BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography contains two categories of books and articles: a) works concerned exclusively with music and musical instruments of non-European peoples; b) some important pUblications on ancient and early European music and folk music. Publications of a more general character (e.g. reports of travels, eth- nological expeditions, and missionary activities) which often contain interesting data on music and musical instruments, musicians and the role of music in tribal life, are not included. These can be located by referring to the extensive bibliographies found in works marked by an asterisk. Nor are inserted publications in the Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Indo- nesian, Javanese and Sundanese languages, and in the languages of the Indian subcontinent. I. AALST, J. A. VAN, Chinese music (1884, 2/1933)· 2. ABAS, S. P., De muziek del' Bataks ('Caecilia-Muziekcollege'), Mei 1931. 3. ABERT, HERMANN, Die Lehre vom Ethos in del' griechischen Musik (Leipzig, 1899). 4. -- Antike (neu-bearbeitet von CURT SACHS) (in GUIDO ADLER, 'Handbuch der Musikgeschichte' I, p. 35 ff.), 2/1929. 5. ACKERMAN, PHYLLIS, The character of Persian music (in POPE and ACKERMAN, 'A Survey of Persian Art. From pre- historic times to the present', vol. III, p. 2805 ff.), Oxford, 1939. 6. ADLER, BRUNO, Pfeifende Pfeile und Pfeilspitzen in Sibirien ('Globus' LXXXI),1902. 7. ADLER, GUIDO, Ueber Heterophonie (' J ahrbuch der Musikbibl. Peters' XV, p. 17 ff.), 1909. 8. ADOLF, HELEN, The ass and the harp ('Speculum' XXV, p. 49 ff.), 1950. 8a. African Music, Gramophone Records of, (, African Music Transcription Library'), Catalogue July 1951 (Johannesburg, 1951). 9. AGNEW, R. GoRDEN, The Music of the Ch'uan Miao ('Journal of the West China Border Research Soc.' XI, p. 9 ff.), 1939. 10. AGRAWALA, V. S., Some early references to musical ragas and instruments ('The Journal of the Music Academy, Madras' XXIII, p. II3 ff.), 1952. II. AHLBRINCK, W., Encyclopaedie del' Ka- - 65 raiben (Kon. Akad. v. Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 1931), passim. 12. AIYAR, C. SUBRAHMANIA, Quartertones in South Indian (Carnatic) Music ('The Journal of the Musical Academy, Madras' XI, p. 95 ff.), 1940. 13. -- Comparative music, European and Indian (ibid. XII, p. 36 ff.), 1941. 14. -- Some leading music systems (ibid. XIII, p. 21 ff., XVII, p. 97 ff.), 1942 and 1946. 15. -- The Clarinet and classical Carnatic Music (ibid. XIX, p. 51 ff.), 1948. 16. -- A Study of the M icrotonal Variations in Frequencies in Karnatic Music with an Oscillograph (ibid. XX, p. II4 ff.), 1949· 17. -- Musical research and frequency ratios (ibid. XXI, p. 64 ff.), 1950. 18. -- Physics and Aesthetics of Hindu- sthani Music (ibid. XXII, p. 86 ff.), 1951. 19. -- The Grammar of South Indian (Karnatic) Music (Madras, 2/1951). 20. AIYAR, M. S. RAMASWAMI, Thiagaraia, a great Musician Saint (Madras, 1927). *21. -- Bibliography of Indian music (,Jour- nal of the R. Asiatic Soc.'), 1941. 22. ALBERSHEIM, G., Zur Psychologie del' Ton- und Klangeigenschaften (1939). 23. ALBINI, EUGENIO, Instrumenti musicali degli Etruschi e 101'0 origini ('L'lllus- trazione Vaticana' VIII, p. 667 ff.), 1937. 24. ALMEIDA, RENATO, Historia da Musica Brasileira (Rio de Janeiro, 2/1942).

a) works concerned exclusively with music and musi

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This bibliography contains two categories of books and articles: a) works concerned exclusively with music and musical instruments of

non-European peoples; b) some important pUblications on ancient and early European music

and folk music. Publications of a more general character (e.g. reports of travels, eth­

nological expeditions, and missionary activities) which often contain interesting data on music and musical instruments, musicians and the role of music in tribal life, are not included. These can be located by referring to the extensive bibliographies found in works marked by an asterisk. Nor are inserted publications in the Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Indo­nesian, Javanese and Sundanese languages, and in the languages of the Indian subcontinent.

I. AALST, J. A. VAN, Chinese music (1884, 2/1933)·

2. ABAS, S. P., De muziek del' Bataks ('Caecilia-Muziekcollege'), Mei 1931.

3. ABERT, HERMANN, Die Lehre vom Ethos in del' griechischen Musik (Leipzig, 1899).

4. -- Antike (neu-bearbeitet von CURT SACHS) (in GUIDO ADLER, 'Handbuch der Musikgeschichte' I, p. 35 ff.), 2/1929.

5. ACKERMAN, PHYLLIS, The character of Persian music (in POPE and ACKERMAN, 'A Survey of Persian Art. From pre­historic times to the present', vol. III, p. 2805 ff.), Oxford, 1939.

6. ADLER, BRUNO, Pfeifende Pfeile und Pfeilspitzen in Sibirien ('Globus' LXXXI),1902.

7. ADLER, GUIDO, Ueber Heterophonie (' J ahrbuch der Musikbibl. Peters' XV, p. 17 ff.), 1909.

8. ADOLF, HELEN, The ass and the harp ('Speculum' XXV, p. 49 ff.), 1950.

8a. African Music, Gramophone Records of, (, African Music Transcription Library'), Catalogue July 1951 (Johannesburg, 1951).

9. AGNEW, R. GoRDEN, The Music of the Ch'uan Miao ('Journal of the West China Border Research Soc.' XI, p. 9 ff.), 1939.

10. AGRAWALA, V. S., Some early references to musical ragas and instruments ('The Journal of the Music Academy, Madras' XXIII, p. II3 ff.), 1952.

II. AHLBRINCK, W., Encyclopaedie del' Ka-

- 65

raiben (Kon. Akad. v. Wetenschappen, Amsterdam, 1931), passim.

12. AIYAR, C. SUBRAHMANIA, Quartertones in South Indian (Carnatic) Music ('The Journal of the Musical Academy, Madras' XI, p. 95 ff.), 1940.

13. -- Comparative music, European and Indian (ibid. XII, p. 36 ff.), 1941.

14. -- Some leading music systems (ibid. XIII, p. 21 ff., XVII, p. 97 ff.), 1942 and 1946.

15. -- The Clarinet and classical Carnatic Music (ibid. XIX, p. 51 ff.), 1948.

16. -- A Study of the M icrotonal Variations in Frequencies in Karnatic Music with an Oscillograph (ibid. XX, p. II4 ff.), 1949·

17. --Musical research and frequency ratios (ibid. XXI, p. 64 ff.), 1950.

18. -- Physics and Aesthetics of Hindu­sthani Music (ibid. XXII, p. 86 ff.), 1951.

19. -- The Grammar of South Indian (Karnatic) Music (Madras, 2/1951).

20. AIYAR, M. S. RAMASWAMI, Thiagaraia, a great Musician Saint (Madras, 1927).

*21. -- Bibliography of Indian music (,Jour­nal of the R. Asiatic Soc.'), 1941.

22. ALBERSHEIM, G., Zur Psychologie del' Ton- und Klangeigenschaften (1939).

23. ALBINI, EUGENIO, Instrumenti musicali degli Etruschi e 101'0 origini ('L'lllus­trazione Vaticana' VIII, p. 667 ff.), 1937.

24. ALMEIDA, RENATO, Historia da Musica Brasileira (Rio de Janeiro, 2/1942).

25. ALVARENGA, ONEYDA, Musica popular brasileira (Porte Alegre, 1950).

26. AMIOT, FATHER, Memoire sur la musique des Chinois (Paris, 1779).

27. ANDERSEN, A. 0., GeograPhy and Rhythm ('Univ. of Arizona Fine Arts Bull.' No. 2), Tucson, Arizona, 1935.

27a. ANDERSON, ARTHUR J. 0., Aztek music (The Western Humanities Review' VIII, p. 131 £i.), 1954.

28. ANDERSSEN, JOHANNES C., Maori Music (,Transactions of the New Zealand Inst.' LIV, p. 743 ff., LV, p. 689 ff.), 1923-'24.

29. -- Maori musical instruments ('Art in New Zealand' II, p. 91 ff.), 1929.

30. -- An Introduction to Maori Music ('Transactions of the New Zealand Inst.') 192 6.

31. -- Maori Music with its Polynesian background (New Plymouth, New Zea­land, 1934).

32. ANDERSSON, OTTO, Strakharpan ('Fore­ningen for Svensk Kulturhistoria' IV, p. 115 ff.), Stockholm, 1923.

33. -- The Bowed Harp (transl. by KATH­LEEN SCHLESINGER), London, 1930.

34. -- Musik och Musikinstrument (,Nor­disk Kultur' XXV), Stockholm/Oslo/ Kopenhagen, 1933.

35. -- Nordisk musikkultur i iildsta tider (,Nordisk Kultur. Musikk och Musikk­instrumenter', p. 3 if.), Stockholm/Oslo/ Kopenhagen, 1934.

36. -- Nordisk folksmusik i Finland (ibid., p. 113 ff.), 1934.

37. -- Folkmusiken i Svenskestland (ibid., p. 159 ff.), 1934.

38. -- On Gaelic Folk Music from the Isle of Lewis ('Budkavlen' XXXI, p. Iff.), Abo, 1952.

39. -- Altnordische Streichinstrumente (Kongressber. des 4. Kongress der Intern. Musikges.' Vienna, 25-29 May, 1909).

40. ANDREE, R., Die N asenflote und ihre Verbreitung ('Globus' LXXV, NO.9), Braunschweig, 1899.

41. ANKERMANN, B., Die afrikanische M usik­instrumente (,Ethnologisches Notizblatt' II), 1902.

42. ANONYMUS (GEORGE GROVE ?), Notes on Siamese musical instruments (London, 1885).

42a. ANONYMUS, The Music of the Swazis ('African Music Society Newsletter' I, June 1952, p. 14).

42b. -- The Arbatsky Collection ('New­berry Library Bulletin' III, p. 170 H.), 1954·

43. ANTONOWYTSCH, M., Die Mehrstimmig­keit in den ukrainischen Volksliedern ('Kongressber. Intern. Ges. f. Musikw., Utrecht 1952', p. 55 H.), 1953.

44. ARAVAMUTHAN, T. G., Pianos in Stones ('The Journal of the Music Academy, Madras' XIV, p. 109 ff.), 1943.

45. ARBATSKY, YURY, Albanien (,Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' I, col. 282 ff.), 1951.

46. -- Balticum (ibid. I, col. 1187 ff.), 1951.

47. -- Communication on the chromatic Balkan-scale (,Journal of the Amer. Musicol. Soc.' V, p. 150 ff.), 1952.

48. -- The Roga, a Balkan bagpipe, and its medico-magical conjurations (Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the Amer. Musicol. Soc., in Chapel Hill, N.C.), Dec. 1953 (stencilled).

49. -- Beating the Tupan in the Central Balkans (Newberry Library, Chicago, 1953)·

50. -- Stichproben aus den Volksmusik­kulturen siidost-europas (will be publish­ed shortly).

51. -- A Triptych from the Arbatsky Col­lection at the Newberry Library (Chicago, 1954), ed. by WALTER G. NAU.

52. A rchives of recorded music. Collection of the Phonoteque National, Paris (1952)

53. ARETZ-THIELE, ISABEL, EI folklore musi­cal argentino (Buenos Aires, 1952).

54. ARIMA, D., Japanische Musikgeschichte auf Grund der Quellenkunde (diss. Vienna, 1933)·

55. ARRo, E., Zum Problem der Kannel ('Proc. Gelehrte Estnische Ges.', Tartu, 1931).

56. -- Geschichte der estnischen Musik (Tartu, 1933).

57. ARSUNAR, FERRUH, Kisazsiai torok pen­taton dallamok (Des melodies pentatones des Turcs d'Asie Mineure) (in 'Melanges oHerts it ZOLTAN KODALY it l'occasion de son 60ieme anniversaire', p. 322 H.), Budapest, 1943.

58. ARVEY, VERNA, Ancient Music and Dance in Modern Ceylon ('Etude' LX, p. 656 H.), 1942.

59. AUGUSTA, FR. FELIX, Zehn Araukaner­lieder ('Anthropos' VI, p. 684 H.), 1911.

60. AVELOT, La musique chez les Pahouins ('L'Anthropologie' XVI), 1905.

61. AVENARY, HANOCH, Abu'l-Salt's treatise on Music ('Musica Disciplina' VI, p. 27 H.), Amer. Inst. of Musicology, Rome, 1952.

62. AYESTARAN, LAURO, Fuentes para el estudio de la musica colonial Uruguaya (Montevideo, 1947).

63. -- La musica indigena en el Uruguay (Montevideo, 1949).

64. AZEVEDO, LUIZ HEITOR CORREA DE, Escala, ritmo e melodia na music a dos indios brasileiros (diss.), Rio de Janeiro, 1938.

66 -

64a. -- Brazilian Folk Music ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed., vol. III, p. 198 if.), 1954·

64b. -- Tupynamba Melodies in Jean de Ltfry's Histoire d'un voyage faict en la tene du Bresil ('Papers of the American Musicol. Soc.', Annual meeting 1941, p. 85 if.).

65. BAGLIONI, S., Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis dernaturlichen M usik ('Globus' LXL VIII, pp. 232, 249, 264), 1910.

66. BAHADHURJI, K. N., Ein indisches Saiteninstrument, genannt Taus ('Z. f. Ethnol.' XIX, p. 418 ff.). 1887.

67. BAKE, ARNOLD A., Bijdrage tot de kennis del' Voor-Indische muziek (Paris, 1930).

68. -- Indische muziek en de composities van Rabindranath Tagore ('De Gids', 1930).

69. -- Indian Music and Rabindranath Tagore ('Indian Art & Letters' V), 1931.

70. -- Die Bedeutung Rabindranath Tago­res fur die indische Musik ('Wiener Bei­trage zur Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte Asiens' VI, p. 60 if.), 1931.

71. -- Indian Music (London, The India Soc., 1932).

72. -- Researches in Indian Music ('In­dian Art and Letters', New Series VII, p. 10 if.), 1933.

74. -- Different Aspects of Indian Music ('Indian Art and Letters' VIII, p. 60 if.), 1934.

75. -- 26 Chansons de Rabindranath Tagore ('Bibl. musicale du Musee Guimet', 1st series, vol. II), Paris, 1935.

76. -- Indian Folk Music (,Proc. of the Musical Association' LXIII, p. 65 if.), 1936/'37.

77- -- Some Folkdances in South India (,Asiatic Review' N.S. XXXV, p. 525 if.), 1939.

78. -- Kirtan in Bengal ('Indian Art and Letters' N.S. XXI, p. 34 if.), 1947.

79. -- Indian Folk Dances (,Journal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' I, p. 47 if.), 1949.

80. -- Der Begriff N ada in der indischen Musik ('Kongressber. I.G.M., BiUe, 1949', p. 55)·

81. -- (in collab. with MAUD KARPELES), Manual for Folksong Collectors (1950).

82. -- A Javanese musicological puzzle ('Bingkisan Budi', p. 24 if.), 1950.

83. -- Some aspects of the development of Indian Music ('Proc. R. Mus. Ass.', Session LXXVI, p. 23 if.), 1950.

84. -- Die beide Tongeschlechter bei Bha­rata ('Kongressber. D.G.M., Liineburg 1950', p. 158 if.).

85. -- The Impact of Western Music on the Indian Musical System (,Journal of

- 67

the Intern. Folk Music Council' V, p. 57 if.), 1953.

86. -- I ndonesian Music ('Grove's Diction­nary' 5th ed., vol. IV, p. 460 ff.), 1954.

87. -- Indian Music (,The New Oxford History of Music', 3rd ed., vol. I), 1955.

88. BALFOUR, HENRY, The Old British 'Pibcorn' or 'Hornpipe' and its Affinities ('Journal of the Anthrop. Inst.' XX, p. 142 if.), 1890.

89. -- A primitive musical instrument (the whit-horn) ('Reliquary and Illustr. Archaeologist', N.S. II, p. 221 ff.), 1896.

90. -- The Natural History of the Musical Bow (1899).

91. -- Three bambu Trumpets fromN orthern Territory, South Australia ('Man' I, Nos. 28, 33-34), 1901.

92. -- The goura, a stringed wind musical instrument of the Bushmen and Hottentots ('Journal of the R. Anthrop. Inst.' XXXII, p. 156 if.), 1902.

93. -- Review of C. W. MEAD, The music­al instruments of the Incas (New York, 1903), ('Man' III, Nos. 112, 191-192), 190 3.

94. -- Musical Instruments from the Malay Peninsula ('Fasc. Malayenses' 1901-'02, Part. II), 1904.

95. -- Musical Instruments of South Africa ('Report of the British Association, South African Meeting, 1905'), p. 528 if.

96. -- The Friction Drum (,Journal of the R. Anthrop. Inst.' XXXVII, p. 67 ff.), 190 7.

97. -- Musical Section in '.Notes and Queries on Anthropology', publ. by the R. Anthrop. Inst., p. 295 if.), 5/1929.

98. BANAS Y CASTILLO RAYMUNDO, The Music and Theater of the Philipino People (Manilla, 1924).

99. BAN DAR, MAHAWALA, Kandyan Music (' Journal of the R. Historical Soc. of Ceylon' XXI, p. 129 ff.), 1909.

100. BANDOPADHYAYA, SRI PADA, The Music of India (D. B. Taraporevala Sons & Co., Bombay, und.).

101. -- The Origin of Raga (a short his­torical sketch of Indian Music), Delhi, 1946.

102. BARBEAU,MARIUS, VeilleesduBon Vieux Temps (Montreal, 1919).

103. -- Folksongs of French Canada (in collab. with EDWARD SAPIR) (Yale Univ. Press, 1925).

104. -- Songs of the Northwest ('The Musical Quarterly' XIX), 1933.

105. -- Folk Songs of Old Quebec (Nat. Mus. of Canada, 1935).

106. -- Asiatic survivals in Indian Songs (,The Musical Quarterly' XX, p. 107 ff.), 1934, 'The Scientific Monthly', Washington, April 1942.

107. -- Alouette (Montreal, 1946). 108. -- 'Archives de Folklore' I, II, III

(Montreal, 1946, '47, '48). 109. -- Come a Singing (in collab. with

ARTHUR BOURINOT and ARTHUR LIS­MER) (Nat. Mus. of Canada, 1947).

110. -- The DYagon Myths and yitual songs of the Iyoquoians ('Journal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' III, p. 81 ff.), 1951.

II I. BARKECHLI, MEHDl, La gamme peysane et ses yappoyts avec la gamme occidentale ('Olympia' I, p. 53 ff.), 1950.

112. BARTHOLOMEW, WILMER T., Acoustics of Music (New York, 1946).

113. BART6K, BELA, Chansons populaiyes youmaines du depaytement Bihoy (Akad. Romana, 1913).

114. -- Die Volksmusik dey Ayabey von BiskYa und Umgebung ('Z. f. Musikw.' II, p. 489 ff.), 1920.

115. -- Dey Musikdialect dey Rumltnen von Hunyad (ibid. II, p. 352 ff.), 1920.

116. -- Tyanssylvanian HungaYian Folk­songs (in collab. with Z. KODALY), 1923.

II 7. -- V olksmusik dey Rumanen von M aya­mures (,Sammelb. f. vergl. Musikw.' IV), 192 3.

118. -- Das ungarische Volkslied. Versuch einer Systematisierung der ungarischen Bauernmelodien ('Ung. Bibl.' vols. I and II), 1925.

119. -- Hungarian Folktunes (New York, 192 7).

120. -- Slovakische Volkslieder (1928/,29). 121. -- Les recherches sur Ie folklore musical

en Hongrie ('Art populaire' II, p. 127 ff.). 1931.

122. -- Hungarian Folk Music (London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1931).

123. -- Melodien der rumltnischen Kolinde (Vienna, 1935).

124. -- Die Volksmusik der Magyaren und der benachbarten Viilker (,Ung. Jahr­biichlein' XV, p. 194 ff.), Berlin, 1935.

125. -- Musique et chanson populaires (,Acta Musicologica' VIII, p. 97 ff.), 1936.

126. -- Fifteen Hungarian Peasant Songs (New York, 1939).

127. -- Ueber die alte ungarische Bauern­musik (,Melanges offertes it ZOLTAN KODALY it l'occasion de son 60ieme anniversaire', p. 5 ff.), 1943.

128. -- Gypsy music or Hungarian music? ('The Musical Quarterly' XXXIII, p. 240 ff.), 1947.

129. -- Pourquoi et comment receuille-t-on la musique populaire? (1948).

129a. -- and ALBERT B. LORD, Serbo­Croatian Folk Songs (New York, 1951).

130. -- and ZOLTAN KODALY, Corpus Musicae Popularis Hungaricae I. Gyer­mekjdtekok (Budapest, 1951); II. Jeles Napok (Budapest, 1953).

130a. -- Vom Einfluss der Bauernmusik aUf die Musik unserer Zeit (1921), reprinted in 'Musik der Zeit' III, 1953, p. 18 ff.

130b. -- Auf Volkslied-Forschungsfahrt in dey Tuykei (1937) (ibid., p. 23 ff.).

130c. -- Rassenyeinheit in dey Musik (1942) (ibid., p. 27 ff.).

131. BARZAGA, MARGARITA BLANCO, La musi­ca di Haiti (Habana, 1953).

132. BATRA, RAl BAHADUR R. L., Science and Ayt of Indian Music (Lahore, 1945).

133. BAUD-Bovy, SAMUEL, La chanson cleph­tique (,Journal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' I, p. 44 ff.), 1949.

134. -- SUY la pYosodie des chansons cleph­tiques ('Demosieumata etaireias Make­donikoon spoudoon' 1953, p. 95 ff.), Tessalonica, 1953.

135. BAUER, MARION, The pyimitive ayt instinct ('The Musical Quarterly' IX, p. 157 ff.), 1923.

136. BEART, CHARLES, Contyibution Ii l'etude des langages tambouyines, silfies, musi­caux ('Notes Africaines' No. 57, p. II ff.), Jan. 1953.

137. BEAVER, W. N., A fuytheY Note on the Use of the Wooden Tyumpet in Papua ('Man' XVI, p. 23 ff.), 1916.

138. BECKING, GUSTAV, Dey musikalische Bau des M ontenegrinischen Volksepos (,Proc. of the Intern. Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 1932', p. 53 ff.), 1933.

139. BECLARD-D'HARCOURT, MARGHERITE, La musique indienne chez les anciens civilises d'Ameyique. II. Le folkloye musical de la yegion andine. Equateuy, PeyOU, Bolivie (in LAVIGNAC, 'Hist. de la Mus.' p. 3353 ff.), 1920.

140. BEHN, FRIEDRICH, Die Musik im riimi­schen Heere (,Mainzer Zeitschrift' VII), 1912 .

141. -- Eine antike Syrinx aus dem Rhein­land (,Die Musik' XII), 1913.

142. -- Die Laute im Altertum und fruhen Mittelalter ('Z. f. Musikw.' I, p. 89 ff.), 1918.

143. -- Musikleben im Altertum und fruhen Mittelalter (Stutgart, 1954).

144. BEICHERT, E. A., Die Wissenschaft dey Musik bei Al Farabi (diss. Berlin, 1936).

*145. BELVIANE, MARCEL, Sociologie de la Musique (Paris, 1951).

146. BELYAEV, VIKTOR, Turkomanian Music ('Pro Musica Quarterly' V, No. I, p. 4 ff.), 1927; (ibid. V, No.2, p. 9 ff.), 1927.

147. -- The Longitudinal OPen Flutes of Central Asia (,Musical Quarterly' XIX, p. 84 ff.). 1933.

148. -- Turkish Music ('Musical Quarterly' XXI, p. 356 ff.), 1935 (trans!. from the Russian by S. W. PRING).


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Kinderlieder aus Kairo ('Z. f. Semistik' VIII, p. 149 ff.), 1932.

150. BERNER, ALFRED, Studien zur arabischen Musik aut Grund der gegenwartigen Theorie und PraJIis in Egypten ('Schrif­tenreihe des Stl. Inst. f. deutsche Musik­forschung', Heft 2),1937.

151. BESSARABOFF, NICHOLAS, Ancient Euro­pean Musical Instruments (Cambridge, Mass, Harvard Univ. Press, 1941).

152. BEST, ELSDON, Maori Songs ('New Zealand Official Yearbook' 1918, p. 739).

153. BHATKANDE, VISHNU NARAYAN, A Com­parative Study ot some ot the Leading Music Systems ot Isth, I6th, I7th and I8th Centuries (Madras, 2/1949).

154. BIELEN STEIN , J ., Lettische Volkslieder (Riga, 1918).

155. BIRO, L. A., Magyarische Sprach- und Gesangsau/nahmen (1913).

156. BLAES, JACOB, Die Kinder-Singspiele aut der Insel Ali, nordiist Neu-Guinea ('Anthropos' XLI-XLIV, p. 119 ft.), 1946-'49).

157. BLAUKOPF, K., Musiksoziologie (1950). 157a. BLUME, FRIEDRICH, Das Rasseproblem

in der Musik (Wolfenbiittel, 1938). 158. BOAS, FRANZ, Chinook Songs ('Journal of

American Folklore' I, p. 220 ff.), 1888. 159. -- Songs and Dances ot the Kwakiutl

('Journal of American Folklore' I), 1888. 159a.--The Central Eskimo (1884). p. 648 ft. 160. BODEN CLOSS, C., Malayan musical

instruments (' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Malayan Branch' XLV, p. 285 ff.), 1906.

160a. BONASCORSI, A., Italian Folk Music (,Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed., vol. III, p. 299 ff.), 1954·

161. BOONE, OLGA, Les Xylophones du Congo Beige (Annales du Musee du Congo BeIge, Ethnographie, Serie III, Notes analytiques sur les Collections du Musee du Congo BeIge, vol. III, fasc. 2, p. 69 ff.), Tervueren, 1936.

162. -- Les Tambours du Congo Beige et du Ruanda-Urundi (ibid., N.S. Sciences de l'Homme. Ethnographie, vol. I), Ter­vueren, 1951.

163. BORMIDA, MARCELO, Pampidos y Austra­loides; Coherencias ergologicas y miticas ('Archivos Ethnos' I, fasc. 2, p. 51 ff.), Buenos Aires, Sept. 1952.

164. BORN, Einige Bemerkungen iiber Musik, Dichtkunst und Tanz der Yapleute ('Z. f. Ethnologie' XXXV, p. 134 ff.), 1903.

165. BORREL, E., La question de la polyphonie en Orient ('Tribune de St. Gervais' XXII, p. 57 ff.), 1921.

166. -- La Musique turque (,Revue de Musicologie' III, p. 149 ff.; IV, p. 26 ff. and 60 ff.), 1922/,23).

167. -- Contribution a la bibliographie de la

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musique turque ('Revue des Etudes Islamiques' II, p. 513 ff.), 1928.

168. -- Publications musicologiques turques (,Revue de Musicologie' XIV, p. 235 ff.), 1933·

169. -- Sur la musique secrete des tribus turques AUvi ('Revue des Etudes Islami­ques' VIII, p. 241 ff.), 1934.

170. -- La musique turque ('La Musique des origines a. nos jours', ed. Larousse, p. 433 ff.), 1946.

170a. --Les poetes Kizil Bach et leur musique (,Revue des Etudes Islamiques' XV, p. 157 ff.), 1947.

171. BOSANQUET, R. H. M., On the Hindoo Division of the Octave, with some ad­ditions to the Theory of Systems ot Higher Orders ('Proc. of the R. Soc. of London' XXVI, p. 372), 1877; reprinted in S. M. TAGORE, 'Hindu Music from various authors' (Calcutta, 1882), p. 317 ff.

172. BOSE, FRITZ, Die Musik der Uitoto ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' II, p. Iff.), 1934.

173. -- Lieder der Viilker. Die Musikplatten des Instituts tiir Lautforschung. Katalog und Eintiihrung. (Berlin, 1935).

174. --Musikderaussereuropttischen Viilker (' Atlantisbuch der Musik'1/1937, 8/1953), p. 789 ff.

175. -- Typen der Volksmusik in Karelien (' Archivf. Musikforschung' 1938, p. 96ff.)

176. --Musik und Musikinstrumente des Balkan ('Atlantis' 1938, fasc. II).

117. -- Introduction and some chapters in ELSE ZIEHM, 'Rumi!.nische Volksmusik' (Berlin, 1939).

178. -- Eintluss der Musikerziehung aut Begabung und Leistung ('Der Erzieher' No. 37, 1940, p. 3 ff.)

179. -- Musikpolitische Autgaben in Afrika ('Koloniale Rundschau' 1941).

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-77 -

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508. -- Studies in Oriental musical Instru­ments (1st series), London, 1931, con­taining: A. The Medeaval Psaltery in the Orient B. The Origin of the Eschaquiel C. Two Eastern Organs D. A North African Folk Instrument E. Ninth Century Musical Instruments F. A Note on the Mizmar and Nay G. Meccan Musical Instruments H. The Origin of the Arabian Lute and

Rebec 509. -- The Organ of the Ancients: from

Eastern sources (Hebrew, Syriac and Arabic) (1931).

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51 I. -- The influence of Al-Farabi's 'Ihsa 'al- 'ulum' (De Scientiis) on the writers on music in Western Europe (' Journal of the R. Asiatic Soc.' 1931, p. 349 if.; ibid. 1932, p. 99 if. and 379 ff.).

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513. -- Maimonides on listening to music (ibid. 1933, p. 867 ff.).

514. -- A further Arabic-Latin writing on Music (' Journal of the Royal Asiatic Soc.' 1933, p. 307 ff.).

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516. -- Ancient Egyptian instruments of music ('Transactions Glasgow Univ. Oriental Soc.' VI), 1934.

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fretted? F. The Instruments of Music on the Taq­

i-Bustan Bas Reliefs G. The Structure of the Arabian and

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530. -- 'Ghosts'; an Excursus on Arabic Musical Bibliographies ('Isis' XXXVI, p. 123 if.), 1945/'46.

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752. -- Research in Primitive and Folk Music in the United States (1936).

753. -- Etats-unis d'Amerique (,Folklore Musical' ed. by the Intern. Inst. of Intellectual Cooperation, p. 85 ff.), 1939.

754. -- Investigaci6n sobre la musica pri­mitiva y folkl6rica en los Estados Unidos ('Boletin Latino-Americano de Musica' V, p. 393 ff.), 1941.

755. -- African Influence in North A merican Indian Music (,Transactions of the Intern. Congress of Musicology, New York, 1939', p. 130 ff.), 1944.

756. -- Comparative Musicology (,Musical Journal' IV, p. II and 42 ff.), 1946.

757. -- The Music of Yugoslav heroic epic folk poetry (' Journal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' III, p. 62 ff.), 1951.

758. -- Canon in West African xylophone melodies (' Journal of the American Musicol. Soc.' II, p. 196 ff.), 1949.

759. -- Review of MARIUS SCHNEIDER, A proposito des influjo arabe: essayo de etnografia musical de la Espana medieval ('Journal of the Amer. Musicol. Soc.' IV, p. 43 ff.), 1951.

760. HEYMANN, Mrs. ALFRED, La guimbarde (,Revue musicale' 1923), p. 236 ff.

761. HICKMANN, HANS, Das Portativ (Kassel, 1936).

763. -- La trompette dans I'Egypte ancienne (Cairo, 1945).

764. -- Un instrument Ii cordes inconnu de l'8poque copte ('Bull. de la Soc. d'Archeo!. copte' XII, p. 63 ff.), 1946/'47.

765. -- Terminologie arabe des instruments de musique (Cairo, 1947).

766. -- Catalogue General des AntiquitBs egyptiennes du Musee du Caire, Nos. 69z0I-698sz: Instruments de Musique (Cairo, 1949).

767. -- Miscellanea musicologica ('Annales

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du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte' XLVIII, p. 639 ff.), Cairo, 1948: I. Note SUI' une harpe au Musee du Caire; II. SUI' l' accordage des instruments Ii cordes (lyres, harpes, luths).

768. -- ibid., XLIX, p. 417 ff. (Cairo, 1949): III. Surles survivances de la chironomie egyptienne dans la chant lithurgique copte; IV. Un silliet de l'epoque prehistorique; V. Note SUI' une petite harpe en forme de Mche ou de pelle; VI. Quelques precurseurs egyptiens du luth court et du luth echancre.

769. -- Un luth inconnu de l'epoque copte ('Bull. de la Soc. d' Archeolie copte' XII), 1949·

770. -- Music under the Pharaohs (Cairo, 1949).

771. -- L'etat actuel des recherches musi­cologiques en Egypte (,Comm. au IVieme Congres de la Soc. Intern. de Musicologie, BlUe 1949').

772. -- En marge d'une publication parDI'. Hilde Zaloscher ('La Semaine Egyp­tienne' XXIII), Jan. 1949.

773. -- La cliquette, instrument de percus­sion de l' epoque copte ('Bull. de la Soc. d' Archeo!' copte' XIII), Cairo, 1950.

774. -- Cymbales et crotales dans l'Egypte ancienne (' Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte' XLIX), Cairo, 1950.

775. -- Die kultische Verwendung del' altlJ­gyptischen Trompete ('Die Welt des Orients' V), Stuttgart, 1950.

776. -- The Rattle-drum and Marawe­sistrum (,Journal of the R. Asiatic Soc.', April, 1950).

777- -- Abrege de l'histoire de la musique en Egypte (,Revue de Musicologie' XXXII, Nos. 93-94), Paris, 1950.

778. -- Ein unbekanntes IJgyptisches Saiten­instrument aus koptischer Zeit (,Die Musikforschung' III), 1950.

779. -- Fabrikationsmarken an altlJgypti­schen Blasinstrumenten (ibid. III, p. 241 ff.), 1950.

780. -- Abrege de l'histoire de la musique en Egypte (trans!. in Spanish) (,Boletin cultnral, Departamento de la Prensa, Cairo'), Cairo, 1950.

781. -- id. trans!. in English (Cairo, 1950). 782. -- Quelques observations surla musique

lithurgique des Coptes (Communication au Congres de Musique Sacree, Rome 1950).

783. -- Miscellanea musicologica ('Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte' L, p. 523 ff.), Cairo 1950: VII. Les harpes de la tombe de Ramses III; VIII. Deux vases sillleurs de l' Egypte ancienne; IX. Le fragment d'un instrument Ii cordes.

7S4. -- Miscellanea egyptologica ('Journal of the Galpin Soc.' I), London, 1951.

7S5. -- Uebel' den Stand del' musikwissen­schaftlichen FOI'schung in Aegypten ('Kongressber. des IV. Kongress der Intern. Ges. f. Musikw.'), Kassel, 1951.

7S6. --Miscellanea musicologica ('Annales du Service des Antiquites de I'Egypte' LI, p. 317 ff. (Cairo 1951): X. Le tam­bourin I'ectangulail'e du Nouvel Empire.

7S7. -- Le gl'elot dans l'Egypte ancienne (Cairo, 1951).

7SS. -- Die altesten Musikel'namen ('Mu­sica' V, p. S9 if.), 1951.

7S9. -- Classement et classification des flfUes, clarinettes et hautbois dB l'Egypte ancienne (,Chronique d'Egypte' XXVI, No. 51, p. 17 ff.), 1951.

790. -- Note on an Egyptian wind instl'u­ment (' Journal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' III, p. lOS if.), 1951.

791. -- La castagnette egyptienne (' Annales du Service des Antiquites de I'Egypte' LI), Cairo 1951.

792. -- Arabische Musik (in collab. with ALEXIS CHOTTIN) ('Die Musik in Ge­schichte und Gegenwart' I, col. 577), 1951.

793. -- Aegyptische Musik (ibid., col. 92 ff.), 1951.

794. -- Aethiopische Musik (ibid., col. 105 ff.), 1951.

795. -- Afl'ikanische Musik (ibid., col. 123 ff.), 1951.

796. -- Armenische Musik (ibid. col. 654 ff.), 1951.

797. -- Le metier de musicien au temps des Phal'aons ('Cahiers d'histoire egyptien­nes' IV, 2), Cairo, 1952.

79S. -- Miscellanea musicologica ('Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte' LII, p. 161 if.), Cairo, 1952: XI. Les luths aux fretees du Nouvel Empire.

799. -- Das Harfenspiel im alten Aegypten ('Die Musikforschung' V, p. 21 if.), 1952.

Soo. -- The antique cross-flute ('Acta Musi­cologica' XXIV, p. lOS ff.), 1952.

SOl. -- Quelques observations sur la musique lithurgique des Coptes d'Egypte ('Atti del Congresso Intern. di Musica Sacra, Roma 1950')' Tournay, 1952.

S02. -- La daraboukah ('Bull. de l'Inst. d'Egypte' XXXIII, p. 229 ft.), Cairo, 1952.

S03. -- La musique polyphonique dans l'Egypte ancienne (ibid. XXXIV, p. 229 if.), 1952.

S04. -- Le feu de la harpe dans I'Egypte ancienne ('Archiv Orientalnf' XX Nos. 3-4, p. 449 ff.), Prague, 1952.

805. -- The Egyptian 'Uffatah' Flute ('Jour­nal of the R. Asiatic Soc.' Oct. 1952).

806. -- Quelques nouveaux documents con-

cernant Ie feu de la harpe et l'emploi de la chil'onomie dans I' Egypte pharaonique ('Kongressber. Intern. Mus. Ges. 1952', p. 263 ff.), 1953.

S07. -- Die Anfange eines geol'dneten Mu­siklebens im Aegypten del' Phal'aonen (Communication Intern. Congress, Vien­na 17-24th May, 1952), Vienna, 1953.

SoS. -- Quelques considerations SUI' la danse et la musique de danse dans l'Egypte phal'aonique ('Cahier d'histoire egyp­tiennes' V, p. 161 ft.), Cairo, 1953.

S09. -- Les harpes de I' Egypte phal'aonique (Essai d'une nouvelle classification) ('Bull. de l'Institut d'Egypte', XXXV, p. 309 ff.), Cairo, 1953.

S10. --Miscellanea musicologica ('Annales du Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte' LIII), Cairo, 1953: XII. La scene musi­cale d'une tombe de la VIieme dynastie a Guizah (Idou),' XIII. Note SUI' un objet en forme d'instl'ument de percussion,' XIV. Une nouvelle cymbalette a manche.

Su. -- Review of MAx WEGNER, 'Die Musikinstrumente des Alten Orient' (1950) (,Orientalische Literaturzeitung' 1954, Nos. 1/2, p. 34).

S12. -- Dieux et deesses de la musique ('Cahiers d'Histoire Egyptienne' VI, p. 31 if.), March 1954.

S12a. -- Fidel I. Ol'ientalische VOI'laufer und Vel'wandte ('Die Musik in Ge­schichte und Gegenwart' IV, col. 156 ff.), 1954.

S12b. -- FlOtencharakter und -fol'men ('Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' IV, col. 319 if.), 1954.

S13. HIPKINS, ALFRED JAMES, Old Keyboard Instruments (18S7).

S14. -- Musical Instruments, historic, rare and unique (London, IS8S, 2/1945).

S15. -- A Description and History of the Pianoforte and Older Keybord Stringed Instruments (1896).

816. -- Dorian and Phrygian (1903). 816a. HODEIR, A., Prolongements de la musi­

que africaine (,Problemes d' Afrique Centrale' VII, p. 286 ff.), 1954.

S16b. HONDA YASUJI, The Nembutu-melody of the Traditional Songs (' Journal of the Soc. for Research in Asiatic Music', No. 12-13, English Section, p. 8 ff.), Tokyo, Sept. 1954.

*SI7. HOOD, MANTLE, The Nuclear Themeasa Determinant of Palet in Javanese Music (diss., Groningen, 1954).

818. HOOGT, I. M. VAN DER, The Vedic Chant (1929).

819. GOOSE, HARNED PETTUS, Peking Pigeons and Pigeon-Flutes (Peiping, ColI. of Chin. Studies, California ColI. in China, 1938).


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ABRAHAM, OTTO, Tonsystem und Musik del' ] apaner (,Sammelbande der Intern. Musikgesellschaft' IV), 1903, reprinted in 'Sammelbande ftir vergleichende Musikwissenschaft' I, p. 179 ff.), 1922.

821. -- and -- Uebel' die Bedeutung des Phonographen fiir vergleichende Musik­wissenschaft ('Zeitschrift f. Ethnologie' vol. 36, p. 222 ff.), 1904.

822. -- and -- Phonographierte Tiirki­sche Melodien (ibid. vol. 36), 1904, reprinted in 'Sammelb. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 233 ff., (1922).

823. -- and -- Phonographierte Indische Melodien ('Sammelb. der Intern. Musik­ges.' V), 19°4, reprinted in 'Sammelb. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 251 ff.), 1922.

824. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON, M elodischer Tanz ('Z. d. Intern. Musikgesellschaft' V, fasc. 12), 1904.

825. -- Die Probleme del' vergleichenden Musikwissenschaft ('Z. der Intern. Mu­sikg.' 19°5, 3).

826. -- Ueber den gegenwlirtigen Stand del' vergleichenden Musikwissenschaft (,Kon­gressbericht der Intern. Musikges., Basel 1906').

827. -- and ABRAHAM, OTTO, Uebel' die H armonisierbarkeit exotischer M elodien ('Sammelb. der Intern. Mus. Ges.' VII), 1906.

828. -- and -- Phonographierte Indianer­melodien aus Britisch-Columbia (,BOAS Anniversary Vol.' New York, 1906), reprinted in 'Sammelb. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 291 ff. (1922).

829. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON, Phonogra­phierte Tunesische Melodien (,Sammelb. der Intern. Mus. Ges.' VIII, 19°7), reprinted in 'Sammelb. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 3II ff. (1922).

830. -- Notiz iiber die Musik del' Bewohner von Siid-Neu-Mecklenburg (in E. STE­PHAN und F. GRAEBNER, Neu-Mecklen­burg, Berlin, 1907), reprinted in 'Sam­melb. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 349 ff. (1922).

831. -- Ueberdas Tonsystem und die Musik del' Melanesier ('Kongressber. der In­tern. Musikges., Basel 1906', p. 60), 190 7.

832. -- Ueber die Musik del' Kubu (in B. HAGEN, 'Die Orang-Kubu auf Sumatra', Frankfurt aiM., 1908), reprinted in 'Sammelb. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 359 ff. (1922).

833. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON, and ABRA­HAM, OTTO, Vorschllige zur Transkription exotischer Melodien ('Sammelb. der Intern. Mus. Ges.' XI), 1909.

834. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON, Phonogra­phierte Melodien aus Madagaskar und Indonesien (in 'Forschungsreise S.M.S.

'Planet' 1906--1907' vol. V, Anthropo­logie und Ethnographie), 1909.

835. -- Wanyamwezi-Geslinge ('Anthropos' IV), 1909.

836. -- and STUMPF, CARL, Uebel' ver­gleichende akustische und musikpsycholo­gische Untersuchungen (in C. STUMPF, 'Beitrage zur Akustik und Musikwissen­schaft', vol. IV-VI, p. 145 ff.), 1910.

837. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON , Uebel' M ehr­stimmigkeit in del' A ussereuropliischen Musik (in 'Kongressbericht der Intern. Mus. Ges., Wien 1910').

838. -- Wasukuma-Melodie ('Extrait du Bull. de l' Academie des Sciences de Cracovie, Classe des Sciences mathemati­ques et naturelles', Serie B. Sciences naturelles), 1910.

839. -- Uebel' einige Panpfeifen aus nord­west Brasilien (in THEODOR KOCH­GRUNBERG, Zwei Jahre unter den Indianern, vol. II, Berlin 1910).

840. -- and STUMPF, CARL, Uebel' die Bedeutung ethnologischer Untersuchungen fiir die Psychologie und Aesthetik del' Tonkunst (in 'Bericht tiber den 4. Kongress f. experimentelle Psychologie', Innsbruck, 1910, vol. IV, p. 256 ff.), 19II.

841. HORNBOSTEL, ERICHM. VON, Uebel' ein akustisches Kriterium fiir Kulturzusam­menhlinge ('Z. f. Ethnologie' 19II, p. 601 ff.).

842. -- Notizen iiber kirgisische Musikin­strumente und Melodien (in R. KARUTZ, 'Unter Kirgisen und Turkmenen', Leipzig 19II ).

843. -- Musikpsychologische Bemerkungen iiber Vogelgesang ('Z. d. Intern. Mus. Ges.' XII), 19II.

844. -- U.S.A. National Music ('Z. der Intern. Mus. Ges.' XII), 19II.

845. -- Review of ALLESSANDRO KRAUS figlio, Appunti sulla Musica dei Popoli Nordici, 1907 ('Anthropos' VI, p. 231), 19II .

846. -- Musik del' Naturvolker ('Meyer's Grosses Konservationslexikon'), 1912.

847. -- Arbeit und Musik ('Z. d. Intern. Mus. Ges.' XIII, p. 341 ff.), 1912.

848. -- and KARL THEODOR PREUSS, Zwei Geslinge del' Cora Indianer (in K. TH. PREUSS, 'Die Nayarit-Expedition' vol. I, p. 367 ff.), 1912.

849. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON, Die Musik auf den nordwestlichen Salomo-Inseln (in R. THURNWALD, Salomo-Inseln und Bis­marck-Archipel, vol. I, p. 461 ff.). 1912.

850. -- Melodie und Skala (,Jahrbuch Peters 1913', p. II ff.).

851. -- and CURT SACHS, Systematik del' Musikinstrumente ('Z. f. Ethnologie' XLVI, p. 553 ff.), 1914.

852. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON, Die Musik tier Pangwe (in G. TESSMANN, Die Pangwe, vol. II, p. 320 ff.), 1914.

853. -- Bemerkungen uber einige Lieder aus Bougainville (in FRIZZI, Ein Beitrag zur Ethnologie von Bougainville und Buka, 1914)'

854. -- GeslJnge aus Ruanda (in 'Wissen­schaftl. Ergebnisse der deutschen Zen­tral-Afrika-Expedition 1907-1908', vol. VI, 1st. Part, Ethnographle und Anthro­pologie I, edited by JAN CZEKANOWSKI), 1917.

855. - Musik und Musikinstrumente ('Deutsches Kolonial-Lexikon' vol. II), 1919.

856. -- First communication about the Theory of blown fifths (' Anthropos' XIV-XV, p. 569 ff.), 1919.

857. -- Ch'ao-t'ien-tze, eine chinesische No­tation und ihre A usfuhrungen ('Fest­schrift-STUMPF' p. 477 ff.), 1919·

858. -- Formanalysen an siamesischen 01'­chesterstucken ('Archlv f. Musikw.' 1920), p. 306 ff.

859. --Musikalischer E:rotismus ('Melos' 1921, fasc. 9).

860. -- Das E:rotische in der modernen Musik ('Z. f. Aesthetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft' XIX), 1925.

861. -- Eine Tafel zur Logarithmischen DarsteUung von Zahlenverhaltnissen ('Z. f. Physik' VI, p. 29 ff.), 1921.

862. -- Translation of A. J. ELLIS, 'On the Musical Scales of Various Nations' ('Sam­melbll.nde f. vergl. Musikwiss.' I p. Iff.), Miinchen, 1922.

863. -- Musik der Makuschi, Taulipang und Yekuana (in THEODOR KOCH­GRtl'NBERG, Vom Roroima zum Orinoco, vol. III, p. 395 ff.), 1923.

864. -- Review of KURT HUBER, 'Der Aus­druck musikalischer Elementarmotive', Leipzig, 1923) ('Deutsche Literaturzei­tung' 1926).

865. -- Die Entstehung des J odelns (,Be­richt Musikw. Kongress, Basel 1924'), p. 203 ff.

866. -- Geschichte des Phonogramm-Archivs dey Staatlichen Hochschule fur Musik in Berlin (1925).

867. -- Review of R. et M. D'HARCOURT, 'La musique des Incas et ses survivances' Paris, 1925) ('Anthropos' XX), 1925.

868. -- Die Musik dey Semai aUf Malakka ('Anthropos' XXI, p. 277), 1926.

869. -- and OTTO ABRAHAM, ZUY Psycho­logie der Tondistanz ('Z. f. Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane' vol. 98), 1926.

870. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON, Psycho­logie dey GeMrserscheinungen (,Handbuch der Physiologie' XI, p. 701 ff.), 1926.

871. -- American Negro Songs (review), ('The Intern. Review of Missions' XV, No. 60), 1926.

872. -- Laut und Sinn ('Festschrift-MEIN­HOF'), 1927.

8]3. -- Musikalische Tonsysteme (in GEI­GER und SCHEEL, 'Handbuch der Physik', vol. VIII, p. 425 ff.), 1927.

874. -- Ethnologisches zu Jazz ('Melos' VI), 192 7.

875. -- Review of WALTER KAUDERN, 'Musical Instruments in Celebes', Gote­borg, 1927 ('Ethnologische Anzeiger II), 192 7.

876. -- Review of FRITZ BREHMER, 'Melo­dieauffassung und melodische Begabung des Kindes' ('Z. f. angewandte Psycho­logie' 1927, Beiheft 36) (,Deutsche Lite­raturzeitung' XLVIII, p. 220 ff.), 1927.

877. -- African Negyo Music ('Africa' vol. I no. I), 1928.

878. -- Musik des Orients (Commentary to an album of exotic records, edited by CARL LINDSTROM A.G.,), 1928.

879. -- Die Maassnorm als kulturhistori­sches Foyschungsmittel ('Festschrift-WIL­HELM SCHMIDT, p. 303 ff.), 1928.

880. -- Tonayt und Ethos ('Festschrift­JOHANNES WOLF' p. 73 ff.), 1929.

881. -- Review of CHARLES W. MEAD, 'The Musical Instruments of the Incas' ('Ethnol. Anzeiger' II, p. 72 ff.), 19291 '32 •

882. -- Gestaltpsychologisches ZUY Stilkritik ('Festschrift-GuIDo ADLER'), 1930.

883. -- Musik des Oyients aUf der Schall­platte (,Kultur und Schallplatte', Berlin, 1931 and 'Die Musik' XXIII, p. 829 ff.), 1931.

884. -- Ueber Verschiebung dey TonMhe ('Z. f. Laryngologie' XXI, p. 100 ff.), 1931.

885. -- Review of WALTER KONIG-BEVER, 'Volkerkunde im Lichte vergleichender Musikwissenschaft', (Reichenberg, 1931) (,Baessler Archiv' XV, p. 55 ff.), 1932.

886. -- Review of ANDREAS ECKARDT, 'Koreanische Musik' (Leipzig 1930) ('Ori­entalische Literaturzeitung' 1931, No. 9/10).

887. -- Review of KANETUNE-KIVOSKE and SVIOTI TUDI, 'Die geschichtliche Denkmaler der japanischen Tonkunst', Abt. I, Hofmusik, Heft I, Saibara ('Z. f. Musikwiss.' XIV, p. 235 ff.), 1932.

888. -- Zum Kongyess fur arabische Musik, Kairo I93Z ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 16 if.), 1933.

889. -- Carl Stumpf und die veygleichende Musikwissenschaft ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 25 ff.), 1933.

890. -- Review of P. G. HARRIS, 'Notes on Drums and Musical Instruments seen in

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Sokoto Province, Nigeria' ('Journal of the Royal Anthropological Inst. of Gr. Britain and Ireland' 1932) ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 63 ff.), 1933.

891. -- The Ethnology of African Sound Instf'uments ('Africa' VI, p. 129 ff. and 277 ff.), 1933·

892. -- Das Bef'linef' Phonogf'ammaf'chiv ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 40 ff.), 1933.

893. -- Phonogf'aphief'te islllndische Zwiege­sange ('Deutsche Islandforschung 1930', p. 300 ff.), Breslau, 1933.

894. -- and ROBERT LACHMANN, Asia­tische Paf'allelen ZUf' Bef'bermusik ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 4 ff.), 1933.

895. -- and -- Das indische Tonsystem bei Bhaf'ata und sein Uf'sprung ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' I, p. 73 ff.), 1933.

896. HORNBOSTEL, ERICH M. VON, Review of HELEN H. ROBERTS, 'Form in Primitive Music' (New York, 1933) ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' II, p. 60 ff. and 39), 1934.

897. -- Review of HEINZWIESCHHOFF, 'Die afrikanischen Trommeln und ihre ausser­afrikanischen Beziehungen' (in 'Studien zur Kulturkunde' ed. by L. FROBENIUS, vol. II), 1933 ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' III, p. 88 ff.), 1935.

898. -- Fuegian Songs (,American Anthro­pologist', New Series, vol. 38, p. 357 ff.), 1936.

899. -- The Music of the Fuegians ('Ethnos' 1948, p. 61 ff.).

900. HORNBURG, FRIEDRICH, Die Musik del' Tiv ('Die Musikforschung' I, p. 47 ff.), 1948.

901. -- Phonogf'aphierle aff'ikanische Mehr­stimmigkeit (ibid. III, p. 120 ff.), 1950.

902. HOUSTON, JOHN, Aotea (chants and songs) (' Journal of the Polynesian Soc.' XLIV, p. 36 ff.), 1935.

903. HOUSTON-I'ERET, ELSIE, Chants popu­laires du Bresil ('Bibl. mus. du Musee de la Parole et du Musee Guimet', 1St series, vol. I), Paris, 1930.

904. HOWARD, ALBERT H., The aulos or tibia ('Harvard Studies of Philology' IV), 1893.

905. HOWELER, CASPER, Rhythme in Vel's en Muziek (Den Haag, 1952).

906. HOWES, FRANK, Anthropology and Music ('Man' XLV, p. 107 ff. (no. 83)), Sept.1 Oct. 1945.

907. -- Man, Mind and Music, Studies in the philosophy of music and in the relations 0/ the art to anthropology, psychology and sociology (London, 1948).

908. HOWITT, A. W., Songs and songmakers of some A ustralian tribes (' Anthrop. Journal' XVI, p. 327).

909. HSIAO, SHU HSIEN, La chanson populaire chinoise ('Sinologica' I, p. 65 ff.), 1947.

910. HUARD, PAUL, Les instruments de musi­que chez les Unong ('Bull. et travaux de

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l'Inst. indochin. pour l'etude de l'hom­me' II, fasc. I, p. 135 ff.), 1939.

9I1. HUART, CL., Etude biogf'aPhique SUI' trois musiciens arabes (,Journal Asiatique' 8th series, NO.3, p. 141 ff.), 1884.

912. -- Musique pef'sane (in LAVIGNAC, Hist. de la Mus.' V, p. 3065 ff.), undated (but before 1922).

913. HUBERS, Father HUBERT, Kleine musik­ethnologische Beitf'ilge von del' Insel Karkaf' in Neu-Guinea ('Anthropos' XXXVII, p. 122 ff.), 1942/'45.

914. HUBNER, HERBERT, Studien zur Musik im Bismarck-Af'chipel ('Anthropos' XXX, p. 669 ff.), 1935.

915. -- Die Musik im Bismaf'ck-Af'chipel (Berlin, 1938).

916. HUCHZERMEYER, HELMUT, Aulos und Kithaf'a (Diss., Miinster, 1931).

916a. HUDEC, CONSTANTIN, SlovacFolk Music ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. III, p. 355 ff.), 1954·

917. HULTKRANTZ, AKE, Some Notes on the Af'apaho Sun Dance ('Ethnos' XVII, p. 24 ff.), 1952.

918. HUMBERT SAUVAGEOT, Mrs. M., La musique a travel's la vie laotienne ('Z. f. vergl. Musikw.' II, p. 14 ff.), 1934.

919. -- Quelques aspects de la vie et de la musique dahomeennes (ibid. II, p. 76 ff.), 1934·

920. HURSTON, ZORA, Dance songs and games ff'om the Bahamas (,Journal of Amer. Folklore' XLIII, p. 294 ff.), 1930.

921. HUSMANN, HEINRICH, Marimba und Sansa del' Sambesikultuf' ('Z. f. Ethno­logie' vol. 68, p. I4 ff.), 1936.

922. --SiebenafrikanischeTonleitef'n(,Jahr­buch der Musikbibliothek Peters', 1937).

923. -- Olympos, die An/Ilnge del' griechi­schen Enharmonik (,Jahrb. der Musik­bibl. Peters' 1937, p. 29 ff.).

924. -- Fiinf- und siebenstellige Centsta/eln ZUf' Bef'echnung musikalischef' Intervalle (Leyden, 1951).

925. -- Afghanistan ('Die Musik in Ge­schichte und Gegenwart' I, col. 121 ff.), 1951.

926. -- Das neuentdeckte Steinzeitlithophon ('Die Musikforschung' V, p. 47 ff.), 1952.

927. -- Uf'sprung und Entwicklung del' Tonsysteme (in preparation).

928. HUTCHINGS, ARTHUR, Music in Bengal (,Music and Letters' XXVII, p. 26 ff.), 1946.

929. -- Indian traditions, classical and populaf' ('Music & Letters' XXVII, p. 29 ff.), 1946.

930. HUTH, ARNO, Die Musikinstrumente Ost­TUf'kestans (Diss., Berlin, 1928).

931. IDELSOHN, A. Z., Die Maqamen del' arabischen Musik (,Sammelbande der Intern. Mus. Ges.' XV, p. II ff.), 1913.

932. -- Phonographierle Gesange und Aus­sprachproben des Hebraischen der iemeni­tischen und persischen Juden (1914).

933. -- Hebraisch-Orientalischer Melodien­schatz (Leipzig, 19 I 4 and following years).

934. -- Phonographierte Gesttnge und Aus­sprachsproben des Hebraischen der ieme­nitischen, persischen und syrischen Juden (Vienna, 1917).

935. -- Paraltelen zwischen gregorianischen und hebraisch-orientalischen Sangesweisen ('Z. f. Musikw.' 1921).

936. -- Jewish music (in) its historical development (New York, 1929,2/1948).

937. -- Der iudische Tempelgesang (in GUIDO ADLER, 'Handbuch der Musik­gesch.' I, p. 149 ff.), 2/1929.

938. -- Die Maqamen in der hebraischen Poesie der orientalischen Juden ('Monat­schr. f. d. Wissenschaft des Judentums' LVII, p. 314 ff.).

939. -- The Features of the Jewish Sacred Folk Song in Eastern Europe ('Acta Musicologica' IV, p. 17 ff.), 1932.

940. -- Parallels between the Old-French and the Jewish Song ('Acta Musicologica' V, p. 26 ff. and VI, p. 15 ff.), 19331'34.

94I. ISAMITT, C., Cuatro instrumentos musi­cales araucanos ('Estudios Latino-ameri­canos' III, p. 55 ff.), 1937.

942. ISAWA, SH., Collection of Koto Music (Tokyo, 1888 and 1913).

943. IYER, T. L. VENKATARAMA, The scheme of 72 melas in Carnatic Music ('The Journal of the Music Academy' XI, p. 80 ff.), 1940.

*944. IZIKOWITZ, KARL GUSTAV, Musical and other Sound-instruments of the South American Indians (Giiteborg, 1927).

945. -- Le tambour a membrane au Perou (' Journal de la Soc. des Americanistes' XXIII, p. 163 ff.). 193I.

946. -- Les instruments de musique des Indiens Uro-Chipaya ('Revista de Inst. de Etnologfa' II, p. 263 ff.), 1932.

947. JACKSON, WILFRID, Shell-trumpets and their distribution in the Old and New world (,Memoirs of the Manchester Literary Soc.' LX, fasc. 8), 1916.

948. JANKOVIC, DANICA S., 40 Serbian dance melodies (Beograd, 1937).

949. -- and LJUBICA JANKOVIC, Danses populaires, vol. I-VI (Beograd, 1934-1951). with a summary in French.

949a. -- Narodne Igre (Beograd, 1949). 950. JANSKY, HERBERT, Volksgesange von

Valkern Russlands. II. Turktatarische Valker: kasantatarische, mischarische, westsibirisch-tatarische, nagaitatarische, turkmenische, kirgisische und tscherkes­sisch-tatarische Gesiinge ('Sitzungsber. d. oesterr. Akad. d. Wiss.', Phil.-hist. Klasse, vol. 227, NO.4), Vienna, 1952.

951. JANUS, CAROLUS, Musici scriptoYes Graeci. Supplementum, melodiarum reli­quiae (Leipzig, 1899).

952. JASIM UDDIN, Folk Music of East Pakistan ('Journal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' III, p. 41 ff.), 1951.

953. JEANNIN, Dom J., Melodies lithurgiques syriennes et chaldeennes (2 vols.) (1926 and '28).

954. -- L'Octoechos syrien (,Oriens Chris­tianus' new series, III, p. 82 ff. and 277 f.).

955. JENNESS, D., Eskimo music in Northern Alaska ('The Musical Quarterly' VIII, p. 377 ff.), 1922 .

956. JOEST, W., Malayische Lieder und Tttnze aus Ambon und den Uliase (Molukken) ('Intern. Archiv f. Ethnogr.' V, p. Iff.), 1892 .

956a. JOHN, J. T., Village music of Sierra Leone ('West African Review' XXIII, p. 1043 ff.), 1952.

957. JOHNSON, ORME, Musical instruments of ancient Hawaii ('The Musical Quarterly' XXV, p. 498 ff.), 1939.

958. JONES, A. M., African Music in Northern Rhodesia and some other places (Rhodes­Livingstone Museum Occasional Paper No. II, combined with a previous Essay on African Music in 'African Studies'), undated.

959. -- African Music: the Mganda Dance ('African Studies' Dec. 1945, p. 180 ff.).

960. -- What in a smile? (in 'Newsletter of the African Music Soc.' I no. 3, p. 13 ff.), 1950.

96 I. -- Report on a lecture on 'African Music' given to the Bulawayo Music Club in Sept. 1950 (ibid. I no. 3, p. 16 ff.), 1950.

962. -- Hymns for the African (ibid. I no. 3, p. 8 ff.), 1950.

963. -- Blue Notes and Hot Rhythm (ibid. I no. 4, p. 9 ff.). 195I.

964. -- (in collab. with L. KOMBE) The leila Dance Old Style (publ. by the African Music Soc., 1952).

965. -- Folk Music in Africa (,Journal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' V, p. 36 ff.), 1953.

966. --African Rhythm ('Africa' XXIV, p. 26 ff.), 1954.

967. JONES, WILLIAM, On the musical modes of the Hindus ('Asiatic Researches' III, p. 55 ff.), 1792 (reprinted in S. M. TAGORE, 'Hindu Music', p. 123 ff.), Calcutta, 1882, (vide below No. 1761).

968. JONG LSN., J. L. DE, De Noardske Balke (Assen, 1942).

969. JUNGBLUT, Magic Songs of the Bhils of Jhabua State C. I. (,Intern. Archiv f. Ethnogr.' XLIII, p. Iff.), 1943.

970. JURJANS, A., Lettische Volkslieder (Riga, 1885).

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970a. KANAI, KIKOKU, Ryukyu no Minyo (Folksongs of the Ryukyu Islands) (Tokyo 1954)·

970b. KARASTOYANOV, A., Melodichni i har­monichni osnovi na bulgarskata narodna pessen (Sofia, 1950).

971. KARPELES, MAUD, and ARNOLD A. BAKE, Manual for Folk Music Collectors (1951).

971a. -- English Folk Music ('Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians', 5th ed. vol. III, p. 227 ff.), 1954.

971b. Kashmiri Musiqi (sa, ri, ga, mal, vol. I (Teacher's Training College, Srinagar, undated).

971c. KATAOKA, GIDO, On Shakujo ('Journal of the Soc. for Research in Asiatic Music', No. 12-13, English Section, p.6 ff.), Tokyo, Sept. 1954.

972. KATE, TEN, The musical bow in Formosa (,American Anthropologist' V), 1903.

972a. KATZAROVA-KoUKOUDOVA, R., Bul­garian Folk Music ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. III, p. 201 ff.), 1954.

973. KATZENELENBOGEN, D., Anthology of Lithuanian and Latvian Folksongs (Chi­cago, 1935).

974. KAUDERN, WALTER, Musical Instru­ments in Celebes ('Ethnographical Studies in Celebes' III), G6teborg, 1927.

975. KAUFMANN, WALTER, Folksongs of the Gond and Baiga (,Musical Quarterly' XXVII, p. 280 ff.), 1941.

976. KEH, CHUNG SIK, Die koreanische Musik ('Samml. musikw. Abhandl., Strassburg', 1935)·

977. KENNEDY, KEITH, The ancient four-note musical scale Qf the Maoris ('Mankind' I, p. II ff.), 1931.

978. -- The music system of the Fijians (ibid. p. 37 ff.), 1931.

979. -- The drums of Mbau (ibid., p. 219 ff.), 1934.

979a. KIDSON, FRANK, Manx Folk Music ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. III, p. 314), 1954·

980. KIESEWETTER, R. G., Die Musik der Araber (Leipzig, 1842).

980a. KIMOTSUKI, KANEKAZU, The Analysis oj Sound-wave (' Journal of the Soc. for Research in Asiatic Music', No. 12-13, English Section, p. II ff.), Tokyo, Sept. 1954·

980b. KINGSLAKE, BRIAN, The Art oj the Yoruba (,African Music Society News­letter' I, NO.4, p. 13 ff.), 1951.

981. KINGSLEY, VICTORIA, Further Notes oj the Illustrated Talk on Folk Music of the West ('The Journal of the Music Aca­demy, Madras' XXII, p. 83 ff.), 1951.

982. KINKELDEY, OTTO, Changing relations within the field of musicology ('Proc. Music Teacher's National Ass.' LX, p. 246 ff.).

983. KIRBY, PERCIVAL R., Oldtime chants of the Mpumuza chiefs ('Bantu Studies' II), 1923.

984. -- Some problems of primitive har­mony and polyphony, with special ref­erence to Bantu practice ('South African Journal of Science' XXIII), 1926.

985. -- A Study of Negro harmony ('Musical Quarterly' XVI), New York 1930.

986. -- The Gora and its Bantu successors ('Bantu Studies' V), 1931.

987. -- The mystery of the great Gomgom ('South African Journal of Science' XXVIII), 1931.

988. -- The recognition and practical use of the harmonics of stretched strings by the Bantu of South Africa (,Bantu Studies' VI),1932.

989. -- The music and musical instruments of the Korana (ibid. p. 163 ff.), 1932.

990. -- The drums of the Zulu ('South African Journal of Science' XXIX, p. 655 ff.), 1932.

991. -- The reed-flute ensembles of South Africa ('Journal of the R. Anthrop. Inst.' XIII), 1933.

992. -- Musical origins in the light of the musical practices of the Bushmen, Hot­tentot and Bantu (,Proc. of the Mus. Association'), Leeds, 1933.

993. -- The ethnology of African sound instruments. A communication on the early history of the mbila in A/rica. ('Bantu Studies' VII), 1934.

994. -- The effect of Western civilization upon Bantu music (in: I. SCHAPERA, 'Western civilization and the Natives of South Africa'), London, 1934.

995. -- The Musical Instruments of the Native Races of South Africa (Oxford I London, 1934).

996. -- The principle of stratification as applied to South African native music ('South African Journal of Science' XXXII, p. 72 ff.), 1935.

997. -- A further note on the Gora and its Bantu successors ('Bantu Studies' IX), 1935·

998. -- The principle of stratification as applied to South African Native Music ('South African Journal of Science' XXXII), 1935.

999. -- The musical practices of the I?Auni and oj. Khomani Bushmen ('Bantu Studies' X p. 373), 1936.

1000. -- A Study of Bushman Music ('Bantu Studies' X, p. 205 ff.), 1936.

1001. -- Indigenous Music (Chapter XXIX of ELLEN HELLMAN, assisted by LEAH ABRAHAMS, 'Handbook of Race Rela­tions in South Africa'), 1949.

1002. -- A note on the shipalapala of the

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Tonga ('South African Journal of Science' XXXV, p. 361 ff.), 1938.

1003. -- The Trumpets of Tut-Ankh-Amen and their successors (' J oum. of the R. Anthrop. Inst. of Great Britain and Ireland' 1950, p. 33).

1004. -- A secret musical instrument: the ekola of the Ovakuanyama of Ovamboland ('South African Journal of Science' XXXVIII, p. 345 ff.), 1942.

1005. -- Bantu ('Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' I, col. 1219 ff.), 1951.

1006. -- Buschmann- und Hottentottenmu­sik (ibid. II, col. 501 ff.), 1952.

1007. -- Science and Music ('South-African Journal of Science' LI, p.67 ff.), Oct. 1954·

1007a. -- Primitive Music ('Grove's Dic­tionary' 5thed., vol. VI,P.92I ff.),1954.

1008. KISHIBE, SHIGEO, On the Origin of the P'i-p'a ('Transactions of the Asiatic Soc. of Japan', 2nd ser. vol. XIX, p. 259 ff.), 1940.

1009. -- The Character of the Shi-pu-chi, 'the Ten Kinds of Music' of the T'ang Dynasty (,Journal of the Soc. for Research in Asiatic Music', NO.9, p. 8 vv.), 1951.

1010. -- Emigration of Musicians from Centf'al Asia to China and Diffusion of Western Music in China ('Annales of the Inst. of History, Faculty of General Culture, Tokyo Univ.' No. I), 1953.

10II. KLIER, KARL, Die volkstumliche Quer­pfeife ('Das Deutsche Volkslied' XXV), 192 3.

1012. -- Volkstumliche Quef'f16ten und die MauUrommel ('Kongressber. der Beet­hoven-Zentenarfeier' Vienna, 1927, p. 375 ff.).

1013. -- 250 Jahre Maultrommelmacher­zunft zu Molin (,Tagespost', Linz, No. 226), 29/IX, 1929.

1014. -- Neue Anleitung zum Schwegeln (Vienna, 1931).

1015. KLOSE, H., Musik, Tanz und Spiel in Togo ('Globus' 89), 19I1.

1016. KNOSP, GASTON, La Bif'manie (in LAVIGNAC, 'Hist. de la Musique', p. 3094 ff.), 1906.

1017. -- Histoire de la musique dans l'lndo-Chine (ibid., p. 3100 ff.), 1907.

1018. -- Ueber annamitische Musik ('Sam­melb. der Intern. Musikges.' VIII, p. 137 ff.), 1906--'07.

1019. -- Les iles Canaries (in LAVIGNAC, 'Hist. de la Musique', p. 3234 ff.), 1908.

1020. -- Les Chants d' amour dans la musi­que orientale ('Mercure Musical', IV, p. 768 ff.), 1908.

1021. -- Notes SUI' la tablatuf'e chinoise ('Revue Musicale de Lyon' VI, p. 785 ff.), 1909.

1022. -- Notes sur la musique persane (,Guide Musical' IV, p. 283 ff., 307 ff., 327 ff. and 347 ff.), 1909.

1023. -- Notes surla musique indo-chinoise ('Rivista musicale Italiana' XVI, p. 833 ff. and XVII, p. 415 ff., 428 ff.), 1909 and 1910.

1024. -- La Musique dans l'eeducation chinoise (,Mercure de France' LXXXIII, p, 757 ff.), 1910.

1025. -- Rapport sur une mission officielle d'etude musicale en Indochine (Leyden, 19II).

1026. La musique des Indiens de l'Amerique du Nord (in LAVIGNAC, 'Histoire de la Musique' V, p. 3333 ff.), undated (but before 1922).

1027. -- Les Tziganes (ibid., p. 2646 ff.), 192 2.

1028. -- Le prob18me de la musique exotique ('Rivista Musicale Italiana' XXXII, p. 566 ff.), 1925.

1028a. -- Notes sur la musique persane (,Guide musicale' 1909, pp. 307 fl., 327 ff. and 347 ff.).

1029. KOHL, LOUIS VON, Tonende Amtsem­bleme. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte del' chinesischen Musik ('Sinica' VII, p. 5 ff.), 1932.

1030. KOHLBACH, B., Das Widderhorn ('Z. des Ver. f. Volksk.' XV, p. I13 ff.), 1916.

1031. KOLINSKI, MIECZYSLAW, Die Musik del' Primitivstllmme aUf Malakka und ihre Beziehungen zur samoanischen Musik ('Anthropos' XXV, p. 588 ff.), 1930.

1032. -- Suriname Music (in M. J. and F. S. HERSKOVITS, 'Suriname Folklore', New York, 1936).

1033. -- Musica de Culto Afrobahiano ('Revista de Estudios Musicales' I, No. 2, p. 65 ff.), Mendoza, Argentina, Dec. 1949·

1034. -- La musica del Oeste Africano. Musica Europea y extraeuf'opea ('Re­vista de Estudios Musicales' I, No.2, p. 191 ff.), Mendoza, Argentina, 1949.

1034a. --Die Musik Westafrikas (deposited at the Dept. of Anthropology of North­western University).

1034b. -- The structUf'e of melodic move­ment. A new method of analysis (in preparation) .

1034c KOLLER, OSWALD, Die Musik im Lichte del' Darwinischen Theorie ('Jahrb. der musikbibl. Peters' VII, p. 35 ff.), 1901.

1035. KOLLMANN, F16ten und Pfeifen aus Alt­Mexico ('BASTIAN Festschrift'), 1896.

1036. KOMITAS, La musique rustique arme­nienne ('Revue Musicale Mensuelle' 1907, p. 472 ff.).

1037. -- Af'menische Dorfslieder (Leipzig, 1913) (2 vols.).

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1038. KONIG-BEYER, WALTER, Volkerkunde im Lichte vergleichender Musikwissen­schaft (Reichenberg, 1931).

1039. KOOLE, AREND, Report on an inquiry into the music and instruments of the Basutos in Basutoland ('Kongressbe­richt Intern. Ges. f. Musikwissenschaft, Utrecht 1952', p. 263 ff.), 1953.

1039a. KRAELING, CARL H., and LUCETTE MOWRY, Music in the Bible ('The New Oxford History of Music', 3rd ed., vol. 1),1955·

1040. KRAUSE, EDUARD, Trommeln aus vorge­schichtlicher Zeit ('Z. f. Ethnologie' XXIV, p. (97) ff.), 1892.

1041. KRAUSS, AL., Di alguni strumenti musicali della Micronesia e della Mela­nesia regalati al Museo Nazionale d'an­tropologia e di etnologia dal dott. Otto Finsch (,Archivio per l'Anthropologia e la Etnologia, Florence' XVII, p. 35 ff.), 1887.

1042. KREMENLIEV, BORIS A., Bulgal'ian­Macedonian Folk Music (Berkeley! Los Angeles, 1952).

1043. KRISHNA RAo, H. P., The Psychology of Music (Mysore, 1916).

1044. -- The Psychology of Music (Ban­galore, 1923).

1045. KROHN, ILMARI, Geisttiche Melodien (,Suomen Kansan Sll.velmill.' I), 1898.

1046. -- Welches ist die beste Metkode, um V olks- und volksmilssige Lieder nach ikrer melodiscken Beschaffenheit lexi­katisck zu ordnen ('Z. d. Intern. Musik­ges.' IV, p. Iff.), 1902/,03.

1047. -- Weltliche Melodien (,Suomen Kansan Sll.velmiii.' II), 1904.

1048. -- Tanzmelodien (ibid. III). 1049. -- Mongolische Melodien ('Z. f. Mu­

sikw.' III, p. 65 ff.), 1920. 1050. -- Melodien del' Permier ('Mem. de

la Soc. Finno-Ugrienne' LVIII), Hel­sinki, 1929.

1051. -- Die finnische Volksmusik ('Ber. a.d. Inst. f. Finnlandkunde', Greifs­wald, 1935).

1052. -- Modszel'tani kBI'desek az osszeha­sonlito nepdalkutatdsban (ZUl' Methode del' vel'gleichenden Volksmelodienfor­sckung) (in 'Melanges offerts a. ZOLTAN KODALY a. l'occasion de son 60ieme anniversaire', p. 97 ff.), Budapest, 1943.

1053. KRUYT, ALBERT C., De fluit in Indo­nesiiJ ('Tijdschrift van het Bataviaasch Gen.' LXXVIII, p. 246 ff.), 1938.

1054. KUBA, LUDVIK, Slovanstvo ve svych zpevech (Prague, 1884-1929).

1055. -- Piesmei naPieviiz Bosne i Herce­govine ('Glasnik Zemaljskog Muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovine' XVIII, 183 ff., 354 ff., 499 ff.; ibid. XIX, p. 103 ff., 273 ff., 405 ff., 629 ff.; ibid. XXI, p. 303

ff., 581 ff.; XXII, p. 513 ff.), Sarajevo, resp. 1906, 1907, 1909 and 1910.

1056. -- Einiges Uber das istro-dalmatini­sche Lied ('Ber. 3. Kongress d. Intern. Musikges.' 1909, p. 271 ff.).

1057. KUHNERT, F., ZUl' Kenntniss del' chine­sischen Musik ('Wiener Zeitschr. ffir die Kunde des Morgenlandes' XIV, p. 126 ff.), 1900.

1058. -- Besteken Beziehungen zwischen chi­nesischer und ungarischel' Musik? (,Ke­leti Szemle' III, p. Iff.), 1902.

1059. KUNIKE, Musikinstrumente aus dem alten Michoacan ('Baessler Arehiv' II), 1911.

*1060. KUNST, JAAP, Terschellinger Volks­leven (1st. ed. 1914; 2nd and 3rd. ed. The Hague, 1938 and 1950).

1061. -- Het levende lied van Nederland (1st. ed. 1918/'19; 4th. ed. Amsterdam, 1948).

*1062. -- and KUNST-VAN WELY, C. J. A., De toonkunst van Bali (Weltevreden, 192 5).

1063. -- and -- De toonkunst van Bali II ('Tijdschrift v.h. Kon. Bataviaasch Genootschap' LXV, p. 369 vv.), 1925.

*1064. KUNST, JAAP, (in collab. with R. GORIS), Hindoe-Javaansche muziekin­stl'umenten (Weltevreden, 1927).

1065. -- Over eenige Hindoe-Javaanscke muziekinstl'umenten ('Tijdschrift v.h. Kon. Bataviaasch Genootschap' LXVIII, p. 347 ff.), 1929.

1066. -- Een overwalsche bloedverwant van den Javaanschen gamelan ('Ned.-Indii! Oud & Nieuw' XIV, p. 79 ff.), 1929.

1067. -- De l'origine des echelles musicales iavano-balinaises (,Journal of the Siam Soc.' XXIII, p. III ff.), 1929.

*1068. -- A Study on Papuan Music (Bandung, 1930).

106g. -- Songs of NorlhNew-Guinea (Publ. NO.2 of the Neth.-Indian Musicological Archives'), 1931.

1070. -- Oude Westersche liederen uit Oos­tersche landen (Bandung, 1934).

*1071.--De toonkunst van Java (2 vols), The Hague, 1934.

1072. -- Musicological Exploration in tke Indian Archipelago ('The Asiatic Re­view' October 1936).

1073. -- A musicological al'gument for cul­tUl'al relationship between Indonesia - probably tke Isle of Java - and Centl'al Africa ('Proc. of the Musical Association', Session LXII), 1936, ±

Ein musikologischel' Beweis fur Kultul'zusammenhllnge zwischen Indo­

nesien - vermutlick Java - und Zentral­Afrika ('Anthropos' XXXI, p. 131 ff.), 1936.

1074. -- Bij den dood van EI'ich von HOl'n-

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bostel ('Orgaan der Federatie van Ned. Toonkunstenaarsvereenigingen', Jan. 1936) = Zum Tode Erich von Hcwn­bostels ('Anthropos' XXXII, p. 239 ff.), 1937.

1075. -- New Light on the early History of the Malay A"chipelago ('Indian Art and Letters' XII, p. 99 ff.), 193B.

1076. -- Music in Nias (Leyden, 193B). 1077. -- In Memoriam Robert Lachmann

(,Cultureel Indi/!' I, p. 29B), 1939. lo7B. -- Een onbekend Javaansch muziek­

instrument (,Cultureel Indi/!' I, p. 140 ff.),1939·

1079. -- Een me"kwaardig blaasinstrument: de M aleische duivenlokfluit (ibid. II, p. 47 ff.), 1940.

loBo. -- Indonesische muziek en Gouverne­mentszorg ('Kroniek voor Kunst en Kultuur' V, p. 243 ff.), 1940.

loBI. -- Review of CLAUDIE MARCEL­DUBOIS, 'Les instruments de musique de l'Inde ancienne' (,Cultureel Indi/!' IV, p. 226 ff.), 1942.

*10B2. -- De waardeering van elltotische musiek in den loop der eeuwen (inau­gural oration) (The Hague, 1942).

loB3. -- Music in Flores, a Study of the vocal and instrumental Music among the Tribes living in Flores (Leyden, 1942).

IOB4. -- Barabu¢ur-Iuiten met stemmen ('Cultureel Indi/!' V, p. 30), 1943.

*loB5. -- Een en ander over de muziek en den dans op de Kei-eilanden (Public. LXIV of the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam),1945·

10B6. --Het lot der Javaansche gamelans (,Indonesia' Bth Sept. 1945).

loB7. -- Review of F. BALTAZARD SOL­VI]NS, 'Les Hindous' (,Cultureel Indi/!' VII, p. 197 ff.), 1945.

10BB. -- Muziek en Dans in de Buitenge­westen (Publ. LXVII of the R. Tropical Inst., Amsterdam), 1946.

10B9. -- Een novum op Indonesisch muziek­gebied (,Cultureel Indi/!' VII, p. 200 ff.), 1945 = 'Mensch en Melodie' I, p. 23 ff., (1946).

1090. -- Teylers muzikale prijsvraag (,Mensch & Melodie' I, p. 19 ff.), 1946.

1091. -- Walter Spies als musicus ('Cultu­reel Indi/!' VIII, p. 25 ff.), 1946.

1092. -- De Inheemsche muziek en de Zending (Publ. LXXII of the R. Tropical Inst.), 1947.

1093. -- Musicology ('Report on the Scien­tific Work done in the Netherlands on behalf of the Dutch Overseas Territories during the period between approxi­mately 191B and 1943', publ. by the Werkgemeenschap van Wetensch. or­ganisaties in Nederland, and compiled

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by the late Dr. B. J. O. SCHRIEKE), p. 194 ff. (194B).

1094. --Around Von Hornbostel's theory of the cycle of blown fifths (Publ. LXXVI of the R. Tropical Inst.), 194B.

1095. -- A hypothesis about the origin of the gong ('Ethnos' 1947, p. 79 ff. and 147).

1096. -- The Music of Bali and its emotional appeal ('Britain and Holland' 1949).

1097. -- Sundanese Music ('Art and Let­ters': India and Pakistan' New Series vol. XXII no. 2, p. 54 ff.), 1949.

109B. -- The cultural background of Indo­nesian Music (Publ. LXXXII of the R. Tropical Inst.; Amsterdam), 1949.

*1099. -- Music in Java, its History, its Theory and its Technique (2 vols.), The Hague, 1949.

lIOO. -- La Musique indonesienne (,Revue du Monde Nouveau' 1950, No. I, p. 86 ff.).

lIOI. -- Metre, Rhythm and Multipart Music (Leyden, 1950).

lI02. -- Musiek en Dans in Westelijk Nieuw-Guinea (Publ. XCIII of the R. Tropical Inst., Amsterdam), 1950.

lI03. --Die zooo-ilthrige Gesckichte Sild­Sumatras gespiegelt in ihrer Musik ('Kongress-Bericht, Liineburg 1950'), 1951.

1I04. -- In Memoriam D". Ernest Diamant ('Mens en Melodie' VII, p. 60 ff.), 1952.

1I05. -- Nederlandse Volksdansen (,Pro­gram of the National Folkloristic Festival, Hengelo, 17th Aug. 1952'), p. IS ff.

1I06. -- Sociologische bindingen in de mu­ziek (inaugural oration) (The Hague, 1953)·

1I07. -- Begdia the gamelan boy, a Story of the Isle of Java with musical illustra­tions by the Study Group for Gamelan Music 'Babar Layar' (L. P. record No. 00165 L, made by Philips), 1953.

1I0S. -- Kulturhistorische Beziehungen zwi­schen dem Balkan und Indonesien (Publ. CIII of the R. Tropical Inst., Amsterdam), 1953.

1I09. -- Gamelan Music (,Kongressbericht Intern. Mus. Ges., Utrecht 1952', p. 271 ff.), 1953.

1I10. -- Een en ander over auteursrecht op volksliederen (,Mens en Melodie' IX, p. 15 ff.), 1954.

II II. -- Alexander John Ellis ('Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' vol. III, col. 12B4 ff.), 1954.

1112. -- Cultural Relations between the Bal­kans and Indonesia (Publ. CVII of the Royal Tropical Inst., Amsterdam), 1954.

11I3. -- Flores ('M.G.G.' vol. IV, col. 415 ff.), 1954.

II 14. -- Gamelan (ibid. vol. IV), 1955. II15. -- Gong (ibid. vol. IV), 1955. lII6. -- Hindu-Javanische Musik (ibid.

vol. V), 1956. II17. - Java (ibid. vol. V), 1956. lll8. KURATH, GERTRUDE P., Iroquois mid­

winter medicine rites (' Journal of the Intern. Folk Music Council' III, p. 96 ff.), 195I.

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. Intern. Folk Music Council' I, p. 21 ff.), 1949.

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1455. REvEsz, GEZA, Del' Ursprung dey Musik

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1471. -- Folksgames at Jamaica, collected by MARTHA WARREN BECKWITH, with music recorded by HELEN H. ROBERTS (Poughkeepsee, New York, Vassar College, 1922).

1472. -- Christmas mumming in Jamaica by MARTHA WARREN BECKWITH, with music recorded by HELEN H. ROBERTS (Poughkeepsie, New York, Vassar College, 1923).

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1473. -- Songs of the Copper Eskimo ('Report of the Canadian Arctic Exped. 1913/,18' XIV) (in collab. with D. JENNESS), Ottawa, 1925.

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1478. -- Jamaica FolklOl'e, collected by MARTHA WARREN BECKWITH, with music recorded by HELEN H. ROBERTS (New York, 1928).

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1483. -- Modern Tahitian popular songs 01'

ute, sung by Armstrong SPeYry (Inst. of Human Relations, Yale Univ., Publ. in Anthrop., 1932).

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1489. ROBINSON, KENNETH, Chinesische Mu­sik ('Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart' II, col. II95 ff.), 1952.

1490. ROBSON, JAMES, Ancient Arabian mu­sical instruments as described by AI­Mufaddal ibn Salama (9th century), Glasgow, 1938.

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1499-- and YAFIL, E. N., Repertoire de musique arabe et maure (1904).

1500. ROUFFAER, G. P., Keteltrommen (bron­zen) ('Encycl. v. Ned.-Indie' 2nd ed., vol. II, p. 305 ft.), 1917.

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1508. RUEHL S.V.D., THEODOR, Die mis­sionarische Akkomodation im gottes­dienstlichen Volksgesang ('Z. f. Mis­sionswissenschaft' XVII, p. II3 ff.), 192 7.

1509. RUELLE, C. E., Le Chant gnostico­magique des sept voyelles grecques ('Proc. Intern. Congress of Musicol.', Paris, 1914).

1510. RUNGE, PAUL, Die Notation des Soma-

105 -

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1612. SCHIFFER, BRIGITTE, Die Oase Siwa und ihre Musik (Berlin, 1936).

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1616. SCHLESINGER, KATHLEEN, Researches into the Origin of the Organs of the

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Ancient ('Sammelb. der Intern. Musik­ges.' II, p. 167 ff.), 1900/,01.

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1631. SCHNEIDER, MARIUS, Geschichte der Mehrstimmigkeit. 1. Die Naturvolker (Berlin, 1934), II. Die Anfange in Europa (Berlin, 1935).

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1672. SEEWALD, OTTO, Beitrage zur Kenntnis der steinzeitlichen Musikinstrumente Europas (Vienna, 1934).

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*1860. WATERMAN, RICHARD A., WILLIAM LICHTENWANGER, VIRGINIA HITCH­COCK HERRMANN, HORACE I. POLE­MAN, and CECIL HOBBS, Bibliogf'aphy 01 Asiatic Musics ('Notes', maga­zine devoted to music and litera­ture with bibliographies, reviews of books, records and music' , Second series, V, p. 21 ff. (I. General); p. 178 ff. (II. Southwest Asia), A. General, B. Ancient Civilizations); p. 354 ff. (C. Jews: Ancient and Modem); p. 549 ff. (D. Christians, 2. Caucasians and Transcaucasians), VI, p. 122 ff. (D. Christians cont., 3. Armenians, 4. Georgians; 5. Syrians a.o.); p. 281. (E. Moslems: I. General, 2. Arabic­speaking peoples); p. 419 (3. Turkic­speaking peoples, 4. Iranians a.o.); p. 570 ff. (III. India: A. General and Art Music, B. Primitive and Folk Music, C. Ceylonese Music); VII. p. 84 ff. (IV. South-East Asia: A. General, B. Burma, C. Siam, D. Indo-China, E. Malaya and Malay Archipelago, F. Philippine Islands); p. 265 (V. Central East Asia: A. General, B. Japan, C. Korea); p. 415 ff. (D. China); p. 613 (D. China cont.); VIII, p. 100 ff. (VI. Central Asia and Siberia: A. General, B. Tibetans, C. Mongols, D. Turkic Peoples, E. Paleo-Siberians, Samo­yeds, Tungus, and Manchus), p. 322 ff. (Addenda), New York, 1947-'51.

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- II5-

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1924. ZERRIES, OTTO, Das Schwirrholz (Stutt­gart, 1942).

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1926. -- Hrvatshe N arodne Piesme Kai­havshe (Zagreb, 1950).

- II6

1927. -- and NADA SREMEC, H'YVatske Nal'odne Piesme i Plesovi (Zagreb, 1951).

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1929. ZIEHM, ELSA (in collab. with F. BOSE), Rumdnische Volksmusik, dal'gestellt an

den Schallaulnahmen des Institutes /iii' Lautlol'schung an del' Univel'sittlt BeI'lin (Berlin, 1939).

1930. ZWINGE, HERMANN, Liedel' del' Qunan­tuna-Jugend aul Neubritannien ('Anth­ropos' XLVI, p. 399 ff.), 1951.


1931. ABEL, M.S.C., P., Knabenspiele aul Neu-Mecklenbul'g (SUdsee) ('Anthropos' I, p. 818 ff.), 1906.

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*1938. BREDICIANU, TIBERIUS, Histol'ique et etat actuel des I'echel'ches SUI' la musique populail'e I'oumaine ('Art populaire' II, p. 133 ff.), Paris, 1931.

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1940. DANCKERT, WERNER, Die tlltesten Spul'en gel'manischel' Volksmusik ('Z. f. Volkskunde' XLVIII, p. 137 ff.), 1939.

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1944. ESTREICHER, ZYGMUNT, La polyphonie chez les Esquimaux (,Journal de la Soc.

des Amencanistes' XXXVII, p. 259 ff.),1948.

1945. FURER-HAIMENDORF, CHRISTOPH VON, Folk music of India: primitive inswu­ments of pl'imitive peoples ('The Illus­trated London News' 19 April 1952, p. 668 ff.).

1945a. GALPIN, FRANCIS W., Jew's hal'p ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. IV, p. 63611.), 1954.

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1946. HERSKOVITS, MELVILLE J., TambOl'es y tambol'ileil'os no culto afl'o-basileil'o ('Boletin Latino-Americano de Musica' VI, p. 99 ff.), Rio de Janeiro, 1946.

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1951. LACHMANN, ROBERT, and MAHMUD EL-HEFNY, Ja'qUb IsJ.r.iiq al-Kindi Risiila fi hubl' tjj' lif al-alhan (Ueber die Komposition der Melodien), Leipzig, 1931.

1952. LACHMANN, ROBERT, Musikwissen­schaftliche FOI'schungen in Tunesien (,Forschungen und Fortschritte' VI), 1930.

1953. MACHIDA, KAsHo, The musical meaning of 'katal'U' (nal'l'ation) and 'utau' (singing) in Japanese vocal music accompanied by the shamisen (' Journal of the Soc. for Research in Asiatic music' No. Io-n, p. 1 ff.), Tokyo, Dec. 1952.

1954. MARCHAL, H., Ol'chestl'e cambodgien ('Sud-Est', Saigon, Dec. 1950, p. 27 ff.).

1955. MCPHEE, COLIN, Eight to the bal' ('Modem Music' XX, p. 235 ff.), 1943.

- II7

1955a. MOReK, HERMANN ALEXANDER, Die skandi_vischen KemsPaUfloten in V Of'­

zeit und Tradition der FolklOf'e (,Svensk Tidskrift fOr Musikforskning' 1954, p. 56ff.).

1955b. MORENO, SEGUNDO LUIS, Musica " Damas autoctonas del EcuadOf' (Indige­nous music and dances of EcuadOf') (Quito, Ecuador, 1949).

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1956. PARTHASARATH1, S., A stud" of Sri T"agaraia (' Journal of the Music Aca­demy, Madras' XXIV, p. 90 ff.), 1953.

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1958 -- Desadi and Madh"adi Talas (ibid. XXIII, p. 92 ff.), 1952.

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1960. RAo, VISSA ApPA, The Vizianagaram music manuscripts (ibid. XXIII, p. 153 ff.), 1952.

1961. -- Arohana and Avarohana. kala svaras of 94 Camatic ragas taken from the Vizianagaram music manuscripts (ibid. XXIV, p. 125 ff.), 1953.

1962. RIEGLER-DINU, EMIL, La HOf'a, la M aquam et la chanson populaire de fOrient europeen ('Art populaire' II, p. 140 ff.), Paris, 1931.

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1963. SCHMIDT, LEOPOLD, Kulturgeschicht­liche Gedanken zur M usik im M archen (,Musikerziehung' III, 3), Vienna, 1950.

1964. SCHNEIDER, MARIUS, Bemerkungen iiber siidamerikanische Panpfeiten ('Ar­chiv f. Musikforschung', 1937.

1965. --La philosophie de la musique chez les peuples non-europeens ('Editions de la

PI~iade, Histoire de la musique', Paris, 1955)·

1965a. SCHOEN, MAX, The effects of Music (London, 1927).

1966. SCOTT, NORA E., The Lute of the singer Har-M"se (,Bull. of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York', Jan. 1944).

1967. STOLL, DENNIS GRAY, The elements of Indian music ('The Asiatic Review' XLI, No. 146), April, 1945.

1968. THUREN, HJALMAR, Tam, Dichtung und Gesang aUf den FiJroem (,Sammelb. der Intern. Musikges.' III, p. 222 ff.), 1902. .

1969. VALLE, NICOLA, Origine e tradizione dei canti caratteristici della Sardegna ('Ri­creazione' July/Aug. 1949, p. 83 ff.).

1970. WATERMAN, RICHARD ALAN, African influence on the music of the Americas (,SeleCted Papers of the XXIXth Intern. Congress of Americanists', p. 207 ff.), Chicago, 1952.

1971. WILSON, E. W., Prehistoric musical instruments ('Report of the U.S. National Museum, Washington', 18g8, p. 524 ff.).

1972. WIORA, WALTER, Die vergleichende Friihgeschichte de, europaischen Musik als methodische FOf'schung ('Kongress­bericht d. Intern. Musikges., Basel 1949', p. 212 ff.), 1950.

1972a. WOLF, JOHANNES, Die Tonschriften (Breslau, 1924).

1973. ZAGIBA, FRANZ, Funde zur votgeschicht­lichen Musik in Oesterreich. Knochen­flotenfunde aus del" H allstattzeit, Pan­Ilotenabbildung aus del" Latenezeit ('An­zeiger der phil.-hist. Klasse der Oester­reichischenAkad. d. Wiss.' 1954, No. 16, p.208ft.).

1974. ZODER, RAIMUND, Austrian Folk Music ('Grove's Dictionary' 5th ed. vol. III, p. 187 ft.), 1954.

In addition to the records, mentioned on p. 30 ff., there have been issued a) by the Folkways Record & Service Corporation at the end of 1954 many others, among

which: P·502.

P·50 3· FP.12. FP.17· FP. 805·

African and Afro-American drums (tribes: Watutsi, Baya,' Yoruba; other regions: Madagascar, Haiti, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba, Bahamas, Surinam, Brazil, Trinidad) (notes by HAROLD COURLANDER and MIECZYSLAW KOLINSKI); Folk music of Greece (rec. by JAMES A. NOTOPOULOS); Chinese classic instrumental music; Scottish bagpipe tunes, played by Pipe Major JOHN MAcLELLAN; Songs and dances of Yugoslavia (Bosnia, Hercegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Montenegro, Slovenia) (instr. a.o.: gusle, tapan, zurla, Irula, kaval) (rec. and notes by LAURA BOLTON);

FP.806. Songs and dances of Armenia; FP.8Il. Haitian folk songs; FP.814' Songs and dances of Greece; FP. 820. Russian folksongs; FP.830. Songs and dances of the Basques (instr. a.o.: txistu and tun-tun);

b) by 'His Master's Voice', among many others, some fine recordings from India, of which I mention:



N.6982. N.14564· N. 16764· N. 16781. N. 18219. N.20027· HQ.2. HT.83·

(instr.: tabla, tampura, sarangi, and (?) kattyavana vina (xylophone) ; performer: MANOHAR BARVE) ; (instr.: vichitra vina, tabla; performer: ABDUL AZIZ KHAN); (instr.: shahnai, duggi; performer: BISMILLAH); (instr.: sarode, tabla; performer: ALI AKBAR KHAN); (instr.: sarode, tabla; performer: id.) ; (Tamil; instr.: violin, mr4angga; singer: SM. N. C. VASANTHAKOKILAM); (instr.: sitar; performer: Pandit RAVI SHANKAR); (instr.: sarangi, tabla; singer: BAI KESARBAI KERKAR); (instr.: sarangi, tabla; performer: BUNDU KHAN);

c) by the World Collection of Recorded Folk Music (editor: Prof. CONSTANTIN BRAILOIU) in collaboration with Unesco: three more albums with music resp. from:

(III) Tuareg, Ireland, Turkey (Anatolia), Sardinia, Hindostan (Benares) (instr. a.o.: bagpipe, kaval, saz, launeddas) ;

(IV) Fulah (Peuls), Rumania, Flanders, Esthonia, Bosnia (instr. a.o.: flute (zazakuat) , musical bow, carillon, jaw's harp, bagpipe, bowed bow, gusle, dvoinice, tamburiza);

(V) Formosa (Bunun, Tsarisen,Sazek), England (Somerset, Oxfordshire, Northumberland, Norfolk, Wales), Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia (distr. Pskoff) (instr. a.o. beakflute (flute a bee), bagpipe, gadulka).


F ig.!. A. J. ELLiS (1814- 1890) 1

~~~ i>~<lAJ~ .,k.


Fig. 2. CARL STUMPF (1848-1936) Fig. 3. CURT SACHS (b. 1881)

1 Since the identity of the above portrait was uncertain, an appeal has been m a de to one of ELLIS'S younger contemporaries, namely BERNARD SHAW. I believe I m a y rightly

reproduce his testimony in facsimile.


Fig. 4. TOBIAS NORLIND (1879-1948)



Fig. 6. A. H. Fox STRANGWAYS (1859-1948) (Courtesy Mr. Jerome Dessain)

- 122-

Fig. 7. HENRY BALFOUR (1863- 1939) (Courtesy Messrs. LAFAYETTE Ltd., London)

Fig. 9. ZOLTAN KODALY (b. 1882)

- 123-

Fig. 8. BELA BART6K (1881- 1945)


Fig. II. ERICH M. VON HORNBOSTEL (1877-1935) (I. ) with JACQUES HANDSCHlN (b. 1886)

Fig. 12. CONSTANTIN BRAILOIU (b. 1893) (1). with LEoN ALGAZ!. At the background, from left to right: ZYGMUNT ESTREICHER, CLAUDIE MARCEL-DUBOIS and SAMUEL BAUD-


F ig. 13. JAAP KUNST (b. 189 1) Fig. 14. ANDRE SCHAEFFNER (b. 1895)

- I24-

Fig. 15. A. O. VAIS .. \NEN (b. 1890)

Fig. 16. ROBERT LACH (b. 1874)

Fig. 18. MARIUS BARBEAU (b. 1883)

Fig. 17. ERICH M. VON HORNBOSTEL (1877-1935)

- 125

Fig. 19. ROBERT LACHMANN (1892 - 1939) Fig. 20. PERCIVAL R. KIRBY (b. 1888)

Fig. 21. l'iIlECZYSLAW J(OLINSKI (b. 1901 ) Fig. 22. ARNOLD A. BAKE (b. 1899)

- 126-

Fig. 23 . HUGH T . TRACEY (b. 1903) Fig. 24. MARlUS SCHNEIDER (b. 1903)


- 127-

F ig. 28. WALTER WIORA (b. 1906)


Fig. 29. HANS HICKMANN (b. 1908)


128 -

Fig. 32. Buttock-'music' on a ancient Greek vase

Fig. 33. Ancient E gyptian orchestra

Fig. 34. North Indian bin (after HIPKINS)

- I29-

Fig. 35. Bamboo zithers from Flores (A = full-tube, Band C = half-tube


Fig. 36. Raft-zither from Hindost an (after SOLVI] NS)

Fig. 37. Prehistoric lu(n)komba; Dra­kens berg (Basutoland) rock-painting (after STOW). (Courtesy Mr.P.R.KIRBY and the Trustees of the South African


Fig. 38. Mod ernlu(n)komba

Fig. 39. Musical bow from South Africa (after P ERCIVAL R. KIRBY)

- 130 -

Fig. 40. Javanese hemanah

Fig. 44. Pan-pipe (Central Timor)

Fig. 41. "Kemanak" of the l'angwe, West Central Africa


Fig. 42. Fehu of the Atoni, Central Timor

Fig. 43. Dunda from Sakata, North Nigeria

Fig. 45. Unconnected pan-pipes (hoi) (West-Flores)

- 131 -

Fig. 46. Monochord with scale division

Fig. 47. Dodecachord provided with 12 graduated scales, moveable bridges and tuningpegs, which can duplicate any kind of scale of known vibration numbers

- I32 -

II " 5 • .. • II

at • I .. • • • • .. 4& 34

• :K) ~!I 60 &4 It 74 79 4 84 35 • .. 103 1 8 113 11 122 127 132


1:16 141 • " I" 1:>1 I !I:, 160 164 16H 174 17 I 11 I 7 : 1 • 192 lilt 201 . 0& 210 21 S 21 9 22~ . 22 252 • 281 242 248 2S ~S $ 2S9 2 3 26 272 276 39 ~ .. -- 1M --- 311 Stl 311 ~ o

41 124 32 S:l . I 336 S40~ 3« 349 353 351 3tll 41 a 3 :, SU 313 377 3 2 3 8 s eo 394 39 40. 42 .. 406 410 414 41 422 428 430 434 488 442 a .. HI! 4:' 4,,4 45 462 466 409 473 471 ~ I .. • 4 $ 4 9 492 4.6 :'00 !I()4 :'0 11 12 SI6 !II 45 .- !l28 527 113 :'34 :'S :'42 :' 46 1> 49 I>S3 5Si -t6 .7 !l6 :. " 561 !I i i 11 7S &1 b 2 5 6 5 9 593 U .- 596 600 fl04 6 7 611 614 61 622 625 629 .. .- 632 836 6 ~0 643 646 65 654 65; 660 664 ~I 5 117 171 174 171 al .. &88 HI &95 698 51 11 702 70:; 70 71 2 71:1 71 7. S 72 732 51 • i 3:' 73 742 74 ;) 7S 7 b 52 11 771 791 197 53 ... 04 23 29 54 .. 36 4 8!> 4 GO 55 • 86 7 8 ;, 91 66 17 97 909 9111 921 57 • 924 92"; 939 94j 95 1 58 • P:;4. 957 9 9i1 I () H i i 9 0 59 flO --- 191 IN 897 1,· 1113 ICI06 '001 0 II 111 1014 101; 1020 1028 1026 102 \0:11 I 34 I 37 81 • 1040 I 42 1045 104 I 51 I !l4 I ,,6 10119 I 62 1064 62 • 10117 1010 1072 1075 101 10 I 10 4 10 6 10 \/ 1092 53 It I " 1097 11 0 11 02 11 0:; I I 111 0 1,11 3 1116 III M • 11 21 11 24 J 1 ~.; 11.9 1132 1134 1137 1140 1142 IH5 65 • 114 11 50 1 1~3 11 !l1J 11 118 1160 11 8!! 11 66 116 1171 66 17 1104 1176 11 19 II 1 II " II 6 I I 9 11 112 11 94 II 7 67 • 1200 12 2 12 1207 121 1212 I 14 1217 122 1222 68 • 1224 1227 1230 J2a!! 123" 1:!37 124 1242 1245 124. H .0 ,. ,. 1254 1257 1260 1- 1264 1218 1269 1271 7()

71 12H 1278 12i 9 I :! I 12 " I :! t; 12 1293 1296 . 71 7J 129 13 1:103 1:S0& 1:S0 1310 1:11 • la l 7 132 72 73 13\!\! 1324 1327 18 . 18:12 1334 1836 1341 1348 73 7. 1346 134 13:'0 13:'3 1855 1:1& 1860 . 1864 136 • 74 75 J:ltJD 1 :~71 ' 1:173 13i S 137 13 0 IS 2 13 7 1;1 I) 75 7. 1892 Ise4 Is e6 139 1401 14 4 1401! IH 1~1 2 76 77 14111 1417. 141e 142:! 1424 1426 142 143:1 14a5 n 71 143. 1440' 1442 14,", 1446 144 1"110 \4!.5 1457 71 71 14:'11 146 · 1463 1466 I 146 1470 1472 1476 14. 11 0 I. ,. ,. t417 1_ 14ft 142. I .... ,. IIOG

• 11 • I • :a .. 5 • 7 '" • H I

Fig. 48 . The cents-table of VON HORNBOSTEL

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Fig. 50. Transcription after a phonogram of a Florincsc mclody (lagu Soda)

Fig. 5 I. The sound-recording and -repro­ducing installation at the Department of ethno-musicology of the "Muspe national des Arts ct Traditions populaires en France", Paris (Director: CLAUDIE MARCEL-DuBOIS)

- 135-

Fig. 52. The Music Rule of Prof. M. REINER



absolute pitch 37 acoustics (17. 112. 1451) Aeolian ha.Ip 56 aerophones 52. 58 aksak (rhythm) (198) alap(a) (1336) algoza 3 I

Archives of recorded music. collection of the Phonotheque National. Paris (52); id. of the Musee de l'Homme (1490); id. of the Library of/Congress (468). id. of Berlin (1450 ) /

assimilation (cultural) 6I audition colore (1871) aulos (904. 916. 1625) autophones 57.58 avanaddha 55 bagpipe (48. 230. 320a. 570. 660. 1324.

1408a. 1688. 1689. 1889). 3I. 33. 53. II8. II9

balafon (see marimba) balalaika 32 bamboo trumpet (91. 354) bamboo zither (figs. 35 and 36). 53 banjo (1671) bass-horn 57 bata 32 baya 3I

beakflute II9

beatingsticks 50 begenna30 Berlin. phonogram collection of. (1450).24.25 bibliography of Asiatic musics (1860) bin (fig. 34). 54 bird voices (843. 1141. 1148. 1783). 46 biwa (1242). 36 blowing gong (354) blown fifths. cycle of. (239. 240. 242. 856.

873. 1094. 1228).26 bonang (1099 I. p. 153 ff.) bowed bow I I9

brass (bronze) drums (255. 637. 701. 705. 706. 1085. 1500)

Budapest. phonogram collection of. 28

bugaku (69s) bull-roarer (163. 176. 236. 354. 1626. 1924) buttock-music (fig. 32). 5I calabash-horn 35 Canada. phonogram collection in. 24 canun (502) carillon II9

castanets (791). 35. 5I cembalo 56 cents system (fig. 48) (861. 924. 1919). I2 ff. chake53 chalintu 52 chantang balung (214)

, charb yai (1680a) cheironomy (fig. 33) (768 III. 806). 50 chelempung 56 cheng (673) chepkong35 children's songs (130. 149. 166. 223. 876.

1807. 1878• 1923).33. 47 ching (1680a) chizanshi 35 chordophones (1372. 1373. 1527a. 1599). 58 chrotta59 C.I.A. (T.) P. 28. 39 clapper (773). 50 clarinet (IS. 789). 52 clarsech (S87) classification systems (433. 851. 1322• 1372-

1374. 1513. 1598. IS99. 1602). 64 Clephts. songs of the. (133. 134) conches. (blowing-). (276. 3S4. 947) consonance (1741. 1742• 1747) copyright on folk songs (1110) crocodile zither 53 crotales (774) crwth59 ~ushira55 cycles per second (c.p.s.) II cymbals (774. 810) danza (1848) darabukah (802) dholak 3I diaphony (1719)

* Figures between brackets refer to the Bibliography (p. 65). As a rule a literature reference is only given when the keyword behind which it appears is mentioned in the title of the work concerned.

- 137-

didjeridu 33 disc-libraries (416). 33 ff .• 37 ff. do butt 33 dodecachord (fig. 47). 63 drone (266) drum (96. 162. 473-475. 604-608. 628. 776.

802. 897. 945. 1040. 1246• 1253. 1394. 1420.1882.1909).30-35.49.53

drum languages (136. 262. 439. 707. 731. 1132• 1656)

duda33 duggi ZX9 dunda (fig. 43). 45 dundun 33 dvojnice II9 ei (442) ekola (1004) electrophones 60 ellis I6

enkoit035 ennanga35 entenga35 equidistancy (1227. 1768a. 1770. 1841) eschaquiel (502. 508B) esraj (33) ethos (3. 880. 1833) feku (fig. 42). 45 fidel (812a. 1682a) flamenco (1661) fliite a bec II9 flutes (40. 147. 208. 230. 235. 429. 562. 566.

650. 768 IV. 789. 805. 812b. 839. 849. 1011. 1012. 1014. 1035. 1053. 1079. 1221. 1234. 1314. 1351. 1409. 1510. 1567. 1907. 1907a. 1941• 1955a).3I .

form (737. 1034b. 1482). 63 France. phonogram collections in. 37. 3B frets (52 IE. 1084) friction drum (96) frula IIB gadulka II9 (see also lirica) gagaku (692. 695. 1242).36 gambus (1375) gamelan (1099 I. p. 243 ff.). 34 Gandhara grama (564) gangan 33 gara 35 geige (573) gender (1099 I. p. 172 ff.). 5I ghaghar 3I ghana 55 ghungharus 32 gigue (573) glottophones 52 gong (1095. 1099 I. p. 136 ff .• I115. 1684.

1949).5I gong wong yai (1680a) gong wong lek (1680a) gopi-jantra 3I gora (goura. hura) (92. 986. 997) gourd (1886) gramophone I9 ff. gramophone companies 2B ff.

gudugudu33 guitar 35. 59 gungan32 guslar (1910. 1911) gusle IIB. II9 gusli (1809) Hardanger fiddle (1385). 33 harp (8. 33. 232. 436. 587. 588. 730. 767 I.

767 II. 768 V. 783 VII. 804. 806. 809. 1521. 1541• 1814. 1841). 30. 33. 35

harp-lute (662) harp-zither 34 ha-uta (321) heptatonic scales (1770).43 herdepipa (1955c) hertz (H.) II heterochord 53 heterophony (7). 44 hoi (fig. 45). 53 hora (1962) hornpipe (88) hula (466) hummel (968. 1846) hurdy-gurdy (592b. 1889). 3I Hungary. phonogram collection in. 3B hydraulic organ (509. 584. 592C. 1243. 1662,

1771. 1858) idiochords 53 idiophones 5B igbin 33 instrumental music, origin of. 48 ff. interlocking thirds 44 interruption aerophones 53 interval measurement II ff. leila dance (964) israj 3I jalatarang 33 jaw's (jew's) harp (470. 760. 1012. 1013,

1225. 1517. 1904. 1945a). 56. II9 jazz (874. 1304. 1454) jig (573) jyabisen32 kanang0 32 kannel (55) kantele (1367. 1808a. 1810. 1813. 1816) karatali 32 karnyx (1512) kartal 3I kathandi 35 kattyavana vina IIB kaval IIB. II9

kayamba 35 kemanak (fig. 40). 44 kenas (644) kenong (1099 I. p. 160 ff.). 5I kerikeri 32 kibukandet 35 kimsi daw 32 k'in (671-674. 1801). 53 kirtan (78) Kitab al-iqd al-farid (526) Kitab al-malahi (520) kithara(67o.916• 1369. 1557)

klong thad (1680a) klu'i 56 koto (942. 1242). 3z. 33. 36.53 ko-uta (321) kowangan 59 kponingbo 35 kronchong (1256) "Kulturkreise" 6I kundi35 langeleik (see also hummel) 33 langendrija z9 launeddas (492). II9 Leningrad. phonogram collection in. z8 Library of Congress (468). Z3. 36 ligomb0 35 linguaphones 59 lirica (603) (see gadulka) lisanzo 35 lithophones (44. 308. 926. II 29. 1610. 1683) lituus (1512) lu{n)komba (fig. 37 and 38) (1248). 54 lure (229. 1955C) lute (142. 508H. 521C. 52ID. 521F. 52IG. 609.

704.767 II. 768 VI. 769. 798 XI. 1371.1966) lyre (414. 767 II. 1369. 1557. 1792). 35 magic (236. 238• 305. 373. 447a• 537. 969.

Il18. Il24. 1206. 1409. 1482. p. 37. 1498. 1509. 1514. 1702• 1909. 1915). 63

Maheswara Sutra (338) maqam{at) (931. 938). 63 marimba (161. 622. 628. 921. 993. 1073.

1245. 1346• 1349. 1713). 34. 35. 5I • 56 masonqu0 30 maung saing 3Z m'bila (see marimba) m'bilta30 m'bira (see sanza) medicine and music {48. 373. 381. 388. Il20.

1121. 1241. 1664. 1965a).64 mela (kerta) (943. 1503. 1505) membranophones 58 mganda dance (959) migyaung 53 milli-octave (M.O.) IZ

mission and music (1092. 1508). 64 mizmar (508F) mong (1680a) monkeys and music 48 monochord (fig. 46) (1857). I8. I9 mouth harp (see jaw's harp) mr«Jangga 3I. II9 multi part music (43. 165, 248. 803. 837. 901.

966. 984. 985. 1101. 1176. 1407a. 1466. 1467. 1535. 1630. 1630a. 1631. 1636. 1652. 1791).43.44. 63

musical bow (90. 354. 421. 972. 1125. 1210. 1588).34.54. II9

musical rasp (435. 1078) musical script (219. 275. 337 II. 590. Chapter

IV. 671. p. 4-5. 6g5. 857. 1021. 1062. 1099. Il96. II99. 1214. 1241a. 1507. 1510. 1529-1531. 1551. 1685. 1686. 1702. 1780a. 1802. 1854. 1965a). 63

music rule (fig. 52) (1447) nada (80) nagasvara (1423) nanga 35 Natya-~astra (224). 55 nay (508F) negroid elements 44 neikembe35 neums5° nigftn 63 Noardske balke (see also Hummel) (968.

1846) Noh-music {II75. 1242. 1415).36. 63 nomos 63 nose flute (40. 566. 1314. 1907) notation of folk music (1376). 39 notched rattle (6g8) nyamulera 35 oboe (789). 5z ocarina (689) octoechos (355. 954) omichicahuatzli (260) ondes sonores 60 organ {508C. 509. 584. 761. 1243. 1329.

1616. 1662).53 origin of music 46 ff. orut035 Ottawa. phonogram collection in. Z4 o zi3Z pakavaj3I

pandore (505. 531G) pan-pipes (figs. 44 and 45) (139. 235. 354.

562. 829. 839. 849. 1829. 1964. 1973). 5I. 5z

Paris. phonogram collections in. z7 part singing (see multi part music) pat;et (817). 63 pattala3z patt waing 3Z pellet bells (787) pcHog-scale (fig. 49) (817. 1099 passim) pendular thirds 44 pentatonic scales (331. 620. II25. 1205. 1294.

1744. 1759). 43 peyote music (1283. 1284) philosophy and music (228. 907. II 94. 1504.

1801. 1845.' 1877. 1965. 1965a). 64 piano 56 pibcom (88) pigeon flutes (819) pi nai (1680a) pincollos (644) p'i-p'a (1008. 1764) piphat (1680a) pitch (456. 460. 1228a. 1228b). II. 4z pitch pipes I7. I8 plurigenesis 6I pochette (574) polychord 63 polyphony (165. 803. 984) portative (761) prehistoric music (1385b. 1545. 1672. 1940.

1941• 1955a• 1972• 1974). 54

- I39

psychology and music (22. 266. 682. 686. 86g. 870. 907. 1043. 1044. 1126. 1335. 1456. 1663. 1664. 1668. 1732. 1736. 1833), 64

Pythagorean comma II qanum (502) raftzither 53 quarter tones (12. 16) race and music (13OC. 157a, 180, 181, 185,

725. 1007. 1I49) rag(a) {IO, 101, 267, 337 II. 347. 560. p. 151

ff., 593, 1425. 1428-1430. 1433. 1439. 1441• 1442,1501.1503.1568.1717.1961).63

RamaYaJ,la (417) ramshorn (1030) ranad ek (1680a) ranad lek (1680a) ranad thume (1680a) rattle (698), 35 rebab (218. 1099 I, p. 220 ff.) rebec (508H) recording (1670a) recording instruments. types of. zo ff. religion and music (447a. 477, 575. 669a.

735, 747. 1033). 64 rhythm (27. 49. 198. 200. 250a. 320• 375.

388. 428. 605. 608. 613. 695. 905. 958, 966. 1042, 1101. 1338, 1339. 1355. 1366. 1555. 1556. 1584. 1762. 1825. 1826. 1881. 1914).63

roga (48) rumba (623) Russia. phonogram collections in. z8 sackbut (585) saezuri (442) Samaveda (491. 1426) samisen (see shamisen) sanai (see shahai) Sangita Damodara (339) sanza (921. 1247. 1451. 1947. 1948). 34. 35.

56 sarangi3I. II8. II9 sarinda 3I sarode II9 saron (1099 I. p. 164 ff.). 5I sarusophone 57 saung 32 savart I2

saxophone 57 sat II9 schwegel (1014) scrapers (435. 1078) serpent 57 sex and music (53Z). 5I. II 06. p. II ff. shamisen (IZ42. 1280. 1953). 32. 36 shahnai 3I. 33. II9 shark sistrum (549) shawm (Z30) shekere 32 shell trumpets (354. 947) shipalapala (IOOZ)

sho (I796). 33 shofar (I030)

shwe-bo 3Z sistrum (776. 1687-16g1) sitar 3I. II9 skeletal tones 42 sIendro-scale (fig. 49) (817. 1099 passim) slitdrum (354, 647. 653. 1246, 1297. 1301•

1378a. 1716) slit stop flutes (420. 1320a, 1941a. 1955a) sociology and music (145. 157. 907. 1029.

II 06, 1I50. 1850. 1851. 1864a). 64 sruti (295, 335. 564, 1505) stamping drums (1223) stamping tubes 50 steelband (1337) Stockholm. phonogram collection in. z8 strAkharpan (3z) stroboscope (1I30). I8 style in music (180. 326. 332. 725. 736. 88z,

894. 915. II 49. 1356. 1357. 1361a. 1361b, 1631. 1638. 1640). 63

surigane 32 Sweden, phonogram collections in. 28 Swedish lute (1371) symphonia (1324) synaesthesia (1871) syrinx (14 I ) tabla 3I. II8. II9 tala (560, 1958) tambura (tampura) 3I. II8 tamburine (786), 3I tamburiza II9 tanbur (505) tapan Ir8 tapon{e) (1680a) tappu 3I tarkas (644) tarantella (1647) tata55 ta'us (66) tcherawata 30 teponatzli (z63. 1301) thum 36 thume lek (1680a) tibia (904) "tiled" melodies 44 tone measurement (46z. p. 486; 1I30. 13II.

13IZ. 1945b). I7 ff. tonometers I7. I8 transcription of phonograms (1130. 1311

131z• 1945b). 37 ff. trautonium 60 tritone 44 trumpets {91. 137. 276• 676. 775. 1003. 1363.

1409.1611.1675.1909).34.35.53 trumpet marine (574a. 589. 1366a) tumba (1848) tuning forks I7. I8 tun-tun II8 tupan (49) txistu II8 ukelele (1479) Unesco 28. 36. II9 Uppsala. phonogram collection in. 28

I40 -

U.S.A., phonogram collections in the, 23, 24 ute (1483) vallhom (1955e) vani 3I Vedic chant (491, 534, 818, 1426, 1435, 1442,

1686) vibrations doubles (v.d.) II

vichitra vina II8 Vienna, phonogram collection in, 24 violin 59 vina (3II-313, II85), 54 vocal music, origin of, 46 ff. whit-hom (89)

wiri-wiri (635, 636) xylophones (161, 622, 628, 921, 993, 1073,

1245, 1346, 1349, 1400, 1401a, 1713), 35, 59

yang 43,50 yang-ko (269) yin 43,50 yodeling (199, 865, 12II, 1681) zambumbia (298) zazakuat II9 zink 57 zither (671-674, 942, 1372) zurle (1687), II8




Abakwa3I Abchases (II57, II62) Abyssinia (see Ethiopia) Afghanistan (344, 345, 925) Africa (South of the Sahara) (figs. 37-39,

41, 43) (41, 42a, 60, 95, 97, 136, 161, 162, 179, 192a, 192b, 193, 201, 244, 262, 271, 304a , 469, 556, 569, 576, 577a, 603a-608, 628, 662, 663a, 666, 669a, 674a, 696, 697, 708, 710, 731, 744, 758, 795, 816a, 835, 838, 877, 890, 891, 897, 900, 901, 919, 921, 922, 956a, 95~66a, 980b, 983-1002, 1004-1006, 1034, 1034a, 1039, 1073, 1223, 1230a, 1230b, 1242a, 1244a, 1245-1248, 1256a-C, 1307, 1308-1308b, 1397-1400, 1401a, 1405, 1420, 1451, 1597, 1600, 1603, 1605, 1607-1609, 16II, 1630, 1656, I 666b, 1699, 1700, 1707, 1713, 1715, 1718a, 1782, 1788- 1 795a, 1806, 1807, 1822, 1830b, 1839-1842, 1859, 1859a, 1880a, 1882, 1933, 1947, 1948, 1970), 29, 3 I , 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 44, 5I , 54, 56, 59, uS, I22, I 2 3

Afro-Americans (36, 261, 265, 293, 350, 468, 541, 550, 735, 735a , 1033, 1384, 1574-1576, 1597, 1669), 30, 3I, 32, 33, uS

Afro-Bahia (36, 468, 541, 735, 735a, 1033, 1946)

Afro-Cubanos (261, 265, 1384, 1574-1576) Ainu (1387) Akamba (469) Alabama3I Alabama Indians (400) Alasca (955), 33 Albania (45, 48-50, 1354), 32, 33 Algeria (1496, 1497), 32 Ali (156) Alp-peoples (238, 1894-1896) Amami Islands (Northern Ryiikyiis) 32 Amazonas (440, 1394),33 Ambo (1715) Ambon (956), 34 Anatolia II9 Angami Naga's 44 Anjou 3I Annam (226, 227, 416a, 1018, 1365, 1437) Andamans (1414), 5I Angouleme 3I

Antilles (see West Indian Archipelago) Apache 3I, 36 Appalachians (1678) Arabia (Arab music) {61, II4, 144, 149, 150,

278-281, 284, 286-291, 333, 482, 494-413, 498-515, 517, 519-52IE, 521G, 524-526, 528-530, 531A, 531B, 53Ie-53Ig, 531k, 557, 576, 703, 704, 712, 728, 759, 765, 792, 888, 911, 980, 1142, 1178, 1187, II89, II95, II 96, II97, II99, 1259, 1267, 1460, 1468, 1490, 1496-1499, 1540, 1546, 1560, 1622, 1623, 1644, 1660, 1763, 1951, 1952),3I ,33,35,43,63

Arapaho (399, 917, 1361, 1361C) Arara 3I Araucanians (59, 941, 1830a) Argentina (53, 729, 941, 1200a, 1637, 1830a) Armenia (355, 601, 796, 1036, 1037, 1244,

1353, 1410, 1755), 3I, uS Arnhemland (448), 32 Aru Islands 34 Asia minor (57, 148, 166-170, 436, 518, 523,

822, 953, 1237, 1396, 1411, 1590, 1591, 1593, 1755, 1918)

Assam (346, 566, 1355, 1518) Assyria (53IF, 590, 8II, 1837, 1867) Asturias 3I Atoni (fig. 42) /?Auni (999) Australia, aboriginals of, (91, 163, 194, 348,

448,659,678,908,1649, 1726a, 1773, 1909), 32,33,34,44

Austria (1013, 1973, 1974) Austronesia (see Oceania) Aymara3I Azande (see Zande) Azerbaijan (253a), 3I, 33 Aztecs (27a, 257, 260, 582, 61I, 612, 689,

1035, 1266, 1300, 1301, 1588) Babar 34 Babembe (see Bembe) Babira 35 Babunda (see Bunda) Babylonia (436, 590, 592a, 8II, 1530, 1532,

1551, 1837, 1867),43, 63 Baganda (see Ganda) Bahamas (468, 920), 32, 33, uS

Bahutu (see Hutu) Baiga (975) Bali (1062, 1063, 1067, 1096, II 14, 1285-

1295a, 1615, 1708-1710, 1955), 29, 30, 33, 34, 43, 5I , 63

Balkans (45, 47-51, II3, II5, II7, 123, 129a, 133, 134, 138, 176, 177, 196, 198, 220, 221, 230, 231, 320, 422-428, 544, 545, 546, 603, 757, 948, 949, 949a, 970a, 972a, 1042, 1055, 1056, II08, II12, 1261, 1315, 1319, 1333, 1334, 1354, 1364, 1366, 1377, 1419, 1462, 1465, 1466, 1467, 1492, 15II , 1613, 1687-16g1, 17°5, 1719-1722, 1824-1827,1910, 1911,1925-1929),32,33,II8,II9

Baltic States (46, 55, 56, 154, 222, 618, 648, 649, 970, 973, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1231, 1325, 1392, 1393, 1443, 1813)

Baluba (see Luba) Bamba 35 Bambala33 Bamende (see Mende) Banda 34 Bannock 36 Bantu (see also Africa, south of the Sahara,

and South-Africa) (674a, 983, 984--988, 990-998, 1001, 1005, 1039, 1230a, 1230b, 1794, 1795, 1795a)

Banyuwangi (207) Ba'oule 34 Bapende (see Pende) Bapere 35 Ba~hi (1308b) Bashkirs (I158) Basques (347a, 43D-432a, 599a, 1799), II8 Basuto (fig. 37) (1039, 1667), 54 Bata (1605) Batak (2, 727), 30 Batwa (201), 35 Baya 30,33, II8 Bedouins3I Belgium II9 Bellekula Indians (1733) Bembe (1401b, 1700) Benares II9 Bengal (78, 928), 3I Benkulen (1070) Berber tribes (282, 283, 285, 289, 2nd part,

531b, 894) (see also Fulah and Tuareg) Berry 3I Bhil (969) Birma (1016, 1260, 1448, 1518, 1922, 1923),

3I ,32 ,53 Bismarck Archipelago (439, 714, 715, 830,

914, 915, 1930) Bobwa35 Bokhara (615), 3I Bolivia (139, 644) Bongili 30 Borneo (1079, 1344, 1680), 34 Bosnia (1055, 1261, 1319, 1333, 1334, 1465,

1466, 151I, 1613, 1827), II8, II9 Botocudos (1726) Bougainville (853)

Brazil (24, 25, 64, 468, 541, 597, 729, 735, 735a, 839, 903, 1252, 1298, 1299, 1313, 1459a, 1491, 1595, 1657, 1698, 1726, 1820, 1933,1946),33,II8

Bretagne (see Brittanny) British Columbia (4°5, 828) British East Africa (744) Brittanny (1798), 3I Bulgaria (220, 221, 428, 970b, 972a, 1042,

1366, 1377, 1492, 1705, 1719-1722, 1831), II9

Bulu 33 Bunun (I125), II9 Bushmen (92, 989, 992, 995, 996, 999, 1000,

1006, 1007), 54 Buudu 35 Byzantium (497, 602, 1784, 1831, 1873, 1874,

1875a). Caddo 36 California (421) Cambodga (416a, 631, 633, II90, 1I91, 1437.

1729, 1954), 3I

Cameroon (663a, 708, 1600, 1605), 33 Cam (360) Canada (102-109, 406, 537), 24 Canaries (1019) Cape Breton Island 33 Care1ia (175) Caribbean Islands (see West Indian Archi-

pelago) Caribou Eskimo (484, 486), 34 Caribs (II), 32 Carnatic (see South India) Carolines (738, 749) Catalineno Indians (1482) Catalonia 3I Caucasus (418, II 39, II57, 1I60. II62. II71.

1350, 1351, 1641), 28, 33 Celebes (875, 974) Central America (II, 27a, 131, 257. 258. 260.

261, 263, 264, 272, 358, 376, 377, 468, 581, 582, 596, 6II, 612, 687, 689, 690, 724, 1035, 1059, II54, 1266, 1282, 1300, 1301. 1412, 1415, 1452, 1558, 1574. 1575, 1576. 1588, 1589. 1649, 1673, 1674, 1694, 1718, 1786,1920,1935,1939),32,II8

Central Asia (146, 147, 470, 471, 527, 568, 719, 842, 930, 950, 1010, 1049, 1I77, 1379, 1380, 1382, 1573, 1621, 1735, 1763a, 1787). 54, 62

Ceylon (58, 99, 349, 1676) Chaldea (302, 953, 1237), 43 Chavantes (1459a) Cheremiss (II57, II61) Cherokee 36 Chewa (744) Cheyenne (399, 1305),36 Chhattisgarh (464) Chili (1932), 33 China (I, 9, 26, 268, 269, 270, 314, 356, 444,

540, 548, 578, 658, 671, 674, 819, 857, 909, 1008-1010, 1021, 1024, 1029, 1057, 1058, 1127, 1128, 1144, 1192-1194, 1213-1215,

- 143

1225, 1226, 1249, 1263, 1269, 1302, 1328, 1329, 1370, 1381, 1406, 1407b, 1461, 1489, 1546, 1549, 1553, 1650, 1683, 1703, 1764, 1769, 1800-1802, 1845, 1850-1856, 1865, 1883, 1884, 1914), 20, 29, 33, 43, 53, 55, 62,63,LI8

Chinook (158) Chippewa (364, 368, 370, 389, II24h), 36 Chitimacha Indians (412) Chleuh (283, 285) Choctaw (406), 36 Chopi (1791) Chu'an Miao (9) Chuwassians (1I58) Circassian Tatars (950) Coast Salish (745) Cocopa 36 Columbia (298, 1219-1222) Comanche 36 Congo (161, 162, 192a, 201, 569, 628, 1245-

1248, 1308a, 1308b), 32, 33, 34, 35, 56 Copper Eskimo (1473) Copts (764, 768 III, 773, 778, 782) Cora Indians (848), 3I Corea (314, 441, 886, 976), 31, 34 Cordilleras de los Andes (139, 1829) Corsica 31 Creek Indians (976, 1706), 36 Crete (641) Crimea (1I57) Croatia (129a, 1613, 1688-1691, 1925-1928),

II8 Cuba (261, 265, 1384, 1574-1676a, 1692), 3I,

33,II8 Cura,.ao (635, 636, 1848) Czechoslovakia (120, 916a, 1613, 1834, 1835) Dahomey (919) Dalmatia (1056) Deccan (see South India) Dayak (see Borneo) Delaware 36 Denmark (668, 1693) Djerba (n88) DjukaJI Dogon (662) Duala (1656) Dyak (see Borneo) Ecuador (139, 1829, 1942, 1955b) Egypt (ancient) (fig. 33) (300, 516, 531j,

764. 766-791• 793. 797. 798• 799. 800-810, 812. 1003. 1234. 1235. 1237. 1276. 1519, 1521. 1525. 1526. 1527. 1528. 1541. 1546. 1554.1868.1966).50.62

Egypt (modern) (149, 150. 531C. 704. 793, 801.802.805.1233.1642.1763).29.32

England (88. 89. 232. 318b. 971a. 1355a, 1876. 1936). LI9

Erithrea 30 Eskimo (159a. 484-486. 488. 489. 955. 1207-

1209. 1473. 1775-1777. 1779. 1780• 1944). 33.34

Esthonia (55. 56. 648. 649. 1202. 1203. 1443. 1813). II9

Ethiopia (316, 716. 732, 794. 1321). 30, 33 Etruscia (23, 1868) Equador (see Ecuador) Ewe (577a, 604-608, 1643. 1905) Faeror (669. 713, 1968) Falasha 32 Fang (Pangwe, Pahouins) (fig. 41) (60. 852) Fiji Islands (359, 978, 979) Finnland (36. 1045. 1047, 1048, 1051, 1202,

1203.1453, 1808a. 1813. 1817, 1819a),33 Finn-Ugrians (1050, 1I39, 1I57. 1I58, 1819a) Flanders II9 Flathead Indians (1306, 1309), 32 Flores (figs. 35, 42. 45) (702, 1070. 1083,

11I3), 22, 23. 40• 44. 52, 54 Formosa (972. I125). 34. II9 France (233. 347a. 420-432a, 940, 1216,

1259a. 1781. 1798, 1799). 3I • 32,33. 34 French Canada (103, 105. 107), 24, 33 Fuegians (898, 899) FulahLI9 Gabon 34 Gabrielino Indians (1482) Galicia 31 Ganda35 Ganda{Soga 35 Gazelle peninsula (439) Genya 35 Georgia (418. 1157. 1160. 1350, 1943) German Switzerland (273a) Germany (141. 415. 481. 649. 1637. 1891,

1901. 1902. 1903, 1940) Gilbert Islands (1206) Gogadara (1633) Goldcoast (607, 1718a) Gond (975) Great Basin Indians 36 Greece (ancient) (fig. 32) (3. 4. 143, 355, 414.

467. 506• 531G• 539a • 592• 613. 638. 639, 641. 642, 686, 728a. 730. 904, 916. 923. 951. I178. 1239. 1270. 1369. 1419. 1421, 1446, 1522• 1528. 1529. 1531. 1534. 1535. 1546. 1549. 1550, 1557, 1624, 1625, 1772, 1866. 1887,1888).43,63.I18

Greece (modern) (133. 134. 1315. 1316, 1317. 1419. 1509).32.33,34

Greenland (1207. 1208. 1776. 1777. 1780) Guapore (1698) Guarahibo 35 Guarani (1726) Guatemala (724. 1920) Gypsies (319, 1027. 1714) Hainan (1225) Haiti (131, 1415), 30. 3I. 32. 33. 34. LI8 Haussa34 Havasupai Indians 31 Hawaii (253. 465. 466. 740 • 957. 1264. 1265.

1273. 1362• 1474. 1479) Haya 35 Hebrew (236. 254. 355. 479. 646. 661. 1229.

1238• 1546. 1549. 1677. 1869 1876a). 63 Hebrew-Balkan (48) Hebrew-Ethiopian 30

144 -

Hebrew-Oriental (615.933.934.935.938). 3I Hebrew-Persian (932. 934). 3I Hebrew-Syrian (934) Hebrew-Yemenite (932. 934). 3I Hebrides (38). 32 Hehe35 Hercegovina (1055. 1261. 1334. 1465. 1466.

1613). II8 Hidatsa Indians (372). 36 Hindostan (figs. 34 and 36) (18. 21. 189. 267.

295. 322• 337. 560. 1087. II16. II 74. 1254. 1336• 1436• 1438-1442. 1501-1503. 1587. 1701 • 1712. 1760. 1761. 1885). 43. 54. II8. II9

Hindu-Java (1064. 1065. 1081. 1084. II16) Hittites (1236. 1867) Hoggar 35 Honduras 32 Hopei (269) Hopi (626). 3I. 36 Hottentots (92. 992. 995. 1006) Hudson Bay Eskimo 33 Huichol3I Hungary (II6. II8. II9. 121. 122. 124. 126-

128. 130. 155. 319. 361. 1058• 1404. 1756. 1757. 1870). 28. 33

Hutu (201).35 Ibo (1244a. 1360. 1400. 1880a) Iceland (893. 1778. 1906). 33 Illyrians (II 12) Incas (93. 687. 867. 881. II65-II68. 1296.

1586) India (figs. 34 and 36) (10. 12. 13. 15. 16.

18-21. 44. 66-81. 83-85. 100. 101. 132. 153. 171. 189. 191• 224. 266. 267. 273. 275. 295. 310-313. 322• 334-343. 346• 347. 351• 352• 417. 463. 464. 480. 490. 491• 542• 559. 560. 564. 565a • 572• 577. 593-595. 665. 818. 823. 928. 929. 943. 952• 967. 969. 971b• 975. 1087. 1II6. II74. II84. II85. 1254. 1257. 1259. 1330. 1331• 1336• 1352. 1407c• 14II • 1413. 1423-1433. 1435. 1436• 1438- 1442• 1494. 1495. 1501-1505. 1510. 1516. 1549. 1561-1572. 1584. 1587. 1620. 1685. 1686. 1701. 17II. 1717. 1723. 1727. 1728. 1730. 1731. 1754. 1760. 1761. 1885. 1934. 1945. 1956-1961. 1967). 29. 3 I • 32• 33. 52. 54. 55. 63. II8.II9

Indochina (192. 226. 227. 308. 323. 416a. 631-633. 705. 706. 910. 918. 1017. 1018. 1025. II 90. II91. 1365. 1437. 1683. 1729. 1823).3I

Indonesia (2. 82. 87. 104. 202-219. 241. 332• 633. 664. 684. 702. 727. 817. 832• 834. 875. 956• 974. 1053. 1062. 1063. 1065. 1067. 1068. 1070-1073. 1075. 1076. 1079-1086. 1088. 1093. 1096-1099. II03. II07-II 09. II 12-II 14. II17. II98. 1256. 1285-1290. 1297. 1314. 1344. 1375. 1422. 1516. 1536. 1615. 1680. 1697. 17°8-1710. 1716. 1921• 1949. 1955). 20. 29. 30. 34. 39. 43. 44. 45. 5I • 53. 54. 56. 59. 63

Iran (see Persia) Iraq (531d) Ireland {1386. 1797).33. II9 Iroquois (IIO. 318. 468. 538. lIl8. l1I9. Il22.

Il24f. II24g). 36 Israel (236. 254.355. 646. 1876a) Istria (47. 1056) Italia (ancient) (23. 140. 143. 355. 467. 904.

1240. 1421. 1512. 1666a. 1868) Italia (modern) (160a. 492. 493. 539. 1969).

32.33.34 Jamaica (1471.1472. 1475. 1478).33. II8 Japan (54. 315. 321• 360. 442• 443. 445. 446•

691-695. 816b. 820. 887. 942. 971C. 980a. Il45. Il75. 1212. 1242. 1274. 1275. 1280. 1325. 1332. 1402. 1407. 1470b. 1408. 14Il• 1415. 1557a. 1753. 1765-1768• 1796. 1919a• 1953). 20. 29. 32• 33. 34. 36• 53. 63

Java (fig. 40) (82. 202. 207. 2Il-219. 241. 633. 664. 684. 817. 1065. 1067. 1°71. 1073. 1075. 1°78. 1081. 1084. 1086. 1097. 1099. Il07. IIog. II14. lII7. II98. 1297. 1422. 1536• 1949). 29. 30 • 34. 39. 43. 5I • 56. 59. 63

Jerba (see Djerba) Jews (236. 254. 355. 543. 567. 617a. 646. 661.

936• 937. 939. 940. I039a. 1188. 1229. 1556a. 1677. 1712. 1867. 1869. 1877. 1876a. 1917) (see also Hebrew etc. and Palestine)

Kaa-ihwua (1726) Kachins (667) Kai Islands (1085). 34 Karelia (175) Karesau (1628) Karnatic (see South India) Karkar (913) Kashmir (971b. 1407c). 33 Kazan Tatars (950. 1665) Kelts 59 Kenya 35 Khorasan (1755) Kimbisa3I Kiowa Indians 36 Kipsigi 35 Kirgiz (842. 950) Kissi (1609) *- Komani (999) Korana (see Hottentots) Korea (see Corea) Kroatia (see Croatia) Kubu (832) Kukuya 30 Kuyu 30 Kwakiutl (159) Laguna (1470) Laos (416a. 918. 1437). 3I Lapps (473-477. 656• 1201. 1205. 1253. 1785)

28 Latvia (154. 618. 970. 973. 1393. 1515) Lepcha (1844) Lewis. Island of. (38) Libya 33 Lio (702. 1083)

I45 -

Lithuania (222, 973, 1326, 1392) Livland (1231) Lokele 35 Lombards (539) Louisiana (339d, 412) Luba35 Luba/Sanga 35 Luchuans (970a, 1506, 1507, 1912, 1913,

1950) Lucumi (= Cuban Yoruba) 3z Luiseiio (1482) Lu035 Macedonia (49, 50, 320, 422, 544-546, 1042,

1613, 1826), u8 Madagascar (834, 1544, 1682), 33, 35, u8 Madura (Indon.) (209, 210) Maghreb (52IB, 531e, 598) (see also Morocco,

Algeria, Tunisia, Tripolitania) Mahafaly 33 Maidu (402) Maikal Hills (463) Majorca 3Z Makushi (863) Malaya (94, 160, 868, 956, 1031, 1079, 1728),

30,3I ,33 Malekula (354) Malinke34 Mamberamo Papuans (1068), 44 Mabuti (see Mbuti) Man, Isle of, (979a) Mandan (372),36 Man(g)betu 35 Manggarai (702, 1083) Manuwok034 Maori (28-31, 152, 429, 449, 645, 902, 977,

1363, 1724),32 Maricopa (741) Marquesas (685) Matto grosso (1657), 33 Maquiritare 35 Maramures (117) Maya (1588) Mbok030 Mbunda35 Mbuti35 Mecca (508G) Medje 35 Melanesia (354, 359, 439, 678, 714, 715, 731,

830, 831, 849, 853, 914, 915, 978, 979, 1041, 1378a, 1383, 1603, 1649, 1838, 1930, 1931),33,40

Menomenee (387, 392, 1284),36 Mesopotamia (53Id) (see also Assyria, Baby­

lonia, Sumerians), 62 Mexico (27a, 257, 258, 260, 263, 264, 272,

468, 581, 582, 611, 612, 687, 689, 690, 1035, 1059, 1124b-e, 1154, 1266, 1282, 1300, 1301, 1301a, 1412, 1452, 1558, 1588, 1589, 1673, 1674, 1694, 1718, 1786, 1920, 1939), 3I, 36

Miao (9, 1226) Micronesia (738, 749, 1041, 1774, 1849) Minangkabau 30

Mingrelia (US7, 1I6:r, 1I71) Misharia (950) Moki (447) Moluccas (956, 1085) Mongolia (471, 719, 1049, 1379, 1380, 1382

1735, 1763a , 1787),28,54 Montenegro (138), u8 Mordvinia (II 58, 1I63, 1805, 1818) Moors (287, 52IC, 53If, 1499, 1808) Morocco (277-285, 287, 288, 598), 32 Moqui (vide Moki) Mycenae (641) Nabaloi (1327) Naga's44 Nage (1083), 44 Nandi 35 Navajo (1284b), 30, 3I, 36 Navarre3I Near East (ancient and modern) (57, 148,

166--170, 236, 254, 302, 355, 436, 479, 518, 523, 531A, 531B, 531C, 531F, 53 I a-k, 543, 546, 567, 590, 592b, 600, 601, 646, 661, 796, 81I, 822, 936, 937, 939, 940, 953, 1036, 1037, 1181, 1I88, 1229, 1236, 1237, 1244, 1396, 1407a, 1410, 141I, 1530, 1551, 1556a, 1590, 1591, 1593, 1677, 1712, 1755, 1783, 1837, 1867, 186g, 1876a, 1877, 1918), 3I ,32,33,62,63

Negritos 50 Nepal (256) 33 Netherlands (313a, 438, 968, 1060, 1061,

1I05, 1900) New Britain (= Neu Pommern) (439, 914,

915, 1930) New Caledonia (1383, 1838) New Guinea (137, 156, 2]6, 292, 490, 647,

650, 652, 653, 676, 733, 734, 913, 1068, 1069, 1I02, 1409, 1628, 1629, 1633, 1675, 1904, 1904a), 34, 44, 48 , 49, 53

New Hebrides (354) New Ireland (= Neu Mecklenburg) (714,

715, 830, 914, 915, 1931) New Mexico 3I New Zealand (28-31, 152, 429, 449, 645, 902,

977, 1363, 1724), 32 Ngada (7°2, 1083),44 N'Goundi30 Nias (1076), 22, 44 Nicaragua (358) Nicobars 53 Nigeria (969, 890, 1242a, 1360), 32 , 33, 47 Nogai Tatars (950) Nootka (4°4, 1488),36 Norfolk II9 Normandy 3I North America (100--108, 158, 159, 243, 250,

250a, 252, 293, 309, 318, 350, 364-376, 378-390, 392-402, 404-412, 421 , 447, 468, 537, 538, 550, 553-555, 583. 599, 690, 700, 736, 737, 740, 741, 743, 745-148, 750-755, 828, 844. 848, 917. 1026, III8-II24. 1217. I 224f-i, 1230, 1284, 1305. 1309, 1318, 1327, 1356-1358, 1361, 1361a, 1361b,

1385b. 1457-1459. 1469-1473. 1486. 1488• 1582. 1583. 1614. 1670. 1671. 1706. 1733. 1738. 1804. 1936). 20. 3I. 32• 33. 36

Northumberland II9 Northwest Indians (159. 405. 406. 583. 1469.

1488) Norway (35. 39. 656• 723. 1224. 1577-1581).

33 NUbi 35 Nubia (710) Nyamwezi35 Nyika/Chonye 35 Nyika/Giriyama 35 Nyika/Kambe 35 Nyoro/Haya 35 Nyoro/Tor0 35 Ob-Ugrians (18II, 1814. 1815) Oceania (28-31. 152. 156, 164, 235, 245-249.

253, 294. 317. 332, 354. 359, 391• 429, 439, 449, 465. 466, 558, 645, 678, 685, 714, '715, 738, 740, 749, 830. 831, 849. 853. 902, 913, 914, 915, 957, 972• 977-979, 1031• 1125, 1206. 1264, 1265. 1273, 1362, 1363, 1378, 1378a, 1383. 1474, 1479, 1483. 1506, 15°7, 1603. 1649, 1695. 1724. 1838, 1849. 1912, 1913, 1930, 1931• 1950), 34

Ochi (1880) Ofaie-Chavantes (1459a) Ogowe34.35 Ojibwas (250) Okandi 30 Okinawa (97oa, 1506, 1507, 1912. 1913,

195°).34. 63 Omaha Indians (555) Ordos (1379. 1380) Orinoco 34, 35 Orleans 3I Osaga Indians (554) Ossetes (1157, II62) Ostyaks (1812) Otomi (581, 1301a) Ovakuanyama (IOO4) Ovambo (1004) Oxfordshire II9 Pacific (see Oceania) Pahouins (see Fang) Paiute (1582, 1583).36 Pakistan (952. 1254. 1255), 3I, 33 Palestine (236. 254. 479, 543, 557, 661. 1039a•

1229, 1556a. 1712, 1867. 1869, 1876a), 3I. 33

Panama (377. 596) Panamaquoddy 23 Pangwe (see Fang) Papago (385, 1614). 3I, 36 Papuans (see New Guinea) Patagonians (547. 1210) Pawnee (386). 26, 36 Pecory district (1251) "Pemsians" (323) Pende (1256a, 1256c) Perak33 Permiaks (1050. 1I57, 1388)

Persia (5, 111, 291a, 52IG, 531g, 634. 912. 932. 934, 1022. 1028a, 1I96. 1755). 29. 3I. 33.43,63

Peru (139. 687. 688, 689. 945. 1829, 1830). 3I Peul (see Fulah) Philippines (98. 362. 579. 663. 1493. 1596•

1653, 1654) Phoenicia 43 Phrygia (1396) Piaroa 35 Pima Indians (750) PIe-Temiar (677). 33 Poland (679a) Polynesia (28-31. 152, 235, 245-249. 253,

294.317, 359. 391, 429. H9. 465, 466.558• 645,977-979,1°31,1206.1264.1265.1273. 1362, 1363. 1378• 1474. 1479. 1483, 1649, 1695, 1724. 1774)

Portugal (644a) Provence 3I Pskoff II9 Pueblo Indians (389. 395. 401, 447. 625. 627.

750. 1470, 1801).36 ' Puerto Rico (468), 33. II8 Puget Sound Salish (1469). 36 Puinave 35 Punjab 3 I

Pygmees. African, (201). I9. 34. 35. 50 Pygmees, Southeast Asian, (1068, 1102,

141 4),50

Quechua (1585), 3I Queensland (194) Quileute (4°4).36 Qunantuna (1930) Rajastan 3I Ramu district (647) Rhodesia (958, 964. 1699) Rong (1844) Ruanda-Urundi (162. 201, 854, 1307, 1308) Rumania (1I3, Il5. Il7. 123, 177. 196. 1364.

1462. 1463. 1929, 1938, 1962), 28, 3I. 34. 3S.II9

Russia (43. 200a, 418, 472, 950. 1050, II57. 1251, I 364a, 1388• J665. 1943). 32. 33, II8,II9

Ryii-kyii Islands (970a. 1506, 1507. 1912. 1913. 1950), 32. 34. 63

Samoa (391. 1031. 1695) Sandchak (1827) San Ildefonso Indians 3I. 36

, San Salvador (1935) Sara-Kaba (720) Sarawak (1344. 1680) Sardinia (492, 493. 1969),32• II9 Sazek II9 Scandinavia (32. 34-37, 39. 229, 631. 656.

. 668. 669, 723, 1224. 1320. 1577-1581. 1693. 1846, 1955c)

Scotland (570), 34, Ir8 Semai (868) Seneca Indians (309. 468).36 Serbia (129a, 423-427. 948, 949. 949a. 1613.

1824, 1825). 33. 34. rI8

- 147

Seri3I Shawnee (1356) Shoshone Indians 36 Siak56 Siam (42. 437. 437a • 437b. 858• 1066. 1417.

1418. 1680a. 1744. 1770. 1824. 1832. 1836). 29. 3I • 53. 56

Siberia (6. 470. 475. 667. 950. II68. 1812. 1915).44

Sierra Leone (956a) Sika (702) Sioux (367. 370). 30. 33. 36 Siriono (1634) Siva oase (1612) Slovacs (120. 916a. 1613. 1834) Slovenes (1054. 1613). II8 Smith Sound Eskimo (1209) Society Islands (see Tahiti) Sokoto (fig. 43) (6g6. 890) Solomon Islands (849. 853. 1378&) Somali (666. 709) Somerset II9 South Africa (figs. 37-39) (95. 193. 244. 921.

958. 959. 961-965. 983-1002. 1004. 1006. 1039. 1707. 1788-1794. 1859. 1859a• 1937)

South America (II. 24. 25. 53. 62-64. 93. 139. 163. 172• 298. 357. 440• 468• 541• 547. 571a. 597. 618a. 619. 621. 644. 687. 688. 6g0. 729. 735. 839. 863. 867. 881. 898. 899. 903. 941, 944-946. 1032. II 65-II 68. 1200. 1200a. 1210. 1218. 1222. 1252. 1296. 1298• 1299, 1313, 1394, 1459a. 1490, 1585, 1586, 1595. 1637, 1657, 16g8, 1707. 1726. 1820, 1829. 1830. 1830a, 1932. 1933.1942.1946, 1955b. 1964).33,5I .II 8

South India (10. 12. 15. 16. 19. 20. 21. 44. 76, 273, 943, 1427-1430• 1433, 1440• 1495. 1505, 1561. 1562. 1570. 17II. 1803, 1956-1961 ), 3I, 54

Spain (347a. 430-432a, 598• 759, 1272• 1277-1279, 1395. 1460• 1644-1648. 1655, 1659, 1660, 1661, 1787a. 1803. 1828), 3I. 33. 34

Spanish Jews 34 Sudan (522. 531E. 6g7, 1806, 1807) Sumatra (2, 727. 1070. 1075, II03). 56 Sumerians (436. 531F, 588. 590, 8II. 1237.

1867),63 Sunda districts (1071. 1097, 1099).29, 5I Surakarta 29 Surinam (619. 621. 1032, 1218. 1962a), 33, ZI8 Svanes (II57. II62) Swahili 35 Swazi (42a) Sweden (32, 34, 35. 37, 1320, 1846. 1955c) Switzerland (273a). 34 Syria (302. 531h. 953, 954. 1396) Syrianes (II57) Tanganyika 34. 35 Tahiti (317, 1378. 1483). 33 Tamil (273) Taos3I.36 Tatars (950. II39, II57, II58, 1388, 1665) Taulipang (863)

Temiar (677). 33 Terschelling (1060) Teton Sioux (367) Thailand (see Siam) Tibet (318a, 568. 1702). 33. 63 Timor (figs. 42 and 44). 45, 54 Tinguian (579) Tiv (goo) Tonga (South Africa) (1002) Tonkin (1437) Toraja (974). 43 Torres Straits (675. 1342• 1343) Transylvania (116) Trinidad (1337). II8 Truk (738) Tsarisen II9 Tsimshian Indians (599) Tuamotus (246) Tuareg 35. ZI9 Tule Indians (376• 377) Tunisia (630. 829. II73. 1952). 29. 32 Tupynamba (64b) Turkestan (930. II77) Turkey (57. 130b. 170a. 148. 166-170. 518.

523. 531C, 822, 1407a. 14II. 1590• 1591, 1593,1918},30.32.43.II9

Turkmenes (146. 950) Turk Tatars (950. II39. II57. II58) Tutelo Indians (751. II23. II24) Tutsi (201). 32. 33. 35. ZI8 Tzotzil3I

Uganda (1635. 1666b, 1841. 1842. 1843), 35 Uitoto (172) Ukraine (43). 32. 33. II9 Uliasse (956) Unong (9IO) Upper-Volta (34) Urdus = Ordos Uru-Chipaya (946) Uruguay (63, 64) Ute (371, 1583). 36 Uzbekistan 3I Vancouver (404, 1488) Vedda (1340. 1879) Vendee 3I Venezuela (468. 1200). 34.36 Vietman (192, 308. 926. II29. 1610) Virgin Islands ZI8 Volta 34 Walapai Indians 3I Wales (318b. 1797). ZI9 Wanyamwezi (835) Washo Indians 36 Wasukuma (838) Watu(t}si (see Tutsi) Wepses (1816) West Indian Archipelago (II. 261. 265. 468.

635, 636. 920. 1337. 1384, 1471, 1472, 1475. 1478, 1574-1576a• 1692. 1848). 30, 3I ,32,33,II8

West Java (1097,1099. p. 356 ff.). 52, 56 West Siberian Tatars (950) Wichita 36

Winnebago (383, 387, 389) Wisconsin (387) Woguls (1812) Wotyaks (1157, 1388) Yap (164, 1849) Yaqui (393), 3I, 36 Yaswa30 Yekuana (863) Yemen (932, 934), 3I Yog0 35 Y oruba (see also Ewe and Lucumi) (980b,

1405),32,33, II8 Yuchi Indians (1706)

Yugoslavia (47, 49. I29a. 138• 230• 231. 320, 422-427, 437. 544-546, 603, 757, 948, 949, 949a, 1042, 1054-1056, 1232, 1261. 1319, 1333. 1334. 1465-1467, 1511, 1613, 1687-1691. 1824-1827, 1910, 1911, 1925-1928), 32,33,34. II8,II9

Yuma(n) (393, 395, 736, 741), 3I , 36 Yurok (1614) Zambesi (244) Zande (628) Zande/Bandiya 35 Zulu (990. 1792) Zulu/Nde-ele 35 Zuni (625. 1470, 1804), 23. 3I, 36

- 149-



Aalst. J. A. van. (I). 62 Abas. S. P .• (2) Abd Rabbihi. Ibn. (S26) Abel. M. C. S .• Father. (I93I) Abert. Hermann. (3. 4) Abraham. Otto. (820-823. 827. 828. 833.

869). I2. 25.39. 4I Abu'l-Salt (61) Ackermann. Phyllis. (S). 62 Adler. Bruno. (6) Adler. Guido. (7) Adolf. Helen. (8) Agnew. R. Gordon. (9) Agrawala. V. S .• (10) Ahlbrinck. W .• (II) Aiyar. C. Subrahmania. (12-19). 63 Aiyar. M. S. Ramaswami. (20. 21) Akbar Khan. Ali. II9 Albersheim. G .• (22) Alberts. Arthur S .• 34 Albini. Eugenio. (23) Alegria. Ricardo E .• 32 AI-Farabi (144. SII. SIS. 482 vol. I) Algazi. Leon. (fig. 12) Al-Kindi (1951) Allende. Umberto. (1932) Almeida. Renato. (24). 63 AI-Mufaddal ibn Salama (1490) Alvarenga. Oneyda. (2S. 1933).63 Amiot. Father. (26). 62 Andersen. A. 0 .• (27) Anderson. Arthur J. 0 .• (27a) Anderssen. Johannes C .• (28-31). 63 Andersson. Otto. (32-39). 62 Andree. R.. (40) Ankermann. B.. (41). 6I Antonowytsch. M .• (43) AppunI7 Aravamuthan. T. G .• (44) Arbatsky. Yury. (42b. 4S-SI. I3S4) Aretz-Thiele. Isabel. (S3) Arima. D .• (54) Arma. Paul. 3I ArlO. E .• (55. 56) Arsunar. Ferruh, (57) Arvey, Verna, (58) Augusta, Fr. Felix, (59) Avelot (60) Avenary, Hanoch. (61)

Avicenna (suD) Ayestaran. Lauro. (62. 63). 63 Azevedo. Luiz Heitor Correa. de. (64-64b). 63 Aziz Khan. Abdul. II8

Baglioni. S .• (6S) Bahadhurji. K. N .• (66) Bake. Arnold A .• (fig. 22) (67-87. 565a• 1934).

64 Balfour. Henry. (fig. 7) (88-97). 54. 57 Banas y Castillo. Raymundo. (98) Bandar. Mahawala. (99) Bandopadhyaya. Sri Pada. (100. 101). 63 Baratta. Maria de. (I93S) Barbeau. Marius. (fig. 18) (I02-IIO. S99). 24 Barkechli. Mehdi. (III) Barrc~re. Georges. (1291) Bartholomew. Wilmer T .• (112) Bart6k. Bela. (fig. 8) (U3-I3OC). 28. 33. 37.

64 Barzaga. Margarita Blanco. (131) Bascom. William. 32 Batra. Rai Bahadur R. L .• (132) Baud-Bovy. Samuel. (fig. 12) (133. 134) Bauer. Marion. (135) Bayard. Samuel P., (1936) Beart, Charles. (136) Beaver, W. N .• (137) Becking. Gustav. (138) Beclard-d'Harcourt. Margherite. (139, 688,

867. u67. II68) Begun, S. J .• flI Behn. Friedrich, (140-143) Beichert. E. A .• (144) Belvianes. Marcel, (145) Belyaev. Viktor. (146-148) Bergstriisser. Gotthelf. (149) Berliner 28 Berner, Alfred. (ISO) Bessaraboff. N .• (lSI) Best. Elsdon. (IS2) Bharata (84, 224, 89S. n84). 55 Bhatkande, Vishnu Narayan, (IS3) Bielenstein, J .• (IS4) Bierens de Haan. J. A .• 48 Biro, L. A .• (155),24 Bismillah II9 Blaes. Jacob, (IS6) Blaukopf, K.. (157)

150 -

Blume, Friedrich, (157a) Boas, Franz, (15S, 159) Boden Closs, C., (160) Bohme, Father M., (4SI) Bolton, Laura, 3z, 33, II8 Bonascorsi, A., (160a) Bonnet-Bourdelot 48 Boone, Olga, (161, 162), 63 Bormida, Marcelo. (163) Born (164) Borrel, E., (165-170a) Bosanquet, R. H. M., (171) Bose, Fritz, (172-19°, 1929), I7, zo Bose, S .• (191), z6, 46, 64 Bourinot, Arthur, (109) Bouisset, Max, (192) Bouveignes, Olivier de, (192a, 192b) Bouws, Jan, (193, 1937) Boys, R. S., (194) Brailoiu, Constantin, (fig. 12) (195-200a). z8,

34,35, II9 Brandel, Rose, (201), z4 Brandts Buys, Johann Sebastian, (fig. 5)

(202-219). 6z Brandts Buys-van Zijp, Mrs. A., (2°4-212,

216-21S) Braschowanow, St., (220, 221) Brazys, Th., (222) Brediceanu. Tiberius, (193S) Brehmer, Fritz, (223, S76), 47 Breloer, Bernhard, (224) Bris, E. Ie, (226, 227) Briton, H. H., (22S) Britten, Benjamin, (1291) Broholm, H. C., (229) Bromse, Peter, (230, 231) Bruce-Mitford, R. L. S., (232) Briicken, Fritz, (233) Biicher, Carl, (234),47, 64 Buck, Peter H., (235) Budde, Karl, (236) Buhle, Edward, (237) Bukofzer, Manfred F., (fig. 31) (23S-242). 24.

z6 Bulut, Tarik, 30 Bundu Khan II9 Burlin, Nathalie, (243) Burnier, Th., (244) Burrows, Edwin G., (245-249), 6z Burton, Frederick R., (250)' 24 Buttree, Julia M., (250a) Buvarp, Hans, (251)

Cadman, Charles W., (252) Cadwell, Helen, (253) Caferoglu, Ahmed, (253a) Cahen, Abraham, (254) Callenfels, P. V. van Stein, (255) Campbell (256) Campos, Ruben M., (257, 258, 1939) Capitan (260) Carpentier, Alejo, (261) Carrington, J. F., (262)

Castaneda, Daniel, (263, 264) Castellanos, Israel, (265) Chaitanya Deva, B., (266) Chandra Vedi, Pandit R. Dilip, (267) Chao, Wei Pang, (268, 26g) Chao. Y. R., (27o) Chardon, Yves, 4z Chauvet, Stephen, (Z71), 57 Chavez, Carlos, (272), 63 Chelebi, Ewliya, (5IS) Chengalavarayan, N., (273) Cherbuliez, Antoine E., (273a), 59 Chinchore, Prabhakar. (274) Chinnaswamy, Mudaliar, (275) Chinnery, E. W. P., (276) Chottin, Alexis, (277-291, 792), 6z Christensen, A., (29Ia) Christian, Geoffry. (29Z) Clark, E. R., (293), z4 Clemens, W. M., (294) Clements, E., (295) CIerisse, 35 Closson, Ernest, (296-302) Cocks, William A., (302a) Coeuroy, Andre, (303) Collaer, Paul, (304, 304a) Combarieu, Jules, (305, 306), 43 Comettant, 0., (307) Condominas, G., (30S) Conklin, Harold C., (309) Coomaraswamy, Ananda K., (310-313), 63 Corbet, August L., (313a) Courant, Maurice, (314, 315) Courlander, Emma, 3z Courlander, Harold, (316), 30, 3I, 3Z, 33, u8 Couzens, Edward, 33 Cowell, Henry, 3I, 3z, 33 Crampton, H. E., (317) Cringan, Alexander T .• (318) Crossley-Holland, P., (3ISa, 31Sb) Csenki, Imre, (319) Csenki, Sandor, (319) Cuckov, Emanuil, (320) Cunningham, Eloise, (321)

Dalal, Navinkumar. (322) Dam, Bo, (323) Danckert, Werner, (324-332, 1940), ZO, 46 Daniel, F. S., (333) Danielou, Alain, (334-343). 3z, 34 Darmsteter, James, (344, 345) Das, K. N., (346, 347) David, Paul, (347a) Davies, E. Harold, (34S), 63 Davy, J., (349) Dawson, Warrington, (350) Day, Charles Russell, (351-353), 6z Deacon, A. Bernard, (354) Dechevrens, A., (355, 356) Dejardin, A., (357) Delgadillo, Luis A., (35S) Delmas, Simeon, (359) Demieville, Paul, (360), 46

151 -

Denes, Bartha, (361) Denis 35 Densmore, Frances, (fig. 10) (362-413), 24, 36 Deren, Maya, 34 Deubner, Ludwig, (414) Devigne, Roger, (416, 416a) Dharma, P. C., (417) Diamant, Ernest, (II04) Didier, Andre, 30, 32, 34, 35 Dieterlin, G., (662) Dirr, A., (418) Dittmer, Kunz, (419, 420, 1941) Dixon, Roland B., (421) Djordjevic, Vladimir R., (422-427) Djoudjeff, Stoyan, (428) Dodge, Ernest, (429) Donington, Robert, (429a) Donostia, Father Jose Antonio de, (430-

432a) Drager, Hans Heinz, (433, 434, I682a), 25, 60 Dreyfus-Roche, Simone, (1490a), 28, 35 Driver, Harold E., (435) Duchesne, J., (670) Duchesne-Guillemin, Marcelle, (436, 670) Dupeyrat, Andre P., 34 Duran, Sixto M., (1942) Duryanga, Phra Chen, (437, 437a) Dutton, C. E., (532) Duyse, Florimond van, (438)

Eberlein, P. J., (439) Ebner, Carlos Borromeu, (440) Eckardt, Andreas, (441, 886) Eckardt, Hans, (442-446) Eckholm, Gordon F., 3I Edison, Thomas Alva, 28 Ehrenreich, Paul, (447) Eliade, Mircea, (447a) Elkin, A. P., (448),32, 34, 63 Elkin, Clarence, (449) Ellis, Alexander John, (fig. I) (450-462,

IIII, 1734), IO ff., I8

Elwin, Verrier, (463, 464) Emerson, Joseph S., (465) Emerson, Nathaniel H.. (466) Emmanuel, Maurice, (467) Emrich, Duncan, (468). 34, 36 Emsheimer. Ernst, (fig. 25) (469-477, 1943),

24. 28 Endo. Hirosi, (478) Engel. Carl. (479) Engel, Hans, (480) Erk. Ludwig. (481) Erlanger, Rodolphe d', (482, 483), 62 Escobar, M. L., (1200, 1200a) Estreicher, Zygmunt, (fig. 12) (484-489,

1944) Exner, F., (490). 24

Faddegon, Barend. (491) Fara, Guilio, (492, 493) Farmer, Henry George, (494-531k. 1560),46,


Farnsworth, P. R., (532) Felber, Erwin, (533-536), 24 Fenton, William N., (537,538),36 Ferand, Ernst Th., (539, 539a) Fernald, Helen E., (540) Ferreira, Ascenso, (541) Fewkes, Walter. 23, 24 Figueras, Jose Romeu, (1279) Fillmore, John Comfort, (542) Finesinger, Sol Baruch, (543) Firfov, Givko (544-546) Fischer, E., (547, 548) Fischer, H. W., (549) Fisher, Miles Mark, (550) Fisk, Ernest, 2 I Fleischer, Oscar (551, 552), 45 Flesche, Francis la, (555) Fletcher, Alice Cunningham, (553-555) Foldes, A., (556) Foley, Rolla, (557) Forde. F. von der, (558) Fox Strangways, A. H. (fig. 6) (559-565a,

I189), I2, 27 Foy, Wilhelm, (566), 6I Fraknoi, Karoly, (567) Francke, A. H., (568) Fran~ois, A., (569) Fraser, A. D., (570), 28 Fraser, Norman, (571, 57Ia), 36 French, P. T., (573) Frobenius, Leo, 6I Fryklund, Daniel, (573-574a) Fuentes, Eduardo Sanchez de, (1574-1576a),

32, 63 Fujii. Seishin (575) Fiirer-Haimendorf, Christoph von, (1945) Furness, Clifton Joseph, (576) Fyzee-Rahamin, Atiya Begum, (577)

Gadzekpo, Sinedzi, (577a) Gailhard. A., (578) Gaisseau, Pierre, 34, 35 Gale. Albert, (579) Gallop, Rodney, (580, 581) Galpin, Francis W., (582-592C, 1712, 1945a) Gangoly, Ordhendra Coomar, (593-595) Garay, Narciso, (596) Garcia, Angelica de Rezendi, (597) Garcia Barriuso. Patrocinio, (598) Garcia Matos, Manuel, (1277-1279, 1654) Garfield. Viola E., (599) Gascue, F., (599a) Gaster, Theodor Herzl, (600) Gastoue, Amedee, (601, 602) Gavazzi, Milovan, (603) Gay, R.. (603a, 603b), 36 Gbeho. Phillip, (604-608) Geiringer, Karl, (609, 610) Genin, Auguste, (6II, 612) Georgevic, see: Djordjevic Georgiades, Thrasybulos, (613) Gerson-Kiwi, Edith, (fig. 26) (614-617a), I6,


- 152

Gersoni, C., (618) Gheerbrandt, Alain, (357) Gibling, R. Styx, (618a) Gilbert, Will G., (61g-624), 64 Gilman, B. 1., (625-627), z3, z4 Giorgetti, Filiberto, (628) Gironcourt, Georges de, (62g-633), 45 Gladwin, Frances, (634) Goeje, C. H. de, (635, 636) Goloubew, Victor, (637) Gombosi, Otto J., (638-643) Gonzales Bravo, A., (644) Goris, R., (1064) Gr~a, Fernando do Lopez, (644a) Grace, C. W., (645) Gradenwitz, Peter, (646) Graebner, F., (647), 6I Graf, Walter, (648-655), z4 Graff, Ragnwald, (656) Grainger, Percy, (657) Granet, Marcel, (658) Grattan, C. Hartley, (659) Grattan Flood, William H., (660) Gressmann, Heinrich, (661) Griaule, M., (662) Griffith, Charles E., (663) Griffith, W. J., (663a) Groneman, J., (664) Grosset, Joanny, (665), 6z Grottanelli, Vinigi L., (666) Grove I3 Grube, W., (667) Gruner Nielsen, H., (668, 669) Guebels, L., (669a) Guillemin, M., (436, 670) Gulik, R. H. van, (671-674) Gurvin, Olav, (1945b)

Habig, J. M., (674a) Haddon, A. C., (675, 676) Haden, R. Allen, (677) Hagen, Karl, (678) Hajek, L., (679) Halski, Czeslaw R., (679a) Handschin, Jacques, (fig. II) (680-684), z6,

44,46 Handy, E. S. C., (685) Harap, Louis, (686) Harcourt, Margherite d', (139, 688, 867,

II67, II68), 6z Harcourt, Raoul d', (687-690, 867, Il67,

1168), 6z Harich-Schneider, Eta, (691-695) Haring, Douglas G., 3z Harris, P. G., (696, 890) Hasselt, J. H. van, (1949) Hause, H. E., (697) Hawley (698) Haydon, Glen, (699), 64 Haywood, Charles, (700) Heekeren, H. R. van, (701) Heerkens, Father P., (7°2), 40 Hefny, Mahmoud EI, (7°3, 704, 1951)

Heger, Franz, (705) Heine-Geldem, Robert von, (7°6, 707) Heinitz, Wilhelm, (7°8-726),9, zo Heintze, R., (727) Helfritz, Hans, (728) Helmholtz, H. L. F., IO, IZ Henderson, Isobel, (728a) Henriques-Urena, Pedro, (729) Herbig, Reinhard, (730) Hermann, Eduard, (731) Herrmann, Virginia Hitchcock, (186o, 1861) Herscher-Clement, J., (732-734) Herskovits, Francis, 3Z Herskovits, Melville J., (735, 735a, 1946), 3z,

34,36 Herzog, George, (736-759), ZO, z4, z6 Heymann, Mrs. Alfred, (760) Hickmann, Hans, (fig. 29) (761-812b), z6, 60 Hindemith, Paul, 4I Hipkins, A. J., (813-816), IO, II, IZ9 Hitchcock, Polly, 3z Hobbs, Cecil, (1860, 1861) Hodeir, A., (816a) Hoffmann, Charles, 36 Holst, Imogen (274) Honda, Yasuji, (816b) Hood, Mantle, (817), z4 Hoogt, 1. M. van der, (818) Hoose, Hamed Pettus, (819) Hornbostel, Erich M. von, (figs. II and 17)

(820-899, Il83, Il84, 1748), IO, IZ, I3 ff., IB,zo, Z4,Z5,z6,Z9,30, 39,4z, 43, 45,46, 54,55,56,57,I3I

Hornburg, Friedrich, (9°0,9°1) Houston, John, (902) Houston-Peret, Elsie, (903) Houtman, Comelis de, zz Howard, Albert H., (904) Howeler, Casper, (905) Howes, Frank, (906,907),64 Howitt, A. W., (908) Hsiao, Shu Hsien, (909) Huard, Paul, (910) Huart, Cl., (9Il, 912) Hubers, Father Hubert, (913) Hubner, Herbert, (914,915), ZO, 46 Huchzermeyer, Helmut, (916) Hudec, Constantin, (916a) Hultkrantz, Ake, (917) Humbert-Sauvageot, Mrs. M., (918, 919,

1787),6z Hurston, Zora, (920) Husmann, Heinrich, (921-927, 1947, 1948),

I7,z6 Hutchings, Arthur, (928, 929) Huth, Amo, (930)

Ibn' Abd Rabbihi (526) Ibn Kurdadhbih (503) Idelsohn, A. Z., (931-94°), z4 Idohou (669a) Isamitt, C., (941) Isawa, Sh., (942)

153 -

Iyer, T. L. Venkatarana, )943) Izikowitz, Karl Gustav. (944-946), 60

Jackson, Wilfrid, (947) Jacobson, E., (1949) Jancovic, Danica, (948-949a) Jancovic, Ljubica, (949. 949a) Jansky, Herbert. (950),114 Janus, Carolus, (951) Jasim Uddin (952) Jeannin, Dont J., (953, 954) Jenness, D., (955, 1473) Joest, W., (956) John. J. T .• (956a) Johnson, Orme, (957) Jones, Father A. M., (958-966) Jones, William, (967) Jong Lsn., J. L., (968) Jungblut (969) Jurjans, A .• (970)

Kalidasa (1431) Kamoriki, Te Kautu, (1206) Kanai, Kikoku, (970a, 1950) Kanetune-Kiyoske (887) Karastoyanov, A., (970b) Karpeles, Maud, (81, 971, 971a, 1678, 1679).

64 Kataoka, Gido. (97Ic) Kate. ten. (972) KatzaIova-Koukoudova. R., (972a) Katzenelenbogen. U .• (973) Kaudem, Walter, (875.974).60 Kaufmann, Walter. (975) Keh, Chung Sik, (976), 63 Kennedy, Keith, (977-979) Kerkar, Bai Kesarbai, II9 Kidson, Frank, (979a) Kiesewetter. R. G., (980) Kimotsuki, Kanekazu. (980a) Kingslake, Brian. (980b) Kingsley, Victoria, (981) Kinkeldey, Otto, (982) Kirby, Percival R., (fig. 20) (983-1007a), 54,

I30 Kishibe, Shigeo, (1008-1010. 1796), 46. 63 Kiss. J6zsef. (361) Klier, Karl, (1011-1014) Klose, H., (IOI5) Knosp, H., (I026-1028a) Kodaly, Zoltan, (fig. 9) (116, 130), z8 Kohl, Louis von, (I029) Kohlbach, B., (I030) Kolinski, Mieczyslaw, (fig. 2I) (I03I-I034b),

z6,3I, II8 Koller, Oswald, (I034C) Kollmann (I035) Kombe, L., (964) Komitas (I036, I037) Konig-Beyer, Walter, (I038) Koole, Arend, (I039) Koroma, Jean, 34 Kraeling, Carl H., (1039a)

Krause, Eduard, (1040) Krauss, Ai., (I041) Kremeniiev, Boris A., (1042) Krishna Rao (I043, 1044) Kroeber, A. L., (1327) Krohn, Ilmari, (1°45-1052), 64 Kruyt, Albert C .• (1053), 43 Kuba, Ludvik, (1054-1056) Kiihnert, F., (I057. 1058) Kunike (1059) Kunst, Jaap, (fig. 13) (684, lo6o-UI7), 34,

44,46 Kunst-van Wely, Mrs. C. J. A., (1062, 1063),

46 Kurath, Gertrude P., (537, 538, IUS-1I24i),

z4 Kurosawa, Takatomo, (1125) Kurth, E., (1126) Kuttner, Fritz A., (U27-II30), I8 Kutz, Adalbert, (1I31) Kyung Ho Park 3I

Labouret, Henri, (U32) Lach, Robert, (fig. 16) (655. I133-I172). 20.

24,47,64 Lachmann, Robert, (fig. 19) (1°77, 1173-

n89, 1951, 1952), ZO, 26. 42, 46, 64 La Fieche, Francis, (555) Laloy, Louis, (II9D-II94), 62 Land, J. P. N., (217. 1I95-II99) Lara, M. de, (1200, 12ooa) Launis, Armas, (1201-1205) Laxton, P. B., (1206) Leden, Christian, (1207-12og) Lehmann, Werner, I8 Lehmann-Nitsche, Robert, (1210) Lehtisalo, T., (12II) Leroux, Charles, (1212) Leslau, Wolf, 3I, 32 Levis, John Hazedel, (1213-1215) Levy, J., (1216) Lichtenwanger, William, (1860, 1861) Lichtveld, Lou, (1217) Lima, Emirto de, (1219-1222) Lindblom, Gerhard, (1223) Lindeman, L. M., (1224) Lindsay, Maurice, (1224a) Liscano, Juan, 34, 36 Lismer, Arthur, (Iog) Liu, Charles, (1225) Liu, Chungshee Hsien, (1226) Lloyd, Lloyd S., (1227-1228b), z6 Lods, Adolphe, (1229) Lomax, Alan, (1230),34 Lomax, John A., (I230) Long, Kenneth R., (1230a) Longmore, L., (I230b) Loomis, A., I8 Loorits, Oskar, (123I) Lord, Albert B., (129a, 1232) Loret, Victor, (I233-1235), 6z

Machabey, A., (1236-I24Ia), 6z

154 -

Machida, Kasho, (1242, 1953),36 Mackay, Mercedes, (1242a) Maclean, Charles, (1243) Mader, Frederic, (1244) MacLellan, John A., II8 Madumere, Adele, (1244a) Maes, Joseph, (1245-1248),54 Ma Hiao Ts'iun, (1249) Mahillon, Victor, (1250), 54 ff. Mahler, Elsa, (1251) Maimonides (513) Manizer, H. H., (1252) Manker, Ernst, (1253) Manohar Barve, II8 Mansoor Uddin, M., (1254, 1255) Manusama, A. Th., (1256) Maquet, J. N., (1256a-c) Marbe, I8 Marcel-Dubois, Claudie, (figs. 12 and 30)

(1081, 1257-1259a), 60, I35 Marchal, H., (1954) Mariano, P. A., (1260) Marijic, Father Branimir, (1261) Marinus, Albert, (1262) Marks, R. W., (1263) Martenot, 60 Martens, Frederick, (1266-1269) Martin, E., (1270) Martinez Tomer, Eduardo, (1272) Marx, B. L., (1273) Masu, Genjiro, (1274, 1275), 34, 63 Matchinsky, A., (1276) Matos, Manuel Garcia, (1277-1279, 1654) Matsunaga, Susumo, (128o) Matthieu, G., (1281) Mayer, M. (1742), 4I Mayer-Serra, Otto, (1282) McAliester, David P., (1283-1284b), 24, 36,

62 McPhee, Colin, (1285-1295a, 1955),62 Mead, Charles W., (881, 1296) Meijer, D. H., (1297) Melo, Guilherme de, (1298) Melo, Verissimo de, (1299) Mendoza, V. T., (263,264, 1300, 1301, 1301a) Meng, Chih, (1302) Merriam, Alan P., (489a, 13°4-1309), 24, 32,

62 Merriam, Barbara W .• (1309),32 Mersmann, H., (1310) Metfessel, Milton E., (1311, 1312), I8 Metraux, A .• (1313) Meyer, A. B.. (1314) Michaelides, Solon, (1315-1317) Miles, C., (1318) Milisevic, Vlado, (1319) Moberg, Carl Allan, (1320) Moeck, Hermann, (1320a. 1955a) Mohammed (1267) Mondon-Vidailhet, M., (1321) Moreno, Segundo Luis, (1955b) Montandon, Georges, (1322),57,58,59 Moor, Arthur Prichard, (1323)

Moore, George F., (1324) Moreux, Serge, (1325) Morici, G .• (1326) Moss, Claude Russell, (1327) Moule, A. C., (1328, 1329), 62 Mukerji, D. P., (1330, 1331) Miiller, (1332) Murko, M., (1333, 1334), 24 Mursell, James L., (1335) Mutatkar, Mrs. Sumati, (1336) Myers, Ch. S., (1338-1344), 46 Myint, Maung Than, 32

Nadel, Siegfried, (1345-1351), 24, 26, 46 Narasimhan, V. M., (1352) Nathan, M. Montague, (1353) Nau, Walter G., (1354) Neog, Sri Maheswar, (1355) Nettel, Reginald, (1355a) Nettl, Bruno, (1356-1361C) Nevermann, Hans, (1362) Newman, A. K., (1363) Newmarch, Rosa, (1364) Nguyen van Huyen (1365) Nikolov, Kosla, (1366) Noone, H. D., 34 Norbeck, Edward, 32 Norlind, Tobias, (fig. 4) (1366a-1375). 54, 57 Notopoulos, James, A .• II8

Obreschkoff, Christo. (1377) O'Brien, F., (1378) Oldeberg, Andreas, (1955c) Oliver, D. L., (1378a) Olympos (923) Oost, P. J. van, (1379-1382), 24 O'Reilly. Patrick. (1383) Ortiz. Fernando, (1384),63 Osa, Sigbjern B., (1385) Osanai, Tadao. (I385a) Osburn, Mary Hubbell. (I385b) O'Sullivan, D. J .• (1386) Ota, Taro. (1387), 63

Paitonjiev, Gancho, (546) Panoff, Peter, (1388, 1389) Panum. Hortense, (1390. 1391) Park, Kyung Ho. 3I Parthasarathi. S., (1956) Patai, Raphael, 3I Paterson, A., (1392) Paucitis, K., (1393) Payer (1394) Pearse, Andrew, (1394a) Pedrell, Felipe, (1395) Peeters, R. P., (66ga) Pelagaud, Fernand, (1396. 1837) Pepper, Herbert. (1397-1401a), 62 Peri, Noel. (1402). 62 Petit, Raymond, (1403) Petneki. Jeno. (1404) Philips, Ekundayo. (1405) Picken, Lawrence, (1406-1407c), 62

155 -

Piggott, Francis, (1408),63 Plato,44 Plischke, Hans, (1409) POch, Rudolf, (490,652), z4 Pol, Balth. van der, 4I, 4Z Poladian, Sirwart, (1410) Polak, A. J., (14U) Poleman, Horace I., (1860, 1861) Ponce, M. M., (1412) Popley, Herbert A., (1413) Portmann, M. V., (1414) Pound, Ezra, (1415) Pradines, Emerante de, (1416) Preuss, Karl Theodor, (848) Pringsheim, Klaus, (1417, 1418) Psachos, C. A., (1419) Pulestone, F., (1420) Pythagoras (355)

Quasten, Johannes, (1421)

Raffles, Thomas Stamford, (1422) Raghavan, V., (1423-1425), 63 Rajagopalam, T. K., (1426) Ramachandran, K. V., (1427-1432), 63 Ramachandran, N. S., (1433) Ramon y Rivera, Luis Felipe, (1434) Ranade, G. H., (1435, 1436) Ranki, Gyorgy, (1437) Ras, T. V. Subba, (1957-1959) Ras, Vissa Appa, (1960, 1961) Ratanjankar, Pandit, (1438-1442), 63 Raudkats, A., (1443) Read, F. W., (1444) Reese, Gustave, (1445) Reinach, Theodore, (1446) Reiner, M., (1447), I6, I7 Reinhard, Kurt, (1448-1452, 1947, 1948), z4,

z5 Reinholm, A., (1453) Reisner, Robert George, (1454) Revesz, Geza, (1455, 1456),46,47 Rhodes, Willard, (1957-1959), z4, 30, 3I,

33,36 Ribeiro, Darcy (1459a) Ribera y Tarago, J., (1460) Richard, Mrs. Timothy, (1461) Riegler-Dinu, Emil, (1462, 1463, 1962) Riemann, Ludwig, (1464) Rihtman, Cvjetko, (1465-1467) Ritter, Helmuth, (1468) Robb, J. D., 3I Roberts, Helen H., (fig. 27) (896, 1469-

1488), z4 Robinson, Kenneth, (1489) Robson, James, (520, 1490) Roche, Simone, (1490a), z8, 35 Rodrigues, J. Barbosa, (1491) Romansky, L., (1492) Romualdez, Norberto, (1493) Roosevelt, 34 Rosenthal, Ethel, (1494, 1495) Rouanet, Jules, (1496-1499) Rouffaer, G. P., (1500)

Rouhet, Gilbert, 30, 33, 34 Roy, Rabindralal, (1501-1505) Rue, Jan la, (1506, 1507) Ruehl, Father Theodor, (1508) Ruelle, C. E., (1509) Runge, Paul, (1510)

Sa'adyah Gaon (517) Sachs, Curt, (fig. 3) (4, 851, 15u-1556), I3,

z4, 46, 48, 49, 50 ff., 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 6I, 6z, 64

Sachsse (1556a) Saint-Saens, Camille, (1557) Saionji, Yoshikazu, (1557a) Saldivar, Gabriel, (1558), 63 Salmen, Walter, (1559) Salvador-Daniel, Francesco, (1560) Sambamurthy, P., (1561-1572), 63 Saminsky, Lazare, (1573) Sanchez de Fuentes, Eduardo, (1574-1576a) Sandvik, O. M., (1577-1581). 33 Sapir, Edward, (103, 1582, 1583), z4 Sargeant, Winthrop, (1584, 1585) Sas, Andre, (1586) Satyadeva, Geeta, (1587) Savart, IZ Saville, M. H., (1588, 1589) Saygun, Ahmed Adnan, (1590-1593), 6z Schad, Gustav, (1594) Schaden, Francisco S. G., (1595) Schadenberg, Alex., (1596) Schaefer, K. L., (1743) Schaeffner, Andre, (fig. 14) (1597-16II), 34,

57,58,59 Schiffer, Brigitte, (1612) Schimmerling, H. A., (1613) Schinhan, Jan P., (1614) Schipper, Ary, (1962a) Schlager, Ernst, (1615) Schlesinger, Kathleen, (1616-1625), z6 Schmeltz, J. D. E., (1626, 1627) Schmidt, Leopold, (1963) Schmidt, Father Wilhelm, (1628), 47, 48, 6I Schmidt-Ernsthausen, V., (1629) Schmidt-Lamberg, Herbert, (1630, 1 630a) Schneider, Marius, (fig. 24) (759, 1279, 1631-

1661a, 1964, 1965), ZO, z6, 45 Schneider, Thekla, (1662) Schoen, Max, (1664 1965a) Schole, H., (1663) Schottlander, J. W., (1632) Schullian, D. M., (1664) Schiinemann, Georg, (1665, 1666) Scott, J. E., (1666a) Scott, Nora E., (1966) Scott, R R, (1666b) Scripture, E. W., I8 Scully, Nora, (1667) Seashore, Carl E., (1668) Seder, Theodor A., (1669) Seeger, Charles, (I 670a) , 36 Seeger, Peter, (1671) Seewald, Otto, (1672)

I56 -

SeIer, Eduard, (1673, 1674) Seligmann, C. G., (1675) Sena, Devar Surya, (1676) Sendrey, Alfred, (1677) Shankar, Pandit Ravi, II9 Sharp, Cecil J., (1678, 1679) Shaw, George Bernard, IZI

Shelford, R., (1680) Sichard, Wolfgang, (1681) Sichel, A., (1682) Siedersbeck, Beatrice Dohme, (1682a) Simbriger, Heinrich, (1683, 1684), z6 Simon, Richard, (1685, 1686) Simpson, George Eaton, 33 Sin'as, Ibn, (703) ~irola, Bofidar, (1687-16g1) Skjeme, G., (229) Slonimsky, Nicolas, (1692-1694) Smith, B. J., (1695) Smith, H., (1696) Smith, Peter Kite, 3z Snelleman, Joh. F., (1697) Snethlage, Emil Heinrich, (1698) Snowden, A. D., (1699) SOderberg, Berti!, (1700) Solvijns, F. Baltazard, (1701), I30

Somanatha (15IO, 1685) Somervel, T. Howard, (1702) Sonne, Isaiah, (1877) Sosrosuwarno, Suhendro, (1921) Soulie, Georges, (1703) Souriau, E., (1704) Spasow, Vasil, (1705) Speck, Frank G., (1706) Speight, W. L., (1707) Spencer, T. B. W., IZ, I4

Spies, Walter, (17°8-1710), 30 Spreen, Hildegaard N., (1711) Sremec, Nada, (1927) Stainer, John, (1712) Stannus, Hugh, (1713) Starkie, Walter, (1714) Stearns, Marshall W., 3z, 34 Stefaniszyn, B., (1715) Steinmann, Alfred, (1716) Stern, Philippe, (1717) Stern, W., I7 Stevenson, Robert, (1718) Stewart, J. L., (1718a) Stoin, V., (171g-1722) Stoll, Dennis Gray, (1723, 1967) Stone, Doris, 3Z Stowe, G. W., 54 Stowel, H. M., (1724) Strang, Gerald, (1725) Strelnikov, J. D., (1726) Strehlow, T. G. H., (1726a) Strickland-Anderson, Lily, (1727-1731) Stumpf, Carl, (fig. 2) (1732-1751), z4, 25, 44,

46 Sturtevant, William C., (309) Sunaga, K., (1753),63 Suwanto, R., 30

Swarup, Rai Bahadur Bishan, (1754) Syama Sastri (1572) Sykes, M., (1755) Szabolsci, Bence, (1756-1759)

Tagore, Rabindranath, (68-70, 75, 1727, 1934) Tagore, Surindro Mohun, (1760, 1761) Taig, Th., (1762) Takacs, Jeno von, (1763) Takeda, Chuichiro, (1763a) Taki, R., (1764) Takono, Kiyosi, (1765, 1766), 63 Tanabe, Hideo, (1767, 1768), 63 Tanabe, Hisawo, (1769) Tanaka, S., (177°),63 Tannery, P., (1771) Tappert, Wilhelm, (1772), 45 Tate, H., (1773) Taylor, C. R. H., (1774) Thalbitzer, William, (1775-1777, 1780) Thorsteinsson, B., (1778) Thuren, Hjalmar L., (1775, 1779, 1780, 1968) Thurston Dart, R., (1780a) Tiersot, Julien, (1781, 1782) Tiessen, Heinz, (1783), 47 Tillyard, H. Julius W., (1784) Tiren, K., (1785) Toor, Frances, (1786) Torhout, Nirgidna de, (1787), 6z Tomer, Eduardo Martinez, (1787a) Torre, Emilio de, 3I

Tracey, Hugh T., (fig. 23) (1788- 1795a), 34, 35,36

Traynor, Leo, (1796) Trebitsch, R., (1797-1799), 24 Trefzger, Heinz, (1800-1802) Trembley, J. C., (532) Trend, J. B., (1803) Troyer, Carlos, (1804) Trubetskoy, Prince N. S., (1805), z4 Tschopik, Harry, 3I, 33 Tucker, A. N., (1806, 1807) Tudi, Syioti, (887) Tyagaraja(1430, 1495, 1956, 1957, 1959)

Ursprung, Otto, (1808)

Vaisiinen, A. 0., (fig. 15) (180g-1819a), 62 Valle, Flausino Rodrigues, (1820) Valle, Nicola, (1969) Varagnac, A., (1821), 64 Varley, D. H., (1822) Varnoux, Jean, (1823) Vasanthakokilam, Sm. N. C., II9 Vasiljevic, Miodrag, (1824-1827) Vechten, C. van, (1828) Vega, Carlos, (182g-1830a) Verbeken, A., (1830b) Verdeil, R. Palikarova, (1831) Verney, Frederick William, (1832) Verwilghen, Leo,3z Vetter, Walter, (1833) Vetter!, Karel, (1834, 1835)

157 -

Vichitr-Vadakam, H. E. Nai V., (1836), 63 Virollaud, Charles, (1837) Vols, P., (1838)

Wachsmann, K. P., (1839-1843), 62 Waddell, L. A., (1844) Wagener, G., (1845) Walin, Stig, (1846) Wallaschek, Richard, (1847) Walle, J oh. van de, (1848) Walleser, Sixtus, (1849) Wang, Betty, (1850, 1851) Wang, En Shao, (1852), 63 Wang, ,Kuan Chi, (1853-1856), 63 Wantzloeben, S., (1857) Warman, J. W., (1858) Warmelo, Willem van, (1859, 1859a) Warnsinck, J. C. M., 22 Waterman, Richard Alan, (735a, 186o, 1861,

197°),24,28,34 Wead, Charles K., (1862-1864), 24 Weber, Max, (1864a) Wegelin, C. A., (1865) Wegner, Max, (811, 1866-1868) Weiss, Josef, (1869) Weissmann, John S., (1870) Wellek,Albert, (1871, 1872) Wellesz, Egon, (1873-1875b) Wells, Evelyn Kendrick, (1876) Werner, Eric, (18700, 18n) Werner, Heinz, (1878). 47 Wertheimer, Max, (1879) Weule, K., (1880) Whyte, Harcourt, (1880a) Wiehmayer, Th., (1881) Wieschhof, Heinz, (897, 1882), 46 Wilhelm, Richard, (1883, 1884)

Willard, N. A., (1885) Williams, Ulric, 32 Wilson, E. W., (1886, 1971) Wingert, Paul S., (599) Winne, J. L., (685) Winnington-Ingram, R. P., (1887, 1888) Wintemitz, Emanuel, (1889), 62 Wiora, Walter, (fig. 28) (18go-1903, 1972),

26,46 Wirz, Paul, (19°4, 1904a) Witte, Father Fr., (1905) Wodehouse, Mrs. Edmund, (1906) Wolf, Siegfried, (1907) Wolf, Johannes (197za) Wood, Alexander, (1908) Worms, S. A. C., (1909) Wundt, Wilhelm, 47 Wunsch, Walter, (1910, 19II)

Yafil, E. N., (1499) Yamanouchi, Seihin, (1912, 1913) Yasser, J., (1914-1917) Yekta, Raouf, (1918), 62 Young, R. W., (1919). I6, I8 Yoshida, Tsuenezo, (1919a) Yurchenko, Henrietta, (1920), 3I, 36

IJzerdraat, Bernard, (1921)

Zagiba, Franz, (1973) Zaw, U Khin, (1922, 1923),63 Zerries, Otto, (1924) tganec, Vinko, (1925-1928) Ziehm, Elsa, (1929) Zoder, Raimund, (1974) Zoete, Beryl de, (1710) Zwinge, Hermann, (1930)

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