Plymouth Nursery reaches milestone in community - Local news, A3 Your hometown newspaper serving Plymouth and Plymouth Township for 117 yfears THURSDAY April 17,2003 75 cents PLYMOUTH (B b s tw tt Local talent Artists and fans pack State Theatre for the Detroit M usic Awards. Arts, B1 Volume 117 Number 67 Big winner Justin Muse 4 pictured with his mother Linda won an Easter basket and a $50 savings bond during an Easter egg hunt April 12 at Knollwood Memorial Park About 300 people includ ihg 120 kids showed up for what Knollwood manager Debbie Parinello hopes will bean annual outing Parinello said she came up with the idea because ceme tenes are usually portrayed as scary places for kids in movies This gives them a better memory she said Instead of being scary its a place where good memories can take place in addition to Knollwood other sponsors were Skatin Station II Days Inn on Michigan Avenue and Target Department Store Art camps Performing arts show choir visual arts and youngest artist camps are scheduled for this summer at the Plymouth Community Arts Council 774 N Sheldon Road Kids ages 5 16 can par ticipate in these weeklong camps from 10 a m to 2 30 pm starting June 23 Fees start at $60 for PCAC mem bers Call (734) 416 4278 or visit wwwplymoutharts com Military banners The American Legion Post tl2 in Plymouth Township has Blue Star Banners to display ^ windows for parents hus bands and wives to indicate 3 son daughter husband or wife serves in the military Please send your name and telephone number along with a photo to American Legion Post 112 PO Box 701134 Plymouth Ml 48170 We will contact you when to pick up your banner Golf outing The Plymouth High School Athletic Golf Outing to bene fit the Plymouth High School Athletic Program will take place Saturday July 19 for $120 ($60 dinner only) It starts at 8 30 a m A steak dinner and awards presenta tion follow 18 rounds of championship golf Games include 50/50 longest drive 50/50 closest to the pm and 50/50 skins Hickory Creek Golf Course will be the host site for the 2003 PHS outing Make check payable to PHS Athletic Dept Attn Kurt Bntnell 8400 Beck Road Canton Ml 48187 wwu>.hometoicfUife,com ©2003 Hometown Communications Network District receives fair AYP results BYTONYBRUSCATO STAFF WRITER Fourteen of 15 Plymouth- Canton elementary schools, and all five middle schools, made adequate yearly progress (AYP) in MEAP scores for the 2001- 02 school year The AYP IS Michigan’s response to the federal No Child I,eft Behind Act, which has produced changes in K-12 public education m the United States in an effort to make indi- vidual schools, not just school districts, more accountable for improved test scores “It’s a way to determine if our schools are meeting assessed standards, if they are improv- ingj* said Verna Amble, execu- tive director of instructional services for Plymouth-Canton Schools In Michigan, the standard for elementary students is 47-per- cent efficiency m math and 38 percent in reading For middle school students, the standard is 31 percent for both reading and m e ^ In the 2001-02 school year, fourth graders were tested in reading and math, while in the middle schools reading tests were given to seventh graders and math to eight grade stu- dents Dodson Elementary, the dis- tncjt’s newest elementary school, was not rated because “they don’t have enough statisti- cal information yet to deter- mine whether or not they’ve met the scores,” said Amble “We’re quite confident that had they had time to do the same process, they would have made their AYP” TAKE NOTE While all the other elemen- tary schools passed in the first year of the AYP, six of the build- ings received notations suggest- ing they needed improvements According to state statistics, Isbister Elementary would not have made adequate yearly Sounds of music Symphony benefit wel received by music, baseball fans alike BY KIMBERLY MORTSON STAFF WRITER It’s an appropriate time for the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra to be playing patnotic music and the Plymouth Symphony Society’s annud fund-raiser was as good a place as any to perform tunes such as The Stars & Stripes and the Star-Spangled Banner The annual POPs concert, Ballgowns & Baseball Caps, spon- sored by the Target store of Canton, was held Friday, April 11, at Laurel Manor in Livonia According to PSO Executive Director Angel Bakos, more than $12,000 was raised for the orchestra and league-related activities “We had a very nice turnout,” said Bakos “Johnny Ginger was well-received and he was a lot of fiin ” Bakos said Ginger, a personali- ty from radio, television and music in the 1950s, narrated Casey at the Bat and served as auctioneer Ginger began his show business career with his family in the 1940s, then per- PLEASESEE S Y M P H O N Y , A 9 PAUL HURSCHMANN | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Ann and Joe Sutschek of Orchard Lake place a bid on one of the auction items at the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra's Ballgowns & Baseball Caps benefit Friday at Laurel Manor m Livonia progress in reading one of the three previous years Allen, Field, Galhmore and Tonda would not have made AYP in two ofthe previous three yeare in reading And, Smifii would not have made AYP m all three previous years The scores also indicated Field would not have made AYP in math in two of the previous three years Amble said she’s not con- PLEASESEEAYP,A9 Feedback sought for Central property BY TONY BRUSCATO STAFF WRITER The City of Plymouth and Plymouth-Canton Schools, as part of a joint venture to improv recreational facilities at Central Middle School, will be holding public forums April 29 to get public feedback on what kinds of improvements should be made to the property The city administration has hired LSL Planning of Royal Oak to conduct focus groups to gar- ner ideas about the types of recreational facilities residents want, to go along with the foot- ball, softball and soccer fields “In the afternoon we’ll have focus groups with various special interest groups, including resi- dents from Adams Stfeet (across from Central), athletic directors, governmental leaders and user groups,” said City Manager Paul Sincock, who is spearheading the effort “In the evening we’ll have an open session for the general public to give input and com- ment about the ideas which came PLEASE SEE F E E D B A C K , A 8 i? Retiring officer reflects on 27 years of service BYTONYBRUSCATO STAFF WRITER Plymouth police Officer Mel Me<^ said he wanted to be retired at a certain age And, at 52, Meek has gotten his wish Meek, a 21-year veteran of the Plymouth police department wore his badge for ffie last time Friday, endmg a 27-year career in law enforcement “When I hit a certain age, I wanted to retire,’ said Meek at his retirement luncheon at City Hall "And, I’m fortunate enough to do that” Meek, who served six years as a Wayne County shenff’s deputy before patrolling Plymouth, has 'It's surprising. You run around the neighborhoods and people wave at you, and you stop and talk to them. A small town is great.' Mel Meek Plymouth police officer lived in the City of Homes since he was 4 years old “There are a lot of nice people in this town, and I’ve met a lot ofthem,” said Meek “It’s sur- prising You run around the neighborhoods and people wave at you, and you stop and talk to them A small town is great” Despite the advances m police work over the course of Ills career, Meek said the job still comes down to meeting and helping people "I think there are some tech- nological advances in the job, but as far as your basic police work, It’s stili die same,” Meek said “It’s dealing with the pub- lic and them, dealing with you That’s never going to change answer your calls and make people happy PLEASE SEE M E C K ,A 8 rflUL nuKstriMHrtn j ^larr rriOTOGRAPHER Happy anniversary (From left) Store manager Steve Zoumbarts, information specialist Lmnea Garvey, owner Jeff Jones, general manager Tim Parker and nurs- ery manager Keith Swayze welcome you to Plymouth Nursery on Ann Arbor Road west of Gotfredson during its 40th anniversary They'll host an open house Saturday April 19. For more, turn to page A3 DENTAL ASSISTANT Progressive dental practice in West Dearborn searching The ad worked' We had a great response Thanks' P Dearborn 1-800-579-SELL PUT OUR CLASSiFiEOS TO WORK FOR YOU! CONTACT US Newsroom (734) 459 2700 Newsroom fax (734) 459 4224 Classifieds- 1 800 579 SELL Home delivery - (7341591 0500 IOM91 COiW«WOC«lMN«LI!nBO»OW r i ---------------------- INDEX 1 Apartments E6 Movies B6 * Arts B1 Obituaries A7 m Automotive F6 Observer Life C5 Classified E,F Real Estate El Crossword E5 Service Guide F5 Jobs F2 Sports 01 LOOKING AHEAD Sunday s Taste section spotlights chocolate Easter bunnies and offers suggestions for celebrating the holi day You never have to dig for your local news. We do it for you! Your hometown Is our front page.

(B b s tw tt District receives fair AYP results

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Plymouth Nursery reaches milestone in community - Local news, A3Your hom etow n newspaper serving Plym o u th and Plym outh Township fo r 117 yfears

T H U R S D A YApril 17,20 0 3

75 cents


( B b s t w t tLocal talentArtists and fans pack State Theatre

for the Detroit

Music Awards.A rts , B1

Volume 117 Number 67

■ Big winnerJustin Muse 4 pictured

with his m other Linda won an Easter basket and a $50 savings bond during an Easter egg hunt April 12 at Knollwood Memorial Park

About 300 people includ ihg 120 kids showed up for what Knollwood manager Debbie Parinello hopes will bean annual outing Parinello said she came up with the idea because ceme tenes are usually portrayed as scary places fo r kids in movies

This gives them a better memory she said Instead of being scary its a place where good memories can take place

in addition to Knollwood other sponsors were Skatin Station II Days Inn on Michigan Avenue and Target Department Store

■ Art campsPerforming arts show

choir visual arts and youngest artist camps are scheduled fo r this summer at the Plymouth Community Arts Council 774 N Sheldon Road Kids ages 5 1 6 can par ticipate in these weeklong camps from 10 a m to 2 30 pm starting Ju n e 23 Fees start at $60 fo r PCAC mem bers

Call (734) 416 4278 or visit wwwplym outharts com

■ Military bannersThe American Legion Post

tl2 in Plymouth Township has Blue Star Banners to display ^ windows fo r parents hus bands and wives to indicate 3 son daughter husband or wife serves in th e military Please send your name and telephone number along with a photo to American Legion Post 112 P O Box 701134 Plymouth Ml 48170 We will contact you when to pick up your banner

■ Golf outingThe Plymouth High School

Athletic Golf Outing to bene fit the Plymouth High School Athletic Program will take place Saturday J u ly 19 for $120 ($60 dinner only) It starts at 8 30 a m A steak dinner and awards presenta tion follow 18 rounds of championship golf Games include 50/50 longest drive 50/50 closest to the pm and 50/50 skins

Hickory Creek Golf Course will be the host site for the 2003 PHS outing Make check payable to PHS Athletic Dept Attn Kurt Bntnell 8400 Beck Road Canton Ml 48187

wwu>.hometoicfUife,com © 2003 Hometown Communications Network

District receives fair AYP resultsBYTONYBRUSCATOSTAFF WRITER

Fourteen of 15 Plymouth- Canton elementary schools, and all five middle schools, made adequate yearly progress (AYP) in MEAP scores for the 2001- 02 school year

The AYP IS Michigan’s response to the federal No Child I,eft Behind Act, which has produced changes in K-12 public education m the United States in an effort to make indi­

vidual schools, not just school districts, more accountable for improved test scores

“It’s a way to determine if our schools are meeting assessed standards, if they are improv- ingj* said Verna Amble, execu­tive director of instructional services for Plymouth-Canton Schools

In Michigan, the standard for elementary students is 47-per- cent efficiency m math and 38 percent in reading For middle school students, the standard is

31 percent for both reading and m e ^ In the 2001-02 school year, fourth graders were tested in reading and math, while in the middle schools reading tests were given to seventh graders and math to eight grade stu­dents

Dodson Elementary, the dis- tncjt’s newest elementary school, was not rated because “they don’t have enough statisti­cal information yet to deter­mine whether or not they’ve met the scores,” said Amble

“We’re quite confident that had they had time to do the same process, they would have made their AYP”


While all the other elemen­tary schools passed in the first year of the AYP, six of the build­ings received notations suggest­ing they needed improvements

According to state statistics, Isbister Elementary would not have made adequate yearly

Sounds of musicSymphony benefit wel received by music, baseball fans alike


It’s an appropriate time for the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra to be playing patnotic music and the Plymouth Symphony Society’s annud fund-raiser was as good a place as any to perform tunes such as The Stars & Stripes and the Star-Spangled Banner

The annual POPs concert, Ballgowns & Baseball Caps, spon­sored by the Target store of Canton, was held Friday, April 11, at Laurel Manor in Livonia According to PSO Executive Director Angel Bakos, more than $12,000 was raised for the orchestra and league-related activities

“We had a very nice turnout,” said Bakos “Johnny Ginger was well-received and he was a lot of fiin ”

Bakos said Ginger, a personali­ty from radio, television and music in the 1950s, narrated Casey at the Bat and served as auctioneer Ginger began his show business career with his family in the 1940s, then per-



Ann and Jo e Sutschek of Orchard Lake place a bid on one o f the auction items at the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra's Ballgowns & Baseball Caps benefit Friday at Laurel Manor m Livonia

progress in reading one of the three previous years Allen, Field, Galhmore and Tonda would not have made AYP in two of the previous three yeare in reading And, Smifii would not have made AYP m all three previous years

The scores also indicated Field would not have made AYP in math in two of the previous three years

Amble said she’s not con-


Feedback sought for Centralproperty


The City of Plymouth and Plymouth-Canton Schools, as part of a joint venture to improv recreational facilities at Central Middle School, will be holding public forums April 29 to get public feedback on what kinds of improvements should be made to the property

The city administration has hired LSL Planning of Royal Oak to conduct focus groups to gar­ner ideas about the types of recreational facilities residents want, to go along with the foot­ball, softball and soccer fields

“In the afternoon we’ll have focus groups with various special interest groups, including resi­dents from Adams Stfeet (across from Central), athletic directors, governmental leaders and user groups,” said City Manager Paul Sincock, who is spearheading the effort “In the evening we’ll have an open session for the general public to give input and com­ment about the ideas which came



Retiring officer reflects on 27 years of serviceBYTONYBRUSCATOSTAFF WRITER

Plymouth police Officer Mel Me<^ said he wanted to be retired at a certain age And, at 52, Meek has gotten his wish

Meek, a 21-year veteran of the Plymouth police department wore his badge for ffie last time Friday, endmg a 27-year career in law enforcement

“When I hit a certain age, I wanted to retire,’ said Meek at his retirement luncheon at City Hall "And, I’m fortunate enough to do that”

Meek, who served six years as a Wayne County shenff’s deputy before patrolling Plymouth, has

'It's surprising. You run around the neighborhoods and people wave at you, and you stop and talk to them. A small town is great.'

Mel MeekPlymouth police officer

lived in the City of Homes since he was 4 years old

“There are a lot of nice people in this town, and I’ve met a lot ofthem,” said Meek “It’s sur­

prising You run around the neighborhoods and people wave at you, and you stop and talk to them A small town is great”

Despite the advances m police work over the course of Ills career, Meek said the job still comes down to meeting and helping people

"I think there are some tech­nological advances in the job, but as far as your basic police work, It’s stili die same,” Meek said “It’s dealing with the pub­lic and them, dealing with you That’s never going to change answer your calls and make people happy


rflUL nuKstriMHrtn j ^ larr rriOTOGRAPHER

Happy anniversary(From le ft) Store manager Steve Zoum barts, information specialist Lm nea G arvey, ow ner J e f f Jo n e s , general manager Tim Parker and nurs­e ry manager Keith Sw ayze welcome you to Plymouth Nursery on Ann Arbor Road w est o f Gotfredson during its 40th anniversary Th ey'll host an open house Saturday April 19. For m ore, turn to page A3

DENTAL ASSISTANT Progressive dental practice in West Dearborn searching

The ad worked' We had a great response Thanks' P Dearborn


CONTACT USNewsroom (734) 459 2700

Newsroom fax (734) 459 4224 Classifieds- 1 800 579 SELL

Home delivery - (7341591 0500


i ---------------------- INDEX “ 1

Apartments E6 Movies B6 *Arts B1 Obituaries A 7 mAutomotive F6 Observer Life C5Classified E ,F Real Estate ElCrossword E5 Service Guide F5Jobs F2 Sports 01


Sunday s Taste section spotlights chocolate Easter bunnies and offers suggestions fo r celebrating th e holi day

You never have to digfor your local news.

We do it for you!Your hometown Is our front page.

(P) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 LOCAL NEWS www.hom etoivnlife.com .

AROUND roWN Hall of Fame inductees named80TH ANNIVERSARY

Celebrating its 80th anniver­sary this spnng, the Plymouth District Library is looking for library memones from Plymouth residents, as part of their new “Why I Love My Library’ program

These thoughts could include a funny library story, a favonte book or movie title or how the library has changed over the years

Patrons may fill out a Why I Love My Library” form at the library or on the library’s homepage at plymouthh- braryorg

Patron forms will be posted around the library and around town through May Call Susan Stoney (734) 453-0750 ext 242


St Joseph Mercy Hospital of Ann Arbor will honor several of Its volunteers at their annual Volunteer Luncheon on Wednesday, Apnl 30 at the Crowne Plaza Clare Mueller of Plymouth who volunteers in the Pastoral Ministry Department, is being honored for 1000 hours of service

Judy Houston, who does vol­unteer work on special proj­ects, will be recognized for 10 years of service

Marge Fisher, who works on special projects and Carolyn Jacobs, who does volunteer knitting, will be honored for 25 years of service


A slide show ill introduce you to some of our beautiful local butterflies

Learn about “host ’ plants that the caterpillars and adult butterflies rely on for food

* sources' Then get ready to dig in the

■•dirt and help our naturalist j plant a beginning butterfly

garden on the Nankin site i * Scouts needing service proj­ects are welcome to attend The program is scheduled from 1 30-3 30 p m Saturday, June 28 Recommended for ages 10 and up

Program will be held at Nankin Mills Interpretive

Center on Hines Dnvejust east of Ann Arbor Trail m Westland Call (734) 261-1992


Everyone is invited for a sus- penseftil evening of fun at the Detroit Chapter of International Peace Organization’s 22nd Annual Fundraiser Extravaganza Hors d’oeuvres, desserts and a $7,500 raffle will begin from 6 30-10 30 p m May 9 at St John’s Golf & Conference Center (44045 Five Mile Road, Plymouth)

The event will provide funds for CISV-Detroit to host sum­mer camp (11 and 15 year olds) this year and to celebrate the mission of promoting peace th ro u ^ cross-cultural friend­ships

For more information visit wwwcisvusa org or wwwasvusa org/detroit/


The Plymouth District Library presents “Snakes and Lizards and Ihrtles, Oh My'” Meet Michael Brophy at 2 p m Thursday, Apnl 24 to learn more about our cold-blooded friends Register at the Reader’s Advisory desk or call (734) 453-0750 ext 4


Taste and see what makes Plymouth great at the Showcase Plymouth 2003 event 5-7 30 p m May 5 at St John’s Golf and Conference Center (Five Mile and Sheldon Road) Free parking

There will be over 60 booths featuring Plymouth products and services, Ihste of Plymouth s 15 best eatenes and pizzerias, honor the Plymouth Service Club’s Volunteer of the Year, scholar­ship award for citizenship, meet Mrs Michigan at die Chamber booth and receive an autographed photo

For only $10 admission you get complimentary food, a free beverage and a chance to win over 50 great door prizes

For more information call (734) 453 1540 or www ply- mouthchamber org


Plymouth Marketplace sponsors a wme-tastmg extravaganza from 7-9 30 p m Saturday, May 3 at the VFW Hall, Post 6695 on Mill Street

Tasters get a chance to sam­ple more than 80 different wines and beers, along with hors d ’oeuvres and deli delights prepared by the Plymouth Marketplace Deli

Advance tickets are $25 per person, and tickets will be $30 at the door Proceeds from the event will benefit CYO sport programs

For reservations and tick­ets, call (734) 453-2535


Plymouth Township resi­dents get their first chance of the year to dispose of house­hold hazardous waste when the township hosts Household Hazardous Waste Day May 17 at Compuware Arena

The drop-off day, which is also open to residents of the City of Plymouth, takes place from 9 a m -2 p m The move to Compuware means resi­dents will spend less time waiting in line

A dnver’s license showing proof of residency is required A second day. Sept 6, has also been scheduled

Acceptable items include adhesives, aerosol cans, auto­motive fluids, batteries, com­puter equipment, dram open­ers, dnveway sealer, fluores­cent light tubes, gasoline, hobby chemicals, lab chemi­cals, lawn and garden prod­ucts, medications, mercury, paint and stain products, pes­ticides, polishes, pool chemi­cals, propane cylinders, reac- tives, resins, solvents, wood preservatives and items labeled acid, flammable, caus­tic, poison, caution, toxic, dan­ger or warning

Items not accepted include smoke detectors, tires, radioactive materials, PCB- containmg materials, explo­sives including ammunition and fireworks, and medical waste

For more information call the townships solid waste

S P R IN G 1 WEEK ONLY! Sat 4/12 - Sat 4/19


o n all excess in v e n t o r y a n d d is c o n tin u e d flo o r m o d e ls

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department, (734) 453-8181, Ext 33


The Spotlight Players, for­merly the Plymouth Theater Guild, present A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum,” Apnl 25-26, May 2-3 and May 9-10 at 8 p m , and Sunday, May 4 at 6 p m

The production will be staged at the Watertower Theater, located on the cam­pus of the NorthviUe Psychiatric Hospital on Seven Mile in Northvilie

Tickete are $14 for adults 19 and older, $10 for 18 and younger They can be pur­c h a se in advance at ffle Penmman Deli m Plymouth, at Gardenviews on Mam in Northvilie, at Evola Music on Haggerty in Canton, and at White Owl in Garden City

For more information, call (248) 349-7110


There are still spots avail­able for golfers who would like to play in Angela Hospice’s 15th-annual golf outing May 12 at Walnut Creek Country Club in South Lyon

Golfers may register m four­somes or as individuals for $200 per person

Golfer packages include free range balls, 18 holes of golf with cart m a scramble format, barbecue lunch before golf, a dinner reception with open bar, and prizes for closest to the pm and longest dnve

Hole sponsorships are still available for $150 For more information on the event, call Alice Bamnger at Angela Hospice, (734) 953-6018


The next monthly meeting of the Salem Football Linebackers Club is scheduled for 7 30 p m Wednesday,Apnl I6th, m Room 2703 at Sdem High School

All parents of current and future Salem football players are invited to attend For more information, call Mike Scherbaty at 734-981-7135

The Plymouth Township Hall of Fame committee has announced the Class o f2003 H4llof Famemductee’s This class of 10 community founders and leaders will join the 10 initiated last year

Honorees includeThe Rev. Rod Reinhart a

pnest in the Episcopal church who IS widely recognized as a poet, wnter and religious leader concerned about reli­gious freedom, tolerance and diversity he spearheaded a movement to establish a new uiterfaith holy day dedicated to tolerance, freedom, equality and peace He has lectured on the World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation and around the world, speaking a the Umted Nations, Oxford Umvemty and in Vancouver /

Russell Kirk is a lecfrirer and vmter who found the Conserva­tive journal Nationjd Review For more than 40 years he has in the thick of the intellectual controversies on the time His memory is being honored this year at a reception hosted by President George Bush to cele­brate 50 years since Kirk effec­tively founded the modem day conservative movement

Wayne Dunlap was a leader in the local arts community who served as conductor of the Plymouth Symphony Orchestra from 1951-1979 The Plymouth Symphony continues as one of the oldest and longest existing community symphonies in the country

Helen Ridiardson was aleader dunng the growth peri­od of Plymouth Township and served as deputy clerk and clerk of Plymouth Tbwnship

A.B. Maildiain helped build the towns first mill after mov­ing to Plymouth Township in 1825 and was secretary of tihe first township meeting in 1827 when the name Plymouth Township was selected Was elected clerk of the township and was responsible for form­ing a Plymouth township mili­tary company dunng the first meeting

Theodatus Timothy Lyonwas one of the 19th century’s most successful self-taught authonties m the saence and practice of fhiit growing He was keeper of the Wayne

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County Poor House and was a board member of the Poor Farm of Wayne County. He wa§ president of two railroad lines which later became the Chesapeake and Ohio

Hiram Berden an inven­tor and top nfle marksman and Major General in the Civil War He conceived the idea of form­ing special regiments of marks­men to serve m the Union Army He organized the first sharpshooters and invented a torpedo and torpedo boat

Eb$nezer Jendies Penniman- was the first resident elected to the US Congress (1851-1853) and was among those who founded the Republican Party in Jackson He was supervisor of Plymouth Tbwnship from 1842-44 and m 1850. He was the president of the First National Bank of Plymouth in 1871

Bratus Hussey was the chief conductor of the Central Michigan line of the Underground Railroad and one of the first settlers m Plymouth A Quaker and an abolitionist he was a presiden- - tial elector for the abolition ticket in 1844 He helped organize the Free-Soil Party in 1848 and was among those who met in Jackson where the Republican Party was organ­ized

The induction ceremony of the Class o f2003 will take place Thursday evening Sept 4 at Atlantis Restaurant on Ann Arbor Road in Plymouth, just c east of 1-275

With the recognition that c 2002 marked the 175 birthday of Plymouth Tbwnship a group of township residents wanted c to honor local individuals who helped build the ongmal Plymoufli commumty They deaded a Hall of Fame would be a suitable way to honor their hand work and the memones Hall of Fame organizere Carol - Levitte and Bill Jojmer solicit-* ed names and reviewed dozens of applications for the inaugu-^ ral Class o f2002

The first class of inductee’s included William Bartow, D B Sherwood, George A. Smith, Paul Wagner, Lee Fidge,George Richwine, Elizabeth Holmes, Richard Gomick, Joe West and Frank Millington

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www.hometownJifie.com LOCAL NEWS Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April 17 2003 (P) A3

Nursery is keeping up with the JonesesGarden center grows as 40th anniversary nearsBY BRAD KADRICHSTAFF WRITER

Anyone wanting to see what can be grown by spreading some fertilizer need look no farther than the comer of Gotfredson and Ann Arbor Road

That’s where, for the last 30 years, Wayne Jones’ dream has grown more fertile with each passing year On Saturday, the Jones family celebrates the 40th anniversary of the open­ing of Plymouth Nursery with an open house, the garden cen­ter now owned his son, Jeff

The family moved the nurs­ery to Its current location after 10 years m Livonia, where Wayne b o u ^ t the retail busi­ness from Its onginal owner, Pete C3instiansen

Wayne Jones, who had a degree in pomology (the study of fruits), was selling fertilizer in the early 1960s, and Christiansen, who d owned Chnstiansen’s Plymouth Nursery since 1931, was one of his customers When Wayne found out in 1963 that Chnstiansen was looking to sell, he and his wife, Nancy, b o u ^ t the retail end of the business

The decision to buy the com­pany wasn’t without controver­sy, especially m the Jones home, where four children under the age of 7 needed to be fed and clothed Nancy went back to school at Michigan State, then went to work full­time as the new business’ land­scape designer, and Wayne handled the business details

After leasing property in Livonia for the first 10 years, Wayne Jones decided more space was needed

“In Livonia, there was no room for expansion,’ said Linnea Garvey, Jones daughter who now serves as the nursery’s information specialist “As we

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Nursery m anager Tim Parker checks the buds on a magnolia tree m the aisles Monday

grew, there was no room for our nursery stock ”

When Jones deaded to move, he looked at different areas, one of which was Canton Center Road in Canton But he settled oil the Ann Arbor Road location for a couple of reasons

“Dad wanted a place close to an expressway, and he knew M 14 was going to go in, and that it would have a Gotfredson exit,” Jeff Jones recalled ‘ He was looking for location and affordability Garden centers need a lot of land, and you can’t afford a lot of land in the ciity”

As fate might have it, though, Jones didn’t get to help much m the move Felledbyasenous tractor accident Wayne was unable to do much, if any, of the actual work

‘ The company was moved by my mother and by me, at 17 years old, Jeff Jones recalled with a smile “It was quite an adventure”

The early years, before the expressway, featured a lot of dnve by traffic, because Ann Arbor Road was a primary route to Univereity of MwAigan

fe s e o Monteseos (left) and Sergio C ru z unpack evergreens a t th e Plymouth Nursery Monday

football games Back then the store was retail only, selling garden supplies and the like

Gradually, though, as word- of-mouth spread and the busi­ness grew, Plymouth Nursery began spreading out into the landscaping business Thday, Plymouth Nursery employs between four and seven land­scape crews at peak times of the year

“Today contracting is proba­bly 25 percent of our gross sales,” said Tim Parker, the firm’s general manager, who joined the company 15 years ago as an intern fresh out of MSU “Customer demand kind of guided us into providing that service”

Another niche Plymouth Nursery is carving out for itself is as a tree planter The garden center has 16 acres of specific- grade trees, with a sin^e-tree department that allows buyers to pick up one, two or three trees, and have Plymouth Nursery landscapers install them

We’ll go out and plant them,’ said Parker “Not many contractors are big enough to do that

Its all part of a diversifica­tion plan developed when Jeff Jones got out of school m 1979, and saw interest rates nse into double digits Knowing that Plymouth Nursery was pnma- nly a landscape contractor at that point, Jones decided to spread the wealth

“Landscaping is something people hke to have, not some­thing they have to have,” said Jones “V ^en interest rates hit 22 percent, it’s pretty easy for people to give us up I diversi­fied so we wouldn’t be vulnera­ble to interest rates, and got more into retail”

Now the center sells perenm- ^ s , annuals, pots and statuaiy

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Customers can get garden gifts In the winter, Plymouth Nursery transforms into a Christmas shoppmg destmation

“Now we’re a full-service garden Center,’ said Garvey "We’re more homeowner- friendly”

And, as the center sees more growth around it, business is actually starting to pick up, more or less Although weather the last couple of years, com­bined with the downturn m the economy, has had its effect on Plymouth Nursery like it has with all business, nobody is pamcked

“We’re starting to get more density of population around us,” said Parker, the company’s general manager for the last 10 years “The diversification is paying off We’re seeing the same custom er coming back”

As growth continues and the economy recovers, Jones and his staff are even dunking about getting bigger

Our long-term goal is to expand and diversify,” Jones said ‘As the people move around us we hope to keep expanding and servicing our customers

Plymouth Nursery is locateij at 9900 Ann Arbor Road just past Gotfredson For more information call (734) 453 5500

bkaiJrich@oe h om ecom m net I (734) 459 2700

Canton n a tiv e , A rizo n a

police o ffic e r sh o tBY HEATHER NEEDHAMSTAFF WRITER

A former Canton resident who became a Phoenix, A nz, polled ofBcer two years ago is continuing to recover in the

: shot four stop

hospital after b< times dunng a '

Phoenix police Officer Robert Srtek,35, I S listed in critical condi-> tion at Mancopa County Hospital in Phoenix

His father,Richard Sitek, reported Wednesday morning that doctors had taken him off the medications that were keep­ing him comatose in hopes that he will wake up and con­tinue recovermg

Wednesday mommg, the family reported that Sitek had opened his eyes and squeezed a nurse’s hand

“T h ^ can’t believe the remarkable turnaround he’s made over the past 36 hours,” Richard Sitek said

As of Monday, April 14 an Arizona TV station reported on its Web site that he had already undergone two sur- genes and appeared to be improving

The officer was shot late Saturday, April 12 when he and his partner pulled over a motorist for dnvmg erratical­ly The suspect was reportedly shot and killed by Sitek’s partner after a foot chase, which included traversing a brick wall


Sitek IS a 1986 Plymouth Salem graduate and was on the varsity track team His parents, both of Canton, have kept a constant vigil in Phoenix - and close tabs on goings on with family mem­bers in metro Detroit and Canton, thanks to their mobile phone

*We haven’t slept since Sunday,’ mom Kathleen Sitek said Tuesday mormng of the mghtmansh drama that has unfolded since her son was gunned down “I can’t believe fins happened - he never

hurt anybody”Seeing her son, a former

Salem track star who still runs frequency to stay fit, he help­less in a hospital bed has been unbearable, she said

“I just want him to open his eyes,” she said Tuesday after­noon By Wednesday fnommg, Sitek h ^ opened his e s and had begun to show signs of alertness

The Phoenix community has been mcredibly supportive during the ordeal, according to S i t^ The city’s mayor, city manager and city council per­sonally expressed their condo­lences to A e Siteks, and others- in the commumty have been very generous

“We’ve had people extend their homes to us,” she said

The Canton police commu­nity also imm^iately lent sympathy and support to the Site^

“Their brotherhood extends b ^ n d state Imes,” Richard Sitek said ^It’s moving how they all took it so personally”

Sitek’s best fhend in Phoenix, Geoff Ballentme, also a police officer, was relieved of his duties and has been allowed to stay with Sitek’s parents smee it happened

Ballentme said he and Sitek went through the Arizona Law Enforcement Academy together two years ago Sitek’s love of physical fitness — espe­cially running— was evident from the start

“If not for hini, I wouldn’t have made it through the academy,” Ballentme said of Sitek’s motivational skills “Tie’s alwjQ^ askmg, ‘Did you ^ to the gym today" ’ Rob is a real phj^ical fitness guy”

B^entine said that Sitek, who previously worked for Northwest Airlines at Detroit Metro Airport, decided to become a police officer to make a difference

“I thmk he wanted to some­thing where he felt like he was doing something for the com­munity He just wanted to make his parents proud ”

Sitek’s family has set up an account at Standard Federal Bank to assist with their son’s expenses when he recovers They asked that well-wishers donate to the fund, in Robert Sitek’s name, m heu of givmg gifts and flowers

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M (P) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 LOCAL NEWS wivwJtometownlife.co.

N e w p o s tm a s te r le a rn s Students learn pioneer lessQi t o ju Q Q le c a re e r, fa m ily one-room schoolhouseBY HEATHER NEEDHAMSTAFF WRITER

Dennis Wieczorek, new post­master of the Plymouth Township post office, had only five words to say when begin­ning to talk about his 27-year career with the United States Postal Service

“It was all hard work," the Livoma father of five said, as he began to reflect upon his route up the ladder, which included stops in Livoma, Garden City, Plymouth, Westland, Belleville, Dearborn, Ann Arbor and even a three- month gig in Muskegon

“I’m very pleased and happy to be here in Plymouth ” he said of his promotion to post­master His most recent post was as customer service man­ager at Livonia’s Greenmead post office on Newburgh south of Eight Mile

“The employees have made (working at the post office) a wonderful experience and I owe my success to them,’’ Wietaorek said

He proudly pointed out that US PostmasterGeneralJohn E Potter IS, like him, 46 years old They both Started their postal careers in 1975

“He applied himself and worked hard,” Wieczorek said of Potter

Wieczorek’s postal career began at age 18, when he was still a Fordson High School student He worked afternoon shifts until 1 or 2 a m , and attended school durmg the day

He’s always had more than one job, he said, and even now continues to work as a sales associate at Home Depot This means his work weeks can run as long as 84 hours - with 50- 60 going into the post office, and up to 24 going into his Home Depot gig

This can m ^ e spending time with children and his wife, Joni, a challenge

But as his family has shown, adaptation is the key When he was assigned to work three summer months in Muskegon,


New Plymouth Township Postmaster Dennis Wieczorek stands with th e new M ERLIN machine a t the Beck Road station M ER LIN stands fo r Mai! Evaluation Readability Lookup Instrum ent, an autom ated process helping to expedite the accuracy o f bulk mail fo r business customers

Postmaster presents award to business owner

One of the first duties performed by new Plymouth Township Postmaster Dennis Wieczorek was presenting an award to a Plymouth business woman

Melanie Miller and Pace Inc received the award as winners of the “Real People, Real Success” contest and will be featured on United States Postal Service retail signs across the country this summer

Late last year, the U S P S asked small businesses across the nation to describe, in 125 words or less, how postal service products have helped their businesses Pace Inc was one of 21 winners out o f5,000 entries and will appear on posters in 20,000 post offices nationwide this summer

he expected to come back home once a week to spend time with family But, his fami­ly had a better idea.

“Why don’t we stay widi you?” his wife suggested, and there­after packed up their five chil­dren and headed out to his extended-stay motel room

“All seven us crammed into the room,” Wieczordc said, smd- mg “It was a special time for my femily”

They made the most of the Muskegon assignment, by tak­ing a lighthouse tour, soalang up sun on the beaches and enjoying

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I t should come as no sur- pnse that Carol Greene’s class found recess the most enjoy­able part of their visit to Plymouth-Canton’s one-room school house, located at Ann Arbor and Gotfredson roads

Their break from schoolwork wasn’t spent on modern-day play structures though, but playing games of tag, stidcs and rings and cats-in-the-cra- die

“They played with 1800 period toys and games,” said Greene whose combined first and second grade class from Dodson Elementary m Canton made the field tnp to Geer School as part of their cur­riculum study of the commu­nity

The Canton teacher said all second graders study the com­munity and her class chose to visit the one-room school house in an effort to compare life in the 1800s m Canton to

what it’s like in the year 2003“We did about a month’s

worth of preparation,” said Greene

The field tnp was part of a two-day lesson that included just the second graders from Greene’s split class returning to the schoolhouse for an additional day of creating pio­neer arts and crafts

“They made old-time crafts like a buzz saw toy, tin punch and a quilt square,” added Greene

The students got into the spint of the visit by dressing like their 1800s counterparts, eating sack lunches vnthout the modem conveniences of lunch baggies and only brought beverages of water, lemonade and rootbeer to dnnk compared to juice boxes and cans of soda that they might find in their lunches today

After a few minutes of play, Greene said she rang the schoolbell and the students formed two lines, “the boys on

the left and the girls on the right ” Her lesson plan includ­ed reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, singing America and Home on the Range, writ­ing the proverb of the day in their copy books, practicing their Roman numerals on slate boards

Greene said the students were fascinated with the set up of the room and the exteri­or of the school mcluding the book shelves, potbelly stove, crawl space and the outhouse

Before being dismissed the elementary teacher had the students read both aloud and silently from their McGuffey Readers, complete arithmetic problems in their copy books, count the stars on the flag and practice elocution with a series of tongue twisters

“It was a great expenence,” said Greene “Now they’re v^^iting their memones of the day and creatmg diagrams They learned it was definitely a different time in history compared to today”

the western Michigan coastWhen he m a n ^ s to get away

from work long enou^, he enjoys restormg old cars, includ­ing a 1957 Jeep He also loves taking to the woods to hunt and fish

So what IS his secret to jug­ging a hectic work life without melting down’ In Wieczorel^s case, It’s someone who has been there for him for 23 years

I have a wife that’s very good to me and takes a lot of stress off of me, he said ‘She s a super outstanding person and I love her


Chris Treadwell of Canton 15 left and dad David took advantage of Th ursdays balmy weather to hit a few balls at the Arbor Jo y Golf Range on Plymouth Road

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WWW hom etownltfe com LOCAL NEWS Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April 17 2003 (P) A5

Price named amonq state's Top 10 women business ownersBY KIMBERLY MORTSONSTAFF WRITER

As a volleyball coach, Kimberly Pnce has had the experience that “winning just happens when you play hard ’

It isn’t a coincidence, then, that the Plymouth business owner has a successful printing company and was recently named one of the Ibp 10 Michigan Women Business Owners by the national associ­ation’s greater Detroit chapter

The honor was bestowed upon Price m March on the heels of celebrating her 13fh anniversary at the helm of a company she bought m 1989 In less than a decade it was named one of the 100 fastest growing pnvate companies in Michigan- an acknowTedgment she received in 1998 and 1999 by then Governor John Engler

Like the rest of the women business owners at the 9th Annual NAWBO Awards Luncheon, Pnce says it’s her name alone on the attractive teal-colored ceramic plaque, but she knows she wouldn’t have been standing there if it weren t for the countless people who stood by her and support­ed her along the way

You have to be organized and have a great support staff at home and from yotir employ­ee s,” said Pnce, “and a support­

ive spouse There are hundreds of people who have helped me It’s more about the big picture here than just me ”

The bigger picture in Pnce’s life includes being CEO and President of Progressive Pnntmg, the mother of four children Kyle, 15, Lauren, 14, Devin, 10, and Alex, 7, and the director of volleybaU at Our Lady of Good Counsel pansh in Plymouth

Progressive Pnntmg, located on Goldsmith off Sheldon Road, is a prmt and visual com­munications provider Pnce says what separates her busi­ness from her competition is the m-house graphic design staff that complements the pnnt production aspect of the company

“We are an extension of a company’s marketing depart­ment We partner with finns to produce their marketing litera­ture for both small and large busmesses”

The sixth child in a family < f eight, Pnce was raised in Livoma and graduated from Bentley High School She receiv^ some scholarship money from Eastern M i^igan University as a volleyball player but paid for the remainder of her tuition on her own She i graduated with a degree in | marketing and was hired by 1 Xerox Corporation as a seHer in



Kiitiberiy Price poses with the ceram ic tile plaque she received from NAWBO's G re a te r Detroit Chapter

1984After Xerox consolidated.

Price was hired by Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan m their pnntmg division She achieved great success in a short period of time there but BCBSM suf­fered an economic blow and was banned by the Michigan Insurance Commissioner from commeraally selling its pnnt- ing services That proved to be the turning point for Pnce, who declined a position m health insurance and decided to start her own pnntmg operation

At the age of 27 she used per­sonal funds and family loans to

start Progressive Pnntmg in 1989 She obtained a third mortgage on her home, secured a small line of credit and an equipment lease with personal guarantees

In a letter to NAWBO, her husband Bruce outlined count­less reasons why he felt his wife and business partner should be selected as one of the Top 10 Michigan Women Business Owners

‘ Kim Pnce is the mother of four school-age children and CEO/majonty shareholder of Progressive Pnntmg. All of this while giving Of her time to local causes, developing young girls as productive a ti^ n s and par­ticipation in vanous chantable groups and activities,” stated Bruce Pnce, CPA and Progressive Pnntmg vice presi­dent “While leadmg the char^ of a steady workforce and build­ing a strong tax base she has developed a reputation of pro­fessionalism and service second to none”

Bruce added his wife has a “tremendous ability to juggle so many things in her life

“She’s able to manage a pro­fessional career while providing for her femily and still being involved with the community through coaching sports and chantable obligations and clubs

Kim said her husband came

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on board with the Plymouth company six years ago as vice president She sajd previously he managed all of the account­ing related responsibilities while working simultaneously as an accountant He began working full-time m 1997 at Progressive when the volume of thebusmess demanded more of his attention His role helped Pnce continue to manage the 19 staff members they emplc^ as well as allowing her to be out of the office selling — her first love

“I have a selling background and I haven’t wanted to get away from that,” said Pnce “Being out there helps me stay active m the market, talk the

lingo, know about my competi­tion and I like to get feedback first hand from my clients and vendors ’

Since Pnce purchased the then struggling pnntmg com­pany m 1989 her business has tnpled m size They now occupy three units of the facility on Goldsmith with approximately8,000-10,000 square feet of space where they sell, design and pnnt marketing literature

‘ She not only balances talang care of her own family but takes care of her employees who become a second family as well as the customers and vendors There are a lot of people who come to rely on her m her posi­tion,” said Bruce

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A6 (? ) Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April 17 2003 LOCAL NEWS w u'w .hom etotcnlifk.com

Canton architect wears many hatsBY HEATHER HEEDHAMSTAFF WRITER

Canton architect Dawn Zuber knew when she was 11 that she wanted to be an archi­tect when she grew up

“My hobby was to take (floor plans) and redraw them,” said Zuber, 37 a Sandusky, Ohio native

She recently received the Young Architect of the Year award from the Huron valley chapter of the Amencan Institute of Architects She also serves as president of the local AIA, and serves on the state board of AIA’s Michigan chap­ter

Zuber continues to redraw existing floor plans, and proudly displaj^ her “before and after” photos of residential

projecte in southeast Michigan in a three-ring photo album In a recent Ann Arbor project, her clients were a husband and wife, and her job was to make the kitchen, formal dining room and breakfast nook a large, open area

The only problem was, while the husband was dissatisfied with the old kitchen, the wife was appy with status quo Such domestic tiffs are noth­ing new for Zuber, who quick­ly learned that technical and creative skills are not the only skills an architect needs

“Occasionally I do provide mediation services,” she said jokingly of her work with mar­ried couples and families

“Having good people skills and being a good listener is very important,” Zuber said

‘ If you don’t understand what fliey need, you can’t design what they want ”

Architecture is a profession where people can easily see the fruits of the labor - and touch them, too Zuber’s favonte architects include Frank Lloyd Wright, most famous for the Guggenheim Museum in New York, and Charles Rennie Mackintosh, a Scottish architect famous for designing the Glasgow School of Art

Zuber said she not only wants to design what people want, but design what she wants, too Residential archi­tecture has always been her specialty, but when she worked for other architectural firms, she got stuck doing commercid projects instead

“I like having control over what projects I work on,” she said

Nearly six years ago, she decided to strike out on her own For 51/2 years, Zuber, a graduate of the University of Cincinnati, has owned Studio Z Architecture, and speaalizes in residential architecture She runs the business out of her home, and wears all the busi­ness’ hats - bookkeeper, mar- ketmg and of course, ardiitec- tural design She only occa­sionally hires subcontractors to help out when she is busy

Working at home has its advantages and disadvantages Some advantages include wearing bedroom slippers to work, setting your own hours and being able to pet your cat when he decides to hop on top


Canton architect Dawn Zube r recently received th e Young Architect o f the Year award from th e Huron Valley chapter o f th e Am erican Institute o f Architects

o^he computer monitor Zuber’s cat, Claude, enjctys

tl4 ambient heat from the m^^nitor, thereby making it his favonte perch

|rhe down side is working ou|; of home cuts into privacy,

Zuber said“Sometimes clients call on

weekends,” she said. “I don’t always answer the phone ”

hneedham @ oehom ecom m net (7 3 4 )4 5 9 2700

O N C O O L P H O N E S .

MassageordinanceundergoeschangeBY JACK GLADDENSTAFF WRITER


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Canton’s proposed nuissage ordinance underwent some ther­apeutic massage treatment itself after it pulled from last week’s board meeting enda.

The ordinance would require anyone engaged in the business of massage to have a valid mas­sage busmess license issued by the township "nie state of Midiigan does not regidate mas­sage businesses and Canton’s old m assa^ ordinance was so restrictive fliat therapeutic mas- sagists could not leg^y operate within file township

Ibwnship Clerk Tferry Bennett said she pufled the proposed new ordinance after receiving com­plaints from some massage ther­apists that It was onerous and burdensome

She said after reviewing the (ximplamts, some of them appeared to be valid so the ordi­nance was revisited A revved version was presented to the board at a Tuesday m ^ t stu<ty session

Attorney Tim Cronin told the board fliat because of the con­cerns that were expressed, he had a meeting with Public Safety Director John Santomauro to discuss the pomts m question.

One section of the ordinance was reworded to make it dear whomustbehcensed He said flie ongmal wording was confus­ing m fliat regard The revised version reads “AppUcant must separately apply for and receive a massagist’s permit ifheorflie will be engaging m the practice of massage”

A section requiring fliree let­ters stating that the applicant was “of g o ^ moral charact6r” was deleted entirely

“In practical terms that seem ^ not useful to the town­ship,” Cronm said.

Another seeflon that had (x>me under fire was a l e n ^ y require­ment regarding wadung and toilet f a t t ie s , with l o d ^ and separate fecilities fiir male and female dients

“That seem tedious or onerous for flie applicants,” he said “Prom a law enforcement per­spective ft was really (ft veiy lim­ited use”

The revised version requires “Adequate washing, dressing locker, and/or todet focalities shall be provided for patrons”

Crbmn said there was also cnticism of a section reqmnng employees of a m a s s ^ estab- hsbment to wear “dean um- forms ” The word “umforms” was changed to doflimg,

Suzanne Eidson, an athlete trainer and therapeutc massag- ist, asked Cronm if so-called out- call massE^ would be permitted under the revised ordinance.

“Massage therapists go out mto the commumty for certam events, sudi as the Detroit Marathon or the Avon Three- Day Walk that came flirou^ Canton last year,” she said

Cromn said as long as the massagisthas a permit, outcall would not be prohibited

T f residents want to have the treatment m their own home for privacy or under the supervision of a physiaan m his office, that would be allowed,” he said

www .hom etow nltfe com LOCAL NEWS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 (P) AT


Victoria GajewskiServices for \lc to n a

Gajewskj, 82, of Canton, were held Apnl 15 a t St John Neumann Catholic Church with the Rev George Charnley offiaating Bunal was at St Hedwig Cemetery in Dearborn Heights.

Mrs Gajewsla was born June 6,1920 in Detroit and died April l lm Canton She was employed for a time as a press operator

Survivors include son, Alex Gajewski, daughter^ Barbara Pikulski, sister, Bernice Swit^ski, brother, Anthony Szachacz, and sisters-m-law, Helen Gajewski and Sophie Gajewski

Memorial contnbutions may be made to Angela Hospice of Livonia,

Arrangements made by Neely-Turowski Funeral Home

Ja ne t BellA memorial gathenng for

Janet Bell, 63, of Plymouth wa^ held April I6 at the A lb ic a n Legion Post 32 m Livonia

Mrs Bell was born Sept 9, 1939 in Plymouth and was a lifelong resident pf Plymouth She was a homemaker who enjoyed knitting, crocheting, and loved to be with her sons and grandchildren

Survivors include husband of 44 years, Charles S Bell, Sr of Plymouth, sons, Charles (Barb) Bell, J r o f Plymouth and Robert Bell of Canton, three grandchildren, and sis­ter, Joy French of Plymouth

Memorial contributions may be made to the Amencan Legion Post 32

Arrangements made by Schrader-Howell Funerd Home

John P. MaloneyA Memorial service for John

Maloney, 75, of Plymouth, will be held April 26 at Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church in Plymouth

Mr Maloney retired after 30 years at Burroughs/Umsys m Plymouth and had served in WWII and the Korean War He was a long-time resident of the City of Plymouth and served on the City of Plymouth Planning Commission (85-94) and the Zoning Board of Appeals (89-92) He was also a member of Our Lady of Good Counsel pansh, the Plymouth Elks and Kiwanis Clubs

Survivors include wife, Mary E (Bette) of Plymouth, chil­dren, Michael (Gail) of Canton, John (Kathy) of Shelby Township, and Molly (Mike) Light of Dallas, Texas, and grandchildren, Jacob and Nicholas

Memorial contnbutions may be made to St Joseph Mer<^ Hospice, 806 Airport Blvd, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

Leona M. SchombergerServices for Leona

Schomberger, 88, a lifelong resident of Plymouth were held April 19 at the Schrader- Howell Rineral Home with the Rev Doc Ortman of Our Lady of Good Counsel officiat­ing.

Mrs Schomberger died m her home with all five of her children present after a long illness Mrs Schomberger was a housewife and court clerk for her husband, Justtce of the Peace Martin Schomberger She was a faithful member of Our Lady of Good Counsel Church since 1932 She was also a member of the Altar Society, Funeral Guild and Ladies Guild, and the Daughters of Isabella. She was a devoted member of the VFW Auxiliary Gamble Post 6695 and former member of the Navy Mothers and the Amencan Cancer Society

Mrs Schomberger was pre­ceded in death by her husband of 52 years, Martin, brothers, John, Walter, Clarence, and Joseph, sister, Dorothy Clark, and sisters-in-law, Vera and Adel (Mickey) Holman

Survivors mclude children, Martin J (Shirley) Schomberger of Plymouth, Elizabeth A (James) Wick of Lake Ann, Lopis R (Mary) Schomberger of Pellston, Ralph J (Linda) Schomberger of Allen Park, and Joyce J (James) Scollen of Ft Myers, Fla, 17 grandchildren, 19 great-grandchildren, two great-great-grandsons, broth­ers, Robert H and Charles G

(Mane), sisters-in-law, Cathenne and Dorothy Holman, many loving nieces, nephews and other family members, and special neigh­bors Anita and ‘ Fntz” Honke and family

Memonal contributions may be made to the Amencan Heart Association or the Amencan Lung Association

Arrangements made by Schrader-Howell Funeral Home

Every week the Plymouth District Library staff provides the Observer with their list of Bestsellers based on the number of requests for titles by library patrons The books are available by placing a request with the library 453 0750

FICTION1 TheDaVinciCode Dan Brown2 King of Torts John Grisham3 The Jester James Patterson and Andrew Gross4 Dating Game Danielle Steel5 The Reluctant Suitor Kathleen E Woodiwiss

NONFICTION1 Leap of Faith Queen Noor2 Savage Nation Michael Savage3 Jarhead Anthony Swofford4 Dereliction of duty Robert Patterson5 The Hunt For Bin Laden

NEW PICTURE BOOKS1 My Friend Rabbit Eric Rohmann2 How Do Dinosaurs Get Weil Soon’ Jane Yolen3 Dear Mrs Larue Mark Teague4 Eloise Takes A Bawth Kay Thompson5 Hondo & Fabian Peter McCarty


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A8 (p) Observer & Eccentric | Tbursday April 17 2003 CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 WWW hom etoivnlife.vom


out of the focus groups This will be the basis to develop a plan for the site, which will give us the groundwork to move forward

Ideas tossed about by a city and school district subcom­mittee, which met in January, include improvements to the athletic fields, constructing a walkmg/runnmg track, repairing the bleachers and installing new lighting and fencing

After getting ideas on what the master plan for Central Middle School’s athletic facili­ties should look like, the next step will be in attempting to find money to fund the proj­ect Smcock said a dollar fig­ure has yet to be determined, but he doesn’t discount the possibility the price tag could reach $1 5 million

“The subcommittee of the city commission and school board said we have no idea where the money is coming from,” said Smcock, h u t you need a plan first, and then you can move forward ’

However, invited to partici­pate m the focus groups will be members of the Kiwams, Rotary and Lions clubs, among others, as well as the Wilcox Foundation

“They h?ive an insight into what the community is look­ing for, said Smcock ‘And, eventually we’re going to be looking for various funding sources for this project

“It will be a great concept, but we don’t have any funding sources m mind,” he said “I t’s going to take a lot of people to bring this to fruition ’

With citts m state revenue sharing money affecting the citj^s bottom line, and reduc­tions m state foundation grant money paring the income of the school district, neither entity can afford to make the improvements to

'Central has a lo t of good potential for all sorts of things. I'm sure if we can make a good enough case, we can get community sup­port.'Tom wysocktschool board trustee

tbru sca to @ o e h om ecom m net (73 4 ) 459 2700

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The general public session for sub mitting ideas and commenting on proposed plans will be held Tuesday April 29 at the Plym outh Cultural Center 525 Farm er Street starting at 7 p m


what IS considered by many to be a prime tract of recreation­al property

We’ve had pretty good luck with Plymouth Township in refurbishing our field at Isbister (Elementary),” said Tom Wysocki, school board trustee

“Central has a lot of good potential for all sorts of things I’m sure if we can make a good enough case, we can get community support ”

LSL Planning is being paid $5,000 from block grant funds to develop a master plan for the site It’s the same company that helped the city in developing plans for improvements to the Cultural Center and neighborhood parks

‘They’ll give us a site plan, which will result m a basis for the city and schools to partner and move forward in building community support,’ said Smcock “Then we can devel­op grant applications to vari­ous local and national organi­zations to help us move for­ward on thjis project ”

Workmg m Plymouth isn’t Detroit, but you know that coming m,” he added If you expect this to be Detroit, bank holdups and drugs being sold on the corner, don’t apply because j'ou re coming to the wrong place ”

Police Chief Wayne Carroll has worked with Meek his entire 21 years on the force

“He was a very dedicated cop, a hometown boy that had a lot of insight into his com­munity,’ CJarrollsaid “He took the job senously, was commu­nity minded, and took a lot of pnde m the police department and the aty Mel demonstrated it every day he was on the j ob ”

In recent years, the Plymouth police department has hired a number of “rookie” cops, who benefited from the eiqienence of Meek.

“Mel was a great mentor He took to the new hires and taught them the plethora of information he attained, and his great knowledge of the community,” added Carroll, who said he was always disap- pomted Meek never took the sergeant’s exam for promotion


Retiring Plym outh Police Officer Mel Meek (le ft) visits with (from le ft) J e f f Jo n e s , Sam Poules and Chris Lahtinen dur­ing his retirem ent p arty Friday a t the station

“Mel just liked what he was doing,” said Carroll, who faced Meek many times across the bargammg table when Meek was the police officers’ union president

‘He was ^ways fair, and had

the welfare of his fellow officers in mind”

Meek, who has several grandchildren, including two in tile area, plans to spend more time with them in retirement

“I’ve got a farm in Calhoun

County, and we’ve got grand- kids here and in Arizona,” said Meek, “We’re going to stay here part time, and on the farm part time ”

tb r u s c a to fo e hom ecom m net (7 3 4 ) 459 2700

CAMPUS NEWS ' Jo h n s o n C o n tro ls wins Fo rd c o n tra c tCulver Academy

Lujie Zhazig, daughter of Mr Xiangtong Zhang and Mrs Bei Bei Xu of Canton, has been awarded a Batten Scholarship at The Culver Academies, beginning with the 2003-04 school year Lujie IS an eighth-grader at East Middle School, straight- A student who enjoys dance, piano, tutoring math and is a member of P/C school district TAG Program

She also is president of the school student council, in the math club, holds the position of editor-in-chief of the school paper and will compete oji 4pril ip both fhe Mjchigap Social studies and science Olympiads

Automotive interior suppli­er Johnson Controls has been selected by Ford Motor Company to build and supply complete seat systems for a number of Ford and: Lincoln models that are manufactured at the automaker’s southeast Michigan plants

JCTs auto intenors group is headquartered m Plymouth Township In the future they will move to a 367 acre research campus at Napier and Ann Arbor roads m near­by Salem Township

The supplier will provide seating systems for the Ford Focus, Expedition and Mustang, and the Lincoln Navigator and Town Car under this new contract

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The followmg vehicles will be sold at Public Auction for cash tosatisfy hen pursuant to F S 713 78 on Apnl 24 2003 at 10 00 a m

1996 FORD 1PALP65LXTK1161561987 CHEVY 1GCBS14E2H21749261990 TOYOTA 4T1SV21E6LU2376651988 . BUICK 1G4CW51CXJ16784901996 HYUNDI KMHJW24^ETU0171201982 OLDSMOBILE 2G3AR47J2C23940061995 DODGE 1B3ES42C9SD1450331989 FORD 1FAPP6242KH1478811999 SUZUKI JS1GN79A7X21017581992 TOYOTA JT2EL46B8N02406701984 LINCOLN 1LNBP96F1EY7499471991 GEO 2C1MR646XM67989461992 CHEVY 1GNDM19Z4NB1810991987 SUBARU JF2AG53BXHF8112892000 TOYOTA JT3HN87R8Y9036^60

Mayflower Auto Transport1179 Starkweather, Pljonouth, MI 48170

(734) 459-0053Publish Apnl 17 2008

LOE080913 0



Beginning on April 17 2003, and for 30 days thereafter the Charter Town^p of Canton will accept public comment on the reprogramming of funds and amendments to the FY 2002 Community Development Block Grant final statement The purpose is to reprogram funds from canceled and completed CDBG projects and to create a new project (Purchase of Lots for Affordable Housing) reqmrmg amendment of the CDBG program The following activities are to be canceled and the funds reprogrammed FY 1991 Canterbury Mews Recreation, $9,064 00 FY 1993 ADA Improvements $2 020 00 FY 1993 Hamson Dram, $13,213 00 FY 1994 Nankin Transit $5 000 00 FY 1995 Nankm Transit $1000 00, FY 1995 Family Service $6 000 00 FY 1996 Contingency $667 00 FY 1996 Nankm Transit, $960 00, FY 1997 Contingency $745 00; FY 1998 Salvation Army $13 000, FT 1998 Hamson Dram, $31474 57, FY 1999 Canterbury Mews Bamer free Assessment $3 000 00, FY 1999 HelpSource $950 00 FY 1999 Salvation Army, $9100 00 All funds to be reprogrammed to FY 2002 Human Services Center Construction ($25,456) and FY 2002 Affordable Housing Lots Purchase ($70,737 57) (new project) Written comments or requests for information should be directed to Gerald Martm, Development Specialist, Resource Development Division, 1150 S Canton Center Road, Canton, Michigan 48188 (734) 394 5194 On April 22,2003, at 7 p m m the Board meetmg room 46000 Summit Parkway Canton Michigan the Board of Trustees will conduct a public hearing to consider the reprogramnung of funds and the amendment of the FY 2002 CDBG final statement

Terry Bennett ClerkPublish Apnl 17 2003


Ford manufactures Focus, K(avigator and Expedition models iti Wayne, Town Cars m Wixom, and Mustang vehi­cles in Dearborn

Johnson Controls will assume operational responsi­bilities for current seating production for these vehicles in Chesterfield, Michigan

The Chesterfield plant site was previously operated by Visteon Corporation

Details on the terms of the agreement were not released

In 2004, seating assembly operations will be relocated to other Johnson Controls man­ufacturing sites within south­east Michigan, including one new facility

Company officials said loca­tions for this work will be identified at a future date

T h i s IS a substantial new seating business award for Johnson Controls

It further strengthens our

relationship with Ford and helps u$ grow in an area of core competency for Johnspn Controls,” said Rande Somma, presideiit of the company’s Automotive Systems Group

“We are very pleased to have been selected by our cus­tomer to provide world-class seating products for these car and truck models”

Johnson Controls provides vehicle seating, interior com­ponents and batteries for a variety of Ford Motor Company models

Currently, Johpson Controls builds and supplies first-row seats for Lincoln Navigator and Ford Expedition models at its Plymouth plant

In addition, the company designed and developed Focus seat systems, and builds them for Ford in Germany and Valencia, Spain for the European market

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C H ^ T E R T O W N S H I P O F C A N T O R ^ Q U E S T F O R P R O P O S A L S

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Charter Township o f Capton 1150 Canton Center S, Canton, Michigan will accept scaled proposals at the Office of the Clerk up to 3 GO May 7,2003 for the following

AUTOMATED READING OF ELECTRONIC WATER INTERSSpecifications, are available m the Finance and Budget Dept All proposals must be submitted to the Clerks Office m a se^ed envelope clearly marked with the in'oposal name company name, address i=rnd telephone number and date and time of bid opening The Town^ip reserves the r i^ t to accept or reject ahy or all proposals D ie Township does not discriminate oh the bas^s of race color national origin sex, rdtgion, age or disability m employment or the provision of services


PublisWApnl 17 2003


The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as s:^ ers for die heanng impaired and audio tapes of printed materials beir^ considered at the meeting to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearmg upon two weeks notice to the Charter^ Township of Canton Indmdueds with disabilities requiting auxiliary aids or services should contact the Charter Township of Canton by wntu^ or calling the followmg

David Medley, ADA Coordinator Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S Canton Center Road

Canton, MI 48188 (734) 394 5260

Pubbsh Apnl 17 2003

www.hom etownlife.com CONTINUED FROM PAGE A1 Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 (P) A9


cemed about the notations that indicate the schools would not have performed favorably in previous years Her goal is to function under a contnuous improvement model

“All of our buildings have school improvement plans,” she said, “even those buildings die state says need an improve­ment plan That’s how we do business That’s part of who we are and what we do ”


The state revealed that 216 o f the 2,260 schools that were evaluated throughout M i<^ig^ 4 iled to meet ade­quate yearly progress I f that were to happen m P^onoudi- Canton, Amide said there would be senous conse­quences

“It can go fiom an extreme range of replacing the pnncipal and staff, providing more s t ^ development or providing a change m cumculum,” she said

Plymouth-Cmiton Education Association President Chuck Fortelli said there is so much testing m schools these days, it could become a hindrance instead of a help

“There are alwut a half-dcaen different tests kids take, depending on the grade,” said Portelli ‘Wemaybespendmg too much time getting ready for tests

“I don’t think teachers like die fact t h ^ are being evaluated on how a group of kids are being tested when t h ^ don’t have^ control of all the variables,” he added “It’s judging a (school) building on how well lads take a test”

Anodier concern for Portelii, and the 1,000 teachers he rep­resents m the Plymouth-Canton school distnct, is the seemingly yearly changes in the HEAP tests

“Students get proficient, and then they change the tests,” said Portelli “It’s like a movmg tar­get”

Amble said she beheves Plymoudi-Canton’s scores,

'There are about a ha N ozen SYMPHONYdifferent tests kids take, from page ai

depending on the grade. We may be spending too much time getting ready for tests.'

Chuck Portelli president PCEA

which are generally h i ^ above the target scores set fordi by the state, are a msult of recent cm- nculum changes

“We review our cumculums| we update oUr materials, we give professional development,” said Amble “So, we are already implementmg new cumculums without the stete teUing us we | have to do them ?

*Wehave ft new math cur­riculum that’s m Its third year at the elementaiy levd, and sec­ond year in m i^ e school,” she said “We think the changes that we’ve made are helping us be successful m makmg progress m math Next year, wftll be imple­mentmg a revised cumculum m the language arts area.”

The state’s profiaency stan­dards for AYP increase each year, with each school ejqiected to reach 100 percent by 2014 This, many fed, is an unlikdy goal

“That will be a real challenge,” said Amble “Ithinkweshoidd ask the state legislature we’ll see how it evolves ”

Amble said if Plymouth- Canton Schools continue to do what It has done m h e past, the goals set the state shouldn’t be a concern

“We try to stay focused on what’s good for kids, what’s good for teaching and learmng, and set our own goals,” she said

All, said Amble, with less money from the state

“We have to figure out how we are going to cut $5 5 mil- hon next year, and still try to mamtam programs h a t will support all kids,” she said “It becomes particularly challeiig- ing when you have to reduce s t^ a n d programming”

tbru sca to ^o e homecomm net (734) 459 2700

formed solo doing impressions, vaudevillian comedy and stunte before he was hired as a comic to work with Soupy Sales on Detroit’s WXYZ-TV This, while appearing on sever­al television shows, mdudmg The Riflemaii, Bonanza, h e Big Valley, h e Real McCoys, Wagon Tram and more

Today, Gii^er^ who lives in Ohio, spends his time writing new material, recording and cooking He, his wife Elsie, and h e ir dog, Dxkffy, travel about 40 weel^ a year to various per­formances — including a five- city tour every year w ih buddy Soupy Sales — private parties, conventions and o h e r shows

Throughout h e evening h e PSO performed o h e r nostalgic tu n ^ including Damn Yankee Overture by Addlef & Ross and h e SaturdayNight Wallz and Hoe Down by contemporary composer A£^on Copdand The orchestra also served to musically punctuate and enlighten Ginger’s presenta­tion of C as^ af h e Bat


Later in h e evening Ginger stood center stage and s e r ^ as auctioneer of h e Plymouh Symphony League’s Lave Ticket Auction Bakos said local sponsors, businesses and supporters gave generously h is year Some of h e exciting items up for sale during h e spinted bidding contest induded

■ A cruise with eig^t foiends on h e Soakin’ Wet, courtesy of Nicholas Contracting Company

■ A memorable evening of singing by h e Plymouh String Irfo to be used at a wedding, romantic evening at home or celebration

■ The chance to host an old- fashioned clambake for eight at Waves Restaurant in St Clair Shores Menu includes snow crab legs, dams, mussels, scallops and com on h e cob

■ Showroom Elegance of Canton made someone want to

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(From le ft) Plymouth Sym phony Orchestra vice president Joh n Lewis President Linda Alvardo and conductor Nan Washburn hold a powwoW prior to the annual auction Ftiday a t Laurel Manor in Livonia

pick up ft radtet and don ft beautiful diamond tennis bracdet

■ E & E Manufoctunng made a seasoned baseball fon hapiy w ih h e contnbutoon of baseballs autographed by Detroit Tiger favontes Eime Harwell, AJ Kahne, Jim Pnce and more

■ Wm C Franks Furniture donated a cedar chest with tap­estry cover

■ A couple will enjoy one night plus 18 holes of golf fi'om Boyne USA Resorts

Jo Swerc, president of h e Plymouh Symphony League, wasn’t wrong when she said h e autographed baseballs would be a hot item and would bring some healhy competitive bid­ding among guests

Bakos said h e donation of baseball-related memorabilia by B eh Stewart of h e Plymouh Histoncal Museum helped to create a fun atmos­phere and get people in h e mood for the Ballgowns and Baseball Caps hem e Items from h e museum’s extensive collection were displayed hroughout h e event room, mdudmg baseballs, uniforms, photographs, etc

“I can’t say enough about h e reciprocity between cultural institutions in h is area,” said Bakos “The memorabilia was a big hit w ih people My hat’s off to B eh Stewart and Stella

C A N T O N 6

Grera for h e work they do w ih and for us”


To assure h e success of h e symphony, league members go h e extra mile by providing refreshments for intermission at h e concerts and performing a long list of tasks ich w e ^

Xhir office could notgetbywihout h e contmual assis­tance of individuals who understand how much here is to do m order to pro­vide concerts and especially h e pro­grams created coop­eratively w ih h e Plymouh Canton Sdiools,” said Pat Derdenan, PSO office manager An example, said

Derdenan, is h e work P ^ Hemey does to prepare h e pro­gram books for e a h concert

“The league histoncally con­tributes money hs^ can he counted on to be here because of h e example set by h e early supporters, of whom Jo Hulce of Plymouh, was a founder- member Hulce has suggested h e symphony contact former members of h e league and orchestra m anticipation of an alumni event to celebrate h e forhcommg anniversary of h e PSO m 2005,” said Linda Alvarado, president of h e ^on- phony

The Plymouh rmphony is a nonprofit regional orchestra dedicated to ennchmg Plymouh/Canton and sur­rounding communities w ih hi^-quality symphonic music, youh-education opportumties and to serve as a perfomiance Oudet for talented musicians from souheastem Michigan.

Fo r more information call the Plymouth Symphony Office (734)4512112 visit WWW plymouthsymphony org or e mail plymouthsymphony@aol com

M aster o f Ceremonies Jo h n n y Ginger (le ft) hams it up w ith Plymouth Sym phony Orchestra Executive Director Angel Bakos a t th e start o f the PSO's annu’ al auction Friday a t Laurel Manor in Livonia Ginger's fiancee, Terrie Chiado (right), sits looking on

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A lO (P ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003


C ity right to table ordinance

You’ve got to hand it to commissioners in the City of Plymouth W hen they make a mistake, they’re certainly willing to acknowledge and fix it

Sometimes it takes some of the city’s biggest business people streaming to the microphone to make them see it, but, still, they get it done

It happened last week, when commissioners tabled the scheduled approval of a flew liquor license ordinance pat­terned almost exactly after a similar ordinance in Royal Oak A fter frequently saying Plymouth didn’t want to turn into "another Royal Oak” m terms of nightlife, com­missioners were ready to do just that

A three-m em ber subcommittee made up of commis­s io n e rs D an Dwyer, Ron Loiselle and Phil P u rsell designed th e o rd inance to establish a policy for the issuance and transfer o f liquor licenses and perm its While diey didn’t consult directly with business owners - who would be most affected by the new law - they did ask the Plym outh Com m unity Chamber of Commerce for input on both the liquor license and the outdoor dining issue

The diam ber put togefiier a four-person committee to develop input, and responded to the city with a letter back in January But none of the four, while all solid busi­ness people w ith deep roots in the comm unity, run restaurants or have anything to do with liquor licenses

W hether it was adequate input for commissioners is a m atter of debate, although clearly local restaurant owners didn’t th ink so They swarmed last week’s city commis­sion m eeting to let commissioners know they were dissat­isfied

Business owners thought the language m the proposed ordinance - regulatory phrases such as "overall benefit to the City of W j^ o u th ” and “any other factors tha t may affect the health, safety and welfare or best interests of the community” - was too vague and lejt owners su sc^ ti- ble to the whim of this or future commissions

And the commission, led by the increasingly settling voice o f Dwyer, listened and put a stop to the ordinance, at least for now Dwyer, who has rapidly become a voice of reason and one of the commission’s most effective mem­bers, actudly apologized for not basing sought such input in the beginning, a bold move for a political figure these days

Now, with the help of Tony Belli o f E G Nicks, Greg G oodm an , ow ner o f Cafe Bon Hom m e, and F rank Yaquinto of Compari’s, commissioners will craft a more Plymouth-esque ordinance, one local business owners can live with

It was a bold compromise, one which cynics can say the city was forced into by angry business owners But it’s a com prom ise past commissions m ight not have made, even m the face o f such outrage

We prefer to believe it’s a sign this commission wants to do the ngh t thing

B o th sides m iss m a rk in w a te r bill b a ttle

There has been plenty of political hand-wringmg and gnashing o f the teeth in the past year over the operations of the regional water system and its governing board

Sadly, the dispute over water rates has been reduced to nam e calling, charges of department incompetence and allegations ^ a t efforts to wrest control of the board away from the city of Detroit are being fiieled as much by raast attitudes as unhaj^iness with the water delivery system

Unfortunately, none of the political postunng has done a thing to find a meaningful compromise in the dispute, which has grown to entangle the governor’s office and left homeowners confused - and misinformed - over what is actually paid for out of their water bills

Instead of working together to improve our water deliv­ery system, politicians on both sides of the dispute seem m ore interested in assessing blame

Suburban leaders, in arguing for a new oversight board th a t would be controlled by the suburbs, attacked the D etfo it w ater departm en t as being incom petent and insensitive to their concerns Detroit officios chose to resfiond by running foil-page newspaper ads pointing the finger a t local m umapalities for spiraling cost increases mstead of sitting down with their suburban counterparts to discuss meaningful reform

Getting to the bottom of this latest city-versus-suburbs fight is no easy task, bu t neither is delivenng pure, fresh drm king water to a thirsty suburbs up to 60 miles from the source and then disposing of their waste to boot


© b s e n r e rP a r t o f HomeTown Com m unications Network^'’'

Brad Xadrich Todd WilliamsCommunity Editor Director of Advertising

Hugh Gallagher Peter NeillManaging Editor General Manager

Susan Rosiek Dick AginianExecutive Editor President

Jeanne Towar Phil PowerV.P. Editorial Chairman of the Board

Our fundamental purposes are to enhance the lives of our readers, nurture the hometov/ns we serve and contribute to the business success of our customers

WWW hom etow nlife.com



Participants in th e Citizens Academy gath er around a police car and listen to Sgt Al Cox as he explains the capabilities o f th e unit during the city's Citizens Academ y Students are learning th e Ins and outs o f city government in the first-ever class

Dwyer was honestI had the pleasant opportunity to wit­

ness a wonderful event that took place on Monday night (Apni 7) In my mind, the event should become a milestone in the recent history of the City of Pfymouth

The Cdy Commission mettoentertamgmde- lmesforfiieuseof“c a ^ s ^ ”seatinglyrestau- rants widim the atys DDA, and to act i xMi the second reading of a new L i ^ r Licensing Ordinance vvh^ would e&c^fiiepiesent, and future, hquor license holders within the ctty

Dunng comments presented by the numerous well-known license holders, it became very apparent that the city com­missioners had not sought the mput of the very people who have invested, and made, major contnbutions to the success of the city as a place to vwit and enjoy

I would like to commend Commissioner Dan Dwyer for his honesty, matunty and courage to publicly admit that, as chair of the committee who designed the new pro­posed ordinance, he had made a m ist^e in not seeking input from the restaurant and tavern owners on the issue at hand

I can’t recall ever hearing a publidy dected aty ofiiciai genuineb' apologize to the cxbzens he /she serves. Dan’s ability to understand that the voice of the people he serves is more important than one’s makes him an exam­ple ofthe type of person we deserve as a leader of our community Ifhedeadestorunfbrfiie Qty Commisaon this M , he has my vote.

Peter Bunting Plym outh

CSX complaints validThe common complaints about CSX

are valid, but one potential problem has not been addressed

The long waits at railroad crossings could potentialty stand between residents and much-needed rescue services This has already happened once

My husband woke up one morning in esscm- aabngpamfiomk^ney stones. I att^ptedto drive hun to the Urgent Care Center (now dosed) at Ann Atbor'Rail aiul I&rvty

I was stopped at the railroad tracks at Mam and Theodore by not one tram, but two, each traveling in opposite directions

After being forced to wait for nearly 20 minutes, I h ^ to call an ambulance to take my husband to S t Joseph Mercy Hospital

One of these days, a CSX tram wiU he the obstacle that stands between a resi­dent in dire need and the emergency vehide(s) sent to help

Michelle PlumbPlym outh

Editorial erred.t

In your “Our Views” (Observer, Aprd 3) you said, “Far be it from us to tell the Catholic church howto run its business,” but then, do just that

As I see it, in "Our Tews” you are the one who erred

Our pastor is authorized and supported by the archdiocese and by us parishioners to do what he obviously does for the benefit of the parish and all its members, ureluding our school children ItishisresponsiTuhty And, if he is to be successful in his endeav­or to fiilfill dutifully this much demandu^ responsibihty, he needs and has a n ^ t to have full cooperation from his aides, and th ^ r apphcation of reasonable effort.

It is entirely m his disc^^on to determine from whom he gets such cooperation, and

LEH ER Sfrom whom he does not, just like it is m your boss’ discretion whefiier he wants to have you contmue wnting the like editorials

In my opinion, your certain suggestive compansons m editonai are imcalled for

Also m my opinion, our pastor ought to be respectfully called Rev John Sullivan, not just Sullivan

And the questions Why file internal a&irs of our parish are of such concern to the O h s e r^ Why fins intrusion of outsiders’

Joseph WirePlym outh

History must countIs razing the histone Daisy Air Rtfie

buildmg a hardship on the Plymouth community? Once again, I think Plymouth is losing more long-term prof­its than file short-term profits gamed by a developer who has a mortgage to pay on a yacht in another state

In order to maintain and enhance a per­sonally crafted quality of life and vision for livmg, Plymouth continues to heavily mvest time and money m Master Plans, Histone Distncts, multuniUion dollar streetscapes, expensive ongoing marketing programs and even litigation Many com­munity-enhancing municipal projects cost each citizen hardship and personal sacn- fice yet don’t generate a sin^e, immediate dollar of profit We purchase our vision with hard cash and sweat equity, aid there should be real payback required when someone wants to tear that vision avray

Remember what b ^ a n happenmg to Midiael J Fox in his movie, "Back to the Future”’ While fefiing to repair his past, he began to lose his future He was becom­ing irrele\^ t, as failures built up and he began to fode away at the prom dance

That analogy d e ^ b e s the sometimes- necessaiy defiance against yet another inters loper de^oper trying to convmce me that, for irty own gixxi, it’s important to forget the past d get on with the future - as if file two are mutually eiaiusive I want file loss of values to'sting b ^ r e I watch Plymouth fede aw ^ mto an irrdevant, nondescniA eid«n- sion of Morton Tk>ior and Ford roads

I can a lrea^ hearthe retort, “Those residents fear ange and only impede progress ” So that my opinion is not immediately minimize^ I have to say that I support many developments and changes in Plymouth tesurfaemgthe roads, the Ann Arbor Road Comdor proj­ects, the expansion of the Box Bar that swallowed up a bungalow-style home in the heart of the Kellogg Histone Distnct, the streetscape, a realistically scaled Wilcox project, and the library expansion

I have my own piece of advice for the developer Just go ahead with your condo plans Pretend foat the Daity building and its relevance to "die community is impor­tant to j^u TfeUeveiycaie that you care about Plymouth, character counts, hold public h e a m ^ on file matter, express your sincere desire to preserve the essence of Plymouth - publicly dedare that you, yourself, embod^the essence of Plymouth

Next, at the end of the planning process, create a jumble of plans that, oops, overlap with file Daisy building You can go back to the ne^tiation table and say that the condo pi^ect is m jeopardy and there is no way to save Daisy - it poses a finanaal hardship As a goodwill gesture, offer to move the Daisy building to the township park, n»ct to foe Cassady Bam

ff foere is no pam m losmgihe Daitybudd-

ing, then I don’t know why we are so ngor- ousty marketing Plymouth The vision of the Master Plan is erroneous and unsuccessfiilly fiilfiUed It is a hollow, irrelevant, piece of paper fiiat can only find meaning m foe toi­let-paper dispenser of a gaudy pubhc rest­room n ^ t m the middle of ]^Uogg I^ k .

Glenn Kremer Plym outh

Expand MedicaidLast November, I voted “no” on foe pro­

posal to constitutionally require that tobac­co settlement money be used for health care I voted this way because (1) it was widely reported that the amendment would disproportionately benefit a few groups within the health care industry, and (2) such an amendment m ^ t unduly tie foe hands of the governor and lawmakers

Preserving the Merit Scholarship Program was not one of my reasons for vot­ing no As I recall, early polls showed sup­port for approval However, as tone went on and more infonnation was made known about foe limited number of groups that would benefit from the amendment, foe tide changed I suspect many people voted “no” for foe same reasons that I did

While a small portion of the Ment Scholarship Program c»uld be retamed for financially needy students, foe biilk of foe tobacxx) sktlement money in question should be used to eiqiand the number of people cov­ered by Medicaid Thisisinthemterestof those who would receive Medicaid services as well as foose m the greater c»mmumty

Many hard-worlung people have no health u^urance, do not quahfyfor Medicaid, and simply do not earn o u ^ to pay for health care This v m foe case even before foe present economic downturn For foese people, health care consists of vraitmg until foey are veiy ill and then visitmg a h<is- pit^ emergenty room where they cannot be turned away regardiera of abihty to pjty This is a very eiqiensive approach to health care Prevention of a mefo<^ crisis is mudi cheap^thandealu^wifo foe crisis It is also much more humane Wouldn’t you r ^ e r be treated for h i ^ blood p r^ u re u^tead of waiting until It causes a stroke?

Ejqiandmg the number of people covered by Medicaid is foe ngjit thing to do wrfo foe tobacco settlement money The mraieywas mt^ded to oimpensate statesfor h ^ fo care expenses meurred due to smoking. Expanding Medicaid cover?^ comes a lot dosqr to that olgective than providing c d l ^ sdidarships.

Darien Sctiubatis Plym o u th

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QUOTABLE"It was great to see Saddam gone. It's the best thing that's happened in Iraq in 30 years.'- Basma Fakri, Iraqi Am erican

ivww.hometoivnlife.com OTHER OPINIONS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 ( P ) * x

Economy is headed up, if you can get through 2003


The war m Iraq may be going well and spnng may have at last arrived, but the current news for Michigan’s economy is not good

The main headline last week read “Michigan’s jobless rate is the highest in 9 years "

The details behmd the headline make dismal reiuiing The state’s unempir^ment rate jumped from 6 2 percent in January to 6 6 percent in February, the h ipest level since February, 1994 The total number of jobless people looking for work inMichigan was 336,000, up 18,000 from January

Manufactunng accounts for about one out of every five jobs m Michigan

I - y , - - Hardest lut were our m a n u ^ - L V tum ^jobs, down 14,000 to

? 737,000 from January and^ 30,000 less than a year US

automakers are still losing mar­ket share to foreign competitors, while some auto parts Suppliers / are laying off workers and others are going out of business

Tounsm, another major §dctor m our economy, was hurt,^ well The sector lost 5,000jobs

since January and is down 9,000 from a year ago As

tounsm expenditures are largely discretionary, the national economic slowdown has hurt Michigan s tounst business

Air travel is off 17 percent compju-ed to last year, according to die Air IVansport Association, a casu­alty of the recession and fears of terrorism result­ing from the war in Iraq Northwest Airlines, Michigan’s dominant air earner, started laying off thousands of employees last year and is accelerat­ing the trend this year Moo^^s Investor Service last week downgraded the company’s bond rating to B2, five levels below investment grade And, like other airlines. Northwest is asking its unions for wage and contract concessions and threatening to go to bankruptty^ court if it can’t get them

The Business Roundtable, made up of diief executive officers of the biggest U S -based com­panies last week released a survey showing its members won’t be hiring new workers or invest­ing in new factories, machinery and technology this year Forty-five percent of the 120 CEXDs sur­veyed said they didn’t expect to hire new workers in 2003, compared with only 9 percent who expected to increase hiring

Most business people with whom I talk have simply given up maintaining their profit margins by trying to increase sales “We are trying, but it just isn’t there,” said one CEO who seemed to summarize most opinion Instead, businesses have deaded to mamtain earnings by cutting costs, which usually means reducing labor and deferring any investments

So are we facing another recession before we

Most business people with whom I talk have simply given up maintaining their profit margins by trying to increase saies. 'We are trying, but it just isn't there,' said one CEO who seemed to summarize modt opinion. Instead, huiinesses have decided to maintain earnings b | cutting costs, which usually means rediping labor anddefdrring any investm ent.

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even get out of the first one? Not necessarily ITie m os| recent report from ffie University of

Michigan’s Respected survey of consumer atti­tudes showed stronger im provem ^t than expect­ed, nsmg fipm 77 6 in March to 83 2 in April Economists point out that consumer spending is an important component of the economy and that improving consumer expectations generally pre­view increases m actual consumer spending

And the U-M’s Research Seminar in (Quantitative Economics April forecast for the Michigan economic outlook predicted that, “the local economy snaps back dunng the second half o f2003, rebounding to job growth of 15 percent, a little above the pace of job creation over the past 25 years Job growth then accelerates into 2004, expanding at a rate of 2 percent in the opening quarter before edging down to average a pace of 1 8 percent dunng the year”

These predictions suggest our current unem­ployment rate of 6 6 percent will fell to 6 4 per­cent by the end of the year and to 6 percent by the end o f2004 The U-M economists predict infla­tion will remain low, an avera^ of 21 percent in 2003 and 1 8 percent in 2004 Person^ income is forecast to increase 31 percent m 2003 and jump to 5 2 percent in 2004 Real disposable income, or purchasing power, which increased 2 4 percent in 2002, will dip to 19 percent in 2003, 2004, however, should show a big jump of 3 8 percent, according to the Research Seminar economists

So the bottom line seems to be If you can get through the end of this year, things will get better m 2004 I sure hope so

Phil Power is the chairman of the board of the company that owns this newspaper He would be pleased to get your reac tions to this column either at (734)953 2047 or at ppower@homecomm net

You 'can't tell by looking’ when it comes to cold-blooded killers



A well-fed fly landed on the concrete stoop, uncomfortably close to my Diet Pepsi, and I turned to brush it away

That was when I noticed the man sitting right beside me was looking at me and smiling — a wide, warm grin with gaps where four ofhis teeth used to be He turned out to be a thoughtful lunch com­panion

Having spent nearly all of my working hours for weeks m a courtroom in Detroit, I still hadn’t grown accustomed to a babble- free zone I hadn’t spoken a word to anyone since 8 30 a .m , and I welcomed the chance

to gabIn our real lives, we never

would have met But on that first real spring day in front of the Frank Murphy Hall of Justice, we found out we had been asking the same philosophical questions all day

"How could you get so messed up in stuff that you could spend the rest of your life m pnson’ ” he said, not necessarily to me “He’s just ababy”

The man told me, in a gravely voice which made him sound older than his 38 years, his 21-year-old nephew was on tnal, accused of shooting three people last June m a crack house in Bnghtmoor, a north­west Detroit neighborhood Police said he tried to cover his tracks by setting fire to the house

My companion knew a little about trou­ble himself He’d been in jail on a few occa­sions Some auto theft A breaking and entering He even got caught stealing some Kowalsfa sausages But he had never hurt anyone, and neither did his nephew, he said

“I don’t luiow what happened down there, but I do kp,ow my nephew is no killer You can tell a cold-blooded killer when you see him,” said the man

Well, maybe Or maybe not Ajury will have to determine that

I had heard the same thing from a mother of an accused murderer just a day earher

Betty Smith, the mother of John Wolfenbarger, who is standing tnal for the Chnstmastime murder of five members of the Pesce family in Livonia, told me she is just as certain her son is not guilty as the prosecutor is sure he is

“My boy is no murderer,” she said “He’s so smart He could do anything he wanted I just know he’s not a killer”

She feels heavy-hearted for the survivors of

the murdered family, she said But she can’t get over the nagging feeling justice is not being served

She spoke in a whisper, out o f respect for members o f the Pesce fam ily who had attended the tn a l every day, in te r­jecting prayers and pleas to God period­ically

“I can’t blame them if t h ^ hate every one of us,” she said, nodding tow a^ the Pesce fami- j ly "I would too if I were them, but I don’t think the whole truth IS coming out I just pray someone involved in this case will tell flie tru fli”

I wondered how the two defendants — Wolfenbarger and Dennis Lincoln —- wound up in court with two dozen people determining their guilt or innocence foe crimes that could send them to prison for life

Wolfenbarger, despite his mother’s un^iak- able faith in him, has led a troubled life, and has been in and out of the cruninal justice ^ ^ e m since he was a teenager

Lincoln comes from a middle-class fami­ly with decent parents Lincoln was a fair student, in high school and college, and was working as a manager of a book store and from the outside seemed well on his way to getting on track after his release from prison a year ago At the very least, he seems at first glance hardly the kind of per­son you’d suspect of committing one of the most heinous murder in Wayne County’s history

On the surface, any one of the people in the courtroom look like they could be my neighbors, or even my relatives, I told the man sitting with me outside the court­house Were it not for the tragedy that brought us there, I suspect we would all find far more similarities among us than differences i

I thought for a moment about the devastat­ing gnef of the Pesce family, but also the deep disappointment and sadness felt by the defendants’ families

“Yeah sweetheart, sometimes I guess you can’t tell by lookmg,” he said, and he offered me a bite of gyro that he boughrftom the out­door lunch vendor

I declined, even though his lunch looked better than my Polish sausage sandwich. But with the sun on my face and a warm breeze m my hair, and my biggest disappointment th a t choice of a sandwich, I could hardly complain about my lunch

(^rol Marshall is a staff writer fo r the Livonia Observer She can be reached at (734) 953 2109 or e mailed at cmarsha!l@oe homecomm net

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A12 (*) Observer S Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 COUNTY NEWS wwwJtom etownlife.com

Ficano appoints Esper as county's first inspector general

David Esper has been appointed Wayne County’s first inspector general by County Executive Robert Rcano

Esper, a tnal lawyer with mvestigative expenence, will develop programs within the executive branch for the pre­vention and detection of fraud, waste and abuse in govern­ment activities

Esper, 54, of Northville, will assist in finding ways to improve government efficiency by researchmg and helping to implement “best practices” standards for contracts and services

A former police officer for the City of Lansing, Esper also conducted investigations mvolvmg grand Junes while


serving as an assistant Wayne County prosecutor assigned to a county organ­ized crime task force

Esper has been a cnminal

and civil trial attorney for more than 2Q years As chairman for an attorney gnevance pand for the Michigan State Bar Association smce 1989, Esper resolves cases of ethical and legal violations by attorneys He also is mediator in Wayne County Circuit Court

Ficano said he has created the mdependent office of inspector genaral to instill a culture of

ethics throughout his adminis­tration and rest of WayneCounty Since taking office, Rcano has reqmred appointees to sign forms disclosing poten­tial conflicts of interest and agreeing to follow a compre­hensive hst of ethical practices

Esper said he will review existing ethics ordinances from around the country

“The existing ethics ordi­nance in Wayne County is lim­ited in scope and may need to be expanded,” said Esper

Esper, a tr S Army veteran, earned a bachelor’s degree from Michigan State University and graduated cum laude from the University of Dettoit School of Law He is mamed with two children

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Keely Kaleski editor (2 4 8 )9 0 12 5 8 7 Fax (248) 6441314 kka!eski(|5oe hom ecom m net

B! nObserver S Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003

■ Ja zzGet your tunes in order

Reserve a spot for your ja zz group today in the Clawson High School J a z z Festival 10 a m to 4 30 p m Saturday May 17 in front of the school Each band will have 30 min u te s to p la y Send a fax with your band s name and con tact person t o CHS Ja z z Festival Attn Kevin Phillips (248) 655 4205 or e m ail kphillips2@clawson kl2 mi us

■ Brass bandMotor City Brass Band is m

Little Rock Ark for the North American Brass Band International Competition Thirty five brass bands are competing for honors and awards in four categories Motor City Brass Band per forms 30 concerts a year including a four concert series at the Southfield Center for the Arts For more information call (248) 559 2095 or visit www mcbborg

■ Cheap ticketsPalace Sports and

Entertainment and Clear Channel will be working with bands and artists this sum mer to make a limited num ber of $10 lawn tickets avail able for concerts at DTE -Energy Music Theatre in Clarkston and Meadow Brook Music Festival on the campus of Oakland University m Rochester Hills These spe cially priced tickets will be on sale through The Palace box office only with a limit of two per customer per show Stay tuned to A rts S Entertainment fo r informa tjon about the upcoming summer season

■ Oboe and striigsEm m y award winning com

poser Joseph LoDuca will match his talents with those of Detroit Cham ber Winds & Strings oboe virtuoso Donald Baker in the world premiere of a work of oboe strings and percussion 3 p m Sunday A p r il27 at Christ Church Grosse Pomte a n d ? p m Sunday M a y 4 at Birmingham Unitarian Church LoDuca who gained fame scoring the Xena Warrior Princess T V series and a number o f movies with Detroit born movie director Sam Raimi will present a preview on the differences between film scoring and classical com position titled Hollywood to Haydn at 615 p m before the May 4 concert Tickets $25 seniors and students $19 call (248) 559 2095

■ Two-band nightThe Windsor Detroit

branch o f the Pipers and Pipe Band Society of Ontario will host its annual Two Band Night Saturday April 26 a t the Father 0 Kelley Knights of Columbus Hall 23663 Park St in Dearborn Scottish foods and an open bar will be available Doors open at 6 30 pm Advance tickets are $12 adults $6 children a n d $ 3 0 fo rfa m i lies with two or more kids Admission at the door for adults IS $15 children $8 and fam ily $40 For more information call Bill Kincaid (734) 973 1828

Could Elvis be Jewish'’ Three Canadian filmmakers, and an Orthodox rabbi who impersonates Elvis, set out to trace the King's roots in the humorous documentary 'Schmelvis Searching for the King's Jewish Roots'

A film for every tastePonder, laugh, celebrate - take your pick at the Jewish Film FestivalBY NICOLE STAFFORDSTAFF WRITER

The Lenore Marwil Jewish Film Festival is like a museum devoted to a single artist or particular subject

It has a distinct focus, thus excels at exploring its hub from many points of view

Such collections, whether of paintings or films, usually mean patrons have an opportunity to par­take in rarely seen, perhaps over­looked, worlb, as well

The Jewish Community Center’s annual film festival, from Sunday, April 27 to Thursday, May 8 with screenmgs at four local theaters, is no exception

"These are films that you can’t see anywhere else,” said David Magidson, festival director and pro­fessor of theater at Wayne State University “Of all the movies that we’ve shown over the years, maybe five of them are in videp stores ”


Perhaps the best illustration of the festival’s bent toward the unusu­al IS this year’s lineup of films of place

Among them is The Last Jewish Town, a documentary look into northern Azerbaijan In the 18th century, a portion of land was given to Jews to hve as they pleased in the

FILM FESTIVALWhat; Fifth Annual Jew ish Com m unity Center Lenore Marwil Je w ish Film Festival fea- turing 32 filmsWhen: Ap ril 27-May 8, fo r screen­ing schedule or brochure, call (2 4 8 )4 3 2-5 5 77 or visit w w w jccde to rgWhere: 30 films shown at United Artists Theatres 14 Mile Road at H agge rty, Commerce Township,11 films screened at Michigan Theatre 603 E Lib e rty Ann A rb o r six films shown at Uptow n Birmingham 8 2 11S Old

Isabella Rossellini and Jeroen Krabbe star in 'The Sky Is Falling,' a story about a couple in a mixed marriage who live in Tuscany m 1944

W oodward A v e , Birm ingham , tw o film s at The Palace Theatre, 300 Oullette, Windsor Tickets: General adm ission, $8, seniors, $ 7, festival pass $95 ($85 fo r seniors) cal! (248) 788- 2900

The documentary 'Israel in a Time of Terror' looks at terrorism in Israel The film seeks to show what it means to live under and how residents cope with the threat of terrorism

region Today, their descendants number 6,000 and live according to Sephardic tradition m a town run by both a rahbi and a mayor

Salaam Shalom, is another intriguing film of place The docu­mentary visits several cities in India where a minority of Jews live with roots datmg bade two millennia

The Shy Is Falling, with Isabella Rossellini and Jeroen Krabbe play­ing a 194fOs couple m a mixed mar­riage living m Italy, transports view­ers to a different time and place with extraordinary artistic crafts­manship The S l^ Is Falhngis a. “beautifoUy filmed” fictiond drama, said Magidson, adding “they’re are three or four movies in this year’s festival that are as good as ‘The Pianist

Another well crafted and good- looking film is Gloomy Sunday, a romance intertwined with a song said to cause people to commit sui­cide in 1930s eastern Europe



Bugs Beddow band makes you want to danceHaving a party’ The Bugs Beddow

band has the perfect CD to get everyone up and dancmg At least

that’s how I felt when I first heard Smokm’Live

Recorded at Memphis Smoke m Royal Oak in August 2002, the band mixes it up with dnvmg rhythm & blues^ jazz, funk and soul It’s no won­der they won Best R&B Band at the 2002 and 2003 Detroit Music Awards

Bugs Beddow (trombone), D u ^Kmg (guitar), James Morse (saxo­phones), Jim Pryor (drums) and Glenn Olds (bass) consistently produce a full nch sound that’s become a hit with club crowds around town Beddow surveyed fans of the band for their favorite songs and chose 12 for the new CD

From the sultry Latin rhythms of Santana’s Sm oa^ to the funlg^ beat of Lownder, every cut mdses you want to dance But hear for yourself Bugs and the gang heat up Bo’s Brewery in Pontiac on Fhday, April 18, and the Blue Martini in Birmingham on Saturdaj^ April 19

“The idea was if someone’s having a get-together they can put it on and play It all the way th ro u ^ For that hour or so. It’s tune to get up and go,” said Beddow of Orchard Lake “But we also wanted to introduce the current lineup with Glenn Olds on bass He’s such a dynamic bassist and singer”

Beddow’s seen a few personnel changes since playing his first paying gig m 1968 at the age of 15 Beddow began playing trombone in Birmingfram Public Schools m 1963 Over the years, he’s played a variety of music from rock to jazz and Dixieland, and recorded with musicians like Mitch Ryder

Beddow’s first CD featured Earl Klugh in 1983 Since then he’s released SIX other albums including Smokin’ Live which was produced, mixed and mastered by Duffy Kmg at DKP studios in Pleasant Ridge

Although the latest CD consist^ of covers, expect the next one to put them


BUGS BEDDOW BAND■ 10 p m to 130 a m Friday, April 18, Fnday-Saturday, May 30-31, Bo's Brewery, 5 1 N Sagm aw, Pontiac, (248)338-9088■ 8 p m to midnight Saturday,April 19, and Friday May 16, Blue M artini, 201 Ham yton Row, Birm ingham , (248) 258-3005■ 10 p m to 2 a.m Saturday, May 17, Cavern Club, 2 0 1 S f i r s t A n n Arbor, (734) 332-9900

Detroiters pack State Theatre to hail local m usiciansBY LANA MINISTAFF WRITER

The crowd wasn’t there for Kid Rock Or Eminem Or the White Stnpes It was a good thing, too, because none of

the heavy-hitters attended the Detroit Music Awards on Friday at the State Theatre And of the three, only Eminem won an award - for hi& song “Lose Yourself” They were all beat for national album by the still emerging Funk Brothers

The biggest winner of the night was singer, songwnter, guitarist Liz Larm who earijed six awafds Lann praised fellow Detroit musicians in her speech m a tone that was similar to many artists lhat night The theme was about coming together —

rock, hip hop, classical, gospel, electronic, and country

“The Detroit music scene has really changed for the better in the last few years,” Lann said “People are working together, supporting each other it wasn’t alwa^ like th a t”

Fellow singer Barbara Payton, who’s been in the music scene for 27 years, wasn’t nominated this year, but she attended any­way to support her peers

“There’s been some amazing things that have happened musically m Detroit m the past year and everyone came together for it tonight there’s a really good vibe here tonight,” Payton said ^

Some of o se afnazmg things include, of



Liz Lann (right) and Tamara Bedncky perform a t th eO e troit MUsic Awards Lann stole the show and earned six awards

Did you miss the deadline fo ^ u r s d a y 's Classifieds?

You have a second chani» to make Thureday’s edition, if you call us by noon on W ednesday we'll put your ad In a spM lai mini-directory, “Ibo late to Classified,” which appeam in Arts & InterU iinm ent I11-800-579-SELL (preferably by deadline) to place your ad.

B2 (*) Observer S Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT wivw.hom etoivnl(fe.com

FROM PAGE B1on the charts with onginals Beddow says are “cooking’

In the meantime Beddow continues to play the clubs at night and guest teach m West Bloomfield Schools during the day

“We play trombone-dnven party blues, hot danceable rock and rhythm & blues music, said Beddow, a 1970 graduate of Birmingham Groves

High School “We have five ballads we pull out on request, but most of our music is get on your feet, feel good and start moving”

I t ’s funk and jazz, energized,” Olds added

The Smokin Live CD is $20 (inciudes shipping) and avail able on line at www bugsBeddow com or by calling the hot line at (248) 546 BUGS

Know of an interesting story? Call Observer & Eccentric arts reporter Linda Ann Chomin at (734) 953 2145 or send e mail to lchomin@oe homecomm net

Adult, offers 'Anxiety Always'

Duffy King (from left), Bugs Beddow, Jim Pryor, James Morse and Glenn Olds recently released their Smokin' Live' CD The band plays this weekend m Pontiac and Birmingham

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The 21st run of this national Vintage Car Rally starts in Livonia, at the

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will visit our City the week of June 18,2003. Great Race pre-race activities include, a Classic Car show, Tech Inspections, a Trophy Run to MIS, a visit to the Roush Race dar Collection, along with Bands, Parades and Great Fun for all. For more info contact the City of Livonia @ 734-466-2100 or visit the City website www.ci.livonia.mLus

It came as little surpnse to find that Nicola Kuperus and Adam Lee Miller - the cre­

ative musical duo known as Adult - met at an art opening m 1996

“When I met Adam I had never heard electronic music, other than some really bad techno” admitted Kuperus “At the time I was listening to a lot of straight-edge hard core music I had never even heard of Kraftwerk before I had a really bad opinion of what electronic music was ”

That’s not a likely start for a couple who’ve led their own Detroit-centnc electro-revolu- tion from the comfortable con­fines of their Ersatz Audio label

“She came into it realty fresh,” said Miller “I know maybe too much Nicola had piano trainmg I was more the electronic music in the cock­p it”

Their musical relationship - like their personal one - is sort that lows Kuperus and Miller to finish each other’s sentences, and likely musical thoughts

In addition to their own records, the band has complet­ed 23 remixes, including songs by Ectomorph, The Faint, Bobby Conn, ^scherspooner and Felix Da Housecat Adult doesn’t expect to continue releasmg so many remixes, the duo will instead set the focus on their own matenal

Adult’s new fiill-length record, Anxiety Always, could easily be considered a first proper album It follows the success of Resuscitation, which is more of a “collection of songs”

“Mentally, we were working on It for a long time,” said Kuperus But the music was completed during four steady months of isolation Adult released the record April 8 on their Ersatz impnnt

“We think it’s really hard, dirty and different,” said Miller

Each song has its own iden­tity, but they meld into a com­plementary, dark and some­what spooky album Anxiety Always includes a variety of matenal to keep the listener


When it came to deciding the order of songs on Resuscitation, Adult, gave 10 copies to 10 friends on the inside and outside o f the music industry to gather dif­ferent perspectives.

interested - from instrumen­tals to songs heavy on vocals and bass Songs like Shake Your Head and Kick m the Shin sound impulsive, addic­tive

‘We were over-ready to write an album,” said Kuperus

Part of the anxiety associated with this record came from the threat of a sophomore slump Adult was well aware that fans would have high expectations this time around

The duo escaped that pres­sure last time ^ ^ e n Resuscitation was released it was more of a sleeper hit, pidk- mg up momentum as time passed on Now established, Adult has a lot to live up to

When It came to deciding the order of songs on Resuscitation, Adult gave 10 copies to 10 ftiends on the inside and Putside of the music mdustry to gather different perspectives

“We drove our friends craty,” said Miller ‘W ith this album, we played (the songs) for no one That added to the anxiety always too ”

Another important aspect of the overall Adult brand comes from Kuperus’ own photogra­phy Her stark, clean imagery leaves you looking curiously for more Her photography has

become a trademark for A dultM iller said

It happened accidentally They were looking for a photo­graph of a mouth to feature on the cover of Oral-Olio in 1998 After fishing through her work, they found one and used it Happy w th the response, they tned It again on a picture disc and It became a must-have Item The tone was set on just how Adult would look and sound

So when New York’s Interpol contacted Kuperus to do a photograph for their album, she had to turn them down “It’s become us now,” said Miller

The two joke about when she 11 have time to prepare for a solo photography show she’s planning at Detroit Contemporary art gallery “Hopefully this summer I’ll get some new photos done,” she said

In the meantime Adult is preparing for “extreme tired­ness” which will inevitably accompany the upcoming North American tour - their biggest at 20 shows in 26 days

If their first show since Anxiety’s completion - March 21 in Miami during the Winter Music Conference - was any indication the new material will be well- received

“It was just a really fun, hot, party place,” said Miller He relayed a story about fans literally jumping onstage and pulling off their pants

Miller said these days their shows are more energetic and include more vocals That doesn’t mean people have stopped asking him whedier he s just checking his e-mail up there

Look fo r M i e t y Alw ays in record stores now And welcome A d u lt home when the band perform s w ith lable mates and openers Magas Goudron 9 p m Saturday May 17 at th e Magic Stick Detroit cal! (313) 833 9700

Stephanie Angeiyn Casoia writes about popular music fo r the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers Send e mail to scasolalioe homecomm net



HOSPICEof michigan

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Contact Hospice o f M id i^ o n a tHOSPICE O F M I C H K » care to people who o r#

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313 578-5000 or is>t www.hcm.org

wwiv.hom etoivnltfe.com LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 (*) B3

Discover the nature of thingsHere’s a partial listing of

nature/mterpretive centers in the Observer & Eccentric cov­erage area

Most oifer educational pro­grams on a regular basis for a small fee Exhibits also change periodically

■ Environmental Interpretive Center, University of Michigan-Dearbom, 4901 Evergreen Road, between Ford Road and Michigan Avenue, Dearborn

Open 10 a m to 5 p m daily Free admission (313) 593- 5338

Highlights &diibitofthe Rouge River watershed, feed­ing stations for wildlife, and ceramic tiles created by chil­dren on what nature means to them Nature trails, Rouge River, pond, meadow and grounds of the Fair Lane Estate are nearby

■ Nankin Mills Interpretive Center, Wayne County Parks, 33175 Ann Arbor IVail, between Farmington and Memman roads, Westland

Open 9 a m to 4 p m Ihesday through Saturday Free admission. (734) 261- 1990

Highlights Exhibits of Rouge River history, live rep­tiles and amphibians, Henry Ford and his cottage indus­tries, and Native Americans cultures Easy access to Hines Park is nearby

■ Marshlands Museum and Nature Center at Lake Erie Metropark, 32481W Jefferson between Woodruff and Huron River Dnve, Brownstown Ibwnship

Open 1-5 p m Monday through Fnday, 10 a m to 5 pm Saturday and Sunday (734) 397-5020 or (800) 477- 3189

Daily vehicle parks entry fee IS $4, annual permit, good for ail Metroparks, is $20, $12 for senior citizens at least 62 years of age No additional charge

for museum/nature centerHi^lights Displays of

mounted birds and firearms, plus nature trail

■ Interpretive Nature Center and Farm Learning Center at Kensington Metropark, Kent Lake Road exit at 1-96,Milford

Farm Learning Center open 9 a m to 4 p m daily, Interpretive Nature Center 1-5 p m Monday, 10 a m to 6 p m Tuesday through Sunday (248) 685-1561 or (800) 477-3178

Daily vehicle parks entry fee is $4, annual permit, good for all Metroparks, is $20, $12 for senior citizens at least 62 years of age No edditional charge for nature or farm center

Highlights farm center- bam, animals, gardens, nature center - aquanum, interactive education^ displays Nature center also is at conflux of sev­eral nature trails

■ Uoyd A. Stage Nature Center, TVoy Parks & Recreation, 6685 Coolidge, between Square Lake Road and South Boulevard, IVoy

Open8 3 0 a m to4 30pm Riesday through Saturday, noon to 5 p m Sunday Free admission (248) 524-3567

Highlights Exhibit of birds and duck decoys, wildhfe view­ing room, library The center is gateway to 100 acres of pre­served land and nature trails

■ Lewis Wint Nature Center at Independence Oaks County Park, 9501 Sashabaw Road, between Clarkston Road and Seymour Lake Road, Independence Township

Open 10 a.m to 5 p m TXiesday through Sunday (248) 625-6473 Daily parks vehicle entry fee is $5 for county resi­dents, $8 for nonresidents, annual permit is $25 for coun­ty residents, $46 for nonresi­dents No additional charge for nature center

Highlights Interactive exhibit on the essential ele­

ments of hfe relating to wildlife

■ Dinosaur Hill Nature Preserve, 333 N Hill Circle, off Tienken Road between Rochester Road and Livemois, Rochester

Nature center open 9 a m to noon Monday, 9 a m to 5 p m Tuesday through Fnday Ground open dawn to dusk daily Free admission (248) 656-0999

Highlights Working indoor beehive, some animals and maple sugar tapping exhibit Grounds include woods, Paint Creek and nature trails

■ Interpretive Center at Stony Creek Metropark, off 26 Mile Road, between Washmgton/Dequmdre and Mound, Shelby Township

Open 1-5 p m weekdays, 10 am to 5 p m Saturday and Sunday (586) 781-4242 or (800) 477-7756

Daily vehicle parks entry fee IS $4, annual permit, good for all Metroparks, is $20, $12 for senior citizens at least 62 years of age No additional charge for interpretive center

Highlights Display of Native Amencan artifacts, live snakes and amphibians Nature study area, trails adjacent

■ Interpretive Center at Indian Spnngs Metropark, off White Lake Road between Cuthbert and Teggerdone, White Lake Township

Open 1-5 p m weekdays, 10 a.m to 5 p m Saturday and Sunday (248) 625-7280 or (800) 477-3192

Daily vehicle parks entry fee IS $4, annual permit, good for all Metroparks, is $20, $12 for senior atizens at least 62 years of age No additional charge for mterpretive center

Highlights Mounted ani­mals native to Michigan, plus live reptiles and amphibians Nature trails nearby

- compiled by Doug Funke

Look for 'Filter,' the new Entertainment guide inside your Observer & Eccentric beginning June 5


»ETROtT S 1 W OmiDAV STATION D e t r o i t


© h0crvcr ^ l^tceoirirNEWSPAPERS


T W O L O C A T IO W S ! 734-261-1990

>11 am @ Hines Park in Westland > 9am @ Elizabeth Park in Trenton

FRIDAY, APRIL n 8THWayne County Parks are proud to present the 2003 Marsh­mallow Drop! The Marshmallow Drop is an annual event for families in around Wayne County A helicopter flies over an

open field and drops 10,000 marshmallows on to the field The children pick up a marshmallow and turn it in for a prize This event is a fun and safe Easter event for children of all ages'

Make plans for Easter brunchBY MARY OUINLEYCORRESPONDENT

Here’s a sampling of restaurants that will be open for Easter brunch Be sure to call ahead for reservations

Beaver Creek -1609 N Wayne Road m Westland (734) 722-5330 Open noon through 9 p m An Easter menu as well as full menu available Menu includes blue cheese harvest salad and calaman Also offered is ham, a traditional roasted turkey dinner, prime nb, a variety of pasta and fresh fish Dessert is Beaver Creek’s popular warm chopolate chip cookies

Sweet Georgia Brown -1045 Brush St at Monroe in Greektown (313) 965-1245 Open 11 a m to 6 p m Cost is $36 95 for adults and $18 50 for kids 5-12, under 5 free CarVing stations with herb roasted pnme nb, ham, smoked turkey breast with cornbread sage stuffing, lamb, seafood, salads, vegetables and an omelet and waffle station including chocolate waffles with berries Diners will receive onejewelry box per person with a chance to wm a diamond bracelet from Tappers Jewelry

Deadwood Bar & Gnil -18730 Northville Road in Northville (248) 34-RIFLE Hours 11 ami to 11 p m Full menu and brunch menu including ham, a traditional turkey dinner, hearty pastas, Black Angus steaks, fish, blueberry pancakes, eggs benedict, huevos rancheros and omelets For dessert, the bar’s famous chocolate chip cookies

Embassy Suites -19525 Victor Parkway,

Livonia, (734) 462-6000 Seatings at 11 30 a m , 1 p m and 2 30 p m , $24 95 adults and $14 95 ages 6-12 years Menu includes break­fast items, assorted salads, carving station, chicken, cod, roast pork, potatoes and desserts

H a w t h o r n e V a U ^ C o u n t i y O u b - 7300 N Mernman, Westland, (734) 422-3440.Dinner items, served H a m to 5 p m., include salads, fruits, beef sirloin, ham, chicken, meatballs, desserts and more Breakfast buffet served 11 a m to 2 p m ,$15 50 adults, $9 50 children 10 and under, no charge for children 3 and younger.

E r n e s t o ’s - 41661 Plymouth R o ^ Plymouth, (734) 453-2002 From 10 a.m. to 2 p m the buffet will include salads, fruit, breakfast items, chicken, tu rk^ , pasta dishes, desserts and more Dinner items only, includ­ing prune nb, lamb, ham and fish, 2-6 p m Cost for both buffets adults $24 95, children 6-10 $9 95,5 and younger free

J a c k D o n l e a v y ’s - 340 N Mam, Plymouth^ (734) 455-3700 Choose an 11 a m , 1 p.m or 3 p m seating, adults $2195, children 4-10 years $8 95, nb charge for children age 3 and younger Ham, pnme nb, roasted turkey, smoked salmon, pasta, salads and assorted desserts are on the menu

H d i e n i c C u l t u r a l C e n t e r ~ 36375 Joy, Westland, (734) 525-3550 Buffet served 11 am to 2 p m includes breakfast items, pas- tnes, beef and ham carving station, roast porK fettuccme Alfredo, pierogi, salad bar ^ d more, $22 95 adults, $17,95 seniors,$8 95 for children 12 years and under


Parkening is a

great a r t i s t -

one of the most

brilliant g-uitari.st.s in the world P

A n d r e s S e e o v i a

University Musical Society 8th Annual Ford Honors Program



Saturday, May 3, 6 P.M.Rackham Auditorium &

Power Center • Ann ArborChristopher Parkening performs an

abbreviated recital of guitar masterworks from the 20ch century', followed by a UMS

tribute to his career, with video footage, interviews, and special guests Baritone

Jubilant Sykes, who has performed recital programs with Christopher Parkening focused on

South American composers, will also be featured

rc cThe Ford Honors Proffvm is made pssible by Ford Motor Company


All proceeds benefit the UMS Education and Audience Development Program

P D F O E 0 8 0 e 0 S 3 7

.......................................................... CANTONBEDFORD SQUARE42232 Addison Drive Canton Ml (734) 9 8 M 2 1 7

CANTON CLUB APARTMENTS41265 Crossbow Circle Canton Ml (734)398-8000

ARM ENIAN SENIOR TOW ERS19230 Ford Road Dearborn Ml (313)336-7404

CAMBRIDGE APARTMENTS6954 Inkster Road Dearborn Heights Ml (313)274-4755

MADISON O F FARM INGTON HILLS2 75 17 Gateway Drive Farmington Hills Ml (248)474-6082

FRANKLIN SQUARE28940 Lancaster Street Livonia Ml (734)427-6970

CEDAR LAKES APARTMENTS17400 Cedar Lake Circle Northville Ml (248) 348-1830

PLYMOUTH MANOR/PLYMOUTH HOUSE42560 Postiff Road Plymouth Ml (734)455-3880PRINCETON COURT14251 Princeton Drive Plymouth Ml (734)459-6640

SIPINETREE APARTMENTS116Terry Rochester Ml (248) 651-8090

SUITE LIFE4031 Crooks Road Royal Oak Ml (248) 549-5500

FRANKLIN RIVER28933 Willow Court Ste 208 Southfield Ml (248)356-0400

SUNNYM EDEAPA561 KtrtsBIvd Troy Ml (248)362-0290

TH REE OAKS APARTMENTS4140 Three Oaks Blvd Troy Ml (248)362-4088

CHESTNUT COURT APARTMENTS31540 Van Born Wayne Mi (734)595-3900

ORCHARDS O F NEWBURGH37140 S Orchards Circle Westland Mi (734)729-5090

V EN O Y PINES7 1 2 7 Bonnie Road Westland Ml (734)261-7394

WAYNEWOOD6 73 7 N Wayne Road Westland Ml (734)326-8270

84 (*) Obse rver & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 w w w w .h o n w t o w n l ^ e .c o m

Songw riter Cosy Shendan sings 8 p m Saturday, April 19, at MAMA'S Coffee House at the Birmingham Unitarian Church, 38651 N Woodward A v e , near Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Hills Tickets $10, $8 seniors and age 16 and under Call (248) 569-0965 To reserve a slot fo r open mic a t 7 1 5 p m , call (248) 626-4650 Jere Storm er opens th e concert.


Century Theatre8 Track The Sounds o f the 70s 7 3 0 p m Wednesday Thursday 1 2 0 p m limited Thursdays 8 3 0 p m Friday Saturday 530 p m Saturday Sunday 130 p m Sunday 333 Madison Detroit $24 50 $34 50 (313)963 9800

Detro it Repertory Theatre Sorrow and Rejoicings contin ues through May 25 13103 Woodrow Wilson Detroit $17 free attended parking (313) 8681347

Gem TheatreShear Madness 333 Madison Detroit $24 50 to $34 50 (313) 963 9800

Meadow Brook TheatreM e s h u g g a h - N u n s ' D a n Goggin’s newest musical m e N u n s e n s e coirfedy senes, previews 8 p.m Wednesday-Friday,Apnl 23-25, opens 8 p m Saturday, Apnl 26, continues 8 p m Wednesday-Saturday, 2 p.m and6p.pi Saturday, and 2 p m and 6 30 p m Sunday through May 11, Meadow Brook Theatre m Wilson Hall, Oakland University, Rochester Hills, $24-$38, pre­views $19-$26 <248) 377-3300

Music Nall World Premiere o f T J Hemphills Perilous Times II through April 20 $22 33450 350 Madison Detroit (313) 963 2366

Purple Rose Theatre CompanyHope Fo r Corky continues to May 31137 Park Street Chelsea $1750 332 50 (734)433 7673


Flandere Theatre CompanyPresents Could This Be Lo ve 7 a senes o f six one act comedies about relationships between men and women 8 p m Thursday Friday to May 9 (no show Friday May 2) 6 p m and 9 p m Saturday a n d 2 p m Sunday May 11 Trinity House Theatre 38840 Six Mile Road at 1275 east of Haggerty Livonia For directions call (734) 464 6302 Tickets $14 $12 seniors 0811(313)538 5739


Henry Ford Community CollegePresents the Virtual Reality 3D Stereoscopic production of William Shakespeare s The Tempest through April 26 8 • pm Wednesday*Saturday the futuristic production combines live theater with electronic technologies of film video and computer generated virtual environments The audience will wear polarized glasses sim liar to sunglasses Adray Auditorium on campus 5101 Evergreen Dearborn $15 Seating limited (313) 845 6475


Genitti'sNews Flash an uproarious spoof of a local newscast con tinuesatGemttis 108 E Mam Northviile $45 includes 7 course dinner and show (248) 349-0522


The Marquis Theatrethe Emperor s New Clothes 2 30 p m Saturday Sunday through May 4 Weekdays 230 p m Monday Friday April 2125 13$E Mam St downtown Northviile $750 (no children under 3) (248)349 8110

Smudge Fundaes

Gordon Michaels gives a tw o- day intensive Actors Workshop 10 a m to 4 p m Saturday- Sunday, April 26 -27 The cost is $175 To register, call (310) 72 7- 2383 or send e-m ail to Gordon Michaels22@aol com The workshop includes cold reading and on-carhera techniques, the actor's resume, improvisation, how to get an age nt, mono­logue coaching, and scene study Michaels is Dylan McDerm ott's personal acting coach on ABC's TV series The Practice

Wiggle Giggle Show 7 8 p m Thursday April 17 Northviile Community Center 303 W Mam St $6 per child (248)349 0203 Ext 1411

Paper Bag ProductionsCharlotte s Web noon (lunch) show 1 p m Saturday April 19 April 26 May 3 and May 10 1 p m (lunch) show 2 p m Sunday April 27 May 4 and 11 Livonia Mall Seven Mile Road and Middlebelt use G entrance Tickets $10 including lunch $7 show only (586) 344 7774


Detroit Symphony OrchestraFrench pianist Helene Grimaud performs Bartok 130 p m and 8 pm Friday April25 a n d 830 pm Saturday A pril26 Orchestra Hail Detroit $15 $56 (313) 576 5111

Mini-Sach Festival Gabrieli Consort and Players perform Bach s S t John P a s s m Q g m Saturday April 19 Michigan Theater 603 E Liberty Ann Arbor $20-$36 (734)7642538

Brunch with Bach & Friends

Canton Project Arts presents pianist Rich Ridenour 1130 a m Sunday May 4 Summit on the park Canton $15 includes brunch (734)394 5460


Ann A rb o r Comedy ShowcaseSpike Tobin Thursday Saturday April 171.9 Maria Bamford Thursday Saturday April 24 26 314 E Liberty Ann Arbor $5 $10 (734) 996 9080 Improv Comedy Jarnm NightI Open mic and Improv Comedy troupe Beer Money 8 p m Wednesday April 23 and 30 $5

Jo e y 's Comedy Club 8 p m Tuesday is open mic with Beer Money Improv show com edy classes begin Monday April 28 above Kickers Alt American Grill 36071 Plymouth Road Livonia (734)261 0555 WWW joeyscomedyclub com

Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle Open mic 8 p m Wednesdays ($2) Improv troupes pm Tuesdays ($5) 269 E Fourth Royal Oak (248) 542 9900 or wwwcomedycastle com

Century Theatre Comedy works brings game style and sketch improvisation to the stage 8 30 pm Friday Saturday to June 14 333 Madison Detroit $1250 (313) 963 9800

Jo e y 's a t Paisano'sMarkAnthonyThursday Saturday April 1719 5070 Schaefer Dearborn (313) 584 8885


s ta rry Night GalaGourmet dinner buffet art exhibit and sale silent auction and live music for dancing 6 3 0 11p m Saturday April 26 Costick Center 28600 W 11 Mile Farmington Hills $35 $60 per couple (248)4731856

Livonia MallSpring Carnival continues to Saturday April 19 in fro n to f Livonia Mali 29514 Seven Mile Road Livonia (248)4761160

Royal Hanneford Circus Through Saturday April 19 at the Palace of Auburn Hills 11 a m a n d 7 3 0 pm Thursday ' 7 3 0 p m Friday 10 3 0 a m 3 pm a n d 7 3 0 pm Saturday $15

' and $10 reserved $5 genera! admission at Paiacenet com The Palace Box Office and all * TicKetmaster centers Children 12 and under and seniors 65 and over will receive $3 off reserved tickets for all shows except Thursdays matinee call (248)645 6666

Banjo convention Thursday Saturday April 24-26 Holiday Inn Fairlane Center 5801 Southfield Service Dr Dearborn Free concert 2 pm Saturday Concerts 7 p m Friday Saturday tickets $5 per person call (734) 282 6635


Adult Shakespeare WorkshopActress/directorGillian Eaton will lead teens and adults m an interactive approach to creat ing theater through language and process drama as a specta tor and participant 6-9 p m Friday April25a n d 9 3 0 a m to 3 30 p m Saturday April 26 Plymouth Community Arts Council $75 members $85 non members (734)416 4278

Opera Workshop 4 1 0 p m Friday April 25 and 10 a m to 1p m Saturday A pril26 a brief introduction to opera and its roles includes a trip to Detroit Opera House to see Michigan Opera Theatre $ pro duction of Oon Siovanni Madonna University Livoma $135 (734)432 5731

Oakland Youth Orchestra Students In grades 4 12 current ly taking lessons may apply Mayl May 810 May 1516 Schedule audition via internet at wwwoyomiorg or for brochure (248) 988 7561

Renaissance Chorus Singers wanted for men s cho rus rehearsals7 3 0 pm Tuesdays at Newburg United


Methodist Church 36500 Ann Arbor Trait east of Newburgh Livonia Ability to read music not a requirement if you can carry a tune and enjoy per forming in public call (734)981 6342

DSO Youth OrchestrasDetroit Symphony orchestra is now taking applications for its youth ensembles Audition will take place through May audi tion application deadline is May 1 Civic and Smfornia applicants should call (313) 576 5164 For Civic Ja z z call (313) 576 5599 Applications for ail ensembles posted online at wwwdetroit symphony com


Luncheon on th e AisleLearn behind the scenes secrets about professional the ater and watch a portion of a rehearsal for the play Meshuggah Nuns 1130 a m Friday April 25 Meadow Brook Theatre Oakland University Rochester $75 $30 $28 seniors overage 6 2 and groups of 10 Proceeds benefit the theater (248)375 0850


Toshiko Akiyoshi J a z z Orchestra

8 p m Thursday April 17 orchestra halt Detroit $18 $50 (313)576 5111

Audra McDonald and Trio8 p m Friday April 18 Michigan Theater 603 E Liberty Ann Arbor $2^$40 (734)764 2538

Lucas9 p m Saturday April 19 as part of Barbecue Blues and Brew at TC Gators 42559 Ford Canton No cover (734)981 0906

Hidden Agenda 9 p m t o l a m Friday Saturday through Saturday June 21 Fox & Hound 39560 Woodward Bloomfield Hills No cover (248) 644 4800

Barbara WareWith Devin Grenier S Vermillion Moon 3 30 6 45 p m Thursday A pril24 a n d 6 8 4 0 pm Monday April 28 Overdrive Lounge Motor City Casino Detroit

Schoolcraft CollegeSchoolcraft J a z z Band Concert 7 3 0 p m Monday April 28 with vocalist D ndy Pierson Waterman Center No charge For information call (734) 420


Henry Ford Comm unity Collegei}resenfsthe Virtual Reality 3D Stereoscopic production o f William Shakespeare's 'The Tempest' through Saturday, April 26 , in ^ r a y Auditorium on cam pus, 5101 Evergreen, Dearborn Curtain 8 p m Wednesday-Saturday Tickets $15, seating lim ited, call (313) 845 -6 478 Pictured are G re g Kjolhede (background) as Prospero, and A rie l, the college's first interactive digital actress The futuristic production combines live theater with electronic technologies t)f film , video and com puter generated virtual e n viro n m e n t The audience will w ear polarized glasses similar to sunglasses to view th e stereoscopic 3D effects

Comparis 8 11p m Wednesdays 350 S Mam Plymouth (734) 416 0100

M att Michaels TTio Gene Parker vibes and saxo phone73011 pm Wednesday April 23 and vocalist Barbara Ware73011 pm Wednesday April 30 at Rons Fireside Inn 28937 Warren Road two blocks east of Middlebelt $5 cover with dinner $10 cover without dinner (two drink minimum) (734)762 7756

Ursula Watker/Buddy Budson73 0 113 0 p m Friday Saturday April 25 26 Saturday May 3 and 31 Friday May 16 and 30 The Classic (inllinthe Pontchartrain Hotel 2 Washington Bivd (313) 965 0200


Contra Dancing130 4 30 p m first Sunday of each month Lovett Hall Ballroom next door to Henry Ford Museum Dearborn $8 (313) 982 6100 Ext 2262

Dance Elite Ballroom Studio Swing & Salsa dance instruction 8 pm Dance 9 pm to mid night DJ open to the public Friday Maple at Haggerty (inside Bloomfield Avenue Shoppe II) West Bloomfield $10 $9 Michigan Swing Dance Association singles welcome $10 per person (248)926 8522


party with disc jockey 911 p m Thursday 2172 Franklin Road north of Square Lake Road east of Telegraph Bloomfield Hills $7 $6 members (248)334 0299

All S ta r Dance Parties 7 p m Sunday {one hour Cha Cha lesson by Glen Clark) through April $6 ballroom dancing 811 p m $6 $10 for both White Heather Club 150 Vester Ferndale (313)521 6564

A-1 Dance Parties 8 p m to midnight Thursday

Top 40s Oldies Line Dances requests Italian Cultural Center Warren $6 (313) 521 6564


Ann Arb or Hands On MuseumCelebrating 20 years of discov ery museum offers more than 250 science and technology exhibits to explore the world of science 220 E Ann 10 a m to 5 p m Monday Saturday noon to 5 p m Sunday $7 $5 children students and seniors (734)995 KIDS or wwwiaahom org

Nankin Mills Interpretive Center

Live animal display hands on activities for kids 9 a m to 4 p m Tuesday Saturday 33175 Ann Arbor Trail m Westland east of Hirfes Drive Free (734) 2611990

Detro it institute o f A rtsContinues its Friday night pro gramming at the museum

went down and IMAX movie on the ghostly ship at the bottom of the ocean Digital Dome Planetarium Show weekends 9 a m to 3 p m Monday-Friddy, 10 3 0 a m t o 6 pm Saturday,- noon to 6 p m Sunday at 5020 Jo h n R Detroit (31$) 577 8400, WWW detroitsciencecenter

D e tro it Zo oKids will love The Arctic Ring of Life which features a 70-fopt see through acrylic tunn# where polar bears swim arcHind visitoi^ $8 adults $6 seniors and children For more mforma-^ tion call (248) 398 0900 or visit the Web site at wwwdetroit-' zoo org Now open 10 am to 5 p m daily The zoo is at 84$Q % 10 Mile at 1 696 and Woodward. Royal Dak. The Detroit Zoo & always looking for volunteers To volunteer or for m o re W o ^ mation call Sue Kingsepp at (248)5415717

Henry Ford Museum Hours are 9 a m to 5 p m Monday Saturday and noon to 5 p m Sunday $8 50 $13 50 (313)271 1620 For IMAX ticket prices and show times call (800) 747 IMAX (4629)

Meadow Brook Hall Tours 130 p m Monday Sunday and 12 3 0 p m and2 3 0pm Saturday Sunday cost is $12 50 $8 50 seniors over age 62 $6 children under 12 children under 2 free Tea on Tuesday $35 at Meadow Brook Hall on the campus of Oakland University Rochester For mfor mation visit the Web site at WWW meadowbrookhali org

Plymouth Historical Miseuiw Trash or Treasure? - Antique Appraisal Clinil with Antique Roadshow appraiser Ernest DuMouchellelOam t o 5 pm Thursday M ayl limit of up to 5 hand held items cost is $10 per Item for oral appraisal $15 per Item for written New perma nent Abraham Lincoln exhibit Images of Lincoln acquired from Michigan collector Weldon Petz at the museum 155 S Mam $3 $1 students ages 517 $7 a family Hours are 1 4 p m Wednesday Thursday and Saturday Sunday (7$4) 455 8940

Rochester Hills Museum a t Van Hoosen Farm

Kite Festival learn abcxjt history of kites then color and buifd a kite 130-3 p m Saturday April 26 ($5 $10 per family and includes one kite kit Hie16-3crem^eum

Ferndale photographer Lisa Dunlap shows her 'Sacred Portraits Honoring the Jou rn e y o f M otherhood' April 2 2 t o M ay 12 , a t Borders Bookstore, 3 43 0 0 Woodward A v e , Birmingham Call (248) 203-0005 Dunlap photographs e xpectant m others, newborns, children and families

8984Rosie O'Grady's

Tim Flaharty Marvin Conrad and George Bennett Tuesday Night Open Blues/Jazz Jam 9 30 p m to 1 a m Tuesday Rosie 0 Grady s 175 W Troy Street Ferndale (248) 5919163

Vince Jam es Trio

Ballroom dancing to live bands featuring swing fo xtro t waltz cha cha and Latin 8 301130 pm Saturday Livonia Civic Center 15218 Farmington Road at Five Mile Itoad $5 (248)967 1428

Rhythm 'N ' ShoesWeekly ballroom/ Latin dance

Making contact: Please submit items for pu Linda Chomin tw o weeks in advance o f eve Newspapers. 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia. Ml

$200 Woodward Ave With admission $4 $I children no charge for Founders Society members Call (313) 833 8499 for exhibition information (313) 833 7900 for general mforma tion or visit the Web site at wwwdiaorg

De tro it Science CenterTitanic The Artifact Exhibit

continues to Sept 7 Advance timed tickets tor the exhibjt $16 9 r $13 95 seniors $1195 ages 212 IMAX film and plane tarium shows $4 each o r $6 for both (248)645 6666 Also a plaqfitanum show recreating the itars the night the ship

complex tells the story o f Oakland County s earliest pio­neers Admission includes toun o f the 1840 Van Hoosen Farmhouse 1850TenantRed House and 1927 Van Hoosen Dairy Barn The museums new perma­nent exhibit A Lively Town uses more than 200 images and 100 artifacts to show the develop­ment of the Rochester area ^ $3 children students and sembrs. Hours are K p m Wednesday Saturday atthemuseumonVan Hoosen Road, one mile easkM Rochester RoactOff T ie r(M 2 4 8 } 645 4663 or visit www roc h e ^r- hillsorg/museumhtrn

icm c.hom etoivnlife. com LOCAL ARTS Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April 17 20(K (*) K

Anchors away: Little band of musical nuns take to the sea/r


Dan Goooin leads Bambi Jones (ieft)itnd Kathy Robinson L i a chorus from the opening number of 'Meshuggah-Nunsi'


Dan Goggin hits the first note on the piano and four talented nuns and a Jewish actor take it away The music and choreog­raphy are infectious It’s all Goggin can do to stay seated through Anchors Away, the opening number of Mesbuggah-'Nuns' - the latest installment in his Nunsense musical senes about a little band of fiin- lovmg sisters from Hoboken, New Jersey

It loofe like Goggin has anofiier hit bound for Broadway Afl:er 20 years of wnting the nuns into unusual situations, Goggm’s come up with yet another strange plot When all of the cast except for one fall ill on a oruise, the nuns and remaining actor, Tfevye from Fiddler on the Roof, are called upon to put on a show The produc­tion opens with previews Wednesc^y, Apnl 23, at Meadow Brook Theatre in Rochester Hills

“There’s lots of singmg and dancing, over 20 songs, lots of zany humor,” said G o g ^ , who’s m tovra directing the production When It opens on Saturday, April 26, Goggin will head to LA. to work with Darlene Love, Kay Ballard, Mimi Hams, Lee Memweather, and Georgia Engel on an anniversary tour of Nunsense coming to the Fox Theatre m March

“A musical director suggested the idea five years ago of putting them on a cruise ship Last year when we were in Flonda doing Nunsense Amen, the all male version with Greg Luganis (Olympic divmg cham­pion) someone said you need to have a Jewish character But you don’t have to be

Catholic, don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy the musical You just have to have a good time You don’t have to have seen Nunsense I’m amazed at the number ctf new fans ”

Goggin’s attnbutes the longevity of the senes to society’s fescination with nuns - their tunics, veils and lifestyle Even though it’s been 20 years since his first Nunsense musical opened at a New York City club, Goggin’s elementary years at St Mary’s in Alma continue to inspire his humor All of the characters m the original Nunsense were based on the Dominican Sisters

Wnting the music came just as easy Goggin’s mother talked him into taking piano lessons as a young boy so he could play organ at Mass for $1 Before long he was playing two Masses a day and earning $12 a week ^

“It started as a joke,” said Goggin “I was’ doing greeting cards when we decided to promote them in card shops with an actress dressed as a nun I started writing matenal for her and before I knew it we were doing a cabaret show at the Duplex in New York City Four weekends turned mto 38 weeks After we closed I went back to work on it to build characters We opened Off Broadway in 1985 v

“I’ve wntten them to be timeless The/re played in real time, a little like reality TV”

The spontaneity of the show is what keeps Kathy Robinson coming back In fact the actress keeps her nun’s habit in the closet pressed and ready to go just in case Goggin calls The two originally met in 1990 after Goggin saw her in a Nunsense production in Boston Robinson first

MESHUDGAH-NUNS!What Dan Goggin s newest musical in the Nunsense

comedy senes ^

When Previews 8 p m Wednesday Friday April 23 25 Opens 8 p m Saturday April 26 continues 8 p m Wednesday^Saturday 2 p m and 6 p m Saturday 2

pm and630 pm Sunday through May 11

Where Meadow Brook Theatre m Wilson Hall Oakland University Rochester Hills

Tickets $24 $38 previews $19-$26 Call (248) 377 3300

played one of the sisters in 1987 and o r ^ - nated a role in Nunsense I I fbr Goggm in 1992

a little different with each audience ” said Robinson, a singer soon to release a CD of blues rock “It doesn’t have the fourth wall so you never get tired of it It’s infectious It’s like that old hook they used m promotions - Nunsense is habit form­ing’

"It’s a great show for a character woman Like me you can start as a young nun and end up Mother Superior It’s great for someone like myself to play Mother Supenor because you can be over 40 and overweight There’s not mapy roles like that”

Ic h o m in fo e hom ecom m n et 1 (734) 953 2145

Pianist Flavio Varani set to performBY NICOLE STAfFORDSTAFF WRITER

Brazilian-bom pianist Flavio Varani’s attempts to sway his audience begin well before his fingers touch the keys

A recital must not only stir an audience with performance, but also take them on an emotional jo u m ^ through music, said \^ a n i, lon^ime artist-in-resi- dence at Oakland University

“A program is an emotional trajectory,” he said

Luclty for us, the nationally known pianist - Varam has per­formed at such venues as Carnegie Hall and Lmcoln Center - takes caie to assemble such a program foi his annual recital at Oakland University, 8 pm Saturday,April 19

The program opens with Chopin’s Etude Op 25 nr 7, continues wifii Liszt’s Sonata in B minor followed Ity Brahms’ Venations and Fugue on a

T hm e by Handel, Op 24 and selections from Ravel’s Le Tbmbeau de Coupenn

For th (^ unfiimfliar with the compositions, Varam translated histr^artoiy ‘AiMuyer,abig statement, variations on a theme, followed by some dancers ”

The program also works to demonstrates how composers and music evolve and i^uence one another, particulariy witih Chopin and Liszt

“They were wonderful col­leagues and had parallel lives,” said Varam Yet, the composers differed toemendously “Liszt was sort of the E3vis Preriey of his time Chopm was httle more distant, but when he played peo­ple said he was the greatest ”

Althou^ Varam is a teadier, he IS first a performer, lecturing and disoission aren’t on the program. “Myintention is to be very dear, but widiout having to eiqplam ”

n s ta ffo rd fo e hom ecom m n et j (248) 9 0 12 5 6 7

VARANI RECITALWhat: Flavio Varam gives his annual recital- When: 8 p m Saturday, April 19 Where: Varner Recital Hall on the campus of Oakland University in Rochester HillsTickets: General. $10, VIP, $50, and students, $10, call (248) 370-3013 to make reservations

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B6 (*) Observer & Eccentric [ Thursday April 17 2003 MOVIES ivww.hoi

The Detroit Science Center opens MacGiiiivray Freeman's latest high-speed adventure film, 'Top Speed/ in the IMAX Dome Theatre Friday, April 18 ,5 0 20 John R , Detroit A special showing for patrons will be held 6 30 p m and 8 p m Thursday, April 17, with downhill mountain bike racer Marla Streb taking questions from the audi­ence and signing posters. Tickets are $25, $20 for members Call (313) 577-8400, Ext 5 Tickets are $4 plus Science Center admission $7, $6 seniors and children ages 2-12 For more Information, visit the Web site at WWW detroitsciencecenter.org.


O B S E R V E R 8c E O C E N T R I C

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734-9841000Mrmusm. mmFEARIRES.

Bowling for Cohimhine R Chkago P G -B

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Adaptation R Some Uke it Hot

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Film Beat lists what s playing at alter native film theaters special movie events and local fheks Offerings and movie schedules may change after press time so be sure to call ahead Film beat listings and movie in forma tion can be submitted to Nicole Stafford Observers Eccentric Newspapers 801 East Maple Birmingham Mich 48009 or e mail nstafford§oe homecomm net

DETROIT FILM THEATRE Detroit institute of Arts 5200 Woodward Ave Detroit (313) 833 3237 wwwdiaorg/dft Adult admission $650 senior citizens full time stu dents with valid identification and DIA members $5 50 Discount tickets available in book for five for $25 Films screened Friday Monday All Monday shows are in the evening AprlM8-20 Lily a 4 Ev e r{S m d e n ) a 16 year old Russian girl with a teenag er s typical rebelliousness and insecu rity IS left behind by her mother and forced to live in Moscow alone Apnl 21 Domestic Violence renowned documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman takes the audience into a battered women s shelter in Florida REDFORDTHEATRE, 17360 Lahser in Detroit call (313) 537 2560 Regular admission $3April 18-19, flenWi/r 1959 spectacular sea battles and a breathtaking chariot race make for great entertainment in

this film adaptation of Lew Wallaces novel about the conflict between the Jews and the Romans during the life time of JesusBREW AND VIEW AT THE MAGIC BAG22920 Woodward Ave Ferndale (248) 544 3030 wwwmagicbagcom movie nights on Wednesdays and Thursdays in small theater setting with full bar must be at least 21 doors open 8 p m films start at 9 30 pm box office hours 10 a m to 5 p m $2.April 17 Catch Me If You Can based on the tru estoryo f Frank Abagnale J r a successful con artist who managed to pass himself off as several identities and the FBI agent hot on his trail with Leonardo DiCapno and Tom HanksCall theater for schedule and addi­tional shows

MICHIGAN THEATER 603 East Liberty Ann Arbor (734)668 8463 wwwmicbtheatercom Adult admts Sion $8 students and senior citizens $625 Michigan Theater members $5 50 Films are shown daily April 17 Lost in La Mancha the harsii reality of film making in a documen tary that tracks the production of Terry Gilliams adaptation of Don Quixote a film that never came into existenceApril 17 Blind Spot Hitlers Secretary (Austria) documentary capturing a series of interviews with 81 year old

TraudIJunge Hitlers private secre tary

STATE THEATER 233 State St Ann Arbor (734) 761 8667 or wwwmicbtheatercom Adultadhlis Sion $8 students and senior citi zens $625Call theater for continuing schedule and additional shows

MAIN ART TH EATRE 118 North Mam at 11 Mile in downtown Royal Oak (248) 542 0180 Adult evening admis sion IS $ 8 50 Matinees before 6 p m and admission for seniors and chil dren is always $6 Call theater for schedule

M APLE ART TH EA TR E 4135 W Maple in Bloomfield Township (248) 542 0180 Adult evening admission is $850 Matinees before 6 p m and admission fo r seniors and children IS always $6Cali theater for schedule

UPTOWN BIRMINGHAM 8 211 SOuth Old Woodward Ave in downtown Birmingham (248) 644 3456 Adult admission is $8 50 in the evening and $6 for matinee showings before 6 p m Admission for seniors age 55 and older is $5 50 all the time Admission for children age 12 and under IS $5 75 all the time Call theater for schedule


A s skillfully £Qmed but humorous is God is Great, I ’m Not, starang Audrey Ikutou, lead in the popular art film Amelie The actress plays a model whose need to channel her spirit into an identity leads her from Buddhism to Judaism


Of course every film doesn’t feature a well-known actor or have lots of rjazle dazzle,” said Magidson

However, all speak to the film festival’s mission of exploring different perspec­tives, from those that inspire contemplation to those to that simply entertain

Consider Israel in a Time for Terror, a documentary that examines life under the daily threat of terrorism, against Schmelvis, m which three

filmmakers and an Orthodox rabbi who impersonates Elvis “ et out to trace the King’s Jewish roots

Contrast The White Rose, an Academy Award-winning film about a secret society that protested the Nazi regime, against ‘Skating Through the Sand, a quest to make hockey legitimate in the desert land­scape of Israel


So far, the festival’s program­ming formula has brought suc­cess and growth The event is in its fifth year and considered one of the largest Jewish film festivals in the country

Last year, 25 films were shown and 11,000 people attended

This year, seven more films and an additional venue, The Palace Theater in Windsor, has been added The number of screenings and festival days has been increased at existmg venues, United Artists Theatres m Commerce Township, the Uptown Birmingham 8 and Michigan Theatre in Ann Arbor

Just last week, the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit awarded the festival with the Benard L Maas Pnze for Jewish Culture and

Continuity, said Susan Marwil, festival co-chair and niece of Lenore Marwil

Also new is the Harold and Sarah Gottlieb Award, a $7,500 prize for the best new Jewish film

This years recipient, renowned documentary' maker Frederick Wiseman, plans to attend both screen­ings of his first fiction film The Last Letter A variety of other speakers and special guests are scheduled to attend screenings, lead dis­cussions and take questions, as well

We try to create a context for the films,” Magidson said ‘It’s not an Encyclopedia Bnttanica movie festival, but we thm k that if people can put their experience into a perspective, that is good and more enjoyable ”

The format also works to unite the community, added Marwil It gives the people of Detroit the opportunity to come together It also presents a venue that brings together the Jewish and non-Jewish community”

n s ta ffo r d fo e hom ecom m net 1 (248) 9 0 12 5 6 7

Songwriter looks beyond herselfBY LINDA ANN CHOMINS T A F F W RITER

Susan Enan’s concemed about more than topping the charts While she’d like to become a hit with acoustic music fans it’s important for the emerging songwriter to get the message out about being part of a community

Enan tnes to fit m no matter where her travels take her Bom in England, she studied music at the University of Liverpool for three years before heading off to Northern Ireland seven years ago Her senes of 11 Midwest concerts includes Thnity House Theatre in Ldvoma on Wednesday, Apnl 23

She’s introduang her third self-released EP Moonbght/Skin, Bone & Silicone recorded in Oxford, England except for a live track from a Liverpool Summer Pops concert Enan’s first EP, Inside in 1998, was the first to be released by an unsigned artist in Northern Ireland

“My music is mellow, thou^tfiil and hopeful,” said Enan who has performed in England, Ireland and the U S She opened for Roger McGuinn in Grand Rapids last year

“I try to wnte music fiiat’s hopeful because there’s so much that isn’t hopeful We do have control over our own lives We can make a good choice or bad choice That’s how you can affect your own community It’s about being a part of somethmg larger like a community”

Enan hopes eventually to become part of an Amencan community, at least for half of the year Jlie other six months she’ll reiqain in Ireland, a place she’s grown to love

“There was a large Insh cul­ture in Liverpool when I was at

Irish-based songwriter Susan Enan brings her acoustic music to Trinity House Theatre in Livonia

SUSAN ENANWhat: Perform s music fro m her latest CD When: 8 p m Wednesday, April 23Where: Trinity House Theatre, 38840 W 6 Mile Road, LivoniaTickets: $10, $7 theater m em ­bers. call (734)464-6302

University and it made me want to go there to absorb the music,” said Enan, a classically trained musician who plays acoustic guitar, flute and piano “I would move any­where for music I’ve been to America four or five times now Amenca - 1 love i t There’s an. infrastructure for musicisuis to mal^ a living

“In Northern Irelaiid I have more fhendships It’s more community’ dnven I have a lot of close friends in Belfast”

A friend was the inspiration for the title cut of Enan’s latest EP The song actually appears twice with different instrumen­tation Each features her smooth, soft voice caressing every word

‘ My inspiration comes from things people say or dunk about It comes ffom so many dffferent places,” said Enan “I tey to v i t ­alize a scene Moonlight IS about a friend in another part of the world The moon is a common filing to share The new CD is pretty much ballads, quite mel­low This IS the first one tiying to promote all originals At age 161 was writing songs The guitar was a way to get fiiem out It/s easier to carry areund than a piano

“Now I’m getting into folk music I started listening to Woody Guthne at University and that pushed me on I lis­tened to 1940s interviews he did I was inspired by Bob Dylan, abnlhant songwnter, and early on by Bono’s words from U 2”

ictiofmnil'oe hom ecom m n et [ (734 ) 953 2145

wwiv.homeU>wnlife.com DETROIT MUSIC AWARDS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 (*) B7


course, Eminem’s 8 Mile movie and the wild success of the Detroit Electronic Music Festival

The night ^so was about cel­ebrating independent music — and trashing the big guys m the music industry Tom Ness, founder of Jam Rag magazine who also heads the Michigan chapter of the Green Party, earned a riotous standing ova­tion when he received a life­time achievement award Ness blamed big media outlets for not providmg a venue for local music

“Every week I receive dozens of CDs by local bands,” Ness said “And I listen to every one Sometimes they aren’t good, but many times they are Every local musician deserves to have their CD listened all the way through at least once ”

He’s been listening for decades, writing about it m Jam Hag-and the audience rec­ognized him for It

The absence of Detroit’s biggest stars didn’t seem to matter to the crowd filled with people who wanted to see and be seen - elegant socialites, hipster funk fans, trendy hip- hop teens, hardcore punk rock­ers, aging big-hair rockers,Bebe fashionites and musicians and their fans from every other genre Rock band Hemigod and funk band Black Bottom Collective — the latter who won for best fiink/hip-hop recording — captured atten­tion during their performanc­es

Vinnie Dombroivski of Sponge won best songwriter to the boisterous approval of the entire audience


But what do the awards m e a n ' ! ’

Different things to different people in the industry For Howard Hertz, president of the DMA, the awards were created to let the best of the bunch shine

For Ian Ferguson, of the steel

Even the fans were beautiful at the show Brent and Shannon McKay share a peaceful moment to themselves at the energetic event

Longtime instrumentalist Calvin Cooke on stage at the Detroit Music Awards

drum band Upnzm’, the award show is an outlet to meet, min­gle and cheer on his fellow artists — and listen to live local music

To Karen Saveliy, of WCSX- FM, who won an achievement award, the awards are about a woman who simply wanted to be on the radio playing good music

imini@oe hom ecom m net | (248) 901 2572

‘ Techno Hippie/ who was up for out* standing electronic/dance artist waits patiently as the nominees are listed Techno Hippie didn't place this year, but still attracted attention with the punk mohawk and hippie ponytail


Attracting a lot of attention at the Detroit Music Awards was hard rock band Hemigod

Celebrate with us and win tickets to 'Blast!'We’ve been having a blast putting our

new Arts & Entertainment section together Premiering Thursday, June 5, the section will be c^led Filter, and include stories about music, comedy, clubs, movies and upcoming produc­tions like Blast' running May 13-18 at the Fox Theatre

To celebrate, we’re giving away seven family packs of four tickets to the 8 p m Tuesday, May 13, performance of Blast'

Blast' is a celebration of movement and music that evolved from the drum corps Star of Indiana Musical numbers mclude Bolero, Everyone Loves the Blues, and Gee, Officer Krupke

Winner of the 2001 Tony Award for Best Special Theatrical Event, you and your family and friends are sure to have a Blast' watching the show

To enter our contest, send a sugges­tion for the types o f stones, restaurants.

events, and venues you’d like to read about in Filter along with your name, address, and daytime phone number to Keely Kaleski, Assistant Managing Editor-Features, Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, 805 E Maple, Birmingham, MI 48009 or e-mail kkaleski@oe homecomm net

Entries are due by Thursday, May 1 Wmners will be notified by phone

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(*) Observer & Eccentric i Thursday April 17 2003 EATING OUT WWW hom etow nlife.com

Small Plates makes a big hit with customersB Y M A R Y Q U i N L E YC O R R E ^ D E K T

Saug inside the circa 1920 Eureka Building, just across the street from the Detroit Opera House, sits one of the theater/stadium district's newest dining delights, Small Plates-Detroit

The eatery, sporting an upscale yet comfy ambiance, opened m November 2002

“I really liked Small Platejs,” said Cindy Lupo of Canton, who, with her boyfriend, Dan Latarski, recently enjoyed an early dinner at the restau­rant Lupo and Lntarski are students at Schoolcraft College in Livonia

Lupo ordered the Oven Roasted THirkey Baguette The sandwich, topped widi Swiss cheese and spicy mustard, is served with a side of house-made fries

Latarski of lavonia especially liked the yummy dessert tiiat the twosome shared

“It was really good,” he said, refer- nng to the Chocolate Chunk Cookie Sandwich with Sanders Hot Fudge filled with a dollop of Guernsey's Butter Pecan Ice Cream

In the mid-1980s, while working in a restaurant m Spam, Ibdd Stem, who IS co-owner of Small Plates with Todd Stowell, noted that the tables had stacks of small white plates that customers used for their tapas This unique dining concept mtngued Stem

‘ Tapa IS a Spanish appetizer repre­senting a small or little portion of food,” Stem explained

At Small Plates customers choose from a dozen or more “small yet fill­ing” entrees including Garhc Shrimp, a popular tapa served m Spain

Amencan appetizers and Pan Asian dishes, like spnng rolls and a spicy stir-fry wrapped in romame hearts, add an appealing twist to the menu

What dishes do customers rave about?

“One favonte is the Chicken Skewers with Asian nee noodles,” Stem said Patrons love the presenta­tion The skewers of chicJsen are arranged on a small white plate in a teepee style formation and held together at the top by slivers of cucumbers

Other favontes include the Veggie Spnng Roll accompanied by a tno of dipping sauces, and, for beef lovers like Bill Chapin, the Petite Tenderloin topped with Gorgonzola and enspy onions

The newest addition to Small Plates is bartender Kramer

“I think it's a great combination,” said Chapin of Grosse Point The Petite Tenderloin is filling, he said, and a great bargain at $10

Smdl Plates is “more than a restau­rant,” Chapm said “It's a symbol that Detroit doesn't have to be void of restaurants, and, a variety of good restaurants can exist Hie owners are real trendsetters ”

Pizzas are baked in a bnck oven in frill view of guests Almost every table orders at least one of the bnck oven pizzas, said Stern The Quattro Fftimage, sans tomato sauce, features a four-cheese blend, roasted garhc and olive oil Other pizza choices include BBQ Chicken, Pepperoni, Garlic Shnmp and Veggie

The Maunce is the eatery's tnbute to the former J L Hudson Department store's lettuce salad topped with chicken, turkey and Swiss cheese A veggie Maunce is also avail­able

Eveiythmg, except the bread, is made in-house in -^e restaurant,

including the pizza dough, barbecue sauce and the pastnes

Show-and-tell meetings are held daily with our “wonderful” staff to dis­cuss the specials of the day, talk about new wines and/or menu dianges, and, sample the food, said Stem

Executive chef, Jeff Baker, “bnngs exceptional expenence with the order­ing for the daily food and supplies,” Stem said And, Aaron Hue, sous chef, a graduate of the Schoolcraft College cuhnary program, bnngs “a lot of creativity to the menu ”

Any future plans for the restaurant*? Yes, Stem said

In mid-summer, the establishment plans to open a lower level, expand the seating capacity and offer live jazz sessions

Also, said Stern, we continue to explore our options to open a Small Plates in the suburbs

Mary Quinley is a Livoma resident and writes about food and travel for the Observer S Eccentric Newspapers


SMALL PUTES-DETROITWhere: 1521 Broadw ay, Detroit, (313) 963-0497Open: 11 a m to 8 p m Monday, 11 a m to 10 pm Tuesday-Thursday,!! am to midnight Friday noon to mid­night Saturday, noon to 8 p m Sunday Menu; A v a rie ty of "sm aK" entrees including Garliq Shrim p, Barbecue Ribs, Portabella Mushrooms and Petite Tenderloin $6-$10 Gourm et sandwiches, $7-$9 brick oven p iz­zas $8-$10 salads $5-$8 Kid's menu available Credit cards: All m ajor credit cards are accepted Reservations: Recommended for parties of six or more

Enjoy an evening of food and wine to help the hungryB Y E L E A N O R H E A L DCORRESPONDENT

Share Our Strength, Ikste of the Nation, the largest national benefit, in which the culinary community and wine purveyors annually fight hunger and poverty with taste, will be held 7-10 p m Sunday, April 27 at Somerset Collection South in Hoy

Tickets are $100 per person Contact Knsten Hickey at Unique Restaurant Corporation (248) 646-0370, Ext 216

Guests will enjoy an incredible array of foods from area restau­rants such as Forte and Streetside m Birmin^am , Shiraz, No VI, Northern Lakes, Morels, Portabella and Duet in the Unique Restaurant Group, Asian-inspired Mon Jin Lau, Cafy Sushi, and Musashi, Capital Gnll, Ruth’s Chris and McCormick & Schmick in Hoy, along with a host of other popular dining out spots

To complement the dishes pre­pared for the event by the area's premier chefs, area wine purvey­ors will be pounng a dazzling assortment including classic wines of the Veneto, delicious 2 0 0 1 e s t a t e - b o t t l e d G e n n a n n e s -

lings, a decadent dozen from the Australian Premium Wine Collection, Sterling Vineyards and Beaulieu Vineyards wines from Napa Valley, limited produc­tion chardonnays and pmot noirs from Oregon and the highly-tout­ed Spanish wines of Jorge Ordonez

Benefactors of the event are the Food Bank of Oakland County, Gleaners Community Food Bank, Food Gatherers, Detroit Entrepreneurship Institute and Hunger Action Coalition

Eleanor Heald is a nationally published writer and Troy resident who writes about restaurants food wine and spirits for the Observer S Eccentric Newspapers To leave her a voice mail message dial (734) 953 2047 on a touch tone phone mailbox 1864#



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Ken Abramczyk editor (248)901 2591 Fax (248) 64413 14 kabram czyk@ oe hom ecom m net

C t (CP) Obse rver & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003

BonnetsSpring finery gets the nod. Life, C5


■W areiHi of springPierre Deux brought

French Country style to the Uhited States more than 30 years ago but today brings the joyful warm piatterns of the Provencal spring to America Their exclusive Provencal prints include

timeless toiles floral and fruit prints and coordinating geometries and fabric bag collection that provide perfect carryalls fo r summer weekends

Pierre Deux has added Renaissance this spring a tap estry fabric that features flowers and fruits symbofiz ing the rebirth of nature after winter alternated with stripes decorated with a pattern inspired by those of the Renaissance period

For more information visit WWW pierredeux com or call (888)743 7732

a Raise the flagsMany Americans have

flown U S flags in recent weeks to show support of our troops in Iraq but it is critical for homeowners to remem ber some other flags for their own personal safety

The states utilities and the Michigan Damage Prevention Board promote the Raise the Flag campaign in the month of April to remmd residents to call MISS DIG a t (800)482- 7171 before tackling that deck fencing sprinkler sys tern or landscaping project in the yard

Every year there are near lylO O O O dig m damages to underground utility lines in the state Homeowners who didn t follow established safe digging practices are respon sible for causing about one third of these damages The consequences can include service interruptions fire property damage personal injuries and even death

The MISS DIG system is Michigan s one call source for locating underground utility lines receiving more than 12 million requests

-since the one call center opened in 1970 The vast majority of stakihg requests are filled withfn three busi ness days without cost to

-^he caller The utilities will be lla r k e d with colored flags or 3spray paint to indicate the l^ ffe re n t service lines below t - l f homeowners happen to % g or excavate near these |m e s they should hand dig | o expose the lines before lining power equipment It ^ n be difficult to accurately Es tim a te how deep the utility 3ines might be buried 5 n h e best way to expose iitility lines is to create a |>arrow trench perpendicular "to the staked direction of the

tu n ed line by rem oving dirt a few inches at a time rather than plunging a shovel into the soil Remember that a sliovel edge can cut a utility line just as easy as a back hoe blade When you expose a short portion o f the utility line yo u know its exact loca

l i o n and depth and can begin to carefully use power equip ment in its vicinity


The addition put on the residence of John and Gaii Aiken by the McGovern Building Group serves as the dining room, large enough for Gaii s gourmet dinners Among the furnishings are a cabinet designed and built by John Aiken


maintains house

style as it expands


John and Gail Aiken of Bloomfield Hills have special tal­ents John IS a gifted woodworker, whose fiirmshin^ are beau­tiful and functional Gail IS a gourmet genius, who loves to entertain with her dinners for 14 or more guests

But the 1,600- square-foot ranch house, where the Aikens have lived since 1978, was some­what inhibiting these interests

After he retired asThe living room is contemporary m tone

Story by Mary KlemicStaff Writer

an automotive designer from tbt?' Fotd'JkK^r Co five years ago, John wanted to keep b u ^ with his passion for woodworking He built pieces m a storage room that was about 7 by l6 feet in size, with space for a pegboard and little else

“I had always thought I might return to v^odworking,” John said “That w ^ one of my fi|rst jobs as a teenager, working at a cabinet- inaker’s woodwork shop ”

I The dining room area was, too small for the type of dmners^Gail liked to prepare

“I said to my wife, We have two new needs You need a master diningroom and I need a woodworking shop,’” John Aiken said

The couple decided that instead of moving, they would have an addition put on the house

The McGovern Building Group was hired, and built a 1,200-square-foot addition onto the house last year Now the Aikens can do woodworking projects, and serve large num­bers of guests, in distinctive style

“I love It It m ^es such a big difference,” Gail said

“Itjust has opened up the whole thing It was very cluttered and dark in there before ”

“We have noticed a trend m the Detroit area w|iere homeowners are adding rooms in their h^mes to enable them to enjoy their hobbies arid interests,” said Tferry McGovern, president of the Bloomfield Hills firm

“Many of the basement remodeling projects and additions we have done included game rooms, home theaters and even home exercise rooms When people invest a large amount m a remod­eling project, they want to make sure the addition fits their lifestyle ”


The project involved giving a bnck facelift to Sie original anderblock of the house, which was built m 1965 Still, the addition matches the architectural style

“If the architect were here we beheve he would be very pleased,” said John, who was trained and educated m industrial design “It looks as though the (addition) was includ­ed all along


MARKETPUCESubmissionsDo you have a special item you d like to showcase in Marketplace on the front of At Home? Wed like to feature it' Send a photo or slide o f the piece along with information to Ken Abramczyk At Home editor Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 805 E Maple Birmingham 48009

Classic hourglassThis design borrows from Flemish and Swedish Ideas and gives Provence its beau­tiful, curvaceous profile Crowned with a removable pediment carving, Provence is crafted in hardwood solids and veneers Provence has a solid wood hinged dial bezel and a splendid antique white dial face Distinctive antique brown brass weight sheds and pendufum bob draw deserved attention to the gracefully curved Bombe-style base Cabinet with inset frame and panel construction Provence's hinged lower front door includes seeded glass (or optional wood) center pane! Its Chain-driven movement strikes a bell on the hour and half-hour The clock retails for $3,189, but is listed on sale for $1,759 at Walker Buzenberg, 240 N Mam m Plymouth Hours are 10 a m -9 p m , Monday, Thursday and Friday, and 10 a m -6 p.m Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday Call (734) 459-1300 for information.

A rt Deco, Art Nouveau, Prairie and Arts and Crafts are among the styles o f design on display at the expo.

From art deco to art nouveau, expo has it all

The Modernism Exposition will take you on a walk down memory lane or help you create a home filled with 20th-century flair, form, function or just plain fun Merchants will lure you to their booths with pieces designed by such greats as Frank Uoyd Wnght, Louis Comfort Tiffany, Herman Miller, Heywood Wakefield, the Stickleys, Salvador Dali and other designers’ works of the Art Deco, Art Nouveau, Prainer, Arts and Crafts, Surrealistic and Neo-0assical schools of design

On April 25-27, the Southfield Municipal Complex will create a life of Its own with Lava lamps, Peter Max art, decorator items, furniture, jewelry and vintage clothing — all certain to evoke memories from a different place


This cabinet features the Arts and Crafts style that will be displayed a t the Michigan Modernism Exposition April 26 and 2 7 at the Southfield Municipal Complex at Evergreen and Civ ic Center Drive

MICHIGAN MODERNISM EXPOSITIONWhat: 70 merchants will offer pieces by Frank Lloyd Wright Louis Comfort Tiffany, Herman Miller Salvador Dali and other designers' works of the Art Deco Art Nouveau Prairie Arts and Crafts, Surrealistic and Neo-Classical schools of design Adiiitional design categories include inciustrial design, tramp a rt rustic and prominent movements of the 1950s and 1960s Where: The SouthfieldMunicipal Complex, 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield (From 1-696, exit south on Evergreen, to Civic Center Drive (or 10 1/2 Mile)When 1 0 a m - 6 p m Saturday,April 26, and noon-5 p m , Sunday April 27 Admission: $7 with any ads or listings $8 regular admission One regular paid admission is good for both weekend days of the show Children 12 or under are free (April 25,6-10 p m Grand opening party admission $35 at the door, featuring the KathV Kosins J a zz Trio, Fashion Showrhy Vintage Chic horsd'oeuvreshy Amaryllis, cash bar, early buying opportunity)

Find a home for your horse. _ horse, house^o^ ttiings, whaleiAMr...cali today an4 diem qulc^ with a classified ad—

■> 1

C2 (*) Observer & Eccentric! Thursday April 17 2003 AT HOME wwwJiom etoiviilife com

Heads up! Cabbages can look fabulous


The Garden WntersAssociation commissioned a 2003 spnng garden

trends research study Concerns about the economy

and the war with Iraq haven t damp­ened the enthusiasm of gardeners

Fifty-five percent of gar­deners plan to spendsame this yeax on flowers and ornamental plants (flowers, trees and shrubs), while

12 percent said they planned to spend more Twenty-one per­cent planned to spend less on ornamentals

Fifty-seven percent planned to spend the same, 13 percent more and 14 percent less, on vegetables and fhiits

Nona Wolfram Koivula, GWA president and executive director of the National Garden Bureau, said, “These responses are encouraging and further support that gardening provides important relief from the pressures of daily events, especially during penods of significant economic and polit­ical uncertainty”

Flowers will be the top choice of 27 percent of the public this spring, followed by vegetables and fhiits at 24 per­cent, grass at 18 percent, and trees and shrubs at 11 percent

Suburban dwellers, married couples, those with higher edu­cation and higher incomes and females all showed a stronger preference for flowers over edi­bles

However, when asked which type of plant they would spend more money on this year, 41 percent of the consumers planned to increase thei? spending on edibles, and 36 percent planned to increase their spending on ornamentals

The survey was conducted in March by TechnoMetnca Market Intelligence At the 95 percent confidence level, the margin of error for respon­dents overall is plus/minus 3 2


These cabbages make an attractive vegetable bed

percent I thought you may be interested in these statistics


Have you ever grown cab­bage? Well, there’s a cabbage world out fiiere, and this veg­etable can be quite handsome in the garden

Savoy is easily recognized hy its crinkled leaves The round, ball-shape green or red cab­bages with which we are most familiar have been a staple in gardens for years

Ornamentals with ruffled or curled leaves of coral, pink, purple, lavender and blue col­ors look fabulous intermixed with other textures and shades of green

Cabbages are cool-season vegetables and can be set out when the weather and soil have warmed Cabbages can be started from seed, but it’s quicker and easier to buy plants at a local nursery

These veggies like lots of sun and need constant moisture and lots of fertilizer Before you set them in the garden, prepare the bed adequately so the soil is rich and drams well

Set the seedlings 15 to 18 inches apart Be creative and set them in any configuration you wish so that the bed is attractive Companion plants include mangolds, zinnias and nasturtiums, which add color

Fertilize with compost or

dried manure and mulch to conserve soil moisture and to discourage head splitting To control insects, use Bt (Baallus thunngiensis) or use floating row covers

Water regularly, use enough so the moisture is steady, always enough but never so much that the drainage is poor

Harvest your crop when they look completely formed and they are firm to the touch Cut the head free, leaving the big outer leaves

There are many ways to pre­pare cabbage for eating Expenment with different recipes and soon you’ll have a favorite Bon appetiV

G O O D G A R D E N T I P Plan to attend An Afternoon

with Antiques, presented by Goldner Walsh Nursery

Expert appraisers from the Frank Boos Gallery of Bloomfield Hills will tell you what your treasured flord- re la t^ item is worth

Bring one item that you can lift yourself There is a 85 charge The time and date 3 30-5 30 p m Thursday,April 24

Reservations are necessary Call (248) 332-6430, Ext 233

M a rty F Ig ie y is an advanced master gardener based in Birmingham You can leave her a message by dialing (734) 953 2047 on a touch tone phone Her fax number is (248) 6441314

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The lower level of the addition serves as John Aiken's woodworking shop Aiken, a talented woodworker, made a wood model of the house that the McGovern firm used to help with the addition design


“It’s important to me to have the mtegnty of the onginal architect”

Aiken commended Steve Zumberg of the company, lead design and project manager, for his work

Aiken made a wood model of the house to show what it would look like with the addi­tion he had in mind McGovern said the company used the model to help with the design

John Aiken coined a phrase, “modern mission style,” to descnbe the house and the way It IS furnished He explains this as mcludmg a little bit each of Frank Lloyd Wnght, mission, Arts and Crafts and contempo­rary elements

Among Its features are 30- degree angles, m steps, corners and where wall and ceiling meet Tiny square inlays are decorative touches m forniture and on surfaces


The addition, which is now the dining room, is a modeisn mission showcase It allows views of part of the 1-3/4 acres of the property on three sides

“People have their second home up North,” Aiken said “We felt we have more nature here in our neighborhood ’

In the center of the room, on an area rug and under recessed lighting, is a custom-made cherry table by an Ann Arbor craftsman A sideboard, designed in Royal Oak, is along one side, under a row of hori­zontal windows

Gall and John Aiken of Bloomfield Hills enjoy the extra room the addition provides

At one end is a cabinet designed and built by Aiken, featunng interior lights and glass shelves

On either side of this piece is a vertical Anderson window topped with a Frank Lloyd Wnght style pattern in stained glass, small windows angled to match the slope of the ceiling are above ftie cabi­net

A row of large windows fills the third wall


The 400-square-foot wood­working shop IS below the din­ing room

It features special electncal outlets, noise insulation and a central vacu­um system that keeps the wood dust out of other areas in the house

“As I grew out of that little tiny ^ ace the projects grew, too ” Aiken said “I began to get orders from different

people in the family”From rocking horses, he was

making such large pieces as a cherry entertainment center

Aiken did the finish work himself

This included installing a wall of hidden cabinets in the living room

The ash veneer panels, which open and close with a push, hold a variety of items including books, a computer and a desk

The living room is contemporary in tone, with furnishings from Ligne Roset in Birmingham, Roche Bobois m Chicago and other stores

It feature an arrangement of an Italian sectional sofa, table and l ^ p , narrow light poles, and black chanrs A small fireplace is along one wall that IS covered with mir­rors

m klem ic€>oe h om eco in m n e t

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ivwivJiom etoivnlife com AT HOME Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 ( * ) C3

M a in ta in y o u r c e n tra l Key to keeping youT lawR lush is maintenancea ir c o n d itio n in g s y s te m

ApplianceD octor


V h e recent blast of snow and t ice conditions which caused * so many homeowners to lose

electrical service created a surge of consumers buying new generators for emergen<y use Of these approximately

500,000 utility customers whose lives changed overnight, most would agree that they appreciate their electricity a little more

Whether you went th ro u ^ the power out­age or not, take a look around the house and

visualize what electricity does for you TVy reading this col­umn m the dark or setting the alarm clock for an early mom- 11 appomtment What about watching your favorite televi­sion program or the Stanley Cup playoifs, or listening to your special radio program on weekend morning? Without electricity, it might remind you of how tough life must have been in the old days and how we seemingly can t live com­fortably Without It

There is another time of year which can be even more unbearable without the pure gift of voltage - It’s the hottest days of summer

Don’t forget about the sum­mer storms which are capable of knocking out power to many homes for sever^ days

It’s different than m winter when you can sleep m a cold house by piling on the blan­kets, but you just can t get comfortable trying to sleep when It’s 100 degrees m the house

Let me get back for just d. minute to the utility company who supplies the electricity to yburhome That company did­n’t create the storm, now did they? It didn’t plant the trees lhat broke apart and knocked down the power lines

Do we not as homeowners

bear some responsibility when it comes to prevention or maintenance^ Do you ever go outside and follow the electric lines back to the pole’ Your eyes could spot a potential problem

Many service calls will be necessary because customers don t maintain the unit That expensive central air system for your home also means you need to show a certain amount ofdihgence The condenser that sits outside (that big thing that makes all the noise) needs to be clean If it is not, the compressor will overheat ^ d will break or will be ruined I can’t tell you how many times a service technician informs a consumer they need to spend $1,500 to change a compressor on a perfectly good unit That repair person shakes his or her head and tells the customer ‘ if you would only have kept this clean, this would not have hap­pened ”

Please follow these simple instructions Clear the plants and bushes away from the con­denser so that it has 12 inches of breathing space all around it Take the garden hose with a nozzle and wash it down all over Rinse it several times dur­ing the summer Make sure that the power is off while you do this maintenance yourself

Keep reminding yourself that the temperatures in the house and the energy effici^cy of your air conditioning system are very dependent on a cle^n condenser outside

Changing the filter in the furnace is another critical step in the upkeep of your system A dirty filter can also cause a compressor to fail by not allow­ing proper air movement I am not an air conditioning special­ist but my methods were learned from the experts m the field


Rick l/espa

Do you want your lawn to be the

envy of the neighborhood? Are you tired of weeds, insects or dis­ease plaguing your yard’The key to a lush, problem- free lawn IS proper lawn maintenance

Follow thesesimple tips

■ Watering Water only

A f r ic a n V i o l e t s S a leThe Michigan State African Violet Society will have its annual spring dis play and sale 10 a m to 4 30 p m Saturday April 19 and 11 a m to 2 p m Sunday April 20 at Matthaei Botanical Gardens 1800 Dixboro Road in Ann Arbor Admission is free Standard African violets will be for sale as well as minis semiminisand trailers

S c h o o l o f G a r d e n in gThe Michigan School of Gardening presents classes on a wide range of topicsThe schedule includes these classes which meet at 29429 Six Mile in Livonia |ust west of Middlebelt in the Milo Shopping Plaza Wildflowers m the Garden (fee is $39 50) Wednesday April 23 and Perennial Combinations ($3950) Thursday April 24 Register early Seating is limited For more information call (248) 4 GARDEN or visit WWW michigangardeningcom

P r u n i n g , f e r t i l i z i n g r o s e s Roger and Nancy Lindley owners of Great Lakes Roses are celebrating spring with a series of free public pro grams Sundays and Mondays at Great Lakes Roses 49875 Willow Road between Rawsonviile and Sumpter (Belleville) roads in Sumpter Township

when needed - about every three days - with a thorough, even watering that reaches the roots Increase frequency in hot, dry weather or whenever the grass begins to look wilted, or has a gray tinge

As a general guideline, appty one to two inches of water per week early in the morning to reduce susceptibility of disease and keep newly seeded lawns moist until established^

■ Fertilization TVy an easy four-step approach to fertiliza­tion with granular products specifically formulated for sea­sonal application Apply

fertilizer with a crabgrass pre­venter before the forsythias bloom, then continue the fol­lowing steps at S I X - to eight- week in te rn s For best results, use either a drop-type spreader or a broadcast spreader

Drop-type spreaders are the most accurate and good for weed-control products, where­as broadcast spreaders are the easiest and fastest to use

For best results, see your lawn care professional for details

■ Mowing Always use a sharp mower blade, as dull blades can cause bruised and

GARDEN CALENDARPruning and Fertilizing of Roses a hands on demonstration will be pre sented 1 p m Sunday April 20 and repeated 11 am Monday A pril21 m the display garden It will also be repeated 1p m Sunday April 27 or It a m Monday April 28 Great Lakes Roses offers more than 500 varieties of roses and stocks the complete line of Felco pruners books about roses fertilizers soil amend ments and pesticides Visit wwwGreatLakesRoses com or call (734) 461 1230 to request a flyer

M a t t h a e i G a r d e n s The Umversity of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens Adult Education Program offers a variety of classes The schedule includes the two session Small Native Trees (fee is $50 or $45 for members) beginning Tuesday April 22 and the five session Mosses and Liverworts ($125 or $112 50 for members) beginning Wednesday April 23Call (734) 998 7061 for information

D e p r e s s i o n G la s s C l u bThe Great Lakes Depression Glass Club Show and Sale will feature Depression era glass which is all glassware made in the United States from the early 1920s until mid 1940s and a few patterns in the 1950s The glass was a molded product often a

giveaway item with another purchase such as the dish flight at the movies The show and sale takes place 10 a m 5 pm Saturday A p ril2 6 and 11 a m 4 p m Sunday April 27 at the United Food and Commercial Workers Union Building 876 Horace Brown Drive Madison Heights (west of John R and east of Stephenson Highway) Donation is $5 For information call Madelyn Blair Fisher at (586) 739 4290

G i l d a 's C l u bVisit Gildas Club 3517 Rochester Road m Royal Oak 12 30 2 30 p m Monday April 28 for a free lecture on Butterfly Gardening presented by Anton Anderssen Anderssen a cancer survivor will present S e w Se e dso fH o pe - Butterfly Gardening free to the com munity Learn how to devise a garden filled with flowers that attract butter flies and contain delicious scents Anderssen will present a slide show to give dozens of ideas Reservations required For information call (248)577 0800

G a r d e n c l u b sThe Federated Garden Club of Michigan District 1 will hold its annual spring meeting for garden club mem bers within District 1 at 9 a m Tuesday April 29 at the San Marino

ragged leaf tips, making grass more susceptible to disease and insects Be sure to remove only a third of the leaf blade per mowing - mowing too low can weaken grass plants

Other helpful tips include changing direction of the mowing pattern regularly and avoiding mowing when ^ a ss is wet

Rick Vespa is vice president o f land scape design and installation for English Gardens Vespa will be writing Landscaper's Cove once a m onth on landscaping fo r the Observer S Eccentric Newspapers

Club 1685 E Big Beaver Road in Troy The meeting offers a great opportunity for attendees to meet with fellow garden club members share ideas and experiences and learn more about horticulture and flo ral design techniques The business meeting will be followed by World Gardening/Bellze presented by Chris Rochman The afternoon will feature Toshi Shimoura presenting a Japanese floral design program The Language o f Flowers The day wilt include a luncheon The Royal Oak Garden Club will host the event Fonnformation call (248) 391 6825

Spring Open House Dominique Browning editor in chief of House & Garden Magazine will be the special guest speaker at the Spring Open House at 1 p m Friday May 2 at the Goidner Walsh Nursery 559 Orchard Lake Road (one mile east of Telegraph) m PontiacBrowning will be signing copies o f her book Around the House and In the Garden Tickets are $24 for lunch and the book reading and signing Books are $24 hardcover and $12 soft coverReservations are required Call (248) 332 6430

J o e G a g n o n is host of Ask The Handyman on Infinity Radio AM 1270 8 a m noon Saturdays and Sundays You can hear hts tips on WWJ 950 on week

Visit the Observer online at www.hometownlife.com / ^ e d c o Builders, Inc.

days You can call him on his show at (248) 3561270 S /h o j


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C4 (») Observer & Eccentric | Thursda/ April 17 2003 AT HOME ivivw .hom etownlife.com

Make an easy switch from Cut back on that schedule snowblower to mower


It’s Apnl and time to switch from the snowblower to the lawn equipment Here’s a few

tips on stonng the snowblower and bnnging out the mower



I hke to have my snowblow­er at ready for next fall When that first nasty snow storm hits, all I have to do is start it (OK, since my wife is looking over my shoul­

der, I said I like to have the snowblower ready, that doesn’t mean I always do But it is warmer now than when that first snow comes)

Change the oil on a four- cyde engine Old oil sitting m the engine over the off-season can shorten the life of the engine Again, it’s easier to do this now than in cold weather Be sure to properly dispose of the old oil

A new spark plug only costs a few dollars, but will inake the first start easier in the fall While the plug is removed, spray a little foaming oil (avail­able at most auto parts store) into the cylinder through the spark plug hole This will keep

the cylinder and piston from corroding

Look over the snowblower for any signs of worn or broken parts Pay particular attention to belts, augers or paddles, wiper bars, cables and for any lose fasteners Tighten lose nuts, bolts and screws and replace parts as needed

Though some insist on draining gas from the tank and runmng e engine until dry, I prefer to use a foel stabilizer (such as Sta-Bil) m all the gasoline I purchase for my snowblower or lawn mower Ih is way fuel can be left m the tank dunng the off-season staying reasonably fresh


oilIf you didn’t change the < and spark plug and do the other things you were sup­posed to do to your lawn mower m the fall (see above for storing snowblowers), do them first

Look around the mower for any signs of loose or broken parts and repair as necessary

Check the blade If it is dull or nicked, remove it, but before removing the blade, remove the spark plug wire from the spark plug (This dis­connection will prevent the engine from starting, which can cause senous injury) Ihke the blade mto a lawn mower

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repair shop for sharpening M^ile at the mower shop, pick up an extra blade This way you can have one to use while the other is being sharpened

Once your snowblower is ready for storage and the lawn mower is ready to use, get out and enjoy a beautiful spiing day


After reading my column about garage door mainte­nance, Ken asked about noise from his gaxage door opener, which occurs mostly when the door is being opened He thought the noise might be from a bad beanng m the opener unit, since it is about 15 years old

In most cases, if there seems to be more noise coming frx)m an opener dunng opening rather than closing, it is likely that the coupterbalance spnngs need adjusting If adjusting is in order, I can’t caution you enough to leave this to a qualified person Garage door torsion spnngs are under great tension and can cause senous injury if improperly adjusted

Harry Jachym writes Ask Dad aco* umn on home issues ranging from repairs and maintenance to building and remodeling projects He is a Plymouth resident

Send any questions or comments to Jachym at askdad® comcast net or m care of Ken Abram czyk Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 805 E Maple Birmingham 48009

Each day is a whirlwiad. There is more to do and less tune to do it. I have trouble slew ing and relaxing. My house looks hke a mess.

Does this describe a typi­cal day in your life”!* You wake up, get yourself ready You quickly make sure the chil­dren are up and getting dressed as you race to the kitchen to pre­pare breakfast, sack lunches, and grab a

quick cup of coffee As you feed the dog you real­

ize you foi^ot to fill out your sons school forms that are due today You try to clear a place on the counter to fill out the forms until the ringing of the telephone interrupts you It is your carpool driver who has a sick child and will not be driv­ing today You realize you are



going to be late to the office for die third time this week

You scramble with your three children out the door You arnve late to work, thus setting the stage for a stressful day You leave work early to drive carpool Your evening consists of dance lessons, soc­cer, football practice, school meeting, fast food for dinner, laundiQF, and a feeble attempt to collect house clutter You fall mto bed late, tired, and defeat­ed Ypu have just dressed your­self for stress Here are some tips so you can dress for suc­cess instead of stress

B Do not pack each day to capacity Purge your b u ^ schedule so you are not con­stantly moving from one activi­ty to mother Limit the amoimt of volunteer work you do Limit the amount of extra curricular activities each child does

B Get up 10 minutes early so you can enjoy your cup of cof­fee without interruptions

B Before you go to bed at night start sadk lunches, lay

out clothes, check notes m chil­dren’s backpacks, and make a ‘to do list’ for the following day

B Give yourself a mini mas­sage during the day on the back of your neck and the top of your head to relieve stress

B Laughter is great medi­cine It helps your body relax Read a funny book or go to a comedy show with a fnend

B Spray your house with your favorite fragrance or bum scented candles in the evening before bed

B Listen to your favonte music at home or in the car This should be music that relaxes and calms you

B Do not make mountains out of molehills Accept ijie things you can not change and change the things you can

Diana Koenig is a writer educator speaker consultant and president of Domestic Planner® Direi^ Sales Company Send your questions and success stories to Diana Koenig PO Box 1702 Manchester MO 63011 e mail dianakoenig@hotmai(com Visit WWW domesticpianner com


in time Jewelry, furniture, dec­orative items, memorabilia and vintage clothing will be fea­tured at the exposition

All the enticing memorabilia I S certain to reawgdten fond memones and allure a heart­felt purchase

But how will you know the 1960s concert poster that reminds you of your first love is worth the money‘s

Here are some tips to keep m mind when swooning over that

F U R N I T U R E , I N C .

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’50s dinette set before you make your acquisition

B Do your research I f you are just beginning your journey into the intriguing antiques and collectibles world, take a litUe time to visit a few land­marks along the way You can use the local library or visit die Internet There are many Web sites that provide pictures, descriptions and even costs for a particular object Be well- read and aware of what you are after

B Check out the background of the dealer Reputable deal­ers are happy to talk with you and make you feel comfortable Ask them how' long they have

been a dealer, what shows they go to, whether or not they have a shop, where it is located and how long they have been m business

B Think about the four things most experienced col­lectors do Impulse buying is fun and appropriate for many But if you are limited to a budget and looking for a good investment, consider these four issues What is the condition of the piece, how rare is it, how desirable is it, and what does it cost*!* Weighing these factors will help make the most of your investment dollars and help you enjoy collecting for years to come


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C S (PC) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 w w ivJ io m e to w n ltfe com

Does your anxiety control you?

Susan had just moved into a beautiful new home Her 11-month old

baby was just beginning to walk, and for the first time m her six years of marriage, she was able to stay home full time

Life was good or was it’ It was at that time when things started to change Her adorable husband, whom she woVshiped, was gaming notonety for his ‘ account-building” abilities at the brokerage company where he worked His nights home were no\( fewer than his nights out with clients

It began with her height­ened anxiety about him Fretting about his where­abouts, she would call his cell phone several times each night, checking in with him and finding out when he would be home She then went on a rampage of clean­ing Day after day, she obsessed about the cleanli­ness of the kitchen floor and how perfect the house need­ed to look

As she attempted to step out and meet the other mothers m her neighbor- hoodj she felt herself becom-

I mg fearful about how she [ would appear to them -

after all, now she was ^ust” a stay-at-home mom Somehow, that didn’t seem to have as much clout as her former title, director of human resources She failed to remember that all of the other mothers were “just stay-at-home moms” as well

She became hystencal when her baby coughed m his sleep, believing that he CQuld have croup and she might not be able to stop it She staffed to believe the house wasn t secure enough and insisted that her hus­band sign them up with a 24-hour-a-d^ alarm com­pany When her husband commented pne day that she seemed overly anxious about everything, she began think­ing a t she m i^ t be worry­ing too much Her intellec­tual side knew it didn’t help to dwell on her wornes, but it didn’t lessen the constant feelings of anxiety that lin­gered over her like a dark cloud

Finally, after months of sharing her concerns with her husband, he suggested that she go to their family doctor and get a physical She reluctantly made the appointment, wondenng if she would be brave enough to tell him about her wor­ries

When Dr Smith asked her how she was doing with all the new changes m her life, she sheepishly stared at the floor and replied, Well, I have been miserable ” The floodgates then opened and her inner turmoil poured put Dr ^mith couldn’t have l^een more helpful , “Susan,” he said

calmly “You are suffering from generalized anxiety *4isorder,>GAD Andl’dhke tp share fbe hallmark signs ^pf GAD ahxjety First, all of

have wornes Sometimes We have two or three things

' We worry about and that is 'puite normal But people With GAD have a teftdency pD worry for protracted pen- pds of time

“Since you told me that the anxiety began around six iponths ago, when you ihoved, that’s one erfthe ijrademarks of GAD six months or more of anxiety

r Another red flag is what a ' person wornes about Many ' <|f their wornes are

P m S E S f f A N X I E T Y , C 6

If I

1Maryanne Senkowski Lillian Mai

Eleanor Smith of Livonia pos course, she is wearing wliitej


i^n one of her favorite Easter hats and coats, circa 1950 Of >ves

In your faster bonmt, with all the frills upon it,You'll he }ie grandest lady in the Easter Parade r i l he all m clover and when they look you over, r i l he thtproudest fellow in the Easter Parade.

On the avenue, ^ifth Avenue, the photographers w ill snap us, A n dyo ififin d that you ’re in the rotogravure

Oh, I could fn te a sonnet about your Easter bonnet, And oftf^ girl Pm taking to the Easter Parade

Written by Irving Berlin

Expert says every woman can wear a hat

Gena Conti speaks about hats while one of her creations sits on display

Picture this, five girls, five new Easter bonnets



VTide bnm, medium inm , no bnm, pillbox, sailor and beret Flowers, feafliers, nbbons and tiile

But most of all, lots o; straw, which herdds the end of winto and the advent of spnng

We’re talking Easter lonnets, the crowmng gloiy for manr^women until the 1960s, when hats s e ^ e d to lose their fashion sense ^

But did they? Or is w e^ng a hat a matter of attitude’

Custom milliner GenajConti of Wyandotte, whose handijiade creations cost $200-$300 and nW|-e, believes a woman is not fully dressed until she puts on her hat

She recently gave a p^entation on hats to members of the t^ fo rd

Suburban League, a women’s chanta- ble organization marking its 48th anniversary

“This IS my passion,” said Conti, wearing a wide-bnmmed hat mn multi-colored fabnc of green, cream and black “Men love women in hats Everyone can wear a h a t It has to be the right hat Cocktail hats are espe­cially popular Hats are sexy I don’t ' care if you’re 90, seiy is fun ”

Lillian Mall^, vice president of the Redford Suburbmi League, wore a wide-bnmmed red straw to the lundi- eon

She has a collection of 23 hats “I love the wide bnms I particularly like matching hats with complete outfits To me, the hat is the frosting on the cake,” she said



I grew up in a Catholic family, the middle child of five children My dad, Joe Rohatynski, was a supervisor for General Motors and my mother, Gladys, was a stay- at-home mom We lived m Livonia

Holidays were always a big occasion at our house Easter was one of the biggest Mom and Dad were up at dawm to put on the ham (which was always huge) and the kiel- basa

Homemade cabbage rolls were cooking and homemade pierogies were waiting under a clean towel, ready to be boiled Dozens of eggs were already decorated and stored m the refrigerator, to be part of the


(From left) Mom Gladys Rohatynski old­est sister Linda Scussel o f Northville, Joanne Siefert of Plymouth, Therese Eaves of Redford, and youngest sister Karen Ward of West Branch m 1966

A few good eggs take time, talent, ‘ pure days'b y M n d r a d a l k a - p r y s b yiCGI^ESPONDENT

Hundreds of years ago when an Ukrainian woman had a

“pui^” day - one free of gossip tnd parked by doing good deeds she night have spent a few

hours in the candlelight that night decorating thicken eggs

“The intricate designs on the eggs require a clear mind So it was on these so-called pure days that women turned eggs iiito what is now considered art,” said Sandy Ewasek of Livoma, who is herself a

“pysalsy” an egg artist ‘W hen the beautifully designed

eggs were completed, Ukrainian women back then, and to this day, gave them as gifts to beloved family and friends Also, m times past, the decorated eggs were placed on the graves of departed loved ones ”

Ewasek’s interest in these exqui site eggs began hen she married her half-Ukrainian husband, Richard, almost 19 years ago She admired his parents’ egg collection and decided to learn flow to create


C6 (PC) Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April 17 2003 CONTINUED FROM PAGE C5 w w w.hom etowniife. com


unrealistic and go b^ond a reasonable concern about a negative outcome For instance, I know your pediatrician has told you that your son’s coughing m the middle of the night is nothing to be concerned about But I am afraid that hasn’t allayed your fears about him having a more senous illness I suspect your fears are out of proportion for the events Are you able to distract yourself when you want to c^l your hus­band for the third time each evening?”

She shook her head “No, I cannot override my

negative thoughts I just need to hear his voice”

Dr Smith continued “GAD affects only 2 to 5 per­

cent of the population, and occurs in twice as many women as men Perhaps it’s because men mask anxiety through other behaviors Often people do not get the proper treatment they need for it because they believe that no one would understand what is going on with them So the worry and the depression only increase My recommen­dation for you IS for you to take an antidepressant for a short spell, but simultaneously, I want you to begm with cognitive behavior therapy with a therapist who specializes in it The value of the therapy is that is will challenge the dis­torted thoughts that fuel your anxiety”

With the prescription in hand, Susan walked out of his office with a new confidence that she wasn’t crazy, and that the anxiety was going to get taken care of

Anxious to get her old self back, she drove home and could already feel her shoulders relaxing, before she even took the first pill'

Jacque Martin-Downs is a child and adolescent therapist in private prac tice in Livonia


Easter baskets that were filled and hidden for all five of us

Visits to Pans Bakery had been made for angel wings, egg bread and bubka (cof- feecake)

The house had been cleaned from top to bottom m preparation for the holiday and the relatives who would be over for dinner

My parents went all out for us kids They bought all of us complete new o u ^ ts Mind

you, this was no easy feat for a family with five children My brother, Joe J r , who was the youngest, always had a new suit and shoes The four of us girls also received new outfits, which included dresses, shoes, gloves, coats and, of course, new Easter bonnets

Growing up in the ’60s and being a Catholic female meant that you wore a covering on your head in church Easter was a time to celebrate and break away from the usual mantilla or scarf It was spring once again - Alleluia, Christ had nsen - and it was time for a new E ^ e r bonnet

Our bonnets were as individ­ual as we were and sometimes took a couple shopping trips to find the perfect one


Getting dressed on time Easter morning was a chal­lenge We shared one bath­room for five females By the time everyone was through, there were some temper flare- ups (Aren’t you through in there yet’ Hurry up') Eventually, we were all dressed and ready for church

Now came the part we dreaded To memonalize the


them herself Her husband’s aunt and a Ukrainian nun m Canada got her started with the basics, spme equipment and a few how-to books That introduction has resulted in the creation of more than a thousand eggs over the years, most of which are her own designs


Measuring the egg, which is first cleaned in white vinegar, and making equally spaced pencil marks so that -^e repeti­tive designs are symmetric^ is the first step of this Ukrainian craft

With a "kisky,” a tool with a minute funnel that contains melted beeswax (it’s passed over the flame of a candle to melt), Ewasek draws on the lines and designs she wants to remain white Then the egg is dipped in yellow dye

Again, she uses e kisky to cover the areas she wants to remain yellow This process is repeated over and over again with the next dye color, which IS orange, then red and finally black By the time the com­plete design IS on the egg, much of I t IS covered with beeswax

“These are the traditional colors, although any color can be used In addition to the col­ors mentioned above, Ukrainian eggs tend to be dec­orated with certain designs which are symbolic of spring (flowers), good health (wheat), prosperity (deer), being part of the universe (sun, moon and stars), as well as other bless­ings”

After the egg is decorated, Ewasek hlows out” its con­tents by making a small hole m one end

She uses an ear syringe to shoot air into the egg to break up the yolk. The contents can then be emptied out of the egg through the hole

Td complete and preserve the egg, she removes the beeswax and gives it two coats of varnish

“Ukrainian women (and this c r ^ has always been pnmanly a ‘woman thing’) weren’t the first to decorate eggs This cus­tom is centuries old and pre­dates Christianity It was the Ukrainians, however, who ele­vated it to an art ”


According to Ewasek, creat­ing the eggs has been a relax­ing and peacefiil hobby It’s these same benefits that draw her to her other interest She’s an avid gardener and likes to take the same creativity she uses to transform eggs to the

holid^ ! my father would assem us on the FRONT lawn, lof the back, to take our pictur 5

By t ns time, no one wanted to sta: td next to anyone, much less s} «ak-to~each other, excep ny Da^, who was yelhnj; ‘Be quiet' Now smile,Idamn i t '” Neighbors would lie watching with their dvn smiles as we all tned to pretend that we were somewuere else I pretended that I vas really an only child who hdd somehow gotten mixe(iip with this large, loud family.

Am^ingly enough, our

pictures turned out looking like we actually were a happy bunch, which deep down we were

Years later, when my son was in junior high football, his coach was a neighborhood boy I had grovm up vtnth

Bob remembered watching the picture-taking ordeal of my family, which has turned into a precious memoiy, evoked when I think of my Easter bonnet

Terese Eaves now lives in Redford Her mother has passed away but her father lives m Westland Brother Jo e J r lives in Howell

land“But creating eggs is the

most challengmg activity, espe­cially if I use smaller eggs, such as those from quails, parrots and cockatiels ” (She has a fiiend who raises birds and gives her the unfertilized eggs )

Ewasek’s daughters, Andrea, 13, and Laune, 10, are also egg artists Under their mother’s guidance, they began decorat­ing eggs when t h ^ were about 5 years old

“I made them wait until I was sure that they wouldn’t set their hair on fire with the can­dle,” she said

Her passion for decorated eggs has taken her to “egg shows” for supplies, demon­strations and the opportunity to learn more about the designs and history of this art form She also likes meeting other “egg ladies” and sharing ideas with them and selling her eggs

“We have a wonderful Egg Fair, held every year m Dearborn Ukrainian eggs, as well as Polish ‘scratch’ ("Ae design IS not put on, but scratched off), Faberge and Czech eggs are on display and available for purchase,” she added

This year’s Egg Fair will be held from 10 a m to 5 p m Saturday, May 3, and from 10 a.m to 4 p m Sunday, May 4, at Holiday Inn Fairlane

For information call (586) 779-1938


H A T S ,U t S, HATS

The vomen attending the event yore hats that showed off a vanety of attitudes - saucy, jaunty fun and downnght ^amoDUS

“Hjfli. r e s s an attitude I think jyer flie years it was a way for wonen to express them- selve^”said Betsy McRae of Redf(|td, deputy derk of Redfqid Township

Papicdi of Farmmgton >re a blue felt wifli a big pinned boldly m front

i ^ t it from Jacobson’s ago and once loaned it

to hej friend, Carole Rhode, who ieeded just the n ^ t hat for a play in which she was appe^ng “She was Miss Meg|suc^,” said Fapidi

1^ a royal blue dress and isaid, Ihavejustfliehat

iji.,”’ said Rhode, who used for the Redford

Llier of CommerceiniOT, a league mem-

, Waterford, dso a member of the Red Hat Society, a orgauzation of fim-lovmg womli somewhere between their jxime and their golden year^ho “dare to wear purple anc^ it on flie sidewalk ”

“T ere’s thousands and thou­sand of women in it,” she said “It’s s nctiy a fun group, no

fund-raisers, just fun ”Hamer, of course, vras wear-

mg a red hat and a purple suit. The hat, she said, “ymbolizes that I’m gomg out to have fun with a bwich of fhends ”


Mary Sidick of Canton was the only women attendmg 11 a.m Mass at St John Neumann Church last Easter who wore a hat People who know her didn't find it surprising

“I’m kind of Imown as the lady with hats,” she said Even her husband t s m the act “He has evety color of beret under the sun”

Will Sidick wear a signature hat this Easter’ “Oh of course, come ram or come shine ”

Eleanor Smith of Livoma has worn an Easter bonnet since she was a chdd

Today, parishioners at St PnsciHa Churdi count on her wearing a hat on Easter Sunday She fondly remembera a lavender, oval-bnmmed hat she wore m the late 1950s with a turquoise and lavender plaid coat with three-quarter- length sleeves she made Of course, she wore the requisite white oves

Smith continues to prefer wide-bnmmed hats

“I just flunk ladies look ele­gant m them,” she said “They’re dressy They just make people’s heads turn when you wear fliem”


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Single A du K MinistriesSingle A d u lt M inistrie s o f Ward Evangelical Pre s b yte ria n Church invites singles to jo in m ore th a n 500 single a du lts 113 0 a m e ve ry S u n d ay in Knox Hall fo r fello w ship and e n c o u rag e m e n t Th e Rev Paul C lou g h delivers m essages to he lp equip yo u t o m a xim ize y o u r singleness and rela tio n s h ip w ith G o d C o ffe e dou g h n u ts and co n ve rs atio n SPM has a prog ram and a c tiv ity fo r e v e ry a g e g rou p and life s itu a tio n Fo r m o re in fo rm a tio n o r t o have a n e w s le tte r se nt call the SPM offic e a t (248) 3 74 5920

Classic Senior Singles Bible S tu d y a t 10 a m Th u rs days in Room C 3 0 7 S tu die s are an exce llent w ay t o fa m ilia rize y o u rs e lf w ith th e Bible a n d g ro w s p iritu ally

Single ParentsW ednesday e ve n in g p ro g ra m 7 8 15 p m in th e Single P o in t O ffic e J o in in fo r fe llo w sh ip and in te re stin g discus sions

Walking ClubSingle P o in t M inistries o f Ward Evang elical P re sb yte ria n Church o ffers a w a lk in g club It m eets in the ho spitality a re a in th e G rand Mall 6 pm Tuesdays and W ednesdays and walks are o u ts id e ram o r shine O p en to all fitn e s s levels

Lighthouse CafeJo in in fo r an e ve ning o f relaxatio n and fu n w hile listening to live e n te r tain m e n t su p plie d b y o th e r Single Po inters fro m 7 p m t o 10 p m on April 18 in K n o x Hal! C o s t is $5 H o t dogs o th e r go o d ie s a n d fantastic spe

c ialty co ffee s are offered Metropolitan Single Professionals Co-Ed Golf League Sign-Up Meetings

A n y M onday at 7 3 0 p m in April a t th e D rakeshire Lanes 35000 Grand R ive r east o f Drake in Farm ington Hills. La s t g o lf sign up m eeting is Sunday M ay 4 a t 10 30 a m

Co-Ed Summer SoftballTeam s now form ing fo r Sunday nights Practice in April games starting in M ay Sign U p Meetings any M o nday at 7 p m March 31 thro ugh April 28 at Drakeshire Lanes in Farm ington Hills

Book Discussion Group M SP s b o o k discussion g rou p m eets 7 30 p m th e second M onday o f each m o n th a t Borders Books in Farm in g to n Hills Borders will o ffp r a 2 0 pe rcent discount on ail title ^ |:h o sen fo r discussion

Co-Ed Bowling League Leag ues bow ! every o th e r Sunday night All levels o f bowlers are wel com e Th e league will play at Drakeshire Lanes in Farm ington Hills Le ag u e begins at 6 p m and th e cost will be $14 pe r week R S V P by sending $52 to co ve r the last tw o weeks o f th e season and the registration fee

Selective Singles Social and Travel Club

Fo r people 35 years old and up Activitie s include dinners dances cards cam ping th e a te r sports trave l To learn m o re about th e club call (2 4 8 )4 3 5 5320 or go to w w w s s s tc o rg

Fun & Fine Dining Parties J o in in e v e ry Thursday O u r g o al is to provide o u r members and friends with a sam pling o f some o f th e best and m o st interesting dining places in th e m e tro D e tro it area Meeting on April 24 in th e lounge between 6 and 7 30 p m at Dick 0 Dows located at 160 W M aple Road in Birm ingham Call (248) 6421135 fo r furth e r inform ation

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Single Mingle DancesMeet new frie n d s dance and socialize a ny tim e fro m 8 p m to 1 a m There will be a to p 4 0 D J Cash B ar hors d oeuvres and d oor p rize s Adm ission IS $5 fo r m em bers/$8 fo r non mem bers The ballroom s are nonsm oking and attire is dressy casual (n o jeans o r tennis shoes) O n April 25 a t the M arrio tt H otel in Livo n ia located on Six Mile at 1 275

EuchreFrom 6 30 9 30 p m e v e ry M o nday at th e newly rem odeled M am Lo u n g e at Drakeshire Lanes 35000 G rand River Ave ju s t e a st o f Drake in Farm in g to n Hills The cost IS $5 fo r m e m bers $6 fo r nonm em bers Eve ry o n e is wel com e

VolleyballDue to th e po p u larity o f volleyball O p en Drop in Co Ed Volleyball is offered e v e ry Tuesday now th ru A p ril fro m 6 45 9 4 5 p m in th e g y m and fieldhouse at the Bloom field Hills Middle School 4200 Q u a rto n Road just w est o f Telegraph T h e cost is $5 fo r m e m bers $6 fo r n on m em b ers

West Side Singles Dances to be held e v e ry Frida y night a t B urton M anor located on Schoolcraft service d rive ju s t w est o f Inkster in Livo n ia The dances are open to the public Doo rs op en fro m 8 p m to 1 a m 25 years o f age and older Dressy a ttire required h e ld m

n o nsm oking b allroo m s w ith a disc jo c k e y and b u d g e t bar Adm ission price is $4 b e fo re 8 30 p m and $6 a fte r 8 30 p mF o n n fo r m a tio n call A n ita at (734)981 0909

Bethany Suburban WestS u n d ays 10 a m b re akfast at Redford Grille co rn e r o f Fiv e Mile and Beech D aly O p tion al Mass at St A idan s at 113 0 a m on Farm in g to n n o rth o f Six MileT u e s d a y s C offee & C onve rsatio n at Th o m as Fam ily Dining a t 33971 P ly m o u th Road Livo n ia betw een S ta rk and Farm in g to n roads a t 6 30 p mM o n th ly m e eting s are 8 p m th e third S a tu rd a ys at S t K enne th Church Hall 14951 H a g g e rty betw ee n F iv e Mile and S c h o o lc ra ft Dances are o n th e first S a tu rd a y o f e v e ry m o nth a t St R obert B ellarm m e Church g y m co rn e r o f Inkste r and W est Chicago m Redford D o o rs op en a t 7 3 0 p m dance from 8 p m to m idn ig h t Cost is $9 and Dick G e ra th y is lh e disc jockey Refreshm entsM o n th ly din n e rs are th e firs t Th u rs day o f each m o n th Cali K a th y a t (734)513 9 4 79 fo r rese rvation s Bow ling p a rty at 2 p m at O a k Lanes o n M iddiebelt n e x t to Ram s H o rn in W estland C o s t is $12 N o re s e rv a tio n s required Call J u d y a t (73 4 ) 261 5630

Humane society program offers pet vaccinations

This spnng and summer, the Michigan Humane Society will offer a senes of free “Protect A Pet” vaccination clinics for dogs and cats who are healthy and over six weeks of age

The Michigan Humane Socie^ is now in ite 126th year of service to the pets and peo­ple of metro Detroit Started in 1991, the Michigan Humane Society “Protect A Pet” vaccina­tion clinics are designed to help pet owners on low or fixed incomes by providing free age- appropnate vaccinations against distemper and other diseases

Since the inception of the clinics in 1991j the Michigan Humane Society has vaccinat­ed over 26,000 animals, pro­viding over 45,000 life-saving vaccinations

“Without this service, thou­sands of metro area pets would go unprotected from common hfe-threatening illnesses,’ says Dr Robert Fisher, Director of Clinics for the Michigan Humane Soaety “Immunizing cats and dogs helps prevent the

spread of disease m the com­munity, which is vital to both the pets and people we serve ”

lb be provided are combina­tion vaccinations protecting agamst distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and parvovirus for healthy dogs over six weeks of age, combination panleukopema, rhmotracheitis and calici vaca- nations for healthy cats over six weeks of age, and Rabies vacci­nations for dogs and cats over four months of age

The following dimes will operate from 10 2um until 2 p m

April 19 - Howell Park, Detroit

May 17 ~ Clark Park, Detroit June 28 - Balduck Park,


All animals must be on leashes or in earners for their own safety For more informa­tion, please cdl the Michigan Humane Society at (313) 872- 3400 or visit www michigan- humane org

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ROCHESTER HILLS3035 S Rochester Rd (At Auburn R d )248 853 0550 ST CLAIR SHORES 26401 Harper Ave (At 10 1/2 Mile)586 7 7 7 4010 SOUTHFIELD 2 8 1 1 7 Telegraph Rd (South ( ^ 1 2 M lle R d) 248 358 3700 20128 W 8 Mile Rd (Baseline Plaza just west of Evergreen) 248 3 5 7 1558 STERLING HEIGHTS 4 5 11 1 Park Ave (M 59 & M 53 UUca Park Plaza)586 997 6500 LAKESIDE MALL (Lower C t play area) TAYLOR23495 Eureka Rd (Across from Southland Mall) 73 4 -2 8 7 1 77 0

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\s M M I3m s () | ( lO l )

Y O U A r e W e l c o m e A t

Tri-City Christian Center3 8 5 5 S h e ld o n R d C an to n (Ju s t N o f M ich ig an Ave

7 3 4 -3 9 7 17 7 7 • w w w Tn C ity C h ris tia n o rg

' c o m e J o i n u s " "

Worship Service & Chiidrens Ministries Youth Service Family Night

Sunday 9 QOam & 11 GOam Tuesday 7pm Wednesday 7 00pm


Canton Christian Feiiowship“Where the Word is Relevant,

People are Loved and Christ is the Key”A A»*Ah A Ca a a a+ 1 a QAorv\

L o c a t e d a t 6 5 0 0 N W a y n e R d • W e s tla n d M iBetween Ford Soaa $aS Warren Hoail l

Inside Good Sheplierd Church 734-721-9322

ins de Eriksson Elementary School

It s not abont Rehgion, it’s about Relationships..!£ to a place ukere liivs are c l ia ^ /(uiulios are rnodo uhole and mwetr u reoll


33640 M ichigan Ave • Wayne MI (Between Wayne Rd fr Merriman Rd)

(734) 728-2180

V t r ^ t l H u m e s , P a s t o rSunday School 9AO a m Sunday Worship 8-00 fr 10 AS a-m

Wednesday Praise S ^ lc e 6*(w p m.Wednesday Children^ Youth & Adult Bible Study 7 ^ 8.00 pan

( M M O I K


St. .Anne’s Academy - Grades K-82J310JoyRoad • Redford Michigan

5Bk*fcsE ofTelegraph • (313) 5J4-2121 M ass Schedule

First Fri First Sat Sun M asses

a j nCo nfe ssio n s H e a r d P n o r to

M o t h e r o f f

7 0 0 p m 9 30 a m 7 3 0 & 9 3 0



4 7 6 5 0 N T e m t o n a l R o a d P i y m o u t h • 4 5 3 - 0 3 2 6 R e v J o h n J S u U i v a n

M u 9«s Mon Fri a 0 0 A M S u 40O P M SundayBOO 10 00 AM and 1200 PM

3 00 PM Life Teen Mass

( M K M I W S( U N C I

firs t Church of Christ, Saenust Pipnouth 1100 W Ann Arbor Trail PlvmourivMI

734-453-0970Sunday Serv ce 10 30 ajri Sunday School 10 30 am

Wed Even ng Tes mony Meeting 7 30 p m Read ng Room

Monday-Satuiday 10 00 a-m 1 00 p m Monday • Wednesday • Fr day 1 00 p m -4 00 p ni


AESUmiEeTION CATHOLIC CHURCH487§5 warren Rtf Cantor\4/lichigan 48187


Weekday Masses Tuesday & ^dayO 30 a m

Saturday • 4 30 p m Sunday • 8 30 & 10 30 am

ST GENEVIEVl ROMAN CATHOLIC C H U R C H S tS C H O O l 29015 JRmisoR Ave • Uvomd

East of fId(iisb9lt between 5 M fe & S^oo lci^ Rdl M A S S Mon Wed Thurs F n & 8 ^ 90 0 am

Tues 7 0 0 p m » S a t 5 p m Sun 8 3 0 & 1 0 G 0 a m & 12 0 0 n o o n


C l l l K C I I l ^ O I I N I S \ / \ K I N F

C O S C . K U . M I O N M

PLYMOUTH CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE«801 W Ann Arbor Road • (734) 4ra-1525

Sunday School 9 45 A M Sunday Worship 11 00 A M Sunday Evening 6 00 PM

Family Night Wed 7 00 PM NEW HORIZONS FOR CHILDREN 455 3198

M t . H o p eC o n g r e s s i o n a l C h u r c h

30350 Schoolcraft Livonia • 734 ^ 5 7280 ( B e t w e e n M i d d ie b e l t & M e rrim a n )

9 '3 0 a m S u n d a y S c h o o l 1 0 so a tn W o r s h ip S e rvice

Nurseiv care AvadabteH i e Church Y o u 'v e Alw a ys to n g e tf F o r *

I M i l l ) M M I I O D M

Commu iofi Service

ripCeetKaUon <k>S 8 Unbe levabir

C> KNmp

Mctfifvlnfriiiin'l) 45201 N Twntonal Rd K1W1UUUU.UU1U! West of Sheldon RdPlymouth Ml 43170734-453-5280

OiM’enceville United Metiiodist20300 Middiebelt Rd • Livonia

474 3444Pastor James E Britt

Worship Services 8 45 fr 1115 AM Sunday Eve Bible Study 6 00 PM

Nursery Provided Sunday School 10 A M

A Sotted flfe

U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h 10000 B e e c h D a ly R e d fo rd

Between hymouth and W Chicago B o b & D i a n a G o u d i e C o P a s t o r s

3 13-937-31703 Styles of Creative Worship

8 Od 8 m • Cozy, Traditional, Basic9 30 a m - Contemporary, Family 11 00 a m -Traditional, Full Choir

Sunday School 9 30 a m - Adults

11 00 a m Children thru AdultsHandicap Accessible

L u k e 2 4 - 1 3 - 3 5


30900 Six M e Rd (Bet Mer Iman & M dd ebet) Rev Mary Margaret Eckhardt Pastor

10 0 0 A M W o r s h i p & C h u r c h S c h o o l

WWW gbgrr umo org/stmatthews I von aNurse y P ovded • 7 3 4 -4 2 2 -6 0 3 8


Stephen M n stry Congregat on36500 Ann Aitior Trail

b e tw © ^ Wayne & Newburgh Rds

734-422-0149 W orsh ip S e rv ices

9 1 5 a m & 11 0 0 a m S unday S choo l

9 1 5 a m & 11 0 0 a m

Rev. Terry W . Alien Rev. Barbara E . Welbaum

visit our website www newburgumc org

P K i s i n i l K I W I S \


CHURCH, USA16700 NbwDu# Road Uvoma • (734) 4648844

Education for ail ag e s 9 3 0 a m Fam ily W orship 1 1 00 a m

http//WWW StTimothyPCUSA org R e v D r Janet Noble Richardson Pastor

Ro$edale Gardens Presbyterian Church (USA)9601 Hubbard at W Chcago Lvonia Mi

(betwesn Merriman & Farmington Rd$)(734) 422-0494

C o n t e m p o r a r y S e r v i c e 9 K )0 ^ m

T r a d i t io n a l S e r v i c e 1 0 3 0 a m

Nuraary Care Prov dadWe Welcome You Tq A Full Program Church

G EN EV A PRES BYTERIAN CHURCH ( U S A ).« U a 5835ShedonRd Canto-i

' \ ( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 9 0 0 1 3« Sunday Worship & Sunday School

IQ « 900am & 1100a.m'tisK July & August 10 00am

Educat on For All AgesChMeare ProvlOea • Handlcappatl Aeeaaaltla

Rasourcasto Hea ng and Slghtlmparad wvrwgenevaofig oh org

1 1 m i K W ( M l K ( M M 1 S S ( ; 1 Kl

FIRST PRESBVTERIAN CHURCHMain & Church • (734) 453 6464

PIYMOUTH8 0 0 . 9 3 0 & 1 1 0 0 a m

Childcare Available 9 30 & 11 00 a m

Dr James Skimins Rev Richard Jones Sen or M n star Associate Min star

Accessible to All

I M i l l ) ( M l K ( M ( ) l ( M K M

HATIVITY UNITEO CHURCH O F CHRIST9435 Henry Ruff at West Chicago

Livonia 48150 * 421-5406Rev Larry Hoxey Pastor





Nursery Care Avallsbte -WELCOME-

Visit One Of These

Local Churches

This Easter Season

Christ Our Savior LutheranChurchRev Luther A Werth Senior Pastor

I Ftev Robert Bayer Assistant PastorWith Jesus Christ love really can be all it was mantto be!

Early Chlldiood CenterR e g is te r n o w fo k ll c h ild ca re a n d

preschool (u 513 8413)

S u n d a y W o r s h i p8 30 am & 11 00 am

Sunday School at 9 45 amStaffed Nursery for young

children every Sunday

7 3 4 - 5 2 2 - 6 8 3 0

LoQiion14175 Farisngton Road

Oust noil of t 96)

W W W chnstiirsavior o rg


25630 G R A N D R I\ ^ R at B E E C H D A L Y 313-532-2266 R E D F O R D T W P

Worship Service 915&11 0OA.M Sunday Sdiool

915&11 00A.MNursery Provided

TheReuTmoeiyPHalbafe The Rev Dr Victor F Halboth Asristant l^etor

h o s a n m i a b o rL U T H E R A N CHIICH & S C H O O L9600 Leveme • So Flftrci • 313 937 2424

Rev StKEggers S u n d a y MorijWoiehip 8 30 a m enn OO a m

Sunday School & AOAtlNe Class B4S a m Thursday Evenlrg^shlp 7 00 p m

Chr St an School PfC'lArgarten 8lh GradeOPEKHJSE

Wednesday Martin ■ 4 to 6 p m For more % on cal


R ise n C h rist L u th e ran4 6 2 5 0 A n n A r b o r R o a d • P ly m o u th

{I^Mile West of Sheldon) • 4 5 3 *5 2 5 2 Sunday Worship Service 8 1 5 & 10 45 a m

Sunday School (Adults & Ch Idren) 9 30 a m H(5l Y W E E K WORSHIP S C H E D U L E

MaundyThursday April 17th 7 00 p m Good Friday A p riil 8th 7 0 0 p m

All are welcome! Com e as y o u r are P a sto r D a v id M a rtin

ST. MATTHEtUTHERANOiuriSi&Sdiool 5885Vtenoy1 B X N of Ford Rd WesSi 425-0260

D i v i n e W o rs h ip } 11 oo A M B ible CI388 & SUNDJSCHOOL 9 30 A M

M o n d a y E v e n l n g ^ i c e 7 0 0 P MICjrtE La^ Pastor

Richard Sohumache wpal/Youth D rector


32430 Ann Arbor Trail • Westland M! 734422-5S50

Good Friday Prayer Service 12 noonTenebia 7 p mEaster Celebration 10 amwi)b breakfast following

hev David W ZeusehnH P » fe r

Grace Lutb Church46001 Warren Road • | i« of Canton Center

SundayWo a9 30 am Sunday ScMl045,am

734-414-742On msscnitGiceLutlimTiiencliind' send out tfscpfes ivfto s/iait C i - e

^ i o f ( /'S'


i t I M I R W ( H I K ( H V M M 0 \ M \ ' ^ W O D

i \ \ S ( i l l l ( ' > IMIKVS( H I K ( H > ' . U K K \

S T p 2 iU lS 6 V IU T D E R A N q D i m c t ) & S C H O O L

17810 Farmington Road • Lvonia • (734) 261 1360 May tbr6 October • Monday Night Service • 7 00 p m

Sunday W mhip

5 8 30am.&11J)0a.m Hoff

T im o th y Lutbm Church 8820Ws(tR(i

(Between Ann Atbjial & Joy Road) Livonia* (7 2290

R e v C a r l a T h o f f l p t s P f ^ e lL P a s t o r 9 0 0 a m Su n dayM ioo i ( a l) a g e s ) 1 0 0 0 a m Fam llyW M|i(Nur8«YAvail) http Wwww timd ivoni com

E I MS( O I » \ | \ T ’ ' n' J ^ ' a \ N

ST. ANDREW’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH1 63 60 H u b b a rd R o a d

L iv o n ia , M ic h ig a n 4 8 1 5 4


Holy Eucharist Dinner-& Classes Holy Eucharist Holy EucharistSunday School

Sunday Morning Nursery Care Availahle WWW standrewschurch net

The Rev C Allen Kannapell Rector

i \ \ S ( K \ l:

i \ \ \ ( m e M( d V I W S l

FA IT H (D V E N A N T C H U R C H14 Mile Road and Drake Farmington Hills

' (248) 661-9191Sunday Worship

and Children s Church 9 15 am Contemporary

11 00 a m TraditionalChild Care provided for all services

Youth Groups * Adult Small Groups

3 3 Y A R D■ ■ ■ g w ^ i M m i l m C k i A

40000 Six Kite Road' j u s t w e s H 2 7 S '

Northvie, Ml248-37i-7400

D r James N MGuire, PastorTraditional Wsbtp and

Sundafichoot8 30, 10 0011 30 AM

Contmporitf Worship 8 45 AM &10 15 AM

Nursery ProviSd During All Morning Wortiip Services

■ Evening Smm^ 7 00 PMWard PulpItIVOO A M


The Easter message ts the core of the Gospel The good news of Christianity is that death is not the last word, but rather a transition to our tue home with God Death may seem invincible, after all, each of us will die, having little control over the details of when, where and how we will die On the surface, death looks both mescapable and permanent However, we should not be fooled by the external appearance of death For death affecte only our bodies At ijie core of our being is our immaterial soul, the eternal spirit which we share with our Heavenly Father Although we tend to identify ourselves wsfh ouf earthly bodies, the Easter message reminds us that this is a mistake Our physical bodies are nothing more than transient shadows and not odr 14$ selves Easter is a celebration of our true selves, our eternal souls The Bible tells us "The Good News was promised long ago by God

through H is prophets It is about His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ as to His humanity. He was born a nrW/m ^ A descendant of David, as to His divine holiness, He was shown with great power to be the Sen of GodjI n c 1 i C I V S by being raised from death ' (Romans 1 2-4)

Aftd I give unto eternal and ahaU never periahf emd wio OBte ahiUl awuUch them out c(f My hand* R.S.V. Johni0s28

wwic.hometoicnUfe.com ANNOUNCEMENTS Observers Eccentric I Thursday April 17 2003 (*)

Bartftolomew'PaceRon and Ohayl Bartholomew

of Livoma^nnounce the engage­ment oftheir dau^ter, Knstin Kuid^erl^^to Jason Richard ofOaikston

Rjistm IS agraduate ofWestem Midugan Umversity with a bach­elor’s d^ree m social work. She wdl graduate m from W ^ eState University wiA amasteris degree m social work.

Her fiance, Jason, is the son of Bob and Judy Lawson of Claikston and Dennis Pace and AnneGrofrertofDimondale He is a graduate of Western Midugan University with a badi- elor’s d^ree mjouirialism. He is empl(^^ with EDS m TVqy

The couple is planmng a June wedding m Ttai^figuiation Church, Detroit They will be making their new home m Sterling H eists

CorliS5“UnderwoodCharles and Susan Corliss of

Bridgman announce the engagement o f their daughter, Megan, to Anthony Underwood of Grand Rapids

Megan is a 2001 graduate of Kendall College of Art and Design in Grand Rapids She IS employed at DTS Architects and works as a freelance illus­trator

Her fiance, Anthony, is the son of William and Yonnie Underwood of Westland He also IS a 2001 graduate of Kendall College of Art and Design He is a web design- er/multimedia designer at Ignition New Media Workshop

The couple is planning an October wedding in Bridgman

hometownlife.comN T E R N E T A D O R E :

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L a n g a rd Realtors S e ilere First C h o ic e - - W '| r M anuel S n y d e r & R a n k e W e s te rn W a y n e O a k la n d C o u n ty

Association o f Realto rs® - RECYCLIIIG SERVICES R e s o u rc e R e c o ve ry and R e i^ c ltn g Authority

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S e x Selection C e n t e r - - w w w se le ctag e n d e r comC e n te r fo r Reproductive

M edicine & S u rg e ry w w w reproductive-m edicine com RESORTSSandcastles on the Beach Resort - RESTAURANTS A lb a n s RestaurantBistro 1 2 7 ------------- ■G e n itti s H o le In T h e Wall Italian Epicu re Stillwater Grill — - •

WWW sandcastlesonthebeach com

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R -KItzmanStanly and Theresa R y of

Huron Tbwnship announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura Midielle, to JeSrey John Kitzman of Garden City

Laura a graduate of Dearborn H ^ School She is a nursmg student at Henry Ford Community College and is working at Garden City Hospital m file emergency room

Her fiance, Jefirey, is the son of Bruce and Nancy Vallimont of Garden City, and Phillip and Arhss Kitzman of Carrollton, Tfexas He IS a graduate of Plano Senior H i^ School, Plano, Texas, and a graduate of Iteas Tech University He is employed with the aty of Inkster as a fire­fighter

The couple is plannmg to wed June 2004

ChaudhrKenzVijay and Carol C3iaudhn o f Plym outh (for­

merly o f Livonia) announce th e engagem ent o f fiieir daughter, Kiran A nne C3iaudhn to Orm Carl Lenz o f Howell

Kiran is a 1994 graduate of ChurduU High Sdiool and a 1998 graduate of the Umversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor where she earned her bachelor’s degree m organizational b^iavior and pohticai saenc» She is curreiidy pursuing her M B A m global management She is em plo)^ at Ford Motor Co as a busmess anal}^

Her fianc^ Orm, is die son of Jerry and Kathie Lenz of Hastings. He is a 1994 ^ u a te of Hastmgs High Sdiool and a 1997 graduate of KeUegg’s Commumty College widi an assocaate’s degree m drafting and design t^ihnology He is emrendy working at Magna as an automotive designer

The couple is planning a Novem ber w edding a t The H m du I ^ p l e m C anton w ith a rerep- tion at th e M eetmg House G rand Ballroom m Plymouth

Vann-JacksonWayne and Pam

Vann of Livonia announce the engagement of dieir dau^ter, Melissa, to LD Jackson of

' B e a d i r ^M eh ^isa2 0 0 0

graduate of Livoma RanklmHigh School She attends Spnng Arbor Umversity where she IS ajunior majonng m social work.

Her fianc^ UD is a 2000 graduate fiom Reading High School He attend Spring Arbor University and is a junior widi a busmess manage- m entm^or He a l^ runs track.

The couple is planmngto wed August 2004, m Memman Road Bs^itist Church, Ga^en City

How to submit an announcementThere is no charge to submit an announce­

ment m the Observer Residents of die Livonia, Redford, W l^land and Garden City areas should send their information to Attn Announcements, the Observer, 36251 Schoolcraft, lavoma, MI, 48150 Plymouth and Canton residents should send information to the Observer, 794 S Mam, Plymouth, MI 48170 For information, c^l (734) 591-2300


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BE MY SWEETHEART20 y r old attractive single w hits female hazel eyes long hair 5 4 14 5 lbs loves read ing bowling fishing movies anim als and dining out Seeking single white male 20 to 25 n on sm o k e r non drinker fo r a long term rela

Oakland (tionship OakI Ad# 403985


THE LOVE OF MY LIFESingle white female 34 good natured and sincere current ly seeking an attractive pro fK S io n a l physically fit black male 35 to 45 non smoker honest sincere caring who enjoys children sports quiet tim es outdoor activities for a long te rm relationship Ad# 403986


a white female 61 5 6 s blonde non sm oker likes dancing m usic din n g

flea markets boating swim ming Seeking a rom antic sm cere h u m o ro us single white male fo r friendship posible long term relation ship Oakland Co unty replies o n ly' Ad# 4 0 4 12 0

ANEW 8EGINNIN631 y r old divorced mom 5 4 1 1 0 lbs tikes skating music rock concerts water sports and m o re Seeks attractive white male 30 to 40 w h o plays no games Ad# 403693

SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY24 yrs old 5 1 15 0 lbs attractive black female likes shopping fine dining movies and travel Seeks male for good tim es Ad# 403702

HISPANIC MOM OF 332 yrs old 19 0 lbs 5 5 Hispanic m o th e r o f three likes m ovies dining m and out Seeks male w h o likes children Ad# 403700

COMMITMENT MINDED33 yrs old 5 8 full figured professional secure Italian fem ale non sm oker Likes dining In and out movies theater sp orts f s h n g sw im m ng boating and more Seeks male 35 to 45 for a posible com m itm ent Ad# 403695

LE T S GET ACQUAINTEDCute classy fem ale seeks male 62 to 7 0 to share cast no travel m ovie s fam ily fun and m ore Oakland County preferred Ad# 403699

FRIENDS FIRST42 yrs old male likes going to church conversation S s e l^ female fo r friendship first Ad# 403696

CAREER MINDED A PLUS20 yrs O ld 16 0 lbs 5 3 sin gle fem ale likes anim als bo w ling reading dancing Seeks career minded single white male 20 to 25 non sm ok er and non drinker weight/heignt proportionate

A # 403703

WHAT LIFE DEFERS43 y r old fit single black fem ale seeks single black male 40 to 45 w h o is fit and employed Likes life movies ja zz and m ore Ad# 4 0 3 710

WISHFUL THINKING38 y r old non smoking sin

Sle white female 5 5 1 7 5 IS light brown hair hazel eyes Enjoys spending time

with family and friends trav eling weekend trips casinos and more Searching for a Sinie male 35 to 50 old fash toned type Ad# 403936

WHERE S MY TRUE LUV?50 y r old divorced white female 5 2 1 1 2 ibs blue eyes Enjoys music concerts outdoors motorcycles danc ing etc Searching fo r a sin gle male to enjoy life who s honest loyal and with a sene of hum or Ad# 403942

ACT FAST5 2 16 5 lbs single black female searching for a black male with a nice build and honest E n jo ys outdoors karaoke church and more Ad# 403939

END MY SEARCH46 y r old female 5 7 brown hair and eyes irish/Greek Enjoys pets dining out quiet times at hom e Seeks level headed dow n to earth gener ous kind male Ad# 403983

I LL MAKE YOUR DAYAttractive 32 y r old single mom blue eyes red/blonde hair 5 6 Lo ve s hockey coaching sports fishing boating long w alks out doors Seeks man w h o loves children and isn t afraid to try new thigs honest and open

Ad# 403976

JUST CALL ME4 2 y r old blonde Polish fem ale wishes to meet blonde Catholic looks like elf Likes sun tanning Camp Dearborn sports music shopping dancing Seeks blonde Catholic looks like elf

Ad# 403975

AWAITING YOUR CALLAttractive w idow ed while female enjoys nature out doors dining o u t gourmet cooking music dogs Seeks Intelligent non smoking man w ho enjoys the simple life Ad# 403981

TAKE MY HAND32 yr old single mother of one red/blonde hair blue eyes 5 6 If you are interest ed give me a call Ad#

I K N O W U R O U T T H E R ES ngle wh te female 55 non smoker soc a! drinker actve well groomed healthy sin cere Loves theater playing golf travel flowers Florida n the winter outdoors Seeks male 56 to 65 w h o has lived a good life and is looking for a stable com panion Ad# 403974

READY TO SETTLE DOWN29 y r old single white mother o f one full figured 5 9 auburn hair bro w n eyes En jo ys cam ping country m usic playing cards N A S C A R quiet evenings at home Seeks fam ily man 30 to 45 over 5 9 non smoker w ho IS ready to settle down and enjoy fam ily Ad# 403930

ITS A WONDERFUL LIFEW h ite Christian femaleattractive enjoys playing board games writing gospel music singing dining out movies sports classic cars dressing up like a lady Seeks down to earth Christian gen tieman 35 to 53 non smok er non drinker no head games Ad# 4 0 3 9 17

ARE YOU 0UTTHERE7moker white female retired 5 2 m edium build good looking moker white female retired 5 2 medium build good looking Ad# 403894

NO GAMES44 y r old female tali medium build very attractive college graduate Enjoys theater fine dining dancing travel Seeks professional man 40 to 55 nice build with no young chii dren non sm oker For friend ship maybe more Ad# 403900

AWAITING YOUR CALL61 y r old single white female5 4 heavyset blonde hair blue eyes cute lots of love for the right man Searching for a life partner loving fami ly oriented honest ready for a lifetime of comitment Ad# 403899

MAN OF MY DREM4SA m b tio us 40 w h te female 5 4 14 0 Ibs blue eyes blond hair w h o enjoys traveling dancing and family life Searching for a single male 35 to 45 of honorable charac ter Ad# 403971

ROMANCE & ADVENTUREDivorced white female 5 8 125 Ibs hazel eyes outgoing fun loving enjoys dining out movies dancing and more Searching for an honest intel ligent down to earth single male 50 and older toshare romance and adventure Ad# 403970

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS55 yrs young female looking for an honest caring man with a sense o f humor who likes dancing and quiet times alone Friends first possible relationship Ad# 403904

AM I ASKING TOO MUCH55 y r old female widow 5 7 140 Ibs employed has two grown daughters Enjo ys sports long walks quiet evenings movies Looking for a man 5 1 0 and up height weight proportionate sincere cing not into mind games Ad# 403910

LOOKING FOR YOUSingle w h t e female dark brown ha r and eyes Enjoys bking bowling m o ve s can die i ght d nners danc ng camping Seeking a single white male w h o is honest outgoing and enjoys a variety of interests Ad# 403895

ALL FOR YOUSingle white female blonde 5 6 135 ibs 60 non smok er enjoys dancing dining music and flea markets and life Would like tc share life with a humorous man Ad# 4 0 4 1 1 7

MAKE ME SMILESingle white mother of one 25 5 4 125 ibs brown hair and eyes professional Enjo ys dancing m ovies sports Seeks male 25 to 40 w ho enjoys life and can make her smile Let s get to know eachther and then see what happens' Ad# 403682

SERIOUS REPLIES ONLYAfrican American female 28 5 7 thick but shapely enjoys working out Seeks male 28 to 35 race unimportant chil dren welcome Tattoos and piercings are a plus Ad# 403683

Don’t just sit there... Make a love connection!

Respond to these ads, find more, or chat live with others in your area!

C a ll 1 -8 0 0 -4 8 7 -2 0 3 8MOM OF ONE34 yrs old single white full figured female likes Bmgo m ovies the mall and more S ee ks single H ispanic or v/hite male 28 to 45 who likes having fun Ad# 403708

WAITING AND HOPINGS O y r o ld non sihoking non drinking childless single Hispanic female Searching fo r a single male 56 to 65 fo r friendship Ad# 4 0 3 7 1 1

MISSING U IN MY LIFEFinancially secure employed single mother o f tw o looking for a single male with good fam ily values w h o would like to d o things together Ad# 403932

INTERESTED?Em ployed 30 y r old single m other of one Loo k ing fo r a single male w h o s Interested In m eeting a full figuredfern 403933

LIFE PARTNER WANTED56 y r old single female w ho enjoys outdoors and the sim pie things in life Searching fo r a caring male to spend quabty tim e together holding hands cuddling and more Ad# 403938

LOOKING FOR YOU22 y r old single African American female mother of one non sm o k e r Enjoys shopping m ovies long walks in the park Seeking non smoking mate children ok Ad# 403924

JUST WHAT YOU NEEDSingle female brow n skin 136 lbs 5 4 w orks o u t looks good IS honest Lo ve s music walks antiques and having fun Seeks honest man who Is not afraid to share himself Ad# 403972

LOOKING FOR YOU21 y r old black female brown skin s m o k e r likes music reading m ovies Seeks intelti gent honest loyal good look ing caring male 25 to 35 prefers sm o k e r Ad# 403919

SEEKING MR RIGHT42 y r old divorced white mother of tw o average height and weight Lo ve s animals cookouts fam ily get togeth ers sports camping hiking bike riding fishing Seeks down to earth romantic hard working caring male for sen ous relationship Ad# 403923

PICK UP THE PHONEDivorced m othe r o f one petite brown hair and eyes educated employed Likes water sports rock poncerts roller skating Seeks hand some guy 30 s to enjoy life with one step at a time Children okay Ad# 403688

ENJOY LIFE WITH ME6 4 medium weight short hair wears glasses good smile good sense of humor Enjoys sports sewing inleri or design Seeks intelligent fun family oriented financial ly secure adventurous male

Ad# 403880

DON T BE SHY3 7 y r old white fem ale employed plus size 5 2 enjoys m ovies outings sporting events family get togethers Seeks employed tall male 2 7 to 4 7 who can make her laugh non drinker preferred Ad# 403878

KEEP IT REALHandsome single black male 39 6 1 brown eyes smart honest caring good listener easy going Enjoys reading music movies travel shop ping Seeks female any race 25 to 55 Ad# 403876

I LL MAKE YOUR DAY45 y r old female non smoker 5 8 medium build fit romantic Enjoys working out outdoors Looking for non smoking male w h o Is health conscious enjoys working out F o r long term relation ship Ad# 403891

NO GAMES56 y r old female 5 enjoys movies walks cards Looking fo r an honest and caring good hearted man with good morals Ad# 403889

OPPORTUNITY KNOCKSDivorced white mother of one 29 non smoker 5 4 12 0 Ibs blonde hair blue eyes Enjo ys golf roller blading camping fishing Seeks sin gie white male 29 to 34 w ho s honest fit intelligent ood looking car ing decent and likes children

Ad# 403886

FIND UR FUTURESingle female w h o likes church being hom e and more Looking for single male w ho likes having fun travel ing and more Ad# 403674

KEEP ME COMPANYRetired senior citizen late 6 0 s enjoys alm ost every thing specially traveling Looking for a single male In the same situation 65 to 75 for companionship Ad# 403670

ARE WE COMPATIBLE?O ld fashioned white female retired 5 2 medium build nice looking Likes go lf m ovies dining out Seeks old fashioned go od looking Italian gentleman 50 to 60 non sm oker financially secure healthy clean Ad# 40 3 8 47

YOU AND ME IN 2003Single female 35 white pro fessional blue eyes inde pendent hom e ow ner Likes m usic anim als gardening Looking fo r a single male open to new things ze st for life honest and sincere Age and race op en! Ad# 403962

SERIOUS LOVE45 y r old divorced w hite female 5 5 130 Ibs dark shoulder length hair brown eyes sm ok er occasional drinker En jo ys boating camping fishing dancing dming in o r o u t and cuddling Seeking asmgie male roman tic w ho likes children fo r a one on Ad# 403961

ZEST FOR U FESingle female mid 30 s pas sionate attractive red hair green eyes Enjo ys m usic m ovies dining dancing sports etc Searching fo r a handsom e fun n y confident fun to be with sociable male with a zest fo r life Ad# 403657

R U COMPARABLE?48 y r old single female w ho enjoys outdoors dining out and more Searching fo r a single kind male with a great heart and a sense of h u m or

Ad# 403656

RIDE INTO MY HEARTSingle female 2 1 5 1 1 1 0 Ibs long black hair non smoker with tw o children M y hobbies include cooking for m y man the m ovies staying at hom e Seeks tall black male 200 Ibs to 285 Ibs financally stable children okay non sm ok er home owner with Ad# 4036S0

I CONSIDER MYSELFA rare find ' 4 0 y r o ld single

fem ale possessing beauty brains and elegance Seeking a successful gentleman 4 7 and over w ho I can enjoys the finer things m life together Ad# 403653

NO MIND GAMES33 y r old female college edu cated professional divorced mother o f one auburn hair blue eyes 5 2 ' fun Enjoys movies concerts dining out outdoors Seeks male 30 to 40 good natured sense ohu m or sim ilar interests Friendship possible long term

Ad# 403803

STRONG SISTER2 7 y r old African American mother of one 5 6 medium build brow n skin brown eyes Likes the Internet T V game shows Seeks honest single male w ith sense of hum or car job place of your own Ad# 403604

START AS FRIENDSAttractive outgoing female 5 7 ' 20 0 Ibs blonde hair green eyes easy to talk to Likes music going out walk Ing cuddling meeting new people Seeks ve ry honest male fo r fnends first possi biretationship Ad# 403806

No L lm ^ l

' ' '


PERFECT CH-MISTRVSingle female w h o enjoys reading gardening cooking painting and sports events Searching for a single male with similar interests Ad# 403860

A RARE FIND40 possessing beauty brains and elegance seeks success ful gentleman 46 plus to enjoy the finer things in life together Ad# 403968

ZEST FOR LIFE24 yr old professional m om o f one 5 2 12 5 Ibs blond hair brow n eyes Enjo ys sports outdoors dining out movies etc Searching fo r a single white male 24 to 30 honest reliaUe w h o likes chi dren and share similar inter ests fo r friendship and may Ad# 403868

THINKING OF YOU24 y r old w hite single Christian female full figured likes church long walks m ovies candlelight dinner and m ore Searching fo r a single Christian male o f any race 26 to 35 w ho share similarinterests Ad#403866

COULD BE THE ONEPretty gentle w a rm 5 6 blonde slender advanced degree professionally em ployed seeks sm art funny real person w h o is equally lonely and scared of growing old Remains inter ested in life andove Ad#403661

NO MIND GAMES28 y r old single mother of one enjoys having fun movies dancing bowling and more Searching fo r a single honest male outgoing per sonality down to earth w h o share similar interests Ad# 403853

ROMANTIC SOUL4 4 y r old divorced white female smoker over weight enjoys cooking college bas ketball campfires good books and more Looking for a single male with a sense of hum or 40 to 55 w ith a romantic soul fo r conversa tions and friendship Ad# 403856

GET IN TOUCHBlack female 23 5 4 petite brown eyes variety o f inter ests Seeks fun black male w ho can carry a conversation and make her laugh Ad# 403845


JUST Y3UANDI4 4 y r old full figured black female looWng fo r a financial ly secure stable man with medium length hair Searching fo r a single male w h o wants a L T R Ad# 403830

FRIENDSHIPSingle black female 5 7 yrs you n g 5 8 full figure d enjoys church movies cud dling candlelight dinner and more Searching fo r an intelli gent honest secure white male for friendship Ad# 403823

READY FOR THIS?2 4 y r old white m other of one 5 2 ' 1 2 5 Ibs brown hair eyes En jo ys sp orts ou t doors and m ore Searching f o r an old fashio ne d em ployed honest w hite male 24 to 30 Ad# 403835

ENHANCE MY LIFE61 yr old active petite white

fem ale is looking for a clean healthy active white gentle man 50 to 60 who sharing go od tim es m ovies and m ore 403832

MULTI-MILLIONAREW anted! A b o ve average

queen elegantly classy attractive form er model with a very nice figure Intelligent naturally caring considerate 3 9 single black fem ale desires an above average old ergentleman w h o wants to be treated like a king Race unim portent! Ad# 403959END MY SEARCHN o n smoker single fem ale 5 4 ' 13 0 ibs enjoys m ovies dining out traveling sports and more Searching fo r a single male 54 to 59 fo r trav eling sports and m ore Ad# 40S831

CONTINUING MY QUESTDivorced male 48 yrs young Electrician 5 1 1 ' 1 8 5 Ibs blonde hair athletic Likes antiquing golfing dancing aerobics and having a good tim e I have a lot to share with the right fem ale 38 to50 physically fit professional non smoker Ad# 403649

LOOKING FORWARDy o u r call' Single black

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Call 1-900-226-9950 $219 per minute,

$2.19 per call connect feeTWO OF A KIND35 yrs O ld 5 6 ' 1 7 0 ib clean shaven male non smoker and non dnnker Likes camping fishing boating walks m ovies cooking day trips and m ore Seeks slim female 30 to 40 fo r a long term rel

Ad# 403709

ONE ON ONE RELATIONSingle w hite professional male 4 4 tall slim brown eyes and hair easy going artistically inclined loves gal leries theater cooking the outdoors Looking for a sen ous m inded fem ale 35 to 45 open to developing a close friendship to begin with and

Ad# 403987

DIRECTION A PLUSS i r 1 6 6 lbs slim built male born u nder sign of Cancer Likes bowling skiing darts pool fishing model bars cooking Seeks female 28 to 35 medi urn height and weight withdi rechon Ad# 403692

LET S CONNECTI30 y rs old 6 6 ' 280 Ibs respectful blue eyed blonde male likes m usic movies sports video games Seeks caring intelligent female with a sense o f h u m or Ad# 403704

HE'S SO NICECreative educated retired tall tn m male Seeks roman tic relationship with shapely lively female 58 to 68 fo r fun times sports and travel Ad# 403705

ME 4 U AND U 4 ME6 2 220 Ib white male likes sports anim als cars and more Seeks petite attractive female 35 to 50 with the same Interests Ad# 403694

IT COULD HAPPEN 2 US5 1 1 ' 2 4 5 ib s male with brown hair and green eyes non sm ok er Lik e s tiavel sports dancing theater Seeks fit honest attractive female fo r a long term rela tionship Ad# 403696

THE NAME OF THE GAME30 yrs old 5 9 195 lbs fit black male seeks female w ho likes the outdoors basketball jogging pool dancing and having fun Seeks fit female 20 to 35 medium built w ho likes som e o f the samthmgs

Ad# 403697

SWEEP ME OFF MY FEETAttractive single fit profes siona! white male age 2 7 Seeks attractive fit female 24 to 36 Ad# 403706

THE BEST IS Y ET 2 B29 yrs old 5 1 9 1 7 0 Ibs educated attractive single white male likes travel dining out sports^fam ily and having fun Seeks classy attractive active white female 2 2 to 29 w ho likes havinfun Ad#4 0 3 70 7

ENHANCE MY LIFE23 y r old white male search ing fo r a black female 26 to35 fo r friendship Ad# 4 0 3 712

HOPE 2 HEAR FROM USingle white male 29 5 11 m edium build blond hair hazel eyes Seeking attractive single w hite female w h o enjoys outdoors sports and m o e Ad# 403931

READY SET PHONE36 y r old 6 3 white male never married childless with a great sense o f hum or Enjo ys sports m ovies and more Searching fo r an attrac live form female for dating ^ o s s ib ^ m o re Age is open

I'D LIKE 2 MEET U!l!4 7 y r old single white non sm oker father o f three 6 2 2 46 Ibs with blue eyes blond hair and attractive Interests are hunting fishing garden m g boating traveling etc W ould like to meet aice lady w ho s in search of a true com panion she should Ad# 403943

ARE U THE ONE?1 8 y r o l d 5 1 0 1 7 0 Ibs sin gle male is looking fo r a single female 1 6 to 25 to go out and have fun Ad# 403941

WOMAN O F MY DREAMSingle male 29 5 1 0 1 7 5 lbs strawberry blond hair is looking fo r attractive single or divorced white female 22 to 29 active with a pos live outlook o f life and who w ll make m e laugh Ad#403934

JUST A CALL AWAYSO yr old single retired male 5 1 0 I s o Ibs good shape Looking for a white female with weight proportionate Ad# 403937

FULL OF ENERGYDivorced white male 54 non sm oker 5 9 medium build brown hair blue eyes and a mustache Looking to t a slim to medium build attractive female 40 to 51 outgoing loving fun n y w h o likes dm mgout traveling flea mar kets and outdoors Ad#403935

SEE WHAT HAPPENS32 y r old black male 6 2 19 2 Ibs enjoys basketball tennis Seeks go o d black w om an w h o has a good head on her shoulders religious back ground A # 403982

CATCH ME IF YOU CAN46 y r old male college grad home ow ner sensitive gen ume 5 8 ' muscular friendly Enjoys working out golf gar dening I d love to hear from y o u ' Ad# 403980

WHY HESITATE?Single white male youthful tall handsome fit Interested in meeting a vea attractive single white female fo r dating and fun Ad# 403979

HARLEYS AND HORSESIf you like to ride either of those w e m ight hit it off! 48 y r old white male 5 1 0 195 Ibs fit m uscular shaved head goatee non smoker non drinker En jo ys weight training cardio w ork Seeirtit brown eyed girl w h o enjoys the outdoors 35 and up Ad# 4 0 3 9 77

LET S GET TOGETHERBlack male easy going likes music animals good conver sation Seeks sincere honest romantic white female w ho is interested in starting a new friendship Ad# 403978

WE MIGHT CLICK4 1 y r o l d professional male non sm oker brown hair blue eyes 6 20 0 ibs Loves sports go lf hockey roller blading reading walking cooking Seeks non smoking slender single white female 25 to 35 Ad# 403920

SHARE LIFE WITH MEM ale seeks 40 s female attractive fit successful financially and em otionally secure good conversational 1st trusting friendly educat ed Y o u II get the same in me! Friends first possible long te rm relationship Ad# 403928

Questions? Contact Customer Service - call 1-800-348-6384. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 9a.m.-10p.m. EST or visit us online and oliek CONTACT U8 to send us an e-mail.

Customer Service provided by DRMOC.

M Male B-Biack El-East Indian F-Female, C-Chrfstian, W-White, A-Asian, S-SIngie WW-WldowedN/S-Non-Smoker, NA-Native American

WANTED FULL FIGURED40 y r old white male 5 1 0 2 2 0 Ibs brown hair and eyes Seeks full figured w om an 25 to 50 any race fo r fun times

Ad# 403922

A GOOD CATCH56 yr old white male 5 7 medium build fit brown hair hazel eyes neat beard teacher Likes outdoors fish ing travel dining out muse urns plays art shows Seeks w o m a n m id 40s to 50s attracive fit intelligent fo r long term relationship Ad# 403918

NOTHING VENTUREDnothing gamed' 50 y r old

divorced white male 6 18 0 Ibs brow n hair and eyes good sense o f humor dow n to earth adventurous Seeks lady 39 to 52 petite to aver ape build do w n to earth senseof h u m o r Ad# 403926

PICK UP THE PHONE48 y r old male father of one m edium build brown hair blue eyes good secure job sm oker spontaneous loves outdoors and hot rods Seeks female around his age Ad# 40392’’

NOTHING TO SNEEZE ATAttractive male from Detroit 30 brown skin 230 Ibs inde pendent seeks special w om an w ho enjoys travel Ad# 403973

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A regular meeting of tiie Board of Trustees of the Charter Township of Canton was held Tuesday, April 8, 2003, at 46000 Summit Parkway Supervisor Yack called the meeting to order at 7 01 pm and led the P l^ge of Allegiance to the FlagMembers Present Bennett, Burdziak, McLaughlm, Zarbo Kirchgatter Yack Shefferly Members Absent NoneStaff Present Director Mmghine, Director Durack, Director Machnik Director ConklinMotion by Bennett, supported by Zarbo to approve the agenda with the removal of Items C 2 C 4 G-2 and G-3 Motion earned by all members presentMotion by Bennett supported by Kirchgatter to approve the Regular Board Mmutes of March 25 2003 Motion earned by all members presentMotion by Kirchgatter, supported by McLaughlin to approve paypient of the bills as presented Motion earned by all members present

Expenditure Recap for A p ril 8,2003(jenerai Fund 101 $ 42L689 52Fire Fund 206 87,046 05Police Fund 207 126 ,886 67Summit Operatmg 208 57 136 99Street Lighting 219 15,729 93Cable TV Fund 230 1,506 69E 911 Utihty 261 1,475 70Auto Forfeiture(wwa) 267 3 81147Auto Theft Grant 289 19 397 55Downtown Dev Auth 294 46,564 72Cap Preg Summit Const 402 4,337 50Golf Fund 584 33 548 48Water & Sewer Fund 592 596,22002Trust & Agency Fund 701 13,218 00PostEm pl Benefits 736 20467 97Total' A ll Funds 1,449,237.26Board M em ber Reports: Trustee Zarbo passed out to the Board information regardmg development

Motion by Bennett supported by Kirchgatter to approve the request of the Canton Hockey Association to apply for a Chantable Gaming License for the purpose of conducting a raiBe as per the attached application Motion earned by all members present Motion by Bennett supported by Kirchgatter to remove from the table and adopt the Canvassing, Soliciting & Peddling Ordinance No 50(E) This Ordinance w ill become effective upon publication in the Canton Observer on Apnl 17 2003 Motion earned by all members present



amended effective April 4 1984 Nov 22,1989 Dec 21 1990 Sept 1,1993 Nov 22 1995, Apnl 17 2003


T H E C H A R T E R T O W N SH IP O F C A N T O N O R D A IN S SE C T IO N I 67 601 Section 1 T IT L E This Ordmance shall be known and cited as Ordinance No 50 as amended being the Canvassing Soliciting and Peddling Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton (ord no 50 amend eff Apr 4 1984)67.502 Section 2. D E F IN IT IO N S The foUowmg words and phrases when used in this Ordinance shall, for the purpose of this Ordinance have the meanings respectively asenbed to them in this section1 C anvassing & Soliciting. The terms “canvassing” and/or “soliciting” shall piean the going from door to door house to house, place to place, street to street or remaimng m one place within the Township of Canton for the purpose of soliciting orders for/or canvassing occupants or residents for the sale of food products, books magazmes, goods wears or merchandise of any nature whatsoever for future dehvery or for the purpose of sohciting orders for/or canvassmg occupants or residents for the installation or servicing of any household equipment or appliances, mcluding but not limited to, furnace or boiler repair and maintenance, repair and servicing of washing machmes, clothes, dryers, dishwashers garbage disposals and incinerators or the installations of storm windows and screens awnings, rooff ng and siding of bmldings or ib r any other services to be furmshed It shall also include persons sohcitmg for funds or donations of any kind It shall also mclude the assisiing of others m “canvassu^ and/or “soliciting” as herem defined

Newsboys and persons travehng on a regularly estabhshed route at the request, expressed or implied of their customers, are not to be considered withm the definitions of “peddler” or "canvasser” under the terms of this ordmance2. C lerk. The word “Clerk” shall mean the C lerk for the Charter Township of Canton3. Peddling. The term “peddling” shall mean the going from door to door, house to house, place to place street to street, or remaining m one place, m the Township of Canton carr3ung or conveying or transporting by person, wagon motor vehicles or other t3T>e of conveyance for the purpose of offenng for immediate sale, food products, including but not limited to, meat fish, vegetables, farm produce or provisions, candy, goods wears or merchandise of any nature and landscaping materials of all tsqies It shall also mclude the assisting of others in “peddlmg” as herein defined4. Person. The “person” shall mean and mclude any person agent, firm partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kmd5. H andb ill. The term “handbill” shall mean any written or printed notice distnbuted by hand for the purpose of communication, mcluding but not limited to any pamphlet, booklet or leaflet6. Township. The term “TW nship” shall mean the Charter Township of Canton (ord no 50 amend eff Apn l 4> 1984)67.503 Section 3. U N LA W FU L A C TS. 1 Unless exempt, it shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or carry on the business of sohcitmg, canvassmg or peddlmg m the Township ^ defined herem, without first obtammg a license m compliance with the provisions of this ordinance2 Unless exempt, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate as a solicitor, canvasser, or peddler without first ha^dng obtamed a hcense for each vehicle piece of equipment or container used m connection therewith3 No hcense shall be issued to any applicant as a solicitor, canvasser, orpeddler until such applicant shall have obtamed the age of e i^ te ^ (18) years, except that a person between the ages of twelve (12) and ei^teen U8) years may be issued a hcense as a solicitor canvasser or peddler, if such applicant IS accompamed by a sponsonng adult at both tlxe time of applying for such license and at actual tune of sellmg such products

Persons under the age of twelve (12) years old shall be exempt from registering or hcensmg as a solicitor, canvasser or peddler Each person under twelve (12) years of age must be accompanied ‘b y h is or her parent or legal guardian durmg all tunes of soliciting, canvassmg or peddlmg

I f any sohcitmg canvassmg or peddlmg is to be carried on by a person under the age of seventeen (17) years, an approved copy of State Department of Labor, Form H52, showing the approved hours of work and the type of sohcitmg canvassmg or peddling to be done shall be attached to the apphcation4 It shall be unlawful for any person to sohcit, peddle or canvass upon any premises m tiie Tiwnship, if requested by anyone m control upon the premises not to do so, of if there is placed on said premises m a conspicuous position near the entrance thereof a sign or sim ilar notice indicating m any manner that the occupants of said premise do not desire to have solicitors, canvassers or peddlers call upon them For purposes of this subsection sohcitmg and peddlmg mclude religious proselytizing, political speech (anonymous or otherwise) and passing out handbills (ord no 50 amend eff Apr 4,1984 ord no 50A amend eff Nov 22,1989 ord no SOB amend eff Dec 21,1990)67 504 Section 4. L IC E N S IN G P R O C E D U R E . 1. Application for licenses required by this ordmance shall be made upon forms provided by the Clerk which shall be signed and venfied under oath by the applicant of an individual or by the authorized agent for any firm

partnership association corporation company or organization and shall, as a minimum contain the following

A If an individual the name, address and telephone number of the individual

B If a partnership the name, residence and business address and telephone number of each partner

C If a corporation> the name, busmess address and telephone number of the corporation the names of the principal officers, directors and local representatives, their residence and business address, telephone numbers and if a foreign corporation whether they are authorized to do business m the State of Michigan

D If an employee Ihe name, residence and telephone number of the employee together w ith written credentials setting forth the exact nature of his employment

E The le i^ lii of time for which the right to do busmess is soi^htF Two (2) current photographs of the applicant or the agent for the

applicant who is to do the actual canvassmg, soliciting or peddlii^ Each photograph shall be 2” by 2” showing the head and shoulders of the applicant or agent

G A brief description of the product or services mvolvedH For each applicant or agent or employee of an applicant under

the age of seventeen (17) years, appropriate working papers shall be filed with the Clerk at the tune of apphcation

I A descnption of the vehicle or vehicles being used m the operation of the canvasser, solicitor and/or peddler along with a hcense plate number of each vehicle

J The application must mclude a copy of the applicant’s Computerized Cnm m al Hwtory (CCH) The applicant may obtam his or her C C H by sending a written request together w ith his or her fmgerpnnts and $30 00 to M ichigan State Police CJIC, 7150 H am s Dnve Lansmg, M I 48913(Note the $30 00 fee is set by the Department of State Police and sul:r;ect to change)

K The apphcation must mclude a copy of the applicant’s Master Driving Record The applicant may obtain h is or her master driving record by sending a request on form BDVR-153 together with $6 55 to M ichigan Department of State, Record Lookup Unit, 7064 Crowner Dnve, Lansmg, M I 48918 1540[Note the request form and fee are set by the Michigan Department of State are subject to change ] Form BDVR-153 may be obtamed at the Michigan Department of State Internet site at www michigan gov/sos

A lessee tenant, or portable vendiz^ equipment operator vending with the permission of and within m a commercial establishment and not u s ii^ a motor vehicle regulated under the M ichigan Vehicle Code, Public Act 300 of 1949 as amended is exempt from the requuement to mclude a copy of h is or her master dnving record with the application, but only to the extent that the application is restneted to the vendmg without the use of a motor vehicle regulated under the Michigan Vehicle Code Public Act No 300 of 1949, as amended2 The application shall be accompamed by a nonrefundable application fee to established by resolution of the Township Board The Township Board rncQ' from time to time, modify the estabhshed fee schedule The apphcation fee is separate from the hcense fee desenbed m Section 63 Upon receipt of the apphcation for a license the Clerk shall forward the same to the Director of the Department of Public Safety or his designated representative for a review of the same Upon receipt by the Director or h is designated representative the Director or designated representative shall cause an mvestigation to ensure that the applicant meets all requirements set forth m Subsection 3 below After said investigation the Director of Public Safety, or h is designated representative, shall certify to the Clerk that the application is complete and that the information contained therein aiid other information known to the Department of Public Safety does not reasonably lead to the conclusion that the applicant, or the activity to be licensed, constitutes an apparent danger to the health safety and welfare to the people of the Township4 The Clerk mi^r refuse to issue a hcense to

A A person whose license, under this ordinance has been revoked withm the last year

B A person unless the apphcation is fully and completely filedC A person who materially misrepresents any facts or statements

on his/her license applicationD A person who has been convicted of a felony or any crime related

to or involving larceny fraud receiving and concealing stolen property, embezzlement robbery home invasion breaking and entering theft dishonesty false statement or fraudulent scheme tnek or device

E A person whose master dnving record mdicates that his or her use of a motor vehicle in association with a requested hcense may present an unreasonable threat to persons or property w ithin the Township by such use of a motor vehicle This subsection does not apply to persons exempt from including a copy of his or her master driving record as desenbed m subsection 1 K of this Section

F If the applicant or activity hcense constitutes an apparent danger to the health safety and welfare to the people of the Township5 Any person whose hcense apphcation has been denied shall have the right to petition the Board of Trustees of the Township for an appeal The Townahrp Board shalj grant a pubijp heanng on this appeal and the applicant shall have the nght to appear and present evidence on his/her behalf Following such hearu^ the Board s h ^ submit to the appheant a written statement of its findings and determinations The Board’s determination shall be based upon competent, material and substantial evidence to show satisfactory compliance w ith the requirements of Section 4 of this Ordinance (ord no 50 amend eff April 4 1984 ord no 50 amend eff Dec 2 1987 ord no 50A amend eff Nov 22 1989 ord no 50C amend eff Sept 1,1993)67 505 Section 5. E X E M P T IO N O F R E U G IO U S PR O SELYT lZm C ^ P O L IT IC A L S P E E C H A N D D E L IV E R Y O F H A N D B IL L S . Persons involved in religious proselytizing political speech (anonymous or otherwise) and/or delivery of handbills are hereby exempt from the hcensmg requirements of tins ordmance67.506 Section €. L IC E N S E F E E S . A hcense fee for soliciting, canvassmg and peddlmg shall be estabhshed by resolution of the Township Board The Township Board may, from time to time, modify the estabhshed fee schedule This fee is separate from the apphcation fee desenbed m Section 4 (ord no 50 amend eff Apnl 4,1984)67.507 Section 7. F E E E X E M P T IO N S ; F A R M E R S , S E N IO R C IT IZ E N S, V E T E R A N S , A N D P E R S O N S O R E N T IT IE S F R O M O T H E R ST A T E S E N G A G E D IN S O L IC IT IN G O R D E R S IN T H IS STATE.1 No license fee sh£dl be diarged to any person selling produce which he has raised him self who h£^ attamed the age of sixty five (65) years, or who shows evidence of beu^ an honorably dischar^d m ihtary veteran and/or to any pei^on or entity engaged in the solicitation of orders or delivery of goods from a busmess located m another state where the busmess contacts with this state are limited exclusively to soliciting orders from and/or dehvenng goods to consumers m this state2 At the time that any of the above named persons claim such exemption from the hcense fee, such person s^all swear by affidavit stating the facts which entitle him to such exemptions and such affidavit shall be filed with the Clerk AU of the above exempt persons shall be issued a license or identification card as provided for m Sections 4 (67 504) and 5 (67 505) of this ordmance3 Any person who has obtamed a peddler’s hcense from the State of Michigan pursuant to Pubhc Act 359 of 1921, as amended, on account of said person being honorable discharged from the armed forces of the United States of Amenca shall be exempt from the hcensii^ provisions of this ordinance.67.508 Section 8. E X P IR A T IO N D A T E O F L IC E N S E S A N D R E G IST R A T IO N . Each hcense and registration issued pursuant to this ordmance shall expire on m idnight on the last day of December of eadi year unless previously terminated pursuant to this ordmance (ord no 50 amend eff Apn l 4,1984, ord no 50A amend eft Nov 22,1989)67 509 Se ction 9. D IS P L A Y O F L IC E N S E O N P E R S O N S , V E H IC L E S , C O N V EY A N C E A N D C O N T A IN ER S. 1 Unless exempt, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate as a peddler, canvasser or solicitor without displajnng on the outer clothing the license issued by the Township provided for m Section 4 of this ordmance U n l^ s exempt, each vehicle, conveyance and container must have a hcense attached to it so it can be seen from the outside of such vehicle, conveyance or container2 Peddlers solicitors and canvassers are required to exhibit their license at the request ofany citizen or public official (ord no 50 amend eff Apn l 4, 1984, ord no 50A amend eff Nov 22, 1989 ord no 50B amend eff)67 510 Section 10. U S E A N D R E S T R IC T IO N O F STO PS, SC A LE S, B E L L S , H O R N S, E T C 1 No person shall use any scales which do not have a vahd approve by the State of Michigan, Bureau of Weights and Measures or the C ity of Detroit Department of Weights and Measures No person shall stop m any one place longer than is necessary to make a sale stop on private property without the consent of the property owner and/or stop for a penod of longer than thirty (30) mmutes at any time No person shall stop for the purposes of sellmg or offenng to sell any food products withm a distance of three himdred (300) feet from any pubhc private or parochial school buildmg, or the lands on which such buildings are located m the Township on any day dunng which school is m session No person operatmg as a sohcitor, canvasser or peddler shall interfere w ith traffic or cause or permit large numbers of persons, especially children, to congregate upon the pubhc streets 2 It shall be imlawful fyr any person to call out or make any noise of any kmd whatsoever or to use a bell horn or other noise making devise with the purpose of attracting persons to buy goods said hcensee has for sale (ord no 50 amend eff Apnl 4 1984)

67.511 S e c t io n 11. V E H IC L E S , S A N IT A T IO N ; N O IS E P R O H IB IT E D . 1 A ll vehicles used m the sale of food products must be kept m clean and sam tary conditions at all times, and when contammg loads or parts of loads of food products they must be kept only m places and operated m a manner which, m the opinion of the Health Officer for the Wayne County Department of Health and the Michigan Department of Agriculture are sanitary and wholesome2 A ll vehicles used for the purpose of se lh i^ or transportation of meat, milk, pastry ice-cream and all other food products for hum an consumption m the Township shall be inspected and have m possession a current valid approval by the Wayne County Board of Health, or the M ichigan Department of Agnculture before a license is granted The holder of a hcense under which a food vendmg vehicle is operated shall be the person responsible for all the conditions and requirements of this ordinance3 Failure to m aintain the standards and requirements of the Wayne County Board of Health or the Michigan Department of Agnculture for the sale or transportation of food w ill constitute cause for revocation of the htense under which sud i vehicles are operated (ord no 50 amend eff Apnl 4,1984)67.512 Seption 12. H O U R S O F SO L IC IT A T IO N , C A N V A SS IN G A N D P E D D L IN G . It shall be imlawful for any person to conduct, or attempt to conduct, any canvassing, sohcitmg or peddlmg before the hours of 9 00 a m and after the hours of 9 00 p m , according to the official time followed by the Township, at any location w ithin the Township (ord no 50 amend eff Apnl 4,1984, ord no 50 amend eff Dec 27,1987)67.513 Section 13. T R A N SF E R . No hcense badge or identification issued under the provisions of this section shall be used or worn at any time by any person other than the one to whom it was issued and only when engaged in the activities for which the license of I D card was issued (ord no 50 amend eff Apn l 4 1984)67.514 S e c t io n 14. R E V O C A T IO N O F L IC E N S E A N D R E G IST R A T IO N . A Before a license or registration can be revoked, the Township Board shall serve the hcense holder or registered appheant by first class mail, mailed not less than four (4) days pnor to the heanng with a notice of heani^, which notice shall contain the following (1) Notice of proposed action, (2) Reason for the proposed action, (3) Date, time and place of heanng, (4) A statement that hcensee may present evidence and testimony and confront adverse witnesses Following the heanng, the Township Board shall submit to said person a wntten statement of its findu^s and determination

B Township Board shall revoke a hcense by registration issued hereunder upon determ ination by it that based upon competent, matenal and substantial evidence presented at the heanng, eifiier of the following exists (1) A violation ofany of the prohibifrons set forth m this ordmance, (2) Said person, entity or orgamzation is engaged or has engaged m any fraudulent scheme, device or tnck m anj^place m the Township to obtam money or other valuable things, or is aiding or abettmg any person e n g^e d m su d i scheme device or tnck (ord no 50 amend eff A p n l 4,1984, ord no 50A amend eff Nov 22,1989)67.515 Section 16. N O N A P P L IC A B IL IT Y , A P l^ lA L S . This ordmance shall be liberally construed in such manner as to best effectuate its purpose The provisions of this ordmance shall be construed, if possible, m such maimer as to make such provisions compatible and consistent with the provisions of all existii^ and future ordmances of the Township and all amendments thereto, provided however, that where any inconsistency conflict cannot be avoided, then the most restnctive of such mconsistent or confltctmg provision shall control and prevail If there is believed to be a conflict between the stated intent and any specific provisions of this ordmance, the Township Board may, in accordance w ith established procedures, permit modification of said specific provisions while retainmg the intent, m such appealed instance (ord no 50 amend eff Apn l 4,1984)67.516 Section 16. V IO L A T IO N A N D PEN A LT Y . A ny person, corporation, partnership or other legal entity who shall violate or fail to comply w ith any provision of this ordmance or any of the regulations adopted and pursuant thereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof may be fined not more than Five Hundred ($500 00) Dollars or impnsoned not more than Ninety (90) days, or both, m the discretion of the court (ord no 50 amend eff Apnl 4,1984, ord no 50A amend eff Nov 22 1989, ord no 50C amend eff Sept 1,1993) 67.5X7 Section 17. R E P E A L O F E X IS T IN G O R D IN A N C E S . A ll ordinances or parts of ordmances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed only to the extent necessary to give this ordmance full force and effect The balance of Ordmance 50 50(A) and 50(B) of the Ordmance of the Charter Township of Canton, except as herem modified, shall remain m full force and effect (ord no 60 amend eff April 4 1984 ord no 50A amend eff Nov 22 1989 ord no 50B amend eff Dec 21 1990 ord no 50C amend eff Sept 1 1993)67 518 Section 18 S E V E R A B IL IT Y . If any section sub section clause phrase or portion of this Ordmance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portions shall be deemed a separate, distmct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remammg portion thereof (ord no 60 amend eff Apnl 4,1984, ord no 50A amend eff Nov 22,1989 ord no 50B €imend eff Dec 21,1990, ord no 50C amend eff Sept 1,1993)67.519 Section 19. S A V IN G S C LA U SE . The repeal or amendment provided for herein shall not abrogate or affect any offense or act committed or done, or any penalty or forfeiture meurred, or any pending litigation or prosecution or any nght established, or occurring pnor to the effective date of this ordmance as amended (ord no 50 amend eff Apn l 4,1984, ord no 60A amend eff Nov 22,1989, ord ijo SOB amend eff Dec 21,1990, ord no 60C amend eff Sept 1,1993)67.520 Section 20. E F F E C T IV E D A IR . This Ordmance shall become effective upon its pubhcation (ord no 50 amend eff Apnl 4,1984, ord no 50A amend eff Nov 22,1989, ord no SOB amend eff Dec 21,1^0, ord no 50C amend eff Sept 1,1993)67.521 Section 21. P U B L IC A T IO N . The C lerk for the Charter Township of Canton shall cause this Ord^iance to be published m the manner reqmred by law

Copies of the complete text of this Ordmance sire available at the office of the Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S Canton Center Road, Canton, M ichigan 48188, durmg regular busmess hours and can also be accessed through our web site www canton mi org

Motion by Bennett, supported by I^rihgatter to authonze the Township Clerk and Supervisor to execute the attached Detroit Edison sidewalk easement for parcel No 059-99 0002 702 M otion carried by all members presentG E N E R A L CAT.ISNDAR: Motion by Beimett, supported by Kird^atter to approve the site plan for the proposed Perfornung Arts Center and Liner Buildings, subject to any and all state and local development regulations and further subject to a i^ conditions recommended by the Planning Com m ission and staff, as desenbed in the analysis and recommendation Motion earned by all members present Motion by Bennett, supported by Zarbo to authonze Wade-Tnm Associates to continue providing G IS Services for m i amount not to exceed $20,000 Motion earned by all members present Motion by Bennett, supported by Kirchgatter to approve a th irty^ix month lease agreement m the amount of $13,693 42, w ith National Eqiupment Leasing Corporation for ttfree Precor treadmills provided by A il Iho Exercise Motion earned by all members present Motion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlm to approve the sale of 4 49 acres spht from parcel 098 99 0028-001 for approximately $586,753 20 to J B Donaldson Company The purchase pnee for the property shall be paid on the closmg date m accordance w ifii Section 10 of the Real Estate Purchase Agreement Motion earned by all members present Motion by Bennett, supported by Kirchgatter to approve sending Officer M ark Gajeski to Los Angeles, California for Ihe Tactical Explosive Breaching Course on M ay 5 16,2003, for a cost of $3,800 Motion earned by all members presentMotion by Bennett, supported by Burdziak to approve the purchase of six Golden Eagle Dual K A Antennas w ith equipment and extended warranties from KuStom Signals, In c , under Michigan State Contract fin* a total not to exceed $10 435 00 Motion earned by all members pre^nt Motion by Bennett, supported by Zarbo to approve the purchase of one U PG 12N IBP automatic blood pressure momtor and four U PG SP02 pulse oxygen a e n s o v B from Medtromc PhysiOiPontrol a sole source provider, for the cost of $7 044 40 Motion earned by all members pr^ent Motion by Bennett, supported by Kirchgatter to approve the bid for printing the m onthly Focus Newsletter w ith National Wholesale Pnntmg, Corp for a twelve month penod for $18,000 w ith^ ten percent contingency of $1,800 for a total pnee of $19,800, and further, that pursuant fo the bid specifications, the bid may be extended for an additional two year period upon m utual agreement of National Wholesale Printing Corp and Canton Township Motion earned by all members presentMotion by Bennett, supported by McLaughlm to approve the bid w ifii Exelon Services/Bumler Mechanical, Inc for purchase and installation of a new HVAC system for the Cable Television Studio for $25,706 and a ten percent contingency of $2,570 for a total amount of $28,276 And further move to transfer $28,276 from the Fund Balance budget appropriation account $230 250 999 0000 to Cable T V Capital Outlay Account #230 250 977-0000 Motion earned by all members pr^ent Supervisor Yack reminded the Board th ^ next Tuesday, Apnl 15,2003 there will be a study session w idi the Planm ng Comxmssion Motion by Bennett Supported by McLaughlm to adjourn at 7 35 p m


PUBLISH Apnl 17 2003______________________________________________________________________________OB0B0M042

C12 (*) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 RELIGION CALENDAR wicw ftom ettiivnlife com

if you want to submit an item for the religion calendar fax it to (734) 591 7279 or write Religion Calendar Observer Newspdpers 36251 Schoolcraft Road Livonia Ml 48150 The deadline for an announcement to appear in the Thursday edition is noon Monday

EVENTSSchool applications

Hosanna Tabor Lutheran School 9600 Leverne Redford is now accepting application for grades pre-kinder garten to 8th for the 2003 2004 school year Limited space available Call (313)937 2233

Blood driveSt Thomas a Becket 555 S Lilley (south of Cherry Hitl) Canton will host an American Red Cross blood drive 8 a m to 7 p m Friday April 18 Call Peggy at (734) 397 8495 or Patti (734)459 9704

Easter Egg Hunt Join us at St Matthew Lutheran Church 10 a m April 19 for an Easter Egg Hunt Meet m the gym where chil dren will be separated by age groups We are located at 5885 Venoy Road one block north of Ford Road in Westland C?ll(734)425 0260

Warsaw Ghetto remembrance Michigan District of Workmen s Circle Arbeter Ring will hold its 60th annual public commemoration of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising a pivotal gyent in the history of Jewish resistance to Nazi tyranny during which 60000 Jews with little ammunition or training bravely held off the Germans for three weeks The ceremonial program

of music readings and a principal speaker will be held 7 30 8 30 p m Saturday April 19 at the Workmens Circle Educational Center 26341 Coolidge Road in Oak Park Founded in 1900 Workmens Circle fosters Jewish identity and participa tion inJewish life among its members through Jewish especially Yiddish culture and education friendshiib mutual aid and the pursuit of social and economic justice for reservations or information con tact Workmen s Circle at (248) 545 0985

Senior careKathryn Bartz of Botsford Continuing Health Care will present Choosing Appropriate Living Options For Seniors 7 p m Thursday April 24 at Our Lady of Loretto Church 25700 W Six Mile Redford Bartz will discuss the financial and legal concerns that accompany the type of care needed Free but donations accepted Call the church rector at (313) 534 9000

Live simulcastWomen s Ministries at Calvary Baptist Church 43065 Joy Road Canton will present Beth Moore in a live simulcast presentation titled Beloved Disciple 16 p m Saturday April 29 Women from all over the country will get together fora day of Bible study Tickets are $15 To register or for more information call (734) 332 9054

Health fairNorthRidge Church in Plymouth will sponsor "Shring into Good Health a health fair 10 a m to 2 p m Saturday April 26 Booths on physical fitness tire safety child safety heart disease


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Biker blessingDetroit World Outreach 23800 W Chicago Redford will host a Blessing of the Bikers for the upcoming riding season 10 a m to 3 p m Saturday April 26 Bikes can be brought to the church parking lot at 930 a m The actual blessing takes place at 2 p m Food live music a bike show vendors contests and lots of activities Call Pastor Miles Book at (313) 255 2222 ext 306 Rummage saleThe United Methodist Women of First United Methodist Church (6443 Mernman Road) m Garden City will have their annual rummage sale 9am to 2 p m Saturday April 26 Lunen will be available from 11 a m to 1 p m Call (734)4218628

Prayer luncheonA prayer luncheon will be held at 1130 a m with lunch served at noon April 30 at the Livonia Sveden House 29477 Seven Mile Road at Middlebelt Cost is $675 Guest speaker will be Sister Loretta Mellon 0 P Call Kathleen (734) 427 4371 or Mary Ellen (734) 427 0002 for reservations

Mother/Daughter banquet Bring your favorite doll to Wayne First United Methodist s mother and daugh ter banquet My Dolly and Me 630 pm Friday May 2 in the church s Fellowship Hall 3 Town Square Wayne

Enjoy Dolls are Forever apresenta tion by Joyce Murch a local doll maker Adults $7 children 312 $3 under 3 $1 Ticket deadline Sunday April 27 Cali (734)7214801

Rummage saleSt Matthew Lutheran Church (5885 Venoy Road) will host their annual rummage sale Monday April 28 May 3 Monday through Friday from 8 30 a m to 5p m and Saturday 9 a m to 2 pm Saturday is bag day Bring your own bag and fill it for $5

Church hatsHartford Memorial Baptist Church of Detroit will host Women with HAT titudes a brunch and fashion show 8 a m to noon Saturday May 3 at Neman Marcus Somerset Collection 2800 W Big Beaver Troy Tickets are $75 and can be purchased by calling Nedd/Worldwide Public Relations at (313)567 6333

Hospice/ioss workshop Madonna University s hospice educa tion department will offer its third annual Grief and Loss Summer Institute May 810 The three individual workshops will be held 8 30 a m to 4 p m Topics include Assisting Children and Teens in Grief When Families Gn^e and a Bereavement Coordinators Workshop Cost is $85 for each workshop Call Dr Jack LoCicero (734) 432 5471 or email jiocicero@madonna edu

Vacation Bible school Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church

14175 Farmington Road Livonia Oust north of 196) Livonia welcomes all youth who have completed 4th 7th grades to participate in the Faith Factor Day Camp Monday June 23 Friday June 27 The camp will be held at Salem Lutheran Camp in Howell Mich Cost IS $75 which includes T shirt daily lunch activities (fishing archery games swimming Bible study and more') transportation and cook out dinner or Friday night for the whole family Contact Sarah Grivas or Rich Parronat(734)5226830

LENTFish dinner

St Valentine Church at the corner of Beech Daly and Hope Street in Redford hosts Lenten dinners 4 307 pm on Friday April 18 featuring fried or baked cod pierogi macaroni and cheese salad bar and drinks Adults pay $6 50 senior citizens pay $5 children 12 and under$350

Good Ft'idaySt Michael Lutheran Church will offer Good Friday services from noon to 8 p m April 18 3003 Hannan Road Wayne

lenten lunchSt Theodore Catholic Church 8200 M Wayne Road Westland w || host a sim pie Lenten lunch of homemade soups bread and beverage noon to 1 p m dur mg the Fridays m Lent Cost is $3 per person Call (734) 425 4421

HoiyweekSt John s Lutheran Churcli of Redford will hold Maundy Thursday service April 17 at noon at St Johns Lulheran Church or 7 pm at Rice Memorial United Methodist 20601 Beech Daly Good Friday April 18 will lisve joint worships at noon at Holy Spirit Episcopal (9083 Newburgh) or 7 p m at Trinity Covenant 14800 Mjdlebelt Easter Sunday begins with breakfast from 910 a m in the St Johns fellow ship hall Festival worshipfgiiows at 10 30 a m with special mesi and Holy communion

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Dl (PC) observer & Eccentric | Thursday / ^ r i l 17 2003

Madonna beats Aquinas fo r its first baseball win D2


Top pitcherSteve Gordon a junior at

Albion College from Plymouth and a Salem HS graduate was named the Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association pitcher of the week after tossing a three hit shutout in the Britons 4 0 win over Kalamazoo College Gordon did not walk a batter and struck out eight as Albion improved to 913 overall 4 2 intheMIAA

For the season Gordon was 2 3 with a 4 93 earned run average He led Albion with 34% innings pitched {through last weekend) and was tied for the team lead in strikeouts with 27

Also in the Britons three game sweep of Kalamazoo sophomore right fielder Chris Trptt collected three hits and four runs batted in

One of his hits was his third home run of the sea son Trott is batting 373 with seven doubles three homers and a team best 18 RBI

■ Best of meetAndy Rossow competing

for Canton HS at the Pinckney 9/10 grade Pirate Relays last Saturday was named the Field Athlete of the Meet after a four event performance that resulted m three firsts and a second

Rossow teamed with Rodney Preston to win both the high jump and long jump Rossow cleared 5 foot 10 inches in the high jump and went 18 6'/2 in the long jump both were the best in the eight team meet

He also teamed with Preston Tony Hylko and Dave Caliile to win the 4x200 meter relay and with Jacob Langdon Derek Reeves and Callille for a second in the 4x100 relay The Chiefs placed second in the team standings

■ Hole in OneBill Broucek of Canton did

n tw a it long to takeadvan tage of decent golfing weather Playing Pheasant Run Golf Club m Canton on April 11 Broucek aced the 175 yard 23rd hole with a five iron

For the round he shot a 40 In his 12 years of golfing I t was his first hole in one

■ Final FourThe Canton Crossfire U 17

premier boys soccer team reached the semifinals in the U 18 (elite) division the high est division at the Northern Ohio Cup held in Cleveland Ohio

Team members are Peter Bierzynski (Catholic Centra!) lam Bryant (Southfield Christian) Philip Calleja (Livonia Franklin) DanCurmi (CC) Andrew Oavis (Livonia Stevenson) Jake deVries (Lutheran West) Greg Ekmeian (Wayne Memorial) Stephen Gizicki (Salem)Aaron Heiisek (Farmington) Joe Hess (Canton) Sam Kocsis (Garden City) Jeff Kusch (Detroit Country Day) Ross Maltby (Canton)Michael Newton (Salem) Brandon Noble (Lutheran West) Roger Saks (Stevenson) and Matt Tomasso (Canton)

The team is coached by Jim deVries and Pete Alexander


W halers rally, win series opener w ith RangersBY C J RISAKSTAFF WRITER

If exhaustion was a problem for the Plymouth Whalers, it didn’t surface Wednesday when they played at Kitchener m the opening game of the Ontario Hockey League’s best- of-seven Western Conference final

After one period, the "Whalers — who didn’t clinch their berth until Monday, when they defeated London m Game Seven — found themselves

trailing 1-0 But they rallied m the second penod with goals from Sean Thompson and Chris Thorburn, and held off the host Rangers the rest of the way to post a 3-1 victory

Game Two will be at 7 30 p m Friday at Plymouth’s Compuware Arena, with Game Three at 7 p m Sunday at Kitchener

The Whalers put together a strong offensive performance against the Rangers, surpris­ing considering their emotion­ally, physically draining senes

with London“They’re probably our

biggest nvdry, since Pete (DeBoer) left here,” said Karl Stewart of Kitchener, moments after the win over London “The two teams match up so well”

DeBoer was coach and gen­eral manager of the Whalers until unexpectedly leaving for the Kitchener job two years ago Stewart is one of several \^ a le r s who played for him, but DeBoer has certainly done a superb job with the Rangers

They posted the top record in the DHL’s Western Conference this season and finished first in the Midwest Division

On Monday, Andre Benoit gave Kitchener a 1-0 lead with a shorthanded goal at 11 43 of the opening penod Derek Roy and Marcus Smith assisted

The Whalers tied it at 2 40 of the second penod on Thompson’s goal, with Tim Sestito and. John Mitchell assisting Thorburn scored what proved to be the game- winner with 114 left in the

second penod, Mitchell getting his second assist together with John Vigilante

I t remained that way until James Wisniewski scored unassisted into an empty net with 54 left in the third pen­od

Shots on goal showed how the Whalers dominated They enjoyed a 41-24 advantage Paul Drew stopped 23 shots for Plymouth, while Scott Dickie h ^ 38 saves for Kitchener

cjFisa!c@oe homecomm net j (734) 953 2108


Tbe Whalers Karl Stewart celebrates moments after scoring the clincher into an empty net m Game Seven against London

S t r o n gf in is hb o o s tsW h a ie r sLate goal wins itB Y C J RISAKSTAFF WRITER

Gotta make the plays It’s the only path to a champi­

onship When the situation presents Itself, a player has to find a way On Monday in Game Seven of their Ontario Hockey League senes against the London Knights, the Plymouth Whalers found their way in front of 3,115 fans at Plymouth’s Compuware Arena, beating 4-2 a team that was a borderline nemesis

The victory ended a 10-day journey for the Whalers against a London team that possessed less talent and a


Late rally lifts PCA to triumph

Plymouth Chnstian Academy ral­lied from four runs down, tying its game against Ihylor Baptist Park Monday with four runs in the sixth and winning it with a run in the sev­enth in a 7-6 victory at home

tnUmphBASEBALL gave the Eagles a

3-1 recordPCA scored single runs in the first

two innings, but e Wildcats answered wiffi single runs in the sec­ond, fourth and fifth combined with a three-run third

The Eases’ four-run sixth started with a Drew G alla^er single Three walks followed to force in one run, a Clay Welton fielder’s choice scored anothear Bob Lorian then came through with a two-run double to tie it at 6-all

With two out in the seventh and the bases loaded, Welton came through with a run-sconng, game-winning sin­gle He finished with two hits and two RBI in the game, Blake Weldon also had two hits, and he scored the game- winner

Andrew Shumaker, who smgled in a run for PCA in the first, started on the mound but was lifted aJfter givmg up five runs (just one earned) in 3 2/3 innings

Welton worked the final 31/3 and got the win, giving up one unearned run

Last Fnday, PCA was beaten by Southfield Christian, 10-0


Canton's Ross outduels Western's aceB Y C J RISAKSTAFF WRITER

What a way to start the Western Lakes Activities i^sociation softball season

In an epic pitcher’s duel, Canton’s Renee Ross got the better of Walled Lake Western ace Lauren Talbot as the Chiefs edged the Warriors 1-0 m nine innings Monday at Canton

The victory gave the Chiefs a 5-1 overall record, 1-0 m the WLAAs Western Division Western is 4-3 overall, 0-1 in the division

‘ She was totally focused on the mound,” said Canton

SOFTBALLcoach Jim Arnold of Ross “She played like a player on a mission She went out there to prove a point, that she’s just as good”

On Monday, Ross was She pitched all mne innings, giv­ing up just three h i t s ^ d not walking a batter while stnk- ing out five

Tklbot was workmg on a no-hitter with one out in the sixth when Lisa Sprankie doubled Ihlbot ended up tossing a five-hitter, walking two and fanning five in 8 2/3 mmngs

The game’s only run scored happened when 'Aere were already two out in the ninth, and Ross was the one who started the game-wmmng rally with a double She moved to third on a wild pitch and, after Molly Conlon walked, Colleen O’Brien came through with a run- scormg sin^e

Sprankie led the Chiefs’ a tta ^ with two doubles, but the defense was also excep­tional wiffi just one error Arnold, was paiticularly pleased with the play third baseman Serena Gomey (“She played exception^ly well ”) and cat<dier Jonelle

Brown (“She threw out two runners trying to steal ”)

Combined with Saturday’s 4-1 showing at the Taylor Tournament, the Chiefs are off to a promising start Indeed, even th o u ^ th ^ lo s t Six players to graduation from last season’s 16-15 team — utility player Danielle Weber, second baseman Megan Coultas, third base- man Pam Hudson, first base- man Maggie O’Connell and outfielders Leslie Galarneau and Laura Ulmer — Arnold is confident this team could be even better


Chiefs crush Zebras, 9-0; Rocks reignWelcome to the WLAA,

ZebrasIt wasn’t a very pleasant

hello Canton ddivered to Wayne Memorial in the Chiefs’ Western Lakes Activities Assoaation soccer opener Monday at Canton Eight players accounted for goals as lhe Chiefs blitzed the Zebras, 9-0

Canton is 2-2 overall, 1-0 m the WLAA Wayne is 3-2-1 overall, 0-2 in ftie conference

Kelli McKee led the Chiefs’ assault with two goals Erica Ahrens contnbuted a goal and two assists, while Kara Marsh, Rachel Perry and Damelle Shepard each col­lected a goal and an assist Chnstme Ibple, Baijey Fagan

and Molly Pnebe also had goals for the Chiefs ^

Bnana Wolcott was m goal for the shutout.

On Saturday, Troy Athens got two goals from Mary Parker m beating the Chiefs, 3-2at<Danton Rachel Stesney also had a goal for the R ^ Hawks

Perry scored both of the Chiefs’ goals, with assists from Ahrens and Katie Raker

Salem 1, Saline 0 Ih is is becoming a habit

On TViesday in a non-con­ference match ag£unst Saline, Salem played impenetrable defense and then, with just one minute remaimng, got a goal from Manssa Sarkesian

to earn the victory It was $arkesian’s second

game-winning goal in the waning mpments m as many matches, and m as many days She beat Livonia Franklin Monday with a late goal

Thra Duncan t the assist on Sarkesian’s game-winner against Saline

Last Saturday, Jordan Falcusan scored (on an assist from Sarkesian) With just 32 remaimng to beat Rochester

“It’s nice to see we have tiiat determination to get that goal,” said Salem coadi Joe Nora "We don’t pamc. We alwaj^ feel we can get that goal ”



Canton'S Molly Pnebe (22) accounted for one o f tbe nine goals scored against Wayne Memorial Monday.

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D2 (PC ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 LOCAL SPORTS WWW hom etownlifc.com

Madonna splits twinbill with Cardinals CrusaderS blank AquInaSto earn 1st WHAC victory

After a strong start to the season, Madonna University’s soflhall team has been strug- ^ 11 to stay even in the Wolvenne-Hoosier Athletic Conference over the last week.

On Thesday against visiting Concordia University, a team that entered "die double-header widiout a conference win, the Crusaders had to settle for a split, getting blanked in the opener 4-0 before recording a15-0 five-mnmg mercy in the second

Madonna was 23-8 overall,10-5 m the WHAC following the split, the Crusaders were 3- 5 since m their four double- headers played since Saturday The Cardinals were 7-26-1 overall through 'Ihe^ay, 1-17 in the conference ^

The first game was scoreless until the fourth inning, when Concordia struck for two runs The Cardinals added two more in the fifth

Jenny Tenyer was the losing pitcher, giving up two unearned runs on four hits in four innings, she struck out three Her record fell to 12-5

Mary Warchuck had two of the Crusaders’ four hits in the game

In the nightcap, Krystle Shina (from Farmington Mercy) had a double and a home run, driving m five runs as Madonna leveled Concordia

Kathy Day (Livoma Ladywood) added a double and a smgle, driving in two runs and scoring two, and Sarah Golob collected two sin­gles and three RBI Arm Fowler and Stacey Sexsmith contributed two hits apiece, Sexsmith scoring three times and Fowler twice

(rolob got the pitching win, improving her record to 10-3 She allowed four hits and three walks in four innings

Cornerstone 6 -4 , Madonna 2 -3 .The Golden Eagles swept a pair from Madonna and, with It, swept past the Crusaders m the WHAC standings Monday in Grand Rapids Cornerstone improved to 11-3 in the confer­ence, 18-8 overall

In the 6-2 opening victory, Cornerstone’s TVacy Patterson had two hits, including a dou ble, with an RBI while tossing a two-hitter at the Crusaders Patterson walked five and

SOFTBALLstruck out four while improv­ing her record to 8-3

Jenny Tfenyer took the loss for Madonna, giving up six runs (three earned) on eight hits, she did not walk a batter and struck out three Tenyer and Emily Cunnmgham each had run-scormg doubles, while Enn Bailey and Brooke Bmwn each had two-run doubles and Kendra Beckman had two hits for the Golden Ea^es

In the second game. Cornerstone^ Moe Moran sin­gled m Kathy Betts with the game-wuining run with two out in the bottom of the nmth mmng. Betts was runmng for Emily KntidsOn, who opened the ninth uy reaching base on Stacey Sexsmith’s error at sec­ond base

Madonna’s Sarah Golob sur­rendered four runs (two earned) on six hits and two walks, with six stnkeoute, in 8 2/3 innings The win went to Mary Mauro (now 5-2), who allowed three runs (one earned) on eight hits and no walks, fanning six in nine innings

Ka^y Day (Livoma Ladywood) and Krystle Shina (Farmington Mercy) each had two hits for the Crusaders, Shina doubling and dnvmg m a run Cunningham also had a single and an RBI BarbKorpi had two hits and a drove in a run and Knudson had a double and two RBI for Cornerstone

Madonna 2 *5 , Indiana Tech 3 -4 :In the opener of Sunday’s WHAC double-header at Indiana Tfech’s Memorial Park in Fort Wayne, the Crusaders were handicapped by pitcher Crystal Ybarra, who allowed two unearned runs on just two hits and two walks, striking out three The loss went to Jenny Tenyer, who gave up three runs on five hits, fanning two m six innmgs

Katoy Day had a single and an RBI for Madonna Heather Washington collected two hits, including a double, and three RBI for Tech, and A’Lana Washington finished with two hits and two runs scored

In the second game, Sarah Golob withstood a late Warner comeback attempt to lead

Madonna to the win Golob gave up four runs (three earned) on nine hits and two walks, stnbng out eight in seven innings The loss went to Denise Muir, who allowed five runs (two earned) on six hits and three walks

Krystle Shina had two hits and an RBI for the Crusaders, while Mary Warchuck and Day each had a hit and a run batted in A’Lana Washington and Heather Washington each got three hits for Te<±, Heather dnvmg in three runs and AXana knocking in one and sconngtwo

A three-run fifth by the Wamors left Madonna trailing3-2, but the Crusaders recap­tured the lead with a tworrun sixth A sin^e run in the sev­enth put them up 5-3

Tech was 4-10 in the confer­ence, 6-24 overall through the weekend

Madonna 1 -4 , Spring Arbor 9-1:Six errors m the first game doomed Madonna Saturday at Spnng Arbor, but ttie Crusaders bounced back m the second game behind Golob’s strong pitching to earn a split m this WHAC double-header

Through the weekend, the Cougars were 16-16 overall, 6- 10 m the WHAC

In the opener, the Crusaders’ Jenny Tenyer was tagged for eight runs (six earned) on 12 hits m four innings Ihew m went to Holly Davidson, she gave up one run on six hits in five innings The game was stopped a ^ r five by the eight- run mercy rule

Golob had two hits and drove m the only run for Madonna Shina also had two hits For the Cougars, Leah Wbldyk got three hits and three RBI and Holly Davidson had three hits, an RBI and scored twice

In Game Two, Golob gave up one unearned run on five hits and two walks, striking out six m seven innings The loss went to Wbldyk, who surrendered four runs (three earned) on five hits and one walk in five innings

Golob also led Madonna’s hitting attack with two Shina and Warchuck each had a hit and an RBI

The Crusaders broke a 1-1 tie with a three-run sixth inning

CONGRATULATIONS S u b u r b a n H o c k e y

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IP {

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S p e n d y m n ' s p i i n g b r e a k o n t h e i c e w i t h S u b u r b a n H o c k e y ! S p r i n g C l i n i e s w i l l b e h e l ( i a t N o v i T ee A r e n a ( A p r i l 2 1 ) , t h e O n y x - R o c l i e s t e r f e e A r e n a ( A p r i l 2 2 ) . l e e B o x S p o r t s C e n t e r i n B r o w n s t o w n ( A p i i l 2 3 ) , S u b u r b a n T r a i n i n g C e n t e r i n I ’a r i n i n u t o n H i l l s < A p » -t l 2 4 ) a n d S t . C l a i r S b o Y ’ o s C i v i c A r e n a ( A [ M 'i l 2 0 1. ! ' o r i i i l ' o r m . i t i o n S p n n ; . ' . < ' i i n i< s . ( ' a l l '2 iS ) (T s H K H ) o i ' v i s i i , w w w . s u b i M 'b a n b i x 'b c s c o in t o d a \ !

FinallyAfter 12-straight losses, 11 of

them m the Wolvenne-Hoosier Athletic Conference, Madonna University’s baseball team managed to break through in the win column Thesday, and the Crusaders did it against the team atop the conference standings

After getting Witzed 12-4 in the first game — Madonna had as many errors as it had hits (four) — ttie Crusaders rallied behind a. superb performance by Sterling Mintzer to record a 3-0 victory m a double-header played at Ijvonia’s Ford Field

Madonna is 14-19 overall, 1- 11 m the WHAC Aquinas is 22-8 overall, 11-3 in the confer­ence.

Mintzer got the wm m the second game, stopping the Samts on just one hit and ttvo walks m 5 2/3 innings He struck out SIX Mark Cole (Farmmgton/Catholic Central) and Joel Halliday (Redford Union) combined to pitch the final 11/3 innings, giving up just one hit and one walk, Halliday got the save

P a tn ^ Klemfelt took the pitching loss for Aquinas

Madonna scored ail three of its runs in the third, two of them on a home run by Chns Woodruff (Livonia/CC) Mano D’Henn had a sin^e and an RBI

In the first game, the Crusaders scored four runs m the third inning and led 4-2 going into the fourth But Aquinas scored three m that inning, got a single run m the fifth, then added five more in the sixth to open up an 11-4 lead

Joe Greene started and took

BASEBALLthe loss for Madonna, giving up five runs (two earned) on four hits and ttiree walks in four innmgs

The Crusaders got just four hits in the game, with Mintzer getting a smgle and an RBI Jason Hilasfo had two hits and two RBI for Aquinas, and John Moceri contnbuted a triple and four RBI

Oakland 8 , Madonna 1; That’s i i and counting

Madonna University lost its llth-consecutive game Sunday, a non-league affair at Oakland University The Crusaders committed four errors and sur­rendered five unearned runs, the Gnzdies had three-run innings m the second and the fifth

Roy Rabe (Livoma Stevenson) took the loss, he pitched the first five innmgs, giving up seven runs (two earned) on nine hits and two walks, striking out four He’s now 3-2 The wm went to Steve Kniebbe (2-0), he pitched the first six innings, blowing one run on five hits and three walks, with six strikeouts

Chns Woodruff (Livoma/Catholic Central) drove m Madonna’s only run with a solo home run, his sec­ond of the season, in the sixth Garry Dufour was 4-for-4 with an RJBI and three runs scored for the Gnzzlies, who improved to 13-15 overall

Aquinas 10-6, Madonna 0-5: TheCrusaders remained winless m the WHAC with a double-

header defeat at Aquinas Cdlege’s Kimble Stadium Saturday Through Sunday, the Saints were 21-7 overall, 10-2 (and m first place) in the WHAC

The opener lasted six innmgs Madonna managed just five singles (and two walks) off Saints’ starter Paul Gillett, who remained unbeat­en at 5-0 The loss went to Chns Behrns (1-2), who gave up e i^ t runs on nine hits and ttiree walks m 2 2/3 innings

Aquinas scored tibree runs m the second and five more m the third A two-run sixth invoked the 10-run mercy rule

Kyle Kracht led the Samte with two doubles and five RBI

In the second game. Madonna took a 5-1 lead into the bottom of the fifth inning, with Mark Cole (Farmington/CC) taking over on the mound for Joel Halliday (Redford Union) It wasn’t a good move, (Jole gave up five runs (four earned) on four hits and two walks in his only inning of work, taking the loss (he’s 3-4)

Halliday allowed one run on two hits and four w^lks, sink­ing out three in four innings The win went to Kyle Finch in relief of starter Dustm Gless, Finch pitched 3 2/3 innmgs and did not allow a run on three hits and a walk

Sterling Mintzer had two hits, including his fourth homer, and drove m three runs to lead Madonna Rabe and Brian Williams (Livonia/CC) had two hits apiece, Williams driving in a run Aquinas’ Matt Bocian had two hits and D J Neumann had a two-run smgle in the fifth

CANTON 84Hom im ss

A p rillO a tN o rthv ideSiio t iHit* 1 Mike Cornelius (N) 43 fee t 11

1/4 inches 2 C hris S n ide r (C) 43 5 1/2 3 Bryan Frawley (C) 42 2

D iscus 1 F ra w le y (C) 126 2 3 Brad Waidmann{C) 1167

H igh ju m p 1 S ch no w sk i (N ) 6 2 2 Waidmann (C) 6 0

Long jum p 1 Cornelius (H) 20 5 2 Dan Driscoll (C) 1811

Pole v a u lt 1 D r is c o ll (C) 11 6 2 Rich Hensel (C) 10 6

3 ^ 0 0 4 n tte r re la y 1 Northville 9D 69no hurdles t St ve Kiltfancifyk (C) 156 2.

Waidmann (C) 162100-1 Corey Walser (C) 112 2 Brandon

Reeves (C) 1148 0 0 re la y 1 C a n ton (D r is c o ll A ndy

Rossow Jesse Williams Devin Thomas) 13401,600-1 Aaron tann ing (C) 4 3 4 94 0 0 re la y 1 C anton (D ris c o ll Reeves

Rossow Walser) 45.2400:1 Brian Soash (C) 511 3 Wittiams (C)


TRACK RESULTS3(K) hurdles 1 Kilijdnc2yk(C) 432 800 I Dalton (N) 2 0 6 0 2 A a m L a n n in q

(C) 2-095 3 Al tann ing (C) 2168 200-1 Thomas (C) 229 2 Reeves (C) 239

3 Walser (C) 247 3200 1 Aaron tann ing (C) 10123 1600 re la y Northvflle 3397


April 12 a t Pinckney HS Team standings: i Pinckney 90 po in ts 2

Canton 84 3 Ann Arbor Huron 63 4 Adrian 58 5 G rand Ledge 57 6 S a lin e 41 7 Plymouth 18 8 Walled Lake Central 15

High jum p re la y 1 Canton (Andy Rossow Rodney Preston) 11 fee t 2 inchs.

Long ju m p re la y 1 C an ton (R ossow Preston) 36 7

Shot put re la y 2 canton ( jo e Zuga] Eric KilijanczylO 68 7

Discus re la y 3 Canton (Zugaj Kiliianczyk) 1776

Pole vau lt re la y 3 Canton (Derek Reeves Alex Hofowicki) 9 0

4 x T .6 0 0 'm e t« rs re la y 4 C a n ton (A(

Lanmng Dave O tting Phaltiel Whitlock Scoft Rietfsma cross coun try scoring)

4x100 2 Canton (Rossow Jacob Langdon Oar Reeves DaveCalilfe) 475

Distance m ed ley re la y 5 Canton (Cyrus Azizi Nick Johnson D O tting Al Canning)12 490

4x200 re lay l Canton (Rossow Preston TonyHylko Caliile) 1377

Shuttle hurdles 2 Canton (Matt McClellan Jacob Langdon D Reeves Preston) 1122

4 x 4 0 0 1 C a n ton (J p h n s o n H y lk o Whitlock Cyrus Azizi) 3512

Co«l s p lin t m ed ley 5 Canton (Van Esiey p^R eevei Nyberg Calille)


A p iil 12 a t NorthernPole v a u lt 1 Amy Quiambao (P) 6 fee t 6

inchestlO in e te r hurdles 1 Ju lie M iller (P) 1968 WOO 1 Tiffany Burns (P) 614 0 \

4 0 a i Janet Hanchett(P> 105 01 i3,200-1 Amy Ostrowskj (P) 16 07 0 |


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www.hom etownl^e com LOCAL SPORTS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 (PC) D3

Whalers fall f la t , lose Game 6 to Knights

A day after playing perhaps their best game of the Ontano Hockey League playoff season, the Plymouth Whalers seem­ingly lost their focus, their com­posure and — with it — the game

Saturday’s 5-1 loss to the London Kiiights at London’s John Labatt Centre m Game Six set up Monday’s Game Seven showdown at Plymouth’s Compuware Arena

Mike Stathopoulos led the Kmghts with a goal and two assists Daniel Bois contributed

a goal aud au A||t assist and CoreyUni. Perry had two

PLAYOFFS assistsLondon struck

for four first-penod goals, two of them on the power play Ryan Hare opened the scoring at 3 55 of the first, power-play goals by Bois and Kyle Qumcey followed at 7 29 and 12 38 Rick Steadman’s score at 19 12 made it 4-0 and put Whaler goalie Paul Drew on the bench

Jeff Weber replaced him for the second and third periods He gave up Stathopoulos’ goal at 5 55 of the second penod

Jonas Fiedler scored Plymouth’s only goal, on the power play with 47 left in the second penod David Liffiton assisted

The Whalers were called for 22 penalties in the game, which included three lO-mmute mis­conducts, three five-minute fighting penalties, three unsportsmanlike conduct minors and a two-minute penally for instigating

London was whistled for 19 penalties, with one game mis­conduct, three five-minute fighting penalties and a five- minute slashing penalty

Chns Houle stopped 27 of 28 shots on goal for the Knights Drew and Weber combined for 20 saves on 25 shots London was 2-of-8 on the power play, while Plymouth was l-of-7


worse record during the Ontano Hockey League’s regu­lar season, a team that has bedeviled them in recent sea­sons

In two previous playoff loss­es to the Knights, in 1999 and 2002, it seemed it was more a matter of the Whalers finding ways to lose than making the necessary plays to win On Monday at Compuware, the chance to reverse that before it could be labeled a trend was there

The erupting cheers could be clearly heard down the hall from the Whalers’ locker room afterward “That,” explained Whalef Karl Stewart, “is just two years of firustration coming out”

It had all come down to this, a one-game showdown, the winner advancing to play Kitchener for the OHL’s Western Conference title It proved to be a game very simi­lar to the first four games of the senes, all decided by one goal

The first two penods decided nothing, the teams were knot­ted at 2-all Ten minutes of the third penod went by — no change After 12, it was still the same

With less thcui eight minutes remaining, the Whalers’ Chns Thorbum got a good chance He got a couple of them, but they missed

Then with under seven min­utes to go, on an innocuous- looking play from just inside the Knights’ blue line, John Vigilante dnfted from right to

until he was positioned nght in front of tihe London net He fired a long, hard, low shot through a ga^erm g crowd in front

And London goalie Chns Houle missed it It went past him on his nght Vigilante’s unassisted goal gave Plymouth a 3-2 lead

More big-play opportunities became available ^ ^a le r goalie Paul Drew drew a mys- tenous roughing minor penalty with 1 49 left, when the Kmghts pulled Houle for


The Whalers' Chns Thorbum (white jersey) battles London s Mike Stathopoulos (14) and Dennis Wideman for puck possession

‘These guys were motivated from the get-go. One thing London taught us: You've got to work every shift. Talent won't (win) it for you.'Mike VellucciWhalers coach

another attacker, they had a two-man advantage

On a face-off outside the Wh^tler zone, Stewart lost the draw but did not give up on the play He lunged at the loose puck, just trying to get his stick on It

“All I was thinking was pres­

sure, pressure, he said His effort was rewarded, he nudged the puck, tipping it past the London defenseman and into the Knights’ zone No one could stop him Stewart put the game away with his empty-net, unassisted goal, scored with 35 left

“These guys were motivated from the get-go,” said Whalers’ Coach Mike Vellucci “One thing London taught us You’ve got to work every shift Ihlent won t (wm) it for you ”

In the first six games of the senes, the team that scored first won In Game 7, the Knights Kyle Qumcey slid a shot toward goal that Dgmny Bois tipped past Drew, allow­ing London to draw first blood 8 57 into the first penod

The Whalers showed they

would not be outworked, how­ever Playing shorthanded,Sean Thompson and Chad LaRose disrupted the Knights’ play at center-ice, LaRose gaming possession and carry­ing the puck into the London zone His imtial shot was wide of the net, but the rebound came off the boards back m front

He shoveled it past Houle and, with 2 03 left m the first penod, the game was tied at 1- all

However, the Whalers’ char­acter would be tested again when their play broke down in the closing seconds of the peri­od, allowing Dylan Hunter to score as the buzzer sounded for a 2-1 London lead Corey Perry and Ryan Hare assisted

LaRose, who missed three

games in the senes on a sus­pension from a high-stick penalty, proved just how valu­able he was when took a pass from Cole Jarrett to the left of the Knights’ net and dished it to Stewart coming down the slot

Stewart scored with 16:26 left in the second penod and the game was tied a t 2-all, set­ting the stage for a third penod that would deade the senes

“Both teams worked hard,” said London coach Dale Hunter ‘ That’s all I ask, that they work hard They did their best

“We had our chances That’s the way it goes sometimes ”

And this time fate favored Plymouth

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(PC) Observer & Eccentric [ Thursday April 17 2003 LOCAL SPORTS wwwJtom etowntife.com

CC takes 3 of 5 in three-day stretch SPORTS ROUNDUP


If there was any baseball team that felt the effects of last week’s sloppy weather, it was Catholic Central

CC had a Saturday double- header sdbieduled with Brother Rice and a Monday single game with Taylor Light and Life as It was But poor weath­er forced the Shamrocks into a Sunday doubleheader with Brother Rice, giving them five games in three days

BASEBALLThe Shamrod^ came out of

it in decent shape, dropping both games to Rice on Saturday, but winning their next three games to improve to5-2 overall and 3-2 in 1he Catholic League’s Central Division

“That^s a lot of games and a lot of innings on a pitching staff early in the year,” said CC coach John Salter “It’s not always easy”


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Actually, CC was getting thumped on Monday by Light and Life, trailing 9-2 headmg into the bottom of the sixth inning But the Shamrocks exploded for nine runs - helped by Ryan Gallagher’s grand slam - in the bottom of the frame to earn the win

“It was another case of us coming from behind,” said Salter “Our hitting has been good other than Saturday, but even when we were shut out twice by Rice, we still hit the ball hard”

Greg Marrone (1-0) earned the wm for CC, while Jason Gingell got the save Caleb Ramey took the loss for Light and Life - a Division 4 finalist last year

The bats were going strong on Sunday for the Shamrocks as they swept the Cubs -11-1 in the opener and 20-5 in the nightcap after a 13-run fourth inning Kyle Crepeau was 5- for-6 in the doubleheader with two doubles and two RBI, Jeff Schulz was 3-for-6 with an RBI double, Gallagher had a pair of hits, a walk, was hit by a pitch and scored three times,

and Enc Vojtkofsky was 2-for- 2 with a pair of runs scored

Mike Monterey (2-0) won the opener, with seven strike­outs, three hits and no walks in five innings Pat Green got the wm m the second game m relief of Marrone

On Sunday, the bats weren’t exactly silent but the Shamrocks had no answer for Mike Kirchenheider and Matt Petry Crepeau, Gallagher and Gingell all singled off Kirchenheider in the opener and Derek Brooks tripled, but none of them could score

Schulz did throw well, stnk- mg out 11 hitters, but a bad hop bail in a bases-loaded situ­ation m the third inning let Rice open the door

In the second game, Petiy threw a three-hitter as Schulz and Crepeau singled and Monterey doubled Drew Amble took the loss for CC, giving up five hits led by a two- run triple and a double by Doug Pickens

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Registration ftn: Devon-Aire softb^ has been extended to Wednesday, April 9 Leagues mclude Jumor Boys (ages 7-12), Junior Girls (7-12) and Seniors Co-Ed (13-18) Ages must be as of June 1,2001 Cost is $35 for one child, and $30 for eadi addi­tional child m the same family For more information, call Lbny Perez at (734) 525-2884


Applications are available for the 33rd annual Dick Allen Lansing to Mackinaw bicycle tour, which begins either Wednesday, Aug 27 or Thursday, Aug 2 8 th ro u ^ Sunday, Aug 31 at the Madanaw Bridge Over 1,600 riders partiapated m the 2002 tour For more information, call (517) 882-3700 Applications are also available at local bike shops


■The Dragon Warriors, a 13-14 year-old travel baseball

team, will have tryouts at 6 p m every Sunday at the Downriver Baseball Center, located on Nixon Road in Rivemew

For details, call Steve Sajewicz at (734) 516-6148.

■ Indoor baseball tryouts will be arranged for the Michigan Bulls 14-and-tuider travel team (birth date after Aug 1,1988)

For more information, call Jeff Dolkowski at (313) 274- 6951

■ The Dearborn H e is ts Knights travel baseball team will be schedidmg tryouts for10-year-old division

For more information, call Rich Gruez at 1-800-949- 9834

■ The 14-year-old livonia IVavel Bulldogs will be staging tryouts for the 2003 baseball season Several roster spots are open

The Bulldogs have scheduled 35-40 games, including Ijtfte Caesars playoffs and topmeys. For more information,Scott Rozek at (734) 59V6935 or Gary Niepiczak at (734) 464-8709


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Looking for new decorating ideas?Read the A t Home section every Thursday in the Observer.

OHL PLAYOFFS Western Conference Final

Fnday ApnilSKitchener vs Plymouth

7 3 0 p m at Compuware Arena Sunday l^^ril 20

Plymouth vs Kitchener 7 p m at Kitchener Tuesday April 22

Kitchener vs Plymouth 7 30 p m at Compuware Arena

Thursday April 24Plymouth vs. Kitchener (if necessary)

7 p m at Kitchener Satirday April 26

Kitchener vs Plymouth (if necessary) ?30 p m at Compuware Arena

Monday A p r i lsPlymouth vs Kitchener (if necessary)

7 p m at Kitchener PREP BASEBALL

Thursday April 17Business Tech at Ply Christian 4 30 p m

A A Greenhillsvs Canton Agape 4 p m at Griffin Park No 1

John Glenn at Bedford Union 4 p m Liggett at Ciarencevilie 4 30 p m

Saturday ApriM9 (all double-headers)

Cantor at Salem noon Salem at Canton 2 p m

Cranbrook at John Glenn 11 a m PREP 6IRLS SOFTBALL

Thursday Apnl17 A A Greenh I s vs Canton Agape

4 3 0 p m a t Griffin Park No 2 Redford Union a t John Glenn 4 p m

Liggett a t Ciarencevilie 4 3 0 p m PREP BOYS TRACK Saturday April 19

EMU Invitational 930 am . Dearborn Elks Relays TBA

PREP (»!tLS TRACK Saturday, A|Mll 19

EMU invitational 9 3 0 a m PREP GIRLS SOCCER Thursday ApHLIT

Canton at Birmingham Seaholm ? p in Zoe Christian at Ply Christian 4 30 p m

P K P BOYS TENNIS 'Riursday Af»1(17

Franklin at W L Northern 4 p m Redford Union a t John Glenn 4 p m

Saturday A|kK 19 Redford CC a t A A Pioneer B a m


Madonna vs Indiana Tech (Ford Field) 3 p ri( Saturday ApHt19 (double-header)

Madonna vs Indiana Tech (Ford Field) Ip ih WOMENS COLLEGE SOFTBALL

(all doiAle4ieaders)Thursday /MnU17

Madonna at Siena Heights, 4 p m Friday AprillB

Madonna at Aquinas College 4 p m Saturday April $

Cornerstone at Madonna 1 p m TBA - time to be announced

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UDWwJtometownt%fe.com LOCAL SPORTS Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 (PC)


It starts witii the battery, seniors Ross and Bro^vn Ross emerged as Canton’s top pitch­er a year ago, and Brown, in her fourth year as a starter, was an all-division selection at catcher

Then there's O’Bnen, anoth­er senior who was all-WLAA last season

Odier top returnees are sen­iors Caitlin McNicholas, a shortstop and team captain (together with Brown),Gomey, a third b^eman/lefk Beider, Kim Di^dfich, a second baseman/outfielder who has been hankered injury thus far, Sprankle, who will start m left field, and Midielle Roelofs and Knstina Turcayn, two more of the promising arms on Arnold’s exceptionally deep pitching staff

Five juniors will also make ^ im p a c t on the squad out­fielders Amber Filot, Jackie Penno and Anne Rosales (who also plays shortstop), first base- man Kelly B ^ e r and catd ier/^ird baseman Heather Richardson Rachel Wade, a freshman, has made e n o u ^ of an impression to earn a starter’s spot at second base, and Conlon, a sopho­more, IS yet another pitcher who plays first base, too

“A lot of people think I was crazy keeping four pitchers,” said Arnold “But we’ve been able to use them and change up against opponents ”

Ross remains his staff ace, but that doesn’t mean he would hesitate to c^ l on any of the others “Not at all,” he said, pointing to Saturday’s tourna­ment, dunng which Ross got two wins, Conlon and Roelofs got one apiece and Thrczyn earned a save The Chiefs shut out both Garden City and Wyandotte Roosevelt by 2-0 m ^gins, outslugged Dearborn Crestwood 9-3, and edged Salem 4-3 They lost to Kennedy in the title game, 2-1

But it isn’t just his team’s pitching that has impressed him “I’m extremely pleased with the defense the^ve played,” Arnold said “And when you get five hits off of one of die best pitchers m the area (Thibet), you’re doing all right ’

With the three Farmington schools having left the WLAA — North and Hamson played for the title last season — die race could be wide open “Our league is still very competitive,” he said “Their leaving won’t

change anything”Western, Walled Lake

Central and Salem figure to be very tough, new coaches at two Livonia schools make their abilities more difficult to pre­dict

But certainly Canton plans to be in that hunt, too “Our goal for this year is to improve on that,” he said, noting last season’s record

The way the Chiefs have started, that seems reachable, to be sure

Michelle Jurcak got wms m both games Monday as Salem swept past Ann Arbor Pioneer,1-0 and 11-3, in a non-confer­ence double-header at Pioneer

In the first game, Jurcak came on^n relief of starter Kelli Szczepanski^ who pitched just one mnmg Jurcak surren­dered just one hit, walking one and striking out one

The game’s only run scored after C ortn^ Edwards reached base on a passed ball after striking out Jess Bonello sacri­ficed her to second and Mandy Bradley followed with a solid base hit ffiat scored Edwards

Zoe Helm took the loss for the Pioneers, giving up just two hits and one i ^ k while Stnk- mg out 17

“The girls came out strong nght away and held their ground the entire game,” said Salem coach Bonnie Southerland “My defense was outetanding Jurcak had a great outmg and redly stepped up when we needed her

“Zoe is a very good pitcher who throvt^ a mean nse ball, one ofthe best I’ve seen so for this year"

The second game was a bit different Jurcak got the win, but she gave up 10 hits and one walk, stnking out three Maggie Tiidor led the Rocks’ a t t ^ wifii a home run, a dou­ble and a sm^e and four runs batted m

Edwards added three hits and an RBI, Mandy Bradley had two hits and two RBI, Emily Maletic had two hits and an RBI and Alycia Murawsfci got two hits

Salem is now 6-2 orerall, 1-0 m the WLAA and 1-0 m the Lakes Division Pioneer dropped to 4-2 with the two losses to Salem

Last Saturday at the Tkylor Tournament, the Rocks went 3- 2, beating Romulus 19-1, Wayne Memond 7-0 and Thylor Thimanll-3 They lost to even­tual tournament champ Tkylor Kennedy 4-0 and to tourney runner-up Canton 4-3


,, April 14 at Csntral No 1 singles Brian Keesey (C) def

Chris Price 6 3 6 3No 2* Mike Mgrianti (WLC) def Steve

West62 61No 3 Zach Hoernschmeyer (C) def

FudiSanhari7 6 (7 3 ) 6 4 No 4 Duke Kapelanski (C) def Nick

MaUane67(57) 6 2 7 6 (7 5)No 1 doubles Josh Rotengerg J R

Berry (WLC) def Sam Hargis Alex Mannica 6 4 61

No 2: Pat Muller Brennan Willos(WLC) def Sam Kaufman Vic Mata 6 2 6 4

No 3 Dan Meltligh Jordan Schwartz (WLC) def Jon Eric Corneliier Mike Keesey 4 6 6 4 7 5

No 4 Matt Curd Alex Fabiszewski (C) def Avi Friedman Ahi Fuhuta 6 2 5 7 6 3

D ua^m ^ record Canton 101 m the Western Lakes Activities Association 2 01 overall


April 11 a t Canton No 1 singles Brian Keesey (C) def

Simeon Rowland 6 2 6 2 No 2 Steve West (C) def Paul

TENNIS RESULTSGiordano 6 2 6 0

No 3 Andrew Lewis (WM) def Alex Mannica 7 6 (7 3 )6 3

No 4 Rob Bohsh (WM) def Duke Kapelanski 6 7 (6 8) 6 3 6 3

No 1 diHibies Sam Kaufman Vic Mata (C) def Jeremy Bowling Tim Hammer 6 2 6 3

No 2 Jor? Eric Corneliier Mike Keesey (C) def Enk Moro Rex Fugaban 6 0 6 3

No 3 Matt Curd Alex Fabiszewski (C) def Brett Burns Wilder Christopherson 6 0 61

No 4 M att Shichtman Sankalp Bhatnager (C) def Steve Frost Richie Popham 7 5 3 6 6 3


April 14 at SalemNo 1 singles. Jerry Murray (LC) def

Mike Ware 6 1 6 1No 2. Pat Shaw (PS) def Glen

Wozniak 2 6 6 4 6 2No 3 Chris Treadwell (PS) def Trevor

Kogut 6 1 6 4No 4 Samer Dohadwala (PS) def

Mike Ligeski 4 6 6 4 6 2No 1 doubles PatTokarski Rob

Wallen (PS) def Evan Be Mike Lane 7 6

61No 2. Jason Masters Jason Lewis (PS)

def Casey Greene Phil Sulegamani 6 2, 7 6

N o 3 Nan Li Mike Han (LC) def Scott Lytle Craig Lytle 5 7 7 6 6 4

No 4 Sean Wilkins Ross Heidenreich (PS) def Pete Schrader Morgan Truscott 61 63

S ALEM ?LIVONIA FRANKLIN 1 April 11 at Franklin

No 1 singles Ryan Kingsbury (LF) defeated Mike Ware Jr 6 3 61

No 2* Pat Shaw (S) def Vim Shukla 61 61

No 3 Chris Treadwell (S) def Corey Clearman 6 3 5 7 6 3

No 4 Sameer Dohadwala (S) def Dave Kosmalski 7 5 6 7 6?4

No 1 doubles Pat Tokarski Rob Wallen (S) def Dave Stempien Matt Vicini 6 2 6 0

No 2 Jason Masters Jason Lewis (S) def Steve Vert Mo Morns 6 0 6 2

No 3 Scott Lytle Craig Lytle (S) def Corey Stram Ryan Monarch 6 4 6 4

No 4 Sean W illiam s Ross Heidenreich (S) def Joel Domke Alex Witte 6 0 6 2



Baptist Park 11, Canton Agape 8 :Errors continue to plague Clanton Agape Christian On Tuesday at Gnffin Park, the Wolverines allowed six runs in the second and three more m the fourth, more than they could overcome

The loss left them at 1-3 Mike Bommanto took the

pitching loss, he gave up eight earned runs on 10 hits and four walks, striking out 10 Johnny Estrada led Agape with two hits, including a double, and three RBI Bommanto had two hits and an RBI, Nick Seeley got two hits and Gabe Molnar had a two-run double in the fourth

On Monday at Gnffin Park, Agape got Its first win ofthe season, edging Ypsilanti Calvary Chnstian 16-15 in 11 mmngs

The game-wmnmg rally started with a double by Kyle Miller leading off the llth David Donaldson walked and Estrada singled to load the bases With Bommanto at the plate, a passed ball scored Miller with the winning run

Bommanto led the Wolvennes with four hits, including a three-run home rtm in the third and a two-run tnplem the first He scored

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four runs and knociked in sixMiller had three hits, includ­

ing a double, and two RBI, Donaldson got two hits, scored two runs and drove in two more, Estrada had two hits and scored three times, and Ryan Barber had ^ two-run homer in the fourth

Bommanto got the win in relief of Donaldson, who pitched the first 10 mmngs and gave up 10 earned runs on 15 hits, five walks and three hit bafomen He struck out 20 Bommanto pitched one score­less inning

A rth u r Hill 3 , Salem 2 : Dylan Tobin turned in a solid pitch­ing performance Saturday, but It wasn’t enough as Salem lost

to Saginaw Arthur Hill m the first of two games played at Saginaw Nouvel Catholic Central

Salem fell to 1-2 for the sea­son

Tbbin pitched five strong mmngs, givmg up all ffiree runs (only one earned), but he took the loss Arthur Hill had just four hits, but Salem had only three

In the second game against Nouvel, the Rocks surrendered 12 runs m the first four innings and suffered a 12-2 loss m a five-mmng mercy Balem had five hits and committed five errors in the game

Dave Pawlukiewics started and took the loss for the Rocks

The win boosted the Rod^’ record to 4-0-1 overall Heather Jones was in goal for the shutout, she made 12 saves

“She was phenomenal,” said Nora “She made big save after big save”

Salem 1r Livonia FranMIn 0: OnMonday, WLAA foe Livonia Franklin was the victim of another late game-winning a l by Salem

Manssa Sm'kesian got the goal, finishing a pass from Jordan Falcusan with six min­utes left in a conference match p l^ed at Franldm

Knsten O’Beime was m god for the shutout The victory gave Salem a 1-0 record m the WLAA The Patriots are 0-4 overall, 0-2 in the conference

On Saturday at Rodiester, the fimsh was even more dra­matic Falcusan got the game- wmnmg goal this time, converti- mg a pass trem Megan McCarthy with just *32 remain­ing

“It was a pretty good game, back and forth,” said Rncks’ coach Joe Nora “It was pretty excitmg to get the wm mere at the end ”

Heather Jones was in goal for the shutout She stopped seven shots

KA2, Bethftsda Christian 2:Astrong wind made a major dif­ference Tliesday at Sterling Heights Bethesda Chnstian

AB four goals were scored into the same goal

Plymouth Christian Academy traded 2-0 at halftime, Katie MacDougall trimmed file deficit to a a l for the Eagles, and Katie Polera knotted it at2-all

Rachel Rudzis was m goal for PCA. She had 12 saves

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(PC) Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April 17 2003 LOCAL SPORTS www.homet6 wnUfiB.com


The Canton Community Junior Baseball and Softball Association is searching for umpires for the 2003 baseball season Anyone 14-and-over with some umpiring and/or baseball back^ound should call Greg Angel at (734) 981- 3007 and leave your name and phone number, or email the information to wdivgreg4@aol com

All umpires will be required to attend an umpire’s clinic on May 18 All inquires need to be done by May 12


The Hickory Creek Ladies Golf League is searchmg for new players m die Plymouth/Canton area. Hickory Creek is located on Ford and Napier m Canton

The league will meet at 8

a m Thursdays beginning May 1 for nine holes of golf Contact Susan Morman at (734) 414- 9941 for more details


The city of Plymouth is accepting registrations for its spring recreation classes

Youth programs include Jump-A-Rama Play Program, Fitness Yoga for Kids, Gymnastics, Dance, The Kwon Do and Ceramics Adult and senior programs include Scrapboolang, Gardening, Creative Writing, Yoga, Hammer Dulcimer and Fitness For more information, contact the Recreation Department at (734) 455-6620 or check the web site at WWW a Plymouth mi us


Last call is now for kids

interested m learning and playing lacrosse This fifth/sixth grade team from Canton welcomes both new and experienced players The team will play a 14-game schedule from April 1 through June 1 m the Middle School Scholastic League

Practices and games will be at Hentage Park For more information, check the web site at WWW eteamz com/cantonlax, or contact Ann-Mane Caravellah at (734) 483-5600


A new yoqth disc golf (fiis- bee golf) league that will play this spring at Freedom Park (southwest comer of Sheldon and Palmer) m Canton is seek­ing area youdis from ages nine to 14 to join

The league will begin with two weeks of practices/clmics from April 21-May 1, followed

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by SIX weeks of competitive match play through June 12

The sign-up period con- * eludes April 18 Call Matthew Cunnm ^am at (248) 344- 9505 for details


The a ty of Plymouth Recreation Division will have registration for its 5-6 year-old T-ball league from 8 a.m -4 30 p m April I-’IS at the Recreation office, located at 625 Farmer in Plymouth m the Cultural Center

Children must be bom between July 1993 and July 1995 A birth certificate IS required The season rans from June 21-Aug 9 (no games July 5)

^ r more information, call (734) 455-6620 or check the web at WWW Cl Plymouth mi us

Visit the Observer online at www.hometowniife.com


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t h e

Where U .S . military goes, bowling follows

Ten Pin Alley

AlHarrison j

642 3000 s We /

. WWW dittnchftirs com _

n a daily basis, we are l lw a tc h in g as history is being

made in the battle of Iraq As a noteworthy item, bowling

has been a fac­tor with our military ever since pnor to World War II

As we were building a net­work of tram- mg facilities, ai^elds such as Sdfhdge in MountClemens were among so maity new Army, Navy and

Marine bases Selfridgeisa good example of how our mili­tary forces were able to go bowl­ing in their off-duty hours

Those bowling l^ e s still exist, and ffiere are several active leagues stiU using the facility As we went through bat­tles m Europe, our Bntish allies were able to provide areas to build more bases and of course, more bowling facilities sprung up before and after the war

As our operations became more global, GIs, sailors, Mannes and airmen got their first of the sport of bowlmg while serving m the military in such action as Korea, Vietnam and now a second time m the Middle East

If our troops have a lengthy stay in Iraq, there could be bowling lanes built there as well Bowling is flounshmg in such places as Japan, Australia, Germany and elsewhere that we have had a lengthy presence

One of the few p l^es without any bowhng are Russia and the nations of ffie former Soviet Union, as we had no bases in that area.

Some domestic bases became obsolete and were sold off to the private sector for avilian use One that I had occasion to visit recently was the Presidio m San Francisco It was originally built m the mid-1800s, prior to the Civil War and has a long and fabled history

The old barracks are now upscale condos, and Presidio Bowling Center is flourishing in the shadow of the Golden Gate bndge as a pnvately owned business, purdiased recently from Unde Sam

■ Keep up with your fevonte sport The slick cover magazine, Bovdmg Digest, is loaded with the latest information on equip­ment, bowling tips from John Jowdy, interviews with top per­formers on the pro tour, month­ly tips from Kim Adler, humor ^ m Chuck Pezzano, “Bowling Clinic” by Bill Spigner, letters from readers, ads for bowling balls and other items of interest and personahty profiles from vanous bowlers

The magazme is not to be confused with out local tabloid.

Bowlers Digest It is published monthly but not widdy distrib­uted on newsstands

The address is BowbngDigest, 990 Grove St, Evanston, IL 60201-4370 or phone (847) 491- 6440, wwwcenturysports net or e-mail cs@century«porte net

It’s worthwhile reading for bowlers and endiusiasts

■ Keep m mind the Women’s US Open coming soon to Sunnybrook Lanes in Sterling H e is ts It begins with the pro- am squads starting at 11 am Saturday, May 24, and ends with the live TV finals on Sund^,Junel Qualityii^ rounds begin on May 26 ml- lowed by match-play leading up to the finals

For those who enjoy bowling m the pro-aifts, the entry fee is only $60 and t h ^ get to bowl as doubles partners with some of the great lady bowlers on tiie pro tour For more information or entry forms, call (5ary Zanck at (586) 264-2700

M In the local lanes, Paul “Gump” Gadomski f i r ^ his first-ever 300 game in his first season in the Wonderland Classic at Wonderland Lanes m Livonia. His wife, Diane, works just down the road at Woodland Lanes

Earlier, Batry Schlussel had a 298 in the same league

At Plaza Lanes in Plymouth, Don Parks of the Sun<^y Mommg Hangovers league rolled a perfect game on his w ^ to an 804 senes

Meanwhile, I^ t Agius of the Waterfoid Men ro ll^ his first 800 senes with exactly 800 nght on the button

Plaza manager Roy Biggs announced that on May 14, the Wednesday Sweepers will offer a top prize of $1,000 guaran­teed Ib is is scratch bowhng on sport condition lanes, so whoev­er wins the big one will really have earned it

Garden Lanes m Garden City had some hot shooters high­lighted by Dave Hazelngg nng- mg up a perfect game m the Suburban Merchants League

Dan Ramos of the Vinco Wednesday League rolled his second 300 in the space of three weeks with a 777 senes Todd Wilson of the Dearborn H e is ts Men’s League pitched a perfect game as well

Woodland Lanes m Livoma had some impressive scores as Brent Pond dealt out a 298 in the lavonia Elks, while \Tc Lewandowski delivered his first-ever 300 game in the Thursday N i^ t Men’s league

Also, Daryl Wludyka shot his 300 in the Thursday Night Men’s and Coy Cbrdone dehv- ered his 290 in the Catbolic Central League.

Al Hamson is a resident of Livonia and a director of the Greater Detroit Bowling Association He can be reached at (248) 4771839

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D8 (PC) Observer & Eccentric i Thursday April 17 2003 LOCAL SPORTS wwiv-hometownUfe com

Hughes leaves after 26 seasons SPORTS ROUNDUPMU V O LLEY B A LL CAMPS


There will be a changing of the guard for Livonia Churchill girls volleyball next season

Mike Hughes, one of the area’s most successful prep coaches, turned in his resigna­tion to athletic director Marc Hage last week, signaling the end of an era.

Hughes, who also plans to retire from teaching from the Livonia Public Schools in June, leaves with zxi overall record of 765-254-81

His 1991 team finished 47-1-1 and captured the state Class A title He also led the Chargers to the 1979 state final and a state quarterfinal berth in 1979

Under Hughes, Churchill won 12 conference titles, including the 2003 Western Lakes Activities Association championship, along with 11 divisional crowns

In his final season, Hughes led Churchill to the 0ass A regional final and a 49-8-3 record

"It’s going to hard to duph- cate what Mike did,” Hage said “He’ll sorely be missed I’ll miss him like crazy

“He had a real good run and he’s goii^ out totally on his terms With all his experience, nobody had a higher energy level He was a go-go guy all the time and a top-notch coach”

Hage said the job will be posted Monday with JV coadi Mark Gremer possibly as the leading candidate

The Chargers return several key players next year

"It’s a very attractive posi­tion,” Hage said “I’m sure we’ll get interest from all over”

Hughes, a department chair in history and social studies at Churchill, felt the time was right to retire

“I still enjoy it and still enjoy the kids,’ he said “But it’s a decision I thought about a long time and it heavily weighed on my mind

“This coincides with my retirement from teaching I have a firm belief, if possible and whenever possible, that

'He had a real good run and he's going out totally on his terms. With ail his experi­ence, nohody had a higher energy level. He was a go-go guy all the time and a top- notch coach.'

Madonna University will host a senes of summer volley­ball camps

Cost IS $120 ($90 for youth camp)

Morning sessions will be from 8 30 a.m -noon — June 29-July 2 (Site), July 7-10 (Setters), July 13-16 (Hitters)

Afternoon sessions will be from 1-4 — June 29-July 2 (General Players), July 7-10 (Youth), July 13-16 (Defensive

Specially)For more information and

registration, call MU head vol­leyball coach and camp direc­tor Jerry Abraham evenings at (734) 254-0698 or the volley­ball office at (734) 432-5612


Total Baseball will stage a spring break baseball and soft- ball camp (ages 7-l7)> 9 a.m to 1 p m , Monday through Wednesday, April 21-23, at

Powers Park in Novi The camp will feature

instruction by Lee Bjerke, a >member of the Michigan High School Baseball Coaches Assoaation Hall of Fame, along with Jessie Milosek of Bowling Green State Hitting, pitching, fielding and base run­ning will be covered

For more information, call (248) 668-0166 or visit WWW eteamz com/totalbase- ball You can also email totalb- ballwixom@aol com

Marc Hageathletic director

Mike Hughesthe coach needs to be in the building When you’re m the building it’s so much easier”

Hughes, who ranks among the state’s top ten wmnmgest voll^ball coaches, believes the program will remain in good hands

“It’s a good program with solid kids and solid coaches. I’m not baling out,” he said “I still feel Churchill can be com­petitive and have solid success ”

After winning the 2002 WLAA tournament, Churchill was forced to forfeit five of its six playoff wins and its cham­pionship trophy after Hughes self-reported himself when he discovered a rules violation

He had used two JV players called up for the varsity tour­nament in their 19th regular season date, one over the maxi­mum allowable MHSAA limit

But Hughes never flinched about doing the honorable thing, blaming only himself, for the mistake He said he couldn’t have lived with him­self had he let it go

“I was not cognizant of the situation,” he told the Observer in February o f2002 “I just didn’t think It was not a ques­tion of being Ignorant I should have known It was my mis­take It hit me like a ton of bncks when I realized it There’s no excuse ’

Hughes also believes players win games, not coaches

‘You set excellence as a goal and the kids will buy into that,” he said It s not the same as winning but you try and play

as well as you can And it’s enjoyable to play when it hap­pens

“You talk about improving and you try to get better in terms of practice You find one aspect of the game to get better at There’s always something to shoot at But it’s never perfec­tion because we’re people ”

Hughes’ philosophy of coachmg volleyball went beyond wins and losses

“The games are student- player oriented,” he said “Practice is coach-onented You win because of the leader­ship of the kids”

In ’91, Hughes enjoyed a spe- aa l season

Although unranked the entire year, Churchill relied on precision passing and stellar defense resulting in the school’s second state champi­onship, a 15-13,16-7 victory over Temperance Bedford in the finals

“We knew we were a lot bet­ter than people thought, but once we won the Schoolcraft tournament, against some of the finest teams in the state, we felt we had a chance,” H u^es said

“But our only goal that year was to play our best during the year and play better than ^ e game before ”

It was a philosophy that cer­tainly worked well for Hughes, who had only one losing season m 26 years

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Real Estate Inquires

Robert M leisner

Association can levy assessmentsWe have recently been assessed a substantial sum fo r a new roof with no explanation as to where the money has been going for many years. When I asked to see the signed bids, neither the board nor the management company would produce them . I fee! the money is being spent frivolously on unneeded items and to o much control has been turned over to th e management company. Are there any laws In the state o f Michigan governing how a board can assess members fo r major repairs? Is it not necessary to assess residents equally at the same time and are there any laws governing how a board or management company handle the finances and present information to the owners?

You have a multitude of questions regardmg the goveram| of the association, many which are dependent upon what your condominium documents provide Most documents allow the board some flexibility m levying assessments to make repairs and/or replacements of the common dements as opposed to requinng approval from the co-owners if capital improvements are undertaken As to the actions of the management company and the board, you are best advised to consult with a knowledgeable condominium lawyer who can advise you as to whether or not there are abuses by the management company and/or the board since you have various nghts as a co- owner, both under the condominium documents, the nonprofit corporation act, and the condommium statutes, including the right to inspect the books, records and contracts of the association unless they are pnvileged

Robert M Meisner a lawyer con centrates his practice in the areas of condominiums real estate cor porate law and litigation He can be reached at bmeisnerilmich com This column shouldntbe con strued as legal advice

STILL FARMINGLand active in agnculture by county

Figure IS acres 43 560 square feet or an area 209 f t by 208 f t

Locatrai z m 990 C!l6Pj[6Mwiroe 241000 7%StOalr ^ .3 0 0 m s io 10Uvfngston 112100 125300 11Wtehtenaw mioo 221300 MMacomb 87100 104300 •57OMdand 53900 71300 24WayM ^ 6 0 0 46,600 -43

Sow^ SouUte^ WcIlQm CnswBofGownmnte

Realtors find many rewardsBY DOUG FUNKESTAFF WRITER

Some Realtors love the work for its unlimited income potential, others for the ability to set their own schedules

Most enjoy meeting and sharing in the happiness of clients, others socializing with colleagues

Some home sales profes­sionals relish walking through beautiful homes, others the challenge of put­ting together deals

For many, it’s a combina­tion of reasons

“I guess it’s because it’s so people intensive and so diverse,” said Janice Grupido, broker/owner of Countryside GMAC offices in Rochester and IVoy “It’s not the same job Monday through Friday It’s change, challenge and constant learning

“And the pure pleasure of helping people,” Grupido added “If you don’t have that, you’re in the wrong business ”

Grupido obtained her real estate license m 1977 after she and her husband literally built their own home 1 thought it was a logical progression,” she said

Big money, Grupido said, doesn’t come easy

“It takes a lot of stamina, a lot of hard work,” she said “There’s a huge learning curve and the matter of sticking with it ’


Nancy Sielaff, a Realtor with Coldwell Banker Schweitzer, Bloomfield Hills, is 74 years old and has been m the business for 13 years

“It serves to get me up in the morning, to get moving, to go to the office and relate to people and not feel out of the main­stream of life,” she said

‘My customers become my friends, they really do,’ Sielaff added That’s pretty nice at my age - to have increasing friend­ships ”

i ^ d y Norman, associate broker with Century 21 Town & Country, Birmingham, has been matching sellers and buyers for 22 years

“It’s the ability to be rewarded for quali­ty work - financially and personal satisfac­tion,” he said “Having people know that my name is associated with quality service

“I’ve had repeated $20 miUion-plus sales years and ow r $250 million in career sales,” Nornian added “I consider the value and repeated success I’ve had proba­bly puts me in the top two or three agents m Oakland County”

Putting together deals gives Curt Carson, a broker with RE/MAX Encore in Cl^feton, a big rush

“You have to deal ■with all the different issues that come up with particular par­ties, take care of problems,” he said

“Recently, I had an issue where clients were m an expensive house, the econon^ changed and they needed to sell Initially, they had tihe house listed too high It was on the market for two years Someone referred the sellers to me

“The house was in foreclosure and we ended up selling the house two weel« before the end of the redemption penod, but we couldn’t close in time because the bank said it wouldn’t do the deal

“I took It to court, the bank capitulated The key was taking care of these people The bank got what it needed, the buyers got a home they wanted and the sellers got out clean

“We’re in business to make a profit to feed our families,” Carson said ‘We truly are interested in helping our clients, pro­tecting them ”


Mary Keoleian, affiliated with Real Estate One in West Bloomfield, ergoys finding a house fo r somebody and seeing that they're excited and pleased about it

HOW TO JOIN RANKSProspective real estate agents m

Michigan must be at least 18 years of ageBefore embarking on a sales career agents must complete a pre-ltcensmg class of 40 hours with instruction in such areas as real estate law, financial responsibilities agency, fair housing and ethics,Private companies some larger real estate franchises and community col­leges offer the class on a regular basis Cost ranges from about $195 to $225Then there s the matter of passing the state licensing exam ($46)Agents generally affiliate with an office, work as independent contrac­tors and are paid on a commission basis They set their own schedules Agents usually are responsible for their own business plans and expenses including but not limited to paying taxes health care costs and retirement contributions from commissions Business expenses are tax deductible


Phil and Bev Anderlie, a husband-wife team, have been affiliated with Clark 8c Fron in Livonia for 13 and six years, respectively

That’s the big kick for Fhil“It’s absolutely wonderful we get to

spend so much time together,’ he said “As for other things, I enjoy meeting different people, different cultures you tdk to You meet all walks of life,” he said

“Also, when you find the perfect house, whether it’s first-time buyer, sec­ond-time buyer or third-time buyer that matches up when they h ^ t up, that’s cool”

Phil Anderlie shares a story that illus­

trates almost all of those points ‘We went to a home together They

called us about a mailing wehad done It was a couple from India They wanted to sell on their own They got a value for the house In two weeks they called back and said, ‘Please list our house ’

“T ^ en we listed it, I went down to Flonda to pick up a car and Bev sold it,” he continued ‘W e ve sold seven houses through that family When someone decides^to sell, you have 10 to 15 adults sitting around asking questions It’s kind of a unique experience on culture

“I know that family now wouldn’t call anyone but us,” he said “Business is like a tree Every customer is a branch Whether you re a small branch or a large branch, you re going to get the same care Money comes on its own ”


Mary Keoleian, affiliated with Real Estate One in West Bloomfield, appreci­ates the hunting aspect of the work

“The thing I probably enjoy most is finding a house for somebody, seeing that they’re excited and pleased about it That gives me a lot of satisfaction,” she said

It’s especially rewarding when clients bring repeat business

“I sold a couple a home in West Bloomfield It was my listing,” Keoleian said “The buyers were transferred the next year and I sold the house again

“They were in Germany 2-1/2 years and when they returned, the guy asked his wife, ‘Who do you want to work with?’She said she "wanted to go with me, and I found them a l;ouse in Novi

Tou get to be close to some of ihese people,” Keoleian said “There’s a lot of emotion involved in moving They were so happy, so grateful It w'as so nice working with them ”

Sandy Doner, associate broker with Remenca Hometbwn III, Canton, would seem to speak for most colleagues with her summation

“The people I meet, it’s so versatile the different personalities,” said the 23- year veteran

“Being part of one of the most impor­tant decisions people make in their life­times,” Doner added “That’s why it’s so challenging Every transaction is different, no repetition Everythmg is new and excit­ing

“Also, flexibility, being able to make your own schedule, your own hours,” she said

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Do yourmortgagehomeworkSpring has finally sprung

and the warming real estate market is showing

its annual sprouts - “Home for Sale” signs popping up around every comer You can increase the chance of success during this house hunting season - and per­haps even avert disaster - by doing a htde mortgage homework first

Researching your mort­gage possibilities does not mean merely phoning a dozen lenders to pnce out 30-year loans This tack will likely get you 12 lavish promises designed to lure you into the door

Before selecting a lender to fund your family's largest purchase, consider other important factors besides interest rate

First, your best “quoted” interest rate is totally worth­less if your loan officer can­not deliver as promised Every experienced Realtor will tell you that almost every foiled real estate deal IS due to botched financing You need a lender who is capable of getting your money to the closing table professionally and on time

Some mortgage lenders show up for business when the market is hot, then close up shop during the off-sea­son Fair weather lenders may not be your best choice Would you select a part-time or “discount” heart surgeon to operate on a family mem­ber, or an ‘ e-attorney’ to handle your family’s estate"?

Choosing a competent and ethical loan officer is no easy task as they are scat­tered throughout the indus­try No single bank or mort­gage company has cornered the market on top talent You are as likely to find a “Schlep’ loan officer m a well-advertised mortgage company or bank as in a smaller Mom-and-Pop shop

A safe bet for choosing a winning mortgage loan offi­cer is “word-of-mouth” Beware 'This is not a movie, so make sure you use a strong, credible referral source

Finally, tech savvy lenders can mal^ your life much easier Many now have access to Automated Underwriting that allows them to get loan approvals veiyquiddy Underwnting speed can sometifries be as important as price, some­times more A loan officer who has invested in time- savmg technologies is more apt to have his or her mind on the details of your trans­action

Timothy J PhillipS'is a mortgage specialist and newspaper colum mst You may reach him at (734)451 8267 or via WWW HomeQuarters BIZ Homebuyers should always consult a professional for guidance specif ic to their situation

REALTORF U L L PAGE AD INDEXR e a lto r P a g e #Century 2 t Town & Country 6EColdwell Banker Preferred . . . 3EColdwell Banker, Schweitzer 4EReal Estate One . . IF

IFor the Best Home Buys in I your Hom eton check the

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E 2 (•) Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April 17 2003 MOVERS AND SHAKERS wicw.hom etoicnlife.com

tfa ^ / i -C *--V—e .

W L I K . M A M l I t l . K\\k\R t \ M O R S

• 5 : 0

. 4

TAYLOR DEARBORNF^ls like home' Clean well three bedroom one Located m the prestigious gated TFC golf course bath home large iim t porch and two car garage and oimmuiu^ tlm detailed condo offers e^^ptional newer pnvacy fenced yard Great startesr home and viewsofthe7tiifairwayfromboththegreatroomand investment $103 000 (lOBEE) 734455 6000 master suite Contemporaiy and neuti^ wrdi upscale

amenities $546 000 (14TUE) 734455 6000

away ntheafy Mmutes to Whitemore Lake for tiiose sunset strolls Meticulous three bedroom Cape Cod has it all' Hardwood floors cathedral ceilings loft/study,

attached garage anddecking basement two car tastefully decorated Look no further $215 000 (59/SUN) 734455-6000

secure lobby $89 900 (73/GARl 734455-6000

WAYNEGrowii^ femily need more room’ Don’t miM flus 1600 square foot four bedroom three hill bath Cape Cod with two car garage and tons of updates Super clean and well maintained Nice Wayne neighborhood $146 000 (62^U ) 734455-6000

PLYMOUTHCharmu^ 1950-built ranch m Hough Park! This 3 bedroom home offers three baths spaaous hvu^ room family room l i^ t Med kitdien wifli spacious breakfast eatu^ area fimshed lower level complete wdiedroom, bath kitchen and recreation room, and 2 car attached g a r ^ The deck and patio provuk great areas foout(k)or entertaining $438,000 (37/MAP)


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This column highlights promotions transfers hirings awards won and other news within the real estate construe tion architecture and mortgage communities Send a brief summary including town of rest dency and black and white photo to Real Estate Movers and Shakers Observers Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia 48150 Our fax number is (734) 591 7279

Richard F. Corona Jr. joins Skanska USA Buildmg Michigan Division, F a rm in ^ n Hills, as project manager He bnngs 30 years of construction expenence, most recently as an esti­mator with Michielutti Brothers

Corona has a master’s degree in education from Western Michigan

University and a bachelor’s degree m education from Villanova (Philadelphia) University He lives in Grosse Pointe Woods

The Washtenaw Contractors Assodationannounces the win­ners of Its sixth annual Pyramid Awards

They’re present­ed for cooperation

C o L D W E L L B a n k e rS chweitzer R eal E state

$134,900W o w ! D e s ira b le b r ic k b u n g a lo w h o m e T h is h o m e o ffe rs 3 b e d ro o m s a n d 1 5 b a th s D in in g room liv in g ro o m h a s b e a u tifu l h a rd w o o d f lo o rs T o o m a n y u p d a te s to l is t 1 y r h o m e

SOUTH LYON $209,900A n x io u s o w n e r n e e d s fa m i ly fo r g ra c io u s 3 B O c o lo n ia l in g re a t n e ig h b o rh o o d H o m e s p a r k le s ! U p d a te s g a lo re E n joy s u m m e r n ig h ts s it t in g o n t ie re d d e c k M a k e a n o ffe r

■iSALEM $179,900N e w c o n s tru c tio n ra n ch B u ilt b y lo c a l s m a ll to w n b u ild e r Q u a l i t y w o rk w /m a n y lit t le e x tras 3 b e d s / 1 h b a th B a s e m e n t tw o c a r g a ra g e E s tim a te d c o m p le t io n A u g 0 3 (B G S L Y 8 0 F R E ) 8 8 8 8 7 0 9131_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

WAYNE $119,900B u n g a lo w w ith a ll th e u p d a te s S id in g ro o f k itc h e n c a rp e t p a in t e le c p lu m b in g A ll d o n e ! N e w W a lls id e w in d o w s F ire p la ce in b ase m en t O w n e r s a y s b r in g a n y o f fe r ! Im m e d ia te occuP .fB G S LY 12C U R 18 8 8 870 -9131


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M A K I N C , R I ' A L E S T A '

between owner, architect and con­tractor that results in improvement in some cntical aspect of a project and innovation in the industry.

Albert Kahn Associates, (archi­tect) Detroit, The Chiistman Co., (contractor) Lansing and the State o f Michigan (owner) won for best team project m the state completed by a member

Their entry was the Michigan Hall of Justice, Lansing

The six-story, 280,000-square- foot building joms under one r o ^ the Michigan Supreme Court, Michigan Court o f Appeals, administrative ofdces and a new Public Learning Center

DeMariaBuildmg, (contrac­tor) Novi, AagdUni fikAssodates Architects, Ann Arbor, and Eastern MiddganUniversity, (owner) combined to win for best team proj­ect in W a^tenaw County under $3 million Their entry was Crossroads Marketplace, 6,000 square feet o f reno­vations o f the din­ing commons at the Hoyt Conference Center

Fhoenis: ContractCHS, B ow m & R dn, (architect) and the Michigan Antique F iieE i^pnm D t Preservatmn Group, (owner) Ypsilanti, teamed to win for best team project in Washtenaw County over $3 milhon

Their entry was a renovation and addition totaling 12,000 square feet for a museum dedi­cated to firefight­ing

David Esau, vice president of Cornerstone Design, Ann Arbor, received the associ­ation’s Vander Hyden Award for accomplishment and advocacy/serv- iceto the industry

Also, Safe2Work, an Internet-based system that tracks safety awareness framing and drug screening status of Michigan’s union­ized construction population, was reco^ized as the best innovation.

The program began as a collab­oration among the Great Lakes Construction Alliance, Management and Unions Serving Together and Coastal Training Technologies Corp

Grubb & Ellis, acommercial real estate firm in Southfield, recent­ly was involved in a couple of major transactions

M ich ^ Rist, of the firm’s invest­ment group, rep­resented the seller and found the buyer for Woodland Square Shopping Center m Livonia

Also, Geoff EfiB, ChudcGinsterand Mike V ai^ in rep­resented both the owner and the ten­ant, American Eagle Corp, m the leasmg ofmdustn- al space m Trcty


CANTON $447,900H a llm a rk o f E le g a n c e ' M a g n if ic e n t C a p e C o d w /p ro f f in is h e d b s m n t fe a tu r in g w e tb a r w /a li th e b e lls & re c rm & fu ll b a th 3 c a r g a ra g e h d w d f ir s S w a y f r p I (B G N 6 1S T O ) 8 8 8 -8 7 0 9 1 2 3

CANTON $249,900T h e y D e n t C o m e A n y N ic e r 'P h e n o m e n a l 4 B R 2 5 B A C o lon ia lc o m p le te ly u p d a te d In c re d ib lec u s to m k itche n , F R w /g a s FPF in is h e d b s m t M a in t fre e ext Youw ill love th e “A ss e m a n y” inground -------------- -----------------


DEARBORN HTS $139,900B r ic k b un ga low w ith 4 b e d ro o m d o rm e r a n d 2 b e d ro o m s o n e n try leve l W ill b e ready fo r s h o w in g s by M ay 1 s t S p a c io u s c o rn e r lo t w / fe n c e d y a rd a n d 2 /s c a r d e ta c h e d g a rag e (B G L 9 6 P O W )


LIVONIA3 5 4 6 s f ra n & b i Iv h o m e o n 2 7 8 a c re w o o d e d lo t w /c re e k A p p rx 1400 s f o u t b ldg w /fp h e a t C /A & 2nd g a r M a s s iv e d e ck in g & b u ilt In poo l N e w e r k it w /m a p le c a b s & fpin n o o k a re a 2 n d k it & fp in Iw Iv


LIVONIA $199,900C la s s ic B ric k R a nc h O n 3 7 A c re ' 3 b r 1 5 b a 2 c a r g a ra g e fin ish e d b a s e m e n t ' O p e n f lo o r p la n g rea t fo r e n te r ta in in g B r ic k f ire p la c e N e w e r fu rn a c e & C /A w in d o w s h w h (B G N 62H O Y ) 8 8 8 8 7 0 9123

PLYMOUTHC la s s ic h o m e o f fe rs o ld w o r ld ch a rm w /m d rn c o n v e n ie n c e s L R h a s 9 f t c e ilin g s & lo ts o f w in d o w s re s to re d p in e m o ld in g s b a n is te r u p d a te d k itc h e h u g e D R b a th & la v u p d a te s te a r o f f ro o f C /A (B G L 17 S T A ) 6 8 8 -8 7 0 -9 1 0 5

PLYMOUTH $214,900Q u ir i ty & P r id e T h ro u g h o u t 3 B R 2 B A ra n ch w /2 c a r g a r G o u rm e t k it w / lo ts o f c u p b o a r d s & p a n t ry sp a c e F o rm a l D R w /b u ilt- in s o p e n s to L R w /c a th c e ilin g B ric k F P & 3 s e a s o n ro o m La rge fe nc ed ^ r < ■ ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

CANTON $424,900 CANTON $249,900Im m a c u la te o n C u l D e S a c l4 B R P r ic e R e d u c e d o n N e w c o n c e r te d to 3 w /g ra n d m a s te r C o n s t ru c t io n '3 B R 2 5 B A w /1 s t s u ite G o u rm e t k itc h e n w / is la n d f ir m s tr L R & F R h a ve soaring w in d o w t r e a tm e n ts w /m a tc h in g c e ilin g s & lo ts o f w in d o w s End unii sp re a d s M u lt i- t ie re d d e c k w /H o t w /g a s F P & fu l l b a s e m e n t 2 c a r tu b a n d g r ill (B G N O O C R O ) 8 8 8 a t t g a ra g e B G P 3 2 G la 8 8 8 8 7 0 8 70 9 1 2 3 9127

CANTON $269,900H u rry ' H a rd T o F ind 3 B d rm R anch In p o p u la r S u n f lo w e r S u b d iv is io n G re a t ro o m w /fire p la c e d b l d o o rs to b e a u t ifu l d e c k 1 s t f i r la u n d ry h u g e k i t c h e n w /b a y w in d o w (B G N 2 0 H A N ) 8 8 8 8 7 0 9 1 2 3

DEARBORN $138,800W e ll m a in ta in e d 3 b d rm b r ic k ra n c h in fa m ily n e ig h b o rh o o d U p d a te s in c lu d e k it v in y l w indow s fu rn a c e C /A ro o f & m o re H w f lo o r s in 3 b d rm s C ity c e rts c o m p le te d F u ll b a s e m e n t w / fu ll b a th (B G L 3 5 L IN ) 8 8 8 -8 70 9105

DETROIT $119,900S p a c io u s 3 b ed ro om c o lo n ia l w ith n e w w in d o w s , k itc h e n c a b in e ts & g la s s b lo c k w indow s H u ge F R w ith n a tu ra l f ire p la c e P a rtia lly fin is h e d b a s e m e n t w ith 1 /2 b a th N e w s id in g a n d fenced y a rd w ith a la rg e p a tio (B G L90C O U ) 8 8 8 -8 7 0 9 1 0 5

LIVONIA $350,000B ig F a m ily ’ R e a d O n l 6 b r 4 fu ll b a th s 2 k i t c h e n s f in is h e d b a s e m e n t, a lm o s t 1 a c re w /d e e r m any u p d a te s fu rn a c e A C ro o f w in d o w s 2 h w h N e e d ro o m s Tvro y e a r h o m e w a rra n ty (B G N 4 5M A Y ) 8 88 8 7 0 9 1 2 3

GARDEN CITY $149,900M ov e r ig h t m l U p d a te s re m o d k it o a k c a b s h rw d f i t /o (e x c k i t } n e w e r s id in g & g u tte rs n e w d o o rs F in b s m t w /w e t b a r c e ra m ic t i le & c a rp e t in g 1 /2 b a & g la s s b lo c k w n d w s 2 5 ca r g a r w /o p e n e r A /C (B G L 1 2 S H E )8 8 8 8 7 0 9105

LIVONIA $225,000S ta rt P a c k in g l T h is s u p e r ra n ch s ty le h o m e is f u l l o f u p d a te s M arb le fo y e r & b a th O a k k itc h e n w /G ra n ite c o u n te r to p H u g e g re a t ro o m w / f ire p la c e P ro fe s s io n a lly (in b a s e m e n t (B G N 8 5 S U N ) $ 8 8 8 70 -9 12 3

LIVONIA $249,900A to u c h o f “G re e n fie ld V illa g e ’' 3 b d rm 1 5 b a c o l o n 1 /2 a c re lo t L R w /fp C o u n try k it w /o a k ca b s fa m rm w /ca fo c e ilin g s & doorw a ll 2 0 x 2 0 lib /d e n o r b o n u s rm 1 s t fl la u n d rm F in b s m t w /g la s s b lock w n d w s 2 c a r a tt g a r (B G L25M E L)

PLYMOUTH $499,900P re s tig io u s W o od lo re S o u tt i 4B R , 3 1 B A c o lo n ia l L rg m a s te r BR w /w a lk in c lo s e t & v a n ity C e ilin g fa n s in b e d ro o m s p o w d e r rm on 1 s t f lo o r Is la n d in k i t D u a l s fo irc a s e s F in is h e d b a s e m e n t B G P 83Tan 8 8 8 -8 70 -9 12 7

PLYMOUTH $279^900A ll D re s s e d U p & R e a d y F o r T h e N e w O w n e r ! A ttn to d e ta i l & a d e s ig n f la ir m a k e fo is h o m e s ta n d a b o ve th e c ro w d M a n y re c e n t im p m e v in y l w in u p d t fo t b a th s ro o f d e c k fe n c e in d s i^ g a r d o o r & H W H B G P -6 1 A u b 8 8 8 -8 7 0 -9 1 2 7

PLYMOUTH $145,000G o in g G o in g G o n e ! B e tte r th a n n e w R a n c g fo rm a l liv in g /d ln in g ro o m n e w k itc h e n n e w b a th f irs t f lo o r la u n d r y s h e d f o r e x tra s to ra g e p a t io m a tu re tre e s & m u c h m o re ' (B G N 8 4 F E R ) 8 8 8 - 8 70 -9 12 3

PLYMOUTH $249,900E x tra o rd in a ry T urnkey 4 b r 2 5 b a th C o lo n ia l' N e w e r c e n tra l fu rn a c e , w in d o w s h d w d flo o r in g t i le b a th s c a rp e t in g e le c t r ic a l c o p p e r p lu m b in g k it c h e n s p r in k le rs , ( a n d s c ^ in g (B G N 9 5 M A R ) 8 8 8 - 8 70 -9 12 3

WAYNEP re m iu n C o u r t Lcm ation l S p ac io u s lo t in n o r th C a n to n 3 bed room 2 5 b a th c o lo n ia l w if l i d in in g room , b ig fa m ily ro o m S id e w a lk s Q u ic k o c c u p a n c y C le a n a n d n e a t H u rry ! B G P 3 0T w l 8 8 8 -8 7 0 -9 1 2 7


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www.hom etm chlife.com HOMES SOLD IN WAYNE COUNTY Observer & Eccentric j Thursday April 17 2003 (») E 3

These are the Observer & Eccentric' area residential real estate closings recordedthe weeks of Dec 2 6 at the Wayne County Register of Deeds office Listed below are cities addresses and sales prices

Canton885 Burlington S247 000721 Comet Ct $16000044285 Cranberry $235 0007022 2 Spring S238XI0047513 Glengarry $32000045183 Indian Creek $2050008622 Mannington $2550001553Manton S225000696 Merrlmac $17200048180 Royal Pomte $422 00042496 SsitZ $194000136 Sheffield $217000896 Wildwood $2230002608Woodmont


509 Areola $14200031706 Barton $13700030155 Sock $15200032703 Bock $18700033448 Bock \ $14000032592 Dover $1450006026 Helen \ \ $132 00029931 Leona $135 00028625 Leona W O 00028030 Sheridan $75 00029554 Sheridan

Uvonia$142 000

30152 Acacia $19800034023 Ann Arbor $16300038208 Ann Arbor $8800014021 Areola $17900014160 Areola $17700014222 Areola $1810009830 Berwick $17200036849 Bristol $260000

11326 Brookfield $156000 13628 Berkshire11531 Cardwell $135 000 11675 Butternut14737 Country Club $185000 11157 Chestnut33992 Coventry $165000 41600 Lindsay17456 Fairway $234 000 130 S Evergreen8886 Floral $188000 11823 Sycamore11755 Haller $100000 4W97W Ann Arbor10028 Hartel $172 000 8810 Woodlore South13970 Hillcrest $165000 1046 York14357 Hix $212000 Redford9427 Houghton $212000 11403 Arnold14086 Hubbard $228 000 9911 Brady32838 Indiana $180000 9101 Columbia30443 Industrial $330000 13426 Crosley14280 Katie $85000 9390 Dale31243 Kendall $170000 9336 Dixie

37^0 Kingsbury $300000 19925 Five Points36544 Kingsbury $230000 18298 Fox36540 Ladywood $220 000 15265 Garfield9403 Lament $178000 17615 Glenmore19315 Lathers $258 000 15634 KInloch14644 Merriman $93 000 17166 Kinloch28947 Minton $155 000 18661 KInloch30789 Minton $155000 19474 Lennane37860 N Laurel Park $222 000 8842 Marionl« 97 Norman $197000 11364 Marion19856 Norwich $295000 23350 Meadow Park15335 Norwich $196000 12681 Mercedes17341 Sfamwich $214000 19^2 NegauneeH628 Stark $161OOQ 17446 Noisome34142 Trillium $110000 15899 Pomona34190 Trillium $105000 15744 Ryland34238 Trillium $320 000 $148000

34255 Trillium $309000 9167 Seminole $144000

17897 University Park $153 000 12025 Tecumseh $70000

18325 University Park $145000 12025 Tecumseh $130000

27475 Vargo $163 000 26924 W Davison $155000

15425 WKue Skies $260000 19350 Wakenden $91000

32210 W Chicago $195000 Westland

17685 Westbrook $256 000 30512 Avondale $133 000

32449 Wisconsin $160000 30758 Avondale $113000

14219 Woodside $198000 33729 Beechnut $168000

Plymouft 32564 Benson $1400008542 Berwick $140 000

$500000 8565 Berwick $145000$145000 35101 Cady $139000$225 000 38348 Cherry Hill $180000$199000 38501 Cherry Hill $163000$390 000 7626 Cherrywood $57000$150 000 7661 Flam ngo $162 000$155000 1624 Flynn $90000

$446000 34438 Glen $133000$261000 34718 Glen $121000

35530 Glen $93 000$103 000 6520 Harmon $143,000$144000 7485 Harrison $114000$156000 34455 Hazelwood $159000$128000 35640 Hazelwood $116000$120000 30504 Hiveley $88000$128000 30504 HIveley $135 000$60000 34330 Hunter $149 000$127000 7449 Lathers $102000$60000 29057 Medonaid $80000$119000 32123 Melton $115000$116000 32741 Merritt $155000$80000 37131 Korene $160000

$150000 6310 Pembrook $230000$127000 39248 Phlox $173000$105000 7765 Princeton $138000$127000 7415 Randy $171000$165000 1293$ Sutton $160000$145 000 31223 Steinhauer $130000$92000 7682 Tern $145 000

$126000 33736 Warren $133 000$116000

BRIEFSWrite Real estate briefs Observers Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia 48150 Our fax number is (734) 5917279 Our e mail address is dfunke® oe homecomm net

CAREER SEMINARKeller Williams Realty-

Livonia offers a free, no-obhga- tion class on how to get into real estate sales and what you can expect 10 a.m Fnday, April 18, and noon Saturday, April 26, at Its offices, 31500 Schoolcraft, just west of Merriman

To register, call (734) 266- 9000

NEW HOME SA LESThe Sales & Marketing

Council, Building Industry Association of Southeastern Michigan, sponsors a class, “New Home Sales Management, Strategies & Ttaming,” 8 a.m to 4 p m

Wednesday-Thursday, April 23- 24, at BIA headquarters, 30375 Northwestern, Suite 100, Farmington Hills

Cost IS $349 for sales and marketing council members, $399 for BIA and Apartment Association of Michigan mem­bers and $499 for non-mem­bers Tb register, call (248) 862-1033

CONDO OPERATIONSRobert M Meisner, a lawyer

and columnist for O&E, teaches a class, “Advanced Condominium Operation the Essentials of Success,” 7-9 p m Thesdays, April 22-May 13, in his offices, Bingham III Office Park, 30200 Telegraph, Suite 467, Bingham Farms

Cost IS $95 lb register, con­tact Oakland Community College, (248) 522-3618, or MeisneFs office, (248) 644- 4433

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CANTONMEADOWS OF CANTON COLONIAL Newer 2001 4 bedroom 2 h ba th first flo o r laundry 2 345 square feet w ith 3 w ay firep lace Large k itchen 9 foo t ce ilings and 3 ca r garage (P 60BR O ) $309 900

CANTONBETTER THAN NEW CANTON CONDO!Beautiful gas fireplace In great room and first floor laundry are only 2 o f the features of this 2 bedroom home (P91 HUN) $169 900

GARDEN CITYCHARMING GARDEN CITY BUNGALOWT h is 3 bedroom G arden C ity B u n g ^o w is a IC k M any m any updates p lus ^ r a large garage and a big fenced ya rd w ith deck H urry o n ly $134 500 (P D E E )$ 13 4 500

GARDEN CITYTHIS IS A 10 Peilect 3 bedroom 2 bath bnek Ranch Rnished baswnent with b a ft M a ry many updates big 2 car gaiage Newer appliances stay Must see' Only $147000 (P50LAT)

PLYMOUTHRIDGEWOOD HILLS SUB #2 Professionally decora ted 4 bedroom 2 /« ba th Colonial G orgeous F lo r id a room G utted ba th new w indow s roo f & w ood flo o rs F irep lace In fam ily room Pro-fin ished basem ent firs t floor laundry Featured in Parade o f H om es (P50PIN) $429 900

PLYMOUTHPLYMOlfTH CROSSING SUB Spectacular 3 bedroom 2/4 bath Colonial Crown moiefing freshly painted New kitohen w if t i^and & grarute counter t ( ^ new baths ^ m a c e air conditioning & roof Huge 2 tie r deck with gazebo. (P01 PLY) $334 900

Di ^QualityProperties Inc. iT^^ReaiEstate

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L E A S E ... U NIQ UE DOWNTOWN PLYM OUTH - 3 722 square feet whteh in c lud e an office upstairs and large loft area Two bathrooms M i glass front and side great b r window d i^ la ys . Two staircases Large glass ^nu m Be a part of the business excit^nent in ckwrttown $5000^onth(995AN )

BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY LO T - Murry on f t is 3 bedroom r ^ h situsded on a huge treed lot w ift perennials and fsatunng newer roof many newer windows spacious family room with Replace newer doorwall leads to 3 tiered deiik, 2 car at^ched garage Neutral decor One year home proteidion plan $184909 (211EL)

- 1

U K E A NEW HOME - Triple lot & gorgeoi^ 3 bedroom bric^ ranch totally updated & formal dining room too Attached garage large kitchen full U n ite d basement and 1t4 baths Tons of updates $106 900(649HA)

STUNNING C APE COD - Open floor plan in this 3 bedroom cape cod in Canton Great room master suite dining room & kitchen with golf cou^e view Fireplace in great room with vaulted ceilings. Master bath and first floor launciiy Absolutely fabulous home $379900 (797SA)

A L L T H E ELEM EN TS THAT MAKE FOR R E A L COMFORT! - Tantalizing updated ranch with easyoare landsc^e Big “room-lo-rurf yard 2 car garage spacious living room w ift bay window Updated eating-space kitchen with all appliances Finished basement with rec room full b a ft & bedroom Central air c ^ in g fans fully fenced new vinyl siding &newerwindows $168,300 (290NO)

UND ER $197,000 IN NORTH C ANTO N - With m ^ y updates this besuittfully kept home is a ffo rd ^ ly priced Open floor p l» i neutral decor oak kitchen w ift ceramic tile and remodeled bath Awesome fireplace In temily room and bay wndow in living room Extra large yard backs up to commons area Very nice hom e'$196 900 (S56SA)

S OUTHERN EXPOS U RE - Soft and Inviting with slight contemporary flair 'H iree bedroom 2 story Bacira to open area Wonderful master ^ l o u s basement Neutral $289000(384ST)


C ANTO N C O LO N IA L - Sunflower Ullage move in condition Clean & bnght neutral decor Four bedrooms ^ d 27: baths Master suite with jetted tub separate ehower and walknn closet Lsuge room sizes, 2 sto iy foyer has hardwood floors, baths have ceramic tile p ro fe s s lw )^ landscaped fln i^e d b a ^m e n t with extra storage and more

SPRING DELIGHT - Great for starters or reflrees Gorgeous ranch Large master bedroom (could be converted back Into 2 bedrooms for a 3 bedroom home) new oak kitchen and l^ g e living room All appliances ^a y larger lot Bring your checkbook $112 900 {425FL)

INVITING ft SPACIOUS - Enjoy hardwood floors & cove ceilings Updated oak kitchen Family room with fireplace 4 bedrooms and 2A baths Parbally finished basement 2A car garage covered bilck patto and 2 000 square feet Nicely updated Welccme home' $220 000 (726MA)

A B S O LU TELY B EAU TIFU L -Gorgeous 4 bedroom 3/4 bath home Offers large family room with fireplace dining room open kitchen flnished basement library and 3 car garage Large lot with landscaping Master bedroom has vaulted ceiling & master b a ft with Jacuzzi tu bA m u stse e $419900(832RO)

IM M A C U U TE CANTON HOME! -Move in and enjoy th is better than new raised Ranch Awesome Euro white kitchen new ceramic floor fresh paint & ceramic baths Cozy fireplace oversized garage and dnve Great loti Call ter more details'$249 900 (740NO)

SOUTH REDFORD - Remodeled kitchen hardwood floors super 3 season room huge m a^er bedroom and full basement makes this h(»ne a must seel Nesfled beautifully in sub with a garage' Very quick occupancy $138900 (931SE)

g M .

T LC • TEN D ER LOVING CONDO -Awaits you mihutes from downtown Plymouth Start putting the buck in your pocket nstead of )teur landlords Charming 2 bedrooms 2 full baths and first floor laundry make this a great buy Spend your evenings watifting the Are dance as you relax In your living room overloc^lng Hines Park $153900 (755SY)

WHY RBNTT Totally updated condo in Westland featuring brand new carpet & paint new l i ^ maple lotchen updated battts, new interior doors 1 car attached garage im d f i n i ^ basement $134900 (298CA) \

FIV E BEDROOM H OM E - Neat and IMMACULATE A IHVITINQ -Wift many updates and features Wondeilul 3 bedroom U bath Canten

New roof updated kitchen and bafts 2/4 colonial w ift vinyl windows new dooiwall car gsuage finished bEraement and updated kiteften cabinets updated baths spacious ded< with gazebo Priced to sell and first floor lavatory newer interior $192 9<K) (603HA) doois and mcH'e Family room ded(, great

cu ib appeal $209900(648ME)

IMMACULATELY-KEPT C O LO N IA L -Four bedroom 2% bath 2 story f ta t Is dark ling & spotless Nice master suite gourmet kitchen & a large family room Near schools 2 car garage security system hardwood fteonng & custom t^lnds Main level laundry formal dining room air conditioning basement and fully landscaped lot Immediately available $399900(797TC)

IM M ACUUTE! - Awesome 3 bedroom all bnck raneft in prime area of Livonia! Newer windows tear off roof 98 newer furnace newer central air Very neutral throughout Sunroom overiooking large serene yard come take a loold $214 900 (454PC)

Y O U R SEARCH IS OVER! - Neat & clean 4 bedroom 2/4 bath colonial! Newer windows hot water heater roof seamless gutters carpel & fresh paint C o ^ family room with full brick flreplace Beauffiully landscaped & large serene backyard Come take a looki $222 000 (738SO)

S O M ANY UPDATES! - Lovely colonist ^tuated on a quiet cul-deeac Gas fireplace In great room gourmet kibften with tHiilt in microwave upgr^ed cabinets & pantry First floor laundry Gorgeous master bedrocmi with walk in (^oset Room in lower level could be used as ateurtti bedroom $254 900 (136WI)


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Open Houses AnnAiiJor

3110 Dearborn/Dearbom Hgts 3120 Oeboit 3140 FamingWn/

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3210 Hghland 3220 Holy/Fenton 3280. Howell 32S0 Livonia


3310 OnonTown^ip/ LaHeOnon/Oxford

3330 3340

3370 RoyalOak/OakPark/


3410 Tmy3420 WaterfordfUnion Lake/

3440Orchard Uke/ KeegoHarbo WestlancWayne Wixom/Waled Lake/ Commerce

Lvngslon County Macomb County Oaklaid 00/017

4COA I Al/A4*Af«iAAI.a*ii^«4 LIaa>aaootfu LaKdrrouVwatdiTrorit nomss 3590 Other Suburban Homes SOO Out of State Homes/Propeity 3810 Country Homes 3 6 ^ Farm^orse Farms 3640 Re^ Estate Sen/ices 3700 New Home Bulders 3710 Apartments For Sale 3720 Condos3730 Duplexesnownbouses 3740 Manufactured Homes 3750 Mobile Homes 3760 Homes Under ConstniCPdn 3770 Lakefront Property 3780 Uke/RverResoit/Property 3790 Northern Property 3810 Southern Pn^er^3820 Lots&Acreage/Vaoant 3 ^ Time Share 3840 Lease/OptiontoBuy 3850 Mortgage/Land Contracts 3860 Money To Loan 3860 Money To Borrow 3870 Real Estate Wanted 3880 Cemetery Lots

3 9 0 0 -3 9 8 0


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1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L


jo p e n Houses

BLOOMFIELD TWP OpenSat 12 3 2739 Berry Lovely 4 bedroom ranch w / walkout basement on large lot B loom fie ld Hills schools $274 000 248 723 2674FARMINGTON HILLS 38213 Saratoga Cr Sun 1 5 (off 11 Mile W of Halsted) Lovely stylish condo 3 bedrooms 2 V i bath near golf Agents ok $226000 (248)426 0662


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1080 W illow Grove Ct E/Livernois between Avon & Walton in Hidden Hills sub Completely updated Move In condition Living/dining room fireplace 2 bedroom 1 5 bath finished walkout deck and tw o patios Custom moldings/window treatments $175 000 248 656 3405


1 800 579 SELL

Open HousesSouth Lyon

OPEN SAT 19th 1 4PMN 10 Mite E Rushton

Move righ t In to th is 4 bedroom 2 5 bath colonial w /fin ished basement w/wet bar & large deck

Dawn ColstonC 21 Town & Country

(248) 797 7448

BIRMINGHAM ESTATESCottage style chaim

OPEN 2-4pm A pn l19 th April 26th &27th

1231 Buckingham E off Adams 4 bedrooms 2 5 baths 3 fireplaces 2771

sq f t $710000

RENT TO OWN3 bedroom fireplace base ment bar fenced yard 2 car garage new appliances $1150/month 248 647 4719By Owner 31079 E Rutland Beautifully maintained 3 bed room brick ranch in Beverly Hills Fully remodeled kitchen & bath firs t flo o r laundry all appliances Screened porch newer driveway & 2 car garage Perfect fo r young couple or retirees Don t miss the photo GoneHome com $245 000 Cali 248 644 4894Sharp Birm ingham home clean & fresh New on Market (n beautifu l neighborhood east o f Cranbrook South o f Maple 3 or 4 bedrooms fam ily room 2 1/2 baths Asking $653 000 Call SANDY LADD RE/MAX in the Hills (248) 283 0199STUNNING 4 Bedroom w / 3 5 baths many custom features 4 700+ sq f t $870 000

ShareNet (248) 642 1620

BLOOMFIELD SCHOOLS 2800 sq f t 4 bedroom brick colo nial private tot new kitchen & wet bar w/Conan oak floors brick fireplace curved oak staircase alarm updated $569000 248 645 6164

Servicing Wayne • Oakland Livingston

1500 SQ FT 3 bedroom 2 bath Ranch large great room bu ilt 66 H acre $224 000 No Realtors 810 225 6229

BRIGHTON/HQWELL 1800 sq f t homes on 1/2 acre lots Great location paved streets sidewalks sewers go lf & boatng Hurry only 12 lots left $180 000 $220 000Lbe rty Homes 810 225 8944

"CREAM PUFF"Simply spectacular 2 storyi Highly updated & decorated to perfection! 2 5 baths partially fin ished basement form al dining room large bedrooms attached garage & fenced yard North Canton Priced to sell $225 000 (23031888)

Call Carol LaPerriere CENTURY 21 Hartford

248 939 0993

1 5 ACRES On wooded lot Yes still out there' Cute old farm house w / basement Just try to compare all fo r $179 900


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CALL FOR APPOINTMENTGrosse Point Farms - Owner Wants OutIM a k e u s a n o f fe r G re a t V a lu e in t h is s p a c io u s 3 b e d ro o m b r ic k i m e h T o n s o f u p d a te s N e w e r fu rn a c e A C H W H m o s t w in d o w s g la s s b lo c k in f in is h e d b a s e m e n t L iv in g r o o m w i th g a s f i r e p la c e h a r d w o o d f fo o n n g & p ic tu re w in d o w L a ig e e a t in Iq tc h e n T o o m u c h t o l is t M u s t s e e ' Bargain Price ^ 0 ,0 0 0Dearborn - E n d u n it 3 b e d ro o m 2 5 b a th r a n d i c o n d o w ith 2 c a r a t ta c h e d in d e s ir a b le F a ir la n e E a s t C o m p le x S p a c io u s e a t in k i t c h e n w ith d o o rw a il t o p a t io L iv in g r o o m w ith v a u lte d c e i l in g , g a s f ir e p la c e & d o o rw a il t o p r iv a te p a t io L a r g e 1 7 x 1 1 m a s te r s u i te w ith d o o rw a il t o 3 rd p a t io D e e p in c o m p le x w ith p o o l & c lu b h o u s e $234,000Livonia G r e a t s t a r t e r h o m e o r in v e s tm e n t p r o p e r ty T o ta l ly r e n o v a te d 2 b e d r o o m h o m e L iv in g r o o m w ith n e w c a rp e t in g o p e n s t o g o o d s iz e d u p d a te d k i t d ie n w ith n e w s to v e & f r ig A ll n e w b a th a l l n e w w in d o w s u p d a t e d e le c t r ic e x t r a in s u la t io n th e l is t g o e s o n Offered at $89,000

Far More Information Call


2 4 8 -9 0 1 -0 Z B 2248-Q'12-8100 .roBosiTa-.

3 BEDROOM 1 5 BATH RANCH attached 2 car garage C/A updated finished base ment appliances fenced yard $204 900 734 397 8187

BEAUTIFULLY Maintained3 bedroom Colonial 1 5 bath many updates $208 900

734 397 3046 wwwhno com #MI16073

Sell It all with Observer & Eccentric 1 800 579 SELL

COLONIAL 4 bedrooms 2 5 baths hardwood floors huge kitchen huge deck leads to large landscaped yard $326 900


HOMETOW N (7 3 4 ) 4 59 6222

NORTHWEST DETROIT7 & Lahser 3 bedroom 1 5 bath Great cond cheap price $110K 248 980 6908

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K y inw a i 11430 C okA rB or3 bd n H 2 '5 b ^w i/2a > se W t La|emaster bdmiw/bath apdMWtbthffiate!S277400

£^teia Tw|>m34S MapieriSacre woQdedjarcrt dOfilofftofitageim

i^eddea td)2 < K k H -^^c lv 6 iv 2 S ’a ^Jiqje

Stole iM

Cstt£«n48 fllmteri Way (eoada)1 bedrpcfflj towbhouse, fonnal dm ii^ tm, Wlife bay cabinets in kifehen 1st f ir $1® §00

3 bedroom,Newer roof wnulotvs

W «fl8iw l 1^22 SUfber (w M oy l^dated 2 bedfSo% dows fbnmeto

garaj^^ t m m

3 ' t e B»l4.jkcl3 fiirB sn itw /i

Caiitba4400 Canton Center (from Ge4d«s r #3bdtffl laneh^rawUng-overS^OOasqft sdfflig; baS+asasaoflradw/pWidiSttani $499,500Ca-ato*4^|9Bara|og»Cfrcte3b<fim/2 5ba

SaJ natumlfiteglape m m

Cb^sitoter’ l bedroom b$fitobSv,pa«.flii£skM basme«li®Wil/aba4«pds 199,900R«abrl[442JtfS&rt0tt3MWt FTOSgl UtolWOCtffloto?,!

to&bWm $T74^

3>be|roo»t!«n ^ psp- dfeB IjBifiaJ speopaney |4c«!g5tvl0down $7 909B|aEbo?ii2480OW

2 bedroom'dolltease ’updatodlaKbmi&bafe newer«o£ windows carpet Bauble

99iS$m i 5BaFtondaXoom

V :

ilve»i8-«877:GfeN»»T /Great loOMKHi. Livoma Ssheofe, & oeoaai



SnBipteiv2S34ftE|waaw0c«eSlot.- i3O0 -F $234 00

© tfS e ii3 b t e l S oar gmige ^ 4 7 1

mntus^906l|^jko^■acres p e t I


THOUSANDS in c o m m is s io n s !

i a S . « BfcrviAiL; homes@h u sk o m e s .com

V isit u s at www.h u sh o m es .com

It’s all about results!

O n h j ^

C h a l e t

WESTLANDVery nice three bedroom brick ranch in Tonquish Sub Twofull baths large kitchen Wallside

vflndows centra! air newer roof closetoshopping schools Call today for your prr/ate showing'


Extremely well maintained Lwonia ranch 1300sq ft Three bedroom & 2 5 baftis Updated

windows S d ow w ^l newer Berber carpet throughout Large finished bsmntw/wetbar Much more Call for a showing today


Charming Redford ranch 111X) s q ft family room w/gasfrpic vinyl windows updated bath

newer kitchen floor & ste^ entry doors 2 decks 1 5 car garage

fenced aiithis and more $104,900

Contemporary colonial six yrs young AlmostlSOOsq ft 3 bedroom 2 5 baths firstfloor laundry ^m ily roomw/natiir^ fireplace partiallyffn bsmnt 7(b<153lot two car attached

garage all this and more $182,«W

VALUE! VALUE'VALUEM995 built Hunters Pointe colonial

Neutral t/o Spacious kitehenw/ island Whitecabinetryt/o frpicin GR Adjoining 4 season Ra rm 25batti Fantastic deck ovdkng

veryprtv yd Immed occupancy $239,900

UVONIAFOR RENT iNtWONIA CONDO Rrststory 7 4 0 s q u a e f^ door

wail to deck, near pool and courtyard water and gas

included in rent common $780permorTHi

ROMULUSBeautiful ranch built in 1991 with lotsofffidras Over 1200 square feet three bedroom two bath

mastersuitewithfireplace bafii and walk in closet custom deck,

large detached garage V/oodhaven schools

All this and more $134,900

U V O N IAPndeinovmeisliipshows

Greenfield Villa ccyido Great room w/vaulted ceilings firepfece and doo tw II to pdvatd deck wffti c o u r^ id y te w U p da ^k itc ten

with island b ^ in both bedrooms fintehedbasqiritoit with storage H o m e W ft ir ^

$237,000Ask About Exclusive Buyer Representation

Century Plaza Corner Five Mile & Newburgh

37290 Five Miie Road Livonia, Ml 48154

( 7 3 4 ) 4 3 2 - 7 6 0 0

M O R T B A I3 E C a R P O R A T I O N

F r e e Pre-Approvals“0 DOWN”

Call Today For MoreInformation! PAUL RICHER

AVP/B»isch Manager ^

Pager: (810) 595-6700

, (734)462-2771


Farmington Hills

Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April j? 2003 ( * ) | 5

3 BEDROOM RANCH 2100 sqf t 2 baths c/a fu ll basement 2 car gar age large lot above ground pool$239 000 24S 932 7515

FIRST OFFERINGM int m int 3 bedroom brick ranch 1 5 baths beautifully decorated picture w indow in large living room and natural fireplace Formal diningremodeled kitchen Florida Room basement attached garage nice yard $199 900

3 ACRESContemporary brick ranch 3 spacious bedrooms 2 baths Open & airy Great room with natural fireplace Step saving kitchen breakfast room Pull basement Fish pond on property Attached 2 car garage $329^00

Century 2 1N a d a , Inc248 477 9800

FOR SALE BY OWNERRolling Oaks Sub 1968 colo

na l $25 000 below appraised value Foreclosure price == $319 000 Financing available Lender 248 737 6666NEW ON M A R IN I By owner4 bedroom 2 storyCopper Creek 800 603 1470

Listing #1601

OPEN SUN 1 5PM Large 1981 brick custom ranch By owner 4 full baths, 4 bedrooms Available 30 45 days Old Homestead Sub 1 block N of 11 Mile & Drake 26300 Meadowvlew $310 000 (248) 477 5510

Search over 500 homes fo r sale online w/!ow down

paymentsLivinglnFarmlngtonHills com


NEW CONSTRUCTION 1570 sq f t ranch 1 6 acres 3 bed room 2 baths hardwood & tile floors maple cabinets $205 900 Call 810 599 5916

CityGarden Ci

JU S T REDUCEDIWonderful solid 3 bedroom Bungalow w/updated kitchen and remodeled bath fu ll basement and 2 1 /2 car garage Appliances iwww LivingInGardenCitycom

RE/WAX 100 (248) 348 3000 THE FIRESTONE TEAM

LOOK NO FURTHER Sharp 3 bedroom brick ranch large kitchen huge pantry 2 1/2 car garage newer windows & doors Immed late occupancy $132 900

TASTEFULLY DECORATEDRanch w ith spacious bedrooms fam ily room basement updated bath on a nice lot $120 900

O n t ^

CASTELLI (734) 525 7900

Serving the area fo r 28 yrs

ORIG IN AL OW NERBeautiful 3 bedroom b rck ranch with finished base m ent 1 5 baths 2 car garage and beautiful 3 season room Long lis t of updates like shingles cement & updated kitchen

Listed at $149 900’Call The Anderson's Century 21 Dynamic

(73 4 ) 728<7800

RANCH 3 bedroom s 2 5 baths fin ished basement great room w/cathedral ceiling Corner lot attached garage deck $166900 734 425 6932

LARGE 3 bedroom brick Ranch oh 2 acres Too many updates to lis t ’ Brighton Schools $239900 (313)220 3535

Give us a call today - See what our

CanilofotYOII!1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

A PRETTY FACE and pretty on the inside ' This sharp 3 bedroom newer home with many upgrades throughout Flooded w ith natural light this home includes great room w/gas fireplace large kitchen with island & doorwall to deck basement 2 car garage golf coU|^e frontage and paved cul de sac se tting ’ Hartland Schools $289 000 CURB APPEAL PLUS the peace and quiet of country living on over 2 acres! This home offers 3 bedrooms 3 5 baths a fin ished walkout basement w ith fu ll bath large master suite w ith glamour bath on firs t flo o r deck fo r enjoying the views and 2 car garage Hartland Schools $290 000 CHANGING SEASONS welcome you to th is 4 bedroom 1 5 bath home with wonderfu l h illtop views of Bullard Lake' Home also includes fa m ily room with fireplace living room and 2 car attached garage Privileges to private Bullard Lake and Hartland Schools $177 000 IF YOU DESIRE graceful living among beautiful suiToundings you II love this wonderful mew 2 sto iy home on 3 5 wooded acres' Home includes 2800 sq f t 4 bedrooms 3 5 baths walkout basement 3 car garage solid surface countertops crown m old ings ceram ic tile Andersen w indow s great room w ith fireplace and morel Hartland Schools $465 000

ENGLAND REAL ESTATE 885-211 9560 610 632-7427

EVERYTHING YOU COULD ASK FOR! Quality built new ranch w ith peaceful 4 acre setting w ith pond in fron t and stream across the back' Excellent flo o r plan includes 1735 sq f t warm kitchen great room w ith gas fireplace m aster su ite w ith walk in c lose t and private bath basement and 2 car garage' Howell Schools $297 000

ENGLAND REAL ESTATE 888 211 9560 810 632 7427

Updated Hom e on 1 Acre

Lovely ranch style home w/basement and completely updated Kitchen w/cathedral ceilings breakfast nook w / fireplace and newer carpeting tile thru out Deck w /ho t tub and 24x32 f t completely finished workshop o r garage $169 900 For details g o to WWW karen brown com


(248) 348 3000 Ext 212

G R E A T B R IC K H O M EUpdated home w/completely new oak kitchen neutral counters and sink fu ll finished basement lovely updated bath newer w indows furnace & air Go to WWW karen brown com o r call fo r details $147 500


(248) 348 3000 Ext 212

LEVAN/96 AREA Quad level 4 bedroom 2 5 bath in ground pool backs up to nature preserve Over 2200 sq f t lots o f updates Nice sub $299 900 734 748 9074

LIVONIASHARP & SPACIOUS 3 bed room home featuring 2 updat ed baths basement garage large ravine lo t newer roof furnace & m ore ' $174 900 (JL21GRI)BEAUTIFUL 4 bedroom home w/1 5 baths 2 5 car garage basement newer roof fire place Florida room huge lot $179 900 (JL596RI)LOVELY 4 bedroom ranch w/1 5 baths fireplace 2 car garage newer G/A roof carpet & the lis t goes on ' $159900 (JL18HAL) Page JUDY LIDZBARSKI @ 586 308 5767


WWW remericaintegritycom

NEED ROOM T h is 2 411 sq f t 4 bedroom 2 fu ll & 2 half bath brick colonial offers full finished basement firs t floor den hardwood floors new 90-f furnace & A/C New kitchen w /red oak cabinets fie ldstone fro n t & fireplace and tons more

Call KEN GENTILE 734-591 0333 ext 117

CELL 734 968-7213 Coldweli Banker Scliweilzer

NEW CONSTRUCTIONLarge b rick great room ranch 1/3 acre wooded lot 3 bedrooms 2 baths fashion bath den or d ining room available 30 days $309 900

248 474 5272

2 ACRESHuge pole bam & beautiful home priced under appraisal value Olde world charm restored m 1994 formal dining room dream bath w/skylight & huge Jacuzzi tub first floor laundry Newer windows furnace 1993 Home warranty Virtual Tour $279 900

734 525 9600 Century 21 Hartford North

H O T TUBCool pool on winding walk fhru perennials Tempting 3 bedroom 2 bath ranch with huge fam ily room shouts we lcom e' Finished base ment and garage $179 900

(248) 887 6900 FIRST AMERICAN

REFINED Country ranch in the country has 2400 sq ft Spacious kitchen w/custom cabinets hardwood floors & nook great room w/fireplace skylights spiral staircase & morel $339 900 Cal! Coldweli Banker Callan Realtors 525 N Mam Suite 240 M ilford 48381 Tom Callan or Carol Dickei^on 248 684 6116 AC2337

COLONIAL 4 Bedroom 2 5 baths 2 fireplaces Finished basement great location! $259 900 (248) 344-4261

Noilitville1929 Brick Tudor on 2 2 acres Loving ly maintained & up dated throughout the years Over 4085 sq f t o f quality 4 bedrooms 4 5 baths & much more' $1 497 000 #225275 Marjorie Bolgos 734 747 7777 eves 734 998 1138 Charles Reinhart Co Realtors

NORTHVILLE Queen Anne home Cabbage Town beauty 446 Grace St 3 br 2 bath 1540 sq f t completely updat ed $288 000 appointment only (248) 924 2199SPECTACUUR 2 350 sq ft3 bedrooms 3 5 baths end unit cape cod offering stunning finished basement w /w et bar oak kitchen w/granite tops wrap around decking overlooking the woods & ponds oak flooring firs t flo o r den & laundry golf course com m unity pool & club house

Call KEN GENTILE 734 591 0333 exM 17 CELL 734 968 7213

Coldweli Banker Schweitzer

NOVI CAPE COD4 Bedroom 2 5 bath 1st floor master 2730 sq ft $353 900 248 420 4910 See pictures at WWW angelfire com/ex/noviNOVI SCHOOLS $258 000 By owner 2100 sq ft 3 bed 2 5 baths 2 5 garage 22136 Shadybrook 248 347 9901

OPEN FLOOR PLAN3 bedroom 3 1/2 bath 2300 s q f t all brick ranch built 1992 hardwood floors $389 900 248-348 1566

JUST LISTED) Newer 1700 sq f t 1 5 story home in the Village o f P inckney' Home offers 4 nice sized bedrooms firs t f lo o r master suite

Eartia ity fin ished garden asement and 2 car attached

garagel Plus home has a pnvate wooded wetland area w ith an abundance o f w ild life ' Pinckney Schools $219 900

ENGLAND REAL ESTATE 888-211 9560 810 632 7427

Looking for a NEW hom e?Be sure you look in your Observer & Eccentnc Classified section for all the newest local listings'


As members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, the METROPOLITAN CONSOLIDATED ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® is proud of our contributions in support of the Fair Housing Act and other Fair Housing Compliance programs

Our REALTORS® have led the housing industry in promoting fair housing and are committed to opening the door of your choice



A Harvest of Features!

Invidng tree lined street in troduces a wonderful home A 3 bedroom 1 5 bath clas SIC ranch Living room din ing area Hard wood floors in newer kitchen Newer roof & w indows Family room m finished basement w ith fireplace Screened porch 2 car garage Walk to town $249 900


313 201 5757 E mall therelopro®aol com

217 W Ann Arbor Rd Plymouth

BUNGALOWPlymouth/downtown 3 bed room 2 bath classic bungalow Updated extra large kitchen 2 5 car garage 697 Adams St $225000 734 673 9865

C H A R M IN G 'This 3 bedroom 2 bath coton iai offers many updates base ment 2 car garage $222 500

CENTURY 21 PREMIER (73 4) 453-4308

44958 Ford Rd CantonCOLONIAL 4 bedrooms 2 5 baths oak floors master suite w/whirlpool tiib 3 car garage built in 2002 $374 450



HOMETOWN (734) 459-6222

Desirable Ridgewood WestBeautiful 2810 sq f t Colonial on premium walkout lot Spacious open f lo o r plan w /lo ts o f w indows 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths large fam ily room w/fireplace kitchen w/oak cabinets/island hardwood floors spectacular Master Suite w/overslzed bathroom/jacuzzi tub 2 walk m closets Formal dining room /liv ing room 2 car attached garage $399 900 9106Countrywood Dr OPEN SUN 12-4 734 416 0651DOWNTOWN 15d0 s q ft 4 bedroom ranch 2 bath remodeled great room custom kitchen refimshed hardwood floors 1193 Maple Street $275000 734-455 5177

IT S A BIGGIECustom brick colonial over 3000 sq f t Built in 1987 4 big bedrooms 2 5 baths Tudor styling Huge basement even under fam ily room Sprinkler system Immediate occupancy $334 900

Call Hal or Margo 734 367-8161

Century 21 Hartford North

AWESOME 1275 $q ft home 7 6 x 2 1 7 lot Priced fo r quick sale 17719 Indian

(313) 794 2350

FOR SALE BY OWNER SMALL HOUSE Bedford 1 bed room (313) 533 0483

NEW 2000 8f 3/4 bedroom 2 5 bath 2 car attached gar age $184 900 Pick flooring McCailer Const 248 445 1750


A ity 3 Bedroom ColonialOpen floor plan 2300 s q ft built 1995 2 1/2 bath 3 car garage in highly desirable location near freeways Hardwood floors walkout basement fireplace in great room vaulted ceilings mas te r bath jacuzzi waikin closet $369442 248 879 9129ROCHESTER HILLS 3 bedroom 2 bath Great room w / gas fireplace $211 900

ShareNet 248-642 1 620

STONEY CREEK RIDGE Model Home many upgrades 4 bed room 2 A bath 3202 s q ft $459900 248 656 3731

COME BUY 201 N Vermont 4 bedroom 1 bath, 1240 s q ft bungalow w / 1 1 ^ car garage 1 mile from downtown $189000 Info 248 307 0975

RANCH 1036 sq f t totally remodeled 3 bedroom 1 bath 2 5 car garage $129900 (248)559 5925

loveguseth@hotmail com

Sotilh Lyon

CHARMING S LYON HOMEfo r sale by motivated owners Asking $160000 1350 sq f t bi level A must see' Call fo r appointment (248) 437 5375CONTEMPORARY CUSTOM BUILT 4600 sq ti home on19 acres 3 bedroom 3 5 baths w ith a pond Paved road & driveway Across from Walnut Creek Country Club $800000 (248)486 2667

PRICED BELOW MARKETBui!t2000 2554 sq ft 4 bed rooms NE Troy Troy schools $308000 248 705 0539

TROY COLONIAL Deck fin ished basement 4 bedrooms 2 5 baths $394 900 See a!

w'wwhno com id#16183 o r call Ken 248 709 3315

-POWDERHORN SUBDIVI SION' 1968 custom bu ilt ranch nicelst lot in the sub $337 000 Financing available Lender (248) 73^6666

AWARD WINNING5 bedroom 4 bath three fireplaces huge gourm et kitchen w ith granite & marble Custom upgrades throughout Built in 1999 3 car garage circular drive Priced to sell Call lo r details $760 0001

734 525 9600 Century 21 Hartford North

By Owner W onderful detached condo in desirable gated community Bnght spa clous open floor plan with cathedra! ceilings & beautiful views 3 bedrooms 3 Vz baths large firs t floor master su ite fin ished walkout $329000 248 496 6575

Wes! Bioomlieid


4 bedroom home w/m any updates windows roof floor covering & painting Great location W est Bloomfield schools Side entry garage $259 900

SPACIOUS AND STUNNING Frankel built in Bloomfield on the Lake 1st f lo o r master w/custom built in furniture & bath w/Roman tub 2 story ceiling m living room Open floor plan o f 4 500 sq f t of living area 1st flo o r laundry5 bedroom 3 bath 2 lav $529 999Century 21 MJL Corporate

Transferee Service 248 851 6700


BY OWNER 1200 s q f t 3bedroom ranch most everyth ing new $129 900 Callafter 11am 702 263 7355

BY OWNER 529 S Sybald3 bedroom 11/2 bath family room many updates Inctud ing remodeled baths new windows roof driveway & hardwood floors Bonus room in basement $179 900

(734) 326 2458

QUIET SUBI2 bedroom ranch w / a new 2 car garage $88 000

GREAT STARTERI3 bedroom ranch w/m any updates $115900

Century 21 Towne Pride(734) 326-2600


April 27th 1pm 35030 Hazelwood Street Open

house April 22nd 5 30 6 30 WWW americaneagleauctions c

om (248) 473 1547

SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOMColonial on 1/3 acre lo t' Built in 1990 Attached 2 car garage fu ll basement Very clean $144 900 Call Pat Higgins 313 754 1342 313 274 8911

B ittle le i. .

T H IS !S T H E O N E !Well maintained 3 bedroom colonial on premium lo t base ment 2 car garage $210 500

C EN TU R Y 21 PREMIER (73 4) 453-4300

44958 Ford Rd Canton

Westland 31509 Alegan$899

M O V E S Y O U INBrand new 3 bedroom

In Level w ith basement Ross Realty 734 326 8300

Westland 35064 NoreneZ E R O

DOW NBrand new 3 bedroom

brick ranch with basement carpeted $129 900

Ross Realty 734 326 8300

Wayiis County

GARDEN CITY Beautiful inside and out Move right into th s 3 bedroom updated ranch Huge kitchen w /tile floor and m ini bay window 2nd bay w indow in living room Full basement 2 5 car deep garage Sprinklers and m ore ' Call fo r you private showing today (31 BR)

LIVONIA Affordable living in excellent L ivonia neighbor hood w ith th is darting updated 3 bedroom ranch 1238 square feet o f living space includes white kitchen w/hardwood floors extending into d ining room newer carpet w indows & more 2 5 car garage $157 500 (36GR)

Century 21 Hartford South 734 454 6400

WWW cent21 biz

LakefronI & Waleriroiii Homes

White Lake 7132 BIscayne S/Highland E/Bogie Lk

Beautiful Lakefront Home 3 BD 1 5 BA huge kitchen great room w/vaulted ceiling 2 3/4 car garage 5 heated crawl space Deck oveiiooks all sports Lake Neva IncI pontoon boat Only $289 900

Ron Targanski CENTURY 21

TOWN & COUNTRY (248) 349 5600

Real Estate Services

GET CASH NOW'Best Rates Fast Local Service

Purchase o r refinancing C^ll Ann today' 810 659 4115

Contlos For Sale

BLOOMFIELD Adams Woods Stunning 3100 so f t 3 bed room 31/2 baths 3 fire places 2 car garage oak floors granite counters top quality $439 000

248-653 5545

Bloomfield Hills 2 bedroom 2 bath (Jacuzzi in master) 2nd level condo A ll appliances $113 000 248 338 0283

BRIGHTON - NEAR US 23 and196 1 1/2 Story 1310 s q ft $172 000 (810)229 7045

FARMINGTON HILLS 14 Mile By owner 1 bedropm 1st floor $82 000 248 496 9734

FARMINGTON HILLS 38213 Saratoga Cr Sun 1 5 (o ff I t Mile W o f Halsted) Lovely stylish condo 3 bedrooms 2 14 bath near golf Agents ok $228 000 (248) 426 0662

FARMINGTON HILLS DONT RENT BUY THIS Neutral sharp 1 master walk In closet in unit laundry Custom kitchen cabinets newer floor dishwasher washer/dryer and central a ir Newer upscale window treatments Recessed lights Pool tennis $92000 Century 21 MJL Corporate

Transferee Service 248 851 6700

Farmington Hills ranch condo in Greenpomte at Copper Creek 2 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage many upgrades exc move in condi tion & great location By owner $220 000 Calf fo r appointment 248-489 3961

Condos For Sale

FARMINGTON HILLS LUXURY CONDO Open Sat & Sun 1-4 30311 Meadowridge S Immaculate 3 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath 2700 sq ft end unit ranch 10 cathedral ceilings hardwood flo o rs fin ished walkout lower level w/wine cel lar $304 900 (248) 888-0021FARMINGTON HILLS PRICED TO SELL! 2 bedroom 2 5 bath fin ished basement w/extras $221 900 248-437 3151HOLLY SCHOOLS - Beautiful roomy condo w ith open floor plan! Neat and freshly painted th is 2 bedroom condo includes extra high ceilings master bedroom w ith walk in closet liv ing room and doorwall to deck End unit with private entrance 1 car garage and Holly Schools $112000

ENGLAND REAL ESTATE 888-211-SS50. 810 632-7427

LIVONIA - TH E WOODSSuper sharp 2 bedroom 1 1 /2 bath 2 story condo Finished basem ent attached garage newer kitchen plus many updates Clubhouse w ith alt season pool Close to x ways Walk to Parisian and banks


248-981-7886 MAYFAIR REALTY

734-622-8080 x243NORTHVILLE 2 Story 1200 sq ft 2 b r totally remodeled $165 000 248 380 1611wwwHNO COM ID#16148NORTHVILLE CONDO 7Mile Area Built 1986 2 bed room 2 bath spacious yet cozy all appliances new win dows fresh ly painted $133 900 248-420 7612NORTHVILLE Highland Lakes 2 bedroom 1 5 baths kitchen o r carpet allowance Home warranty Partially finished basement $154 500

248 349 2540NOVI A T E N P LU S G EM I

A bsolu te ly gorgeous' This home is a Show Place' Fully updated condo w ith 2 bedroom s & basement Perfect from tc ^ to bottom Fussy buyers delight Hurry' Asking $145 000 (23022184)

Call Carol LaPernere 248^939-0993

CENTURY 21 HartfordPLYMOUTH WOODGATE1400 sq f t ranch Pool & clubhouse 1 car garage $194 000 734 4551811ROCHESTER HILLS detached condo 3 bedrooms walk out basement 2 car garage Im m ediate possession $259 900 (248) 651 3042

ROCHESTER Stony Ridge Like new 2 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage c a open flo o r plan Walk to downtown $264900

248 626 6577

SOUTHFIELD21st flo o r 5000 Town Center Best view there Isi 2 bed rooms 2 baths $165K

Call B ill Keene fo r showing 248 767 6413 or

248 851 4100 Ext 452 j^Rm BmM iM»

Southfield 2 bedroom 2 bath 1st f i condo washer/dryer in unit newly decorated 12 M ile & Evergreen area $119 900

248 557 6025Southfield

5000 T O W N C E N T E R 2 & 3 bedroom condos start mg at $159 000 RE/MAX 100 R W Watson 248 736 3000

TROY Midtown square 2 bed room 2 5 hath 2 car garage All appliances Birmingham schools Buy $251 500 or rent $1576 248 334 0221WESTLAND CONDO AnnA rbor Tr/Mernman Unique 1 bedroom lo ft Contemporary f la ir Livoma schools $60000 734 953 9061

WestlandTERRIFIC END UNIT CONDO2 bedroom 2 5 baths 2 car attached garage Natural fire place custom oak cabinets in Kitchen Wayne/Westtand Schools

NANCY M iU M 734 320 2458

Hmn iiiu. 3173 Baker Dexter

Duplexes &Towniioiises ' s i r

FARMINGTON HILLS SHARP TOWNHOUSE Endunit private entry w/3 bed rooms & 2 5 baths Private fenced yard Close to every th ing Generous master suite w/fireplace & walk m closet Central a ir fireplace m living room Finished basement -w/wet bar $179900

Century 21 MJL Corporate Transferee Service

248 851 6700PLYMOUTH Walk to townTn plex 2 bedroom -appli ances a ir parking $ 65 0 f $1075 security 248 661-5141

Manulactiired Homes

$149 SITE RENT FOR 2 YRS PLUS $2000 CASH INCENTIVE ON MOVE INBrand new community Be the first to choose your homesite Cider Mill Crossings (810) 714 2731

WWW llbertycommunltles co m0% DOWN Save up to $30 000 on a newer bank repo Must pay sales tax Discount Homes 866 251 1670


V IC O M . K G E

P A R KMove your home* mto

College Park and you will receive up to

$3,500 on a single secQon or

$5,0(M) on a multi sectioniStCOLLEGE PARK Call Dawn for moK

mfomiation (73 4 )4 9 5 -0 0 12

“With community approval Offer expires 4/3(Y03


1 A m ty vehic le5 T V nevi^source6 Eat lees

12 M tm trea l p ro13 Practical

tnJdetitm14 C ovet15 H a ro ld -

o f Ihe com ics16 Devotee17 S dssora sound18 OeMille o f epics20 Theater part21 G rabbed a cab 24 Sti?ne w orker27 Tokyo form erty28 P iece o f

furn iture31 U tde rascals32 Investm ent

c^Jtlons3 3 Z oo « ic lo s u re3 4 How l a t the

m oon3 5 A irpo rt ctoser3 6 S lugger

H a iw —•

37 V otes in 39 G rove 43 A O L m e s s e s

(h yp h )46 Say hozuaely4 7 G reen parrot 4 9 A ccuaeda

need51 Chsm rejt^nder

(2w ds)52 ta x org5 3 BasebaHs

T o m frte —5 4 S tray dog55 B il ly -

WilBams56 Ditty


1 Nozzle2 O ffice V IP3 L igh t sword4 S om e ra inwear5 H ot pepper6 R ebu ffs7 Y e llow im ifes

ten-8 H e loved Uzcy

Answers 4-17-03g irn S S U S B

3 1 S i fd 1 NSAA N3i 3 Q

9 Rustic lodg ings

1 0 U nprinop led11 Sort19 R eun ingo f

007 novels

9 \6 d14


41 42




2 0 B ig fuss22 Msmtel2 3 S u llivan and

M urrow2 4 P laying

m arble2 5 D octors o rg2 6 W a tch secretly2 8 Soap

purchase2 9 “ I” trouble3 0 C ozy room3 2 M ounta in pass3 3 G reen ish

m elons3 5 L aw y e rs

charge3 6 Banking

conven ience38 Quit3 9 S tuff4 0 W ^ lu k i locale41 L ib ra ry sound4 2 P lace4 4 D esdem onas

ene m y4 5 Legal cla im4 7 Y oungster4 8 B e fore to

Byron50 C ha ir

REALTosf* Compliments o f the MCAR

Metropolitan ConsoMated Association of R e ALTQESSTUMPED? Call for Answers • Touch-tone or Rotary phones

95< per minute • 1-900-454-3535 ext code 708

Wlamitactiirei! Homes




NEW HOMES•1170sq ft• 3 Bedrooms• 2 Baths• Deluxe GE AppI• Skylights & MoreFrom $49,800

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lllanufacliireri Homes

NEW HOMES$ 2 1 ,9 0 0 !• 3 B e d ro o m s • 2 B a ths

• G E A p p lia n c e s • S k y lig h ts & M o re

$222/month $2,326 down

$199/Month Site Rent 1 Year*On selected models based on 10% down 9 75% APR 180 payments Interest rate

subject to change

At These Fine Locations


Huron Valley Schools

On M 59 west of Bogie Lake Rd

(248) 887-1980


Huron Valley Schools

On W ixom Rd 4 m iles N o f I 96

(248) 684-6797


Soudi Lyon Schools

Grand River I 96 ext 153 Across from

Kensington Metropark

(248) 437-2039


South Lyon Schools

On Napier Road 1 mile W o f W ixom RoaO

and 1 mile S o f Grand River

(248) 344-1988


Huron Valley Schools

On W ixom Road 3 75 m iles N o f I 96

(248) 685-9068

Find th e beet garage ealee in


Manufactured Homes ^


• 3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths

• G E Appliances • Skylights & More

Rent 1 Yearcn selected models M o n

10%down 975% APR Inpayments Interest rate subject to change.



o n s o u th e a s t c o m e r o f Michigan Ave & Haggerty Rd

C a ll B e rn ie

t a

Mobile Homes

CANTON 1990 14x70 2bedroom 2 bath w/garden tub large lo t $14 000 o r help w/closing 734 397 0940YPSILANTI 1989 CAVALIER 56 X 14 2 Bedrooms wash er& dryer a ir good cond $5000/best (734) 485 0532 o r 734 485 3051

Lakefront Properties


Close to 175 & Pine Knob ski resort 1 room cabin on private island 1 /3 acre accessible by bridge On a|l sports W oodhall Lakti Sandy beach and dock included $150 000 firm No realtors

(248) 623 3720

Northern Properties

40 AC RES near Traverse City

surrounded by state land and a short walk to the Boardman River Excellent hunting and snowmobilino $179 900

Call KRIS ATTWOOD (231) 883 8846 Coldweli Banker Schm idt Realtors 402 E Front St

Traverse City M l 48686

CONOOGround flo o r direct bay front condo w ith excellent rental management i f desired Fully furn ished fantastic views incredible beach heated pool Jacuzzi tub and in immacuiate condition $244 900

Call KRIS ATTWOOD (231) 883 8846 Coldweli Banker Schm idt Realtors 402 E From St

TVaverse C ity M l 48686

GAYLFORD AREA secluded sandy lakefront hom e 4 bedroom 2 bath Beach boat GOLF 248 377 2474

1 5 ( * ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003

SUILO YOUR OWN HOMESave $1 000 s 0% Construction Loan 15% down payment to start Pisrson-Gibbs Homes builds the shell you finish It Any plan & size (810)278 2041

COHOCTAH Desirable wooded hilltop sg 10 acre parcel newer well & newer septic This unique site Is high dry & sandy Garage & 2)i6/trus8 construction bam Taxes farm exempt Also available 10 acre $184500 Call Coldwetl Banker Callan Realtors 525 N Mam Suite 240 M ilford 48381 Tom Callan o r Carol Dickerson 248 684 6116 AB10033

FOWLERVILLE 70 acres wooded open & some low areas Perfect fo r hunting or large estate $275000 Call (517) 294 0663 Pride Realty

HOWELL 2 parcels 5 acres $119 900 6 acres wooded $122 900 248 669 7110

SALEM TWP 3 acres195x693 perked $165 000

(248) 349 5596

NEW developments Near South Lyon & Hamburg wrth South Lyon Brighton & Dexter schools 1/2 4 acre wooded walkouts parks lake front/lake access paved streets Compare my prices

Owner (734) 663-4886

V A N B U R E N T W P30 fully

deve lo pe d lots R eady fo r bu ild ing

pem uts l Terms W IN D H A M

D E V E LO P M E N T INC 248 -737 -0692 e x t 311

WHITE LAKE Sitson Lake (fishing) 1/2 acre walk out lot Nice fam ily neighborhood $105 000 (248) 887 4626

$$CA$H IMMEDIATE CASHfor structured settlements annuities real estate notes private mortgage notes auci dent cases and Insurance pay outs (800)794 7310

• • • • U N O CONTRACTS****If you re receiving payments on a Land Contract Get a Better Cash Pnce in One Day Argo Realty (248) 569 1200 ToH Free 1-800 367 2746

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EASY TO QUALIFY Mortgage Leans Statewide Refinance Purchase o r New Construction When others say no we say YHes Serving Michiganders since 1988 Equisource Home Credit 800-862 0950

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WHY RENT? Own your own home 0 to 3% down Short term employment OK credit problems OK bankruptcy OK Call Randy Lesson Metro Finance 248 709 2244

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$A FA$T CA$HI!We buy housesi

"AS IS"IU877-626 9736 734-502 4572

vrww reoptlons com

WE BUY & LEASE HOUSESAny area Any condition Any price 877 209-6206

BOARDING KENNEL & HOMEfo r sale 517 265 2453

homeclassifieds com List #187050


1 800 579 SELL

REAL ESTATE OFFICE FOR SALE Owner retiring 6 mos free rent New phone system & computer Pays fo r itself in 6 mos $337 333 248 882 7799


55 seats grosses $250K plus Must Sell’ Best Offer

(24S) 982 3501

AparlinentilS h

Fur l.i'iisi'

4600 ApadmenU/Unfifnished 4010 Apartments/Fumished 4020 Condos/Townhouses

Homes Rental4070 Mob e Homes Rentals4080 Mob le Home Sites4090 Southern Rentals 4100 TmeShareRentals 4110 M nResort/Rent^s 4120 UvIngOuditerslbShare 4140 Rooms




eToExchange Garage/Mni Storage Wanted To Rent Wanted To Rent Resort Proper^ Furniture Rent^Rental Agency Property Management Lease/OptiofiToBuy House Sing Service

Healthcare Foster Care MiscToRent

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 0 - S E L L

FOWLERVILLE M ulti level O ffice Building over 6000 s q ft Grand River Frontage $399 000 (517)294 0663

BEDFORD2700 sq f t all o r part $800 fo r 1200 feet o f o ffice & $1500 fo r 1500 feet of office and shop plus storage Sale price $160 000 land contract


(248) 646 5000

COMMERCE AREA Haggerty & Oakley Park 1100 3600 sq f t w ith 20 foot overhead doors Rent very reasonable 248 521 1978

Space for Lease3 M O N T H S F R E E

• RETAIL •Auburn Hilts • Livonia

Pontiac • Westland • LIGHT INDUSTRIAL*

Belleville • Canton Novi • Wixom• OFFICE •

Canton • Farmington Hills Novi • Wixom

(248) 344-8970

AMERICENTERSFurnished Windowed Offices Conference Rooms High Speed Internet Access

Troy Lvon ia Bloomfield Hills Southfield 734 462 1313

6IRMINOHAM DOWNTOWNExecutive Suites tha t w ill impress you & your clients All services from $400 Free Parking (248) 203 2626

CANTON Lilley/Ford Rd 640 5240 sq ft Genera office

space Call Carmen cell 248-420 4550 248 684 0397


Month to month Avail 168 to 2700 s q f t i 275 X way

JA Bloch & Co/Gach Realty (248) 559 7430

Farmington H ills Location14x1 5 office in shared suite Use o f office copier comput er printer & lim ited reception 1st services 248 477 9112


Renovated o ffice bldg720 Sq f t

suite available

1750 & 1950 sq ft available

OR 3700 sq f t condguous w ith furniture & signage

GREAT DEALS AVAIUBLEI Call Laurencelle & Associates

248 258 6200 All Brokers Protected

R ED FO R D TWP.Office Space

Small suites available Beautifully decorated

2 locations Includes all utilities


D on 't ta ke a chance....

...place your ad in The Observer

6r Eccentric Classifieds today!


It'New!MBNA.com now o t i s

• Lines Of Credit• P e r s o n a l L o a n s

• Credit Cards• Mortgages etc

Aparlmcnls - Unliirnisheri


APARTMENTS0 Secunty Deposit’

1 & 2 bedrooms Free Heat

Storage & Laundry Walk m Closets Starting at $540 (313) 274 367^

'conditions apply


1 & 2 Bedrooms From $640

Heat Included In Rent

1 M O N T H F R E E R E N T O R M O R E

• Washer & Dryer in Every Apartment

• All Lakefront Apts• Pets Welcome

Call fo r details(734) 697-8742

B E R K L E Y$0 Security Deposit* No rent until May 1st

Immediate Occupancy'1 bedroom apt

$610/mo FREE HEAT

11 ^ Mile/Gcolidge area(248) 5 4 4 -77 15

'w ith approved credit

BIRM INGHAM1 bedroom townhouse w ith basement $820 Studio apartment heat included only $565 Various 1 and 2 bedroom locations in Birmingham available fo r IMMEDIATE occupancy EHO

THE BENEICKE GROUP (248) 433 4782


To Qualified Applicants Studios and 1 & 2 bedrooms available in town Birmingham at the 555 Building

Call Libby 248 645 1191

BIRMINGHAMSpacious 2 bedroom

N E W cabinets, appliances, floor

coverings Convenient location

WALK to downtown EXERCISE at the


FR O M $780



IN TOW NExcellent Amenities & Service Super Move In Specials from

$471*1 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhouse Apts

CANTON GARDEN APTS (734) 455 7440

WWW apartments com / cantongardens

'restric tions applyUnbeatable Value

CantonEnjoy the relaxed &easy ^olng^llfes


From $620 (Ask

• Balconies/Patios• Cable hook up

each apt» Carports included Call or come in today'

Open weekends(734) 459-1310



Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom ^ t s S m all Q u ie t S a fe C om plex F ord Road n ea r I 275

S T A R T IN G A T $ 5 8 5 (7 3 4 ) 9 8 1 -1 2 1 7

CantonCarnage Cove Luxury Apts

(LILLEY & WARREN)• We take pnde m offering the

fo llow ing services to our tenants

• Private entry• Emergency maintenance• Beautiful grounds with pool

& picnic area with 6BQ s• Special handicapped units• Restful atmosphere• Cable available• Many more amenities• NO OTHER FEES• 1 bedroom $665 800 sq ft• 2 bedroom$735 llO O s q ft• Vertical b linds & carport

included• Ceramic bath & foyer• Professional on site man

agement• 23 plus years experience• Near x ways shopping

airportRose Doherty

Property Manager (734) 981 4490


Apartments1 & 2 B edroom s1 MONTH

RENT FREEC all fo r de ta ils

F R E E HEAT * S ound C ond itioned 'C e n tra l A ir

WWW a c ts com / frank linpa im eresta tes (800) 654 -5975 E H O


• • • • • • •


1 Bedroom vras $600$550*

2 bedroom was $790$760*


• • • • • # •

• FREE HEAT• Great Floor Plans• Lots of Closets• Veitical Blinds « DIsliwashers •AN D LOTS MORE'

On Inkster Rd just North o f F ort Rd

(800) 654-6231Even the call is freel EHO

Dearborn Heights



R E N T S $ 5 6 O F F F O R 6 M O N T H S

(On 1 Bedrooms Only)• Spacious living area* Close to shopping

medical facilities & restaurants


S TA R T IN G AT $610

(313)274-4765WWW yorkcommunities com


immediate Occupancyl 1 bedroom free heat

newly decorated halls attended

gatehouse/intercom system Laundry

facilities in building Across from city

park/close to I 96 Starting at $525313-538-2497

Zero Security Deposit w/Credlt Approval

HILLS1 & 2 bedroom apts Get 2

FREE on 2 bedrooms Fitness Center

Pool Covered Parking in home Washer /D ryer Short Term available

Call today fo r details Toll free (877) 262 7949

diamondforestapartments comFARMINGTON 2 bedrooms walking distance to Dov/ntown Heat & blinds included 248 477 8254


1st M O N TH F R E E

Reduced Rent and Security Deposit

• Attached garages avail• Indoor Swimming Pool

• Apts w ith dens availCall tor details

(888) 407-9333


den(248) 476-8080

I g M I f f f f f l l l g K l T I l H

SPECIAL 1st Month Free

No security deposit w /credit approval

(on new 1 y r leases) Large 1 Bedroom Apartments

Starting at $565 mo Call 248 961 2753

Farmington Hills tST


1 & 2 Bedroom Apts From $585

$500-$600 FR EE RENT




(248) 476-1240

★ Farmington Hills HAPPINESS IS

Mowng into a cozy 1 bedroom apt w/REDUCED RENT & SECURITY DEPOSIT

Carport & water included Starting at $520


Farmington Hllfa


A ik About Our Spring Special

We will be offering 1 mo Free or

0 Security Deposit2 bedroom 2 baths

washer/dryer included covered parking Sparkling Pool Tennis Courts

Over 1350 s q ft Starting at $1110

’ w ith credit approval Clubhouse fo r

entertaining Call248-626-4396x418

Fannington Hills



On 2 bedroom Townhouses 2 V i baths washer/dryer Included

Covered pari<mg Sparkling pool Tennis courts

Over 1456 sq ft Starting at $1225

248-473-1127 x418OPEN 7 DAYS

FARMINGTON HILLSLuxu iy apts W asher/dryer in un it 1 bedroom $585 2 bed room $685 (586) 254 9511

farm I n g t o n h il l s MAPLE RIDGE APTS CALL FOR SPECIALS!

23078 Middlebelt Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom C/A carport available $560 $665

248 473 5180

Farmington Hills SUPER LOCATION

Grand R iver/Orchart Lake STONERiDGE M ANOR

APARTMENTS Enter o ff Freedom Road

W o f Orchard Lake Road South o f Grand RiverDeluxe 1

$590/MoLimited Time Special

Includes Patio o r Balcony carpeting vertical blinds

deluxe appliances Mon F r i l l 5 Sat 10 2 Rental Ofttce 248/478-1437 HomeOffioe 68S/776-82n

HUIMINQTON MANOR APTSDeluxe studio & 1 bedroom carport 1ST3M ONTHSRENT 50% OFF' (W ith approved credit) 248 888 0868

FARMINGTON PLAZA APTSDeluxe 1 and 2 bedrooms starting at $500 up Heat included w ater pool Ask about our special!

(248) 478 8722

FIVE Fiv e r o i iMONTH FREE To Qualified Applicants Studios 1 & 2 bedrooms available in town Birm ingham 555 S Old Woodward Call Libby


Franklin AreaW EATH ER STO N E

TOW NH OUSESSavings o f up to $1755*

On 2 & 3 bedroom Townhouses

2 V i bathswasher/dryer hookup 2 car attached garage

Sparkling pool 1700 so ft

Starting a t $1575 248-350-1296 x418

OPEN 7 DAYS ’ conditions exist

G AR D EN CITY !Ford/MIddiebelt Area |

Spacious 1 bedroom Apts { Amenities Include i

♦ Owner Paid Heat & Water {♦ Central A ir ■♦ Intercom System |♦ Garbage Disposal •♦ Laundry Facilities ■♦ Window Treatments/ |

Mini Blinds j


(734) 622 0480

GARDEN C IT Y - 2 bedroom refngerator & stove new car pet freshly painted $625/mo $625 deposit 313 645 0348

Grand River Middlebelt Great Location

Near B o ^ o rd Hospital Livonia Mall and

Downtown Farmington w ith Clarenceville

School D jstilct

C ED A R iD G EA P AR TM EN TSLimited Time Specied

1 and 2 Bedroom Units FROM $639

Vertical blinds carpeting

Hotpoint appliances security system

storage w ith in apt (Enter on Tuiane

1 block W o f Middlebelt S side o f Grand River) Model Open Dally 1 6

Except Wednesday


LEA SIN G S P EC IA L 1st Month Free*

W ESTUNONewburgh near Glenwood

1 bedroom $485/m onth w a lk in c lose t close to expressways Shown by appt

734 721 6699 o r WWW com iorantco com ’ some restrictions apply

• 1 & 2 bedroom fu ll size washer & dryer in apt ca rport C/A & heat Great specials! 248 442 1350

LIVONIA • Curtis Creek AptsFarmington Rd 6 1/2 Mi Private entrances washer/dry e r from $715 248-473-0365

LIVONIA 1 & 2 Bedroom apts Heat & blinds Included Carpet th ru out Pool Ask fo r Special! 734 425 5360L ivon ia 1 bedroom $645 heat/water included Luxury quality apts 248 477 5755

LIVONIA 14950 Fairfield


1 bedroom at $6152 Bedroom at $715

Heat & WaterPrivate patio/balcony

734-516-0539 734-728-4800

’ Some restrictions applyL ivonia Two bedroom $745 heat/water Included Luxury quality apts 248 477 5755

Madison Heights

Q U IETAlmost soundproof 1& 2 bedroom apts

Across from Oakland Mall at I 75 and 14 Mile

CONCORD TO W ERS$2600 Concord Dr

(next to the Micro Center Store)

1 bedroom from $5552 bedroom from $615 Carports • Dishwasher Disposal • Central air

248- 589-3355



No ren t un til May 1st0 Security Deposit*

Immediate occupancy Quiet large 1 bedroom

w ith heat included Only $585

(248) 588-1486

’ w ith approved credit

MOVE IN SPECIAL2 bedroom updated private S Lyon schools $650 $800 a m onth short term lease available (248)640 7531

NORTHVILLE Novi Road at 8 Mile


Charming community nestled in vraoded streamside setting

Featuring 1 bedroom apartments from only

$695 and unique expanded 1 bedroom with den from $825 includes washer/dryer and heat

Hurry lim ited availability Ask about our specials'


Call today fo r an appointm ent

(248) 347-16 9 0




Plus REDUCED SECURITY DEPOSIT'Restrictions apply

A ll apartm ent hom es feature

• Sound Conditioning fo r the ultimate in privacy


• One o f only a few communities in the area w ith city water

• Exceptional management team


(800) 643-9290 On Pontiac Trail ju s t East







DEPOSIT'R estric tions apply





(866) 236-3368 On Pontiac Trail between




i \ o


• Huge 1 & 2 led room s from only SS10!• Free Heat & Water

■ Private Patio or Balcony c t IPSPI• Personal Storage■ 2 Bedrooms have 1 1/2 Oathi j j S j l P• K itchens With Dishwashers• A Great Place To Live■ We Are Open Every Day! H B H

( 7 3 4 ) 3 2 6 ^ 8 2 7 0 a

Apartments - Uiifiirnishefl



Beautifully remodeled 1 & 2 bedroom apartm ents w ith brand new b righ t kitchens and baths Individual washer/dryerg vertical blinds covered parking and more' Great value from only $795 Ask about our specials'EHO

OPEN 7 DAYSTREE TOP MEADOWS 19 M ile & Meadowbrook

(248) 348-9590

N o v i&Lu xu ry You Can A tfo n !

Deposit From $199


Limited Time Special 3 MONTHS

F R E E R E N T !*

• Washer/Dryer provided• Private Entrance• Pool/Tanms court

IWo Locations

NOVIOn Grand River between Meadowbrook & Novi Rd


W ES T LA N DNewburgh between

Joy & Warren734-459-1711


select untis

OAK PARKGreat location 2 bedroom

apts &townhom es CALL ABOUT OUR

SPECIALS' 248 967 0515



F O R 6 M O N T H SNewly U p g ra M

1 & 2 Bedrooms

Plymouth Manor Plymouth House

Close to downtown Plymouth'

734-455-3880WWW yorkoommun t es com

One of Livonia s finest apartments

at competitive prices CANTERBURYP A R K A p t s

19400 Mayfidid o ff Seven M ile Rd between

Farmington & Merriman behind Joss Produce)

"L im ited Time Specials 1 BEDROOM $6S0/moIncludes full washer &

dryer in each apartment Community room

patio or balcony deluxe appliances

optional carport248 473 3983 586 775 8293


Larger Apartments 1 & 2 Bedroom Plans

• Playground Area• Poof & Clubhouse• Carport Included

(734)729 5090WWW yorkcommuni­

ties com



(734) 455 1215


SPECIALS!*1 bedroom from $600

Heat & water Walk In closets

734-416-5840’ Some restrictions apply


Spacious 2 bedroom central a ir Caiport Pool $655

Call (734)453 8811PLYMOUTH 1 bedroom living room appliances -i- washer/dryer c/a $650-i- u tlii ties & security 734 591 1708

^ Plym thH ILLC R ES T CLU B

Apartments 1 MONTH FREEPlus reduced security

deposit1 Bedroom $6102 Bedroom $685

FREE HEAT WWW apts com /

hiilcrestclub (800) 644-7907

Mon 9 6Sat & Sun 10-4 EHO

ivivic.hom etownlife.com

PLYMOUTH H ILLS APT 746S M tllS t(Lille yRd)

CIW of Plymouth 734-4SS-4721

• In Unit Washer/Dryer• Blinds Included• Walk to Downtown• EZ Access to I-275• Sorry-No Pets

Mon 'F r i 11-6 Sat 10-2


PLYMOUTH OLD VILLAGE super nice 2 bedroom laun d ry a ir deck dishwasher more $790 Also studio apart m ent$565 (734) 455-4169

PLYMOUTH 1 bedroom upper unit newly decorated large size lots o f storage Heat included $605 per month

734 459 9507

PLYMOUTH 2 bedroom in old village L a rg e s t^ wittvprivate entry Lot o f storage Heat included $705 per month

734 459 9507


Clean Quiet Building Carpet Walk in Closet Heat & Water Included

1 Bedroom $495 Credit Check & References

313 532 9234

(near downtown) 1 bedroom No pets $565/m o Heat & water included Efficiency available a t $525/mo 248 651 8090

ROYAL OAK Between 12 & 13 Mile o ff Coolidge 1 bed room apt newly redecorated carpet $540/mo Heat & water included (248) 488 2251

ROYAL OAK 1 bedroom heat/water washer/dryer bal cony pool updated kitchen + more $650 248 733 9902


APARTM ENTSNo Rent Until May lot

0 Security Deposit’1 bedroom apts

Walk to downtown Huge walk in closets &

living roomDishwasher/high speed

internet available Artist painted hallways

(248) 547-2053

’ w ith approved credit

South Lyon Washington Manor

South Lyon Housing Commission is now taking applications fo r one bed room apartments located adjacent to McHattie Park Utilities included VVashing ton Manor is a federally subsidized apartment com plex available to seniors 62 yrs & older and/or dis abled individuals currently receiving Social Security Benefits Please call 734-455 3670 ext 222 fo r an application


Huge Apartments & Town Homes

1 2 & 3 Bedroom From $795

A sk Abou t o u r Specials• Heat/water carport

• Free Health Club• Night Gatekeeper• Heated Pool• Private Balcony• Short Term Leases

Close to Birmingham Shopping and Freeways

248-647-6100Let us fax you our brochure


Southfie ld12 M ile & Lahser


1 m o . Fre e Rent1 Bedroom

Immediate Occupdney Starting at $685 (248) 356-2047

' Southfield 'oSPRING


River Apts.$150.00 offfor 10 months

On selected units/ limited tim e only

CALL OR STOP IN TODAY!(246) 356-0400

^ paragonapartments com ^


• Washer/0ryer hook• Self-cleaning oven •Vertical Blinds• Swimming Pool• N e w Fitness Center• Pets Welcome• Furnished Apts


C h e r ry H il l


Cherry Hill at I 275734-397-1080

Open 7 Da)$






www.hometownHfe.com Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday April 17 2003 ( * )

Apaitments - lApartmenls -Uniiirfiished lUiiliiriiisheci


iington 6 Apts.

Southfield Welii Place

U rg e 1 bedroom apts M onitored alarm system Well lighted lot Heat & appliances U u n d ry fac ilitie s Intercom door system Ask about our special

Lahser mile North o f 8 Mile

8y Appt 248-355-1fi69


l lThree Oaks


F o r Limited Time

Wattles Rd (17 Mile)

Between Crooks & Livemois

248-362-4Q88Open 7 Days

paragonapartments com


N O O F F E R S R E F U S E D $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Pick your priCB on 1st

Z beiroom s o n ly 'Spacious Floor Plans FREE Heat & Water Call 734 326 7800

WAYNE FOREST APTSWAYNE Furnished efficien cy Includes a ll u tilities Between Yenoy and Michigan $115/week 734 326-4110

WAYNE 1 bedroom newly decorated apt $500/m o f sec includes heat & water

(734) 728-7885

• ' WAYNEBrand N e w

A le xis M anor A p ts.Move in specials on all 2 bedroom apartments with

all appliances includingwasher & d

Call 248& dryer 593 1442


THE U N D IN G SU K E F R O N T A P T S1 & 2 Bedroom Apts

From $515l M F R E T R E N f


A ir Conditioning REDUCED Security


(734) 729-5G50

WESTLAND1 & 2 bedroom

Safe, quiet, clean Air, heat, appliances

includedStarting at $550 (73 4 ) 326-9008

WESTLAND Venoy & Palmer 1 bedroom apartment SSOD per m onth $3oO deposit

734 326-2770


$99 M OVES

Y O U IN!P LU S F R E E R EN Ton 1 bedrooms only



1 & 2 bedroom apts some w ith fireplace

- Clubhouse

(734) 261-7394wwwyorkcommunlUes com

Westland Open Sunday



And $100 off for the

next 6 mo.'son 2 bedroom apts

Supersize Closets• Breakfast Bar• Intercoms» Cable Ready « Central Hewing & A/C Livonia Schools

C A L L T O D A Y !(73 4)422-5 411

On Warren Rd between Wayne & Newburgh

*orr select units fo r limited time

paragonapartments com

1-800^579-SELLw w a ^ io B u to m O ^ M m

Westland Livonia Scools

Best Deals* Best Apts.

Best Service Best Amenitiescall today for detaiia(734) 458-6600

*On select units On Joy between Newburgh & Hix

WWW paragonapartments com

*on selected units ’ lim ited time


E OF WAYNE Studio $500

1 Bedroom $5S0 Heat & Water Included

73 4 -6 4 1-9 6 2 3



800 sq f t updated g re a t c o m m u n ity

Qse to s d io o ls & sh o p p in g e tc R e n t m d u d e s h ea t w a te r

& a pp lian ce s W a yn e /F o rd A re a 5 9 9 5 N W ildw o od



California Style Apts• 1 bedroom from $550• Heat & water included• Cathedral ceilings• Balconies• Carport• fu lly carpeted• Vertical blinds• Great location to malts• Livonia school system

(734) 261 5410WESTLAND ESTATES

On W a ^ e Rd S o f Warren Spacious 1 bedroom

700 sq f t $550 Price shown is fo r 1 y r lease

Shorter leases available Great location/heat/water/pool

Blinds/air/no pets & much more


MONTH RENT SPECIAL (734) 722 4700


On Wayne Rd near Ford Rd ASK ABOUT OUR

SPECIALS!*Studio $510

1 Bedroom $5702 Bedroom $610 Free Heat & Water

’ Some restrictions apply734-722-5155

WestlandH A W T H O R N E C LU B A P T S

On Merriman between Ann Arbor Tr & Warren C ALL FOR SPECIALS

FR EE HEAT• Park like setting

• Small Pets WelcomeWWW apts com/ hawthorneclub

(800) 654-5218 Call For Details EHO



• • • • • • •

$50 O FF 1st6 M O N T H S ! *

Pius REDUCED SECURITY DEPOSIT ’ Restrictions apply


AVAIUBLE'• FREE HEAT• Walk in Closets• Ceiling Fans• Dishwashers

On Ann Arbor Tr just West o f Inkster Rd (800) 644-7904

Open 7 days a week’ EHO

Park Apts 'Across from

Garden City ParkS P E C IA L S !!

$ ^ 0 Security Dsiosit $25 Application Fee

2 Bedroom 1 5 bath 9 3 6 s q f t $850

1st mo rent ONLY $300 2nd mo rent ONLY $300

1 bedroom 700 sq ft $555 1st mo rent ONLY $300

Rent shown is fo r 1 y r lease

Heat/water Induced Central a ir vertical blinds

intercom Appliances include dishwasher

Excellent maintenance No pets

(734) 729-8636


CALL TODAY1 & 2 bedrooms

Central A ir Outdoor Pool Near Shopping Malt Call 734 729 6520

W E S T E R N H IL L S A P T S * Upon Credit Approval




From $490Convenient to 12 Oaks

MaltA ir Conditioning

$308-$750 FR EE RENT




(248) 624-9445

Apartment - furnished

Birmingham • Novi Royal Oak • Troy


' Monthly Leases ' Immediate Occupancy ' Lowest Rates ’ Newly DecoratedSUITE LIFE248-549-5500


Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apts in small quiet com plex next to park Includes dishes linens etc Cleaning services available Rents from $800 Heat & water Included

248 681 8309

BURLINGTON APTS1111 N Old Woodward • Completely Furnished ♦ has short te rm and month to month lease arrangements during renovations to transform Birmingham s finest into Woodward Place of Birmingham Condomin turns For leasing infor mation please call

(248) 646 1111

Plymouth (City) Large fu r nished studio Includes all util Ities Ideal fo r single $560 per month plus deposits Call after 6 30 pm 734 434 6686

Condos & Townhousss

It s time to Spring Into a new townhome or apartment We have a variety o f several prime locations in Birming ham Spacious and updated our 1 and 2 bedroom rentals include vertical blinds central air fu ll basements with hook ups fc r washer and dryer and covered parking Prices start at only $820 1 cat ok with fee ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIALS EHO

Call The Beneicke Group 248 433-4782

BLOOMFIELD HILLS 1 large bedroom hardwood floors carport No pets $750/mo

(248)643 9079

CANTON condoSheldon/Warren 3 bedroom clean new upgrades No pets $950 734 459 7289FARMINGTON HILLS newer 3 bedroom 2 5 bath finished basement deck 2 car attached garage fireplace $1750/mo (248) 361 7452KEE6Q HARBOR 2 bedrooms Sylvan Lake front Cass Lake access Heat & water included $825/mo 1st month rent free 248 681 1232LIVONIA 5 M ile /M id iliebe lt

2 bedroom townhouse Central a ir $700/mo

248 521 1978PLYMOUTH • 2 bedroom Pool carport Utilities mctud ed Immediate availability FREE APRIL RENT' No dogs $795/mo 248 960 9767BEDFORD CONDO 2 bedroom 1 bath $810/mo


2 bedrooms lower unit air carport all appliances w/wash er & dryer Clubhouse & pool $750/mo + secunty & utilities

Call (586) 978 9572TROY Midtown square 2 bed room 2 5 bath 2 car garage All appliances Birmingham schools Buy $255000 or rent $1575 248 334-0221

Westland’s Best Value...


1 and 2 Bedroom Apartments

Close to Shopping! O u r V a lu e P a c k a g e I n c lu d e s ;

• Fashionable updated • Heat and Water A va ila b leaparbnents • Balconies

• Dishwashers • Air Conditiorter• M ini B linds • Laundry fac ilities• Lai^e secure private m each building

storage room w ith • Cable Ready each apartm ent

• Pool and Clubhouse

RENTSRtOM...Wa’re proud to o ffer the m ost value

for your money In Westland Cherry H ill near Merriman


CANTON 3 bedroom bath tn level appliances Immediate occupancy Dis counted rent 248 855-4953FaimiUgton H ills near 10 Mile & Middlebelt 2 & 3 bed room duplexes w ith 2 car attached garage very clean security deposit & 1 year min Imum lease no pets For more info call 248 477 4189NORWAYNE 3 bedrooms Updated kitchen & bath utility room new carpet Freshly painted $699 313 278 0282PLYMOUTH Attractive upper 2 bedroom a ir carpeted dishwasher $650 + security Avalable May 1st No pets

734 453 1735PLYMOUTH Old Village Avail 5 1 100 y r old renovated 3 story 3 bedroom 2 bath app liances $985 734 459 2991PLYMOUTH W alk to down town 1 bedroom newly deco rated fu ll basement No pets $675/mo 734 455 8599ROCHESTER 2 bedroom w / finished basement C/A fire place & garage $1195/mo

ShareNet (248)642 1620ROCHESTER 2 bedrooms 1 5 baths heat paid Living dm mg kitchen washer dryer carpoit $995 248 656 3465

R O YAL OAK (North) Luxury Townhouse

2205 Starr 2 bedroom 1 bath luxury duplex w ith air fireplace basement w ith hookups & yard Pets wel come $78000

(248) 354 9119 Ext 206TROY 3 Bedroom 2 5 bath 1 car garage no pete $975/mo plus utilities p lus security

(248) 642 9448

BIRMINGHAM Spotless 2 bedroom upper c/a hard woods First month free $875+secunty 248-643 0427DEARBORN 2 bedroom upper fla t w/den private basement $650/mo includes water fridge oven 734-462 4057OLD BEDFORD Upper studio fla t $345 -I- security Credit check No pets 313 534 2044Plymouth Clean 1 bedroom stove refrigerator water included $495/mo

Call 248 437 8741PLYMOUTH Downtown Small 1 bedroom appliances wash er/dryer air all utilities No pets $550 (248) 345 2552

PLYMOUTH' 1Upper flat unit at $550/mo including all utilities & kitchen appliances Some storage no laundry Drive by 8 /3 N Holbrook east of M ill north off Plymouth take flyer

Call Ken W at 734-454 9211 Ext 308

BIRMINGHAM 3 bedroom remodeled ranch attached garage $1350 No pets Non smoking 248 643 9079BIRMINGHAM 1085 Bird 2 bedroom bungalow hard wood floors basement 1 car garage great location $995/mo 248 618 8486BIRMINGHAM NearDowntovm Sharp 3 bedroom new kitchen fireplace base ment 1 5 garage New paint and hardwood floors central air & more $1800/month plus security Pager (313) 940 0989 o r Call (734) 283 2262BIRMINGHAM Nice 2 bed room w ith all appliances $900/mo Credit re p o r t& 1 1/2 month security dep required Ask fo r Norm (248) 280 4777

C 21 Town & CountryBIRMINGHAM 2 bedroom ranch air hardwoods pets neg $750/mo Smalt charge RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENTBIRMINGHAM Charming newly updated in town 3 bed room 1 5 bath A ir alarm appliances fam ily room deck garage fireplace $1950

(248) 646 2000 ext 11BIRMINGHAM 3 bedroom 1 bath bungalow Walk to town basement updated $995 248 203 2977 248 225 2977BIRMINGHAM In town bright 3 bedroom 1 5 bath sun porch appliances wood floors $1150 248 647 5473BIRMINGHAM Very nice inside 2 bedroom 1 bath washer dryer lawn service 848 Smith $1100/mo 248 723 2278Bloomfield 3 bedroom basement fireplace all appli ances ca attached garage $1300 (248) 853 5717BLOOMFIELD HILLS 4 bedroom updated colonial Vacant S2350/mo (including swim & tennis club) (248)641 1887BRIGHTON 2 bedroom 2 baths appliances C/A hard woods $795/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT

large 3 be<2 bath home fireplace walk out lower level $1100 a month 248 887 6102CANTON 4 bedroom 2 1/2 bath Colonial 2 car garage $1 775 248 348 8189 iif702

RICHTER & ASSOC v w w nchterassoc com

CANTON 4-5 BEDROOMS2600 sq f t colonial 2 1/2 badis 2 car garage$2100/mo 734 847 2694CANTON 3 bedroom colonial 1 5 bath fu ll basement appli­ances $850 + 1 5 security avail 5 1 734 459 0853CANTON 3 bedroom ranch 1600 sq f t beautiful country

on 1 acre Brick fireplace fu ll finished basement 2 car attached garage appli

included $ i70 0 /m o734 397 1195Canton 3 bedroom brick tudor 1652 sq f t fam ily room finished basement $1650/mo D&H Properties248 737 4002

WWW dhproperty comCanton 3 bedroom colonial 1800sqft appliances a ir 2 car basement $1800/mo D&H Properties248 737-4002

WWW dhproperty comCLARKSTON Remodeled C/A deck fee reimbursement home $900/mo Smalt charge RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENTCLARKSTON Convenient loca tion 1400 sq f t New con s truction 3 bedroom 2 5 bath C/A 2 car attached garage $1500/mo (248)620 9920 mwiedemann® rossmortgage com

COMMERCEClean 3 bedroom 2 car garage take view $1050/mo

Call Todd Smith Re/Max Classic 248-449 6263DEARBORN • Spacious 2 bed room CM basement appli ances $650/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 734 51$ RENTDEARBORN HEIGHTS 3bedroom bungalow 1 bath $700/mo Rent o r Rent to Own 734 713 0021DEARBORN HGTS 3 bedroom brick newly remodeled patio $750/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENTDEARBORN HGTS Option to buy 3 bedroom ranch 2 baths $1000/mo -i-deposit 2 bedrooms S700/mo

734-421 1928DETROIT Near South fie ld/ Warren 3 bedroom base ment garage option $650

248 788 1823FARMINGTON HILLS (North)4 bedroom 2 bath colonial 33366 Annland $1550/mo

(248)661 8501 AgentFARMINGTON HILLS 2 bedroom appliances garage buy option $750/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENTFARMINGTON HILLS 2100 sq f t 3 bedroom ranch 2 baths c/a fu ll basement 2 -car gar age large lot above ground pool $1600 248 932 7515FARMINGTON HILLS Attra ctive 3 bedroom 1 5 bath C/A nice extras

ice neighborhood & $995 248 960 1538

FERNDALE Charm ing 2 bedroom doll house in great area Wood floors c a wash e r & dryer garage fenced yard Many special features A MUST SEE' $950/utilities

(248) 548 5946FERNDALE Avail 5/1 3 bed room bungalow New bath & kitchen all appliances C/A New paint & carpet Nice yard

S Smoke free no pets sec 248 705 3381

FERNDALE charm ing 2 bedroom garage a ir cond freshly painted fence laun dry $825/mo (586)445 7911GARDEN CITYFord/MIddlebeit area 2 bed room garage and fenced yard $750 -i- security deposit Nc pets 313 278 5365GARDEN CITY 3 bedroom

ranch 1 bath $700/mo Rent o r Rent to Own

734 405 2413GARDEN CITY 3 bedroom Tfi Lev^ $1075/mo plus util ities 1 1 /2 mo securtly deposit One year lease No pets Available end o f April

Call 248 442 8850INKSTER Remodeled 3 bed room basement garage Immediate occupancy Option $550 248 788 1823K EEG O H AR B O R -1 7 0 0 sq ft basement garage pets negl $800/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENTLAKE ORION 2 bedroom ranch, appliances deck pets neg $800/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENTLATHRUP V ILU G E Executive rental Beautiful newer con struction (2(K)0) 4 bedrooms 2 S baths 2825 sq f t colonial $3 200/m o SKBK ask fo r Kathy Haack 248-644 7000LIVONIA 3 bedroom 2 story basement appliances S1100/mo F Ira tm o & secun ty No pete 248 478 3380LIVONIA 3 bedroom base m ent appliances garage $900/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENTLIVONIA 3 bedroom garage fenced fo r pets water pard $850/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENTLIVONIA 3 bedroom 2 full baths 2 car garage Livonia schools $ t200 /m o + securi ty (248) 442,9769LIVONIA 3 bedroom 1 5 bath basement a ir appliances 2 car updated immaculate $1150/mo (586) 817 1846


One Month Free Rent!• Spacious 1 & 2 Bedrooms• Apiutments with Dens Available• Attached Garages AvailaWe• Indoor Olympic Size Swimming Pool• Fully Renovated Apartment Homes• Spacious Floor Plans• Ts of C3(t Space• Huge Storage Cages

(888) 251-8844Located on Grand lUver betweenDrake & Halstead

Open Mon 9-7, Ibe FYl 9-6, Sat 104, Sun:



I n a r t m e n t

LIVONIA Ranch, 3 bedroom 2 bath 2 car garage appliances C/A fin ished basement $1300/mo 734 422 0861LIVONIA NORTHWEST Rent w / option to buy Spacious 3 bedroom b rick ranch $1300/mo For more details


248-476-0540L ivonia updated 3 bedroom ranch basement oak floors 2 car $192 000 o r $1500/mo D&H Properties248 737 4002

WWW dhproperty comNOVI SCHOOL d istrict 3 bed room 2 1/2 baths 2000sq ft 2 car garage $1700/mo For rent o r sale 246 891 9976NOVI Northvllle Schools 4 bedroom 2750 s q f t babe ment deck hot tub $2500/m D&H Propertles248 737-4002

wrww dhproperty comNOVI-4 bedroom brick colo nial 2800 sq f t alarm appli ances basement $2500/mo O&H Properties248 737 4002

WWW dhproperty comOAK PARK 3 bedroom bun galow w ith fu ll basement newly updated $950/mo plus security 248 822 6058OAK PARK Remodeled 3 bed room ranch D ining room garage A/C Option available $750 248 788 1823PLYMOUTH 3 bedroomBungalow in charming down tow n W alk to town M eticu lous ly maintainedHardwood flo o rs c/a new w indow s huge deck new appliances washer/dryer Fenced in yard Some pets OK $1275/mo 734 632 8470PLYMOUTH C/A basement garage appliances fenced S725/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENTPLYMOUTH Immaculate 3 bedroom ranch newly remod eled repainted new carpet appliances much more$1050/mo 734-455 2649Plymouth Salem IWpHistorica l home m lovely country setting on spacious grounds Well maintained 3 bedroom 2 5 baths kitchen appliances huge country kitchen fam ily room w/gas fireplace private guest suite 3car garage Plymouth/Canton schools $2000/mo

(734) 453 7272PLYMOUTH Large quiet 2 bedroom upper in town air big deck basement $875/mo

734 591 6530/ 455 7653REDFORO 3 bedroom

ranch 1 bath $700/mo Rent o r Rent to Own

734 713 0021BEDFORD 3 bedroom appli ances garage pets nego tiable $775/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENTBEDFORD 2 bedroom com pletely remodeled hard woods basement appliances fenced garage dining Pets negotiable $700/mo

248 524 2030REDFORO/DETROIT 3 bedroom basement garage fenced A/C appliances great house $900 313 570 3700ROCHESTER HILLS 2 bedroom 1 1/2 baths large lot backs to w oods attached garage $1500/mo (408) 927 7052 o r (248) 852 5942ROCHESTER HILLS 2 bedroom ranch appliances pets neg $695/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENTROYAL OAK N 2 bedroom 1 car garage appliances nice neighborhood available May 1 $800/mo (248) 683 2303ROYAL OAK - 3 bedroom basement 2 car garage $1 045 248 348 8189 # 7M

RICHTER & ASSOC wiivw rlchterassoc comRoyal Oak Downtown

422 E Sixth Street 2 bed room appliances & washer & dryer a c 2 car garage large porch $1100/m o Includes water 5 8 ^9 1 5 7829ROYAL OAK 3 bedroom Cape Cod w/refinished wood floors & new A/C Includes washer dryer & lawn maintenance $1100 No pete 248 593 0535ROYAL OAK near downtown 4 bedroom 2 bath All appli ances c a hardwood floors renovated kitchen $1400 per m onth 248 709 8224 mmcglnnlty@ comcast netROYAL OAK/CLAWSON 3bedroom brick 1 1/2 story near 14 & 175 Wood floors great cond Basement garage appliances no pets $1100/mo 248-642 4334ROYAL OAK/CLAWSON 3 bedroom bungalow a/c all appli ances 2 car garage quiet street $975 248 642 6342SOUTHFIELD - 3 bedroom fenced 2 car attached garage $900/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT

SOUTHFIELD 2 Bedroom 1 bath basement Newly refur bished All appliances $895 plus secunty (248)661 2812

SOUTHFIELD 2 bedroom basement 2 ceu* garage fire place hardwood Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 356 RENT

STOP RENTINGBuy a home now Best rates

Fast local service Call Ann today! 810-659-4115

TROY - 4 bedroom Colonial 1st floor laundry 2 1 bath fam ily room/flreplace $1800 248 882 1136 248 346-0191

WALLED LAKEClean 3 bedroom 2 car garage lake view $1100/mo

Call Todd Smith Re/Max Classic 248 449 6263WAYNE Colonial 2 bedroom 1 5 bath Basement 1000 sq f t $850/m o plus 1 mo security immediate occupan cy 313 575 4979WEST BLOOMFIELD 3 bedroom basement pets negl $895/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 248 373 RENTWESTLAND 3 bedroom new

fenced fo r dogs buy $725/mo Small charge

PROS 734 513 RENT

carpet fi option $l RENTAL I

W ESTUND 3 bedroom ga rage basement buy option $750/mo Small charge RENTAL PROS 734 513 RENTWESTLAND Act now ' Venoy/Paimer Clean 2 bed room ranch Carpet, Fenced $750 monthly 313 274 6755

Lake Orion LakefronI 3 bedroom remodeled beautiful views boat dock must see $1150 /m o (248)693 0575

FARMINGTON HILLS 1 bedroom $75/wk & up No pets appliances deposit required

248-473 5535


1 & 2 bedroom appliances w indow treatments air

No dogs Open Saturdays 9 4 Call (248) 474 2131

GOT A CAMPGROUND MEM BER8HIP OR TIME8HARE?We II take it i Amenca $ most successful resort resale clear inghouse RESORT PROPERTY RESALES INC 1 800-423 5967

We always find t^ie best s t u f f In th e Observers Eccentric!

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Features★ A ir conditioning★ Refngeralor and range '★ Smoke ddectors★ Laundty facilities★ Extra storage★ Swimming pool★ Cable available

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HALE LAKEFRONT COTTAGE2 bedroom Dock sw im m ing fishing boating Weekly May Sept 248 681 0650HARBOR SPRINGS down town 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath condo fu lly fu rn ished hot tub more Available 6/1 9/15 No pets/smokers $1900 per mo includes utilities

(231) 526 9255HARBOR SPRINGS Harbor Cove condo 2 bedroom sum m er weeks 231 798 8386

Lakefront Home4 Bedrooms Sunny Clean Comfortable 106 f t shallow sandy private beach A ll sports East Twin Lake Spectacular serene views 248 229 8898

LOG HOME On Bear Lake 40 ml SW of Traverse City 3 bedroom 2 5 bath Near Lake Mich 3 m i to Arcadia Bluffs Golf Course 248 855 2815

PANAMA CITYSandpiper Beacon


Resort From $49 (1 2 p Arrive Sun/M on Free Night 3 30 03 5 21 03 restrictions) Pools live r ride tiki bar 800 488 8628 WWW sandpiperbeacon com

Sandcastles on thPort Austin 1 2 3 bedroorn cottages pool cable TV kitchens 2 0 0 f t sandy beach playground Adjacent riding stable park Lake Huron sun set view From $600/wk 248 398 9447 q r 989 738-4200

TAWAS - Executive loca­tion home 4 bedrooms 3 Vi baths 2400 s q ft 2 peclte overlooking 150 o f frontage on Big island Lake 10 minutes from Lake Huron 248 641 1771 989 3625264

TORCH U K E 2 secluded sboreside homes frotn. $1000/wssk 248 645 0959

WWW torch iakecom

D EAR B O R N HEIGHTS A R E ABeautiful 1 , 2 & 3 Bedroom 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATtI VILLA

• 2 4 - H o u r G a t e h o u s e

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M t s : ■TF

r r w /iiiam iB su ftuu itu goofw ait lo o ase m en i m a in ien a nce rree e x ie r io rprivate enclosed deck some appliances 2nd floor laundry att garage partially fin ished basement w/possible 3rd bdrm or offide Home Warranty $177 000 {04ANN} 734-455 5600

brick paver patio CA appliances 6 panel doors beautiful kitchen Great home for entertaining Better than building new $194 900 {08HOM) 734 455 5600

conao w/oasemeni & garage Livonia schools Beautifully decorated & extremely clean In an excellent location near expressways & shopping $159 977 (07RIV) 248 280 3947

room ^ oatn unit w/separate entrance & in unit laundry w/extra storage Private deck overlooking scenic wooded ravine All appliances included Carport w/extra guest parking Farmington schools $89 000 (34MID) 248 349 5600

niai w/3 car garage Micnen opens to dm ing room & FR for great entertaining Large master suite w/jetted tub & Wl cios et Partly finished lower level Landscaped yard w/sprinklers & 2 tiered deck $324 900 (59SAV) 248 349 5600

CANTON - Desirable 2 BR Ranch Unit Great location Newer windows roof & car pet Neutral throughout Freshly painted Pets allowed Childrens play area Spacious LR wifo a lot of windows Why rent when you could own Plymouth Canton schools $103 900 (380RC) 248- 349 5600

NOVI - Exquisite Style Decor & Location Architectural Int detail make this home stand out 4 bdrm 3 5 baths w/Northville schools cath ceil in foyer lib formal DR kit has hdwd fir double oven & island breakfast room opens to GR & tiered d e d finished walk out 3 car garge & paver patio $559 900 (40BAR) 734 455 5600

CANTON - Beautiful Townhouse Shows like a model 2 bedrooms bath S lav mar ble surround gas fireplace dining area w/doorwall to deck Kitchen w/oak cabi nets & spice rack 1st floor laundry full pri vate basement & attached garage $169 900(50HUN) 734 455-5600

DEARBORN HGTS - Brick Ranch 3 bed room home offers CA newer windows hardwood floors partially finished base ment w/fuil bath glass block windows Appliances included 1 5 car garage $144500 (55RIV) 734455 5600

buyer or rental It offers a 4 car garage w/power and heat Updated kitchen w/stainless appliances ceramic foyer & newer cabs Newer concrete drive vinyl siding & fenced yard $94 900 {36FLO) 248 349 5600

bedroom 2 5 bath colonial Fresh paint decor & plenty of updates t/o Formal DR FFL FR w/frpic large basement spnnkler system deck & oversized garage too Great location $324 900 (85PAR) 248 349 5600

LIVONIA - Outstanding Value in this

inside & out This 3 bedroom'home has an updated bath & most windows replaced Newer roof shingles hot water heater decor & more All appliances 1 year home

plan & quick occupancy too M47500(42AUB)248 349 5600

O n l u i KLIVONIA - Ready For You to Move Into' Lots of maintenance Free updates roof windows siding new kitchen cabinets in 02 in this great 4 bedroom 2 bath home on a quiet street $120000 (60DEE) 734 455 5600

PLYMOUTH - Positively Plymouth' 1941 cape cod w/lots of curb appeal! LR w/FP & built in cabs' Refurbished hardwood floors in LR DR library & 2 bedrooms Archway to DR w/wood shutters Sunny kitchen has pegwood floor & white cabinets Large family room finished LL 2 5 car garage + deck $345 000 (19IRV) 734455 5600

I 2 \1

CANTON - Updated 2 Bedroom Condo Great location facing serene courtyard Open flowing floor plan new oak kitchen & bath spacious I iving room w/new carpet & door to balcony Master bedroom w/waik in closet $111 900 (35FRA) 734-455 5600

FARMINGTON - Easy Peaceful Living Walk to town from this clean comfortable 1st floor ranch 1 bedroom 1 bath nice Flonda room spacious living areas no maintenance hardwood floors under car pet 1 car garage Stove refrigerator included Its all here and affordable $74900 (53KIN) 734 455-5600

Town & Country

PLYMOUTH NORTHVILLE705 South Main St. 175 CadyCentre

734- 455-5600 248- 349-5600

Michigan’s #1 Century 21 Firm!

LIVONIA - Open Floor Plan Ideal fore i .............^ ____ ___ _ _____ _ ,_rnace AC windows electric service exte nor doors great yard inground pool newer pump filiter & heater covered deck gas grill Awesome FFL All kitchen appli ances stay $289 900 (19RON) 248 349 5600

COMMERCE - 4 bedroom 3 bath con temporary ranch Large great room w/fire place Vaulted ceilings 4 season Florida ro(xn Wooded lot overlooks pond Outside lights & sprinklers Multi level dedc w/hot tub Home Warranty included Lower level rec room w/bath $254 900 (77SPR) 248 349 5600

Master bedroom w/WIC bath & shower Hardwood floors steel entry doors Florida room updated krt Newer appis Great home $149 900 (29KEN) 248 349 5600

Duick Sale This has so much

iv/bay windows.. . . . . . . . . , — and bedroomswalls hardwood floors in most

rooms Finished basement 2 car attached Located on a corner lot $115 900.248 349 5600

WESTLAND - Country Living in flie City 2 acres 3 bedroom 2 5 batti brick ranch w/2 car attached garage deck full basement newer roof hot water heater ceramic baths Splittable land $335000 (60GRA) 734-455 5600

LIVONIA - Classy Colonial Condo Dent miss this sharp well maintained 2 bed room 2 5 bath end unit w/2 car attached garage full basement walk in closets light oak cabinets in kitchen Very private deck Home Warranty offered $193900 (27MER) 734 455 5600

W ESTUND - Roomy & Clean 2 bed room 2 bath condo offers newer caipet thru out neutral tones baths w/beautifu! ceramic also ceramic foyer unit offers car port doorwall to deck all appliances w/new fridge & home w a rr^ ty $114 850 (67SHO) 734-455 5600

NORTHVILLE - Prestigious Timber Ridge Gorgeous 6 bedroom 3 5 bath tudor on premium lot in cul de sac Awesome view that IS wooded & private w/babbling brook Fresh paint personality & curb appeal galore Kitchen in lower level Perfect for guest suite w/private bath Won t last long $548000 (72SCE) 248 349 5600

NOVI - Sit and relax Its a NO NOpainting no fixing no yard work in this condo community 3 BR/loft 3 BA 2 story end unit w/attached garage on cul-de-eac setting 1st floor master w/ WIC Large deck off back w/view of 8th fairway Breathtaking LL w/office & living quarters $224 900 (17PR!) 248-349 5600

MILFORD - 2002 New Construction Custom 2 story home on walk out LL on a 1+ acre cul-desac wooded lot 4 bed rooms 3 5 baths w/granite & maple dual fireplace stylish master suite w/lafge Jacuzzi tub Many updates $529 950 (83RAV) 248 349-5600

CANTON - Sunflower Sub 4 Bedroom Colonial Move in condition Lovely home in popular sub w/comm pool tennis cts & clubhouse Professionally finished base ment w/bdrm & rec area w/wet bar 2 fler deck fenced yard nicely landscaped open floor plan + fireplace in family room

UN) 734 455 5600

BEDFORD - Great Starter Under 95K Updates updates & more Newer/updated roof shingles furnace windows hot water heater driveway walk paint carpet & more Just turn the key & move in $94 900 (51 NOR) 734 455 5600

CANTON - Quality Thru Out Gorgeous oak kitchen cust hdwd firs in kitchen DR hall & foyer Oak 6 panel doors huge FR w/wet bar & FP master bedroom w /m ^ter bath w/jetted tub & walk in closet All in this 4 bedroom 2 5 batti colonial w/2 car attached garage & partially finished base ment $249 900 (03WED) 734 455 5600

WtXOM - Spacious Colonial This immac ulate home offers 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths Great room w/vaulted ceilings dining room and a ma^er suite w/catfiedral ceil mgs Neutral decor Close to nature pre serve and Walled Lake schools Sub has approx 10 acres of woodland commons area $309 900 (76TRA) 248 349 5600

BEDFORD - Sharp Updated Ranch Clean & well maintained 3 BR 2 BA home Freshly painted 03 wndws siding 02 newer doors & storms roof & gutters 98 turn & AC 97 fin bsmt & newer blinds liv ing room updated kit ceramic floor & countertop & ceiling fan All hardwood floors $138 900 (24TEC'

WARREN - Perfect Brick Starter This 3 bedroom 2 bath brick ranch has two car gar w/newer gar door & electronic opener newer turn hot water heater dishwasher kit & bathroom sink Two full baths partial­ly fmshed basement copper plumbing all hardwood floors & cement patio in took

ALLEN PARK - Clean Brick Ranch 3 bed room 2 bath 2 5cargaragew/opener fin ished basement w/sauna & bath updated windows beautiful Florida room off master bedroom large closets plenty of storage appliances included 1 year home warran ty $136 900 (27HAR) 734-455 5600

PLYMOUTH - Exceptional Condo m Plymoufli Updated Located on serene wooded lot 2 bedrooms 2 5 baths 2 car att gar rec room w/sauna & exer rm Open flowing floor plan 2 doorwails to large deck DR lib/den FP w/marble surround 6 pane! wood doors t/o Walk to downtown Ply $259 900 (14PIN) 734 455 5600

NORTHVILLE - Outstanding Northville Ranchi 3 BRs 3 BAs! Ceramic foyer newer hdwd fis in 2 BRs GR w^ull brickCI3 i-i lyii-Lr r vauucu L ^ iiin y w /w uuu U oains n il iiaQsolid oak cabs sunny breakfast room opens to ded( profess fin LL MBR opens to pn\«te deck Home Protection Plan! $319900(24WEA) 734455-5600

NORTHVILLE - Walk to Downtown from this 3 bedroom 2 5 bath condo Relaxing 1st floor MBR w/his/her bath separate shower & roman tub Newly refinished hdwd floors in entry hall kitchen & nook Newer carpeting t/o First floor laundry French doors to deck overlooking beautiful yard $299 900 (21STL) 248-349 5600

BEDFORD - What a $ room 1 5 bath brick fan\^ii •vun ijinoiieu basement Many updates 2 5 car garage Heated breezeway One year home war ranty included $173 000 (07SAR) 248 349 5600

siv u ii i i ' .3 U0UIW1II9 t. ij uaiMS is iim y luuiTIw/natural fireplace hdwd kitchen dining room living room first floor laundry 2 car att garage Invisible fence brid< paver walk & patio Finished bsmt super court foca tion Close to downtown All kitchen appis stay $304 900 (81MOR) 248 349-5600

. . I !

DEARBORN HEIGHTS - Dent Miss Out On This' Newer kitchen windows furnace CA & elec Master bedroom w/master

Tintsn60 DSS6in6riI niOSI naiQWOOCIfloors on 1st floor + great covered patio & garage in this 3 bedroom 2 bath brick bungalow $139900 (33HAZ) 734 455

NOVI - Sprawling Ranch! Large 4 bed room 2 bath home w/great c u it appeal large lot & car attached garage updated kitchen Wiloads of counters & cabinets both baths furnace (03) windows entry doors & garage door + appliances $197 500 (21QUI) 734-455 5600

PLYMOUTH - Custom Contemporary Home Exquisite thiu out! 3 story atrium foyer spiral oak staircase GR w/frpIc opens to sunroom kit w/newer ^ n i te counters for DR w/hardwood floors Library or music room MS has FP letted tub fin LL walkout to inground pool

SOUTH LYON - Welcome Home Move in and en)oy golf course living First floor master Oak kitchen w /walkin pantry Finished basement Spacious dining room 2 story great room w/2 way fireplace 2 story breakfast room Beautifully land scaped Cedar deck Great views

NORTHVILLE - Warm & Inviting 4 bed room 2 5 bath Victorian home was totally rebuilt from the ground up Beautiful details Quality materials All on a quiet street w/sidewalks only & short walk from the mam street shops Immaculately pre sented $499 000 (13ROU) 248 349 5600

NORTHVILLE - Custom Northville Home Gorgeous 3 bedrooms 2 5 baths w/family room DR living room heated eunroom & full bsmt Antique leaded glass wall Walk to school & town fipic AC California closets wet bar 2x6 construeflon All appis & window treatments $499900

1ggi 2 9 4 E . B ro w n . B irm in g h a m 4 8 2 0 R o c h e s te r R o a d , T ro y 2 6 0 0 U n io n L a k e , C o m m e rc e T w p . 9 0 0 W . U n iv e rs ity . R o c h e s te r 7 1 2 5 O rc h a rd L a k e , W e s t B lo o m fie ld 7 0 5 S . M a in S t , P ly m o u th 1 7 5 C a d y C e n tre , N o r th v il le

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ui'ti . •■giq

WWW hom etownltfe com Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 (*) n

Real iis ta tc

line:.. .

Q e t (}-u>

in more

RealEstateOneRea! Estate One • Johnstone & Johnstone • Max Broock Realtors • Ralph Manuel Associates

M AG N IF IC EN T H O M E on exceptiona l lo t backing to nature p reserve in Fox Hollow! D ram atic ceilings g o u rm e t kit w /g ran ite M a g n if ic e n t m s tr s te f in d w /o b s m t N um erous am en ities t(54W 00 2)


BRIGHTON $724,900T H IS HOME S TA N D S ABO VE TH E REST!C u s to m 4 B R on w o o d e d h il l to p lo t overlooking p riva te lake ' 2 story G R cozy h e a rth rm Is tf lrm s trw ^ a v is h b a th library 3 frp is 4 car ga rage & bonus rm (14BEA2)


PLYMOUTH $499,900B E A U T IF U L P LY M O U TH H O M E ! O pen floo r plan 4 bedroom s 3 5 ba ths O a k kit w /island M aster su ite offers 2nd firep lace F in is h e d b a s e m e n t w /1 0 c e i l in g s professional da rk rm & full bath (23H48269)

PLYMOUTH $389,900B U ILT 2 0 00 W /3120 SQ U AR E FE E T th is im pressive 4 BR 3 5 BA co lon ia l is sim ply the best deal in P lym o u ^ Offers great layout w /h u g e k itc h e n 2 FP 3 c a r g a ra g e & m oreni(W 51159)

734-455-7000 P C 0 7 0 8 1 2 734-591-9200

BLOOMFIELD HILLS $384,900 B E S T O F B L O O M F IE L D ! F low ing cen tr entrance large room s large property wraps poo l B lo o m fie ld H ills s ch o o ls loca tio n lo ca tio n ' P riced to s e ll' B lue ch ip '(64R ID 2)


K L u . - iCANTON S339.900SCOTTY, B EAM M E H O M E lo in is loveiy ^ bdrm 2 5 bath colon ia l in P lym outh/C anton s c h o o l d is t r ic t B e a u t ifu l ly d e c o ra te d Baybrooke Maintained to perfection C all for an appointm ent!{23S45389)


CANTON $339,000B IG H O U S E , B IG P O S S IB IL IT IE S ! Newow ne rs needed ! O ne o f th e la rgest hom es in a sm a ll sub in the cen te r o f C anton G reat b u y ! N e e d s s o m e w o rk M a k e it a showplace!(32BAY2)


PLYMOUTH $309,900L IG H T & BR IG H T O P E N FLO O R P LA N !W o n d e rfu l 3 B R 2 5 b a th h o m e w ith unbelievable price l N eutra l tastefu l decor 1st flo o r m str 2 s to ry G R w /gas FP & tg deck perfect for en terta in ing (74W EN2)


PLYMOUTH $299,900Y O U M U ST SEE T H IS HO M E' Spacious dow ntow n 2 s to ry 2 071 square fe e t 4 bedroom s 2 5 b a ths Updated e lectric & p lum bing R enovated kitchen w ith cherry & gran ite D eligh tfu l'(23A750)


LIVONIA $294,9003 BR, 3 5 B A , G R E AT FLO O R P L A N 1stfir m str s te w /je tted tub sep show er & bay w ndw 2nd fir w /lg BR fu ll BA & flex lo ft 3 skylts central vac h rdw dfirs deck o ff brkfst rm fin LL (N 33359)

FARMINGTON $279,900LO C A TIO N , QUALITY, V A LU E , & C HARM4 B R 3 B A 2 2 0 0 sq f t b r k ra n ch R em odeled (S36267)

CANTON $259,900B E A U T IF U L M A S T E R 1 S T F LR C A P EC O D 2 Ig rm s up p lus a lo ft a rea fo r poss FR o r o ffice P rof fin bsm t w /2 BR and a full B A 3 5 B A to ta l Is t f i r la u n d ry G R w /F P & oath ce iling s N ew er w n d w s & r f (S46639)

734-591-9200 PC 0/0552 734-591 -9200 PC 070332 734-591-9200

CANTON $259,900IF FAMILY M ATTERS,TH IS H O M E IS FOR Y O U ! O ver 2162 square fee t w ith 4 large b e d ro o m s F a m ily ro o m is 2 3 x 1 3 w / f ire p la c e B u ilt in 1 9 8 8 ' G re a t C a n to n location (K1107)

P C S 707 S 2



V 5f

CANTON $234,900D R EA M M A K E R ' Perfect wooded setting {23J44431)


NORTHVILLE $199,900N O R TH V ILLE S B E S T C O N D O M IN IU M V A LU E ' W alk to town from this te rrific 3 BR Lexing ton co n d o w /v iew o f m e ande ring stream F in d walkout Ly i w/huge FR Neutral decor 2 ca r ga rage & im m ed occupancy ' (62YOR2)


FARMINGTON $199,900C O M F O R T A B L E 3 BR H O M E O N LG LO T! Jus t ove r 1400 SF m ostly hardwood floo rs ne w k itchen cab in e ts & floo r all a p p lia n c e s in c lu d e d ne w e r fu rn a c e & s id in g m s tr w ith W !C F a rm in g to n schoo1s'(04GIL2)


LIVONIA $189,900N E E D 4 BR A N D A P R IC EY O U C A N U V E W IT H ’’ T h is IS the house fo r you! 1 5 BA bsm t n ice ly updated spacious lo t 14 06S F FR & k it have sky lgh ts 2 c a r attd ga r W est L ivon ia location FR w /w ood stove (C8906)


LIVONIA $179,900A N EN TER TAIN ER S D R E A M ! M ust see to apprec ia te th is 4 Ig BR 2 B A ranch w ith Ig LR w /FP & hrdw d firs fin ishe d bsm t w / ba r & sep rec rm 2 5 ca r g a r and priva te fenced yd 1450 sq ft!( l14089)


WESTLAND $174,900A B S O L U T E L Y G O R G E O U S , W E L L MAINTAH^EDTri level Anderson W indow s th roug hou t 2 c a r a tt G arage w /d o o r to backyard F lo rid a room o ff d in in g room overlooking backyard & wooded area A must see'(S400)


LIVONIA $169,900BR AN D NEW 2003 B R IC K R A N C H ! 3 BRm str w /lg W IC grea t layout 5x6 foye r full basem ent Livon ia with Livonia schoo ls For u n d e r $ 1 7 0 0 0 0 d a re to c o m p a re ! E lem entary school end of street (D 9048)


NORTHVILLE $163,900G R E A T N O R T H V IL L E C O N D O ' A w ard w inning Northvilie schools' 3 BR form al DR rec room sunken LR w /FP Enjoy 3 lakes pool c lubhouse & tennis cou rts !(09 DAR2)


LIVONIA $162,900E X C E L L E N T C O N D IT IO N R A N C Hcom p le te ly fin ishe d bsm t new er w ndw s u p d a te d b a th & ce ra m ic t i le re fin ish e d h rdw d firs updated rf s id ing trim 3 BR 2 B A (G 1 8 5 1 3 )


GARDEN CITY $159,900V E R Y V ER Y C L E A N H O M E & N IC ELY D ECO RATED Ideal fam ily hom e w /lo ts o f g rea t & un ique sto rage Fam rm liv rm & den a il in one hom e K it rem ode led w /oak ca b s & be a u tifu l f i r N e w e r w in d o w s & fu rnace (F291)


DEARBORN HEIGHTS $154,000 RANC H W ITH O VER 90 ACRO SS FR O N TO F LO T Beautiful Dearborn Hgts hom e w /2 fu ll top o f the line ba ths built in appliances

k itchen roo f b rick w indow s floo rneweverything new 1 y r hom e w arranty (R442)

BELLEVILLE $149,900HERE IS A H O T O N E ! I O ld e r B e llev ille bunga low 3 be d roo m 2 b a th w ith fu ll basem ent large 219 foot deep lo t 2 1 /2 car garage K itchen and baths rem odeled W alk to tow n (E130)

LIVONIA $149,000V ER Y C U T E & C LE A N ! M any updates in this 3 BR 1 220 S F hom e Refin isned hdwd firs new ce ram ic firs & sharp fin d bsm t w / w et ba r D rive has tu rn around (15INK2)

REDFORD $144,000R O O M Y R A N C H O N T R iP L E LO T w ith 2 5 c a r a ttd ga r w /sho p & 2nd g a r w /10 ft d r for yo u r RV! N ew fu rn a /c e lec carpe t & paint, u p d a te d k it & b a th C o m e s e e fo r you rse lf'(P 19910)

734-326-2000 PC 220192 734-326-2000 248-348-6430 PC 070362 734-591-9200

v v rI ' ' '

GARDEN CITY $137,900J U S T W H A T Y O U ’ R E L O O K IN G F O R 'M ove righ t into th is sha rp 3 bedroom ranch w / f in is n e d b s m t a n d 2 + c a r g a ra g e U p d a te d w in d o w s ro o f fu rn a ce & C A hardw ood floors m aint fre e en terior (B296)

REDFORD $134,900N IC E 3 B R B R K R A N C H , R E A D Y TO M OVE IN ' N eutra l decor updated k itchen fu ll basem ent fen ced yard and ga rage FH A term s (F20372)

REDFORD $129,900B E Y O U R O W N L A N D L O R D in th is 3 be droo m b r ic k R e d fo rd ra n ch w ith fu ll fin ished basem en t 2 baths cen tra l a ir & 2 car garage large fenced lot and m ore (0 204 )

734-326-2000 PC 070212 734-591-9200 PC 220502 734-326-2000

GARDEN CITY $127,900E A S Y L IV IN G In th is w e ll m a in ta ined 3 bedroom bungalow w ith fu ll basem ent and 2 1/2 c a r ga rage Enc porch to deck w ith hot tu b C /A N e w e r c a rp e tin g fu rn a c e & e lectrica l (L575)


WESTLAND $125,000N IC E S TA R TE R H O M E ! 3 bedroom solid s ta rte r hom e N eeds a spec ia l touch Bonusto buyer’s a g e n t & up to $ 3 K w ith accepted offer La rge lo t 2+ca fenced (23H33100)

2 + c a r garage full basement


WESTLAND $124,900M IN T CO N D ITIO N, W E S T L A N D C O N D O l2 B R 1 5 ba th co n d o h a s o a k k itche n new carpe t vinyl floonng & fre sh ly pa in ted vinyl w indow s ceram ic fo ye r & huge m str w /w a lk -in c lose t (92C A R 2)

_________________ 1DETROIT $124,900JU S T IN T IM E FO R SPRING B B Q every n igh t on you r cus to m deck/fenced in back yard 3 bdrm 1 1/2 ba th fin ished basem ent w /k n o tty p in e re ce sse d lig h tin g & d ry bar (A202)

\ h iiJaR SB iJIU ^

REDFORD $118,500C OUNTRY IN T H E C ITY I Tree lined s tree t solid brick ranch 3 bedroom s basem ent fam ily room fenced newer te a r o ff roof bride ca rpo rt (L20407)

TAYLOR $99,900IN V E S T O R S T A K E N O T E ! Q u ie t residentia l setting fo r n ice incom e property' 3 BR 1 b th ranch p lus 1 BR 1 bath ap t ove r 2 c a r ga rage N ew fu rn a ce in ap t/ HW H in house in 2002 Lg yard '(62M AY2)

WESTLAND $73,900A F F O R D A B L E U V IN G I S harp 2 bedroom b r ic k c o n d o w ith fu l l b a s e m e n t n e w fu rnace ce n t A /C B e rb e rca rp e ta n d more! W o n t last (S246)

248-348-6430 PC 220282 734-326-2000 734-591-9200 248-348-6430 PC 220052 734-326-2000

FARMINGTONN O T A D R IV E-BY I M U S T S E E ' Farm ing ton 4 BR 2 5 ba th ranch' FR w/frp! fu ll bsm t som e hdwd firs over 1 500 SF 20 foot covered pa tio 2 car a ttached garage & go rgeous priva te backyard '(02M A P 2)$229,500 248-348-6430

LIVONIAB E A U T IF U L N EW ER R A N C H ON 1/2 A C R E S ITENeutra l decor pride of ow nership thru out n ice fin ished b sm t w /rec rm Ig deck ove rlooks w ooded lo t w /pa rk like se tting 3 BR 2 B A open f ir p in all appl (M 20490) $226,500 734-591-9200

CANTONBEAUTIFUL RANCH SHOWS PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP3 BR 2 BA neutral decx)r newer wndws furn a/c rf Complete tear off 3 season snrm newer brk paver newer kit w /recessed Its crown midings warranty (R6998) $219,900 734-591-9200

FARMINGTON HILLSLIT TLE C H A R M E R W IT H FAR M IN G TO N S C H O O LS !Im m acu la te w ith m a ny u p da te s in c lud ing fu rnace w ater heater ca rp e t floo ring & p a in t Perfect s ta rte r hom e w ith 2 B R 1 ba th '(91A LB 2)$130,000 248-348-6430

Call Info Line at 888-REO-LIST, punch in theC'RdoI tlJialO One. Ine.. 2002

code #, get information!i = r 03 i f ®


F2 (♦) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003

T h is C la s s i l i c a t io n c o n t in u e s f r o m

S f i c l i o n E

Living Quarters To Share

AAA RATEDA ll Agee Tastes Occupations

Backgrounds & Lifestyles 'O ur 20th Year


30115 Greenfield SouthfieldBLOOMFIELD HILLS 2 bedroom 2 bath condo Male preferred $400/mo + securi ty 248 766 3388CANTON 5 acres new home large room $300/mo Includes u tilitie s cable & laundry (734) 658 8823

FEM ALE ROOMMATESomerset golf course 2 bedroom 2 bath Fireplace $500/month (248) 822-6067MATURE PERSON to share beautiful 2400 s q f t custom M ilford home NO smoking or pets $600/m o * Security

248-459 1995

Rooms For Rent

CANTON Prefer senior All util ities including phone & cable $6Q/week (810) 227 5088FERNDALE & REDFORD A irJacuzzi in rooms maid serv ice H 6 0 Low daily/wkly rates Tel 96 Inn 313 535-4100Royal Inn 248 544 1575LIVONIA Plymouth/Newburgh Nice home Smoke free cable $375 Jim313 276 6522 810 444 8406NORTHVILLE or PLYMOUTHDowntown Furnished sleep Ing room s Newly decorated $80 weekly Security deposit

(734) 455 2010

Gamge & Mini Storage ( j )

ROCHESTER Near downtown 1 car garage available fo r storage secure $75/month

586 822 2002

X Oiilion To Buy ( 8 )


option to buyHomes available now in Livonia & Canton w/fiex ible te rm s L ittle o r bruised credit OK'

$1000 1700/month 734 455-4775 Re/Max 100

F O R LE A S EI 275 exposure Offices from 168 2 700 s q f t mo to mo

leases available JA Bloch & Co/Gach Realty

(248) 559 7430ROYAL OAK 1008 Batavia 4 bedrooms 2 baths Appliances incFuded $1300/mo

248 593 5689


Livoma Garden City Westland Redlord and other areas 0 to 3% down Short term employment OK credit problems OK bankruptcy OK

Call Randy Lesson Metro Finance 248 709 2244

Help Wanted General

SSBARTENDER PO8tTI0NSS$Make up to $300 per Shift n an Exciting Environment No Experience Necessary Call 1 800 806 0084 ext 201 Mon Fri$$WEEKLY$$ eBayW holesalers Needed" D istribute Merchandise on eBay No Experience Required Call Auction Road today fo r m ore Info 1 800 568 1636 Ext 172616-DAY CAREER TRAININGIDriver Trainees WantedToday! Class A CDL & Refresher TrainingNationwide Job Placement $35 000 $40 000 Annually Benefits & 401K Tuition Reimbursement 1 800 883 0171 DELTAACAOEMYCOM

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C»nputer/lnfo Systems Female/Male5020 H^pWanted-Olcs ^ ChldcareSeruces

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Health 5 Rtnees Profess onal Seivices5120 HeIpWanted-Ssles 5640 FmarxxalSen'.ces5200 HeIpWanted 5660 Secretanai Services

Part Time S7K) Attomeys/Legal5240 Help Wsmted Domes! c Counseling5260 MepWanted-CixjpIss 8720 Tax Seivices5300 Entertainment 67M Business Opportunities

1 - 8 0 0 - 5 7 9 - S E L L

Help Wanted General

2 Way Radio Technicians MOTOROLA

Top $$$ fo r experienced 2 way RadioTechnicians 2 way Radio repair or installation experience is a must Are you looking fo r G rowth & financial sec u rlty? I f so ADVANCE your career w ith us

Fax resumes to 248-478 0433 o r phone

248-478 0403

ACCOUNTANTFor Farmington Hills law firm Previous law firm and QuickBooks exp preferred Send resumes to email

lkelly@polkcpa com


For Fast growing distributor Salary range o f $22K to $24K

per year Send resume to Human Resources 28115 Lakeview Dr Wixom M l

48393 o r fax 248 446 4508

Are you a car nut^Like dealing with people?We re looking fo r you inside Sales position fo r automotive parts manufacturer Sales exp preferred Full time Hourly + commission Exeelleni bene fits Apply within March Performance 6020 N Hix Rd WestlandARTISTIC CHINA « CERAMIC

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Asphalt Roller/Raker


Excellent pay & benefits 248 476 5122

ASPHALT PAVfNGSeeking rakers & roller opera to rs Must have asphalt exp & valid drivers license Health dental & life insurance 401K & paid holidays 734 722 5660

AUTO ACCESSORY STORELooking fo r qualified



Bedford 313-255-6226AU TO DETAILING

PLYMOUTH SUPER CENTER Detallers wanted Experience helpful fu ll tim e Part time optional Looking fo r dedicat ed people High quality per form ance M ust have own transportation

Contact Martin Lunceford at (734) 459 9100

or (734) 891 6202Auto Diesel Tech Ford Certified w ith willingness to w ork Diesel gas brakes etc Call (248) 474 1234 ext 283

AUTO TECHCertified tech wanted fo r afternoons Excellent pay and weekly guarantee Experience in driveability electrical & A/C required All Night Auto


EXPERIENCED Cal) 313 561 7101

CABINETMAKER ApprenticeMust have 2 yrs college or completed tecnniclal cabinet making school 734 425 9684

CALL CENTER REPSFarmington H ills home Im provem ent co is hiring appointm ent setters Full tim e 1 30 9pm Mon Fri Sat 10 3pm $8 $10 per hr plus bonus Professional atti tude team player desire to maximize income & utilize sales skills Cali Keith after 2pm 248 478-8600

Part-Time Positions

W hat makes Parmer jack the premier choice for shopping and employment? A full range of options for contemporaiy life Uncompromised levels of excellence and customer c»e And a true sense of community Come experience it for yourself Currently we have the following opportun bes ava iable

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APPLY IN PERSON: AAonday-Fnday, 9zmi-5pm 22128 Farmington Road

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w e offer excellent compensatbn generous bene% acommtment to tr^nlng and outstand ng career growth potenUal No experience necessary Alt associates will be trained at the company $ expense and you wl I be paid wh le part cipabng n that training We are committed to the fair and equal treatment of all current and prespecbve employees m/f/d/v

D o w n t o E a r t hf f o w i n e a a

Help Wanleil General

CANTON Group Home needs staff fo r highly independent residents Competitive wages/benefits 734 397 6955CAREGIVER Exp caregiver to woi1( 3 days/week some overnights Able to care fo r a stroke patient m the Novi area (248) 76 f 4537 o r fax resume to (248) 347 1570

CaregiversD ue to census increase o u r A lzh e im e rs A ss is ted

L iv ing F ac ility In S o u th fie ld a rea is seek ing fu ll tim e /p a rt tim e qua lity

ca re g iv e rs to jo in o u r team A p p ly in person

A rde n C ourt 2 40 05 W 1 3 M ile

(ju s t E a s t o f Te legraph) (248) 644 8100CARPENTERS

FRAMERSG ood p a y and benefits

C a ll (734) 425 -4164CARPENTERS WANTED

Rough fram ing M ust be dependable with transporta tio ft Plymouth/Canton area Benefits available

Call 248 887 3520

C A R P E N T E R S , R O U G HExp preferred Romulus area

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3 5 yrs experience Also high ly experienced Layout Man needed EOE 586 615 2911

CARPET SALESFlexible hours Showroom

exp JSatary + Commission Benefits avail 734 634 1791CDL DRIVER OPPORTUNITY AWAITS! Be your own boss w ith our Lease Purchase Program ' Low payments' Great hometime and freight! Average $ 91/loaded mile! Call Tony o r Justin 1 800 767 6918 CRST Van Expedited

★ CEMENT FINISHERSExperienced fo r

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Excellent pay & benefits 248 476 5122

' CHIROPRACTIC ASSTA highly energetic person needed fo r a ra p id ly ' expanding chiropractic clinic Preferred you have seven legs four arms and the ability to do 10 th in g s ' at once Send resumes to

734 261 8452

CLEANERS Residential & Commercial Experienced Part time Perfect job fo r home makers Call 313 274 0406CLEANING PERSON for Livonia Business 20hrs/wk w ith some light main tenance flexible hours No nights Kevin 734 591 3700

CLEANING PERSONs ta rt Im m ediately' Depend able person needed fo r housekeeping m Westland at a mid sized suburban apartment community Fulltim e

C ALL 734-729-5090C LER IC AL POSITIONWould you like to work in a brand new facility? We are looking fo r a part tim e clerical person to fil l a spot at Our Saviours Manor located at M idd lebelt and Annapolis Basic office sk ills and com puter knowledge is required HUD experience a plus You would enjoy a 20 hour work week w ith some benefits available a fter 90 days Please f i l l out an application at

Presbyterian Village 32001 Cherry Kill

Westlamt, Ml 48186 734 728 S222

No m a U e r what It is 1 know i will find it in my

O & E Classifieds!

Jobs and Careersivivit.hom etownH fe.com

Help Wanted Genera!

Help Wanleil General


We offer an excellent bene fit package m a clean well maintained air condtioned facility w ith steady over time and an opportunity fo r advancement Must be able to setup and program Wages commensurate with experience

Call apply in person mail o r fax resume to

MOELLER MFG CO 43938 Plymouth Oaks Bl

Plymouth M l 48170 Phone 734 416 0000

Fax 734-416 2200 EO E

COLLECTOR Full tim e w/benefits Some exp helpful Send resume to M F S C 29905 Six Mile Livonia 48152

Community Managerfo r loader position at 5 metro politan Detroit communities AMSI and computer expen ence necessary Fax resume 248 548 1597

ConstructionSUMMER JOBS

$12/HRFarmington Hills apartment owner has several openings fo r build ing inspectors Training provided but some construction knowledge help ful Send resume to L H PO Box9154 Farmington Hills Ml 48333 or fax to 248 538 6804

ControllerA S S IS T A N T

C O N T R O L L E RLarge regional General Contracting firm seeking Assistant ControllerResponsible fo r financial reporting and statement preparation Myriad other duties as assigned in the areas of accounting finance and risk management Applicants need Bachelors Degree in Accounting 3 5 yrs exp m a corporate/public accounting environment and advanced MS Excel software skills Management construction and/or Tlmbeiiine exp a plus Mail o r fax resumes to DeMaria Building Company PO Box 8018 Novi M l 48376

Altn Controller Fax 248 348 0226

WWW demariabldgco com

C R E W L E A D E Rfo r lawn service Full time yrly salary 734 637 3562

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPInsurance agency in Redford Experience preferred Call Dave 734 459 9600

D & D B IC Y C L E Shas positions in manage

ment sales & servce Competit ve pay w/benefits

Must have exp o r be an avid cyclist (734) 522 9410

DATA ENTRY Could Earn $15/Hr and Up' Medical Billing Training Provided PC RequiredI Call 7 Days 1 800 797 7511 ext 258

Data Entry! Great Pay Flexible hours FREE Training Computer Requirerl Call Now 800 382 4282 Ext 70

Direct Care Positions avail able working with people in the/r homes competitive pay & benefits all sh ifts paid training great people mean tngful work 734 728 4382

DRIVEN TO SUCCESS CFI isnow Hiring Company ‘ Owners Operators ‘ Singles and Teams ‘ Loads with miles available im m ediate ly ' Ask about our spouse tra in ing program Call 1 800 CFI DRIVE WWW cfidrive com

DRIVERNeeded fo r building supply company Must have CDL B w ith air Heavy lifting & over time expected Apply at Wayne Oakland Building Supplies 25018 Plymouth Rd Redford

DRIVERwanted fo r DocuStore $8/hr plus benefits Good commum cation skills & good driving record required Set interview appts by phone at 313 834 2900 Cali Joe between 1 3pm Mon Fri

DRIVER WANTEDLooking fo r responsible oer son fo r driving position Must show proof o f safe driving record & valid driver s license $8 $ tO /hour to start Interested candidates apply within at 1157A Manufacturers Drive Westland

DRIVER/OTR Put your expe rience to w ork fo r you Start up to $ 37 Teams Split $ 39 Mm 6 mos experience CDL A w/haz 800 326 8889

Help Wanted General

DRIVERS WANTED Up to $15 00 Hr

Great opportunity fo r class A o r B drivers who enjoy physical woii< w /truck driv mg Delivery o f roo fing supplies m ust be ok w /roof walking Repetitive heavy lifting m ust be f i t 'Stable com pany-stab le w ork Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO health 401K Build a career build your fu tu re at

Ballititig r>lat<Mals

Apply In person 36340 Van Born Wayne Ml

eeo employer


Needs an energetic Receptionist Mon Fri 10 30 to 4 30 Excellent phone sk ills and basic computer sk ills are need ed fo r taking ca lls fo r agents and setting appom tments The abilify to stay organized is necessary in th is busy environment Please call 734 420 3400 ext 137 to schedule an


EARN EXTRA INCOMEdelivering SBC Am eritech Directories Please Fax name & phone no to 586-447 8860

eBay Resellers NeededllWe Supply P roduct 80% Below Retail No Inventory No Exp Req d Call Today fo r More Info 1 800 568 1806 Ext 4827

ELECTRICIANBlue Dot Services o f Michigan a national provider o f HvAC plumbing & electrical services IS currently seeking a licensed electrician to w ork in our fast paced residential Installation departm ent Excellent com pensafion/benefits package await the right candidate If you want to w ork fo r a winning team please fax your resume to J ill at (734) 522 2801 or apply in person a t 30633 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia EOE


The City of Wayne is currently accepting applications fo r a part tim e Figure Skating Supervisor to w ork fo r the Department o f Parks & Recreation Hourly wage rang ing from $14 43 $17 51 con tingent upon experience W ill be responsible fo r the total adm inistration o f the figure skating program whether it be ! S 1 U S F S A Or both Must be able ha keep an open i l r ^ of communication with parents com m unity business and governing bodies about skat RQ to benefit the program

Also responsible fo r hiring skating professionals and the supervison of same Should be mindful o f new ideas and approaches to keep the skating program fresh and exciting

Applicants must have a high school d ip lom a and have extensive knowledge in the field o f figure skating it is imperative to have up to date knowledge on all changes in IS I and U S F S A Applications are available in the Personnel Department 3355 S Wayne Road Wayne M l 48184 o r at o u r web site

w w w ciw ayne mi us/pemortnel fitm l

Completed applications must be turned into the Personnel Department by 4/30/2003 Resumes w ithout completed applications w ill not be accept ed

The City o f Wayne is an Equal O pportunity Em ployer and does not discriminate on the basis of race co lo r national origin sex religion age or disability in employment o r the provision o f services

Financial Specialistlife & health insurance license required W ork w ith estab lished clients to set up their retirement long term care 401K ro ll ove rs & other plans Salary bonuses & ben efits offers Fax resume 248 380 6448 mail to 24285 Novi Rd Novi M l 48375

F U LL TIME INSPECTORmust be able to read blue prin ts Fam iliar w ith CMM machine & inspection euqlp ment 734 564 2337

GAGE Company in Novi looking fo r


■ Experience necessary■ Good pay & benefits/fuil

time■ 248 380 8515 ext 3

C U S T O M I R s m vic i H I P Syou ore o foam player who enjoys working

with people on rtte phone and in person, then this is the perfect job for youlWe are seeking professional and reliable individuals to work in our tivonia office Ful! and part time positions available, providing customer service for our home delivery department Six months general office experience required Candidates must have superb customer service, computer, and interpersonal skills, with ability to lift up to 35 lbs We are an award-winnmg newspaper offering a great work environment, excellent benefits and time-off policy Pfeose submit resume to:

§ lEceentcfsNEWS ERS

36251 Schoolcraft Rd.Livonia, Ml 48150

Email: ebibik@^«homecomm.nef Fox: (734) 953-2057

Must include |ob code: CSR ■

Help Wauled General

GENERAL LABORER AllShifts Exc opportunity No experience needed fo r high run production We wilt train Comperable wages Apply 13170 Merriman LivoniaGENERAL MAINTENANCE/ FART TIME fo r plastic in jection m old ing company located in Rochester H ills Ideal candidate w ill have a mechanical aptitude and background Janitorial exp a plus M ust have a valid drivers license and reliable transportation W illing to tram right person Apply m person at M illennium Technologies 2120 Austin Ave EO E


Some lifting Must have valid drivers license $8 50/hr to start (313)531 0378

G RO U N D S PERSONDependable individual needed to w ork M F at apartment com m unity in Westland 30 hours/ week no benefits

Please call (734) 459 1711

G R O U N D S P E R S O NNeeded fo r large apt com munity in Westland Fu ll tim e 734 459 6600

Ask fo r Martha


Now taking applications fo r sum mer help at

various large apartment communities in

Farmington Hills Southfield areas

Maintain swimming poo! and exterior grounds o f property 40 hr/wk Week some weekends required S ta rt$8 75/hr

Call 248 626 4396

GROUP HOME MANAGERFor Redford home 4 won derful ladies Must be at least 18 have high school diploma o r GED and completed MORC or CLS training and have a valid d rive rs license Please contact Sheryl Mon Fri 7am 3pm 734 397 6939

HAIR STYLIST / NAIL TECHFlex hours flex pay 42827 5 Mile Rd at Northville Rd

Cali Cathy 734 420 3540

HEATING & AIR TECHNICIANHigh volume service and installation company with steady growth Experienced Send resume to suite 110 #187 9864 E Grand River Brighton M l 48116

HELP WANTED Get a weekly listing o f newspaper positions available m Michigan To sub scribe send an e mail to MPAfmesubscrfbe@yafioogro ups com

HOUSEKEEPER NEEDED$9/hr Apply Mon Fri 10 2 at Ernestos 41661 Plymouth Rd Plymouth 734 453 2002


Responsible experienced people needed at a warm and friendly senior apartment com m unity fo rh o u s e k e e p in g /c a re g iv in g duties Experience with seniors a m ust Afternoon weekday and weekend snifts available Please apply in person a t 42600 Cherry Hill Rd Canton M l 48187


For Operations Management International Valid drivers license required Pay commen surate w ith exp Waste water exp a plus OMI Is an EOE Call Jack (734) 397 9280

INSURANCEOur company has an immedi ate opening fo r a commercial customer service representa tive Full o r part time Experience is required We offer fu lly paid health dental vision and disability msur ance Salary negotiable with experience Please fax resume to R Neal 313 535 8472


Growing established pro fesslonal landscape company located m Livonia looking for exp self motivated dedicated Irrigation Technician fo rdesign and installation & Crew Foreman fo r landscapemaintenance Excellent pay and benefits package Please forw ard resume by fax at 734-421 5410 o r email at

Jen@RJRServices com

JO B SHOPLooking fo r someone familiar with blueprints calipers and m icrom eters to learn a process called ‘Photochemical Machining Process used to manufacture small experimen tal and prototype metal parts Roseville location Please send resumes to D560

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia M l 48150

LABORERS fo r underground construction Apply in person at 3850 Second Ave Suite 140 Wayne Ml bet 9am 4pm

Help Wanted General R

LANDSCAPE & IRRIGATION COMPANY seeks Foreman (M/F) w/m lnimum 5 yrs exp

(734) 762 0521LANDSCAPE Great Oaks Landscape is looking fo r Exp landscape equipment opera tors w / CDL We offer top wages profit sharing 401 K & benefits Cal! 24B 349 2922


Responsible reliable & hard working person to perform various duties Novi area

248 374 9404LANDSCAPING/LAWN SERVICE PEOPLE NEEDED2 yrs m in exp 18 yrs o r older wAicense $8 1C hr to start + bonuses Ron (313) 534 5930

U W N CREW CHIEFImmediate opeiting Full time Salary based on experience Also need certified Fertilizer Applicator Benoits offered

(248) 626 3212LAWN CUTTING CREWneeded in Farmington Hills Year round employment $10 $13/hr 248 661 8845


2 yrs m inimum exp Yates Landscaping 248 474 1268

U W N MAINTENANCEFarmington Expenenced lead person References $ 12$15 /h r 248 685 8188

U W N MAINTENANCEMowing crew needed $9 $12 to start Experience preferred

313 336-0411

LEA SIN G AG EN TEdward Rose & Sons seeks to f i l l leasing consultant positions in Detroit suburbs Positions require energetic inaividual w ith excellent communication skills Sales or customer service experience helpful Advancement avail able Call Len at 248 539 2130 o r tax to 248 539 2135


GROUNDS PERSONPart time fo r summer

Fax resume 248 348 8553 FOUNTAIN PARK NOVI

Leasing ConsultantWe are looking fo r a highly energetic individual w ith a great personality to join the leasing team at our Novi and Westland com munities We offer a great benefit package competitive wage and commi sision Fax resume to Danielle at (248) 569 1508

L E A S IN G PO SITIO NFor apartment community (n W estland fu ll tim e benefits available 401K experience preferred

Call 734 459 6600 Ask fo r Martha

LIVONIA BIG SALE'Fri 2 5pm Sat 9am 4pm Baby jogging stro lle r high chair baby items & toys Toddler Boys size 24 mo-4T & Boys size 12 clothes boys 24 bike lo ts of paperback books & m tsc household 32702 Joy Road between Farmington & Merriman

LIVONIAShipping/Reeelving Clerk1st & 2nd Shift Openings

$10/hourExcel Outlook Express general administration


Apply daily 9 11 & 1 3 2 pieces o f ID required

CLM Pallet 28330 Plymouth Rd

L1V 0 N IAYARD DOG2nd Shift

$12 0C/Hour 12 Hour Shifts

Friday Saturday Sunday 3 yrs experience & CDL

Apply daily 9 11 & 1 3 2 pieces o f ID required

CLM Pallet 28330 Plymouth Rd

LOAN ORIGINATOR Part time early evenings no experience

Livonia Call 12 6pm 734-422 1338 X11 or 12

MACHINE OPERATORS need ed fo r heavy industnal steel fo rg ing company Full time some exp needed benefits $9 to sta rt M ilford area

a m person Quality Steel lets 4978 Technical Dr

M ilford (248) 684 0555MACHINIST Manual machtn mg prototypes & short run production m illing interning M inim um 10 years exp W ixom 248 735 2428

MAIL DRIVERneeded to run between detrolt and Ataltssa Iowa Minimum

of 2 years CDL experience needed Call Dave @ 1-800 842 5006 o r 402 96B 6268

ts iookmgft^^to

We offer $9 hr to start Medical, Dental 401k and beautiful merchandise at an

employee discount Pnor sales expenence helpfiil Friendly smile required'

LivomaMem-Five Plaza

734-522-1850 Ask fo r SalUe


Help Wanted General


F u ll T im e

H e a r tla n d H e a lth C a re C e n te r s e e k s c a n d id a te w ith a t le as t 3 y e a rs o f e x p e r ie n c e fo r o v e ra ll re s p o n s ib ility fo r th e g e n e ra l co n d itio n o f th e b u ild in g s & g ro u n d s in c lud in g p lu m b in g e le c ­tr ic a l & p h y s ic a l p la n t e q u ip m e n t E x p e n e n c e in h ea lth ca re se ttin g p re fe rr ed

W e o ffe r e x c e lle n t b en e fits in c lud in g c o m p e titive sa l a ry 401 (k) m ed ica l/d e n ta l in su ran ce and m o re F o r co ns ide ra tio n p lea se m ail fa x o r c a ll H e a r tla n d H e a lth C are A ttn M yrtle P o w e ll H um an R e so u rce s M a n a g e r 2 6 0 0 1 F o rd R o ad D e a ito m H e igh ts , M l 4 8 1 2 7 PH 3 1 3 274 4 6 0 0 Fax 3 1 3 2 7 4 7 8 2 9


Seasonal fu ll tim e positions open fo r condominium com m unitles m northwest Oakland area Candidate m us t have good customer skills trans portation pool landscaping to o ls general m ain tenance too ls irrigation knowledge a plus Start Immediately Ask fo r Leilari 248 888 4700

M AIN TEN AN CELead maintenance person needed fo r busy Novi apart ment community Pnor mam tenance experience required M ust have know ledge of plumbing electrical drywafi HVAC and grounds mainte nance as well as excellent people skills Full benefits including 401 (k) and bonus opportun ity Position can include an apartm sn‘ Call Danielle at (248) 569 8880Maintenance Tech Full TimeLocal apt community seeking fu l! tim e service tech M ust know all aspects o f apartment maintenance Must be reliable disciplined & service oriented Please fax resume to 248 644 3010 attn Service Manager or compete application Mon Fri 10 5pm at 18335 W 13 M ile Road Southfield EOEM AINTENAN^JANITORIAL

WORKERCompetitive wages benefits and flexible work schedule Excellent w ork environment Temple Beth El 7400 Telegraph Rd at 14 Mile Road

Cali A! o r Vic 248-851 1100 ext 3158

MANAGEMENTAssistant part tim e fo r self storage 2 Oays/wk Expen enced In Sales PC office skills required Outside main tenance duties Livoma 734 422 4600

MANAGERExperienced licensed Real Estate Profess onal needed fo r large Franch se Realty Co Responsibilities include office management tra in ing & recru iting Good career opportunity fo r qualified indi vidual Sand resume m confi dence to Box #0325 Observer & Eccentnc News papers 36251 S choo lcra ft Rd Livoma M l 48150

M ANAG ERExperienced Regional Property Management Professional needed to supervise suburban Detroit apartment commum ties Individuals w ith single site o r mufti site experfence With a proven background of success w ill be considered Competitive salary great ben efits 401k Send resume in confidence w ith salary requiremenu to

PO Box 248Southfield M l 48037 0248

Manicurist wanted to r newLivoma Medical spa fo r spa pedicures & natural mam cures Call 734-427 8380


Professional needed by local franchiser to Interface w ith franchisees This is an excit mg multi task position that w ill require a maximum o f 30 hrs a vi^ Hourly & mileage Send resume to Marketing Spemahst 9981 E Grarfd River Bnghton M l 48116

Fax 810 227 0443

MARKETING DIRECTORNeeded fo r Retirem ent com munity Ideal candidate w ill be professional outgo Ing creative compassion ate and self motivated 4 year degree required pre ferred in Marketing o r relat ed fie ld Ejqierience a plus but w ill tram the right per son Please fax resume and cover letter to

248 569-0213 Email dmorgangc@yahoo com

Medical Billing Data Entry W ork Growing industry needs responskjle people W ork your own h o jis from home PC required No Experience Necessary Call Toll Free

1 866 5091815 ext 861



MERRY MAIDSw e re h o k a tg fo r

hones tca ring ind iv idua ls

F u ll p a rt t im e g re a t h ou rs a n d benefits

E a rn $200-

734 -458 -9708

NAPA AUTO PARTSIs expanding and looking fo r experienced Store Managers Assistant Store Managers and Counter Salesperson We have excellent career oppor tumties in the automotive aftermarket H ighly mofiv ated se lf s tarting Indi v iduals w ith previous related experience a plus Most im portan tly appit cants need to be customer oriented In addition to a career we o ffe r competitive salary excellent train ing an outstanding benefits package includ ing 401k medical dental life vision paid vacation and holidays plus more Please send resume to NAPA Auto Parts PO Box 459 Taylor M l 48180 o r apply m person at 30550 Ecorse Ra Romulus M l EOE M/F


Farmington Hills based con struction company/develop er seeking officemanager/controller Must have accounting back ground CPA preferred Real estate & construction knowledge helpful Fax your resume to 248 473 9288

OPERATOR/DRiVERCompany seeking expen enced residentia l dozer operator CDL A prefeired Southern Oakland & Wayne counties

(734) 524 9767

' OPTICIANS NEEDED 'Entry level and experienced positions available fo r wholesale optical lab Apply in person o r send resume to Enterprise Optical 201 W Girard Madison Hts M l 48071 Mon Fn 9am 1pm no phone calls

PART TIME (On ca ll)G a rd en City continu ing ed school needs energetic flexible people fo r promo tion registration & Ed ftiirs free fo r variable hours from Gam 8pm fo r Metro worir sites Good pay/mileage Cal! 734 266 8134

needed Saturday night and Thursday afternoon to fill The Observer Newspaper racks and stores in the West Bloomfieldarea I f t tO p ^ s te d . p lea u tti ra U

7 3 4 U 9 5 a > 2 2 8 1 o r 7 3 4 - 9 5 3 - 2 2 7 6


Americas MoneyLlne Inc a nationwide non conforming mortgage lender is seeking

retail loan officers with proven origination experience

to grow our Livoma office Candidates m ust have a high school diploma o r equivalent at least 1 year o f experience as a loan officer in the retail

mortgage Industry Must have strong organization and

customer service skills We offer a generous base

salary and incentive compen sation program benefit pack age effective the fim t day of

employment including 401(k) and employee stock purchase IX'ogram For consideration

please send resume with cover letter to fax 734 525

6270 o r e mail to HRSAmencasMoneyLine com


NEED 15 PEOPLE For Truck Driver Training Tram in Michigan Call Snantel Today" Amencan Truck D rM fig School 1 800 999-8012or WWW your futurestartshere com

OUTDOOR MAINTENANCEImmediate opening fo r full tune outdoor maintenance person M aintain exterior grounds & parking lots o f Novi Expo Center Cleaning weed Ing planting exterior painting etc Call (248)348 5600 ext 212 fo r appointmentPARKING LOT pavement marking co seeks motivated person w/site layout & blue print reading experrence o r a fast learner Must be able to w ork weekends Excellent pay

248 939 1700


PAVING FOREMAN/PAVE CREW & GRADE OPERATORFor asphalt paving CO AHposi tions available Top pay/bene fits References & experienced only (734) 729 9440 EOE

P H O N E A T T E N D A N TLivoma Firm seeks ambitious seif starter w / strong com mumcation sk ills fo r busy switch boardFax m um e to 734-591-3029

PHOTOGRAPHERNeeded to shoot houses to be displayed on In ternet 3 4 days per week Coverage area includes Northville Canton and Belleville Digital camera with 2 1 mp o r greater & own computer w / internet required Please email resume to

tours mt1@v i-ccom o r fax 248 306 5414


For Service ComMny Great pay & benefits C alf Nick @ M r Rooter 1 888-655-6700

wiviv homeUiwnJife.com Observer & Eccentric 1 Thursday Aprii 17 2003 ( * ) p 3

Help Wanted General



Miracle Man Plumbing a Pete Wood Company and a grow ing leader in the industry seeks apprentice and expert enced Plumbers and Sprinkler Teclinicians to jo in our team We are proud to o ffer our employees a fantastic com pensatlon and benefits pack age If you are a g u a ii^ drlv en professional we want to talk to yOu about the opportu nittes that await you Interview with us today it may change your life tom orrow

Call (248) 888 7777 to schedule your interview EOE


Top pay Full benefits Tools & a ir conditioned truck provided A sk fo rJ im 248 356 1680

POLISHERS WANTEDLeading manufactuer and dis tributor o f engineered stone counter tops is looking for

individuals who are qualified and experienced and reliable

stone polishers This is a fast paced environment That IS looking fo r people who are ready to perform foT top pay

Those w ithout experience need not apply If interested

please call our office In Romulus at 734 641 4441

POOL MONITOR Summers part time fo r Westland apt community Must be 18 yrs Call Mon Fri 734 455 7100

PROPERTY MANAGERfo r Northville single fam ily property management co Challenging responsible posi tion Attractive compensation Customer service exp Real estate license needed Computer exp a MUST

248 348 5100 ext 123

PURCHASING AGENTwanted fo r tile industry $30 000+ a year Benefit package included Please fax resume to 734 422 3381 Email assc7@cscomRECEPTIONIST for LIVONIA BUSINESS Full-time oppor tunity fo r the right goal mind ed quality person M ust have perfect verbal communication & telephone skills Business Attfre Kevin 734 591 3700

REPAIR & MAINTENANCEOf machine shop equipment Must have experience Benefits fu ll time Day shift Apply by mall o r in person 33100 Capitol Livonia M l 48150 (734)427 8550


Exp to build attached condominiums Computer literate Email resume to

Windmill Group stuartmichaelson®

ameritech net or fax 248 538 7010

ROOFERS & LABORERSv/ith experienced needed

Call 734 968 3439ROUTE DRIVER For Troy based vending co Serving rr^tro area S450/start Please call (248) 577 2700

SHOP ASSISTANT Needed fo r growing vinyl febncator in Livonia Experience preferred but will tram Pay based on exp Apply m person 13420

Wayne Rd Livonia


For roofing siding Co Part time to fu ll time work

W/equipmenl top pay fo r top quality work (734) 453 9654


Affiliate o f Cateipillar Inc Business proposals

statements plan forecasts analysis advice guidance

Accounting degree lequirsd CPA preferred 5 yrs accounting $xp Send cover letter resume &

transcripts to Caterpillar Logistics FT Services LLC

Attn Controller 17852 Laurel Pk Dr N Ste

210C Livonia M l 48152 An Equal

Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

STAR SEARCH* Singers Bands Songwriters Audition in Nashville 30+ companies need talent 615 890 4839 WWW c h a r l i e r a y c o m c4promo@aol com Drawer 291827 Nashville TN 37229

STOP & LO O KHSFD leading flora l distnbu to r has immediate positions available fo r floral associates in Sam s Club a t 3800 Ford Rd Canton M l M ust be sales oriented self motivated possess good communication skills Exp preferred Interested applicants may call and leave a detailed voice mail message to be contacted fo r interview

300 880 5393 ext 1159


SUM M ER H ELPThe City of Auburn Hills is accepting applications fo r temporary summer help with the Department o f Public Services Job duties include but are not lim ited to general maintenance o f c i^ ground and buildings Qualified cand idates m ust have a valid drivers license and be 18 years of age o r older Candidates will be subject to physicals and drug testing The position will run from approximately May 1 2003 through Labor Day The compensation is S9 00 to $975 per hour Noimat work mg hours are M F 7 00 a m to 3 3 0 p m subject to change

Interested candidates can obtain an application from the Department o f Public Services located at 1500 Brown Road

Auburn Hills M l 48326To ensure consideration

please return job application to the Brown Road address No phone calls please EOE

TEACHER Northville Ciirlsti: seeking candidates 2003 248

T ELEM A R K ET IN GFishing in a barrel

(734) 422-i

Over 10000 listings <


Help Wauled General

TOOL ROOM SUPERVISORA progressive Automotive Components manufacturer in southeast Michigan Is looking fo r a Tool Room Supervisor

JOB REQUIREMENTS Organize daily activities In a progressive d ie tool room Provide production support and leadership support to all tool and die makers TPM for tooling Devlation/8D imple mentation and closure w ork within s tric t manpower budg et parameters

The qualified candidate will have 7+ years expenence in a tool room w ith at least 4 years o f supervision Prefer Journeyman Status and rec ommend bachelors degree

Please send resume to Human Resources

E mall hr®blueheron com Fax 734-451-6414

ISO 9000/QS 9000 Certified Equal Opportunity Employer

D ED iC A TED R U N S 0/0 & Co. DriversAUTO FREIGHT5 - m83t/mf(e average 2500 mile/week Romulous Ml to Chicago, !L

7 Go, M¥ors:3Wmile to start Romulus Ml to Loraine or Avon Lake. OH

Family Heaith losamce

Dental, Vision, Prescription $30-$S0Mk(sHwIeSISM)

• NO Hazmat Reg• No-Touch Freight• Home Every Weekend• NO East Coast •6 Paid Holidays• Quarterly Bonus ♦Paidvacations/Holidays Betjuintl CittsACDL 1 yearOTREiqt^ence Cleaa MWt Mii becaii leoi deilvem is’JtT&nr

W iM ,

to p lin e e x p re s s .c o mTREE CUMBERS

EXPERIENCEDM ust have extensive exp climbing rigging & working near utilities Climbing gear provided $500 $1 000/wk depending on ability Health care benefits ONLY EXP CLIMBERS NEED APPLY

734 522 1660


Needed fo r growing compa ny Experience w/compressed

gases Must have CDL 8 w/hazmat Send resume to

HR Dept PO Box 930508 Wixom M i 48393

TRUCKING COMPANYLooking fo r Semi & Train Dump Truck Drivers Experienced only Call Monday Friday 9am 5pm

(734) 455 4036

TUITION FR E E SCHOOL 3week Training Must be 21 Guaranteed Job UponC o m p l e t i o n Inexpenenced /E xpenenced Welcome Long HaulTrucking 48 States MCT/Wood Trucking Call

1-800 621 4878

WANT HOME WEEKLY With More Pay? $ 35 per mile fo r 1 Year experience more experi ence makes morel 12 mos OTR required Heartland Express 1 866 802 9670 WWW heartlandexpress com


Must have experience inctud mg hi io operation

Knowledge o f welding supply products a plus Send

resume to HR Dept PO Box 930418 W ixom M l 48393

Warehouse HelpCherokee Carpet in Novi Is looking fo r a warehouse per son Carpet & HI Lo experl ence a must (248) 735 8405

WINDOW CLEANERResidential Exp preferred Part to fu ll time Excellent pay 248 390 0467

WOMENS ONLY FITNESS CENTER looking fo r enthu siastic fitness minded females Motivated honest & dependable Full tim e part time afternoon eve & week ends available No exp reces sary $8/1ir + commission Call Michelle at 248 342-6233

Olfice Clerical

lAccounting/Payroll Assistant jneeded fo r fas t paced Mfg (Company Ideal candidate 'should possess a minimum (Of 2 years Accounting and {Payroll experience be profi ic ient m Word & Excel and ■have good organizational ■skills We offer challenging {work environment a com ■petitive salary and fu ll bene {ms package E O E Mail or |fax resume

{MOELLER MANUFACTURING < 43938 Plymouth Oaks Bt

Plymouth M I48170 2584 I Fax 734-416 2200

Ollice Clerical


Southfield property man agement firm is looking fo ra responsible fu ll time Accounts Payable indi vidual to f i l l a fast paced multiple task position in the Finance Department M ust have A/P tmd com puter experience (CAMS softw are knowledge a plus) and good organize tional skills Challenging w ork environment ofter ing a competitive salary and fu ll benefits package

Interested applicants e mail your resume to HUNTLLC@ao! com or fax to 248 356-3509


An immediate opening fo r a dependable profes slonal team player wrth a m inim um o f 2 years ex perience to work in our Plymouth office Excellent phone manners and exten sive knowledge o f Win dows 2000 and M icrosoft Office is a m ust We offer an outstanding benefits package including paid health insurance tu ition reimbursement and 401k matching Send your res ume w ith salary require ments to

jobs@pcsmi com


Fast paced office in need of A dm in istra tive Assistant to jo in o u r team Experience with m ultiple phone lines required Computer experience neces sary M icrosoft Word a must Experience in manufacturing environment a plus M ust be capable of handling multiple tasks F il l tim e Benefits Westland Please fax resume w ith salary requirements to

734 595 0149 o r call 734 595 6400


RECEIVABLEperson needed Exp Req

Duties Include cash appi and collection calls Contact with

collection agency/attorney req strong communication

skills Send resume to Attn Credit PO Box 930508

W ixom M i 48393

COLLECTORfo r Farmington Hills collection law firm Send resume to Hiring Partner PO Box 3556

Farmington Hills M l 48333 3556

Email MIComLaw@aol com

Customer Service Rep

P & 0 and/or life & health license Insurance license required Expenence pre ferred Fax resume to 248 380 6448 o r mail to 24285 Novi Rd Novi 48375


Full tim e Must be detail orient ed fast learner multi tasker w ith excellent phone skills Excellent with direction/maps Com puter sk ills required Westland 734 776 9240

DATA ENTRY Great Pay Flexible Hours Home Computer & Modem Required Free Training MBN 1 800 382 4282 Ext 63

LEGAL SECRETARYSm all Southfie ld law firm seeks experienced fu ll time legal secretary Probate expe rience preferred Competitive sa lary and benefits Fax resume to 248 559-2180 or email shousey@8bcglobal net

LEGAL SECRETARYSouthfie ld personal In jury firm seeks m inimum 2 yrs exp W ordPerfect Salary commensurate with exp Fax resume to Office Manager

248 592 0376

LE G A L SECRETARYExperienced w ith

WordPerfect Defense litiga tion Small office Southfield

Fax resume 248 258 0759

LEGAL SECRETARYneeded fu ll tim e fo r p laintiff medical malpractice firm 2+ yrs experience preferred M icrosoft Word & Windows 98 Send resume to

Turner & Turner PC 26000 W 12 Mile Rd Southfield M l 48034

o r fax to 248 355 5674

LEGAL SECRETARYwanted fo r fu ll time position w ith small Bloomfield Hills firm Experience in litiga tion real estate and corpo rate law O ffers good bene f i t package Strong organi z a tm a l and typing expert ence required Please email resume w ith salary require ments to

camflaw@yatioo com

OFFICE ADMINISTRATORwanted fo r fu ll time position w ith small Bloomfield Hills law firm Must have previ ous accounting experience and excellent com puter skills Degree in business preferred Offers good ben etit 'package Please email resume w ith salary require ments to



For office in Livonia Entry level Part time $10 50/h r Require prior Excel experience Subm it applica tion a t 32231 Schoolcraft Rd Ste 200 C a ll 734 458 3140

MANAGERExperience needed m ust have strong accounting skills Fax resume to 248-676-0448

flEC EPTiO N ISTSenior apartment com munity in Canton seeking to f i l l part tim e receptionist position In dividual should be organized responsible and dependable Applicants m ust have comp uter skills and h a '^ the ability to w ork well with the public E E 0 Apply m person at

30d of Canton 2000 N Canton Center Rd

Canton M l (E side o f Canton S ofC tr Rd Ford Rd)

Office Clerical

RECEPTIONIST ForEnvironmental co to answer phones do tight filing & typ ing Please fax resume to 734 522 6654 o r email

detrolt@lviservices com

RECEPTIONIST/ AOMiNISTRATIVE ASSISTANTW ill answer telephones and do light clerical work (data entry filing e tc ) fo r busy law firm Full o r part time Please fax resume to 248 594 0023


Farmington H ills law firm seeks fu ll timesecretary/receptionist answer ing phones typing filing Please Fax resumes to 248 855 0209

SECRETARY/CLERKMature person needed Section 8 housing knowledge Typing & Windows 98 exp desired (aood personnel skills & the ability to w ork with seniors a must Benefits paid vacation excellent working conditions in Detroit suburbs Salary commensurate with experience Fax resume to

(734) 326-6980 An Equal

Opportunity Employer

iMAiHeoliHe 6 ^


ENGINEERdegree m mechanical engl neering Mechanical Desktop a must Background in manu facturing is helpful We are a progressive company expand ing our engineering depart ment Excellent pay / bene fits / w ork ing conditions Livonia area Send resume to

willow@pegasustcs com o r call 313 937 0770 Ext 126

CHAIRSIDE ASSISTANTNeeded fu ll tim e fo rFarmington Hills fam ily prac tice Friendly s ta ff NoSaturdays 248 553 3553

DENTAL ASSISTANTfo r West Bloomfield orthodon tic office Orthodontic o r den tal experience necessary 32 hours no Sat (248) 851 7272

DENTAL ASSISTANTFull tim e fo r busy Livonia S^neral practice Experience needed (734) 522 6770

DENTAL ASSISTANTSouthfield dental team is

looking fo r experienced part time dental assistant

Phone 248-557 5557 Fax 248 557 9304

Dental Assistant (experienced)

fo r Tues 9 5 Sat 9 1 Call (313) 563 3300

DENTAL ASSISTANTExperienced fo r Westland office Mon Tues Thurs 8-6

Call 734 722 0500

DENTAL ASSISTANTPotential sign on bonus Part tim e Dental Assistant fo r friendly multi location dental practice EOE

Please Fax your resume to 313 531 3620


for Dental Clinic in Redford Must be Experienced Excellent benefit package Spanish BMinguai a big plus Full & part time Please call 313 533 3300

or page us at 248-810 7308

will return call immediately

DENTAL HYGIENISTExp preferred fo r preventative office in W estland/Llvonla area (^ i l 734 522-6470

Fax 734 522 6937

DENTAL HYGIENISTVery progressive Livonia office in need o f dental hygienist part tim e Must be team player w ith excellent perio sk ills Contact Cheryl

734 261 9696

DENTAL HYGIENISTInnovate high tech quality dental practice in Farm ington Hills seeks fu li/part time hygienist Please tax resume to 248 478 1139

DENTAL HYGIENISTPlymouth o ffice seeking dependable hygienist from 5 8pm on Tues night and Sam 1pm on Sat (734) 453 8190

Dental Office near Southfield Is etqiandlng

Searching fo r exp Office Manager & Insurance Biller Fax resume to 588-997 9210

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Full time Dearborn Hts ofhce for patient friendly team-onented person Exc benefits & salary Exp required 313 277 0050


Looking fo r an enthusiastic outgoing person (40hrs/wk) to join our progressive Livonia practice Prior experience is preferred but we re w illing to tram if you re committed to learning Great benefits with a 4 day work week Send your resume w/salary requirements to Attn Patti a t 33627 Seven Mile Livonia 48152 o r fax to (248)471 4146



Our practice is looking fo r an exceptional Individual to complete our motivated and professional orthodontic team The ideal candidate must possess the fo llow ing qualities• A warm sincere smite• A warm outgoing personality• A high level o f integnty/trust• An excellent customer

service prospective• A professional polished

appearancePrior orthodontic expenence preferred but not necessary We will provide the training if you sincerely possess the above mentioned qualities if you are the person we are looking fo r please call Beverly Paul at 800 487-4867 x2049

Stsrlilzatlon/Lab Livonia orthodontic office looking fo r part time Sterilization/Lab per son 3 days/week Mon Tues Thurs Approx 21 hours/week W ill tram right person Please

Cali 734 261 8860

STOP LOdKINQIgreat office to w ork at Full

time Oentai & computer exp neccesary Livonia

734 425 4206

ALLER G Y NURSE24 hours/week W Bloomfield

mature professional office staff excellent salary healtii & childcare benefits possible

Fax resume 734 669 8702


Eatient requires live in help eferences required Excellent

compensation Send info to Observer & Eccentric 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia Ml Box reply 0567


Full tim e position fo r experienced CA Previous X tray & THOMAS know ledge a plus Fax resume to 313 537 8691 o r call Kim o r Linda at 313 537 8100




We are looking fo r Individuals to jo in our team

m providing the best orthopaedic outpatient physl

cal therapy care fo r our patients Exercise

Physiologists should have BS or a degree m a related

field Physical Therapy Assistants should have certifi cation and be able to instruct exercises and perform evalua tions PT techs and massage therapists Experience prefer able W ill train in PT treat

ments Massage knowledge a plus Please fax resume to

(248) 663 1903 or call (248) 683 1906

EXP MEDICAL•Medical Assistant •Medical Receptionist •Office Manager •Billing Manager •Med Teen Lab Tech or Lab Assistant Full time o r part tim e benefits For expanding friendly pnvate Northville practice Fax resume 248 380 9365 Cali Susan 248 349 0627

Expanding Oncology OfficeIn Novl/Southfleid hiring exp RN MA Bilier Receptionist

Email resumejtozer@newlandraedlcal com


BILLERPart full time fo r Farmington Hills office Computer experi ence benefits Fax resume to

248 538-4949

FRONT DESK PERSONFor busy dermatology practice Medical background preferred Good hours and benefits Fax resume to

734 762 6682

L P NPrivate duty home care agency seeking LPN fo r pediatric case M ust have current M l nursing license and reliable transporta tion We offer flexible schedules health and dental insurance paid days o ff and 401 (k) w ith 25% company match inter ested candidates apply in person o r send resume to Home Health Professionals 29140 Buckingham Ste 2

Livonia M l 48154 Phone 800 522 1018

Fax 734 522 5518 WWW homeheelthprofessioitin com


Medical AssistantExperienced W orking fo r 1 doctor in a 2 doctor fam ily practice approx 30 hr week Great co workers Westland area 734 729 1150

MEDICAL ASSISTANTFor pediatric office

Fax resume 248 477 2803

MEDICAL ASSISTANTExperienced Busy doctors

Farmington Hills area Please call 734 261 3650

MEDICAL ASSISTANTFull and part time fo r busy derm atology practice in Garden City Fax resume to

734 762 6682

MEDICAL RECEPTIONISTFull tim e fo r outpatient physical therapy clinic

located in Redford Experience with insurance

computers m ulti line phones filing etc

preferred Fax resume to 734 981 2622


Livonia area $500 Bonus

Exp preferred Good comm unication skills $12 & up DOE

248-478-1166MEDICAL RECEPTIONISTExperienced Full time Farmington Hills area

Please call 734 261 3650MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST

For busy dermatology practice Medical background preferred Good hours and benefits Fax resume to


Full tim e experienced Needed fo r Internal medicine office Northville/ Novi area Fax resume 248-449 8205

Medical ReceptionistNeeded fo r 2 doctor office Orchard Lake Road WestB loom fie ld Small friendly office Experienced staff Excellent salary and benefits including day care allowance Fax resume 734 669 8702

MT/MLTFull time 7 30 4pm Mon thru Fii No weekends o r Holidays Limited service laboratory in Livonia Phlebotomy experience required Position w ill provide STAT laboratory analysis and phlebotomy services w ith 2 fu ll time phlebotom ists Apply in person malt fax o r e mall resume to


23775 Northwestern Hwy Southfield M l 48075

Fax 248 226 2075 email

hciresumes® providence hospital org

Re MT/MLT Livonia


Full tim e (80 hours bi weekly) on afternoon sh ift 3 i i 30pm to r STAT Laboratory service at our Novi location Position requires registered MT/MLT witn generalist experience to include Phlebotomy and Blood Bank Apply in person mall fax o r e mail resume to


MT/MLT Stat Lab Novi 23775 Northwestern Hvny

Southfield M l 48075 Fax 248 226 2075


providence hospital org Re MT/MLT


Experienced fo r busy Garden City practice Medical back ground and good people skills required Fax resume to

734 762 6682

OPTHALMiC TECHICIANfo r busy Southfield office Expenence required Please fax resumes to

248 358 0947


NEEDEDFull tim e part tim e orcontingent Canton &Dearborn Hgts Clinics Pleasecall 313 454 8144

PHYSICAL THERAPISTImmediate placement

Call 800-570-6866 Or fax resume 248-827-2641


Immediate placement Celt 800-570-6866 Or

fax resume 248-827-2641Physical Therapy Tech

Part tim e days & some eves possible W ill tra in on the job

734 953 7245Receptionist Eiqierienced

For Westland Pediatric office days Alternate Sats Sam 1pm Medic com puter Arlene 734-427 3636

RECEPTIONIST/BILLERFull tim e Experienced fo r busy Southfield Internist s office MBS experience a must Excellent bendits

Fax resume to 248 358 2511RN s & LPN s Full time days part tim e midnights sh ift dif rerential New facility 5 Mile & Farmington Rd area Lutheran Heritage Village 33600 Luther Lane Livonia 48154 A sk fo rC le o 734 421 6564

^ R N / L P N or MAW ith exp needed fo r

GROWING dermatology practice in Ann A rbor/ Plymouth area Full o r part tim e Pay commensurate w/exp Exc benefits

A P P LY TODAYFax resume 734 996 2682

A word to the wise ' when looking fo r a

great deal check the


The national awanj-winning Observer & Eccentric N e w ^ a p e rs is seard^ng for a photo editor to plan and execute photo coverage for 15 nev^paper editir^is, amd manage staff Jo b requirements Management and 3-5 years photography expenence, plus e)q>erience \wth digital imaging, auTihiving systems, QuarkXPress and Photoshop Knowledge of Nev^^EditprefeiredS d a ry commensurate wrth experience and contains ^ attractive, full benefit pad<ageSend resume to The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers* * • • • • * 36251 Schoolcraft Road

Livonia, M ichigan 48150Fax: 734-953-2057

y E-mail: eblbik@ oe.hom ecom m.net


X RAY TECH Multi Orthopedic office in Ann Arbor area seek ing 1 fu ll tim e o r 2 part tim e M ust be ARRT certified o r ell gible fo r certification Competi fiv e salary and benefits offered Indicate on resume if applying fo r fu ll o r part tim e position Send resume to 5315 E llio tt Dr Suite 202 Ypsilanti M l 48197 AHn H R

Fax 734 712 0522


Assistant General Manager2 yrs experience Around 55 hrs/wk Fax 734 261 8890 o r m ail resume 33971 Plymouth Rd Livonia M l 48150

BARTENDERExpenenced Days only Apply w ith in at Red Balloon Salon

29276 Northwestern Southfield Between 2 & 4pm

BAR TEN D ERFull time nights Excellent pay & tips Apply within

Jack Dunleavys 340 N Mam Plymouth


Experienced working in bars Part-time w ork in Canton bar 734 487 9770

CHEF WANTEDfo r private medical fac ility 6 days a week lunches only

Fax resume to 313 832 7609COOKS S WAITSTAFF

2 openings fo r cooks and friendly curteous bikini w ait staff Fire & police atmos pjiere Serious inquires con tac t Kim days at Halogen Bar

313 792 8399DISHWASHERS

Part time w ill train Great pay Plymouth area

734-456 3B01

FOOD SERVICE DIRECTORfo r Rettirement community Duties Include managing s ta ff planning menus budgeting & ordering Ideal candidate w ill have proven success in sim ilar environm ent Please fax cover letter and resume to 248 669 0213 o r email dmorgangc@yahoo com

Four Friends Bar & Grill44282 Warren Canton

Hiring experienced outgoing friendly WAIT STAFF Will tram rig h t person Hiring experi enced KITCHEN HELP ‘ ' m person Mon Sat 1 5PI

734 416 0880

H E A D W A IT R E S SSenior apartment community IS seeking responsible experienced people fo r a head waitress position P rio r experience a must Full tim e position available weekday sh ift M on Fri 11 30am 7 30pm o r Part time position available weekend sh ift 7 00am 9 00am Sunday11 30am 7 30pm Pleaseapply in person at 42600 Cherry Hill Rd Canton M l 48187


Prep cooks dishwashers and linecooks Flexible hours

Commerce Twp Call 248 669 9800

LINE COOKS needed Day & Night Part o r Full tune Cali Sam at Sean 0 Callaghan s Downtown Plymouth

(734) 459 6666


Exp in upscale dining Call (248) 348 0575

WAIT STAFF /EXPERIENCEdA ll sh ifts Call o r apply between 2 & 4pm 30685 W 12 Mile Rd Farmington Hills



W-' *





If you are serious about entering the business and profession o f Real Estate Sales you owe it to yourself to investigate why we are #1 m the market place and best suited to insure your success•#1 Rated Franchise System

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Call Jim Stevens or

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co L o u ieu .BANKeRG





If you desire to work in western Wayne county be w ith number 1 see our other ad for details

Call Denise Setser 7 3 4 392 6 0 0 0




REAL ESTATE IS BOOMING Excellent Commissions

Great Training DOUG COURTNEY


HOMETOWN (734) 459 6222


b u r a ffilia tion w ith the GMAC Real Estate Network unites tw o o f the most trusted names in the Western Suburbs Our exclusive real estate serv ices help you become more successful• Top Notch training• Marketing tools• Strategic systems fo r your client relationships• Global relocations serv ices• Financial servicesPlus our agents are enti tied to GM Car discounts vendor discounts group health Insurance invest ments in GM demand notes and many more benefits We are now look ing fo r 4 more agents to com ple te our Sprmg semester training session Classes are form ing now

Call Darlene Shemanski (734) 451 5400

1365 South Mam St Plymouth M l 48170

Are you a car n u PLike dealing with people?We re looking fo r you Inside Sales position fo r automotive parts manufacturer Sales exp preferred Full tim e Houiiy + commission Excellent bene fits Apply within March Performance 6020 N Hix Rd Westland

✓ 'sAre You In The

Career You Were BORN For?

Is the fun and enjoyment missing from your current job a long w ith all the money your are w orth? Then Real Estate Sales may be fo r you Call now fo r a confidential siterview with the #1 Coldwell Banker office in Michigan and the Entire Midwest

Tricha or Victor

S 347 3050 ELL BANKER

Schweitzer Northville

AR E YOU LOOKINGfo r a job w ith a

guaranteed NO Lay off? Call Tony Camllieri

(734)591 2000 J^iNi BlIllV ■■■..

ASSISTANT MANAGERSMEDICAL WEIGHT LOSS Cfmic has openings fo r fu ll tim e & part tim e Assistant Managers fo r o u r L inco ln Park Livonia and Dearborn clinics Must enjoy working in a fast paced upbeat atmos phere sales experience required Base p lus bonus p lus com m iss ion Benefits available Please fax resume to Alberta 248 353 7624


W ith good communication skills High earning poten tia l good working condi tions Experience helpful not necessary Contact Bill Sarner ®

734 946-0011


CHANGE YOUR L IF Efo r a rewarding-career w / unlimited earning poten tial in real estate

Call Tony Camillerj (734)326 2000


CHANGE YOU R LIFEThere has never been a better time to start a Rea) Estate Career Ask us about our signing bonus Ask us about a free career seminar

248-304-2299 Ask fo r Sandy


APPOINTMENT S E H E R SHome Im provem ent Co is seeking fu ll tim e canvassers to jo in our crew Job involves door to door appt setting fo r estimafes m n Sat $8 SlO /hr plus weekly bonuses Dansportation provided

Ask fo r Dave 734 658 9254

EARN EXTRA $$$Booming real estate offices in L ivonia have openings fo r outgoirtg Salespeople! Training available

Call Kim o r Judy 734 525 4200


WWW remericaintegrity com


Benfits m iles base com missions For a diverse set o f product lines in the new home market Call

248-446 2600 ext 221


Is now recru iting fo r experienced outside Sales Representatives Position requires sales call activity to the insurance dealer ship and body shop client group Related experience required Degree preferred Salary & incentives comm ensurate w ith experience

Forward resumes and salary history to 248 829

4755 fax o r email to pettywoodsrm®

diversifledglass com

J O m C R AN B R O O Kfo r a career in real estate w ith your ovwt personal assistant We have perfect cen tra l location in downtown Franklin Village Call M itch W o lf fo r details


INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONsearching fo r sales person to sell exh ib it space in boat shows and memberships in association Computer sk ills required AutoCAD a plus Exhibit and /o r association experience a plus Strong w ork ethic dedication ti3 cus tom er service and team player important Possible fu ll tim e o r part tim e depending on applicant Send resume interest in part o r fu ll time and salary requirements to Michigan Boating Industries Association 32398 Five Mile Rd Livonia M l 48154 o r FAX to 734 261 088G o r email vsnider@mbia org

No walk ins please


O A K L A N D C O U N T Y A R E AI n d e p e n d e n t C o n t r a c t o r s

Deliver newspapers two days per week. Thursday and Sunday morning m the

West Bloomfield, Walled Lake, Commerce Township & Keego Harbor areas.

(734) 953-2276

F 4 ( * ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 ivw icJiom etow n^e.com

REAL ESTATE Office is seek ing licensed and unlicensed persons Please call ERA Country Ridge Realty fo r a confidential interview ask for manager (248) 474 3303


Join us fo r a FREE information session

about starting a Career In Real Estate

Mon ^ D ) 28 @ 7pm Thurs May 1 @ 3pm

SEATING IS LIMITED Call Tricia to reserve your

seat 734 464 6400 or e mail tspease@cent21 biz

Century 21 Hartford South

WWW cent21 biz

Reliable Salesperson Wanted An experienced and energetic Ford salesperson is needed Excellent pay plan monthly and annuyal bonus program 401 k BC/BS with Dental and Demo available M ust have valid drivers license

Apply Blackwell Ford Inc 41001 Plymouth Rd Plymouth M i 48170

Attn Jeff Engle

RETAIL S A LESAdvance Novelty Co is seek ing a friendly and creative per son to sell balloons decora tions and party rentals Part time position 3 to 4 days/week with starting pay of S7 50 per hour Fax resume to (734) 266 3030 o r apply in person at 29199 Six Mile Livonia No phone calls please


COLLECTIONS EXPERTS & AUTO SALES ASSOCIATESOld Cornerstone Financial -LC has openings In its .Ivon ia M l location for Loan Officers We provide an aggressive compensa tion package benefits 401K and 40 hour work week Most importantly we offer business develop ment leads to the Loan Officers We w ilt train highly motivated sales pro lessionals to succeed in :he mortgage Industry This is an opportunity of a ifetime to join a company

that recognizes people are ts greatest asset'

Please fax or email your resume toOld Cornerstone Financial

LLCFax 877 296 7604

asehgal@oldcornerstone com EOE

Roz & ShermNeeds salesperson part time fo r jewelry department No Sunday s 1 evening t i i 8

Call 248 855 8855

SALESBlue D ot Services of Michigan a fu ll service provider of KVAC plumbing & related services is currently seeking a highly motivated & energet c individual to join our fast paced residentia sales department P revous sales experience preferred Excellent benefits/compensa tion package await the right candidate If you want to work fo r a winning team fax your resume along w ith salary Ins tory to J ill at (734) 522 2801 or apply In person at 30633 Schoolcraft Rd Livonia EOE


For training dept M ust be energetic and good w ith peo pie Travel required Great pay and benefits Fax resume to

(248) 557 5116


Why not become a member of the oldest and largest family owned real estate company in Michigan We invite you to explore th is exciting opportu niW m downtown Birmingham by calling 248 644 6700SELL SPACE m coupon book fo r sporting events $300 per ad $75 com m ission Easy sate Fitness USA Please call Ms Fenner at 586 530 9077

Its All About Results Observer & Eccentric 1-800-579-SELL

VP SALES & MARKETINGAlC a w ell funded start up in electrical products is lo ttin g fo r experienced senior execu live to jo in our management team and to lead development and implementation of maket mg strategies and supervise the sales and marketing dept AlC offers attractive packages including stock options Send resume to AlC 346 Ivy Lane Troy M l 48098 Email

iinfeng@aic sys com

A ss is tan t fo r real estate office m ust have a license Part tim e position Please call (248) 474 3303 and ask fo r the manager

ASSISTANT MANAGERneeded fo r Novi/Northville Self storage facility Sats 9 5 Strong customer service skills & w o rk ethic required Call Kathleen 248-855 2957 Ext 226

AVON NEEDSRepresentatives Nowl Call

734 425 1947


For distiguished cleaning co Detail oriented eye & reliable transportation required Exc com pensation fo r the right person 734 729 4225

MECHANIC WANTEDPart tim e fo r Farmington landscape company Smalt engine & ligh t mechanical w o rk Very flexib le hours Retirees welcome Gall Tom 248 471 3121 o r email us at pagelandscape@aol com

PART-TIMECASHIER/SECRETARYFlexible, hrs Weekdays only

Plymouth Super Center Detail shop 734 459 3500 ext 11

SALES CONSULTANT SATUR DAY ONLY Retail experience preferred For Farmington Bridal shop 248 474 3131

TELEMARKETERS20-I- hours per week

W ork from 5pm 9pm $9/hour base + commission Downtown Farmington office

Larry a fte r 4pm 248 427 0800


VALPAK has an opening fo r a sales assistant based in L ivonia 20 hours/week Requirements include ex cellent communication and organizational sk ills and a b ility to m u lti task Computer literate with Word & Internet Great working environm ent Fax resume 734 522 5551 o r email ibaker@ valpakdet com or send to VALPAK 28180 S choo lcra ft M l 48150 2205 Attn L Baker

CLEANING LADY TO HELPPrepare hpme fo r sale 4 hours Wednesdays only $15/hr to start Bonus w th sale (248) 888 0886

HOUSEKEEPER Full time To Clean large Grosse Pointe home M ust be mature no nonsense individual h ighly organized and experienced Excellent w ork h is to ry required Excellent salary & benefits Fax resume to 760 341 6976 call 760 341 6900

LIVE IN H0USEKEEPER/6AR DENER Mornings only 4 hours a day 5 days/wk $5 50/hour + lodging (248) 258 2766

Summer Bab'Avallabfe

Do you need help this summer w ith y o u r children? Well you ve found it Summer babysitting available starting Monday June 16 -Saturday August 23 2003 The daily schedule w ill be Mon Fn Sam to 6pm & Sat 8am 2pm All meals included Services w ill be located in clean Westland home childcare professional overseeing daily activities If you are interested please call Miss Tee at (734) 981 4713 fo r more information

Yard work & lawn cutting Mike (734) 637 1369

JOIN THE VARSITY TEAM!VorsjJy Lincoln M e rcu ry Soles M ic h ig a n s p rem ier a w o rd w in n in g dea lersh ip has lim ited openings For am b itious custom er d riven men o r w om en w h o are looking fo r a ca reer in d ie a u to m ob ile business

W e o ffe r• VacQl on• Ret rement• Heolth insurance• 200C5 car & truck nventory• Huge advert sing budget

• Progress ve management

• Excellent poy plan• Annual sales In excess

of 5 000 cor & trucks

For a confidential Interview contact M att Garchow

49251 G rand River Ave Novi M chigan

(2 4 8 ) 8 6 6 -4 S 2 8E O E

PAINTER NEEDS WORKNo drivers license

w ill move o r travel (248) 245 3351

CHILDCARE by loving m om /teacner in S Livonia area Professional preschool curriculum (734) 427 0716

FULL OR PART TIMEFlexible & affordable

WWW bare lootbutterflies com o r (2 4 8 )25 8 1630

CHILDCARE Madonna University ElementaryEducation graduate desires summer childcare position in yo u r home 2 3 days/wk L ivom a /N onhv ille /P lym ou th area Olivia 734 462 3047COLLEGE STUDENT seeks fu ll tim e nanny position 2 yrs exp in daycare Reliable Plymouth/Canton area

734 718 4897CanlM City bontB Lathers school area Mon Fri Toddie (734) 421 6349

NANNY AVAILABLE tocsre fo r your child in your home Plymouth Canton area 19 yrs exp Call Mary leave message 734 667 2034

NW LIVONIA Infants to age 3 Full time Experienced rd ei^nces Call 248 426 7511

CAREGIVERI Perfect for SUidents!

Single mom desires help with picking up child from school in Bloomfield area lives m Walled Lake Mon Tues FrI & help out overy other Sat or Sun Looking fo r Summer help to o ' $10/hr (248)787 4545CHILD CARE NEEDED 2 3Days/week fo r 6 month old Experience with infants neces sary References required Please cal! (248) 723 4430LOVING NANNY fo r 5 y r oldson Live in preferred Non sm oking home Long term position start in May M ust be experienced with references 734 495 1485

PART TIME NANNYNeed trustworthy loyal fun loving patient flexible person fo r 9 5 month old baby boy 20 30 hours/week in my home o r office Please fax resume & references to 248 594 0023SUMMER CHILD CAREMon Fri 8 5 30 3 children (12 10 & 8) in our Northvilie home 248-473 8188

PRIVATE ROOM fo r ambula to ry senior Family home 24 h r supervision Reasonable rates Livonia 15 yrs exp

248 777 3366W Bloomfield area fo r 100

y r old mobile male References required & own transportation 248 661 2164

EMS EDUCATIONStart your Emergency Med ca Services career w ith classes at Huron Valley Ambulance Center fo r EMS Education Basic EMT classes begin in May For more info call HVA at

a 477 6331 Approved for gan Ment Award reclpi

ents & VA eligible students'FREE GRANTS Never Repay A c c e p ta n c e G u a ra n te e d $ 5 0 0 0 0 $ 5 0 0 0 0 0 00 Education Home Repairs home Purchase Business Live Operators 8am 11pm Mon Sat

1 800 893 2517 ext 363

STRANGLED BY DEBT? NEED ROOM TO BREATHE?Consolidate your bills We can help Call JT Macalister Financial at 1 866-718 0307

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OUTSIDE SALESThe national award winning Observer & Eccentr c Newspaper Is seeking an enthusiastic results oriented profess onal for this lucrative terr tory with a good base of existing cl ents as well as high p o ten t^ for new business Fulltime based in our Livonia office Successful candidates will be self motivated intelligent persuasive creative and posses strong commun cahon sk lls along with the desire to WIN Bachelor's degree or equivalent work exper ence required v^th at east 2 years pr or outs de sa es exper ence (med a experience preferred)

R espons ib ilities include.Serv eng existing community reta I bus ness cl entele Prospect ng meetng cosing new business Presenting creative and c w p e t it ve sales presentat ons Accurate record keeping of advertising forecasting cf accounts in add tion to bil ng

We offe base salary plus commiss on excel ent bereftts and employee friendly time off poi cy If you are a motivated self starter with the confidence to highly succeed in sales send your resume to

THE OBSERVER & ECCEMTRIC WEWSPAPEBMust Include Schoolcraft Goad * Livonia, Mi 48150job code OS Fax: 734 953-2057 Emaii: ebii)[email protected]

Market PlaceITALIAN COFFEE COMPANY EXPANDING ’ D istributors Wanted *High pro fit poten tial 'Anyone can do th is i Call 800 813 6625


1 800 579 SELL

ADOPTION Loving couple early 30 s eagar to open their hearts & home to a newborn' Please call Anita & Joe eves toll free 866 562 5091ADOPTION Loving couple promises baby secure future Grandparents pets outdoor sports educational and travel opportunities Expenses paid Call Kathy/Wayne 1(877) 215 4832 o r attorney 1(800) 242 8770

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FREE POOL tableYou pick up (734) 432

JACUZZI TUB free You pick up Call (313) 937 9390

Trailer old covered 2 place 734 427 1945


SHOW & SALESaturday April 26th 10am 5pm Sunday A pril 27th 11am 4pm Glass identifi cation booths and expert glass repair available LocatiOn

United Food & Comm Worker s Union Building

876 Horace Brown Dr Madison Hts Ml

(West o f John R East of Stephenson Hiwy)

13 Mile Rd & I 75 Donation $5 For more mfo call Madelyn 586 739 4290


beginners to advanced co llectors' We have what you re looking fo r a HUGE selection o f affordable antiques and collectibles offered by 40-f quality dealers Shop every day 10 5

The Great Midwestern ANTIQUE EMPORIUM

5233 Dixie Hwy Waterford (248) 623 7460


We make house calls estate and private sales and internet sales insurance and Estate appraisals We are also looking to purchase Fine china crys tal silver oil paintings furni ture costume and fine jewelry

Member o f ISA 515 S Lafayette Royal Oak

Mon Sat 11 6 248 399 2608 Visit our website

WWW delgiudiceantiques comDISNEY & HANNA BARBERAvintage animation cels & att from $40 248 855 9268

HOT WHEELred line cars & accessories wanted 1968 72 Alan734 261 3983Reb'o Late 60 s Sofa loveseat Neutral w/beautiful rosewood paneling back & sides $450/bOth 313 565 5660


Kirsons Estate Auction

1973 AMC Hornet Antiques Scales Player Piano 2 R iding Lawn M ow ers 4 T V s

Radios Large Walnut Desk More Not Listed 4660 WYLIE RD Dexter Ml (check website fo r directions} TUES APRIL 22 @ 10 30AM Owner Estate o f Alex Kirsons


734 996 9135 734 994 6309 WWW braunandhelmer com

Washtenaw County Road Commissionjtuctlon

555 N Zeeb Road Ann Arbor Ml (take I 94 to Zeeb Rd exit and go north to sale)WED /kPRIL 23 @ 11 30AM

Owner Washtenaw County Road Commission


734 996 9135 734 994 6309 WWW braunandhelmer com

APRIL 24 25 9 6pm APRIL 26 9 1pm St Pauls Lutheran Church 20805 Middlebelt Rummage Sale Bake Sale & White Elephant

VENDORS NEEDED St Paul Lutheran Lapeer 5th Annual Flea Market

St May 3 9 03 (ndside/outside $25/boo1h

810 678 2907

7100 Estate Sales

$ $ $ $ $ $ $AN O THER LOAD ED




A N N O U N C IN G 3 G R E A T S A L E S !

By Everyttimg Goes#1)Fr/Sat A p r l8 1910 4 26034 York St Huntington Woods W off Woodward between 10 & 11 Mile take Lncoln to 1st fight York St

Complete Home Of Custom Furnishings Inc

Pace Natuzzi E lio&Vouge Great accessories mcluding art glass ceramics vases crystal & candlestick collections silver sterling & fine & costume jewelry lucite electronics exercise equipment & tons more' #2)SatONLY April 19 10-4 2109 Bordeaux Drive Cloisters Condos W Bloomfield S o ff Long Lake just E of Middlebelt

Complete Condo Goes! 2001 Sebrlng LX! convert#3)Fri/Sat April 18/1910 4 973 Orchard Lake Road SE corner o f Orchard Lake Road & Telegraph across from Pontiac Home Depot 5000 sq f t warehouse completely filled with estate & custom furn iture Tons of accessories & much more' WWW everything goes com

DINING SET Foxfire glass (tables & breakfront) contem porary Lamps pictures art much more' 248 887 4626

FARMINGTON ESTATE SALE22985 Manning Thurs 10 3 Fri 11 3 Full house old & modern Sign up sheet at door Details m last Sunday s paper

HAYWOOD WAKEFIELD FUR NITURE Misc Items After 5pm 248 624 4493



Lilly M.& C O M P A N Y

Call Toll Free1-800-558-8851

LIVONIA ESTATE SALE April 1 7 th ru A p r iM 9 9 3 3 0 daily Walnut drop leaf table lots of fine pewter lots o f neat stuff Royal Doulfon m arble lop round table w/carved legs dne framed oil painting lots of collectibles and tons of stuff Off Inkster Rd 1 bik north of Schoolcraft west on Buckingham and fo llow signs to 27618 Perth o r o ff Schoolcraft service drive north on Cardwell to Perth No early b irds thanks

PRESTIGE ESTATE SALEThur/Fri/Sa tApr17/i 8 /1 9 1 0 5 1731 Blairhouse Court Off Franklin Road between Lone Pine & Long Lake Turn W on Braferton Road to S on Blair house CourtA Stunning Sale' Glass tables sofas lamps carved dressers king motorized bed desk paintings fire screen & irons iron patio furniture big plants Lovely accessories silver crystal books Christ mas beautiful womens clothes & jewelry Washer dryer & more 248 851 9035

BIRMINGHAM Multi Family Sale Sat April 19 Sam 4pm 1570 Orchard Lane N o ff 14 Mile E o f Lahser

Birmingham Bryn Mawr Road o ff Cranbrook Road 1 Day Only Sat April 19 9am 4pmFARMINGTON HILLS Estate/ Garage Sale April 17 18 19 9am 4pm 36049 West Lyman S o f 11 Mile W o f DrakeFARMINGTON HILLS SatA p ril 19th 9 5pm 28427 Thorny Brae Kendallwood Sub corner o f 12 & Farmington Furniture tools everything must go'

LIVONIAApril 22 April 27 9 4 some antiques 9830 Dons S Plymouth W o f MiddlebeltROCHESTER 323 N Casteli (3rd & Casteli) Sat Apr 19 9 3 TV phone fax office/ kitchen furniture appliances bicycles & moreROCHESTER garage sales 4 houses o ff Parkdale/24 Mile to Stoney Pointe Sub fo llow signs Thurs Fri Sat 9amROYAL OAK 802 ForestdaieRd April 18th & 191h Sam 5pm N of 11 Mile E of VVoodward Antiques col lectibles andjunque

FARMINGTON HILLSM oving ' April 18 19 10 3pm Bedroom L iving & Dining Rocun Furniture china appfi ances washer/dryer art work baby furniture clothes toys suitcases etc Savannah Court Townhouses N side of 14 M lie W o f Orchard Lake 32324 W 12 MileFARMINGTON HILLS SatApril 19 Sam 3pm 34864 Bunker Hill Off o f 12 Mite at Drake 60 TV daybed trun die bed clo th ing toys & m orel All must go as priced o r best offerLIVONIA A pril 17 19ih 9 4pm 9131 Marie N o f Joy W o f Hix Furniture exercise equipment & misc

LADIES SIZE 6 Ribbed mmk s tro lle r w /fox tr im $200 Black suede western jacket & hat $50 Raincoat & 2 piece black su it 248 646 0304

48“ round dining table 4 black chairs Coffee table beveled glass top & black base con tem porary black floor lamp exc oonci 248 318 17565 PIECE green patio set Sofa 2 swivel rocker marble bistro end table Exc cond $250 firm (248) 851 5827

ABSOLUTE LOWEST PRICEBrand Name Mattressess High end leather furniture

Call fo r appt 734 231 6622Signed original

$3500 ■ALi GOHKARw/certificate $3500 Nagha h de covered table w/4 chairs $500 Days 313 323 2095 After 7pm 248 788 0757

AMISH LOG headboard & bed set New queen size mat tress w/box & frame $275 (313) 350 0434ANTIQUE DUNCAN PHIFEtable and buffet table $275 total Oak wash band cabinet $95 Cal! (248) 652 6373Beautiful mahogany dining room living room & bedroom furniture (circa 1900 1940 s) most in excellent condition

Mahogany interiors 506 South Washington

Royal Oak (248) 545 4110Bed Queen solid oak Mission syle bed $275 Nice maple rocker $100 (734) 454 9729Bedroom Set queen solid pine 2 night stands tail chest tntin flrflfisfir w /m irrnr hutch

BEDROOM SETFull size $600

(734) 513 5375BEDRO(Hlil A cherry 8 pc sleigh set all hardwood/dove tailed & feit line drawers New in box Cost $6500 must sell $1850 248 939-0013BURGUNDY Leather Couch O verstuffed Chair coffee table House o f DenmarkAsking $100Q/ail 248 203 (6825 586 350-4330CUSTOM COFFEE TABLEth ick beveled glass to p 37 inches square rests on a deli cate frame o f satin fin ish clas sic bronze w/footed 15 inch legs $500 (2 4 8 )8 2 2 7122

MAHOGANY10 pc Chippendale set Four poster cherry king bed Office desk French carved armoire Console Tables King 6 pc sleigh bedroom set Tiffany style lamps and lots more AR In teriors 607 S Washington Downtown Royal Oak

Open 7 days 248 582 9646

DINING ROOM cherry wood double pedestal w/ieaves lighted hutch & buf­fet 8 Chippendale chairs Sld^ server New In box w/factorV warranty Cost$1(H< Must$e| $2250 248 514 6122DINING SET ia$0'SRococo Table 6chtdi3 cabinet & server Exci $2400 (734) 347-FURNm iRE SALE Sofa love seat chairs buffet server draft board and more Best offers accepted 248 799-^383GAS RANGE & electric oven Ttiermador Asko dishwasher GE Monogram side-by-side refrigerator & tree^er Meritiat white cabinets w /^n C oria n countertops BESTOFEERvrill separate (248) 642*6522GOLDEN OAK CHINA CABINET lighted w/leaded glass doors $150 248 643 6978MARBLE Kitchen table & chairs $500 China cabinet black lacquer & glass mint $700 734-427 2887


LI DAYS?Whether you're decorating for Pfibbover or Easter, flowers are an

— -=— - "yCTl easy way to V' brighten up your

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across the nation!1- 800 -WESLEYS6677 Orchard Lake Road

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It's that Garage Sale time of year.■isas

With your O b se rve r & ic c e n tric C lassified O a ra g e S a le A d ,you can instantly convert your unused household items into cold hard cash and have a chance to

Some restnetions may apply Employees of Observer & Eccentric and Spirit Airlines are not eligible fo r this offer

ww ic.hom etoivnlife com Observer & Eccentric j Thursday April 17 2003 { * ) f 5

Hoiisehnld Goods

m a t t r e s s & BOX SET Queen plush top New in plastic Only $140 248 470 3350MATTRESS & BOX SET King pillow top New wAvarranty Only $225 248 470 3350M AH RIS S & BOX SET Full pillow top Brand new m plas Uc Only $125 248 470 3350PATtO SET Lloyd Flanders 6 pcs whiteiw/green cushions/ um0rella$95Q 248 644 0644Queen solid (honey) oak bed & 6 draVrar dresser $475/or te s t o ffe r Dee (734) 560 8760

Household Goods

SOFA & LOVESEAT Creme tone on tone skirted loose pillow back 3 cushion like new originally $2100 both fo r $700 248 828 7192

B&D can opener electric white under cabinet Cost $20 M int $5 (248) 338 4586WASHER W hirlpool 2 yrs old DRYER Kenmore electric 1 y r old $350/pair or best 248 855 0159


WHIRLPOOL WASHER & DRYER Brand new $375/bOth (734) 416-4245




Bicycle & Fitness Center 28860 W 7 Mile

248 476 1818

RedR ings


These are some of the lucky

winners of four Red Wing tickets to the Observer

& Eccentric SRO Club section

Congratulations! And en}oy the game!

Winners names have been chosen from all

postcard entries and are published every

Thursday & Sunday in your HomeTown

Classified section

Employees of The Observer & Eccentr c and The Detroit Red Wings are not e l g ble

March 25lh.........Jay Waldman of Farmington HillsMarch 31th.........Jenny Miehalec of TroyApril 3rd.............. William Civollo of Canton

P l0d'>e I j;. I734> 9 9 3 ‘? 1 5 5 o r 9 S g -iJ 5 1M H ir r t a U f ln s t io u t y o u r tieko ls

Coagfiitulatians' Amt eayoy the game! d"'U5rruprrt iCccrniiii

Business t Office d f lf \Equipment V l K

ETHAN ALLEN American Impressions office furniture Includes desk lateral f ile computer desk storage box and leather chair All in exc cond $1700 734 464 7544

OFFICE DESK6 ft credenza 6 f t (leather wood) excellent condition $500 fo r set 248 352 8677

STENTURA 400RTBy Stenograph Perfect

Condition $1000/best (734)981 5229


NEED A COMPUTER CREDIT NOT PERFECT? You reAPPROVED GUARANTEED' No Cash Needed Today' Bad Credit OKAY' Checking or Savings Account required 1 8 7 7 4 8 8 1 9 4 4WWWPC4SURE COM

HospItal/iVledIcal Equipment M i r

Variety of MedicalEquipment including powerwheel chair 248 563 8995


WANTED! Expensive Diamond & GeitistoiteJewelry Fine Gold Watches Estate Pieces Sterling Silver Flatware & Tea Sets CASH WAITING Overseas Buyers

248 672 6663

Lawn Garden $ Snow Equipment

52 CUT John Deere walk behind 14 h p Kawasaki eng belt drive variable speed $1100 (734) 397 2759721D GRASSHOPPER Diesel w/72 cu t exc cond $3800 (248) 380 3881BILLY GOAT lawn vacuum & chipper $550 Spreader fertil Izer o r salt Stainless Steel and Pneumatic tires $300 New edger gas powered $290 734 427 2887DIXON Zero turn mower 42 cut 15 5 hp w/cover EC $2 500/bS8t 248 735 0297Lawn Furniture table/chairs & oval trunk misc Call after 6

(734) 420 2895LAWN MOWER 20 HP Electric Start 48 Craftsman auto matic lawn tractor and trailer (248) 661 2847

Lawn Garden & Snow Equipment

Professional Equipment 2001 Timberwoff 6 x12 enclosed tra ile r X mark 48 Lazer HP rider X mark 42 walk behind Bluebird aerator & dethatcher Red Mex string trimm er & stick edger

(248) 608 9855

Misc. For Sale

AFFORDABLE * CONVENIENTW olf Tanning beds Low monthly investments Home delivery Free Color Catalog Call Today 1 800 711 0158 WWW np estan com

AFRICAN GIFTS exclusive selection o f music art cloth ing food books crafts and g ifts Maasai jew elry Buy online at w ww btashara biz

Appliances Washer & Dryer W hirlpool $200 each Bowens m ulching mower $50 248 471-4730

Cast Iron wood burning stove asking $80

(248) 689 6395

GENERATOR like new 5000 senes 10 horse power $400 firm (248) 626 3926

HOMEOWNERS WANTEDll Kayak Pools is looking fo r Demo Homesites to display our New "Maintenance Free" Kayak Pool SAVE thousands o f $$$ w ith this

unique opportunity CALL NOW '"

1 800 31KAYAK Discount Code 106 L15

HOMEOWNERS WANTED!Kayak Pools Is looking fo r demo homesites to display our New Maintenance Free' Kayak Pool Save thousands o f $$$ w ith this unique opportunity Call N o w "!! 1 800 31 KAYAK Discount Code (522 L15)

MOBILE HOME ROOF SYS TEMS White enameled atu mmum with th ick foam insu lation and 6 overhang stops all leaks guaranteed! Readily installs over any roof Paw Paw Ml 1 888 218 8549

OAK VANITY 48 & matching wall cabinet Was $1500 sell fo r $400 36 oak oval double door & storm $250 Dish washer $50 6 carved wooden squirrel $300 248 476 5049

ORGAN DINING ROOM table & 4 chairs waterbed coffee table wheel chair lift chair

(734) 525 7614

Misc. For Sale m .

PIONEER POLE BLDGS30X40X10 Basic $7290 00 12x10 S lider 36 Entrance Door 12 colors 2x6 Trusses Material and Labor Free Quotes #1 Company in Michigan 800 292 0679

SAWMILL $3895 New Super Lumbermate 2000 Larger capacities options ATV accessories edgers skidders WWW norwoodindustnes com Norwood Industries 252 SonwiI Drive Buffalo NY 142251 800 578 1363 Ext 300 N

SILK FLOWER INVENTORYAlso includes baskets grape vine wreaths ceramic & glass vases s ilk greenery dried flowers and Christmas and Halloween decorations 1 price fo r all 248 652 0795

TARGET 10 MILLION HOMES WITH YOUR AD Advertise your product o r service to approximately 10 m illion households in North America s best suburbs by placing ycur classified ad m nearly 800

this one Onh forsubuitan newspapers just like this one Only $895 (USD) foi a 25 word ad One phone call one invoice one payment Ad copy Is subject to publisher approval Call the Suburban Classified Advertising Network at 888 486 2466

VI8A/MASTERGARD GUAR ANTEED APPROVAL BadCredit/No Credit/Bankruptey Ok Live operators

1 800 494 6994 ext 22

WATEMAN WEIGHT SET& drums w/accessories Pearl Zildjian LP Must sell by end o f April Call Dan eves or weekends at (734) 464 7082

Musical Instruments

K XAWAI ebony grand piano appraised at $8 000 Exc cond Best offer 586 839 8949

MAEARI51 High gloss ebony baby grand fo r sale With Pianomation Superb quality m int condition all needed player accessories included l=leceiver discs speakers disc player $9 000/negotiable

248 545 7856PIANO Beautiful Chickering Exc c ond $1 500 248-471 4913

RENT A PIANO $ 3 5 /m o lfh is week s special Free Delivery' Call fo r detailsMichigan Piano 248 548 2201

WWW mipianocom

Musical Instruments

SOJIN GRAND PIANOW/bench 6 f t 7 yrs old gloss black m int cond $4900

248 391 9011YAMAHA PIANO Model P 22 satin antique walnut fin ish studio size $2500/best

243 892 6190

Sporting Goods @ 1

Golf Clubs Complete Arnold Palmer style & bag $90 734-420 2841Ladies Golf Club Set, bagIncluded Very fine condition $50 (734) 425 1617Pin Ball/Basaball gamesBuy/SellTrade 248-495 5363

POOL TABLES Alt Slate antique u ltra modern bar size Buy direct from factory 248 399 7255E 248 547 3980

RADIAL ARM SAW DeWait model #3526 large heavy du ty f lo o r model Includes tw o 16 100 tooth metal cut tmg blades Five horsepower 3 phase 230/460 volt motor Good condition Best o ffer by 4/30/03 takes It Contact Jerry at 734 422 7540

KIHENS FOR EASTER 6weeks Best offer

313 846 5895SIAMESE CAT To QOQd home Neutered fron t declawed 4 yrs frisky 248 345 1492To a good borne 2 adult male cats declawed & neutered (734) 207 5346

ENGLISH BULL DOGSChampion blood line $1595

(248) 625 7920ENGLISH BULLDOG PUPPIESShow quality out of American/Ganadian champs Great heads and lots of wrm kies Call a ft 5pm

810 225 9878GERMAN SHEPHARD MIX 8w ks male & female vet checked 1st shots Cute $150 each (248) 355 4761GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies ready 4 7 02 West German bloodlines AKC $800/up tak ing deposits (734) 947 4374

PUG PUPPIES AKC Black and faw n $700/m aies$800/female (810) 231 0893

Equipnen! @ 1

BARN SALE! Horse ta ck / equipment only Sat 4 /1 9 1 0 5 E n g lis b w e s te rn d r iv in g ' 334^0 E N Torritonal Ann A rbor 3 m i E o f US23 Exit 49 o r 2 m i W o f Pontiac Tr

Household Peis-Otlier f f £

WATER TURTLES (2)Aquarium filter heater sun lamp accessories Must sell! $75/best (734) 464 8675

Lost & Found-Pets f M .

FOUND together byFarmington High School Male Dalmatian Female German Shepherd Both very friendly I f not claimed need good home 248 478 5400

Lost & Found-Pels

FOUND APPROX 8 mo oldlooks like chocolate lab mix male Westland 313 815 8363FOUND 4/14/0310 Mile & Inkster (248) 471 3759


Our Classified

Department is ready to

take your ad at 8:00 a.m .


M ichigan H um ane Society

ADOPT-A-PETThis Week*s Featured Pet

A rth u fA rthur is a sixyear-oid male Domestic Longhair male with long oraz^e and white fur complimented with his sparkling green eyes weighing in a t 11 lbs H i 8 prev ious owner

.................... II brought him to the shelterbecause he was a httle too

timid around other pets of the house, so a home without other pets and without small children is a must for this cat' He already has his ^on t and back claws removed and h ^ been neutered which means he can go home with you right away!

I f y o u w o u ld lik e to h a v e A r t h u r as y o u r n e w pet> v is it tiie

Micfaigaa Humane Society Westland Skelter (734) 721-7300

nttit tflom e and Service Guide All Ads Run Online

A V a lue O f U p To $ 8 7 .0 0 u 3 w w , h o m e t o w n U f e » e o m


Paving •Patching •Sealcoating CAKLNQW &SA V E $$$ i

Free Estimate 248 879 5900

DJ1S BUCKTOP DRIVEWAYS• paving • Patching

•-S m l C eding FreeEst 809 724 8920 734 397 0811

B r ick . Block & Cement

"A A A BRICK PAVING"Pavers & all masonry work Brick repair specialist L ic /ln s

Call Jeff 734 432 7878

* A 1 BRICK REPAIR ★Small jobs welcome

Tuck Pointing Brick Repair Insured •(2 4 8 ) 478-7949

AA MORGAN THE MASON LLCSpecializing In brick & cement repairs 28 yrs reputable exp Large o r small Lie & Ins 243 890 0824 248 348 0066

AAA CUSTOM BRICKSpecializing in

repairs Brick Block & Cement Res/Com

248 477 S673Advancetf Porch & ConcretePorches Patios Drives Fou itia tiops Lie Ins Fast S e rv ie 734-261 2655


Afiii^abto Porches • Garage Flow i • Foetiogo • Drives Brick fi Blod(-t313- 841 9936

svi»oCsCoinenlA LL k o N C S E T E Drives porches' paUos walks Brick block foundation woii< Lie & Ins Free Est Call anytime Todd Humecky 248 478 2602


Fully Ins Free est RayVagnetti Cement Co 734 464 1137

ATINA CEMENTAll types o f cement work

Driveways garages patios Free Est Lie & Ins

734 513 2455

CANTON CEMENT COMPANYOnves garage floors etc

Free removal on re p l^e m en ^ Lic/ins Free est 734 2$1 2818

D & A C E M E N T G ODriveways patios porches etc Free est Lie & Insured 313 271 7371 734 458 4587

DOGONSKl CONSTRUCTION Brick Block & Cement Work

Porches Chimneys Dr Ways FreeEst 313 537 1833

JOE & SONS CEMENT CODriveways Porches Garage Floors B rick/B lock Water proofing Lie, Ins Free Est

313 5B1 9460MlKEtAFRATE CEMENT CO•iJrives •Paflos 'S idew alte •Footings •Wrches/Steps

•Etc ‘ Lie •Inc 734 737 0884

PAOQLA CEMENT COMP •Brick »Block •Drives •Garages •Porches ‘ Member B8B •Lio 734 525 1064 248 889 3911

PAI8ANO CONSTR GO LieS y rs exp Driveways porch es patios basement floors bnck block Specialize id res td in t ia lw o rk 248 473 1161

ROMA CEMENTGarage*Dnves*Founciat!oii

•Brick & Block *Lic /Ins 2 4 8 ^ 4 2 2679


'^ADDITIONS P L U S ”• Beautiful Additions

• Kitchens • Baths • Lower Levels

Guaranteed quality workman shp Complete plan & design service available Lie & Ins

734 414 0448246 476 0011313 835 8610

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•Spend Less Get More'Call fo r Action! 800 970 3337

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(Insurance Repair)Lie Insur Call 734 302 1522


Residential/Commercial LiCYIns (248) 437 7168

MAID PERFECT CLEANINGCO Insured reliable maid service Free estimates 866 872 8348 o r 313 673 5027

ORSINI BUILDING COAdditions kitchens baths hn Ished basements Licensed & Insured Free estimates (248) 685 8276 o r 586 707 4995

3k SAVE M0NEY4(Deal Direct 30 yrs exp

Brassfield Construction Co New Const & Remodeling

• Additions • Kitchens• Baths • Windows• Roofing & Siding

Lic/lns 248 737 3376

WJM CONSTRUCTIONNew construction remodeling & additions Roofs siding decks Lie Ins 248 755 4319


248 471 2600313 835 8610

Rec rooms Bsments Ktfehns Baths New & Repaira

A to Z CARPENTRYA complete remodel o r repair

Interior o r Exterior •Basements *Kltchens ‘ Baths

•Drywall ‘ Plumbing ‘ Electrical 32 y r exp I beat all est 734 397 3626 cell 734 223 9431

CARPENTRY A LL PHASES•Kitchens ‘ Baths ‘ Additions •Roofing ‘ Siding ‘ Countertops Lie S in s 734 637 1211

Carpentry workNew & Repair

Vincent 248 476 1052DON PARE S Finish Carpentry Specializing in Kitchens Baths Ceramic Tile Basements L ic/lns 734 261 1330


Railings Straight o r Bent Lie 30 yrs exp 734 455 3970

Floor Covering InstallationsWHY PAY MORE Deal w ith the installers direct We offer carpet • tile • linoleum Fully ins Call Mike 248 249 8100

Chimney B iiiid iny; CIcan/Repair

AAA BRICK CO★ C h im n e ys ^

And all masonry work Repairs o r New

L ie /Ins 28 yrs exp Call Jeff (734) 432 7878

Toll free 1 888 MR BRICK

★ AAA Custom BrickW ork CHIMNEY

SPECIALISTS Very clean quality work

25 yrs exp N ew & Repairs (248) 477 9673

MA Brick & Block CoG h im n e y s ‘ P o r c h e s ‘ A l i Masonry^ Quality work fast friendly service 734 649 4653

BEST CHIMNEY & Roofing CoNew & repairs

Sr citizen diset Lie & Ins 248 557 5595 313 292 7722

: Repair

Clock Repair All VarietiesGrandfather Wall Mantle

Cuckoo Anniversary COMPLETE SERVICE Clock & Wood Original 25500 Five M ile Redford 313 255 1581


baspment waterproofing driveways patios garage floors sidewalks

7 3 4 4 2 7-4 9 9 5L & J CONCRETE

UNDM ARK BUILDERSSmall Jobs welcome Free Es!

Insured 734 762 0266


AFFORDABLE CUSTOM DECKWolmanized o r Cedar Lic/lns

FreeEst 1 8 Yrs Exp 734 261 1614 248 442 2744

DECK CLEANING & STAINING16 yrs exp Low pressure/no damage Enviro friendly Also Siding brick & windows Free est (800) 446 WASH


Built w/screws Awesome Work 734 513 4999 est1985 Lic/lns

★ A1 PU S TER & DRYWALL^New & Repair •Specializing In Dust free repairs ‘ Small jobs

okay Guaranteed 35 yrs exp Lie & Ins (248) 478 7949


Repairs & home services Call 734 844 0329

• DRYWALL FINISHING •• TEXTURES • PATCHWORK •Free Est Reasonable Prices Visa MC Discover Amex accepted John 734 427 6289

ALL Electrical RepairsBig o r small Great service Beat all prices must call

313 384 1008

A LL RESIDENTIAL EXPERTFree Est Senior discount Low prices 7 days 24 hrs lie & ins Call 800 253 1632

ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORResidential Commercial Free est Service changes Licensed & Insured 734 354 9035

ELECTRICIAN Reasonable pricing quality craftsmanship Free estimates Licensed

Cai: (734) 323 6350


FAMILY ELECTRICALcert V io lations correctei Service changes or any small job Free est 734 422 8080

★ HOT TUBS ce ing fans remodels al electr cal needs Builders welcome L ie /n s 25yrs exp (248)343 2799


EXCAVATING TRENCHINGFootings Sewer Water Lines Je rk ing Lots Septic Tanks Drains 313 838 6731

Floor Service

CONTI EXPERT FLOOR SANDING Staining repairs Family owned Insured Great rates'

734 692 0040


Textured plush carpet 24 cot ors 8 lb padding installed $2 22/sq f t Hardwoods tile linoleum laminates sales installation ins claims Free est 734 458 2401

TROWEL & HAMMER construction Concrete Building and siding Reasonable rates (734) 306 5928 306 5959

Garage Door Repair

GARAGE DOORSprings and door openers

Repaired/replaced Avail Sun 248 640 6298 CELL




Professional Gutter Installers specializing in maintenance free gutter systems w h ich helps prevent ice snow & leaf build up Free est

313 291 0707




ABOUT READY to get thesmall jobs taken care of’

Call Bill Electrician & Licensed Builder 734 458 2904

Absolutely Lic/lns DU IT ALL Specials Ceramic tile Formica & Corlan tops & kitchens We also do complete basements & all other interior work includ tng electrical & plumbmg etc

(248) 889 7667

Absolutely Ultimate ServiceCarpentry Decks O rywalt Electrical Fencing Fencing Plumbing Roofing & much more Fully lic/ms 18 yrs 248 225 9222 313 928 6022

HANDYMANA ll y o u r n ee ds

C a ll D ave 248 240 0474

MICK & DAGO Fencing cement home repairs sod ding stumping pavers Lfc/Bonded/!ns 248 926 2386

On Time Done Right Lie Bonded Ins MC/Visa

877 MY HANDY (694 2639)QUALITY HOME REPAIRS & Remodeling Hardwood Floors & Ceramc T ie Bob at Amazng Moves 734 591 5997

Retired HandymanAll types o f work

313 835 8610 248-471 3729

Hai(liig/C leanii|)/ / f l KDemalition W

A 1 Hauling Move scrap metal clean basements garages stores etc Lowest prices in town Quick service Free est Wayne/Oakland Cty Central location 547 2764/559 8138


SERVICEWe clean out homes attics basements garages offices warehouses & anything else Complete dem olition from start to fin ished Free est Demolition 248 354 3213

D & J MOVING & HAULINGClean up hauling & disposal o f misc items We haul any thing 10 15yd dumpster trail ers You load we load Visa/- MC Westland 734 421 0111

Housscleaning ( 0

CLEANING MADE EASY!dependable residential clean mg service Fully bonded- & Ins Call M indi 313 357 2694

HONEST RELIABLE exp girl IS looking fo r cleaning job III beat competitors price Call Yota (313) 443 9385

House & Comm CleaningWe get all the corners Bonded

& insured Reasonable rates Call Deb at 248 890 3800

WILL C L U N For the busy woman Trustworthy & tho r ough Exc references Weekly biweekly Vivian 734 722 4672

DISCOUNT IRRIGATION SERVICES install repair & troubleshoot Free est lie /ms Complete landscape & hauling services 248 354 3213

Jeff 248 797 2600

Janiloriai Service

JANITORIAL SERVICECleaning residential or comm ercial Reasonable Senior discounts 734 427 9227


AAAA Beautiful Yard SMILE


Design * Installation••LAW N REPAIR*^

Low Cost' We Do It All Honest & P ro m p t"

Ins 100 Ref 24 Yrs Exp Canton 734-981 6771 Gdn C i^ 734 525 3600 Royal Oak 248 548-4660 W Bloom 248 855 5252

Absolute Class LandscapingSpecializing In curb appeal enhancements Lie Insur

(313) 530 7197

Landscaping E* ACE LANDSCAPING «Cleanup shrub removal

weeding/trimmmg/sod/plants Complete landscaping

« 313 533 3967 «

AFFORDABLE LAWNCAREG & G Landscaping Great sp rng rates 1 0 + y re x p Free Est 248 321 8620

BRICKSCAPE s dewalks driveways patios ribbon & retaining walls Landscape work all types 35 yrs exp Free estimates (248) 3776352

COMPLETE LANDSCAPING BY LACOURE SERVICES Relandscaping & new landscap ing grading sodding hydro seeding alt types retaining walls installed brick w a l^ & patios Drainage systems lawn irrigation systems low foundations built up Weekly lawn maintenance 30 yrs exp Lie & Ins Free Est 248 354 3213 248 489 5955

GARDEN ART DESIGNUnique custom design

Pavers ponds Japanese Gardens 248 203 6599


Landscape design and construction

Brick pavers and retaining walls sprinkler installation lawn maintenance

Residential/ Commercial734-416-4111

Landscape design & horticul lure grads Cleanups design installations Free estimates Fast service (734) 260 0458


Tree service Spring clean up & haul away Constuction clean up & haul away w e do everything We do it right' Lie & Ins Free est

248 975 6014

MR SHOVEL•Resodding Lawns

•Bnck Pavers•Drainage & Low area repaired

•Oemolition/Pool Removal •D irt Concrete Removal

Paul (734) 326 6114


A U W N MAINTENANCE COReasonable dependable 25 yrs exp Free estimates Gomm/Res 734 502 9075


1.800-780-6869D C BLADE RUNNERS

Experienced Tree & shrub trim m ing Spring clean ups Comm Res (734) 497 3044

DABERS U W N CAREMowing • Edging • Trimming Aerations • Clean ups Senior discount Res/Com L ic/lns Free est Garden City resident

Call David 734 421 5842

DAD S U W N CAREWe use 21 mowers Hedge

trim m ing clean ups mulct) & more Free Est 734 524 0021

FRANTSEN U W N CARE•Weekly cutting ‘ Trimming •Edging ‘ Spring clean ups

First cu t FREE w ith contract Doug 248 684 0691

IMAGINE OUTDOORResidential Lawn Maintenance specialist Affordable prices free est (248) 478 1099

U W N MAINTENANCE(2) FREE Mowings w/cohtract



PRO U W N CAREWeeky cutting edging trim ming Cleanups Res/Comm Free est 866 644 4224

R S U W N CARESENIOR DiS Lic/lns Full Srv

Sign B4 May 1 & get FREE CUT 734 564 4698

REASONABLE & RELIABLEWeekly lawn care clean ups fe rtilizaton & grub control Top so l seed muich retain ers walls 313 220 0406

Shrub 'nrimming Landscape Clean up Mulch Bed Shrub Planting Fertilizing Mowing Observer areas 734-421 7127

STEVES U W N SERVICEI w ill maintain your lawn the way you like it done Cali fo r a Free Estimate 734 207 0792


20 yrs in business 734 397 8639

Weekly Lawn MaintenanceGuaranteed lowest price

Residential only 248 478 0118

Lawn i Garden Rolotilling

A l R0T0TILLIN6 New & previous gardens $25 & up Troy Built equip

Cali Ray 248 477 2168

STEVE S GARDEN S U W N20x30 f t garden tilled $29 Free tree All areas 27 yrs 248 477-8079 734 788 5993

ing A Storage

LOCAL/LONG DISTANCECottages to or from/up north once a week Above & Beyond Deliveries 734 524 9646


12 YEARS EXPERIENCEQuality w ork ' In t^ io r &

Exterior References 734 482 5408

AA SUNSHINE HOMEImprovement Painting repairs & wallpaper removal For spe cia lsca ll 248-442 7543

ABOVE THE REST Deck refin Ishing drywall repair popcorn & textured ceilings much more! Interior/Extenor 15% o ff all exterior work Fully Insured (734) 216 6376

ACCURATE INT PAINTINGptaster/drywali repair small jobs OK 46 yrs exp Ins Free Est Larry 734 425 1372

Acorn Painting 10% OffRes Plaster/drywall repair Int ext 20 yrs exp Lie Ins 248 478 4869 248 977 3810

A LL TYPES OF PAINTING Interior • Exterior

Free Est 248 478 4140 OAYLITE PAINTING CO

SB PAINTINGReasonableReliableR e f e r e n c e s 248 891 8643


248-476-0011313 835 8610

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Free estimates W ork Guaranteed' 586 322 7164

Paint & Decorating

Livingston Custom PaintingQuality indoor & outdoor com plete painting 25th anniver sary special Mention th is ad & receive 10% OFF Same day service Call fo r free quote


In t/E x t Power washing deck preservation spray alum ins repairs L c /ln s 248 474 7181


Faux Finish Ins Repair 248-867 4590

morrispainting comPAINTING BY P U N E T 8

In te rio r & Exterior Drywall & p laster repair W allpaper removal Fire & water dam age Affordable & reliable

Call Paul 248 379 3922

PAINTINGCertified m aster painter Interior Exterior 28 yrs expe nence References & Insured

(734) 354 9771


Residential/commercial inte rior/exterior painting power washing wall paper instatla tion & removal and d iyw all repair Quality since 1974

(734) 414-0154 ceil 231 632 0987

Preferred PaintingGreat Rates Faux fin ish Stain Paper removal W all repair ins Chris Daly 734 954 9143

Q U A LIT Y PAINTINGThorough Preparation

W ork Myself since 1967 Neat Reasonable & insured

FRANK C FARRUGIA 248-225 7165

UNIVERSAL ROOMSCustom painted ch ildren s bedroom ceilings! 1000 s o f g low in the dark stars Camp out under the stars at nite Ins Free est 313 585 6955


• R Is • ComI • S taining •Textured Ceilings • Faux Finishes •D eck/A lum inum Refm ish ing ‘ P laster/D ryw all Repair * Wallpaper Removal

• Free Est • References• 248 349 7499• 734 464 8147


★ Al PU S TER & D R Y W A LL*New & Repair • Specializing m Dust free repairs • Small jobs

okay Guaranteed 35 yrs exp Lie & Ins (248) 47S 7949

248 471-2600Plumbing & Sewer Cleaning

Repairs & Alterations

Pressure Power i f f KWashing W

ALUMINIUM Awnings Brick Gutters. Graffltl^aint

Removal Owner supervised 877 755 6900

Recreational Vehicle Service

RV REPAIR Roof top air con dition leak? W ill come to your location A/C gasket replace m ent 248 738 5226

248-471-2600New & repair also rubber roo f ing carpentry insurance work

734-513 0099 LIc/Ins GARDEN CITY CONST

Roofing • Seamless Gutters BBB ★ LCC ★ GCC MemberAffordable Price fo r a profes sional jcb 35 yrs exp Tear offs Re roof Repairs Lia'Ins

734 421 5041APEX ROOFING

Quality work completed with pride Family owned Lie Ins For honesty & integrity call

248 476 6984 248 855 7223LEAK SPECIALIST

Flashings valleys vents Warr Member BBB • 30 yrs exp Lic/lns 248 827 3233

NAPIER'S ROOFING COResidential / Commercial

Roofing Specialists Roofing • Siding • Gutters

12 y r warranty 50 yrs exp Fully ms State lie Free est

Financing Available 313 291 0747

SCOTT ADAMS ROOFING13 yrs exp Licensed & Insured Call Scott fo r free estimate (734) 422 6042

Redford Aluminum Products• Vinyl Siding • Family owned L ic /ln s Reasonable rates 734-464 1545 734 953-0399


(313) 535 2735VINYL & Alum Siding gutters tr im awnings roofing etc

Also EXPERT CLEANING 248-471-2600

"ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES"JEM Ail Times Expert W iring/ repra Res/Bus L ic/lns systms 734 591 9068 248 314 1455

CERAMIC TILEKitchen & Bath Remodeling Lealgr Showers & morel

FreeEst Rick 313 720-4451GROUT TILE REPAIRS

Sealing & Change the co lor of the grout Owner supervised

877 755-6900

Tree Service

★ Affordable Removal & Ttim Romo 8 Servello Tree Serv

No hassle est 10 yrs exp Ins 248 939-7416 248 939 7420

★ BUDGET T R E E *Tree & shrub tr im m ing & removal stum p grinding Insured Free est 25% o ff any tree service 1 800 964 7785GUT ABOVE TREE SERVICELarge tree & stump removal Sr discounts Ash tree spe clallst 248 470 0349

★ D E A R B Q R N ★ T R E E S E R V IC E

Don t get price gouged by overnight tree services Est ablished over 30 yrs 25% off w ith this ad Free est Uc /Ins

Call now to r fas t service 734 728 1346 313 563 7606J L Mick 8 Dago Tree Trim V m i r g stumping spnng clean up Fully Ins Lie

248 926-2386


248 471 2600Papering Rembval Painting Repairs

Exp Women VIsa/MC

F6 (*) Observer & Eccentric j Thursday April 17 2003 w ivw.hom etoivnlife com

Moniotive8000 Arplanes 8290 Sport UMtyN20 Boats/Moto s 8300 Spoils & Imported0030 Boat Parts 8320 Antque/ClassicColtsctor

Equipmsnt/Service Cars8040 BoatDocksiMannas 8340 Acura8050 BoaWehcle Storage 83KI Buick0050 Insurance Motor 8380 Cadac8070 MoiorcycesAlinibikes/ 84(5) Chevrolet

Go Karts 8420 Chrysler8I%0 Moti ycles Parts & 8440 Dodge

Service 8400 Eagle8000 Off Road Vehcles 8480 Ford8100 Recreational Vehcles 8500 Geo8110 Snowmobiles 8520 Honda8120 Campers/Motor Homes/ 8540 Lexus

Trailers 8560 LinccAi8140 Construdm Heavy 8580 Mazda

Equipment 8600 Mercury8150 AutoMisc 8610 Mitsubishi8160 Auto/Tmek Parts SSeiMce 8820 Nissan8170 AutoRentals/LeasIng K M Oldsmobile81KI AutoFnaneng 8660 Plymouth8180 Autos Wanted 8880 M8200 Junk Cars Wanted 8700 Saturn8220 Trucks For Sale 8720 Toyota8240 MnVans 8740 Vdkswagon8260 \^s 8760 Autos0ver$20008280 4 Wheel Drive 8780 AutosUnder$2000



Call Today 1 800 579 SELL

17 Wooden Dunphy 1957never restored original decals gas tanks no m otor TeeNee trailer $2500 248 891 3092

1994 MastercraftMaristar 200 open bow tow hours w/trailer runs great' $15 500 734 449 8315

1999 B A Y L IN E R 2050 B O W R iD ER

20 f t 5 0 Mercruiser V8 w /tra ile r $12 500 Cal! for more info 734 455 0337

30 ftp 1991 Yamaha motor precision blend short shaft $1650 (248) 477 9832

Arrowglass1977 17 5 f t I/Oexc cond trailer equipped $3500/best (248) 766 2341BAYLINER 1989 17Bowrider 85 horse extras $4500/best (734) 462 1791CATALINA 27 Sailboat rollerInboard gas engine perfect $10 000 313 881 8743CHRYSLER 1975 14 f t TriHaul 55 hp w /tra iler $1400/best Ask fo r Dan T

(734) 422 7540CONOE & KAYAK SWAP

May 3 & 4at ConoeSport in Ann Arbor

Call 734 663 9515 fo r details

E a r n e x t r a $ $ a d v e r t is e w i t h 0 & E 1-800-579-SEll

CROWNLiNE 180BR 2001 only 55 hrs 190hp V6 Sharp! $16500 248 626 2430DONZI 1977 Ski Sporter 350Chevy E Z loader tra ile r garaged $9000

248 553 4597DONZI SWEET 16 exc cond only 125 hours u p to 6 0 m p h $7 000 Bret 248 960 4545EBBTIDE 20 fistVski troll m otor 225 OB trailer mint $11 900/best 248 647 6529

POUR WINNS 1995 258 Vista wArailer Low hrs on engine Sleeps 4 adults Full galley porcelain head %tove water heat dual batteries w/switch & much more $25 900 Call 7pm 10pm (248) 620 9272POUR WINNS 2002 Horizon 200 Volvo penta 5 0 GXI/SX Fully equipped Transferrabie extended warranty Trailer $25 000/best (248) 669 2487POUR WINNS 325 EXP 1992T/350 V 6 rm s fu ll e lectron ICS $54 900 734 397 5060

Pour Winns 1988 180 Horizon 4 3L V6 1 owner m int $8000 Days 734 421 4813GLASSPORT 1988 19 7130hp M ercruiser cuddy stored indoors w /tra ile r 1 owner $3850 (734) 454 9608PONTOON 1996 CrestSavannah Gold 25 f t 40 hp exc cond stored indoors winters $9250 734 476 5200PONTOON 1997 Prem ier Grand Maiestic a lum inum deck Honda 40 50 hrs m int $18 800 248 608 0718PONTOONeng ler 40 well $9000

Sylvan 22 Mercury tra ile r live 0 (734) 513 8905

RANGER 2000 FishermanMerc 225 Optimax trailer equip m int 734 453 3052RANGER 2002 522VX Com 250HP Merc XB101 Minnkota tro ll motor global 2000GPS Many extras Exc cond $32 500 313 79Q 3231

REGAL V A U N T 1190317 M ercru ise r115hp30 like new only 134 hrs Includes trailer cover safety gear other supplies $6500/best

248 761 6356SEA ODD 1997 GTX 52 hrsWith trailer 3 seat'ar mint$4800 248 608 0718SEA DOO 1997 GTX S2 hrsWith trailer 3 saatiar mint$4800 248 608 0718SEA RAY 1980 1 8 6 MerCruiser V8 E Z load tandem tra ile r like new Best offer over $5000 248 478 8274SEA RAY 1986 SuftdancerExec cond M ust sell $16 000 /offer 734 374 D218SEARAY 1970 16 ft 115 tipMerc OB 18 gal tank exc cond $2900 734 432 5019SEARAY 1986 18 5 openbow 170 I/O w /lo w hrs $6800/best 734 453 7956SEARAY 1994 370 express 1454 new GMAP/canvas am /fm cd generator ice extended swim platform heat a ir $106 500 (248) 486 4290SEARAY 1998 Sundanesr33ft loaded T 454 all ameni ties low hours $ 1 1 0 0 0 0 firm (313) 938 3432Starcraft 16 ft aluminum boat 55 hp Johnson trailer $1500 Call 248 888 9185

STARCRAPT 1976 21 5 1990 90 HP Johnson electorincs trailer $5000 734 459 5768

STARCRAPT 1991 1 7 3 l/oMerc 120 tra ile r canvas $3800 810 229 7225

SUPRA COMP 1998 SKI BOAT 19 low hrs exc cond heater radio & 6 cd changer 4 blade prop $19 000/best 248 684 9750

THOMPSON 1995 20 ftcuddy many extras low hra w/trailer (7 3 4 )4 1 6 3955

WAR EAGLE 2000 20 center console 104 stroke Yamaha Exc cend 734 207 8826

WAR EAGLE 2000 20 center console 104 stroke Yamaha Exc cend 734 207 8826



MUSICALMESHUGGAH NUNSi The winning answer tor this contest is


Meadow Brook Theatre s ad in today s Arts & Leisure Section

For details

Boat Parts Equipment- Services

SHORE STATIONH o s t battery w inch New canopy $2 500 734 449 8315

loat Docks I

SAVE UP TO 75% on 2003 Slip Rental at Bay Harbor Marina Bay City For more information call Judy at 989 684 5010 Offer expires May 15

DUCATI 1996 Monster yellow 3K mi must se ll' $5000 734 481 5053 734 944 0305

HARLEY WIDE GLIDE 2002 Extras 1800 m i like new $16 000 248 478 8554

HARLEY 1996 Heritage Softail Classic exc cond chrome 8 4K S14 800 586 946 4213

HARLEY 2001 Dyna low rider like new 5 500 mi extras $16000 313 538 3547

HARLEY DAVIDSON DYNA Superglide FXD 1995 Maroon 7 700 m iles extra chrome support guard sad dlebags luggage rack garage stored immaculate $10 500 ocr best offer

734 699 3000

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 Springer Softa il custom chrome bags pipes grips ----------- 148) 44--------$15 500/best (248) 449 5249Harley Davidson Heritage Springer 1997 Red & white 7054 miles asking $16 000 Days 313 255 3100 extens on 288/jOhn or eves

248 377 0312Harley Davidson Softail special vv/neon 1994 gray/white

4 500/best12 894 m iles $1' o ffer Days 313 255 3100 extension 288/John or eves 248 377 0312HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 1200 Sportster Custom anniversary edition M int 4K Loaded $8100 734 968 2172HARLEY DAVIDSON 1999Electraglide Classic Like new 4k $16000 734 420 2703HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001Road King Classic 3200 mi

$181Black $18 500 734 451 1087HARLEY DAVIDSON 2001 WIDE GLIDE 1140 miles Black exc cond extras $16000 734 844 7934HARLEY SPORTSTER 1200 (1999) approx 6500 mi bags windshield blue & silver like new $9000 734 522 6041Honda 1999 Valkery

56k miles mint many extras (734) 358 1026

1999 XR1G0 motorcy cie exc cond great beginner

248 8bike $1200 888 9185HONDA 1998 750 AceWindshield hardbags Cobra pipes light bar $2 500 in add ons Warranty until 2004 Exc cond $4 100 248 933 9133SUZUKI 1991 DR250S designed fo r street /tra il $950 Call 248 883 9185Suzuki 2001 Take over pay ments (586) 264 4401 Leave message or call after 6pmSUZUKI 2001 Intruder LC1500CC black/chrome 8K $7500/best 734 368 5573

SUZUKI 2001 Volusia 805black/red trim warranty 24 miles includes cover $5800

734 641 6064

ARTIC CAT 1999 ZL500 EFI studs low m i $2 850

810 220 1481POLARIS 2000 550 Very low m iles exc cond $2800/best (734) 455 7232SKI 000 2001 MXZ 600w/reverse 1500 miles exc cond $3800 248 542 7092SKIDOO 1981 Citation 4500 250 m i Kawasaki 1980 invader 1 653 m i $950 each m int 734 397 8167

BEAUTIFUL Lake Chemung RV campground membership & 35x12 Park model w/22x10 attached screen room Access to pool clubhouse & beach next to golf course golf cart Inc $45 000 517 294 2011 352 259 9138CAMPLITE 2001 Pop up Used once sleeps 8 eJe & heat slide out $7800 734 595 7812

COACHMAN 1990 5th Wheel sleeps 6 good cond w/air cable hook up microwave shower/bath $5500/best W ith 1995 GMC Sferra $12 500/best 734 422 1995

★ COLEMAN SANTA FE 1996 Sleeps 8 awning king size bed screen room

Asking $4480 Call CJ at General RV (248) 939 7417CONQUEST 2002 24 ft travel tra ile r Extras Exc cond $9000/best 734 397 1703Crulsemaster 1988 Must sell 18 f t Class A sleeps 6 ultra low miles T\W CR gen erator awning New tires bat teries belts hoses brakes $15 000 734 729 2646DAMON 1998 CAMPLITEPopup Screen porch hardly used Slideout $4500/best

(734) 266 9402DUTCHMAN 1994 Stil wheel28 rear kitchen sildeout exc $9000/best (734) 721 8115

DUTCHMAN 24 H 2000 Slide out full kitchen bath shower air cond sleeps 6 $8995 (734) 513 2093ENCLOSED TRAILER 1997 1 4dual axle electric brakes drop down rear door exc cond $1800 734 459-0152Fifth Wheel 2000 Forest River Cardinal 32 ft 2 slides loaded like new Warranty $31 500 (734) 459 3377FLAGSTAFF 1999 25FL

clean 9300

GULF STREAM El CapKan 1987 fu lly equipped 27 f t , 31K m iles very good cond $15 000/best 734 427 0478GULFSTREAM 1996 30 FT Class C wide body/basement 13K Ford 460 ail options $32 000 248 476 3099Email jimpeltier@aol comGULFSTREAM 1997 3 0 f t 5th wheel slide out fron t power jacks $16 000/best offer 248 396 5145HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1999 29ft tra ile r slide out exc cond $17 000 248 473 5349JAYC0 1997 302FK exc cond non sm oker lots o f extras

S jack microwave etc 734 981 0274

KEYSTONE 1999 travel trailer w/slideout loaded like new $12 500 313 388 6688

Kodtak 2000 Travel TrailerSleeps 7 self containedloaded Stored inside M int $9500/best (734) 753 5903

MOTORHOME RENTAL 40diesel pusher very luxurious completely loaded $1750 per week 734 427 2887PACE ARROW 1986 33 ft 76K Exc cond Seif generator $12 000/best 734 525 1424

PROWLER 1984 21 travel trailer exc cond Sleeps 6 hitch $3500 (248) 347 6151PROWLER 1999 37 push out dining & sofa air sleeps 9 exc con $15K 734 513 6098SKYLINE 1997 28 5thwheel w/slide out Must Sell' $12900/best 248 477 5079

Sportsman Travel 1997 24air awning jacks sleeps 6 $7500 734 422 6238TERRY 1995 Tkavel Trailer24 exc cond c/a forced heat $8500 (734) 261 4699TERRY LITE 1999 25 extras + hitch assembly $14 000 many options 734 427 6743WILDNERNESS F lee t 1984 8 x24 double axle sleeps 6 $2800 248 689 0376WINNEBAGO 1990 Elandon 33 f t Chevy 454 many extras $24 500 248 553 6801Winnehaoo 1994 Chieftain 34 454 gas engine Chevy chassis blue Interior 20 054 m iles TV/VCR exc cond must sell $43 000

(734) 591 3794WINNEBAGO 1995 Vectra 34 queen size bed fu ll base ment C/A banks system on Chevy 454 35K mi must sell $45 000 (248) 642 1246WINNEBAGO JOURNEY 2000 w ith sildeout 36 f t tu rbo diesel w/17 000 m iles Fully equipped w /w asher/d ryer $87 500 (248) 922 9905

DITCHWITCH 5110 430 hours like new All the extras Over $90 000 new Sacrifice at $27 900/best (248)647 6529

Cap fo r a truck camper black 63 wide 81 length $300 or

18) 478 4217best offer (248)TIRES (4) PIRELLI P185/70R 14 $ 1 1 5 /lo r All Excellent condition (734)453 5120TRUCK CAP Chevy lu ll size contractor grade $100 For picture downtown@wideopen west com 313 378 3355

ALL AUTOS TOP$$Junked Wrecked o r Running

E & M 248 474 4425 Evenings 734 717 0428

CHEVY 1995 S 10 ext cabV6 ac auto A6S cap clean 92K $5300 248-435 3939DAKOTA 1998 Extended Cab auto a ir im maculate condition This week only $49 down $10B/mo No cosigner needed OACTYME SALES 734 455 5506DODGE 2001 Quad Cab S poil red $17 995

734-421-6700DODGE RAM 1996 SLT Club cab 2 tone cap Fla truck 75K loaded exc cond $8 900 (248) 661 3027DODGE RAM 1997 Club cab 5 9 L V 8 sunroof exc cond $9000/besl (313) 535 7652DODGE RAM 1997 2500 Club cab SLT 2 tone w/cap 1 owner $9 999 248 828 8111

DODGE RAM 19981500 Red2 dr exc cond 90K new tires $7750/best 248 473 5630FORD 1995 FfSOImmaculate condition V8 auto air $49 down $106 mo No cosigner needed TYME SALES 734 455 5566FORD 1991 F250 extend cab 8 bed 460 aluminum rims 79K $5800 734 459 5243FORD 1994 FI 58 XLTloaded exc shape V8 bedim er $3000/best 734-424 0579

Ford 1995 F150 XLT 5L 72kauto loaded power dual tanks cap dura liner very nice $7900 (734) 513 7545FORD 1996 F150 4x4 5 speed manual lots o f new repairs $3800/best 313 333 6272

FORD 1998 F150 Supercab shortbed 3rd door all power cruise bedlmer alloy wheels 4 6 L $9 500 313 399 4885FORD 2001 RANGER Sport 1 owner auto 18k cd fla ir side $7200 734 657 9751FORD 2001 Super Crew Lariat moonroof CD changer tra ile r to w package 2 tone paint hard tdnneau bedliner leaftier sliding rear window running boards exc cond $20 900/best 734 254 0334

FORD F 1501998 Lariat 62K loaded a ll options Exec cond $10 500 248 348 3656FORD F 150 2001 Supercrev/ Lanat 4x4 leather loaded exc cond $21 500 734 455 4979FordF250 1997 XLT Crewcab52k w arranty exc cond $15 995 (734)455 6286

FORD RANGER 1999 XLT 4cyl 5 speed a ir looks/runs like new well maintained w/oil change records 59 2K mi $5700 (248) 348 9586FORD RANGER 2881 4x4black 29K ps/pb air 6 CD loaded $13 500 313 248 2519GMC SONOMA 2001 Ext b ik 5000 mi no ram/snow or salt $12 300 734 464 0011RAM 2001 3500 diesel quad cab dually $27 995

734-421-5700RAM 2002 1500 SLT quad cab black 13 000 miles chrome wheels tonneau cover super sharp! $ 1 9 480

734425-0800RANGER 1996 7 0K 5speed Tonneau cover new tires $2650/best 313 534 5833S10 2000 Regular cab 4 cyl auto a ir trim package w/CD $6550/best 734 678 0921S10 2001 LS extended cab 18K loaded exc $12 300 V6 B righ ton 517 505 7888

TACOMA 1996 PICKUPVeiy nice 1 owner 54K 4x4 $11 399/{irm 734 777 3232

AERQSTAR 1990 EXTLoaded seats 7 must sell $1900 734 454 1506 Dawn

AEROSTAR 1994 Eddie Sauer4 OL V6 loaded new lire s battery shocks 70K good cond $4895 After 5pm

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crnTwooBBom73 4 -4 2 1-5 7B 0

DURANGO 2002 SLT black 3rd seat V 8 loaded $17 980


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I 2486 8 K $9900 i 476 7696EXPLORER 2000 Sport 4x4 a steal at $12 995

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248 851 6126GRAND CHEROKEE 1997 Laredo 56K clean loaded $11 999 734 422 6122GRAND CHEROKEE 1998LTD 8 cyi heated leather seats exc cond assign bal ance zero deductible 7 yr/IO O K extended service plan $14 000 248 202 0778GRAND CHEROKEE 2002 LTDonly 7k m i loaded new $38 000 asking $23 500

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900/best 248 932 8429$13MERCEDES 1999 CLK430AM6 black coupe w inter wheels 44K w arranty $33 900 734 207 1767MERCEDES 2900silver/black loaded naviga tion heated seats CD Chang er unlimited roadside assis tance $39 500 313 999 3441MERCEDES 2003, SL500 ROADSTER silver/charcoal 450 miiss 248 646 5337MERCEDES BENZ 1999 E320AWD exc cond 33K loaded + Bose sunroof phone heated seats $29500 248 486 6561MERCEDES 1998 8LK Red8200 miles loaded $35 000 MERCDES 1989 300E Silver moonroof leather 92K m iles $9500 248 608 0 7 t8Pontiac 2002 Trans Am RamA ir package loaded auto 7200 miles $26 000/best M ust sell' 248 528^3282PORSCHE 911 Coupe 1987^red black leather spoilers 16 fuchs sunroof loaded 89K $24900 248 475-8831P0RSHE 1984 944 redpower auto 2 80 00 original m i $7000/best 248 231 5810SAAB 2006 93 4 d r 5speed black tan leather tnte r io r 30 000 m iles a ir cd moonroof loaded $14 900 (248) 642 1034SAAB S3 2002 BlacKw/tan leather loaded low m i. $22 500 (248)683-0163SUZUKI 2002 4 d r Aerio 9 000 miles auto a ir loaded forest green $9 980

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jreat lo w mi 5 speed ;31$0/best 248 231 5810

CAVALIER 2001 CD spoiler auto, a ir 4 d oo r ABS $ 8 500/best 734 495 0650CAVALIER 2001 Z24 CDS(r auto show room clean

734 981 4249JGavalier 2002 4 d r sedan a ir auto cd remote start m int cond alarm 14 200 miles $9 795 (248) 478 7082CAVALIER 2002 Z24 red^ t o loaded pristine $10 200 (2 4 8 )68 2 1807dtVAUER 2002 TITloaded sunroof CD 5 speed 21K $ 9 8 0 0 313 213-5512GORVEHE 1990 Exec cord All black 6 8 K Removable gipss top Bose gold premi urn Sound system 2nd owner M in g $12 500 C9II Rick at 734 634 3535LUMINA 1998 LTZ 4 door pewter/red serviced every 3K s^ce nevir 94K great shape in and out $4500 734 453 1074IflallbtFlOSTLS fu lly loaded 60 0 0 0 m iles good condition $6000/best 734 516-5043

MALIBU2000 LS Dark Cher ry all power 35 500 mi exc cond $ 8 995 248 591 0072MALIBU 2000 LS 28K extra clean $9 6 8 8

F o x H i t t e C h rysle r-Je e p

(734) 455 8740MALIBU 2001 auto air loaded 4 d r S8900/best

(734) 495 0650MALIBU 2003 LS 2000 miles gray $13480

jm m tiB ifiC K

MONTE CARLO 2000 (SS) White loaded 47000 miles non smoker $11500

(734) 422 6545M onte Carlo . 2001 4 3 0 7miles loaded silver grey $16500/best (73 4)421 8779PRIZM 2001 a ir auto 29K CD GM Certified $2000 off' Only $7999


BREEZE 1997 4 door power w indows remote start 86k 1 owner $5 500 734 485 6823Chrysler 1999 300M Plati num m int loaded moonroof new brakes& Michelins a steal at $11 700 248 624 7330CIRRUS 1998 1 owner4 7000 mt candy apple red w/black leather interior power air $7500/best 248 944 5794CIRRUS 1997 LXI Perfect cond ition sunroof (Troy) $2 900 248 219 6204CONCORD 1998 LXI Exccond new tires 1 owner $7 500 248 659 1830LEBARON 1994 Convertible6 cyl many new items tires top etc 137K m i Exc cond $3450/best (734) 422 4162LHS 1997 Excellent cond sli ver leather Infin ity cd loaded 74k $7 750 248-559 3438LHS 2000 leather moon CD $15 995

7 3 4 -4 2 1 - S 7 ( »NEON 2001 Cinnamon 7 600 m iles auto a ir power cas sette $ 8 500 2 48^39 0380PLYMOUTH 1988 Breeze certified 8/80 0 0 0 warranty $ 8 995

CRESTWOOBBrnS73 4 -4 2 1-5 70 0

PT 2002 Cruiser Limited leather moon 14K $15 995

F o x J ft-ills C h iysler-Je ep

(734) 455 8740PT CRUISER 2001 Touring pkg silver auto 44K clean $10 600/best 734 464 6366PT CRUISER 5 speed bronze tape/CD air auto doors/locks By owner $11 750 (248) 388 5411PT Cruiser 2001 leather all power keyless 54k loaded $10 500 248 926 6645SEBRING 2000 Convertible white JXI leather $12 995

Fox im ia Ch rysle r-Je e p

(734) 455 8740

AVENGER 1997 Good cond Power m oonroof 110K $5000 734 502 5920


AVENGER 1999 V6 auto air fu ll pow er 33K w arranty m int $8800 248 305 5921AVENGER 1999 White sexy $10995

Dodge intrepid 2000 ES Great Cond Loaded new tires brakes service 248 408 2302DYNASTY 1992 74K very clean M ust see $2900/best (734) 667 2449INTREPID 1996 Red loaded great sound $2 900

248 689 7086INTREPID 1997 ES moon 1 owner loaded $5 995

7 3 4 -4 2 1 - S 7 « lINTREPID 1999 SEloaded silver $9 995

fu lly

73 4 -4 2 1-5 76 0INTREPID 2000 87K miles exc cond power options $8100/best 734 718 7376INTREPID 2000 RT moon roof new tires/brakes 59K $8995 (734) 525 9675NEON 1998 ACR 3 1 K 5speed a ir power tin t Mods $5500 (248) 474 6706NEON 2001 Sedan 11K auto silver exc cond Warranty $8000 248 474 8735NEON 2002 SE $9 995

CRESmBOBBBBBS7 3 4 -4 2 1 -S 7M I

STATUS 1999 SE certified 8/80 000 warranty $7 995


CONTOUR 1998 perfect stu dent car $4 995

tm rw oBBBm e7 3 4 -4 2 1- 5 7 i »

CONTOUR 2008 Sport 38Kmi 2 5L manual trans A/C moonroof premium sound

734 455 9226CROWN VICTORIA 1992loaded 107K m i exc cond Cheapi $2500 248 348 7368CROWN VICTORIA 2000 •Silver loaded remote start 63K $9 500 734 425 8156Escort 1996 W gn Power win dow/lock a ir alarm remote start $2400 734 564-6172ESCORT 1999 - Auto air38K Only $4500TYME SALES 734-455-S586Focus 2000 SE auto remote start cd 2 7 k good cond $800 0 /best (734)459-5859MUSTANG 1997 COBRA SVTred loaded 8K m l no ram/ winters m int $18 000

734 591 9311MUSTANG 1997 GT Conver tibie Loaded auto 25k exc cond $15 000 734 941 2312MUSTANG 1997 GTConvertible black auto 45K $12 995

FoxC h rysle ivje e p

(734) 455 8740MUSTANG 1998 GT Conyertlble, Auto a ir very low miles w /w arranty Only $12 500TYME SALES 734 455-6566MUSTANG 2000 GT dark red 4 6L manual 26K miles loaded excellent cond $15 300 (7 3 4 )3 9 4 1655

STATUS 2002 SE fu ll power choose from 6 $11 995CmmiOBBOBBS

7 3 4 -4 2 1 -S 70 0

wheels auto $12 995

CB&mOOBBBBN 7 3 4 -4 2 1 -STffi)

MUSTANG 2801 GT Conv ertible m intcond Loaded low mi $21 000 810 220 1481TB IR D 2002 Convertible 1 400 m iles m in t cond $34 888

Fox m ilsC h rysle r-Je e p

(734) 455 8740

iForii ( | 3 l |

C A S HDealer w ill sell on cosignment o r pay cash fo r your used car TYME SALES 734 465 5586

CONTOUR 1997 Exec cond green/grey auto 2nd owner 92 200 actual m iles looks new $3500 (734) 645 6170

TAURUS 1997 L X WagonLoaded 135k sunroof great car $3800 248 752-0401

S P R IN GS A V IN G S !'98 Mustang

V 6 A U TO AIR’ ^ 8 . 9 9 5

'99 IntrepidV 6 A U T O AIR

> 9 . 9 9 5'02 Sebring

POWER VERY CLEAN* 1 2 . 9 9 5

'01 Stratus RTV6 LEATHER, 0 ) MOONROOT

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01 Wrangler Sport 4x4V 6 AIR C D H A R D T O P

* 1 5 . 9 9 5Wranglers Wanted!

Top Dollar Paid!

00 Grand Cherokee 4x4V 6 LEATHER, M O O N

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* 1 6 , 9 9 5

'02 |eep Liberty4 x4, C D V 6 T IN T* 1 9 . 9 9 5

0^ A P P R O V E DB R U IS E D C R E I^ mC a l l o u r a p p r o v a / A o h H H H

LIVONIA ^C H R YSL ER JEE3 0 7 7 7 P L Y M O U T H R D . • L I V O N I A ^

1/4 M ilo W e s t o f W o n d e rla n d M a lt |7 3 4 - 5 2 5 - 5 0 0 0 ^


& Custom er SatisfactionGREAT SELECTION OF DEMOS

PRICED TO MOVE OUT!03P!LOTEXL-LBather4x4&m ore Stk #H29126 Wasmi6903ACCORDSEDAN-V6 rear entertainment syslemSi more Stk IH 29482 \/\ s$28425 03 ACCORD SEDAN-4 cyl, navigation systems more Stk #H29140 y s$26160OSACCORDSEDANEXL-Leather moonroof&more Stk #H28764 msmwO2ACCORDS0 ANEXL-Leattiermoonroot&more Stk #H29037 m $2416003ACCORDSEDANEX-Moonroof ABS&m ore Stk #H28479 ms^2mOSACCORDSEDANEX-Moonroof spoiler&more Stk #H28740 m $23585




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F 3 ( * ) Observer & Eccentric | Thursday April 17 2003 WWW hontetow nlife.com

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Observer & Eccentric i Thursday April 17 2003

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E e c d f f t r k / l i i t a m o t f v eC fsssH ^dfftfiew ek

2003 Jeep Liberty Offers Off-Road FreedomAdvertising Feature

T h u r s d a y D r i v e T i m e


With Jeep Liberty, what you see is what you get A reasonably priced SUV th a t screams off-road capability - and delivers on expectations Unlike some com petitors, however. Liberty’s aggressivestance isn’t hiding the capacity for a silky on-pave-

lodem en t perfo rm ance as well This model proves rather ordinary once it gets onto roads

Liberty was a great stroke for DaimlerChrysler when the company introduced the compact SUV m odel tw o years ago, rep lac ing its ou tm oded CJierokee, which had been in production for nearly two decades And this vehicle’s two most outstand­ing features are paying dividends for Jeep and its customers

At a suggested retail pnce of $24,295, the Liberty Sport model I tested illustrates reliability and flair a t an a ffo rd a b le level fo r m o st consum ers Competing m a crowded category with the likes of H onda CR-V, F o rd Escape, Toyota RAV4 and Mazda Tribute, Liberty offers an adequate cost-ben­e fit a rg u m e n t and has so ld w ell for DaimlerChrysler

No doubt a major reason for the common appeal of Liberty is its second m ost significant feature styling In a segm ent tha t is filled with me-toos. Liberty boldly harkens back to the look of its blood­line ancestor, the ongmal Jeep Willys, which helped to liberate Europe during World War II The t r ^ e - m ark Jeep gnlle, with seven vertical rectangles, is joined by retro round headlamps

Other design notes include short front and rear overhangs, a high roofline, rear-mounted spare tire and l6-inch alloy wheels below pronounced wheel flares Liberty thereby asserte a certain amount of autom otive a th letic ism , yet its design is “cute” enough to appeal to the broad cross section of affordable-SUV buyers

Jeep makes much of Liberty’s off-road capability W hile I d id n ’t te s t it p e r se in th e m idst o f a Michigan winter, I can describe it At about 4,000

Th e 2 0 0 3 J e e p L ib e r ty S c re a m s O ff-R o a d C a p a b ilitypounds. Liberty clearly is rugged for its size Its Command-Trac four-wheel-drive system is leg­endary as a feature of all recent Jeeps, with a set- and-forget feature governing all-wheel drive The lowering of the nde height by one inch from 2002 models helps improve stability, yet Liberty still has a foil eight inches of suspension travel It easily gob­bles up obstacles such as good-sized potholes and road ruts W ith the 3 7-liter PowerTech V6, 210- horsepower engine that is standard with any auto­matic transmission in Liberty, there’s plenty of pick­up (and hauling of up to 5,000 pounds, tops among compact SUVs)

But on smooth pavement, where even Liberty gets most of its use, the vehicle has m ade some compromises that mark it down in comparison with more car-like com petitors L iberty’s ride is too truck-like for my taste, lis handling a little too loose. Its steering rather heavy At 17 miles per gallon in the city and 21 on the highway, its fuel efficiency also is a bit on the lean side for how it’s positioned and marketed

Yet, of great interest to all dnvers, wherever they make take Liberty The 2003 vehicle has been given the federal government’s highest ratmg m three sep­arate categories H ead-pro tecting cu rta in side airbags and anti-lock brakes are optional

Inside, Liberty offers ample room for four people,

and five could comfortably make short trips There also is adequate cargo room behind the side-open- mg rear door 29 cubic feet behind the 35/65-split folding rear seat, and 69 cubic feet when that seat is folded down

The Sport edition is pretty bare-bones, with the standard package limited to amenities such as an auxiliary 12-volt power outlet and AM/FM stereo with cassette The Sport version that I tested also included air conditioning, power locks and windows and mirrors, keyless and illummated entry, six pre­m ium speakers and a leather-w rapped steering wheel, among other features

One step up, the Renegade offers features includ­ing a new overhead console w ith custom er-pro­grammable features, including which doors unlock With the first press o f the rem ote-keyless-entry unlock button, miles driven between service inter­vals and the amount of tim e that headlights remain on when exiting the vehicle The top-of-the-line Limited edition ratchets up the amenities to include 17-inch chrome wheels and heated seats

Overall, Liberty ends up being consistent with the promise of its styling and market positioning some exciting capabilities for those who don’t mind a bit of an elemental SUV experience And a good value for the money

W nte Dale Buss at daledbuss(gaol comO B 0 d 0 9 2 S 7 7

I t ’S A H A b o u t R e s u lts ” 8 Q 0 -5 79 -S EIL (7355)

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2000TRANS AMRedt tops57V8

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73 4 -4 2 1-5 70 0TAURUS 1999 SHO 24k mlevery option perfect $11 900 248 478 3544

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a tm u m m s B734-421-5760

TAURUS 2003 SE 2000 m iles green loaded save thousands $12 930

m sm iN B w cK

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Accord 1998 EX 4 d r 85kfu ll power leather moonroof $8 700/best (248)828 4180ACCORD 1999^ LX 4 doof auto 45K m iles A lloys $10 700 734-427 9748

ACCORD 2001 LX 23 000mi Loaded like new $14 400 734 354 0223

ACCORD LX 1997 4 door silver gray exc cond clean $7800 248 540 0213CIVIC 1992 1 owner a title Only $2100TYME SALES 734 455 5566

CiViC 1995 exc cond man ual white sunroof 1 0 0 K $3 700 Bret 248 960 4545

CIVIC 1998 5

810 220 5957

Speed 81K $7900/best

Odyssey 2801 EX power slid ing drs rear heat/air am/fm /cd great condition 34K miles Asking $20 500 248 344 1554

XJS 1993 Covertibte 6 cylauto 61k exc cond $13000 248 669 1802 248 640-0690

WRANGLER 1994 new tires & soft top lO OKm i $6975

248 305 9937

CONTINENTAL 1997 • 75kextras very clean $8500

734 422 6247MARK V il 1969 L8C 5 0auto 133K records from 1990 $2900 248 763 3710

TOWN CAR 1979 Collector Senes 70K 1 owner clean runs good $3500

248 478 2013

I Lincoln L is s a n

TOWN CAR 1992 Sgnature Loaded leather exc cond $4900/best 734 513 7545

ALTIMA 2002 2 SSL Loaded very low m white Bose $18 000/best 248 569 1334ALTIMA 2002 SL silver

1 Mazda ^ ^ 1 loaded low miles $16 980

JOWfffOdHiBWCK734-i29*0900MAZDA RX7 1988 new

engine runs good $3 000/best 734 421 8610

CENTRA 1999 QXE special edition m int 60K hwy auto Loaded $7 000 734 667 3130

MIATA 2090 LS Low mileshard top garaged winters $15 000 248 767 5308 jo iiis in o h ile

Cougar 1984 Florida car

ALERQ 1999 Charcoal leather every option just off !6B5B $8999TYME SALES 734-455 5S66

very clean 74k V6 auto ac $2300 (941)928 2436*ln Ml

COUGAR 1999 beautiful V6

Cutlass Supreme 1994 Redm in t cond only 44K mi $5200/best 734 420 6959

new tires 74k $9 500 After 4 30pm 734 422 0551 I Pontiac ^ )COUGAR 1999 all pw r CD 51K Transferable warranty to 75K $8750 734 658-8961

BONNEVILLE 1995 SE like new 1 ovmer low m i loaded S6500Zfirm 248 982 8043BONNEVILLE SSE 1998 Loaded 42K asking $10 900 (248) 669 0300

GRAND MARQUIS 1992 LSV8 75K miles exc cond $3 600 734 981 4115

GRAND MARQUIS 1994GL 105K very clean runs great $5 500 734 261 9464

FIREBIRD 1996 dark red 5 speed stereo Insurance Nightmare Only $3999 TYME SALES 734 455 6566GRAND AM SE 2001 19 000 m iles dark bronze auto 4 cy linder $12 500 o r best offer (248) 426 9032GRAND AM 1999 V6 auto 4 door loaded leather 45K $8 400 (810)599 0500

MARQUIS 1996 Full power runs great 81kAsking $5295 248 476 9665 ;

MYSTIQUE 1998 LS Green V6 manual 4 door 64K miles loaded clean $5 700

(734) 394 1655

MYSTIQUE 1999 GS Silver auto loaded 68K good con dition $6500 313 408 9248

GRAND AM 1999 SE 2 door 58k green loaded new tires $7 500/best 734 427 4043

GRAND AM 2001 SE power low miles $9 995

f OAT Hills C h ry s te r - J e e p

(734) 455 8740

fu ll

GRAND PRIX 1997 GT fu lly loaded runs great very reli able $7600 (734) 425 4607

G ra n d P rix 1 9 9 7 G T P 2 d r bikext Zither Loaded exc cond 76k $8 200 SOLD

SUNFIRE 1995 SE 54Kw/Sunroof & spoiler Asking $4200 Purple (734) 844 3347

SUNFIRE 2000 GT CONVERT IBLE Red/white top & interior 36K CD/cassette a ir bags power everything new tires $10 950 (248) 858 2695eves 248 377 2200 daysSUNFIRE 2000 GT Convertible red fu ll power $11 995

:Fox MlittsChiysler-Jeep

(734) 455 8740

TRANS AM 1994 White wZ white wheels tan leather t tops loaded 59K $9 995 or best Exc (248) 489 9009

TRANS AM 2001 auto pewter leather T to ps loaded 13 000 m iles $20 980


If4I 2001 Very low mile like new loaded sunroof

4 300 Call after 5pm(734) 591 1133

SATURN 2002 7 724 m ies 5 speed full warranty $9 995

J F o x m u t t s C h ry s le p -J e e p

(734) 455 8740

SATURN SCI 1995 70 500miles perfect cond $4500 (248) 652 921 la t t e r 2pm

SC21998 black auto loaded only 29k m iles ABS b r^ e s $ 75 00 (734)721 5168

SL1 1997 Exc Cond gold cruise air bags stereo free washes $3600 734 762 7221

SL2 1 998 Auto air 75 000miles $4600Zbest o ffe r

734 458 8106

CAMRY1995 4 d r power wm dows/iocks 130K hwy exc shape $5200 734 462 2919

CAMRY M 4 d r autosunroof 65K m i silverZbeige $10 800 (313) 577 2563

CAMRY 2002 LE red metallic loaded low miles $15 980

CAMRY LE 1995 station wagon 4 cyl 52 000 origi nal m iles loaded $11 900 (248) 541 2230

37KCAMRY LE 2001$14 500 negotiable

248 813 1185

COROLU 1995 4 d r auto a ir 105K power windowsZ locks $3200 734 261-6323


■ 2003 CAMRY LE ■Four cylinder, autom atic transmission, power windows, power locks, rear defroster, stereo, c a r^ t & cargo m at set [Stock #3-8616] Was $20,469

■ 2003 COROLLA CE ■Automatic transmission, 4 cylinder, all weather package stereo cassette/CD, power door locks, carpet floor mats [Stock #3-8437] . Was SIS,407

L E A S E F O Riic

m 2003 HIGHLANDER 4x4 ■Roof rack, 8-way pw r dryKs st, pw r snrf, to w prep p kg ,

au cover, prwrd fo r alarm.


^8052 ^ 2 3 2 ^ 1 14.398' ^ 1 8 0 ! 1 <>2132S ^ 3 2 0

alum w h!s,'k^ess entiy, Tonneau carpet/cargo m at set [Stock #3-9181 ] IV o s S30,4S4

SALE PRICE $ 0 0 # % 9 9 *


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BEETLE 1998 Diesel 44Kmiles extras female owned $10 200/best 313 292 6602

Cabrie 1999 Convertible!Great graduation g if t ' 47k miles $11 500 248 561 9962

JE H A 1996 QLS 83K 5speed sunroofZcassette Good cond $ 66 00 248 645 1843

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Passat 1999 6 U V 6 2 8black leather in t Berry e>d All weather pkg luxury pkg sunroof new tiresZbrakes 63K miles $12 800

Call Todd 248 730 8633

PASSAT 2000 GLS Wagon loaded new brakesZtires 39K miles $15 500 248 647 9628

B ER EH A1994 3 1 automatic 100K sold sold sold

CARS FROM $ 68 0m POLICE IMPOUNDS Honda Chevy Ford Toyota' For Listings 1 800 941-8777 Ext C9816

COUGAR 1991 Excellent run ning condition 93k $1600 firm 248-449 4633

Dodge 1992 Shadow 4 cyl4 door runs good $750

734 542 9187

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ds $ 20 00records 734 812 2761

a1969 JIMM Y 138k runs

needs some work 248 449 5546.

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$1700(734) 727 1566

MERCURY GRAND MARQUIS 1989 Very good cond 60K mi $1500 (734) 721 5923


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