Epilogue: Some Ideas for Performance- and Displacement-Based Seismic Design of New Buildings We thus have come to the end of a long development on current-generation seismic design, assessment and retrofitting of concrete buildings. Its emphasis has been on EN-Eurocode 8, scheduled to become the exclusive standard for earthquake resis- tance in Europe after March 2010. To this point we have focused on the present situation, with the aim to help designers apply the relevant parts of EN-Eurocode 8 correctly and cost-effectively and to familiarise them with their background. Part 3 of Eurocode 8, and other international codes for seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing buildings, do reflect the current State-of-the-Art and provide a firm basis for codified practice in the foreseeable future. However, this cannot be claimed with much confidence by seismic design standards for new concrete buildings, including Part 1 of Eurocode 8. Indeed, Section 6.4 noted at its closing that, once the new ideas for codified seismic assessment and retrofitting become established through successful application in practice, they are expected to infil- trate codes for seismic design of new buildings as well, marking a reversal of past traditions. Readers who have followed the long development in this book to its conclusion are invited now to follow it one step further, namely to some ideas for a possible future performance- and deformation-based seismic design of new concrete build- ings. Far from being a revolution in the design of concrete buildings for earthquake resistance, these ideas just aspire to introduce there the current State-of-the-Art, as reflected already in codified seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing buildings and in Part 3 of Eurocode 8 in particular. As a matter of fact, it is proposed to venture this in the form of a few measured steps, which preserve or emulate to the largest possible extent current codified design practice. The ideas presented below have evolved from the early work of Fardis and Pana- giotakos (1997c) and Panagiotakos and Fardis (1999, 2001c). According to the new proposal buildings are designed to meet all three performance levels: Immediate Occupancy, Life Safety and Near Collapse each at the appropriate seismic hazard level, defined through its own 5%-damped elastic spectrum. The proposed compliance criteria for the three performance levels are: 695

and Displacement-Based Seismic Design of New Buildings

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Epilogue: Some Ideas for Performance- andDisplacement-Based Seismic Design of NewBuildings

We thus have come to the end of a long development on current-generation seismicdesign, assessment and retrofitting of concrete buildings. Its emphasis has been onEN-Eurocode 8, scheduled to become the exclusive standard for earthquake resis-tance in Europe after March 2010. To this point we have focused on the presentsituation, with the aim to help designers apply the relevant parts of EN-Eurocode 8correctly and cost-effectively and to familiarise them with their background.

Part 3 of Eurocode 8, and other international codes for seismic assessment andretrofitting of existing buildings, do reflect the current State-of-the-Art and providea firm basis for codified practice in the foreseeable future. However, this cannotbe claimed with much confidence by seismic design standards for new concretebuildings, including Part 1 of Eurocode 8. Indeed, Section 6.4 noted at its closingthat, once the new ideas for codified seismic assessment and retrofitting becomeestablished through successful application in practice, they are expected to infil-trate codes for seismic design of new buildings as well, marking a reversal of pasttraditions.

Readers who have followed the long development in this book to its conclusionare invited now to follow it one step further, namely to some ideas for a possiblefuture performance- and deformation-based seismic design of new concrete build-ings. Far from being a revolution in the design of concrete buildings for earthquakeresistance, these ideas just aspire to introduce there the current State-of-the-Art, asreflected already in codified seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing buildingsand in Part 3 of Eurocode 8 in particular. As a matter of fact, it is proposed to venturethis in the form of a few measured steps, which preserve or emulate to the largestpossible extent current codified design practice.

The ideas presented below have evolved from the early work of Fardis and Pana-giotakos (1997c) and Panagiotakos and Fardis (1999, 2001c). According to the newproposal buildings are designed to meet all three performance levels:

– Immediate Occupancy,– Life Safety and– Near Collapse

each at the appropriate seismic hazard level, defined through its own 5%-dampedelastic spectrum. The proposed compliance criteria for the three performance levelsare:


696 Epilogue

1. Brittle (i.e., shear) failures of members, primary or secondary, and of their con-nections, should be prevented at all three performance levels.

2. At the Immediate Occupancy level, nominal yielding at potential plastic hingesmay be exceeded by a factor with a value around 2, which reflects a presumedoverstrength factor of at least 1.5 in materials and members and certain toleranceof flexural yielding at some sections.

3. At the Life Safety level, a safety margin against the ultimate chord rotation atmember ends should be provided.

4. At the Near Collapse performance level, member ends should stay below theirultimate chord rotations; indeed primary ones should have a margin for modeluncertainty.

The similarity with the Eurocode 8-Part 3 criteria in Table 6.1 for the three LimitStates is clear. The safety elements for the checks in 1 above may be those in Table6.1 for brittle members, primary or secondary. The safety margins in 3 and 4 againstultimate conditions in flexure may also be chosen the same as those in Table 6.1for primary or secondary ductile members at the Significant Damage and the NearCollapse Limit State, respectively. According to the reasoning in the last paragraphof Section 6.5.3, a constant ratio between the chord rotation limits for Life Safetyand Near Collapse (as in Table 6.1) implies that checking them at both these levelsis normally redundant. The Near Collapse level will govern, if the spectral valuesof its own seismic action at the important natural periods of the elastic structure(as determined in Step 5 below with the final effective stiffness values from Step4) clearly exceed those of the Life Safety seismic action by more than the inverseof the constant ratio of chord rotation limits at these levels. Conversely, if they areclearly less. Besides, the shear verifications are carried out only once. So, in the endthe three-tier design normally reduces to single-tier design for shear and a two-tierone for flexure.

The design procedure may comprise the following steps:

Step 1 – Conceptual design and sizing of members: Select the structurallayout following as closely as possible the guidance in Sections 2.1.3–2.1.13.Make sure that there is sufficient torsional stiffness to meet Eq. (2.4) in Sec-tion 2.1.6, and indeed with a margin. Size the members according to thefollowing, for fruition of Step 7:

– In each one of the two horizontal directions vertical members of the samefamily (i.e., walls or columns) should have as uniform a cross-sectionaldepth as possible. If the rotational restraint of members by others in theconsidered horizontal direction varies among members of the same family,those restrained more by others may be chosen with smaller depth than therest.

– The beam depth should be uniform all-along any plane frame, but may besmaller in frames with shorter spans than in others with longer ones.

Epilogue 697

– The beam depth should be gradually reduced from the base to the roof ofthe building.

Column sections should accommodate the intended beam bar sizes accordingto the relevant bond criteria, such as Eqs. (5.10) in Section 5.4.1.

Step 2 – Design for non-seismic actions: Dimension the reinforcement of allmembers on the basis of the Ultimate and the Serviceability Limit Statesfor all pertinent non-seismic actions (gravity loads, wind, etc.), taking intoaccount the minimum reinforcement requirements for structures withoutearthquake resistance. Redistribute beam ULS moments from supports tomid-span(s) or vice-versa, as appropriate and optimal in design for non-seismic actions.

Step 3 – Capacity Design against storey-sway mechanisms. Unless the wallsin a horizontal direction of the building are considered sufficient to precludea storey-sway mechanism, determine the vertical reinforcement of columnsto satisfy Eq. (1.4) in that direction, using there the beam moment resistancesresulting from earlier steps.1 Base this calculation on the axial force due togravity loads concurrent with the seismic action.

Step 4 – Member effective stiffness: Estimate the member effective stiffness(secant to yield-point) for the seismic action, (EI)eff:

– If this is the first time this step is carried out (see Step 8 for the itera-tions), use empirical expressions independent of the amount and layoutof longitudinal reinforcement (e.g., Eq. (3.69) in Section Checkthe result against the outcome of Eq. (3.68), averaged at the (two) end(s)where a plastic hinge might form and for both directions of bending, usingthe longitudinal reinforcement from Steps 2 and 3. Adopt the larger of thetwo (EI)eff-values: from Eq. (3.68) or (3.69). In these calculations use avalue for the shear span at member ends according to the guidance inSection (summarised also at point 2 of Section and inSection Use judgement to revise upwards the estimates from Eq.(3.69) in those vertical members (especially walls) which are expected tocome out of Step 7 with heavy longitudinal reinforcement.

– If the present step is carried out after Step 7 in the context of iterationstowards convergence of the stiffness values, calculate (EI)eff only from Eq.(3.68). To accelerate convergence, especially if different walls or columnshave different cross-sectional depth, use as shear span, Ls , in Eqs. (3.66),(3.68) the value of the moment-to-shear ratio from the seismic analysis inStep 5 at the end of the member where the moment is largest. Adopt thebeam effective flange width suggested in Section and count itsbars into the beam top reinforcement.

1 This step may be revisited in the framework of iterations involving Steps 3–7 (see Step 8).

698 Epilogue

Use throughout the step the axial force values due to the gravity loads con-current with the seismic action, as well as mean values of material propertiesestimated from nominal strengths.

Step 5 – Linear analysis for the Immediate Occupancy seismic action:Carry out a modal response spectrum analysis for the seismic action forwhich Immediate Occupancy performance is desired, using its 5%-dampedelastic spectrum and the estimates of effective stiffness from Step 4. Combinemodal contributions through the CQC rule (Eq. (4.11) in Section 4.4.3) andthe effects of individual seismic action components through Eq. (4.24) inSection 4.7.1.

Step 6 - Demand-capacity ratios for the Immediate Occupancy seismicaction: Calculate the ratio of:

– the elastic moment demand, D, taken equal to the seismic moment fromStep 5 plus the one due to the concurrent gravity loads, to

– the corresponding design resistance, C,

at any section where a primary member is connected to another one havingstiffness in a plane of bending normal to the vector of the moment in question.Use design values of material strengths (nominal ones divided by the partialfactor for the material) for the design value of moment resistance.

Step 7 - Tailoring of flexural capacities to demands for uniformly dis-tributed inelasticity: Increase the longitudinal reinforcement at all locationswhere plastic hinges are intended to develop, so that their D/C ratios are asuniform as possible:

– within families of such locations, notably:

� the wall base sections in wall and dual systems,� the column base sections in frame and dual systems,� the end sections of primary beams connected to stronger columns (i.e.,

whose sum of moment resistances above and below a joint exceeds thecorresponding sum in the beams framing into the joint), and

� the end sections of primary columns connected to stronger beams (i.e.,whose sum of moment resistances across the joint exceeds that of thecolumns above and below the same joint), as well as

– between different families, as relevant.

According to the compliance criterion for the Immediate Occupancy per-formance level (criterion no. 2 above), the target D/C-value in each familyis (around) 2. However, important plastic hinge locations may have comeout of Step 5 with D/C values markedly below this target. If the C-value atsuch a location is governed by Step 2, it cannot be reduced to increase D/Ctowards the target value of 2.0. Unless such low D/C values are sporadic anddo not cast doubt about the prevailing plastic mechanism, we may go ahead to

Epilogue 699

achieve the target D/C-value at these locations by raising the seismic actionfor Immediate Occupancy performance (and of course the capacities at allother locations, so that D/C ≈ 2 there under the increased seismic hazardlevel).

Step 8 – Iterations with updated stiffness values. Repeat Steps 3–7, usingeverywhere the longitudinal reinforcement from Step 7. The change in stiff-ness may change the demands and partly undo the harmonisation achievedin Step 8. So iterations may be needed through Steps 3–7 until satisfactoryconvergence. Depending on the progress towards convergence, we may haveto overshoot in Step 7 (i.e., increase the low C-values more than required forthe target D/C-value), in order to harmonise in the end the D/C values overall potential plastic hinges.

Step 9 – Capacity Design of force-controlled mechanisms: Derive throughcapacity design calculations (as in Section 6.5.5) the shear force demandsin all members or joints, the seismic internal forces in the foundation sys-tem and the forces transferred to the ground, using the final longitudinalreinforcement in all relevant members. Verify shear force demands againstcapacities derived according to the pertinent parts of Chapter 5 (Sections5.4.2, 5.5,, and, as relevant), using design values ofmaterial properties (nominal strengths divided by partial factor for the mate-rial) for primary members and mean values for secondary ones (cf. Table6.1). Verify the entire foundation system and the ground at the UltimateLimit State (ULS) for the forces derived in this step via capacity design.Increase member dimensions that turn out to be insufficient (including plandimensions of foundation elements) and repeat Steps 2–9 as necessary.

Step 10 – Analysis for the Life Safety or/and the Near Collapse seismicactions. Determine the chord rotation demands at all member ends due tosimultaneous horizontal components of the Life Safety or the Near Collapseseismic action, whichever seems most critical according to the criteria in thelast paragraph before the description of Step 1 above. Thanks to Steps 3, 7and 9, modal response spectrum analysis may well be used, with the 5%-damped elastic spectrum of the seismic action in question. If this spectrum isproportional to that of the Immediate Occupancy action over the range of nat-ural periods considered, seismic action effects from Step 5 are scaled-up bythat proportionality constant and added to those due to the concurrent gravityloads. Alternatively, nonlinear dynamic (response-history) analysis may becarried out both for the Life Safety and the Near Collapse seismic actions,following the guidance in Sections 4.6.2, 4.10.1 and, using in themodel mean values of material properties estimated from nominal strengths.

Step 11 – Member detailing for the required chord rotation capacities:Upgrade the chord rotation capacities of members to meet the correspondingcriteria of Table 6.1. To this end, wherever these criteria are violated:

a. increase the bottom reinforcement, if the member is a beam (see term ω′

in Eqs. (3.78)); and/or

700 Epilogue

b. increase the confining reinforcement ratio, ρsx , over an appropriate lengthnear the end in question (see exponent of the 2nd term before the last onein Eqs. (3.78)); and/or

c. replace part of any “web“ reinforcement distributed between the tensionand the compression one with a smaller total amount of tension pluscompression reinforcement, to increase ω2 in Eqs. (3.78) and reduce ω1

(which is the sum of the tension and “web“ reinforcement) while keepingthe yield moment, My , and the stiffness to yield-point, (EI)eff, unchanged;and/or

d. if the member is a column which is squat in a single plane of bending, ora short beam, add diagonal reinforcement (preferably by replacing part ofthe longitudinal one, to avoid increasing My and (EI)eff); and/or

e. increase the width of the web, bw, if it is small compared to the sectiondepth, h (see term involving h/bw in Eq. (3.78c)); in rectangular sectionsthis will also increase the width of the compression zone, b, and reducethe axial load ratio, ν, which is based on normalisation by bh.

Measures (a) and (e) above unavoidably increase My and (EI)eff. Normallythe increase is minor and does not warrant re-visiting any previous steps, pro-vided that Eq. (1.4) has been met in Step 3 with a margin. The same applies toany other measure involving the longitudinal reinforcement, if care has beentaken not to increase My and (EI)eff. Anyway, such an increase is safe-sided,thanks to co-lateral reductions of the seismic chord rotation demands fromStep 10.Implementation of measures (a)–(e) can best be served by Eqs. (3.78), whichreflect in an uncoupled and multiplicative fashion each one of the designparameters that may be changed (ω2, ω1, ρsx , ρd , h/bw), as well as anyparameter that varies during the response (notably, the shear span and theaxial load, Ls and N). Recall that a nonlinear dynamic analysis carried outfor the purposes of Step 10 gives the average and the maximum – acrossthe suite of time-histories – of the largest value of the ratio of chord rota-tion demand to capacity, as both vary during each response-history at themember end in question (flexural damage ratio).2 Note also that the termsinvolving any design parameter to be changed in the framework of measures(a)–(e) above appear separately and multiplicatively in the denominator ofthe flexural damage ratios and have the same value at the considered memberend across the response-histories. By contrast, the terms involving N and Ls

have different values in each response-history, namely the ones they assumedwhen the flexural damage ratio was at its largest. But as the flexural damageratio includes in the denominator these latter terms also separately and mul-tiplicatively, its average and maximum value in the suite of time-histories

2 For convenience, demand and capacity may be expressed in terms of the plastic part of chordrotation if Eqs. (3.78b) or (3.78c) are used, or in terms of total chord rotations if Eq. (3.78a) isapplied instead.

Epilogue 701

can be reduced to the desired level by (a combination of) measures (a)–(e)above, without affecting at all the variable terms (those involving N and Ls).So, Step 11 may successfully conclude without re-doing any analysis.

Although it may produce very different designs, the procedure itself differs onlyat few points from that of today’s force-based design with a behaviour factor, q:

1. In conceptual design it includes two explicit goals:

� The requirement to meet Eq. (2.4), as there is no q-factor anymore to penalisethe structural system for torsional sensitivity.

� The goal of uniform cross-sections among walls or columns and of smoothreduction of beam depths with decreasing average span of the frame and fromthe base to the roof. This is to promote the most important feature of thedesign procedure, notably the effort to prevent overstrengths and promoteuniform inelastic deformation demands in potential plastic hinges (see point3 below).

2. In order to realistically estimate seismic displacements and deformations, theanalysis uses a secant to yield-point stiffness (from Steps 5 and 8), which ismuch more representative than the default value of current codified force-baseddesign.

3. Although Steps 5–7 may look like blind force-based design with a force-reductionfactor of 2 for the Immediate Occupancy seismic action (i.e. with a q-factor of2 times the ratio of Life Safety to Immediate Occupancy seismic actions, or,in Eurocode 8 terminology, times the ratio of the design seismic action to thedamage limitation one), in reality their goal is to prevent overstrength at potentialplastic hinges and ensure uniform distribution of inelastic deformation demandsthere at all seismic action levels of interest. Steps 5–7 are repeated until thisgoal is met to a satisfactory degree. Note also that what appears as an effectiveq-factor of 2 on the Immediate Occupancy seismic action is applied on the sumof its effects to those of the concurrent gravity loads, and not on the ImmediateOccupancy action alone.

4. In current force-based seismic design any member end section is dimensionedat the ULS in bending once, for the most adverse effect between those producedfrom the factored non-seismic actions or from the combination of the design seis-mic action and the concurrent gravity loads.3 By contrast, in the above procedureULS dimensioning in bending is first carried out in Step 2 for the non-seismicactions and then re-visited in Step 7 for the Immediate Occupancy seismic action.

5. Detailing of members for ductility is based not on opaque prescriptions, but on atransparent explicit verification of inelastic deformation demands against capac-ity limits.

3 Provided that the same partial factors for materials are used in ULS design for non-seismic andfor seismic actions.


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Colour Plates

(a) (b)


Plate 1 Open ground storey collapses: (a) Kalamata, Greece, 1986; (b) Aegio, Greece, 1995; (c)Athens, 1999 (Left: collapsed unit; Right: spared similar unit, at right angles to that on the left).(See also Figure 2.10 on page 78)

Plate 2 Examples of shear failure of weak columns interacting with strong infills. (See alsoFigure 2.11 on page 79)


718 Colour Plates

Plate 3 Examples of captive column failures. (See also Figure 2.12 on page 81)

Colour Plates 719

(a) (b) (c)

Plate 4 (a) Stair flight failing in shear as an inclined wall element in its strong direction; (b)corner stair in an open ground floor causes damage to the column it is connected to at mid-storey;and (c) columns at the diagonally opposite corner of the building failed during torsional responsedue to the stair in (b) – shown near bottom right at the back. (See also Figure 2.13 on page 82)

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Plate 5 Flat slab frame after pseudodynamic test at the ELSA laboratory of the JRC: (a) sideparallel to loading; (b) hinge in slab in positive (sagging) bending and plastic hinges at columnbase; (c) side at right angles to loading, with slab damage around connections; (d) edge slab-column connection, 1st floor; (e) edge slab-column connection, 2nd floor; (f) edge slab-columnconnection, 3rd floor (pictures (d)–(f) courtesy F. Taucer, JRC). (See also Figure 2.17 on page107)

720 Colour Plates







Plate 6 Bearing capacity failures at: (a) in Mexico City (1985) (b)–(f) Adapazari (TR) in the 1999Kocaeli earthquake (courtesy G. Gazetas, NTUA). (See also Figure 2.18 on page 109)

Colour Plates 721

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i)

Plate 7 Examples of flexural damage or failure in the lab or in the field: (a), (b) horizontal crackat column top, concrete spalling at the corners, buckling of corner bars; (c) complete loss of cover,partial disintegration of concrete and buckling of bars in horizontal zone near the column top;(d) full loss of cover, partial disintegration of concrete and buckling of bars in horizontal zonejust above column base; (e) loss of cover, partial disintegration of concrete core and bar buckling,with tie opening-up on one side of a column above the base; (f) full disintegration of concrete andbuckling of bars in a lapping region at floor level; (g) through-depth cracking near the support of aT-beam with extension of the cracks into the slab at the top flange; (h) local crushing of concreteand bar buckling at the bottom of a T-beam; (i) disintegration of concrete and bar buckling at thebottom of a T-beam, with through-depth flexural cracks extending into the slab at the top flange(See also Figure 3.27 on page 204)

722 Colour Plates

Plate 8 Pull-out of beam bars from short anchorage in corner joint has produced fixed-end rotationduring the response and wide residual cracks (See also Figure 3.29 on page 208)

Colour Plates 723

Plate 9 Shear failures of columns or walls (See also Figure 3.35 on page 252)

724 Colour Plates

(a) (b) (c)

Plate 10 Shear failure of exterior joints. (a) reinforced joint; (b), (c): unreinforced joints (See alsoFigure 3.47 on page 288)

Colour Plates 725

Plate 11 Translation and twist histories, 3rd (left) and 2nd (right) floor in PsD test or analysis: (top)unretrofitted SPEAR building; (middle) with FRP-wraps; (bottom) with RC jackets (Kosmopoulosand Fardis 2004) (See also Figure 4.15 on page 418)

726 Colour Plates

Plate 12 Column damage index in flexure (left) or shear (right): (top) unretrofitted SPEAR build-ing, 0.15 g PGA; (middle) 0.2 g PGA with FRP-wraps; (bottom) ibid, with RC jackets (See alsoFigure 4.16 on page 420)

Colour Plates 727

Plate 13 Column damage index (demand-capacity ratio) in flexure (top) or shear (bottom); meanvalues from seismic response analyses of the 6-storey building subjected to the 30 “most likely”bidirectional ground motions at the site in the Athens 1999 earthquake (Kosmopoulos and Fardis2006) (See also Figure 4.17 on page 422)

728 Colour Plates

Plate 14 Shear force demand-capacity-ratio (damage index) in vertical members of stage (top)and theatre (bottom) of as-built theatre facility (mean value over 56 bidirectional ground motionsat PGA 0.1 g) (Kosmopoulos et al. 2007) (See also Figure 4.20 on page 425)

Colour Plates 729

(a) (b) (c)

Plate 15 Hand lay-up of FRPs in situ: (a), (b) dry fabric impregnated in place (courtesy A. Ilki);(c) impregnation of the fabric right before placing (See also Figure 6.3 on page 654)

Plate 16 Collector element of the wall in Fig. 6.5, fastened to the side of the perimeter beam (Seealso Figure 6.6 on page 670)

730 Colour Plates




Plate 17 Deformation and plastic hinging in retrofitted frame from nonlinear static analysis: (a)wall fixed at the base; (b) wall footing connected to tie-beams and uplifting; (c) detail of (b) at thebase of the wall and the footing (yellow circles: plastic hinges; larger red circles: flexural failure)(See also Figure 6.9 on page 674)

Colour Plates 731

Plate 18 Pushover response of retrofitted frame: (top) without tie-beams, using as parametersthe model and the size of the footing; (bottom) with 1 m deep, 7.5 m-by-3 m footing, using as –parameter the size of the tie-beam (See also Figure 6.10 on page 675)

732 Colour Plates

(a) (b)

Plate 19 FRP-retrofitted SPEAR test structure: (a) column with FRP-wrapped ends during theresponse; (b) large column retrofitted in shear

(a) (b) (c)

Plate 20 Vertical cracks in perimeter members of theatre building (a), (b), due to reinforcementcorrosion (c) (See also Figure 6.13 on page 686)

Colour Plates 733

Plate 21 Mean chord rotation demand in vertical members of the retrofitted building from seismicresponse analyses for 56 bidirectional ground motions at PGA = 0.36 g, divided by the correspond-ing chord rotation capacity for the Near Collapse Limit State (Kosmopoulos et al. 2007) (See alsoFigure 6.16 on page 690)

Plate 22 Mean damage ratio in shear in the vertical members of the retrofitted building withoutthe FRPs for 56 bidirectional ground motions at PGA = 0.36 g: shear force demand from theanalysis divided by the corresponding capacity for any Limit State (Kosmopoulos et al. 2007) (Seealso Figure 6.17 on page 690)


AAccidental actions, 14Accidental eccentricity, see Accidental torsionAccidental torsion, 57, 75, 337, 347–351, 482,

515–518, 560, 582, 609, 624ACI, xvi, 20, 21, 26, 30, 32, 41, 45, 106, 159,

160, 172, 220, 263, 442, 580, 655,659

Added walls, 667–671, 673–676, 686–689Aggregate interlock, 164–166AIJ, 259, 262–264, 273, 315Anchorage

by bend, 174, 284, 292, 466, 569, 570of FRP, 654, 692in joints, 89, 92, 208, 281–287, 443,

463–466, 522, 599, 697of reinforcement, 90–92, 443, 463–466,

469–574Axial deformations, 230, 231, 387Axial force

calculation, 93, 94, 517, 519–521in capacity design of columns in bending,

495–499, 520, 521, 525–528effect on cyclic flexure, 205–207, 230, 231,

233, 236effect on shear resistance, 259–263,

265–269, 271, 278, 293–296, 446for verification of columns in shear,

496–499, 533–537Axial stiffness, see Stiffness, axial

BBase shear, 42, 43, 111, 301, 312–316, 319,

326, 557–560, 583, 587Beams

capacity design in shear, 27–30, 481, 489,529–531

coupling, 43, 280deep, 280

dimensioning in bending, 481–484,522–524

dimensioning in shear, 27–30, 444,469–471, 481, 489, 528–531

effective flange width, 21, 22, 84, 85, 355,413

moment redistribution, 483, 484–489, 697retrofitting of, 633sizing of, 89–92, 696

Behaviour factor qbasic value, 43, 44, 444, 446, 450, 452,

453, 460, 514, 559dual systems, 43, 65, 103for force-based assessment or retrofitting,

625–627, 680frame systems, 43, 65, 103heightwise irregular buildings, 44, 79general, 9, 10, 18, 36, 39, 41–44, 65, 213,

219, 299, 301, 303, 310, 434, 437,438, 451, 453, 516, 559, 560, 566

inverted pendulum systems, 43, 44systems of large lightly reinforced walls,

473–475torsionally flexible systems, 43, 44, 453wall systems, 43, 44, 65, 100

Biaxialbending, 86, 101, 232, 234–237, 339–345,

380, 381, 386, 387, 414, 445, 490,492–494, 505, 525, 526, 620, 621,623

failure, 232, 235, 237loading, 75, 116, 232, 234–237, 414,

417–422yielding, 232, 236, 237

Bondin beam-column joints, 89, 92, 281–287,

291–294, 443, 463–466, 481, 522in cyclic loading, 169–171, 175, 282


736 Index

general, 166–175, 177, 184, 208, 386, 395strength, 167–171, 287

Boundary elementsin ductile walls, 447, 448, 450, 459–463,

482, 504, 565, 574–577, 640,667–669

in Eurocode 2 walls, 447, 575, 577in large lightly reinforced walls, 478, 479

Bracing system in steel, 476–478, 522–529Brittle

materials, 26, 174mode of behaviour, 11–13, 26–27, 275,

276, 396, 454, 612, 613, 618, 619,681

shear, 27, 251–253, 258–265Buckling of reinforcement, 131–136, 138, 634,

635, 640

CCapacity curve, 425–429, 496, 497, 521Capacity design

of columns in flexure, 20–24, 445,493–495, 524–528, 696

of foundation, 20, 115–118, 497, 538–541,547–552, 583, 591, 699

general, 15–20, 41, 45, 84, 88, 481, 699Capacity design forces for linear analysis

in the foundation, 617, 618, 699general, 613–615, 617, 618, 699shears in beams, 27–30, 614, 699shears in columns, 31, 32, 613, 699shears in joints, 287–290, 615, 699shears in walls, 33, 615, 699

Capacity design in shearbeams, 27–30, 444, 481, 489, 529–531,

699columns, 31, 32, 446, 481, 496, 533, 535,

699ductile walls, 33, 449, 482, 699general, 26, 27, 481, 699joints, 481, 489, 699

Centre of mass, 53, 56, 57, 59, 121, 122, 314,315, 317, 326, 329, 346, 347, 360,363, 364, 416, 417, 424, 426, 685

Centre of resistance, 53, 56, 121, 122, 416,417, 424, 426, 685

Centre of rigidity, 53–56, 59, 121, 122, 346,347, 416, 417, 424, 426, 685

Centre of stiffness, see Centre of rigidityCentre of strength, see Centre of resistanceCentre of twist, 55, 121, 122, 416, 417,

424, 426

Chord rotationcalculation, 214, 317, 318, 383, 387, 392,

395, 429–432, 611, 612, 619, 620definition, 16, 17ductility factor, 16, 18, 383, 393, 433, 436,

439, 605ultimate, 138, 139, 222–224, 227–230, 237,

240–247, 250, 393, 396, 397, 414,610, 612, 620–622, 636, 645–649,656–658, 697, 699

at yielding, 216–219, 221, 224, 228, 230,236–242, 245, 249, 250, 267, 493,494, 612, 636, 645–649, 657, 658

Collapse examples, 53, 60, 61, 67, 69, 78, 109,119–128

Collapse prevention, see Near CollapseColumns

capacity design in flexure, 20–24, 445,493–495, 524–528, 697

capacity design in shear, 31, 32, 446, 481,496, 533, 535, 699

circular, 150–152, 160, 161, 173, 255–268,661

confining reinforcement, 150–157, 228,229, 246, 445, 446, 456–460, 481,532, 533, 644

detailing, 151–155, 445, 446dimensioning in shear, 446, 481retrofitting with concrete jackets, 558–560,

562, 637–649, 685with lap-spliced bars, 238–241, 244–247retrofitting with FRP, 557, 559, 560, 562,

649, 654–661, 655, 684, 685retrofitting with steel jackets, 661–667sizing of, 92–94, 696

Combinationof actions, 13, 90, 482, 490, 510of factored gravity loads, 90, 91, 482,

490, 510CQC, 320, 321, 330, 331, 345, 698of modal contributions, 319–321of seismic action components, 332,

338–345, 350, 498, 519, 520, 525,539, 698

SRSS, 320, 321, 332, 338, 342–345, 348,415, 430, 431, 498, 520, 525, 539

Complete Quadratic Combination (CQC), 320,321, 330, 331, 345, 698

Compression zone, 133–136, 143, 147–150,156, 157, 162, 179–181, 186–198,203, 228, 238, 240, 258, 273,291, 455, 461, 462, 478, 575–577,645, 648

Index 737

Conceptual designof dual systems, 103–105of foundation, 108–115of frame systems, 83–94general, xiv, 47–50, 696of wall systems, 94–103

Concreteconfined, 143–163cyclic stress-strain behaviour, 142, 143minumum requirements in Eurocode 8,

163, 164ultimate strain, 147–149

Concrete jacketsconfinement, 644detailing, 639–643moment resistance, 644–648shear strengthening, 646, 649stiffness, 644–648ultimate deformation, 644–648

Confidence factor, 607, 608, 610, 613–617,620–623, 626, 649, 658

Confinementeffectiveness factor, 145, 150–153,

155–157, 161–163, 243, 405, 450,532, 533, 575–577, 663

by FRP wrapping, 157–163, 174, 242–247,656, 657

of lap splices, 167, 172–174, 238–241,244–247

models, 144–150of circular sections, 150–152, 160, 161of rectangular sections, 151, 153–157, 162,

457, 459by steel jackets, 663, 664by transverse reinforcement, 150–157,

175, 228, 229, 246, 294, 445–447,456–473, 481, 482, 532, 533,575–577, 644, 700

of wall boundary elements, 459–463,574–577

Coupled walls, see Walls coupledCoupling axial-flexural, 99, 100, 205–207,

230, 231, 233, 234, 386–388Critical regions, 139, 140, 441–449, 452,

453, 455–463, 469–472, 481, 482,528–538, 566–567, 575–577

Curvaturedefinition, 178ductility factor, 213, 223, 443–461, 515,

523, 533, 575–577at yielding, 139, 179–183, 185, 213,

216–218, 222–224, 238–241, 389,390, 455, 461, 610, 621, 644

ultimate, 139, 148, 149, 185–195, 210–213,222–224, 240, 242, 244, 247, 389,396, 397, 455, 457, 461, 610, 621,622, 656


examples, 79, 81, 82, 107, 168, 204, 208,252, 288

limitation, 6–8, 19, 305, 439, 626, 627Damage limitation (LS), 7, 603, 604, 612, 618,

624–626, 681Damping

hysteretic, 235, 401–403, 406, 409, 410Rayleigh, 333, 334, 414viscous, 304, 305, 307, 320, 333, 334,

414, 431Demand-to-capacity ratio D/C, 428, 429, 431,

609, 698, 699Design seismic action, 1, 2, 6–9, 13–15, 37,

42, 305, 331, 332, 366, 432, 434,437, 439, 626, 627, 701

Design situationpersistent and transient, 14, 64, 86, 90, 508,

697seismic, 13, 14, 64, 88

Detailingof beam-column joints, 463–466, 468,

469of beams, 443, 444, 454–456, 529–531of columns, 445, 446, 459, 460, 532–538of ductile walls, 447–450, 459–463, 565,

574–577for ductility, 11, 13, 20, 174, 175in Eurocode 8, 442–450, 454–466, 468,

469, 478–480, 529–538, 565,574–577

of large lightly reinforced walls, 478–480Diagonal strut

in infill panels, 366, 367, 404, 408, 409,499, 540, 624

in shear resistance, 261–264, 273, 274,282, 290–292

Diaphragmsflexible, 57, 67–70, 120–123, 125–128,

349, 355, 360–362, 414, 421,483

general, 57, 67–71, 103, 104, 113,120–123, 125–128, 444, 478, 480

modelling, 359–362, 414, 421, 483rigid, 70, 103, 104, 314, 317, 349, 355,

359, 360, 364verification, 577–582

738 Index

Displacement-basedassessment and retrofitting, 220, 221,

302–304, 427, 608design, 220, 694–701

Displacement calculation, 58, 302, 303, 329,330, 363, 418, 419, 426–432,434, 437

Dissipative zones, 13, 14, 19, 20, 442Dowel

action, 164–166, 202, 251, 254, 263, 265epoxy grouted, 641, 648, 668, 683,

687, 689Dual systems

definition, 43frame-equivalent, 43wall-equivalent, 43

Ductile shear, 251, 253–257, 265–269Ductile walls

design in flexure, 25, 26, 449, 482,502–506, 564, 565, 567, 569–574

detailing, 447–450, 459–463, 465, 574–577dimensioning in shear, 33–36, 449, 471,

472, 482, 506, 507, 566–568Ductility

definition, 11design for, 9–11, 36–38, 117, 118, 451–453detailing for, 11, 13, 20, 174, 175,

442–450, 454–466, 468, 469,478–480, 529–538, 565, 574–577

global, 9–11, 19–20local, 19–20, 138, 175, 451–463of materials, 137–141, 454, 455

Ductility Class (DC)H (high), 29, 31, 34–36, 39, 40, 43, 68, 74,

78, 79, 106, 118, 140, 141, 153,164, 209, 269, 271, 442–450

L (low), 39, 41, 74, 78, 106, 140, 141, 248,436, 443–450, 454

M (medium), 29, 31, 35, 36, 39, 40, 42–44,68, 74, 78, 79, 106, 140, 141, 153,164, 269, 442–450, 453

Ductility Classes (DCs) in Eurocode 8, 38–40Ductility factor

of chord rotation, 16, 18, 213, 223, 263,266, 269, 451

of curvature, 213, 223, 443–461, 515, 523,533, 575–577

of displacement, 10, 11, 18, 36, 213, 451

EEffective footing area, 540–542, 548, 549,

585, 586Effective stiffness, see Stiffness

Epoxy resins, 652, 653Equal displacement rule, 10, 37, 302, 328, 363,

427, 429, 434, 437Equivalent SDOF system, 9, 10, 426–430Eurocode 2, 14, 39, 140, 146, 147, 167, 168,

172, 187, 212, 218, 220, 226, 258,261, 263, 269, 271, 355, 412, 436,441, 444, 451–453, 455–457, 459,462, 464, 466, 469–472, 474–478,480, 486, 495, 506, 511, 528–532,534, 542, 544, 552, 562–564,566, 567, 569, 570, 575–577, 580,581, 591

Eurocode 6, 366, 367Eurocode 7, 108, 540, 584Eurocode 8

Part 1, xvi, 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 19–23, 27,29–36, 39–44, 52, 53, 56–58, 60,61, 65, 68, 74–76, 78, 79, 81, 90,103, 108, 117, 118, 163, 167, 209,247, 248, 271, 280, 281, 294–296,300–303, 305, 312–313, 318, 320,324–329, 331, 332, 337, 339, 347,353, 354, 359, 363–366, 368, 412,413, 427, 430, 432–436, 441–455,458–470, 472–479, 486, 488,492–494, 499–506, 526, 528, 529,532, 555, 556, 558, 560, 575–578,583, 584, 586

Part 3, xvi, 7, 144, 146, 149, 162, 212, 218,219, 221, 226, 229, 230, 238–240,243, 245–247, 267, 271, 279, 303,306, 324, 325, 328, 330, 366, 396,413, 421, 426, 430–434, 436, 439,451, 452, 602–626, 648, 649, 656,681, 686, 689

Part 5, 306, 374, 376


in brittle shear, 252, 253in ductile shear, 256, 257examples, 53, 60, 61, 67, 69, 78, 109,

119–128, 204, 208, 252, 288in flexure, 12, 82, 204, 253in shear, 79, 81, 82, 252, 288

Fibre models, 380–387, 395, 404Fibre Reinforced Polymers, see FRPsFixed-end rotation

general, 184, 185, 282–284, 385,386, 390, 393, 395, 401, 414,616

at ultimate, 208–211, 224at yielding, 185, 217–219

Index 739

Flat-slab framesbehaviour, 105–108in Eurocode 8, 106, 435, 555, 558modelling, 555, 558verification, 561–564

Flexure-shear interaction, 272–278Floor diaphragms, see DiaphragmsFootings

capacity design, 115–118, 480–482, 497,538–541, 547–552

modelling, 374–376, 410–412, 673–675rigid, 374, 376verification of bearing capacity, 497,

540–542, 548, 584–587verification in bending, 545–547, 553verification in shear, 543–545, 551, 552

Force-basedassessment and retrofitting, 600, 601,

625–627, 630, 682seismic design, 9, 19, 20, 65, 219, 299,

310, 426, 427, 701Force path

continuity, 67, 68, 633, 634, 668redundancy, 65, 85, 97, 102

Force-reduction factor R, 45, 299Foundation beams

design in flexure, 493, 494design in shear, 492, 493general, 97, 108, 112, 113, 117, 118, 426,

616, 618, 672, 689modelling, 370–373, 410verification of bearing capacity, 584–587

Foundation systembox-type, 97, 113, 114, 554, 582–593selection, 113–115shallow, 108

Foundation of walls, 97–99, 671–676Frames, 83–92, 103, 104, 480, 481, 507–538Frame systems definition, 43FRP anchorage, 654, 692FRP materials, 650–654FRPs, 157–163, 174, 241–247, 557, 559,

560, 562, 565, 650, 651, 684, 685,690–693

FRP-wrapped membersconfinement, 157–163, 174, 242–247, 656,

657, 684, 685moment resistance, 241, 245, 656, 657shear strengthening, 658–661, 690–693stiffness, 242, 245, 656, 657ultimate deformations, 242–247, 656, 657yielding, 241, 242, 245, 656, 657

Fundamental period, see Period, fundamental

HHorizontal components

combination of, 332, 338–345, 349, 350,498, 519, 520, 525, 539, 698

design spectrum, 310directions, 316, 338elastic response spectrum, 306, 307

Hysteresis rules, 334, 397–401, 413, 439

IImmediate Occupancy, 3, 4, 7, 8, 366, 695,

696, 698, 699, 701Importance Class, 2, 508, 516, 554, 560Importance factor, 2, 8, 39, 305, 508, 554Inelastic spectrum, 9–11, 36, 37, 328, 427,

451, 452Infilling of frames with RC, 666–671, 688, 689Infills, see Masonry infillsInput motions

artificial, 331conformity with spectrum, 331, 332minimum number, 333recorded, 331, 332simulated, 331, 332

Interfaceof concrete jacket to old member, 639,

641–643, 646–648, 668, 669of steel bracing to old frame, 683

Interstorey driftcalculation, 513, 516, 560, 561contributions to, 215limit (or verification), 6, 87, 88, 513, 516,

560, 561sensitivity coefficient, 363, 364, 516, 561

Inverted pendulum systems, 43, 44Irregularity in elevation

effects of, 60, 61, 76–78, 120–124of infills, 64, 76–78, 124

Irregularity in planeffects of, 52, 53, 75, 120–128of infills, 74, 75


beam-column, 280–297, 463–469bond and anchorage in, 89, 92, 281–283,

291–294, 443, 463–466, 481,522

shear force, 281–283, 287–290, 466, 481shear verification, 466–468, 699seismic, 57, 58, 629, 630, 687

LLap length, 72, 239, 240, 245, 246

740 Index

Lap-splicesand concrete jackets, 645, 646effect on stiffness, 238, 244, 245effect on ultimate deformation, 239–241,

245–247effect on yield moment, 238, 244, 245and FRP wrapping, 244–247, 649, 657of smooth bars, 241and steel jacket, 665, 666

Large lightly reinforced wallsin bending, 474, 475definition, 473in shear, 475–478system of, 472–474

Large wallsbehaviour, 99–101in Eurocode 8, 472–480

Lateral force patternin linear static analysis, 314, 315, 508,

566in nonlinear static analysis, 324, 325

Liability in retrofitting, 627, 628Life Safety, 3, 4, 7, 8, 366, 367, 426, 604, 686,

689, 695, 696, 699, 701Limit States (LS), 5–8, 603, 604, 618, 619,

623, 624, 626, 628, 681, 686, 689,696

Linear analysis applicability conditions, 428,429, 609

Linear modellingbeams and columns, 354–356floor diaphragms, 359–362, 414, 421footings, 474–476foundation beams, 370–373foundation elements, 369–376infill panels, 365–369soil compliance, 369–376staircases, 362walls (U-shaped), 357–359

Linear static analysisapplicability conditions, 311, 312force pattern, 314, 315, 508, 566

Load-path, see Force pathLow seismicity, 39, 106Lumped inelasticity models, 390–395,

404, 413

MMasonry infills

adverse local effects, 79–81, 499–502effects of, 72–81in existing buildings, 599, 602, 605–608,

624, 625, 627, 631

general, 6, 36irregularity in elevation, 74, 76–78, 124irregularity in plan, 74, 75modelling, 365–369, 404–410shear resistance, 408, 409, 500

Mean return period, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 14, 405,406, 604

Modal response spectrum analysis, 300, 301,303, 315–321, 329, 338, 341–345,347, 350, 367, 430, 431, 498, 608,698, 699

Model Code 90, 146, 147, 169, 258, 259,261–263, 270

Modellingin assessment and retrofitting, 609–612for linear analysis, 352–379for nonlinear analysis, 379–412

Modes, normal, see Normal modesMoment-curvature, 183–203, 256, 257, 389,

390, 397–401Moment frames

intermediate, 30, 41, 45ordinary, 41, 45special, 23, 24, 30, 32, 41, 45

NNear Collapse, 3, 4, 7, 8, 306, 366, 426, 603,

604, 612, 619, 623, 624, 681, 689,690, 695, 696, 699

NEHRP, xvi, 8, 20, 26, 30, 40, 45, 46, 63,65, 66, 115, 130, 142–145, 147,161, 162, 168, 177, 183, 193, 257,263, 442

Neutral axis depth, 138, 149, 157, 177–181,184, 186–194, 196–198, 230–232,248, 261, 265, 266, 268, 273,291, 455, 458, 461–463, 484, 495,504, 648

Nonlinear dynamic analysisapplication examples, 415–426, 685,

689, 690input motions, 331–333modelling, 380–412numerical integration, 334, 335

Nonlinear modellingin Eurocode 8, 412of foundation uplift, 410–412, 673–675of infill panels, 404–410

Nonlinear response-history analysis, seeNonlinear dynamic analysis

Nonlinear static analysisadaptive schemes, 325in Eurocode 8, 324–329

Index 741

higher mode effects, 330torsional effects, 329

Non-structural elements (infills, etc.), 4, 6, 36,630, 667

Normal modescombination, 319–321minimum number, 318, 319in pushover analysis, 330

Numerical integration, 334, 335


factor, 20, 28–34, 41–46, 116, 451, 453,455, 459, 464, 467, 475, 476, 478

of materials, 20, 28–34, 39–41, 44–46, 116,451, 453, 455, 459, 464, 467, 475,476, 506, 578

of system, 42–46, 451Overturning moment, 83, 86, 93, 105, 111,

115, 315, 370, 378, 509, 519,582, 583

PP-Δ effects, see Second-order effectsPeak ground acceleration (PGA), 10, 40, 305,

306, 332, 374, 431, 623Performance

levels, 3–8, 305, 306, 366, 603, 604, 626,628, 695, 696

requirements, 1–8, 48, 306, 336, 596, 601,603, 604

Performance-basedassessment and retrofitting, 2–5, 7, 306,

336, 601, 630design, 2–5, 8, 695

Periodcorner (or transition), 10, 34, 304, 305, 307,

311–313, 326, 328, 429, 450, 615fundamental

horizontal, 9, 10, 34, 58, 59, 71, 111,301, 305, 311–314, 326–328, 332,370, 377, 378, 414, 427, 429, 450,473, 514, 559, 615

vertical, 321, 322, 332, 379natural (or modal), 306, 307, 309, 310, 316,

317, 319, 320Pile foundations, 108, 371, 376, 377Pinching, 184, 201–203, 206, 386, 398–403Plastic hinge

general, 11, 13, 16–18, 20, 23, 25–31,33, 34, 42, 51, 52, 78, 86, 88, 95,116, 138, 139, 222–224, 233, 241,242, 248, 254, 264, 393, 394, 442,

451–453, 455–463, 494, 501, 636,649, 656, 660, 674

length, 224–227, 240, 241, 247, 250, 621,622, 645–647

Plastic mechanismbeam-sway, 16–20, 64, 95, 324general, 16–18, 42, 65, 301, 324, 326, 327soft-storey, 16–20, 23–26, 64, 76–78, 86,

102, 103, 325Point-hinge models, see Lumped inelasticity

modelsPolyesters, 652, 653Pounding, 57, 58, 75, 629, 630, 686Prestressed members

ultimate deformation, 250yielding, 249, 250

Prestressing in Eurocode 8, 247, 248, 321, 435Primary members

in assessment and retrofitting, 433, 434,436, 437, 606, 609, 610, 618,624–627, 631, 633, 649, 681, 682

definition, 432in design of new buildings, 433–436,

442–556, 559–561, 564–593, 699Pseudodynamic test, 415, 417, 418, 685Pushover analysis, see Nonlinear static analysis

Qq-factor, see Behaviour factor q

RRadius of gyration, 58, 59, 511, 512, 556, 557Raft foundations, 108, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117,

371, 373, 410, 618Rapid screening, 597Rayleigh damping, see Damping, RayleighRayleigh quotient, 313, 514Redundancy, 42–44, 46, 52, 59, 64–66, 84, 85,

102, 103, 473Regularity in elevation criteria, 61–63Regularity in plan criteria, 53, 56–59Reinforcement

compression, 177, 179–181, 190–194,196–198, 201, 228, 229, 238, 240,275, 277, 279, 455, 503–505, 644,657, 700

confining, 150–157, 175, 228, 229, 246,294, 445–447, 456–463, 481, 482,532, 533, 575–577, 644, 700

inclined, 229, 279–281, 443, 444, 470, 471,481, 482, 700

slippage of, 184, 185, 208–211, 217–219,224, 281–287, 385, 386, 390, 393,395, 401, 414, 616

742 Index

tension, 138, 177, 179–181, 184, 186,190–194, 196–198, 199, 210–212,216–218, 228, 229, 249, 259, 260,275, 455, 503–505, 700

web (longitudinal), 179–181, 190–194,196–198, 228, 229, 472, 478,503–505, 700

Reinforcement ratiomaximum, 443–450, 455, 456mechanical, 156, 187, 190–194, 196–198,

228, 229, 260, 275, 277, 458–460,503–505

minimum, 443–450, 454volumetric, 146, 151, 154–156, 458, 459,

461Reinforcing bars

anchorage, 90–92, 443, 463–466, 569–574bending diameter, 569, 570bond, 166–175, 177, 184, 208buckling, 131–136, 138, 157, 174, 175,

203–205, 280, 382, 395, 634,635, 640

curtailment, 569–574dowel action, 164–166, 202, 251, 254,

263, 265lap-spliced, 238–241, 244–247, 645, 646,

649, 657, 665, 666ribbed (deformed), 166–174, 182, 219,

221, 228–230, 238–241, 244–247smooth (plain), 648, 685, 687, 696, 707

Reinforcing steelclass, 140, 212, 453–455, 484cyclic stress-strain behaviour, 129–133requirements in Eurocode 8, 137–141strain at ultimate strength, 130, 135, 137,

139, 140, 147, 148, 186, 210–212time effects, 136, 137ultimate strain in cyclic loading, 210, 241ultimate strain in monotonic loading, 210,

211, 241ultimate strength, 130, 138–141yield stress, 129, 130, 140, 141

Repaired membersstiffness, 242, 636, 637ultimate deformation, 243, 244, 636, 637yielding, 242, 636, 637

Repair techniques, 634–636Response-history analysis, see Time-history

analysisResponse spectrum

design, 310elastic, 306, 307, 309horizontal, 306, 307, 310

inelastic, 9–11, 36, 37, 328, 427, 451, 452vertical, 309, 310

Retrofitting strategies, 628–634

SSafety factor

partial for actions, 91, 482, 490, 510partial for materials, 14, 21, 456, 464, 469,

543, 584, 622, 623, 655, 656, 664SEAOC, xvi, 2, 8, 20, 26, 30, 40, 45, 46,

63, 65, 66, 115, 130, 131, 138,142–145, 148, 149, 161, 162, 168,177, 183, 193, 199, 257, 263, 442

Secondary membersin assessment or retrofitting, 433, 434, 436,

437, 439, 602, 606, 609, 612, 618,626, 627, 630, 682

definition, 432modelling, 437–439, 609, 610, 612in new buildings, 433–436, 437–439, 443,

445, 501, 556–558, 561–564, 699Second-order effects, 87, 96, 220, 349, 363,

364, 474, 516, 561Seismic hazard, 2–5, 7, 8, 14, 305, 306, 601,

603, 604, 626, 695, 699Seismic joint, see Joint(s), seismicShear

in joints, 281–283, 287–290sliding, 280, 449, 450, 470, 471, 477,

482, 578Shear resistance

cyclic loading, 253–257, 265–269in diagonal compression, 270, 271in diagonal tension, 265–269of joints, 290–297monotonic loading, 258–264of short (squat) columns, 278, 279of walls, 270, 271, 448–450

Shear span, 80, 94, 96, 138, 176, 177, 184,214–216, 221, 223, 224, 393, 394,396, 413, 414, 472, 502, 611, 619,623, 700

Shear span ratio, 11, 12, 44, 84, 89, 91, 94, 96,100, 176, 225, 228, 229, 264–268,270–279, 403

Shift rule, 216, 217, 448, 483, 564, 593Short columns

design, 24, 272–280vulnerability, 79–81, 112, 598

Significant Damage (LS), 7, 603, 604, 612,619, 623, 624, 626, 681, 682,686, 689

Soil bearing capacity, 540–542, 548, 584–587

Index 743

Soil compliance, 370–376SPEAR test-building, 415–421, 429, 684, 685Spectral displacement, 304, 305, 317, 326, 328Spectral pseudoacceleration, 8, 10, 34, 40,

304–307, 309, 615Spectral pseudovelocity, 10, 98, 304, 305,

311–313Spread inelasticity models, 387–390Square Root of the Sum of Squares (SRSS),

see Combination, SRSSSquat columns, see Short columnsStaircases

effects of, 82, 83modelling, 362, 414stiffness, 362, 598

Steel jacketed membersconfinement, 663lap splices, 665, 666moment resistance, 666, 667shear strengthening, 664, 665stiffness, 666, 667ultimate deformations, 666, 667yielding, 666, 667

Stiffnessaxial, 354, 390, 394in biaxial loading, 237cracked, 19, 220, 456, 460of floor diaphragms, 359–362secant to yield point, 219–222, 237–239,

242–245, 250, 393, 395–397, 413,417, 610, 611, 636, 645, 648,656, 657, 697, 699, 700

torsional, 354, 357, 359Stiffness degradation, 201, 233, 391, 399,

439, 613Strength degradation, 186, 203, 234, 251, 254,

255, 270, 271, 278, 401, 405, 409,419, 439, 613

Strong column-weak beam design, 16–20, 445,493–495, 524–528, 697

Strut-and-Tie models, 279, 476, 477, 578–582

TTarget displacement, 326, 328–330, 396Tension shift, see Shift ruleTension stiffening, 216Tie-beams, 7, 97, 108, 111–112, 116–118, 480,

617, 671–676

Time-history analysis, 301, 330–335, 337, 397,398, 417–419, 429, 430

T-, L-, U-compression zone, 181–183, 218,222, 225–227, 228, 229

Torsional effectsin linear analysis, 348, 349, 351in pushover analysis, 329

Torsionally flexible systems, 12, 13, 43, 44Torsional radius, 53–56, 58, 59, 511, 512,

556, 557

UUltimate chord rotation, see Chord rotation,

ultimateUltimate curvature, see Curvature, ultimateUltimate deformation definition, 135, 203, 205Uplift

of footings, 98, 99, 374–376, 410–412,475, 673–676

of walls, 99, 100US standards, xvi, 8, 20, 23, 26, 30, 33, 40, 45,

46, 63, 65, 66, 115, 130, 142–145,148, 161, 162, 168, 177, 183, 193,257, 263, 442

VVertical component

combination of components, 321, 332,338–345, 350

design for, 321–323design spectrum, 310elastic response spectrum, 309linear static analysis, 322, 323

WWall definition, 94Walls

coupled, 35, 43, 503, 504, 507design in flexure, 25, 26, 449, 482,

502–506, 564, 565, 567, 569–574design in shear, 33–36, 449, 471, 472, 482,

506, 507, 566–568foundation of, 97, 99, 671–676redistribution of design internal forces,

482, 502, 503, 507Wall systems

behaviour factor, 43, 44, 65, 100definition, 43