ORIGINAL PAPER Assessing sustainability when data availability limits real-time estimates: using near-time indicators to extend sustainability metrics Matthew T. Heberling Matthew E. Hopton Received: 7 April 2011 / Accepted: 29 October 2013 / Published online: 19 November 2013 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside the USA) 2013 Abstract The goal of this paper is to highlight the problem of time lags in data releases that are necessary for calculating sustainability metrics and its effect on making informed management decisions. We produced a method- ology to assess whether a regional system is on a sustain- able path and tested it in south-central Colorado. We identified key components of the system and selected four sustainability metrics that measure those components. Metrics included: (1) ecological footprint (i.e., environ- mental burden), (2) green net regional product (GNRP) (i.e., economic well-being), (3) emergy (i.e., energy flows), and (4) Fisher information (i.e., dynamic order). Having calculated these metrics, we identified future research recommendations and limitations. One limitation was the delay between when an event occurred and when data on the event were released. Given, the recent push in gov- ernment agencies for calculating sustainability metrics, finding solutions for the time lag will be important. To address this limitation, we explore the potential of using both sustainability metrics and indicators that are available near-time to provide decision makers with better decision support. For the pilot study in Colorado, the metric cal- culations were 3 years behind present. Using near-time indicators that are publicly available before the metrics can be calculated might help to predict the path of the metric. As an example, we examine if specific near-time indicators are correlated with ecological balance (a component of ecological footprint) and GNRP. We use Spearman rank correlations and scatter plots to identify the relationship of the metrics and near-time indicators in an exploratory analysis. We offer research recommendations to consider. Keywords Sustainability Á Ecological footprint Á Green net regional product Á Data availability Á Data release Á Time lag Á Ecological balance Á Green accounting Introduction The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is interested in developing integrated, system- based decision tools that focus on sustainability. We wanted a general methodology applicable at many spatial scales (e.g., city, country, state, region, etc.) with appro- priate modification as data needs and availability change for the specific area under study. To test our general methodology, we initiated a pilot study in south-central Colorado, a region we refer to as the San Luis Basin (SLB). The research objectives of the pilot study were to: (1) determine the applicability of using existing datasets to estimate four metrics 1 of sustainability at a regional scale; (2) calculate metrics through time from 1980–2005; and (3) M. T. Heberling (&) Á M. E. Hopton National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Sustainable Technology Division, Sustainable Environments Branch, US EPA/ORD/NRMRL (MS 443), US EPA, 26 W MLK Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA e-mail: [email protected] M. E. Hopton e-mail: [email protected] 1 For clarification, we distinguish between ‘‘metric’’ or ‘‘index,’’ and ‘‘indicator.’’ Mayer (2008) defines an indicator as measuring one characteristic or variable (e.g., CO 2 emissions), but an index combines many indicators or variables through aggregation (e.g., ecological footprint). Therefore, indices can provide a multidimen- sional view of sustainability and are capable of quantifying the condition of an entire system. For this paper, metric and index are synonymous. 123 Clean Techn Environ Policy (2014) 16:739–748 DOI 10.1007/s10098-013-0683-6

Assessing sustainability when data availability limits real-time estimates: using near-time indicators to extend sustainability metrics

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Assessing sustainability when data availability limits real-timeestimates: using near-time indicators to extend sustainabilitymetrics

Matthew T. Heberling • Matthew E. Hopton

Received: 7 April 2011 / Accepted: 29 October 2013 / Published online: 19 November 2013

� Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (outside the USA) 2013

Abstract The goal of this paper is to highlight the

problem of time lags in data releases that are necessary for

calculating sustainability metrics and its effect on making

informed management decisions. We produced a method-

ology to assess whether a regional system is on a sustain-

able path and tested it in south-central Colorado. We

identified key components of the system and selected four

sustainability metrics that measure those components.

Metrics included: (1) ecological footprint (i.e., environ-

mental burden), (2) green net regional product (GNRP)

(i.e., economic well-being), (3) emergy (i.e., energy flows),

and (4) Fisher information (i.e., dynamic order). Having

calculated these metrics, we identified future research

recommendations and limitations. One limitation was the

delay between when an event occurred and when data on

the event were released. Given, the recent push in gov-

ernment agencies for calculating sustainability metrics,

finding solutions for the time lag will be important. To

address this limitation, we explore the potential of using

both sustainability metrics and indicators that are available

near-time to provide decision makers with better decision

support. For the pilot study in Colorado, the metric cal-

culations were 3 years behind present. Using near-time

indicators that are publicly available before the metrics can

be calculated might help to predict the path of the metric.

As an example, we examine if specific near-time indicators

are correlated with ecological balance (a component of

ecological footprint) and GNRP. We use Spearman rank

correlations and scatter plots to identify the relationship of

the metrics and near-time indicators in an exploratory

analysis. We offer research recommendations to consider.

Keywords Sustainability � Ecological footprint �Green net regional product � Data availability � Data

release � Time lag � Ecological balance � Green



The United States Environmental Protection Agency

(USEPA) is interested in developing integrated, system-

based decision tools that focus on sustainability. We

wanted a general methodology applicable at many spatial

scales (e.g., city, country, state, region, etc.) with appro-

priate modification as data needs and availability change

for the specific area under study. To test our general

methodology, we initiated a pilot study in south-central

Colorado, a region we refer to as the San Luis Basin (SLB).

The research objectives of the pilot study were to: (1)

determine the applicability of using existing datasets to

estimate four metrics1 of sustainability at a regional scale;

(2) calculate metrics through time from 1980–2005; and (3)

M. T. Heberling (&) � M. E. Hopton

National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Sustainable

Technology Division, Sustainable Environments Branch, US


Cincinnati, OH 45268, USA

e-mail: [email protected]

M. E. Hopton

e-mail: [email protected]

1 For clarification, we distinguish between ‘‘metric’’ or ‘‘index,’’ and

‘‘indicator.’’ Mayer (2008) defines an indicator as measuring one

characteristic or variable (e.g., CO2 emissions), but an index

combines many indicators or variables through aggregation (e.g.,

ecological footprint). Therefore, indices can provide a multidimen-

sional view of sustainability and are capable of quantifying the

condition of an entire system. For this paper, metric and index are



Clean Techn Environ Policy (2014) 16:739–748

DOI 10.1007/s10098-013-0683-6

compare and contrast the results to determine if the system

was moving toward or away from sustainability (i.e., the

path of sustainability).

To identify the trends in sustainability for the SLB, the

interdisciplinary research team, which included ecologists,

engineers, economists, geographers, physical scientists,

and outreach specialists, first determined the major com-

ponents of the system. Next, the team identified and tested

the four sustainability metrics thought to capture most of

these basic properties of a system. Specifically, (1) envi-

ronmental burden characterized by ecological footprint

analysis (EFA), (2) economic well-being ascertained from

green net regional product (GNRP), (3) flow and conser-

vation of energy through the system as computed from an

emergy analysis (EmA) and specific emergy indices such

as the ratio of renewable emergy used to total emergy used,

and (4) dynamic order (i.e., a well-functioning system has

an inherent order and departure from such a state can lead

to decreased function) as estimated from Fisher informa-

tion (FI). We successfully collected data appropriate to the

region and we were able to calculate the metrics through

time. A detailed description of the project, methodology,

and results can be found in San Luis Basin Sustainability

Metrics Project: A Methodology for Evaluating Regional

Sustainability (USEPA 2010) and a special collection in

Journal of Environmental Management (Heberling and

Hopton 2012).

Based on results from the pilot study, a potential limi-

tation of the methodology was how close to present time

the metrics could be calculated (USEPA 2010). The last

year we included in the calculations depended on when

collected data were publicly available (USEPA 2010). The

time lag would not allow us to calculate any metric more

recently than 3 years before present (i.e., 2005 data were

available in 2008). In other words, the calculations were

always 3 years behind the present year, limiting the use-

fulness for decision support.2 For instance, the effect of

management decisions made in 1 year (e.g., 2008) would

be based on metrics that were 3 years in the past (i.e.,

2005) and the results of the management action would not

be observable in the data or metrics for at least 3 years (i.e.,

2011). Although the delay of available data was 3 years for

this project, it could be more or less depending upon the

spatial scale under investigation and the types of data

needed. Knowledge gained from the pilot project led to a

number of avenues for future research, including ways to

mitigate the delay in available data (USEPA 2010). There

are potentially many approaches for dealing with this issue

including developing future scenarios to estimate how the

metrics might change or modeling the important systems

and varying important variables. However, these have their

own set of limitations including linkages that are difficult

to predict.

The goal of this paper is to highlight the problem of time

lags in data releases and availability of those data necessary

for calculating sustainability metrics. Both impact support-

ing decisions related to sustainability. In addition, we

explore the possibility of combining both the calculated

sustainability metrics and near-time indicators to provide

better information on sustainability. We define a near-time

indicator, as opposed to the lagging metric, as a variable

whose data are released to the public and are available close

to present time. Such variables that are available in a timely-

manner and show a strong correlation with a sustainability

metric could be used as proxies for the metric until all of the

data necessary to calculate the metric are available. These

proxies might provide insight to how the metric is moving

during those recent years for which all data necessary to

calculate the metric are not yet available. In effect, we are

proposing to extend the sustainability metrics to more recent

years using relevant near-time indicators. We explore fur-

ther below why this issue is a problem.

In this exploratory analysis, and to begin the conversa-

tion on time lags and sustainability metrics, we identify

potential near-time indicators by examining correlations

with the sustainability metrics. We are not suggesting

stopping the estimation of the sustainability metrics; rather,

we only are proposing using near-time indicators to predict

the trends until data are available for the full calculation.

By continuing the metric calculations, we also provide an

annual check on the relevant near-time indicators (i.e.,

examining whether the indicators still provide some pre-

dictability of trends). We did not find any existing sus-

tainability literature addressing data availability.


For this paper, we only focus on two of the four metrics in

the SLB study (EFA and GNRP) because we were able to

calculate values for all 26 years for these metrics. These

metrics, relatively speaking, are easier to disaggregate into

the variables and indicators used for calculations. We have

described in detail the data sources and approaches used to

calculate each of these metrics in USEPA (2010), Hopton

and White (2012), Heberling et al. (2012), but briefly

describe each approach below.

EFA is an effort to quantify human burden on the

environment. Rees (1992) and Wackernagel and Rees

(1996) applied and inverted the concept of carrying

capacity (i.e., the number of individuals a system of a given

2 We state there was a three-year lag for the original study, which

was based primarily on CO2 emissions data. For this particular

variable, a new approach for these emissions data was under

consideration (pers. comm., P. Lindstrom 2008). As Table 1 points

out, CO2 emissions now have a 2-year delay.

740 M. T. Heberling, M. E. Hopton


size or area can support) to humans by estimating the

amount of biologically productive (bioproductive) land that

is required to support a population of a given size at a given

standard of living and comparing this demand to the bio-

productive land that is available (i.e., biocapacity or sup-

ply) to support the population. The area of land necessary

for the production and maintenance of goods and services

consumed by the population was termed the ecological

footprint (the metric is named after this demand component

of the overall analysis). Sustainability is estimated by

relating the supply to demand of environmental resources.

We conducted conventional EFA accounting using the

compound approach as introduced by Wackernagel and

Rees (1996) and expanded by Chambers et al. (2000). This

approach is more inclusive and robust compared to the

component-based approach (Chambers et al. 2000). In

general, an EFA calculation requires: (1) the size of the

population in the study area, (2) the amount of consum-

ables used per individual, (3) the amount of energy con-

sumed per individual, and (4) the amount of biologically

productive land, as defined by EFA, available in the study

region. For this paper, we use ecological balance, supply

minus demand, for the SLB as the metric of interest (for the

remaining paper, we use EFA and ecological balance

interchangeably when we refer to the analyses in this

paper; see also Hopton and White 2012). Ecological bal-

ance could be a surplus if available biocapacity exceeds the

ecological footprint, or it could be a deficit if the ecological

footprint exceeds the available biocapacity. Ultimately, the

trend of ecological balance is important to reveal if the

system is moving toward sustainability.

Green net national product captures the economic well-

being of a nation by adjusting the standard measurements

of a nation’s economy (e.g., gross national product),

through explicitly incorporating the depreciation of all

capital stocks (e.g., manufactured, human, and natural

capital), consumption of ecosystem services, and damage

from pollution flows. Economists define sustainability as

non-declining utility over generations (e.g., Pezzey 2004;

Pezzey et al. 2006), which provides the decision rule for

examining a nation’s sustainability. Because we are look-

ing at a region, we call this metric GNRP (Heberling et al.

2012). Few economic studies have examined sustainability

at the regional scale as opposed to countries (e.g., Gram-

bsch et al. 1993; Gundimeda et al. 2007; Gren and Isacs

2009; Heberling et al. 2012).

Calculating net regional product (NRP), which is gross

regional product minus the depreciation of man-made capital,

moves us closer to our measure of interest. It does not include

the depreciation of natural capital. This component still has to

be estimated to calculate GNRP. The depreciation of natural

capital included primary components of natural capital in this

system (i.e., water quantity from groundwater, soil erosion

from wind, and CO2 emissions; USEPA 2010). We converted

these variables into dollars using standard economic approa-

ches. We also estimated the value of time from technological

progress (e.g., see Pezzey et al. 2006). Starting from NRP, we

deduct the costs of emissions, costs of soil erosion, and the

value of rent from groundwater stock. We then add the value

of time to estimate GNRP for the SLB (Heberling et al. 2012).

To compare the existing metric calculations with near-

time indicators, we need an approach for identifying a

potential set of indicators. There are a number of sources

for presenting criteria related to choosing indicators and

Ochola et al. (2003), for example, summarize several

studies that describe approaches for choosing and evalu-

ating indicators. For illustrative purposes, we present two

different sets of criteria used for choosing indicators.

Zarnowitz (1992) lists six criteria The National Bureau of

Economic Research uses for choosing business cycle

indicators. The following questions were used to identify

the appropriate measures (Zarnowitz 1992: 317–318):

1. How well understood and how important is the role in

business cycles of the variables represented by the

data? (the judgment on this is quantified in the score

for economic significance).

2. How well does the given series measure the economic

variable or process in question (statistical adequacy)?

3. How consistently has the series led (or coincided or

lagged) at business cycle peaks and troughs (timing at

recessions and revivals)?

4. How regularly have the movements in the specific indicator

reflected the expansions and contractions in the economy at

large (conformity to historical business cycles)?

5. How promptly can a cyclical turn in the series be

distinguished from directional change associated with

shorter, irregular movements (smoothness, which is

inversely related to the degree of statistical noise)?

6. How promptly available are the statistics and how

frequently are they reported (currency or timeliness)?

Jackson et al. (2000) provide guidelines for selecting

ecological indicators as part of the Office of Research and

Development’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Program. There are 15 guidelines for evaluating indicators

organized into four evaluation phases. The evaluation

process can be summarized into four related questions

(Jackson et al. 2000: 1–5):

Phase 1. Conceptual relevance: Is the indicator relevant to

the assessment question (management concern)

and to the ecological resource or function at risk?

Assessing sustainability when data availability limits real-time estimates 741


Phase 2. Feasibility of implementation: Are the methods

for sampling and measuring the environmental

variables technically feasible, appropriate, and

efficient for use in a monitoring program?

Phase 3. Response variability: Are human errors of mea-

surement and natural variability over time and

space sufficiently understood and documented?

Phase 4. Interpretation and utility: Will the indicator

convey information on ecological condition

that is meaningful to environmental decision-


Neither example is completely appropriate for identi-

fying near-time indicators for sustainability metrics

because their purposes differ from our objective. As the

number of sustainability studies increase, developing spe-

cific criteria for choosing near-time indicators should be a

research priority. We can glean relevant information from

the above criteria, however. As Jackson et al. (2000)

emphasize, the choice of indicators depends on the user’s

needs and objectives. Requests from stakeholders and

reviewers of the San Luis Basin Sustainability Metrics

Project focused on being able to predict future values of

the metrics. However, we were unable to calculate the

metrics for recent years, yet alone predict future values.

Zarnowitz (1992) highlights important criteria that cover

some aspects for this research. These include timely data

that cover the period between the final year of metric

calculation and present.

We specifically need indicators that are capable of

representing the sustainability metrics for the missing

years. One place to look for such near-time indicators that

may relate to the metrics is within data used to calculate the

sustainability metrics. By examining the variables included

in each of the metrics as an initial investigation, we can

identify data that are reported more frequently and more

quickly and provide an indication how the metric is

responding during the missing years. If additional indica-

tors are necessary, finding variables related to the main

components of the metrics makes sense. Once selected, we

determine if the indicators are significantly correlated with

the metrics and could serve as a proxy for the metric.

For the SLB project, GNRP can be broken down into

NRP, natural capital depreciation, and value of time. As

stated earlier, soil erosion, groundwater storage, and CO2

emissions were used for natural capital depreciation. For

EFA, the main components were population, agricultural

production and consumption, and energy consumption.

Given our methodologies for calculating GNRP and EFA,

Table 1 shows when data necessary to estimate the metrics

for year 2010 were available. Our goal was to identify

variables that could serve as near-time indicators, could

represent each metric, and were publicly available prior to

Table 1 Major variables needed to calculate sustainability metric

and potential near-time indicators for 2010 and year when data would

become available

Variables Month and year data

for 2010 were released

GNRP NRPa April 2012

Soil erosion October 2011

Groundwater storageb 2010

CO2 emissions October 2012

Near-time indicator Population estimatesc April 2011

Potatoes plantedd October 2011

Precipitatione April 2011

Total wagef March 2010 available

October 2010

Total employeesf March 2010 available

October 2010

Groundwater storageb 2010

EFA Food productiong February 2011

Food consumptionh February 2012

Energy consumptioni June 2012

Population estimatesc April 2011

Bioproductive landj 2011

Near-time indicator Population estimatesc April 2011

Potato productiong February 2011

Cereal productiong February 2011

Meat productiong February 2011

Precipitatione April 2011

a To estimate NRP, we require gross domestic product and consumption

of fixed capital for the US, gross domestic product and personal income

for Colorado and New Mexico, and personal income for the SLB

counties (USEPA 2010). The reason NRP only can be calculated in

April 2012 is that personal income for the SLB counties is released on

that date (all other variables are released in 2011)b Colorado’s Decision Support System can be used to examine histor-

ical water uses and future scenarios, so we state that water quantity

could be estimated for the current year (CWCB 2000)c Typically, estimates through July are released in December of the

current year and annual estimates are released in April of the following

year (http://www.census.gov/popest/topics/schedule.html and pers.

comm.—Katie Wengert, US Census Bureau, Population division)d http://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Colorado/index.aspe Pers. comm.—Jan Curtis, PRISM Project Manager, http://www.prism.

oregonstate.edu/products/matrix.phtmlf Total wage and employees are available from the US Bureau of Labor

Statistics. Accessed at: http://www.bls.gov/cew/releasecalendar.htmg http://www.nass.usda.gov/Data_and_Statistics/County_Data_Files/

Release_Schedule/index.asph Pers. comm.—Jean Buzby, USDA, Economic Research Servicei Pers. comm.—Barbara T. Fichman, Integrated Energy Statistics, Sur-

vey Development and Statistical Integration, Office of Energy Statisticsj Bioproductive land is calculated from National Agricultural Statistics

Service, USDA-Forest Service data, US Census Bureau data, and

National Land Condition Data and is dependent on release dates for

those datasets (USEPA 2010). National Agricultural Statistics Service

2007 was the last report (NASS 2009); 2012 will be released in February

2014. However, missing years are interpolated annually

742 M. T. Heberling, M. E. Hopton


when those metric components were available. Because of

the exploratory nature of this analysis, the near-time indi-

cators were our initial attempt and we selected a subset of

potentially relevant variables (see Table 1 for data sources).

For GNRP, we chose to test population, potatoes plan-

ted, precipitation, groundwater storage, total wage, and

total employees because of their timeliness of release. We

propose population, total wage, and total employees could

be correlated with GNRP because they are related to NRP.

Because of our approach for estimating wind erosion

(where potatoes planted is one of the major variables), we

thought that potatoes planted (as opposed to potato pro-

duction or potatoes harvested) is related to GNRP through

the soil erosion component (USEPA 2010). Finally, we

wanted to test whether precipitation and groundwater

storage were correlated with GNRP through agricultural

production and water quantity; groundwater storage was

our actual measure of water quantity in the calculation of

GNRP. Unfortunately, data for total wage and total

employees were not available for all 26 years; for this

paper, they were limited to 2001–2005.

For EFA, we selected meat, cereal, and potato produc-

tion (kg) as well as population and precipitation to test. We

thought agricultural production could be correlated with

ecological balance because it quantifies bioproductive land

and is available relatively soon after data are collected. We

test whether precipitation is correlated with ecological

balance because it can affect agricultural production (e.g.,

Rosenzweig et al. 2002). Finally, we thought population

might be correlated with EFA because human burden and

population are intricately linked (i.e., an increasing popu-

lation with level per capita consumption will lead to

increased burden).

We used Spearman rank correlation coefficients to

examine whether any of the near-time indicators correlate

closely with GNRP and EFA. Spearman rank correlation

coefficient is a non-parametric procedure that allows sig-

nificance to be assessed (Zar 1999). Often it is used as an

alternative to Pearson product-moment correlation coeffi-

cient because it is not as ‘‘sensitive to the shape of the

distribution or the presence of outliers’’ (Siegel and Mor-

gan 1996: 564). Most of our data failed the normality

assumption. The coefficient ranges between ?1 and -1,

which indicates a perfect positive correlation and a perfect

negative correlation, respectively. If the correlation is

strong, either negative or positive, we suggest the variable

could be used as a proxy or alternative for the actual cal-

culation of the metric (until the complete metric data set is

available) to cover the missing years. Rather than sepa-

rating into individual correlation tables, we decided to run

all the variables and metrics at one time. We did this for

two reasons. First, we wanted to see if any of the near-time

indicators were related and second, we wanted to see if

GNRP and EFA were correlated. We also created scatter

plots of the near-time indicators with the individual metrics

to provide additional insight into the relationship of the

metrics and near-time indicators. We analyzed these data

using STATISTICA, version 10.0.10113 and significance

was tested at P B 0.05.


Table 2 presents the Spearman rank correlation coefficients

for both GNRP and EFA. First, the analysis shows GNRP

and EFA are significantly negatively correlated (rs =

-0.75, P \ 0.0001) for these 26 years of data. Because of

this result, it is not surprising that near-time indicators

important for GNRP are important to ecological balance

and vice versa, albeit in an opposite manner. For example,

meat and cereal production (proposed near-time indicators

for ecological balance) were positively correlated with

EFA and were negatively related to GNRP whereas the

opposite was true for potato production (Table 2).

We are aware that calculating Spearman rank correla-

tion coefficients with very small samples could cause

interpretation problems. Therefore, we did not estimate the

correlation coefficients for GNRP, total wages, and total

employees. GNRP appeared strongly positively correlated

with population (rs = 0.84, P \ 0.0001). It exhibited a

positive correlation with potatoes planted, but the coeffi-

cient was smaller than the coefficient with population.

GNRP was not correlated with either precipitation or

groundwater storage for these 26 years.

Ecological balance showed a significant correlation with

all of the variables, excluding groundwater storage. Specif-

ically, ecological balance was negatively correlated with

population (rs = -0.92, P \ 0.0001), potatoes planted,

(rs = -0.51, P = 0.0084), potatoes produced (rs = -0.45,

P = 0.0221), and positively correlated with precipitation

(rs = 0.49, P = 0.0106), cereal production (rs = 0.46,

P = 0.0191), and meat production (rs = 0.45, P = 0.0197).

Figure 1 presents the scatter plot matrix for GNRP and

potential near-time indicators. Figure 2 displays those

potential near-time indicators for EFA.


We proposed and tested using near-time indicators to cover a

time lag in data availability that prevents calculating metrics

and to help identify the trends in two sustainability metrics.

These near-time indicators may serve as proxies for the

3 StatSoft, Inc. (2011). STATISTICA (data analysis software

system), version 10. www.statsoft.com.

Assessing sustainability when data availability limits real-time estimates 743


metrics during intervening years while waiting on data to be

released. If, for example, we focus on one or two variables,

both GNRP and EFA appear to have potential near-time

indicators based on our correlation analyses. However,

given the original proposed set of near-time indicators (i.e.,

Table 1), there were no strong negative correlations that

were statistically significant (i.e., |rs| C 0.7, P B 0.05) with

GNRP and no strong positive correlations that were statis-

tically significant with ecological balance.

For GNRP, population and potatoes planted are potential

near-time indicators. To be useful, near-time indicators

should correlate with the metrics and provide a warning for

movement away from sustainability, which would not be

found in this study unless population or potatoes planted

falls. Interestingly, notice that as GNRP increased, potatoes

planted peaked around $1.2 billion and then began to fall

(Fig. 1). This type of nonlinear relationship highlights the

limitation of only calculating Spearman rank correlation

coefficients and the importance of identifying threshold

effects for decision makers. For this region, GNRP was

driven by the market side (i.e., NRP) rather than the

depreciation of natural capital (USEPA 2010). For future

sustainability studies that have a large contribution from

the depreciation of natural capital, near-time indicators

might reveal information that would provide an early

warning for movement away from sustainability. For eco-

logical balance, population had a strong negative correla-

tion. Population makes sense as a near-time indicator

because EFA attempts to quantify the amount of resources

a population is consuming. As the population increases, all

things being equal (i.e., consumption per capita does not

change) the demand placed on the resources will increase

and fewer resources available per capita. Moreover, pop-

ulation is a good near-time indicator because estimated

data are released relatively quickly (i.e., April 2011 for

20104; Table 1).

It is interesting to note there is an inverse relationship

between GNRP and EFA (USEPA 2010), potentially con-

sistent with Nourry (2008), at least graphically, who

examined the sustainability of France. However, other

studies have not identified such a relationship between

GNRP and EFA (e.g., Hanley et al. 1999). With that said,

when examining the indicators proposed for EFA, GNRP

did have a negative correlation with ecological balance,

meat production, and cereal production. Because ecologi-

cal balance had a positive and significant relationship with

meat and cereal production, it is not surprising that GNRP

had a negative and significant correlation with the pro-

duction variables. For this region, if we calculate one

metric with less lag time, it could predict the other metric.

A final note about including all of the metrics and

indicators in the same correlation table revealed that

potato production (i.e., tuber production) and potatoes

Table 2 Spearman correlation coefficients for sustainability metrics and potential near-time indicators (1980–2005)

GNRP Population Potatoes


Precipitation Ground-


EFA Potato






GNRP 1.000

Population 0.84205










Precipitation -0.33402


















EFA -0.75385






























































Boldnames are the sustainability metrics of interest

P-values are in parentheses

4 Typically, population estimates for counties through July of a given

year are available in December of that year and annual estimates are

released in April of the following year. Because of the decadal census,

county estimates for 2010 were released March 2011.

744 M. T. Heberling, M. E. Hopton


planted showed a positive correlation, as one might

expect. Notice data for potatoes planted were released in

October 2011 for a 2010 calculation (Table 1). However,

data for potato production actually were released

8 months earlier. By using potato production for this

examination, a researcher would have near-time indica-

tors available the April after the year of interest. This

would be an improvement over the two or three year lag

we faced for the actual calculations of the GNRP and

EFA. For example, in April 2011, given the years for

which data necessary to compute the metrics were

available, we could only calculate up to year 2008

because of limitations (i.e., data availability) from CO2

emissions and energy consumption. However, using the

near-time indicators, we might be able to predict the

trends of the metrics for 2009 and 2010, thereby cov-

ering some of the time lag and better enabling decisions

to be made.

For the SLB project, the last year we could calculate

GNRP and EFA was 2005 because of data availability

issues. In 2005, the population in the SLB was 47,530.

Population declined in 2006 and 2007 to 47,125 and

46,888, respectively. From this information along with the

correlation results, a decision maker may guess that EFA

would improve in 2006 and 2007, whereas GNRP would


Fig. 1 Scatter plot for green net regional product (GNRP) and potential near-time indicators (1980–2005)

Assessing sustainability when data availability limits real-time estimates 745



Having calculated sustainability metrics to support deci-

sions related to land use, we revealed a potential limitation

of our methodology. The limitation depends on when data

are made available and the earliest possible calculation of

GNRP or EFA. GNRP is an economic metric for examin-

ing the trends in sustainability and ecological balance is a

component of EFA. For the pilot study in the SLB, the lag

was 3 years (meaning that in 2008 we could only calculate

upto 2005).

As the USEPA and other Federal, state, or regional

agencies pursue calculating sustainability metrics for dif-

ferent purposes, we advocate acknowledging the impact of

potential lag times based on data availability. By doing

this, agencies can begin to think about how to supplement

these metrics with other indicators or other analyses to

make the calculations closer to real time and better support

management decisions.

Our exploratory technique to reduce the time lag was to

examine scatter plots and use Spearman rank correlation

coefficients to determine if near-time indicators could

Fig. 2 Scatter plot for ecological balance (EFA) and potential near-time indicators (1980–2005)

746 M. T. Heberling, M. E. Hopton


represent changes in the sustainability metrics. The initial

attempt found potential near-time indicators for both

GNRP and EFA for the SLB. These included population,

precipitation, and a number of agricultural production

indicators. To continue with this line of research, we rec-

ommend reassessing the correlations annually as new data

may result in changes to the correlations. This will also

help to examine how consistent the indicators represent the

sustainability metrics as the time series grows.

We realize that simple correlation calculations and

paired plots are restricted in their ability to predict actual

changes in the different sustainability metrics and, although

informative, other approaches for such predictions may be

more appropriate. Our purpose for this paper simply was to

emphasize the potential problem for practical use of sus-

tainability metrics and provide a potential avenue to address

the problem. Time lags will clearly hamper the usefulness

of sustainability metrics for a number of reasons. First, the

lags limit decision support for understanding changes from

management actions in the present year because the impact

of a management decision would not be seen until data are

available. The result is that decisions are based on old data

and may not improve or address the current state of the

system. Second, decision makers require real-time data to

understand how close their system is to critical thresholds.

If a system is nearing a threshold or undergoing a regime

shift, providing the ability to respond to changes earlier will

give managers and decision makers the best opportunity to

make sound decisions to prevent the shift or better prepare

for resulting changes. Sustainability metrics that are always

3 years behind will not help to identify how close the sys-

tem is to the threshold.

We have limited the analysis to correlation analyses even

though some of the scatter plots identify potential nonlinear

relationships. One future research recommendation is

applying econometric analyses, such as time series analyses

or autogressive models (AR), to predict future estimates of

GNRP and EFA. Time series analysis can describe the path

of a sustainability metric in terms of lagged or same-year

variables, previous years of the sustainability metric, and

disturbances (Greene 1993). This econometric technique can

be used for forecasting the sustainability metrics if appro-

priate data are available (including some of these near-time

indicators). These approaches also can identify the statistical

significance of covariate relationships and explore con-

founding variables. We emphasize that the paper presents an

exploratory methodology, so future research is warranted to

explore other methodologies and indicators to eliminate the

time lag between metric calculations and current year.

Having closer to real time data would enable decision makers

to manage better large complex systems such as the SLB

because there would no longer be a 3-year lag in the sus-

tainability metric calculations.

Acknowledgments The views expressed herein are strictly the opin-

ions of the authors and in no manner represent or reflect current or

planned policy by the federal agencies. Mention of trade names or

commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommenda-

tion for use. The authors acknowledge the San Luis Basin Sustainability

Metrics team and collaborators for their contribution on the pilot study.

We thank the two anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.


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Author Biographies

Matthew T. Heberling is an

economist at the U.S. Environ-

mental Protection Agency’s

(USEPA’s) National Risk Man-

agement Research Laboratory in

Cincinnati, Ohio. He holds a

Ph.D. in agricultural economics

from The Pennsylvania State

University, where he specialized

in environmental and natural

resource economics. Matt joined

the USEPA in 2001 to work in a

program of research integrating

ecological risk assessment and

economic analyses. He is now

studying the effects of ancillary benefits on market mechanisms and

conducting research on sustainability metrics. His research experience

also includes using economic valuation methods to examine indi-

viduals’ preferences for recreational fishing and to prioritize stream


Matthew E. Hopton is an ecol-

ogist at theUSEPA in the National

Risk Management Research Lab-

oratory in Cincinnati, OH. He has

a Ph.D. in biology from Univer-

sity of Cincinnati, where he

examined the relationship

between environmental heteroge-

neity and biological diversity.

Matt started at the USEPA as a

NRC post-doctoral research

associate in 2006 in the Sustain-

able Environments Branch. He is

co-leader of the Regional Envi-

ronmental Management research

group, a multidisciplinary group that consists of ecologists, economists,

engineers, geographers, and physical scientists. His current research

interests include two foci; the ecological function and service provided by

green infrastructure in urban systems and measuring and managing sus-

tainability in regional systems.

748 M. T. Heberling, M. E. Hopton