

mystery of your hmiher's iteath.”“I>o yiHi IblOk I wtiuldY" liegati Mas­

son hotly, hut sIm' silenreil him by a geotun* ami went on:

"Yes. you woukl. If we let you go away wttbout knowing the truth. You > might think yourneif liound by some ! tie of kindness, of gratitude, to ksep j silent. Blit In tbe long run yiHi would ^ ray something or do something; you : woukl come lairk or send some one la j your behalf, ami we obould at any rate : all Us under tbs dlasrace—my broCber and granny and poor Menick. and all. Bo 1 am going to end It. You won’t ox- | pact me to be too hard, omi yon must < try not to be bard yourself. Listen! 1 ^ don't know bow your hrotbor dlod. 1 i onn't toll you that. .Nobody now living ' ran. Tbs only man who conld hnes j told yon ran aevsr bs hrouBht to or- | count hy any bomon Jndger j

Masson bowed bis brad wttbout any . appearance of astoolobment. This was . tbe coofsooloo he bod boon prefiared for.

“Nobody aloe la to Marne. Noliody sloe kbew anything about it till you ' Srot mow. Hut tbe moment Msnlck MW yon on tbe rand, hsnrd your voice. I bo knew that your broCbsr hod-bad ' died myolartonaiy sad that yun. bis in- I

met with foul |day. You know your­self how dangerous tbsoe hills ore. Look at my own fstbor's death this morning."

“Was It you who sent Cocb Tol to warn me not to go to Trecoe<l this morning?”

”Tes. I knew my father was on tbe watch.” whlspersd tbv girl. “And granny knew IL und she went down to watch blm. 8be followed blm when bo wont out with bla gnn. And It woo abe who tiisd to stop blm when bo ftrod. .Vml—«ad you know tbe raot.**

Tborr was a loog sUonce.*T cannot yot undenitand It.” sold

Masson at lost. “Tou bare all acted almost as If yon wsre in leggoe sritb yonr fstbor.”

“Don't—don't soy tbnt.” pleadsd tbe girl. “Poor Tom only obeyod blm when bs conU not bolp hlmsslf.”

“Tour grandroolhsr, who could baeo wnnisd mo, kafit allsnce.“

”How could she have wornsd you ngulnat tbs son she loved? She would bare dsns anything fur him. oltbouBb abe suopectsd blm too. But she held out la bar brart OBnloat bellsving him guilty longer than any of tbe otbora, amt wboo be told bar not to talk to

*mmr M bOT lOtttag OUt 0009“

tblog. 1 suppsss. she ohsysd blm. an she olsrays dkl. It was not imtU sbs sow him ttre—at you—ibis morning that she really helloved. it wlU break <

mar I her bsart.“ ,It was a ghostly story. Masson got

up. I“.Vnd- and my hruilierr* sold be.

‘N'on you give me no clew, no gukiv mm to tbv direction In which I am tosrarthr

Hbe shook Im* bead.“No.” wblB|ivrv«l she. *lt might be

Id Llyn Fuel or at the Imttom of tbs imsagge In there that tbv UMinks usvd to draw tbeir |irovisloos up hy. or It might hv In oov of tbv streams or In a cleft of tbe rocks. NolioUy knows. Nobody ('ou tell you. M’hen we are gone for wv shall go—you con come and search, for you cannot hurt my father now.”

Iteauttfiil as this dogged tlllal fveliug might, in tlie alwtract. In*. Masson was Irrttaivil hy it. Hv was anxious to get away. Hwyii. kMiking up. saw thv Im- isilivni kstk ou his fare. HIm' sfirang up and stiNsI Itvforv blm. trembling and ngItatiNl.

”Yoii want to get away! You want to get free and forget us!" said sbv. In a strnngi' loiM*. with mingird bitterness and tendvrnvss. "Well, you arc light! Forgvi us all If yon <*au!”

Homvthlng In livr tone tonchisl him. and Ih' M|Ktk(> in a softened rok'«‘ as hv answered;

“There are things I Nhall never for- g(>t. tliat I oei'er wish to forget. .V wte man's unseinsh kiiMlness and care; Iter good. nnhk> face ami her'liernlc devo­

tion 1 will forget evt'rytliing hut those things as <|iilckly as I iiiu.” j

He held out his liaud. and she took It | with u shy ksik. which liaiinted blm ; for moniliM ufterwurd. I

••(hNsIhy.'' ftalil she softly, “(otodby, I and heaven iak«' I'an* of y<iii ou your | way. You cun go safely miw.'' j

“.Vnd .VIcrtick'/ And your grand- j mother, who savtsl my IlfeY"

“Iain't wait to n»n' them. TIm'J' w*)ukl In- usluiiiitsl. .Vud she. |MMir soul! could almost laiie you for cniising Imt to sac- litlct* the lift' of h(*r son. .vh. you don't umh'rstami how w-e cling to *'acli other of I'ours*'! Hut. take my w*inl for It. aiMl l(‘t me hid them g<NHlh5' for you.”

Hveii as she s|s*k«' sIm- liiirrhsl acnaw the kitchen and f»|M-iMNl the front door. He liad no ehoh-e Imt it* go. |

“Itisslliy," said she **nee more, with I a llllk' entcli in her v*t|ee, though tiie I tmn*l she held **111 again was steady. '

“VVliat will lN-e**m«‘ *»f y*mT' j”1—1 don't know. 1 don't much >

can*." iThey were outskle the iltMtr. Kind, j

tender w«*nls nislosl fo his lliw. He j (Iri'W cittse to her: Im' In'IiI Iu li*ok into her ('.VI'S. I

For a moment she wnven'd. seemed ; InrlliMsI to llsii'ii. Then, with n rcao- I lute shak*' of th«' head, iiresslng her hands tightly together and htiing her Ups, she pushed him uwuy and, stamp- ,lug her f<H«t and |N*lniiug to tlie {lath , down tlM> hill, ImiN'iiuusly signed to j him to go.

•Vs he tunMsI. sorrowfully, ri'gret- i fully, full <if hul•l•llug iNissioii and long-1 Ing teinleriiess. t** tilN'y lii'r she ran off, j waving her haml with an uffeetatlou j of light henri*sln«*sH In the *llr«'ctlon of j th*' ruliM-d (-liiireli. She was going to likle iM'r'N'If among the old slon(*s, to <*ry. |N'rtia|>s to pray and to iiioiim his going.

For title minute h** hesitnt*s| whether he *li«*ul(l give up •‘verything and go laiek anti strain lM*r to his arms and hln«l liliiis«'|f hen' foH'ver when his anltir was ehts-ktsl hy a little clrcum- HtaiMN'.

.lust as she reaclosl the north wall I she slumhksl. and a man tlaiiisl out of | the siut«te and sup|M*rtis| her In his arms. Masson wnlelMsI the meeting | hri'alhlessiv. The man was ('*H'h Tal. j honest, loving, faithful to tin' «'IhI.

He eaiight her swaying tlguri' tender- ! ly. not greatly ilnrlng.

Hut MnHs«in saw in the girl's attitude | as she let lierwelf In* hsl liack to the I

a littk' chaiig)'. .*4|m' was pos- j She did not ri'puist' her lover, as i

she liad *inee «loiie. That terrible event : of the tnoniiiig hud aiteriNl the wtiok' course of life at Moiiaclilog. had hro- ^ ken the s|n-II which had ImuiimI them all

.Masson felt the trars rising to his eyes as he tiim«Nl away, and a lump In bis throat which was hrought there by sotiM' feeling strong as Joy, hut keen as Jeaktusy.

Hlie woukl fall Into her old Inver’s arms as she ImiI fallen lot** tils heart-- some day.

Three months later .Masson t'orne iMtck to the okl farm, which he found empty and deoertt'd.

lit* searched every •'orner and every nook. He examined every stream and every cleft. He engaged men of (•zperi- ence to tlrog such |iarta of IJyn Fuel os w(>re sufflclently shallow to al­low of such a imK'eedlng. He went down Into tbe pasaagi- which had once connected the imMMatery with the vol­ley liekiw. Home human liones be found. Imiied in •lulckllme. dry and brittle, at the Imttom of this ponooge. Hut they hod evidently lieen there a couple of years and more.

It was tlM- only frnlt of bis reseorcb- ea. For no trai**' of tbe body of bla hrotbor Hranvflk- was ever found.


Uneeda Biscuit

Washed down with a gian of good milk* can’t be beat

UiyhhMB Bloeult rupresent the highest degree of modern baking. Sold everywhere in 5 cent eir tight, moisture jiroof packages. Alweysfrceh.

About Auction Bills !

A good .Auctioneer likes to sec his name on a ^ neat, fittraetive auction hill. ‘‘.‘\ny old thing” ^ won’t do. \ neat, attractive liill with new type ^ and cntH brings a crowd, and a good auctioneer ^ can do the rest. Poor and unattractive hills bring a poor, no-money crowd and the auctioneer 0 is blamed when in reality it is the printer’s fault. 0 We're up-to-nate. We put up the attractive kind 0 of' bills and they cost nci more then other kind. ^ More Important than .all the rest the notice will J .appear in Tin-: Xhws and reach all of Clinton ^ Countv. This does the business. ^

THE ST.fob

JOHNS NEWSDepartment.

What are Necessities?//is a Matterof Opinioni

“The ksrnsd is happy nstur* to explore.

The fool b happy that hs know* no more."


got everylhlBg I need. I»Te Ja»t bod ray breakfast.'*“ * By idee of 'iiecesslty’ Is to have plenty to eat and a change of Clotbeo.* 'When

I went tu school I larned reodfn, rlten and retbrnetlc. and tbat's all I need.* 'They say that Ignorant people won't stand eny show at all In sodty In a few years from now. I wonder If that will be tbe cose.'"

EdKaiM I* not a luxury but a prime necessity to the laboring man of to-day. I wont amusement but that does nut exclude improvement. When a man is engaged in stiidy there is labor, but it is so associated with interest all

along that It is forgotten in the delight urhich It carries in its performance. Children, If left to their own Impulses. wIlT ask questions, and if you provide means of inswerlng you will encourage them, and cause delight ortd pleasure in research. It is .tow possible to go straight Into the very heart, the verv sanctuary, of the temple if learning and become acquainted uith the best works that men of genius have iruduced.

OM UMt Worm it JieradiiwiiK

Th* Hm OH.”Onee.” sold tbe <lraamy tragedian.

“I toured tbe gtrot state of lUlaolo io less than a week.”

“Who was yonr tairker?” laqairad tbe press agent.

“Beg isirdon?””I say who tiarked you on this tonr?”“I really ik> not grasp yonr meaning.””Wbo was liehlad yon on tblo mete-

orlr tour?"“<»h, the aberlffr—d’blragD News.

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*Tm a tittle puxaleri.” snld Hens tor ^ Borghnm. ”Tbe remarks wbleb bora | raorhed my ears frnm tbot oM heoeb- j man of mine hove worried me a great i deal”

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by tbm lofekwk mmI *>fraomry rlob.“ a year t


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The dainty cake.The white and flaky tea biscuit.The sweet and tender hot griddle cake.The light and delicate crust.The finely flavored waffle and muffin.The crisp and delicious doughnut.The white, sweet, nutritious bread and roll,— Delightful to the taste and always wholesome.

Royal Baking Powder is madefrom PURE GRAPE CREAM OF T^T4R and is absolutely free

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There »re ro*ny imiwiion bdung powden, OMde from slum, mouly told chesp. Avoid them, M they make the food unwhoksome.


Iloll.v UuN. vMlad .\alilv.v fneada last wmk.

Mhw (kvripM WilMMi M ill with lunn I mu Me.

rtMtuwi IsKWr i« •wtvrtiuitiMK a ettuaiu frmu I Hiiu.

Mra. .N. I. IKuim41«, ol Urawd l^adgr, i« tha inwat lit Urm. Ifmrim.

I). i'roakita wmm in Mt. Jiihaa the Srat ol the week ua Uuaioeea.

i’hae. ('hafitaiii. who ie ill with lunge tmuMe ia aomewhai better.

Kmtwt K«Mite, nl Ht. Johae. wae the Hueal of frianda in Wneoualu over Hon- div.

Mr. and Mra. MuricMi Mervi., of Ionia, ▼iaited at the home of .%lva Harvia one <!%>’ laat week.

Horn, to Mr. and Mr.. Frank Ktalker, Janaar.v lU. a aoii. May there be liaiifii- naae in their home.

Itert .\iidni.. who bn. been viaitingc at hia home in thin villaffe, ha. retnmed to ilia work in the eaet.

I.aat Hatnola.v eveainK. the .loanv |wo- pfeof (hie villnm* wereentertaiaad at the home of A, Wmclrou.

! The K. O. T. M. and L. O. T. M. aUl jliavea joint inatallaliou ol olHiem, to I which the iMibiir ia iuviteil.I Miaafhmeva Heaton ia ill with lamriet 'fever. Other, who liave lawn idek with I thia diaeaoe aw improving.' The (4»uftrairntiooal cbnrrh aixtety iiieeta at the bonn* of Chna. IMoa inaii tfe

{ day. for the purtioae of inittinK w«>od lor I the rburrh.

The revival meetingr. which are Iteinic j lield at tbe MetlM»diat church, arelaivel.v : attende«i. Mr. MclaiUKhlin ia leader of theae aarvidaa.

I (leo. II. finll Jr., had the mndortone to I break a Imiim* in hi. left Ick. whik* loadiiiic ! luge, one <la.v laat areek. lie will la* laid ! u|) for «a>nie time.

Tlie .hop be|i>nsinit to H. Aldricli I caugtht tin* laat Halurday nlight, hut the rtamee were exiiuioiHiln‘<l l>eforv much

' damaitf had lieeii dom*.liev. and Mr.. (*. Kby were .umiiiouetl

laat ThuHMla.v. toOraiid Hapide. by the I illiieee of Mra. Kby*. ftmiidfatber. who, it I ia tbouicbt. ««li iwit recover.



Mr.. I'et«*r Wilkin i. vi.itingt irieiHl. nt Itun4in and Omii««o tin. e*'ek.

t'liarlie .Hlaf«* ainl •inindma .'S.»ho#il.an­on the .k'k li.t lir. Kill., of lieWitt, i. attending them.

V. W. I.emtn, w ho ha. Iieeii on the .ick liat all .umiiier, i. .lowly tcaininK under tile treatment ol l>r..**immon..of lieWitt

Mn*. Uaiiilall. a intihly ewteennil n-ei* dent of till. tieiulilNirlHMMl for lu**nty year., dl»-<l at the home of her daimlil'T, .Mn*. Fulmar Voiinic. .lanuary **fli. Mr. Ilaiidall ha* l»e*-n itrailuall.v lailiiiK in Ileal th t-ver .iih**- her hii.lminl’. dentli, which i.i-iirreil five \i-ar. agto. The fiine- ml wa« helil .Inniiary HHIi atllieWilney church, Kider Hn**ll. ‘it l^••Wif^,ofttciatinK. Her remain, wen* lanl tore.! l>e»id*-lov«-*l one. irolie l*e|ore. III tin- South ttliv*- «*emet«-ry.

The otticer. oi Hew iirnnin- wi-n* duly in.iull*-*! la.t W..|n*-«lav ev*»ninj4 ami alter in.liillatioii tho**. pr**».*nt were in- Ntalleil to a '*eHl at tin* oupiier table, which wa. loail*.l with tfoi.l thiiiK. to ml. and tin- wm> the viand- di-apl.-an.l it mild*-one think that il i-iHtiin-lhinu to Ih* a lirantter. Tin*-*- naiin*. wen* po-- -.•nt**! nir nn-iiil»er**iini wIih-Ii Imik. <-11 courauiii;; for H*-. ^^rllnlt« . l.**t everyiin-mlier eonn->in<t fak*- pirl in tin-••on- teat wriin li .ay. •»y.i* i.. wlieii tin- itin- lent i. at an ••ml \ ln•■••tin^ •li Ib-w tiranm* w'lll !.• Iiebt .laiinary 2t.

lliirhleit'- .%rMle»» ^l*e.Ha. worhi-wnh' fume lor niarvi-htii.

cun-.. Il-iiriia**.*-am other wilv**, !•• tion, •aiitnient •ir balm for t'lit., 1 ornn. Huni., IbiiU. .''•ire., F‘*i^ma. ric.-r-. Tet ter. Salt llll•■||n^ Fev» r S«>m*. riiiip|«l Hand., .-.km I’.nipinni- Infallilee hir File.. I'lM*- miar!int»-».l. iinU *_*,"»<•. at Pihlew amt Mlllnian . •iruu "to •-.


11. Fn-*-tnan •>! Mnni.intt with In. tw«t el•ler ••liihln n Ib-ieti ami l(•»ln•rl, an- vi.iliiiK at thelbblnint home.

Miw Minnie 11 •■nn I •!•’•• .ill •.•t a. ch^iri- .ter with Mo- l!•lllh WiKnilrtin- a. •ir- aani.l III tin- '»nmlav -« IhmiI. .Mi-. Ma­in- (iibbani a- ••rvani.t <111111111 < him-h aervir*-

Then- will Im-a b<i\ >*•. nit at the home of It Hii\ck on Ft Ilia V '‘v* ninir Tin- Inilie. ai*'••\|.-'b.i lo brini; a box whicli will In* -obi at auction. It< f'•-•hlln■tll. will Im- iM-rvi.i III tin-M- l.ixe., .Iniiuary lb.

There ia no arguuieat ao good aa on oM oolute. plain. truUifal atktcmciit of fact There ia nothing ao intereating aa facL

In tbe tnae happen- in the nmry-

day life of every-dav po^c are materiaN tor most thrilling novtla. There aro every day atoriea of haroMBii auffcnag and the final tri­umph of food uvar evil —of nappinaaa finally crowmng ea- daaror. Here ia a oose ia point:

In the county of Baoambia in Alabama la the little town of Plomaton and tbaro Uvea Mra. Mollic Grimaa. She waa a good wife and mother b«t aavcral yean agn abe found her baalth alipping away from her. She raalixcd that tma meant the inevitable nanrniienaaa and irritabUlty that would aoreW loae for her the affec- tioa of bar children and haahaad. and that aa her haalth dcclinad diacoed and miaerv woold appear in her home. She waa filled with Uk loving motherly in- Mlnct. but two miaonrriagaa in ancemaioa almoet broke bar haait . She had almool loot hope when tbe clouds rolled sway and the light of health and happinem returned.

She tells her atavr In theaa words: waa ataMat Umrt eeaUia la tWek I gaaM

MSmteaaey nMtaebMiNB aod kaetaaidhras lAd. I had last Iwa cMMrae by and I Mh eapanad te laat aealbar whan, la aw^Mi ti|g, ngrMdai


i1nr*-no- lliMikcr ha. reHiiiml from a viiMt iinuiiiK relHtive. in Watertown.

Heory Fame ha. leturoe*! from u prt>- loiiip-il vi.it aiiioDK fneiid. iM-ar Ithaca.

Thomn. Itlizzanf. of St. John., wu. a vi.ilor to thi. viliaip- •iurini; the |»aatWl«.k.

W. r. ^'•^|••. of Olive, wa. Ilie K«**t •»! Dr. iiiiii Mr.. Hiirriiwm duriutr the tlrat of iIh* week.

The iiiiatil chihl of Mr. ami Mn*. I..eroy Forbi.. of •Mtiitii K-mm-x. waa buried »m Sat unlay laat.

Mia. .Mary llo> Ie r.iuriie«l to tlrreuville •iiiniiK I In- |Miat week, to nwiiim- her la'hiMil -tmli**..

Fnwiileiil Tiavi., of St. .lohiia. wa. Ihi- gpi*-Mt of .Mr. and Mr., laaac Hawitt 011 ThufiMlay laat.

Mr. ami .Mr.. F. I’oiivi. an* at Fort- lami, when- they havi- pun-haaeil a larjre .tiM-k of troiai..

J. K. .loite. ••iitertaiiml relative, iliir- iuK the |»aai wi.-k, win**.- luuiie. an- in •-•-tilral Dakota.

I.eiiii Wriidit hn. tr*tiM- to Higt lUtuiil., when- he will lak<- a ••oiin*«* «»l .md> in thi- F*-rna lii.titilte.

.lohii riiN-k ami .1. K. Malkin, ol St. .lohn., w»-rr Itlleel. of .M«|»le ItHpMf. tra-mi. on .Siinda.v la.!.

Marne*!. Weiln«*a<lav.-lanuary Di Fe- ter tii»-*nawike. of Fiiiloii, to Mra. .\niia bii'r. of l-i-lMiiion, lat<-ol St. .i«»iini*.

The .North .*t|iad«- Farmer.’ Flub will m«--i at tlH*h<»m»-ol Mr. anif Mr.. lU-n- jamin Wim-luiid Frnlay. February U.

The I liri.lian chiin-h •MM-n-ty of Mhldle- ton »fav*- an iiy.ler .up|a*r f«»r Dm- beuellt ol tin-chiin-h, on Tiieftdav la.t, .lamiar.v Di

Mr.. Vincent, a fonn«*r reai*|eiitof .Maph Ibipid.. I. -enou.lv ill fniui a •-aiM-eniua Innible at her home id non.

.\ -eriew ot meetiiiK. ha. Iweti ID pnigc- rem* at the M. K. church during the |Mi.t wi-ek, i-omiucii.i by the |>n.lor. HeT..i.T. Kiitlier.

.\ numiter of t•mllKera fntni thi. vicini­ty atl•‘ll•le•| the Fomona tiraoK*’wliu-b wa. h•-l«l with lleuK»l (iraaige<m Weiliie**- da.i la.t.

L-lianon Farm<-r.’ Flub will meet at tie-home «if .Mr. ami Mn*. Darw in Han- cmfl. of aoiithw'-at Kn.*\, Thurmlay, Fetiniary 1.

.\ joint inatHlIatiou »*l IIm- I'on-aten* ami l«N<ly Forcien* wiu* liehl at Hlia.'. hall •»n Thun»«la\ ev*niaK. HoaiiiK with an •lyater Mii|»|ier.

Mnt. Dr. Shauht left Tuea*lay moroimt ffiratnpt*! Folonulo. Sh. will lie a*-- comtiani«.l bv her aiaicr. Ivnb, <iim1 fatli- •-r, ll. J. FatteriMiii, of St. Johna.

A joint iiieeiiuK nf tin* K. D. T. .M. and I-. t). T. M. waa belli at Itliaa'a hall on We«lu«wda.v eveniuK, January Dl. Un fmahment. were aenre*!, and a Ken«aiil H«MMi time waa hod.

A jfiiiit iaatallatiou of the officera of Hilly Hfvoh- Foat and Foriia waa h«4d at their nMiina in flrange ball, on Satiinlay ereninK Inaf. fnlhiwe*! by a hamioet and an exndlent aocial time.

Hon. F. W. Hedfeni wa. taken audileo- ly and iwriouidy ill on Hiinda.v last, at hia nttMteno- in tbia Tillage. The caow- «il hi. illiH-a. wa. heart tnnibh*. .\t prewiit writing, he i. aoitMarbat lietter, and Dr. Sbaght give. lio|iea of III. re«-«»vefy.

Hilly Hegole Fo.t ami f'orp. will given rnoak iMinal at their mom. in tbia villagt*- on Satiiniav evening next, Januarv A general invitation m extendwl to th. laiblic nt larg«‘- .\dmia.ion at th»- ihior, whirli will iai'lode reirrehmenta. ten emta.


Mra. Viiirent ia gradually failing.John Finkney 1. aiill on themek liat.Kli Smith ami wife viaile*! relative, in

tlreenbiwli Friday.Mr. and Mr. Ilert Kellain viaiteii at

Kli .Smilb'a Sumlav.Mr.. Wni. Tail and childreti are visit­

ing l»er father, hi Wa.vm- ••»»iJDt.v.Mr. and .Mn*. Jay SMtUoiia viaited

friend, ill Itiley .Satiirdav ami Sunday.Hev. Dnvia will •*ommence revival meet­

ing. at the iteiijamiii churrli. .Sunday evtmiDg. January Jl.

Mn. Hidenoiir, of (in*enbu.h. i. ata.v- ing with tier daughter, Mn*. Kli .Sniitli, ami taking traatnitmt oi Dr Itli... of .Maph* Ha|iide.

Joel Wagar, an old pioneer. |a*Hceiuil,T |ia.ee«i away .--iatiinlay .v«-niug. Hev. Miidge •'*m•lu••le«^ the m-rvic at the h<iuf.- Mondit.v,

The Ihix MM-ial at .1. (imff. wa. a so*-- ee.., with a net profit of f.'i.lli, whirli will Ite iiMe«| to pun-ba«.- a library for the .-itrickland •.-IkniI.

Joshua WtNtd and ininiiy have moveil to Fi>wlernn<l ii>eitle<l on their new home known im th*- HeniiecMm farm. Fhn.. Martin, of Itingham. will move on to Mr. VVimmI'- farm.


.Mn*. \Vel*.ter i. n-|H»rtei| a. Iieing «pilte sick.

Fh»rcm-»- K«-«*ney vn<it<-«l at lier hoim- hen- Miimlay.

Ornn Davi. wa. a vi.itor at tin* For- iiers Satimlay.

The Mi.leni \Vo<.lm«*n in.lane«t thetr • »fh»-erw Saturday.

Th*-re wen* »*lev*ni •lettth. registen-*! in Hiley during the year iHpfi.

William .Silni i. getting mntenal on thegmuufi fora new ll•lum•

Fete* Di«-htn ami H**nry Fmm will build their new liarii. in tb<‘ spring.

Ibdieri l.4iiider. and .\lfn*«l l-am-etran- Mtcte*! biisin**.. in St. John. Monday.

Mr. ami Mr.. Malliew Hill, of f-^agh-. visited .Mn*. IHII'. father. .S. F. HIim*. last w*ek.


J«e«*e Kverl. rriurne«| last w<ek fmm a thn.- wtek. visit in Ohio.

Mn*. Fn*«| St«iw-eH, who hiw* lieen ijuite ill the (Ntst Week, is rejMirte*] a little lietter.

Fliarie. Ilamilerstmlt ha. miUI his farm in west lleiigal toFiuirle. McFraugel who will tak*- poii.i-n.ioii tbe first «if .kpril.

Mr. and .Mrs. J. Kverls were in firand Hapals tbe latter jiart ol tla* w««M; to at­tend the funeral of Mr. toMoet, u bmtb«*r- in-law «ii Mn*. Kv.rts.

.Arthur N. Stm*-anl t>lurm*d .Saturda.v Imm a five week. sia.v in Vimniii. While there lie met L. H^toii amrS. .\. Lyon, former tUntoa •-nunty men, whom he rep«irtn iw* pmofieniig in their iulnpt<<«l state.

awtyUaaaml MskHon- Ml shw hshf wm hsan la Nsaamhor. Wkfe nry aUwT chaaw t hsd mt-

t teas is parthri haaUti mmi Imd • Tary aaartUne. Iwaslalahar aalraalMTtttma. Isan- aai srahi Dr. Hotoim ■■ifiiii iBii^ hr I

anas*! sty hskr's Iih and ■arUv snr ow. Mh as woO I lenfc Um * nnwr- Hl rresrHslIsn' and aha Um * naaasm na' nuuani Mhos' aai Mh* s chann.'


(leorge Furvis lost a horse one dav last week.

Jfihn W’andel Im. twen building a new tool shed.

Mmw StItui llal*.*y sfianl .Hnnday with her imrents.

J. D. llolniMi. of Ovid. vMteil at Jame. Hamer's lost Sumlay.

John Htmng and wife retumari to Hasnister on Saturdav laat.

Mr. ami Mra. John Fnffmnn have been apsudiag a few flays at t iwoaso.

Daaiel MrKim, formerly of this idnce, dfed Tbaiwday at his nephew s in Kagfe and waa liurt^ at OraiNi I^Mlge Satnr- •lav.

We were great Iv shocked on Wedneilar Imit to beur that Willis Davisamdentaly shot himsalf. Imlar. Willi* Dnvi. ftiMt Hnnday .veniag. Fnamwi will h. held at the Haptiat cnarrh. Wrdnwlny at lu odnrk. The parsuta buve thesympathr of oHMi.v fTtauaa.


.\t a couDw-l ol pb.vsinan*. it wa. ile- ckled that D. .\. Doty la Haff.nag from cancer of the .tomm-h.

Imat w*wk, Wallace lleider bad the marfortiine to lose a valuabh-f-uw, flenth lieiug cmusmI by {laml.vsi..

Mr. and Mrs. Itnckbain, of l.ati>wr, vieit.«l at tbe borne of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dockbain Sanday lUid Monday.

S. McMaster, ac<-oni|iaaie<i by hi. niere. Mm. .\lir*- Mc.Mn.ter, «if .lylmer. fintarhi, left last .Saturday for a week’, rudt ain«»ng reiativ**. at Sjiring laike ami Miwkegnii.

Tlier. Is . s.<rsf>ap*>r •*.. St Albtos, wS«i, If tberr la ss.rtlilaaln . name. iiHght to h.r. h... . prenrtier lsaten<l of an ••<flt«ir. Ills nsM. la PMI. fTiarrli

Htatk or fluio. Fm **r Toi.auo.lm LicA.FofVTY I

Fraak J. Fheney make, oath that he l» theiwamr partner of the firm ol F. J Flmnev Jt Fo. iloiog iNMnwi. in thn dty ofTohshi, cnnnty nml (date nforenoid, ami JuitMiid firm will pay the sum ol <Hie lluadrisi Doilorw for Mteh oml wrsry rrmeidfatoirh tbatroannt hn cured by tbe line of llolFn Fatoirh Cnm.

Foank j. Faanri.Hwom to helore me nnd nahnrrtbMl In

mv prenaure, tbL dth day of Drmmbnr, A. D. IHHII.--- W. (il.KASON,

Notary FnbUe.Hairs INtUHTh rare la tnkea Intnmnllv and artn itirwrtly npon the blmwl nmi mwcone nurfamn of the synasm, Hawn for tmtlmonials. free.

F. J. ('miTitT A Do., ToMo, O. ^oMbordruaginis. 78e. ft-U

i Mendaina. Wolfe and Hmitb an* viaiting ! in .Ishley.

•Mm. J. D. Hicksl. is viaiting her ilnagh- t.r in Detroit.

W. 11. ThorofsHMi afteot Hnnday with friemhi in Ittuuw.

.Mrs. F. Falter i. spending the w««k witli bar son in livid.

Mrs. Mabel Hiekeis v/aa ia Owoaso'.be latter |iart of the nnek.

Meetings will be held «*arli ereolng dar­ing tbe week In tbe F. II. cboreli.

A large f|aaatity of weinflaeronditlon, hhs liMHi stored hv cilinens of the villagt*.

Mm. J. .\rthnr will leave this w*ek for aiiexteufled visit with reiatlve. in To- Mu.

The Hev. Mr. Forterllelil, of .New Hnv- eo. in visiting at the lioio. of Itmi. Frod* dork.

K. D. IliH-kiughaiii ami wife, of Hethton. have moved onto^their form north of KIme.

The Kpwortli l,eagm- will give n atirini nt the home of Miss l-^na Hills. Friday evening.

The .\id society ol the M. K. churrh, met at the home of .Mm. .\lliert Itennelt Wednestia.v, Janoarr 17.

Mm. Im Kddy wn« taken nlamiingiy ill the latter jiort of the week, bat at the present is somewhat impmved.

<iiinrterfy meeting uf the M. K. church will he held Hnnday, January :|H. Fre- siding Kider Foffer, of I-aosiiig, will In* | present Hnnda.v evening.

rtt. John. Hire ha. inviterl l'ont**nt-{ inent Hive, of thi. filace. to visit them \ Jaiiiinry the ••ceasioii being |»abli«-1 installation «»f nfiti'em.

•Mm. Fhnrh*. Hextnn. who ha. Iieen in i Orion ftir the p«et few wiwks tieing! treated for cam-er. nnd who returned to ! her home New Year’s •Iny, ha. .uffen-il n | reia|*.e and i. worwe at the prrwent writ* > iiur. '

Mm. .Vrthiir Tal.ir. who ha. Iieen siif-1 feringforiMime lewgtii of firm- from the | ill ••ffM't. of a t«>otii extracte*! m<ire than ' H year ago. Iia. hss*n in Ht. Johns th** i IMMt we»ik or two for treatment.

The frientis, in this place, of .Mis. Feari Millinger, of Ithacn, will he iotere.le*! t«i; kmiw that cards have iieen sent her** an-; noitncing lier mnrriagi- at the home of | her imrent.. Wednendax . January Dttii, to l>*vi \V. Wnrd. and .tntiiig that sh** would lie at home in Meeker. Foiorado,' Fehniary 1. HKmi. i

F. Linmnn i. ill with a fever, mnking j the fifth member of the family now siif-1 fering from the saim- disems-. Mm. D. i I-innioii is improving. Mm. .\nnie Itriid- isli. of OwnwMi. a daughter, is in-re liel|»-j ing t*i ••nr** for th«*m. Faye Darling, the | grand <iiiughter. Is rep*irte*i a. no lietter. | They an- tndy nn afflicteil family


EEfects of tlie GripThe Dbease Leaves Hte Nerves Shatteredt fhe Stomach

ranged. Heart Affected and the whok Sifstem in a Ron-down, Werdt and Debilitated Con/BHon.

Rdief Comes with

Dr. Miles’ Nervine.Batk you had LaGrIppr? If you i

have not, doubtlaaa some of your frienda iuive suffen-d from It and you | have wiioeaaed tome of the terrible torturea it cau inflict You have teen it sudden I j and without warn­ing, lilexe the victim in ita relentless grasp and fairly wrench aaunder the illhersof the nervous sjratem. That J Latirippe and removea Itadangeroua

Even after the diaeaae la apparently dead, the phyaioal weaknam, mental apathy and depresaion of apliita ra- malo. Chronic dlaordera, which ha- fore were unable to gala a foothold, DOW find an open door, inviting en­trance to the njrstem.

But them is a mmedy that cures

terrible pain in the hack of the head and shooting up and down the spine, the throbbing temples, the aching back and lags, the soreness In mus­cles and hones aa if bruised or beat­en, the feeble pulse, tbe tattering step—all thaae are familiar to you. Bat have you aoUoad tbe after af* feota of LaGrlppcT Do yoa knew that It waakCBi tha loagN aafeahlca the heart, denmfea the atomaoMaad bowels and mrtooaly Intarferac with all fnaeUoaal epamtloaaof thabiiit

after effects. Them am hundreds of men and women in almost every com­munity, who wem weak and dan- pondent, unable to work, and with­out courage, but who Imve recovered health, heart and ambition through tbe remarkable healing and stmngth- ening qualities of Dr. Miles' Nervine It gocH straight to tbe cause of the mischief resulting from tbe grip. It builds up the shattered nerves, aoothea and quiets the irritated brain, strengthens the stomach and

dlgaative organs and puta now Hte Into the entire aytem.

^TUrty-six yean of hard work to mlsn tof (aauly sad at the end to see them all tskna away fraoi hm qails oanerved om, to thol when LoChppa got nn ia its chaches thrsa yean i^, I was treated very rooghly. Whoa the fint elUck was over I fooad myself oa the very verge ot insanity. My nerves were so oastrong that I coold not control myself to utter s sauad sad the Icsu noise esnsad aa- cmcistJag agony. My rtoaserh was so weak that nothing coaid remain in it Icog enoagk to do me any gtxjd sad iSy hcsit fluttered continaslly. When I began taking Dr. Miles'Nervine my mind beceme clear, my nerves grew steady, ssy stomach was rlreagthene*! and I was saved from on esist* sacc worse than dcstb.**

Geo. a. ANiisrws, Gt. Barrington. Mass. Dr. Miles' N’erriae is sold st si! druggists

on a positive gusrsatce. Write for free advice sad booklet to

Ua. Mile:* Medical Co.. Elkhart, lad.



Ill an articb* rrlativ** tii I.«*vi Fiirthiw'. fiiH* II.W Imiui.- th*- (imnd I>-dg*' H- puldi-' ran-ayi*: ” Fim just l>*^ofv FliristiiiA-' la.t y**ar «le.tr<i.T**«i th** old boiii** which Mr. F.irtlow .--r., licl|M*d to build mid which wof* hii* lioiiic for ’f.’t T**nn*.. iiiMkinir il im-i-viwiry to hiiihl (iiioth**r.In the f*|iruig iift**r <wrHuil.v making hi. plau. In* w«»ut t«i work to **r»*rt miothcr. au<l tin- r**.ult au.v man <-aii well f**cl pniiid of. It coiitam. Iiidow, (uirior, .it- tmg and •liiiiiiK room.. kilch«>ii hihI two lic*l nNifu., with htruc i-hMct. for •*ach of the latter, two liallwa.v., mid a giM.I Miz*’<i WM.h r«Miin, while the f*rcoiid fiiwir ho. (larlor mid l>eiJr*MmiN which arei.vu- ‘

li,v I>4* Jr., ai**i hi. eotiiiialih- wife ’•nir li^iriHiinn, with t-fo**ei. for •tM*h, i

Hiid II luith riMiiii, lie.Hle. h hirge n.iiiiy hnllwny at the lieatl of th** .tair.. miii III*- •-iiliie hiiihliug, iiM-iiidiiiu tlie|N,rrh*-..It* lighietl witli line .Vlexmitfcr .Viviyl**.*- uw*- iiiiw-liiiH*. inriiiahmK *JT light*. The luruiM-*- n.iiii •-ontmii- mi .\le\a*Mlci lurnme with r*-uii*t**i> iu ev«»r.v n.iin, iiiiikmg it |M,M.ihle to warm mid light .••v*-r\ room ami hallwn.v on very .liort notice. The sitting r-iMiin c*iiituiiis a'; grille II M-*nis to hnv<- l•e.•n hiiilt with iII vie*s !•• warm the n.mi us well as t«i' mid miicli to it. cheertuiness. Water is | new^lrvk.I•lm•|s•<i into the kitchen by a Muud ■'*-. | mill from H w••II ju«t Imck tif the Imuse. >Hiid nil tile water hir tin- siiM-k lutMe- through a tmik. ke«*fimg it fresh iiml c*.*! |III all tiiii*.* ol the yr*«t, nml iiiaking it i l-Iil. McKinstr.v yi-sterday

Mrs. W. H. .lohn*Min, wife of Johnson, is very ill of (wntoniti..

.illiert Fotter nnd fnmily will s|H*mi the rsst of the winter in Flonda.

The villag>- c*>uucil have nrc**|ite*l th** •iynamo lately pimwd in the •-t.rtrh- light pin lit.

Mrs. 11. Huntley ha* r-mited tin* .Dihii- s«Mi hiiildiiig nmi will S4MMI o|mmi h mil­linery store.

iferry Jt Flark lints |iurrhHae*| th** Mcl^sml building on Mam strsst niter rs- ino«l*ling, they will m«>ve their tailor j shop to tiint location. '

The Ovid ifiiitnr F|uh. i*<insistmg of i ten inemle-rs iimler tlie direction of Fnd. | Knufmmi, will nfter a vacniion of six ' iiiontiis resume Us rsIn-ttrsnlM on thei cveuing of .Imitmry *JH.

The It.ptist Young M*ii’s ,*hH-iety giv«- n im-«lnl ••«tat*‘st the I4tli of April. i Thrwe imvlnls will Iw given, two gohl ' and one silver. Kiglit have givmi thtir nnniee a. wmiliiig to •-ont**st.

TlieHimlwnni Dmiiintic FoiiipHiit was • miMin struck lietwesii Imingshiirg nml, Ovid, only tw*i im-mlwn* survive*!, renchmg tin. villag** in a r1iliipidHte«j : <-«>mlition. Th«- c«iniimiiy was to have given a w**ek’s •uteriniimieiii in Ovid. '

The o|«i MnNts F<*nvenfi<m hei*! in tin* •Uiern h«>*i*e- Tn*v«*fny evening was a su*-- > •-•-.s. Fr*>f. Mak«*over. ol Hoston, wa. a guest of the evening. He mtlSMlui-ed hi. woiiderml Heiii<M|eh»s<-«i|s-. by w hich In* can mnk*-••v**r 1 Im* olat*-<*i -Diiisler into a iiiai<leii •*< -ixN-eii, A few •lay. Iwhire th«‘•'•iiivei,thill ih«*ohi maials walk*-*! th** streets wiIh :i ItMik nf aiitici|iHtion on their face*. TIm--mile of •iiir ohi maitls now. is l>eav«-iilv, ami tla-ir lisp is nearly ns (lerlect as y<iu •-oiil<i wish.

Davies & AdamsPLUSH and FUR


CUHERS & SLEKNS.Larg^estStock and Lowest Prices

in the County.

Davies & Adams *ST. JOHN, .TICH.

Fniiii ItegUirr-l'nliiiigang of men lim* lw*ui wairkiug at

the gravel pit the iiani Week putting in a

vsr.v iiamly lor house u*.-.Home wiiuhllielieve that Mr. Farthiw

was f«s|ie*-ially fnvorsil hy proviilemv. which is tni«*, hut Iu* ha. nothing amuml him hut what he ho. ennie*| hy hard w«irk, ami ci«»se altetilnm to hiisim*ss. ami hen* is wlisr*- the dirim* Fnividem***

Tlis SupretiM- I oiirt has altlrnied tlie •Ici-iitioii of th*-•‘ir<-uii --ourt in iIh* cas*- of .M. L. .*<tswart %-s. .liny K. Frislwe.

p*i»’***f the••ad news of the deatii of hismotlMU*. .Mrs. Mahir, at Val|>arniso. Did. Mr. ami .Mis. •Mckilistry are now in Hrlinoh-mft. the old home. 1*1 nttemi the funeral.

The Foiigrsgntion.l annual me**tiiig was htd«l Monday svenaig, new otti<-ers ••iectisl and re|Nirts of commitl*<eM n**ant.



has gotten in Its work hy endowing him | The church raise<1 the salary of tlieir with thi*w* attrihiitn*. ami whih- he feels i |Mst«ir and all «e**me*l to Iw In hnrmony grateful lor all he has. he giv**s hmisell | ,„.|iw^Ulperv-h-r^lt for the m*wt of It. ( m,,.

llislmms-outiunafull^.inplement of i „„4r hotmslock, •-••tiipnsmg lime hetMl of horse*, fifty seven lien«i of cattle (the latter.

' die*! of consumption at tiietr hotm* on the D. L. iVarT**n larni. in Middleliurv,

, _____ . „ . .. , , , Wtslmsuliiv niorniug. Fiiueml fnmi the1 » home, Frnlav at DD.’lu, interment inIV* I Mnide iln.ve e«iM*t*WV. Hh.* leave, atL Zi* IIH 1 . ‘•“'‘•••••I ““‘J < bildnt..The tiarns, sheds, granary, ami teoe- . , .

meiit hous** •-fustereil l•l^.•Hv around Tin* annual meeting of the Itaplist his Tes».lenc.. make it h.ik like a small i*" village, vet he has no hiiildiog* hut what i |*Hst year was eminently successful, are usefully .wruiued. **rti|i.e*l hv no previous on*- in their

TIh* only plar«* where w*- were put to th** slightest tun ha rmsment was at th** ••arrom t.Hird. <tur inaiMlIty to uae th«* ••slick.” I whM‘1) thay ••ailed a “cue,” if wr** miatakenotl put ii. to a slight <iiaad- vaiiittge. s*i far in* the sport wa. con- iwme<l. hut lieforv- tJu- '-vtuiiag wa. over with we lietuim*- s«Tinewbat iimficmt in iMicketiiig tin* ring., and bHiev. w«> won on. gam*'

hisUiry. They have (mrrliaaed a (lar- J sonag*- and have e^tye*l iwt increase in ! net iiienilier.lii|i. *1 h^r (Mstor ha. l.-eii | ••lecte*i for nn«ither year at an increase of salary. !

H. Fofter’s yonng iiM«n’s lilhle class came in u|Mm him iiuitc unex|ie*-t- •slly on We*lne«*day evvningof last wfwk. They found him with hi. coat off |M»ek- ing hi. iw|<iBgitigs for hh* southern trip.

Mr. Fartlow is one of the m«Mt sale i Intt h** was •*qual to tlw occasion and so stoatial farmers n( dintoo •-ounty. ami j ware they. A valnalile htiok was |ire-| of Katoii county as «vell. lie has never ' sente*! him fami the Haim. His wonl. sought |M»iitlcal honors hut once, ami of apiuwciatioii ami counsel were very that c**nnty «v>ald look long Iwlftre : fitting and will not s*M>n he forgotten, they c*aild find a lietter man to honorwith i.ditirai piilsnnent. f>f counw* a I The dcUffhtful Mitgatim count.y office wlurre he would Iw com-.|ieile*l to mtive from tbe farm, from whkdi he has never Iieen longer than three weeks III a lime sim-e his lurtii, nearly .lo y*mrs ago. wfuiid not Iw to his liking, hut if he «vas sent tti th** Itigis- latiire along with IMt men nt the same coiinn* ami honeet.y, m* grand juries would Is* ntwewsary to investigate their prvM-eedings, mir would the railroads be' exempt from taxation Iwi-auar *»! failure to prwsent to the |sw>ple a suitable | amendment to the <'01011111111101.

"FASHIONS”tor January now ready at the store of JOHN HICKS.

Content! for January, 1^00.


.\.J. Hanto«m vMted friends in this vicinity Honday.

Mr*. J. (J. .tdams vMte*i her parwnta in Ht. Johns this week.

Wane e*Mina Aoala."f Hia of Dr. King'a .New I<Mr Fills saeh

night tor two wssk. has pat me ia my •teens' again.'' writes D. II. Turner lil Deai|sa*vtown. Fa. Ttu^’r^ the heat in the world foi Liver,Htomnrh and It*iwela. Fnrslr vegetable. .Never rripe. IHily 35r at Fildew and Mlllman's drug store.

VY* Dave IsUlrlpwe la Twe liar*.Take Imxatlve Hmmo (JuinineTablets.

All <lnunriats rviuad the inoaey if it fails to cure. R. W. (Imvw'a sigoatore oa •vary boa. 'ifle.

, Kmwilspterp. (Vimllae Istve •Inodwin ......1' Fititurtal Cnaimeat. Helen F. raa<l*r 2

lllastrat*^ ny F. J. IISMiid.! Thlsmi w«»nh isadlaa.............—.........................a

Ur. Hear s' H<w>si. Kwsa MaeFbees*,. .....4 INnstralloas Hy linwar*! K. F*>vi

Whew HrlH*«*l I* nat. iTirtsUae Tevliane.llerHeli.............. .....................................................

I arts FssSloas. iea. «ia*les.................... „...nTba"t*lHi Ur Fp.*^ Kale F|i<M>a •'lark........ UNew York Ks*atnss. Ada Hlertina ..............TWnwiew sad Waddle llnrsss. J4HIB HilawrA l.ltVle'isws**s la iadepeiidsarr. Virgisis

Niles Lesde....................................... ................... ItA New Kaalaa«l Mntber, ilartlet CarvI

Or*x|. .......... .10TW Trait of the Karastwraifr .......... ...II• lav Itoliemis Laam Ntreei Kalton .... ..litWrreess. I,smp Hksdes aatl otiter Ttktaa-

■lesaate*:. Vealiaaa............... . —.... ....ISTbe Wboaeee'a V«ttet.M*b. J. L. FfdHt ...... 14Oav **I1«M>'* to a Itoiwe...... ....... .. I ftOetmaa arbn**t« ..... ..................... .................... I ftKad.rware ..... .„. .......... .. , 1,^, ,, __IftMH winter Fr*ilvltles, Idada Hall l,anwd Id [ tViMit l(* at** Inr tbe Rat*V ............. _.....„.inOwv latlsiate Kaetabw. M. C. t1saa^*ir«l 17 Hetweew KdM'tr and Neadrr, Tbe Rdltfir.. IwFlaas Haired__ ........ ....................... .. H*Msa« Wt«iry lYnapeHM***. Hy iHir Reenisrs 90


FOOTWEAR.-D Pair WtHiicirs “I^ris” and Fciotliold”

Sizes 2L, to -4.^.........................f>cr Pr...^ ,Q9

24* ** Women’s Ruhher, Rejrtilar ToeSizes 2*^, 3 and 3>-2................. 1»er I*r... 34

24- ** Womens Poston, Storm .-MnskaSizes 2*^, 3, 3>-2. 4-..................... Per JV... .74

24 *‘ Missi's Kuhhers. Rc^dar ToeSizes It to 2.............................I*er I*r... .34

22 •• Roys Sock Kuliliers,Sizes 3. 4*, o, B........................... Per Pr... .99

12 •* Hoys Rolled Edire Kuldiers tor ShoesSizes 3, 4-. fi................................ F>er F*r... .4g

24- ** .Men’s Sell* Actinj; Clo^s,All Sizes........................................Per Pr... .69

20 “ Men’s Ht>ston Storm Alaskas, Rc^i-la-i TfK' Sizes B to 1(1..............Per Pr... 99

12 “ Mens Sock Rublws,Sizes B. 11. 12, 13....................Per I»r...

11 “ Men’sl^athcrtop Sock Riihliers, first((uality. Size* B to 10..............Per Pr... 1.T4

These prices arc .strictly lor SPOT CASH nndftoexis will not lie chnrftctl at these fifnires.