American Cusanus Newsletter Volume XXIV, Number 2 ., Cathedral at Todi, where Cusanus died in 1464 American Cusanus Society Editorial Office Long Island University C.W. Post Campus Brookville, New York 11548-1300 December 2007

American Cusanus So~iety Newsletter American Cusanus Society

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American Cusanus So~iety Newsletter

Volume XXIV, Number 2


Cathedral at Todi, where Cusanus died in 1464

American Cusanus Society Editorial Office

Long Island University C.W. Post Campus

Brookville, New York 11548-1300

December 2007

American Cus~nus Society Newsletter AMERICAN CUSANUS SOCIETY'S EVENTS '

IN'. KALAMAZOO IN MAY 2008 ·~-:!... ""':niltllmerican Cusanus Society will sponsor the following three

sessions at the 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, which will be held at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Ml, MayB-11, 2008. - • ·

i,~:~-.;.-'$r.,. ~· ' ~-The Society will celebrate ils 25'" Anniversary.in 2008 by holding these sessions, including a roundfable discussion on the future direction of the Society. - ~ • !


Thursday, May 8: (time) TBA (place) TBA ..


Organizer. Peter J .. Casarella, DePaul University

Presider: Thomas E. Morrissey, State University of New York, Fredonia

.- 1 Speakers: Paul E. Sigmund, Princeton University

'The Contribution of Marsilius of Padua and Nichoias

David Albertson, University of Southern California

'Coincidentia in 1440: The Riddles of Thierry of " Chartres's Legacy.• 1

Thursday, May 8: (time) TBA (place) TBA


Organizer. Peter J. Casarella, DePaul University

Presider: Peter Casarella, DePaul University

Speakers: Walter Andreas Euler, lnstitut fiir Cusanus-Forschung und Theologische Fakullat Trier

Jason Aleksander, St Xalrier University, Chicago

Clyde Lee Miier, State University of New York, Stony Brook ·

of Gusa to Constitutionalism, Liberalism, and - 1. THE 2008 MORIMICHI WATANA13E LECTURE Democracy: A Dialogue wilh Cary Nedel11la0."

Thomas M. lzbicki, Rutgers University

'In the Footsteps of Cusanus: The Visit to Monte Oliveto.'

Thursday, May 8: (time) TBA (place) TBA ...


~ . Organizer. ·Peter J. Casarella, DePaul University

Presider: Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago

SJieakers: Regina Kather, University of Freiburg Titie:

'Coincidentia oppositorum and the Structure of Religious Experience.·

Donald Duclow, Gwynedd-Mercy University

'Cusanus: EuchariSt and 'T ranssubstantiating' , Human Nature.' ·


In accordance with the decision made by the Executive Com­mittee of our Society in May 2002, the fifth lecture in the ·· Morimichi Watanabe Lecture series will be delivered during the 43'" International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo. " ,.

Date: Friday, May 9, 2008: 5: 15 p.m.

Room: TBA .

Otganizer. Peter J. Casarella, DePaul University

Presider. ~eter J. Casarella

Speaker: Prof. Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago

'Mystical Controversies of tile Fifteenth Century: Turning Po1~ts in Christian Mysticism?'

The lecture will be open to all Congress participants and will be followed by the Society's business meeting.

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007 1

J American Cµsanus Society 'Newsletter

Prof. Bernard McGinn Brief Curriculum Vitae

December 2007

Born: August 19, 1937 Parents: Bernard and Catherine McGinn Marital Status: wife, Patricia Ferris McGinn Children: Daniel (1972); John (1974)



Work: Divinity SchoOI University of Chicago 1025 E. 58th SL Chicago IL 60637 FAX: (773) 702-6048

Home: 5701 S. Kenwood Chicago IL 60637 (773) 288-2480

FAX: (773) 288-7911

EMAIL: [email protected]



B.A. cum laude {1959) St. Joseph's Seminary and College Yonkers, N.Y.

S.T.L cum laude (1963) Pontifical Gregorian University Rome, Italy

Ph.D. With distinction (1970) Brandeis University Waltham, Mass. Field: History of Ideas.

Director: Norman F. Cantor

II. ACADEMIC CAREER. . • 1968-69:'Catholic University of America, Washington,·D.C. •

Instructor in Theology 1969-2003: Univ8isity of Chicago Divinity School, ·Chicago~ m.

(69-70- Instructor in Theology and History of Christianity (70-75- Assistant Professor (75-78- Associate Profes$or (78-92- Professor of Historical Theology and History of

Christianity (92-2003- Naomi Shenstone Donnelley Professor

June, 2003- Emeritus Dissertations Directed: 65 Ph.D. dissertations. •

Ill. AWARDS AND GRANTS. • Fulbright-Hays Research FeUowship in Munich, Germany {1967-

68) AATS Research Award (1971) • American Philosophical &,>,<;!ety Travel Grant (1977) Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Studies, Hebrew

University, Jerusalem (Ocl, 1988 - March~ 1989; and April-June, 2001)

Research Fellow at Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research, SL John's University (Fall, 1992)

Senior Research FeHow, LiRy Program on Religion and the Humanities, National Humanities Center (Aug. 1999-June, 2000)

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Emeritus Faculty Research Grant - (2004-08) Phi f!!lla Kappa Lecturer, 2005-06

IV. EDlTORlAL WORK. Edttor-in:.Chief. Classics of Western Spirituality {Pautist Press)

(117 volumes published through 2007). Member of the ed®rial boards of.

Cistercian Publications The Encyclopedia of World Spirilualily Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan Spirilus Stucries in Spiriluality Encyclopedia of the Bible aiid Its Reception. General Edttor for the History of Christianity

V. LEARNED SOCIETIES. Presidenfof the Medieval Academy of America (2007-08) Past President of American Catholic Historical AssOciation

(2003) Past President of American Sociaty of Church HiStory (1995) Past President of SPES (International Sociaty for the Promotion

· of Eriugenean Studies) 1990-94 Patron and Board Member of The Eckhart Society Fellow of the Medieval Academy of America (elected April,

1994) . Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences {elected

October, 2002) • Member of AHA, MR, American Cusanus Society, etc.

VI. SURVEY OF PUBLICATIONS. 17 books wmten. Mist recent

The Harvest of Mysticism in Medieval Germany 1131J0.1500l · (Crossroad, 2005) [see p. 18] Eady Christian Mystics. The Divine Vision of the Soiritual

Masters, with Patricia Fenis McGinn (Crossroad, 2003) Meisler Eckharfs Mystical Thought The Man from \Nhom

God Hid Nothing (Crossroad, 2001) [seep. 18] The Doctors of the Church: Thirtv-Three Men and Women

who Shaped Chris!ianitv (Crossroad, 1999) The Flowerioo of Mysticism. Men and Women in the New

Mvsticism 1200-1350 (Cro5sroad, 1998) ·

12 books edited. Most recent The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism, edited with an

introduction by Bernard McGinn (New Yorlt: RaQsll>m.."$-,._.,..,, , House. The Modern Library, 2006) .. · ' ',.

The Continuum Histolv of Apocalyp!icism, edited by Bernard McGinn, John J. Colins, and Stephen J. Stein (New York: Col)!inuum, 2003), -- .~.

To appear. The CornQlete Mystical Writings of Meister Eckhail-..~~ translated and introduced by M. O'C.Walshe. Edi\edwi1h a torewOid by Bernard McGinn (Herd,er, SP!jng 2008}

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007 2

American Cusanus· Society ~Newsletter"\ 187 articles published (list on request)

VII. SELECTED LIST OF COURSES TAUGHT. . • History of Christian Thought I, II, Ill (2nd through 19fh centuries) !l...;,,,.~m Religious Traditions.to 1500

MedieYal Colloquium: Historiography of the Medieval Church Mysticism and Theology I, II, Ill (year-long seminar) Late Medieval MysticiSfO (2 quarter seminar)

i.> ;.,;,..JtaJIY ~rn Mysticism (2 quarter seminar) ' - Mysticism in Late Medieval Ge(lllany

Women Mystics of the West ~ Eroticism and Mysticism r . . . . Gender Issues in the Study of Chnstian Mystietsm Popes and Princes: lhe Development of the Medieval P~pacy The Apocalypse in Western Culture -

. . "-i Antichrist through the Ages _ i

The Monastic Way (survey of Christian monasticism to 1200) The Trinity: Doctrine and Speculation Theological Implications of Christian M Three Platonic Theologians (Eriugena, Eckhart, Gusa) Cosmology and Allegory

VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE • , Chair of the History of Christianity Area in the Divinity Sch~I

(1971-74, 1976-77, 1980-81, 1991-92, 2000-02) Chair of the Theology Area in the Divinity School (19~3:94) __ _ Program Director for the Divinity School's Institute for the •

Advanced Study of Religion (1982-92) -,. ~'tr

IX. LECTURES. Over 150 lectures given at universities in Nortfl Ameriqa, ~l\rope,_lsrael, Argentina, Taiwan.


Abstract of. the Last Year's Watanabe Lecture

+WATANABE LECTURE 2007 by Louis Dupre •

,, "';' Last year the M. Watanabe Lecture was delivered on May 11, 2007 by Prof. Louis Dupre, as indicated below. The Editor regrelS that, through mysteriO!JS problems on Vi~ computor, the abstract of Prof. Dupre's talk that had been prepared by Prof. Donald Duclow could not be included in the Newsletter, XXlll, No. 2 (December 2007 issue).

Here It is presented below. · -• I

. •. •• .~ --··- . -- -:I The American Cusanus Soclt;tY : · _··;y

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' Yale un!Wrs11y , · .. •

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Friday, May 11, 2007 • ~ ·~­S :t S -1'.M. Valley.II Community Building Lounge_ •-c

' -, '" -- ~ ~- ' - - ~· ·"'- _,..

- , .. "i-"' ... Metaphysics And The Intellectual

Desfre Of God· '' °LouisDuj)re Yale uriiVersity

Professor Dupre's lecture addressed a basic question: Why did . theology and metai>llysics grew aPart. in modernity, alter their ' long unity in ancient and medieval thought? For Plato and

·· Aristotle intellectual desire and contemplation signal the human · mind's ~erful ties to the Divine. Simi!!![ly. for Thomas \

Aquinas communication with God consists primarily in Being: God is Being and I partake in that self-same Being. For Thomas, ph~osophy and theotOgy both expr~ this dynamic reality, with philosophy recognizing divine Being and theology responding to revelation. BUI modernity breaks this continuum apart, and culminates in Kanfs first critique which excludes metaphysics and theology from ph~osophy:

What led to this split? Dupre noted two tactoo;: nomin1rism and a restricted notiOn of casuatity. First, nominalists like Ockham proposed a one-sided view of divine omnipotenel!, so that nature resuttS Simply from divine decree. This view denied any similariity between God and creatures, and

, cut nature loose from God. Obviously, nature thereby loses the • · intrinsic, pred'rctable rationality, which it had possessed in . • ancient as well as in Christian thought Philosophy's role vis-a­

vis theology becomes reduced and the two are on their ~ay to a full separation. A benefit of this ch~e was that. by freeing ••

1 inquiry from theological control, It enabled Galileo and Kepler to " develop new eXpertmental observations - and thus opened the way to modem science. Secondly, in contrast ID Aristo11e's four

American Cusanus ·Society ·Newsletter\ causes, only one kind of causality was left standing: efficient •• causality as participation in God - a participation which respects bolh creatures' olhemess and God's presence wilhin !hem. Taken togelher, lhese two factors yielded peculiarty modem consequences: on !he one hand, denial of a direct cause for !he universe (Diderot); and on !he olher, a •natural lheology' which 'proves' that God exists and claims that "we need God as a policeman• to guarantee moral order (Voltaire) .• · ~ • _

In contrast, for Nicholas of Cusa philosophy remains united 1o lheology and religion. In De docta ignoranlia, Book Ill on !he Incarnation provides lhe key to !he work. Because lhe • absolute and contracted maximum meet in Chri~ Cusanus affirms lhat lhe divine/absolute and limited humanity require each other. In De visione Dei Nicholas symbolizes !his ... reciprocity in !he mutual g~ be!Y!een !he all-seeing icon and !he individual monks looking at it.

Contemporary philosophy and lheology offer ways out of the modem predicament Since Hussert, phenomenology has recognized all forms of meaning - including 'religion - and has been open to transcendence (Jaspers). In the Thomistic tradition, Blonde! and Marechal speak of an 'implicir desire for !he absolute and lead philosophy to explore !he boundaries of experience. Similarly, in lheology_y11f1 Ballhasar an.d olhers affirm being as God's seff-<:0mmunicating gift - a gift of absolute super-abundance. •

Donald F. Duclow




Friday, May 9, 2008 Time: Following !he M. Watanabe Lecture (listed above).

TBA ~ ..,, . ~





~, r , The annual banquet of !he Society will be held as indicated· below: .. ' · ·-· -·

Date: Thursday, May s; 2008 Time: 6:30 p.m: Place: Black Swan Restaurant, Kalamazoo, Ml

Master of Ceremonies: Lawrence 'Hundersmarck, Pace Uni11Srsity

Volume XXIV, Number 2

, ••

Speakers: For celebration of !he Society's 25"' Annivelsa!Y-:- _ !here wiD be lhree guest speakers for 1he occasion.

Prof:·Kazuhiko Yamaki, Waseda-Unillllrslty, Tokyo';· Japan Prof. Walter Aiidreas Euler, Universilat Trier, Germany Prof. Morimichi Walanabe, long Island University


Two sessions will take place also at the 43ro International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Mi~an University, MaYB-11', 2008, '

I. Natural Law and Political Philosophy --11. Na)ural Law and Moral Philosophy

-· Contact: Pro.f. f-\arvey Brown: Pofrtical Science Dept.

University of Western Onta_rio _ London, Ont, Canada [email protected]

For furlher information on tlie 4Jro International Congress on MedieVal Stµdies, cona:t: , ·· '

Rand Johnson, Interim Director the Medieval Institute Western Michigan University 1903 W. Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, Ml 49008-5432 Phone 269-387-8745 Fax 269-387-8750 e-mail: [email protected] '(only ones in !he acltess) Web site= www.wmich.edu/medieval/congress

. AlfsW!j, Knut

. Jacobson, Nicholas

Providente; Sebastian

.. ----------NEW M!=MBERS

Dept. of Systematic Theology School of Mssion and TheolOgy Stavanger, NORWAY '

Secittle Pacific University 3012 30"' Ave. W SiatUe, WA 98119

Ciudad de la Paz f564 3 m.A Ciudad de Buenos Aires

\ 1426 ARGENTINA 4

WELCOME!! ------~.....;;.-


American Cusanus Society· Newsletter PROF. GERALD CHRISTIANSON HONORED

The Seminary Views, the publication by the Lutheran . -- Theological Seminary at Gettysburg, Fan 2007 issue describes "!'. • .: ::Uii ~as follows.

Seminary confers, celebrates emeritus Status for Gerald Christianson

;_~~~~"""'~ ·~' . In a banquet on Tuesday, October 16, the Seminary's board of directors joined faculty, his family and friends, in celebrating the 40-year career of highly effective and inspiring teaching of Dr. Gerald Christianson, who was named Professor Emeritus and presented with gifts, including the official L TSG chair.



As reported briefly in our last Newsletter, Vol. XXIV, No.1 (July, 2007), p. 6, the American Cusanus Society eleclf'.d a new member for its executive committee at the last business. meeting.

Her Cuniculum vitae is presented below.

Elizabeth Brient

The University of Georgia Department of Philosophy

107 Peabody Hall; Athens, GA 30602-1627 Telephone: (706) 583-0668, FAA: (706)542-2839

[email protected]

EDUCATION Ph.D. (Philosophy), Yale University, 1995.

M.Phil. (Philosophy), Y ate University, December 1990

Ruhr-Universita~ Bochum, Germany; Hegel ArchivelPhilosophy Department (1988-89)

BA (Philosophy and Ge1TI1an Studies), Rice University, 1986

Albert-Ludwigs-Universitiit; Freiburg, Ge1TI1aiiy; (1984-85)

ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2004-present Associate Professor, Department of

Philosophy, The'University of Georgia






Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, The University of Georgia

Assistant Professor, Department of PhitosOphy, Boston College

Instructor (tenure track), Department of Philosophy, Boston College

1994 Part lime Instructor, Department of Philosophy, Yale University


Book The Immanence of Ifie Infinite: Hans Blumenberg and the Threshold to Modemily, Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2002. '

Articles I 'How can the infinite 'measure' the finite? Three Mathematical

Metaphors from De docta ignorantia,' Cusanus: The Legacy of Leamed lgnciran'ce, eated by Peter Casarella, Washington, D.C.: Catholic University Press, 2006.

'Meister Eckhart and Nichol'!S of Cusa on the 'Where' of God,' Nicholas of Gusa and His Age: lnteHect and Spirituality, edit0d by Thomas lzbicki and Christopher Bellitto, Leiden: EJ Brin, 2002.

'From Vila Coiitemplativa to Vila Acliva: Modem. lnstrumentalization of Theory and the Problem of Measure,' lntemationli Journal of Philosophical Studies, Volume 9, Number 1, February2001, pp. 19-4!J.

'Hans Blumenberg and Hannah Arendt on the '1.Jnworldy Worldliness' of lhe Modern Age,' Journal of the History of Ideas, 61 (2000), pp. 513-530.

'Transitions to a Modern Cosmology: Meister Eckhart and: Nicholas of Cusa on the lntensiw lnfin~e.' JOUl(1al of the Hisloty of Philosophy, 37 (1999), pp. 57~.

Translations Hugo Ott. 'Heidegger's Catholic Origin,' in Martin Heidegger. Politics, Art. and Technology, ed. Karsten .Hames and Christoph Jamme (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1994).

Alexander sChwan, 'Heidegger's 'Politics' i,n the Light of His Beilrage zur Philosojihie, • ibid.

Book Reviews Review of Reiner Manstetten's Esse est Deus: Meister Eckharls christologische Versllhnung \On Philosophie und

Voturri& XXIV, Nuiiiber 2 December 2W1 .5

American Cusanus Society Newsletter Religion und ihre Uisprlinge in der T racftlion des Abend/wides (Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber, 1993) in Journal of the History of Phl7osophy, Volume XXXIV, Number 3, July 1996.

Manuscripts under review 'incongruity an<! 'Mloleness in Kanfs Conception of Space,' revisions requested and made for the British Journal for the History of PhDosophy,

'Temporaiity and the Au!1f111blij;k: H~igegge(s Repetition of a Kier1<.egaardian Notion.'

Work in progress 'The Influence of Meister Eckhart on Nicholas of Gusa,' to• appear as a chapter in a new collection, A Companion. to Meister Eckhart, edited by Jerry Hackettpublished by E.J. Brill.

'Action and Na~lity in Arendfs Human Condition and The Life of the Mind.' Hans Biumeobe.rg ll!ld lhe 'New' in 'Neuzeir'

INVITED PAPERS 'Blumenberg's Reading of Cusanus,' a keynote lecture to be· delivered at a conference on Hans Blumenberg at The University qi Hamburg in November 2008.


'Cusanus Reading Meister Eckhait.• at Renaissimce Society of_,. America's annual conf~rence in Chicago in April 2008. ,-

'Between time and eternity: Neoplatonic Precursors to Cusanus' conception of 'non-temporal time," at lhe International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2007.

'Cusanus on lhe Perfection of Time in lhe lnteHect, • Renaissance Society of America's annual conference in San Francisco, March 2006. · ·

'Infinity, lhe Problem of Measure, and lhe Regulative Ideal,' response to two papers given in a panel session devoted to my • book, The Immanence of the Infinite: Blumenberg and the Threshold to Modernity, at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2004.

'Unity and Infinity: Neoplatonic Themes in the Speculative Philosophy of Nicholas of Gusa,' Renaissance Society of America's annual conference in New York, April 2004.

'How can the infinite 'measure' the finite? Mathematical Metaphors in De docta ignorantia,' the Ameriean Cusanus Society's sixth centenary international conference on 'Nicholas of Gusa: 1401-2001 ,' The Catholic University of America, October, 2001. - L


'Time, Eternity and COS!IK)logy '1' Meister _Eckhat and NK:holas of Gusa,• international Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Mic;!i_igan, in a session co-sponsored by the Eckhart and Cusanus Societies, May, 1998.

'Hans Blumenberg and Hannlil Arendt on the 'Unworl<ly Worldliness' of the Modem Age,• Tel Aviv University, April,

I 1998. • '

"Worldliness vs. Worldlessness: Blumenberg and Arendt on the Shape of Modernity,' The University of Georgia, Februl!fY, 1998.

"Transitions to a Modem eoSmology: Meister Eckhart and Nicoolas of Gusa on the Intensive Infinite,' 'The University of South Carolina, November 13, 1997.

'Secularization, World Loss, and the Problem of Measure' for a roundtable conference on "Totalitarianism and Modernity" at The Henry Luce Center, Yale University, February, 1997. Respondent to Lee MiUer, •Are Josef Koch's Four Seimons in the Spirit of Eckhart in the Spirit of Eckhart?" The American Cusanus Society, Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary, October 1996.

'The Problem of Measure and the Origins of the Modem Fact/ Value Dichotomy;• Patristic, Medieval, and Renaissance Studies Conference, ViUanova University, October 1996.

'The Condemnation of 12n and the Emergence of the New Science,· presentation to the Facu!ty Perspectives WO!kshop, Boston College, May, 1996. ·

'The Infinite Sphere Metaphor in the Thought of Meister Eckhart and Nicholas of Gusa," Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Conference entitled, 'Reinventing the Middle Ages and ttie RenaiSsance," Arizona State University, February, 1995.

FEUOWSHIPS, AWARDS AND GRANTS UGARF Senior Faculty Research Grant in the Humanities and Arts, Spring 2007

University of Georgia Summer Research Grant, 26oo

Summer Research Grant lnslifute of Medieval Phi1QS9Phy and Theology, Boston College, 1996 •

Mellon Dissertation Grant 1991-92

Fulbright (Graduate Study Abroad Full Grant), 1988-89

Mellon Fellowship in the Humanities, 1986-90

Edward A. and Samuel C. Suisman Fellowship, 1989-90

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007 6

American. Cusanus Society:Newsletter. -------------------------------------·" ... Mary Cady Tew Prize, (Five are awarded annuaHy by the Yale Graduate School to the ranking scholars among the first year graduate students in literature, philosophy, and history.), 1987

:-!.~--:-"\... _,_,_...,. Reviewer or Referee for.Scholarly Journals Journal of the Hisloty of Philosophy Joumal of the History of Ideas

i.;_~~*~ :';."' .

PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS American Cusanus Society, Member of the Executive Committee American Philosophical Association The Eckhart Society. •• Renaissance Society of America

PROFESSIONAL ACTMTIES A panel session was dedicated lo my book, The Immanence of the Infinite: Blumenberg and the Threshokl to Modernity, at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan in May 2004.

My book, The lmmane/lce of the Infinite: Blumenbef'J and the Threshold to Modernity, was reviewed in a panel session at the Renaissance Society of America's annual conference in March· 2003.

Organizer for a session on Nicholas of Gusa at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo, Michigan, in May 2003.

Chair for panel session on Nicholas of Gusa ai the International Congress on Medieval Studies al Kalamazoo, Michigan, in May 2002.

Chair for panel session on Nicholas of Gusa at the Renaissance Society of America's annual conference in Arizona, April 2002. . .,

Member of the organizing committee for the American Cusanus Society's sixth centenary inteihationai conference on Nicholas of Gusa (1401-2001), October of 2001.

Traveled to Germany in May 2001 to attend an international conference on Nicholas of Gusa: 'Festwoche des Cusanus­Jubiliiums 2001' and visit the Cusanu8 library.


The American Cusanus Society acknowledges the following generous contributors from January 2007 to December 31, 2007. Thank you vary much:

Dr. Shiro Abe Prof. Albert R Baca Prof. Christopher M.' Bellitto Prof. James E. Biechler Prof. H. ~Bond· Or. David Boveriizer Prof. Etizabeth Brient Prof: Charles H. Carman Prof: Peter J. Casarella Prof. Ger81d Christianson Pr9f. Donak;I F. Du_clow Mr:Ken A Grant • Prof. Karsten Hanies Prof. Jasper Hopkins Prof. Vrttorio Htisle Prof. L F. "Handersmarck Dr. Thomas M. lzbicki Prof."Paul W. Knoll Prof. William Lundell Prof. Bernard McGinn Prof. Clyde Lee Miller Prof. John Monfasani Prof. Thomas E. Morrissey Prof. James Muldoon Prof. Cary J. Nederman Prof. Louis B. Pascoe, S.J.

' Prof. Brian A. Pavlac Prof. Paul W. Robinson ·Prof. Hans Gerhard Senger Prof. Heizaburo Shibata

,.· Prof. PaUt E. Sigmund Prof. Michael A Soupios Prof. Joachim Stieber Prof. Pl)illip H. Stump Prof. Donald D. Sullivan

.. M. HubertVaRet Prof. •Morimichi Watanabe T sugumichi Watanabe, Esq.

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007

. '

7 .





American Cusanus Society ·:Newsletter


Gettysburg Conference October 10-12, 2008

The Eleventh Biennial Conference of The International Seminar on, Pre-Refonnation Theology •

at Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary and The American Cusanus Society.-. , J•



,At the conclusion of his definitive study of reform ideas, Gerhart Ladner stated that "the idea of reform ... was to remain the self­perpetuating core, the inner life spring of Christian tradition through lesser and greater times· (The Idea of Reform: Its 'Impact on Christian Thought and Action in the Age of the 'fathers. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press, 1959, p. ,423). Ladner himself sought to explore the content of such a statement in the age of patristic theology and earty Christian monasticism, while at the same time pointing forward to the many developments in reform ideology in the medieval period and beyond. His insights laid the groundwork for a half century of scholarship, particularly bearing fruit in the study of reform in the Middle Ages. Now, in celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the publication of 1he Idea of Reform and the gathering of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65), we inaugurate a year-long celebration that will both explore the enduring significance of Ladne(s study and survey the new avenues and insights of more recent reform scholarship. Our hope is to renew and reassess Ladne(s examination of the idea of reform in the Christian tradition, with a special focus on itS meaning from the 'end of the patristic age to the dawn of the modem era in the sixteenth century. Under the aegis of the American Cusanus Society, the centerpiece of this celebration and exploration is the 2008 Gettysburg Conference. We will also sponsor papers a!id panels at a number of aca<jemic conferences \n !he years 2008-2009, wilh a collection of selected essays planned to result from the efforts.


(Working schedule as of January 2008)

Fridav. Oct 10- The Idea of Reform in the Middle Ages 3:00-4:00: Introduction to program and Gerhart Ladne(s

1he Idea of Reform· - ~ Christopher M. BeRitto Kean University

Public leclure 1: Chair: LSG Dean


John R. Sommerfeldt · University of Dallas 'A Third Phase of the Medieval Reformation? A Modest Historiographical Proposer

Public lecture 2: Chair: Gerad Christianson Gettysburg Lutheran Seminaiy

Wdliam V. Hudon Bloomsburg University "Black and White, and Re-read All Over: Conceptualizing' Reform Across the Long Sixteenth Century, 1416-1633'

5:15: Social Hour 6:15: Dinner

7:45 Evening 'Keynote• Introduction: Morimichi Watanabe Long Island University- C. W. Post Campus

Chair: LeslBr Field, Jr. University of Mississippi

"What Hath Gerl Wrought? Gerhart Ladner ·and the Recerlt History of the History of Reform: A Roundtable of Ladne(s Students' John Howe Texas Tech University

Louis B. Pascoe SJ -Fordham University

Phillip ~wmp • · Lynchburg College

Saturdav and Sunday, Oct 11-12- Reform in Cusanus aRd.iO. _ the Later Middle Ages • ""'--.. ~·~

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December '2007 '8

American · Cusanus Society· New51etter Saturday. Oct 11: TIME: Breakfast

. -· 9:00 a.m. -10:45 a.m. "!.~ 1: Cusanus, the Imago Dei, and Reform

Chair: TBA. .

i.~;~~~ ,.,_.., , lnigoBocken TJtteTBA

Wdhelm Dupre University of Nijmegen "Primo es homo, secundo Christianus, deinde vocatus ad hoc vel illud: Some Remarks on the imago dei as Key to the Unfolding of Being Human and Cultural'

Harald Schwaetzer Institutional affiliation TBA


'Imago, imaginatio, refonnatio: The Vision of Reform as a Vision of the Miner

10:45a.m. Coffee break

11:15 a.m. -12:15 p.m. Session 2:

Chair. TBA Working Session on Cusanus - Individual and· Communal Reform (lzbicki texts)

12:15 Lunch

1 :30 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. Session 3: Art and Reform



Chair I Respondent H. Lawrence Bond Appalachian State University

Nancy Struever Institutional affiliation TBA 'Ladner's Reform, Panofsky's Renaissance: Explanations of Change in the VISUal Arts'

Ann Astell Universi1y of Notre Dame. 'Memory, Reform, and the Illuminations of St Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias"

BatUefield tour( s)

Catholic Mass



Sunday. Oct 12:


Business meeting


Ecumenical service Breakfast

9:15 a.m. -10:30 a.m. Session4:

Chair. TBA

Working Session on Cusanus - Individual and Communal Reform (lzbicki texts)

TIME: Coffee break

-11:00 a.m.~-12 noon


Session 5: Failure of Reform: Refining Historiographical Lenses

Chair/Discussion leader Brian Pavlac Kings College



The Fifty;Fourth Annual Meeting Of The RSA

Chicago, II, April 3 - 5, 2008 Renaissance Chicago~

April 5, Saturday: 8:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m. . Hyatt Stetson E PERSPECTIVES ON NICHOLAS OF CUSA I Sponsor: AMERICAN CUSANUS SOCIETY Organizer: THOMAS M. IZBICKI, RUTGERS


THOMAS IZBICKI, RUTGERS UNIVERSITY-NEW BRUNSWICK 'Christiformitas in Cusanus's Preaching in Rome' During the absence of Pope Pius II at the Congress of Mantua, Nicholas of Gusa served as papal vicar for Rome. In that period, he held a diocesan synod and preached sermons on docb'inal

Volume XXIV, Nuiriber 2 December '2007 9


American Cusanus Society-Newslettet~ and disciplinary themes. A key concept in these sermons is Christiformitas, conformity in life to Christ This concept is crucial to understanding Cusanus's later thought on reform, because it ~ fused doctrine with practice, providing a key to Nicholas's proposal for the reform of the Roman Curia.

SARAH M. POWRIE, NOTRE DAME UNJVERS/1Y 'What is Nicholas of Cusa's Relationship to the Fourteenth Century?"

The question that forms the title of this paper is one that has_ been surprisingly overlooked in the investigation of Cusanus's sources. The innovative quality of his epistemology and ··' · cosmology has long been recognized, and yet his relationship 1o comparable innovations in the fourteenth century remains largely uninvestigated. To what extent then are the innovative aspec!S of Cusanus's thought inspired by an acquaintance with fourteenth­century natural philosophy? The paper wiU consider both the influence of Nicole Oresme, his challenge to Pythagorean cosmology and interest in noncommensurable quantities, in t

addition to the influence of the Oxford calculators and their system of latitude measurement Both fourteenth-century innovations recognize the imprecision of number and the potential plenitude that such ambiguity generates. Their observations suggestively anticipate Cusanus's infinite universe.

SOPHIA BERMAN, ST. FRANCIS COLLEGE 'cin the Infinite and the Indefinite: Nicholas of Gusa and Descartes'

A major feature of Descartes's meta'phy'sics is the distinction between the infinite and the indefinite. The latter is always more of it can be conceived; the former is impossillle ever to conceive more of i~ because it has no deficiency whatsoever in its being. The distinction enables pescartes to reject the Aristotelian view of a limited world, while maintaining the world's metaphysical finiteness, its non-identity with God. Descartes's reflection here is in line with Nicholas of Cusa's distinction - of which he is cognizant - between absolute infinity and contracted infinity. In both, the distinction is that between the absolute limitlessness of pure power and an unnmitedness of a quantitative nature. My paper will examine the filiations from Cusanus to Descartes.

April 5, Saturday: 10:30 a.m. -.12:00 p.m. Hyatt Stetson E PERSPECTIVES ON NICHOLAS OF CUSA II Sponsor: AMERICAN CUSANUS SOCIETY Organizer & Chair: THOMAS M ... JZBICKI, RUTGERS



Cl YOE LEE MILLER, STA TE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK, STONY BROOK "Does Nicholas of Gusa Modify His Negative Theology around 1460?' •

Negative theology plays an important role in Nicholas of Cusa's ongoing thinking about God. This paiier wiU test the proposal of Kurt Flasch that what Cusanus says about God in several later works, usually dated 1459-60, namely De principio, De possest and Cribtalio Alchorani, marks some change and difference from his earlier writings on God.

ELIZABETH BRIENT, THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA 'Nicholas of Gusa Reading Meister Eckharf

' This paper will examine the influence of Meister Eckhart on the speculative thought of Nicholas of Gusa. In particular, it wiD focus on the way in which Meister Eckhart's particular brand of Neoplatonic image mysticism is taken up and transformed in the speculative thought of Nicholas of Cusa. While Cusanus takes up key Eckhartian themes, his overall orientation and emphasis give the familiar themes radically new significance. Whereas in

1 Eckhart the emphasis is always on moving beyond the finite 1o • the infinite, beyond the many to the One, Cusanus focuses keen

attention on thinking through the consequences of the immanence of the infinite in the finite, of the One in the many.

Contact: Dr. Thomas M. llbicki, Rutgers University, tizbick@hobna~.com

Future Meetings of the Renaissance Society of America, [email protected]

2009 - Los Angeles, March 26-28, UCLA & The Getty Museum, Malibu

2010-Venice, April 8-10, Fondazione Giotgio Cini, Isola San Giorgio Maggio

I REPORTS ON OTHER SOCIETIES' MEETINGS 1 -\:,,.- , .. ,._, ,,, ~

THE JAPANESE CUSANUS SOCIETY, The 26"i General Meeting · ' -

October 13-14, 2007 Hokuseigakuen University, Sapporo, Japan

The First Meeting Room

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007 ' " ., - 10

American Cusanus Society' Newsletter\ October 13. ~~r~ay: 1:30 PM-5:00 PM

•General Meeting: .. _ Repor1s on the Society's business, publications, finance .:~,"t:,..;,: _ ElmJ Jtltlers.

•Research P.resentation -1: Yoshihiko Abe. Sophia University

i.;;~<:-$-'.Pn,\be Problem of Understan~ing God discussed in Cusanus's Sermon 20'

•Conversations and Discussions with Dr.' Morimichi Watanabe (Long Island University) on the Cusanus studies. -

•Evening Social Gatherings at Prot.'Oide's Restaurant with Buckwheat Noodles and the Famous Hokk8ido Giant Crabs.

October 14. Sunday: 9:30 AM-12:00 PM

•Research Presentation - 2: Dr. Ryo Kudo • 'The Problem cit Natural Conscience and Faith treated in Cusanus' Theory of Knowledge -A Consideration"

•Special Lecture: Prof. Tetsuo Yamaga, Hokusai Gakuen University 'Religious Idea of Moses Maimonides'


•Circulo De Estudios Cusanos De Buenos Aires & - Secci6n Estudios De Filosofia Medieval, · -

Unive"!idad -De !!.\lenos Aires '

Together With Cusanus-lnstitut, UniversitM Trier Invite You To The Ii International Cusanus

Congress of Latin America Cusanus' conception of the relationship

between identity and otherness to be held in BUENOS AIRES. 19th to 22nd AUGUST 2008

The quest Joi being's hidden unity, whiCh ties- behind its manifold oppositions, is unavoidable in .. classical philosophy. The notions of identity and otherriess have a long tradtion in its history. In many cases, such opposition is comparable to the likes of unity-multiplicity; unity-diversity; identity-difference; finite-infinite. Nicholas of Cusa's thought addresses this issue in a manner that is deep and original. Both terms are so related that identity can only be understood in otherness and otherness in identity. · ••

This Congress' subject' matter intends to unfold itself in two levels. On the one hand, the analysis of this central theme in Cusanus' thought such as tt appears in the different cf11T1ensions of his phHosophy: Methapysics, Theory of knowledge, Ecclesiology, Politics and Ethics. On the other hand, the understanding of Cusanus' proposal as it relates to the different historical periods in which the question of the . classical opposition has come forward.

These broad thematic outlines are the basis from which we have the pleasure to invtte you to the Congress, hoping i1s outcome will be a fruiitui and pluralistic dialogue as the one Nicholas of Cusa strove to cany out in his own time.

Academic Committee: Klaus Reinhardt (Trier), Walter Euler (Trier), Harald Schwaelzer (Trier), Peter CasareUa (Washington), Joao-Maria Anctre (Coimbra), Gianluca Cuozzo (Torino), Francisco Bertelloni (Buenos Aires), Jorge Mario Machetta (Buenos Aires), Claudia D'Ainico (Buenos Aires)

Executive Committee:

Secretary: Place of the Congress: Contact

Guillenno Gravina, Alexia Schmitt, Natalia Strok Luisa Martino Biblioteca Nacional [email protected]

Clrculo De Estudios Cusanos De Buenos Aires

Secci6n Estudios De Filosofia Medieval, Universidad De Buenos Aires

Cusanus·lnstitut, UniversitM Trier

Volume XXIV, Number 2 . December 2007 11



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.American ·cusanus Society -Newsletter·, Ii lntematiciilal Cusilnus Congress Of Latin America

Cusanus' conception of the relationship between identity and otherness.

to be held in BUENOS AIRES- ~

19th to 22nd AUGUST 2008

.. Seeond circular: December 2007 .

The main topic of the Congress may tan into one of the following categories:


1. A Identity and otherness in the tradition and in Cusanus' sources

1. R Identity and otherness in Cusanus' philosophy

1. C. Identity and otherness: the influence of Cusanus' thought.


2. A Identity and otherness in the tradition and in CuSallus' sources

2. B. Identity and otherness in Cusanus' philosophy

2. C. Identity and otherness: the influence of Cusanus' thought.

The lectures should not exceed 30 minutes. To these a 10 minutes long question and answer section shall be added.

The deadline for the title and abstract (max. 200 words) submission is March 30, 2008.

The official lan'Quages of the Congress are Spanish, German; EngUsh, Portuguese, French and 11alian. However, we suggest preferring the Romance languages so as to favour the audience's understanding.

If you require a formal invitation in order to obtain at home help on your travel expenses, please send us your requests together with your post address.

We are trying to obtain help to cover. the lodging expenses. We shall inform you about it in due course.

Secretary: Luisa Martino Information: [email protected]



INS1TIUTF0RCUSANlis-FORSCHUNG Donnerstag, 31, Juli, bis Sonntag, 4 August 2008


-IN MEMORIAM KLAUS KREMER · Des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats

Der Ctisanus-:Gesellschaft In Trier

Donnerstag, 23. OktOber bis Samstag, 25. Oktober 20cis

"De venatione sapientiae - Von der Jagd nach Weisheit".

Information for the above two meetings: lnstitut fiir Cusanus-Forschung an der Univeisitiit und der Theok)gischen F akultfil Tri~r. 54290Jrier, Domhof 3 • Tel.: 065114551-0; Fax: 065114551-25 e-mail: [email protected]




To commemorate the 700"' anniversary of the death of the Subtle Doctor, a Quadruple Congress, a series of 4 international conferences at 4 different international sites, were planned to take place from October 2007 to March 2009. The three meetings to be held in the future are:

July 21-24, 2008: Oriel ColleQe at Qxford Uriiversify (Oxford, England)_

• TheOpera~ofScotus -" e~~,,-,

November 5-9, 2008: Albertus-Magnus-lnstitul/Thomas­lnstitut/Johannes-Duns-Skotus--Akademie (Bonn and Cologne, Germany). _ The Metaphysics and Ethics of Scotiii ~ ~-4'

Volume XXIViNumber 2 Decernba'2007. 12

American Cusanus Society ~Newsletter March 18-22, 2009: Universite Marc Bloch/Universitat Mainz

(Strasbourg, France). Scotism through the Centuries·., .. -

~-~'!Jlalion, contact http://scotuscongress.sbu.edu

The American Society of Church History Winter Meeting

January 3-6, 2008 Hilton Washington Hotel, Washington, DC '"' ,. "

There will be porn~ s"ess[ons of interest for our IT)embers: - .. I

Session 15, Saturday, January 5. 9:00 - 11 :00 Af.A (Military Room) -

'A Critical appreciation of the Scholarship of Scott H. Hendrix'

Chair. Austra Renis, Missouri State University Panelists: Hans J. Hillerbrand, Duke University; Susan Karan!·

Nunn.University of Arizona; David C. Steinmetz, Duke University; Timothy J. Wengert, Lutheran Theological Seminary, Philadelphia.

Comment: Scott H. Hendrix, Princeton Theological Seminary

Presidential Address, Saturday, January 5. 6.00 PM - 7 .00 PM (Thoroughbred Room)

Chair. Grant Wacker, Duke University -· i •

John.Van Engen, University of Notre Dame •• 'Multiple Options: The Worlds of the Fift!Jenth- -Century Church.• • -

The American Catholi~ Historic~i Association-~ , Eighty-Eighth Annual Meeting

January 3-6, 2008


Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC, 20008 _

Information: Executive Office of the ASsociation at Mullen Library, Room 320

The Catholic University of America, Tel. & Fax: 202-319-5079 Email: [email protected]

PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY IN THE STUD/A .of The Religious Ordets and at The Papal Court·

The XVth Society for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy Colloquium•

October 8-11, 2008. Af the Medieval Institute of the

University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Contact Prof. Kent Emery

The Medieval Institute, University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556

[email protected], or [email protected] ::.:: '


Professor Dr. Klaus Kremer A Member of the Advisqry Board of

the American Cusaniis Society '

November 22, 1927 - November 18, 2007

We are saddened by the announcement of Prof. Kremers death on November, 18, 2007. Just last September, 2007 this Editor received a gracious letter from Prof. Krem~1. ~!19 ~ he could not accept our invitation to attend the next ACS Meeting at Kalil'"azoo to celebrate our 25'" Annjversary because of his ill health, but we had no idea that he was to pass f1!N8Y so quickly.

The Editor had the priv~ege of meeting him on many occasions, including many sessions of the Cusanus Institute in Trier, at Cusanus meetings in Padua, Italy which he organized so nicely in 1997, and at Waseda University in Tokyo in 2000 to celebrate ttie 600 years of Cusanus' birth. Prof. Kremer also attended our Society's meeting held at Gettysburg in 1996 to deliver a lecture. It was a memorable occasion for our Society.

~ ' We shall miss him very much, but we are grateful for knowing him and receiving his help in the past years.

, [Prof. Dr. Walter Andreas Euler wrote the following obituary for the American Cusanus Society Newsletter . At present Director of the 'lnstitut ffir Cusanus-Forschung an der Universitiit Trier,· Dr. Euler was one of the closest colleagues of the late Prof. Kremer. We sincerely thank him for his , graciousness to accept our invitation to write this obituary.I

Klaus Kremer was born on November 22, 1927 in Diingenheim/ Cochem-on-th&-MoSel, the son of an organist

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007 . • 13

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American ·Cusanus Society New51ettef During his youth he liVed for the most part in Saarliind. In the

· final stages of World War II tie was drafted into the German military and on February 24, 1945 he was captured and held as a prisoner of war by the Americans until his release in September of 1945.

In the Summer of 1947, he completed his university entrance exam and began a course of studies at the Roman Catholic Seminary in Trier. In Autumn of 1948 he was sent to the Gregorian University in Rome to pursue his studies in Philosophy and Theology. While in Rome, in.1953, Kremer was ordained to the priesthood. In 1958, he obtained his doctorate at the University of Frankfurt with the thesis entified Metaphysikbegriff in den Aristoteles - Kommentaren der >" Ammonius - Schute (The Concept of Metaphysics in the Aristotelian Commentators of the School of Ammonius), which was published by Aschendorff of Munster in 1961.

He completed his Habilitation at the same University in January 1964. The Iheme of his Habilitation thesis was Die neup/atonisctil! Seinsphi/osophie und ihre Witlcung auf Thomas wn Aquin (The Neoplatohic Philosophy of Being and its Impact on Tho!'las Aquinas), which was published by Brill Press of Leiden in 1966 (the 2"' edition being published in 1971).

In 1965 he was appointed exira-ordinary professor of philosophy of the Theological Faculty in Trier; in 1966he was appointed ordinary professor of the same faculty; this chair he held until he received Emeritus status in 1993 upon his retirement In 1973 he was offered a positioo at the University ofTiibingen, which he declined. In 1984 he was named honorary Professor for Philosophy at the University of T lier. In addition to his academic dutilis, Krerrier was active as a pastor until his death.

Klaus Kremers primary philosophical interests were in classical metaphysics from Neoplatonism through Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart In ttiis area, he. published numerous works. He came to work on Nicholas of Gusa rather late, in 1977, albeit with great intensity and meticulousness. In 1990, he was elected to the office of President of the Scientific Board of Advisors of the German Cusanus Society; this office he occupied until his death. Between APril 1993 and June 2000 he was, together with Prof. Klaus Reinhard, co-director of the Institute for Cusanus-Research in Trier.

In both offices, Klaus Kremer aci:olllplished a great deal. The Symposia of the Scientific Board of Advisors -which he Conceived and directed- enriched Cusanus research and deepened the state of our knowledge. The rich results ofihese symposia can be read in volumes 20, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 30 and 31 of Miltei/ungen und ForschungSbeiltilge der Cusantis-

Gesel/schaft. He ·a1so acted decisively to lowef the mediSn age of Scientific Board of Advisors, and to elect a more international group of Cusanus researcihers to this board Oncluding some~ the Un~ States). He was on friendly terms with the American Cusanus Society and was a member of the Board of Advisors of the Society. A Director of the Cusanus-ln!lti\ute he was, together with Prof. Reinhardt, able to close the gap left by the passing of Pro( Haubst and to secure the place of the Institute in T lier in the context of world­wide Cusanus Research.

In his own work on Gusa, Klaus Kremer was interested primarily with Cusa's teaching on human knowing and his thoughts in regard lo thli questiOn of God from a philosophical perspective. He also worked on the Cusan anlhrop0logy and

l ethics. Kramer's works are characterized by a very precise knowledge of the source texts, which he analyzed and iriterpreted metiqt!lously: His articte,s will long be a rich source of inspiration for all Cusanus researchers.

The most important works from Kremer are printed in the collection: Praegustatio naturalis sapientiae. Gott Suchan mil Nikolaus van Kues, which was published by Aschendorff of MUnster in 2004. Soon two more articles from Klaus Kremer will appear: 'Plotins negative Theologie' (Plotinus' Negative Theology) and "Anigmatische Gotteserkenntnis bei Nikolaus von Kues' (Aenigmatic Knowledge of God according to Nicholas of Gusa). These wiD appear in the volume Wie laesst sich ueber GOit sprechen? Von der negativen Theologie Plotins bis zum religioesen Sprachspiel Wlltgensteins, which will be published by the Vvlssenschaftliche Buchgesellschalt of Darmstadt in 2008. This volume is edited by Kramer's former student, Werner SchiiPler. · ·

The death of Klaus Kremer on November 18, 2007 in Trier after a long illness - he suffered for many years from heart disease and died from complications arising from cancer -elicited sadness and dismay amongst Cusanus researchers all over the world. In order that his merits might be fittingly , honored, the Board Advisors of the German Cusanus Society has decided that the next Symposium of the Scientific Board of Advisors of the Cusanus SOciety, on the De venatione sapientiae, will be especially dedicated to his memory. This Symposium will be held from October 23-25, 2008 in Trier.

. -(Translated into English by Qr D. P. O'Cormell at Prof.~ler~,._~·<·• request) · • ·

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007 -·~ ' 14

American Cusanus'. Society .. Newslettet


27. Femandus Martins de Roriz

• • • This article is not ~ke a usual one in the Newsletter, but an expression of the author's sense of 'frustration' about his

,;_~;-¢inability to-find more important information about a possibly significant topic. It is a sincere appeal to those readers who· might be able to show him useful documenm, sources or studies. or who can suggest in which direction further studies on F. Martins should be developed.

• • • When Nicholas of Cusa died at T odi, Umbria on August 11, 1464, his friends, colleagues, servanm and relatives were at his bedside: Paolo del Pozzo T oscanelli, the famous mathematician friend since his Paduan days, Femandus Martins de Roriz, his Portuguese personal physician, Giovanni Andrea Bossi, his secretary, Johann Romer, his relative and canon of St Florin at Koblenz, Peter Erkeleni of Wymar, his secretary arid apostolic. ·and imperial notary, and others.

Toscanelli (1397 -1482), a!So a physician and cosmographer;·is the best known otall. But Femandus (or Fernan) Martins (Martinez) de Roriz (Roritz) is not well known. Among the old and recent studies of Nicholas of Cusa, for example, the following ones discussed or referred to the Portuguese physician, but not enough data or facm were presented:

i"_~ ... -~

• Uebinger, J. 'Zur Lebensgeschichte des Nikolaus Cusanus, ' in Historisches Jahrbuch, XIV (1893), 549-561.

• Vanstenberghe, E. Le Cardinal Nicolas de Cues (1401'1464): /'action-la pensee. (Paris, 1920; Frankfurt a.M., 1963), 252,· 274, 414, 461.

• Meuthen, E. Die letzten Jahre des Nikolaus von Kues. Biographische Untersuchunsjen nach neuen Quellen. (Ktilfl and Opladen, 1958), 98-99, 101, 219, 303-304. ·

• Senger, H. G. Ludus sapientiae. Studien zum Welk und zfit Wirkungsgeschichte des Nikolaus von Kues. (Leiden/Boston, 2002), 508.

Martins is also described briefly in the tollowing encyclopedia:

• Grande Encyclopedia Porluguesa e Brasileira, Vol. 16 (Lisbon & Rio de Janeiro: ~<![torial ~nc~loql9~i{I. 1~ 191?_0), 454.

It describes Martins as tollows:

'Martins (Fernando ou Fernao). C6nego e capalao de D. Alfonso V. Por seu intermedio, mandou o rei con sultar o celebre medico-cosm6grafo florentino Paulo de! Pozzo Toscanelfi (v.) sobre as possibilidades de uma expediQao mariti(na ao Orienta.'

• lndice Biogratico de Espana, Porlugal e lberoamenca. 3. ed. Miinchen: K. G. Si;iur, 2000.

This 10-volume reference does not discuss Martins.

The American Cusanus Society Newsletter also published the following articles that dealt with at least T osCailem or both Toscane!H and Martins:

• [M.Watanabe), 'Nicholas of Ctisa, Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli, Christopher Columbus and Japan,' ACSN, VII, 1 (June 1990), 21,23.

• Pauline M. Watts, 'Notes on Cusanus, T oscanelli, Columbus, and the Renaissance Discovery of Ptolemy; ASCN, VIII, 2. (December 1991), 11-12.

• [M. Watanabe), 'Todi and Ancona,' ACSN, XIX, 1 (June 2002), 12-15.

• • As is described in some of the articles mentioned above, Martins became.confessor of Alfonso V, King of Portugal (1438-1481), and head of the royal Navigations Committee. On June 25, 147 4 T oscanelli sent King Alfonso V through Martins the famous letter with a cllart, which showed a westward voyage from Europe to the Far East To T oscanelli the goal was Marco Polo's Gathay (China) and within the intervening ocean there were, n was believed, a large island of Antillia [AntiUes) and Cipangu [Japan). "

About Cathay, Antillia and Cipangu, Toscanelfi wrote:

From ~city of Lisbon to the wes~ th,e chart shows twenty-six sections, of two hundred and fifty m~es each - altogether, nearly one-third of the earth's circumference before reaching the very large and magnilicient city of Kinsai (Hangzhou). This city is approximately one hundred miles in circumference, .1

possesses ten marble bridges, and its name means 'The Heavenly city' in our language. Amazing things have been related about its vast buildings, itS artistic treasures and its revenues. It lies in the province of Mcinji [Cuba was believed IO be in the province of Manjl], near the province of Cathay, where , the king chiefly resides. And from the island of Antilua, which you call the Island of the Se11e11 Cities, to the very famous island

Volume XXJV, Number 2 December '2007 15

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American· Cusanus· Society Newsletter' of Cipangu are ten sections, that is 2,500 miles. That island is. very rich in gold, pearls and precious stones, and its temples~ and palaces are covered in gold. ·

It is said that the copy of Toscanellrs letter to King Alfonso V was later sent to Christopher Columbus (1451-1506), who was inspired by tt to develop his famous plan, the 'Enterprise of the. Indies'. As a result Femandus Martins as an intermediary· • between Alfonso V and T oscanelli became much better known. than before.

Toscanelli is supposed to have written t6 Columlills:

'Paolo the physician, to Christopher Columbus, greetings: I • perceive your noble and grand desire to go to the places where the spices grow; and in reply to your letter! send you a copy of another letter which sometime since I sent to a friend of mine, a genHeman of the household of the most Serene King of Portugal . . . and I send you another sea-chart like the one I sent him, that your demands may be satisfied ... .'

We must be aware that since the publication of Henry Vignaud's studies (1901 & 1902), it has been doubted that Toscanelli really sent the letter or a second one to Columbus. The question still seems unsettled.

But what is more important for Cusanus scholars is to know much more about Femandus Martins, especially before " Cusanus' death at T odi in 1464. The author of this article has not even been able to find out about when Martins was born and died. Netther could he find a portrait of the Portuguese physician. So many kind$ of names have been assigned to him that it is difficult to say what exacHy his name was. What kind of education did he get and where? How did he become Cusanus' personal physician and when? Is it true, as some writers seem to believe, that he first me\.Toscanelli at Todi? What does it signify? In Cusanus' wry speculative work, De non aliud or De Ii non aliud (1462), he appears as Ferdinand, an interlocutor with Cusanus. What could that imply? Did he have any or much influence on Cusanus' ideas and activities?

Select Bibliography

Badini, Silvio A., ed. The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia. 2 vols. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992.

Brinkbaumer, Klaus & Clemens H6ges. The Voyage of the Vacainea: The Mystery of Christopher Columbus's Last Ship. Trans. Annett Streck. 011ando/Austin/San Diego/Toronto/ London: Harcourt Inc., 2006.

~ Burke, James. The Day the Universe Changed. Boston: little, Brown, 1985.

Cummins; John. The Voyage of Christopher Columbus. Columbus' Own Joumfi of Discovery, Newly Restored and Translated. New York: St Martin's Press, 1992.

De Santillana, Girgio. 'Paolo T oscanelli and His Friends" in: Bernard O'Keµey., ed., The Remissance Image of Man and the World: Columbus; OH: Ohio State University Press, 1966, 105-107.

. Hoffmann, Ernst ed. Schrilten des Nikolaus W)ll Kues in deutscher Obersetzung. Leipzig: Felix Meiner, 1936.

Meuthen, Erich. Die /etzten Jahre des Nikolaus 110n Kues, , biographische Untersuchungen nach neuen Que/ten. KOln &

Opladen: WestdeutscherVerlag, 1958 .

Nikolaus von Kues, Vom Nichtanderen (De Ii non aliud), trans. with intrgd. & notes by P~ul Wilpert 3111 ed .. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1987.

Nowell, Charles E. 'The T oscanelli Letters and Columbus,' Hispanic American Historical Review XVII (1937), 346-348.

Randles, W. G. L, 'The Evaluation of Columbus' :lncia' Project. by Portuguese and Spanish Cosmographers in the light of the Geographical Sense of the Period.' Imago Mundi 42 (1990), 50-64:

Senger, Hans Gerhard. Ludus sapientiae. Sludien zum Weit und zur Wukungsgeschichte des Nikolaus I/Oil Kues. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2002.

Uzielli, Gustavo. "la vita ed i tempi di Paolo dal Pozzo T oscaneDi," Ricen:he e sludi (Rome: Ministerio della eublica lnstruzione, 1894), 257-288.

Vignaud, Henry. La lettre et la carte de Toscanelli surla route des lndes parl'ouest, addressees en 1474 au Porlugais Femam Marlins et fnmsmises plus lard a Christoph Colomb .• Paris: E. Leroux, 1901.

Vignaud, H. T oscanelfi and Columbus. The Letter, and Chad of Toscanellion the Route to the lndes by Way of the~~-..~·-;-, Sent in 1474 to the Pottuguese Femam Martins, and Later on · · · to Christopher Columbus, a Critical Study on the Aulhenlicity and Value of these Documents and the Sources of the Cosmographical Ideas of ColumbUs, Followed by the Villiaus ~ -." Texts of the Letter, with Translations, Annotations, ~-~. Facsimiles and also a Map. Londciri: SandS & Co., 1.902.

Volume XXIV, Number 2 Dllcembei" 'l007

American ",Cusanus, Society Newsletter Vignaud, H. The Columbian Tradition on the Discovery of America and of the Part Played Therein by the Astronomer Toscanelli; a Memoir Addressed to the Professors Hetmann

_ _ Wagner of the University of Gl'Jttingen and Carlo Errara of '·~~Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1920,

Watts, Pauline M. "Prophecy and Discovery: On the Spiritual Origins of Christopher Columbus' 'Enterprise of the Indies,

;_ ~;~C<¥1 Historical Review 90 (February 1985), 73-102.

Morimichi Watan<jbe

P.S. Thanks to the help of Mr. II Kim of Columbia University, the author was able lo obtain a partial copy of the following article before sending the above artiCle to the press, •

Antonio Dominguez de Sousa Costa, 'Cristovao Colombo e o C6nego de Lisboa Fernando Martins de Reriz" in: Antonianum 65 (1990),187-276. .

According to de Sousa Costa, Fernando Martins was, as E. Meuthen pointed out Nicholas of Cusa's "Familiar' (servant) and had very close relations with Cusanus, There will be another article on F, Martins, in the future issue of the Newsletter, after a careful study of de Sousa Costa and, hopefully, other new studies.

New and To-Be-Published Books by Members

Ockham And Political Discourse In Tf!e Late Middle Ages

[Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought Fourth Series, 69.)

Takashi Shogimen

Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. 301 pp,

Vo.fume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007

[The edition of the book displayed on Page 17 of the Newsletter, XXIV, 1 (July 2007) was

published by Gambridge University Press Australia.]


The Legacy of the Fifteenth Century

Gerald Christianson, Thomas M. lzbicki and i' Christopher M. Bellitto, eds.

The Catholic University of America Press, June 2008 c. 352 pp. $79,95.


Volume XXJV, Number 2

:! i ,_

American ',Cusanus Society :Newslettef ·Litleraecusanae:-Band 7, Heft 1

Cusanus- Fragmentii iler Unendlichkeit lnfonnation der Cusanus-Gesellschaft

Eds. Wolfgang Lentzen-Dels anifWalter Aridreas Euier

S. Roderer Verlag, Regensburg. 2007

irlhaltsvelZeichnis ·

GruBwort 1 Bundesministerin Dr. Annette Schwan

ARTIKEL Cusanus - Fragmente der Unendlichkeit 2

· Peter L.8iseri Nikolaus von Kues: Lelien und Werk 14.

Christianne Bue/Jed Julia Marx IT amara Schneided • Sonja Stadler

LIBERETTO ~ ~ . ',-,.

Cusanus-Fragmente der Unendlichkeit 29 Lilieretto: Inigo Boeken; Prolog und Zwischenspiel: Peter Larsen

HINWEISE Zurn Weitenesen Kontaktadressen Tennine

67 69 70

-~--~'"THE hlSlNCE'Of GOD·--Ac. History· of W..,<$fetn Chw.thlll M~d<'.Wn.

December 2007 18

American: Cusanus~ Society ~Newsletter ~ · SELECTED RECEN:r PUBLICATIONS

. _ We would be very pleased to receive from members and friends '!.~"hll1.9! their newly published articles about Cusanus and

related topics, so, that they rnay be listed in the series of publica: · lions in each issue of the Newsletter. Naturally, we would also welcome new books and other publications by.our.members and,

t~;'!'!friepds. -~- '"

The Editor wishes to thank sincerely those members and friends who have kindly sent him their recent publications. The following sections also include books and articles by our members that are not directly related to Cusanus stu~ies.

Some books that were already listed in the previous issues of the Newsletter are included here again because they were recently reviewed in major scholarly journals. They are marked with an asterisk ('). · .. The Editor wishes to emphasize that thanks to the attention and care ofour Special Advisor, Dr. Thomas M. lzbicki, important books have gone into !He following list of publications.



Nicholas of Cusa -· l

NICOLAI DE GUSA OPERA OMNIA, iussu et auctoritate Academiae Litterarum Heidelbergensis ad codicum fid~m edita, II: APOLOGIA DOCTAE IGNORANTIAE, edidit RA YMUNDUS KLIBAN~KY, Ecljtio st~reotypa, .Praefatio(\e editoris altera et addendis corrigendisque. Aucta. Hamburg: Felix Meiner,Verfag, 2007. xxxiv, 1-51 pp. ;_:

NICOLAI DE GUSA OPERA OMNIA, iussu et auctocritate Academiae Litterarum Heidelbergensis ad codicum fidem edita XVIII: SERMONES Ill (1452-1455), fasciculus 0: indices. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 2007. xix. 459-644 pp.



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Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007


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I 11


American~Cusanust Society· Newsletter REF.ERENCE BOOKS.ANlf BIBLIOGRAPHIESi ! · · Roloff, Hans:Gert, ed. Die Deutsche Literatur{DDL). .

· Biographisches und bibliofTaphisches Lexikon. [Sechs Reihen.]

Adamson Peter, ed. Classical Arabic Philosophy: Sources and Receptio~. [Warburg Institute Colloquia, 11.] London/Turin: Warburg Institute, 2007.

Cassirer, Ernst. Zur Philosophie und Po/itik. Nachgelassene Manuskripte und Texte. Band 9, ed. J.ohn Michael Krois and ChriStian Miickel. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, 2007/8, viii, 448 pp. €178.·.

Daiber, Hans. Bibliography of Islamic Philosophy: Supplement. [Handbook of Oriental Studies, I: The Near East and Middl~ EasL 89.] Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Endr'ess Gerhard and Dimitri Gutas. A Greek and Arabic Lexicon.' Materials for a Dictionary of the Medieval Arabic Translations from Greek into Arabic. [Handbuch der Orientafistik. Erste Abteilung. Band 11), Vol.2, Fascicle 8: ba' to bdl. Leiden: Brill, 2007.

Gilbhard, Thomas, ed. Bibliographia KristeHeriana: A Bibliography of the Publications Of Paul Oskar Kristel/er 1929-1999. [Sussidi Eruditi 72.) Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura. 2006. xxii, 132 pp. €25,.

Groff, Peter S. Islamic Philqsophy A-Z, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007.

Hankii\s, James, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Renai~ance Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2007. 448 pp., $~5.00; $29.99 (Paper).

Hegel, G. W. F. Grundlinien der PhUosophie des Rechts. ' . [Gesammelte Werke, Band 14.] ed. Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann. Hamburg: Felix-Meiner, 2007. 704 pp. €286.00. I,

• Klima, Gyula, Fritz Allhof and Anand Jayprakash Vaidya, eds. Medieval Philosophy: Essential Readings with Commentary. Oxford: Blackwell, 2007.

Kolak,· Daniel and Garrett Thompson. The Longman Stand~rd History of Medieval Philosophy. Longman, 2007.

Lohr, Charles, ed. Commentatia in Aristotelem Graeca: Versiones latinae temporis resuscitatarum litterarum (CAGL). StuttQart frommaim-holzboog, 1990-. 30 Bande. j ·

•• Lull, Ramon. Felix oder Das Buch der Wunder. Trans. Gret Shib Tomi. Basel: Schw~beJ_2007. 410 pp. €47.50. • l

Bern: Peter Lang, 1979-; Stuttgart: frornrnann-holzboog, 1985 -.

' Sider, Sandra: Handbook to Life in Renaissance Europe. Oxford: I Oxford University Press, 2007- 400 pp. $25.00 {paper).

l Ulrich von Strassburg. De summo bono. Uber Ill, Tractatus 4-5. [CPTMA vol. 1,3 (2).) ed. Sabina Tuzzo. Hamburg: Felix Meiner, .2007. xviii, 130 pp. €78.-.



1; .. __ ,. BOOKS

Nicholas of Cusa

Boeken, Inigo, trans. de J-M Counet. L 'art de la collection, introduclion historicc-e_thique a fhermeneutjq~ ccmjeclurate ~ Nicolas de Cues. Pans: Peeters-Vrin, 2001.

Dallmayr, Fred R. /n Search of the Good life: A Pedagogy for

Troubled Times. Lexington, KY: University Press of Ken1ucky, 2007. xvi, 320 pp .. $40.00. [A chapter on Cusanus.]

DeGuzman, Miroy J. Tracing Nicholas of Cusa's Development The Relationship between •De concorrfantia catholica» and •De docta ignorantia». [Philosophes Medievaux, 49]. Leuven: Peeters, 2008.

~ii ,,. ·; • ,/'' '·

Euler, W. A; K.' Reinhiirdt and H. Schl'iaetzer, eds. Nikolaus 111'.111

Kues: Predigten in Deutscher Obersetzung. 4 Bde. Miinster: Aschendorff Verlag, 2007.

Schwaetzer, H. and K. ReinhafdL eds. Cusanus in der Geschichte des Platonismus. [Philosophie interdisziplirnir, Band

l 19.] Regensburg: S. Roeder Vertag, 2007. € 21,-. •

• Schwaetzer, H. and K. Ze'Jer; eds. De"visione Dei. Vom Sehen zum Betrachten:· Nikolaus wn Kues. Ekkehard We/kens. 15 Meisteizeichnungen im Dialog mit Cusanus. Regensburg:



Roderer, 2007.

·. . -Other

' ' • L' ._.::; C°""~'t•s

*Avis, Paul. Beyond the Reformation? Authority, Primacy and . . . Unity in the Conciliar T radilion. New York: T & T Clark, 2006. XX,

234 pp., $120.00. [BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 948-939 (Francis Oakley); Church HislOly,.:Z6,4. -.,. (December 2007) 840-842 (Gerald Christianson)]. -..-~.

Volume XXJV, Number 2 December 2007 ''•l"


American Cusanus Society Newsletter Baird, Joseph L Jne Personal Correspondence of Hildegard of Bingen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. 208 pp. $74.99; $19.95 (Paper).

~·~Peri, Rudolph Peters and Frank E. Vogel, eds. The Islamic School of Law. Evolution, Devolution, and Progress. Cambridge, MA: Haivard University Press, 2006. 320 pp. $39.95.

i. ~;~ilZZi,.M .. C. Levy and C. Steel, eds. A Platonic Pythagoras. Platonism and Pythagoreanism in /he Imperial Age. T umhout Brepols, 2007. 252 pp. €50.-.

Brene~ J.-B .. ed. Avenoes et /es Averroismes Juif et Latin. (Actes du Colloque International (Paris, 15-18 juin 2005)]. Tumhout Brepols, 2007. i, 368 pp. €39,-.

Brett, Annabel, James Tully and Holly Hamilton-Bleakley, eds. Rethinking the Foundations of Modem Political Thought Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2006. x, 298 pp. $90.00; $29.99 (paper).

Brooks, Richard 0, ed. Plato and Modem Law. Burtington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. 680 pp. $325.00.

Burman, Thomas. Reading the Quar'an in Latin Christendom, 1140-1560. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007. 304 pp. $59.95.

Datson, Lon'aine and Michael Stolleis, eds. Natural Law and Laws of Nature in Early Modem Europe. Jurisprudence, Theology, Moral and Natural Philosophy. Burtington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. 340 pp. $99.95.

Dauphinais, Michael, et al., eds. Aquinas the Augustinian. Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2006. xxiv, 291 pp.

Dillon, John and Sarah Klitenic. Dionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist Tradition. Burtington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. 240 pp. $99.95.

EOard, Peter. The Sacred Cosmos: Theological, Philosophical, and Scientific Conversations in the Twelfth Century School of Chartres. Scranton: University of Scranton Press, 2007.

Enders, Markus. Phi/osophie der Religionen im Mittelalter. Christliche Denker l'Oll Anselm bis Cusanus im Gesprach mit Judentum und Islam. Freiburg i. Br.: Vertag Kart Alber, 2008. 328 pp:€42.-.

Flash, Kurt Dietrich von Freiberg. Philosophie, Theologie, Naturfolschung um 1300. Frankfurt a.M.: Vittorio Klostermann, 2007. 718pp.€119.-.

Frank, Simon L Licht der Finstemis. Eine chrislliche Ethik und Sozialphi/osophie. Freiburg i.Br.: Vertag Kart Alber, 2007. 312 pp., €45,-.

Gardner, Alice. Studies in John The Scot (Erigena): A Philosopher of The Dari< Ages. London/New York: Oxford University Press, 1900; Whitefish, MT: Kessinger Publishing, 2007.

Hasse, Da;i Nikolaus. Avicena's De anima in the Latin West· The Formation of a Peripatecic Philosophy of the Soul 1160-1300. LondonfT urin: Warburg lfistitute, 2007. ·

Horst, Ulrich, O.P. Trans. James D: Mixson. The Dominicans and the Pope: Papal Teaching Authority in the Medieval and Early Modem Thomist Tradition. [The Conway Lectures in Medieval Studies, 2002.] Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006. xii, 132 pp. $28.00 (paper). (BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 925-926 (Thomas M. lzbickl)].

Housley, Norman, ed. Knighthood of Christ. Essays on the History of the Crusades and the Knights Templar, Presented to Malcolm Barber. Burtington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. 280 pp. $99.95.

Hugli, Anton, Dominic Kaegi and Reiner Wiehl, eds. Einsamkeit­Kommunikation - Offenlichkeit. lntemationa/er Kart Jaspeis' -Kongress Basel, 16-18. Oktober 2002 Basel: Schwabe, 2004. 251 pp.€ 48.50.

Johnson, Timothy J., ed. Franciscans at Prayer. [The Medieval. Franciscans 4.] Leiden: Brin, 2007. xiv, 598 pp. $182.00.

Kasper, Walter, ed. The Petrine Ministry: Catholies and Orthodox in Dialogue. Academic Symposium held at the Pomifical Council· for Promoting Christian Unity. New York and Mahwah, NJ: Paulis! Press, 2006. vi, 257 pp. $24.95 (paper). [BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 87~71 (James E. Puglisi, SA)].

Kenny, Sir Anthony. Medieval Philosophy. [A New History of Western Philosophy, Vol.2.] Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. 352 pp. $19.95 (paper).

Klepper, Deeana Copeland. The Insight of Unbe6evers. Nicholas of Lyra and Christian Reading of Jewish Text in the Later Middle Ages. Ph~adelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007. 240 pp. $55.00.

Kolak, Daniel and Garrett Thomson. The Longman Standard History of Medieval Philosophy. New York: Person/Longman, 2008: xn, 420 pp.

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December '2007 21

American~ Cusanus' Society,_Newslettet Kries; Douglas: The Problem of Natural Law. [Lexington Books. Applications of Political Theory.] Lan~am, MD:Rowman & Li!Uefield, 2007. 208 pp. $65.00.

Kuhn, Rolf and Sebastien Laoureux, eds. Meister Eckhart-' Erkenntnis und Mystik des Lebens. Forschungsbeitr¥ der Lebensphilnomeno/ogie. Freiburg i,Br.: Verlag Kart Alber, 2008. 272 pp. €32,-.

Luttrell, Anthony. Studies on the HospitaUers after 1306. Rohdes and the West. [Variorum Collected Studies Series: CS874.] Burtington: VT: Ashgate, 2007, 380 pp:,$124.95.

McDonald, Lee Martin. The Biblical Canon: its Origin, ·" Transmission, and Authority. Peabody, MA: Hendrickson· Publishers, 2007. xiii, 546 pp. $29.95 (paper). [BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 888-889 (David R. "! • Nienhuis)].

Majumdar, Deepa, Plotinus on the Appearance of Time and the World of Sense. Burtington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. 246 pp. $99.95. 1

Mitchell, Margaret M. and Frances M. Young, eds, The Cambridge History of Christianity: Vol. I: Origins to Constantine, New York: Cambridge University Press, 2006. xlviii, 7 40 pp. $180.00, [BR: The Catholic Historical Review XClll, 4 (October 2007) 886-888 (Robert Louis Wilken)].

"Miethke, Jurgen. Studieren an mittelalterlichen Universitllten. Chancen und Risken. Gesammelle"Aufslltze. (Education and ··" Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Volume 19.] Leiden/Boston: Brill NV, 2004. xiii, 517 pp., $30.00. Wriedt, Klaus. Schule und Unitiersitllt. Bildungsverhllltnisse in norddeutschen stlldlen des Sp!ltmittelalters: Gesammelte Aufslltze. [Education and Society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance,,Volume 23.] Leiden/Boston: Brill Academic Publishers. 2005. x, 267 pp. $149.00. [BR: (for above two books) The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 926-928 (Martin Kintzinger)].

MorenO:Riano, G. ed. The World of Marsilius of Padua, Tumhout Brepols, 2007, xii, 279 pp. €70,-,

Mueller, Joan. The Privilege of Poverty: Glare of Assisi, Agnes of Prague, and the' Stroggle for a Franciscan Rule for Women. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2006. X, 182. $40.00. [BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 2 , I (October, 2007) 912-914 (Lezlie Knox)].

Musson, Anthony, ed Boundaries of the Law. Geography, Gender, and Jurisdiction in Medieval and Early Modem Europe. Burtington, VT: Ashgate, 2005. x, 196 pp. $99.95.

Naderman, Cary J., ed. Niccolo MachiavelH's The Prince: on the M of Politics. Duncan Baird Pub!., 2007.

Neusner, Jacob, ed. Foundations of Western Civilization: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. NashviRe: Abington Press, 2006: xvi, 686 pp. (paper). {BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (OctOber 2007) 866-967 (Thomas E. Woods, Jr.)].

*Oakley, Francis. Kingship: The Politics of Em:hantment. Malden; MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2006. xiv, 193 pp. $34.95:·[BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 882-883 -(Joseph Canning)].

Pert, Eric D. Theophany: The Neoplatonic Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagite. [SUNY Series in Ancient Greek Philosophy.] Albany: State University of New York Press, 2007.

Powell, James M. The Crusades, The Kingdom of Sicily, and the Mediterranean. Burtington, VT: Ashgate, 2007. 320 pp; $114.96.

Radding, Chartes and Antonio Ciaralfi. The Corpus iuris civilis in the Middle' Ages: Manuscripts and Transmission from the Sixth Century to the Juristic Revival. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007. xiv, 277 pp.

Relihan, -.Joel c. The Prisaner's Philosophy! Life and Death in' Boethius's Consolation. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2007. xiv, 222 pp.

*Robson, Michael. The Fransiscans in the Middle Ages. (Monastic Orders.]. Rochester, NY: The Boydell Press, 2006, xiv, 239 pp. $47 .95. [BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 911- 912 (David Burr)].

Rodriguez, Dario Cabanelas. Juan de Segovia y el plilblema islamico. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 2007.

Rliggiero;Guido. MachiaveHi in Love. Sex, Self, and Society in the Italian Renaissance. Baltimore:. The Johns Hopkins. University Press, 2007. $45.00,

Secchi Tarugi; Louise Rolondi, ed. Pio II umanista europeo. Firenze: F. Cesati, 2007.

Selman, Francis John. Aquinas 101: A Basic Introduction to the Thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas. Notre Dame, IN: Chrj§!iaq.,.._,..,,,,p~·, Classics/Ave Maria, 2007. . · · · ·

' *Smolinsky, Heribert: Zl.lr Zeichen von Ki«:henrefonn und Refonnation: Gesamme/le Studien zur Kirchengeschichte.ill.. ~, Splltmitte/a/ter und friiher Neuzeit. Kart-Heinz Br~n. Barbara-+-'.'"! Heinze and Bernhard Schneider, eds.

VolUme XXIV, Number 2 Decelnber 'JJXJ7 22

American Cusanus Society Newsletter [RefonnationsgeschichUiche Studien und T exte, Supplementband 5.] Munster. Aschendorff Verlag, 2005. vi, 469 pp. €59,-. [BR: The Catholic Historical Review, XClll: 2

• (October 2007) 901-903 (Ralph Keen)). ~~ ,,...._..-....

Sodi, Manlio and Arianna Antoniutti, eds. Enea Silvio Piccolomini: Pius Secundus: Poeta Laureatus Pontifex Maxim us. Roma: Liberia editrice Vaticana, .2007. xxix, 455 pp.

~~:~~'$-.. ~ ~ . Spengler, Oswald. Der Untergang des Abendlandes. New York: Albatros.INorton, 2007. 1280 pp. €14,95. [First published in 1927.]

Teeuwen, Mariken. The Vocabulary of Intellectual Ufe in the Middle Ages. [CIVICIMA 10.] Tumhout Brepols, 2003. 482 pp. €59,-.

Terazas, J. Santiago Madrigal. El pensamiento eclesial de Juan de Segovia. Madrid, 2004.

'Vaughn, Sally and Jay Rubenstein, eds. Teaching and Leaming in Northern Europe, 1000-1200. [Studies in the Early Middle Ages,.Vol. 8.] T urnhout Brepols Publishers, 2006. xxii, 362 pp. €60.00. [BR. The Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 922-923 (Marcia L. Golish)].

•webb, Diana. Medieval European Pilgrimage. C. 700- 1500. [European Culture and Society]. New York: Palgrave. 2002. xvii, 185 pp. $69.95. [BR: Tfle Catholic Historical Review, XClll, 4 (October 2007) 899-900 (Mary Lee Nolan)].

Weiner, Sebastian Florian. Eriugenas Negative Onlologie. [Bochumer Studien Z!Jr Philosophie 16.] Arnsterdam!Philadelphia: B. R. Griiner , 2007. ix, 222 pp.


·Nicholas of Cusa

Bacher, Christiane, Julia M~rx. Tamara Scvhneider and Sonja Stadler. 'Nikolaus von Kues: Leben und Werk,' utterae Gusanae, 7, 1(2007)14-28.

Boeken, Inigo and Peter Larsen. 'Cusanus - Fragmente der Unendlichkeil,' utterae Cusan~. 7, 1 (2007) 29-65.

Larsen, Peter. 'Gusa.nu~,.. fragmente der Unendlichkeil: Szenisches Oratorium von Boudevijn Buckinx. Texte von Inigo Boeken (Libretto) und peter Larsen (Dialoge),' utterae Cusanae, 7, 1 (2007) 2-13.


Bellitto, Christopher. M. 'A Christian Humanisfs Mirror to Princes: Nicolas de Cl!lllaflges and the Restoration of Justice During the French Civil War,' Revue d'Histoire E~iastique, 102, 1 (2007) 100-123.

Blum, Paul Richard. ~Ecclesia, quare donnis? Raimondo LuUo e la missions laicale,' Bruniana & GampaneHiana 13 (2007) 31-42.

Boeken, Inigo. 'The Language of the Layman. The Meaning of the lmitatio Christi for a Theory of Spirituality' Stucfies in Spirituality 15 (2005) 217-249. "

Gonnan, M. "Augustine's Use of Neoplatonism in Confessions VII: A Response to Peter King,' Modem Schoolman 82:3 (2005) 227-234.

Griffioen, A L. ' In Accordance with the Law': Reconci6ng Divine and Civil Law in Abelll'd,' American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly81, 2 (Spring 2007), 307-322.

Gutas, Dimitri. 'The Text of the Arabic Plotinus. Prolegomena to a Critical Ed'rtion,' in: The Libraries of the Neoplatonists. Ed. Christina D'Ancona. Leiden: Brill, 2007. pp. 371-484.

King, P. 'Augustin's Encounter with Neoplatonism,' Modem Schoolman 62.3 (2005) 213-226.

Mann, D. Jesse. 'A Note on Johannes Koelhoft's Edition of Juan de Segovia's Tractatus super material constractuum, • Bibliothek und W1SSenschail 39 (2007) 165-169.

Mossman, Stephen. 'The Western Understanding of Islamic Theology, jQ the Middle Ages: Mendicant Responses to Islam from Ricoldo da Monte de Croce to Marquard von Lindau,' Researches de Theologie et Philosophie Medieva/es 74. 1 (2007) 169-224.

Nedennan, Cary J. "Giving Thrasymachus His Due: The Political Argument of Republic I and Its Reception,' POI.JS: The Journal of the so'ciety for Greek Political Thought 24 (2007) 26-42.


From July.14, 2007 to September 2010, the library is closed. Scholars still have access to the library's collections by ordering copies in digital, photographic, photocopied or microfilm fonnats, according to the Catholic News Service (www.catholic.org).

Volume XXIV, Number 2 December 2007 23


Ame.rican Cusc:inus' s·aciety· News.letter -The American Cusanus Society Newsletter is published twice a year by the Editorial ()ffice of the American Cusanu.s SQCiety, Long Island University, C.W. Post campus, Brookville, NY 11548.lEditor: Morimichi Watanabe. Special Advisor: Thoma~. M. lzbicki .. Editorial Associate: ChristcmtierM. Bellitto. The officers of the American Cusanus Society are:

President ~-- Gerald Christianson '

Gettysburg_ Lutheran Seminary

• President Emeritus

Morimichi Watanabe Long I SJ and University,

C.W. Post Campus

• Vice President

Peter J. Casarella Depaul University

• Secretary

:Donald F. Duclow Gwynedd-Mercy College

• Treasurer •

Michael A. Soupios Long Island University,

C.W. Post Campus

• •

Executive committee. . '

Christopher M. Beliitto Kean University

H. Lawrence Bond Appalachian S'!=lte Uniyersity '

.. Elizabeth Brient University of Georgia

Lawrence F. Hundersmarck Pace University

Thomas M. lzbicki Rutgers University

. Clyde Lee Miller

SUNY aYStony Brook

Gerald Christianson (ex officio)

Peter J. Casarell~­(ex officio)

Donald F. Duclow (ex officio)

Board of Advisors

Louis Dupre John Mtii\fasani Yale University SUNY at Albany

Vllilhelm Dupre Francis Oakley University of Nijmeg't(1 Williams College

Klaus Kremer-;> Hans Gerhard Seriger lnstitUte for Cusanus Research University of Cologne

University of Trier • Bernard McGinn Paul E. Sigmund

University of Chicago •Princeton University

Erich Meuthen Brian Tieniey University of Cologne Cornell University

Kazufiik'o Yamaki Waseda Univeriiity



' .

_"_ •I\


_,_ '" ... ~~:~-, The American Cu~nus Society gratefully acknowledges the support of thePresident of L:ong Island

University and the Provost aQd the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and the .Research ·. ~' Committee of the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University in the pliblication of ""'"'".:\. .:.:-··

theAmerican Cusanus Society Newsletter. • ~

Volume XXIV, Number 2

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December 2007 24