Aldermen, Board of— Minutes of Stated Meetings Held De- cember 23 and 26, 1916 9195 Assessors, Board of— Completion of Assessments Notice to Present Claims for Damages 9220 Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Fire, Plant and Structures; Parks, Manhat- tan and Richmond; Parks, Bronx; Parks, Brooklyn; Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Street . Clean- ing, Departments of— Proposals 9216 Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Fire, Police, Health, Street Cleaning, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Cor- rection, Public Charities, Plant and Structures, Parks, Depart- ments of— Proposals Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Public Charities, Correction. Fire, Parks, Street Cleaning, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Departments of— Proposals Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Public Charities, Health, Fire, Police, Plant and Structures, Water Sup- ply, Gas and Electricity, Correc- tion, Street Cleaning, Parks, De- partments of— Proposals Board Meetings Bronx, Borough of— Proposals Changes in Departments, etc 9209 City Record, Board of— Proposals Correction, Department of— Proposals Correction, Fire, Public Charities, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Parks, Departments of— Proposals Docks and Ferries, Depart.dent of— Proposals Education, Department of— Proposals Estimate and Apportionment, Board of— Notice of Public Hearing, Franchise Matters 9220 Notices of Public Hearings, Puhlic jm- provement Matters 9219 Finance, Department of— Confirmation of Assessments 9213 Corporation Sale of Buildings and Ap- purtenances Thereto on City Real Estate by Sealed Bids 9214 Corporation Sale of the Lease of Cer- tain Real Estate 9212 Interest on City Bonds and Stock 9212 Sureties on Contracts 9214 Vouchers Received December 27, 1916 9207 Warrants Made Ready for Payment December 27, 1916 9205 Fire Department— Proposals 9217 Resolutions 9217 Fire Department, Park Board— Proposals 9216 9220 9217 9218 9217 9212 9215 9216 9216 9222 9220 9216 THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XLIV. NUMBER 13263. NEW YORK, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1916. PRICE, 3 CENTS. 6 THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter. by the BOARD OF CITY RECORD. JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, MAYOL LAMAR HARDY, Couovenos Cons= WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comrnam. DAVID FERGUSON, SUPERVISOR. Supervisor's Office, Municipal Building, Sth floor. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holiday s at Nos. 96 and 98 Rade st. (north side). between West Broadway and Church at.. Manhattan, New York City. Subscription, ;9.30 a year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees). Two Dol- lars, Postage Extra; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry Lists. 5 cents each assembly dis- trict; Law Department Supplement. 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate. 25 cents each section; postage prepaid. ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the Ciro RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion. Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Fire, Plant and Structures, Parks, Public Charities, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Correction, Street Clean- ing, Departments of— Proposals 9217 Fire, Public Charities, Parks,. Water Sup- ply, Gas and Electricity, Depart- ments of— Proposals 9216 Fire, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity; Parks, Manhattan and Richmond, Departments of— Proposals 9218 Fire, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity; Street Cleaning. Parks, Depart- ments of— Proposals 9217 Health, Department of— Proposals 9218 Instructions to Bidders for Work to be Done or Supplies to be Furnished 9222 Manhattan, Borough of— Proposals 9218 Municipal Civil Service Commission— Notices of Examinations 9220 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build- ings, etc. 9222 Official Directory 9211 Parks, Department of— Proposals 9217 Police Department— Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- erty 9212 Proposals 9212 Public Charities, Department cf- Proposals 9222 Public Charities, Health, Departments of— Proposals 9220 Public Charities, Police, Plant and Struc- tures, Parks, Departments of— Proposals 9218 Public Service Commission, First District— Calendar for the Week Commencing December 26, 1916 9195 Invitation to Contractors 9218 Queens, Borough of— Proposals 9215 Report for Week Ended November 11, 1916 9209 Richmond, Borough of— Proposals 9218 Report of Bureau of Buildings for Week Ended December 16, 1916 9209 Street Cleaning, Department of— Abstract of Precept 9221 Proposals 9221 Supreme Court, First Department— Filing Preliminary Abstracts. 9221 Supreme Court, Second Department— Application to Court to Condemn Property 9221 Application for Appointment of Com- missioners 9221 Filing Preliminary Abstracts 9222 Notice to File Claims - 9221 Water Supply, Board of— Proposals 9212 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- partment of— Auction Sale 9214 Proposals 9215 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT. 1 11111101■■■■ No. 120 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. Calendar for the Week Commencing December 26, 1916. Thursday, Dec. 28, 1916-10.30 a. m.—Commissioner Hodge's Room—Case No. 1261—The Long Island Railroad Company—"Alteration of grade crossings at Fresh Pond Road and Metropolitan Avenue at Bushwick Junction ; hearing for an account- ing"—Commissioner Hodge. 10.30 a. m.—Room 2562—Case No. 2169—Interborough Rapid Transit Company—"Platform gates and platforms on cars of elevated lines"— Whole Commission. 11.30 a. m.—Room 2562—Rapid Transit Railroads—"Opening of bids for construction of station finish on Sections 1-4, Routes 4-38"—Whole Com- mission, 2.30 p. m.—Room 2562—Cases Nos. 577 and 2052—New York Edison Com- pany et al.—"Uniform system of accounts and form of annual report for 1915"— Whole Commission. 2.30 p. m.—Room 2562—Case No. 2157—Gas and Electrical Corporations—"Service beyond the 100 feet referred to in Section 62 of Transpor- tation Corporations Law and form of contract"—Whole Commission. Regular Meeting of the Commission will be held on Wednesday at 11 a. m. Meeting of the Committee .of the Whole held on Tuesday at 10.30 a. m. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. STATED MEETING. Louis F. Cardani. Samson Friedlander. Clarence Y. Palitz. Edward Cassidy. John S. Gaynor Charles A. Post. Charlel P. Cole. Edward V. Gilmore. William F. Quinn. William T. Collins. George G. Goetz. Harry Robitzek. William W. Colne. Isaac Gutman. John J. Ryan. Edward W. Cox. Charles H. Haubert. Frank J. Schmitz. S. Clinton Crane. Harry Heyman. Peter Schweickert. Frank A. Cunningham. George Hilkemeier. Michael J. Shields. Edward W. Curley. William P. Kenneally, Emanuel I. Silberstein. Henry H. Curran. Francis P. Kenney. Fred Smith. William J. Daly. John F. McCourt. Arnon L. Squiers Charles Delaney. William P. McGarry. Patrick H. Sullivan. John Diemer. Charles J. McGillick. Michael Stapleton. Frank T. Dixson. John McKee. Frederick H. Stevenson. Bernard E. Donnelly. Charles A. McManus. Moritz Tolk, Frank Dostal, Jr. Thomas W. Martin. Frederick Trau. Alexander S. Drescher. James J. Molen. William K. Walsh. John T. Eagan. Charles J. Moore. Thomas A. Williams. Thomas M. Farley. Robert L. Moran. John Wirth. James R. Ferguson. Frank Mullen. Augustus M. Wise. August Ferrand John J. O'Rourke. Maurice E. Connolly, President, Borough of Queens. Douglas Mathewson, President, Borough of The Bronx. Lewis H. Pounds, President, Borough of Brooklyn. Marcus M. Marks, President, Borough of Manhattan. The Clerk proceeded to read the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of December 19, 1916. On motion of Alderman Kenneally, further reading was dispensed with, and the Minutes were approved as printed. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. No. 1087. Resolution Appointing Commissioners of Elections for the Term Beginning Janus ary 1. 1917, 12 o'Clock, Noon, and Expiring January 1, 1919, at 12 o'Clock, Noon. By Aldermen Curran and Kenney— Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of sections 191 and 194 of chapter 649 of the Laws of 1911, as amended by chapter 820 of the Laws of 1913 (an Act in relation to Elections, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws), the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York hereby appoints as Commis- sioners of Elections for the City of New York for the term beginning January 1, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, and expiring on January 1, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, the following named persons, they having been duly certified as fit and proper persons and duly recommended for such appointments: Edward F. Boyle, Democrat, the County of New York; Moses M. McKee, Republican, the County of New York; James Kane, Democrat, the County of Kings; Jacob A. Livingston, Republican, the County of Kings; The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said reso- lution. Which was unanimously decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Burns, Cassidy, Collins, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Diemer, Dixson, Donnelly, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Ken- neally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McKee, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moore, Moran, Mullen, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Wirth, President Connolly, President Pounds, President Marks, the President-50. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. No. 1088. Communication in Regard to Printing Minutes of Common Council from Febru. ary 10, 1784, to May 9, 1831, and Request for Extension of Time. New York Public Library, 476 Fifth Avenue, December 21, 1916. To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: Gentlemen—On July 7, 1916, the Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution author- izing $15,000 special revenue bonds for the printing of the manuscript minutes of the Common Council of the City from February 10, 1784, to May 9, 1831. The resolution of your Board stipulates that "all obligations contracted for hereunder be incurred on or before December 31, 1916." The Committee appointed to supervise the editing and publication of these minutes has been making as rapid progress as possible, but the undertaking is so large that it will probably require another year to complete the work. I, therefore, respectfully request your honorable board to extend the time within which the $15,000 may be expended to December 31, 1917. Respectfully submitted, VICTOR H. PALTSITZ, Chairman, Committee on Publication of the Minutes of the Common Council. Which was referred to the Committee on Finance. No. 1089. Bureau of Educational Experiments—Communication Asking That Contract with William E. Wirt Be Renewed. Bureau of Educational Experiments, to Collect and Distribute Information, Edu- cational Building, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York. To the Honorable the President and Members of the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York: GentlemenThe members of the Bureau of Educational Experiments, being aware that your Board will meet in the near future to take action on the matter of retaining the services of Mr. William E. Wirt as specialist in the schools of New York, desire to express as their most earnest conviction that it is a matter of great concern to the people of this City whether the series of experiments for which Mr. Wirt's services have been employed shall be given a fair and sufficient opportunity to demonstrate their value or lack of value; And since it is evident that, in the estimation of very many persons, no such opportunity can be afforded these experiments without the personal supervision of their originator, Mr. Wirt, and moreover, since public funds in large amounts have already been expended that the experiments originated by him might be initiated in different parts of the City; We, therefore, the members of the Bureau of Educational Experiments, do hereby petition the esteemed members of your honorable Board that the contract made by the City with Mr. William E. Wirt shall be renewed, and we do protest against any alteration in the terms proposed whereby Mr. Wirt's services may be lost to the City during the period required to complete his demonstration, lest the public be thus deprived of its due; that is to say, of a fair and sufficient opportunity to evaluate the results obtained by these experiments after large public funds have be,-n expended for their initiation. We have the honor, gentlemen, to be very respectfully yours, THE BUREAU OF 'EDUCATIONAL EXPERIMENTS, LUCY SPRAGUE MITCHELL, Chairman. December 19, 1916. Which was ordered on file. COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY, COUNTY AND BOROUGH OFFICERS. The President laid before the Board the following communications from the President of the Borough of Richmond: No. 1090. President, Borough of Richmond—Requesting That Unexpended Balance for Repairing Street Signs Be Allowed to Carry Over for the Year 1917. City of New York, President of the Borough of Richmond, Borough Hall, New Brighton, Staten Island, December 19, 1916. To the Honorable Boar& of Aldermen of the City of New York, City Hall, New York City: Gentlemen—On May 16, 1916, the Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution requesting $2,630.00 Special Revenue BOnds for the purpose of repairing street Saturday, December 23, 1916, 10.30 o'clock p. m. The Board met in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall. Present: Frank L. Dowling, President of the Board of Aldermen. Aldermen Alexander Bassett. Samuel J. Burden. James J. Browne. Francis P. Bent. William H. Burns. Lauren CarrolL

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Aldermen, Board of— Minutes of Stated Meetings Held De-

cember 23 and 26, 1916 9195

Assessors, Board of—Completion of Assessments Notice to Present Claims for Damages 9220

Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Fire, Plant and Structures; Parks, Manhat-tan and Richmond; Parks, Bronx; Parks, Brooklyn; Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Street. Clean-ing, Departments of—

Proposals 9216

Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Fire, Police, Health, Street Cleaning, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Cor-rection, Public Charities, Plant and Structures, Parks, Depart-ments of—

Proposals Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Public

Charities, Correction. Fire, Parks, Street Cleaning, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Departments of—

Proposals Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Public

Charities, Health, Fire, Police, Plant and Structures, Water Sup-ply, Gas and Electricity, Correc-tion, Street Cleaning, Parks, De-partments of—

Proposals Board Meetings Bronx, Borough of—

Proposals Changes in Departments, etc 9209

City Record, Board of— Proposals

Correction, Department of—Proposals

Correction, Fire, Public Charities, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Parks, Departments of—

Proposals Docks and Ferries, Depart.dent of—

Proposals Education, Department of—

Proposals Estimate and Apportionment, Board of—

Notice of Public Hearing, Franchise Matters 9220

Notices of Public Hearings, Puhlic jm- provement Matters 9219

Finance, Department of— Confirmation of Assessments 9213 Corporation Sale of Buildings and Ap-

purtenances Thereto on City Real Estate by Sealed Bids 9214

Corporation Sale of the Lease of Cer- tain Real Estate 9212

Interest on City Bonds and Stock 9212 Sureties on Contracts 9214 Vouchers Received December 27, 1916 9207 Warrants Made Ready for Payment

December 27, 1916 9205

Fire Department— Proposals 9217 Resolutions 9217

Fire Department, Park Board—

Proposals 9216




9217 9212










OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Published Under Authority of Section 1526, Greater New York Charter. by the



DAVID FERGUSON, SUPERVISOR. Supervisor's Office, Municipal Building, Sth floor. Published daily, at 9 a. m., except legal holidays at Nos. 96 and 98 Rade st. (north side).

between West Broadway and Church at.. Manhattan, New York City. Subscription, ;9.30 a year, exclusive of supplements. Daily issue, 3 cents a copy. SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the City employees). Two Dol-

lars, Postage Extra; Official Canvass of Votes, 10 cents; Registry Lists. 5 cents each assembly dis-trict; Law Department Supplement. 10 cents; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate. 25 cents each section; postage prepaid.

ADVERTISING: Copy for publication in the Ciro RECORD must be received at least TWO (2) days before the date fixed for the first insertion; when proof is required for correction before publication, copy must be received THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion.

COPY for publication in the corporation newspapers of Brooklyn must be received at least THREE (3) days before the date fixed for the first insertion.

Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City.


Fire, Plant and Structures, Parks, Public Charities, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Bellevue and Allied Hospitals, Correction, Street Clean-ing, Departments of—

Proposals 9217 Fire, Public Charities, Parks,. Water Sup-

ply, Gas and Electricity, Depart-ments of—

Proposals 9216 Fire, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity;

Parks, Manhattan and Richmond, Departments of—

Proposals 9218 Fire, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity;

Street Cleaning. Parks, Depart-ments of—

Proposals 9217 Health, Department of—

Proposals 9218 Instructions to Bidders for Work to be

Done or Supplies to be Furnished 9222 Manhattan, Borough of—

Proposals 9218 Municipal Civil Service Commission—

Notices of Examinations 9220 Notice to Bidders at Sales of Old Build-

ings, etc. 9222 Official Directory 9211 Parks, Department of—

Proposals 9217 Police Department—

Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Prop- erty 9212

Proposals 9212 Public Charities, Department cf-

Proposals 9222 Public Charities, Health, Departments of—

Proposals 9220 Public Charities, Police, Plant and Struc-

tures, Parks, Departments of— Proposals 9218

Public Service Commission, First District—Calendar for the Week Commencing

December 26, 1916 9195 Invitation to Contractors 9218

Queens, Borough of— Proposals 9215 Report for Week Ended November 11,

1916 9209 Richmond, Borough of—

Proposals 9218 Report of Bureau of Buildings for

Week Ended December 16, 1916 9209 Street Cleaning, Department of—

Abstract of Precept 9221

Proposals 9221 Supreme Court, First Department—

Filing Preliminary Abstracts. 9221 Supreme Court, Second Department—

Application to Court to Condemn Property 9221

Application for Appointment of Com- missioners 9221

Filing Preliminary Abstracts 9222 Notice to File Claims - 9221

Water Supply, Board of— Proposals 9212

Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De-partment of—

Auction Sale 9214 Proposals 9215



Calendar for the Week Commencing December 26, 1916. Thursday, Dec. 28, 1916-10.30 a. m.—Commissioner Hodge's Room—Case No.

1261—The Long Island Railroad Company—"Alteration of grade crossings at Fresh Pond Road and Metropolitan Avenue at Bushwick Junction ; hearing for an account-ing"—Commissioner Hodge. 10.30 a. m.—Room 2562—Case No. 2169—Interborough Rapid Transit Company—"Platform gates and platforms on cars of elevated lines"—Whole Commission. 11.30 a. m.—Room 2562—Rapid Transit Railroads—"Opening of bids for construction of station finish on Sections 1-4, Routes 4-38"—Whole Com-mission, 2.30 p. m.—Room 2562—Cases Nos. 577 and 2052—New York Edison Com-pany et al.—"Uniform system of accounts and form of annual report for 1915"—Whole Commission. 2.30 p. m.—Room 2562—Case No. 2157—Gas and Electrical Corporations—"Service beyond the 100 feet referred to in Section 62 of Transpor-tation Corporations Law and form of contract"—Whole Commission.

Regular Meeting of the Commission will be held on Wednesday at 11 a. m. Meeting of the Committee .of the Whole held on Tuesday at 10.30 a. m.



Louis F. Cardani. Samson Friedlander. Clarence Y. Palitz. Edward Cassidy. John S. Gaynor Charles A. Post. Charlel P. Cole. Edward V. Gilmore. William F. Quinn. William T. Collins. George G. Goetz. Harry Robitzek. William W. Colne. Isaac Gutman. John J. Ryan. Edward W. Cox. Charles H. Haubert. Frank J. Schmitz. S. Clinton Crane. Harry Heyman. Peter Schweickert. Frank A. Cunningham. George Hilkemeier. Michael J. Shields. Edward W. Curley. William P. Kenneally, Emanuel I. Silberstein. Henry H. Curran. Francis P. Kenney. Fred Smith. William J. Daly. John F. McCourt. Arnon L. Squiers Charles Delaney. William P. McGarry. Patrick H. Sullivan. John Diemer. Charles J. McGillick. Michael Stapleton. Frank T. Dixson. John McKee. Frederick H. Stevenson. Bernard E. Donnelly. Charles A. McManus. Moritz Tolk, Frank Dostal, Jr. Thomas W. Martin. Frederick Trau. Alexander S. Drescher. James J. Molen. William K. Walsh. John T. Eagan. Charles J. Moore. Thomas A. Williams. Thomas M. Farley. Robert L. Moran. John Wirth. James R. Ferguson. Frank Mullen. Augustus M. Wise. August Ferrand John J. O'Rourke.

Maurice E. Connolly, President, Borough of Queens. Douglas Mathewson, President, Borough of The Bronx. Lewis H. Pounds, President, Borough of Brooklyn. Marcus M. Marks, President, Borough of Manhattan. The Clerk proceeded to read the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of December

19, 1916. On motion of Alderman Kenneally, further reading was dispensed with, and the

Minutes were approved as printed. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS.

No. 1087. Resolution Appointing Commissioners of Elections for the Term Beginning Janus

ary 1. 1917, 12 o'Clock, Noon, and Expiring January 1, 1919, at 12 o'Clock, Noon.

By Aldermen Curran and Kenney— Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of sections 191 and 194 of

chapter 649 of the Laws of 1911, as amended by chapter 820 of the Laws of 1913 (an Act in relation to Elections, constituting chapter 17 of the Consolidated Laws), the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York hereby appoints as Commis-sioners of Elections for the City of New York for the term beginning January 1, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon, and expiring on January 1, 1919, at 12 o'clock noon, the following named persons, they having been duly certified as fit and proper persons and duly recommended for such appointments:

Edward F. Boyle, Democrat, the County of New York; Moses M. McKee, Republican, the County of New York; James Kane, Democrat, the County of Kings; Jacob A. Livingston, Republican, the County of Kings; The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said reso-

lution. Which was unanimously decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Burns, Cassidy, Collins, Cox, Crane, Cunningham,

Curley, Curran, Delaney, Diemer, Dixson, Donnelly, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Ken-neally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McKee, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moore, Moran, Mullen, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Wirth, President Connolly, President Pounds, President Marks, the President-50.


Communication in Regard to Printing Minutes of Common Council from Febru. ary 10, 1784, to May 9, 1831, and Request for Extension of Time.

New York Public Library, 476 Fifth Avenue, December 21, 1916. To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen:

Gentlemen—On July 7, 1916, the Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution author- izing $15,000 special revenue bonds for the printing of the manuscript minutes of the Common Council of the City from February 10, 1784, to May 9, 1831. The resolution of your Board stipulates that "all obligations contracted for hereunder be incurred on or before December 31, 1916."

The Committee appointed to supervise the editing and publication of these minutes has been making as rapid progress as possible, but the undertaking is so large that it will probably require another year to complete the work. I, therefore, respectfully request your honorable board to extend the time within which the $15,000 may be expended to December 31, 1917. Respectfully submitted,

VICTOR H. PALTSITZ, Chairman, Committee on Publication of the Minutes of the Common Council.

Which was referred to the Committee on Finance. No. 1089.

Bureau of Educational Experiments—Communication Asking That Contract with William E. Wirt Be Renewed.

Bureau of Educational Experiments, to Collect and Distribute Information, Edu- cational Building, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York. To the Honorable the President and Members of the Board of Aldermen of The City

of New York: Gentlemen—The members of the Bureau of Educational Experiments, being

aware that your Board will meet in the near future to take action on the matter of retaining the services of Mr. William E. Wirt as specialist in the schools of New York, desire to express as their most earnest conviction that it is a matter of great concern to the people of this City whether the series of experiments for which Mr. Wirt's services have been employed shall be given a fair and sufficient opportunity to demonstrate their value or lack of value;

And since it is evident that, in the estimation of very many persons, no such opportunity can be afforded these experiments without the personal supervision of their originator, Mr. Wirt, and moreover, since public funds in large amounts have already been expended that the experiments originated by him might be initiated in different parts of the City;

We, therefore, the members of the Bureau of Educational Experiments, do hereby petition the esteemed members of your honorable Board that the contract made by the City with Mr. William E. Wirt shall be renewed, and we do protest against any alteration in the terms proposed whereby Mr. Wirt's services may be lost to the City during the period required to complete his demonstration, lest the public be thus deprived of its due; that is to say, of a fair and sufficient opportunity to evaluate the results obtained by these experiments after large public funds have be,-n expended for their initiation. We have the honor, gentlemen, to be very respectfully yours,


December 19, 1916. Which was ordered on file.

COMMUNICATIONS FROM CITY, COUNTY AND BOROUGH OFFICERS. The President laid before the Board the following communications from the

President of the Borough of Richmond: No. 1090.

President, Borough of Richmond—Requesting That Unexpended Balance for Repairing Street Signs Be Allowed to Carry Over for the Year 1917.

City of New York, President of the Borough of Richmond, Borough Hall, New Brighton, Staten Island, December 19, 1916. To the Honorable Boar& of Aldermen of the City of New York, City Hall, New

York City: Gentlemen—On May 16, 1916, the Board of Aldermen adopted a resolution

requesting $2,630.00 Special Revenue BOnds for the purpose of repairing street

Saturday, December 23, 1916, 10.30 o'clock p. m. The Board met in the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall.

Present: Frank L. Dowling, President of the Board of Aldermen.

Aldermen Alexander Bassett. Samuel J. Burden. James J. Browne.

Francis P. Bent. William H. Burns. Lauren CarrolL



signs in the Borough of Richmond and on the 9th day of June, 1916, your Honor-able Bward in conjunction therewith adopted a resolution requesting an issue of Special Revenue Bonds in the sum of $2,630.00, the proceeds thereof to be used by the President of the Borough of Richmond for repairing and renewing street signs, all obligations contracted for hereunder to be incurred on or before December 31. 1916.

Immediately upon the adoption of said resolution provision was made for the purchase of said street signs and the assembling thereof, but owing to the delay of the manufacturer in furnishing said street signs has precluded the erection and assembling thereof, and as the season is rapidly drawing to a close and weather conditions preventing practically any work Thereon, I would respectfully request that the unexpended balance, amounting to approximately $1,308.27, be allowed to carry over for the year 1917. Respectfully yours,

CALVIN D. VAN NAME, President of the Borough of Richmond. Which was referred to the Committee on Finance.

No. 1091. President, Borough of Richmond—Request That Unexpended Balance Under

Special Revenue Allowance R. P. R. 16-D Be Allowed to Carry Over Into the Year 1917.

City of New York, President of the Borough of Richmond, Borough Hall, New _Brighton, Staten Island, December 18, 1916. To the Honorable Board of Aldermen of the City of New York, City Hall, New

York City. Gentlemen—The present storm having prevented for the time being any further

work to any extent on the work now being prosecuted under the Special Revenue Bond Allowance R. P. R. 16-D, I would respectfully request that the approximate unspent balance be allowed to carry over into the year 1917, as it is necessary to com-plete this work.

Code Number.

769 Personal Service, Wages Temporary Employees $650 00 792 Hire of Horses and Vehicles with Driver 125 00 785 Highway Material 275 00

$1,050 00

Very truly yours, CALVIN D. VAN NAME, President of the Borough of Rich- mond.

Which was referred to the Committee on Finance. ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS.

No. 1092 (G. 0. No. 223). Resolution Appointing Various Persons Commissioners of Deeds.

By the President— Resolved, That the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed

Commissioners of Deeds: By President Dowling—

Henry Ettlinger, 321 West 22nd Street, Manhattan. Endorsed by N. K. Stapleton and J. F. Murray.

By Alderman Cardani- Mortimer I. Harris, 1895 Broadway, Manhattan.

Endorsed by A. Blumenthal and J. K. Ellenbogen.

By Alderman Cox— Albert Aaron Lustig, 36 Pulaski St., Middle Village, Queens.

Endorsed by M. Block and M. Shlevetz. Jacques A. Isner, 2544 Palmetto St., Queens.

Endorsed by R. J. Robeson and Geo. A. Knobloch. By Alderman Carroll—

Ballard Palmer, 49 West 57th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by P. A. Rauck and C. L. Budel.

By Alderman Collins— John Weigold, 202 E. 38th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by J. P. B. Relyess and E. C. Weigold. By Alderman Crane—

Marcus Salbeys Wolff, 880 West 180th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by B. Jaffe and M. Wolff.

By Alderman Diemer- Morris V. Herbert, 804 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn,

Endorsed by J. Rosen and A. J. Markel. Max Katz, 712 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by D. Segal and A. P. Loesberg. Edward E. Rockey, 226 Stockton St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by A. Schaefer and R. E. Weber. By Alderman Dixson-

Samuel M. Katz, 324 South 4th st., Brooklyn. Endorsed by J. Dierner and E. J. Rozelle.

By Alderman Drescher— Rebecca Silverstein, 134 Chester st., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by N. Sweedler and F. E. Storencel. Frederick B. Hirsch, 310 Garfield pl., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by R. Jacobs and W. B. Lehrmere. Awid Wechsler, 2118 Douglass st., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by J. Kaufmany and Eugene Lins. Isaac Shlefstein, 162 Christopher st., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by N. Berkowitz and J. Rudnawsky. By Alderman Gaynor—

Reuben Dorfman, 220 Keap st., Brooklyn. Endorsed by I. Kuperschind and S. M. Landsmany.

By Alderman Goetz— Joseph Murray, 11 Hillcrest ave., Jamaica, Queens.

Endorsed by H. E. Winny and H. C. Frey. By Alderman Haubert-

Nicholas Blasius, Jr., 712 Knickerbocker ave., Brooklyn . Endorsed by J. Ullmann and L. Bartelmes.

By Alderman Hilkemeier- James M. Goodwin, 1144 DeKalb ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by W. Haubert and F. Jung, Jr. By Alderman Hannon—

Richard George Burke, 336 W. 16th st., Manhattan. Endorsed by R. W. Smith and F. L. Sullivan.

By Alderman Moran— Howard C. Kelly, 470 E. 161st st., Manhattan.

Endorsed by T. Maher and T. H. O'Neil. By Alderman O'Rourke—

Joseph Fannella, 78 VanDuzer St., Richmond. Endorsed by J. Trifoglio and W. J. Kenney.

By Alderman Robitzek- Walter Gresham Reeves, 220 Audubon Ave., Manhattan.

Endosed by D. F. Kahrs and W. W. Bruce. Abraham Heyert, 881 E. 178th St., Bronx.

Endorsed by A. Suydrcher and J. M. Marx. Charles H. Buntinx, 1947 Clinton Ave., Bronx.

Endorsed by R. W. Hill and N. B. K. Hoffman . By Alderman Shields—

Joseph L. Frieder, 350 W. 118th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by M. Schleimer and T. Adam.

By Alderman Smith— Isaac M. Henderson, 552 Greene Ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by M. G. Burkhard and N. H. Wray. By Alderman Squiers-

William A. Hatfield, 1617 Beverly Road. Brooklyn. Endorsed by H. C. Rubinio and R. E. Weldon.

By Alderman Sullivan— Samuel D. Cohen. 47 2d Ave., Manhattan.

Endorsed by H. Kunzler and J. Frost.

By Alderman Trau- James Browne, 154 E. 118th St, Manhattan.

Endorsed by M. E. Welvey and G. F. McCarthy. By Alderman Wirth—

Luella Milroy, 61 Bainbridge St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by J. C. Leve and Latta Neidhane.

By Alderman Wise— Joseph D. Cunningham, 446 St. Nicholas Ave., Manhattan.

Endorsed by E. C. Weller and G. S. Wing. Joseph D. Brinckerhoff, 514 W. 135th St, Manhattan.

Endorsed by G. Krus and F. B. Meeker. Aaron Matthew Becker, 1 Convent Ave., Manhattan.

Endorsed by E. C. Rouse and J. Levy. Which was laid over.

No. 1093. Preamble and Resolution in Regard to Recommendation of Postmaster General

That Auto Trucks Be Substituted hi Delivery of Mail for Present Methods. By the same—

Whereas, The Postmaster General in his annual report has recommended to Congress that auto trucks be substituted in the delivery of mail in large cities for the present methods of transportation, and

Whereas, The City of New York is equipped with a most efficient and useful tube plant for this purpose; and

Whereas, This great City is now involved in a serious consideration of methods for relieving traffic congestion, which would only be heavily increased by the institu-tion of an auto truck service for mail in lieu of the present tube service, be it

Resolved, That this Board of Aldermen of The City of New York, having in mind the best interests of the City, does hereby recommend to the members of Congress from this City and State that they take such steps as will prevent any compliance with this particular recommendation.

Which was adopted. No. 1094.

Resolution Requesting Postmaster General to Abandon Contemplated Reduction of Underground Mail Tube Service in This City.

By Alderman Curran— Resolved, That the Board of Aldermen requests the Postmaster General of the

United States to abandon his contemplated reduction of the underground mail tube service in this city.

When our people have to burrow like moles, through subways and tunnels, to escape the perils of traffic congestion on the streets, it is no time to exhume inanimate mail matter and joy-ride it about the town in speeding motor trucks, to the still greater peril of those who survive us on the surface of the earth.

Which was adopted. No. 1095.

Resolution Designating the "Bronx Record and Times" for Publication of Session

By the same— Laws, Etc., for 1917, in County of Bronx.

Resolved, That, pursuant to the provisions of subdivision 1 of section 48 of chapter 32 of the Consolidated Laws, as amended by chapter 97 of the Laws of 1911, and section 1586 of the Greater New York Charter, the "Bronx Record and Times," a newspaper published in the Borough of The Bronx, in the County of Bronx (Re-publican), whose place of publication is 4113 3rd Avenue. County of Bronx, be an4 the same is hereby designated as one of the newspapers in which shall be published the Session Laws, Concurrent Resolutions and Propositions of the Legislature of the State of New York for the year 1917 in said County of Bronx.

Which, on motion of Alderman Curran, was made a General Order for the day. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said reso-

lution. Which was unanimously decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole,

Collins, Colne, Cox. Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Ferguson, Ferrand, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, Hau-bert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen. O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Talk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Commissioner of Public Works; President Pounds, President Marks-61.

No. 1096. Resolution Designating the "Ledger" for Publication of Sessions Laws, Etc., for

1917 in the County of New York. By Alderman Kenneally-

Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 1 of section 48 of chapter 32 of the Consolidated Laws, as amended by chapter 97 of the Laws of 1911, the "Ledger" (Democratic), a paper published in the Borough of Manhattan, in the County of New York, whose place of publication is at 444 Pearl street, he and the same is hereby designated as one of the newspapers in which shall be pub-lished the Session Laws, Concurrent Resolutions and Propositions of the Legis-lature of the State of New York for the year 1917, in said County of New York.

Which, on motion of Alderman Kenneally, was made a General Order for the day.

The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said reso-lution.

Which was unanimously decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole,

Collins, Colne, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Ferguson, Ferrand, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, Hau-bert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Commissioner of Public Works; President Pounds, President Marks-61.

No. 1097 (Ord. Nd. 208). An Ordinance to Amend Section 1 of Article 1 of Chapter 11 of the Code of

Ordinances Relating to Fire-Arms and Particularly Relating to Pistols or Revolvers, Keeping or Carrying.

By Alderman Haubert- AN ORDINANCE to amend section 1 of article 1 of chapter 11 of the Code of

Ordinances, relating to Fire-Arms, and particularly relating to Pistols or Revolvers, Keeping or Carrying.

Be It Ordained, by the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York as follows: Section 1. Section 1 of article 1 of chapter 11 of the Code of Ordinances, relating

to Fire-Arms and particularly to Pistols or Revolvers, Keeping or Carrying, as con-tained in the Code of Ordinances adopted June 20th, 1916, and approved July 6, 1916, is hereby amended to read as follows :

§1. Pistols or revolvers, keeping or carrying. Every person to whom a license shall be granted to have and possess a pistol or revolver in a dwelling or place of business in the city shall pay therefor an annual fee of $1. Every person to whom a license shall be granted to have and carry concealed a pistol or revolver in the city shall pay therefor an annual fee of $1; provided, that no fee shall be charged or collected for a license to have and carry concealed a pistol or revolver which shall be issued upon the application of the commissioner of correction, or the warden or superintendent of any prison, penitentiary, workhouse or other institution for the detention of persons convicted or accused of crime or offense, or held as witnesses in criminal cases in the city. The fees prescribed by this section shall be collected by the officials issuing the licenses referred to herein and shall be paid by them into the police pension fund, and a return in detail shall be made monthly to the Comptroller by such officials of the fees so collected and paid over by them. Licenses issued for the purposes specified in this section shall expire one year from the date of issuance thereof.

§2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note—Matter in italics is new. Which was referred to the Committee on General Welfare.

No. 1098. (Ord. No. 209). An Ordinance to Amend Section 252 of Article 18 of Chapter 23 of the Code of

Ordinances Relating to Streets and Particularly Relating to Tan Bark on Streets.

By the same— AN ORDINANCE to Amend Section 252 of Article 18 of Chapter 23 of the



Code of Ordinances, Relating to Streets and Particularly Relating to Tan Bark on Streets. Be it ordained, by the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York, as follows: Section 1. Section 252 of article 18 of chapter 23 of the Code of Ordinances,

relating to Streets and particularly relating to Tan Bark on Streets, as contained in the Code of Ordinances adopted June 20, 1916, and approved July 6, 1916, is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 252. Tan bark on streets. The mayor or [any alderman,] the department of health, the police commissioner, or the inspector or captain of police assigned to the precinct in which the premises are situated, shall, upon application, grant per-mission to lay tan bark in the carriageway in front of any premises occupied by a sick or convalescent person, to the extent of 500 feet in any direction from said premises; providing all expense of placing and removing the bark shall be paid by the person making such application. The bark so placed in any street shall be removed, upon the order of the commissioner of street cleaning, within 5 days after the recovery or death of such sick or convaleicent person, and, upon failure or neglect to comply with such order, then it shall be removed by the commissioner, who may sue for and recover the cost of such removal in the manner provided for the collection of penalties.

Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note—Matter in [ ] to be omitted. Which was referred to the Committee on Public Thoroughfares.

SPECIAL ORDERS. S. 0. 175 (Int. No. 1050).

Report of the Committee on Finance in Favor of Adopting Resolution Authoriz. ing an Issue of Special Revenue Bonds, $10,000, for Repairs, Etc., to the Fulton Market Building.

The Committee on Finance, to which was referred on December 12, 1916 (Min-utes, page 745), the annexed request of the President of the Borough of Manhattan for special revenue bonds, $10,000, for repairs and alterations to the Fulton Market Building, and asking for an extension of time for use of a former issue, respectfully

REPORTS: That having examined the subject, it believes the proposed allowance should be

granted, as a previous allowance of $30,250 is insufficient to meet the estimated costs of pi...posed repairs and improvements; it further believes the time for completing such work should be extended.

It therefore recommends that the accompanying resolution be adopted. Resolved, That the following resolution, adopted June 6, 1916, And received from

the Mayor June 20, 1916: Resolved, That in pUrsuance of the provisions of Subdivision 8 of Section 188 of

the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and it is hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to the amount of thirty thousand two hundred and fifty dollars ($30,250), the proceeds whereof to be used by the President of the Borough of Manhattan for the purpose of making repairs to the building known as "Fulton Market," all obligations hereunder to be incurred on or before December 31, 1916. —be and the same is hereby amended by striking therefrom the word and figures "December 31, 1916," and inserting in lieu thereof the word and figures "June 30, 1917."

Resolved, That in pursuance of the provisions of subdivision 8 of section 188 of the Greater New York Charter, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and it is- hereby requested to authorize the Comptroller to issue special revenue bonds to the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000), the proceeds whereof to be used by the President of the Borough of Manhattan for the purpose of repairs and alterations to the Fulton Market Building.

All obligations contracted for hereunder to be incurred on or before June 30, 1917. FRANCIS P. KENNEY, F. II. STEVENSON, JOHN DIEMER, MICHAEL


City of New York, President of the Borough of Manhattan, Municipal Building, December 7, 1916. Hon. FRANK L. Dowian, President, Board of Aldermen, City Hall, New York:

Dear Sir—Under date of June 6, 1916, a resolution was adopted by your Honor-able Board authorizing an issue of special revenue bonds in the amount of $30,250, the proceeds thereof to be used for repairs and alterations to the Fulton Market Building, all obligations contracted thereunder to be incurred on or before December 31, 1916.

Under date of July 27, 19f6, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment approved and concurred in the said resolution and under date of September 19, 1916. proposals were received and duly opened for the work. All bids were subsequently rejected, as it was found that the lowest aggregate bids for all classes of work to be done were several thousand dollars in excess of the amount available.

In order that the contracts mati be readvertised I respectfully request• that an additional issue of special revenue bonds be authorized in the amount of $10,000, and that the time for incurring obligations thereunder and including the previous author-ization of June 6, 1916, be extended until June 30, 1917.

Yours very truly, MARCUS M. MARKS, President, Borough of Manhattan. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said

report and adopt such resolutions. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole,

Collins, Colne, Co; Crane, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Diemer, Dixson, -Donnelly, Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Ferrand, Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sulli-van, Stapleton, Tolk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Commissioner of Public Works ; President Pounds, President Marks-63.

S. 0. 176 (Int. No. 1049). Report of the Committee on Public Letting in Favor of Adopting Request of

the President of the Borough of Manhattan, for Authority to Purchase Four Auto Tracks, Without Public Letting.

The Committee on Public Letting, to which was referred on December 12, 1916 (Minutes, page 745), the annexed request of the President of the Borough of Man-hattan for authority to purchase four auto trucks, without public letting, respectfully

REPORTS: That Deputy Commissioner Boschen and Mr. Cantor appeared before the Com-

mittee in connection with this request, and as it appears to the. Committee these pur-chases are necessary for emergency and repair work in the Department of Sewers, the Committee recommends its adoption.

Resolved, That, in pursuance of the provisions of section 419 of the Greater New York Charter, the President of the Borough of Manhattan be and he is hereby au-thorized and empowered to purchase four automobile trucks to be used in connec-tion with emergency and repair work in the Bureau of Sewers of the Department of Public Works, in the open market, without public letting, at a cost of five hundred dollars ($500) each. • JOHN McCANN, JAMES J. BROWNE, C. AUGUSTUS POST, PATRICK H. SULLIVAN, WM. P. McGARRY, PETER SCHWEICKERT, EDWARD W. COX, Committee on, Public Letting.

City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, Department of Public Works, Mu-nicipal Building. December 6, 1916. To the Honorable Board of Aldermen, City Hall, New York City:

Gentlemen—In the budget for 1917 provision is made for the purchase of four automobile trucks to be used in connection with emergency and repair work in the Bureau of Sewers of the Department of Public Works, Borough of Manhattan.

It was understood by the Budget Committee that the money was intended for the purchase of Ford chassis with express bodies at a sum ncit to exceed $500 each.

In accordance with the provisions of section 419 of the Charter I hereby ask 'your Honorable Board to authorize the purchase of these cars at a price not to exceed $500 each without public letting.

Respectfully.. RALPH FOLKS, Commissioner of Public Works. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said

resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole,

Collins, Colne, Cox, Crane, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Diemer, Dixson, Donnelly, Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Ferrand, Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise-60.

GENERAL ORDERS. Int. No. 473 (G. 0. 202).

Report of the Committee on Public Thoroughfares in Favor of Adopting an Ordinance to Amend Subdivision 1 of Section 15 of Article 15 of Chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances Relating to "Rules of the Road," and Particularly to "Right of Way."

The Committee on Public Thoroughfares, to which was referred on June 20, 1916 (Minutes, page 1265), the annexed ordinance to amend subdivision 1 of section 15 of article 15 of chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to "rules of the road," and particularly to "right of way," respectfully

REPORTS: That the introducer appeared before the Committee and set forth conclusive

argument with respect to the advisability of the ordinance. It is intended mainly to avoid accidents, and the Committee is of the opinion that the argument advanced is based on fair ground, and, therefore, recommends that the said ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE to amend subdivision 1 of section 15 of article 2 of chapter 24 of

the Code of Ordinances, relating to "rules of the road," and particularly "right of way."

Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York, as follows: Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 15 of article 2 of chapter 24 of the Code of

Ordinances, relating to "rules of the road," and particularly to "right of way," is hereby amended to read as follows: §15. Right of way.

1. Direction. [On all streets and public places, all vehicles going in a northerly or southerly direction shall have the right of way over any vehicles going in an easterly or westerly direction.] Every driver of a vehicle approaching the intersection of a street or public place shall grant the right of way at such intersection to any vehicle approaching from his right; provided, that whenever traffic officers are stationed they shall have full power to regulate traffic.

Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note—New matter in italics; old matter, in bracket [1, to be omitted. MICHAEL STAPLETON, FRANK MULLEN, JOHN J. RYAN, EDWARD


Which, on motion of Alderman Ferrand, was recommitted to the Committee on Public Thoroughfares.

G. 0. 211 (Int. No. 1080). Resolution Appointing Various Persons Commissioners of Deeds.

Resolved, That the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of Deeds: By Alderman Carroll—

Joseph Francis McGarvey, 4 E. 85th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by John S. Lynch and J. Kavanagh.

Rodney Ashmead, 60 W. 66th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by D. H. Miller and E. E. Greene.

By Alderman Cox— William Charles Kruse, 107 Alburtis Ave., Queens.

Endorsed by L. Gallucci and W. A. Barr. By Alderman Crane—

Anna Ruth Van 'Beuren, 18 Washington Terrace, Manhattan. Endorsed by J. C. Harris and J. A. Buch.

Max Greenwald, 561 W. 147th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by D. S. Meyer and L. Brown.

Clark L. Jordan, Jr., 549 W. 163d St., Manhattan. Endorsed by C. L. Jordan and S. S. Kiff.

M. A. Duley, 15 Fort Washington Ave., Manhattan. Endorsed by H. Edwards and C. B. Gante.

By Alderman Curley— Maxwell L. Crames, 851 Kelly St., Bronx.

Endorsed by A. D. Lind and A. Pfeiffer. Joseph L. Bunzl, 1679 Southern Boulevard, Bronx.

Endorsed by E Cohn and W. H. Buschmann. Lawrence J. Fagan, 511 E. 144th St., Bronx.

Endorsed by D. O'Connell and E. J. Horn, Carl Eugene Davidson, 860 Whitlock ave., Bronx.

Endorsed by G. Cambe and D. M. Hirsch. By Alderman Cunningham—

Anthony Camarda, 139 President St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by J. J. Cantwell and W. Mutell.

By Alderman Daly— William H. Swatton, 245 East 198th st., Bronx.

Endorsed by T. L. Waugh and H. J. Smith. By Alderman Diemer-

Esther R. Levy, 132 Vermont ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by B. Grubrick and E. J. Roth.

Louis Keller, 873 Park ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by I. D. Robbins and S. Schmalheiser.

Frederick L. Georgens, 304 Hart St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by C. Froeb and H. Wuestefeld.

By Alderman Dixson- Samuel Jacobs, 193 Roebling St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by J. D. Hephanidis and P. Meeffleydtte. By Alderman Dostal-

Philip Page, 437 6th Ave., Manhattan. Endorsed by J. Stiefel and D. Kornbluch.

By Alderman Dunn— Fred H. Johnson, 1126 83rd St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by A. E. Palmer and E.- J. Whitlock. Phoebe Kennaugh, 522 81st St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by J. W. Osborne and J. R. Hennis. Emily Baxter, 566 48th St, Brooklyn.

Endorsed by J. J. Coyle and G. W. Bristol. By Alderman Ferguson—

Len Bellick, 1121 Teller Ave., Bronx. Endorsed by W. Klapp and J. Monaghan.

Abraham Rouse, 734 East 152nd St., Bronx. Endorsed by S.. C. Loeve and E. Cann.

By Alderman Friedlander— Robert M. Herbert, 141 W. 113th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by J. W. Robertson and 0. J. Smith. Alexander Holzman. 100 West 119th St. Manhattan

Endorsed by J. D. Behrman and A. Cahlby. Robert Oppenhiem, 1867 7th Ave.. Manhattan.

Endorsed by M. Leinkran and S. W. Levine. By Alderman Gaynor—

Jacob Rentz. 136 Ross St, Brooklyn. Endorsed by M. Muller and G. Bauer.

Augusta Schnaps. 165 Rodney St„ Brooklyn. Endorsed by C Broden and H. C. Manheim.

Frank J. Montague, 1813 Ralph St., Queens. Endorsed by E. Peete and C. A. Passon.

By Alderman Goetz—. Josenh Wilfred Boudreau. 171 Globe Ave.. Jamaica. Queens.

Endorsed by C D. Wohltjen and H. J. White. Louis Greenspan, 25 Bauchman Ave.. Jamaica, Queens.

Endorsed by M. Fisch and A. Hulester. Samuel Cohen. 4372 Fulton-St, Richmond Hill, Queens.

' Endorsed by P. Schmoder and P, J. Youngs. By Alderman Heyman—

Jerome Al. Weiss. 80 Varet. St, Brooklyn. Endorsed by N. G. • Goldberger and P. M. Crandell


By Alderman Hilkemeier- Frederick VonDerGeest, 387 Himrod St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by L. Lewin and 0. Muhlbauer. By Alderman Hogan-

Oswald R. McCarty, 372 State St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by C. H. McCarty and G. F. Shiebler.

George B. Vankiuren, 92 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn Endorsed by Wm. W. Taylor and C. E. Kelley.

By Alderman McKee- Charles Brettell, 19 East 128th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by P. Kuhn and A. H. Zucker. John E. Weiss, 103 E. 123rd St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by B. Vollak and W. E. Goldenberg. By Alderman Martin-

Isabel Wexler, 439 West 212th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by F. Colety and E. I. Schwerts.

By Alderman Moore- William J. Smith, 141 Richmond St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by W. H. Jay and H. D. Barmore. By Alderman Mullen-

Joseph Jacobowitz, 3675 Broadway, Manhattan. Endorsed by T. R. Hilton and F. W. Noble.

By Alderman Palitz- Jacob H. Mayers, 559 West 156th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by E. B. Cohen and L. Wormser. John Kalb, 455 East 168th St., Bronx.

Endorsed by T. S. Hicks and L A. Doran. Matilda Meon, 2666 Decatur Ave., Bronx.

Endorsed by W. C. Goldenberg and E. J. Lees. By Alderman Robitzek-

Vincent Sempreviva, 2308 Crotona Ave., Bronx. Endorsed by B. Komito and J. L. Mullaney.

By Alderman Ryan- William J. Smith, 1947 East 16th St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by John Wynn and G. M. Birch. By Alderman Schmitz-

Crescent L. Varrone, 173 Corona Ave., Queens. Endorsed by P. Atonna and L. Bloise.

By Alderman Shields- Leonard Klaber, 628 West 114th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by E. Dusenbury and E. B. Sammis. Thomas Clute Morgan, 203 West 108± St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by J. T. Hanley and T. Mawnk, Jr. Lynn P. Reed, MO West 122nd St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by William L. Bainton and G. H. Porter. By Alderman Silbersiein-

Samuel Fassler, 100 Avenue D, Manhattan. Endorsed by J. H. Weir and A. L. Horn.

Rose Alexander, 275 E. 7th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by H. M. Schaap and H. Hellenstein.

By Alderman Squiers- Irma M. Gall, 872 Glenmore Ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by C. E. Russell and L. McGoldrick. Christopher C. Mollenhauer, 357 East 31st St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by A. Vanrein and A. Factor. James Jules Kegreisz, 799 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn.

Endorsed by William E. Ford and C. H. Schwing. Isidor I. Komito, 270 Rochester Ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by J. L. Mullaney and V. Sempreviva. Charles Hoeffling, 615 East 14th St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by W. A. Borkhind and J. Drennen, By Alderman Stapleton-

Max Kaminsky, 200 Henry St., Manhattan. Endorsed by B. Krunenberg and J. W. Hartmar.

By Alderman Walsh- Arnold C. Pouch, 2 Belmont Terrace, Richmond.

Endorsed by F. J. Connelly and F. Anderson. By Alderman Wirth-

Albert Fischer, 715 Macon St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by A. H. Seaman and F. Wellmann.

Bernard Modell, 276 Reid Ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by A. C. McDonnell and M. Bresser.

Robert L. Wensley, 275 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by J. F. Stier and G. T. Donnell.

Jacob S. Gross, 165 Patchen Ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by H. S. Ziegel and J. Van Deveer.

Sadie R. Frank, 551 Hancock St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by E. Cadwell and F. Holmes.

The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said report and adopt such resolution.

Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative-Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole,

Collins, Colne, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Ferguson, Ferrand, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen. O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk,

Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Com-missioner of Public Works ; President Pounds, President Marks-61.

Int. No. 629 (G. 0. 212). Report of the Committee on Buildings Reporting to the Board as a Whole,

Without Recommendation, "An Ordinance Relating to the Approval' of Theatres."

The Committee on Buildings, to which was referred to July 7, 1916 (Minutes, page 52), the annexed ordinance to amend section 521 of article 25 of chapter 5 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the approval of theatres respectfully .

REPORTS: That the Committee held a hearing on this matter and there being varying

opinions expressed, and the Committee not being wholly in conclusion with respect to the subject, it presents the proposition to the Board for its final determination. AN ORDINANCE to amend section 521 of article 25 of chapter 5 of the Code of

Ordinances relating to the approval of theatres. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York, as follows: Section 1. Sec. 521 of article 25 of chapter 5 of the Code of Ordinances is hereby

amended to read as follows : Section 521. Buildings must be approved. No building described in the preceding

section of this article shall he opened to the public for theatrical or operatic purposes, or for public entertainments of any kind, until the fire commissioner and the super-intendent of buildings shall have approved the same in writing as conforming to the requirements of this article. Any.such building in which departure from the provisions of this article has been made under an approval of the superintendent of buildings or the board of examiners, and which has, previous to May 1st, 1916, been approved for use by the fire commissioner and the superintendent of buildings, may be approved as conforming to the requirements of this article, so long as it is deemed reasonably safe by the fire commissioner and the superintendent of buildings, pro-vided, however, that a building as to which the Courts have held that a permit for

-its alteration or reconstruction is void, shall not be approved. Section 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note-New matter in italics. WM. P. KENNEALLY, JOHN McKEE, CHARLES W. DUNN, S. CLINTON


Which was laid over. G. 0. 213 (Int. No. 870).

Report of the Committee on Buildings in Favor of Filing an Ordinance in Reli. tion to Motorcycle Repair Shops and Storage Places.

The Committee on Buildings, to which was referred on September 26, 1916

(Minutes, page 288), the annexed ordinance in relation to motorcycle repair shops and storage places, respectfully

REPORTS: That, having examined the subject, the Committee concludes that the provisions

of this proposed ordinance are too drastic, and recommends that the matter be placed on file. AN ORDINANCE in Relation to Motor Cycle Repair Shops and Storage Places.

Be It Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York, as follows: Section 1. Chapter ten of the Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by inserting

therein a new article, to be article fourteen and to read as follows: ARTICLE 14.

Motor Cycle Repair Shops and Storage Places. Section 190. Permit.

191. Restrictions. §190. permi1t.92. Fire Preventien.

Except upon premises for which a permit has been issued under this article, no person shall conduct a repair shop for motor cycles, nor store, house or keep, nor receive for storage, housing or keeping, more than four motor cycles containing gaso-line in their fuel tanks; provided, however, that such a permit shall not be required for premises used as a garage under a permit duly issued therefor, nor for premises used for the storage or repair of motor cycles owned and operated by members of but one family. §191. Restrictions.

1. Storage of Oil. Such permit shall state the amount of kerosene and lubricating oils which may be stored on such premises, which amount shall not be exceeded.

2. Basement Premises. No permit shall be granted for premises below the grade story of any building.

3. Tenement Houses, etc. No permit shall be issued for any premises situated in any tenement house, hotel or frame building, or in any non-fireproof building in which there is a factory or place of public assemblage, unless:

(a) The compartment enclosing such premises is of fire retarding material throughout, including doors and windows, and

(b) All doors and windows opening from such 'compartment into other portions of the building are self-closing. §192. Fire Prevention.

In all premises for which a permit is issued under this article, the following regu-lations shall be complied with:

(a) No gasoline, except that in the fuel tanks of motor cycles, shall be Permitted on the premises and such fuel tanks shall not be opened, drawn from or filled on the premises.

(b) No coal or oil burning stove shall be used. (c) No motor cycle or part thereof shall, under any circumstances, be cleaned

by the use of gasoline. (d) Only electric lights shall be used, the bulbs of which shall be enclosed in wire

cages or otherwise properly protected in a manner approved by the Fire Commissioner. (e) • Fire pails filled with sand, approved fire extinguishers and "no smoking"

signs shall be provided in such number as the Fire Commissioner may require. §2. Section forty-three of such chapter is hereby amended by inserting therein a

new subdivision to be numbered twenty-six-a and to read as follows:

26-a. Motor cycle repair shop or storage place or both $5 00 §3. This ordinance shall take effect on January first, nineteen hundred and

seventeen. Note-New matter in italics. • WM. P. KENNEALLY, EMANUEL I. SILBERSTEIN, JOHN McKEE,


The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said report and adopt such ordinance.

Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative-Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole,

Collins, Colne, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Dixson, Don-nelly, Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Ferguson, Ferrand, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Commissioner of Public Works; President Pounds, President Marks-61.

Int. No. 894 (G. 0. 214). Report of the Committee on Buildings in Favor of Adopting an Ordinance to

Amend Section 91 of the Building Code. The Committee on Buildings, to which was referred on October 3, 1916 (Minutes,

page 19), the annexed ordinance to amend section 91 of the Building Code, re-spectfully

REPORTS : That, having examined the subject, and finding it has the approval of the Alder-

man of the district affected, as well as the property owners, the Committee recom-mends that the accompanying ordinance be adopted : AN ORDINANCE to amend subdivision 3 of section 91 of article 5 of chapter 5 of

the Code of Ordinances, relating to restricted areas. Be it Ordained, by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York, as follows: Section 1. Subdivision 3 of section 91 of article 5 of chapter 5 of the Code of

Ordinances, relating to restricted areas, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following words : excepting, however, the premises beginning at the At-lantic Ocean at the easterly side of Ocean Avenue, running thence northerly along the easterly side of Ocean Avenue to Oriental Boulevard, thence easterly along the south-erly side of Oriental Boulevard to the westerly side of Irwin Street; thence southerly along the westerly side of Irwin Street to the Atlantic Ocean; thence along the Atlantic Ocean to the point of beginning.

Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note-New matter in italics. WM. P. KENNEALLY, EMANUEL I .SILBERSTEIN, JOHN McKEE,


Board of Standards and Appeals, Municipal Building, New York, November 27, 1916. Honorable WM.. P. KENNEALLY, Chairman, Committee on Buildings, Board of Alder-

men, City Hall: Dear Sir-I have your request of November 25, 1916, for an opinion as to whether

the proposed ordinance amending subdivision 3 of section 91, chapter 5, of the Code of Ordinances is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Aldermen or the Board of Standards and Appeals. This is very properly an amendment to the Code of Ordi-nances and seems to me to be in proper form for adoption by the Board of Alder-men, with the exception, perhaps, that the period at the end of subdivision 3 of sec-tion 91 be replaced by a comma and the new matter start with a small letter.

As to the merits of the proposed amendment, I am not prepared to say anything. While the property included in the description is used for special purposes at the present time, the effect of this amendment is to continue what may later on prove an undesirable use of a piece of property located in the heart of a residential dis-trict. On the other hand, however, it may be noted that the use district maps of the building zone resolution have placed the property included in this proposed amend- ment in an unrestricted district. Respectfully yours,

RUDOLPH P. MILLER, Chairman. Which was laid over.

Int. No. 941 (G. 0. 215).

Report of the Committee on Buildings in Favor of Filing Communication Rela. five to "An Ordinance Relating to the Approval of Theatres."

The Committee on Buildings, to which was referred on October 31. 1916 (Minutes, page 159). the annexed communication from William B. Ellison, Saul J. Baron and Bruce Ellison, relative to "an ordinance relating to the approval of theatres" (Int. No. 629-Ord. No. 111), respectfully

REPORTS: That the Committee having disposed of the matter referred to in its report on

Ordinance No. 629, recommends that the accompanying communication be placed on file.



CHARLES 'W. DUNN, S. CLINTON CRANE, WM. P. McGARRY, PETER , AN ORDINANCE to amend an ordinance in relation to street musicians. SCHWE1CKERT, FRANK J. SCHMITZ, Committee on Buildings. Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the city of New York, as pilaus:

Saul J. Baron, counselor at law, Mutual Life Building, 34 Nassau Street, New Article 14, of chapter 14, of the Lode of Uramances of he city of New f ork, is York, October 30, 1916. hereby amended by mining a new section, numbered 1/Z, and reaamg as follows: To the Hon. the Board of Aldermen, Municipal Building, New York City : Sec. 1. Section 172. Term of license. All licenses for street musicians shall be

Honorable Sirs—We venture to call your attention to the following: On July issued as of January 1, and shall expire on the 31st day of December next succeeding 19, 1916, Mr. Justice Nathan Bijur, at a special term of the Supreme Court, Part Me date of issuance thereof. IV, held in the County of New York, rendered a decision in the action of Abraham See. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. H. Altschul, plaintiff, vs. Alfred Ludwig, as Superintendent of Buildings of the Bor- Note—Matter in italics is new. ough of Manhattan, City of New York; William B. Ellison, as receiver of the estate HARRY ROBITZEK, Chairman; ALEXANDER BASSETT, WILLIAM T. of Timothy' D. Sullivan, deceased, and Bernard F. Golden, defendants, affecting the COLLINS, JOHN T. EAGAN, JAMES R. FERGUSON, JOSEPH M. HANNON, premises known as the Dewey Theatre premises at East 14th Street, in the Borough WILLIAM H. BURNS, S. FRIEDLANDER, CHARLES H. HAUBERT, Com- of Manhattan, New York City. mittee on General Welfare.

From that decision an appeal, now pending, has been taken by the defendants The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said report Alfred Ludwig and William B. Elilison to the Appellate Division of the First De- and adopt such ordinance. partment. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote:

The undersigned, William B. Ellison, as receiver of the estate of Timothy D. Affirmative—Aldermen Bassett, Burns,. Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole, Sullivan, has been represented in this litigation by Bruce Ellison, Esq., and Saul J. Collins, Colne, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Dixson, Don-Baron, Esq., as associate counsel. Mr. Baron, until recently, has been the receiver nelly, Dostal, Dresc.lier, Eagan, Ferguson, Ferrand, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, of these premises under the foreclosure of a mortgage. Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick,

There has come to our notice Ordinance No. O.9 of July 7, 1916, relating to the McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, approval of theatres. The report to the ordinance- reads in part as follows: Ryan, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk,

"This ordinance has been made necessary by a recent decision of the Supreme Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Court in order that theatres erected and operated in good faith since 1904, the safety Commissioner of Public Works; President Pounds, President Marks-61. of which has not been questioned, may continue to be operated as theatres. While G. 0. 219 (Int. No. 1031). the court decision referred to was probably intended to apply only to specihc cases, the Report of the Committee on General Welfare in Favor of Adopting an Ordinance Corporation Counsel advises that the language is so broad that it applies to practically Relating to Exterior Hoists. all theatres since 1904. No opposition has been offered to this ordinance, the parties The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on November 28, interested in the litigation on which the decision was based are agreeable to its passage, 1916 (Minutes, page 686), the annexed ordinance to amend an ordinance relating and the ordinance has been urged by the Fire Commissioner and the Superintendent to exterior hoists, respectfully of Buildings of Manhattan. The Committee, therefore, recommends its adoption." REPORTS:

"The recent decision of the Supreme Court" referred to in the above extract is That Commissioner Bell appeared before the Committee in favor of this the decision of Mr. Justice Nathan Bijur above-mentioned. amendment, and as the purpose of the ordinance is simply to fix a uniform date for

As parties interested in the litigation on which the decision was based, we desire to the issuance and expiration of licenses of exterior hoists, the Committee recommends respectfully bring to your notice that in no way and at no time have we personally the adoption of this ordinance. or otherwise agreed to the passage of the ordinance above referred to. AN ORDINANCE to amend an ordinance relating to exterior hoists.

We dc not consent to the passage of the ordinance. On the contrary, we object Be it ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows: - to its passage; first, because it excepts from its operation the Dewey Theatre premises Section 70, article 7, chapter 14, of the Code of Ordinances of The City of New

affected by the litigation referred to, and, secondly, its purpose is obviously to circum- York, is hereby amended to read as follows: vent or anticipate the decision of the Court on appeal. Section 1. Section 70. Licenses, fees, term. No person shall hoist anything

We are, respectfully yours, whatsoever on the outside of a building from the street, into any loft or lower any- WILLIAM B. ELLISON, Receiver of the Estate of Timothy D. Sullivan, De- thing on the outside thereof, by any means, without a license therefor, and giving an

ceased; SAUL J. BARON, BRUCE ELLISON. indemnity bond to the City, with sufficient surety, approved by the commissioner. Which report was accepted. Any one generally engaged in such a business shall take out a general license, and

G. 0. 216 (Int. No. 1019). any one so hoisting in front of certain premises only shall take out a special license Report of the Committee on General Welfare in Favor of Adopting Resolution therefor. The annual fee for a general hoisting license shall be $25. The fee for a

to Allow the Swedish-Finnish Bethlehem Church to Construct a Vault With- special hoisting license shall be $1. out Payment of Fee. All licenses for exterior hdists shall be issued as of January 1, and shall expire

the 31st day of December next succeeding the date of issuance thereof. on The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on December 8, Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. 1916 (Minutes, page 682), the annexed resolution to allow the Swedish-Finnish Note—Matter in italics is new. Bethlehem Church to construct a vault without payment of fee, respectfully


That section 216 of the ,Chartei exempts places of public worship from payment COLLINS, JOHN T. EAGAN, JAMES R. FERGUSON, JOSEPH M. HANNON,

of any fee for the construction of a vault under the sidewalk or in front thereof, WILLIAM H. BURNS, S. FRIEDLANDER, CHARLES H. HAUBERT, Com-

and this edifice comes within said provision. The Committee recommends that the mittee on General Welfare. accompanying resolution be adopted.

The President put the question -whether the Board would agree with said report Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Swedish-Finnish and adopt such ordinance.

Bethlehem Church to construct and maintain a vault as shown upon the accompanying Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: diagram, under the sidewalk in front of the church premises in the Borough of The Affirmative—Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole, Bronx, located at Nos. 632-634 East 135th Street, the privilege hereby conveyed to be Collins, Colne, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Dixson, Don-

exercised without payment of the usual fee, in accordance with the provisions of sec- nelly, Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Ferguson, Ferrand, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman,

lion 216 of the Greater New York Charter; the work to be done at said Swedish- Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick,

Finnish Bethlehem Church's expense, under the direction of the President of the McManus, Martin, Mold), Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk, Borough, such permission to continue only during the pleasure of the Board of Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton,

Aldermen. Commissioner of Public Works; President Pounds, President Marks-61. HARRY ROBITZEK, Chairman; ALEXANDER BASSETT, WILLIAM T. - COLLINS, JOHN T. EAGAN, JAMES R. FERGUSON, JOSEPH M. HANNON, Int. No. 1035C (G. 0. 220).

WILLIAM H. BURNS, CHAS, H. HAUBERT, Committee on General Welfare. Report of the Committee on General Welfare in Favor of Filing an Ordinance The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said report to Amend Section 23 of Article 3 of Chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances

and adopt such resolution. Relating to Salting Tracks. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on December 4, 1916 Affirmative—Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole, (Minutes, page 711), the annexed ordinance to amend section 23 of article 3 of

Collins, Collie, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to salting tracks, respectfully Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Ferguson, Ferrand, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, REPORTS; Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, That Commissioner of Street Cleaning appeared before the Committee in favor McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, of this amendment. Its adoption was very strongly opposed by Mr. Friel representing Ryan, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk, the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, because of the great physical Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Corn- suffering involved to horses, and he filed letters from Department of Agriculture of missioner of Public Works; President Pounds, President Marks-61. Washington, D. C., the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary College, New York

G. 0. 217 (Int. No. 1020). Veterinary College, in opposition to this amendment on the humane grounds. Its Report of the Committee on General Welfare in Favor of Adopting Resolution adoption was also opposed by veterinary surgeons representing truck owners, New

to Allow the Fordham Methodist Episcopal Church to Construct a Vault York Team Owners Association. The Committee is of the opinion for humane Without Payment of Fee. reasons that this matter be placed on file.

The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on November 28, AN ORDINANCE to amend section 23 of article 3 of chapter 22 of the Code of 1916 (Minutes, page 682), the annexed resolution to allow the Fordham Methodist Ordinances relating to salting tracks.

Episcopal Church to construct a vault without payment of fee, respectfully Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows:

REPORTS : Section 1. Section 23 of article 3 of chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances is That section 216 of the Charter exempts places of public worship from payment hereby amended to read as follows:

of any fee for the_construction of a vault under the sidewalk or in front thereof, §23. Salting tracks. and, as this edifice comes within said provision, the Committee recommends that the No person, excepting a duly authorized employee of the Department of Street accompanying resolution be adopted. Cleaning, shall throw, expose or place, or cause or procure to be thrown, exposed

Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Trustees of the or placed in or upon any street or public place, except upon the curves, crossings or Fordham Methodist Episcopal Church to construct and maintain a vault as shown switches of railroad tracks, any salt, saltpetre or other substance, for the purpose upon the accompanying diagram, under the sidewalk in front of the Marion avenue of dissolving any snow or ice which may have fallen or been deposited thereon; side of their church premises on the corner of Marion avenue and Fordham road, nor shall any person throw or place upon the curves, crossings or switches of rail-in the Borough of The Bronx, the privilege hereby conveyed to be exercised without road tracks any salt, saltpetre or other substance for the purpose of dissolving snow payment of the usual fee, in accordance with the provisions of section 216 of the or ice, unless permission therefor be first obtained from the Borough President having Greater New York Charter; the work to be done at said Trustees' expense, under jurisdiction. the direction of the President of the Borough, such permission to continue only during Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. the pleasure of the Board of Aldermen. Note—Matter in italics is new.


The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said report on General Welfare. W and adopt such resolution. Which was again laid over.

Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Int. No. 1037 (G. 0. 221). Affirmative—Aldermen Bassett, Burns, Burden, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Cole, Report of the Committee on General Welfare in Favor of Adopting an Ordinance

Collins, Colne, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, to And the Code of Ordinances Relating to "Rules of the Road." Dostal, Drescher, Eagan, Ferguson, Ferrand, Gaynor, Gilmore, Goetz, Gutman, The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on December 4, 1916 Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick,

(Minutes, page 714), the annexed ordinance to amend subdivision 2 of section 13 of McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, article 2 of chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to the "Rules of the

Ryan, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Smith, Squiers, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk,. Road," particularly to restricted streets, respectfully Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Com- missioner of Public Works; President Pounds, President Marks-61. REPORTS: That this matter has the approval of the Alderman of the district, and there hay- G. 0. 218 (Int. No. 1030). ing been no objections offered to the Committee at its hearing on this matter, it Report of the Committee on General Welfare in Favor of Adopting an Ordinance recommends that the accompanying ordinance be adopted.

Relating to Street Musicians. AN ORDINANCE to amend subdivision 2 of section 13 of article 2 of chapter 24 The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on November 28, of the Code of Ordinances of The City of New York, relating to "Rules of the

1916 (Minutes, page 686), the annexed ordinance to amend an Ordinance in relation Road," particularly to "Restricted Streets," by adding thereto a new sentence. to street musicians, respectfully • Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen 'of the City of New York as follows:

REPORTS: Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 13 of article 2 of chapter 24 of the Code That Commissioner Bell appeared before the Committee in favor of this of Ordinances of the City of New York, relating to "Rules of the. Road," and par-

amendment, and as the purpose of the ordinance is simply to fix a uniform date for titularly to "Restricted Streets," is hereby amended by adding thereto a new sentence the issuance and expiration of licenses of street musicians, the Committee recom- to read as follows, mends the adoption of this ordinance. Section 2. No peddler, hawker or huckster shall be permitted to cry his or her


wares, or stop or remain on St. Ann's Avenwk, between 133d and 141st Streets, or on 139th Street, between Brook and St. Ann's Avenues, in the •Borough of the Bronx..

Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note-New matter in italics. HARRY ROBITZEK, Chairman; ALEXANDER BASSETT, WILLIAM T.


Which was again laid over. 5nt. No. 1039 (G. 0. 222).

Item No. 17. Executive Clerk, Borough of Manhattan, from $4,r40 to $3,500. (Code No. 350.) .

Item No. 18. Chief Engineer, Borough of Manhattan, from $6,120 to $5,000; Accountant Engineer, from $4,560 to $4,000. (Code No. 353TS.)

Item No. 19. Assistant Engineer, Borough of Manhattan, from $6,120 to $5,000. (Code No. 358.)

Item No. 20. Assistant Engineer, Borough of Manhattan, from $4,560 to $4,000. (Code No. 359 TC.)

Item No, 22. Principal Assistant Engineer, The Bronx, from $4,860 to $4,500. (Code No. 462.)

Item No. 23. Assistant Engineer, Brooklyn, from $4,260 to $4,000.• (Code No. 554 TCS.)

Item No. 24. Engineer in Charge, Queens, from $6,120 to $5,000. (Code No. 661 TC.)

Item No. 28. Secretary to 4th Deputy Commissioner, Police Dept., from $3,060 to $2,100. (Code No. 1600.)

Item No. 29. Purchasing Agent, Police Dept., from $2,700 to $2,400. (Code No. 1601.)

Item No. 30. Clerk, Fire Dept., from $4,560 to $4,000. (Code No. 1648.) Item No. 31. Inspector of Combustibles, Fire Dept., from $3,300 to $3,000. (Code

No. 1650.) Item No. 32. Fire Marshal, Fire Dept., from $5,000 to $3,600. (Code No. 1652.) Item No. 33. Chief Construction, Fire Dept., from $3,660 to $3,300. (Code No.

1662.) Item No. 36. Director, Dept. of Health, from $5,100 to $5,000. (Code No. 1824.) Item No. 37. Director, Health Dept., from $5,100 to $3,000; Medical Inspector

from $2;760 to $2,520. , ( Code No. 1825.) Item No. 38. Assistant Sanitary Superintendent, Health Dept., from $4,080 to

$3,780. (Code No. 1826.) Item No. 39. Director, Health Dept., from $5,100 to $5,000. (Code No. 1829.) Item No. 40. Dept. of Public Charities, Private Secretary from $2,340 to $1,560;

General Inspector from $3,500 to $3,000; Private Secretary from $2,160 to $1,800. (Code No. 1884.)

Item No. 41. Dept. of Public Charities, Private Secretary from $2,160 to $1,800; Director, Social Investigations, from $4,500 to $4,000. (Code No. 1886.)

Item No. 42. Dept. of Public Charities, Medical Supt., from $4,380 to $4,000. (Code No. 1891.)

Item No. 43. Dept. of Public Charities, Medical Supt., from $4,380 to $4,000. (Code No. 1892.)

Item No. 44. Secretary to Commissioner, Tenement House Dept., from $2,160 to $2,000. (Code 2125.)

Item No, 45. First Deputy Commissioner, Tenement House Dept., from $4,200 to $4,000. (Code 2127.)

Item No. 46. Chief Engineer, Dept of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, from $12,000 to $10,000. (Code No. 2150 TW.)

Item No. 47. Chief Engineer Light and Power, from $6,600 to $6,120. (Code No. 2165.)

Item No. 48. Clerk, Dept. of Street Cleaning, from $2,100 to $1,920. (Code No. 2325.) -

Item No. 49. Deputy Warden, Riker's Island, from $2,280 to $2,100. (Code 2631.)

Item No. 50. Supt. of Reformatory, from $3,480 to $2.520. (Code No. 2632.) Item No. 51. Foreman of Stable, from $1,500 to $1,380. (Code No. 2635.) Item No. 53. Assistant Engineer, Dept. of 'Plant and Structures, from $4,860

to $4,000. (Code No. 2750.) Item No. 54. Confidential Inspector, Dept. of Docks and Ferries, from $3,000

to $2,250. (Code No. 2800.) Item No. 55. Chief Clerk, Children's Court, from $5,16Q to $5,000. (Code No.

2895.) Item No. 57. Assistant Director Central Purchase Committee, from $4,140 to

$3,000. (Code 3001/.) At this point Alderman Delaney assumed the chair. The President pro tem. put the question whether the Board would agree with

said resolution. Which was decided in the negative by the following vote, three-fourths of all

the members elected having failed to vote in favor thereof : Affirmative-Aldermen Bassett, Bent, Burns, Burden, Browne, Cassidy, Cole,

Collins, Cox, Cunningham, Curley, Daly, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Friedlander, Gilmore, Haubert, Heyman, Hilkemeier, Ken-neally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McKee, McManus, Martin, Molen, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk, Walsh, Wise, The President-49.

Negative-Aldermen Carroll, Cardani, Colne, Crane, Curran, Diemer, Dostal, Ferrand, Gaynor, Goetz, Moore, Quinn, Smith, Squiers, Stevenson, Wirth, Presi-dent Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Commissioner of Public Works ; President Mathewson, President Pounds, President Marks-20.

Alderman O'Rourke voted in the affirmative on all items, with the exception of item No. 1.

The President of the Borough of The Bronx voted in the negative on all items, with the exception of the following Code numbers:

24-Tilden Adamson. 35-1st item only. George L. Tirrell. 210-Whole list except McGinley and W. B. Cook (as to which I vote No). 2150-Merritt Smith. Alderman Kenney then offered the following resolution :

No. 2000. Resolution Dissenting from the Findings of His Honor the Mayor with Respect

to Certain Items Contained in the Budget for 1917. Resolved That the Board of Aldermen hereby dissents from the findings of his

Honor the Mayor with respect to the following items contained in the Budget for 1917:

Item No. 7. Board of Estimate and Apportionment, Consultant on City Plan-ning, $5,000; Assistant Engineer, $2,100; Statistician, $1,200; Transit Expert, $850. (Code No. 35.)

Item No. 16. Department of Licenses, Supreintendent, $3,000; Clerk, $1,050; Clerk, $1,020; Clerk, 3 at $960, $2,880; Clerk, 2 at $840, $1,680; Clerk, $420; Telephone Operator, $600. (Code No. 261.)

Item No. 34. Department of Health, Assistant Engineer, $2,700. (Code No. 1821.)

Item No. 35. Department of Health, Director, $5,000. (Code No. 1822.) Item No. 44. Tement House Department, Secretary to Department, $3,750.

(Code No. 2125.) Item No. 57. Director, Central Purchase Committee, $5,000. (Code No. 30011/2.) Item No. 2. Chemist, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, $1,800. (Code

No. 21.) Item No. 12. Municipal Civil Service Commission. Examiner at $2,700; Exam-

iner at $1,800. (Code No. 190.) Item No. 21. President, Borough of Manhattan. Code No. 360 in its entirety. Item No. 25. Executive Manager, Department of Education, $10,000. (Code

No. 851.) Item No. 26. Architectural Draftsman, Department of Education, $1,570. (Code

No. 858.) Item No. 29. Supervising Engineer, Department of Education, $4,000. (Code

No. 859.) Item No. 52. Department of Plant and Structures, the following items : Exam-

iner, $4,140; Confidential Clerk, $3,500; Confidential Inspector, $2,500. (Code No. 2742B.)

Item No. 56. Secretary to Presiding Justice, Municipal Courts, $1,800. (Code No. 2920.)

The President pro tern. put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution.

Which was decided in the negative by the following vote; three-fourths of all the members elected having failed to vote in favor thereof :

Affirmative-Aldermen Bassett, Bent, Burns, Burden, Browne, Cassidy, Cole, Collins, Cox, Cunningham,. - Curley, Daly, Delaney, Dixson,. Donnelly, Drescher, Eagan, Fan cy, Ferguson, Friedlauckr, Gilmore, Haubert, Heyman, HffIremeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McManus, Martin, Mien,

Report of the Committee on General Welfare in nor of Filing a Communica-tion Relative to "Manner and Places in Which the 'Star Spangled Banner' May be Played, Sung or Rendered."

The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on. December 8, 1916 (Minutes, page.723), the annexed communication from Lieutenant John W. W. Cum-ming, U. S. Navy, relative to an ordinance regulating the manner and, places in which the "Star Spangled Banner" may be played, sung or rendered, respectfully

REPORTS: That, having examined the subject and noting the contents contained therein

for future reference, it recommends that the accompanying ordinance be placed on file. Tire City of Baltimore; Md.-Ordinanre 167-July 7, • 1916. AN ORDINANCE regulating the manner and places in which the "Star-Spangled

Banner" may be played, sung or rendered: Whereas) "The Star-Spangled Banner" is universally recognized as the national

anthem of our country and has been adopted as such by both- the War and Navy Departments of our governments and by reason of the fact that the City of Balti-more was the place of its composition, it is fitting that Baltimore should take suit- able action to maintain its character as the national anthem; and

Whereas, The indiscriminate rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner," or parts thereof, in connection with other compositions, tends to lower the esteem and rev-erence in which the national anthem should be held by the people of our nation, and to prevent its desecration; now, therefore,

Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, That "The Star-Spangled Banner" shall not be played, sung or rendered in the City of Baltimore in any public place, or at any public entertainment, or in any theatre or moving-picture hall, restaurant or cafe, except as an entire and separate composition or number, without embellishments of national or other melodies, nor shall "The Star-Spangled Banner," or any part thereof or selection from the same, be played as a part or selection of a medley of any kind, nor shall "The. Star-Spangled Banner" be played at or in any of the places mentioned for dancing or as an exit march; and whenever and wherever practicable, the musicians, performers or other persons shall stand while playing, singing or rendering "The Star-Spangled. Banner." Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof before a court of competent jurisdiction of this State, shall be fined not mare than one hundred dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further ordained, No owner, proprietor or manager of any theatre, moving-picture hall, restaurant, cafe or other place in the City of Baltimore where the public gathers, shall permit or allow anyone playing, singing or performing therein to play, sing or render "The Star-Spangled Banner" in violation of the pro-visions of the aforegoing section, and, in the event of any such permission or allow-ance, such owner, proprietor or manager, upon conviction thereof as aforesaid, shall be subject to the penalties imposed by the aforegoing section.

Sec. 3. And be it further ordained, The City Librarian is, hereby authorized and directed to have copies of this ordinance printed and distributed to all theatres, moving-picture halls, restaurants and cafes and to the offices of all musical unions or branches thereof in the City of Baltimore at least ten days before this ordinance shall go into effect; .the expenses thereof to be paid out of• the funds of the City Librarian not otherwise appropriated.


City of. New York, Office of the Mayor, November 17, 1916. Hon. FRANK L DOWLING, President; Board of Aldermen, City Hall:

Sir-I have been requested to send you a communication received in• this office from Lieutenant John. W. W. Cumming, in reference to an ordinance now in force in the city of Baltimore. Very truly yours,

THEODORE ROUSSEAU, Secretary to the Mayor. U. S. S. Prometheus, Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va., Nov. 11, 1916.

His Honor, the Mayor, New York City, N. Y.: Sir-In view of the importance of your city from every standpoint and its fame,

nationally and internationally, I am forwarding a copy of the ordinance passed by Baltimore, Md., concerning the "Star Spangled Banner."

As a matter worthy of consideration of all citizens of our country, will you not give it favorable consideration with the end in view of having your city pass a sim- ilar ordinance?

The whole object is to teach the idea to everyone, particularly young America, native or foreign born.

rd appreciate a reply from you concerning this matter, if you'll be so kind. Yours truly, JOHN W. W. CUMMING, Lieutenant, U. S. N. Which report was accepted.

Veto Message of His Honor the Mayor. Alderman Kenney called up Veto No. 1Z Int. No. 953, being a Message of the

Mayor disapproving report and resolution of the 'Committee on Finance relative to the Budget for 1917, and moved that the vote by which said report and resolution were concurred in be reconsidered.

Which motion was adopted. (For text of Veto No. 12 see Proceedings of December 12, 1916.) Alderman Kenney then offered the following resolution and moved its adoption:

No. 1099. Resolution Dissenting from the Findings of His Honor the Mayor with Respect

to Certain Items Contained in the Budget for 1917: Resolved, That the Board of Aldermen hereby dissents from the findings of his

Honor the Mayor with respect to the following items contained in the Budget for 1917:

Item No. 1. President, Board of Aldermen, from $7,500 to $5,000. (Code No. 1.)

Item No. 3. Assistant Engineer, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, from $4,560 to $4,300. (Code No. 23.)

Item No. 4. Director, Bureau of Contract Supervision, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, from $7,500 to $6,000. (Code No. 24.)

Item No. 5. Director, Bureau of Personal Service, Board of Estimate and Ap- portionment, from $7,500 to $6,000; Assistant Director, from $4,140 to $4,000; Actuary, from $4,140 to $3,600. (Code No. 25.)

Item No. 6. Secretary to Committee on Education, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, from $4,140 to $4,000; Education Consultant (William Wirt), from $10,000 to $5,000. (Code No. 27.)

Item No. 8. Assistant Secretary to the Mayor, from $5,820 to $5,000. (Code No. 61.) •

Item No. 9. Chief Clerk, Department of Finance, from $4,140 to $3,150. (Code No. 80.)

Item No. 10. Assistant, Law Department, from $5,940 to $5,500; Assistant, from $4,080 to $3,660; Chief Clerk, from $5,160 to $5,009. (Code No. 120.)

Item No. 11. Assistant, Law Department, from $5,520 to $5,000. (Code No. 121S.) •

Item No. 12. First Assistant Chief Examiner, Municipal Civil Service Com- mission, from $4,260 to $4,000. (Code No. 190.)

Item No. 13. Examiner or Expert, not to exceed $10 per day, Municipal Civil Service Commission, from $13,000 to $10,000. (Code No. 19L)

Item No. 14. Commissioner of Accounts Office, Examiner of Accounts, from $4,740 to $4,500; Efficiency Engineer, from $4,260 to $4,000; Chief Efficiency Ex-aminer, from $3,840 to $3,500; Associate Efficiency Exammer, from $3,060 to $2,700; Associate Efficiency Engineer, from $2,940 to $Z700; Efficiency Accountant, horn $Z280 to $2,100; Draftsman, from $1,320 to $1,200. (Code No. 2100

Item No 15. Commissioner of Accounts Office. Computer,. from $1,620. to $1,500; Engineering Inspector, from $1,680 to $1,500; Tabulating Machine Operator, from $1,080 to $900. (Code No 211.)


Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk, Walsh, Wise, The President-48.

Negative-Aldermen Carroll, Cardani, Cothe, Crane, Curran, Diemer, Dostal, Ferrand, Gaynor, Goetz, Moore, Quinn, Smith, Squiers, Stevenson, Wirth; President Connolly, by James A. Dayton, Commissioner. of Public Works; Presi-dent Mathewson, President Pounds, President Marks-20.

The President of the Borough of The Bronx voted in the negative on all items with the exception of the following Code Numbers : 261, 1821, 1822, 2920 and 300154.

The President at this time again resumed the chair. Alderman Kenney moved that the Board do now adjourn. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said

motion. Which was decided in the affirmative. And the President declared that the Board stood adjourned until Tuesday,

December 26, 1916, at 1.30 o'clock P. M. P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen.



The Board met in

Frank L. Dowling,

Samuel J. Burden. James J. Browne. Lauren Carroll. Louis F. Cardani. Edward Cassidy. William T. Collins. William W. Colne. Edward W. Cox. S. Clinton Crane. Frank A. Cunningham. Edward W. Curley. Henry H. Curran. William J. Daly. Charles Delaney. John Diemer, Frank T. Dixson. Bernard E. Donnelly. Alexander S. Drescher. john T. Eagan. Thomas M. Farley. lames R. Ferguson.

Douglas Mathewson, President, Borough of The Bronx. Lewis H. Pounds, President, Borough of Brooklyn. Marcus M. Marks, President, Borough of Manhattan. The President announced that Aldermen Bassett, Dostal, Heyman and Smith

were excused from attendance. The Clerk proceeded to read the Minutes of the Stated Meeting of December

23, 1916. On motion of Aldermen Palitz, further reading was dispensed with, and the

Minutes were approved as printed.


No. 2001. His Honor the Mayor-Message Relative to Ordinance Relating to Motorcycle

Repair Shops and Storage Places. City of New York, Office of the Mayor, December 26, 1916.

To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen: Sirs-My attention has been directed to the fact that at the. last meeting of

your Honorable Board your Committee on Buildings reported in favor of filing, which is equivalent to defeating, the ordinance in relation to motorcycle repair shops and storage places, which in its original form was introduced pursuant to my message to your Honorable Board of January 25, 1916.

You will recall that my message was based upon a report from the Commissioner of Accounts, a copy of which report was likewise transmitted to your Honorable Board, in which it was pointed oat that the likelihood of fire occurring in the average motorcycle storage and repair shop is even greater than that involved in the average garage, and that while the latter hazard is subject to reasonable regulation, there is now no such regulation with referenCe to motorcycle shops. The Com-missioner of Accounts found that as a result of the absence of such regulation. from 2 to 40 machines were found in each place inspected, with gasoline in the stor-age tanks of the machines in nearly all cases; that of the places inspected, 35 were located in tenements, which housed from 9 to 290 persons; that three of those tene-ments were of frame construction, and that one shop was located in a two story building, part of which was used as a dance hall, and that another was found in a six story building, part of which was used for factory purposes employing 80 persons.

Transmitting the report of the Commissioner of Accounts to your Honorable Board, I specifically pointed out that "particularly worthy of your consideration is the situation presented by the location of these motorcycle shops in tenement houses, factories and places of public assembly," directing attention in addition to the fact that "in many of the larger cities of the country motorcycle shops are subjected to the same fire prevention ordinances as garages."

I am convinced that the danger to life and to property which is incident to the continued absence of regulation of motorcycle shops, is a real and serious danger. I do not believe that it is wise or proper to delay the enactment of appropriate regulation until such time as a serious loss of life, due to the absence of such regula-tion, occurs. The intelligent procedure is to enact the ordinance now so as to pre-vent the disaster and not to enact it after the disaster has occurred. In case of disaster, the failure to act seasonably would impose on your Honorable Board a grave responsibility which would be shared only by the Committee of your Honorable Board by reason of their delay in reporting a proper ordinance for enactment.

Over seven months have elapsed since the original ordinance, drafted by the Commissioner of Accounts and the Fire Commissioner, was introduced on May 16, 1916, and referred to your Committee on General Welfare. This committee held a hearing, and thereafter indicated certain proposed provisions which it regarded as too drastic. The proposed ordinance was thereupon redrafted and reintroduced on July 5, 1916, and again referred to the Committee on General Welfare, which again held a public hearing at which no one appeared in opposition. Alderman Eagan, of the Committee, objected to a certain provision of the proposed ordinance, and there-upon the Deputy Commissioner of Accounts and the Chief of the Division of Com-bustibles consented to the elimination of the provisions objected to. Thereupon your Committee on General Welfare reported on September 12, 1916, that it be-lieved the ordinance to be improperly drawn, and said that representatives of the Fire Department and of the Commissioner of Accounts agreed with the Committee. The representatives of the Commissioner of Accounts and of the Fire Department did not agree that the ordinance was improperly drawn, but did agree to a sug-gested amendment.

The Commissioner of Accounts and the Fire ComMissioner again redrafted the proposed ordinance, which was introduced on September 26, 1916, and this time referred to the Committee on Buildings, which, at the last meeting of your Honorable Board reported in favor of filing the proposed ordinance as stated at the beginning of this communication, stating that the provisions of the proposed ordinance were

"too drastic." The Committee of your Honorable Board points to no specific provision which it

regards as too drastic. Every provision designated as onerous or drastic by any citizen interested who appeared before any-committee of your Honorable Board has been eliminated. and finally a provision regarded as objectionable by a member of the Committee on General Welfare, though designated as such by n4 citizen who was

interested or affected, was changed. Accordingly, I am completely at a' loss to understand the grounds upon which your committee's recommendation is based and urge that the proposed ordinance in its present form be enacted or that, in the alternative, the Committee on Buildings be instructed to confer with the Fire Com- missioner and the Commissioner of Accounts for the purpose of reaching an agree-ment upon an ordinance covering this subject whirl the Committee will report favorably for enactment. Respectfully,

JOHN PURROY ITCHEL, Mayor. Which, on motion of Alderman Kenney, was referred to the Committee on


The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Commissioner of Parks, Manhattan and Richmond:

No. 2002. Commissioner of Parks, Manhattan and Richmond-Request for Authority to

Purchase a Motor Truck Without Public Letting. City of New York, Department of Parks, Boroughs of Manhattan and Richmond,

Municipal Building, Tenth Floor, December 22, 1916. Hon. FRANK L. DowuNo, President, Board of Aldermen, City Hall, New York City:

Sir-Request is hereby made, pursuant to the provisions of section 419 of the Greater New York Charter, that this department be authorized to enter into contract in the open market without public letting for the purchase of one 3 1-2 ton motor truck at a cost not to exceed $3,500.

Provision is made in the Budget of 1917 for this purchase. Your early action is requested because of lack of provision in the Budget of 1917 for forage for horses, to be replaced by the use of this truck. It will be necessary, therefore, to purchase the truck and put it into service as soon as possible after January 1.

Respectfully yours, CABOT WARD, Commissioner of Parks. Which was referred to the Committee on Public Letting. The President laid before the Board the following communications from the

Board of Estimate and Apportionment:

No. 2003. Board of Estimate and Apportionment-Resolution to Fix the Compensation of

Certain Janitors in the 'Department of Education. City of New York, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, Office of the Sec-

retary, Municipal Building, December 23, 1916. To the Honorable.the Board of Aldermen

Gentlemen-I transmit herewith certified copies of two resolutions adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment December 22,,1916, recommending the estab-ment of grades of positions as follows:

Rate of Department and Position Compensation. Incumbents.

Cal. No. 49. Dept. of Education-Janitors of vari-ous public schools at rates set forth therein.

Cal. No. 55A. City Departments-Pattern Maker. $5.00 per diem. Unlimited.

I also transmit copies of reports of the Committee on Salaries and Grades relative thereto. Respectfully, JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to the pro-visions of section 56 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby recommends to the Board of Aldermen the establishment of rates of compensation for Janitors in the Department of Education, in addition to those heretofore established, in accordance with the following list : Janitor, Public School 50, Manhattan, per month Janitor, Public School 74, Manhattan, per annum, less $221 Janitor, Public School 48 (old), The Bronx, per month Janitor, Public School 81, Queens, per annum Janitor, Public School 81, Queens, per annum Janitor, Public School 4, Richmond, per annum Janitor, Public School 13, Richmond, per annum Janitor, Morris High School, per month

A true copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment December 22, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary,

Committee on Education, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, December 4, 1916. To the Board of Estimate and Apportionment:

Gentlemen-On November 8 and 22, 1916, the Board of Education requested establishment pursuant to the provisions of section 56 of the Greater New York Charter, of rates- of compensation for the janitors of Public Schools 50, 74, Man-hattan; 48 (old), The Bronx ; 81, Queens; 4, 13, Richmond; and also the Morris High School. In connection therewith we report as follows:

For P. S. 50, Manhattan, an increase of $30 per month from November 1, 1916, to May 1, 1917, in the existing rate of janitorial compensation is requested, due to the fact that the janitor of this school, being away on military duty, it is neces-sary to engage the service of a female cleaner to do part of the work formerly done by the Janitor himself.

For P. S. 74, Manhattan, a temporary rate is requested, being the regular rate of $2,508 per annum, less rent allowance of $221.

For P. S. 48 (old), the Bronx, a rate of $20 per month is proposed. This school is a four-room portable building, three rooms of which are being used temporarily in connection with new P. S. 48, the Bronx.

For P. S. 4 and P. S. 13, Richmond, a reduction in the present rates of janitorial compensation is proposed on account of unoccupied classrooms, as follows :

Present Proposed Compensation. Compensation.

Public School 4, Richmond $1,308 00 $1,056 00 Public School 13, Richmond 3,672 00 3,276 00

With regard to P. S. 81, Queens, and Morris High School the Board of Educa-tion proposes gradually to place them under the so-called indirect system of janitorial employment by the transfer of the civil service helpers in these schools to other school buildings as vacancies occur. Accordingly changes in compensation of the janitors of said schools are proposed as follows : For Morris High School the janitor is allowed an additional sum of $80 per month from November 16, 1916, to March 30, 1917, to permit him to engage a fireman in place of a licensed fireman at $912.50 per annum, who was transferred. For P. S. 81, Queens, the janitor's compensation is to be in-creased from $1,500 to $2,790 per annum, taking effect November 13. 1916, and further increased to $2,990, taking effect November 16, 1916, to permit him to engage additional help in place of two male cleaners and one licensed fireman, who were transferred to other schools on November 13, 1916, and one female cleaner, who was transferred on November 16, 1916.

Your committee approves the proposed rates of compensation and recommends the adoption of the attached resolution granting the request. Respectfully,

ALBElf E. HADLOCK. Deputy and Acting Comptroller ; JOHN PURROY MITCHEL, Mayor; LEWIS H. POUNDS, President, Borough of Brooklyn, Com-mittee on Salaries and Grades.

Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. No. 2004

Board of Estimate and Apportionment-Resolution to Establish the Grade of Position of Pattern Maker in All City Departments.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, pursuant to the pro-visions of section 56 of the Greater New York Charter, hereby recommends to the Board of Aldermen the establishment in City departments of the grade of posi-tion, in addition to those heretofore established, as follows:

Rate Number of Title. Per Diem. Incumbents.

Pattern Maker $5 00 Unlimited

A true copy of resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment December 22, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary.

Tuesday, December 26, 1916, 1.30 o'Clock P. M. the Aldermanic Chamber, City Hall.

Present: President of the Board of Aldermen.

Aldermen August Ferrand. Frank Mullen. Samson Friedlander. John J. O'Rourke. John S. Gaynor. Clarence Y. Palitz. Edward V. Gilmore. Charles A. Post. Isaac Gutman. William F. Quinn. Joseph M. Hannon. Harry Robitzek. Charles H. Haubert. John J. Ryan. George Hilkemeier. Frank T. Schmitz. Michael J. Hogan. , Peter Schweickert. William P. Kenneally. Emanuel I. Silberstein. Francis P. Kenney. Arnon L. Squiers

John McCann.

Patrick H. Sullivan. Jan F. McCourt. Michael Stapleton. William P. McGarry. Frederick H. Stevenson. Charles J. McGillick. Moritz Tolk. John McKee. Frederick Trau. Charles A. McManus. William K. Walsh. I mes J. Molen. Thomas A. Williams. Charles J. Moore. John Wirth. Rotert L. Moran. Augustrs M. Wise.

$175 00 2,508 00

20 00 2,790 00 2,990 00 1,056 00 3,276 00

246 66


"De La Vergne Machine Company, East 138th street— "We employ eight to ten Pattern Makers and pay them $425 to $4.50 a

day.' "Approximately 250 Pattern Makers are employed in the above 31 shops, of

which about 35 men are paid less than the $5 rate. "Twenty-five other employers of large machine works stated that they did

not employ Pattern Makers. They sublet the work to other shops in which Pattern Makers are employed. The majority mentioned shops in the list submitted by the Pattern Makers' Association as paying $5 a day.

"The cost to the City for the increase of the rate for Pattern Maker from $4.50 to $5 per diem would be $138.50." In view of the foregoing facts, we recommend that the attached resolutions

approving a $5 per diem rate for Pattern Makers, and requesting the head of the City department where these men are employed to provide for the increase be adopted.

Respectfully, ALBERT E. HADLOCK, Deputy and Acting Comptroller ; JOHN PURPOY MITCHEL, Mayor ; LEWIS H. POUNDS, President, Borough of Brook-lyn, Committee on Salaries and Grades.

Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the

Secretary of the Armory Board : • (No. 2005)

Armory Board—Letter of Appreciation from Major Leydecker in Matter of Treatement of Engineers and Laborers.

Office of the Secretary, the Armory Board, Basement Suite 6, Hall of Records, New York, December 20, 1916. The Hon. FRANK L. DOWLING, President, the Board of Aldermen:

Dear—Sir—I -beg to hand you herewith a copy of a communication from

The City of New York, Board of Estimate and Apportionment, Municipal Build-. ing, Bureau of Standards, December 7, 1916. To the Board of Estimate and Apportionment:

_ Gentlemen—On November 22, 1916, the PATTERN MAKERS' ASSOCIATION requested an increase in rate for Pattern Makers from $4.50 to $5 per diem. The Bureau of Standards reports thereon as follows:

"The representative of the Pattern Makers' Association stated: "'The Patteril Maker employed in the Fire Department rcpair shop is not

receiving $5 per diem, which sum is the wage rate for competent mechanics such as required by the Fire Department of this City, the work performed requiring a mechanic of general practical knowledge of the different branches of the craft of pattern making. We herewith submit a list of local firms that pay $5 per day and over for eight hours a day.'

"Twenty-one of the twenty-two firms submitted by the Pattern Makers' Asso- ciation stated as follows:

"Acme Foundry Company, North Henry Street, Brooklyn— "'We pay one man $5.35 a day and the rest of the Pattern Makers $5 a

day. We employ seven men.' "American Bank Note Company, Hunt's Point-

" 'We employ one Pattern Maker at $27 a week for 38 hours' work, or over $5 a day.'

"Bronx Pattern and Model Company, East 126th Street- " 'We pay $5 to $5.50 per diem for eight hours' work and employ six Pat-

tern Makers. "Benjamin Fox Sons, West Thirty-fourth Street, Manhattan—

"We employ one Pattern Maker and pay him $5 a day.' "George E. Fritz, Howard Street, Manhattan-

" 'I pay Pattern Makers $5 a day for eight hours' work. I have twelve men at present and have had as many as thirty.'

"Fred J. Fleming, West Twenty-eighth Street, Manhattan- " pay one man $4.75 and would not object to paying $5.'

"P. H. Gill & Sons, Lorraine Street, Brooklyn- " 'We employ five to fifteen men, according to the number of jobs on hand.

We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day for eight hours' work.' "H. C. Griffin & Company, Varick Street, Manhattan-

" 'We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day, and employ ten to twelve men on the average.'

"Heller & Graniund, Hudson Street, Manhattan— "We employ elem. Pattern Makers, and pay them $5 a day for eight hours'

work.' "Harlem Pattern Works, Park Avenue, Manhattan—

"We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day. We employ three to six men on the average.'

"Long Island Pattern Works, Adams Street, Brooklyn- " 'We employ fifteen Pattern Makers, and since July, 1916, have paid them

$5 a day.' "National Pattern Company, Dunham Place, Brooklyn-

" 'We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day for eight hours' work, and employ two or three men.'

"Thomas F. O'Gorman, Centre Street, Manhattan- " 'I employ three Pattern Makers, and pay them $5 a day.'

"Pitz & Weber, Scholes Street, Brooklyn- " 'We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day. We employ not less than six, and up

to twenty-five men, according to the amount of work on hand.' "M. O'Gorman, West Twenty-third Street, Manhattan-

" 'I employ five to fifteen Pattern Makers. This is a jobbing shop. I pay $5 a day for eight hours' work.'

"Peerless Pattern Company, Gold Street, Manhattan— "'We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day and over, and employ six men on the

average.' "A. E. Pelham, West Twenty-sixth Street, Manhattan-

" 'We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day. We have one man at present.' "Edgar L. Scillitoe, Frankfort Street, Manhattan-

" 'I employ four Pattern Makers on the average, and pay them $5 a day.' "Sharp Brothers, Summit Street, Brooklyn-

" 'We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day. We employ twelve men, more or less, according to the number of jobs on hand.'

"H. Tolbert, Maujer street, Brooklyn- " 'I employ three to six, men on the average, and pay Pattern Makers $5

a day.' "George S. Simons, West street, Manhattan-

" 'I pay Pattern Makers $5 a day, and employ four or more men, accord- ing to jobs on hand.'

"Other employers of Pattern Makers stated as follows : "Central Pattern and Model Works, Lafayette street, Manhattan-

" The number of Pattern Makers employed varies from five to twelve. We pay the men $5 a day for eight hours' work. We work in wood. There is little difference in wages between pattern making in metal and wood.'

"D. W. Connell & Son, Park avenue, Manhattan— "We employ from two to ten Pattern Makers, according to run of the

work. We pay $5 a day.' "J. D. Horton, Cortlandt street, Manhattan-

" 'We pay Pattern Makers $5 a day for eight hours' work, and employ three men.'

"John Kunst, Murray street, Manhattan- " We employ four Pattern Makers and pay them $4.95 a day.'

"L. Nitzman, West Twenty-eight street. Manhattan- " 'I pay $4.50 to $5 a day to Pattern Makers, according to the ability of

workmen. I employ two men.' "P. H. O'Day Sz'Son, South street, Manhattan—

"We have only one Pattern Maker, and pay him $4.50 a day.' "W. K. Sandstrom, Pearl street, Manhattan-

" `I have one Pattern Maker, and pay him $4.25 a day.' "R. Hoe & Company, Grand street, Manhattan-

" 'We employ fifteen to twenty-five Pattern Makers, and pay them 55 cents an hour.'

"Otis Elevator Company, Twenty-sixth street, Manhattan- " 'Our shops are outside the City. We employ one Pattern Maker and pay

him $5 a day.'


Charles E. Leydecker, Major, Commanding 7th Infantry, N. G., N. Y., at his request, for such action as your Board may deem fitting. Respectfully,

C. D. RHINEHART, Secretary. Headquarters, 7th Infantry, N. G., N. Y., 66th Street and Park Avenue, New

York, December 14, 1916. Hon. C. D. RHINEHAWr, Secretary, Armory Board, Hall of Records, New York

City: Sir—You are hereby informed that the 7th Infantry, recently returned from

the Mexican border, was mustered out of the Federal service on December 2, 1916, and that the regular armory employees who, as members of the Regiment, accompanied the command in June have resumed their respective duties in the armory, beginning with December 3, 1916. The following substitutes have accord-ingly been discharged, with pay due them for December 1st and 2d:

Regular Employees Returned to Duty.

Names and Title. Salary.

$4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00

Louis Hansen, Engineer Philip Hughes, Laborer Benj. F. O'Brien, Laborer Frank Kolbeck, Laborer Peter Wingendorf, Laborer. .. Charles Swarthout, Laborer

Substitutes Discharged.

Names and Title.

Frank Christiansen, Engineer Eugene Turner, Laborer Hugh B. Thomson, Laborer Bernard Kirk, Laborer George B. Diestel, Laborer Arthur Haber, Laborer

The action of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing the above, while in pursuance of the Laws of the State of Ntw York, was nevertheless gratify-ing. It made it possible for these men to respond to the President's call with an as-surance that their dependents would be provided for, and at the same time afforded sufficient help to carry on the necessary work in the armory which could not otherwise have been done. Please accept my thanks on behalf of the 7th Regiment and this Battalion, and permit me to request that you will, at your convenience, convey these sentiments to the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. Yours very truly,

CHARLES E. LYDECKER, Major. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. The President laid before the Board the following communications from the

Commissioner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx : 7 -o. 2006.

Commissioner of Parks, The Bronx—Request for Authority to Draw on Account of Contingent Expenses.

The City of New York, Department of Parks, Office of Commissioner for the Borough of The Bronx, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park, New York, December 22, 1916. Honorable FRANK L. DOWLING, President, Board of Aldermen, City Hall, New York

City: Sir—I hereby make application to the Board of Aldermen for the adoption of a

resolution authorizing the Comptroller to advance on the requisition of the Commis-sioner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx, a sum not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) at any one time, for the purchase of postage stamps, out of the appropriation made to this department for the year 1917, entitled "Code 1221, Supplies, Office Sup-plies." Respectfully,

THOMAS W. WHITTLE, Comimissioner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx. In connection with the foregoing communication, Alderman Kenney offered the

following resolution that the same be made a general order for the day: Resolved, That for the purpose of defraying incidental expenses for postage

stamps and other incidental expenses applicable to the offices of the Department of Parks, Borough of The Bronx, the Commissioner of Parks may, by requisition, draw upon the Comptroller for a sum not exceeding $100, and may in like manner renew the draft as often as may be necessary, to the extent of the appropriation set apart under title "Code No. 1221, Supplies, Office Supplies," but no such renewal shall be made until the money received on the pending draft shall be accounted for to the Comptroller by the transmittal of voucher or vouchers, certified by the said Commis-sioner, covering the expenditure of the money paid thereon.

The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolu-tion.

Which was unanimously decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Burden, Browne, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Collins, Colne,

Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Daly, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Ferrand, Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Gutman, Hannon, Haubert, Hilkemeier, Hogan, Kenneally, Kenney, McCann, McCourt, McGarry, Mc-Gillick, McKee, McManus, Molen, Moore. Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Silberstein, Sullivan, Stapleton, Steven-son, Tolk, Trail, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise ; President Mathewson, by John G. Borgstede, Commissioner of Public Works ; President Pounds, by Edmund W. Voor-hies, Commissioner of Public Works ; President Marks, '„y Ralph Folks, Commissioner of Public Works-62.

No. 2207. Commissioner of Parks, The Bronx—Request for Authority to Purchase an Auto

Truck Without Public Letting. The City of New York, Department of Parks, Office of Commissioner for the

Borough of The Bronx, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park, New York, December 22, 1916. Honorable FRANK L. Dowinm, President, Board of Aldermen, City Hall, New

York City: Sir—In this department's budget for 1917, $1,750 was allowed for the purchase

of an Automobile Truck PA to 2 tons. This car is to be used by this department for the hauling of materials, etc. Owing to the impossibility of preparing specifications which would admit of open

competition; I would respectfully request that the Honorable Board of Aldermen grant permission to secure this automobile truck without the formality of advertis-ing for' competitive bids. Respectfully,

THOMAS W. WHITTLE, Commissioner of Parks, Borough of The Bronx. Which was referred to the Committee on Public Letting.

No. 2008. Commissioner of Parks, The Bronx—Request for Authority to Contract for

Labor and Material to Fill in Swamp Lands in Van Cortlandt Park Without Public Letting.

The City of New York, Department of Parks, Office of Commissioner for the Borough of The Bronx, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park, New York, December 20, 1916. Honorable FRANK L. DOWLING, President, Board of Aldermen, NewTork City:

Dear Sir—I have the honor to request that authority be given me, pursuant to the provisions of section 419 of the Greater New York Charter, to enter into a con-tract without public letting, for furnishing all labor and material for filling in swamplands in the southerly portion of Van Cortlandt Park, at a cost not to exceed the sum of $74,341.

On March 3, 1916, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorized $62,500 for this purpose.

- In addition to this sum, there is an unencumbered balance in another corporate stock authorization of $8,647.09, making the total amount available $71,147.09. Out of this amount there has been expended the sum of $405.05 for engineering, and $489 for the construction of a drain in connection with the work, making a total expenditure of $894, reducing the sum to $70,253.04. Out of this sum there is reserved for the construction of a sewer through the lands to be filled in and the

readjustment of the roadway on the north, the sum of $6,838.09, leaving a balance of $63,415.

On October 17, 1916, four bids were received by this department for this work, of which $74,341 was the lowest, and $99,500 was the highest.


$4 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 300


On December 8, 1916, the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorized the sum of $10,926 in addition, making the total amount available for the purpose $74,341.

I believe that on account of the constantly increasing cost of labor and material, the low bid for this work is reasonable, and that it would be to the advantage of the city to enter into a contract, at this time, without public letting. Respectfully,

THOMAS W. WHITTLE, Commissioner of Parks Borough of The Bronx. Which was referred to the Committee on Public Letting. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Fire

Commissioner: No. 2009.

Fire Commissioner—Request for Special Revenue Bonds, ;92,260.30, for Pur- chase of Hose.

Fire Department, City of New York, December 2201916. Hots. FRANK L. Dowiaim President, Board of Aldermen, City of New York:

Sir—I wish to call you attention to the urgency of early action upon my request of November 15, 1916, for a revenue bond issue of $92,260.30 for new hose for this department This hose is badly needed to carry us through the winter season, and I feel that the Board of Aldermen should rely upon the stateemnts of this department that the hose is needed and not rely upon statements from any other source. We feel that we are in possition to know the needs of the department, and you are aware of the vital necessity of keeping this department supplied with a sufficient quantity of reliable hose so as to be able to meet all emergencies. Fire companies without available hose can not do their work. I am just in receipt to-day of a report from Captain McKenna, of Engine 13, asking for an increased allowance of hose for his company.

The situation is such that we must have the hose contemplated in the request now pending before your Board if we are to supply the companies with all the hose that is necessary. The winter months impose a severe test upon the department and it is necessary that the companies have a sufficient quantity of hose to meet the severe test which they are called upon to face during this period. Very truly yours,

ROBERT ADAMSON, Fire Commissioner. Which was referred to the Committee on Finance.

The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Department of Plant and Structures:

No. 2010. Commissioner of Plant and Structures—Request for Authority to Purchase Five

Automobiles Without Public Letting. Department of Plant and Structures, City of New York, Municipal Building,

Manhattan, N. Y., December 22, 1916. To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York:

Gentlemen—In the Budget for the year 1917, there is provided the sum of $14,750 for the purchase of motor vehicles and equipment for the Municipal garage.

The purchase of five automobiles chargeable to this fund is contemplated, and I beg to request your Honorable Board to grant me permission, pursuant to section 419 of the Greater New York Charter, to purchase in the open market without public letting five automobiles for the use of the Municipal Garage, at a total cost not to exceed $2,000. Yours truly, F. J. H. KRACKE, Commissioner.

Which was referred to the Committee on Public Letting. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the

Corporation Council: No. 2011.

Corporation Counsel—Request for Authority to Draw on Account of Contingent Expenses.

City of New York, Law Department, Office of the Corporation Counsel, New York, December 26, 1916. To the Honorable, the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York: ' Sirs—On February 8, 1916,-a resolution was adopted by your board which took

effect without approval by the Mayor on February 23, 1916, providing for the advancing of the necessary funds to pay the contingent expenses of this office.

The Comptroller asks that this resolution be resubmitted to your board for approval.

I enclose herewith a copy of a proposed resolution which is a copy of the resolution of February 8, 1916, except that three paragraphs which are now obsolete have been omitted and several minor changes in the wording have been made. The resolution as drawn is in the same form as that passed by your board for the Department of Health. Respectfully yours,

LAMAR HARDY, Corporation Counsel. In connection with the foregoing communication Alderman Kenney offered the

following resolution, and moved that same be made a General Order for the day. Resolved, First—That for the purpose of defraying any minor or incidental

expenses contingent to the. Law Department, the Corporation Counsel may, by requisition, draw upon the Comptroller for a sum not exceeding two thousand five hundred dollars. The Corporation Counsel may in like manner renew the draft as often as may by him be deemed necessary to the extent of the appropriations set apart for the purposes of the Law Department, but no such renewal shall be made until the money paid upon the preceding draft shall be accounted for to the Comptroller on the transmittal of a voucher or vouchers, certified by the Corporation Counsel, covering the expenditures of money thereon.

Second—That for the purpose of defraying any minor or incidental expenses contingent to the Bureau of Street Openings of the Law Department, the Corporation Counsel may, by requisition, draw upon the Comptroller for a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars. The Corporation Counsel may, in like manner, renew the draft as often as may by him be deemed necessary, but no such renewal shall be made until the money paid upon the preceding draft shall be accounted for to the Comptroller on the transmittal of a voucher or vouchers, certified by the Corporation Counsel, covering the expenditures of money paid thereon.

Third—That for the purpose of defraying any minor or incidental expenses contingent to the Brooklyn branch office of the Law Department, the Corporation Counsel may, by requisition, draw upon the Comptroller for a sum not exceeding four hundred fifty dollars. The Corporation Counsel may, in like manner, renew the draft as often as may by him be deemed necessary, to the extent of the appropriations set apart for the purposes of the Law Department, but no such renewal shall be made until the money paid upon the preceding draft shall be accounted for to the Comptroller on the transmittal of a voucher or vouchers, certified by the Corporation Counsel, covering the expenditures of money paid thereon.

The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution.

Which was unanimously decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Burden, Browne, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Collins, Colne,

Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Daly, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Fergusion, Ferrand, Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Gutman, Hannon, Haubert, Hilkemeier, Hogan, Kenneally, Kenney, McCann, McCourt, McGarry, Mc-Gillick, McKee, McManus, Molen; Moore, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Silberstein, Sullivan, Stapleton, Stevenson, Tolk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Mathewson, by John G. Borgstede, Commissioner of Public Works; President Pounds, by Edmund W. Voorhies, Commissioner of Public Works; President Marks, by Ralph Folks, Commissioner of Public Works-62.


Resolution Appointing Various Persons Commissioners of Deeds. By the President—

Resolved, That the following named Persons be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of Deeds: By Alderman Burns—

Louis Levy, 64 Montgomery st., Manhattan. Endorsed by J. Kraushaar and D. Greenblatt.

By Alderman Colne- Rufus J. Suits, 654 Park pl., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by C. IL Chatfield and W. Thomas. By Alderman Crane—

Rose Marian Herzka, 560 West 163d st., Manhattan. Endorsed by S. Wolfson and H. Rosenson.

Richard L. Cunningham, 462 Convent ave., Manhattan. Endorsed by E. J. Horn and J. B. McAvey.

By Alderman .Donn Aniello G. Orza, 58 ring st., Manhattan.

Endorsed by C. Jacobs and It L. Marquest. By Alderman Drescher—

Samuel Goldstein, 357 Snediker ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by W. R. Golden and L. Dasher.

By Alderman Friedlander-- Barnet M. Putterman, 24 W. 111th st. Manhattan.

Endorsed by J. Goldberg and S. liolister. Morris Nathan Bobis, 71.Lenox ave., Manhattan.

Endorsed by M. Levy and H. Schwartz. By Alderman McCourt-

Joseph P. McCarthy, 501 West 34th st., Manhattan. Endorsed by P. McCormack and J. F. Sullivan.

By Alderman Moore— Joseph Rosenberg, 820 Sutter ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by E. B. Cosine, Jr., and S. S. Rosenberg. By Alderman Mullen-.—

Herbert Lovinger, 201 West 145th st., Manhattan. Endorsed by W. L. Lake and J. McCool.

By Alderman Palitz- Jerome J. Hannoch, 1105 Findlay Ave., Bronx.

Endorsed by L. G. Oppenheimer and W. Stern. Solomon Adler, 506 Claremont Parkway, Bronx.

Endorsed by A. L Retzer and S. E. Schonberg. By Alderman Quinn—.

Rudolph Fixel, 66 West 82d St., Manhattan. Endorsed by M. Gladstone and W. G. Archer.

Samuel Mitchell, 2412 7th Ave., Manhattan. Endorsed by A. Leventhal and A. A. Panan.

Auguste M. Thiery, 925 West End Ave., Manhattan. Endorsed by W. Rywood and R. Gillette.

By Alderman Robitzek- Gottlieb Sigloch, 1467 Crotona Pl., Bronx.

Endorsed by S. C. Lousher and J. Gordon. By Alderman Ryan—

Louis Herman, 421 Avenue C, Brooklyn. Endorsed by N. W. Grapper and J. J. Boag.

By Alderman Schmitz— Thomas F. O'Sullivan, Ericson St. and Grand Ave., East Elmhurst, Queens.

Endorsed by C. P. Sullivan and J. S. McDonough. By Alderman Smith-

_ Louis Engelson, 95 Monroe St., Manhattan. Endorsed by M. Asper & Sons and S. Singer.

By Alderman Stevenson— John Emslie, 477 Prospect Ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by T. I. Sheridan and J. F. Robertson. Richard E. K. McIlroy, 770 Union St., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by J. J. Hood and T. P. Mulligan. By Alderman Tolk-

Benjamin Groden, 117 Forsyth St., Manhattan. Endorsed by J. McCood and W. R. White.

By Alderman Williams— Leroy Myers, 640 Riverside Drive, Manhattan.

Endorsed by C. H. Griffiths and L. M. Eisenberg. By Alderman Wirth—

Julius Steinberg, 349 Bradford SE, Brooklyn. Endorsed by M. D. Siegel and B. Pollack.

James McCool, 184 Decatur St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by W. T. Collins and W. R. White.

By Alderman Wise— Samuel E. Neuman, 2094 Fifth Ave., Manhattan.

Endorsed by S. Goldfish and M. M. Gamsey. Isaac Newton Dallin, 600 W. 138th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by M. Rosenblum and F. Futfreund. Which, on motion of Alderman Silberstein, was made a General Order for the

day. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said

resolution. Which was unanimously decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Burden, Browne, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Collins,

Colne, Cpx, Crane. Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Daly, Delaney, Dixson, Donnelly, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Ferrand. Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Gutman, Hannon, Haubert, Hilkemeier, Hogan, Kenneally, Kenney, McCann, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McKee, McManus, Molen, Moore, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Palitz, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Silberstein, Sullivan, Stapleton, Stevenson, Tolk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth, Wise; President Mathewson, by John G. Borgstede, Commissioner of Public Works ; President Pounds, by Edmund W. Voorhies, Commissioner of Public Works ; President Marks, • by Ralph Folks, Commissioner of Public Works-62.

No. 2013 (G. 0: No. 224). Resolution Directing Attention to Editorial Comment with Respect to Salaries

of City Employees. By Alderman Collins—

Resolved, That the several executive and administrative heads of the City gov-ernment be and they hereby are requested to take intelligent notice of the timely editorial expression of public sentiment printed in the New York Sun, which; while not approving of the method adopted by the Board of Aldermen to secure budgetary relief, formally declares:

"There are inequalities in compensation among municipal employees that should be corrected and extravagances that should be eliminated." Which, on motion of Alderman Collins, was made a General Order for next week. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion

of Alderman Collins. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Burden, Cassidy, Collins, Cox, Cunningham, Curley, Dix-

son, Donnelly, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Friedlander, Gilmore, Haubert, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCann, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McKee, McManus, Molen, Mullen, Palitz, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Silberstein, Sullivan, Tolk, Walsh, Williams, Wise-37.

Negative—Aldermen Carroll, Cardani, Colne, Crane, Curran, Diemer, Gaynor, Moore, Quinn, Stevenson, Wirth, President Mathewson, by John G. Borgstede, Com- missioner of Public Works; President Pounds, by Edmund W. Voorhies, Commis. sioner of Public Works; President Marks, by Ralph Folks, Commissioner of Public Works-14.

GENERAL ORDERS. G. 0. 212 (Int. No. 629).

Report of the Committee on Buildings Reporting to the Board as a Whole, Without Recommendation, "An Ordinance Relating to the Approval of Theatres."

The Committee on Buildings, to which was referred to July 7, 1916 (Minutes, page 52), the annexed ordinance to amend section 521 of article 25 of chapter 5 of the Code of Ordinances relating to the approval of theatres respectfully

REPORTS: That the Committee held a hearing on this matter and there being varying

opinions expressed, and the Committee not being wholly in conclusion with respect to the subject, it presents the proposition to the Board for its linal determination. AN ORDINANCE to Amend section 521 of article 25 of chspter 5 of the Code of

Ordinances relating to the appr of theatres. Be it Ordained the Board of Aldermen of t e Csty of New York, asfolloms: Section 1. Sec. of article 25 of chapter 5 - of the Code of Ordinances is hereby

amended to read as follows: Section 521. Build must be approved. No building described in the preceding

section of this article be eimed to the public for theatrical or operatic purposes, for public ,satertainint44 of any Idnd, until the fire commissioner snd the super-

intendent of buildings shA, have approved the same in writing as conforming to




AN ORDINANCE to amend subdivision 2 of section 13 of article 2 of chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of New York, relating to "Rules of the Road," particularly to "Restricted Streets," by adding thereto a new sentence.

Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York as follows: Section 1. Suddivision 2 of section 13 of article 2 of chapter 24 of the Code

of Ordinances of the City of New York, relating to "Rules of the Road," and par-ticularly to "Restricted Streets," is hereby amended by adding thereto a new sentence to read as follows,

Section 2. No' peddler, hawker or huckster shall be permitted to cry his or her wares, or stop or remain on St. Ann's Avenue, between 133rd and 141st Streets, or on 139th Street between Brook and St. Ann's Avenues, in the Borough of the Bronx.

Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note—New matter in italics.


Alderman Robitzek moved that the ordinance contained in the foregoing report, in section 2 thereof, be amended by striking therefrom the words, "No peddler, hawker or huckster shall be permitted to cry his or her wares or stop or remian on," and also the words, "in the Borough of The Bronx."

Which motion was adopted. The President then put the question whether the Board would agree with said

report and adopt such ordinance, as amended. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Burden, Browne, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Collins,

Colne, Cox, Crane, Cunningham, Curley, Curran, Daly, Diemer, Dixson, Donnelly, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Ferrand, Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Gutman, Hanno:., Haubert, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCann, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McKee, McManus, Molen, Moore, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Post, Quinn, Robitzek, Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Sullivan, Stapleton, Stevenson, Tolk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth ; President Mathewson, by John G. Borgstede, Commissioner of Public Works ; President Pounds, by Edmund W. Voor-hies, Commissioner of Public Works; President Marks, by Ralph Folks, Commis-sioner of Public Works-60.

the requirements of this article. Any such building in which departure from the Provisions of this article has been made under an approval of the superintendent of buildings or the board of examiners, and which has, previous to May 1st, 1916, been approved for we by the fire commissioner and the superintendent of buildings, may be approved as conforming to the requirements of this article, so long as it is deemed reasonably safe by the fire commissioner and the superintendent of buildings, pro-vided, however, that a building as to which the Courts have held that a permit for its alteration or reconstruction is void, shall not be approved.

Section 2. The provisions of this ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note—New matter in italics. WM. P. KENNEALLY, JOHN McKEE, CHARLES W. DUNN, S. CLINTON


Alderman Haubert moved that this matter be again laid over. Which motion was lost. The President then put the question whether the Board would adopt said

ordinance. Which was decided in the negative by the following vote: Affirmative—Aldermen Carroll, Cardani, Colne, Crane, Curran, Diemer, Ferrand,

Gaynor, Gutman, Kenneally, Kenney►, Moore, Mullen, O'Rourke, Post, Quinn,, Schweickert, Stevenson, Trau, Walsh, Wirth, President Mathewson, by John G. Borgstede, Commissioner of Public Works; President Pounds, by Edmund W. Voorhies, Commissioner of Public Works ; President Marks, by Ralph Folks, Com-missioner of Public Works ; The President-25.

Negative—Aldermen Cassidy, Cox, Cunningham, Curley, Daly, Donnelly, Farley, Gilmore, Haubert, McGillick, McKee, Schmitz, Silberstein, Sullivan, Stapleton, Tolk, Williams, Wise-18.

Excused—Aldermen McGarry and Moran. Alderman Kenneally moved that the vote by which the foregoing report was

lost be reconsidered and the same restored to the list of General Orders. Which was adopted.

Int. No. 894 (G. 0. 214). Report of the Committee on Buildings in Favor of Adopting an Ordinance to

Amend Section 91 of the Building Code. The Committee on Buildings, to which was referred on October 3, 1916 (Minutes,

page 19), the annexed ordinance to amend section 91 of the Building Code, re-spectfully

REPORTS: That, having examined the subject, and finding it has the approval of the Alder-

man of the district affected, as well as the property owners, the Committee recom-mends that the accompanying ordinance be adopted. AN ORDINANCE to amend subdivision 3 of section 91 of article 5 of chapter 5 of

the Code of Ordinances, relating to restricted areas. Be it Ordained, by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York, as follows: Section 1. Subdivision 3 of section 91 of article 5 of chapter 5 of the Code of

Ordinances, relating to restricted areas, is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following words: excepting, however, the premises beginning at the At-lantic Ocean at the easterly side of Ocean Avenue, running thence northerly along the easterly side of Ocean Avenue to Oriental Boulevard, thence easterly along the south-erly side of Oriental Boulevard to the westerly side of Irwin Street; thence southerly along the westerly side of Irwin Street to the Atlantic Ocean; thence along the Atlantic Ocean to the point of beginning.

Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note—New matter in italics. WM. P. KENNEALLY, EMANUEL I. SILBERSTEIN, JOHN McKEE,


Board of Standards and Appeals, Municipal Building, New York, November 27, 1916. Honorable WM. P. KENNEALLY, Chairman, Committee on Buildings, Board of Alder-

men, City Hall: Dear S;r—I have your request of November 25, 1916, for an opinion as to whether

the proposed ordinance amending subdivision 3 of section 91, chapter 5, of the Code of Ordinances is within the jurisdiction of the Board of Aldermen or the Board of Standards and Appeals. This is very properly an amendment to the Code of Ordi-nances and seems to me to be in proper form for adoption by the Board of Alder-men with the exception, perhaps, that the period at the end of subdivision 3 of sec-tion 91 be replaced by a comma and the new matter start with a small letter.

As to the merits of the proposed amendment, I am not prepared to say anything. While the property included in the description is used for special purposes at the present time, the effect of this amendment is to continue what may later on prove an undesirable use of a piece of property located in the heart of a residential dis-trict. On the other hand, however, it may be noted that the use district maps of the building zone resolution have placed the property included in this proposed amend-ment in an unrestricted district. Respectfully yours,

RUDOLPH P. MILLER, Chairman. Which was again laid over.

G. 0. 220 (Int. No. 1035C). Report of the Committee on General Welfare in Favor of Filing an Ordinance

to Amend Section 23 of Article 3 of Chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances Relating to Salting Tracks.

The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on December 4, 1916 (Minutes, page 711), the annexed ordinance to amend section 23 of article 3 of chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to salting tracks, respectfully

REPORTS: That Commissioner of Street Cleaning appeared before the Committee in favor

of this amendment. Its adoption was very strongly opposed by Mr. Freel representing the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, because of the great physical suf-fering involved to horses, and he filed letters from Department of Agriculture of Washington, D. C., the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary College, New York Veterinary College, in opposition to this amendment on the humane grounds. Its adoption was also opposed by veterinary surgeons representing truck owners, New York Team Owners' Association. The Committee is of the opinion for humane reasons that this matter be placed on file. AN ORDINANCE to amend section 23 of article 3 of chapter 22 of the Code of

Ordinances relating to salting tracks. Be it Ordained by the Board of Aldermen of The City of New York as follows: Section 1. Section 23 of article 3 of chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances is

hereby amended to read as follows: §23. Salting tracks.

No person, excepting a duly authorized employee of the Department of Street Cleaning, shall throw, expose or place, or cause or procure to be thrown, exposed or placed in or upon any street or public place, except upon the curves, crossings or switches of railroad tracks, any salt, saltpetre or other substance, for the purpose of dissolving any snow or ice which may have fallen or been deposited thereon; nor shall any person throw or place upon the curves, crossings or, switches of rail-road tracks any salt, saltpetre or other substance for the purpose of dissolving snow or ice, unless permission therefor be first obtained from the Borough President having jurisdiction.

Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately. Note—Matter in italics is new. HARRY ROBITZEK, Chairman; ALEXANDER BASSETT, WILLIAM T.


Which report was accepted. G. 0. 221 (Int. No. 1037).

Report of the Committee on General Welfare in Favor of Adopting an Ordinance to Amend the Code of Ordinances Relating to "Rules of the Road."

The Committee on General Welfare, to which was referred on December 4, 1916 (Minutes, page 714), the annexed ordinance to amend subdivision 2 of section 13 of article 2 of chapter 24 of the Code of Ordinances, relating to the "Rules of the Road," particularly to restricted streets, respectfully

REPORTS: That this matter has the approval of the Alderman of the district, and there hav-

ing been no objections offered to the Committee at its hearing on this matter, it recom• mends that the accompanying ordinance be adopted.

are hereby appointed

By Alderman Dixson- Samuel M. Katz, 324 South 4th it., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by 3. Diemer and E. J. Rozelle. By Alderman D.rescher-

Rebecca Silverstein, 134 Chester st., Brooklyn. Endorsed by N. Sweedler and F. E. Storentel.

Frederick B. Hirsch, 310 Garfield pl., Brooklyn. Endorsed by R. Jacobs and W. B. Lehrmere.

Awid Wechsler, 2118 Douglass st., Brooklyn. Endorsed by J. Kaufmany and Eugene Lins.

Isaac Shlefstein, 162 Christopher st., Brooklyn. Endorsed by N. Berkowitz and J. Rudnawsky.

By Alderman Gaynor— Reuben Dorfman, 220 Keap st., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by I. Kuperschind and S. M. Landsmany. By Alderman Goetz—

Joseph Murray, 11 Hillcrest aye., Jamaica, Queens. Endorsed by H. E. Winny and H. C. Frey.

By Alderman Haubert— Nicholas Blasius, Jr., 712 Knickerbocker ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by J. Ullmann and L. Bartelmes. By Alderman Hilkemeier-

James M. Goodwin, 1144 DeKalb ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by,W. Haubert and F. Jung, Jr.

By Alderman Hannon— Richard George Burke, 336 W. 16th st., Manhattan.

Endorsed by R. W. Smith and F. L. Sullivan.

By Alderman Moran— Howard C. Kelly, 470 E. 161st st., Manhattan.

Endorsed by T. Maher and T. H. O'Neil. By Alderman O'Rourke—

Joseph Fannella, 78 VanDuzer St., Richmond. Endorsed by J. Trifoglio and W. J. Kenney.

By Alderman Robitzek- Walter Gresham Reeves, 220 Audubon Ave.„ Manhattan.

Enclosed by D. F. Kahrs and W. W. Bruce. Abraham Heyert, 881 Z. 178th St., Bronx.

Endorsed by A. Suydrcher and J. M. Marx. Charles H. Buntinx, 1947 Clinton Ave., Bronx.

Endorsed by R. W. Hill and N. B. K. Hoffman. By Alderman Shields—

Joseph L. Frieder, 350 W. 118th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by M. Schleimer and T. Adam.

By Alderman Smith— Isaac M. Henderson, 552 Greene Ave., Brooklyn.

Endorsed by M. G. Burkhard and N. H. Wray.

By Alderman Squiers- William A. Hatfield, 1617 Beverly Road. Brooklyn.

Endorsed by H. C. Rubinio and R. E. Weldon. By Alderman Sulliean-

Samuel D. Cohen. 47 2d Ave., Manhattan. Endorsed by H. Kunzler and J. Frost.

By Alderman Trau- James Browne, 154 E. 118th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by M. E. Welvey and C. F. McCarthy. By 'Alderman Wirth—

Luella Milroy, 61 Bainbridge St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by J. C. Leve and Lalla Neidhane.

G. O. 223 (Int. No. 1092). Resolution Appointing Various Persons Commissioners of Deeds.

Resolved, That the following named persons be and they are hereby appointed Commissioners of Deeds : By the President—

Resolved, That the following named persons be and they Commissioners of Deeds :

Henry Ettlinger, 321 West 22nd Street, Manhattan. Endorsed by N. K. Stapleton and J. F. Murray.

By Alderman Cardani- Mortimer I. Harris, 1895 Broadway, Manhattan.

Endorsed by A. Blumenthal and J. K. Ellenbogen. By Alderman Cox—

Albert Aaron Lustig, 36 Pulaski St., Middle Village, Queens. Endorsed by M. Block and M. Shlevetz.

Jacques A. Isner, 2544 Palmetto St., Queens. Endorsed by R. J. Robeson and Geo. A. Knobloch.

By Alderman Carroll— Ballard Palmer, 49 West 57th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by P. A. Rauck and C. L. Budel. By Alderman Collins—

John Weigold, 202 E. 38th St., Manhattan. Endorsed by J. P. B. Relyess and E. C. Weigold.

By Alderman Crane— Marcus Salbeys Wolff, 880 West 180th St., Manhattan.

Endorsed by B. Jaffe and M. Wolff. By Alderman Diemer-

Morris V. Herbert, 804 DeKalb Ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by J. Rosen and A. J. Markel.

Max Katz, 712 Lafayette Ave., Brooklyn. Endorsed by D. Segal and A. P. Loesberg.

Edward E. Rockey, 226 Stockton St., Brooklyn. Endorsed by A. Schaefer and R. E. Weber.,

12- 8-16 12-14-16 J. J. Little & Ives Company John P. Barron

12-21-16 Edward Swann, District Attorney 12-21-16 Robert McGuire-

12- 1-16 12-21-16 The Independent Taxi Owners' Asso- ciation, Inc.

Department of Docks and Ferries. 44307 12-19-16 New York Telephone Company 44435 12-19-16 New York Telephone Co 44435 12-19-16 New York Telephone Co

Board of Elections. 11-23-16 Brooklyn Jewish Daily News

Board of Estimate and Apportionment. 12-19-16 T. C. Moore & Co

11-19-16 12-19-16 Richardson & Dutt W. S. Wolfe, Chief Clerk

11-30-16 12-19-16 Briarcliff Lodge Association 12-19-16 Burns Bros. Ice Corporation

Department of Education. 12-14-16 New York Telephone Co 12-14-16 New York Telephone Co 12-14-16 New York Telephone Company 12-14-16 New York Telephone Company 12-14-16 New York Telephone Company 12-14-16 New York Telephone Company 12-14-16 Louis Imershein 12-20-16 Philip Simberg 12-20-16 Knickerbocker Supply Co 12-20-16 J. Friedman 12-20-16 Isaac Brenner 12-20-16 Lorenzo & Burns 12-20-16 Robertson & Conry, Inc 12-20-16 George Rabe 12-20-16 Marquard, Fay Co., Inc 12-20-16 Joseph Spengler 12-20-16 John J. Kenney Co 12-20-16 E. J. Stanley 12-20-16 Reid's Express 12-20-16 F. J. Kloes 12-20-16 James J. Fay 12-20-16 Lignum Carpenter Works 12-20-16 Patten, Brown Co 12-20-16 Corbett & Co 10-20-16 Davis Bros., Inc 12-20-16 A. D. Evertsen Co 12-20-16 Theo. W. Morris & Co 12-20-16 F. E. Folsom Co., assignee of Mitchell

Plumbing Co. The Royal Co. , of N. Y., assignee of Louis Messer

12-20-16 Christopher Nally 12-20-16 A. W. Brauer 12-20-16 Henry Saal 12-21-16 The P. M. Frank Disinfecting Com-

pany 12-21-16 Bloomingdale Bros. 12-2146 E. B. Latham & Company 12-22-16 Bloomingdale Bros. 12-22-16 The Texas Company 12-13-16 Arthur J. La Croix, Inc 12-13-16 T. Frederick Jackson, Inc 12-13-16 T. Frederick Jackson, Inc 12-13-16 Schoverling, Daly & Gales 12-13-16 Samuel Weiss 12-21-16 Bloomingdale Bros. 12-20-16 F. E. Folsom Co., Assignee of Thomas

F. Breen 12-14-16 Favor, Ruhl & Co 12-14-16 Milton, Bradley Company 12-14-16 Tower Manufacturing & Novelty Co 12-14-16 John H Cottier 12-14-16 John B. Campbell 12-14-16 Winkler's New York and Rockaway

Express, Inc. 44242 12-14-16 Harris Neisloss 44249 12-14-16 George A. Kinsey 44249 12-14-16 George A. Kinsey 44229 12-14-16 John J. Skelly 45054 12-14-16 Maxwell Rhodes 44231 12-14-16 John Mack 44228 12-14-16 John I. Diehl 44311 12-14-16 Peter Plunkett 44223 12-14-16 Tames O'Connell 44225 12-14-16 Bellotti & Co., Inc 44221 12-14-16 John F. Muigrew 44293 12-14-16 John F. Connolly 44243 12-14-16 John S. Higbie 44310 12-14-16 Joseph J. Bible 44220 12-14-16 George Brandt 44248 12-14-16 Richard Morrison 44248 12-14-16 Richard Morrison 44315 12-14-16 Tower Mfg. and Nov. Co 45752 12-14-16 Parex Mfg. Co

12-14-16 John Kolenik, Jr., & Co.,,Inc 45460 12-12-16 Richmond Ice Co 45459 12-12-16 S. Tuttle's Son & Co 45684 12-14-16 Scranton & Wyoming Coal Co., Inc... 45685 12-14-16 Scranton & Wyoming Coal Co., Inc... 45633 12-14-16 Burns Bros. 45633 12-14-16 Burns- Bros. 45458 12-14-16 Bacon Coal Co. 45458 12-14-16 Bacon Coal Company

12-14-16 Addressograph Co. 12-14-16 Weston Electrical Instrument Co

39296 12-14-16 The Baker & Taylor Co 392% 12-14-16 The Baker & Taylor Co 39296 12-14-16 The Baker & Taylor Co 39296 12-14-:6 The Baker & Taylor Co 39296 12-14-16 The Baker & Taylor Co 39296 12-14-16 The Baker & Taylor Co 392% 12-14-16 The Baker & Taylor Co 39296 12-14-16 The Baker & Taylor Co

, 42650 12-14-16 New York Telephone Company 42650 12-14-16 New York Telephone Company

L Theiss Iron & Wire Works Felix Menz W A. Leonard I. D. Johnson Co !title), & Mueller, Inc Kennedy Valve Mfg. Co Kennedy. Valve Mfg, Co Karl Heinrich .t


282 41 4520

20 262 55 8 30

14 00

14 54 65 76 11 32

5,140 22

13 50 18 98 6 00 2 17

47 90 99 41 55 44 96 04

11°°9422 851225

3461 25

4328 2322 31 30 22 32 19 03 20 08 64 15 21 50 37 90

62 64 14 07

16 90 6 38

32 0750 39 25 20 46

6 2250


6 43 8 84 5 43

31 00 7 20

11 30 93 75

48526834 00288° 1,080 00

554 40 336 00 37 67

189 75 585 809 61

1,585 24 232 47 238 77

261791 4060

176 40 n4 70

105 CO 221 00 198 90

186 142 9°80 312917 9185

1,176 00 124 95 114659 6058

134 40 103 48

1,200 00 1,963 50

217187 86 149 35 612 28 713 10

1,976 16 739 07

1,342 38 603 97 453 21

511632144 695°52 651 24 538. 59

M,037 f5:14 794 86

24 4028

160 79 5 60

11 15 5 00

12 89 340 3 92 704


151256 8-31-16. 154459 154458 154465 12-18-16 154466 8-26-16.

153266 153265 153264

144167 11-14-16

153195 11-25-16 153189 11-10-16. 154994 153429 5-31-16. 153430 11-30-16

151402 151403 151787 151786 151797 151785 151782 151799 151779 151784 151777 151407 151405 151781 151778 151780 151776 151410 151226 151247 151807 151806 151801 151802 151800 151803 151805 151804 151387 151771 151470 151412 151812 151469 151808 151817 151413 151414 151814 151813 153798 154183 154181 154122 153811 154103 154121 153810

10- 1-16 11- 1-16 11- 1-16 10-31-16 10-31-16 9-30-16

11- 1-16 10-21-16 10-31-16 10- 1-16 10-31-16 11- 1-16 11- 1-16 10-31-16 10-31-16 10-31-16 10-31-16

2-29-16 5- 1-16

11- 1-16 11-11-16 10-18-16 10-25-16 10-25-16 10-28-16 11-22-16

10-10-16 5-17-16

10- 3-16 8-21-16

8-21-16 8- 7-16 7-26-16 8- 3-16 7-31-16

e 4'.

• 10-24-16.11- 6-16 12-20-16 10-23-16.10-30-16 12-20-16 4-11-16. 4-28-16 12-2046 4-20-16 12-216

10-20-16.11-2046 12-$-16.

Invoice Received Dates or in Depart- Contract ment of Number. Finance.

Finance Voucher

No. Name of Payee.

151810 151816 151809 151818 151811 151815 151244 154110 154120 154111 154176 154175 154159 154160 154162 154164 154174 154161 154108 154109 154163 154173 154170 154180 154179 154178 153796 153786

44766 44766 44766 44766 44766 44766

9- 8-16.11-10-16 10-30-16 11- 8-16 10-23-16.10-24-16 10-25-16 10-27-16 10-30-16 7-25-16 10- 5-16

11- 8-16.11-10-16 10-18-16

9-20-16.10- 5-16 10-18-16.10-31-16 10-26-16.11- 2-16 10- 4-16.10-28-16 11-14-16 10-28-16 10- 6-16 10- 9-16

5-23-16. 7-19-16 9-14-16 9-15-16



153783 153770 153858 154520

11-17-16 10-22-16 10-18-16


154540 154539 154968 154971 150956 150962 150974 150960 150982 154523 153890

151764 151228 151411 151792 151789 151404

7- 7-16 6-20-16 8-31-16.11-15-16

45258 44619 46139 44896

11- 8-16 7-14-16. 8- 1-16


'10-31-16.11-16-16 8- 3-16 44061 2-29-16 44131

10-31-16 44240 11- 1-16 44234 6-30-16 44244


By Alderman Wise- Joseph D. Cunningham, 446 St. Nicholas Ave., Manhattan. •

Endorsed by E. C. Weller and G. S. Wing. Joseph D. Brinkerhoff, 514 W. 135th St, Manhattan.

Endorsed by G. Krus and F. B. Meeker. Aaron Matthew Becker, 1 Convent Ave., Manhattan.

Endorsed by E. C. Rouse and J. Levy. Which was laid over. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said report

and adopt such resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative-Aldermen Burden, Browne, Carroll, Cardani, Cassidy, Collins, CoIne,

Cox, Crane, Cunningham„ Curley, Curran, Daly, Diemer, Dixson, Donnelly, Drescher, Eagan, Farley, Ferguson, Ferrand, Friedlander, Gaynor, Gilmore, Gutman, Hannon, Haubert, Hilkemeier, Kenneally, Kenney, McCann, McCourt, McGarry, McGillick, McKee, McManus, Molen, Moore, Moran, Mullen, O'Rourke, Post, Quinn, Robitzel , Ryan, Schmitz, Schweickert, Shields, Silberstein, Sullivan, Stapleton, Stevenson, Tolk, Trau, Walsh, Williams, Wirth; President Mathewson, by John G. Borgstede, Com-missioner of Public Works; President Pounds, by Edmund W. Voorhies, Commis-sioner of Public Works ; President Marks, by Ralph Folks, Commissioner of Public Works-60.

Alderman Rohitzek moved that the Board do now adjourn, to meet on Monday, January 1, 1917, at 12 o'clock noon.

The President Rut the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which was decided in the affirmative. And the President declared that the Board stood adjourned until Monday,

January 1, 1917, at 12 o'clock M. P. J. SCULLY; City Clerk and Clerk of the Board of Aldermen.



Below is a statement of warrants made ready for payment on the above date, showing therein the Department of Finance voucher number, the dates of the invoices or the registered number of the contract, the date the voucher was filed in the Department of Finance, the name of the payee and the amount of the warrant.

Where two or more bills are embraced in the warrant, the dates of the earliest and latest are given, excepting that, when such payments are made under a contract, the registered number of the contract is shown in the place of the second invoice date.

Where the word "final" is shown after the name of the payee, payment will not be made until thirty days after the completion and acceptance of the work, but all of the other warrants mentioned will be forwarded through the mail unless some reason exists why payment is to be made in person, in which event written notice will be promptly given to the claimant.

In making a written Or verbal inquiry at this office for any of the above men-tioned warrants, it is requested that reference be made by the Department of Finance voucher number. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller.

Invoice Received Finance

Dates or in Depart- Voucher

Contract ment of

Name of Payee. Amount No. Number. Finance.

Armory Board. 153406 10-25-16.11-15-16 12-19-16 Stanley & Patterson 153391 9-29-16 12-19-16 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 153393 11-14-16 12-19-16 Hoffman-Corr Mfg. Co. 153392 Weaver-Ebling Auto Co. 153390 10-26-16 Haber & Tilbor 153404 10-30-16 Stanley & Patterson 153451 10-31.16 Cavanagh Bros. & Co 153412 11-23-16 T. E. Quinn

of Plant and Structures. 151621 8-10;16 Delion Tire & Rubber Co., Inc 151625 12- 4-16 Midland Linseed Products Co 151612 12- 4-16 United States Wood Preserving Co 151617 12- 9-16 P. T. Cox Contracting Co., Inc 154483 John A. Knighton, Assistant Engineer 154487 Adrian La Forge, Assistant Engineer 154489 Calvin I. Crocker, Assistant Engineer 154490 Calvin I. Crocker

and Allied Hospitals. Syndicate Trading Co. James M. Shaw & Co Vacuna Sales Co. Wappler Electric Co., Inc Robert A. Keasbey Co Kieley & Mueller, Inc New York French Range Co Samuel E. Hunter McQuillen & Chave Wm. Langbein & Bros Wm. A. Sander Pines Packing Co. C. J. Brink Anna H. McCarthy Ruth Hodges Warren Coleman L. Toomey Frank J. Lennon Co

Board of Coroners. 16546 12-23-16 Richard J. Burke

County Court, Bronx County. 12-22-16 James P. Niemann

Surrogate's Court, Richmond County. 12-21-16 Andrew Wells

The New York Law Journal Court of Special Sessions.

12-14-16 12-19-16 Mrs. M. J. Rorke City Court of The City of New York.

12-13-16 12-20-16 T. Hanrahan & Co Supreme Courts.

Edward B. Reinius Hunter College.

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast as Comptfoller of the City of New York $1,498 44

Department of Correction. 151552 10-30-16 12.14-16 North End Garage Corporation $101 47

151550 11-23-16 12-14-16 Erie Railroad Co. 255 00

151545 10-10-16 12-14-16 The Woodhouse Mfg. Co , 142 05

151531 11-21-16 12-14-16 Troy Laundry Machinery Co., Ltd 281 30 151541 11- 9-16.11-17-16 12-14-16 E. F. Keating Co 313 31 151542 10- 5A6.11-13-16 12-14-16 E. F. Keating Co 302 87

151558 11-14-16 12-14-16 E. F. Keating Co 287 97 154934 11-15-16.12- 8-16 12-22-16 Montgomery & Co., Inc 17 14

154956 12-18-16 12-22-16 Expanded Metal Engineering Co 48 69 District Attorney, Richmond County.

12-21-16 F. C. Vitt, Chief Clerk District Attorney, Queens County.

12-22-16 William F. Borges District Attorney, Kings County.

12- 1-16 12-20-16 H. A. Farnell & Co District Attorney, New York County.

44408 .12-14-16 New York Telephone Company 1i-21-16.12- 8-16 12-14-16 Frank Tourist Company.,

154436 154437 8-21-16.10-18-16 154439 4-17-16 154449 11- 8-16 154425 10- 5-16 154426 10-19-16 154427 10- 2-16 153661 11-31-16 154429 10-24-16 154428 11-13-16 154446 11-11-16 154433 10-11-16 16475 16476 16478 16479 16477

154408 10- 9-16


154384 154383





12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16

Department 12-14-16 12-14-16 12-14-16 12-14-16 12-21-16

12-21-16 12-21-16 Bellevue

12-21-16 12-21-16 12-21-16 12-21.16 12-21-16 12-21-16 12-19-16 12-21-16 12.21-16 12-21-16 12-21-16 12-22-16 12-22-16 12-22-16 12-22-16


$48 22 7 50

17 50 2 93

40 00 3 60

35 20 36 00

$110 84 139 24 129 50 140 00 36 85 21 15 2 20

26 48

$30 10 79 47 11 25 6 00.

96 75 27 50 33 50 25 09 38 77 44 80 27 25 35 96

177 00 9 00

12 00 12 00 3 00

93 14

$20 00

$40 00

$4 40 7 00

$8 05

$1 85

$5 00




151250 151253

so 58 53

6 80

1,554 04 372 58

Finance Voucher


Invoice 'Dates or Contract Number.

Received in Depart-ment of Pinance.

Name of Payee. Amount

12-20-16 Frank Kiebitz 46 14 12-20-16 S. H. Hughes 5 00 12-20-16 Alex. R. Boyce 990 12-20-16 James Yorkston 5 00 12-20-16 William Ripley 7 10 12-20-16 Gregg Bros. 2 04 12-20-16 Fred Gottschaldt 2 50 12-20-16 S. Zacharkow 600 12-20-16 John F. Devlin 3 75 12-20-16 Julius C. Muller • 11 25

A. L Nathan & Co 394 19 12-14-16 L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co 1,000 00 12-14-16 Samuel Rovinsky, assignee of Jacob

Barsky 538 00 Brooklyn Window Shade Co 288 36

12-14-16 J. Kurzban 1,705 25 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 251 56

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 9,065 31

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast; as Comptroller of the City of New York 26,794 42

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 5,920 80

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 1,705 24

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 146 99

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 1,006 21

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 289 76

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 81 36

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 17

12-21-16 William A. Prendergast, as Comptroller of the City of New York 30,598 92

12-21-16 Leopold Boeker 33 47 12-18-16 Beaver File & Specialty Co., Inc 30.00 12-18-16 Benjes & Stiefel. 25'00 12-18-16 Hall & Boyle 49 73 12-18-16 John Wanamaker, New York 52 75 12-18-16 Emil Wagner 46 00 12-16-16 Joseph Tietelbaum 31 00 12-18-16 J. Fitzgerald 58 34 12-18-16 Beaver Tile & Specialty Co., Inc 30 00 12-18-16 Emil Wagner 46 00 12-21-16 W. R. Ostrander & Co 5 15 12-21-16 The Baker & Taylor Co 1 12 12-21-16 Underwood Typewriter Co 28 90 12-21-16 Eimer & Amend 33 57

Manhattan Card & Paper Co 52 33 Department of Finance.

12-22-16 Sarah E. Twombly 4 29 12-21-16 Calvin I. Crocker, Engineer in Charge 24 00 12-14-16 John H. Eckhoff, Jr 288 90 12-21-16 American District Telegraph Co 27 80 12-21-16 The American District Telegraph Com-

pany 6 75 12-20-16 The Peerless Towel Supply Co 8 04 12-21-16 The Western Union Telegraph Co. 13 34 12-20-16 P. W. Vallely, Inc 18 00

Fire Department. 12-14-16 J. W. Gasteiger & Son 5,101 43 12-13-16 F. Doudera 2,704 50

American Steel & Wire Co 216 04 12-14-16 Geo. N. Reinhardt & Co 4,212 16 12-14-16 Thomas M. Blake 1,164 40

Standard Oil Co. of New York 2,534 39 12-14-16 United States Tire Company 101 21 12-22-16 William S. Connell, Architectural

Draftsman 30 35 12-22-16 Robert Adamson, Commissioner, as

Treasurer and Trustee, N. Y. Fire De- partment Relief Fund 13 94

Department of Health. 12-21-16 International Equipment Company 5 70 12-14-16 Castleton Motor Car Co 360 00 12-14-16 John S. Conabeer 116 70 12- 4-16 Clover Farms, Inc 104 64 12-14-16 Adams, Flanigan Co 395 48 12-14-16 Syndicate Trading Company 193 00 12-14-16 Agent and Warden of Sing Sing Prison 570 83. 12-14-16 The H. B. Claflin Corporation 828 00 12-14-16 The H. B. Claflin Corporation 843' 15 12-14-16 Standard Oil Co. of New York 293.16 12-14-16 Aseptic Products Company 190 00 12-14-16 Adams, Flanigan Co - 208 23 12-14-16 J. D. Stout & Co 799 96 12-14-16 Sulzberger & Sons Company 269 46 12-14-16 Morris & Company 196 22 12-21-16 Kunogo Kimura 15 04

S. Dana Hubbard, M. D., Chief 21 30 Dr. John J. Cronin, Assistant Director 31 86 John J. Cronin, M. D., Assistant Di- rector 4 80

12-21-16 S. Dana Hubbard, M. D., Chief 21 55 12-26-16 S. Dana Hubbard, Chief 27 15 12-19-16 Dr. William H. Park, Director 57 85 12-21-16 Walter B. Drennan 3 00 12-21-16 The Hospital Supply Co 14 00

S. Dana Hubbard, Chief 6 00 Dr. S. Dana Hubbard, Chief 3 00

12-21-16 E. F. Keating Co 2 811 12-22-16 Thomas F. McCarthy, Sanitary Inspec-

tor in Charge 10 55 12.22-16 John J. Cronin 50 79 12-21-16 The Fairbanks Co 1 88 12-21-16 Joseph Bauer 7 59 12-21-16 Remington Typewriter Co., Inc 1 70 12-21-16 Hubbard Portable Oven Co 8. 50 12-2L16 H. W. Johns-Manville Co 16 16 12-21-16 John F. Ingham 8 58 12-21-16 Clover Farms, Inc. 31 53

Samuel Lewis 22 13 12-21-16 Anthony Krayer 16 10 12-21-16 Beseler Educational Film Co., Inc 26 00

Law Department. 1114-16 Martin J. Dwyer, M. D. $500 00 12-14-16 John J. Cotter, M. D. 100 00 12-22-16 New York Telephone Co


% 12-n co -16 Samuel K. Probasco ,

153801 153802 154182 153803 153804 153805 153806 153807 153808 154107 151227 151229 151239

11-16-16 11-15-16

41253 8-31-16 45168 9- 6-16

151242 151231 8- 3-16. 8-29-16 154227











154525 10-20-16 152689 3-20-16 152700 10-24-16 152702 10- 2-16 152707 9- 8-16 152708 10-30-16 152526 11-14-16 152699 10-17-16.10-31-16 12689 9-20-16 152708 10-30-16 154537 8-15-16 154538 9-12-16 154522 9-13-16 154524

7-17-16.10-14-16 154535

155169 154886 151472 12-12-16 43984 154875 6- 8-16.10-31-16 154877


153925 12- 1-16 154880 11-31-16 153921 11-24-16

151519 12- 4-16 46185 150785

45848 151510 151517 12- 6-16

46186 151518 11-29-16 46184 151522

45794 151524 11-28-16 44178 155019


154613 10-11-16.11-14-16 151434 11-15-16 151427 10-31-16 151430 9-30-16.11- 6-16

8-11-16.10- 9-16 151592 8-11-16. 8-18-16 151588 8- 2-16. 8-16-16 151594 8-16-16 151416 8- 3-16. 8-11-16 151429 8-30-16. 9-12-16 151419 9-23-16.10- 4-16 151432 5-17-16.10- 1-16 151565 10-31-16 45877 151564 10- 1-16 45223 151563 11- 6-16 45954 154464 154565 154554 154555

154556 11-20-16 154566 153326 154560 10- 3-16 154551 9- 2-16.10-25-16 154570 155081 154625 10-28-16 155099 10-11-16

155098 154548 8- 3-16. 9-30-16 154549 11-14-16 154545 10-19-16 154541 9-26-16 154630 9- 9-16 154631 11-30-16 154609 10-31-16 154603 154593 11- 1-16 154569 9-30-16

16002 12- 1-16 16005 11-30-16

1 S

Finance Voucher


Invoice Dates or Contract Number.

Received in DePart-ment of Finance.

Name of Payee. Amount.



155253 7-3146.11-3046 12-23-16 The American District Telegraph Co. 75 Miscellaneous.

155557 Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum So- ciety, St. John's Home $9,121 15

155558 St. Mark's Hospital of New York City 58 60 155559 Sydenham Hospital 307 50 155560 The Societe Francaise de Bienfaisance 115 00 155550 Brooklyn Home for Blind, Crippled

and Defective Children' 4,395 29 155551 Brooklyn Hebrew Orphan Asylum 8,450 86 155552 German Hospital of Brooklyn 1,472 90 155553 Lebanon Hospital Association 2,910 20 155554 New York Foundling Hospital 2,887 50 . 155555 Norwegian Lutheran Deaconnesses'

Home and Hospital 874 95 155556 Orphan Asylum Society of the City of

Brooklyn . 1,403 57 154970 Carrie W. Kearns 3 00 153467 Christian Schneider 225 60 154786 12-21-16 Dominick Lambiente • 500 00 154791 Elizabeth C. Woodward 70 20 154792 12-21-16 Elizabeth C. Woodward 271 02 154792 Elizabeth C. Woodward 30 11 154789 12-21-16 Unionport Construction Co 451 70 154791 12-21-16 Elizabeth C. Woodward 631 88 155021 12-22-16 Edward M. Morgan as postmaster 150 00 156269 12-2746 John H. Timmerman as City Paymas-

ter 1,391 00 Brooklyn Public Library.

153976 Brooklyn Public Library $25,116 16 New York Public Library.

154455 The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, United States Trust Co. of New York, Assis- tant Treasurer $13,808 68

154454 12-21-16 The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundations, United States Trust Co. of New York, Assis- ' tant Treasurer 41,222 66

Central Purchase Committee. 153931 12-20-16 F. X. A. Purcell, Acting Director $39 13

Public Administrator, Bronx County. 154388 12-21-16 Ernest E. L. Hammer $7 09 154389 12-21-16 Ernest E, L. Hammer, Public Adminis-

trator 4 71 Bronx Parkway Commission.

153309 10-28-16 12-19-16 Charles Beseler Co. $20 00 153301 12- 4-16 12-19-16 The Baker & Taylor Co 6 00 153314 9- 3-16. 9-30-16 12-19-16 Scarsdale Garage Lo. 5 41 153302 11-19-16 12-19-16 Flagge & Hooley 1 05 153316 10-26-16 12-19-16 The New York Law Journal 10 00

Department of Parks. 154091 12-20-16 Jacob Lehman 19 00 154097 12-20-16 Ezra H. Clark 58 00 154093 12-20-16 J. Granford 9 00 154092 George R. McGuire 9 00 154094 12-20-16 Hans Andresen 29 00 154090 12-20-16 Giacomo Salvato 19 00 154096 12-20-16 Samuel Adanes 19 00 154098 12-20-16 A. Shlikerman 24 12 154095 12-20-16 John W. Sands 13 50 154089 12-20-16 Nicolas Drogaris 9 00 153825 11-11-16 12-20-16 A. P. W. Paper Co 9 00 153827 10-25-16 12-20-16 William Knappmann & Co., Inc 14 10 151681 11- 8-16 12-14-16 Hugh. Greene 120 00 151680 '10-27-16 12-14-16 Davis, Carpenter & Co., Inc 195 00 151676 11-17-16 12-14-16 Brooklyn Lumber Co 195 75 151666 11.13-16 12-14-16 R. Messer 236 09 151664 11-11-16 12-14-16 William Farrell & Son 248 75 151656 10-31-16 12-14-16 The Atlantic Hotel Supply Co 530 62 154013 12-16-16 12-20-16 New York Zoological Society, Percy

R. Pyne, Treasurer 6,328 72 .154099 12-20-16 Treasurer, Brooklyn Institute of Arts

and Sciences 228 48 154997 Howard Mansfield, Treasurer, the

Metropolitan 'Museum of Art. 433 75 153840 11-27-16 12-20-16 Pure Oil Company 13 20

Police Department. 153128 John Simmons Co. 2 02 153126 11- 8-16 12-19-16 E. Levy & Co. 31 50

president of the Borough of Manhattan. 151714 45924 12-14-16 Uvalde Asphalt Paving Co 18,403 20 151705 9-30-16 44162 12-14-16 J. P. Duffy Company 507 85 153492 11-29-16 12-19-16 Greenlie-'Halliday Co. 75 00 153992 9-30-16 12-20-16 United States Wood Preserving Co 6 45 151703 12-14-16 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller

of the City of New York, Trustee for Account of Street Opening Fund 866 00

153346 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller of the City of New York, Trustee for Account of Street Opening Fund 1,112 22

153345 12-19-16 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller of the City of New York, Trustee for Account of Street Opening Fund 840 25

151721 45755 12-14-16 Melrose Construction Co. 4,451 49 151719 45591 12-14-16 The Asphalt Construction Co 10,842 75 151717 45433 12-14-16 W. .J. Fitzgerald 1,905 77 153343 1Z19-16 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller

of the City of New York, Trustee for Account of Street Opening Fund •..'.. 60

153344 12-19-16 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller of the City of New York, Trustee for Account of Street Opening Fund 1,025 75

151698 12-14-16 The Antlers Restaurant 288 00 151700 11-13-16 12-14-16 Holtz & Freystedt Restaurant & Wine

Co., Inc. 178 00 151699 12- 5-16 12-14-16 Fifth Avenue Coach Company 615 00 151718 45906 12-14-16 The Asphalt Construction Co. 11,143 80 147958 45637 12- 6-16 The Aztec Asphalt Co., Inc 2,059 93 149914 45485 12-11-16 The Sicilian Asphalt Paving Co 5,458 50 151704 • 12-14-16 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller

of the City of New York, Trustee for Account of Street Opening Fund 1,451 10

151702 12-14-16 William A. Prendergast, Comptroller of the City of New York, Trustee for Account of Street Opening Fund 1,038 50

. President of the Boroughof Brooklyn. 151158 46060 12-13-16 john and Joseph McSpirit 4,133 03 151160 42352 12-13-16 The National City Bank of Brooklyn,

Aisipee of Norton & Gorman Con-

trachng Co 2.569 50 151159 45472 4-1346 Pasquale Tomasetfl ' 4,314 13 151163 4529, 124346 Cranford Company 3,43125

12-19-16 Ostwald & Tichenor 12-19-16 Keuffel & Esser Co 12-19-16 Staten Island Supply Co 12-19-16 Andrew Jones 12-19-16 W. H. Johnson 12-19-16 Frederick T. May 12-19-16 Edward Wisely & Son 12-19-16 John D. Killian Auto Co 12-19-16 Jas. Thompson & Sons 12-19-16 Staten Island Supply Co 12-19-16 John Wiley & Sons, Inc 12-19-16 M. Hoey 12-19-16 Staten Island Supply Co Public Service Commission.

12-22-16 The New York Mutual Gas Light Co 12-22-16 Westchester 'Lighting Co

12-22-16 The Western Union Telegraph Co., Inc 12-22-16 The New York Edison Co

Lewine & Kempner, Inc 12-14-16 Wadsworth Garage, Inc 12-14-16 Equitable Office Building Corporation 12-14-16 M. B. Brown Printing & Binding Co 12-14-16 National Process Company, Inc 12-14-16 Bernard H. Eidel 12-22-16 Joseph Johnson, Chief of Transit Bu-

reau 12-22-16 John H. Myers, Division Engineer

Department of Public Charities.

9-30-16.10-31-16 9-20-16

11-24-16.11-27-16 11-13-16 10-28-16.11- 2-16

11-29-16 11-24-16.11-29-16 9-30-16

12- 2-16 12- 1-16 12- 1-16 12- 1-16 10- 4-16. 12- 1-16 11-27-16 12- 1-16 12- 1-16 11-29-16 12- 1-16 12- 1-16 12- 1-16 12- 5-16 12- 1-16 12- 1-16 10-25-16 12- 1-16 12- 1-16

President of 45428 12-12-16

12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16

10-23-16 12-19-16 12-19-16

the Borough of Richmond. John F. Koop M. Hoey G.. F. Van Dam & Son Staten Island Supply Co William J. Crosson M. J. Halloran

$1,800 00 9 80 8 05

24 86 23 64 10 50 45 00 39 45 15 00 6 00

30 00 30 00 30 00

4 00 14 00 14 00 3 50 9 90

35 00

$8 85 580 9 66

64 82 45 00

190 75 401 93 692 48 216 64 120 60

491 61 96 04

154257 154256 154298 153 154


154244 154287 154263 154270 154250

11-15-16.11-16.16 10- 6-16 11- 1-16 10-31-16

11-10-16.11-24-16 11-23-16 11-16-16.11-20-16 11-10-16 11-16-16.11-25-16

12-21-16 12-21-16 12-21-16 12-21-16

12-21-16 12-21-16 12-21-16 12-21-16 12-21-16


Finance Voucher


Invoke Dates or Contract Number.

Received in Depart-ment of Finance.

Name of Payee. Finance Voucher


Invoice Received Dates or in Depart- Contract meat of Number. Finance.

Name of Payee. Amount Amount

12-21-16 Crandall Packing Co $49 38 12-21-16 John Simmons Co 17 46 12-21-16 Colonial Works. Inc 56 40 12-21-16 Arthur C. Jacobson & Sons 39 50 12-21-16 Clark & Gibby, Inc 2 50 12-12-16 Pattison & Bowns 8,235 27 12-21-16 Agent and Warden of Clinton Prison. 47 65 12-21-16 Manhattan Hardware and Tool Cor-

poration 21 41 E. T. Joyce 85 27 Arthur C. Jacobson & Sons 102 75 Holbrook Brothers, Inc 279 71 The S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co 139 78 Parke, Davis & Co 168 78 Armour & Co 548 00 Teran. Mahaney & Munro. Inc 195 87 The Manhattan Supply Company 162 72

12-14-16 L. Crocco & Sons 108 59 12-14-16 Burnitol Manufacturing Co 157 00 12-14-16 The Barr&t Company 181 24 12-14-16 Knickerbocker Supply Company 202 20 12-14-16 Tames A. Miller 195 00 12-14-16 The Watters Laboratories 151 00 12-14-16 Standard Oxygen Company 167 65 12-14-16 Agent & Warden of Sing Sing Prison 5,206 92 12-14-16 Bloomingdale Bros. 720 65 12-14-16 The Maintenance Company 264 30 12-14-16 L. Barth & Son 194 50 12-14-16 Milton, Bradley Company 117 39 12-14-16 Geo. L. Hiltl Co., Inc 354 00 12-14-16 Otis Elevator Company 583 85 121446 Murtha & Schmohl Co 148 00 12-14-16 Richard D. Borsman 801 84 12-14-16 Paul Schaad 507 04 12-14-16 Reis & O'Donovan, Inc 280 00 12-14-16 Jandous Electric Equipment Co., Inc 278 00 12-14-16 Oriental Rubber and Supply Company,

Inc 143 89 12-14-16 Syndicate Trading Company 207 00 12-21-16 Nason Manufacturing Co • 10 80 12-21-16 Dunarauet. Hnot & Moneuse Co 11 00 12-21-16 Meinecke & Co 38 88 12-21-16 Library Bureau 33 30

Cranford Co. Midwood Garage Royal Garage & Machine Works Brooklyn Automobile Co Macon Auto Garage Erasmus Garage Erasmus Garage Elwood Garage Elwood Garage IC S. Brown D. Konegan Co Stevenson & Marsters, Inc Utility Products Co., Inc W. J. Best, Jr Alfred W. Hall Elwood Garage Elwood Garage Brooklyn Automobile Co Macon Auto Garage Midwood Garage Royal Garage & Machine Works Erasmus Garage Erasmus Garage Sears-Cross Co. 50 William Burke 5 00 Stevenson & Marsters, Inc 40 00 the Borough of Queens. H. J. Mullen Contracting Co., Inc $655 81 W. J. Scanlan Co 6 00 Peace Brothers 10 00

1,088 2834 34 10 49 16 52 35 50 19 07 15 46 34 35 30 88 6 43

4,834 31 10 00 7 00

12 00 5 00

15 00 30 00 30 00 18 00 18 00 20 00

15 00

44787 12-13-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16

45018 12-14-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16 12-19-16

President of 42010 12-14-16

12-15-16 12-15-16

11- 3-16.11-24-16 12-21-16 11- 3-16 12-14-16 11- 6-16 12-14-16 9-22-16. 9-25-16 12-14-16 9-27-16.10-17-16 12-14-16

10-30-16.11-13-16 12-14-16 10-10-16 12-14-16

151165 151670 12- 1-16' 153669 12- 1-16 153672 11-30-16 153674 12- 1-16 153675 12- 1-16 153673 12- 1-16 153677 12- 1-16 153676 12- 1-16 153667 11-21-16 151739 153666 12-13-16 153665 12-11-16 153691 12-12-16 153695 12-12-16 153681 12- 1-16 153680 12- 1-16 153682 11-30-16 153684 12- 1-16 153683 12- 1-16 153685 12- 1-16 153678 12- 1-16 153679 12- 1-16 153699 12- 4-16 153668 12- 1-16 153688 12;12-16

151501 152223 11-25-16 152224 9-30-16

150623 153611 153613 153614 153615 153584 153575 153573 153625 153586 153585 153583 153582 153588 153612 153576 153574 153610 153577

155457 155466 155453 155456 155465 151888 151890 151892 151894 151891 155480


154322 11- 8-16 154323 11- 3-16 154315

9-29-16.10-26-16 154317 11-23-16 154316 11-11-16 150640 10-18-16 45654 154332

8-18-16.11-11-16 154246 10-26-16.11-15-16

154231 151370 151373 151290 151281 151273' 151352 151277 151317 11- 1-16.11-10-16 151338 9-22-16 151336

9- 8-16 151341

9-18-16 151476 10- 4-16.11- 2-16 151478 10-21-16.11- 8-16 151287

9-30-16.10-13-16 151481

8-12-16.11-20-16 151312 10-10-16 151278

8-12-16.11- 3-16 151267 10-27-16.11-14-16 151266 10-24-16 151473 11-17-16.11-23-16 151474 12-20-15.11- 4-16 151264 151327

8-11-16 151364

9-11-16.10-25-16 151263 10-11-16 151262 8-15-16 151477

4-28-16.11- 3-16

151303 10-11-16 154295 11-18-16 154261 11-20-16 154271 11-17-16 154273 11- 2-16

454233 5-31-16.10-31-16 12-21-16 York Consolidated Gas Company of New

The Harral Soap Co., Inc Powers, Weightman, Rosengarten Co Joseph D. Duffy Samuel E. Hunter Walter H. Conley, Medical Supt Laurence Belting Company The Fairbanks Company L. Barth & Son Royal Typewriter Company, Inc Theo. Moss & Co

153906 11-30-16 12-20-16 Great Bear Spring Co 152759 12- 8-16 12-18-16 J. D. McCarthy Co

153897 11-21-16 12-20-16 I. Wartell

Register, Kings County.

Register, Bronx County.

Sheriff, Richmond County. 152740 Holtermann Bros.

Sheriff, Bronx County. 153904 11-24-16 12-20-16 Agent and Warden of Auburn Prison.

Department of Street Cleaning. 150945 10- 7-16 12-13-16 Shadbolt Manufacturing Company."0

Department of Taxes and Assessments. 154588 12-21-16 New York Telephone Co 154589 12-21-16 New York Telephone Co 154586 12- 1-16 12-21-16 Frederick A. Dede 154998 12-22-16 Joseph Lettis

Board of Water Supply. Arthur H. Blanchard

12-13-16 12-20-16 E, J. Willis Co 11-30-16 12-20-16 Joseph Tino & Co., Inc 11-14-16 12-20-16 Charles Bort, Jr 11-22-16 12-20-16 M. Meyers 11-15-16 12-19-16 Frank Fisher

Peter J. Donohue's Sons 12- 9-16 12-19-16 A. Youngclaus

Brown Auto Supply Co Lawson Motor Car & Garage Co William, Mann Company McMann & Taylor Co Rutherford Rubber Company Postal Automobile Company W. H. Sidway

Tower Manufacturing & Novelty Co

Tower Manufacturing & Novelty Co Consolidated Gas Company of New York Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corn- pany H. C. Buncke, as Auditor E. W. Maloney, Asst. Engr

12-20-16 Wilson, Fitch, Smith 12-20-16 New York Lubricating Oil Co 11-10-16 12-20-16 Mount Vernon Builders' Supply Co 10-31-16 12-20-16 The Locomobile Company of America 11-30-16 12-20-16 Kee Lox Manufacturing Co 12- 8-16 12-20-16 W. H. Sidway 11-30-16 12-20-16 John Simmons Co 11-21-16

ater Supply, Gas and Electricity. Department of W 12-19-16 Ford Motor Company 8-10-16 12-19-16 Ford Motor Company 6-13-16 12-19-16 Ford Motor Company 8-28-16 12-19-16 The Industrial Home for the Blind 12- 8-16 12-20-16 Peter J. Donohue's Sons 12- 1-16 12-20-16 D. Delan 11-22-16 12-21-16 Daniel A. Moynahan, Collector of As-

sessments and Arrears Philip Levine 12-21-16 Fred F. Decker, Transitman 12-22-16 Peter Johnson, Supervising Engineer 12-21-16 D. Mackler & Son 12-20-16 Neptune Meter Company 12-20-16 Charles Legenhausen 12-20-16 Leonard Hall 12-20-16 Pittsburgh Meter Company 12-19-16 .T. H. Martin. 12-20-16 C. J. Dunning & Son 12-20-16 National Lead Company 12-20-16 Maher & Flockhart 12-20-16 Ideal Ventilator Co 12-20-16 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express 12-20-16 American Express Co 12-20-16 Monahan Express Company 12-20-16 W. V. Barnes, Assistant Engineer R. L. Blake, Assistant Engineer F. W. Hancock, Supervising Engineer 12-22-16 John Kowenhoven 12-22-16 Geo. H. Williams, Supervising Engi- neer Tohn T. Metcalf, Assistant Engineer 12-22-16 Tames A. Swavne, Clerk 12-22-16 Carnenter's Livery 12-20-16 J. H. Burke, Inspector Joseph Honey, Inspector 12-22-16 T. A. Rundlett, Assistant Engineer 12-22-16

William F. Laase, Assistant Engineer Michael J. Curren, Supervising En- 12-22-16 gineer Charles Krauss, Inspector 12-22-16 A. H. Kirchmer, Clerk 12-12-16

11-29-16 F. H. Walsh 12-20-16 12- 1-16 Styles & Cash 12-20-16 10-31-16 National Lead Company 17-20-16 12- 1-16 The Babcock & Wilcox Co 12-70-16 11-11-16 A utocar Sales Company II 2-20-16 12- 6-16 Richmond Auto Tire Renair Co 17-70-16 11-29-16 The International Seal & Knot Pro- 12-20-16

tector Co.

16021 154146 154143 154052 154050 153602 154060 153605 154123 154130 154133 154134 154139' 154138 154141 154144 154145 154125


154154 154157 154158 154137 154135 154132 154131 154140 154142

153599 153598 153597 153604 154062 154051 154783

12- 1-16 12-20-16 8-31-16.920-16 12-20-16

12- 6-16.12-11-16 12-20-16 12- 2-16 12-20-16 12- 7-16 12-20-16 11-30-16 12-20-16 11-30-16 12-20-16 12- 2-16.12-14-16 12-20-16 12-11-16 12-20-16 10-31-16 12-20-16

12- 1-16 12-14-16

154784 155044 154517 154046 11-14-16 154047 11-20-16 154048 11-20-16 154049 11-16-16 153601 11-29-16 154041 11-30-16 154039 12- 1-16 154037 10-24-16 154036 11-28-16 154030 11-22-16 154067 11-30-16 154043 11-30-16.12- 1-16 154068 11-30-16 155039 155036 155049 155048 155046

155047 155045 154042 155034 155035 155037 155043 155038

155041 155040 154031 1540'32 154038 154040 154044 1.54(14 154029

50000 21 75 91 75 94 94 2 77

28 50 26 13 30 00 14 40' 80 19 5 73

36 81 19 50

1 00

66 89

19 60

5.00 00

34 10 13 96 44 85 2 50

150 00 3 60

• 3 50 14 76 556 5 01

32 33 400

19 17 23 00 72 25 9 19

91 19 48 25 81 48 87 35 82 86

1 43

2,817 43 715 65 43 65 19 79 22 98 67 20 9 35 100

25 56 57 80

5 25 3 10 9 00 7 70

12 00 5 50

39 89 13 45


0 3 65


3 55 4 70 7 04 866 6 55

49 60 34 80 19 00 128

25 45 4 86

55 05 110 30

2 10 50

24 20 124 46 72 88 78 50 66 53 59 10 300 31 30

1 30 2R 22 93 75 2 25 2 00

79 84 9 70 18 On 1 05

40 50

Invoice Finance Date Vouch- or Con-er No. tract


VOUCHERS RECEIVED IN DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1916. A statement is herewith submitted of all vouchers

filed in the Department of Finance on this date, in which is shown the Department of Finance voucher number, the date of the invoices or the registered number of the contract. the name of the payee and the amount of the claim. Where two or more bills are em-braced in one voucher the date of the earliest is given, excepting that when such vouchers are submitted under a contract the registered number of the contract is shown instead.


Invoice Finance Date Vouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount. er No. tract


Board of Ambulance Service. 156464 St. John's L. I. City Hos-

pital 156465 The Staten Island Hospital 156466 The Swedish Hospital of

Brooklyn 156467 The ,Jewish Hospital

156468 156469

$195 00 156470 250 00 156440

195 00 156439 250 00 156441

Volunteer Hospital Williamsburgh Hospital Washington Heights Hosp. Brooklyn, .E. D., Dispensary and Hospital Brooklyn Hospital Bushwick Hospital

Name of Payee. Amount.

195 00 250 00 125 00

70 00 195 00 70 00

Name of Payee. Amount.

Invoice Finance Date Vouch- or Con-er No. tract


Invoice Finance Date Vouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount. er No. tract


Invoice Finance Date Vouch- or Con- Name of Payee. Amount. er No. tract

N umber.

Co. Edwin C. Parker W. B. A. Jurgens Empire State Dairy Co The Empire State Dairy Co. The Fleischmann Co Matthew, Bender & Co. H. T. Jarrett Knickerbocker Supply Co Kemp,. Day & Co William Hunrath The Lignum Chemical Works E. B. Latham & Co The Globe-Wernicke Co The H. B. Claflin Corp R. H. Forschner Co E. Kessling William Hunrath Lea & Febiger Nason Mfg. Co Enterprise Electrical Co T. H. Hodgman Charles Scheideler Bligh & Engel Castleton Motor Car Co George A. Roberts Erie R. R. Co Erie R. R Co

8- 3-16 The H. B. Claflin Corp 8-10-16 The H. B. Claflin Corp 8-16-16 Edward Graef 8-31-16 Ward Baking Co

10-17-16 S. Dana Hubbard 7-27-16 Hayes Diefenderfer Co

John Greig 10-17-16 The Kny-Scheerer Corp. 8- 4-16 Gimbel Bros.

10-27-16 E. Fougera & Co 10- 9-16 Paul B. Koefel 8-31-16 Singer Sewing Machine Co.

Benj. G. Hitchings 9- 9-16 Palo Co.

11- 1-16 Anthony Krayer 8-18-16 The H. B. Claflin Corp 9-23-16 Henry Hayward 7-10-16 Bacon Coal Co 7-31-16 Leo. Hamburger

156351 156352 156353 156354 156355 156356 156357 156358 156.359 )56360 156361 156362 156363 156364 156365 156366 156367 156368 156369 156370 156371 156372 156373 156374 156375 156376 156377 156378 156379 156380 156381 156382 156383 156384 156385

10- 7-16 8-23-16

10- 4-16 10-31-16 10-17-16 10-23-16

1-18-16 10-23-16 8- -16

11-22-16 10- 3-16 11- 6-16 11-10-16 11-16-16 10- -16

156306 156341 156342 156343 156344 156345 156346 156347 156348 156349 156350

44529 10-19-16 9-20-16 9-30-16

10- 1-16 11-22-16 9-12-16

10-11-16 9-13-16

10- 5-16 11- 6-16

Co 156261 156262

156242 156243 156244 156245 156246 156247 156249 156250 156248

156260 156251 156252 156253 156254 156255 156256 156257 156258 156259 156269 156318

mmissioner of Jurors, New York County. 12-18-16 Robert L. Kay $6 65 12-26-16 M. B. Brown Ptg. & Bdg. Co 930 50

Miscellaneous. Wm. W. Gillen $155 00 Theodore P. Wilsnack 155 00 Ferdinand F. De Rham 110 00 Fredk. C. Hunter 1,350 00 Edward D. Dowling 1,340 00 Henry A. Friedman 1,320 00

11-27-16 J. Schauf 11 95 12-11-16 Receiver of Taxes 84

Martin Stein 40 48 Martin Stein 66 National Surety Co 92 50 Robitzek Investing Co 1,100 33 Alwina Piering 336 36 Alice 'Williams 336 36 Edward Regina et al 560 60 Charles E. Parisen et al 112 12 Emma Feulner 4,071 22 Thomas Thorn 8,252 47 Elizabeth A. Heaney 330 10 Builders' Brick & Supply Co 660 20 John H. Timmerman 1,391 00 Henry L. Byrnes 75 00



156442 Church Charity Foundation of L. I

156443 Flushing Hospital and Dis- pensary

156444 German Hospital of Brook- lyn

156445 The Hospital of the Holy Family

156446 Jamaica Hospital 156447 Knickerbocker Hospital 156448 Long Island College Hosp. 156449 Lebanon Hospital Associa-

tion 156450 Lincoln Hospital & Home 156451 Mary Immaculate Hospital. 156452 Methodist Episcopal Hospi-

tal, City of Brooklyn 156453 N. Y. Polyclinic Medical

School and Hospital 156454 N. Y. Hospital 156455 N. Y. Homeopathic Medical

College & Flower Hospital. 156456 Norwegian Lutheran Dea-

conesses Home & Hospital 156457 Rockaway Beach Hospital 156458 St. 'Mary's General Hospital

of the City of Brooklyn.... 156459 St. Laurence Hospital 156460 St. Joseph's Hospital Queens 156461 St. Catharine's Hospital.... • 156462 St. Vincent's Hospital, Bor-

ough Richmond 156463 St. Vincent's Hospital of City

N.Y. Board of County Canvassers of New York County.

156271 Thos. P. Burke $1,000 00 Board of Coroners.

156284 Daniel M. Ebert $97 50 1562Z2 12-14-16 W. F. Bartholomew ' 1 15 156240 Boulevard Renting Co 510 75 156241 10-31-16 North End Coach and Auto

Co 30 75 Supreme Courts.

156517 12-27-16 Stevenson & Marsters $224 65 156304 156516 12-26-16 I, & S. Glick

156270 Elizabeth Bischoff, widow of Henry Bischoff 5,685 48

156283 Heilbut & Kleefeld 105 00 County Clerk, Queens County.

156221 12- 7-16 Elliott, Fisher Co $7 44 District Attorney, Bronx County.

156435 Robt. Hamburger $ 171 07 C2°5 156436 12- 6-16 John J. Fox

156437 Mary Connelly 12 00 156438 12-22-16 Thos. Cook & Son 40 64 156390 12-12-16 Adams, Flanigan Co 5 72 156391 12-22-16 The Banks Law Pub. Co 24 25 156392 12-22-16 Fallon Law Book Co 20 00 156393 12-22-16 West Pub. Co 7 00 156386 12-12-16 Robt. C. Martin 23 00 156387 12- 5-16 Art Metal Constr. Co 128 12 156388 12-12-16 J. Schapiro 1 75 156389 12-19-16 J. Schumacher 15 00

Department of Education. 156204 John Scharff & Son $360 00 156170 45633 Burns Bros. 627 49 156171 45458 Bacon Coal Co 1,349 22

11411172 45634 C. H. Reynolds & Sons 1,027 12 11111173 45635 S. Tuttle Son & Co 135 65

156174 45459 S. Tuttle Son & Co 167 80 156175 45460 Richmond Ice Co 127 54 156176 41650 Silver Burdett & Co 31 32

Silver Burdett & Co 1.933 23 156177 41629 American Book Co 690 18

American Book Co 340 84 American Book Co 192 21

156178 44518 Silver Burdett & Co 342 34 156179 44490 American Book Co 106 95 156180 44071 Hopper Paper Co 136 18 156207 J. H. Jebens 5 25 156208 Worthington Pump and Ma-

chinery Corp. 11 00 156205 H. Gordon 15 95 156206 W. R. Ostrander & Co 24 90 156181 41663 Longmans, Green & Co 356 13

Longmans, Green & Co 126 45.

156182 44508 Lyons-Carnahan 211 80 Lyons-Carnahan 5 40 Lyons-Carnahan 12 30

156183 41635 The Macmillan Co 516 23 The Macmillan Co 508 18 The Macmillan Co 378 00 The Macmillan Co 112 10 The Macmillan Co 22 50

156184 41643 World Book Co 11 62 World Book Co 66 72

156185 41759 E. P. Dutton & Co 1 14 E. P. Dutton & Co 314 38

156186 41649 Frank D. Beattys & Co 55 00 Frank D. Beattys & Co 3 84

156187 44062 M. B. Brown P. & B. Co 94 M. B. Brown P. & B. Co 15 38

156188 44509 The Macmillan Co 263 17 The Macmillan Co 63...88

156189 44314 Alfred Field & Co 523 13 156190 44594 The Kny Scheerer Co 22 35

The Kny Scheerer Co 1 24 156191 44591 L. E. Knott Apparatus Co 11 08 156192 44074 The Manhattan Supply Co 61 92

The Manhattan Supply Co 7 01

The Manhattan Supply Co 2 74

The Manhattan Supply Co 3 72 156193 44125 Hammacher, Schlemmer &

Co. 291 88 Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. 972 30 Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. 9 97

156194 44132 Geo. T. Montgomery 67 04 Geo. T. Montgomery 11 67

555 56 156319 Hugh J. Christie, as Receiver 1,750 00

41 72 156320 Donald S. Walker et al., as

41 16 Exec. L. W. and T. John U

10 30 Brookman, deceased 300 00

5 40 156321 Realty Associates 155 00

45 72 156322 Jas. Dobbins, as Atty. in Fact for John Dobbins 240 00

160 45 156323 Mrs. Mathilde Protzmann- 55 00

48 88 156324 Mary Connolly, as Exec. L.

54 20 W. & T., T. Connolly, decd. 2,000 00

3 40 156325 The Andrews Institute for

81 14 Girls 450 00

14 20 156326 Philip Braender 250 00

58 05 156327 Wm. F. Hueston, as Exec ,

650 50 Sarah Churchill, as Exec., L.

450 00 W. & T., Thos. Hueston 135 00

91 00 156328 Louis Tekulsky 105 00

156329 Mathias Haffen 150 00

266 00 156330 Broadway and 96th St. Real-

666 00 ty Co. 1,750 00

945 00 156331 Gerard Real Estate Corp., as

1,152 00 Assignee of Adolph Kiendl,

2,070 00 Assignee of Cecelia A. Ba- verdam, as Assignee of Hen- ry W. Baverdam et al... 75 00

156332 Richard W. Lawrence, as Trustee under the Last Will and T. Chas. Kohler, decd - 750 00

156333 Bklyn. Ash Removal Co 91 25

156334 Alexander Walker 750 00

156335 J. & M. Haffen Brewing Co 625 00 156336 Mrs. Emma C. Kornder 90 00

156337 Dora Nass 120 00

156338 Annie Dufort 105 00 156339 Wm. C. Bergen 187 50 156340 Elroy Givens 25 00

Public Administrator, New York County. 156471 10- 2-16 John Kennedy ' $23 10 156472 12- 9-16 William Al Hoes 5 00

Police Department. Thomas F. Burke $131 70 Haris Grusczinsky 23 95 Oscar Kolodny 18 70 R. Melnick 6 60 William T. Morton 163 66 Otis Elevator Co 27 07

49 14 M. Singer 11 65

90 65 W. A. Sutherland 19 45

28 50 N. Y. Tel. Co 276 91 36 00 • Ford Motor Co 43 03

201 30 Ford Motor Co 99 45

27 30 of the Borough of Manhattan.

1 00 Chas. H. Levy $20 35

79 61 L. Gfroener et al 69 12

42 84 Jacob Manneschmidt et al 129 20

2 79 Wm. A. Prendergast 3,586 50

2 94 Riverside Cont. Co 1,860 65 Kingsbridge Cont. Co 3,853 36 of the Borough of The Bronx. Warner, Quinlan Asp. Co $1,354 52 Uvalde Cont. Co 3,001 76 Jos. L. Sigretto & Co 100 00 Thos. Tenore 2,384 42 N. Y. Tel. Co 133 95 Marrone & Bove 2,126 86 Wm. A. Prendergast as Comptroller 347 47

President of the Borough of Brooklyn. 156485 45348 Jos. J. B. La Marsh $10,440 00 156486 12-18-16 Albro J. Newton Co 40 00 156487 11-23-16 Maher & Flockhart 857 97 156488 12-19-16 New York Clay Product Co. 79 00 156489 Sweeney & Gray Co 271 33 156490 12-13-16 Stevenson & Marsters 1 25 156491 12- 2-16 The Barber Asp. Pay. Co 12 50 156492 12- 2-16 Saml. W. Cornell 9 60 156493 12-15-16 American Can Co 25 76 156494 11-13-16 National Lead Co 249 15 156495 12- 9-16 The Barrett Co 39 00 156496 12- 8-16 Progressive Paper Products

Co. 30 00 156497. 11-29-16 Stevenson & Marsters 14 93 156498 11-30-16 Great Bear Spring Co 1 20 156499 11-28-16 C. W. Keenan 1 20 156500 12-21-16 Wm. H. Geisler 14 67 156501 12- 7-16 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co 51 86 156502 11-15-16 Godfrey-Keeler Co. 91 03 156503 12- 1-16 The Babcock & Wilcox Co. 6 65 156504 11- 1-16 M. S. Brown 8 95 156505 12- 8-16 Robt. Simpson 17 00 156506 12-11-16 The Frank Shepard Co.... 25 00 156507 12-11-16 Bacon Coal Co 1,730 00

President of the Borough of Queens. 156473 44874 Barber Asp. Pay. Co $3,773' 92 156474 45357 Cleveland Trinidad Pay. Co 1,774 80 156475 33602 Uvalde Cont. Co 560 60 156476 . 40641 Borough Asp. Co 107 94 156477 40547 Borough Asp. Co 207 44 156478 45840 Peace Bros. 1,326 82 156468 45971 Borough Asp. Co 37,358 03

President of the Borough of Richmond. 156407 John J. Collins $14 35 156408 Wm. J. McDermott 17 50 156409 Wm. J. McDermott 14 50 156410 Wm. J. McDermott 17 25 156394 12-15-16 John E. Donovan 1,078 75 156395 Chas. F. Hart 565 00 156396 11-25-16 Harrolds Motor Car Co 5,150 00 156397 12-15-16 John E. Donovan

1164 95 156398 12- 1-16 Schutte Bros. 156399 12-12-16 Ostwald & Tichenor 23 40 156400 12- 1-16 Jas. Thompson & Sons 23 04 156401 12-14-16 Poertner Motor Car Co 17 39 156402 11-10-16 Underwood Typewriter Co. 5 00 156403 12- 5-16 Sibley Pitman Electric Corp. 15 41 156404 Wm. J. Grosson 31 87 156405 12-13-16 D. McCarthy Sons 37 60 156406 12- 1-16 I. C. Blake 3 87

Department of Public Charities 156508 4-13-16 Pattison & Bovms $6 00

44056 Wm. P. Youngs & Bros John F. Ferguson

11-16-16 B. P. Eldridge 10-31-16 Jos. F. Egan 11-10-16 E. J. Stanley 10-31-16 Wm. Schuetz 10-30-16 Herman Sacks Roofing .and

Cont. Co. 11- 6-16 Henry Saal 10-26-16 John Wenning 10-28-16 Lignum Carpenter Works 10- 5-16 Geo. Rabe 11-11-16 J. Friedman 11-10-16 Wm. KFoepke

45361 Eugene Frank 45074 Jas. I. Newman 45074 Jas. I. Newman 45279 Acme Furnace Equipment

Co. 45285 Philip & Paul 43729 Max Greenberg 42156 Geo. E. Gibson, Inc 45731 Philip Mittleman

125 00

140 00

195 00

125 00 125 00 250 00 212 50

250 00 250 00 250 00

157 50

250 00 577 50

375 00

250 00 80 00

250 00 125 00 125 00 195 00

195 00

375 00

156203 156209 156210 156211 156212 156213 156214

156215 156216 156217 156218 156219 156220 156195 1561% 156197 156198

156199 156200 156201 156202

156307 156308

156309 156310 156311

156294 156295 156296 156297 156298 156299 156300 156301

156302 156303


Department of Health. 44528 Roberts & Strouse $42 50 45877 J. D. Stout & Co 240 49

J. D. Stout & Co 683 24 45089 R. F. Stevens Co 134 44 45883 Swift & Co., Inc 242 10 45955 Wilson & Co 160 44

Wilson & Co 442 55 45953 Armour & Co 369 63 45872 Conron Bros. Co 210 42 44979 L. R. Wallace 264 00 45993 Conron Bros. Co 105 59 45231 L. Crocco & Sons 12 75 45722 Lewis De Groff & Son 182 36 45233 Samuel E. Hunter 101 78 46103 Francis H. Leggett & Co. 19 13

Francis H. Leggett & Co 28 85 44524 P. Lawless Sons 60 80 45315 Mutual McDermott Dairy

Corp. 10 49 45954 Morris & Co 1,278 84

Morris & Co 1,047 55 45234 New York & N. J_ Produce

3 20 4 32 2 00

216 98 3 75

19 50 3 78 800

95 00 77 93 2 t.0 65500 1 75 6 20

20 00 77 16 6 98

216 00 288 00

800 121 38 111 00

8 00 44 55

200 75 64 35 8 00 900

13 00 10 21

180 00 5 38

480 00 60 38

177 50 108 40

156272 11-10-16 156273 11-22-16 156274 11-21-16 156275 11-22-16 156276 11-28-16 156277 11-21-16 156278 11-21-16 156279 11-15-16 156280 11-15-16 156281 12- 6-16 156282 11-27-16

President 156263 156264 156265 156266 156267 43711 156268 44347

President 156166 44535 156167 36671 156168 41411 156169 46089 156316 44586 156317 45310 156315

Immix Fimmelkie

orCon- &No. tract


Invoice Finance Date Vouch- or Con-er No. tract


Invoice Finance Date Vouch- or Con-er No. tract


Amount. Name of Payee. Amount Name of Payee. Amount. Name of Payee.

156509 Postal Tel. Cable Co 3 46 156510 The Western Union Tel. Co 7 74 156511 The American Dist. Tel. Co 85 156512 12- 4-16 Jos. D. Flick 400 156513 12-26-16 Jos. F. McCarthy 21 52 156514 • A. M. Wilson 695 00 156515 William J. Doherty 1,097 00 156285 44325 Jandous Electric Equipment

Co. 4,702 50 156286 45657 Sackett Coal Co 2,839 45 156287 45873 Samuel E. Hunter 1,406 74 156288 45478 Grand Terrace Const. Co 2,970 00

Register, Kings County. 156223 12-15-16 J. D. McCarthy Co $2 65

Sheriff, New York County. 156313 Alfred E. Smith $110 62 156314 12-27-16 Alfred E. Smith 13 03

Department of Street Cleaning. 156289 45948 The Smith-Worthington Co. $478 00 1562% 17422 Edward Holland & Co 825 00 156291 46290 J. W. Gasteiger & Son 12,081 75 156292 46289 Frank J. Lennon Co 3,749 23 156293 46291 Geo. N. Reinhardt & Co 4,003 65

United States Volunteer Life Saving Corps. 156480 Empire Towel Sup. Co $3 00

156481 12-26-16 156482 12-26-16 156483 12-26-16 156484 12-26-16 Department of 156236 11- 1-16 156237 11- 6-16 156238 11- 6-16 156239 11-12-16 156224 8-11-16 156225 9- 1-16 156226 11- 1-16 156227 10-19-16 156228 9-26-16 156229 10- 2-16 156230 10-25-16 156231 11- 1-16

156232 11-14-16 156233 11-11-16 156234 7- 1-16 156235 11- 1-16 156312 156411 11- 1-16 156412 11-16-16

Kalt Lumber Co . 12 62 Louis Bossert & Son 5'00 Richard McAvoy 10 00 Jacob Krauss, Jr 5. 00 Water Supply, Gas and Electricity. Amos V. Pearsall 10 00 Frank V. Kelly Bernard Corrigan Emay Motor Car Co Charles O'Hara Co., Inc. George Cobb Neptune Meter Co S. Winkel Frank L. Steele A. F. Brombacher & Co Autocar Sales Co The Manufacturers Brush Co. The Lagonda Mfg. Co E. ,F. Keating Co Sing Sing Prison Thomson Meter Co J. W. McKay Great Bear Spring Co Tower Mfg. & Nov. Co

156413 12- 6-16 156414 12- 1-16 156415 12- 4-16 156416 12- 7-16

156417 11-17-16 156418 12- 5-16

156419 12- 1-16 156420 11-15-16 156421 9-20-16 156422 12-14-16

156423 156424 12- 1-16 156425 156426 156427 156428 156429 12- 9-16 156430 12- 1-16 156431 12- 7-16 156432 12- 6-16 156433 12-12-16 156434 12-15-16

S. D. Woodruff & Sons Edward J. Smith

Sharrer Patent To Co., Inc International Time Record- ing Co. of N. Y. Thos. C. Dunham, Inc East River Mill and Lumber Co. C. W. Hunt Co., Inc Edward E. Buhler Co H. W. Johns-Manville Co The Industrial Home for the Blind Westchester Ltg. Co Thos. Carey Westchester Ltg. Co L. E. Decker Louis J. Gill Louis J. Gill Clarence B. Williams Frank V. Kelly Standard Oil Co. of N. Y Cavanagh Bros. & Co Knickerbocker Supply Co Harold Ives Co., Inc

76 00 24 64 85 00

92 00 98 00

14 00 310 10 48 75 81 90

15 20 91 15 60 00 4 50

76 45 10 25 9 80

112 50 11 50 41 40 42 70 27 00

100 00

11 50 35 00 49 33

710 04 3 8

17 085

322 5 15 3

25 42 64

6 90 31 34

115 20 44 38 6 70

67 36 60

1 20


Borough of Edmond BUREAU OF BUILDINGS.

Report for week ended Dec. 16, 1916: Plans filed : For new buildings (esti-

mated cost, $324,175), 14; for alterations (estimated cost, $35,540), 7; for plumb-ing (estimated cost, $4,900), 9. New buildings estimated, 12 ; alterations esti-mated, 6; construction inspections made, 269; plumbing and drainage inspections made, 137; violations of law reported, 8; violation notices issued, 4. WM. J. McDERMOTT, Superintendent.

Paved Streets — Square yards: Of granite pavement repaired, 720; of brick pavement repaired, 333; of asphalt pave-ment repaired, 138; of wood block pave-ment repaired, 207; of asphalt concrete pavement finished, 651. Lineal feet of gutters cleaned, 6740; lineal feet of gut-ters built and repaired, 286; lineal feet of stone crosswalks repaired, 108.

Unimproved Streets—Square yards : Of roadway graded, 12,339; of roadway crowned and repaired, 22,948; of sand and ashes spread on roadway, 222. Square yards of dirt and sidewalks graded, 63; lineal feet of gutters formed and cleaned, 32,585.

Trees and Weeds—Cut down and re-moved, 9,516.

Culverts — Lineal feet of culverts cleaned, 32; lineal feet of wooden cul-verts built and repaired, 16.

Catch Basins—Repaired, 4; cleaned, 3. Topographical Bureau.

By Office Force—Rule maps : 76th st., Pitkin ave., 6th, 7th, 8th and Fulton sts., Finch pl., Roosevelt ave., Amity, Mazeau, Chicago, Toledo and Parcell sts., Medina pl. Draft damage maps : Hazen, Hood and Suburban sts., Copeland ave., Central ave., Fulton st., Finch pl., Broadway. Benefit maps : Campion st., Sutphin rd., Woodside ave., 50th, 51st sts. Profile maps : Whitlock ave. ; approving applica-tions for permits, assigning locations and compiling the necessary data; compiling data for field use ; plotting changes on record maps; furnishing information to City Departments and Public Service Corporations ; compiling data for special locations ; examining, indexing and filing field notes, plans, application prints and permit notices; investigating sources of information; copying old records, County Clerk's Office, Oueens • calculating and plottina of field work.

By Pia Force—Monumenting: Malba, Flushing Heights, Flushing, Bayside,

Whitestone, South Jamaica, Maspeth, Laurel Hill, South Jamaica Park, Cedar Manor, Locust Manor, Far Rockaway, Ozone Park, L. I. City, Cypress Hills, Edgemere. Traverse and location : Cy-press Hills, Edgemere, Flushing. Damage survey : Glendale. Detail measurements and preliminary survey, Section 2, L. I. City. Location of various substructures uncovered throughout the First, Second, Third and Fourth Wards.

Bureau of Sewers. Lineal feet of sewer cleaned, 78,390;

basins repaired, 149; lineal feet of sewer repaired, 30; manholes repaired, 5; man-hole covers put on,`4; manholes cleaned, 387; lineal feet of open drains cleaned, 6,500; loads removed from sewers, 100; loads removed from basins and drains, 241.

Bureau of Street Cleaning. Street Sweepings, Garbage, Etc., Col-

lected and Disposed Of--Cubic yards : Of mixed material, 7,389.89; of ashes, 775.05; of sweepings, 226.41; of rubbish, 3,781.52; of garbage, 659.93. Miles of street swept, 128. Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices.

Painting, carpenter work, plumbing, re-pairs to tin roof, leaders, etc., cleaning and electrical work.

Laboring Force Employed. Bureau of Highways—Foreman, Assist-

ant Foreman, Mechanics and Laborers, 526; teams, 66; horses and carts, 69; Steam Roller Engineers, 12; Asphalt Workers, 18; Stationary Engineers, 2.

Bureau of Sewers—Foreman, Assistant Foreman, Mechanics and Laborers, 142; horses and carts, 23.

Bureau of Street Cleaning—Superin-tendent, District Superintendent, Clerks, Foreman, Laborers, etc., 300; teams and trucks, 71; team and sweeper, 1; horses and carts, 135.

Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices —Superintendent, Clerks, Foreman, Me-chanics, Laborers, etc., 98.

Bureau of Topographical Survey—Engi-neer in Charge, Assistant Engineer, Clerks, Draughtsmen, Axeman, etc„ 148; horse and wagon with Driver, 1.

JAMES A, DAYTON, Acting Presi-dent.

Changes in Departments, Etc. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS.

MANHATTAN AND RICHMOND. Reassigned—John J. Barry, 401 E. 78th

st., Plumber's Helper, at $3.25 a. day, Dec. 5.

Reappointed—Dr. Harry F. Nimphius, 761 E. 163d st., Bronx, Veterinarian, Sept. 7.

Title Changed—Morris Lewis, 611 E. 179th st., from Driver to Laborer, at $2.50

-a day, Dec. 23.


Salary Fixed—Calvin I. Crocker, 357 Sterling pl., Brooklyn, Assistant Engi-neer, at $4,860 per annum, effective Jan. 1.

Salaries Fixed—Effective Jan. 1, 1917: Secretary to Commissioner : Farley C. Childs, 1718 Avenue N, Brooklyn, $3,780. Assistant Engineers : Joseph 0. Eckers-ley, 4269 White Plains ave., Bronx, $3,420; Ernest A. Fintel, 336 Beach st., Richmond Hill, $2,280; George H. Hefele, 2279 Washington ave., Bronx, $2,280. Structural Steel Draughtsmen, at $1,920: Andrew L. Koch, 504 E. 5th st., Brook-lyn ; Oliver D. Robinson, 4713 Kimball ave., Morris Park, Queens; Isidore Del-son, 7 Pearl -st., Stapleton, S. I. ; Irving M. Peyser, 69 W. 104th st., Manhattan; William A. Gilbert, 382 E. 2d st, Brook-lyn. Clerks : Alexander Abrams, 1421 Vyse ave., Bronx, $2,160; Joseph A. Courtney, 384 E. 17th st., Manhattan, $1,980; john J. McCroarty, 1105 Jeffer-

son, ave., Brooklyn, $1,680; Patrick J. Mc-Cabe, 431 Fifty-fifth st., Brooklyn, $1,560; Edwin C. Gwinner, 477 Throop ave., Brooklyn, $1,320; James H. Wood, 980 Lorimer st, Brooklyn, $1,320; William J. Donnelly, 1947 E. 8th st., Brooklyn, $1,320; Anna G. Heffernan, 2131 Vyse ave., Bronx, $1,200; Marie G. Jones, 333 W. 20th st., Manhattan, $1,140; Walter J. Hosey, 433 W. 57th st., Manhattan, $840. Stenographers and Typewriters : Henry de Jongh, 90 Horton st., Elmhurst, $1,320; Annette Cullinan, 57 St. Johns pl., Brook-lyn, $1,140; Julia V. Flynn, 2246 Eighty-fifth st., Brooklyn, $960; Margaret M. Hunt, 41 Prospect Park S. W., Brooklyn, $960; Rose Delaney, 84 Third st., L. I. City, $960; Frieda Lamm, 972 Fox st., Bronx, $840. Rodman : Arthur C. Young, 424 Caton ave., Brooklyn, $1,200. Fore-men Riveters, at $2,100: James P. Marsh, 350 W. 28th st., Manhattan; Thomas Pollitt, 86 Pilling st., Brooklyn. Foreman Bridge Mechanic: William Becker, 166 W. 128th st., Manhattan, $1,680. Foreman Laborer : Michael Farmer, 501 W. 57th st., Manhattan, $1,500. Transitman : John F. Johnson, Tr., 241 Linden ave., Brooklyn, $1,920. Toolman ; Moses H. Dreyfus, 175 Amity st., Brooklyn, $1,140. Storekeeper: Charles A. Wolf, 683 West st., Brooklyn, $960. Telephone Operators : Mary S. Watson. 122 Sterling pl., Brooklyn, $960; Annie Brown, 121 Judge st., Elmhurst, L. I., $840. Chauffeurs : William Mc-Cormick, 343 E. 153d st, Bronx, $1,260; Frank O'Brien, 1873 DeKalb ave., Brook-lyn, $1,260; Robert W. Dixon, Jr., 1007 Sixtieth st., Brooklyn, $1,140; Francis Reider, 403 E. 86th st., Manhattan, $1,140; Joseph L. Seguin, 280 Fourteenth st., Brooklyn, $1,140; John Kitney, 510 E. 79th st., Manhattan, $1,080; Francis Steers, 1554 Pacific st., Brooklyn, $1,080. Bridge Tender : William Waller, 120 E. 10th st., Manhattan, $900. The following Bridge Tenders at $960: Wm. Allen, 83 Reeves p1., Brooklyn; John J. Andel, 3 Wash-ington Terrace, Manhattan ; Peter Bag-ley. 234 E. 126th st., Manhattan; Clarence Bahr, 536 Sixteenth st., Brooklyn; Michael J. Baldwin, 189 Seventh st., L. I. City; John Birmingham, 43 E. 131st st., Manhattan ; Sam'l J. Bergen, 2313 Gleason ave., Unionport, N. Y. ; James H. Booth, 157 Scofield st., City Island ; John Bour-cier, 8417 Seventeenth ave., Bath Beach; Patrick Brady, 151 Amsterdam ave., Manhattan ; George Brewer, 222 E. 85th st., Manhattan; Wm. P. Breidenbach, 1897 Longfellow ave., Bronx; John Brohan, 1137 Longfellow ave., Bronx; J. J. Bros-nan, 81 Madison st., Manhattan; John Buchan, 402" E. 80th st., Manhattan; Thomas Burns, 348 First ave., Manhat-tan; Andrew Butcher, 544 Washington ave., L. I. City; M. J. Butler, 481 Fourth ave., Brooklyn ; F. C. Bigelspiker, 1058 Stebbins ave., Bronx; M. J. Breslin, 333 W. 17th st., Manhattan ; Sam'l Clarke, 207 Foster ave., Brooklyn ; Patrick Calla-han, 504 W. 168th st., Manhattan; Thos. Campbell, 5705 Fourth ave., Brooklyn; Patrick Cannon, 750 , Washington ave., Brooklyn; John F. Casey, 234 Norman ave., Brooklyn; Robert Chappelle, 144 N. Railroad ave., Corona ; James Clear, 1335 Prospect pl., Brooklyn; Michael Collins, 131 Twelfth st., L. I. City; John Connell, 357 Douglass st., Brooklyn ; James Con-nors. 423 E. 16th st., Manhattan ; Thos. G. Chambers, 1985 Crotona ave., Bronx; Carlos D. Cramer, 853 Willoughby ave., Brooklyn ; John Craven, 1452 Fifth ave., Manhattan; John Curran, 167 Fifth ave., Brooklyn ; Wm. Deeks, 44 Carter p1., Elmhurst, L. I.; Wm. S. Denmark, 1997 Lexington ave., Manhattan; John Dean, 430 Fifty-fourth st., Brooklyn; Thos. W. Doty. 436 E. 138th st, Brooklyn; Joseph H. Doyle, 37 Broome st., Brooklyn ; Thos. Dunn, 848 Second ave., Manhattan; Henry Esiig, 2875 Concourse ave., Bronx;

Alexius Ferrari, Princess Bay, S. I.; John J. Flynn, 1921 E. 18th st., Brooklyn; Jacob Fransen, 166 W. Jackson ave., Co-rona, L. I.; Andrew Gaffney, 309 E. 78th st., Manhattan ; Frank Gallagher, 819 Gates ave., Brooklyn; Michael Grout, 497 E. 162d st., Bronx ; George Gunther, 302 E. 151st st., Bronx; Fred Hamilton, 25 Harmon st., Brooklyn; Andrew Hayes, 145 E. 82d st., Manhattan ; Wm. G. Heapes, 1347 Balsam ave., Throggs Neck, N. Y. ; John J. Hogge, 101 W. 70th st., Manhattan; Jeremiah Holland, 1690 Sec-ond ave., Manhattan ; Patrick Harrigan, 112 Greenpoint ave., L. I. City; Richard Haymen, 2671 Harway ave., Brooklyn; Aaron Ingram, 551 Morgan ave., Brook-lyn; Claus Jensen, 340 E. 137th st., Bronx; Wm. M. Johnson, 306 E. 142d st., Bronx; Michael Keating, 630 Sixth ave., L. I. City; Frank Kelly, 255 Carroll st., Brook-lyn; Jos. H. Kelly, 1997 Lexington ave., Manhattan; Stephen D. Kelsey, 123 Ver-non ave., L. I. City; James Kendrick, 103 Vernon ave., L. I. City; Thos. M. Ken-nedy, 307 E. 30th st., Manhattan ; Chas. Kientzler, 280 Bleeker st., Brooklyn; Jos. Kick, 20 Cornelia st., Brooklyn ; J. H. Kil-bride, 712 Madison st., Brooklyn; Arthur G. Koehler, 50 Buchanan ave., Evergreens, L. I. ; Thos. J. Larkin, 17 Lexington ave., Maspeth, L. I. ; Michael Lavin, 218 Wind-sor pl., Brooklyn; Wm. Lee, 121 Vernon ave., L. I. City; John J. Leddy, 169 E. 128th st., Manhattan; Michael Lee, 268 Alexander ave., Bronx; Thos. Lockwood, 4589 Park ave., Bronx; James Maloney, 69 Fifth st., L. I. City; Chas. Macklin, 578 Westchester ave., Bronx; John Mad-den, 1517 Glover st., Westchester, N. Y.; Henry E. Marshall, 1775 Sedgwick ave., Bronx; Elijah Miller, 1449 Ferris pl., Manhattan ; Aloysius T. Moore, 4557 W. 148th st., Manhattan; Alfred H. More, 2340 Story ave., Bronx; Michael Moore, 1452 Blondell ave., Bronx; Wm. J. Mor-rison, 36 Marble Hill ave., Kingsbridge, N. Y.; Eugene Mullen, 583 E. 136th st., Manhattan; John Murphy, 233 E. 79th st., Manhattan; John Miner, 24 Kingsland ave., Elmhurst, L. I. ; Edmond Molloy, 532 Clinton st., Brooklyn ; John A. Moy-Ian, 111 Bed ford ave., Brooklyn; Thos. Mulligan, 706 Sixth ave., Manhattan; Peter J. McBride, 2381 Lorillard ave., Bronx ; Luke J. McCann, 158 Fulton st., Brooklyn ; Anthony McGowan, 220 Schenectady ave., Brooklyn; Alex. Mc-Laughlin, 72 Nelson st., Brooklyn; Chas. J. McMullen, 2 Cox pl., Queens, L. I.; James O'Brien, 84 Ketcham . pl., Elm-hurst, L. I. ; Geo. J. Naples, 142 Beach st., Stapleton, S. I. ; John O'Rourke, 317 .Nevins st., Brooklyn; Wm. O'Rourke, 379 E. 156th st., Bronx; John O'Neill, 215 W. 16th st., Manhattan ; Bernard Patten, 151 Elm st., Astoria, L. I.; Jacob Peifer, 658 E. ,228th st., Bronx; John Raedel, 1469 Bushwick ave., Brooklyn; Edw. Ranftle, 45 Jackson ave., L. I. City ; Michael Raf-ferty, 504 E. 135th st., Bronx; Barth F. Reed, 319 Twenty-second st., Brooklyn; Geo. E. Reilly, 686 Hicks st., Brooklyn; Wm. Reilly, 149 Harmon st., Brooklyn; Harry Reinwald, 2872 Zulett ave., West-chester, N. Y. ; Frank Rickard, 118 Eck-ford st., Brooklyn; James E. Rogers, 545 Grand st., Manhattan ; Edw. Rowe, 1981 Prospect ave., Bronx ; John Ryan, 298 E. 136th st., Bronx; Lewis Ryan, 390 City Island ave., City Island; Arch. Robinson, 514 E. 15th st., Manhattan ; Chas. A. Selby, 282 Clifton pl., Brooklyn; Frank R. Serena, 9 N. Washington pl., Astoria; Conrad Schaefer, 160 Montgomery ave.. Laurel Hill, Aug: Schroeder, 2017 Metropolitan ave., Middle Village ; Pat-rick Shea, 450 Humboldt st., Brooklyn; Jas. P. Saunders, 337 St. Anne's ave., Bronx; Elwood Van Nostrand, 59 Far-rington st., Flushing, L. I. ; John Walls, 78 Fourth IC Brooklyn ; Daniel F. Walsh, 110 st, Brooklyn ; Soul j. Weiply, 384 - 154th st., Bronx ; Hubert

Borough of Queens. Retort for week ended Nov. 11, 1916:

(Received at City Record .office Dec. 20, 1916.) Public Moneys Received—For restoring

pavement over street openings, $673; for vault permits, $108.38; for sewer connec-tions, $230; for other purposes, $200; total. $1,211.38.

Vouchers Drawn on Comptroller—Pay_ roll, $53,324.43 ; open market, $1,549.79; miscellaneous, $57.40; contract, $20,531.05; total, $75,462.67.

Permits Issued—To open streets to tap water pipes, 30; to open streets to repair water connections, 17; to open streets to make sewer connections, 39; to open streets to repair sewer connections, 2; to place building material on streets, 10; to construct street vaults, 4; special permits, 5; to cross sidewalks, 2; to repair side-walks, 18; for sewer connections, 40; for sewer repairs, 1; for other purposes, 1; total, 169.

Work Done. Bureau of Highways.

Macadam Streets—Square yards of macadam pavement, repaired 9,307, cleaned 29,978, sanded 6,156, finished 18,380, tarred and oiled 6,222, sprinkled 4,218. Square yards of dirt wings honed and cleaned, 19,000. Lineal feet of gutters cleaned, 20,050.


Wittges, 4267 Boston rd., Bronx; Wm. J. Vanderhof, 71 Suydam st., Brooklyn; Frank Yaker, 937 E. 227th st., Williams-bridge, N. Y.; Henry Zaun, 107 Harmon st, Brooklyn; Aug. Zimmerman, 4470 Park ave., Bronx; James H. Glennon, 455 Convent ave., Manhattan ; Edward V. Dodge, 381 E. 197th st, Bronx. Bridge Keepers at $960: David Denyse, 1234 Eightieth st., Brooklyn; Robert Elkins, 167 W. 130th st., Manhattan; John C. Grimes, 96 Dupont st., Brooklyn; James F. Heaney, 591 Fourth ave., Brooklyn; Cornelius Kelly, 217 E. 122d st., Manhat-tan; Theodore L. Lenz, 79 Garfield ave., Richmond Hill, L. I.; Geo. C. Lyng, 129 W. 142d st., Manhattan; Geo. P. Mayer, 387 Second ave., Manhattan; Thos. J. Martin, 26 E. Burnside ave., Corona, L. I.; Wm. F. Murphy, 931 Lafayette ave., Brooklyn; Cornelius McGinn, 140 Nas-sau ave., Brooklyn; Richard McCowan, 2035 St. Pauls ave., Bronx.

Reassigned-James Butler, 105 Linden ave., Flushing, L. I., Carpenter, Dec. 26.

Titles Changed-Effective Jan. 1, 1917: Frederick Flox, 105 Clinton ave., Brook-lyn, from Laborer to Auto Truck Driver, at $960 per annum; James Brown, 135 W. 67th st., Manhattan, from Machinist's Helper to Auto Truck Driver, at $960 per annum ; Patrick Hayes, 2338 Zulette ave,, Bronx, from Watchman to Bridge Tender, at $900 per annum.

Transf erred-John W. Johnston, 883 Eighth ave., Manhattan, Riveter, from the office of the President, Borough of Man-hattan, at $5.30 a day. Dec. 26.

Salary Fixed-Joseph D. Keogh, 72 E. 82d st., Manhattan, Bridge Tender, at $2.50 a day, effective Jan. 1.

Services Ceased-Edward Darlington, 220 Park ave., Brooklyn, Laborer, Dec.26.


Appointed-Leo Kissing Clerk, at $300 per annum, Bureau of Standards, Dec.13.

William H. Sietas, William H. Sullivan, Pasquale Vigiotti, Angelo Vigliotti, Ele- vatormen, from $840 to ; John J. O'Brien, Eugene Prager, Paul De Salvo, Elevatormen, from $728 to $780; John McCormack, Rickart J. Tobin, John W. Whitaker, Attendants, from $900 to $1,020; eieorge A. Thone, Clerk, from $750 to-$840; Cecelia Haggerty, Mary E.

.Farrell, Telephone Operators, from $780 to $840; Arthur J. McJames, Telephone Operator, from $660 to $720; Baruch Auerbach, Harris Bariton, Harry Bischin, Patrick J. Blake, Morise Blumenthal, Frederick M. Bolden, Anton Bonafacich, John E. Booker, Domenico Brancale, Abraham Brown, Salvatore Cannella, Robert A. Carroll, Thomas Caulo, Robert J. Christopher, Vincenzo Cirigliano, Fran-cesco Coccara, Gennaio Cochiola, Wolf Cohen, Philip Coyle, Pasqualine Cortese, Tony Grocco, Frank Dina, Vito A. Di-trani, Edward E. Douglass, Thomas E. Dowd, Michael Fanelli, Lajos Farkas, Joseph J. Farrell, William Farrell, Joseph Feldman, Patrick Fleming, Victor J. Frashella, Joseph P. Gallagher, Michele Centile, Solomon Gershanek, Cornelius V. Gesner, Thomas A. Gillen, Mario Gioiella, Donato Gruosso, Mayer Haas, Harry Haberman, Philip Hartman, Henry Har-vey, Frank Heagney, Jerry Healy, John C. Hepp, Michael K. Hintlain, William Hoffman, William H. Houston, Herman Huesing, Richard Jennings, William A. Johnson, John J. Kelly, Louis Kemp, Abraham Keutakofsky, Patrick J. Kid-ney, Abraham L. Kirschenbaum, Mandel Kitay, Mike Knepfer, George Koch, Samuel Kronenberg, Francesco LaFalce, Ike Leader, Arthur M. Lisby, Joseph Lo-renzo, Thomas Lorenzo, Patrick J. Lynch, Edward McCabe, William J. McLaughlin, Francis X. Madden, Vincenzo Manfredi, Antonio Maniscelco, Antonio Marazita, Michael J. Marco, Michael Marzano, Michael Massaro, Giacchino Mazza, Joseph A. Meyer, Denis Nelligan, Samuel Newman, Peter Nigro, Santi Pasta, Frank Patello, Michael J. Pezzoti, Simon Pregenzer, Rosario Profita, Nicholas J. Provenz, Jacob A. Reiner, Cosimo Resta, Luis Ribman, Nicola Rinaldi, Francesco Risafi, Max Rubin, Alfreda Russo, Solo-mon Saiber, David R. Satchel!, Guiseppe Scavozzo, Fred Scharak, Louis Schwiran-_ sky, Louis Seltzer, Alfonso Severino, Vincenzo Sinisi, Solomon Slavinsky, Guiseppe Solano, John Soltys, Leo Sparro, Abraham Stern, Louis Tarsitano, Joseph Thaler, Pasquale Pastore, Joseph G. Berk, Max M. Thaler, Salvatore Valen-tine, Thomas Vernile, Guiseppe Vesce, Frank Vicks, Isidore Visakewich, Jacob Weiss, Louis Wettenstein, Cleaners, from $660 to $720; Annie K. McKenzie, Mary Taylor, Cleaners, from $540 to $600; Israel Rones, Elias Schechner, Edward M. Quinn, Joseph Matika, Charalambos Harami, Joseph Szcwczuk, Window Cleaners, from $708 to $744; Thomas F. Gerrety, Inspector of P. B. & 0., from $1,500 to $1,560; James Ferguson, Ve-ronica LeBourveau, Inspectors of P. B. & 0., from $1,320 to $1,440; Maud P. Nel-son, Assistant Custodian, from $720 to $768; Michael Hanophy, Assistant Fore-man, from $780 to $900; John J. Edwards, Thomas Farrelly, Peter Flynn, Andrew Moltzen, Assistant Foremen, from $780 to $792 ; Henry Gruner, Maurice Sheehan, Laborers, from $2.50 a day to $780 per annum ; Frank Ettinger, Ignatz Fried-man, William Jacobs, Laborers, from $660 to $720; Peter Chieffo, Janitor, from $1,200 to $1,560; John J. Rooney, Janitor, from $1,050 to $1,140; Louis Gane, Rocco D'Acci, Charles Fucciarelli, John Toma-sulo, Charles Webs, Elevatormen, from $840 to .:::; Frank P. Coffey, Jos. Ra-dezky, Bernard Leavy, Anthony Fagello, Pietro Mascaro, Elevatormen, from $720 to $780; Joseph Allen, Thomas Allen, William H. Bell, Michael Callaghan, Michael F. Coakley, Timothy Driscoll, Frank Freund, Alfred Gilkinson, Joseph Heller, James F. Mahon, Aloysius J. Molloy, William Morris, Daniel Murphy, Frank McMahon, Peter O'Connell, George Passet, Joseph W. Treacy, Thomas J. Wallace, Attendants, from $1,050 to $1,140; James Andrews, Edmund Rowen, Jr., William C. Brennan, Arthur J. Brod-beck, James E. Burns, John J. Campbell, John T. Collier, Francis Conlon, James L. Dalton, William Dixon, James F. Donohue, David Donovan, Christopher A. Galvin, John C. Gillen, Walter G. Graf-ton, Percy L. Greenough, John S. Hogan, Henry C. Holt, George D. Jackson, George J. H. Jackel, Daniel Kennedy, Thomas F. Kennedy, Thomas Kennedy, Albert Kern, John B. Loftus, Henry L. Lohmar, William P. Malloy, John J. Mangan, Thomas H. Murphy, Christopher J. Murphy, William F. McCurrin, Thomas McManus, James E. Newman, Michael Norton, John J. O'Brien, Albert J. Mc-Grath, Michael J. O'Neill, John E. Owens, Frank X. Pierce, Joseph Prender-gast, Alanson E. Robinson, George F. Schaefer, Charles Schonberg, Joseph J. Sullivan, George W. Sweeney, George J. Turner, John J. Walsh, Henry J. Water-son, Thomas Wilson, Paul Woods, At-tendants, from $900 to $960; thomas S.

Lynch, Attendant, from $780 to $900; Elizabeth Aldrich, Charlotte C. Ashley, Mary Boyce, Mary J. Cahir, Emma L Callanan, Martha K. Card, Gertrude E. Caset, Mary A. Cashen, Julia M. Cavanagh, Mary A. Cleary, Mary Cole-man, Florence Collins; Annie Conlon, Julia A. Connor, Mary Corcoran No. 2, Mary A. Coughlin, Mary T. Courtney, Anna Cowan, Jane Cullen, Jennie A. Cun-ningham, Mary R. Cusack, Helen F. Daly, Bertha Davis, Abbie M. Degnan, Lettie A. Dennehy, Mary Dennerhy, Mary A. Devlin, Margaret L Donohue, Emma L. Dubois, Maiy M. Duffin, Mary H. Flood, Elizabeth Flynn, • Sarah J. Foulis, Lizzie Galbraith, Susan V. Grogan, Agatha Gut, Mary F. Harold, Elizabeth A. Hinde, Elizabeth' F. Kennedy, Elinor K. Lee, Elizabeth Leeson, Hester Living-ton, Mary J. Martin, Josephine Murphy, Mary J. McEntee, Bridget McAndrews, Margaret McCarthy, Bridget McCarthy, Mary E. McGinty, Katherine A. Mc-Grath, Rose H. McGrath, Mary McGur-rin, Gertrude E. McKibbin, Margaret McMahon, Lillie Neumann,' Maria O'Brien, Mary O'Connell. Margaret A. Pancoast, Mary A. Parkhill, Josie A. Paul, Phoebe C. Prendergast, Katherine E. Reagan, Catherine A. Reilly, Honorah Reilly, Elizabeth Rice, Mary A. Rohan, Mary F. Russell, Annie Smith, Margaret Sullivan, Frances M. Sullivan,. Sarah Taylor, Elizabeth Twiggs, Eleanor F. Walker, Anna K. Walker, Agnes Ward, Annie" Wicks, Mary V. Wilson, Caroline E. Kline, Attendants, from $720 to $768; Joseph Andreuzzo, Joseph Arone, Charles Burns, Paul Chvalla, Leonarde Cirigliano, Michael Cravotta, Richard Cross, Fran-cesco Guoce, Charles J. Dursee, Sigmund Englehardt, James W. Farley, Stephen F. Foy, Moses Gardner, Pasquale Garone, Abraham Gellerman, Salvator Giangarro, Joseph G. Goldflam, Harry Glasser, George H. Green, John Hennessy, Elisha Lambow, Mark Leberman, Michele Len-tine, Solomon Lessell, Harry Levine, Francisco Manus, Joe Mazzeo, Cornelius F. Mulvey, Francis H. O'Neill, Morris Pall, Isidore Pottheizer, Cono Scodiero, John J. Sheppard, Francesco Traina, Raffalle Trincono, Giovanni Valentine, Arron Wizbiz, Abe Zimmerman, Max Zimmerman, Cleaners, from $660 to $720; John H. Weinbierger, Assistant Engineer, from $4,000 to 4,560; Norman B. Gardi-ner, Assistant Engineer, from $3,000 to $3,180; Walter J. S. McGrane, Assistant Engineer, from $1,650 to $1,740; Leroy F. Cox, Assistant Engineer, from $1,500 to $1,620; Joseph A. Powers, John J. De-laney, Transitmen, from $1,500 to $1.680; Henry T. Krumdieck, Transitman, from $1,500 to $1,560; Frank C. Saward, Lev-eler, from $1,020 to $1,080; Lawrence F. Osborne, Inspector of Sewer Connec-tions, from $1,350 to $1,440; David A. Magnier, Harry Riegel, Inspectors of Public Works, from $1,200 to- $1,260; Clifford J. Sherman, Inspector of Sewer Connections, from $1,200 to $1,260; George E. Deninger, John F. Barnes, Rodmen, from $1,050 to $1,140; John J. Breen, Rodman, from $1,050 to $1,080; Lewis W. Hagerty, Robert A. H. Wettje, Charles S. Mackey, John J. Kearns, Harry Ehlers,. Rodmen, from $1,020 to $1,080; George E. Gregory, Transitman, from $1,350 to $1,40; Joseph H. Tonyan, Rod-man, from $900 to $960; James D. Nu-gent, James J. Banigan, John A. Ginley, Prosper J. Labelle, John F. McManus, Axemen, from $900 to $960; Maurice 1. Rosenberg, Clerk, from $1,350 to $1,440; Louis S. Furchtenicht, Francis A. Jura-schek, Topo. Draftsmen, from $1,500 to $1,800; Francis L. Molanphy, Topo Draftsman, from $1,500 to $1,560; Al-phonzo Wood, Topo. Draftsman, from $1,500 to $1,680; Edward J. Harrington, Topo. Draftsman, from $1,350 to $1,440; Joseph C. Collyer, Topo. Draftsman, from $1,200 to $1,440; Charles E. Gre-gory, Assistant Engineer, from $5,000 to $6,120; Bernard Shane, Topographical Draftsman, from $1,650 to $1,740; Charles Yarmis, Frank P. Morstatt, Clerks, from $660 to $720; John S. Klan, Frank O'Keefe, Clerks, from $600 to $660; Edward Brady, Jr., Clerk, from $2,250 to $2,460; Frank McGovern, Clerk, from $660 to $720; William J. Nuchan, Clerk, from $600 to $660; William Clark, Inspector of Incumbrances, from $1,350 to $1,440; Henry V. deHority, Inspector of Public Works, from $1,350 to $1,440; Charles G. Wallace, Charles P. Tracy, In-spectors of Public Works, from $1,200 to $1,260; Edward A. O'Connor, Inspector of Incumbrances, from $1,200 to $1,260; Frank M. Farley, Inspector of Public Works, from $1,200 to $1,260; Edward J. Powers, Foreman, from $1,200 to $1,260; Henry Kinney, Keeper, from $900 to $960; Hugh F. Sullivan, Attendant, from $900 to $960; Max O. Stark, Clerk, from $1,650 to $1,680; Richard J. Hag-gerty, Cleric, from 040 to $580; Wesley

Dey, AssistantEngineer, from $3,420 to $3,660; Paul V. Hollenbeck, Transit-man, from $1,650 to $1,740; John J. Roche, General Foreman, from $1,200 to $1,500 ; Edward A. Boyle, Joseph J. Clock, Emil Litzinger, John Regan, As-

sistant Foremen, from $900 to $948; Patrick Lyons, George L. Reichert, As-sistant Foremen, from $750 to $840; Charles C. Hanau, General Inspector, from $1,800 to $1,920; William P. Van den Dries, James F. Lyons, William J. D. Lynch, Inspectors of Public Works, from $1,650 to $1,740; John J. Sullivan, General Inspector, from $1,200 to $1,500; John Donohue, Edward F. McDermott, La-borers, from $600 to $720; Thomas J. Stapleton, Laborer, from $2.50 a day to $720 per annum; Edward M. Raleigh, As-sistant Engineer, from $3,000 to $3,180; Robert A. MacGregor, Assistant Engineer, from $2,700 to $2,940; John J. Murphy, Assistant Engineer, from $2,400 to $2,700; Harry W. Levy, Assistant Engineer, from $1,650 to $1,800; John J. Horgan, Leveler, from $1,650 to $1,740; Robert F. Doyle, Inspector of R., G. & P., from $1,620 to $1,740; Maurice Brown, Inspector of R., G. & P., from $1,650 to $1,740; Henry Simmons, Inspector of Public Works, from $1,650 to $1,740; Joseph F. Kiernan, Leo S. Greenwood, Inspectors of Public Works, from $1,500 to $1,620; Gustave J. Steinacher, Inspector of Public Works, from $1,320 to $1,440; Otto E. Nickenig, Waterbury Lawrence, Inspectors of Pub.. lic Works, from $1,200 to $1,320; James B. Brady, Jr., Arthur St. John Cameron, George E. Cross, John J. Duffy, Bion E. Dyer, Julius M. Fischer, Robert J. Jaques, Francis J. McGarry, John Mc-Nelus, Francis E. McClennen, Charles J. Phillips, John H. Petty, James A. Roche, Marcus I. Sachs, William J. Beneke, Otto C. Berthold, Thomas F. Colgan, George N. Enners, John J. Kearns, Dennis B. Kelly, Charles Platz, Arthur B. Isaacs, George T. Higgins, George Reilly, Joseph M. Ward, Alexander P. Williams, John A. Godfrey, John J. Byrne, Jacob A. Bese-mer, Norman P. Betts, Patrick F. Casey, Thomas Coyne, William P. Cox, Albert H. Etzel, Joseph Flynn, Martin F. Ford, William Hayde, John F. McGrath, Manus O'Connor, Max Shapiro, George W. A. Kelly, Rubin Bridgham, William F. Camp-bell, Robert Corrigan, William D. Culver, James P. Carroll, James C. Davison, Daniel J. Dowd, Hugh A. Gordon, John F. Heaney, George W. Lynch, John O'Donnell, Michael J. O'Shea, Joseph A. Probst, John J. Reddy No. 1, John J. Reddy No. 2, Michael P. Ryan, Frederick Reinschmidt, William H. Titcomb, Charles J. Schneider, 'Charles P. Worrall, John H. Sawyer, Michael Flanagan, In-spectors, from $1,200 to $1,260; Louis C. Berger, Topographical Draftsman; from $1,800 to $1,920; David L. Gordon, Topo-graphical Draftsman, from $1,500 to $1,560; Max Berliner, Joseph P. T. J. McPeak, Thomas J. Chambers, John O'Rourke, John Tackman, Robert E. Cox, Transitmen, from $1,500 to $1,680; Walter L. Bernhardt, William A. Cush-ing, Peter F. Grupe, Robert L. Irving, Peter Krulder, Jr., Rodmen, from $1,050 to $1,140; John K. Hopkins, Edward Lawrence, Elias W. Purdy, Rodmen, from $900 to $960; Thomas F. Hardy, George T. Edgerton, Walter J. Broderick, Michael J. Sheridan, Dennis M. Sullivan, Edward J. Moder, Axemen, from $900 to $960; Eugene C. Pailler, Assistant Chem-ist, from $1,350 to $1,500; William H. Colgan, Harry I. Silverman, John H. Wulpern, Henry Callomb, Junior Chem-ists, from $1,200 to $1,260; Joseph E. Brady, Laboratory Assistant, from $900 to $960; Eugene W. Stern, Chief Engi-neer, of Highways, from $5,000 to $6,120; Clifford M. Pinckney, Assistant Engi-neer, from $4,000 to $4,560; Joseph R. Walker, Clerk, from $1,560 to $1,680; Anthony L. Montefusco, Mary E. Meagher, Clerks, from $1,050 to $1,140; Charles A. Lagattuta, Clerk, from $840 to $960; Thomas F. Magovern, Clerk, from $900 to $960; Walter J. Herlihy, Thomas F. McCarthy, Clerks, from $600 to $660; John J. Cronin, Clerk, from $600 to $840; Otto Brandenburg, Automobile Engineman, from $1,200 to $1,320; Joseph Frank, Assistant Engineer, from $1,920 to $2,100; Robert L. Mc-Nicol, Clerk, from $1,500 to $1,680; Al-bert A. Meeker, Clerk, from $660 to

0; Adolph Zellenka, Attendant, from $1,050 to $1,140; David Simmons, In-spector of Vaults, from $1,350 to $1,440; Harry Senn, John J. Cahalane, George E. Lamont, Inspectors, from $1,200 to $1,260; James H. McDermott, Clerk, from $2,550 to $2,700; William J. Connors, Clerk, from $1,050 to $1,140; Edward A. Dal= ton, Clerk, from $840 to $960 ; \William-C. Grube, Clerk, from $660 to $720; Martin B. Frankfort, Harry H. Hussey, Clerks; froni $600 to $660; Stephen H. Eich, Clerk, from $540 to $580; Neil O'Cal-laghan, Storekeeper, from $1,320 to $1,440; William J. Dalton, Inspector, Repairs and Supplies, from $1,800 to $1,920 ; Charles E. Knoene, Automobile Engineman, from $1,050 to $1,140; Wil-liam B. Wells, Automobile Engineman, from $4 a day to $1,200 per annum; Sam-uel Y. Megia, 388 Clifton pl., Brooklyn, Telephone Operator, from $660 to $720.

Wages Increased - Effective Jan. 1, 1917: Joseph D. Clancy, Frank Cusick, Joseph A. Dougherty, Charles F. Gar-

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. Salaries Increased-Effective Jan. 1,

1917: Arthur Essing, Secretary to the Commissioner of Public Works, from $3,300 to $3,540; Stephen Kelley, Clerk, from $3,500 to $4,140; John J. A. Conlin, Daniel J. Culhane, Michael Tocaro, Clerks, from $900 to $1,080; Catherine E. Reilly, Grace E. Connolly, Stenographers and Typewriters, from $1,200 to $1,320; Elizabeth F. Catterson, Jennie Gleason, Catherine C. Lawler, Sabina R. Sinnott, Elizabeth M. Williams, Stenographers and Typewriters, from $1,050 to $1,140; Adele Charash, Kathryn M. Forster, Stenogra-phers and Typewriters, from $900 to $960; May M. O'Brien, Marie B. Tevlin, Typewriting Copyists, from $720 to $780; James J. McCoy, Messenger, from $1,200 to $1,350; Julius Mandelbaum, Joseph Brady, Attendants, from $1,050 to $1,140; Charles A. Robinson, Attendant, from $900 to $960; Harold C. Todd, Supervis-ing Inspector, from $3,000 to $3,300; Walter J. Gillen, Assistant Engineer, from $2,400 to $2,700; Sidney P. De-Lemos, Mechanical Engineer, from $1,800 to $1,920; May A. Lyons, Louise M. Con-ley, Telephone Operators, from $900 to $960; Herbert I. Vaughan, Telephone Operator, from $780 to $840; John S. H. Whelpley, Telephone Operator, from $660 to $720; Charles H. Levy, Assistant Engineer, from $2,460 to $2,700; Samuel Shapiro, Leo Feibel, Assistant Engineers, from $2,100 to $2,280; Adam Dorr, Clerk, from $900 to $1,080; Walter Grill, Clerk, from $660 to $720; Abner Cohan, Clerk, from $540 to $580; Harry Hartel, Clerk, from $480 to $540; John M. McEvoy, Julius Switzer, Thomas J. Judge, John J. Meagher, Rodmen, from $1,050 to $1,140; John D. Clair, Alfred M. Dooley, Francis A. Knobloch, Peter A. Cahill, Franklyn J. Ryan, Rodmen, from $900 to $960; Christopher J. Ford, Randall W. Shat-tuck, Henry Cole, Philip Schwartz, Matthew G. McQuade, Axemen, from $900 to $960; William Boehmer, Sounder, from $900 to $960; Allen J. Peck, Me-chanical Draftsman, from $1,650 • to $1,800; Martin Muller, Topographical Draftsman, from $1,650 to $1,800; James J. Maloney, Topographical Draftsman, from $1,650 to $1,680; Anthony Sabarese, Morris I. Wirshup, William A. C. Mof-fatt, Topographical Draftsmen, from $1,500 to $1,680; Rudolph Edelson, Harry Blum, Topographical Draftsmen, from $1,200 to $1,320; Vincent A. Smith, Thomas J. McGill, Elevatormen, from $900 to $960; Joseph Belletieri, Francis J: Bennett, Nathan Bokser, Cone Brioli, Harry A. Brown, Henry Calimano, Francis J. Carey, William W. Clancy, John Columbia, Joseph DeLuca, Patsey DiGiacomo, John A. Finn, William J. Grace, Thomas F. Harriman, Jr., John J. Hussey, Louis Izzo, Peter A. Kearney, William J. Keenan, Morris Kiel, Robert F. Malloy, Michael Mauro, Michael Miller, Charles McGarry, William F. Mc-

dGuinness, Patrick F. McLaughlin, Patrick E. McNeary, Thomas J. O'Hara, John A. O'Hare, William H. Owens, John F. Pa-

' letta, Michael E. Pearl, Richard Perasso, Bernard C. Quinn, Francesco Salerno,

FIRE DEPARTMENT. Municipal Building, 11th floor. Telephone,

4100 Worth. Brooklyn, 365 Jay st Telephone, 7600 Main. Robert Adamson, Commissioner.

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Centre and Walker its., Manhattan. Tele-

phone, 6280 Franklin. Burial Permit and Contagious Disease offices

always open. Bronx, 3731 Third ave. Brooklyn, Flatbush

ave., Willoughby and Fleet its. Queens, 372 Fulton st Jamaica. amaica. Richmond, 514 Bay at., Stapleton.

Haven Emerson, Commissioner. Alfred E. Shipley, Secretary qqrro. tom

BOARD OP NEE88IETY. 300 Mulber at. Telephone, 7116 Spring. Board meets

ry first Wednesday in each month

at 3 p. m. Charles Samson, Secretary.

LAW DEPARTMENT. Office of Corporation Comet.

Main office, Municipal Building 16th floor. Telephone, 4600 Worth.

Lamar Hardy, Corporation Counsel. Brooklyn office, 153 Pierrepont at. Telephone,

2948 Main. Bureau of Street Opesiogs.

Main office, Municipal Building, 15th floor. Telephone, 1380 Worth.

Brooklyn office, 166 Montague it. Telephone, 5916

Queens eMe nasu a.

office, Municipal Building, L I. City. Telephone, 3886 Hunters Point.

Bureau for the Recovery of Penalties. Municipal Building, 15th floor. Telephone,

4600 Worth. Bureau for the Collection of Arran of Personal

nue:. Municipal Building 17th floor. Telephone,


Main Office, 49 Lafayette at Telephone, 4490 Franklin.

George H. Bell, Commissioner. Brooklyn-381 Fulton rt. Telephoni, 1497

Main. Queens-Borough Ball, L I. City. Telephone,

5400 Hunters Point. Richmond-Borough Hall, New Brighton.

Telephone, 1000 Tompkinsville. Division of Licensed Vehicles-517-519 W.

57th at. Telephone, 6387 Columbus.

BOROUGH OP THE BROEL President's office, 3d and Tremont ayes. Tele-

phone, 2680 Tremont. Douglas Mathewson, President

BOROUGH OP BROOKLYN. President's office, 2d floor, Borough Hall. Commissioner of Public Works. 24 floor, Bor-

ough Hall. Assistant Commissioner of Public Works, 2d

floor, Borough Hall. Bureau of Highways. 5th and 12th Boors, 50

Court at Bureau of Public Buildings and Offices, 10th

floor, 50 Court at Bureau of Sewers, 10th floor, 215 Montague st. Bureau of Buildings, 4th Boor, Borough Hall. Topographical Bureau, 209 Montague at, Bureau of Substructures, Ilth floor, 50 Court it. Telephone, 3960 Main. Lewis H. Pounds, President.

BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. President's office, 20th floor, Municipal Build-

in Commissioner of Public Works, 21st floor,

Municipal Building. Assistant Commissioner of Public Works, 21st

floor, Municipal Building. Bureau of Highways, 21st floor, Municipal

Building Bureau of Public Buildings and Mel. 20th

floor, Municipal Building. Bureau 'of Sewers, 21at Moor, Municipal

initureau of Buildings, 20th loot, Municipal Building.

Telephone, 4227 Worth. Marcus M. Marips_President

BOROUGX President', Office 68 Hunt= aye., L. I.

City. Maunce E. Connolly President.

Doom szosnoin. President's Office, New Brighton. Telephone,

1000 TomnItinsville. Calvin D. Van INsiampaidat,

- 00 Manhattan, Municipal Bonding, 2nd floor.

Open at al Inure of the day sad alit, Tel.. phone, 3711 Worth.

Bronx-Arthur and eves. Telephone, 1255roo0 Tremont S a. at. to every

klys, 236 Duiffeld Main. Open at stiller! of dee day sod night

Queens, Town Ha& puska. oh se it •


recht, Edward W. Higgins, Joseph A. Kozlowski, Michael Leddy, William J. Lee, James McGahan, Edward J. Mc-Grane, John F. Shivers, Daniel S. Thomas and William A. Wilson, Steam Roller Engineers, from $5 to $5.50 a day; Asphalt Workers : Sandy Byrd, Salva-tore Caliendo, John Campanaro, Guiseppe Cesario, John A. Charles, Domenico Cuomo, Daniel Day, Michele Esposito? Carmine Festa, Mancer Kemp, Luigi Malfa, Thomas McClellan, Luigi Olivieri, Antonio Pellizzi, Antonio Piccola, Vin-cenzo Pisciotto, Michele Purchio, Luigi Rotondo, Giovanni Sapio, Antonio Sauro, Jacob Thomas, Pasquale Verruto and Nicola Yannone, from $3 to $3.45 a day; Domenico Aprigliano, Salvatore Aprig-liano, Joseph Arbino, Anniello Baccale, William W. Brooks, Andrea Buoncontri, Raffaele Esposito, Saverio Esposito, Se-bastiano Fondanarosa, William W. Forbes, Nunzio Gangi, Giovanni Greco, James F. Harrison, William H. Jackson, Joseph R. Johnson, Alphonse Lacava, Al-fonzo Mannarino, Michelangelo Mannino, Daniel Mucciardi, Gaetano Penna, Tony Rotondi, Giacomo Valentino, Giosne Vetere and John A. Winston, from $3 to $320 a day; Pasquale Biondi, James Ca-V0110, Salvatore Coniglio, Tolman E. Lee, Vincenzo Masino, Jordan Morris, Joseph Olino, Pasquale Parise, Joseph Shelf o, Luther Washington and Giovanni Veuuso, from $2.60 to $2.85 a day; Guiseppe Ca-ruso, Antonio Cuviello. Alfonso Cotrone, Salvatore Emanuele, Thomas Nixon, Francesco Macri, Sarafino Scarpinito, Matteo Scelfo, Vincenzo Spina, Elisha Stewart and Alexander White, from $2.50 to $2.60 a day; John H. Johnson, Sta-tionary Engineer, from $4.50 to $5 a day; Augustus Verity, William Urbach and William James, Machinist's Helpers, from $2.50 to $3 a day; Thomas Saidler, Black-smith's Helper, from $2.50 to $3 a day; Antonio Giangrande, Asphalt Worker, from $2.50 to $2.80 a day; John Daly, Max Landsman, John A. Voorhies and Edward T. Hallinan, Carpenters, from $5 to $5.50 a day; Ernest Mueller, Foreman Wireman, from $5.50 to $5.75 a day; John J. Burke, John H. Doyle and Michael S. Haley, Laborers, from $2.50 to $2.75 a day.

Services Ceased-Effective Dec. 31: Howard W. Hoyer, 559 W. 164th st., Structural. Steel Draftsman, $1,800 per an-num; Gustavus Austin, Jr., 329 Cherry st., Foreman, $1,200 per annum; Alvin Scherb, 89 Sharrot ave., Prince's Bay, S. I., Temporary Clerk, $540 per annum.

Wages Reduced-Bernard Connelly, 311 W. 47th st., Laborer, from $2.75 to $2.50 a day.

Transferred-Jacob J. Tuck, Clerk, at $600 per annum, from the Health Depart-ment, Jan. 1, 1917.

OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Unless otherwise stated, the Public Offices

of the City an open for business from 9 s. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12 noon.


MAYOR'S OFFICE. City Hall. Telephone, 8020 Cortlandt. John Purroy Mitchel, Mayor. Theodore Rousseau, Secretary. Samuel L. Martin, Executive Secretary. Paul C. Wilson, Assistant Secretary.

Bureau of Weights and Measures. Municipal Building, 3d floor. Telephone, 1498

Worth. Joseph Hartigan, Commissioner.

COMMISSIONER OP ACCOUNTS. Municipal Building, 12th floor. Telephone,

4315 Worth. Leonard K Wallatein, Commissioner of Ac-


Clerk's Office, Municipal Building, 2nd floor. Telephone, 4430 Worth.

P. J. Scully, Clerk. l'reiident of the Board of Aldermen.

City Hall. Telephone, 6770 Cortlandt. Frank L. Dowlin , President.

BOARD OP A t/LANCE SERVICE. Municipal Building, 10th floor. Ambulance

Calls, 3100 Spring. Administration Offices. 748 Worth.

ARMORY BOARD. Hall of Records. Telephone, 3900 Worth. C. D. Rhinehart, Secretary.

ART COMMISSION. City Hall. Telephone, 1197 Cortlandt. John Quin Adams, Assistant Secretary.

BOARD OF ASSESSOR& Municipal Building, 8th floor. Telephone, 29

Worth. William C. Ormond, Chairman. ISitir.Mrl. Tucker Secretary.

LIND imum HOSPITALS. 26th st. and 1st ave. Telephone, 4400 Madison

y)are. r. john W. Brannan, President.

J. L Paulding, Secretary.

CENTRAL PURCHASE 00101ITTEE. Municipal Building, 12th floor. Telephone,

4227 Worth. , Director.

BUREAU OF THE WIAMBERLA13. Municipal Building, 8th floor. Telephone, 4270

Worth. Milo R. Maltbie, Chamberlain.

BOARD OF CHILD WNIALSE. City Hall. Telephone, 4127 Cortlandt. Ham L Hopkins, Secretary.


Municipal Building, 2nd floor. Telephone, 4430 Worth.

P. J. Scully, City Clerk. BOARD OF CITY RECORD.

Supervisor's office Municipal Building, 8th floor. Distributing- Division, 96 Reade at. Tele-phone, 3490 Worth.

David Ferguson, Supervisor. DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION.

Municipal Building, 24th floor. Telephone, 1610 Worth.

Burdette G. Lewis, Commissioner. DEPARTMENT OP DOCKS AND FERRIES.

Pier "A," North River. Telephone, 300 Rector. R. A. C. Smith, Commissioner.

DF2ARMENT OF EDUCATION, Board of Education.

Park ave. and 59th st. Telephone, 5580 Plaza. Stated meetings of the Board are held at 4

p. m. on the first Monday in February, the sec-ond Wednesday in August, and the second and fourth Wednesdays in every month, except August.

William G. Willcox, President. A. Emerson Palmer, Secretary.

BOARD OF ELECTIONS. General office and office of the Borough of

Manhattan, Municipal Building, 18th floor. Tele-phone, 1307 Worth.

Edward F. Boyle, President. Moses AI. McKee, Secretary.

Other Borough Offices. The Bronx.

368 E. 148th et. Telephone, 336 Melrose. Brooklyn.

435-445 Fulton st. Telephone, 1932 Main. Queens.

64 Jackson ave., L. I. City. Telephone, 3375 Hunters Point.

Richmond. Borough Hall, New Brighton, S. I. Telephone,

1000 Tompkinsville. All offices open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Satur-

days to 12 noon. BOARD OP ESTIMATE AND

APPORTIONMENT. Municipal Building, 13th floor. Telephone,

4560 Worth. . Joseph Haag, Secretary.

Bureau of Records and Minutes. Municipal Building, 13th floor. Telephone,

4560 Worth. Joseph Haag, Secretary. Office of the Chief Engineer.

Municipal Building, 13th floor. 'Telephone, 4560 Worth. Nelson P. Lewis, Chief Engineer.

Bureau of Public Improvements. Municipal Building, 13th floor, Telephone,

4560 Worth. Nelson P. Lewis, Chief Engineer. Bureau A?' Franchises.

Municipal Building, 13th floor. Telephone, 4563 Worth. Harry P. Nichols, Engineer.

Bureau of Contract Supervision. Municipal Building, 13th floor. Telephone,

4560 Worth. Central Testing Laboratory, 125 Worth st. Telephone, 3088 iranklin. Tilden Adamson, Director.

Bureau of Standards. Municipal Building, 13th floor. Telephone,

4560 Worth. George L. Tirrell, Director. DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE.

Municipal Building, 5th floor. Telephone, 1200 Worth.

William A. Prendergast, Comptroller. Deputy Comptrollers, 7th floor. Edmund D.

Fisher, Albert E. Hadlock, Shepard A. Morgan, Hubert L. Smith.

Receiver of Taxes. Manhattan-Municipal Building, 2nd floor.

Telephone, 1200 Worth. Bronx-177th st and Arthur ave. Telephone,

140 Tremont. Brooklyn-236 Duffield st Telephone, 7056

Main. Queens-5 Court Square, L. I. City. Tele-

phone, 3386 Hunters Point. Richmond-Borough Hall, St. George. Tele-

phone, 100 Tompkinsville. William C. Hecht, Receiver of Taxes.

Collector of Assessments and Arrears. Manhattan-Municipal Building, 3d floor

Telephone, 1200 Worth. Bronx-177th st. and Arthur ave. Telephone,

47 Tremont. Brooklyn-503 Fulton at Telephone, 834P

Main. Queens-Municipal Building, Court Square,

L. I. City. Telephone, 1553 Hunters Point. Rich nond-Borough Hall, St. George. Tele-

phone, 1000 Tompkinsville. Daniel Moynahan, Collector.

DEPARTMENT OP PAUL Municipal Building, 10th floor. Telephone,

4850 Worth. Cabot Ward, Commissioner, Manhattan and

Richmond. Bcrrowgh BrookItts.

Litchfield Mansion, hrow l'ark. Brooklyn- Telephone, 2300 South

Raymond V. Ingersoll, dommissioner. Borottoli BMX.

Zbrowski Mansion, Ckiremont Park. Telephone, 2640 Tremont.

Thomas W. Whittle, Commissioner. Borough et 91s*".:*

L. I. Telephone, 2300 iticmonn Hal. John E. Weier, Commissioner. The Overlook, Forest Park, Richmond Hill,

Pau BOARD. Municipal Building, 10th Boor. Telephone, 4850

Worth. Cabot Ward, President Louis W. Fehr, Secretary.

PAROLE 00101=011. Municipal Building 24th floor. Telephone, 1610

Worth. Thomas R. Minnick, Secretary.


Municipal Building, 18th floor. Telephone, 380 Worth.

F. T. H. Kracke. Commissioner. EXAMINING BOARD OP PLUMBERS.

Municipal Building, 9th Boor. Telephone, 1800 Worth.

Janet A. G. Hahn. Clerk. POLICE DEPARTMENT.

240 Centre st. Telephone, 3100 Spring. Arthur Woods, Commissioner. DEPARTMLET OP PUBLIC CHARITIES. Principal office, Municipal Btulding,•10th Boar.

Telephone. 4440 Worth. Brooklyn and Queens, 327 Schermerhorn et,

Brooklyn. Telephone, 2977 Main. Bureau of Social Investigation, Pearl and

Centre sts. Telephone. 4405 Worth. Borough of Richmond, Borough Hall, St.

George, S. I. Telephone, 1000 Tompkinsville. John A. Kingshurv. Commissioner.

PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION. 120 Broadway, 8 a. in. to 11 p. m. every day,

including holidays and Sundays. Telephone, 7500 Rector.

Oscar S. Straus, Chairman. James B. Walker. Secretary.

BOARD OF REVISION OF ASSESSMENTS. Municipal Building, 7th floor. Telephone, 1200

Worth. John Korb, Jr., Chief Clerk. COMMISSIONERS OF anisarG FUND.

Office of Secretary, Municipal Building, 7th floor. Telephone, 1200 Worth.

John Korb, Jr.. Secretary. BOARD OF STANDARDS AND APPEALS. Municipal Building, 9th floor. Telephone,

1675 Worth. Rudolph P. Miller. Chairman.


Municipal Building 9th floor. Telephone, 1800 Worth.

Lawson Purdy, President. C. Rockland Tyng, Secretary. DEPARTMENT OF STREET CLEANING. Municipal Building, 12th floor. Telephone,

4240 Worth. John T. Fetherston, Commissioner.

TENEMENT HOURS DEPARTMENT. Manhattan and Richmond office. Municipal

Building, 19th floor. Telephone. 1526 Worth. Brooklyn and Queens office, 503 Fulton at.,

Brooklyn. Telephone, 3825 Main. Bronx office, 391 E. 149th at. Telephone, 7107

M'elrose. John J. Murphy, Commissioner.

BOARD OF WATER SUPPLY. Municipal Building, 22nd floor. Telephone, 3150

Worth. Charles Strauss, President George Featherstone, Secretary.


Municipal Building, 23d, 24th and 25th floors. Telephones: Manhattan, 4320 Worth; Brook-lyn, 3980 Main; Queens, 3441 Hunters Point; Richmond, 840 Tompldnnille; Bronx, 3400 Tre-mont

Brooklyn, 50 Court et. Bronx, Tremont and Arthur ayes. Queens. Municipal Building L L City. Richmond, Municipal Building St. George.

William Williams, Commissioner,


p. Sundays and holidays, 9 a. m. to 12 DOOM

Richmond, 175 Second rt., New Brighton. Open at all hours of the day and night.


Unless otherwise stated, the County offices are epee for business from 9 a. m. W 4 p. a.; Saturday, 9a. m. to 12 noon.


COUNTY CLUE. County Court House. Telephone, 5388 Cort-

landt. 9 a. at. to 2 p., m. during July and August. Wm. F. Schneider, County Clerk.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Criminal Courts Building, 9 a. m. to 5.15 D.

m.; Saturdays, to 12 noon. Telephone, 2304 Franklin.

Edward Swann, District Attorney. 003011111IIONER OP JURORS.

280 Broadway. Telephone, 241 Worth. Frederick O'Byrne, Commissioner.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. 119 Nassau at. Telephone, 6376 Cortlandt William M. Hoes, Public Administrator.

COMMISSIONER OP RECORDS. Hall of Records. Telephone, 3900 Worth. Charles K. Lexow. Commissioner.

REGISTER. Hall of Records. Telephone, 3900 Worth. 9 a. m. to 2 p. m. during July and August. John J. Hopper, Register.

SHERIFF. 51 Chambers st. Telephone, 4300 Worth, New York CountyJail, 70 Ludlow it. Alfred • E. Smith, Sheriff .

SURROGATES. Hall of Records. Telephone, 3900 Worth. John P. Cohalan. Robert Ludlow Fowler, Sur-

rogates. William Ray De Lano, Chief Clerk. John F. Curry, Commissioner of Records,


COUNTY CLERK. Hall of Records, Telephone, 4930 Main. William E. Kelly. Co-unty Clerk.

COUNTY COURT. County Court House. Court opens at 10 a. m.

daily and sits until business is completed. Part I, Room 23,• Fart II, Room 10; Part III, Room 14; Part IV, Room 1, Court House. Clerk's office, Rooms 17, 18, 19 and 22; open daily from 9 a. m. to 5 p. in.; Saturday to 12 noon. Tele- phone, 4154 Main. •

John L. Gray, Chief Clerk. DISTRICT ATTORNEY.

66 Court st., 9 a. m. to 5.30p. in.; Saturday, to I p. m. Telephone, 2954 Main.

Harry E. Lewis, District Attorney. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS.

381 Fulton st. Telephone, 330-331 Main. Jacob Brenner, Commissioner.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. 44 Court st. Telephone, 2840 Main. Frank V. Kelly, Public Administrator.

COMMISSIONER OF RECORDS, Hall of Records. Telephone, 6988 Main. Edmund O'Connor, Commissioner,

REGISTER. Hall of Records. Telephoner 2830 Main. Edward T. O'Loughlin, Register.

SHERIFF. 50 Court st. Telephone, 6845 Main. Edward Riegelmann, Sheriff.

SURROGATE. Hall of Records. Court opens at 10 a m,

Telephone, 3954 Main. Herbert T. Ketcham, Surrogate. John H. McCooey, Chief Clerk.


Civil Records-i6ist st. and 3d ave. Telephone 9266 Melrose.

Criminal Branch, 1918 Arthur ave. James Vincent Ganly, County Clerk.

COUNTY JUDGE. Bergen Building Annex, Tremont and Arthur

ayes. Telephone, 3205 Tremont. Louis D. Gibbs, County Judge.

DISTRICT ATTORNEY. Tremont and Arthur ayes. Telephone, 1100

Tremont. Francis Martin, District Attorney.

COMMISSIONER OF JURORS. 1932 Arthur ave. Telephone, 3700 Tremont. John A. Mason, Commissioner.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR. 2808 Third ave. Telephone, 9816 Melrose, 9

a. m. to S p. m.; Saturday to 12 noon. Ernest E. L. Hammer, Public Administrator.

REGISTER. 1932 Arthur ave. Telephone, 6694 Tremont. Edward Polak, Register.

SHERIFF. 1932 Arthur ave. Telephone, 6600 Tremont. James I. O'Brien, Sheriff.

SURROGATE. Bergen Building Annex, 1918 Arthur ave. George M. S. Schulz, Surrogate.


364 Fulton st., Jamaica. Telephone, 2608 Ili' males.

Alexander Dujat, County Clerk. COUNTY COURT.

County Court House, L. I. City. Telephone, 596 Hunters Point.

Court opens at 10 a. in. Trial Term begins first Monday of each month, except July, August and September, and on J.- riday of each week.

Clerk's office open 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Satur- days to 12.30 p. m. Telephone, 551 Jamaica. "

Conn Judge's office always open at 336 Ful-ton at., amaica. Telephone, 551/74:iaica.

Burt ay Humphrey, County udge. DISTRICT ATTO

County Court House, L. I. City. Telephone, 4871 Hunters Point. 9 a. zn. to 5 p. m.; Satur-daT, to 12 noon.

sknis O'Leary, District Attorney. COMMISSIONER 01' JURORS.

County Court House, L. - I. City. Telephone, 963 Hunters Point

Thorndyke C. McKennee, Commissioner. PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR:

362 Fulton at., Jamaica. Telephone, 223 Ja-maica.

Randolph. White, Public Administrator. SHERIFF.

County Court House, L. I. City. Telephone, 3766 Hunters Point.

Samuel J. Mitchell Underzoons


iff. ri

364 Fulton a., Jamaica. Telephone, 397 Ja- maica.

Daniel Noble, Surrogate.


COUNTY CLERK. County Office Building, Richmond. Telephone,

28 New Dorp. C. Livingston Bostwick, County Clerk.

on= JUDGE AND SURROGATE. Trial Terms, with Grand and Trial Jury, see-

end Monday of March, first Monday of October. Trial Tams, with Trial Jury only, first Mon-

day of May, first Monday of December.

Public Employment Burean-Men's depart-ments, 128 Leonard at. Wowed& departments, 53 Lafayette st Te.1 6100 Franklin. MUNIC2A11 CIVIL 0010111111011.

Municipal BWIding, 14th low. Telephone, 1580 Worth.

Henry Moskowitz, Presid-ent, Robert W. Belcher, seusetusy.

MUNICIPAL 1,MP LIBRARY. Municipal Building, 5th Boer. _ Telephone.

1072 Worth. 9 a. m. to S p. m.; Saturday, to 1 p. m.



Special Terms, Without Jury—Wednesday of each week, except the last week of Julythe month of August and the first week of 'Sep-tember.

Surrogates Court. Monday and Tuesday of each week at the Bor-

ough Half, St. George, and on Wednesday at the Surrogate's Court at Richmond, except during the session of the County Court. There will be no Surrogate's Court during the month of Au-gust

Surrogate's Court and Office, Richmond. Sur. rogate's Chambers, Borough Hall, St. George.

J. Harry Tiernan, County Judge and SII[TO•


Borough Hall, St. George. Telephone, 50 Tompkinsville, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m.; Saturday, to 12 noon.

Albert C. Farb, District Attorney. COXIIII8I01111B 0? JURORS.

Village Hall, Stapleton. Telephone, 81 Tomp-kinsville.

Edward I. Miller, Commissioner. PURIM ADMINISTRATOR.

Port Richmond. Telephone, 704 West Brigh-ton.

William T. Hol Public Administrator.

County Court House, Richmond. Telephone, 120 New Dorp.

Spire Pitou, Jr., Sheriff.


CITY COURT 01' THE CITY OF NEW YORE City Hall Park. Special Term Chambers held

from 10 a, in. to 4 p. m. Clerl 's office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 122 Cortlandt.


Boroughs of Manhattan and Bronx. William McAdoo, Chief City Magistrate. 300

Mulberry. st. Telephone, 6213 Spring. Municipal Term—Room 500, Municipal Build-

ing, Manhattan. First District—Criminal Courts Building. Second District-125 Sixth ave. Third District-2d ave. and 1st et. Fourth District-151 E. 57th st. Fifth District-121st at. and Sylvan pl. Sixth District-162d st. and Washington ave. Seventh District-314 W. 54th at. Eighth District-1014 E. 181st at., Bronx. Ninth District (Night Court for Females)-

125 Sixth ave. Tenth District (Night Court for Males)-151

E. 57th at. Eleventh District (Domestic Relations)-151

E. 57th st. Twelfth District-1130 St. Nicholas ave. Thirteenth District (Domestic Relations)-1014

E. 181st at., Bronx. Office of the Chief Probation Officer, 300 Mul-

berry st. Telephone, 8713 Spring. Borough of Brooklyn.

Office of Deputy Chief Clerk, Wm. F. Delaney, 44 Court st. Telephone, 7411 Main.

First District-318 Adams at. Second District—Court and Butler sta. Fifth District-361 Bedford ave. Sixth District-495 Gates ave. Seventh District-31 Snider ave., Flatbush. Eighth District—W. 8th at., Coney Island. Ninth District-5th ave. and 23d st. Tenth District-133 New Jersey ave. Domestic Relations—Myrtle and Vanderbilt

ayes. Borough of Queens.

First District—St. Mary's Lyceum, L. I. City. Second District—Town Hall, Flushing. Third District—Central ave., Far Rockaway, Fourth District—Town Hall, Jamaica.

Borough of Richmond. First District—Lafayette ave., New Brighton. Second District—Village Hall, Stapleton. All courts open daily from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.,

except on Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, when only morning sessions are held.

COURT OP GENERAL SESSIONS. Criminal Court Building. Court opens at 10.30

a. m. Clerk's office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., and on Saturdays until 12 noon.

Edward R. Carroll, Clerk. MUNICIPAL COURTS.

The Clerk's offices are open from 9 a, m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, to 12 noon.

Hoard of Justices , Secretary, 264 Madison at., Manhattan. Telephone, 2596 Orchard.

Borough of Manhattan. First District-146 Grand st. Telephone, 9611

Spring. Additional part is held at the southwest corner of 6th ave. and 10th at. Telephone, 2513 Chelsea.

Second District-264-266 Madison st. Tele-phone, 4300 Orchard.

Third District-314 W. 54th at. Telephone, 5450 Columbus.

Fourth District-207 E. 32d at. Telephone, 4358 Murray Hill.

Fifth District-2565 Broadway. Telephone, 4006 Riverside.

Sixth District-155 E. 88th st. Telephone, 4343 Lenox.

Seventh District-70 Manhattan at. Telephone, 6334 Morningaide.

Eighth District-121st st. and Sylvan pl. Telephone, 3950 Harlem.

Ninth District—Madison ave. and 59th at. Telephone, 3873 Plaza.

Borough of The Bronx. First District—Town Hall, 1400 Williamsbridge

rd. Westchester. Telephone, 457 Westchester. Second District—Washington ave. and 162d st.

Telephone, 3042 Melrose. Borough of Brooklyn.

First District—State and Court sta. Telephone, 7091 Main.

Second District-495 Gates ave. Telephone, 504 Bedford.

Third District-6 Lee ave. Telephone, 556 Williamsburg.

Fourth District-14 Howard ave. Telephone, 4323 Bushwick.

Fifth District-5220 Third ave. Telephone, 3907 Sunset.

Sixth District-236 Duffield at. Telephone, 6166 Main.

Seventh District-31 Pennsylvania ave. Tele- phone, 904 East New York.

Borough of Queens. First District, 115 Fifth at., L. L City. Tele-

phone, 1420 Hunters Point. Second District—Broadway and Court at., Elm-

hurst. Telephone, 87 Newtown. Third District-1908 Myrtle ave., Glendale,

Telephone, 2352 Bushwick, Fourth District—Town Hall, Jamaica. Tele•

phone, 86 Jamaica. Borough of Richmond.

First District—Lafayette ave. and 2d at., New Brighton. Telephone, 503 Tompkinsville.

Second District—Village Hall, Stapleton. Tele• phone, 313 Tompkinsville.

COURT OP SPECIAL SESSIONS. Court opens at 10 a. in. Part I, Criminal Court Building, Manhattan.

Telephone, 3983 Franklin. Part II, 171 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn. Tele-

phone, 4280 Main. Part III, Town Hall, Jamaica. Held on Tues-

day of each week. Telephone, 2620 Jamaica. Part IV, Borough Hall, St. George. Held on

Wednesday of each week. Telephone, 324 Tomp-kinsville.

Part V, Bergen Building, Tremont and Arthur • ayes., Bronx. Held on Thursday of each week. Telephone, 6056 Tremont.

Frank W. Smith, Chief Clerk. CHELDBEN'S COURT.

Adolphus Ragan, Chief Clerk, 137 E. 22nd st. Telephone, 3611 Gramercy.

Bernard J. Fagan, Acting Chief Probation Of-ficer, 137 E. 22nd st. Telephone, 3611 Gramercy.

Parts I. and II. (Manhattan), 137 E. 22nd at. Telephone, 3611 Gramercy. Dennis A. Lambert, Cleric.

Part III. (Brooklyn), 102 Court at. Tele-phone, 8611 Main. Wm. C. McKee, Clerk.

Part IV. (Bronx), 355 E. 137th at. Court held on Monday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. Telephone, 9092 Melrose. Michael Murray, Clerk.

Part V. (Queens), 19 Flushing ave., Jamaica. Court held on Tuesday and Friday of each week Telephone, 2624 Jamaica. Sydney 011endorff, Clerk.

Part VI. (Richmond), 14 Richmond Terrace, St. George. Court held on Wednesday of each week. Telephone, 2190 Tompkinsville. Wm. J. Browne, Clerk. SUPREME COURT—APPELLATE DIVISION.

First Judicial Department. Madison ave., corner 25th at. Court open from

2 p. m. until 6 p. m. Friday, Motion Day, Court miens at 10.30 a. m. Motions called at 10 a. tn. Orders called at 10.30 a. m. Telephone, 3840 Madison Square.

Alfred Wagstaff, Clerk. Second Judicial Department.

Borough Hall, Brooklyn. Court meets from 2 p. m. to 5 p. m., excepting that on Fridays Court opens at 10 a. m. Clerk's office opens 9 a. m. 'telephone, 1392 Main.

John B. Byrne. Clerk. SUPREME COURT—APPELLATE TERM. 503 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Court meets 10 a. m.

Clerk's office opens 9 a. tn. Telephone, 7452 Main.


Criminal Court Building. Court opens at 10.30 a. m. Clerk's office open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m.; Saturday, to 12 noon. Telephone, 6064 Franklin.

William J. Schneider, Clerk. SUPREME COURT—FIRST DEPARTMENT. County Court House. Court open from 10.15

a. m. to 4 p. m. Telephone, 4580 Cortlandt. SUPREME COURT—SECOND DEPARTMENT.

Kings County. ' Joralemon and Fultim stn. Clerk's office

hours, 9 a. in. to 5. m. Seven jury trial parts. Special Term fo

pr trials. Special Term

for motions. Special Term (ex-parte business). Court opens at 10 a. m. Naturalization Bureau, Hall of Records. Telephone, 5460 kain.

James F. McGee, General Clerk. Queens County.

County Court House, L. I. City. Court opens at 10 a. in. Trial and Special Term for motions and ex-parte business each month, except July, August and the first two weeks in Septem-ber, in Part 1. Trial Term, Part 2. February, April, June, last two weeks in September, and November. Special Term for Trials, January, April, June and October.

Clerk's Office open 9 a. m. to 5 p. in. Sat-urdays until 12 noon from October to June, July, August and September until 2 p. m. Tele-phone, 3896 hunters Point.

Thomas B. Seaman, Special Deputy Clerk in Charge.

Richmond County. Trial Term held at County Court House, Rich•

mond. Special Term for trials held at Court room, Borough Hall, St. George. Special Term for motions held at Court House, Borough Hall, St. George.

C. Livingston Bostwick, County Clerk.


Board of Aldermen. The Board of Aldermen meets in the Alder-

manic Chamber, City Hall, every Tuesday, at 1.30 p. m.

P. J. SCULLY, City Clerk and Clerk to the Board of Aldermen.

Board Of Estimate and Apportionment. The Board of Estimate and Apportionment

meets in the Old Council Chamber, Room 16, City Hall, Fridays at 10.30 a. in.

JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary. Commissioners of Sinking Fund.

The Commissioners of the Sinking Fund meet in the Meeting Room (Room 16), City Hall, on Thursdays, at 11 a. m., at call of the Mayor.

JOHN KORB, Jr., Secretary. Board of Revision of Assessments.

The Board of Revision of Assessments meets in the Meeting Room (Room 16), City Hall, upon notice of the Secretary.

JOHN KORB, Jr., Secretary. Board of Appeals.

The Board meets in Room 1124, Municipal Building, every Tuesday at 2 p. m.

RUDOLPH P. MILLER, Chairman. Board of Standards and Appeals.

The Board meets in Room 1124, Municipal Building, every Thursday at 2

RUDOLPH P. MILLER, Chairman. Board of City Record.

The Board of City Record meets in the City Hall, at call of the Mayor.

DAVID FERGUSON, Supervisor, Secretary.



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIVATES WILL BE received by the Police Commissioner at the

Bookkeeper's Office, Headquarters of the Police Department, 240 Centre st., until 12 noon on







The time allowed for the performance of each contract is one hundred (100) consecutive cal. endar days,

The amount of security for the Performance of the contract shall be thirty (30) per cent. of the total amount for which the contract is awarded.

The bidder will state the price for which he will do all the work and provide, furnish and deliver all the labor and materials mentioned

and described in said contract and specifications. The bids will be compared and award made

to the lowest bidder on each contract for each precinct .

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit yhich shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (15i) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

For particulars as to the nature and extent of the work required or of the materials to be furnished, bidders are referred to the specifics-tiona and to the plans on file in the office of the Bureau of Regains and Supplies, Headquarters of the Police ftent, 240 Centre st, Man- hattan.

Bidders are requested to make their bidi or estimates upon the blank form prepared by the Commissioner, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to inclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the fications, can be obtained upon application there-for at the office of the Bureau of Repairs and Supplies, Headquarters of the Police Department, 240 Centre st., Manhattan.

A. WOODS. Police Commissioner. New York, Dec. 15, 1916. d16,28 tartlee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Police Commissioner at the

Bookkeeper's Office, Headquarters of the Police Department, 240 Centre it. until 12 noon on



The time allowed for the performance of the contract is seventy-five (75) consecutive calendar days.

The amount of security for the performance of each contract shall be thirty (30) per cent. of the total amount for which the contract is awarded.

The bidder will state the price for which he will do all the work and provide, furnish and deliver all the labor and materials mentioned and described in the contract and specifications,

The bids will be compared and award made to the lowest bidder.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit which shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (136) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

For particulars as to the nature and extent of the work required or of the materials to be furnished, bidders are referred to the specifica-tions and to the plans on file in the office of the Bureau of Repairs and Supplies, Headquarters of the Police Department, 240 Centre st., Man-hattan.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank form prepared by the Commissioner, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to inclose the bid, together with a copy of the contract, including the speci-fications, can be obtained upon application there- for at the office of the Bureau of Repairs and Supplies, Headquarters of the Police Department, 240 Centre st, Manhattan.

A. WOODS, Police Commissioner. New York, December 14, 1916. d15,28 tee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page. last column, of the "City Record.'

Owners Wanted for Unclaimed Property.

OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERTY Clerk of the Police Department of The City of

New York, 72 Poplar st., Brooklyn, for the fol-lowing property, now in custody, without claim-ants: Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc.; also small amount of money taken from prisoners and found by Patrol-men of this Department.

ARTHUR WOODS, Police Commissioner.

OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPERT \ Clerk of the Police Department of The City of

New York, 240 Centre st., Manhattan, for the fol-lowing property now in custody without claim-ants: Automobiles, baby carriages, bags, bicycles, boats, cameras, clothing, furniture, jewelry, junk, machinery, merchandise, metals, optical goods, silverware, tools, trunks, typewriters, umbrellas, etc.; also sums of money feloniously obtained by prisoners, or found abandoned by Patrolmen of this Department.

ARTHUR WOODS, Polfce Commissioner.



SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of Water Supply, at its offices, 22d

floor, Municipal Building, Park Row, Centre and Chambers ats., New York City, until 11 a. m. on

TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1917, for

CONTRACT AG. FOR PRINTING. An approximate statement of the quantities of

the various classes of work and further informa-tion are given in the Information for Adders, forming part of the contract. At the above place and time, the bids will be publicly opened and read. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made by the Board as soon thereafter as practicable. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

A bond in the sum of thirty-five per cent. (35%) of the total amount of the contract will be required for the faithful performance of the contract.

No bid will be received and deposited unless accompanied by a certified check upon a National or State Bank, drawn to the order of the Comp-troller of The City of New York. to the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500).

Pamphlets containing information for bidders, forms of proposal and contract, specifications, etc., can be obtained at the above address, at the office of the Secretary, upon application in person or by mail, by depositing the sum of Five Dollars ($5L in cash or its equivalent for each pamphlet. This deposit will be refunded upon the return of the pamphlets in acceptable condition within thirty days from the date on which bids are to be opened.

The contract will terminate on the completion of all editions under way Dec. 31, 1917.

For further particulars apply to the office of the Principal Assistant Engineer, at the above address.

CHART.ES STRAUS'S. President; CHARLES N. CHADWICK, JOHN F. GALVIN, Commis-sioners, Board of Water Supply.

GEORGE FEATHERSTONE. Secretary. d14,J2 NOTE—See general instructions to bidders

on last page, last column, of the City Record, so far as applicable hereto and not other-wise provided for.


Corporation Sale of the Lease of Certain City Beal Ratite.

UPON THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, and put-

suant to a resolution adopted by them at meet-ing held Dec. 14, 1916, the Comptroller of the City of New York will sell at public auction, on

MONDAY, JANUARY 9, OH, at 12 noon, in Room 368, Municipal Building. Borough of Manhattan, the lease of premises known as Nos. 15, 17 and 19 City Hal pl., Manhattan, for a period of five years from Feb. 1, 1917, with the privilege of renewal for an additional period of five years.

The minimum or upset rental at which said lease shall be sold is hereby fixed at the sum of Forty-five Hundred Dollars ($4,500) per annum, payable quarterly in advance; the rental per annum for the renewal period to be ton per cent. (10%) over and above the amount bid, and the said sale will be made upon the following

TERNS AND CONDITIONS: The highest bidder will be required to pay

twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the amount of the yearly rental at the time and place of sale; the amount so paid for one quarter's rent shall be forfeited if the successful bidder does not execute the lease when notified it is ready for execution,

No person shall be received as lessee who is a delinquent on any former lease from the cor-poration, and no bid shall be accepted from any person who is in arrears to the corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the City as provided by law.

i The lease will be in the usual form of leases of like property, and will contain, in addition to other terms, covenants and conditions as fol-lows:

First—A clause providing that the lessee shall pay the usual rates for water per meter meas-urements, and comply with the rules and regu-lations of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity.

Second—A clause providing that the lessee shall not make any alterations or improvements on the property, except with the consent and approval of the Comptroller.

Third—A clause providing that, during the term of the lease, the lessee shall keep the buildings in proper repair, both inside and out-side. and shall comply with all the laws and ordinances of The City of New York.

Fourth—A clause providing that all repairs, alterations and improvements made on or to the property by the lessee during the period of the lease, shall become the property of The City of New York at the expiration of the lease.

Fifth—A clause providing that the City may cancel the lease at the expiration of the first five years thereof upon giving six months' notice n writing to the lessee in advance of its inten-tion so to do, and a further clause whereby the City may cancel the lease at any time after the expiration of the first five years of the term upon giving the lessee six months' notice in writing in advance of its intention so to do.

The Comptroller shall have the right to reject any and all bids if deemed to be in the interest of the City.

ALBERT E. HADLOCK. Deputy and Acting Comptroller, City of New York.

Department of Finance, Comptroller's Office, Dec. 18, 1916. d20,jg

UPON THE AUTHORIZATION OF THE Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, and pur-

suant to a resolution adopted by them at meet-ing held Dec. 7, 1916, the Comptroller of The City of New York will sell at public auction on

TUESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1917, at 12 noon, in Room 368, Municipal Building, Manhattan, the lease of premises known as Nos. 130-132 Worth at., Manhattan, for a period of five years from June 1 1917, with the privilege of renewal for a further period of five years thereafter.

The minimum or upset rental at which such lease shall be sold is hereby fixed at the sum of $2,000 per annum, payable quarterly in advance; the rental per annum for the renewal period to be ten per cent. (10%) over and above the amount bid, and the said sale will be made upon the following

Trams AND CONDITIONS: The highest bidder will be required to pay

twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the amount of the yearly rental at the time and place of sale; the amount so paid for one quarter's rent shall be forfeited if the successful bidder does not execute the lease when notified it is ready for execution.

No person shall be received as lessee who is a delinquent on any former lease from the corpo-ration, and no bid shall be accepted from any person who is in arrears to the corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as surety or otherwise upon any obligation to the City, as provided by law.

The lease will be in the usual form of leases of like property and will contain in addition to other terms, covenants and conditions as fol-lows:

First—A clause providing that the lessee shall pay the usual rates for water per meter meas-urements, and comply with the rules and regula-tions of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity.

Second—A clause providing that the lessee shall not make any alterations or improvement" on the property except with the consent and ap-proval of the Comptroller.

Third—A clause providing that during the term of the lease the lessee shall keep the bed-inn in proper repair, both inside and outside, and shall comply with all the laws and ordinances of The City of New York.

Fourth—A clause providing that all repairs, alterations and improvements made on or to the property by the lessee during the period of the lease shall become the property of The City of New York at the expiration of the lease.

Fifth—A clause providing that the lessee shall have possession of that portion of the premises not occupied, immediately upon execution of the lease, without the necessity of paying rent until the date of the commencement of the lease, but he shall be liable for any damages which may occur in or to the premises to be demised from the date of possession.

Sixth—A clause providing that the City may cancel the lease at the expiration thereof op= giving six months' notice in writing to the lessee of its intention so to do, and a further clause providing that the City, may cancel the lease at any time during the period of any renewal there-of upon giving the lessee six months' notice in writing of its intention so to do.

The Comptroller shall have the right to reject any and all bids if deemed to be to the interest of the City of New York.

E. D. FISHER, Deputy and Acting Comp-troller, City of New York.

Department of Finance, Comptroller's Office, December 13, 1916. d1442

Interest on City Bonds and Reek.

THE INTEREST DUE JAN. 1, 1917, on Regis-tered and Coupon Ronda and Stock of The

City of New York. and of former corporations now included therein, will be paid on that day

the Comptroller at his office (Room 851), nicipal Building, Chambers and Centre stn.

anhattan. The books for the transfer of bonds and "teat

on which interest i. payable Jas. 1,Stir' be closed from Dec. IS, 1916, to Jan. 1, .

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller, City of New Yolk, Department of Comptroller's Office, Dec. 1, 016.


was of AMMillielatilk mil••■•■•■

Nomcm to Paean Owaits.

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of the City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, af-fected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:



3875 a and es.d 4y

317. Area of

assessment affects banlocks

SECTION 13. ATKINS AVE.—PAVING between Blake and

New Lots rd. Area of assessment affects blocks 4070, 4071 and 4086.

SECTION 16. HENRY ST.—PAVING between E. 8th st. and

Ocean Parkway. Area of assessment affects blocks 5320 and 5321.

TEHAMA ST.—SEWER from 36th st. to West at. Area of assessment affects blocks 5306, 5307 and 5309.

SECTION 17. 62D ST.—SEWER from 18th to 19th aver,

Area of assessment affects blocks 5526 and 5533. 62D ST.—PAVING from 19th to 20th ayes.

Area of assessment affects blocks 5527, 5528, 5534 and 5535.

66TH ST.—PAVING from 13th ave. to New Utrecht ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 5754, 5755, 5761 and 5762.

16TH AVE.—SEWER from 56th to 58th sts. Area of assessment affects blocks 5491, 5492, 5496 and 5497.

17TH AVE.—PAVING from 65th to 67th st. Area of assessment affects blocks 5552, 5553, 5559 and 5560.

SECTION 19. 76TH ST.—PAVING from 15th to 16th ayes.

Area of assessment affects blocks 6224 and 6235. SECTION 20.

AVENUE J—SEWER from Gravesend ave. to E. 3d st. Area of assessment affects block 6514, 6515, 6524 and 6525.

SECTION 23. E. 22D ST.—SEWER between Avenue I and

the Long Island Railroad. Area of assessment affects blocks 7567 and 7568. —the above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors Dec. 26, 1916, and entered Dec. 26, 1916, in the Record of Titles kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 24, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of entry of said assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate cf seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of entry to the date of payment, as provided by Section 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter. —the above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Offerman Building, 503 Fulton st., Brooklyn, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 5 p. tn., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

Dated, New York, December 26th, 1916. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller.


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of the City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, af• fected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN:

SECTION 1. BASIN—Adjacent to the northeast corner of

JOHN AND CLIFF STS. Area of assessment affects block 75.

BASUT—Adjacent to the northeast corner of CHATHAM' SQUARE AND OLIVER ST. Area of assessment affects block 279.

WALL ST.—Alteration and improvement to sewer between Broadway and William st. Area of assessment affects blocks 23, 26, 43 and 46.

SECTIONS 1, 2. 3 AND 5. Receiving Basins on W. 10th st., south.

east corner Greenwich ave. and southwest cot.- ner 6th ave.; on 6th ave., northwest corner 17th st., southwest corner 19th st., northwest corner 26th st.. southwest and northwest cor• ners 30th st., northwest corners 31st st., 32nd st., 35th st., 36th st., 37th st. and 38th st.; on Lexington ave., southeast and northeast cor ners 22nd st., northeast corners 33rd and 35th sts., southeast corners 39th st. and 40th st.: on 25th st., northwest corner 5th ave. and southeast corner 6th ave. ; northwest corner of Broadway and 24th st.; southeast corner 35th st. and 6th ave. ; on 39th st., southeast corner 6th ave., northwest corner Madison ave., south-west corner 8th ave. and northeast corner 9th ave.; on 51st st., southeast and southwest cor-ners 2nd ave. and southeast corner 3rd ave.; on King st., southeast corner Hudson st.•' south•

west corner 33rd st., and 9th ave., and south-west corner 37th st. and 1st ave. Affecting blocks 580, 606, 729, 762, 763, 793, 794, 802. 805' to 808, 811 to 814, 826, 827, 836, 840, 869, 877, 878, 889, 891, 894, 895, 942, 1324 and 1343.

SECTION 2. EAST BROADWAY—Repairing sidewalk in

front of 282 and 284. Area of assessment af-fects lot 36, block 287.

SECTION 3. W. 33D ST.—Alteration and improvement to

sewer between 9th and 10th ayes. Area of as-sessment affects blocks 729, 730 and 731.

SECTION 4, 5. 6 AND 7. Receiving Basins on 8th ave.. southwest and

southeast corners 111th st., 112th st., 113th st., 114th st., .115th st., 117th st., 118th st. and 120th st., southwest corner 116th st., south-east corner 119th st. and northwest corner 123rd st.; on Columbus ave., northwest corners 67th st., 68th st., 69th st., 86th st., 87th at., 88th st. and 89th st.. southeast corner 95th st.; northeast corner 95th st. and Fifth ave.; on 124th st., southwest and northwest corners 1st aye, and northwest corner 2nd ave., and on 68th st.. southwest and .northwest corners 2nd ave. and southwest corner 1st ave. Affecting Blot-1(s 1139, 1140, 1141, 1208, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1242, 1422. 1423, 1442, 1507, 1789, 1800, 1801, 1826 to 1830. 1846, 1847, 1848, 1922, 1923. 1924, 1925,

SECT1943, 1944. 1946 and 1950.

ION 6, BASIN adjacent to the northeast corner of

PLEASANT AVE. AND 114TH ST. Area of assessment affects hlork 1713.


to the southeast corners of 146TH, 147TH. 148TH, 149TH AND 150TH STS. Area of assessment affects blocks 2045.

BASIN ADTACENT TO southeast corner of 120TH ST. AND ST. NICHOLAS AVE. Area of assessment affects block 1925.


from 181st to 184th st. Area of assessment affects block 2180.

that the above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 26. 1916. and entered Dec. 26, 1916, in the Record of Titles

of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and un-less the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 24, 19171 which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Municipal Building, north aide, third floor, Borough of Manhattan, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Sat urdays from 9 a. in. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 26, 1916. d28,j9

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of the City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons. owners of property, af-fected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF THE BRONX:


WAY and SETTING CURB from E. 188th st. to Fordham rd. Area of assessment affects blocks 3023 and 3148.


AND SETTING CURB from Bainbridge ave. to Briggs ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 3296 and 3297.


SETTING CURB, LAYING SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS, BUILDING AP-PROACHES AND ERECTING FENCES from Tremont ave. to Zerega ave. Area of assess-ment affects blocks 3810, 3811, 3819, 3820, 3828 and 3829.


LATING, GRADING. SETTING CURB-STONES. FLAGGING SIDEWALKS, LAYING CROSSWALKS, BUILDING APPROACHES AND ERECTING FENCES FROM Gunhill rd. (Briggs ave.) to E. 215th st. Area of assess-ment affects blocks 4657, 4659, 4660, 4661 and 4662. —that the above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 26, 1916, and entered Dec. 26, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and. of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 24, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calcu-lated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Bergen Building, 4th floor, south-east corner of Arthur and Tremont ayes., Bor-ough of The Bronx, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 26, 1916. d28,j9

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN:

CTIN 3. W. 19TH ST.—


in front of No. 519. Area of Assessment affects lot 22, Block 691.


PAVEMENT in front of No. 229. Area of as-sessment affects lot 16, block 1152.


PAVEMENT in front of No. 286. Area of as-sessment affects Lot 57, block 1942.

The above assessment was certified to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, under the provisions of section 391 of the Greater New York Charter. • —that the above assessment was entered Dec. 20, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assess-ments kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assess-ments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 19, 1917, which is sixty days after the dale of said entry of the assessments, interest will be col-lected thereon at the rate of seven per centtvn per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Municipal Building, north side, 3d floor, Manhattan, between the hours of 9 a. in. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. in. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST. Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 20, 1916. d23,j5

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF THE BRONX:

SECTION 12. RECEIVING BASINS on the northeast and

southeast corners of Jerome ave. and E. 199th st.; on the northeast corner of Jerome ave. and E. 205th ,..st.; and on the southeast corner of Jerome ave. and E. 212th st, Area of assessment affects block 3319. 3320, 3322 and 3328.


SETTING CURB, LAYING SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS, BUILDING APPROACHES AND ERECTING FENCES from Unionport rd. to Starling ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 3933, 3934 and 3935.


SETTING CURBSTONES. FLAGGING SIDE-WALKS, LAYING CROSSWALKS. BUILD-ING APPROACHES AND ERECTING FENCES from Van Nest ave. to Rhinelander ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 4028, 4031. 4032, 4047, 4048 and 4049. —that the above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 19, 1916, and entered Dec. 19, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 17. 1917; which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per

centum per annum, to be •mdecilated from ten days after the date of_ atm to the date of payment, as provided by Some 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York *after.

The above ameessient is -payable to the Col-lector of Assmaniate and Arrears at his office in the Bergen Belding, 4th Sari southeast cor-ner of Arthur and Tremont aves., Borough of The Bronx, between the hours of 9 s. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. in. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated. New York. Dec. 19, 1916. d21,j3

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter. the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN:


PAVEMENT in front of No. 217. Area of as-sessment affects Lot 34. Block 787.

The above assessment was certified to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears, under the provisions of section 391 of the Greater New York Charter. —that the above assessment was entered Dec. 14, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collection of As-sessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and sinless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 13, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date ce.. said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Municipal Building, north side, third floor, Borough of Manhattan, between the hour's of 9-a. m. and 2 p. in., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM' A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 14, 1916, d21,j3

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected the following assessments for LOCAL IM- PR OVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:


ING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, between Irving and Knickerbocker ayes. Area of as-gessment affects block 3362.


ave. to Newport st. Area of assessment affects !docks 3817, 3818, 3834 and 3835.


CURBING AND FLAGGING from 17th ave. to 18th ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 5518 and 5525.

SECTION 18. 77TH ST.—PAVING between 5th and 6th

ayes. Area of assessment affects blocks 5952 and 5962.

77TH ST.—PAVING, CURBING AND FLAGGING from 6th to 7th ayes. Area of as-sessment affects blocks 5953 and 5963.

SECTION 20. E. 18TH ST.—PAVING from a line 100 feet

south of Avenue K to Avenue L Area of as-sessment affects block 6728 and 6729. —the above entitled assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 19, 1916, and entered Dec. 19, 1916, in the record of titles of assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collec-tion of Assessments and Arrears of taxes and assessments and of water rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 17, 1917. which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of entry of the assessment as provided by Section 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter. —the above assessments are payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Offerman Building, 503 Fulton st., Brooklyn, between the hours of 9 a. m, and 2 p. in., and on Saturdays from 9 a. in. to 12 noon.

Dated, New York, Dec. 19, 1916. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller.


IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS:


AND CURBING from Brooklyn Borough Line to Ocean ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 366 to 370, 372, 373, 375, 377, 379, 380, 381, 383, 384, 385, 387, 388, 390 to 408, 410, 413 to 433 and 453. —that the above assessments were confirmed b the Board of Assessors on Dec. 19, 1916, and entered Dec. 19, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and un-less the amount assessed for benefit on any per-s.ni or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 17, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date, of said entry to the date of payment, as provided. by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Municipal Building, Court House Square, L. I. City, Borough of Queens, between the hours of 9 a. in. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM' A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 19, 1916. d21,j3

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 0:F THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public no-tice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessment for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF


AND 16—OPENING, EXTENDING. LAYING OUT AND IMPROVING BEDFORD AVE., from Eastern Parkway to Flatbush ave.. pursu-ant to the provisions of Chapter 764, Laws of 1900, as amended by chapter 500, Laws of 1901, and by chapter 498, Laws of 1903. —that the area of assessment for this improve-ment, as fixed by the Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment appointed by the Supreme Court on Sept. 13, 1901, includes all llioie segoodes. la, tenements, hereditament" one • situates,

bounded and described as lying and being, and which, together, me

at a point on the southerly aide of Eastern ;401& way,nt 250 feet easterly of the easterly aide of Bedford ave., running thence southerly and paral with Bedford ave. to the northerly aide of nitbush aye.; thence northwesterly along the northerly slide of Flatbush ave. to a pomt where a line -drawn parallel with Bedford ave. and distant 250 feet westerly therefrom would in-tersect the same; running thence northerly and parallel with Bedford ave. to the southerly side of Eastern Parkway at a point 250 feet westerly of Bedford aye.; running thence east-erly along the southerly side of Eastern park-way to the point or place of beginning.

The Board of Assessors of The City of New York has levied and assessed this assessment in twenty annual installments.

The "Eighth Installment" in each cue is now due and payable, ad hereafter for twelve years an amount equal to one of the aforesaid install-ments shall be assessed upon the lots or parcels of land benefited by said improvement. This assessment was confirmed by the Board of Re-vision of Assessments on Dec. 2, 1909, and entered December 2, 1909, and the Eighth In-stallment entered on Dec. 19th, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessients and of Water

Rnd ents. and unless the amount of the Eighth Instal- ment shall be paid on or before Feb. 17, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter. —the above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Offerman Building, 503 Fulton st., Brooklyn, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m.,, and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon. • Dated, New York, Dec. 19, 1916.'

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. d20,j2

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby , gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF THE BRONX:


FLAGGING, PAVING, ETC., TREMONT AVE. (E. 177th st.), from the Bronx River and West Farms rd. to Fort Schuyler rd.; BACON ST., from Rosedale ave. to Beach ave., and HAVILAND AVE., from Tremont ave. to Cas-tle Hill ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 2623, 3698 to 3701, 3704 to 3707. 3759. 3763 to 3768, 3779 to 3786, 3790 to 3796, 3799 to 3805, 3807 to 3833, 3835 to 3844, 3849 to 3852, 3861 to 3904, 3906 to 3908, 3910 to 3916. 3928 to 3938, 3944 to 3948, 3963 to 3968; 5289 to 5304, 5306 to 5308, 5435 to 5456, 5487, 5491 to 5510, 5512, 5514, 5518, 5522. 5530 and 5534 to 5622.

REGULATING, GRADING, CURBING, FLAGGING PAVING, ETC., WEST FARMS RD. from Morris Park ave. to the intersection of Westchester ave. and former Main at., in the old Village of Westchester, and WALKER AVE., paving the roadway from Morris Park ave.. to Unionport rd. Area of ascsessment affects blocks 3833, 3834, 3844 to 3849, 3852 to 3860, 3895, 3899 to 3902, 3906, 3908 to 3910, 3913 to 3927, 3936 to 3938. 3944 to 3950, 3952, 3959 to 3962 3965, 3967 to 4002, 4004 to 4009, 4014 to 4030, 4038 to 4043, 4057 to 4069. 4071 to 4093, 4097 to 4100, 4105 to 4107, 4111 to 4113, 4117, 4118, 4133 to 4150, 4179, 4180, 4209, 4224 to 4227, 5303 to 5307, 5309, 5311 to 5381. 5383, 5384, 5387, 5390 to 5393, 5397, 5398, 5402, 5403, 5406 to 5410, 5412, 5418 to 5438, 5442. 5457 to 5477. 5479 to 5490, 5531 to 5535, 5543 to 5546 and 5561. — that the above assessment was confirmed by the Board of Revision of Assessments on Dec. 14, 1916, and entered Dec. 15, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for bene-fit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 13, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment. as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Collector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Bergen Building, 4th floor, south-east corner of Arthur and Tremont ayes., Bor. oug,h of "The Bronx, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m.., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, December 15, 1916. d19.30

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter. the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF THE BRONX:


ING GUARD RAIL. Area of assessment affects block 2548.


of E. 178th at. Area of assessment affects block 3061.

UNDERCLIFF AVE.—FLAGGING AND REFLAGGING THE SIDEWALK in front of Lot 61, and erecting Guard rail in from: ii Lots 50 and 63, known as Block 2880, north of Washington Bridge.

STEBBINS AVE. AND E. 170TH ST.—RE-CEIVING BASIN at the northwest corner. Area of assessment affects block 2964.

CROTONA PARKWAY—SEWER ON THE EAST SIDE. from E. 176th st. to a_point about 125 feet northerly; and CROTONA PARKWAY SEWER from a point about 125 feet fie-1th of E. 176th st. to a point about 340 feet north of E. 176th st. Area of assessment affects block 2985.

SECTION 15. HONE AVE.—SEWER between Walker ave.

and the property of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company. Area of as-sessment affects blocks 4067 and 4068. —that the above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 12, 1916. and entered Dec. 12. 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arreari of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before February 10, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments. interest will be col-lected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated firm ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment. as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greeter New York Charter.

The above assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Bergen Building, 4th floor, southeast cor-oar of Aathne and Tremont aves.. Buono of The Br am. between the hours of 9 a, ex and



2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. in. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 12, 1916. d19,30

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF gUEENS:


SPACES and LAYING SIDEWALKS nn the south side of Jamaica ave. from Shore ave. to Snediker ave.; TOWER PL, from Freedom are. to a line 460 feet east and on the north side' of Yaphank at., from Shore ave. to Yar-mouth st. Area of assessment affects blocks 62, 64, 180 and 181.

REGULATING. GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, LAYING SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS in Sutphin rd., from Jamaica ave. to Lambertville ave. Area of assessment af-fects blocks 1035, 1037, 1038, 1058, 1059, 1064 1065, 1071 to 1080, 1092, 1093. 1096, 1097, 1099 to 1103, 1105. 1106, 1107, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1126. 1127, 1130, 1131, 1134 to 1149, 1157 to 1162, and 2725. —that the above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 12, 1916, and entered Dec. 12, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Col. lection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and un-less the amount assessed for benefit on any per-son or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 10, 1917, which is sixty days after she date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The aboOe assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Municipal Building, Court House Square, L. I. City, Borough of Queens, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. in. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 12, 1916. d19,30

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE *eater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN:

SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6 & 7. Repairing sidewalks at the following locations:

Water st.. No. 236; Avenue C, Nos. 64, 66 and 148; Delancey at., No. 268; Division at., No, 193; Eighth ave., No. 2432; E. 48th st, No. 322; E. 54th st., Nos. 225.229; W. 55th st., No. 327; W. 58th st., No. 408; E. Houston at.. No. 510; First ave., No. 954; E. 103rd st., Nos. 48-50 and 223-229; E. 107th st, No. 232; E. 110th st., No. 170; E. 125th st., No. 315; Suffolk st., No. 96; St. Nicholas ave., Nos. 602-604; Second ave., Nos. 1233 and 1888; E. 61st st., Nos. 415-417; E. 64th st, Nos, 200, 202, 422 and 424; W. 143rd at., Nos. 122-124; Third ave., No. 1877; E. 21st st., No. 326; E. 36th st., Nos. 200.202; W. 39th st., No. 277; and W. 31st st., No. 106. Affecting property in front of which work was done.


PAVING AND CURBING. between iSorthem and Haven ave., and HAVEN AVE.—REGU-LATING, GRADING, PAVING AND CURB-ING, between W. 178th and W. 179th sts. Area of assessment affects block 2177. —that the above assessment was confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 12, 1916, and entered Dec. 12, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 10. 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Municipal Building, north side, third floor, Borough of Manhattan, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. in., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 12, 1916. d19,30

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charier, the Comptroller

of the City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, af-fected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:


LOWING LOCATIONS: Amity st., No, 46; Baltic st., Nos. 406 and 408: Bergen st., No. 263; Centre st., No. 179-187; Congress st., No. 86, 88 and 117; Dean st., No. 204; Hicks st, No. 279-383; Hoyt st.. No. 126; Luqueer st., No. 113-117; Nelson st., No. 106; Pacific st., No. 68-72; President st.. No. 225.227; Schermerhom st., No. 78-80; Sidney pl., No. 8: Third Place, No. 8; Van Brunt st., No. 448; W. 9th st., No. 140; Third ave., No. 665-667; Fifth ave., No. 701; and 14th st., No. 113. Area of assessment af-fects property in from of which the work was done.


LOWING LOCATIONS: Adams st., No. 267; Atlantic ave., No. 381 and 558; Concord at., No. 185; Clinton st., No. 572; Fleet pl., No. 115; Hoyt st., No. 176; Gold st., No. 294.298; Navy st, No. 93; Myrtle ave., No. 31; N. Oxford st, No. 2 to 10; N. Portland ave., No. 13; Pierpont st,, Nos. 59, 96 and 102; Prince st., No. 199; Raymond st., No. 75; Sand st. No. 174; Scher-merhorn st., No. 378: State st., No. 212 and 380; Vanderbilt ave.. No. 30; and York st., Nos. 59 and 61. Area of assessment affects prop-ehty in front of which work was done.

REPAIRING SIDEWALKSAT THE FOL-LOWING LOCATIONS: Beard st., No. 154; Bergen st., No. 189; Bolivar at., No. 67 and 69; Clinton st., No, 566; Conover st., No. 143; Fleet pl., No.,121; Henry at., No. 139, 145, 147, 151 and 566; Hicks st., Nos. 50, 76 and 163; Lafayette st., Nos. 22 and 24: Pacific st., Nos. 265, 300, 302. 333 and 527; Prince st., No. 144; State st., No. 464; and Van Brunt st, No. 278. Area of assessment affects property in front of which the work was done.


ING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, from Utica ave. to Schenectady ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 1419 and 1424.

SEWER BASIN at the northwest corner of Ralph ave. and Union st. Area of assessment affects block 1399.



corner of Bay 17Na'GATES AVE, No S63 HANCOCK ST„ Nos. 323 and 355; JEFFER-SON AVE. No 103, lea, 171 and 174,• LEX- INGTON AVE.. No. 30S, 310 and S46A; JUDI SON ST., No. 192 A; MONROE ST,_61o. 224, 308 355, 432, 502A and 528; NOSTRAND AVE, Nos. 470-478; PUTNAM AVE., No. 295; AVENUE T, No, 268; I2TH AVE., No, 3710; 13TH AVE., No, 4013; 17TH AVE., No. 8821, and 60TH ST., No. 1674. Area of assessment affects property in front of which the work was done.


GRADING, CURBING AHD ILLAGGING, from Grand at. to the Borough Line. Area of assess-ment affects blocks 2937, 2943 to 2948, 2950 to 2960, 2962 to 2966 2968 to 2973, 2975 to 2980.


Doacher at. and Eldert Lane. Area of assess-ment affects block 4194, 4195, 4197 to 4204, 4213 to 4218, 4220, 4222 and 423..

SECTION 16. SEELEY ST,—PAVING, between Gravesend

ave. and 18th St. Area of assessment affects block 5260, 5261, 5262, 5264, 5265, 5266.

SECTION 17. 18TH AVE.—SEWER from 47th to 48th at.

Area of assessment affects blocks 5444 and 5445. SECTION 23.

E. 22D ST.—SEWER. between Avenue L and Avenue M. Area of assessment affects blocks 7639 and 7640. —the above entitled assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 12, 1916,

i and entered Dec. 12, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of taxes and assessments and of water rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 10, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of entry of said assessments, in-terest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven percentum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment as provided byiections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Col- lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Offerman Building, 503 Fulton st, Brook-lyn, between the hours of 9 a. m., and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

Dated New York, Dec. 12, 1916. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller.


Sureties on Contracts.

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SURETY COM. panics will be accepted as sufficient upon the

following contracts to the amounts named: Supplies of Any Description, Including Gas and

Electricity. One company on a bond up to $50,000. When such company is authorized to write that

amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914.

Construction. One company on a bond up to $25,000. Including regulating, grading, paving, sewers,

maintenance, dredging, construction of parka, parkways, docks, buildings, bridges, tunnels, aqueducts, repairs, heating, ventilating, plumbing, etc.

When such company is authorized to write that amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914. Asphalt, Asphalt Block and Wood Block Pave-

ment. Two companies will be required on any and

every bond up to amount authorized by letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914.

Jan. 1, 1914. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller.

Corporation Sale of Buildings and Appurte-nances Thereto on City Real Estate by Sealed Bide.

AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT of the Borough of Brooklyn, public notice is

hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain encroachments standing upon property owned by The City-of New York, acquired by it for street opening purposes, in the

Borough of Brooklyn. BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc.,

standing within the lines of 54th st., from 18th ave. to 19th ave., in the Borough of Brooklyn, which' arc more particularly described on a cer-tain map on file in the office of the Collector of City Revenue Department of Fiance, Room 368, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan.

PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis-sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meet-ing held Dec. 14, 1916, the sale by sealed bids, at the upset or minimum prices named in the description of each parcel of the above buildings and appurtenances thereto, will be held by direc-tion of the Comptroller on

THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1917. at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels, and in manner and form, and at upset prices as follows:

Parcel No. 77—Part of two and one-half story frame house at the northeast corner of 54th at. and 18th ave. Cut 4 feet on front by 9.5 feet on rear of extension. Upset price, $5.

Parcel No. 79—Part of two-story frame stable on the north side of 54th at., 325 feet east of 18th ave. Cut 0.5 feet on north side by 12 feet on south side. Upset price. $5.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be obtained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m, on the 4th day of Jan.. 1917, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above described buildings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will be made to the highest bidder within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible there-after.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-turned within twenty-four hours after success-ful bidders have paid purchase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the re-quirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter. '

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit .the required security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in-formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of the City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for. (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids most be imgcned in genjorly sealed soaked "Proposan w

ors:led jan.

e4f)fivrZe4, and oust be denim:let ailed in time for their delivery prior to a. m. of that date to the *Collector of City_ evenue, Room 368, ?gun RuBcrus, New York aty," from !ham any futW.- reauding the build- ings to be of m_g _be owned. Tfl B nun





E. D. FISHER, Deputy and Acting Comp-troller.

City of New York Department of Finance, Comptroller's office, Dec. IS, 1916. d18,j4

AT THE REQUEST OF TILE PRESIDENT of the Borough of Queens, public notice is

hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sink-ing Fund, by virtue of the powers vested is them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain encroachments standing upon Protertr owned by The City of New York, acquired y it for street opening purposes in the

Borough of Queens. BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc.,

standing within the lines of Gerry ave., from Corona awe. to Marlowe ave., in the Borough of Queen& which tare more particularly described on a certain map on file In the office of the Col-lector of City Revenue, Department of Finance, Room 368, Municipal Building, Borough of Man-hattan.

PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis- sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meet-ing held December 7, 1916, the sale by sealed bids at the upset or minimum prices named in the description of each parcel of the above de-scribed building and appurtenances thereto will be held by direction of the Comptroller on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 99, 1916, at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels, and in manner and form, and at upset prices as follows:

Parcel 1A—Part of one and one-half story frame barn on the west side of Gerry Avenue, 150 feet ninth of Corona ave., Elmhurst. Cut barn 5.46 feet on north side by 18.1 feet on south side. Upset price, $5.

Parcel 9—Part of small tool shop on south side of Gerry ave., 200 feet west of Chicago at Cut 10.55 feet on east and west sides. Upset price, $5.

Parcel 10-70-78--Frame barn and part of frame stable on the north side of Gerry ave., west of Chicago at. Cut stable 3.92 feet on west side by 3.95 feet on east side. Upset price, $5.

Parcel 73—Part of porch and steps 50 feet west of Parcel No. 9. Upset price 45.

Parcel 76—Steps east of and adjoining Parcel No. 9. Upset price, $5.

Parcel 165—Part of porch on the northwest corner of Gerry ave. and Hanover ave. Upset price, $5.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be ob-tained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m. on the 29th day of Dec., 1916, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above-described build-ings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will be made to the highest bidder within twenty-four hours. or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a dpeosit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-turned within twenty-four hours after successful bidders have paid purchase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the.Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the re-quirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of noti-fication of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in-formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must State clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for, (2) the amount of the big, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Dec. 29, 1916," and must be delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 a. m. of that date to the "Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, New York City," from whom any further particulars regarding the build-ings to be disposed of may be obtained.


EDMUND D. FISHER, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

City of New York. Department of Finance, Comptroller's Office, Dec. 8, 1916. d12,29

AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT of the Borough of Queens, public notice is

hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sink-ing Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain encroachments standing upon property owned.by The City of New York, acquired by it for street opening purposes in the

Borough of Queens. BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc.,

standinp within the lines of Ulster ave., from Sinith st to Merrick rd., in the Borough of Queens, %hid- are more particularly described on a certain map on file in the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, klunicipal Building, Borough of Manhattan.

PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis-sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meet-ing held Dec. 7t 1916, the sale by sealed bids at the upset or minimum prices named in the de-scription of each parcel of the above described buildings and appurtenances thereto will be held by direction of the Comptroller on

THURSDAY, DECEMBER SS. 1916, at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels, and in manner and form, and at upset prices as follows:

Parcel No. 3: Part of two-story and attic frame house, two one-story frame buildings and Part of one-story frame barn within the lines of Ulster ave. between Smith at. and Sweet st., South Jamaica. Cnt house 11.8 feet on west side by 29.13 feet on east side. Cut barn 9.03 feet on west side by 48.89 feet on the south side. Upset price, $10.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be ob-tained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, Bor-ough of Manhattan, until 11 a. tn. on the 28th day of Dec., 1916, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above-described build-ings and appurtenances thereto..and the award will be made to the highest bidder within twenty-foirr hours, or as noon as possible thereafter.

Each parell must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of crib or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, =Celt 'that a -minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-turned within twenty-four hours after successful bidders have paid purchase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the re. quirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of noti-fication of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in-formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for, .(2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Dec. 28, 1916,' and must be delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to. 11 a. in. of that date to the "Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, New York City." from whom any further particulars regarding the build-ings to be disposed of may be obtained.


EDMUND D. FISHER, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

City of New York, Department of Finance, Comptroller's Office, Dec. 8, 1916. d11,28


Auction Sale.

THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, Gas and Electricity will sell at public auction

to the lighest bidder, by William Jacobus, auc-tioneer, commencing at 10 a. m., on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1916, —at the Pipe Yard, 24th st and Avenue A, Manhattan, the material described below, situ-ated at various places in and adjacent to the City.

Lot 1. About- 275 tons of cast iron situated at 24th st., 140th st.„ Jerome ave., Gowanus, Ridgewood and Flushing pipe yards, at repair yards, 337 Berry st., 137 Jamaica ave., 6th at, 98 North Portland ave., Avenue U and 14th st„ 1st Ward Yard, Queens, and at the works of the Queens Borough Gas and Electric Co., Rockaway Beach.

Lot 2—About 50 tons of wrought iron, steel,

gI a,olt L

v anized iron and light iron of every descrip-tion situated at most of the same places as

Lot 3—About 35 tons of cast iron scrap and heavy cast iron situated at the various pumping stations on Staten Island.

Lot 4—About 75 tons of wrought iron and steel scrap, consisting of smoke stacks, tanks, boilers, hoops, bands, plates and cables—wrought iron and steel of every description except light galvanized iron situated at the Staten Island pumping stations.

Lot 5—About 20 oil barrels, situated at West New Brighton, Staten Island.

Lot 6—About 300 lbs. of rubber gaskets and rubber and cotton hose with iron or steel inserts or wound, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard, New York, and Ridgewood Machine Shop, Brooklyn.

Lot 7—About 1,500 lbs. rubber and cotton covered hose free of metallic inserts, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 8—About 2,000 lbs. of Automobile shoes, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 9—About 500 lbs. rubber boots and shoes, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 10—About 100 lbs. of Mixed Inner Rubber Tubes, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 11—About 200 Solid Black Rubber Tires, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 12—About 200 lbs. of copper, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 13—About 600 lbs. of Red Brass, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard and at Ridgewood Machine Shop.

Lot 14—About 750 lbs. of heavy light yellow brass, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard and at Ridgewood Machine Shop.

Lot 15—About 500 lbs. brass turnings and borings, mixed with iron and other foreign metals, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard and Ridgewood Machine Shop.

Lot 16—About 200 lbs. of red and yellow metals, with iron or lead and foreign metals attached. situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 17—About 100 lbs. of scrap leather, situ-ated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 18—About 15,000 incandescent lamp bases, situated at 49 Lafayette st., Manhattan.

Lot 19—About 85,000 burnt out incandescent lamps, situated at 49 Lafayette st., Manhattan, and at Gowanus.

Lot 20—About 15 Arc Lamps, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Every opportunity will be given to prospective bidders to examine the articles and materials at the places where they are stored, and bidders

invited nvited to fully inform themselves. Further information, if desired,•may be had

by inquiry at Room 2351, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

The sale of all lots will be as above stated at the Pipe Yard, Avenue A and 24th st., Manhat-tan, and in their numerical order.

TERMS OF SALE. The materials will be sold to the highest bid-

der on each lot number, per gross ton (2,240 pounds) or per pound when weight is given. No bid will be considered or accepted for less than the entire quantity in each lot.

The quantities shown in the schedule are only approximate and the net payment will be based on the actual weight determined by the City's representative on the City's scales on the prem-ises where sold, or, at the expense of the Pur-chaser on the nearest public scale. No scrap shall be removed except in the presence of the City's designated representative.

Successful bidders must make cash payment in bankable funds at the time and place of sale.

Purchasers must apply forty-eight hours in advance for permission to remove material.

The purchaser or purchasers must remove all the materials within thirty days after the sale: otherwise he or they will forfeit the money paid at the time of sale and the ownership of the material, which will thereafter be resold for the benefit of the City. The purchaser or purchasers must remove the material under the supervision of an employee of the Department designated by the Commissioner, and will not be allowed to select material for removal at will.

The right is reserved, until 12 noon, Tuesday, January 2, 1917, to reject any or all bids.

WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Commissioner. d23,29


THE CITY RECORD. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1916. /1.11111•11=1■011/110•1.10,

2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 12, 1916. d19,30

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM-PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF QUEENS:


SPACES and LAYING SIDEWALKS on the south side of Jamaica eve. from Shore eve. to Snediker ave.; TOWER PL., from Freedom ave. to a line 460 feet east and on the north side' of Yaphank at., from Shore ave. to Yar-mouth st. Area of assessment affects blocks 62, 64, 180 and 181.

REGULATING, GRADING. CURBING AND FLAGGING, LAYING SIDEWALKS AND CROSSWALKS in Sutphin rd., from Jamaica ave. to Lambertville ave. Area of assessment af-fects blocks 1035, 1037, 1038, 1058, 1059, 1064.

1065, 1071 to 1080, 1092, 1093, 1096, 1097, 1099 to 1103, 1105. 1106, 1107, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1126, 1127, 1130, 1131, 1134 to 1149, 1157 to 1162, and 2725. —that the above assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dee. 12, 1916, and entered Dec. 12, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and un-less the amount assessed for benefit on any per-son or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 10, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments, interest will he collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The aboire assessment is payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Municipal Building, Court House Square, L. I. City, Borough of Queens, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. in, to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 12, 1916. d19,30

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE *eater New York Charter, the Comptroller of

The City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property. affected by the following assessments for LOCAL IM. PROVEMENTS IN THE BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN:

SECTIONS 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6 & 7. Repairing sidewalks at the following locations:

Water st., No. 236; Avenue C, Nos. 64, 66 and 148; Delancey st., No. 268; Division st, No. 193; Eighth ave., No, 2432; E. 48th st, No. 322; E. 54th st., Nos. 225-229; W. 55th at., No. 327; W. 38th st., No. 408; E. Houston st.. No. 510; First ave., No. 954; E. 103rd st., Nos. 48-50 and 223.229; E. 107th st., No. 232; E. 110th st., No. 170; E. 125th st., No. 315; Suffolk st., No. 96; St. Nicholas aye., Nos. 602.604; Second ave.. Nos. 1233 and 1888; E. 61st st., Nos. 415-417; E. 64th st., Nos. 200, 202, 422 and 424; W. 143rd at., Nos. 122-124; Third ave., No. 1877; E. 21st st., No. 326; E. 36th st., Nos. 200.202; W. 39th st., No. 277; and W. 31st st., No. 106. Affecting property in front of which work was done.


PAVING AND CURBING. between talorthern and Haven ave., and HAVEN AVE.—REGU-LATING, GRADING, PAVING AND CURB-ING, between W. 178th and W. 179th sts. Area of assessment affects block 2177. —that the above assessment was confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 12, 1916. and entered Dec. 12, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 10. 1917, which is sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessments. interest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment, as provided by Sections 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Municipal Building, north side, third floor, Borough of Manhattan, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller. Dated, New York, Dec. 12, 1916. d19,30

IN PURSUANCE OF SECTION 1018 OF THE Greater New York Charter, the Comptroller

of the City of New York hereby gives public notice to all persons, owners of property, af-fected by the following assessments for LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS in the BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN:


LOWING LOCATIONS: Amity st., No. 46; Baltic st., Nos. 406 and 408: Bergen st., No. 263; Centre St.. No. 179-187; Congress st., No. 86, 88 and 117; Dean st., No. 204; Hicks st., No. 279.383; Hoyt st.. No. 126; Luqueer st.. No. 113-117; Nelson st., No. 106; Pacific st., No. 68-72; President st.. No. 225.227; Schermerhorn st., No. 78-80; Sidney oil., No. 8: Third Place, No. 8; Van Brunt st., No. 448; W. 9th st., No. 140; Third ave., No. 665-667; Fifth ave., No. 701; and 14th st., No. 113. Area of assessment af. fects property in front of which the work was done.


LOWING LOCATIONS: Adams st., No. 267; Atlantic ave., No. 381 and 558; Concord st., No. 185; Clinton st., No. 572; Fleet pl., No. 115; Hoyt st., No. 176; Gold st., No. 294.298; Navy st., No. 93; Myrtle ave., No. 31; N. Oxford st., No. 2 to 10; N. Portland ave., No. 13; Pierpont st., Nos. 59, 96 and 102; Prince st., No. 199; Raymond st., No. 75; Sand st, No. 174; Scher-merhorn st., No. 378: State st., No. 212 and 380; Vanderbilt ave.. No. 30; and York st., Nos. 59 and 61. Area of assessment affects prop-ehty in front of which work was done.

REPAIRING SIDEWALKS AT THE FOL-LOWING LOCATIONS: Beard st., No, 154; Bergen st.. No. 189; Bolivar st., No. 67 and 69; Clinton st., No. 566; Conover st.. No. 143; Fleet pl., No.,121; Henry st., No. 139, 145. 147, 151 and 566; Hicks st., Nos. 50, 76 and 163; Lafayette st., Nos. 22 and 24: Pacific at., Nos. 265, 300, 302, 333 and 527; Prince st., No. 144; State st., No. 464; and Van Brunt st., No. 278. Area of assessment affects property in front of which the work was done.


ING, CURBING AND FLAGGING. from Utica ave. to Schenectady ave. Area of assessment affects blocks 1419 and 1424.

SEWER BASIN at the northwest corner of Ralph ave. and Union st. Area of assessment affects block 1399.



corner of Bay 17tIr st.; GATES AVE.. Na Vi; HANCOCK ST., Nos. 323 and In; ► SON AVE. No. 103, 169a, 171 and 174-, tEL

AITL, No. 308 310 and 546A; MADI-SON ST., No. 192 A; MONROE ST, No. 224, 308 355, 432, 502A and 528; NOSTRAND AVE, Nos. 470-478; PUTN421 AVE.. No. 295; AVENUE T, No. 268; 12TH AVE., No. 3710; 13TH AVE., No. 4013; 17TH AVE., No. 8821, and 60TH ST., No. 1674. Area of assessment affects property in front of which the work was done.


GRADING, CURBING AND FLAGGING, from Grand st. to the Borough Line. Area of assess-ment affects blocks 2937, 2943 to 2948, 2950 to 2960, 2962 to 2966

S EC,_ 2968 to 2973, 2975 to 2980.

TIO 13. GLEN'MORS AVE.— -PAVING, between

Doscher st and Eldert Lane. Area of assess-ment affects block 4194, 4195, 4197 to 4204, 4213 to 4218, 4220, 4222 and 423..

SECTION 16. SEELEY ST.—PAVING, between Gravesend

ave. and 18th St. Area of assessment affects block 5260, 5261, 5262, 5264, 5265. 5266.

SECTION 17. 18TH AVE.—SEWER from 47th to 48th st.

Area of assessment affects blocks 5444 and 5445. SECTION 23.

E. 22D ST.—SEWER. between Avenue L and Avenue M. Area of assessment affects blocks 7639 and 7640. —the above entitled assessments were confirmed by the Board of Assessors on Dec. 12, 1916,

i and entered Dec. 12, 1916, in the Record of Titles of Assessments kept in the Bureau for the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of taxes and assessments and of water rents, and unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid on or before Feb. 10, 1917, which is sixty days after the date of entry of said assessments, in-terest will be collected thereon at the rate of seven percentum per annum, to be calculated from ten days after the date of said entry to the date of payment as provided by potions 159 and 1019 of the Greater New York Charter.

The above assessments are payable to the Col-lector of Assessments and Arrears at his office in the Offerman Building. 503 Fulton at., Brook-lyn, between the hours of 9 a. m., and 2 p. en., and on Saturdays from 9 a. m. to 12 noon.

Dated New York. Dec. 12, 1916. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller.


Sureties on Contracts.

UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE SURETY COM- panics will be accepted as sufficient upon the

following contracts to the amounts named: Supplies of Any Description, Including Gat and

Electricity. One company on a bond up to $50,000. When such company is authorized to write that

amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914.

Construction. One company on a bond up to $25,000. Including regulating, grading, paving, sewers,

maintenance, dredging, construction of parka, parkways, docks, buildings, bridges, tunnels, aqueducts, repairs, heating, ventilating, plumbing, etc.

When such company is authorized to write that amount as per letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914. Asphalt, Asphalt Block and Wood Block Pave.

meat. Two companies will be required on any and

every bond up to amount authorized by letter of Comptroller to the surety companies, dated Jan. 1, 1914.

Jan. I, 1914. WILLIAM A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller.

Corporation Sale of Buildings and Appurte-nances Thereto on City Real Estate by Sealed Bids.

AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT of the Borough of Brooklyn, public notice is

hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain encroachments standing upon property owned by The City-of New York, acquired by it for street opening purposes, in the

Borough of Brooklyn. BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc.,

standing within the lines of 54th at., from 18th ave. to 19th ave., in the Borough of Brooklyn, which' arc more particularly described on a cer-tain map on file in the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Department of Finance, Room 368, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan.

PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis-sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meet-ing held Dec. 14, 1916, the sale by sealed bids, at the upset or minimum prices named in the description of each parcel of the above buildings and appurtenances thereto, will be held by direc-tion of the Comptroller on

THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 1917, at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels, and in manner and form, and at upset prices as follows:

Parcel No. 77—Part of two and one-half story frame house at the northeast corner of 54th st. and 18th ave. Cut 4 feet on front by 9.5 feet on rear of extension. Upset price, $5.

Parcel No. 79—Part of two-story frame stable on the north side of 54th st., 325 feet east of 18th ave. Cut 0.5 feet on north side by 12 feet on south side. Upset price, $5.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be obtained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, until 11 a. m. on the 4th day of Jan., 1917, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above described buildings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will be made to the highest bidder within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible there-after.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-turned within twenty.four hours after success-ful bidders have paid purchase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the re-quirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter. '

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours Of the receipt of notification of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in-formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of the City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for, (2) the amountof the bid, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

AB bids mit _be inekeed in properly sealed envelopes, matiosi "Pasoan to be opened jam 41 1917," and must be delivered. or mailed in time for OW 0 11 a. in. of that date to the Collet.* of - Caty Remne,__Room 368, Monica's' Bieltrusjg, New York Mb" frpm whom anyBS. particulars :regarding the build- ings to be of may be obtained.


E. D. FISHER, Deputy and Acting Comp-troller.

City of New York, DeparInsent of Finance, Comptroller's office, Dec. 15, 1916. d18,j4

AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT of the Borough of Queens, public notice is

hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sink-ing Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain encroachments standing upon property owned by The City of New York, acquired by it for street opening purposes in the

Borough of Queens. BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc.,

standing within the lines of Gerry ave., from Corona an. to Marlowe ave., in the Borough of Queens, which 'are more particularly described on a certain map on file in the office of the Col-lector of City Revenue, Department of Finance, Room 368, Municipal Building, Borough of Man-hattan.

PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis-sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meet-ing held December 7. 1916, the sale by sealed bids at the upset or minimum prices named in the description of each parcel of the above de-scribed building and appurtenances thereto will be held by direction of the Comptroller on

FRIDAY DECEMBER 29, 1916, at 11 a, m., in Iota and parcels, and in manner and form, and at upset prices as follows:

Parcel 1A—Part of one and one-half story frame barn on the west side of Gerry Avenue, 150 feet south of Corona ave., Elmhurst. Cut barn 5.46 feet on north side by 18.1 feet on south side. Upset price, $5.

Parcel 9—Part of am.

11 tool shop on south side of Gerry ave., 200 feet west of Chicago st Cut 10.55 feet on east and west sides. Upset Price. $5,

Parcel 10-70-78—Frame barn and part of frame stable on the north side of Gerry ave., west of Chicago st. Cut stable 3.92 feet on west side by 3.95 feet on east side. Upset price, $5.

Parcel 73—Part of porch and steps 50 feet west of Parcel No. 9. Upset pricer $5.

Parcel 76—Steps east of and adjoining Parcel No. 9. Upset price, ;5.

Parcel 165—Part of porch on the northwest corner of Gerry ave. and Hanover ave. Upset price, $5.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be ob-tained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, Bor. ough of Manhattan, until 11 a. rn. on the 29th day of Dec., 1916, and then publicly opened for the sale for removal of the above-described build-ings and appurtenances thereto, and the award will. be made to the highest bidder within twenty-four hours, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each parcel must be bid for separately and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid must be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per cent. of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a dpeosit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-turned within twenty-four hours after successful bidders have paid purchase price in full and

'given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the.Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the re-quirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of noti-fication of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right tb reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in-formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must State clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for, (2) the amount of the bin, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed envelopes. marked "Proposals to be opened Dec. 29, 1916," and must be delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 a. m. of that date to the "Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, New York City," from whom any further particulars regarding the build-ings to be disposed of may be obtained.


EDMUND D. FISHER, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

City of New York. Department of Finance, Comptroller's Office, Dec. 8, 1916. d12,29

AT THE REQUEST OF THE PRESIDENT of the Borough of Queens, public notice is

hereby given that the Commissioners of the Sink-ing Fund, by virtue of the powers vested in them by law, will offer for sale by sealed bids certain encroachments standing upon property owned. by The City of New York, acquired by it for street opening purposes in the

Borough of Queens. BEING the buildings, parts of buildings, etc.,

standing within the lines of Ulster ave., from Smith st. to Merrick rd., in the Borough of Queens, a hict are more particularly described on a certain map on file in the office of the Collector of City Revenue. Room 368, laNmiciPal Building, Borough of Manhattan.

PURSUANT to a resolution of the Commis. sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted at a meet-ing held Dec. 7,, 1916, the sale by sealed bids at the upset or minimum prices named in the de-scription of each parcel of the above described buildings and appurtenances thereto will be held by direction of the Comptroller on

THURSDAY, DECEMBER it 1916, at 11 a. m., in lots and parcels, and in manner and form, and at upset prices as follows:

Parcel No. 3: Part of two-story and attic frame house, two one-story frame buildings and part of one-story frame barn within the lines of Ulster ave. between Smith st. and Sweet at., South Jamaica. Cut house 11.8 feet on west side by 29.13 feet on east,. side. Cut barn 9.03 feet on west side by 48.89 feet on the south side. Upset price, $10.

Sealed bids (blank forms of which may be ob-tained upon application) will be received by the Comptroller at the office of the Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal. Building, Bor.


ough of Manhattan, until 11 a. tn. on the 28th day of Dec., 1916, and then publicly -opened for the sale for removal of the above-described build-ings and appurtenances thereto. and the award will be made to the highest bidder within twenty- four hours, or as soon as possible thereafter.

Each parcel must be bid for remotely and will be sold in its entirety, as described in above advertisement.

Each and every bid mast be accompanied by a deposit of cash or certified check in a sum equal to 25 per. cent. of the amount of the bid, except that a minimum deposit of $50 will be required with all bids, and that a deposit of $500 will be sufficient to entitle bidders to bid on any or all of the buildings.

Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be re-turned within twenty-four hours after successful bidders have paid purchase price in full and given security, and those of successful bidders may be declared forfeited to The City of New York by the Comptroller upon the failure of the successful bidder to further comply with the re-quirements of the terms and conditions of the sale as set forth hereinafter.

Successful bidders will be required to pay the purchase money and deposit the required security within twenty-four hours of the receipt of noti-fication of the acceptance of their bids.

The Comptroller reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects or in-formalities in any bid should it be deemed in the interest of The City of New York to do so.

All bids must state clearly (1) the number or description of the building or buildings bid for. (2) the amount of the bid, (3) the full name and address of the bidder.

All bids must be inclosed in properly sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals to be opened Dec. 28, 1916," and must be delivered, or mailed in time for their delivery, prior to 11 a. m. of that date to the "Collector of City Revenue, Room 368, Municipal Building, New York ate from whom any further particulars regarding the build-ings to be disposed of may be obtained.


EDMUND D. FISHER, Deputy and Acting Comptroller.

City of New York. Department of Finance, Comptroller's Office, Dec. 8, 1916. d11,28


Auction Sale.

THE DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY, Gas and Electricity will sell at public auction

to the highest bidder, by William Jacobus, auc-tioneer, commencing at 10 a. m., on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1916, —at the Pipe yard, 24th st. and Avenue A, Manhattan, the material described below, situ-ated at various places in and adjacent to the City.

Lot 1. About- 275 tons of cast iron situated at 24th st., 140th st., Jerome ave., Gowanus, Ridgewood and Flushing pipe yards, at repair yards, 337 Berry st., 137 Jamaica ave., 6th st., 98 North Portland ave., Avenue U and 14th st., 1st Ward Yard, Queens, and at the works of the Queens Borough as and Electric Co., Rockaway Beach.

Lot 2—About 50 tons of wrought iron, steel, galvanized iron and light iron of every descrip-tion situated at most of the same places as Lot 1.

Lot 3—About 35 tons of cast iron scrap and heavy cast iron situated at the various pumping stations on Staten Island.

Lot 4—About 75 tons of wrought iron and steel scrap, consisting of smoke stacks, tanks, boilers, hoops, bands, plates and cables--srought iron and steel of every description except light galvanized iron situated at the Staten Island pumping stations.

Lot 5—About 20 oil barrels, situated at West New Brighton, Staten Island.

Lot 6—About 300 lbs. of rubber gaskets and rubber and cotton hose with iron or steel inserts or wound, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard, New York, and Ridgewood Machine Shop, Brooklyn,

Lot 7—About 1,500 lbs. rubber and cotton covered hose free of metallic inserts, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 8—About 2,000 lbs. of Automobile shoes, situated at 24th St. Pipe Yard.

Lot 9—About 500 lbs. rubber boots and shoes, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 10—About 100 lbs. of Mixed Inner Rubber Tubes, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 11—About 200 Solid Black Rubber Tires, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 12—About 200 lbs. of copper, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 13—About 600 lbs. of Red Brass, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard and at Ridgewood Machine Shop.

Lot 14—About 750 lbs. of heavy light yellow brass, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yird and at Ridgewood Machine Shop.

Lot 15—About 500 lbs. brass turnings and borings, mixed with iron and other foreign metals, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard and Ridgewood Machine Shop.

Lot 16—About 200 lbs. of red and yellow metals, with iron or lead and foreign metals attached, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 17—About 100 lbs. of scrap leather, situ-ated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Lot 18—About 15,000 incandescent lamp bases, situated at 49 Lafayette st., Manhattan.

Lot 19—About 85,000 burnt out incandescent lamps, situated at 49 Lafayette st., Manhattan, and at Gowanus.

Lot 20—About 15 Arc Lamps, situated at 24th st. Pipe Yard.

Every opportunity will be given to prospective bidders to examine the articles and materials at the places where they are stored, and bidders are invited to fully, inform themselves.

Further information, if desired, • may be had by inquiry at Room 2351, Municipal Building. Manhattan.

The sale of all lots will be as above stated at the Pipe Yard, Avenue A and 24th st., Manhat. tan, and in their numerical order.

TERMS OF SALE. The materials will be sold to the highest bid-

der on each lot number, per gross ton (2,240 pounds) or per pound when weight is given. No bid will be considered or accepted for less than the entire quantity in each lot.

The quantities shown in the schedule are only approximate and the net payment will be based on the actual weight determined by the City's representative on the City's scales on the prem-ises where sold, or, at the expense of the pur-chaser, on the nearest public scale. No scrap shall be removed except in the presence of the City's designated representative.

Successful bidders must make cash payment in bankable funds at the time and place of sale.

Purchasers must apply forty-eight hours in advance for permission to remove material.

The purchaser or purchasers must remove all the materials within thirty days after the sale; otherwise he or they will forfeit the money paid at the time of sale and the ownership of the material, which will thereafter be resold for the benefit of the City. The purchaser or purchasers must remove the material under the supervision of an employee of the Department designated by the Commissioner, and will not be allowed to select material for removal at will.

The right is reserved, until 12 noon, Tuesday, -January 2. 1917, to reject any or all bids.

WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Commissioner. d23,29

The bidder will state the price per unit of each item of work, materials or supplies contained in the specifications or schedules, by which the bide will be tested. The bids will be compared and award made to the lowest formal bidder in the aggregate or lump sum for all the items con-tained in the specifications and schedule of quantities.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications, approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2351, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Dated Dec, 20, 1916, d23,j5 WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Commissioner,

trSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Beeord."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity, at Room 2318, Municipal Building, Vanhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The amount of security required is thirty per cent. (30%) of tho total amount of the bid.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-half per cent. (1%%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. can be obtained at Room 2324, Municipal B'uildingi, Manhattan.

Dated Dec. 16, 1916. d19,30 W ILLI A M1 WILLIAM'S, Commissioner.

trSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, as and

Electricity, at Room 2318, Municipal Building, 1Vanhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The amount of security required is thirty per cent. (30%) of the total amount of the bid.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-half per cent. (1%%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2324, Municipal Building+, Manhattan.

Dated Dec. 16, 1916. d19,30 WILLIAM; WILLIAM'S, Commissioner.

t. See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity, at Room 2318, Municipal Building, Vanhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The amount of the security required is twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the total amount of the bid.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-quarter per cent. (1%%) of the total amount of the bid,

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can he obtained at Room 2324, Municipal Building+, Manhattan.

Dated Dec. 18, 1916. d19,30 WILLIAIO WILLIAMS, Commissioner.

tBSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity, at Room 2318, Municipal Buildira Vanhattan, until 11 a. m., on

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1916, Borough of The Bronx.


The amount of security required is twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the total amount of the bid.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-quarter per cent (1'4%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract. including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2324, Municipal B'uildingl, Manhattan.

Dated Dec. 16, 1916. d19,30 WILLIAM; WILLIAM'S, Commissioner.

8E-See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity, at Room 2318, Municipal Building, IVanhattan, until 11 a. in., on


AUTOMOBILES AND EQUIPMENT, The amount of security required is thirty per

cent. (30%) of the total amount of the bid. The amount of security deposit required is

one and one-half per cent. (1%%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2324, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Dated Dec. 16, 1916. d19,30 WILLIAM: WILLIAM'S, Commissioner.

221"See General Instructions to Bidden on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity, at Room 2318, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The amount of the security required is twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the amount of the bid.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-quarter per cent. (1%%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at. Room 2324, Municipal Building', Manhattan.

Dated Dec. 18, 1916. d19,30 WILLIAW WILLIAMS, Commissioner.

tries General Instrnotlens to Bidders on last page, bat column, of tho "(My Boma"



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE •received by the President of the Borou of

The Bronx, at his office, Municipal B Croton Park, Tremont and Third ayes., until 10.30 a. m., on



The time allowed for the performance of the contract is as directed during the year 1917.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract shall be thirty (30) per cent. of the total amount for which the contract is awarded.

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications or schedules herein 'contained or hereto annexed, per gallon, by which the bids will be tested. The bids will be compared and each contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for the contract.

Blank forms of bids or estimates upon which bids must be made can be obtained upon appli-cation therefor, the specifications may be seen and other information obtained at said office. d18,29 DOUGLAS MATHEWSON, President

12rSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

• 1


SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity at Room 2318, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on

TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1917, Borough of Manhattan.


The amount of security required is twenty-five per cent. (a%) of the total amount of the bid in each case.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-quarter per cent. (PA %) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2324, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Dated. Dec 26, 1916. d28,j9 WILLIAM WILLIAMS', Commissioner.

teSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED RIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, as and

Electricity at Room 2318, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The amount of security required is twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the total amount of the bid.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-quarter per cent. (1'4%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2324, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Dated. Dec. 26, 1916. d28,j9 WILLIAM WILLIAMS', Commissioner.

ir'See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity at Room 2318, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The amount of security required is twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the total amount of the bid.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-quarter per cent. (PA%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2324, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Dated, Dec. 27, 1916. d28,j9 WILLIAM WILLIAMS', Commissioner.

ir4See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Water Sup-

ply, Gas and Electricity, at Room 2351, Munici-pal Building, Manhattan, until 2 p. rn., on



The time for the performance of the contract is as follows:

Corporation cocks and cotton waste, before June 30, 1917.

Copper wire, thirty (30) consecutive calendar days.

The amount of security required is thirty (30) per cent. of the contract amount awarded.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom• panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1)0 per pent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2351, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Commissioner. Dated, Dec. 21, 1916. d23,j5 trSee General Instructions to Bidden on

last page, last column, of the "City Record." SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE

received by the Commissioner of Water Sup-ply, Gas and Electricity at Room 2351, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 2 p. rn., on

FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1917, Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. FOR FURNISHING, DELIVERING AND


The time allowed for doing and completing the entire work is-seventy-five (75) consecutive working days.

The amount in which security is required for the performance of the contract is Ten Thou-sand Dollars ($10,000).


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Bo of

quems at 4th Floor, (bum Subway B HuniersPoint and Van AM aves., L. L City, until 11 a. Ea., oa

FRIDAY, DEMO= 011, 1911, NO. 1, FOR THE corarRmnoN OF A


The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

901 linear feet 7' 6- reinforced concrete sewer. • 2,055 linear feet 7' 0" reinforced concrete

sewer. 62 linear feet 5' 0" reinforced concrete sewer. 303 linear feet 3' 9" plain concrete sewer. 354 linear feet 3' 6' plain concrete sewer. 488 linear feet 3' 0" plain concrete sewer. 516 linear feet 2' 6" plain concrete sewer. 265 linear feet 24-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 375 linear feet 22-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 265 linear feet 20-inch vit#fied ,pipe sewer. 9 linear feet 18-inch vitriW.. pipe sewer. 3 linear feet 15-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 222 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 85 six-inch spurs, 24 inches long, on concrete

sewer. 18 six-inch spurs on 24-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. 33 six-inch spurs on 22-inch vitrified pipe

sewer, 18 six-inch spurs on 20-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. 18 six-inch spurs on 12-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. 1,257 feet risers for house connections, includ-

ing Y's. 39 manholes, complete. 47 basin manholes (new type), complete. 68 inlets (new type), complete. 1,665 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe for basin

connections. 1,100 linear feet 10-inch vitrified pipe for basin

connections. 1,540 linear feet 6-inch vitrified pipe for house

connections. 1 chamber at Collins aye, and Adriatic at. 1 chamber at Fresh Pond rd. and Adriatic st. 1 chamber at Fresh Pond rd. and Winifred st. 1 chamber at Fresh Pond rd. and Metropoli-

tan ave. 1 chamber at Fresh Pond rd, and Ralph st. 1 drop chamber at Fresh Pond rd. near Adri-

atic st. 5,000 feet board measure timber for bracing

and L heet 5,000 feet board measure timber for founda-

tion. 500 pounds structural steel, exclusive of steel

shown on plan. 500 pounds reinforcing steel, exclusive of steel

shown on plan. 40 cubic yards Class "A" concrete, exclusive

of concrete shown on plan. 7,900 cubic yards displaced material for sewer

embankment. 2,350-linear feet of wooden fence. The time allowed for completing the above

work will be two hundred and fifty (2511) con-secutive working days.

The amount of security required will be Fifty-six Thousand ($56,000) Dollars.


The Engineer's estimate of the Quantities is as follows:

1,024 linear feet 3' 0" plain concrete sewer. 452 linear feet 24" vitrified pipe sewer, 260 linear feet 22" vitrified pipe sewer. 260 linear feet 18" vitrified pipe sewer. 760 linear feet 15" vitrified pipe sewer. 1,694 linear feet 12" vitrified pipe sewer. 35 manholes, complete. 16 basin manholes (new type), complete. 25 inlets (new type), complete. 500 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe for basin

connections. 375 linear feet 10-inch vitrified pipe for basin

connections. 58 six-inch spurs, 24 inches long, on concrete

sewers, 8 six-inch spurs on 24-inch vitrified pipe

sewers. 8 six-inch spurs .on 22-inch vitrified pipe

sewers. 8 six-inch spurs on 18-inch vitrified pipe

sewers. 38 six-inch spurs on 15-inch vitrified pipe

sewers. 92 six-inch spurs on 12-inch vitrified pipe

sewers. 800 linear feet 6-inch vitrified pipe for house

connections. 2,000 feet board measure timber for bracing

and sheet piling. 5 cubic yards, Class "A" concrete, exclusive

of concrete shown onplans. The time allowed for completing the above

work will be one hundred and fifty (150) con-secutive working days.

The amount of security required will be Ten Thousand ($10,000) Dollars.


The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

596 linear feet 15-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 2,057 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 21 manholes, complete. 37 six-inch spurs on 15-inch vitrified, pipe

sewer. 156 six-inch spurs on 12-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. 1,250 linear feet 6-inch vitrified pipe for

house connection drains. The time allowed for completing the above

work will be seventy-five (75) eowoecUtive work-ing days.

The amount of security reqgired will be Thirty-eight Rendred (833800) Dollars.


The Engineer's estimate 'of the quantities is

X49 49 linear feet 82''' vitrified' pips seller.


SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Commissioner of Water Supply, Gas and

Electricity at Room 2318, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. in., on



The amount of security required is twenty-five per cent. (25%) of the total amount of the bid in each case.

The amount of security deposit required is one and one-quarter per cent. (14%) of the total amount of the bid.

Blank forms of bid, proposals and contract, including specifications approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel, can be obtained at Room 2324, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

Dated, Dec 26, 1916. d28,j9 WILLIAM WILLIAMS', Commissioner.

it2fSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

ski 1

90 linear feet 20" vitrified pipe sewer. 267 linear feet 18" vitrified pipe sewer. 254 linear feet 15" vitrified pipe sewer, 528 linear feet 12" vitrified pipe sewer. 408 linear feet 12" vitrified pipe sewer, includ-

ing concrete cradle. 13 manholes, complete. 8 basin manholes (New Type), complete. 12 inlets (New Type),complete. 300 linear feet 12 vitrified pipe for basin

connections. 200 linear feet 10" vitrified pipe for basin

connections. 3 six-inch spurs on 22" vitrified pipe sewer. 1 six-inch spur on 20" vitrified plpe sewer. 20 six-inch spurs on 18" vitrified pipe sewer. 19 six-inch spurs on 15" vitrified pipe sewer. 79 six-inch spurs on 12" vitrified pipe sewer. 450 linear feet 6" vitrified pipe for house

connection drains. The time allowed for completing the above

-work will be sixty (60) consecutive working days.

The amount of security required will be Four Thousand ($4,000) Dollars.


The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

170 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe, fur-nished and laid, including concrete cradle.

1 manhole, complete. 14 six-inch spurs on 12-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. 64 linear feet 6-inch vitrified pipe, furnished

and laid. 250 cubic yards of rock, excavated and re-

moved. The time allowed for completing the above

work will be thirty (30) consecutive working-days.

The amount of security required will be Seven Hundred and Fifty ($750) Dollars.



The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

1,097 linear feet 22-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 700 linear feet 20-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 390 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 17 manholes, complete. 1 basin manhole (New Type), complete. 2 inlets (new type), complete. 30 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe for basin

connections. 30 linear feet 10-inch vitrified pipe for basin

connections. 68 six-inch spurs on 22-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. 41 six-inch spurs on 20-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. 36 six-inch spurs on 12-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. 464 linear feet 6-inch vitrified pipe for house

connection drains. The time allowed for completing the above

work will be sixty (60) consecutive working days.

The amount of security required will be Forty-six Hundred ($4,600) Dollars.


The Engineer's estimate of the quantities is as follows:

984 linear feet 12-inch vitrified pipe sewer. 8 manholes, complete. 47 six-inch spurs on 12-inch vitrified pipe

sewer. - 368 linear feet 6-inch vitrified pipe for house connection drains.

The time allowed for completing the above work will be thirty (30) consecutive working days.

The amount of security required will be Six-teen Hundred ($1,600) "Dollars.

The bidder must state the price of each item or article contained in the specification or sched-ule herein contained, or hereafter annexed, per square yard, lineal foot, or other unit of measure, by which bids will be tested. Bids will be compared and each contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum. Blank forms may be obtained, and the plans or drawings may be seen at the office of the President of the Bor-ough of Queens.

MA RICE E. CONNOLLY, President Dated Dec. 18, 1916. d18,29 ti-see General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Borough of

The Bronx, at his office, Municipal Crotona Park, Tremont ave. and 3rd ave., until 10.30 a. m., on



The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol-lows:


W. BRANNAN. M. D., President of Board of rustees.






Urges General Instreetlons to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "CH7 Record." except for the 'address of the elites for re-ceiving and opening bids.

Contract,` ifawarded, will be awarded to the lowest biddeF on each item.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be -in an amount not less than one and one-half per cent. (1%%) of the total amount of the bid.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a separate envelope.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies, Park ave. and 59th st., Man-hattan.

PATRICK JONES, Superintendent of School Supplies.

Dated, Dec. 27, 1916. d27,j9 &nee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Fire Department and the Park

Board at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 12.30 p. m., on


SOLID RUBBER TIRES. The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before Dec. 31, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1%) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will-be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be ac-cepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.



Vika General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received at the office of the Supervisor of

the City Record, Room 812, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. rn. on



The delivery shall be fully and entirely per-formed within one hundred and fifty (150) consecutive calendar days after the endorsement of the certificate of the Comptroller upon the executed contract. No bid will be considered unless it is accompanied by a deposit which shall be in an amount not less than 1% per cent. of the total amount of the bid. The amount of se-curity shall be thirty (30) per cent. of the amount of the bid.

The bidder must state the price of each item. The bids will be tested and the award made to the bidders whose bids are the lowest for each schedule.

The said Board reserves the right to reject all bids or estimates if it deems it to be for the interest of the City, so to do.

Delivery will be required to be made at the office of the Distributinn Division of the City Record, 96 and 98 Reade et.. from time to time and in such quantities as may be directed by the Supervisor of the City Record.

For particulars as to quantity and quality of the supplies or the nature and extent of the work, reference must be made to the specifi-cations, to be had at the office of the Super-visor.

TORN PURROY'MITCHEL, Mayor: LAWAR HARDY. Corporation Counsel; WILLIAM' A. PRENDERGAST, Comptroller; Board of City Record.

Dated Dec. 15. 1916. d16,29 tiirSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last nage. last column, of the "City Record."


7,400 cubic yards earth excavation. 8,900 cubic yards rock excavation. 5,300 cubic yards filling 4,650 linear feet new Bluestone curb. 23,100 square feet two course concrete side-

walk (including maintenance for one year). 540 square feet new bridgestone. 50 cubic yards thy rubble masonry. 50 linear feet old vitrified pipe drains relaid. 1,000 feet Board Measure of timber, 100 linear feet of new guard rail. The time allowed for the full completion of

the work herein described will be 180 consecutive working days.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract will be eleven thousand ($11,000) dollars.


The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol-lows:

9,000 cubic yards of earth excavation. 300 cubic yards of rock excavation. 1.8,000 cubic yards of filling. 6,500 linear feet of new bluestone curb. 31,100 square feet of two course concrete side-

walk (including maintenance for one year). 5,140 square feet new bridgestone. 650 cubic yards dry rubble masonry. 25 cubic yards Class B concrete. 300 linear feet of vitrified pipe drains. 12

inches in diameter. 1,000 feet Board Measure timber. 1,600 linear feet new nuard rail. 6 Receiving basins, Type B. 25 cubic yards brick masonry. The time allowed for the full completion of

the work herein described will be 150 consecu-tive working days.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract will be twelve Thou-sand ($12,000) dollars.


The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol-lows:

256 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 30-inch. 266 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 24-inch. 3 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 18-inch. 6 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 15-inch. 30 linear feet of basin connections. 25 linear feet of vitrified pipe drains, 12-inch

to 24-inch. 26 spurs for house connections. 6 manholes. 2 receiving basins, Type B. 50 cubic yards of rock excavation. 210 cubic yards of Class C concrete. 10,500 pounds of steel reinforcement bars. 5,000 feet (Board Measure) of timber. 35,000 feet (Board Measure) of timber sheet-

ing. 6,600 linear feet of piles. The time allowed for the full completion of

the work herein described will be 100 consecu- tive working days.

The amount of security required for the per- formance of the contract will be Thirty-five Hundred ($3,500} dollars.

695 linear feet of vitrified segment block sewer. 3' 6" diameter.

101 linear feet of vitrified segment block sewer, 3' 3" diameter.

538 linear feet of vitrified segment block sewer, 3' 0" diameter.

53 linear feet of vitrified segment block sewer, 38" x 50", eggahape.

54 linear feet of vitrified segment block sewer, 32" x 44", e:ggshape.

624 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 30-inch. 698 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 18-inch. 560 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 15-inch. 1,741 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 12-

inch. 405 linear feet of basin connections. 300 linear feet of vitrified pipe drains, 12-inch

to 24-inch. 1,010 spurs for house connections, 900 linear feet of risers. 93 manholes. 18 receiving basins, Type B. 2,850 cubic yards of rock excavation. 150 cubic yards of Class B concrete. 325 cubic yards of Class C concrete. 6,000 pounds of steel reinforcement bars, 10,000 feet (Board Measure) of timber sheet-

ing. 1 overflow chamber. Bidders may bid upon one proposition or upon

both propositions. The time allowed for the full completion of

the work herein described will be 350 consecu-tive working days.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract will be sixty Thousand ($60.000) dollars,

Whether a bidder bids upon one proposition or upon both propositions, the person or persons making such bid or bids will be required to de-posit only one certified cheek or sum of money equal to five per cent. of the amount of security required.

The bidder must state a price for each item or article contained in the Engineer's estimate, per foot, yard, pound or other unit of measure or article, by which the bid will be tested. Each contract, if awarded, will be awarded for the whole work at a lump or aggregate sum, except that the last described contract will, if awarded, be awarded to the lowest of all bids received on both propositions.

Blank forms of bids or estimates upon which bids must be made can be obtained noon appli-cation therefor, the plans and specifications may be seen and other information obtained at said office. DOUGLAS MATHEWSON, President.

d15,28 t'See General Instructions to Bidders on

Nat "are. Nat column. of the "City Record."


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Correction

at Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 11 a. in., on



The time for the completion fo the work and the full performance of the contract is by or before forty consecutive working days.

The amount of security required is thirty (30) per cent of the amount of bid or estimate, and the amount of deposit with the bid is one and one-half (154%) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

Bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

Blank forme and further information may be obtained and the plans and drawings may be seen at the office of the Department of Correc-tion. Manhattan, Municipal Building, Manhat-tan.

BURDET'TE G. LEWIS. Commissioner of Correction. d18,29

Mee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column. of the "City Record."


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Superintendent of School

Supplies at the office of the Department of Education, Park ave. and 59th et., Manhattan, until 11 a. in., on



The time for the performance of the contract is by or before Dec. 31, 1917.

The amount of security required for the faith-ful performance of the contract is thirty (30%) per cent. of the amount of the contract.

The bidder will state the price of each 'item set forth in the Proposals for bids herein, per hour, by which the bids will be tested.


The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol-lows:

272 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 15-inch. 273 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 12-inch. 10 linear feet of vitrified pipe drains, 12-inch

to 24-inch, 82 spurs for house connections. 6 manholes. 50 cubic yards of rock excavation. 40 cubic yards of Class C concrete. 1,000 feet (Board Measure) of timber sheeting. The time allowed for the full completion of

the work herein described will be 50 consecutive working days,

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract will be Twelve Hundred ($1,200) Dollars.


The Engineer's estimate of the work is as fol-lows:

Proposition A. 10 linear feet of concrete sewer, 8' 0* x 6' 0". 584 linear feet of concrete sewer, 7' 3" x 6' 6", 378 linear feet of concrete sewer, 6' 9" x 6' 6". 19 linear feet of concrete sewer, 7' 0" x 6' 0". 950 linear feet of concrete sewer, 6' 3" x 6' 6". 587 linear feet of concrete sewer, 5' 0" x 6' 0". 433 linear feet of concrete sewer, 3' 9" x 5' 8". 1,943 linear feet of concrete sewer, 4' 3" di-

ameter. 648 linear feet

ameter. 695 linear feet of concrete sewer, 3' 6" di-

ameter. 101 linear feet of concrete sewer, 3' 3" di:

ameter. 538 linear feet of concrete sewer, 3' 0" di-

ameter. 53 linear feet of concrete sewer, 38" x 50",

Eggshape. 54 linear feet of concrete sewer, 32" x 44",

Eggshape. 624 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 30-inch. 698 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 18-inch. 560 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 15-inch. 1,741 linear feet of vitrified pipe sewer, 12-

inch. 405 linear feet of basin connections. 300 linear feet of vitrified pipe drains, 12-inch

to 24-inch. 1,010 spurs for house connections. 900 linear feet of risers. 93 manholes. 18 receiving basins, Type B. 2,850 cubic yards of rock excavation. 150 cubic yards of Class B concrete. 325 cubic yards of Class C concrete. 6,000 pounds of steel reinforcement bars. 10,000 feet (Board Measure) of timber sheet-

ing. 1 overflow chamber.

Proposition B, 10 linear feet of concrete sealer, 8' 0" x 6' 0". 584 linear feet of concrete sewer, 7' 3" x 6' 6" 378 linear feet of concrete sewer, 6' 9" x 6' 6". 19 linear feet of concrete sewer, 7' 0" x 6' 0". 950 linear feet of concrete sewer, 6' 3' x 6' 6". 587 linear feet of concrete sewer, 5' 0' x 6' 0". 433 linear feet of concrete sewer, 3' 9" x 5' 8'. 1,943 linear feet of vitrified segment block

sewer, 4' 3" diameter. 648 linear feet of vitrified segment block

sewer, 4' 0" diameter.


Proposals, •

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Departments of Fire, Public

Charities, and Water Supply, Gas and Electricity and the Park Board, at the office of the Cen-tral Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, - Manhattan, until 12.30 p. ro.

' on


LEATHER AND SADDLERY. The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before June 30, 1917. The amount, of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (150 per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and rooted up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man• hattan.





trelee General Instructions to Bidden on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the oflice for re-ceiving and opening bids.



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Bellevue and Allied Hospitals

and the Departments of Fue, Plant and Struc• tures, Water Supply, Gas and Electricity and Street Cleaning and the Park Board at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 2.30 p. m. on


LUMBER. The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before June 30, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1)4) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be ac-cepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Mem batten.


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Superintendent of School

Buildings, at the office of the Department of Education, Park ave. and 59tk st., Manhattan. until 11 a. m., on

MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1917, Borough of Brooklyn.


The time allowed to complete the whole work on each school will be ninety (90) consecutive working days, as provided in the contract,

The amount of security required is as fol-lows:

P. S. 12, $600; P. S. 42, $1,400; P. S. 43, $1,200; P. S. 75, $8,000; P. S. 98, $1,800; Office and Storage Building, $1,000.

The deposit accompanying bid on each school shall be five per cent. of the amount of security.

A separate proposal must be submitted for each school and separate awards will be made the reon.

Blank forms, plans and specifications may be obtained or seen at the office of the Superin-tendent, at Estimating Room, 9th floor, Hall of the Board of Education, Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan, and also at Branch Office, 131 Liv-ingston st., Brooklyn.

C. B, J. SNYDER, Superintendent of School Buildings.

Dated, Dec. 26, 1916. d26,18 grSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL RE received by the Superintendent of School

Buildings, at the office of the Department of Education, Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on

MONDAY. JANUARY 5, 1911, Borough of Queens.



The time allowed to complete the whole work on each school will be fiftv-five (55) con-secutive 'working days, as provided in the con-tract.

The amount of security required is as fol-lows:

P. S. 16, $800; P. S. 17. $200: P. S. 23. $300; P. S. 90, $600; Jamaica High School, $1,200.

The deposit accompanying bid on each school shall be five per cent. of the amount of se-curity.

A separate proposal must be submitted for each school and separate awards will be made thereon.

Blank forms, plans and snecifications may be obtained or seen at the office of the Superin-tendent, at Estimating Room, 9th floor, Hall of the Board of Education. Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan, and also at Branch Office, 69 Broad-way, Flushing. ()opens.

C. B. J. SNYDER, Superintendent of School Buildings,

Dated, Dec. 26, 1916. d26,j8 LB'See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILT. BE received by the Superintendent of School

Buildings, at the office of the Department of Education, Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on

MONDAY, JANUARY 8, 1917, Borough of The Bronx.


The time allowed to complete the whole work will be thirty (30) consecutive working days, as provided in the contract.

The amount of security required is One Thou-sand Dollars ($1,000).

The deposit accompanying bid shall be five per cent. of the amount of security.

Blank forms, plans and snecifications may be obtained or seen at the office of the Superin-tendent, at Estimating Room, 9th floor, Hall of the Board of Education, Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan.

C. B. J. SNYDER, Superintendent of School

Dated, Dec. 26, 1916. d26,j8 PrSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Superintendent of School Sup-

plies, at the office of the Department of Educa-tion, Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The value of the supplies to be delivered will be about $1,600,000.

Supplies are to be delivered in baskets and

lackages to all schools in the City of New York, ocated in the Boroughs of Manhattan, The

Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, at the time and in the manner and in such quantities as may be required.

All supplies must be delivered to the floors and rooms of the various school buildings, must be unpacked and assorted so that Principal and representatives may check same intelligently and itemized receipt presented the day of delivery, if possible, but not later than 9 a. m. on the day following.

Contractor will be requIred, when supplies are to be transferred from one school to another, to pack supplies in said school, transfer same and unpack them at the school or schools where they are delivered. •

The time for the completion and performance of the contract is from Jan 18, 1917, to Dec. 31, 1917, inclusive. The amount of security re-quired for the faithful performance of the con-tract is: For entire contract, Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000); for extra trucks or auto-trucks, Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for each item.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than five (5%) per cent. of the total amount of the security required.


of concrete sewer, 4' 0" di-

The bidder will write out the amount of his bid, in addition to inserting the same in figures. Award of contract, if made, will be made to the lowest bidder on each item who proves to the satisfaction of the Committee on Supplies that he can do the work.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a separate envelope.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained in the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies, Board of Education, Park ave. and 59th st., Manhattan.

PATRICK JONES, Superintendent of School Supplies,

Dated, Dec. 22. 1916. (1230 iffirtilee General. Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Superintendent of School Sup-

plies at the office of the Department of Educa-tion, Park ave. and 59th st.„ Manhattan, until 11 a. m., on



The time for the performance of the contract is prior to Dee. 31, 1917.

The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract is thirty (30%) per cent. of the amount of the contract.

No bid will be considered unless it is ac-companied by a deposit. .Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half per cent. (154%) of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder may quote on conveyance other than by stage. If by stas, the price per stage per day must be quoted. If by motor vehicle, the price per vehicle per day must be quoted and the type of vehicle stated. If by trolley or other conveyance. the price per pupil per day and the manner in which it is intended to convey the pupils must be stated. If it is intended to con-vey by special car over a particular route, the mice per special car per day must be stated, and such other information must be furnished as will enable the Committee on Supplies to reach a proper determination.

In the event of a school or schools being closed the contract shall be terminated as to that school or schools.

Contract, if awarded, will be awarded to the lowest bidder.

The Board of Education reserves the right to award the contract as a whole for the Boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond, or to award it separately for the Boroughs of Manhattan. The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens or Richmond, or item by item, if deemed to be for the best interest of the City.

The Board of Education reserves the right to reject all bids on each or all items, if deemed to be for the best interest of the City.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a separate envelope.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies, Board of Education, Manhattan, Park ave. and 59th st. Manhattan.

PATRICK JONES, Superintendent of School Supplies.

Dated Dec. 16. 1916. d16,29 See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. HAVEN Emu-sort, Commissioner,


POLICE DEPARTMENT, -Amine WOODS, Commissioner.




PARK BOARD, CABOT WARD. President; RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, THOMAS W. WHITTLE and JoHN E. Wain. Commissioners. d15,28

tiirSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Bellevue and Allied Hospitals

and the Departments of Fire. Police, Health, Street Cleaning, Water Su_pply,Gas & Elec-tricity, Correction, Public Charities and Plant and Structures, and the Park Board, at the Office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 12.30 p. m., on


FORAGE, The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before April 30, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be an amount not less than one and one-half (134) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up. as the

bids will be read from the total and awards, if made. made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Superintendent of School Sup-

plies, at the office of the Department of Educa-tion, Park ave. and 59th st., Manlrakan, until 11 a. m. on



The time for the delivery of the articles, ma-terials and supplies and the performance of the contract is by or before December 31, 1917.

The amount of security required for the faith-ful performance of the contract is thirty (30%) per cent. of the amount of the contract.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half per cent. (1%2%) of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the specifications and sched-ules herein contained or hereto annexed, per item, pound, dozen. gallon, yard or other unit of measure, by which the bids will be tested.

Award, if made, will be made to the lowest bidder on each item.

Delivery will be required to be made at the time and in the manner and in such quantities as may be directed.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each in a separate envelope.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Superintendent of School Supplies, Department of Education, Man-hattan, Park ave. and 59th at., Manhattan.

PATRICK JONES, Superintendent of School Supplies.

Dated Dec. 15, 1916. d15,28 0See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Bellevue and Allied Hospitals

and the Departments of Public Charities, Health, Fire, Police, Plant and Structures, Water Sup-ply, Gas and Electricity, Correction and Street Cleaning and the Park Board, at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 2.30 p. m., on


GASOLENE AND KEROSENE. The time for the performance of the con-

tract is on or before March 31, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1%) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per 'unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purcham. Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.



APARTIOENT OF CORRECTION, Buenerrit r Lewis, Commissioner.


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Bellevue and Allied Hospitals

and the Departments of Fire, Plant and Struc-tures, Public Charities, Water Supply, Gas & Electricity, Correction and Street Cleaning and the Park Board at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 12.30 p. m., on



The time for the performance of the contract is on or before March 31, 1917.

The amount of security required is thirty (30) per cent. of the contract amount awarded.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom• panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1%) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No hid will be accepted unless thisprovision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.

BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS, Jon. t-t W. BRANNAN, M. D., President, Board of Trustees.








t2rSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.


Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.







BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS, Jolts W. BRANNAN, President, M. D., Board of Trustees.




Cr See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.




SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES' WILL BE received by the Fire Commissioner at his

office, 11th floor, Municipal Building, Manhat-tan, until 10.30 a. m., on


ONE MOTOR-DRIVEN WRECKING TRUCK. The time allowed for the performance of the

contract is ninety (90) consecutive calendar days.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract is fifty ner cent. (50%) of the amount of the bid or estimate.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit, which shall be in the form of money. or a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or corporate stock or certificates of indebtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York and approved by the Comptroller as of equal

That the following be and the same hereby are adopted as the specifications of the Fire Depart-ment for siamese steamer connections for use on standpipe (fire line) and automatic sprinkler systems, to take effect on and after Feb. 1, 1917: Specifications for siamese steamer connec-

tions for use on standpipe (fire line) and automatic sprinkler systems. 1. Body of siamese may be of cast iron, cast

steel, brass or any other suitable metals of suf-ficient strength to comply with item No. 8, All movable parts, clappers and swivels, and all bolts, washers, nuts, screws and pin bearings, and all swivel bearings, must be of non-cor-rodable metal,

2. Clapper valve seats must be made of non-corrodable meta! and must be machined to give a tight seat for clapper valves.

3. Each inlet to siamese must be provided with clapper valve machined to a true face. Single clapper siamese connections will not be permitted.

4. Inside diameter of valve seat must not be less than inside diameter of hose coupling. The area of waterway beyond the valve seats shall not be less than the combined area of waterway through the two valve seats! Area of waterway of inlets must not be reduced by clap-pers when in position of maximum opening.

5. Clappers must be so hung that, when siamese connection is placed in a horizontal po-sition, the clappers will be seated.

6. Swivels, attached to the body of the siam-ese by means of a collar expanded cold or screwed into body of siamese, or with other bearing surface extending entirely around open-ing and exerting uniform shear, will be ap-proved if giving a strength sufficient to meet item No. 8.

7. Clapper valves must be of such design and area that a pressure of 100 pounds on the standpipe side will not prevent their opening when the pressure is 150 pounds on the steamer side. They must be so hung that with a dis-continuance of flow into the Siamese through that inlet, the valve will close, and that it will not close where there is an inward flow and the pressure on the inlet side is five pounds, or more, greater than the standpipe pressure.

8. Siamese connections must stand a pressure test of 500 pounds for thirty minutes and not distort.

9. Clapper valves must be reasonably tight for any pressure on standpipe side up to 300 pounds.

10. Approved caps or plugs must be pro-vided to protect the thread of inlets.

11. The inlet swivels to siamese connections shall be provided with threads to fit the Fire Department hose.

Resolution of the Board of Standards, passed Dec, 14, 1916. d28

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Departments of Fire, Water

Supply, Gas and Electricity and Street Cleaning, and the Park Board, at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 12.30 p. m., on


HOSE AND HOSE FITTINGS. The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before March 31, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall he in an amount not less than one and one-half (1%) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called f dr in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, 'made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.




PARK BOARD, Calm WARD, President; RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, THOMAS W. WHITTLE and JOHN E. WEIER, Commissioners. d21,j4

tirSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.




value with the security required, Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than two and one-half (254) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price of the truck described in the specifications.

The award, if made, will be to the lowest bidder.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate. Blank forms and further information may be

obtained at the office of the Fire Department, 11th floor, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

ROBERT ADAMSON, Fire Commissioner, d20,j3

&nee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Fire Department at the office

of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 2.30 p. m., on


KINDLING WOOD. The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before Dec. 31, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (Is) per cent, of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made,made to the lowest bidder on each item, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.


ex See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Fire Commissioner at his

office, 11th floor, Municipal Building, Manhat-tan. until 10.30 a. m., on


AND MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR RE-MOVING MANURE, STRAW, STABLE WASTE, ETC., FROM THE QUARTERS OF ENGINE COMPANIES NOS. 41, 43, 45, 46, 48, 60, 61, 62, 63, 68, 71, 73, 75, 79, 81, 82, 83, 88, 90 AND HOOK AND LADDER COM-PANIES NOS. 17, 19, 27, 31, 33, 37, 38 AND 41, BOROUGH OF THE BRONX.

The time for doing and completing the work will be one year ending Dec. 31, 1917.

No bid will be considered unless it is ac-companied by a deposit, which shall be in the form of money, or a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comp-troller, or corporate stock or certificates of in-debtedness of any nature issued by the City of New York and approved by the Comptroller as of equal value with the security required. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (11/,) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract is thirty per centum (30%) of the amount of the bid or estimate.

Award, if made, will be to the lowest bidder for the entire contract. Contract will be pre-oared if the total of the award amounts to Five Hundred Dollars ($500) or more. Open mar ket orders will be issued if the award is less than Five Hundred Dollars ($500).

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Fire Department, 1 1 th floor. Municipal Building, Manhattan.

ROBERT ADAMSON, Fire Commissioner. ‘120,j3

it."4' See General Instructions to Bidders on last rare. lact column, of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Park Board at the office of

the Department of Parks, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 3 p. m.,

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1916, Borough of Manhattan,


The time allowed for doing and completing the work will be one hundred consecutive calendar days.

The amount of the bond for faithful perform. ance of contract will be One Thousand Dollars.

The security deposit with the bid is Fifty Dol-lars and must be in certified check or cash.

Bids will be compared and the contradt awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

Blank forms and other information may be ob-tained at the office of the Departfisent of Parks Room 1004. Municipal Building, lanhattan.


ftff'See General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Park Board at the office of the

Department of Parks, Municipal Building, Man-hattan, until 3 D.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1916, Borough of Manhattan.


The time allowed for doing and completing the work will be one hundred consecutive calendar days.

The amount of the bond for faithful perform-ance of contract will be Four Thousand Dollars.

The security deposit with the bid is Two Hun-dred Dollars and must be in certified check or cash.

Bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

Blank forms and other information may be ob-tained at the office of the Department of narks, Room 1004, Municipal Building, Manhattan.


thirSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Park Board, at the office of

the Department of Parks, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 3 p. in. on

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, ,1916, Borough of The Bronx.





The amount of security required is Five Hun-dred Dollars ($500).

The time allowed to complete the work will be thirty (30) consecutive working days.

Blank forms and other information may be ob-tained at the office of the Department of Parks, Bronx, Zbrowski Mansion, Claremont Park, Bronx.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

CABOT WARD President; RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, THOMAS W. WHITTLE. JOHN E. WE1ER, Commissioners of Parks. d15,28

girlie. General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column. of the "City Record."

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Park Board at the office of

the Department of Parks, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 3 p. in. on

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1918, Borough of Brooklyn.


The amount of security required is Four Hun-dred Dollars ($400).

The time allowed to complete the work will be one hundred and twenty-five (125) consecu-tive calendar days.

Certified check or cash in the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20) must accompany, bid.

Blank forms and other information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Parks, Brooklyn, Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park West and 5th st, Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

CABOT WARD, President; RAYMOND V. INGERSOLL, THOMAS W. WHITTLE, JOHN E. WEIER, Commissioners of Parks. d15,28

tSee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Borough of

Manhattan, at Room No. 2032, Municipal Build-ing, Manhattan, until 2 p. in., on



The time for the completion of the contract is until April 1, 1917.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract shall be 30% of the total amount for which, the contract is awarded.

The deposit required shall be in an amount of not less than 1%% of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price of each item• or article contained in the specfications or sched-ules herein contained or hereto annexed, pet foot, yard or other unit of measure or article by which the bids will be tested. The exten-sions must be made and footed up.

The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

Blank forms and specifications may be ob-tained at the office of the Auditor, offices of the Commissioner of Public Works, Room 2141, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

MARCUS M. MARKS, President. Dated, Dec. 22d, 1916. d22,j 5 itarSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Borough of

Richmond at his office, Borough Hall, New Brighton, S. I., until 12 noon. on

WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1917, Borough of Richmond.


The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and quality of the materials, and the nature and ex-tent, as near as possible, of the work required, is as follows:

1,100 cubic yards of excavation. 530 square yards of vitrified brick gutter, cons

plete. 100 cubic yards of concrete foundation. 1,450 linear feet of concrete curb, with steel

guard, constructed. 2,000 square feet of new concrete sidewalk,

constructed. 3,800 square feet of old sidewalk, relaid. 50 linear feet of roof leader drains, relaid. The time for the completion of the work and

the full performance of the contract is thirty (30) consecutive working days.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract is Fifteen Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($1,550), and the amount of deposit accompanying the bid shall be five (5) per cent. of the amount of security.

The bidder shall state the price of each item contained in the Engineer's estimate. The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum for the contract.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank form prepared by the President, a copy of which, with the proper en-velope in which to enclose the bid, can be ob-tained upon application therefor at the office of the Engineer, Bureau of Engineering. Borough Hall, St. George. S. I., where plans and the contract, including the specifications, in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel, may be seen and other information obtained.

CALVIN D. VAN NAME, President Dated Dec. 18,- 1916. d20,j3 ttSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record.°

SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the President of the Borough of

Richmond, at Borough Hall, St. George, New Brighton, S. I., until 12 noon, on

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, OK Borough of Richmond.



The Engineer's estimate of the quantity and quality of- the materials, and the nature and extent, as near u posaible, of the work required, is as follows:

3,200 square yards of gganite block pavement, complete.

630 cubic yards of concrete foundation. 600 cubic yards of filling, furnished, placed

and compacted. 2 cubic yards of reinforced concrete. 1,400 linear feet of new 5" x 16" bluestone

curb, furnished and set. 560 linear feet of bluestone header, set. 5,200 square feet of sidewalk, relaid. 60 square feet of concrete sidewalk, renewed. 100 linear feet of roof leader outlets, relaid. 80 square feet of 3-inch flagstone, furnished

and placed. The time for the completion of the work and

the full performance of the contract is one hun-dred (100) consecutive working de.

The amount of security required for the per-formance of the contract is Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000), and the amount of deposit ac-companying the bid shall be five (5) per cent, of the amount of security.

The bidder shall state the price of each item contained in the Engineer's estimate. The bids will be compared and the contract awarded at a lump or aggregate sum.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank form prepared by the President, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to enclose the bid can be ob-tained upon application therefor at the office of the Engineer, Bureau of Engineering, Borough Hall, St. George, S. I., *here plans and the contract, including the specifications. in the form approved by the Corporation Counsel may be seen and other information obtained.

CALVIN D. VAN NAME, President. New York, Dec. 13, 1916. d18,29 1;;JTSee General instructions to Bidders on

Fast page, , last column, of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Bellevue and Allied Hospitals

and the Departments of Public Charities, Cor-rection, Fire, Street Cleaning, and Water Supply, Gas and Electricity and the Park Board, at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 12.30 p. in., on



The time for the performance of the contract is on or before March 31. 1917.

The amount of security required is thirty (30) per cent. of the contract amount awarded.

No bid will be considered unless it is accom-panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1%) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be ac-cepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.

BELLEVUE AND ALLIED HOSPITALS. Joni./ W. BRANNAN, /sf. D., President, Board of Trustees.


DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION, Buil-DEM G. Lewis, Commissioner.




PARK BOARD, CABOT WARD. President; RAY-MOND V. INGERSOLL, THOMAS W. WHITTLE and Joux E. WEIER, Commissioners. d21,j4

trSee General Instructrons to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.


Invitation to Contractors.

Part of the Eastern Parkway Rapid Transit Rail-road.

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THE construction of Route No. 31, a part of the

Eastern Parkway Rapid Transit' Railroad, will be received by the Public Service Commission for the First District (hereinafter called the "Commission") on behalf of the City of New York, at the office of the Commission at No. 120 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City, until the 10th day of January, 1917, at eleven thirty (11:30) o'clock a. m., at which time and place or at a later date to be fixed by the Commission, the proposals will be publicly opened.

The said part to be constructed is to be a two-track elevated railroad, in the Borough of Brooklyn, extending over and along E. 98th at and Livonia ave., from President st. to New Lots ave.

The work to be done will include the care and support and, where necessary, the readjustment of buildings, vaults, sewers, pipes, railroads, poles and wires and other surface, subsurface and overhead structures, the maintenance of traffic and the restoration of pavements and other sur-faces.

The Contractor must complete the work within fifteen (15) months from the delivery of the contract.

A fuller description of the work and other re-quirements, provisions and specifications are given in the Information for Contractors and in the forms of contract, contract drawings, bond and contractor's proposal,. which are to be deemed a part of this Invitation, and copies of which may be inspected and purchased at said office of the Commission.

The receipt of bids will be subject to the re-quirements specified in said Information for Contractors.


THE FIRST DISTRICT, by Oscaa S. Sra.Us, Chairman.

JAMES WALKER, Secretary. d22,j10

Part of the Eastern Parkway' Rigid Transit Rail; • road.

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THE construction (exclusive of furnishing atm-

tural steel) of Route No. 31, a part_ of the East-ern Parkway Rapid Transit Railroad, will be re-ceived by the Public Service Commission for the First District (hereinafter called the "Com-mission") on behalf of The City of New York at the office of the Commission at No. 120 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan, New York City,. until the 10th day of January, 1917, at eleven thirty (11:30) o'clock a. m, at which time and place, or at a later date to be fixed by the Commission, the proposals will be publicly opened.

The said part to be constructed' is to be a two-track elevated railroad, in the Borough of Brooklyn, extending over and along E. 98th at. and Livonia ave., from President st to New Lots ave.

The Contractor will not be required to fur-nish structural steel. The City will furnish to the Contractor the structural steel which is to form a part of the completed Railroad. The Contractor shall receive, handle, transport and erect the structural steel supplied by the City, and shall furnish all other labor and materials for the construction of the Railroad.

The work to be done will include the care and support •and, where necessary, the read-justment of buildings, vaults, sewers, pipes, rail-roads, poles and wires and other surface, sub-surface and overhead structures, the maintenance of traffic and the restoration of pavements and other surfaces.

The Contractor must complete the work within fifteen (15) months from the delivery of the contract.

A fuller description of the work and other requirements, provisions and specifications ,are given in the Information for Contractors and in the forms of contract, contract drawings, bond and contractor's proposal, which are to be deemed a part of this Invitation, and copies of which may be inspected and purchased at said office of the Commission.

The receipt of bids will be subject to the re-quirements specified in said Information for Contractors.



JAMES B. WALKER, Secretary. d22,j10

For the Supply of Structural Steel for Use in the Construction of a Part of the Eastern Parkway Rapid Transit Railroad.

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS' FOR THE supply of structural steel for use in the con-

struction of a two-track elevated railroad known as Route No. 31, a part of the Eastern Parkway Rapid Transit Railroad, will be received by the Public Service Commission for the First Dis-trict (hereinafter called the "Commission") on behalf of The City of New York, at the office of the Commission at No. 120 Broadway, Bor-ough of Manhattan, New York City, until the 10th day of January, 1917, at eleven thirty (11:30) o'clock a. m., at which time and place, or at a later date to be fixed by the Commission, the proposals will be publicly opened.

The Contractor must be prepared to deliver the structural steel, or any part thereof, within nine (9) months after the drawings for such structural steel or such part thereof are fur-nished to the Contractor, and the Commission will furnish the drawings for all such structural steel to the Contractor within four (4) months after the delivery of the contract.

A fuller description of the structural steel and other requirements, provisions and specifications are given in the Information for Contractors and in the forms of contract and specifications, con-tract drawings, bond and contractor's proposal, which are to be deemed a part of this Invitation, and copies of which may be inspected and pur-chased at said office of the Commission.

The receipt of bids will be subject to the re-quirements speCified in said Information for Contractors.



JAMES B. WALKER, Secretary. d22,j10

For The Station Finish Work For Part Of The Seventh Avenue-Lexington Avenue Rapid Transit Railroad.

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THE construction of station finish for nine (9)

stations on the Seventh Avenue-Lexington Ave-nue Rapid Transit Railroad in the Borough of Manhattan will be received by the Public Service Commission for the First District (hereinafter called the "Commission") at the office of the Commission at No 120 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan. New York City. until the 28th day of December, 1916, at eleven thirty (11:30) o'clock a. in., at which time and place or at a later date to be fixed by the Commission the proposals will be publicly opened.

The stations for which said station finish is to be provided are nine (9) stations on that part of the Seventh Avenue-Lexington Avenue Rapid Transit Railroad beginning' under Battery Park at the connection with the existing Brooklyn-Manhattan Rapid Transit Railroad at South Ferry, and extending thence northerly under Battery Park, Greenwich at., West Broadway, Varick st., Seventh Avenue Extension and Seventh ave. to a point in Seventh ave. about seventy-nine (79) feet north of the northerly building line of W. 16th at.

The work to be done will also include other finish work along the line of the Railroad.

The Contractor must begin work within thirty (30) days after the delivery of the contract on such station or stations or other parts of said Railroad as the Engineer of the Commission may direct and shall begin wor,k on any of the re-maining stations or other parts of said Railroad within ten (10) days after notice and shall com-plete all work within six (6) months from the delivery of the contract, except as otherwise pro-vided in the form of contract.

A fuller description of the work and other requirements, provisions and specifications are given in the Information for Contractors and in the form of contract, contract drawings, bond and Contractor's proposal, which are to be deemed a part of this invitation and copies of which may be inspected and purchased at said office of the Commission.

The receipt of bids will be subject to the re-quirements specified in said Information for Con-tractors.


THE FIRST DISTRICT, By Oscan S. Sinus, Chairman.

JAMES B. WALICER, Secretary. d13,28

For The Station Finish Work For Part of The Seventh Avettne-Lesingtos Avenge Rapid Transit Railroad.

SEALED BIDS OR PROPOSALS FOR THE construction of. station finish for six (6) sta-

tions on the Seventh Avenue-Lexington Avenue Rapid Transit Railroad' in the Borough of The Bronx will be received by the Public Service Commiseton for the First District thereinafter called the "Commission") at the office of the Commission at No. 120 Broadway Sum* of Manhattan, New York City, _until' the 3rd day of January, 1917, at eleven thirty (I1;30) OVOCk a. m., at which time and place or at a later date

'to be fixed by the Conunission the proposals will be publicly opened.

The stations for which said station finish is to be provided are six (6) stations on that part of the Seventh Avenue-Lexington Avenue Rapid Transit Railroad beginning at a point under E. 138th st, about one hundred and fifty (150) feet east of the centre line of Alexander ave. and extending thence under E. 138th st private property, Southern Boulevard, Hunt's Point rd., the Public Park, Dongan st. and Whitlock ave. to a point over Whitlock ave., about one hundred and thirty (130) feet south of the southerly building line of Bancroft st

The work to be done will also include other finish -work along the line of the Railroad.

The Contractor must begin work within thirty (30) days after the delivery of the contract on such station or stations or other parts of said Railroad as the Engineer of the Commission may direct, and shall begin work on any of the remaining stations or other parts of said Rail-road within ten (10) days after notice and shall complete all work within six (6) months from the delivery of the contract, except as otherwise provided in the form of contract.

A fuller description of the work and other requirements, provisions and specifications are given in the Information for Contractors and in the form of contract, contract drawings, bond and Contractor's Proposal, which are to be deemed a part of this invitation and copies of which may be inspected and purchased at said office of the Commission.

The receipt of bids will be subject to the re-quirements specified in said Information for Contractors.



JAMES B. WALKER, Secretary. d8,13



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Departments of Public Chari-

ties, Police, and Plant and Structures and the Park Board, at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 12.30 p. m., on


COAL. The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before March 31, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half 03') per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with,

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.





It General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Fire Department, Department

of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity and the Park Board, at the office of the Central Pur-chase Committee, Room 1220. Municipal Build-ing, Manhattan, until 2.30 p. in., on


BATTERIES AND SPARK PLUGS, The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before March 31, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit, Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1%) per cent. of the total amount of the hid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, klunicipal Building, Man-hattan.




Sallee General Instructions to Bidders on last page; last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of .the ogee for re-ceiving and opening bids.



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Board of Health of the Deiart-

meat of Health,. Centre and Walker its., Man-hattan. until 10.30 a. an., on



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BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. New YOrk, Nov. V:m/.9Af.


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plan of The City of New York so as to change the grade of Anderson avenue between Jerome avenue and West 162nd street, Borough of The Bronx, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such proposed change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set torth and described in the following resolu-tions adopted by the Board on December 8, 1916 (Cal. No. 225), notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, deem-ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grade of Anderson avenue between Jerome avenue and West 162nd street, Borough of The Bronx, which proposed change is more particularly shown upon a map or plan bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated May 3, 1916.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-sons affected thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the City Record for ten days con-tinuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted prior to the 5th day of January, 1917.

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Board of Estimate

and Apportionment, Municipal Building. Tele- phone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The

City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to change the grade of University avenue between a point about 920 feet south of West 174th street and a point about 120 feet north of West 174th street; of West 174th street between Montgomery avenue and University avenue; of Featherbed Lane between Nelson avenue and University ave-nue; and of Plimpton avenue between West 172nd street and Featherbed Lane; and to lay out a Public Park at the junction of Featherbed Lane with University avenue, Borough of The Bronx, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which such proposed change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolu-tions adopted by the Board on December 8, 1916 I Cal. No. 226), notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended. deem-ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grade of University ave-nue between a point about 920 feet south of West 174th street and a point about 120 feet north of West 174th street; of West 174th street between Montgomery avenue and University avenue ; of Featherbed Lane between Nelson aye nue and University avenue; and of Plimpton avenue between West 172nd street and Feather-bed Lane; and by laying out a Public Park at the junction of Featherbed Lone with University Avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, which proposed change is more particularly shown upon a map or plan bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated September 13, 1916.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. no.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per sons affected thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the City Record for ten days con-tinuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 5th day of January, 1917.

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Board of Estimate

and Apportionment, Municipal Building. Tele- phone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The

City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to change the grades of Beach 123rd street (Columbus ave-nue) between Beach Channel Drive and Ocean Promenade, and the grades of Newport avenue and Rockaway Beach Boulevard between Beach 122nd street and Beach 124th street, Borough of Queens. and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council Chamber, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan City of New York, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. in., at which such proposed change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolu-tions adopted by the Board on December 8, 1916 (Cal. No. 229), notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 442 of' the Greater New York Charter, as amended. deem-ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the grades of Beach 123rd street (Columbus avenue) between Beach Chan. nel Drive and Ocean Promenade, and the grades of Newport avenue and Rockaway Beach Boule-vard between Beach 122nd street and Beach 124th street, Borough of Queens, which proposed change is more particularly shown upon a map or plan bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated April 10, 1916.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall. Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. tn.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per sons affected thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the City Record for ten days con tenuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted prior to the 5th day of January, 1917.

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Board of Estimate

and Apportionment, Municipal Building. Tele- phone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3


No bond will be required with the bid, but will be required upon awarding of the contract. in an amount equal to thirty (30%) per cent. of contract.

The bid, however, must be accompanied by a deposit of an amount of not less than 1% per cent, of the amount of the bid.

Bids will be compared and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder on each item.

Blank forms for the above and further infor mation ma be obtained at the office of the Chief Clerk, Department of Health, Centre and Walker sts., Manhattan.

HAVEN EMERSON, M. D. President: A. E. SHIPLEY, M. D., Secretary pro tem.

Dated Dec. 4, 1916. d16,28 tif See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record." SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE

received by the Board of Health of the Depart-ment of Health, Centre and Walker sts., Man-hattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract will be sixty (60) consecutive working days.

The bid, however, must be accompanied by a deposit of an amount of not less than 234 per cent. of the amount of the bid.

Bids will be compared and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder on the entire con-tract.

Plans may be seen and blank forms for the above work and further information may be ob-tained at the office of the Chief Clerk of the Department of Health, Centre and Walker sts., Manhattan.

HAVEN EMERSON, M. D., President; A. E. SHIPLEY, M. D., Secretary pro tem.

Dated Dec. 15, 1916. d16,28 it..47See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record." SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE

received by the Board of Health of the Depart-ment of Health, Centre and Walker sts., Man-hattan, until 10.30 a. m., on



The time for the completion of the work and the full performance of the contract will be sixty (60) consecutive working days.

The bid, however, must be accompanied by a deposit of an amount of not less than 236 per cent. of the amount of the bid.

Bids will be compared and the contract awarded to the lowest bidder on the entire con-tract.

Plans may be seen and blank forms for the above work and further information may be ob-tained at the office of the Chief Clerk of the Department of Health, Centre and Walker sts., Manhattan.

HAVEN EMERSON, M. D.. President; A. E. SMInEy, M. D., Secretary pro tem.

Dated Dec. 15, 1916. d16,28 it:FSee General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."


Notices of Public Hearings.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment held on December 22, 1916 (Cal. No. 3), the Board continued until January 5, 1917, the hearing in the matter of changing the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the lines and grades of 5th street from Smith street to the Bulkhead of the Gowanus Canal, Borough of Brooklyn, which proposed change is more particularly shown upon a map or plan bearing the signature of the Commis-sioner of Public Works of the Borough and dated April 14, 1915.

The hearing will be held in Room 16, City Ball, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10:30 o'clock a. m.

Dated, December 26, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Municipal Build-

ing. Telephone, 4560 Worth. d26,j5 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE

Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York so as to change the lines and grades of the street system within the territory bounded by Metropolitan avenue, the west branch of Newtown Creek, Newtown Creek, Grand street and Gardner avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old Council-Chamber,

' Janu-


Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York on Friday, anu- ary 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at which suchproposed change will be considered by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolutions adopted by the Board on December 8, 1916 (Cal. No. 224), notice of the adoption of which is hereby given, viz,:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended. deem-ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the lines and grades of the street system within the territory bounded by Netropolitan avenue, the west branch of New- town Creek, Newtown Creek, Grand street and Gardner avenue, Borough of Brooklyn, which proposed change is more particularly shown upon a map or plan bearing the signature of the Com-missioner of Public Works of die Borough and dated May 24, 1916.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a meeting of the Bbard to be held in the City Hall, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York, on Friday, the 5th day of January, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock• a. m.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-sons affected thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to be published in the City Record and the corporation newspapers for ten days continuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the Sth day of January, 1917.

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Municipal Build-

ing. Telephone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE

Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The

City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map of plan of The City .of New York so as to change the block dimensions on the southerly side of Liberty avenue between Lefferts avenue and Church street, Borough of Queens, and that a meeting of said Board will be held in the Old

Council Chamber_, City Hall, Borough of Mtn-hattan, City of New York, en FM*, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., at.wW.b such pro-posed change will be considaW by said Board; all of which is more particularly set forth and described in the following resolutions adopted by the Board on December 8

i 1916 (Cal. No. 230),

notice of the adoption of which is hereby given. viz.:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of The City of New York, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 442 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended. deem-ing it for the public interest so to do, proposes to change the map or plan of The City of New York by changing the block dimensions on the southerly side of Liberty avenue between Lef-ferts avenue and Church street,. Borough of Queens, which proposed change is more par ticularly shown upon a map or plan bearing the signature of the President of the Borough and dated November 12, 1915.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed change at a meeting of the Board to be held in the City Hall, Boiough of Manhattan, City of New York, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. in.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-sons affected thereby that the proposed change will be considered at a meeting of the Board to be held at the aforesaid time and place, to , published in the City Record for ten days con-tinuously, Sundays and legal holidays excepted, prior to the 5th day of January, 1917.

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Board of Estimate

and Apportionment, Municipal Building. Tele- phone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment held on December 8, 1916 (Cal. No, 232), the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac-quire title to the real property required for the opening and extending of Scnbner avenue from Balcom avenue to Eastern Boulevard, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor. tionment is authorized and required at the time

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment held on December 8, 1916 (Cal. No. 231), the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac-quire title to the real property required for the opening and extending of East 211th street from White Plains road to Barnes avenue, in the Borough of The Bronx, City of New York; and

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment is authorized and required at the time

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on Friday, January 5. 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment held on December 8, 1916 (Cal. No. 233), the following resolutions were adopted:

Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-tionment of The City of New York is considering the advisability of instituting proceedings to ac-quire title to the real property required for the opening and exending of Maurice avenue from Hanover avenue to Junction avenue; Horton street from Hanover avenue to Junction avenue; Ivy street from Hanover avenue to Junction ave-nue; Jennings street from Hanover avenue to Junction ovenue; and Lewis avenue from Han-over avenue to Junction avenue, in the Borough

Resolved, That That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Inlanhattan, in the City Hall, on Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. m., and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment held on December 8, 1916 (Cal. No 28), the following resolution was adopted:

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment hereby fixes Friday, January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. tn., and Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, as the time and place for a public hearing on proposed changes in Use District Map No. 6, by changing from a business district to an. unrestricted district the entire block frontage to a depth of 100 feet on the east side of Broadway betwen 133rd street and 134th street, Bm•o of Manhattan; and also by changing from a business district to

of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the real property required for the foregoing im-provement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said pro-ceedings.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the _provisions of Section 973 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, hereby gives notice that the pro-posed area of assessment for benefit in these pro- ceedings is as follows:

Beginning at a point on a line midway be-tween Scribner avenue and Gifford avenue where it is intersected by a line at right angles to Eastern Boulevard and passing throat* a point on its northwesterly line midway between Scrib-ner avenue and Swinton street and running thence southeastwardly along the said line at right angles to Eastern boulevard to the inter-section with the center line of Eastern Boulevard thence southwestwardly along the center line of Eastern Boulevard to the intersection with the prolongation of a line distant 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Scribner avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to Scribner avenue; thence west-wardly along the said line parallel with Scribner avenue and along the prolongations of the said line to the intersection with the westerly line of Balcom avenue; thence northwardly along the westerly line of Balcom avenue to the intersec-tion with the prolongation of a line midway be-tween Scribner avenue and Gifford avenue; thence eastwardly along the said line midway between Scribner avenue and Gifford avenue, and along the prolongation of the said line, to the point or lace of beginning.

Resolved, That this Board consider the pro-posed area of assessment at a meeting of the Board to be held in The City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, in the City Hall, on Friday, January 5. 1917, at 10.30 o'clock a. m.. and that at the same time and place a public hearing thereon will then and there be had.

Resolved, That the Secretary of this Board cause these resolutions and a notice to all per- sons affected thereby to be published in The CityRecord for ten days, exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, prior to Friday, January 5, 1917.

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Municipal Build-

ing. Telephone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3

of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the real property required for the foregoing im-provement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said pro-ceedings.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, in pursuance of the provisions of Section 973 of the Greater New York Chatter, as amended, hereby gives notice that the pro-posed area of assessment for benefit in these pro-ceedings is as shown on the following diagram:

cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-sons affected thereby to be published in The Lity Record for ten days, exclusive- of Sundays and legal holidays, prior to Friday, January 5, 1917.

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Municipal Build-

ing. Telephone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3

of__Queens, City of New York; and Whereas, The Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment is authorized and required at the time of the adoption of the resolution directing the institution of proceedings to acquire title to the real property required for the foregoing im-provement to fix and determine upon an area or areas of assessment for benefit for said pro-ceedings.

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment in pursuance of the provisions of Section 973 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, hereby gives notice that the pro-posed area of assessment for benefit in these pro-ceedingr is as shown on the following diagram:

cause these resolutions and a notice to all per-sons affected thereby to be published in The City Record for ten days. exclusive of Sundays and legal holidays, prior to Friday, January-5, 1917.

Dated December 21, 1916. •

JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Municipal Build-ing. Telephone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3

an unrestricted district the frontage on the south side of 133rd street between Broadway and Old Broadway, and extending 100 feet back from 133rd street

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Municipal Build-

ing. Telephone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT THE meeting of the Board of Estimate and Appor-

tionment held on December 8, 1916 (Cal. No. 11), the Board continued until January 5, 1917, the hearing in the matter of acquiring title to the real property required for the opening and extending of Rockaway Boulevard front Ederts



Lane to the Conduit; 82nd (Weymouth) street from Rockaway Boulevard to 95th (Chichester) avenue; 95th (Chichester) avenue from Rocka-way Boulevard to 82nd (Weymouth) street; 97th (Beaufort) avenue from Rockaway Boulevard to the westerly line of 84th (Digby) street; 84th (Digby) street from Rockaway Boulevard to 97th (Beaufort) avenue; 87th street (Benedict avenue) from Rockaway Boulevard to 101st (Jerome) avenue; 97th street (Hatch avenue) from Rockaway Boulevard to Liberty avenue; Roanoke avenue from Lawn avenue to Freedom avenue; Public Park bounded by 87th street (Benedict avenue), Rockaway Boulevard and 101st (Jerome) avenue; Public Park bounded by Rockaway Boulevard, Liberty avenue and 97th street (Hatch avenue); Public Park bounded by Rockaway Boulevard, Roanoke ave-nue and Freedom avenue, and Public Park bounded by Rockaway Boulevard, Suwanee ave-nue and Portland avenue, Borough of Queens, City of New York..

Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Ap-portionment, in pursuance of the provisions of the Greater New York Charter, as amended, hereby gives notice that the Board proposes to place 29% of the entire cost and expense of the proceeding upon the area of assessment desist nated as Zone "A" on the diagram incorporated in the resolution adopted by the Board on No-vember 10, 1916 (Cal. No. 106); 8.5% of such cost and expense upon the area of assessment designated as Zone "B" on the said diagram; and 62.5% of such cost and expense upon the area of assessment designated as Zone "C" on said diagram.

The diagram relating to the aforesaid proceed-ing appeared daily in the City Record from No-vember 24 to December 6, 1916.

Dated December 21, 1916. JOSEPH HAAG, Secretary, Municipal Build.

ing. Telephone, 4560 Worth. d21,j3 Notice of Public Bearing.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the public hearing on the suggestion of the

Committee on Franchises of this Board that a route from Central Park West by single track in 86th street to Amsterdam avenue; thence south on the existing tracks in Amsterdam avenue to 83rd street, "returning by single track in 83rd street to Central Park West and north on said street by the use of the existing tracks to Trans-verse road, as a possible alternate route in lieu of the route petitioned for bythe New York Railways Company for a franchise to construct, maintain and operate a double track street sur-face railway in West 86th street from Central Park West to Broadway, Borough of Manhat-tan, which hearing was, by resolution adopted November 24, 1916, fixed for December 8, 1916, and then continued until December 15, 1916, was continued until January 5, 1917, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon, in Room 16, City Hall, Borough of Manhattan, when and where all persons in-terested are invited to appear and be. heard.

JAMES D, McGANN, Assistant Secretary, Room 1307 Municipal Building, Borough of Man-hattan. Telephone, 4560 Worth.

Dated. New York. December 15. 1916. d18,j5


Notice to Present Claims for Damages. .

PUBLIC. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO all persons claiming to have been injured by

the grading of the following named streets, and the approaches to the same, to present their claims in writing to the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, Room 809, Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York, on or before Friday, Jan. 12, 1917, at 10 a. m. Claimants are re-quested to make then' claims for damages upon the blank forms prepared by the Board, of As-sessors, copies of which may be obtained upon application at the above office.

Borough of Manhattan. 5418. W. 151st st., from 7th ave. to Ma-

comb's pl. 5419. W. 171st St.. from Haven ave. to Ft.

Washington ave. 5442. Division st., No. 223; Cherry st., Nos.

32-38 and 454; Corlears st., No. 21; Sheriff st., No. 15; Lewis st., Nos. 173.175; 2nd st., No. 159; Lafayette st., No. 212; Spring st., Nos. 46 and 154; Essex st., No. 170; New Chambers st., Nos. 56-58; James Slip, No. 13; Oak st., No. 14; Baxter st., Nos. 125.127; E. 11th st., No. 309; E. 10th st., No. 440; E. 24th st., No. 17; E. 18th

, st., No. 402; 3rd ave., No, 422; E. 3rd st., Nos. 357-359; W. 17th st., No. 18; 1st ave., No. 695; Hudson st., Nos. 581-583, and W. 37th st., Nos. 514-520.

A103. Stanton st., from Tompkins st. to Lewis st.

A104. Liberty st„ from junction of Maiden Lane and Liberty st, to a point 40 feet east of William st.

A105. 49th st., from 189 feet west of Park ave. to 6th ave.

Borough of The Bronx. 5360. W. 180th st., from Davidson ave. to

Harrison ave.; and Harrison ave., Grand ave. and Davidson ave., from Burnside ave. to - W. 181st st.

5443. Union ave., southeast corner E. 151st st. Borough of Queens.

5420. Forest ave., from Halleck (Edsall) ave. to Myrtle ave., Second Ward.

5421. Payntar ave., from Sherman st. to Crescent st., First Ward.

5437, 48th st., from Jackson ave. to Polk ave., Second Ward.

5447. Rockaway Beach Boulevard (Washing. ton ave.), from Aditondack Boulevard to Beach 126th st. (Pelham ave.), Fifth Ward.

Borough of Richmond. 5426. Kissel ave., from Richmond Terrace to

Henderson ave. 5427. Amboy rd. east of Little Dublin rd. to

Highland ave. 5428. Colfax ave., from Railroad ave. to Eg•

bert st. 5429. Guyon ave., from the Staten Island

Railway tracks to Mill rd. 5432. South Railroad ave., from Colfax ave.

to Hamilton ave. 5433. Van Pelt ave., from Washington ave.

to the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad tracks.

5435. Fairmount ave., from Portland pl. to Brighton ave.

A106. Arrietta st., from SThyvcsant pl. to easterly terminus.

A107. Broadway, from Forest ave. to 1,200 feet southerly.

A108. Bush ave., from Richmond Terrace to the Staten Island Rapid Transit Railroad tracks.

A109. Clove rd., from Richmond Turnpike to Broadway.

A110. North st., from Richmond Terrace to its northerly terminus.

A111. Richmond Terrace, from Harbor rd. to Western ave.

A112. St. Mary's ave., from New York ave. to Tompkins ave.

A113. Third st., from Franklin ave. to Fair-view ave.

Borough of Brooklyn. 5399. E. 14th st., from Kings Highway to

Avenue U. 5422. Albany ave., No. 153; Amity st, Nos

80.82 and 184; Atlantic ave., No. 41; Bergen st., No. 11; Congress st, No. 175; Court st, No. 583; Cropsey ave., No. 1747; Dean st., No. 138A;

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO all persons claiming to have been injured by

the grading of the following named streets, and the approaches to the same, to present their claims, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, Room $09, Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York, on or before Friday, Dec. 29, 1916, at 10 a. in. Claimants are re-quested to make their claims for damages upon the blank forms prepared by the Board of As-sessors, copies of which may be obtained upon application at the above office:

Borough of The Bronx. 5367—E. 193rd st. from Webster ave. to De-

catur ave. 5368—Walton ave. from E. 183rd st. to E.

184th st. 5385—Anthony ave., easterly side, north of

E. 174th st. 5386—Faile st., from the bridge over the N.

Y., N. H. & H. R. R. to Garrison ave. 5387—Longfellow ave. from E. 174th st. to

Boston rd. Borough of Brooklyn.

5369—Avenue N from Coney Island ave. to E. 9th st.

5370—Avenue 0 from Coney Island ave. to E. 9th st.

5371—E. 21st st. from Church ave. to Albe marle rd.

5372-59th st. from 15th ave. to 16th ave. 5373-13th ave. from 57th st. to 58th st. 5374—Evergreen ave. from Chauncey st. to

Pilling st. 5376—Hinsdale st. from New Lots rd. to

Hegeman ave. 5377—Snediker ave. from New Lots rd. to

Riverdale ave. 5378—Avenue Q from Stillwell ave. to Kings

Highway. 5379—E. 12th st. from Ditmas ave. to New•

kirk ave. 5380-59th st. from 13th ave. to 14th ave. 5381—Congress st., Nos. 85-87; Baltic at.,

northwest corner Hicks st.; Degraw at., Nos. 74 and 223; First pl., No. 6; Sackett st, Nos. 188. 215 and 278; Strong pl., Nos. 61.63, and Union st., Nos. 104 and 149.

5382-54th st. from 15th ave. to 16th ave. 5384-20th ave. from 60th st. to 67th st. 5389-76th st. from 17th ave. to 18th ave. 5392—E. 34th st. from Church ave. to Snyder

ave. 5393—Elmore pl. from Avenue h2 to Ave.

nue N. 5394—Jackson (Benton) st. from Kingsland

ave. to Morgan ave. 5395—Robinson st. from Rogers ave. to Nos-

trand ave. 5397—Coffey st., No.194; Commerce et., No.

99; Conover st., No. 213; Fourth pl., No. 10; Hamilton ave., Nos. 197 and 213; Henry st., No. 672; Imlay st., Nos. 153-155; Nelson at., No. 87, and Van Dyke st., Nos. 175-179.

5398—Snediker ave. from New Lots aye. to Hegeman ave.; Howard ave., west side, from a point 27.5 feet north to a point 98.58 teet north of Atlantic ave.; New York ave., east side. from Carroll st. to a point about 120 feet southerly,. Liberty ave., south side, between Wyona at and Bradford st. and between Montauk ave. and Mil-ford st., and Ralph ave. between St. Johns pl. and Prospect p1.

A95—Broadway from Havemeyer g. to Patchen ave.

A96—Bay Ridge ave. from 122 feet east of 16th ave. to 153 ieet east of 17th ave., and 70th st. from 129 feet east of 16th ave. to 160 feet east of 17th ave.

A97—Bushwick ave. from Arson pl. to Myrtle ave.

A98—Flatbush ave. from Kings Highway to Avenue N,

A99—Bridge st. from Sands st, to Nassau at. A100--Cropsey ave. from 23rd ave. to Bay

37th st.; Harway ave. from Bay 37th st to Avenue Z, and W. 18th et. from Avenue Z to Coney Island Creek.


ST. GEORGE B. TUCKER. Secretary. Dec. 5, 1916. d5,7,12,14,19,21,26,28

fore Tuesday, Jan. 23, 1917, at 10 a. m., at which time find place the said objections will be heard and testimony received in reference thereto.


ST. GEORG' B. Tocw, Secretary. Dec. 23, 1916. d23,j 5

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the owner or owners of all houses and lots,

improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following proposed assessments have been completed and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for examination by all persons interested, viz.:

Borough of Manhattan. 5266—Regulating, grading, curbing,

etc,, Service St, on the east side of River, Drive from anoint about 585 feet north of W. 181st at. to W. 177th at.; W. 181st at. from Northern ave. to Riverside Drive; Haven ave. from W. 180th at. to W. 181st at., and Northern ave. from a point about 100 feet south to a point about 84 feet north of W. 181st at., to-gether with a list of awards for damages caused by a chaniie of grade. Affecting Blocks 2176 to 2180.

Borough of The Bronx. 5336—Regulating, grading, curbing, flagging,

etc., Ryer ave. from E. 184th st. to E. 187th st. Affecting Block 3152.

5390—Sewer and appurtenances in Fieldston rd. between a point 300 feet north of W. 250th st. and W. 254th st., and W. 254th at. between Fieldston rd. and the existing sewer east of Fieldston rd. Affecting Block 3421.

5391—Sewer and appurtenances in Gifford ave. between Bolcom ave. and Swinton ave. Affect-ing Blocks 5306 and 5307.

Borough of Brobklyn. 5317—Regulating, grading, curbing_ and flag-

ging E. 40th st. from Church ave. to Snyder ave. Affecting Blocks 4893 and 4894.

5321—Regulating, Paving and Curbing Roch-ester ave. from President at. to Eastern Park-way. Affecting Blocks 1397, 1398 and 1403.

5323—Paving Sutter ave. from E. 98th st to Howard ave. Affecting Blocks 3508 to 3511 and 3530 to 3533.

5349—Paving President st. from Nostrand ave. to Rogers ave. Affecting Blocks 1275 and 1282.

5351—Replating, paving, curbing and flagging Union st. from Utica aye. to Schenectady ave. Affecting Blocks 1396 and 1402.

5354—Paving Kenmore pl. from Avenue G to a line 520 feet southerly therefrom. Affecting Blocks 7548 and 7549.

5402—Sewer in 63rd at. from Fifth ave. to Sixth ave. Affecting Blocks 5801 and 5810.

5403—Sewer , in 76th st. from 17th ave. to 18th ave. Affecting Blocks 6226, 6227, 6237 and 6238.

All persons whose interests are affected by the above named proposed assessments, and who are opposed to the same or either of them. are re-quested to present their objections, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, Room 809, Municipal Buildin, Manhattan, New York,

J on or before Tuesday, Jan. 16, 1917, at 10 a. m., at which time and place the said objections will be heard and testimony received in reference thereto.


ST. GEORGE B. TUCKER. Secretary. Dec. 16, 1916. d16,28


Notices of Examinations.

be open- to all citizens of the United States. Persons who accept appointment must thereafter reside in the State of New York.

The requirement that every application shall bear the certificates of four reputable citizens whose residences or places of business are within the City of New York is waived for applicants for this examination whose previous occupation or employment has been wholly or in part out-side the City of New York, and the said certifi-cates will. be accepted from persons resident or engaged in business elsewhere.

The subjects and weights of the examination are: Experience, 5; 70% required. Technical paper, 4; 75% required.' Oral examination, 1; 70 % required.

A qualifying physical examination will be given.

Applications for this examination must be filed on a special blank, Form D, with insert.

Duties: The main duty of the position is the examination of patent and proprietary medicines. Candidates will also be required to examine crude drugs and official pharmaceuticals and to represent the Department in Court.

Requirements: 1. A degree granted on the completion of a stapdard course of instruction with chemistry as the major subject in a college or technical school of recognized standing, and, in addition, three years' experience in pharma-ceutical chemistry after graduation; or, 2. Proof of other training and experience recognized by the Municipal Civil Service Commission as equivalent. Experience in the analyses of patent and proprietary medicine will be given special consideration.

Candidates must be at least 21 years of age on the date of filing applications.

The compensation rates proposed by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for this position are from $2,280 to $3,660 per annum. Under the terms and conditions of the budget for the year 1917, appointments will, as a rule, be made at the lowest compensation rate.

There is one vacancy in the Health Depart-ment at $2,280 per annum.

The term of the eligibility of the list result-ing from this examination is fixed at not less than one year nor more than four years. d20,j19 ROBERT W. BELCHER, Secretary.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT applications will be received by the Municipal

Civil Service Commission, Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York City, from THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1916, TO FBI-


MENTALLY DEFECTIVE CHILDREN (PSYCHIATRIST), GRADE 4. No applications delivered at the office of the

Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 4 p. m. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1916, will be ac-cepted. Application blanks will be mailed upon request, provided a self-addressed stamped en-velope or sufficient postage is enclosed to coves the mailing. The Commission will not guarantee the delivery of the same. Postage on applications forwarded by mail must be fully prepaid.

The requirement that applicants must be resi-dents of the State of New York is waived for this examination. Competitive examination to be open to all citizens of the United States. Per-sons who accept appointment must thereafter re-side in the State of New York.

The requirement that every application shall bear the certificates of four reputable citizens whose residences or places of business are within the City of New York is waived for applicants for this examination whose previous occupation or employment has been wholly or in part out-side the City of New York. and the said certifi-cates will be accepted from persons resident or engaged in business elsewhere.

The subjects and weights of the examination are. Experience, 3; 70% required; technical, 4; 75% required; practical test in clinic, 3; 70% required.

A qualifying physical examination will be given. Applications for this examination must be filed

on a special blank, Form D, with insert. Duties: I. Psychiatric examination of children.

II. Care of mentally defective children. Requirements: Candidates must be licensed

to practice medicine in the State of New York, or become licensed before certification. They must have had experience in the diagnosis of mental diseases and mental deficiency of such a character as would qualify them for the position.

There is one vacancy in the position of Senior Physician for the Examination of Mentally De-fective Children, salary $2,520, with maintenance, and three Resident Physicians for Mental De-fectives, salary $1,500, with maintenance, in the Department of Public Charities.

Candidates must be at least 21 years of age on the date of filing applications.

The term of the eligibility of the list resulting from this examination is fixed at not less than one year nor more than four years. d7,29 ROBERT W. BELCHER, Secretary.



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Departments of Public Chari-

ties and Health, at the office of the Central Pur-chase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Build-ing, Manhattan, until 12.30 p. m., on


COAL. The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before March 31, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1%) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.


DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, HAVEN EM- ERSON, M. D., Commissioner. 421,34 wen General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record," except for the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Docks at his

office, Pier "A," foot of Battery pl., North River, Until 12 noon, on

Emmett st. No. 22; Fulton at., No. 150; Hamil-ton ave., Nos. 9 and 166-168; Henry at., Nos. 195.203; Joralemon at., Nos. 155.157; Kent ave., Nos. 805.811; Luqueer at. No. 27; Marcy ave., No. 716; Middagh at., No. 4; Myrtle ave., Nos. 181 and 761; Pacific at., Nos. 121.125; Quincy at., No. 186; Schermerhorn at.. Nos. 44-50; Sidney pl., No. 10; Smith st., Nos. 137.139; State st., No. 242; Sterling pl., No. 1215; Stock-ton st., No. 106; Union st. No. 23; 3rd ave., Nos. 720-726 and 5324, and 18th ave. northwest corner Cropsey ave.

5423. Lawrence ave., from Gravesend ave. t...) 47th st.

5424. E. 17th st., from Avenue 0 to Ave-nue P.

5425. 84th st, from 24th ave. to 25th ave. 5444. Redford ave. No. 163; Calyer st., No.

163; Havemeyer st., Nos. 67 and 89; Hope at., No. 23; Meserole ave., No. 123; Metropolitan ave., No. 452; Norman ave., No. 117; S. lit st., No. 337; and S. 3rd st, Nos. 218-220.

5445. Clermont ave., Nos, 2.8 and 22; Clin-ton ave., No. 52; Gold st., No. 328; Hudson ave., Nos. 402-404; Johnson st., No. 314; Myrtle ave., No. 167; Park ave., Nos. 24-26, 62-64, 105.107 and 129; Raymond st., Nos. 66-68; St. Edward's st., No, 53; and Throop ave., No. 39.

5446. Driggs ave., No. 34; Bedford ave., No, 898; Emerson pl., Nos. 31-33; Hancock st., Nos. 553-555; Hopkins st., Nos. 20-22 and 39-59; Flushing ave., Nos. 558-580; Humboldt st.„ Nos. 554 and 686; Kosciusko st., Nos. 402A and 405; Meeker ave., No. 32.34; Monroe st., Nos. 677 nanude J68. 8; and Noll st, south side, 25 feet ,to 100 feet east of Bushwick ave.

5448. E. 3rd st., from Avenue I to Ave-

5449. E. 3rd st., from Avenue J to 22nd ave.

5450. 23rd ave., from 86th at. to Cropsey ave. A101. Union st., and Prospect ave., from the

west side of 4th ave. to the east side of 4th ave. A102. Park ave., from Hudson ave. to Wa-


ST. GEORGE B. TUCKER, Board of Assessors. ST. GEORGE B. TUCKER, Secretary.

Dec, 19, 1916. d19,21,26,28,j2,4,9,11

Completion of Assessments.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO the owner or owners of all houses and lots,

improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following proposed assessments have been completed and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for examination by all persons interested, viz.:

Borough of Brooklyn. 5202. Regulating, grading, curbing and flag-

ging W. 15th st. from Neptune ave. to Canal ave., together with a list of awards for damages caused by a change of grade. Affecting Blocks 6996 and 6997.

5247. Regulating, grading, curbing and flag-ging Bay 34th st. from 86th st. to Cropsey ave., together with a list of awards for damages caused by a change of grade. Affecting Blocks 6861. 6862. 6873, 6874. 6888 and 6889.

All persons whose interests are affected by the above named proposed assessments, and who are opposed to the same or either of them. are requested to present their objections, in writing, to the Secretary of the Board of Assessors, Room 809, Municipal Building, Manhattan, on or be-

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT applications will be received by the Municipal

Civil Service Commission, Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York City, from


for the position of CHEMIST (MICRO-ANALYST).

No applications delivered at the office of the Commission, by mail or otherwise, after 4 p. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1917, will be ac-cepted. Application blanks will be mailed upon request, provided a self-addressed stamped en-velope or sufficient postage is enclosed to cover the mailing. The Commission will not guaran-tee the delivery of the same. Postage on appli-cations forwarded by mail must be fullyprepaid.

The requirement that applicants must be resi-dents of the State of New York is waived for this examination. Competitive examination to be open to all citizens of the United States. Persons who accept appointment must thereafter reside in the State of New York.

The requirement that every application shall bear the certificates of four reputable .eitizens whose residences or places of business are within the City of New York is waived for applicants for thig examination whose previous occupation or employment has been wholly or in part out-side the City of New York, and the said certifi-cates will be accepted from persons resident or

i engaged in business elsewhere. The subjects and weights of the examination

are: Experience, 5; 70% required. Technical Examination, Wntten, 2; 75% required. Prac-tical Test, 3; 75% required.

A qualifying physical examination will be given.

Applications for this examination must be filed on a special blank, Form D, with insert.

Duties: To make microscopic examination of foods and drugs; chemical tests on microscopic slides and chemical analyses. To represent the Department in Court.

Requirements: Candidates must have a knowl-edge of general chemistry and must have had such specialized experience in micro-analysis as would fit him to perform the duties of the posi-tion.

Candidates must be at least 21 years of age on the date of filing applications.

The compensation rates proposed by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment for this position are from $2,280 to $3,660 per annum. Under the terms and conditions of the budget for the year 1917, appointments will, as a rule, be-made at the lowest compensation rate.

There is one vacancy in the Health Depart-ment at $2,280 per. annum.

The term of the eligibility of the list result-ing from this examination is fixed at not less than one year nor more than four years. d19,j18 ROBERT W. BELCHER, Secretary.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT applications will be received by the Municipal

Civil Service Commission, Municipal Building, Manhattan, New York City, from WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20, MG, TO

FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1917. for the position of

CHEMIST (PHARMACEUTICAL). No applications delivered at the office of the

Commission, by mail or otherwise. after 4 p. FRIDAY, JANUARY 19. 1917, will • be ac-cepted. Application blanks will be mailed upon request, provided a self-addressed stamped en-velope or sufficient postage is enclosed to cover the mailing. The Commission will not guaran-tee the delivery of the same. Postage on appli-cations forwarded by mail must be fully prepaid.

The requirement that applicants must be resi-dents of the State of New York is waived for this examination. Competitive eitaminadon to

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Dated, New York, December 22. 1916. nicipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of LAMAR HARDY, Corporation Counsel, Mu- I New York. d22,j4





The time for the completion of the work and the full performance of each Class of the con-tract and amount of security required in each class are as follows:

Class 1, St. George, Borough of Richmond, time 340 consecutive calendar days. Security, $1,000.

Class 2, 39th St., South Brooklyn, Borough of Brooklyn, time 355 .consecutive calendar days. Security, $1,000.

The bidder shall state, both in writing and in figures a total price for furnishing all of the scows, labor and material necessary to do and complete all of the work called for in the class upon which a bid is submitted. Each class of the contract is a separate and distinct contract in itself, and either class, if awarded, will be awarded to the bidder whose price is lowest for doing all of the work called for in the class and whose bid is regular in all respects. In case of discrepancy between the written price and that given in figures, the price in writing will be con-sidered as the bid.

Scows must be furnished at the time and in the manner directed.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the said Department.

R. A. C. SMITH, Commissioner of Docks. Dated Dec. 18, 1916. d20,j3 firSee General Instructions to Bidden on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."


Abstract of Precept.

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW York Greeting: To all persons claiming the

possession of or having any interest in the personal property mentioned.

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that John T. Fetherston, Commissioner of Street Cleaning of The City of New York, has filed his petition in the Municipal Court, City of New York, Borough of Brooklyn, Sixth District, setting forth that certain personal property described in Schedule "A," annexed to the said petition, now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Court, consisting of unharnessed trucks, cart.s, wagons, vehicles, horses, bales, merchandise anci other things heretofore unlawfully allowed to re-main in front of said premises mentioned in said schedule, has been duly and lawfully removed to the yard or premises provided by law for the purpose and at the corner of Bedford and Metro-politan ayes., Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York; that place from which the said property was taken or seized for public streets or highways; that the Commissioner of Street Cleaning has made diligent search and inquiry in the vicinity and neighborhood from which the said property was taken and removed; that the names of said persons are set forth so far as ascertainable in the said schedule, on file as hereinbefore mentioned; that no application to redeem any of said property has been made by any of the persons described or by any persons claiming the possession of or having any interest in said property in the said schedule described.

YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED forthwith to remove said property so described in said petition or to show cause before the justice of the Municipal Court of The City of New York in the Court Room of Part I thereof of the Sixth District, Borough of Brooklyn, No. 236 Duffield st., on the 2nd day of January, 1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as you may be heard, why the final order directing the sale of all the said trucks, carts, vehicles, wagons and other things seized and removed from the public highway should not be made and the proceeds applied as in such case made and provided by the Greater New York Charter.

This, pursuant to precept issued out of said court by the Honorable Edgar M. Doughty, Jus-tice, under date of the 22nd day of December, 1916.

Dated this 23rd day of December, 1916. d28 JOHN T. FETHERSTON, Commissioner.


SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Commissioner of Street Clean-

ing at Room 1247, Municipal Building, Man-hattan, until 12 noon, on


227 CART HORSES. The time allowed for the delivery of the

horses and the full performance of the contract is on or before Oct. 31, 1917.

The amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract is 30% of the amount of the contract price.

Bids must be submitted in duplidate in separate envelopes.

The bidder will state the price of each item or article contained in the schedules, per horse, by which the bids will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards made to the lowest bidder.

Delivery will be required to be made at the time and in the fnanner and in such numbers as may be directed,

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Department of Street Cleaning, Manhattan, Municipal Building, Manhattan.

J. T. FETHERSTON, Commissioner. Dated, Dec. 26, 1916. d28,j9 ,?See General Instructions to Bidders on

last page, last column, of the "City Record."


Filing Preliminary Abstracts.

In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tene-ments and hereditaments required for the opening and extending of UNIONPORT ROAD, from Bronx Park East to Birchall avenue; BIRCHALL AVENUE. from Union-port Road to White Plains Road; and SAGA-MORE STREET, from Unionport Road to Hunt avenue, in the 24th Ward, Borough of The Bronx, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN TO ALL PER- sons interested in the above entitled proceed-

ing, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

First.—That the undersigned, Commissioners of Estimate. have completed their estimate of damage. and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands. tenements and hereditaments and premises affected .hereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly verified. with them at their office. Room 1557 15th Floor, Municipal Building, Chambers and Centre streets, in the Borough of Manhattan. in The City of New York, on or before the 11th day of January, 1917, and that the said Commissioners will hear

parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at their said office on the 15th day of January, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. m.

Second.—That the undersigned, CoMmissioner of Assessment, has completed his estimate of benefit and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly verified, with him at his office, Room 1557, 15th Floor, Municipal Building, Chambers and Centre streets, in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on or before the 11th day of January, 1917, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attendance at his said office on the 16th day_ of January, 1917, at 10 o'clock a. in.

Third.—That the Commissioner of Assessment has assessed any or all such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 8th day of January, '1915, and that the said area of assessment includes all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate and be-ing in the Borough of The Bronx, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a point on a line distant 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of Brady avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to Brady avenue, where it is intersected by a line midway between Wal-lace avenue and Barnes avenue as these streets are laid out a: Brady avenue; and running thence southwardly along the said line midway between Wallace avenue and Barnes avenue and along the prolongation of the said line to the intersec-tion with the prolongation of a line midway between Wallace avenue and Barnes avenue as these streets are laid out where they adjoin Rhinelander avenue; thence southwardly along the said line midway between Wallace ave-nue and Barnes avenue, and along the pro-longation of the said line to the intersection with the prolongation of a line midway be-tween Rhinelander avenue and Morris Park avenue, as these streets are laid out between Cruger avenue and Holland avenue; thence westwardly along the said line midway between Rhinelander avenue and Morris Park avenue and along the .prolongations of the said line to the intersection with the easterly boundary line of Bronx Park; thence westwardly at right angles to the said line of Bronx Park, a dis-tance of 500 feet; thence northwardly and always distant 500 feet westerly from and parallel with the easterly boundary line of Bronx Park to the intersection with the pro-longation of a line parallel with Brady ave-nue and passing through the point of begin-ning; thence eastwardly along the said line parallel with Brady avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Fourth.—That the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, to-gether with the damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of Estimate and by the Commissioner of Assess-ment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Department of The City of New York, Room 1529, 15th Floor, Municipal Building, Chambers and Centre streets, in the Borough of Man-hattan, in said City, there to remain until the 15th day of January, 1917.

Fifth.—That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, First Department, at a Special Term thereof, Part III, to be held in the County Court House in the Borough of Manhattan, in The City of New York, on the 22nd day of March, 1917, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth.—In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and as-sessment, or to either of them, the motion to confirm the reports as to awards and as to assessments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to Sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by Chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated, New York, December 19, 1916. LOUIS 0. VAN DOREN, Chairman; CYRUS

C. MILLER. BERNARD HAHN. Commission. era of Estimate; CYRUS C. MILLER, Commis-sioner of Assessment.

JOEL J. SINJIER, Clerk. d22,j10


Notice to File Claims.

In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wher-ever the same has not been heretofore ac-quired for the same purpose in fee, to the real property required for the opening and extending of 195TH (CATSKILL) STREET, from 98th (Sagamore) avenue to 99th (At-lantic) avenue, subject to the easements of the Main Line Division of the Long Island Railroad Company, in the Fourth Ward, Bor-ough of Queens, City of New York,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY AN order of the Sum-erne Court of the State of

New York, Second Judicial District, dated De-cember 19, 1916, and duly entered and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens on December 20, 1916, the application of The City of New York to have the compensation which should justly be made to the respective owners of the real property proposed to be taken in the above entitled proceeding ascer-tained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury and the cost of such improve-ment assessed by the Court in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 27th day of July, 1916, was granted. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN THAT PUR-

suant to Section 1000 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by Chapter 606 of the Laws of 1915, the map or survey of the land to be acquired in this proceeding has been duly filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Queens, and each and every party and per-son interested in the real property to be taken for the opening and extending of 195th (Cats-kill) street, from 98th (Sagamore) avenue to 99th (Atlantic) avenue subject to the easements of the Main Line Division of the ,Long Island Railroad Company, in the 4th Ward, Borough of Queens, City of New York, having any claim or demand on account thereof, is hereby re-quired to file his claim, duly verified, describing the real property which the claimant owns or in which he is interested, and his post-office ad-dress with the Clerk of the County of Queens on or before the 8th day of January, 1917, and to serve on the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York at his office, Room 606, Sixth Floor, Municipal Building, Court House Square, Borough of Queens, City of New York, on or before the 8th day of January, 1917, a copy of such verified claim.

Dated, New York, December 26, 1916. LAMAR HARDY, Corporation Counsel, Mu-

nicipal Building, Borough of Manhattan, City of New York. d26,j6

Appliestioa for -41ppoialaseat of 0011111111- Mate&

In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wher-ever the same has not been heretofore ac-quired for the same purpose in fee to the real property required for the opening and extend-ing of RIKER AVENUE. from Steinway are- nue to 12th street, subject to any easement or right that may be owned by the New York and Queens County Railroad Company, in the First and Second Wards, Borough of Queens, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Supreme Court

of the State of New York, Second judicial Dis-trict, at a Special Term of said Court, held at Trial Term, Part I, at the County Court-house, in the County of Queens, in the Borough of Queens, in The City of New York, on the 5th day of January, 1917, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appoint-ment of Commissioners of 'Estimate and a Commissioner of Assessment in the above en-titled matter.

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The City of New York, in fee. for the use of the public to the real property required for the opening and extending of Riker avenue, from Steinway avenue to 12th street, subject to any easement or rigi-t that may be owned by the New York and Queens County Railroad Com-pany, in the First and Second Wards, Borough of Queens, City of New York. The real prop-erty, title to which is proposed to be acquired, is more particularly bounded and described as follows, to 'wit:

Parcel "A." Beginning at a point formed by the intersec-

tion of the southerly line of Riker avenue with the easterly line of Steinway avenue.

Running thence northerly for 80.00 feet along the easterly line of Steinway avenue to the northerly line of Riker avenue; thence easterly, deflecting to the right 90° for 200.02 feet along the northerly line of Riker avenue to an intersection with the prolongation of the west-erly line of Eleventh avenue; thence southerly, deflecting to the right 90° for 80.00 feet along said prolongation to the southerly line of Riker avenue; thence westerly for 200.02 feet along the southerly line of' Riker avenue to the easterly line of Steinway avenue, the point or place of beginning.

Parcel "BP Beginning at a point formed by the intersec-

tion of the southerly line of Riker avenue with the easterly line of 11th avenue.

Running thence northerly for 80.00 feet along the prolongation of the easterly line of 11th avenue to the northerly line of Riker avenue; thence easterly, deflecting to the right 90° for 470.04 feet along the northerly line of Riker avenue to the westerly line of Purdy qreeti thence southerly, deflecting to the right 90 for 80.00 feet along the westerly line of Purdy street to the southerly line of Riker avenue; thence westerly for 470.04 feet along the south-erly line of Riker avenue to the easterly line of 11th avenue, the point or place of begin-ning.

Parcel "C." Beginning at a point formed by the intersec-

tion of the southerly line of Riker avenue with the easterly line of Purdy street.

Running thence northerly for 80.00 feet along the easterly line of Purdy street to the n orth-erly line of Riker avenue; thence easterly de-flecting to the right 90° for 200.02 feet alone the northerly line of Riker avenue to the west-erly line of 15th avenue; thence southerly, de-

Application to Court to Condemn Property.

In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee to the real property required for the opening and extending of SHERIDAN AVENUE, from the northwesterly line of Flynn Avenue to the northwesterly mean high water line of Spring Creek, in the Fourth Ward, Borough of Queens, and in the Twenty-sixth Ward, Bor-ough of Brooklyn, City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to the Supreme

Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial District, at a Special Term said Court. held at Trial Term, Part I, in and for the County of Queens, at the County Court-house, in the Borough of Queens, City of New York, on the 4th day of January, 1917, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, to have the com-pensation which Should justly be made to the respective owners of the real property proposed to be acquired for such improvement, ascertained and determined by the Supreme Court without a jury and to have the cost of such improvement assessed by the said Court, ar hereinafter set forth. in accordance with the resolution of the , Board of Estimate and Apportionment.

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title in fee by The City of New York, for the use of, the public to the real property required for the opening and extending of Sheridan avenue, from the northwesterly line of Flynn avenue to the northwesterly mean high water line of Spring Creek, in the Fourth Ward. Borough of Queens. and in the Twenty-sixth Ward. Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York. The real property title to which is proposed to be acquired is more particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit:

Beginning at a point formed by the intersec-

fleeting to the right 90° for 80.00 feet along the westerly line of 15th avenue to the south-erly line of Riker avenue; thence westerly for 200.02 feet along the southerly line of Riker avenue to the easterly - line of Purdy street, the point or place of beginning.

Parcel "D." Beginning at a point formed by the intersec-

tion of the southerly line of Riker avenue with the easterly line of 15th avenue.

Running thence northerly for 80.00 feet along the easterly line of 15th avenue to the northerly line of Riker avenue; thence easterly deflecting to the right 90° for 200.02 feet along the north-erly line of Riker avenue to the westerly line of 16th avenue; thence southerly, deflecting to the right 90° for 80.00 feet along the westerly line of 16th avenue to the southerly line of Riker avgpue; thence westerly for 200.02 feet along the.southerly line of Riker avenue to the easterly line of 1. ifteenth avenue, the point or place of beginning.

Parcel "E." Beginning at a point formed by the inter-

section of the southerly line of Riker avenue with the easterly line of 16th avenue.

Running thence northerly for 80.00 feet along the easterly line of 16th avenue to the north-erly line of Riker avenue- thence easterly, de-flecting to the right 90° for 805.02 feet along the northerly line of Riker avenue; thence east-erly, deflecting to the left on the arc of a circle tangent to the last mentioned course, the radius of which is 681.03 feet, for 322,10 feet along the northerly line of Riker avenue; thence east-erly on a tangent to the last mentioned course for 377.71 feet' along the northerly line of Riker avenue to the westerly line of 12th street; thence southerly, deflecting to the right 91° 52' 19" for 80.04 feet along the westerly line of 12th street to the southerly line of Riker ave-nue; thence westerly, deflecting to the right 88° 07' 41" for 375.10 feet along the southerly line of Riker avenue; thence westerly, deflecting to the right on the arc of a circle tangent to the last-mentioned course, the radius of which is 761.03 feet for 359.94 feet along the south-erly line of Riker avenue; thence westerly for 805.02 feet along the southerly line of Riker avenue to the easterly line of 16th avenue, the point or place of beginning.

Riker Avenue, extending from Steinway ave-nue to 12th street, in the First and Second Wards, Borough of Queens, City of New York, is laid down upon the Commissioners' Map of Long Island City, filed with the City Clerk of Long Island City December 31, 1875, as sup-plemented and amended by Section 6 of the Final Maps of the Borough of Queens, approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment June 27, 1912, by the Mayor July 8, 1912, copies of which were filed at the office of the Presi-dent of the Borough of Queens May 30, 1913, at the office of the County Clerk of Queens County at Jamaica May 1, 1913, and at the office of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York April 30, 1913, and by Section 318 of the Final Maps, approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment February 20, 1913, by the Mayor February 26, 1913, copies of which were filed at the office of the Presi-dent of the Borough of Queens June 10, 1913, at the office of the County Clerk of Queens County at Jamaica June 9, 1913, and at the office of the Corporation Counsel of The City of New York June 9, 1913.

The Board of Estimate and Apportionment, by a resolution adopted on the 3d day of No-vember, 1916, determined that the whole cost and expense of this liroceeding shall be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby, and that the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding be fixed and deter--lned to he as shown on the following diagram:

tion of the northerly line of Flynn avenue with the easterly line of Sheridan avenue; running thence westerly for 80.00 feet along the northerly line of Flynn avenue to the westerly line of Sheridan avenue; thence northerly, deflecting to the right 90° for 1,726.89 feet along the west-erly line of Sheridan avenue to the northwest-erly mean high water line of Spring Creek; thence southeasterly, deflecting to the right 160° 36' 57" for 17.93 feet; thence southeast-erly, deflecting to the left 2° 49' 13" for 20.22 feet; thence southeasterly, deflecting to the right 2° 19' 58" for 20.12 feet; thence south-easterly, deflecting to the right 3° 35' 04" for 20.02 feet; thence southeasterly, deflecting to the left 13° 51' 24" for 20.86 feet: thence easterly, deflecting to the left 28° 08' 34" for 26.19 feet; thence easterly, deflecting to the right 2° 25' 20" for 25.61 feet along the northwesterly means high water line of Spring Creek to the easterly line of Sheridan avenue; thence southerly for 1,606.93 feet along the easterly line of Sheridan avenue to the northerly line of Flynn avenue, the point or place of beginning.

The property affected by the above proceeding is located in Blocks Nos. 6302, 6310, 6311, 6314, 6309 of the Land Map of The City of New York, Borough of Queens, and Block No. 4586-b of the Land Map of The City of New York, Borough of Brooklyn

Sheridan avenue. extending from the north-westerly line of Flynn avenue to the north-westerly mean high water line of Spring Creek. in the Fourth Ward. Borough of Queens, and in the Twenty-sixth Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, is laid down noon the fol-lowing sections of the final maps of the Borough of Queens:

Sections Nos. 114 and 174—Adopted by Board of Estimate and Apportionment, May 14, 1915; approved by Mayor. May 21, 1915: filed at Bor-ough President's Office, Queens. Oct. 22. 1915; filed at County Clerk's, Office, Queens, Oct. 21, 1915; filed at Corporation Counsel's Office, Oct. 20, 1915.

9e22 THE CITY RECORD. ■Imi■IIM/11■•■■,


-and upon a map of a portion of the Borough of Brooklyn, approved by the Board of Esti-mate and Apportionment June 26, 1914, by the Mayor July 10, 1914, copies of which were filed at the office of the President of the Borough of Brooklyn January 15, 1915 at the office of the Register of the County o Kings January 15, 1915, and at the office of the Corporation Coun-sel of The City of New York January 15, 1915.

The Board of Estimate and Apportionment by a. resolution adopted on the 15th day of October, 1915, determined that the whole cost and ex-pense of this proceeding shall be assessed upon the property deemed to be benefited thereby and that the area of assessment for benefit in this proceeding be fixed and determined to be as fol-lows:

Bounded on the northwest by a line midway between Lamar street and TrinidadAtreet and by the prolongation of the said lief; on the northeast by a line midway between Forbell ave-nue and Sheridan avenue; on the southeast by a line midway between Grimm 'avenue and Bloomington street and by the prolongation of the said line; and on the southwest by a line distant 300 feet southwesterly from and parallel' with the southwesterly line of Sheridan avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to Sheridan avenue.

Dated, New York, December 21, 1916. LANI'AR HARDY, Corporation Counsel, Mu.

nicipal Building, Borough of Manhattan. City of New York. d2I,j3

Filing Preliminary Abstracts.

In the Matter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wher-ever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required for the opening and extending of DURYEA PLACE, from Flatbush avenue to East 22nd street, in the 29th Ward, Borough of Brooklyn, The City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER. sons interested in the above-entitled proceed-

ing, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

First.-That the undersigned, Commissioners of Estimate, have completed their estimate of damage, and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly verified, with them at their office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the 10th day of January, 1917, and that the said Commissioners will hear patties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in at-tendance at their said office on the 11th day of January, 1917, at 11 o'clock a. m.•

Second.-That the undersigned, Commissioner of Assessment, has completed his estimate of benefit and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly verified, with him at his office, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in the City of New York, on or before the 10th day of January, 1917, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties so objecting, and for that purpose will be in attend-ance at his said office on the 12th day of January, 1917, at 11 o'clock a. m.

Third.-That the Commissioner of Assessments has assessed any or all of such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board' of Estimate and Apportionment on the 14th day of April, 1916, and that the said area of as-sessment includes all those lands. tenements and hereditaments and premises situate and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Bounded on the north by a line distant 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the north-erly line of Duryea place and by the prolonga: tion of the said line, the said distance being measured at right angles to Duryea place; on the east by a line distant 100 feet easterly from and parallel with the easterly line of East 22nd street, the said distance being measured at right angles to East 22nd street; on the south by a line distant 100 feet southerly from and parallel with the southerly line of Duryea place and by the prolongations of the said line, the said dis-tance being measured at right angles to Duryea place; and on the west by a line distant 100 feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of Flatbush avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to Flatbush avenue.

Fourth,-That the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, to-gether with the damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of Estimate and by the Commissioner of Assess-ment in making the same, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law De-partment of The City of New York, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said City, there to remain until the 20th day of January, 1917.

Fifth.-That, provided there be no objections filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirmation to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Sec-ond Department, at a Special Term thereof. to be held in the County Court House in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn. in The City of New York, on the 15th day of February, 1917, et the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth.-In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and as-sessment, or to either of them, the motion to confirm the reports as to awards and as to as-sessments shall stand adjourned to the date to he hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to Sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by Chapter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated, New York, December 21, 1916. MICHAEL FURST, JAMES T. BYRNE. Com.

*-issioners of Estimate; MICHAEL FURST. Commissioner of Assessment.

ANDREW C. TROY, Clerk. d21,j9

In the Patter of the Application of The City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired for the same purpose in fee, to the lands, tenements and hereditaments required for the opening and extending of 64TH STREET from New Utrecht avenue to West street, excluding the right-of-way of the New York and Sea Beach Railroad, and 65TH STREET from New Utrecht avenue to 18th avenue. in the 30th and 31st Wards, Borough of Brooklyn. The City of New York.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER-sons interested in the above entitled proceed.

ing, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and improved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit:

First-That the undersigned, Commissioners of Estimate, have completed their estimate of damage, and that all persons interested in this

hereditaments and premises affected thereby having any objection thereto, do file their said

i objections in writing, duly verified, with them at

their office, No, 166 Montague street, in the Bor-ough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on or before the 8th day of January, 1917, and that the said Commissioners will hear parties so ob-jecting, and for that purpose will be in attend-ance at their said office on the 10th day of January, 1917, at 3 o'clock D. m.

Second.-That the undersigned,. Commissioner of Assessment, has completed his estimate of benefit, and that all persons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises affected thereby, having any objection thereto, do file their said objections in writing, duly 'Verified, with him at his office No. 166 Montague street, in the Bor-ough of hrooklyn, in the City of New York, on or before the 8th day of January, 1917, and that the said Commissioner will hear parties ao ob. jecting, and for that purpose will be in rttend-ance at his said office on the 11th day of Janu-ary, 1917, at 3 o'clock p. m.

Third.-That the Commissioner of Assessnients has assessed any or all of such lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises as are within the area of assessment fixed and prescribed as the area of assessment for benefit by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment on the 3rd day of October, 1912. and that the said area of as-sessment includes all those lands, tenements and hereditaments and premises situate and being in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.:

Beginning at a point on a line midway between 61st street and 62nd street, where -it is intersected by a line midway between 14th avenue and 15th avenue, and runnint thence southeastwardly along the said line midway between 61st street and 62d street to the intersection with a line midway between 19th avenue and 20th avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said line mid-way between 19th avenue and 20th avenue to the intersection with a line midway between 63d street and 64th street, thence southeastwardly along the said line midway between 63d street and 64th street and along the prolongation of the said line to the intersection with the easterly line of West street; thence eastwardly at right angles to West street to the intersection with a line midway between West street and Gravesend avenue; thence southwardly along the said line midway between West street and Gravesend ave-nue to the intersection with a line at right angles to West street and passing through a point on its westerly side where it is intersected by a line midway between 64th street and 65th street; thence westwardly along the said line at right angles to West street to the intersection with its westerly side; thence northwestwardly along the said line midway between 64th street and 65th street to the intersection with a line midway be-tween 19th avenue and 20th avenue; thence southwestwardly along the said line midway be-tween 19th avenue and 20th avenue to the in-tersection with a line distant 100 feet northerly from and parallel with the northerly line of 69th street, the said distance being measured at right angles to 69th street; thence northwestwardly along the said line parallel with 69th street to the intersection with a line midway between 14th avenue and 15th avenue; thence northeastwardly along the said line midway betweenu 14th avenue and 15th avenue to the intersection with a line distant 100 feet westerly from and parallel with the westerly line of New Utrecht avenue, the said distance being measured at right angles to New Utrecht avenue; thence northwardly along the said line parallel with New Utrecht avenue to the intersection with a line midway between 63d street and 64th street; thence southeast-wardly along the said line midway between 63d street and 64th street to the intersection with a line midway between 14th avenue and 15th ave-nue; thence northeastwardly along the said line midway. between 14th avenue and 15th avenue to the point or place of beginning.

Fourth.-That the abstracts of said estimate of damage and of said assessment for benefit, to-gether with the damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates, proofs and other documents used by the Commissioners of Esti-mate and by the Commissioner of Assessment in making the same, have been deposited in the 13u, reau of Street Openings in the Law Department of The City of New York, No. 166 Montague street, in the Borough of Brooklyn, in said City, there to remain until the 18th day of January, 1917.

Fifth.-That, provided there be no objection filed to either of said abstracts, the reports as to awards and as to assessments for benefit herein will be presented for confirmation to the Su-preme Court of the State of New York, Second Department,' at a Special Term thereof. to be held in the County Court House in the Borough of Brooklyn, in The City of New York, on the 21st day of February, 1917, at the opening of the Court on that day.

Sixth.-In case, however, objections are filed to the foregoing abstracts of estimate and assess-ment, or to either of them. the motion to con-firm the reports as to awards and as to assess-ments shall stand adjourned to the date to be hereafter specified in the notice provided in such cases to be given in relation to filing the final reports, pursuant to Sections 981 and 984 of the Greater New York Charter, as amended by Chap-ter 658 of the Laws of 1906.

Dated, New York. December 19. 1916. ERNEST H. PILSBURY. HUGH J. Mc-

CORMACK, WM. A. ALCOCK. Commissioners of Estimate; ERNEST H. PILSBURY, Commis-sioner of Assessment.

ANDREW C. TROY, Clerk. d19,j6



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Department of Public Chari-

ties, 10th floor, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 10.30 a. m., on







The time allowed for the completion of the work and full performance of each contract is three hundred and sixty-five (36$) consecutive working days.

The security required will be as follows: One Hundred and Eighty Thousand Dollars ($180,- 000.) on Contract No. 1, Twenty-one Thousand Dollars ($21,000.1 on Contract No. 2, and Six-teen Thousand Dollars ($16,000.) on Contract No. 3.

The deposit accompanying bid on each item shall be five per cent (5%) of the amount of security . required.

The bidder will state a separate price for each contract. Bidders may bid on any or all con-tracts.

Award will I_)e made to the lowest bidder for each contract described and specified.

Blank forms and further mformation rc7 be obtained at the office of Donn Barber, A 101 Park ave., Manhattan, where plans In specifications may be seen.

JOHN A. KINGSBURY, Commissioner. Dated Dec. 16, 1916. dl6JS

tirtilee General Instruetioas to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record."



SEALED BIDS OR ESTIMATES WILL BE received by the Departments of Correction,

Fire, Public Charities and Water Supply, Gas & Electricity, and the Park Board, at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, Room 1220, Municipal Building, Manhattan, until 12.30 p. m., on


CORDAGE. ROPE AND OAKUM. The time for the performance of the contract

is on or before June 30, 1917. The amount of security required is thirty (30)

per cent. of the contract amount awarded. No bid will be considered unless it is accom-

panied by a deposit. Such deposit shall be in an amount not less than one and one-half (1Y2 ) per cent. of the total amount of the bid.

The bidder will state the price per unit, as called for in the schedules of quantities and prices, by which the bias will be tested. The extensions must be made and footed up, as the bids will be read from the total and awards, if made, made to the lowest bidder on each item or class, as stated in the schedules.

Bids must be submitted in duplicate, each copy in a separate envelope. No bid will be accepted unless this provision is complied with.

Blank forms and further information may be obtained at the office of the Central Purchase Committee, 12th floor, Municipal Building, Man-hattan.






tArtiee General Instructions to Bidders on last page, last column, of the "City Record," except Mr the address of the office for re-ceiving and opening bids.



THE BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES thereto will be sold to the -highest-bidder, who

must pay cash or certified check. drawn to the order of the Comptroller of The City of New York, and must also giive a certified check or cash in half the amount of the purchase price as security for the faithful performance of the terms and conditions of the sale. Where the amount of the purchase price does not equal or exceed the sum of $50, the sum of $50 will be the amount of the security to be deposited. This security may at any time after the expiration of the contract period be applied by the City to the cost of completing any of the work required under the contract, but ,unfinished at the expira-tion of the contract period.

The purchaser shall not lease, occupy, cause or permit the building or buildings, etc., pur-chased by him to be used or occupied for any purpose Ater than that of their speedy removal nor shall he collect any rental or other revenue for the use of either the land or the buildings, etc., situated thereon. The breach of either or any of these conditions shall forthwith void the sale and cause immediate forfeiture of the pur-chase money and the security deposited for the faithful performance of the conditions of the sale. The placing therein, or permitting the occu-pancy of any such building by any tenant free, for rent or otherwise, excepting the necessary watchman or the workmen engaged in the actual demolition thereof, shall of itself be a breach of the above conditions of sale.

The sale will be as of the condition of the property on date of delivery thereof to the pur-chaser. The City of New York will not be re-sponsible for any change or loss which may occur in the condition of the buildings, or their appurtenances between the time of the sale there-of and the time of delivering possession to the purchaser, after being properly vacated of all tenants. The sale and delivery to purchaser will be made as nearly together as the circumstances of vacatinp the structures of their tenants will permit.

All the material of the buildings, sheds, walks, structures and cellars of whatsoever nature, with their exterior and interior fixtures, appurte-nances and foundations of all kinds, except the exterior walls of the buildings and their foun-dations and the sidewalks and curb in front of said buildings, extending within the described area, shall be torn down and removed from the premises. None of the dirt, debris or waste re-sulting from demolition shall be allowed to re-main on the premises, except old mortar or plas-ter only, which may be left, but not higher at any point than two feet below the curb opposite that point. The exterior walls and their founda-tions shall be taken down only to a plane whose elevation shall be the level of the curb in front of the building. Where there is no curb the ele-vation of the surrounding grolind shall be con-sidered curb level. AU wells, cesspools, sinks, etc., existing on the property must be filled to the level of the surrounding ground with clean earth.

The purchaser at the sale shall also withdraw and remove all abandoned water taps and old service mains, and in place thereof cause to be inserted a brass plug in the main water pipe in the street, in compliance with the rules and regu-lations of the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, and furnish the Department of Finance with a certificate from the Department of Water Supply, Gas and Electricity that this has been performed.

The purchaser at the sale shall also so remove all house sewer connections to the main sewer in the street and the openings of the main sewer in street shall be properly closed in compliance with the directions of the Bureau of Sewers in the Borough in which the buildings are situated, and furnish the Department of Finance with a certificate from the Bureau of Sewers that the work hasn properly performed.

The permit for all opening in the street to be obtained by and at the expense of the purchaser of the: building.

Failure to remove said buildings, appurte-

lances, or any part thereof, within• thirty days from the day of possession will work forfeiture of ownership of 'such buildings, appurtenances or portions as shall then be left standing, to-gether with all moneyspaid by said purchaser on account thereof at the time of the sale, and the bidder's assent to the above conditions being understood to be implied by the act of bidding, and The City of New York will, without notice to the purchaser, cause the same to be removed, and the cost and expense thereof charged against the security above mentioned.

The work of removal must be carried- on in every respect in a thorough and workmanlike manner, and must be completed within thirty days from the day of possession, and the suc-cessful bidder will provide and furnish all ma- terials of labor and machinery necessary thereto, and will place proper. and sufficient guards and fences and warning slims by day and night for the prevention of accidents, and will indemnify and save harmless The City of New York, its officers, agents and servants, and each of them, against any and all suits and actions, claims and demands of every name and description brought against it, them or any of them, and against and from all damage and costs to which it, they or any of them be put by reason of injury to the person or property of another, resulting from negligence or carelessness in the performance of the work, or in guarding the same, or from any improper or defective materials or machinery, implements or appliances used in the removal of said buildings.

Where party walls are found to exist between buildings purchased by different bidders, the ma- terials of said party walls shall be understood to be equally divided between the separate pur. chasers.

Party walls and fences. when existing against adjacent property not sold, shall not be taken down. All furrings, plaster, chimneys, project- ing brick, etc., on the faces of such party walls are to be taken down and removed, The walls shall be made permanently self-surtiorting, beam holes, etc., bricked up, and the wall pointed and made to exclude wind and rain and present a clean exterior. The roofs and adjacent build-ings shall be properly flashed and painted and made watertight where they have been disttirbed by the operations of the Contractor.

"No buildings, parts of buildings, fixtures or machinery sold for removal under these terms and conditions, shall in any case be re-located or re-erected within the lines of any proposed street or other public improvement, and if any such buildings, parts of buildings, fixtures or .machin- ery, etc., shall be re-located or re-erected within the lines of any proposed street or other public improvement, title thereto shall thereupon be-come vested in The City of New York and a re-sale at public or private sale may be made in the same manner as if no prior sale thereof had been made"

The Comptroller of The City of New York re-serves the right on the day of sale to withdraw from sale any of the buildings, parts of buildings and machinery included therein, or to reject any and all bids;.and be it further

Resolved, That while the said sale is held under the supervision of the Commissioners of the Sinking, Fund, the Comptroller is authorized to cause the sale to be advertised and to direct the sale thereof as financial officer of the City.




The person or persons making a bid or estimate for any services, work, materials or supplies for The City of New York, or for any of its depart-ments, bureaus or officers, shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, endorsed with the title of the supplies, materials, work or services for which the bid or estimate is made, with his or their name or names and the date of presentation to the President or Board or to the head of the Department at his or its office, on or before the date and hour named in the advertisement for the same, at which time and place the estimates received will be publicly opened by the President or Board.or head of said Deoartment and read, and the award of the contract made according to law as soon thereafter as practicable.

Each bid or estimate shall contain the name and place of residence of the person making the same, and names of all persons interested with him therein, and, if no other person be so inter-ested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also, that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud, and that no member of the Board of Aldermen, head of a department, chief of t bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of The City of New York is, shall be or become interested, directly or _indirectly, as con-tracting party, partner, stockholder, surety or otherwise in or in the performance of the con-tract, or in the supplies, work or business to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties mak-ing the estimate that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true.

No bid or estimate will be considered unless as a condition precedent to the reception or con-sideration of any proposal, it be accompanied by a certified check upon one of the State or Na-tional banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money or cor-porate stock or certificates of indebtedness of any nature issued by The City of New York, which the Comptroller shall approve as of equal value with the security required in the adver-tisement to the amount of not less than three nor more than five per centum of the amount of the bond required, as provided in section 420 of the Greater New York Charter.

The amount shall be as specified in the pro-posals or instructions to bidders and shall not be in excess of 5 per cent.

The certified check or money should not be en-closed in the envelope containing the bid or esti. mate, but should be either enclosed in a separate envelope addressed to the head of the Depart-ment, President or Board, or submitted personally upon the presentation of the bid or estimate.

For particulars as to the quantity or quality of the supplies, or the nature and extent of the work, reference must be made to the specifica-tions, schedules, plans, etc., on file in the said office of the President, Board or Department.

No bid shall be accepted from or contract awarded to any person who is in arrears to The City of New York upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation of the City.

The contract must be bid for separately. The right is reserved in each case to reject

all bids or estimates if it is deemed to be for the interest of the City so to do.

Bidders will write out the amount of their bids or estimates in addition to inserting the same In figures.

Bidders are requested to make their bids or estimates upon the blank forms prepared and furnished by the City, a copy of which, with the proper envelope in which to enclose the bid, to gether with a copy of the contract, including the specifications, in the form approved by the Cor-poration. Counsel, can be obtained upon applica-tion therefor at the office of the Department for which the work is to be done. Plans and draw ings 'of construction work may be seen there.