Anatomical Identification of a Telencephalic Visual Area in C roc0 d i I es : Ascend i n g Go n n ec t i on s of N uc I eu s Rotundus in Caiman crocodilus MICHAEL B. PRITZ 1 Department of Anatomy, Ohio 441 06 Case Western Re serve University, Cleveland, ABSTRACT Nucleus rotundus receives a major input from the optic tectum in crocodiles, Caiman crocodilus. Telencephalic projections of nucleus rotundus were studied in Caiman by means of the Fink-Heimer procedure after anodal, stereotaxic lesions. Efferent axons of nucleus rotundus assemble on the ventro- medial aspect of this nucleus and swing ventrolaterally to enter the dorsal pedun- cle of the lateral forebrain bundle. These ascending fibers continue rostrally in the dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle to enter the telencephalon where they remain restricted to a lateral portion of the lateral forebrain bundle. At more anterior levels, these fascicles turn dorsally, pass through the ventro- lateral area, and terminate massively in a lateral part of the rostral dorsolateral area. The results of this experiment are compared with similar studies on thalamo- telencephalic connections of diencephalic visual areas in other amniotes. Parallels in fiber connections of thalamic auditory and visual areas and the segregation of these modalities in the telencephalon of Caiman are discussed. These similarities in neural circuitry and synaptic elements of auditory and visual systems that synapse in the midbrain of Caiman form the basis for a different interpretation of sensory system organization in amniotes. Physiological studies indicate that audi- tory and visual space are represented in a highly ordered fashion in anatomically sep- arate areas in the midbrain of crocodiles. Audition is organized tonotopically in the torus semicircularis (Manley, '71) whereas vision is represented retinotopically in the optic tectum (Heric and Kruger, '65). Addi- tional similarities between midbrain audi- tory and visual areas can also be demon- strated. Among these are parallels in ascending fiber connections. Both of these midbrain sensory regions project bilaterally to a prominent nucleus in the posterior thal- amus. In each case, contralateral connec- tions are achieved by way of the supraoptic decussation. The central nucleus of the torus semicircularis sends axons to termi- nate in nucleus reuniens pars centralis (Pritz, '74a) whereas the optic tectum pro- jects to nucleus rotundus (Braford, '72). Moreover, audition and vision, which are segregated in the midbrain, also remain separate in the thalamus. J. COMP. NEUR., 164: 32S338. These findings raise two questions: (1) do audition and vision remain separate in the telencephalon? and (2) are there further parallels in the efferent connections of nu- cleus reuniens pars centralis and nucleus rotundus? A partial answer to these ques- tions was obtained in a subsequent experi- ment (Pritz, '74b). This study, which in- vestigated the ascending connections of nucleus reuniens pars centralis, demon- strated that this neuronal aggregate pro- jected to an area in the medial caudal telen- cephalon. The next logical step was to investigate the efferent projections of nu- cleus rotundus. The purpose of the present report is to describe these results. Stereotaxic lesions were placed in nucleus rotundus in Caiman and the degenerated fibers were traced by means of silver im- pregnation methods (Fink and Heimer, '67). Lesions of nucleus rotundus resulted in ter- minal degeneration restricted to a lateral Present address: University Hospitals, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. 323

Anatomical identification of a telencephalic visual area in crocodiles: Ascending connections of nucleus rotundus inCaiman crocodilus

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Anatomical Identification of a Telencephalic Visual Area in C roc0 d i I es : Ascend i n g Go n n ec t i on s of N uc I eu s Rotundus in Caiman crocodilus


Department of Anatomy, Ohio 441 06

Case Western Re serve University, Cleveland,

A B S T R A C T Nucleus rotundus receives a major input from the optic tectum in crocodiles, C a i m a n crocodilus. Telencephalic projections of nucleus rotundus were studied in C a i m a n by means of the Fink-Heimer procedure after anodal, stereotaxic lesions. Efferent axons of nucleus rotundus assemble on the ventro- medial aspect of this nucleus and swing ventrolaterally to enter the dorsal pedun- cle of the lateral forebrain bundle. These ascending fibers continue rostrally in the dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle to enter the telencephalon where they remain restricted to a lateral portion of the lateral forebrain bundle. At more anterior levels, these fascicles turn dorsally, pass through the ventro- lateral area, and terminate massively in a lateral part of the rostral dorsolateral area.

The results of this experiment are compared with similar studies on thalamo- telencephalic connections of diencephalic visual areas in other amniotes. Parallels in fiber connections of thalamic auditory and visual areas and the segregation of these modalities in the telencephalon of C a i m a n are discussed. These similarities in neural circuitry and synaptic elements of auditory and visual systems that synapse in the midbrain of C a i m a n form the basis for a different interpretation of sensory system organization in amniotes.

Physiological studies indicate that audi- tory and visual space are represented in a highly ordered fashion in anatomically sep- arate areas in the midbrain of crocodiles. Audition is organized tonotopically in the torus semicircularis (Manley, '71) whereas vision is represented retinotopically in the optic tectum (Heric and Kruger, '65). Addi- tional similarities between midbrain audi- tory and visual areas can also be demon- strated. Among these are parallels in ascending fiber connections. Both of these midbrain sensory regions project bilaterally to a prominent nucleus in the posterior thal- amus. In each case, contralateral connec- tions are achieved by way of the supraoptic decussation. The central nucleus of the torus semicircularis sends axons to termi- nate in nucleus reuniens pars centralis (Pritz, '74a) whereas the optic tectum pro- jects to nucleus rotundus (Braford, '72). Moreover, audition and vision, which are segregated in the midbrain, also remain separate in the thalamus.

J. COMP. NEUR., 164: 32S338.

These findings raise two questions: (1) do audition and vision remain separate in the telencephalon? and ( 2 ) are there further parallels in the efferent connections of nu- cleus reuniens pars centralis and nucleus rotundus? A partial answer to these ques- tions was obtained in a subsequent experi- ment (Pritz, '74b). This study, which in- vestigated the ascending connections of nucleus reuniens pars centralis, demon- strated that this neuronal aggregate pro- jected to an area in the medial caudal telen- cephalon. The next logical step was to investigate the efferent projections of nu- cleus rotundus. The purpose of the present report is to describe these results.

Stereotaxic lesions were placed in nucleus rotundus in Caiman and the degenerated fibers were traced by means of silver im- pregnation methods (Fink and Heimer, '67). Lesions of nucleus rotundus resulted in ter- minal degeneration restricted to a lateral

Present address: University Hospitals, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104.



part of the anterior dorsolateral area and did not overlap the auditory projection area. The results of the present study dem- onstrate two important aspects of the or- ganization of these sensory systems. First, audition and vision, which are segregated in the midbrain and thalamus, remain s e p arate in the telencephalon. Second, nucleus reuniens pars centralis and nucleus rotun- dus, which share similar inputs from the midbrain, exhibit similar outputs to the tel- encephalon. Additional parallels between auditory and visual systems that synapse in the midbrain of crocodiles are presented. These similarities form the basis for a dif- ferent interpretation of sensory system or- ganization in amnio tes.

Some of these findings were presented previously (Pritz, '73).


Since the procedures and techniques used in this experiment are identical to those described in detail in two previous re- ports (Pritz, '74a,b), only a brief account is presented here.

Anodal, stereotaxic lesions were attempt- ed in 13 juvenile Caiman crocodilus which ranged in snout-vent length from 11.0 to 14.0 cm. After adequate anesthesia by cold narcosis, the calvarium over the telenceph- alon and optic tectum was removed. Then a stainless steel microelectrode was stereo- taxically inserted through the ipsilateral, caudal telencephalon. Since the results of a pilot study (Pritz, '73) indicated that the projections of nucleus rotundus are restrict- ed to the ipsilateral telencephalon, bilateral lesions were made in five cases. Nine to 16 days postoperatively, animals were given a lethal overdose of sodium pentobarbital and were perfused through the heart with 10% formalin. After the brains had har- dened in 10% formalin, they were blocked in situ in order to achieve a standard and reproducible plane of section. The blocked brains were then removed from the skull and placed in 10% formalin for several days before they were embedded in albumin-gel- atin (Fink and Kess, '70). The brains were sectioned transversely on a freezing micro- tome at 25 p . Sections were stored in 2% formalin. Selected sections were stained with the Fink-Heimer ('67) method and ad- jacent sections were stained with cresyl vio-


let. In certain cases, a fiber stain (Fink and Schneider, '69) was used. In some cases, a Prussian blue reaction on sections counterstained with cresyl violet was em- ployed. Chartings of degeneration and the interpretation of degenerated axons and terminals were done in the same manner as described previously (Pritz, '74a,b). De- generated axons were easily distinguished from degenerated terminals. The former appeared as chains of black dots while the latter appeared as solid black spherules over and between neuronal perikarya.

When reconstructions were made, the ex- ternal boundary of these ablations was drawn around the zone of increased cellu- larity that surrounded each lesion. No cor- rection was made for tissue shrinkage or for progressive morphologic changes in lesion size which are known to occur with time after such electrolytic lesions (Wolf and DiCara, '69).


Several accounts briefly describe the mor- phology of nucleus rotundus in species of Crocodilia other than Caiman crocodilus (Huber and Crosby, '26; Kappers et al., '60). Nevertheless, a short description of nucleus rotundus in Caiman is presented because a correct interpretation of the le- sions made in this experiment depends on the ability to identify this nucleus and to distinguish it from other diencephalic nu- clei. The terminology adopted in this re- port is that of Huber and Crosby ('26) and Crosby ('17).

Descriptive morphology of nucleus rotundus

Nucleus rotundus is a prominent, oval shaped nucleus located in the caudal half of the diencephalon. It is bordered rostral- ly by nucleus dorsolateralis anterior; supe- riorly and caudally by nucleus medialis; and laterally, medially, and inferiorly by fibers of the lateral forebrain bundle. In transverse sections, this neuronal aggregate f m t appears at the rostral pole of the poste- rior commissure. As one continues anteri- orly, i t enlarges and reaches a maximum size at the level of the habenular commis- sure. It continues as far rostral as nucleus dorsolateralis anterior. However, the boun- dary between these two neuronal masses is


often difficult to distinguish. In such in- stances, nucleus rotundus can be differen- tiated from nucleus dorsolateralis anterior because the neurons of the former are more loosely packed than those of the latter (see figs. 6, 11 of Huber and Crosby, ’26).

When stained with cresyl violet, the neu- rons of nucleus rotundus appear as loosely grouped, medium sized, oval cells. However, the distinct morphology of this nucleus in fiber stained preparations sets nucleus ro- tundus apart from all other diencephalic nuclei in Caiman. In such material, thick fascicles leave the center of nucleus rotun- dus and course diagonally to collect on its medial border. Some of these axons are destined for the telencephalon. This obser- vation is suggested by a comparison of the myeloarchitecture of nucleus rotundus in an unlesioned animal with the degenerated axon picture seen after a lesion of this nu- cleus (fig. 1).

Loci and extent of lesions Attempted lesions of nucleus rotundus

were easily identified in cell and fiber stained material and by a Prussian blue re- action in which they appeared turquoise. The morphology of such lesions was sim- ilar in all cases. The center of the lesion, which was either free of tissue or contained

necrotic tissue, was surrounded by a ring of gliosis which was encircled by a region of increased cellularity.

Reconstructions of the ablations revealed the following distribution of lesions. Ten lesions did not destroy nucleus rotundus or damage its efferent axons. These unsuccess- ful lesions injured structures on all sides of nucleus rotundus except at its lateral bor- der. These ablations damaged nucleus dor- solateralis anterior, nucleus dorsomedialis anterior, area triangularis, nucleus medi- alis, the hypothalamus, and fibers of the lateral forebrain bundle that were located ventromedial to nucleus rotundus. None of these ablations produced terminal degen- eration that overlapped the telencephalic projection area of nucleus rotundus. The re- maining eight lesions destroyed either nu- cleus rotundus or its exiting axons. Five of the eight lesions damaged the lateral fore- brain bundle. However, these ablations not only injured axons of nucleus rotundus but also destroyed axons from other nuclei. Another lesion destroyed the dorsolateral segment of nucleus rotundus. Unfortunate- ly, this ablation also damaged a number of surrounding structures as well. The remain- ing two lesions were located solely within the confines of nucleus rotundus. These ablations provided an unambiguous inter-

Fig. 1 Morphology of nucleus rotundus in Caiman. Transverse sections of the left nucleus rotundus are shown. Dorsal is towards the top of the page while lateral is towards the left. Pho- tographs of sections stained with cresylviolet, a “normal” fiber stain, and a stain for degenerated axons are shown in the left, middle, and right panels. The degenerated axon picture seen after a lesion of nucleus rotundus (arrow, right panel) bears a marked resemblance to the “normal” axon picture (arrow, center panel). These similarities suggest that at least some of the fibers shown in the center panel are destined for the telencephalon. Bar scale represents 200 fi .


pretation of the ascending trajectory and locus of termination of rotundal axons in the telencephalon.

Ascending connections of nucleus rotundus

The description of telencephalic projec- tions of nucleus rotundus is based mainly on the two ablations illustrated in figures 2 and 3. These lesions, which were limited to the confines of nucleus rotundus, provide the major basis for the present interpreta- tion of its ascending connections. In each case, coarse fascicles of degenerated axons were found to assemble on the ventrome- dial aspect of this nucleus (fig. 5F) and swing ventrolaterally to enter the dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle (fig. 5E). These fibers continue rostrally in the dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle to enter the telencephalon. Here they remain restricted to the lateral portion of the lateral forebrain bundle (fig. 5D). In more anterior sections, these fibers turn dorsally (fig. 5C), pass through, and may synapse on interposed cells of the ventrolat- eral area (fig. 5B). Eventually, these rotun- dal axons terminate massively in a lateral portion of the rosaal dorsolateral area (figs. 5A, 6). No terminal degeneration was ob- served in the contralateral hemisphere or




in any other portion of the ipsilateral telen- cephalon.

Fiber stains (Fink and Schneider, '69) have proven inadequate to dlstinguish this anterolateral terminal zone from surround- ing portions of the dorsolateral area. Easier identification has been accomplished with cresyl violet preparations. In more posterior sections, this visual area is difficult to dif- ferentiate from other parts of the telenceph- don on the basis of cytoarchitectonics. However, as one proceeds anteriorly, a cell free zone appears on the medial border of the visual area. This cell free region sep- arates the small, round, loosely packed, lat- erally placed neurons of the rotundal pro- jection zone from the more medial, densely packed cells of the dorsolateral area (fig. 7). The other boundaries of this telenceph- alic visual region are indistinct.


lnterpretatwn of rotundo-telencephalic projec twns

The problem of idenufication of fibers of passage is common to all studies which use special stains to impregnate degenerated axons and axon terminals that emanate from a particular lesion site. In the pres- ent experiment, two sources of error are possible. One is that the electrode place-

Fig. 2 Locus and extent of a small lesion limited to the confines of nucleus rotundus in Caiman. In A, lesion (solid blackened area) is reconstructed on a horizontal section of nucleus rotundus that illustrates the brain levels, 1 through 3, of similarly labeled transverse sections shown in B. Abbreviations: A, anterior; Gv, ventral geniculate nucleus; H , hypothalamus; Hb, habenula; L, lateral; OT, optic tract; Rt, nucleus rotundus; SM, stria medullaris.



Fig. 3 Locus and extent of a medium sized lesion limited to the confines of nucleus rotundus in Caiman. In A, lesion (solid blackened area) is reconstructed on a horizontal section of nucleus rotundus that illustrates the brain levels, 1 through 6, of similarly labeled transverse sections shown in B. Abbreviations: A, anterior; D, nucleus diagonalis; Gv, ventral geniculate nucleus; H, hypothalamus; L, lateral; OT, optic tract; Rc, nucleus reuniens pars centralis; Rd, nucleus reuniens pars diffusa; Rt, nucleus rotundus.

ment itself produced the terminal degen- eration seen in the anterolateral part of the dorsolateral area. This is probably not the case because ten lesions which did not dam- age nucleus rotundus or its exiting axons failed to produce terminal degeneration in those parts of the telencephalon where ter- minals were found after rotundal lesions.

The other possibility is that axons which arise in other nuclei and pass through nu- cleus rotundus were destroyed by localized ablations of nucleus rotundus. The degen- eration that resulted from restricted ro- tundal lesions was probably due to rotundal damage because of the following reasons. First, lesions were placed in nearly all bor-


cephalic visual area are difficult to deter- mine for two reasons. First, successful le- sions of nucleus rotundus were subtotal and did not damage the entire nucleus. Second, the telencephalic projection area of nucleus rotundus was not sharply demarcated in either cell or fiber stained material. Thus, extrapolation of the entire extent of this telencephalic visual area from those suc- cessful cases of nucleus rotundus ablations was not possible. The inability to note sharp subdivisions in the dorsolateral area was also encountered in a previous study that identified a telencephalic auditory area in Caiman (Pritz, '74b). Likewise, Crosby ('17) failed to identify distinct divisions of the dorsolateral area in the American alligator. However, others (Rose, '23; Riss et al., 'SS), who have examined the same as well as re- lated species of Crocodilia, have recognized subdivisions within an area that corre- sponds to the dorsolateral area in Caiman and Alligator mississipiensis. The difficul- ties in such comparisons, particularly when they are based primarily on cytoarchitec- tural features, were discussed previously (Pritz, '74b) and are also applicable to the present study.

Rose, who described the morphology of the telencephalon in certain reptiles ('23) and birds ('14), subdivided this brain re- gion and labeled these areas with capital letters. One of these regions, field S (Rose, '14), corresponds to the ektostriatum of pi- geons, which receives a direct and highly organized input from nucleus rotundus (Karten and Hodos, '70). One might then conclude that field S in reptiles (Rose, '23) also receives an input from nucleus rotun- dus. Based on the experimental determina- tion of the telencephalic connections of nucleus rotundus as well as on cytoarchi- tectural analysis of this visual area, I con- clude that this is not the case in Caiman. Specifically, nucleus rotundus in Caiman crocodilus projects to that area of the tel- encephalon designated by Rose ('23) as field G and not field S. This is not meant to imply that a shift in the rotunda1 projection has occurred in crocodiles and birds but that Rose has erred in his identification of homologous fields in these two groups of amniotes. This telencephalic projection area of nucleus rotundus corresponds to zone 8 in the terminology of Riss et al. ('69).



/-- C b /u ' A

A B C D E F Fig. 4 OutlinedrawingsofCtrimczn brains drawn

to scale that illustrate the plane of section and the brain levels of similarly labeled transverse sections, A through F, in figure 5. Dorsal (a), lateral (b), and parasagittal (c) views are figured. The parasagittal illustration is taken at a level shown by the horizon- tal line in the drawing of the dorsal aspect. Abbre- viations: Cb, cerebellum; DLA, dorsolateral area; OB, olfactory bulb; Tel, telencephalon; TeO, optic tectum; TS, torus semicircularis; VLA, ventrolateral area.

ders of nucleus rotundus in this experiment and previous ones (Pritz, '74a,b). After such ablations, no degenerated axons were ever seen to pass through nucleus rotundus or to terminate in the telencephalic visual area described in this study. Second, lesions which did not destroy cells in nucleus ro- tundus but which did damage its exiting axons produced a pattern of degeneration identical to that seen after localized abla- tions of nucleus rotundus.

Telencephalic projections of nucleus rotundus

Terminal field in the dorsolateral area. The locus and entire extent of this telen-


Fig. 5 Ascending connections of nucleus rotundus of Caiman as viewed in transverse sections. Dia- grams A through F correspond to the levels and plane of section shown in figure 4. Chartings are from the case whose lesion is illustrated in figure 2. Dots represent terminal degeneration while short line seg- ments indicate degenerated fibers. Abbreviations: DLA, dorsolateral area; Dla, nucleus dorsolateralis anterior; Dma, nucleus dorsomedialis anterior; dp, dorsal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle; Gv, ventral geniculate nucleus; H, hypothalamus; Hb, habenula; LFB, lateral forebrain bundle; MFB, medial forebrain bundle; OC, optic chiasm; OT, optic tract; Rt, nucleus rotundus; SM, stria medullaris; VLA, ventrolateral area.

Ventrolateral area. Lesions that dam- generation cannot be positively identified age nucleus rotundus or its exiting axons in the ventrolateral area because of the dif- produce degenerated fibers which course ficulty in the identification of terminal de- through the lateral portion of the ventro- generation within a field of degenerated lateral area before they terminate in the axons with the light microscope. Proof of overlying dorsolateral area. Terminal de- direct connections between nucleus rotun-



Fig. 6 Telencephalic projection area of nucleus rotundus in Caiman. Outline drawings of Caiman brains drawn to scale are shown on lateral (A) and parasagittal (B) views. A and B illustrate the plane of section and the brain levels, 1 through 3, of similarly labeled transverse sections in C. The parasagittal drawing is taken at a level depicted by the horizontal line in the drawing of the dorsal aspect of the Caiman brain in figure 4. Chartings are from the case whose lesion is illustrated in figure 3. Dots repre- sent terminal degeneration while short line segments indicate degenerated fibers. Abbreviations: Cb, cerebellum; DLA, dorsolateral area; n 11, optic nerve; OB, olfactory bulb; Tel, telencephalon; TeO, optic tectum; TS, torus semicircularis; VLA, ventrolateral area.

dus and the ventrolateral area must await more conclusive evidence.

Thalamotelencephalic connections of nucleus rotundus in crocodiles

and in other reptiles With the exception of a single study (Hall

and Ebner, '70a), previous attempts to de- termine the ascending connections of nu- cleus rotundus in crocodiles and in other reptiles have been of two types. One ap- proach, which is purely descriptive, uses various silver stains to impregnate myeli- nated and unmyelinated fibers. Based on this method, connections between nucleus rotundus and the telencephalon by way of the dorsal peduncle of the lateral fore- brain bundle were described in alligators

(Huber and Crosby, '26) and in other r e p tiles (for example: Johnston, '15; Cairney, '26; Shanklin, '30; Papez, '35). However, no specific portion of the telencephalon was recognized as interconnected with nu- cleus rotundus on the basis of these studies. Since nearly all fiber systems are equally stained by this technique, a reliable deter- mination of the trajectory and direction of conduction between specific nuclear groups is almost impossible. Because of these prob- lems, this method has been replaced by var- iants of the Nauta method and by auto- radiography. The other approach is to identify those regions of the brain that un- dergo retrograde cell changes after a local- ized ablation. By means of this technique retrograde degeneration was found in nu-


Fig. 7 Cytoarchitecture of the telencephalic projection areaofnucleusrotundusin Caiman. This photograph is a cresyl violet stained section that corresponds to figure 6, C-2. Boxed area encloses a portion of this telencephalic visual area. Abbrevin- t ions: DLA, dorsolateral area; VLA, ventrolateral area. Bar scale represents 1 mm.

cleus rotundus after large ablations that destroyed areas comparable to the dorso- lateral and ventrolateral areas of Caiman in Alligator mississipiensis (Kruger and Berkowitz, '60) and in Lacerta uiridis (Powell and Kruger, '60). More restricted ablations of the dorsolateral area in Alli- gator, however, failed to produce retrograde cell changes in neurons of nucleus rotun- dus (Kruger and Berkowitz, '60). The ex- planation for this latter phenomenon, the failure of restricted ablations of the dorso- lateral area to cause retrograde cell changes in nucleus rotundus, is not known. One sug- gestion is that axon collaterals to the ven- trolateral area and/or to other nontelen- cephalic structures sustain the cells in nucleus rotundus after ablations of the dorsolateral area (Kruger and Berkowitz, '60). Another possibility is that even though ablations of the dorsolateral area were large, they may not have destroyed a suf- ficient volume of this telencephalic projec- tion area of nucleus rotundus to cause ret- rograde cell changes in nucleus rotundus.

Nucleus rotundus in Pseudemys and nu- cleus rotundus in Caiman are similar in gross morphology (Kappers et al., 'SO), top- ographic location in the diencephalon (Kap- pers et al., 'SO), input from the optic tec- tum (Hall and Ebner, '70b; Braford, '72), and lack of input from the retina (Hall and Ebner, '70b; Burns and Goodman, '67). Nucleus rotundus in these two groups of reptiles is also similar in its efferent con- nections. After lesions restricted to nucleus rotundus in Pseudemys, degenerated axons travel through the diencephalon in the dor- sal peduncle, course rostrally and laterally in the lateral forebrain bundle, swing dor- sally through the basal telencephalic nu- clei, and terminate densely in the core of the dorsal ventricular ridge (Hall and Ebner, '70a). Similarly, as found in the present study, lesions of nucleus rotundus in Cai- m a n produce degenerated axons that travel through the diencephalon in the dorsal pe- duncle, course rostrally and laterally in the lateral forebrain bundle, swing dorsal- ly through the ventrolateral area, and ter-

Fig. 8 Terminal degeneration in the anterolat- era1 part of the dorsolateral area of Caiman after a lesion of nucleus rotundus. This photograph is from the region indicated by the box in figure 7. Bar scale represents 10 p.


minate heavily in an anterolateral part of the dorsolateral area. These similarities between nucleus rotundus in Pseudemys and Caiman strongly suggest that these nu- clei are derivatives of the same embryonic field, and probably derivatives of an iden- tical population of neurons, in some rep- tilian group common to both crocodiles and turtles. Although the present data are still incomplete, a similar relationship probably exists between the telencephalic projection areas of nucleus rotundus in Pseudemys and Caiman.

Comparison of telencephalic projections of nucleus rotundus between

Caiman and pigeons Nucleus rotundus in Caiman and nucleus

rotundus in pigeons have several features in common. Among these are similarities in topographic location in the thalamus (Kappers et al., '60), gross morphology (Kappers et al., 'SO), input from the optic tectum (Braford, '72; Karten and Revzin, '66), and lack of input from the retina (Bums and Goodman, '67; Cowan et al., '61; Karten and Nauta, '68; Meier et al., '74). A comparison between the telencephal- ic projections of nucleus rotundus in Cai- m a n and pigeons demonstrates additional parallels. In pigeons, efferent axons of nu- cleus rotundus form the lateral part of the fasciculus prosencephali lateralis, pass through the lateral portion of the paleostri- atal complex, and terminate in the central core of the ektostriatum (Karten and Hodos, '70). In an analogous fashion, the efferent axons of nucleus rotundus in Caiman form the lateral portion of the lateral forebrain bundle, pass through the lateral portion of the ventrolateral area, and terminate in an anterolateral part of the dorsolateral area (present experiment). These data strongly suggest that nucleus rotundus of Caiman and nucleus rotundus of pigeons are deriv- atives of the same embryonic field, and probably derivatives of an identical popula- tion of neurons, in some archosaurian rep- tilian group common to both crocodiles and birds.

Other than input from nucleus rotundus, these telencephalic visual areas (central core of the ektostriatum in pigeons and an- terolateral part of the dorsolateral area in Caiman) are similar in topographic location,

in exhibiting high succinate dehydrogenase activity (Baker-Cohen, '68), and as deriva- tives of similar migration layers (Kiillen, '53, '62). Such parallels suggest that these two areas are also derivatives of the same em- bryonic field, and possibly derivatives of an identical population of neurons, in some archosaurian reptilian group ancestral to both crocodiles and birds. The cyto- and myelc-architecture of the ektostriatum have been described in detail in pigeons (Karten and Hodos, '70). A comparable description of the rotunda1 projection area in Caiman would provide important evidence to assess further the similarities between these tel- encephalic visual areas in Caiman and pi- geons. Unfortunately, efforts to describe the cyto- and myelo-architecture of this visual area in Caiman have not yielded the dis- tinc tive features noted by Karten and Hodos ('70) that distinguish the ektostriatum of pigeons from surrounding parts of the tel- encephalon. Thus, the present comparison between the telencephalic visual areas in Caiman and pigeons would rest on consid- erably stronger ground should other sim- ilarities in morphology, physiology, and role in behavior be uncovered. Nevertheless, the experimentally proven evidence of a rotun- do-telencephalic projection in species as diverse as turtles (Hall and Ebner, '70a), crocodiles (present study), and pigeons (Karten and Hodos, '70) suggests that this pathway may be common to all nonmam- malian amniotes.

Comparison of thalamotelencephulic connections between Caiman and

certain mammals A major difficulty in a comparison of the

results of the present experiment with sim- ilar studies in mammals is knowing which nucleus in mammals is comparable to nu- cleus rotundus of Caiman. Identification of a homologous neuronal aggregate in mam- mals solely on the basis of cyto- and myelo- architectonic properties is hazardous. One has only to examine the diversity of nomen- clature that has resulted from such descrip tive studies of the thalamus in different mammals to know that this approach is unsatisfactory. Other than its telencephalic projections and its appearance in cell and fiber stained preparations, the only other feature that distinguishes nucleus rotundus


from other nuclei in the dorsal thalamus of Caiman is that it receives input from the optic tectum (Braford, ’72) but not from the retina (Burns and Goodman, ’67). A similar pattern of afferents to certain nuclear groups in the thalamus also occurs in mammals. Accordingly, such a relationship of afferent connections can serve as a start- ing point for a comparison between Caiman and certain mammals.

The optic tectum of Caiman and the superior colliculus of mammals probably are derivatives of the same embryonic field in some reptilian group ancestral to both crocodiles and mammals. However. addi- tional comparisons between subdivisions of the optic tectum of C a i m a n and the supe- rior colliculus of mammals are unclear. Such comparisons are important because the superior colliculus of mammals is not a homogeneous structure but a heterogene- ous area whose physiologic and anatomic properties vary according to depth. For ex- ample, receptive field properties of neurons in the most superficial layers of the superior colliculus differ from those of cells located in the intermediate and deep layers (cat: Straschill and Hoffinann, ’69; Stein and Arigbede, ’72; Gordon, ‘73; monkey: Cyna- der and Berman, ’72; rabbit; Masland et al., ’71; mouse: Drager and Hubel, ’75).

Not only are there differences in recep tive field properties between various layers of the superior colliculus but there are also differences in afferent and efferent fiber connections. These anatomical features have been studied in greatest detail in tree shrew and bushbaby and to a lesser extent in rhesus monkey. These studies demon- strate the presence of a direct visual chan- nel from the retina to the superficial layers of the superior colliculus (tree shrew: Tigges, ’66; Campbell et al., ’67; Laemle, ’68; monkey: Wilson and Toyne, ’70; Lund, ’72; bushbaby: Campos-Ortega and Cluver, ’68; Tigges and Tigges, ’70) and from here to the “pulvinar”2 (tree shrew: Harting, Hall et al., ’73; rhesus monkey: Benevento and Fallon, ’75; bushbaby: Glendenning et al., ’75). The “pulvinar,” in turn, projects to a region of cortex located between stri- ate cortex (area 17) and auditory cortex (tree shrew: Harting et al., ’73; rhesus monkey: Rezak and Benevento. ’75; bush- baby: Glendenning et al., ’75).

In Caiman, nucleus rotundus is the only neuronal aggregate in the dorsal thalamus that receives input from the optic tectum (Braford, ’72) but not from the retina (Burns and Goodman, ’67). Although this input to nucleus rotundus may represent a direct visual channel via the superficial strata of the optic tectum, direct evidence in support of this statement is not yet avail- able in Caiman. However, preliminary evi- dence in lizards, Iguana iguuna (Foster et al., ’73), suggest that laminar projections of the optic tectum in this reptile are sim- ilar to the efferent connections of the supe- rior colliculus described for tree shrew (Harting, Hall et al., ’73), monkey (Bene- vento and Fallon, ’75), and bushbaby (Glendenning et al., ’75). In Iguana, retinal ganglion cell axons terminate in the super- ficial layers of the optic tectum (Butler and Northcutt, ’71). Lesions of this retinal re- cipient zone produce diffuse, sparse degen- eration in nuc1,eus rotundus. However, when the tectal lesion extends slightly deeper, more dense degeneration is seen in nucleus rotundus (Foster et al., ’73). If one extrapo- lates these findings in Iguana to suggest that an analogous situation exists in Cai- man, then nucleus rotundus of Caiman and the “pulvinar” of certain mammals are quite similar in terms of their afferent or- ganization.

A continuation of this comparison be- tween nucleus rotundus of crocodiles and the “pulvinar” of mammals demonstrates similarities as well as differences between the loci of termination of their efferents. Both nucleus rotundus and the “pulvinar” send a major projection to the telenceph- don. Those areas in mammals which re- ceive input from the “pulvinar” are highly laminated cortical zones located on the brain surface between the meninges and the lat- eral ventricle. On the other hand, that part of the telencephalon in Caiman that re- ceives input &om nucleus rotundus is not organized as a cortex but as a nucleus. Fur- thermore, this telencephalic visual area in Caiman is located deep within the brain and is in close relationship with the lateral ventricle but not with the meninges. Sim-

2 In this and subsequent discussion, “pulvinar” re- fers to that part of the thalamus in tree shrew, rhesus monkey, and bushbaby, that receives input from the su- perficial layers of the superior colliculus but not hom the retina.


i i j i

C 1



1 mm

1 2 3 4

Figure 9


ilar differences in morphology and topo- graphic location of telencephalic projection areas of thalamic auditory areas in Caiman and certain mammals were also noted in a previous study (Pritz, '74b).

Organization of auditory and visual systems in Caiman

The torus semicircularis pars centralis, the midbrain auditory area, and the optic tectum, the midbrain visual region, share similarities in topographic location, as- cending connections, and certain physiolog- ical properties (summarized in Pritz, '74a). The results of the present experiment to- gether with those of a previous study (Pritz, '74b) demonstrate parallels between nucle- us reuniens pars centralis, a diencephalic auditory area, and nucleus rotundus, a di- encephalic visual region. Each of these nu- clei, which share similar inputs from the midbrain and similar topographic location in the caudal thalamus, exhibit similar out- puts to the telencephalon. Ascending axons from each respective nucleus enter the dor- sal peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle, swing dorsally through the ventrolateral area, and terminate in the ipsilateral dor- solateral area. Furthermore, in each case the trajectory and locus of telencephalic ter- mination of axons from these sensory nu- clei reflect the topographic location in the thalamus of each respective nucleus. Ac- cordingly, axons from nucleus reuniens pars centralis, which is located in a caudal and medial part of the thalamus, remain re- stricted to a medial part of the lateral fore-

Fig. 9 Summary of ascending connections of auditory and visual systems that synapse in the midbrain of Caiman. A and B are outline drawings of Caiman brains drawn to scale that illustrate the plane of section and brain levels, 1 through 4, of similarly labeled transverse sections in C. Lateral (A) and parasagittal (B) views are figured. C is a diagram of composite transverse sections, 1 through 4, that show the auditory (solid lines) and visual (broken lines) pathways from the midbrain and their major connections. Abbreviations: Cb, cerebellum; D, nucleus diagonalis; DLA, dorsolateral area; Gv, ventral geniculate nucleus; H, hypothalamus; LFB, lateral forebrain bundle; LL, lateral lemniscus; MFB, medial forebrain bundle; MLF, medial longi- tudinal fasciculus; N 111, oculomotor nucleus; n 11, optic nerve; OB, olfactory bulb; OT, optic tract; PC, posterior commissure; PGF, periventncular gray and fibers; Rc, nucleus reuniens pars centralis; Rd, nucleus reunienspars diffisa; Rt, nucleusrotundus; SOD, supraoptic decussation; Tel, telencephalon; TeO, optic tectum; TS, torus semicircularis; VLA, ventrolateral area; 3, lamina 3 of the optic tectum; 5, lamina 5 of the optic tectum.

brain bundle and end in a caudal and m e dial part of the dorsolateral area (Pritz, '74b). On the other hand, axons from nu- cleus rotundus, which is located anterior and lateral to nucleus reuniens pars cen- tralis, remain restricted to a lateral part of the lateral forebrain bundle and terminate in an anterior and lateral part of the dorso- lateral area (present study). No overlap in the telencephalic projections of nucleus re- uniens pars centralis and nucleus rotundus could be demonstrated. Therefore, audition and vision are segregated in the telenceph- alon. Those parts of the dorsolateral area in Caiman that receive auditory and visual in- put from the thalamus correspond to the dorsal ventricular ridge of other reptiles and birds. A summary of these ascending connections of auditory and visual systems that synapse in the midbrain of Caiman is illustrated in figure 9.

These results emphasize certain features relative to the organization of these two sensory systems in Caiman. First, audition and vision, which remain separate in the midbrain, are also segregated in the dien- cephalon and telencephalon. Second, sev- eral parallels are present between ascend- ing connections of midbrain and thalamic auditory and visual areas. Third, further similarities in the more peripheral synaptic elements of these two sensory systems can also be demonstrated (table 1).

These parallels in fiber connections and synaptic elements are not unique to audi- tory and visual systems in Caiman. Similar fiber paths have been identified in other amniotes.

In other reptiles and birds, those portions of the telencephalon that ultimately receive sensory information by way of the midbrain are also located in the dorsal ventricular ridge (Hall and Ebner, '70a; Foster and Peele, '75; Karten, '68; Karten and Hodos, '70). This region of the forebrain is not only readily identifiable in most reptiles and birds but also is easily distinguished from cortex on the basis of its cytoarchitecture and location. Cortex possesses distinct lami- nae that include a surface fiber layer and neurons with dendritic trees that are polar- ized towards the pial surface. Furthermore, cortex is a surface structure that is located between the meninges and the lateral ven- tricle. The dorsal ventricular ridge, on the other hand, lacks the characteristic lami- nation and orientation of dendrites and a p



Generalized pattern ofsynaptic elements of sensory systems that synapse in the midbrain and the specijic structurc.s in the auditory and visual systems of Caiman

that correspond to this generalized scheme

Generalized pattern Vision of synaptic elements Audition

Rods and cones Receptor cells Hair cells Retinal bipolar cells Bipolar cells Spiral ganglion cells Retinal ganglion cells Long axon cells Cochlear nuclei cells Optic tectum Midbrain Central nucleus of the torus semicircularis Nucleus rotundus Thalamus Nucleus reuniens pars centralis Dorsal ventricular ridge Telencephalon Dorsal ventricular ridge

pears to be organized as a nucleus (which in certain reptiles is ensheathed by a band of neurons). In addition, the dorsal ventric- ular ridge is located deep within the brain and lies near the lateral ventricle. The dor- sal ventricular ridge is never bordered by the meninges. Differences in neuronal mor- phology and topographic location are not the only feature that distinguish the dorsal ventricular ridge from cortex in these r e p tiles and birds. Sensory systems that syn- apse in the midbrain proceed into the dorsal ventricular ridge (Hall and Ebner, '70a; Pritz, '74 b, present experiment; Foster and Peele, '75; Karten, '68; Karten and Hodos, '70) whereas sensory systems that bypass the midbrain to synapse directly in the thal- amus proceed into cortex (Hall and Ebner, '70a; Hunt and Webster, '72; Karten et al., '73; Meier et al., '74; Reperant et d., '74).

The division of sensory systems into those that synapse in the midbrain and those that bypass the midbrain to terminate directly in the thalamus adequately describes all thalamotelencephalic connections that have thus far been examined in reptiles and birds. However, only the modalities of audition and vision have been investigated in only a few groups of reptiles and birds. Therefore, hrther experimentation will be necessary to determine whether other amni- otes and other sensory systems follow this pattern.


I am grateful to Professor M. Singer for providing the facllities and support that al- lowed me to complete this research. I also thank T. J. Voneida, M. R. Braford, Jr., R. G. Northcutt, E. M. Pritz ;and R. B. Freeman. A portion of this study was fund- ed by PHS grant GM-00820-11 and NIH grant NS-08417-03.

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