Research Article Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration in Cochlear Implant Users LINA A. J. REISS, 1 RINDY A. ITO, 1 JESSICA L. EGGLESTON, 1 AND DAVID R. WOZNY 1 1 Oregon Hearing Research Center, Oregon Health and Science University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland, OR 97239, USA Received: 3 May 2013; Accepted: 16 December 2013; Online publication: 24 January 2014 ABSTRACT Bimodal stimulation, or stimulation of a cochlear implant (CI) together with a contralateral hearing aid (HA), can improve speech perception in noise However, this benefit is variable, and some individuals even experience interference with bimodal stimula- tion. One contributing factor to this variability may be differences in binaural spectral integration (BSI) due to abnormal auditory experience. CI programming introduces interaural pitch mismatches, in which the frequencies allocated to the electrodes (and contra- lateral HA) differ from the electrically stimulated cochlear frequencies. Previous studies have shown that some, but not all, CI users adapt pitch perception to reduce this mismatch. The purpose of this study was to determine whether broadened BSI may also reduce the perception of mismatch. Interaural pitch mis- matches and dichotic pitch fusion ranges were mea- sured in 21 bimodal CI users. Seventeen subjects with wide fusion ranges also conducted a task to pitch match various fused electrodetone pairs. All subjects showed abnormally wide dichotic fusion frequency ranges of 14 octaves. The fusion range size was weakly correlated with the interaural pitch mismatch, suggesting a link between broad binaural pitch fusion and large interaural pitch mismatch. Dichotic pitch averaging was also observed, in which a new binaural pitch resulted from the fusion of the original monaural pitches, even when the pitches differed by as much as 34 octaves. These findings suggest that abnormal BSI, indicated by broadened fusion ranges and spectral averaging between ears, may account for speech per- ception interference and nonoptimal integration ob- served with bimodal compared with monaural hearing device use. Keywords: cochlear implants, hearing aids, bimodal, pitch, fusion INTRODUCTION In recent years, much progress has been made in the treatment of sensorineural hearing loss with hearing devices such as hearing aids (HAs) and cochlear implants (CIs). In particular, the new concept of combining electric and acoustic hearing from a CI together with a HA in the same ear (Hybrid electroacousticstimula- tion) or opposite ear (bimodal stimulation) has led to improved speech perception in noise as compared with a CI alone for many individuals, especially for those with less severe losses (Turner et al. 2004; Kong et al. 2005; Dorman and Gifford 2010). Improved speech perception can also be seen in spatially separated background noises with bilateral HA, bilateral CI, or bimodal CI and HA use compared with a single HA or CI worn monaurally (Ahlstrom et al. 2009; Litovsky et al. 2006a; Dunn et al. 2005). However, there remains significant variability in the benefit of combining hearing devices bilaterally, with some cases of little benefit or worse performance for speech recognition compared with either ear alone in adults (Carter et al. 2001; Ching et al. 2007) and children (Litovsky et al. 2006b). Differences in hearing status and device program- ming can contribute to this variability in binaural benefit. Another potential factor, which has been Correspondence to : Lina A. J. Reiss & Oregon Hearing Research Center & Oregon Health and Science University & 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland, OR 97239, USA. Telephone: +1-503-4942917; fax: +1-503-4940951; e-mail: [email protected] JARO 15: 235–248 (2014) DOI: 10.1007/s10162-013-0434-8 D 2014 Association for Research in Otolaryngology 235 JARO Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology

Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration in Cochlear Implant Users

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Research Article

Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration in Cochlear ImplantUsers


1Oregon Hearing Research Center, Oregon Health and Science University, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, Portland,OR 97239, USA

Received: 3 May 2013; Accepted: 16 December 2013; Online publication: 24 January 2014


Bimodal stimulation, or stimulation of a cochlearimplant (CI) together with a contralateral hearingaid (HA), can improve speech perception in noiseHowever, this benefit is variable, and some individualseven experience interference with bimodal stimula-tion. One contributing factor to this variability may bedifferences in binaural spectral integration (BSI) dueto abnormal auditory experience. CI programmingintroduces interaural pitch mismatches, in which thefrequencies allocated to the electrodes (and contra-lateral HA) differ from the electrically stimulatedcochlear frequencies. Previous studies have shownthat some, but not all, CI users adapt pitch perceptionto reduce this mismatch. The purpose of this study wasto determine whether broadened BSI may also reducethe perception of mismatch. Interaural pitch mis-matches and dichotic pitch fusion ranges were mea-sured in 21 bimodal CI users. Seventeen subjects withwide fusion ranges also conducted a task to pitch matchvarious fused electrode–tone pairs. All subjects showedabnormally wide dichotic fusion frequency ranges of 1–4 octaves. The fusion range size was weakly correlatedwith the interaural pitch mismatch, suggesting a linkbetween broad binaural pitch fusion and largeinteraural pitch mismatch. Dichotic pitch averagingwas also observed, in which a new binaural pitchresulted from the fusion of the original monauralpitches, even when the pitches differed by as much as3–4 octaves. These findings suggest that abnormal BSI,indicated by broadened fusion ranges and spectral

averaging between ears, may account for speech per-ception interference and nonoptimal integration ob-served with bimodal compared with monaural hearingdevice use.

Keywords: cochlear implants, hearing aids,bimodal, pitch, fusion


In recent years, much progress has been made in thetreatment of sensorineural hearing loss with hearingdevices such as hearing aids (HAs) and cochlear implants(CIs). In particular, the new concept of combiningelectric and acoustic hearing from a CI together with aHA in the same ear (Hybrid “electroacoustic” stimula-tion) or opposite ear (bimodal stimulation) has led toimproved speech perception in noise as compared with aCI alone for many individuals, especially for those withless severe losses (Turner et al. 2004; Kong et al. 2005;Dorman andGifford 2010). Improved speech perceptioncan also be seen in spatially separated background noiseswith bilateral HA, bilateral CI, or bimodal CI and HA usecompared with a single HA or CI worn monaurally(Ahlstrom et al. 2009; Litovsky et al. 2006a; Dunn et al.2005). However, there remains significant variability inthe benefit of combining hearing devices bilaterally, withsome cases of little benefit or worse performance forspeech recognition compared with either ear alone inadults (Carter et al. 2001; Ching et al. 2007) and children(Litovsky et al. 2006b).

Differences in hearing status and device program-ming can contribute to this variability in binauralbenefit. Another potential factor, which has been

Correspondence to: Lina A. J. Reiss & Oregon Hearing Research Center& Oregon Health and Science University & 3181 SW Sam JacksonPark Road, Portland, OR 97239, USA. Telephone: +1-503-4942917;fax: +1-503-4940951; e-mail: [email protected]

JARO 15: 235–248 (2014)DOI: 10.1007/s10162-013-0434-8D 2014 Association for Research in Otolaryngology


JAROJournal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology

relatively unexplored in relation to patient outcomes,are differences across patients in central auditoryprocessing due to experience with hearing loss andhearing devices.

In normal-hearing (NH) listeners, the two earsprovide essentially matched spectral information,allowing integration of “multiple looks” to reduceuncertainty about the signal and average out inde-pendent noise to the two ears; this is similar to theuncertainty reduction provided by two eyes or multi-sensory inputs (Hillis et al. 2002; Ernst and Banks2002). This process of fusing and integrating spectralinformation between ears can be called binauralspectral integration (BSI).

By contrast, hearing-impaired listeners often haveinteraural pitch discrepancies due to hearing loss oras a result of hearing device programming, which maylead to integration of mismatched spectral informa-tion, rather than matched spectral information as inNH listeners. Hearing loss can result in diplacusis, theperception of different pitches between ears for thesame frequency tone (Albers and Wilson 1968).Cochlear implant programming also introduces mis-matches between frequency-to-electrode allocationsand cochlear place of stimulation, and thus betweenelectric and acoustic hearing. This mismatch arisesbecause CI processors are programmed to analyze therange of sound frequencies needed for speechperception, and divide and allocate these frequenciesto the electrodes in the CI independent of the actualcochlear place frequencies actually stimulated electrically. Fora typical CI, the default range of frequencies analyzedcan be as wide as 100–8,000 Hz. Due to its anatomicaland design limitations, the electrode array is typicallyimplanted to depths ranging from 8 to 21 mm (Lee etal. 2010), corresponding to cochlear place frequenciesof no lower than 500–1,500 Hz (Greenwood 1990).This leads to a severe tonotopic mismatch betweenthe sound frequencies analyzed versus those actuallystimulated electrically in the cochlea.

Our previous studies have shown that Hybrid CIusers who wear HAs in both ears or a second CI inthe contralateral ear can adapt pitch perceptionover months of experience to reduce any perceivedpitch mismatch between acoustic and electricinputs arising from this tonotopic mismatch (Reisset al. 2007, 2011). However, not all patients adaptto reduce this mismatch. Bimodal CI users aremore likely to experience no changes in pitch oreven a drop in pitch for all electrodes, exacerbat-ing the mismatch (Reiss et al. 2007, 2011, 2012a,b); consistent with this finding, several long-termstudies also found electrode pitch to be mis-matched to and lower than the frequency-to-electrode allocations (e.g., Blamey et al. 1996;Dorman et al. 2007). For bimodal CI users, it is

possible that instead of or in addition to adaptingpitch, the brain adapts BSI to increase fusion ofinteraurally mismatched inputs to effectively reducethe perception of mismatch. Van den Brink et al.(1976) demonstrated that dichotic fusion ranges innormal-hearing listeners, or the frequency range ofacoustic tones (pitches) in one ear that fused witha single tone (pitch) in the other ear, wereconsistently larger than the amount of pitchmismatch (diplacusis) between ears. He suggestedthat fusion ranges adjust to prevent the perceptionof any interaural pitch mismatch due to diplacusis.Hong and Turner (2009) showed a similar associ-ation of larger fusion ranges with larger amountsof diplacusis for listeners with unilateral hearingloss. Fusion ranges may also be larger in bimodalCI users with a large spectral mismatch created byCI programming.

In addition, if mismatched inputs are fused be-tween ears, then what is the percept of the fusedsound? Studies of multi-input integration in othersensory modalities show that information is oftenaveraged between multiple inputs. In the visualsystem, incongruent inputs to the two eyes areaveraged such that information about the individualcues is lost in the integration process (Hillis et al.2002; Anstis and Roger 2012); similar effects are seenin auditory-visual integration for spatially incongruentauditory and visual stimuli (Binda et al. 2007). Aresimilar averaging and loss of information effects alsoseen with binaural integration?

In the current study, we developed a new technique tomeasure fusion of dichotic stimuli presented to the twoears, and measure the pitch of this fused percept inbimodal CI users. Here we show that bimodal CI usersfuse tones that differ by as much as 3–4 octaves betweenears, exhibiting much wider dichotic fusion ranges thanthe NH listeners in the Van den Brink study. In addition,we show that the fused percepts elicit a new binauralpitch that is an average of themonaural pitches, even if theoriginal pitches are separated by an octave or more, suggestingintegration of mismatched rather than matched spectralinformation between ears.



These studies were conducted according to theguidelines for the protection of human subjects asset forth by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) ofOregon Health and Sciences University (OHSU), andthe methods employed were approved by that IRB.Twenty-one adult CI subjects (8 females and 13 males)with residual hearing in the contralateral, non-implanted ear participated in this study. All subjects

236 REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration

had at least 1 year of experience with their CI andwere able to use a HA in the contralateral ear.

All subjects used a standard 22-electrode CI array andused the advanced combinational encoder strategy. Thesubjects' ages, gender, CI ear, duration of CI use,etiology, duration of severe/profound deafness, averagecontralateral low-frequency hearing loss, and HA useare shown in Table 1. All subjects used the CochlearNucleus Freedom except for CI56, who used theCochlear Nucleus N24. The subject ages ranged from53 to 82 years, and duration of CI use ranged from 1 to12 years. Many of the subjects had a long duration ofhearing loss, with the latest low-frequency thresholdsranging from 50 to 97 dB HL. Note that the majority ofCI users in the study used a contralateral HA togetherwith the CI on a regular basis, but three did not.


All stimuli were presented via computer to controlboth electric and acoustic stimulus presentation.Electric stimuli were delivered to the CI using NIC2CI research software (Cochlear) via the programmingpod interface. Stimulation of each electrode consistedof a pulse train of 25 μs biphasic pulses presented at1,200 pps with a total duration of 500 ms. The pulserate of 1,200 pps/electrode was selected to minimizethe effects of any temporal cues on pitch. Most of thesubjects used 900 or 1,200 pps in their everydayprograms, with the exceptions of CI21 and CI40 who

used 500 pps. Temporal effects may lead to upwardshifted pitch measurements with 1,200 pps comparedwith 500 pps pulse trains; however, such effects arelikely to be small, as rate changes are generallyindiscriminable above 300 pps for Cochlear NucleusCI users (e.g., Kong et al. 2009). The electrodeground was set to monopolar stimulation with boththe ball and plate electrodes active (MP1+2). Thelevel of the electric stimulation for each electrode wasset to a “medium loud and comfortable” current levelcorresponding to 6 or “most comfortable” on a visualloudness scale from 0 (no sound) to 10 (too loud).

Acoustic stimuli were delivered using an ESI Julisound card, TDT PA5 digital attenuator and HB7headphone buffer, and Sennheiser HD-25 head-phones. Acoustic tones were presented to the contra-lateral ear and set to “medium loud and comfortable”levels again using the same loudness scale as forelectric levels. Loudness was balanced sequentiallyacross all tone frequencies. Tone frequencies thatcould not be presented loud enough to be considereda “medium loud and comfortable” level, because ofthe limited range of residual hearing in the contra-lateral ear, were excluded. Then, each CI electrodewas loudness-balanced sequentially with the acoustictones to reduce potential loudness effects on electric-to-acoustic pitch comparisons.

Under simultaneous presentation conditions, electricand acoustic stimuli were synchronized using the trigger-ing feature of the L34 research CI processor (Cochlear).

TABLE 1Demographic information about subject age, gender, CI ear, duration of CI use, etiology of hearing loss, duration of severe/

profound hearing loss, average low-frequency threshold shift (averaged over 125–750 Hz frequency range) in the nonimplantedear, and regularity of HA use

SubjectAge(years) Gender CI ear

DurationCI use(years) Etiology of HL

DurationS/P HL(years)

Average contralateralLF thresh shift(dB HL)

RegularcontralateralHA user

CI2 79 F L 3 Unknown 40+ 92 NoCI6 76 M R 2 Unknown 40+ 85 YesCI14 69 M L 1 Noise 40+ 72 NoCI18 61 F L 3 Unknown 35 50 YesCI19 60 F R 5 Scarlet fever, noise, and Menieres 50 70 YesCI20 75 M L 5 Noise 35 65 YesCI21 66 F R 2 Family history and measles 57 82 YesCI24 54 M R 1.5 Noise 9 80 YesCI25 53 F R 2 Family history 10–15 75 YesCI28 70 M R 8 Ototoxic 45 90 YesCI29 77 M L 2 Noise 20 68 YesCI30 64 M R 3 Noise and family history 30 58 NoCI32 82 M R 7 Noise 20 48 YesCI34 65 M R 1 Unknown 0–5 97 YesCI38 79 M L 1 Noise 23 63 YesCI40 73 M R 6 Noise 15–20 55 YesCI49 75 F L 2 Unknown 10 70 YesCI54 78 M L 4 Noise 40 83 YesCI56 61 M R 12 Usher type 3 and allergies 25 78 YesCI63 69 F L 2 Noise 20 57 YesCI71 71 F R 5 Family history 50 73 Yes

REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration 237

Interaural Pitch Matching

A two-interval, two-alternative forced-choice constant-stimulus procedure was used to obtain pitch matches.One interval contained the reference stimulus, anelectric pulse train delivered to a particular electrodein the implant ear, and the other interval contained acomparison acoustic tone delivered to the contralat-eral, nonimplanted ear. The electric and acousticstimuli were each 500 ms in duration and separated bya 500-ms interstimulus interval, with interval orderrandomized. The reference electrode was held con-stant and the comparison tone frequency varied in ¼octave steps within the residual hearing range, andpresented in pseudorandom sequence across trials toreduce context effects (Reiss et al. 2007, 2012a). Ineach trial, the subject was asked to indicate whichinterval had the higher pitch.

Pitch matches were computed as the 50 % point onthe psychometric function generated from the aver-age of the responses at each acoustic tone frequency.The range of pitch-matched frequencies (or elec-trodes) were selected as the 25 and 75 % points in thefunction; whereas these points are arbitrary, suchmeasurements still give an indication of the pitch-matched range that can be compared with the fusionrange results. For a pitch match to be consideredvalid, the subject was required to “bracket” the pitchfor that electrode. Specifically, if an electrode's pitchwas too high pitched for the subject to rank anyaudible acoustic tone frequencies as higher in pitch100 % of the time (because of the limited high-frequency residual hearing), that pitch match wasconservatively recorded as “out of range”.

Dichotic Fusion Range Measurement

A five-alternative forced-choice task was used to measurethe frequency ranges over which dichotic tones werefused. In each trial, the comparison stimulus waspresented simultaneously with the reference stimulus for1,500 ms. The electric pulse train was timed to start withthe beginning of the 10-ms acoustic onset ramp and endwith the end of the 10-ms offset ramp. Subjects wereinstructed to first determine whether they heard one ortwo sounds. If they heard only one and the same sound inboth ears, they were instructed to choose “Same.” If thesubject could hear sounds in both ears, then the subjectwas instructed to choose between threemain alternatives:“Left ear higher,” “Right ear higher,” or “”Same.”Generally, the subject was only able to determine whichear was higher in pitch if the stimuli to the two ears werenot fused, and one ear could be identified as having thehigher pitch and the other ear as having the lower pitch.

However, in occasional instances, the subject wasonly aware of the stimulus in one ear (lateralization of

the Stenger effect; Stenger 1907); this occurred eventhough stimuli were loudness balanced across ears.Two additional buttons provided the options of “Leftonly” or “Right only” for these instances. Lateralizedresponses were assigned to the fused category basedon the observation (through subjects' informal re-ports and subsequent direct measurement in thefusion pitch matching task described below) that thelateralized pitch changed with the contralateral tonefrequency, even when the stimulus to the lateralizedside was held constant. Thus, binaural fusion isindicated by the influence of the stimulus in the earopposite to the lateralized ear on the pitch heard inthe lateralized ear. Note that lateralization was seen inonly four of the subjects tested (CI6, CI18, CI56, andCI71), and not necessarily for all electrode–tone pairs.

A “Repeat” button was also provided to allowsubjects to listen to the stimuli again if needed. Allsubjects were provided with a practice training runwith feedback to help instruct and confirm appropri-ate usage of the buttons. A screenshot of the fivealternatives is shown in Figure 1.

As in the pitch matching procedure, a referenceelectrode was held constant while comparison stimuliwere varied across trials in pseudorandom sequence.For analysis, two methods were used to analyze thefusion ranges. In the first method, fusion values foreach response were assigned as follows: “Lefthigher”=0, “Same”=0.5, “Right higher” =1, “Leftonly”=0.5, and “Right only”=0.5. Note that values of0.5 corresponded to fusion, and lateralized responseswere assigned to the fused category. Each point onthe fusion-versus-contralateral stimulus function wascalculated as the fusion values averaged over all trialsfor each contralateral reference stimulus. In thismethod, both “Same” values and inconsistent “Lefthigher” and “Right higher” responses will yield valuesin the fusion range. In other words, an inability toreliably distinguish which ear had the higher pitch isinterpreted as an indicator of fusion. The fusionrange was defined as a continuous frequency (orelectrode) range where averaged fusion values fellbetween 0.25 and 0.75, as shown in example fusionfunctions of three subjects in Figure 2A. The fusionranges (shaded regions) varied from very narrow (206to 319 Hz, i.e., very little fusion) to very wide (274 toover 2,000 Hz and out of the range of measurement).

However, one potential pitfall of this method isthat an inability to reliably choose one ear as higher inpitch may not be the same as choosing “Same,” i.e.,may not reflect true fusion. For example, two soundsmay be heard, but these sounds may have very similarpitch and difficult for the subject to reliably indicatewhich had the higher pitch. To address this potentialpitfall, a second method was developed to quantifyfusion based on a high percentage of “Same”

238 REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration

responses alone, i.e., without also including inconsis-tent responses. In this method, fusion values wereassigned values as follows: “Left higher”=0, “Same”=1,and “Right higher”=0. Values were averaged over alltrials and the fusion range was defined as the rangewhere averaged fusion values were above 0.5. The 0.5criterion value corresponds exactly to the 0.25 and0.75 criterion values in Method 1 when the non-“Same” responses are either consistently higher(equal numbers of “Same”=0.5 and “Lower”=0 re-sponses average to 0.25 for the function in Method 1)or consistently lower (equal numbers of “Same”=0.5,and “Higher”=0 responses average to 0.75). As shownin Figure 2B for individual subjects and 4A for thepopulation, the fusion range values obtained usingthe two methods were identical or similar for largerfusion ranges of 2–5 octaves, but could differ signifi-cantly in either direction for smaller fusion ranges.One possible interpretation of the differences inresults between methods for smaller fusion ranges isthat such subjects have more “normal” binauralintegration and are thus more likely to hear distinctsounds that are close in pitch, or pitch-matched butdiffering slightly in source location or timbre. If this isthe case, then the results from Method 2 will correctlyreflect the true fusion ranges because it is based onthe “Same” responses only and not inconsistentresponses arising from two sounds with similar pitch.

Fusion Pitch Matching

Subjects with wide fusion ranges (N=17) also conduct-ed a task to pitch match various fused electrode–tonepairs. This procedure was similar to that for interauralpitch matches, except that the reference stimulus waspresented simultaneously with a tone in the contra-lateral ear (“paired dichotic stimulus”). The subjectwas asked to compare the pitch of this paired dichoticstimulus with a comparison acoustic tone presented tothe contralateral ear. Specifically, each trial consisted

of a two-interval, two-alternative forced-choice taskthat consisted of a 500 msec paired dichotic stimulusin one interval and a 500-ms comparison stimulus inthe contralateral ear in the other interval, with a 500-ms interstimulus interval. Subjects were asked toindicate whether the paired dichotic stimulus or thecomparison stimulus was higher in pitch. The com-parison stimuli were varied in a pseudorandomsequence and the fusion pitch match was calculatedas in the pitch matching procedure.


Figure 3 shows example pitch and fusion results forsix subjects as a function of electrode. Pitch matchresults are shown as blue circles to indicate the 50 %points along with vertical lines to indicate the 25–75 % points of the pitch match range. Fusion rangeresults are shown as vertical red lines (solid forMethod 1 and dashed/offset to the right for Method2). A range of pitch match patterns was seen acrosssubjects. The subjects in Figure 3A, D had electrodepitch matches (blue circles) that closely followed theCI processor frequency-to-electrode allocations (gray-shaded regions), and thus had minimal interauralpitch mismatch in everyday listening through the CIprocessor and contralateral ear. The subject inFigure 3B had a mix of matched and mismatchedpitches, with electrode 20 showing minimal mismatch,and electrode 16 showing a large mismatch. Thesubjects in Figure 3C–F, on the other hand, had largerpitch mismatches often accompanied by “flat” pitchpatterns across electrodes, with discrepancies betweenperceived electrode pitch and the frequency-to-elec-trode allocation ranging up to 3 octaves.

Many of the subjects shown had fusion ranges of anoctave or more, much larger than the fusion rangesseen in normal-hearing listeners. For example, the

FIG. 1. Touch screen buttons showing the response options for the fusion range measurement task.

REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration 239

subject in Figure 3A had fusion ranges on the order ofabout 1 octave, while the subject in Figure 3D hadfusion ranges of up to nearly 3 octaves. The subjectswith the greatest degree of pitch mismatch inFigure 3E, F had the largest fusion ranges, as wide as4 octaves for electrode 18 in Figure 3E and forelectrodes 22 and 18 in Figure 3F.

Generally, the fusion ranges tended to encompassthe pitch mismatch between mapped and electrodepitches (difference between gray shaded regions andblue circles). This trend is particularly apparent inFigure 3C–F where the range of mismatch connectsthe blue circles with the gray regions, even forelectrodes that could not be pitch matched within

the audible frequency range, as in Figure 3C (blue x-symbols). Thus, even if an interaural pitch mismatch ispresent, the mismatch may not be perceived becausethe mismatched stimuli are perceptually fused andheard as one sound. The exception is for electrode 16of CI29 shown in Figure 3B, where the fusion rangedid not encompass the mismatch; very little and nofusion were observed with methods 1 and 2, respec-tively. Interestingly, this subject also had the shortestduration of experience with the CI, suggesting thatexperience may also be a factor in determining fusionpatterns.

It should also be noted that while generally thefusion ranges measured with Methods 1 and 2 were

FIG. 2. Fusion functions in three CI subjects. Each curve shows aCI electrode's averaged fusion values as a function of the pairedcontralateral tone frequency. A Results obtained using Method 1.Values near 0.5 indicate fusion of the electrode with the tone,whereas values of 0 or 1 indicate the tone could be discriminated aslower or higher in pitch, respectively. Green-, purple-, and blue-shaded areas indicate the fusion ranges for the three correspondingcolor curves for fusion values between 0.25 and 0.75. B Results

obtained using Method 2, in which only “Same” responses werecounted as fused. Values at or above 0.5 indicate fusion of theelectrode with the tone, i.e., at least 50 % of responses were “Same”.As in (A), the different shaded areas indicate the fusion ranges for thethree different subjects as defined by values above 0.5. Note that thefusion range calculations differed only for CI29, who had narrowerfusion ranges with Method 2 than Method 1.

240 REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration

similar, there were some differences, especially forsubjects with smaller fusion ranges as in Figure 3A, B.One interesting example is shown in Figure 3F wherethe fusion ranges measured with Method 1 werebroad and continuous, but the fusion ranges mea-sured with Method 2 were discontinuous with multi-ple, disconnected fusion ranges. This suggests thepossibility of multiple fusion ranges in some individ-uals. Alternatively, this may reveal a weakness ofMethod 2 which discards information about inconsis-tency of higher versus lower pitch responses asadditional indicators of fusion.

Consistent with the observed relationship betweenfusion ranges and pitch mismatch in individual exam-ples, the summary plot of all of the subject populationdata in Figure 4B (blue circles) shows a significantcorrelation of fusion range with interaural pitch mis-match (p=0.038, Pearson correlation test); however, thiscorrelation was weak and only observed for fusion rangesmeasured using Method 1. If the analysis was limited tofusion ranges that could be measured within the residualhearing range, the correlation remained significant(orange plus signs in Figure 4B; p=0.015). No significantcorrelations of fusion range were seen with acoustic

22 21 20 19 18






4000CI30, 31 months




cy, H


22 21 20 19 18






4000CI2, 34 months




cy, H


22 21 20 19 18






4000CI19, 65 months




cy, H


22 21 20 19 18








CI25, 25 months



cy, H


22 20 18 16 14 12125






CI54, 60 months




cy, H


22 20 18 16






4000CI29, 14 months




cy, H




Frequency−electrode allocationPitch MatchFusion Range (Method 1)Fusion Range (Method 2)Upper Hearing Limit

FIG. 3. Example interaural pitch match and fusion range results forsix CI subjects, with narrow fusion rangesG1 octave (A–C) and broadfusion ranges92–3 octaves (D–F). The fusion ranges (red verticallines; solid for Method 1 and dotted offset for Method 2) encompassthe interaural frequency mismatch between the electrode frequencyallocation (gray shaded areas) and the electrode pitch match (bluecircles, with vertical blue lines indicating 25–75 % range of pitchmatch). The horizontal black dashed line indicates the upper limit ofthe loudness-balanced residual frequency range; accordingly, blue x-symbols on this line indicate that the pitch match is out of range ofthe residual hearing and red asterisks on this line indicate that theupper limit of the fusion range is not bracketed because of theresidual hearing limit. A Subject with minimal interaural mismatch

and correspondingly small fusion ranges for three different elec-trodes. B Subject with variable interaural mismatch and small fusionranges independent of mismatch; note that this subject had arelatively short duration of 14 months of experience with the CI,compared with the other subjects. C Subject with several electrodes“out of range” and fusion ranges encompassing the distance betweenthe upper hearing limit and frequency-to-electrode allocation. DSubject with minimal interaural mismatch but large fusion ranges. ESubject with a “flat” and low pitch match profile across electrodes,and fusion ranges that grow with interaural mismatch. F Subject witha “flat” and high pitch match profile across electrodes and fusionranges that again encompass mismatch range.

REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration 241

threshold shift, duration of CI use, or duration ofdeafness (although it should be noted that the durationof CI use did not sample many short durations).

Data from one subject tested at multiple timepoints also suggests that fusion ranges adapt overtime to minimize the perception of interaural pitchmismatch. Figure 5 shows fusion ranges measured at15 and 27 months after implant activation. Thefusion range for electrode 22 was initially nearly 2octaves at 15 months, but narrowed over time toless than 1 octave at 27 months, consistent with thesmall pitch mismatch. The fusion range for elec-trode 12 was initially centered on the electrodepitch at 15 months, but shifted upward while theelectrode pitch remained unchanged. Thus, a largeinitial pitch mismatch was eventually minimizedperceptually by an upward shift of the fusion range.Three other subjects tested at multiple time pointsafter at least 2 years of CI experience did not showany changes.

Subjects with wide fusion ranges also performed afusion pitch matching task to measure the pitch ofthe fused tone. Figure 6 shows examples of fusionpitch matches, i.e., pitch matches between a CIelectrode paired with a fused contralateral acoustictone relative to acoustic-only contralateral tonereferences. Four subjects are shown, with multipleelectrode–tone pair results shown for each subject.Generally, the examples in Figure 6A–C show thatthe fusion pitch (green circles) is often a weightedaverage of the electrode pitches (blue circles) andtone frequencies (black crosses). In other words, thefusion pitch of the electrode–tone pair falls some-

where between the original pitches of the two stimulipresented individually.

Note that the relative influences of the electrodepitch and tone frequency on the fusion pitch variedwith the pair. In Figure 6A, equal weighting of eachwas observed for electrode 22 paired with a 250-Hztone, whereas stronger weighting of the electrodewas observed for the same electrode paired with a420-Hz or electrode 20 paired with a 707-Hz tone.Another example is shown in Figure 6B, in whichthe electrode pitch is high and the tone is low infrequency, but still shows the same averaging effectsas in Figure 6A where the relative frequencies arereversed. In Figure 6C, as in Figure 6A, equalweighting of each was observed for electrode 22paired with a 353-Hz tone, whereas strongerweighting of the electrode was observed for thesame electrode paired with a 707-Hz tone; the neteffect for both Figure 6A, C is to maintain the fusedpitch within the frequency allocation range for thatelectrode (gray area). By contrast, for electrode 18,equal weighting was observed for all electrode–tonepairs, leading to systematic increases in fusion pitchwith pair tone frequency. This example also showsthat weighting can vary for the same tone frequencypaired with different electrodes. Note that CI56shown in this example also showed lateralization forelectrode 18, and the data here show the variation ofpitch with electrode–tone pair even though thesound was perceived as being in only one ear (theacoustic side). Figure 6D shows an example of theoccasional instance in which very little averaging wasseen, with the fusion pitch dominated by the tone

0 1 2 3 4 50






Pitch versus MAP mismatch, oct




e w





1, o


0 1 2 3 4 5







Fusion range width by Method 1, oct




e w





2, o




FIG. 4. Population summary of long-term fusion range widths. AComparison of results obtained using the two different methods, whereMethod 1 counted both “Same” and averaged “Left higher” and “Righthigher” responses, and Method 2 only counted “”Same” responses. BFusion range widths obtained using Method 1 plotted versus interauralpitch mismatch from 21 CI subjects (open blue circles, two to threeelectrodes per subject). The correlation between interaural mismatch

and fusion range width was significant (R=0.266, p=0.038, Pearsoncorrelation test). Even when the analysis was limited to fusion rangewidths that were not truncated by residual hearing range limits in 14 CIsubjects, the correlation remained significant (orange plus symbols, R=0.481, p=0.015). No significant correlation was observed for fusionrange widths measured using Method 2.

242 REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration

frequency in this case for all tone frequencies pairedwith electrode 18 in this subject.

A fusion pitch index (FPI) was developed todescribe the relative influences of the monaural

electric and acoustic pitches on the binaural fusedpitch. The FPI is defined as the absolute value of thelog2 difference between the fusion pitch and elec-trode pitch, in octaves, normalized by the log2

Pitch MatchFusion PitchTone Frequency

353 420 707 Hz 353 420 707 Hz125






cy, H


CI56, 138 months

125 420 707 Hz







cy, H

zCI19, 54 months

148 594 8401414 Hz






paired with elec. 18



cy, H


CI32, 66 months

250 Hz 420 Hz 707 Hz







cy, H


CI25, 25 months



paired with elec.19paired with elec.22 paired with elec.20

paired with elec.22 paired with elec.18

Pitch MatchFusion PitchTone Frequency

FIG. 6. Example pitch shifts seen for fused electric–acoustic tonepairs in three CI users. A Fusion pitch shifts in one subject forelectrodes 22 and 20 paired with various pair tones spanning thefusion range, with pitch shifts in an upward direction from theelectrode pitch. Different electrodes are separated by vertical blackline for this subject. Fusion electrode–tone pitches (green circles) areweighted averages of the electrode pitches (blue circles) and tonefrequencies (crosses). B Fusion pitch shifts in another subject for oneelectrode paired with three different pair tones, with pitch shifts in adownward direction from the electrode pitch. Pair tone frequency is

increasing from left to right. C Fusion pitch shifts in one subject fortwo different electrodes paired with three different pair tonesspanning the fusion range, with pitch shifts in an upward directionfrom the electrode pitch. This subject showed lateralization to theacoustic side for electrode 18. D Fusion pitch shifts were notobserved in a third subject for one electrode paired with fourdifferent pair tones. Instead, all fusion pitches were dominated by theacoustic tone frequency.

22 17 12






CI21, 15 months




cy, H


22 17 12






CI21, 27 months




cy, H


FIG. 5. Example of changes in fusion ranges over time for a bimodal CI user. The fusion range narrowed for electrode 22 and shifted upward forelectrode 12, consistent with the observed correlation of long-term fusion range with interaural pitch mismatch.

REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration 243

difference between the electrode pitch and pair tonefrequency, in octaves:

FPI ¼ log2 FusionPitch=ElectrodePitchð Þlog2 AcousticPitch=ElectrodePitchð Þ����


A small FPI near 0 indicates that the fusion pitch isclose to the electrode pitch, i.e., is dominated by theelectrode pitch. A FPI near 1 indicates that the fusionpitch is close to the acoustic tone frequency, i.e., isdominated by the acoustic tone pitch.

The population summary of FPI values of allsubjects and electrodes plotted versus tone frequencyin Figure 7A shows that no significant correlation wasobserved between tone frequency and FPI. Figure 7Bshows that the distributions of FPI were mostlybetween 0 (dominance by CI electrode pitch) and 1(dominance by acoustic tone frequency, as exempli-fied in Figure 7D). The minority of FPI values below 0and above 1 reflect the occasional occurrence offusion pitches outside the range between the twooriginal pitches when the difference is very small, asfor electrode 19 paired with 707 Hz in Figure 7B.


Dichotic Fusion Ranges

Both bimodal CI and Hybrid CI users have aninteraural pitch mismatch between the frequenciesstimulated electrically and acoustically, but may re-solve the mismatch in different ways. For Hybrid CI

users, electrode pitch perception changes relative tocontralateral acoustic pitch over time, and the chang-es tend to occur in the direction of reducingperceived interaural pitch mismatch (Reiss et al.2007, 2011). Analogous adaptations in auditory orvisual receptive fields have been reported inresponse to auditory-visual mismatch, such as aftermonths of experience with displacing prisms in thebarn owl (Knudsen 2002) or on the time scale ofseconds with the ventriquolism aftereffect(Recanzone 1998). By contrast, bimodal CI usersshow more variability in how they adapt to pitchmismatch, with some even showing pitch adapta-tion that increases mismatch (Reiss et al. 2012a, b).These new findings suggest that increased binauralfusion frequency ranges may be an alternativecompensatory mechanism to reduce perceivedinteraural mismatch in bimodal CI users with pitchmismatch introduced by CI programming.

These findings indicate that bimodal CI users fusedichotic stimuli that differ by as much as 1–4 octavesin pitch. This phenomenon may be a general effectseen with hearing loss; HA users also exhibit widebinaural frequency fusion ranges on the order ofan octave (Hong and Turner 2009)—not as largeas seen in bimodal CI users but larger than for NHindividuals, who fuse dichotic tones differing by nomore than 0.2 octaves (Odenthal 1963; Van denBrink et al. 1976).

This is the first study to systematically look at pitchfusion in a large group of CI listeners. Previous studiesin CI listeners have examined fusion in the context ofsound localization rather than pitch perception,especially with bilateral CIs. In these studies, fusion

−0.5 0 0.5 1 1.50






Fusion pitch fraction


0 500 1000 1500−0.5





Tone frequency, Hz




h fr




FIG. 7. Population summary of fusion pitch shifts for all subjectsand electrodes expressed as a fraction of the pitch shift re: electrodepitch normalized by the frequency difference between the electrodepitch and pair tone frequency. A Fusion pitch shifts plotted versus

tone pair frequency show no relationship between tone frequencyand fusion pitch fractions. B Distribution of FPI values show valuesmainly between 0 and 1.

244 REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration

of sounds across ears is an important prerequisite forbeing able to lateralize sounds, and lateralization isonly measured for electrode pairs that are fused as asingle auditory image. Thus, while not directly report-ed, it can be inferred from the electrode pairs studiedthat the fusion ranges are similarly abnormally wide inbilateral CI users, with a single electrode in one earfusing with 6–15 electrodes in the other ear in a fewcase studies (van Hoesel et al. 1993; van Hoesel andClark 1997; Long et al. 2003); this corresponds tofusion over 4–20 mm differences in cochlear locationsof stimulation between ears, on a scale of octaves.Thus, the wide fusion ranges seen in bimodal CI usersin this study are consistent with the wide fusion rangesseen in case studies of bilateral CI users.

The wide dichotic pitch fusion ranges are notexplained by poor peripheral discrimination, assequential frequency discrimination is typically betterthan a quarter octave for acoustic hearing or everyother electrode for electric hearing. In other words,dichotic fusion ranges, which can be thought of assimultaneous binaural discrimination limits, are muchwider than sequential monaural discrimination limitsin hearing-impaired listeners, and cannot be ex-plained by peripheral deficits. Likewise, wide dichoticfusion ranges cannot be explained by simultaneouswithin-ear channel interactions, because the interac-tion is across ears. Another possible peripheralexplanation for fusion of stimuli with binaurallydisparate pitches is broad activation of a largepopulation of neurons, spanning octaves, due tocurrent spread in the implanted ear, which increasesthe likelihood of overlap of some electrically stimulat-ed neurons with acoustically stimulated neurons inthe other ear with the same characteristic frequency.However, normal-hearing listeners do not fuse com-plex sounds if they differ in the evoked pitch by morethan the diplacusis amount (Van den Brink et al.1976). Thus, even if current spread leads to broadactivation, fusion in bimodal CI users still differs fromthat in NH listeners.

The correlation between interaural pitch mismatchesand fusion ranges in bimodal CI subjects is consistentwith the correlation between diplacusis and fusion rangesseen previously for NH listeners on a much smaller scale(Van den Brink et al. 1976). The data shown in Figure 5,in which fusion ranges change over time to coincide withpitch mismatch boundaries, is also consistent with thehypothesis that fusion ranges adapt to minimize theperception of mismatch; the lack of changes observed inother subjects with 2 years or more of CI experiencesuggests that fusion range adaptations may stabilizewithin 2 years. However, the correlation in Figure 4 isweak, and longitudinal data from more subjects isneeded over time to demonstrate a causal relationshipbetween pitch mismatch and increases in fusion range.

Other factors may also influence fusion range size.For instance, as large fusion ranges are also seen inhearing-impaired individuals without CIs, fusionranges may be inherited from previous experiencewith hearing impairment and diplacusis, and maymerely prevent pitch adaptation. Another potentialfactor that may influence fusion range size is the useof 1,200 pps pulse trains in subjects accustomed toother pulse rates in their clinical programs. While theuse of 1,200 pps minimizes the effects of temporalcues on pitch, and is unlikely to change interauralacoustic–electric interactions because of the typicalloss of acoustic phase locking with severe/profoundhearing loss, further research is needed to rule outany effects of pulse rate on fusion of electrical andacoustic stimuli.

Why do bimodal CI users show less apparent pitchadaptation (and possibly more binaural fusion) thanHybrid CI users? One possible explanation is thatHybrid CI users differ in the fact that they also haveaccess to residual hearing in the implanted ear. In thecase of Hybrid CI users, pitch adaptation may beforced when the discrepancy is present within as wellas across ears, especially for the most apical electrodesfor which acoustic and electric frequency rangesoverlap. For bimodal CI users, on the other hand, itmay be simpler for the brain to adapt BSI instead ofadapting tonotopic mapping. However, it should benoted that one study in Hybrid CI users who had lostresidual hearing in the implanted ear still showedpitch adaptation to mismatch (Reiss et al. 2012a).Hybrid CI users also have more residual hearing andbetter pure tone thresholds, requiring much lessamplification with their HAs than bimodal CI users.Another possible explanation is that the reducedfrequency specificity of stimulation with greater de-grees of hearing loss and/or amplification, especiallyat suprathreshold levels, leads to abnormally widetemporal envelope correlations across frequency andbetween ears and promotes increased fusion afterlong-term experience with such stimulation.

Fusion Pitch Averaging

Seventeen subjects exhibited broad fusion ranges andwere further tested on the fusion pitch matching task. Aspredicted, several subjects exhibited averaging of thedichotic pitches within the fusion range, in which a newpitch arose from the fusion of two stimuli with differentpitches when presented alone, even when the pitchesdiffered by as much as 3–4 octaves. Dichotic pitchaveraging has been seen previously in NH listeners butfor smaller pitch differences of less than 0.1–0.2 octaves(Van den Brink et al. 1976). These pitch shifts are alsoconsistent with informal reports by CI users that voicepitches shift with a second CI or aHA in the contralateral

REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration 245

ear. The pitch averaging seen for binaural inputs in theauditory system should not be surprising given theubiquitous averaging or integration of multiple inputsseen across sensory systems, such as the binocularaveraging of color differences in the visual system(Hecht 1928) or the averaging of visual and auditoryspeech stimuli in the McGurk effect (McGurk andMacDonald 1976); these averaging phenomena have alikely role in averaging out random noise in theenvironment (Hillis et al. 2002).

However, the finding of abnormally broadeneddichotic pitch fusion and integration on this scale isunique to individuals with CIs, and has not beenreported in other systems. Thus, these findings arealso relevant for other neural prostheses; for example,for blind individuals implanted with visual prostheses,large visuospatial mismatch introduced between thetwo eyes may similarly induce perceptual adaptationto increase binocular fusion, reduce perceived mis-match, and average the visuospatial relationships ofobjects and features across eyes. Such averaging couldlead to blurring or distortion of visuospatial relation-ships with two eyes compared with one.

An important implication of fusion pitch averagingis that the resulting systematic shifting of fusion pitchwith pair tone frequency in the fusion range providesadditional support for the percept reflecting pitchfusion, rather than the perception of two separate,unfused sounds that are identical or indiscriminablein pitch. In fact, during the dichotic fusion rangemeasurement task, several subjects with wide fusionranges remarked that they could hear the pitch of thefused tone shifting with the pair tone (though theywere not aware that the stimulus was only changing inone ear). This pitch averaging only occurred whensubjects perceived the same sound in both ears, andnot when two distinct sounds were perceived. Thisobservation, consistent with the finding of pitchaveraging for fused stimuli also observed with nor-mal-hearing listeners for much smaller dichotic fre-quency differences (Van den Brink et al. 1976) isanother, indirect verification of true fusion ratherthan a perception of two distinct, unfused sounds thatare identical in pitch. Therefore, wide fusion rangeswith pitch averaging are not likely to reflect periph-eral limitations in discrimination due to a diffusestimulation of each CI electrode, for example, butrather abnormal central integration that leads to pitchaveraging and loss of information about the individualinputs somewhere along the auditory pathway.

Binaural Spectral Integration

The abnormally broad fusion and binaural pitchaveraging observed in this study suggests binauralintegration of mismatched rather than matched

spectral information. In NH listeners, BSI of smallspectral differences is likely to serve a beneficialfunction in reducing noise. In bimodal CI users withlarge fusion ranges, however, BSI is likely to lead toaveraging over a broad frequency range across ears,and may instead lead to additional smearing andcompression of spectral information beyond thatalready present monaurally. Thus, it is possible thatthe resulting abnormally broad BSI may account forspeech perception interference effects observed withbinaural compared with monaural hearing device use,where some individuals show little benefit or evenworse performance with binaural stimulation com-pared with monaural stimulation with either ear alone(Carter et al. 2001; Ching et al. 2007). Certainly, insome cases, bimodal CI users experience improvedspeech perception in noise when the overlap betweenacoustic and electric analysis frequency ranges isreduced (Reiss et al. 2012a, b), which minimizes thepotential for such averaging of highly mismatchedspeech information between ears.

The finding of abnormally broad BSI in bimodal CIusers also suggests a potential limitation of using vocodersimulations in NH listeners to model bimodal CIperception. A recent study showed that simulations inNH listeners tend to overpredict efficiency of integrationof electric and acoustic information between ears com-pared with real bimodal CI users (Yang and Zeng 2013).).This suggests that the lack of abnormally broad BSI in NHlistenersmay explain the inability of simulations to predictresults in real bimodal CI subjects. However, anotherstudy by Kong and Braida (2011) suggests that NH andbimodal CI listeners both average vowel response centersbetween acoustic and electric inputs (simulations for NHlisteners). One possible interpretation of this result is thatNH listeners also demonstrate broad BSI for broadbandstimuli like speech, even though they do not show broadBSI for simple stimuli like tones, and that narrow ratherthan broad BSI may explain some of the difficulties insome bimodal CI users. Another, interesting interpreta-tion is that NH and bimodal CI listeners may integratespeech differently between ears. Bimodal CI users (andother hearing-impaired listeners) with abnormally broadBSI may have obligatory fusion and thus loss of indepen-dent spectral information between the two ears at a lowlevel of spectral processing, e.g., vowel formant peaklocation may be averaged between ears before vowelidentity is processed. In contrast, NH listenersmay insteadbe hearing two unfused, separate streams in the two ears,processing information such as vowel identity indepen-dently for the two ears, and integrating or averaging thesephoneme identities at a higher cognitive stage ofprocessing.

Abnormally broad BSI may also explain the limita-tions in localization-related benefits seen in hearing-impaired listeners (Ching et al. 2007), such as for speech

246 REISS ET AL.: Abnormal Binaural Spectral Integration

perception in spatially separated noise. Localizationbased on two ears requires fusion, i.e. requires thebinaural cues such as interaural level and timingdifferences to be incorporated into a single auditoryimage with a single location. In the simple case of asingle sound source, abnormally broad fusion willstill allow successful localization with stimuli thatare mismatched in cochlear place or frequencybetween ears (e.g., van Hoesel et al.,1993).However, in the presence of multiple soundsources (such as in a cocktail party), abnormallybroad fusion is more likely to lead to interferencein localization as well as speech perception. Iffusion is broad, level and timing cues will beprocessed across mismatched frequencies betweenears instead of separated by frequency, and couldpotentially interfere with the ability to use group-ing cues such as fundamental frequency forsegregation of voices into separate auditory streams(Bregman 1990). Such interference could explainthe limitations of binaural benefits to head shadowor louder-ear effects rather than true localization-related benefits in CI users (e.g., Gantz et al. 2002;Litovsky et al. 2006a). Further research is neededto fully understand the impact of abnormal BSI onlocalization, speech perception, and localization-related benefits for speech perception in back-ground noise.


We thank the OHSU Cochlear Implant Team for assistancewith subject recruitment, and Aaron Parkinson and JanPoppelier of Cochlear for providing equipment and soft-ware support for the CI research interface. We also thankChristopher Turner, Ruth Litovsky, and two anonymousreviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. Thisresearch was supported by grant P30DC010755 from theNational Institutes of Deafness and Communication Disor-ders, National Institutes of Health.


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