Catalogue of the Library - Forgotten Books

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Page 1 4 . for Hagar1 7 .



4 2 .

5 5 .



1 00 .

1 39.

1 54 .

Harri s , Thomas M .

BatesMajor Huntingdon

EmigiTou lbridge

S t illingfi eet (R i chard)John Tow ersSw inden (Thomas)Mandelheim


87 1 6 63

read Hager.Harri s , Thaddeus M .

Bate .

Major Huntington .

Bo ssi .Tonbridge .

S t i llmgficet (Edward) .

Jo seph Towers .Sw inden (Tobias) .

Munde lhe im .




ALVAREZ, Histo riale Description de l’E thiopie, trad . du Portugo is, par Jehan

Bellere . 8vo , Anvers, 1 558

GEDDE S (Michael, Chancellor ofSarum ) , The Church History of Eth iopia.

8v0 , 1 696

A short Relation ofthe River Nile, of its Source and Current, and of otherCuriosities . Written by an Eye-witness, who lived many years in the chiefkingdoms of the Abyssine Empire ; and translated from a Portuguese

Manuscript,by Sir Peter Wyche . 1 2n1 o ,

1 673

PON CET, A Voyage to Abyssin ia, A .D . 1 698- 1 700 ; tran slated from the French .

1 2mo

LA CROZE, Hi stoire du Christianisme d

E th iOpie et d’

Arménie . 1 2mo, 1 739L030 , Voyage to Abyssin ia ( 1 7th century ) , with sundry Dissertations, byM . Le Grand ; tran slated from the French . 8vo

LUDOLPHUS A new H i story of E th iopia ; be ing a Description of theK ingdom of Abessinia, vulgarly called the Empire of Prester John translated from the Latin . Fo lio, 1 682

( ERTELIUS (Jo . Go tt. Theologia fE thiOpum . 8vo , 1 746

BRUCE (James) , Travel s 1 n Abyssinia, abridged by Shaw. 1 2mo

SALT (Henry) , Views in India, Abyssinia, &c . Fo lioVoyage to Abyssin ia, and Travels into the Interio r of that Country


&c. &c . 4to,1 81 4

Ho sxl (G . Travels in Eth iopia, A .D . 1 833. 4to

ADA IR, Righ t Hon . Robert .1 . Two Letters to the Bishop ofWinchester (Dr . Pretyman Tomliue) , in

an swer to his Charge of a h igh - treasonable misdemeanour.2 . A Reply to M r. Adair ’ s Charge against the Bishop ofWinchester.


, Righ t Hon . Joseph .

Miscellaneous Works . 1 2 1 1 1 0 , 4 vols .AZLM N .

Various H istory, translated from the Greek by Stanley.M ilitary Tactics, translated by Lord Dillo n, with a Preliminary Discourse ,

840 . -1 to


AFRI CA . S ee Aerssmm . EGYPT . TRAVELS .FREIGIUS (J . Historia de Bello Africano, in quo S ebastianus Portugalliae

Rex pernt, una cum o rtu et familia Regum qui no stro tempore in ill is

Africae regiohibus impe rium tenuerunt . 8v0 , 1 580

Narrative of Disco very and Adventure in Africa . 1 2mo , 1 830

FREJUS, Voyage into Mauritan ia to the King ofTafiletta ; tran slated from the

French . 1 2mo , 1 67 1

M OUETTE , Relation de sa,Captivité dan s les Royaumes de Fezet, _

de Maroc,&c.&c . 1 2n1 0 , 1 683

KN IGHT (Francis) , Relat ion'

of S eaven Years S laverie under the Turkes ofArgeire, &c . 4 to, 1 640


Y, His Del iverance from Slavery at Algiers . 1 2mo, 1 684

ROZET, Voyage dan s la Re’gence d’

Algier ; ou, Description du Pays occupé

par l’Armée Fran cai se en Afrique . 8vo , 3vols ., and Atlas in 4 to, 1 833

Madagascar ; o r, Robert Drury’ s Journal during Fifteen Years’ Capti v ity on

that I sland . 8v0 , 1 729


Les Secrets Admirables du Grand et du Petit Albert. 1 2mo, 2 vols .


CHAS SAN ION (Jean) , H istoire des Albigeois, touchan t leur Doctrine et Religion,contre les faux bruits qui ont esté semés d

’eux, &c . &c . 1 2mo , 1 595

PETRU S (Coenobii Valli s S arnensis) , H i storia Albigensium, et Sacri Belli in eos

anno MCC IX . suscepti, Duce et Principe Simone a M on te-fo rti, ex M S S . codicibus in lucem nunc pr imin a edita. 8v0 , 1 6 1 5

PERR I N, H isto ire des Vaudois et des Albigeois . 8vo, 1 6 1 8

LEGER, H isto ire des Eglises Evangéliques des Vallées de Piémon t, ou Vau

doises . Folio, 1 669

H isto ire de la Persecution des Vallées de Piémont en 1 686 . 1 2mo, 1 688BEN 0 1 5T (Prédicateur de 1

’Ordre de S . Domin ique) , H istoire des Albigeois etdes Vaudo is, ou Barbets . 1 2mo, 2 vo ls . 1 69 1

ALe (Peter) , Remarks on the Churches ofPiedmont and of the Albigenses .4to, 1 690-92

G ILLY (Rev . W. Waldensian Researches . 8vo , 2 vols . 1 827- 1 831M A ITLAND, Facts, &c . relative to the Ancien t Albigenses and Waldenses .

8v0 , 1 832ALF IER I, Vittorio .

La Vita sua, scritta da esso .ALGAROTTI, Francesco .

Letters, M ilitary and Political ; translated from the Italian .



AULDJO (John) , Narrative ofhis Ascent ofM on t Blanc in 1 827 .

BARRY (Martin, Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc in

ALPS (continued) .BROCKEDON , Illustration s of the Passes Of the Alps by wh ich I taly commun icate s with France, Germany, and Switzerland . 4to, 2 vo l s . 1 829

DE SAUSSURE, Voyages dan s les Alpes, précédés d’

un Essai sur 1 ’Hist0 ire N a

turelle des Environs de Geneve . 8vo , 8 vo l s .Simplon .

— Lettre s sur la Route du Simplo n . 1 2mo , 1 81 0



TER N EAux, Biblio theque Américaine ; ou, Catalogue des Ouvrages relatifs a.1’Amérique qui ont paru depu i s sa découverte jusqu

a 1’

an 1 700 .

8v0 , Paris, 1 837CARY AN D LEA, H istorical and Geograph ical Atlas ofN . and S . America.

Fo lio, 1 827MOR SE , American Geography . 8vo, 1 795

HERRERA, General H istory ofNorth and Sou th America, translated from the

Span i sh by Steven s . 8vo , 6 vols .PHILOPONUS (Honorius, M onachus S . Benedicti) , Navigat io Cataloni, Abbati s

M on tis Serrati et S ociorum M onachorum,ad Gen tes Barbaras No v i

M undi, &c . Folio, 9 . 1 . 1 62 1

ROBERTSON (William, H istory Of America. 8vo , 4 vols .BARTOLOZZ I Richerche Istorico-Critiche circa alle Scoperte d ’ Amerigo

Vespucci, &c . &c . 81 0 ,1 789

N avigat iones Primes in Americam . 1 2mo, 1 6 1 6

HOR N IUS , De Origin ibus Americanis. 1 2mo, 1 052

DE LAET, De Origine Gen tium Americanarum . 1 2mo

RANK IN G, On the Conquest Of Mexico and Peru by the M ogul s in the 13th

cen tury. 81 7 0 , 1 827BERNAL (Diaz, de Castillo , a compan ion ofCortes) , Disco very and ConquestOfMexico . (In Kerr

’s Collection, vols . 3and 4 )

CORTES, Sa Corre spondance avec Charles V, tradu ite de 1

’E spagn0 1 . 8v0

D E SOL I S, H istoire de la Conquéte du Mexique . 1 2mo , 2 vo l s .ZARATE, Discovery and Con quest ofPeru .

(In Kerr’s Collection, vols . 4 and 5 )

LINAT I, Co stumes et M oeurs de Mexique. 4 to, 1 830Antiquitates Ameri canas S i ve, S criptores Septentrionales rerum ante-Colum

bianarum in Amer ica . Edidit Societas Regia An tiquariorum Septentrionalium . 4to , Haj nice, 1 837

DE HUMBOLDT, Condensed Narrative ofhi s Journeys in America, by W . M ac

gillivray . 1 2mo, 1 832Vues des Cordilleres, et Monumens de 1

Amérique . 8vo , 2 vols .Vues des Cordilleres

,et M onumens (les Peuples indigenes de l’Amé

rique. Fo lio, 1 81 0

AMERI CA,N . S. (continued) .

Guatemala, Description of Ruins there . 4to , 1 822DELAF IELD (John) , An Inqu iry into the Origin ofthe An tiqu i ties Of America,with an Appendix by JAME S LAKEY , M .D . 4 to, Cincinnati, 1 839

1 . WILL IAMS (John) , Enqu i ry into the Truth ofthe Tradition s concern ingthe Discovery ofAmerica by Prince M adog ab Owen Gwynedd, abou tthe year 1 1 70.

2 . Further Observation s on the Discovery by Prince Madog.

3. BURDER (George) , The VVelch Indians .

8vo , 1 79 1 -97S PIZ ELIUS (Theoph ilus) , E levatio RelationisMontezinianae de repertis in Ame

rica tribubus Israelit icis, et discu ssio argumentorum pro origine gen tiumAmericanarum I srael itica, a Menasse Ben I srael conquisit . &c . 1 2mo, 1 66 1

PITMAN (R . B .) On the Practicab ili ty Ofjoining the Atlan tic and Pacific Ocean sby a Sh ip- canal across the I sthmus . 8vo , 1 825

ADAIR (James) , H istory ofthe American Indians . 4 to, 1 775LAFITAU, Moeurs des Sauvages Américains . 4 to, 2 vols . 1 724LON G, M anners, &c . of the North American Indians . 4 to, 1 791

H UN TER (John M emoirs ofa Captivity among the Indian s from childhood to the age of n ineteen ; with an accoun t oftheir Manners, &c ., and

Of the Territory westward Ofthe M i ssissippi . 8v0 , 1 824

HALKETT (John) , Hi storical Notes respecting the Indians ofNorth America,and on the attempts made t o convert and civilize th em . 8v0 , 1 825

Narrative ofM rs . Mary Jemison , who was taken by the Indian s A .D . 1 753, andafterwards married to two Indian s with sundry Anecdotes, &c . l 2m0 , 1 826

DRAKE (Samuel G .) Biography and H istory Ofthe Indians ofNorth America,from its first discovery to the presen t time ; thei r Antiqu ities, M anners,Law s, &c . 8vo, Boston, U. S . 1 837

VA IL (E . Notice sur les Indien s de 1 ’Amérique du Nord. 8vo , 1 840

MARTIN (Robert H istory Of No va Scotia, N ew Brunswick, Newfoundland, the Bermudas, &c . 8v0 , 1 837

H isto ry of Upper and Lower Canada . 8vo, 1 836BARTRAM, Travels in North Ame r ica ( 1 773 8vo

CARVER (Jonathan) , Travel s th rough the Interio r ofNo rth America ( 1 7668vo

AMERICA (THE UNITED STATE S) .MANSF IELD (Edward D ., Counsellor at Law ) , The Political Grammar ofthe

Un ited States ; or, a complete view of the Theory and Practice of theGeneral and State Governmen ts, with the relations between them .

1 2mo , N ew York, 1 834BANCROFT H isto ry of the Un ited States, from the first discovery Of theAme r ican Con tinent . 8v0 , 3vo ls., Boston, U. S .

BRISTED, America and her Resources . 8v0 , 1 81 8Constitutions of the Un ited States of North America. 1 2mo, 1 823



GORDON (Thomas F .) A Digest Of the Laws ofthe United States with Notes ,h istorical and explanatory. 8vo , 1 830

A Summary View of America ; be ing the result ofobservatio ns and inqu iries,du ring a Journey in the United States, by an Englishman . 8v0 , 1 824

CASWALL (Henry) , America and the American Chu rch . 8vo , 1 839BE ISTED (John, Coun sellor at Law , N ew York) , Though ts on the Anglican

and Anglo-American Churches . 8v0 , 1 823

The Book of Common Prayer, &c . of the Church , according to the Use of

the Protestan t Episcopal Church In the Un ited States ofAmerica. (Re

p rin ted from the Ph i ladelph ia autho rised editio n .) 1 2mo, 1 833

The Northern Traveller : Routes to Niagara and the Coal M ines ofPennsyl

van ia ; Tour of N ew England, &c . 1 2mo , N ew York, 1 826

Ph iladelph ia in 1 824 . 1 2mo

Picture of N ew Yo rk, and Stranger’ s Gu ide to the Commercial Metropolis of

the Un i ted States . l2mo, 1 1 . d .

Anglo-American Language a Vocabulary thereof, by Pickering.

8vo , Boston, 1 81 6


RAMSAY (David, H istory Ofthe American Revolu tio n . 8vo, 2 vols .ANDREWS (John), H istory ofthe late War. 8vo , 4 vo ls . 1 786Tracts relating to America and the American War. 8vo , v . y .

An swer to the Declaration ofCongress . 8vo , 1 776

WA SH IN GTON , H is Offi cial Le tters to Congress . 8v0 , 2 vols .BOTTA (Carlo ) , Storia della Guerra Americana. 8vo , 3vols . M ilano, 1 820Secret Journal s Of the Old Congress ofthe Un ited States, from 1 775 to 1 788.

8vo , 4 vols .Tracts relating to America and the War with Great Bri tain includingDickin son’S Letters, and Thomas Paine

’s Common Sen se . 8vo, 1 774-83Tracts relating to the American War. 8v0 , v . y .

THOMSON (John ) , Sketches Of the War between England and the Un itedStates ( 1 81 2 1 2mo, Philad. 1 81 8


ALLEN , An American Biograph ical andH istorical Dictionary . 8vo , Boston, 1 832HENRY (Patrick, ofVirgin ia), Life Of, by Wirt . 8v0

WASH I NGTON (George, Pre s . Life of, by Marshall . 8v0 , 2 vols .JEFFER SON (Thos ., Pres . M emo irs and Co rrespondence of. 8vo , 4 vols .


A French Tran slation . 1 2mm, 3vol s .ANATOMY . S ee M ED IC I NE . PHYS IOGN OMY .

AN CILLON , Charles .Traité des Eunuques . 1 2mo, 1 707


ANAS, tran slated from the French . 1 2am, 3vols .

ANECDOTES, &c . (continued ) .Anecdo tes, H istorical and Literary. 8vo , 1 796

AUBLET DE MAUBUY, H i stoire des Démélés Li ttéraires, depu is leu r origine

jusqu’anos j ours inclusivemen t . 8vo, 2 vols . 1 779

BASTIEN , Petit Dictionnaire d’

AnecdoteS . 1 2mo, 3vols .

Bons-Mots, Choix de.1 2mo, 1 7 1 6

BUSSY (Rabutin) , H istoire Amoureuse des Gaule s, et les Amours (les Damesillustres de France sous le regne de Lou is XIV . 1 2mo, 2 vols .

Glean ings or, a Collection Of diverse remarkable Passages bo th ancient

and moderne ; many Ofthem relating to our late troublesome times .1 2mo, 1 65 1

BOUDOIT, Biograph ical Extracts . 1 2mo, 2 vols .COLL I N DE PLAN CHY, Anecdo tes du Dix-neuv1 eme S i ecle . 8vo, 2 vols . 1 82 1

The Pleasan t Art ofM oney-Catch ing, newly and fully discovered : how to

pay Debts without M oney ; and sundry other choice Ru les, by N . H .

1 2mm, 1 684

E N S (Gaspar) , Apparatus Convivialis, jucundis narrat ionibus, salubribus

monit is, &c . &C. instructus. 1 2mo, 1 6 1 5

DECKKER English Villan ies a Booke to make Gentlemen merrie, Citizen swarie, and Countreymen careful]. Fit for all Justices to reade over, because it i s a Pilo t by whom they may make strange disco veries . 4 to, 1 648

Gamesters and Sharpers, M emo irs of. 1 2mo, 1 744Gascogniana ; ou , Recue il deS BonS -M ots des Habitans des Bords de laGaronne, et de tous les Gascon s du M onde . 1 2mo , 1 809

GOULART, Thrésor d’Histoires admirables et mémorables . 8v0 , 2 vols . 1 6 1 0-28

LUPTON (Donald), Emblemes of Rarities or, choyce Observation s out of

worthy H isto ries, deligh tful and profitable to the Minde . 1 2mo, 1 636KING (Dr . Po l itical and Literary Anecdotes Ofhis own Times . 1 2moEccen tric Biography, Ancien t and Mo dern . 1 2moThe Lounger’ s Commonplace-Book . 8vo , 4 vols .Poggiana 0 1 1 , la V ie, les Sen tences, de Poggio Bracciolin i . 1 2moPOGGII Florentini Facetiarum Liber un icus. 1 2 1 1 1 0 , 2 vols .R ichardsoniana, by the late Jonathan Richardson , Jun . E sq . 1 2mo , 1 786

The Royal Register, with Annotations by another Hand .

1 2mo, 9 vols . 1 779- 1 783Roxburghe Revels, and other relative Papers , &c. &c . 4 to , Edinburgh, 1 837S caligeriana. 1 2 1 1 1 0 , 1 667S eldeniana : Table-Talk, by John Selden . 1 2m0

SEWARD Anecdo tes Of distingu ished Persons, ch iefly ofthe last andtwo preceding Cen turies . 8v0 , 8 vo ls . 1 804

Biographiana . 8v0 , 4 vols . 1 799Anecdo tes, &c . of Books and Men, by theRev . Joseph Spence with a Life

ofthe Autho r, by S . W. Singer . 8v0 , 1 820

WATTS, Remarkable Events in the History OfMan . 8v0 , 1 825

ANECDOTES, &C. (continued) .The Tell-Tale or, Anecdotes collected from the best Autho rs and best

Compan ion s . 1 2mo, 2 vo l s . 1 756

LE VALERE, Maxime Frangais ; dédié a l Assemblée Nationale . 8vo, 2 vols . 1 792VALER IANUS, J . P .

TOLLIUS CORNEL IU S,Walpoliana ; and Remin iscences by Ho race Walpole . 1 2mo



1m Infelicitate . 1 2mo

OF .

Ch ron icon S axon icum,nunc primum integrum edidit ac Latinum fecit Ed

mundu s Gibson . 4to, 1 692TURNER (Sharon) , H istory ofthe Anglo-Saxon s . 8vo , 3vo ls .PALGRAVE (Francis) , H i story ofEngland (A .D . 446 to 1 2moSQU IRE (Samuel) , Inqu iry in to the Constitution of the Anglo-Saxon Governmen t . 8VO

S ILVER (Thomas) , The Commun ion -Service, or Con secration Of the AngloSaxon K ings, as i t illustrates the origin of the Constitution . 8vo , 1 831

L’ I SLE,Monumen ts in the Saxon Tongue ; Shewing the ancien t faith in the

Church ofEngland touch ing the Sacramen t ofthe Body and Blood of theLord

,&C. &C . (Saxon and English ) . 4 to, 1 638

ELSTOB (Elizabeth ) , An English - Saxon Homily on the Birth-day of St .Gregory, ancien tly u sed in th e Engli sh-Saxon Church ; giving an Ac

count ofthe Conversion of the English from Pagan ism to Chris tian ity .

8vo, 1 709

LIN GARD (John) , An tiqu ities ofthe Anglo-Saxon Church . 8vo , 1 81 0

EDWARD THE CON FE SSOR (Sain t and K ing) , The Life of ; by Father JeromePorter . 1 2mo, 1 7 1 0

SOAME S (Hen ry) , Inqu iry in to the Do ctrines of the Anglo-Saxon Church

(Bampton Lectures for 8vo

The Anglo-Saxon Church ; its H i story, Revenues, and general Character. 8vo , 1 835

INGRAM (James), An Inaugu ral Lecture on the U tility of Anglo - SaxonLiterature with the Geography of Eu rope, by King Alfred .

4to, Oxford, 1 807HENSHALL (Samuel) , The Saxon and English Language s illustrative Ofeachother, &C . &C. 4to , 1 798

as LYE’ S Anglo-Saxon Grammar . S ee JUN IU S, under “EN GLAN D , LAN GUAGEOF .

BOSWORTH (J A Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language ; with a Prefaceon the Origin and Connexion of the German ic Tongues . 8vo , London, 1 838

A compendious Anglo-Saxon Grammar. 8vo

BEN SON (Thomas) , Vocabularium Anglo- S axon icum , Lexico Gul. S omneri

magma parte ductius . 8vo , 1 70 1

Annual Register.From its commencement in 1 758 to 1 835 , w ith the Indexes .Edinburgh . From the commencemen t in 1 808 to 1 824 .

ANSTEY, Christopher .

Poetical Works

The Priest Dissected .

ANSTEY, John .

Pleader’s Gu ideANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY OF LONDON . (Publica tions by i t.)

Archaeologia : or, Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiqu ity . 4to, 28 vols .M iscellaneous Prints z— viz . Embarcation of Henry the E igh t-h in 1 520 ;

Interview between Hen ry the E igh th and Francis th e First — The Fleet atPo rtsmouth in 1 545 — Procession ofEdward the Sixth . Folio, v . y .

The Cathedral s ofBath, Durham, Exeter, and Gloucester ; St. Alban’s Abbey ;

and St . Stephen ’s Chapel, Westmin ster. Folio , 2 vols . 1 795— 1 807Vetusta M onumen ta . Folio , 5 vol s .

The Bayeux Tapestry FolioA Co llection of Ordinances and Regulation s for the Governmen t ofthe Royal

Househo ld, made in divers Reigns from Edward 1 1 1 . to Will iam and

Mary . Also , Receipts in An cien t Cookery. 4to, 1 790ANTIQU ITIES (VAR IOUS AN D M I SCELLANEOUS) .BURGESS, On the S tudy ofAn tiqu ities, &C . 8V0 , 1 782

Resumé Complet d’Archéologie . 1 2mo , 2 vols .POWN AL, On the Study ofAn tiquities, &C . 8vo, 1 782

M ILL I N (A . L .) In troduction 21 l’

E tude de l’

Archéo logie. 8vo

M onumens inédits, 0 1 1 nouvellemen t expliqués . 4to , 2 vols . 1 802—6M ONTFAUCON, L

’Antiquité explique

e et réprésentée en Figu res . Fol . 1 5 vols .BOULANGER, L

Antiquité dévoilée . 1 2mo , 3vols .D


An tiquité just ifi ée (répon se a l’o uvrage de Boulanger) . l2mo

SPON , Recherches Curieuse s d’

An tiquité . 4to, 1 683

PER IZ ON IUS , Origines Babylon icae et E gyptiacae . 1 2 1 1 1 0,2 vo l s . 1 7 1 1

DE PAUW, Dissertation s on the Egyptian s and the Ch inese, tran slated fromthe French . 8vo , 2 vols .

RYVE S , Hi storia Navalis An tiqua. 8vo , 1 633S CHRcEER , Imperium Babylon is et Nini ex monument is antiquis . 1 2mo

, 1 726Letters to M on sieur H concern ing the most antien t Gods or K ings ofEgypt, and of the first M onarch s ofBabylon and China, tran slated fromthe French . 8VO, 1 734

CASAL I (J . B .) De Profan is et S acris veteribus Rit ibus (SC . 1Egyptiorum , Ro

manorum , et Christianorum) . 4to , 1 681

RELAND (Hadrian ) , Dissertat iones XII . Mi scellanea . 8vo

GR AULHIE (Gerard) , Remarques sur les Ages d’

Or, d’Argent, &C. des ancien s

Poetes, précédées de Recherches sur la Découverte et l’Inven tion des

Metaux . 8vo , Paris, 1 81 0


ANTIQUITIES (VAR IOU S AN D M I SCELLAN EOU S) (continued) .W INKELMAN , H i stoire de l

’Art Chez les Ancien s, trad . de l


8Vo , 3vols .



Origine, &C . des Arts de la Grece, avec le Supplement

sur les Monumens Antiques de l’AS ie, &C . &C. 4 to, 3vols . 1 785

BA ILLY , Lettres, adressées a M . de Voltaire, sur l’Origine des Sciences, et sur

celle des Peuples de 1 ’Asie . 8vo , 1 777

GUEN EBAULD (J Le Réve il de Chyndonax, avec la S aineteté et Dive rsité des

Ceremon ies Observées aux anciennes Sépultures . 8vo , 1 622

MOSES (Henry), An tique Vases, Altars, Paterae , Sarcophagi, &C. from variou s

Museums and Collection s ; in 1 70 Plates, with Historical Essays . 4 to, 1 836Z OEGA, De Origine et Usu Obeliscorum . Fo lio


Usage des Statues Chez les Ancien s, Essai H is torique.

4 to, Bruxelles, 1 768CHR IST IE (James) , 0 1 1 the Greek Game said to have been invented by Palamedes antecedent to the Siege ofTroy ; on the Athenian Skirophoria, &C .

4 to , 1 80 1

LEN S (Andre) , Le Costume des Peuples de l’Antiquité prouvé par les M onu

men s : nouvelle édition, augmentée par Martin i . 4 to, 1 785DE S PALLART, Tableau H istorique des Costumes, des Moeurs, et des Usages

des principaux Peuples de l’Ant iquité et au Moyen Age .

8vo , 7 vo ls. 1 804- 1 809, and 2 vo ls . of Plates, folio , oblongHOPE (Thomas), Co stume of the Ancien ts . 8VO, 1 809

BARRON (Charles) , H istory of the Coloni zation ofthe Free States ofAntiqui ty,&C . 4to, 1 777

BAXTER, Glossarium An tiqu itatum Romanarum . 8vo , 1 831Glossarium Ant iquitatum Britann icarum . 8vo

BERC IER (Nicolas) , H i sto ire des Grands Chemin s de l’Empire Romain .

2 vols .BOS S IUS , De Toga Romana Commentarius. 1 2mo

, 1 67 1

De Thule Veterum Dissertat io . 1 2mm , 1 673P . CIACCON IUS (To letanus) , De Tr iclinio, sive de modo convivandi apud prisco sRomanos cum appendice Fulvii Ursin i et Hieronymi Mercurialis de accubitus in cosna consuetudinis origine . 1 2mo, Amstelodami , 1 689

S OLE R IUS , De Pileo, caeterisque Capitis tegmin ibus, tam sacris quam profanis.

1 2 1 1 1 0 , 1 67 1

DEVOTUS (Fabiu s) , 1 1 1 E n igma Damaetae z De Cce l i spatio in terris quibusdam tres non ampliiIs ulnas paten te .

” 81 0 , 1 763S CHMEIZ E L (Martin) , Commen tatio Historica de Coron i s, tam antiquis quam

modernis, &C. 4 to , 1 7 1 2

H OWELL (John) , A 1 I Essay on the War-Gallies of the Ancients . 8vo , 1 826

MAFFE I, Degli Anfi teatri. 1 2mo

Same work, translated by Gordon . 8vo

THE IR S, I storia delle Perruche, trad . dal Francese da G . Bovicelli. 1 2mo, 1 702D

1 0


B.BALDU INU S, De Calceo an tiquo Jul . N igronus, de Cal igfi Veterum ; cum

S cript is Tertulliani, S almasi, et Rubeni, ejusdem argumen ti .

1 2mo, Amstelodami, 1 667

THULMAN (H. Tractat io de Bull i s : sc . de Bu lla Aurea , Argen tea , Plumbea ,

et Cerea in genera ; necnon in Specie de Au rea Bullfi Imperatoris Carol i

IV . , &C . &C.Folio , 1 697

KEYSLER , Antiquitates Selectas Septentrionales et Celticae. 8vo , 1 720

AN TON IN US , M arc . ‘

Aur. (Roman Emperor) .

Meditation s , &C., translated by Collier.

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WARD (John) , The Lives of the Professors Of Gresham Co l lege, and of itsFounder, Sir Thomas Gresham . Folio, 1 740

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p ok o'y ia Anglica : hoc est , clarissimorum et doctissi

mo rum aliquot Anglorum , qui fi oruerunt ab anno Christi MD . u sque ad

pra sentem annum MDcxx., Viva Efligies, Vita , et Elogia. Folio .



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the Revolution . 4to, 3vols .Portraits and M emoirs ofRemarkable Person s , from the Revolution

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quities of Scotland . 1 2moBORUWLASKI, Joseph (gen tilhomme Polono is) , le célebre Nain .

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crits par lui-meme . 8vo, Londres, 1 788

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Vo yage a Mon t-Bar (la demeure de Bufi'

on) , parHeraul t de Sechelles . 8vo

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Roman Calendar . 1 2 1no , 1 678

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9161 History ofBarnwell Abbey and Sturbridge Fai r .

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s Biblioth. Topog . Brit . Vo l . V .)CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY.

LOGGAN , Cantabrigia Illustrata. Folio, 1 688



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versity Of Cambridge, from the M S . Library of Corpu s Christi Co llege ;edited by Dr . Lamb . 8vo , 1 838

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vat ions on its H i story, Li terature, &C . 8vo , 2 vo ls . 1 824916 Hi story of the Un iversity of Cambridge since the Conquest, by ThomasFuller, D.D . (In the same volume with h is ChurchHistory ofBritain . )

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Foundation of the College to A .D . 1 794 .

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b ridge . 8vo

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poleon .



HisWorkes, &C .

E ikon Basilike and Basilikon Doron .


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tuled E i/criw Ba c on /er) .

The same examined by Thomas Long, B.D ., and demon strated to

be false, impudent, and dece itful .

3. Tru th brough t to Light , o r the gross Forgeries ofDr . Hollingwo rth, and

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(For a Life of Charles the Second, see HARR I S, under H I STORY o r

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see TRACTS, No . I. ; and for Father Hudlestone’

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DEN ON , The Plates to his Voyage en Egypte . 4to

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FolioMAYER, Views in Egypt, &C . Folio, 1 804WH ITE (Joseph) , E gyptiaca ; or, Observation s on certain Antiqu ities of

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Egypte avan t1’

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CAVALLO (Tiberius) , Treatise on Magnetism .

LOR IMER, On Magnetism .

YATMAN , On Galvan i sm .


M emoirs of the Reign of E lizabeth, from 1 581 till her death, by Thomas

B irch . 4 to, 2 vols . 1 754PAR SON S (Robert, a Jesuit) , Elizabetha Anglia Regina Ha resin Calvin ianam

propugnant is sa vissimum in Catholicos sui regn i Edictum, &c. &c . pro

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ENGINEERING ,&C. (continued) .

Z ABBAGLIA (Niccola) , Castell i e Ponti, &c . con la Descrizione del Trasportodell’ Obelisco Vaticano, e di altri del Cavaliere Domen i co Fon tana .

Folio, Roma, 1 743

LEBAS (M . A .) Histo ire de la Translation de l’

o bel isque de Luxor a Paris, en

1 831 ; su ivi d’un Extrait de l’ouvrage de Fontana sur la Translation de


’ lisque du Vatican . 4to, Paris, 1 839COULOMB, Recherches sur les Moyens d’exécuter sous l

’E au toutes sortes

de Travaux Hydrau liques, san s employer aucun Epuissement .8vo , Paris, 1 81 9

ENGLAN D (History and Government of) . S ee CHARLE S I . and I I . CROMWELL .



STAGE (Machell) , British H i storical Intelligencer, con tain ing a Catalogue of

the English , Scotch , I ri sh , andWelch H istorian s, &C . ; Summary of the

Norman and o ther Dynasties . 8vo , 1 829

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SALMON , Chronological H isto rian or an Account of all material Tran saction sfrom the Invasions ofthe Romans to the Death OfGeorge the First.

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Ten th Centu ry lately discovered in the Vatican ; with an Engl ish Versionby the Rev . W . Gunn . 8vo, 1 81 9

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1 . R icardus Corinensis, M onachusWestmonasteriensis, de Situ Britann ia .

2 . Gildas de Excidio Britann ia . 3. Nenn ius Banchorensis, EulogiumBri tann ia , S Ive Historia Britonum . Recensuit, no tisque auxit Caro lusBertramus. 8vo, Havnice, 1 757

GALE, H isto r ia Britann ica et Anglicana S criptores xx . , se

G i l das . Anonymu s Rames . Al cwinus Flacons.

E dd ins . Anonymu s E lyens. Annales de Margan .

N ennius. Thomas Elyensis. Chron i con Th . Wik es.Asserius. J oan .Wal l ingford . Annales Wav erleienses.

R . H i gden . Rad. de Diceto . Ga l f. Vinesalvus.NV . Malmesbur.

Anonymus Malmes.

ex vetustis co dd

Anonymus .Joan . Fordun .

MSS . editi opera T. Gale .

Wal t . Hem in gford .

Folio, 2 vols . Oa'on. 1 69 1

5 7

ENGLAND (continued) .

FULMAN , Rerum Anglicarum S criptorum veterum V . : SC. Ingulfi Croylan

densis H istoria ; Petri Blesensis Cont inuat io ; Chronica de Mailro s ; An

nales Burtonenses H i storia Croylandensis Contin . : curfi W . Fulman .

Folio, Ort on. 1 684

Monumenta H i storia Anglicana circa tempus Conquestfi s : viz . Emma ,

Anglorum Regina Richardi I . Ducis N ormanno rum Filia , Encomium ;incerto Auctore, sed coa taneo . I tem, Gesta Gulielmi Duc is Normanno

rum et Regis Anglorum, a Gul . Pictavensi scripta. Excerpta ex Orderico

Vitali, de Gulielmo I . Rege Anglorum with notes in English, by Baron

M aseres.4 to, 1 783

MATTHa US PAR I S , H i storia Major, et cum R ogeri Wendo veri, W . R ishangeri,

Historiis Chron icisque, et duorum Ofl'

arum M erciorum Regum et viginti

trium Abbatum St . Alban i Vitae, edit. Wats . Fo l io

MATTHa Us (Westmonasteriensis) , Flore s H isto riarum, pra cipue de R

Britann icis, ab exordio mundi u sque ad annum Domin i 1307 .

FLOR EN TIUS (Wigornensis Monachus) , Chron icon ab in itio mundi usqueannum Chri sti 1 04 1 per quendam ejusdem CoenobII eruditum

Folio, Francofurti, 1 601TWYS DEN (Roger) , H i storia Anglicana S criptores Decem, ex vet . M SS .

nunc primiIm editi : viz . 1 . Simeon Dunelmiensis . 2 . Joannes Prior

Hagustaldensis . 3. Ricardus Prio r Hagustaldensis . 4 . Ailredus Abbas

Rievallensis . 5 . Radulphus de Diceto . 6 . Joannes Brompton . 7 . Ger

vasius Dorobornensis . 8. Thomas Stubbs . 9 . Gul . Tho rn . 1 0. HenricusKn ighton . Folio

,2 vols . 1 652

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Asse r Menevensis ; Anon . de Vita Gul . Conquest . Thom . Walsingham ;Thom . de la M ore ; Gul . Gemit icen sis ; Giraldus Cambrensis : ex Bibliotheca Gul . Camden . Folio, 1 603

SAVILE, Rerum Anglicarum S criptores post Bedam pra cipui : se . Gul.

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, 1 596

E ADMER (M onachus Cantuariensis) , H i sto ria N o vorum, sive sui S a cu li l ibrisex ; A .D . 1 066 —1 1 22 . Folio, 1 623

GULIELMUS (N eubrigen sis) , H isto ria, si ve Ch ron ica Rerum Anglicarum ( an .

1 066 u sque ad an . 1 1 97) ed. Tho . Hearne : accedunt Homilia Tres

eidem Gulielmo a viris erudit is adscripta . 8vo , 3vols . 1 7 1 9JOHANNE S B O SSUS, H istoria Regum Anglia : edente Thoma Hearne.

8vo , Oa’on . 1 745

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8vo , 1 7 1 6

TR IVET Annales Sex Regum Anglia : Stephanus— E dwardus Primus .8vo


ENGLAND (continued) .

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cipes, &C . ab anno 1 1 0 1 usque ad annum 1 654 . Folio, 1 0 vols .

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time . 1 2mo , 1 702

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, M ary,

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England, for maintenance Of Publique and Christian Peace again st certain

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1 2mo,Londini, 1 584

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reys . 8vo , 1 693


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4 to, 2 vols . 1 775State Papers

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tation of Macpherson ’s Introduction to the H i story Of Great Britain and

Ireland . 1 2mo , 1 773CUN N IN GHAM (Alexander) , H i story OfGreat Britain, from 1 688 to 1 7 1 4 ;tran slated from the Latin manu scr ipt by Dr . Wm . Thomson, with an

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gaise . Delenda est Carthago .

”4 to, an vi .

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ENGLAND, &c . (continued) .

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ENGLAND, &c . (continued) .

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t ionary. 8vo , 1 7 1 5RICHARDSON (Charles) , Illustration s Of English Ph ilology ; including a CriticalExamination OfDr. Johnson

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olk Wo rds and Ph rase s . 1 2mo , 1 823BROCKETT (J . Glossary ofNorth Coun try Words in Use. 8vo , 1 825

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ENGLAND, &C . (continued) .

V VILBRAHAM (Roger) , An Attempt at a Glo ssary of some IVo rds used inCheshi re . 2d edition , 1 2mo, 1 836

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4 to , 2 vo ls . 1 780LEW I S, Topograph ical Dictio nary of England andWales . 4 to

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glish . 1 2mo , 2 vo ls .STUKELEY (Wm .,

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é codice au tographo auto ris in Biblio theca CO1 1 . C . C . Can tabr. edidit

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WOOD (Thomas) , Anglia No titia, sive Pra sens Status Anglia succincte enu

cleatus . 1 2mo, Oxonii , 1 686SMITH (Thomas) , De Republica Anglo rum l ibr i tres . 1 2mo , 1 64 1

CHAMBERLAYNE, Magna B ritann ia No titia, or the Present State of G reat

B ritain . 8v0 , 1 745

CAMDEN B ritannia . Go ugh’s edi t ion , fo l io, 3vo ls .SPEED (John) , Theatre ofthe Empire ofGreat Britaine ; presen ting an exac tGeography ofthe Kingdomes of England, Scotland, and I reland , &c .

Fo lio , 1 6 1 4


ENGLAND,&c . (continued) .

LYSON S (Samuel and Dan iel) , Magna B ritann ia ; contain ing Bedfordsh ire,Be rksh ire, Buckinghamshi re, Cambridgesh ire, Chesh ire, Cornwall, Cumberland, Derbysh i re, and Devon sh i re . 4to , 8 vol s . 1 806— 22 .

LYSONS (Daniel) , Reliquia B ri tann ico -Romana : co ntaining Figu res OfRomanAntiquities discovered in various parts ofEngland . Folio, 3vols . 1 813— 1 7

GROSE (Franci s) , An tiqu i ties of England and Wales . 4 to, 8 vol s .DYER A Resto ration Of the Ancient M odes Of bestowing Names on the

Rivers, Hill s, Valleys, Plains, and Settlemen ts Of Britain .

8vo , E xeter, 1 805

DUGDALE (Sir Will iam) , M o nasticon Anglicanum ; n ew edition by Ellis,

Cayley, &C . Folio, 8 vols . 1 81 7— 30TAN NER (Thomas, Bishop of St . Asaph ) , Notitia Monastica ; o r, an Accoun t

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, 1 787GOUGH (Richard), Some Account Of the Al ien Pr io r ies, and of the Landswh ich they are known to have po ssessed in England and Wales ; collec tedfrom the M S S . ofWarburton and Ducarel. 1 2mo, 2 vo ls . 1 786

DOUGLA S (James) , Nen ia Britann ica ; or, a Sepu lch ral Hi story of GreatBritain, from the earliest period to its general Conversio n to Christian ity .

Folio, 1 793

STOTHARD, Mo numen tal Efligies, from the Conquest to Henry VII I .Fo l io , 1 81 7— 32

BLORE,Monumen tal Remain s OfGreat Britain, from 1 290 to 1 548.

4 to , 1 826

IVE EVE R (John) , An tient Funeral M onumen ts of Great Britain, Ireland, and

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BLOXAM (M . A Glimpse at the Monumen tal Arch itecture Of GreatBritain, from the earliest pe riod to the E ighteenth Century. 1 2mo, 1 834

CARTER (John ) , Specimen s of the An cient Sculpture and Pain ting now

remain ing inE ngland, from the earliest period to the Re ign OfHen ry VII I .Folio, 1 838

COTMAN and RICKMAN , Specimen s Of Architectural Remain s in variou sCounties , but principally in Norfolk . Fo l io , 2 vols . 1 838

COTMAN, Sepulch ral B rasses in Norfolk and Suffolk, tending t o i llustrate theAncient Co stume, c . &c . Fo lio , 2 vols . 1 839

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S CHN EBBE LIE (Jacob) , The An tiquary’ s Museum, illustrating the An cien t

Architecture , Pain ting, and Sculpture of Great Britain, from the time Of

the Saxon s to that ofInigo Jones . 4m, 1 79 1

6 7

ENGLAND, &C. (continued) .

9K PEC GE (Samuel) , Sylloge of the remain ing authentic Inscription s relativeto the Erection ofEngli sh Churches . In N ichols

’s Bib. Top . Brit . vo l. vi .

CLARKE (T. H ., Arch itect) , The Dome stic Arch itecture of the Reign s Of

Queen Eli zabeth and James the Fi rst : in a Series ofViews, with Description s

, ofEnglish Man sion s . 8vo , London, 1 833HABER SHON (Matthew) , The Ancient Half-Timbered Houses ofEngland .

Folio, 1 836S IMPSON (Francis) , A Serie s Of Ancien t Baptismal Fon ts (all of them in

England) , chronologi cally arranged . 8ro , 1 828

Views and An tiqu i ties in England ; a miscellaneou s Collection . Fo lioCAMPBELL (Colin) , Vitruvius Britann icus . Folio, 3vo ls .ROBIN SON ’ S Vitruvius Britann icu s : co n tain ing H i stories Of Hatfield House,Woburn Abbey, and Hardwick Hall . Folio, 1 833— 35

BUCK (S . and N .) Views ofCities, Town s, and Ancient Remain s in England

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I RELAND (Samuel), Views, &C . on the Thame s . 8vo , 2 vo ls .Views, &C. on the M edway . 8vo

NEALE , Views Of Seats in Great Britain and I reland . 8vo, 1 ] vols . 1 81 8— 29Views ofNinety-five Coun try Seats in England andWal es . (Published by

Harrison and Co . 1 786 Oblong fo lioBR ITTON

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DALLAWAY (Rev . James, M .E ., and Secretary to the E ar] Marshal) , Anecdo tesOf the Arts in England, illustrated ch iefly by Specimens at Oxford .

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BROME (James) , Travels in England , Scotland, and Wales . 8vo , 1 700

HOUSMAN (John) , Topograph ical Description Of Cumberland, Westmo re land,Lancash i re, and part of the West Riding ofYorksh i re . 8vo , 1 800

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1 . Description des Royaulmes d’

Angleterre et d’E scosse, par Estienne

Perlin , en 1 558.

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P. de la Serre, 1 637 .

Reprinted by Bowyer and Nichol s,4to

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ENGLAND, &C. (continued) .

PAULU S (Jovin s) , Descrip tio Britann ia , Sco tia , Hybernia , et Orchadum .

4m, 1 548

COSMO I I I . (of Tuscany) , Travels in England, A .D . 1 669. 4 to

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Charles I I . ; translated from the French , with Observation s on the same,by Dr . Tho s . Sprat, Bishop OfRochester. 8vo , 1 708— 9

M I SSON ,Travel s in England ; translated from the French , by John Ozel l .

8vo , 1 7 1 9

MURAULT, Lettres sur les Anglois et les Fran cois , et sur les Voyages . 8vo , 1 725

DE LATOCN AYE, Voyage au tour de la Grande Bretagne . 8vo, 1 795

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cu rieuses, d’Act ions bizarres, &C. &c. 1 2mo, 2 vols . 1 81 4

VOLTA IRE, Letters concern ing the English Nation ; translated from the

French . 8vo

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Ferri de St. Con stan t, Londres et les Anglo is. 8vo , 4 vols . 1 804LLOLME (J . L . de , Advocate Of Geneva) , On the Con stitu tion ofEngland . 8vo

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COLL IER (Jeremy) , Ecclesiastica] H i sto ry Of Great Britain , from the firstplan ting OfChristiani ty the rein to the Death of Charles I I .

Fo lio , 2 vols . 1 708— 1 4

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1 667 4 to, 1 674USHER (Archbishop of Armagh ) , Britann icarum E cclesiarum Ant iquitates.

4 to, 1 639BURGESS (Thomas, Bishop OfSt. David

’s) , Tracts on the Origin and Indepen

dence of the An cien t British Church , &C . &C . 8m , 1 81 5

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STILL I NGFLEET (R ichard) , Origines B ritann ica ; or, the Antiquitie s of the

B ri tish Chu rches . Fo lioIN ETT (John ) , Origines Anglicana ; o r, a H isto ry Of the English Church


beginning where Bishop S t illingfleet has ended h is H isto ry ofthe B ri ti sh

Church , to the Death OfKing John . Folio, 1 704— 1 0


ENGLAND, &C. (continued) .

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Replication to the Bishop of Chalcedon ’s Survey ofthe Vindication .

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S chismate per Dei grat iam ad fidem Catholicam converso .

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HEYLIN (Peter) , Ecclesia Restaurata ; or, the H istory ofthe Reformation of

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Defects in Burnet’

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8vo , 1 693WARD (Thomas) , England

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an secondapres le M artyre de Charles 1 , Roy de la G rande Bretagne . 8vo

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his Sufferings fo r writing the above . 3. E lxdw 7 09 Onpt’

ov : o r, the ImageOfthe Beast . 8vo , 1 733

7 1

ENGLAND, &C . (continued) .Nonconformist’s Memorial, by Calamy and Additions by S . Palmer .

8vo , 2 vols . 1 775

W ILK IN S (David ) , Concilia Magna Britannia et H ibern ia ; a S ynodo Verola

m iensi A .D . 446 ad Londinensem A .D . 1 7 1 7 . Folio, 4 vo l s .

HODY (Humphrey) , H istory of English Councils and Convocations, and of the

Clergy’ s Sitting in Parliamen t, &C. 8vo , 1 70 1

WAKE (William, Archbishop of Canterbury ) , State Ofthe Chu rch and Clergy

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Convocation stated and vindicated, in an swer to Wake . 8vo , 1 70 1

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The Clergyman ’s Vade M ecum ; o r, an Accoun t of the ancien t and

presen t Church of England ; the Duties, Rights, Privileges, and Hardsh ips

ofthe Clergy. 1 2mo , 1 706

Collection ofArticles , Injunctions, Canon s, &C ., ch iefly in the times of Edward VI ., Eli zabeth, James, and Charles I . 4m, 1 684

A Collection Of Articles, Canon s, Injunction s , and Acts of Parl iamen t, COI Icern ing Ecclesiastical Matters, some whereof are to be read in Churches .

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England ; be ing a Collection ofInjunction s, Orders, &C. from A .D . 1 546 to1 7 1 6 with No tes, h i sto r ical and explanatory. 8vo, 2 vo ls . 1 839A H istory OfConferences and other Proceedings connected with the

Revis ion of the Book ofCommon Prayer ; from the year 1 558 to 1 690.

8vo, Oxford, 1 840

9K LEWI S (John, Vicar ofMargate) , E ssay towards an Account of BishopsSuffragan in England . (In N ichols

’s Bibl. Top. Brit . vo l . vi .)

DAN SBY (William, Hora Decanica Rurales ; be ing an attempt toillustrate the Name, Origi n , Function s, &C . ofRural Deans, with incidentalRemarks on the Rise and Decay Of Rural Bishops, &C. 8vo , 2 vols . 1 835

RUSSELL (John Fuller) , The Judgmen t ofthe Anglican Church, posterior tothe Reformation, on the Sufficiency Of H o ly Scripture and the Autho rityOf the Holy Catho lic Church in matters of Faith, as con tained in her au

thorised Formularies, and the W ri t ings Of her elder Masters and Doctors .8vo , 1 838

LLOYD (Bishop ofSt. Asaph ) , H istorical Account ofChurch Government asit was in Great Britain and Ire land when they first rece ived the ChristianReligion . 1 2mo, 1 684

PARSON S (Robert, a Jesuit) , Answere to the Fifth Part of Reportes by SyrEdward Cooke the Kinges Attorney General], concern ing the Mun icipal]Lawes ofEngland wh ich do apperteyne to Spiritual] Power and Jurisdiction . 4 to, 1 606


ENGLAND,&C. (continued ) .

CAPE LLUS Adversus pra tensum Primatum Ecclesiasticum Regis An

glia . 1 2mo, 1 6 1 1LINGARD (Rev . John) , Do cuments to ascertain the Sentiments of BritishCatholics in former ages respecting the Power ofthe Popes . 8vo , 1 81 2

T IN DALL (Matthew, D .D ., The Righ ts Of the Christian Chu rch as

serted, against the Romish and all other Prie sts who claim an independen tpower o ver it ; with a Preface concern ing the Government Ofthe Chu rch

OfEngland as by Law established . 8vo , 1 706

ABBOTT (James, A .B . , Queen’s Coll . H i s tory of the Romish and

English H ierarch ies ; with an Examination Of the Assumption s , Abuse s,and Intolerance Of Episcopacy, proving the nece ssity Of a ReformedEnglish Chu rch . 8vo, 1 833

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1 2mo, London, 1 584A Dialogue concern ing the Strife of our Churches, &C. with a briefe Declaration ofsome monstrous Abu ses as our ByshOps have no t bene ashamed tofoster . 1 2mo, London, 1 584

An Humble Motion , made in the re ign of Queen Elizabeth, for reformingEcclesiastical Discipline, &C. after the Word of God, &C .

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Also is co llected, as in a Short table, 1 20 particular Corruptions yet remaining in our saide Chu rch . 1 2mo , 1 581

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sity-Congregation in Cambridge, by William Dell. 1 653

2 . A Con futation Of divers Gross and An tich ristian Errors in the Sermon OfMr . S ydrach Simpson , Master OfPembroke Hall, at the Commencemen t

anno 1 652 . London, 1 654

LE IGHTON (Alexander) , An Appeal to the Parliamen t ; or , Sion’ s Plea again st

the Prelacie . In the handling whereoff, the Lord Bishops and the ir Appurtenances are manifestlie proved to be in truders upon the Priviledges of

Christ, Ofthe King, and Of the Common -Weal .4 to , printed in the year and moneth wherein Ro chel l w as lo st .

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ENGLAND, &C . (continued) .

JEWELL (John, Bishop ofSali sbury) , Apologia Ecclesia Anglicana . 1 2mo

Same work, in English . 1 2mo

N ICHOLS (William) , Defensio Ecclesia Anglicana . 1 2mo , 1 707G ILL ( John, The DissenteI’ s Reasons for separating from the ChurchOf England . 1 2mo

TOWGOOD (M ichaiah) , Dissen t from the Chu rch ofEngland fully justified . 1 2moBEVERLEY (R . Tracts on the Corruptions in the Church, and on the Re

fo rm thereof. 8vo , 1 831 — 1 833PADD ISON (Richard) , The E stablished Church and Thorogood a Lecture delivered at Louth in January 1 840. 1 2mo

Homilies, as ordered to be read in Churches in the reign ofEdwardVI . 4to , 1 549Homilies appo in ted to be read in Chu rches in the reign OfQueen Eliz abeth ;

(being the same as i s styled The Second Book ofHomilies” in the Thirtyfifth Of the Article s ofReligion ofthe existing Church ofEngland .) 8vo

NELSON (Robert) , Compan ion to the Fasts and Festivals Of the Church of

England. 8vo

WHEATLEY, I llustration Of the Book OfCommon Prayer 8vo, 1 74 1

STANHOPE (Geo rge) , Paraphrase, &c . on the Epistles and Gospel s of theChurch OfEngland . 8vo , 4 vols .

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( B lack let ter, w i thou t p lace or date but in the t i tle-page it i s s ta ted to be a reprintw i thou t alteration from that prin ted by R i chard Grafton, 1 7 th day ofAugust

Three Primers pu t forth in the reign OfHenry VIII ., viz .

I . A Goodly Prymer. 1 535

2 . The M anuel ofPrayers, or the Prymer in English . 1 539

3. K ing Henry’ s Prymer. 1 545

8vo, reprinted 1 834

The Booke ofthe Common Prayer, &C . &c .

Fo lio , London, p rin ted by Edward Whitchurche, June 1 549The Two Books ofCommon Prayer set forth by au tho rity ofParliament in

the reign ofKing Edward VI . compared with each other.8vo , a reprin t at the Oxford Press, 1 838

{ekeThe Booke Of the Common Prayer, &C. by Richard Jugge , A .D . 1 577 .

(In the copy ofthe Bible ofthe same date .)The Booke OfCommon Prayer, w ith the Psalmes ofDavid . Folio, London, 1 6 1 6The Book ofCommo n Prayer, as o rdered to be used by the Act OfUnifo rmity


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’ s Printer. 1 2mo , 1 802

The Liturgy of the Church of England ; translated into French . 1 2mo, 1 776U


ENGLAND, &C . (continued) .

The Li turgy of the Church OfEngland ; translated in to Ital ian ,by Edward

Brown, Chaplain to the English Embassy at Con stan tinople . 1 2mo, 1 685The Liturgy Of the Church Of England ; tran slated into Italian, by M ontucci.

1 2 1 1 1 0 , 1 796The Liturgy ofthe Church of England ; tran slated in to Latin, by Parsell .

1 2mo, 1 744The Liturgy ofthe Church OfEngland ; tran slated in to Latin .

Published by Bagster, 1 2mo, 1 825The Liturgy ofthe Church Of England tran slated in to German . 1 2mo, 1 704The Liturgy Of the Church ofEngland ; tran slated into German .

Publi shed by Bagster, 1 2mo, 1 825SK IN N ER (John , Bishop Of the Scotch Episcopal Church) , A Collation Of the

several Communion Offi ces in the Prayer-Book ofEdward VI ., the ScotchPrayer-Book of 1 637 , the presen t English Prayer-Book, and that u sed inthe present Episcopal Church ofScotland . 4 to

,1 792

L’ESTRANGE (Hamon) , The Alliance of Divine Oflices, exh ibiting all the

Liturgies ofthe Church ofEngland since the Reformation ; as also the lateScotch Service-Book ; with all the ir respectiveVariations, &C. &C . F0 ]. 1 690

l . WALKER (Henry) , A Revelation of the Wanderings ofthe Church Of

land in Idolatry .

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daies ofQueen Elizabeth . 1 644

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5 . The First Search after one grand Cause Ofthe Wrath ofGod yet again sth is People in the Use of the so much idolized Liturgie, or CommonPrayer, &C . &C . published by autho rity.

London, printed by Robert White, n . d .

1 . Common Prayer-Book no Divine Service : or XXVI I I . Reason s again stHumane Litu rgies ; and likewise Twelve Argumen ts again st Dio cesanand Lo rd-Bishops, and the great disparity between them and Timothyand Titu s shewed .

2 . Common Prayer-Book Unmasked wherein i s declared the Unlawfulnesse

and S infulnesse ofit by several unden iable Argumen ts, &C . &c .

Reprin ted A .D . 1 660

Royal Religion ; being some Enqui ry after the Piety ofPrinces : with Remarks ou a Book entituled, A Form OfPrayers u sed by KingWilliam . 1 704


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1 . An Article on the Book ofCommon Prayer and Ceremon ies ofthe E stablished Church ; from the Eclectic Review for November 1840.

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Articles of the Church Of England, A .D . 1 772 .

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JEBB (Samuel) , De Vita et Rebus gestis Seren i ssima Principis Maria S cotorum

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De Rebu s gestis S co torum, regnan te Maria Regina .

3. BUCHAN AN Detect io Maria Regina .

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L’Innocence de la Royne d

’E scosse, con tre les perverses Calomn ies

des Trahistres.

CON jEUS , Vita Maria Regina .

CAUSIN , L’Histo ire de l

incomparable Reyne, Marie Stuart .FAMIAN US (Strada), De Vita et Morte Regina Maria .

ROMOALDUS Scotus (Robert Turner, of Barnstaple, Devon ) : Summarium Rationum quibu s Cancellarius Anglia et Prolocutor Puck

eringus Eli sabetha Regina persuaserunt occidendam esse Reginam Mariam .

1 1 . BLACKWOOD (Adam ) , Martyre de la Royne d’E sco sse.

1 2 . HERRERA, H istoria de lo Sucedido en E scocia y Inglaterra en 44

ano s que bivio Maria Reyn a de E scocia.

13. Extrait des Mémoire s de Michel de Castelnau .

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que le Sieur de BrantOme a écrit de la Reyne d’E scosse .

1 5 . La M ort de la Royne d’

E sco sse.

1 6. Orai son Funebre de la Royne d’E sco sse, qui fut faiete a NostreDame de Paris



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1 38

MIRACLES, &C . (continued) .0

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2 . Defence Ofthe same .

3. Phlegon’

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our Saviour’s Passion ; in a Letter to Dr . Sykes .

4 . WH ISTON (William) , The Testimony Of Phlegon vindicated .

8vo , 1 732, 33Dissertation sur les Tremblemens de Terre, &C. qui firent échouer le projet de


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brev is narratio . 4 to, M oguntia , 1 542

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(See BAR , underGODEFROY, La Conduite de l

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GAVIN (al. D’

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NAVAL AFFAIRS, &C . (continued) .

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3.Treatise ofNaval Ph ilosophy, by Sir William Petty.

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MAYDMAN (Henry) , Discourse ofthe Royal Navy OfEngland . 8vo , 1 69 1

HOSTE (Le Pére Paul) , L’Art des Armées Navales ; o u, Traité deS Evolutions

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CLERK (John , OfEldin) , Essay on Naval Tactics, Systematical andHi storical .8vo

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PAN CKOUCKE, Abrégé Chronologique de l’

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89” S ee B E NTIVOGL IO .

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1 46

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4 to, 1 820

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8vo , 1 81 1

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Folio,1 829

Chandos Barony, Review of that Peerage Case, adjudicated in 1 803, byG . F . Beltz (being in answer to Sir Egerton Brydges) . 1 834

Devon Earldom, Repo rt of Proceedings on the Claim thereto ; with Notes,&C . &C .

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, 1 675 , 1 676

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creating Peers for Life . 8vo, 1 830

1 47

NOBILITY,&c . (continued) .

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Peerage-Successions in Scotland . 1 830


1 . LOCKART Statement respecting the Creations and Privileges of the

Baronets OfNova Scotia .

2 . BANK S (T . Case ofAlexander, Earl ofStirl ing and Dovan , &c . &c .

Letter to the Earl of Ro seberry in relation to the Proceedings at

the late Election ofScotch Peers . 1 830


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h im ; with a Genealogical Accoun t Ofthe Family Of the Earls Of Stirling ;sundry Charters and other Do cuments, &C . &C 4to , 1 836

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Ireland in England fairly stated . 8vo , 1 76 1

DE BELOY , De l’

Origine et l’Institution de divers Ordres de Chevalerie, tan t

Ecclésiastiques que Prophanes . 1 2mo , 1 604

For the hab i ts, &c . w orn by the d ifferen t orders ofk ni gh thood, see BAR ,under

FAVIN E , Theatre of Honour and Kn igh thood . Folio, 1 623SAI NTE -PALAYE, Mémoires sur l ’ancienne Chevalerie ; con sidérée comme un

Etabli ssemen t Po li tique et Militaire . 1 2mo , 3vo ls .M IR/BUS , Origines E questrium sive M ilitarium Ordinum . 1 2mo, 1 638M EN N EN IUS , Del icia Equestrium sive M ilitarium Ordinum, et eo rundem

Origines, S tatuta, Symbola, e t Insign ia . 1 2mo,1 638

PERROTT (A . Co llection H istorique des Ordres de Chevalerie, Civils et

M ilitai res 4to, 1 820MAUR ICE, Les Armoiries de tous les Chevaliers de la Toison d

o r, depu is sonEtablissement avec les Regles, Constitu tions, &C . de l

Ordre . Fo lio , 1 665D E REIFEEN BERG, H i sto ire de l

Ordre de la Toison d’Or. (Les Planchesin-folio , et enluminées .) 4to, 1 830

1 48

NOBILITY, &C . (continued) .

Breviarium Equestre ; seu de illustrissimo Ordine Equestri E lephant ino ,ejusque Origine, Progressu, ac Splendore hodierno, &C . &C .

Folio, Havnia , 1 704

ASHMOLE, Institution, Laws, and Ceremon ies Of the Order of the Garter .Folio, 1 672

HEYLYN (Peter) , H istory of Saint George Of Cappadocia asserted from the

Fiction s Of the M iddle Ages Of the Chu rch and Oppo sition Of the presen t ;with a List ofthe Prelates, Kn igh ts, and other Offi cers ofthe Garter.

4 to , 1 633DAWSON (Thomas, M emoirs Of St . George, the English Patron, and Of

the most noble Order Of the Garter . 8vo , 1 7 1 4

AN STIS (John) , Observation s introductory to an H i storical Essay upon the

Knigh thood Of the Bath 4to,1 725

BURN E S (James , Sketch Of the H i story of the Knigh ts Templars .4m, 1 840


A General Hi story of the Coun ty of Norfo lk . 8vo , 2 vols . N orwich, 1 829

PALMER (C . J I llu strations Of Domestic Arch itecture during the Reign ofElizabeth , as exemplified in the Residence Of J . D . Palmer, Esq ., at Yar

mouth ; with Not ices Of the House and its Proprietors . Folio, 1 838


DU M OUL IN , H istoire Générale de la'

N orm andie . Folio , 1 631Conquétes et Trophées des Normands-Francoi s en Naples, S icile, &c .

Fo lio, 1 658DUCAR EL, A. C .

l . A Tour through Normandy, described in a Letter to a Friend. 4to, 1 754

2 . Anglo-No rman An tiqui ties . Folio, 1 767

3. A French Version ofDucarel’

s Norman An tiquities,with sundry Addi o

tions by A. L . Léchaudé d’

Anisy ; with L’

Origine de la Tapisseriede Bayeux prouvée par elle-méme,

” by H . F . Delauncy, de Bayeux .


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1 50

Opus Historiarum nostro Seculo convenientissimum : sc .

Melita Insula Descriptio, Qu in tino Ha duo scripta.

Victo ria Polon ia Regi s con tra Vayvodam Moldavia .

GARZON , De Rebus Saxonicis, Libri duo .

H istoria Batavica cum Appendice de Regibus Germania .

FABERUS , De Religione Muschovitarum .

CORVIN US , De miserabil i Obsidione Urbi s Monasteriensis ab Anabapt istis,

&C .

Epistola Poetica de Ru ina ArCiS H e idelbergensis fulmine percussa .

VECERIUS , De duabus S edition ibus Sicilia , et de rebu s gestis ab Imper .

Hen rico VI I .9 . P . Callimach i Experient is Atti la .

1 0. VICTOR (Episcopus Uticensis) , H i storia Persecutionum in Aphrica, sub

Genserycho et Hunerico , Vandalorum Regibus .

1 1 . G ILDAS, De Excidio , &C. Britann ia ; cum Cast igatione in Ordinem Sacerdo talem

1 2 . Crispi Epistola Paulo I II . alnsque Principibus : N axo data, anno 1 537 .

13. De Rebu s feliciter gestis in Orien te et in Africa a Johanne et Emanuele,Portugallia Regibus.

1 4 . Oratio coram Leone X . Pon t. Max . habita, et Epist. ad Julium I I . scrip8vo , Basilea , 1 54 1

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1 . Declaration Of the Catholic Bishops, the Vicars Apostolic, and thei rcoadjutors III Great Britain .

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1 62

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Réflexions sur-l’

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3. Traité de l’Eucharistie.

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1 63

POPERY, &C. (continued) .

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8vo , 1 826— 1 8381 . The Protestan t Advo cate for Popery, by a late Member ofthe M odernChu rch OfEngland . 1 830

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Ofli ce de la Semaine Sainte ; avec l’Explication des Cérémonies propres de cesaint temps, &C. 1 2mo, 1 81 8

DURAN DUS (Gulielmus) , Rationale Divinor um Ofliciorum . 4 to, 1 5 1 5DURANTUS (J . De R itibus Ecclesia Catholica . Folio, Roma , 1 59 1RUBEUS (J . Novum Rationale Divinorum Ofli ciorum ; Opus tum Clericis,

tum S acerdotibus, perutile ac nece ssarium . 4to, Venetiis, 1 625

Ca remoniale Episcoporum . 4m, 1 65 1

Ca remoniale Episcoporum Sanct . Dom . nostri Benedict i Papa XIV . jussueditum et auctum . 1 2mo, 1 772

Cérémonial de l’Eglise pour les Personnes La ues, par Martin Sonnet.1 2mo, 1 658

POPERY AND ROMANISM. (WORKS WR ITTEN IN AN SWER THERETO.)The Supper ofthe Lo rde after the true mean ing ofthe S ixte ofJohn, and thexi . Of th e fyrst Epistle to the Corinth ian s and inciden tally in the expo si

tion of the Supper i s confuted the Letter ofMaster More against JohnFryth . 1 2mo, 1 533(without place or prin ter’ s name .)

JOHN FRYTH , His Book OII the Sacrament, in answer to Sir Thomas More ;and written during his confinemen t in the Tower. 1 2mo , by R . Jugge, 1 548

CRAN MER (Thos ., Archbishop Of Canterbury) , Defensio Vera et Catholica

Do ctrina de Sacramento Corp . et Sang . Christi ; et quorundam in him

causa errorum confutatio : et ab autore in vinculi s recogn ita et aneta.

1 2mo, 1 557TURN ER (Wm ., The Huntyng ofthe Romyshe Vvolfe, made byVuylliamTurner, Doctour ofPhisik .

1 2mo (sine loco vel anno ; but written in Queen Mary ’ s time.)Repo rt Of the Disputation s with Campion the Jesu i t, held in the Tower of

Londo n in 1 581 . 4to, 1 583Antithesis Christi et Antichristi 1 2mo, 1 578Faitz de Jésus-Christ et du Pape . 8vo, n . d .

FULKE (Wm ., Confutation ofthe Rhemish Testamen t .

8vo , N ew York, U. S ., 1 834


Antechrist Romain, opposé a l’Antechrist du Cardinal Bellarmin, et d

’autres .

1 2mo, 1 604Of TwoWoonderful Popish Monsters to wyt, a Popish Asse found at Rome,

and a Moonkish Calfe calved at Friberge, in Misne : wh ich are the foreshewings ofGods wrath again st Papistes . By Ph il ip Melancthon and

Martyn Lu ther ; translated ou t ofFrench into English by John Brooke .

4 to , London, 1 579

1 66

POPERY,&c . (continued) .

JUL IUS Dialogus Vi ri erudit issimi fest ivus ac elegans , quomodo Jul ius 1 1 . R M .

po st mo rtem coel i fores pulsando, ab janito re illo D . Pe tro in trom itti n equi

verit , &C. 1 2mo, sine anno vel lo co .

(cg Auctor satyra hujus incertus est . )

1 . The Pope shut out OfHeaven Gates ; translated from the Latin Of Eras1 673

2 . Purgatory proved by M iracles ; collected out OfRoman Catholic Authors .1 688

PATR ICK (John , D .D .,Preacher at the Charter House, London) , Reflection s

upon the Devo tion s of th e Roman Church ; with the Prayers, Hymn s, &C.

taken out of their Books : and an Appendix concerning the Miracles andReliques of the Church Of Rome . 8vo , London, 1 696

BEN NET (Thomas) , A Confutation Of Popery . 8vo, 1 70 1

Roman Jubilee and Popish Indu lgen ces . 4to , 1 704

DE LAMOTTE, Les Fourberies de l’

Eglise Romaine ; ou, les Pratiques ridicules

de Prétres et des M oines du Pays BaS Epagnol . 1 2mo, a Campen, 1 706

DE LUDE, The Axe laid to the Root ofPopery . 8vo , 1 72 1

GAGN IER (Jean ) , L’Eglise Romaine convaincue de Depravation, d


et d’

Antichristianisme . 1 2mo, 1 706

(w The author had been a priest of the Church ofRome, and a canon Of the

Abbey of S t . Genev ieve at Paris ; afterwards a member of the Church Of

England, and M .A . ofCambridge . )

ADeclaration Of the Recan tation Of John Nichols, (for the space almost Oftwo

y eeres the Popes Scholer in the English S eminarie or Colledge at Rome .)1 2mo, London, 1 581

GAVIN , The Master Key to Popery. 8vo, 3vols . 1 725 , 26

(Q The au thor was a convert from the Church ofRome,Ofwhi ch he had been

a priest . )Parthenopa us Ha reticus (Wm . Gordon, a convert from Roman ism), Popery

against Christian ity ; with an Appendix, con tain ing the Lives and Canon ization Of the last fo ur Sain ts al so an Account Of the S uperstitions

Ceremon ies Of the Church ofRome in the Holy Week . 8vo , 1 7 1 9

Roma An t iqua et Recens : or, the Conformity OfAncient and Modern Ceremon ies Shewing that the Ceremon ies Ofthe Church of Rome are borrowedfrom the Pagan s : tran slated from the French . 8vo , 1 732

1 . A Discourse again st Tran substantiation preached by Dr . Harri s, in

1 734 , 5 .

2 . The Catholic Faith : a Sermon, by St. Basil ; and translated from the

Greek : w i th a brief Refutation ofPopery, by Hugh Stuart Boyd .

3. The Chu rch Of Rome ’s Traffi c in Pardon s substantiated .

4 . An Article from the Quarterly Review,again st the Church OfRome

1 67

POPERY, &C. (continued) .

Memoirs Of John Gordon Of Glencat, (a convert from Popery ) ; wherein theAbsurdities OfPopery are laid Open . 8vo , 1 734

HAWK I NS (Rev . John) , A General Defence of the Principles Of the Refo rma

tio n , in a Letter to the Rev. Joseph Berington . 8vo , lVorcestcr, 1 788

Free Tho ughts on the To leration Of Popery, deduced from a Review Of itsPr inciples and H i sto ry, by Calvinus Minor . 8vo , E dinb. 1 781

STURGES (John , Prebendary of Winchester), Reflection s on the Principles andIn stitutions Of Popery ; occasioned by the Rev. John M ilner’ s H ist . of

Winchester . 8vo , 1 800

Rome Rhymed to Death being a Co llection Of Cho ice Poems, written by thebest M odern Wits . 1 2mo

,1 683


BARNS (Robertus) et BALEU S (Johannes) , De Vitis Pontificum Romanorum ;

cum Cont inuat ione J . M . Lydii, usque ad Paulum Quin tum, hodie, regnantem . 8vo , Lugd. Ba t . 1 6 1 5

(w The abo ve Robert Barns was burnt for heresy , at London, A .D .

BALE (John) , The Pagean t Of Popes ; contayning the Lyves of all the Bishops

ofRome to the Yeare OfGrace 1 555 in which i s manifestlye Shewed thebeginn ing of Antichriste, and increasing to his fulnesse according to the

Prophecye of John in the Apocalips : translated from the Latin , by JohnStudley . 8vo , London, 1 574

PLATIN A, De Vitis et Gest is Pontificum Romanorum . 1 2mo, 1 664STELLA Vita c cxxx . S ummorum Pont ificum ; a Petro Apo stolo usque

ad Julium Secundum . 4 to, 1 507SAVAGE (J Satyrical History Ofthe Popes, from St. Peter to Clemen t XI .

8vo , 1 704

TILIUS Parallela sive, memorabil ia de Vita et Moribus Pontificum RO

In anorum,Christi Vicariorum, exempla, cum E thnicorum Principum

D ict is Factisque comparata . 1 2mo,1 6 1 0

Les Cr imes des Papes depu i s S . Pierre 8vo , 1 792

H i sto ire des Conclaves, depu i s Cle’men t V jusqu

’a Clément X1 .

1 2 1 1 1 0 , 2 vols .

Intrigues of the Conclave ; with an Essay to pro ve that there has no t been ,nor can be, any true and lawful Pope since the Electio n ofSixtus V .

4 to , 1 69 1

S ANDINUS (Anton ius) , D isputationes Historica ad Vitas Pon t ificum Roman

o rum . 8ro , 1 77 1

1 . MYR E EN (Caro lus) , Dissertat io Historico -Critica, Donationes Pipin i ctCaroli Magn i ad E cclesiam Romanum paucis disquisitura . Upsalz

a , 1 764

2 . SCHEURE (J . De Donat ione M athildina Pontifici R . fuetti . Altorf. 1 7 1 5

ALBANU S (J . Pro oppugnata Roman i Pontificis Dignitate ; ct Con stan tini

Donatione adversus Obtrectatores. Roma , 1 547

1 68

POPES,LIVES OF, &C . (continued) .

VALLA (Laurentius, Patritius Romanus) , De fal so credita et ement ita Constan

tin i M . Imp . Rom . Donatio ne Declamat io qua Roman i Ant ichristi in

E cclesiam Dei omnesque Christian i Orb is Principes Tyrann is v ivi s coloribus

depingitur. 4to, I/ugd. Bat . 1 620

S.GREGO IRE LE GRAN D, H istoire de son Pontificat, par Maimbourg .

1 2mo , 1 686

Breve Leon i s X . ad Desyderium Erasmum ct alterum Breve ejusdem Pon ti

fi cis adHenricum VIII . An gl ia Regem, commendatitium pro Des. Erasmo .

4m, 1 5 1 5

1 . In troduction a une nouvelle H i stoire des Papes . 1 783

2 . MASSE , H istoire d’Alexandre VI, et de son Fil s, César Borgia 1 830 l


GORDON ,Vies d’Alexandre VI et de César Borgia ; trad. dc l

AnglOiS .

1 2mo, 2 vols .BURCHARD (Johannes) , H istoria Arcana de Vita Alexandri VI . 4 to , 1 697

(Q The ent i re Journal Of that Pontifi cate, as w ri tten by Burchard, may be

found in the second volume Ofthe Corpus Historicum ”ofRecardas . )

TOMAS I , Vita del Duca di Valen tino (Cesare Borgia, figlio del Papa Alessandro 4 to , 1 655

S IXTU S V ., Li fe Of, by Farneworth . Folio

1 1 Nipo tismo di Roma or, H i story Of the Pope’s Nephews , from Sixtu s IV.

to the Death ofAlexander VI I . tran slated from the I talian . 1 2mo, 1 673PIUS SECUNDUS, Epistola ad Mahumetum Turcorum Imperatorem, anno 1 460.

4 to, 1 475PIUS VII . H isto ire des Malheurs et de la Captivité de Pie VII sou s le régne

dc N apoleon Buonaparte, &C., par De Beauchamp . 1 2mo, 1 81 4


S PAN HEIM De Papa Fa minina in ter Leonem IV. et Benedictum II I .8vo, 1 69 1

H i stoire de la Papesse Jeanne, tirée de la Dissertation Latine deSpanheim . 1 2mo, 2 vols . 1 720

Papa Muller sive vera et infallibilis narratio de Papa JoanneVIII . Foemina.

1 2mo, Witteberga , 1 609JOHAN N A Papissa toti orbi mani festata, adversus Scripta Bellarmini, Baronii,ct aliorum Papicolarum,

&C. 1 2mo, 1 6 1 9M ARE S IUS , Joanna Papissa restituta, &C. &C . &C. 4to , 1 658

POPE JOAN ; o r, an Accoun t collected o ut Ofthe Romish Authors, testifyingthat th ere was a S he-Pope who sate in that S ee, and ru led the same .

8vo , 1 689

MAYO (John) , The Pope’s Parliamen t, &C. ; whereunto i s annexed an Anatomic

of Pope Joane, wherein her Life, Manners, and Death, i s l ively layd abrode .

4 to, 1 591

1 70


,AND THE REBELLIONS OF 1 7 1 5 AND 1 745 .

Depo si t ions before the Privy Council respecting his Birth .

Consultation de l’Oracle , &C .

1 .Mrs . Shaftoe

s Narrative re specting the Pretender’s Birth .

2 . Proofs that the Pretender i s James 1 1 1

3. Proclamation s, &C. by Prin ce Charles .

4 . Poems upon Prince Charles .

1 . Full Answer to the Depo sitions, 1 7 1 1 .

2 . Letters from Rome in M ay 1 72 1 concern ing the Pretender .

3. M emorial Of the Chevalier de St . Geo rge on occasion Of the Princess

S obicsk i’

s Retiremen t into a Nunnery, &c n . d .

Le Chevalier de St . George re’

habilité dan s sa Qualité dc Jacques I I I ; trad .

dc l’

Anglo is . 1 2mo , 1 7 13Mémoires da Chevalier de St. George ; trad . de l

AnglOis . 1 2mo , 1 7 13A Plain Proof of the True Father and M other Of the pretended Pr ince OfWales, and plainly discovering the who le managemen t Of that Impo sture .

1 2mo , 1 700

RAE , H istory Of the Rebell ion, 1 7 1 5 . 8vo

PATTEN , H i sto ry ofthe Rebellion, 1 7 1 5, 1 6 . 8vo

1 . Review Ofthe Rebellion s Of 1 7 1 5 and 1 745 .

2 . HUGHE S’

S Narrative ofthe Rebell ion in 1 745 .

3. M emo irs OfJohn Murray, E sq .

4 . Bull Of Pope Clemen t XI .

5 . Sermon by William Clarke, 1 745 .


Ascan ius ; or, the Young Adventu rer. 1 2mo 1 746

WH ITAKER (Rev . T. De M otu per Britann iam Civico , ann is 1 745 et 1 746 .

1 2mo, 1 8091 . Young Juba ; o r, H istory Of the Young Chevalier, from his Birth toE scape to Fran ce after the Battle OfCulloden .

2 . Accoun t Of Charles Ratcliff, E sq., beheaded in 1 746 .

1 2mo, 1 748HENDERSON, H istory Of the Rebellion, 1 745 and 46 ; with an Account of theYoung Chevalier . 8vo

RAY, H istory Of the Rebellion, 1 745 , 46 . 1 2moHOME , H istory of the last Rebellion . 4 to

Jo urncy wi th the King’ s Army

, 1 745 , 46 . 1 2moA Le t ter from the Coun tess of NitlISdale with Remarks by Sheffield Grace,

E . S .A 8vo , 1 827In Funere Jacobi I II . Oratio habita in Basilica S S . XI I . Apo stolo rum co ramClemente XIII . Po nt. Max. ab Horatio Mattei . Folio

, 1 766

1 7 1


WOLF (J . Monumenta Typographica, qua artis hujus pra stantissima

o riginem, laudem, et abusum posteris tradunt . 8vo , 2 vo ls . 1 740LAMBIN ET, S ur l

Origine de l’Imprimerie . 8vo

M EERMAN , Origines Typographica . 4 to

S EIz (J . C .) Annus Tertius S a cularis In venta Artis Typographica .

8ro , Harlem. 1 74 1

OBERL IN (Jer. Jacques) , Essai d’

Annales dc la V ie dc Jean Guttenberg, IIIventeur de la Typographic. 8vo , 1 80 1

FI SCHER (Go t ) , E ssai sur les Monumens Typograph iques dc Jean Guttenberg,Inventeur de l’Imprimeric . 4 to , l

’an x .

DAUN OU , Analyse des Opin ions sur l’IIIvent ion dc l

’Imprimerie . 8vo

VI SSER (Jacque s) , De l’Invcn tion de l

’Imprimcrie ; ou, Analyse des deuxouvrages publi és sur cette mat iere par M . M cerman ; su ivi d

une No ticeCh rono logique des Livres imprimés avant 1 50 1 dan s les XV I I Provincesdcs Pays-Bas. 8vo , 1 809

1 . Origin Of Printing ; in two Essays . 1 776

}2 . Supplemen t to the above . (Printed by Bowyer and Nichols, ) 1 7818vo

LICHTENBERGER , H isto ire de l’

Invention de l’IInprimerie . 8vo , 1 825

Initia Typograph ica . 4to, 1 81 1l . FOURN IER, Dissertation sur l

Origine, &C. de l’Art dc graver en B0 18.

1 758

Observations sur nu ouvrage in titulé “V indicia Typographica .

1 760

Remarques sur nu ouvrage in titulé Lettre sur l’

Origine de


Imprimerie .

”1 76 1


Origine de l’

Imprimerie de Paris . 4to , 1 694

l . SANTANDER, On the Origin OfPrin t ing ; translated from the French .

2 . W ILLET, On the same subject (reprinted from the Archa ologia) .3. Biograph ical M emo i r OfWm . Ged

,by John Nichols .

4 . HODGSON , On the Origin and Progress ofStereotype Prin ting

DE RO SS I (Bernardo ) , Dell’ Origine dell a Stampa in Tavo le incise ; e dell’ una

antica e sconosciuta Ediz ione Z ilografica. 8vo, Parma, 1 81 1

SCHOEPFL I N , V indicia Typograph ica . 4 to,1 760

S I NGER (S . Account Of the Book printed at Oxford in 1 468 : Expo sicio

Sancti Jeronimi in S ymbo lo Apo sto lorum and on its claims to be con

sidered as the first book printed in England . 8vo , 1 81 2

PALMER A General H isto ry of Printing, from the first Invention Of it inthe City ofM en tz to its propagation through most of the Kingdoms inEurope, &C . &C . 4to, 1 733

M ARCHAND, Histoire de l’

IInprimerie . 4to

1 72

PRINTING (continued) .

LUCKOMBE, H i sto ry of Printing . 1 2mo, 1 77 1LEMO INE, Origin and H istory Of Printing . 1 2mo, 1 813JOHNSON , Typograph ia or, the Prin ters

’ Instructor . 1 2mo, 2 vo ls . 1 824

HAN SARD (T . C .) Typograph ia : an H i storical Sketch Of the Origin ofPrin ting ; Direction s for Conducting an Offi ce ; and a Description ofStereo typeand Lithography . 8vo , 1 825

TIMPERLEY (C . A Dictionary ofPrinters and Printing ; with the Progress

Of Li terature, &C . &C. 8vo , 1 839Typograph ical Antiqu ities ; or, an H i storical Accoun t of the Origin and Pro

gress ofPrinting in Great Britain and I reland : begun by Joseph Ame s,a nd augmented by Wm . Herbert. 4m, 3vols . 1 785 — 90

N ew edition ; enlarged by the Rev. T. F . Dibdin .

4to, 4 vols . 1 81 0— 1 9

GRE SWELL (Rev .W. P.) Annals Of Pari sian Typography (from its Commencemen t down to A .D . 8vo , 1 81 8

1 . M ORES (Edward Rowe) , Dissertation upon English Typograph ical FO

ers and Foundries .2 . COTTERELL Specimens ofhis Printing Types .

ALN AN DER , Historiola Artis Typographica in Suecia . 8vo , 1 725

THOMAS (I saiah) , The H i story ofPrin ting in America ; with a Biography of

Printers, and an Accoun t Of NeWSpapcrs.

8vo , 2 vols . Worcester, in M assachusetts, 1 81 0


SIMPSON (R ev . David) , A Key to the Prophecies . 8vo, 1 795

HURD (Richard, Bishop Of Wo rcester) , AII In troduction to the Stu dy Of theProphecies concern ing the Christian Church ; and in particular the Church

ofRome . 1 2mo

NEWTON (Thomas, Bp. Of Bristol), Dissertations on the Prophecies .

8vo, 2 vols .KETT (Rev . Henry) , H isto ry the Interpreter Of Prophecy. 8vo , 2 vols .FABER (Rev . G . S .) Dissertation On the Prophecies relative to the 1 260 Years,

the Papal and M ahommedan Apostasies, &C . &C. 8vo , 2 vols . 1 806Commentarius in Apo calypsin . 1 2mo , 1 528

( (Q“Th i s Commen tary seems to have been written A .D . 1 357 see chap . xx. )

Explanatio figurata et pulchra in Apo calypsim ; dc residuo Statu Ecclesia ;Tractatu s dc An techristo ; i tem de Septem S tatibus Eccle sia .

4 to, Venetiis, 1 5 1 6NAPIER (John L .

, ofMarchistoun) , A Plaine D iscoverie of the whole Revelation OfSt. John ; whereun to are annexed certain Oracles OfSibylla agreeing with the Revelation and o ther places Of Scripture . 4toa 1 594

1 7 4


BARCLAY , Apo logy for the Quakers . 8vo

PENN Quakerism a n ick-name for old Christiani ty : being an Answ er

to a Bo ok inti tuled Quakerism no Ch ris tian i ty . 1 2mo , 1 67 1

l . BELL (John) , Piety promoted, in a Collection Of Dying Sayings of Quake rs ;wi th an Account Oftheir S ufi


erings, &C . &C. 1 740

2 . PEN N Brief Accoun t ofth e R is e and Progress Ofthe Peo ple call ed

Quakers, &C . &c . 1 748

1 2moTUKE (H enry) , The Principles of Re ligi on as professed by the Society ofChristian s us ually call ed Quakers . 1 2mo , 1 81 4

William Penn and the Quakers either Impostors or Apostates ; wh ich theyplease . 1 2mo , 1 696

BUGG (Fran cis) and LOVELIN G (Henry ) , Sun dry Tracts against Quakerism .

8vo , 1 65 5 — 1 703BENN ETT (Thomas) , A Confutation ofQuakeri sm ; o r, a Plain Proof Of theFalsehood of what the principal Quaker W


ritcrs do teach . 8vo , 1 709

Letter to Dr . Benn ett upon the Quest ion, t eth er the Quakers do no t th e

nearest ofany Sect in Rel ig ion resemble th e Primi tive Chr is ti an s in Principles and Pract ice ? ” by Aristobul us . 8ro , 1 720

The True Picture of Quakerism ; in a Summary View of the Blasphemies,Heresies, and Treasonable Principles of the Quakers ofo ld. 8vo , 1 736


Insti tu tes OfEloquence tran slated from the Latin, by Gu th rie . 8vo , 2 vo l s .QL



H istoria Alexandri M agni .

Traduction Fran caise .


S es (E uvres. 1 2mo, 6 vols .RAC INE .

S es ( Euvrcs .

RADCL IFFE (John , H is Life .

RALEGH (S irWalter) , Life Of, by P . F . Tytle r .RAY -N AL .

H istoire deS E tablissemens des Eu ropéens dan s les Indes . 1 2mo, 1 7 vo ls .

1 75


COTTON (Sir Robert) , An exact Abridgement of the Records in the Tower of

London, from the Reign ofEdward I I . to Richard III. ; revised and co r

rected by Wm . Prynne Folio , 1 65 7GR IMALD I Origines Genealogicae, from the Conquest to the present time ;with Specimens of A ncien t Records, &c. &c . 4m, 1 828

BURN (J . H is to ry of Pari sh and other Registe rs in England . 8vo , 1 825)

The Fleet Registers , &c . &c . 8vo , 1 833

1 . Description of the Co ntents, Objects, and Uses of the various “fo rksprinted by the Record Commission .

2 . N ICOLAS (Sir N . Observations on the State of H istorical Literature,the Society OfAntiquaries, the Reco rd Offi ces, and Record Commission .


Reports by the Commissioners for inquiring respecting the Public Records of

the Kingdom . Folio , 4 vo ls . 1 800— 1 837Report from the Select Committee of the Hou se ofCommons on the M anagemen t of the Record Commission, and the presen t State of the Records of

the Un ited Kingdom ; with th e Minutes of Ev idence. Fo lio , 1 836Report of Select Commi ttee of the House OfLo rds on the Destruction and

Sale ofExchequer Documents ; with the Evidence and Appendix .

Fo lio , 1 840First Report of the Deputy Keeper ofthe Public Records . Fo lio , 1 840


AGA IN ST .)GROTIUS , De Ver itate Religionis Christianae. 1 2mo

Same Wo rk ; tran slated by Clarke. 8ro

RAY (John, The Wisdom of God man ifested in the Creation . 8vo

DERHAM (Rev . Physico-Theology ; or, a Demon stration of the Be ingand Attributes ofGod from his Wo rks ofCreation . 8vo

Astro-Theology ; o r, a Demonstration of the Be ing and Attributes OfGod from a Survey of the Heavens . 8vo

VVOLLA STON The Religion ofNature delineated . 4 to, 1 726

CLARKE (Samuel, A Discourse concern ing the Being and Attributes ofGod, the Obligations of Na tural Religion , and the Truth ofthe ChristianReligion . 8vo , 1 749

LELAN D (John, View of the principal Deis tical lVriters in England ;and ofthe Answers published agains t them 8vo , 2 vo ls . 1 798

BUTLER (Joseph, Bisho p of Durham) , Analogy of Natural and RevealedReligion to the Con stitution and Course ofNature . 8vo

DODWELL (Henry ) , Chris t iani ty no t founded o n Argument, &c . 8vo , 1 74 ]

Sundry Tracts in Defence of, and in Answ er to the above . 8vo , 1 743— 6 5G I BBON (Edward) , An Histo rical View of Christian ity, &c . 4 to

1 74


BARCLAY , Apo logy for the Quakers . 8vo

PEN N Quakerism. a n ick-name for o ld Christian ity : being an Answer

to a Book intituled Quakerism no Christian i ty .

”1 2mo

,1 67 1

l . BELL (John) , Piety promoted, in a Collection ofDying Sayings ofQuakerswith an Accoun t oftheir S ufi


erings, &c . &c . 1 740

2 . PENN Brief Accoun t ofthe Rise and Progress ofthe People calledQuakers, &c . &c . 1 748

1 2moTUKE (Henry), The Principle s ofReligion as professed by the Society ofChristian s u sually called Quakers . 1 2 1 1 1 0 , 1 81 4

William Penn and the Quakers e ither Impostors or Apostates ; wh ich theyplease 1 2mo, 1 696

BUGG (Francis) and LOVEL IN G (Henry) , Sundry Tracts again st Quakerism .

8vo , 1 655 — 1 703BEN NETT (Thomas) , A Confutation Of Quakerism ; o r, a Plain Proof oftheFalsehood ofwhat the principal Quaker Writers do teach . 8vo, 1 709

Letter to Dr . Bennett upon the Question , Whether the Quakers do not the

n earest of any Sect in Religion resemble the Primitive Christian s in Principles and Practice ? ” by Aristobulus . 8vo , 1 720

The True Picture of Quakeri sm ; in a Summary View of the Blasphemies,Heresies, and Treasonable Principles ofthe Quake rs ofo ld. 8vo , l736


Institutes ofEloquence translated from the Latin, by Gu th rie . 8vo , 2 vo l s .QUINTUs CURTIU S .

H i storia Alexandri Magni .Traduction Francai se .


S es (E uvres. 1 2mo , 6 VO1 5 ~

RACINE .S es ( Euvres .

RADCL IFFE (John , H is Life .

RALEGH (Sir Walter) , Life of, by P . F . Tytler .RAYNAL .

H isto ire des E tablissemens des Eu ropéens dan s les Indes . 1 2mo, 1 7 vols .

1 76

RELIGION, &C. (continued) .

DALRYMPLE (Sir David, Lord Hailes) , An Enqui ry into the Secondary Cause swh ich Mr. Gibbon has assigned fo r the rapid growth ofChristian ity .

4 to , 1 786WATSON (Richard, Bishop Of An Apology for Christian ity : in a

Series of Letters to Edward Gibbon, E squ ire . 1 2moAn Apo logy for the Bible : in a Series of Letters to Thomas Paine .

1 2moBEATTIE (Rev . James, Evidences ofChristian ity. 1 2mo, 2 vols .JEN YN S (Soamo) , Eviden ces ofthe Christian Religion . 1 2moCUMBERLAN D (Richard) , A few plain Reasons why we should bel ieve in Christ

addressed to the Patrons and Professor s Of the N ew Ph ilosophy.1 2mo, 1 81 2

PALEY (Wm ., D .D ., Archdeacon of Carlisle) , Evidences of Christian ity .

8vo , 2 vols .

Ho ras Paulinae . 8vo

Natural Theology. 8vo

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ALL I SON (Arch ibald) , Prin ciples of Criminal Law . 8vo, 1 832TA IT, Duties ofa Justice of the Peace . 8vo , 1 828

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nal, and Ecclesiastical . 1 2mo, 1 839FORBE S, On Tithes and Church -Lands in Scotland . 8vo , 1 705CONN ELL (Sir John) , Treatise on Tithes, and the Stipends Of the Paroch ialClergy in Scotland. 8vo , 3vols . 1 81 5

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, TOPOGRAPHY, &c . &C .

HOWEL (James), A perfect Description of the People and Country of Sco tland.1 2mo , reprinted from the original of 1 649

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1 89

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GROSE (Franci s) , The Antiqu ities ofScotland . 4to, 2 vols .Edinburgh, the History of, by Maitland . Folio

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3. Description of the Regalia, and Statutes Of the Order ofthe Th istle .

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(In Nichol’s Bibl. Topogr. Britannica, vol . v . )

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Engravings Ofthem may be found in N i sbet’s System ofH era ldry , vol. i i . )

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Ditto, in 1 772 .

1 90


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P ICCA (v . PICCHA , Gregor ius) , Oratio ad S ixtum V . Pont . Max ., alio sque

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4to, Romce, 1 588

1 94

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una Lettera mandata d’ Ingh ilterra

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traslata di Francese in I tal iano, che gl’ I talic i Huomini cono scano quanti

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bugiardi e falsi . 1 2mo, 1 588

(gm The above is a different version Ofthe letter mentioned in the preceding ar

t iele ; and to it are subjo ined some curious depo si t ions of the S panishpr isoners, as we l l as a list Ofthe shi ps tak en, sun k , or wrecked .

VERHEIDEN (Gulielmus) , In Classem Xerxis Hispani, Oratio ad Elizabetham Anglia Reginam . (In a volume ofTracts under

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of the King’s Min isters at the time of Buonaparte

s projected invasion .)8vo , 1 798

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Glossarium Archaiologicum .

STAFFORD, Viscount (beheaded M emoirs of.STAFFORDSHIRE .

PLOT (Robert, Natural H isto ry ofStaffordsh ire . Fo lio, 1 686Tixall Parish, the Description ofi t, by Thomas and Arthur Clifford .

4to , Paris, 1 81 7

fie: E ccleshal Manor and Castle, the H istory of, by Samuel Pegge .

(In N ichols’s Bib. Top . Brit .

,vol . iv .)

{ale Shenston Parish , H istory and An tiqu ities of, by J . B . Sanders .

(In N ichols’

s Bib. Top . Brit ., vo l . ix .)SHAW (Rev . Stebbing), H istory and An tiquities Of the Coun ty ofS tafl


ordsh ire .

Folio , 1 798— 1 801

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1 96

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IDMAN , Recherches sur l’

Ancien Peuple Fino is, d’

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archie et continuée jusqu’

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IHRE (Johannes ) , Glossarium Suio v Go th icum . Folio, 2 vols . 1 769Suecia An tiqua et Hodierna ( temp . Carol i XI . et XII . et Ulrica Regina ) ;( contain s Views of Palaces, Country Seats , Town s, and An tiqu ities, th roughout the Kingdom) . Oblong fo lio

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s: Catecismus Ecclesia Genevensis ; authore Joan . Calvino.

(III the vo lume bearing his name under D IV IN ITY .

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TAsso .

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No . I . Four Tracts, viz

1 . State of England in 1 588 translated from the I talian, and the Bull

of Pius V.

2 . E scape ofCharles I I . from Worcester, dictated by h imself.

3. Lo rd Balcarras’

s Accoun t of Affairs in Scotlan d in 1 688, as sen t to

James II. in France .

4 . Memoirs of the Duke ofGloucester to his Death, in 1 700.

N O. I I . Two, vizl . AYLOFFE

’S Account ofa Painting at Cowdray in Sussex . 1 778

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4 toNo . I I I . Four, by John Selden .

I. Jani Anglorum Facies altera.

2 . England’s Epinomis .

3. Original of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction s ofTestamen ts .4 . Admini stration ofIntestate ’ s Goods .

Folio, 1 683No . IV. Three Tracts, viz

1 . M agnalia Naturae ; or, the Truth of the Ph ilosopher’s Stone as

serted, &c . &c. 1 680

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H umphry Wickham, Esq . with a full relation of his variou sCheats and Impostures . 1 692

3. News from Bru ssels, in a Letter from a near Attendan t on HisMajestie’s Person . (Date ofthe Letter, March 1 0, 1 660

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1 755

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Memo irs ofthe Life and Conduct ofthe Rev . Dr . Codex . 1 735The Unnatural M other and Ungrateful Wife a Narrative foundedon in teresting Fact-s. n . d



20 1

TRACTS (continued) .No . VI . Five, vizl . W ISE (Francis ) , Enquiries concerning the first Inhabitants

, Lan

guage, &c . &c . ofEu rope . 1 758

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4 . SAMSON , an Orator io .

5 . DE LISLE, Mémoire sur la Carte de l’Ancienne Palestine . 1 763

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2 . DE COETLOGON (C . True Estimate ofthe Light ofInspirationand Human Learn ing befo re and since the Apostolic Age . 1 788

3. LAMBE (Wm ., Viscoun t Melbourne) , Essay on the Progressive Imp rovemen t of Mankind . 1 799

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5 . JUBB (Geo rge) , Lingua Hebraicaa Studium Juven tut i Academiczecommendatum . 1 781

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at Wakefield 1 828

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On Architectu re ; from the Westminster Rev iew,July 1 827

ROOKE Account of Sher wood Fores t, Notts . 1 799

OBERL I N , Exposé d’une Décou verte, parM . de Fredenheim faite au

Forum Romanum, en Janvier, 1 7896 . Dissertation on the Sarcophagus in the British Museum , by E . D .

Clarke . Reviewed by Heraclides.


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2 . LAW, ofLau risto n his Life, &c . &c. n . d .

3. Supplement to Rowland’s M ona Antigua ; and Memoirs ofOwenGlendowr, from a MS . in Jesus COIL, Oxford . 1 775

No . X . Three, viz .l . Archaeo logical Library : Nos . I and 2 .

3. HAWK IN S (Sir Christopher) , On the Tin Trade of the Ancients inCornwall. 1 81 l



TRACTS (continued) .

No . XI . Three, viz

1 . Report of the Linnrean Society ofN . England

great S ea Serpent .

2 . DAR DON VILLE, S ur les Eaux Minerales, &c .

3. BORY DE ST. V IN CEN T, Description du Plateau

M aestricht .




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TRAVELS, &C. (continued) .

S ALvo , Viaggio dall’ I talia fino all

’ Ingh ilterra compresavi il ragguagl io della

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ge des Causes Célebres . 1 2mo, 2 vols .

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Folio, 1 734


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X. and X I . Pittori R i tratti loro dipinti di prop ia mano, co l le Vi te de’ medesimi . )

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DA MOR RON A, Pisa Illustrata. 8vo, 3vols . 1 81 2

DE BER N EAUD, Voyage a I’Isle d

E lbe. 8vo 1 808

(For Costumes ofTuscany, see COSTUME S M I SCE LLAN EOUS, under ITALY .

Viaggio Pittorico della To scana. Folio , 3vols . 1 80 1 — 1 803Monumenti Sepo lcrali della Toscana disegnati daGozzini, ed incisi da Lasinio .

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TYTLER , Alex. Fraser .

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TYTLER , Robert.Illustrations of Ancient History and Geography. 1 2mo, 1 825

URQUHART, Sir Thomas .Tracts on various Subjects . 1 2mo, Edinburgh, 1 774

VALERIUS MAXIMU S .De Dict is et Factis Memorabil ibus . (Edit. M inelln) .

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Publicis, &C. &c. Folio,1 696

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Botan ical Theo logy ; or, Evidences of the Existence and Attribu tes of the

De ity, collected from the Appearances ofNature . 8vo, 1 826


A Guide to English Jur ies setting forth thei r An tiqu ity, Power, and Duty,from the Common Law and the Statutes by a Person of Quality : with a

Letter to the Author on the same subject. 1 2mo , 1 682

The An tich ristian and pern ic io us Doctrines of the Church Catech ism ; con

tain ing an Appeal to Parents on the S in and Danger of allowing the irChildren to learn it, or to attend a School where it is publicly taught ; by

the Rev . W . Tho rn .

I. The Supplication of certaine Masse-Priests fal sely called Catholik es .

Directed to the Kings most excellen t M aiestie, now th is time ofParl ia

m en t, but scattered in corners to moo ve M al- contents to mutinie . Pub

lish ed w i th a Marginall Glosse for the better understanding of the

Text, &c .

2 . An Answere unto the principall Po in ts and Reasons of the Supplication

pra cedent . n . d .

H istorical Account of Thomas Sutton , and ofhis Foundation in Charter

Hou se ; by Ph ilip Bearcroft, D .D . 8vo, 1 737An Essay on the R ise and Progress ofGeography in Great Britain and Ireland ;illu strated with Specimens ofour oldest Maps . 4to

,London, 1 780


R ICCOBALDI DEL BAVA (G . Dissertazione sopra l ’ Origine, Lingua, &c .

della Etrusca N atione ; e sopra 1 ’ Origine, &c . della Citta di Vo lterra .

4to , Firenze, 1 758

FARMER , Rev . Hugh .

Enqu iries into the M ean ing of Demon iacs in the N ew Testamen t . 8vo, 1 758

Inqu iry in to the Natu re and Design of Christ’ s Temptation in the Wildern ess . 8vo, 1 765

A Dissertation on M i racles : designed to shew that they are Argumen ts of a

Divine In terposition, and Proofs of the Mission ofthe Prophet . 8vo , 1 77 1M emoirs of his Life and Writings ; with a po sthumou s Piece, and some of

his Letters . 8vo , 1 804


The whole Art and M ystery of Modern Gaming exposed and detected .

4to, 1 726MUMM IES .

OSBURN (William ) , Account ofthe Egyptian Mummy presented to the Ph ilosoph ical S ocietv ofLeeds by the late John Blayds, Esq ., &c. &c . 8vo , 1 828


Remarks on the Life andW’ rit ings of Plato, by Will iam Lowndes, Esq .

8VO, 1 827

I N D E X.

P AG EABAUZ IT, FirminAbbott, JamesAbd


Abdias (Babylon ia primus Episcopus)Abe l, Clarke, M .D.

Abendana, I saacAberdeen , George, Earl ofAbuI-feda, I smae lAbulgaS i-Bayardour-Chan



Accum , Frederick 29, 30

Acerbi, JosephAckermann, F.

R .

Adair, R ight Hon. RobertJames

Adam , Alexander 91 , 1 22,

RobertAdams, George


JohnWi l l iam

Addison, R igh t Hon . JosephLaun celot

E l ianAFRICAAgathias

A i k in, ArthurAilredus (Abbas Rievallensis)A insworth, RobertAkber ( Emperor ofPersia)Akerman, J . Y .

Albanus , P. H .

A lberoni (Cardinal)A lbertALBIGEN SESAlbizius, AntoniusAlciatus, AndreasAlcwinus Flaccus

Alderfeld, GustavusA lderson, John, M .D.

Al drich , Henry, D.D.

Alexander, L .

Wi l l iamWi l l iam , M .D.

Alexander VI . (Pope)Alfieri V ittorioAJgaro tti, FrancescoALGEBRA.


Ali Bey

Allatius, Leo

Allen, JohnWi ll iam (Cardinal)Wi l l iam , D .D.

Al l i son , Archibal dA ll ix, PeterAlnander, JohannesALPS

Alvarez, Franc isAlvino , FrancescoAMBASSADORS

Ambro sius (Frater)AMERICA.

D i scovery, Peopl ing, Conquests, &c. of

Topography, &c .

Indian Tribes and N ationsUn i ted States


AMERICAN WARS w i th Great BritainAmes, Jo sephAmmianus Marce l l inusAN A— Books inAN ATOMY

Anaya, A.

Ancel l, Samue lAncillon, CharlesAnderson, Adam

Chr istopherJohn

Andreas , JohannesAndreossi, F.

Andrews, James PetitRev. John , LL.D

AN ECDOTES 5 , 6, 7


Angus, Wil l iamAnnales BurtonensesAnnual Registers (London and Edinburgh)Anquetil, Lou i s PierreAnson , LordAnstey, Christopher


Publ ications by i t .

ANTIQU ITIES (Various andM i sce l laneous)8, 9. 1 0

Anto ine, A. 1 43

Anton in i , Ann ibal 1 1 3

Anton inus, Mar. Aur . (Roman Emperor) 1 0, 1 59



AppianApthorp , East, D .D.

Aquilinius, Ca sarARABIA 1 1 , 1 2

Arbuthno t, C .

JohnArcha Ophilus, ConstantinusArchenholtz 33, 1 96

ARCHESArchinhard, A . 1 04



Babington, Wi ll iam, M .D.

BABYLON IAN REMAIN SBacon, Francis (Lord Chancel lor)Bacon , RogerBai lBai ley, James

N athanThomas, D .D .

Bai l l ie, Robert, D .D .

Bai l ly, Jean Sylvain



Arnett, J . A . 1 3

Arrian 1 3

Arringh i, Pau lus 1 81

Artaud, F 88, 1 40

ARTISTS (L ives of) 1 53


Arundel, Earl of 204

Ascham, Roger 54 , 90

Ashmo le, E l ias 20, 1 48

AS IA 1 4


Assemani, l’Abate S imone l l

Asserius Menevensis 56, 5 7

Ast le, Thomas 2 1 3


Astruc, Jean 1 7


Atherly, E . G . 62

Atterbury, Franci s (B i shop ofRochester) 7 1

Auber, Peter 33

Aublet de Maubuy 6

Aubrey, John 1 29

Aubry, J . P. 1 52

Auck lan d, Lord 95Auldjo , John 2, 209

Austin , Wi l l iam 2 1 2


AUSTRIAN EMPIRE 92, 1 06, 208


Avri l (Jesu i t) . 204

Aylmer, John (B i shop ofLondon) 1 4

Ayloffe, S ir Jo seph 200

Aymon, Jean 97

Ayscough , Rev . Samue l 1 91

‘ Baker, RobertBalb i , AdrienBalcarras, Earl ofBaldu inu s, Bened.

M . F .

Ba le, JohnBal lard, GeorgeBal tus (Jesu it)Bamfylde Moore CarewBanck, Laurentius



BERKSHIREBerna] (Diaz , de Cas t i l lo)Bernard, Charles

EdwardN ico las

BerosusBerry, Wi lliamBertel l i, P ietroBerthevinBertin, JosephBertram, alias Rattram

Bertramus, Caro lusBetham , S irWi l liamBeugnot, ArthurBeverley, R . M .



Bilibaldi, Birckheimer

B ingham, Rev. JosephB ingley, Wi l l iamB IOGRAPHY

B ion, JeanB irch , Thomas, D.D.

B irkenhead, S ir JohnBisani, AlexanderB i scari, lgnazio , Pat .Bisselius, JoannesB i sset, RobertB izot, P ierreBjoernstaehl, J . J .

Bj orkegren, JacobBlackburne, Franci sB lackstone, S ir Wi l l iamB lackw el l , ThomasB lackwood, AdamB lair, Hugh , D .D.

John, LL.D.

Branche, ThomasB land, RobertBletterie, J . P. R . de la

B l in, P ierreB londel , DavidB lore, EdwardB lount, Charles

ThomasBloxam , M . H .

B lumenbach , J . F.

B lunt, Rev . JohnBoate, Gerard, M .D.

Boemus, Joannes

Boener, JoannesBoeth ius, HectorBOHEM IA

Bo i leau, D .



Boisgelin, Loui sBo issat, PierreBo itard

Bo l ingbroke (Henry, Lord V i scount)Bona (Cardinal)Bonann i, P.

Boniface, A .

Bonnaud 1 ’Abbé)Bonney, H . K .

Boone, CharlesBoote, R ichardBooth , GeorgeBoothe, N athan ielBoothroyd, B .

BORDER H I STORY, &c. (England and Scotland) 22

Borlase, Wi l l iam , LL.D. 43

Borough s, Sir John 62

Born, In igo 1 07

Borthw i ck , Wi l l iam 1 47

Boruw laski, Jo seph 22

Bo ry de S t . Vincent 202

Bossew ell, John 1 0 1

Bossins, Jean 9

Bossuet (Evéque de Meaux) 34 , 1 05 , 1 6 1 , 1 73

Best, A . 1 40

Bo swe l l, James 1 89

Bo sworth , J. 7

N ew ton 1 35

Botoner, Wi l l iam 65

Bo tt, Rev . Thomas 50

Botta, Carlo 5 , 1 1 1

Boub ier, Jean 1 04

Bou i l le (le Marqu i s de) 85

Boulainvilliers, Henri 1 1 , 1 4 5

Boulanger, N ic. Ant . 8

Bou l laye-le-Gouz 204

Bourget, Jean 1 48

Bourgo ing, J . F . 1 93

Boutcher, Wm. 90

Bowdler, Jane 78Thomas 1 4 5

Bow er, John 1 89

Boyer, Abe l 1 02


Aiguilles 77

Boys , T. S . 1 98


Brachelius, Ado lphusBradford, Rev . Wi l l iamBrady, John

J . H .

Brai thwait, R ichardBramhal l , John (Archb ishop ofArmagh)Branche , ThomasBrand, Adam

JohnBrandt, JeanBran t, Sebast ianusBrantome, Pierre deBray, Le Cheval ier deBrayley, E . W.

Brayley and Bri ttonBrayley and HerbertBrédel (Pasteur Sui sse)Brees, S . C .

Brenner, E l iasBrerewood, EdwardBres son , JacquesBrett, Samue l

ThomasBreval , JohnBrewer, HenryBrewer and G i l lBrewster, S ir David

Wi l l iamBreydenbach , Bernh . de

BRIDGES (remarkable ones)Bridges, JohnBridoul, Toussain

Brienne, Ludovicus Heur.Brigh t, R ichardBrin ley, JohnBrissonius, Barnabius

Bristed, JohnBritton,

John ,F.A.S . 94 , 1 26, 1 27,

John (B i shop ofHereford)Brockedon , Wil l iamBrockett, J . T .

Brome, JamesBrompton, JoannesBro ok , Ra lphBrooke, ZacharyBrough ton , Thomas

Brown , JohnRev . JohnT .

Thomas , LL.D .

S ir Thomas, M .D.

Bi owne, JohnPeter (B i shop ofCork)Thomas G .

Bruce, JamesJohnPeter Henry

Brucker, JacobusBr uggemann , L . W.


Brul liot , Franco i sBrunet, J . C.


Brunsw ick , Duke ofBryant, JacobBryan, M i chaelBrydall, JohnBrydges , S ir S . EgertonBrydson , ThomasBucelinus, Gabrie lBucer, Mart inBuchan, Ear l of

GeorgeBuchanan, George

JamesJohn LaneJohn Lanne

Buchner, Andrew E l iasBuck, Samuel and N ath .

S ir GeorgeBuck ingham , Geo . Duke of

J . SBUCKIN GHAM SH IREBuck land, Wi l l iam , D .D .

Buck ler, J . C .

Buco ldianus, GerardBufi


on, G . L .

Bugg, Franci sBuh le, J . G .

Bo ssi , Lu igiBUILDIN G (THE ART OF)

Bulkly, CharlesBu l len, Queen Anne

Bu l let, Jean Bapti steBullingbro oke , E .

Bul lo ck , H . A .

B[u lloker] , JohnBULLS (PAPAL)Bulwer, JohnBuonaparte, J acopo



Buonaparte, N apo leonBuonarott i, M iche l AngeloBurbery, JohnBurchard, J ohannesBurchardt, J . L .

Burder, GeorgeBurgersdicius, F .

Burgess, Thomas (B i shop ofSarum)5 2 , 68, 1 90

Burgh , James 79

Bui igny , Jean Levesque 98

Burke, R igh t Hon . Edmund 85 , 95 , 96

Burle igh ,Lord 59

Burn , R ichard 62

John Southerden 1 75

Burnes, James, LL.D . 1 48

Burnet, G i lbert (B i shop ofSarum)44 . 60, 70, 75, 77. 99. 1 79, 1 88, 205

James (Lord Monboddo) 80, 1 2 1

Cabot, Sebastian 24

Cabrera, L . de 29

Caddick , Rev . R i chard 99

Caesar, C . Ju l ius 24 , 1 90

Ca i l lo t, A. . 88

Ca ius, Thomas 1 5 2

Calamy , Edmund, D .D . 36, 7 1

Calcott, Wellins 1 90


Calliéres, Franco i s 4 9

Cal l imachu s, P . 1 50

Calmet , Augustine 1 7 , 1 29

Ca lvin, John 5 1 , 1 97, 1 99




Camden, Wi l l iam 57, 58, 63, 65

Campbel l, Co l in 67

George, D .D . 34 , 95 , 1 37John 65 , 81 , 1 44

Camus, A. G . 203CANALS 5 5

Cancellieri , Francesco 32, 1 81Cantacuzenus 4 2

Can temir, Demetrius 206

Cantilupe, S t . Thomas ofHereford 1 84

Caoursinus, Guilielmus 207Capacc io , G iul io -Cesare 1 0 1

PAG EBurnet, Thomas 30, 5 1

Burnett, Thomas (Justi ce C. P . 37

Burney, Captain James 1 57

Burton, Edward, D .D 1 81

J . H . 1 88

R i chard 38, 58, 1 1 4 , 1 26

Robert 79

Wi l l iam 1 23

Busbequius, A . G . 203

Bussy, Rabutin 6

Butler, A lban 1 84

Jo seph (B i shop ofDurham) 1 75

John, B.D 33

Charles 24 , 1 63, 1 77

Samue l 1 57

Samuel (B i sho p ofLichfi eld) 1 22

Wi ll iam 1 33

Butt, J . M . 1 0

Capel, E dwardCapellus, Ant .

Caraccioli, C

Carben, V ictor deCardale, PaulCardonnel, Adam deCARDS

Cardwel l , Edw . D .D.

Care, HenryCarew , P. J .

Carey, M

Carier, B .

Carleton , Geo (B i shop ofCh i chester)Carl isle, Charles, Earl ofCarpent ierCarra, Jean-Lou i sCarranza, F . B .

Carrera, P ietroCarrick, J . D .

Carrington, S .

Carter, JohnMatthew

Cartouche, Lou i s-Domin iqueCartwrigh t, ThomasCarve, ThomasCarver, JonathanCarwe l l (alias Thoro ld) , ThomasCary and Lea


P AGEClifl


ord, Thomas and Arthur 1 94

Matthew 1 99


Coates, Rev . Charles 1 6

Coats, James 1 02

Cobbett, Wi l l iam 64 , 70, 1 58

Cochlaeus, Joannes 1 07 , 1 59, 1 78

Cohausen , John Henry 1 35

COIN S 40— 4 2

Coke, Sir Edward 6 1

Co leridge, Samuel Taylor 4 2

Co let, Dr. John 4 2, 1 99

Co l in de Planchy , J . A. S . 6, 1 00 , 1 1 8, 1 28, 1 78

Co l let, P. J.

M . 86

Co l l ier, David 1 7

J . PayneJeremy

Co l l ins, ArthurJohn

Co l l inson, JohnPeter, F .R .S .

Co lombiere, Marc Vulson deCo lquh oun , PeterCOLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHERCombe, Charles, M .D .

Cornbrune, M ichaelComen ius, J . A.

Comines, Ph i l i ppe deCommelinus, JeromeCommon Prayer (Church ofEngland)COMMERCEComnena, Anna

Comté, CharlesComyns, S ir JohnConaeus, GeorgeCondamineCondorcet (le Marqui s de)Coney, JohnConnel l , S ir JohnCON STANTIN OPLECook, George, D .D .

Captain JamesCooke, John , M .D .

Wi l l iamCordiner, Rev . CharlesCormon

Corne i l le , P ierreCo rnejo , PedroCorne l ius N epo sCorney, Bo ltonCORNWALL



Coronelli, Vincenzio 97 , 204

Correvon, Seigneux de 1 03


Cortes, Hernando 3

Corvin as , Anton ius 1 50

M essalla 1 90

Cory, J . Preston 6 n 44

Coryat, Thomas 203

Co smo I I I . (Grand Duke ofTuscany) 68

Co stard, G . 1 04

COSTUMESCotgrave, John 64

Randle 88

Co tman and R i ckman 66

Co tman , John Se l l 66

Cotovicus, Joannes 204

Co tterel l, Thomas 1 72

Co tton, Rev . John (ofN ew England) 1 73

S ir Robert 59, 1 75

Cou lomb 56


Courayer, P . F . Le 76

Courier, Pau l Lou i sCOURTENAY, HOUSE OF 4 5

Cous in d’Avalon 24

Loui s 4 2

Coustos, John 1 5 5

Cove l, John , D.D . 97Coverdale, M i les 69

Cowper, Wi l l iam 1 5 7Coxe, Rev . Wi l l iam 93, 1 40 , 1 82 , 1 97 , 205Coyer ( l

Abbé Gabriel F .) 1 57Cozens, Zachariah 1 1 9

Cozio , Carlo 31Crabb , George 48, 63Craig, Thomas 1 1 8

Cramer, Rev . J . A . 99

Cranmer, Thomas (Abp. ofCanterbury) 4 5 , 1 64

Crantz, David 98, 1 40

Crasset , Jean 1 50

Crasso , Lorenzo 20

Creighton, Henry 1 09

Cressey, S erenus 69, 1 6 1

Gresy and Taylor 1 81

Crevier, J . B . Lou i s 1 79

Crich ton , Andrew 1 1

Cri spus, Johannes 1 50

Cristanovic, S tanislaeus 98


PAG ECRITIC I SMCro ke , S ir AlexanderCrombie, Alexander, LL.D.



Crowe, Wi l l iamCrowne, Wi l l iamCroylandensis H i storize Cont in.

Cruden , A lexanderCrui se, Wi ll iamCru l l , JodocusCRUSADESCrusius, Lew i s .


Alembert, J . le RondDal laway , Rev . JamesDALMATIADalrymple, S ir David (Lord Hai les)

S ir JohnDalyell, J . G .

Dalze ll , Andrew (Professor of Greek , Edinburgh )

Damas, le Comte deDamianoDa Morrona, AlessandroDan iel , Rev . Wi l l iamDan ie le, FrancescoDansey, Wi l l iamD

Anville, Jean-Bapt .Dardonville

Darel l , Rev . Wi l l iamDares PhrygiusDarsens de Sommerdyck

Dart, JohnDaru, le Comte P . de

Darw in, Erasmus, M .D .

Daumont, AlexandreDaunou


Autrey , le Comte deDavanzati, BernardoDavenant , CharlesDavies, Edw .

JohnS ir JohnThomas

Davis , H . E .

Davi la, Enrico-CaterinoDavy , Henry

Cul lum , S ir JohnCUMBERLANDCumberland , R i chard

Wil l iam , Duke ofCumming , Wi l l iam , M .D .

Cundy, N . W.

Cunn ingham , A lexanderWi l l iam

Curt eis, W. C .

Curt i s , Wi l l iamCuvier, le Baron deCYCLOPIAN REMAIN SCyprianus (Carthaginiensis Episcopus)

Davy, S ir HumphreyDawes, MatthewDaw so n, Thomas, D.D .


De Bara, HieromeDe Bausset , L . F . J .

De Beauchamp, Al fonseDe Beaufort, Lou i sDe Beloy , M . P.

De Berneaud, A. T .

De Bie, JacquesDe Bourrienne, Lou i s A. F .

Debreui l, Patri sDe Brueys

De Cabrera, L .

De Cefi'

alonie, CarburiDe Coetlogon, C. E .

De ComblesDe Cordemoy , Abbé de FeniersDefoe, Dan ie lDe Fer, N i co lasDe Ferriere, Claude-Jo sephDe Grand Pré, CésarDe Guas co , OctaviusDe Gu ignes, Ch . L . J .

De Héran, F . C .

I) e IIese

De Humbo ldt, Alexa ndreDe Jo l imont, F. T .

Dekker, ThomasDe la Borde, Alexandre

Jean-Benj .De la Borde, Léon



De Lachet

De la Crequiniére

De la Cro ixDe Laet, JohnDelafield, JohnI) e la hl archeDe la Martin iereDe la Mo tteDe Lamo tteDe la Lande, J . J .

Delandine (Avocat)De la Roque, G i l les-AndreDe la Rue (l


De Lassaux,‘F .

De la Tai l le, JeanDe Latocnaye

Delauncy, H . F.

Delaune, ThomasDel Bava, RiccobaldiI) e I

Iisto ile , l’ ierre

Delfico , Cav . Me lch iorreT) e Is isle

De l l , Rev . Wi l l iamDel la Val le, P ietroDe l lon , C .

De Lo lme, J . (Advocate, ofGeneva)I) elort

De Luc, J . A .

De LudeDe Malte, H . F .


Em illiane

De Montmorency-M orres , HerveyDempster, ThomasDe N angis, Gu i l laumeDe N avarete, M . F .

I) e Ii icolay, Ii icolas

Den ina (l’

Abbate Carlo ) 1 8, 89, 92,

DENMARKDenne, SamuelDenou, V ivantDe Paris ( l

Abbé)De Pauw , Cornel iusDe Pinguillon

De Rantzow , Lou i s Comte deDERBYSH IREDe Reifi


enberg, le Baron deDe Rennevi lle, Con stantinDe Retz (Cardinal)Derham , Rev . Wi l l iamDe Roco les, Jean -Bapt .De Rodon , David

1 1 , 1 1 4De Rossi, G . BernardoDe Ro quefort-FlaméricourtDe Rongement ( Jésuite)De Rulh iere

De Sacy, S i lvestreDe Sade, J . F . P . A .

Desaguliers, Jean T .

De Saint -Croix, G . E .

De Saussure, Horace BenedictDes Cartes, RenéDe Servies, Jacques RDesgodetz, Ant .

De Spallart, RobertDe S tae l (Madame la Baronne)De S t . Mauri ceDe So l i s, Anton ioDe Sousa, F . L .

De Tassy, J . H . GarcinDe Tau lesDe Thou , Jacques AugusteDe TorcyDe Vaines, F . J .

De Verthema, LudovicoDe V ie] Caste l (le Comte Horace)De V ignere, B lai seDEVIL

Devi l le, A .


Devo tus, Fab iu sD

Hankarville, P ierre F . H .



D iaconus , Pau l lu sDibdin, Th omas Frognall, D .D .

1 9, 40, 48, 67 , 1 72, 206

D i cey , Thomas 27

Di ck inson , John (ofPennsylvan ia) 5

Wi l l iam 1 49

D ICTIONARIES on Various Subjects 48, 4 9

D i cty s Cretensi s 46

Diercx, Franci scus 1 78

Digby, S ir Kenelm 23, 1 35

D I LETTAN TI SOCIETY (Publ i cat ions by it) 97D i l lon , S ir John Talbo t 1 93

D ingley, Rev . Robert 5 1

Diodorus S iculus 4 9

Diogenes Laertius 4 9

D ion Cass ius Cocceianus 4 9

D ionysius Afer 1 59

Halicarnassensis 4 9





Eckius, Johannes 1 59

Eddins 5 6

Ederus, Georgius 1 03

Edmonson , Jo seph 98


Edward the Confessor 7

Edwards, John 79

Jonathan 79

Edw in, John (Comedian) 54

Eginard (v. Egh inhard) 92 bis

Egmont, John (Earl of) 1 47

Egnatius, Jo . Bapt . 1 90

EGYPT 54 , 55

Einarus, Halfdanus 1 07

Ekins, Charles (Adm iral) 1 44


Eliazar Bar-isajah 1 1 6


E llis , S ir Henry 5 2 , 58

John, D .D . 76

John , F .R .S . 1 43

Will iam 1 5 2

E lmes, James 48, 2 1 3

E l stob, E l izabeth 7

Elsynge, Henry 1 54

E lwood, Thomas 1 98

Elyensis Anonymus 56

Thomas 56

Emerson, Wil l iam 1 33

Emlyn, Henry 1 2

Emma (Ang. Reg. ) 5 7


Enderb ie, Percy 2 1 0

Enfield, Wm . 79



LAWS OF 60 -62, s 2 i -8s



1 72

1 50


1 9

20, 1 34

Faccio lati et Forcel l in iFACETIZE

Fain, M . le BaronFal coner, J_


Wm .


OF 65 -67, 21 8f





Englefield, S ir H . C. 99



IN GSEns, GasparEpictetusErasmus, DesyderiusBrokern, LazarusEremundus, ErnestEric, JohnBriens 1 X. ( St . Eric)Erskin e, JohnEscho tt , PetersonEspernon , Duke ofESSAYSESSEX

Esto i le, P ierre 1 ’

E stienne, HenriEthelwerdus



Eucl i dEudaemon , Joannes AndreasEUROPE, GEN ERAL H I STORY AN D

STATE OF 80, 81

Eusebius 33

Eustace, Rev. John C. 1 1 2

Eutropius 1 90

Evans, Ari se 80, 1 73

Rev . John 1 76

Evelyn , John 40 , 90


Eymery , M . 1 23


P AG EFalle, Ph i l i pFAM ILY H I STORIESFairfax, Thomas, LordFarmer, Rev. Hugh

Rd . D .D .

Farneworth , Rev . E l l i sFarr, SamuelFASH ION SFauchet, ClaudeFau lkner, ThomasFavine, AndrewFcarne, J ohn


Feinagle, G . von

Feltham, JohnFelton , HenryFene lon (Archevéque de Cambrai )Fenn , S ir John

e nton, Gefi'


Fer, N ico las deFerber, John JamesFerguson , Adam , LL.D.

JamesFerne, S ir JohnPEROB I SLANDSFerrar, N i cho lasFerretti, FrancescoFerrey, B .

Ferri de St . Constant, J . L .


Fiddes, R ichard, D .D.

Field, W i l l iamFiel ding, HenryFilangieri, GaetanoF INAN CEFin ch , Henry TOPOGRAPHY , AN TIQU ITIES

Finett , S ir JohnFischer, Go tthel fFisher, John (B i shop ofRo chester)

ThomasFitzherbert, S ir AnthonyFLAN DERSFleetwood, Wi l l iamFleming, RobertFletcher, Andrew ( ofSal toun)

G i les, LL.D.

Fleury de ChaboulonFlintofi


, Ow en

FLOREN CEFlorentins , VVigorniensis MonachasFlorimond de Raemond


o 2 1 8‘

1 39

1 07

80. 1 79

Florus, Lucius AnnwnsFliigel

Fo l kes, S ir Mart inFonblanque , JohnFontaine, N ico lasFontaine, Jean laFontenel le, Bernard le Bo ivicrForbes, Jamcs

Wi l l iamS irWi ll iam

Forby, Rev . RobertFordun, JohannesFORESTS AND FOREST-LAWS ( in Eng

land ) 83

Formey, J . H . S . 20 , 79


Forrester, Thomas ( S t . Andrew's) 36

Forssel l , C. 1 95

Forster, T . B . 24

Forsyth, Wi l l iam 90

Fortescue , S ir John 6 1 , 95

Fortia-P i les ( le Comte de) 1 82

Fortis, Alberto 46

Fosbroo k, Rev . T. D. 48, 95 , 1 39

Fosco lo , Ugo 1 5 5

Fothergi l l , John, M .D . 2 1

Fouché (Duc d’

Otranto ) 85

Foulis, Henry, B .D 69, 1 65

Fourn ier, P ierre S . 1 7 1

Fow ler, Wi l l iam 66

Fox, John 1 54





Franchechett i

Franck , Aug . Harm .

Francke, Dan ielFranck l in, Wi l l iamFrancoeur, L . B .

Frankes , Walter

Frankl in , BenjaminFraser, James

James B .




Gabb, Th omasGafi


arel, JacobusGagn ier, JeanGainsford, ThomasGale, Thomas, D .D .

Galfredus M onumetensis

Gal l , Dr. F . J .

Gal laeus, Servat iusGal land, Anto ineGal lo i s , LeonardGallonius, Anton iusGALVAN I SM

GambadoGAMESGAM IN GGamucci, BernardoGanilh , CharlesGARDEN IN G

Gard iner, Stephen (B i shop ofWinchester)Garnet, Thomas, M .D.

Garrick, DavidGarrow , D . W.

Garzo n, G iovann iGate, Rev . J .

Gavin, AnthonyGaya, Loui sGazet, Gu i l laumeGed, Will iamGeddes , Rev . M i chael , LL.D . (Chance l lor of

Sarum) 4 5 , 1 93Gee, Edward 1 1 4

Ge i ss ler, J . G . G . 1 83Gel l , S irWi l liam 97 , 1 03Gel l and Gandy 1 03Gemiticensis, Gulielmus 5 7GEN EALOGIES

91Gent, Thomas 9 1 , 2 1 4 , 2 1 5Gent illetus, Innocentius J . C. 4 5


9 1 , 92

30, 31





Fryth , JohnFul ke, Wi l l iam , D.D .

Fu l ler, Thomas, D.D .

Thomas, M .D.

Fu l lwood, Fran cis, D .D.

Fulman , Wi l l iamFureras, Ch ri stopherusFurietti, G iu seppe, AlessandroFuselin, Joh . Conrad


Georgievitts, Bartho lomaeusGeorgirenes, Joseph (Abp. ofSamo s)Georgius, Jacobus Frid .



Gervasius Dorobornensis

Gesner, ConradMatth ias

Gerard, JohnG iannone, P ietroGianutio, HoratioG ibbon , Edward


G ibson, Edmund (B i shop ofLondon)JohnR i chard

Gieseler, J . C. J .

G ifford, ThomasG i lbert, C. S .

G i lchrist, J . P .

G i ldasG i l l , John, D .D

G i l l ies, John, LL .D.

G i l ly, Rev . W. S .

G i lp in , Wil l iam (Prebendary ofSal i sbury)GIPS IES

G irard, GabrielGirafli , AlessandroGiraldus Cambrensis

G ladw in, Franci s

92, 93

93, 94


5 7

1 2 1

1 22

1 09

1 0 1

1 2


1 89

1 5 1


1 89


1 5 1






1 4 2

5 1

1 08


PAG EHabershon, MatthewHabington, WilliamHadravaHager, Jo seph 1 4 , 32,Haggitt, JohnHagustaldensis, Joannes


Hak luyt , R ichardHale, S ir Matthew 6 1 , 99,

Hales, JohnStephen

Halfpenny, JosephHalhead, N ath . B .

Halkett, JohnHa l l , R.

Rev. PeterThomas, B.D.

Hal lam , HenryHal le, Edward 20.

Hallifax, Samue l (Bp. ofG loucester)Hall iday, An drew , M .D.

Hamil ton (le Comte Anto ine)CharlesRt . Hon . S irWill iam

Hammer, Joseph 1 4 , 1 04 ,

Hamper, Wi l l iamHAMPSH IREHAN N IBALHanno

Hansard, T. C .

Hanway, JonasHardenberg (le Prince Charles Auguste)Hardy, P . D .

Harding, S . and E .

Hargrove, E lyHarles, Theoph . Chr.

Harman, ThomasHarpsfeld, N i co lasHarrington , S ir JohnHarris, James

JohnMo sesThaddeus, MasonWi l l iamRev . Dr.

Harri son, JohnHarte, Rev . Wa lter

Hartman, GeorgeHarwood, Edward

Tho s .Hasted, EdwardHastings, Tho s .Hawarden , Edward, D .D

Hawes, and LoderHawkesbee, Franci sHawk ins, S ir Christopher

EdwardS ir JohnRev . JohnJohn S i dney

Haydn , Jo sephHayley, Wi l liamHayter, Rev . JohnHayward, S ir JohnHead, F. B .

Hearne, ThomasHeath Charles

N i cho las (Archbp . ofYork)Robert


— S ee Jaws .

Hedericus, Benj .Hedlinger, J . CharlesHeinecken, le Baron deHELL AN D ITS INHABITANTSHemingford, Wa lterHemingway, Jo sephHemso, J . G .

Henaul t, C. J . F.

Henderson, Alexr.


Hen ley, JohnHenn i ker, JohnHenricu s Huntingdoniensis

Henry VI I IHenry, Prince ofWalesHenry, Gabrie l

Patri ck (ofV irgin ia)Robert, D .D.

Henshal l, SamuelHentzner, Pau lusHERALDRY AN D HERALDS

Herbert ofCherbury (Lord)Herbert, S ir ThomasHerborn, N i co lasHERCULAN EUM


HerodianHerodo tusHerrera, An ton ioHERTFORDSH IREHess, GerardHeumann, Chri st . Aug.

Hey, John, D .D.

Heydon , JohnHeylyn, PeterH ibbert, Samue l, M .D .

H ickeringill, Rev . E .

H ickes, George, D .D.


H igden, Ranulphus

H i ggins, GodfreyH iggons, Rev . Theophi lusH i l l, George

John (LL.D . Edinburgh)Thomas



LATIN G THERETOHoadley, Benj . (Bp. ofWinchester)Hoare, S ir R . C.

Hobbes , Tho s . (ofMalmesbury)Hockin , Rev . J . P.

Hodgson, Rev . JohnThomas

Hody, HumphreyHofmann, Joh . Jac .

Hogarth , Wm .

Hogg, JamesHo lbe in, HansHo lberg, Loui sHo le, R ichardHo l land, HenryHOLLANDHo l les (Denz i l , Lord)Ho llinshed, RalphHo l loway , Wi l l iamHo lme, Rande lHo lwe l l , Rev .Wm.




1 59

1 03

1 03

1 77

1 03

1 03

1 03

1 04


1 04



1 89



1 04


1 65

1 91

1 5 5

1 90

1 04-6


1 06

2 1 2

34 , 39, 1 06

1 4

1 49

1 7 1


1 06

1 95


1 05



1 44




1 0 1

1 4 1

P AG EHome, Henry (Lord Kames) 63, 96, 1 30, 1 88

John 1 70

Homes, Rev. Dr. N athanae l 5 2


LAN DHondius, JodocusHone, Wi lliamHooker, R ichard

Wm. JacksonHooper, Wm.

Hope, ThomasHoratiusHordal, JoannesHornby, CharlesHorne, Andrew

Geo . (Bp. ofN orw i ch )Rev . Thos . Hartwell

Horneck, Anthony, D.D .


Horsfield, T. W.

Hors ley, Samue l (Bp. ofSt . Asaph) .

Hortensius , LambertusHo sk ing, Wi l l iamHoskins, G. A .

Ho ste, le Pere PaulHotomanus, Franci sHo tt inger, J . H .

Housman, JohnHoveden, RogerHow , Samue lHowe, R i chard (Earl of)HOWARD FAM ILYHoward, JohnHowe l, JamesHowe l l, James

JohnThos . B .

R .

How i tt, Wm .

How lett, Bartho lomewHoyland, JohnHuddlestone, R ichard

JohnHuet (Eveque d


Hughes, JohnM ichae lRev . Tho s . S .

Wi l l iamHugo , HermanHu lbert, CharlesHuldric, J . J .



Hul l, Wm. W. (Barrister at Law )Huls ius Lev inus

Humbo ldt, Alexandre deHume, Davi dHUN GARYHunter, John D .

Jo sephThomas

HUNTIN GDON SHIREHuntingford, G . J . (Bp. ofG loucester)Hunt ington, Major Robert

ICELAND 1 07, 1 08

Idman , N i l s 1 96

Ihre, Johannes 1 96

Imhof, J . W. 85 , 93, 1 1 2, 1 4 5 , 1 93



IND IA 1 08, 1 09


lnett, John, D .D . 68

Ingram , Rev . James 7Ingulfus Croylandensis 57


Inn es, Thomas 1 87


CharlesRobert, M .D .

Lt . -Co l. ThomasW. R .

Jameson and MurrayJamieson, John , D .D .


Jaquelot , IsaacJansenJAVAJeanes , HenryJeanne d'Arc

Hurd, R ichard (Bp. ofWorcester)Hurn, Rev . Wm.

Hurtley, ThomasHuss, JohnHutch inson, Francis

JohnCo lonel JohnWi l l iam

Hutton, Wi l l iamHyde, Thomas



Ireland, SamuelWm . Henry

Iriarte, JohannesIrvine, A lex.

Isaacs, Hyam .



Jebb, Samuel 1 32


eries, David 1 3

Jefferson, Tho s . ( Pres . U . S .) 5

Jemison, Mrs. Mary 4

Jenkins, A lexander 48

Jenner, David ( Prebendary ofSarum) 95

Jenn ings, James 65

David, D.D . 1 1 4

Jenyns, Soame 1 76


Jewel l, John (Bp. ofSal i sbury) 73

JEWS 1 1 4 - 1 1 6

JEWS AN D CHRISTIAN S , the Controversybetween th em respecting the Advent ofthe Messiah 1 1 6, 1 1 7


Joach im, Abbas 1 5 1

Joannes Brompton 57


PA G EKN IGHTHOOD 1 4 5 , 1 48 Kon igKnighton, Henri cus 5 7 Koops, Matth 1 as

Kni ttel , F. An thony 1 8 KORAN , THE

Knox, John 1 87 Korb, John George

Vicesimus, D .D. 54 , 78 Kreih ing, J .

Wil l iam 75 Krusenstern, Adam J .

La Borde ( le Comte Alexandre de)Laborde, Léon deLaborde et Z urlauben

Labriano , Ferrerus

Lacombede Preze i

La Croze, Maturin V .

Lactantius, Lucius Fir.Laet, John deLafi tau, J0 5 . Franco i sLa Fon taine, JeanLa ing, James (Doctor ofSorbonne)

Ma lco lmSamuel

Lamadelaine, L . Ph .

Lamb, J ohn, D .D.

Lambards, Wi ll iamLambinet, P.

Lancel lo tt i ( il Padre Secondo )LAN CASH IRELandt, Rev . G .

Lane, Edw ardWi l l iamLang, John Dunmore, D.D .

Langley, BattyLAN GUAGELanjuinais (le Comte de)Lan igan, John , D .D .

La Peyere, IsaacLAPLAND

Larauza, Jean-Lou i sLardner, N athan iel , D .D .

Lascel les , Row leyLasitius, JohannesLatimer, Hugh (B i shop ofWorcester)LATIN LAN GUAGE

Laud , Wi l l iam (Abp. ofCanterbury)Lauder, Wi l l iamLaugier (l


Marc Anto ine (Jésuite)Laurence, R ichard (Abp. ofCashel)Laurent, P . E .

Laurent ius, AndreasLavater, J . CasparLaveaux, J . C. T.

Lavo i s ier, Ant . Laur.Lavoisne


Law , John (ofLauri ston)Lawrence, Wi l l iamLaw son , John ParkerLeake, Stephen MartinLe Bas, Rev . C. W.

M . A .

Le Cras , Abr. JonesLe ClercLedw ich , EdwardLee, SamuelLeeds, EdwardLeems, Canutus

Le Fe'ron, JehanLe Gendre (Chano ine de l

Ei se de Paris )“


Le Grand, Joach imLeibn i tz, Godf. Will iamLEICESTERSH IRE

Leigh , GerardLe igh ton , A lexanderLe Laboureur, JeanLe land, John ( the Ant iquary)

( th e L i fe ofhim)

John , D .D

Thomas, D .D

Lemne, LevinLemo ine, J . J .

HenryLempriere, John, D .D .

Lenfant, JacquesLeno ir, AlexandreLe N ormand (M l le .)

Le N orman t , JeanLens, André

1 20

1 55



1 04

1 23

1 30

1 88

4 1

2 1 2




1 1 1

1 1 7

1 22

1 22

1 0 1



1 00

1 23

1 23

1 0 1


1 32

62, 65


1 75

1 1 0

1 35

4 6

1 72

1 9, 40



1 1 7

1 29

24 1

P AG ELeo, Grammaticus

Leoni , Gio -BattistaLepanL


Le Qu ien, M i che lLeroux, P . J .

Le Roy, Julien D .

Lesley , John (B i shop ofRoss)Less , GodfreyL

Estrange, HamonLettsom, John Coak ley, M .D .

Leuchet, le Marqu i s deLevi , DavidLev iLevizac

Lewi s, GeorgeGeorge Corn .

John 1 7, 7 1 ,

PercivalSamue l

L’Hospital (Chancel ier de France)Lhuyd, EdwardL ich tenberger, J . F .

Licquet , TheodoreL ightfoo t, John, D .D.

L i l ius , GeorgiusLi l ly, Wi l l iam 20, 39, 81 ,L inat iLINCOLN SH IRE 1 23, 1 24

L ind, JohnL indsey, Rev . Theoph i lusL ingard, John, D .D.

L inguet, S imon N ic. H

L innaeus, CharlesL

Isle, Wi l l iamL i ster, Martin 1 54




L ithgow , William 203


Lit tlehales, Rev . R ichard 76

LITURGIES 36, 73, 74 , 75 , 1 64 , 1 87Livius, Ti tu s 1 25 , 1 90

Li vius, T itus, Foro -Juliensis 57

L lewe lyn, Thomas , D .D. 2 1 1

Llo id v. L loyd, Lodowicke 43, 1 25

L loyd, David 2 1

Genera l 1 36

L . 89

PAG EL loyd, Wi l l iam (B i shop ofSt . Asaph ) 7 1

Lobo , Jerome 1

Loccenius, Joannes 1 85

Lo cke, John 1 25

Lo cker, E . H . 1 93

Lo ckhart, E . 1 47

George (ofCarnwath) 1 86

Lockman , John 1 9, 204

Lodge, Edmund 22 , 58

John 1 4 7

Loéve-Veimars, A. 93

Logan, W. M . 1 34

Rev . John 1 9 1

Loggan, David 24 , 1 5 2


Lo l l i, G iambattista 31


Long, H . L . 99

J . 4

Roger, D .D . 1 1

Thomas, B.D 28, 1 77

Lopez, Ruy 31 , 32

Lord, Henry 1 09

Lorimer, John , M .D. 55


Loskiel, Geo . Hen . 1 40


S imon , Lord 1 27

Lowhen , Baron von 1 45

Lowman, Mo ses 1 1 4 , 1 73

Lowndes, Wi l l iam 1 8, 2 1 8

Low th , Robert (B i shop ofLondon) 63

Wi l l iam,D.D 1 7

Lowthorp, John 1 25

Luard, John 1 09

Lucena 31

Lucian (ofSamosata) 1 27

Luckombe, Ph i l i p 1 72

Luders, Alexander 60

Ludlam , Rev . Wi l l iam 1 33

Ludlow , Edmund 28, 1 27

Ludo l f, H . W. 1 82

Ludo lphus, Job 1

Luitprand (B i shop ofCremona) 92

Lum isden , Andrew 1 80

Lupton, Donald 6

Lupus, F . C. 1 5

Luther, Martin 1 00 , 1 1 6, 1 27. 1 62


Lyal l , Robert , M .D. 1 83

Lye, Edward 7

Mab illon, JohannesMably ( l


Macartney, George, Earl ofMacaulay, Rev. KennethMacch iavel l i , N ic .

Maccul lo ch , John , M .D .

Mackenz ie, S ir GeorgeMackinto sh , Donald

S ir JamesMaclaurin , Co l inMacpherson, David

JamesJohn , D.D.

Madox, ThomasMafiei, Francesco Scip ioneMAGAZ IN ESMAGICMagnan, Domin i cusMAGN ETISM


PAGE1 1 0

1 02

66, 67

1 28

4 2



Mai l let, Beno i t deMailros, Chron ica deMaimbourg, Loui sMaimonides, Mo sesMaitland, Rev . S . R .

Wi lliamMajor, John

ThomasMALABARMalco lm, James Pe l lerMalcolme, DavidMalevi l leMal let, G i l les

P . H .

Mal l ing, OveMalmesburiensis, Wi l l iam

(Anonymus)Malone , EdmundMALTAMalte-Brun, ConradMal thus , Rev . T. R .

Malton, ThomasMameranus, N i co las



1 28, 1 68

1 1 5


1 26, 1 89

1 86

1 4 2

1 4

2 1 ,

56, 57

Lysons, Samue lS . and D.



Manby, Peter (Dean ofDerry)Mandevi l le, Jean deMandrin , Lou i sManethoMangey, Thomas, D .D .

Mann, JohnMan sfie ld, Edward D.

Mante l], G .

Manwaring, Rev. Edw .

Manwood, JohnMAPS

Marc G i lbert, de VarennesMarchand, Pro sperMarco Po loMarcort, AnthonyMarcus , Mo sesMardou , B

Marechal, et De la LandeMarechal, BernardusMaresius

,Samue l

Margan, Annales deMariana, JohnMarianus, An dreasMarlborough , Sarah , Duchess ofMarleMARMYUN FAMILYMARRIAGE


Marryat, ThomasMarsh , Herbert (B i shop ofPeterborough) .

Marshal l, JohnMarsh lins, C. U .

Marsollier ( l’

Abbé)Marten , An thonieMartene, Edmundas

Charles, Baron deFrederi cGeo . Fred.

Mart ial i s, Mar. Val .

Martin , GeorgeGregoireJohn

1 31

1 6 1


1 79


1 0

1 6

1 95



9 1 , 92

. 1 0 1


1 1 6


1 4


1 68


1 93

1 81

1 31


1 31

1 31

1 35

2 1 7

1 4 2

1 55

1 99


4 9


1 1 8

1 31

1 89

1 6 1

1 9


Mo leMo l iere , Jean Bapt . .

Mo l i tori s, UlricusMo lyneux, Tho s . , M .D .



Monmouth , GeoffryMONMOUTHSH IRE

Monstrelet, Enguerrand de

Montagu, EdwardWort leyE l iza

Montaigne, M iche l deMontesqu ieu, Charles Secondat deMontfaucon, le Pere Bernard .


Moor, EdwardMoore, George

John, M .D.

ThomasMooreMORAL PH ILOSOPHYMORAVIAN SMoraw sk i , JoannesMore, Henry, D .D .

Thorn . de la

ThomasS ir Thomas

Moreau, Jean V ictorMorer, Rev . ThomasM ores , Edward RoweMoreton, AndrewMorgan, Sylvanus

Wm .

Morhofius, D . G .

Morin, Luc

Morinus, JoannesMorlent, J .

N amur, M . P.

N apier, John ( lord ofMerchiston)N apione, Gianf. Galeani



N ardin i , FamianoN ares, Rev . Edw .

RobertN asm ith , JamesNATURAL H I STORY

MORMON ( the Book of)M orri son , RobertMorsan, le FevreMorse, JedidiahMortimer, ThomasMoryson , Fynes


Mo ses, HenryM o sheim , John LaurentiusMo ss, W. G .

Mouette, G .

Moule, Thomas‘

M oxon, Jo sephMoyses, Davi dMozart, Wo l fgang A .

Mudie, A lexanderMUMM IESMunday, AnthonyMundleheim, N ebridius

Marau l tMurch , JeromMuret, N .

Murphy, JamesMurray , A lexander

HughJ ohnL in dley


MUSEUM , THE BR ITISHMusgrave, S ir R i chard

SamuelMUS IC AN D MUS ICIAN SMussardus, PetrusMyers, ThomasMyreen , Caro lusMYTHOLOGY


N audaeus, Gabrie l 1 29

N aunton, S ir Robert 59, 1 99


&c . 1 43, 1 4 4

N aylor, S ir George 4 4

N eal , Dan ie l 1 77

N eale, John Preston 67

N ef, Rev . Fel ix 1 44

N e i l l , Patri ck 1 89


P AG EN e lson , Robert

Horatio , V i scountN emnich , P. H .

N enn ius

N ETHERLANDS 1 44 , 1 4

N ett les , Samue lN eubrigensis, Gulielmus

N eve, T imo thy, D .D .

N ew come, Rev . PeterWi l l iam (Archbp . ofArmagh)

N ew ton, S ir I saac 1 7 , 1 04 , 1 33, 1 4 5

Tho s . (Bp. ofBri sto l ) 2 1 , 1 37, 1 72

Rev. Wi ll iam 7 5 ,

N ibby, An ton io 1 1 2 , 1

N icephoras

N icetasN icho l s , John 20, 65 , 1 66, 1 7 1

Wm . , D .D .

N i cho l son , JohnPeter

N i co las , S ir N . H . 98, 1 00, 1 04 , 1 46, 1 75 , 1 86

N i co laus, OlahusN i co l so n, Wm . (Bp. ofCarl i s le)N iebuhr, Carsten

PAG EN iebuhr, B . G . 1 03

N igronus, Jul. 1 0

N isbet, Alexander 1 02

N itard ( Petit Fi l s de l’

Empr. Charlemagne) 92

N OB ILITY 1 4 5 - 1 48

N oble, Rev . Mark 4 5 , 1 26, 1 95

Samuel 5 2

N oe, Fra 204

N oe l, F. , et Carpent ier 4 9

N oel , Franco i s 1 23

N oguer, Jacques 1 6!N orden , Fred . Lew i s 54


N ORMANDY AND THE NORMAN SN orth , Hon . Roger 2 1



N orvin s 23

N ORWAY 4 7 , 48

N o stradamus , M i chel 1 50 , 1 5 1 , 206


N oy , S irWm . 60


ORKN EY ISLANDSOrlofi ( le Comte Grégo ire)Orosius, Pau lusOrrery, Earl ofOrus Apo l loOsborne, FrancisOsburn , Wi ll iamOSS IANOttho , Johannes HenricusOttley, Wm . YoungOtto


OTTOMAN EMPIREOultremain, Pierre d ’

Outram , Wi l l iamOuvarofl

Ouvrard,G . J .

Overbeke, Bonaven tura.

Overbury, S ir ThomasOverton, JohnOwen , Charles

H .



Pachymerus, GeorgiusPacomePaddison, R i chardPaepp, JoannesPAGAN I SM .

Paine, ThomasPAINTERS , PAIN TING, &c.

Palatins , JoannesPALESTIN EPaley, Wm .

, D .D .

Palgrave, Franci sPal ladio , AndreaPal las , P . S .

Palmer, C . J .

E l ihuSamuelRev . Samue lRev. Wm .

Pancirollus, GuidoPanckoucke, A . J .

Jo sephPantaleone, Henricus


PARADI SE , TERRESTRIAL ( the S ituationof)

PAR I S, THE CITYOF, and i ts V ic in ityPari s, Matthaeus

D iacre deParker, Matthew (Abp. ofCanterbury)Parkhurwst Rev . JohnParkin, Rev . CharlesParkinson, JamesPARLIAMEN T, EN GLANDParnel , S ir HenryParr, Rev . Samuel, LL .D .

Parry, Franci sJ . D .

J . H .

Parsons, Robert (a Jesu it)Paruta, Fil ippoPash ley , RobertPassi , Pietro (Cam aldn . Monk )Patenson (Father Matthew )Patin , CharlesPatrick, John, D.D .

Patrick ( S t .)

1 53

1 54

5 7

1 54

68, 1 5 4

96, 99

1 04


1 54

1 1 0

1 54

4 1

1 5

2 1 0

55 , 7 1

4 1


1 29

1 6 1


1 66

1 84

PAGEPatten , Robert 1 70

Pau lus Jovius 68, 80, 1 0 1

Pausan ias 1 54

Paxton, James 1 76

Peacliam, Henry 1 4 5

Pearce, Zachary (Bp. ofRochester) 2 1

Pearson , John (Bp. ofChester) 37

Peck , Rev . Franci s 60

Peckard, Peter, D .D . 82

PEERAGE 1 4 5 - 1 48

Peggs , Samue l 63

Rev . Samuel, LL.D. 4 2 , 62 , 63, 67 , 1 1 9,

1 94 , 2 1 1

Peignot , Gabrie l 1 8, 1 9, 25 , 33, 4 7, 4 9, 78, 87 ,

1 2 1 , 2 1 2

Pe irce, Rev . James 36

Peleu s, Ju l ianus 1 31


Pel i sson , Fontan ier Pau l 1 25

Pemberton , Henry, M .D . 1 33

Pembroke, Thomas (Earl of) 4 2

Penn , Wm . 1 34 , 1 74

Pennant, Thomas 67 , 1 26 , 1 54 , 1 89, 2 1 0h

Pepys, Samuel 1 54

Perceva l , Hon . and Rev . A . P . 36

Percy, Thomas (Bp. ofDromore) 1 5 7

Wm . 90

Perefixe (Hardou in de Beaumont de) 84

Peretti 1 1 3

Perier (Padre Alessandro) 1 00

Perizonius, Jacobus 8

Perl in , Estienne 67

Perrin , Jean Pau l 2

Perro tt, A . M . 1 47

PERSECUTION 1 54 , 1 55


Persiu s 1 1 9

Person , David 1 55

Perucc i, Francesco 1 77

Peter the Great 1 82

Peters , Hugh 81

Petra- Sancta, S i lvester 1 0 1

Petrarcha, Francesco 1 55

Petrus Blesensis 57Petrus (Coenobii Va l l i s S arnensis) 2

Pett igrew , T. J M .D . 1 9, 1 40


PAGEPownal , Thomas 8


Preston,R ichard 6 1

Wi l l iam 1 90


Price, John, D .D . 39, 1 03

Rev . T.1 55

Uvedale 91

Prideaux, Humphrey, D .D . 1 1 , 1 06, 1 98

Priestley , Rev . Jo seph , LL.D.



Prince, JohnPRIN TIN G


Quatremére de Qu in cy 1 2

Quinctilian 1 74

Rabe, CastenRabela is, Franco i sRacine, JeanRadcliffe, John, M .D.

Radulphus de Diceto

Radz ivil, Prince N . C.

Rae, Rev . PeterRa legh , S ir Wal terRameau, Jean Phi l .Rame l l i , Ago stinoRamesiensis, AnonymusRamsay, David, M .D .

Ramus, JonasRamusio , Gio . BattRank ing, JohnRaou l -Ro chett eRapin , Pau l de ThoyrasRapp, Jean (Général)Rash le igh , Ph i l i pRaspe , R . E .

Rasponi, R inaldoRastell, John

Qu intinus, Hee duus

Qu intus Curtiu s


Pro copiusPROPHEC IES, Jew i sh

Expos itions thereofPROVERBS

Prudhomme, L .

Pryce, Wi l l iamPrynne, Wi l l iamPsalmanazar, GeorgePto lomaeus, Alexandrinu sPufiendorf, SamuelPugin , A . WelbyPugin and Le Keux

Pulteney, R i chard, M .D.

Puttenham , GeorgePye, CharlesPYRAM IDS

Ratclifl“, CharlesRattram al. BertramRaw l inson , R i chard, LL.D .

Ray , JamesJohn , F .R .S .

Rayna l (I’


Rayner, SRead, JohnREBELLION S OF 1 7 1 5 AN D

Rechenberg, AdamRECORDS , REGISTERS, &c .

Reddie , JohnRedding, Cyru sRees, Rev . R i ceReeve, Rev . Jo sephReeves, John

Wi l l iamREGIC IDESRe ichardRe i d, Thomas, LL.D .

Wm . HamiltonRe inhard and Leggy


PAG EReland, Hadrian . . 8, 1 1 , 1 1 4


Works in support ofand against 1 7 5 , 1 76

RELIGION S, RELIGIOUS CEREMON IES,Re l ig ious Sects and Creeds 1 76- 1 78

RELIGIOUS RELICSRenaudot, EusebiusRenaudot and Le BrunRenne l l, James

Thomas, B.D .

Renn ie, JamesJohn

Repton, Hum phreyRethy, AndrewRey, J . (Avocat aGrenob le)Reyno lds, George

S ir Jo shuaRHETORIC


Ribadeneira, PeterRicaut, Pau lRicardus Corinens is

Ricardus Divisiensis

Ricardus, Prior HagustaldensisR i cci, Lorenzo ( last General of the Order of

m . Jesu i ts)R i ch , Claudius JamesR ICHARD I I I . OF EN GLANDRicharderie, Boucher de laR ichards, T homas

Wi l l iamR i chardson, Charles

JonathanJohnR .

Samue lRicheome, LouisRichlieu (Cardinal)R ickman, Thomas

Thomas Cl ioRicoldus, F.

R iddel l, JohnR iddle, J . E .

R idpath , Rev . Geo .

Rievallensis, Ai lredus

Rimius, HenryRipaud, L . M .

Rishanger, Wi l l iam deR i tch ie, Thomas EdwardR ive ( l

Abbe Jean Joseph)

P AGERizio, David 1 86


Roberts, Samue l 94

T. 90

Robertson, Abram 20 1

Davi d 1 31

Jo seph 1 09

Wi l l iam 96, 1 4 7

Wi l l iam, D .D. 3, 29, 1 08, 1 86

Robinson , John (B i shop ofLondon) 1 96

P. F 67

Rev . Robert (ofCambridge) . 34 , 37

Thomas 6 1

Will iam 1 36

Robison, John 1 90

Roccha, Ange lo 1 81

Rochester, John, Earl of 1 79

Rock, Rev . Dan iel 1 63

Rogers, Rev. Thomas 75

RogerusWendoverus 5 7

Ro l l in, Charles 4 1 , 1 05 , 1 79

ROMAN H I STORY AND AN TIQU ITIES,Republ i c and Empire 1 79, 1 80


ROMAN I SM 1 59- 1 67r 2 1 9


VOLUTION S OF 1 1 1 - 1 1 3, 1 67

ROME , TOPOGRAPHY OF 1 80 , 1 81

COURT OF, Re l igious Ceremon ies,Manners, &c.

Romoaldus ScotusRoo ke, S ir George

HaymanRo quefort, Flamericourt , B . de

Jean -Bapt .Roquelaure, le Due deRorarius , H ieronymusRo scoe, WilliamRo senbergRoss, HughRo ssi .— S ee De Ro ssi .Ro sso , G iu l io RaviglioRossus, JoannesRo ttiers, B . E . A.

Rousseau, Jean JacquesRowe, R . J .

Row lands, Rev . HenryRozetRubenus, AlbertusRubeus , H ieronymus

Joh . Bapt .

Rucca, G iacomoRuddiman , ThomasRuding, Rev . RogersRuffhead, Owen

Ruggle, GeorgeRusca, Anton ioRUSSELL FAM ILYRussell , Alexander, M .D .

John Ful lerM ichael

Saabye, H . E .

Sachevere ll , Wi l l iamSaint -Edme

M . B .

Saint-EvremondSt . George, le Cheva l ier deSt . MarcS t . Rea lS t . S imon, le Due de

Sainte-Cro ixSainte-PalayeSAINTS AN D MARTYRS

Salchli, Jean JacquesSale, GeorgeSallustius, C. CrispusSalmasius (Monsieur Claude Saumaise)Salmon, Thomas

Wi l l iam, M .D .

Salomon, Ben V irgaDr. Go ttho ld

Sal t, HenrySalvio , AlessandroSalvo , V incenzio

Samuel , Rev . JacobSanconiatho

Sandby, Paul , R .A.

Sanders, J . B .

N ico lasSanderson , R ichard Burdon

Wi l l iamSandford, Franc isS andinus

,Anton ius

Sandoval , Prudencio deSandys, GeorgeSantagnel lo , M .

San tander, de la SernaSARACEN S



1 31

1 4 2


1 79

1 70

1 1 1



40, 1 4 1

89, 1 47 , 206

1 84

5 1

1 1

1 85 , 1 90

1 0 , 28

1 35

1 1 4

1 1 5


1 1 7

1 94


1 73

1 86

1 67


1 1 3

1 7 1

1 1 , 1 2



Russel l , Wi l l iamRUSSIAN EMPIRE

Ruthen , LordRutherford, Wi l l iamRUTLANDSH IRE

Rutter, JohnRyan, R i chardRymer, ThomasRyves, Bruno



Sarjeant, JohnSarp i (Fra-Pao lo)Sarratt, J . H .

Sauvage, l’Abbé deSavage, James

J .

Savary, N ico lasS avérien,

A lexandreSavi le, S ir HenrySAVOY

Saxo Grammaticus

Sca l iger, J0 5 . Just.SCANDINAVIA, M i scel laneous Works re

lating theretoScatcherd, N orrisson

S ch efl'

er, JohnS ch euchzer, Joh . Jac .

S cheurl, Joh . Caro lusSchmeizel, MartinSchmucker, S . S .

S chnebbelie, JacobSchoel l, FredericSchoepflin , Joh . Dan .

Sch ott, GasparSchre iber, Alo i sS chrevelius, C .

S chroeer, PetrusSchroek





1 87,

1 88,

1 88

1 88

1 89


PAG ESmith , Samuel Stanhope, D.D . 1 30

Thomas 53, 65 , 97, 207

S ir Thomas 60, 1 09, 1 88, 1 92

Wi l l iam 40, 2 1 1

Smo l lett, Tobias 83

Smyth , Captain W. H. 1 4 2, 1 85

Wm. (Pro f. ofMod. H i st Camb .) 81 , 85

Snel l ing, Thomas 4 1

Soames, Rev . Henry 7, 70

Soane, S ir John 1 27

Soave 82


S o lerius, AnselmS olinus, Ju l iusSolwyns, F . BalthazarSomers, John, LordSOMERSETSHIRE

Somner, Wi l l iamSonnet, Mart inSorb iére, SamuelS oulavie (l


G iraud)Southey, RobertSouthouse, ThomasSowerby, JamesSPAIN AN D PORTUGAL, H I STORY, TO



Spal lanzan i , LazzaroSpanheim, Ezech iel



Speed, JohnSpelman, S ir Henry

S ir JohnSpencer, Hon . and Rev . George

JohnSpence, JosephSpenerus, J . P.

Spineto ( il Marchese)Spizelius, Theoph i lusSpon, JacobusSPORTS

Spo tswo od (Abp. ofSt . Andrew ’s)Spo tti swoode , JohnSprat, Thomas (Bp. ofRo chester)Squire, Samuel (Bp. ofSt . David’ s)S tace, Machell

Stackhouse, ThomasS tadelius, S ebastianus

PAGES taehlin, J. 1 82

S tafi'

ord, Wi l l iam, V i scount 1 94


Stalker, John 1 4

S tamma, Phi l ip 31

Stanhope, George 73

S tanihurst , R ichard 1 84

Stan ley, Thomas 79

S irWm . 1 94

Stap leton , Thomas 20, 1 60

S tate Papers, Henry VI I I . 59

S taunford, S irWm. 6 1

S taunton, S ir Geo . 1 28

Stave ley, Thomas 60, 69, 1 65

S tearne, John, D.D . 75

Stee le, S ir R ichard 1 63

S tehelin, Rev . J . P. 1 1 5

S tein, E 31

_S te lla, John 1 67Steuart, S ir Henry 90

S ir James 1 94

Wal ter (ofPurdivan) 1 88

S tevens, Geo . Alex. 82

S tevenson , Wm. 202

STEWART FAM I LY 1 94 , 1 95

S tewart, Andrew 1 94

Dugald 80

S tillingfleet , Edward (Bp. ofWorcester) 68

Stirl ing ( titu lar Earl of) 1 4 7

S tockdale, F . W. L . 43

S toever, D . H . 1 24

S torer, James 2 1 5

.S_torr and Flatt 50

Stothard, Anna E l iza 1 48

Charles A. 66

S tow , John 58, 1 26

Strabo 1 95

Strada, Famianus 1 32, 1 44

Octavius de 92

S trah lenberg, Ph i l i p John 1 82

S trutt, Jacob George 90

Jo seph 63, 77S truvius, Bur. Got .

Struys, John . 204

Strype, Rev . John 1 4 , 29, 4 5 , 69, 2 1 1

STUART FAM ILY 1 94 , 1 95

Stuart, G i lbert 80

James 204

S tuart and Revett 97

Stubbe, Henry 96

S tubbes, Ph i l ip 79


P AG EStubbs, Thomas 5 7

S tukeley, Wm M .D . 65 , 1 04 , 2 1 2

Sturges, John (Prebendary ofWinchester) 1 67

S turleson, Snorro 4 7

Sueton ius 1 90, 1 95


Sul l ivan , Franc i s S . 6 1

Su l ly, Max. (Due . de) 84


Surtees, Robert 53

SUSSEX 1 95 , 1 96

Sutherland, Alexander 5 5

Taboada, G . C .

Tacitus , C. Corn .

Tai t, GeorgeTanner, Bernhard

Thomas (Bp. ofS t. Asaph) 1 9, 66

Tardieu , Ain bro iseTarver, J . C.

Tasso , To rquatoTATARS

Tavern ier, B . J . Bapt .Tayler, ThomasTaylor, Arthur

EdgarJohn, LL.D.

Jo sephW. C.

TaylorTegan (Cor. Eveque de Treves)Temple, S irWi l l iamTenhove, N i co lasTerenceTerneaux, H .

Tertu l l ian, Q . Sept .TESTAMEN T, OLD AND N EWThayer, Rev . JohnTheOpbylact

Théveno t , M el ch i sedechTheyls, W.

Th icknesse, Ph i l i pTh iers , Jean Bapt.THIEVES

Thomas, ElyensisThomas

(a French Painter)I saiah (ofN orth America) .

Swan, C.


LAN GUAGE OFSw i ft, Jonathan , D .D.

Sw inburne , HenrySw inden , Rev . TobiasSWITZERLANDSykes , Arthur Ash ley, D.D.

Sylvius, fEneas (Pope PiusSymonds, John, LL.D.


Thompson , Wm.

W. H .

Thomson, GeorgeJamesJohnJohn Lew i s (ofPh i ladel ph ia)R i chardThomasThomas , M .D.

Thoresby , RalphThorn, Gulielmus

Rev. Wi l l iamThorndike, Herbert, D.D.

Thorpe, John , M .D.

Throsby, JohnThuanus (De Thou)ThucydidesThulemar, Henricus GunteriusThunberg, Carl . Pet .Thura, A lbertusTierney , Rev . M . A .

Ti l l , Wi l l iamTilius , Jo


Timperley, C . H .

T indal , N icho las , D.D.

Tinda l l , Matthew , D .D.

Tiraboschi, G iro lamoTiregale, P . R ichand deTITHES


Toderini, l’

Abbate G iambatti s taTo land , JohnTo llius, Cornel ius


PAG ETomai, Tomasio 1 1 2

Tomas i , Tomaso 1 68

Tomas ini , J . P .1 5 5

Tomline, G . Pretyman (Bp. ofWinchester) 1 , 50

Tooke, John Horne 1 2 1 , 1 98

Wi l l iam 1 81

Tooker, Wm 1 20

Toplady, Rev . Augustus 1 98



N EOUS ) 1 98

T0ppeltinus, Laurentius 1 07

Torfaeus, Thermodus 4 7, 97

Totti , Pompi l io 20, 1 80

To tt ie, John, D .D. 76

Tou lmin, George Hoggart , M .D. 30

Toulongeon ( le V icomte Franco is Emm. de) 85

Tou lotte et R iva 1 36

Tournefort, Jos. P. 97

Tovey, D ’

Blossiers 1 1 4

Towers, Jo seph , LL.D 89

Towgood, Rev . M ichaiah 73

Town ley, James, D.D. 1 1 5

Townsend, Rev . Geo . 1 98

Rev . Jo seph 1 93

Townson, Robert 1 07, 1 43

Tozetti, G iov. Targioni 207

TRACTS 1 99-202


TRADE 1 58

TRADES 1 3, 1 4

TRAN SYLVAN IA 1 06, 1 07



Travis, Rev . Geo . 1 7


1 32



1 0 1





Ure, Andrew , M .D.

Urquhart, S ir ThomasUrsatus, S f rtorius

Usher, Jas . (Abp. ofArmagh)

Val k, GerardVal la, Laurent iusVallancey,

“CharlesValpy, F. E . J .

P AGETREES 90 , 91

Trench , Co lone l Fred.Wm. 1 27



Trivet, N i co las 57

Tro l lope, Rev. Wm. 1 26


Troutbeck , John 43Trusler, John . 1 04

Tuke, Henry . 1 74

TURKISH EMPIRE 206, 2075 2 1 9 .

Turlerus, Hieronymus 202

Turner, Daw son 1 48

Robert 1 32, bis

Samue l 205

Sharon 7, 58

Wi l l iam 1 76

Wi l l iam, M .D. (aliasWraghton) 72, 1 64

Tum or, Lew i s 1 04

Turpinus, Joannes (Archiep. Remensis) 92

Tursellinus, Horat iu s 1 22

Turton, Thomas, D.D . 1 8

TUSCANY 207, 208

Tw in ing, Henri 4 7

Tw i ss, R ichard 31

Twysden, S ir Roger 23, 57, 70

Tychsen , Olaus Ger. 40

Tyndale, Wi l l iam 2 1 7


Typotus, Jacobus 1 0 1

Tytler, Alex. Fraser 1 05 , 1 55 , 208

P. F . 1 74

Robert 208

Wi l l iam 1 32

Warren, GeorgeVVarrington,

Rev . W.

Warton, Jo seph , D .D.

Rev . Thomas, B.D.


Wash ington ,George (Pres . U . S . )


aterland, Dan iel , D .D .


WATERWORKSWatk ins, CharlesWatson , Rev . John 1 91 , 2 1 1

R ichard (B i shop ofLlandafi‘

) 1 76,

RobertWatt , Robert, M .D .

Watts , I saac, D.D .

Joshua, D .D .


Waverliensis AnnalesWeaver, J ohnWebb , John 32, 96,

Jos iahWeber, Immanue lWebster, N oah

Weever, JohnVVeismann, Chri st . EberWelch , W.

VVelchman, Rev . EdwardWeldon, S ir AnthonyWendler, J . C.

Wenefrede, St .V


erenfels, Samuel, D.D .

Werner, A . Go ttlobWessel ing , PetrusWest, Rd . (Lord Chance l lor ofIreland)


Rev. Stephen 1 81

Rev .Wi l l iam 1 38

Wharton, Henry (alias Anthony Harmer) 69, 70

Wh eatley, Rev . CharlesWheaton, HenryWheeler, R . BWh i ston, Rev . Wm . 1 0, 30, 37, 40, 1 38, 1 50, 2 1 1

Wh itaker, Rev . John 60, 99

T. D . 1 70, 2 1 4

Whi te, A lexanderCharlesRev . G i lbertJo seph , D .D.

Wh itehurst, John

Wh iter, Rev . Wal terWh itelocke, Bul strodeWh i tgift, John (Abp. ofCanterbury)Whittel, JohnWh ittington, Rev . G . D .

Wh i tworth , LordWic l if, JohnWitfen, J . H .

Wikes , ThomasWi lberforce, Wi l l iamWi lbraham , RogerWilcocks, Jo sephWild, CharlesWi ldenow , D. C.

Wi l k ins, DavidWi l l iamWm . (B i shop ofChes ter)

Wilk in son , Rev . Jo sephJ . G .

RobertWillement , ThomasWillemin, N i co las XavierWillelmus Bo toner (dict. de Worcestre)

Wi l let, RalphWILLIAM 1 1 1 . OF EN GLANDWi l l iams , Charles Wye

Rev . Dan ie lRev . DavidGeorgeJohn, LL .D.

ThomasWal terWi l l iam

Wi l l iamson , ThomasWi l l i s, John


Wi l son, ArthurWi l ton,

Rev . Samue lWILTSH IREWindi sch , Charles Go ttl. deWIN ES AND VIN EYARDSWingate, EdmundWinckelmann , John Joach imWinstan ley, Wi l l iamWi se, Francis , B .D

Wi seman, S ir RobertWITCHCRAFTWi th ers, W.

Wi therspoon , Rev . John, D.D .

Wix, Rev . Samuel

pa s s

1 96

2 1 1

2 1 2

1 3

1 82

1 81

5 6

5 0


1 79

2 1 3

1 43

7 1

1 4 2



1 26

1 02



1 7 1

2 1 2

1 1 1




6 1

1 52


1 38

1 3

2 1 2




2 1 2

1 34

2 1 2



2 1 , 39

1 1 8


5 1


Wodrow, RobertWo lf, Joh . Chri st .Wo l laston, Wm.

Wo l sey, Thomas (Cardinal)WOMANWoo d, Auth . a

JohnJ . Phi l ipWm.

ThomasWoodburnsWoodeson , R ichard


VVoolnoth , Wi ll iamWORCESTERSH IREWormius , Olaus


Yarranton, AndrewYatman , MatthewYork , James (B lacksmith)Yorke, Ph i l i p

Ph i l ip (Lord Chancel lor)

Z abbaglia, N i co laZ abboarda, G iov . Batt .Zan i , P ietroZarate, AugustinoZ immermann, John Geo . , M .D.

25 7

R i chard

2 1 4 Xeres, John


55 Young, Rev . George1 4 5 John, LL.D .

2 1 0 Thomas6 1

56 Z immermann, Joh . Jac .

1 5 5 Z iradini, Antonio

77 Z oega, George3 Zoroaster

2 1 5 Zouch , R ichard



Great v S treet , Fe tter Lane .

Worsley , Right Hon. S ir

Wotton, S ir Edw .

S ir HenryWm ., D.D .

VVraghton (alias Turner)Wraxal l , S ir N .WWren , S ir Chri stopherWright, Andrew

JamesS ir Martin

WRITIN GWynne, Rev . R ichard

E dwardWyttenbach


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