See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/235460271 Antiferromagnetic order and superlattice structure in nonsuperconducting and superconducting Rb_ {y} Fe_ {1.6+ x} Se_ {2} ARTICLE in PHYSICAL REVIEW B · AUGUST 2011 Impact Factor: 3.74 · DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.84.094504 · Source: arXiv CITATIONS 43 READS 48 21 AUTHORS, INCLUDING: Huibo B Cao Oak Ridge National Laboratory 94 PUBLICATIONS 630 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Shaoliang Li Chinese Academy of Sciences 126 PUBLICATIONS 872 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE M. D. Lumsden Oak Ridge National Laboratory 168 PUBLICATIONS 2,878 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Jeffrey W. Lynn National Institute of Standards and Technolo… 804 PUBLICATIONS 19,559 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Available from: Jeffrey W. Lynn Retrieved on: 04 February 2016

Antiferromagnetic order and superlattice structure in nonsuperconducting and superconducting Rb_{y}Fe_{1.6+x}Se_{2}

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Antiferromagnetic order and superlattice structure in nonsuperconducting andsuperconducting RbyFe1.6+xSe2

Meng Wang,1, 2 Miaoyin Wang,2 G. N. Li,1, 3 Q. Huang,3 C. H. Li,1 G. T. Tan,2, 4 C. L. Zhang,2

Huibo Cao,5 Wei Tian,6 Yang Zhao,3, 7 Y. C. Chen,1 X. Y. Lu,1 Bin Sheng,1 H. Q. Luo,1 S. L. Li,1

M. H. Fang,8 J. L. Zarestky,6 W. Ratcliff,3 M. D. Lumsden,5 J. W. Lynn,3 and Pengcheng Dai2, 1, ∗

1Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics,Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China

2Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-1200, USA3NIST Center for Neutron Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, USA

4College of Nuclear Science and Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China5Neutron Scattering Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6393, USA6Ames Laboratory and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA

7Department of Materials Science and Engineering,University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

8Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Neutron diffraction has been used to study the lattice and magnetic structures of the insulatingand superconducting RbyFe1.6+xSe2. For the insulating RbyFe1.6+xSe2, neutron polarization analy-sis and single crystal neutron diffraction unambiguously confirm the earlier proposed


5 blockantiferromagnetic structure. For superconducting samples (Tc = 30 K), we find that in addition tothe tetragonal


5 superlattice structure transition at 513 K, the material develops a separate√2×√

2 superlattice structure at a lower temperature of 480 K. These results suggest that super-conducting RbyFe1.6+xSe2 is phase separated with coexisting

√2 ×√

2 and√

5 ×√

5 superlatticestructures.

PACS numbers: 74.25.Ha, 74.70.-b, 78.70.Nx


The recent discovery of superconductivity around 30 Kin alkaline iron selenides AyFe1.6+xSe2 (A = K, Rb, Cs,Tl) [1–4] has generated considerable excitement in thecondensed matter physics community because the par-ent compounds of these materials are antiferromagnetic(AFM) insulators [3, 5] instead of being AFM metals asthe iron arsenide superconductors [6, 7]. Because of theirmetallic nature, band structure calculations for iron ar-senides have predicted the presence of the hole-like Fermisurfaces at the (0, 0) point and electron-like Fermi sur-faces at the M(π, 0)/(0, π) points in the Brioullion zoneusing an orthorhombic full lattice unit cell [8, 9]. Asa consequence, Fermi surface nesting and quasiparticleexcitations between the hole and electron pockets cangive rise to static AFM spin-density-wave order at thein-plane wave vector Q = (π, 0) [10]. Indeed, neutrondiffraction experiments have confirmed the Q = (π, 0)AFM order in the parent compounds of iron arsenide su-perconductors, and doping to induce superconductivitysuppresses the static AFM order [7]. In addition, an-gle resolved photoemission (ARPES) measurements [11]have identified the expected hole and electron pocketsin superconducting iron arsenides, thus providing evi-dence for superconductivity arising from the sign reversedelectron-hole inter-pocket excitations [9, 12–14].

If Fermi surface nesting and electron-hole pocket exci-tations are essential ingredients for magnetism and super-

conductivity in Fe-based superconductors [7, 9, 10, 12–14], alkaline iron selenide superconductors should behavedifferently from iron arsenides since ARPES measure-ments on these materials reveal only electron Fermi sur-faces at M(π, 0)/(0, π) points and no hole Fermi surfaceat (0, 0) point [15–17]. Indeed, recent transmission elec-tron microscopy [18], X-ray and neutron diffraction ex-periments [19–25] have confirmed that the Fe vacancies inAyFe1.6+xSe2 form a


5 superlattice order as shownin Fig. 1(a) [5]. Furthermore, a block-type AFM struc-ture with a large moment aligned along the c-axis [Figs.(1a) and (1b)] has been proposed for both superconduct-ing and insulating AyFe1.6+xSe2 based on Rietveld anal-ysis of neutron powder diffraction data [21, 24]. In starkcontrast to other Fe-based superconductors, where op-timal superconductivity generally occurs in the absenceof a static AFM order [26], the large moment AFM or-der is believed to co-exist with superconductivity micro-scopically [27] and the superconducting phase developswithout much affecting the AFM order [24]. If magneticmoments up to 3.3 µB per Fe indeed coexist with op-timal superconductivity microscopically in AyFe1.6+xSe2as suggested in powder neutron diffraction [21, 24] andmuon rotation experiments [27], the electronic phase di-agram in this class of materials will be much differentthan the other Fe-based superconductors [8]. Since thesenew materials pose a major challenge to the current the-ories of superconductivity [29], it is important to confirmthe proposed magnetic structure in single crystals anddetermine its relationship with superconductivity.





v1 [





n] 1

4 A

ug 2



In this article, we present comprehensive neu-tron diffraction measurements on powder and singlecrystals of nonsuperconducting and superconductingRbyFe1.6+xSe2. We used neutron polarization analy-sis to separate the magnetic from nuclear scattering.From the Rietveld analysis of the neutron powder diffrac-tion data on nonsuperconducting Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 [30],we confirm the previously reported

√5 ×

√5 Fe va-

cancy order with I4/m space group [5]. Since Rietveldanalysis of the powder diffraction pattern cannot con-clusively separate the proposed block AFM structurefrom the quaternary collinear AFM structure with theI112′/m′ space group [21–25], we used four circle sin-gle crystal diffractometer to measure Bragg peaks asso-ciated with each AFM structure, and confirmed the pro-posed block AFM structure [21]. For superconductingRb0.75Fe1.63Se2 (Tc = 30 K), we find that in additionto the

√5 ×√

5 block AFM structure, the sample ex-hibits a quasi-two-dimensional


2 superlattice dis-tortion associated with wave vectors Q = (0.5, 0.5, L),where L = integers. These results suggest that latticestructures in superconducting RbyFe1.6+xSe2 are morecomplicated than the pure


5 superlattice unit cell,consistent with nanoscale phase separation seen by trans-mission electron microscopy [31, 32] and X-ray diffractionexperiments [33, 34].


We have carried out neutron diffraction experiments atthe BT-1 powder diffractometer and BT-7 thermal triple-axis spectrometer at the National Institute for Standardand Technology Center for Neutron Research. We havealso performed additional measurements at HB-1A triple-axis spectrometer and HB-3A four circle single crystaldiffractometer at the High-Flux Isotope Reactor, OakRidge National Laboratory. Our experimental setup forthe BT-1 powder diffraction measurements was describedpreviously [7]. For BT-7 measurements, we used polar-ized neutron scattering to separate the magnetic fromnonmagnetic scattering processes [35, 36]. In previouspowder diffraction measurements on AyFe1.6+xSe2 nearx = 0 [21, 22, 24, 25], the iron atoms were found toform an ordered vacancy structure with a

√5 ×√

5 × 1superlattice unit cell. Although a block AFM spin struc-ture with space group I4/m′ [Fig. 1(a) and Fig. 1(b)]was identified [21, 24], powder Rietveld analysis cannotconclusively distinguish the block AFM structure froma stripe-like AFM structure with I112′/m′ space group[Fig. 4(b)] [24, 25]. We have therefore used the HB-3Asingle crystal diffractometer to measure all the accessibleBragg peaks, and including the nonequivalent magneticreflections with the same momentum transfer that arefully overlapped in the powder diffraction experiments,thus providing more information to separate these two

FIG. 1: (color online) (a) Schematic of Fe nuclear and spinstructures in left chirality and (b) in right chirality. The plusand minus signs represent spin directions up and down alongthe c-axis, respectively. The solid and dashed squares are thetop views of the tetragonal cell (red) and the


5 super-lattice cell (blue), respectively. (c) The expected Bragg peakpositions in the [HT ,KT ] tetragonal unit cell notation for theleft chirality. The red circles with L = 1 are magnetic peaksand the black circles are nuclear peaks with L = 2. Thebrown squares are nuclear peaks for both even and odd L.The green star at (0.5,0.5) rlu is not an expected Bragg peakposition for the present structure. The inset is a schematic ofthe tetragonal and superlattice unit cell in reciprocal space.(d) The expected Bragg peaks from both left and right chi-ralities. (e,f) The same expected Bragg peaks in [HS ,KS ]superlattice unit cell notation.

magnetic structures. HB-3A uses a vertically focusingSi(2,2,0) monochromator with fixed wavelength of 1.536A [37]. The HB-1A triple-axis spectrometer has horizon-tal collimation 48′ − 48′ − 40′ − 68′ with fixed incidentbeam energy of Ei = 14.7 meV.

We begin our discussion by specifying the real andreciprocal space notations used in this article. Fig-ures 1(a) and 1(b) show the left and right chiralitiesof the proposed block AFM structures, respectively.The blue dashed lines show the structural and mag-netic unit cells for the

√5 ×

√5 Fe vacancy struc-

ture, while the red solid lines are the I4/mmm sym-metry tetragonal unit cell suitable for doped BaFe2As2[8]. The +,− signs indicate the Fe moment direc-tions parallel and anti-parallel to the c-axis, respectively.For easy comparison with previous work in iron pnic-


FIG. 2: (color online) Portion of the neutron powder diffrac-tion pattern for Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 at 480 K and its comparisonwith the expected neutron powder patterns for various pro-posed magnetic structures of AyFe1.6+xSe2 [38]. The plus andminus signs denote spin directions parallel and antiparallel tothe c-axis, respectively. The data and model fitted differenceplots are shown below. The weighted R factors for each modelare listed as follows: (a) Ferromagnetic or FM. Rwp = 7.81%.(b) checkerboard AFM. Rwp = 7.56%. (c) collinear AFM.Rwp = 9.93%. (d) bi-collinear AFM. Rwp = 9.7%. (e) Cell-in-collinear AFM. Rwp = 7.45%. (f) Cell-in-collinear AFM.Rwp = 7.44%. None of the models can fit the observed neu-tron powder diffraction pattern.

tides, we define wave vector Q = (qx, qy, qz) in A−1

as (HT ;KT ;LT ) = (qxaT /2π; qybT /2π; qzcT /2π) recip-rocal lattice units (rlu), where aT = bT ≈ 3.9 Aare lattice parameters for tetragonal unit cell of ironpnictides [28]. The Bragg peaks in the

√5 ×√

5 su-perlattice unit cell can be indexed as (HS ;KS ;LS) =(qxaS/2π; qybS/2π; qzcS/2π) rlu, where aS = bS =


aT =√

5 × bT = 8.73 A and cS = cT = 14.11 Afor the nonsuperconducting Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2, aS = bS =√

5× aT =√

5× bT = 8.74 A and cS = cT = 14.47 A forthe superconducting Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2. The Rb, Fe, andSe compositions are determined from inductively coupledplasma atomic emission spectroscopy analysis.

In iron pnictides, the Fe moments are in the Fe

FIG. 3: (color online) Two possible AFM structures thatcan equally well fit the neutron powder diffraction patternof Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 at 480 K. (a) Quaternary collinear AFMstructure and (b) block AFM structure. The Rwp factors forthese two magnetic structures are 7.0% and 6.95%, respec-tively. Both of these models were proposed earlier [24, 25].

plane along the a-axis direction [28]. The magneticBragg peaks occur at [m ± 0.5, n ± 0.5, L]T (m,n =0,±1,±2,±3..., L = odd) positions in tetragonal unitcell notation. For AyFe1.6+xSe2 with the block AFMstructure in Figure 1, the magnetic peaks from leftchirality are expected at (H,K,L)T = (0.2 + 2m +δ,−0.4 +n,LT ); (0.4 + 2m+ δ, 0.2 +n,LT ); (−0.2 + 2m+δ, 0.4 + n,LT ); (−0.4 + 2m + δ,−0.2 + n,LT ), (m,n =0,±1,±2, ..., LT = ±1,±3,±5..., when n is even, δ = 0;n is odd, δ = 1) as shown in Figs. 1(c) and 1(e). Ifone considers both left and right chiralities, the magneticpeaks will double and occur at (H,K,L)T = (±0.2+2m+δ,±0.4 + n,LT ); (±0.4 + 2m + δ,±0.2 + n,LT ), (m,n =0,±1,±2, ..., LT = ±1,±3,±5..., when n is even, δ = 0;n is odd, δ = 1). The nuclear Bragg reflections can beindexed the same way, but with L = even and when nis even, δ = 1; n is odd, δ = 0. The squares in Figs.1(c)-1(f) indicate nuclear Bragg peak positions in tetrag-onal and superlattice unit cell notation. The conversionof Miller indices between tetragonal and superlattice unitcell for left chirality is as follows:(




(2 1−1 2



)For right chirality, the conversion is:(




(2 −11 2




Our single crystals of RbyFe1.6+xSe2 were grown usingthe Bridgeman method. First, Fe2+δSe2 powders wereprepared with a high-purity powder of selenium (AlfaAesar, 99.99%) and iron (Alfa Aesar, 99.9%) as describedin Ref. [20]. The Fe2+δSe2 and Rb (Alfa Aesar, 99.75%)were then mixed in appropriate stoichiometry and were


put into an alumina crucible. The crucible was sealedin an evacuated silica ampoule. The mixture was heatedup to 1030◦C and kept over 3 h. Afterward the meltwas cooled down to 730◦C with a cooling rate of 6◦C/h,and finally the furnace was cooled to room temperaturewith the power shut off. Well-formed black crystals wereobtained which could be easily cleaved into plates withflat shiny surfaces. We have also grown RbyFe1.6+xSe2single crystals using flux method as described in Ref. [4].

For BT-1 powder diffraction measurements, we ground∼ 2 grams of single crystals of Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 andRb0.75Fe1.63Se2. For the experiment on HB-3A, weused a ∼0.5 gram single crystal from the same batch ofRb0.89Fe1.58Se2. For HB-1A unpolarized and BT-7 polar-ized neutron scattering measurements, we used 0.8 gramsingle crystals of Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 and Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2with less than 1◦ mosaic aligned in the [H,H,L]T zone intetragonal notation. To separate the magnetic order fromnonmagnetic scattering processes, we performed neutronpolarization analysis, where the neutron spin flip (SF)scattering for polarization direction parallel to the scat-tering plane (HF) gives pure magnetic scattering [36]. Inthe BT-7 setup, the spin polarization direction in theincident beam could be changed via a flipper and thespin polarization direction for the scattered beam wasfixed. The neutron SF magnetic scattering correspondsto flipper on, while the nuclear coherent scattering is withflipper off, which corresponds to nonspin flip (NSF) scat-tering. A horizontal guide field was directed along thein-plane momentum transfer (HF configuration), and theflipping ratio of ∼22 was obtained in this HF field config-uration using an incident energy of 14.7 meV. A pyrolyticgraphite (PG) filter was placed in the incident beam di-rection to suppress λ/2 scattering. A position-sensitivedetector (PSD) was used with open− 80′ − 80′ − radialcollimations. For all the polarized measurements, thesample was at room temperature and aligned in both the[H,H,L]T and [H, 0, L]T zones to reach the desired re-ciprocal space by tilting the sample goniometer.


We first discuss our neutron powder refinement resultson Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 with the goal of determining the mag-netic structure of the system. In previous theoreticalwork [38], eight possible magnetic structures have beenproposed for the


5 iron vacancy superlattice unitcell. Figure 2 summarizes the comparison between theobserved neutron diffraction intensity and calculated in-tensity for six suggested magnetic structures. As we cansee from the figure, all six magnetic models fail to de-scribe the observed spectrum.

In previous neutron powder diffraction work [21–25],it has been suggested that the block AFM structure Fig.3(b) and the quaternary collinear AFM structure in Fig.

FIG. 4: (color online) (a) Zero field cooled (ZFC) mag-netic susceptibility of 17.12 mg Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 at 30 Oe withH//ab plane measured using a commercial SQUID. No su-perconductivity was observed. (b) Magnetic structure in theI112′/m′ space group representation. (c) The experimentaldata collected from HB-3A. The data plotted are from onechiral domain. In single crystal diffraction experiments, wecompared several peaks from lef and right chiral domains andfound them to be the same. We used one domain for the datacollection, since this can save half of the beam time for a pointdetector diffractometer. The radius of the circles are propor-tional to the intensity of the Bragg peaks. The two peaksenclosed in the green ellipse have quite different intensitiesfor the I4/m′ and I112′/m′ AFM models. (d) The rock-ing curves for Bragg peaks QS = (3,−2,−1) (red circle) andQS = (2,−3,−1) (blue square). The black and green solidlines are the simulation of the expected magnetic intensitiesfor (2,−3,−1) in I4/m′ and I112′/m′ models, respectively,where the intensity of the (3,−2,−1) peak are normalized tothe value of the experiment. Error bars represent one stan-dard deviation. (e) The simulations of the expected Braggpeak intensity with the I4/m′ model. (f) Identical simulationwith the I112′/m′ model.

3(a) can both fit the observed neutron diffraction spec-tra [24, 25]. Our Rietveld analysis on Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 forboth AFM structures shown in Fig. 3 confirms this re-sult. Although the block AFM structure is thought tobe more energetically favorable [24], the AFM structureshown in Fig. 3(a) is not conclusively ruled out [25].

To conclusively determine the magnetic structure ofthe√


5 superlattice, we carried out neutron diffrac-tion experiments on an as-grown single crystal of non-


FIG. 5: (color online) Neutron polarization analysis with neu-tron guide field in the horizontal scattering plane along thewave vector direction for Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2. (a) Schematicsof the reciprocal space probed in the [HT ,KT ] plane. Thescans are along the arrow direction which depends on thelower goniometer arc tilting angles α. The observed scat-tering intensity in SF and NSF channels are plotted in the[H,Htanα,L]T plane of reciprocal space. (b) Magnetic peakQT = (1.2, 0.6, 1) appears in the SF (flipper on) channel anddisappears in the (c) NSF channel. (d),(e) Magnetic peakQT = (1.4, 1.2, 1) in the SF and NSF channels, respectively.(f-i) Nuclear peaks QT = (0.6, 0.2, 2) and QT = (1.4, 0.2, 2)show no observable scattering in the SF channel and the en-tire peak appears in the NSF channel. The color bars indicatethe strength of the neutron scattering intensity.

superconducting Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2. The zero field cooled(ZFC) magnetic susceptibility measurements on the sam-ple indicate no bulk superconductivity [Fig. 4(a)]. Asdiscussed in previous work [21–25], the block AFMstructure in Fig. 3(b) can be described by the spacegroup I4/m′, while the AFM structure in Fig. 4(b)has a space group of I112′/m′. Figures 4(e) and 4(f)show the expected AFM Bragg peak intensities in the(Hs,Ks,−1) scattering plane for the I4/m′ and I112′/m′

space groups, respectively. While the intensity of the

FIG. 6: (color online) (a) In-plane resistivity ofRb0.75Fe1.63Se2 indicating Tc = 30 K. (b) Susceptibilitymeasurements with 20 mT in-plane field on a 14.2 mgRb0.75Fe1.63Se2 single crystal confirm the superconductingtransition temperature Tc = 30 K. The left axis is thecalculated volume magnetic susceptibility indicating a ∼ 8%superconducting volume fraction. The right axis showmagnetic susceptibility in units of emu (1 emu= 10−3Am2).(c) Neutron powder diffraction pattern at 500 K showingthe refinement results for the sample including the

√5 ×√

5superlattice distortion. The superlattice induced peaks aremarked with arrows. (d) The neutron refinement results inthe paramagnetic state at 550 K.

Qs = (3,−2,−1) reflection is weaker than that of the(2,−3,−1) peak in the block AFM structure, Qs =(3,−2,−1) reflection should be stronger for the quater-nary collinear AFM structure. Comparison of the map-ping of the Bragg peaks in the (Hs,Ks,−1) scatteringplane in Fig. 4(c) with these two models in Figs. 4(e) and4(f) confirms that the block AFM structure with spacegroup I4/m′ is correct. The background subtracted rawdata for Qs = (3,−2,−1) and (2,−3,−1) Bragg peaksare shown in Fig. 4(d), which again confirm the blockAFM structure [21].


To further establish the magnetic nature of the pro-posed block AFM structure, we have measured all Braggpeaks in Fig. 1(d) by polarized neutrons, where SF andNSF scattering correspond to pure magnetic and purenuclear scattering, respectively, in the HF configuration.All measurements were done at room temperature allow-ing easy tilting of the samples to access different Braggpeaks. Figure 5 summarizes the reciprocal space probedand the raw SF and NSF scattering for different Braggpeaks in the tetragonal unit cell notation. Initially, wealigned the sample in the [H,H,L]T zone as shown in thedashed line of Fig. 5(a). The [H,H, 0]T and [0, 0, L]Taxes are aligned along the lower and upper arc axes ofthe goniometer, respectively. By rotating the lower arcof the goniometer by angles α as shown in Fig. 5(a),we can access magnetic Bragg peaks QT = (1.2, 0.6, 1)and QT = (1.4, 1.2, 1) associated with the block AFMstructure [Fig. 5(a)]. Figures 5(b)-5(e) reveal that theexpected magnetic Bragg peaks only appear in the SFchannel, and there are no features in the NSF chan-nel. Therefore, QT = (1.2, 0.6, 1) and QT = (1.4, 1.2, 1)Bragg reflections are are entirely magnetic in origin withno nuclear component. To access QT = (0.6, 0.2, 2)and QT = (1.4, 0.2, 2) peaks, we realigned the sam-ple to the [H, 0, L]T zone. Figures 5(f)-5(i) show thatQT = (0.6, 0.2, 2) and QT = (1.4, 0.2, 2) peaks appearentirely in the NSF channel thus revealing their nuclearorigin. These results conclusively establish the magneticnature of the block AFM structure with I4/m′ spacegroup for the nonsuperconducting Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2.

Although the block AFM structure for nonsupercon-ducting Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 is now firmly established, it isstill unclear how the static AFM order co-exists with su-perconductivity. In previous work [21, 23, 24], it wasargued that the block AFM order with huge momentsin AyFe1.6+xSe2 microscopically coexists with supercon-ductivity. However, recent X-ray diffraction measure-ments have provided compelling evidence for nanoscalephase separation in K0.8Fe1.6Se2 [33, 34]. To checkhow superconducting AyFe1.60+xSe2 differs from the non-superconducting samples, we prepared a single crys-tal Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2, where transport measurement showsTc = 30 K, metallic behavior below 250 K, and semicon-ducting characteristics above [Fig. 6(a)]. Although mag-netic susceptibility confirms the superconducting transi-tion at Tc = 30 K, we estimate that the superconductingvolume fraction in our sample is only around 8% [Fig.6(b)]. To determine the precise crystal lattice structureand atomic compositions, we carried out neutron powderdiffraction measurements on BT-1. Rietveld analysis ofthe powder diffraction data at 550 K using the I4/mmmspace group fits the data well [Fig. 6(d)]. At 500 K, Fevacancies order into a


5 superlattice structure asshown in Fig. 1(a) [5] and the powder diffraction patterncan be well described by the space group I4/m.

We have searched extensively for structural and mag-

FIG. 7: (color online) Triple-axis measurements on a singlecrystal of Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2 on HB-1A. (a) Elastic [0.51, 0.51, L]scans at different temperature. The scattering is above back-ground scattering at all L-values. The background scatteringis determined from [H,H] scans. All the peaks are centered atH ≈ 0.5 (not exactly at 0.5 due possibly to a small crystal mis-alignment on HB-1A). The strong L-modulation disappearsat 640 K. (b) Rocking curves of the (0.51,0.51,3) reflection at2 K and 540 K. (c) Temperature dependence of the peak in-tensity for the (0.51,0.51,3) reflection shows a first-order-liketransition above 480 K as marked by the arrow. (d) Tempera-ture dependence of the [H,H, 3] scans shows that the (0.5, 0.5)lattice distortion disappears at 495 K, below the tetragonal to√


5 superlattice reflection. (e) Widths of the (2,2,0) nu-clear reflection indicates a second-order-like structural tran-sition at 513 K. The solid lines are guides to the eye.

netic peaks in superconducting Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2. In addi-tion to confirming the


5 AFM peaks at identicalpositions as the nonsuperconducting Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2, wefind a set of new peaks at wave vectors QT ≈ (0.5, 0.5, L)where L = 0, 1, 2, 3, .... Along the c-axis, these peaksare broad and Lorentzian-like, and centered at integerL positions. They disappear on warming from 445 Kto 640 K [Fig. 7(a)], suggesting that they are associ-ated with either a magnetic phase transition or struc-tural lattice distortion not related to the known


5superlattice structure. The broad nature of the scatter-ing along the c-axis indicates that they are quasi two-dimensional. Figure 7(b) plots rocking curve scans atwave vector QT = (0.51, 0.51, 3), which again show thedisappearance of the low-temperature peak at 540 K. Todetermine the phase transition temperature associatedwith the QT ≈ (0.5, 0.5, L) peaks and compare thosewith the tetragonal (I4/mmm) to the

√5 ×√

5 super-lattice (I4/m) transition, we carefully measured the in-tensity of the (0.51, 0.51, 3)T peak and the width of the


FIG. 8: (color online) Low-temperature triple-axis measure-ments on Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2. (a) The [0.51, 0.51, L] scans belowand above Tc. The background are from [H,H]T scans andsolid lines are guides to the eye. (b-g) Elastic [H,H,L]T scansat L = 0, 1, 2, 3, 1.5, 2.5 below and above Tc. The lattice dis-tortion is not affected by the superconductivity.

(2, 2, 0)T Bragg peak. While the (0.51, 0.51, 3)T peakshows an abrupt first-order-like phase transition and dis-appears above 480 K [Fig. 7(c)], the Bragg peak width onthe (2, 2, 0)T reflection shows a second-order-like phasetransition at 513 K [Fig. 7(e)]. Figure 7(d) shows the[H,H, 3] scans at different temperatures, which displayno peak at 496 K, thus confirming that the phase tran-sition temperature for the QT ≈ (0.5, 0.5, L) peaks hap-pens at a lower temperature than that of the tetragonal-to-√


5 superlattice distortion.

To see if the two-dimensional QT ≈ (0.5, 0.5, L) scat-tering responds to the formation of the superconductiv-ity, we have carried out in-plane and c-axis scans be-low and above Tc = 30 K on Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2. We findthat these peaks do not exhibit any changes across Tc[Fig. 8(a)]. Figure 8(b)-(g) show elastic scans alongthe [H,H,L]T direction at L-values of L=0,1,2,3,1.5,2.5.For all L-values, we find peaks centered at H = 0.51rlu, confirming the two-dimensional nature of the scat-tering. In previous X-ray diffraction experiments onCsyFe2−xSe2, Pomjakushin et al. [25] have also foundpeaks at QT ≈ (0.5, 0.5, L). This means that a portionof the signal we observe at (0.5, 0.5, L) must be due toa structural distortion. To determine if there is any ad-ditional magnetic component in the (0.5, 0.5, L) scatter-ing, we performed neutron polarization analysis. Figures

FIG. 9: (color online) Polarized neutron scattering measure-ments near the [0.5, 0.5, L] Bragg peak for Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2at room temperature. The exerpimental configuration is thesame with that for Fig. 5. While the NSF scattering on theleft panel shows clear nuclear scattering centered around the[0.5, 0.5, L] positions, there is no evidence of SF scattering inthe same reciprocal region. This means that there is no elas-tic magnetic scattering at the same wave vector as the ironpnictides such as LaFeAsO [7].

9(a) and 9(b) show mappings of the reciprocal space inthe [H,H,L] zone for the NSF and SF scattering, re-spectively. While one can see a clear rod of scatteringcentered at L = 0, 1, 2 along the [0.5, 0.5, L] direction inthe NSF channel, the SF scattering is featureless in theentire probed range. Since the (0.5, 0.5, L) rod-like scat-tering is not compatible with the

√5 ×√

5 superlatticestructure, our data suggest that Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2 is phaseseparated and exhibits two structural transitions, one at513 K and the second one at 480 K.

FIG. 10: (color online) Neutron powder diffraction measure-ments on Rb0.75Fe1.50Se2 at 480 K. They are fit using a com-bination of 62.3% I4/m and 37.7% Pmna phases. The purpletrace indicates the intensity difference between the observed(green solid line) and calculated (red crosses) structures. Theleft inset is a schematic of the Pmna phase which can inducenuclear peaks at [m±0.5, n±0.5, L]T (m,n = 0,±1,±2,±3...).


In an attempt to determine the lattice structure as-sociated with the [0.5, 0.5, L] reflections, we carried outdetailed Rietveld analysis on the neutron powder diffrac-tion pattern. Since the [0.5, 0.5, L] reflections are muchweaker in the powder pattern, we were able to fit thepowder diffraction pattern with a combination of 62.3%√

5 ×√

5 superlattice (I4/m) and Rb0.75Fe1.32Se2 Fe-vacancy model in the inset of Fig. 10 (Pmna) [24]. How-ever, such an Fe-vacancy model with Pmna space groupwill not be able to explain the quasi two-dimensional rodscattering we observe in the triple-axis measurements.Therefore, it remains unclear what crystalline lattice dis-tortion gives rise to the observed superlattice reflections,although we know such scattering enlarges the nuclearunit cell by


2. We note that a recent X-ray studyon superconducting RbyFe1.6+xSe2 samples also found a√


2 superlattice structure [39].


Using single crystal neutron diffraction and neutronpolarization analysis, we have confirmed that the blockAFM structure in Fig. 1 is the only possible magneticstructure for insulating AFM Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2 [21]. Al-though we have also found a similar AFM structure forthe superconducting Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2, careful analysis ofthe diffraction spectra reveals another structural phasetransition associated with enlarged unit cell for supercon-ducting Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2. In previous ARPES measure-ments on superconducting AyFe1.6+xSe2 [15–17], differ-ent groups have reached the same conclusion concerningthe electron-like Fermi surfaces at M(π, 0)/(0, π) points.However, there have been debates concerning the originof the observed weak electron pockets near the Γ(0, 0)point [15, 17]. In principle, the electron pockets nearthe Γ point can arise from band folding if there existsa (0.5, 0.5) structural or magnetic phase transition [17].Our observation of the quasi two-dimensional (0.5, 0.5, L)superlattice reflections suggests that the observed elec-tron Fermi surfaces near the Γ(0, 0) point may indeedbe due to band folding instead of a surface state. Sincethe block AFM structure in insulating Rb0.89Fe1.58Se2cannot arise from Fermi surface nesting, we speculatethat the

√2 ×√

2 lattice distortions in superconduct-ing Rb0.75Fe1.63Se2 may be associated with the metallicportion of the sample. In this picture, the superconduct-ing phase in AyFe1.6+xSe2 may be mesoscopically phaseseparated from the nonsuperconducting phase, where su-perconductivity and AFM order are intertwined in a veryshort length scale and live in separate regions. Theoret-ically, it has been suggested that the AFe1.5Se2 phase isa semiconductor with a low energy band gap [40]. Sowith electron or hole doping, such a phase would becomenonmagnetic and superconducting. Although we haveno direct proof that the superconducting portion of the

sample is associated with the (0.5, 0.5, L) superlattice dis-tortion, systematic neutron scattering measurements arecurrently underway to investigate the relationship of suchphase to the block AFM order and superconductivity.


We are grateful to Jiangping Hu and Tao Xiang forhelpful discussions. Work at IOP is supported by theMinistry of Science and Technology of China (973 ProjectNo. 2010CB833102, 2010CB923002, 2011CBA00110),and Chinese Academy of Sciences. The single crys-tal growth and neutron scattering effort at UT is sup-ported by U.S. DOE BES under Grant No. DE-FG02-05ER46202 (P.D.). Work at ORNL neutron scatteringfacilities are supported by the Scientific User FacilitiesDivision, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, U.S. Depart-ment of Energy. Part of the work at UT is also supportedby the U.S. NSF-OISE-0968226 (P. D.). The work at ZJUis supported by by Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 10974175), the Ministry of Science and Tech-nology of China (973 Project No. 2011CBA00103).

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