All individuals listed on the "Signatories and comments" tab requested that their names be cosigned to the comments below regarding docket 18418: “Michigan's utility planning process should account for the costs of pollution to public health, our environment, and the climate. It should value the full benefits of clean energy and energy efficiency to our energy system, consider the equity impacts of new energy projects, and include robust public engagement so communities have a say in how they get their energy.” Please note that many individuals chose to provide additional comments on their own.

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All individuals listed on the "Signatories and comments" tab requested that their names be cosigned to the comments below regarding docket 18418:

“Michigan's utility planning process should account for the costs of pollution to public health, our environment, and the climate. It should value the full benefits of clean energy and energy efficiency to our energy system, consider the equity impacts of new energy projects, and include robust public engagement so communities have a say in how they get their energy.”

Please note that many individuals chose to provide additional comments on their own.

Name Date Submitted Home City State Individual Comments

Brainard, Craig 9/26/2017 Hastings MI

1. Properly value clean energy and energy efficiency. In addition to providing clean, pollution-free energy, distributed energy (such as rooftop solar panels) and energy efficiency provide important and valuable benefits to the electric grid, such as reducing demand during "peak" times when electricity is most expensive. 2. Account for the impact of electricity generation on public health, the environment, and the climate. There are more costs to operating a power plant than simply building it and running it. Power plant emissions also affect Michiganders' health, they impact the state's environment including its beloved Great Lakes, and they warm our climate. The commission should account for all costs of power generation. 3. Report emissions. It's critical for utilities to report on the emissions of their power plants, not only to understand the bigger picture of their costs and impacts on public health, but to measure and track emissions reductions as we work to transition to a clean energy future. You can't improve what you don't measure. 4. Consider the equity impacts of new utility investments. It's critical to assess and account for the impacts new utility investments will have on the surrounding communities, especially as the impacts of pollution from power plants disproportionately fall upon people of color and those with low incomes. 5. Engage substantively with communities where utility investments are proposed. People should have a say in what happens in their community and where their energy comes from. When considering major investments that would affect communities, utilities and the commission should proactively reach out to residents to hear their priorities and concerns, and take them into account when making decisions.

Melchi, Steven 10/2/2017 Sanford MI A clean environment is critical to the Great State of Michigan and all who live here. Clark, Steven 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MI A clean environment is more important than profits to the utility. Please do not sell our children short. Perko, Jack 10/2/2017 Spring Lake MI A clean environment is not a luxury, it is a human right

Monfette, Aggie 9/26/2017 Royal Oak MI

Account for the impact of electricity generation on public health, the environment, and the climate. There are more costs to operating a power plant than simply building it and running it. Power plant emissions also affect Michiganders' health, they impact the state's environment including its beloved Great Lakes, and they warm our climate. The commission should account for all costs of power generation.

Veenema-Birky, Jean 9/26/2017 Glenn MI As a mother and grandmother, I hold you accountable for any decision you make on this,and how it will impact my loved ones future.

Schultz-Condon, Cynthia L. 9/28/2017 Troy MI

As a retired RN, mother, and grandmother, I very concerned about the consequences of pollution on the public health, the environment, and climate change. I have seen asthmatic children under my care struggle to breathe. We must keep the air clean for those at risk and to prevent further danger to the heath of the people.

Nafziger-Meiser, Linda 10/3/2017 West Branch MI

As I've watched, horrified, the environmental impact of hurricanes and the Mexican earthquakes just in the past few weeks it is clearly evident that Michigan needs to proactively plan for a safe and energy-sound future. We need to be planning for increasingly severe storms and a flexible, resilient grid so we can survive the coming changes in climate and weather with some assurance of well-being for all Michiganders.

Perkowski, Gery 9/26/2017 Detroit MI

As vehicle manufacturers move to electric to reduce harmful emissions, it is critically important that the source to recharge these vehicles is from clean energy. Otherwise will just shift the source of harmful emissions from vehicle tail pipes to electrical generation smoke stacks. Not good, not good at all! Gery

Balasko, Debbie 9/27/2017 Sparta MIChina, European countries will leave us in the dust, they are right now investing and creating jobs in renewable energy. America is dumbing itself down. Renewable energy is the next step and is now the future.

Zaydel, Theresa 9/26/2017 Detroit MI

clean energy - solar and wind power - hold the promise and the future of our existence. our cities will benefit from reduced emissions from coal-fired power plants. our environment will benefit from elimination of injections of fracking fluids into our precious ground water. our forests, fields and streams will be protected from oil pipeline contamination. the health of our citizens, especially our children, will benefit from clean energy initiatives. and our economy will benefit from training opportunities and expanded job growth.

Van Rheenen, Norma 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MI Clean energy doesn't mean customers should pay for shutting down Palisades . Consumers is getting a free ride! Dressler, Rosemary 9/26/2017 Kentwood MI Clean energy gives us a healthy climate

Hajec, Amy 9/27/2017 Westland MI

Clean energy has he real trickle down effect that works. By not polluting the air, and water there is less clean up needed. The need for more solar panels creates jobs in manufacturing, installation, maintenance and sales. Best of all what do you call a spill at a solar farm? A beautiful day! We have lots of weather to harness.

Newman, Kent R. 9/27/2017 Ypsilanti MIClean energy is be coming practical. Medium scale batteries are falling rapidly in price. We need to improve our grid, to make electric cars outperform, the best personal hybrid vehicles.

Jones, Virginia 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MIClean energy is crucial for Michigan's future and for the future of our country and planet. Michigan can be a leader in this direction..please make decisions that encourage and support clean, renewable energy .

Quayle, John 9/27/2017 Wyandotte MI

Clean energy is important to me for personal reasons as well as public ones. A trigger for my wife's asthma is hydrogen sulfide. We live about seven miles from the Marathon refinery and can't open our windows at night, because a shift in the wind direction can cause an asthma attack. This has sensitized me to the detrimental effects of other fossil fuels as well. People need clean air and water for good health. Good health allows people to contribute to the economy without burdening the health care system. What's good for health is good for our state.

Benson, Patricia N. 9/27/2017 Plymouth MIClean energy leads to purer air and water. This is better for Michiganders health, drinking water quality, and the Great Lakes, as well as doing a little towards mitigating climate change.

Avigne, Carol 9/26/2017 Brownstown MI Clean energy matters, public health matters & a healthy climate matters for us & our future generations! Goodman, Pamela 9/26/2017 Muskegon MI Clean energy will protect the environment and the health of the people of Michigan.

Mertz, Thomas 9/26/2017 Dexter MI

Clean renewable energy is the most effective way to provide all of us with the energy we need with minimal negative effects on our air and water quality. It also provides far more jobs than fossil fuel energy, especially compared to coal. As a concerned citizen, i urge you to please consider these really important points when setting the new rules for energy generation in Michigan. Thank you, Tom Mertz

Crowe, Clark 9/27/2017 Detroit MI Clean the future, protect Michigan from power company waste.Kindel, Paul And Judith K. 9/29/2017 East Lansing MI Clean, renewable energy is essential to mitigate climate change and prevent a human catastrophe. Wolf, Dorothy J. 9/27/2017 Alto MI Clean, renewable energy is a win/win situation. We get reasonably priced energy and clean air and water in the bargain.

Reiffer, James 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MICoal has been our main electrical power source, and I'm thankful for that. But there are better ways to provide electrical power these days. Renewable energy seems to me to be the way to go. So does most of the rest of the world. Let's not get left behind.

Sibo, Kathleen 9/28/2017 Laingsburg MI

Coal-burning plants put out toxic gases, greenhouse gasses and particulates that affect the air, water, and land around them. Shifting to wind and solar can provide energy without the pollution, and can provide jobs for Michigan citizens in construction, operation, and creating the panels and windmills needed for it.

Bauer, David 9/27/2017 Portage MIDear Commissioners Talberg, Saari, and Eubanks, It's time to craft Michigan's public policies to address climate change. Please reward renewable energy, energy-efficient buildings and transportation with monetary incentives to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions. Sincerely, B. Sneath, PhD

Law, Kathleen 9/27/2017 Gibraltar MI

Dear Regulators, It is imperative to provide clean air, clean water, nontoxic foods, uncontaminated medications and a future for our grandchildren. We cannot do so with 119th century power plants. Distributed energy production through community renewable energy production. Community projects would hedge against raising fuel costs, provide a security to communities with free fuel to public buildings, hospitals, retirement homes and school districts. Asthma, mercury laden fish, cancers and the rest of the environmental externalities need to be accounted for, the cost of fossil fuel use vs. conditions avoided with renewable sources. Consider the future of our grandchildren, Thank you Kathleen Law

Saenz, William 9/27/2017 Brownstown Twp MI Distributed renewable energy sources will allow for a more robust electrical grid, less pollution, and ultimately, lower cost.

Shepard, Philip 9/29/2017 East Lansing MI

Do not cater to the requests of owners of stranded fossil fuel assets! All the Koch Bros. and Co. want is to get every dollar they can out of their stranded asset. They don't care at all if climate change becomes an extinction level event. But it will most surely if we continue on the present path and fail to ramp up renewables and energy efficiency. Can you look your grand kids in the face?

Chen, Jessica 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI Environmental protection is not about politics, or economics, or ego. It is about preserving nature for the future of humanity. Toshalis, Barbara 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MI For our health and economic welfare we need to reduce pollution and work toward sustainability.

Lorand, John P. 9/27/2017 Mt Pleasant MI Fossil fuel energy, especially coal, is a public health menace, and it discriminates, hurting poor and minority people who inevitably live nearby. Rogers, Ann 9/26/2017 Traverse City MI Green renewable energy is the future, and it creates more jobs than coal and oil.

Hanson, Art 9/26/2017 Lansing MIHowever, you MUST do MUCH more. We MUST keep ALL climate-changing fossil fuels IN THE GROUND! We MUST eliminate the use of fossil fuels for electrical generation and make sure all electrical generation come from clean, renewable energy.

Hall, Kimberly 9/27/2017 Haslett MI

I am a Consumers' Energy Customer, and I participate in their program to reduce energy use during peak times, such as the very hot September days we have had recently. I am willing to to do all I can to help our state do a better job of using energy efficiently and protecting our environment and the health of our people. MSU and many individuals, including a church just down the road for me, are investing in solar. These great examples demonstrate that leadership on clean, efficient energy will be enthusiastically supported by our residents, and will inspire great innovations and community involvement. Thanks for listening.

Wehr, Sara 9/27/2017 Lowell MI

I am an asthmatic, as are my kids and husband, so you can see I have a real investment in seeing the environment gets cleaned up. I am also very chemically sensitive, pollutants in our environment end up on our food and inside of us, worse some of these effect the unborn. I have 5 grand kids and another on the way. I'd like to think our generation made a difference in giveing them a cleaner, healthier environment to grow and raise their own families in. Please, please stop get off the corporate greed train and change to the healthier Earth transport which will be powered by wind, solar, geothermal and more sources of clean energy. Making more money does not trump human life.

Rosalik, Barbara 9/26/2017 Rochester MI I am concerned about the impact of electricity generation on public health, the environment,and the climate.

Figueroa, Ernesto 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MII am fully committed to a sustainable environment. I drive an electric car, jsut installed solar panels on our roof and I am involved in environmental causes. I expect that same level of commitment from public officers and legislators that are shaping the future of our world right now. Thank you

Zamensky, Joseph 9/26/2017 Wayne MI

I am not only concerned with my own health and future, but everything else's. Our Glaciers and icepack are melting at rates never before seen during mans existence, and animal species are dwindling due to the rate we are acquiring and burning fossil fuels. I strongly believe we should be looking towards sustainable energy solutions and giving back instead of taking from our environment. I am willing to pay the extra costs for a better and cleaner future, you should be too!

Hungerman, Ann 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI I appreciate that I grew up in mostly healthy surroundings. I wish that for those who will come after me.

Miller, Gillian 9/28/2017 Ann Arbor MI

I don't think many people realize the cascading effects of generating energy in a way that creates greenhouse gases and particulates. Even run-of-the-mill air pollution from power plants and vehicles causes early death for tens of thousands in the U.S. as well as untold numbers of preterm births and miscarriages. And the contribution to climate change is hardly controversial in the scientific world. I look at the children in my own life, full of optimism and potential, and imagine a future in which our leaders have looked beyond the next election cycle, taken the long view, and put policies in place that drastically reduce greenhouse gases and other pollutants. That future will have clean water, air that doesn’t make us sick, and a climate that is stabilizing. It will have avoided a spike in Lyme, malaria, dengue, and other vector-borne diseases that threatens even northern states. The utility planning process for Michigan must play a role in that future by considering the big picture. The process must account for the costs of power plant pollution to public health, our Great Lakes and environment, and the climate. The benefits of efficiency and clean energy to the electric grid should be properly valued. (I have rooftop solar. Our panels feed the most electricity back into the grid when demand is highest—hot summer days!) Emissions from plants must be measured and tracked. Finally, if a new power plant is proposed, people living near the site must be engaged and listened to in the process.

Wheadon, Susan 9/26/2017 Cedar MII grew up near the Love Canal and in the town, Tonawanda, New York where radioactive waste was dumped from the Manahattan Project---high cancer rates and birth defects were common.

Kruger, Alison 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI

I know for a fact that if you make the right call here, the community - especially higher ed - will help you collect, analyze and interpret the data we need to solve one of the great challenges of our generation - undoing harm as we move forward, from activities that we didn't fully anticipate would cause such harm when we initially built our energy infrastructure.

McGladdery, Martin And Sharon 9/26/2017 Farmington Hills MI I saw two wind turbines today just a few miles from my home. Progress!

Podrasky, Laurel 9/26/2017 Highland MII signed up for Arcadia energy 2 years ago. If I can get my electricity from wind so can everyone. Save our beautiful planet for me, you, our kids, our grandkids

Meserve, Berta 9/27/2017 Lake Ann MII urge the reading of the above. The community needs to be made aware of all the options, risks, benefits and costs of what ever energy sources are available or how they can be made available.

Pauline, Jamie 9/28/2017 Southgate MI I want fossil fuels out of my land and my lakes! Sayles, Andy 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MI I want my grandkids to have a healthy environment to live in, as I did. Christen, Glenna Jo 9/27/2017 Chelsea MI I want to breath clean air, drink pure water and not have climate change make life as we know it now impossible

Wise, Jody 9/27/2017 Wyandotte MII want to leave my children and grandchildren a better earth than we have right now. Please consider the legacy you want to leave recognizing that 85% of the disease burden of climate change will be felt by children 5 and under.

Mortensen, Helga S. 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MI I want us to leave clean air and a better world for our grandchildren.

Zuiderveen, Gretchen 9/27/2017 Belmont MII'd like the regulators in Michigan to demonstrate courage and forward-looking leadership, as they make decisions about the future of energy in this state.

Monod, Sharon 9/26/2017 Lansing MIIf there were only a 60% chance climatologists have it right there would be reason for action; but over 95% agree that climate change is an existential threat. Therefore it's urgent that we decrease emissions from fossil fuels

Gage, David 9/26/2017 Grand Haven MI If you would like to learn of the proper accounting related to the present value of the related long-term medical costs feel free to give me a call.

Hammer, Karen 9/26/2017 Detroit MI

In my city, pollution-free energy will increase our health (where 2Xs the asthma rate of the state exists- due to burning garbage, calling it "waste-to-energy" a fallacy label of sustainable energy. The energy is NOT renewable, and other toxic particles poison our children, leading to learning disabilities.) Resident solar panel installation will reduce our carbon footprint, and individual energy costs. And the electrical grid can benefit from these, helping to update it for the future. Investment in sustainable energy will produce jobs to replace those lost in auto manufacturing. It would be a win-win for Michigan's economy-- a win for jobs and a sustainable economy (guaranteed to grow into the future), and a win for (reducing toxins, poisons, dirty fuel spills and storage, and harm to our natural Michigan wildlife) our health. Michigan's future and a healthy climate converge with strict regulation of toxins, and measuring and reporting on them. The majority of our residents' benefit must go into any plans for energy or utility investments. Their health, the general economy, and the "pure Michigan" that attracts tourism and investment in it--cannot grow or benefit unless the communities affected have a say. Lastly, is the issue of environmental justice. Poor communities, and those of color, suffer disproportionately -- as dirty fuel companies locate, with less or no regulation, near them and poison them and their families. Assessing and accounting for the impacts new utility investments will have on the surrounding communities, is essential-- just as is people having a say in what happens in their community and where their energy comes from.

Leach, Paula P. 9/28/2017 Grand Rapids MI Increasing renewables should be a key part of our energy strategy!

Paganelli, Nicholas 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MI

It baffles me that the great state of Michigan isn't on the renewable energy train yet. It's better late than never, the time has come!! NO MORE FOSSIL FUELS!!! Here's a fact: More solar energy per hour falls upon this magnificent planet than our ENTIRE civiliation consumes in a year. Every hour of every single day. That is a scientific fact. WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR??!!?

McCauslin, Helen 9/27/2017 Three Rivers MIIt is crucial to Michigan's economy and the general welfare of its citizens for the Michigan Public Service Commission to be proactive in promoting clean energy. Please make that part of the Commission's oversight.

Hoag, Bret 9/26/2017 Rochester Hills MI It is for all of us- thank you. Bartley, Thomas K. 9/29/2017 East Lansing MI It is important for the economic and physical health of Michigan residents that we invest in clean energy projects. Scherpenisse, Carol 9/26/2017 Spring Lake MI It is utterly important that we pursue clean energy. Our health and our environment critically need it.

Weaverdyck, Noah 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI

It is vital that we consider the impact on the health and rights of Michiganders when planning future energy projects. Historically, planning has not accounted for these, which externalizes important costs of coal and natural gas. On the contrary, wind and solar energy further the energy independence of Michiganders. Additionally, when it comes to power generation, they already create FAR more jobs than either coal or natural gas, and are growing more quickly as well [1]. To stay competitive, we must not allow utilities to simply invest in the option that is "cheaper" by externalizing costs onto the shoulders of Michiganders. Ref. [1] (Fig. 12) https://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2017/01/f34/2017%20US%20Energy%20and%20Jobs%20Report_0.pdf

Young, Peter 9/27/2017 Dearborn MI It should be obvious to anyone paying attention that less CO2 is a good and necessary thing. Let's try to lead the way. Bressler, Allan 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI It's a matter of life and death if we don't have clean energy and air McCombs, Annie 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MI It's clean energy or extinction for humans and other similar life forms. You choose. Rogan, Peter 9/26/2017 Royal Oak MI It's ninety-one Fahrenheit today, the 26th of September. I think I'd like a future that didn't have such temperatures in Fall.

Shuster, Ken 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIIt's simple. The difference between the linear system that has been in place since the 1890's & a renewable future. There are plenty of economic opportunities to replace the old system. It's simple. Do it before it's too late.

Dickinson, Daniel And Judith 9/26/2017 Bath MI

Just give clean energy an equal chance. The same rules and regulations as fossil fuels. And the same tax breaks, grants, economic support that you give the oil and gas industries. Thank you.

Thatcher, Becky 9/27/2017 Glen Arbor MI keep Michigan Pure! Bahle, Lois 9/26/2017 Suttons Bay MI kick the fossil fuel habit, you WILL feel better! Guthrie, Paul F. 9/27/2017 Portage MI Let's make Michigan a leader in a clean energy future. Hansen, Bill 9/26/2017 Traverse City MI Let's move to clean energy NOW!!! Moore, Mary Jane 9/26/2017 Detroit MI Let's protect the Mitten and pass it on safely to the next generation. Mersereau-Kempf, Mary 9/26/2017 Midland MI

Like you, I live in Michigan. I think we all want the best for this state and everything/one living here. Only you have the power to make a difference, please consider your impact on the future: toxic or healthy the choice is yours.

Harner, Philip 9/26/2017 Lansing MI Listen to what science has to say. Our health depends on the good health of our planet!

Gunderson, Ingrid 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIMake polluters pay for pollution. For heaven's sake, even Costa Rica has 99% green energy, to its economic benefit. Be wise. Be frugal. Clean energy.

Mattson, David 9/26/2017 Dollar Bay MI Michigan is a big tourist State and we need clean power generation to keep tourists coming.

Day, Jeremy 9/27/2017 Greenville MI

Michigan is one of a few states that put a premium on our natural resources. It plays hugely into our tourism and citizen’s activities and health. We NEED an energy policy that gives renewables a fair shot and puts a price on any energy that takes away our beautiful outdoors. I’m counting on you to do the right thing. Thank you.

Weaver, Charlie 9/27/2017 Kalkaska MIMichigan seems to be on the track towards more efficient and renewable sourced energy. Please continue that and when possible, ignore the utility companies staus quo and implement better regulations.

Keyes, Kelsey 9/26/2017 Saline MIMichigan should be eager to be a leader in alternative energy. We are in the perfect position to use the state's background in manufacturing and our natural resources to be a great example to the nation.

Bouman, Frans 9/26/2017 Au Gres MI

Michigan's dependence on fossil fuels is hastening global warming. We can correct that by replacing such plants with thorium or uranium-based plants for base load and doing everything possible to increase wind and solar production. Everything meaningful will take many years to take effect so the time to start is now.

Nguyen, Thi 9/28/2017 Brownstown MIOur environment is extremely important in the success of our health and well being. If we don't take care of it, it can only cause harmful effects on every aspect of our lives. Active prevention is surely better than trying to resolve problems that will be more difficult and costly.

Polidori, Marguerite 9/27/2017 Bingham Farms MI

Our grandchildren are very important for us to protect from pollution and climate change, which we've seen so shockingly this month. A condominium we use in Florida each fall has just escaped the destruction of it's next door unit. We live on a ravine in Michigan and hope to never have to experience what so many others have just gone through. Living in Michigan, with the greatest amount of fresh water in the nation, we especially need to protect our lakes from pollution from fossil fuels and fracking and mine runoff.

Cole-Misch, Sara Ann 9/27/2017 Bloomfield Hills MI

Our Great Lakes, our children and grandchildren deserve that we stop polluting unnecessarily and choose clean energy. This is the smart economic choice as well, as we've learned the enormous costs to try to clean up pollution or restore public health. We have the technology, let's use it to ensure a safe, healthy future.

Gilbert, Deborah 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIPay farmers to plant solar panels and windmills instead of fodder for cows! We really can cut carbon pollution and reduce the number and intensity of hurricanes, tornadoes and flooding, all of which are going to gobble up the federal budget. Be cost conscious!

McDaniels, Julie A A. 9/27/2017 Ovid MIPlanet Earth is facing an environmental armageddon, due primarily to the extraction and burning of fossil fuels. Clean, sustainable energy will slow the process of climate change, which may allow technology the time to develop new solutions.

Johns, Stefania 9/30/2017 Royal Oak MI Please bring Michigan into a sustainable future!

Bauer, David 9/27/2017 Portage MIPlease consider awarding Michigan Tax Credits for newly constructed energy-efficient commercial, residential and public buildings. Thank you, David Bauer, PhD

Williams, Lisa 9/26/2017 Warren MIPlease consider the impact on our beautiful great lakes and your fellow Michiganders. We need to think of our planet and the impact our decisions make

Regentin, Rika 9/29/2017 Belleville MIPlease do not plan around business as usual, in setting policy and priorities in for electricity in Michigan. Climate change is underway. We need to slow it down. Please make emissions reporting and support for clean energy your top priorities as you plan for Michigan's energy future. Thank you.

Lipscomb, Amie 9/26/2017 Glen Arbor MIPlease make the right decision for the long run. Short-sighted money goals led to the Flint water crisis. Don't settle for the easy thing, PLEASE do the RIGHT thing for ALL Michiganders. Quality of life is more important than quantity of money.

Salgat, Michael 9/26/2017 Plymouth MI Please take these steps to ensure a healthy future for all of us, our children and grandchildren. Thank you. Stapleton, Thomas 9/27/2017 Rochester MI Please, for once, consider your state and your country ahead of your party.

Johnson, Mark E. 9/27/2017 Port Huron MI

Politically Conservative energy policy should account for the grave risks to our economy, health, livable land, costs of catastrophes that climate change will have. Even if Conservatives are not 100% certain that the overwhelming consensus of scientists and worldwide National Science Academies agree that measured data point to a causal effect of CO2 warming temperatures overall, Conservative policy should ENSURE we protect our environment. We also should not fall behind in our technical capacity and trained workforce for this massive industry which generates many more jobs than oil, nat gas and coal. We should also CONSERVE our finite fossil fuel resources for future high output economic uses such as fertilizer and other end product imput sources.

Bodenbender, Brian 9/26/2017 Holland MI

Renewable energy decreases overall costs to society, including health and environmental costs, compared with fossil fuels. Furthermore, costs for renewable energy are projected to decrease while those for fossil fuel energy are projected to rise. As a further point, distributed energy production provides additional resiliency to communities and the state. For all these reasons, I urge you to make decisions that take into account the full costs and benefits of each energy source you consider.

Anderson, Robert 9/27/2017 Rapid City MI Stop looking backward time to lead.

Wilczynski, Martha 9/28/2017 Niles MIThe health and viability of our communities and businesses are at stake. Clean energy helps conserve and protect our natural resources for the future and makes our communities more healthy, while saving money in the long-run.

Livingston, James 9/26/2017 Skandia MIThe only coherent way to guarantee pollution-free energy for the future is to secure it now, before we lose the opportunity. It will not come back on its own.

Muhich, Anthony 9/27/2017 Grosse Pointe Park MIThe PSC needs to plan for and build towards the energy grid of the future. Please set the policies that will work towards electrification of our energy needs and a green future.

Railey, Robert M M. 9/28/2017 Marquette MIThe Trump administration's withdrawal from the Paris Accord and its support for risky fossil fuel technologies means the rest of us are going to have to increase our efforts to reduce our collective carbon footprint.

Briggs, Annette 9/27/2017 Three Rivers MI There is no good reason to continue to use harmful fuels when clean sources are available.

Lynch, Martha 9/26/2017 East Lansing MIThere is no such thing as truly healthy people on a sick planet. We are one, inter-related body of life, and what we do to Earth, we do to ourselves. Clean energy and public health are intimately connected. This is a moral issue with only one answer. Do the right thing!

Junck, Larry 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIThese actions will help to protect our environment and improve health for citizens of Michigan. Additionally, they will help to move Michigan toward the forefront of technology and business.

Kreger, Marilyn F. 9/27/2017 Brighton MIThese are extremely expensive projects. We need to keep them efficient and safe for the environment for our grandkids sake. They need to be put together with the combined WISDOM of everyone involved for the users for the next several generations.

Brown, Patrick William 9/26/2017 Gwinn MI This is the prudent path.

Bergeon, Dave 9/27/2017 Mason MIThis should be a no brainer but our politician's are so caught up in the money that they can no longer do the right thing on their own or listen to their constituants.

Morrow, Greyson 9/27/2017 Wakefield MI Time is running out. We need leadership with moral courage. Bacuzzi, Kathleen 9/27/2017 Plymouth MI Using clean energy is a plus for our state both financially and environmentally. Jerome, Lana 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI We all share the same air, depend on water and deserve to have that protected and kept clean!

Mendeloff, Katherine 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIWe are in a critical position to protect our Great Lakes for the future of our state and our nation. We must also commit to protecting our citizens, and make sure the Flint Water crisis never happens again anywhere in Michigan.

Collins, Jackie 9/27/2017 Edwardsburg MI We don't need to go backward in environmental protections, we need to go forward for the health and well-being of everyone in Michigan.

Starr, Susan A. 9/26/2017 Pinckney MIWe have had solar on our home since 2013. We run all electrics in our home, plus charge my plug-in hybrid, plus have had a small amount of income! The technology is here.

Gold, Patricia 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI We have only one planet. Let's respect and protect it using scientific data to guide us. No room for denial any more!

Digennaro, Bonita Marie 9/27/2017 Battle Creek MI

We have the technology to produce clean energy so why not use it and help the planet recover from the pollution causing so many of the environmental and health problems. We need to think about what kind of condition we are leaving to the next generation. Using green energy now is important for the planet and life forms that inhabit it.

Nyhof, Richard 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MI We have to take the long-term effects into account when evaluating energy usage. This would lead us toward clean, renewable energy sources. Mattingly, Victoria B. 9/26/2017 Traverse City MI We live in the beautiful north, and we want to keep it beautiful! Erskine, John K 9/28/2017 Holland MI We MUST exit the fossil fuel train as soon as possible in order to attempt guarantee of our earth's existence through this century! Grandfield, Kate 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MI We must plan for the future, not the past, and put the health of our citizens and our communities above all else Davis, Kathleen 9/26/2017 Marquette MI We must protect our environment! Edwards, Manley R. 9/27/2017 Eastpointe MI We must take action to combat the worst outcomes of Global warming/Climate change NOW. Voelker, Sylvia 9/26/2017 Beverly Hills MI We must take responsibility for what we are doing to the planet. Please help to foster clean air and water. Winslow, Lee 9/27/2017 Mason MI We need cleaner energy. The technology is here and ready to use.

Wade, Norma Jean J. 9/27/2017 Livonia MI

We need to move to 21st century energy solutions. At the turn of the 20th century, oil was just coming on and the "new" industry of automobiles grew. Now, it is time to move once again to another form of energy -- one that is safer, less expensive (when you count all the costs of carbon-based energy), and more reliable. Too much world conflict has centered on oil. We now have the opportunity to move away from that and we should be seizing that, not making the inevitable transition more difficult.

Matero, E Suzan 9/28/2017 Ypsilanti MI We only have one planet, we must take care of her, for our children's sake. Babcock, Jason 9/27/2017 Clarkston MI We should be working towards renewable energy.

Amberger, Charlotte 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIWe would love to install solar panels on our commercial building but the infrastructure is not there. We need cheaper panels or business incentives to help us over the hump. Please help MI to be a leader in the production of clean energy. Thank you for your considerations.

Henig, Alona 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIWe've done a lot of damage to our earth and the climate, and it's time we take steps to reverse that trend. Please help us take care of ourselves and our planet!

Jahr, Jeff 9/27/2017 Belleville MI

With alternative energy providers only available to 10% of DTE's customers, I am unable to "vote with my pocketbook" by choosing another provider when DTE prioritizes short time financial gain over long term sustainability. While caps on alternative providers exist, we need you to protect our interests and insure that non-carbon, non-polluting, renewable energy sources are prioritized at the top of the energy production project list.

Reid-Lezotte, Nora 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MI Without a Healthy Climate there will be no world. Wolf, Debra 9/26/2017 Lansing MI You are supposed to be working for us, the people! We want a GREEN future for our children and grandchildren!

Van Zant, Jeff 9/26/2017 Hillsdale MIYou clean your house, right? So why not our state. I have four young children they ought to have a clean state, country, and world. It just makes sense!

Pearce, Joshua 9/26/2017 Houghton MI

You should also take into account the liability that conventional fuels pose to the rate payers: Negin Heidari & Joshua M. Pearce. A Review of Greenhouse Gas Emission Liabilities as the Value of Renewable Energy for Mitigating Lawsuits for Climate Change Related Damages. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55C (2016) pp. 899-908. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2015.11.025

Caruso, Vince 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MI Your grandkids are watching you very closely! What will you leave them?! Murphy, Raymond L. 9/26/2017 Plainwell MIWallick, Robert 9/26/2017 Harbor Springs MIPhelps, Harold 9/26/2017 Westland MIMyles, Emma 9/26/2017 Detroit MIMcPharlin, Carol 9/26/2017 Ferndale MIGentry, Jerry 9/26/2017 Pinckney MIWorst, Stephen 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MIBeckerman, Betsy 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI

Vandervennet, Robert 9/26/2017 Tipton MIKukawski, Gregory 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MI

Jennings, Karolyn 9/26/2017 Detroit MIWood, Suzanne 9/26/2017 Three Rivers MIPeters, Heidi 9/26/2017 Oakland MICallaghan, Seamus 9/26/2017 Thompsonville MILock, David 9/26/2017 Ada MI

McCormick, Jacqueline 9/26/2017 Jackson MIGerondale, Brianna 9/26/2017 Ferndale MIHughes, Mary 9/26/2017 Grosse Pointe MIYoung, Scott 9/26/2017 Traverse City MIFeichtinger, Dennis 9/26/2017 Trenton MIAguirre, Robert 9/26/2017 Linden MILipe, Edward 9/26/2017 Lansing MIStrathern, B 9/26/2017 Union City MIPlonski, Conrad 9/26/2017 Livonia MICurp, Richard 9/26/2017 Northville MIHaelewyn, Charyl 9/26/2017 Willis MIBonnema, Madison 9/26/2017 Norton Shores MIKalina, John 9/26/2017 Orchard Lake MISpencer, Thomas 9/26/2017 Pontiac MIKuhn, Leslie 9/26/2017 Haslett MIRyerson, Ray 9/26/2017 South Lyon MIKolbe, Carol 9/26/2017 Whitehall MIBerner, Ann 9/26/2017 Wixom MIBravata, Ralph 9/26/2017 Newaygo MIDuross, Bj 9/26/2017 Pinckney MICubbage, Charles P. 9/26/2017 Paw Paw MIFosse, Charles 9/26/2017 West Bloomfield MIHorste, Cheryl 9/26/2017 Highland MIPeterson, Erik 9/26/2017 Troy MIBurt, Brian 9/26/2017 Plainwell MI

Doran, Rev.Dr. Daniel 9/26/2017 Sault Sainte Marie MITorrice, Joe 9/26/2017 Grass Lake MIJackson Jr., Richard S 9/26/2017 Sand Lake MIBaxter, Judith A 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MIScott, Paul L. 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIYonker, Ashley 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIChudzik, Alex 9/26/2017 Sterling Heights MIWalker, Damita 9/26/2017 Lansing MIBrown, Jeremy 9/26/2017 Mt Pleasant MIStiglitz, Daniel 9/26/2017 Escanaba MIChristian, Louise 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MITanoury, Mary 9/26/2017 Grosse Pointe Park MIBiggs, Scott 9/26/2017 Saint Clair Shores MIMyers, Philip 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIGraham, Danielle 9/26/2017 Riverview MIAnd Kelly Logan, Meagan Costea 9/26/2017 Dearborn MIProchowski, Richard 9/26/2017 Yale MIHarrison, Alta 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIJitreun, S 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MISheahan, Maureen 9/26/2017 Southfield MI

Dunn, David M. 9/26/2017 Lansing MISprunk, Michael 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIWakiji, Dana 9/26/2017 Saint Clair Shores MICole, Charles 9/26/2017 Warren MIMarcus, Leah 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIDelisi, Donna 9/26/2017 Lenox MITinker, Robert 9/26/2017 Saline MINicholson, Joyce 9/26/2017 Mount Pleasant MISchell, Kristen 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIAbromaitis, Kay 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MITaylor, Jan 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIMotycka, Cat 9/26/2017 East Lansing MILowell, Dana 9/26/2017 Holland MILakshminarayanan, Vasudevan 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIPeterson, Janet 9/26/2017 Troy MIPalmer, Catherine 9/26/2017 Allen Park MIMcCormick, Gary 9/26/2017 Grand Marais MIZajac, Andrea 9/26/2017 Williamston MIHalperin, David 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIGoff, Karyn 9/26/2017 Plymouth MISharpee, Rhoda 9/26/2017 Watersmeet MICarter, Donna 9/26/2017 Troy MICurtis, Amy 9/26/2017 Shelby Township MIGilman, Richard 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MITessman, Jacqueline 9/26/2017 Benton Harbor MINeumann, Margaret 9/26/2017 Waterford MIBovee, Emily 9/26/2017 Rochester Hills MIKushler, Martin 9/26/2017 Williamston MID, Dashriprocker 9/26/2017 Saginaw MICarroll, Alvin 9/26/2017 Farmington Hills MIBachman, Barbara 9/26/2017 Farmington Hills MISchwarz, Marcia 9/26/2017 Saint Clair Shores MIHead, Jim Hoyt 9/26/2017 Oak Park MIDaniels, Todd 9/26/2017 Mount Morris MICarpenter, Dale 9/26/2017 Lake Orion MITimm, Carol 9/26/2017 Brooklyn MIGabriele, Kim 9/26/2017 Portage MIKarowe, David N. 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIClift, Loren 9/26/2017 Madison Heights MIAuman, Heidi 9/26/2017 Frankenmuth MIKatz, Ronald 9/26/2017 Huntington Woods MIRahbari, Carol 9/26/2017 Ypsilanti MIMatthies, Andrea 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIPavlic, Anne 9/26/2017 Northville MIScharf, William 9/26/2017 Traverse City MIBertman, Steve 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIWarwick, Gretchen 9/26/2017 Adrian MIHill, Michael 9/26/2017 Farmington MIThompson, Mary 9/26/2017 Saint Clair Shores MIBernatowicz, James 9/26/2017 Oak Park MIBoike, James 9/26/2017 Harrison Township MILa Fond, Nan 9/26/2017 Traverse City MI

Flis, Jerry 9/26/2017 Warren MIThroop, Anne 9/26/2017 Caledonia MIVaydik, Frank 9/26/2017 Saginaw MISparkes, Richard 9/26/2017 Grand Blanc MIMusser, Mallory 9/26/2017 Bay City MIBeninson, Ilene 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIGlassford, Cheryl 9/26/2017 Cass City MIEdwards, Cynthia 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIDollar, Carrie 9/26/2017 Grosse Pointe Woods MIDuncan, Corinna 9/26/2017 Lansing MIRogers, Scott 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIFecko, Albert 9/26/2017 Center Line MIBuhse, Tim John 9/26/2017 Trenton MINadeau, Stefanie 9/26/2017 Marquette MIMaynard, Lorraine 9/26/2017 Shelby Township MISmit, Bradley 9/26/2017 Holland MIBooth, Richard 9/26/2017 Grosse Ile MIHamilton, Stephen 9/26/2017 Augusta MIMaricque, Mitchell J. 9/26/2017 Menominee MILozon, Sharon 9/26/2017 Flint MIAmsbaugh, Lorna 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MIPawloski, Judi 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIMcKenna, Fred 9/26/2017 Carson City MICheney, Kristen 9/26/2017 Lake Orion MIGrech-Berry, Carmen 9/26/2017 Redford MIPaalanen, Laura 9/26/2017 Wayland MIBonanni, Loveley 9/26/2017 Royal Oak MIRewoldt, Thomas 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MID'Alessandro, Keith 9/26/2017 Canton MIMorgan, David 9/26/2017 Sparta MI

Prokop-Heitman, Janice 9/26/2017 Plymouth MICarey, Monica 9/26/2017 Lansing MIPolesnak, Bill 9/26/2017 Troy MIJarvis, Gary 9/26/2017 Jerome MISmith, Jim 9/26/2017 Dexter MIJarvis, Gary 9/26/2017 Jerome MIMika, Norm 9/26/2017 Kingsford MIKeeling, Raymond C. 9/26/2017 Milford MINordhof, Pamela 9/26/2017 Hamilton MIPeterson, Kyle 9/26/2017 Sterling Heights MIStanbury, Phyllis 9/26/2017 Grand Blanc MIWillett, Carey 9/26/2017 Brighton MIVigh, Joanie 9/26/2017 Kentwood MIWentzel, Sheila 9/26/2017 Washington MIPelava, Cheryl 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIPritchard, Linda 9/26/2017 Ypsilanti MIShepich, Linda 9/26/2017 Ludington MIReed, Laurie 9/26/2017 Eau Claire MIReynolds, Al 9/26/2017 Ortonville MIWinstrom, VI 9/26/2017 Kentwood MIMueller, Roger 9/26/2017 Deerfield MIMayo, Jodi 9/26/2017 Monroe MI

Musialowski, Monique 9/26/2017 Chesterfield MIBatzer, Stephen 9/26/2017 Dewitt MIBarkey, Michael 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MIGiesick, Christy 9/26/2017 Clinton Township MICollins, Sherron 9/26/2017 Spring Lake MIKalbfleisch, John 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIGardner, Gerald 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI

Ryan-Mitlyng, Theresa 9/26/2017 Grand Blanc MILinnemann, James T. 9/26/2017 Haslett MIHarris, Joan 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIBusch, Katherine 9/26/2017 Wyoming MISchultz, Howard S. 9/26/2017 Swartz Creek MI

Dierkes, Don And Cathy 9/26/2017 Interlochen MIZipser, Burton 9/26/2017 Oak Park MIMcGarry, Thomas 9/26/2017 Allegan MISpencer, Julie 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIMotta, Michael 9/26/2017 Holland MIWathen, Sheila 9/26/2017 Adrian MICogar, Nicole 9/26/2017 Clinton MI

Sherwood, Dean Glenn 9/26/2017 Farmington Hills MIPatrick, Dwyne R 9/26/2017 Rockford MIHosta, Denise 9/26/2017 Fennville MILowthian, Claudia 9/26/2017 Oxford MIBertolino, Terry 9/26/2017 Union MIPowers, Ed 9/26/2017 Bath MIReyes, Joan 9/26/2017 Livonia MIBerkey, James D. 9/26/2017 Herron MINeumann, Linda 9/26/2017 Toivola MICheklich, Diane 9/26/2017 Detroit MISmith, Ronald D. 9/26/2017 Quincy MICarpenter, Steven 9/26/2017 Woodhaven MIKorth, Allen 9/26/2017 Newberry MISeiler, Mike 9/26/2017 Rochester MIGill, Gregory 9/26/2017 Carleton MIDevlin, Thomas 9/26/2017 Lake Orion MIAkom, Denise 9/26/2017 Shelby Township MIEhlen, Martin 9/26/2017 Port Huron MIDonahue, Karen 9/26/2017 Detroit MIHemmila, Ken 9/26/2017 Houghton MIEllis, James 9/26/2017 Royal Oak MIMartin, Laura 9/26/2017 Warren MIGonzales Jr., Frank 9/26/2017 Plymouth MISpong, Betty 9/26/2017 Grand Blanc MICarter, Angie 9/26/2017 Hancock MIEpshtein, Evgeny 9/26/2017 Lansing MIEnns, Paul 9/26/2017 Canton MILeahy, Barb 9/26/2017 Brighton MI

Varricchione, Jeffrey T. 9/26/2017 East Lansing MI

Bemis, Judith 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIMiller, Steven 9/26/2017 Lansing MIJones, Andrew 9/26/2017 Escanaba MILoesch, Mary 9/26/2017 Big Rapids MIMorgenthaler, Jeffery 9/26/2017 Lowell MIMcGeehan, Carol 9/26/2017 Holland MILootens, Tom 9/26/2017 Maple City MIHollister, Robert 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MISoucy, Keith 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MICrawford, Tracy 9/26/2017 Mt Pleasant MIMoorman, Steven 9/26/2017 Muskegon MIBornholtz, Gavin 9/26/2017 Grand Blanc MIZurawski, Ronald 9/26/2017 Menominee MIApplebaum, Doris 9/26/2017 Oak Park MIKnight, Haven 9/26/2017 Rochester MIHeathfield, Maryann 9/26/2017 Munising MIGladstone, Sarah 9/26/2017 Redford MIDuncan, Robert 9/26/2017 Ypsilanti MIEverett, Armgard 9/26/2017 Holland MIHuff, Terry 9/26/2017 Laurium MILauxmann, Timothy 9/26/2017 Leslie MIBaker, Alicia 9/26/2017 New Hudson MIDeuben, Caroll 9/26/2017 Grosse Pointe Park MIGrosfeld, Nancy 9/26/2017 Bloomfield Hills MIPietras, Cynthia 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIAliya, Debbie 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MIKordish, Victor A. 9/26/2017 Mattawan MIMenerey, Penny 9/26/2017 Grand Blanc MISercombe, Sarah 9/26/2017 Royal Oak MINemecek, Julie 9/26/2017 Jackson MIFarnum, Greg 9/26/2017 Pontiac MIMichel, Sara 9/26/2017 Suttons Bay MILuke, Linda 9/26/2017 Belleville MIBostwick, Melinda 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIThwing, Donald And Lee 9/26/2017 East Tawas MISpencer, Lynn 9/26/2017 Dearborn MISilvani, Jeff 9/26/2017 Bellaire MIPeltan, Mark 9/26/2017 Clinton Township MIBaker, Steven L. 9/26/2017 Sturgis MISmith, Julie 9/26/2017 Dexter MICarlson, Eric 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIButkiewicz, Mike 9/26/2017 Sterling Heights MIAbel, Reid 9/26/2017 Holt MIKantorowski, John 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MITeets, Richard E. 9/26/2017 Bloomfield Hills MIWheeler, Laura 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIHancock, Dolores 9/26/2017 White Lake MIGreen, Kristin 9/26/2017 Sault Sainte Marie MIRobbins, Arnold 9/26/2017 Detroit MIDoty, Jos 9/26/2017 Fountain MICiesla, Miriamm 9/26/2017 Oak Park MIBoothroyd, Perry 9/26/2017 Cedar MI

Roach, Julie 9/26/2017 Livonia MIHester, Dennis 9/26/2017 Imlay City MISacksteder, Carla 9/26/2017 Cadillac MIBurmeister, Nancy 9/26/2017 Big Rapids MIPicazo, Ingrid 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIHammond, James 9/26/2017 Royal Oak MIBoyd, William K. 9/26/2017 Fruitport MIColcun, Gerald 9/26/2017 Jerome MIFrancis, William 9/26/2017 Houghton MISoldano, Roger 9/26/2017 Mattawan MIKenworthy, Mark 9/26/2017 Plymouth MIMadak, Cynthia 9/26/2017 Warren MIWhalen, Helene 9/26/2017 Northville MIKatakowski, Dennis 9/26/2017 Chelsea MIMoray-Brach, Debra 9/26/2017 Dearborn MIShovein, Karen 9/26/2017 Taylor MIBooth, Erik 9/26/2017 Ironwood MISummers, Josh 9/26/2017 Ypsilanti MIVainder, Victor 9/26/2017 Chelsea MIDolins, Francine 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIThomas, Jennifer L. 9/26/2017 Ferndale MIVisca, Rachelle 9/26/2017 Shelby Township MISkelton, Julie 9/26/2017 Belleville MIDruchniak, Vicki A. 9/26/2017 Livonia MIAxle, Mary 9/26/2017 Highland MIKronick, Jeff 9/26/2017 Lake Orion MIWalters, Hannah 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MICheadle, Gary A. 9/26/2017 Suttons Bay MIGerlach, Bruce 9/26/2017 Eastpointe MISawicki, E 9/26/2017 Jackson MIWitfoth, Christa 9/26/2017 Houghton Lake MIBelknap, Bobby 9/26/2017 Frankfort MIBald, Diane 9/26/2017 Rochester Hills MIDistelrath, Michael 9/26/2017 Port Huron MIWright, Kenneth M. 9/26/2017 Roscommon MIThomas, Abigail 9/26/2017 Harrisville MIChristopher, John 9/26/2017 Paw Paw MIHaworth, Patricia 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIVentimiglia, Ellen 9/26/2017 Saint Clair MISkufis, Xenophon 9/26/2017 Onsted MI

Scholfield, Christopher 9/26/2017 Fort Gratiot MIScholfield, Judith 9/26/2017 Fort Gratiot MIEngstrom, Lee 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MIWilkins, Kathy 9/26/2017 Montrose MIMcCubbin, John P. 9/26/2017 Fenton MISkelton, Julie 9/26/2017 Belleville MIKonwinski, Jarita 9/26/2017 Whitmore Lake MICasassa, Gianine 9/26/2017 Alden MIColes, Lynne 9/26/2017 Lincoln Park MIBuhinicek, Jennifer 9/26/2017 Chelsea MI

Herstein, Edward M. Jr 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MI

Livingston, Marilyn 9/26/2017 Augusta MIFox, Sierra 9/26/2017 Burton MIBarnes, Brooks 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIShuten, Robin 9/26/2017 Lansing MIEcheandia, Syma 9/26/2017 Shelby Township MIReiher, Laura 9/26/2017 Dexter MIKesselring, Daniel 9/26/2017 Marshall MIHarvey, Jazmine 9/26/2017 Kincheloe MIAllington, David 9/26/2017 Middleville MIAdams, Richard 9/26/2017 Traverse City MIDeford, Denecia 9/26/2017 East Lansing MILyons, Laura 9/26/2017 Ludington MIMcDowell, Bryce 9/26/2017 Brownstown Twp MIOkoro, Cary 9/26/2017 East Grand Rapids MIStockdill, Nelson 9/26/2017 Ypsilanti MITaylor, Karla 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIJurmo, Conni 9/26/2017 Richmond MIDene, Dan 9/26/2017 Lambertville MIPowell, Robert 9/26/2017 Pontiac MIRose, Gretchen 9/26/2017 Cedar MICoselman, Tarrie 9/26/2017 Ypsilanti MIMulvey, Lori L. 9/26/2017 Comstock Park MISockness, Jan 9/26/2017 Novi MIKanistanaux, Nancy 9/26/2017 Okemos MISklar, Michael 9/26/2017 Huntington Woods MIPetersen, Katie 9/26/2017 Kewadin MIMawhorter, Carol 9/26/2017 Royal Oak MINaber, Mark 9/26/2017 Monroe MIHamilton, Jayne 9/26/2017 Bloomfield MIBlack, Karl 9/26/2017 Portage MIThompson, Kenneth 9/26/2017 Saint Clair Shores MIAustin, Patricia 9/26/2017 South Branch MICannon, Tom 9/26/2017 Haslett MIKing, Ginny 9/26/2017 Detroit MIGrogan, Deborah 9/26/2017 Brimley MIRotay, Dina 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIKotlinski, Joseph 9/26/2017 Livonia MIRuby, Theresa 9/26/2017 Rochester Hills MIKlass, Kristin 9/26/2017 Bridgman MIConnolly, Jackie 9/26/2017 Royal Oak MIDentel, Susan 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MITaylor, Doristeen 9/26/2017 Superior Township MIWagner, Vickie 9/26/2017 Three Oaks MIMarcus Esq., Jennifer Marie Stephen 9/26/2017 Rochester MIMaxey, John 9/26/2017 Detroit MIDay, Stephen 9/26/2017 Okemos MIMaraldo, Mario 9/26/2017 Harrison Twp MIKazak, Ilene 9/26/2017 Brighton MIAsher, L 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIJones, Ralph 9/26/2017 Ypsilanti MIDawdy, Cheryl 9/26/2017 Center Line MIMagennis, Daniel 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MI

Rogers, John 9/26/2017 Redford MIPfabe, Herbert 9/26/2017 Ann Arbor MIWheeler, William 9/26/2017 Grand Rapids MIOpalka, Sherry 9/26/2017 Kalamazoo MIWalker, John 9/26/2017 San Diego MIFeichtinger, Dennis 9/26/2017 Trenton MIRakowsky, Walter 9/26/2017 Warren MIQuamme, Joel 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIRosenbaum, Manuel 9/27/2017 Oak Park MIClark, Pamela 9/27/2017 Macomb MISeyfarth, Gordon 9/27/2017 Vandalia MIZeller, Michael 9/27/2017 Grosse Pointe Farms MIBarrett, Mary 9/27/2017 Farmington MINawara, Lucille 9/27/2017 Beverly Hills MIMarx, Diana 9/27/2017 Alger MIBass, Melinda 9/27/2017 Rochester MI

Lesser, Margo Rogers 9/27/2017 Birmingham MISy, Steven 9/27/2017 East Lansing MIHeritier, Ken 9/27/2017 Saginaw MIRice, Laura 9/27/2017 Farmington Hills MIMcMurran, Carrie 9/27/2017 Maybee MIJackson, Robert 9/27/2017 Allen Park MIWelker, Robert 9/27/2017 Ypsilanti MIAlexander, Vickie 9/27/2017 Traverse City MIDulac, Janine 9/27/2017 Rochester Hills MI

Oppenhuizen, Kathy C. 9/27/2017 West Olive MIBurleson, John 9/27/2017 Davison MIJellema, John 9/27/2017 Ypsilanti MIDe Mott, Jean 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MIBuchman, Chris 9/27/2017 Gobles MI

Miller, Sherry And Tom 9/27/2017 Coloma MI

Soderstrom, Robert M. 9/27/2017 Grand Blanc MISears, Carol 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MICondit, Terry 9/27/2017 Milan MILewis, Susan 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIWolterink, Elizabeth 9/27/2017 Traverse City MIBakker, Clara 9/27/2017 Holland MIMaki, Robert 9/27/2017 Lanse MIVan Houdt, Margaret 9/27/2017 Spring Lake MIColville, Roberta 9/27/2017 Romeo MIParuchuri, Rama K K. 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIFaust, Nancy 9/27/2017 Marquette MIFabian, Donald 9/27/2017 Dearborn Heights MIHolsinger, Carl 9/27/2017 Holland MIWelsford, Susan 9/27/2017 Norton Shores MIKezlarian, Bruce 9/27/2017 Oakland Township MIYoung, Georgianng 9/27/2017 Saint Joseph MIWalker, Ruthann 9/27/2017 Mount Morris MIIngall, Dan 9/27/2017 Lake Odessa MI

Agirseven, Onur 9/27/2017 East Lansing MISaenz, Michael S. 9/27/2017 South Haven MIMitts, Robert O. 9/27/2017 East Lansing MIFrederick, David 9/27/2017 Clyde MIPetiprin, Joyce H. 9/27/2017 Bay City MIHernandez, Jesiree 9/27/2017 Clinton Township MIAssiff, Kathleen 9/27/2017 Haslett MIKrejci, Marie 9/27/2017 Harrison MIBurroughs, Tracy 9/27/2017 Royal Oak MIGlassheim, Barbara 9/27/2017 Southfield MIMiller, Cynthia 9/27/2017 Benton Harbor MIGohsman, Tery 9/27/2017 Millington MIBrown, Kathleen 9/27/2017 Pinckney MIDeplanche, Mike 9/27/2017 Pontiac MIMannesto, Thomas 9/27/2017 Sault Sainte Marie MILangmore, John P. 9/27/2017 Chelsea MIPearce, Catherine 9/27/2017 Walker MIBeatty, Annette 9/27/2017 Belding MIFordham, Chad 9/27/2017 Big Rapids MIHenderson, Robert L. 9/27/2017 Mason MIHolloway, Stephanie 9/27/2017 Wakefield MICooney, Patricia 9/27/2017 West Bloomfield MILazebnik, Bob 9/27/2017 Clarklake MIMeier, Amanda 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIMeyers, Sarah 9/27/2017 Howell MIZawacki, Linda 9/27/2017 Owosso MIWilbourn, Pam 9/27/2017 Roseville MIVeselenak, Joseph 9/27/2017 Belding MIWoods, Julie 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIPriest, Donald 9/27/2017 Petoskey MIDavis, Richard 9/27/2017 Bay City MIStein, Lena 9/27/2017 Rochester Hills MILabudie, Rick 9/27/2017 Spring Lake MIBlack, Brian 9/27/2017 Escanaba MISimmer, Walter 9/27/2017 Holly MIParks, Alex 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIMorado, Carolyn 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIAntonelli, Patricia Rochon 9/27/2017 Livonia MIDassel, Bruce C. 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MISherbo, Sherri 9/27/2017 Southgate MILozon, Kristina 9/27/2017 Grand Blanc MIMurphy, Teresa 9/27/2017 Belleville MIVan Steinburg, John 9/27/2017 Plymouth MICollins, Greg 9/27/2017 Coopersville MIDunigan, Linda 9/27/2017 Williamsburg MILamerton, Cathleen 9/27/2017 Brighton MITomlonson, Karen 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MIKramer-Smith, Lara 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIBurton, Robert 9/27/2017 Royal Oak MISutliff, Leslie 9/27/2017 Ashley MIWiseman, Paul 9/27/2017 Ypsilanti MISchoener, Eugene 9/27/2017 Farmington Hills MI

Groesbeck, Wayne 9/27/2017 Muskegon MIFelix, Donna 9/27/2017 Allen Park MILand, Karen 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIGross, Stephen F. 9/27/2017 Rockwood MICole, Angela 9/27/2017 Temperance MILarge, Kenneth 9/27/2017 Harbor Springs MIRibbens, Michael 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MISymons, Laura 9/27/2017 Highland MIStrong, Grace 9/27/2017 Ironwood MIHewett, Heather 9/27/2017 Kewadin MIHawkins, Denise 9/27/2017 Lathrup Village MIYankoviak, Steven 9/27/2017 Otsego MIGolding, Scott 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIHan, Richard 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MICalvert, Bruce 9/27/2017 Milford MIMatthes, Lloyd 9/27/2017 Wells MIBoshoven, Robert 9/27/2017 Greenbush MIHarper, William 9/27/2017 Belleville MITobey, Arthur David 9/27/2017 Rochester Hills MIBenson, Kristina 9/27/2017 Spring Lake MISchumacher, John 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MICushway, Warren 9/27/2017 Bay City MIHegstrand, Lee R. 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIBlank, Kelly 9/27/2017 Comstock Park MIHieber, L.D. D. 9/27/2017 Chelsea MIAzima, Alex 9/27/2017 East Lansing MIMulder, Linda M. 9/27/2017 Northville MIFulgenzi, Janet 9/27/2017 Saginaw MICzinski, Margo 9/27/2017 Willis MIBuckner, Patricia 9/27/2017 Highland MIJones, Shannon 9/27/2017 Marquette MIMacFarlane, Janet 9/27/2017 Haslett MITorres, Julia 9/27/2017 Rockford MIBenson, Kristina 9/27/2017 Spring Lake MIDejusto, Madelyn 9/27/2017 Muskegon MIGramlich, Jean 9/27/2017 Fenton MILuft, Bonnie 9/27/2017 Fennville MIMoss, Christopher 9/27/2017 Essexville MIWiltse, Susan 9/27/2017 Scotts MINiebuhr, Steven 9/27/2017 Marquette MISchulz, Linnea 9/27/2017 Northville MIPowell, Mary 9/27/2017 Flint MIFritz, Dale 9/27/2017 Livonia MIFranzmeier, Tina 9/27/2017 Byron MIBemer, Lynne 9/27/2017 Northville MIToshalis, Barbara 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MIMaker, Jed 9/27/2017 Beulah MIErickson, John 9/27/2017 Southgate MILutes, Richard 9/27/2017 Southfield MIBadgley, Catherine E. 9/27/2017 Chelsea MIVillaire, Kate 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIGardner, Barbara 9/27/2017 Gulliver MIBerard, Carol 9/27/2017 Howell MI

Isler, Lisa 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MISwando, Bette 9/27/2017 Saint Clair Shores MIKowalski, Michele 9/27/2017 Eaton Rapids MISmith, Jason 9/27/2017 Sturgis MIFlanagan, Chris 9/27/2017 Ferndale MILheureux, Jole 9/27/2017 Macomb MIFischer, Norm 9/27/2017 Saline MIKatz, Fern S. 9/27/2017 Southfield MIBarnes, Regina 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MISmarsch, William 9/27/2017 Rochester Hills MIMcIntosh, James 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MI

Wasserman, Arthur G. 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIBakker, Robin 9/27/2017 Holland MIRenaud, Paul 9/27/2017 Mount Morris MIThompson, Lorraine 9/27/2017 Saline MIGeiser, John 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIEaton, Glenn 9/27/2017 Whitehall MIPoxson, Tim 9/27/2017 Holt MITepsa, Kristin 9/27/2017 Houghton MISiddall, Abigail 9/27/2017 Chelsea MIGrenon, K L 9/27/2017 South Haven MIPoore, John 9/27/2017 Lansing MIHildebrandt, Ann 9/27/2017 Detroit MIGraham, Sylvia 9/27/2017 Shelby Township MIGunther, Chris 9/27/2017 Flushing MIArndt, Linda 9/27/2017 Canton MIBarnett, Michelle 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIRahn, Gerald 9/27/2017 Traverse City MICapozza, Lisa Saaf 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIWolk, Michael H. 9/27/2017 Bloomfield Hills MIDockter, Janice 9/27/2017 Holly MIKennedy, Sara Irene 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MISalata, G 9/27/2017 Canton MIBaker, Barbara 9/27/2017 Bloomfield Hills MISchroeder, Bruce 9/27/2017 Dearborn Heights MIStanfield, Bob 9/27/2017 Saline MITabor, Jeremy 9/27/2017 Garden City MIGood, Diane 9/27/2017 Bellaire MIKoch, Donna 9/27/2017 Jackson MIStrehlow, Laura 9/27/2017 Allegan MIBraude, Ted 9/27/2017 Royal Oak MIMiller, Maria 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIMinick, Audrey 9/27/2017 Milan MIFoley, John 9/27/2017 Madison Heights MIHerdman, David 9/27/2017 Battle Creek MIKaleel, Joe 9/27/2017 Sebewaing MIRoss, Ken 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MISuchyta, Mark 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIDuvernoy, Keira 9/27/2017 Interlochen MIKanar, Henry 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIProstko, Linda 9/27/2017 Caledonia MIPetiprin, Paul 9/27/2017 Bay City MI

Cogar, Nicki 9/27/2017 Clinton MIShepherd, James 9/27/2017 Rives Junction MIHartman, Andrea 9/27/2017 Royal Oak MIEverson, Madria 9/27/2017 Southfield MINeff, Dorothy 9/27/2017 Coleman MIPeters, Susan 9/27/2017 Dewitt MIRose, Erica 9/27/2017 Westland MIBolander, Ted 9/27/2017 Flushing MIScherdt, Marylee 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIMartin, Georgette 9/27/2017 Grand Blanc MIWalker, Lindsey 9/27/2017 Petoskey MIKuhn, George R. 9/27/2017 Traverse City MIWalker, Lindsey 9/27/2017 Petoskey MIOzias, Julie 9/27/2017 Waterford MIAdrian, Sarah 9/27/2017 Lathrup Village MIHernandez, Julia 9/27/2017 Detroit MICharnetski, Mary 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MISmith, Richard 9/27/2017 Melvindale MIWorden, Clifford D. 9/27/2017 Zeeland MIDineen, Charles 9/27/2017 Lawton MIRisselada, Heather 9/27/2017 Dewitt MISears, Fran 9/27/2017 Manchester MICostello, Carol 9/27/2017 Grosse Ile MIEdick, T 9/27/2017 Dimondale MIPost, Heath 9/27/2017 Lansing MIFerris, Jill 9/27/2017 Portland MIChamberlain, Debrah 9/27/2017 Manchester MIEsparza, Sandra 9/27/2017 Livonia MIPainter, Ashley 9/27/2017 Beverly Hills MIVandyken, Barbara 9/27/2017 Delton MIRogan, Robert 9/27/2017 Detroit MIMcGarry, A.C. 9/27/2017 Taylor MIMitts, Yolanda G. 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MIConnor, Alan N. N. 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIDanjin, Jane 9/27/2017 Port Huron MIVance, Melvin 9/27/2017 Shelby Township MIKaufman, Laura 9/27/2017 Chelsea MIWarchol Smith, Kimberly 9/27/2017 Grand Blanc MIToledo, Karen 9/27/2017 Wetmore MILinabury, Sandra 9/27/2017 Mattawan MIMcKarns, Thomas 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIStone, Harriet 9/27/2017 Traverse City MIMcCollum, David 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MIDehaan, Virginia L 9/27/2017 Grand Rapids MIDerosha, Ed 9/27/2017 Traverse City MIBrzezinski, Matt 9/27/2017 Saint Clair Shores MICrampton, Kevin 9/27/2017 Grandville MIIacob, Noa 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIEcheandia, Syma 9/27/2017 Shelby Township MIBerkowitz, Sidney 9/27/2017 West Bloomfield MIBails, Kirk 9/27/2017 Harrison Twp MIJenkinson, Lynn 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MI

Segel, Lenny 9/27/2017 Farmington Hills MIBauer, Lynn 9/27/2017 Elk Rapidselk Rapids MIDe Vries, John 9/27/2017 Lansing MICumings, Dawn 9/27/2017 Wayne MIVermeulen, Martha And Eric 9/27/2017 Grandville MIDerosha, Marilyn 9/27/2017 Elk Rapids MIWoodhams, James 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIGray-Lion, Annelissa 9/27/2017 Chelsea MIFarrugia, Jonathan 9/27/2017 Ann Arbor MIBrigham, Rick 9/27/2017 Douglas MISchneider, Donald 9/27/2017 Kalamazoo MIHodges, Kerry 9/27/2017 Birmingham MIStewart, Janice 9/27/2017 Troy MIMoore, Debra 9/28/2017 Clio MIJohnston, Katelyne 9/28/2017 Livonia MIBezanson, Jeanette 9/28/2017 Madison Heights MIMoore, Lauren 9/28/2017 Ypsilanti MID'Alessandro, Keith 9/28/2017 Canton MIHosna, Travis 9/28/2017 Kalamazoo MIWhatley, Sarah 9/28/2017 Detroit MIFrancisco, Linda 9/28/2017 Oak Park MISafferman, Angela 9/28/2017 Haslett MIAlward, Phillip 9/28/2017 Fenton MIMoylan, Julie 9/28/2017 Troy MIWert, Julie 9/28/2017 Quincy MIEady, Heather 9/28/2017 Ann Arbor MIHolmgren, Rebecca 9/28/2017 Battle Creek MINiner, Megan 9/28/2017 Luna Pier MILebert, Mary 9/28/2017 Brighton MIOwens, Kevin 9/28/2017 Pontiac MIOnken, Brianna 9/28/2017 Holland MIJohnson, Barry 9/28/2017 Clarkston MIAndring, Patricia 9/28/2017 Pinckney MIHurley, Katie 9/28/2017 Portage MIChristopher, John 9/28/2017 Paw Paw MIByers, Barbara 9/28/2017 Ann Arbor MIPaul, Kim 9/28/2017 Bloomfield Hills MITimmons, Cristine 9/28/2017 Benton Harbor MIBartlett, Sandra 9/28/2017 Belleville MIGurk, David 9/29/2017 Ann Arbor MIBrainerd, Kay 9/29/2017 Belleville MIMuha, Ken 9/29/2017 Hazel Park MIHast, David J. 9/29/2017 Grand Rapids MIPollack, Henry 9/29/2017 Ann Arbor MINash, Sarah 9/29/2017 Monroe MIFriday-Craft, Betty 9/29/2017 Detroit MIKlinkhamer, Luci 9/29/2017 Northville MIAdcock, Dale 9/29/2017 Redford MILeliaert, Richard M. 9/29/2017 Redford MILennon, Paul 9/29/2017 Ypsilanti MILent, John 9/29/2017 East Lansing MIFawcett, Carrie 9/29/2017 Ann Arbor MI

Moody, Peggy 9/29/2017 Iron Mountain MIKahan, Janet 9/29/2017 Ann Arbor MIKershner, Kevin 9/29/2017 Wayne MIMc Gowan, Dr Kay 9/29/2017 Grosse Ile MIHula, Aaron 9/29/2017 Ann Arbor MIPierucki, Gatha 9/29/2017 Burr Oak MIConaway, Tara 9/29/2017 Byron Center MIKelty, Joseph 9/29/2017 Waterford MIGibbons, Mary 9/29/2017 Shelby Township MIBelanger-Neddo, Catherine 9/30/2017 Grand Rapids MISchriner, Macie 9/30/2017 Lansing MIMcClellan, Celeste 9/30/2017 Ypsilanti MIHeindl, Rebecca 9/30/2017 Farmington Hills MIBaier, Mary Ann 9/30/2017 Dearborn MINorman, Jean T. 9/30/2017 Livonia MIHaskin, John 9/30/2017 Traverse City MILunsford, Karen 9/30/2017 Gregory MIJohnsen, Mark 10/1/2017 Commerce Township MIKuhr, Carol T. 10/1/2017 West Bloomfield MIGillespie, Linda 10/1/2017 Sterling Heights MIBeatty, Lorne A. 10/1/2017 Brighton MIBlakey, Dan 10/1/2017 East Lansing MICavanaugh, Daniel 10/1/2017 Belleville MIDavidson, Edward 10/2/2017 Ann Arbor MIDaigle, Bob 10/2/2017 Warren MIDukovich, Karen 10/2/2017 Frankenmuth MICoe, Joyce 10/2/2017 Hastings MIWeiswasser, William 10/3/2017 Huntington Woods MIGustafson, Michele 10/3/2017 Davison MIKamradt, Cassie 10/3/2017 Davison MIBlisko, Kary 10/3/2017 Novi MIWarner, Oliver 10/3/2017 Brighton MI