DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyright, 1907. by the Prank Queen Pabllahlng Company (Limited) Foundad by FRANK QUEEN, 1853. JSTEW YORK, JUNK 1, 1907. VOLUME LV.-No.1S. Prloa, 10CanU.

Clipper (June 1907)

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Copyright, 1907. by the Prank Queen Pabllahlng Company (Limited)

Foundad by

FRANK QUEEN, 1853. JSTEW YORK, JUNK 1, 1907. VOLUME LV.-No.1S.Prloa, 10CanU.


m w > lr,T' ' on his part to marry her. When the tcrmlna-

fMTCC I [T5T)PT* SIllon ot her *tenogntpblc services occurred,

1 **JJ V» 1 1 J ,he ttere'ore brought suit for breach of

promise. ThD person serving the notice called

while be wai absent from the office, and onhla return hla quiet partner Informed him of

ST1GE FOLK Slid SOfflCtiniCS OTHERS dampening' effect on his usual self-sufflclenoy.

"I'm sorry to tell you, old man," aald hla


_ Peorlaw—At the Grand. Blanche Walah,„.,.._, , \ . » »„ In "The Straight Road," Mar 16, playe* toOur theatrical correspondents are hereby capacity. "Down In Wile" (local, ik, Bthel

notified • that the credcntialt note held by ' Barrymore 27.


them tc„l expire on June 1. They art re-

queued to return them to (Ate offlce at once,

for renewal for BOJ-ttOB.


Jilnnle Dupree'a height li Ave feet two

Incuea, and thla dimension of the clever

little woman waa used by her manager a aa

• basis for an attractive bit of advertising

for "The Boad to Yesterday," that exceed-

ingly novel play, which haa held Broadway

boards since New Year's Eve, with the ex-

ception of a week In Brooklyn.

The management advertised an invitation

to the matinee to aee "The Little Olrl Who

partner, "that your former atenographer la

about to bring eult against you for undueencouragement aa to the matter of your mar-rying her."

"You don't aay to I" gained the other, then,

after a moment's thought, he meekly added,

"well, I don't aee but what we'll have to take

care of the case." And since that episode he

haa more often verbally Included hla partner

In the business.

A story, said to be true but not really

vouched for by the two moat concerned, la

Hew Vaudeville Theatre.The Grand, at Homestead, Pa., a magnfi-

cent new pay house, opened its doors to theEubHc on Monday evening, Hay 20. Theouae Is finely located, In the business sec-

tion of the city, and Is owned by J. WilliamBarnes and Dr. Wm. Doyle. Percy Walling,late loading man of the "Buster Brown" Co.,is the general manager, and Harry Whitelooks after the stage. The orchestra la incharge of Prof, Adolph Herman. The newhouse waa designed and constructed underthe supervision of an Ivastern architect, whocarried out his commission admirably. Thefront of the house and the lobby are finishedIn white marble, while the interior Is doneIn red, white and gold. The management isto be commended for Its effort and public

Majestic (Earl J. Karm, resident mana-ger).—Llvlngstoao Stock Co., In "Which la

Who?" 1D-20, pleased.Main Stbklt (Davls-Cburchlll Circuit,

managers).—The vaudeville season closed 20.

The house . Is dark this week, but re-openswith the Poycen Stock Co. on June 2.

Wbart'b (C. F. Bartson, manager).—Bill

week of 20 : Grace Anderson, Held and Dun-ham. Burt M. Jack, Crtt and Bose Jcssee,

Don and Mac Gordon, and moving pictures.

. Star (H. Walter Van Dyke, manager).

The stock company, In "struck Gas," last

week.Stoke Hii.t. Garden (Frank Grave, mana-

Ser).—"Under the Harbor Lights" was given

y the stock company last week.Aibdomb (Jim Bough Amuse. Co., mana-

gers).—This resort opened 10, with the stockcompany, In "Woman Against Woman."

VIBOINIA BEACH (Frank A. Helneko, man-seer).—Week of 20: Williams and Healy,and Illustrated songs.

At, Fbesco Park (Vernon C. Beaver, man'

Couldn't Wake Up," Mlai Dupree. However,

there waa a provision attached ther-^o, and

this waa : All ladlei were to be admitted free, t0 |d ot Paul Armstrong and Nat C. Goodwin. fPP'f, '


1 ' " evidenced by the "hundreds of ag^ opened 18*"end buslneMhas been good!

provided the, were twenty or more year, of Arm(rtrong wrote, strong one act play, which ^Zo^ltf^^L^ylli^ MEfiSSnTt*""***' I"D°' ""^

age, and the aame height, or under, that of was presented with the greatest success by is the policy of the house, and a strong bill vSrrl-_lJvlni«tone Stock Co closed Its

Ml» Dupree. Goodwin at either a "gambol" or a benefit was presented as the opening attraction. The * ±°-.S.K

Prank WlUtach avera that out of the four performance. At all events, the comedian opening bill Included: The Manhattan Comedy

hundred applicant, that submitted to the waa ..Id to have paid the playwright |260 EfeSaSS^L^OTStape measure, only two hundred and eighteen to hold the play for his use until a certain ToJbott. Marjorle Barrett, child performer,

were successful m holding themselves under fixed date, at the expiration of which It was

the limit Many of these accomplished the to revert to the author, and the amount paid

result by very low heeled shoes, low dressed to be forfeited by the actor,

hair, while some of the appllcanta for the The time arrived, and Armstrong received

and Arthur Dunlevy, In a monologue.

season at the Majestic, 25, and will play anengagement at Springfield. IB HarryKdman bas Joined the stock company atStone Hill Garden Frank B. Weston,who was resident manager at Main street,left for the Bast, 27 The managementof the Atrdome gave a supper to the local

newspapermen, 17 Manager Bartsonhas postponed his barlesque opening until 27,

.._'.._. «» th. thoatro Avon went so far as an offcr 'or nl " property, which Goodwin bad Golden West,'* No. 2 company, Is at her homecourtesy of the theatre *™™tB0 ™"

„ot used according to agreement. The author J"Cincinnati. 0.. sufferTrTg from a serious

to shrink their height by stooping, many a»-u___ „*»,,. ZtZZZ ...ai . .«m throat affection, and has canceled all her en-

miss, In a borrowed long skirt, yet in her »*nt a telegram to the player, reading: "Time gngements.

early teens, has on her conscience—those who

possess one—a little whits lie, declaring her

age to be more than twenty. At all events,

. the censors were not unkindly discriminating,

and pasted these eager ones within.

•Eddie Foy has not heretofore been ac-

credited with a knowledge of floriculture,

under which comes the floral title of his

latest Broadway success, "The Orchid." WU-

tach records how the comedian recently

astonished a friend with the apparent extent

of hla learning on the subject. The friend

had not yet seen the performance, ao, In his

reply to the question as to what "The

Orchid" waa, Foy, with a great show of

erudition, replied in a speech of the play


"Why, Its the easiest thing In the world

to explain, old man," he said, with an ex-

pressive Foy wave of hi. hand; "you see,

If. this way—If. a rare flower and a

beauty. It'e.an order of monocotyledoneous

herbs, a perennial tuber-bearing plant. They

almost alway. have boautlful, showy and

curiously Irregular flowers, with .Ixparted

perlanlte adnatc to tho one celled ovary, In-

numerable ovule, on thrce-parletal placenta),

and one or two quandrous stamens with the

pollen cohering"—this all In one breath.

Then, taking a second long Inspiration, Foy

waa about to go Into further explanations,

when his friend stopped him.

"For heaven', sake, Kddlc, quit I" he

gasped, atunned by the scientific heavy word-

ing ot the comedian's lines. "It's great I

but keep It qulot hore—we're not up to It-

wait 'till you get to Boston, where such

word, are common conversation."

9Conlan, the clever player, who»e lront

name Is Francis X., relate, a Barrymore

story which he beard at the club the other


Augustus Thomas, of great famo among

playwrights, and Barrymoro, were discussing

the name, of those great In the profession

of the latter. Booth and Barrett, of course,

wero placed high In the category, with Irving

and a host of other lessor, yet brilliant,

lights. Barrymore, with apparent pique at

his friend's omission of bis name among

these great ones, said


"Don't you consider me eligible to be

placed en tho list? Don't you consider me


"Well, I don't know," deliberated Thomas,

"you see. a man to bo a groat actor ahould

have experienced all .orta of Inten.o emo-

tions. Ho should go through deepest sorrow,

TOM MARKSIs pictured hore with his celebrated Irish bulldog, "Buster." Mr. Marks Is the nroDrietorand manager of tne Tom Marks Stock Co., which closed a season of sixty-two weeksMay 25, at Kingston, Ont. The same company have been engaged to open with him InAugust, playing Ontario and Michigan next season. When the company closes Mr Marks

Mary Hall Cancels Her Engagements

Deeatur.—At the Powers Grand (J. F.Given, manager) Billy Link's Vaudeville Co..

May 10-18 (return date), pleased eoodbouses. "The Magistrate," auspices Post K„T. P.. A., by our best local talent, 24, had afull bouse. The regular season for theGrand closed 18.

Bijou (A. Slgfrled, manager).—Week of20: Wells Bros., Jennings and Benfrcw,Dixie Hnrrls and her mamma, Paul Wltte,lledrix and Prcscott, and the Bljoudrome.lluslness was overflowing on account of theG. A. It. State encampment, 21:23.

Notes.—Nickelodeon (H. W. Ellis, mana-ger) had a big week 20-25 The Hud-son Sisters, Babe and Ola, amateur Juvenilesof much promise, joined Billy Link's Co.here, for a two weeks' trial engagementThe Bliou Company, as above, will appear atDreamland Park Theatre 20. The formalopening of the park, however, will not occuruntil June 2 Leonora Antoinette Allen,a pupil of Carols Loos-Tookcr, has signed acontract with the Consolidated Lyceum Co.,for one year, as a dramatic sopranoIlnmum it Bailey comes SO.

' s

Canton,—At the Grand (F. B. Powelson,manager) "Jerry from Kerry" pleased May18. "The Lion and the Mouse," 20, pockedthe house. This wee the closing play of thoseason. Manager Powelson Is deservlag ofgreat credit for the high class entertainmentgiven. The season has been profitable.

Di.tou i Hook & Powelson, managers).

Opening May 23, with : La Vera and Hebnrd,Minn straley, Lewis and Crossman, movingpictures and Illustrated songs.Notes.—The K. of P. Lodge Is making

great preparations for Its circus In June. Itstent, accommodating 8,000 people, has ar-rived The five cent Family Theatre con-tinues to please good houses. D. It. Capes,of Pontine, has purchased the theatre, andPhyllis Oordon will sing Illustrated songs.

I s

Alton.—At the Temple (W. M. Sauvage,manager) "A Poor Relation" closed the house,end Its own season May 10, with good busi-ness.Notes.—Rock 8prlngs Park will open In a

few weeks, with several new amusement de-vices and concessions. Also with a newvaudeville and moving picture theatre.


RHODE ISLAND.Providence.— At the Providence Opera

House (F, It. Wcndelscliacfcr, manager) "Theiwo Orphans," May V!0, 21, drew outajroodlycollection of old friends. Borres and Bcsnleloinaslicfsky. In two Yiddish plays, "The;,'°««n People" and "The New Star/' 27, 28


Itlchard Golden and companv will be seen Inn new play, "The Poor Devil," 30-June 1.

Keith's (Cnaa. Lovcnberg, manager).

The Albee Comic Opera Stock Co. closed Itsfour wecke' season 20, to crowded houses, In1 he

iFortune Teller." The Edward F. Albee

5j8f*.F?- PenB ltB seventh season 27, inPhe Heir to the Hoorah." Of the original

company, Helen Itelmer Is the sole remain-ing member, of last season's members thereare

: William Ingersoll, Berton Churchill,Lora Rogers and John J. Flemings. The newmembers Include: Adele Block, .Robert Cum-mlngs, Scott Cooper, Leah Wine-low, MayStockton, George Stuart Christie, Dennis Har-

nSJSVte? „M<fRa<! Webster. "A Lady of

Quality" June 8-8.,

Bmp">" (Bplta &. Nathanson. managers).—and * wllT start forHrltlsh Columbia, wliere he and his brother hold large mining Interests. The EmoTre T<h«&, s7,™?A°oV,man&cr8) —

••Well, then," drawled Barrymore, Inter- Mr. Marka will return aboutTluly 1, and spend a month at the Eom° ofBthe Marks sVcessfXpresent oT»At P^e^ilS™ S

rupttng at this point, "you write me a play, Brothers, Chrl.tle Lake, Canada, 20.25, follow^ 27, bV "Fot Fal?%ir7lnfS'"Qu.." fcjg*J,


eJW ' fo« »• *!?" Kathryn

Conlan tella about two rising young Chi-

cago managers, partnors In a money making

theatrical venture. One of them la inclined

Is up—play revert, to me." To which Good-

win telegraphed the reply ••

"All right—.end me back the 1250."

Armstrong, apparently accepting this as a

Bert Morphjr>

s Purnell will make her appearance with thecompany, vy

strtoh * eslih a»nmn „„...! .a.. '_ HZ

"Nat C. Goodwin—always a comedian."

9Pauline Hall, whose good work at the

recent Actors' Fund fair, helped prodigiously

toward tho final big result, had an occasion,

while there, to assert herself as being yet In

to lake more credit to himself than perhapsntponaci ,„ tho „ma ,plrlt:

he deserves, though his partner la Just a. f*J J flowlwln_,efficient, In a quieter way. At first the

former, who appeared to be the dominating

one of the firm, was profuBO In using the

personal pronoun In the firit person. Up to

a short time ago It was "1" and "my," and

the quiet partner rarely objected.

One dsy tho dominating one hurried Into the flesh,

the office with a friend from another city.

With a vlow to making things pleasant and

accommodating to hi. friend, he exclaimed


"Now, old man, make yourself quite at

homo In my place. It you want to talk to

anybody, Ju.t use my 'phone. If you want

any letters written, all you have to do is

to dictate to my typewriter—In fact, make

my office your headquarter, whllo you're In

town."Tho partner, who lletencd to the hearty

Invitation to use Joint property, and who

was getting somewhat weary of the Incessant girl was

first personal pronoun, called tho other a.lde and "

and expostulated. "If. lucky lor me that '/ can proee a

"Where do I como in," he asked. "Don't halaii.'" roguishly Interrupted the hand-

Hits Hall was aelllng chances on a lace

garment, and while for a moment standing

near tho photograph booth, she chanced to

overhear the mention ot her name.

"Yes," said a patron of the fair, In a sor-

rowful votce, to a friend accompanying her,

"yes, this Is a One picture of poor Pauline

Hall. I remember her In"

"You don't mean to .ay she's ieadl" ex-

claimed the friend, taking that meaning from

the tones of the other.

"Yes," said the first speaker, "the poor

killed In a runaway accident,

for some time, because of the oddity and gen-era excellence of hla art. His powerfulbaritone voice Is heard even above the musicof a band, and his singing has placed him Indemand at street railway parks and otherSummer resorts, chautauquas, fairs and cele-brations. He is an Ideal attraction, and thosewho have heard him once, return to hear himalng again. While he 4s familiarly known asBert Morphy, his full name Is Huber TimothyJohn AloysluB Morphy. He is a son of Col.Alexander Morphy, of the British Army. Hehad hlB first experience as a public singerwith the Sells Brothers' Circus?


Shenan-wlth some novel stage Ideas, 27 and

»yB8TMiN8TiB (Geo. H. Batchellcr, mana-ger).—The High Flyers Burlesque Co. enter-tained good house. 20-26. The season Is ncar-Ing Its end at this house,

years he rang with the circus, under canvas,as a foaturo act. Since then he bas forgedrapidly to the front

Woonaoehet.—The Woonsockct OperaHouse (W. F. Barry, resident manager) hasclosed Its regular season, and for the Sum-mer will be used as a combined vaudevilleand moving picture bouse. Judging by

For three present Indications, this new Summer nolicvAt-

«»Eleanor Robson Sails for England.

Eleanor ftobson closed her season at theLiberty Theatre, this city, on May 18, In•Salomy Jane," and sailed for England onTuesday, May 22, to visit her mother, MadgeCarr Cook.

MIbb Itobson will spend two or three weeksIn London, and then will go to the South ofFrance for the remainder ot the Summer.She will open the next season In repertory atthe Academy of Music, this city, on Sept. 2.She will appear drat, for four week, In "Sa-lomy Jane. ' Her repertory will Include"Nurse Marjorle" and '"Merely Mary Ann."

e»»i An'hair the business of this office, don't I some singer. In the word, of Francl. Wilson, Actora' Chureh Alliance

11\™.\L -,n.n.«v_.n.l v«t vou always as tho comedlan-thlcf, In "Ermlnle," the Convention Ends.

opera which made both Francis WHaon and ...Theeighth a lualconvtntlon of tho Actors'

will prove a very profitable Investment,tendance Inst week was excellent.


Bin (Jas. W. Conklln, manager).—-Sara-son, Burt, Brown and company furnish theprogramme week of Moy 27. The attendancehere Is holding up remarkably well for thoNMOBf

HoAti Lake Park.—/This popular Summerresort will open for its eighth season on Dec-oration Day, May 30. While the park willbe under the management of J. A. Blakewho lias charge of all railway parks of the



veD., 1

eompal,}r' " wl" Probably beunder the direct management of the local

f.tr-^ ii

ra."way c.omP°ny' ' which Boy B.

itandall la superintendent The bill for theonenlnj week follows : Oscar Kolberg, Shortand Edwards, Flemen and Miller, the GreatHuston and company, Adeline Francis, S.in-dow and Lambert, and Dibble', moving pic-


assumo that you're the whole thing."

"I don't mean to," said the other, "If.

only my way, and I'm often Inclined to for-

get there are tw> of us."

A few day. later, however, he was more

than willing to Include his partner In a sud-

den responsibility which confronted him.

Previous to the discharge of a pretty young

Pauline Hall famous, the latter having played

the name part many hundreds of times.


Church Alliance of America ended evening ofFriday, May 24, with a dinner at the Im-perial, Brooklyn.

At the business session hi the morningBishop Henry C. Potter was re-elected presi-dent of the National Council; Mrs. MaryGlbM 8pooncr, first vice president ; IsabellaKvcsson, second vlco president ; Ellta B. Har-

Henrr B, Dlxejr Win*.


Tho Injunction obtained by Walter N. Law-rence, restraining Henry a Dlxey frooTbd-Sui

ri^undlr SSL5?™ management, wastSSKOl 'K!

4 .*6*''-by

.a "Jecfslon of thoAppellate Division of tha Supreme Court"Mr Dlxey Is now free to appear In vaude-

typewriter In their employ, ho had paid her i„. pasrea of THE CLIPPER will ba « pany a few months ago: ' * COIn

some slight social attention, which had ,„.„<*« at these prlaeai »gq!&HBgg!i.wl» g<W«?_«JW»JL fcg bet'wee^ri.S^^y'rl that tte S"S«S*—tt . ,. . j, m . ,.„iri„ „ naiiu .- hi season with James K. Hackett a company. In petween uiwrence and Dlxey waa not bind-suddenly discontinued. The aspiring young Blugle Column »T.50 "The Ulrl In White" sailed for London this Ing In character. For this and other reasonswoman had construed thus Into an avowal Bonble Column 918.00 week. the Injunction Is dissolved.

Acid Dentifrices

Deslroy the Tenth

Millions of people are ctrelessly

undermining their health in a way-

least expect d. The guards to the

gateway of hea'tl are the teeth, 3n<ino constitution is so strong th ,l it

wi.l not finally succumb t> ih • im-proper rtastlcation of food, vouctnnot properly nnuticat • f oi wjtj,

loose, sor», se siiie teeth, whichare only sone of ihe results of ihj

use of Acid Dentifrice* and Hi se

filled a ith grit ar.d other injuri usstuif. Tnere is ona great popu'arAlkaline Dentif ice kno vn in all parts

of the w rid, and used by discrim-

inating people, that should be iu

constant use by i rofessioi al pe >ble,

and th it 19 Sozodoni. It make* string,

healthy gums and beautiful tee h]

that guard you agaii-.st maty of the

i Is that come from improper dig s-

tion. We will sendyou a Sample of our

Liquid and Powder on request.



CMXKH K Students are mightyshrewd Jndges of tobneco.

They want the most for their

money, and It must be good.That Is why most ot them smoke

LUCKY STRIKESliced Plug Pipe Tobacco

Floe aroma, easily handled, (In

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delicious smoke.

Does not bite the tongue.

Pocket else, tin box, lOe.


MOQUIN'S6th A»6.

tbet. 27lh and 2Blh Sis., New York.


fARI8IAM OAJK. : : MCBIO d.OO TO 11 P j<


Send for Booklet,


Galolum Gas and >

Moving Picture Outfit

Entirtalnlnl tha Publlo.

WoiUrtyou.furnlslilnBComplclnouin"with simple and oxpficlt lnatriicttona.

The field la Large, aonnlilDg VJJTOgBlartheatre sndloctare clrciilUJJf

local flold. In Churches. PuWe^J**Looses and Oenoral Public Oatbonlg*

Nothing affords better opportuBlilej B»

S&3U Our Outfit Comprtsg

the o. p. oo.-e mSHfr'^mOALOIUM OAO OUTFIT, the

greatest oandla power.the aaios

and moateoonomloal«aa>i nkirji

outfit aver Invented. *ei««»»|JJ'

StiriopuMD, Holing Heron «iw*

JJ^ all subjects for the public's odJ'J"^MR entertainment aupoly «ataloB"a

8MCIAL OFFEn fully explains everjth "•.

CMCttO rlOJECTHO CO.. 22S Burtori It..M* »'• "^T

HALF-TONE 8bs^^5TRATE HALF TONE PROCESS COSKWrt now»uaioiwa,»sv.C,r»'*v -1


M. 8TRA88MAN;ATTORNEY. 858 Broadway. NtW xo« »

*.- & •;

make* &. tour* of the Vaudeville Theaters &ndreview the comedy acte on the bills

... ••$

iWM the result thatan ambulance hi* to becalled to takehim tothe hospital .

f£J7? RRfflGD*.)



AT KEITH & PROCTOR'S 66th 8T.Nat. M. Wills, famous tramp comedian (Introducing himself).

fit jukkiis \


Bai™,TO?g m®e>\

:'''.' U'.:.<J:'.'.:.-;' •:':':' ',:"//'f/f.





'''ll§IP iri



\. N

AT KEITH A PROCTORS UNION 8Q.Billy Van, the minstrel comedian, and Tom Hearn, the laziest of all Juggler*

yaw i/|0UR ftA19®<i<3&e»

1 ! a>^k>^ Oi***»jTE

jKUbmRJUNI&Rf® ^ Fa

ifcjfe&ji ;-?H;iii?:;;t

AT HAMMERSTEIN'S VICTORIA.Master Gabriel, the original Buster, and his dog.

7KJ@ MiK^^WWBfc^Ba^WiSB. TO*®


oiS °


S >0vT

AT KEITH & PROOTOR'8 128th 8T.

The Nichols Sisters, the ever popular black face comediennes.

5E5SIE VAUPAfU Twr*||a.Jt- BEjfeg JfeflKieKlg




AT PEROY WILLIAMS' COLONIAL.Vesta Victoria, the popular English star.

- - — i' t. -——-— >

> / iV- 'IfSm

AT KEITH oV PROOTOR'8 23d 8T.Harry Tate's "motoring ", a clever automobile burlesque.

H«-'KlEIHISlfi an»

AT PERCY WILLIAMS' ALHAMBRA.Collins and Hart, In their grotesque antics.

ftARfrljSg ®fl$ 5rW«





-!il Si':i' ! '['-'|tl


' / / t : r '/ /



i V i V > vf 'V('W'(«:

V i

r i



. * w-

AT TONY PA8TOR8.Crulnlan and Mack, In "The Traveling Dentist"


ARABS * Sie Hassan Ben All's * ARABSI THE TOOZOONIN TROUPEII Arsbi. By •pedal reque.t of the Sultan,

will play two week* at Tel, Morocco, com-mencing. June 30.

2. THE BEDOUIN TROUPE "19 Arabi. At Keith'*, Philadelphia, week

Mn> sax.

3. THE BEHIZOUGZOUQ TROUPE10 Arab!,. With Campbell Brother*' Circa*.

4. THE BENI EHELLAL TROUPE10 Arab*. With Saraaeanl Clrcua, Germany.

5. THE FAZZAN TROUPEis* Arab*. Second year with Henry Circa*,


6. THE WHIRLWIND TROUPEArab*. How open for engagement.

7. THE TOUARQE TROUPEArab*. Casino Municipal, Rice, France.

8. THE ROYAL MOORISH TROUPE10 Arab*. Madrid, Spain.

Special lotiee to luagen-S*.£££?& SRt S&&TJSSS5; £2S2UL3?&£HBS> SIE HASSAR BE! AL1 - Office: Luna Villa, Coney tod, 11. Y. Tel. 838, C. 1.


pHICLETS contain everything that makes Chewing Gum "gocd,"


and such other things as make the best of all Chewing Gums. Chiclets areencased in delicious pearl-gray candy and each one is so richly flavored with pep-jicrmint that you need but chew a Chiclet after eatinga hearty meal to insure gooddigestion, The better kind of stores sell Chiclets at 5 c. the ounceout of those hand

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I CHICLET PAJH8TRY.-l.ook at your hand. If tour Life Line la separated at thestart from the Head Line it shows energj and pluck.

The Heart Line (the first line running across the hand below the base of the fingers) whenforked at the start slgnines happiness In love.

Little lines on the Mount of Jupiter (the cushion at the base of the first finger) predlc'sInheritance.

Yon can read any bond with the CHICLET PALMISTRYCHART—Sent free with every ten-cent packet.

PRANK H. FLEER & CO., Inc. 520 No. 24th St., Philadelphia, U. S. A.

Perfect FOOT COMFORT Sure Relief for WEARY FEETA Bare Remedy for Corn*, Bunion* and all other affliction* of the feet


THOS. GILL SOAP CO., Inc., Dept. C, 711 Kent Ave., Brooklyn, N. TAt all Drug and Department Stores: Large Cake, 24 cento, or thla ad., your dealer'* nameand addreii and HO cent*. In coin or stamps will bring It to you. Agent* Wanted.




Minialnr* Railroads for Parka, Summer Rt»orii,etc

Th* Greatest Money Hikers andbest Attraction In tbe World.

No Park complete without them, earning tlWO

1b lixdayi. With proper care, will hut (5 run.

HMD ro* Cataloou*.



now ready lor distribu-

tion. Writs lor It to-

day. You cannot flora

to be without a copy.

Mailed free.30c. per 1110.





LETTERHEADFree Samples, Contracts, Tlokots, Envelopes, eto

CRObS 868 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGOSTAOK MONK Y, 16c. Book of Herald Cuts, ISO.



After Shaving



and Insist that yourbarber


use it also. It t* Antiseptic,

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Under the Cents*

HENNEGAN & CO., Cincinnati


Hooking fur Summer season. 16 pieces and leader-

new uniforms, now luslrutncu s and now music,Fur dates, address II. 0. 8ALANI>RI,

Care "Telegram," Worcester, Mass.







100 MAGIC TRICKS IIVvv Wlth (.ard^ Colns Ribbon,, et0 . IWexplained so anyone oan do them. Catalogue In-oludei 0>toVBrl«Cc..rffW.3»U7 8t..NewYorX

Notes from tub Giiand Old BippodsombShow.—This two car show opened at Fre-donla, Kan., May A, to tumaway business.This Is our fourteenth stand In Kansas, andalthough tbe weather has been unfavorable,we have packed them In at every perform-ance. Roster of show Is a* follows : Busi-ness stair—O. B. Cabin, manager; NewtonCrawford, assistant manager; Mrs. 0. B.Cabin, treasurer; Frank Carpenter, eques-trian director; Karl Hawk, master of trans-portation ; Joe Llghtner and Jack Boise, ad-vance. The Rosards, trick house and barreljumping; Clara Moncayo, contortionist: Bar-ron and Munden, trick bicyclists and unl-cycllsts; Frank Carpenter, principal clown,with Kay Jones, Herman Munden and JackYenble, clowns; Raymond and Rose, Romanrings; Mrs. F. V. Carpenter, with her edu-cated dogs ; O. B. Canlll, comedy juggler


A. G. wTllman, director of band; Roy Ed-wards, cornet; Edwards Qertzenkrau, comet;Cbas. Tarr, trombone ; Oscar Rhodes, trom-bone ; Newton Crawford, baritone ; WalterUerlew, bass ; Will Zlegler, solo alto ; PrankRowland, clarinet; Earl Ilawk, traps; JackVenble, bass drum; Nell McUrath, proper-ties; Doc Carr, boss canvas man, with five

assistants.A double wedding took place at the Church

of San Lorenzo, City of Mexico, Mexico, onApril 7, when Father Rels united Gertrudeetelbll, of SL Louis, Mo., and Albert Bell,

and Nellie Lewis, of Trenton, Mo., and Ed-ward Bell. Tbe grooms are both sons of theclown, Dick Bell, while tbe brides are mu-sical performers In the Clrco Bell.Fobbpauqh & Sells' Notes.— Business

throughout the Jersey stands has been enor-mous. At Newark enough were turned awayto flll another full sized tent At Elizabethstanding room was sold. Tbe show moveslike a clock, all of the acts dovetailing Inexcellent fashion. Tbe various riding acts,

Including Oscar Lowande, Madam Lancaster,Mrs. H. BUI, Al. Dean, Orrln Davenport,A. F. Wallett, Rebecca Daniels, May Daven-port and Julia Shi pp. are always sure of bigapplause. The aerial displays, presented bytue La Van Troupe, Stlrk Family, Minnieb'orepaugb, Will Adair and the Flying Fishers,.

Juat before the hippodrome races, nold theaudience as If rooted to tbe seats. With fewexceptions, tbe programme has remained un-changed since the opening. In the Fire andflames Show, Fred Zobedle Introduces acomedy bit as a woman, hanging from oneof the windows, losing his clothing, and Is

hnally dragged back by a fireman. He finishes

with a Jump Into the life net. Mr. Zobedlc's

band balancing act Is also a prominent feat-

ure. John H. Gill's Military Band, In tbeconcert and Incidental numbers, present highclass selections. Joseph La Fleur's Mexicandog, "Chlqulta," gives valuable assistance to

Fred Welcome, during his splendid handbalancing act.

Al. V. Whekleb's New Model AnnexNotes.—Will T. Miller Is again lo chargeof this department, and business has been upto the New Model standard. Features:Madam Lascelle, untamable lion act; Cleo,

snake hypnotist; Madam Belmont, Impale-ment act ; La Dell, Marionettes and Punch


Miller, magician and ventriloquist ; Mascot,small horse, and eleven cages of animals.l'rof. Clark and his eight piece band, fur-

nished tbe music for tbls department GrantAllmon has No. 1 ticket box and FrankHarris has No. 2. Our new model arch doorpainting causes them to look up and takenotice, as It Is quite a novel Idea.Fbancis J. Boilb, of the Boyle Brothers.

writes that they closed a very successfulthirty-two weeks' engagement as a specialattraction wit* tbe Anderson Stock Co., atToronto, Can., March 80, and opened withthe Bun Brothers' Progressive Shows, at

Macon, Ga., April S. Their big club Juggling,hoop railing and Illuminated chandelier bal-ancing act Is one of the effective numberswith the show.Jones Show Notes.—The roster of the

dressing room Is as follows : Mr. and Mrs.John B. Wright, principal singing and talkingclowns, introducing tbe "Boo Carriers;"Maud Josephine, aerial rings: Fred Salmon,talking clown ; l'rof. Howard's trained dogsand ponies, Geo. Parento. ladder act andhigh backward dive; Lillian Harrington,Japanese ladder act ; Clara Lawrence, perchand wire act; Geo. Parento and Sister,

double trapeze; Miss Brown, sailor ladderact ; Donnelly and Williams, January act, andCudjoe and his trained donkeys. The show Is

doing good business. Mr. Wright has chargeof the dressing room. The Old ReliableIs n late comer, but is certainly welcome

itoiiEiiT Weldon, one of the cowboys withItlggs' Wild West was badly bumed by thepremature discharge of a pistol while theshow was playing at Xenla, 0.

Mas. James A. Bailey, widow of the show-man, has given 110,000 to tbe Mount VernonHospital, as a fund to enlarge and equip tbehospital building. In addition, Mrs. Baileyhas decided to expend at least $100,000 lora new hospital to be built beside the presentstructure, and to be called the Bailey Me-morial Hospital. It Is to be the central ad-ministration building of tbe whole hospitalcorporation.

Al. G., of AL G. and Mazle Belford, writes


"I am with Tuttle's Olympic Show. Withmy wife, we are putting on the concert andhave full charge of same, also have song bookprivilege. I am acting as equestrian director

and announcer In big show, also doing sing-

ing and talking clown. We are In our thirdweek of good business."

4 »

MAINE!.Portland.—The Jefferson (Julus Cahn,

manager) was occupied by a lecturer, May20, 21. A representative audience greetedJohn Drew, in "His Bouse In Order," 22.James B. Mackle appeared In "Grimes' CellarDoor," 23. "The English Rose" was the offer-

ing, by local talent 24. "East Lynne" came20. E. V. Phelan opens his Summer stockcompany 27, presenting "Leah Kleschna" theopening week, with the following players


Cecil Owen and Harriet Worthlngton, leads


Louise Everts, Ceta Bennett, Carey Hastings,Hal De Forrest, stage director ; Geo. Fisher,Mark Kenton, Warner Olund and others.

1'obti.and (J. E. Moore, manager).—Mov-ing pictures and illustrated songs caught onfrom the start at the opening, 13, and tbesecond week's attendance, 20-25, was verylarge. AL D. Weston and Delia Aubin ren-dered their selections pleasingly, and Jas.Kcnney, trap drummer. Introduces mechanicaleffects, making the pictures very realistic.

Savoy.—Messrs. Jones, Heatley and MissWarren, In illustrated songs, with Prof.Bishop, pianist, and a good list of movingpictures, drew good business 20-25.

Haboreaves' Cibcds was well patronized21.


Butte.—At the Broadway Theatre (J. K.Heslet manager) "Hello, Bill," May 25 ; Lil-

lian Russell, In "The Butterfly." 28, 29.Gband Opeba House (Dick P. Sutton,

manager).—Week pf 19, "Old Pals," by theLulu Sutton Co., drew very welL ClaireO'Donnell and the motion pictures were verywell received.

Family (F. Nelsonla, manager).—Week of10: Tbe Four Toledos, Gavin, Piatt andl'oacbes, Cbas. Bowser and company, Reevesand Kinney, Georgia Clark. Walter Jeffreyand the motion pictures. Big business rules.

Note.—The li&of Garden and the ElectricTheatre, at the Columbia Gardens, are doingexcellent business. »

UTAH.(igilen.—At the Grand Opera House (B.

A. Grant, manager) the Augustin Daly Musi-cal Co. presented "A Country Girl" and "TheClngalee," to good business, May 6, 7. "Mrs.YVlggs, of the Cabbage Patch," S, bad a goodhouse. Mrs. Leslie Carter 9. "The Girl andthe Stampede," 12, pleased. Ltw Dockstad-er's Minstrels played to a full house 17. Tbeengagement of Otis Skinner, scheduled for10, was called oft on account of a delayedtrain. Nat C. Goodwin, In "The Genius,"18 ; Walker Whiteside 20.

Note.—The following Summer parks willopen about June 1, and will run vaudevilleshows : U tabna Park, Sylvan Park and Glen-wood Park.



NORTH CAROLINA.Wlnaton-Salem.—At Elk's Auditorium

(W. D. Huhn, manager) the Osman StockCo. May 27 and week.

Note.—At Nissen Park (J. J. Slggs, mana-ger) moving pictures are given.

i »

Wilmington.—At the Grand Opera House(Cowan Bros., managers) Sunbeam Club May24, moving pictures June 8-8.


Soath HcAleater.—The Langsdale OperaHouse (A. Bert Estes, manager) was darkweek of May 20.

Lyhic (Chas. EL Hodklns, director).—BUIweek of 20 : Herbert and Rogers, J. H. Shaw,Freeman's educated goats, and Lyricscope.


Jacksonville— Phoenix Park Casino(11. F. Wlllard, manager) opened May 16,with Mabel Paige and the Wlllard ComedyCo. A good show was given to standingroom only. Miss Paige Is booked for theseason.


Me ridInn.—At the Coliseum (VivianWhtttaker, manager) the Three De Lucas Sis-ters, Edgar La Zelle, Huntress, Marcell andLlnnett. Early and Late. May 20-25, hadlarge and well pleased audiences. Rentfrow'sJolly Path Finders 27-June 8.

HippoiinouE (L. B. Crook, manager).

Rogers and Clifton, and moving pictures lastweek. Dark 27 and week.

Jackson—The Ina Lehr 8tock Co. willopon the season at LlvlngBton Park Theatre,Monday, May 27, for one week, followed byAndrews Opera Co., week of June 8. Liv-ingston Park Theatre Is under the manage-ment of C. E. Roland, and is one of the tentheatres of the Moles circuit of Summer the-

1 aires.

If yon are afflicted with a dleDeur.ing and humiliating growth of hair onthe face, neck or arms, X. Bazia'iDepilatory Powder will remove it with-out the slightest Injury to the mostdelicate skin. BE SURE IT IS


Remember the name. Don't experi-ment with dangerous apparatus orcheap lotions. Use Bazln's, the oldestand most reliable.

Sold at all first class toilet counters,or by mall, In sealed pkgs., for Oftrcents, Including postage.


TTAT.T. & RTJCKEL,Maker* of Bosoaont,



THOUSANDS have discarded the idea

of making their own cocktails—all will

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choicest old liquors and mellowed with

age make them the perfect cocktails that

they are Seven kinds, most popular of

which are Martini (Gin base), Manhattan

(Whiskey base).The following label appean on every bottl*


Guaranteed under the NationalPure Food una Drag* Aot. Ap-proved June 80th, 10O8. Serial

So. 1T07.

G.F. HEUBLEIN & BRO.Bole Proprietors

Hartford New York London


But for a Dollar and a Half

You Can Own aStar Safety Razor,

The Headliner of Safety Razors.

It Fits in Your Make-up Box-

It is Simple in Constriction,

It Is Reliable in Its Work.Shave When You LikeIf You Want a Clean, Velvet and

Perfect Shave, Use the

Star Safety Razor.

Sold Everywhere by Dealers, or

Kampfe Brothers, Manufacturers,

Ten Reade Street, New York City.

Money Back If Not Pleaded.



june.i. THE NE¥ YORK CLIPPER. 409

WAXTED, AGEKTS-Legltlmate .ubatltote

for (Uot machine., patented. ' SefU on debt for $1.Panloouw. fllMLA CO., Anderson, Indiana.

FOA lALK-PDm or "THAW-WHITE CASK;oiyinpta Game., Etc. S. A. JONES,

,n: Market street, Wilmington, Pol.

UOW TO KTAKTIrl IHOW BUBflfBM.(OoprrlguUd), l different boou, 10c. AU kind. act.

MofoHgPS SCHOOL. 637 N. lftn St., Phlla., Pa.

WANTED, FOR WEKK STANDSHOW In Tent,dunge program earn nlghr, Sketch Team, manand wife, one mutt fake piano, do a sketch ami*lugle or two singlet each night. Also want Singleperformer, prefer Novell y Han, dnod Contortionist.

Magician or Juggler that can rhange for a week.All letters answered. Will pay teams $2j and•Ingle. $1.1 and expense* after Joining. Address



Medicine Performers, Loud Singers, Dancers, andput on act and make 'em go. State If joii platanv Instrument. Address THE fiREAT HINDOOHEAIiEK. Roval Oak Hotel, Toronto. Ont., Can.


t tire Show, 26 Rig War Paintings, 40x70; tent, lights,

new Capra Crank Piano, Phonograph, advertisingnutter. All ready to open. Want man with Picture

Machine. C. R. Culliertsoo, M W. 9th St., James-aown, N. V.

WARTED-Qood Tuha Player for Hand to

locate In Dooming town. U>M of ->ork at anytrade. Band gives weekly concerts, other bandmen,' write. All letters answered. State whatyon can do and expect in first letter. M. II. Wlde-man, Pott Clinton , Ohio.

WANT MVMCIANB, Band and Orchestra,

on all Instruments. No tickets. State lowest sal


urr. Open Jane 24. Expense from opening.

Trap Drummer, Strong Corneu. Address ROYALPLAYERS. Morrison Show Prt„ Detroit, Mich.

PIANIST WANTED. To open June 2. If yon doseat turn, tell it; must be Al faker, for my picture

stiotv'. 11th seml-atinnal tour. Money absolutely

sure. Sobriety, neat appearance absolutely essen-

tial. Give references; te.l It all quick. Openlndependence, Wis. Ben Hnntley, Trempealeau, Wis.

TALENTED AMATEURS wanted by well

kuoirn Leading Woman to take Hummer course In

stage training by mall. Now la the time to prepare

for an engagement next season. Bend stamp for

•Course of Study" and other Information to

lAwrence School of Acting, Lakeport, New Hamp.

FOR SALE, SEPARATE OR AS Awbo|e, 48-Seat Bicycle Merry-Oo-'Round; Tent, 50

feet- diameter; large organ, 18 tunes, with 4; keys;

organ cost $600. Will take 1300 for all.

O.'P. 8CHAAK, 2900 Frederick Ave., Ballo., Md.

, JCBD.PERFORMERS WANTED. Come-dian that changes for week and fakes organ. Manto- Slug 111. Songs. Magician that Straights Acts.

Claude Boyce, where are you? Wrlteatonce. W.II. Kl.lNtl. He Kulti Junction, St. Law. Co., N. Y.

' WANTED, FOR SUMMER STOCK -Peuule in all lines, Stage Director, Scenic Artist

10 pUj parts, Pianist to donhle stage. Preferencegiven, those who do specialties; also stage Carpen-ter. Only fniir'performances a week, no matinees.

Summer salaries. State lowest with full particu-

lars, including photos lirst letter; if yon drink don't

write. Rehearsals, May 22, open 30. AddressOHAS. If. MAYS, Mays' Opera House, Pli|ua, O.

WANTED, [for Hngg A Allender's Musicali.'omedv Co. under canvas, Singing and Dancingsketch Team, Novelty Man, Buck and Wingliancer'that can do a good straight, violinist to

lead orchestra. Other good Musicians and Per-formers, write. We make week stands. Stop at

best hotels. We pay all after Joining, deo. La' Vette. Mgr., Lexington. Mo., Pen. Del.

VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED-MuslcalAnts, Noveltr and Dumb Acts, Singing and DancingActs and others, write. Also Piano Players whotranspose and read at sight. Address Stntzman,t Andrews, Ninetva Park Theatre. Pern, 111.

TUB "MONEY GETTERS" say It's great-

est, of all oovellles. Compare jour sales and prodt

0UALBU8. TWICE the size or usual soaps, andus WHITE as snow, as LIGHT as a feather. Yourpeople get Interested In It at once. Attractive

pkg. Thedemonsiratlon yon can make with ALBIIBgets the money. Special prices on 6 grogs lots.

OEO. P. WOOD, THE ALB0S CO.,Traverse City, Mich.

HOW'S This for a Dollar? :a flag*, 10 for l0c„or all, 4(e.; 10 Funny Wants and Ads., 10c; .'• ComicHotel Rules, 6 Comic Epitaphs, 10c.; Recitation,"lie's Ne'er Forgot", 18 lines, 10c.; Oaglet Reclta-Hop; one long airing of gags, 48 lines, 20c.; Talk-ing Turn, Straight and Comedian, 25c; 8 Paro-dlesi <s Hugs with each one, 25o. Sold In lols tosnlt,

or fverything for $1.00. 1Jst of sketches for stamp.All kinds of stage staff to order. Send stamp for

leffteni-es. and prices. Mary E. P. Thaver, 2190

Broad ,8 ., Prov., R. 1. .

WANTED quick, Al Med. Performers, thatreally know the Idz; mnst play or fake organ. Nolent show; hall or street all Snmmer. Play themall, large and small. Never mLss salary day. It

comas In coin every Sunday. Slate Just what youdo and no more. Can also use good lecturer, whocan gel the coin and play organ. Booze not toler-

ated. Tickets to those I know only. Address Mod-ern Remedy Co., Bprlngvllle, Suaq. Co., Pa.

WANTED tfUICK-FOR GOOD UP-TO-DATEMED. SHOW, that stays out theyear round and paysgood sulary every week, good Sketch Team, Dutch,Irish and Black Comedians, Contortionist and anAl Piano Player that Is sight reader. Long, pleas-ant engagement. Live In hotels always. Write all

ru first letter. Will send tickets; require baggagechecks from strangers. Address DR. A. E. IIER-REN, Oakland, Pottawattamie Co., Iowa.

f^QA^TEtftiWcKT-Tuua and"froniboneT1 Those doing Specialties given preference.» Other musicians and performers that do\ iPrClftltles write. DREAMLAND FLOATING"^ALaCE, Ronco, Pa,, Fayette Co., Jane 3;Joes' i.«lg.. Pa., Green Co., Jane u.

B, AND O. LEADER, Clarinet, Piano; Read,F»|ie; Arrange or Transpose; M. P. Operator (nomachine), desires to travel at-ct. wife's health.Medicine or boat show preferred. Make low offer,

isolndiug expenses for two. I can hand out thegoods. • Salary no object. C. II. SINCLAIR, Battlecreek, Mich., Gen. Delivery.

NOTING PICTURE THEATRE for sale.No reasonable oifer refused. Theatreallcompleie..Must he sold this week as owner has two attrac-tions on the roud. Cannot give this his attention.(Jiiod hustler rau make nice money here. HarryI am'iert,.Osgood Hotel, lllon, N, Y.

WANTED, MAN WHO PLATS ANDPARES ORGAN, do straight in acts; man for gen.iilllliy round 'camp. No grafters. Sure salary.Long Job to right people. Eat and sleep on lot,

MODERN RBMKPV CO., Woodward, CenterCo., Pa.

FOR SALE -POWER'S CAMERAORAPU,Latest model, rewind, |8u: Moonshiners, wof1., t4S:Chicken Thief, ?ooft., *2»; Firebug, MOfr., $26:Country Courtship, 500ft., $18. Will snip C. 0. D.on receipt of R. R. charges. Enclose stamp.

C. A. KlRKPATRlCK. Tecumseh, Nehr.

FILMS! FILMS! PILMSI-Flfty thousandfeet of fine stock. No worn out dim. Moon Lover,The Soap Shot Fiend. Love vs. Title, other largeand small subjects, ,1c. and up. New list. Haveyou. seen the NEW ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDE?Just the thing for 5c. shows and advertising.Send 2c. stamp for Sample. I ALSO BUY FILMSAND.SLIDES, IF GOOD.GEORGE F. GALLOT, 10 Christopher St., N. Y . City.

WANTED, for Thardo's United Shows, GoodOrgan or Piano Player, also Few Concert and bigshow Performers, two nrmore acts. No tickets toPioiile unknown. H. Harrington, send that back.ED. Til A Rim, Dayton, Pa., June 1; Pltimvllle 4.

At Uliliy to Nail Soisoi, El TIE ALBIONHigh soprano, play parts; good, useful woman.P. ».-Cau 1* placed anywhere. Will work withgood partner, man or woman.- 10 WEST 99th BT.,X.V.C.


BOap'DlHB MUSES.WR. TELL HOUSE, Howard and Somerset

Sta., Boa ton. Vicinity of nil vaudeville theatrerAbontU week. EMILY BANNWART, Prop.

S98-SMWabamk Ave.,CHICAGO.

1 _ fl.OO per Day.EuropMfl. J5.00 per Week.

TRAFALGAR, 115-117 E. 14, N. Y.,nr. Kelth'iAcad, of Music, Dewey. Rooms 6O0., ice. |1,tlJOday; taAOtots week. W.D.HANNlOAN.Prop.

Waoaih A Madison, CHICAGO,O. 0. Vanghan, Prop. StrictlyAmerican Plan. $8-1* tingle;

$7-12 doable. VandevlUe patronage Invited.

PALACE HOTEL, 101 N. Clark St., Chicago.European, u.eo per week: with private bath, II.Tnrkfib Bath, too. H. B. UCMPHRKY. Prop.

LOT MACHINES. NEW PIN GUM. Latestmoney maker. 1,000 OTHERS, CHEAP. SLOANNOVELTY CO., Station 8, Philadelphia, Pa.

MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGEDfor any Instrument or number of Instrument*,scngs.words and music, sketches, etc. Send sump.0HA8. U LEWIS. 429 Hlchmond st,, Cincinnati. 0.

FUTURE Husb. or Wife Photos for PalmistsParks, etc., $2.00 ner 1,000; $1.35 per WO, postpaid'CABINET PHOTOS, copied, 100, $2; 1,000, $16.

KDENA STCDIO. 3312 N. Broad St., I'lilla., Pa.

BANJOS-The World's flneit. The Celebratedwant Laydle. Catalogs and Hair-Tonea of 86Arum Free, the a. 0. Fairbanks co„ mHadbary St.. Boston. Mat*.

AMATEURS, ladles and Gentlemen, wishingto adopt the stage as a profession. Those havingtalent should register at this office at once. BOBMACK. 60 Whltiler Place, Indianapolis, Ind,

R. H. BEATTIE, LAWYER, ConfidentialCases aspeclalty. Judgments and decrees obtainedpromptly; no dc lay. Counsel free. 4941 IndianAre., third floor, Chicago.

WANTED AT ONCE, FIRST CLASS,Thoroughly Experienced VandevlUe Pianist, soberand reliable; also Good Sister Team, or TwoGood Female Singers end Dancers, for my stage.Must be good lookers and dressers and makegood en and on*. No objection to color. Salary,115 and hoard and transportation for all fromN. Y. 10 Havana. THOMAS WILLIAMS,

San Isldlo, 24, Havana, Cult*.

HOWTOBECOMEACONTORTIONMT.groat and Back Bending, each trick illustrated.»»e. Borpnet'a School, 837 N. mil St., Phlla., Pa.

ALWAYS A FEW BARGAINS In SecondHand or Slightly Used Instruments 011 hand—Inperfect order. Send for New Second Hand List.

»7 ALUMINUM CHIMES, Cliro., DoubleDecker Floor Rack. Would easily spaas for new,$88.00.

46 BAR STEEL MARIMBAPHONE,Chro., Moor Rack and Resonators. First class,$35.00.

iii Oct., Chro., Orchestra Bells, In Case. Goodas new, $20.00.

3 Oct. Chro., Heavy Professional Rosewood Xvln-phone. Almost new. $15.00.

12 Straps Sleigh Bells. Good as new, $18.00.J. C. I1EAGAN, 3157 N. Clark St., Chicago, III.

WANTED, by an Al Song nnd Dance Come-dian—a position with good vaudeville company orminstrels. Characters taken, good baritone voice,buck and wing, soft shoe, clog, waltz clog andwooden shoe dancing. Good companies, write.Park Job preferred. Frederick H. Young, Box1453, Middletown. N. Y.

WANTED—A Professional Youug Lady or Munfor Musical Comedy Sketch. One who can playstrlnglnstruments. C. HUDSON, care of CLIPPED.

WANTED, Lady rarrner, not over 28, do ser-pentine dance and poses (I'll teach the act), or AlSinger, Illustrated songs (pluuo player given pref-erence!, to Join Electrician with M. P. machine.Electric effects. $40 to $00 awaiting us Jointly.Give description. B. I* Holland, General Delivery,Oklahoma City, O. T.

WANTED—illustrated Song Singer and PianoPlayer for Nickelodeon. Must make good or closedat ilrst rehearsal. Six to nine shows per day. NoSunday work. $16 per week. Good town ui ti,Ouo.

Send photo and programmes, which will lie re-

turned promptly. Bijou Amusement. Co., Box 618,Robinson, 111.


For Ladles Orchestra. Good Salary. LongestEngagement. Wrlle or call. SADIE BERGER,Deluvan lintel, Surf Avenue and W. Eighth StreetConey Island, N. Y,

AGENT WANTEDWho can and will get tip bis paper. All 3 daystands. Salary and per cent. Tent car show. NoItooze, and you must lie a real, live hustler. Wireor write lowest. WILLIAM TODD-Rnnte: May30-1, Mora , w. Vs.; June ;i-3, Bramwell, W . va.

WANTKfc Ur the MIDI! STIKI III"Piano Player, General Business Ian

Aid Character Woman.Those doing specialties preferred, state verylowest Summer salary. Booked solid for Summerand Kail. Write or wire.

CARLOS 1N8KEEP, Onthrle, Kj.


Double E-Flat Clarinet. A No. 1. Qnlck.W. A. MCCARTNEY,

BI|on Theatre, Milwaukee, Wis.

WAHTED, MEDICINE PEBFQBIEHSSINGLE MEN ONLY. Those doing While Face,Comedv or Novelty Acts preferred. Address

tilt. H. W. CLIFTON, Ph. G„ Tolona, Missouri.



Medicine PeopleTHAT DOUBLE PIANO. Join on wire.

DR. FRED W. BCCK, Ho ldredgc, Neb .

WaiM for My Ho. 2 Conpaoy, CwedlaiThat fakes organ, Man to Sing HI. Songs that fakesorgan. Drunks, von will not hist, so don't wrlle.BILLY WILLIAMS, llermon, SI. las, Co., K. Y.

Wanted, Dida Tank and TableAnd other Illusions for Summer resort. AddressISAAC PAYTON. IIIJoii Theatre, Brooklyn, N. V.

Glrnr, YHig Uadiig Worn Will Joli Willknown Actor tn sketch. I, H., care of CLIPPER.

Med. PerformersWMTEB M ONOE.

That can change often and work in acts, stalesalary, if you play organ, and all yon do. PianoPlaver that can work on stage, write. AddressFRED. WIEGEL, Mgr., Nature's Remedy Co.. Har-mon (Randolph Co.), W. Ya.N. B.—This Is not an Independent company.

VAUDEVILLE ACTSWire or Write, at Once, Loweal Terms


T. A. WILHELMCity Opera House, Traverse City, Midi,


At El Pno, Ttxat. CRAWFORD ft RICH.

H. LESLIE SMITH COMPANYWANTSDramatic People All LinesVN HER canvas. Three night, stands. State age,height, weight, exp. unci lowest Summer salary:you get It. I pay all. Specially and liand peoplepreferred, want only those who are willing inwork. Must Join on wire. No llokets, thanks:I've lieen there. Add. UERItON. Nebraska.

The Very BeelI

monologues, parodies, skotches, afterpieces,


etc., in MADISON'S BUDGET NO. 10.loo pages of Kilt-edge comedy material. I


Crescent Comedy Co.WANTS ui'H'K

YOUNG LEADING MAN.Other useful people that do specialties write.State all Ilrst letter. Must Join on wire. Address

H. A. HERHMAN, West Baden, Indliiua.


A good Hue of parts. Lung season. Alwayspleased to hear frmii Al Repertoire Peo-ple. Address

ML, Ji^KINBRY, MaHMflcld, Ohio.

BAD SEASON IS OVER.Black Tenis, i«x:a up to'jjzoo, used. White Tenu*,aliout all sixes; FoWIIuk Ulialrs, Folding llcntihcn,

P'oldlng Organs, Eoldiug Torclies, Spring Motor1'lano, Electric Piano and Banjo, NickelodeonChairs, Kidd Lights, Mammoth Torches. SEN1IFOR FREE liAHQAIN BOOKLET.

R. II. AKMBRPBTBK, BprlllgfleHI , Illinois.

AT LIBERTY,MRS. and MR. JOS. BURTONHoubretta Leads I Character Comedian,and Second Rita. | Al Speclaltlea.Experienced, solier nnd rellahle. If you have peo-ple In these lines, dou't answer, jjiin'i misrepre-sent. Ail. Jos. Bnrion, Annex Hotel, (laleshurg, 111.

WANTED,GOOD PIANISTFor six-Piece Orchestra from June 1 tu scpi. 1.

Must be Al. Accommodation iiest. AddressCLAUDE EI.O.M, Leads,

Care of Allanllc Hotel, Mooreheitd City, K.O.

FOR SALE, AT CHICAGO,Tuo fiitft. aid Three 5«ft. Flit Cars,Eiiulppeil with air brakes; In lirst class condition.Pull description on request. I). JKT/.INflEK,

411 Ashland Blook. Chicago, 111.




Wanted at Once, 8oed Versatile SketchTEAM, man and wife. One must fake or rcudpiano. Also want novelty acts. All Bummer'swork and good treatment. Tickets, no.

(I. BLACK. I King St., Buffalo. N. t._

VAUDEVILLE PEOPLETypewritten copy of live wire Jew and II. F. Sketchfor One Dollar. Other real sketches on hand.

CIIAS. LANIJON CARTEII,2iil Clark Ave., Wurrenliurg, M<i,

At Liberty. A I Pianist.Experienced all Hues. Also Baritone Vocalist.

State your limit. W. II. POLLITT,

_,4-.'U', K, Commerce St., Sai l Anlotilo, Texas.

DORA MYSTIC LIMOLEY CO. REMAINSSouth until August, then West. Wanted, Juvenileand other.. Managers of parks In vicinity of K.x-

pusli lon, write ns. Atltlress I'REBTON, Maryland.

Wanted, Al Singing apd Dancing Black Facecomedian. Those who play organ preferred.Must Join on wire. Address

SIOUX REMEDY CO.. Box Ui, lola,JVIs.

LADY VIOLINIST WAITED.Resale Burnell*. Lady Orchettra.

The SUBURBAN, Park Heights Ave,, Baltimore. Md

At Liberty June 1,Tuba Player, Piano In O., Small Parts; TrapDrummer, doubles Stage, Juveniles. Add.

C. RESTFRAU, (leu. Del., Montreal, Can.

VIOLINIST AT LIBERTY JUNE 1.Experienced In all lines. Add. MUSICAL DIREC-TOR, Savoy Theatre, Hamilton, Canada. AfterJune l.Bnltej, ill llememray St., Boston, Mass.

BABHET OPBBA HOUSE St"-^J"JAttractions, (lood show town. Three .hoe fac-tories, felt mill and sounding board factory.

T. E. KOIIBINS, Holgevllle, N . Y. _

AT LIBERTY, Sketch Team, Do Black Face,Put on Acts, Novelty Turns, etc. change for twoweeks. Write or wireMR.andMltS. CIIAS, KENT, 4M 0. Bt „ Perry. Okla'

Taught by Correspondence.Send for handsome booklet on

VOICE CULTURE FREEIllinois conservatory, fig Lakeside Bid.., Chicago.

MUSIC ARRANGEDror Piano, Band aud Orchestra, W. a. NELSON63 Weit mi Street, New York.


JKS8 BURNS iiart*aK*»r

sniliiilile foi a First Clama Hurlesqnsi Ol'KiitilxutloN.

KvrrytlilwK furnUlieii. PlayiiiK ll>e Masteni Clrrnll nf U,irleai|iie Tlienire^.Address .IKSH IH'HNs, Itooui 'Jin, K ulckf rlioekei- Tlienlrr HulHIing'Aniii!lllle\, N. V,




SUM) FOR t ATA I.tint i:., ,

VIRGINIA JEFFERIES COMPANY,Soiilirrtte. OonuMliaii, Spedalties, Stock IVojrli\

Write F.DWIN UDl. < KTT, Parsoiis, Kalian..


THE BEST L II THE y. S.Al Seeond Business Woinun. Al Cliaraeter Woman. Song mill llanee Sonlirellu. You MI'sT dellvee

lire tliMids MM'have warilrobe, ns this Is the best sloek eonipimy Hesl id New Yolk. Oilier people,

wrlle. JIM UAHOII, Mgr., Air Home, Peoria, III.



flood RRMERXfttRR PKOI'I.K, wrlle. (I.J. IIKHN'ARII, Mgr., Memphis, Mo,, a: nnd wei'k;"Wvi nils,

Mo. , June a. week; tloriu, Mo., June hi, week.

WANTED. A MANAGER,Who enn i-oniniiilid good lllili'. Must huve some



Klegunt Svnnli; I'rodantlon, beautiful Mile of pie-

final I'aper. Kverythlng eoniplele for roiul.

Right Man as Partner. AddressLAIIVSTAR,

LUj7 Hath Ave., Ualh Beach. I„ I„ N.Y.

\r\/AM T E Q



Canvas Man.Slate lowest sularv. Week hIiuiiI*. .1. It. Hll'll-

-ARIISON, earr of Jessie Colton Co., Wyonilug,111., weok May_I7; l»rlnccville_»*ek June :i.


GREAT AMERICAN AIRDOMEWorking Men In all departmenls. Wire

Mgr. I'enn. Ainusenientoo., Lock Haven, I*..

Wled. PerformersWANTED AT ONCE

That ean iduinge often nnd work In atils, Oaintl

OpenlnK for Sknlrli Temii, If one run piny

urgan. Stale sulnry aud all you do. I*ian<>Pin yer ilial i-u.li work on stage, wrlle. AddrrwsUK. II. W.lilllimi'XI., Malinger, Niiture's Itemeily

Co., Wise, Vn.N. H.—This Is not nil Independent eniiipany.

Single Ladies, Sister teamsNOVKl.TY ACTS anil TKAMH lit alltime, at the


Hi llamllioii Street, Allmny, N. Y.WANT ED,K<»It TIIK

WltitesiMtraiiiSN Ooiii|iaiiy,

PIANO PLAYER,REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES.Stale lowest Snmntersulary. Nnsi lie good dressers,

solierand reliable. Address WIUTCsriiKSTKAl'SHCO..JV. J^NehiiHi, Mgr., l.ltMtriy, N. Y. _

HERON 1 WISCHMAN,Theatrical Lawyer!,


2. CALLING CARDS with YOUR NAME A .| AND PHOTO ON EACH. Ke.,,1 any 35R1 plioui; will he returned Willi order. *»*"*

CHRI8TMAN CARD CO., Dapt, C, 8prln9fl.lt], 0.

CONTRACTSLETTER UI2ADH, BNVEI.OI'ES. TICKETS,PASSES. CAKDH, Kte Write for Sample..Wehb Pi g. Co.. ar,:t Dearborn Ht„ Chlrugo, 111.

MILLER, GOSTUMER,130 N. Seventh St. Plillodelphla.

COSTUMES ASI» tVKJ.S TO UlltE.Write for Catalog and Kstltiiate^

iHIIUllanlVl „Prlees reiisonnlile. I.KAV IS PKTIT,11 III IV. V. Ave., N. W., Washington. D. «'.

Songs, Me,, writ-len to order; auysnlijeel. I.Orn'

GOOD VAUDEVILLE WA^oAt the "Clalety" Theiitre, Alllanee.Oliln. Only IwnShows n day. Aildree-s

/.INN HOIIAIlf^OTT, Miinager._

Wauled, Tuba to Double Bass, Cornet lo DoubleIlrst Violin, oilier Band People, i'errorniers wiiie.

Two week smuds under tem . Hoy your own,OIAHUMU JACK CO.; ll.rken.arU, N, ,1


An A No. 1 Character Comedian

WANTED. First Class Leading,

Heavy Han; Ingenne, Singing, Danc-

ing Comedian; People (or Small

Parts and Specialties.DO NOT MIMII'PltKSl.lVT.

FRAME H.DANIELS. 8t.Clond.Mlau.

TO RESPONSIBLEItKrKKTOIUH COM.Will leiise al low cash lurins I'jo; s my ihorouglili'tried, fully satlsfiielnry, eniiyrighlei'l ilramnll/ii-Hon or itoiltNHON ntimoK. oreni iiritughi,

nlglil or iimilnee. sluti'l east, iteslly singed,llnUllie nnd uver.v Will on), of tin- oidliuii'i.

Aililiu-N I'ltASK S. DAVIDSON, lUlliiiwilv Slid

lUHIIi, N. !:...Cleveland, Oliln.

WANTEb,Performers In All Branches 0MI18

Medicine Show Business,

Miisifiaiw nlui lloiilile in Orrliwlni,No Sure* lUlviiueeil 10 iiiirlles iiiiknown to lis.

Unit ho rauly lo Join on reeuiiil 1.1 nvirn.till. A I. VIS IIKMHON, (lliinillleu, No. Dak.

RHEOSTATl-'nr Hit AllRi'iiuiliig ur li'jtt liliinti (nrreiii. Ktri'

I'i'ihh*; AilJiiMijii/le. 1 :11 j j • I 10 muni Hiiid ill »:m;

only lis, i'lre i'rni,r IthiioHliil. lmv., $n.

II AIIIIACH A 10., Klltt Fllliifl, I'llllll,, I'll.

AT LIBERTVV EXPERIEHCEO^VAUDEVILLEI'lANO ri.AYKIl wishes ougngumeni lit vamlevlllenark or thcaliv phiyliig viutileville. Tlientre iire-

len-ed. Address II. L HACAIITNKV.M)7 Murray Ave., Mllwuukee, U'l-,



Muuy more, new A Vml-hiind, Kdltoti Ivxhltililuii

M.I'.MiieliltieH,ule. .'n.-.slamp for large catalog A list.

l'HKItl,KSSKXL'IIAN(lK. ll-Jlliitli lolpliSl..l)Tileai|o.

AT LIBGBTY, TOR UNOLE TOI'8 CABIN,Marks orst.t.'liiro; (In eoueorl turn. Wire or irrlle.

Mill IIHOOKS, Otfl Nlirtli nth Si., I,:ifii»elli', Ind.Will need ilek'nt if too far.

Wanted, for Med. Show,silent Aid Hint euli eiuuigi-, s. mill H. I'oineillHIH.

No k|eker«. 'Aililri'HH

1 1 HI). OIIKSTKII, Mgr., AMliley, Mo.

Al VIOLINIST (OR VIOLA) AT LIBERTYA, V. M. I'irieeli h:iim' ex|ierlence. .

V., cifiwof Mil. I.OI'r, llidel I'mker,llroiid way, S. IIimIiiii, Main.

TOUPKKS, Paint. Powder. Stump for jirlco llm.

O . BUHINDnKMH , Mil W. Mlh St.. New Tork.

Magic Lists ot Tricks, 10c. None Fret.

The Davll'a own Trick, We. Only N. K. Agent for

Iliiglc, Wizard, Magic Inn, lie each.W. I', l,r!m>Y. WJ Court St,. HtiKloll. Haw.


Iniiedr. Aciross' I'linhm. (latulogiie free oil re-

ceipt of li eeiii h 1 iei ter tiOAtagel.

A. OK SAII.l.K, Villa Iris, 4 line lie Seze, I'arln.

SNAKES-CM^ Python Snakes, AH Sizes'.

I'lim or Turile lleml Siniketi, *i'. per do/.en, till

iissorleil Hi/.en. C'lllilee lot of Monkeys.J, IIQI'K, » Konh Ninth Si.. I'lillinleljitilii, l'n.

Wanted, A Sister Team,Man nnd wife with good mieemliy, M. I'. Oiieruli.r

will) Machine. Oue slion 11 day, statu lowest.

Address AM, SIIMMKH, cure of IH.IPI'KH.

WANTED, for Lowerjr Bros.' Show, Performirs

nnd MuslelniiK in all lines, nlxo lliisillng Hush Can-vim Mun nud ('oiik. Nil room for klekuraor drunks.

Address (IKO, II. i.OWKIlV, om |>er_riiine.

Talented. Tonng Leading WomanAT II HillT V for nnxt neasini. Only telliilile man.Hgern of II11I el/iss eoiniwples eunsldereil.

'•• V. tt.i'areofCMPPFK.


410 apRfi? Npw iroR5? PLIBPEH. Jjwi,


«! g - '

THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limited)' r '':>'. noranou. •*

ALBERT .T. BORIE.RnrronuL iiit flosmsas Mimosa.

8ATDBDAY. JUNE 1, 1007.



Kntercd June 24, 1870, at the Post Office it

Now York. N. V., • second clau nutter, «n4tfIbe act of March 3. 18TB.

. RATES.AdTortlieniemit—$2.80 per Inch, alocla oolama.

A J tarlUfawnti set with border, 10 per ct. w tra,


One year, In alliance; M| six months, 12; three

months, it. Foreign postore extra. Slnjle copiaa

will be aeot, postpaid, on receipt of 10 cents.

Oar Terms aire Cash.

TDK CLirPEB la Issued every Wcdne^ay jaorn>

log. Tbc last four (advertising) pafe* 00 TOPRESS on Satiinluj at 11 1. u., ana the OUH

t parks, namely: Rlvervlcw. Chute* rlgno, Horton nod LaiTrlska, tbc- Poor IJn-

Honcl, which, added to those al- «>"«. Burnett Ud WuilaM, Pete Baker,

led. makes five In all, besldea Bel- Armond Sisters, Ld. Moon and the klno-

TVeatern Rarrnnof the New York Cllpp--.

Room BOl, AibUnd Block, thlcaso.Chief Interest was centred, last week, ' In

the opening of tbrec of the city's Summeramusementand Hans .

ready opened. _mont Park, where a stock company la holding; dromeforth, with vaudeville between the acta. Theweather was variable, and covered all thestyles from the chill of Winter to the unbeat-able lie.it of Hummer, with rain and heavywinds thrown In for good measure. Thereare Ho changes to be recorded Id the down-town houses, but several of the outlying the-atres will elose with the ushering In of June.All the houses liave been doing excellent busi-ness, and there ore now more theatres open

Lllllnn Shaw, Warren and BHinrbard, Cal'a- noon T>r May V>. trader very unraroraoie

ban and St. George. Mr. and lira. Frani'ln circumstances. Since Monday the rain had

Colby company, Marie Laurens, Beno and been failing almost constantly, which ren-

AzoM, and the klnodfomc. dered It difficult to finish the vast amount of

OliUpjc (Abe Jacobs, manager).—The bill

for week of 27 Includes : The Dancing Dalies,May Howard ami company. Julius I'an-

nen, Wesson. Walters and -Wesson, DorotliyKenton. Three La Mare Brothers, James liar-

work to be completed, and then the skies

were overcast oft the opening day, threaten-

ing showers and heavy rains. In spite of

this there was a crowd waiting at the gates,

and when they were opened they pouted

In to sec the transformed area and dodgetbc rain drops when they had to. Increased

to more than twice Its' former site, withgood many more than twice the number

All Over K»re-Phy»lcl«ut CalledIt Kczenia In Hi Wont Form


'•About four year* ago I was afflicted

IIavmabxkt (William K. Xewklrk, mana- of concessions which the park has bad here- with black splotches al over my (ace andger).—This house will close for the season, lofore, the spectacle - Is one


to bewilder a few on my body, which produced a severe20, and will bo entirely refitted before the even the most tried amusement seeker.

jtcn n _ Irritation, and which caused me ,onenlhe In the Fail and made one of tbo The main sect on of the grounds Is In tire •«-"«« "*""T"72 .' -"«•» «^tubea me a

tSSSSJ^^S£fkSSJStmcSSo^. same relative position as last year but to great deal of suffenng. I was forced to call

SctnsoLBR's (LudwigSchlndier. manager), tbc South and West, vast stretches of Jerri- in two leading physicans of . After a—The business here Is at the capacity tory have been acquired, and before the Sum- thorough examination of the dreaded commark continually. Bill for week of 27 ,n- per Is over, still more will be added. The


t* announced it to be skin ,„„„'

dudes: The Three California Hong Birds, Bowery extenda from the main thorough- P la'"1 "> <=* » """""H6? '



f°a aUln c«cm »

McKce and Van. Bessie Crawford. Marie Ar- fare to the Southern limit of the grounds, in its worst torm. I beir treatment did methan any previous year at this late date, and thur,' Bingham a'ndtfabo, Hnnpbcl and Aros- and Is fully 10O feet between building no good. Finally I became despondent ami

an and the Stadium Trio. lines, so that there Is plenty of space for decided to discontinue their services MvCamtmkt (John T. Connors, manager).— all to walk at leisure. With a fewh„b__j D^lrcha9„j a „•„„!. „. n < r"; "'

. Pawnee Bill opened May 23, on tbc old The bill for week of 27 Includes : Anna Eva trifling exceptions, everything within the g™5™ purcnascct a s ngie set.olUiticura

they are playing as many huge successes as man and the Stadium Trio,one could see here In the height of the sea-

pain on MONDAY nod TUESDAY.The Forms Clnnlnar Promptly. Tues-

day nt JO o'clock A. M.riease remit by express, money order, check,

P. O. order or registered letter. All cash enclosed

witb letter Is at the risk of sender. •

Addrens All Cnmmtinlcnttons toTHE NEW YORK CLIPPER,

47 West 28th Street, New Xotk.

KmMmt CnbU A*Jrc»*, "AptnoaiTT."

THE WE8TEBN BUBEA.Uof Tub CLtPFEs is located at Room (501. AshlandHlock, Cblcogo, John T. Prince Jr., manager and


Washington Pork race track grounds, to te- Ray, Lucy and Lucler. McNemec, Prgerlta gates Is brand new this season, but the same Remedies, wnlrli entirely-stopped the break,main for four days, after which time he will Arnold, Calef and Waldron, De Onao and glorious shade trees are there, with hundreds ing out. I continued the use of the Cuticurabe soon on the North and West Hides. An- McDonald. Hdna Shepherd, and the kino- of thousands of electric lights strung through Remedies for «ii months and after th=tnoiincoments are up now for the fortbeomtag drome. Business has been splendid since them. At tbc end of the main parade Is one .wn,mWri „,,Jll,' ™ ,! '

engagement of Buffalo Bill. Manager Connors adopted vaudeville as an of the highest and longest chutes in the *«ry splotch was entirely gone, I have notIllinois Theatre (Will J. Davis, mana- entertainment. country, with a deen. long basin Into which tilt a symptom of the eczema for three

years. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge,Ave., Selma, Ala., Oct 28, 1905.

correspondent, where advertisements sad subscrip- guzement is Indefinite.lions are received at our regular rates. Powers' Tukatiie (Harry J. Powers, man-

THE LONDON BUREAU, ager).—The end of the engagement, and of

Located at «• Crnnbburne Ht., Tendon, W. O.. John the Bcason of "ITie Lion and the Mouse"II. earner, rasnager ond correspondent, where sd- are nt hand, for this will occur Saturday,

Davis, nmnn- entertainment,ger).—:'Thc Man of tbe Hour" has scored Stab (James L. Lederer, manager).—Busl- the boata plunge, and around which, and up years. Mrs. Lizzie E. Sledge, uo tonesus great u success locally as any play which ness is big here. The bill for the week In- both sides of the chute and strung across It. ^ve - Selma Ala Oct, 28 loot "we have seen in a long time. Tbe great eludes : Fred ftnrlft, the musical conrique


are mlrlads of llgnts. Just to the North of

strength of I he lines nnd situations are Reno and Begar, In "Up In the Air;" Harry this Is a roller coaster said to be tbe longestforcibly brought before us by a remarkably Harvey, the "comical Jew:" Alexander, the In the, world, and a ride on It seems to bear maK |ng It.-, first appearance In this ritv t.rlever company, among thi> especially notable Buckeye Trio, and their trick house, and the out the statement. The new band shell Is wag an |mmedlate success from the start Jn ,i

membersihelng : Robert Fischer. Harry Har- Staroseopc. located In the centre of the South side of Major Lillle may feel sure of a welcome wheuwood. Orrln Johnson, Thomas Melgban, apoixo (Kd. I*mson, manager).— This the grand parade, and. Kryl and his band he returns next season. Tbe ooeninc i'..r

house, on the great West Side, awny from will perform there. Between this stand andformal)ce waa g\yen during 11 heavv ntiVPrances Ring and Kate Leicester. The en-

all the other theatres, has been str-ing up n fine trade and the bills offered have dense grove of young trees, under which remained until the finish. People from eve«been the best that the circumstances would hundreds of tables have been set. and one qDarter of the globe are seen here ami ihJ,



can watch the fun at the chutes and listen yaD10US trpes orBr |ders were wlm , T,jS£J

Humboldt (William A. Lang, manager),— to the music at the same tIme. Tbe seenlc and as there has seldom, If ever, been suebvertlKemeuls and subscriptions are received at out and the corapnny will disband. Arthur Byron TWs house has closed for the season, and railway Is a marvel, and the water carousel recK iess w6r |t gcen jjCrei | t wag no Wl ,lin ,

repilar rates. ...,..., will then t-etlre permanently from tbe_ cast, will i>robably not open until. late In August, to one whicb will delight the ybMger class. Cossacks, cowboys, cavalrymen from the•t'lis C'uriER c»n b» onTiiNan, wnoLBSiiJ iKij having over 600 performances of the chnrac- |s£ (Ben Snyder manager).—Tbe bill Big Otto has M» animals in an Interesting armies of our own country and Great Britain

THIS NEW YORK CLIPPER publlahea prayers have been warmly welcomed." "and —The"bill"for"the week"of 87 Includes :°Beu posing the I^ke Shore League will play here to "appear on the West and North sides "this

onl" «iip edition, and that is dated "Dream City" haa proved a clever offering Turpln, In acrobatic dance and song^ Tlpk- JJfWr^and Sunday at^rnoons. T*"from Kq\* York.

QUERIES ANSWERED.Ho Replica by Mall or Telcgrnpu.




RRAMATIC.S. B. CJ., Kaslon.—We have no knowledge


uf lite present whereabouts of the party. MarchAddress 11 letter In .-are of this ofllce, and wewill advertise it in TUB CLiri'Eit lettor list.

W. II. C, Chicago,A.vxioiK, lrf>nvcnworth,('. S., Louisville,II. A. R, Mt. Pocono,j. P. tl„ New Hiiveu,Miss K. I)K T., Conncutilvllle, midJ. A., Brooklyn.—See answer to 8. 11. 0.,

bove.K. U, S„ Colnmhus.—1. There Is no book

published which gives what you want, li.

Tin: Ci.ii'i'KU dated May 11, 11>07, contained11 list of Summer parks. 3. Tin: Ci.iri'Bit

Ited Book, which will soon be issued, will

contain n list of booking agents.A I'Mi'fKu Rkadkk, BtiBton.—AddrcsB T. H.

Wlnnelt, 1403 Broadway, New York City.

II. & Co.. Lyiu'liburg.—Unless extra per



week , and it deserves the best of patronigr.for the Intermediary sensrtti, which closes this ham and company, motor cycle cage; the roller skating rink, in which the champion- Buffalo Bill Is advertising his comlnc

re many impersona- Victors, bag punching and boxing: the snip races will occur this Summer, Is all fully two months ahead of his arrival, andgreat applause, and Roberts Four, In "The Doll Making DHcm- IS

8*^"^ ownfJ» "*'% lt ^ bc -


ana y O"^ 01 the llagcnbeck-Wallace Shows will be henweek. Cecelia liOftusttons, which colled forvuOtla Hnrlnn was a great favorite. Madelyn ma;" Curran and Milton, In comedy sketch, the best In the worid. The piece de rcsisf- later on Marian Griffin, a relative ofMarshall was well liked as the "help," and and Illustrated songs and pictures. Business ("ice Is The Great Train Robbery, and the j. c> Williamson, the Atlstrallan ninna-the costumlna and staging wag gorgeous, holds up very well. thirty horses and riders nnd the more ..tan „r can,,, t0 America a few davs ago. andNext week. "The Three of Us" for a%n. Thama (TlColonial Tiikatilk (George W. Lederer,

inauager).—"Kitty Miles from Boston" Isspeeding along at a rate which almost cx-ecwto- the sliced limit, and the pretty house

WPH.~ thirty horses and riders, and the more uian

homas Murray, manager). The ^e ""."A1^ °Incr?. '" ??eprodnctlcm, ipjtke

bill for week of 27 includes : Kates Bros.,comedy acrobats : Wishard and Peres, castlugact; wliaon Trio, singing act.

Ubea't Noktiibb.n (T'red C. liberts, mnnaIs pneked at every performance. No other ger). ;—"The Wlstard of Oz" has been play-nliiy of (leorgc. Cohan's has proved more popu- ing to excellent business. At the matinee, 22,Inr here than this, and the cast Is

it probably the biggest outdoor spectacleever seen in a Chicago amusement park.With tbe tremendous space at hand, themanagement of the "Bobbery," of whichFred Wright Is the head, has been able ' togive about two hundred feet more Stage

_ praeti- Owm tUn*. who pTay's the SraraHowTwrna foow than was accorded the same attraction

tally faultless. Mr. Cohan bobbed up In f'ont nuable to appear, and uobert Burns who ln g** E»8t last *<** 8n,

d therefore the

of the lenders desk last Wednesday night, appears as the Lion, played Stone's part to engine and cars ure much larger and moreafter the first net, and, amid great appla.tse. great applause. Burns also doubles Sit• Wvlic substantial. Illvervlew deserves success from

• Gyle, und Ralph Nichols, a chorister, played the' wart.>Tom Pryor. popular with every

that port very well. Joseph Schrode doubled •*&. S thc manager of tbe department of

the Lion and the Heifer in quick changes.Bijou (William Roche, manager).-

Missouri Kxpress" did very welt lastond was liked "Human Hearts"

led the musicians through the "Brookfleld

St li 11. 1iAKi.1t Thkatrk (It. F. Uarmeycr,manager).—Henry Woodruff, ln "Brown ofHarvard," Is drawing•good attendance. Tho

olned Joe Weber's company, now plavlng"Dream City," at the Uarrlck Uln^Weaver-Carson, u local soprano, made herdebut evening of 22, In Cable Hall"The OrchldT" It Is said, will divide theSummer season, at the (larrick, with "TheThree of L's," In which l-aura Nelson Hallwill be seen. Trlxle Frlganza will be fent-ured In the former offenng when It comes.

Thc Illinois Naval Reserve Band willgive a concert at the International Theatn-.evening of 2f, at which Jules Lombard willsing. It will be In the nature of a Decors-

Hiipi>ort!ng company Js strong. "Miss Poca-hontas," given last year by tbc First DrumCorps of Cadets, In Boston, and which Isfrom the pen of R. A. Ha met. Is announcedfor the Summer attraction, opening June m.

McVickek'k Thkatbk (liforgc C. Warren,manager).—"Tho big show'V continues . topack this large house, and the effects are justas well handled as on the eventful openingnight. There Is no change In the cast, and week, and the plav pleased asIf business keeps on In this manner, the close past. "The Convict's Daughterof the Summer will still sec "The Round Up" log bill of the season, and th

movesfrom the North Side this week, and Is sureof u line reception,which appealNext week, !

XveraTfe T T~< " ~i'monw'th^tilaS ^TJ^t^S^lt '^wf™*^' ^"and'sta'iell^hat

CB1TBB.ON (John 11. Hogau. manager).- SgHi <LP»lWt< fiiSd thi^ Tvro"h


n wa' bUHy a" H'e tlme/fllllng orders f«r

••lliimnn He?rtB»dld aspleSdid.buslne'ss'la t fe^. Bleke?.' jK' Anhetre' Kelierm5a™: fttt9LS< .JS*»IV "IL'JfS?*Jj

the h Ions fur

was taken to the animal hospital, but ruiilil

thc followingarranger uf

Oneontu llulld-

Hnmett, the

. Man." has the house crowded at every per-inriniini'pH lire stipulated In the contract It fenkamee. William Pruette, May Yokes,would bo uiuviisonablc to request extra per- Harry Clarke, George Cony, Gilbert Clayton,lorinnnces wlllioiit proper remuneration. Charles Drew, lsabelle D'Armond and othersW. \\. S.. Phllndelphia.—Address party carry thc piece llglitly on their shoulders,

care of the Players (!lub. New \ork City. la. Salu: Thkatbe (Mort H. Singer, man-C. J. G., Baltimore.—1. Mfiko appllcntion. ager).—Many other mimical comedies have

In lUunagcrM of companies ' tint visit your eon* nnd gone since "The Time, the Placeilly. 2. Address party cure of Tim CLiPi'Klt ,mi | the Girl" started Its career, last August,ami we will advertise thc letter In, our let-

ter list.

F. M. 0., Grand Itaplds.—From J40 perweek up. •

O. 0. !•:., Brooklyn.—Advertise In Tun('LIl'PKIt.

doing business here. remain dark until August, when(Jiianu Opeba Housb (Harry Asklii, man- opened for the new season with Lincoln .1. to'm'oueen TlaleT tourT the"«ea

Jt"eoaster"MP**.— Frank. Daniels, in 'The Tattooed Carter's mammoth production of "The Cat ! ' -- •


tnc .B ^.e?, ^ r '

and Fiddle." Vaudeville will be given forone matinee aud night, June 2.Alhambba James II Brown, manager).

"The Convict's Daughter" pleased every oneInst week, aiid the receipts were good. "The.lumnri nnva In UIhuam.I" la ,I.a ............. 1.111

trip through Venice, the airships, figureeight, infant Incubators, tin- Chicago Ore,miniature railway, over a mile lorig; vaude-ville theatre and the board walk.

Chiitbs Pabk (W. II. Strlckler, manager).-This park, oh the South Side, opened Itsitpte **.,. nnrl In unlto nf tlni Hluurvr„/,al,1n

next season. These will consist of MaineVlckers, In "Edelweiss ;" Bertrlcc Shcpanl,ln "Nettle, the Waif:" Mac Steal, In "tteudy.the Mall Girl." end Adelaide Randall, In

"Her Great Sacrifice." Bertrlce Sbep-ard was a Bureau caller 22, and reported nvery busy season, though she was feelingwell from the effects of hard work. She

und were It not for tho excessive heat whichvisits this city tluring thc "real" Summermonths, the record could easily be "one bhsluess.solid year In Chicago." No date has been set thingsus yet for the closing, and as long as tbo patronscool weather continues, tbe fun will go on. as .in nxtr

James Boys In Missouri'' Is the current bill, „„.»"- -J andTin sollf> of he dlsaereeali e wl" H,ar nexi sfMm ln '•Nettie, the Wnlf."and should do well. Next week, "The Moou- weather alarae crowd a^mbled to^^esa ,md,'r thc management of Franklin Wright.shiner's Daughter." Ha" rnaliv chanaes wblclT hadT been m.ule

0|>enlng nt Blue Island, III.. In Hcptenilirr.

Kubon'8 (Isld. J. Kusou. manager).-The L tJ coffsut Si KvwvtliC .William T. Gasklll. manager of Ibe

stork company here has been an overwhelm- SEsJiii., *ST*.J!5ftJ!VZi-.J.-V.el?i"'

ngh . ? People's Theatrical lixchange. and Mr.

nKsntcess.and.Ihe house isdolng a splendid Si™' "'"2J^SJ ,

*' ."?„" ' liV Newell, of the -team of Newell and NiUK..were cullers 'li. Newell and Nlblo have re-

turned from Ktiropo and South Africa, wherethey have lieon pfriWng siiccesKfiilly for overit year. This week they are. apeparlug nt


CARDS.T. B., Korhester.—B wins thc pot.

manager).—"A hulght for a Day' goes on Follv (Joltn A. Fenncssy, manager).—splendidly. Arthur Donaldson retired from Hnllly & Woods' Show was well received

A the part of Marco, last week, and his place last week, and the offering was a good one.upeiied an mi Illegal hand, and should Ihi was taken by his understudy. Win. Stowell, The Fay Foster Co. furnishes thc currentpeiiullxed twice the amount of his original who was formerly a member of tho chorus, bill. Two burlettas are offered, aud the olioante, which goes Into tho next pot, to be Mr. Stowell achieved an Immediate success, Is a generously good one. The choruses arcplayoil for In tho usual Way. nnd will lie retained In thc part. Kvery mem- well handled, the comedians and othe

S. \V.. Alexandria.—As it Is necessary to her of the chorus will be given a two weeks'take a Hick before each meld. A can not vacation, with salary, and Mr. Whitney will

meld the dlx ideccc), as bu can uot toko have extra chorus people to till in thc piaco

another trick. of the absentees.

K. II. K., Johnson City.—Three a's and a . Bl'su tumm Thkatiih (lilizabeth Scho-ber, manager).—"Camlllc" was well playedlast week, and the audiences enjoyed theperformances, with Sarah Truax as Camlllc,nnd (JeorjreFarren. as Armand. "Graustark"will lie the closing bill of the season, whichwill end June 1. Thc season has been avery profitable one.

INTKIINATIONAI. TlIKATBU (Ellis V. Click-. man, manager).—Nothing seems to daunt thc .». v„ ., .,« t „uu „» nci


Union.— I hero Is no rule ror la>lng theHtrogoers of this hbuse, and tho business and supported by mnny of thc best people lnmills. I hat Is left entirely to the party kmn)li up jU8t the Mame. whatever the weath- burlesque. The olio will Include six big acts,milking Hie hook. er. .'j;ae stock star system has met with sue- Including living pictures. "On Board Ship,"

cess, and the three or four weeks which each the burlesque, will enlist thc services of

11. with 11 (1 turned up, count eighteen points,

Then: are live 1.V2's which equals ten points,six for the ilnee ,'l's. and two for the palenl' It's, or. a lotnl of eighteen points.

MUM It. K.. New York.—1. Theodore Rob-erts played tho role Tubywuna. 2. BacoWhite was thc mime of thc Indian.


general opinion was that the show was oneof the best given during the past few months.Summer stock burlesque will bold forth, com-mencing afternoon of 26. headed by tbe popu-lar German comedians, Nat and Sol Fields,

at . the Colonial Theatre, which Is muchopening, owing to some of the struct irennr Iue colonial Theatre, whicn is muni

BrVlvuS onV

ilme^TlMs noVdoinga fine SSStL.*'" VheVkln s^cT wllfbavcSHSt ™"e

-D?S??r»..«" Brigade." Efflr^i^JL^iiS^ia^^rtS

MIKC'GLLANBOtiSW. II.. Ilrtxiklyn.—We can not undertake

to answer legal questions. Consult a lawyer.

Tin' I 'rlnrs to Give n Summer Oatlusr

star has devoted to this house bavo been thirty-live people.greatly appreciated. Kmpirb (William Singer, manager).—The

PKori.is'N (Joseph Pilgrim, manager).

Fay Foster Co. left a lot of guy hearts bc-"Dor« Tlmrne" drew good houses last week, hind when lt departed for the South Side,

Other attractions Include: The ffouse of 8t"21tW2*a of booking next season «M'Nonsense, Topsy Turvy, Foolish Factory. Ktni^'"'!..'?

Il,e St'iumeg B,l




' ,,,:Pony Circus Biding Ring Mi-rrv Waves Tiii.r » «

W. .

&,Krl»oger atinounce that the hie

Theatre. SI JenTlns oVrv^ House. Itnzalc R^K\ J'

nen,re["V"?8 ' ."



Dazsle, (Jypsy Camti. amf the big auto coast- 1± wll ' ut'. Presented In Umdon next ses-

er. An efficient force o^ forty unlforme 1

«on- •< the Drnry I*no Thenlre. A sperls

IHillcc- maintain the tx-st 2 or3*7 SmtSSS ZPTSL "2 be?SffWSiJ '«l2 ."j ,«one hundred fraternal organizations have Be- l,~ g 'ven hy memi*n of the XH-boru *»

lectcd this park as the spot at which thev n^' *A"«n8 r«Wi club, at the Whllne.'

will hold their outings.* Pncra "»'"»• afternoon of 21. the proceeds

Kavm Hnrei |,.„ u. ,,.„„ ,, .,.,. 599 dcvotetl to viiilous charities?»


Ly _"*"•£ (i-fonard Wolf, mana- "Brewster's Millions." with Kdward .S.

rli-il ou Sunday, .May tit, to II. B. Warner,leading nuitt for Klennnr llobson. The cere-

ninny was pet funned ill .Mrs. lliimlln's npurl-liM'ii't. IS Fifth Avenue, by Ibe Itev. Dr.Ilitughlnii, ot "The l.lllle Church Ariuinil thtr

Coiner." Mr. nnd .Mrs. Warne-r have sailedto spend the Summer in Kuglund. They willreturn In the Full, nnd 'Mr. Warner willresume his engagement as leading man lulikKQor Uobsvu'a company.

June I. TMfe "ifrjtew iroiiii: cti^PEft. 411

the William Morris Turk time, '-'7, for the

Summer Among other (Xii'ckh Bureaucallers during the week were: (!. Walton,

lid. A. lUtsoh.-Mr. Allen. John S. Young,lllchard C Maddox and H. Greenfield. .... .

Tbe Summer term of the Chicago College of

Music will open June 24, continuing for lite

illla The college ban t>een very successful

this season pant, ami the School of Acting,

under the- direction of 'J. II. Gllmonr, bmnnttnlned ncw'ltelghts. The coinmenci'ment ex-ercises and concert will be held In the Audi-

torium, evening of June 18, and will In-

clude n inimical programme by student* whohave wtm (lie first jiriie diamond medals ntllnnl examination. - '• : .

• .i «.» I



Clipper Uareaa," 48 Cranbonrue St.,

Leicester Square,London. W. c.

' MAY 18.

"The (Hrls of Gottetilssrg." which was to

have been produced ut the (lalety last Satur-

day night,was postponed to Wednesday of thu

rarrtnl week. The play is the work of GeorgeGrossmltb Jr., L. B. Herman. Xvnn Caryil.

Lionel Monektou, A<lrlau Boss. Hand Hood,mid ('. JB. Bbvrll. "The Girls of Hottrnherg"

Is founded on the famous Koe|»enlrk episode.

Teddy I'nyne Is the little rascal who hold*

up the town of Gottenbcrg. makes love' to

tin: daughter of the burgomaster, sees to it

Unit the burgomaster nud the town clerk

are hauled off to. prison. Installs himself hi

n suite of apartments at the town hall,', andbrings lo Goitenberg the otueersot the Illue

Hussars, who. should huve been at Koiten-Is-rg. Other funny situations arise before (he.ml, when all turns out well. Others. who-.-ore III I lie piece besides Mr. I'ayiie areGertie .Millar, May bo Sousn, Violet Halls,

Hubert Nnlnby, George (Jrossmlth Jr., T.-C.Maxwell and Jean Ayiwln. A run of a year's

da Ml Ion ' will probably he the fate of thelie* pleCf.

Julia Marlowe and 10. IL Sothern on Mon-day last pul ou "Wlien Knighthood Was, InFlower," at Hie Waldorf, for the flriit timeiii London. .Tim audience liked .the play, butiileerltlcs rather poked fun at IL One critic,

In reviewing- the: play, said: "I'aul Kcstcr,who has. dramatized 'When Knlghtliood Washi Flower' from Charles Major's novel of Ihesame name; lias probnbly not the least Ideahow Maddeningly .funny his [day really la. It

was produced, last night, at the Waldorf, andgave the Impression that the author had beenreading the "Oniric History of England' and"I'miiing. • of the Shrew, and. had thenmixed up his recollections of the two workshi a nightmare. Hitherto the members ofibis r.otiipiiu.v hare not felt It their duty toshout, hut Mat night they set out to rivaltls-ir fellow coiinlryjncn at. the Aldwych, andachieved quite a respectable measure of sue-ecss. And yet only tit the cud did the voiceof the Imo-er make itself heard." After. re-

lating tlie story of the play, the writer goeshi lo say: "This farrago ambles lis wuyalong Willi much noise and knockabout busi-

ness, and the usual dodges of so-culled his-

torical drama. There Isn't a line that Is

above Hie level of commonplace. It Is In-

fantile in Us attempts at exciting laughter.It Is u poor specimen of a type of .piny ofwhich we arc pretty weary. Miss Marlowe,who. has played the part live hundred timesIn the States, was .Mary Tudor, it was sad-dening to see her bring her charm and herskill to bear upon such poor stuff, and tohear her misusing her beautiful voice. Mr.Sothern, as Brandon, kills one man with adagger and wounds others with his sword,which is about all be hus to do. Henry VIIIwas made a comic character by Mr. Mawson,and nobody else had anything particularlytu do or say."A motor bus, containing eighteen men,

each currying two boards. on Ills bock, ad-vertising Marlowe and Soihern's season utthe Waldorf, left the theatre eurly Thurs-day morning, for a totir of the city and theWest End. The party, however, was stoppedby at least fifty policemen, and later in theday six inspectors called at the theatre In

person and Informed A. Toxen Worm, thebusiness manager of Miss Marlowe and Mr.Sothern, that they were driving the vehiclethrough many nets of parliament. Direpenalties were hinted at. and It was accord-ingly decided to abandon the scheme.The option to purchase six provincial the-

atres for the sum of £1 (10,1)00 has been ex-ercised by Stevens & Buchanan, and the fol-

lowing theatres will accordingly come underl heir control In a few days: The King's, thelloyul and the Royalty, Glasgow : the Ly-ceum aud Ihe Theatre Itoyul, Edinburgh, andI lie Tyne, Newcaxtle-on-'i'vne. Mr. StevensIs the managing director of the MarlboroughTheatre, London, and he Is also Interestedlit several Scottish theatres and the Shakes-]H>are, Liverpool, while Mr. Buchanan al-

ready controls theatres at Glasgow, Edin-burgh and Sunderland.The 'House Full" sign Is put out at every

performance of "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbagei 'a i eh," and the neat sale for the next twoor three weeks Is very large. The play willlie suit on flying matinees during June,ut Eastbourne. Hustings, Folkestone and thecrystal 1'alace. The Autumn tour, which,so far as present arrangements go, will com-mence at the ltoyul, Portsmouth, Sept. Iff,

will include Glasgow, Manchester, Liverpool,Kdliibiirgb, Newcastle. Dublin and Hlrnilng-iinni.

A cordial welcome awaited Ellen Terry, onMonthly, when she arrived at Tilbury Hocks.When she innded she was presented with abig bouquet, and photographs of the populardress were. freely taken. At St. Patternsst a i ion another crowd of friends were assem-bled to greet her. Her husband, Mr. Carew,will follow her to England lu a week or so.Meanwhile, Miss Terry Is engaged in complet-ing her autobiography, which will soon bepublished.The Playgoers' Club entertained Beerbohm

Tree to a congratulatory dinner, at the HotelCecil, Inst Sunday night. In celebration ofIlls recent successful visit to Berlin. HullCalne, the president of the club, occupied the'hair, and said Mr. Tree's success was onemure cable of communication uniting Ger-many and Great Britain. Mr. Tree, In re-'pending to ihe toast or his health, snld hebad been Impressed wilh Ihe Important placewhich Ihe theatre held In Ihe national lifeni Germany.

Although the revival of "Cloncnrty," nt IheLyric, has met with much fuvor. and seemsassured of n considerable ruu, Lewis Wallernits n succesnor to It already. In a four actplay, by Somerset Maugham, author of "AJtan of Honor." This entitled, "The Ex-plorer," and Is concerned with the cruelposition of n man who, in the endeavor toliffrlr-ml while living, and shield when dead,be brother of 'the woman he Iovcb, findshimself, bv a chnln of circumstances, underthe suspicion of having deliberately sent thedead man to Ills doom.

Chnrles I'rolunan Is Introducing a novelscheme to the suburban patrons of Hie Illcks,who are desirous of seeing "Brewster's Mil-lions. ' A motor omnibus on Wednesday,ihitrsdny nnd Friday nights carried theibentregoers to and frnra their homes. Thescheme met wllh great success. >

Olga, Nethersole. en route to New York.is to travel via Paris, for Ihe purpose ofsmug, at the Barah Bernhardt Thentre, per-formances from her repertory of "Thesecond Mrs. Tanqueray." "Mngdn." "Hnpho."Adrlenno Lecouvrcttr," and "I,n Dame nux


Martin Harvey will start a London season,limited tn /our weeks, on Monday, June 3.Jt the Adelphl. where Ihe German OpernLo. bring their performance* of -"Leu Cuulcs

d' Hoffman" lo a close ou the previous Satur-day.

George Adney Payne, one of the leadingmusic hall managers Id this country, diedearly in the week from Injuries received lua motorcar accident. At the time of the acci-dent. Mrs. Payne was driving the car, andlu order to avoid a cyclist, she ran the carInto a ditch. Mr. I'ayne had several ribsbrdken and was hurt Internally, but lie wasprogressing favorably when a relaiise came,i, nd he died quite suddenly.

Will A. Bennett, who has been fur some timefiinnetfed wllh the imhllclly department ofthe Mitss & Stoll houses, during which period,by his Invariable courtesy and prompt andserviceable work, he has made himself .ex-tremely popular with the London aud pro-vincial press, has now undertaken. In addi-tion. Hie publicity work of the LondonHippodrome, lu succession to II. W. Gnrrlcl:,who has resigned to supervise the press worklu connection wllh the forthcoming Oxfordpagen t.

Itoulinetil and Pltpio are at the Eden The-atre, Milan, for the month of May, and al-though this is their sixth engagement atthat house, they are going bigger than ever.They remain on the continent until August,when they return tu England to fulfill en-gagements already, contracted for.After an absence from the States of n long

time. Herbert Uoyd returns to' New Yorknext week. He la bringing buck with hbu anew art—that Is to My, an act he has neverthere done before, but one that, litis lieeu mostsuccessful lu all parts of England. Ireland andScotland, and all parts' of the continent.

Barton And Ashley also return to theirnative soil next week, after being away fromAmerica for a long time. Upon their ar-rival In New York they proceed immediatelyto their borne nt St. James, where they re-

main for four months. They were offeredtwenty weeks by William Morris, but theydivided not to- arrange uny lime until theygot to New York. Their "Connl Boat StU"is oue of the standby's at the first class hallsin Ibis country.The Alliiimhrn has undergone n wonderful

transformation, and. Inspected by a largeparty on Tuesday afternoon, the popularhouse presented u gorgeous apiN'urance, wllhIts tasteful aud luxurious new decorations,nnd generally ornate and Improved rehabili-tation. George Scott Is to be congratulatedon being the manager of one of the hand-somest houses in Europe. In addition to theAlliiimhrn being wholly redecorated, an en-tirely new Installation of seats has been made,while the "rake" ou Ihe sight line from therear of Hie amphitheatre luis been so treatedas to afford tin unobstructed view from anyisjsltlon. The approach to Ihis part of thetheatre Is now made by two much Improvedentrances nnd slalrcases, both having beenentirely rebuilt lu accordance wllh thespecifications of the I-ondon County Council.'Ihe balcony, with lis magnificent lounge nudadjoining annex, has received particular at-tention, the opportunities for decorative dis-play which the spacious section of theauditorium afforded having been utilized loIhe fullest advantage. The lounge hits prac-tically been ren.odt led throughout, and Itscelling has been brought mure closely intothe general scheme, by being lowered. Aformer obstruction. In thu form of the un-sightly old bioscope box. lias given way toan elevated and spacious cinematographchamber. Willi an electrical eipilpmeut. Theold system of seating has been discardedand replaced by most comfortable stalls. Infact, such a change hns been made lu theplace that one would hardly know it wasihe same hall.

Sydney llynian Informs me that certain ru-mors have lieen afloat within the last weekconcerning the liquidation of a music hallcompany In South Africa. Concerning thesereports he has Just received the followingcablegram from the firm's Johannesburgoffice: "With referenco 1o report of a certainEmpire company being In liquidation, saidcompany hns nothing whatever to do with us.We have taken lease of the Tlvoll, Ca|ieTown, and guarantee all contracts." Bywhich win be seen that the Empire TheatreCo.. Limited, are In no way concerned In tbcmatter, and Hint ail the contracts which Mr.llyman has made for the Empire Theatre,Johannesburg, nnd the Tlvoll, Cape Town,are guaranteed by tne said Empire TheatreCo.. South Africa. Limited.

Erie Greene, who has lieen Identilled wllhmusical comedy In this country and In theStates, is the latest recruit lo the musichall stage. She will make her debut at thePalace next Monday afternoon, when a spe-clnl Whitsun hill will be given. Fred Nlblocloses his engagement nt that house to-day,while R. fi. Knowlcs Is announced to openon June .".


Philadelphia.—Numerous managers nrelamenting the fact that nicy closed so earlyIhis season, as the phenomenally cool weatherhas resulted In unusually large business atthe playhouses that still remain open. Localaudiences, as a rule, cannot be Induced topa iron lac the Summer stock and opera pro-ductions Hkc those In the other large cities,

and, as a rule, the town Is dead, from a the-atrical standpoint, during the Summer. Thisseason, however, the vaudeville shows nt.

Keith's and Ihe Chestnut Street Opera Housewill keep open, and an effort will lie madeto run "The White Hen" all Summer nt theLyric. The Trocadero also announces tlmtIt will defy tile dog days.

LYittc (Messrs. Sliubert, managers).—"TbeWhite Hen," with Louis Mann, begins an In-

definite run May 27. David Warllcld. In 'TheMusic Master, departed 20, after u fo-t-

nlght of big returns.W/.tjtOT (Frank Howe Jr., manager).

"Ills Honor, the Mayor," Is now In lis four-teenth nnd final week. Matinee, 22. was theone hundredth performance, and hnndauincsouvenirs were distributed. Attendance lastweek wns line.

I'AiiK (F. G. Nlxon-Mrdllnger, manager).—There 1st no cessation lu the crowds thatnre applauding Tom Waters, In "The Mayorof Lauelilnnil " The fifth week begins 27.The show Is a lively one, wllh the musicalefforts a inverting feature.

Girauii (Miller k Kaufman, managers).

Chester D'Amon. the mind reader, heads thebill 27. The hill Includes: Hnslnm. handcuffexpert; Herohl, strong man. and Bradley andClark. Cole and Johnson. In "The Shoo-FlyRegiment." drew capacity last week and gavea very pleasing show.

Foukpaikiii'm (Miller & Kaufman, malin-gers I.—For Hie concluding week of the Ben-son, 27 nnd week, a house production of"Mamstelle," with n cast of local favorites.Including: Joseph F. Ilortlz, Tlico. Terry,Eleanor Calnes, Cart-nil Daly, Virginia llen-nlngs. Paul Burns nnd Drew A, Morton. "TheBlack Flag" did prosperously 20-25.

Hart's (John W. Hurl, manager).—VanKln/.lc, In "Hearts Adrift." 27 nnd week. Awell ncted production of "The Secret Dis-patch" proved Interesting last week. "Kath-leen Muvournecn" next.

Pf.uI'i.b's (F. G. Tfiiwi TfliWiiaer. mana-ger).—"The Girl from the Bunch" 27 nndweek. "The Fatal Wedding" rolalned Itspopularity, to line returns, Inst week.

Kkitii's (II. T. Jordan, manager).—Stella.day hew Is Ihe lop nnlcher week of 27.Others arc: "That" Quartette, Murphy.Nichols and company, Orlgolctto's FlyingBallet. Die Four 1 1 it ill I tigs. Vernon. iJilhi

Solblnl. Elsie Faye. Dora Ilonca. I.n Belles,Wise and Milton. Tlllle Whllnev. De Voynnd Miller. Hassan Ben All's Bedouin Arabs,nnd Hie ktnetoirrnph. Big crowds last week.

CiiKHT.virr Stbkbt OrMU IIophk ( Nixon& Zimmerman, managers I.--Alice Lloyd madeii pronounced hit last week, nnd continues nsIhe feature for the current week. Otherslire: The McNuughlvlis (second week), lint

TO CORRESPONDENT^.Our tncafrical corre*pandenf* are herrbv

noUflrd that the credential* now helii Dythem will expire an June 1. They ard re-

quetteita return them lo thi* o/Jloe al once,

for reneirdl for 1907-1908.

Gibson Girls, Moure nud Llttlelleld. Billy Clif-

ford. Mason and Hurt. O'Brien, llnvel andcompany. Spessardy's bears. Hall and Mac)',nnd moving pictures.

Ut.iui- (Geo. W. Kite, manager).—Cart'sThomuKhhreds, 27 anil week, wllh Mile. LaTasks. Blanche Washburn, Joule Flynn, Nlblonnd ltellly. and the Laurant Trio. TheUtopians were generously iMilronlxed lastweek. Washington Society Girls next.

Lvi'Kt'M (John G. Jermon. manager).

The Brooklyn Belles week of 27. The olioiiani.-s-. Tlllle St. Clulr. Harlem Bros., Fieldsand Hughes, Tolene and Crowley aud MamieLee. John L. Sullivan nud . the PhysicalCulture Girls drew big crowds Inst week.

CASivn (Fred Wilson, manager).-—TbeSummer season of burlesque will u- Inaugu-rated 27, tinder the direction of Billy Watson,who will take a leading pari In tile uurlesqiir.

The olio. Includes : Grade and Beynulds, theFour Karaa, the Mlllershlp Sisters, nnd Undoand BeiTmnn. The Colonial Belles drew bignouses last week. . .

Bus Tun (Lillian Tyson, manager i.—BillWeek of 27: Cooke Brothers, Itoye Fciialtou,Gladys King, Bates and Neville. FlorenceSunnlr, Baby Rillly and moving pictures,

Wasiiiniiton 1'aiik (Win. .1. Thompson,manager).—Boats are carrying plenty of peo-ple lo this rtwort, which is the only riverpark nenr this city. Within the next weekall of the amusement features will he lu full

swing, nud a line season Is anticipated. Thellotnan Imperial Band continues.

WitiTH City 111. M. Auchy. manager..

Things are livening up nt tills park. and. assunn ns the real Slimmer arrives, the usualbig throngs will he In attendance.

Beechwooii I'ahk (E. E. Downs, mana-ger).—ltalny weather has considerably Inter-fi-n-d with the completion of this |wrk, lint

1 1 -Is expected that everything will be hi readi-ness for the opening, on .May :lu. The SixFlying jBanvnrds and Ihe Bonesette Troupeare the features fur the opening week In thearena, hi addition to the Hoynl ImperialBand.

Wll.t.uw GnovH PAliK (F. II. Lincoln, man-ager).— Notwithstanding the cool nnd rainyweal her, a big crowd was present ut thoopening concert of Damrosch's New YorkSymphony Orchestra, on May 2.*i. All of thebig amusement features; have thrown o|ientheir doors. ' •

NuTKs.—A determined effort Is being uinile

by I li fluent In I people to have James II. Gen-try, the iii-tor who killed Madge Yurke. par-doned. Be Is serving a life sentence. Sena-tor Goodchnrles and attorneys Munrn Ik

Staake made a plea before the Hoard of Par-dons, nud the iHinrd, after listening lo lhaarguments, announced that the case will beheld under advisement The While Itnls

had a "scamper" at Zolssc's Hotel on May24. Numerous members of Hint organizationwho were playing engagements In town werepresent, and thoroughly enjoyed the festivi-

ties. .1 mile McCrce presided. One of thefeatures of the evening was an Interest lugaddress on the history of vaudeville, by WillIt. Antlsdel. Some of those present were


.lames ,1. Corbett. John la. Kearney, HarryKelly, Smith and Cmupliell, Willy Zimmer-man. Willy Pantzer. Hie Cnuiille TrioHie McNaughtons. Wm. Beeves, nnd Willt'ressy Application hus lieen madeto Governor. StUlirl for a. corporation to Is*

known ns Ihe Pennsylvania Theatrical Cir-cuit Co.. which wilt control the bookings ofa large number of theatres In the smallertowns In this State. The Incorporators are:Fred G. Nlrdllnger. George M. Smith, AnnuelF. Nlrdllnger, Julius Cnhu nntl Mdwnrd L.Bloom Arrangements have been practicallymade whereby Alfred E. Anions will Madurait nunrbcr of musical shows nt. the Walnut,beginning In Octoltcr Incob Sllbcrt's

Yiddish Opera Co. will be at the Standurdweek of 2i. As this bouse Is close to the

centre of the Jewish population, lite exnei-nieut will lie watched In order tn determineIf the' l hue Is ripe for the erection of a play-house for the product Ion 'of plays In Yiddish.

"Men nnd Women" 27-June I. with the Holds-worths. Harry Green and moving pictures.

Untile GARiiKX tciins. M. Howell, manager).—Great preparation* are In progress for theopening on June 3. The stock company,which will present musical comedies, will beunder the direction of J. 1'. MaeSweetiy. Thecuuipany Includes: Evelyn Frnncla, primadonna: ( Uar-tcs llalton. lending comedian :

Christine Stone, Uilly MeVyne, Lduiiiud- Mor-timer. I'klmond Diipout, Jean Ward. DnvlrtAiidrndii, Anna Holriuiiii, Battel Boyue, LucyHarrison and Atinee Williams, ns principals,

with- n total of twenty-four. The openingattraction will Is' "The Telephone Girl."

NTm:'s.— Ben GreeCs Co. will present. "AhYou Like II" (afternoon), and "A- Midsum-mer Night's Dreum" (evening), "•(>. ou F. undM. College- Campus Thrainrlum Is nnewly opened resort, with moving pic I tires

and Illustrated songs, by Donald Maclmnald.

HiirrlshurH-—At the Lyceum (M. Itels,

malinger) Lynuin l>. Howe's moving picturesdrew two Idg houses May 24. Lew Fieldsnnd company are due June 1, closing theseason here, which has been the lllosl proltl-

able one In the history of the local play-houses.

I'axtanii I'ahk (Felix M. Davis, mana-ger).—This resort opennl -.">. The hill forweek of 2(1 Includes : Musical Simpsons, IheThree McKoes, Malvern and Thomas, LillianMayiinnl, and Thomas W. Wilson.

Niitkx.—Work on the new Itels TheatreIs progressing rapidly. 'Did foundations aremost completed nnd every effort will lie initde

lu have the house opened by Nov. I.

. , Leon Washburn's Trained AnimalsShow, i|ld goad business hern 24. 2."

. .......The lliigenheck-Wnlbice Show la scheduledfor June .'I The Miller Brothers' lnlBunch Wild West Show laid off here, 2:i,

en route from Chicago til the JamestownExposition. George Berkley, of this ellv,nnd Hun Begun are collected with the pub-licity department.

Scrnnton—At I he I'nailly 11. It. Smith,manager) week of May 27 nre: June Eltonand company. Boyd and Venln, Hughes andBrown. Sccback, Cogim ami Bancroft, undWill M. Smytlle. Business continues good.

NOTKH.—'file season closed last week atthe Lyceum. Academy anil the StarGeorge Nelson Teels. late business managerof the Slnr Theatre, will connected wilhHie miinagcinciil of the new Columbia The-atre, of which Joseph U'.lss will lie lessen.This new house, which Is progressing rapidlyIII Its construction, will tie opened Aug. 'Jli.

..... .The new Poll Then t re Is fast approach-ing completion, and -will npen Ihe tatter purr.

of August The. i'nrepaugli-Sells Bros."Show. exhibit m hern May :n Luna Parkopened Us second season 20. and business 1st

excellent. Bauer's Baud und the Kaslil Jnpsare Hie current attractions.

Johnstown.—At the 1'nrk Family (HarryW. Scherer. manager i large crowds at everyperformance greeted the following bill, weeknt Alny 20: Cora Beach Turner nnd company,comedy sketch: Mous. Herbert. l>da Cotton,Sanfoia and Darlington, W. II. Schilling, theIllustrated snugs nnd moving pictures. Bill

for week of 27 Includes: l.oln Cotton I secondweekj. Greene Bros., Fletnen und Miller, Scottand Wluiley, Illustrated songs nud movingpictures.

Kiitkm.—Luna Park opens 27, wllh Curler'sTroubadours as the first ill traction engagedfor the week The Hugonhcck-Wallilcc.Shows arrived hite 2.'l. One performance wnsgiven nt night, hi a pouring rain, nud drewover 18.000 people. May Sutton, of thuTnsmanlan Troupe, sustained Injuries of aserious nature, from a full while doing herwhirling, nei'lnl teeth net. She was carriedfrom the tent unconscious, but left wllh Ilia

show lute in the evening.

I'll tslni rur. A t Ihe NUon (Thos. F.Klrke Jr.. manager) this week's hill Includes


Geo. SI. Cohan's (new) "Governor's Sou,"featuring Bobby Barry and Stcllu Tracey,assisted by a company of twenty ; Mile. Duzle,assisted by Slg. Sunt Ella. Fred Mace, Wil-fred Clark, assisted by Theo Carew undcompany: F.mmu Cams, Italph Johnstone.Vasco. lite Mad Musician :. Alexander undBertie, and tien. Fuller Golden.BlOTO (J. A. Iteed. manager).—Tho

Belnsco Stock Co., May 27 and week, lu"Harvest." Three new memliers have beenadded tn the stock .company. Harry Burk-hardt. Flltuibrlh Itnlhhurn nnd Eva Gran.Lust week, "The Ironmaster" proved n gooddrawing enrd. "East Lynne" next week.

Giianii l Barry Davis, manager).—Thisweek's bill : Gabriel and compuny, Dvn Tan-guny, Houdlnl, re-engaged for another week


I .'has. Mack and company, Ned Way burn'sSide Show, Ben Welch, AVcrv and Hun,Daisy Harccmrt. Demur's Manikins, Lamliertl,Brooks and Jeanetle. Bernler nnd Stella,Corn Beach Turner company, and the cine-matograph.

Ai.vin (It. M. (liilkk & Co., managers),

"The Bonnie llr|cr Bush," 27 aud week,closed Ihe bouse. Last week, Grace Cameronplayed to good business and pleased. Mr.aud Mrs. Tomashefsky, benefit Zionist Society,June 'J, 4.

Bijou (it. If, Gnilek & Co., managers).

"The Great Wall Street Mystery" May 27 nndweek. Last week "The Peddler" played tosatisfactory business nntl pleased. "SisHopkins" next week.IMIRT (Jiib. E. Orr, manager). — The

Jersey Lilies last week closed Ihe season forthis theatre, nnd gave n very goisl show.Manager Orr reisirls a successful sea son.The house will be thoroughly cleaned andoverhauled.

Hii'poimosfi:.—Ira J. La Motle, who banjust taken hold of this I heal re, is one of thebest known managers In the counlry, havingrecently come lo Pittsburg from Washington.D. ('.. where he managed the Helmut) andLafayette Theatres. Thin week's, hill In-cludes: The Dnrdas, Wlllard, Bub Huberts.Ihe Great Dclnio, Sparry and Bay, ItalianOnliestra nnd the Illppogriipb.Luna Pack (Elmer E, Gregg, manager).

LIImtuH's Bund Concert Co. tills week.Kkn.svwoiiii (A. F. Mchnhnn. manager).—

Sunday only, Hurt's Hand and vocal enter-tainers, fin Saturday night. May 2.1, IheKemp Sisters' Wild Wesl Show was greetedby one of the biggest houses of the season.

Hoiitiihiin (A. S. MrSwalgnn, mnunger).

Sunday only. Nlrellu mid his band, and Cla-rice Tcniplelott, vocalist. Business has beenvery good.

Diikam Cm (Stanley 0. Vlckers, mana-ger).—Tim opening of this park was madeon Saturday afternoon. Mny 2B, nnd a recordbreaking crowd was there. The Six FilingBanvards, In the open, made a decided hit.The United Slate* Band, of Philadelphia, hasbeen engaged for all season.

Wtnrr Vikw.—A special programme forDecoration Day.

fnrliondute.—At the Grand Opera House(Geo. W. Lowdcr, manager) tho theatricalseuson Is practically closed.

Fajmi.v (F. L. Blair, manager).—Week ofMay 20: Wlllliini Shnlles, in songs Illustratedand moving pictures. The elimination ofvaudeville und Hie substitution of a continu-ous picture show, seemed tn appeal to ourpeople, und they took kindly lu the Innova-tion.

Notch.—Forepiiugh-Sells Bros.' Show willbe. here Saturday, June 1 . . . .Maurice ICUsto,European operatic vocalist, has been visitingfriends In our city during Ilia past week. Ilowill appear In vaudeville next season, throughKeith, In a sketch, called "The Dream nt lite

Opera," written for him by Arthur Charlesllorwltz Frank II, Tnilles, treasurer ofIhe Lyceum Theatre, of Kluilra, N. Y., Is hernmi a vlsli wllh his parents. Thu glad handIs extended to him whenever he strikes hishome town.

gave two concerts Muy 24. The Wells Mu-sical Comedy C<>. Is due for week, of 27. .

N<m:.— The Gentry Bros. Pony and DogShow gave two performances, to capacitybusiness, 21.

» •

WTILes-llnrre.-At the Nesbltt (II. A.Brown, uiiinager) Ik- Wolf Hopper gave il

good performance to n goixl home, last week,and Keh'cy nnd Shannon.'ployed to S, B. o.Howe's moving pictures May 27, 'after whichthe house closes for the seuson.

GhanTi iii'iiiia 11..isk. (||. A. Brown, man-agon. Thu Nellie Kennedy Slock Co. playedlu goisl business all last week. The househas now closed Its doors for Hie Summerseason. -

' • '

Nutk.s.—Sans Sottcl Park opnna May !J0.Summer vaudeville theatre, Drlvlpg.

Park, opens Wednesday evening.' May 2P.with Pain's pyrotechnics.',

J . Forepni gh-Sells'circus May :I0 The Wallaco-llagcnberkiSlmw June 22.

Lancaster—At the Fulton Opera House(('has. A. Yecker. manager) Howe's movingpictures bad good business May 20. ICxceptfor local eiiiertnlunients, this closes the sea-son at fills house.

F.uiti.v iKd. Mnxnrt. manager),— "ThuGirl J I,efI Behind JuV' . drew yvell 20-2!>.

Hasleton.—At the Grand Opera House(Geo. Albert Haley, resident manager) Du-inont'9 Mlmtrels camo May 20, under theauspices of the Sextette Club, to a packedhouse. Sbepard's moving pictures, 21-20,had good business.

Family (Knoblauch Ic Hcrsker, proprie-tors).—Week of 20: Raymond and Clark,Toy and Toy, Itlchurd Hamlin. lllchard andMontrose, Fred Farrell and pictures, floodbusiness rules.

H.m.L r.vtiK.—Booking through New YorkVaudeville Contracting Co., this resort opensMay no. under the inunugcment 'of the Le-bight Traction Co.

. »

Wllllnmspori.—At the Lycoming OperaHouse (I,. J. Flak, manager) Howe's movingpictures May 25, after which the house closedfor the season.

Family (Fred M. Lnmnde, manager).—Packed houses, Booked week of 27 : Humo,('n In and Hoey, the Grotesque ltandolpbs, Ivit

Domicile and throe other big acta.Notch.—Washburn's Animal Show May SI.

Forcpaugli-Sells Bros.' Circus June 7.»

lYorrlstmvii.—At Hie Grand Opera House(Herbert Lynch, inanngeri Dumont's Min-strels closed I bo house ou May IS, with IwoH. ft, O. performances. This has been I holargest season ever experienced by litis house.The house expects lu re-open early lu August.


Att.imiu—At the Mlshler (I. C. Mlshlcr,ma ungcr i Howe's moving pictures close theseason of the house, May SO, 111.

Guam) (Silverman Bros., managers).

Good business week of 20. Bill 27 nnd week :

Mc.N'Isli nud Burgess, Doyle and Granger andLn Tell Bros. »

KENTUCKY,I.onlsvlllv.—At the Avenue (Chas, A.

Shaw, manager )"Ilerthii, the Sewing MachineGirl," was presented week of Muy 10. Thiswas Hie closing attraction for the season,und drew big crowds. Manager Shaw ten-dered u heneiit lo the employees of the house2.'.. which netted a tidy sum.

WitiTH City (W. II. lAbb, manager),—Coolweather had a depressing effect on the at-tendance week of 10. Chevalier Garglnlo andhis hand o|x'n 20. for a week.

Fdntaixb Fruiiy Pamc (Win. llnlrhman.manager).—A good vaudeville hill drew goislaudiences to thu theatre week of ID. Alt theindoor attractions reported goisl business.For week of 211; Six Mowalts. Marco Twlus.Jack Wilson and company, Snyder and Buck-ley, Pierce und iloslyn. and the khiodrnme.Tile Hawaiian Band will 1st retained anotherweek.

Nutk.—Gentry Bros.' Dog and Pony CircusIs ollleil for two performances 21), SO.

I'aducah. The Casino (Win. Mnlune,manager) was dark Hie past week, due loweather euiidll luim, . Jnucs Band, however1


Winchester.- -At the Winchester ( tl. ILMegular. mil linger) the season has closed.II. M. Menuliir bus leased I 111- Winchesteranother season, nud will take Kluw fc Cr-laiiger bookings,\ax AMiit'im Snows did immense busi-

ness Mny 21

««» '


OllKtiOX.Portland.- The Ilelllg (W. T. Pnngli.

niiiiuigcri 1ms been dark since May 12. BosuCoghhin cuiiies 24-20, In "Mrs. Warren's Pro-fession :" Henrietta Crosmnii 27-20. Ill "\ll-of-u-Suddrii Peggy :" Annie Hnssell S0-.Ttine1 In' "A Midsummer NTghl's Dream."

M.utoi'AU Giiami (S. Morton Colin, mana-ged.—This theatre was reopened .May 1"»,

niter having undergone n I borough renova-tion, und having been completely rewired nndImproved by the erection of iiddliloiiul lire-

escaiM's tu comply with the requirements |if

the city unlluiiiiccs, ut nn cxiH'nsc nt morethan $40,000. II Is under tint managementof S. Morton Colin, who. with Ills associates,now hold the lease of the then! re. Tim SanFrnnclsci) Opera Co. was tho opening attrac-tion, und Is booked fur itau entire Summerseason. First offering, "Fimlnnn," producedenpnelly business l.i-lll, "The Singing Girl"week of 20.

IIakimi (Geo. L. linker, manager),—TbeBaker Theatre Co. hail two very good bourn's,

10, lo witness "A Cnnlcnled Wuninn." Thecompany did full' business week of 12. lu

"The New Dominion. Phe Dairy Farm" fill.

E.Mi'itiK .(.Ml I ton W. Senman, manager).-Tlie Seaman Stuck Co. bud Iwo big houses10. tn witness "Wicked London," Thu colli-

puny did fair business week nt 12. presenting"The While Caps." The season of Hie Seiiuiiiu

Stock Co. will close 2.', und' the then I I'D Willremain dark until about Sept. 1. when IheSinli-llavllii attractions will be played there.

Lvuii' (Keating & Murphy, iniitiagersi.

The Allen Slock Co. week u( 20, prnseiillllg

"Tim Counlerfcllers."Staii (J. II. Knlckson. inanngeri.—Tl|e

Slnr Slock Co. week of 2(1, presenting"Miolis u' Tennessee."

Giiami) (J. II. Errickmn, inanngeri,—tlrncnGray, In "The Girl Who Dared;" MargaretWebb null Jack Connelly, Thus. B. Curtismid eoiaiiiiuy. Trunk mid tlladdcn, Bessiellahb, Billy Arnold and Lldla Gardner, Fred-erick Huberts, nnd Grandtscope.

Pantauks (John Johnson, mnunger).

Stafford mill Stone. Ihe Bnliulens, HarryWhllliebl, liervlne. Bnrlow and Singer, LeoWhite, nnd l lie hliigrniib.

Fuit/.'m (Joe. J. West, manager).

(TalteStanley, Fay Leslie. .Virginia Vernon, MarlonAlwood, Mnllle Mntheson, .Lisle Mvers,Bonnie ltoliule, Adelaide Stewart, Wilsonnnd Leicester, Jones ami llulvflle, EthelSmith. Mickey Feeley, Josephine (Ionian.Minima, Lillian Stnrr, Linirliie tbe (I rem.Hill. Dick lliilchliiK, Bret Curler and slock.

(IAKK Sl'MMKU I'AIIK ( D. C. I'T'IMIIID II, lllllll-

ngeri. Tills nark will be opun to the pub-lic May Si). Schllvollyl'H Hungarian Hussarswill give free concerts uftornuoim und even-ings.

«»»Howard Thnraton Arrive* Home,Mr. Thurston left New York twenty-lira

months ago, traveling In a Westerly direc-tion, finally leaving London on a Westwardbound steamer, ana arrived In New York atew days ago, having completed a tour ot tltt

world.Tho pr. clpal cities visited, ln which lis

Stayed iron rour to ten weeks, were Hydnuy,Iclbourne, Manila, Hung Kong, Shanghai,Calcutta. Bombay nntl Cairo,

Mr. Thurston performed In twenty-threedifferent countries, using printing lu forty-sixdifferent languages, hi many countries four altdlive languages Igihig spoken, Forty-ulno thou-sand miles, thirty-seven by sen, and twelve byland, weri! traveled by him und his company,which numbered from twelve to eighteen (tun-

pie, carrying baggage weighing thirty tons,

Tho uiotuauM of 1 1 aniiportullon were ship,rail, horses, man, elephants, camels and cari-bou, and the total expenses for transporta-tion, salaries, advertising and theatres were|114,f)0f). Mr. Thurston states that thecountry ho liked bcsl is Australia, the peoplethere reminding onn of Bin good fellows to

be met In our western States. In turn, theAustralians like Americans. In fact, It seemsto be the one ambition of people of the entireworld tu visit America,The most wonderful country of the Orient

is India, und the must Interesting people fire

tbc Chinese ; next lo tho Europeans, IheChinese hold all the high positions of trust.

By Europeans living lu Ilia Far Kant, theChinese ara held In tbo hlguoat extoom of all

the Asiatic races, Most of the bunks InJapan employ Chinese as cashiers. The showspent the longest portion of tbe trip lu India,

as the Mast Indiana were tho moat interestedIn magic, and an there were many thingsthere to Interest Mr. Thurston, ns u ma-gician, and he hopes later to Introduce to theAmerican public some, of the mjraterlci Whichcame under his obiorvatlon.


Olffa Nethersole to Appear In Purls.

Olga Nothnrsole left tills country for Europelast week. Her engagement In the Frenchcaoltul Is to be played lu Hie Theatre Ha rait

Bernhardt.MlsB Nethersole Ha hi : "I nin to make my

Paris dchuf June 4. und my debut: there will

be lu the ruin of Paula Tunqunrny, In 'TheSecond Mrs. Tiiiii|i)crn.v.' On June fi I shallappear ns Magdn, (n Suderinnnn's play : onJune 0, ns Fanny Legrntide, In 'Haphci;' onJune 7, us Carmen, Ihe llrst. production ofthe driitiiiitlzcd version of Prosper Merimee'sromance; nn June 8 ns Adrlcnne Lccoiivrenr,In Scribe nnd LoJriw've'H piny of that name:on 0, ns Marguerite tliiuthler, In 'La Dame mixCami'llils;' op Juno 10 I shall give n secondperformance of 'Carmen.' and on II. a seitmdpeiioluuinic of 'SuplK).' Willi which I close

my season In Purls, which Is lo be under thedirection of G. Aimtl'lli) Ic Co,"My seuson lliere will he unique. In thai I

am the llrst English pel nam lo appear before

a Paris audience with an tingllsli companynnd speaking the English language."«

• l.uln <;ln»cr IMarrlrN.

Lulu Glaser, the well known slnr. andRalph (.'. Ilerx. of the "Before and After"Co.. were married nn Thursday, May 2S. nt

noon, In "The Llltlc Church Around tile Cor-ner," this ellv. bv Ihe llev. G. C. Iloilghtlill.

Atnong those present were Hie nmlher ofMiss Glitser. her brother William, Mr. andMrs, J. J. Almonte mid Miss Bestwlck.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Here have leased sn tinilrl-

rnenl In the Van Dyke New York City. TheyWill remain In this city a part tit Ihe Slim-

mer, and next season will appear In n pre-

diirllisi together. Willi llicin will tllso heWilliam Glaser. who will make Ills Htnga

debut n»-' aeaoou, mi«»»i.<i ,,-i«,.,,..,, .




GEO. H. SUMMERS, President. HARRY D. MARKS, Genl Manager. J. P. STANTON, Solioitor.


MR. 6E0. H. SUMMERSPlaying Hock Hnim of fnur to night Week! In PRINCIPAL CANA-DIAN CITIES. Kinlors.il by EVERY IIOC8E MAHAUER In theDominion.


HAMILTON, "NT.The most beautifully .1 1 nut, ,1 SUMMER THEATRE on the Ameri-can Continent. STOCK PRODUCTIONS. One Play each week.





SUMMERS STOCK CO.In a HIGH CLASS REPERTOIRE. 18 People, 60ft. Baggage Car ofSCENERY and EFFECTS. Flaying at price* from 85c. to $|,o».

Time all Booked until May, 1008.

SEASON OPENS SEPTEMBER 16.\\r . mTfim^I- LEADING WOMAN, capable of playingV» All M. MX'"Character Actor*, VAUDEVILLE TEAMS

tperlaen pr

WANT TO BUY 40,000* Feet Moving Picture Film, 00 Belt of SONG SLIDES,, Mnat be


IS that play Part«, work In one and change for a week. .OTHER -

LETTER,. height, weight, pa.t experience and your LOWEST SALARY for both Hummer and Winter aeanon*. Send PHOTO, which will be returnedment* tor the coming aiiiion given preference for the Summer Stock. Then* attraction* play to the beat claa* of people, and you MUST MAKE GOOD.

90 Feet Moving Picture Film, 00 Set* of SONG SLIDES. Unit be In GOOD condition and strictly UP-TO-DATE.Addres* all communication* to

slit Comedian with Specialty. Woman for Juvenile* and lieuvie.Useful 'STOCK People tor varlou* line*. State It ALL In nitsY

""fan to accept engaae.urn. a. good PIANIST,

PHlStPeople- who are free to acrept^vnii

NO two-a-day time. Can;

GEO. H. SUMMERS, Hamilton, Ont., tan.

BBOADWAT TBEATBE VSNSSSHKronlng* 8.10, Fashion Matlnoo Saturday, 2.10.



"388 HELP'S DRKS8 BONO Ut and Mfc





PASTOR'SBunlh and Ruilil, Lydla Yeamans Titus,

Johnstone ind Cooke.

Baker and Lynn, Gray and Graham,

John F. Clark. Rote and Ellis,

Mannon and Paarl.

Texarkana and Walby, Leonard Kane.

C. H. Hennella and Co.,

Harvey and Lewis. Phantoscope.

Am. Vltagraph.

- NEW-

CIRCLEh'wht .v own

Mats.' Wed. A Sat. ' Exira mill.

Decoration Day, May :ui.

M. M. Tlioliio present* sixth Mouth.WINE, WOMAN & MONO CO..KONITA, ALEX. C'AKR & Urcat Cast



East Mill St. Ladles' Mat. To-day.

COLONIAL BELLESU—Mariettas—L'. Vaudeville.



E, laitn St. Ladles' Mat. To-day.


"French Hull." Vaudeville.

&OUu&Or Utah I la.« Vaudeville Thealre*.M. MUYEItKKED Jit. PRUS.


MARTIN BUCK, UlCNURAL MANAGES.All Application, for Time Must Be Addressedto C. H. RIIAY, Booking Manager.

Majestic Theatre Building. Chicago, lit

Huber's V.' Museum'


Address J . H. nMHBBWM. Msyi a«_abovo._


TAFF VOLTA& ROBERT O'MEERSArtiste wantluK Knropcnii Unto write, stating openttmn and terms. Oajje, "AGONIC," LONDON.


Dare Devil Schreyer.Again Tlio Sensation of Knrupe.


Address; per route. FtiltKl'AlMill-SKLI.S llltijs.'



For Sale and RentedAlso Second Hand Slides Bought and Exchanged




Machines, Hterocptlcona, Slides, Films, sold andrented. SMITH A I'lLAN, Prop*..W'msli'g llrldgc Plaza,M Hnvormeyer St., IPklyn.Tel. 4gj W'msb'g. •


with Solon, to Load Band and

Play Cornet in Orchestra.Musi i>e A. V. of M. ami men that do nut. drink.No parade*. One show a iiuy. Write.* lowestsalar.v ami pay your uwu. Long Island cngagc-ment. Address

HAItltY MASTEN. Musical Director,AL. TKAHEKN STOCK CO-'Hayvllle. N. V.

QUICK,Mail for Juveniles and Light Comedy,

or Gen. Bus. Actor.Prefer llmao doing specialties or doubling hoiiic

Instrument In band. Company stays ont nil hum-mer. Stale lowest, 1 pay all. Adores.

ADOLPH (.ill n III »,

Vlroqim, WIh,, May g to June 1.



FOR WAGON SHOW.Address F. J. FRINGK, General Agent,



UNDER CANVAS,Man and Woman for Juveniles and Gen. Huh., Tuba,llHrllone and Trap Drummer, lo double Stage.Olliers write. Those doing spcihilllesnml doublingbrass preferred, state all In llrst letter. Slop athoicN; I pay nil. Also want a Hnss Canvas Man.Address CI1II.L1C0THK, Mil.

WANTED,Stock People in All LinesAt Leading Mali, niusl huve good wardrobe; Manfor Ueneral llitsiucss, with scripts. Can use goodVaudeville Acts. Want Hood sinter Team. Suiit-

liter stock. Stale lowest salary llrst loiter.


BEDELL BROS.,•*->>•• wilh Ilia Hon. i.nil "

THEBRADYSHhi'd -in week*. Siilllvnn Aid southern I'liiiroruia iline.


'I'll" Ray* with ilia Bone anil Mum In.

J .MUM | 1J ff if I ,,




; :

i i : V :. KITl'V

Jusl llnlalii'd -in week*. Siilllvnn .V Con-liliiR'i 'ti cull and Siiullii'i'ii I'lilliui-ulii lime.


Ill FILMS.Ulalna Lttnaaa for I'litiiic niui'lilnv*

liner Ilia i, Uiili- iiliigf III |>i ai -

lli'iil |itoJ«iiillon.




C. B. KLEIIME,__004 Slx*h Ave., N*»v Vork._


Vorsatile Med. PeopleThat vim i-lmngii nflcii. Say all vuu ilu ami Imu-slsalary in llr»t idler. Aildiess

A. HAILKV, Inimlalr. Jellersiui < <>., iililn.



SINGING and DANCIN6 SOUBRETTE.01 her vematile, aolier people, write. Long season.Sure salary, so name owes'.. Wo pay all. Tentand ear snow In hummer; one a day. AdiiresnIHUHVN A KOHKKTS, Uary, W. Va.. May 31;

liavy, w. Va., Juno 1; Panther a, Wlllinmsou 4,

Naiigutuek- .-),

Side ShowAttractions

Wanted.I'ri'iikM, UmtoaHlOa, Meelianleal KllecL", llluslon«,

elu., fur Siiiuiiier season. Address.1. «'. tlDHMAN, 100 llfiylaliin St;, Ititslim.


Feature Films4cts. Per Foot.Also a lot at au and llets pr. foot,

Sliori Lengths

SEND FOR SPECIAL LISTaaaaaaaT" Prices fur One Week.

HARBACH & Co. »J!:h


WiiiitteilV lor Mystic tsiiriiiers,


FIRST CLASSVAUDEVILLE ACTS.It. II. MiiltCAN, MM Kasl o.'ith St., Clyvnlilnil, O

OPEN TIMEAt Saranac Lake. N. Y.

The great health resort, in June and July, fur goodrep. or ouo night, slaud eo.s. III/., good. Alsoopen time In Sept. and Out. Address

V. M.JACKSON, Mgr„ Suramin Lake, X. Y.


A bun l flOU Iron Frame, UulioUlemilOpara Chair*, In axrallanl eomllllon.Will ha *ohl low for cnali. Anuly lo

HDWIfll O. MKItniLL, Dangiir, tl ...




' IJU. ..»»»I60O .' 4006

4a km mm, OJ.imt nariMiM . M&l>.»aa,l>.ir*wi.oaTAi.oati«r .'...M. -F.vK wnp

.***** <?*"*


Sister TeamThat hI«k and damn, Novelty anil t'um-etly Act* and |(ooil niuslclnn*. Address

OAPT. PRICE,Waierijuceii Floating Palaee, PiltsbiirK, I'a.



6EN. BUS. MAN.Those with speelaltles preferred, or III. Songs.Tell all. Other useful people write any lime. AlsoVaudeville and Outdoor Acta, and Scciilu Artistwho Is gnod aclor. AAdress

J. W. HKISMAN, Mgr., Park Hotel, Maeon, (la.


SKETCHES » PUISa l.l, sours. Think I can suit most anybody, if

1 cau't, I'll help you find what you nVMiil. Prices

easy. Send for list, IIOWAItll WALL,

_ _ Standard Theatre. Philadelphia. I'n.

wwi •!•;» UIKK, POK THKBurton-MoMahon Stock Co.strung 1 1 iiiniioiii- anil Clarinet for B. and 0., Harl-

lone or Cornel to double bass, either, string orbrans, In orchestra. Must Join on wire. Only pro-

fessional musicians waiui'd. Unties, don't an-swer. SWA/.KK, INI).

AT LIBERTY.Owing lo chwlng for the Summer. ATHWARTand MALCOLM, song and dunce eonicdlnniindsuiiliri'tte: I'LOUAHKIil.K MALCOLM, leads,

soubreltcs. .luvcnllcs and light heavlea; \V. .1.

STKWAH'J', light and low wuneil.v and n fewelinraeli'i'K. Wardrobe good. Address

W.J. STBWAHT. HkMiinlleld, Nelir.


FOR ISALE, Singl. Action Hirp In Al CoillUm.Tills Is a rani t>argaln. Musi sell al'ouec Ail-

UMM -C. E. H'Al'UUor, Red Wing, MIUU.


sl.lt.lM l,Y USED. Also HI'KEET COWNS. Weimve mi hand a large asaortnicnt of slightly wornI-Aciilng tlowns, Dinner, lleueptlou ami Ten downa.These ruhes are perfcel In cvorv respect, and arenspci.'lally suitable for wear In IlKill CLASS UK AMATIC i'KDIii ci'Kins. Wu havo a full line orSeal skin Coals and Kurs of all kinds.

MltS. H. STAIIIt. :U I7 South State St., Clikago.

ON ROYALTY, For Stock, Repertoire or RoadWith or without production. Full Line of 1'rloilng

by llusscil. Morgan anil Emiulrer."Iikakts ADHIKT," Willi Its record of

three scasuiis over the Stalr-llavliii elreuii.; andManner Weeks Huslucss in stuck, Uoston, lirook-lyu. New fink, Kail Itiver, Philadelphia, Klc."Wii'K IN NAME ONLV.'' Another Box

niiiei' Maguati', with or without, production.Hare lew Suls Scenery In good Coiiilillon to sell

cheap.OAKLAWD OADKN, Freopoi t, L. I., N. >.

At Tvitoerty,CORNB. and 0. Strong on Street.

Reliable Managers only need answer. WireC. M. UKVENPOUT. So. I'ranitugliam, Ma»s.

WANTED,COMEDIAN m SPECIALTIESAlso ii Cornet Plaver in Join at once.

STAItNES DRAMATIC CO.. Prluecluii, Intl.

Tciiini unit Singles, send In your OPEN Time.I. i-'Ki.n. .Mgr.. Avenue Club House.

Spring tiriivo Ave., near Mitchell. Cincinnati, t>.

IfYouHave For SaleF I L_MS

The Pna8lou Play, complete; Hie Haunlcd Hotel,the Uoar Hunt, Mcplilstxj's Son, or any other Teat-me Villus lu good condition, and will send on withprivilege in run through machine once, state yourlowest cash price, I to pay express charges bothways, Iftio sale. AddressJ. N. IlKNTPKOW lilt! STOCK CO.. Meridian, Miss.



Wanted, for

BBMUiST MEOY (0.(ieu<Hus. Mini, with speelaltles; Juvenile VVumaii,with snci-liiltlcs. Illustrated Singer aud (ithcrLserul Pboplc. with s|h.m^„ wrlle. ItehcnrMils com.June U, «t HOME; HA. State all pariicularii llrstlei ier, wiiii lowest Summer niilary; pay own.Coining season lo right people. • •

llDBKltT DEMOItEsT, Starke, Florida,

Wanted for (-arroll Comedy Co.cuii'i Singing nnd Dancing Coiuediau who canchange nightly. Also Singing ami Dancing Sun-breltc. No parts. Only a shows a week. NameSummer salary. Pay your own. Money sure.Must Join at once. Audruss unlet

ION CAItKOLL, Rlchwooil . W. Va.

WANTED,Au K.\|iericuced Sliowmnn to Manage, Uook andFinance .s-Aci comedy rornext season. Nine |ieo-

ple In east. Can lie made big production. Goodluiliicenii'iiH to right pari v. So angel wanted.

t;arc MoormanSllOWMAN,

. :HH E. list., K. V. City.

FUTURES TIIOUSAND.InvlHlblo Fortunes *1.1I» per 100. Printed Kortiuicsant-, per lOOO. t-'ablncl Photos or vmirseir for sell-

ing uiirposcs, ekl.no per 100 or tW per 1000.Send negative or phulo to copy. Send for Samples.Free. WKNDT, Photo., Boonlon, N. J.


Wanted, Colored Performers,Malo mid fotnalc, ilunrlcl thai can slug ami dance.Those who play string Instruineiils and do special-lies preferred. Also old Man Banjo Act and ooodLooking Women who sing, and buck and wing.Musi be suiier. reliable arid well dressed. Salarysure, so make it low. State all lu llrst letter. Scudphoto, which will be returned. Address FRANK10. M INTER, :wi Superior llldg., Cleveland, Ohio

MONOLOGUESDutch, Irish, Jew, Conn, Italian, Rube, Kid;straight, Ham Storm, Etc., *k\ eacli. ' tor *i,oo.Sketches and Acts $i.iai up. stamp tor replv.Sliuiips laken.

GEO. H. ALLEN,340Ka«tO»tli street, How Yolk.

WANTED, LADY rOH INDIAN GIRL(l, eniii, about ,'ifl. 4 inch, id lbs.; also Man fort.'haractcr Comedy, Western Heavy, and Houliretlewith strong specially. .Must be able to join atonto. Address with mil particular** suit photo.iNESIIIT SOOVILLE, "As Told In Th* Hills," The!aire Loiidou, Out., May »i, Petrolla 30, Sarnla ai.Port Huron, Mich. ..Mine 1. ' .';

MItglOIANH - Cornet, Clarinet, Il-natTroiiibone and Drum*. Performer, do-ing two or more acta. Hood Cook. Slatenil; Join on wire,LYONUllOS.'CIItCCS.Uonou.IIL.Jantil.Permanent address:

ROOM M, Orand Opera House Kkjck, Chicago, III,


COBNET, TUBA. ALTO.0«DBN'8«U.T. C," - Wilnpata, Wl».

PETER J. RIDGE, Mgr.WesJtern Dramatic Agency

Circular. Freo

Vaudeville Sketches, Etc. Written

Small and Leading Parts Rehearsed



Buck, j|9>

Skirt, Nov.),

Caka Walk,

Chorus Work,

Sister Acta,

Rag Tlma


Dramatic Art,





Optra, ,

Etc.PETER J. RIDGE. Men.Western Dramatic Agency

127 La Salle Street, Chicago, III.


ceneryVaudeville aud Production Scenery. "

The Largest scenic Concern lu Hie Werlit,

Water Color, silko and Ore.DANIELS SCENIC STI.DIOS, CHICMiU,

FILMS.so,ooo feet of Films at. genuine bargain prloci.

Large lot. of pose and gcrpentlne slides, richly col-

ored and blocked out; comic, lecture, adrcrtlulmand miscellaneous slides of every description at >

very low nrlco. Send for lists.

0. L. it in. i, A LU,a» East Mth St., Near Jackson Park. Chicago, III.

HIGH CLASSMAGICAL APPARATUSAt. - moderate prices. Large slock, iitiiucuse

variety. Illustrated Catalogue Eroc. Now Mam-moth Catalogue just issued, '.Mc. Just out, list ol

now books on Magic nnd new list of bargains In

tricks. A. ROTERUEIta, 178 Ontario St., CHlcago.

FOR LEASE OR SALEOne 60ft. Scenery Oar, $350

One 60ft. Scenery Gar, $450

One 6011. riat Gar • • $560

Oars' stored and repaired.

N. .1, CAR WORKS, PamHlc, N . J.

SKATESFor Sale.two pairs tlenloy Hall Hearing Skaliis. Wood a»

naw. A burciiin. .1. P. imtm ' i

17 It. . II In •> it St., Detroit, ItlUll.




" ;-

Morrison Show frint o.i..it

FOR 3AL-E,My Lubin's Complete

Moving Picture MachineCombined wlth.Stereoptlcon, with -I0O". •'I',""1

;Two Set nf Song Slides, Electric Limi|i imd l» c '

sluts. All In good coudtllou. All for M* w»'l'

rorsoiue. *lo down, rest on e.xanilnallun-

Ailil, WM.FHANKLVN , llox No. 76, Oiunhib,^.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY,Must join ou wire,

Versatile Medicine Performers; also Man wiln

. Picture Machine and Up-to-tfate Films-

1)11. 1'. M. STIWEK, Franceatown, Kew BMBjsMg-

MANAGERS!Open for Summer Reeorw

Big, liunghalile, Vandavllla Arl.


aBf*1 A *»*TT IN SHOW BUSINESSOlAKl 8jaJ«ilr«ITUcth!r.j

WhstAets to Learn antl Hew. Points on BaWJHow In ohtarn engagements and ninny i'»'

essential points every bajtlniter shoiiiii s"r-JMn ao cts. ou Co., aro w. win St., mw * otl

*TUNE>1. . thm :

^snsrwr ' ^timst m***!-


Miss CTIpper's'Aneetotea. etc.

A, New Vaudeville TheatreMdry Hall Caneela' Her EngagementsBert Morphy-^keteh. • •'••• •••;•• ••••'

Fletaoor RcJison Hn lis . .......;.'.......,

Actors' Obtircb Alliance Convention RodsHenry It. DUeyWtne.. :

palsy BolivarIMtt'lM Tents ' '.

Queried Answered.. : •<•

Oilr Chicago lettergiir. London- letter........Howard Thurston Arrives Horn*OI«* Xetbersole to Appear In. Paris'

On lh« Rood ,

Unrest hy Telegraph... :..

Vaudeville Route List

Now. York. City;cupper root ome*Prink D. Brynh's Benefit

World of Players .'..„. «.•..;

Vtludevllle and Minstrel.Deaths In .the Profession

New York OltyAmusement New* .... ,

Mov Irwin MnfrlesFrank Wllslach Joins Viola Allen Co....MansOeld Arrives In FnglandSolhern and Marlowe Will PnrtActors' Society Election .,

Miscellaneous.; '...'.'.

Mnvlns: Ploliires

Pas*.... 406. ... -ton

...."•MM,...< o




.... 407

.... 40ft

.... 110

.... 410



.... 411414. 422


413. 414....418:... 4io.... 4>4....418.... 117....410.... 418.... 410.... 410.... 410.... 410

410.... 410

t20.... 420

CORRPISPONDEXOE.IllinoisRhode lelnndMaine.:..... •••

Montana.....North .CarolinaIndian TerritoryMississippi.Pennsylvania •

KentuckyOregonMn»«nehu»etls.OhioCanada'.Minnesota i

GeorgiaVirginia......'...'...WJWonatn....South Carolinalosvti ..;...;.District of Columbia.MichiganTsirjir;..;CaliforniaNebraska-New Jersey.MJalnhrl.' ....

tSm/h....Mn&lind..:...ConnecticutUinlilonaArkansasWest Virginia ,

K«vp York SlateTennessee....Indiananelcwnre.-


,'.,.. 408408408

..... 408

....'. 408411411411

, 422, 423428423

'.!!!! 428..... 413



. .... 4111


...... 4154IB

..... 110410410410416

. 418. 410


5ATE8T BY TELEGBAPH-noitnnw clitic gleaming*.

t)prrln\J)l*imlrhcH to Tin: Nhw YORK Cl.tPrnn." 'BiN'Kh*.n<:isco, May 28.—At Hie Von NessThealre . yesterday otnrked, the beginning

Of a week's engagement of Otis Sktuner, la

The nuel." Viola Allen follows,' next Mon-day.'•ftntlTKO.'MovRi.tr.—Mnt Cfloodwlu Is In

hi* second and last week, In repertory,

mvifl.—Kolb and Dill, and llnrney Bernardan/ft ' cornpuny, In "Lonesome Town," this

we»»-i 'Phis. Ib .the farewell of the company.CkMtbii..—"Ten Thousand Dollars He-

ward" Ibis week. '

:" .iXfjRic.tN.-^-"\orlhern Lights" this week.. NBW Ai.c izah.—"The Undertow" this

weekOHftiKiM.—Week beginning Sunday matl-

ntti "(1 : The fiulcllffc Troupe, Jas. J. Morton,the Hiivtit Mtislcnt Klve. werden and Glad-rlMh, the, Four k'ords, , Valerie, Bergere andcompany, Carroll and Baker, Pnplnta, and(lie klnodrnme.

- Notr.—The car st'rlke In still on, and the

theatres (all of them; arc suffering accord-

ingly- '. Outlines has fallen off very much at

ovrry nhowhotise In this city. There ore nooprflpnywhere In the city after seven o'clock

p. ;.M., consequently every theatre Is suffering,

especially those located In what Is termed(tip "burnt district," and somewhat out of

the'wnr, suchss the Van Ness, the Americannjid the Central Theatres.


' "PRIi.An'BbNlu. May 28.—The Summer sea-son -«tt the Lyric Thoatro was loaiigurated

May' 27,' by Louis Mnnn, la "The While.licit, '.' which will continue Indefinitely. Abig house henrtlly. applauded" both play and«tKr, ......The hills at the Chestnut StreetOpera. House, headed by Alice Lloyd, and acKtlth'H, whore Stella Maybow Is the head-liner,; both bod capacity business TomWaters, In "The Mayor of Laughlnnd," ntflip' Park, and "His Donor, the Mayor," at th«Walnut Si reel, continue successfully...;The hntisn production of "Mamzelle," at Fore-pmigh's, was well patronized .The otherf-rtroblnntlon houses and the burlesque showsnl the Lyceum, Bijou and Tronadero had theiijiikiI' hlg Monday crowds Rslny weathercaused poor attendance at the parks.

.' .^KiNHAH City, Mo., May 28.—Harry Beres-' ford and lOminu Dunn In a clever production

SC-^.The Professor's Love Story," drew goodiihday afternoon and evening crowds, May

'JO, at the Auditorium At the 01114s,

''A/Oowboy Olrl" drew well, both matineeand night "Our Mew Minister" closedI he-, season at the Grand with Sunday inatl-

n*ivnnil evening performances The ex-treme 1 cold weather Interfered with the busi-ness at the parks, 20. At Klectrlc, Rllery'sHivnrt entered Hi second week; at Forrestfark. the Boston Ideal Opera Co. gave "TheMascol." At I'Vlrmount Park, Hlnera's

Hid.was the lending attraction Carnl-I Pork opened Its season 25, with Lam-


Iss's Itnmi as the principal attraction.

, 'Cu'ioado, Ir.i.., May 28.—'Mo openings oc-

fjiPTm . the current week Klver View,CJultes and Sans Soucl Parks opened theirHfoiona 25, to enormous crowds, despite theItimttenlng weather Joseph Weber andii|s' Air Star company remain at the Oarrlck.

. . < . . ."Tito "Lion nnd the Mouse" bt-gnn,

May 2~, Us last week, while the other showsholding over are meeting excellent business..... . .I'HT.nee Bill's Wild West, booked ntlite West Side 27-20, and the North Side «0-.litue.'l,' have prospects of good returns.,

'.TelDlsriLLB, Kv., May 28.—A strong viude-ytlrp hill attracted large crowds at FontaineKerry' Park, Mtty 20. The Hawaiian Bandproved a strong drawing card Whiletuty. enjoyed a big Sunday attendance withR/iUnon racing as n special feature.

*&h '




in :i.AW ARK.WlimlnartoB.—At the Grand Opera Honse

Mcs.'l. Oolnor, resident manager) Hose Sy-dfIPs London Belles. May 20-22, met with aWtKra reception. Shepard'H motion picturesand-'llliMtratetl songs continue Indefinitely,t lActcM Is cloeed for the season.

<J*«stfi; (W. L. Docksteder, manager).

Bapaac's; Animal Show closed the season 25.'

! N;otrh.—'Eleventh Ward Tb«atr« Is to openJiwe 3,- with the Davis Stock Co TwottKRojso Sydell's Tiondon Belles, Amy Gordon•na- Helen Yearn ons, were arrested, charged*Hh disorderly conduct. In connection withtjte opening performance during their produc-tion '.of.a dance, entitled "Salome," on Mon-foy evening. May 20.

+++•• »0b/i, D. SWRRT, In "A Messenger Boy."cloiefl a yrry successful season of thirty-nineWeeks at Lonvenwort It, Kan.. April 28. . MostOf the season was spent oh the Pacific coant.«r."!Jweet Is negotiating with H. T. Motto**

it "Haas and Nix" for next season.RE'

TfcU Hit li midr gp a> nrarlr *<<-rattle» It ,la ftoasllile to makr a Hatnt vaudei llle bottklnlra. To Insure la.erllon la thin drpnrlmrDt Ibr narnr

of the- theur, lir |mrk,si ivrllas 4hrelty or tons, Ml »T ircauBioi eachbookloar <ro( us.

Allele k Lions, White City Park, Syracuse. N. T.,27-June 8.

Adella. La. Orplieum. Leavenworth, Kan,, 27-.June 1. . . ...

"Adelyn." Tlteatorlnm, Kenton, 0., 27-Juoe'.l;Marlon, Marlon, 3-8.

Adams Bros., BIJoa, Wheeling, W. Vn., 27-June 1.

Adams & While, BIJon, 'Ueloit, Wis.. 27-June 1.

Adams, R. Klrke, A Oo.. Auditorium. Norfolk,Va., 27-June 8.

Adams, Mimical, Myer's Lake Park, Canton, O.,JiHutie 1 ; Avon Park, Youngatown, 2-8, .

Addison & Llvlncntoo, Orpbeum Park, Webb City,Mil.. 2n-June 1; Idle Hour Part, l'ltteliurc.

Kan.. **.8..

Ammt, Ionise, i Co., Ingersoll Park, Des Molnea,' Ik.,' 27-Jnne 1.

Altern t Baxter, People's, Eieelslor, ' Mo., .28-June'l'. ••

Aheorn. Cltas., Oatety, Baltimore, Md., 2T-June1 ; Family, Wllllarosport, Pa., 0-8.

Alhlons. The, Qrand, Peru, Ind., 27-June 1 ; Crys-tal,- Marlon, 3-8

Alvln & Kenney, Almetla Park, Butler, Pa,, 27-June 1.

All, .Hunter t Alt. Cheater Park, Cincinnati. 20-Jnne 1.

Alvln Bros., Coney Island. Cincinnati. 20-Jttne 1


Athlome, Terre Haute. Ind., 3-8.Alitbioia Comedy Four, Henderson's, Coney Isljcd,

K.-T., 27-Jnnel.Alexahder, Geo. B., Howard, Boston. 27-June 1.

Alvlnos (4). Hippodrome, London. Gng., 20-Jttne•18.'

Allan & Lash, Itlchmond, Xo, Adants, Mass., 27-Jtioe 1.

Alltttrttis ft Millar, Hippodrome, Southampton,ling., 27-Jnne 1; Kmnlre, llnlrnrn, 3-8; Ulpno-dtome, Rating, 10-1C: Hippodrome, Brlxtnn 17-

AHen. Rearl ft Violet Co.. 23d 8tre«t,.N. V. O.,27-June 1.

Ahlo ft Vannerson, Clrco Bell, Mexico City. Mex.,27-Oct. 27. . .

Alexander ft Bertie, Nlion, Pltlshurg, 27-Jttne 1.

Alexander, Star, Oblcago, 27-June I.

Allaire ft t.lnd, BIJou, Mnttle Creek, ' Mich., 27-Jnne 1 ; Bijou, Jackson,' 3-8,

American XewsbOya' Quartette, BIJou, Flint,Mich., 27-June l. .. .'

Antrim & Peters, Bllott, Flint, Mich,. 27;June 1


Bijou. Bay City, 3-8.Anderson ft Reynolds, Grand,' Hamilton, 0., 27-Jnne 1 : Phillip's, Richmond, lad., 3-8.

Ansel. ft Darin, BIJou, Wheeling. W. Va., 27-June

Apdale's Animals, Ontario Beach, Rochester, N.X;. 87-Juno 8. I


Armstmnt' ft Clark, Keith's, Cleveland, 27-June1; .Celeron Park, Jamestown, tt. y„ C-R.

Armstrons-BnUer Troupe. Acme, Sacramento, Cal„27-June 1; Nntlonal, San Fran., 3-8.

Arthur, Marie, Rchladler's, Chicago, 27-June 1.

Arnold, Ogertta, Calumet, Chicago, 27-June 1.

Armoad, Oraee, Alamo Park, Cedar Rapids, la,.

27-Jnne 1 : White City, Chicago, 2-8..

Arden & Abel Co.. Shea's, Toronto, Can., 27-June 1 ; Keith's. Cleveland, 3-8.

Asltton, Ktta May, Lmllow I.niroon, Cincinnati,211-June 1. .

Ashley; Lillian, nsih Street. N. Y. 0„ 27-June 1.

Asttfra (2), Keith's, Boston, 27-June 1.

Aralns, Musical, 12,llh Htreel. N, Y. C. 27-Jone 1.

Avery * Hart, fl. O. H./Plltsbnrg. 27-.Tun« 1.

Baker ft Lynn, Pastor's. N. Y. C, 27-June 1.

Baker, Pete, Olympic, Chlcnpt, 27-Jnne 1.

llntry ft ilalvers, Keith's, Cleveland, 0.,' 27-June"


Bollard. Rlsle, Union Sounro, N. Y. C. 27-June I.

Bailey ft Austin Co., I'nion Sriiinro, N. Y. 0., 27-'

June 1.


Barlow, Wicks, ft Reed,- Orphtnm, Lima, 0., 37-Juae t.

Barry ft Woolford, Dominion, Winnipeg, Can.,27-Jnne 1.

Bnruold's Animals, Cook O. II., Rochester, N. Y.,27-June 1. '«__..'

Barry, Mr. ft Mrs. Jimmy, 08th Street, X. Y. C,27-June 1; Keith's, Pblla., 8-8.

Hartell ft riardelil, Orpbltim, Portsmouth, 0., 27-June 1 ; Dreamland, I ronton, "-K.

Bates, Dorothy, Tuxedo Park, Albany. V. T« 27-Jttnol.


Barnes, Paul, Keltb's, Columbus, 0., 27-Jnne 1.

Banta Bros. (4), Crystal, Des Moines, la,, 27-iiini- 1,

Bantes'4 Ktlwlna, Colo. Springs, Ool.,' 27-June1 ; Crystal, Denver, 3-8.

Bnader-La Velle Trio, Majestic, La Salle, III., 20-Juntl; Alamo Park, Cedar Hnrdds, In.. 3-8.

Burtlett. Al. L.i Cook's Park, Kvnosville, Ind.,

27-June 1 ; Lake View Park, Terre Haute, 8-8.

Hanks ft Newton, Henderson's. Coney ' Island, K.Y., 27<Jnne I.

Barry ft Tracy, Xlxon, Plttshurn. 27-June 1.

Barnes, Httiort, Shea's. Buffalo, 27-June I.

llerrlnn ft Mnckln, Acnderay. Paltoa, Pa., 37-Jnne 1 ; Grand, Altooon, :is.

Bedlttl ft Arthur, Clen Haven Park, Rocheater, X.V..'87-Jnne I.

Ileasy. Olnlre, ft Cats, Majestic, Chicago, 2tl-Jun«

Beauvals, Arthur, ft Co., Crystal, Trinidad, Colo,,

27-June 1; Kmplre, Colo. Springs, 3-8.Benton, I'll wood ft .Maggie, Swisher's, Mnrgantown,W. Va.. 27 -June 1 ; Star, Beaver Falls, Pa., li-

8.HeutllcK, The, Marlon, Marlon,- O., 37-Jnne 1.

Beltong Bros., Ingersoll Park. Des Moines, la.,

27-June 1. . .';•• :.

Bell ft Richards, O. H.. Rtroudshurg, Pa., 27-June8.

Berntr's Manikins, 0. O, U., Pittsburg, 27-Jun»1.

Henumont's Ponies, K. ft P., Jersey City, N. J.,

27-June 1.

Bceclter ft Maye, Palace, New Kenaloftan, Pa.,27-June 1; Tueatorlura, Klttannlng, '8-8.

Bebrend ft Irvine Urcnoilniul, Halatnanco, X, V„27-Junc 1..

Benilce. BIJou, Flint, Mich.. 27-Juoe 1.

Bell, Crystal, Lawrence, Kllwonl City, Pa., 27-

June 1 ; Theatortum, Kenlon, O., .'1-8.

Heard, Billy, BIJou, Kalamotoo, Mich., 27-Jnne 1.

Bellclalre Bros., 'J'eraplo, Delrolt, 27-June 1. ,

Benedict. Lew, A. & 8.. Boston, 27-June 1.

Uesnab ft Miller, Hnnjona Park, Crsntl Rapid*,Mich., 27-June 1.

Bernler ft Stella, tl. 0. M., Pittsburg, 27-June I.

Herccrc, Valerie, ft Co., Orpbeum. San Krun.,

Cat.. 27-June- 1.

r.entnn. Hen, Howard, Boston, 27-Jnne 1.

Ben All's Bedouin Aralts, Keith's, Phlta,, 27-

Jnne I, ........Bcruc's Olrcits, Richmond, Xo. Adanu, Mass., 37,-

Jniie 1.Blngliam ft flabo. Schlndler'.t, Chicago, 27-J|tne L.lllckett Knmtly, White City, Cblcngo. 27-June J.Hlntm, Bomra, B-r-r-r, Lake Side Park, Akron, 0„

. 27-Jnne 1.

lllg City Quartette. Alhnmbrn. o7. Y. C, 27-Junel; 123th Street, N. X. (J., 3-8.

BlensliigrMr. ft Mrs., Oloho, Rt. Louis. June 'i-H.

Bloom i Cooper, Colonial. X. Y. 0., 27-June 1. -

lllnmphln ft'IIeltr, Star, Atlanta, (ta., 27-June 8.

"Black Hussars" lilt, Belfast, lie. June .1-8;

Cardiff, Kng., 10-15; Monchesler, 1.-22; Leeds,


21-20: Liverpool, .Inly Ml. , . •

"Black Hussars" iHj, Alhambra. Paris, France,27-June R, Kmplre, Caiillff, Ensland, 10-35


Umpire, Mancltester, 17-22; Kmplre, Leeds, 21-

. 30. ; .,'


Boyd. Archie, ft Co., Glohe, San Fran., Cal., 27-

June 1 ; Bell, ' Oakland, 8-8.

Bowers, Walters ft Orooker, Shea's, Toronto, Can.,27-June 1 ; Temple, Detroit, 8-8..

Booth, Great, Ornnd, Reno, Nov., 27-June 2.

Bonlden ft Qulnn, Scenic, Revere, Mass., 27-June1."

Bonleverry, Col. <)., Happvland, Winnipeg, Con,,27-June 1.

Bottomley Tronpe, Wonderland Park, Milwaukee,Wis., 27-Juue 1.

Boyd ft Veola, Family, Scranton, Pi., 27-June 1.

Boomaua, Musical. Kast Knd Park, Memphis,Tenn., 27-June 1.

nowen Bros., Bijou, Milwaukee, 20 June 1.

Brown ft Xevarro, Keith's, Cleveland, 0„ 27-June 1. : .'_•

Bryant ft Savllle, Baker, Rochester. X. Y.. 27-June 1 ; Steeplechase Pier, Atlantic City, X.rJ.,8-8.

Brandon. Belle, Almeila Tark, Butler, Pa., 37-Jnne 1.

Hrudley ft Davis, llnlnne, Kan Claire. Wis,, 37-Jttne 1: Unique. Minneapolis. 11 loo., 3-K. -

Bmoks ft Jeanetle, O. O. II.. Plllshvrg, 27-June

Brady ft Mahoney, Proctor's, Newark, X. J., 27-fune 1.


u j ,„|Brown, Gil, Globe, Ban j*ran„ Oai„ 27-J«na I,

Brown ft Wllmot, KlretHc Park, Ft. Smith, Ark., ' Do Orscb, Mamie R., Apollo, Chteago, 27-Jtmo no.• 27-Jnne. 1.

Brooks ft Clark, BIJou, Muak.ton, Mich., 27-Jnne 1.

Dmwn, Arthur 0., Orpbenm, Boston. 27-Jnno 1.

Brlltons, The, Keith's, Syracuse, X. Y.. 37 -June1; Park. Jsmestosm, N. v.. .". -8.

Ttrown, John, A, A tt., Boston, 27-June l.

Beennans, The, Crystal. 81. Joseph, MO.. !?-June 1.

BraM- Sisters, O. H.. Xcwport, R. I.. 27-June 1.

Bnsch Family, People's, l^avcnworth, Kan.. 27-Juno 1 ; Lyric; Joplln. Mo., 2-8. >

Biirra, Harry, BIJou, Streator, 111., 27-June 1 ;

• Klgln, .1-8. '.'........Burton ft Brookt. Main Street, Peorli, 111., 27-•June 1 ; Temple, i't. Wayne. Ind., 3-8. -

Burnett ft Weyerson, Olympic, Chicago. 27-Jnne 1.'

Bttckner. Henderson's, Coney Island, X. Y.-0..27-June 1.

Burns, M6rrls. ft Co.. Family. Batte. Mont. June3-N. .

Bttntb ft Rudd. Pastor's. X. T. 0., 37-Jtme l.

Blickeye Trio. Star, Chicago, 27-June 1.

Byrd ft Vance, Crystal. lClwood. Ind., 27-June 1.

Byree, Myrtle C, ft Co.. Avon Park, Youngslown,O.. 27-Jhne 1.

Catrery ft Oram, llllca, X. Y.. 27-June 8.Carter ft Blnford, K. ft -P., Jersey City, X. J.. 37-

June 1. .ratlin ft Otto, Temple, Detroit, 2 .Tune 1; Cook

0. H.. Rochester, N. Y., 3-8.

Cslef ft Wahlron, Calumet, Chicago. 27-June 1.

Casad ft De Verne, Castle, Bloomlngton, 111,, 27-Jnne 1. •

Carter ft Bartlett. Casino, Xo. Beach, li. t„ 27-

Jnne I.-

Carroll ft Baker. Orpbeum, Baa Fran., Cat., 37-Jnne l.

Carroll, C. W., Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati, 2d-

June 1,

Cates. MitRlcal (It, Young's Pier. Atlantic City,

X. J.. 27-June 1.

Carroll, Jas.. A. ft H.. Boston, 27-Jnne 1.

Callahan ft St. George. Majestic. Chicago, 27-June1. -

California Song Birds <3). Schlndler's, Chicago,27-June 1.

Cameron ft Flanagnu. Calumet. So. Chicago, June3-8, .

Carters. The, Olympic, Bella! re, 0., 27-June 1


Verback, Oil Oily. Po„ 3-8.

Campbell ft Onpetand, Trocndero. Chicago, 27-

June 1 ; Battle Creek. .1-8.

Campbell ft Johnson, Wlntergarden. Berlin, Orr.,

37-Jtuie 1., ,

Cahlli, Wm., Alhambra, X Y. 0.. 27-Jnne 1.

Cas(anos, The,- Orpbeum. Vancouver, B. C„ 27-

Junc 1.

Carter, ft Waters Co., Keith's, Columbus, 0., 27-

Caspec ft Clark, Talon Lake Park, -MUlvlUe. X.J., 20, Tumbling Dam Park, . Srlrigeton, 30-

Jane 1.

Casads, Two ft a half, Anorle, Delphi, lad., It-June I.

Cams, llmma, Nixon, Plttshnrg, 27-Jnne 1. i

Cnrherry « Stanton. Lyric, Kensington, Oblcago,27-Jnne 1; Crystal. Milwaukee, 34.

Cosettrs (2), fllobe, San Fran,, Cal., 27-June 1;Bell, Oakland, 3-8.

CnrrolltoU ft Hodges. Crystal, St Joseph, Mo.,27-June 1.

.......Carrie, Mile., Grand. Portland, Ore., 27-June 1.

Campbell ft Cully, Mnnllou, Rochester, X. Y.,

27-June 1 ; Auditorium, Portland,. 8-8.

CarrayB, I#s. Ideal, Clearfleld, Pa., 27-Junc 1.

Callahan, Han .V May, Ideal. FargO, N. !>., 27-

June 1. ,Chalmers, Park, Wbeellnf, W. Va., 37-Jnly I. •

Chlldors. Grace, ft Dhg, Luna Park. Coney Island,

N. V., 27-June 1.

Chniham Sisters, Orallot Park, Dunkirk. N, Y„27;Jurn 1.

Cbrlsly, Wayne G„ Crystal, 'rrtaldait, Colo,, 37-June I; Crystal, St. Joe, Mo., 2-8. .


Chnpln, Benjamin, Kellh's, Pblla-. 27-Jmte 1.

Clemtodto, Frank ft Kiln, Kntplre, Cardiff. Wale*,June 3-10; Empire Manchester,, Kpg., 17-k'J;

Umpire, l^eds, 2* 20.

Cleveland, Claude ft Marlon, Orphlum, Portsmouth,0., 27-June 1.

Clans ft Hadcllfre. Crystal. St Joseph, Mo., 37-June 1 ; Family, Rloux City, la., 3-8.

Clat-ke. Marry Carson, ft Co.. Casino, Toledo, O.,211 June 8,i

. •

Clarke. Oeorglna, Wasblngloo. Spoknne, Wash.,27-June 1; Star, Seattle, 3-8.

Olivette, Kttnt Knd Park. Memphis, Tann., 3d-

June 1.


•.' "• _Clifford. Dave. Orphenm, .Parkershnrg, W. Va.,

27-Jnne 1 ; Amuse, Hraddock, Pa„ 3-8.

Clarke, John v.. Pastor's, X. V. c..- 27-June 1.

ClllTonl, Billy, Chestnut Street, I'hlia., 27-June

Olemeqso Bros, Xew York Roof. X. V. C, 27-

June 1.

Clarke ft Temple, BIJou, Muskegon, Mich., 27-

Juue 1 I BIJou, Flint, 8-8.

Clarke, Wilfred, ft Co., Minn, Plttsbarg, 27-June

Clnfflln & Show, Umpire, St. Paul. Mian., 27-Juue

: 1. '

Couthoul, Jessie, A Co., Majestic, .Chicago, 27-Jnne

Cotton. Loin, Park, Johnstown, Pa., 27-June 1.Conway, Nick, Family, Bellalre, O., 27 -Jane 1.

Corrlttan. Kmmrlt,* Co., Allinmhri, X. Y. C, 27-

Jnne I.

Coles, Musical, Star, Martlavllle, Ind., 37-Jnne1 : Crystal, Marlon, 3-8.

Collins, Kddle, BIJou, Jackson, Mich., 27-June 1


KnlnnuiwHi, 2-8,

Carrn ft Cnrro, Oil City, Pn„ 37-June I ; JeffersonI'nrk. Punxsntawoey, '3-8.

Colby, Mr. ft Mrs., Majestic, Chicago, 27-June 1.

Cooke Bros., Plilln. 27-June 1.

Cook, Frank, A. ft R. Boston, 27-June 1.

Uopplnger ft While,. A. ft S.. Boston. 21-.fim« 1.

Collins ft Hart, Paradise Boof Garden, N. Y. Cu June 3-30 •

CognnA Bancroft, Family, Serantpnt Pa„ 27-

June I. ." .Connors ft Saunders Co., Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo.,

27-June 1.

Cressy ft Dayne. Keith's, Boston, 27-June I.

Crawfonl, Bessie, Sehlntller's, Chicago, 27-June 1.

Crawford, Clifton, Victoria, X, Y. C„ 27-Jnafl 1.

Crawford ft Gardner. Windsor. St. Paul, Minn.,27-Juue 1.

Crawford ft Delnuoe)', O. 0. H., Oil City, Pa.,' 27-Jtuio 1.

'. Crao A Co., Crjatnl, Hlkharl, Intl., 27-June 1;Closhen. 8-8.

Crulge, Musical,' Alhambra, K. T. C. 27-June 1.

Crlmmlus ft Gore, Savoy, Hamilton, Can., 27-

.lidie 1. - <

Cross ft Maye, Wast Xewton, Pa., 27-Junc 1.

Curtail ft Milton. North Ave., Chicago, 27-June 1.

Cttrjon Sisters, Ontario Beach Park, Itoehesler, X.. V., 27-Juue 8,

Oiirann, BIJou, Dttlulb, Minn., 27-June 1.

Cuiililnirham, Bob ft Daisy, BIJou, Plqau, 0„ 27-

Jnne. 1; Imtiei'lol, I'lndioy, 3-8.

Cunningham, ft Smith. Tmcadero, Phils., June 3-


- ^itnalnghao. Boh,;. BIJou, Phils., 27-Juoc 1. ,.,

"liarktown Fire brigade." Luna Park, Chicago,• "87-Jone 1. - " • -



Daokman-Hchiller Troupe^ White.. City, .Chicago.

27-Jltne 1.

"Dancing Daisies." The, Olympic, Chicago, 27-

June 1.

rah, frl. ft Bertha, Majestic, Chicago, 27-Jona 1.

Daly. Wm. Josh,, St. ljottls, 27-June I; Evans-vUle, lad.. 2-8.

Daniels, Walter. 58th Street. N. Y. C, 27-June 1.

li' Allan, Flor, Cook O. II., Rochester, X. Y,. 27-JiSue'l; O. O. U„ Plttsbarg, C-8.

Dnvls, Will. Park, Baronse.N. J. , 27-June 1.

Dnvey ft Phillips. Castle, Blnomlogton,' 111., 27-

June- 1; Alrdotoe, Terre Haute, Ind., 3-8.

Davenport, Kdna, BIJou, Pblla., June I -July 81.Datle, Id Belle, Nixon, Pltttlhnrg, 27-Jnne l. '

Ilnvton Sisters ft.De Voy, I'aru, ltot Springs,Ark., 27-June 1.

Heltons (3), Royal, Montreal, Can.. 27-June 1.

Dorby, .AL, Majestic, Plttshnrg, 27-June 1. . .

lie Witt, Burns ft Torrance, Proctor's, Albany, X,I-.. 27-June 1. ••...

De Voy, ISmmetr. ft Co., Chase's, Washington, D.0.. 37-Jnne 1.

He I'nye Sisters, Park, Bayonoe, X. J., 27-June 1.

Deveatt. Hubert, Leaveownrtlt, Kan., 27-June 1


Lincoln, Xeh, 38.Demonlo ft Belle, Family, Xew Kensington, Pa.,

37-June 1. . ,


Desne Bros. (3), Keltb's, Boston, 27-June l.

De Velde ft Zelda. llsppyland Park, South Beach,Htaten Island, 27-Jnne I.

' Demo cos. The, Rlpe's. ICokomn, Ind,. 87-June 1


O. II., Klwonri. 8-8..

De Vole Trio. 23<1 Street, N. Y. C. 27-June I.

De Voy ft Miller. Keith's, Phils., 27-Jnne 1.

Dee. Key. Grand. Asbvllle, X. C, 27-Jooe I


• llnrmerllng, Bristol. Tean;. 8-I0."- -'1 '

De Cbaunt's Dogs, Iilora Park, Yonngstown, O..27-June I. ,

De Rioter's Dnjs, Indiana. Pa.. 27-Jnne 1.

Delmore ft Morey,' Acme, .Norfolk, Vs., 37-June 1.Drlrnir, Jennie. Star, Allanla, lla., 27-June .'.<>.

8eln»r« Hitlers, OMoolat. N. Y. C, 37-Jnne ETe Weete, Jennlei. .Orpblnm, . BptlngflsM, 0., 27-/nnt I,

Do oescb, Mamie B., Apollo, Chicago, 27-Jtmti 30.De Ouio ft McDonsld, Calumet, So. Chteago, 27-

_ Jane 1 : Majestic. Chicago, :t-8.

De Laceys, Dancing, Orphlum, MansAeld, 0., 27-'Juno l ; Chllllcoihe, 3-8.

De Chantal Twin Sister*. Xlpmnc Park, Mllfold,Mass., 37-Jnne I: nmokslde Park. Alhnl, 3-8.

Delton-Kennedy Trio. Majestic Pltlshttrg, -S7-Jun.i I.'

lie Hollls ft Valero. Howard. Chicago, 37-June 1


White City, Chicago, 3 8.

D*. Van Bros.. Kamona Park, Craad Rapids,Mich,, 27-June 1.

IV Fnys, Musical. Omaha, Neb., 37-June 1


' RJaux Falls. S. D., 3-8.

-Iilrmt -ft Fields. 'Robinson Pnrk, Ft. Wayne. Ind.,

. 37-June I; Ramon a Park, Grand Rapldi, Mich.,:«-8. •-••:-Dletle ft Morln, Dewey, Oloueeater. Mnis,, 37-Jnne 1.

DQan Bros., Majestic, Madison, Wis., 37-Jnne I


- 'Npflngrimok Casino, So. Bend, Ind., 8-8.

Bwwnoy, Joe. Manhattan, Norfolk, Va„ 27-June 1,

Donne tie, lva. Family. WIHIamsport, Pa., It-.Jbte 1.

Doyle ft Fields, Superior, Wis,, 27-June 1.

DMglns ft Douglas, Windsor. St. Paul, Minn., 27-

'Jnne 1.

"Do«n In Hide," Luna Park, Chicago. 27-Jnnc 1.

Ilivylc ft Oranger. Grand,.AlloAnn. Pa., 27-Junc 1.

Drone, Ram, Hippodrome, , Glen Keho, Mil., 37-

June 1.

Dre*'. Dorothy. Fmplre, Bitnilnsham, Hngtand,June 10-13: Kmplre. Xew Caalle-ou Tyne, IT-

32; Kmplre, South Shields, 21-30,DHoedln Troitne, 08th Street, X. Y. C, 37-June 1.

Uttnree. Gen. ft Lllilile. BIJou, Racine, Wis., -87-

June 1 ; Garileu, Milwaukee, .1-8.

Htinlmrs. Cnsllna (It. Keith's, Cleveland, 27-

. 'Jane 1.

.Dumtinils. I.es, Shea's, Rufrrtlo. 27-Jnne 1,

Die I'.nls, Grent, ft Co., Grand, Hnlontnnn. I'n„

37-Jnne 1: Swisher's. Morgantnwn, W. Va., 8-8.

JlnrTy. Sowlelle ft Huffy. Kmplre, Des Moines, la.,

..07-June I. " •

Hnprej, Fred, Olrnrd, Phils,. 27-June 1.

Dnnrtnr's Gnat Circus, BIJou, Kalamaaoo, Midi.,

27-June 1. t

Hurytu ft LVIand Fnlon R<|nnre, X. V. C, 27-

June 1.

Dunn, Jas. A., Glen Haven Park, Rochester, X.>',, 27-June I.

tVatanri* Trio, Ornltenni, Los Angeles, Cal., 27-

June 1.Dyllyn, J. Bernard. Bell. Oakland, Cal., 37 Junefl; rnlnne, Sun Jose, 3-8.

Katfttn ft llntlman. Arcade, Tltnstllle, Pa., 27-

Jiine 1. '.•' •,

F.drl ft Bartlett, Avon Park, Youngslown, fl., 27-

.lune 1 ; Athletic Park, Buffalo. X. V., .1-8.

Stela, Willie, Keith's, Columbus, 0„ 27-June 1.

F.llnorn Slslers, Victoria, N. Y. C. 27-Juno 1. .

I'.llsrtertii ft Burt, llljnu. Wlnnepeg, Can., 27-

Jnne I ; Grand, Fargo, X. II., :i 8.

Klllett ft West. Star. Mttncle, Ind., 27-June 1


Lima, 0„ 8-8.

Kltnn,. Jnne. ft Co., Family, Scranton, l'a., 27-

June 1.

Umpire City Quartet, Xew York Roof, N. Y. C„27-June i.

Mmersnn ft Baldwin. Orpbeum, Ssn Fran., Ool.,

Jd June in.I'.mersld Comedy Trio, Montgomery Falls ' Park,

Qucltee, Can,, 27-June in,

Kmperors of lluolc (II. Olrnrd, Plilln., 27-June 1.

Knglleli Itockern (6), Shea's. Bun*«4ii, 27-Juue I.

KnKllsh Pony Bnllct, Victoria. X. Y. C. 27-June

Kngleton. Nan, ft Co., Novelty. Son Fran., Ctl„27-June I: Globe, Han Fran,. 3-8.

Kngllsh. Lillian, Glen Haven Park, Rochester. X,Y„ 27 -J line I.

Ksmonde, ;Kdward. ft Co., Kmplre', I'lllsfleld,

Mush,, 27Jttne 1.

lisle Bros., F.lectrln Perk, Ft. Smith, Ark,, 27-,Jun/i 1.

Ksmcraldn Sisters, Folles Mnrlanay. Paris, France,Jone. 2-8. ..

Kvans, Gen., Xew York Roof, N. Y. CU 27-Juae 1.

KVinsft I'.vnns, BIJon, > Fargo. X. D., 27-June I;

BIJou, Winnipeg, Can., 8-8.

titers, Geo. W., Orphcttni, Seattle, Wash., 27-June t,

Kferait, Hopble. ft Co.. Proctor's. Newark, N. L,27 -.In no I.

rantns (2i, l.vrlc, Joplln, \ln„ 20 June I.

Farley, Jthies ft Bonnie. Vnncotivar, B. 0., 27-JllDO 1.

Fanstlua, Mile., Henderson's, Coney Island, X.

It, 37-June 1.Knlrmau ft Jewell, Athens, 0„ 27-Jnne I.

Fenrqaon ft Mack, Olympic, Chlejigo, Juno 8.8.

I'erry, Aetuallduiies, Havana, Cuba. 27-Jttns »;(trplieinn, San Fran., Cal., 1020.

Fsntelln ft Oarr, Shea's. Buffalo. X. V.. 27-June 2.

Fields and Hanson. Highland Park, Belleville, X.'

J,,: 27 June 34.

Flnncys, The, Orphenm, San Fran., Cal., 27-

Jnne 8.

Fisher, Mr. ft Mrs. Perkins, Lakeside, Akron, 0,,: 37 -J une 1 : Myer's Lake, Cantoo, 2-8.

Fiddler A Shrltnn, Indianapolis, 27 June I.

Fisher ft Berg, Klectrlc Park, Xesnrk. X. I„ 27-

Flfidii, W. C„ Xew York Roof, X. Y. 0.', 27-

,JPD* J..'

I'letelier. Obas. Leonard, Otpbrum. f/ia Angeles,' C»l,. 27-June 1.

Florence. Slslers (8), Casino, Buenos Ayree,, So,

Amarteo. 27-Jltne lifl.

Flemen ft Miller. Park, .Johnston p. Pa„ 27-Junel'l Lyceum, Beaver Falls, 8-R,

FliMiss, The, Atlantic Garden, N. . Y. C„ 27-ijduo I.

I'lyrts; Karl. Kane Park,' Atrblnson. Kan., id-June I ; Pnrk, Kansas City, Mn„ 3-8.


I-'lesV Olr.-iiB, While Oily. Chicago, 27 June 1.

1'lnort Bros., Shea's, Toronto, Can., 27-.Line I ;

I. Y„ 8-8.

ftouf. X. Y. fl„ 37-

V„ 37-.lune I; lit

Harris- lleattregnrile

o„ a.Junel:Hayes ft Sitlls, Youi

Oeleon Park, Jamestown, N. Y., 88,l'loretu Tmitiie, Xew York r

Jiipe 1.

Fortl- Rlsters ft Brothers, Orpbeum, San Fran.,0*1., 27 -June 1..

l-'otdi, ' Famoimi . Tltnivllls,- Pa., 80-June 1


Family, Kile, 38Foi'it win il. Klectrlc Park, Ottawa, Can., 27-Jnne 1

Fnx/ftDu Bull, Forrest Park, Highlands, Rt.Louis. 27-June I ; Funlnlno Ferry Park, IjOuIh-llle, Ky„ 8-8.

Foy-''ft «71arlc, Orpbeum, I/is AngeJea, Col., 27-


Jttne 1.

Fetillnelle, Mysterious, Family, I^banon,' Pa., 27-• -Jnne- 1.

Fox,' Amy, tllh Ave.. X. Y. 0.. 27-Jnne 1..FojVtell ft Fmmrtt, Palace. Boston, 27-Jnne I.

Foster 'ft Lnkey, Huh, Woonsecket, 11. L, 37-jrme 1.

Fre0o.ilk.Dare, Fairy Land Park, Passaic, X. J„2 1 -Juno 1.

Frey,', Henry, Grand, Milwaukee, 27-Joae 1. Slar,F.laln, III, 8-8.

Froal'o, Windsor, HI. Paul. Minn., 27-June 1,

Frevoll, Frederic, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati, 20-

FreJtag "

W/Jii.l.'rr*cl«ros \i>. Orphenm, St Paul, Minn,, 27-

Itag. I'd. Henderson'*, Coney island. X. Y.,f/Jiw-


JosrtJiino tr

Ffajols,' Kmma, 'ft Arabs, 23d Street, X. Y. O,,

Fyenptt, Henri. Keith's, Oolnmhiis, 0., 27-JtiDe 1.Folton ft Larklns. Pslsee, Boston, 27-Juue I.

OarBbfl Trio. I.yrlc, Chicago, 27-June J.Gardner ft Stoddard. Shea's. Torootd, flan., 27-June 1 ; fl. 0. IL, Pittsburg, 3-8.

Gardner, Happy Jack, Keith's. Pblla., 27-June 1


Colon Hiiimre. X, Y. 0„ 8-8.GnrdneT. r!d. Palace. Sew Kensington, Pa„ 27.June 1.

Garden ft Rommors, Hippodrome, Glen F^ho, Md,,27-Junc I.

Garrison. Jules, ft Co., CStb Street, X. Y. 0„ 27-Juue i.

GkrOnor, Willie, Savoy, Hamilton, Can., 27-June

Gallagher ft Barrelt, Victoria, K, V. 0., 27-Jun»

Gaston -ft Green, Chase's, Wosblngton, D, 0.. 27-

tlI. ,

lie Bros., Trent, Trenton. X. J„ 27-June I,

r ft i Graff, Han Rnncl Purk. Wllkesbartc,, 27-Junc 1; lintel Park, Ilazelton, Pa„

n.si . .

aabtlel, Master, ft Co., 0. ft. IL, Pittsburg, 27-

Oarlu ft Piatt, Washington, Hpokahe, Wash., 27-Jiin« 1.

Gtlger ft Wallers, Farm, Toledo. 0.. 2<1-June 1.George, Kdwln, Oak Hummltt Park, Kvansvllte,

ind., Juno 2-0,Cenaro's Band, Conk 0. H,. Koehester. ft, Y.,

27-Juno 1.

Georg* ft .Harrington, Vnnlty Fair Park, Provi-dence, R. L, 27-June 1 ; Golden City, Canantle,

'l..'.1„ 3-8. '-..'Gllden Slslers, Hippodrome. Clen Kcho, Md., 27-

June 1. ' '



«'»!»ee. Boston, 27-June 1.Glllen, Tom, Orsml. Vancouver. H. C„ 37-June 1


Orphenm, Seal He, Wash., 3-8.fll

K*'''.'.I!,*nT*. * Montgomery. Ineyrsvill Park,

Pes Moines, la.. 27-June I.

: ObdriJt'a Boo, lfljon, ,u Cro«»», Wis,, 27J«d«l

i Dalaoe, Km Clair*, 8-s,

Gllmore Slaters, Family, tirlo, Pa.. 27-Jnne 1.

Gllnserartls t«», lSr.ftj Rtret, X. V. C. -37-' Jnne 1.Golden Oats Qnlntette, Colonial. X, Y. C, 27-Jnne 1.

Gould ft Rnralt. Shea's, Buffalo. 27-Juno 1, '

Ooinrlh ft Doyle. HIJou, l«raln, rt., 27-Jnne ' 1


Vaudeville Park, Akron. 3-8.Goldsmith A Hoppe, Lake View Park. Terra

Haute. Ind.. 37-.lune 1; Mannon's Hark, St.Mnls, 3-R. I

Gordon, Lawrence, Marlon, Marlon, 0,, 37-JuneI ;

Lakeside Park. Dayton. 3-8.Gordon ft Chncon, Pantages,* Seattle, Wanh., 07-June 1. '

.Ooss. John, Orphlum, Portstoonth, O.. Jnne 3-8.Golden ft Hughes, Crystal, Milwaukee, 27-Jttne I.

Oonlmans, Musical, Fast Fnd Park, Memphis,Tenn.. 20-Jiine I ; West Foil Pnrk, New Oriel" 1



Golden. Geo. Fnlltr. Xlxon, Pittsburg, 37-Jin*» 1.

Gray ft tlrnliani, Pastor's, X. Y. C. .37-Jnne I.

, Green. Harry, Family, Lancaster. Pa., 37-Jnne 1.

Graces l8), Kenosla Park, Donhttry, Conn., 37-. June 1. :

Granville ft Mack. Orphlum, Springfield, fl., 27-Jnne 1. .


Greene ft Werner, Xew York Roof, X. Y. C, 37-June 1. ;

.GrlL-olefil's. Flying Ballet. Keith's, Phlla., 37-June t.

Oliver A Crlspl, Ortdtenni, Boston, 27-June I.

Haines. I.nl.a, Wonderland, Keiere Beacli, Mass.,27-July .11.


Harvey, Harry, Star, Chicago, 37-June >.

Hampton ft Ueanniaun, Deulches, Mlnchen, Get,June 1-80.

liny. ITnlcycle. Spring Grove Park. Sprlngflebl.tl. 27.Inne 1; Lakeside Park Casino. Aktna,28.

llnlKii ft Thomas, Conner, ML Vernon, fl., 27-June 1.

Hays, I'd. C, Casino, Washington, Pa., 27-Juvr1 1' Grand, llnloninwn, 3-8,

Ilnrron. Jules, Kmplre, Des Moines, la., 27-.lunc 1.

Ilarr, Alene ft Kdwnrd, Crystal, Kokomn, lad.,27 June I i Frankfort 3-8,

rinrpcr, Desmond ft -Ullllunl, Snvnv, HautlllOD,Can., 27-Jttun I.

I Inteh ft ilntcb.' Illjnu, Mntlnetle, Wis., 27-JuneI ; Dljott, Sheboygan, 30.

Haynes, AL, Keith's, Columbus. 0„ 27-June I.

llnrcey ft Lewis. Pastor's, N. Y. {!.. 27-Juae 1.

llunphel ft ArMHisun, Schlndler's, CMcngo, 2f-Jnne I,

llsri. Unttrlce. Wl.lte Ctly Park, Btngbnmlnh, y.Yi, 37-June I : Hnsel I'nrk, lloaelinn, Pa., 3-8.

i ft; Co..• Majestic, fUmdusJjy., Olympic, So. Brad, Intl., 3-8.

Voung's. Atlantic City, X. J„ 27-June 1. > •.-.'.. "

Hayman ft Franklin, Pavilion, London, lilng., 37-.liine 30, • •

Hanson ft Drew, Lake Pork, Greenfield, Ind., 37-

Junc I.....

Hawler, H. Fredatlc. A Co.. Lyric, Kensington.Chicago, OlJtinc1 L

llnrhnrl! ft Harris, Hummer Park, Lansing, Mich.,27-June I ; Family, Coshocton, 0., 3-8,

Hntdcn. Virginia, Ortnd,' Vancouver, B. C„ 07-June I.

Ilnsllnxs ft Wilson, Majestic, Dallas, Tex., 5.7-

.litne II Ft Worth. 38.rinrnrii, (Iritco, Chnso's, Waslilnglon, D. C„ 27-

Juno 1.

Harcoiirt, Daisy, 0: 0. H..' Plttsbura, 37-June 1.

Ilorrtxnn, James, Olympic. Chicago, 27-Juno I.


Harrington ft Lester, Hearer Falls, Pa., Ut-JnncI ; Johnstown, 3 -It.

Henry. Cnplnln, OrsntL Relllnpliunt, Wash,, 27-Jitun I : Slur, Seattle, 3-«.

IlerrAn. Jules, Kmplre, • Des Moines, Is., 117-

June I,

Heyu-Miii, flreof. Shady Grove Tork, Yntingnlowo,II., 27-June 1. • '


Held. Wilbur, |lnli|tio, Minneapolis, 27-Jnne I,1

llentiessey, Jas, J... Globe, Han Frnn., ( :il.. 27-

June I: Bell, Oakland, :i-8.

Herbert ft willing, ICpst Knil Pnrk. Memphis,Tcan., 27 J une 'I.

Henry. Louise, Cook 0. H., Rocliestsr, X. T„ 37-

June 1.

Ileiirn, 'lorn, 13Blh Strcrt, X. V. C, ST-Junn I.

Ilertierl, llnrl, Farm, Teldo, rt., 37-June 1.

lleeley ft Meet)-, Casino de Paris. Paris, Franco,27-June 10. .

Ilcrliert, Mons., Utfjl park. Hasina, Pn., 27-Jouet ; Mnclllo Grflvn. Tpmoqiia, 8-8,

Hewett,'Fred. Crystal," Trinidad, Colo., June 8 0.

llewlettes. The,. Coaur nVAIene. Spokane, Waih.,20-Aitg. II.

llenclln. C, If,, ft Co., Ptistor's, X, Y. C„ 57-

Juno 1. ' •'

Hefrnn, Tom, Howard, Boston, 37-June I.

Heclnw. Cltss, ft Mario. Family, X. Y. 0., 37-June I.

Human Trio, Publllnnea' Circus, navann, Cnhu,27-June 80.

Illckmntt Bros. Itti, foil's. Watetlmry, Conn.. 37<

Juno I.

Hipp. LHtle, Clisre's,- Washlattnii, D. C. 27-

June I.

Hill, Hurry K. Majestic, Fl. Worth, Tot., 27-

June I. - »Illrchnrns, The, Bljotl.' Rattle Creek, Mloh.. 27-

June 1.

Hill ft Hill, Proctor's, Albany, X. V., 27-Juno 1.

Illilmsn, Geo., DawjfnSs, Logunspnrt, Intl., 37*

Junn I.

Hills, Tlte, Spring Grftvo Casino, Rprlngfleld, 0.,27Jtinn 1.

Billiard, Rohert, ft Co,, Union Sqimre, X. V. 0„27-Jtmt I, ' •

Hill. Cherry ft mil, Casino. Asltury Park, X. .),.

Jium- ll-S.

Ilolcutiili, dulls Co., Orpbeum, RosIod, 27-Juni' t.

Hnclil'.mll ft Co.. Shea's. Biifralo, N. Y.. 27.lime 1 ; Celeron Pork, Jameslown. X. Y„ ll-H.

Holmoo, Al. K. ft .Mamie, titnsk, Hllierlo, Ku««l».

June l-.luly DO,llondlnl, Harry, fl. O. fl., Plttshnrg, 37 -.Inns 1.

Iloldworlhs, Tile, Family, Lnncaalnr, Pa., 37-

June 1. ' . '. . t. •

Horton ft La Trlaka,- Olympic, Chicago, 27-Jnnet; Forrest Park lllahlntiils, SI. Louis, ll-lfl.

Hney A Ij-c, Kellh's, G|oveliind. 0„ 27-Jiine 1,

Howard Bros., NOrolly, Rlocklon, Cut., aj-ilune

lj Xovelly, Ron' Jose, tin.Uoward ft llnnitril, InBorrioll Park, Des Moines,

In.. 27 Juuo I.

Howard's CnuiPdy Pnye, Itnmmia Pork, ("Ir^rn

llaplds, Mich,. 27-Jnne I.

Howard ft North; Cook o. rr,; Itoeheater. N. Y„27-June 1. ,

U.iyt ft Marlon, Idol's Patk, Yoongsrown, 0., 27-

June I,, ,

Houston, Frits. Kenoals Park, Donbnry, C«an„27-Jttne I.

linvtlson, t'bns.,. Proeiot-'s, Albntty, X, Y.. 27-

Jliae I.

Boll, .Ins., Lakeside I'nrk, ALion. 0.. 27-June 1.

Uowe ft Srntt, Yoiuig's, Atlantic City, X, J„ 27-

Juno 1.

Hngan, Krnest, Vlctarln, X. Y. fl., 27 -June I.

Ilnnard, May. ft Co.; Olyinplc, Chicago, 27 Juue

Holmnn Bros., Altro Islntul Park, Alliotiy-. N.

V., 27-J line 1'; Rohroer Park, Montreal, flan..

8,8, ... i - .

HuBltes ft Drown. Family, Scranton, Pt., »7-

June I. ,.'

Htissey, Mr. A Mrs, Gob. AV., Glen Haven Path,Itocbester. X. Y.. 27-lutic 1.

Hughes Musical Trio, liummtn Pnrk, Grand Hati-

Itts, Mich.. 27-Jiiiio I ; Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind.,


Hushes ft Hrowp. Family, Scraolou. Pa., 27Juo«

Httlchlsons (3),, Chlesgo. 27-Junc 1.'.

lldlitlngs (4), Keith's. Phlla., 27-Juoe 1.

Hyde, Mr. ft .Airs. Ilobt., .Tiuutdliiir Run Park,Pottsvllle. Pn,; 37-1 dne I,

Igurroto Village, While City, Chlengn, 27-Juue t.

ItinosM ft Rjott, l.jrle, 'l>rro Haute, I ml., 27-

lime I.' '

James ft Parker. , Xorclty, Barneibnrn, W. Vs.,

27-Juac I. (•

Jackson. Horry ft. b'nle, Kellh's, Boston, ,27-

Jiine 1. '

James, Daisy, Xer.York Roof, «. Y. C, 27-

Jackson Fomlly, Cook O. IL, Roebesler, N, V.,

^27-June 1 ; Temple, nrtrolt, Mleb,, 3-8.

Jciome, Xnt 8., Myer's Lake I'nrk. Caulon, 0..

37 -Juno I j Spring Oroto Park, Sprlngdeld, H8,Jctvoll'a Mnnlklos, Lyceum, Hoeliesli-r, X. Y., 27-

Juue 1


Jennings ft Renfrew, Castle. Uloomlneloo. IB.,

:7-.liine 1 1 Sprlnghrook Park, South Bead, Ind.,

Johnston ft Cooke, Pastor's. X. Y. C„ 27 -June I,

.fohnson ft Besn, Yard's, Mosens-, Russia, 2T-June 80,

Johnstons, Musical, Kmplre, Birmingham, Bog..

Juno JO-lOj Umpire. xew Cnstle-on-Tyne, 17-

22: Kmplre, South Shields. 24-20.JAItnslno. Ilclph. Mvon. Plilshnnr. 27-Jnne 1.

JolKon,. Al.. Illjoii.. Ilnlitlli. Mlno., 27-lnno 1. .

Jolly ft Wild ' Pontages', Scuttle, Wash., it-

Jnne 1. .

Joly. Rtiirene. Kellh's. Bmilnp. 27-Jnne I,

Jrsies ft HutiOn. O. <1L, New- Bedford, Mass,, f*>Joo* 1.

Katei Broi., Th«ll», Oblcago, 27-Juoe 1.


Jmtca' *''BiyuToud, onmlum, Shelby, 0... 27- Marlon * Mjffe Viator'*, X. T. C. 2TJTim«! t. Pierce * Boalya. Fontaine " Ferry Park, Uiuia- 'Wilsons,* TheTTarii,:'Wneelliig. YvTVai.'ST-'JunelJune 1. • .- -» ~ "*" fM^1' *- «— "•—-*»•- »• • -«•—•-• —. --- ~.^^^ . «_.— fc.._. nuii. *» « 1.

Kane, Leonard. Pastor's, X. Y. 0.. 27-Juhe 1.Hanr-. Morns, Grand, New Caitlr, Ps., BTJrjne 1

liimu'K riuiomiint- Co., Savoy, Hamilton. Can.27-iline 1. j ?/0

Knroai. The,' Atlantic Garden. N. Y. C .27-June 1

Mania MJIh, Vouiiy'a Pier, Atlantic City, N; J.,

Marco 1

.Twins, Fontaine Ferry Park, Loulavllle,

- Kf., JB-Joni- ) : -Kin KillMarei-un, Xevaro ft MareemIMM X.'Y„,2T-Jibh!


Knlftird. Irene, ft Her Koinly Kid*. Lyceum Mrfrshall. Bert, Goillni' Garden, Coluwhns, 0„

vllle ;Ky.. 2d June 1.

"Planophlend«> The, Alhambra. N. Y. 0., 27-Ferry Park. Loultvllle, Joue 1 j Colonial. X. Y. Ol Jl-8.

Kltd i'ark, Memphis.- 2-8. Plearos (St. Howard. Boston. 27-June I.

wna, H«"Wrtoa,«, Corny Polrlers («), DoBalot<m;i Winnipeg, Can., 27-J.' •

'•'•'•] J»no 1. (• "• .•••

Rochester. X. Y.. 27-Junc ]

KarlZells Tfl". Wilson, X. C, 27 -.1 line 1; Fay-ettcvllle. It-N.

Kccnc. Juggling. Dreamland, Inintnn. (I., 27-.lune 1 ;-Hroj.i|«rs.v. Mlddlelown. 3-H.

Kelso ft I.clgliton. Keith's, Beaton, 27-June 1;Troy, X. f\, 11-8. i

Keuui-dy ft McAllister, r.lli Ave, X. Y. C, 27-Juia? 1. '


Kelly A- Ruse, Kninuua I'ark, Grand Haplda,Mich.. 27-Junc t

Msoey. Herla-rt, Hippodrome, (lieu Kclui, Md.,. 27-Juue, 1. i MnMsybew, Stella. Keith's. Phlla.. 27-Jime I.

Manning Trio, Bijou. .Dulntli. Minn., 27,Jiuie 1

Juno _.

Pope. J. C. ft Dog. (1.

Htrvena * Horbm, HlJoti, Pkila.. 27-iuno.l-.

Sir*™. BmE! ft .fco.r ««ilf»tlc, Chicago. 27-

Stadium Trlii, Sehindler's. Chicago. 27-Junc !Stuart ft Kctiey, Hast. End Park, lUeaiphls. Tetin.,

'SottBooKkls." SlfcPa', Kokomo, iTd".,' ar-Juhe i

(Iraodj Peru, tigs, .

•1-'*'--' 0!Y THH ltOAl>:

27-Juue J ; t)leniani.r Park'. .ColOnUjU". 0-, !) :*PoVhrra. . Edwaril, WlrHlaor, gt. Paul, Minn,, 27'

JOM 1.

Powera ft Krccit, Oriiiilum, Mprlugtldd, (>., 27-liine 1,

16-lwt l : .Oiymiiln Park, .Chattanooga. :)-8,

O. H., MWdletown, 0.. Btrtind ft Thatoticr, Ualaiie. 8»i» Jo«e. Cal., 1'7

- JoM 2: UaJoS BakerBjelil, 0-0.

Strickland, K. C I.vcciiiti. Sk« Krnn., Cal., 2i

Jim* 1.

Ailaux, Maide (OUarlca Proliiuaii, rugr) Dt>u,„,Colo., 27Juno 1. .


Allen. Viola <Oia«. JT. Alien, mgr.)—Salt LakeCllj-, L\, aOJtUic 1.

Mareclo A WK Ilapp/land I Park, Bo. Beach, Poller ft Harrla. Colmilal, Camlirldfe, O., 2aintcu Inliiud, 27-Jime 1.

Miifrlot Twlim. Itlnk. Ootuinlila, Oa.. 27-.Iilue'l.J1.BM0 ft Iwraii.-Hhrcilj'H MclicliMlenii, Pall Elrcr,.Man... BTOnuv ,",(i.

>rai1leri-. Lnnra. 0. If.. Newport, K. I., 27-Juae 1

Jatle l.

Sloilclnrt ft Wilson, BIJou, Adrian, Mich., 27-.Inne AugoU'i Oitnedlana (0, J. Beriinrd, oigr.i—«,.„1; Kllnl. 3-8. labia.. Mo.. 27-Juue 1. Wjaeonila a-tf"

Colian^aeu.^ M. ISam H.liurrla. uiKr. )—Atlm,.'Stunning arcnadlern," Cook O. U.. Ilocliealcr,

N. Y., 27-June I; «. O. II.. Pltrstiurir. U-8,jnpai I,' •('!• I' 1 > a>l OUiiifT a • ' •- '. ••• a •a'<*vu , ft>i> " "Primrose, rico. II., ft Co., Alliambra, N. Y. ,

St. Kltuo. I*o. Uewieraon'a, Coney lsloml, N. Y.

27-Juw I, , 27'Jime 1. „ . _':, .

Kcela.i Tom, I.uillwv Liigwui, Cincinnati. 20 June JlacV " ft Ilugal. llljou, KalamatOft, Mlcb., 271.

Keagon, Lulu, Kelaou, KprlngSeld, Maaa., 27-Jun? I. _ ,,.

Keltnera. The, nijou. Mamlulltowji, la., 27-June 1.

Keller ft Paul'a Arslm, Cook 0. II., Ilocbcatrr,x. v., Tniip a-8i

Keelej- llruK.. I2.',tb Street, N. Y. a, 27-Jnne 1;Temple, Detroit. 8-8.

Kclfonx (3). BIJou, Uululb, Minn.. 27-Jnne 1.

Kenton. Dotolhri Olrnplr, cailcago, 27-June 1


nopkln«.' 1-onlaTtlle. Kr.. 8-8. . •.

Keatooa, <ai. Hbea's, BufYnln, 5. YV.27.Tune I.

Kelly, Ethel. Nelson, Bnrlngneld. Mass.. 27-June

Kvlicrmau, Aouette, White City, Chicago, 27-June 1. . ,-

Kennedy. Meinpbla, Empire, Dm llolnca, la, 27-Juacl. •••

.',' ,.:

hellf. Win. J., ft Co., 123th Street, N. Y. 0., 27-June I.

Kempt, Tlie, Kcllli'a, Cleveland, ()„ 27-June 1.

King'. The. Atnii Park. YouugatowD, O,, 27-.June 1: ffirmi, Pa.. 3-8.

Klrolfo, Una. M. 11.. .llerrln, III., 27-Jnne 1.

Klntlfo. Vincent, Bijou, ''nluraci, Mich., 27-Iune1 ; Maniuctte, 8-8.

KIMIe .Trio, Idorn Park, Yvuuga'rnrn, V).,'.'•

Judo 1.

Kings (2i, Henderson'*, OMatf IhI»d(T, N. Y.. 27-June 1.

Kltal-Hsnwil Jaui, Chaae'a, Waahlngton, D. C,27-Jnne 1.

June 1.

Marca's Itoyiil Mnulklna, 0. K., Newiwrt, B. I..

27-June 1.

Maicagnl*. The, Proclm-'a, Newark, N. J., 27-Juue J. ••..'

Mawey ft Krnuicr. Crystal. Nohleuvlllo, bid., 27-June 1 : PeoplnV. Blutrtou. 3d. .-!

Ma<T ft Hall, Cheatnot strwt. Phlla., 27-June 1.

Jlaw.n ft Hart, Cheatnnt Street. Phlla., 27-Jaue 1.

MaJlileu. Juirllng. Mannlnn Park. Bt. lvuila. 20-Jiine 1 : Owk\ Park, Ktaiianllle, Ind.. 2-8.

MaeDouoiigh, Kthel, Orpbeum.iLe* Angeles, Cal„27-Jnii» 1.

MaeBaiina, Juggling, I.ycriini, Ilocuestcr, N. Y.,27 lime 1.

Jlocl>onal<l. Iblna. Lytic. Joplln, Mo., 27-Jnne 1.

MeDorley. ft Eleanoret Coeur D'Alene, Biwkane,Wosli.. 27Juno 80.

MeWattera Tynon Co., Majestic, Chicago. 27-Jnno 1. •

McDowell, John ft Alice, BIJou, NasbTllle. Teiin..27-,Inrie 1. • ».- .'•


McKce ft Von. I'ark. Preeport, III.. 27-June 1.MeXamee, Caluroct, Ho. ClilcarJ. 27-June J !'J,yrlc,

DanrUls. 3-8,

MeN'aughton Bro»„ Chealnut Street, Phlla., 27-Jiroe Itm - . •; .'r

Mcrjughlln. C. Claire, Park, Jobostovn, Pa., 27-June 1. *-.

McNutt Ulsters, Empire, Dea Moines, Is., 27-June 1,

MeOlellsn, James, BIJou, Dulutb, Minn., 27-June 1.

Prince ft Dlaton, IllJon, Wheeling, W. Vs.,• .Jooe 1. • . ?Prtory, 'J'hp, Lyric, Jophlu, Mo., 31 -June 2;

Ill.lou, La Crosse. Wis., lu-lff. . .

Oulbiln ft Mack. BSIb Street/ N. r. C, 27-June 1.

gnigf ft Mack. Crystal, St. Joe, Mo., 26-Jnne 1


-Trinidad. Colo.. 3-8. • ;•

Qnlgg, Msckey' ft Klckermin. l-'orrent Park High-> lands, St. l/wl», 27-JoseJ.Kay. Fred. *Co., Cojonlal. -N. Y. 0.. 27-June 1.

RanToyctte'a Doga, Proctor's, ' Albuny, N, Y..

27.Ju»» 1. ::• it-:-.'

Raatml ft Baiika. Palaee. Chelsea. England, 27'

7- HI. Oiig" UroM., Alamo Park, Cedar Baulda, la.,

2fl-Jiji>el: Ilailein. Bockford, 111.. 8 :8.

Stuart aiateiT. J8lh Slrccl, N. Y. C. 27-June 1.

Sttlejlffe Troupe, Orpbeiun, San Fran., Cal., 2.-

Kutton ft'Sultou. Grand. Jollet, lit.. 27-Jnso 1.

Haraiel ft ttaxell, InduaUUI, Mldlne, III., 27-Jnne 1. •'•

Siibera, Rinll. KcltliV. Boston. 27-June 1.

Street. CUarJcs B., Lyceum, Rochester, N. Y.,' 27Jnne' 1.

Strut. Pred. Star. Chicago. 27-June 1.

Tatcott*. The. MIIlTlllC, K. J., 30-June 1

Juue 1; Pnlace, Stoke N'eirlngton, 3-8; Lyric, cevm, Phlla. 3-8.

l.lTsrpool. 17-22; Hlppodrotoe,. Brighton, 2<-2». Tatwen.'.Ttttltn, Olympic, Chlesgo, 2i

y. Anna Bta, Caluhiot.' Ohteago,'.274une 1. Taoeons, The. (lien Haren Park, Hoc


Ivitvwjea, Harry, Olobe, 8au Pran., Cal., 27-Tune H'SW1 '.nl

l!5'• BU*"' '»'»/•'»«. '""I.. 27-June 2.

1) Bell. Oakland, 8-8. MeXU-h ft Biirgeaa, Oiainl. Altoona. Pa., 27-Kiilgbt-BniN. ft Hmvtcllc. l>8th Street, X. Y. C,27-June 1; Keith's, Phils.. 8-8.

Kuahcnabuc, Hoy, Luna Park, Chicago, 27-Jnne 1,

Kolllin ft Ktlstou, flodfroy'a, Uyand B«|llda,Mkb., 27-June. 1.

""'. ' "

Konler ft Marlon. JllJott. riqna o.. 27-June 1;Coney Island, Cincinnati..»•»;

Kicnika Bros.. Orpheum, New Orleans; La., Juue:i-lv.

Kraincr ft Bellclalrc, Orpheum, Lc« Aogelea, Cal.,2? -June 1.

La Clair ft West, Wick, KlttannjDf. Pa., 27-

Juuu 1. i

lM-ey. win, Hlppodroiue, Olen Rcho, Md., 27-Juue I.

Luiigdmis. The. Star, Muucle, Ind., 27-June 1;OtTliluui. Lima, 0., •"•».

I. u Mont. Ollle. Star. Cblsbolm, Mlnu.. June 3-20.Lancaster, Tom. Lyylc, Jo|ills, Mo., Jane 3-8.

Lambert (; Williams, Kenoala Park, Danlmry,(kmii,, 27-June .1.

Liimtfi'il. (}. O. II. , Pittsburg, 27-June 1.

I. n Itpiio. Art, Al Kreano Park, . Peoria, III., 27-June 30.

Juno I.

MeCuiie ft Orant, Ljrlc, Parsons, Kan., 20-JunelrlLyrlc. Irg, Worth, Tea,, 8-8.

McDntT, Jan., Majestic. Slnni Knlla, S. D., 27-Juue J.'. • • i


MelTlna (4). Colonial. X. Y. C. 27-Jnne 1.Merrill, Prank R, 0. II., OreenvUlc, 0„ 27-Jnne

Mulrllle. Jean, Hnber'a. N. Y. c. June 3-8.Mellch, Albrrtina. Perm. Toledo. O.. 27-June 1.

Merrllt Hlsters. Lake :Vlew Park. Terre Haute.Ind.. 2tl-Jiine 1; Chester Park, Cincinnati, 28.

Metaettl Trnnpe, O. O/. H., Syracuse, N. X., 27-June 1. i

Meltllle ft StelMin, Keith's. Colurubus, O., 27-June 1.

•,.' •

Melrose Troupe. Orpheum, Boston. 27-June 1.

Mlllmnn Trio. Alliambra, laiudou, England, 27-June 2 ; Palace, nirmlngbam, 3-D; Olympla,Liverpool, J0-1U: Hippodrome, Mnnchcster, 17-23: Umpire; maagotr. Scotland, 24-80,

Mitchell- ft Browning, Phillips', Richmond, Ind.,27-Jime 1. ... W

Miller, Mlnule, Lutein's. Baltimore, 27-June 1.

Kb-Uainbostt, The, Oth Klreet, Coshocton, O., -27-

June -

1 : Coopers. Mt. Vemon, ?,». ,:

Bate ft Berlman. K. ft P., Jersey City, N. J.,

27-June 1, :: ' . '

Hue. Dorothy. Cher-ter Hark. Cinclnnitl, 20-June 1.

Itawls ft V«n Kaufman, Bell. Oakland, Cal.; 27-June 2.

Itedmnnd. Julia, ft Co., Keith's, Colombo), 0.,27-Junc 1.

Beded- ft Hadley. Lake. Nlpmuc Park, Mllford,Mass., 27-Juue I. •



Benheo I'amllr. BIJon. llaclnc, Wis., 27-June 1


- Hcntsrd's; (hleagi.. 2 8. ••Reno, Will A Msy, Bogan's, Ilrotr nst lile, Pa.,'2Wuilr'l. - ! o -

Ucuo ft Aaora. Majestic, Chicago, 27-June 1;' Olympic: Chicago.' 3<. '-•

Reno ft Begar, Star. Chlcage, 27-Jnne 1.

Reekleits Ilw-klnw. Hint, Ottawa. Can., 27-June2 ; HuIIaM-Hy Itlnk, Quebec, - .1-10.

Ilcrhlnglon. Mnymr>.' ft Her Picks, Orpheum, Bis-tou, 27-Jmii' l. -

'• • • •

Rtynard'. Fa(. P.; 23d Street. X. Y. C, 27-Juue I.

..Juno 1.

Bfochesler, X.r., 27-Jmie I.

'' "

Tanguay, Kfa, G. 0. H., Pittsburg, 27-June 1.

Taylor. Leila. K. ft P;, Jersey City, N. J., 27-

Jnne I. - • •

TexarkaiiH ft Walby. Paator's, X. Y. 0., •27-

June 1 : Casino, North- Beach. 3-8.

Teed ft Lasell. National,- 'Stnbenvlllc, 0., 27-Junei 1 | Olympic, Bellalrc. 34».

"Tliat" Quartette.' Kcl'th'a'i. Phlla.. 27-June 1.

Tlghe, Harry, ft His Coleglans, Colonial, . K. • Y.C., 27-'June 1.

Tluklmra ft Co.. North Avenue, Chicago, 27-• June 1.

Toy' ft Toy, Woodland Park, Ashland, Pa., 27-June J. .


-•', .-...•.

Tops ft Topay. Crystal. Milwaukee, 3-8.

Toubcy, Pat ft May. .Cryatnl; Elkhart; lad., 27-•Tune 1 ; -.Irirln.iUoalietw 3-8. i "1 V

Tonrbltlon. Max. Troupe, lngeraoll Park, DeiMoines, Is.. 27-Junc 8.

Travcrs. Itblaud,' HIJou, Lincoln, Neb.. 27-Jnne 1.

Tracy. Mr. ft Mrs. Dick. Shady. Grove Park,Cnlontovrn, Ps..' 27-June 1.

La Mar. Wayne, Lyric, 'Houston, Tcz„ 27-June Milter. Carrlo Hello,' Wheeling, W. Vs.; 26JuueI: Lyric, Dallaa, 3-8. I i Lakeside Park, Akron, O.i B-8. I

I. n .Mont's Cockatoos, Cheater Park, Cincinnati, Military Octette; Proctor'k, Albany, X. Y„ 27-211 -June 1.

I.m Urttu, Robinson I'ark, Pt, Wayne, Ind., 27-June 1.

La Blanche, Mile. Marie, Dewey, X. Y. U„ 27-Juiie I.

l.u Tiitku. Phil, (jiilgiie, Han Joae, Cul., 27-JuneI iXnvvlly, Slocklon, 8-8.

l.u Blanche, Great, Pottavllle, Pa., 27-June 1


Sliiltnuklli. .T-8.

1 .in mi- ft Aihnnt, Aiiillturliiui, Norfolk, Va., 27-June 3D, .

La Belle, Will. Keith's, i'hlla., 27-Juue 1.

Lakola. Harry, Sixth Street, Coshocton, 0., 27-

Juue 1.

Milton's Dogs, Heuderaoo's, Coney Island, X. Y„27-Juiin 1.

•' '

Mllllo, Godfroy's. Grand Daplds, Mich.. 2S-.Tune 1.Mlimou. l.s Pellle. Young's Pier, Atlantic City,

' N. J„ 27-Jtme 1, .- j.5..- -

.Mortons (4), New York Roof, X. Y. 0., 27-June I.

Morse. Itlllle, Anhauaer Hall, Aberdeen, Wash.,27-June 8. .-•-;'


Moiell ft Aruient, Rlchmoiid, No. Adams, Maaa.,27-June I


Morton, James ,I„ Orpbcuui, San Pran.> Cal., 27-J 1 1 1 1

• I,

Moon, Ed., Olympic. Chicago, 27-Jnne 1.

Heynolils. Jiih. A., Majcatlc. Plltflburg, 27-June Turner, Cora Beach, ft Co., 0. 0. H„ Pittsburg,tjtiramlly. Brl», 3-8. ' "

Bents A Kdwsrds.'Aerae, Norfolk, Va., 27-June 1.Revell. Nellie. Unique. Mlnnespolls. 27-June 1,Rlrter ft Ptoaiter. Harlem Park, Roekfort, 111.. 28-June 1 : Alamo Park, Cedar Baplds, la,.- 2-8.

Bice ft Blmer, Luna Park; Wsshlngton, D. C, 27-June fa* »" • •• -i

• !~i

Rice Bros., Howard, Boston. 27-Jnne I.Richards. Ureal, lloek Spring Park. East Liver-

pool. O. . £7-Juno 1 : l'n i-m, Toledo. 2-8;Rlateen Brea.. Woodlyn Park,' Camden, N. J., 27-Juhe l: PawtuCkct, Rl I.. 3-8.'- '


Ulcc, I'anuy, SHen's; Diiiralo, N. Y.. 27-June 1.Rlanos (4),- Temple, Detroit, 27-Junc 1 ; Keith's,

Cleveland. 3-8. ." •' ••'• ERing ft Williams. Alrdouie, Ft. Scott, Kan., 27-Junc 8.

Rldllo Comedy Quartette. Park, Xew Orleans. 20-Jhne. 8.- ' .i.

Bin BroH. (4). Empire. York. Eng.. June 3-8:Hlwfodrojue. I,lver|iool, 10-15; pavilion. NewOastlexih-Tyue, '1-T42; Tower Circus, Black-pool. 24 28, '


niri, • Adolpli, Idora Park, Y'oungstown, 0., 20-1 June 1. ' • •••"

Roujiell. Marvelous, Tnlurles Park, Denver, 20-' 'Jane I.- •nous. Delia, Atlantic Garden, X. Y. C.. 27-Jnue I .


• t

Rose ft Hills, Pastor's. X. \\ C, 27-Juue 1.Hoof' ft Hart, Cshonln Park, Reading, Pa., 27-•' Juue I'i-.-Vlctorla. N. V. C. fl-S. - *Roses (0), 58111- Street. X. Y. 0., 27-Junc I.lloas Slstera, Providence, It. I..-. 27-Jut<e 20.Bobertti <4l. North Avenue, Chicago, 27-Jotip 1llosa ft Lewis. Empire. Cardiff.- 15og..- 27-June 1

Umpire, Kwonsen..- 3-8 : Broplre, • New Port, 10-10 i klmtilre, Blinilugham. 17-22; Kniplre, Kol-

Crystal, Milwaukee. 2T-

Julie 1 : Star, Douora, PS„ 3-8.

La Didlea, Pantasile, Caalno, Washington, Pa.. Moon, Ed., Olympic. Chicago, 27-Jnna 1. «J!BSW*SaBi27-June 1; Brownsville. 8-8. Mooney ft Holbein, Tourlna , Knglahd. 27-June 30. v"JS

yoh ,* Oblldwsa,

I.uveeii ft Crow, 23il Street. ,N. Y. C, 27 Juue 1. Mowatta (0). I'outalue Perry Park, Loulavllh), ,,,iul*,J'. . , ;, .

Lime. Arthur. Manhnttan. Xorrolk. Va., aT-Junc t. Ky„a0-June !. •lUihie, Mayo ft Juliet luaanwll Park, Baa MaJUaja,

l.nugblln. Auna, Proctor's,' KoVtark, K J„ 27- Motor Glrla, The, Unlou Hquare. N, Y. C, 27- „ '"" 't'S"*.1

v, ,'.^' 'J.-.'Keokuk-, 8* '

June 1. ,• .-' Juno L • • = '^"fy ft Bent, Keith's, Boaton, 27-Jllne 1.

La Zar ft La Zor, Lubelskl'a, Deovor, S7-June 1| Moaart, Pred ft Bva, Celeron Park, Jamestown, KoZ!', Vj?'

1.** 1 "B* P'»MssB, Sao Pran., Csl„Pueblo 2*8 X. »Y 27-June I ' • JT-June 1. ,

Moa ft Goodrich,. Broadway. N. Y. C, 27-Jnne 30. BKl^'i^JteM^JBWWl* Ia...27Jnne 1l.u SHlo Trio, Atlantic Garden, X. Y. 0., 27Juue 1,

I. ii Belle, Bhiuebe. Keith's, Boslon, 27 June 1.Laui-euB. Marie, Majestic, Chicago, 27-Jujte 1, '.

Lit Auto Ulrla, Lyric, Chicago, 27-June 1,

La Tell Iti, is.. Grand, Altuoiis, Pn., 27-Juno 1.'

la Mow1 Bros,, Olyiuple. Chicago, 27-.Iuu« 1.

Lloyd, Alliv, Ciicaliiiii Stixvt, Phlla., 27-Junc i.';

Lc Olnlr, Harry, ldora Park, Yoiuiaatowu, O, 27-June 1,

l.ewla ft Hurt, Akron, O., 27-Junc I. .''

Liaiiiuril, iIik, Acuie, Sacrauicuto. Cul., 27-June 1.

In- ft I'loyd. Ilichiunnil, No. Adams, Mass., 27-June I.

I.'-iiuniii. Jos., ft Co,, llljou. lUclne, Wis., ?7-June 1 ; BIJou, Kenosha; 3-8.

I.e Dent, Groat, lleuderaoti'a, Coney lalauil, X.Y,. 27-June U: Kinphv, Palerauo, N. J., 3-8.

I.e Roy ft Woodford. 23d Sheet. X. Y. C, 27-.Imio 1; Iliilim-Siiuiuv. X. Y. U., 3-8.

1-i'ivK ft Jiiiini-y. llljou. Wheeling, W. Va;, 27-Juue I,

I.e.... linn, ft Y'ouugtlera, Uuliiuc, Mluueupulls,ST-Juue 1.

™Leslie, h'ddle, Grand, Portland, O., 27 Junu 1.

LiiuIh ft Ityiiu. Vkilorla. X. Y. 0., 27-Junc 1.

1.0 Wilt ft Aslutlorc, Star. Haunlbal, Mn„ 27-Juue I: llljou, Lincoln, Xeb.. 3-8.

la'sllc ft WIIIIsuh. O. II. , Wiirsun-, luil., Jujio3-H.I- •!-> Miiv, Muubatlun, Nor folic. V«,, 27-Jnno 1.

l.i-.Hiei- ft gulilli, Victoria, X. Y. C. 2ir.linw> 1.

I.e i.'lnlr. ticrtle. lluirsid, Boston, 27-June 1.

Levy, Mrs. Jules, ft Co., Athletic Park, Uuffulo,N. V., 27 June 1'; Avon, loiiiisstown, 0.; 2-8.

l.wtuii-il ft Maw, l.einlley Park Cimluo, Grcena-lnno. X. 0.. 27 -J line 1.

Leiiuard ft Phillips. Slur. I.atrube. Pu., 27.JuueI i Vlinatorluin, Kenton, 0., 3-8.

Lee. Henry, Lycuiiin. Uucliester. X; Y„ 27-JuUe I.

Mologlrl, La. Touring Indlu. 27-July 81.M orgs I) ft Crone, A. ft H., Boauni, 27-Juuo I.Morgan ft West. A-. ft 8.. Boston. 27-June 1.Morn. "Silent," Casino. MansOeld, O., 27-Jupe 1;

Casino. Manalleld, n-S. -

'•'- " ' •

Murtun ft Ulonioml. Vnkin Square ,X, Y. C, 27-Juno 1. <• .-.


Mutette Slater*. Baltimore, 27-June 1.

Moulin, Le Klners, Orpheum, Sau Pran., Cal.,June 2-15.

Murphy ftA'Icliol* Co., Keith's, Phlla., 27-Juno 1.

Muudy's Anlrliala. White Oily, Chicago, 27-Junc 1,

Murray sisters. Parm.. Toledo, o., 27-June i.

Mullen ft Corel II. tlrphcuili. BoStou, 27-Jiinp 1..Mui-libv,. Mr. * Mra., ..Mark. l'Jith Street. N. V.C. 27-Jimc 1.

Xiih'u. Tom, ft Co., Cook O. U„ Rochester, N. Y.,27-Juue 1.

Nuiip, Viola. Lyric. So. McAlester. 1. T., 27-Junc I : Cycle, Pt. Smith, Ark., 28.

KadJI. Mill-.. Keith's. -Cleveland. 37-June 1.

Newman, (tarry. Lytic, pan title, -111,, 27-Juue1 ; White City, Chicago. 2-8.

Newell ft Nlhlo. Dominion, Winnipeg. Can., 27-June 1. .,

,• r.

Newton. Margaret, ft Co., Orpheum, Springfield,0., '27-June I, -...-•: i

Nletiipycr ft Odell, Alrdonjo, Pt. Dodge, la., 28-June 1.

Xlehola Sisters. Proctor'a, Newark, N. J., 27-Juno I.

Xortoh, Ned. BIJou, Battle Creek, Midi., 27-Juno 1, ...» • \

Xohlclte & Marshall. Star, Ilauulb.il, Mo., 27-June 15. , .. . ...-.-ii

Lewis. ft Chiipln, Dumlulou, Winnipeg,' Can., 27- Xoriiih ft XlchoNou. Union Square, X, Y, 0., £7-

Mooro ft' iTttTefleirCheitnurstre^i; TWSB ««W *' OribL Orihd"l7w"'N:' D.'^J: *%&£& *»*Morse, Bon, Cascade Park, New Oaatle, Pa., 27- "XJJ ,

& **<*?, Union Squaw. X. Y. C, 27- 5j^jAFl8jjJMj|_ • Ullt? [ I

• • *'• • u. ..„. . _. ... _. tV.ft'ft £-• KaasakCsa A ...kla

Iloscoe ft Sims. Star. Moncsaeu. l'a„ 27 June l-w

*.u *; J»cobs, Audltorltint, Norfolk, Va„ 27Star, Monougahela. 3-8. ".Juuel

Boss ft Vack. Lyceum. Phlla.. 27-June 1.Rockway ft Coinvuy, lloblosou I'srk, Pt. Wsyne,• Jhd.v 27'Jnno- 1 ; Ramoha Park, Grand Rapids.

Mich.. 3-8.Rufl. ft CitHlck. Lyric. Calgary, Alberta, Can.. 27-June 8.


lliiaarll ft Held. Wuason Park. Joplln. Mo.. 27-• June 1 ; Carulvnl Park, ICausas City, Kan., 3 8.

ltnssclls. .Musical. Orystal, Logansport, lad.. SO-- June 1 ; Frankfort, 3-8.Ryan ft Douglan, Godfrey's. Grand Raplda. Mich.,

2, June I; 1'iivk, Jackson, '3-8.

Ryan. -Kallieryii. Spring Grove Casino, Spring-Held, O.. 27-June

He. City, X. J., 27-Juue I, S. V. cfiy 3. luikd.ll|l^!.

Collon. Jessie—Wyoming, III., 27-Juue 1. Prln...tllle 3-C. ' ""'

"Cowboy Girl," Kllroy ft Brltloii's—Kaaaaa cutMo.. 20-Jnne 1. .


lie lvw-B-irdette Stock (Tboa. E. De Pew, mar i—Kokomo. Ind., June 2-2B,Douglas 8lock (Wutkyns Douglas, rngr.) Down

InniuH-ii. Pn.. 27-June 1. Boyertown 3-8.l'ranEcnnc'.il, Lnuro—Salt Lake City 27, Indc8nlt^Pcnberg Stock <Gco. M. Penberg, mgi-.)—Augu-tV

Me., 3. Indetli.lte..


"Patty l'ejto." C. J. Smllh's (P. Macklntoib,mar.)—McHenry. 111., June 8-9. '

Golden.. Blehnrd—-New Haven. Conn., 20.Orahnnie. Perdlnend—MSnsueld. O., 27-Juuc f"Girt and the staxopede" (V. E. Lambert, nigV i—Livingston. Mont., Juno 1, Columbus 3. Lanrri

4. Red Lodge 5, Brldger 0, BIHlnga 7, Sbcrl-dnn 8.

Hopper. De Wolf (Sam S. ft Lee Shubert Inemgrs.)—Gloveravllle. N. Y., 20, ScbonectaHv30., Troy 31, Poughkeepsle Juuo l^tSmSfMaaa., 4.


Henderson Stock (W. J. ft R. It. nender»onmgrs.)—Cedar Rapids, la., Juno 2-8.

"Iluinpty Dumpt.t" (A. L. Satlllc, mgr.) Sterl-lhg, .Til.. 30, Rock Island 31. June 1, Joliei2. Ottawa 8, Aurora 4. Elgin 5, Bockford GBriolt. Wis., 7. JoncsvlUc 8. .

~.Klnscy Kolnody Ko. (M. L. Klnsey, uigr.l— I „u.

donvllle, O., 27-June I. .

LewlB Stock (W. F. Latvia, mgr.)—Henderson.Xelw., 27-June 1, York 3-8.

I.lndley. Dora Myctlc—Dover. Del.. 20, 30.

^.8^UU ;



dryT^: 3T )-XC0""' •*' lmi

"Lion anil the Mouap" (Henry B. Harris, mgr )--Hamlltou, Out., can., 31, June 1, St. Cather-ines. 3, . •



Mnndell, Richard—Boone, la., Juue 3-8.Myrklc-IIai'der Slock. Southern (Latliuoie ft |/>iii L

mars.l^Dallaa. Tex.. 27-June 24.Manhattan Jlnslcal Comedy—Oakland, CnL. So-

Jlltie 2. ,

"Matinee Girl"—WlnBeld. Kan., 20. Arkansas CUy30, Kingman 31, Hutchluaon June 1..

North Bros.* Comedians—Hot Springs, Ark . "7.June 22. t

"Peddler"—Buffalo. X. Y., Juno 3-8.Itoyal Italian Grand Opera—N. Y. City Juue 3KSkinner, Otis (Charles Prohuian, mgr. )—San Pruii-

cIkco. CuL. 27-Juue 1. .


"Pncle Tom'a Cabin," Terry's (W. G. DickermBr.)—Anita, la„ 31, Adiilr June i, OuUnip(.'enter 3, Sluart 4, Casey 0. Enrlhaui 0, Vim.Meter 7, Vslle.v Juuctlou 8.

"L'ncle Tom's Cabin" (J. W. Shliiinau. mgr.l—tlnpojoharlc. N. Y'., Juuo 1. Pondit 3, JohnsloitnI. 5.

"Wlrjird or Wall Strecl" (Lew Vlrdcn, msrl—Altns; Okls.. 27-Juue 1. Ijiwten C-20.IllHLKSIHIO AND VAIiI>l!\ ll.l.t;.

Buteary.Ritrlesqoers (Huvtlg A- Soamon,- Ingrs I—X. Y. Cllf Juue 3-8;

Bose SydelPs Lomlon Belts (Sydcll ft Slewarl.ujgra:)—Gardnau', Maaa., 20. Fltchhurg ::«,Naahun, 5. H„ 31. Derby June I, Brunswick,Me., 3, I


TENT SHOWS.Cole Bros.'—Bradford, Pa., 30, Port Allegany

ill, St. Marys June 1.

Fashion Plate—Leerhbiirg, Pa.. 20. Apollo .'('l.

Derry 31, Windber June I. Piuixsulawaer :(.

JrahalTy 4. Coalport 5, Bnrnesboro 0, Holltdais-lu'T T. Houtadale 8.

Smiths. K. G.—L'nloiivllle. Pa., Juno 0, SnowShoe 7, Graasflat 8.


Milwaukee.— Local thcatrcti are slllldoing a good business. Weather conditionslioBslbly one of the lirliiclpul reaaons for l.u I

iiomi holding up. Wonderland opened vastweek, but aid not ' receive ' usual attention,accountiof the cold weather.

UaitKii'K (Richard Kami, manager).—Mun-.

day, May 20. the Garrlck Stock Co., In "LcnliEod Park, Green Bay, Wla., KlaBCbne," opened this house and scored well.

.-: "Pber* and Back'! will be put on week of 27,Sslem, Maaa., 27-Jnne 1. and "Tlio Girl With the Green Eyes" Juno 3.

ark* Barre. vi., June. 0-8. Davidson.—Albert Brown's Stock Co. ap-

27-June. l

Turner. Bert. Gayely, East Liverpool, 0„ 27-Jnna 11-j* •- ••

TUrpln. Ben. North Avenue, Chicago, 27-Jua« 1.

Tully.Mayi ft Co.. Keith's, Cleveland, 27-Jnne 1.

Tyroleans. The. White City.' Chicago; 27-Jdoc 1.

Uiclilns. tun Bljob; Doboqup. la., 27-June 1.

Vardelles, The. Canuonsburg, Pa., 27-Juue 1;Grand, Carbegle. 3.8. ' -. • -.-.:•.

Vsldarp, Beaale. Troupe, Alhambra, X. Y. 0.. 27-Jdnc 1. .. ....

Vattes, The. Reed's Lako Park, Grand Rapids,Mich.. Juue 3-10. >• -.u.

Van, Billy, Keith's. Cleveland, 27-June 1; To-ront* Can.; 8-8.-

Van. Cbss. ..& Fanny, Union Square, N, Y, C,27-Jnhe J. ,

•' • •-.

Viiaco, Nixon, Pittsburg. 27-Junc 1.

Variety Quartette, Crystal, Pea Moines, la., 26-Jane I.- i -. -...

Vsrla ft Burr, Houston, Tex., 2G-June 1 ; Galvra-lon, 2-8. .;•-.. '- .; • • -. .'

Vabei Harry, Malvern, la., 27-Jnne 1 ; CouncilBlulT, 3-8.

Vad Oofre ft Oolrely. Lyceum. Ogden. U., 27-June 1 ; California, Butte. Mon., 3 1.1.

Vgrdaman, Grand. Homestead. Pa.. 27-June I.YslpoH, The. Empire, St; Paul. Minn., 27-Juue 1.

Vermelte-Cnrpalll', Trio. Olyupla, Lyon.. France,June 1-13.

Vcela, La Belle. Olyftiplc. Chicago. 27-June 1.vesta. Nelta, orpheum, Boston, 27-Jnne 1,Vernon, Kellh's, Phlla.. 27-June I. ' .


Vltlan. Miss.. Godfroy's, Grand Raplda, Mlcb.,27 June' 1.

Victoria. Vceto. Colonial, N. Y. €.. 27-June 1.Victors. The, North Avenue, Chicago. 27>June 1.

Viola ft Biigcl. Unique, Sun Joae. Cal., 27-June 1


Novelty, sioekinui :i ». . ' 'i


Volte, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal., 27-June I.

Wsierbury i -Bros, ft Tenney, Proctor's, Newark,X. J., 27-Jnne l.

Waller ft Maglll.i Colonial. Cambridge, O., 27-June 1 ; Orphlum, Marietta. 88.

Walton, Irwin IL. Isliind Park, ISastoo, Pa., 27-Junc 1 ; Kelth'a, Boalou, 0-8.

Warn-u ft Rlancbard, Majestic. Chicago, 27-June 1.- { -

Widls ft Hetla, Lyric, Chicago, 27-Juno 1.Welch, l.em. Musk ft Stoll ft Rlcsrd's Tours, Pug

land, 27-June 30. .''.';'

Welch. Mealy ft Montrose. Keith's, Columbus, 0.,.'27-Juue 1. • •:. . i

West, ft Benton, Empire, Dea Moines, Ia„ 27.June 1.

lieared the past week, with success. In "Thewoman In the Case." "The

iMan anil the

woman" wlH receive Its Initial pcrformam-u27. for a week.Pabht.—The Kngllsh Stock Co.. headed by

Thco. Huberts, appeured In "Soldlcra of For-tune," week of 2D,, iiml gave a good perfnnu-ancc, which was well attended. "The Reckon-

M'eston. Al. H., ft Co., Proctor'a, Newark, N. J.,27 June 1.

Hy.in ft 'lllcbDcid, K. ft P., Jersey City. N. !..27-Juue 1; Cn ion Square, N. Y. 0„ 3-8.

Samsou. ft Zaccho. Umpire, Dea Moines, la., 27-June i. ::,

SniitelL Great. Hippodrome, Xaahrllle, Tenn.. 27-June 1:J Alrdome. Torre Haute,. Ind.. 3-8.

Webb ft Connelly, Acme, Sacramento, Cal., Juno h)g" Is -announced for week of 27. "Cousin3-S. Kate" June 3-8. t . .

Siiumsrt (lOitwlii Thnnbauacr. manager).—This house closed Its season 20, with LewFields' company. In "About Town," and ca-pacity attendance ruled.Buou John H. Tierce, manager).—"The

Four Corncro of tin- Kurtli" held lite slagnthe past week, und drow; satisfactory attend-ance. "Undo Tom's Cabin" will hold its ini-

nuat engagement week of 2U.Aliiambba (Jaa. A. Hlglcr, manager).—

Meston, Clint. Kokomo. lod., 30-June 1; Kobles-vlllo, 8-r>;Elwuod. OS.

West, Arthur. A. ft S„ Boston, 27-Jnne 1.Wesson.- Waltera ft Mack, Olympic, Chicago, 27-Juue 1.

Warden ft Gladlah, Orpheum, San Fran., Cal., 27-Juno 1. ,.... .v: .

Whajen -ft Weal, Lyceum, Boitop, 27-Juue 1;Paator's, X. Y. 0„ 0-8, .


Subcl, Josephine,- Touring South Africa, 27-July While, Stuurt, ft Co., lugemoll Park, Des Moines, "The Tondcrfoot" In tbo attraction week ofJ1 '

..... . ,. t . . «..Iu" STrJuim 1, -Si 28. A high class vaudeville bill, past week,

Snrouy. Gilbert, Orphlum, Manalleld, O., 27-Juoa Vthartoa. ft I* Uiff, Electric Park, Ft. Smith, was well. rocolved.

June 1

Lewis ft Thompson. Howard. Boston, 27-,lu|ie I.

little. Irene. Unique. Minneapolis, 27-Juue 1.

Llntoo ft La'wience. Majestic, Chicago, 27-Jqne 1.

Lindsay's Bogs ft Monkey*. White City, Chicago.27..lunc I.

LlncoliiH (Ii. Olympic. Chicago. 27-June 1.

1.1ml, Victoria. X. V. 0.. 27-Juue J.l.l|i|ilncollH, The, Howard, lloslou. 27-June 1,

L.iPkhnrt Sisters. BIJou. Oslikosh, Wis., 27-Juue1; BIJou, A unlet mi. 3-8.

Loi-kette, Mntllc, Savoy. Hamlltou, Can., 27-JunoI.

lainn. Musical. Savoy, Hamilton. Can., 27-June 1.

IAve. Harry, Lyceum, Rochester, X. Y„ 27-Joas

Lucy ft l.ucler, Calumet, Chicago. 27-June 1.

Luelei. Mr. ft Mra. Fred, Palrrierr Park, Dayton.C, 27-Juue 1 ; Bprlng Grove Casino, Spring-Belli. 2-8.

LiiesOs. Tile, llipllluui, Mnlistlcld. 0.. 27-Jnue 1.

I, iiela ft Vlate. Fiiriu. Toli-do. 0.. 27-Junc 1.

I.yuu ft Una, llljou. 'Battle Creek, Mich., 27-Juua

L.vdell ft llutterwoith, BIJou, Wheeling, W. Va,.27-Juue 1.

L.vrlc Four, Itlclimond, No. Adams, Mass,, 27-Juuo 1.

Mallort. Clifton. Ft. Plain. N. Y„ Juno 0-8.

Marshall ft King, Henderson's. Coney '

Y„ 27 -June I.

Mssoit-Kcclor, Co.. Proctor'a, Albany, X. Y., 27-Jujic 1,

Mann, Pauny, ft Co.. Spring Urovo Casluo, Sprlug-llekL.O.. 27-Juue t.

Mut-lltipz, Thb. Cooper. Mt. Vernon. O.. 27-Juno 1.

Marlon, Marlon,. 3-8.

Mujeatlc Quartette, Grumble's, Miuucupolla, 27-Jana 80. .

Murtln, Dave ft Pierce. Kiutilrc. RakeraAeld, Cat,27-June 1 1 Chutes. San Fran.. U-8.

Mittthetrs, ISIrucr, BIJou. Kulamanio, Mlcb., 27-June 1.

Miirllnettle ft Sylvester. Norunibega Pst-k, Boston.'.'June 1 ; Proctor'a, Newark. -.-N. J., 3-8.

Muee, Frid, Xlxou. Pltlsburg. 27-Jiiiie 1.

Mnek* (81. White City. Chicago. 87-JtuiP 1.

Msek, Wilbur, ft Co.. K. ft P.. Jersey City. X. J.,

27-Juue I i Family. Wllllauiaport. Pa., 3$.Martin Bros.. K. ft P., Jersey City. X. J., 27-

.lune 1,Mnrllul ft Miixlmllllnn. Oman's, Washington, 1>.

I*„ 2T.J<uir I,

MnihewK ft Ashley, Orpliemu, Los .Indoles Cal.,27-Junc N.

Miihou ft Doian, Hucedy's, Full River, Mass., 27-June M,

Murlyn. Avou Park. Youiigstorvu. O., 27-Juuo I.

Uarr ft Bralia, Lafayette, Butalv, N. I., 27-

JlllM) 1,Xorlli. Bobby, Keith's, Boston, 27-Jnne 1.

Norton ft Russell, Uciidervon's, Coucy Island, N.V.. 27-Jliue 1.

' ...O'Brien, Havel, ft Co., Chestnut Street. Phlla.,

27-Juuu 1.

o'Connell ft Golden. BIJou, Great Falls, Mont.,21'i-Juue 1 ; Family, Anaconda.. 2-8.

o'Day. Ida. Shcala, Toronto, Can., 27 -June 1


Farm, Toledo, .0.,, 2-8..

O'llara ft Watson. Broadway, Mlddlelown, 0,, 27-June 1; Oi'iAlmu, SprlngHcld.' 3-8,

1.Scqtl. Carrlo M.. BIJou. Alliance. O.. 27 June 1.arhNdes (4). Panill)-. Butlc, Mont., 2-8.Hcliunwcrk. Lyric. Chicago, 27-June 1.School Boye 4 School Girls, 125th Street, X. Y.C, 27- June, 1.

Seymour ft HI", Young's Pier, Atluntlc City, X.J., 27-June I.

Selblnl, Lnllu, Keith's, Phlla.. 27-June 1.Scuvoy, May, Uoiquc, Minneapolis. 27-Juno 1.

Semen, phaa. F„ Union Square, N. Y. 0., 37-June 1.

Soebeck, Family. Scranton, Pa., 27-June 1.Seymour Slater*. BIJou. Caluuujt. Mich.. 27-June 1.Seymour's Comedy Dogs, Park, Wheeling, W. Vs..

27-Juuu 1. •-,- - !

Sheldon. George, Grand, Turtle Greek, Pa., 27-Juue 1. .

Sheridan, Will. Oil City, Pa., 27-Juue 1 1 Oun-neuul. (I..

. 3-8. ...hihencrd. lCil|ia, Calumet. Chicago, 27-June I.Sbeuii ft Warren. Alhambra. N. V. C 27-June 1.Shervood. Walter, .Grand,. Wilmington, Del., 27-

Ark., 27-June 2.Whitman. Frank, Casino, Aabury Park, N. J.,

' 27-Juiie I.

White. Bd. It . ft Rolls, Family, Lebsuon, Pn.,27-June I ; Family,' WilllaiUHport. 3-8.

Whit.-. Cbas., Nelson, Springfield. Mass., 27-" June I.


Mhllelay ft Boll. Electric. Wuterluo, la., 27-Jiine 1: Elite, Davcnoort. 3-8.

Nkw Htak.—Alaniiger Frank 11. Trvtlttiimopened the doors of ills new theatre Sunday,"(i. ami a large crowd was in attendance. It

Is the general verdict that this house is onnof the prettiest of burlesque houses; as every


tiling is up-to-uatu In 'completeness.I'ltvsTAi, (V; B. Winter, manager).—Fol-

lowing Is the bill for week of 27 : Three Trou-

«-W" , ,._,ii.*,igii<, nvmsisviH, ,*-c i JuilC 1.

WIW^JjrjnjrrtSBniOIJIat, Ingcrsoll Park, Dea Moines, .Shields ft Rogers, Foulalne Ferry Park, Louis-la,. K7-Juueil, vllle, Ky.. Juuo 3-8.




* U;S-.i .


a »-, ,Silver. Isadore, BIJou. Dulutb. Minn.. 27-June 1.O'Nell, looj. Orpbcuui. VAellaton, O.. 27-Junq 1; '

Impel tut, Fremont, 3-8.' -..

Wheeler Sisters. Jeffersou, Hamlltou, 0„ 27-Juue badours, J. C. .Nugent and company. GoldenIllBMl' InTH und Hughes.' Blssett and Scott. Thco. Ull-

w lis ft iHajtan;. BIJou, Lansing. Mich., 27-Juno 1. stark, and the Crrstalgrapli.

J!!n^^•^^.J;llr^. t\l

L'm l'


F''" ,, •• °"'"' 27 - -Gbano (W. W. -Brodcn. munugcrl.-BIII

Wflaon Bror., Mavwood,' III., 27-June 30. parity of 1050, aud has sixteen double doorWilson, Jack. ft. Co.. Fontaine Ferry Park, Loals- WtaV three- floors and three tiers of boiea.

vllle. Ky.. 2(t-Juno l.-; . A splendid cafe Is on the upper balcony Htitl

Wllsou * Hawthorn, BIJoli. Wheeling, W. Va., orchestra floors. The atago is 48 feet wide,27-Junc l. •" 28 fact deep and do feet high. Klcettlcll


!e{i85< «fi" JiSSil *%&L^ h &*l*,!» * from numerous nnd massive lamps corre-

Kia^^T^^i^iaaffi&-.atV»,B?%»*i-- , "P"111 n'ee'y w«h Its olive green tints. Tbn

ArrlRum^sidnc^ S-s".® ' " ' H*W and 'entrances orn fliflshed in marble.

Williams ft' Hcaly'.' BIJou. Ketvauce,1; BIJou, Slrentor, 3-8.

Wlllard. Chaa., Hippodrome. Pittsburg,

Ormu. Grace, llljou, Dulutb, Minn.. 27-Juue 1.

Ortb.'ft Peru, Orpheum. Boston. 27-Juuc 1.

Oslairne. Clinrlea II.. Family, F^-le, Pai. 27-June 1.OHQ'a AiiIumIj, -Rlverrleiv Park, Chicago, 27-Juue 1.


Otto, Broa.. Culot.lul, N. Y, 0., 37-June 1.

Ovcrlug Trio, lllnglmnitun. X. Y'., June 8-8.

Slde.Shou-," The, G. O..IL, Plttajnirg, 27-June I.Slmon-Oardner Co.. S8lh St.. X: Y. c!. 27-Juue 1.Sldduii Bros., Howard. Boston, 37-.Tudc 1.Slater, Flncli ft Co., Grand, .HeUance. 0„ 27-Jun«

J: Arch, Clevclaud; 3-8.' :*Sialci- ft Wllllama, Uulou Square, X. Y. 0., 27-Juuo I.

Smith ft Compbcll, K. ft P.. Jersey City, X. J.,37-June 1;

island x "fftfOTXraraili *•*'"« «*• SX-3wt Siutlh. Bue, Proctor's. Allsiny. X. Y- 27-June 1.Island, X. |; Halt Lake, U., 10-13. Suirthe. Will M Famllv? Hersnton Si irPiiplnta. Ondieuiu.. San Fa-an., Cal.. 27-June 1. June I


,7> ocr*nlDn' '•• «

Paylbn ft Stanley, Taunton, Tauoton, Mass., 27- Snyder ft Buckley. Fontaine Ferrv Park, Loals-

P«ntZ-.\viil.e, ft Co.. She.',. Buffalo. i.-Jun. I. TenliK


-JuUC' : K"6t KoU S* :«#

I'srlHleunea. Uj Models, Avon Parki Youagstown, Soutberl'and i

Wlso ft Slllton, Keith's. Phils.. 27-Jnne 1.Wills, Nat M..- 23d Street. N. Y'. G.. 27-June I.Wlahard ft Perei; Ttidllu, Chicago, 27-Juue 1.Wliigalcs, The, Grand, Turtle Creek, Ps., 27-June 1 : Edison, New Castle. 3-8.

Wlllanl ft Percy, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati, 20-June 1. • •

Wilder. Marshall P., Cook O. II., Rochester, X,Y„ 27-June 1. . .

Wordette, Kstclle. ft Co., Orpheum, Boston, 27-June 1 : Lakeside Park, Akron, 0., 8-8.

WoflQ's Comedy Four, Furiu, Toledo, 0., 27-June1 : Saginaw. Mlcb., .1-8.

'•• -:»»"» '< iodoics ana ontrancus orn lliiished m luaroie.

in ST.jnn. The building is llieprooC thtougliout, cvcr.v-' •*»•»•*«• thing botng made of concrete, brick, atone uud

irg, 27-June 1.,t8B* Th« «at of the house wob $180,000.

NIK I'll l!All()l.l>.l.

iimiila. At Hyatt Park Casluo (Col.

Klee. St. Ry. Co.. managers) I'oruchl-Oypwn"Co., traveling In a private yacht, wuro de-

layed en toiiif. Tlio opening of the park winpostponed until '.'!.


Jnnu 1.

'.. 27-June I

I'ninahuslka's rets. Suuhury, Pa., June 3-8.Parr, Charlotte, Proctor's, Newark, N, J„ 27-Jono 1..

Parker Bros., Pdrtora Park, Obarlorol, Pa., 27-Juuo I.-.

Ten) t: Wllaou, Tuinbllng Run Park. Poltsvllle,Pa.. 27-June 1 ; Wvodl.vn Park, Camden. N. J..

Peklu ZoiiMM-s. Ilciidersou's, Coney Island. X. Y.,27-Juue 1.

Terry ft Alerls, Star. Homestead. Pa.. 27-Juue S.I'ptelilug Bros,, Spring Grove Casino. Sprlugfleltl,

0.. 3f-Jiiai> 1 ; Falrvlow Park. Dayton. 3.ff.Pelot. Frail ft Annie, Pntrvlsw Park, Dayton, O.,

20-Jiuie 1. •-

I'puillelnns. The. Lyric, Salt l.nko City, U.. June

I'prkhiH. Lapplu. ft Co., Umpire, De* Uolues. lu„'J7-.IIUU1 1.

I'lccliluunl Troniie. Young's Pier, Atlantic Clly,X. J., 27-Jou« I.

Perry ft I'eurce, Atlantic Garden, N, Y. 0., 27-Juue 1

Curtis, Dclmnr Gardens, Okla. Cliv,Okla.. 27-Jnuc 8. '


"Song Bints," The, Lyceum. Rochsaler, N. Y..•J7-Jiiisp l,

Suniera ft Storke, Ilnuovi-r Park. Merldeu, Conn..30-June 0.

Stella. Luna Park. Chicago. 27-Jmle I.

Ira.nk II. llryiin's lien. tit.

An excellent bill was presented, May 27.

at the Murray Hill Theatre, New York, for

Wood Bros... Lyceum, Washington. D. 0., 27-June U,e o*"8"! of^^tho popular actor-manager. Mr.I: Mbuumental. Ballo., 3-8. Bryan s brother managers of. both burlesque

Woodford ft Marlboro, Crystal, Marlon, lud., 27- wheels, and his other friends In and out_ofJane 1.

Woodward, V. P.. Han Joae, Cttl., 27-Jun* l!Novelty. Oaklund, 8-8.

Wright,- Beaale, Atlantic Garden, X. Y. 0., 27-Jnne 1.

Wycllerly. Margaret. Colonial, X. Y. C, 27-June 1.Wynu. Beaale. .Majestic. Chicago, 27-June 1.— a., V||-s


0, 'l- £»?'• Bamooa park. Grand Raplda, Y'anlamdto Bros., Vlctdrla. N. T. C. 27-Juiie 1.• Mloh., JTJuiHi 1. • • •• Yeamans-Tltus, Lydlo, Pastor's, K. v. C, 27-Spray Sisters, Kmg. Omaha. Xeb.. 27-June I, June 1.SplSrell Bros, ft Mack, Pulace, l-oudon, Kng., 27. Yolaillhc. Prlnccas, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal..Juue aO. " 27-June 1.Spjdden ft Hersim, Anilea p. H., Foatorla. 0„ Yorki Grace. Acme. Sacramento, Cal., 27-Jnne 1:3Wnue.li- Atinory. Massllloii. 3-8. Xitloiial. San Fran.. 3-8.


Spillerii. Musical (Si. Honderaop's, Coney Islaud. Totiug ft Manulug, CryaUl. Logauaport. Ind., 27-vti.-x., 27-Juue I,' -».. i jauet. i- : '---- •-

Spencer, Walter. Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo„ 27- Zateli Vernon, Co., Keith's. Boslon. 27-June IIJune I. i• . . • ".•-., Union Square, X. Y. C, 3-8.

SpesBiird.v'K Bears. Chestnut Slreet. Phlla, 27- Keud.-'Jnrdtin ft Zeno, Keith's,-

Jmiei 1.Stiiley's ininsforinullou Co., New York Bonf. X.

Y. 'C, 27-Jnue I. - i

Sturunt A laivardo, Tark, Wheellug, W. Va,, 27-June I:

~Htelncrt ft Thomab. i;Utc. Rock Island, HI., 27-

j I'lvu, £«*«>, Biitou BQtun, M, X. &, «-Jua» l, - Juas-li out. Awra, «».-«. _

. -.• Boston, June 3-8.Zeila ft Hall, Paradise Roof, N. Y. C. 27-June I.Zenos, nrput. Orpliemu, Limn. O., 27-June 1.Zimmerman, Al. ft Pearl, BIJou, Osbkoth, wis,,

37-June I.

Zlskii ft King, Alhambra, X. V. C„ 27-Juue I.

Zlngarrtla, *hlto Otty, Elyrla, «., 27-Juue I;,:Mtwai, 8-B». _

the profession responded handsomely. Thohouse wag crowded. All the nets on ih«programme appeared us follows : Harvey andWalker. Bniley, Austin and company; Nil-Ured-Btoller. Jack. Korworlb. Tobln Sisters,Uardnor and Mnddern. Junto McCrco andcompany, Mhkou and Shannon, t.'oukle.v n«''McBrldc, Ivihvurd I.utoll, Wlllv //Imiuertiinn."!" Tlirei' Best Bets, Tut Ins, and the Impclliil

troupo of lluaslnn dnnuors. Slajor ilsnvt"

reten Oh master of cereutonlcs. Tim CoiumbliiAmusement Association and the White Itiils.

who had clmrgo of tho arrangements, were'""lied with the returns, and Manager fc'rcd

Irwin reported that a aubatautlal sum budbeea jealiaed for the benotlclary. The MurruyHill la now closed for the: Benson,

-- i a) a

Doc Waiuu:i,i,, nress representative of In'

John Itoliinson Circus, denies the truth of tlio

'••'Bimpi'i- i-eiiortH concerning tlm recent con-flict at Mendota. III., between the eiDii'".vi-.

••J^ljMVclrcUa und the police and rowdies' of

tietbWEi _« •


TO CORRESPONDENTS.Our theatrical oorreapMdeafa are heretu

notified that ilia creienttolt now held bu

ihr.U vlu t/xplie on June t. Thty art r«-

i/uetltd to return ilitrn It thtt office at oni:e,

far reneioal for livt-nos.

'• ' • IOWA.

OsUalonsa— At the Masonic Opera HouseI J. Prank Jersey, manager) "The Lion andthe Mome," May 13. pleased n large audi-

race, giving tat. best of satisfaction. TheShannons, in "The Hanker'* Child." mineon abort notice IT, and did nullo well. Mnu-sger .Jersey stated (hat Hie Shannons will

very likely be ths last attraction at the Ma-sonic ra« season. .

PONS (Hewitt & Duncan, managers).—Thinbouse did excvllcnt business for week endingMay 18, which ended the season at this

house. W» management will take out ashow tor tan Summer months, under aneighty t&vt ion, playing thma night stand*,giving vaudeville MM and tooting pictures.

'Hint aliening will be at Allila, In., about

\7mis.—Gollroar Bros.' Shows did only'

modern to business II, owing; to extremelycold weather lenses are being nego-tiated for the opening of a new electric the-

atre' In Osknloosii about .Inly 1, by one CurlOjihibv nnd others. In the ilendle Building.

The building Is to be remodeled for a ne.vamusement house; 'fho Osknlooan Aerieof Eagles, No. 'Jit!. Inli luted,' on 15, ll class of

llfty candidates, I he largest class In the his-

tory of the local orgtiorwillon. Many promi-nent Eagles of the state were present nt thebati'iuet. 'Die Fugles HW- negotiating for afine' new lodge quarter*.



Odnr Hn til.l*.—.it Greene's Opera House(Will S. Collier, manager) the second andln?t week of vaudeville cloned May 20. RthelBarrymore '20, Henderson Hlnck Co. -lime 2.

P|:orLn'H I Vie Hugo, -manager).—The. iIkiiiiI

big business week of May li», which closedthe season : Vlr Hugo, Wesson, WallerM-nndWesson, Anolki Comedy (Jiinrletle, MemphisKennedy, Mme. II two, Ray W. fay, and thekniefnseope.Alamo P.litK (<"!. K. Barton, nut nnger ).

The season opens SO, wllli SI. Olige Bros.,

Hilly Allen mill eompany, Grace. Amiond,Siiiomnn nnd Brown, liny W. Fuy. and thelilliotnseopo.

John IIoiiixson'm Cntci's June 14,»

ii.« Hi ililes.--At the Aiidllnrlum (Win.Finder, manager i Kthcl Uarrymore, In "Cap-tain Jinks," In honked for May art

HiianiI ul'iaiA llrmin: (Win. Foster, mnnn-gonrl.—"The lllni'l. Hawk Mine" Is In hepresented liv lh<> t'liase-i.lsier Co., 211. "OurNew Minister" 2H'.'I0.

Rmciki; (M. J. Karker, manager).—Thebill fur the casing week lit this house, be-glliitlng -". Ineludes : MeNnll Slslovs, Duffy,Snwlelle iind Duffy, Ssmsisi and Ziieeho,Memphis Kennedy. J'erklnn Luppln and com-pany, Jules llerron, and motion picture*.

In'ORrsiiij, Park (h* ml Buchanan, mnnn-gcrl.—This resort open* Its season 211. Theopening hill includes: ClnyLun White nndMtirlo Slunrl nnd company, Louise Aiigmlstanil company, Booking Bros.. Ollvattl's Trou-hadours, Home, Mu.vo and Juliet, and kino-drome.


i ,| ...—fj > i—t 'rv I J 1 i


. MKIUOAX.lirtrult.—At. the Detroit Onein House («.

0. Whitney, nmnairery Ilechert ^KcliMty ontlKffle Shannon, In •W^dowprB , Ilwuea." playedto packed houses May 'j:i-JS. I«vr rlelds. In"About Town," ^'7, 28 : Mary Mannerlnit 31,June 1.

UVCtUUfC D. Stair, mnnnprri.—VnuRbandlose:; mul cotrtphny, ln."lA'alt Kleschna."played to packed linutes last week. The same.•oinpnn'y. In "All on Account of Kiln*.." weekof 2fl.

WiliTXKv (10. D. Stair, manager).—"Hti-ronn Hearts" entertained packed' houses 10-

iM, rraiter-Jiivellnr Vlddlsh Opera Co. weekor 2<i.

Avkxci; (Drew & Campbell, managers).—

The tiniimnnt ctironopbone dre*' well weekof id, nnd will continue Indefinitely.

TtsiiPt.E i,i. It. Moore, manager).—Attrac-tions week of 27 : Kildle Leonard, In "TlieLand of Cotton :" Vinle Daly. Jolla Hlni midcompanv, n. I'nlnnd Sorxennt, the Rellelalrllrothers. the Knur Itlanfls,' Cnrlln and Otto,the Mm jest It: Musical Four, and the klnnro-grnph.

liny City.—At the Washln*ton (W. J.

Diuinr; mnnnger) I'orter J. White, In "\l'ool's nevertge," pleasetl a small but pleasedaudience May IS. Klchnrds & PVIngles Mht-strels did Immense business at two perform-ann's, III. '•Illuelieard Jr.." 21, canceled."The I.lon and the Mouse" '31.

Ai.v.vrado tW. J. Duiiiii, manager).—TheHunt Stock Co., In repertory, did splendidbusiness week of Hi. The ICiirl Marges* Co.2d and week.

Bi.ton (J. P. I'llmore, mnnngcr).—The fol-

lowing bill drmv cnud piilronnge week of 2h:I'lart and Temple, the /olan, Mitroiila andI .j no, r.emlce and Master Clinrles Qnlgley,Triunun Seymour, and the Itljoiiseope.

Wl'.NON.V llt.'AI.MI I'ARK ANH'CaXINO (D. W.Itlchiinls. manager).—Harry Vokes. Murgnre.tDaly and company head the bill for the open-ing of ilils resort, which occurs June 2.

NfiTR.—George J. Itohlis. known as "Roxy"Itoblis, a shownidn, died of pneumonia, al llin

home of his mm her. In (his city, on May ll).

'ilie funeral was held 22, under (ho .direc-

tion of the C.'igles. of which the deceasedwas an honnnsl member.

Dnliuiiue.—At the Grand Opera Housei Win. I,. Bradley, manager) "The DistrictLeader" (third engagement) hud a pnekedllttltto May 20. "Hunipty Dumply" SO, "AStranger fu Town" 27.BUOU (Jake Rosenthal, manager).—May

20 began the Inst week hut one of the regu-lar season here, to a full house, with Barryand Wolford. Clever Calrln, I«wla unitI'lutpln. Net tic Klelds, Adams and White,Theo I'hariner, Al. Tlerney, In Illustratedsongs, and the kluodrome. Next Hnlurdny Is

the annuut henollt of fin slhse handti.I'Ntn.v Hark iL. D. Mntlies. muungcri

opiMii'd Sunday, May 2ii, with the DubuqueMilitary Unnd: Other attractions are tofollow weekly:

Keokuk.— At the Grand Opera Housa(D. L. Hughes, mnnugnr) Havlllos "HumptyDumpty"dretv a pricked houseMay HI. "Swoeti 'lover'

1 pleased a cnud house 22. V. M. C. A.Minstrels (local) 28.Casino (C. H. Dodge, manager).—-1'be

Acme Comedy Co. opened an luilelltiite en-gngement 20, In repertory, to good business.

Notes.—The Ijt Sallo ( D., K. ltcevcs, man-ager), presented moving pictures und llliis-

(raled songs, week of 20. to good housesllelm Bros.' Carnival Co. opened Its Sum-mer road season here, 28, for a five days'(lay.

Davenport.—At tlio Utirtls Opera House,Kibel JJarrymore, iu "Cuutnln Jinks," willuppear soon. The date Las not been att-noimcert.

IOi.itk.—Business Is exceedingly good. ForMay 20 and week : Ttume und ivrgusou. Davellnse, Three Itlnuldos, Morgnn nnd Chester.Lena Kline, Bums .Morris company. KJp andklppy, Joe Watson, Arlington and Heist on,

'Mild KlUescope.h'AMii,y.—Kuslness continues lo ho good,

and the theatre will be o|Km all Summer.For May 20 and week : Do Onxo and Mc-Donald, limner and Thompson, X'lemeyer andOdd), nnd moving pictures.

Kiilnninroo,—At tho Academy of Music(Hi A. Kiufll, manager) ICIhel Itnrrymorc, in•Ciipl. Jlitks," packed the boiiso May 25."The Lion and 'the Monte" 28, J .C. l-icwls,

In "SI I'lnnkard," »0\Ill.toti (W. S. Butlertleld, manager).—Hill

week of 27 : Muck and Doftgull, Hernicc andher moments, Mlmer Mathews, Billy Ileanl,

Dunbar's goats, and the Illustrated songsdrew large crowds. '• *


WoVtiHiit.A.Nli (W. II. Johnson, malinger).—Illinium \ Hstley's Show Is billed for

June 24.XoTK.-r-W. S. Butlerfleld, general manager

of the Bljnii Thentrlcnl Knterprlse Co., atliatlle Creek, will hullil nn alrdnine In this

city Which wl'l he i omjileled alsllll July I. ll

will Include a ring with regular circus pcr-

fitriniinces nnd n stiign for vaudeville enler-

tnlnmcnls. The sealing rn parity will be fromLimn to 1,200, and the general admissionten cents.


lint tie Crrrk.—At Ihe 1'ost (K. K. Smith,man:lKerre2lhel Barrymore, In "Cupl. Jinks,"ol eased a big house May 21. LorrainellUchhnnn and stock company ill led all opendates last week, plnying "Du Harry" and"Turned Up." Mary Munnerlng 28, "TlieLinn und the Mouse" 20, "SI I'lunkard" JuneI. Lillian Russell 12.

Ili.tor (W. H. Ruttorfleld, mnnnger).—Mill

fur week of May 27 : Allaire nnd Und. NedNorton. I.ynu and Tina, the Hlrschortis, Illus-

trated sonns. and cllnctoscnpe'plctiii'e*.

Gruml Itiipids.—At Ihe Itaiiionn Theatre(Lew lielhniiiter, innnuger) week uf May 2(1:

llesnah mid Miller De Vnn Ili-os.. Howard'scomedy dogs. Hughes Musical Trio, SpencerKelly und Kivderlc Itose, and 1'aul Spadonl.

Gonii'iKiv's Pavilion (Cbus. Oodfroy, man-nger).—Week of i'u : Kollhis and Kllston..Nillllo, ityiin and Douglas, Miss Vlvlitn, andmoving pictures.



.liicksiiii. — At Ihe Allieiiicuiii (H. J.

I'orter, resident miiiiiigeri Hthel linrrymore,III "rupt. Jinks," May 20, delighted a packedhouse. Mnrv Manuerlug 20, "l.'iiele JoshSprileehy" ltd, "The I. Ion and the Mouse"June ::,' Lillian llussell 111.

Boone.—At Aries Opera House (Henwlley, manager) the Henderson Stock Co.,In ivpe.rtory, two weeks, beginning; May 20.linod business rules. Itleliard Mandril, In"Sex Against Sex," June 3.

Scenii!.—Tim Scenic Amusement Co., withmoving pictures nnd vaudeville. Is doing anexcellent; business. Levotis. In black arl andtrapem work, and Homlsh, Ingram midstiniri: oris lending features.

««nisi un r of COLtlUBlA.

WiiHhiiiKt.,,,. A i the New National (W.II. Itnpley, manager) (ids week roarkA the«i|iontng of the summor season by the Aborni ipera (.'o.. In -Jtobln Hood." Next week, "TheSerena iters."

Ciii.i'.uiiia (J.-K. LiiekPlt, manager).—Tillsweek, the Columbia Thealre. Cn„ headed byVtllinn Liirkaye. lilldu Spoug and CharlotteWalker, in "Brewer Jim's Baby." Last week"FVsiheriirnln" imp} deservedly good business.Trilby" next week.nuLAMU (I* Sioddard Taylor manager),

—This week, the Kdwln Ardcn Co.. in••llallles." Last, week "Tho Guy Lord Quex"had excellent business.Auutwrro (0. L. Klsler, manager).—This

week, uose Melville, In "Sis Hopkins." LaBtweek the KiilJiryn 1'umell Co., In "Underi wo Klugs," luld good sized houses.I'llMUgft (Miss 11. Wlnnlfred De Witt, mnn-

nger i.- -This week closes the season of thispopular resort, wlih "Jn Dreamland," byLaiiiiii. De Voy company; Little Hip, Klta-Biiiir.nl Trmlpe, Hilly (litston and Kthel Oreen.'race Hii/nrd, Happy Jack Gardner,' Martiniund Miixinlllliin. and the vltagraph.

LVCKt'SI (Mugeue Kernnn. manager).—Tillsweek, the Amcrlrnns, Mat week HugbeyKehinn's Wnshlnglun Society Hlrls made good1o exceJIent business. The High School Girlsnext.

,l.i na I'AttK.—The noynl Berlin Military

i'nnd. The opening, 25, was interfered withby heavy rains.

c.uix Huiio HliTntiROMK. — This resortopens this week with vaudeville, In the Audi-torium, by Will l,ncy, Sam Drane, Gurdcnmid Sninmei'A, GHaen Hlslei-s, nnd HerbertMncey.BiVfami Biix's Wii.p West II, June I.

Hi.nrriMc I'.vaiv iChns. Frenkel, miinager).—At the Csalno 'Plientre: Lomhanl Brothers,Haxlelon'Slsttrs. l'hil K; Davis and lyragrsfare drawing fnliiy well. All concessions la

the park are doing well.t >'*"

(ialiiesvllle.—.The Auditorium, SummerTheatre ( fMmonsoli ,t Gallia, managers) wasdedlcnletl May 20, by the, ltodney Stock Co..and enpsctty business has prevailed at eteryperformance. This new thedtre hns n searbiucapaclry M 1,400, Is up to dnte In every re-

spect, nnd line ni tract Ions have been bookedfor Ihe Summer season.

Xotk.—Two Nickelodeons here are runningday and night, and meeting with line returns.

Austin.—Tlu> Lyric Theatre (W. H. nice,manager) cluscd week of Mny 20, for. Im-provements.llVM Dark Tubatbb (Karl Walker, roan-

ager> opened 21, with the Columbia OperaCo.. for several weeks' engagement.

XoT»i.--Thc Majestic Is closed.

»«» "

tnuniHMA.I.os Anueles. — At the Mason fipeta

House (H. C. Wynti, inanngeri Annlo llus-sell. In ".V Midsummer .Night's Dream,"clfised her engagement .May IS. Oils Skin-ner. In "The .Doel," 20 nnd week. Mrs.Leslie/ Carter, Id "Du Barry," 27 and week.

Amirroltli'M (Sparks M. Berry, tnnnageo.—The CiiltfornJnits presenled "The Mikado"to good business, week ending 18. They willplay In Snn Diego mid around SouthernCalifornia, 20 and week, rerumlng to theAuditorium 27, with "The Bohemian Girl."

liw.AKi-n (J. II. Illnckwnoil, innnageri.—iTie stock eompany presented "lleforonnd After" to good business for two weeks,ending is. "A lloynl' Family" 20 und week,"Sue'

1 27 and week.Moiitist-o'N HriuiAXK (Oliver Moroseo,

manager).—The slock company |iresen(e«i"Znxa" to good business week ending IS.linver's Lane" ill. and week, "A Lady of

« « *tnxam,

Houston.—At the Majiistlc ( F. V. Sturgls,

in ii i in nor ithe bill May 20-25 was one of the

greatest of the season, nnd filled the housednllv. The programme consisted of: WrightHuntington, Louise Gerard and Adolph L«s-t in" . In "The Stolen Kiss ;" (leer, gymnast


A. II. Burton, Ilulley und Itclhen, Alice Mor-ton, Dillon and Moore, and the Majestograpb.The house closes June 1, the munagcuientbeing well satisfied with the season's busi-

ness.Aihdomk (Alvldo A Lasserre, managers).

"Down on the Kunu" and "Dora Thome"tills out the week, 13-18, with vnudevliuadded. Cast same as the last.

Lvkic (John Dlcketf immsgcr).—This Is

a new addition to the amusement circles

here. It Is n Summer open air theatre,

economically constructed for the production

of vaudeville and moving pictures, and ad-

vantageously situated. The opening nlgUt,

1J, drew a crowded und enthusiastic house,

with tho following peoiile: The Klngsburys,Doss and W-adulony, Wayne La Mnr, LeoDalle, Illustrated Bongs and moving pictures.

Note.—Flight more permits hiivebeen Issued

for moving picture shows, nnd every promi-

nent square In the town has one or two. Thepublic patronize them well.

HkAicn 'Oi'ifiu Hot'sn (Clnrenee Drown,manager).— "How Hearts Are Broken" wnspresented lo enpsrily business, lry the Ulrica.Stock Co., week ending tS. "Nellie, tholieuiiilfiil I'loal; Mutlel," in and week; "NoWedding Bells for Her" 2(1 nud week.'

l''i8CJiHH'.Ht'A'. I!. Fischer, innnuger).—For20 nnd week. Fischer's ComedlntiK present•i'hedre." New'' vaudeville feamres. Illtl's-

i rated songs nnd dunces and moving pictures,Khpiiiu (Billy Itnnks, resltlent ninlingerl.—Feaituvs in and week: llnydens, in

"Banker nnd Hie Outcast:" Gene King, Dave.Marlins fierce, Laura Bunks, Carlos Bunks,Fmplre Slock Co.. iirescutitig "Sliol-Guu Jus-tice." und the clnciniiiogi'ripli.• tlllflIKl.il i Martin Heck, general mnnnger).—Fealures 27 nnd week: Foy nnd Clurk,Chns. lynnnrd Pieleher, iho Diirnnd TTlp."I'l'lncess" Ynlnntbe una her irnlnsd cackn-loos and panels, Vnllii, Mm hews nud Ashley,Lihel Mil. liimuuuli, Kianier und llelMalre,and motion pictures.

I'koim.k'h (Al. (J. Flonrney, manager).

Features 20 and week include new ruiulevlllcnets nnd muvlug jitclnres.

. ;

I'xiQtx ilfenix & /.nuee, proprietors).—For 20 unit week, new vaudeville fenturos,lllustrnted songs, sketch by Unique rinyera,and the llnlqin^o-scopn. •' •

.Vitus.—Al. u: Field did hla fellowBin-Inert many special favors during theiccent meeting of Ihe Imperial Council A. A.0. N. M. S„ In this elly . .Manager KretlManikins, of Suit Lake city. and. Clark- A.Shaw, nt Hortlnnil, members of the (IrenlWestern Lyceum and Musical Awns'lntliin,were la eoiihiiltullun with Manager LeuBeiiymer. In Los Angeles, lately. .... .'Lovelli'aylor, who 1ms been visiting with relativesla this clly, lognther with her- sister, GraceHull, will leave for New York soon II.

A. liriiiil.iii Is now scenic urllst al IhelleliiNco Thenlre Carey Llvliigstnue, souof Kleanur Cnrey, will Join Ills mother withthe Bcliiscn forces, when Ihe Nut «'. Goodwinseason closes In June Knllh Wnkemnuwas greeted by mnuy friends (luring the OtisSkinner einrugiMiioiit. She wns a member nf(he iiurimnk Stock Co., In this city, for aseason I'rellmliinry work Is under wayun i lie new popular priced theatre to ho coli-utructed by Mnnager John If. Dluckwnod andassociates ulruady liilercsled In the lli'lasCo'i'heiilre 'J'he llotchklss Thenlre. Is alsobeing uinde ready for rconi>n!iig under molnfavorable .'UTiiiiM'Miimils lliuu formerly pre-vailed. Klnw J6 fOrliiiigOf are reporteil us thonew leasee*. ,

aire uqentd a leu weeks' engagement week of-•JO. with the Mariln Slock Co.. In "TheCharity Hall," with the following In the east:Marie Penes, John Carroll conney. JeanAdair. Margaret ttalph. Maud Lee, FrederickWycfh. Clarence Hrtnle. cnrolyn Macke.v,Jorin 11. Hynes and II. H. Allen.. ItMoir ([., M. tlorman, mnnnger),—llxcel-

lent tmslness week of 20. with Diiffy, Snw-telle nnd Duffy. Frank Combs and MunetStbne, Mmlle Chevrlel. Jnmes McDuff, ChnrlenL. Kavley and olograph.

Nnri:--Mr.. Gnrinnn hns recently ois*ned• uoiher ntou»etue:ii place near the III Ion. It

Is nu automatic vaudeville nnd moving pic-

ture's, snd Is styled the Wonderland. Busi-ness has been very big.

,!,.,. ,»»»

NKW .IKniSKY.NVwnrk.—Atithe SliulKirt. (II. M. Hyaras,

manager) David Warllfld this week. In "TheMusic Master," and. nt advanced prices, -thoentire week has been sold out. BlancheBates. In "The Girl of the Golden Went,"muUe a big hit last week, and turned tunny• way. The house wDI probably close for theseason Juno I. as ihe Itlrdsnll' Stock Co..which was to return for two weeks, closedIn Orange, N. J., on Mny 22.

FnocTou's (B. C. Stuart, resident mnnn-ger):—Bill this week: Charlotte I'nrry, In

"The Cumstock Mystery:" Al. Weston andcompany, Wnterbury Hros. and Tenney. AnnaLuughlin. Silvern und Kmerle, Iawsuu andNumou, the Mnscnguls, nnd Brady and Ma-bonev. ...

coi.i'jiuiA (M. J. Jacobs, manager).—TheSpring engagement of tho Illxon-UarlowStock Co. is proving prnninble, und entar-talntng to the imirims. Ths current offeringis "Supbu." "llewnre of Men" received goodatleutlon week of 20. "The Sign of theFour" next.

iii'AM.T's (J. ii. Bucken, manager). —"Friends of Jjihor" (his Week. ManagerBucken 's Is-noOt, Mny 21, was u big success.

Wamima.nn'S (W. S. Clark, niiinnueri.- -

The Dslntv I'nree Ilnrlcsquers this week, -in-

troduce :• iUohv W. Craig, Hurry Ui Mnrr,Mueller and Hold, Mllt-u and Nltram. AmyButler, nnd Laurence crane nnd company.Cbtra's Ittinawny Olrls drew good houses 20-

SB, The Imnse closes June 1, excepting forTrcnsurer l^ivetl's lietiellt, June .i.

Olympic I'aiik (ll. A. Schmidt, manager).— This- resort opened Mny 25, for Iho season.with many new features und attractions. Theopsrntle season will be inaugurated with "TheBelle of New York." with Blunrbe Han Htl-

wnrds. Carrlck Major und Will lam Conleym the principal roles: In the unnu nlr,

Arthur Hidden will do his fatuous loop theloop und sensational high diving.

F.LHCTKti' I'aok (C. A. Dtmliip, miuioger)opened for iho season on May 25, with Severn 1

new ten In res added In the many it tin h

exploited iu Ihe past. The vaudeville theatrewill open with Muller. Chunn nud Miiller.

Fischer und llcrg, Hie International Trio, undCurlln nud Hlnsxom. 1'rnf. MeMahon will dohigh diving In the oisai nlr.

iin.i.sinii I'aiik |R Thaller, manager).

This purx niiened May 25, will! n big equineand wild west, entertainment, In additionin the various features of lost season.Xhtk.—Buffalo Bill's Wild West June 10.

Jersey Clt>-.—At. Keith * Proctor's (P.Burns, mnnnger) Ihe current offering Is

Bcuiiniont's pmilns, Carter and Bluford, ltyan-Blcblleld company. Smith and Campbell,Martin llrolhers, Leila Taylor, Wilbur Marknud Wltithoine Worthly, Itado and llerlniini.

anil the klnetograph.NnrHN.-—The local lodge T. M. A. benellted

nt Dm Academy 211 Buffalo Bill's WildWest June II The Hon Tun closed (bit

season j.'i.

oiiLIiiihi. At tile Mncdouough ((Tins. r.Ilnll, niuhiiger) Wnlker Whllesrde, In "TheMnglc Melody," nlvnsed well lllletl housesMny Hi-Hi. Leslie Curler. Iu "Du Harry,"drew excellent in lemlmice 20-22. Aunle Bus-sell. In "A Midsummer .Night's Dream."20-25, Leiv Dockstader's Minstrels 20-21),.Manhattan Musical Go. .'lO-.luuc 2.

Ft. W«r«h.—At the Mnjestlc (J. H. Mc-Donald, manager) the bill offered week open-

ing May 20 was one ot the best of Hie season,

with Long nnd Cotton, Arthur Doming, ShockBros., Cnslellniic and Brother, Yutl andBovd, and the Mtijestogrnph. .Souvenir mati-

nees arc now one of the features, and business

Is booming. ', '



Lyrii: (W. D. llussell, manager).—BBiweek of 20 : Mead and Mamie Werntx, Mcntz-

Sor, Jones and Thompson, l''red Blount andin klnedrorae. Crowded houses rule.

Wurri: I'm (Jake Schwaitc, manager).—In the White Itose theatre tho vaudeville hill

luoludes : The Wnlsners, Ihe Grout Gltnnel-

leiiti, Mile. Corlnnc, and the farce comedy,"Wafer." The outside ntlmrtlnus cuntluuo

the same, and business Is good.

Lakh F.iin: (Ijeo Fleming, manager).—


bad lire destroyed the theatre und dancingpavilion, 18, and the vaudeville show at this

popular resort will be abandoned pondingthe erection of a new nnd more up-to-dalo

playhouse. The loss is abont $18,000, nndthe Are seems to have been nf Incendiary

origin. Great crowds Oiled the park, 10,

viewing the debris and Incidentally taking In

the free attractions.Stanharo (Frnnk De Hemic, manager).

Teople week of 20 : John 1'. Brace, Pearl Gil-

more, Sadie Gilt, John 10. Green, MaggloBrooks, Jostle HnrlKcl, J. H. N. and GeorgluPowers, and Hose Klltott. Business Is boom-ing.


Galveston.—At Hie Chutes Ports (C. II.

Nolmeyer, manager) Ihe Pnlncc of Wonder*drew large crowds, with Aniblnn Drenmlnntl.

It Is n hand colorrsl, 1,500 feet Htm, Fairy-land arcade. Parisian Illusion theatre, Deliabaaehall parlors, KatzenJainmer caslle, Texascarsgraph railway, nulnmailc shunting gnl-

lefy, city of yesterdny, naval bnllles of dieworld, Hot«llitnn's crazy house, fan factory

and mystic chutes nre all doing n good bml-uess.

LtnKiirv (If. w. Bishop, manager).~lsn-belle I'lc tehee and l-'rnnklvu Underwoodi>lnj-«tl their farewell week. In "The Case ofllebelllous Husiiii," nnd drew rapacity bousesthroughout the week eliding .11), NameO'Neill, supported by Bishop's Plovers, Iu"Nagdu," 20-20. "The Sorceress" follows.

Iooua Park onnu Houbb (II. W. Bishop,mnnnger).—The Idorn tlpern Co., In "TheFortune Teller" (second week), drew excel-lent houses week ending 10. They presented"When Johnil.v Comes Marching Home" 20-2li. with "The Wedding Day" imderllued.

Bki.1. (13d. Human, manager).— Attrac-tions yO-20: Olchard J. Joso, singer; Buth-well Browne's Gaiety Girls, presenting "TheHiiIsIiih and the Bees;" Herbert's traineddogs, that Wnywurds. In a comedy travesty,entitled. "The Messenger Boy's Dream;"Viirnle It. MncPhersou, illustrated songs, nndthe motion pictures of car strlko and riots InSan Francisco, made a big Impression withthe audience. Business is excellent,

NOVK1.TY (Tony Lithelskl, manager).—Billfor 20-211 : Professor Swan's trained alliga-tors and crocodiles, Francescn Bedding nndeompiiny, presenting "The Cattle Queen:"K. C. Strickland. "The Mimical Uiilio;

7' Meeso

Bros., acrobats ; Maud Williams, female lmrl-toue, nnd Ihe projectoscope. Business was tocapacity Inst week.



Nnn IHegrn.—At the Pickwick (PalmerBros,, managers) Hie Msble Thompson Co.played to good business-. In "Teunosseo'sl'nrdtier." week ending Mny 10. The samucnmpnny. In "Counless Du Barry," week of20. "The Deacon's Dsnghter" 27.Grand (De Lseour & Field, managers).—

The regular stock played tn good houses. In"The Old Homestead," 15-11*. Week of 20the, coniimny will appear In "The ShornLamb." "The King of Tramps" to follow.

Kmpihk.—H, 11. Boiley, Susie Lehymananil Little Teddy, In Illustrated sougs, undthe Idlest moving pictures. Business Is ulwaysgood.

F.i.Ei'TniooM.—iclnlne IXltvards and EthelItose, Iu lltustraied songs and duets, andmining picture show. H. It. O. at all timet.


Lincoln.—At the Oliver (F. C. /.dining,malinger) the Slimmer season opened May 20,wllli the Fulton Block' Co., In repertory.Opening was "Blue Jeans." to ihe capacity,followed by a change or bill 28. for the. rest

of the week. 'J'he following i-umnose (he com-pany : Jess B. Fulton, Kriille Alderson, .luck

C. Marlowe, Frederick Harold, (loo. Castle-berry. Frnnk Thomas. Jessie Glhlcrinelster,Ivy Bownmn, Belle Jncksnn and Mnld Jackson.Ai'MTOnifM ik. c. itewlck, manager).

Mr*. Flsfce. Ill "The New j'prk Idea," didsplendid liuHlness 21. The Thoinns orchestraand Festival Chorus did excellent business22. '.':i

l.viuc (ll. M. Miller, mnmigcr).—This the*

the hospllHl. She expects to. leave next week-Maude Adams and company were, busy

rehearslnir "L'Alglon" 'ahtt "guslltv Street"during their engagement here. Those twoplays will is' put on tinting the Hon l-'rnh-

clsro engagement.ii i »


st. .l.mr|ih.--At Tootle's tC. 0. 1'hllley.

mnitngeri Rthel Barrymore Is nue June fl, andcloses the season here.

I.ViT.r.vt (C. i:. Phllley. muiiager).—TheLyceum Stock Co, continues lo please largeiiudtrnces. The season of this popular housewill close Mny 25. To* company will occupyin- Alrdome for (be Summer season, opening


l.viuc l Frank IV Alley, manager).—Mrs.liske, Iu "The New York Idea," pleased «good slued audience, mid closed the seasonnei'iV 21,

Ciivstai. (Fred Cnsinnn, niaiiogeri.—:Con-sltlcrbig Hie wchibcr, business Is excellent.

The bill for week uf 20 : Musical Btcnnaris.Waller Spencer, Claim nnd Hndiilffe, Qnlggand Mack. Cmitlpr* nnd Snuiulers company,and C.isman's moving pictures,



Deiiver.--At the Broadway (MM Mc-Ciiurt. malinger) last week Viola Allen didbig business. Week of May 27. Maude Adams.

lliieiiKi'M tA. C. Carson, resident multn-geri.— Last week the bill Included: Tho Fln-uevs, t'llff tlordbn, Ferguson and Mdck, WH-Ham Morrow nnd Miss Schelllieiv, Bert How-ard and l.cnnn Bland. Willie Weston, Klners-Moulln. and klnodiMinc. .,'

Ni:w Cuiitis il 'ei i. ni & Smutger, wnnn-uers).—1<hsI week This) Loi\h and companydid Dice business In "Hip Van Winkle." "I'axt

Lyniio" and "Snpho," by l.oreh Plnjeri, weekof 20.

TaHoh i iii v mi (Pclvr MeCnui't, ninnilguT).— Lust week "The Social lllgltwayuiah" didnicely. Htlivnrd Mnckny mid Flitch GardensSlock Co. week of 20,

F.i.nvii Gaiiiikxs: (Mary Kllleh-I.ong. Pfo-nrleiol').— -Mrs. Fiske, In "Tho New YorkBleu," 23, for four performunces. Week tit

20, Ida Coiiiiitcst and Ihe Bbilows Stock Co..,

In "The Girl Willi the (Iroeii liyes."

CWtarAJ, (tieo. I rn Aflnms, manager),

Ijisi week, ihe bill included: The JugglingThorns, Osenr Wnbii, llnriis and Neison,Gehlo Thompson Trln, Jlmmln Uoborts, ThreeJiicksons, nml pictures.

N(ivi:i;rv tSiilllvnh & Cnnsldlne, nmna-

rjersj.— -Lust week, good business with Wal-are and llem-li. Pan o'Nell, Slim nnd IdaKelly. Kildle Dolnil, Senmiin's, Chatham nmllingers, Mudire mid Morion, nnd picfiu'es.

Xci'Ma.-—'I Ills week sis>s the- closn of thepopulur Orpbeiini and Tnlior Grnnd. and theopening of I n Summer gardens, Mitch's nmlMiinliiiiliiii Bench Flitch's Is coverednbove, and I lie August In Duly Alitslenl Co.will hold the boards ut Iho Manhattan. Benchthis Summer, opening May 110, wllli "Xcountry tllii" Gertrude Lederer, atalented voting Denver glii. Who Is now pin j

Ing In the Sun Francisco Oporu Co,, touringI'uclllc const, cities, trill return In July, undspend the Siiminet' nt her home here. II. 1s

though! she wllli Join one of the companiesphi vlng Summer engagements here.

la i » : o .IIMIVLANO.

Baltimore. -The closing of the tltofttresngiilui

Atlantic City.—At tho Savoy (Fred H,Moore, mnnnger) .Hainle I'leinlng, In roper-lory, did well Mny 20-25. George SI, Cohan,In "The Hoiieymonners" (nrst proiliicttoni,20-Jiine 1. .

Y'lMtxo's I'lnn TiiHvrgB (W. K. Shackel-ford, uiuiing'cr).

MiiclletK patronage. Hillweek of 27 ; Hpecchlunl Troupe of Night, LitI'etlte Mlglinn, Howell and Hcoll. CatesFamily, Hayes and Suits, Mile. Maillot, Sey-mour und Hill, mid klnetograph.

»'« »MIMSOCm.

Kiiiishs t;ttj- At tho Willis Woml (O.

D. Wood .null, niaiiagi'i-), Inst week, MniidnAdams gave "Peier hi, to iiitiaclly, folir

nights, 'Ilils dosed the regular suasoii of theboose. Kiin-i Uarrymore, Iu "Captain Jltilts,"

Juno 5-7.

Ham Sut'iiciiT (Waller Snnford, manager).-Joe Weber uuil his all star company, In"Dream City," 2-ft.

(iiu.vn iickii' H'Misk (Hudson & Jiiilnb.

maaiigcrsi.—Last week, "Our Now MlnUcurhad good attendance. The show reamluedover fur two peifuriiiiuiccs, 20, when the slu-sh ii of . I be bouse closes.

Gil, I. is iK. S. Hrlghum, uniuugeri.- -Lustweek, "Happy Hooligan" drew well. Thisneck, "The Cowboy's Girl," which will prob-ably close the aoikKOii of ihe house.

Ai-|iriniili..ii ((>. D. Woodward, munugcri.— Last wi'iit, Lmuin Dunn, Iu "Miss Hnlilis."scored a great hit. Tills week, Barry Bores-ford Joins the compuny, and '"('he Professor'sLove Ulory" will bo ihe llrst production. Inbo followed by "Tho Wrong Mr. Wright.'

I-'iiiiIJST I'AIIK III. K. llussell, iiiniiuger).—l/nsi ivijek's business was good, nil tho eiin-

cusslons rcporllug Huh returns. Iu the the-niii- (he Boston Ideal Opera Co. retained"Frit Dlttvoln," This week, "La Mascot"will be sung.

Ki.itcrmi; I'.inic (Ham Benjumln. mana-ger).—Kansas Cliy's line new amustuuentpark threw open Its gates Sunday, ID, withu crowd of 5H,ooo people in attendance. Thispark has been rightfully called Kansas City'sConey Island, for It Is one of the handsomestin the United States, The Illumination re-

minds one of the World's Fait, Rllcry's Bondwas the attraction In tho band stand, nndwill continue Indefinitely, In the GormanVillage the vaudeville bill Included : 't he.

Yam (j Duo, Helen Hie wart, Tom and ftdlthAlmond, nnd tho Country Choir. Tho oilier

concessions In the park are : Klectrlc foun-tain, ball room, iiauitorluui, alligator farm,chutes, dip coaster, Norton slide, old mill,

Hooligan's ensile, Hying Luly. double whirl,circle, swing, peony parlors, Japanese rollinghull. Scenic railway, Halo's tours, electric,

Studio, boat tours,- casino thenlre, alt gungallery, boutlng, ciirousel, giant teeter, kniferack, doll rack, shooting gallery, fortune tell-

ing mid palmistry, pool room and cafe, HamBciilninln emu h'.ues as mnnnger, nml Hose'sOrcliestra. uiider the direction of Wm. H.

Hose, is heard In Ihe German Village. Thocar service and arningcuiuiits nre excellent.

ami the Helm Brothers are lo bo congratu-laled oil giving Kansas city such an np-to-dale amusement place.

F.Mf.iioux'r Park (W, F. HiiiIUi manager).—This beautiful natural park opened its

gules Sunday,- Mny 10. with nn luiuionsucrowd Iu uKi'iiilniice. Mr, Smith bad every-thing In excellent shape for Ibis season.Many now concessions have been added, andcspecinllv at the Imthllig bench lire the Im-provements noticed. Hlner's Military Baud,which scored such a hit last season, willcontinue to discourse harmony every after-noon sod evening. The speelul feature Instweek was a high diving ttci, which wnsenthusiastically received.

Ci.ifi'KiiiNiJs,— Dolly Castle, the lion I innerwith Barnes' Wild Animal Circus, who wnsntincked by a lion while giving nn exhibi-tion nt Wichita, Kan,, several weeks ago,is still In St. Joseph's Hospital, this city.Miss Castle, was severely bruised nnd heleft, arm was broken. Albert Barnes, ownerof the circus, came to Knnsns Clly Inst Mon-day to take Miss Castle In Hastings. Nob., tn

rejo<n the show, hut she ivns uuublo Iu letive

nml ihe opening of the siiliurbnn resort* Is

nl bund. Fords (Chns. I-:. Fncd, malinger


closed Its donrs Mny 2!Y Down's picturesenjoyed it week to S. It. O. business. Tillspopular house hns luld un until tcrrnptcil siic-

ecfs dining Ihe Winter, nhil will go under thebands of Hie (leeorntnrs ut once for nestledImpriivcnienlM.

Ai'iicn .u iJiiiuch L. Kernnn. mnnnger).• "The lloliemluii Girl" Is offered 27. "TheMikado" drew full houses 20-26, "Thn For-tune Teller" Is iililiuiliiceil for June 11 nmlweek.

iliui.iii.M STiulin: (iieorgo W, Hire, uitinii-

gel')- Cole nnd Johnson, urn seen, tills week,In "The Slmii-Fly Heglineut, lolloivlng "Thuobi from the Hiineb," which did well weekending 25. The Miirlnrl Itnllnn Co. Jinie 11-


iiAVitv (VV. I., Bnliaiif, munagor).—ThnBrooklyn Belles uiieii their euunganiODt, 27,with a lestlnlotiliil benefit In W. I,. Ilnllnuf.

The Trii-ie Ai'untlrs tilled the Iioiiho entireweek ending- 2fi.

NHiv MiMiMiii.srAi, i Hum M, Dawson, njari'

tigei'),- The Wnshlngliiti N'i(;lul.v Oliis 27-.iiuie 1. The Thordilghbhids did well 20-26,Miner's Amuiienns next. .

i.i in n -s ii'.iiwiini c, Fnrie. manager).—The Five I. nl. In-. .Minnie St. Oliltn, HrnestLlfinre. Mny Miller mid (icnevlevn Jncobycomplete tlm hilt for 27 and week.

ilKiMTim lOl.KCTtnc I'AIIK (F. C. Schilli-

bergcr. niiiiiuger).--Thls resort opens Mjny27, with ii vaudeville bill and the TyroltinnHlnuci's. The pufk hns hern much Improvedsince Inst season, mid good weather shouldmnlie || a great, success.

Xotk.-- Buffalo Bins Wild West show*here 211, no, » i


Now llhven, - At ihe llypeiinti (SluibrrtBros., miiiiiigemi "The Other Girl" hud goodbusiness Mnv '.'0, 21. '"('wo orphans" hadI'n I r piilroinixc 22. lihiuirjl GnldOll 2N, 20.

Ni;w IIavii.n HI. II. BoDiHil, intmngiir).—HI Henry's Minstrels drew u big mnllenre22. "Al. Villi'" hud good returns •(. 21). JohnDrew, in "llin House In Order," Is due. June t.

I'ni.i's (K. '/,. Poll, priiprhitor),—This bouseclosed Its scimoii 26, und the reports arc thatI his hns snrpiisscd any previous one, Thuopening uf the Pull opera Co. will takn place27. The opening opera will ho "The FortuneTeller."


Hurtfiml.—A I Parsons' ill. C I'n r sans.

manager; week at Mny. 20, Hunter BrmifoniPlayers, Iu "Ills Kxcellouey, the Govornor"had large houses. "LchIi ICIescbuu" 27 ahdW«ek.

ltABTKDiti) OcijiiA Hoiisi; (II. II. Jennings,iminagor).—"Tim Chosen I'eople" had goodhouses 24, "The Dreitmer," 2S, Old- well.

Hose Hydell London Belles 28, 21),

Por.t'H (Louis H, Kelly, laiiimger).—Weekof 20, "Thn (iirUtlnn" had large houses."Mistress Nell" 27 njld week.

Hi.'rii'Ai.o Hri.t.'H Wii.n Whht, 22, drewlarge crowds,


BrldKeport.—At Smith's IB, C. Smith,iniitiiigori Shepnrd's ninvltig pictures for theSlimmer season.

Fold's <K. B. .Mitchell, manager).— Poll'sStock Co., In "The Miisiuierndem," week of27.

STn.Ti.i.vMAHi; ist.i.sp (Paul Boyton, mnn-ni'ori opened Informully 20; formal opening

",'<«»' /IiOUMIANA.

Men Orleims.—At the While Clly (CC. .Maitlimis, malinger) for week of May Hi.

the Olyinphi tl|s)l'tl. Co., utidrr thu persfilinl

direction Of lid. F. Henlnons, enjoyed a goodweek's rnu, with "ilic Telephone t'/lii."

Frank lllnlr. us Unas Nix, Hcordil heavily,FrontWillieivlille Ihe work of Herbert Carter, Joe Cnrey.Hob Pitkin, Koselle Hhelilnii. Alice Mllhi'.

Laurel Alklns, Cntlierlne Mitchell, IMlmFain and Lottie Kendall won many recalls,

The many side shows cunUiinc to good busi-ness. "Tho Hiiiinwny Girl" 20 ami week.Wkht Unii iTotn winsioii. tnanngei').-..

Big crowds on hdiiii III nud week, to listen

to TVufso's Ciuicerl lis ml, und witness theHoc viimlovUie bill offorcd by Mnnagcr WLns-loli. The hold iivots: Frederick Bros, arid

Bilihs, nud Mtieller nnd Mueller repeatedtheir former wceh's success, while Hie newcolliers, John /'miner and Mabel llerrn.

•cored heavily. Tho two lattet turns will

bold over welt ut 20, wllli the MusicalI'liniedv Four n« hcnillliiers. The kliintlromowill sliow new slldei. The Fefrls vM\,

4:16 THE-N1W YORK CLIPPER. June l.

years was with "Shore Acres." Mr. Sheldon'

le survived by his wife, one child Mil onebrother. IV. 1*. Sheldon jr.. tl»o a comedian.The remain* won' lnlurrcd nt Kingston.Arnold Moldaeur, Unit violinist of tho

Boston Symphony Orchestra, tiled lu Bostou,

Mass., on Mnv 2:i, following a surgical opera-

tloli. Ilo was forty-two years of h«i\TIiouihm M. Jorilan. an actor, died on

giving eit'ttrhiimncut* here in lint njieti nlr. Mny in, after u lingering Illness. The r-aud have made ijutle il-lilt. "As Voti Like wains were sent to Cleveland, 0., lor burial.

If and •'Knnii'O :i ml Juliet" Were the offer- ills ivlfc survives libn.

Ings for week of 20.

arouse) arid oilier side attractions con tin no.

to big business.. ' ' . . , '

Ncitbh.—Stage 1 Director, 1. Murphy, of Or-

liheiuri Theatre fame, arrived In the city 21,

after n few f«** TWf to Flnuuia. Horenwhnd here for a few days as the guest

of Manager 'I'oui Winston, oml left for Chi-

cago, 2;!. where he will upend the Summer.....Constance Crawley and company arc

«»»World of Players.AIIKA.Y3AS.

Hot SiirliiK*.—Alrtlnoic Summer 'J'bcalre

(Frank Head, manager) this new beuutl- —fill Suniuier Theatre wiut opened May 20, l>>' Citontu; IIkmkk writes from Han Lulu Fo-

y Stock.Co.,' 1" "Kulghtai of Old tad, Mexico, under date of May H, oh followsi he KlugsleyKen-tuck." Although th night was ratherool. the large crowd acei 'd to thoroughlyenjoy the performance. Ti. lighting of thoHtage was good. The seating capacity Is

over 1.000. Manager Head deserves thechunks of all who enjoy "ii high elms Summer

A new era. la theatricals has dawned npouour Hlsler Republic Mexico. John C. Fish-er's Invasion of Ibe capital, and bis aubsc-

nuent tour through tho Republic, hu» awak-ened the people of this land to a realization

of what a 'sh<iw' really la.. Heretofore the

theatre, convenient to reuch. and first class. peoplo hnvo had to be content wMli local

in all equipments. North Bros.. for four weeks.WjIITTlNOTON PA«K SUHWEIl

O. Price, maDager).—The opening, May 20,

wus u big success, and a large crowd waspresent. 1'bls theatre has been enlarged andremodeled, wide balconies having been added.


WhcelliiK—At the Court IK, It. Franz-lieinj, manager) ' "The (Ilrl of the GoldenWest." May 28, 24, bad big returns. LowFields' All Stars, In ''About Town," ill.

Bijou fSetiuck & Boailoy. proprietors)Ulll for week ot 20-23 gave Biiiclt satisfaction.

with pleasing returns. Kill for week of 27


Lydetl and Butterworth, Lewis A Hanvcy

ros.' Comedians stock companies, and the occasional visit of j. c Hunter in' Hutchinson, Kan.,_ some Italian opera company. But this 'pi'iiMCW j'. Gille* has Just closed a

in 'Ihgatuu (II. American stylo has certainly been a rcvelu- ceB8 r,ji Keason with the Taylor Slock Co.tlon to them, with the car loads of scenery,

tho real silk and satin costumes, the .twentyarc lights playing upon real handsome girls

and men, ana lots of them, and the dash,

'go' and snap of the wbolo thing, has simplymade them 'sit np arid take notice.' In

Matob Rat.mosd (Mm. Gob Boxers) doted

her engagement In "The Wulto jTen,'' at the

Casino this city. Saturday nlglit. May 18.

^The Roger. Brothers In Ireland" Co. closed

1 heir season on tie same date. Mr. and Mrs.

ESkFSS immediately go to ML Clemens,

Mich., for a few weeks* rest. -

Larrjvbi: asd 1j;e, after a season of thirty-

one weeks In vaudeville, have Joined Faseoo

& Munlev's Alrtlonio Co.. putting on high

class repertory. Both aro doing character

comedy. Next season they go with one of

Ktlroy * BriUou's shows.'

. .

ItosTBlt of tlic Klmoro Stock 0>., nt tbo

Kriie Thcjlrc. Omaha, Xeb. : Geo. J. Llmore,

manager: Gordon A. White, business repre-

sentative; Lydla Powell, bads; Gerald Gor-

don, Ia.Ih Meredith. I'ranklyu Scaright. He-

gliui Lewis. FredC. Lewis. Iota tew,Robert Blaylock. Carrlo Bellmore, Geo. D.

Castledon. Carrie Myers, Win. KIrby. C. B.

Bonner, Myron Boblnson and Cbas. 13. rtltv

long. _'


Notes fkost t»d KAMBEucEn-BACHiOJtAuvhrmext Co.,of Baltimore, Md.—We will

have two compaules on the road next seasotl.

The Kamberper-Baehuian Repertory Co. will

or>en in September, at their theatre. In Bruns-

ine- wick, Md., and will then tour tho South, and

cessful season with the Taylor Stock Co.. and will carry all special wenery Our big musical

has been encaged for the Summer, stock, ut comedy. "That Irish Kid, SJWI^BraDtford, Cuu.

' Kambergcr In the title role, will open aoout

Will H. Reno, of the Original Bonos (Will Oct 1. playing the larger \\estern towns _and May), writes: "We are In our eighth Jkss Auims, manager of ike Grand Opera

week with tbo Cooley & Hagan Floating House, Unlontown, l'n., Is putting Fred JL

Palace Theatre, and our comedy acrobatic Vice, the Irish comedian, out under canvas.

Gbiux.ui.nu l'A£UAii'-sang on - Wednesday,Jfay iXi.' for the first time nt »he Opera,

Paris, France, In the rolo of Elizabeth, In

'Tannhanser.'' . Sbo was credited by the

critics with winning a success.Jameh T. Powkro and his wife. Uachel

llooth. left last week for Europe, where, withfriends, they will spend the greater yart of

Ilici Summer nutoraolilllng through Italy,- Ger-inanj', France and Switzerland. Mr. Powerswill' return to Aimerloa early next Autumnmid iKgln Ills season In "The Blue Man," In

the Lyric Theatre. Philadelphia.Owi.vd to tho street car strike In San Fran-

cisco. Henrietta Crosnran and her companywere unable to appear last week. Miss Cros-

ninn will end her season In Winnipeg, Juno

Ar.. Bi:AMu:r. manager of tho HighlandKlock Co., at \'ork. Pa., writes that he has a

llrst class company at the park, headed by

Lawrence Brooke, leading man, and draconnff, a new Western leading woman. HarryBuehee will direct the stage.

LiM.iKN- Ltsial Alcxakdeu, who lias just

closed the season with tho Gordon-Bennett'Holy City" Co., Is visiting her Bister, Mrs.

connection with this due credit must Wt fflven. nove | tr -The \'np from OIneyvill'e,' Is meet- opening May 27, with a seventy foot round

his advertising nia-nt. Jl. u. coyne. unn,;,„ of the many Md tulngs that occurred on tho..- : tour, uud ' which amazed ' the citizens ofr' ' Guanajuato, (the largest and one of the old-

to tliat veteran showman, Harry Clark. HisIn_ _J

^|j fi|ICCCBB , >n S9 Keno's singing, and top, and two thirty foot middle pieces, carry-««.l

juj. jeu people, a band and orchestra, makingthree ulglit stands through Pennsylvania andOhio.

Fnoit W. A. Pabtbixo's Attbactioss.—The Partello Stock Co. closed its season of

forty weeks. May 11, nt Trenton, X. J., andwill open Its next season early in August.

. Tho Bennett-Moullon Co. closed Its Beason

ho has been" ot forty-three weeks, at Shamokln, Fa., andand will rest will open uext season the later part ot July.

.A supper wos Billy O'Oat writes that he Is still meet-

mors. Seymour's comedy dogs. Carrie Miller. »«Mh» *»*+ ^«gg»-«gjj>*-»gft given by Miss Harte l7honor of Mr'. Brick- log with success In the role of Sidney Djick.

Sfilnnt and Lavardo, and the Slllsons. SL&3SKJ2 remi Ire fo^ir mufes to haul*n- "• members of the company, after the gambler, with "The Girl of the Golden

Notk.-Manager Harry Itodgers has opened H"? "W iT,!^ ho comnsuv w^s to rat ail tUo performance. 10. and was a most eujoy- Wes?' Co. The compao.yeloees season June 1


the Wonderland Arcade. He is endeavor- L'S»iJt5" ha^Hm JlTerts uri »»1*" ablo affair. During the banquet Nelson A. Xotes ino>r tu« Dc PBW-BuiiDE-riG StocK

Dig to have his vaudeville bouse In sluipo 8 t̂lS:

irflM^^lie^SSnd thdr E«n In tLawrence, on beluOf of tho company, pre- Co.—We closed our regular season May IS,

tr ..Mimitmm *,u _S «u •"- i...t « nv.. theatre In Unie_ was I eir Ken, inic- • Mr Rr|i<kerr. with an decant cold and will Oil hi the Summer playing park

unerring Judgement and methods have been Bj'p0Datic danclug staiidlng"out very proml-Itivnluable and he has been ably assisted by nent '<

Ills advertising, a»eut. M. C. Coyne. One, ^^ ,,,,, H„it, 0Ant>ZSi ¥eortB t

HI.—We arc in our tenth week of the sea-

son and doing an excellent business. Helalne -

Ilarte has proven to be the . most popular* tho house, anil

she has been

for. opening as. soon us possible, but ou no' count nf die strike of carpenters andplumbers In our city, be is much htiidred.

»»»uKATiis i\ tiiii: ritoiiissio\.

Louis Gokert, llrst violin at tbe Brond-• way Theatre, • Now York- City, ended bis llfs

by swallowing tho contents nf n two ouncebottle of carbolic ucld, morning of Muy IS.He bad been u sufferer from nervous pros-tration- and insomnia for several rooulbs.Mr. Kckert -was llfty-ulne years of age, andwns born In Germany. He lived In JerseyOily, X. J., many years, being popular us abaud master and musician. The remainswere, interred nn. Mny 20, in the Weehilvvkeli

. Cemetery; X. J. .

George* J. llolilts. of the vuud'.'vlllc

lentil, llobbu iiihI Powell, died suihlenly unJby 10. iitJiU.buiua In Buy city. Mich., fromtyphoid pneumonia- Ho was a clown, and didI bluck Caei; act, In conwrt, with UlugllngBrolliers' Clrcifs for the past three schhous.

-Ills wife survives him.Mra. Alice Ivcmii i Mm. ltrnnurldge)

illtil at the Vli-tnvlu llosplliil. London, Can.,May 21 , l'n mi an n en to form . of stomachtrouble. She win* a iiieiiils.-r «r On EarlKiirgess Stock (>., which was playing lioudonat the time. She leavew ii daughter. FannieUrownrldge. who Is also a member of thesame compuny. The remains were sent toColumbus. O., for bitei-nii'ul.

Curl l'<-lm-. u vctei-nn irrcheslra leader,or Cincinnati, ().. died at the Altenhelm,Xe.wiKirt, Ky., May 22. aged eighty yenrs. lie

was a leader of u regimental hand during tins

Civtl War, and conducted the orchestra at. both Woodat.Theatrc mid Pike's Opera House,Cincinnati, ' O.. In the early days of thosehouses. His soii. I'iiul F<>lne, Is director oftin; orchestra ni tho People's, Chiclunati. /

' I'liiiik Itoluri., mi old lime actor, diednil May 20.' Ill n private hospital lu Xew YorkCity, from heiiri discuss, aged tlfly-elgblyenr-j. Mr. llobcrts wus well known lu thepast for his work In slock companies, andI'll or he appeared lu support of K. IT. Suthernand oilier prominent, stars.' Fur a time bewas ia the stock conipHuy at tho old Lyceum'Theatre, Uils clt.v. fin wus taken HI whtlo

.ploying In "Tho Other Girl" Ci>.

rinrrle lli-iidcrsuii, said to be nclross.' died on May I li. at Bellovue Hospllal, NewYork City, from iilehlorlde of mercury poison-ing. No reason was assigned for her takingHer life.

Hiih'Ii MnnKojf, a well known aetor.died on May T. at Colorado City, Coin., utteran llluess of several months. His home wasIn Lincoln. Xehr., bin he had gone to Colo-

' rmlo III I he hope nf lliiding health. He wasuilllciod with a complication of diseases, up-pundiclils setting lu after he was loo weakfor au operation. Mr. MncKsvc was humIn l'Mlubiirgh, Scolliind, Nov. 20. I Sits, Hoante to ttils conn icy ut uu early uge, nudlocated In llosteu. where be received his edu-cation. While yet. a mere boy he was en-gaged for t he company of Thus. \V. Keene. uposition he retained for several seasons. Uoi hea weld West mid for three seasons was'Willi the Hick Ferris companies, both In stockuud on the i uud. In later years he was heavyman with the t.race Huywurd Co., Johu A.Hliiimeleh), Myrlde- 1 larder Co., and duringi he season of lUDo-OU was singe director ofi he liiemer Stock. Sprlnglleld. Mo. Illswife, residing lu Lincoln. Xehr.. nud ono sou,living lu Minneapolis, survive htm.

i'iiul lloiilon. vtollulst uud lender, diedat Vnllejo. t'nl.. on May IS. Trout heartdisease, aged slxiy years, tie was born InNice, o'ruuee. anil entered the profession asa "boy wuuder." lu Purlhitid. Ore.. In 18UO.•nider the nuiiiaveiiieiil of Ids father, lotirlugi he Hncllle coast. lie lead the orchestra for

. Julia Ueuu Ilayne, l-'niinie Morgan Phelps.Bell Houglass. lite Cliapiiiiiu Family, Irwinl'amlly. John Waklroii. Sum Dennis, JennieLlud. uud the Original Mclllnley Family,after which he settled in L'klah, Cul., and

. married Xoontc Hrlggs. Later he Jolued' t'urces with Bob McGltiley, and toured Cali-

fornia and Oregon, with the Bouloti & Mc-Giuley Comedy- Co. lu 1884 he again settledat bis father's homo In Walla Walla, uudlater .lolnud hands with Fred Worley. As n

. Taudevllle team. Iliey played dutcs. His iasiwork wus as hinder ut the- .Novelty Theatre,Vullejo «'nl. He Is survived by his wifeaud one sister. Muilly Boulou. Mr. Bonlonhuh nn odd Fellow, K. of P.. and Mttson.

t.irlrinle Syllll. u COlol'llllllV singer. Of: the Theatre do In Miiniiulv, Brussels, died

there suddenly Inst week. She was about to• sail for this country to visit her finally lu.Flhtbush, L. I., when word of hor death was

. received.. Miss Sylvii, who was a pupil of

V .Mrs. 1'i-loila Ahiil'ortii. of this city, weut to• liiirope .In J SUV, nud was eugnged In Mar-

. .sidlles uml • Bordeaux Imfore . she became n' uietuher of the company ta Brussels. Shu

' had also appealed with success at Covont.f.iitrden. Sue hud Just finished hnr sixthseason ut the 'iheatrd ue Is Monmile. llerbody will he brought here for burial.Forresl I.. Parker, u retired actor, died

suddenly til. Vrooklliie, Muss., on May IT. He-. was born at: Providence, R. L, on July 13.

IMI2. lu bis early days he was n inciiibei'

of the <"be)se;i (Muss.) Idaiuatb- Club, iiud-

ii I times did a Dutch dlnlccl hpi-cliilt.v. Iukt-uient vas hi Llwuod Ci-molcry. Fi-ovldeuce,

v It I. His brother. Hurry L. lliinsun. now.with Harirreaves' II. JL Shows, survives hhu.

Prcil OnnVs Sli«il)lon. a (vniedlun. diedhi Kingston. X. Y., on Mny J. after au llhm-ti

• of Ihrco flays. Mr. Sheldon was woll known,having played with some of tho lending oni-

• lunles H» was the yoiitige«t son of I he oldtime ccuiedlttr.. ^v P. Sheldon. <-ho for uiauy

riSkhr.m.'i.ri.ta mSltV to bear' He «enlcd Mr. Brlckert with, an elegant goldClurk brought, his Ingenuity to bear. Ufl hnnilie-wslklmr stick, ns a token of the es-dcvlsed a special platform, wblch turned on handle walking stick, as a token of the -es-

teem In which lie was held. Toasts were

'large theatres. We play El Paso, Tex., weekof Mov 20, nnd will probably close our aeasonH"!rc


JIks. LOCHU I'uicis, mother of Harry M.,

Theodore. IVn. G.. John J. Price and MrB. W.Petzclt, died May 10, ot heart tollurc. atT'.vnnsville. Ind. She was buried In LocustHill Cohiolcry.

OtiflA XKTHEgsoi.B closed her Americantonr In Boston, at the Uollls Street Theatre,on Muy 18, and sailed from New York for

Kurone. on Tuosdny, May 21. Miss Xetlier- engagement ot

sole's lompnnv will sail ou Weduesdny. 22. fire htocl.. as

Wk.i.lh Hawks, who is at tbe head of. for next seaso

Charles Fruhnmn's literary bureau, has signed Dixie Co.

T/cah. Nelson A. Lawrence. Frank Dare. JW. Carson, Francis J. McCarthy and' FredMnrsey. > .

Ot.ivn PitKUSTAp scored a big success asSalome, In the opera of that name, at theChatelet, Paris, France, evening of May 17.

. Kdwajui Mackav has been engaged, for tholeading Juvenile role with Henrietta Cros-

inan. hi "The Christian Pilgrim;" next season.• Dick lJmaivsiio.has Just closed a successful

engagement of eighteen weeks with the Eni-' k. as' lending man, and has signed

season with "The Sweetest Girl En

Kathahim; Khaxois! has Just closed anengagement of forty>tw6 weeks, with, tbePartello Stock Ca.. doing the heavies.

('lakex'.'b AruKisas writes from Kingston.Can.: "I closed here May 23, and will spendHie Summer ut uiv home at ML Vernon. O.Will open In August with TOdward Doylo'snig Orpheum Stock Co.. at Xew Lexington." have been with the .Tom Marks Stock Co.


Rowland & Clifford

AU tactions, writes :" 'The Phantom De-

tective' closed the season May 4. which leaves

only ' ono attraction still on the road, thoMay Hosnicr. playing a . repertory of herstandard successes . In the cities, and then

floins to the Bijou Theatre, Chicago, for auDtletljiltc tan. . .Tho . season of the road at-

tractions has-been uniformly successful, andthe same condition Is to be reported regard-

ing the Central States Theatre Co. Manyof tho actors who created the roles In ThePhantom Detective.' have beeiv re-eugsged,

and '-utile new musical numbers' have liecn

provided. Toby, the lion, bos been leased to

n contract to write a series of circus stories

fur The VotitiVit CoiMponhm. In order to get"ulmosphere." Mr. Hawks, who Is also thepresident of the Friars, will Iravel for n fcwwwks wllli the Harnum ft Bailey Show, asthe guest ot Wlllurd Coxey and Dextar Fel-

lows, the press representatives of the circus.

HAtixY Clakk, business manager of JohnC. Fisher's Opera Co., writes Tun Clippkr. J

have .been with the lorn

miiler date of May' 12. from Chihuahua, for three seasoiis. as agent '

Mexico: "This wlll.be our last stand, after „g«» feKrM0S,'^

t. ..


a. very jileasnnt and prolltablc tour of MexTeb.Wo will reach the Culted States at IS! Paso.

Tex:. Monday, Mny 20. whoro we play onoweokl at the. Crawford Theatre. This will

probably close our season.". The Rooms Twuhwca*. Co. last week,

recovered n vonllct lu the CUT Court, 6f Xo\VYork, ufter a trial before Justice O'Dwycrand a Inry. for S 1,00(1 from Florenz Zlegfeld.

malinger of Anus Held. Tbo Shuhsrta sentto Zlegl'eid while be and- Anna Held wdre lu

Kuroiw. the 81,000 to defray his expenses lo

-Xow York, that, tbe subject of a contract


B%^^ rho'Bh/'otio"SSMtd"Anl"mal_Sbow7 "'hTe'ma- wTti" that '-house,' and'cxpectBlo "manage'u

• greumoni wus ojien.u in o, anu luc aiiuneits. f. . ,. ^ . . vsiiderllle. low theatrr- in the aaiiio-eltv. Dlans for which

. )lng .

time. Open the regular season again'ln July,with six Kentucky mid Tennessee fairs. Thepast season has oecn a very successful -one,

and barring. the Ohio -River floods and con-tinued rains, the season has been a pleasantone. The - company, from a dramatic anu*vaudeville standpoint, has been pronouncedby the press and local managers the bestthat Mr. Do Pew has ever had The latenessof the present season- has evidently bad nobad effect upon the receipts, ns Zanesvlllc,Springfield. Hamilton. O., and other Xorthemcities, all show capacity houses. Xext seasonMr. De Pew will, far excel any of his pastefforts to meet the public demand. Six newroyalty plays, with special paper; fonr feat-ure vaudeville acts, Including a chorus ofpretty girls, who will appear In a new onoact musical comedy curtain raises, writtenespecially for the popular comedian. GordonHamilton, heavies, and Bunkcrr. female Im-personator, arc new additions to this com-pany.May lioBsox has signed contracts with

Ia S. Sire, for Ave years, to star under hismanagement, commencing In September, andplaying cities until November, when she willbe seen on Broadway, in a dramatizationof the novel, "Tbe Rejuvenation of AuntMary," the author. Anne Warner, makingthe dramatization, giving Miss Kobson a partsuitable to her personality, David Proctorhus been engaged to support tbe star.

Billy HauiMan- writes: "I closed with'The Volunteer Organist' Co., Eastern, onMarch 27, and reported to the Albany Base-ball Club, of the Xew York State League,with which I am catching and doing utility:

Mcuhay anu Mack closed their season ofthirty-eight weeks on May 23. Xext seasonthey will produce a new musical comedy,. en-,.

titled "The Sunny Side of Broadway," open-tag tho last of August.

-JiTAitLKS T. Thimbu:.- who has been man-ager of the Messenger Theatre, at Corry, Pa.,since Its opening, has severed his connection

tjorllv of the cact have gone Into vaudeville, new theatre In the same city, plans for whichand 'have met with marked success. Tommy are now under way. The last season, he In-

Sinilii returns -to.tiie employ of Rowland & forms us, was the most successful hi theClifford next season. Ivy Lillian 'feel, until history of Corry, seme of the best attractionsrecenllv a member of- one ot* the Arm attrac- on the road being played. Albert Bowles Is

tlous. "is with the 'Wizard of O/.' The the new manager, being a son-in-law of tho

sued for the return of this money. Mr. Zleg-

feld contended tliut lie was not liable forrepayment, «s the uiofiey was sent to defrayhis expenses In eomlug lieio to see if u con-tract could not In- effected.

lieutenant SSSSf-StUiSy ^T *TC American. Newsboys' Quartette bos been signed owner. M. B. flessengerT ,nSi«i HuHford Conu o" Miiv. "'•• "IT?" Puantom Detective' Co. for next Kthelwyx Bubsktt, who has been III at

October. ISUD, nud graduated it Yale hi - Notes mom 1UB Marks Bros.' Attbao- expects to resume work shortly, In t-epertory,

1HT.2 lie is BurviveaV twoThlhlren. Efclou woks.- -The four repertory companies owned "42JS1VS^SSSSSnSiSSa&Sill Wood, of Hartford, and William Ray- . by Marks Bros, have hooked retaru dates

over the same ground as lsst season. Sixcompanies will be framed up this season, five

repertory companies and u one night standcompany. In tho melodramatic success, "Atthe Point of tho Sword." Tho carpenters andscenic artists have been nt work for thopust two weeks and will continue, until theFall opening. May A. Bell Marks, who wasobliged to terminals, her season with MurksBros. Xo. 1 company, to undergo a surgicaloperation, has so far recovered that she wasable to leave her town residence, at Perth.Can., last week, and Is now at Ked Cedar ,

Villa. Christie's 1-ake, tho Home ot bor hus- J*"™-4\JV^m^'-i







bund and manager. It. W. Marks. ¥**. «««L"g J™**- J»» l




liiuuil Sill, Manager for Low Fields.Aire. lticiiAitDsox. after closing with the

Cotik & Harris Co., rested a week at SenecaFoils. He writes: "My Clipper 'ud.' broughtover thirty letters, and 1 wleb to state Iliac I

could not 'answer them all, but will announcethat I signed with Hie 'Qulncy Adams Saw-yer' Co. (Western)."Jack Dunham, Arthur Fallon and John

Shields wilt go again with the Golden CrookCo. next season, presenting their act, "TheThree Musqueteers." Mr. Dunham has a Aveyears' contract with Jacobs Ic .lernton.

Harry llt/xucsosr, of Blocksoni and Bums,Informs its that the team Is making u bighit with their new act, "Bee-Saw Stunts.".

CiiAiu.iis 1'i.tox, of the Kroneuiun Bros.,

and Jenny Avolo, of the Four Musical- Avolos,were married ou Sunday, Muy 12, In Phila-delphia, Pa.Tnu .Vj.. TUnB Stock Co. is playing

to excellent business throughout Long Island,

the eoiupnuy, led by Jessie Mae Hall, havingmade ti lilt.

Makii: DuiiSSLHR. who has been abroad forseveral weeks, returned to this country lastweek. Miss Dressier has been hi Kngland.She took a seven years' lease of a bouse atMaltleuheud. on the Thames, and announces(bai she will rest for a while."Tnu bun of His Racb," an Indian

drama, by Donald MacLaren. which hud lis

XOTSB PROM AXUKLL'S COMEDIANS, JackFmurson, manager.—This is our fifth weekIn Northwestern Canada, on tbe Shermancircuit, and business has been exceptionallygood. At present we aro In stock at Cal-gary: and will remain here for the rest of thoSummer. Our Jump to Canada, from CouncilGrove, Kan., wus a long but pleasant trip of1.500 miles. This Is probably the longestJump uver made by a repertory organization,and the most expensive. Roster as follows:Jack 1'Iioer.son. Tom Wilton. Leo Church, W.S. Dickinson, Hurry Billings. F. B. Ketcbuio,Nut Johnson. O. C. Ituf, Franz Buf, UHa

Uiiokui) C. Tvi.ijii. who Is vow on a motor-ing tour through Northern Africa, has con-tracted (by cable) with Will V. Hndge, tocreate the leading' role- In the new lloothTarklngton-Ilarry Loon Wilson four act com-edy druuiu, "The Mun from Home." Messrs.Llebler & Co. will give "The Mail fromHume" a Xew York production early uextseason, uud tho character' of Daniel VoorhesPike, of Kokomo, ind.. was written with Mr.Hodge's peculiar talents lu view. Tho ploy,while dealing In part with American charac-ter, bus its location at Sorrento. Italy, andIs regarded by Mr. Tyler as containing ex-cellent material. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson have,accompanied Mr. Tyler In bis tours throughItaly and Sicily, and are now with hint. 'In

production in New York City as "Tho lied- Ills <>ndcnvor to ascertain liow far Sahnraskin,"- had an etitbusliislic reception by anImmense audience nt Dmry Lnne Tlientre,

London. I'ng.. Saturday evening. May 18.

Hi:itniA Montaouh, of "FaHcinatlug Flo-a''Co.. 11101111119 lite loss of her father. Jolfn B.Monluguc, who died at Walla Walla, Wash.,on May 0.

Joiix W. Kiiattu.v. the eouipoaer. noil

Dorolhv /.Ininieriuan. au lu'lrew, were mar-ried ou May 22. In New, York City. -The•i-eremony wus performed by Uev. J. GarlandHaiiincr Jr..- of the West l"nd PresliyterlauChurch. The couple have goue to Karopc.

It. ti. I"mm in and Mrs. Richard Mans-field. necompnuliMl by her sou. (llbbs "iliins-

llehl. were ou Hie passenger list ns salllugfroui this port lu I'nropc. on May IS.

Goi.iiin-Xr.lt.- (Mrs.-Ca.tberliio Xelll. Hieartist's model aud chorus girl, arrested InNew York, Doe. It). last, for the murder other husband, Jofcnli Nell, at Grcenwlrh, en-lerctl a Jilea of guilty of manslaughter before.IuiIho George «. Wheeler, of Ihe Superior.Conrl, ut Ili-ldg-.-pori. Coon., on May 22. and.was sentenced la State prison for u term notless than live and not more thnu nine years.Jamks McIntyiu). of Mclulyre and Ilenlh,

moiiriis the loss of his niother, Mrs. MaryMclulyre, wli« died at Koiioshn. Wis., May•12. Mr. Mclulyre ulleuded (lie fimernl.

Gko. 'ML FnMiijmt. Ihe. well hitowii retier-

l»ry luuuagcr. was called lo his liome til

I'lildlny. i>., owing to Ihe ilcath of his uncle.His llnslern company Is sllli on tin- road,nud will play the Summer ut Augusta. Me.Xext season there will be four Fenberg stockitompaiilcs playing the best, time throughoutNew Ivngluud. New York, IVnnsyJvn.iilu, Ohio,Mli'hW'iu und Iiiillaun.

desert explorations can be conducted In auautomobile.Tub CAULtfTON Siutbiis wrlto: "After a

two weeks' rest In New Y'ork. we arc nowill.tying au engagement with the Park The-alre Slock Co., at iDdlauapolis, Ind. HazelIs pluylog the soubretles and lngcuues, andDnlsv the Juveniles. In the opening hill "HieDurliDK of the Gods,' Hazel was assigned therole or Bet.su, uud Daisy essayed MadameAetnl." .

David B. KbUUMHL who for tlic oust six

August will tint! us buck lu the good oldrulled Stutes, lu time lo play our regularfair dates.

B. H. Mills, general agent of Phillips'"Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co., reports excellentbusiness for his attraction. Mr. Mills writes


"Bad roads have helped to remind us that It

Is still Spring, but thus far we have madeevery stand. A unique feature of our paradeis an Immense float, representing a cottonscene. In which are six colored mammies,actively engaged in picking the fleecy pro-duct, nnd drawn by four Southern steers.Prof. Hartley's Imperial Band und OrchestraIs more than making good, and the -wholeshow, under Mr. Phillips' personal manage-ment. Is working as smoothly as only a sea-soned tent show can."

ItiA E. Karlc, who recently closed fortyweeks with one of the Karl Burgess stockcompanies. Is resting fur a few weeks at hishome at Cincinnati. • ._

Ueinrk-ii Comiuui gave out the announce-ment lust week, in Berlin, that Caruap. whomhe lias engaged fur the next four years.- willsing In Berlin, at the imperial Opera, in Oc-tober. Mr. Courted's health is Improving.He has also engaged a Russian basso. Mr.Chullaplue, for twenty-nvc performances,from November to February.

years bus been playing Josh, in D. B. Levis' .Wouaii varnlt Informs us that on May 25

'•Uncle Josh Sprucebr' Co* Is with "Sweet " closed on engagement of rorty-ono -weekaClover" Co.. playing Jerome noleomhc, Ailing ,vItu the Murray & Mackey Co. tEastcm'),- atthe place of Klnter Tbuyer. who Is 111. Mr. Akron. O.. playing the principal heavies.Kennody will remain with this company w im.iam Inwksoll, who was specially en-

during the remainder of this season. He has gilRed for the role ot Roger Grant. In ''Thesigned with D.B. Felt, -who han leased C. It. Builders." at the Astor Theatre. Xew York,Reno's "Uncle Josh Slmpklns" for season for Ihe opening week, has returned to Provl-1007-1908. and will stage same snd play part dence, R. I., where he Is playing hi stock.of Uncle Josh tJltupklns. Lun Shurbiit announced last week

W. S. tLutr, who originated and baa playedcontinuously until i the • close 'of


the presentseason, the cowboy. Cash Hawkins, with Wij-Ilatu Faverehaui," In "Tbe Suuaw Man," baasigned a contract with' the Klrkc ta SheilaCo., to play the tltlo role In "Tbo Virginian."The contract, which covers a term 6f years,will e" lnt0 c1tect at onec' Tne 'oortb sea-son of "The Virginian" ended lu Cleveland.May 18.

810. A. LlufcEATi and his band of pickedmusicians, left Xew Y'ork, May 17, to opeathe. Summer season at Pittsburg. Mr. Llbcrntlstated that lie bos tho finest band and sololnti

he has ever carried since appearing beforethe public as a bandmaster. The band hajtwentv-three weeks already booked. A. LyouShaw is manager for Mr. Lllwratl.

W. ' II. RoatLL. "Tho Tramp Muslciani"writes : "I have signed with the Cutter StockCo., for this Summer and next season, opeu-lng at Kankakee. III., June 17. The OstiumStock Co., of which I am now a member, will

close a very successful season of forty-sevenweeks at Bristol, Term.. June 15. This com-pany has broken many house records thisseason, and has gained n reputation hi thsSouth second to none. Mr. Ownan will, atthe close of tho season, sail for Scotland, bisold.homo aud birthplace, for a visit of aboutsix weeks, opening again In September, biggerand better than ever."

IL Wilmot Yol'no writes : "Marjle Adams(Young) mid Baby Marguerite go to ourSummer home, BIJou Cottage, Massens, N. Y.I go into stock ut Cobalt, the great sliver

county of Canada."Ublen Bbton Is now under the niansre-

ment of Clarence Wels, who will slur hernext season. In "Sergeant Kitty," producedut Daly's Theatre, Xew York City, some yearsago. with Virginia I-iurt as the star.

Frank Abbott is now occupying a mana-gerial position with Bice t Webster's attrac-

tions.• iSteVb O'Gbadt, who piloted "Madam But-terfly" through the Y\est, will spend tbeSummer working In the dramatic departmentot'Tkt SV Jtouia Pout-Despatch. Xextseasonwill and him once more ahead of one u(Henry AY. Savage's productions.N&TK8.VU0M thb Rou.SBtf Stock Co.—We

closed the Sbermuu Opera House for this

season, playing three nights and oue matinee,

to S. R. O. After the mr tutu, was ruog dowaou Saturday night, the manager. Mr. Mudge,assisted. by his stage crew, spread a bauquctupon -the stage, und luvlllng the company lo

partake bt lue good things which wero pro-

vided. A most enjoyable two hours wasspent in speeches, songs and toasts. Theconrpaoy is just starting ou a circuit ofparks aud alrdomes. We opened the Audi-torium, GalnsvtUe. Tex., last night, to over2.300 paid admissions. From here we go to

Texarkana for two weeks, Hot springs for

two weeks, and then South for the remainderof Hie Summer aeason. Jack W. Pooler audClara Shyuc have Joined us. The roster otthe. company: Vane Calvert, leads: ClaraShyne. secoud business : Manda Bernard,characters: Bube Doris, soubn-tte: O. P<rtRodney, manager und character leads : JackW. Pooler, Juvenile leads; Fred P. McCurd,heavies : Foster Ball, comedy : Guy Klbbr.characters: C. J. Le Mar, general business;Jack Ualllday. Itobt. Owens, Fred Sherman,Frauk Sheebuu. M. Mungogen. musical direc-

tor.; E. L. Kelluer, advance, and' A. L. Boykla,owner and business maoager.Xoi>M l-TtoM the De Pew.Burdcttc Stuck

Co.—We opaued our Summer season June 2,

at Athletic Park, Kokomo. ind. C. A. Clarkelias signed as representative for next a-asuu,

nud will look after all our Interests durlugthe Summer stock engagement.

- Tueukha Rollins, who has signed for

next season to play the heavy In the produc-

tion' of "The Rocky Mountain Hxprcss," Is arueul!)ei• of the T. M. A., Washington,' D. C,Lodge Xo. 7.-

' -CLajihncu D. Xswxan, who was durlug tbe

past two seasons with the '"Qulncy AdmosSawyer" Co. (Kasteru). Is at prcseut vBll-

lag.at Mlddleboro. Mass. .'He will lutcr. visit

the home folks at' Naples, N. ,Y.- Fiiane M. Millsu.uud wife (Marie Klmerirecently closed a successful season of forty

weeks with Charles U.,.Yule's "Devil's Auc-tion" Co., Mr. Miller. as musical director,

and Mrs. Miller in the part of Fairy Queenand specialty. If was their second tscusou

with the above show.Buirr 8. -Frank writes: "l joined Muck

Swalu Co.. Sept. 0. 1903. at La Graud..0re.,and recently cloecd eighty-seven weeks, at

Santa Cruz, Cat. My wife. Anna Jordan, aodself, Join the AUsky-Luwrcnee-'Saiidustyforces for stock) In their new Allsky Theatre,

Stockton.. Col."Tnu Ma n vkt.ol's Vade, maglchin aud il-

lusionist and his wife. Mrs. Myrtle RosaliaVade, ptanlsL composer and ' director, whohave" been with' tbe De Pew-Burdette Co. for

the past eight mouths, closed with that coat-

puny at' the end of Its 'Winter season, audure enjoying, their vacation with Mrs. Vade'a

parents. Mr' and Mrs. Davis, . Clinton, lud.

Mr. Y'adc Is now engaged In building newIllusions and originating some new Ideas la

legerdemain, which he will Introduce later.

Mis wife Is also very busy composing anil ar-

ranging new songs and Instrumental numbers.Xotks krom the Taylor Stork Co. < II. «.

'Taylor, proprietor aud luuuagcr).—We walpresent, during the coming season, Ihe follow-

ing pluys. In repertory-: "Deserted .at tie

Altar."- 'tun. the Frontier." "Curuieu." "Kea|elug the Harvest,'' "Mysterious Mr. -Drake.

"Power of ihe Cross," "Klug. of Ihe Desert:

"Must l<ynne," "Dcadwood Dick" mid "JIMWorst Uueiuy." Tho lour, wblch la bookeil

for forty-one weeks, will be through tbe Ne*Kngland States. Harry Moore will be stage

director, with u company of twenty people.


-r-We' have added a -park at New Decatur.

Ala., to our list. A liandsome noa" fu.Olto

casino has been erected and will open June

10. ulaylng combinations. Four cities, aggre-

gatlug 32,000 people, are within a radius of

six miles. A new luterurbun street car

service, with an eight minute schedule, will

undoubtedly prove u big feature. The pars

Is located within walking .distance of the W.industries, paying a combined .

uoiuunt oi

*o20,000 during each month. .

Kobkrt IIaim.s, former leading man m"The Darling of tho Gods," wfll


. Charles Itlchuiond uext Bea«m,as Keoruej,

hi. "Tim Roso of Ihe llancho." .-. ,,'

BT. E. La Uoan anu wire, Jbssiu Bbu.,

. have Just finished tbe souson with the 1«;

rjmpls Comedy Co. They opeucd w b U"courpiiny Aug.' 11. and coullnued wllll II »»'"

Decenibcc. \vhcu they accepted nn epgiigciuciii

With the BIJou Stock Co., at Kvunsvll c. inu.,

where they remained uutll 'March, vbeu toe

stock closed. Tbey then ndunicd tu the "fryuiple Co., and llolslied the season, Jr.»Itose playing leads aud Miss Bell «lu> »»

heavies and juveniles. 'Iliey are now1 waMjjlu Chicago, where Miss Bell h> repleiilsbius

her wardrobe for next season. ...Tun Lmwrrx Auubbmkkt Co., New !«">.

as been incornorated at Albany. >• a... ":!:

Mauuksikh Dh Vkrb Is doing leads andheavies with Hie Trousdale Bros.' TheatreCo. this Summer.

ItlM.ti: LAt'K.UT AND ("IIHV.SV.U. BRXSONClosed II successful season of forty-oneweeks. n.~- prlL'-ipal coined I a it ami lugjnue,wmrtMft' wllli tin' Nellie Keuucdy Co.,HI. Wllkes-Barre. Ta.. May 2o. After a short•toy lu New York to complete itrraugctncutsfor next season, they will go lo Mr. 1 ju-kuw'shome at I'erre Huutu lud., for a much uecdedrest.

Bcnr'CaMU, TIulsbv left last week forLos. Angeles, tu play lu stock. He reportsti long ami miccoss'ful ' experience In NewYork. Washington. Delrolt. 'IVilislo mid othercities, vleylng characters iun] leudbj} Juve-

- thatLew Fields will appear under bis firm's man-agement early next season, hi a new musicalcomedy, "The Girl Behind the. Counter."Richard Bknnktt. who Is now playing in

Irfiudon. will pluy the part of Adbeiu.tr deGratluoe. In "1 •Ivorcons." durlug GraceGeorge'* engagement ut the Duke ot York sTheatre. London.

Aiousta Bei.i. \ma Just floibhed n seasonof Ihlrty-llve weeks, with Fred Hayniond's".Missouri Girl" (Knstcru). being featured asDaisy, lu Ihe title role. Tho season, we ureInformed, hus been a very successful one luevery way. and Miss Bell hus received vciyfavorable press notices for her natural por-trayal of the role. Shu Is now with -horpureutt. Mx oud Mm. W, C La Ho*e,

has been incorporated at Albany. > Y.. »i|"

capital of s'dO.OOO, to build. and maintain

plays, operas, etc. r

directors aro: II. T. Rodman. Arthurtheatres and produce plays, operas, etc. rn«

directors aro: II. T. Rodman. Arthur Lo"

wagon ond.W. JL Uennlng. ot New York.

Tin; Belshazzah Amusdmcst to.. Bruos

lyn. has been Incorporated at Albany. £• '-i

capital $.-..000. to carrj- on. the buehicb! «proprletoi-s und managers of theatre, etc.

Directors: W. J. Martin. K. J. MasUguc anu

It. J. CuUiane, of New York. • . . n,

.TAUi,IlwmW. Marie Blair aod Baby ireni

Spiuoner ure standing the Souinier on we»

rantui In Crystal Canyon. Ran- Diego Count.',

Callforula. hunting and fishing.' ..i,'

.'. Uam-Tc'iVMbrcham'' has glveu up the'=

of • characters ho was pluyhug with toe .

court Comedy Co.. In order to play the '<•»"

wRh the some company »„-w.HrtHUGH C0.NNBLLT will cloW ft JgS?£

works seuson •nlth fbo Albauibra Stm* «-

at AVirtertown. N. V-. Jonv 1.

v .•. ^- '•'

, e.V*

June 1. THE NEW YORK! CiLIPiPER. MUandeptlle and minstrel

Cabiub M. Scorr. exponent of physicalculture, la playing the Irving i. Polack cir-

cuit' throughout Pennsylvania.JL.NM.N03 AND llE.NTCEW, who sing their

onu songs, arc playing all return time for

tb<! Western Vaudeville Managers' Assocla-tion. and report meeting with success. They


open In the association porks, week of JuneB, at South Bend, Ind.

Woonirutu and Miiir.noEO. who have been -

testing-.In Cl»leag<v**tor- Uf-tcen -weeks- at thoUrand. Milwaukee, piny the Crystal, Marion,tnd.. week of May 11.

(Jw>. Oonobr and I.iv Odin base JoinedSimpson's Vaudeville t-ihows, und report meet-ing - with success. They have signed con-tracts for twenty weeks of work. ,


. V.y.w Kuikk. the original Little Mother la" the Kutul Wedding," bus been In vaudevillefur the past three years, on the Keithcircuit, and bus made h big personal success. I

Hue has Blgned to open early In Septemberfor another tour' of the' circuit, comprisingabout forty weeks In the larger cities. lit

the meantime she was engaged by I'addySullivan us a special feature, in "The PatulWixWlBff" Co., playing her original part anddoing bcr specialty, commencing April 'M,and closing in- New York June 1. She willIbeu uiuku u I rip to her home nt Suh Fran-cisco, and' will stay there for the Summer,ojiunlng on the Orpheuia circuit, with tbeKeith circuit to follow.

At.. MamUEY and Ella Reamer, closed aseason of thirty weeks with "Along the Ken-nebec" Co., at Montrose, Colo.. May 1,' andhave returned to vaudeville with their newact, "A Uemembrance of '01," a musicalocrlmmage. In which Mr. Massey's unexcelledclarionet solos are still a feature.

Xotb.s 1-Bo.vi the Brundpn Gilt Edge Show.—We opened May 1, under a: brand newthfeo pole top, with first class vaudevilleand circus acts, -playing through Iowa. Wehave a -few good park dates, and will playthrough Illinois and Wisconsin. We have abaud uud orchestra, and we give best 'ofsatisfaction.' The'weatber'bas not been very'favorable for tnc tenting season, but It lootfsnow as It we were going to haTe real goodold circus weather. Uur people all slop athotels. . . v ...-

Tim Musical lTisKH Joined ""riic Ueautl-ful Bagdad" Co., and are meeting with suc-cess, presenting their musical act.-The Mai;velum AdkluIic-i' is getting to-

gether a scnsatlouul novelty act for vaude-ville.' something different 'from the ordinarymagic acts. He expects to give an openingperformance at Cleveland, 0.. about June1. and. writes that It will be a very elaboratennd costly act, .carrying swell settings, beau-tiful costumes and almost half a ton ofparaphernalia, which will be required andused to- present the act.Mtus and--Lkkis, German comedians, will

put ou a new act next season, entitled "The•German Brain Stunners." This act will beaway from all other German comedy acts,and will be seen.' In New Xork early InAugust.

• Joseph 0. Buuit.uli: is managing the ByoBeach Theatre, muklng his third consecutiveyear In that capacity.iUmt L. Estbh, contralto, of Welsh and

Eetes. has. Just nndergouc a daugerous op-eration, and is now confined at the iownMethodist Hospital, at Dcs -Moines, la- but(Jjerc are fair chances of her recovery

Qoiott and Mack, man and a half, closedon the Mulllvan & Consldlnc circuit week of

> May lo, and opened on the Adam circuit 20",their act being u laughing hit everywhere.Mv.mfrr Johns roM: will ntukc his re-

appearance In vaudeville, playing the Keitb-Proctpr circuit, in a One act sketch.' dcplct-ng Western life, entitled . "The Operator,"by Charles Arthur Keuyuu.'Cma: MtiRktAxn, formerly of Monland,Thompson -uhd Roberts, who lias fully reuov-ered from a spell bf sickness that lasted

-roar yours. -started to work leu months ago.abd has lost only one week since then. HeL tU

-*v'>unin,<-'r booked solid.' Ho is how

doing black face singing, dancing and tulli-lug uit.iu conjunetiou -with Tom Lolgb, andtnev are making big success everywhere. :

Auvimx Sistkms. J'-unuettc and Irene,the French comedy fencing girls, recently

: .Josed a- very successful season. with "Tbe

Wise Guy' Co. Besides their unique novelty> act. "The Fencing OIHs,"-tiiey have purchasedanother- act, "On the Boulevard of Paris."incv will spare no money la dressing tho act.

». ,.Ar



.,AM) M*»,H Koubbb, of the

• Klelly 4 YVood Co., were made houorury inein-' !£& °,f

.ilte -T- *- A" •Lod«c».* 1-'. »£'JX-

trolt, 'Mich.


U-w UocKsrAbBtt, on his tour to. the coast,oucncd.tke new Auditorium at.Qoldtield, Inthe heart of the famous Nevada gdld camp.The prices were |S und »3, and hi an hourafter the telegram was received that be wouldbe there -on ^lay ID. the entire house, was

;sold out Not a sheet of paper was put out,and- -yne telegram billed the town, and turnedpeople away.

At. Biiiko writes: "I have been unable tomirk for the pust two weeks, owing to anaccident -while working out u new step onroller skates. I spralucd my uukle quite

SSSSf' but wlH •»• w4 hi. a few

Halij a.\o "I'nay have Just concluded twomonths of bookings fit New Engluiid, undhave been very successful. Mrs. Hall (DffleCray) rests for the Summer, and Mr. Hallgoes- With Justin Adams, who Is conductinga repertory, company. .

BKKcutEB aki> MLujj ure on the Royer &Unladen -circuit of l-'auillv Theatres, hiwestern 1'eiiiisylvanta and Eastern Ohio, andreports- success with their comedy net "Thufrumps Rehearsal." They are booked Bollduntil- June, HWS, with only two weeks' lav

•off. In- August, -when they will rest at theirhome In Bridgeton, X..J.

..,I;HA,J• "• aaviob, manager of the Parisian

Belles Co., will spend four weeks at MtHymen*, Mleh., Gladys Scars will go to Mr.raters farm In Connecticut. Mr. Taylorhas a farm of liO acres at East Hampton,Conn. •

' n. Eesi.h: B.Mi-rn writes: "I opened myvaudevlllo tent show, at Wymorc, Neb., May»'ll, lo a packed house every night, amiaudience well satisfied.' Roster of company asfollows: II. Leslie Smith, Business manager;Hotbert. H. Smith, secretary and treasurer:Geo. .!-.. Blackburn, advance agent; ClaudBeaseut, stage director: Mtiudlnc Blackburn,mnslcal director: Kid Barber and May Pul-mer. featuring • their original comedy nndclever boxing; Clara May. Spanish and otherdauclng : Herbert H. Smith, coon sbouter, and

' maudollu and banjo soloist:- II. Leslie Smith,aliolgbt churacteiv; Reginald Hollowoll, trickviolinist ; Siun ' Wblicaker, buck and wingdailcer; Burbeau and Basset. Dutch. Irishaud black face ; Harry Cole, boss canvas man,with full assistance. . From my recent 'ad'in. Tub Cupyitu I - received : aeventy-nveJswers from - the very best people, llavoOiled: our company with performers of ablljtv.We havo a three night company undercanvas." :

"T?: Fkank Makaba's Minbtrkls report finebusiness In Minnesota. Tliey are going Intothe Dakota*, playing Fargo, Grand Ftfrk*.

.A alley City. Jamestown and other principalcities of North Dakota.

' lii'MJ Kttn.ftv, late of Allen and1 Keelcy.- write* that she lias bought a beautiful homelu. Arllugtoo; J**- J. Miss Keelcy is now

• working alone.Luilik. am> Wii.i-ia.uh played the Olym-

' Pic. .'South Ueud. hid,, week or May 20. mid. tmve twelve weeks -fctth Hie WMtorn Vclbde1yllle Assucluilou to follow. Their act theyJufornj ua. Is a laughing hit. «i .'


Jai-k Bavin has drawl IiIm Trtnd Klwnp.,.ajiil.,lH Luck on the Keith & TrwUr clrt-uilHKfllli. . Ha mrmriu dolpif nl«*lT. ' .":

Ljjibt McCaub closed a Mccessful sea*-•on with the Majesties Mu> 2Q. He ha*Surebaaed a hotel at Woodlawn Beach, near;lalsdell,"N. V., wLOte he will combine busi-

ness with pleasure during the Summer.Habhv waud. the minstrel manager, who

Is controlling the minstrel attractions withtbe Great Parker Shows, was the recipientof a beautiful Shrine nnd Klk ptu, from themembers of the company at Concordia. -Kan.Jack Pollltt. the business manager of thoBiuucs Wild Anlmnl Hhow«, was made amember of Ballna I^Mlgn of Elks, on May 11.Messrs^ Ward, Kramer.. Tyler, Shulti!, Barnes,BucaH and Bnra*ni. the Elks of tho Parkertoiupnnv. presented him with a hoautlfulElk emblem Immediately after ho bad takenthe work.

,Oao. X. Wilson, of Wilson nnd De Mon-

vlllc. writes that they closed with the JcricyLille*, In New. Orleans. April 13, and all tbelrtime has been booked up by the WesternVaudeville Association.Johnson and Ijua.v write, under date of

May 0. from Berlin. Germany: "Five nolcdcolored acts. will make tbelr tlrst appearanceIn Russia, May 11, all booked to open utdifferent theatres, at Bt Petersburg audMoscow at the some time. Tbe colored head-liners nave created a sensation among theRussian .managers, as each one claims to havethe wbiner. The people are Davis and Picks,Able Mitchell, Madam Morcashanl, tho BlackTroubadours, and Johnson und Dean "

Gkobq-i; II. Pbimkosii and Win. H. West,nearly twenty years ago, bought llfiy-lwom-res of land la Chester Hill. Mount Vernon,N. Y. When Mr. West died his half InterestIn the estate was transferred to his widow,MM C. West. Last week they iruusferiedtitle of their holdings to the Chestci-UeldLaud and Improvement Co. The considerationIs announced as being *200,(K)0. A big profiton the original investment.Davb Maciox axd Bai:ni;v- GHBAnD will

next week- go to Mr. Marlon's new Summerhome ut Tom's Itlvor, X J., and begin writingS 'S act. musical comedy to be presentedby 'torn Miners Bohemian Burlesquers. Mr.Gerard will also elaborate "A Mad Stampede,"Ca.rew oimI Hayes' new uct a tale of thephiliis. written by Chas. 11. Macklc. Mr.G*r«rd -has Just begun work on an act for4. has. Jucklln, of "The Yankee Consul" Co.,Wis) presented by Mr. Jucklln aud Gertrudefjiillf. As soon us the above work Is UnlKUi'd,

.Mr.'-Gerard will goon a three weeks' yuehtlngtrip, and. after h few weeks In the uiuuii-talns.wlll return -lo New York.

M.iBKt, Cahitw and GiiirriK Havbs will nextseason present "A Mad Stampede," by Chas.II. Macklc. and elaborated by Burnev Garardand Tom Miner. Mr. Miner culms that thisact will he unusually effective, us It -will beelaborately mounted and gorgeously cos-tumed. .


•.—,.- "'-.

Faxnih Veddeb writes : "I have been grunt-ed an absolute divorce from Dave MarlonfDavld Graves), of the Dreamland Bur-lesquers. The decree was granted bv Juda"U. Wright, of Chicago, HL. on May 1*8."

SiiLBiM axd (norm will sail for Eng-land May 31, to rislt their relatives, afters.loug interval, and will also, play a fewdates. They will return to open a tour oflifty-llve weeks on the Kcllb circuit July UK.An bXcitiso base ball gume took place at

New Haven, Conn., between the Boll stagebauds and the vaudeville performers, onThursday morning, May i'.'t. The performersthat took part were: The Pekin Zouaves.Hickman Bros.. Garlelle Bros, and a memberof Madam Emmy's act. 'J'he liuc-up wus usfollows : Vaudeville performers

V. Newton,p.; H. Garlelle. c; K. Flnu. lb.: H. Hickman; 2b. ; P. Hickman, ilb. ; F. Enslev. a. a.


T. Cnrtls. r. f. : A. King, c. f. : C. Smith, I. f.

S-tage hands—Menier, p.; Pursellc. c. ; But-ton.. lb: : Downing, 2b. : Seyinon, :sb. : J. Sals^bury..*, a.: G. Hycr, r. f. : Kegun. c. f. ; HotT-niaun, L t. Tho iR-iformars wou tbe gameby Hfteen runs to four. Robert U Jeuner, ofthe Pekln Zouaves, acted as umpire.

1'aum.nb Dk VBR r: (Llttersl) uiuurns tin-death of her mother, who died at Hurrls-burg.-Pa.. May 10; '


Mi;. a,mj Miis. .8ah - Scrlbmib t lieurlett*Sluionds Cuerbo) are -.now locuteu ui rueirhome In New York City.

- Ja8.-U.-a.vd XiUuli Coorsc have signed forthclr sixth season with Sum -ejcrlbiier's at-tiui-llops. -They will open with the Masyue-radert). hi August. -.

Pkhss Bmjiiidue writes The Cmppisb a*follows: "1.D4U miles .from Sandy Hook,Sunday. -May 12, on board ship snfllug forKuiope. We arc bounding merrily along overthe big siilt blue, and everything looks favor-able for an early arrival at Plymouth, ring.,by to-morrow afternoon, .from which port Iwill dispatch this letter - and proceed toBremen."

U.N1CYCJJ5 H.\r and brother report meetingwith great success on -the Ohio park circuit,and are booked up to September.

KiisxKUY and Boyle, r'Tbe Minstrel Boys,"closed u forty-two weeks' season with Barlow&. Wilson's Minstrels, at l'lnevllle, Kv. Theyreport having had great success with theirsbiglng mid dancing specialty. They willopen m the Eastern parks June IT, and arebookeU solid for llfty-two weeks after theyclow, their Summer engagement. Next seasonthey wilt appear In a new ucf.

Etiiei. Tn-i.sov. soprano, who is u pioneerIn the Introducltun of Iltostfated songs InCuba, reports great success, being In thesecond uionth of an engagement at the 'the-atre Bayret, one of the leading houses ofHavana, Chas. B. Hart, musical director,has charge of tho orchestra.Bin r Tt'r.NtK, comedy Juggler, who i has

. been playing Pennsylvania time, reports meet-ing with big success.T m, Rohh Sisrei:3, Ida and Setniu, report

having just closed a most successful seasonthrough the Middle West, and have made afavorable Impression wherever they played.After a short rest at tbelr home in Provi-dence, R. I., they Intend taking their youngersister, Lena, Into a new singing and dancingact, which Is In preparation, and prospectsarc bright for continued success.Tub Musical Johnstons . will sail for

Liverpool, June 1, opening in Birmingham.June 10, for a thirty-two weeks' lour of theMoss & Stoll Umpire Theatre*, also tho Al-hatnbra. l.-oudon. They ure booked In Paris,Berlin, Vienna and other continental cities.

Bins. Jb"i,NS Lew writes that herself anddaughters are booked solid for the Summerseason. / .. •

Mux. Alma lias Joined hands with- LaTroga, tbe aerlalist. and hereafter the act

- will be known as Alma uud La Troga. noveltyacrobats and aerlailsls. Tbry have lustclosed two weeks at the Great AmericanHippodrome.' St Paul, and have been en-gaged for two week* at l'halln Park, St.

Paul, to open May 210.

GKAt and Gkaium have Just closed a suc-cessful season of twenty weeks on the Westerncircuit. They* open at Pastor's Theatre, for

- a week's engagement, on May "7. uud thenso lo tbelr home, at Uoonokc, Vu„ for theSummer. .

XkTHnix Kianr, has Just closed her secondseason as leading lady with the Ideal Bur-lesquers. She will spend the Summer at herhome, and will be seen hi vaudeville nextseason, with ber husband. Charles B. Ward.

1 Walt i:h J, Uosbenz. "The Alabama Wiz-ard." writes that he I* still meeting withsuccess with John W. Vogel's Big Minstrels,doing an. end. and working In the dancingn'ots. • lie lias signed with the sumo showfor next. season.


• W. 1-1. WniTTi.15 writes: "Afler a verysiii-ccsful MM ou the Iv-llli & I'l-oelor clc-

.-eult. 'I- sail. for England, accuuipauled by my(vlfr, oil May TJI". to upeu In lioodoii lu Julie,

-'With my new act. Mr. Marluclll has bookedmc there. I will return the latter pa.-t ofAtuniet. to n|icn at Tony I'sulnrV. Ki^pt. 2."

- .Thk lenui of Arnsberg and .Mnretln.aill-.h*r<-nftpr. b* known ns tho Mor»tte Hlsiera.


A Most Gonvincing' Ale'It's 1ht btst ale I ever drink."

That's the invariable comment;of the man

who takes his first bottle of P- Br Ale^

P. B. Ale is a "mighty convincing" ale.

It's the best ale brewed in any country. The

man who knows when' ale IS 'ale recognizes

P. B. as the real thing. . >

The best appetizer and digestiye with Lob*

ster and Welsh Rabbit. "•

Justas'good with chop or steak, ,

Tip tlite: waiter off to serve you P. B. Ale."




C. JEVNE & CO., Chicago. ;

S. S. PIERCE CO., Boston,..'",' ' ' and first cluss Grocers.



!-' ' Wew.York Ogee, 42 gaat »3d Btreet. , .,' '-; ', ...

WALBOuiw awn Whitney, "Aerial WhlrKwlmt'i," write: "We closed a profitable senson

of fortv-lwi, weeks on May SX, opeiilni; ln.sl

Aujfiikt with thy It. W. Mark* No. I.Co.. audcontinuing with that' attraction till March,when ti™ serlou* Illness of May A. Hell cniiswl

the sudden rldslDjr.:Wo lumped directly to

furl book's Mujeatli! Slock Co.. uud liulxhrd

HK seasou. Our act wns received with. favor-

able comment. by tbe press uud public. \>«

will speiKl the Hummer at our home luilmbyCUy. Mich., and North Ifay. Can."

A-r '1'oi.edo. 0„ 11 uew amusement resort, .

"White City,"' opened Its Inaugural seasouSaturday, May -20. - The officers of the ciin-

pauv aru: 55. Z. Brandon, president; 1.. .1.

Ilraiidou, secretary und treasurer: .lamu's I*(Jlass,'general -nianauur. The I* P, IiiKersull

Co.. of IMttshurK, Is lileutllled with thl« n.u-k.

The oiieulntr free acts were: Van Ooren'sMHlttii-v Hand, numbering forty nuisli-luiiK


Dolores Viilrecitii'* leopards,. SeuaatlonulBolses. anil I'rof Wise'* ImIIouii .asceimliMi.

Tin: Tuompso.v flNTBiirAi.vr.iia PMWttMnga moil business In Wisconsin, making twoand three night stands. Hosier: Kritok II.

Thompson operator and paulomluilsl: <>rnca'riumi|i-.on. soubretfe and plaiilsL : Clurenculterends. Dutch -and Irish •omedlao.


open Jiiuc '•'•, on the Kohl Sc Castle circuit.. lu

Chicago. The team will be known as Mur-


phv and Yldoco,-MA.m11 Stbvb, the "Btnperor of Club Manip-

ulators," lias closed ' his forty-second weekwith Kcuch & Bowers.' Mlustrels, uud 1msblgued with Hurry Ward -for a Hummer »eu-

Sull. . •

Cal SxKWAiir nniioiinces that he wllloro-ducenn elaborate sketch In vaudeville auVlyIn September, -m- oac of New York's vaude-ville theatres. Tho name. of the sketch will

be "'The Oiudldatc." ».-

TOM KiLi.nes, of Crowley and Kllleen, hasrecovered froro' a ' severe Illness. He statesthat the team Is doing nicely In vandevlfle.'

1 tow a in, ami ClMKuoN. who played TonyTaster's Theatre New York, week of MayW, reiwrt scoring big 1 with their new eccen-Irlc i-ouirdy. sloglng and duiiclng net. Theybooked a rel urn for we^k of Hept. '.'3.

.li.KS Hijiinh will linvo tho Cusluo Olrl*louring In the. Uosleru Wheel bitrlesiiue

houses next season.Viola Napp. Prench danseiise. Is meeting

with intii-li success over the Hopkins circuitsShe will v'ay I'iaslcni park time, beginning.July 7.

.Ioh. K. Wathus. who recently lltilshed

thlrly^lglit wi.N.'ks with Muurv Kraus' Twen-tieth Century Maids, says: ''The Inst twelvoweeks of the season t did a new net, culled

'•V ,i»i Irish Christening,' llnlsulng with • 11 •

novel reeitalluD. I'uni now phi j lug the neton the park circuit,. opening May 'JO. at HockIsland. III." • • '

• ' '

A. Jay MoAyoy, w)io directs the destiniesof the Ami l.liimllion compiiny 111 lamlevllle.

has derided Unit It la for tbe best Inlereslsof himself and couipnn.v to discontinue theuse of tho sketch. "Ueggurs." in wh.lob theyupiHured Inst season, unit take up, lustciid,

"The AutliurcsK." a .new playlet, by MaeLowereir*. which . Is especially - suited forpresentation In vaudeville. Miss Hamilton'scompuny Includes, besides berself, T. V. Mor-rison, 'tlio eccentric comedian, and MabelleBaggs and Lucy Mae I'rlngle. ' '

A M.iv CMCVII of Siiniiiier parks andfuiuH.i tbi-atro* In Ohio, Kfiitiu-ky, liidlailumid lite -KudUi. with lieadiliiarterK at .Cln-cluiuitl. Iish been foruicd.. New bouses willlie added hi the' Pall, covering Ibe entireHoiitli. W. M. l'oflard has charge of thehooking.

Tup, Kaxhet kjktkus ure Isioksd -for theKiininior over Wi-sb'mvnixh'Vllli' I hue. Thi-r..p.-aal Kockfnid I'srki lloekforil, III., .luio:2,

with the WbltC City. Chicago, to follow.

Adams' Peerless / PlayersWant for Permanent Stock,

Handsome I.euUiiiu Muu, Ms 11 for HcSvlcs mill Juveniles, UCiletiil Business Woman Tor Juveniles.

Heavies aud Clis r.iflers; A !to. 1 (Specialty Soubrette (not owr $N, Kin.) I'loplc lu all Hues, wfltd for

Ibis Bummer und next season. Muni kin salaries anil specialties In llrst letlor. Address'KAHI. V. AIIAMH. Mgr. uud l'ropr.,Tam|i* Hay Cusluo, Tuinpu, Khi,

Heniiy I-\ Vaubp, who Is going to workwith his old partner, Kdward Mturant, slates

that thu team will again do their high wire

ucf at' thu parks. TneJ- have several weeksbooked, and oncn their season May 27, utKoclicster, N. Y. •

La Noi.b Biiorair.UK Ituvo dissolved parl-lU'i'shlp. tlco. I-ji Nole wilt spcud u month at

his Summer home., .

Ca.mi-iii'.i.i. asm Ct.iiiKi: are 111 their U1I11I

week over Southern circuit of narks, undsue time their new uct Is a big lilt.

,1am km Dalton. "The Jolly Old fanner,oiieiii-il ut ihu Lyric Theal re. .loplln, Mo.,Mnylit. for 1111 weeks, and writes Ibat he metwith grval. success.

THIS Uol.UKN IJATU yi'IM'tl'l"i-K Will 'JpMI

on (bo Wiilli-r I'lluiiucr circuit of parks, Juu»17, wllb-u company of ilttecu puuple, ull col-


'Mack ami Hiiuii have Just concluded twen-ty-four weeks for the Western Vaudeville As-nidation, und are playing time In Indiana,oiHinliig ut the Uruud Theutre. Peru, May i'7,

'with Plquii. O., June :;. to follow, uud urubmiked wild for all Summer.•.. TfM'-GniMT UlciiAkpH write* : "I aui .111

my sixteenth week on the Keith & I'rocttir

clrculL aud uiieu my iiiirk work at MustLiverpool, O., week of May 27. My uct Is

meeting with much approval, and success Is

continuous." •

• - KpiKMniif,''Ukuh: asp Mack, ure stilt ut HieI'dhicu, .l.oiidoii. Ktig.

UliKAT ll.vvwCKir, has signed with Vl'uiik

Melville, for the Mnuter season nt'hls jnirk.^IrltHi,uaii:K -Mki'-viiii.b. munugcr of Slol/i-

Rlrl. writes: "The pi-i'seul/ lour of Hie furHost' has 'hcea -cliurniously siniiMshil-. :{urMotogli-I. We couiimmced last July In Aim-trallii, ou the. Klcktilils lour, playing twoliinntlis ut. ull-. tin; ftkkaiil tlieutrerf, andwe are How coiu|ik-tlng a tour of thu lirlii-

rlpnl cities of liiillu, llurinu, Ceylon. Ktrnlt.

Setllcmeiits. Cllllllt'uud JnpUII- We oni!Ur Ut

Slngtipore »n May. 9. tliou from -1li^m go 0)1

to Java, a I'lilch province, m tvulv for Chinsmul Japan." '* -•- ",-

• Iiiiaiii,i;v A.vp. ;D\vih. who arc ploylnj; 011, ....

the Sullivan * .(.'ofisldluc i-lri-iill. report uiect-llig with I reini iidoits . rtin:i-css. While liluylngat Ln Crosse. WlHj.-wwk of Msy-'Ji). ilie.v

joined tbe T. Mf-AVs: They aro booked Mljdllllfll' tM'relllbl'F. •

I'luviu; II, 1'avxk, .of the liouui'llv 4- ilut-H'-ld Miiiotreis, Is (.pending tho Hummer ae-his houie. ut South ueud. I ml.


J. Piiancim Mam-aiv Informs us that hoclosed his season a few days since, havingappeared us Pnnet, with 'Hubert: Labadle.Coiitltiuhjg. lie .says : "My work, In this tiro-

dui.'tlon, us welt'UH 111 tlie past, hue'recOIVedmuch prnUo for versatility and Intelligence.A Utile sketch- is being written for 1110 whichI will use In vaudeville, cvmoiedclug lu the .

uenr future."Notch Piioir the Novelty Tl|pntre, Htlll-

wnter. Minn.— Although we on* hnvlt'ig abuckwurd Spring, tin- pul ruliugo In'ro Is ul loj,

notch, and for I lie past two weeks llw s. It.

O. sign has b-eif out at every ' perfortoaoce.Chits. H'-oblc Is still lieh-. Ill* popului'llybus not deereitsei' any, aud be Is a big favor-ite. Tlsj Obi-eeht family band und orelieslra

. In nldgilniBlni: Toouni'l Tmt-oiu liv,j,t.\-

itt.ij is received ever/ week, and read- tfitli In-terest

William* anii Ukaiv writu that theirblack fnto- novelty act Is golug very ulooly.They tin; working U few narks lu Illinois uudIndiunu. and have only lost two weeks slueolast October. They will be lu vuudevlllo thisHuniiner, opening In August lu the Ivust, uudwill bu seen In' burlcsiiuo next season,Tun Pul-'li MilAirVuN* opened lu Bultc,

Muiit.. 011 lite Sullivan & Cotisldliiu circuit,and met ivtlh bit; success.

1 'ins. Sri izma.v; cccnntrle shigltig come-Ulun. bus been enjitg'Vl us itl'lii.-I-pliT comedianill Mliieivu 1'itrk, Fern, III., fur tho Huuimcrseusini.

\iiu NWI.SUN /las l«'i;ii In Uostuii for thrrnweeks, under tho ' dui.'tnr'ti cure, for a slightattack or lui'OH/l; trouble. He liopi-u to boutile lo i-i.-sttuiti' w'urlr In two weeks.

Litsrijii Paiioian anii IlAipt. JWWI'.C.l. co-port success In thslr now one net playlol,"Tho Secret," and -arts hooked solid uulll Veb-ruary. HMIH. .

lituxtiAi-N I'ililL Watreu, l.'u., opened May'-'", with .11 vaudeville show, headed by Mr,mid Mr*.' Hurry Tlioruc uud cuuipauy, Itlch-:inl f.eggi'ti, Itotiertsoii ami Pauehellu, uOilWluirri'il.'Slewul'l. William A. Kemp, plitli-

Isl, Ik liCnkeil for thu Summer svasuu asplunlsL and iminiigi'i-.

Tim 1>i;iji,i;v IliiorniniM (Art and tlusi re-port locating with pronounced success In lln'lr

clever athletic net, and are now uluyliig'itlll'ly-fouv vveelts' utigageuiont over the KellU& ivoi-tur circuit. The comedy work dune byOils Ik. scoring- lilg everywhere, and lie l.s

rapidly gaining the name of "The Mini Wild(lie l-'uniij- Laugh." -Tuny are both clever hugpunt'lii-i's, iind'tneli- work Is euriiliig uiucli up-provul from pi'i't-S'UIld pnhlle.

Tin-: Kai/iuak HiioriiintH noilfy w Minithey ail; gaining uiucli favor wlllt tltotr nowact. written hy bruiik K'-iincdy, and arcliuul.i.-d wsll ti head' with K'-llli K I'ruutur Mini-.

'I ill) Liitniis openoil tbelr park m.-usun May12. at Virginia Seuch, 1'eotla, ll|„ a* thuhciidllners. ' >, •'- •• ' • (-••- j


In tIil1

hji'I.iii) lOmimt liitveupurl, of lue1 in in of Lew T. uud L'muiii p, Huvenpori,.'v III - bu known lu thu profession us- i^iaiuu

I ra mis. -..'-,.Noiiiian Stam.iiv bus closetl with (he liou-

Ul'lly tc I Julrtrbl ,Minstrels, us llllerlocillDr uU'lbiirftoui! voclilfsf, Hflcr u seiisiJn of foft.v-uii*weeks, and will rehearse ut Cliiclnuiill vvlthaiMilii'tut, to work this Hummer vn tho Hurrylluwn-clrcult Of parks. ''-


PntM, J'lkwpnfe' report* tluit, be is uow play-ing the Adnuis' Crysliil circuit, opening InDcurcr, week of May 13, aud Is luuellng withinttclif stitross; .

J. C. MATl'liewn. munugcr of Hob KH/sltti-ihoub' Co., called Muy 211, und reports huilhgJusl closed u prosperous season. Mr. I'll.'.-

Hlmiiioim will Hummer ou 111* furin ut Duuolleu,X-. J. • ,


Zisn.t ami Kivn huvo signed with ihe"Fuschiullng Plora" Co.. to produce theirspeelulty In the last net. opening .June .'I.

IMmk. lltm am, .1 di.i i;r iil'o In their nhtlhmouth with the W'ttt'-m Yaiidevllli' Mai|a-gers' Assocliitlon, inpi arc Just entering onI heir park time at tugersoll ['ark. lies Molun,lu., Muy 27. Thfiy Have orilsred two «ioren*wdrop curtains, to bo cuinpleteil In time' forllielr CliMrtgi, Openlilf/, nt the Olympic, '.lily

J. Tile net hrrs been lieuillinerl- >OIK. A'.olaout of every Wve weeks.



.VBW YOIMC CITY.Krllh A Proctor'* I'Mllln' Square

ThejMre (I-:. 1-'. AtlW, gem-nil manager).

"Standing room only" wm Id evidence, asusual, at flu* nnniihig matinee Monday, Moy•-'7. .ttnherl. llllllnril'Hnd innipnity, In n charm-ing IIiiIp od'o act playlet, entitled "The ManWho Won t lie Pool, wnu his wnvMptii (ho RoodKill of the audience and made 11 pronouncedhit. Charles I-'. Seinint, thnt "'Narrow Keller,


in his sidesplitting tnnnnlopue. harmonizedivlth hi-i Instrumental offerings, earned ilie

henrtv applause he reeelved. HiiQcy-Austln andcompany. '"I'he American flcflltUfs." insdtj'ndecided Impression with the MM, In, theiramusing nudes May Duryea and Charles

Kellli .V l'r«fl«.r'» I'lfil. AVphMc'PMfilfW U-:. p. Alhoc. gcnerril lnnnngcri.--"Zlra" Ih this wreck'* protraction, -with KdjinMay Spanner In I lie , title roll-, widen W!played creditably on May '-'7. Her work wasIntelligent and eirir-ellte. arousing- iV audi-ence to the wjfrnicst oxyrcssions' of favor.Augustus rhinitis. Harold Kentt'edy, ArthurHvers, lien l-\ Wilson and Hdwlu II, Curtisdid excellent work In Ihelr respective role*.The east : Itcv. liciriloii Clnvi-rlag, AugustusI'hllllpk; Surgeon Watson, Harold Keuned> ;

Mark Trent. Arthur Kvcrs ; Cnpfain ArnoldS)lve*lcr, Hen y. Wilson ; Mr KrederlekKflnwlm, Kdwln II. CurtIn; tjenernl (Irnluiin,Jafnrs Montgomery ; Bishop, W. I... .Wont:

Keltll A l'rcirl<ir't T>, ,u I > -1 li I r.l

Street Theatre (tfc y, Albcc, general mnn-aaeri.—This week, Xnt M. Hills, lair starOf "A I.ueky JMtf" (>., and il capital singingeomedlan, ton* (he hill. Mr. Wills comes withthe fame fniifcr-np which made biro famous, hiltwith an entirely new burignt of songs, |«irndle«and stories, tin Moy 27ne nnswered encoresuntil be' whs tired. KoV K. Reynard, Ihenovelty ventriloquist, had bis clever Kpeclaliylo offer, ami (he laughs aroused by thenovelty and h'unior of Hie hi-I, were manv.Mr. Iteynnrd keep* the offering right up loIhe minute, and tbcrr Is plenty, of action ItIhe Hpeelafty. SAu-l and' Violet Alien pre'wnted n lively, bright little aketefi in Mr.

j'niinr'K Theatre (Tony Castor, mana-gen,— In suite of the prevailing unpleasantWeather; this house was iidcked to Ihe doorswiih'a happy crowd at llift Monday matfiier,

" 'Hie

The Orpheuitt Opera Co., which storied u.seventh season here, 27 •- --'•Wang." Robert Lltt, ,lb« T«ranilla ZSS.dlan,% soep. lb tlie title role. sVtL ffi

|>I-.'M,.|lt |utile eom,"

May 'St. 'Ilie cverpopulnr roniedlenne.li.vdln . appear* as Mntayn, And Tbo.'nns dulse !ua!SVenmmis Tlliw, >vas the headllner, and with tho colonel. The company Is n Inrm. .',w

her roriny sonca and dellahtfnl lmr>er«mn- lueliirlliiK i*plly Solomon, Kittle XI,-,. ivli^'tlnns, she WOU pronounced, favoritism with I

her audience, who unwillingly permitted herto ko nfier many eoeorea. John V. iMnrke,

that, always welcome alnglnc comedian,gained » big share- of the applause, ttnil

earned I"


car/fe I


liehn'ril .lones Ocorgo Lydlna, .Mnrle UomL.';» Davl^antt u btf ehonia.

K' The VmlJZaenaon, whlti ended, last week, was ,,,».'?

the most siiceexafill. this houao has eiei L',""o (Arelile Rllin, mnnngeri._p„r i",

illims: l<:ixle llnllnrd, flermiln ,'colnedlenne,and Ilie slnclni; and danclne Motor tili-la.

The klnoirijrniph. ns usual, clijaed the enter-tainment.ninnoy'o I.liiiulii Hiirijirc I'llciitrc

iCon. N. MiillmiKcr, Keiierfll^inonaBer);^-"'!!!*

Jessie .McAllister,iIn a clever singing and

dancing act ; .Viny Kdx and ' her Interestingpickaninny, and Hie; mollon pictures, Nextween. "When Kn!glitbooi| Was In Klower.*'

.Innllii tie I'lirlw (F. yjleefeld'.lr.. man-L'nder thla new title. tl»e roof gnrden

linprolinhllllles that, are considered purlieularly appealing to certain claWes, of nitill-

enoes, hmi some •iooiI Irtens for ltn founrtn-tlon. am) home good lines anil kIIiiiiiIihis

during Its devi'lopmenl, II. could hnvo tieen

made inueii more allnicllve nlid logical If II.

had been put on for high class iiiulleuces,

lint It was evidently ••dnct.nred" to chnfonnwith- Ihe ileniands of tnelodrhmntlc Ithfises.

Ita storv Is foil in led on Incident u In the careerof the 'dimcer', l.nla MontcK. mid If tells ofhow I .on Is I. Khig of lliiviini-o, hccorncK lu-

fnttiaied with Lola, the ilniicor. summonH herto appear hefnrc him, ami pays marked it I


tent Inn. to her, lo the great dismay of his

cabinet nnd court, who roundly luite the Hi-de lady lu'i-iiuse she alands for the rlgliis

of the common people. After unenrihln'g nndexposing ueventf'tilnlH iigalnsl, the welfareof King Muls inn! tils country'. Lola Is wellestablished at. court. Hhe Insist* ihat IhejtgbtH of Hie working clnsfd'S bo reapeeted,nnd pttlH through reformH Hint tend In helpiliem, Influencing the king tilwnya for thegood. At Inai he'r reward Ih given, nnil shewlna Ihe lovn of'ihe inoniiieli. Mla» Spooiier,who recelvtsl a veritable garden full of flowersover Hie fontllglila, la 11 slight, nervous little

tlttlMMi full of energy and magnetism, findpleasing by the sheer force of her personali-ty. Hhe dances lightly and gracefully, fenceslike a whirlwind, and wrirka hnrd everysecond Hint Is on the alnge. Her curtaincolla were numerous, and Irer reception wasrlclllv iledervejl. W. II. Tnrocc, as thehunchback secretary lo the king. got. full

value out. of lilt) Hues, ami made the biggest.KiiceesH of ttu< tiled In Kiippuri of MIhhSnootier. d'eui-ge Palmer Moore, in* thoking, looked the purl to perfecllnil, but;

1 1" should Hlitd.v bis elocution Imok moreclosely. Lou IlitHcall, ns Lola's Hinge inaiin-

ger: t'lnrence' Klllotl, ns llulilu. nn Inhkeeper's

'ilaiighlcr, and Klin Cameron, an li

scheming co ii n trail, were till favored withoptimise, and till scored Hiti'cesneK. The cast


l.tlla, the Uiineer. Cecil Hpoorter i.CouhleHS' ofAugshuig. Mrs. Kiln Cameron ; llurolieaa Si'n-

slicim, Hay Scot i'. finroiicMs fhinipenhcr'g.Illivn Brotl : VtlniesH llelnwltx, tlertnuleWehaler: lluldn, Klorence KHlnH'i l.onls I.,

lleorge Palmer Moore; « 'nuni Able, limnerllarlon; idles. W. II. Tiiruvr; lien/.co. , i.oii

lliisenll: J.ehiiltK, Clmrles Hllison: (leueriilKntillmclt, W. !>. ciinllln ; llarnn HeiiHhelin,lleorge (t. Itenven ; tiencrnl, iliunpenls'rg. J.W. Nlckoioi: Count Kliredke. t.'. Htttnrr .lohii-

Hon; Count Mejera, ,1, J. Cone; iin-rlcks,Jolin Lercli ; lli.'Msoii, I 'rani, Williams.

ilycrnni ThcHfrc (Daniel Krolininii man-ngcr),—-Au'lmponnjil elnuige wna mnde laatwork In the mat of "Tho llnya of Company11," which Is now In Its eighth week at thisliou.se. Arnold Daly, t'ol'ujei- star of tilepiece, made lilt, last niipeamiicp In It on May2'i. and wufi replaced lu tile role of TobyAllen, on Tnui'stlity nintlnee. May 'Jit, by Johnllarryiiinre. This young scion of the Ionise dfllarr.vnior'e aoenueil lo fall onally Into the hov-Itdi llghtnes'i of the htioymit role of Tony,and lto whs applauded In ii manlier which left.

no doubt, ot the slncerliv of Uiokr lo front.Tito co<in. xontf Ih the flrat act. "So Loug, HoLong," w«a well done lly Mr. Ilarrytnore, and1I)<to Wiih (llslluct nlei'lt )|| Ills ncrroruiaiu'etliroughnul. Jcilnlc Kustiicc, Who left the<-dnlpauy several weeks' ago, because of adisagreement .with Arnold; T>aly, returned toher original role on May LVI. ttud duplicatedihe hit .she innde lu the part oti the npeo,jgday. She fully shared lllo honors of the per-formance with Mr. lliii-ryiuore. The rant, » H

It now stJIrtd'i, nniDes; .Major Miul.ane. Jo-nenh IS. WliHInei Jim .Mnel.itile, Alfred K.ip-iielcr; C. Holiuouk Allen, Verner Clarges:Tony Allen, John Bnrrymore : Hlgsbv Sli.-enHewall (called "Chick. K Morgan l.'ouiiiti


"HntK-" Ca-rriltherH, Howard, lOstulirooUcitleorge Mrlght (called "Beauty '), WallaceMcCutchron.; "Hoe" Stuart, .rorelvnl T.Moure; Mike McNflh, W.,.l-:imer Itnoth : HenryStabler. Ilobort MeWailo : Arthur Hlnhlur.Iloy I'ttlt child | Sergeant Wnlker, KlcliardOniTlck: 'Corporal Itoblnilon, f". J

1, Cii'illl


Servant, Muck Sefinett: Mrr. Miicl4ine. Jen-nie KtiHjnce; Klleen Miti'l.ane, Tnulliio Ali-tUony j Madge lllnke, Kloreiice Ntisb j ITn-retire Henderson, 1,'i'elclien Diile.

Vletorln Tlienlrc (Om-tir Rnminersreln,raniuiger).—Thefe wna a royal weleniueawaiting Tom l<rwla and Sam J, 11 van's re-turn to vaudeville nl the nintlnee of Mon-day. Mrty 'J7, .when the popular comediansiireseiilen tirt entirely new MM, elilllled "'I'lte

Hnld-t'p Men." vl'llllf llielr new vehiclecreated n niilttber of laughs. It failed In givethem Ihe ontiiiMullllles fo itlsphiv tbelruhlllly, n k did tbelr old offering. Mnndavttudlence were also favor.M be Iwo othervaudeville renppi ariiiiees, in 'the aeis ofP.i'iie.-l iiognii end die Kngllsh I'onv llallel.bulb of which ate given display tvpe in Ihlsweek's hill. Mr. Iltigiiti had, In past seasonsHere, fnll-ly earned the generous hand nfWelcome necoN|ed lo hi in, and his peeiillarfe.tidl.llon of song nmnhers mel wllh pfo-tlminced favor. The lively dlinclhg of Hiehard working members of Ihe HuglTsh i'onvllltllel gained for them many recalls. Cai-Hither and Barrett created a detil of laugii-ier In their fnrct>lct, -The Itaitlc of TodSoon;" the Mlliiore Stalefa niso kept theiiiidlenco In eonstnttl laughler In tltelr willydlalngue of cross lire talk; t'llflnii crnwl'oi-llrecited mid silng entertainingly ; Ihe Vaniii-Ptnlo Urns,, a novel .lapitnese net : l.lttd. Ill

female Imnernonnllons: l.enicr nntl (,ulnn,singers nnd dimcer*, and Hie vltngriinh, wllhnew- and Interesllng plclnres, ntv Included Inthe hill this week.

I,civ Kit-Ill'*, llornlrt .Siiunrc 'I'lii-utrc(Ocflrge M, SnmmlH, mniiager).—Kddle l-'ov

began, May 117, his eighth week, In "The<>rclil<|."

Uelnxco Theatre .([invlil llelascn. tiiau-

nJWf).—nnm Matt began. May ST. heriwnniy-Mventh week, In "The llose of thellnneho,"Hnckett flicolre (James K, Hnrkell,

mnnnger),—Hose Slnlil. In "The Chorusliddy." began, Jlny 'J7, her thirty-third andlnajf week.

IIIJou Theatre (A. P. Campbell, mana-ger).—Mine. Alln Nazlmovn hegnh, Mnv 2i,Jiei- shin «veek, Ui "Ciipiieaae CnnlintlP,*' niulIhe twelfth week and last fnrlnlght of herrngngctiieht.

see ihe pictures were thoroughly ctilerl timedby the various nets. Thp pictures, twelve -Inn umber: were "Cupid's Spell," "I'ciwus,"••1,'Ksciirpolelte." ''I'lindoni," "The LostChord," "Tin- Knight Krrnnl, Hie KaglnSlayer," "The I lui'lteH* of lleronahlre


.. newabby la brightfunny, nnd .all concerned In the offeringWork well' nnd to splendid effects It wascftat its ffdlows: Align I'boehc WKIte, Violet.Allen; a. (Jrafter, .Uffltnle tnne ; JohnMeeslcs, William Keller; J. M. Blnek, KredJackson; R. V. Wlae. Henri Allen, l.n Veeriand Cross, In their remarkably DHe act, "Jto-man MpoN* and Pastimes;" held the fludlenieto the last by the elevemea* nnd' novelty of(he offering, nnd Kmnm Krancia and herArabs made their usual lilt. Others were:I.e Hoy and Woodford, with some new andfunny- material : the Three llowea, comedi-ennes and 'vocal 1st s. nnd the Pe Vole Trio, Insame splendidly executed work on the flyingrings. The rum Inn picture* continue,KVI(W £ l-ri.cior's I trij - ,-uini,

fjermtin pbotogn-jjh- night. 'The Bowery jRurlcsooers dlu'hli? bSScompany, In novel neaa. Manager Klll» In compelled to close hi'J

dancer; Texnrkanti bouse this week. In nplte of Uic fact tlnu ,

llrlle*:" Marlon and Is doing record. Inislnesa for this time of it,,,

ns: Hose and- Kill*, wr- Sat a, scat could be purchased aft*,7.JC Friday nnd Saturday nights of I

SSft™. ?*&» *S.1S? "l?"tlT« "l»lr« Ih

1st* and Jugglers.nn excellent programme.

The- Arilecn Konter farewell testimonialwas given tit tftc Herald Square Theatre, oa'Tuesday nflernooni May 21, nnd fhree oneact plays Were then given for the first timeIn thin country, The first was n comedy,by Kdcn K. Orevllle, entitled "One Sin-ner that Hepeiiletti," which proved nbtto-lutely without merit. '"Ilie Mirror of Mlyn-ir.it," the Rccond little play, by JessieKmerson Moffar. was a trllle, rather wellployed, and- nolle pleasing, wllh a slightpint thai barely held It together. , LtiHt ofthe plays, and the final offering- of Ihe after-noon, was Angus! Sli'lndberg x "The KlrfctWarning," translated from the Swedish, by

riii-ntw (H, p. Albee; general manager).—- Mrs. Velmn SWnnsron Howard. This markedA cleverly arranged hill made a good Im- Ihe Ihw. presentation In America of a playpreH,<don,nn a crowded houseful this uptown by Ntrludberg, who is said to have createdvnitnevlllo ltnntn, Monday, May \it. Waller qulle n sillr abroad by his work. •TBe

Iray and tirnlnlnr.'

Maid," In it »,itnd Rttcld, pnntomlm- theatre is to undergo, and the short time i<

The motion 'pictures closed do them in, It Ib ewientlnl for the lUiwIig


to take place now.pAVm-v (James Chirk, manager).— Thelowery HurleHquers Ibis week, w?th Ulnne hiDavenport, Ida llnyton, Tom Carter Z

jfrnrik Taylor, Hill and WIlsonMd jffl?Kmcrle, assisted by Mono. slIvcrK. MlleTSfilelha /unl, in a wincing act, is an nt'tZfeature. The Casino Olrls bad a big weekending 2r». " u


UOTHA.W (Edgar R CIrnrd, manager) —The. llpl Clarendon Srofk- Co; IIUs w»k o,'Qtio f'ndls." with MIhh Abbott. j||ss a,"bott will liecorae n member of use couiDntnIllg houses inst week. "Tho Silver King" nieti

fAvrox'K (S. H. Allen, maiiitaer).— --fheMills of vho Hods" this week. '

new Inst week, with "Carmen.Matte."

Large hlisl-Next, "Knsl

gllng art and well ruined the hearty recog-tlHon given him. The F,mplrc City ijltnrlettesnug wllh llielr usual, cleverness unit scoredheavily, tlrei-ne and Werner found favor .In

Ihelr "Italics In tlie Jungle." Tile ClemeitsoBrothers proved lo be musical ecivnlrliw ofmore limn ordinary nlilllly. The lloienzTroupe „f iicrnbiits did some of t lip rtiost

slal'llhig feats In dnulile and twisting somer-saults', and won storms ot applause for theirefforts, flcorge Urn lis, the "Honey llov,"talked himself into favor, a* usual, andSlaleyV new irnusfnrmntlon net. drew forthpronounced ilnpi'tivnl.

>IuiIU.mi Mqunr. (.iird.-n I omci I IUII.—On Thursday Evening, .May .:!. I>r. IJ. V.Boyd and King I'hnraob, bis "editcuted"stallion, gavo an cxlilbltlou before u gather-ing made up of newspaper representativesmid ntiier Invited guests. Hr. Boyd, Indirecting the hetihtlftil little animal, usedlio whip, and be Invlled the spectators toeiiiiimiind the borne IhemselveM wllh Ihesame successful results. "King" wna in-clined to be inn friendly wllh the snectnloraat. tirst, and neglected his work, but In. Boydpersevered nnd with "please. King," «oonhad him "working" smoothly. If the term"educated" can lie used In speaking of ahorse. "King I'luirnoh" Is wortnv of It. Hureads, spells, adds, siihiracls, and, hi -fact,docs everything lint talk. The.nnlmnl certainlygave n pleasing en term In merit, and his wotkwell merited Ihe hearty applause accorded

I,vckpm'( Louis I'hlHps, manager).—"Lur„ifrom Homo" this week. "The Utile fin,!east" had a. good week ending 2ft.

JjC.na r-AliK.—A.II the fenfure.s of (he nark?S,t

nT '",«'» "wing. "Nlghl: and Morning.""The « real Shipwreck" and "Tho Moliveort.die have scored as popular and Hensalionnljylnnhrs. "Night nn.f Mornlug" (a irhhrough Henveu ahd hell) can bo Justly des-ignated ns the premiern ntl.wctlnn. It ocen.liles a building SOOxiOt) feet. "The a rentSbliivvreek" inny he described as ,-ia el.-its,...as an el.-iho-ratfon, on a lufge ju-nle, of lim sea ntoimSlSSS'" ',,

,.h.'' J?ohi l"-'on ', ln "Brewster's

Millions." .Morphy. "the man who slugs to

renderetl' |>y MIsh leerrell ni-smoud. '(the manner. Wilson Mel-rose, an excellent actor,nitnedln Trnnpn of hlcyellsls held din close wl"> Itu-J done some line work In stock prodne-uttetiiloii uf (He hnifse, rheir rniinrkalily lions In litis city, played the husband ivithdexlerodH cldttlg on cycles coming In for distinction. Knlherlne Kaynore, ns IIohc, n ,Ileiiriy tijiplause. ibe hleyclo riding on light young girl who Is not so iirisnphlsllcaled M ,"

<!nt'BJ ''-! n,'> wl" ,,l,vft tho distinction of

Wire lielilg espeeiniiy rlirllllhg, and between WW would naturally mippd.fe for n child of »el«g tho first; to sing In public. John Pfjllh,hihiiillug and eyrie evoUuloiis there. Ih not Im» years.. acted the jmrl eb-verly. The test I- "Olttna new song, "Meet Mo At I.nna Park. 1,

li dull uiliiiiie In- 1 be ncr. The siuuh Staler*, monlnl must have netted Air. l-'osler n neitt JRa" ,'he famoua composer has dedicated toIn Ihelr ilhnt-lllg doll novelty, worked Willi Hitlesnm nf money; and nsjt \vu* sajjl that {'.'"edorlc Tltompson, of Thompson & Dundv

i ...,..._,.. j .%.. i,« „..„.i.^i it ... .„. .i.__„.i«^,._ —'-inhtedlv "• '™M w 'll lead a bund of to nlni-H-." \.-lil),. Ilni.nl!.. dIha. . I. . ...*.._ _.. ' ..' .

MM spirit, nnd hroiight down the house.I.nills A. Simon n lid ( inter Onrdtler, iilded byMilry Srotr and Charles siev.-im, In the farce,"Tile .New Coiichmrtn," were sneeesful as np-phlilHC winners; I'mn Qiilnlan and KellerAMctt, In; "The Traveling Derttisf," were re-warded in- an iihiindiinre or Inuglis ror their "n the programme to present nn acteffm-rn. The motion iilctiirr-s closed the sliiiw. tram "pivnrisins," _bnt she did not (bpenr.


he m-eiled It to go abroad, he tindonbtrtwill bo enahled' 10 realize his holies. Noother reason fo;- the testimonial won given,save Ihe statement that Mr. l-'oster- wishedlo defray the expenses of a iCuropeantrip wllh :;•. (jrnco Ueorge was \ down

I'liitrli-fiitli Street 'rheotre (.1. Wealeyllosenrjtiest, mnnngerj.—An thidlenco of fairsize greeted Oraee Cameron rtnU coiniianv,.Mnv W, in tile llrst Aew York ji.-ndm-llnn of"l.lltle liollle Hlmptes." a two act musicalphiy. by C. II. Kerr, It was origins lly pro-duced' pee. IN. lOnn, «t the l.v/illngwnndOpera Housr, Poughkeepsle, X. y. Mr. Kerr,Who hIh.o manages the company, has provideda en pa hie company, several of whom intro-duce specialties during the performance. Thestory tells how Dolly Dimples, an orphangirl. Is defrauded of her fortune, whichhowever, she does not know *hcThis occur*. In net one;

possesses.in act two tho Ihlnves

nro disclosed living In rtj.xnry upon tbelr III-

liln,. 'iVeisn-remarka^leTaniple of" what ^ine^ucaWTn New^oT'maimie*"?,, tcan be accomplished In horse training, and J„™ tor fa t ,„ "unr«ll ,-r^s ,n, ofu '"uuthe uxhlbltlnti irlven Is n MiMi ' trlnnfe to HlS.S'I SSVMPA IRffaffl*!!" J»PP«* -VlhHthe vxlilbltion given Is n high trlnme toDr. Boyd as a trainer. i

\ui.tIciiii it,,-liter- (j >|. Ward, mana-ger l.- -"The Two lirnhuns." with JessiimlueWood* mid Mary AHobltli 111 the lendingroles, opened fnt' a week's stay, and to. nwell tilled house, ou Monday nftnrnoon, Mny27. The play Is still very popular, hh wassi-rii by Ihe reception given It. Others whodid excellent work were: Ado Gardner,Kvn Wlllard, William Ciutrll and A Ilcrthe-lei. The house rinses its season after Sat-urday night's pei-furintince. June 1, and willreopen under (In- same intiiiagi-inent ou Sat-urday .evening, July 2".

(Irniitl Oiiern )t<ui*.- (John II. Springer.inuoageri.—"The l.lonmid the Jlonse'' openedto a capacity iiuillenee on Monday evening,Mny 27, and HiIh most iiiodem of (days wonIhe heart* of rh'e big crowd nrvitent, nnd theapplause ihroughout was Inlehse. Next week,Colu and JnhiiHon, In "The Shno-Kly Itegl-nirnl."

vori. vine Tiii-utrt- (I-'rauk Oeraten,nin nn get- 1 .— llnlph Stuart, presenting Hhllrallies. --'I'he Christian," Is (ho bill hereIbis week.New Circle Theatre (United Theatres

Cameron did not attempt fo exert her sing-ing voice lo nny exteut, a* she was sufferingfrom a severe cold. Songs, dances and Hfie-cIiiIIIcn by Al. Lawrence, Win. I'hllhrlrk. iho1 'a rdownbv Sisters, Itltn Curtis, Knima Kingand other* all scored strongly. Thechoruses nnd tnimmble* are also entitledin a

i. word, of pruise. uud, altogether,

"I.IHIe (lolly Dimples" fnfnishea n caul-HH evening's diversion. The cast : UtileDolly rumples, ftrace Cameron ; Mavinefireen. Mnnd Morris ; Aunt Matilda IHinu.Ihilsy Mtlg Cntmeroii ; Betsy, I'hocbeCardownle : l-Ynnle, Jessie CHrdoWnle; Illruhi

Alexander Cnrr told several .stories ami gavehis Imitation of David Wurneld; TemplarSnxe and Bernard laindlno sang, HenryStelgner recited from "Monsieur Bonnciilrc,'


and Ida Millie and several outers »>heitred.The easts of the plays follow: "On« SinnerThat Hcpontclh"— llnrry Chapman. Albert c.Whltefleld; Mlhel chapman, Winifred Vor-tices: Jim Holker, Maurice Cnss ; InspectorDublin, • . William Keller. "The Mirror ofMlyanin" — Yukl, Blanche Kendall ; CbyoHiiyashl, Ida Millie : Tnkeo Iniainunt. JackDeverenux. "'I'he l-'lrst Warning"—He, WH-aon .Metros.-: She. lluldn Ktiglund

; TheBaroness. .Mildred McNeill; Itosu, KalherlncHUMUS, - 'V •

\ beneltt [lerformance of "Haroiet" wasgiven on May 2ft, by Kobert Mantell, at theIJberly Theulre, the proceeds of which willbo devoted lo furthering the educational work although nothing wns open lo the public, r!vof Ihe People's institute. , iiiiiiingemeiii invited ihelr "guests" to wli-

lies* a is'i-forinanco of King Pharaoh, therihii-iited staiiniii. Prom, tho nppearauee ofthe park II Is wltlimil. doubt a pTitco of manviltnusemenis. Among the chief attractionsare

: "Kohlnson Crusoe," love's Journey, the

while Morpliy sings the song nl- l.unn Parkon Dei-orntlon Day.

I)«KA,«f,Axn.—The atlraetlnnsherelncliiiie-"ITio Bay of .Naples," "The Oxark Shonlliuit,round." "I'hnraoh's Daughter, rhe Trot"leu," the chutes, hippodrome, Infant Incu-bators, "The Modern Arabian Nights," "lienOule. I'he Yellowstone Mountains," "Cien-lion" and f'Tlin Knd of the World,"Boktock'h Antra*.— The programme now

Includes a Aloqul Indian snake diitu-e, aniltrained animal acts under (he direction ofMile. De Soukiis, Mine. Morelll, Orn Ceciland Isa Poyrnnl, Julius ill PolitHkl, M. tlnll-Inrd. .Mala Karl and. IJeiilenuiit Slalnes.

1Ibxiii:iisox's. C(i.nt:v Ihi.ami.—Bill weekof 27: Three Splllers. .Marshall and King,Noilou and Hussell, the Alnbamn l-'our, CookBros.. Buekncr. tlio Two Kings. .MareennNevaro and .Mareenn, the Singing FourSeventeen Pekln Zitaves, I,eo St. T-llnio. MileCitnstlna. assisted by W. C. Lockhnrt; Banknand Newton, nnd Milton's dogs.

Onr.DKx Citv,, tho new amusement resortat t.nuarsie, on Jamaica Bay, wns well oar-ronlxed on Saturday evening. May 25. nntl,

Skinner. Al. Lawrence ; Alexander Comsloek,Win. Hillbrlck; Hollert Lorraine, John It.

)yil*on ; Vg Prime, John Bohlmnn ; /eknlleaiherspoiin, Al, Tborson ; BUI SplI-'ronk Cainphelt; Harry Hiiie, Otto Wlcl'lom Dashlngtiin. V. f,. Newman; Ned I

away, II. Thhmnn Morse; Kred 01

The imii>ii» of CM»snr Oreenherg's Schoolof Acting will give a few mure perforniuiirestsefore the season closes. Mr. Oreenberg's ex-perb flee ns an actor on the Jewish stag", torthirty years, has fitted hi in for the post ofdirector, of u school of noting, niiA Bie ate-ccs* which has crowned his efforts for thepast ten months arc emphasized by the factthnt a number of his pupils have appearedwith success in nerformuncen In Yiddish nndoerhuin. They appeared b'rldny, 24, In aYiddish version of "Annn Kiiranliiii," nt Man-hnl tan l.yceinn.

ilonlilc whirl, giant circle swing, "Down theNiagara" and "Over the Rockies." The parkIs handsomely fitted up, and It promises t»mnke a strong bid for the favor of the publicin the greater city. There will be two hiimlconcern dally, and the free circus features.Ihe Initial public opening Is now annoumtetl

Decornllou Day. 80.foid

iiiiri.-oi. vt Keith &. Proctor's llnrleintinera llouse |R IT. Alliee. general .manager


"Winchester" Is the offering for <ltt* week.I here hnve been several clinnges lu the'ending roles here lately. Alphonse Ktklw



Hnlh-i I IiH(jI)

Hurry II. WieT; fieorge AntcrgbnU]', John I.flitildk-ston ; Ben Swagger, Al. Thorson


Jiilui Bnldiunb, l-'i'nnk t'limplicll ; tllldleLight feather, John Hold man. City Olrls—lllta Curtis, Oertrudo Carter, Jean Holmes, ni»^Aum"IS^ri^v'fi^nI*?^»22E.Mm,,,»tf^4E«aug QiSyBiaft&dtt

Xrvh Itbxis.—tho linperla-1 Theatre, whlcUwns i oriiwi-iy the Montauk, is to be movedfrom Its present location during the Summer.It I* said to In! one' of the biggest buildingmoving task* ever undertaken. The theatreWill be swung completely around, in order

were; Peler Lang. Win. Norton, IXinurd III

Oeorge Howell, Martin l-'nust, lleorge Mun

ailractlon for this, Ihe closing week of theseason.

a at or THpnlre ( Wagi-n lulls & Kemper,niiiiiagersl.—"The Builders" liegan, May 27,lis second week. William Courtney Is now

,. manager; ..

win Wnlker, musical director; Grant Hoag,carpenter: John Adams, electrician: OlioWIcliHi-f, master of properties: Mrs. icimimii,wtirdrobe mistress. Tho engagement Is oiHyfor one week, and Ihe regular Benson of the

plnvlng the role of linger (Irani, succeeding house closes Saturday, June 1. On June JWilliam Ihgei-snll on Mny 27, Theodore Mor- Ilie Liberty nlnvhtg plctif; retired from the cast on Tlinrsdny, 21,nntl wns replaced by l-:rac,t Lampsnu.

MiiJiHilr I ln-iil n- |W. I.. Ilowlaiul, iiiiin-

nger).—The new drnmnlli' version 'nt "tlneln'I'om's On bin" enlered lis serniiil week Heroon Mondav evening. May 27.

Criterion, Itiilj'*, I'liiplre, (,'iirilcii,

lllppnilronie, Irvhig Pliiee, Liberty, MadisonSipuire, New Ainslerdnin, .New York. Sliir.

Third Avenue. Weher's. Klithlh Avenue, Mur-rny mil. London nnd Miner's Bowery lire

closed for Ihe senmu.Ilrnnilwn.v Thentre t l.ltl & Dingwall,

iiuuiiigersi.-- Anna Held begun. Mny 27. her

here twlee dnlly,< oloiilnl li.enfre

litres will be given

(Percy fi. Wllllnras,mnnnger^.—There lire only two weeks re-maining of Ilie present season here. DuringIhe week Just past, wllh Vesta Victoria nsn beadlhier, the largest, bouses, of Ihls seasonhnve witnessed Iho performances. As MissVictoria heads iho hill for this weak (an-nnuneed n* her farewell week In New Yorkfor this season I. u new record for a week's"take" -will likely be established. Miss Vie-lorlti -was benriliv alot-la -was hearilly applauded in her songs u-,,..,

nl: the hlg mmlnee of 27. Margaret Wyehei-lv '."


*, iii.Ia l.n „ .... ...I....I II.. m U.EZ. ...'. a. ' Ol I'll

and Henrietta Brown H.i'nred honot-K in the K5* "'" lmc,

k .'•* I1w MM wl" >»' u» Hudsonleading roles. Ollim* win. did clever work iV",


'J"a,, 'ii

ftinneo on the new ex-- "- 1 -- - ' tenshm ot h'latbiiBh Avenue. Tho cstimaletlcost of the moving, Including the new founiln-tlon lo he dug, will exceed Kfi.OOOBusiness Manager Krabk Klllfolr., of the Or-plieiini, will spend the Summer at bin cot-tage lu Bcnsonhurst, N. % I. J. .Maloney, general mannger for Mr. Williams, willmanage Bergen Bench, nnd William J. Mo-Klenney, ircHsurcr, will he Maunger Grover'sassistant at ihe Brighton Beach Mush: Hall.

• . .The wrestling contests which havebeen held nt the Star Theatre the past two

cli successes

^"^SSn^^'^^mStt^tt^i r^ir?!?^*?!5^%I?^S«Wl^der. Harry Lnrksloue. Vernon Stvos fSm r.flrdP



ftll«». has agreed to Ihi-owSpringer and W. J. Welsh.

J?^' "- -ol» Oeo. Bottmer twice In an hour. Shad Link,

MKTiinmi.is illurtlir & Senmon manaaersi M Pal"mo«. will meet Nobler, who lias Jmt-Adelaide Kelm BW? tm^'m^SSui SHW tTOm M11 '1'' ScVCrnl 0thtl• matcb™for the current week, "PHnAon. the Crl.ket

h wl" to » r™n«cd.Capnclly business has ruled since the begin- ...—:. .. SH •nlng of the engagement.

KKITII St PlMH-rOlt'H O.SM HliNMIBD ANP1 WI1NTV-PIITJ1 STltWn- TllKATRH (K K VI-bee general managerl.—The bill for "thisweek Is sure lo nitrnrt Ihe crowds. It lit

Hon. Alexander Clark, ns (Jasper, and Lnise RSS2"olt

\ S*j ""lSlar Theatre the

Beniidet, who made her flrst npnearaiice here 'f'^tr1||R|"«.,, >?vc proven such

27. won rounds of npplnuso. ft™ f the thVi

"nn"B<,r Kllta has decided tht^«*^ I....I..J... . .,,_: 'Al.V. i. *"*- lL CY Ol ine lm .I „„«, ,^,. onntuat 11 i\n that

XBW YORK STATE.tin nut... \i (ho Star (P. C. Cornell, mali-

nger) Jessie BonRtelle nnd hot- stock company,week ot May 27, In "When Knighthood Was

. lb. l-'lower," to be followed by '•All-of-a-Siiil-

« i Vt ,lU*,

,,;(lw" frts' Wehool Boya nnd "en I'eggy." "Gallops" was qnlle Ibe vugito

illlide her vaudeville reiippenrauce Moil-

School Olrls. Wllllnm J. Kelley and rompany. '"i1 wces.In one net p ay. "At the Threshold :" ueorga u feWJ" ,(J. T-an«fWilson. Musical Avnlos, ihe six lillnseretlls Holland, lu "The P.

'""Illenrn. .Mr. mid Mrs. Mnrk Murphy! «ommenvea the Hummer "season here 27.

•eley llnil hers, nnd new motion pictures. „ Shea's.—Bill for 27 nnd week: KngllidiAmiajiiuia (Percy 0, Williams, manager). Kockoi-s. William Oouhl and Valoska Snr-I lilulrii iae , hi , . I , , i.n.. *.. il h 71 . ™ . . f hnii- 11 'til I.. Il,._l_... <* . . MIL.-...

ttglilln. mannger).—Mildred"\>wer Behind the Throne,"

Perry mid I'eiii , comedians; the l-Toods,balaiielng Intliler net : Bessie Wright, voenllsl ;

Delhi ttoss, Knglish cotueilleline ; ihe Karos,comeily Jugglers, mid new moving plrluresare the all tactions fur this week.Academy of Mnnlr (ftilmore & Tompkins,

mniitigei's).- -'"rin- Prime or Pllseu" beglin,May 27. II* tourlb a lid last Week here.The Itoyn! liallan (li-niid Opera Co. followsJune II.

HnilHoii Theatre (Henry II. Harris, mnu-ngeri,—l-Vlwnrd Alleles begun. May 27, Ills

fourteenth week. In "BrewHler's Millions,"

reals of strength nnd ncrohnllcs; tho OlioBros., Herman dialect comedians; ihe Holden(title Quintette, singers, dancers and com-edian* ; Ihe Misses Dolmorc. In the musicalnumber, and the rltagrapli complete Hiebill for this week.

lie wry Theatre (Union Theatre Co.,'-The Colonial Belles, under thomanagers),— mc tniomnt neiies, under tno iiorlesnneru

management or Cbns. l-'nlke, begun a return 1B5SSRI /n..„ i-—engagement here Monday nflernooi . Mav 27 \Vli ren ,rv


i?W« I^n"hi™


5?r) ' ~ lhfi

"Down on Ihe llnhv l-'nrm "ti rattllne onnil . \ ' "J

1 ty ,, 'r ' fi ".re horc fo' the presentmUslral "omrdy. wSs «5Sie„iV r'e' dereSX kTfi.ou'sl ' "'/ The^ i,









ffiS >Fthe whole company, headed by Clins. Koblri- nrLSZrt AllT,L.1 .?,i»,«^,"„".

,wJ !

" rBt rin?H

Aluuiiiiii.... I'h«ltr...-Archle Shernird'a nan. L. A. Dawren.V. Billy Cook. Marie Kiel!- reived W il. cool we?H&f%J*S25ffl"J»moving plclure slunvs eoiiilnue popillur at mnnd and Hose Carlln. The olio Includes: „ Sn

| «*,« ntV, sL.eSi ""'J'f-V"""1


this liii.ine. itpse Carlln. Lawrence, Kdwnrds onil Marie ?| ,o nfte? Juno .

bui,l"0HS- 11,e lu>nsc will

snvoy Then t re ( I'rnnk McKee, mana- -Klrhraond, (.'has. lloblnson, Hie Orent Vulcangcr).—"Tho Alan of ihe Hour" entered llx nnd Chlis. I-Mlke. "Cohen, the Count," a one

vllagrnph.IH'Htui & Suasion's Mt-aic Ham, (Louis

iliirllg.'mnnnger).—Boh Manchester's CrackerJacks hegiin n return engagement, 27. tn nllrst class house. This eompnnv Is nlwavssure of n warm reception In Harlem, as they ,ttlwiiys deliver I lie goods." l*rospncts ore I'tyf'l r'eek" this week. LoltU llnrtmnnbright for a big week. Next week, the Bowery 'h "The Peddler." follows. "Tuc Shoemaker'

nnd company. ThreeDuiuonds, l-'enlelle and Carr.

Inch and rompany, nndItitslnesA lm line.

White, manager).—Bene^ng season until the regu-Clty Sports pleased large

~ Lakayktte (Clins. .M. Bngg. manager).—James I-'. i,eoniu-rt and the Alenanr Beautiesclose (he regulnr season thin week. Manageruruves will furnish a siwik company lobegin June .",. Kentucky Belles did nicely.

AoAnt:.Mv (T. c. Cornell, mnnagor).—"At

was well attended find very natlsfnctm-y.Mjna Pauk (It. II. Mncllroom, mnnngerl—Hosatl's Band Is the prlnc"

Elubornte plans for Decorationprincipal offering.

u i.ion nay.

twehty-slxlli week here on Monday evening, act comedy, i-Iok«s (he show.May 27. HnbeKa Mn*ooni (Jolin II. Anderson.(nrrlek Thenlre (Charles I'rolimnii, njniingor).—An excellent hill Is given In the

mnnatrer).—Wlllliini Collier. In -Taught In curio halls litis week, bended by Kula Brosthe llnlli," entered his Iwenly-seroud week lb the I hen I re a llnely arranged bill Ih preMonday evening. May 27.

liyrlf Thentre i Sam S. ft tec Shubert,managers) .

—"The Bond to Yesterday" began,Mny 27. Us seventh Week nt Ihls limine,Cnsinn (Snm S. & Loo Shubert, Inc., mnn-

ngers).—"I'asclnnllng I'lota" liegan, May 27,Its second week, with continued good at-tendance.

aented lo crowded ESS., nt "every perfoVn,: ^'i^g reJo^niJ.d ffiSlXAg*Wnllnek'H (Cbns. Burnbam, mnnnger).—

flrhee lleorge began, May 27. her seventhweek nnd last fo.Miss (Ir-nrgc, sailsJune 1. Beginning >

Honor, the Mayor ' '

^""cheater.— At the iMMUa (M. B-wolff, munager) Mile. Daale proved to l>»n.great drawing enrd last week, to capacity.

Bffi>*!J! ot May 27 : Victor Herbert's SongBirds, Henry Lee. Jewell's manikins, HarryLove, CharlcB II. Sweet, the Juggling McBans,Irene hnlnard and her Kandy Klda. andchromatic picturesCm>K Opkka Hoi-sn (J. H, Moore, mana-

ger).—Stella Mnybew proved lo he the brightpnrdeiiliir star of lost week's excellent bill.

Bill week of 27: Marshall P. Wilder, thestunning Orenadlers. JdeKSoh Family, tlenn-

u£Z$llKZrJ& tWifcf SS»«1 5S"«J^!««r^*S *m Howard and

No-tKs.—Henry \oung, (rnnaurer of theMelropolls was Hie recipient of a beuellt onBnDday, May ,20, whlcli was a Aoatictal andtitt)stle sucims. It Inntod until the midnighthour. Dave hrntis' Itlalto Houndrrs Co.rloked n most prosperous season nt the(loili.-un, parking Ihe house



Charles Carter and Louise Yale did morltorl-

uMir.w6rk.- "Grimy Jack" 9T and'"*** »•-

MAKun (Mrs. 'C. J. Boyle, manager ) .—Thestoi-k, In "Big Hearted Jim," wa» welt cast

week of -'->. and attendance was Hue. Kil-

wuid H- Haas, Harriet Burton mid DonaldMeek did exceptionally good work. I'rolse Is

dun Mabcllo Kstollo tor ao excellent elwrnr-

Irr Interpretation. Slater and Williamsamused greatly with their turn between the

eta. "Two Little Vagrants" 2T and week.KUKATER ONTARIO BtACIt PARK (H. It,

Mcssiuorc. manager).—A large force of work-mm have been continually active at thlH

resort since early Inst February. gutting thenark In readiness for the opening, whichoccurs Decoration Day. Thousands of dollars

linrc been spent on Improvements nnd Inno-

vations. Cblof among the permanent ultrac-

llons arc: Messmorc's "lighting the Flames,"'i'honipson's scenic railway, tin- wave, theinfant Incubators. Canals of Venice. Hall ofTerpsichore, tours of the world, the Ualvcs-inn Flood. Love's Journey, and • JapaneseVillage and tea gardens. At the open air

tlmiitrc, 30 and week, will appear : CurzonSisters. I'l'of. Apdale's animal troupe, andjtosntti's Band.'(ikBX IfAVRN PARK (B. V.. WilSOU. illllUll-

,,,.),—The opening of this handsome resort

.s scheduled for 27. There has been nochange from the excellent policy of last sea-

son. At the free open air theatre, for 27 andweek, the following will entertain : Ilcdlnl

nnd Arthur, the Tancaus. Mi. und Mrs. Geo.w. lltissoy, Lllllau ICogllsh, and .Tames A.Dunn.

t'tloa.—At. (he- Majestic (V.. U Koneke,resident manager) the Majcsllc Stock Co.opened the Hummer, season. May 20, with"The Prisoner of Zenda," to a packed house,:iud everything points ' to a good season.Uath's Orchestra gave an opening concert,

nod the house was handsomely trlmuicd withdowers. The cast la' anicxcclleat one. andIs well balanced. Do Wolf Hopper, in

"Wang." 28, and the stock company will All

the. rest of the time, with "Tuelma," and•The Christian."uiii'Hr.uM (K. Ij. Koneke. resident nianu-

coi'j!—Business continues good, and the mov-ing pictures will be continued throughoutHie Summer season.Utica Park (Serum 4 Donoboe, mana-

gers).—The park opened- liGi with Bath'sOrchestra, and among the amusements arelhe actinic coaster, and gllde-thc-glldcs. Noadmission will be charged,' but u nominalfee will be asked for dancing.Note.—.The' Metropolitan Hotel, directly

opposite the Majestic Theatre, buriicd _;:.

Manager K. L. Koneke turned on the electricUnlit signs In front -of- the- theatre, therebyhelping In rescuing many lives. BlanchellnzWlon. of the Majestic Stock Co., was InIhe. hotel, but was rescued with but littleharm tllngllng Bros.' bad a perfect dav.S3, nnd twenty-five thousand ijeoplc attendedIhe performances, afternoon and -night. Thecirrus has had fair. weather, and very gooduitcmluuccs since the opening in Chicago, 111.,

April 5.

. .i

. I

Albany,—At Ilnrmanus Bleceker Ball <H.It. Jacobs, manugci-) the Majestic Stock Co.opened for the Slimmer seuson. giving "J)n-Unrry;'

- May 20 and week, to very encourag-ing returns. "Woman Against Woman" 27-21). "Bast I.ynne" 30-Junc 1.

Proctor's (Howard (irahatu. resident man-ager).—Vaudeville Is- Hearing- Its end for therogulur season. Great, crowds continue to ot-lend. Bill for 27 and week : Homer Masonand Margarlte Kecler, In "A Hero:" SueSmith, He Witt, Burns and Torruucc, Chas.Ilowlsoii. Bafnyctle'a trained dogs. Hill nndlllll. und Lasky nnd Bolfe's Military Octette.

.Votes.—The Empire and Gaiety Theatreshare cloned for the season, to be reopened InAugust AMro Park, Albany's- biggestSiiinmcr resort, will open for the season onDecoration Day. Hands. Roma will be' thelending opening feature. .


:. .'.Electric Park,

on Klndcrhook Lake, between Albany andHudson, will reopen also on May .'Id......The Summer season of opera at Proctor'sTheatre begins Juno II und week, with "TheMlkudo."

Ilinirlut niton.— At Mm Stone Opera Housei.l.'-.l'. H. Clark, inanacer) Blanche Bates, In"The lllrl of the Golden West," had goodbusiness and pleased 'May 20. Blanche Wuish,In "The Straight Bond,'' did well 24.

Au.MOliY I.I. If, Klynii, resident managor).—"What Hupponed to Jones'' drew well 20-25.


' .

.'.. > I

Troy.—At Ilaud'H 'Opera House (H. T.Thompson, resident manager) Mildred Hol-land drew a big house May 20. Irene MversSlock Co. did good business 21-25, He WolfHopper .It. '


ItlMIUM; BlION.' CIRCUS drew tWO Im-mense crowds '25.

Pnaglikcepslc. — At tho CollingwoodOpera' House (W, p. Millard; manager) PaulOllmore, In "At Vale." pleased a- good sliedaudience May 22. "The Isle of Spice" 20.—


. ,+ ,» n

ii:\.m;hsi;i:.Snili.HI,.. Al til.' IIIJoll llieo. II. Hick-

man. <mnnager) "Down Mobile" pleased weekof May 20, to cood business. "My Wife'sFamily" 27 and week. •

Casino Titkatiib (V. C. Alley, manager)."I'he opening was postponed' until' week ofST, due to bad weatber.

Aiiiihi.1i t; (Y-.C. Alley, manager).—Tho sea-son opened Sunday, It), to big' business, withmoving pictures nnd Illustrated songs.

Ilii'jKipitnMn (W. H. Bordlescr, manager).—Prof. Frank and Baby Lillian are amusingInrce crowds and are making many filouds.Business continues large.Note.—Jack Prluce announces Ihe open-

ing Sunday, 20, of his new roller skatingrink, to be known as the Coliseum. Thisbuilding occupies a beautiful site In GlondaleFpjk. --and was constructed at a coat of$16,000. '

Memphis.—At the Now Lyceum (FrankGray, • leasee) "The Little Minister," weekbeginning May 20, attracted crowded houses.Grace Arwell and -Mortimer 8rtoW, Ih tbeleading roles, received much applause. Forweek of 27, "Salome."BWOtl (Benj. M. Stiilnbiick. manager),-—•buries H. Gmpesvin. presented "It's Up to• on. .lolin Henry," week of 20, to packedhoiises'dvery performance. The production"«, satisfactory • lo. the patrons. "DownMobile" -week beginning 27. ' '

Hopkins': East Hxo Park (A.'B. Merii-soik inanagr).—Btislhcss during tbe 'pastweek bns been satisfactory to the manage-ment. The bill Included : The- Frey Trio,Inward and, Howard, the I.aur Trio. Pal-

frey and Hoeflor, tho Tbrce Westons and theklnodrome. •

Kairtukd Park (O. K. Beach, manager).--Attendance Is improving nightly and dur-ing the past week business was satisfactory.he bill offered waa "(Blttering Gloria," and

plenscd. "Hrother Oflicei's" 20-,lune 1,

. |Kiioxvlllc.—Al CRIIhowce Park Theatre

'Barry Bernstein, manager) IheMowell KellvMock Co.- is becoming very popular, and wltbthe advent of' good weather, business Is us-'inning large nroiiortlons. The plays for lastweek were ^'The Great Sherlock Holmes" and" Hie Whole, Dam Family."

Au>jtoimi;Si Bixu (Chas. MuNiibl), inand-Keri,—Floyd K. Bile" and Moore's morlngIdituwa May 20-2S. Swasher Bros. 27 undweeki

Moth.—Barglulo's Baud played, week ofBO, at Fountain City Park, to good pntron-agi>. -despite unfavorable weatber. Th> pro-Ki'iiuiiues were excellent, and the band bj-oncof tlte beat Uiut has b(m beudkere.

Huwscuient I1w$.—.

—^•.."i;.tr , in - a "i it I -i-ii-iit

At Tim Urkkv Boom C\xb, Sunday. May20, there was an election of supers, HolllsK. Cooley was elected prompter on both theIndeiiendent nnd regular tickets. The twofactions also united In the election of GeorgeIt. Cohan, call boy : Kdward C. White,copyist ; Herbert Hall Wlnslow, angel : HenryIt. Harris, George Mcolni, James O'Neill andGus Bill, trustees. The contest was mainlyover the election of supers. Candidates elect-ed were Joseph Orlsmer. Itnlpli Stuart andHarry B. Tbearle. or tile regnlnr ticket, nndFrederic Thompson. Samuel n. Harris, Frank1). Amolil. A. II. Woods. Arch Selwyn, l>tank-lin Bleu, I'duiund Breesn nnd Aubrey Mltton-thal. of the independent ticket. It was Ihefourth annual meeting of the club.

It Has been the custom of the Hippodrometu have an annual celebration on April 12,slguallng the anniversary of the opening oftho house, but on account of the absence ofStage Manager Temple from the: city, onthat date, tills season Hie celebration waspostponed until the closing night. May 25.All members of the company were privilegedto Invite relatives and. friends, and the cele-bration hegan Immediately after the regularaudience had departed. The. programme billed

the following: Overture, "\ankee Circus onMars;" Will Powers and elephants. FrankMelville and horses, Marcel I ne and bis hoops.Karolys, Hanson and Harris,'' James It.

Adams. Abe. Arouson. George Melville, Geo.Holland, Warren Shaw, Harry Bulger. JohnSparks. Nat M. Wills, Melville Bills, pieeating contest, tug of war. Tank Kvcnts:Under water race for time, greased pole,female swlmlng nice, male tub race. Finale


National airs suug by entire company andassembled guests, conducted by Manuel Klein.Muidc by Hlopodromc Orchestra, directed byPhilip Lemleln.

ju.ij. osbuBX, business manager of theAstor Theatre, New York City, will salt forF.nrope early next month, to spend his va-cation.

i.'iiAKi.irri'E W.u.KKii will puss under DavidIielaseo's management next season. She willmake her debut under her new manager nsthe leading: lady In a new play, which Mr.Belnsco will produce after the present run of'.'The Olrt of the Bancho," with FrancesStarr, at the Belasro Theatre. Is ended nextWinter, and tne California drama Is takenon tour. The nature of the new play has notbceri Indicated.

.Ii.iskpii (.'. Siikkii \n bos been secured bythe Vandenlierg Opera C".. and will make Ills

Hrst appearance wltb that organization atthe West F.nd Theatre, in "Faust," week ofJune 10.- •'

Or.oaar, P. Goodai.k. dramatic critic of 77mDetroit free Prttt, Is paying hla annualvisit to New York.Frederick SpginuR, from Henry W. Sav-

age's press department. Is now aiding JamesShcsgreen, In the publicity bureau 'of LunaPSrk, Coney Island.

In addition to his more recent produc-tions. David Belasro will have Ave companieson tour next season These Include: "TheHose of the Bancho," "The Girl of the Gold-en West" (both second- companies. In addi-tion' to those headed by Miss Starr and MissBates) : also revivals of "Sweet Kitty Bel-lairs." "The Heart of Maryland" and "ThuDarllug of tbe Cods."

Wii.i, ( 'Aiu.feTov, general stage manager forKlaw & lOriiuiger. Is now In charge of Cohanft Harris' "Fifty Miles from Boston" Co.

Pkri.'Y Wkadon Is now In charge of theChicago branch of the Courier LithographCd., with headquarters In tbe Garrlck The-atre Building.

Al. Moikian has Joined the "Belle of May-fair" Co.. vice Geo. H: C. Murray, who goesto tbe front again. "The Belle" endod a fort-

night's engagement in Pittsburg, May 18.Mii. Bdl.AsOd'S new Stuyvessnt Theatre U

In 'the hands Of the plasterers,- and hv thefirst' of July this model playhouse will beready for the decorators,Henry 1-;. Dixev will shortly rc-cntur the

vaudeville field, but Instead of presenting oneact plays he will deliver a monologue.William M. Hum. nnd Harry Schwab

will look after tho press Interests of Bos-stock's ii -••in In Dreamland, Coney island.TUB IlAMMMISTKIK BASK lllr.l. I'l.l.lt un-

scheduled to play the actors in the LyceumTheatre attraction ("Tho Boys of CompanyIt"), at the American League ball grounds,Washington Heights, ,\. \.. Tuesday. May28. Wfth "The, Bed Mill" Club May II, andwltb the Blackwell Island Hospital physic-ians on .lone 1. '. ' . -:.,

The Inthbnational Amunbmdkt Co., ofNew York, has teased the Kalich Theatre forthe Summer season for vaudeville. Matineeswill, be- given dully. A strong- bill has beenarranged for the opening week. The owningwill take place Friday evening, Juno 14. J.

B. Bennett will be manager.Li:i: Sin in in ileolen -the rumor that Joe

Weber and I-ew Fields would again Joinhands. Mr. Fluids will be seen next seasonill a new imish-al I'oniedy. entitled "I lie OlrlBehind the Counter,'' the rehearsals of whichwill begin at Hie close of his present season.Tonv I-astoii, Ihe "Dean- of Vaudeville,"

will give u heaeilt entertainment and receptionfor the purpose of erecting the St. Bartholo-wew Catholic Church, at Klninuitt. L. )., ofwhich Hot, Father J. J.Heafy Is rector.- ItWill bo held on Wednesday evening.' May 2H,In Jlci iiililcn Meinoiliil Hull, lu Barry since.near South Third. Williamsburg, Brooklyn.Mr. Pastor, himself will furnish thu vaude-ville talent, which Includes: Hunry Cllvc, WU-

Oscar Hamjikrhtkin has signed a contractwltb Mlscha ICIdiiiu. boy violinist, who hasbeen a musical sensation In ' Loudon andKnropean eapltats. Young Klium will cotneto New York In the Fall.

ArranqeiIents have m:i:n COMI'UTIBti be-tween t|ic St. Mrliolas Concert Co. and FrniiRKaltiMihoru for n season of midsummer nightnihMc nt the St. Nicholas Itlnk. commeneingThursday evening. June (1. .Mr. Kaltenbornbad most successful seasons sutne years hgont the St. Nicholas. The Interior of the a ill-

pblthentre Is tielng remodeled nod decor-ated. Mr. Kaltenlsiru will have llfly mil-slclaus. ami has engaged a number of prom-inent soiolsN to assist him.Klaw & F,ri.as(ikii have euteied lulo nn

arrangement with K. (J. Glltnorc, managerOf the Academy of Music, to play advancedvaudeville nt this theatre every Sunday af-ternoon and evening, commencing the middle-of September. It Is Klaw ft Brlanger's Inten-tion to preseut In this big Fourteenth Streetplayhouse nothing hut the most prominentand best acts In vaudeville.

' John Pollock, formerly general pressrepresentative for A. II. Woods' ntrncttori*.has been engaged as publicity promoter ofllitiiimei-steln's Paradise Root Hardens. Mr.Pollock Is a brother of Chaiinlng Pollock, thuplnywrlghl.

U. B. Warner has resigned as generalmnnagcr of James K. Hackett's enterprises,to become manager of the Tullv Marshall Co.now plBjing in "The Builders" at the AstorTheatre.


Seattle.—At the Grand Opera House (Johnfort, manager) Lillian Busscll. In "The But-terfly," May 12-17, drew 'excellent houses."Salome," 18. had two crowded houses. "Mis.Warren's Profession': 19-2;s. local 24, an.Henrietta Crosman ,10-June 1. Annlo Russell11-5. local 0, "Tho Bogus Prince"'. 8.Seattle (Russell ft Drew, managers).

"Peck's Bad Boy." week of May 12. had goodbusiness. Week of 19, "A Soldier of thelimplre." Week of 20, "A Texas Banger."Special eleven weeks engagement of the KarlBurgess Slock Co. begins week of June 2. In"Queen of the White SIotcs."

Lvtuc (Kussell ft Drew, managers).—TheLewis ft Lake Musical Comedy Co. drew larkscrowds week or 12. In "An Egyptian Mummy.""By the Sad flea Waves" week of IB, "UndoHeinle's V<glt" week of 20.

Luis (Alex. , Paniagua, manager).— "ThoConquerors," presented by the Pontages StockCo.. week of 12, merited tbe well filledhouses nttracted. Week of 10, QlHc Cooper,featured In "Little Lord Fnuntleroy." Weekof 20. "The Prince and the Pauper.


Third Avenue (Alex. Pontages, manager).—Opening date May 19. with the TaylorStock Co., hi "Stolen by Gypsies." Week of20, "Dcadwood Dick."

Star (K. J. Donoltan. manager).—Newpeople week of 20: Cook and Clifton, theCastanos, Maud Isabel Bntwlstle and com-pany, J. J. Darling and company. HarryBrahnm, Ivddie Roused, and moving pictures.

Oui-iii. n.M it. J. consilium, manager).—F.K. Powell, Miller nnd McCatiley, Tom Goodie,Luclla Temple, the Waddclls, and Tom LaRose.Panlaueh' (Alex. Pnnlagcs. manager).—

The Jolly Wild company, the Femandos,Osorph. Marie Sparrow, MeKenzic-Moorc com-pany. Arthur Elwell, and moving pictures.

Notks.-^-W. C. Meagher, treasure^ of theSullivan ft Consldlne circuit, accompanied byMrs. Meagher, left. 9, for a three weeks' va-cation In California; the trip being a per-sonal courtesy on tue parf of Mr. Consldlne.......Luna Park, the $200,000 amusementresort which Is nearlng completion, nt WestSeattle, will bo opened .Turin Ifl. This parkIs constructed on piles over the waters ofi.ilioit Bay. and will be studded with thousands of electric lights. It 1s said, to be thefinest resort of Its kind West of Chicago.The features Include : A Venetian waterway,representing Venice and Its canals: 'thechutes, a scenic railway, a circular swing,moving picture, theatre, penny arcade, palaceof illusions. laughing gallery, Oriental the-atre, mystic msxe. The Royal HungarianBand Is one of the musical organizationsbooked for tho Summer seai.nn.

lliini Tompkins, Mills ami Morris. Stanley andW|Lson. Charles Lnwler and his daughters,the Arlington Comedy Four, the Mortised,

llliu.ien. V.I11 lllRhr UL'l vtiuurvinv: ueum, »ll-

riingemcnts hava bceu made for the pjiiy torssemhle at Pastor's Theatre and drive lo

Adams and Gobi, Hayes and Wynn. Bob Leoand Ills dog, Can-oil and Clark, and as nfeature. Miss Kussell. daughter of John J.

Bus.icll. will make her vaudeville debut. Ar-riu

assohilBrooklyn in carriages."

ft. II. SbTlIERN AND .Ifl.lA MARLOWE will

luiiku their appearance at. the Academy ofMusic. New York, June 10. "Borneo and Ju-liet'' will be' the opening week's attraet'on.with "Hamlet" and "Twelfth Night" the bill

for (he following week. This will be the

last oportunlty to wltuess the performanceof tbeso famous stars together, as Mr.Sothern und Miss Marlowe will star Indi-vldunllv next season, tinder the innnugeuicutof the Messrs, Shubcrt. ' "Oeohod Mohan l« doing publicity work for

"Fascinating Flora," at the Casino, New YorkCity. '



Maiic Hillaiid. formerly treasurer ofWeber's Theatre, .,ew York, is acting as pressagent at the Majestic. ' "Oscar lUmirusTMN has purchased for ex-

clusive reproduction In tbe Manhfittau OperaHouse M. do Hussy's opera. "Pellcoa andMellsande." Mary Garden, who had, signedwith Kir. Haiumerslcln. will sing Mclisaudu.

. Madison Corky has been engaged byHenry W. Savage, and will be located at theheadquarters of the Savuge attractions In

this ulty. Mr. Corey will be the productionmalinger, superintending all production de-tails for tbe numerous Suvage attractions.lu addition Mr. Corey iilsu will assist In en-gaging the singers and actors foe Ihe variousSavage iillractlons.

Brnst- (Jokrlitz, acting rrnrvsentatlva ofMr. Conrled, has eugaged Slue, Dereyue.who has been slnglug tills season will, the8nn Carlo' Opera On.i Mine. Dereyue Is au-i-l" sburnnii nnd wilt sing the French andItalian repertory. previously Rsslaned to HollaAlton. .- " . - -

liKACiiv, the aeronaut, bus been engagedfrom Juhs n% in :t0, by Ihe 'iiia'nageihen,' ofllnppylaiul. Stolen Ishiml. He will make twoascensions a day. '

William Hammkrktein has engaged the'/unrigs fur the month of July, on tile roof oftuuVU'toi-ta; •

Tft CQRWE8POWDENT8.Our theatrical t'orrcsponrfenfs ore nrrcftu

nutlflcit that the cralmtlalt nmo held hythem Kill expire on June 1. Thru are re-

uiimtcU to return them to thli o/llee at oiwc,

lor renewal far iixn-iwis.

INDIANA.i.nrnyruv. - ai. the Grand (tieo. L. Mon-

derback, manager) the llarlciiuui Club ofPurdue University presented the musicalcomedy, "Tbe President or oolong." to S. It,

n.. May 15, HI. The students gave n goodperformance, the singing was excellent andthe make-up of thirty of the members nschorus girls was line. There were sixty peo-ple in thu production, which was staged' by(ieorge Herbert, of Chicago. A third per-formance was given In Indianapolis, May 18.Blanche Walsh scored a hit In "The StraightBond." 18, to good business.

Majestic (Gregg Frollnger. manager).—Bill for the week of 20: Prof. Dunbar andtrained goats, Kolaeratus, Two ' and One-Half Casads. Utile I Young, and the Majestl-scope. Business is very good.

Xoi'em.—itobbison's Circus hud good busi-ness 20, During Hie night performance therewas a clash between the circus employeesand some students, who made an attempt torun things und cut one of the guy ropes. Thealtercation did not last long, and the studentswere taught a lesson which will 1st of profitto them In the future George Ado wasIn tbe city lit, to attend the performance of"The President of Oolong.". Tho Ilar-

niiUI & Bailey Show bus the town well billedfor .1 une 8... The Family Theatre Is

closed for repairs La Purdctte andHappy Half Hour are doing well.

' ",,


indlKimiiiills.—nt Kngllsh's Opera House(Ed. F: Miller.' manager) l.ew Fields' Co.. In

"About Town." May 21. "Tho Three of Us";ll, June 1.

Park Theatre (Dickson ft T«ll>o(t, mana-gers).—The Park Theatre Slock C<>. put on''The Olrt 'I Left Behind Me," week of May20. to. good business. "Pals" week of 27.

Notes.—Crealore's Band will be at Fair-bank 'Week of 27 The Battoinlcy Troupeand Atlle : Jackson appeared at Wonderlandweek of 20 Theodore Thomas Orchostra,Caleb Mills' Hall 27.

i i

F, vnnavlllp,— everything In theatricalsis at a dead stand still at present, owing to

> street car strike, and all bookings at theparks hare bceu canceled until somethingdefinite has beeu decided.

CooK'rt Park was tho Urst to open, andnak Summit was to hare followed shortly,hut everything will now be dchi veil.

Bahm'.m A Bailey's Circus, oh May 10,was only fnlrtv intended. (Icutry Brothers'Show Is booked for 23. -

«»May ti'.v'ln Married,.

May I ruin and her manager, Kurt F.lsiiidt.ware married al 2 o'clock In tbe afternoon,on May 20, at Irwin Island, tbe Hummerhome or the bride ou the St, Lawrence River,The ceremouy was performed by the Rev,Theodore Iluvilcn, rector of Christ EpiscopalCliitreb. iir'nlnyton.'-N. Y. U waa Witnessedonly hy Ihe Iwo sons of Hie bride, Horry nmtWalter. The couple will remain nt theThousand Islands until September, when MissIrwin will return to Ihe stage, (or un en-gagement lu vaudeville. •. • - ,

Clipper Post Off ice.—1 U >;«.*+» ' '...,'.


'o'.i .t ,. ~—

In order lo avoid Milalakva awd toInaure the unilrtul Ucllvefy of theletter* a(lv.rtl«c«l lu HilS Hat, an*nvel«|i* DlRlnly addressed) must beeeiit for rach letter, and a efrllteM

f.wnl, liarryi^lell, AlfreUf<nh. John h.

order for tbe latter, signed <tHW Ihefoil name nnd address and the Ha*of business followed by tbe sender,iuu.1 si so tin eiivlused.Plrnse tucntHiii the dtur (or tinao-

ber) «f the CLH'PKH la ivbleh theletters gent tor fr«re ndvertlsed. '

I.AIHI-s' LIST.Aulsluii. Mabel tdwdon, luile

Ansilil. Virginia lltegory. IK-ss

Auihvws Urillne Mlbw-n. DottleAnnslroag. Itiaiillllcr

I.i'ota Childrenlielger, l.llllan

illlsi-n. Lultle(Irshi, Lilliantlreehe.

Kul her hie

llaat. May(lif.v, IIUllsHill. Siulte

lltttCll. MStglS)larkiek. VkdetHa.Vlies llentrlee

leiuirh. Klsre.Jollnnd. MayWill VlSlCTSllouiton.

Florenceowsnl. tlsbeuinpheey dene


IImihiiviiiI Ui'Kcelluglies, MadgelleTctin. I^lltli


farcy. Klsletarlow, Miss Ulull, lllniljs

louu nl MrsJoclarcoiirt.

. FlorenceIteniv. t^snislliuh-fli. I.llllnii

llon'nril, May: to libs, MadeHarder Hloek

Co., MtrkleIblKiluai. Mrs.[I'losni, LOUIseIhaseii. MarieIuIiiikoii. Katielewell, l.ltlle

lustli'e MrrJolitlennoli. Ireneloll II roil Mrslltl.

ieromo Cuts I.'

ted.'j . Lillian

trith * Will-will. Mlsae-

JUlt, MaeKenned/,' ICIItubelli II.

Keeiie MadelineKlnsetls.

KathleenKnight Mt-'WiaL««. AliceLempliien, lawLee, JosieLnssler. PalayLane. Miss A. I-

Lu I'nge.' Mlaa A. F. U.ij'lKiiiiin Lylllanl-v-ll-. Mill-lieI.iilise Die 1 1,


(.niialiui. NoiuuiI. nng. llu.Hle

i«sllr Lit Inn iLsnKit, .ifBiu-ll'

t^lHllll Til

l.e Hrin.Anion uetle

.une. Ada

.apisill, Mlllysi Call, Ours^Kinii. lb-lea

.Ufuia Mrs. W.svlnouK-ii Marie.iieelle.


lUU'li'li HurdleI.l|isliuts,


t.n Vllle,I'miillle

terra hie. OlgsMartin. Ik-sxle

Mooro. M»la-l

Mnyo. vi»iaii

MclrllloMiss Minnie



Matthews,Del M I il>-


Meredith HMHfMlll-tlsOO, ItllK'l

MeViiy. AmesMselt. Anna •

AleFurhiinl '

Vis. I'lill

JleNeHl, i's*«

Hsrl-U.ii LucilleMlukley. HelenMaiinlmi, Ills

Morae Mrs LtsalsMsrtell MnrloiiMilan, llolh

Nllnlnn. Miss I'..

\(lnoo. l-'isiu'i'i

v'lchels, Mlltte.Voj-e. Miss Lit

ML MargaretIllrer. Lillian.•'pay, 'onli'llrlcii. Aim Is

Park. '.Sully

['tier, llessle

pirjoii SlatersI'eliMii. PTltesMI'rinuose Veruler'bielihiul MIsaK.'i-lulletoii Midi:Ickci-lll, Fa.tecrry Augualiiloeiiey. .tonic

iid'kwett. KmeloWta.

AlexsuderLllllan I..


Uelfnrt. Maypnwraan. KtnelHums. SituBuruard. BaselBarry, HensBIllbursloT,

Mr.. T. SI.

Bo vii, PraseBeach. FloByrne Myrtle C.hvitnhiit. MayBrims, (lelie v..

lleauniont LeoaaHMtatt.


Barnes Mrc.J.A.Rentou, MuhleBunilscliu, Tea*Burke. Mils -

Ben net I. 1'cto

Heiiliett Mlsterr.

Kara*, denelleliuout. belleHnrllSnl. .

KlliabethChate. IxnisCiilluni. Wllletteriiiirtney. HelenOeuloo Mabel IIConstaoce

SlatersConblly, leeoreCro.by, Juliacntjifrc.il. HelenCasey, MaeOliealyn. AlicelUneon, I.'mmaCarle, Hilda(Xnirt, LeonaCntio, NemaCurtis BlancheColllm, MyraCIltTuril lleerglu

OlO, Cold le

liriiii. Walmctal>» import,


Uouglaa, l-'.tliLi

Define, KittleDarls. (lertrudenuiliey, HelenTilaujonci. MsmleDe Claliv. Eilu-I

Duinont, DatayliMerc. LouiseDickinson,

Kllsalwthls;\\'oir. LanierImio-rlv sisters

Untitle, Mile.Dlllloa. MamieDnulc SImIim-k

Dc Lee. LillianDeem, Loistnii" ClareBe L-c. LillianDownlnn.

Mrs. WalterUnci. AliceBrew. Mlts M.Kovlc, Mrs. Fsl

Inivennort FaIii.i

Kveret. Ilulli

I'.llisiri- HlitcraBnimtrelh.

LillianIhiony, Miue,Kmenon.

FlorenceI. wip. Item-I'll U ins, ilrnrii

I'lilanlenu* Ml'e1'isiil.s .Mmh-lltie

I'llinlly. Tim II.

l'erKit«nn. Ill las


Foster Mrs. WA San,.


Foster. Mrs. \'A llsy Muraernle t Welch Mis. LewFay. tlertlo Mounie. Carrie ' WaddcllI'raiilloll, IMIIcliell. Cera I Slarvsret

Uenrgle, Marentele I'/lythiU'ortlilnaton,

liilrlnv IkoK.tliy Allllur Sister* , MaudFrancis Uirlniir iMoulell, Itlraiiin- Wesliui PrancesFester Mrs. Ktl. Mack. I'lbyce 'World. Mrs, J.

riiirciicc. Moi-rl- Mis l.ciiil Wlllluiiis. Hello

U'liiliiisl Muck Mrs. Cliioi wind .or. Dnt


. strs. AVID it.

Russell, May.tollsoo. Mnlleteliilinrl. Mimicdockwell,

Floreiiivlose. Iliulle

teeil. A utile

lOsc. Lie. I ho |

llarr, Fraiu-esItroyie. Carrieichsi-fer. Pauls-teln. Annieiliehloii. Ijiio'itiidiirwiii. JuliaItltk. AnnieInntiis, Ida 1:

it, Law Ai'vlllsit. Clair lHara«l in 1 1.. AgyleM.lellgiuiiii Sirs II


, Mr... Tomlyinoiiils.

. . Alidiellililliniuu. Itu lli

l's laferni Dill*I'tibniinon.

F.illili Mlujli.l llllf.lu'lh

rtue-dcll Mtslli'owle, AliceI'arlnr. M»JTrill**. IwllmI'etlKHi. KittleVon Hiuilillfm-il.

: flrneeI'ouOrden Ftliclyemisi, isjtia

Orbon. AleytaVali Sell.


Van ordtcr.• Vesta

Van Woomot.f ;. Hliwoe'loV.ldelle. Mha(J'lotll, Ill'ti)

wnstnn Hlateiaivatls, :,u l ii

•vtllar-i. CotliwWbliinlc, .

-••.«||iabelli /„Webalbr. MsrsmIVyiill. MnlileWayne, HiatMirYurilrll I'lori'niWiil.li. Matlli-.Vlinlsoi. FanuleWhile, Maud

Aiibiir. Jset 'CVgswell, nayAilnnis. Hugh Corbet t *Aluxamler UcoU' KerrestrrAllen. K'luur

Adams. Win,Allen. 1. M.Aittotl. Tiles.

ApplClO'l, l>,

Atiiucllc. .In-.

AiKWtl A Vkldle

Achioii, HarryAlbunns. Ham-S'lsklugs.

Clan-iirolOaron, J. K.lluu'ldn ltuiihullCoyte, F. B.Apisll; I.. K. Canoy, W. u

(Jarew k llsjci

Crowley §Klllcen

ciuvtiin. I.'na

Clinton. J. W.t'onibuy. Ki'lcoyCrsndnll. AlbertCupid, DanCootirr A HearCurtis. Jas.

Amlck. JackAllison. JohnAndiv.v. J. It,

Barney, F. A.Ilenuir HarryHiiali I F.lllotl

lit'iiiicii Musical iCole. Jackllrumailge. Ed- {CuDiiIngIlulllngcr, Joellrulon, .fas.

I«-u- Ahlella MHe Oar, <l.

Ilaaaor.' Mr.Ikjiuiell. Jos.

ikdianaii. Hurtllr.niu. CrinUlinrabold. ' Clins

llarkly, W; A.ItroWh, M. H,Ha vsril. I.

buckler. L. XTl'erii|iurd, Johnllii'.'kvye Mime

fjuartctteBurliness, l.eis

llarrjiiwre Jean Caatou, Al.

Cady. Mr(Jalu. J. I

Hawthorn Jos.lt

iCoiitwy. KelceyIclark, WonCIlMIIK-IIITS. 2

Cain, win.Canter, Mr.Cunhin. J. L.'Clifford. Billyit 'arson. J. It.

iRuiapbell, Wm.Cliiml. F.Chrlalle A

WillisOorisi. TonCurler. PeteChimin, Ben).Cotton ft JarrowCarntudy. las. Ft'struys, TlioCarroll, II.

Dliialun, B.

Dentals, ArthurBiirrair. Jus.

Koylr. ]'. J.Burns, HarryBunell. Jlllinile

Bryant. CofenoByiae. J. F.Bugley. .Mr.

llenlley. K. W.Bono, KddlcLlinl. Chas.ins-ion. r. j.Burr TwinsBruce. Air.Brnisteln, 1m>liliiuelH-t Bros.

A itnndolpbllrierrr Maurlu:Berusr, Or. atIkiylC. F. J.Brown, T. A,Brawn, l-'rol

Ball. ArthurBrady, Bay F.Baker, Cliaa.

Hauls. A. W.11 ricket t. TeddBlacknore,

.HarryBrush, tsymBlack. Wm. W.Itnllanl, Thoe.Bensoa. II.

Hrsdlr/. Bd.llyrou, FrankBaasBct, K. •

<.\>celo, A.Clarke*. Thel'»s»loo. Joe'.'S.ll. Blll-lclKll

Collins, linnflrilwford. JohnCiuinlnghain JWciiDoi.r j. c.Dross. Ji.liii

Clarke, C.Onliiry Com. 4lonlu-r, (Irani

i.'arson ft


HarryCoates, Mr.1,'lierl.i. AllssrtI'lliniils'll, II. L.Cll'lncllls, II, W.Uoley. C. A.I'liiipnino, J, II.

Dale, J. A.DuOn, UsrtertWlfiian, AlleirDehaore. TomDe Bletler WmDelaoy, BarryDorio, AlbertDelaoceya Pane.Okkaoshlrld,

0. W.OlcksoB. D. K.Dana. MLlies Bocbcri J.BDllU, K,

i is tin, i:.

Hallor. Cliss. liitell. Allteil

(Haul. Ii-rln K. Ls>wb. John 1

liMlirilli- Taylor lawienee. Pete(Italiain. Wm. tsjtcii.- Kvenielli. C. K. l^sv'J. U.iiraniinn. s. Lake ft l*ivyih'rsuii. W. lAitl.. Ja»,llalvln. Ja«. A. I.e Key. Walterlilies, 15. P. Lee Tung, i-'ihi

iliaiia. .V. J. Lt-ro)-, Jack <:.

ilnshi Harry T.H,nce, tlr-inl(lllnioh- Barney I s> liny .V

iiehHMtcr. C. P. IhU'-llnt,i mil imoif. J. A.Mrylliaii. .1, .1.

(liven. Albert ilsnilet. ('. C.(irlmes liaslirll, 'llios.

ilahlen. lie.,. iloiiligne'sHi IHio. Hurry C Cockatoo I'hvmihiishiuiii. W. II Moniiey, Allienurates. J. Mayn, Fslwllillreen, V. : ItcKiirland. I'iil

Malum. Albert vjanVell ADudliItaiiey A Dnane

, llsyo. Cttas.Ilnalie-. Mr, ft i Murray, clayloi

Jus. Iteae!

Kelllek. C. F.IWaeh': K.I. |


(Icbardfun. Atl.iff fr. ArchieiOblnsoii. Mace:obllisolt. II.

tohson si ai it

Ion 1 re. Bobtoberlun. Wm.tick. Frankleeils, Colon lal

Itusnell. FredItltialiKi. Dries-

Kowan. I.nu'lii

Roliei'ts Clnreie-e«l»-rry a Hayledlev. Harryl..slerlliis. Wallerterra. Chas.Iinllh. Clius. II.

Alatts. I'lill

It. Ix-oii, Jacklull)-, DanHauler ItarrrC.iliehloii. Frauk

llngsn. Jack . MeClnln. Chus.iKIili.llulloii, Mat

!l«rW. Harry Uelfnrd, Geo. 1

IHnel'l llarr.TS. Mack. J. C.Ileliniaii Trio Mitchell FultonIlels-rt. W I). < linker, (leo.

Hall, r.uavne J. Monlse.r A ltlcl

HuMer Marhiu '.Mirlow, M.Iloey ft I«e ' ilarton. Jas.Ilabpr Days In! McCarthy JuatliDhile Co.. Mtr

;»lcDoii«ln. J. B

Harris, 'Pninaiy MaUcll ft

I Icily Tlmotby '; Corbie;llolihi, Fred jMcKey. Jai.Ilamuiond J. II. llcUaboit. J. 1',.

Hart, mi it iiii.it). w. u.Iluitller, I. II. Mclvis-. II. M.Ilhtnllton. .1. W lloore, r.imHoey. clus. Moii'ht. ij. p,lleai -ii. C. Ilarwllleslllll, 0. Mamn. D.I1«rtna. J. .iUDoiioitah T.C.ItoMird Monty Milium, Matllubii. Austin O Mldillduii M. KIliiHejs, The ! Morris. X. A.lllrpliis. .Mcllsile. J, C.

DAtIs. M«r. Uentgoulcrr. MMillliews. I). D.

ft Divvjllantvli, Jack

Harris. NatIlyntor ft llehnillarrlaon HarryIteltciy ft

Frnnccalllllls. Paidllulafr, HarryHa in, HurryHale. Waller Bttnimaa, SidneyHoi'iHu, A.Iliiwe. Ham S.

Hnrlsrl. F. F.llisiu, Tomllobt*. F. A.Ililll, Alla-rt

IKiilse. Nnnfonl(Iriupsvy. JuhnDully. JuhnDuOiriis ArllullDwiieelle.

I'losi. J.Doyle, X. II.

Diivlii, TedIK) lleiino A-

I .Bible

Do Bell, J. II.

liiir.iui-i- PhlllisiDaiibtiry, Ihciyllnsliluulioi A lot

Hamuli). J. A.Oukrsbury Chas.Dellue Bros,llo.vle AOl-aimcrtlllluu. -los. ||.

Iiunlorlh Cliaal.iK-yl-.m, Tim.lurllua. FredJauiniscli U'nli

Donaldson HelmDeiulug, Jva.IXsiley, Ins. F,liiivldsi.i. X. K.Ociuio. Win.Hoi, i is-, Ceo,


I'.ldthl*". Hold.Kaatinan. <l. V,.

gifR*. (leo.

ggerlons, TUeIttnery, U. I,

Karlo, OralunnKdeu. V..

Krwooil, It, J.I'.rroll. IssjnIhigidke, Win.Xiirle, JohnI'.ltliig. HarryI'nlk. Tin- CrestField 4 Fieldf'erncr.: ls-o|sddvranela. -ll-nnrr'nlilo. Adonis'•Hrglblsjii,: ft;"iis«ucr. Will'/"leld, N'ornniii

'•'o«, Bart'"»». U«u''urnutn.

FranklinMttgerald II. V.•'crgiiwn Hurayl-'oif ft Vo%>*MM, F, A,'susi. Vlctnrf»rre»ter. am*,•'eiiiimkey J. J.'•sits. Frank'Islier. C'nirlle•Isler. W, II.

Vuoc. Frank'letelnir. Johnlad. itirnoyJrnntiell ft

• Oanlhu-IIra icy ft

• • BuriiHtlouiiot, K.t-nmi

a Dourt.-yliirdcn ArfV.m.-i a

Irahaie,. i Mr. A *lr#.

laity.' TiSulonriic. Hilt'lii

Jeror, Juiiu

fiiii. .,!'» i -i'iijiiij ,r,.,.'i,

tliiiiler. M. K. iMoimw, WalterHilrley Frank J.:.Mont mac. ManlUwIcr K. FredjMorrts. Jimlllll lfioa. .Mulvcy. J. II.

Hurt. J. C. Mack. Walt CH'lelhui. II. W.iMsc'sle. Joe J.

Hunt ft Tni| i Marshall. Jackllriiiiltias, Is-wts Morwili. Hal

A lleiuihiuai Manser, C. C.

Howell, Je«slliliul). A. W.I (odium n. Als'.

li,ii-i. AlbertI lei i Inn, IterllnitliiKs HarryHudaoii. BertHyde. Mr.Itlekc), W. K,HOeklull. C.Htiyl, L. B.trains. I'lios. It

Ireland Freil .1.

Ireland Ksertoulnaraiu, H.


.luyee, JackJohnston ft

Buckley.teas, J. W..Irroilie, lltmerJolliKtoiio C. M.Jobiiioii cirrolJ.lolCO. F. F.Jeovnii. Tbos.JolHia. li'Tht'i

Janus, (I. I-..

Johnson, (ioo.C

Jonoa, Wm.King ft HliiigeKniH. N. J.

Kane, Wm. II.

KleklKKfer. K.Kramer, FredKeunard, Cliss.

Rail, J, W. •

Kolb, J, W,King l.swruui-er.

King of Kokiiiiio

Co.. Mar.Klukalil. BillyKasiiuo, Jen

letiisinr Arthuritratton. P. J.tsiatinsn.

Willis l\terrano Vincentjlberniaa JobnWmm(lierinan. DanB. Is), V.<c«r«ililtf ft Co.,

' LorlaUnions, Jay.iehillcr, MasJfewart. It. O.• troushl, K. II.


Waller<IIIst. Chas. Ii.

Itowell, A. It

Mierldan, J.'. I.

Uliorrf. J. W.Iiriirtwood, ,1. .1

audit, n. a,Merrna, i^ias.Hanger, Prof.Smith. A. V.dliiKur, Jackiuttcr. J. 11.

Samuels, (leo.

Stolle Frank \.Shroilcs f.li.is.w

Khlvlda, Jas. M.Joiners. I'errlnSblpmiiu. J. w.Sylvester,

LawrenceIt. Usui KnslnhlsYlicuk-Miir-

velll Trotit'OMinlih, ArthurHplcgel. Mn%sieuiii-d. IlariyHisniiler. II. U.Hpcllmon. J.Hrulib, Jas, A.Ml'IIIIISO. (I. W.Teiiuey, to,

Tb n r her. LeoimTcwksbiiry,

Herbert It.

rerreil, Fred T.TJieiiils, II. II-

Marlon, Frank niorne. Win.Masary Kramer i nimnas, Kid II.

ft Pierce 1 frailer, OranMli. C. > Styles ft Haat-il«'i-«. Alf. I IngsMerrick, Tom Tracy, Jas,Mullen ACiiulll ij'ovlh, W. P.Melon sli Wm.C; I'wrruley, JohnMcC'iveklii T. J.' Thompson,Mjiiiino. 0. H. . FrancisMuck, F. rnnier. P..vice. nine). C. Ii rvniin, II.

Mlerer. II. ' l'boia|WOII JaaWMack. T. ilusjii). JuliaMoore Frank F. I'rabior CliffordMl.lsi ft : riionias. T. F.

Ilonleaiu' I'nyliii'. lllllec

Newsock Waller lliursloii lluwrdlilri', F. J: -'iH'll, Clnis. K.Solan. Bobble Van Uuilniir-.

Noble, Billy ' Harry II,

Nnkd A Adams Van Dyke,Knnnan, II. II. . II. WalterNell". IC. Vcdders, 'I'lsv

Mack. MikeMiller. I!. L.Mailer. BertMoiilrwie, FrankMuchtiiuis, TheMcAvoy. Dick

ft AliceMark ft KlllottMelx.nnhl,. (liD * MattlvMuorchiiid ft

U-lghMeAvoy, HailMi'iike L. II.

vim pi i) w..ivrf

N'orlon, Jis-

Noiiim'. A. P.Nugent, 'IS.

Dwnlis. !,. V.

Ulnil, ilis>.

O'Cdinsir Hold!. Vlckery, Halt

Vernon. Don M.

Vllll'l'llt. JnlmVSIslta &L1111K111

Van Pranu.Henry

visum. IJ. II.

ey, itOwens, J. B.iiisd. Juxgler Verse;ll'llrh-n, Miollli Waison. Jos. K.(islsu a, F.i II. Walrrbury CM.Owens, Walter Wnlerlmry II. .N.

ii'Ooiiiioi' Frank Wlillehead H'.C.

(ilia Will J. Wee. U. B.I'llllell ft Wllauti. lls.r

Flfleber Whlller Krankl.I'ulloo. Wm. J,

I'lilouin. 0. s).

Henrimr, Otlo i'lensi ft Mid anr

Kariuoiil, t.'bas, Pickens, JbluiWInadoii lt"\ L. IVlulilks BnrtV,llhs-ii. N. I), I'lillloiilnl. Donids-ler. C, I'aulili Fred

Ketrs. It ay l'U-rlk-l,l. J. M.

Kelly, Chas. J. Park. HumKlerniin Thos,A,.K> ll'|e, »V. F.Kin*. F. K- ' I'uiilo. FmilKane. Jnlui I-:. I'nlerson, Win,Ki-ltchiichi J. M. Pii.-nltcii lliirrii

Kariaoiii. Chas. 1'onuer. II.

Kolei'i Harry ll'owrr, Mauricel.i-ye". S. II. Tsi.i'us. tieo.

l.lill.llIK, li.il. i'lll'J. Willi."' I.

I *). Frank ' j'lcris', W. J.I. a Msrlhil. ,lna. t'crivlus, Wallerl.elsllliia Frank Ihllllps .Inn. N.I.eilfoid. Lloyd ,1'rlee. Ji-liu II.

Williams A i

Van Iltiik'ii

Wtnchester M.LWilliams ft


• ' MediumtVnldrou ITlssllWells, Hilly K.Weslnian, Thro.Witalcyt ilarryWilson, (lilDlonWcsi'lniuHi. M.Williams *

PullnlnaWilllauis ft .

. MayerWhile, BertWlllard, Jis- F.iVai'd, II,

Welch.Frauds Co.

w.-is-r, Chas. Ii.

IV,-1>». AndrewWright, lid,

Wood, llavaWnrnn Chas. 11.

W. .ion. I>

Webb. W.Wlngatcs, TblWearer. IlernmWea v« r, L. M,Welch. BuboWalker. BertD'alker. V. 't.

Ward, L.Wilbur, C. It,

York*, 0.Veaavr, ltd. C.•»,•! Til" HrtatZlroracr, BarsZeldi, II. L.

I.eallr. Bert Ma Hisi.

Logan, J- W. I'reslim. (leo.

I.iiess. Cliak. rear). Snuil.owamlo At I'olvi-ls. .lie,

WllaeiiUJueen. Thus. C.La Barr Onlaley, Bubl.ln.if rniuH. Kd.'Oulrck Ju«. T.i.cvy. John 'llodnev II. Helltester, 0. W. Illcc, Is-on V.Inline. Chas. L. 1 Hanson. Cliaa,l.cooU'ls. John

|Boss. J. 1',.

l/sis. .1. Oeo. llollltis. It u 1 1. 1


Lease), (leo.'A. Itloe. DudleyLeon ft Dale Iteiison, Toml.noii A Adeline Bedford ft

Later. Frank Whieheslorl.hml. (ico. Itodoluli.

1,11111111" Bros. Frank II.

I.ciuii'd. W. ft. Itsyiuoml, L. B.l.chk, j. h. itiisjlds, Abe <

»kk Noricn at hkau or urr.n '«m>i"i " ' -

I'rniit Wtlsdicli Joins the ViolaAllen Co. •'

Frank Wllslueh bus gone to tola Vloh Al-ton ftif her tour to the coast, Mr. Wllaiuelirill do iiilvniiee work for Miss Allen to HunFrancisco and liuck Knst as far us Uiiliilli.

Tlirouglionl the season he has served ns gen-eral iiublteily promoter 'for thu'dliubert en-lerprlscs. .' ' '••

<it i i

tllonard MnusHrld > •

} i' Arrive* la cjaalnnd.

'lilchurd Miiiisileld lias arrlve'il l» Tio'ti'den,

I'liiK-i very weak after the voyujfa over. Thedoctors liRVD ordered his removal fruui Iaiii-

doii lo u ipilet bold on thu seu front atllilgliloti. '

»«»Soll.ei-n and Mitrlnne Will Part *

' Xe»l HrAaon. '"

Tile Hotheni-Miirlow'e i'oil,yany will sail

from l-mglanil for New York nn Junn I. toilll a two weeks' engagement, nt the Academyof Mlisle, ' '

Veil sen-oii K, II Sollinu ninl .lullii Mar-lowe will bo separate stars, uuder the manage.meat of L«e Hhuliert

'I'lie Ai'tora' s.i."i.-i> HlroilqaFor dli'vi.'lors will be held at the society'srooms; on Junn ,">. und the iiiinugl njertlngand elecilou of otllccrs ni Hie Berkeley L>-ei'inil. nn June II, at 1 1 ». u.


- '-»Ai,. ft lit riiMXK'iv opoiii'il. Mu.i- '1H, at the

Lyric 'I'heutre. Xnrwulk,' Conn., for un «•tended cugugeuivut. -





'.%' riiTV fc

1 %'~

rI'W i\V w* n*ve on haDl1 ,hc targe JOHNSTOWN Fl.000 which ruin been nt. Nnntisker. Ueach for the nasi um seasons..

• J% m. m nil 1 AVIV • Alio Small JOHNrtTOWN FLOOD -which won nt. Kansas City Inst season, nml one Mb Vesuvius In Kruptlon.

Our new 1000.07 f'ATAMIUHK It completed, i

tiling prrlaldeducted ttai


Our new 1000.07 CATALOUIfK It completed, tt III) dill description of,ililng pertaining to elccirli nl slag* craft und pttrU a m im nieni„.

" 'rum llrii »r,.(ni purchase. Went In regular t Hsloinci« free


354 WEST 50th STREET. N.

~hoii Iiik method of operation of ev-ry-PftrU •muarinrnl*. Prlre at Catalogue,, 51 rent*, u 111

MropenIch n mount wilt

\.\i» effects is tiik uoulu,Y. CITY.

miscellaneous.> ———


, Xotuhfrom tlie Kmerson Xewflrandc'lont-lug Pnlaco.—\Vo plnvcd HI. (ialllpolls, (I.,

May 20. for, ilin honctlt; of the local fir'' de-

tiartntenf, to' the utpflclty of the bont. Morepeople turned on), to the performance ihnn lo

nny one show. Hint has played their elly,

dtvtside of a. l-lrcits. TIM punidc. with nil I he.

dre- apparatus anil ilrcmen, nnd the EmersonOpmrJaoy mill Iltissnr ISancI, making ninety.people, were ion parade. The fire department,gate a fire 'drill In the evening. Managerifmorson doomed the receipt*. The citizens

ot the city fsitontled their heartfelt thrtnlw.

nnd .assured) Manager F.mcrson that therewould be a warm spot In thotr nenrta for liim

and bis clevir company.!1 The Stag HnsobnIIClill> defeated the Kmerson .Club by a scoreof. 4to:i,.nn Hanie date. After the perform-ance a social session, and. smoker was heldatvHlng llnll, A'liorc all enjoyed a pleasanttime."Niitkh. irnrnt tiik Moiwirx RrtMrtnv Co., No.

•MS.—Wp opened . our .' regular camp sennonu( NftoUvlllfj Mil., Mn> 7, and business nofar ha* far] exceeded the expectations ofdlir' genial proprietor. Or. Wm. Herliert.

!KIie>. verdict, [of. lite public go far In thatthis I* one- if (he host medicine companiesiftAl has ever- visited this section of thecQuntrv. l''(i|lo*log Is the roster: f*r. Wm.FUrberl,' sold owner, manager and lecturer


nr:, 8. P.* Jfr+illplns, office! worker; Wm. Hen-derton, hlacki face comedian, mnglc. hnn.lolsl

und, murlnnetjles: Snrilo rjpsscll, bnllnds, "SisHopkins," l'^ 1 ' old maid specialties: MaudeHerbert, yociillRt nod charactei-H: ShermanWolflnglon, 4-noden »lino, hikI Ming and dancerotpedlnn. .Mnstec i.ltiva llprbert, age threeyearf.' made this flew- ai»pea,rance before anaudience nu May 8, r.n<t.lK winning applausenightly, .with! Ills 'hinging and talking Juvenileclowrt net. Pr. Herbert and wife, In spirit

phenomena aud mental telepathy, <<ontlnneto, make, the, nptlveM wonder. We carry. 230feet, of feji foot side wall, with wild Westcanopy, went* for JtOO people- including fifty

folding reaerve sfhts, office lent, cook lionseand sleeping tenin. We are 'all well, andlooking forward lo a prosperous season. WejK>t Tnr. Oi.ii Riii.iaiii.r cvny week.Notks pnnut Tin: .F. 10. IlKMiy. Snow.

We left Stoilewoll, Ind. Ter., .Mnrcli 0, andhave not Mi hut. iwft Kiunds so far. Wehav« ployed to llto Viesl liusloesx In (lie his-tory of (lie hJiow, and uw hove fifteen wng-ons and nnrry iwciny-iive people. ICdwnrd(."(iLtlln -In yiM'.v successful with his Illusionsand mnglc. fl'he Hlchnrd Ili'ne. .lolncil a fewweeks ago, In miixlcnl skelcbes. Our HideShetland ]Kipj'. nniv two uuuiilis old nodweighing eighteen ponnde, Is n hit.

14.50IT, £»• True 1*1 tie s

Best biiie serge in anj- suit in America under $20

JJest journeyman tailoring— Best Irene mohair lining

and cold-water shrunk linen canvas and Frenchhaircloth .interlining—Best style; several different

correct Brill models.Best fit in any suit under $20 because of the sci-

entific cutting, expert tailoring and diversity of sizes,

'from 34*to-' 52. Because best in so many details,I Brill .f'S^True Blue Serge Suits. are best value in


Americ/urjder $2C.

Get the Habit. Co to




Iii Towns of from Fifteen Thousand Upa it a in 1* of corn imvnnr.n miIjF.s 01- vi:\\ vnitu oitv


MODBl, i

UNION H0.1AHK, nth, near B'wsy.470 BHUtOWAV, near (th urn bev. Si,

47 VORTkANOT, near Orrenwieli tsi


ri.-.th STHEK'r, enrner Ml Avenue,VKH YORK (til.

Write, stating lowest terms, capacity of the house and full particn.

larn immediately to




-*-*-tog Pictures.

"OS'ii ;op riin'lcrNf!nT.".Uin new Sellg film,

Is 'sfill I of.coiut'dy siirttrlsos. A real police-

man,, lo cieope detection for neglect of duly,takes offihlv hat,, coat and club and hidestbem under a. bench Jn tho park." A hoboMicflka up, n-ppronrlatCK the articles and putsihjf>m pn, lie makes several nrresls and ac-1 wpls hrlhes.; In partnership, with anothertramp, who Inter-Impersonates a blind man.'PC pullceninji prslmai .to l»eat. the sightlesslieggnr, whom ft lady prnsents with u sura of?joney. Thoftlki! policeman soils the unl-orin In n Jew porliller. Who, as a climax, Is

nrrested by i ho real policeman, who has been•m t ho. hunt for. bis missing hnlonglngs.

klriSb Or"


Iniernatlohiil Prima Donna and Comedian, wantsgood PIANO PIiAYF.R. Hood aranlcnr Willdo with *20o inward ji lengthening and producingup-tn-iiaic sketch, flood chance for some onewtibtlngtowork war up in vaudeville. If yon meanliiiKlnnm, wrlie quick to MAX HANIIORI), Mun-ager,_3M 1:. -j:)d Sl, N. T.Ohy. Jtec't cnll^

WANTED IMMKBHTKbV, to KnlVryefViinpnuv, t'omedlan, Soulirelio. silciu Man, sketchTrain, riitiio Pln.vcr to dniiii'.r- band. Von tnu-i

siaie all In first if yon want, answer. No ilckets.>'. 8. W'fttKV. Wesl flwany.e.v, S. II.

SKF.TCIIES, Trav«stles, i]urle<i]ucs, etc..

written to nrdoi'. Oulv beit original work fiiriilt-hcU

prof, JOjj.KBgMI.VW, KM Hutlonwood Ht.,l'hllK.

"waStkIC" flood B«dT WrfurmMB, MceTShTeiini, change for week; flinging and Dancing (loin-

edlnn, Moiibrette or Sister Team, l.iuly Piano Playerwho sings III. Kongs; Silent Act. Stop at, Motels.Kalnry, all flrat letter. Join on wire. Will buy BainPiano, If cheap. Centum Medicine Co., Plcnsant-vllle, Penna.


Dj\tioai. Co. havo received1 iiH.u!r)prvt »


of theTlmos icoraedyiof Oaun

a1films, Including : Sign

yi, nng and the Trumpi'IHUmUb), lliiylng a I/n'dder (comedy). Kn>lomo. Paying Oft' Scores tnomodyi, Curfew


S(inll Not IMtig Tft-nlght fdrpmntlc). the VII- I

Inge Celebration. Child's ciinnjng, Clip andRail. Hundred Bollnr Bill, Niirso TakingWalk, Two Cents Worth of Cheese and Jaul-tor's Tea Patty. ' •. .


"Anii the 1

l.kxj Camu BAfiK" shows thepossibilities 'sugMfted by this title splendidlyworked out la"he latnst liiibln film. "TheCnwrlt.ten liaw." 1

* -

'J"bn Jnmestown Navalare

FOR HAIiR-\cw. white Molro sllkol'enc ser-penlinn dress, -fS; posit oiilflt $1'.>; lilnckarl.otilllf,

f ik, lot or tricks, pair of nlckie plated nlde tablesCheap, flower production J;,. Knclosc stamp foranswer. Mrs.win. Carl, i!S4Coun flt..ltochcater,N'.V


WANTEllAMcd. Performers Unit onn changefor one wenK, .Silent Acts Man with M. 1*. Machineand films. Also good Cnmcdian. Stutc all vou doin llrsi Idler. • Tent Show. No booze or chasing.Arid. J. W. TtflNKB, iW Myers Court, .Chicago. III.


CRASnoi'KNIXii COUMKNCIKfl JlMRU. Openall Summer. . High class

Vaudeville.Matinee dally l.no; evening 8. Prices 10, ai, socenu<. Arlists, send In your open time. Mentionlowest Summer salary. Address, by letter only,

International Amusement Co., IW Hroadun.v.


CUTTER STOCK CO,A Versatile Character

Repertoire Comedian.Preference giicn to one doing singing and danc-ing specialties, Hinlo age, size. Send programsand laic photo, which will he roliirncd, If youcannot, join on wire, don't answer, (live lowest,

tfummn&aiid regular seu»nn salaries llrsi. letter.

The company Is now In the 4t)lli week mis season.Address WAIil.AliKK.C(<'lTKK, iliree weeks, com-mencing May if, UUAMPAHiX, ILLINOIS.


Itevlew" iind '"roO'Mncli Mnthcr-lu-fjiw'nrher'tilranir seller".

••KOBTXJ-WlvKn'.'" a dream ' creation, slinvr-

log some cur|oiia. happenings, and "One MouKflseb(ill,";,nii, aipuslhg.cninlc pantomime, arethe latest vjljigmph offorlnga: .

•T.out in I 'rile. Alps." ''Bnnlel Boone,""Teddy Hear," '.•Jnmestown lOxposltlnn" and


"I'nnomn Cnnnl" are,, the latest Kdlson •

fealnres. • t

it ' . J

imjMfBstmmmmu .m iijoiih i


NVvi'FS ritosr •rtniMAKT/ & Burnkli. BioVaiiokviu,u i'O.—-We.. opened our season at:Itaymond, i.N. |{„ Alny.l. This comtmn.v Is

st ronoer- In overy respect than ever before,;with all. nowipeoplo, with oho exception, andeverything upto-dst«v Our.' success lies hi I

the fuel., tliat, cnniplncd with n good show I

aild a sllvnr hoiul' and concert orchestra, wehave gained j the, people's confidence In the I

towns? In .'which we play. •

ft'o piny opera;houses. «nd eeiiifiln out tlilfty weeks, llus^itess has lH:i>n up.toioui* usual standard.Roster, or, company : Al. Maria and M. A.'Burnell, proprietors and managers: .Term If, !

ragn'ns, li'lsn 'cnhiM)lan: Md. Turiiey, slackw4re" .Juggler: ' Thomas Towle, ; vocalist and i

dancer: Lionel T'nrls. comedian' and batonj

liijgler t'Oenrjfe Richardson, hoop roller:)KaRfiii and -llarrlaip.v-civmndy. sketch : l.eoln 1

Weston, I'puiedlnn : (Initio .Vlerrlnm, vocalist|

ufid dnricoi'. 'Hosier of band : Prof. A. !*.'

While, lender; Howard pierce, O. V. Walghr. i

Cha's. Whit In g,' Dlc|; Mnrln. .1. Asnlk. TommyTowle. Mh.nl v Wllltlng. John Kngnn. M. A.


Bliciieltmiil Lionel 1'nrls,

With siereopllcon; Vpper Magazine, electricLamp und KlieuM.it, Power's adpistahlK legs,screen und WW feet ftmtitre film iLubln's Lost.

Trnukl, all complete, ready In show; $J,'i. Pent,privilege of examination, on receipt, of expresscharges. RLKrTIUCiAN.care Aniertcan Exchange,tai llalsey flt., Brooklyn.


\1*mANK K. KINO,llcnvles, Juveniles, l»r (>cu: Hus."llorghl,° A feci:

j slhchcs; sgcj$, iiooil wurdriilicnnilupiicHrnncc.And



State ngc, height, weight, etc., and enclose lalo

program .and photo. Wnrdrohe, aitilltv and reli-

ability very essential. People nil lines, write. Ad-dress A. P. RKRII, Manager, CanandlHgiin, K, V.,

Ma' 2: week; Norwich, N. Y„ June i week.


CHARACTER COMEDIAN,ALSO KKPKItTOIIlK PEOPLE IN ALL UNEfl.Season's work In flan Anionic. Best Summer the-atre In Texas. Want best people money will pro-cure. Write or wire.

- rische a oaknep.,P. 0. box 1140, San Aatonlo, Tex as.

Wan-itod Quick,DRAMATIC PEOPLE for the

Setden-Stetsou Go. Pavilion TheatreThose doing specialties preferred. Don't, mi-ron-resent. Address 1IARKV STKTSON, Mgr.,

Sclden-Slelsnii t.'o., Sebrlng, Ohio.



Correspond at once with E1WAP.D J. U'ELSII, Pare of Theatres, South Fiend. Ind.


AKRON, OHIO.A full)- Ki|iii]>|>eil Opera Ilnns« t'mler (,'auvan in tin i Henri nf ill, city. Will

Open lor I lie Mensnn Alondny .him, :t.

WASTED—Vaudeville Acts of All Kinds except Aerial. Would nlso like lo hear from OrgsnUfilCompanies, siieh as Mitslna! Comedies, Good llepertolrc Ooinimnies, .Minstrels or noy ftotul Shim 1'l.r

Ing Summer Time at Summer l^lc.ei. will nlierntito vaudeville and i-nmninalions. Impossible ii,

answer nil letters. If vou don't get a reply wll liln reasonable time, write ngaln, ns lime nskeii mm U-Irfioeod. Address Af HII.I.K PIIIMQM, Maiiager.

A NO, I FIRST GLASS TOP MOUNTER,Capable of doing full tivi-icrs and doubles for one of me elevcresi nciolmilc aAM In lals connirt.SCahoii all booked. Will pay a good salary and Biinmnlcc the iiesi of irciiiiiieni. Welgbi not over nul bs. ; age must ho over 18 tears. Address

W. ESORIEM, care of W. Y. CLIPPER, 47 W. 28th St., N. Y.


AN ORCANIZCD COMIC OPERA CO. (Repertoire)All Summer engagement.Keperlolre to.

Harry Lea Velle, wire. Can also plnee an flrgaulxeil nramntlrAddress KARL P. ADAMS, .Mgr., ilallasl Point Cusluo, Tampa, i is.

Pianist and Parts, nau arrange. Height, .' feet 1;

uge, •£!. Joint engagement. Stock, good rep. orone piece. Can loin nl ouch.

HKNKKAL ItKI.IVriltY, l)«s Moines, lows.


Sketches and Plays written to order. OrlglnallKa feature, All w or» nnsra Bleed.


WANTED,Organ Player, mark Paco Snog and Dance, DutchSong and Dance. Loug Job and money sure.

OHAMjBR BTLMIAX. Shcnniidoab, Va.



BELMONT PARKMay :j-.l,ni, ,1.

All [xraoiis arc cantionoil against iu-

oloHtng mnucj with letteru to ns,

UNLESS THE LETTERS, ARE REGISTERED.Wo pre in. lecflfpt of comjilaluls Iroin many

who bnvo Inst money by newling it through

ibe iniiil, which demonatruten that that

TOP MOUNTERWeight.. 1 in lbs. Experienced llendto-licnd andlland-tn-banii llaliincer. All l-'ronl ntid Hack Som-ersauli.s from ground and shoulder. Would joiniToupeorjiartncr. _Address L IS, care of OLIPPKH.

Wanted* PerformersKim MKlIlt IME CO.

Km. and sleep on Inis. Work under lop. Vcrv bestaccommodations. Tickets, If | know you. Roodmoney lo good people, if vou want, to open yourown show, don't join. There have been severalcompanies organised nt my expense tills season.

J. C. YAfiKH, Lock llox -Ida. Joplln, Mo.

WANTED AT ONCE,Woman for HeaviesAnd some Jiivenlles, good BMMMH or SisterTeam, Versatile Comedian. Kino line of pans forall the above. Cood Vaudeville Acts, write. l-:l-

berts Ray. wrlie. C. WAIX'O'IT Itl'SSKLL.tit^fiolil Si., Vonkers, s. v.w a, n *rm B ,



TRAINED ANIMAL SNOWS,flood Ham llill roster, or .mhii to take charge orBox Hrlgadc. Address AS PKIt KOPTK.

REPERTOIRE PEOPLEWiinled In nil lines for DODO LAS STOCK 00.

i Low, sure snlnry: must do specially. Address1 Downlngtou. ill., week a;: Bovcrtowii, Pn„ 2.

VIMV FNCJAOIVC t'OR 13th VK All- IU07-*.

"THE HIGH ROLLERS"\\ \j\TKI>, Burlesque People.

Onmedltins, Cltaractcr Jfnn und Womnn, Soprano and Contralto Singing Sniibrcttes hud Chorus illrU

II. S. WOOIIIll 1,1. , lllll.ntlloom Kin, Knlekerliocker Theatre Knlldlng, New


Montambo M Hurl-FallsCOHIiinV At HOHA IS. As good us the best •BKACITIIcri/BAl'lflAD'' CO.

AT LIBERTY, Al VADDETILLE LEADERI'or the past tew seasons lender with some of t no best burlesque, shows. Summer pari: nt

'lay good Alio If required. Address vand. Leader, Ml W. soth hi., N.V.(VIOLIN')located engagement only .City

ATTE1VTIOX, Bit sit All ARTISTS l Hare chance lo hny one of (.lie finest sets of AlninhnimChimes in the show business, .hti.. oc.lavcs Chrnm. Can Ivo played by two, three or four nwiple.

Arranged Hie n piano. Knch note three octaves on top or each other. Only set In existence, i.nti: 1


nlckei plated steel lulling stair with castings. Moderate price. Come and see it. other si ntr.

DKLPIIINO .t DRLMOItA, Hold Trafalgar, U« I). Mill St., S. Y. <'.

Roll TicketsVouv Own Special Ticket, performed, numbered

consecutively, on the roll iu iUe. per thoits., In•",,01X1 Inis; special prices in larger (|iinnlilles,


*W* method nfmiikiug reuiidnnoes


POLO QROUHDS.With PhtlaUelpltla, ftlny 48, 40, :tn, :to.

With, Brooklyn, Way :».Juue I. .1.

FIB SALE.Some rnraplete prudurtlonst alsu Rlec>irical rrTertt. Aditrci.

S. A. R., care CL1PPKR.

Want, 1 So. 1 M. P. Operator.— *-. K.-v^-wm <-• a

""** '"'" "" -'*" Salary $1K. I'eruianrm place.XS PtfO J/ S -0^..!^E ''Y "" ; 'Hr-ATIti:. I'M Wash . St., l'0''<'n._.Musw;_

If Postal Monoy Order, Check or Droit is IwB &aJ ^3^ I fL^1 sent and is otolen from the mail, aduplicate ; Arranged, composed. Romantic Operetta on hnod.

o»n bo obtained nnd there will be no l«n of. ^^ a. kkktsmar, 4ia g. if.th m.


money, bnt there will be a 16b» of lime, ' rf"jwhich may bo of the turnout, importance.

' Wo will gnntantae nil persons against loss in

' sending; ns remittances IP THE LETTERS y ,. IX(TIN WHK1H ,THEY ARK SEN! AKB i ^-^J TT'liil.



«mm • « t • 1 1 1



TIIOS. SPMSCKIt. Theatrical Clog Maker.4M West 40th SI., New York.

Stamp for price list . Orders promptly attended u».

JugglersAddress JCfiOLKn, care of ci.ll'PKli, X. Y. City.

lood Bills, 1-4 of I per cm. Royalty, and upEDWW HOPKINS, Play Agent, 127 W. loth St., N.Y

The only makers or coupon Tickets on the Rolluiimbered;nnd perforated, ai Tfic. per thoits. in

10,000 lol>. Park, Concession, Picture, Kali- audItlnk Mgrs. OCT WISH; save money on your tick-

ets. «iKT TIIK SAMPLES. Printers ofl lodgers, Heralds, Tickets, Tack Cnrds, LetterHeads aad Envelopes.

XATIOKAI. CARD CO ., Slliimnkln. Pa.

THE GREAT JORDAN,The Fimnleat AVeneh Act In Vaudeville,

In Ills Funny Act,"0.\K MILE TO SI.Oil TOWX."

This Is my Open Time: Jnno •':, in and 17, betweenPlilln,, l'n.. and ttostou, Mass., July I, 8 nnd ^n,

between X. Y. cin nod ltocbesler. X. Y.; Aug. .'i,

IS nnd 19, between Pllisbnrg, Pa., and Chicago. 111.

Address core of X. Y. CLIPPER, orlow SOUTH PHILIP ST., Phlln., Pn.


J. W. SHIPMAN CO.,WOMAN for TOPSY with Strong Specialty,

CLARIONET, B. aid 0.Address 1. W. SHIPMAX, Canajoharie, X. v., June1; Fonda, X. v., £| Johnstown, X. Y., 3, A.

Wanted, tor Sanger's Concert Co., A I SilentFKKTORMEK. Change for week. No magic.Work iu acts. State all In first. AddressPROF. SANQEK, Mai Unaburg, Lewis County, N.Y.










AND CLARINETwin. other Musicians,-Write.

H. II. TlftXKU, iHiaCe-nirnlAvo., Cincinnati, o'll'1 -

WffiW ACl WMTDFor Immediate nnd future lime. Small siflge- i*I'amllt ihcntrc. Open nil flummer.

SAVOY THEATRE, Cumberland Md.KAY Jtt BAggMW. ilauu>.-ji.


One to Play Plnno. Chnnge ror a week. ««»low Rummer salary. Stop best howls. IP,' 1111 '

Wire, phone or wille XOtV. S. A. KBBH'l.Ml. rptou. New WjS^,

Azures? JT^MdyT'A First.Tenor dogff

-riot over 17 years oldi

i.eare of ClAWER.

• HVK'-' *:!'! .*:>$





By MORSE And BUCK, »»"• »''<< "DEAR OLD GIRL." Tim, mu a niaslerplrce and this U another n Tlis

. nun? vi;nsK.falling on Hit''l'lii> slurb's of night ore fnlllnc on Itic river,

The huppy day Is drawing to Its close


While hen- I wait, with heart strings all a-uulver,Still pressing to iny lips u crlnson roue.

At early dawn you gave It In my keeping.While birds made merry music down the lane


It seems to gpealc of you while you are sleeping:Dreaut on, dear heart, 'till morning comes again.

wortW air* Iiiht. TUty will

MSOOSft) VKRMS.Tlir moon Is dot m> bright nlbcc wo are isirled.The stars of crating pale and loso thvlr jtl»w :

The nlghtlugalc Is snil and heavy hearted.Your absence from ,lie scene he seems t» knuiv.

W« pabllsli the on* big hit,

oni|il«.|«. words ar* lu-ir. Tb»y will «l> <• you Just an lil«>a of it.

CHORUS.Hreum on. dear heart, dream ou. .

The stars of night are gleaming.And o'er your sleep their vigils keep.To guard you while you're drcamlug.

Tlic moon beams upon tbe sea, i

The light of day Is gone,And yet I watch and watt for 1hee;Dream ou, dear heart, dream on..

Published la ull keys. State yours when writing.' High, lowor medium voice.

No requests honored antes* late proirraninie la sent. Cards not accepted. Letter* without i>ro*r«iiiiiiie» will reeelve no attention.

Uoina: bigger every nilaiile. Get some ehorns "Wigwams," if yon are singing It.

The voices of the night are softly calling,Around my head the I railing roses twine.

wiiiic down my cheeks the hnppy tears are fulling,

Komi teara of Joy, ui'ciiumc your love la mine.

Free for tli« asking,

THE F. B. HAVILAND PUBLISH INC COMPANY, 125 West 37th St., New York.

BOOKING TOGETHERUnited Booking Offices

Of America,


Western Vaudeville

Managers' Association,HA1ESTIC THEATRE BLDfl., CHICAGO



PORTLAND. ORE.Including every eity in the United States, North, South



MAKE GOODMr. Film Renter. There's every reason why youshould, and there's only one way to do it—GIVEYOUR PATRONS GOOD PICTURES. Every oneof our customers makes good, and plenty of

money, because our

G. N. Y. FILM SERVICEgives them THE VERY LATEST AND BE8TFILMS, PROMPT ATTENTION AND AN IN-TEREST IN THEIR NEEDS. We can do the samefor you if you'll call on us or write us telling howmany, changes you desire, etc. Let's get ac-quainted.




TRUNK30 B. Randolph St., CHICAGO. 131 W. 38,h St., NEW YORK, N. Y.


LESTER'S COMEDIANS.I waul ii red liol U. r. COMKIHAN and a ROOK HKKTUH TRAIL Must read or rake piano. Will pa<-

lu.ui) to tl-j.oo Sluifle, tts.CU Double, mul nil. Open mulct - riravas; live in mnio: best ull earth. '.:i

years managing and never missed h salary iliiy. Hooaers, Managers. Aaltalurs anil Hlg Heads, I'mi- t

if—have had inlue. Tickets, yes, If I know you. t'hus. Hcsiy, Horry Fox, Id me hoar from you. Wireor write. Tbusr who wrote before, do so again.

C. W. LESTER, Mgr., Lester's Comedians, Collins, Erie Co., N. T.

WANTED, For Grace Castle's Minstrel Maids,With I lie

Robinson Anuiso-went Company,

Sister Teams, Singing and Duiictng Soubrcllcj. those play lug bmss preferred. Chorus girls al all times.Tickets, yes. Write or wire quick; pay owu wire. 0B0. MATTHEWS.

London, Oltlo. week of May ii; lllcliniond, lad., week ol June 3.

FOR SALE—Empire Theatre, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa.Ny IcsecoM more years on this up-to-date theatre Seating capacity of 1,'Mo. Large stage, loxnn.

light large separate dressing rooms. Just closed May is. flood seasuu intri High clsss Vaudeville,opening June 8 with summer Stock. J will sell leuso now at reasonable price. Must give up thebusiness. Address .IABKH U. McKAV. lessee and Mgr.

Wanted, for HARRINGTONS PAVILION THEATRE.MU8ICIANH doubling lliiml ilnd Orchestra. Itcpcrtntre l'enplo ill lug Spc, fa'tle.*, write. All must In;

eolter and reliable, and nndiTsltiiil that I sm Mansger. G vi> losrcsl rtiminni a dan


K. A. HAIIRIKGTON, PrinreKm, iml.


annual Inter-Slate Fair and ExpositionTHIRTEEN DAYS, COMMENCING SEPTEMBER 23, to OCTOBER S, INCLUSIVE, 1907.

incorporated under the laws of Nlssuurl. ,'apllal stock, I ">0,tKW, fully paid up. otllcers and directors: J. S. liardiier, I'res.: II. M. Kvuiis, I'lr.-t VlcnHies.; A. J. Murray, Second Vice I'res.; W. P. r'irslcuucrgcr.Treas.; J. il. Harklts-, Soc'y; J. r*. Ilalplu and J. ft Iturgrr. Malingers,

About Twimly of flu- Very Hot, Biggest and Hlghes! < Ims OpenAir Acta of All Kinds. No Art rsnlm too good or too big. w»want th* Brat Acta anil Attractions obtainable.

Thirty of th« Best and Highest Class Carnival mul Kt posit in it

Shows. Also Fenls Wheels atnl Merry-Ua-'Ilounils. All sliovt»mint be iif merit. Wo ulll not tolerate i heap, ao-ralled aliottm.Will contract with carnival companlo* or indlvlilual twti'ta.

LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS OF ALL KINDS FOR SALE.NOTE—This is Kansas city's Klrxi Annual Interstate Fair and exposition. The same win lie hold on the bountiful Klin Itldgu (irotinds, coiiiprlslug

1J7 acres, which Is located within twenty-tire minutes ride tmui the heart of Kansas City. Kim Itldgo Is considered the llucsl plant In tnv cuunirv, costingover halt a million dollars. We are offering atiout * "S,000 In premiums, prizes and purses. The railroad companies have already granted reduced excur-sion rates. Our merchants and business men are interested, uod ono of our Idg features will lm that of lite Merchants' and Manufacturer-.' Kxhltdt*.. Inaddition to our raving program, there will be shows, attractions, agrlcullure, tloraculturc, horticulture uml live stock exhibits, etc. Our fair will run con-llnnoitsly from turn A. M. to ll.no I'. M. The grounds will be beautifully Illuminated Willi thousands of arc and lucundcHccnt lights. We are spending overf a.i,i»H) lu advertising our Fair and Kxponltlon througliout the connlry. We expeel several hundred tliousand out of town visitors. Kansas City is Biaits ,1

IM one of the best cities In the country, having a population of about hair a million, and Is the eighth city In tills country In Imnk clearings. Hi- u III havehere, several big features dally. All of our clll/.cns are houstlng the Klrsl Annual luU>r-Slatc Katr and KxihwUIoii. IVecxuect an allemlaiiceiif met


mllliou people. I'lenso ,'euivniber Unit- (Ills Is a virgin cily, and the show people and concessionaries will no doubt, make lots of money here.

AddrQBB all Oommunloations to


FOR SALE CHEAP,MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.Kead this carefully before buying elsewhere.

An Automatic Orchestra, Piano. Drums, Chimes,Cymbals, used very little; cost I Wi; will lake $450.One Set of lii-Rgii n's Organ Chimes, 45 chimes, al-

most new; coBt (480; canvas cover to lit same, $18;will lake tiva. One Hct of licagau'a Organ chimes, a,

chimes, brand new, cost $210; will take tvir>. OneHoyal I'liolo opt Icon, with double leusesof Ihc lat-

est, most improved, double combination acliromauIve, adapted to all brass sliding tabes that will drawout, givirg various focal lengths for different dis-

tances. I'rlcc, $950. Price, including .'••'> mountedviews, at $1.80 each, and an views unmoiinlcd at

$1 each, with Taylor made trunk to tit lamp at$13, all Included at $450. Will lake $140. Write or

call for list. Over 30 of the finest s. S. Stewartand J. II. Schuil Banjos, and other makes, will,

leather cases for same; will sell at great sacrifice.

Also Sleigh Hells, .staff llells, Wooden Xvlophoiics,orpin l'lpcs and Wire Dulclmor. Two Mills Illus-

trated Song Slot, Machine, cost $125 each; will lakein. One Mills Dumb Hell Lifter, cost $iau; will

lake $75. One Mills Klectric. Chimes, drip andbung Tester; cost $M; will bike $:.o. These ma-chinos have been used very little. One Mirror,o'jft. x fi'.fl., in solid walnut mine, handsomelycarved, standing 14ft. \ u.cft., seal at bottom, 2drawers, $150. One Mirror, on. high, .'.'.ft. wide,In solid oak frame lift, high, "ft. wide, wltti fancyslielfari. from bottom, $90. One Mirror, Aft. high,4c.fl. wide, solid oak frame, $80. One Mirror,7ft. x lift,, 7in. frame covered sllkplush, $uo. Over100 Oak and Gilt Frames with Pictures. Will sail

these mirrors at a great sacrifice. PIIOK. KOAGH,cm this Out 142 W. Madison St., tiblcugo.



Cstchy, melodious and full or merit. Highly rec-

ommended. Copy of each KKKK on receipt oflate program. WH. A. POND A CO.,

148 Klflh Ave., Now York.

i mii m 1


- FOR tsAr.t:

bargcsl suit Oldest In New Kugland Slat

Wrile CURTIS AND WELD,9* llaysvartl Pi.. Boston, Haas.

BIWSJgland Slates I'ELD,ton, Ulaav,

Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaden!Do yon want to Learn lo Compos* andArrange Music T if so, send tr. stamp for trial

lesson, Nothing lo pay until you bavo been,taught lessons 1, a and ». If these lessons do notconvince you that this Is strictly Legitimate,then Th«y aro Kr«e. Don't write unless youhave a tliornngh knowledge of the rudiments ofmaslc, and Nean Buslnoaa.

C. W. Wll.tOX (Box C),10 Union Mqnara, New York City.

Wanted, a Lady to Assist a Magician In LargeIllusions, one who Is a good looker, dancer andsinger preferred. Also a Sinter Team and otherladles uolug good specialties. Koule: Berlin, Md,,ii; Snow Hill, lid., 27; tieorgetown. Del., 28;Lewis. Del., 20, "*<\ Mllford, lid., 31: Harrington,Del.. June); Dover, Del., June;'. Performers of all

kinds, write. PROF. ADAMS' NEW it.E. SHOWS.




AHibMtill so. Kllrahelh Hi., Chicago, HI-

Be APTOP an ActressAn ^^ WK or OratorMam a profession l hat pays $20 In $2tsi weekly.w rile rnr fllEK laMiklel oil Draiiiullc Art by for-respontlnnro. Chlrugit Nrhnol of KI,h-m-Ilon, r,N!li;liicii|;o l)|>eril IIiiiimi: Hlk., (.tlllesgn.

Opening Attraction and Others for


Bltl'CB OONUUKU IM IIUI'IIIHI », Loasee.New $S,i"io Theatre, walking distance f.iim I,. A N. -.hops, eniploytng t,|is, ineii, I'uy roll of tJiii.iim

every M. Leather infg. employs l.msi. Pays $iii,iSHi every lr.tli. K\i-nlln,il Inlcriirbaii H tuluub-streei cur Kcheditle lo \a»" Decatur, Old Decatur mid Aiutlnvllle. I'oiiiilatloii in draw from :vj,oiki.

Will play Hep., sinter Team, Opera, M, Comedy mid Vuudevlll ,. WANTKD—Two full Acting Una-panics at once for oilier parka, sketch Teams, S. and D. Comedian. Wire or write, unlck.

MOSK WKIIKil, Sec, Bruce 0oui|U«r Knleriirlsiis, Bom hid, New Ducatur. Ala.


At Columbia, South Carolina. pfRUCHI GYPZENE GO,

Strong Actor (or Character Heavies.dust lie capable, kco I at lor wit b strung sjiei-ln II i>». Other* write. Stale linrr.l,



THE WIZARD OF WALL STREET CO.,Must have made more than good, or else why do oilier people waul lo use my tllhtract. Is signed, l,KW VIKDKN, THK TIIII1D HOUnKIMrill

Sett thai vour eoli.SKASO.S. Huritral linusi! records lo luv

credit. It'efofotiec, any house I have ever played. Two shows Hits season. A new lino of paper fromHie Krle l.illm Co. Wanted, i'KOI'I.K IN AM. LINKS Hint can sing, fur siiiiiiner and next season.Address, for four weeks, l.uwtoii.tikla. I'cr. add., Krle l/ltho Do,: Krle, l'a. illlACi: AIIMOND, Wltl'l Ii,

l.UW VIItl>T;\, <)». mi und Mhmukci .


The Fenberg Stock Go. (Inc.) Attractions,Nouo hut Hood llciicriidri: People wiiii experience need answer till*, staling all in llrst letter, liiiluilliieuhntos, picks matter, programs, etc. Address, fur three week-,

flKO. M. i-'UN IIKIW. ritidlay, Ohio, New York addrcHS, \*:\i llrondwiiy.

Best MaiiHsfers kpSeiEd Reliabfe EHgageiiieiits

Wanted.Vaudeirilleanrl Dramatic People lor Immediate EngagemertsOramatloVaudsvill*BurloaquoParksfairs

In Summer Parks, Summer Slocks and Kniiilly Theatres, Pollard's Ohiomid Southern Hummer Turk and rumllv 'I'liealre Hlrcilltof twenty wee \ ,.

friendly lo all circuits. Head open time, route, lowem salary and lliuo

of ad llrxt letter. Vaudeville iirllsls liliiylliff Ohio anil Hie Soe'l-, » rllo

at once. W. M. I'OI.LAHU, Mansur, 4'luet ul TlieairliuiAltency, IH Kast I'ourtli mm*. (JfNCINNATI, OHIO.

THE GREAT WITTMAN,(flow inurliiK Hie West with howling success), W,v>TH, PKttVOIlMISItH cipcrlvucvil lu llicuicl.

til/.., vrrsallle and good wardrobe, fan Hlugbsi, itm Itoiibl.-, nut waul Hie lu-sl. Will aiivauce iick.ii.

Those i do not know inns, furnish security or piopcr rcfei ttues. You can work as long us sallsfacfory,

Inn must slxn a conliact Willi mu fornl lea«t one >»*r. a'«o want llund Men that double u sfrluir,

and Physicians reirlslered both In Wash, ami L'ul. This Winter I will establish larire saiill'irluiii lu

Southern Mil. and run a rep. and vaudeville under eauvasutllic same lltuu. Will sell my entire out.lit stored at C'lllc: slaxe, scats, Ilifhts, Iculs, beds, dish,;', etc. Will buy Human cost nines. References.First National liaiik. Address X. W. WITTMAN, M. II., Honcllv Hotel, Tacoiua, Wash,


VEHSATlbK HlNiiINH and DANt'lNH KOUUItBTTK to work with Comedian of reputation In ails.

Summer's work lo right parly. Addrisa W. A. Ulllflfi, Manager.


SKKTOH TKAM lo pill on clfflil lo leu minute sketches, lulroduclui; »bnfliiir siieclaltie.'. rtianire eaiili

week, six In elvrlil weeks' eiiifiiui'iiieiif. Address HAUKril.l. II. I.VAI.I,, Miiuiikci.

Illefercnce: HlrinlllKhaii, Tiustatid Havlnjfs Co.


l'i ooiiil.vrs rtnd Haur«s«alallve* at Leu It'main Amateiiient Knterprlses,

BOB MA.CK X CO., Theatrical Apeut*.Com|>anles roulcd. Opera nouses Ixsiked, V.urlcv llle Arllols booked. , Talent in nil lines filrnlsliod midm-Kot nit eil [,-ir. 'fmn .aeiiiiu a liciieial Aiiinsnriiuni iinnilK in flirouiflioiii Ihc i'.'H. liild IMuailil. linn'

biMlness solbdlcil slid ssllufscllou giisraiileeil. . M Wlfl1TIKll.l'l..l,.'K, INDIA NAl'iil.ln, INH.


On tbe Road.All Roote. Most Reaett Vs Hot Later

Tlmu Saturday PrecedingDate of Iwaci

For BoppIeaiMtal Lint Bee Another Column.

DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL.Ain>rn Opera (Mlllon k Sargent.' Aborn, nigra.)—

Washington. D. C, ^7. MMftAmhcwn upera-Jarkia.ii. Minn., J'™'* ,_American Sl«n-k (Arll.iir K. Herbal, ingr.)—

.Marlmi, luil.. 27, Indefinite.

Ar.leii. Kdwlu. Slock—Wiishlngl.iu, I). C, J., In-

AMwMMfe I*. F. All**. II I ri»ll»1Wi at

I., 'jr., indefinite. ... „..Angell's Comedians (Jack KnHTwin. ingr.)—CjI-

gnry. Alia., Can., 27, Indefinite.

Alfeii Slin-fc—Portland, Ore., a.. Indefinite.

A.-ine Comedy, Keokuk, la-. H, hnlcttnlie.

-a, Told li> I In- IHIIs," W. F. .Mnnn'a ir*5™seovlllc. iiiirr.i— laiiHlim. Hill., Can.. Jll. I «••

-irvihi iM, Siirniii 31. iwt lliiniu. JlleU.. June I.

••Ai Cripple Creek" (inf. A. Ilalvhi, mgr.)— Utir-

laln. .s. V., 27 June I. ,.

Ithuiehe Mutes (David Itcinnrn, mgr.)—Brooklyn,•.V. V., S7-Junc I. ... . .

Until more; Klhel (Charles * rolntiiiii. niKr.)—

c4ir linplds. la.. W !"•» tartans'*• *2 *

• :ily 31, Lincoln, Xehr.. June I. HI. Joseph,

>f.... L Kaunas Clly « H. . . - -

Rom-tcllc, Jennie |C. F. Lawrence, ingr.)— Rur-

ruin, N. Y., 27, Indefinite. _ _ ,

llosiuu Ideal Comic <»l«'™ (KdwInTatersnn, mgr.)

—biuisus Clly, Mo.. 27Sf»l. 3.

Jf.-Kgui- Man Opera. KUa Merrln' (Horry Uu-vclle, ulgr.)—Jackson, 'I'elili., 27-June 1.

Jlurrle Slock (llurrlc k Craliiini, nigra.)—Piiclilii.

Con... 27-Jnne lib , _ . .,, ,

Jlm-haiiun, Lorraine, Sloek—Rail le Crock, Mich.,

i", Indefinite. ,,,, ,

Brown Slock (Ailn-rt Drown, mgr.)—Milwaukee,Win , 27, luitettnlte. '


Waller Stuck (Maurice Hlonfonl, nigr.l--»lld-

wiaal, 'N. J.. *J7,'llldeUllllf.

hurke Slock IFriink Hurke, mgr.)— I- nil River,

Alum.. 27. iliclelllllle.

Rrm-le Ituiiuell I jullen' lirchcnlni—Ralllninrc, Mil..

27, Iwleilnlle.

•llrewKierV .Millions" (Frederic TIi«iiiium>u, msr.)

~.N. V. Clly 27, liHledullr. _.

"lllcwsler's Mlllk-nK'" (Charles Frohimin, msr.)

- lolinoll, Va\*.., 27. Inilellnlle.

•'HiiyK of »v>. II": ( Daniel I'mhiinn, niKr.)—>.

V. ('Mr 27, lliik-lllille.

•Iliillilera" iW'ni!i-iiliiil!i * Keni|ier, nmra.J—N, ».

I'll v 27. liulrlllllle.'

, .

••Illi! Ilearlnl Jim." KHiut h llauola'k (Dnnlel

ItoHL mar.l K—mii Cliy, Mo., 2(lJuue I.

'•Ikmiile llrler Bin*" tShluiimn fc Ikiltin, nigra.)

I'liislmn;, I'n., 27-Jiim' I. .

-Iliinb-r imw" (W. W. I.o|hi1iiI, niKr.)~j'ort

lleiiry. N. V., :«». Krlalol. VI., Ml, MIlliiU Jniie

I. .SwaiiUHi 3, KniialniiK KiiIIh ^, Hlehrunl •».

IkIhihI I'iiihI II, l.illieilMlfr. N. II., 7. Ullleliill K.

•Huiiker'a Clillil." Kiialern (llarrj Mliuiimm, Mgr.)

I'tirk cm II., '3H, OuilvlllH Ml, Auiemmilurk Julie li 'l<«ilt'.'I. liramllle I. IIoiihII'


:iI ">.

karsvllle it. lii Itlumi 7. liiitiin S.

Curler. In.' l*"He (Win. M. Oruy. lugr.l—Ijm

Augelea. tlal.. 27-Jiiih- I. Saeniinenlii » Salem,

lire., 1, rortlaial Hk.Criwnmii, lleiirieiin Ulaurlee Cniuiila'll, mgr.)—

I'lirlltiml, Ore.. 27-2U. ."tiiinle. Wash., :hi-Jiiih I.

I'Mller, Wlllluin (Clinrlen I'mhliiiin. mgr.)—V >.

rilv 27, Iniletlnlle.

Caililiiu. Idihi, (SwihH)', SIi)|iiihiii A (.'«., nigral—I'eiiilleliiu, (Ire., 2li, l.n Hruiiil :'M, Maker ''My

Ml, Welaer. Iilu., June I, lk,l»e 3, I'walelln J,

I .num. It, ft, ligileu li. I'ark lll« 7, Mall l.nk»

fll.v s.

Cuiiiermi, Oniee (C. II. Kerr, mgr.)—N. V. Oily

27 -June I.,

CruvMi. It hi i (II. I,. Uii'k, mgr.)—I'liiluvllle,

Kali.. 27-211, Slwklini :iu. Ml, (MlKirue June 1.

I'lililomla ('mull- luieru (TIiim. Kurl, lugr.)

IjmAngeln. Cat, 27. link-Unite.

Craig Hiuck (Julin Craig, mgr.)—Bonton, Muni.,

27. MMMMti-iilier 8luek (IVallnce 1(. Culler, mgr.)—Clinin-

liulgli. HI.. 27-June lit.

Ciirlla .Munleal C'uncily (Allen Cnrtln, nigr.l—Trlulilail. Oiki.. 211-JllM- M. „.

r.iliiml.lii Sunk (l.in-keil .<: Inry»r, ingia.)—»a«h-liiKtmi. II. C, V7, Imli-ilnlte.

Ciiluiilnl Sn«k (li)-ew & Cuinnliell. ingni. )—Clcve-

luml, (I.. 27. n-ilellulte.

cliiiMnell-\VinierlM.>iT »tnek (Harry Chapiicll, mgr.)-t'lit-liurg, Kan.. 2iIJuim? J<. ....

I'.ile mill .liiliiis.ni -llnlllnnire. Mil., i'l-Jlliie I, N.

v. city m-n. , •

••(ImrleVa Aiml" (Wilfrid Nurlli. mgr.)— In-

iiuilii. ('mi., 27-JutH- ,1, Aliuilnal MS.••('niuaili'CarrlnM" III. (!. Whitney, mgr.)— tad-

.ago, 111.; 27, Indellnlle.

"Uiw-l'wrlHPr." W.. !•'. Miiuii'k (K. V. Marsliall,

uigr.-l—Mliuii-niaillK, Minn., 20 June I..

-Couolel'a ll«ugll(er',

(Jan. It. Barton * Co.,

iugr*. i—UlileaiM. III., 27-June I.

liren, John (Cliavlen Fmbniiiii. mgr.i— lull Klver,

M»M»., 2tl, Woreenter Mil. SiuliiBlleld Ml, .New

Haven. (Viun., June 1.

DauMa,' l-'ru'iik l(^. II. Dllllngliniu, mgr.)—Clil-easo/lll., 27, liuleflnlle.

DinuriwHi New York Syiupliuny Ori'lieatra—I'hlla-

ilelnlilu. I'll.. 27-.lillii' 14.

Ite l'ew:Unnleile St.n'k Rkm K. U* 1'ew, mgr.)---Hamilton. O., 2II-Juttt> I.

lkniglterty Sloek (I'ayne * Uougherly. togra.)—.Siuierlor. Wht.. 2IIJuiu> ».

lie Vi.nn, Kloru (J. II. Knliiiiur. iugr.)

Kmt 'Jruy,

Win, 27-211, WooiWin-k. 1)., Mtl-Jlllie I. Me-Jlelirv 2. Uleliiiiiilld M, J.

lliivin Slm-k— WllUllllflon, lk'l.. JlllW M, luiledlillo.

Kilewai, lloln-rt (Henry II. Ilurrln, ntgr.)—l-on-

dim. Kng., 27-JiiiH' 7.

Klwyu. I.i.riii'--Hiiiiifnril Falln, Me., '27 -June I,

llerlln, N. II., 3-R. -

Kiniilre Stin-k (S|ill» ft N'alliitiiMin, mgrn.)—l'rovl-

iliHiee, It. I.. 27, Inilellnlle.

Kllteli llanleu Stnek —Uenrer, Coin., 27, lintel-

idle.Klmer Stiiek— iluiidin. Nelir.. 27. Iiiilellnlte.

Fllgllnli sini-L - Milwaukee. Win., 27, InileUlillC.

Koy. Ivdillc (Sum S. « l#e slintnil. lite., ingnt.)—

N. V. City 27, ludellidtf.

l-'lelda', All Star (In-w I'lehln, mgr.)—CnliimlniH.

iV. 2(1. Yinuignliiwii Mil. Wheollng, W. Vn., 31,

HiirrlMliurg June I.

l-'iiilierg Stnek Hleorge M. KeulnTg. mgr.)—Salem,.Miles., 27 June I.

I'uwivit St.M-k ((leo. Faweell, mgr.)— Illetininnil,

Vn., 27, ludediille.

I'raivlev Slink (Itnnlel 1'rawley, iugr,)— Mliine-

Hindis Millll., 27. ludellutle.

I'oriimu Stiiek (Win. Fiiriiuiu. mgr. ) -Clerrlnnd,II.. 27, linlelliilli'.

I'errln St.n-k (lllek Kerrln, mgr. I— MlnuennullsMinn.. 211. ludediille.

l-'iiiniinlii. Marie. 'I'heatre (lli.ldde Kuliutnlii. mgr.)--IVdnrndii Siirlugn, Coin.. 27 June I.

I'lillmi Stm-k (J, Cull. hi. iugr.)—l.llieolu, Nelir.,

27. .'iideilulii'.

I'um-elt sim-k (Hi-". Knweell, mgr.)


lili.. 27-Jnne I.

l-'i-iiner Slin-k (II. W. I'raner, iugr.)— Negatitnv,Mli-li., L'7-.llllii- 1.

I'hIIit Slin-k

Muniivnl. Can., 27. Iiulrllulle.

•'l-'il'lv Miles from Ifamli (Cnlliin & lliiffln.

mgi-n.)— Clik-ngii. HI.. 27. Inilellnlle.

"li'iiM-luuiliig Kliirn" (Sain S. fs l.iv Shnla-rl. lue..

mgrn.)—N. V. I'lly 27. Iinlelnlle.

"I'.iiir ik>rnern of Hie l-Iiirlli." Kllnil * (iiiw.olo'n

—SI. I'nid. Minn.. 2U-.I inn- I.

"|-|tlnl Weildlntr"— N. V. I'lly 27-Jiiti<> I.

"I'rk-inln nfilaintir" (('linn. K. lllnney, n«r.)

Newark. N. 4., 27-Juiii- I.

"h'miny Mr. Ilonley" (l# lleane * Ttv, tugrn.)—I'ort llnwki-nliiif.v, N. S., Ciiu.. 211.

Oraiv Ooorge (Win. A. llrnily. mgr.)—N. Y. Oily27-Mav .'Id, l.inidon, Kng.. June Id. Inilelnll-.

lionilwlu. N. C—San Kmuelnro. Cal.. 27-Juim1 I.

lilnner Sloek (Yaualiim (ilnn<>r, mgr.)— Detroit,

Mleh., 27, Iiulrllulle.

(illiuore'n I'luyi-iM ll-'raneln .1, tllliuore, iimr.)

Wl.diPlit. Kim.. 211 June s.

(iiigiiiiu-l'ollin-k Slock (Bert C. (Iiigtion, iugr.)

Norfulk, Va.. 27. liuMulte.(illiimur ,k l.nloiir Sloek—-Jnekson, Mleh., 27-

jhim1 j;

"(llrl of dip (liilden Went" (David llelnneo. iugr.)- -IViiinpllsvllle. I'a.. 2H. I'liiida-rlniid. Mil.. Ml.

Wluelienler, -Va.. 31. Chamhernlmrg, I'm., Jnm*1. aeaaon eiutn.

"fllrl from Iho llanch"—l'hllndelidila, I'a., 27-

•Iiuip 1. - - -

"lilrl from Chill" (Harry I.. l)ls»ou. mgr.)—NorthwiHH], K. Dak.. 2li, Larliuure 3d, Mlelilgmi

Clly 31, Lakoln Jnne I, Coeds 4, Clinrelin

IVrry I, Caiuki It, lllnla-e 7, Hollo S.

•'(irenl VYall Slreel Myatery" I Vam-e & Sillllvnn.


I'liinlmrg. I'a., 27-Juue 1.

Held, Anna (Kwn-ni Zlegfeh), mgr.)— X. Y. City

27. lnUffflnlli".

Jlltehrnek, Itaymond (Henry W. Savage, mgr. I—

Dillulli, Minn., 2(1. MO.Jlnlliiud, Mildred (Kdwnrd C. While, mgr. I—

llulfalo. X. Y„ 27 -July II.

Ilerinilll, Si'lllia, Sloek - I'levelillld. I)., 2i. llnletl-


Hall. Ceo. V. (Crank VV. Nanoii. insr.l- llrldge-

water, X. S.. Can., 2tl. I.lvenmol Mil, Ynrmoulli

31, Dlgliy June I. SI. Jubn. N. II.. 3:S.

llaviran). liner IlkO. M. Oolln, mgr.)—lerrellautp. Ind., -27-Jone 1. wi .

Hnnt Stoek (M. A. Horn, rogr.)—Upeer, Mlcb.,

27-June 1. Itnlay City 3-8.. _HlrkinauMeoapy i\v. AI. While, logr.i—Baclnr,

Win., 2il-Jane 9. ..- _.IJIion A B-irlow Sloek—Newark, N. J., 27. Inileft-

HiinierBradfonl I'liyem—Sprlnglehl, Ma»«., 27,

luilflliillc. •

Hnutleyn, The (Hen lliiniley, mgr.)—\Muoiin,

Minn., 27-Jnne 8. ,

Helmnan Sloek IJ. W. Helamati, mgr.)—Borne,(In.. 27. Iinlelnlle.

llowe'a l^dlen' orrlientra (I^nna Howe, leader)

Worppater, Mann,, 27. ImleOiille.

"Illn Honor. Hie Mayor" (Wm. Baymond Sill,

mgr. i—I'hllndelpbla. I'a., 27-June 1, X. X. Clly

3, Iinlelnlle.

"Ilni-ilr flnrdy lilrl" (Clinrlen Mnrkn, mgr. I—

llonlnn, Mima., June .1. Iinlelnlle.

"Human lleortn, Wealern (Win. I'ranklln Klley,

mgr.)—Chicago, III.. 27-Juiie I. wnniai einln.

"Hurnpiy Diun|iij" (A. I,. Snvllle, mgr.)— Ilo-

chellp. III., 21. '

"Hmdey-n Mk** (W. 0L Downa, mgr.)—smieook, X. II.. 2fl. Franklin 30. Wlmlaor, \ t..

Ml, Newport. -. X. II.. Jnne I. Sprlngtteld, M.,3, Clii-nler JJein.1 4. I'na-lorvlllo 3.

Iinin-rinl Slock (I.. II. Cnrlln, mgr.)—I'rnrhlenee,It. I., 27, luiletliillc.

Juvenile HnxIMilana |H. A. WiliT, Ingr,)—Xeennlt,Win.. 27-2(1. Km-nnnhn, Mlrh.. W June I, Siinlt

Ste. Marlp MO. Hancock 7-12.

Jninen' Mllllnry Itniid—I'enrla, 111.. 27-Jiiiip 2.

Knoll. Bnnelle (Sweely. Shlpinuu & C«., mgra,)

Wlunlpeg. Man.. Can.. 27-2!). Duliilh, Minn.; 30-

June I. Calumet. Mleh.. M. Hancock 4. Inhpem-lug, "• MiiripiellP II. Snull Sie. Marie 7, I'elo-

nkey H.

Keliu. Adeliihle lllurllg * Senmon, mgrn.)—X.Y. Clly 27. IntlHlnite. •-.„:.

Kelcoy, llerliwl. and Kllle SUounon ( Kroesl Ship-

inn. iii«r.)-Toron|n, Can., 27-2U, HI. C'alli-

ertera -tn, Minimi Ml, itiu-l|ih Jiiih- I. Hninlllnu

3, Klngnlon 4, (lllawii ", «, Ogdeimlnirg, X. V.,

7. U'alerlown S.

Knlli and Dill I Nut A. Maynor. mgr.)—San Fran-etaeii. Cal.. 27; Imk-lllille.

Kellev Stm-k IJewell Kelley, mgr.)—Knojville,Tetin.. 27, Indellnlle. ,

Kami's Sloek (ltiilinrd Kami, iugr.) -Mllwtiii'iee,

Win., 27, uidelliillo.

Klllleii Bum! IT. I'. J. I'nwer. mgr. I—ciiu-lnnnll.ii„ 211-Jnne I, Frnnkfiirl. Ky.. 2. Owenshoi'u 3,

4. F.vimmflllp, luil., r>, II, Vliieennen 7, 8.

"Knight for n Hay" IB. C. Wldmey. mgr.)

Chicago, III, 27. Inili-tlitlle.

"King or (he Cnille King." Kller'n. Kiudem fK.

I-'. ItMnl. mgr. I -llonw-iner. Mleh- 30. Manin,Win., Ml. Iron Itlver Jinn- I, Superior 4, lio-

(in.'t. Minn,. .1.

"King of Hie- Ciillli' King." Kller'n (Jm- Becker,

mgr; t—Bltgvllle. Wnnh.. 29. l'nwner Ml. Clleu-

hurg June M, Itnnljn 4'.

"King «f Trumpn." Wi-nlern (l*nn Allen, mgr.)—

Itugliy. X. Dak., 211. U«ln MO. Camlo Ml. (irur-

loll June I..

|,ewni. J. c. (W. A. Junker, mgr )• - Ilnnl Ini'n,

.Mleh.. 211. Kiiliiiiiinio Mil, Miir-iiiill Ml. Bailie

Creek June I. neiinon endn.

I lllaaataaar Slm-k IF. II. l.lvlngntime, mgr,)—Sprlliclleld. III., 211. Iinlelnlle.

Lewln A l.ake'n Munlnil CniiHnly—Sealtlo, Wnnh.,27-JuiH' 29. J

Unlirop SUn-k (II. K. Uiilii-op, iugr.)— Boston,

Mann., 27. indellnlle.

I.n-euni Sloek I Waller D. ' Xi-alnml, uigr.)<^St.

Ji4iii. X. II., Cun., 27-J line 1.

I.ehr. Inn, Siin-k-JiiekMin, Minn., 27-June I.

l.llK-mirn Itniid (A. I.ymi Shaw. mgr. I—I'll la-

Inirg. I'll.. 27-JinK- I, Cleveland. II.. 2-Jul.v 2S.

"Moil -mil Uu Minis.-'- Hlenrv I:. Harris, mgr.l

—X. Y. Clly 27 June I. Bnwktyu. X. V.. MS.•I.loii mid the Moune" I Henry It. Harris, mgr.)

—Chicago. 111.. 27-J.ine 1.

"I.lnn mid the Monne" (Henry II. Harris, mgr.)

Battle Creek, illeh.. 211. Hay City Ml. Jn.-Kn..n

June 3.

Mary Mulmerlng (Sam S. ft l.ee Sliula-rt. lue..

mgrx.i—JnrkMin, Ml.-li.. 29. l-'llul MO. Detroit

Ml .1 inn- I. lluiidllou. Out.. Can.. 7, S.

Maim. In.ula (Sam S. St \x# Shuhert, Inc., nigra.)

l'hlliiilelplilil, I'a.. 27. Illilt-llnlle.

Mnek. Andrew (>V. M. Wllkliimm. mgr.)—Xuplcr,

X. '/;., Mil. Ml. Christ Church June Ml."., Tlniuru

17, Dniieilln ISJuly 2.

Mntitgomery mid Slone (C. II. Dllllngliuin, mgr.)—X, Y. Clly 27. Indelidte.

Merrltt, ilrn.e iKnienl Shlpmnn, mgr.)—Mon-treal; Cau., 27-June I.

Melville. Itonc tJ. It. Sllrllng, mgr.)—Washing-ton, D. C 27 June 1, I'liinliurg. I'a., Il-S.

Mary Mnrhle nutl Utile iriilp (Welle.- Dunne &Harlan. tngis.l--Allnnla. i!a.. 27-Jmte 1.

Mnek. Wlllnril. and Maude Leone Stock (A. H.

llnlnhrldge. lain, mgr.)—St. Paul, Minn., 27-

June K.

Mortimer. Chan. (J. M. Hill, mgr.l—Tell Clly,

Intl., 211-Juue 1, Ciiiiiielton II*.

McDonald Stock ((!. IV. McDnniild. mgr.)—Shreveport, l.u.. 27 -June 1. Monroe :i-1S.

Mnji-stlc Stwk (Conk k Moyer. nigrs. i—Hamll-ton. 0., 20. Inilellulte.

Miller Ilron,- Sloik (U-e Stanton, ingr.)—Moulton,la.. 27-211.

Mnjenlle Slock—Albany. X. Y., 27. lndelnlte.

•'Alan of the Hour" (Brady A (irlmner, mgis.)—X. Y. Clly 27, inilelllille.

"Mini of Hie lloue' (Brady (t flrlnnier, mgrn.)

Cldeago, III., 27. lmlelliilte.

"Mra. Wlggn ..f the Cnhhage Patch" (l.leldei- ft

(V... mgrn. l--l.iintlou, Kng., 27. tiulellnUe.

"Muyor of Ijiughlotul" (Fred II. XlnniiXInlllnrcr,mgr.)

I'hlliidelpliln. I'n.. 27, iinlelnlle.

"Mininshlner'n Daughter." W. F. Muun'n (RoyKIiiiwioii. mgr. I—-CblCn.-m. 111.. 27-Juue I.

"My Wlfe'n Family," Wenlern (W. Meflawitll,

mgr.)-- llrutulon. Alia., Can., 3d.

"Mail Mllllniiiilre" iDnitiu & l.a|»ilut, ingrs. i—

Marlliinlmrg. V. Vu., 29. Ilrllynlairg. I'a., Mil,

Slilpiiennlitirg Ml. Tower City June I.

Xiiiltnovn. Mme. Allu (Henry Miller, mgr.)—X.Y. t'lty 27, IniU-Unlte.

Illyiupla Oiwia—Mobile. Ala.. 27, In.leUnlle.

Oi-pluiiim li|H-ru (Mlllon ft Sargent Alnn-n, ingrs.)

—Brooklyn, X. Y.. 27-Juim- 22.iisuinn Sl.«.-k (John iisiniiii. uigr. I—Wlnnlon-Sii-

Irm. X. C. 27 June 1, Aahevllle M-S.

"Our Xew Minister" (Joseph Cnnyorn, innr. )—

lies Moines. In.. 211. 30. Mai.ui Clly Ml, Sk.iti

Falls. S. Dak., Juno 1, St. Piiu). Minn., 2-8.

"Old Arknusaw," 1'reil ltnyiuniid'.* (I,. A. lul-

wnriln. iugr.)—I'nyolte, Ida.. 29. Oiilarlo, Ore.,

MO, Bob*-, Ida., Ml. .Mountain Home June I.

I'nlKV, Mabel, C.mi.ily III. F. Wlllnnl, uitr.)—.Iin-I;sniivllle, Flo.. 27-Sept. 13.

I'lirmll. Knlhryn tW. II. FlligiTitlil. iugr.)—VYushliigtiiii. D. C. 27, liiileiinlie.

I'nge, Kbvln (W. W. I.a|»lnl, ingr.I^IInnln-Iek,Vi.. 27-Jmw I;

I'helun stock IK. V. I'liehin. mgr.)—Portland,.Me.. 27, Inilellnlle.

Perry Slock (K. 11. Perry, mar. )—IMIulmrg, III.,

27-JniH> 12:


Prlii"'» I'ninilar I'ltiyem Uuliii It. Price, mgr.)—Siiriiloffn S|irlngn. X. V.. 27-Juiie I.

Pny.-eii Slia'k— PiHirln. 111.. June 2. liideQnlte.

"Prluee of Pllsen" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)

X. V. Clly 27-Juiii' I.

•I'w-k's Bad Ihir" II". S. Cnllalimi. mgr.)—rtraiul

li.rks. B. II., Can., 29. ItoKdiiod Mil, Frill) Ml,Nelson June 1, I'ranhrook M. Ferrlne 4. Blain-lin.re .'., Ml.-liel it. I'luctlell Ci-eek, Altit., 7,I 'nil I si, i n S.

Ilnssell, l.llliiin (dm. F. Hlnloti. mgr.)—ltutle,

Mind., 29. (ti'iiu.l Forks. X. Dilk.. June I. Win-nipeg. ' Mull., Can.. M-.">. Fargo, X. link., it,

Dillmh. Minn.. 7. S.

Bussell. Anna. (Wugenliiils ft Ketn|n>r. nigra.)—Siieniniento. I'nl., 27-29. I'ni'lliuiil. Ore., 30-.lum- 1, Seal lie. Wnnh.. M-r..

Bonn, Thon. W. (Sum S. ft I.ep Shuhert, Inc.,

ingrs. I— Bonton, Mann., 27-June S. •

lloviil liiilluii lirnml opera— N. Y. City Jimp 3-H.

Henlfniw'n Jolly Pallilmlera (J. X. Benlfrow,mgr.)—Merlillnii. Mlsni., 27-J line n,

lliivul Arllllery llnii.t (Jon. Ih> Vim, mgr.)— Itnl-

llioore. Mil.. 27. Inilellnlle.

"Hum' of the llanehn" (Dnvld llelnneo, ingr.)--

X. Y. City 27. Inilellnlle.

"Hi. iiinl I'p" (.lusi-pli lirisiks, mgr. )— Chicago.HI.. 27. Indelhille.

"Itmid to Y'entenlay" (F. W. Stanillnli, mgr.)—X. Y. Clly 27, Indefinite.

S.u hem. K. II., ami Julia Murium- iSnin S. A !.*«

Shulort, Iiip- nigra.)— I ..union. Kng.. 27-31, X.V. Clly June 10-22.

Slnhl. Bono (Henry II, Ilnrrla, mgr.l—X. Y. City27-June 1. Chicago. 111.. M, Itulcllnltc.

Scoll. Cyril (W. X. Lawrence, mgr.l—Burton,Masn., 27-Juue 1.

Sluart. Bfilnh—X. Y. Clly 27, Indefinite.

S|»Miner. Ce.ll (Chan. K. Blaney, iugr.)—X. \.Clly 27-June I.

Sun I'miiclsd Oikto (Frojik W. Henly, mgr.l—I'.uil.iinl. On-.. 27-July I. '

Sm.w Slock iMoi'llnier Snow, mgr.l—Memphis,Tetlll.. 27, lluk-llulle.

Sis-itili-ii I'.iiie Slink |S|nsht.4l ft Paige, lugrs.1 -

1'oiul iln Lue. Wis., 27 June 1, Wiiuki-sha Mb.

Sheldon's I'.iunnlhiun HI. II. Sheldon, lilgr. I- lla-

gemiown. Mil., 27-Jnne I.

Saliipolln Slink Uolin Snluindln. mgr. )—Lino,Mann., 27, Inilellnlle.

Seaman HlmA—Portland. Ore.. 27. lndelnlte-.

Stoddart Sloek—Bay .City. Mlcb.. 27. lodeliille.

Stewart Stoek (Harry S. Carbig. baa. mfr,)—Os-denabum. X. Y..'27-Jum- 1.

St. Clair. Mac I Hamilton A Walter*, mgr.)—Bristol. VI., 27-29, Waterhnry MO-June 1. Haid-wlek 3-8. , .

"Scout's lleveugc" <C. O. Barr. mgr. )—Salt LakeClly. L'„ 27-Juno- li'

'Stranger ,lu Town" (H. B. Linton, mgr.l—RockInland. HI.. 29, Bloomlugton MO, Lincoln Ml.

Sptlngleld June 1. Cbattaoooga. Tenn., 3-8.

Taylor, Albert, Slock—Denleon, Tex.. 27-June 1,

- Fort Sitdtb, Ark;, 2-13. - .

Troundnte Broa.' Theatre, Eastern (Merle' Troua-dale, ingr. i—Ln Ilarpe, Kan.. 2.-JUU* 1.

"TlhiP. (be Place and llw OIH" (M. li. Slager,

mgr.)->ttilclg.i; III.. 27, tnilefliille. •

"Time, the. Place owl tlw Olrl" (M. U. Singer,

-lugr.l-r-Bonlnn, Masa.. 20-June I.

"Three, of IV (Walter X. I*wrence, «mir.)—Dayton. (>.. 2d. Columbus MO, ImlLiunnoli', ir.d..

Ml, June 1. clilpogo. HI.. 3. Indefinite.

"Teiulprriior-—Mllwoukee. Wla.. 2d-Jirae 1.

"Two Little filrla" (Daly Mimical l>xne<ly Co.,

mjrs.)—Clnclntiatl. O.. 20-Jnne I.

"Two Orphans"—N. Y. Clly 27-Jnne- 1. '

"L'ncle Tom'n Cabin," AI. W. Martina (Ed. 8.

Murlln. mgr.)— Milwaukee, Wis.. 20-June 1.

"l'ncle. Tom'* CVildn" (J. H. T. Kiainer, ingr.)—•X. V. City 27. Indefinite,

"l'ncle Toln'n Cabin." Dnwnle's—Mnnhnl, Jlou.,

Can., 29, Mnnlen MO."Cm-le Tom-n. Cabin" (K. II. Nentril, raajr.)—

Hni.i-o.-k, Win.. 29. Philuleld 3d, Bancroft Ml."I.'ncl* Josh Spnieel.y," Dave la^vla'—Jacknou,

Midi.. 30.Van l>r Berg 0|«-rn—X. Y. Clly 27. Indefinite.

Vmi Dyke ft Fallon (I". Mock, ingr.)—Fort Wayne,IlliJ.. -JT-June 2.

Van Hnren Slrtk (Diwlln A Laimlut. nigra. )—Lnniieoluirg, X. S., Can., 27 -Jiiih- 1.

"Village (Ininer" (Dustiii ft La|mint, mgrn.)

Ishiiid Point, Vt., 29. Enonhurg Calls 30. St.

John. I', ij.. Can., Ml. Cornwall. Out., June 1.

WiirleM. David (David Belnnco, mgr.)—Newark.X. J.. 27-Juae I, Ilnnlon, Mans.. Ml."..

Weher'n, Jon. M.. All Stnm (Fre.1 Peel, mgr.)—Cliie?go, III., 27-Jnne I, Kannan i.'ltj. Mo., 2-

,-., St. l/tilia (MLWood run". Henry (Henry Miller, mgr.)—Clikngo,

111.. 27-Jnne K. •

Wills' AIP Slur Comedy (John B. Wills, mgr.)—Ilontiokp. Va., 27-June H.

Wllln' Musleal Connnly (John B. Wills, mgr.)—Macoii. tin., 27-Juue 1.

WiiniiMgcr Bros.' own (Frank Wlunlnger. ragr.)—Meuomliuv, Mich.. 27-Jnne 2, Kvcanaha 3-9.

WlllliiiiM' Sl.sk (T. W. Wlllliiimn. mgr.l -Carnd,III.. 27-Jiiiio I, Miami Carmel M-K.

WullnckV 'J'lieaire. Xortliern (Dnliliisky Bros.,

mgrn.)— Ibn-k Inland. III.. 27, InilHluilP.

Wnllnek'n Thenlie. Southern (Maurice. M. Dnhnn-nky, ingr. I— Independence, Kou.. 27-June S.

Wnllnek'n Theatre, Western IKdwanl Duldnaky,mgr.)— iliil.'hlnsnn. Kan., 27-June S.

"Warning Bell," Clarence Bciincn'n (K. T. Slet-non, mgr. 1—Pnnli. III.. 29, Tnylomvllle UU,Beiii'dntown Ml. Virginia June I. Springfield 2.

"Wbzard of flg" llliirtlg ft Senmon, rogra. )

Chicago. III.. 27, in.leili.lii-.

"Wizard «r Wall Street," Kdwlu Palterson's—Wayne, Xehr., 2!i. Norfolk Mil, Coleridge Ml.Allen June I. Ouawa. In.. M. Whlilng 4, Clk1'oiul.- s. -link.. ."•. Vcruiilluii «. On.. vllle 7,Shms Fulls, x.

Ye Colonial Slock ( C. W. Benner. mgr.)—Spring-field, (>., 2(1 June I.

Xlnr's Mnsle.il CoiihsIv—Sjaikninp, Waal., 27, lll-

.letliille. - --•'..':

BI.'ltl.RiKllin AND V AIDl'.VII.I.r.Anu-rlenns (Fnlw-ln I). Miner, mgr.)—Wasblugluu,

D. C.. 27-Jnne I, Baltimore. Md., M-H.Ab-aanr Ileum les IT. W. Dlnklun. ingr. i—BurTnln,

X. V.. 27-Juue I.

Bnn.klyu Belles—Phlludelplilu. Pa., 27-Juue 1.

Bowery Biirh-si|in-rs I Hitrtlg ft Seannui. mgrn )

Brooklyn. X. V.. 27 -June I.

Brigadiers (Cluis. I'nuuivell, iugr.)—Chicago, 111.,

•M June 1.

Cracker Jocks (BoU'rt Mnncliester, mgr.)—N. Y.Clly 27 -June I.

Colonial Belles (Chan. Fulke, mgr.)—X. Y. City27-June 1.

Fny Foster (Jnneph l)pin*iitieliner, mgr.)—Cblcago,III.. 2fl-Jime 1.

Minn New York Jr. (I. H. llerk, mgr.)—Chicago,111.. June 2-S;

Manx ft Iliirnell Vaildpvllle (AI. Marti;, iugr.)

Chelsea. VI., 30. Norihliehl Ml, Fjlrlee June I.

Xew Century Olrln (John J. Moynlhan, Digr.)

X. Y. City 27-Jnne 1.

New I-oiiik.u (inlety Clrla (Clin" W. firant, a>gv.)

—Montreal. Can., 27-Jnne I.

Knse Si-dell's Ixnulnn Bellea (W. S. Campbell,mgr.l—Hartford, Conn.. 20.

ltnu.-fwuy Olrln .Peter S. Clark, mgr.)—Itrookl.-n,

X. Y.. 27.IU11.- I.

TlHirouglihreda (Wash. Martin, mgr.)—i'hllailel-

lihlu. Pa.. 27-Juue I.

Cinrdnnn IT. \V. Dlnklun, mgr.)— Boston, Moss..2. -June I.--

Wine. Woman and Song (M. M. Tbelse, mgr.)

X.- Y. Clly 27, Indefinite.

Washington .Society Olrls (Sam Hnhlunon. nn.-r.)— Bnlilniorp. Mil., 27-June I, Philadelphia, I'a.,

M-S.Watnon'n Hiirle.su.iier.-i (W. B. Watson, mgr.l

Phllndelphhi. I'n., 27. Indefinite.

MINSTHK1.S.Dncjtslniler'n. l.eiv (Chnrles. D. Wilson, mgr.)

Oukhiud, Cal.. 2(1-29, San Jose :hl, Frenno Ml,llakernuehl June I.

Dandy Dixie. Vnelckel & Nolan's (John J. Nolan,ingr. )--<irafton, X. Duk.. 29, Winnipeg. Man.,Cun., 30-June 1.

HI Henry's Mlnntrels—Tarrylowii. N. Y., 28,rc-ksklll 29. Kingston Mil, neusoii ends.

Hnrknens ft Foj'b (Hoy K. Pus, ingr.)—Morgan,'Hex.. 27-29.

Hiilianls ft Prlngle'n (Krnert O. Fllklns. mgr.l

Newlvrry. Mh-h., 29, Minilnlug Mo, ManiuettcMl.

Vngol'.n (John W. Vugel. mgr.)—Anderson, ImL,27. Ilnrtf.ir.1 23. KIwoMI 29, Mnncle 30, NewCiinlle Ml, Klt-liinniid June t, neusoii ends.

IWI SHOWS.All.m ft Anderson's—shnnwvlllo. Pa.. 29, North

Kant Mil. Uroclofli X. Y.. 31, Westfleld Jnue I,

I'tftlonl-i II, Mnyvllle 4. Haiohun: 3, K. AuroraIt. S|irlngvllle 7. Klllcullvllle s.

Ailu ins, ||. D.~ la-win, Del.. 29. Ml) Miir.vil ,11,

lliirringloli June I, Dover 3.

Bnriium ft Bailey's— (Viilnilla. 111., 20, Decaturmo. . Mul (nnii Ml.- Springfield June 1. Jackson-ville' M. Peorlu 4, lllnotnliiginu .">, Danville II,

Wolnekn 7, L-ifiiyelte. Iinl., 8.

BulTiilo Hills. Wild Went, Col. Wm. F. Cody (FredII. Ilutchlns.ni. mgr.l—Biilllmore. Md.. 29, 30,Wnsliliiglmi. D. C, Ml, .lure 1, Philadelphia,I'll.. 3-S.

Camplipll Bros.-—Blue Knrth. Minn., 29. St.

Peter 30, Hudson Ml, Alctnuiuuilc, Wis., Juiit>

1. Blie Lake 3.

Foi-etiaiigb ft Sells Bron.'—Snuhiiry, Pa.. .29.

wllkc.-ellarro Ml>, Seraiilon Ml, CarlmmlaleJune 1.

Oenlry Bros.' Dog nnd Pony—Ixmlsvllle, Ky., 29,:SO. l>.-s' Moines, in.. 31. June I.

tl.dlni.ir Bmn.'—fkdikmdi, Wis.. 29, Beaver Dam30. stougliion Ml, ltlchlnnd Center June 1,

Prairie iln Chlen 3.

liay'n—l/ow.leit. In.. 29. WTieallaud mo, Calntnus

Ml, Oiuitil Mound June I. Dewiil M. W'ellou 4.

tlhissfonl's. Andrew— Moinaroueek. X. Y.. 29,llye 30, Port t'henter Ml. liocenwldi. Conn.,Julio 1.

Ureal l.ngar's—Uiwlsvllle, ImL, 29. Camlirl.lge.

Oily MO.

HneiMilnick-Wiillitcp'n—Pltlnlnirg. Pa. 27. 28,tirewiflmrg 20. Albania Mo. clenrllehl Ml, limit -

Ingiton June I, llnrrlnlmrg 3.

I.nckv Bill's—York. Nelir.. June 2-1, Bradabaw C,

Iliiiupton (I. Aurora 7, Mlllner 8.

l..iwi-1-v Bron.'—Si-llnsgrove. I'n.. Jnne I. Mlliera-

•mrit 3. Mn-ltniih-alnirr 4. Carlisle .'..

olvmplc, Tultle'H—Ittuaell City, Pa„ 20, Wllcoi30, (lien I Intel 31.

Pawnee Blll'a Wild West. Col. I.lllle'a—Chicago,

III.. 27-Jnne 1. Kvanslou 3. Waukegan 4, Belvl-

<len> S, Aurora u. Oak Park 7, Iluiniooml, Intl.,

S.Blngllug Bron.' — Ihwtou, Mans., 27-June 1,

Worpprtcr B, 1'n.vhleii.e, B. L. 4. 0.

Bobhlu's, Frank A--Mlir,ud, Muss., 29, Marlboro30. Clinton MI, Mlddlebnro June 1, Plymouth 3,

North Ahblilgfoit 4, Qulney G, Dedhani 0.

Biggs' Itongh Illdem—Onlnmbnn, l>„ 27, Indefinite.

Sells-Flolo's -WelM-r. Ida.. 20. Raker Clly. Ore.,

39. Iji (Iralidr 31, l'en;lb>ton June 1. WnllaWalla. Waali., 3. Dayton 4, Colfax 5, Moscow,Ida.. II, Lewlatnn 7, Palouso 8.

Smith's. K. ti.— llnbleralwrg. Pa.. 30. ClhlloDdalc

31. lingiintoii .linw I. Salona M. B-is-horwk 4.

Sliver Family (Bert Silver, mgr.i—Coral. Mleh.,


Wheel. -r'n. AI. F.— KerlKinks.ni. X. Y.. 30. Bom-ii-

<lul<- Ml. Itlilnrlsvk Jiiih- I. INsI ll.s.k 3. Pine

Plains I. .Mlllelloii 5.

WnshlHjrnV Intm -Mount t.'aruH-l. I'a., 211. Mll-

!.«, 30. WIIII:m;.,M.rt 31. Jeraey Shore June 1.

W.-INtn.r.- 3. CorulBg. X. -Yi. 4, Walklnn 0,

Penn Van n. Criieva 7, Aiumro 8.

. MISCBlXAXBOUt*.Bontoek'a Animal Arena (Frank O. Boktock. mgr.)

—Coney Nlnud, X. Y., 27, linleflnllc.

Bo-tock'n Animal Arena (Frank O. Boatock, mgr.)

—Norfolk. Va.. 27. Indefinite.

Bnrdeverry's. Cnl. U.. Ilaimyland—W lnn!|n?g,

Man., ttm., K-Jobe I. -• -

Brraut C.mieily tSain Bryant, nurr-)—lalrchance,

Pa 27-29.Barton Bros.'' Illimlon Show (Geo. W. Irfonanl,

mgr.l—llnrtfor.1. Oomi.. 2. Indefinite.

Cmlkabank—New l*jiug|..n. O., 31. Logan June 2.

CrrstalplPi (M. H. Walah. mgr.)—Wlooakl, VL.27-Jnoe 1. Burlington 3-8. ' ' • -

Dreamland Floating Palace—Roneo, Pa., Juno 3,

RJee'n Landing 0. •' _.

Ceorxin Tn.ubaooura (Wm. .McCain?, mgr.)—-Wl-thee. Wis.. 29. 30. Stanley 31. Boyd June 1, 2.

lAadott 3. Alhertvllle 4. Colfm .1. Wheeler il,

Itnyccrllle 7, Divralng S, 9.

Hnhlen'B Animal Show—Chicago, III.. 27, Indefi-

Hlpinnirome Shown (Victor Lee. mgr.)—Welling-ton. Kan.. 27-29. Caldwell mi) June 1.

Jolly I'.thiopiaiin (S, H. DinJIey. ntgr.)—Chester,

It.. SO-Juoe I, OMttesvllle 3-8.

Lafayette, the (treat (T. O. Ijfayetle, mgr.)—Xorfnlk, Va., 27-Jnne I. „ „

Lce'n liuni Blowers (Jack law, mgr.)—ValleyView, Pa., 27-Jnne I.

«J ,.„ - „ '

Xew Sunny South Fkiatlng Theatre (W. R. Marklc.

mgr.)—Poen. W. Vo.. 29, Itnocroft 30. Halll-

nolla, O.. 31, (iuyaiidotte, W. Va., Jnne I,

lluntlngton 2. 3. Cjileiistiurg. Kya .4. Ashland

4. (Ireeniin H. Alu'ncln?sier. O., 7, Ripley 8.

Pnnllne, J. R. (Stewart Lltligow, mgr.)—Paw-InrkPt. IL I., 27-June I, Iranton, Mann., 3, In-


i'nrker. C. W.. Sln.wn (Crouipr ft Tyler, mgra.)—South Omaha, Xehr., 27-Juue 1, Sloug City,

la.. 3 8.'


Iliiymood. Hie Ureal (Maurice Raymond, mgr.)—Mlddlelown, X. Y., 27-Jiuai 1, .Mechaulcsvllle


ltohlusou Ainiisomeiii— 1/Huloii, (>., 27-Jnne 1,

Blehnaiinl, I ml, 3-S.

Rpno. F^lwanl—Kasllaud, Tpi.. 20. Carhnn MO.

Sevi-nsaia 1 Walter C. Mack, mgr. )—X. V. Clly

27-Jnne 2<>.

TlH.mson Fjilerlalnem (Frank II. Thompson, ingr.)

—Boycerllle. Wis., 31-June I, Kinerald 3-fi.

T«nl. Win.. Show—Moru. W. Va.. 30-June 1,

Urnniwell 3-3.

Viiso. the Ureal, ft tl>. (Jos. F. Dunn, mgr.)

M c Keesuiorl. I'n.. 27-Jnne 1.

MAHSACHiSK'r'i'H.llonlnn.— Old Home week will la? oli-

aerveil Jttlv 2fi-Ang. 3. nnd. aa lite clly will

In- i-rowrii-il will) visitors, neveral of theil.ise.i houses are planning In reopen withspecial ntlruclliran. The lluntlnjtton Avcntu;groitiiils wik lie the Mi-ccii for circus loversthe current week, during the slay of IbeKiiiKlIni; ISros. Wonderland and NorumlicKu.I'nrk wBI open on Memorial Kay. 'llintnus

VV. lions. In "Tive Oilier Clrl," lit the Miljest-

le. mul the l.llluu l.awiiiiin- Stuck Co., In

"In the Bishop's Carriage." tit I he i'nrk, aretwo novelties, continued, hills fire: "TheI'rlnee Chnp." Rt- the Mollis, and 'The Time,the Flnee mill life lilrl," nt the Tremont.The (iilniiinl closed lis season last Satorduynight mid the Hullls nnd Columbia will closeJune 1.

Hajkktk' (A. i„ Wilbur, mnnager).—"ThcOther lilrl," with Thomns \V. Uoss, May 27and week. Liinrii i'lei-ininl, Dallas Tyler,Kthel Brandon and William Redmond oreprominent. "The Three of Us" closed twoweeks uf line success. David Warlleld JnneS-M.

Hul.l.is Strkrt (Isaac li. Rich, manager).—^The regulnr season will close 1, with thellnul perfornmni-e of Cyril Scott, in "ThePrince Chop," which has averaged good busi-ness.

Tiikmknt (J. 11. Sclioplfcl, innnnger).

"The Time, the Place nnd the lilrl" Is nowin Its fourth and last week of satisfactorybusiness. KU-hard Carle's new musical plr.y.

' "The liunly Uurdy Ulrl," will have its

premiere here 3.

coi.oM.vi. (Clras. Krohman. Rica & Harris,managers).-—Klchurd l.'urle closed live weeksof prosperity for "The Spring Chicken." anil

also the regular season of this theatre, lust

Saturday night.1'aiik (Uhas. Krohman, Kli-h & Harris, man-

agers).—The Lillian Lawrence Stock Co. pre-sents "In the Bishop'* Carriage" this week.Miss Lawrence will have the leading role,

nnil I'linrles Miller and John Sninpolls urcother principals. "Frnu Fruit" was present-ed successfully Inst week. "The Hay Lordl^ueg" for week of 3.

iji.uiu: (Stair. Wilbur k Nlcoiai. mnjin-gers).-^-John Craig heads his stock company,In ."The Darling of the Hods," this week.During thp past week big crowds saw "Her(treat .Match." "The Uirl 1 Left Behind Me"next week.

Casti.k SoinitK ( Boston Stage Society, man-ngers).—The slock opera company this week.In "Patience," as a successor to "Dorothy,"which was enjoyed by the usual good crowds.For week of 3. "The Mascot."

llniviHiis Siii'akk ((1. !:. I.urhi'op, mana-ger i.—"The lllne and the Gray," by the

stock forces, this week. Charlotte Hunt andArthur llehrens play the leads. Last week'sbill was "The Avenger." good business re-

sulting. Xeit wiH-k, "The Chilli of the Slums."Ki'.tTll's III. I-'. Keith, ntnnagpr).—-Will M.

Oressy and ltlnnelu- Diiyne, in "The WyomingWhoop." head a capital holiday bill thisweek, which also includes : —lite FuturityWinner.'' Itiuun-v and llcnt. Bobby .North,

Iji Belle Blanche, Zazell-Yeruon Co., Kiiielle

StibPi-s, Harry and Kate Jackson. F.ngeneJuly, ToIihIo and Price, Three Deane 1'rss..

Kelso nnd Lei-rhton, Two Ashprs and newmul inn |ili'tiir.-.s. Ilitsliipss is excellent.

i Mii-itKUM (Percy Williams, manager).

Bill for the current week : (Jtiyer and Crlspl,llolmmbR-Curtls company. Kstclle Wordeltennd coni|r.iny, Mullen, and Con-Ill, Mayan-llentlngiiiii and her "picks." Mflruse Troupe.Xelta Vesta. 0. Arthur Brown, Urth nndFern, and lite kinclngntph. Crowded bonnesrule.

llnwAitn (Jay Hunt, business malinger).

The Howard Slock Burlesipicrs relumed nndreceived n big wol.-oinc lasl week, und will

In- seen 111 a new "fnnfesl" this week. BenBenlnn (Rob ltoy) nnd his company holdover ita Dip liners on the vaudeville bill, whileother, ncls arc: Female Minstrels nnd (ieo.

II. Alexander. Three Flcnrrls, flertle la? Clair,

Rice llms., Tom llefiim. 1a-w1s nnd Thomp-son. Williams l>no. Slil.lnns Bros., lite Llp-nlui-olis, I l(H-;n til Comedy Co., and theilornrdwoiir.

('iii.iiaiiiia (Harry N. Fnrren; manager).

This |a the last week of a remarkably .success-

ful season of this Umpire ell-cult house. Thenllrncllon will he the lilnpian ltiirlesn,ners.

Tuesday evening's wrestling bout will In- lie-

hv.vn I'errolll and Jim Smart.I'.\t..M'K (C. II. Wnldrnn. manager).—Sum-

mer iHirli'sntie continues to please. T. V.Thomas will head (he company lids week, lit

"Senator for mi Hour." The olio Includes:C. \V. Williams. Krnc anil Honegar, Kiltottand Neftf. l-'rothlngbnin and Denharo. l-'ultnn

nnd l.it-kln, l-'usirll and Kmmelt. Rellmalrand Pralt. and James Maxwell, a big local

favorite.I.vi-kum (IS. II. Bati'heller. ninnnger).

The slock hurltsque company met wltli de-served success last week. Xewi-omers thinwii-k are: Charlie Fnrrell, Whnllcn and West.Ariiisirong and H.ivls, nnd Moutgomcj-y andMoore. In addition are also: Bohannnn andCnrey. Ilclle Trnvers. . Annie (ioldie and theF.lgi't Mimosa tilrls.

Ai-mtix * SroxK's Mcsnt-M (A. It. AVhlte.mnn.igerl.—"llown In Did Mobile." n big car-nival by a colored company of forty people.Is Ibe curio hall feature this week, lu thetheatre the Minstrel Maids offer new netsand . specialties by Vlolelte Dole, DorothyNorton, l.otlle lllahchnrd. I'assle French.Morln Slaters. Ida Campbell, Bessie Rene.Winnie Clark. Morgan nnd Crone. Frankc.Mik. Lew lli-ni-dlct. Jns. Carroll nnd JubnMnnley. Kxlrn vaudeville is presenled by

Coppltiger ami White. Arthur Went, Morganand West, and John Brown. BiiHlnens Is ||U ,.

Wai.kkb'h Mi;hbbm (L. B. Walker, mam'.ger).— 1*0*011, "The Terrible Creek" andAtrios, meeting all comers on the wrestlingmat, is the curio hall feature. Others are-Tbe Pouiiotc*. illusionists ; Sellm Bid. caniexpert, and Matthews, musical act Stage •

Tbe Tyrolean Burlempiem. Olio—Nellie Hart-ford, B|anch boring. E. K. Perry, Savoy sin-rers, and moving prcttires.

XtcKKMiDKON (W. H. WollTe. manager!The Creole Belles hold over in curio hull astne chief feature, in addition there an-Kid 1,cw1b Iron Jaw wonder, nnd Prof. Ronton'Dollle Clifford's BurleiuptPrs are going big | r|

tbe theatre, Olio Ibis week : Deno and Ber-wick. Kugene Sweet. Olga King, Llll l^-nm.anl. Knowles Sisters, Evallne Illvcrs, amimoving pictures.'Woxdkbi.a.nd (J. J. Hlggios, manager).

The second seasuu of this Revere Reach re-

sort, will open Memorial Day. In additionto the usual number of concessions the at-tractions for opening day and week willInclnde : Reachey and his airship. .lamesK. Hardy, high wire king; Mile. De l-om,physical culture exponent; Waller tVeiu-wnrth, famous clown, nnd ibe Boston CadetBand.

.Voki.'mbeoa. Park (Carle Alln?fte, mana-ger).—Memorial Day marks the opening ofthe eleventh season. The vaudeville bill inthe rustic theatre: (Inlety Quartette, Rrfc.hofi* and Gordon, Martlnetllo and Svlvest.-r.

Irving Jonea, lose Bros.. Allen's Orchestra,and the komograph.

N'OTES.—Fred R. Doherty has been, re-en-gaged lis press repn-xentntive of the How-ard for next season. . . .J. I* Seeley has Joinedthe John Craig Stock Co., at the filoln-

A life slxe bust of Mnnager While, of Austin& .stone's-, was recently made by Ballxiui,clay modeler, and Is now on exhibition atthat resort I Hive Uanzetta, of Ranxeltuand Lyman, has signed for next season withC. II. WaMron's • Trocndoro Uurlesqiiers.

Tlmothee Adnmowskl has closed hisseason an conductor of the "|*ip" cone-its,nnd is succeeded by Max '/ncli in ......

cordnnce with a iaw Just passed by (Ue iegis-

lultire, owners of slut niachiues must iiou'

ohtiiln licenses, nnd ihey will lie under thestrict supervision of the police InnPosters und Blllcrs, I.0011I 17. hits eleci.-d

these officers: President, Kranelns IJoyd; vl.-e

president. Joseph Vokog; linnncinl secrelaiv,1». Sppllinnn : treasurer, John -P.lls; corn-spmiiliug secretary, Harry I'eyser; recordl igsi'iTcinrv. Daniel .Messing; business agent. F.

J. 1 'in-tin : sergeant-.tt-iii-ms, James Judge.Theatrical Singe Knrployei-s' I'lilou.

No, II, lias elected J. J. Harry, Patrick Milonoy, P. T. Raary, James Russell und WallerT. -V.ixiiii as delegates to the luternalloiiiil

cotivi-iHlon to In- held nt Jamestown. July s.

(i.-dt-gp Lewis, formerly siinerlnieuileni

at tin- Columbia, has been appointed 10 lacsame position at the Huh -..The HubAmusement Co. lias been forced, through non-payment of rent due, to forfeit lis lease ofthe Point of I'ines, and II looks now as If

thai resort will Is; closed tills sen son.

Lowell.—At the Lowell Opera House IJI.

M. liiiiom. resident, tnanager) last week, the

Kenberg Slock Co. had a prosperous, engage-ment. John Drew, May 23, pleased u capacityhouse. A Summer season of Sbepard's mur-ing pictures will be inaugurated litis week.nt popular prices. A special feature will In?

an electric baseball player, to be an attractionwhen the local club plays In distant cities.

Uarrlck Dramatic club (local) presents"Sowing Ihe Wind" 28, He Wolf HopperJune 4.

Tiikatiik AXTiqtiK (Frank X. Altman, mnn-nger).—Phenomenal business. The Howardmoving pictures, Harry Wilson and l^stelh-

Italian!, nnd the Theatre Antique Orchestra,Henry l'.iianninie, leader, are pennitneiitf(11 1 u res.

1'1 1 1.1 ix 1.u. Hall.—"Tbe Ruse of Molly Tre-

fnKls." an original comedy, written by a local

authoress, will la? presented by local players29.

I.AKKVIKW. Theatbk.— An Irish minstrelshow will Is? given, under auspices of local

Y. A I . C. I., direction of John J. Murray, theold time minstrel, ;;i,i.

Mkntio.x.—John C. Burns is home, aftera successful season -with lllmmeleln's IdealCo. He will b? with the show again nextseason Harry Bowley. tbe popularcnmedlao, of the I-'enberg Stock Co., was rls-

11 lug old friends in town last week 1>.

F. Keith was In town 21, making final plansfor an umuseuient place to be erected hereduring the Summer. The plans call for a

frontage of fifty feet, an Inclined floor to seat

live hundred. An electric tower will rise fortyfeet lor advertising display. The latest in

motion pictures and illustrated songs will beattractions. Frank J. Sherwood will be .Mr.

Kelih.'s local representative.a

Spi-lniriieiil—At the Court Square (D.0. (illmore. manager) the Hunter Bradfordplays scored another sun-ess with "The Cow-boy nnd Ihe I-ndy," week of Mny 20. CarlKckslrom was seen to much better.advantageHum in his role of last week. Julia Boothpleaned, and Kola Im Toilette was also a

favorite. '-The Adventures of Imdy Unasta"27 and week.

Pot.i's (Gordon Wrlghter, manager).—Theopening week of stork occurred 20, andpleased Immensly. Mary Stockwell is againIn the leads, and in "Lost, Twenty-fourHours." last week's attraction, she scored abig success. Albert .Andrus made his first

appearance as lending man, und did goodwork. Paula Uloy added to her local popu-larity, and Monroe Salisbury and Frank J.

Kirke also came In for much praise. "TheButterflies" 27 nnd week.

Nklsiin (Mill. Crown, manager).—Largecrowds continue to gather and- enjoy (hevaudeville ami pictures. Rill week of -'>('has. While, I.ttlu Kcagon, Ethel A. Kellyand M. (I'ltricn.

Niitks.—Hum pile 11 Park was tlm scene ofthe hnttlefleld of IliiiTalo Bill's Wild West 23,for two performances. Capacity businesswas enoyed Albert Andmus bns Isn-u

ongnged as lending man of the Pall SlockCompany The International AllianceTheatrical Stage Kmployecs, l,ocul 03, are ar-

ranging for n Iienellt for Oeo Y. Hill, one oflis members. Mr. Hill has been nullctcd withrheumatism so badly that he can barely gel

around, mid It Is hoped thut 11 stay at Ml.Clemens. Mich., may he of grpnt benellt l»him (ieorge and William Deno, acro-bats, who have been- appearing at Coney Is-

land, arc now planning for a tour of Newllinupshlro and Canada Harry Kslton.violinist, has been engaged us leader of Iheorchestra at Salem Willows, Salem, for IbeSummer season ltrookeslde I'nrk, Orangewill open its vaudeville seasun 27, and, as in

past sensons, Maurice Room will furnish Iheattractions. Archie 1,. Slirpurd's movingphliiies begun n Summer season at the till-

more Theatre, 2;.'.

Wiirc.-nter At the Worcester (O. H-I.lghton. resident manager) Jlalcnlm Wil-liams and his stock company, Including Flor-ence Reed, are seen this week In "What Hap-pened 10 Jones," with Hie exception of 27.

when "A -Socltil Hlglrwnrman" will be re-

pealed.. "The Society Policeman" will be the

nltrncttnn week of June 3. The companyproduced "A .Social Highwayman,'' to muchsatisfaction, week of 20.

iiiAXKl.t.N (J. F. Hurke. resident manager!.—John Drew. In "ills House In Order." 30.

Shcpnrd's moving pictures occupy the housethe previous nights. 27-2!).

pom's. (J. C, Crlddle. resident manager).

The Poll Stock Co. will present "A TexasSleer" 27 and week. "The Young Wife" fol-

lows June 3. •

Notks.—Mnrgnrct Donovan, the Ireosiirer

of the Franklin, will mi June 12 become, law

1,1 lib- of Hi. Albert .1. Haley, u[ Hujolllu'i


j The "ceremony will tnke place at' the

iinmti of Mis* Donovan, In Hprlngfluld, Mam.. . WnallnR ^rofuera' Clrcun will 1m In

(hit) city on June 3.

Vail Hirer—At the. Savoy (W. K. Ma-

s,ai, resident manager) Shepard a rtovng pic-

tures did well laat week. rVVeek of XUy 21,

moving pictures, except 20, wiien John Drewwill appear. De Wolf Hopper June 7.

SiikeW's (John W. Barry, manager).—•rue J Frank Burke Stock Co. presented

last week, "By Klgbt of Bword" to excellent

lai'slnoss. Mr. Borke. In the leading role,

mis al bis best. Kthel Elder, h. Humphrey,llert Walter and Arthur Griffin were nil

mmd Credit should be given Harry Andrews,t,an director. Week of 27, "At the Itisk

of Ills Life." ,«__-.ViriiouiDEO* (Jap. 1-. Mason, manager).

—Week of 27 : Until Clark, St. Fetter, BurthaCasey. Mason 'and Doran, and optlscopo.

Jltislhesa Is good. ,,,»,„Nona*.—At the Scenic (Lewis M. Boar,

nrinnger) moving pictures and Illustrated

songs, bv Emest Campbell, greatly pleased

lusi week. Business good Casino (L.

It Hill, manager) satisfactory business, with

moving pictures and illustrated sougs

Klngling Bros.' Circus June II.

Lyun.—At the Lynn <r. 0, Harrison.

ninnager) the Summer atock company played

The I/ost 1'aradlso" to good business, weekof May 20. "The Fatal Card," by the samacompany, 27 and week.Salem Thbatiie, Salem, (Ceo. H. Cheet-

ham, manager).—The Oage Stock Co. played

to very good business, week of 20. Thel'enbcrjr Stock Co. 27 and week.

Noils.—The Theatre Comlquc (M. Mark,manager) Is doing a good business The-atre Dreamland (Lord & Downing, managers)and the Electric (Charles \V. Sheafe, mana-ger) are playing to big bouses, moving pic-

tures and illustrated songs being the at-

tractions The Auditorium closed 2G,

after the largest season's business on record.

The (jem's seasons closed 25, andManager Sheafe will open his Nahaut The-atre June 17, for the bummer seasonItlngllng Bros.' come June 10 Milton D.Katzt's assistant manager and treasurer ofthe Auditorium, closes his engagement withthis bouse tbts season, to enter a new heldof labor An entertainment for thebenefit of the attaches of the Auditorium wasgiven there 2(1.

Hnlyoke.— The Opera House (J. II.

o'Connell, mannger) closed its season May2i, with Thomas W. Boss, In "The OtncrCiri," to good business.

Mot'NTAIN I'AKK Casino (Louis Pelllsslcr,

manager).—A preliminary season of threeworks will begin, at the C'asluo on MemorialDay, the regular season opening June 17,

whin comic opera and musical comedy w'll

be produced by a stock company for the rest

of the Hummer months, for the preliminaryopening, on May <30, a strong vaudeville bill

has been secured, which will Include Llbocyand Tr.iver, the Elite Musical h'our. Slovensand Kecley, the Dc Mutbs and Milt Wood.

Vciv Bedford.—At tlie New Bedford The-atre (W. B. Cross, manager), week of May211, Shepard's moving pictures. Cramer andBeverly, and Kostcll and ICinmett drew largehouses. John Drew 27.

llATiiAHAi's (Burke & Barry, managers).-—Week of 20 the popular Burke & BarryStock Co. presented "A Soldier of tbe Em-pire." to very large bouses. "The UnwrittenI .a \v" 21 and week.Savov (W. II. Shine, manager).—Continu-

ous moving pictures, with D. b\ Ureen andGeo. (Ilenflolu.

ItiNUt.ixu Biioh.' CmcuK June 7.

TO CORRESPONDENTS.Our thentrkat correspondent! ere hereby

notified that the credential* now held by

ttm will expire ok June 1. They ore re-

queued to return them to thia ogtce at once,

for renewal for Mrt-1908.

Ing chapters of Thespian literature pennedthis season Harry Davis was here aheadof "Two Little tilrla, ' and moved on to St.Louis Jules Hurtlg, Sam Srrlbner andF. W. Stair were recent visitors, and therewere Intlmatiuna of something doing In theburlesque line Charles B. Arnold, oftbe Standard, has gone EastHenry M. Zlegler, of the Columbia and Wal-nut Street, Is In New York ManagerJames E. Fennessy says of the forty-twoweeks' season at People's : "We have been re-

markably successful, and the Spring businesshas beaten all former records EmmaHeckle presented her pupils In muslcalc, attjrernwood Hall. 24, at which time CelesteSeymour was heard on the violin TucL'ulvcrslty of Cincinnati Ulcc Club gave aconcert at McMlcken Hall 21. with EstelleKrlppner-Shealor and John Hersb. soloists


Edwin W. Glover director, nud Hurry Kioeh-llch, accompanist. >

\orlh Adams—At the Empire (J. KSullivan, manager) the regular season closedMay 24. with "Mrs. Warren's Profession."Week of 27. Shepard's moving pictures andillustrated songs.

KiotiUbMi (B. M. Taylor, uianugcr).

Week of 27 : The Eyrie Four, Morell andArmeiil. Cliff Hcrzue's Circus. Allan und Lnsk,l.c and Lloyd, and new motion pictures.

Xiitks.—Jliie. Xavnllo, hypnotist, pluyedihe Culiiuibla Opera House. 21 25, to ex-cellent business. Miss Xavallii is under thenian.iKeinenl of W. W. Doyle, a local boyValley Park will open about June 15.

Taunton—At tbe Tuuuton Theatre (Calmk Cms*, maiiugersl for week of May 20.siwpard's moving pictures pleased good sizedaudiences. For wwk of 27, besides new ulc-inres. Ivy and Ivy, I'alun and Stanley,Jennie. Kltnid. Clark and Hanson, and theDcinouelln Trio.Si'kmc (C. II. J'ruuty, iminnger).—Exccl-

li-iil buslneKs. Fur week of 20 : Walsh nndTliorue. Jessie Marxdcn, lra Kessner, AdaCornell and Billy Barlow.

Fiiank A. Koiibinn' Ciuciis 27.

Cleveland.—At the Opera House (HarryD. Kline, mnmtger) the Hermit Club, of Cleve-land, present their annual play, "The HermitIn California," week of May 27. Tlie advancesale has been remarkably large, and capacitybusiness is assured. Kluw ft Erlnnger willInaugurate a season of vaudeville at theOpera House, beginning June II. for aboutfour weeks, when the house will close for theSummer.Colonial (Drew & Campbell, managers).

"Soldiers of Fortune" was presented by tbeColonial Stock Co.. to large houses, week of20. This company .will continue to play hereduring I be Summer months.Lvckim (Ceo. M. Todd, manager).—The

Se ma Herman Stock Co. offer* "Hazel Kirkeweek of 27. "Mrs. Dane's Defense" drew wellweek of 20.

K cut-in Avenue Uaiioexk (Max Faction-heuer. manager).—The William Fnrnuin Co..In "The Holy City." week of 27. "Ingomar,"week of 20f drew capacity houses at each per-formance.

hiyjrrn'E (II. A. Daniels, manager).— Thebill week of 27 Includes : Armstrong indClark, Barry and llalvcrs. Brown and Xc-varro. Four Costing Diiniors, lloey and I,cc,

Kemp's "Tales of the Wilds," Mile. XndJI.and May Tullv and company. The bill weekof 20 Included : Lew Sully, "Chlnko." n won-derful Juggler, nnd no act has ever receiveda more enthusiastic reception In a Clevelandvaudeville house, as "Streets of Italy," pre-sented by John (Jclgcr and Nellie Walters.

Lt:.NA I'aiik (Klwood Salsbury. manager).—The feature attraction week of 27 will i>o

the Navassar Band. Duns' Band, week of 111,

and guod wenther. filled the park every day.Luna Park evidently has a permanent placeIn the hearts o! the amusement seekers ofCleveland, for its popularity is increasingover each pervious season.


Colnmhiis.—Al the Great Southern (Win.Sanders, manager) I,ew Fields May 20. "TheThree of Us" ML

Kern's (W. W. Prosser, manager). —laist week Thomas Murray, the new find ofManager Prosser. made a big lilt. Ills voicehas a tine range. Bill for week of 27:Henri French, Julia Bedmond and company,Carter-Waters nnd company, S|iessardy'slieai-N. Melville and Stctwon. Welsh. Mealy andMontrose. Paul Barnes and Willie Eckstein.Olbxtaxuv I'auk (J. W. Ducsenlniry.

manager). — For week of 27: Kllarfy'sSpectacular Ballet Co. will present "BabesIn the Woods." Itlecs' Bough Blders WildWest Show next week. ; :. .

NoTKtT.—E. F. Albeo was a local visitor

22 Indianola, "Tbe Park Beautiful."opened Its season, -'.:. to capacity. Ed.Ulchter and Chas. Bragg arc the advertisingmanagers. Paul I). Crecne. on the Globeact. is the feature for week of 20(lias. W. Harper, manager of Hie High StreetTheatre, accompanied by Geo. L. Clieunel,manager of the Columbus BUI Posting Co..

made a business trip to Indianapolis, lu atouring car, 20 Tom Lewis was therecipient of many favors. by his local friendsduring the past week.

I.nwrenee.—At Ihe Operu House (JuliusCalm, manager) Shepard s moving picturesweek of May 20. Johu Drew pleased a goodhouse 25. Shepard's moving pictures weekof 27.Colonial IJ. Fred Lees, manager).—The.

Colonial Opera Co. presented "Pinafore""Cavnllerla llusilcana" to good busl-last week. "The Chimes of Normandy"


week of 274 i »OHIO.

• (in eiii mi 1 1.—Another week of scrambledweulher brought early Joy to tbe oue opentheatre, and us the days lengthened the colddisappeared, bringing happiness to the twori'sortx In operation.

I.vhic (SamS. ft Lee Klmbert ft Heuck'sopera House Co., directors).—"Two LittleGirls," with Elsie Bowen and Until JulianIn tbe leading roles, were booked lo May 20,bul (be engagement was canceled and theseason closed 25. Last week, "Charley'sAiiut'' pleased the iieople who were fortuualein seeing Ktlenne Glrardot in a part he mndeaniens. "Mini Pocohontas," announced forJune 2. will defer her coming.

Ciiektbh Park (I. M. Martin, mannger).

I lie Oriental City Is ut last open, after manyrlbulatliHis for Manager De Kreko. At the\ainlevlilc Theatre. May 20: Goldsmith andHoppe. All. Hunter und All. Dorothy Kite,•'nil l.a Mont's ccckaloos. Business last weekincreasiil.

ni.pLuw LauooN (J. J. Weaver, uianugcr;"• E. Clark, amusement director). — Thegules open 20, when the Malvern Family,J-rrviill. r. W. Carroll. Etta .May Ashton,"Isliard and Perez, and the Four Keels willlie seen at the Hustle Theatre.Am (Walter E. Draper, manager),—The

lloynl Kilties Band 20, after two weeks ofreal ore's Band, nn engagement which suf-

fered i> cause of frosty weather.Conbv Island (George Wellington Engel-

breth. mannger).—Tlie season commences? 26,when Kohle Brothers. Louise Itamoln. AlvlnBrothers. Woods and Uulton, and the Mug-iiiiitl Family npiieur at the Como Thcutrc."Mow-ow," ihe open air spectacle of theHti«sliin revolution, will be seen June 2.

Pavilion Tiikatiu:, under canvas, at CampWashington.—Tlie Home Slock Co. beganw two weeks' engagement, wllli Burleigh andHazel Wylde as the chief players.

Ai'fiiTiinirii (Lewis Vunden. manager).

ihe Windsor Theatre Yiddish Co.. from New>urk. Is |o present "Zlerole. the Itaiilu'sI laughter :" "Forbidden Love" nnd "TheMorning Sinr," June 7-1'. with Keglnn I'ragorIn lending roles.

SiMJiuit Chat—Mnry Hull (Mrs. Charleslalib Penree). of "The Girl of Ihe GoldenWeil" c,i., | s al Christ Hospital, recoveringfrom an operation ,or appendicitis. ...Dwlghts. Axiell's trniute lo the original "Heinle"—his dog ebum—was one of. toe most biicrctt-

YouiiKHtowiii—At Ihe Park Then I re (A.C. Irons iiiiiuugei ) Ilium lie Walsh. May 21.played to a good audience. "The Three ofI'sT 27. 2S, Ixw Fields 90, Joe Weber's Co.June Hi.

Iihiiia Pahk (It. W. ('iiiinliigli.ini. mann-ger).—The season opens May 20, with HarryLo Clair. Kill In Trio. Iloyt mid Marlon. Det'lmuul'.i dogs, and A. C. Klo. Many Improve-uieiils have been mnde, nud Hie groundsbeautiful. Prof. Benny Beck has contractedto furnish music for Hie season.Avon Pahk (Jos. W. Wess, manager).

Thi.-i park opened 2."i. with ('apt. -Webb'sseals and sou lions as tlie free attraction.Tlie Casino programme: Myrtle I'. Byrne andcompany, Marie and Bartlett. I.es ModelsParlslennes. the Kings, and Martyu Llcb-mau's Orchestra.

SiirliiKlield—At the Grand (SnrlnglleICTheatre Co., managers) the Colonial StockCo.. will play a return engagement May 27and week.Onrmi'M (Gns Sun, manager).—Bill for

week of 27 : Marguerite Newton and compuuy,l'owers and Freed, Jennie De Weese. Gran-ville and Mack, and new songs and pictures.

Spbinu Giiovb Casino (C. F. Powell, man-ager).—Bill for week of 20 : Petchlng Bros.,Kathcrvn ltyan. Danny Mann and company.Hiiicyclo Huy. Ihe Comedy Hills, and themoving pictures.


ManaHeld.—At Mrmorlul Opera Huuso(Hurry L. Bowers, manager) "The Lionnnd the Mouse" closed ibis playhouse for theseason. May -'•", to a crowded' house, andgave splendid satisfaction.

I/akb Park Casino (E. It. Ebdly. mann-ger).—The Grnbutiie Co. closed the llrst

week's business at this resort to fair patron-age. The Itohlnson Stock Co. beglus u I woweeks' cngagemeut 27, with a repertory ofplays.

iiKi'iliiijt (Fred lllllon. mannger).—Thehill for week of 20 Included: Hiirrls-Bcnurc-garde nnd compuuy. Leuiule nud Leuiule,Fanuy Donovan, .anil the Kaluhow Sisters.• 'oinmenelng .27, tbe hill will include: TbeMldglcys. the Uniiclng Hvljiccys. the Lucadus,and Gilbert Snrony.

Akron.—At Lakeside Casino (Harry A.Hawn. manager) the season opened May 20,with a packed house. Bill for week of 27


Mr. and Mrs. Perkins Fisher, "Blmrn. Bomni,B-r-r-r. Griicelyn Whltehoiise. Lewis andHarr, the Great Holt, and pictures. The newCasino Is considered to be one of the largestand best equipped Summer theatres In theMiddle West. The stage Is large enough toplay any production, und the seating ca-pacity Is L1HN).Grand Op-bra Horsr <T. K. Alhnngh. mun-

ageri.—The season closed 25. with Murrayft Mnckle's Co. as the attraction.

Note.—Achille Phltllon. manager of theGayety, Is building a tent' theatre, whereSummer vaudeville will Is1 played. He wl'Iopen nboiii June .M.

I i/.Hiie.ivllle. Manager James G. England,

nf Hie Weller 'I'bealre. enlerlaliicil the at-

taches of tlie Weller Theatre nt his home onMnpte Avenue, recently, with an elaboratebanquet. 'ITie attaches In every rapacity, andalso the corresponded lor Tju Cllttin, were

present. The theatre orrheslra furnishedmusic for tbe occasion Unite a largecrowd attended the grand opening of Maxa-hala. Park, Sunday, May Hi. In spite of therain. A large number of the amusements are

Bot completed, but when all Is In good order.be park will b« one of tbe best In Southeast-

ern Ohio.

Dayton—At the Victoria (ti. C. Miller,manager) the liremens' heuellt proved n greatsuccess. May 15, 10, and by special requesttbe performance was repeated 18. Lew Fields25, '"The Three of Us" 20.National (Gil Burrows, manager).—Grace

Cameron. In "Mlaa Dolly Dimples," closed theseason of this popular house, 10-18.

Faijivihw Park Tiieatrr (Elmer Krdellc,manager).—Bill for week of June 2 Includes:Kelly and Violette. Sadl Alfarlbl. PetchlngBros., Itappo Sisters, I«wIr and Hare, andmoving pictures. As a special attraction forthe opening. Manager Itedellc has securedCreatorc and his band, afternoon and evening.May 26. These concerts are In. the open. air.

KoTKSJ.—Jules Hurtig, of Hurtlg A Seamun,was In the city last week, looking after theInterest of his new vaudeville home, to beopeaed here next season The White Cltv,the new Summer park, lu course of construe,tlon, will be opened about June 13.

Toledo—The Farm Theatre (Joseph Pearl-stlne. manager) opens June 20 with : Al-Is'i-tlne Mellck's trained birds. Gelger nndWalters, Carl Herbert. Murray Sisters. WorldsComedy Four, Lucie and Vltoe, and AmericanVltagrnph.Casino (KHves ft Rosenthal, managers).—

Harry Corson Clarke, In "His Absent Hor."opens here 20. The entire season will lie

given over to legitimate. wKh Ihe exceptionof one week of vaudeville.»»

CANADA.Montreal.—At His Mndjcsty's (II. O.

Brooks, manager) "The Llou aud the Mouse


closed for the season here, week ciidlugMay 2.", with a fair attendance.

Acaiibmv ok MiiBtc (Walter Greaves, man-ager).—.The Bonnie Brier Bush" had lightattendances last week. "When KnighthoodWas In Flower" 27-,lune 1, "Charley's Aunt"y-8.


Francais (F. W. Lo Clair, manager).—"A Millionaire's Itcvenge" attracted crowdedhouses 20-25. The Fuller Stock Co. openedIts Summer season of stock plays, 27, with"AcroHB tbe PaclOc."

ltovAt. til. C. Edgerton, malinger).—TheInnocent Maids had fair business Inst week.Pat White and Ills Gulcty Girls 27.1 one 1.DBS NouvEAltTKa (Jean Prevost, malin-

ger).—The atock company presented "LeGrand Mogul" tin French) to good ultend-ancc 2(l-2.

r>. "Iji Mascotte" 27 and week.

National Francais (Paul Ciizetiruve,manager).—The permaneut French Stock Co.,In "I^i Belle Llniomidlcrc." had fair business20-25. "Iielnle et Ainiair" 27 and week.Dominion Park (II. A. Horsey, manager).

—The nark opened Us seusou 18. Hnrdy,"The Globe of Death" and the numerous newattractions proved big drawing cards.Sohmer Park (Lavlgne ft Lajole, manu-

gew) opened for the season 27.

lliiiiiillon.—At the Grand opera House(A. II. Loudon, manager) "I'ncle Tom'sCabin" (Stelson's), May 18. hud the usualbusiness. "Beside Hie lloiiule Brier Bush,"24, rnneeled. "Knst Lynne" (John King Co. |

25. "Widowers' Houses" (Kclccv and Shan-non) :i(l, "The Lion aud the Moure" .'10 JuneI, Mnry Miinnerlng, lit "Glorious Bclsy,"i, H.

Savoy (J. G. Appletuu, manager).—Busi-ness keeps big at tills popular house. Billfor week of 27 : Friil Knruo's company,Willie Gardner. Crlmiulns und Gore, Harper,Desmond nnd Illlllard, Musical Lowe, MutlleLocket te.

Mountain Visw Park (Fred Weaver, man-ager).—This park opened for (he season 211.

It Is well situated ut the head of the JamesStreet Incline Hallway, and will no doubtprove a magnet lo uiiuiy thousands duringHie Summer, it has n huge tent for vaude-ville, it splendid roller rink- und other suit-able attractions. The opening vaudeville, wnsprovided by Dense and compuiiy. J. Theo-dore Miirimy. Uubv Wlsnell. Palmer Sisters,Vincent and Dupotit, Campbell and Bulrtl,and Ferrell Bros. In Hie roller rink, Burtonand Tyler provided entertainment with fancyand trick roller skating. A wind storm, afew days Is-fore the opening, played havocWilli the roof of the vaudeville lent, andthat part of the park will lsi closed for re-pairs during week of 27.


mLondon.—Al the Grand ( L. II, Bovvers,

manager) the Earl Burgess Stork Co. closeda week's engagement May IS. The vaudevillebill week of 20. Ill aid of I be Letter Curriers'Association, drew fairly well on the openingnights, and wns well attended Iwfore theweek ended. "The Llou and the Mouse" 27,"Uncle Josh Sprueeby" 2X, "As Told in I boHills" 20.

Notkk.—Mrs. ltrownrblge. known on Ihesinge as Mrs. Kemp, died lu Hie VictoriaHospital here, 21. with an acute form ofstomach I rouble. She was a member of theEiii-I Burgess Co.. and look ill on Saturday,18. nnd was unable to iicnimpiiiiy Ihe show toBuy Clly. Mich. Tlie remains were liikcuto Columbus, O. for burial ManagerJohn Appletou. of the Savoy, Hamilton, wasIn London lust week, 'trying to make arrange-ments tor the opening of a new vaudevillehouse for next season. Several sites weresurveyed, nnd if Hie com pan v Is formed, it islikely a building selected, will be re-modelledai a cost of about $50,011(1. The hookingwill be done through Kluw ft ErlnngerKprlnghnnk Park will bv opened by the I/in-,don Street Hallway on June II. No more hadbeen made to lease the purk, so Ihe railwaydecided to run It themselves. They haveappointed Thomas f,ogun manager. Mr. I<ognnhas been connected with Bennett's for twoyears, and whs house superintendent the pastseason. Tlie Con ley Driiuinllc Agency, ofBuffalo, will do Ihe vaudeville Isioklng.

» .

St. John.—At the Opera House (A. O.Skinner, manager) the Kirk Brown Co. openedIts third and last week May 20. presenting"Othello," to big business. Lyceum Stock Co.27-June 1, llev. C. W. Gordon (Kahili Connor I

3D. Ueo. F. Hall. In "The Gibson Ulrl," :i 5


"Ulp Van Winkle" (1-8.

NoTBS.—The Nickel continues to draw Im-mense business The Unique (W. J. Mel-lody, manager) opened 20, presenting movingClotures and Illustrated songs. Business Is

Ig. Tbl« Is one of Hie Bennett chain ofvaudeville theatres. Geo. V. Drlscoll. whohag the general management of these theatresfor the Bennett Co., left 21 for Halifax,where he la to open one In a few daysThe Lyceum Co. will give n lament 28. forGrace Goodall, who was one of the company.but who Is now confined In a hospital here.Miss Goodall's mother bus arrived here lotake rare of her Ernest Jelenko Is Intown, representing Ihe Lyceum Stock C<W. D, Nea land, formerly In advance. Is nowback with the show W. K. Harkins leftfor i\ew York l-'riiuklyii Gale, who Is

conducting n school of ailing here. Is io pre.sent "Kathleen Mavourncen." assisted by llio

A. O. II Dramatic (Tub, at Hie Opera House,10 A. J. Dixon, representing Hnrgrenves'Cirrus, wns In town 111, arranging for bi»•how's appearance here June 5,


WooilNloek. - Al Hie Woodstock OperaBouse "I'm le Josh Sprucebv" ployed May 2.'!.

"The Lion mid the Mouse" 28. after' whichHie house wilt close for Hie sciisihi. TheNliu-lytlrsl Highlanders Band gave a conceitlo ii packed house 24.Xotss.—T. Walaia will open Falrmuunt park

Are Showing a Complete Stock of

THE "DAN IELL" SATINMore than 1 00 Shades to Select From


Tills Satin la ao well anil so fnvorulily known, that It Is onnei eniuiy lo dwell

on Ha many distinctive merits. It has stood Ihe lest ai lo quality, strength,

nniih anil dye.

Tlioiiianda of our patrons, who have worn garments made of till* aalln,ean

testify to Ita wearlBK qualities.

As a guarantee of quality, you will find the name stamped on the aelvagr*

The new Importations of Hlch Drorade* In exqulalle and exclusive designs

bI.o an extensive line of Tinsel Clotha In Silver and Gold, Polka Dot and Stripe

Satins, Serpentine Silk In Plain Colors. Also many changeable combinations.

Large Polka Dot and Broad Stripes In Heavy Cotton, Carnival Suitings,

guaranteed fait valors.



Clothes Oft Proclaim the ManWell tailored, neat materials, stylis'.ily made cl >thea oft do a jjreat

deal to advance position in life. Our clothes have merit ; they an lightly

tailored, right in style and must tit ri{ht or tuty remain here. Suit of

Overcoat to measure $30 that will compare with hi^hen cost garments.

The making of Evening Clothes is ART wit i us.

Samples given or forwarded to any address.


Theatre. Willi "Howlne; Hie Wlnil." May -I.

Tlie cuinpnily liieluilex: limy fouler. ,|olm

Turkic Mr. mid Mm. llerkley. Minx See,

Mr. nnd Mm. Vule. Mr. mill Mrs. \Vlillm>l.

mill I.eo|M.lil Kiinkeratelii At the Tlicu-

lorlimi mill 111'- t'lidllio niovliiK plciures ji tut

Unit rated hiiiikm will lie ((Iveti every vvetiiiit;

(liirloa; the Hummer.

St. t'ntlinrlnea.—At the tlrnml (Ipern

limine (Cliaa. II. WIIkoii, liiuinmer) "As ToldIn I lie Hills" I, ml satisfactory utleiiilaiice MnyIS. "Wldns/cr's Hoasea" 30, "Tlif l.lon nmlthe Mouse" June 3.


HI'. I'MUl.—Al lite Metin|iollluii llperu

llinoe 1 1„ X. Scot I. ititiliiDter) May Milliner-

lug mid tier excellenl c<uii|iiiiiy hud very KoodI/iimIiicss, nud mive a IIIONt cliuriulim |o'i toiin

mice. In "lilurlilH lletay," May •ItlW. TheMack-Leone Slock t'o. hull Kimil IiuxIuchh, lu

"Kiiclnjt the .Music," 'JH-'jr,. The miiiiii! coiii-

pruiy will present "Tlie Liars" week or ail.

(iii*M) (Tlieodorc L. Ilnys. iniinni?er). -

iliislncsx was very Komi week of HI, with"Tlie Cow I'mii-lier. The lilll for week of

•Mi will he "Tlie l-'onr Corners of Ihe Hnrlli."

"Our New Mlnlaler" June - nnd week. Thehouse will close about June In. for Hie Kiiin

mer. und will reopen ulioiit Hie middle o(

Augimt. In the iiieunlliiie, It will lie' le-

decora led, fiiruishi'd nml pitltileil, ut an ex-

pense nf ahoiil f'2!i,<nHI.

All'iriiniiill.—Til" Knljtlils of Colutiiliiis

gart a most eredllnlile prodiicilon of "Tlie

Allkiliio'' I'll. '.'I. lo larn" unit eiilluisliislle

'iiiilictiicH. 'I'lie cast wiin entirely local, inisl

Ihe jnirtH tulicn liy some of our uiiisl popularsociety yniiliir |s'ople, mnde Hie iierforiiiauce

il ^reul Nllcel'SH.

WlNDSOII. lIllslUCKS WHS KIMMl Wl'l'k of 111.

Illll for week of M Includes: HiiiikIus undIHiiikIiih, Crnwfnril mid fiiirdner, Kroslo, Inl-

word rowers, ami I lie pictures.

Kit pi Mi (Sum Kink, nuiinmcr).—ItiislneHS

wns fii'r week of U0. i'lie only clianucs for

week of -7 ure: The Vnlpos, mid ('lyflonand Shaw. AT Hie others will hold over,

Vmilnni J. Well*, well known in Hie vaude-ville world, litis liiken Hie posit Inn of slu«eiiiuuiiKcr ul (his house.

XoTK.— Milliliter L. X. Scott.' of I lie Melro-polliiin s 1

1 ••-



l llousi'. left tor .New Vork "'.

niond llltcticiick -U. Itoselle Knott :ll, JuneI. Lillian llussell 7. N.

MkiiipiI'oi.itax IW. Ii. I.onjtsli I. uiuuii-cer). -The l-'rnnk K. Lou« Slock Is pluyitiuan enttiiKCtiienl for one, nnd |ierliups (woweeks.

Itl.ioi i Joe Maillund. uiiiuuKer).—UiiNlneaaIs lo cuiiuelty. Hill for L'7 mid week : TimThree Klllous. Ivlswiirlh ami Hurt, the Mannliilf Trio. Ciirimii, Al. (iolsuil, (imce Oiniii,Isndi'ie Silver. Jus. MctTellnri, nnd Ihe muv-III); pictures. » »

UmJUMJIA.Alhiiilii. At Ihe Crniid (II. L. A J. L.

He Hive, miiiuiKei'Kl Hie (leor|(e I'nivccH StockCo. opens .May J", iireseiithii; "The llenrlelln"as II pniliiK Mil L'7-Jiine I.

C.isixii. I'omh lln Lr.o.v I'aiik iJuknWells niiiiiiiKcri. - The season opened Mnv-'il, with "Tlie Itunnwily .Mulch" u« Hie offer-luff. Din husluesH prevailed. Little Chip millMnry Miirlilc week of i.'7.

StA lit.I. It. Thoiii|iKiiii, uiiuuiKei-).- A cleverhill wns iireaeiiled liy the Star Slock Co.,-ii nml week, tu pleiiNliiK returns.

I'AHriiiw 'I'litiATiiH.—A vaudeville hill nfiiuirll was pri'Henlecl In cupneity Inislneus 1!»-

*J.". Tlie hill Included : A. Cotes ill-own, Ownunml lievernoit. Itose Muyn, Leuniird nud lloauund Touiuiy Wllklus.

Hr. Xii'iiiii.ah Ai'iiiTniiti'M.- The Mny-Jmii;Mii-IciiI 1'csihiil Is to he held licre May IIP-

June I. The advance snle In lil|{.. The hillIncludes : llesMle Aliliol, Minr. t'hni'lilllnMil nlii. Mine. Dell Kendall, WrrtlltlK'r.Mine. Scliumiiniillcliik, Amniiilii MardarfcMn ii II, Ccol'Ke 1 1 fi in Ii ii . Thonias Kvmis Orcein',SlKlior Hlllscppe Cutllp III. ( llllllle I'iuillltlU-limn. IIiikii {Hk, Julius Slurui, Mine. M.Winiderll. hnrplNl ; Joseph Hnlisoii (,'nilgirill,

aceoiiipiinlsi ; Win. I';. Ai'itmtld. iiruaulNl :

rrnf. II. C. Ilavls, illreclor of I'liriilren'il

chorus; Dr. J. Lewis lliowne. eotiiliicliir.

Home. At Tin Soln i'nrk Thenlro II, W.Ilelsnuiii. iniiiiiiHcrl Hie llelsinnn HI nek Co.,May .lo-IK, (rnve "A Itroken Henri." i«

very cooil iilny. lo pniil liiislness. "An lull"-cent Wife'' •Jli-"'J, "The Hiveetenl lilrl Innixie" aa-sa.

Mliineiiiioiis.—At Hie .Metropolitan Oner*House (L, X. Scott, imiiuiKcr) Hick I'l'iTln

nnd I'Toi-eme Stone, wllh Ihe slock company,week of Mnv 'Jil. Kilvc "If I Were KIiik"I'or week or HI. durlpic Ihe llrsl hair. Willliiui

Jnssi-y Co., in "Hu llnrry." unci Ihe liiller

liu I f of the week, Mnry Miinnerlng. In "(ilorl-

iiiih Delsy," laid ({laid houses. Week of J nun2, Kerrln Slink Co., lu "Cliiipulrn." Mr.I'l'lTls ret, .ills lo Minneapolis after il success-

ful Winter on the I'acltlc const, und will

piny In slock nl this house durliiu tin: re-

mainder of Ihe Summer neuson,1Ii.hu: (iit.ua IIoi-mk (Thill. L. Hays, tiinn-

ager).—"Tlie l'ih^ i'unehei" for May l!(l und

week, "linele Tom's Cnlilii" iiluyed to theusual (food houses last week. For June 2 undWeek, "Till! Knur ('OITierH of till! Klll'lll."

Lvi'Kiiu 1 1. ('. Hpeci's. miitintrert.—TheKrnwley HIiick Co. MHy '.'ii mid week, In "Al.ndv of (Miillty." This cuiiipuiiy pluyed lo

fair hoiin's In "Tlie I'rlvnli) Seerettiry" Instweek. The same company. Ill "All lite (Join-

forln of llniiie," next week.1,'XIQI i: i John Klllull, uiuniiKer).—lllll fur

L'7 and week : Hon l.eiino nnd Ills happyvoilliCHlers. May Seuvey, .Marvelous l''tTi|ai'-

lek, Xelllc llevell, Wilbur Held, und IrenuLittle, (inoi! houses ^n and week.

WoxnKiii.AMi opened fur tin: seiisnn. May2~> Illit Island i'ark will open for lite

sei.son May 'Ml, wllh ihe usual nllriictlons.

Hill nlii.—At Ihe Lyceum («'. A. Marsliiill.

nntunuer) the only all ruction lust week wasn recllal. .May 22, liy lieo. I., Tyler, nsslHlcdliy home lulenl. There was u Inrun auilletiea

present. Dundy Dixie's Minstrels 24, -D. Itny-

VIllHIMt.Norfolk. At Ihe Aemlentv of Music (Olio

Wells, local iiiuiinj(er)"T'he Wiirpnlli llevlew,"picsented under Hie auspices of the Kxpn-nil Ion I'ress Afjunls' (Tali, Mny 17. played InII peeked house. The show was made up ofvarious nets from (he "Warpnlli," und pivaMutlMfiielloii. The lieoixe h'uwi'olt Slock Co.followed UU, 1*1. preseiilliiK i'el'ey I Inn well, hi"The I'rodlnnl Sun." lo splendid returns.

(iliANHV (llllo Wells, In-ill luanageiT,

"Thi! X]|(lit Hefora Clii'lsHunx" drnw crowdedhouses -it-^,i. The tin-ill Lafayette week of21.

Ma.ikstic (llert C. (inKiioii. nnuiuKer). • •

IMvlui; to some needed repairs, this house willhu I'limed for nlioul three weeks.

Ai'MM (Wllkersoii & Milnzle. iiinuuttiTHI.

Iieople for week of 21 : Knrl /,e|ln Trio, Jiisle

Allen. Mike Slonnetl, Alilile Hcolleld, llnrilnermid Hess, Helen Lamlierl, Kent/, und Ldwards, nnd Delmore and Murey. liiislness It

flood,IIijiiii (Alili Smlili, mnuuifi'i'L- -No I'luiuxn

III Hie lilll for week of 21. The hui'lesqiie,

"The .Inuieslown Ulrls," liy the regular stockcompiiiiy, liiislness Is kooiI.

AnuiTotiiiiM i,l, M. lhirlon. tiuiuiniei'). •«

reopli! for week uf 21 : Lurke nnd Adnma,Lucille h'osler. Helen I'oiilc, nnd Willi andJni'dlis,

Manhattan n'rlniiinn llros., iiinunKersi, -

i'eonle fnc week of 'Ji : I'.'diia May Schuiir,S.iiile IIiii'ki'ns, May la-uiuels. Minnie IrrlMB,Jin' Downey, Arthur Lane. Wallace Slieldiiti,

flunk Leahy und Lou Is'oiuird.

-»-»Ma, iiiti K. I'. McCann anii line Wit.i.ii.u.".,

who are in their lift It week wllh A. I». McI'liee's lllg Show, are one uf Ihe fp|iinr<-r|

viiiidevlll" aids.

DON'T BE A GRASSHOPPERThe old fulile tells liotv the mil nan m ha nud pi ii vlilini nml llumul nil n rainyday, while the |(rnasliop|ier drlfled aldnK, led log others ilo his tlilnliliiK lor him,and when the cold simp mine, he "cashed In." ir tin tint »*eie no mini- to-dny

you anulil see him earrylns; a HAL Kllllll; Till Mi. Iieciinse tile Idea »r liuyln KIhe BEST, LM.IITKST, HTHOSI.KKT, IIAH DHOH KHT und MHHT MKIIVICEAIII.KTIIKATHK'AI. TRUNK to he had would appeal In his gnml sense. M'lilrli are yon I

Wll.l.l.tnl HAL. Inc., . „M » he.. ... *0/| / fROFESSIONAL

HU West -null St., New York City, WMf\ M / TdIIsJI/C&t.Mi rou (jataluuuk u. gJLJr MMm lKUoli^.... ... ..(if. .. -. • it '!!'.









Another Up-To-Tlie-JHiimte

Edison Comedy Hit


Historical Production

-- ow —

Pioneer Days In


perfection mat.adjectives msmm.


1,000ft. CUSS*. " 5150.00Hand for

tllustratsd Descriptive Circular No. 311.


EdliOD BihlblliOD Model Klueloacope,

Improved Take-Up and

rita Iigailnei,

m * » bo oImproved Tike-Up and

Pilu laiutnej,

m 9 ».o oImproved Take-Up,

• I B.OOFilm lagiilnai, Each,

• i o.o o



SYNOPSIS OF* 9CENThe shepherd's home—Children leaving cabin with father's dinner— The shepherd and his flock—The mid-day meal—Children

leaving; for home—The storm—Lost in'the mountains— Struggling through snow drifts—Buried in the snow—The frantic mother athome—The shepherd's return—Off to the monastery— Dogs and searching party to the rescue—Desperate search through the moun-tains—St. Bernard dogs on the trail—St. Bernard dogs' wonderful sagacity—Discovery and rescue by the dogs—Home si last—Tableau—The Dog Hero, "Uncle Sam," Blue Ribbon Winner, Madison Square Uarden, New York City, 1007.

No. 0324. Code VEEME ESTER. 830ft. Class A. 8194.50.NK*D FUR ll.MfSTH.ATKD OK8CRIPTIVK < ATALOGUK NO. :im,


No. 631.1. Coda VKKV A Alt llfC. nOOn. (Imi A. $73.00




A Laughable Satire on thePopular Craze.


A ONE BEST BETBeautifully Mono -Tinted. Photo-

graphically Period.

93511. CLASS A. $140.25

NO. 6313. CODE, VEELM0HDI8.Bond r.ir

Illustrated Descriptive Circular No, an,

Edison Bxlilbltien Model KUeUscspi,

Improved Take-Up and

Film lagaiiue,

• i a a.o oImproved Take-up and

I'lln lagaalnea,

9 3 S.O <J

Improved Take-Up,

SI I tt.O oFilm lagailnes, Each,

• I o.o o

lead for I aleat Calaloua nod Illustrated Circulate.


i Iil.iiH., iiiili-r, 1104 Walmali Avenue,Mew York oaH.-o. III Union Square Cable Addr«u, Zymotic, New York.


QPT11KD AhPMTS' '1'HR KINETOflRAHH CO., - - 41 U. 21nt HI.. New York.OblillinU auliUlO. fbTrr. RAOIOALUTI, 1I07 Kllliuure Hi,, H»u Kranrleco, O.I.

OEOKGO UKKCK 660B54 fJrove Hi., Sau FraDClnCil, Cat.


Wanted, for

LEWIS STOCK COMPANY, oKKU.People In All Llusa. Those doing specialties given preference. Good Leading Mail Dial imp piny

Lead* aurt Heiiviea; Good diameter Moil. I cuiiti) III All l.llli'K, write, A loug si'ilsou's work In K'mil'

.1, hiiiii vi'iir slnuip-i. Fred P. McCord, write. I also wanl OnVV. i'. LEWIS, Henderson, Nebr., Mnv 2: ln.liiui' l; York, mar.

Inutile. Hitni fin actors, suvnAddl'I'S*

also wiini (limit I'iiino rin vi'i .

.1 imi' .'I In 8.

IM I OO F? IM ECBAND AND uKCH lOBTft A. Musi be hi.Ii- in bundle standard manic. A Iniiit engagement 10 rlghi puny.

Anita, invrii, M«v :il; AdulJillirllnu 8.

IV. Q. HitMl, Manager, Terr) I'nele lours Cabin Co..ilr June 1, Out lino Center ;l, Sliiurl i.Ciw.i ft, Kiirlhatu 11, Vmi Meter 7, Vnlley



Telephone 7i«1 OIIAMF.IHJV. 145 Ka.t HIM Slrool, N«w York -City.

UP IN THE AIR!!Is where most dtlean are onmachine orders Juil at pieient


Edison M. P. Machineswiili all attachments reudy to pasaall itiipti thins positively ilie bestmachine 011 the market—a ml


SONG SLIDES FORevery smitf k re Hero 111 potlllvely • -


"Total Me ltai'k In New York Town""Dreaming" :: :: :: "Cheer Up, Mary""Sail Anionlo""lie Never Kven Said Omul-Bye"••aniiii'ivliere, .Siinielinily'B Wiilttntf fur Vim"

REPERTOIRE PEOPLEWilli suiTiiiliii'x, All HUM. XfUMllli, Mi>., June I: Vlnllii, Imi. 'I'er., week ..i June -i. Sime Ioh.-i

yuiury. II A It It V l,KK.

Machines furnished with or without operators



^A/Al^^x plays,\A/lt_l_ BUY or

Mnil lie 11 M.'liiiliniini, ('niiiiilv in Kiuee Coineil). with 11 kixiiI line nf paper 11ml niMi <if nix or hkIii;

-niliKiiic for an eii'Kniii baiul uiiriii'llnn. Aitilrex*. kIvIiijjt mil iianleulara or piny nml line of paper«nmi' lm» and where prllile.i1.

\V. P. MK1NNKH, 1'iiiv or lion uaik, mi Wlilttler Place, lniliuna|HillH, Imi.


I'luy nil summer In Northern Mli'liliron. Wlicomlii, and CatlHilH. Can place VAI'DKVII.I.K TKAM thin

cu 11 elianpre oden. If von In,v Hlaned fur ne.vt seimou don't, ennie nu here for u Snminer home.\ildre«« FRANCIS GRRRNK, Suiliniry, Ontario.



Chris Bruno and Mabla Russelllu THK IN»l'K A NCR A WBvr. Olve the audience 20 rulnuiei or clean and oi'lgjilnal cowed*.


.M1M0I111H for BaailHud'Or.uenirii. I.nnv, inre icusnii. Also acioi-s Id All l.tne-i. Kpeebliy I'eoule.

CM, 11. SI IHKIU.ANU, IS lMjmuuiii Place, Chicago, III.

1,000,000 Roll Tickets for Sale

M'rlle, wire, cull or 'plume ill any hour, ilnv ortilKhl, We are hIwujh upeli.

HARSTN & CO.,138 East 14th St., N. Y. City

'I'lu.u.. isli, :isi;i mi,}i,.»,.i,i

"Tell It To Me"KEHDAU.'a 3d BOOK.

AU NEW . JUST OUT.for «•!• on all mini and newa itandi, or by

DMlLMe. Addreai BZRA KDNDAia.,I Oadwell Ave., Rayfleld Belghta, Oletoland, O.



HAN II UNIFORMS. ARMY or NAVY SUITS.TENTS, GUNS and EQ01PMKNT OF KVKRTDESCRIPTION. From Oo»o.-Diiieut AaoUon.No maiier what yoa want In that line I cannappiy it. New or aooond band. Send tor

itaJogue. B. M. ABRAHAMS,Stt Sontb St., Philadelphia, Pa.


C. A. HAWKINS,Munufmluitr of Uymnaillc Apuaratua,33a K. Mlb St., N. V. Boilzontal ban, leap'tag boarda and ban, harrali, crania, global, eu.


OSMAN STOCK CO.For uext. neairnn, (load. Itellahle, soher, Vcraatlle People. KohaaraalH Btart Aug, ft, oin'ii i.'iiiulii'rliiiiil,

M«t., Aug Vi. A ituiiiinK Aitent, an Kxnerlenccd Director; alno a Chnraoler Man to run Mlaye, itoml

Speiially People who can play part*. Hooxera dropped without notice. Don't niisreprenciu. Kepeitolre laaWU, sure. I^ing aeaaon. good treatment. State all Una letter—lowest salary. Pay own. Nolime to dicker. All arrauirenienls are being made now. I close at Bristol, Tenn., June I.'.', ami v, n nonce tor Hhott vacation In Kuropc. JOHN OSMAN, Wlnsuin Salem, N. (.'. W-l ; Ashevllle, N. c, tut.


Well li in." n Chararler Wninaai.J nsl. closed my tirthsncoesslnl ijeoson with Will. U. WATSON, having played JRRnsHA, lu the "UOKMONrt'tvKs," and MISS Itll.HSKI.I,, In "tiAsllfl'i. VF.NUS." Kcceiurlc old Maid my stmngeal cliawitii.

i'AN III'! KNIiAliKD fur stock or road show for coming season. Address my periimucni luime,

Best wishes 10 all friends. 102 jjim pi.acK, fldcatl.i, III.

Richard C. MaddoxMAN COMED




La BARRE BROS/ MINSTRELSsenunil Pld., to itmiide iinriioue or Coruei ; 'I't'iimlmite, H. and 0.1 Clarlnei, to llouhle Stage, uml Wta*MiisIcliiOH, Singers ami Dnucers that lioiilde Hand; Man for Middle: a OimhI, Hiislllug Axl.nl"> ''"''i'»

exp.; Man Vila Moving Picture Machine Hun can llouhle in Hand. Season opeusciirlv lu AntflHt-

Slop in imi i-Im. Address BOX 193, tllomti'slcr, Mins.

Q1pi. or .1Op»nluf( Mhn.11,11. for tvewk iT Jnnci .'I, m

New Sandy Beach Park Theatre, oodbnsburo, n. y.

Repertoire, Farce or Musical Comedy, wire quick. All later lime open. Brand new theatre lu Mil

Summer park In the Stab'. Also want to heur from VAUDKVII.I.K acts or all kinds. Klueoppni'iuuiii

to lireak Jump between Montreal, Ottawa and Syracuse, llllcu and B111MI0. con place Klectrlclau a""11 r-,1 class machine and plenty or dims. A pleusiial Summer's engiiReineut to the right mull.

OUDKNSIIUlia I'OWElt AND LIGHT CO,, Owners, Address ull eoinniiinmntloiis In

:MANAOKR, Hanily Beacli ijlljfc


Al. F. Wheeler's A Showsmini, Baritone and Strong B-Flat Cornet to strengthen Band.who can do other acta. Hurdle Mule Rider, with other acts, and Versatile Performers for. Riuir out

Side Show. Route: Kerhonksan, N. V., Mav ;ki; itosendnie. K. Y.. :il:Hod Hook, K. V„ il.

Man to hnnillo Unlnniahle I, on Art.

j Performers for. RIuk ou"

Hhlneheck, N. V., June 1

Reliable Repertoire People.- 'jtcly, s. uml Uanclug Souhreite. Character Woman, Heavy Woman, Utility Woman, On»**S

laities, Heavy Man, Character Man who van handle stage, Man ror (leii.'Biielues., UH9£5!Snt. High class Vaudeville Feature sultalde for ladles and children. State all in llrsi I" 1"'

Leading Ladywith aiieclal

l.ood Agenti'boto rotnriied. Address all communications to

MALLOV AND PORTL.R, Rninlrti Theatre. Wo. Adawa. MM*"

., ,AV^NTKD ,


llsorul loiu People lu All Lines, capeelally those Doubling Brass. Man for Marks, Man for Fhineas a".u

Learee, Man for 'lorn, Mail for Haley, must double In Band. Can place Bnrilone, Tnha or Cornel in"

doiililes stage. A.year's work to Hie right people. Money sure. State lowest quick and henrei;'


10 join 011 wire. We pay all. Wagon show. TBose who wrote before, write again. THOS. L. i ««•Pn.p. and ilgr., Ft. Anu, N. Y„ May SO; Lake George, N. v., 81; Wurreusburtr June 1, chetieiiow. »•

Perraaneut addrens, Hooslck Fall, N. Y,» •«*.•<.: .



V- l_ I N E


S«« ttiehalMonosWEmake for "THE CLIPPER-

llfyouare goinrf lb havo anyCUTSlI mader write us firat WEMAKE



Patsstoprlnlin ONE or MORECOLORSJ

Theatrical Half-tone

orders should be left at the headquarters

for work of this description.: We are

the "handy engravers, "; hbingriglu oil'

Broadway. With a large ^aiid capable

engraving establiihineiH -Svu -invite a

vi»it. Proofs ahdprj:

»*-««*)! town inquire

[alive will call (in TCchics'. :


The Standard Engraving Co.SKVHNTM AVE. X I' . lOrii ST.f'New YORK

United States Tent and Awning; Co.,Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, III






E N TLarge Stock 80ft. and UnderNewand Second Hand. WriteTUB CIIAItLEg P. SI IDDICKTENT AND AWNING CO.,

Successors to the T. W. Noble Co,, Tent Dept,Detroit Bag and Mfg, Co.. Detroit. Mich.




W. STOKES KIRK,1617 1. 10th 81, PluUaolpliI*, Fa.




We hare made the euro of Blood Poison aspecialty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured.You esn be treated at home nnder sameguaranty. Capital IMXi.ooo. We solicit tbemost obstinate cases. If yon have ex-haunted the old methods of treatment andtill baveaehes and palna, Mucus Patches InMoath , SoreThroat, Pimples. Copper-ColoredSpots, doers on any part of the body, Hairor Eyebrows tailing out. write for proofs ofonres. loo-page Book nee." COOK REMEDY CO,lilt iiMle T«ms!«,0h[cig«, IM.SA



TION—American PBOJECTUOHAP1I, THEFLICKERLESS MACHINE— Clncograph -Optlgraph No. 4-Power's CAMERAGRAPH-No. O. Ktc, With or Without Fire Magazines-ELRCTRIC or CALCIUM.


8. H. OUTFIT8 AS NEW.$65






9150 DISSOLVING STEREOPTI-CON—Electric and Calcium (new)

$1»3 MOTION PICTURE MACHINEami I)lHSolvlngVlewStcpeoptlcon(Calcliim)

aaas McAllister dissolvingSTEREOPTICON (Electric) and Edi-son Universal Klnetoscope.

$105 Enterprise Dissolving stereopotlconand MOTION PICTURE MACHINE(CALCIUM)

Film SOOfcet. $26Film 2,000 feet (6Fire Proor Ithcostat, 110 and 62 v. 7.60ELECTRIC LAMPS. $4, $6, $7.60, $8Calcium Jets, $8.60, $4.60, $6. $8, $12Hex * Stereoptlcon No. 2, Electric or Acet-ylene $22.60

verythin (i In NEW and S. B.

Motion Picture

MachinesFilms, Stereoptlcons,Song Slides and Sup.piles. Same wanted.Catalogues free,


MOTION PICTURE POSTAL CARDS 10c.Sample (by mall) 1 1< i ...

Per hundred (express) 111.

809 Filbert St.

,, PHILA., PA.

The Best

Public MusicSend for our New Big Catalog; of

Mechanicftl PianosCircus. ^^^XOrgans

Military Band Organs


J Majestic Pianos.Pianetteg.&cSultableior Tent Shows, Side Shows-Arcadee,NIckelTheatres. Cafes, RollerSkatlnir Rinks andall Amusement Places. Send for catalog. It's

full of Information, and our prices are the lowestIn America on Musical In strumentt of high gradeand unquestioned durability.

LYON & HEALY. Chicago. Lergtrt Kails Boom la tfc. World

J. MINAManufacturer ofCylinder Piano

OrgansNew and Second Handfor ShowB, Mcrry-Uo-'Rounds, Muslo llalls

and Skating Kinks.Marking of Cylindersa Specialty.FIRST STREETNew .York

G . MILLER, a MANUFACTURER__-ggt ofThratrlcal

a ^^flA Iloots <fc Hlioes

*hg£3 m choa

Ma- BALLETft. 4m Wr SHOES a spe-

*p mjGSlr Ml clalty. AH work^n III^BW JEbB made at short

^fgf mmW Jo""^ notice.

$03 W. M St., Now York. Tel. 100 Chelsea.

ANDREWS.Ladles' Gowns. Slightly Worn.

FURS OF ALL KINDS.We also Carry Gentlemen's Clothing.

340 State Street CHICAGO

For Sad-Wild Wist Canopy, Tints, Circus

Seats, Poles and Stakes. Bend for list.

PEAKL VAN, Nortlivllle, N. V.


75c. LETTER HEAD HALF TONEWe can make a half tone from photograph yonfurnish; set up your name, address and act Intype, and print 600 Letter Heads, BJjxll, tor $8.60,cash.

KNOXVILLE ENGRAVING CO.,jBtj Hay St.. Knoxvllle, Tenn.

6th Ave. and 20th St.rNew York.




Theatrical Catalogue

Mailed Frit Upon


Can Fit Out Com-panies Without

Any Delay. R]




Stud hr CATALOG. Mtntlts till Wislti

Special Attention Glvti the Proteiilon

Western Uniform Co.214 8 CLASH ST. CHICAGO


RESTAURANT«7U SIXTH AVE.Bet. 28th and*seth Sis.

NEW YORK CITY.Best of Food, Perfect-

ly Cooked, DellclouslyServed. Prices rea-

sonable. Special Din-ing Room for Ladles.

Ilkollne Tights, M.OO; WorstedTights, ta.OOi Cotton Tights,1*1-1)0; Silk Tlghte, from »*.uK n|nShirts to match, all same priceas tlfjhtai Pomps iM cental Gait-ers, 81.tun Elastic Supporters,ll.OOf Cloth Supporters, SB cents.Send for catalogue and samplesof tights, free. Positively • de-posit required. Satisfaction guaran-teed or money refunded. SPIOER BROS.69 Woodbine Street, Brooklyn, H.Y.; NewYork Office, Lincoln Bldg., 1 Union 8q.

Flu Magical Apparatii,


Grand End of Century, fall]

LUostrated. BOOK CATA-LOGUE, 2to„ free by mallCatalogue of Parlor tricks (rot

KART1NKA A CO., Mfrs.,40$ Sixth Ate .

M. T.



CATARRH<otth* %, •

BLADDER.Relieves all

Discharges In

24 hour:Baa sssssissun Iks

san.Br^-1*—**t WID'


For HlffH Class Vaudeville.


91 Dearborn Street, Chicago,


A Few Special Bargains in Films



Feet Price770 Ilell Ringer's Daughters,. . .$35.00750 Fights of All Nations 45.00442 A Day In Country 22.00420 Female Spy 25.00811 Artist Dream 16.004111! The Village Witch 24.00410 The Great International

Cross Country Run 10.00C24 At the 8eas1de 28.00420 Julia at the Barracks. 22.00

Foot Price800 A N Ight OS 85.00445 The Lost Hat 20.00844 I'prk Ilutchera Night-

mare 20.00877 Policeman's I.lttle Run 22.00475 li-nlee Coiners 22.00278 Pol iceman's Inspector Hyp-

notized 17.00820 Aladdin and Ills Wonderful

Lamp 40.00

On receipt of Money Order to cover expreaaage both ways, I will ship mny of theabove subjects to examination.


The average town or illy will readily support as many "Automatlo Vaudevilles


as It does theatres. Hustons of Arcades wore opeued last yoar by inon of no previ-ous experience with uoln-oporatcd machines.

Do you know of a good location I If so, don't hesitate. We have a solenoidnew model Mutoscopo at SBO.O0, and bargains In used machines as low as SUB.

[& ITYPE E. 118 NO. B'WAY, LOS AN0ELE8. 11 E. 14th ST., NEW VOHK

HOW TO MAKE MONEYWITH EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES.Start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot

Machines fascinate and attract the crowd and bring tliem to your place

often. Get in line now and make a fortune. Write to-day for par-



64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J.











The bestof service and prices consistent with the times always guaranteed. Latest subject* always onhand. Operators, machines and lllms furnished for Sundays and all other occasions. Send fur list andprtcM

F*. J. HOWARD,504 Washington St., Opp. Adams House, Boston, Mass.

"GREATEST MOVING PICTURES ON EARTH," OAHDENS, PAIRS, CONCERTHALLS. Itullrosd Colllson ; 80-ton engines smashed to pieces, Brighton Beach, July 4; Hhnw cost$11,000 to produce; 43,000 faces In pictures. Plenty comedy, 2000 feet or less. Photos, press notices,fluent . n earth 20-sheet posters free. A mint for man traveling. A show In llsolf.

Apply A. KOMMKIt VILLK, t>» West lWth St., N. Y.

GRAND OPEW,l.hyman\) ******



w/I I


Mlsiourl Ave. and Boardwalk, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., 1 907.WANTKII All kinds of Vaudeville Act*ID PERN,

Hole Mgr. tall times. Address all to HID FfeKN.








owZ&S58£2?fifZ.'g7S5Shl .H JUP« « O I Cnll » UU. NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. II £»',,.' ^VolV X.?o

aAWAV& $5.00 PER setSi —

On* of -tr-ia lBB«>»t

AT LIBERTYIrawlng Novoltli

FOR NEXT SEASONCorrespondence Invited

The Formation of Woman from Wood, Plaster and Cloth

Two Ladles and Uent.


Address R. BOEHLKE,

Special Scenery. Elaborate Setting.

leoords Evorywhera

1404 Borie Ate., Philadelphia, Pa



Al HEAVY HAN, not over 6ft. 10; SWELL LEAD1NO WOMAN (for Summer only), Comedian, whoSINUS »n«l DANCES; Juvenllo Man, good looking, with specially; Character Woman, some heavies;Sung and Dance Soulircllc. Useful people Willi specialties always coniildered. Ability, Al wardrobeand sobriety essential. Don't misrepresent. State Just what you can and will do, but you mum do It

well. I will pay Rood money. You pay your own. I want the best people to Kepe.lolre. Those whowrote before, write again. Itches rsals June 10, at North Bay, Out.

1'aull and Reynolds, and the Hours write, good money for you. Strong Specially People, write. I

can use all Minis. AddressII. W. YOUNG, Amusement Director, Box Sluo, North Bay, Ont.YOUNO & TAYLOR KNTERPRI3KS.



Leading Man, First Class Comedian with Real Specialties, General Business Man with Specialties,Woman for Juveniles, General Business Woman, both with Specialties. MUSICIANS lor GRANDCONCERT BAND and ORCHF.HTllA. Pay own board. No fancy salaries. Season opens Aug. 4,rehearsals 8 days earlier. In Central Illinois. Stage people must have good wardrobe, and sendphotos, which will be returned. Musicians must furnish Tuxedo coat and vest and black trousers.WANT TIIF BEST REPERTOIRE AOENTS. Address

DALRYMPLE COMEDY CO., 118 Wabash Ave., Belleville, 111.

First Class Colored Male Quartette, write, with lowest salary. We pay board.






First Class Quartette, Big Ma.leal Act, who can also sins; (Double Musical Actsalso write). Chorus Girls who can sing and dance. Buck and Wing Dancers, MS Mu-sicians tor band and orchestra. No parades; concerts only. Company strictly allwhite. Long season. Pay your own.

Musicians address WOODY VAN AN DA, 139 W. Broadway, Maurli Chunk, Pa.All others ED. 8.MARTIN, Pern, Ind. Mud Farnnm and Norman Stanley, write

New Songs. New Songs.FREE—Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.

NOW READY—"For She's My Dnrllng Mother," "Fond Recollections," "Centrol Park,""The Mermaid and the Moon," "Can't You Tell?" "Only a Faded Hose," "In the GnarledOld Grapevine Swinging" "Meeting," "1'luylng With My Little Girl," "The Ship on WhichTuat Lover Sailed," "To the Green Hills of Virginia, Let Me Go,' "For the Sake of IllsSweetheart," "You're a Jay, You're a -Hlue Jay." "My Boyhood Days." "Lobster, By Lob,By Lob," "Looking for Mother," "All Alone," "The Broken Vows," "Lily Neal/' ''My Sweet-heart, Bess," "Mine In Blue," "The Wise Old Moon Had a Twinkle In Her Eye," "I LoveYou, Nellie, More Than Words Can Tell," "When We Parted In the Gloaming, Sweet Elenc."




A Revelation! Wholly unlike all the other Japanese shows over seen In America. For time and termsAddress W. 8. CLEVELAND, Manugar.

Suite 685, Knickerbocker Theatre Bldg., MM Broadway, N. Y.



P.- KELLKll A CO., MS West B' way, Now York, successors to Stereoptlcon Department of J. D. Colt 4 Co.


Heavies, Juvenile Leads. Ingenues, Juveniles andFRANK L. REDNKB, Adrian, Mich. gome Soubrettes. Singing Specialty.

open roR cn6aoemcnt8PROFESSIONAL ACROBATS ON HICH BARCan Ghange for Two Nights, One Professional and One Comic Turn. Can do either as desired forVaudeville or Parks. A. C—PAHSUALL AND W1NNIB-D., Frankfort, Herkimer Co., N. V.



LIKE THISMr. Tcck Is a human bantam ; his

wife looks like a crowd—so youknow the answer, reck determines

to burst asunder the fetters that

bind him In submission, and be-

come a real sport.' He starts out

on a pace that makes his friends

blink; but, alas I wlfey follows

him, and, after successfully evadingher for a time. Is at laBt led backInto domestic captivity like a shornlamb. The situations are veryfunny, and, coming In quick suc-

cession, make the entire length of

film one continuous laugh.

• I


2tf?*9£ --v:-


"^HPill '

II ^jjf9s^2SgjjjBp 9 SB

vBBP B ' B






GRAY0N0 • - • 428ft,

THE TRUANTS • • - 638ft,


SCHOOL .... 751ft.


MR. HURRY-UP • - • 625ft.





THE JAMESTOWN EXPOSITIONBy special concession the Olograph Company bas been appointed Official Moving Picture Photographers at the Trl-Centennlal Celebration, and star* operations with a beautiful Him of the opening ceremonies. The picture Includes theSEE*1 of Pre«,d*n* Roosevelt and Family at Discovery Landing; a Review of the Naval and Military Representatives .f»y*gy**."?g»i »*» of .President Roosevelt making the Opening Address and Pressing the Electric Button w hlchstarted the Giant Exposition In action. " ---— m







And make yofl a fortune. If you hare aPLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT,BONG or BOOK that Is worth anything,you ahonld copyright it. Don't takechances when yon can secure ourserv-ices at small cost. Send for oar SPICttlOfTCt TO INVENTORS before applying fora patent, it n-ill pay you. HANDBOOK onawSfiunlfWEL we advise If patenta-ble or not. FREE. We IncorporateSTOCK COMPANIES. Small fees.

Consult us.




! Copyright * P.U.t Co. Isc,


THE MORE YOU EAT, THE MORE YOU WANTA popular to. package. Sold by concession-Ists everywhere. A Winner and Repeater.

The Biggest Popcorn Seller in the WorldIn Sealed "Triple Proof" Packages. Keeps the

contents In perfect condition.We carry a full line of Package Confections suit-

able tor amusement trade. Prices and samplesfurnished concessioDlBts who will name the con-cession they control


M7 S. Peoria Street, Chicago, U. g. A.

STALLMAN'S DRESSER TRUNK.Easy to get at everything wlth-

,out disturbing anything. Nofatigue In packing and unpack-ing. Light, strong, roomydrawers. Holds as much andcosts no more than a goodbox trunk. Hand riveted;strongest trunk made. Insmall room serves as chiffonier;0. O. D. with privilege of ex-amination. 2o. stamp for cata-

log. K. A. STALLMAN,86 W. Spring St., Columbus, O.


Booking weeks. Railroad fare In Ohio 2c. per mile. Exclusive Booking Agent for Springfield, 0.;

Portsmouth, Chllllcothe, Mansfield, Lima, Newark, Canton, Marlon, Sidney, Coshocton, ML Vernon,

Steubenvllle, Flndlay, Gallon, Lorain, Greenville, Cambridge, Shelby, Fremont, Ironton, Sandusiy,

Bellalre, Dayton, Hamilton, Plqua, Mlddletown; Richmond, Ind.; Muncle; Newport, Ky.; Wheeling,

W. Vs.; Huntington; Donora, Pa.; Mooessen. Monongabela, Jeanette, Braddock, Turtle Creek, Beaver

Palls, New Kensington. Latrobe. Brownsville, Dnlontown, Homestead, Erie. Wanted, experienced

vaudeville pianists at all times. Impossible to answer all mall. Silence a polite negative.Address GCS SUN, Springfield, 0.

CHAUNCEY-KEIFFER CO.,MAN TO DIRECT and MANAGE STAGE and DRAMATIC PEOPLE In all lines. 8PECIALTV PEOPLEwho play parts. BIO FEATURE ACT. State everything In flrst letter. Season opens Aug- 6.

Address FRED C. CHAUNCEV, Mgr., 130 Short St., Harrlsburg, Pa.









Strong Vaudeville Acts. Also Dramatic People. Would consider First Class Repertoire Compsi'!-

Address JULB WALTERS ft F. X. JOHNSON, Bedford, Indiana.

Finest theatre In COLON, REPUBLIC OF PANAMA. All open time. Will book one nlgutcr-

or week stands. Capacity of house, fourteen hundred. AddressJOHN SEYMOUR, Oolnn. Repnblle of Panama.

ACTORS' SOCIETY OF AMERICA.MEMBERS, try and attend the ELECTION of DIRECTORS at the Society's Ha»n««.JUNE 5. and the ELECTION of OFFICERS and ANNUAL MEBTINO, at tin-





WE ARE SOLE ACENT8.BEWARE of those who offer you a discount. They thai nil their honor for a

few piltry pontile*. If their will violate their sacred word with the manu-facturer, what will they do to you for a number of dollar*! We positivelywill aot allow a dlteoant except to dealer*, and then not oa one machine,

BAROAIBB1 —.«.•-•«.»*•—

1090 feet ofPASSION PLAY, complete and like new, on two reel*, ready for a** $00.00One Lot of about 1700 feet of A**orted Film*, lire inbjerta, - - . - 80.00ODtlajraph and Stereo. No. 3, -----.--...- JIS.OO

OptlSraph with Stereo. No. 4, lateat model, complete, ----.- 35.00Canopy, with Iron frame; very rigid and servleable, ..... 10.00One Film, "Unwritten Law," ............ 60.00



338 Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa.

NEW SONGS! NEW SONGS!FREE—Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.

NOW READY—"Nobody Loves Mc But You, Rover, Dear," "Come, Tbou Fount of EveryBlessing," "Beneath the Maple Tree," "Why Did You Go Away ?" "When First I Baw Her/'"Beyond Recall," "Out In the Starlight," "Stronger Than All Bonds," "To the James-town Exposition," "Love, of Thee, To-night I'm Dreaming." "Where the Old Ohio Flows,"••Go Tell Mother," "I Am Happy With the Man 1 Love." "The Queen of Circle Seven.""The Child's Flea," "Mary on the Cold. Dark Waves," "Little Sammy Sneeze," "1 CouldNot Speak Her Name," "Only Joking," "Dora Green," "Apple Blossoms," "My Old TimeWelcome Home," "For the Joy Time of My Manhood Days, Sweet May," "Caroline."

MELVILLE JIl'SIC PUB. CO., 55 West 28th St., Ken York.

FILMS RENTED,with or without machi «e amd operator.


CONSOLIDATED FILI CO.. 143 East 23d St., Hew York.




8a. Sil. PER YEAR.2*. Oil.. Single Column Inch.

OPPORTUNITIES FOR STAGE FOLKS.Oome and uupeot oar great assortment of slightly «sod, ap-to-dat* GOWNS for street

reception, dinner, tea, and stage wear, and we will lave jon a lot ef money. Also tuntuts, shoes, etc.


HUE. DQKTOR. 481 Sixth avenue near 29th Street, N. Y,TKLKPHOIK IMS MADISON.

AT LIBERTY, For Fall and Winter,



ACTRESS, VOCALIST and DANCERCan loin an; reliable Co. anywhere without fees advanced. Address

PAUL HUDSON, Eacondldo. California.

The Gypsy Queen Talking Fortune Teller

Is an attractive, life size. Oiiental beauty, which speaks your fortune in a

loud, cl-ar Voice, and is the rxost attractive slot machine that has ever

been placed on tne market for arcades, parks, Summer resorts, etc. This

machine gets the money Arranged for rither A. C. or D. C. Motor.

Order now. F. S. ZIMMERMAN, 5 East 14th S\, New York City.


State If yon do specialties. This Is a modern canvas Ihealrc. Stop at good hotels. We pay all. YOUwho can't stand prosperity, save your stamps. Don't come on here to get money to Join another stars/.

Vuu get yoor salary here, and a long engagement guaranteed to good people, want good dressers onand oft". Summer season opens June 10. AddressWALTER 8AVIDGE, Manager, Elwln Strong'* Flayers, Wayne, Nebraska.

$[200 Power Organ For Sale.A 57-note beautiful French Instrument In perfect order. Will sell for $900. CanbeecenstOa W. lMttiSt.

N. V. City, or write The Greater New York FUnt Rental Co.. 24 Union Square, New York.


LBADIIfQ WIS RAKERS.Largest stock In America. Wigs made to order. Full line of paints

powders and cold cream. Send for Catalogue "0." to either place.

121 WEST SSth ST., N. Y.; Chicago Opera House Block, Chicago.

SHOESFOB STAGS, STREET AND EVENING. EXCLUSIVE STYLESAND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vaaap aaaita.se La.t* always en hand. Hall order* rilled. Fit guaranteed. WILLIAM BBRIISTBIIf,Tel. S68 Madison Square. BOB Sixth Are., near Slat St., N. XALL COLORED SLIPPERS HADB TO ORDER IN 24 HOURS



To apply for lowest rates at

PAUL TAUSIO'S EXCHANGE OFFICE,104 Kasl 14th St., New York, German Savings RankBuilding. Telephone, 2090 Oramercy. Cable ad-dress Slancslg. All printed matter and Inf. free.

Canvas pumps 25c, with leather soles Mc. ; leather pumps $1.00, canvasshoes $1, with leather solos SI. oil ; leather shoes S3.50, elastic supporters SI,

sntln trunks with collar and cuffs to match, spangled and trimmed $S.Canvas pumps and shoes sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Depositsrequired on C. 0. D. orders. Be sure ana send size. Send for catalogue.

S. D. CALL, Z44 Mala Street, Springfield, Mam.

JUGGLERS' SUPPLIES-Clubs, Batons, Guns,Wlrewalkera' Apparatus

Honing Globes, Hoops.s, Roman Axes. Stamp tor

Catalog and lliC ' Edw. Van Wyck, Cincinnati, 0,


Professional Underwear House of America.

SEASON 1807.A atoreful of suggestions for the Spring Be—on of 1907. Complete Varied

Aa.ortmenU in CLOAKS, SUITS, WAISTS, MILLINERY, MUSLIMCTNDERWEAB, HOSIERY, etc., all at our well known Low Prices.

C M/Nf- r\ CDT Originators et oar Famous short VAMP Shoes fojOnUt UCr I Stage and Btreet wear, Estimates freely given orw ""^"" •* Quantity Order* Complete Stock.. Dp to Dal* styles


OUR MAKE-UP BOXESMade from the rer* bast tin, tie black enameled- B*clslly made for professional uh, having a traj s/IUcompartment* for Qreeae Paints, Pow- M s-- _dera. Comb and Bru*h, Wigs, Etc., Etc. aXfaajV:Has double action lock, with two key*, at «*»v •

OUR COLD CREAMBlxpresaly prepared tor the Theatrical Profeutotguaranteed to be absolutely par. and never becontrancid In any climate. Pot up In pound1 Bcrew To|Tin Cans at 45e.| halt pound at SSe.





THEATRICAL WIGSOar specialty Is value for roar moneyat one-half the price other* a«k forthe same stood*. Perfect satisfactionguaranteed or your money back. Onreceipt of $1.00 deposit we will sendgood* C. O. D., •object to exam I nation.

Remember the Nameand the Place



Attention! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMENWhy handle rocky goods when yon can handle goods that will sell themselves.

Electric Belts from SI per doz. up. Large variety to select from. Klcctrlc Jars,7Sc. doz.; Electric Insoles, 87>jc. don. pairs. Soap S2.3S per gross. Flue Medicalbatteries. Send 75c. for Sample Kn. u E. B., exp. prepaid. Latent out. One-thirdcash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of KleoUlcalBelts ana Appliances In D. 8. A. F.staiillshen 187s. Lecture and price list free.


8ffltt&$!Mi CATAi.0:0Ut:OV PRUX3

Leatheroid Trunks.LIGHTER THAN 8TEEL.


LEATHEROID MFG. CO.,SI B'WAY, IS. Y., near Spring 8t.

Bend for NewTheatrical Catalogue.RUNKS


THE BELDER THINK AM) HAU CO., 152 Colnmbla Ave, Philadelphia, Pi

CENTRAL TRUNKS.2rtln., $7.50; 28ln„ 18.50 ; 30ln., SII.50 : Sflln., $10.50; 40ln., 112.50. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18,$7.50. mil Trunks, 30x23x15, Inside, $12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 4214x28^x12, Inside, $15 Oo!Shipped oil receipt of $3.00, Uul. (1 O. D., except over 300 miles, then remit whole amountSIMONS & CO., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Est. 1804, 8. VY. cor. 7th und Arch Hts., l'hlla.


Theatrical and Circus TrunksNow Located at 51 W. 29th 8t., New York.




J. QLASBBBno, S8 Third Ave., near 10th St., New Vork.

We Are Constantly Originating New Designs and Making New Plates of Our

Soubrette Dresses and Ankle Length GownsMADE TO ORDER FROM 820.00 UPWARD8.

Hand colored plates, with complete description and self measurement card, sent on reaueslKindly state si Tie and color preferred.

WOLFF, FORDING & CO., Theatrical Outfitters, 61-66 Eliot St., Boston, Mm.


ALWAYS IN DEMAND, nmt a^rMTiltirh<%®.

wuo CAN

BOLE BOOKING AOKNTO: FIIEKHAN BKRN8TEIN, 136* Broadway, N. f.l PAUL OOUDKON. 308American Bank Building, Seattle, Wash.; CHRIS. O.BROWN, 87 8. Clark St., Chicago; ARCHIE LEVY.1207 Golden Gate Ave., Ban Francisco, Cal.

PLAYSPer Stock Companies, tor Repertoire Companies, tor AlitorLARGEST ASSORTMENT IN TUB WORLD. Books for DOOMamusement, Negro Ham Paper, Scenery, Mrs. Jsrlevs WuSvorks. Catslogne Free I Free I Free I

SAMUEL PKBRCH, IT W. 82d St.. New Torlr.

WIGS.TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC.And ths Utsst and Most Popular Styles In Ladles Hair Dressing.

A. HI. BITCH & CO.,119 W, Ninth Street ..... PnJUdaJphU




WE wore the originator* of pictured melodieswllh (Mir 'Utile Lost Child:"WK novcr Illustrated a song unless It had boon

tried out mill proved tone a hillWE never Issue xtnek vluwnt Kvcrv picture Isposed specially fur the muiR and the sltualliin, nomatter in wlmt part of .ho world the photographermust travel logutltlWHIoatiynu our slides KRKK OK OIIAIIQKI Vuu

slmnlv deposit Jft.onwllh lis furKACII HKT 1)11-

DKRKI), and as noon as It Is returned you got yourentire deposit Iiauk, or wo will send you anotherset In exehiingo If yon wish. In this way you setthe use of all Iho Illustrated Songs we carry foryour original deposit of $6.03, which amouut is re-funded when Hie last set Is returned. Yon eonso-nu<-ntly havo tho us« of all our slides for Aliso-I.HTK1.Y NOTHING, excepting tho cost of trans-pnrlallon, lioth ways.


Shu Was a Grand old Lady :-: South rn OlrlWhen Huh White Is Whistling In the MeadowWo Have So One to Care fur Us NowWhen i lit- Snowhlrds Uross tho Valley

".""...J":. 5SWWSH :': M» Martha Jane

Tho lllrd On Nellie's HatWhere the Weeping Willow Shades Mojsy LaneAfter They (lather tho HayLet Mo Wrlto What I Never I hired TollKvontiiir llrce/c Is Sighing Home, Sweet HomeWo I'arted as tho Sun Went IhiwuIII the llohlen Autumn Time, My Sweot KIhIiiofhiwn Where Iho Sllv'ry Mohawk KlowiPlitt'u Father Went to WorkTho I'laln Little Boldlcr ManIn the Valley that Iho Sunshine Kovcr LeavesMy Heart's To-lllght In TennesseeWhen the Harvest Moon Is Shining On lllvorflitmlay Morning When the chiirchliclls ChimeWhere tho Sunset Turns Ocean's llluo to UoldYou're as Welcome as the Flowers In May« li n the Fields are White with CoiiouThe Little Rustle cottage liy the StreamIn Hie Valley Where the llluehlnls Slug

IN PREPARATIONWh> can'l a Girl Ilea Holillnrr :: :: lllaek JimYou Tiaik (he Sunshine With Ymi, Mary MineI'm lireauilng of Sweet Lily of Iho Valley.

< "|.i.» and Ornhsatratlon* of AboveKitKB WITH BLIUKN.

.Malingers of * iikrlodeoni, Penny Ar-ruiles. Moving Plrlurr Colli pa lllfl.Vuinii-villn Companlo*. Park* atnit allother Anuuinent Kn««rprl*a* are rr-qneited to rommunlralc with u»,

102104 West 38th St., Hew York CHy.


YOST A COMPANY, IKK) Fllhert HI.,(Kslahllshed 1870), I'hllailoltilila,e»Nuw, Knlurgod, Illustrateil CsUhiguo,

WF. IIAVK K«ll I.KA8B AND HAI.KAilvanrr. Prl vlleg,., Ilaugaee, Htork, An.toinoblle anil ffIerry>Uo>ltoun<l Car*.

Mft. long. Oeslralde for Show and Carnival Com-panies. Keasunalile terms. Write for iiarlloulars.THK AKMH I'ALAC'K HOItSr! OAR COMI'ANt,No. lJ-Ji) Mouailimik lliillillng, Chicago, 111.

™. .1.25 Per Poind.OOLD OH SILVER,

Cotton Ttjhtj, pair |i,ooWonted ViTpalr .V.'. . . . \<x,nHMigS n«hU, i»eJi..„ 3,M

' niht.'.f^*'BeetS lnoh cottonBinon cotton top*, I

Oair, Thigh and Hip PaddlngiOold and surer TrHnnui

Send Deootltsnd ronut witlags.

t Deposit end rout* with order.TUB KOBTO" BIOAUA CO,.SST Wuhinaton at. Boston, tfeae.

Summer Outings.Throe Marvelous

Folding Organs. Inadvance of all, theIII L HORN Tele-sropu, I'ortahlo andChampion OKUAN.Just what you needfor circuses, carni-vals, street fairs.

merry-go-rounds, concerts, concert troupes, snd allSummer outings. Full descriptive catalogue andprices free, BILHORN BROS.. 1M Lsko St., Chicago.

BALLOONS,ties and Hot Air, Parachute*. Openlime for a limited num her of (lasllullooii Ascensions, hydrogen or coalgas. 00 Font Air Ship, Hag and Netfor sale, cheap.

UOIIAHII IIALLOON CO.,elf) Hhclllcld Ave,. Chicago, III.tfffleW'Tfiri:?.

II III. lOOOIItlv, lirXX.M! A ,|,

<S AW fil/W'/Nf ion (turn





. LAJBIIM $ LIFE NiOTlOHmpi^VRE7^ACHlHkS^ FILMS j U4±**mwtoL* j


-•r -:.'/-,• 'V\ ;_

-<-•- - fc

M'V, ')


IIl f -



J " iAk l*l.1K5l&!'.i







... .'.|-V,J v.;

Of a tickling character all through. Get It quick.nig Feature Film., Full of Drawing Power, Are Kurt I v What Is Required by the Dp-to-Date Showman. Get Connected With the LUBIN CIRCUIT and Yon Will HareHigh Voltage and Continuous Current.





The Artlat't St«dlo| Preparing for the Stage] The Young Millionaire} Martin*. Cafei The Fight)The Room with the Velvet Hiring! Drugged; A Fiendish Deed; The Wedding; The Thaw.' Home;The Tragedy at the Root Garden; The Tomb. Prl.oni On Trial lor Life) Etc., Kir.

LENGTH, 9BO FEET. PRICE. 8I04.0O.The Biggest Attraction In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, PltUburg,

Etc., Etc., Playing Everywhere to Standing Ilooin Only.

Jamestown! NavalReview


V. 8. 8. "Maine" and "Connecticut," English Battle Ship. "Argyll" and "Good Hope," PresidentRoosevelt entertaining the Admirals of the Foreign \V«r_Nhlvi on hl^ysrhi, "Nsy(low«r£' Kng-Rm '« ! J«», «... l-.«»j

Innllor "Clnimlrui."sunk the Confederate boa! "Marrlmnc." The Monitor "Canonlcus" Is anchored where the Battlellsh Battle Ships "Rnil.urg." • Hampshire" and This Monitor

took place. I). 8. Monitor "Mlantonomah " V. 8. 8. "Texas," "Brooklyn," u. H. Dispatch Boat"Sylph," Austrian War Ship "St. George," German Battle Ship "Rovn," and many others.


TOO MUCHMOTHER-IN-LAWThis Him, from the flrst scene to the last, will keen the audience In a roar oflaughter,and, while It tells a funny story at the expense of ,fMother-ln-Law," It Is without sug-

?nation of malice. It Is a roaring absurdity at which no one will laugh more heartilyhnn "Motlier-ln-Low" herself.



if" •

I907 "MARVEL" OINEOQRAPM wg 9TEREOPTIOON JSaBiS^^gLgggAll Our Films.Class A. Price, 1 1 Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge



"FortyWinks;Or, a Strenuous Dream.

Copyright, 1007, by The v it » graph Company or America.

Blinks Is awakened by the alarm clock—Liesdawn again for "Just forty winks more."Jumps up and Into his .lathes at lightningspeed— II uahes downstairs, knocking overn chambermaid—Tucks table cloth L.tolilsiterk In mistake for napkin—Devon <a Hisbreakfast In four gulps—Dashes madly

iiri-y lug everything on table withllili'. with baker. Butcher, nurse-

away, carrying everythinghim—Collide, with baker, I

maid and bicyclist In his mad rush fort lie train -.In m;». Into wagon, it starts, andwheel mines oft*—Rngitge. auto—It tearsulong at frightful speed, then suddenlyexplodes, and Ullnk. AWAKES AGAIN andfinds It Is just FIVE MI9VTES since theaim in went oft*.



ONE MAN BASEBALLCopyright, 1007, by The Vltngrnph Company of America.

An amusing comic panto-mime, in whioh a down "playsball"—Argues with the umpire—"Strikes em out"—-Catches-Pi t oh es—Fields—Knooks ahome run, and, in fact, does thework of the entire nine, andthe other side too.


LENGTH, - - 280 FEET.



MILBi BROTHERS,San Francisco, Val.

NEW YORK, 110 Nassau Street.

CHICAGO, 100 Randolph Street.

LONDON, 10 Cecil Court.PARIS, 18 Hue Saint* Cecils.













NationalFilm Renting'Company.

62 N. Clark St.,


Chicago, 111.




SIGN OF THE TIMES (Comedy) - 567ft.

D06 AND THE TRAMP (Pathetic) - 287ft.

BUYING A LADDER (Comedy) - 604ft.

SALOME 534ft.



PAYING OFF SGOBES (Comedy) .... 200ft.













Copyright, 1007, by the Prank Quwm Publlthltig Company (Limited)

Founded by


Prlea, 10 Canti.


M155 Oipper'5Anecdotes, Personalities art Comments,




H«rk to vaudeville, whence he .tarted, H wa. passing the nearby Hotel Astor, at which. ... • L'. ._,.!.* it.- — aaaa aaat.nta *anjl lila miit/i

"8lr 1" exclaimed she, "you evidently don't

know how to run the theatrical business.

Only one day to practice In I Why, with the

other company we were acting with, they

practiced us two whole weeks."

•New York has Just experienced one of the

coldest May weeks on record at the weather

bureau. On one particularly frigid night, a

performer at Haromersteln's Victoria Theatre

TO CORRESPONDENTS. Plana of the Irvlna: Place Theatre.

Dr. Baumfeld ha* secured the financial

stability of the Irving Place for at least

Our theatrical correspondents are hereby nnc year, by the formation of the Germannotified that the credential now held oy Theatre Co. Among the stockholders are:

then Wired June t They are mm*** jgySMtA'r^K'

timore "Bchiff, William Musctenhelm. JamesBpcycr, August Luchow and others.

Dr. Baumfeld has engaged for. next sea-

son Agathc Barcscu, the Rumanian actress.

Kugen Burg, who Is to be the new stoge

manager for the modern plays, has Just re-

return them to this office at once, for renewal

for am-am.

ItizoB tt Zimmerman'sOae Night stand Clrealt.

the happy^o-lucky "tramp" character to ab- were staying. Over the entrance of the hotel fi#1^l*wwU^^ith» title, the arc: Mines. Re™™*rud«' Votght and

Ohio Circuit Theatrical Co.. will be a new Wegener, and MM. Winds, Horwltr, Meyer

theatre In Atlantic City. N. J. The list "J"*^ ^ manageinent f

Dr. Baumfeld, will begin on Oct. 1, with

Calderon'a drama, "The Judge of Salamea.«>

lohito ^rTertlc^7

The" rumor"" l« that bit the national ilogs were floating In the frees-

Ofty-two week contract call, for 11,000 every Ing breeses. One of them, the white flag

dayBw ' ro cent'C was especially ob-

Wm two or three weeks previous to his served by the performer, who, by the way,

anoearance as "headllner" at Keith 4 I'roc- had been Indulging In several "rounds" with

.or-. Twenty-third Street Theatre, a con- admiring friends who were accompanying

spcuou. announcement, reading "Nat Will, him home. He was without an overcoat, and.*....- .u. i„».t,„ a shiver overtook him Just as he noticed the

placed outside the lobby.

namesPark, Youngstown, 0. ; Colonial, Akron,

0. ; Grand Opera House, Canton, O. ; Ceramic,Hast Liverpool, O. ; Ohio, Bteubenvllle, O.


Court, Wheeling, W. Va. ; Columbia, Bella I re, Blale Janla Slgna WithO. ; Camden, Parkersburg, W. Va, ; Majestic, - Cleat-lea B. Dllllnirhnm.Rochester, Pa.; Grand Opera Houae, Ports- Charles B. Dillingham has signed a con-moutb, O. ; Academy, Mcadyllle, Pa.; Mary- trart w ith Elsie Janls, whereby she is to

Coming, was placed <>«"'«« ""> •" ' . „h . . .b , .nmowhnt 'and, Cumberland, Aid. ; Grand, Unlontown, appear undcr his management for the next

Kor many days this had met the eye of an flag, witn ootn ejes ana Drain somcwnni g--NJxon Tarentum Pa . arana> We,t

|Wa EMEy, early next season. Miss

observing young man of sixteen years, who haxy..._...._ ._ „ ... .. the»ter-„. l,a '

'• ?.rand,_ Wilmington, „p?L; jams la now In her home, near Columbus, O.

worked In a store near by. The week previous

to the comedlsn's appearance, this boy was

tgaln passing the theatre with a comrade.

"Gcel" exclaimed he to his friend, "that

according to the

Gee! boys," he exclaimed, "look at that I

8katlng In Central Park."

To those unfamiliar with metropolitan

ways of advertising the fact to New York

skaters, it may be recorded that whenever„.» is still coming, and, according to the sxaters, u may oe reuoru™ mm wii™ev«e- -

SL that aim ha. been out, he must be the Ice I. securely thlcc at Central and othertime that sign nas occn out, ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ pcnx||ttea , fl,g w|tnwalking.

"Ho doesn't have to hurry," said the other

joy, "folks will always bo glad to wait for

blm, and ho olwaya get. thero with both

feet, too."

Jo.. K. Watson, a singer of comic Hebrew

songs, tells a story about two smart people

of the type he so cleverly portrays.

During the time that the Klaw & Krlangcr

force, were so busily engaged In getting

things ready for their new vaudovllic venture

In Philadelphia, much publicity talk was also

going on. The whole amusement public

seemed to be discussing llttlo but the "K.

& K." vaudeville opening that was about to

occur. "K. « H." was the watchword every-


Just about this time two Hebrews opened

a Nickelodeon on Klghth Street. Utilising

the advertising talk of the big people In the

amusement btutuu-tt, they displayed a large

electric sign over their entrance, reading

"K. & K. Vaudeville." The box ofllcc did a

land ofllco business for several days, during

which tho fact camo to the notice of those

interested with the New York tlrm.

One of these called at the box ofllcc of

tho little place, where the partners were

counting up their big receipts, and asked

what right they had to display an announce-

ment "K. & K. Vaudeville," purported to be-

long exclusively to the New York Arm.

"Veil," confldently rejoined the spokesman

of the llttlo Arm, "ve hef a right to use de

letters of our own names. I'm A'lclnbcrg and

my partner 1. Ulsen.tcln, and we'ro giving


9A quotation, oft repeated, record, that cor-

porations havo no souls. Big circuses often

conic undcr this heading. Charles B. Pugh,

of Hamilton, O., write, of a llttlo incident

a red-ball-ccntrc Is raised. Bo, after all, the

performer's mistake was not no far out, con-

sidering the temperature of the night.

Nixon, Chester, Pa. ; Opera House, Blalrs- tlHtPT Boe wm g0 to Shelter Island for

vlllc. To. ; (illger, Norwalk, 0. ; New, AIM- few weeks.ance, O. : Hardeaty's, Canal Dover, 0. ; . mi«« Janls will appear next season in aArmory, Maslllon, O. ; Andes, Postorla, 0. ; new musical comedy now being written for

Nobles, Tiffin, O. ; Richland, .Shelby, O. ; Au- ner by an American author. She will play aditorlum, Van Wert, O. ; City, Delaware, 0.; n6W York society girl,

the Galllpolls, Galllpolls, O. ; PomeToy, Pomo-roy, O. ; Grand, circlevllle, 0.; Crescent,.Inckson, O., and Auditorium, New Martins-ville, W. Va.

itooklngs for the circuit are made throughthe offices of Klaw & Erlangcr, Julius Cahnand Stair & llavlln..

CmOUP OF ACK0I1ATS WITH TIIK FOIUCI»AU«H-8EI.I,H SHOW.The acrobatic department with this show Is exceptionally strong this season. We

herewith reproduce a group of this division from a photograph tuken by Fred SSohcdlc.

The members of the various troupes are numbered as .follows



The Friars.I'riar W. M. Hull baa reported on the plant

already framed by the committee In charge

of the advance arrangements for the first

annual pilgrimage of the i'rlors. This will

take place at Pleasure Bay, N. J., on the- Saturday, June

that shows ono big company to bo possessed Shrewsbury River, beginning Saturday, Junetnai snows <.>ii<u

i sv

a llatt 20, and closing Monday, July 1, and will boof a soul beyond tho piling up ot aouars «^ » ^ ~ • .

ther|ngi ln tn6 „„„„,„ of

only. the theatrical world. It will be exclusively

There is a grave In the Hamilton Cemetery for members, active and osaoclnte. The only

. i i„i. ....ri.iii.ii.il ihe remains of a clrcu. other BtraUH present will be local newspajwrIn which wob burled I ins iui

mcn ni

nd BUch'

otucrs BB tlle board of govern-

ors decldo to Invite. Kvery Friar should ar-cmployce, wlio was accidentally drowned

while tho Barnuni & Bailey Show was In range to attend this pilgrimage and Friar

. . i. ii—« >.i,„m,.ii Pni-inr wiis not left clambake, b'rlar Wallace Munroe delivered,that city. Poor Charles CarterMM WB ^^^ mee„„ „„ , I)vlta , U)n ,rora i ouls

thero to bo unremembcred to toon a. ineJnmet t0 the ii>r|trl to be his guesta for a

show should depart. A handsome granite few hours during tho pilgrimage at hi. Bum-

•innn was erected, und provision was uiado mcr liomo lu the vicinity.stono was crimu, »» i

f' griinago Committee: Advance AgentB—

that tho grave should be properly cared ror w &a jjjw

j u Lefflngwell and Krank Cindefinitely—and that, by ordor of tho man- i.uyno . Managers—Charles Emerson Cook,

ILt i'red Peel, Muson Peters, Geo. 11. Murray,ngement.

Hamilton Ucorge W. Bnmmls, Caldwell Burn., LipmanTho recent visit of tho circus to Homi ton


Uelv|„ e Han)nM.tt aml the Friar presl-

fLcalled to Mr. Pugh the fact that since jBntt cx-orliclo. Asaoclato Member Managers

1872 It has been the custom of the show —Reynold Wolf, Bugene K. Allen, Richard

Koplo on each return to tho city, every H. Ellsworth^ ^^ rflturn|ng from Europewo or three years, to decorate the grave

tne()0 |,.r iarH w »i be on the dock: For Friar

.if tbo unfortunuto circus employee. At tho Marc Klaw—Friar. Harry G. Sommcrs, W. M.

fJrlCtCll year, ago, one Sunday. |S^SSCa&|SJ-«tbo recorder of the Incident relates that he mlm nn(] Hurry Sloan.

remeniUers the event where tho cortege was, Thero wbb considerable discussion regard-

headed by tho big clrcu. band playing an lM >he proposition that the .Frla™ lave

Imprcilvo dirge. The big wagon which was

the .pcclal charge and pride of tho dead em-

ployee, wu. properly draped, and drawn by

eight beautiful horses, with full parado

trapping., each led by a costumed footman,

and followed by the whole company.

Koscoc Bhilvr, of the Slater & Finch part-

nership, presenting "A Bit of Travesty,"

told an Incident showing how tho popular

moving picture entertainment seemed to

strike a countryman.

Slater was attending to tho transfer ot

his baggage at a Texas town ot tho Ma-

jestic circuit, where the whole, bill that

played tho last town was also transferring.

An old fellow Btcpped up to him and mado

Uio tentative observation :

"I a'poio you b'long to this crowd ot .how

folka that', goln' to net out hero this even-

teTUpon being assured of tho correctness ot

bit remark, Slater then naked, at show peo-

ple often do, what show had preceded them.

"Well," hesitated tho old fellow, rubbing

larger permanent headquarters in New YorkCity. Friar Charles Bmcr.on Cook, of thecommittee on ways and means, announcedthat a report would soon be forthcoming as

to the probability of the Friar, having aclub house of their own before next season,

as finances for this project are in sight. AnuBsoclute member of the Friars has presentedthe organisation with (100 towards this fund.

A. L, Jacobs, attorney at law, was unani-mously elected an associate member at the

last meeting, Mr. Jacob, wrote to the Friarpresident, expressing great interest ln thoorganization, and offering his services a.local adviser, complimentary, at any time.

Mr. Jacob. 1. well known In his. profession,

and a voto of thanks hat been tendered himfor this generous offer, which was accepted.

Ho Is now officially Installed as the Friarattorney.

I'ropuiala for Mcmberthip: Active—Cbas,

PAUL l.INCKB,Whose picture appears above, waB born Nov.

7, 1800, In Berlin, Ger., and had a thorough

course of musical study In his native city.

From the llrst be displayed a marked talent,

and was a moBt proficient pupil. A. a youthhe was recognized in hit locality to be a good

violinist, and at seventeen was appointed to

the condu.ctor.hlp of the Kocnlgstadt Theatre

orcheBtra, In Berlin. It was at this tlmo

that he made hit llrst attempt, at composi-tion, producing an Instrumental number withconsiderable success. In 188B ho went on theroad as musical director for different operatictroupes, traveling extensively throughout the

continent, Returning to Berlin two yearslater, bo took charge ot the orchestra at thoApollo Theatre, where ho remained for six

years. He wroto several operas for this the-

atre, the llrst of which to appear was "VenusBiigbcc, John Jennings, Sam Meyers, Frank on Earth," which ran for four hundred per*

Abbott, David Traltoll, Milton Hoblcc, Peter-

Rice, Fred McCloy, Harry Sweatman, CharlesBarton, Walter l.'loyd, Edwurdo Brckcr,Walter Leslie. Associate—Fred Rullman, Al.

Hunt, Madison Corey, Paut Henkel, GeorgeMcMamiB, Walker Van Fleet, Frank Moseman.

Meetings are held every Friday evening,

10.30, at Keen's Chop Hou.e, 70 West Thirty-sixth Street, New York City.*•

formanccs. Following upon this success camemany offers, of which ho accepted the onemade by tho Folios Bergcrc, Paris, withwhich lie associated himself for a period of

two years, composing all of the "ballet"

music. He then returned to the BerlinApollo Theatre, and applied himself indus-triously to composition, bringing out "FrauLuna," which was performed nearly twothousand times, "lndra," "Lyslstrata, "Na-

Dolly Kemper, klrls Wedding" and others followed, end

bis 'boarded cliin, "I don't Jes remember the ^*mTS*T!& TmonS SftSStf! SPSti^^^ggname of It. but they had one of the Ulckerln' ^'H&rgV^^^^SS nfelon Z'Z^Z* &ZT*7m£successfully In "Tho tlypsy Girl," until April, n




c? ll

„L»Mf u-Jth the? weft establishedwhen "Sweet Molly O,* a play by Hal ifeid. nL

a 'ln£,

U!,™K", nASln ni.e or the laraest

was secured for her. and the flftcenth_of that «™ _°f„. ««*«?„ "^ cA„



plctcr outfits.'

month she appeared In It at tho Star Theatre, !?^lc,ZU

hlBttrh n


SM ir, in

this city, under tho management of Wm. T. feS|Wg,H&P^B ^BSg.? IfifiW£affl3ssfiaE"1 vchic10

'bs ,n tho othor

' ciose'i »>S«rM1ssv4A»"she won success.

»» of Jos. W. Stern & Co., who will in future

41 »

ILLINOIS.Spring-Held Tbe Majestic (George Mc-

Manus, manager) opened Thursday night,

May 23, with tbe production ot "AboutTown," by I-ew Fields and blB company. Theopening night the house was lilted to Its

utmost cspaclty. President Frank Burt, of

the National Amusement Co., tbe lessees of

the new theatre, was present, and responded

to addresses by Governor Dencen and others.

The new theatre Is owned by John C. Plcrlk

and C. J. Glblln, of this city, and was erect-

ed at a cost of $100,000. "Sweet Clover

was well received by crowded houses 24, 25.

The Livingston Stock Co., In "The Chris-

tian," -II .lime 1.

Ciiattebton (Geo. Chatterton, manager).—The Thorn Stock Co. pleased 20-20. "Onthe Bridge at Midnight" 30, "A Stranger ln

Town" 31, June 1.

Gaiety (Burton & Smith, manager.).—Vaudeville played to large houses all last*

week. The Gaiety has closed, and the man-agement left for New York, where they will

hook many new and original vaudeville acts

tinder contract for next season. The new(ialety Theatre will open Labor Day, Sept. 1.

Kmi-mk (John Connors, manager).—Weekof May 27 : Burletta, "The Golden Wedding ;"

illustrated songs, D'Arvllle Sisters, Mile,

Beatrice, Ollle Westerman, the Vaggcs, AnnieConnors, Tlppcl and Kllmont, Wcrntz andWcrnt*. and twentieth century optlscopc.

Olymi'io (Wm. Jackson, manager).—Vaude-ville week of 27 : Lottie Lee, liomalne andCampbell, Martin and Crouch, Miss Dorothea,moving pictures, and Bcaslcy dog.

Whim City (W. A. Couthwoy, manager).—Mines' Band, afternoons and nights, May2(1, 27. Bill for week of 27: Takeznwa'sTroupe of Japanese, direct from the WhiteCity at Chicago; Professor Blood's Band,2«-Jnne 1.

Norm—Ethel Bnrrymore, who was billed

to appear at Chatterton'.. May 2fi, In "Cap-tain Jinks," was token III In Chicago Inst

week, and her engagement, were canceled.MIsb Harry more played Friday nlgbt at

South Bend, Ind., and while en mute to

Springfield, by way of Chicago, she wasprostrated on tbe train, and ber conditionpronounced serious by her physician. Howlong her plans will be Interrupted can not

Ket be told. Manager Chatterton was notified

y long distance telephone, and be Im-mediately notified tbe public that thoso whohad bought tickets could present them atthe box office, and secure tbe return of theirmoney. Every .cat Id the house bad beensold for the occasion Jo* Weber, whowas billed to appear here June 10, at Cliat-tenton's, has decided to close hie seasonearlier thnu expected, and has canceled hisSpringfield engagement Barnum kllalley's Shows, which appear here Saturdny,June 1, havo announced the elimination ofthe morning parade feature The man-agement of the Olympic and Empire Theatre!have decided to continue their performancesall Summer, both having been equipped withelectric fans.

4»». OHIO.

Toledo—At the Casino (Kllve. & Rosen-thal, managers), May 20 and week, HarryCorson Clarke, in "Ills Absent Boy,'' proveda drawing card for the opening attraction atthis theatre, and the outlook for a success-ful season Is bright. For June 2 and week,Sadu, in her one act play, "The Little Vaga-bond," heads tbe bill, followed by Stuarttlarnes, Adele Purvis Onrl, Marie De La-naux, Clarence Sisters, Scott and Wbaley,and Harry Corson Clarke and Margaret DaleOwen, In a one act comedy, "House Divided."Fahu TiiEATHto (Jos. Pearlsteln, manager).—Week of May 20 opened to good business,

Albertlne Mellck's trained birds being theprincipal attraction, although the rest ofthe bill was pleasing. For June 2 and week


Vlnle Daly, Ida O'Day, Julia Redmond andcompany, the Great Richard, Bwan andBambard, Young American Quintette andAmerican vltograph.


Hamilton.—At the Jefferson (Tom A.Smith, manager), the De Pew-Burdcttc Re-pertory Co. played to good business lastweek, and pleased. Tbe Colonial Stock Co.June 2-8.

Giiand (Ward & McCarthy, managers).—Bill week of 2 : Marguerite Newton and com-pany, Powers and Freed, the Two and a HalfCasads, Lottie West Symonds, Dusblbbcr andHodglns, and the bioscope.Coliseum.—North German Band opens

this house June 10.LiM.KNWAi.n 1'AitK Theatre (Frank Sul-

livan, manager).—Bill week of 2: Marie Hals-son, assisted by twenty others.

Note.—Summer vaudeville Is contemplatedat the Jefferson, running Into the regularAutumn season, no shut down being anti-cipated.


Dayton,-At the Victoria (G. C. Miller,manager).—Lew Fields come to good businessMay 2C. This was the first Shubert showIn two years, and while the attendance wasnot to capacity, on account of bad weather,those who did attend saw something good."Tbo Three of Us" 20. This practicallycloses the season at this house.

Lakeside Tiieatiie.—This theatre oienBSuntlny, Juno 2, with two performances.Bill for the opening: Tho Four Franks, in"A Mixed Affair ;" Demonde and Dlnsmore,Freeze Bros., and solo mclophrasc dancers.Noteh.—The White City will bo openi.t)

to the public about Juno 13 Creatore'sBand attracted thousands of people to the


New members entering the profession are

always spotted by tho old ones by tho lack

of their ubo of tho theatrical vernacular.

Two people were leaving the repertory com-

pany with which Sinter & Finch were tem-

porarily engaged. Tho manager replaced

these as best ho could by a team that ap-

plied for work. Not having any tlmo to

test their ability, ho hastily gave them the

parts, with Instructions to get up In them

and be ready for performance tho following

night. Tbo newcomer, proved a dire failure,

and between act. they received a berating

from th. manager. The young woman of the lasr patrea of TUB CLIPPER will be ffcW"from "prominent managers who are iViaDllngThrreaaer'^obtain aT a'glance" an

team was most Indignant, replying ln a way inserted at the.e prleeai anxious to have htm write the music for mr- excellcn , Bummar, of i„gt year', activity. Athat showed her short ac,u..ntance with th. .,„... CoI.m. ,,.*o A'lX^^M^A ^LMS^&STjBTbushiest. Donblr Column flB.OO upon some active work of thli order. *

lloaton Theatre Lcaaed by 11

II. F, Keith has leased tbe Bostonitoston, Mass., and will open it on Labor Daywith a stock company, undcr the management of Lindsay Morrison.

* u-.Ki. represent them In this country and make a opening of Falrvlcw Park, May 20* • K-eitn. 8pnC|n ity of Paul Llnckc's composition.. Gentry*B Dog and Pony Show diin Theatre, Among the first that will be exploited arc: crowds May 28, 20.

"Luna1' Walt*. "The Glow Worm Idyl,"

"Spring. Beautiful Spring," Walt.. "Berlin

Echoes" March, "Castles In the Air," song.

NOTICE.g by Stegcr; "Blamcso Patrol," charac-

teristic; "Police Parade" March, "Unrequit-

ed Love" Waltt. Mr. Llncke recently madea visit to America, nrrlvlng March 4 nndremaining for several weeks. During this

»A=^™u^^^h-^^ SEWW39H KKtfKpSThe Grken Roost Boor and Anolo-Amebi-

can Register, edited by F. Jerome Hart,and Just issued by T. Sealey Clark A Co.,London, Is a very useful reference hook. Inaddition to the biographical features, thebook contains lists ot new plays ln Paris andLondon, and caBts of the year's productions,

Pabst ExttacHfr*]ks"tT°nic:




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It is pure, healthful and at all

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Flceh, White, Pink orOrcam, JOc. aboi, ol drugglmoi by mall. 8mi 10c.for sample.

BEN. LEW CO, Prench Perfumer.Dapt. SI i 20 Kingston St. , Boston, MM*.


l NUMMKK NECESSITY.for conifortaud economy liith-

olln Wi»ter|iroofeal I<lnonCollars and OuiT« are almost

indliponslblc, especially In warmwcAtticr. Wiped with it dumpclotli they ttro as clcnn as when

new, with tlio oiigln tl whitcnem,

and neoer will, crack n >r Tray.

Cuts show only ft few of the

Lliliolln alylcs.

Collare iifo. Cuffs 50o

Ifnot at your dtalert, «'«"' »'*

Mali, »'«•* and Milter trtmffii,

miiia nrwWlntiiML ami »• »«


mall lu »«'"• addrt**, paffpaW.UrsoripUm lllntltalnl calat-iVKf

qr/il/1 line sent FKBE oil «•(/'«*'

TUB PIUEKMHI) CO., Ilept. ».

7 Waverly Place, New York Utf.



v w&As Coney Island andhelps


to open the season

(BYR R[eif/1RD&)

Come in, ike u>*tepi& fine/

"WIS. -» "„y\\,. Jt

Patsy studies centrifugal force on the "whirling floor" in Steeplechase Park. 'Taking a round" out of the boxing kangaroo at Boatock'a Menagerie.

Journeying through "Heaven and Heir under the guidance of

•Frederic Thompson.An unexpected change of partners on the "Bagatelle Board" In Luna Park

Patsy gets struck by the Kansas Cyclone which carries him over to

Dreamland.there he arrives Just In time to marvel over "Creation" with its surprising


Patsy also witnesses "The End of the World," wnere the writing on thewall Impresses him very strongly.

Homeward bound, Patsy concludes that he had a mighty good time andthat "Coney Isle" is well worth a visit.


anagersTo Mof Theatres

This Summer, when you consider the question of r« painjor thejputting in of newfurniture, it will be to your interest to secure samples and prices on

PanJmoteLeather from your dealer or upholsterer. This material is, beyond question, bitter than

real leather, is more durable, odorless, does not crack, more cosily cleaned, is tire andwaterproof and costs about one third as much. It is so like real leather in appearancethat it is almost impossible to tell the difference. We invite those interested to call at

our larije show rooms, 26 West 34th Street, N. Y., where an extensive display of madeup leather furniture and screens will be found.

After investigation, the N. Y. Hippodrome placed a large order of Pantasote.

Send for Special Theatre Sample Book to-day, showing met tlntl in which It It made. Addrm

THE PANTASOTE CO., 11 Broadway, N. T.Accept no furniture as covered with Pantasote unleiis It bears our trade mark laliel aa shown above.

on piece goods sec that word Pantasote In embossed on selvage edge.




UTH06RAPH Wa 2024

PRICES.too— tr.oo

1 aoo... laoa6OO.... 311 0D

IOOO .-,.40.00•acta** CrwiMHi HtMM|««» m n»i * cm

ST. i-ouis, mo.1 or mi mrmc w imi wawm <(?.WNU ,'.,.» CATAIAOUK



D oft/19 name of TAYWii*m*lQVR$uaM*ntef>th&t\MOU£' rfooefe are MGHT. fM GTA.TAYLoe1 TrunkWorks

Iikot—ntcdIf.™ CKIMOO, l»W U-K . IMIlH^MpHl

M»W YORK I1IWM Mlh IW..I C>m mi Bn^.*




Miolilure R»ilro«d« for Purled, Summer Rt«ort«,ctc

Tho Greatest Money /lakers andbeat Attraction In the World.

No Park complete without them, e.rninj f I BOO

la six days. With proper care, will lut •$ yean.

bmiD run Catalogue.



FLASH LIKE QENUINFtX\**>I nl.-hl VoUMBUWa a DI»ID0_4t^iiAl In brttllfturj it* so* ftnutntSt 'no ftl mit-tlilMiell. Uie ooal.


Unit kU'ld tort »nd •pert •xtmlnfrtliilt. WEffUtrtnlM t_«tn. See iltitu

lint, thai* !»?. CaUI«n* f*»*Ttitftlk tliiLi Mmilli* louudtd foi

fflVIC tvtii conl ttampa.•I'M* I1AROUA OO..

Ucut.4,230NorthStalv8(.» Ohlonvo.


ALL NEW - JUST OCT.For sale on all trains and newi stands, or of

mall, kUo. Addreia BZRA kkhuall,t ttadwell Ave., atayfleld Height*, Cleveland, 0.


No matter what you want In that lino I cananpply 1L Now or second haud. Bend tor

catalogue.. B. B. ABRAHAMS,S2. Sooth St., Phllndolphla. Pa.


64 9'-w, 61' ' p t . Chicago.

100 MAGIC TRICKS If),IVV with Cards. Com*. Illbbons, eto.,,u*

explained so any 0110 ouit do tbeiu. Cntnlogue la

e'tttto?. v?«'i *•«,-'' re,« v.. jc«.flt. New Yet*



The (treat European Discovery, Increases yourweight about 6 to to pounds monthly. The onlyncsh producer endorsed by the highest medicalauthorities. Unrivalled for nervousness, anaemiaand wasting diseases. Greatest tonic known.Hounds out the figure and gives strength to thewhole system, Price, *2. Interesting bookletfree. ASPA C1IEM. CO.,

1286 Broadway, Dept. », New York.




And make yon a fortune. Ifyon have aPLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT.BONO or BOOK that Is worth anything,yon abonld copyright it. Don't takechances when yon can secure our eerr-

Ices at small cost. Sendfor our SITOU.Ofttfi TO INVENTORS before applying, for

a patent, it mill pay you. HANDBOOK enpatenti tent FREE. We advise If patenta-ble or not, FREE. We Incorporate


Consult aa.


tslasrtla Copyright * Pateat fo Ik.,1 WASHING ION. D C

The Vp-To-OaU


SONG BOOKPHior. as cr.Nr »


lOKiis,is Pages,

11.24 per 100;

f 10 per 1,000.


Oxia, is Pages,hoc per 100;

17.60 per 1,000.

Contain popu-lar Illustratedsongs, Jokes,

eto.8end forSamples.


240 E. MadisonSt., Chicago.

The Best

Public MusicSend for our New Big Catalog of

Mechanicftl PlanosCircus ^^^VOrgans

Military Band Organs

OrchestrionsNickel -in- the-SIot

I Majestic Pianos,Pianettes,&c11a (or Tent Shows, Side Shows.Arcades,

NickelTheatrea, Cnfos, RollcrSkatlng Kinks and•II Amassment Places. Send for catalog. It's

lull o( Information, and our prices are the lowest

In America on Musical Instruments of hlaa gradeand unqusttlonsd durability.

LYON & HEALY. ChicagoI taxiMl afsila Ho*» la tht World



Wo havo made the euro of Blood Poison aspoobtlty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured.You can be treated at home under sameguaranty. Capital |600,0oo. Weaollolt themost obstinate oases, If you have ex-hausted tho old methods of treatment andstill have aohes and pains, Mnoua Patches In

Mouth, SoroThroat, Pimples. Ooppsr-OoloredSpots, Ulcers on any part of the body. Hairor Ejobrows failing out. write for proofs ofonres, 100-page Book Pros.

" COOK REMEDY CO1 1 1 1 Maseale 1Tanela,0li!!cige, lll.,9l.iA

iiuiovri.St. Louie.—At the Suburban Garden (Op-

penhclmer Bros., managers), week of ...ay

_'<;, Amelia Bingham, In "One of Onr Olrls.A. II. Vsn Duron la leading man, and an ex-cellent company Is In support.Dblmih (Turner T. Lewis, manager).

The Delmar Opera Co. opened the season, In"The Idol's Bye," Sunday, Ms/ 26, withBlanche Deyo, John 15. Young, Prank Rush-worth and Cecelia Rhoda playing. The com-pany Is a carefully selected one, and shouldprove a great attraction.Wkst Uno Heights (Obert h Schafer,

managers).—Ethel Fuller and the HeightsStock Co. ended their first week May 2S,having played "The Krentier Sonata." Forthe week of 26 the company will play "TheHoly City."Forest Park Highlands (J. D. Hopkins,

manager).—Tho Agonst Family, Warren andIllanchard, the Trlvoll Quartette. FrankMarkly, the Marco Twins, and Well's Bandended their week May 26. Beginning 26:Weber's 'Band, of Cincinnati, 0- BlancheB. Mehaffy, soprano soloist, and John O'Don-nell, tenor. Instrumental soloists : FredWeiss, cornet; Emlle Chevre, piccolo; FritsKoch, French horn; Carl Konlman, eupho-nium, and Howard Kopp, bells. The list nt

vaudeville entertainers are : Bedouin Arabs,James Brockman and the Philip Sisters,Johnny Jones, Fox and Du Bal, and Shieldsand Rogers.Havmn'8 (Wm. Garcn, manager).—"On

the Bridge at Midnight" closed Its week May25. Beginning 20, St. Louis amateurs, In

"The Stain of Quilt," for the week, Mnna-3er Oaren playing the role of Hiram Snow-en. The seat sales far exceeded those ofany of the professional offerings of thisseason.Uarhick (Dsn 0. Flshell, manager).

"Two Little Olrls" closed the week 2ft, andthe theatre will not open again until June0, when Joe Weber and bis company will

appear In "Dream City."Mansion Park (afannlon Bros., mana-

gers).—The bill for week of 26 Included:Mack and Elliott, Howard and Howard, Tomand Edith Almond, Athleu, comedy Juggler;Mayme Roselle.MUM Oardbn.—The Stanley Stock CoKlayed "The Little Vagabond," to capacityoiise>i, week of May 10.Standard (Leo Kelchenbnch, manager).

The Cherry Blossom Co, closed the season ofthis playhouse 26.Columdia (Mlddlntnn & Tate, managers).—The bill for week of May 26 was headed

by Arthur Dunn and Marie Olazler.m

KaiiNaa City.—The very unseasonableweather has played sad havoc with businessat the severs! parks. It would be great forthe theatres, but unfortuoately only two ofIhem were open.Auoitorium (0. D. Woodwnrd, manager).—Last week, Harry Beresford and Emma

Dunn put on a special production of "TheProfessor's Love Story." and gave very goodperformances to excellent business. Thisclosed the season.

Oii.i.ih Opera House (E. S. Brlgham,manager).—Last week, "A Cowboy's Girl"had very satisfactory business. This week,"Adrift In the World."BmmEBT (Walter Sanford, manager).

Joe Weber and his all star company June2-6, for a special engagement.

Willis Wnon (O. D. Woodward, mana-ger).—Ethel Rarrymore, In "Captain Jinks,"Is booked June 6-8.

Electric Park (Sam Benjamin', mana-ger).—Kllery's Rand continues to be thechief attraction, and a vaudeville bill, headedby the Country Choir, holds forth In tbeOermsn Village.

Koiirkst Park (D. E. Russell, manager).—Lenge's Military Band continues. TheItuslon Ideal Opera Co. gave good perform,ances of "The Mascot," In the theatre lastweek. The Tlvoll Quartette and the Delaur-Debrlmont Trio are the free attractions.

Kami mount Park (W. F. Smith, mana-ger).—Hlnor's Military Band continues, anda line high diving act Is tbe free attraction.Carnival Park, a new Summer place of

amusement, was opened May 25, In the WestSide, Kansas City. An Immense crowd wasIn attendance at the opening. The park Isvery beautiful, and win no doubt be a bigmoney maker. Lamblase's Venetian BandIs the prlni'lpal attraction, and the MlerFamily of diving children are also a feature.The principal concessions are a scenic rail-way, the chutes, roller skating, dancing, dogand pony show, and figure eight coaster.

. m

Ni.rinull.lil. At Doling Park (WillConlon, manager) bad weather Interferedwith business last week, but tbe shows puton were well patronized.

Air Domb (Qeo. Olendorf, maaager).The Woodward Stock Co. opened the houBeMay 25. The opening bill was "Virginia ofVirginia. • The company includes: ElinorI'lerson, Zclla Gilbert, Mottle Burgess, RuthRaynor, Charles Dingle, Carl, Carl Hewctt,Klorance McKImm, Frank Woodward, Edwinllradev. Kdward Mnnlove, John Madison,Roy lllce and Edward Earl.White City (F. W. Deimer, manager).—

The free actB this week are Meehan's comedydogs, Cowels Family and Crotty Trio.

Notes.—Fcnneta Haskell recital was wellattended at Orsce Church, May 26Glen. Wagoner has Joined the Doling ParkCo. ..... .Harry Lcnord and wife have leftto take charge of a stock company In Amer-rllo, Tex Tbe Majestic, an electrictheatre, opened May 24. Work was storiedon a S'JO.OOO scenic railway at Doling Park......The Drurv Dramatic Club scored abig success, In "The Twins," May 28.


INDIANA.Lafayette.—At the Grand (Geo. Mnnder-

back, manager) the regular season has closed,but the house was opened for a local enter-tainment by the St. Ignatius Academy, May20. with "Marie Antoinette."


Majestic (Gregg Frellnger, manager).

Bill week of May 27 : Harrison Bros., JcnnneItrooks, Ethel Young, Yorke-Herbert Trio, andthe Majcstoacope. Business Ib fine.Notes.—At Fowler Hall, May 22, Indiana

authors' reading. The event was a testi-monial to Evalcen Stein, a writer and poetessof this city. George Ade, James WbltcombRUcy. Meredith Nicholson and Miss Stein en-tertained a large audience The Stateconvention of Elks will be held here June5, U Lewis Brooks, having closed theseason with Stetson's "u. T. a, * Is visitingfriends and relatives In this city Barnum& Ilolley Circus conies June 8.

» ..

Kvnnavllle.—Cook's Park (Harry Lau-rance, manager) has been delayed In openingon account of numerous reasons. First theopening waa delayed on account of the streetcar strike ; then, when matters were nil-

ilisted, the weather turned cold enough tocop every one at home by warm fires In-

stead of out of doors. The week of June 2will mark the formal opening.Oak Summit Park (II. 0. Gallsgan, man-

ager) will open on June 3, with Whcllock'simiiim Rand.Note.—Gentry's Dog and Pony Show was

very poorly attended, on account of coldweather and poor transportation facilities,owing to the strike on the street cars. Thesmall audience, however, made up by liberallyencoring nil the acts,

e «»Kki.i.y & Massei's Lyric Comedy Co., In

"The Doln' of Dooley," has been engaged byWalter J. Pltmmcr for his circuit of Easternparks, oociilng at Palmer, Mass., June 24.Week of June a they play the Elyrla Theatre,Elyrla, 0.


IS SYNONYMOUS. We never misrepresent, sell nofakes or counterfeits, but WE GUARANTEE SATIS-FACTION. We are the LARGEST and ONLY EX-CLUSIVE dealers in this city in Machines, Films andSupplies, and sole agent for


SPECIAL! We took In trsdo, recently, a No. 4 Opllgroph, latest up-to-date model, complete,with Ukcup uuel electric attachments, almost new. Aluo IBM feet (actual length) PaaalOD I'lay on tworeels, like new. The man who Is quick can have the entire outfit, Including a model It oxylltlie, gooilas new, for »106, or If full amount accompanies Hie order, $168. Act, don't hesitate or you'll lose thbsplendid chance.

Swaab's Bargains Are Real Bargains



MUSICAL 6LASSES.Substantial, loud, pureIn tone, easy to tuno andplay. Photos, references,catalogue, with full in-formation will be sent onreceipt of stamp. A. llrau-

nelBs, Olsssophone lffg.,«M Klatbuali AYonuo,

Brooklyn, H. T

Gems of ArtA book containing 24 of the most

entrancing I'hotyne Pictures overshown lo one publication. All fromfamous paintings. Worth ten timeswhat wo ask for It. also of bookIs a x IncheB. The Artlst'a DreamRealized. Sent postpaid, togothorwith 60 lifelike miniatures ot otherbeautiful art pictures, for only sac,coin, stamps or money order. Bendat onco today to WILL J. WELS11,

I>opt. I. Mt. Vernon, 0.


PROFITABLE.I teach yon by mall, so you con go at once 011 tns

stage, Send for mv beautlftilly ll1 ""-

tratetl book explaining method, also pldures,scenes of plays, actors, actrcBscs who have becomeefficient through my training—mailed F«B_Address HENRY DICKSON SCHOOL UPACTING. aoe Auditorium, OUssgo,

11.25 Per Pound.Spangles.GOLD OE SILVER.

OottonTlKhts.palr....Worsted Tlghta. pair.Plaited Bilk Tlghti, piBeat Silk Tlgir9 Inoh ootton to



».to, pair.....

Beat SUk Tights,! g.oo

9 Inoh ootton tops, (

Calf, Thigh and Hip Paddings.Gold and Bllvor Trlmmlngi.

Bend Deposit and ronte with oriler.


Mt Washington St.. Boston, M»«*__


M^ A W BOCWNr; »cn\ MOnejCJJ




7 til Vtlx


lmm*mmj£m '


TO M\WAGKR8—Vt e carry ft carload of special scenery. Everything special from drop curtain hack. Kvcrv phtva new one unit u complete i>milui'Ui>ii. : Hooked solid for MilWW. Have the irrnaicat Uncut special impcr of any slock compiiny mi-'

• '• •,

': the road. n.A"VH—Would like lo hear from proplo'liuvliiK phiys tli»l have I n r success, Willi special paper. Address

W. AL. "WHITE, Business Manager, HICKMAN-BESSEY CO,, care of Bnrtiw Theatre, Davenport. Iowa.'•PENNSYLVANIA.,'

Philadelphia.— Uvery 'time ' Oscar lintn-

mcraiclii' comes .to 'town, some enterprising

newspaper nitui starts a . rumor of a Rrandopera house to be 'built by that- gen Herein

In this city.' Mr. Hnmniei stein Is, of course,

not- averse to the piibllclty, and generally

helps the thing along, but so ,far there Is

not tlio-allgbtcst •possibility of such a pro-

ject going1

ahead. , Desirable ' locations arejust us expensive here us.tlicy'are In the

'metropolis, and It Is not likely that anypublic spirited citizens will be found who•in- willing to Invest about '$2,000,000 in

uufb<n proposition'.' • •

.„„iiYKK ^Messrs.- Shubert, managers).—"The

White-Hen" Is now launched' on Its Bummerrniii and -Judged by .the big- houses present

last week, 'baa struck the popular fancy.

Louis Maim'H comedy abilities have ubnndantnlav, while the vocal - effort* ' of- Louise Grin-

ning are .productive of- much applause. Will

M. Armstrong, Lotta Faust add Adelaide

Sharp- Also' give valuable assistanceWjaUArt : (Frank ' Howe Jr., manager).—

"Ills -Honor, -the Mayor," departed June 1,

after -Its -pbenomlnal run of -112 performances

to excellent ^ business. -Century runs arc so

Infrequent- In this city that It 'is worthy of

snei-tal comment. --

1'AitK- (JC« G. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger,'- manager).Turn Waters, in "The Mayor of Laugh-

lund,"" Is- still entertaining large- crowds, andstarts on his sixth week June ,a.

; Oiiutin (Miller- A- Kuufman, managers).—Chester IJ'Auwn,- the mind 'reauer, mystified

large sized houses Inst week, and will con-

riuilo'for week 'of « The bill will also ln-

eliido-:-'.loscpli V. Hortlz. who has concluded

his slurring • tour In "Our -Friend Frits ;"

llaslaui.'bnndciilf expert; Elliott, llclulr andIjlllott,. acrobats ; Gllden Sisters, dancers,

uud Fred Miiprcc, comedian.-. . .Ii'ivhbhauhu-'s : (Miller- & Knufman, niana-

gom),—-'Mnruzelle," a house production, with

several' local favorites' In the caBt, drew big

huustsiMuyaT-Juncl. It was the conclud-

ing. Week 'of the season, ending June 1. This

wuk tin: Hist season as a combination house

for ii:dcc«de, ami the change proved a very

pi'nll till dr. inn'.' • ' ...IUrtM (John W. Hart, manager).—Van

Khnsle;- In "Kalhlecn 'Mnvourneen. Is the

concluding attraction of the season, R-S. Last

week the name star was -seen- to advantage,]li-vlItuirts>Adrlit,"'to line business.

I'KOPi.k'h • (F. G.Mxon-Nrrdllnger. mana-in:r).—'?rhu:t»1rl- front the Kanch," May 21-

Jimc'l,:wns the concluding attraction of the

Season.' und -was witnessed by houses of Uncproportions. The past season was uniformlyii.Koor) arte.

'> ...

. liHirH* (II. -T. Jordan.' manager).—Henry12. IMxi'.v and conipuity, in "Duvld Garrlck.

Is i lie big fcuturc for. week .of -t. In ml

dllltni.to Ryan and Itlcbtlold.^Heurl I Violet

Allen, 'tlHt'HIx. KnglUli Hat-kern, Mr. nmlMrs,, Jluiiny • Hurry. .Work - und Ower. tin:

Zhiunii 'Troupe. Juki Norwortli. Huphh:Akiniuiiiie. i'okuii. nml Ruueroft, iCIurk nmlHradlev. Morton ami IHiimond, llriidy nmlAtattoilcy; the' Futurity Winner, and the kl-

Ueluginpli- Hlg houses were In attendance all

last .week. ...chestnut .Ktiibbt oi'kiia Uouhn (Nixon

& /.linmcrmun, liiMiiiigeva).—Advanced vaude-ville offerings for week' of 3 Include: Mclii-

tyre^-wld- Jloulll. tlie Ulbaou Girls (second

week). Mantle Lambert, Slienii uml Wurren,UurilWl iSlsters.-Churles Sweet,' Italian Trio,

Irene Lee, Wilfred Clarke and conipniiy. In

Ihe-ployliiti '.'What Will Happen Next," andmoving picture*, llusluess continues big,

the .8, O.' II. sign being very much In evi-

dence' lust' week.• Bliou (Geo. W. ltlfe, manager).— TheiViiHhlngton Society Girls offer tbclr services

weok'i'of ». - lu- the olio 'are: Alio Lyiiotto

Sisters, '.'Horun' and Kearney, Abblc Carlton,

und Hie Mardo- Trio.' Carr's Thoroughbredsfound ) favor with big -houses last week.

Miner's Americans next. •

'.UrciitiM (John (i. Jermon. manager).—Hit;

American: Heuutles- will- be in evidence 11 andweek.' Wiu.i J. Kelly heads the fun makers,

aided ) and - ubclted - by I Fred Wyckoff. J. 3.

llait^uud'CniailesAliearn. Tile Biwiklvu

ItuTttM'rWm 4-ecelved with-' much fuvor by the

paironHilnstiweck. ...'TwKftUMNi (h'lcd Wlllsou, ' manogin;).—

llllly Walson and his Cosy Corner Girls,

wlio..'Willi lie, the eiil«rtulneis during the

Niiuuuc-r seasou, were wurmly welcomed last

week:: by '.tho usual crowds thut frequent

litis iKilW. This' week -the- star will put ontlm'-lmrlcsiiuiv'The Unwritten: Ijiw." Aniela,

In- u Jlitueliig.spi'clully, Is -it ucy comer lu

Ifcn dllu, . • • •

HuN'Tun (Lllllun Tysou, iiiiuiiiirur).— Mmhi II. week of a mentions < Kloreucu Suliuur

lieu llellly. and uiovlug pictures.

HlHUHWWD ''*MK < H ' Vj - I>0,vns. inuna-

gw 1 ).'—This resort, nfter weeks of OtUM-lloil.'.'tbrevopen Its doors on Memorial Hay,und more Hum L'O.tMH) passed the turnstiles.

Many .io(v tun umuscmeut features are still

Incomplete, but. It Is expected Hint withinHie


naxt -fortnight overythlng will be In

wurblug order, tlu the urenu Is IM HoyulImperial -HaiMl, the Six Firing llanvortls midthe Houeseite Troupe. 'I he' feftttire at the

mtkl Is- "Fighting the Flames," which busbeen' constructed oil uu unusually large eenle,

and' hasiueen largely patronized. The man-agement anticipate a very successful scusoti,

In vlbw 'of tlic excellent transportation fa-

cilities •-that- ui-e offered' by the. subway cars

and- tlio- IMilludvlphhi' Ji Western Railroad,

whleli- enrrl(?s passengors frometho heart of

UiC'idly/lo- the park In "Jo minutes.-WubuNluK 1'Aiik.—This resort inaugurated

IW'SiiBsbn- la«t week, and has-been well uat-

ioiil»od, considering . tllu cool wefcther. I he

linnfa'dler- Guards' Band bus' been cngoged as

lbs inuelcill feature, while the -new amuse-uientSai-L't-Thc hhmuli"laundry, the monkeyhuusc'the mountain slide, and the waves.

Wn,ujw Giiovb PABKJF. H." Lincoln, man-iiusi'L—Wnltcr Oiimroscb's Nevr York 8ym-puony'OrchoBtra continues as the big mu-sical feature'.' The unseasonable iveathcr Is

uffectlng'the' attendance,' but with the return

ofwurmer tomperjUure', the big' crowds will

surely .'put In tin appearance.WvihhinUtonPadk ( W. .!.- Thompson, mttll-

HU«r.).—Everything here has a ; spick andspoil appcaratiee. and all that' s required Is

Itie sunshlnv weather to make this resort tlio

Dawson, of Baltimore, was In town last week,renewing old acquaintanceships Xlionk /.Immcam n will revive "Miss Bob White"next season, and wilt feature Frank DeshonIn the production The German Theatrewill be under the management of Max Iln-

nUcli. the present leading man, and WilliamAddlcks, of Balltaiorc. The season will openon Sept. 14, with "Joan D'Arc."

PltUburir.— At the Nixon (Thus. V.Kirk, manager) this week's bill Includes:Moore and Llttlctlcld, Kamo's Great Panto-mime Co., with Bllllc Hecvcs: Sialcy's greatEuropean transformation. Tom I learn. Em-pire City Quartette, Three Ernesto Sisters,Harry 'lutes company, In "Fishing;" RadioKurman and James J. Corbett, ana the ani-mated pictures. Lust week's bill played topacked houses, and gave the patrons a goodshow.

HMfcisTff — This theatre closed Saturdaynight, May -T>, contrary to the announce-ments that the new slock company wouldopen, hi "The Harvest," 27 und week. Thocompany was dispersed und left for NewYork. The theatre will open tho early partof September.Grand (Harry Davis, manager).— This

week's bill Includes : Williams and Walker,Joe Welch and company, Stella Mayhcw,Stunning Grcnndlcrs, May 'fully and corn-pan}-, Grace Hazard, Little Hip, Spessardy'sbears, Gardner and Stoddard, tho FourCasting Huubai'H, and the cinematograph.Houdlnl closed n successful two weeks' en-gagement, und he packed the house dally.

Ai.vix Tiikatiii;.—This house closed Its

doors Snlurday night, June 1, for the season,and will reopen late In August or early In Sep-tember. "The Bonnie Drier Bush playedto good business uud gave a good show. Achildren's carnival will be presented on nextFriday ami Sat unlay evenings, June 7, 8.

Buou (It. M. Gullck & Co.. manugersi.


Mecca 'for Hie »«Imperial [in mi c

Winrt! (m'tv'

usement seekers."The Humanmthules to please.

Ml." 'Mi Auchy: munuger).

This park, .'which is reached after a delight

rill, trolltcy- trlp.i Is lieglmilng lo put on Its

Suininvrtllniv uiipcaranec. The Trip 'Ihrougli

I he V.'lloWHtoiie Wonderland and tho roller

skating rink arc being well patronized.NtiTKN.- -Buffalo Bill Is herefrtr week of t.

Tlin« Advance 'sale has been- big.' "'«' In.f/P'

• vrlhl!«» ure untlclputeil . . . . I . . Colonel Jim

Cajibhia (Hurry W. Srherr-r. manager).

Lyman H. Howe's moving pictures June 1.

Luna I'tntc Tukatok ( r. II. Cantlchl. man-ager).—Large crowds saw the following bill

week of May 27 : Collins nnd Brown. Leonnml Adeline, Hoyt and Marlon, and BessCollins.

Meraiilon.—At the Lyceum ti'hns. M.Southwell, manager) Lew Fields' Co. Is dueJune 3,

Famii.v (II. R. Smllh. iniinoger).—Week'l : May Ward and her Dresden Dolls, first

performance on any stage of this new ml,"'

cclcd by Jomes Gorman : War-r.-ii ami Faust, the 'l"wo Wilsons, llynn ond

Rose Melville, In "Sis Hopkins," began. Junethis

openweek "The Greut Willi Street Mystery" played

u week's engagement, and closes this house.The house wilt ho open again In August. Last

to satisfactory business und pleased.IIiiToutio.Mi: (Ira J. La Motte, manager).

—This week's bill Includes: The Belittles.

Grace Dene, Ityim nnd Douglass. Vardimiun.Bob Roberts, uud the Hlppograpb. Businesshas been very good, und the patronting a nice cluss of entertainment.

patrons arc get-ting a nice cluss of entertainment. TheItalian Orchestra furnishes the music, uudhus become quite popular with the patrons.

Ma-ikstic (Howard Uoycr. manager).—This theatre Is now beginning Its fun rl li

week, and Is one of the coziest little the-atres In the city. The house received n gen-eral overhauling when Manager Buyer tookcharge, nml now makes a very nutty uppeai'-nncc 1 1 Is nil completed, with the excep-tion of some chilli's that were ordered, huthave uul yet arrived. Tills week's bill In-

cludes : John Freeman uud compuny. Kilw.Hwyer, Aldcrby. Hdivnrd Gurduvr. Bcechernnd May. Cliff itlaiicharil. and the Mujesto-grupti. The l-Jiist Etui Hippodrome, t.'iislno

Tlienlro. Theiitoiltnu Thciilru uud the Casino,In Allegheny City, are all small theatres,

but doing a very nice business.I, una I'aiik (Khner 10. Gregg, nuinngcr).—Tills week, Niiviissar's Lady Military Baud,

composed of lltty miisleluns and eight solo-

ists, mid as a .special attraction McMuhon'slire dive twice dully, llusluess has beengood uowllhslutidlng the cool wmtlller.

Kknnvwooi) (A. P. Moluiluin. miinngcr).

Sunday only. Mrrella's Baud, and KurlyLlnd'-iiv, vocalist, furnish the eiitertulnuicnt. '

During the week Kemp's Wild West con- ,

tluues to puck Hie house at every perform-'

uuee. and give the patrons u good show.SoUTilEHN (A. 8. McSwIguu, ma mig'T i.— :

For Sunday only, June 2, the Second Brl-j

gude Hand, und the Lone Star Quartette i

furnished tho entertainment. Business bus


been very good.Urkam City (Stanley C. Vlckers, malin-

ger).—lie Lucca's li. S. Band continues to buThe feature nt the park, aud Minting, theMarvel, and the uuicycle, proved to be u big

drawing curd. The other features ut the i

park are all well patronized, und business.

continues good.\V'K8T Vikw.—No concert on Sunday, '2,

hut during the week several picnics huveboon booked

Kim:.—Ou June II, 4, evening only, Mr.and Mrs. Toinnulivfsky will appear lit "TheChosen People," Moniliiy nlghl. and "The.New Star" on Tuesday evening, for thehenellt of Zionist people of Pltlshtirg, I'll.


iliirrtslmru'. Al the Lyceum (M. Hots,

niniiugvr) Lew Fields' couipuu.v. In "AboutTown?' closed the season at this house June1, lo big business. The seusun will reopen

-ere tlin latter part of August.Paxtanu Paiik (Felix M. Davis, mana-

ger).—Business during the opening week wasgood, considering tho very Inclement weather.The attraetlonslt) the theatre, week of June'.'. Include : Chas. Stowv. Howard und Lewis,Waldorf und Mendcz, Johnstone, and Made-line Burdettc.

Xotus. — The Hagenbeck Wallace Showsare here !1. and have guod prospectswiiliiini Browne, business manager (or tho

Kmmn Bunting Co., who has been at Ids

homo here for a rest, will return to Erlo andengage In the advertising business for the

Summer. He will take the road about Aug.16 sMmajBf Herbert Lynch, of the Nor-

rlstown. I'n.. Operu House, visited hero MuyHO Lew Fields' company, who ployed

at Ihe Lyceum on June 1. were delayed In

their arrlvul for the matinee performance,

owing to trouble on the trains ut Wheeling,

W, Vu.I

Lu o. us I.- r. At the Family (Kd. Mozart,

manager) "Men and Women" drew well Muy27 aud week. "The Cowboy and tho Lady"will be the attraction Juno 11-8.

ltooi.' Gauden (Chas. M. Howell, manager).—the stock company, wblcb will present mu-sical comedies during the season, has ar-

rived, and open II. In "The Telephone Girl.

The advance sale of seats for tho opening

week was large.Rocky Spbinos Paiik Ml. OrlrMh, mana-

ger) opened on Decoration Day. to miuense

business. As yet only park attractions are

moving. Theatrical features uru promised

later.i i

Johnstown.—At Uh Park Family The-

ntre, Lola Cotton. Greene Bros., Fletnen and

Miller, Senlt nml Wliah-y. II. K. Shi IIiik

nnd the moving pictures drew well week »r

Msv 27. Bill week of June 3: Marvin andPearl. Four Musketeers. Do Fnyo Sisters. Re

Aurns, llarrlnglon ond Is-sler, II. k. Sehll-

ling und moving pictures.

White, and Will M. Stnythe.LtiXA I'akk (James Murton, munuger).

Week . I unc :t: Alexander's Ninth RegimentBand and the Ballutzars Sisters. Atteuiluucc

continues good despite the cool weather.Sow.k.—Tlie Forepuugh-Sells Bros.' Show

came May .'11. to packed tents Thellngenbeek-Wulluee Show comes June 21.. ..

Charles M. Southwell, of Xorrlstowu. as-

sumed iiiaiiiigeiiieni of the Lyceum aud Acad-emy June 1, succeeding Uly G. Mill, who goesto Beading to conduct the Itels Theatrethere.

i »

A ll< •" on. At the Mlshler ( I. C. Mishlcr,

mnnngerl Lyman II. Howe's moving pictures

did good business May an, ai, closing theseason of the house.Guano ( Silverman Brns., managers).

Good uttenduuee prevailed 27 and week, withIhe following peuple: McNIsh and Burgess.La Tell Brothers, Iterr .lunscn, nnd BertSuper, closing the season nt I his house

Xotks.—The llngeiibeck-Wallacc t.'lrcnsdld

immense business :!<> The Amuse II

building, on Kleventh Avenue, Is being re-

modeled I'v the Silverman Brolhers, nnd is

being converted Into a small theatre, whichwill he devoted to vaudeville nnd movingpicture atirneilons. It will have a seatingcapacity of a7." people, und will be readylo open June 17 L. B. Cool wus In

lown the past week, and us no satisfactory

arrangements have been made as yet for tho

reconstruction and lease of Hie Lyric, Mr.Cool will probably lorale In Allenlown, Pa.


Suit Luke fit}.—At the Salt Lake The-atre (Geo. D. Pyper, manager I Walker While-side, lu "The Magic Melody." did goodbusiness May 24, 2.',. Maude Adams, lu

"Peter Pun." June a-7.

Giianb I A. M, CM, roniiiiger).—Week be-

ginning May 25. Liiiiru Frankenlleld, In "Un-der Two Flags." did good business.

oiionm m IMiirllii Beck, mniinger). —Tim• ii'pliciuu Slock Co. o|h I on Muy 27. (or HieSummer season, in "The Cowboy uud IheLuily," lo good business.

I.YltlC (II, C. llontiellan, luanagiol. - Weekof Muy 2>"i good business prevailed, with Ihefollow lug prngi amine: The Miisleul Marls.Leon Is- t'liiirtlers, Bert Wesloii, Collins midHiiwlcy. llaverly and MeRiie, Tom Bruiil-

fold uud on. 'lis.

4 » »I'.Hiir ('. Knt.l.Y. of Bert <'. and Mudaiii

Kelly, handcuff uperls, wrlles : "The urlgltiiii

slmeklcs used on Jackson and Wulllng. whoweti' couvicled of Ihe murder of Pearl Bryan.

at Newport, Ky., were uruwnled lo me byPhil Helf. brother of the music publisher,

while I wus pluylng cliieluiuiil und New-port."

The ConstructionOf our new Parisian fronts is more cosily than the ordinal y. Tltisy

give a round, noble looking chest and double tho life of a suit—positively

prevents breaking or crinkling.

Exceptional value—70 styles of tine imported unfinished worsteds.

Suit to measure, $25; Coat and Trousers, $21.

The making of EVENING CLOTHES is ART with us.

Samples sent to any address.




UIIAVBBKNU. .lull* »-ll».


AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK.Willi Cleveland, .'mho I, , a. 1.

Willi Detroit, .Itmw K. 10. II, I'*.

•WAlii'r'lfib, ror Tcavll,t'» IliK VuiKlevllle Hliow.

two All'ltoiiml (,'oiiieilluni Mini eiiu Work lnaul«.

At 1 lit no I'liiycr, HlKhl reader; Silent Act' of all

kludn. Salary puHltlveiy nure. Join on wire.

joe CjJAvrrr, wiiiinimit. s. v.

WANTED, I 'lean HlioWl of Kvery llcucrlpllon:

also WIIU West. openliiK day, ssul Inal. lor the tint-

• unci of i ho teiilhiK acaHon: Kerrls wheel, oceanwave, ra/.itle ikundw, All perceniaire or flat. All

kludn of privileged open; mi exclimlvi;. No irniii-

lillliir. Till* In one or Ihe iiumt popular Summerreaorw In tlie State, nutxlile of Coney iKhiild. All

> who come out. or Itochemcr ami adjolnliiK Iowiih


to Uloti llavun will nurcly come ana nee hh. afio,-


tioo to draw from, llnppy lloolnKnn. nniiwcr. Ail-' drcHM l'rof. (;. W. Van. Jo». J. Scliueler, i'rop, Hay! Vlow llnlol, JNMtanatti \V.WAMTKl)" tioiil) HK0. fRRHjnMKBK, Al

II'luiio pinr. Novelty M«n with four elMHKiw.

I Tlekewuii'ywhere; two nlslil himiiUh, under cuuvus.Kd. HkoKiiii, write. Atl'lrcm .....

JACK AltNO I.n. Velva , S. Uak.


Tor any Inatrument or number or liuitruments.

HouKt.words and music, sketches, oto, Send stamp.

CHAM. h. I,BWIB, in Hlchmonil St., (llnclnnatl, 0.

AT UHKRTY, account of tlieutre elmiltie

ror summer, Al Orchestra Lender (vlollm, double

aim lu orans. Wife Al PlaalM: swell voice: locate

or travel; up In vuudovlllc. Have jcur old child.

: duly rollahte niauniterH. <;on. U llnvldson, IUI Luiil Hlana SI- 1.1 tie Hock, Arknlnas,



IIMMKDIATKI,r: long engagement: hlah ;aliiry;

Kcod voices. Jw M., care of N. i.Ol.iri'BW.


WANTBD, MBD. I'BBKOBMBnil Tl ATdance and piny orgsn, aood slleul ucln, U:nl slihw.

WHiiUil b) buy, nmull leut, uip aoxuo, or mirt. 'rotinil

lop. Have pnlCH and wall; niust Im Hood. 1)11. J.

\V. IIKNNITr. Ilnrrlcita, ffUcftiril On.,Hlwl.

"WANTBD-l'orOiMKlicy Bnw. 1 Show, IrlHll or

Dutch comedian who fukos ofitau or plays violin.-

inuslcHl acta (if all kinds, vaudeville nnd olrens

«!•> • In nil lilies, except rldlnu nela. Aildreaa nil

mall t» nooni.KV BROS.' SHOW, Indians. Pa.



"UIUCII VnilD 111 ID IC IIVCTUC CliniAJ " Alieiiilllfn|aeiitliueiiiiiliiiilliid;aprecl.ei-.

If nCll lUUn IIAItf lO Lint I liC oHUTI. \™*: one 'he uneven have overlooked.


" Tflfl nisi " A "wocl, anil, ellin-'liiK Hall/ anna, in Mm sameI UU ULUt _ jiuthor, nliiiae virile pcnjiroiiaril a milliin with

WHAT WILL THEIR ANSWER BE? iiStill •rllliia like wlhl tlie.

Thosoaro tlieaiiimaof llicioul orihlnirs, Thcv are mmicllilliK else. An) yna purrntlliiK ha-ti, or are

you sltiKlnR lills- 'l.vr. will. I'mfrssliiiiHi i-nptes free In ihe It t-I.vi.. OrelieSlratluii uud cnliiret'

slides, All Mr -I class liouaca. IIWKS SI'RNIll'IIIUIT. Autluir nml I'nhllalier, SI. laiuls. M".


WAItDltOIIK.VI-IIISATII.K OIIAIIAUTKKMi IIOOU STrilV;'l'lllST rl.ASXAdilnisa. care of "SKKI.KV," M W. ittlh STItKKT, N. V.



Wl*. 'I'KLL notlHK, Howard and Somersetsis., lli'itnn. Vicinity or all vaudevlllo thoatrel"About taweefc. KMILV IIANNWART, Prop ,


11.00 prr Day.»n.O"Europun. {n.OO per Week

THAKAI.OAIl.lUelU K. 14, N. V.,nr. Koltll'a

Acad, of Music, llowey. Hooiiih Wai., 10c, fl,

11.60 day; tl.ftOtotswook. W.D.IIANNKlAN.I'rup.

PA I.AC 10 IIOTKL,, 101 N. Clark SU, l)hloa(to.

Knropoati, 1.1.60 nor week; with nrlvnlo hath, II,

rurkfsli Hath. loo. II. li. IIUHrilllHY, I'mp.

mm mwm <;o.WANTS

K«»ll SI MSI Hit AND WlvriOII Sl'.tSHV.

HEAVY MANAnd HKI'I'.lll'Olltl'. Ill nil Hues. I'c.pl,- Willi

spermines preferred. Summer salary: must Imi hiw,ItOV.M. C. STIIIM', Ilium lit. S. Y.

WANTED QUICK.I'or BlIIIIIIIHI' llllll Vi-\l Sen -nil.



I'lcfer lllmw di'liia -I Inllles or iIoiiIiIiiik i-ome

liislruiiielil la hand. Sliile lowest. I pay nil.

Address .Mini. I'll i.ll I'tHlli, lilllonl'i l.'iiiai.'illiui-.

Ailill'ivs, Julie :t-!t, Olllurlo, Wis.; Jiltui lu-l '.

Tiuiiuli. Wis..


WANTSLKUTMIKKIti work mi iienciiiaae; UllHKIHAMtthai til Aels, KOVKI.TY AC'I'S, PIANOI'l.AYI.ItS alth>pei:hillles. Stale nil In llrsl Icllci.

l-:|i. I'. H'KMK. Uh* ll'iv km. I Ilea, N. V.


Will Kiuuuulec leu weeks work lo N. V, women.1 Wanted, t I people for Slock; sirnluhl salary.

!Hkeleli Tennis, Sister Acts, Simile Women, Nuciillj

IActa. Write In nl once, ilontl tuislncss laire.



CORNET PLAYER, to Leadlutlil nlher MI'SK'IASS. [or JOYrK'S (Illll'l S.


ii, Wliltoliull, K. V.I i. Poll Ann; \ fori Kdivnid;

n, Situdy IIIH. , _ ..WANTBD,Having Enlargel My VAUDEVILLE THEATRE,

YVII.I. IIKOI'MX YIMIIW JVIIN MsYVANI' Ural cluss Slslei-I'i'iiiiis, Sonu und Hull' i'

l,.nlle«, all kind-, slimlcs iiiiiI ilollhles, A hiw wiiel,-.'

work for it liecoralor and St:eii|e I'alliler.


AT LIBERTYAfter .nine il, me IlK W'til.fl'.S, liWMKUY sKIVHIlTKAN, Sinners nnd llaneers. Cluiuiii" ror week.

Adores ri.INT, tleii. Imi.. M lcji. _

w^mWwRmTmwnp «i.a»», P0H 8ALE—flood Trnak Illusion.l. .—^ i.i- il — . J.—J i' I,., in.. In,, ., I.l u, .!.,,, ii i u ...i t.L... .. ....LfU U.. islliiiP iif Uu Llliil III

WANTKD, A t, null SKKIt II 'I'KASItMn-I iln u dun iile uud slnulii or IWo slUKh's enehuleiii lor it week. I'limim- every BlKllT. Snhtry

«'J.'< uud nil nflcr JolnliiK. Aildrc.H K. I-'. II AI.I.Ki:.

Peek, Kan. P. 8. -One iiiual rake plitnn.

WANTKD -Col linn lliiil clmiiKcs for weekand hikes nrirnn. MukIcIiiii Unit tloea slnilKlii hi

acts or rakes ornini. I |ui.v sulnrles every truck

llllll Hill lllilcpclidcnl or lino/, IH mo lloll'l Willi- It

you iioo/,«. VV. H. Kllim. llermim.SI. Law. I In.. IS. Y,

WANTKD (tillck-tiiHiil All 'Itiuinii SIiikIuk

and IhilieliiK Sketch Tcuin.'.inun to ilo black race III

nets, or SIllKlc Black Pace L'oiiiciliuii. t;hnii||e far

I of U weeks. Also Sober I'mivas Mini to takei harite of uu x 40 lop, ami 2 trcck sIhiiiIh. AddressCliriiin Remedy Co., Hum mm Perry Co., I'n.


moneymaker. i,ooo (rtiiKKs, oiikap. 8LOANNOVKITY CO., Station H, Philadelphia, Pa.-i'OHHAI>K-VAl l>K\

7ll.l,KHOCSR. I'laest III

stale, i.oiik lime, easy lerttis, sliowlim locumlhouses now. Ihsiked tlie yenr 'roiiiul. A ureal

money milker. iSun elrculli.

Dll. S. C. I.IIIK'IT. U'llicc lllnik, Mlllillelowii,))

FII'I'IHIK lluiii. or Wire Plioinafor Palmlsls

Parks, elc. ttLOO ner i.uou; *l.:ift |a.'r.'sai, nnatpaM'i;AlllNKTI»ll»IT«H,c.oiileil, HM, U\ l.ilnl, »lf>.

i-;hi:na stuiiio, Mia W. Iiionil si., I'hiia^rn.

HAN.IOH -Tim World's finest. Tho OelebratedWhtte Laidlo. Catalogs and llalf-Tonea of 'it

Artilta free. TDK A. C. FAlKUANKS 0U., Msiulhtiry HI., lioston. Haaa.

AMAI'Kllts, l.adlcr, nml Ci-lilleiili'li, tvlshlllir

lo adopl Ihe since its a profenslon. Those Inivlnv

talent ahoiiltl rt'itisler nl tills oltlcc ill once. HonMAOK. MU WIllMler Place, lliillilliupiills, Imi.

1..aUnOL LAWYKIli CnMthMUNlCasta a apeelalty. JudKiiieiils and decrees olilnlnod

promptly; no ilv lny. l.'tiuiisel free. 4U41 Indian

Ave , Ihlrd floor, i.'IiIciiro

TlioroiiHhly Kxperluiieetl Vaudeville Pluiilst, sober

and reliable: alao (loml Slsler Team, or Two(loud rcuuilo Milliters iiiiil llaneers, ror my miiikc

Must- lit) KihiiI lookers and dressers nnd make".uud on anil oil'. No ohjeellon lo color. Salary,

tn uml lioanl and iruusiioi tatlun for nil from

N. Y. U) Havana. TIIOWAS WILLIAMS,sun Islum, », Havana, tiiiba.

~'iioWwii«w«iiBVoo«ToiiTi6i»iiT.mmt and Back Bending, each trick llluau-aled.

»M>. Morphot'i Hobool, Ml N. Villi St., Phlla., Pa.

WANTKD, AOKNTM-l-cullliuali! Hiilistllule

for slot mnehliies, tmlciilcd. Hells on slKltl. ror $1.

Paitloillara. UHHIA t.'O., Anderson, Indiana.


MMHraht*d),«dlffer«Bt booU, loo. All kind. act.

ikoT&IJErrB BCHOOL. MT K. lath St., Phlla., Pa,

KOIl HAI.K—All aliiio-l new DciiKUII MM.Mitrlmlmplione, :W Holes, cliromulle, from luwll In

hlKh Kj cost f 7f>; yours ror »;in. steel Trunk madeto order for Instrument, will sell for »a. Apply in

HIM HLlcilTKR. u«M Mnrkci Ht.. Harrlahiifg. Pa.


Reed Bros.' Circus.'


Una been u-ed IWo weeks. No oilier or lis kind III

ibis coiiiiirv. will sell with or wlihoiii eaiiuo'i.

Write r«r parileiiliifs. ItatiRer.liiin. Ilel.. Knsloli.l'a.

VioliiitMi at IJlM>rt>.!Lender and ArrnhlfiT, Doiihle Alto, ir IHWWWrj.

;Wife hiiatli Pai is iirchofii".

I'RK Ii WILLIAMS, lieu. De l.. I'rovldeiiiii, I .. I.



AliK. Aildressmix :w. Poll Kwiiii, l-'laler Co., X. ».


W. O. W lll'.KLKII, MU Mulli HI.. Wnrce.ler. Mfc.-.

Wanted Quick, Man With Al Piclure Machine

And Two Heels I'll t... Wire salary. Aho si

Aittlil. Slciitlv work. (Iiilis snvt".lniupH.

K. II. TIIOMI'SOS. ma:. Oakii" Ave. Superior, W is.



Alao Cornel. Clarlnel, Hllde Troilibmie and Tulai.

This Is a Walton Hhow. Ttvetiiy-llve years on the

road. Your salary Is sum. Hlalu aitlury. Atlihe<s

IUSRII IIROH., Handy llisik, Kentucky, Jiinn II;

Klkfork, Ky., June li, WW* LHmriy, Ky.. .luiie HL

WANTCO,vm !i»k* i iik Acrra.



IIOX Lis/, Lake View. Mtehluim.



K, ''M7 ,K!!iKo!,








Entered June 24, INTO, at U» Pott Offlo* at

N«* tort, N, Y., a* second elm natter, w*m*lb* net tit Mirch :i, 18TB.

Ailiertlsemnilii—5U-SO per Inch, llBlh) column.

Adirrlliouiriits mi Willi border, 10 per ct. Bin.-I lisi ltll'1 ION.

(me vmr, in mlnniee. f*; si* months. Ml three

m-milM, »l. Fnrcl(:i Dustae* extra. Hum espial

will I* wi'i. |iwii«lil. <"• receipt of 10 cents.

Oar 'Iitiii* nre cimli.

TIIK tUM'PKK ih laarlwn Weooeeday mora-

Im 'Hie last f<«ir (ii.l»iTil«lnii) l*e*» «0 TOl-KI'-SM Ml Saturday nt II A. M.. Hid Ine ollJrf

I mini »» MONDAY nii«l TIIKSDAV.

•I'lie K»rii» OInaliiK Prompt!/. Tom-iluy nt XI o'clock A. M.

I'lcare remit Nj osprcsH, money order, check,

l». «). onlct nr registered IoiIit. All cuh enclosed

villi letter l» Ml iu« rlHk of waller.

Aitrir<-»« All < iniiniuiilcnllona toI'll 15 KF.W YllltK ci.iiM'icn. _

•IT ffM 2SIU Street, New Tors.

ft'i/tnterrl (!al>ln titrf, "AuinoiiTT."

TUB WESTERN BUBEA.Uof Tub Ci.rwzB l» located nt Koora filll. Ashland

Hiuok Obii-ago, Julia 'J'. Prince Jr., Manager aaa

nirriiponilPiil. win-"* ailvcrllseiueiilB and ailbscrlp-

O'jiid are rcelveil "I c.uf regular Mtes.

THE LONDON BUREAU,N.rnted HI ** finuihunnie SI.. Uiiiiiiiii, W. C.. John

II. Iluniev, malinger ami IWIH«•»«» where an-

veribrmciits mill siiuserliilluns are rewired kt our

'Till' CMPMX&M * OBTAINIm, IMMU AMD*rri»n„ «l our asmls, llrciiluiio's »Jf»,*ES&JPAvenue de ronera, I'arK Frauce; M. ''""""J'Frederick SlruHM) 101 (Terniluiui Hole I, Bert lib

N. W- Germany; rilnmoml News (in.. 120 NMKMMII, Manila-, P. I.i Allien & Son. ill, IM King

nt., Sydney, Australia.

TIIK NKW YORK CMPPKR *S.MHt£ionly one edition, noil Umi la ilAted

from New York.


No lie III lea Ity Mull or Telerrftpk.


m ooi:*T «» smut kiiuvmi wiut« t<i Tnonja whomT»iM HMBt. in cash hi- TIIK 0LIPPKK I'oa*

uwrriK. Ai.t. i.mtkkh will li« »»iaalrnUi i>M»

lirlK ONI.T. II' TUG RIIUTH lllf ANt riflATklOib

iijyi'ANr im HiiuniiT, aiirna tn iivr mat lit kodtioi

mm iNOTHKK i-*nr. Wa cannot aawn bootm at

van. on rauanarf),

DRAMATIC.I>. i:., Syracuse.—\Vc luivo no knowleilKe

or liie iiiisi'iil wlieiviibinilH or I lie inirly. Ail-

llreM U lelter ill CMC or lllls Hill'-, oii.l wewill uilverilMe It lii Tun iM.irrKK letter list.

.VI. If. I'.. .New York,

T. !•'• I'-. Worcexler,'•AN-tlllUS,'


T. 't'. T.. Ullen. nnuII. II. Y., I'.iistoii.—See. answer to O. U.,

""iV'.M. M.. Alleglieny.—The eniiipnny has

i-limi-d rnr tW wimon.II. II. W., New York.—"Kvnngellne was

iireseiileil nt NIIiIh'h (iiirden. (Ills elty. Jan.

IS, IS'.i'J. unci lwo weefcn fnllowlne. 'Ihrougli

ii ty|iii(;i.i|>lilenl etTOf III ln«t week's Issue,

II rend .luiie in. „ . .. .,._S. M. H„ Millmloliililn.—Make tipnl lentIon

In the innniiBiirH of mimleiil proOueilons.

\V. S.. I •lilltttlfl|ili In.—Tlie imillen U» whomyuii refer ure best lilted to answer your

""W !\ It., Ornnge.—Col. T. Allstnn Brown'a

"llts'liirv iif the New York Since" will BWevim wlist y»s ileKlre. Umld, Mend & t.o..

New York, are the |>nbllHhern.

Mns. r. It., Now York.—AdilreRS nny of

oiir sketeh wi-IIIiib ndverllsers.

V. II A.. llellevlllH.—Aildress tlie MrkeI. ii Shel'le Co.. HH2 llronilwiiy, New York.

A HmmcimiRn.—Jnmes A. Halley, In pri-

vate life, .\lr(ilnnenM. died April 11, 10IMJ.

"ItATi-il."— I. The lllms enri he used on oil

miiililne.1. ^. Kroni *• 1" *-<• f* l." " 'l'ct

per week, .. . _ ..

II. »., nirinlnBhnro.—The Shrodo Hrothers

will douhlle*n nnswer your ipiery.

C. I-'., I'ltlHliurg.—See unswer to Mrs. F. IL

A. M. It., New orleniiK.—I.They <lo a mu-Klenl net. 2. Slule nnd feumle. !J. Foreigners.

4 umi .%. We hiivc no loeniiH of knowing. m.1. A. C. New York.— I. Address the Co-

liiiulilii Circuit Co., llti.K llrondwny. S. O. II.

Itutclteller. I.yeeum Then Ire, lloston. Mass.«.'. W., New York.—Denmnn Thompson Is


V. Il.i St. r,i>ulR.—A enn go II nlone.

/.. N. It., Cleveland.—A player inuy hnvctwo IiiiIIiIn on (he Imiird uc one lime, pro-

vided i he hiillds me uuiile from his lmnd.C II. K., Will pole.— It wins.

A. S., Miii'Hlinll.— l.'iiur «'b nnd n II countIwenlv rune points.


II. c„ New York.—A was only obliged to

tiliow I he openers.IIASIHIAI.I..

II. A.. Cripple Creek.— II loses, on Ills lenmrl lii not nci.impllh'h that which he bet It would

M. A. M., Siiviinmvli.—The Mnliinln for

1S71 were; Clwrles Mills, catcher; Hello

Wnlfers, pitcher: Joseph Start. Itobert Ker-

aiisuii ami Clins. .1. Sinllh, on the hasps;Itlchtiril .1. I'eiircc. shoil stop; J. V. II. Iliil-

lleld, Imvlil KgKler nnd K. I'nllorHini, In IhoMiiiiebl, and Itli'hard lllglmin. utlllly mini. Atthe end of Jnlv Charles .1. Smith retired fromliiiHelmll. and lltglmm Wiih kciiI In secondlinne, nnd l''ei'guHon shifted to third, l.mer

lliiftleld wiih placed al Heeond linw, lllghiim

weul in right lleld mid Catterson lo lefl.

ntliers wlm purilelpmeil I ' <"' nmri!

games Hint vcur were: Clmrles Html. Wil-

liam McMiiliun, I'laiik KliH-t and CeorgeZelllelll.

<-•<.iiiln-iii H»d Mnrlowe I'.nil Their

London SeiiNon.

KvenliiK of May III. al I lie Wnldorf The-nlie, l.iindon, Kng. n big audience gnve anenlliuslnsllc renpilon anil liade farewell lo

i:. II. Sul hem nnd Julia Murlowe, when they

lii'oilghl their cugngeliieul id live weeks to n

close with "Twill'lli Sight."Mr. Sot hern made a MMWril, snyliiR that

II pleased lilm lo know I lint II wits In the

iilavs of Shakespeare I lint lie mid Miss Mar-lowe hud gullied I In. J i- highest encomiums.

llecrliolini Tre- gave the joinl kIiiik a sup-

pi r at Ills Mujesly's Theiilre Titesdny nlBhl,

Slav L'.N.

ti »llnvTirW'iirllelil to t:iose Ilia Sctisiui

Shortly.Iinvld Wiirllcld. aflcf llulslilng Ills present

engagement at the Majestic Theatre, ItiiHtou,

In "The Music Mnsler." Is to Inke a short

vacation, and then will begin rehearsals of

the new pin v In which In* will open the Slny-

ve-ntil Thealre, New York City, next season.*-^»

i-'rllxl Sclicff III In tierniany.

I'tlltd Scheff had a second nllack of iierltiv

nltls sunn idler her arrival In I'nrls, several

weeks ii::n. and hud In ls> taken to her home.

In I'ninliforl, liermnny. where she Is underHie care nf physicians. Slie Is recovering,

unit expert* to he able to leave her bed In

Hit i'.- weeks and to return In America In

August to prepare for her next season limlrr

the wMutccajwal of t'hniles Dllliiiglinni. ..


WcMcrn BntemnOf tlie Hew York Clipper,

Room SIM. A .tiland Uluck. Lhlcaarn,

There ore several events nf note lO.tranii-

plre t Iris week, notable among whlen are tn«

utrmirrt* here of Itose Stnhl. In "The ChorusIjtdv." nt I'owers", nnd "Tile Three, of Us,"

with Laura Neb on Hall, at the Oarrlrk. "TheTime, the Plain; nil the «Ilrl" Is no more, asfar ns we nre ennrerned. the ilnal perform-mioe having Is'en given June 1. 'IJie housesIn the Loop, which remain open, with theexception of the two first named, continue to

niter the same bills, mid I In- live parks nreunder foil swing, hut. walling for season-able weather in ilo big business. DecorationHay- proved lo be only half-iiearted, as fur

us woollier was concerned, but It didn't rnin,

and vnst crowds thronged the outdoor nmuse-uienls, the theatres nlsn dotng well. Illsmnrtkihtrd'-i.. which entertains Its natrons withilrst i-lnss bands, opened I. with the llinultt

ltftsxn. tliimgh the weather was forbidding.

Tills dAlc also mnrked the closing or several

bouses, and with the open hnfiscs playing Hie

Summer attractions throiigliout, the Summerseason, as far us the malingers nre able lo

imike It, has commenced.Illinois Tiika'tri: (Will .1. Iiavls, mann-

Berl.—"Tlie Mai. of the Hour" is playing to

line returns, nnd is Immensely liked. Severn!clinnges hnvc Is-en made, or will lie madewithin n few days, In lite enst. Alice Martinhas succeeded Idvu Mernlda in Hie role ofCvnlhln Harrison, and Is playing the partllncly. Charles Sledmnn. who has been 0|t-

lifiiting us .fudge Newman, will lie succeededby K. I.. Walton.

I'nwKns' Tiikatrr (Harry J. I'owers, innn-nger>.—"Tlie I,Inn and the Mouse" rinsed lis

season hern I, nt Hie same time closing theregular season ot Hie (inline, which Htnrlslis "warm weallier" season '',. with Itose

Stnhl, In "The Choriin Ludy." The demandfor seals, since the Sale opened Inst Thurs-iluy, lias been iremendotis. Much money hasbeen expended during the Inst fortnight in

decorating the foyer and Hie lobby, nnd Hieold elect rlc. signs have linen replaced, nnd thedressing rooms will Is- rebuilt. Tup recep-tion rooms will also receive nt lent Ion. andhandsome oil paintings wilt )*• hung In thefoyer.

(Iarrick TitF.ATRFj (Herbert C. Diiee, man-ager).—Joe Weiier and his till slnr companyleft. I, nfler playing to two weeks of veryfair business, "Tim Three of lis" will openan engagement -, nnd will probably run forseveral weeks.colonial Tiiratrr (fleorge W. I^derer,

uinnnger).—"Fifty .Miles from llnston" Is

the lightning express piny of the season sofitr. nnd Is winning favorable recognition.The fiftieth performance, :i, will lH»'coirimem-or;i led wllh sniivenirs. A word coptcst,with prizes of Isixes nnd seals, having' beenslnrted, Mr. I.ederer llnihi lilmself swampedwith answers. The Idea In to get the greatestnumber of American towns, containing fouror inure letters, lo be found In the title ofthe play.

Stiiulbaker TtfGMHH (ft. K. Hnrmeyer.manager'.— Henry Woodruff, In "Ilrown nfIfnrvahl," ronllnuen In good business, nndwill be sneeeeded 10, by "Miss I'ocnhuntus."The pi'duiiir will he luude tiere. Instead ofCincinnati, ns originally planned. SO theconipnii.v was moved here from St. Louis,where It had neon rehearsing. It. A. Karnet,the author, is conduct Ing the rehearsals.McVickrr'h Tiikatrr (Oeorge <.'. Warren,

manager).—"The' ftotind Up" Is undoubtedlyplaying to the biggest business In the city.

If not of the house, and will remain for theSummer. No changes in the enst hnvc beennoted.

titiANii Oi'l-ra IIockh (Harry Asklo, man-nger).—Frank Daniels, In "The TnttooedMan," has made u hit of the largest kind,nnd Is ably supported by a splendid com-pany. May Vokeg. In a type new lo her. Is

creating a score of lienrly laughs every per-forninnce, in her song, and many morethrong)! the »,La Sai.li: Tiiratre (Mort 11. Singer, man-

ager).—This popular musical comedy play-liouse closed Its doors for the season, 1, withthe 4ri8rd performance of the record-break-ing offering, "The Time, the Place and Hieiilrl." There Is no doubt thnt the piececould hnvc run through the Summer, butMilwaukee, where the company will appearthis week, wiinted n view of It, and CecilLeun. Florence Holhrook and Hie other con-srleniloim people had fully earned a rest,so the derision was arrived at early laatweek. The house will reopen about the mid-dle of August with the new offering, byHough. Adams and Howard, who wrote thispiny. The new offering la all ready but thetitle has not been chosen an yet. Thus closesthe longest run lit the nnnnls of toe localstage, undone which will probably stand forsume time to come.

CiiU'Aiin Ol'KRA HottHB (D. II. Hunt, man-ager).—"L'upiuia Careless." much Improved,nnd with the cast strengthened since theopening, lias sell led down to good work nndreturns. Ida llnwley hits innde u lilt In therole In which she succeeded Sophie ttrandtlust week, nnd next week will see TobyClaude n member of lite cast, succeedingMnynie Hehnie. Joe Whitehead, In Hie prin-cipal role, continues to please, licit M. Je-rome Is now conducting; the orchestra, hav-ing litkeii charge May *Jli.

Whitnlv Opkka liorsr. (Snm P. Gerson,ninnnger).

After the storm caused by rank-ing numerous changes in Hie cost of "AKnight for n Day," the company, headed byMnbel lllle nnd Joint Slnvlu, Is carrying It

lo success, wllli crowded houses.Hush Trmplr Tiikatrh (Kllzabcth Rcho-

lier, manager).—The slot* company, whichhas been playing nil Winter, closed lis localseason, I, giving, for I lie Html week, "(Iran-stark." which wiih well received. Miss Schn-lu'r will lake it iiiiiiiIh'I- nf her popular players,Including Sarah Truax, Knle Itlnneke, UeorgoII. linker mid J. C. Castle, to SI. I'nul, Whereshe will roudiicl n Suniiner slock company,relnnilng lo Hie Temple in August. In Hiemean lime Hie theatre will remain open witha slock company, of which Harry franklinwill be Hie manager. He has been playinglight comedy parts during the Winter. HeorgeFnrren will remain us leading man, nnd JuliaSluiirl, well known here, will he Hie leading« "tn, in. "Nancy & Co." will lie Hie opening;bill, commencing ::. Other members will In-

clude lii'.ssic Leu l.esllnn, Helen Wilton.Ivrt'.RNATIONAI, TllLATQi: ( Kills F. Cllck-

ninii. mannger).—The various changes hi thewen I her seem in have no hnd effects on I lie

business here.I'HKIN (Itnliert T. Molls, mannger).—Tito

offering, .1. Is a play without a name, beinga three act musical comedy, with the booknnd lyrics by Miss L. Tlsh Hubbard, withmusic bv Jorilnn mid llryuin. Miss llnbliurdIs n newconier nmoiig ihe playwrights. Tlieuianngeineiit. will allow Hie patrons In selectthe title by popular vote. Cash itrlr.es willlie offered. Harrison Stewnrt will have theprincipal pnrt, and the company will Include:Jerry Mills. Lawrence Chcnault, .1. F. Mores,Mat Marshall, lAiltle tirndv, Mae White.I'eiirl Ilrown, lleiilnh While and MadelineCnnper. A H|M>clnl liinllnee will be given 7,

nt which Hie Silver Lenf Hramnlle ("lull will

present "The Noble Oulcnsl," Hie proceedsIh'Iiir dniinlcd lo N. Clark Smith's Hoys'I Intnl.

Ma.ikxtic (Lyman II. tl lover, manager).

The bill for week nf :i will include : The Fn-dclle oi'chesti'ii. Amelia Summervllle. TomNiiwu and company. .Inmes Hnrrtgan, llellongUrns., the Klnsons, Klngsley ;iud Lewis, M.rrliisluirni' nnd company. Joe Wat son, KdnaSheppnrd, Mile. Chester's dog. McFnrlnndnull Murray. Willie Wi>sloii, Hie Peerles*ttiiarlelle, and Ihe khindroine.Olympic (Abe Jacobs, manager).—Wes-

son, Wallers and Wesson, who were billed

here last week, were unable to appear owinglo the yotithfulnesn of one or the membersof the company, and Jane Couflhbpe andcompany were colled upon at very short no-tire to Oil the vacancy', which they did. In

splendid shape, going on nt the opening; mati-nee and Untitling out the week. Toe milweek of fl Includes : William liramwell andKleannr (lordon, the Light Vnsnor Hirls, Fer-

guson and Mack, Miil.se August and company,Spencer Kelly and Frederic Itoae. Clara Ben-sey's cats, Warren and Bloncbard, Mr. andMrs. franklin Colby. Iteno and Azorl. HarryWebb, Larklns and Bums, the Two Malellrs.l-.arly and Late, Musical Wilsons, and thekinodrome.

Si'lllNOLRii's (l.udwlg Schlndler. manager).—Business' keeps up to capacity here. Thebill for week of a Includes: Don I.eno's

School Boys and Girls, ftacket and llasshrd.Marvin Brothers, Jennie Bendy. Mabel Cum-mlngs. lie Ltmo Duo, nnd lllilstrntcd songsand moving pictures.Stab (Jnmes L. l.ederer, manager i.—The

hill here includes: Whalen and I'hcins, ItlraHror.. Alexander, the Four Hants Bros.,

Baron Coldsltiw. and the Staroscope.Ai'iii.i/i (Max Herman, mannger).—This

house has been turned over to a Jewish com-pany for the Summer, which will put on aseries of slock production*.

cai.ii.mrt (John T. Connors, manager).

The people have great faith In Hie Judgmentof Mr. Connors, nnd flock to see any attrac-

tion which he offers them, and are rarelydisappointed. The offerings are tlie best

which can be secured.

[,YMt! (Ben Snyder, manager).—The bills

here keep up well, and the business Is InpmiKirtlon.North Avkmk (Paul Sltroer, mannger).—The bill for week of ,T Includes: Lnhl nod

(.'ecu. song and dance team ; Carveth, noveltyB-eten ; Operatic Trio. Mile. Vldu and as-

sistant; ihe tlreat Alexander and company,and Ihe moving pictures, capacity businessrules here.

Thalia (Thomas Murray, manager).

The bill for week of :; InHlides: Binghamiitiii Thornton. n|ierntlc dim; Hen Tiirpln,

comedy nl-ro1i.il ; Kullinss and company, midHie' pictures.

(li'iGhhat Niiiitiil'rn (I'rwl C. Fherla, man-nger).—"The Wlnnril of Or." cohllnues lis

successful slay, und In spile of lis havingbeen Keen here so many limes, Ihere la noindication nf waning' popularity.Howard's I LorIn J. Howard, manager).

The policy of thin house has changed to

vaudeville for the Summer months, and thepeople have taken kindly In It. The bills

offered include some of Ihe best acts whichhave aimearcd nt ihe big house down town.The hill for week of ,'t Includes: Sirronje, thefemale Unities: Ames and Feathers, Knightnnd Knight, Ihe Howards and their SixAmerican Maids, and Ihe kinodrome.Hum I William Itoche, manager).—"Hu-

man Hearts" closed (he regular season atthis house to line business. Tlie Summerstock season Will open '2. wiih May llosiner,In "The Two Orphans." Next week, "ToDie nt Dnwn."Ciiitrrion (John It. Hognn, manager).

This house cloned Its regular season, 1.

with "The Convict's Ha lighter." which hadgood business. Ben M. tilroux's vaudevillewill give two performances, -. and the out-look In for good business. The house willreopen Ihe middle of August, with "The Catanil the Fiddle."

Aliiamiiba tJnnifs II. Brown, mannger).—"The Jnmes Boys In Missouri" played to

food returns last week. "The Moonshiner'sinughter."' week of 2, will close the sea-son at thin house.

i:t sox's (Sid. J. ICuson, manager).—LizzieII. Kaymornd has marie a hit In her specialties,and' Is well liked. For the week of 2, "TheDoings of Hooley" will be held over. Kd.Morris will assist Frank Finney in the funmaking, having just Joined the company.Carrie Seitz hns Joined the combination, andwill bead the feminine nrray. "The CollegeBoys" will be the new curtain raiser, In.

which many novel features will be used.The olio Includes: The Vorno-VnldnreTroupe of four cyclists, and a number ofother clever nets.

Fully i.lnrin A. Fcotiessy, manager).—TheFay Foster Co. closed the regular season herelast Week, plajlng to uniformly excellentbusiness. Stock will be put on this week. In

conjunction with the Kmplre on the Westside, and, the two houses in Milwaukee andSt. Paul, which will form a small wheel forthe Summer. Many good people havo been en-gaged for these companies. Including some otdie leading burlesque comedians, "queens,"singers andr n hest of chorus people. Specialsettings will be painted for nil the produc-tions, and every detail will be attended tons carefully as though It were at the heightof the season. The past season here bns beenthe liest In the history of the house.

Trocaiiero (1. M. Wclngnrteo, manager).—The stock season, which began last week,bids fair to be popular. Tlie company Ularge, and the business picked up steadily

through the week. A change ot bill will bemade every week, nnd the prominent featurethis week will he "The Deluge," a living artpicture. Nat nnd Sol Fields, great favoritesIn tills city, nre the prime movers in the funfactory, on<l keep every one merry. Pete Cur-ley. ns ihe Irishman, la a host In himself,and will) Murray Slmens, as the Hebrew,comedian, Ihey have many laughs coming to

them.KMriBR (William Singer, manager).—The

finishing touches arc being put' on here, andwhen completed the house can take rankwith the llncst houses ot any burlesque cir-

cuit In the 'country—In fact, the theatre la

much more handsome than many of Ihe legiti-

mate houses one sees In n tour of the bigcities. The Brigadiers caused many laughsInst week, anil upheld the reputation theyhnd made on the South Side. Miss New Y'nrkJr. will open the Summer circuit season herethis week. John Ilnrkc and May Howardwill head the company. The Interior ot Ihehouse Ik practically completed now, the deco-rators having done splendid work, nnd Iheonly work remaining to lie done Is on Hielobby and the entrance.WoNORRMNn (Kd. Lamsnn, manager).

This cozy house on Ihe West Side, is lining

a land nrtlce business, and Ihe theatre, whichopens nl I I*, m.. Is crowded from then In theclosing hour. Manager (i. II. Mills has left

Ihe Hieairo lo devote his lime lo the theatrenl Sans Sonet, and has placed Ills lieutenant,Kd. l.amson. in charge.

Liinihin In mk Miisiit'M (Win. .1, Sweeney,niniiiigcr).—Biixiness continues to capacitynt this amusement place. The following areIn the ciirlo hall week of 3: Guy Dell, strongman : Vnlney. the man nf mystery : TlllleClliiiuninrs, ling puncher, and Susie Carselln,musical net. In the thealre: Irene lingers,

Marie Arlington. Gits Lee, nnd the Orientaldancers.CLARK Srnrx.T Mi-ski: m (L. M. Hedges,

manager).—The crowds keep going lo this

Jilace and evidence a keen enjoyment of the'are which Manogcr Hedges serveK them.Change of hill weekly brings the snaie pa-trons, reinforced by new ones.

IttVRitviKW Park (W. M. Johnson, mana-ger).—Willi a had weather handicap, thislargest of all parks started Hie season Sat-urday, May -Ti, and has been drawing gnodcrowds since. The. novelty ot the variousofferings, the tremendous expanse whichgreets (he spectator on enlerlng the gate,Ihn handsome forest, gaily lighted, nnd Ihestrains of music wafted through Ihe nlrfrom Kryl's splendid band, go to form amagnet which only the most consummate"grouch" could resist. Here la room nnd funfor ihe millions. The Bowery, resplendnntwllh lis many lights, noisy with Ihe bally-hoo*, nud gaudy wiih the painted picturesor the curiosities within Hie tented or woodenwalls, is a sight which the amusement seekerlias uever uceu before. Here la circus, Bide

show. Conev Island, and all the entlcenwnta

which one could wish for at small expense.

The barkers are wonders in their way, and

have a manner of making all laugh and then

enter. On Decoration Day, bo t Is art-

nolineed there were 20.1,480 people on the

grounds, and yet Ihere waa room for manythousand* more. Kree gate admission to

women nnd children In the afternoons draws

large crowds. "The Great Train Robbery,

wonderfully constructed and splendidly man-aged, opened 28, and the crowds could not

be ai'i-ummodated, though ihe auditorium

holds several hundreds. It was voted a great

success. The new chutes have also taught

the crowds, and the novelty of being Idafled

Into a boat, tnken through n dnrk and wind-

ing tunnel, and then hoisted to the top ot

the Incline is u great point In its favor. Noclimbing at the chutes. On the North Branchof the Chicago Itjver, which passes by the

end of Illvervlew Park, one can hire [boars

or canoes, and enjoy a peaceful glide on the

river. Tom Prior, the energetic press repre-

sentntlve. describes the whole place as "AWonderland, llnppylnnd and Fairyland fused

In one." and Ibis fits the situation to adot. Hell Gale and Devil's Gorge, together

with Big Olio's Animal Show are amongthe biggest attractions here.

Wiiitic'CIty i Paid I). Howse. manager).

—The populurlty of this great South Side

amusement place has been attested during

the past two we*ks. for crowds have flocked

here, despite the had weather, and havefound Innumerable nttrncllons upon whichto spend their money. The bad weather hnsInterfered

1 wllh the open air performanceshere, as nt Ihe other parks The crowdsDecoration Day broke Ihe record for Hint

day, nftd the chances are that the numberswlil Kteadily increase from now on. TheAermlome, which immediately adjoins WhiteCity, gives the palrons here n chance to

see ihe races In (he air, which the AeroCluh of Chicago hnve on the list, nnd this

proves quite a feature which the manage-ment Is not slow to advertise. White Cllyliears nut lis name, nnd the whole placepresents n beautiful sight nt night, especially

wllh Ihe giant Intver Illuminated, whichthrows n glow over the surrounding buildings

nut side of Ihe park. Cullendo's VenetianBand Is still Ihe musical hit of Ihe place.

CiIrtrm Park tW. II. Slrlckler, mana-ger).—Weather conditions considered, this

pretty place has been doing very well, andn Visit in the West Side grove Is well repaid,

for Ihere Is plenty of room, and the exhilara-tion nr coasting all around the grounds putsone In' fine fettle. The auto hurdle Is a greatthriller, and has been well patronized since

II started. Nothing exactly like It has beenseen here Is?fore. The lagoon is anotherfeature which' has great attractions, and theedge of It Is constantly crowded with thechildren, who make for this spot as soon nsthey enter Ihe grounds. Many schools,churches and other Institutions give picnics

here, and these large crowds are follow, ii by-

others, from curiosity. The management doesnot boast many "shows." but has given overmost of Ihn space In riding devices, whicharc equally popular wllh young and old.

June 1 was 0. A. It: Day, with patriotic con-certs by Wnldnn'K Military Hand.

Lisa i'AHK (L. It. I.aottersteln, manager).—Crowds have flocked to Ibis place for thefiast few weeks, nnd many special days hnvcsien i on tract ed for. Tlie ever growing popu-larity nf the park testifies to the wisdom ofthe management in securing this territory,nnd the public has not been slow In appre-ciating the many good points. Itny Knahen-shuc will continue to make airship flights

I Ills week, and the novelty ot his work hasdrawn huge crowds. The Schaar Troupe of'cyclists bas been a great feature, as havelieen the Bennington Bros., and Tbavlu'sMilitary Band. The shows arc all in run-ning order now, nnd are greatly appreciated.Wltn the coming of hot weather the parkwilt doubtless hare Its capacity tested nightand day.

Sans Sopci Park (Leonard Wolf,- mana-ger).—Ferullo and his band have becomevery popular here, and' (be place Is crowdedevery time he starts to wield bis baton. Themany attractive features which the manage-ment has offered this season are being wellpatronized, and Include the airships, thedance nnll, roller skating. Psvcho, the won-der; the Pike, the Turkish Theatre, andmany others.Bblmont Park (E. Kampner, manager).—This place, which is catering to amuse-

ment seekers on the North Side, is conven-iently located near the Belmont expressstation, of the Northwestern "I." road, andnt which point many people leave the trainsto attend entertainments. The bud weatherhas had an unfortunate effect on business oflate, as It has at all the other parks, butthere Is reason to suppose that, with settledweather, good reports will be received of theplace.Aitermath.—The Marlowe and People's

Theatres have closed for the season Anevent of local Importance will occur June 4,when the new College Theatre, erected bySt. Vincent's College, at the corner of Shef-field and Webster Avenues, at n cost of*:t00.000, will be opened to the public withlac Ilrst performance on any stage of "OthoViscount!." an opera, by Ihe late FrederickGrant Glearnn, or this city, and In which willappear Joseph II. Sheehun nnd Itcnn Vlvlenne,hue of Henry W. Savage's "Madam Butter-fly" company, and Forrest Danncy, formerlyof the Metropolitan Opera Co. The musicaldirector Is Waller Kellnr, a former pupilof the composer, and Ihe stage will lie di-rected by George Herbert, a brother of JosephW. Herbert. 'J"he scenes of the opera arelaid In Florence, at the close of the llfieenthcentury. Performances will be given Tues-day, Thursday mid Saturday evenings, nndSaturday matinee. It Is also announced thatthe new theatre will be the home of a per-manent slock company at nn early date,whose members will lie secured from amongIhe most prominent ot the stock players nfIhe coimlry. The theatre Is a line one. Tlieproscenium opening Is lii reel wide, and Hiesinge Is 411 feel deep, with the gridiron 115reel high Pawnee Bin's Wild West anilGreat Far Knst Show, which did such u linebusiness on the Smith Side, n week ago,ilunllcnlfil Its success (he Ilrst tew days orlust week, on the West Side, mid then innYeriover lo Ihe North Side for Ihe Inst, three daysof lis slny in the city, drawing crowds ntnil pcrfnrmnnccK Waller N. Lawrenceis negotiating for a Incnl house In which loproduce "The Coining of Mrs. Patrick." nnew play, by Itnchcl Crolher JnmesForbes, author ot "The Chorus Lady." andbusiness mannger for Henry It. Harris,brought renewal contracts with him whenhe arrived In the clly a few days ago, rnrall Ihe members of "The Lion and tlie Mouse"company, which was playing here, wllh theexception of Arthur Byron, who will lie seennext year in "The Struggle KverlastlnB."which will n|icn In Boston. The I! companyof "The Unit and Ihe Mouse" passed throughIhe clly a few days ago. and lis membersreceived contracts tor next senkon alsoBlsmnrck Garden Is scheduled to open eveningot 1, with Sorrentlno's Rnnria llossa. Thisbund will Is? followed in due season by a num-ber or others, ntl of ihe Ilrst qualllv TheColiseum Garden will open 10. wiih WilliamHenry Ktell's Hand Klvervlew Blnk Is tobe the scene of aiany exciting races this year(be ilrst nf which started May 27. There willhe championship races, for which largepurses are offered, together with medals anda magnificent silver trophy cup. This trophy,which will lie known ns ihe Harmon Cup,will remain in the hands nt the rink whosercprcsentntlve captures it, as long as he orany other nccredlled representative of thesame rink can' defend the tide to It. Themannger announces that all nt these raceswill lie run under the auspices and rules nfHie Western Skaters Association, and sanc-tioned by (be iDternatioual skating Associa-

BABY GIRLS ECZEMACovered with Yellow BJoi-ei — Rich i .»

air* I>»»1rare4»-I>o«rl*T» F»i/| °*


"Our little girl, one year and a half r.ld

was taken with eczema. We took her u\three doctors, but try this time bhe was iioti,.

ingbut a yellow, greenish sore. One morn."ing we discovered a little yellow pini[)eon one .of her eyes. Doctor No. -j .',„]

that we had better take her to sonie e, especialist, since it was an ulcer. So v ewent 'to Oswego to doctor No. 4, anl I „said the eye-sight was gone, but that

| lc

could help' it. Well, we were nearly ,|is.

couraged. I Ihouglit we would try tin: Cut.icura Treatment, so I purchased a set ujCuticura Remedies, which cost (ne Si, :iM<|

in three days our daughter, who hud i„.r„sick about eight months, showed grc-il im.provement, and in one week all srures luddisappeared. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alils.ii

R. r. D. No. Q, Fulton, flswego, Co., X. \'

Aug. 17, 1906."-

Hon, on a certified, surveyed trnek, tvhici.will stnndardlze every record mmte n,track approximates six ((I) laps 10 ihe mtlccnustructeil. on scientific principles, win, „,;sharp turns, no obstructions or nny kindnnd banked curves G. S. NrhMajia?treasurer of Hie Colonial Theatre, will haveu lieneltt afternoon of St. which he i<calling, "the Skidoo benefit." and nt whirl,many of the prominent pel-formers in ih Hcity will appear Kthe llcxi. of lieuand ldtw, was a culler May :tl, having j»slrelumed from n successful lour nf tlie Swilland West, In Ibelr sketch, "Ire Waier"Miss llext is getting her nexi Rr*joaraiHHikings whipped Into shape ArthurJ. MaeAvoy. manager of Aim llamiii,,,, „„,,company, who nre appearing in the on,. arldrnmn, "BeggnrK," waa a Ci.irrrm Bureaucaller June I, nnd reported that Miss Ham-ilton has been winning greni praise for heriwrformance. They are uppcaring ibis weekul Ihe Idea Thealre. Fond du Ijtc, and willfnllow this with ihe Bijou Theatres b(ishkosh and Itaclne, afier which lliev'wlilreturn 10 the city for. a short time...Beatrice Sheperd was a caller 211, anil Isalready hard 11 1 work on her part for nextrensnn. as Xeitle. In "Nettie ihe Wair," inwhich she will be starred by FrnuklhiWright. Miss Sheperd Is well knnwn Ihrouglithe country ns one nr the most energetic andaccomplished nl Ingenues, nnd has played ,1

great variety or parts during her careerviola Itny mo ml wns n caller 211, havingclosed some time liefore with "A Konuim-e 3Klllnrney Caritn, who was playingInst week In Jollct, came In town 2s, nniii-alled at the Western bureau. She has beenvery successful in.her net, nnd Is being honkedTor return dates at all houses where she ap-pears. In u short time she will lake anthe Sulllvnn-Consldlne time, and will workthrough to the coast lietore she appears inthe Last. She has added an Imitation nfKva Tniiguny, singing "1 Don't Care," 10 herrepertory, and Is very successful In ItFrederick Kstorhronk, of the Kslerbrouk's,was a caller 31 The act will open at WinonaBench. Hay City. Mich., June 2. and plavparks for the Summer. They are arrangingn novelty musical net, and will be ready tooffer it about the middle of JuneCharles Forrester, of Jane Courthope's com-pany, which was playing the Olympic lastweek, was a caller 27, and nnnounced thattheir sketch, "A Flsbeman's Luck," was asgreat a hit as ever. 'Jtiey were laying offIn town, and at a moment's notice JumpedIn to fill n vacancy Hvde & llehmaiiwill erect a new playhouse on tlie West Side,nt the Southwest corner of Mndlson andllnlsted Streets, which will lie. used rs aburlesque house. The permit was Issued 28.und the building. It Is stated, will be one ofthe finest theatres In the country ThePress club will give n testimonial beiietltto David Henderson, at the Colonial, June 7.The bill will be nn excellent one. nnd thebenefit I9 arranged In recognition of over(wentv-flve years' association with the bestartistic theatrical interests of Chicago. Mr.Henderson has occupied Ihe positions of-Irnrontlc critic, art critic, editor. Journalistand producer Pawnee Bill hns givena production of n robberv In bis show, undthis has resulted In the filing of a suit againsthim. charging violation of the copyright'nws Olivette Tremnyne. a member ofIhe Wizard of Oz" Co., plnylag at the

Great Northern, recently announced her en-gagement to I.. T. Sesseen, n broncho busterwith the Pawnee BUI Show, nnd the entire"Yllzurd" Co. wns Invited lo nttend the cir-cus. Miss Tremnyne appeared on the groundsIn Mexican riding hahll, and won Hie raceduring the action of the performanceItlverview Park hns arranged to have freebuses run from the nearest station, of Ihe"I." to the grounds for the public, whirl!comes out to the park by that means oftransportation "Felicity." a novel byClara Laiigblln, a Chicago woman, will bodramatized, and possibly used by Hose Stablnext season James A. llennessevwrites that he is playing the Siillivau-Consl-dlne circuit successfully, nnd dial he Is

coming Knst In n few weeks Messrs.Askln & Singer announce that they will havetwo companies on the road next season, play-ing 'The Tlra'i ibe Ptnce nnd the Girl"II. C. Whitney, manager ot Ihe Whitney OiH>raHouse, will leave for Kuropc in about a week,leaving Ills local charges in the care of SamGerson, who M the business managerof ihe Whitney Opera House, nnd thegenera! factotum for Mr. Whitney. TheInner will visit his brother, Fred C.who Is sojourning In Daily, and expertsto lie gone about Ihree monthsMaekay's Great Kiirnpean Shows, it is lunviitmnunced. will conic In (own June lo. amiWill remain fur nn Indefinite period, playingunder canvas on ihe North. South and WestSides. As previously announced, forly perwill, of the gross recelpls of Ihe admissionlieki'l sales will lie donated by the niaunge-inem In Chicago's Permanent Dependent Chil-dren's Fund Wni. F. Connor passedIhrougli the clly 211. Having come from Texas.• The Actors' church Alliance chose thefollowing officers, mi: Itlghl Bev. CharlesP. Anderson, honnmry president ; Itcv. Wil-liam White Wilson, president ; Barry J.

Powers nnd Charles C. Curtlss. vice presl-

'mnts; William Donald lloherlson. treasurer


r.llen M. Sanders, secrelnry Word minesdial nil clnsses nf amusements shut d"«uIn Kansas nn Decoration Hay'. KlhelH.irr.vniore. whose lour In "Captain Jinks"was brought lo a sudden termination throughher Illness, has been at the Auditorium lintel

Tor several days, bin is reiHirled as beingmuch Improved. She hns iwen ndvlsed l«

Inke n week's rest, and not resume workuntil her engagement In Onuihn, .". -

ivette Touresse. nu actress, wns adjudgedInsane.- 21). nnd committed lo Dunning. Shewns arrested some days ngo on a chargeof kicking down the chandelier hi hermom nl die Saratoga Holel. She slated

that her right name wns l?ttn Jewell, andthat her home wub In Greenshurg. Inil -

I.iiln Pnrr. a rider with the Tnwnee HI"onllit. wrs seriously Injured 2H, by being

thrown from her horse nt the performance.Mnbel lllle bad n birthday Denirnil'm

Day, and wns tendered n dinner by the com-

pany playing "A Knight for a Hay." !*-

iwcen the matinee and night performance*.

June 8. NJSW ^ORl£ crJPPifoR. 435

mi Mn! niasn nt Hie theatre. Hit motheruii- the only outsider present Col. \V.

I" Huberts.' general business malinger uf

Kavilic'a "Himipty . Uuapty" Co., was n

llnrciiii caller ii7. and announced (but the

company bud recently been reorganized, nndlhal tbcy were booked fur fourteen monih-i

-ill III. The company had been, greatly

w"iu standing ii|i t" their. knees In water.Whit CiinlllTc, the riiint'illau. Ma obliged tomake bin r-nlry upnu tbe stage, via a Iwix

ik hit«ln. '

several minute*

nntl tn «lng hit souks In front of the lire

proof eutTnln, while the deluge continued for


Mrreurtl'Ptied bv the engagement of John

|i inn U. to piny the title, role, aud they bnda number of aporWIty people, who gave their

own aula during lite performance, and played

parts. New and expensive scenery bad beenpainted, and the production was first class,

front tlrat to last " I'be Bohemian Girl"

will In! given at tbe Auditorium 7, under the

auspices of the Lewis Institute. It hasbeen In rehearsu for some time Among"titer cullers at the Cuctku Bureau were:Ed. A. Itnlaeh, John 8. Young. I". B. Mc-iNiiinell Jr., Jack llttrnett, "the act-wright


I' Kuuipner nnd John Heron.<»01 It LONDON I.ETTEU,


Clipper Horeatn,48 tranbonrne St.,

Lett-ester Huaarc,London, W. C.

Mil us.

There are m> many visitors In town, the

majority of whom arc Americans that aluiir of the theatres and halls would lead

em* to believe that London was New Yors.•Strougbearl," itt the Aldwlch, has not been

;i linitiicliil success. Next week is Its lust

.it tbnt house. 1 understand "The ltoad to

Yesterday" will be its successor. Margueritet'litrk will be Keen In one of tbe principal

pans. "Brewster's Millions" Is drawing fair

•fatal audiences to the Kicks, where It Is onfor an Indefinite period. "Mrs. Wiggs of

tbe Cabbage I'utc-b." which Is the talk of theseason, is pluylng to packed bouses at everyperformance being given ut Terry's. It oughtto run well Into tnc Fall, If not longer.

"The (iuy Gordons" will probably be the

lltlii of the new musical play which CharlesiT-uhinan will offer to Londoners, with Sey-mour llliks nnd El Inline Tcrriss In theprincipal parts. The piece will be In twomi-Is, the tirst being laid on a Scotch muor,unit the second In Italy. Mr. Hicks playsthe Earl of Montrose, u private In the rorty-m-c-oiiiI Highlanders. Others to be seen lu

the piece besides Mr. Illcks nud Miss Tcrrhware: Mr. Anile, Sidney l-'ulrbrolhcr, MasterValebcrs. liuHlni Flllppl, Aruntnd Kalcezsinil Barbara Dcuitc. It will be done at tbeAldwlch.

t'yrll Mundc has ociptlred the Englishrights to 'The liarl of Pawtttckct," and willproduce It ,-tt the Playhouse In the nearl.iliire. Mr. Maude Is endeavoring to securea i-ouip.my wholly Anierlctin, excepting him-self, lie bits ali-cady secured two or threemembers of the company supporting ltobcrtKili-soii, in "Struughearl."Man: Khiw, who arrived In London last

Saturday, heard a new play, by Henry Ar-thur Jones, early In the week. "It Is one ofthe flncsl problem plays I have heard," saidMr. Klnw, "and It Is probabiy the most pow-erful phty . Mr. Jones has yet written. Weshall produce It in New York In the earlyAutumn. The play has been given the strik-ing title of 'The (iitlllean's Victory,' and InIt Ibe primitive doctrine of Christ Is setforth by a preacher—a great commoner—whohas risen from the ranks, aud wbo comesInto ronlllct with all other creeds. I cannotsay that this study of character has beenfounded on, or bears any marked resemblanceto the Rev. It. .1. Campbell. I should say thereligions teaching Is more akin to that of theSalvation Army than to that of the 'NewTheology. ' The preacher in the play believesthat no one Is lost beyond redemption, undtup Uii-hIs Is a practical" Illustration of thetext, 'Woman, sin rto more." He himself,however. Is not involved In any love Interest.He Is it rugged man of the people, and lives,and moves among the working classes. Itis thoroughly English play, nnd one of theprincipal scenes la the settlement by thepreacher of a great strike which Is sup-posed to lake place at Leeds, it will, Ithink, creitte n sensation In America. Theprincipal part Is, of course, the man's. Fori ho heroine Mr. Jones Is anxious that weshould secure u certain clever young actresswho is comparatively new to London." Mr.Man- also states that his firm has no Inten-t Inn of Invading England. They have too muchIn do and loo many theatres In America.The members of the Savage Club will give

a nmilnee at His Majesty's, bv |H!rm1ssluii ofMr. Tree, on June 4, In aid of Hie I<ordMayor*! Crippled Children's fund. The pro-gramme will Include an original icchc,'I lands Up," by Fred Ilowyer, Mostyu T.Plggotl ami Adrlau Ross, the music by A.II. Ilenreud. Seymour Dicker, Albert Kox.Walter Iledgcock. John W. ivlmey andLeslie Stuart. "Mr. Stelumanii's Corner,"by Alfred Snt ro : "The Mnrchlness," an cnl-i-i'di! founded mi Dickens* "Old CuriosityShop." by \V. It. Klndou, and ltobcrt Oan-llmtiy's "Uesslus llumoresiptcs," as recentlypresented by him at the Alhambra, l'arls.Many well known nctora and actresses willtake psrt In the various nieces.

Mr. Harrison, of the Iinymarket, has ne-•lulred the rights of two .plays new to thiscountry. One is "Sweet Kitty Bellalrs." TheEnglish rights to this have really been nc-(tulred by Louis Cnlverl. wbo will be itsso-claipd with Mr. Harrison lu the Haymarketproduction. Kva Moore will probably playsweet Kitty. Mr. Harrison's other nt-nubd-tloii Is an adaptation, by Jerome K. Jerome,"I .the Jules Lcumltre's "Le Mnsslcre," theaction of which turns on the rivalry of alather and son for the affection of the samewoman.By arrangement with Charles I'rolimun

i.enrge Alexander has secured the services

Vi.ine Vanbrougli for his Autumn tour with

ills House lu Order," and also for the lend-ing putt I Hie Thief"—Cosmo ''onionLennox's nibi plu I Inn of Henri Bernstein's.Le Voleur," which will follow "John

tilaily s llouor," ul the St. James.I ho hist jierformauce of "The Lady Dan-

dles at DnlyV. Inst Saturday, was accom-panied by a good deal of unrehearsed funmi the stage, and by the presentation ofBowers to the principals of the company. Inalsiiil three or four weeks Its successor, "The'jerry Widow." the new musical piny, fromJ

li-uijii. which lias been In rehearsal for ulortnlglit. will be produced. George Kd-wardes Is nulling no fewer than six come-dians In the piece. They are Joe Coyne,"urge Graves, W. Louis' Briidflcld, W. II.Jerry. Fred Kayo nnd Lennox l'awle. Among[he .actresses ate Maggie May, Elliuibelhllrjn and Lily Elsie.

Ellcii Terry, who arrived n fortnight ago'nun tlm Stales, was recenllv Interviewedregarding her trip. She said : "I havii had n•l-lightfnl time In America. I havo been• iiiiiplplely spoiled, nud now the people here"•* trying lo do the same Ihiug with their"Uigi-aliiliilory messages. No, I am not goln,-;on the stage Immediately In Ismilon. I amgoliig to have a long resl, and meanwhileshall compile my biography. As to tbe futuremy plans arc very Imlellnile indeed.

I be marrlnge of Edna May to (Isenr.cwlsvlm, of New York, has been arranged

to fake ilium June I. before a registrar,

i.• enrlmis accident occurred nl the Loudon

i mil inu a short I hue ago, when the fireproofcurtain wns being lowered during the fntor-"il. As a counter balance a heavy weightrises from the stage level Into tbe flics. Acareless scene shifter collided with thisweight as It wns starting to go up. nnd ItiwRhn to swing from side to side. The weightMriick the top of a Are hydrant and brokeii "If. liiKtaiilly there wns a. perfect deluge'•r water, which rushed under tlm fireproofcurt rn nnd llncricd the orchestra to surh u'lexttui Uiat tat uuforluuule musician* were

Kred Nlblo. who rkw-il Saturday night it

long and most successful engagement at tlmPalace, was on Sunday night Initiated intomemlHTshlp of the (Iratid Order of the WaterItnts. King Itai. James AIIU m, performingthe ceremony. There wits a large gatheringof tbe order at the ceremony. Mr. Nlblo Isextremely popniar with boiii tile Englishand American performers on this side of tbeAtlantic.Tbe following sail for South Africa- to-day :

En Sylphe. the Jagos,' Holden's Manikins,Lily Elmi. Newbouse and Ward. Those re-

turning arc: Colby nnd May. Horcncc Sehu-lieth, e'raser uud Haley, Fanny Wcntworth,Gilbert (ilrard, and Price nnd Kevost.

.ippllcatlon was made at Glasgow, nnWednesday, on behalf of the Moss Empires,Limited, to Interdict Marie Lloyd from ap-pearing at the tllnsgow l'avlllou, on theground that she was bound, at a weeklysalary of £13U. not to appear In Glasgowuntil October. 1008. It was mentioned thatHarry Lauder was under contract with Ibecompany until 11)14. The judge refused theapplication; holding that the contract wasunreasonable and onesided.

Dare Devil ' Schrcyer's appearance at thel'onty pool fete, on Monday and Tuesday,was a bigger success than his appearance utthe same place last year, ills apparatus wasshaped on a larger scale than ever. Hebegan his chute ride at a height of 1-0 feet,nnd the distance covered in Ills dive was up-wards of 125 feet. Since his Monday per-formance Schreycr has been nearly swampedwith offers from oilier English fete. managers,lie came over from New York especially forthe Pontypool engagcmenl. but no has ar-ranged to perform In Berlin, and will leavefor that city to-morrow, lie will probablyleave for America early In August.

Clarice Vance and her husband, MuseGumble, arrived In London last Saturdaymorning, after a long trip on the Baltic,which was delayed during Its passage twenty-four hours. Miss Vance, who opens at theI 'a lure on June :i, has already been the sub-ject of several newspa|M!r articles, regardingreal coon singing. Mr. Gumble will remainhere until his wife opens, after which he willreturn to New York to look after his busi-ness affairs.

Harry Atkinson, of the Kiusons, ciime overfrom New York Just for a week end trip, lieleft for America on Wednesday on theOceanic. The Klnsons will come to thiscountry In n few months' time lo play mimetime booked at the Oxford aud Tlvoll, andalso a continental tour. The booking wasin-ranged by Jenlc Jacobs. .

Frank and Jen Latona, who have playedabout every music hall in this country, lire

playing Ihelr llrst engagement at the Palace.where their musical net Is one of the lilts

of the current bill at that, house. JackLorlmer, who recently returned from hisAmerican tour, is nlso on the bill. The househas undergone a great transformation dur-ing the past fortnight, new chairs havingbeen put In. new car]s;t8 laid, etc. Therewill be a private view on Tuesday next lo themembers of the press.

May Bclfort Is back from n nine months'tonr In America. She nrrlvitl lust Saturday.and Immediately went to work, opening atthe Chelsea Palace and the cMtrnpoUtunon Monday night. She Is singing with muchsuccess, n new song, entitled "Dingle Dell."

Frederic Melville and his wonderful "Motor-girl," who have been playing In India, withFitzgerald Brothers' Circus, will arrive InLondon about June 'J. The act, I am told,

was n great hit In that country. Uveagreater than In Australia.


Huston.—On Monday evening, June 3, theSummer seasoii begins at the Vrcniont, withthe original presentation of Itlchurd Carle'smusical play, "The llurdy Giu-dy Girl." Atthe Majestic, David Warticld returns, with"The Music .truster," and the Colonial re-

opens with "The Time, the Place and thetilrl," which Is transferred from thcTrcmont.Summer opera continues at the CastleSquare ; dramatic stock companies arc in pos-

session of Hi.- Park, tilobe and BowdoluSquare: Mock burlesque Is offered at the Pul-uce and Lyceum, nud I hero lire excellentvaudeville bills at Keith's, the Orpbetitu andthe Howard. Wonderland and NoruinheguPark o|K!ned for the season on Memorial llav,

uud others will be lu full swing .linn: I".

Uingllug Brothers' Circus left town Inst Sat-

urday night, ufter a week of Immense busi-

ness. Business was also good nt all of theIndoor resorts. The Hoi lis and Columbiaclosed June 1, to remain dark nut II Autumn.Tkkmont (John B. Schocflcl. manager).

On Munda" evening, 3, Itlchurd Curie pre-sents, for the llrst time (in any stage, "Thellurdy Curdy Girl," n musical play, wordsby Mr. Carle, iuiiI music by 11. L. Ilerl/.

Toe story, as the title Implies, concerns achild of tnc streets, and is unfolded in Long-acre Square. New York City, aud at n Sum-mer home lu Larch mom, being concluded Inthe bull room of u Fifth Avenue mansion.The cast will Include: Mae Bottl, John 10.

Ilnziird. Mine. Colt roily, Allele Row I und,Henry Xorniun, Annie Yeamans, Walter l,aw-rence. Harry Stone, Jacques Krugcr, MayHoley, Sylvalu Lnnglorls, James Hunter. TunySullivan, Arthur Conrad, Constantino Sisters,Abbott Adams and J. II. I'urcell. A Summerrun Is promised. 'i'be Time, the Place undthe Clri ' closed four week of prosperity, 1,

and has now moved over to the Colonial.Majkhtk: (A. L. Wilbur, manager i.

Duvld Win-Held returns with "The MusicSlilslcr," :i. hooked lo remain two weeks. Theadvance sale Indicates a succession of crowd-ed house*. Thomas W. Boss met with muchfuror, In 'The Oilier Girl," during the pastweek.

Colonial (Thus, Frohman, ltlch & Harris,managers).—After n week of darkness this

house reo|iens on Monday evening. .">, with"The Time, the Plncc and Hie Girl," trnns-planlcd from the Tremnnt Tor n fortnight'sengagement. "Fifty Miles from Huston"opens here 17.

P.mik (Chiis. Frohman, ltlch & Harris,managers).— Lillian Lawrence aud her cupa-tile stock company will be seen I his week,ill "The Guy Lord iiuox." Ill response loii popular vole of the patrons. "In theItlsliop's Carrluge" had Its tli-sl local hear-ing lust week, nnd was well received by ca-pacity houses. Next week, "'I'be Utile GrayIjrIv" for Ibe llrst Hutu In Boston.

(iianiK i Stair. Wilbur & Nlcolol, mana-gers).—lobn Crulir and his pluyers scoredu decided success lust week. In "The Darlingof the Cuds," which remains the offering(luring the current days. "The Girl 1 LeftBehind Me" Is iii preparation.

L'AfcTLH ShI'aiik (Boston Stnge Society,managers).—Summer opera continues. "TheMascot" on Monday evening. .'I, succeeding"Pntlenee." which held til lout loii during thepast week. Fur week of 10, "Funst."

Ilowuoi.v SquAiiK (IE I-'. Lolbrop. uinnu-geri.—Chnrlnlto Hunt hernia the slock Ibis

week, in "Child of the Slums." "The Bluemill- Hie Gray" was a seasonable, nnd wellattended offering lust week. Next, "HowLoudon Lives." The widow uf Hie bile Win.McAvoy, formerly malinger of Ibe Howard,will benellt by performances, of "The Wagesof Sin," on Friday afterunon nnd evening, 7.

1 Inu. is stiieki (Isaac B. Illeh, manager).—With the liu.-il performance of "Tbe PrlncoChap." last Saturday night, the twenty-second season of this house came to a suc-cessful ending. The house will reopen onIrfOsir Hay.

Kkitii'm (It F. Keith, manager).—Creasyuud Dnyne. In "The Xew Depot, crtritlnue

us Ueadllucrs for it nccowl uud final week.

TO CORRESPONDENTS.OAr Ihcttrii nl roi'irit/inni/ciit* arc lirrcliU

nntlflrd Hint the tutlm tint* no in tit hi hi/

Cimi ctiiirtd June 1. Thru ore rrqucnlcd to

return them to thin office ul once, for icucirol

for DOT-iKM. ..' ,..-:• ,... -— ..,-

New nets of sterling worth are : Pony Ballet,

Howard aud North, Dtinedln Troupe, /can,Jordan and Zeno. McKcnzle and Shannon,Mr. and Mrs. Allison, Martin Bros., DoraKnuca. lrrln It. Walton. Clark, Bergman andMaboney, Neff and Miller, and new motionpictures.

OiifiiLTM (Percy WlUbims, manager).—Pauline, tbe hypnotist ahd myotltier, headsone of the stroi.gest bills of the season. luthe surrounding show nre : Ye Colonial Sep-tette. Welsh.- Mealy nnd Montrose, LtsioLeigh and company, "Happy Jack" Gardner,Barry nud H.ilvers, Kelff Bros.. I-awson andNamon, nnd new klnclogruphlc views. Sun-dav concerts are given as usual.

iIowakp tJay Iluut. business malinger).

The Howard Brilesqucrs continue la impulurfavor. In the vaudeville bill this week are:Millard Bros., Lee Tung Fon. Sundew andLambert, great favorites here : Andersonnnd (Jollies. Cinfalo and Catiretta. Mnrronand Mnrron. the Blondls. Butler nnd Laumr,Geo. B. Alexander, Fcmnle Minstrels uud (ho'Howard Comedy Co.

Palach <C. II. Wnldron. manager).—-Thes-tisrk biirtesqiiers have been much In favorhere. lu this week's olio arc : Gardner, Westnnd Sunshine, John Black, Pete Grin, Kim-ball Bros., Greene and Weathers, Black andGrant, /.arieii Bros., and nMrlin and Stung.

Liikc.m (C. II. Balcheller, manager).—Forthe third week of the Summer season, thepopular stock burlesque company Is seen in

two now skits, and nn olio including: HildaHawthorne. Charles Bunks. C. W. Williams,

Blllv Harlow, and Bohannon and Corey.ciji.i-Miii.v (Harry N. Farren, manager).

The season ended here last Saturday night,

with the engagement of the Utopians. Theall ructions and business have been excellentduring the season. House will reopen thelatter part of August.

Ai'ktin & Stonc's Mt.hku.m (A. B. While,munuger).—"Down In nld Mobile." as pre-

sented by the big colored company of singers,

dancers and comedians, proved u big winnerIn the curio hall last week, and hold over :t-K.

cither-* are : Trixle, snake queen : Topp's Band,nnd the trained monkeys. In the theatre:Minstrel Maids, Introducing VIolcttc Dale,Dorothy Norton, Lottie Blanclutrd. CusslcFrench, Winnie Clark, Ida Cnmpbell, MorlnsSlstcrs. Karle Sisters. Kibe! Mitchell, FrankCook. I,cw Benedict, Jus. Carroll, John Man-lev, Tom Edwards, ami extra vaudeville byArthur West, Barker and Ilcnshaw, the Llp-piueolts. Tom Keaunetle, and electric pic-

tures.Walkiiii's Mlkkum (U II. Walker, mana-

ger).—Joe Walcolt, the "black demon." meetsall coiners on Hie wrestling mat this week.Other curio hall curds are: Cnrl Bush,German strong man: I lodge and Clark, acro-bats: Prof. H.viiii, armless penman, undLynch's Punch and Judy. Stnge show : MayCollins' Columbia Burlesipiers. olio: Danc-ing Larkln, May Collins, Grace Foster. I'mmtiSchall. Mabel Si! vh. Ella Uood, FrnuklcHamilton and moving pic-lures.

Nk-kkloukon (W. Ii. Wolffe. inaiingeri.

Curio hull features week of 3 : Slnelalre,

trick pianist ; Mies Johnson, bag puncher,and Dc Wllle. wire walker. Clifford's Bur-lesqiiers furnish stage enterlnlntueut. Olionames: Edna Kerr, Jennie Crawford, "KmItlvers, Lillian I<caincii, Kuowles Sisters,

Mollic Kogei'H nnd Illustrated songs.Wo.Mii:ni,.vMi (J. .1. Hlgglus, manager).

Big crowds were In attendance on the «|>«n-

Ing day. Memorial Day. Many new conces-sions have been added, and a prosperous sea-

son seems assured. Ill the free open ulrcircus the bill this week Includes: liencheynnd his airship, .lames E. llurdy, king ofthe air, and Mile. Dc Lore, contortionist.

NottuMiiKiiA Paiik (Carlo Alberto, mana-ger).—For the second week of the seasonthe followng excellent bill has-been selectedfor the open nlr then I re: Hacker and l/csler

Four, Madge Malt land, Joseph Keuo and com-pany, the Great Puscalel, Luce und Luce, andthe homograph.

\oti:s.—Joseph Conruy. Inst season withHap Ward, bus been engaged lu slug Illus-

trated songs- in the Conibpie BuffaloBill's Wild West Show will upon here, 17, forone week William II. Itlley, n popularmember of Hie T. SI. A., was recently pre-

sented with a silver loving cup tilled withgeld pieces, bv the Themis Club, on the ob-servance of his thirty-seventh birthdayAppearing at Crescent Gardens this weekurn: WIM .1. Cordon uud company, Charliel-'arrell. Mardo, Amy Bernard, Tedcsco Trio,Musical llolbri.oks nnd Melville Eastman.

After six years' management of theBoslon Theatre. Lawrence McCnrty bus re-

tired, lo give lib: attention lo other business,

and the house now pusses to Ibe ninlrol ofIt. F. Keith. There are rumors of n Summerseason of stock productions, but nothing detl-

nlle iiiik Is'cn given out us yet . . . . Announce-ment Is made of the marriage of George It.

Hull, assistant malinger of the Adams House,and Isulielle Pliinkcll. of Joe Weber's com-pany J. W. Gorman will often his Med-lord Summer Theatre June 17. He Is nlsobonking for Niirumbegn and Lexington Parks.

The eight moving picture resorts in

this city nre doing tin Immense bustuess.

SprDiK'Hcld.—At the Court Square The-aire ID. O. Gllmore, liuilisgci') "The Adven-ture of Ijidy lirsuln" was the olferlug of theHunter-Bradford Players lust week, with theexception of Friday, and taut with n cordialreception from good houses. Cnrl Mckstroinwns equal to nil the demands made upon him.Julia Booth scored a success, uud l-'oln Lar-'nlot to was charming us Dorothy lienloii.

John Drew, In "His House In Order," May31). played lo big business. The stnr wusmust favorably received, nnd had u good sup-porting company. 'Iliu stock company,augmented by members of the Hartfordcompany, will picM-nt "Leah Klesclum" weekof .nine 3.

Poli's (Gordon Wrlghlcr, resident mnnn-ger>.—The house slock company gave cred-it able performances of "The Bultcrllles"throughout the past week. Mury Stm-kwellgive a line Interpretation of the role of Ma-rian Dodge. Jewell Power did herself greatcredit. Sidney Irving wus particularly goodns Biirrlugluu Green, und Monroe Salisburywas capital ns nn English gentleman. "TheLittle Grey I*lidy" will be the offering thisweek, nud at nil the inallnees nuy womanwearing gray will be admil led free.

Nki.hon (Phil Crown, resident manager).—A fulr vaudeville, with moving pictures,plciised. It wus decided to clone the houseJune 1.

Ki'.m.mcii Doinok.—The theatre at ForestLuke Palmer, wus opened May lid, with Diefollowing bill : The llolhronks. Ned Norton,Tenny. Ariliur Luwmm, Phil Morton nnd lis-

telle Smith What might have been aserious lire, was discovered working Its waybetween the floor nnd -celling ut Poll's The-atre. Sunday afternoon. Muy "(I, but. promptservice of the lire department, In responseto the telephone alarm, saved the building.There wns only H small loss. The lire Is

thought lo have started from defective wh , e-/

Ing... ...It. J. Luwlcr. nt one lime managerof the Holyoke Opera House. Is to act asexcursion manager of Wonderland, at llovcreBead) W. K. Cory In to be manager ofLnaliiiwar Park, .for the Warren. Brookfleldand Spencer Street luillwav C Uing-llug Km*.' Circus passed through In-ie Sun-day, ".il, nif rnnlv for Boston. Tlirlr nilver-lining cur reached here on Saturday, ".">, imilnow brightly colored posters announce theannual t!«U ol tbe allow (or June 17 ,,

Samuel Hardy, the new leading man ofPoll's Stock Co., arrived In the city Instweek, nnd will appear with l lie company, In"The Little Gray Lad.v." Ibis week. Mr.llurdy has ls.cn with William Gillette's vaude-ville playlet. "The lied' Owl." The In-hibition, in' penny arcade nt. 2!I7 Main Street,has closed, and the machines have beenshipped to different Slimmer resorts,Idn O'liay Is to become n member of thelocal Hunter-


i-adfuvil Players: ManagerGeorge Kingsley. of Vanity Full- Park, n newamusement resort near Providence, It. L, tins

made a contract with the Sprlnglleld BrassBand to phty from June 'J3 to July (i. Sevenother bands have been engaged to play twoweeks' engagements at the park during theSummer.


I.otvcll.—At the Lowell Opera limine (M.M. Bloom, resident manager i the Shepnrdmoving pictures enjoyed prosperous businesslast week. John J. Dslliui Is rendering theIntest Illustrated songs successfully. Theelectrlo baseball player la to be Installedthis week. The nhepnrd pictures nnd IIIuh-

(rated songs. John .1. Dnlton, soloist, for

current week, excepting .inue 4, when DeWolf .Hopper brlugs "Happyland" for oneperformance.Thkatuk AXTtQCH ( Frank N. Altnmn. man-

ager).—This popular amusement place ofmoving pictures and Illustrated snugs la

tilled lo overflowing nil Hip time. Electricfuns nnd ventilators have been Installed forthe comfort of patrons. Harry Wilson undEvangeline Cardinal continue na soloists,receiving many eucnres.

Can'ah IK Lam: I' viiii IN, II. Traction Co.,managers) opened for the II f I Ii niinunl sen-son May oil. with Johnny (Jiilgley, Palmerami Cohan. John Hohnn, Itttssell and lttiKscll,

in the Iheutre, and Gauss, a handcuff expert,as a free attract Ion. Also band concerts.This, park Is one of the must attractive Sum-mer -resorts In New England, aud Its amuse-ments nre numerous.Laklvibw Paiik opened May JIB, and Hie

numerous amiiseuieul enterprises enjoyed bigbusiness. The Y. M. (.'. I. Dramatic Club gavean excellent lr:sh minstrel hImiw In the the-atre, also band concerts. The then ire opensfor tlm season under the management uf J.J. Plyun June !M, making Its fourteenth sea-son. The big new feature Is the iircnde, dl-i-ccllon Geo, W. Carey, Hint Is doing nn Im-mense business,

Mkntion.—Tin* advance car Nn. 1!, of theUingllug Brothers' Shows, was In town Mayill i. and the banner brigade June I, he raidingtne show's uppcnriuice here 14 All theparks offer bund concerts 'i "The ltnooof Malhy Trcfiials." nn original eoniedy, waaiii-llsllcally presented In Colonial Hall. May"'.), by n compnn.v of clever local players. . .


The Crlfttii Amusement Co., of Hi Is, ell v, oc-cupies a prominent tilnce at Revere Beach,Mass., Wonderland, Ibis Summer, with "But-tle Abls>y." showing the famous painting ofHie Civil War. by Paul PhlllppotcaiixThe "Cycling Brunei tea are home Tur a briefrest, nflcr a prosperous tour through NewEngland, Canada nud New Brunswick. Theyopen on the J. .1. I-Tynn circuit of Hummerparks June 24, for thirteen weeks, uud theirnext senson's work opens nt Tony Pastor's.,New York City.

Full Itlvcr. -At the Savoy (W. F.Mason, resident malinger) Shepard's movingplciuics • greatly pleased Inst week. JohnDrew, In "Ills lloumi In Order." May nil.

was greeted by a large audience. Week ofJune. .'I. moving pictures, except 7, when DeWolf Huppcr will appear.AUAMUry (if Music (W. V. Mason, resi-

dent nintiager).—Lieut. Hubert K. l'eiiry,

Arctic exphircr. lectured on Ills must recentexpctlence of explnrullon In Hie North. MuySI. Be was greeted by u fair sized iiildlence.

Stimuli's t John W. Hurry, iiiauugi-r).

The J. ['rank Burke Stock Co. presented"At the Bisk of Ills Life" Inst week, toexcellent business, and the best of sallsfac-t Dm. Mr. Burkciitid Miss Elder deservedspecial mention for excellent work In theleading roles. Hurry 10. Murphy, Bert Wal-ter, Frank TTionius nnd Ann Singleton wonnew luiirnls. The vllngrnph pictures nndIllustrated songs, by Jere Satiford, are stand-ard and plonslng fen litres) each week. "Mini'sKncniy" June 3-8.

Nickkmjpkiix 14a*. K. Mason, munnger).

Kxcelleut business.. Bill for week of II: Fos-lell nnd Kmmeil. V'estu Ollbort, Bulb Clark,Mason nnd liornti, and opllH-ope.

Nnrns,-- ,\l the Heenls (Luwls M, Boar,iiuiiingcr) moving pictures and Illustratedsongs. Business Is reported good. ... .Casino(/,. II. Hill, niunagei-i niovlng pictures andllbiHlritled songs pleased good slued audi-ences last week Itliigllng Bros." CircusJune (i.

Worci-Mcr At Hie WofceslW HI, II.

Llglilon, retddent mniiiigcri Mnleulm Wlllliiiimnnd his slock company. Including lilnrrncnBeiil, v/lll produce "'I be (lay Lord Qlli'X."Juno II and. week. Miss Ilced Is lit her bestus Sophie. L.isl week, "What. Happened loJones" drew, very well. Week uf June II,a .new play, "The Chorus Girl," written bvJohn Cumberland, n member of Mr. Williams'ootnpuuy. will be the attraction.Khank i.i.v i',l. I-'. Burke, resident malin-

ger i.—-Week of .'1, Sbepiird's moving plclures,John lirew. in "IIIm Ho In Order, drewS. II. (),. Memorliil Hay, malliiee nnd night.

Pom'k (J. ('. Crliiille. resldenl munuger).-—Week or ::. the Poll Stock Co. will Ik! seenIn "The lining Wife." Week of 1(1, "ABachelor's Honeymoon." Lust week, thiscompany played "A Tvxiih Steer" to goodbusiness.

Nutls.—Itliigllng Brothers' Circus wns Intown June 3 Clayton Legge, formerlyof the Lyric, will enter vaudeville the comingseason, In u playlet

thn* lli-dronl At Hie Now BedfordTheatre, John Drew. In "Ills House in Or-der," iilnyed lo a good sl/.ed audience Muy1'7, Mhepm-d'H moving plclures, wjlh twovuiidevllle skPli-liPs. pleiiMul. He Wolf Hoo-per Juno 7. Mr. Hopper closes, his season InNewport, Snliiiibiy, June s. William Wolf,of Boslon, wllh Hie De Wolf Hopper Co., Boralo Bnlllinori! fur u month's engagement. Inlight opera.

Haiiiawav'k (T. It. Builles. manager).—The Barry-Burke Stuck Co. still plnys tolarge bouses. Miss Hamilton la up ad realwell worthy of (hi.- favor shown her. She launusually clever. Week of June 3, "TheKnobs o Tennessee."Savov tW. II. Shine, manager).—Contln-

iious moving plclures, wllh vaudeville, Milldraw large houses.

NieiT.M.—Uingllug Bros.' Cirrus Juno 7.Juan :ai murks tin! opening of Lincoln

Park, II popnlnr resort, where there are out ofd ° amusements mid u small vaudeville lliii.


Hiil>okr.—At Hie Mniiiilaln Park Casino(Louis I'elllssler, miimtger) the Summer hpu-

suii hen- opened Memorial Day. wllh a strongvaudeville bill, to n record breaking attend-ance, which continued throughout the week.The same bill with the addition nf Prof.Wmniwood's trained la<ars, dogs and tonnkeys,will Is! the attraction week of June 3. Forweek of III, i ne comic opera, "The Mikado,"will lie given by local tuleiit.

i ii *

Titiiiitim.—At the Tiiunton Thenlre (Culin& Cross, managers) Shepard's moving plctureti

nnd vaudeville did a llnv week's business May^7-Jinin 1.

Hcfixic TitriATiiK (C. II. Proitty. manager).--IlusluosR for Hie nnst week wns very large.Bill for week of Juno 3 : chn*. Mtiekle.Musical Shiripv. Jim Murray, Nellie Temple,Ira Kesaner and Ada Cnrhort, with new mov-ing pIl-tlllTK.

4« »onuooN.

Portliiml—At the Helllg (W. T. I'niigle.

malinger) Rose Cnghtan did very good busi-ness May '.M-liO, In "Mrs. Warrens Profes-sion." Henrietta Crosnmn. "7-'JH, In "All of-ii-Sudilcii Peggy." Annie Huss-ll, 3(l-.lune I,

In "A Midsummer Night's Dreilln t I'hn

Bogus Prince" U, 3, I'nitek k Webster's mov-ing pictures und lecture nil the Pitnania Cuunl•I, S. Mrs. Leslie Curler, lu "Dti Barry" and"Znz.t," II S.

Maiiiji'Am Gr.AMi (S. Morton Colin, iiuinn-

giui.-ITie Sun Fraticlsco Opera Co. had I wobig bouses May 2(1, to witness "The Stroll-

ers." The company did very good business)

week of 18, In "The Singing Girl." "(ilrollo-

lilrnlln" J iiii-c- 3.

Bakkii (Geo. It, Baker, ntnnnger).—TheBaker Theatre Co. bad Iwo good houses, May38, to witness "The Dairy ram." The com-puny did excellent business week of IS, lu

"A Contented Woman." "Never Agnla"J mil! 3.Empihb < Mill on W. Seaman, munuger).

The Seaman Slock Co. closed Its senson Muy1'fi. The compnny did fnlr business week of18. In "Wicked Loudon."

Lviitc (Keating k Murphy, tnanngeral.—

Tlm Allen Stuck Co, Week of "7, presenting"Polly Primrose." .

Utah (Jninea H Krrlckson, innnHgor).-^The Star Stock Co, week of U7, presenting"Wedded, lint No Wife." Raymond Wblllit-krr and Margaret Pitt, late lenillug iiinn nudleading wiunnu of the Seaman Stock Co., atthe Empire Thenlre, Joined the Stnr ThenlruCo. '.'". Charles Connern nud Lillian C, Eleld,

nlso of the Seiinmn Stock Co.. come to Lite

Star June II. of the present Star Companythe following will ha retulued: Prank Dn('a in p. Eunice M unlock, Minnie flemrliel,Chiulcs Itiiriilson. William Dlel, Siilney Hla-iiiniid and (Too Bern hit nl.

, Ghami (James II. Errlckson, mtuiager).—The Great Powell, the Pnrlsliin (Irand Opera,Duo, Earl nnd Wilson, Eddie Leslie. II, II,

Cushliig and Cora Merrill, Frederick lloberls,

nnd Gintidlscopii.Pantaiiks' t.liiliu Johnson, iiiatinger).—Mc-

Kenzle, Moure nnd compnny, While nud Sun-ford, (lie I is, Hurry Cmillrld, the Nun-purcll Hun, Leo White, and moving pk-luies.

l-'ittr/.'s (Joe J. Wes(, iiiniluger),—ClaimStanley, Fay Leslie, Virginia Vernon. MarlonAtwood, Mh 1 1 Ii- Miitheson, Josle Myers, Bon-nie Bonnie. Adelaide Stewart, Wilson uudLetcesti'i-, Jones and llalvelle. Elhel Sinllh,Mickey Eceley. Josephine (lordnii, 'Mlnnnti,Lillian Starr. Laurltie. the Gee.-ii HIM. Hickllutehlns, Bret Carter, Kdna Minor, theStocktons, nnd stock.

* >(.I0O1IGIA.

AlliiutK. At the liriiiiil (II. L & .1. L.lie Give, miiiiiigei-si the Enwcetl Slock Co.ushered In Hie Siitniiier season May L'7. "TlmHniirleKa" wus the offering for Ibe week.The company Is one of ami'll. und wasgiven licit it y iiiipliiuw by lllldleiices uf llbeliil

propin-llons. June 3 nnd week, "I'Tletids"will be presented.Casino, I'iim-h Hi: Lko.n I'AUiri (Juke Wells,

manager). - Lltlle Chip and Mury Marble,In '"I lie Nancy lliinka," Muy 11 ami week,nine lo S. It. o. Chin-Icy Grapuwlu June 3-

8.Utah (J. B. Thompson, manager).--This

resort eonl InucK to prosper. The bill forMay 27 and week Included: Scdlcy undPerclill, Nellie Willlnins, Mny Dehniiy. MayMyers, Lewis mid Lcmdiiglon, Blnmpliln midllebr. Annette Stillborn Pearl Fair. Mcl'allTrio, Win. I'lorellu, J. V. Lewis, J. II. Morris,II. Seilley. Lillian Mny. Lit/Jit Morris. ADiinFlorello, iiinl moving pictures.Pastimk TiinA-run, Ciiiiuclty btiKltiess con-

I liiiies ill tills house . Bill for Week of STl'

Tummy Wilkes, Prof, Connors, lite HindooKing, Mr. uud Mrs. Jack Wiley, A. CuriesBrown. Oscar Huston, anil Mtiyo and Itowe,

St. Nicholas Ai 'iiitiiiiilii,— Tito llrst enu-re r I nf Hut May-.luiie musical festival wingiven '.'It. to cniuielly btislneas. The snlolslswere

: Mine. Sehiiniiinti-lloliik, Mine. DollKeniliill, Werlhuer. nnd Olaudi' Cuiiiiliighnm.

Nii|-|;.--The Soulheiisteni .Bill Puslers nlidlilslrlliiilors' Assiicbillim, Hlwut one liuiKheilami llflv strong, met In cniirciillou ill theHotel Arngon, 27. On evening. '11, tlmdelegates were tlm guests of II. U A J. L.in- Give, ill n Chinese dinner al tbe orientalCnfe, Police De Lcuii Park.

Lynn,-At the Lynn (Krank (1. Harrison,innuitgcri the SiiinniPr stock company con-tinues lo piny, nnd the bill (his week Is "IllsMajesty uud the Maid."

Salh.m TnUTU, Siileni (George If. Cltect-hum. iniiniiger).-- A Siimiuer senson has beenopeni'd, with Sbepiird's moving pictures asthe uttracllon.

NiH'KH.—The Theatre Combine (M. Murks,iiiainigi-ri coulliiiies lo do u big business...,Drcnmliiiid Theatre nnd (he Electric nre alsoallowing- moving pictures lo large audiences,

Hihdl May Sborey. the well knownyoung nluy wrlghl, of thla city, has just dis-posed of all of her plays lo T. H. Wlnnett,Hie New York play producer JosephBeady, well known In the Inmlrteal prori-s-slon. was hi Oils city last week, with histrained dogs doing advertising stunts. Hi-husrecently returned from the South. .. .Salem'smoving picture shows urc ull receiving liberalpulroniige.

t nmixtii. ion Sinniiier II Irn, the Luke-view Casino. Is iimv running smoothly, underHie lltllllllgeuiclll l|f llclseiiuill ft Cohen. TileCiislno Slock Co., which assembled here midli'heiii-si-d for a week, opened night, of Mnvml. lit "Escnpeil fritni the Tolls," Ins packedhouse, aim put up it line hIiiiw. Moving pic-tures nre shown between nets, and good am-cliilHes lire iirovhlcd. "Terrible Trinla" furthe rest of week.Home—At Hie De Solo Park Theatre (W.

J. Ilelsmnii. uiiiniigeri llelsman Stock Co..Mny 13-25, gave u very good show, und didmi excellent business. Williams Htuck Co.week of 27.

«»inivi t ( to.

Iioiilsvlllc. _At While CBv (W. II. Lulili,itiiiiinger) Ibn pust. weak ut ililn new popu-lar resort, wns Inuugiiruled wllh (luigbilomid his bund und Hire's Dog, Ponv und Mun-key ITrciis us free attraction*!. Bnlloiin as-eeiiKliins und piii-ucbiile racing went specialfeatures. Lnrge crowds enjoyed Hit) musicnnd other iilliucHons. . .

FnsTAtMt Ekiiiiv Paiik (Win. Kidcbiuaii,iniiniiger).- -An excellent vuiidevllle bill altrncleil gisal crowds last week. New peopleweek of -J: Lasky-Hulfe Quintette. IledntiluArulis, Dorothy Kenton, Fox trail liitvall,Slilclds nntl Rogers, nnd tlm kltindrotiie. TlmHiiwallHii Baud Is held over another week.

Macaiilbv's (j. t. Mitcaiiley. mnnagep.--Tile Yiddish I'luyerH, from the- WindsorTheatre. New York, will give two perform-ances .lime IL- (I. "The Rabbi's Dnugliler"and "The I'orbldden Lund" will bo presented.

Nirrr.. .--Gentry's Dog nud Ponv t'li-ena•xblhlted hern May lilt. ;in. lo piicked tents.The si reel, |sirnile was wllnesMi-d by thuii-sii mis idling Hie route.

1 a

l'iulaciili.--AI Walliiee Pnrk Ciislno (Win.Maliiiie. lliaiuigeii the vaudeville 1,111 | H 'dweek iillnielcd good IiiisIiiohh. Wuller Me-Farlutiil mill the Sliders hale, MeEiitie nndMuck, Bennington Bros., anil Le Boy Heesiivtvrf feulures. ,

*•»- VISHMOft'f.

Diirllnuton,—At the SI long Tliiiulre(Calm & Grant, managers) Archie Khepurd'amoving iilclineit are doing well.

NiXTkh,- -Thenlorliim (Jiwepli P. Doyle.iiuiiiagcri vlng plclures ibillv have theiimm I H. R. O. . . . . .Fritlik Millar has Ar-rived with new non-blue nud films at IbeSi rung Erivl A. Morgan, ml r mice ng»ntof l-'orepiiugli ft Sells Urns.' circus, Wtts |uIbe cUy IIU,



1 NUMBER OIC YKAIIH. 1 *< uir.l II, N. Patent* on anme A Year* ngn. (U, owlnR tn the owner of the remaining one-thlril Interest not lielng »bl<> to do Ilia «"»"•; "•

development work, and «ny work an a vaudeville artist keening me away from Colorado. I hi' property linn been rloaed. Hlnre retlrlngfrom Ute PrpfewWn 1 1|*» m,TIlHot till MY Kl-'PIHiTS AND TIIHOUOII TIIR WONDRKPTJL NllllWIMi Ol* MY MININU PROPERTY, INTERESTED NftJIK PROltUNKNT- 1BOV"S??.k5BUSINESS MEN ARID HOMK OP MY PROFESSIONAL FRIENDS WHO BOUGHT TIIR lll'.JIAIVIM. ONE-THIRD INTEREST AND JOINED ME IN FORMINU

THE ONTARIO HUMMING BIRD MINING CO.Incorporated under the Laws of Arizona. Capitalized for One Million Shares, of the Par Value of One Dollar perShare. Fully paid up and forever Kfon-Assessible. Treasury Stooh, 400,000 Shares.


PBHSIDEHT—CASPER IEISESZAHL, Rochester Coal Dealer and Contractor.


Tbe above Officers are alio Directors, including the following: WILLI AI C.


VICE-PBESIDBHT—PBAIK I. IEYEB, Rochester Boot and 8koe Dealer.



The Property Consists of the Ontario Gold and Silver Mining Claim.1

Surfer* Aaaajri 0** per ton, mostly gold. At ill-foot depth the rein In 7 feet wide, and average* $17. It) iierlton Until and Silver an Hundred Pound Sack Mill Ilium.PROPER DEVELOPMENT WE CASI MAKE A UOIID PROFIT. ON IIO OKR IN I uls VHI.V, Id 1 i 111 IMKKASK PROM $* PRIl TON ON THE SURFACEWITH


THE HUMMING BIRD COLD AND SILVER MINING CLAIMbut mo well defined vein* running the full length of Ihe properly'. Rurfare naaays were $10.40 per ton, mnally gold, on one -vein. SO.per ton gold on the othfrrein. Onr development, on theae '4 1 Inim. nan done by a < roui ut tunnel from the Ontario liinnel to ml the** vetna at .'loo.rnot depth. . The t uni.il baa been driven.'0 feel and abnnld reach the flrat vein In .'lit feet. The property la altuated on Soda Creek, Clear Creek County, about OneColorado. THIS COUNTV HAS PRODUCED ABOUT ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OP GOLD AND SILVERtil" I, .bin one of the oldest and moat reliable mining dlalrlvta In America.

Mile and Half from Idaho Springs,Tbla la on " Boom " Dl

AS A VAUDEVILLE ARTIST OF 28 YEARS' STANDINGJ AM MAKINO AN EFFORT TO INTKRKST THE PROPRS8ION. Some of you Invent In mlulug atoeka and don't know Hie people yon Invest with. OTHERSINVEST IN OAMRH OP CHANCE WITH BIO PERCENTAGES AOAINHT VIM'. WHY NOT own an Interest In COLD and SILVER iftlnei, Where every Dollar yonInvcal will be used for honeat development, where you really buy an Interest In patenter) mining claims. ,

Where yon ran buy in on the ground floor price of TEN GENTS PER SHARK of One Dollar par value 1 I want every professional who read* thla Aarerllse-niciil to Inveatlgnle my character.

1 Hhall give my service* to this Company without salary, and manage the property until the Company la on a paying basis, when I will retire In favor ofthe beat Mining Engineer and Manager the Company can afford. I PLEDGE MY WORD THAT NO OFFICER SHALL "COMPANY IS ON A PAYING BASIS. AN




STOCK TO BE SOLD NOW AT 10 CENTS PER SHARE.I hare spent aoiu* |lhoiiannda of dollar* on thl* property. You inuy spend hundred*. I will work for your $100 or yonr $10 Ihe same a*" I am

working for my thouauiida, anil my only proltl will come out of the dividend, Ihe same ai yours. Share* ran be nought on Ihe Installment Plan S her centreduction lor cuah. Send your Order to



RICHARD F. STALEY, Treasurer of the Ontario Humming Bird Mining Co.,

(Room 232) Knickerbocker Theatre Annex, New York City.


KtroDlngl 8.10. Fashion Matinee Saturday, 3.10.




IIAVII) BF.I.AHCO freaenls



PASTOR'S14 I'll ST.. 3D AVE.


PRANK lll'SII. VKIIN'ON. Vi>ntrllu4|iiUt,

Whnlcn & Weal, Terry & KliuerWeill on Sisters,

Ivy * lv.v.

The Flynj)*,

Oi'iicp Allei'ton.

American Vltograph.

Williams & Mvlbnrn,Henry CHve,

Nagel ft Adams,The t'arllons,

.Mnrv^ls(|0|ii ,i

Mate. Wed. A B»t. M. M. Thelsepreseiii" >ev<inih Monili.


D'yrayA OOlll UONITA^LRX-UAKIl A tlreat Ciimi

- NEW-


(ptfjtA&Of High Claaa Vaudeville Theatre*.

ftl. MlOYBKleKIiD Jit.. I'RRS,


1IARTIN HICOK, tiKNBRAIi MANAOHR.All Anpllcgtlens for Time Must Be Adareneoto C. H. BUAY, Uaoklng Manager.

Melertlc Theatre Building. Chicago. III.

Huber's "£ MuseumWANTED,

8TB0R0 CUBI0 HALL ATTBACTIONS.Adilrena^ H. ANI>KRSON. M«r., »« utmve.

BERTRAM MILLAR.« w. asm ST., MBV yokk.

Bare lBevil 8eiirc,yer.. AgHlii 'I'lie SeiiHHilon of Kurope.


Aildrew, tier, route, r'OKKl'Aimil-HKbl.s DltOS/OlltOUB.


ShrewsburyBISTERS. "



Webb I'tg. Co.. a&3 Dearborn Ht., t .iilenjo. 111.

PETER J. RIDGE, MgnWeiftern Dramatic Agency

Circular! Free ],

Vaudeville Sketches, Etc. Written

Small and Leading Parts Rehearsed

PF.TRR J. RIDGE, Mo*.Western Dramatic Agency



Buck, Jig,

Skirl, Novel,

Ctka Walk,

Chorut Work,

Slater Acts,

Rag TimeSongs.

Dramatic Art,








127 La Salle Street, Chicago, III.


Min'lilnrM, Ntereii|iili:oiiH, SlldtiH, I'lliui. koNI andrenleil. smi'i u ,i in, an, l>ropa.,

VV'inah'g Itridpre t*JHBktM HiiYerniejer St., il'klyn.

Tel. 41172 W'mHli'g.

OXT-HTDRO-GASWhen In ST. LOUIS territory, you should order

tour gen from us. Vi'h guurauiee uroiuni aervlee.Headquarters fur



Erkor Eros. Optical Co., TSgft&S

Ml HIpiI FOR SALEI I. uiKes' anil Olilexl In New Knglnnd .suite-



Write CURTIS AND WELD,34 Hayward PL. Ilastoii, Nan,


FOR LEASE OR SALEOne 60ft. Scenery Oar, $350

One 60ft. Scenery Gar, $450

One 60ft. rial Oar -, • $650Cnra stored and repaired.


\. .1. (Ait woitlts, Passalr. N. .1.


Moving Picture TheatreWrite me nt oner. Hxnorlent'Cil (i|n'rai«i withPower's latest. Ilre|iriinr maehliie, I., K. ADAMS,Mm. Aihun-' MctruiHilllnn Oonuert hiuI S|>eelalivCo., .".es King Si., Wilmington, Del

HIGH CLASSMAGICAL APPARATUSAt moderate prices. Large stock. Immensevariety. Illustrated catalogue Free. New .mhiii-

I niolh Catalogue Just Issued, 20c. Just out, Hat ornew books on Magic and new list of bargains Intrlcks,_ A. BOTHKBgRU. »« Ontario St., Chicago.




Morrison Show Print'..„.,

WANTED, PARTNER, LADYTo work In Sketch for Vaudeville Comediennethai cull slug and play parts. Call or write atonce. 1*1111. IIKKHKItT. IB l.etl'eri's Place, nearlirand Ave.. Ilronklyn, N. Y.

Tiatiira. nmmmmmrnIII HOIM.'KltS. IIKItAI.IIS, Etc.

PRESS SHOW PRINTERY, iohnionburg, Pi.

Detroit, Mfch.

The Very Best-I tiiuiialugiic*. imroillcs, skutelicK, afterpleees,



n»i paues of vllt-eilKC couicilv iimtcrhil.SI Per Copy, JAMES MADISON,141)1 THIRD AVENUE. NEW YORK.

BAD SEASON IS OVER.Hlnek Tents, tiix:uiii> t» -jjxiio. uaail, white Tents,hi.iiiii all sly.es: I'lilillng chairs, Kohllng llenclies,l'oldlng Organs, Koldlng Torches, Spring MoiorI'liiuu. Klectrli- Piano ami llunjo, Nlckeloileiiuchairs. Klilil Lights, Mammoth Torches. SKSilIX)K KUKK IIAItUAIN IIUOK I.KT.

R. M. AmmBDWIlit, BptlngOolil, llllpiira,

HERON & WISGHMAN,Theatrical Lawyers.


TOUPKRR, Paint, Powder, stamp for price net.

0. BOUINDUKLaf, US ff. Sdth St., New York.

MILLER, COSTUMER,130 N. Seventh St., Philadelphia.

COSTliMKS ANM) \VIOS TO IIIHE.Write for Cata log ami Kstlmule.

Dunn's Pneumatic System of Water SupplyKm- Country llonsea. We Install these systems luall puns of the world.

DUNN MACHINERY COMPANY,Department 35, Atlanta, Oa.

IVaiite4l7 for Mystic Sliriiiers,


FIRST CLASSVAUDEVILLE ACTS.It. I ). MOltOAN, mKis_Kaaisr,th_st., Cieyeland,o


About JIM) Iron Frame, UuholateredOiMjra Chairs. In «.,relleii| coudlllon.W,

li.!,.,'.,Hn,,, ,OM for «•«"'»• AiiiiIj- toEDWIN G. MERRILL. Bonyor, Me.


GOOD THEATRE,Called Stone Hill Theatre.Seating capacity, im Can he used Summer andWinter, connected with ,1 MM. One of the

foToie'rigluma!"S 'a 'e

"' "^ A KoUi ""nc

KltAXK QKAVIC, Peoprietor. Peoria. HI.


,light or nmilnce. Short cast. Kaally staged1

Jalu.ua ami every way ont of the ordlnarv



ev ,^

I!AN ,

K &JW*°*> «arh»trl!y in,losth, N. I.., Cleveland, Ohio.

FOR SALE CHEAP.Two Sets of Band Uniforms

imrllculara upon application. Address... ."• !'• MSlWi -•«> Marlon Av»,Aarora, ill.WANTED, f«>pDeLANDS SHOWSTRAPS, WIRE, JUGGLER, 00IT0BTI0H,

Or any Uood Silent Act. Make Salnrv Ww.and he ready txi Join 011 wire. Kddlo 'I'lirnevcan place you. JAMES Or LAND. Knirllsht'ciil re, Lycoming Co., l'a.. 10, .Watervlll" 11

Magic Lists ot Tricls/lOc,. None Free.The Devil's Own Trick, «0t. Only »..». Aa-entfnrMagic, Wbard. Magician, 10c each.


W. I). I.KItoi Court St.. Bomon. Mass.

MUSIC ARRANGEDKor Piano. Band and" Orctiea'M West 38th Street. Naw Ynrl



A. DK sa I llk, Villa lrjll,3 line dc Sege, Pari*.• •*<««*» --..«r.'.'-.v. ...... :'.. .. .



Klre Magaziun,..



at Iris, per fool, „,,,

Prlro Deiiolrs Itimiii,

' * Ll»t« Hailed.

THE NEWSBOY • • 760 Feel $|n


RHEOSTAT for 1 10 or 220 voH(

also 1 10 In multiple »"8

Everything In NEWaadS.fl.

Motion Picture

MachinesFllrjii, Stereopticou.Song Slides auil Suulpiles, tamiwutni,Catalogues free.

»«„ MAR&Ajm * co„800 Filbert St., Phlla.>a,

809 Tilbert St



IIAt El Paso, Texei. CRAWFORD & RICH.




o^Lr Entertainments

FOR THE 4th OF JULY.Will.- |,ii 1 lie iilurs and pilii. nl-oiicr In

F. H. ROBERTS, BloomfleW.Iowa.WA NT K D .

SKETCH TEAM, tliat Versatile and Sing;


Open June 10, under canviiH, near I'rnvlileiire. for

ihe Summer. KICKAPOO mid. CO.Wrlie J. I). Ward, t3 X, Main St., Providence. It. I.

Wanted,wem or mmm(Small rjiat) wlilr rail Hue or apeclal pi-lm lur. li>r

one night aland*. Hire full particular! ami i>e>i

terma at once. i-'Hask Kliisiiv.

j(ten. Del., Mt. Vernou. Ohl«._

Ver*AKlTfeD f

Teams and Singlcx, aend hi your OI'ILN Time.I, I'KLI), Mgr., Avenue Oltlb House,

Spring tlrove Ave., near .Mitchell, C'inuliinalU).


8LH1HTI.V USUI). Al»0 STrtErn' OOWNS. ft*

have on hand a large aanortment <if ..slightly worn

Evening fiowns, Dinner, Keceptjon and Tea Ootnis,

These, robes are perfect In every renpect, and are

CHpecilallv (uiltablc for wear In llltlll CUSS WIA-

matic Productions, we have a roll ime <><

Sea) Skin t.:onts and Knrs of all klnda.MRS. U. STARR. :i«J Soiiih Stale St., Chloiww



Miss Nella Robinson,SOVBRBTTR8 sad INOEM'BS.

Past two aeaaonB with Roe Stock Co. AddremUK) BAI.KM ST., PHILLIPS DKACII .jlAW;.,

WILLH.SMYTHE,Iliyjli Baritone.

Eighth week family Theal re, Scmnlnn, Pa., •>more to follow.


Be AC*Tf\D an ActressAn MV/ I UK or OratorLearn a profession- that pays »2i to WW weekly.

Write for PRBE booklet on DramatlcArl hycor-

ireapondeneo. -Chica*|o School or M"< »"

tlow, 5SOchlcaeo Opera Tloiiae Blk., «i|ilea»Qj_


gtttao Inetruoljegj

What Acts to Ix-aru and How. J'olnts on BaWJllow to obinlii engagements and niiiny""" 1

essential points every beginner should know-

, rnoe iii cts. ou Co.. viTO \v! jsth st, Neww*


Taught by correspoiidencf.

Send for handaome booklet J™

llllnolH Oonservgtory,

Cljll liir iwiuiwuic Kr^mSmm0MMMM

June 8. TIEE l^mW YORK jE^PJBjjEv* 437

gawkotlk Romt Citt.

aiSSfS «T« lai poifelble iommke • Hatof v*tul«vliie booklrtaja. To Itasysjre la-ertlon •• tht* «ep«rtaat«t the «»i.cotUrtlirtlreiiriptrli.M well nn thecity or tirnn. BfUST otruonipany rackbooklets eent na.

Abratn & Julius, BIJou. Unltiih. Mluu.. 3-8.

Adalc A Lions, While City Park,- Syracuse, S. I.,

Adelin. La, BlJon, Lincoln. Neb,. 3-8.


Ailelyn. Matlon. Marlon. 0., 3D; Orphlum, Sid-

ney. 10-13.

Adams A Wtilte, Wlndiuont Park, Kewnncc, 111..

3-8; BIJou, Canton. O., 10-16.

Adams, IK Klrkc, A Co., Auditorium, Norfolk,

:Va., 3-15.

Adams, Musical, Avon l'ark, Youugstown, 0., --

8; Four Mile Creek, Erie, Pa.. 10-15.

Addison A Livingston, Idle Hour Park, Plttsbueg,

Kan., 28; Lyric. Parsons. 9-1 2.

Aaoust, Louise, Ac Co.. Olympic, Chicago, 3-8. '

Alien ft iBaxter. White City. Springfield. Mo.,


.,2-8: People's Park, Excelsior Springs, 0-15.

Abcarn, Cbns., Family, Lebanon, Pa., 3-8; Family,i WllllaniaporV'10-15. .

Allison. Mr. ft Mm.. Keith's, Boston, 8-8.

Alvln Bros-.,' Alnlomc, Term Haute, lud., S-8.

Allcrloii. Grace, Paator's, N. T. C, 8-8.

Alexander, Great, North Atc., Chicago, 3-S.

A nionl ft Dutoont, 23d Street. N.:Y. C, 8-8.

Alvlltos (41, lII(ij)odruine, Loudon, Ens., 3.-30.

Allen, Joilc. Acinv.. Norfolk, Va., 8-8.

Alston ft Algnlst, BIJou. Norfolk, Va., 3-8.

Ali'nn. Lu Petite, Hip., Glen Kcho,.Md\. 3-8.

Alhnrtu* * Millar, Kmplre, Holbom. Eug., 3-8;Illnpodroine, Eutlng, 10-15 ; Hippodrome, Urlv

' ton. 17-22.

Allen. Bearl-t Violet, Keith's, Phlla.. S-8.

Atdo & Vanncrsoo, Clreo Bell, Mexico City. Mc\.,

Alexander & Scott, Henderson's, Coney '.aland, N.Y 8-8

Alexander ft Bertie, Union Square, N. -x. ' . U-S.

ADalre ft' Llnd. Bijou, Jackson. , Mich., 8-8.

Alblons, The, Crystal, Marlon. lud.. 8-8.

Ames "ft Feathers, Howard, Chicago. 8-8.

American Newsboys' quartette, BIJou. Kalamazoo,:Mlch., 8-8. • •


American Girls, Howard, Chicago, 8-8.

Antrim .*: Peters, . Bijou. Boy City, Mich., 3-8


Luke Michigan Pari, Muskegon, 8-18.

Anderson ft Beynolds, Philips, Richmond, Ind., 3-

• ft; Stur, Muncle, 10-1S.

Atwerwn ft Guinea, Howard, Boston, 8-8.

Aliel. Wonderland, Kalamacoo, Mich;, 8-8; Idlo-

itllU Park, Newark, 0.. 10-18. ,

Arsialc'B Animals, Ontario Beach, Ilocliestor, N.'*

*.. 3-9; Park, Buffalo, 10-15.

Arni .troug-Haker Troupe, Natloual. San Fran.,W^f., 3-8: (Hobo. Han Fran.. 10-10.

Armstrong ft Clark, Celeron Park, Jamestown, N.

yJ.SH; Hock Springs Park, Kant Liverpool, O,".10-10.

Arlmjud.' Grace, White City,- Chicago, 8-8.

Attfvn-Ahel ft Co., Keith's, Cleveland, 8-8; 0.'6. Km I'lltsbunr, 10-15. • •


Auvlh*, 'Totslnu.,' Palace; Dundee, Scotland, d-8


piilsct, Aberdeen, 10-18: ,Hippodrome, Glas-

' aw, .17-22;. Empire. Birmingham, Hug., 21-

h; I'uvllioii, Souihuort, July 1-0.

Avery, Locke ft Pearl, Lnkc Michigan Park,'Muskegon. Mich., 2-s.

Avon Comedy Four, Keith's. Cleveland, O., 3-8.

'ttfclnias. The. HI Jon. Dulntli. Minn., 8-8.

allay ft Flckett, Shady Side Park, Baltimore,';»»; •



Barry ft Penmon. Acme, Norfolk, Va., 3-8.

Hattlctt, Al. Leon, Lake View Park, Tcrrc Haute,'lad.. .1-8.

Humes ft Edwins, Crystal, Denver. 3-8.

Ilirr.v; Mr. Mrs. Jimmy, Keith's Phlla., 8-8.

ltiirnulU'fl Anlipuls, Victoria, N. V. C. 8-8.

JBtrlon ft Osman, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va.. 3-8.

gurrJnKtons. The, Virginia, Wellstnn. O.. 3-8.

arker & Hctmlmw, , A. ft' a., Boston, 8-8.

rtanksBrcuMiilo Duo, Ulovcravlllc, N. Y., 3-8;Wagston. 10-10. >

ill* I taller Sisters, Luna Park, Scran ton. Pa., 8-8.

Hnula Uriti. (I). Star, Munch- , Ind.. 10-16.

Baadcr-La Vulle Trio, Alamo Park, Cedar Rapids.

la.. 8-8; Dreamland Park, Decator, 111., 0-10.

bartt'll 4. Uarfleld, Dreamland. Irouton, O., 3-8;r()riiiid. Newport, Ky., 10-10.

UnrluW. Wicks A llccd. National, Stubeuvllle, 0.,w-io. ;.

Ilartlott.-Ov'iuuu ft Buitlcll. . Avon Park, Youngs-town, .0.. 2-8; Park. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., 10-15.

Wrj ,1 llHlvers. Orphcuin, Boston, 3-8.

Barlows, Breakaway, Altrv Park, Albany, N. Y.,

' Svf5 '.

UuoVm; Slusrl. Caaluo. Toledo. O., 3 8.

BiVlIsi The, Wubboo's Park. Jophln. Mo., 0-10.

Bnllus H. Luua Purk, Buffalo. N. Y., 3-8.

IH'IJ; CryslBl, Theatorluiu, Keutou, 0., .3-8;"VJr^liilu. Wvllatoii, 10-10.

IkOBj. Claire, ft Can. Oljniplc. Chicago. 3-8.

Httiloii,. Klwood ft Mugglc, Star, Beaver Falls,

lira,: 3-8; Star, Latrouc, 10-15. I

B«l) ft Ulebarila; 0.. II., SlroudsbUrK. Pa., U-8.

Hriiuelt, l.uuru, Alliambra, N. Y. 0.. 3-8.

BWj/ CV»'s(al. Thealorluui, Kenton, O.. 8-8.

lliuuvuhi, Ailliur, ft Co.. Empire, Colo. Springs,' [Culil.. ff-S; O'faud. Ileiiu, Nev.,'10-16.ilerrlaa; ft Mackln, Urand, Altoona. Pa., 3-8.

Uallrcnrl'ft Irving, Dreomlund, Du Bols, Pa., 3-8.

HtivIiH- ft Mayc, Thealorlum. Klttannlug, Pa., 8-- 8

-,Alliambra, THusvllle, 10-16.'

m<'nl,,.. BIJou, Battle Creek, Mich..' 8-8.

BfHl.l. BHIy. BIJou. Battle Creek, Mich., 8-8.

HauliWt, Wxle, Klillo. lilmlro, N. Y., 8-8.

BtHimg i BroH.. Dlsjestlc, Chicago, 8-8; Olympic,'.Clijcago, 10-J5,

i:«ll-l>rcTin.t Trouiie. Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J.,

'Jl'8,i •',''• - ,,'

Um", ft Joliiisoii. tiraud, Superior, Wis.,. 3-8;'BIJou. Hulutli, Mluu.. 10-15. '

Usailtei. Wie, Star, , Muncle, lud.. '8-8.

Hfililuln- Arabs '(St. l'outaiuc Ferry Park, Louls->llTe, Ky.. 2-8. ... .


BeQillnglou Bros., Luna Park,* CUIeugo, 3-8,

Beliedlpt, Lew-,. A. ft S.. Boston, a-H.

BtWIey/ Jonnle.Sclilndler'M, Chtcugo, 8-8.

Brrgerc, Vulerle, ft Co., Orpheuxu, Sao Fran.,

tS|.. 3:8. .•• •-.;:.

Utuiiey •& :chupuiuu,- AlUambra, Savannah, (in.,• .in. .......

,,- .

Ulriahaui ft Thornton,, Thalia, Chicago, 3-8.Klnllu, ' Jloiinu. . U-v-r-r, Mier's'LakeCasLuv, Cmi>-

TItdP, '.Q.V .'3-S ; PKIrvlew ' Park. Da/tou, 0-10.

'WiWr.yiulrleae, 1251b Street, ;N. Y.'C, 3-8.

BIiWiivkk'. Mr. ft' Mrs.. Urand; 'Peru, lud., 3-3;Cv/iIhI. Huiilliiglon. 0-8. .

Bli'ihri/lilit ft Uehr, Star, Atlanta, tin., 3-8. • <

"UVgck IIubbbtb" (14). Kmiilre, Belfast, Ire.. II-

. ,'8 ; 'Hnlplre. Cardiff, Eng., 10-10 ; Kmplre, Man-vjiittler..' 17-22 : Eni|ilre. . Leeds, 24-20.' '

Uou )K'P. & Qulnp, Scdilc Everett, Mass., 8-8;TJwife, . Providence, It: I.,. 10-16.

lktfdi .Archie, ft Co.. Bell;. Oakland, Cai.. 3-8;' ;10-t6,

all'eni ft Crbokcr, ' Temple, Detroit,

uovlnii, l.hlc, L'nloii Siiudre, N,.Y. C, 8-8.Wopib. .'Krcat..8ta'r, ScutUc, . Waau.. 10-16.Ilfaullvcll ft Gordon. Olympic, Chicago, 3-S.

»tWd'& Nevarp, Keith's. Columbus, ().. 8-8.

Brfuleir & DuvIh, L'htnue. Minneapolis. 3-8;' Qrtnd, • Fargo, W. D., 10- J 3.

Ilrtfnt ft ' SutIIIc, Steeplechase Pier, AtlaoUc

ntiUf ft. Mdhohcy. Keith's, Phlla., 3-8.

llrlth'ik>ii, . Belle. Olympic Purk. McKeesport. Pa.,'liySr-- • •

.•' •

Sfy^n; Hurry, A.Co., Savvy, 'Atlantic City, N. J.,

,.' ft AVIImot,' Lyric, Moakogcc, 1. *., 3-8;

rlc, linleiiendeiice. Kuu., 10-10.litrtiiiiih. Tlie. t'urk, Jamestown, N. Y., 3-8.

BW4V &• Young, BIJou. Norfolk, Va., 3-8.

BKirfn, Oil, . Bell. Oakland, Cai.. 10-15.BMOkinuii, ft Phillips Sisters, Ingersoll Park, DeeJtt(tiics..lu.

1 C-8.Rttlfdt. Sophie, Keith's, Columbus, O.

, . 8-8.DaseV, Family, Lyric Park. Jophln, Mo., 2-8./Lyric Purk. SprliurHold. 9-10. -

Uilfjdii., Hughes ft Burton, BlJon, Canton, O., 10-

9Vrl(f)ft.-MclWoy. Lyceum, PUIIa., 8-15.Burke. John. P., Flood's Purk. Baltimore, 8-15.B(rjHB. .Hofrr, Blaln, 111.. 3-8.Burton' A Brooks, Temple. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 8-8.Barb*,- Morris, ft Co., Family, Butte, Mont, 3-8.Bart,. Frank. Pustor's,. N. Y. C.,'8-8.Sin, Lillian. Atlantic Uurdeii. S. Y.C., 3-8.H|)iBoer. Luna I'.irk, Ncheneetadj, N. Y., 10-15,Bcrkhfft, Lillian, ft Co., Ortihoum, Lbs Augcleu,

katHr*&. Gordon. Parlor. Oawba. Neb.. 3-8,

HiWllou (2i. Ljrle. Torre Haute. Ind.. 8-8.

BvnKerr. Great, llleclrlv Park, Kvkouiu, lud.,

Bufiai, Clius. 0,, Crystal: Meiioaha, Wla., 3-22.BMaIW*i Musical, Novelty. Oakland. Cut.. 3 »RHMh- Myrtle I!., ft Co., Athletic Park, BnrTaln.• ,JJUY,,.jim"lieryft'orant. t'tlca, N.-Y.. -.1-8; -Albany in-

f.idail!:,.'j.»o A ,«, Half. Maria,. Tlulrm. lo«l... 3 8.

.litiirUlt.ii. turn.Bo*br%,: .Wall'ere

Carlln ft Otto, Cook O. H., Bocfaeater,' N. Y.,U-8.

t'a'saldy, Mabel, Unique. Ulnneapolla, 3-8.Casey A Le Claire. BIJou, Duloth. Minn.. 8-8.Casad A Dc Verne, Alcacar. New Uaatle,. Ind.,- 3-8; Coney Island, Cincinnati, 0-16.Carmonlella, Dixieland Park, JackaonvlUe, L'la.,

U-8: Lagoon, Cincinnati, 10-2*.Carroll, Jnmea, A. A 8.. Boston, 3-8.Carroll. Jue, Lyric, Kensington, III.. 3-8; Grand,

Jollet. 1015.Carpenter, J. Fred.. 0. II.. Tlfton, Ind.. 8-8.

Carrol Hlsten, Unique. Minneapolis, 8-8.Carroll ft Clarke, Shellpot Park, Wllmlugton,

Del., 8-8. » •

Carlton, Arthur A Lucille. Pastor's, N. Y. 0.,.8=8.

Caldera. A. K., Ulversldc Park, Kaeluaw, Illch.,2-8.

Gate Family (».i, Henderson's,.' Coney Island, N.• Y., 3-8.

Caineron ft Flanagan, Calumet, So. Chicago, 3-S;. . Uomn.-io Park. Grand Baplds, Mich., 10-10.Uaasells, The, Pastime, Lock Haven. Pa., 8-8.

Cannon. Jack 'ft Gilds, Family, Little Falls. N.Y., .3-8; Sbeedy'B. Fall Blver, Mass., 10-16.

Camnbell ft Gopcloml, BIJou, Battle Creek, Mich.,. <8-8; Jackson. 10-10.Campbell ft Cully, Auditorium, Portland, Ind.,

3-8; Crystal. Marlon, 10-16.Gates (41, Musical, Henderson's, Coney Island, N.

y.. 3-B.CastanoS. The, Grand. Victoria, B. C„ 8-8.

Camllle Trio, Victoria, N. Y. C. 3-8.

Carlisle's Ponies. Alhanibra. K. Y. C, S-8.Cascttas (2), Bell. Oakland. Cai.. 8-8. '


Carters. The. Verback, Oil City, Pa., 8-8; Morey,. 'Barncsboro, 10-10.(Arrays, Lew, Grand. Rcynoldsvllle, Pa., 8-8".

Carlton. Arthur ft Lucille, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 3-8.Oarberry ft atanton, Cryatal, Milwaukee, 8-8.Campbell ft Bain], Sprlngbank Park, London,

Can., S-8.Carroll ft Baker, Orphean], Los Angeles, Cai.,3-B.

Carlton, Al., Keith's. Columbus. O., 8-8Gbatneroys, The. Lnna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.,•813.

Chambers, • Paris, Young's, Atlantic City, N. J.,


ChrlBtophcr, Morley's, Barncsboro, Pa.. 8-8; Ver-back's, Oil City. 10-13.

Chllders, Grace, ft Dog. Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 3-S.Cb'fck, Great, Keith's, Boston, 3-8.Chadwlck Trio, Proctor's, Newark, K. J„ 3-S.Chatham Slaters, Morlcy 0. H., Barneshoro, Pa..

3-8 ;Moriantown. O. II., W. Va., 10-16.Christy, Wayne G., Crystal. St. Joe, Mo.,' 2-8


Parlor, Omaha, Neb., 0-10.Chester, Mile., ft Dog, Majestic, Chicago, 3-8.

Clennonto, Frank ft Etta, Empire, Cardiff, Kim..8:15; Empire, Manchester, 17-28; Empire,' L*jci1h aM*Z9

Clifford.' Billy, 'Young's, Atlantic City, N. J., 8 8.Clh'im ft nmlcllffe, Family, Solux City, la., 2-8;

- Majestic. Slonx Falls. S. I>. 10-16.Clark. Marie, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati, 0., 2-S.Clarence Slaters, Casino. Toledo, O., 8-8.

Cleui'onro Bros.. Lyceum, Rochester, N. V., 8-8.

Clark. Harry Corson, Casino, Toledo, O., 3-8,

dine, Msautle, Shea's. Buffalo, N. Y.. 8-8.

Clarke, Georgtana, Star, Seattle, Wash., 8-8;Grand, Tacomn, 10-10,

Clarke ft Bradley, Keith's, Phlla.. 3-8.

Clarke ft Temple, BIJou, Flint, Mich., 3-8 ; BIJou,Knl.imotoo. 1015.

Clark, Bcrtnnnn ft Mubouey. Keith's. Boston, 3 8.

Clnfke. Wilfred, ft Co.. Chestnut Street, Phlla.,


OllVe, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 3-8.

Clffford, Dave, Star, Brnddvck. Pa., 3-S; Grand,Vhloiitown. 10-15.

Cook. Frank. A. ft S.. Boston, 8-8.

Collins ft Brown, Savoy, Atlantic City. N. J„ 3-8.

Corliett, Jas. J.. Nixon. Pittsburg, 8-8.

Cniutlln, John, BIJou, Duluth, Minn., 3-8.

Coles, Mtlslcal, Crystal, Marlon, Ind., 3-S; Crys-tal, Elkhart, 10-15.

Colton ft Darrow. Atluutlc Gitrdcu, N. Y. <:., 3-8.

Oolrgawells. 'Cycllnn, llt|i. Glen Echo. Md,. 8-8,

Cowpcr, Jlmmle, Sans Soucl Park, Wllkes-Barre,Pa.', 3-; Hate! Park, Haaelton. 10-15. '

- •

Collins. Eddie. BIJou, Oshkosb, Wis., 3-6. '

Coo);, Oates) A Co., Luna Park, Buffalo, N. V., 3:8.Connors ft Adelbert, Chester Park, Cincinnati,


OiurllelKli. Win., ft Co., Colonial, N. Y. 0„ 3 8.Onlbta, The, Olympic, Chicago, S-8.

Collins ft Hart, Victoria. N. Y. C. 3-July 18. -.

Cook Bras., Park. Johnslowu, Pa., 10-10.

Oogau ft Bancroft, Keith's, Plilla.. 8-8.

Corro ft Currv, Morley's, Puniautawacy, Pa.. 3-3.

Cohnor ft itayuivud, K. ft P., Jersey City, K. J.,

8-8. .

Culb'urii ft (ireno. New Philadelphia. 0., 3-8..

Colonial Hcptolli'. Yc, Oriihboin, Uusiou, 3:3;lar.th siwt. n. y. u, 1016.

Creasy ft Duyne. Keith's, lloutuu, 3-8.

Crawford ft Dcluuuey, Uvsevlllo I'urk, Sharon,- Pu„ »: Uric, 10-10.Oreo ft Co., Irwin, Goshen, lud., 3-8; Anderson,

1015.Cruluc, Nun: & Crnluc, ldlcwood Purk, AshUbula,

iv. 10-22.Cravetb, North Ave, Chicago, 8-8.

"Oremutlon," Victoria. N. Y. C. 8-8.

Cralm, Musical, Colonlul, N. Y. C. 8-8. . •

Curzou Slaters, Ontarlu Beach Park, Bucheslcr,N. Y., .3-8; Dominion Park, Montreal, (Jan..

10-22.CuihmluKK, Mabel, Schlndler'H, Chicago, 3-8.

Cuuurnghum, Bob ft alay, Imperial, Flmllay. 0„.2:8.

Cunulngham ft Smith, Tmcadero. Phils., 3-13, '

Cyril.', IlerU'rt.IJiilou Siiuure, N.' V. C, 3-8.

Daly ft O'BrJrii. Wheeling, W. Va., 3-8.

Daisies, Dancing, ltamooa Park, Grand Itaplda,

Mich., 3-8.,-Ddveunort.iEdnn, BIJou. Phlla.. 2-July 81.D'AMrn, Khrr, O. O. IL. Pittsburg. 3-S; Union

Sipiare, N. Y. O, 10-15...

Daly,. Win. Josh, Evausvllle. Ind., 3-8; Clucluuali,'0-.1IJ. >

Davey ft Phillips, Alrilomc. Tcrrc - Haute, lud.,

:;-N; Crystal, Mcuosha, Wis.. 10-10.Dutlcourt. Leah B., Gaiety. Alliance. ,0., 8-8.

DaVIs7, Jack. Muuhntlan, Norfolk. Vu., 8-8.

D'Arvlllc. Camllle. Cook 0. U., Itvcjiesler, N. V.,


Daly. Vlnle, Cook 0. II.. ttucheuter, K. Y.. 3-8.Daly's Country Choir, St. Louts, Mo., 3 8; Uvaqs-

vllle, Ind., 10-t0.Uagivell. Auric. Keith's. Glcrelaml. 0., 10-15.Dehgous,' The, Wiuoua Beach, Bay Clly, Mich.,


De, 'Wilt, Bums ft Tvmuce, Cohmlal, N. Y. 0.,• 8-8. !

Duveau, Hubert, Lincoln, Nob., 3-8.

Di-'l.niiaux. Marie, Casino. Toledo. 0., 3-8.

Deumcos, The, O. 11.. Elwwd, lud., 3-8; Dowl-lug's, LoKansport, 10-16.

Dee, Rvy. Marmelluff, Brlslun, Teuu., 8-15.

Detnie, Sydney, A Co., Proctpr's, Newark, K. J.,


>re ft Morev, ' Acme, Norfolk, Va., 8-8.

Dc Monde ft Duisatore, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincin-nati, 3-8. • •


Do (Vott A Kennedy Trio. Dream City, . Pittsburg,

De lie 1 in ft. La Due, Wonderlaud 'Park, Indlanapo-'lis; 3-10.

Delmur. Jennie, Star, Atlanta, ' Go.. 3-80.Deluiorc A Lee, Lyceum, Bocboater, N: ' Tr,-

8-8.Deuiutha. . Mile. Luclu, Sohmer Park, Montreal,

Can.. 3-8.De ' maker's: Dogs. Blulrsvlllc, Pa., 3-8; Ford

City, W-IB.DeJaviye.ft'Frllr, Buck Island, la.. 0-8.

De Oesch, Mamie B„ A(hi11o, Chicago, S-8.

Dv Onto '& McDonald, Majestic. Chicago, US. '

Dc Laceys.. Dancing. Orphlum, Chllllcothe, 0.,8-8; Portsmouth, 10-10.

De Lano Dun. Schlndler's. Chicago, 8-8.

Dc'Obantu! Twins, Brookalde Park, Athol, Mass.,.8-8.

Dc Veliie A Zclda. Niiimue Purk, ' MUford, Mass.,iff-13.

DeiVolc Trio, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y..5-8.

lieaaift Deas, Glen Haven Park, Rochester, N.1" •

' 3-8De j'ayu. Musical, Sioux Falls,. 8. D.,.0-8; Skiux

City, Ia„ 10-16.De.Coc. Great. Park, Wheeling, W. Vs., 8-8.

De. Holds ft Valoca, White City, Chicago. 2 8;Calumet. Chicago. 9-16.

Dixon ' A Fields, Ratnona Park, Grand Ranlds,

,Mleli., U-8; Sprlagbrook Casino. 80. Bend, Ind.,

Dillon Bros., 1201b Street. N. Y. C„ 3-8.Dhou Bros.. Sprlnghrook Casino, So. Bend, Ind.,

3-8; Ulversldc Park, Saginaw, 10-15.Dlvey, Henry K., ft Co.. Keith's. Phlla.. 3 8.Dlinn, Hewers A Dixon, -Aliuiu Pork, Uedar

Hapidf. la., 2-S.Donald ft. Carson, K. ft P., Jersey Clly, N. J.,

Duwn'oy A Wlllanl. Olyujilc. Chicago, 3-8.Donnette, lva. Family. WlUlamsport, Pa.; ::>*.

Doyle A Granger. Academy. Tyrone, Pa., 8-8.Dotiley, ]: Francis,' ft Girls, ' Henderson's. Coney

Island. N. Y., 3-S.Dow, Lillian, Pafk.-Wbeelbajf, W-T*., a». ,?

Doa Leuo'a School Boys and Girls, Schlndler's.• Chicago, 8-8.Drew, Dorothy, F.roptre, Blrmlugham. Eng., 10-

15; Empire, Newcaetle-ou-Tjue, 17-23; Umpire,South Sfalelda, 24-29.

Drew. Mr. A Mrs, Sidney, 23d Street, N. V. C,• U-8.Drum Majors (It), Uendtraou's, Couey Islawl,

N. Y., 8-8.Dupree, Geo. A Llbhlc. Garden, Milwaukee. 8-8!

Dnatiars. Casting (41. O. O. H . Pltlabnrg, 8<8;.Shea's, Buffalo, S. Y., 10-16.

DiivBots. Great, A Co., Swisher's, Monraatows,' W. Va., 8-8; Casino, Washington. Pa., HM.5.Domonds, Les, Cook O. H., Bochester, N. t., 3-S.

rhino ft Glailer, Orpbrum, San Fran.. Cai.. 9-22.• Dvmedln Troupe. Keith's, Boston, 8-8; Colonial,

N. Y. C, 10-15."Ihiprei, Fred, Ulrard, ATetitie. Phlla., 8-8; Rlec-

trlo Park, Baltimore. 10-13. . ,

Dunbar's Caprine Parldox, BIJou, Battle Creek,Mich., 3-8.

,D.vllyn, i. Bernard, Unique, Sau Jose, Cai., 3-S;

Novelty. Stockton, 10-10.liurlc Sisters. A. A P.. Benton. 3-8.

Early A Late.' Olympic, Chicago, 8-8.

Rarlc. Dorothy, Casino, North Beach, L. I., 10-

15Kirle ft Bartlett, Lnna Park, BufTalo. N. Y., 8-8


-Irrluilale Park, Warren, Pa.. 10-t5. •

liaganyk Hallmaa, Majestic, Pltlabnrg, S-S.Edwards,- 'flora. A. A 8., Boston, 8-8.

Hdwanbi A Hcslln, Henderson's, Couey Island, N.t.7tVeV

Ellsworth A Bart Grand, Fargo, N. D., 3-3; Bi-

jou, La Croaac,' WU:. 17-22.hllflott ft West. Lima. O.. 8-8.

BllOvre Slaters. 23d Street, N. T. O, 3-8.

Ellls-NoTvlrn Trio, 126th Street, N. Y. C 8-S.Emerson A Baldwin, Orphoum, San Fran., Cai,

8-16.Emmy. Mnic.. A Pets.. Savoy, Atlantic City. N. J.,

3*.Euwrald Comedy Trio, Montmorency FaUs Park,

Quebec. Can., 8.15. .

Empire City Quartette, NI1011, Plttuburg, 3-8.

''Kiwltaii Itockera" <0), Keith's, Phlla., 3-B.Kngfcton, Nan, A Co., Globe, San Iran.. Cai.. J-

8: Bell, Oakland, 10-15.Epn« A I.nrctta Troupe, Happyrand, So Beach, N.

, Y„ 8-15.I'.rnesto Bisters, Nixon. Pittsburg, 3-8.

EBterbrookB, The, Wcuoua Beach, Bay City, Mich.,• 8:8..Esmeralda Sisters, l'olles Marlguay, Paris, h'ruuee,

8-18.Kvaus A Evans, BIJou. Winnipeg. Can., 3-8; BIJou,

Duluth, Minn., 10-16.Everett, Sophy. Harlem O. II.. N. Y. 0.. 3-8.

literals. (2), Colonial, Bristol, Pa.. 8-8.Evers. Geo. W., Urand. Victoria, 0. 0.. 8-8;

Uraud, Vancouver. 10-16.Erelyn Sisters, Woodland Park, Ashland, Pa,, 8-8.

Exposition Four. Alliambra. K. Y. O, 3-8.Fantus (2), Orpbeuin, Webb City. Mo., 2-8; Park,

Pittsburg, Kans., 0-16.Fadctto' Orchestra, Majestic, Chicago, 8-8.Farley. James A Bonnie. Urand, Belllugbam,

Wash.', 3-8: Orphcum. Vancouver, B. C, 10-10.

Fayc, Elsie, Keith's, Boston. S-8.Ferguson A Mack, Olympic, Chlcugo, 3-8.Ferry. Aetualldoiles, Havana, Cuba. 8-8 ; orpbeum.

Sau Frau.', 10-29.Fields and Hanson. Highland Park, Belleville, 0„

3-24.Flnneys, The, Orphcum. San Fran., Cai.. 3-13.Fisher, Sir, ft Mrs. Perkins, Myers Lake, Csuton,

O., 2-8; Falrvlew. Dnytnn. 9-1C.Flcldhut A Clalllu, Glen Haven Park. Itochostvr.

K V., 3-8.

l'lt««|libouMcCoy Trio, K. A P.. Jersey City, at.

J.. 3-8. . . .

Fisher ft Berg, Brooks' Cusluo. North Beach, I,.

1., 3-8; Pleasure Bay, Long Branch, N. J., to-

Fields. Will Hi. West Fltiley, Pa., 3-15.Fielding, .Mr. A Mrs. Harry, Glen Haven Park,

Rochester, N. V.. 8-8.

Florenx Family, N. Y. Hoof Gaideu, N. Y. C. 8-

July 0. .<

Flbi+nec Sisters (3). Casino, Buenos Ayrca, 80.America, 3-30.

Fleinen ft Miller, Lyceum, Beaver Falls. Pa., 3-8,FljFiui, Earl, Park, Kansas City, Mo., 2-8.Ffynn, Barney A Dolly. Pastors, N. Y. 0..-3 S.

Flood Bros., Celemn Park, Jamestown, N. V., 8,8.Ford Sisters ft Brothers, Orpheum, Sao Ifrao.,

Cxi.. 8-8 •• .


Fov ft Do Ball, Fontaine Ferry Purk, Louisville.

K«., M| East End Park, Memphis, Tenn., 10-

l-'onls. Famous. Family, Erie, l'a., 3-8; Dvsevllle.Purk, Sharon,. 10-15.

I'nsler A Lucille. Aiidltorlinii, Norfolk. Va., 3-S.

nil Ilex, Lyceum. Rochester, N. Y„ 3-8.Krcy, Hmry, Slur. Elgin, III.. U-8; Lake ViewTirh. Term Haute, lnd„ 10-10.

FrbVoll.. Krmlcrlc'O. n.. Sbelhrvllle, Ind.. 0-8;Cryatal. Noblcsvlllc. 10-12; niwoud. 13-15.

Fi'oslo. Clias.. BIJwi. Fargo. N. t)., 3-8; BIJou.Grand Forks, 10-10.

Frey, IJenry, Star, Elgin. 111., 3 8.

Poriuau, Badle. Nixon, Pittsburg. U-8."Klilurlty WJnnor." The, KcIIIi'm, Phlla:, 3-8,

Gardner ft Stoddard, G. O. H.. Pittsburg, 8-8;.Temple,' Detroit, 10-15.

liusum ft Greene, Colonial, N. Y. 0., 3b.Gallagher ft Butrctt. 125th Slrvet, N. Y. U, 1-8.

Gardner ft Chiicon, Pantnges. Portland, Ore., .3-

H; Bllllnghsm, Wash., 10-10.Uayjor ft Graff. Havel Park, Hareltuu, Pa., 8-8.

George, Kdwiu, Oak Summit Park, Evansvllle,Hid .. - 2-8 : Olympic Park, Chattanooga, Term..1016.

George ft Harrington. Golden City, Canurslc, L. I.,

. 8'8.

Geuiroft Bailey, Keith's, Cleveland, 0., 8-8,Olllcn, Tom. Orphcum, Seattle, Wash., 3-8 ; Grand,

Tacoma. 10-16..



Gillette ft McFarluuc. Youug's, Atlantic City, N.J,. 3-S.

Glrileller's Dogs. Unique, i'.uu Claire, Wis.. 3-8


Mluncapolls, 10-16.

Gimogwater, Claude, A Co., Cook 0. U.. Bociies-ter, N. Y.. 3-B.

Gllroy. llaynes A Montgomery, Forivst Park, St.Lbuls, 10-15.

"Gibson Girls," The, Chestnut Street, Phlla.,3-S.

"Girl and tbu Wire Tuner, The," CStb Street,N. V. O. 3-8.

Ullnserellls <tl), 68th Street. N. Y. C, S-8.Golden, Geo. Fuller, Lyceum, llochcsler, N. 1'.,

3-8.tiuss. John. Mnjesile, Ashland. Ky., 3 8.

(iotorth ft.Doyle Akron. U„ 8-8.Golibnnlth ft Uoppe, Mauulou's Purk, St. IaioIh,


Gordon. Lawrence, Lakeside Park Theatre, Dayton,<J./ 3JJ.

Guide, Anna II., Amuse, I.onilue. O. 8-8.

Goodwin. Susie. Electric Park, Kansas City, Mo.,2 :8; Auditorium, Jojillu, 9-10.

Gulden A Hughes, Grand, Jollet. III., 88.Golden. Lewis, Flood's Park, Curtis Bay, Haiti-

. more. 3-10.Gordons, Three Bounding, Wcuoua Beach, Day

City, Mich.. «•«<Gwilmuiis, Musical, West Hud Park. New Orleans,

'7Wveriit»r,'« 'Sou." Lyceum , Houliester, X. Y., 3-S.'

(Jrunl,. .Sydney. Lyceum. Rochester. X..Y., lOJO.


Green ft Weathers, Palace. Boston, 8-B.

"Grout, "Bert ft BeHhu," Hendersoo's, "Coney Is-

land, R. Y.. 8-8.

Green Bros.. Henderson's. Coney Island, N. V.,

.3-8 •

Grenadiers, Stiinnliu:. (i. 0. II., PHtshurg, 3-8.

Grlgvlcltls, Flying, Cook O. H.. Rochester, X. T.,8'H.

Gnty't Marlouettes. Ilanuver Park. Merldeu,.Conn.. 3D ; Hong Lake, Woonavcket, It. I.,

1018.Grlllen A Du Bols, 23d Street, N. Y. O. 8-8.Gray ft Graham. Ocean View Park, Norfolk, Va.,

' 9«; Park. Richmond. 10-15.Ouyer ft Urh.nl, Albambra. N. Y. C, 8-8.Hampton. A Uaomanu, 'DeUtfcBes, MtUcnen, tier.,

lla'taroi, Grace, O. O. II. , Pittsburg, U-8,Haines, l/oln. Wonderland, Revere Beach, Mass.,


Mart,; Maurice, Hazel Pack, Hazelton. Pa., U-8.-Haatinxs A Wilson, Majestic, Ft. Wottb, T«.,

llatimwoy A Slegel, Lakeside Park, Akrou, 61,

Hays,' Ed. C. Urand, Uulootowu, Pa'.. 3-8;.Nixon, Pittsburg. 10-10.

Ilartmcli ft. Harris, Family. Coshocton, O. 3-8;Verbaek'si Oil Clly, Pa., 10-15.

Hayes, Tommy, Houdenun'it, Ooney Island, N. Y„a-8i

liarta. Alcuc-ft EdHard, Crystal, Irunkford, lud,,a- 1.0. ' .-

lls'rrltfiin. -his. Majestic. Clihago. fl-B.

Hay,' -Uillcyelu. Lakeside Park Casino, Akrou,11.

. 2 8 : Meyer's Lake, Csuton. U-16.Hatch S Hatch, HIJe/n, ShelvyMu. wis., s-ii.

Uaiiiey, Lenura, Crystal, Frankfort, Ind., 3».Harriaons, The, BIJou, Norfolk, Vs.. .'IB.

Harriniton ft Lester, Park, Johnstown. Pa., 8-8.ltarrlaon. Lisi F„ O. H . Blind River.' out., Can..


IJ*vto-rIj«t:ler K'.iir. Ncntals/ga 1'atW. Owlun, a I).

riarrls-Beaureganle A Co., Olympic, 80. Bend,. lnvj,. as.lilutoe. Al, Farm. Tolt^ki, O., U-8; UoCk Springs,

t-' tjiaslgt Llierouol. 10 15.

Hurmau A brauklln, Pavilion, laindon. liuglaud.3-»..

llauitoii'ft Drew, l^agvon Park, cinclunnU, n 15.

Iluwley, E. Frederic, A Co., Orphcum, Sau Fran.,Cai.. 8-22.

Hathaway, l.ulu. Parlor, Omaha, Neb.. 3-B,Heeler A Mcely. Casino de Paris, Paris, France,8l6.

Hw-wooil, Great. Elder* Park, Charlcrol. Pa.,

ITelai' Children. .Wallace Park. I'adacab. Ivy., .8-

8: Cook's Park. Kvaosvllle. lad, 1013.Henry, Captain. Star, Seattle. Wash.. 8-8.

Henry ft Young, Shellpot Park, Wilmington, Del.,

Hearn. Torn. Nixon, . 1'lttabnrg, 0-8; Cleveland, lo-


Hennessey, Jas. A., Bell. Oakland. Cul., it-S;

Novelty. Fresno, 10-15.Hewlett*, The, Coeur d'Alcuc. Spokane, Wash,,3-Aug, 11.

Herbert, . Mona. Maoela Grove, Tomiqaa, Pa.,3-8: TnrobUug Run. Poltsvllle. 10-10.

Hill, Cherry ft Hill. Casino, AsbQry Park, N. J.,

8-8; Park, Johnstown. Pa.. 10-13.Hliiiuim. Capt. Sidney. Steeplechase Park. Ouuey

Islimd. X. Y.. 8-30.lllllniau. Geo.. HIJou, Kankakee, ill.. 8-8.

Illckeyft Nelson. Cheater Psrk, Cincinnati. B-f,mil, Hamilton, Tlvoll. Sydney. Aua.. il-July Hi.

Holmes ft AValdon. Bosovlllo Pork, Sharon, Pa.. 8-

S. -Pavilion, Akrou. O... 10-10.Hocb. Kutll. A Co.. Celeron Park. Jamestown, N.

' •T:. 3-8; Mslestle, Chicago, 10-13.Uolomn, Al.K ft Mamie, Omsk, Siberia. Russia,utluly 81.

Hopkins, Vera. UUlto. Klmlra, N. Y.. 3-8.

Hoey * Lee. Keith's, Columbus. O.. 8.-8.

Uorton A La Trlska, Forrest Park, St. Louis. 3-


Holt: James, Spring Grove Park, SprlugUeld, O,iifrO.

Houdlnl, Hairy. Unkiu Square, N. V. C, it-S.

Homed Bios.. Novelty, Bin Jose, Cai., 8-8. .

Howard ft North, Keith's, Boston, 3-S.

IloMswortbB. The. Family, Lehauon. Pa.. 3-8.

Hottocn Bros., aohroer Park, Montreal, Can., .l-«;

Vetty Park, Toronto. 10-10.ilostart, Ernest, Alliambra, N. Y. 0., 3-B.

Uowsjnl A Bland. Ingersoll Park. Di-s Molucs.la.,' s-3, .

UOitan, Arthur, ft Co., -Hoaglake Park. Wuoii-" abckcl. It. 1., 5-8.Huglias Musical Trio. Lyric, Tcire Haute, Ind


'-»•: Lyric, Danville. 111.. 10-19.Ilrratlngs (4>. Union Square, N. Y. C, 8-8.

lluehu, Musical, Fairyland Park. Passaic, N. I.,

Hull, t'srollue, ft Co., 2,'uJ Street, N, Y. C. 3-B.Hyde. Mr. ' ft Mrs. Rvbt., Manila Groi-e Park,.Taminus, Pa.. U-8; lslaud l'ark, Hniiburj. 10-«:•

llallan Trio. : Chesiuut Street. Phllu.. 3-8:

Ivy, A Ivy. Posfor s, N. Y. C. U-8. •

Jueuby. Jiaiepliliie, HIJou. Kolunuioo, Mich., 8-8.

Jucktvn Family. Temnle. Detroit, 3-8.Jerome, Nat 8.. Spring Grove Park, SprlugSelU,.0,V-I1-8: Fall-view Park, Dayton, HMD.

Jerome, Elmer, Unique. MlunesiHills, 8-8.Jerinlngs ft Renfrew, Sprlnghrook Park, 80. Bend,

Ind., U-8.

Johnson ft Dean, Yard's, Moscow, Russia. .".30.

.lolmstoiis, Mttslcul. Empire, lllrmlnghnm. Eng.,lp-15; Empire. N'cwcustlc on Tine, 1T-22; 'em-

pire, South Shields, 24-20.Juyees, The. Rlalto. Elmlra. N. Y.. 3-8.Jordan. Ureal, Riullo, Klmlru, N. Y.. 3-15.Jones ft ltuymond, Alrdomu, Belford, Ind., 3-3;

HIJou, Anderson, 10-13.Kulliass A Co., Thalia. Chicago. 8-8.

Kaufman Sisters, Elite. Hvckrord, 111.. OnKaufman Bros., union Square, N. Y. C>. 3-B.Karnu's Psntoinliue Co., Nlxvu, Pittsburg, 8-8.Karl ft Kella Trio. FujeUevlllc, N. C. U-8.Kcciiv. Juggling, Broadway, Mlddletown, 0., 3-S.Keuli ft.Co., Noi-uniUitu Park, Boston. 3-8.Kel«» ft Udghtou. Proctor's. Troy. N. Y., 3-8;Celeron Park. Jameatowu, 10-16.

Keller A Usui's Arabs, Cook's O. U„ Rochester.N; Y.: 8-8.

Kcimettc, Tom. A. ft 8., Boston. 8-8.Kenton: Dorothy. Fontaine Forry Park, Louisville.,

K/., 3-8; East End Park, Memphis. Teuu., in

Ketley. Wis, J.. A Co.. 126tU Street, N. Y. 0.. 3-8.'


Kelly. Waller C. Keith's, Cleveland, 0., il«.Keitnem, The, National, Kansas City, Mo., 8-b.Kelly ft. Rose, Olympic, chlcugo. 3-8.KeuiKily ft Wllile, HI|>|Hjdronw, Oceuli City. X J.,

ICcrtbr. Jos. It., -ft Oik, Park, Wheeling, W. Vs.,I>b .t

King, Sam and Nellie, Irrlmlule Park, Warren.Pit.. 3'8;. Athletic Psrk. HiHTalo. N. Y„ 1015.

Ivlnajsley ft Lewis. Majestic. Chlcugo, 3-B.Kin* ft Haslovii. Rlalto, Klmlru. N. Y.. 88.King. Sam ft Nellie, Warren. Pu.. 3-B; Athletic

Llnplncutls. The, A. ft 8„ Bwton, U-8.

Lucy ft Luder, Spring Grove Park, SprlugBeld. O ,

U-B.Luce ft Luce. Noruuibeira Park, Boeton. 3-8.

Lueler, Mr. ft Mrs. Freil. Spring Grove Park.NprliigiieM. O., 3-8; Couey Island, OluclunsU,1010.

Lucas. Jlimulc, ltamoua Park, Graud Baplds..Mich., it-8. • 1

Lyrle Comeily Four. Park, Wbeelluu. W. Va.. 8.

Martlnettle ft Sylvcuter. I'roctor'a, Newark, N. J,.

:i-8; Cook O, IL, Rochester. N. Y„ lu-lo,

MaiK-lo ft Woulf. Casino. Carnuralc, L. 1., U-l>;

Vanity Fair Park. Providence^ n. L. 10-10..Maildcrii ft Harvey. Manhattan, Norfolk, Vn,. 8-B."-

Mann. Ilnnuy, £ Co.. Lakeside Ciialuo, Akrou, O,3-8: Myers Luke Park. Cnuron. 10-15.

MHsoli-Kwler Co.. 38lh Street. N. Y. C. 3-S.

Matlory. Clifton, Ft. Plain.'. N. Y., 0-8.

Murtln, Dover ft I'crclr, chutes. San Frau.. Cai..U-fl

Majes'tle Musical Four. Shea's. Buffalo. N. Y..8-U.Majestic Quartette. Crmalile'H, Mluneaiwlla. 3-24.

Muck. Wilbur, ft Co., Family, Wllllaoisportf Pa.,8*8

Macks (21. Foatorla, O.. 3-S.

Mack ft Dugal. BIJou. battle Creek. Mich.. 3-8;BIJou. Jackson, 10-15.

Mains A Mar.ette ltsmoiia Park. Grand Baplds.Mich., 8-8.

Mathews ft Ashley. Orphcnui. l»s Asseles, Oil..


MuJicw. Stella. G. 0. H., Pittsburg. 8-B.

Marshall, llert, HlanaUia Park, Mt. Vernon.. 0.. 3-B.Maltluml. Mil, Ice. Xoruuiuein Park, Boston. S-6.Muilon ft Pearl. Park. Johnslowu, Pa., U-8;

Celerju. Jniursiown. ,X. Y„ 10-1J.Maivo Twins. Emit Euil Park, Memphis. Teuu..

2-8: liigrmvll Park, Des Moines, la.. 10-10.

Marline*. The. Marlon, Marlon. O.. 3-8; Orphtmn.Springfield. 10-15.

Mack, Dlek. Orphcum, l.oavcnworlb. Kan., 10-16.

Marvin Bros., Schlndler'a. Chicago. 8-8.

•Manhattan Trio, Kdgcmont Park. Dubois, Pa,.

Miirsh'all * King. Youug's. Atlantic City, X. J..


Matthews. Elmer, llljou. Kalamasuo. Mich.. B*Martyur, Luna Park. IlnKalv,- N. Y„ Ul«.

Msdilen-Fltriialrick Co.. Colonial, N. Y. C, 3 S.

Mnck. CliM.. ft Co., KittliN. Ooliinibim, O., 8«.Mack ft Dugal. Hlli. ii, Battle Greek, Mich.. 3-S.

Maxwell, Joseph, A Co.. Alhanibra, N. Y. C,3-8.

Mtrtlu Bros.. Kellb'a. Boston. H-8.

Marshall, Berl, Collins GardUis. Cvlumbui, 0.,10-15,

Msec. Fred. Lyceum. Rochester, N. Y.. 3-8.

Mason ft Doran, Hliocdy's Nlckelodcou, Fall Hlvar,

Mass.. H-.'IO.

Martini A Maximilian, I26u7 Street, N. Y. C„ 5-8.^1llssey ft-Kraniav.' PeWile's, HlufftOh, lud., U-8;

Star.' MuitliisHlle. 10-16.

Mnihleu, Juggllug, Cook's I'arli, Kvaiisvlllc, Ind..2-8; LaserTciv, fci'fo Hauie, O-IO.

MacDonongli. Elba), Orplieiitu. Los Augclos, Oal.,2-8.

Melntyre ft Heath. Chesiuut Htreot. Phlla., US.MeHorley ft Eleiuore. C'oenr d'Alenc, Spokauu,

Wash.. 1)-:10.

McDowell, John ft Alice. BIJou, Memphis, Teuu.,3-8.

McKciir.li- ft Sliuuupn. Keith's, Huston, ll-B.

MeNiiincc. Lyric, Danville. III., Ii B : Torre Uaule,> Ind.. 10-16.McLuugltllu. ciulie. Purk, Wheeling. W. V'a„ :i'h.

.NlcPhee ft Hill, Slicu/x, Rnflalo. N. V.. 3-U.McFarliiuil ft Murray. Majestic. Chicago. 8-8.

McClellon. Jus., Bijou, Hulutli, Mluu.. 3-B..

MeXeil ft Hon'arif, Sprlngbank Park, l/iudon,Con.. U-8. .. .

MeCuno A Grant, Lyrle, VU Worth, Tei„ US;Lyric, Houston, 10- 15.

Merrltt. Slsirrs, Cliealvr Park. Cincinnati, 2-S.

Merrill. Frank It.. Orphlum. Gallon, u., 8.

Melville. Jean, llubtr'a, N. Y. C. Jill.

Mclvlu Bros.. Young's I'lor. Atlantic City. N. I.,

8:8.Molrose Troupe. While City. -West Haveu, Conn ,

OB..Mtllmau Trio, Palace.' Hlrmlilgbam. England, U-li;

Olympic, Liverpool. 10 10 ; Uliipudrmno. Mini-che-ilrr. 17-28.

Miller, Minnie. LliblsV Baltimore. 3-8; Philadel-phia. 10-30.

.Miller, Carrie Hello, Laketldo Park. Akrou, O,8-8.

Mitchell A Hrewnlug. BIJou. I'lijua, 0.. U-8.Minor, Frank, HIJou. KalauatoO. Mich.. 5 8.

Millard Bros.. Howard, Boston, 3-B.

Military Octette, rnjnderaon's, Cohey Miami. X.Y.. 3-22.

Mill Sisters, t'plisi Siiuure, X. V. C, ll-B.

Mlchelena, Vsfi. Colonial, N. Y. 0„ 38.Moulin, l.ea Klnir's, Otphoua, Ban Frau., Cai.,

2- 1 ft,

Moore. Iniak A Marlon. Proulor'f, Noasrk, N. J


kirVoi VV^Ider '8avov''Alihintle Gltv N J fl.M

Morioii. imw* J^Urniiruni, Sim Frun., Cul.. 11-

KlSufo, Vlueeut. B?JonA

IrSn dtU JMlcb i ".W .*. ""'i"'1 "'..,' 1.' »^» ««,«*. •>

JaJjabiUlBros,,' Palace, Boston, 3-6; Lyceum, Boa-• "(1 ii- 1.'.

Knowles, Harry, Bell, Oakland, Cai., 3<B.Bnxtbcushue, Ituy, Luna Park, Chicago, 3 8.lullghl Hisjb, A Sawtelle, flsth Street, X, Y. C.

Kiilsbt ft Knlglit. Howard, Oikagu, 8-8.Kohl. Uua ft Marlon, 0. IL , Gonuoaut, 0„ 8-8.bohlvr A Marluu. Coney laland, Cincinnati, 0.,

3-8;MaJestlc, Irouton, 10-15.Kramer A Bellctalrc, Orpbaum, Los Angeles, Cat..

' >8-4L-

KremJut Bros.. Orphcum. New Orloaun. 3-0.KroWrtv Wallace' Park, I'aducab, Ky., 'US;

Cook's I'srk. Evanavllle, Ind., 10-15.KfniMrU, The. Union Square, N. Y. C , 8-B.Knrlla-ft Basse, A Dogs, BIJou, Lincoln, Neb.. 8-8.L« Utpo, Art. Al Fresno Park, Peorlu, HI,, 112V.La Clair A West. Arcade, Tarsntum, l'a,, 3-B.La Mar, Wayne Lyric, Dallas, Tex,, S-B.La Bord ft llyersou. Lyrle, Ft. Worth, Tea., 8-13.La Mont, Ollle, Star. Chlsholm, Mlnu.. 11-20.

UNple Hrw., Whalom Park, Fltebburg, Mass.,3,1V' Society Circus, Lynn, 10-22.

Larkl-'ft Adams, Auilllorlum, Norfolk, Vu,, 3 21).

Luhcuster, Tom. Lyrle, Jvuhlu, Mo., 2-8; Lyric,Pittsburg, 0-15.

Uuihert, Maude. Chestnut Street, I'lillu., 3-8.Lu Toy llivs.. Park, Butler, pa., 3-8.Lament's Cockutuos, BIJou, Kalsmaaoo, Mich,, 3-

8. . . ,•

Lalliui, Mile.. Young's. Atluutlc City, N. J., U-B.Lu 'Blanche. Great, Shamokln, Pu., 8-8.Lu Toska, Phil., Orphcum, Lvs Angeles, Cat., 3-

18, - ....Langdons, Tins Orphlum, Lima, O. U-S; Or-

phlum, Newark, 10-16.Luvcllc A Grant, Albambra, N. Y. C. 8-B.Luwoaii A Naiuon, Ornheum. Bostmi. U-S.Ln Holies, Foiitiisllc, Uruwusvllle, Pa.. U-B; Star,

Lutrobo, - 10-13.Lau|hllu, Anna, 23ii Street, X, V C., 3B. .

Lakola, Harry. Slur, Douora. Pa.. K-B; Star,Moneasrn, fo:i3.

lafrere-Hlsiers. Hohmrr Purk, Mvbtreal, Can.. 8-B.La' W' A 'La Zur. pueblo, Colo., 2-8; Colorado

Springs. 0-13.(m Belles. The Ii. ft P., Jersey City, N. J., il-8.

Luscallea, The, llljou, Norfolk, Va., il-8.

i.uhl' ft Cecil. Nortli Aw.. Chicago, U-8.Lsuqii; Cora. Wliiunu Ik-ueli. Bay City, Mich., 8-8.LuUkJiis. The, Chester Park, Cinlclnnatl, 2-».

La MOto Girl. Ingersoll Park, De» Moines, la.. 3-

1.11 ik'll, Marie, AtlMiitJu Garden, X. V. c, 3-B.Ln Launl, Bessie, llljou. Wheeling. W. Va.. 8-8.La fell -Broa. Central Purk, Allentown, Pa„ 8-8;

Sauutoia, Pottstvwn, 10-10.Lclrfil' Fannie, Rollaway Rink, Quehcv, Can., '-

sTItluk. St, John, N. 8.. ldlllA-Iuispu. Jus., ft Co.. llljou, llucinc, Wis., 3-U;

- Ktnoahu, 10-15..u iwu, iieuvauii, lu-iti, .

l«o|lkrrt, Kddlo, ft Co.,, Shea's, Buffalo, X. V„ 5-8.Ujparil, ttoa. Acme, Sacramento, Oal.. U-22;

c, Irene, Chestnut Street, Phlla.. U-8.

U'tfrht. Ureal. Empire, Pateraon, N. J., 3-B;Empire, llobolicn, 10-1.,.


Majtf _A Qulnn, Henderson's. Couey Island, K,

Lu Hoy ft' WoudfoM, 6Btb Street, N. Y. C, 3-B.Leigh, Lklc. .A Co.. orphcum, Boston, 8-8.Uslle ft Williams, Orpheniu, Rock turd, III., 10-13.lye «\'ltt A Asbmorc, BIJou. Lincoln, Neb., U-8;

Crystal, St Joseph. Mo., 1115.l/oe, Itcury, Savoy. Alluutlc City, N. J., 3<8.Lewis A llarr, Falrvlew Park, Uuyton, O., 2 8 :

HpHntt tirove" I'urk. Sprhigtteld. 1M0.l/?e Tiiujr Foo. Howaril, lloston, 3-8.Let|nv ft Thompson, Savvy, New Bedford; Muse.,

l/e»y. Mrs. Jules, .V I'limlly, Aiou Park, MktsM.lottit. O., 2 8; While Clly, Blugbauiton, N, Y.,10-16. .

Leyimnl ft Phillips. Thealorlum. Keutou, U„ U* :

North Avenne, Clilcago. 10-15. *•

Le flrey. Dollle, While Clly. Oshkoab, Wis., 3-'.»,

Little, Irene. Cnlqoe, Minneapolis. 3-B.Little Hip, O. 0. H., Pittsburg. 38.U»kbsrt Sisters. BM011 Aliptolnu. Wbl , IKi


•BIJou, Ureeu B*y, 'II Hi

Morrlhs Sisters. Klein's Park. Baltimore, 8 8;Weber's Park, Baltimore. 10-13.

Morton ft Dlumond. Kidlli's, Phllu.. SB." an., C_ 3-July 31.

Mutoglrl, Lu, Toiirhlg India ami China, ilJuly 31.Moil ft llisslrleli. HrOsdiVli), N. Y. ().. 3-30..Morrlsey ft Illch. tlnlqw, MliiueuisiUs, U-8.Mo-.re ft Llllldleld. S'Wuu, PttUbprg, S-B.Morn. Silent, trtsUio, MaPlflaJdvO., M.Moiw, lllllle. Aubaaaer\ Akerlc-n. Wash.. S 80Morse, Ron, Idora Park. Youngstowu, O,, Ml.Moore, Harry, UIJuu. Wlieollng, W. Va., 3-B.Mnlllcu Urns., Drvauiland, • Bradford, l'a., Ml

Snls niiincn, X. V., IO-i6.Miiakutecrs (U), Tnicadviro, i'-t. George, ,V. Y..-1U


Mulllgiin, May. O: IL, llWusvlltc, Pa.. U-B:Cuslnii. It'iishlngluu, 10-15.

Multomo .laps m. HIJou, Duluth. Mluu., 5-8.

Murphv ft Audreirs. I'urk, IVurron, Pa., 3>8 : Ath-letic Park, ButTiihi, N,' Y'„ 10-16.

Miiri-iiv, Clayton A Dfuw, Lyectilil, Phlla.. U-lll.

Xswii, Tom, A Co,, ' Miijasllc. Chlcugo, U«.Xiiiij', Viola. Lyrle, Tt. Smith, Ark., 2-B: Little

tlock, 10-15.Xugel ft Adams, Pustor's. X.'Y. C. , 3-B,

Nuyiion, liosn ft IllfilH, Sobmer Park, Muutreal.Can., 2-B.

Nail.ll. Sheu's Buffttlo. N..i'„ 3 11.

Ncwinnii, Hurry. White City, Chicago, 2-8; AlamoPark, Cedar lluphls, |u„ U-IO.

Mcuieyer ft Oileir. lllioii, Marabulllvu'n. In., lit).

Nichols Sisters, Union Hdnuic, N, Y. C. 10-15,Norton ft Nhdiolsoli, |'t«jc(nr'a, X'mvark, N. J.. il-M.

Norton ft NIcliolMib, Proiiliir's. Nmvurk, N. J .8-

8 : llolili's. Phllg., 10-15.Xoldelie A .Mini 11^11, 'L'lirillvnl I'urk, Ksusus City.

Kim., 2-8; Alrilooui Park, Learenwurlh. U-IC.Xonvortli. Jdek. KellU's. I'lillii.. U-B.O'Cuniiell, Giildeu, Family, Anaconda, Mont., 2-B.

Family. Hillings, 0-16,O'Dii.v. Ida, Farm,' Toledo, 0„- 2-8 : Hock Unrlnf

Park, Kust Llicrisiol. 10-.I3.

Olluru ft Walaod, Onihlnui. Sjn'lngllcld. o. .U-M :

ilriiiul. Ilriiiilllon, 10-16.'

Olivrlra Trio, tloMeti City. Cuburslo. L. I..' J-B


Uluniotid, Troy. N, Y., 10- Hi,

Oni'l, Allele Purvis. OuMno, Toledo. O, as: fourMile Creek Purk, l.i-le. Pa., U-16.

11 Nell's Minstrels, Xovnlly. Denver. U>0.O'Nell, Tom, lui|K>rlsl. I'retuouL o.. 3-B: Malesth'.

Humliiskv, Mi-ir,. . ...O'lluitrke* Marie. Atlantic Garden. X. V, O. d-S.oslioriie,. Merri: ft Co.. Muleatlc, Chicago. 3-B.Osborne. Charles IL, llosuvillo Purk, Sharon, l'a ,


(isiniiu lamlli. Andltorlugj, Norfolk. Va.. 3<H.Otlullros., Alhsiulira, N, V. (I,, :t-8.

Ovrrlng Trio, llluklisuitun, X. Y.. U-B: Troy. It)

lo. , V I ,

Owen, Margaret Dale. Cdaluo, J'ohslo, It., ,'I-B.

Owen, Garry, Llllle ft Co.. Avon Park, Youngs-town. 0..-8-S.. - ' •

Osava, The, Halt Lake CU) U.. 10-13.

Po/loll ft Stanley, XCW BlsJfOfll, M1.1 , US ;

Brockton, 10-'16.' ''.•'I'ainahaslkii's Pets. Hiiuliiir.v. Pu.. 3-B; Luua Park.

M'usblngt D. L'„ lo-I.Y

Pulitzer. Willy. Trio, Vlelorln. X, V. C. S-8.Parker A Harror, . MunJiHttuii, Norfolk. Vs.. 8-S.

l'ascutel, X'urmiifiega Park, Boston. 3-B.

PurlH-r Bros., Sbatly Grovit Park. I'nlvulowii, l'a .

3-0,, .

Palmer Sisters, Biu'liuthiluk Park. Loudon, Can,.8-8

Perry, Padlltw, Proctor's, Newark, X. I... {Mt:

Perry ft Penrce, Brooks Casino. No. Ucsch. N. Y..


Perry ft Aleelii. Slur, l.aiivbo, Pa., IIB: O. IS..

Bniwiisvlllc. 10- 15.

Peielilug RruH., Fair View Purk. Dnyloli, 0..:<-S; Wiurlli.g, W. Vh., 111-15.

hi-, A Wilson Wissllyn Park, Camden, X. J.,

:i-h. •-• 1

Peters, Phil ft Nellie, laplh Mtrrel. X. V. U, Baa,

PcM. Insl A •Aiiuk',' Weal End Park, NewOrleami. I"22.

Pemll-lmis, Tin*, Lyric, Sail Lake City, If., 2-8.tJtlhllll. Ogihlll. UK,.

Pons 1 Twins. M'uraaa'.. I111J., 3-B; Logaubiit^t,1013. '

, ,'

"Platiohltleiids." Tbu." Colonial, X. Y. 0.. MlKeith's. Phlla., H»16.

Pollard, w. to. Orand. UMun. Ind.. ,'i-s. 1,

I'onKo-A Lki, •J}>stp',tJtr»eL,-N. Y, 0, SB, W^%







Pope, J. 0., & Dog. Olenlaogy Park, Columbus,

ii.. 3-8; 0. 'I. Mm Wcllaton, 10-lfi.

Primroses, Muslral, Ijnum, Washington, V. O.,

n»8 *

Primrose, Geo. H., Colonial. N. Y. 0- 3-8.

Pryor*. The, OMraiKi. :i-H ; Bijou. L» Crosse, VI*.,

Psycho.'' Sans Sonol nark. Chicago. 3-8.

Pollen, Haby Lnelln. Hrblgetown. N. J., 3-8; Cen-

tral Piirlt, Allentbwn, Pu.. 10-1 r.•

QubM * Muck. Trinidad, c«l„ :»K; Pueblo, wi...

iJirtCK, Marker * Xickerson. Porreat Park, M.

•jidnteife,"" Tb». Pnntolne Ferry Turk, Louis-

villi-. Ky., 3-8; Hopkins', Memphis, Twin., 10-

Itnn'tvHa ft Lyman. Shortly'*, New London, Oona.,

3 8Hatrayeltr's twigs, Proctor's, Albany, S. ¥., 3-8;

MiiJoxlli', Chicago. HMO..Mnoldii D Piivi-n|«.ri. Alhngilirs, N. \. C, .


Husins A ItiinUn. Umpire, Wr»ki» Neivliigton, hno\,

il-8: Lyric, Liverpool, 17-22; Hippodrome.

Ilrlidilon. 24-211 ; Iflpii^Ii"""^. Liverpool. July

II ni. Pr.-d, ft !'».. Hlii-a'«, DulTiilri. N. Y., 3-8.

KiickMt ft llaruril, Scliliullcr's, OWM ;, -8.

Hnveri'KTiifl, Charlotte. Ilomonn I'ark, (Iranil Hup-

1.1*. Mich., 3-8. „ _ _llnlnliuwH. The. Cooper, M t. Vernon. O., J-8; lir-

plilum. Sprlngrteld, 10-1ft

line I. Jlrnsehe, l(. ft P., Jersey City. r>. J., 3-8,

Hani* ft Vmi Knurmnn. Novelty, Stockton,

.'in; 1'nlipie, Knii Jose, 10- IB.

n.-.ltiiMnl. Julln, •'< ''"•• Farm, Toledo, <>., 3

nock Springs, Past Liverpool, HI- 1 ft.

licuin-e Fondly, Howard"*, ehletttti .1-8;

MM, So. Chicago. 10.16. ..._-.._lleno, Will ft Mny. IlnBuifn. Kllsnbelh, Po., 3-8.

IUuio & AMrn. Hlymplc, Chloogn, :i-8.

Ilevnohl*. tan. A., Family, Krle, Po., 3-8; (Iranil.

(HI City, 10-15. _ „ .

Itellly. .loliniile, Unincl, Milwaukee, 3-8.

Ilene, liessle. Alliiiillc Harden, N. Y. C. 3 8.

hvitlek, Carl I*., ft Co., Council Muffs, la., J-8;

nmiiliu. Nell., D-IB.

Reese. Harvey, ft Airry Sisters, Star, Mnnele,

lii.l., 3 8; ilrpliliiin, l.lmn, (I.. 10-16.

llcyimrit. Kd. I1

.. Union Square. N. Y. 0., 3 8.

Heckles'. Itcckhiw, Itnllawny Itiiik, Quebec, linn.,

3U; Blnk. Si, John, N. H., 1016.Ueno, i.'co. II., ft Co., Conk (I. II., Rochester, N.

neml'milHi. Mnyme, ft Picks, TU Street, N. Y.

Renin "ft l&lwnriln. Anne, Niirfolk, Vo., 3-8.

Held llroa.. lii|ilieuin, KiMliin, 3-8.

Hint! ft WllllaniH. Alriimne. VI. Hunll. Kam.,Klii- ft Pieviwi, Pnr.iillne llmif (ionlen, N. V

3 8.

Hlcby, Arllnir, liljou, liiilnili, Minn., 3-8.

Klnllo Ciimeily Quiirlelle. Pnrk, New (irleanH,

Itltier ft toiler, Alanm Park, CHilnr llupliln,

M; Park. I.ii Holle, III., 11-10. _ItlMeen llron., pawliiekpi, Pawliukel, It. I., .18.

KIiiiiim I'll, Kelili's, ClevelBinl, 3-8; u. O. II.,

I'lllflmrg. 10-16.

lllo Bioh. (4), l'.mplre, York, KnK., 3-8; Hippo-

limine. Liverpool, 1016 ; Piivlllnn, New IJoHlle-

lllii, ftilolpli. Cioieaile Pnrk. New Cnalle, Pa., 3'8.

ItlclmnlH, Crenl, Knrni, Toliiln, •)., L'-H; Celeron

I'n rh. .lumenlown, N. v., 10- IB.

Knix'H, Uorn, Kellli'n. HokIou, 11-8.

H,i«»|, (IninteKii ft. I'iiiiIo, Irrplieum, Snn I' run.,

rul., HI 311.

lto»» SlnlerM. Provlileilee. It. I., 3-.liily ,10.

llonitle'H llimil, iiulnrlii llenili, Itoi'lteater, N. i.,

Ho»9 ft I*wIk, Kmplre. Hwaiwen, Kn«Iin4, 3-8;

Kmplie, New|»iil. Hi IB; Kinpln-, lllrmluglii









3 8.

. 0..

2 8.


Ivvlniliile Pnrk, Wnrren,

Jerwy I3ly. 3-8; I




nilRote ft .li'iinin HiM.

ll.iitern ft Deely, K. ft

,mi., n. y. <:.. in-iav

llonf a- iliirl, Vlrinrlii, N. Y. (I., il-8.

iluekuuy ft C'liiwny, Itnniiiiin, (Irnml Itopbla,

Mli'h., 3 8; Wviioim Jtcnc-li Park, Hay Clly, HI-


noirn-, Mnyo ft .lilllel, H. 0. II.. Keokuk, In., 3-«,

MiiviiI MiiHlitnl rlfA firpbeiini, l.iw Augeleti, Cul.,

2-8.Hiwi'in- ft Slma. Hlnr, slonoiiKobelu, Pn., 38;

Clili'iiKo, 10-3H.

JtiiHM-ll ft lleM, Ciu-iiIviiI Pnrk. Knn«aa Clly,

Kmi., .1-8; AIuiiiii Pnrk, CVnlur Rnpltln. ll.. 10-

KiatMHIk, Mimli-iil. Cryatnl, l-'rankfort, lml., 3-8;

(.'ryalal, Klwiml, 8-IB.

Hnf ft UiiHlvk. I.yrle, CulBory, Cn.. 3'8.

Ilynn ft llinitfliia, Purk. .Inekaoii, Mich., 3 0.

Hviiii ft Itlcbllelil. Kellli'n, I'lilhi.. 3-8,

Itynn ft While, Family, Hcrunlon, Pa., »•».

Siilh.r, Mae, llcmli'rnon'n, Coney Ulainl, N. Y.,


SnnU'll, Ureal, Alnlome, Term llniile. lml., 3-8.

Snbel, .Inaepliliii'. Touring Mtnitli Afrlcn, Jl-.luly 3D.

Sibililer, .Mlllnn, Pnlmv. lloaton, 3- 1,1.

Silmili'K H), l-'amlly, llnlie, Moiil., 2-8.

Siiil 1 ft Whaley. CiihIiio, Toledo. O., 3-8.

S.ilninr TroiiiM', l.iniu Pnrk, Chloogo, .1-8.

Si-henk-Miirveliy Troiipi-, il.'lil HIiih'I.

3-8. .

Srliepii'n Dogn, Kmplre, Sprlnunelil, HI.,

Shn-'n, Knkonio. lml., I0HI.'Silimil lloyn ft llltlB," Vlclnrln, N. \. 0., 3-8.

Seltilnl, l.iilln, Kellli'n, tkiliiinlmn, ll., 318.

Sevuioiir Slnlern. IIIJoii, Mnrqiielle, Mich.,

Seirn, Cliaai, Vlclnrln, N. Y. C, 3-8.

Helilon. <!«>., Orlentul, Duller, Pa.. J-8.i>. mil

n. y. a,


:i N.

681b Mimi, N. Y. 0.i 8'8.

Mnjenllc, Chicago, 3-8.Srlllilll. riiiii. I

Sbepheril, Kiliin, -

Slmiwoimvl, Proclor'n. Newark, N.-J-. J-»>

Slienn ft Warren. Chentnul Klreet. Pblla.. 3-8.

Milehla ft ltintern, Koiilnlua Kerry Park, l/jiila-

vllle, Ky.. 3-8; Khhi Hurt. Meiupbla, Tenn., 10-

Slici'ldiin, Will. Conneniil, 0„ 3-8; Uuuklrk, N.

Sliori ft Kdwiinla', Shuily llrovo Part llnlnnlown,

Slierwinil, 'Wnltiv S., Ornnd, Wilmington, Del.,


Sli'i-bloii ft DnvlH, MiiuiiiaiiHii. Norfolk, Vn., 3-8.

Siiunuon» Hi. Ilrpheiuu. Vnneonver, II. C, 3-8;

ilrniul. Victoria. HI-HI.

Silver. Nudnre, IIIJoii. liuliith. Minn., .VS.

Slrrwnje, llovranlV, Chlciiko. 3-8.

MK.fH.n, Pauline, Kgan'n Hoof llnnlen, Tulsa, I.

P., 3-8.

Sinter, i'lheli, ft Co.. Arch. Cleveland, 3 8; Idle-

wild lift. Newark, 016.tiuililm. Mimical. Parlor, iniinha. Nell., 3-8.

sn.l Hi ft fJiiimi. I'lwlnrln, O,, 3-7; Preemout,

K-1 ''

Sinylhe, Will M., l-'mully. Sernnton, Pa., 3-8.

MiviIit ft llui-kley. Knnt Mud Park, Menuilila,

Thiii.i 341 Husernoll Pnrk, De» Moines, la.,

Hmraeriund ft Curtli, liclinar Oardens, dkla-

li.uiui i.'lty, tlkln., 3-30.

Smuci-h ft Slorke, llnnovei' Park, Merldrn, Conn,,

:ill; Purk, WoomuH-kel, It. 1., HI-IB,

"MiiHC llliiln." The, ll. II. , Clerelimil. 3-8.

Siimy SlHiern, I'lilcugti, I S.

MMwmrily'ii llenrn, U. O. II. , Plllslnirg, 3-8.

spisieii Itms. ft Muck, Pulncc, London, Kn(.,

330.Knedilen ft lli-rs.ni. tlrphlmn, Shelby, 0„ 38;

Odiinlnl. Cambridge, ID-IB.

Dmrh, ruble. IVople'K, l.euveuworlh, KM,, 2-8;

i:\celalot- Hprlngn, Mil, HI 6.

Slelnerl ft Tbnmiin, Slur, Aurora. HI., 3-8; Stir,

Mlelu, 10-ir..

•SllinnliiF i;ren:idlern," The. 0. ll. II., PUtaburg.;i-8; lielUi'H. Ilomim. 10-16.

Siiinri ft Kivle.v. Olympic, Cluitlunmiga, Tenn.,

;t-8; Oiik Summll uPrk, Kviiimvllle. Ii-IB.

sinuiil ft Thulcber, llnlou, llakeralleld, CaL, 111;

People's. Los Angek-9, lo-lil.

Slulev's 'fi-iiiiaformnllob d>.. Nixon, Plltntiurg,


SI irk, Klate. Allnntle Hard N. V. C, 3-8.

Sloddiird ft Wilson, IIIJoii, l-'llnt, Mich., 3-9.

Meveiis. Kitty, Shady llrore Park, I'ntouinwn,

I'll., 3-8.

slwilc.v ft l.e Uoy, Unlely, Alliance, O., 3-8.

SI. Klmo, Leo, Urpheuni, I'lh-ii, N. V'., 3-S


Klnasliin. 10-16.

SI. (nice llros., lluckfonl. III.. 3-8.

Sutcllttr Troupe. Urpheuni, Sail l'ran,, CaL, 3-8;

Los Angeles. HI-1SS.

Siimniers, i;hn«. ft JoHle, Mnjeslle. I.nfnyelte, lml.,


•siiiiuv Soitih," The, VlelnrlH, N, V. «'., H «.

Siimiuervllle. Amelln, Muji'ilb 1

,Chicago, 3 8,

huuimern ft Wlnlers, Mujeslh', l.ufnyelle. lad..

Sweet', Chiirles II.. PliMlnnl Slreel. Pblln., 3-8.

Swim ft Itiiuihiii-iL l-'iiiin. Toledo. II., 2 8.

Tiilcols, The. Lyceum, Phllu.. 3-8.

Tnugunv, l-'.vn. Kelili's, Cleveluiul, 3 8.

'InleV, Hurry. C... Nlimi, Pltlnhiirg, 3-8.

'I'livlur, Phil.. Hiilelv, Hast Liverpool, ».. .L8.

'J'a'yliir. IVu-n, llenderson's, limey Island, N. \.,


Tii'vlo'r, l.ellii. BSHi Slreel. N. V. C., ll S.

Terry ft Klnier, PnslurV. N. \. C„ .IS.

TeWeesI ft. Suiii-liliK', llendersoli s. Coney Island,

N. V.. 3 8.

Tii-d ft Lnrell, Hlvmplc, Ih'llnlre, (I-, 3 8; MftilMV,

ML Vernon. 10 IB. „ _ _Tbui Qimrlelie, Vklorln, N. Y. 0., 3-8, i_..^

Tboni«, Mr. * Mrs. Harry. Park, Lewlalown,3-8 ; Avon Park, Youngslown, 0., 10-15.

Tbifln'f Band, Luna Park, Chicago, 3-8.

Toy it Toy, Nipniuc Park, Mllford, Maas.,Brookalde Park, Atbol, 10-15. '


Toaca, Orpbeirm, Lon Angeles, C«l., 24.Toolwy. Pat ft May, Irwin. Ooahen, Hid..

Crystal, Ardcrnon, 10-16.

Tontblllon, Max. Troupe, Ingerroll Park,MMnes, la.- M >

Tratk, aieildra ft Ilaiih, Acme. Sacramento,3-8; National. Man Fran., 10-16.

Tsuda, Harry, Caalno. Toledo, O., 3-8; Four MileCreek Park. Krle. Pa., ii-ib.

Turpln, Ben. Thalia, Chicago, 3-6.

Turner, Bert, IIIJoii, Canton, 0„ 3-8. .

Tully, May, ft Co., (>. O. II., Pittsburg , 3 8.

Valoilnns. The, Kobmer Park, Montreal, Can., 8-8.

Vnnlelles, The, llrand, Comcgle, Pa,., 3-8; Orond.Turtle Creek, 11-16.

Viilaitnn. Paul. Young's, Allnntle City, N. J., 3-8.

Vuldare. Beitsle. Tronpe, K. ft P.. Jersey City,.V. J.. 3 8.

Vim llofre Ik Ootrely, Culifornla, llutte, Mont., 3-


Van, Hilly, 8hen>, Toronto. Can., 3-8; Buffalo,

X. Y.. 10-15.Vni'ln ft llurr, (Inlvestoii. Tex.. 3-0.

Vnocn. Vlel-wl*. N. V. C 3-8.

Vhsssi- (llrls, Olympic, Chicago, 3-8.

Variety Qnnrtelle, ll. o. II., (irnml Itapbli, Mich.,3-8; Kmplre, No. Bend, lml., 0-10.

Vmrge'n, Reeil'a Lake Park, llrand llnplda, Midi.,3-D.

Vnne, llnrry, Oiuncll Blnffn. In.. 3-M.

Veiln ft qiiinlawlno, Idlo Hour Park, Plilsbure,Kim., 2-8; I.yrle, I'armnn, 0-li>.

Vermel te-Carpnlli Trio, Olympic, Lyon, France, 1-

1S.Veilmnrs, Tlie, Allnntle Harden. N. Y. C„ 3-8.

Vermin, Paator's, N. Y. ('., 3-8.

Vernon, Tony ft Flo, (Irnnd. Newport, Ky., 3-8


IIIJ..H, Plipiu. II.. 10-1.1.

Vlnlon, ltd ward, Nprlnghank Park, Isunlnn, Cta.,3-8.

Vhl«, Mile.. Nnrlh Avenue. Chicago, 3-8.

Vincent, Chax.. Hip., (Hen K.-ho, Mil., 3-8.

Vloln ft Kngel, Niivelty. Snn Jose, CaL, 3-8;

plre, I .ns Angeles, 10-15.Victoria, Vesta, YoMiig'a, Allnntle Clly, N. J.

Voltn, (Irpheum, l.oa Angeles, CaL, :l-8.

Yokes ft Daly. Winona Beach, Ray Clly. Mich.,3-8. -.

Wnrd, Mnyfl, * Her Dolls. Fnmlly. Scranlon. Pu..3-8.

Waller ft Maglll, Orphinm. Mnrlettn, n„ 3-S;lirnnd, Cnli, in. i«-ii. Pa., 1016.

Warren ft Faual, Family. Sernnton, Pa., 3-8.

Want* ft BluitiHinrd, (liymtili-, Chlcn^i, 3-8.

\V ii > iic A. .1., Fust Hide, 'ireen Hay, Wis., ,1-16.

Walsnn's Farmyard, Keith's, tVilninluin, 3-8.

Wni-.i, Hilly, Dewey Pnrk, llarre, VI., 3 8; Palk,Bellows Fulls, 10-16.

Wall. iii, Irvln. Keith's, Boston. 3 8.

Welters ft Fveris, LVimlque, New Bedford. Mus.*.,3-8,

Wuierjiiiry linn. St 'Penny. Union Rquare, N. Y.(!., 3-8.

Wnbloif ft Meiulea. Paxlnng Park, llnrrlnhiuv,Ph., 3-8.

Watson. Harry, sprlnghnnk Pnrk, l/mdon, Can..3-8.

W<-stons cn. Ingcrwill Pnrk, Des Moines, la,. 3 h.

Wesevllle. Iluhy, Sprlnghnnk Park, l/imloii, Can.,3 8,

Wek'h, Jnmes ft (lella, I'hlln., 3-8.

Welch. I em, Moas ft stall ft ltl.-ur.1f- Tours, Kn.;-

I.iihI, 3-311.

Welch ft l-'rancls, 23d Street, N. Y. 0.. 3 8.

Weslnti sisters, Pnstm-'s, N. Y. C, 3-8.

Wesl.si, Willie, Mnjestli-. Ciibngo, 3-8,

Welch. -Mealy ft .Montrose, (irpheum, Boston, 3-8.

West, Arlhilr, A. ft S., lloston, 3-8.

Weldi, Hurry I... Olympic, ChlcaKO, 11-8; Crystal,Milwaukee, 111-15.

Wesluii. Dave, Mnjeslle, PlliMliurg, 3 8.

Weldi A Connelly. Acme. Sncriunento, CaL,National. Sun l'ran., Hi HI.

Wi-riien ft tllndlsh, Orpheuin, Snn Fran,, CulWelch, Joe, (I. (I. II. , Pittsburg. 3-8.

Welch, Ben, Union Hipiare. N. Y. C, 3-8.

Whnlen ft West. Pastor's. N. Y. 0., 3-8.

Wbllelry ft Bell, (Iranil, Milwaukee. 3-8.

Wheeler Staler*, O. II., Kokomo, lml., 38;larla. O., 10-15.

While ft Hanford, urpheuni, Seattle, Wash,, 3-8.

Windsor, llena, Novelty, Oakland. CaL, 3-8.

Wills ft Ilasaan, lloldoaon Park. Fl. Wayne, lud.,3-8: Itumonn, (Iriiad Haplda. Mich.. HMO.

Wilton Bros.. Hnlou Square, N. Y. C, 8-8.

Wllaon iiiiin., Mii.vw.sni, III., 8-30.Wllaon-Iie Mnnvllle ft Co., llrand, Marlon, lml.,


Wilton Bros., K. ft P.. Jet-oey Oily. N. J., 3-8.

Wilsons (2i. Family. Scranton. Pa.. 3-8.

Williams lino, Orphlum, Sidney, I)., 3-8; Or-phliim. Chlllleotlic, 10-15.

Wlllliuus «c Pullman, (Ben Iti-lm Hippo., Washing-tan. I). (!.. 3-8 ; Tumbling Dam Park, Brldgetun,N. J„ 10-10.

Wisdom, Klcnnor. Bill Ave., N. Y. 0.. 3-8.

Wlngatea, The, Casino, New Caat,e, Pa,, 3-t;Tliealorlnm, Mt. Pleasant, 10-15.

Williams ft Melburne. Paator'a, N. Y. (!,. 3 8.Williams ft Ilealy, BIJou, Strentor, 111., 3-8,

Wills. Nat M.. Colonial, N. V. C„ 3-8.

Williams ft Walker. O. O. II., Pittsburg, 3-8.

Wlllnrd, Clma.. Kdlson, New Castle, Pa., 3-8.

Wonlette. Kalelie. * Co.. 12BIU HI.. Ni Y. 01, 3-8.Work ft Ower, Keith's, I'hlln.. 3-8.

World's comedy Four, Winona ' Park, Saginaw.Mich., 3-15.

Wood, Francis, Keith's,- Boston. 3-8.

Wood Bros., Monumental, Bnlllmore, 8-8; Bijou,Phllu.. 10 15.

Woodward, V. P., Novelty, Oakland, CaL, 'J-8;

Panlages', Portland, Ore., 17-12.Wrny. Roy's. Marionettes, Ideal, Monongahclu

City, Pa„ 3-8.

Wright. Hess, (lien Haven Park. Rocbeater, N.V., 3-8.

•Yu'-I.lei ft Bunnell, Hoag Lake Park, Woonnocket,II. 1., 3-8.

Yeoman, (leorge. Euu Claire, Wla., 3-8; I* Crosae,101.1. ,i.

Young American Qulnlctle. Farm, Toledo, 0„ 2 8.

Young. Ollle. ft Bros.. Holler Risk, Ashland, Ky.,2-0; Casino, Toledo, 0., 10-10.

Yule, Arthur. (Irunhy. Norfolk, Va„ 3-8; Pa-vilion, lllclnnr.nil, HI- 1.1. '

Znacl ft Vernon Co.. Union Srpinre, N. Y, C, 3-8.

ys-tta ft tloncfl, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati: 3-S./i-uii, Joriliin ft Zi'iio, Keith's, Boston, '3-8.

Xlugnrelln, Lornlm. ll. 3-8; Morley's, Aahlaliitlu,10- 1.1.

'/liieail Opera 'I'rotipe. Keith's, I'hlln., 3-8.

Zoiihoulakls, Hrnnd, Peru, lml . 3-8.

3 8;

, 3-K

I ...

. (W. J.


TO CORRESPONDENTS.Our theatrical correiporiitinit are hereby

notified . that the tredenllalt now held t>u

them erplrcd June I. Then «r« requettet to

return them io thin office at once, tor reneimt

for J0O1-IM8.

Michigan.Bay City.—At. (he Washington

Daunt, manager) "A Girl -of theMuy 25, scored well.

unioM (W. J. Daunt, manager).—TheEarl Burgess Stock Co., In repertory, did ca-

pacity business May UO-.Tune 1.

Ut.iou (J. D. IMImore, tponnger).—Attrac-Hon8OMojbmUreaAlvln. ..

tin- Hljoiiscope. Capacity houses ruled.

Lyric Ttuufts, irresentlnit moving pic-

tures and Illustrated sntiRs. opened here May•2«.

Notu.—3. It. Prentice, a hlack face come-Ulnn, called on friends In the city May 30.

Hi- appear* in Stantlifth June 3. .,,a

lluKIc Creek.—At the Post (K. R. Smith,taamiRcr) Mary Miinnerlnj; delighted a ca-

pacity house May 28, In "(Jlorloua Betsy."Helen McRelh, her understudy, Whose scliriol

days were spent In ami nhom Buttle Creek,also received well deserved applause fromher many admirers. "The I.lon and thaMouse" pleased n big notisc SO, Thelliieluinnn Slock Co. presented "The Minesof Siberia" 30, .'II. Lillian Russell Is dueJune la,

Bijou (W. h. Huttei-ileid, manager).

Hill for week of June •". Includes : Muck andDhkuI, Hemli-e and her hoy tenor, Billy

Beiiril, liiiiilmr'n Hoat ClriMts, Ifluslraled

tongs, nnd tin- cllneloscope plettireH.

Niitk.— I'.tirnum & Hnlley's Circus Is

hooked for June 26.a i

.. Kalamaiun,—At Ihc Academy of Music(B. A. Hush, milliliter) "Tho 1,1"" and I heMoiihc" pinycd In S. I(. 0. Ma; M, nnd theaudience wiih delighted. J. (!. Lewis, In "SII'liinkiird," t'linie to hlg htmlness mallnee nndnight, 30. I.llllnii ItusKcll. In "The Kuticiih,"June J 1.

IIIJoii (W. S. IluHerfleld. mnnnger).— Ijirgehouses week of May 'It. with n line hill. Bill

week of June .1: Ijimonl'u i-oekatoos, KrnukMinor, Josephine .Ineohy, Alherleon News-lioya' Qunrlelle, i'.lnioi- MntbewB, Illustratedsongs and riiiii-tiiKciipc.


Mnnlmee,—At the llamadell Theatre (ll.

R. Itamsdeli, mnnnger) "The Hidden llniul"tilled the house 'May -J.'l. .1. Porter While,In 'The Fool's Revenge," 31.

Hi mil t k. Itlnphiim, manager).—ThUpopular house Is drawing Immense crowdsevery night Week of May 2il, "A Bod Manfrom Iho WesL"

HiiriiAitu UKRi'll I'.uik Ii.i.h Joined theMichigan Park ilicull. with J. l-'nust asmnnnger, nnd will open June 2, wiih highclass vaudeville.

NEW JKR8KY.\e,v«ru A', the Shubert (H. M. Ilyams,

munagei), David Warneld played the Unal

week of tM season for thin theatre, May 27-

JS£ 1. to record breaking business, tnrntng



*VTRJC^Stnart. resident maoa-

ger) -The current bill 1" headed by the llOlt-

RVg sketch, "Christmas On the Island. .Nor-

ton and S'lcholton are aI»o proinIne>ilt. In

"Ella'si All Right." and the .Nichols Sisters ire

we to the fore. Martlnettle and Sylvester,

Pauline Perry, the Chadwlck Trio, Fronk and

Ma on Moore and Shtingopavl coapletn the

novel and Interesting blir Art excellent bill

was well appreciated week of May 27. and

iSna I.n..gh/ln v.«s pnrtlcnlnrly favored_

Coi.t'MniA (M..J. Jacobs, manager).-^- HeSign of the For.P" Is the offering thls.woejv

Enia « lutrp.—At the Grand (C. Il Hnn»manager). "Mj,. Friend from India" (hi,|!

tJKion».<Wni. Arraond. resident manaassi—Bill, for. June 3 and week:- Dnnster ,,!Leslie. Dolla Wntsop, Donovan and ArnnlitWn. Annond, (Jlrdellefs dogs, Geo. Yeornni,'and JMm Harrington. mmnu

NrtTBB.—John Hoolntion'a Circus jun. ,

, . .-.Barmim ft Bailey's Shows July o<»»

(iranil Huiil.is—At Ramoua Park (I/'WDelnninler, mnnnger) for week of June 2-8,the attractions Include: Hart's "Hnhi-lngllitlsles." Dkon nhd Fields, Jennie l.ticng,Miuuz und Alazcttc, Chnrlotlu Rnvencrofl,it ml Hockway and (,'onwuy.


I'euria. -.ii iiir Main Street (Davis-Churuhlll circuit, managers) the Hummer sea-son opened Jtlne 2, with the Payccn StockCo., in "Men and Women."

Star in. Walter Van Dyke, manager).

Business continues good. Last week thestock comphny gave "An American Bom,"

. Stunk ilit.i, Uakden (Frank Grave, man-ager).— Stock company. In "The SunsetMine," last week. The play gave excellentsatisfaction, to good attendance.

AiitooMK (Jim Bauga Amuse. Co., mana-gers).—Stock company, In "The Gamblerfrom \\\e West." last week. Good businessruled.VVmht'r (Chas. V. Bartson, manager).

Week of Mny 27, crowded houses ruled. Bur-lesques, "Madame l.n Blanc" and "The Sul-tan's Wives." Kip and Klppy, Winnie Alonso,and moving pictures.ViuoiMA Beach (Frank A. Helneke. man-

ager).—Week of 27, the Ijelgbs played a re-turn date. Illustrated songs and dancingcompleted the hill.

At, Fresco Park ( Vornon C, Soavcr, mana-ger).—James' Brooklyn Military Band openeda two weeks' engagement 27. Business Issatisfactory.

Notes.—The Barnum ft Bailey Show comesJune 4. .... ..Francis J. McCarthy closedMay 2(1, at Stone 11111 Garden, and openedut Iho All-dome Mnnnger Van Dyke,of the stnr, will shortly opeu an alrdomc.Ground was broken 20. A brass band wasIn attendance, and the mayor of the citymade n speech Manager Grave, of Stonelllll (iarilcB, has been in the hospital thepast week, suffering from u severe case ofblood poisoning. Owing to his continuedill health, Mr. Grave has decided to se'l thegarden Eihel Burrymore canceled herdate here at the Grand 27, owing to illness.The scenery was In place, and the house s.lil

out Lew Worth, of Worth und Dclnuir,Is producing thu burlesques at Wenst'sThe season has.closed at Hie Grand and Ma-Jesile Patterson's Carnival Companycomes week of June 24.

ON TIIR ROAD.Sn|i|ili'iiion(al I. I«l — H.'i'elveil Too

l.ni.- far ItiiBslUi'alli.n.

Ilcimclt-Miiiillnn (Ad. P. Heed, mgr.)-—Norwich,N. V,, 3-S.

ulffinil L'uiiiodlnns (A. C. (HfTnrd, ingr.)—Ontario,Wis.. 3-8, Tuiiinb in I,'..

Jueksnu, Isaliel ('., Stock (Percy II. levin, mgr.)- Philadelphia, Pa., 3, ludeMnile.

Thorp's lllit Show—Pluevllle, Ky., 3-8, Joncsvllle10-13.

"Uncle Tom's Haliln," Mnson llros.' (.luck Mason,bus. mar.)— lloekvllle, (mi.. Can., 3, Prcucottil. Keiniilvllle 7. Smltli's Palls 8. Perth 10, Hlnrl.nke II. Renfrew 12, Arnprlor 13, South MurchIt. ui lawn tr>

SIINSTIIIOI.S.I l.nnl v nuie. Vivlekel & Molnn's (Jnlin J. S'olnii,

mgr.l—Minwomlii, Sash., Pan., 3, Imllnn He-idll. Iteitlim 7. 8

'PRIST SHOWS.liollnmr llros.—Owaionun, la., 8, Clmluclri, Minn.,

HI. Jnnesvllle 11. Sleepy Kyc 12, I'nnby 13,i initial. 8. Dak., II. Slsselnn 13.

(lav's --MeCniislaiul. In., II. Princeton 12. l.c-

elalre 13. Kltlrldge II. Donahue IB.

WKST VIRCIIVlAiVilH'elliiK. -Al tho Cntii-l Theatre (E. II.

l-'riink/.hciin, mnnnger) Lew Plclds. In "AboutTown," May 31, liud hlg business, nnd theHeason for the Court closed wllh (he above.

I1i.hu- tSi'huck ft Hcnrley |in>|irli>lnrfl).—

Business Is mill good ni this iiuiiuliir place,

und the iHlt'iii'tloiis for week ending Juno 1

were very goiid. People for week oC June 3:llitrrv Moure. Miiiesllc Qunrlelle, Dally andO'Brien, HinsIi' i.uMuiini and the movingpb'tiires.

WtniKi.iNn P.inK (l''rnnk J, Baker, generalmalinger).- - Buslnesu wiih good for weekending June 1. People for week of 2 : I.vrlc

Cnniedv I 'our, Iho Great Da Coo, Jon. R. Kel-ler mid I'limpiiny, Clulrc .Mci.nugliliu andLillian Dow.Nom—Lawrence Wheat, of "Hie College

Widow" Co., which lias closed, la spendingklM vncnlloii here with his relnllves,

*•*Coptuhi ami 01U.KTTI openedj (heir sea-

son al Itaclne, Wis., and nre. booked solid fur

one year.

leentnr.—At the Powers Grand (.1. P.Given, manngoi-l, Innes' Band, May 28, mati-nee and night, pleased. The house will bedark until next season. «'

liitcAMi.AMi Paiik (A. Slgfrlcd, mnnagor).—Tills resort will open the regular seasonJune 2. No arrangements for n theatre liuveyet been made, nnd the building given uplust season to vaudeville entertainment:* willhe used for a moving pli-inre show. Theother ntlracllons arc: Laughing gnllciy,Japanese games, circle swing. Perils wheel,merry-go-round, howling alley, billiard bull,phoiogi'Aph gnllery, dancing pavilion, rollercim-iiT, shooting gallery, roor garden, boat-ing, swlntmlng, .penny iircnde, zoo mut mon-key house. Goodman's Bund Orchestra avctynight, and Goodman's full fourth InfantryBund Sundays. Special fcnlures for openingweek will he Hie Plying lllckells and theHungarian Band, from the White Cllv, In-dianapolis,

Nm-Rs.—Manager Slgfrlcd closed the sea-son at the Hljnii May 2fl, to give his entirelimn nnd attention to Dreamland Bar-mim ft Btillo.v, 30, had n full lent In theafternoon, nnd nt night turned people nw.iv.The usual parade was eliminated.— «aa»

NOilTIl (AUill.IM.WllniliiKlnn,—At Ihet'lrilnd Opera House

ti'iiwiin Bros., mnungei'si the Sutilieam Cluliplayed to a full house .May 24. Moving Pic-tures JuneM

WiiiiniT.svii.i.i: IUmcii Casino will openJune 20. Willi comic upertt. under Hie man-ngemeut of Itohert Mnnsfeld, formerly lead-ing mail with Pcruclil-dypacuc Co.


Merlillmi. — At (he Coliseum Theatre(Vivian Whlltaker, manager) Kenlfrnw'uJolly Pnllulnders opened a two weeks' en-gngeinenl Ma,)' 27. to big business, nnd drewwell pleased audiences. Booked : Prank Dud-ley Stock Co. June 10-17.

\ 1,-ksliurn,—At Siihtirhnn Park Theatre(Jim 1-1. Moles, nm tinner i Prank liudley nailhis company opened for a Iwo weeks' en-gagement, -In "Because She l,oved Him,"

us lending lady.

tftlV S. Clark. m*g*±The Gay Parte BtirJcsquera closed the- regu-

lar season June 1. with a week of good busi-

ness, and Treasurer Lovctfs benefit. June.U,

promises to be it great hlg success ond a

grand finish Io a remarkably good season.

Olympic Park ill. A. Schmidt, mann-

K<, r) —May 28 found this resort reopened,

wllh many new things. The Olympic Park

Opera Co. begins the season June 3. with

•"Pile Belle of New York." and promises to

make this as prosperous as last season, "inn

Telephone Girl" will follow. Bristol's Pony

Circus created a sensation on the open air

stage, and remains for some time.

ICi.KC-rRio Park (C. A. Dnnlap, manager).

—Till* hlg place opened on tlmoMay 2r», and

business has been good from the start. All

the out door attractions did well on Decora-

tion Day. and Marlborough Hardy I; "gain

on hand, looking irfter the vaudeville theatre,

which this week Offers entertainment by LaSalle Trio, Snnsone and I>cllla, Wnlllng and

llrnilley. Cr.ntrclt and IllckS, the Great White

Yogi, and Joe llnrdman. Manager DunlapIs again making the .electric fountain a cen-

tral figure, with new spectacular additions., .-a

JiTsn-y l-Hy.—At Keith ft Proctor's (P.

Burns, manager, the. offering Tor week of

June :t Include*: Bessie Vnldare Troupe, line

and ' BroselL 'Connor and Kajrmnnd, Donald

and CtMflhi PIlJigllilion-.MclToy Trio, Wiltonllrolhers. lingers and Deeley, and the LaBelles.

Nanette—Buffalo Bill's Wild West June 11.

The Carl llagenlim-k- Wallace aggre-

gation 17 The Jersey Clly AmusementCo., with Prank ML Henderson, manager of

the Acnilemy, on president, and Prederlck

Klein, owner of lite Bon Ton, ns secretary,

is now hulldlng Ihe new Mnjeslle, and placed

on record at Ihe register's ofllce. May 27, a

iiiorlgnge of $iir.,000, loaned by the Provi-

dent Institution of Savings Prank fl.

Meoder, of St. l/iuls, Mo., hns brought suit

ngnlnat the Buffalo Bill Wild West Co., May:>l, for nn uccounl.lng. Mr. Mender alleges

that he Is the owner of ten shares of the

Htock, and he demands nn accounting of the

proflls. amounting to over $400,000. Mr.Mender claims that the Wild West, CompanyIs a New Jersey corporation, formed rob. 8,

1887, at Jersey City. The defendants set UpHint the Wild West Show was never ownedby the Wild West. Company, nnd did business

ns a partnership, nnd not a corporation.

Mrs. Salisbury, widow of the laic NathanSalisbury, was also present to tcRtlfy.


Atlantic City.—At the Snvoy Theatre(Prcd P.. Moore, manager) George M. Cohan,in "The noneymooners

1' (first presentation),

drew packed bouses May 20-June 1. Vaude-ville will be the attraction week of 3. with :

Vesta Victoria, Kirk and Wilder, Collins ondBrown, Harry Brown and company, .


Prcvost Troupe, Mwe. P.mcry and her can-ines, iicnrv Lee. and motion pictures.

Yousn'a Pikr Tiikatrh (W. K. Shnckel-fiu-d, manager).—Good buslocsa continues.

Anounced for week of 3 : Paul Vnladon andcompany, Billy (Single) Clifford, Billy Van,Gillette and McParlanp. Paris Chambers,Mile, hatlnn, Pour Melvin Brothers, Marshalland King, klnetogruph.


Cnindcii.—At Woodlynbe Pnrk (H. D. LeCato, manager) cold, damn weather marred,to some, extent, the opening of WoodlynnePnrk, oil May 25. 'Die weeks attraction in-

cluded : nisteen Bros., Denton and Scott.

Plorence Pierce, Daniel J. McGnrrlgnn, Billy

l-lvnns, Ye Colonial Heeds. Adams and Guhl,anlmnted pictures, A. B. Fortlner, ojierator.


Milwaukee.—Albert Brown produced Geo.Ilroudhurst's new play. "The Man und the

Woman," at the Davidson Theatre, week of

May 27. The work of the company washighly commendable. The play was also ex-ceptionally Interesting, and will most likely

be taken out by Miss Walsh next season.The Brown Company will put on "TheKreuticr Sonata" June 3-8.

Pau8t.—The English Stock Co. put on"The Reckoning" last week. Cntherlnc Greyscored a tremendous hit. Week commencing3, "Cousin Kntc" will be the offering, withJanet needier In Miss Barrymore's old role.

li.Miisii'ic (Itlchnrd Knnn, manager).—TheGarrlck' Stock Co. did some excellent worklust week, In "There and Back." It proveda good lively comedy. "The Girl Wllh theGreen Dyes" Is announced for week of 3.

Amiamrra. (Jas. A. Hlgler, inunagor).

"The Time, the Place nnd the Ulrl.v whichwas given Its prcntlcro ut this house, last

Summer, will return for n week's engage-ment, commencing 2, with the entire originalcompany. Oscar L. Plenum scored last week,In "The Tenderfoot." Business was good.

Bunt: (John It. Pierce, resldei t mana-ger).—Martin's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" put In.last week to the usual good business. "TheCow Puncher" 2-8.

Nkw Star.—Manager Prank It. Trnttmunhns them coming In crowds, itellly ft Wood'sBig Show put up nil Al performance lastweek. The Six Bergs Merry Girls was Hiebig lilt of the show. The Pay Poster Co. 2-8,

wllh Louie Hucre. "The Happy Girl."Crystal (P. B. Wluler, manager).—Pol-

lowing people week of 3: Geo. A. Bonne andcompany. Iledrlx nnd Present!, Then, I'll-

mark, Sloddiird und Wilson, Tops and Topsy,and the Cryslnlgriiph.Grand (W. W. Brnden, manager).—Peo-

ple week of 3 Include: Helm children,Krctore, Johnny Itellly, Whltcly and Bell, andIrene Harris.

Notks.—04n Hyde, the geulnl advertisingagent of Ihe New Stnr, has made quite alilt in his new uniform An orchestra ofOneida Indian girls Is being formed, andwill cover one of the large vaudeville cir-cuits "Salome" Ir to be put on by thePnbst Kngllsh Co.. week of June -10The New Star Is Issuing a publication, styled7'lic Wrrklu fltar. The llrst Issue beors thedale of June . 1, nnd has n number of goodthings In It, Prank It. Trotlmuii Is pub-lisher,- John Schlppocnssy, business mana-ger, and Joseph II. Dnruey, editorAudrey Iinuelcntill. ha* retired from the castof ihe Garrlck Slock Co., nnd Itlchnrd KamiIs about to close with a new leading man.

MINNESOTA.SI. Paul.—At the Metropolitan 0|»»

House (L. N. Scott, manager) the MackLeone Stock Co., In "The Liars." had hi.business week of Mny 2(1. The bill for westof June 2. will lie "Hearteane." which winconclude the engagement of this enmnnntDuring Its engagement. Ii has neon-el * hhisuccess, nnd ha* done very good liuslnes.The Bush-Temple. Co. will open an imaaiw!

Manager L. Jt, Scott Is\ttift

SliolJiiymiTi—At the Opera House (W.II. Slnddard. manager), "The Tenderfoot,"May 23, delighted a big house. A. CapcllnChoir. 2(1, did poor niisTncss.

IINIQIIK t Arthur Lime, manager).—lines-man Troupe. Prank Mlllon. lie-long Sisters,TiHsttwnrl Pnmlly, Prank Minor. May Mc-Donnell, the l^aveys. CoIIIr Le Page andillndvs Williams

Lakh Viiiw Si-.Mxir.n TniMmn (ArthurLane, mnnager) opens 30, with "SaidPasha," to bo followed by "t'ra Dlavolo.


ment week of 9.

In New York.Grand (Theodore L. Hay*, manager)


"The Pour Corners of the Ktirtli" drew lV eii

week of Mny 2(1. "Onr New Minister" weekof June 2, followed by "The Convict's Pnnah.ter" week of 1), which engagement, will clow-Ihc season. During thn Summer vacationextensive repairs and Improvemenl* will iij

made at this theatre. The house will rmnnabout the middle of August.

Kmi'irk (Snm Pink, manager).—Huslni-.«was fair week of Mny 27. The onlv new panpie week of June 3, are I he Great Jacksonnnd Bobby Carroll. Those holding over-Delia fanrd, ltuth Le Vuo. Billy Wells, i;n '.

(rude Leslie, the Martin Sisters. Lottie |i,.|.

more. Ladle' Blnke, LllHnn Gardner, limnMatthews, Theresa Kemp, Bit-die Van llnwkand Cly flop, and Shuw.



Winiihor (Smith rt. Hull, manager) —Business was very good week of May 2«.


Diiinih. At tnc Lyceum (C. A. Marshalltlianager) Raymond Illichcock. in "The Vun-kec Tourist.'.' Mny. 21). 30, hud fine business1 1 was the ,flrnt, time for the piny here, t;



Tyler had a good audience, 22, at his reellnlDandy -Dixie Minstrel* pleased 24, 2.I. Hieselle Knott .11, June 1, Lillian Itussell 7 s(llrst time In Diiliilh).

MktroI'OLitan (W. II. Longstreet, mona-ger).—-frank II, Long nnd his slock cnnuium-week closing 25. For week of 27. Ihe playfor the llrst. half Was "ICIected Io Congress"

Bufin (Joe Mnlllund, mnnnger).-,- ItiislnnsIs gooil and l.he'showH arn HrsL class, i.natweek Ihe Three Keiilnus brought down tin-

house with 11 musical act, A. Jolsnu gutfour calls for Ills offering. Bill lor weakof June 3: Seven Multomo Jnps, Carey anilLeclalre, Arthur Rlgliy, Abrani nnd jnhnalsnilore Silver, the Bnrtelmes, John t'mighlln'Jas. McCIellnn, wllh lllnsl ruled songs, miii

moving pictures.Notk.—Campbell Bros.' Show hns paper up

Io appear here on June 4." »

inn n.-n polls.—At the Metropolitan OperaHouse (Ii. N. ScOtt, manager) Perrls StockCo., In "Cleopatra," June 2 ami week. Samecompany. In "If I Were King." did verygood business! Inst week. Same company, In

"The Judge nnd the Jury," 11 and week.'Bi.inli OpKitA Hni'Si: (Then. L. Bays, man

nger).—"The Knur Corners of the Kurili"

2 nnd week. "Hie Cow Puncher" did verygood business lost week. "Our New Min-ister" and week.Lyceum (I. P. Speers, manager).—Pram-

ley Stock Co., In "All Ihe Comforts of Home,"2 nnd week. "A Lndy of Quality" bad goodhouses last week.DKIQim (John P.lllott, mnnager).—Bill Tor

3 and week : Morrlsey and Rich, Mabel ('tis

sidy, Kimi'i- Jerome, Brudley ami Ihivls,

Carol Sisters, Irene Little Business n-aa

great last week.Bin Iri.and Parr.—Outdoor amusements.

• «»DISTRICT OV (111,1 mill.

HioililiiBtnii.—At the New National («'.

H. Itupley, manager) this week the Summeropera season wutt opened by the Abom OperaCo;, In' "The Serenade. Last week "Itobln

Hood" was capably sung, to standing roomaudiences at every performance. "The .Mi-

kado" June in i.y

Columbia (J. K. Luckett, manager).—This week, the stock company, In "Trilby."with Wilton I -ticks ve In his original charac-ter of Svengnll, and Hilda Spong and Char-lotte Walker an alternate- Trilbys. Last weekthe same company, in "My Bonnie Jim,"drew well. •'Aristocracy" next.

Bm.ahco (L. Stoddard Taylor, manager).


This week, ihc lodwln Arden Stock Co., in

"Prince Ktirl." Last w«ek "Rallies" wics well

inn.ved, tn excellent business. Owing to In-

clement weather all of Inst week, the Porrest

of Arden Roof Garden was not opened, hut

will be Inaugurated this week, "Dlvorcons"nM *'

Majestic (O. L. EUslcr, manager).—Thisbouse closed a verv .prosperous season 1.

Lust week Rose Melville, In "Sis Hopkins,"crowded the house.

Chask's (Miss II. Wlnnlfied Do Witt, mannger).—Last week this house closed the most

successful season on Its records. Stnntllns

room only wns the rnlo nt every perform-

ance.Lyckum (Kugene Kcrnnn, mniingeri.—

This house closed Its regular season 8, with

the High School Girls Co. as the uttractlon.

The Thorougubrcds had an excellent week hist

week. The Lyceum Theatre Stock Burlesiine

Co. opens a Summer season here 10.

Luna Park (Charles J.. Ooodfellow, iniina-

gen.—This resort opened with great bril-

liancy last week, but the rains, which were

almost incessant, kopt away the crowds. rlhe

Royal Berlin Military Bund Is the main at-


(il.KN Fxiio IIiPl'OOUOMH ( L. ,T. S.vinomKmanager).—This place was opened law week,

bin, business was light becnuse of bud wenlh-

er. This week's attractions Include: Ihc

Cvcllng Cogswells, Lu Petite Alma, and Illus-

trated songs by Charles Vincent.Nm'i;.—Buffalo Bill's Wild West showed

here Mny 31 und June 1, to fair business.


Hull Imore—At the Auditorium (James

L. Kcrnnn, manager) J'Thc Kortune Teller

Is the attraction June 3 nnd week, "ihe no-

hemlan Girl" was well received lust week,

although the continued cold weulher prov"a boon Io Hie few theatres remaining npen.

"The Chimes of Normandy" will lie put on l«-

Hoi.i.ipAY Htiikbt (George W. Rife, 1»«»»

ger).—Anl onto Mnlrlo will give one perform-

ance of "linmlct," 4. The rognlnr season

closed 1. „.,.GaYety (W, L. Ballnuf, mnnnger).— ii'J

Freni-n Polly BurlcRnuera begin a week s stay

3. The Brooklyn Belles httd n prosperous

week, ending 1. Next week, "Paris by Mgi»-

Nkw MoMtMKNTAi, (Sain M. Dawson, mini;

nger).—Miner's Amerlcnn Biirlesqitcrsareine

current attraction, opening X The ttnsnini'

ton SiMtlely Girls, did well last week.LiiniN's (I'Mwnrd C. Ilarle, ntunnger).--

Aritohlo's perfnrmlng milinnls nre the he"u-

liners 3 and week. „ „ .,„„(IHRATKR Kl.RCTRIC I'AnK (P. C. St'lUn-

hcrgcr. mnnnger).—In Hie ("nslno this we»»

nre: Mile. iJhii Patitf.er. Ihe Singing l;«'»'

Marie irfionlonl, Clmrles Wehcr, j^'c BrMnera,

und Tascntr. .„ „..

Lvitto (It. tllrleh. mnnager).—The »'|i

concerts continue, with Irene Dletrirn

soloist.' ««


Arthpr Stuart and Ihe Keeley Sister? * I

finish n season of fnrty weeks for the w«i-

era Vaudeville Managers Association J'10.''

after which the ml will dissolve. jWlfeJ},*.ley will work wllh lier lliishand. »»B"XVashlnirn, In Ills one ncl riclng play'*''.,.

' ,,

fii 1 Shoi." The learn will he known as wo*burn and K«eley.

JtflfeS. M¥ : ^ODEIK CLIPPER. 4^



imperial Uinpatoh to Tut: N'KtV YoHK CUrrKB.HAN FiiAncIncu, June !.—At the Van New

Theatre, Monday, June 3, -marked (he bt»

shfUHt of an engagement of Viola Allen, in

Twelfth Night," irnla special bill compris-ing nho scene each from "As You tike It,"

"School for Scandal," "Romeo and Juliet"

;infl "The Merchant of Venice."(jRKATKIt NOVKLTV.— Tills house will he

clo«ed until Thursduy, June U, which datewill mark the beginning of h special Summerengagement of T. Daniel Frnwlcy and se-

lected company, for ten weeks, opening withl.r'iih Kloschna."Da via Thkatke.—Monday, June 3, marked

i lie Inauguration of the stock 'season, withIzctta- Jewel as leading lady, Frnnklyn On-denvnod aa leading man, Francis SIobboo,Ingenue; Jon. Dally, comedian : Alllnc Vrach-lion I, Marie Baker,- Maud Odolle, Burt. Wes-ner. . Hddy latwreiice, Arthur Sheppard,(ieorglo 1 Woodthorpe,: Channcey Southcrn» K.(i. llcartt, stage manager,- and Fred Knell,tmiHifui director. The prices will be 25. 50and 75 cents, and box scats $1.00. Theopening will be "Sweet Clovar."

Ointhai,.—"Shu Dared Do Bight" lu thisweek's play.

American.—Monday, 3, marked the begin-ning of n special four -weeks' season of I'carl

M'tlkei'son's Co., opening with "East Lynuc"mew version)Nhw Alcazaii.—"The Undertow" la la Its

second week.Orphhum.—Bill . week beginning Sunday.

2 : The Flnneys. Klners Moulin, Eniersou andBaldwin, the Sutclllte Troupe, Jniuea J.

Morion. Werden and filuddisli. the FourForda, Valerie Bergcro and company, ami thekltlodrOme.Noma.—The car and telephone strikes nrc

sllll on, getting worse dally, and consequent-ly the theatres, ns welt as business- generally.ire suffering A meeting of the creditor*nf the New Aleasur Theatre was called afew days ago, for the purpose of asking «n-extension of lime for payments on all

amounts due by Bclasco & Mayer, the maim-ers, prior to the opening of tho ucw house,'he creditors granted an extension of time.

All debts contracted since the opening havebeen pnld In the usual course of businessand time.


I iKllniuiiiollD.—At English's Opera House(Ail. r. Miller, manager) Lew Fields' all starcompany, in "About Town," May 24. drewii full' house, and gave a bright, pleasing en-tertainment. The work of the chorus was nfeature. "The Three of Us," 31, June 1, will

close the season of Hie theatre.I'AHK TtlKATIlK (Dickson St 'I'u II. (it I. man-

agers!.—The bill week of May 27 was anelaborate production of "Pals, which drewvery big business. Week of June 3, "TheCowboy mid Hie Lady."

Nutbs.—Creatore's Itiuid guve nightly con-certs at.. Falrbunk, last. week. Odd -weatherreduced the attendance to a minimum, as It

did also at the While City nml Wonderland.The new lii'iind Opera House will have

. twenly-three dressing rooms, nil providedwith hot and cold running water and goodventilation. Thoy are located In the Southwing of the building, all above ground, andarc of fireproof construction.




Frankfort.—At (he Hllnn (LancchriikeA UulTord, managers) "Our New Minister"June 10.

i'hyktai, (Cl)as. Welch, manager).—BUI(for week of June :i Includes: The Units,.leanettc Ashley, Ln l'ollto Fern, tints, and.lennle Welch. McDonald and Wilson, andDie klnodroiue.

Xni-Ks.—The l'aliice has continuous vunde-vllle. and the Metropolitan presents con-tinuous vaudeville. II. I.. McCartney,wlio has been musical director at the CrystalTheatre for several months, bus resigned,mid he and his wlfa have accepted tin engage-ment with the Madison Stpiurc Stock »;o..

which they will Join In Oklahoma. Mr. Mc-Cartney will bo succeeded tit the Crystal byUnOM Hunvcy.w *' »

LOUISIANA.Sew OrletuiM.—At White City (C. C.

Miitiliews, ruuniigcr) good business ruled,week of May 27, when Fd. Scninoti's populariilyniplc Opera Co., bended by Lottie Ken-dall, scored heavily In a splendid produc-tion of "ThO ItllllHWIiy Girl. All I lie 'prin-cipal were kept busy answering recalls. Thechange of bill hereafter will be on Mondaynights. Instead of Sunday, aa formerly. "SaidI'nslm" is the bill for week of Juno 3.

Uhmt End (Tom Winston, ninungor).—Fully Ilfleen thonsuud people turned out May— U, l.o witness the opening hill at this popu-lar hike resort and to enjoy the splendidconcert hiitiU. under Director Kmll Tosao.Each and every number, Including UlnltoI'otueil.v Four> llallv and Itehiin, John Finnor, end Mabel Bnrre won rounds of wellearned appreciation for I heir clever work.The kluodroiuc wus continued. The Ithillo< 'tuned)- Four and llallon and ltitw will holdover week of June 31,

Nirras.—tieorge Venus, the. austllng adver-tising agent of the Tulanc Md Crescentllionivea, Is managing n new enterprise here."The Hurry Messeiiger Service." mid Is doinga big business "/,anu," with Cora Wllli-erspoon In the tine role, will be presentedat the Tulanc June 1 The many friendsof Manager Tom Winston, of Orpheum The-nlre aiid^Vesl. End fame, will he glad to hearof his Improvemeiil, he having been (iiiltesick recently Morris Marks, the popu-lar llltle treasurer of Iho Baldwin Theatre,bus recovered from ills recent Illness, andis about again Count Polo Iguteradcand George llarrlnger. Wo valued employeesof the Tulanc Theatre, are now occupyingprominent Summer position* at New OrleansBaseball Bark Prof. Ellington K. Bal-four, premier character dancer and origina-tor of funny dunces ami drills, left here,week of May 21). for New York City, priorto his taking Iho road for the Summermonths.


N*»r Hit* r it. At Poll': (S. ft. Poll, man-ager) for tho second week of the operaticseason, "The Mikado" will hn presented,and, to Judge from the success the past week,(bis week will be u record breaker. Mr.'oil baa aranged for the appearance of Miue.1'iiJIKo. who will essay the role of I'lttl-sing; Tbe company Is composed of Iho fol-lowing well known people : Bertha Dnvls,J times McElhiirn. Joseph W. Smith, J. J.Cnstcllitnor, E. W. howls, Frank Morlcy,Margaret Baxter, Harry Caster, Ellen James,l.dna Iteming and an ensemble of forty.Savin Hook (Darcy & Speck, managers).

—Everything was la readiness for the open-ing Msy HP, mid everything went off smooth-ly. -The bill week of ft Includes: The FiveItomanii Sisters, Melrose (hilnlctto, and Fllll-plhO Midgets.

KiM.i.iMf Itiins. Snow Julie I!».



COLORADO,Uenvcr.—At the Brdadwaj "'( I'uler Me-

t'otiit. manager) last week Maude Adams,In "Peter Pan," did very good, business.Week of June a. Walker Whiteside nppearsIn "The Magle Melody."New CttaTtN' (Prlton A Stnutiser, mana>

ers).—Theodore liorch and Co., In "liedliver." played to fair slied houses last week.Week of Juno 2, the same company, in "Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde."

I'utch'n (lAKi>K!ts (Mary Klllcli Long,iiruprletor).—"Tlie . Girl with the GreenEyes," produced by Ida Conquest and Bel-lows Stock Co.., mat week, scored well. Weekof June 2. Ida Conquest, In "Leah Klcschna."Manhattan Bracii.—Augtistln Daly Mu-

sical Co. did well In "A Country Girl/' MayilU-June 2. Week of June 3, above company,lu "The Clngnlee."

Novelty (Bert Plttnmii, tuauum).—


good bill last week drew good uusIqcih.Coin's dogs, Daeey, Chase aud Adair,. Mr.and Mrs. Mark Hart. Polly and Rtliol'Hasrl.Belle Belmont, Mcllwood Wilson, aud pic-tures,

CaiSTAi, (Oca. Ira Adams, proprietor andmanager).—Hood business last week. Thohill included: Weaver and Lambert, OscarWatch, Jerome, Fremont and, Jerome, Willsand' Barren, the Four Fiiklnos and pictures.

Notes.—The bad rainy weather last weekwould. not permit of any great crowds at theSummer gardens, although n fair businesswas done at each The opening ofTullerlea- Garden was a feature of the week,nnd large crowds attended. There will hefound the usual Summer attractions andhigh class vaudeville In the alrdome. Thispark should prove most popular this Summeren account of Its high .class cntertalumcntsthroughout the season and Its beauty.


I'nivlilnicv—At the Providence llpera-House (Kcllx B Weudelschaefer, managedMr. and Mrs. Boris Thouinshefsky, In "TheChosen People" and "The New Star." pleasedgtsxl audiences May 27, 28. ltlchanl Gold-en's new ploy. "The Poor Devil," receivedfavorable notice .'10 June 1, Jacob Adlcr, 7,lu "The Stranger.''

Ekitu'h (Cbailes Ixiveuberg, uianuger)

The Allsji! Slock Co. opened Its seventhseason May 27, in "The Heir to Hie lloorah."nnd. created a favorable Impression. TheIteiise waa tilled all the week. "A I.adv ofUaallly" Is the bill June 3". "(llltle'rlngGlorhr 10-10.

E.UP1111; (Spltv. & Nalhansou, managera).

"For Fait Virginia" was the offering of t In-

stock company 27 and week. "Out. of theFold" June 3-D. "Tho Christian" Is Inpreparation foe 10-18,

IMI'KHIAI. (I.. II. Clirlln, manager).

"Shenandoah," given by the Imperial Dra-matic Stuck- Co., 27 and week, w>u well pro-duced. "Thi! Private Secretury" June 3-8.

"Eileen A'ltoone," an Irish play, Is bookedfor 10-13.

Notks.—Vanity b'tiir. a new shore resort,attracted huge crowds Memorial Day. Vaude-ville, ut l met ton-., 3, Included: The Mar-velous Londons, Mile. Victoria's performingdogs, the S. Ulcno Troupe, George and(•corglc, and Mile. Omega dc WarKlngllng Brothers' Circus played June 1, 3.


iiiniiliu.—At Boyd's (W. J. Burgess, man-agor) Ethel Bnrryniurc, In "I'tiptiilli Jinks,"June it. I. "The Beggar I'rluce" Opera Co.has Ihjcii doing good liuslness. laying off forthe date of Miss Bitrrvinorc, and it will thenresume presenting "Said Pasha" nnd "Martha"for the rest of tho week.

lit iiwoiin i w. J. Bnrgess, iuauuger).-~Eva Lang and company are playing to goodbusiness. "The Itoyul Kautlly" 2 and week."Zlra" was Ihe hill the past week.Kauo ( "Doc." Breed, munagor).—The slock

comnnny presented "An Orphan's Prayer," togood business, last week. "Knobs o' Tenues-scu" next week.

Nortis.—.Mary Muiiclioft Is In Omaha, visit-

ing her parents, and will give a concert at:

the Orpheum June 1 Duss aud bis baudhud only fair business at lvrug Park thepast week, owing to the bad wcalhor whichprevailed Lake Mimawii opcuod May30, although the wealher was anything butpropitious "The Streets of Paris" drewgood crowds at the Auditorium the past week.

4 '»UKDAWAIltt.

Wiiuii union.—At Hie firntni Opera House.Shcpnrd's moving pictures and Illustratedsongs, with Walter Sherwood, laic of Field'sMinstrels, us the vocalist.Gaurtck Thkatsk closed a very successful

season May 25.Welsh's ClllCUH was lo have opened a

week's engagement at Brandywimt SpringsPark. Owing to delay In arrival of lent, theUral performance was made Saturday, June 1,

1 »» —


Bridgeport.—At Smith's Theatru (Ed-vurd. (.'. Knillh. malinger) Sbepard's movingpictures, and Botliiter, singer of Illustratedsongs.

I'ftl.t'K IE. li. Mitchell, manager t.—Poll'sMock To. continues.

Np.TBN.- -George Illy, a well kiiowtt bar!-lane vocalist, has been engaged lo sing Inconnection with the Illustrated snugs at Poll'sTheatre for the Summer season King.ling Bros.* Circus is tsstkrd fur this cllyJuill' 20. i. , ..Johnny Ivors, of Hie vnliilc-villa Irani of Ivers and Sen". Is spending Ills

vac-all I his hi In Oils clly. flftel- asuccessful iiHiKon A marching Hub ofajj IniniliMd Eagles Is K-lnir formed In ltd-city, lo participate In the Etlgles Field Dayfstadv, la Aew Uuveu, nut wuoth.

.Iiiincn Itleliiiionit Glvnroy.James iticiiiiiiiiui Glenroy (P. J. Feeuey),

famous as "The Man with the Grccu Gloves,"died from pneumonia, ut 2 o'clock ou Siilur-

du.v muiiiliig, June 1, ut his home. Forty-ninth Street, Borough Park, Brooklyn,N. V. .Mr. Glenroy became HI the wetikprevious, while playing at Voting's Pier, At-lantic City, N. J., and was forced, muchagainst lib: will, to give up work, and comeon here to his home for medical treatment.He wus born In Ireland, lu September, 1830,nlld was brought to this country In 1801.Accompanied by his wife, I."iba cicimiy.who worked with him from 1H82 until IKOli,

when she died, he had been connected withthe following companies : Weber lc Fields',two seasons; Irwlit Bros,', two seasons; FredW-uldmnn's, two seasons; James Hyde's,Kobcrt Manchester's, the Howard Athenicuiu,Fredericks & Douglass,' Ola Haydcn's Vaude-villes, Itussell Urutliers,' Tlllotstou & Fells,

mid George Castle's Celebrities. Later in:

went with Davis & Keogh's "On the Missltwlmil." hut shortly reappeared upon tin

vaudeville stage, Iii his comedy specialty,which kept him prominently before the pub-lic for years. Originally (ho team was knowntut lllclmiond mid Glenroy, but at ills wife'sdeath he added tier name, Glenroy, to hisown. In order lo retain lue old time Irademark. Ho used no make-up. but always worea pair of green gloves, and In time becameknown for this oddity. Mabel Craig, whomho nislTleil sdmt! yearn ago, survives him.Mr. Glenroy was a member of Newurk Lodgeof Elks. and. the Elks service was held at tils

home Sunday evening, June 2, by BrooklynLodge, assisted by 10. It. (lumber and L. K.Moiitulhn, of Newark Lodge. Mr. Glenroywas also a member of the White Huts ofAmerica. The funeral service was held onMonday, June 3, at 10 a. m., at St. FrancisChurch, Borough Purk.

Ailnliiic Smith, prominent lis an lirllsl,

composer and philanthropist, died middc'ilyon May 30, til her home, lu Pittsburg, i'u,.

aged forty-six yearn, Nervous prostration.resulting from overwork on tin.' libretto ofmi opcM to be known us "llngar." and forwhich Walter liaiurosch was to have writ-ten the music, is believed to have causedlicr death,

E. W< WlKirliM, one r»f Iho proprietorsof the Temple Theatre, Detroit, Mich., andtho Cook and - Baker Opera Houses. InRochester. 8. V.. died on May 28, ut theHotel Breslin. New York City.Mra, Mortimer Snow (Adelaide War-

ren), well known as an actress, died atlii-ainl llnplils, Mich., nil May II. Duringrecent years she had Is-en prominent In slockwork, her first, appearance was In "Heartsof Oak." when she was carried on the slageus an Infant. Her husband, Mori liner Snow,was playing lu Memphis, Tcnn., at the limyolucrdwitfi. mm

Jnincs Kdwlii t'onke, an old l line

showman, died ori ApHI'20, 1007, from acomplication of diseases. In Jersey City, N.J. Mr. Cooke wan one of the best knowncircus- men= of the old regime in this country,having coffle here In 1807, from Paris.France, to join Howe's Circus, with his wife,who was Carlntta De Bcrgr. one of thegreatest etpjestilennes of her lime. Mr. Cooke,after several successful seasons with theHowe Cirrus, toured litis country with all

the foremost shows of those days, nnd waaa great leaner and two, four and six horserider. He was born In Olasgow, Scotland,Jnne 13, 1841. and was married to CafloltaDa Bcrge, on Sent. 30. 1800. He traces hisancestry lu the circus easiness back two hun-dred years, to Ihe start of thr Cooke's RoyalCircus, on the continent, which Is still Inexlstcnre. Mr. ("coke's professional recep-tion In this country was most encmirnglug,but a series of unfortutintn investments kepthim from a life of ease and comfort In hisold-age. Ho engaged In various circus ven-tures, nnd several shows of Ids own were putou the road, hut they resulted dlsasterouslv.During recent years. Mr. Cooke hud practi-cally given up all business affairs, and hadaottled down with bis wife, In Jerscv Clly.on tho oiilsklrts, where they lived a unletlife.


John Ulllon, a vaudeville performer, whowas some years ago it tuemlsir of the team,Dillon and Lynch. Irish comedians, died inlloboken. N. .1.. on May 17, after a short Ill-

ness, aged (ifty-tlve years. Interment was InHolr Name Cemetery, Jersey Clly. K. .1.

ChurlFH B. Nlblo, olio of the dancingteam of Nlblo mid Riley, died at his home inBrooklyn, ou May 18. Mr. Nlblo was bornIn Brooklyn on May 7. 1875, and was wellknown In the profession, having traveledwith road shows for ten years. He was con-nected with Carr's Thoroughbreds Co. furthe [last two seasons, and was obliged toleave the company la Cleveland because ofIllness on April 30. His name In privatelife was Charles B. Hopkins. His mother,one sister and a brother survive him.

Prof. U till, ,,,i Henry Nolltli, vicil-

known bund lender, of Brooklyn. N. Y„ diedon May 20, at Ills home, (150 llulsev Street,that clly, tignd sixty-seven years. His wife,four sons and one daughter survive him.

(;««. rue William Wnd lc In li, nil uncleof Ivthvurd Id Klce, and who wus connectedwith iilui In vnrlous enterprises, died on June1, at his home In lllchmond Hill, L. L, froma complication of diseases, utter an Illness oftwo mourns. Mr. Wudlelgh wus horn lit

Brooklyn. N. Y., on Dec. IT. 1847, niid wuswell known In the theatrics l business. Formore than twenty years lie wus businessmalinger of K K. Dice's companies. He wasa nephew of Isaac B. Itlch, the well knownilieiilrlcnl manager, and has recently been Inthe employ of the Metropolitan Printing Co.The funeral was held m 433 Greenwood Ave-nue. -Richmond Hill, on Sunday. June 2, andInterment wus In .Mount Olivet. Cemetery.

Itolnnd II. Hill, until recently a memberof Hie Lillian Uussell Co.. died ill the CountyHospital.. San I'runilsco. Oil., last week. Inthe absence of knowledge of Ihe wliei'euboutsof any of bis relatives and friends, the mem-bers of this organization have arranged tohave the body Interred lit a San Franciscocemetery, through tin: courtesy nnd Inlerostof Messrs. (iottloh, .Marx & Co.. managers ofthe Van Ness Theatre, that city. InformsHon concerning him may be obtained by ad-dressing these malingers.

i. .-em.- I lifter, musical director of theMurray Hill Theatre. Now York City, tiled miFriday, May 31, ill. his h , 330 SixteenthStreet-, Brooklyn. N. Y.nullum p. ('nltvvll,. banjolst. diet) ou

June 2. at Newark, N. J. Mr. Ctilwell tookWilliam Glynn's place with Mr. Hamilton,and the firm wus known as Hamilton andCalwc.ll. Enter Mr. Calwell Joined JohnnyDove, aud more rccoully the linn was Parkerand Calwell. hnnJolsU, with Doc Morgan'sTroubadours. Ills mot her and two slslerssurvive him. The burial was from St. JitmesChurch, on June 1.

<;.iirne Arthur Hint In nil, of tile ItoW-lunds, tally-ho riders, was killed on Saturdaynight, June 1, at lluntliiglon. Pa. While hewits walling In board bis sleeper, on tint

llagcnls'ck-Wiilhice Circus car, an express. Inpassing, drew him under the wheels, the windrrom the passing tcalu getting under his um-brella, which he hud raised, and causing himto is- drawn hy the suction to a death is--

ueath the wheels. Mr. Itowhtud was thirty-nine years old. During recent years he hadbeen with Foruptiugh-SellK, 1003: Itanium ABailey. 11)0(1, and New York Hippodrome,Wlnlnr season of ll)0(i-'07. The troupe wasengaged for Hut Summer season with lb«Witllarc-llitgnnhcck Show, season of 11107. In-terment: will Ije In Evergreen Cemetery onWednesday, Juno 3.

+ »».iniiii t'urCn Pinna.

Sarah Triiax will Inaugurate her Hist lourunder the management of John Cort, lu"The Spider's Webb," a dm tun In llircn nets,hy John lliilchlns. Tin! piny is said lo dealwith a new theme of sensational Intercut,producing an excellent opportunity for theslur.

Max Flgmnii, who continues In "The Manon tin' Box," III Hie West m-xl season, willliluy In this cottutrv only until February,Arrangements are now under way wherebyMr. Cort exiHtclM to Introduco Mr. Flginttn lit

London and Australia lu the above play."The Stronger Sex," In which Mr. Cort. will

present Maude Fctlly next season, Is now III

the sixth month of Its successful run ut HieA pol In Thou I iv, Londiin.Thurlow Bergen has been re-engaged for

lending man for Florence Roberta, who willplay "Zlru" next season. In Ihe territoryWest, of the Missouri Itlver.

"The Alaskan," a new comic opera, byJoseph Bletheu nnd Hurry Clrnrd, will beproduced by Mr. Cort next season.. »

Shuplro OrlM llei-Ulim.

A suit thai has attracted wide apri-iidit! [till Imi uaioiig music publishers, and theuniiisumeot going public ut large, wits dis-

posed of by Judge Davis, In the SupremeCourt, New York Clly, May 27. In favor ofMaurice Shapiro, the music publisher, ofthis clly.

Action was brought by M. Ultumrk &Sons. May 17. against Mr. Shapiro. SeymourFurl li,

,lid. Moran and Will A. (fcclaii.

through Ibelr ntlorney. N. Bin-kttti. claluilugthe song. "No Wedlng Bells For Me." sungby Trixie Frlgamiii. I Hie Orchid," tit

Herald Square Theatre, New York, under acontract which Ibey claimed thoy hud wllhSeymour Forth.

Mr, Shapiro was represented by House,liiossiimii, Vorhiius and Ixiuls J. Hosclt, aswere the other ilefendants. Judge Davisbanded down a decision denying Ihe Injunc-tion asked for,

»» ».Nut t:. (. nml n In's PlmiM.

Nut. c. (ioodwln will, at. Ihe conclusion ofhis sciiKon, lour lu bis unto to lib, Summerhome at Ocean Park, near Los Angeles, stopplug at Monterey, Simla Barbara and otherhilorenilng points ca roii.c. Following Mr.Co'idwln's return engagement In Oakland, In-ami Ids company will pluy n few weeks InNevada, opening the new rjaglca' Auditorium.In Totioimb, as well its the new theatre InOoldlleld. Coming buck, the company willopen the new theatre at Item,, and then willls< taken Fast by Business Manager FrankMurray. Manager George Weeden. who madethe trip to the Nevada towns ami concludediiiTiingnuiciits. has returned, mid speaks glow-ingly of Hie coining engagement there.

Mr. I Ioodwln Is stilled to hnve said that In-wll bow farewell to tile stage this sea son,and will begin life in a Western mining rump,in- lias bought an btlemat In some u'roitsr-

• '» N1

" v

;"J1»-,i"d suya be will spuid the

_^ feat o£ ilia UC« Urn, J^_, LL^LZsZ

' it-tors 1 Order of Friendship.The Mitwln Forit'st Lislge. No. 2, of the

Actors' Order of Friendship, held lis regularmonthly meeting nt the lodge room, 1311 WestForty -seventh Street, this city, Sunday, Juno2, wllh h large attendance.

Applications rflr membership are constantlyIncreasing, attesting the popularity of theorder. Prominent among recently admittedmembers was Wright Lorlmer.The tlnanclal and social standing of the

order Is most satisfactory.

CIHT Gordon Stops n Fire Punic.

A1 il lire, evening of June 1, In KansasCity, Mo., a, panic was started In tho Of-plieutu Theatre, nnd several hundred, peopleIn tlie audience made n rush for the exits,Clifton Gordon, niountoglHi, appeared nt Ihefront of the stage. Firm he culled loudly lothe people to keep their seats, and when hegained their attention he went through blanet. adding a piece of Impromptu humor.Soon he hint the audience calmed Atld theperformance continued. It la believed thatno one was seriously hurl.

«-*+Nam Bernard's Mtniie Name

I* Now Ilia Own.Sam Hi i nurd obtained permission on Mttv

20, from Judge Lewis J. (,'ohlan. of IheCity Court, to change his name, Tillsmeans that the name Bernard may now beborne by his wife and two children and byhimself legally. Mr. Bernard's name origin-ally was Darnell, in his petition he declaredthai be la n native of wnglnnd, who. sincebeginning hla stage career, twenty-five yearsago, has always been known as Sato Bernard.

««»I.mils Dally, l.'Irtiiia t limn, Hurt In

II niiinMi) .

Louis Dalle, a clown In Ihe John Itoblii-sun Circus, according lo u wire received InNow York, on June 1, will probably lose hisllle its Ihe result of slopping a runawayteam nl inched to a carriage In which Werewomen null children. Before slopping theteam, Dally snatched up tl little child whowas crossing the street in front of the horses,and tossed It to n policeman, grubbing Ihehoi-sea' bits, lie was knocked down. It Is

ls-lleve<l he siisinliicd serious Internal In-juries.

Worn of PlayerloSwkki.v-Siiipman Num.—'i:be Kulcey-Shan-

nun t.'o,, miller tlie management nf MrncstShlpnian, opciii'd a Spring tour at Scranton,I'u., on .day 20. Ferdinand (louschalk Is anassociate star lit this venture, and "Widower'sHouses" Is the play that will bo usud duringthe tour. Fiigitgonmnls will be played atDetroit, Toronto mid Montreal, with it pos-sible extension on the season, to Include anengagement in lids city. A. J. Small, of To-t'onlo, Can., reports that the "Bonnie BrlorIltiMb" ('«. played his Ornnd Opera Housethe week of Mny 13. and in the raaltur ofreceipts proved to lie one of tho recordbreakers of tlie season. The companyclosed Its tour ut tho Alviu Theatre, Pitts-burg, Pa., ou June I. The Mary Shaw Co.,lit ".Mrs. Warren's Profession, closed ItMseason nt I be (irand ()|«rii House, this city,ou May 23, having practically played to ca-pacity business throughout the entire engage-ment. Mr. Shlpniini Is considering n nowpiny for Mls» Shaw, and negotiations arepending for lis early presentation In thisclly. Mr. Sblpuuiii lias received advices fromBernard Thornton, manager of the Hosel.oghlun Co., In "Mrs, Warren's Profession,"to the effect Hint Hilt; tittttifllon Is breakingall records for big receipts on the coast. Timopening receipts tit Seattle, Wash., were verylarge, nnd by noon of I be following day Diehouse was comnlolely sold out for the re-maining three nights of the engagement. Theoriginal bookings of the Bundle Knott Co.,lu "Alice Silhythe-l'Tre," terminated ou May23, but this allrncllou lias played to suchuniformly good rccidptit Hint Mr. Hhlpmuiifell, .Instilled In adding live, weeks to tho tour.which will postpone Its closing until aboutJuly I. Of till the attract Ions handled bvMr. shlpiiian. Miss Knott holds the recordfor long seasons. Last year her lour did notterminate until Atlg, JS.

(lAIII.AND GAIII-iN A.NII LllIIIA LnlillA INK f Mrs.(laden) are, us usual, upending the Summerat I heli' country home, "Tho Orcliiird," Free-port, L. 1.

NoTtiH 1-nD.M AiigcH'sCiiniciiluiis (Northern ),

under the management of G. J. Bernard.—Woopened our Slimmer season, under canvas, at,

Ml. Pleasant, la., week nf May II, playing locapacity every night. The people of Ml.Pleasant mo looking forward Willi pleasurefor the return of the company lu August,when wo play the fair week. The rosier Is usfollows: G. J. Bernard, uianuger; Clms. Pax-Ion, Ben Tlllsoii, A, U. Sherwood, It. lUiu-initgo, George Gnylior, Joseph Buckley, Flo-rence (i, lloolh, Jessie Silvers and IsabellaOTtoiirko. Kvery one Is well, and Till) Ou*RllMAiii.il Is always welcome.

I'iia.m; Cami'kap bus been re-engaged byIhe Kil'kc Lu Slielle ( and will again por-tray the role of Triimpau, " In "Tho Virginian,"

Tilt: i' II DA J III. A I MlX'HANICAl, ASSOCIA-TION ut Sun Jose, Oil., Lodge No. 30. holdtheir minimi meeting May HI. An elect Inn ofotllciii's wtis held, and W. II. t.'lalrc wits Mil-an luiuusly elected recording secretary. Soveilnew members went taken In, nuinuly : AreHen 0)11111-, Will. Slid I'M. Ilceves. P. l.ewlii,Leo Sulllviiu, Alien llullbiiri and Win. Iluv-wm-d Clttlre. Unci making Ihe brotherhoodexactly Hirer, hundred strong. This Is thelargest lodge on the coast after Hun Fran-cisco, A bum i net was held after the meetingeliding in the small hours of the morning.

Nkii WiHuit.i.v writes: "This week clonesmy engagement wllh the (.'has. K, Harris &llai'oniU'L Comedy Co. Have been will thisshow since lust August, and tlie season htmbeen a must, successful one, I go to my homeIn West Bnden, Vt., wlmre I shall spend, thoSummer, mid do nothing but read the friendlyCb'ipi'liu every week. I luive been playingthe light comedy and juvenile roles with thecompany."

Tin: Fouii Pickbiits, Willis Ilckcrt, man-ager, cloned Benson at Little Fulls. N. V.,May is.

Notch kiio.ii tuh'Kiiwi.n StiiiiNu Pj.AiKhm.-^We closed our season nl Wnyno, Neb., May23. Ihe roster ut thai, time being as follows':Kdwlii Strong, Waller Suvldgc, Baxter Ntrw-toti, tj. IJd. Nufligcr, Ouorgii Tuppan, Jimlltivls, Arthur Wills, Frank Neville, KatbryuDale, NelDe Davenport, lithe Hunter uinlVivian ftaflaaar, A forcn of workmen arenow busy at Wayne, getting Hilugs lu sha|sjfor the opimlng of Ihe Summer season undertent. June Hi. This company will carry abund of twelve pieces, mm an orchestra, andwill hnve six dlffereiil free attraction* to heused during the week. We do not carryIho biggest leni on tlie road hut we have uHue lay-out, with a scaling capacity of onellloussiid, and everything about llle show willhe entirely new. A number nf Ihe old mem-bers or the coinpnny have signed for Hie Sum-mer ami next season. Manager Savldgnhas commenced his bookings for next seasonand Is having some good limn offered bltnIn the Weal, but Hie tour for next seasonwill he through Illinois, Indiana, Ohio andPennsylvania. Mr. Strong will ndd severalnew plays to his repertory, and nearly allroyally bills.

JiniNO.SM.iN, of tinman's Stock Co., writes :

"Hnve had a very pleasant season, nml innnow looking forward to another trip acrossthe 'Briny'."

Jiiiin Cvnnawoon, of Fnyctlqvllin, N. ('.,

Is in N#W Vorl:, A company tins boon formedlo bulb) the Auditorium In Fhycttuvtlle. Itwill he a flrsl. class house, Mr, UadetWOlld(8 BJWliliiUC aotl UvUHUIOli .i,

Asbitry Park. N. J., evening or Muv III

the performance of "Tho Llltle Typhi

Nivriis rWM Downik'n Bui "L'Ni'u: Tom'sCams" t'ii.--Our senson opened at St, Piiul.

Minn.. April 22. The company numbersforty-live people, travelling In two of the

finest private cars on two road. Our puraiDconsists of a white and colored band, andremain drum • corps, twelve heed of potties.

live dogs and three donkeys, and Is one of

tlie finest parades lu the country-. RnalnaM1ms been good since the opening. In Manitoba

i where we me now), the weather bus beeii

cool nt night, but nil that can be desired

luring the day. Our route Is through Manloba, Stiskalchennii. Alberta nnd British

Columbia. Router of company :Andrew

Downle Mel'liee. sole owner and uuuiuger:

Walter Furbish, general ugehl ;• firar bill

pesters, Art, H. ViinVb. lender (if white hand:

A. Whlglntm. leader nf oretwener: J..,"'

Burns, leader or colored band : Vernon Skin-

ner, In charge nf female drum empaiiKWH

Lsdeen and wife, McCann and WHIIatiis.

Mrs. J.. Stenson and Llttlo Haael, JIWiWritt, Vetnoit Skinner, ('. H. Andrews. If. O.

Many, Ottu H. Strauss. H. MeVcnn. II

ilrern. K. li. Howard and wife, the 'lhrce

MnHolts. llllllo Wilson, Don Wllllants. ,1.

Burns. W. Patrick, and the Athena Qunr-


Hbniiv Aiitiihh ,loN»a' new play, whichKlaw * Erlaiiacr will produce In New \nrk,

In Oeloher. will prulaibly be called 'The Gall-

jean's Victory."AONKH K.mii.iJ, a popular Irish comedienne

and rharartrr arircss, who rreated tho <om-

edv pari of Maggie (JUli'k. In Theo. Kremtfs"Tlie Diillaw's r.lli'lstraus." closed the seasuii

st the Foorlieuth Utlfet Theatre, New Tartj

City. Mny XI. Miss Karln's rolo was one of

IIP' hits of the Plfci". .

DHi.nimiBANiiYrii.atis have signed wllh lac

"Hunter Brown" Co. for next season. Mr. Del-

more to play Mr. Brown and mntmge the

stage. Mr. Wilson Is lo pluy Ihe part of Glad-

(11s. the rorik. ' „ jNotch fiin.M Tkxaiik.vna. Ibk.—Spring

Lake Park. 'IVxiirkaoa, opened May in, under

the management of nnrenee Green dual.

Several thousand people weitt In atleiiilaiine.

In Hie Summer Tlieiltre. Fntnk Dudley and

his popular I'ouipilliy opened to rapael y.

Mr. Duillev Is one of Texttrkillui s fnvorlte

actors, antf is suirniilidtsl by. I he. same iileyiu-

i-onipiinv lh.il became ho popular hevo during

the ii'glllac sensiiil, Ini'lilillng: ( era Belle

Upline, May Dnveiiporl, Gritco Beainnnnl.

Leah Mode, II. .1. Illnlhen. Ilex Mngibui,

tleorun Crawley. J. A. Park, Harry Powell.

O. VV. Hate .lulin Nikon and llahy Lontln.

Coin Belle limine and Mny Davenport Intro

ihiecd clever specialties. The next iillrucllnn

will la; the Rodney Slock Co., for I two

weeks' engagement.Ntrraa kiuim thii Wai.tkii If. Stum. C".--

Our "ltd." lu TIIH Ci.lI'lT.K briinghl. us a great

tiunihci' of answers, mid Wo were able to

select it company raninnsed of rocognlzi'd

actors niid Heiresses. We slurted lit early,

so us |o gel the pick. iiiiiI we think we have.

We open curlv in August, and play (he sliiutl

aid hiiuses In the best repertory cities Westof Ihe Hudson River. We will carry I wovaudeville features, also moving pictures andIllustrated songs, Old' fealMl'e acts will he

new In these cities. Wo have In our reper-

tory plays that hiivo never been done In"

those cities licfoio, and they have all been

successful over the popular priced houses In

the large cllles. Our new scL'tiery. which Is

being painted In Philadelphia, will b" us good

as money can buy."The Laiiv kiium Lam: h" Is lltn tills* of

Iho plnv In which Tom Wise will star next

season 'under tho management of Broadlntrsi

Ik Currle. flanrgc Bronilliurst Is the ntilboi'.

The piny la a comedy.John .1. MuNam.v Is at work on a new

piny for Lulu Olnaer.Wllll.K TUB uuilleiicc was assemhlliig at

' foeiboiiii,"

hilled there Tor n week, Ciiiiniiullnr Puller-

sou served on Ihe malingers an I nl unci Ion

taken mil at the Instance of Wlllni'd Spencer.

author and composer of "The Llttlo Tycoon,"who alleges Ihiil Ills copy right has been In-

fringed. The id was mil presented,

c'iia.NKI.i.n WaloilT announces Hint be buscIiihi'iI coiilriii'ls with Miilllc Vb'kers. Aile-

In Ide lliindiill. Bent rice Shepal'tl and Witiitbt

Itlvcrs lo Still' iimlcr his management tin-

coming season. Ml'. Wright has also closed

n two years' contract with Anthony Wills,

of Brniiklvn, N. Y„ fov the solo rights i<»

bis new play. "Her Great Saci'lllce," lit whichAdelaide Billldllll Will lie feat llreil IIS III"

slur. Ma II lo VTckms will be s In line

greatest success, "I'Melwelss," tills luillig tier

llrst millennium mi Hie mini slime llllll, Bill

trice Slicpit'il will be seen us Nellie, III "Netlie lite WjIi." iiiiiI Wanda Rivers will pbly

lleildv. In "Ruddy, llle Mull dlfl." Mr.

Wrlglil's Unit ciiinpany will be Bin opening

II 1


1'UCllill) III Hie ll>'W Blue Island Opcl'll

I liaise, Blue Island. 111., lu September TheMipp'irtlng ciunpiiiili's will be llle best that

can ho pn red, Hazel Bice will play lb"

soubrelle role In "Nellie tlie Wall." and later

will bu seen us ItHiiy. lu a No. 2 company or

"lletlily. the Mull Girl." Special scuiicry

nnd a co.nplole line of special paper will lc

i n rr led by each company.PWti'V ('. Li'.vis wi'llek : "I received over

two hundred 1 II fly replica to my recent

'ad.,' and wo opened Monday, Juno 3, nl. Ill"

Kin nl ro Then I re. Philadelphia, I'd., for miInilcllnlle rim. The company Is us follows:Isabel c. Jackson, starring: Percy II. Levin,uianuger mid djm'lnr; .lei'illd T. Hcvuiiit.

leading mini : Frmik Fielders. Juveniles :

Feiilliiuiid Tldmaroh, heavies; Marty Wouil-worlli, light comedy ; Philip Mallliind, cluir-

actcis: -I. Iv. I.es,,lg, cbiiruelers nml comedy :

I'lori'lici- Ihiiei'Hiill. Ingenues; Helen C.

Hick, cbiii'iicit Is : Kraiicls Ibbolsnii, Juveniles ;

Katharine Francis, heavies: Joseph Utile

celeiio. secreliti-y and nsslHtlUlt of Mr. LevinThe F.inplru Tbenlro Is still under the man-agenietit of Jus. L. McKay, mid 10 Ills

untiring- elforls are due the advance stile

which has sold the house solid for thn npmi-lug bill."

Nd'i'KM KIIOM WllHN'N "T'tlN NllllllM IN A

Baii llnn.M" Co.—Wo lilltyeil to II piiclii-d

lent, hi M uncle. Ind., May 2.*. Kvoi'vttilngnew and real, Including band mid orchestra.Ililguc Alblei/. of tho Chlliiu's "Hucle Tom'sCabin" Co.. wits u culler Suiidny ; also Mr.ami Mrs. Patrick Miles, of Ml. Summit, bid-We added a new hand wagon and a liufi

middle piece Iii nut- lop. We pluy untiling but

big Inwlit. and gelling Ihe big money. Dm'malaf Is us follows: W. H. Wren, inunup i .

Mm. W. G. Wi'iui, Delia Wren. Mary Hchtlllci.Mis. .Iiilbillc Diii-rell, Lawrence DiiiitII.

Kenuelli Mi.'irlll. Master Willie Wren, Hen.shlpps, Howard Hhoiids, I'lrnesl Williams,Mr. and Mrs. Jack lllfe. ('bus. .loliiisuli. andInst, but not leiisi, our llttlo Itiitseol, Millard.Prof. G. Heed, lender of tiilnil and arcbnslrii.We also carry a Iroitpe of trained dogs, six

ciiiivtis men, three lioidlei's and twenty headof horses, Tllll Ci.ild'uii Is a regiilar vlttllor.

FitMiiaiirK Wakiu: writes llial li" busilcltl"vi!d siieli Pulterlllg success ntt III" lev

Hire platform Hint, tiolwllhsliiiidlug all i"

porli to Hi" colli niry, In- will ant relurn lothe siugo next sensiiii, lie will commence Ills

iimiital lour of the Clinutaiupiii aSsi'inhlb'.i

IbroilgllOlll Hie Solilh and West n|| .lime IV.

and I'liullnue wllboul lulcri-uptlon inilll Amt21, On Del, 7 lie will coiiltlietn'c Ills Full

scas'iti In the vnibais Lyceum courses or i!i»

l"a«i and WchI. during wtilcli he will lnl.ro

luce his new lecture, entitled "The Wit andWhalnm nf Shalii Kpeo re's Fisils."

IlmiT. Vox Skinhui Is with tin: RaMrsSlock, placing a Summer senson nt the Metmpolltiiii fipei'ii House, SI. Paul, Minn.

.Icnii Dr.


mis II.MtitiriT opened with HiePlavci-H Sinck. til Chicago, In the purl ofOlynip, III "I'uiiillle." The company Is headedby Hurali Trimx. nml will nine m twiceweeks' slock engagement ut the MetropolitanOptra llniise. SI. I'aul

Maiiik WKhNii. of "The Prince of Pllsen"<'o.. wsh niorrlnd In Albany, N. Y., reeetitly,

to Jolm JYai tiwitoo, a liruk«( o. tola clly.

...» i » . ,«. _, -

..T «



':&« l.l'j

AcrOtintt, Kcrrnirlrii, Dancers, Singers and large > mliln. Also a fine PH'KA\enclosing til ho*, teller liroels or photograph

VIWIV BAND tor long engagement in Karap., command-* abanl «««*»«»«« «»*" ">'

., and all ponl. ulac, Including lauesl .alar, .....»« be Included In firs! letter.

GAVra luiici i,. ail maris by l;jlti,

_. ~_ _ X« £ S3 I*B «, xx «1 B A. *k = «-»»

Please send your address, an your contracts from the Pale** In I.ondm. and the Mom & ThornUm Tour iF.nglandi ari> at my office. ,Address; «>y letter.


Bl'eton's Comumanh Kotos'.—Vfn nre nowplavlng n Summer enjaige.nicni at r.bo OaletyTheatre, ilaleshurjr. .III. Since our openingiter*, busjlnoss hns lieent fur -beyond our ex-

pectations, nnrtrtye have been playing to ca-oacitv iii.',ncnrly.'«-very peruirmnnee. The com-puny' seemed li/'cietl with public favor atThe Tory dart. -A- nlennmil and profitable en-

gagement In lonken-fnr. • Tlio rosier of Ibc••mnpnnv (follows : JIarry Burton, Rote ownernria manager; Mat Noylor, stnue manager;Jlnk-i limner, assistant mace manager ; A.

J. Keller, Hurry O. Dynii, Jack Davis, JoeBurton, Clarence rtortnn, Ioith Knynor, lean-

ing woman ; Nellie KWi«y, Audrey St. Clair,

ami the little clipper," I'loraice Kvlloy. -Ourlopenor.v Is mauv up ' of popular comediesand ilrumax. Onr feature. ' specialties arethe Three Dnnclng Kelleys, Joe Hurton, HarryO. Lynn, In Illustrated songs, nnd movingpicture* Our road season will begin themiddle of August. We have some Rood fnlr

dates and tninr of the next, time In the MiddleWest. The prospects are that n No. 2 core-

toy will be organized, to open lo June, a*

jr. Burl on linn been offered pome good Sum-mer time,

Notes i'rom the Burton-McMolion SlockCo.—We arp In our fourth week under can-

vas, navelluij In our own special cars, oneseventy-six foot combination dining ind•deeper and' one "fifty Toot. baggage. (Xur top1* 00x00, and brand new. «s l» our scenery,which we entry complete for each Mil Wn pro-

duce The weather tin* necn very bad since

our opening, bul all are In. hones that "OldSol" will accommodate us with a few good«y> before long. Our route lies Southwest,and we expect lo remain out all Winter. OurTnster nt present Is oh follows: Clarence- Bur-ton and vess MoMithivn. owners and generalmanager*: Joe C, Burba, stage director andband lender: i"!e.i. It. rilnt, stage manager;Prof. Tred Johnson, orchestra lender: iMCarJones, carpenter and properties; FosterJlutehlns. t'linlf- Conkscy, Joe TcDuant. did

Mcdulro, Kd. Walker, .lobn I". Dlekecson,Joe I'unnln'gham, Kfford Wllltnms, >Irs. Clar-

ence ilurroii. Viola Burton, l,n Verna Mnore.Bessie Oirlov. ; Htliel lie Claire and Ltilu

Alagnel. The white envelope anil- Thr OiJiHf'i.i ini.n nre welcome weekly visitors.

Pi;tb Uavmonii ami wit't! (Kdlrh Von l.ukei

closed their second successful noason nt the

l.'omlly Theatre, RAM St. liOiils. June 0. nndleft for their Minneapolis home for the Slim-

mer. Mrs. Ilnymond .wilt spend most of herlime in Lake Mlnatonbn, seeking a. iniirli

needed ri'st. -Mi-, lin.vinond has Hcqd engagedliv Dlvlc Kerrlu' for Ills Hummer stoek. .Theyreturn to Hunt HI. Loul*. Sept. '1, lo openthe new stock ihentre managed by L. v.-

Lund,Itnsi'KR op Maron Hiior.' World's Orentest

"If. T. C." Co. : llrownlee ft Uced. owners ;

t.'lnud Heed, mnnnger: Mrs. L. A. Brownlee.jircsldeul : ThoH. Alton, business manngei'


•rretl Bobp and Cluih. Davis, flgplits; ('. II.

Mosaii. II. C. live, Tom Mason, David Stamm,l-'retl llctter, Aitliur MeKenny, 8. I". Slmras.t^lmrleH (lordon, WM Dnnncr, I.'. R. Anrter-

fou, ltulpli Leo, Alice Zlllimui. faullne /.III

man, Hvlvlii Luke', I'enrl l/ewla. Mrs. C. II.

Jlye. Helen flolden-, ilertnitle Jolmsoii, theSTutfoi'd Nlsters and IiaWy llernadlne.

iji.aiivn .Mipdli'.ton' Is In hor eighth weekiin leading woman' with 10. A. icisrher's StockCo., , Los Angeles, Cat., und reports meetingwith success. .


(ii-'iiini; II. Apamh writes: "My wife hasbeen critically III again nnd 1 won called to

my home in Brooklyn, from the Routb, usthe doctors- nt one lime gnve up hopes ofMrs. Adnms' recovery. .My- daughter, Clo-lence, and I have "been In coastaot uttend-nnee on her during tlie past hU weeks, Atthis hiIi lug Mrs. Aclauis Is progressing favor-ably, and I expi-ei in return south June ;i,

to fulllll a. Slimmer enfingenionr. Willi .1. II.

Wills Comedy Cu,"Tun "liAiiun.ii in: Sevim.k" was given at

the residence of M, und Mnie. Jean de Kentke.on Hnturdny evening, May 'JR. Adellna rnt.il

sang the role of lluslnn with great success,n-lfti Anselml us Almavlva. and Anconn asH'lgaro. Kdoiuird de Keaxki) sang Don Bu-slllo.- This la supposed to bo Mine. I'll Ill's

absolutely lost appearance.liY.iiuiMi: I. a .Hiikiii,,


niollier of JessieMiiuil iCellaiii. Ilea seriously 111 with brainfever in the I'rotestnnt Hospital, Klgbteenthand Washington Streeln, Nt. Louis, ill, Lee,1. Kellnin Is requested to cnniiiiiinlcote withtlio ilnux'itei' at 11010 Lsw.ton Avenue, St.

J<nu)",.Mo.NVi'L-s ritoxi; Ati. W. Mahtin'r World's


attraction' closed, June 1, at the Bijou'J'bealre, Milwaukee, a tour of forty-live

weeks, 'llio seiiHOU of 1007-08 will And theMartin companies "greater anil grander" Uiuuever. The scenic effects and electrical dis-

plays will i>e revelations, nnd Manager Mar-iln has several novelties In course of con-struction. The business sliilf will remain the.'.anie. Kd. 9. Martin will lie general man-ager, and 11. II.. Whlttler. general agent ofall the Miiriln nlti'ilctlons. The past season(and wlthoitt n piirade imil nn nil white cumjiany) lias been the biggest unci most profit-

able In the htRlory nt (he Al. W. Martin"Uncle Tom's Cnbln". compniiles, und wallmay Its motto, •Korcvor foremost," lly fromHi xluiidurd.BOXAUi McflnKcton writes : "1 am prepar-

ing to launch next season a new domesticdrnina. 'The liar of Judgment.' It Is In aprologue and four nets, tor which we will

carry nil scenery complete, making tills abig scenic shoyv , seldom equaled. We hnveseventeen styles of special lithograph pupev,and will use plenty of It. There will lie

«>leven people, back with tlio show, nnd thebetter ctnss of one . night stands are beinghooked. Neither time nor expense will ls>

spared In order to uinke this one of the lend-

ing attraction* for next sensou."JfO'CEH WtOM MlUCV/M "KlMIMI" I'ltU CAtTL"

KlMdi Kastern, . H, W. Heed, manager.—Weopened our season at' UnodhotiKc, III,, April20, In packed touts. Busllieiu.hiis been good,considering the bad weather. We curry twoears and twenty-seven people. Hosier; R, b\Heed, manaKcr : Leo Bloiit|ln, assistant man-ager: Joe ttumnicrhlll, bund leader; i'rof.

.lolin Llglitfoot, luiislcul director; I'liui. Liui-t'usler. hiiperluteiulcnt of big top, nnd seveniisslslunts; Itlley Ilalr, stage manager; DonVaudi veer, props., with four nsMlsliiuis; 11111

Brown, rercy Brown, Koy Knight, li W.Owen, Hob 'J'hompson, (,'. A. Curtis. Chus.'McKlmiev, Clmt. Beed, Mrp. liCo Itlnudln.

Mrs. C. A. Curtis, Mi's. MeKlimey nnd HerthaRaney.KnXA Ki;i:i,i:y rejiorls luivlng scored n big

success ihlr Reason, wllh Allen Doone, In"Kerry flow." und afler a short rest til MLClemens. Mich,, will begin a nine weeks'engagement In vaudeville. She has signedwith Jules .Mnrry for next season, and willpiny the lend In 11ml. pnpular college piny,"Ail Yule."Riotunn C. MAonnx han lteeti engaged by

Kllroj & Urltton lo play the Herman cnmed.vrole. In •nnorl of ILiy Ilnymond, In "TheCandy ICIrt."

I.'noM i'hk Jons Cort Attoactions.—Sarah Truax will Inaugurate her llrst starringtour, 'under the management of Mr. Cort, In

"The Spider Web," an original drama. In

three acts, by Jobn Hutchlns. The play Is

said to deal with a new theme of almost sen-sational Interest, and provides excellent op-portunity for the star, in an unconventionalrole. "The Stronger Sex," In which Mr.'

Con. will present Maude 1'ealy next season,Is now In the sixth month of Ha successful

run at the Apollo Theatre, London, and bids

fair to rival the record nrcaklng engagementsof soma of Its most successful predecessors.All of the principals and cboms cbaractsrs

In -Tlie Alaskan, the new comic opera/: byJoseph Blethen and Harry Olrard, which will

be produced by Mr. Cort next season, will beclothed and costumed with material made 1hNome nnd Vukoli. The skin of a polar bear,

enprnred' near Nome, will also be used forthe animal character, which contributes cop-.

slileralile comedy throughout the piece. Thur-low Bergen has been re-engaged for leadingman for Florence Huberts, who will pity•zirn" next season, In the territory West ofthe Missouri lllver. Max Flgmsn, who con-tinues hi "The Man on the Box." In theWest, next season, will play In this countryonly until February. Arrangements are nowunder way whereby John Cort expects to In-

troduce the comedian in Ixindnn and Aus-tralia, In the McOrath comedy. ,

AT the Opera House at Tell City. Io&,night of May If), Chts. Mortimer ana a. se-

lected cost produced an entirely new melo-drama. "The Infernal City," for the first timeon any stage, with excellent success. A cor-

respondent writes : "The play Is In four acts

sn<f nine scenes, and deals with life In darkerNew York. The situations and climaxeswere novel, and many surprises were sprangupon the audience, not the least of whichwas Mr. Mortimer assuming the role of him-self, Charlie Mortimer, nn nctor. During the

action of the play he very skilfully assumedseven disguises, and was rewarded with sev-

eral curtain calls, and at the conclusion of

the third net he was called upon for n speech,

which wns happily rendered, and received

with favor. Strong work was contributedbe August lioetzel, Arthur Hoehm, GeorgeOlbbs, Linuui Krecker and Frances Rumpel.and the specialties Introduced were received

with marked approbation. Below Is the cast

of characters: Charlie Mortimer, Chas. Mor-timer; Wilfred Roberts. Arthur Rocbm


•Israel Blake and Walter Blake, Oeo. Olblis


John. Hnrry Krecker: Tatsy, Nolo Geth;I-.'dnn (loforib, Frunces Rumpel ; FrnnccscaCurly le, Fhntoa Krecker: Mad Mag, AugustOoPtxcl. Ho confident of the play's success

Is Mr. Mortimer that he will -use It as his

opening hill next season, when he resumesbis Kustern tour."

Noti:r i'Bom Jon. Kino's "Bast Lv.mnk"fn.—We -played Colllngwood, Can., on MayL'-L Victoria Day, to hlg business, the S. it. O.

is'lng exhibited fifteen minutes after the boxoffice opened. An invitation was extendedto thn members of the company to nttendthe Victoria -Day "at home," at the Temple,Alter the performance the following mem-bers attended: Manager Arthur Seymour.Mr. Merser. Mr. Durden, Miss Paige, MissAllien and .Miss Kinmerson. House Managerllnrrctt escorted the company to the "at

home." nnd n most: i-njnyahle evening wnsBpem. • •

SfagM from thk Cr.ipronn Mimical Cg.n>:ov Co.—A tire, which burned the drei

rooms' of the Opera House; . In ChefWash., destroyed all of thn chorus wan


paper and scenery belonging) to; the CUcompany, also the personal wnrdroho orllfroiil, manager of the company. ' La'Itnlh, souliretie, lost several beautiful dOther- members' losses -were' small,'greatest loss falls on Miss Clifford, whoalso a victim of the San Francisco Ore. The':cosl umes and chorus were a big feature wKJb.this popular company. New wardrobe hasbeen made, and the company played a returndate In Ccnlralln, Wash., to hlg business.

llAiiiiAi.i, hick, manager of Dick's Qooif-dlans, writes :

" •Hans Ilnmanii,' a Oermliii-Aincrlean comedy drama, In four acts, fromthe pen of F. VV. Meyers, had Its first per-

sentntlon nt the Dennlsnn Opera House, Hrn-nlson, la., Thursday, May _:!. by tho Players'Comedy Co. The play strikes a now vein ofthought, and lum been well handled by Its

author. The cast was excellent throughout.Walter Knhler, In the title role, made a de-

cided hit. The piece was beautifully stagedliv ion,dual lilekeiinmi, of the original

'County Chairman' Co. Considerable.local

Interest was attached to the production, nsNr. Xleyers Is a resident of DennlRon."

S'OTbr kiiom "Tub uinsox (Inn." Co.,Frank W. Nason, munagcr. — This Is ourfortieth hlg week. Our Canadian businesshas been enormous. Hundreds were turnedowny at Woodstock, Frederleton. Moncton,N. ll., and Amherst nnd Spring Hill, X. S.

A1 Charlestown, I'. K. I., and Halifax, N. S.,

houses were sold out for three days.Tims. F. Miii.i.kk writes: "I am In my.

third week wllh the Bryant Comedy Co.,

playing juvenile leads and heavies. 1 closedWilli the 'Northern Lights' Co. May 11; at

'DniVR.v by Stobu." Co",,''

Ml. Pleasant, Pa.'

N(iti:n MOM THKninnageitient of Seeley & Woods.—We i have


closed n successful season of forty weeks!During the last thirteen weeks the lends havebeen pin ved by \\m. Hammond and HelenDouglass. The company has done a recordbreaking business. Manager Seeley enter-tained the mcnihot'* of Ills company (seven-teen In number), May B8, nt his home, BradyHeights, I'll, Miss Douglass will spend theSummer at her farm. Red Hank, N. J., nndMr, Hammond, accompanied by his friend.I'red Hart muiin. of Detroit, Mich., will spendthe Summer In Kurope.

Waiiui Wmri'l.K reports meeting with suc-eess with the Klnrk-rrban Co., playing theppliicipni comedy rules und Introducing hisspecialties, ih rough Maine und the provinces,

Tut: t'lRsr Act of the Rogers Bros, newplnee, in lie used by them next season, hasbeen siilunltted lo them by the authors, Syl-vester Muguii'c and Aaron Hoffman.' The'title Is, "'nie Rogers Bros, in Panama." Theirvenson will begin August 10 at Buffalo, N, v.

t'l.u'ni: ami Ci.aiia Lkwis closed a pleas-ant engagement wllh the Alhanibru Stockl'o„ with which they have been playlug leadliia* huslnecs, nnd are re-engaged with theAubrey Stock Co., for next season. MissLewis win no featured In Hie leading rolesand Mr. Lewis will play lending henvlesvnnddirect the slag.',

I'ltio. A. Ciiu.iis ond Beulah V. Oulln (hiswife) hnve lieen engaged for the Summersenion with the Atnlome StoeU Co., Veorlu,HI,, Jim Bnugli. manager, this being theirseriind senson with Mr. Bnugli.Mmk. *SoiittMANN-HHlXK has been engaged

to sing nt the Bnyreuili festival next yenr.Tilt! TRAM Of Sl'MMl'llH AMI WlNTRRR will,

soon be In vaudeville. Mr. Summers,'. -wife,Josephine Winters, will be Hie other hnir ofthe team. .

Uaudeville and minstrelBnt.LE Ooi.t) writes: "Juonitu Henry,-' the

chorus girl, and a memher of the Cherry Blos-

soms Biirlesquers, who was severely InjuredIn Detroit, last September, Is out of the hos-

pital nnd .recovering rapidly. Miss Henry'sInjuries required; the amputation of her right

hand, wblcn takes her out of the profession,ana leaves her crippled for life. She Is In

destitute circumstances and depending en-

tirely upon the charity of strangers. She is

now staving ct the Hotel Normandy, Detroit,Mich., and would like to hear from herfriends. MIbs Henry's story Is a pitiful

one. She was obliged to leave the companywith which she was engaged early in theseason through having, contracted typhoidfever. She was permitted to remain at -theHotel Normandy during her illness.. and uponrecovery, bravely went to work In the hotellaundry to pay the proprietor the debt con-tracted during her Illness, and It was whileworking; there that she was Injured."Stevk Finn and Flosrir M. Oaylor were

married nn June 1. They will be known onrhe stage in future as Mr. and Mrs. StephenFinn.

Thk Ri.am'iiarh Bros., musical team,closed a successful season with the J. W.Voxel's Minstrels June 1, at. Richmond, ind.,

.and will open JO, at Rye Reach, X. Y., onthe. W. J. Pllmmer Park circuit.

' Oko. W. Wilson has been deeded by WillM. cressy the sole right to the tatter's oneact play, "The New Depot." This results froma friendship which extended from the timeMr. Wilson nnd Mr. Cressy were together In

"The Old Homestead."i "iiAwcniio am. Manning will produce their

• new act nt. the Lyceum Theatre. Philadel-phia, Pa., next week. They have closed asuccessful .season with the Century Oris,and were offered a re-engagement for nextsenson. ' •

Harry Walters, Hebrew comedian, lateof Wnllers and Prouty. hns Joined hands withFrank D. Hill. They will do n new andnovel act next season.-Nat M. Wilis broke In a new monologue

at Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre,Inst Saturday. It Is by Vincent llryun.

Mrs.*Oi:ni; Hooiiks has recovered from herrecent Illness. She will resume work withMr. Hiigbes. In vaudeville.

Char. J. Bi'RKIiaiiot, "the man with thefunny slide," . has signed with Harry Mailei's New Umpire Show, to play the leadingcnmpdy role. He will be featured with inew and elnbornte production.

Mahhi, Doiioi.ah Is making a success with,Tlghe's Collegians, with her singing.run F.MPinn Comkpy Foiib sail for Europe

on Aug. 13, to play tbe lending music hailson the continent.

Nixa Howard (Cornelia WIrth) was grant-ed a divorce from;' boulft F. Wlrth, a per-former, on May 20, by Justice Truax, In tbeSupreme Court of New York.

lir.vcni; amp Vrin will play vaudeville nextseason.. , - -

Hahi'o.n and A.milkv, Phil and NettlePeters, and Mike Bra ham arrived: May 2(1,.from' England, to play vaudeville In Americanext Reason.

Lions a.nd Collins will play twenty-fourweeks on the Sullivan k Consldlne circuitnext season.Oborom Li:e, second tenor of the Arlington

Four, has left the quartette to do a single net.

W.\i. SELBINI AND WIPH (Jennie Orovlnllsailed on Friday, May 01, for Kurope,' lo heabroad eight weeks visiting their parents.They return the latter part of July, Manyfriends were on hand to sec them off, wishingthem "bon voyage," nnd llnral offerings werelu abundance.Mr*, ski'iho ck and Baby Alice, six years

of age, were Clipper callers, 31. They arevisiting New York for a brief stay.

Coiintehh Oiaja Rorri and Paulo haveKtgneii for next season with the Hulled Book-ing Office, lo produce their novelty. "Duringthe Performance." The countess has settledher claim to an estate In Russia for $00,000.Krkd Bowman signed for five weeks as

stock comedian at the Howard, Boston, com-mencing May in.

Tom Oillen writes : "I am now In myeighth week playing the Sullivan & Cofisldin*lour. My act has been a great success atevery house, und my engagement has beenIncreased from twelve to twenty weeks. Ifthe future treatment comparts with the past,I will certainly be delighted with my engage-ment. M.v act goes much better than I ex-pected, not at one place, but at every place."

.1. Bernard Dh.i.vn. during his stay at.

tlie San Francisco houses, upon request of hisold time friends, was obliged lo sing Edwardtinrrlgnn's "Never Take the HoreesneV fromdie Door," at the Globe nnd National Thea-tres. This week he Is at San Jose, Cal.

Fiikii 1'Ain.o. manager of Kramer and Bell-clalr, reports a tremendous success for tbead on the Orpheum circuit. They nre show-ing lieforo u tine tapestry curtain, owned liv

the late Augusiln Daly. The nosings of Mr.Kiemer are a particular striking feature ofthe act.

Jos. B. M ills, last season with Yorke. andAdams, In "Bankers and Brokers," Is tbeguest of Alice Wnrd, of the Sim Williams'Show. :>l Haverhill. Mass. Mr. Mills hassigned for next season with Mortimer MTnlese, to piny a character port In one ofhis productions.

I'ln. I. Purine closed a successful seasonns musical director with the BaltimoreBeauties Co.. Mny 18, nt Miner's BowervTheatre, and hns signed for next seasonwith Abe Leavltt's Rentz-Santley Show, forwhich he hns already written three originalsong numbers.

Haiiuj L. Sampson, the Twentieth CeuturvMinstrel, after playing clubs In and aroundPhiladelphia, will play parks this spuhou,over tho Heller & (1 lading circuit.Josephine Sahki. sends newspaper notices

regnrdlng her appearance at the Tlvoll The-atre, cape Town, S. A., which nre verv com-plimentary nnd well deserved.John and Alice McDowell are on the

Jake Wells clrcull. with Harry B. Linton's. "My Wife's Family" Co. They were nt Nash-ville, Tenn., week of Mny 2f, at the BijouThentre.Whalen and Wkst, after their week ut

Pastor's, sail for Knglund. June 15, to open1n Loudon July 1, on tbe Moss & Stoll Tour.

Ci'oniu: Sei.iio.n, the original "Tnmbo Hoy,"reports' meeting with hlg success throughPennsylvania, and Is booked up solid for theSlimmer, doing his tambourine manipulating,roller skate, dancing, singing and talking art

Kttii: Albion has returned from Europeafter a five years* slay, and will he seen Incharacter roles this season.Ben Haiimjt writes In complimentary

terms of the courteous treatment extended fi>

performers nt Thayer's Park. Amsterdam,N. V. Also reports excellent business at thispark.


Theatrical Tights,

Silk Hosiery,

Long Silk Gloves,Silks and Satms, '

Gold and Silver Spangled Trimmings.

Special Discount to the Profession.

Catalogue and Samples, with Prices, Furnished,UponRequest.


Broadway, 8 and 9 Sts.. N. Y.SAXKORn B. niCABY, manager of West's

Minstrels, will he hx-ated at Hillsdale,' Jllch.,

lor tbe Summer. Manager Rlcahy Is makingpreparations' to pat out one of tbe largest

and best, minstrel organizations next . seasonthat: has ever gone out under tbe West tian-

ner. lie has re-engaged George Vnn and Billy

tire hum am leading comedians, and all of his

old singers. Including tho same quartette,the Battleship Four, that made such a hit

last season, lie has also signed Cameron andToledo, In their act. entitled "The Enchantedllrotfo." being selections from grand opera,

wllh comic accessories. The old reliable

.Major i'red Smith will also be on deck, Newscenery Is being painted and new costumesmade, which will keep the accessories up totheir old time splendor. The season will

open about Aug. i . and' the company will godirectly West, as they are extremely popularIn that section of the country, after whichthey will tour tbe Middle West and Easterncountry. The entire performance will be de-

voted to music, singing, dancing and comedy,and there will he no strictly vaudevillefeatures.

Al. Vox ano Nellie i'aiuieii report hav-ing recently finished a twelve weeks' engage-ment over tbe Amuum circuit, and havemade Impressive hits everywhere. They havesigned with the Courtney Morgan Co., to dotbe principal comedy and .souhrette parts.In "The Woman of Mystery." '

Kelso A.sn 1,uhiIiton completed their sea-son on the Keltb & Proctor circuit, June 1.

and after a week's rest at home, will start.

on their park time opening at Jamestown.June 10. They will return to New Yorkshout. Aug. 1, with u new' act, requiringfour people. Special scenery will be usedla the act, which was written by Blanchel.elghlon.

Mtt.i Vii'tiiiiu, who has been a featureof the Alcazar Beauties Co., closed" a,' suc-cessful season In Buffalo, week of Mar 21).

Si.u Williams will put out his Musicalt'omedy Ideals No. 2, to play one nightstnndsinext season, which- Is fnlfy booked up.

Kittii: MoruiAN reports making a hit,playing a Coney Island tllri. with JackSinger's Dainty Puree Biirlesquers.The Semon Ciiimuiicn have Just erected

a handsome monument In memory of theirfather, Harry W. Semon, who Is burled inthe family plot, In Kalamazoo. Mich. TheKemons are resting on their farm In Kalama-xoo. Kd. P. Davis, their stepfather, hasJoined the Vim Amberg Circus.Uae Vavoiin, after a Ave weeks' Itlneas.

has resumed her engagement. She will workthn Western circuit of parks this Hummer.Cora ICvblyk writes : "1 will shortly he

seen hi a new act, entitled 'The Girl and theDrum,' using n fine snare drum, made espe-cially for me. 1 -will still use my batons,apd I bare all new wardrobe for the act."

Mr. ami Mas. ii a an v Stockton mourn theloss of their son, -Karle Kugene, aged twelveyears. He pasjted.'away -Saturday, May 18, althe home of his grandmother, In Portland.Ore.

DonoTiiv Hablk, .-.."The Cowboy Qlrl"l Hinging comedienne), has been booked overthe Sullivan & Consldlne circuit, opening atButte, Stoat., July 27. Miss Marie was afeature last Hummer, at Long Branch, whereshe sang with the Carlisle Indian Band.Inn Cali.inax, the "Dancer la Green,"

has Just doted a second season wllh FredIrwin's Big Show, and Is now In stock, forthe Summer, at Sid. Huson's Theatre, Chi-cago.Lowink, the dancer, appeared as an extra

feature wllh Hu'rtlg & Seatnnu's BoweryBiirlesquera. at the Star nod Oaletv Thea-tres, Brooklyn, weeks of Mav 20 and 27.

'I'm: Mn.i. Aim Hues., cycling: experts,closed a thirty-eight weekH' engagement withBob Manchester's company, and opened theirvaudeville engagements at. the Howard.Boston, June X

En. La Nolk has rejoined his old partner,and they will work In the future under theold name, tho I,a Nole Bros

Tien Galmuith has signed with Donnellv& Hatfield's Minstrels for next season, thismaking his tnlrd season with that organiza-tion.

Ti:scoha Park, N*w Philadelphia, O.,opened June 1,

a. hi'iikk will open' a new house at Bau-defte. Minn., to be called thn' Star Theatre.This will afford opportunity for performerswishing lo break their Jump from Winnipegto the States.Tun tuam of Arnsberg and Morelte will

hereafter he known as the Morelte Sisters.John Mack Is engaged for fourteen weeks

at Wonderland, Revere Beach. Mass.Oli.il Vol no writes that he has recently

enlarged his act by adding two new mem-bers, which makes It possible for him to In-troduce many novel formations In hoop roll-ing. They opened June 2, nt tbe Casino, To-ledo; <>., with Sandusky, .Newark and Co-lumbus to follow.Anna Kii.iu it' and her mother have re-

turned to their home In Chicago, after a suc-cessful tour of the Southern States.Uakrett a.nd Mitciikll write : "We have

Joined hands In a rethied, .original upsidedown piano and musical act, introducingcomedy, singing and dancing, also doing oursingle and double upside down plnno plav-Ing, We are now bonking our net throughthe Middle Western States."

.... ' , . "-"»• *••»

Get the Habit. OS to


ORION SQDAHE,14 th Street, near HrbadUvavy,

279 Broadway, naar Obaaben,47 Cortland! St., near Oraeawiofe,

last* St., corner TUird A?*.,


Notes rbom John W. VMM Bio CmIIiNS'i'aBLM.—The teuth annual tour of thltcompany terminated nt Klcbmond, Ind.,Saturday, June 1. The- season opened atColumbus, O., Monday, July 30, and covereda period of forty-four weeks, during whichtime more than twenty thousand miles werecovered, three hundred and thirty-seven per-formances' were given, of which seventy-fourwere matinees. The longest run of the sea-son was. three hundred and fifty-three milesand the shortest was nine miles. Many Elkand Kagle - benefits - were plaved during theseason, and in' every- . instance- the houseswere crowded. Social- sessions were tenderedby many ' lodges, among the', number being i

Anderson, Ind.; Jackson, Mien,; Syracuse,

S"i/'v, ,f?''l,",, *r' ''»•: h'u'toa And Senecai'alls, N. 1., and numerous others. The sea-son, from a- financial standpoint, was themost pecullnr one In tho history of the showlho early part of the season capacity buslueowas the rule, notwithstanding tbe exceaslvoneat, while at other tlmea It was an Impossi-bility to get the people Into tbe theatres, oudthe local managers were at a losa lo explaluthe situation, as every town and city visitedappeared to be In the height of prosperity.On the whole the buslnoss has been morethan satisfactory, and the season closed witha nice balance on the right side of theledger. Manager Vogel has engaged bisentire company for next season, and Itwill number upward of fifty people. Thecars havo been shopped for a general over-hauling and repainting, and the contractsfor new wardrobe have been let. Thescenic artists have been busy for more -thantwo months, building new ucencry and paint-tug drops, etc., for each and every act thatwill be presented next season. Thei title of

? AS)erIc'm compaBy.-next-season will lie

John W, Vogels Big City Minstrels and Hight lass \audevllle Show*. The' usual nun-strel first part will be given,. Intersnersartw

Li,* £»uu>ber. of negro acta and specialties,

wnne the olio or -second part will be madoup of strictly high class vaudeville- nets. Asthe public acem to he glamoring for vaude-ville, .Manager Vogel has decided to presentthe patrons of one night stands' with thisclass of attractions. Harry Lelgbton hasbeen re-engaged for next soaaon, and willhave full charge of the managerial end of thebusiness, whllo Al. U. Tyrrell will be retainedas prlncloal comedian. Prof.-'Jos. Norton,assisted by twcnty-Avo picked musicians, willhave charge of the band and orchestra.

tunny Sal-heii, Hebrew comedian, hassigned a contract for season of- 1007-08, withHose Sydell's London Belles.- •",

Bkrt M, (iaiinlv writes from Durango.

i» v. '-After u year of. 'roughing' In theItocklea. I hnve fully recovered my . health.anu am singing Illustrated songs at the Thea-i.orliim, here. Will return with .a, new actund a Uhe of female Impersonations that arewinners. Al. Grant, of the old Variety hiDenver, lias a circuit of these houses (movingpictures and songs) In this part of the conn-ry. The Strollers are hooked here May 22.and prospects are for a much more prolltablecircuit around here, owing to mining boomK.My little stock companies of musicals .

andminstrels have been very . successful. Tn»i i.ipi'kb has s good sale, and when we getsnowed In here, the anxiety is about TimI'LippRB, and nothing about the delay of thetrains."

TrtK DiAMONfi "Com dpt Poor played the.Toilet. Ornnd Theatre, with six weeks ofporks to lollow.Vand ihen start to rehear"--wllh tbe "flocky Mountain Express" Co.,hist of July. They play all the Ohio nBrkd-

Bi.'bkic AW) MoRvov have again Joinedhands, after a separation of two years. Theyhave good bookings on the Western- parkcircuit, and will present a new act In. bur-lesque next season.Notes pbom Zabo, "The Mysterious," -and

company.—We are In our fifth week, tour-ing Michigan and Indiana, and have beeudoing a big business. We have one of thebest canvas theatres on the road, under themanagement of Wm. J. Rosebro,Tun Baadtr, James and Kitty, who re-

,cent.lv finished forty week* on Sulllvao «('nnsldlne nnd Southern California time, re-

port meeting with buccms,



HAND BALANCERS.ooturluts unuOymnasto.



Aorobat*. [I1I1LLUAT lilBEBTV—Sketch Team (man nnd wife),

•males oiid (liniiileit. liiiiu work In ncls, play

oiauo. Man, B. P.. Irish, Silly Kid, Dancing. Udy,snubrrfte and Character. Specialties. Onlv wed.

fhows that paysalBilcs,ans,THeliovlers,Haskins,u.


III *r.n. "I'ractical Compend of Electricity" ex-

riii Ins all. A child could understand. 2.2 paxes;

iiustroted. Price,*!. Newlln A- Co., Rxperl Stage

y:tee<riolnns,,'i001 Woodland Ave, Pltlla,, Pa,

LADY PIAtflBT WANTED For Summer•raxm.' Vaudeville and (In nclng. Add. l.l.'ADKIt°

>|. ORCHESTRA, Forest Park, Ctlcn, N, V.

WAKTFiD-l well formed ladles to learn snake.harmltignrhandllng. Experience not necessary.

state age, height, and weight, t« and expenses

ro start, *12 after a few weoks. WM. CASTO,

1M Purchase St.. Xpw Bedford, .Mass.

FOR SAM? CliBAP—A complete show nut-

lit consisting of one ltf.rt.mund top, with a 40ft.

miiiillc piece, with poles, stakes and ropes; 8 lengths

of 8-tler scats, Baby Grand Piano, 1 stage. Every-

thing ready to set. up. Address \tr«. William

Hantom, Cambridge. 0. '


setlldng "Drcnm of altarehlt Fiend"; size, 24ft.x

'inn Good for tent or store front. Brand new.No reasonable offer refused.' A. 1\ REED,

2M James St., Suite II, Syracuse, N. Y.

.WAOICIAN'KKLLAR'S Flying Lamp Pedesul,Nickel Plated Table and Lamp, $16; some fine tables

cheap. J. HOFFMAN, a»« Highland Ave., Cln., O


WANTED, TOM PROPliK who double

band. Man (or Marks andJGute, Strong LcgreeWoman for Topsy, Child for Eva, Leader for B. and0. Can place small Band that can double stage

or orchestra. This Is a tent show. Sleep at hotels.

Will consider partner. Show ready to open. W.J. Mansfield, Tldlonte, Pa.

WANTED—Med. Actors in cafnp. Red Hot 8.

and P. and Musical Corns., Organists, Strong Actworkers, a "Klnker'-' doing Traps, Rlnga, etc.;

l.mlv to do"A*a.''M. P. Man, Child Buck andWing. My limit, jlO'nnd nil. ' Join here June H.Other*, write, No drunks go. Dr. Tom Elllsou,

Bock Island, Us..


after Jnnc •-'«. Comedy Sketch Team: Irish andstraight. "The.Actor and the Janitor." Openfull stage. Close in one with songs. Time, twentyniloulcs. Permanent address,BOBBINS A DUNUAM, 151 E. 4fllh St., New York.

WANTED AT ONCE, Good, Reliable SketchTeam, man and wife. Live on lot. ' Best accom-modations. Musi, help put up and take down..imp. A good place for sober, reliable people,

will advance, tickets. Address Wit. TBOu. C.WARNER, Parkwood, Jefferson Co.. Iowa.


Notts fbom Jake Rosrnthai,, mannger offile RIJou Tlientre, Dubuque, la.—We closedour third season, Saturday, .Tune 1. FarmerBurns was one of the features, and drewpacked houses. I take out vaudeville, undercanvas, for three day and week stands, dur-ing the warm wen 1 her. Corn Beckwllh,female swimmer, also under my management,will play fairs during the Summer and Fall.Miss Beckwlth has a new tank end tent, aswell as banners nnd a great line of adver-tising matter.

John Zi'mmkr, who closed forty weekswith Williams' Imperials Co., was two weeksat the West RndFnrk, New Orleans, I*.Wats ii. Lynch ami COMPANY made their

first New.York appearance at the Murray HillTheatre during the closing week, presentingtheir .one- act playlet, "Huckln's Hun," andwere: immediately engaged for next seasonby .Mr.. Irwin for one of bis attractions, plny-ing the Eastern wheel of burlesque bouses

"QimKNiB,"- the house boat, owned by ill tonL. Price, was launched Sunday, May 2(1, andAnnie: Hell christened It when she broke theii.'i He over the bow, In front of the Dell Villa.Gloucester, X. J.

I'icank s. Daui:. wlio Is -recovering from aserious operation performed at the Lvnn(Mass.) Hospital, l» doing nicely.

Xii'lUN KBOJI Oiianiik Lakd Tiihatdk, New-bnrg, N, .Y;—The season opened May 30, tou large crowd. The theatre, one of the finestIn the United States, was only recently erect-ed. 3'|ie people playing here week of JuneInclude;. The Four Olbars, the Billion Four,the Thaler Sisters, Rivers and Page, LytllnDreams, and. Kmcrson and Omega.Tub Auto Laniidons opened on the Sun

circuit Aprll,29, nnd will close July. 27, whenthey Join . one of B. C. Whltnoy's musicalcomedy, -The show Olrl," to play roles nnddo tl>e!r specialty.

Ikk.At.tman was severely hurl at Buffalo,N. 1... Moy.iM). by a fulling of an electricsign, which compelled him to cancel theIrving J, Polnck circuit through Pennsyl-vania. ,i,i

Wit. JTMh Daily's Minstrels openedtheir Summer season at San Bond Park,wllkes-Borre,. Pa.; week June :i. The follow-ing. In (he .roster: Jlmmle Cnwper, Will-Wonohan, Kennedy Bros, and Mac, HarrvBreen, ihe rBtickeye Quartette, Harry Hast-ings, Pred Proctor, Oeo. Stevens snd Leo< owner.

Ciias. Kw.I,Y, Andy flnttzollo, ClarenceNlieed, Estella Ardarth, May Hornier andMnrlo Ashley, .nttaches nf Beerod's Concertllnll, Louisville, will spend the month ofJuly nt Orell, Ky., la their Summer camp.O'CONNtu, and Ooi.dhn nre'ln their tenth

"''k on the Sullivan & Consldlne circuit, andheir new comedy act la very successful.

I.AVtxi.o, ventriloquist, reports success forMs net In the Middle West.

AtiDlsox. ANn Livingston, cnmedv sketchif.itii-: Jim Oalton, character comedian, nud^tln and Qulnlnrouw, revolving globe equlll-lirlaia. opened on the Hodkins circuit, at•lopiln, Mo., May 10, nnd will play the entirecircuit of sixteen weeks.Hi Hknry's Minstrklr closed their aea-

Ron of forty weeks at Kingston, N. Y., May.10, Id n packed bouse. Urgent applicationsfor- time were received by Mr. Henry fromprominent cities and towns sufficient to ex-tend the seaaon for four weeks more, hut"wing to -urgent business at his mines andranch, In. Idaho, he was reluctantly com-pelled to decline. The past season has beenone of the most successful ever played bythis popular organization, nnd the press andpublic unite In the highest praise of theartistic performances that have been given,rbe season of 1007-08 will open early, withnew nnd novel effects, and no expense will bespared to make thlB compnny for the comingseason, .as' It has been In the past, one of themnst popular minstrel organizations In thecountry.

Dii.kh and Dii.kr closed their season withthe. Nellie Kennedy Co., May 25, and will playSummer parks, commencing In Wilmington,

Dan Rhasma, Blanche O'.N'ell and BillyGross have signed with Bob Manchester fornut season, They will produce a new act•milled, "A Night Out." They are at presentwith -ithb Matinee Olrl" Co.

BROOKS) and Ci.ark are successfully pre-e'nilorr their new, sketch, "The New Cadet,"over the Northwestern circuit.'

Eiidih Carroll and Acnes Ci.arkk Arebooked In the Kastern parks until week ofJuly Iff, Tliey hnve signed with uue ofWeher It Rushes Eastern Wheel Shows fornext season.

WANT Al REPERTOIRE CO.iFor Summer scatonr of Stock islso regular season If satisfactory) In llutfrtlo's popular, Family Theiure-The Tcmplo-openlng Juno m or IT. Company mu«t

:be capable, wtth'gnodlliic of plnvs, some speoluUeciterj., and hava plays amous the Rep., for which a good line of Mper may be had. Send full details at

I once, number nf people, list of pla'vs, and other general Information. The Temple Is thoroughly modern, sealing almui una. well located In a thickly

Ipopulated district. Ah excellent opportunity for Uie right company. Address TED. MA UKS AM. COST. CO., No. so» Morgan Hl.lg., Hutlaln, X. V.

\*S A IM•*! -5

E D.



HARDER It HALL, • Indianapolis, Ind.

WANTED,BA88 and TUBA, and an Al COBIETISr.

with 8910a, to Lead Band aid

flay Cornet in Orchestra.Must lie Ai F. of M. and men that do not drink.So parades. One show a day. Wrlie. Lowestsalary and pay your own. Long Island engage-ment. Address

,' HARItV MASTflN, Musical Director.AL. TRAIIKRK STOCK CO., Say ville, N. Y.

liADV \M> CKNTIiEMKNMUSICIANSI'luying nrnss-and llced Instruments, for Vaude-ville, suite all, including height, weight ami age.immediate and peromuenl engagement. Addreei

Cltftiln) Jac kson, lien. Pel,. Tcrre »>ut» ; fnd.

MAHA6ERS. FOR SALE. PERFORMERS.Wantel, Miinngcrs or Parks, Slock, Rep. nnd far-formers to know Hint we make the liesi serpentinellri's«i -., f s: I'o-e (Hit Ills (no slides), 1 10; llhick ArtOutilts, tl«, etc. for little monev, Nothing givenaway, no mailer how cheap. Send stamp for list.

Read this:

CHARLESTON', WEST VA.. May 18, '07.

Mrs, Win. can, •-•»» cmirt St.. Rochester, N. Y.—Dear Lady—Unclosed llnd V. v. order for *!4.Make '.\ of ihe same Serpentine Dresses you sentme, nnd solid io Hraddovk. I'a. We show thereMaytM. . Vonrs rfeapccifii ly. iACK SI'TTON, Ngr„Tasnianlaii Tmupv, llin/'tibeck' \\ hIIhcc Shows.WANTED to li.it br .exchange for fomc ofmy goods, Itliick or White Tcut coinpleie, about.toxnn. MRS. WM. CAR!., 28» Conn Si„ llocbes-ter.N.Y. >.'. .. .- '•:,,




1 BESTSERVICE Gt/A/fAAtTteO. 7fRt1Sf10KI>Ari\

A.C.DOR N E R u wyn„ J

FU! FILMS! FILMS!m Thousand Feet of Fine Stock. No worn outmm. no not skll kilm not fit to est:Fun In a Fntograph nailery. Moon divers." am-lomoblle Thieves, other large and small subject":;c. and up. New list. Have you seen the KKwAN'NOI'N'CK.MllNT HUllKt Just the thing for r.c

shows and advertising. .Send ic. stamp for sam-ple. I .ALSO BUY . MACII1NK.S, FILMS AM)SLIDKS, ir fiOOli. . (I. r. OALLOT,

7nciirlstopherSfrei>t, New York Cltv

SEASON lBOI-'OS. season ltmi.m


n i. wena minstrelsMOT QIC Adverse Uritlclaui Last Seuen. WHO Oai Epal that secord I

TTlxe PlaceCtet ynin- Pllnm and Nnng Slides

Eastern Film Co.Rest Service. New Subjects. Right Prices.

AI.IIIUK 111,11(1., cor. Trcmonl and lleacon Sis.,

iiooia t>a. Beaton, Mass .WANTED!FOH MY Ma. 3 HI MMI'.ll KTOCK CO.

1UIIG PEOPLE III ALL LINES.Tell all. Long season. Money sure. Also Al II*

lusiraied Song Singer and a Cornet Flavor. JOHNBLOOM, write. t:0ltli» ALSO PLACH A1V

OPERA CO. AddressJ. W. IIK1SMAN, Park Hotel, Mncon, Oa.


Must change for week. Everly, lown. to Jnnn o.


Two Good Sketch TeamsMan and wife. Must be singers nnd dancers. Alsogood silent Man and Acrobats. All must be sober

nnd reliable. Olher useful people write. AddressI'ROF. H. i.F.on, i in N. Mulberry Si., Mnnsflelil, 0.

P. H.-CIn ranee Muell, w rllc.


Summer engagement, Mendvlllc, I'a. Opeu .lime

16. Slate all In llrst letter, iinicr Musli^lims,

write. Address C. H. ACKLKY, Sandusky,' Ohio.

After June 10, Meadvllle, ra.

Good Med. Team,One to double piano. Only those willing.io signlonimcl to remain iliroueli lenilug sen«m andkeep sober need apply. Other Useful Med. People,write. Stale all llrsi letter, Kl>. LANHON, write.

OH. K. W. Ill ( H, .

Hcrlrand, Neb,, till 10: I hen I'aniiun , Neb.


People In All Lints, Pianist and Agen*,For eOBUMBf opening July 4. Address

IIAItlWN KLAItk, Fi. I aii Hem, Maine.

FOR SALE14 Drops, 15x110; Flipper Wings, C D.,I'.nr j, I Prison « nil and SM staff r<»r

IHvllleil Set, Ktlil l.il of oilier art miUtT farRepertoire] Hal.

1 ntutf IJil., Drop! In-el..d« I'slsor Arch K.. Hi. lor, f ot Woo. I,

Cav», Etc. All llko new. Also PictureMachine, ami 700fl. or Filma, ArnoldOaf Making tlut til. i:t,u II. HI r I III

.lift XottUa Hi.. Wllllamsporl, Pa.

MUSICIANS for Band and Orchestra, Including Band Leader.

SINGERS AND DANGERS, those Doubling Brass Preferred.si nubia na do not Mock. All people pay their nn-n •• hotels.

NOTH.—A former chorus.sluger'wlth llils Riimpnny, is ndvenlslng himself In the cheap-price vaude-

ville ilieftifiM us having been principal uon.ed a'l with this ntlracilnn. This la lwtn false ami alisiird, I

will prd^eATite all mnnagcrs allowing YVKS'I m.NHTRKLS on either programmes or advert Isements.

I bought mid PAIII 1*011 l lie llllo WM. II. WRHT MINHTHKI.S iroin IheesiKtn of my lute beloved

employer. 1 own the sole rigltls to the name, and have only one nomisiny on the mud.WARNING.Owing to the great reputation of this company others have tried to purloin Hie title. In the future

I will I'ROHEcrff: any manager or theatre playing tinv minstrel company (except mine) under theabove title. HANPOltP B. ItlCABV. Address IIII.LSDAbl*. MICHIGAN, for the .Summer.


Can plncc Versatile Lending Wnnaii, Oenersl Ilu)|ne«s Wniuaii. child for Hsrls, High ciiisa VaudevilleTeam, liOt'llLINti Parts; Clariiiei. Tran nrummer. I'mipli- In all Hues, write. Those l)o(illi,INil

Specialties preferred. Summer mid Wliilpr engagement. Suite every deiall llrsi i.Mler. lititi'iS|>ec|iillles premisrepresent. II. II. Ill ( 'It I'll, DullH., IV l0 ».

_._ and(i)MKOV ACllOBATH. As good as I tie I.Qsl, iValure Act Willi "Br'M'TIPI'l. IIAtlUAO" « O


Open TimeAT



Liberal' terms to Stuck and Opera Companies,Hands and other orgaiilxatlons playing one to four

weeks' engagcnienis. Theatre thoroughly re-

modeled, .seating cupaclty, *J,noo. compnnieswrlilng before, please send present address andopen time. C. II. HUOflK, Mannger, Kenknki la.

MONEY COMES EASYIf you eau eiiierlaln the nubile with auili Cetuuryonilgranli No. 4. It's Itie most perfect picture

machine made. Anyone can easily learn to oper-

ate It.• Send foreiilitlog.

FOR mali:. Suitable for Feature or PlatformShows, In xood condition, and feeders.

J. IIOPI', No. .*» North Ninth St., Philada., Pa.

With strong, thin voice, high runge, for solo, andTOP TKNOtt for quartette work. Notreipilred to

leave city. Answer by mall only. AddressXV. II., care of CLIPPER.


Oliai'aei;ier \1 oinaii.si'i:t'iAi,iii's. ' '

WM. N*. SMITH, Amarlllo, Tcias.




WANTED,Thorp's Big Show,

VNOKR t-ANVAA.People In all lines for Kep. Those doing Bncclal-lies given preference. Also .Male Piano Plnver,boss canvas Man. Address j, w. TIIOIIP, Plne-vllle, Ky„ June :i-o; Joiiesviiic, Va.. June lo-l*.

New En Film Exchangi,'

95 97 Withlnglon St.. Chicago.


Performers and Musicians... WANTED,

Singing nnd Dancing comodlan, Tenor and liarl-

tone llalladlsla, Strang Hpeclaillns, Slide Trom-bone, Cornel, Tuba and other Musicians.


EDWIN PATTERSON,lift We«t *>|li Hlreel, Kansas City. Mo.

WANTED,PERFORMERS an. MUSICIANS.H. and l>. SkoioliTcaius and Comtdlana thai canchange tora week and put nn acts; ,\| leader, H.and ()., mill Musicians, lie ready in join at bum,Vaudeville, under canvas. Address, ihls week,Mil. SIMPSON, Itornt'iN. Y.. care Vniidcville Slum-.

P. S. - IHch Ib-rr.t iind'HIII) (libbs, wire. Address

VAUDEyilLE ACTSWire oi Write, at Oace, Ltwwl Ter mi


T. A. WILHILM( li> llperre lloiti-e, 'IVuverse I llv. SITeh.


CENERYMED. performerslUamad f,. . , >,,,,.. I , ... I., I'll il.nr ......

MAKE $25 TO J50 PER WEEK.Only few dollars required. Mull Order Hnsl-

iioss. Part loularH free. FOSTRR, l*OSTKR &CO., i :j8-j Klin HI., Manchester, K. II.

WANTED, Yours u* Ambitious Musicians,

for Park Hand, Horns nr Mcllophones, Heeds andothers. State all In llrsi letter.

MAKAOKK, No. IM K. lfilh St., X. Y.

]\Iit>' I Ullintiii Co.: Wantt Good, flillibli Piano Player.

Summer and regular season. Join on wire, Answer,KHNK8T BCIINAHEL, Itu lland, VI.


600D GENERAL BUSINESS WOMANHoyertown, Pa., this week: Tower City, Pa., next I

week. IIO0QLAB8 8T00K CO. i


TROltl^ONE and PIAHO.Separate or Joint engagement. Add. . .



Sketches and Plays written loonier. Originalitya tent ii re and all wort guaranteed.

Tuxedo Parle.Single ladies and Sister Teams v.u.lul at all

tunes. A. A. MACK. Mgr. Stop in Albany andSchenectady ltd., K, P. !> .No. 1.

Waits., Iir Ten Show, CoRidlin, Dneirs;Also Man with Picture Machine. Chtngo weeklands. Stale lowest. Must Join on wire. AddressI.KK THOMPSON, Canal Pulton, Hack Co., Ohio.

For Salt—Wild fist Canopy, Tails, Circus

Vaudeville and Production. Largest Scenic Con-cern in the World, Water Color, silko and live.


inviw. ui :

i»r,ui,i.r: \m mTHE MR DOME THEATRENo Act too log. Finest ei|iilpped Theatre In thlasection. Make sal. right, as It Is not n K. P. House.Opens June io. Wire or write, (iitlek.

P. DAN DAV IS, Mgr., All iance, Ohio;

Wanted, Tuba to Double Bass, Cornet to DoubleKim Violin, other Hand People. Performers write.

! Two week Hliuids under lent. Pay your owu.DIAMOND JACK CO., llaekensaok, W. j .

MUSICAL ARTIST|Wants to Join act or partner. Can also put on- hlg .

act In show. It. L. 0., care of CLIPPKIL

Wanted for companies In Va. that can chungoIoften and work In act*. Piano player thai can

Iivork on stage. Stale salary and nil you do.



S REMEDY CO. Pblla., Pi.

:WoiiaM Stock Co., Jftcil,JUVKNILK WOMAN. MAN I'Olt OKNKHAI. HI/..

Those wltli spnciallles pr.iferred. Show hookedsolid in the lauding istrks South for Siiintnor. Alsolike to hear from (teoplo In all branches of ihe Itep,

bus. for tiem season. Stale salary. Pay own. Add,0. W. MclHIN'ALII . Monroe. Lll., June II, I wo weeks

Wanted, Stock Peopleoulck study, good wardrolMi. Work all the. yearround. Boozers, No. HTATK ALL IN PIRST LHT-


Young' dhmkr Womanii.io wild child preferred. Musi have ai ward-robcand thorough reporioirnexprrieiiflc. Address

THH.' Two hills a weitk, nu manners.CIIAH. L. NKWTON,

Newton's Pavilion Theatre, take Oharles, I.n.

1 1?AM. ft .ii lifiiim AT I lUVft'TV W'anMd, Two I'irsl Class itinifliiuis

IjKAIrMl ' »' Ht,,ID' A I I ll»Ml 1 I a month at Gltn Cimpbtll Opera Houil

i;xperiknci:i) ALL links.Address :; WARRP.KTON ST.. H08TON, MAS*.

A, month al Cltn Cimpbtll Optra HouatSlcairiheal, electric llghi—everythlnif conVnnient.\'ow booking season lisi;-its. J. M. fillTNLh.

UfAMTPn PPRPnRMPR^ « Utartr, THE BALDWINS, JOHN and CLARA,VfHll IL.U, I LlirUllllll.no COMRIIV HKirroil. Ho lloubles i.nri Klnglei.

; Heats, Poles and Stakes. Bend for liar.

i ;" PKAKL VAN. Northvllle. N, V.

: Good Sills, 14 of I per cent. Royalty, ui 11i bllWW HOPKINS, Plsy Agent, U; W. 401*81., N,"^ i

UP IN TDK M i-:iiii im: BIZ. Live In camp.Address J. C. YAQP.It, Unit ga Jopiln, Mo.


EXPEBIESCED TBAP DBDMHEBi/oc ate or travel; doubles Stage, Juveniles,Address IIAIt/IV K. POWLItf), gg E, Kill 81.. ». V


Ho Doubles nnd Singles.I'rlends, write, care DIAMOND JACK Sllttar,

llackensnck, N. J,

rvi lu si cArranged, composed. Terms low,

A. KHKTSMAII, 02 K. Ifdll St.

wii.c. wti,irssTOi:[( «:o„ iiininimmou. n. y

k RARE CHANCE! HV<ooni/ko a<toh,IM,nt VnHIWCI w hj, Nuiionul lluiik aud Pis'

tornui Order vouchers, owning full week's reportoiro of tried hiiccossos, played complete wunsix people, will sell half Interest In his noxi sea-son's tour for giwi. party to act as Manager orAgent. Hood printing. Plenty time and peopleuwiiiuiiic. i:x|ierieiicc iiiinnci'SKiirif, hut liniieslyu coiiipiilwiry reqnlHlic. Ojlcll In AlllTIISI. Ktiliuli..-purllits meaning business, desiring iiarlloulii i iiiui

will hear striclesl litvestigailoii, addressWM. Al. KINO, Lincoln (Illy, 1ml.

Vjuriro-oinioK, icnTBUCKEYE DRAMATIC CO.,HNDKIl CANVAS, people In all lilies io Nlreugiiir'the c'.>. Song nnd Dance Sonbreue, tiiipnhin Dlreetor. Specialty people proferrod. Al I'liinlsi. MineImvesi and all In llrsi. Addrc-sTDK MOIL HIICKKyi: IHlAMATIf: L'0.,<ilraril, Pu.Noto-Wnniut imy ALP. lUachliii! nnd song Slides.

jow oh wna,


will p. (:itoiJKii'rr,_wmnsioek. out., c,tu.



Start a newspaper In Holly, t.'oln.

Information wrllcTIIK IIOLI.V FURMTFRE CO.. Holly, Polo

For further A bargain, the Til \\\:\\ mi K I'linni;,In good condition: used •! week". Price, $70, An-drew. IV. A. MAKKKL. lien. Del., Luke I'luirles, Lu.

ANYONE KNOWING THE WHEREABOUTS OF« HAH. NORMAM HA Si skim), b,riuerly ofthe Prince of India Co., kindly Inform(HAS. HA MMOSII, SO So. Third Si. San Jose. r»l.


sou Ave.. Brooklyn, N. V. Tel, lir>i It. Hnshivlck.

WASTED QD1CK, PIARO PLAYEB WANTED, TWO CLEVER COLORED BOYS,Tlnit reads or fakes. Male. .llallsliniv.,,Hhmul '

rudels, Sialt- very lowest. IjwjIaII,! . .;. ,

J. T, IAIVRLV, Modern llemedy Co., WAlt.^, Wl's.

{DUTCH PftKFF.IIItKIb.JAMES HILVICK, oneonlii, N. Y„ fur two wiytks.

For Hal<—

One I'i biie la years old ; must dance and skate,tlooil enKngeineiit for vaudeville. Address

I.. T„ I'a re of L'LII-l'DIt,


isiin. new side wall, aft.

high; ropes, pole,, slakes.six lengths, da ller seals, sTuae. PIANO I'LAYKHwam LU MOIL Ml'H. snow, t'l i'allsnde Ave.,Yotikers, N. V.


Roll Tlolcots.t.,iH..», .our own special o.'.Kiti mi the roll, per-forated utul numbered ' oiiseciiilv.'ly, for |l,slA,OCT Tllf: HAMPLKH. •

NATION Al, CAKII CO., shamoklu, l'»,


*kv"-. «"yYdBK

'/ rrrtJlTNE 8.

,'• .-, :• NEUr yo«k clT»r. :-£


Keith A Proctor's Union MiiuareIB, K Albu-, general manager).—HuuiJIill,

I hii huudniiff- kftTjji headed a moat entertain-ing hill mill uinde IiIh n mm I good Iniprcwtkili

lielotc u cspm Ity house at tile Monday ttmll-

Hep. Juno 3. ZuKil and Vci-non company, In

their iitilqilc pantomime comedy, also foundmuch uliproval for their excellent work, whileJ ten Wei di was im blg> a favorite on ever.

I It'rliett Cyril, nn Ktigllsh comedian, madehis first American appearance, and wan wellreceived. Other* on the bill were : The Four] I un 1 1 nun. In "The Fool House:" WaterburyRim, attd

r Tctiuey. unsurpassed musicians


KU. F. Reynard, the famous end- entertainingventriloquise; Klsle. Boebm, female baritone:Aluxandcr and Rertle. acrlallats : the MlloSlaicr*,- novelty neni the Kramers, theKaufman Bros., and the motion pictures.

Academy of Music < (illmoi c 4c Tompkins,managers).—for the first time since Col.Mnplcson presented n company of notablesingers ut ibln house a decade ago, and, forthe flfnt time In (to history, grand opera In

lnillnn at popular prices whk heard herenight of June 3. The Royal Italian Grandopera- Co. Is the tltlo of the company whichDirector Oactaoo D'Ainato has organized,mill the bill chosen for the opening. Mondaynight, wbb Want's "Carmen.'f Nearly everym'hi In the big housn -whs illlpd and the largeaudience was most demonstrative In Its ap-proval. The performance, us a whole, wasMillsfuclory. 'The principals. In the main, hadwood voices and proved themselves capable,chief honors of tho evening were earnedby Mai'. Stella Hsrtl, who gave one of thebest performances of Mieuele that has beenseen upon tbo local stage. Site possesses asoprano voice of excellent nuallty and usesIt to the beat advantage. From a dramaticstandpoint, also, she excels the majorityit singers cast for this role. Mine,lima Monti Hit id Inl'tf Carmen was alsocapital, and her performance deserves highrank among those who have made tho rolefamous. She niakes Carmen a thoroughlyplausible girl. Impetuous, passionate and di>-

iinni, It Is into, bnt It lacks the coarse hold-linns usually accentuated by Its portraycrs,she makes her a fickle, flirt, to whom theword constancy Is unknownt But she nlaomakes her «n attractive creature to whomthe', men she meels are Irresistibly dmitfn.Atigclln! Fornarl' made a spirited nOd duslt-

.log Rscamlllo; and easily carried off llrsi.

honors of the male contingent, His richbnrlloue voice filled the bouse with Its rcso-nance, ami for lits rendition of the Torca-ilorls song he received the heartiest demon-stnitton of the evening. Auiudco Aleinnn!. In

Hip rule of Don Jose, proved the possessor ofii fonly pleasing tenor voice, good lu iiinil'ty,

hut' lucking Ih power and volume. Viewed asmi net ni' lie whs considerably below the stand-ard sol by his fellow principals. Mine. Al-bert Inu Mnrgudunt, who song Frusqulln, pos-sesses a soprano voice of much power, and(lluseppo J'erlnl. lir the role of Zunlgn, fen-ve

evidence of possessing n rich bliss vo.'-e

of great volume nnd good quality. The eastIn full: Carmen,' Mine. Inun Monti Hnlillnl


MIcOclc. Mine Stella llerll. Mile. hilly Iter

iintu : l''rasi|uli.i, Mnie. Albertlna Margiidanl


Mercedes. iMluc. Emma Itol ; Don Jose, Aunt-ileo Ali'inaiil : Kseamlllu, Angcllnl Fornarl:ZiinlgH, lilusepne I'crlnl : Morales, GiovanniCorrcgnue: Dnnealro, IS. Cass; Itemendndo,1

1n spa re I'eauro : Dlvertlsrmcnt—Miles. Vnr-

liovon. Bonetd, navies nnd Corps do- Ballet,nil Wednesday uiatiuec and Saturday eve-ning., "l.'ui'inen" will be repealed, nnd Mlcaelewill In; sung by Mile, filly Iternnlo. Therest of the repertory for Hie week: Tuesdaymid Friday nights. "Hlgoletto;" Wednesdaynight anil Saturday mallnee, "CnvallerlaItusllcunn" and "I I'agllarcl ;" Tliuraduynight, (imlod's "Faust." K. 11 Soihei-n mid.lnlln Murlnwe opoh 10. fur two weeks.

Verlnl (HrdoiiH (Kluw & Krlungcr. man-.agora),—Although climatic conditions madeone forget that, this was supposed to be the"balmy month of June, (he Hummer seasonwas opened on this elevated res6rt Mondayevening, Juno 3, with "The Honeymoonors


mid lii'iii'ge M. (Milan, and n big audience,well protected from the chill winds by theglass enclosed auditorium, listened to Mr.t'olinn's new edition of his old "Running forllfllce." The concensus of opinion seemed tobe Hint the one best bet' of the evening wasCert rude Hoffman, whose mimicry was highclass and most Interesting, ami that tho showwas distinctive principally on account oflis noise. Mr. Cohan ntiucnr* to have loft

out Hut la'st parts or 'Running for Office,"and hi Ills efforts to get action IntoHie present piece he has set things gallon-lug' wllh very Utile purpose, and withonly u meagre measure of sue. ess. The sung,•'.Make a \M of Noise," seemed to lsi Hie licy-

inile of the performance. Of Hm new tauntsInterpolated none glve'nuy startling promise,tlei-triide Huffman, who won fame In "TncI'm -Islini Model" enrly In the season, linltnleilI'.'lile l-'iiy. Kddln Foy and A nun Held In huiIi

good effect Unit the itiidltuice was reliiclantto- liuve her withdraw.' She played her rolewell. too. and In every way proved worthyuf Hie lion's share of Hm Honors, which shewas given without stint. Mr. Cohan sun* atoplcul song about "Mr. lllnghnm." and didsome dancing. Jack Webster played FmuklyiiI'lushcr. It t hen t ileal manager, wllh such ratejudgment that Ibis small role stood outprominently. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Cohanwere good, us usual, and Jonathan Kiefemade ail excellent rube. The east : JohnTiger, lorry J. Cohan: Sum N'liyhtnd, Wil-liam Keogh : Andrew Kliey. Jiiines II. Man-ning : I'rnnklyn Flusher. .luck Webster: I'eterriiielinin. Jouiilhaii Keefc : llerinnn High-lieruer. Jo. Smith Marbn : Hollvar Blxhy,Joseph Leslie: Dun Tlmmous, Frank McNIsliJr. ; Ciiplnlu Dicks, Howard Stevens; Augus-tus Wright, tlcorgc M. Cohan : Mrs. JohnTiger. Mrs. Helen Cohan: Madeline Tiger,(Icrtrudo lliifl'iniiu : Susie riprlghtllng. ],eonnAiuiersoii : Hciilo Gnytniid. I.loln Rhodes;Mary, Alice Merrill.

t'ui on hi l Theatre (Percy G. Williams.ma linker 1 -

1 Vii Sunday night. June t), tills

sensiin, which lias been by far the most pros-perous In i lip history of the house, will cometo n close. During the season lust closingManager Williams has eoutlniietl Ills policyof presenting lo his large elli'iitel several ofthe most noted Kuni|K.'iin music hull stars,

also the very heat of the highest salariedAmerican vaudeville performers, nnd the re-

sult has brcH to place his theatre upon thehighest pinnacle of success. The hill thisweek bristles wllh ton notch features, andIncludes: Nut M. Wills. In his "tramp"monologue : lieu. II. Primrose and his com-pany, Hi a singing and daiielng act : Win.

•Coiiillelgli and company. In "IV'iiches:"the l'l-i in. piil ends, a novel uiuslcnl net: VeraMlclu'lliiu, the popular prima doniin : DeWill, Hums nnd Torrance, In "The Awaken-ing of the Toys:" Madden. Fllxpiilrlek andcompany. In "The Turn of the Tide:" theCralgs, musical net : Huston and Greene, lu

comeilv Hushes, and the vltanrsiih.Xeiv t'lrelo 'I'lieHtre (Sullivan & K mils,

miilliigera).—The hlghlv succi'ssful i-ngilire-

uient here of M. M. Thlese's Wine. Womanmu«Mong Co. eontlniie*. All records for runsof similar orgimUal Ions hnvc gone by thohoard long since, unit the business Is still ul

Ion noi-h.l.nrrh'li TlM'tilre (Charles Frolinian. ainii-

imerl. Wllllniu 4'olller. In "('might in theliiilu." begun. June ;t. Ills Iweilty-Hilril week.

l.yi'lv 'liu-atee (Sam H, & i.eo Hhubertma lingers I.-—"The Road to Yesterday" br-

uin. Juue 3, Its eighth week at this house.lllllliey'N Lincoln Sqnnre Tlirntre

Mien. N. ltalhiiiger, general inannger).-—Cii'll

S|ntoner beRim, June 3. her second week In

"Tlii" Dniui'r and Hie King." lusiertd .»l

elmuklug Hie bill to "The till'l llalllCK." asformerly aniiounccd.

l.y.i-iim Tlirntre I Daniel Frolinuin. tiiiin-

nsei >. "The Hoys of ruuipuny It" begiiu.

June ,'i. Its ninth week at tills MUM, '

—*r~s-*i .-. ". rr

—Mellli A I'riictiir'i Flfr* Avniae

Then t vo (K. Y. Albee; general manager).—•When Knighthood Was In- Klowur" Is Ibis

week's olfenngof Ihe tSpikfflcr Htock Co.- Dn.lhtie'3 a bin- mutlnfi: audlehce evinced great

Irttlfrtst In the Ibve affairs of Mary Tudorand (linrii's Brandon, and warm applauseproved that the work of the players wos ap-

preciated. The production wus nloclv stnged.

Kdna Miiy Hpooner. us Mary Tildor." showedtile caprices and temper uf that young lady

to a nicety, and Augustus l'lillllps did someof his best work as Charles Brandon. HaroldKonnodv. Arthur Evera. Ben F. Wilson, Jessie

McAllister and Harriet Mwcarngin all cameIn for marked favor. The cast: CharlesBrandon. Augustus I'hlllhis; Will Homers,Harold Kennedy: Francis D'Anglnuleiisc, Ar-thur Rvers : Duke of Buckingham, Ben F.

Wilson ; Henry the Klghth. Kdwln II, Curtis;Hlr Edwin Cnakoden, Jnmcs Montgomery


Thomas Wolaey. W. I<. Weet : Duke Dcheuguerllle: Walter Crosby: Sir Adam Jud-son, Kugcne Ordwsy : Master Cavendish.Jack Cowcll ; Host of "The Bow and String,"

.lamea Aycrs; Captain Bradhurst, DevoeI'armcr: hirst Adventurer, Mr. Croaby:Second Adventurer, Mr. Cowell ; Officer of

the Uuard, R. K. Spoon er ; Servant, ThomasShecly ; (Jueen Katnarlne of England. Olivedrove ; Lady Jane Bolbigbrokc, Jessie Mc-Allister: Miss Anne Bolcyn. .Toscbhlne Fox:Mistress Jane Seymour. Harriet Rwcamgln


French Lady. Eleanor Wisdom ; I'age. JuliaMorrlss j Cage, Dorothy Haines : l'age. Eflle

Weston; I'ligc. Laura J Inter; Mary Tudor,Edna Mciv Spooner. In the vaudeville areEleanor Wisdom, singing comedienne, andthe motion pictures. '"The Undertow" is nextweek's announcement.

Keith A I'roctor'n VUty-elgrhthStreet Theatre (E. F. Albee, general man-ager).—tin Monday, June 8. lurgc attendanceenjoyed an excellent bill, l'ongo and Leo. In

Ihclr comedy acrobatic turn, opened the bill.

and put tbe house In good- humor. LeilaTaylor, billed as "simply a singer of songs,"gave several delightful song renditions. "TheOlrl and the Wire Tapper," by Burton Em-mett. employed the services of Mary West,Frank Cliecn and Charles I^wrence, and wasanother number that secured undivided at-

tention while It held tho stage. Nat Lcroyand Minnie Woodford were good comedy con-versationalists and singers that pleased.

Knight. Brothers and Bawtellc produced adancing set that found favor, tho clowningof the act being especially good. "Paga-nlnl's Ohost." billed as a European novelty,realistically depleted the return of the spirit

of the famous violin virtuoso at the hourwhen graveyards yawn. Homer B. Mason,Marguerite Keclcr and Henry Travcrs securedrounds of applause In their laughing farce,

"A Hero." liberies F. Senion, "The NarrowFellow,'' In Ins musical oat, secured as manylaughs as usual, nnd several recalls. The Sixi iiinserettls. In their daring acrobatic, act,

were one of die best numbers on the bill.

Motion pictures closed the show. The cur-rent week lias been announced ns the llnnl

one uf the season, but the house will notclose until the hot weather comes to stay.*WullaokV (Mrs. Theo. Moss, proprietor

and miiungeri.—"His Honor, the Muyir."thai popular mimical comedy, was seen for

the third time lu New York on Monday even-ing, June 3, when It began an Indefinite en-gagement here, Clarence Harvey wna iiga'n

enjovaWc In- the title rule, and Harry Kellyproved a laughable hit -with ht» corned v andclever dancing. The musical numbers wereall well rendered, and much applause waswell earned by Mabel Ilolllmv Janet I'riest

and Lois E. Tabor. The cast: Hon. Tri'.dv

Todd, Clarence Hatwr.y ; Daisy. Mabel Ilol-

llns; May Flood, Jnnet l'rlest : T. Chciter-fluld I'reblih', Fletcher Norton : "Jack"Thaver, Harry Stuart; Deacon Flood, llrr:yKellv : "It -.ililv" Samson. William Illuek ; Mrs.Vnyne, Lois E. Tabor; Marjorle Vayne, LoraLieb; Solomon Svplionsleln. Fredcrlek VimRensselaer ; Captain Uudolph Zltsky, John If.

I'ratt; Lieut. Hehnlpp. Nellie De (iras«e:

It. La Carte, James Murray; Josef. E. H.Melendy ; Alphonsc, Dan Evans ; Trcadau,Harey Evans; Kalrluka; Catherine Tanner.

I Jen ii il Oi'iern House (John II. Springer.

manager (.—This house was crowded Mondayeveulug. June .",, wllh an audience whichenjoyed Ihe first New York appearance ofCole and Johnson, In their sensatlounl mu-sical comedy. "The Shoo-Fly Iteghueut." Theslilra

.were roundly applauded after -every

number, and ihe show scored' a pronouncedsuccess; Andrew Trlbblo and Arthur Kaywere rcpt'tiledly encored ' Wllh their' clever

singing and' diiuclng spcclulty. while otherswho -cntuc in for mueli amiroval were-; Anna1'unko.v, Fnnnle Wise, Wesley Jenkins nndSain Lucas. The cast in full : I'rofi'ssor Max-well. Arthur Tnlhol : Itundulpli. Arthur Ray


WllllaiiiNiHi, Frank Dc Lyons; Virginia. Nettletileilli: Inele July Jackson, Henry Hunt;Aunt' I'htt'hc Jackson, llll/.iiheth Williams;Rose Maxwell. Faniile Wise ; Ophelia. AndrewTriable : Mailman, J. T. Farter: Bro. Doo-11111". Wesley Jenkins: lire. Doless. SamLucas; llililtor WIIKon. Hob' Cole; EdwardJackson. J. Itnxuuinnd Johnson ; Dllscy Lump-kills. Mollli! Dill ; NniHileon Hunapart Lump-kins. Arthur Ray: Martini Jones. Anna Cookl'mikey ; Lieut. Dixon, Then. I'llllkily : Order-ly. -Wm. I 'helps: A Filllpluo Spy, HerbertAmos : Hi-minutes—Mantle Biltleu. . EthelJanice, Bessie Triable.- I.lila Coleman, Nettle(llemi, Johnnie Livingston : Sewing Class

Lutira Howard, Mumlc Harris, Nettle Olcnn.I'hlllp lfnhson is manager of the show.

.hinllii de 1'arla (K. Xlegfeld, tuanagi'i I.

—A large audience wus present here Mondaynight, June 3, lo usher ill Hie second week ofwhat promises to he a highly successful sea-

sun at Ibis Summer resort. Of tile featureson Hie Inaugural hill of last week tho FourMortons, the Flurenx Troupe, (joorge Evans.W. C. Fields nrtd the living nlctrires andstatuary are retained on Ihe bill this weekNew acts this week Include : Dulsv James, anEnglish comedienne, whose inothod la therendll loll of English songs uinile.il veryplctisnnt Impression, and her costumes werevery rich. Cella (Jalley, from France, whogave Impersonal Ions of foreign professionalpeople, did fairly well. Neither of lliesa actshave been seeu In America la-fore. EmmaCnrits, In gongs, nud' Hie Four Stewart Sis-

ters, dnnrera, were also new comers. Therewere also the following new living pictures:"Teucer." "Lady Macbeth." "Dans In Revo.""I'liryne at F.leuala." and "Alaliintn." Mile.

Dur.le. tliough programmed, did mil appear.Timlin Theatre (Sullivan & Woods,

niaiuigersl. - -The season has been extendedfor nnolhur week. "The I'eddler" la the at-

I ruction.

Caiilnn Thentre (Sam S. & Lee Khuberl,Inc., nuiniigcrs).—"Fiisclnnllug Flora" began.June 3. lis third week (<• growing popularity.American, A slur, Criterion, Daly's, Em-

pire. Harden. Hackell. Hippodrome. Irving

I'hicc. Liberty, Madison Square. Majestic,•New Amsterdam. New York, Star. Third Ave-nue, Weber's. Yorkvllle. Dewey. Eighth Ave-nue. Murray Hill, l/ondim and Miner s Boweryniv closed- for the season.Fourteen! Ii Street Theatre (J. Wesley

IJiisi-ni|iie«l. miuiagerl.-The Liberty movingpictures furnish the attraction hern this

week, with two shows it day, al. popularprices Phonographic records of ii numlH-rof the leading operatic singers, includingMine. Media. Mine. Mimics and Slg. Carusoform a purl of Ihe culerlnlnnirnl.Allnnlle Garden (W. Kramer's Suns,

managers i. —The Vcdnuirs. comedy acrobatic,

specially : Cotton and Harrow. In a comedysketch, entitled "A Sure Cure for the Blues:


O'ltourke nnd Marie, comedy singing and- dancing sketch ; Elsie Stlrk. character comed-ienne nud iraiB'/.lst ; Iji Belle Marie, slackwire walker: Lillian Hurl, soprano vocalist,

nud Ihe moving pictures are Hie ill I raid innsfur this wok.Snvny Theatre (Frank MrKee. inoiia-

uert.—"The Man of the Hour" begun, June3, Its twenty scveulh week.

Ki'lHi' . «fc I'roetor-. Tr»«nty-tlilraslrert Theatre (E. F. Albee. general man-ager).—Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew appearedon- June -3. hi a brand new act, of which

they gave the first, production on any stage,

and If proved a lirtght. snappy, well written

sketch, full of funny lines, and played right

up to the Unlit of laughter provoking possi-

bilities. KenneOi, Lee, Its author, calls It

•Billys Tombstones," tho title referring to

the young hero'* tee|h. It appears that Billy.

a great football player, has four of his front

teeth knocked out In a college game, anawears a plate with the missing masticators

on. The scene of the atory la the deck

of an ocean steamer. Billy la hi love

with Beatrice Bloanc. bnt Is very sensitive

about bis misfortune, and has hard work to

gat uphla courage to the point of proposlpg.

Suddenly he Is knocked down, and loses his

falae plate. The teeth arc found by a sea-

man nno, after being displayed so that all on

board may hnvn a chance to see them andclaim them, they are auctioned' off to1 the

highest bidder, in order that a sum of moneymay be raised for the seaman. Taylor, another

suitor for the hand of Beatrice, bids them upfuriously, and Hilly, who has no other set, is

made to pay onn thousand dollars before lie

gets them. Happy In once more regaining

the "tombstoneH-T without having let anybodyknow that he had lost them, he wins Beatrice

because that young lady, not being aware of

the rcaion for Billy's high bid, thinks him amost generoua man for helping tbe popr

seaman. The act Is splendidly handled by

Mr. Lee, and ig one of the beat Bkercbcs onthe vaudeville stage. Mr. and' Mrs. Drewand Nora hewla act It delightfully, Mr.

Drew running away with first honors. RubeWelch and Kittle Frauds, aided by the Mlaaes

Coyle, Dyer and Beatrice, preacnted "TheFlip Mr. Flop." and kept the audience in

hearty laughter. Miss Francis was excellent

In on eccentric nuke-up, and the tlnlsh of the

act, wHen all appear In a Sousn march-play-

ing burlesque, waB screamingly funny. TheEllnorc Slstera were clever as ever: the

Sclienk-Marvelll Troupe offered some marvel-

ous feata In ncrobaHca. which resulted

In winning u ' tremendous hit for them,

and Grlffen and Du Bols. comedy acrobats,

presented some new and well" executed

"stunts." and scored a distinct success. Caro-

line Hull, who has not been seen here in along time, offered "A Study In Black andWhite," a comedy written by herself, whichwas Interesting and worthy of the attention

shown it. Mlsa Hull has always been afavorite here, nnd her pleasing work la not

one whit less enjoyable to-day than it wasIn the past. Robert Tabor and Joe Lee give

her good aid. Others on tbo bill were : AnnaI.Auglilln. who made a big hit: Maymc Rem-ington nnd her "picks." and Almoin and Du-mont. The inol Ion pictures continue.

Victoria Theatre- (Oscar Hammerstcln,mannger).—Next to the Importance of nnexcellent bill, provided by the managementthis week. Is the reopening of Paradise RoofHardens, uloti of the Victoria and Belasco

Theatres, which occurred Moudcy night. Juae3. As has been the custom lu former seasons,

dally matinees' will be given Id the downstairs theatre, and the same programme will

be g'ven lo Its entirety on the roof atnight. The roof itself has undergone quite

a Utile change. In n new dreis of white

paint nnd banks uf flowers ; several xoo-

logical features have been added, and tbe

garden altogether carries out the Bummereffect admirably. What Is expected, nodoubt. -to Interest the roof visitors materially;

Is a well conceived Idea, entitled "The Mutelie view." in-' which are Illustrated with oh.

jeets. live or otherwise, the title of neurly

nil Ihe successful dramatic and musical plays

thai hare been presented here during this

scuson The lending position on this week'sbill Is Louis De Berg's illusion. "Cretnutloo,"which was presented for the tlrst timehere, at the mullneo on Monthly. It is quite

n startling performance, as I be audienceapparently sees a woman bumed to ashes.

The remainder of the bill Includes: Vasco,who Is billed us "Tbo Mad Musician," andwho performs upon over a score of musicalinstruments during uig act; Rice and I'rc-

vust. "Bnmptv-liuiD-ps," In straight and com?rov acrobatics, their sixth engagement here


Collins und Hart, also popular here, as bur-

lesque strung men: That Quartette, In superbvociillxlng; the Willy Pantaer Troupe, in unovelty act : Bamold's trained dogs midmonkeys. Introducing the "Inebriated canine i",

Hub liilwnrds' School Boys and Girls. In usinging and dancing skit : Hie Snnny' South,a musical sketch, contululng a number ofcolored corned luii* hi plantation songs middances: Ihe Cainlllc Trio. In a grotesque lair

act; L'has. S.-rrn. equilibrist, and flic vlla-

grapli. with pictures of the Jamestown Ex-position. The Monday audiences tested the

capacity of both tho. roof and theatre.

Pastor's. Theatre (Tony Faster, mana-ger I.—A -more enjoyable -bill could not be

wished for than lliat which was witnessedbv the usual big Monday uiutlncc crowd.June 3. Vernon, Hie clever vcntrlluqiilKt,

proved a big favorite In Ids most novel act.

Frank Bush, "Hie story toller." kept thehouse in n merry mood, and earned muchapplause. Terry and Elmer also gainedin ii el i approval In I heir clever comedy skit,

while Henry Cllve, assisted by .Mill Walker,wus Immensely entertaining with his wittysaylugs as well nn his ninny magical offer-

ings Others who came In for much' applausewere: Charles Whe.len and' Carrie West,singers and dancers ; Williams and Melbniii,

clevor cnlcrtnlners : Hi" Westou Sisters,

singers, dancers and burlesque boxing ; Nngelami Adams, comedians ; Bnruey and DollyFly n n. singers and dancers: Ivy and Ivy,

comedy inimhiuns ; Arthur and Lucille Cnrl-l on. "The Messenger 'Bov nud the Olrl


(irace Allerlon und her performing dog. nud(ho vltagrapli closed the performance.

llaber'N Museum (John H- Anderson,munager).— This popular family resort wascrowded to the doors Monday afternoon, Jane3, lo witness one of the best bills presentedin Ihe curio hull this season. In Ihe thentre.which wus parked at every performance, atlnelv in-ranged programme Is given.

Iltjoii Thentre (A. C. Campbell, muungrr).— Mine. AIIS' Na/.linova begun. June 3, herseventh week In "Comtcsse Coquette," undthe: .thirteenth week and last, fortnight of herengagement.

Ilroinlwiiy Thentre (Lilt & Dingwall.innnngersl.---Aluia Held began. June 3. hc-r

twenty-eighth week, hi "The l'arlslau Model."Knlekerhneher Theatre (Al. llayninn& Co.. managers).—Montgomery mid Sloun

and company commenced, June 3, their thir-

ty-seventh week in "The Red Mill."Hudson Theutre i Henry H. Harris, man.

Bgerl.—Edward Abeles, In "Brewster's Mil-lions," began. June 3, Ids llftecnlh week.

Moiihnttnn Theatre.— Slicpard's popu-lar moving picture performances still at-

tract large crowds.I.civ llelil's Herald Square Theatre

(tieorgc M. Sniuuils. manager).—Eddie Foy,lu "The Orchid." entered his ninth week onMuuduy evening. June 3. Nn matinee wnsgiven on Wednesday. May *JU, owing- lo theexlra performance on Decoration Day.

Ilelasen Theatre (David Heliiscn. muti-agerl.—l-'rances Starr began. June 3. hertwenty-eighth week. In "The Hose of theItiioeliu''

lln|ip> Imiil. on Slulcn Isluud. opened onDecora t lun Day. May 3d, Under the manage-ment of Victor D. Levitt, who has made sev-eral changes and additions to the park.Fermi's trained wild animals and the dra-

. mntlc spectacle. "The Fireman's ChristmasEve." are leading attractions. In the freecircus ring nn- : The Five Flying (Minimis.I .n I Inn. (Iiiurnev. Keeiuui and (ioiirne.v, in

"Ituiiming the Bumps:" The Haunted liar-

den, the miniature railway, Hie (ieriiuiu Vil-

lage and the roller skating rink are also at-tractions There Is darning in lbs ballroom,and tunny visitors ut the "Foolish House."


The Theatreafoer*'*Ww^MCfgave lis iHEt enli!rt«lflment for Ihe- srtsoh,

In Via v "0-at Durycas Dancing Academy.

"H.'""est Ndveiity-sevund Street. I-co Braun

wis musical director. Tllcre «mhWrecitations, violin wdttlil» *JB>_-gmiuera Celleate, the Covam ,«««*!>„ te°°.r:

sang a selection from -Alda.' Seven year

old Marie West gave u monologue and a

poem. '.

The Harden Crane Hehool of American

Ouera gave a performance of a mutica

comedy "The Bov She Left Behind Her,

everdng of May W. In Carnegie Lyceum. The

mimic waVby H. Loren CTementa. and ihe

ryrics by Edith H. Tfllotaon. Halon Dlckior.

and Raymohd Oould Crane sang with suc-

cess, and tbe performance was enjoyed by a



dPhlli,.p. brother of Adolf PhlHpp,

and manager of the German-American Tfle-

Sue Berlin, arrived In tWB.eiylMtw.akHo Is here on business connected with bis

brother's plays. Adolf PMllpp la |t Pra»nt

starring In his own plays, under hla brother a

management. In Germany.

Harlem.— At Keith ft Froctor'a Harlem

Dpera Houw (E. F. Albee, general manager)

••the Middleman" la th* offering for bis

week, and good attendance ruled Monday.

June X The plav waB well presented, the

various members of the stock company doing

good work. Amony those deserving of praise

were: Alpbona Kthlcr. George Howell, W.Norton, Hubert Hill. 'Ernest Anderson, VVui.

C. Carr. Henrietta Browne.. Agnes Scott and

Ixmlse Itandolph. The vauduvUlo offcra Lil-

lian Ashley and motion pictures.

West ENn (J. B. Cookaon, manager).—"The Bohemian Olrl" la the offering of the

Van dcr Berg Opera Co. for this week, open-

ing I The venture has proved a success in

every respect, and a large audience was In

evidence at the performance on Mondaynight. Th* leading roles were In the bands

of Hubert Wljkc and Bertha Shalek, whowou rounds of applause for their good work.

Others irtio senred successes were :/ Alice

Craft- Benson, Roeemarie Campbell, Vernon

Styles, Tom SDringcr and Harry C. Dodd.Mrrnoponis (Hurtlg ft Seamon, nrana-

jrers).-^-Adelaide Kelm continues to drawcrowded houses. "The Eternal City" la this

week's offering. ,

Kami ft Puoctor'h Onb Hiindrko asuTWBNtv-PivTll Stuekt Thbaibb (K. Y. Albee.

general manager). — Business continues to

hold good. Th-.' week started 3, with the S.

IL O. sign displayed before the curtain *"ent

up. The following bill was presented: Wm.Ji Kelley. In a playlet, entitled "The l,u-

mesklng." this being the last week of Mr.Kcllcy's eight weeks' engagement. Ellls-Now-

lan troupe. Big ("Ity Four, Gallagher -and

Barrett. Phil nud Nettle Peters, Dillon

Brothers. Kslellc Wordette and company.Martini nnd Mnalmlllan. and ucw mution pic-

tures l'unl McAllister and- company will

present a series of one net plays beginning 10.

AtiiAMBRA (Percy G. Williams, manager).—One -word covers everything In regard to

business here, and that Is capacity, and it

has been so all season. This week's bill

offers : Joe Maxwell and compny. ErnestHogan. Charles uuycr and Ida Crispl, Phyllis

Rankin, and Harry Davenport and company,Carllsle"s ponies.- Otto Brothers, the Expo-sition Four, Laura Bennett, and Lavellc andGrant.

HiniTti; ft sbamux'h Music Hall (LouisHurtlg. manager).—The Bowery Burlesquerslaigan a relum date, to a packed house, andprosjaiets nrc bright for a big week. This 1s

the closing week for both house and company.TllK (ivrirAM closed -.Tunc 1, having had

one of the most .prosperous seasons In Its

hlstorv. During the Summer months altera-

tions will lie made, and the house will reopenearly In August.



season, and? a crowded house er,.,!,„i ,,

pcrforrneTi.- Helcfic -Wlntner, wlio. f,.r J'

Arnold, ns Gerald Falrmcre.plause for tho natural manner In whleh i


played the part. Others were: Marn^Rnlwlstle. James- Penhoy. ,iohn iff 1

Doan: I'ratt. Leigh Thompson. (.iinrle« win?"Inatoh. Harry Turner and De Witt Brew. „,"

The performance was- a great success.< » »

NEW YORK STATE.Unffalo—At the SUr (P. c. rjornrtt

ruanoger) "All-of-a-Sudden l'eggv" |» n,.stock company'a offering for week of in.3. "School for 8candal'

p week of io "wCJKnighthood Wm .in Flower" won plaudit.


Brooklyn.—At the Shubert i Lew Parker....aiiagerl owing to tnc weather conditions

und the great demand from the public, nr-

to continue for another week. Blanche Bates,

In "The t;lrl of the Golden WcsL" June 3-S.

Business wus to the capacity of the uouselast week.

Oiii-iiLi.'M (Percy G. Wllllauia, managei).—"Carmen" w the production selected bytne Orphcirai Doera Co. for the current week."Wang Is still popular, as was clearly

shown by the crowded houses Inst week. "TheMikado" nexL

Star (Archie Hills, manager).—ManagerKills has succeeded In postponing the workof repairs at his house for another week, al-

though all the contracts were signed for Juno3.' He offers to his patrons, 3-8. the DulnlyPuree Snow. Including Stltn: and Evens, Joeand Nellie Doner, Ulehy Craig. I'Irrol andWard, Itenliler and Gaudier, Juliet Wood,Clara Adams, John Nestor and 11 largechorus. Wrestling- Tuesday and Fridaynights, miller Hie direction of John P. Dunn.Jim (ialvhi. Shad Link, Geo. Bothner. Youngllackenschraldt. Leo l'urdello nnd othernoted men will be on hand. Clark's Bun-away Girls were well patronized.

Tin,]. til's Uruaiiwav (l^o C. Teller, les-

see).—"The Lion aud Ihe- Mouse" plays areturn engagement .here this week, when thohouse Is reopened specially. The advancesain for the week has licen remarkably big,

despite the fact that It. Is hardly a monthsince (lie show wns here.

liAVKTY I James (.'lurk, managed.-—A bigweek is looked for with Clark's RunawayGirls Co.. -'t-8. The olio Includes : ClareBurg, Kiank Damsel. Prod Slnttery, BertWlggln. the Bowery Comedy yuartetle. JlayLiupiee and the Livingstons as an extra at-

traction Good business last week.Gotham (Kdgnr K. Olrard. manager).

"The Sliver King" Is given thte weekljy theHal Clarendon Stock Co. The advance salefor the week is the largest since the com-pany opened here. Next week. "The Octo-roon."

Pavton's IS. 8. Allen, manager).—''Eastl.ynne" Is tide week's offering. Good housesInst week, wllh -"The Mills of Ihe Gods."Nexl. '•Hcaiis Aflame."

liPNA Park. — Big favorites here arc:"Nlgbl uud Morniug," "The Wrack, of thoCorsair." "The Days of '4H' " and "TlicKansas Cyclone." Free concerts nnd oisinnlr circuses arc given each day.

DitKAMi.AMi.—In the list of attractionsthis year arc: "The I'cast of Belshaxuir,""Creation. I'hu Arabian Nlghla IIp-lu-Dalc." "The- End of the World'7 and "Pha-raoh's Daughter." A band of 1hlrty-sevenMurucciiiis. under the command of SldiDsldb Damr, will hereafter take part lu the"Keast of RplKhMKxar." Herod's Temple willlie opened this Week, and Salome's dauce ofthe seven veils will be gtvon. " . "

Hcstock'n Aiiu.na.—Indrn. said to be aroyal while elephant', from Slam, Is attract-ing the crowds. Another feature is D'Artag-iian, Hie equestrian lion. Itlcardo and hiswrestling bear. Mme. Morelll and her leop-ards, and Mile. D'Orcy and her lions areother successes. The boxing kangaroo andthe baby elephant continue to amuse.

llr.Mir.usijx's. Ciinky Island.—Bill weekof Jiineil: Four Musical Gates, the De VoleTrie. James |<'riimiS Dimli-v and Ills' Girls,the Kleven Brum Mirjoi's, Tcmis«st and Sun-shine. Green Bros.. Tommy Hayes, listerand Oulnn. I.asky nnd Uolfe's the Mllltarv

. Octal le nnd the Girl -wllh Ihe. Bui on, Bertand Bciihti Grant. IXlwunls and ,1160110. DoraTiiviur, Mae Sailor, and Alexander and Scott.

Gol.liKN ClTV. Cauui-sle, Is now under way.with King Pharaoh, the educated horse, asone of the chief attractions. Among otheramusement places are "BoMnson Cntsoe.""Hvl'i- the iliM'kles." "Love's Journey" and•'The 1 1 11 man Laundry."

Nr.ws Itcsis.—Ihi Mav 'JL'. at the Ma-jestic, Hie Amaranth Society presented thethree net comedy, entitled "Joseph Kn-

1 1 angled.", by. Henry Arthur Jones. This wa«1 the only appearance uf the Amaranth thin

from large gatherings last week.Ltric 1 J. Laughlln, manager) —.


Triumph of an Empress" this week to h.followed by "Two hlttle Vagrants" in.n"The- Power Behind the Throne" was greetiiiby overflowing houses last week. TeniaDale and the atar were especially well rrreived.

Shea's.—Bill for 3 and week includes-Maggie Cllne. Kddle Leonard and Isivs "ivTexas Wooing," with Young Buffalo : Msjt.it-Muslcal Four, Fred Bay and company La'hclle and Blanche NadJe, and McPee amiHill. Business Is only limited by the thea-tre's capacity.Acauumy (P. C. Cornell, manager) — rhe


1resent Is tho Anal week of the scmon,6uIr Hartmann. In "Tbe Peddler." heh,.the offering-. "At Cripple Creek" departed 1"

LAFArarrr. (Chas. M. Hagg. minagen —California' Girls appear wee* of 3. git.Victoria and the Alcazar Beauties were aac-cessful last week, and pleased.- LitNA Park (It. II. MacBroom. munageri—Bicycle dash down the Incline, tlic KourBalltus. Myrtlo C. Byrne aud comtiaur. t;ookGates and company, Martyne and Karl.'iaiiBartlett week of 3. Memorial Day was a Mgone here, with Wormwood's animals and tbenava! reserve band as leaders. Alteudaanis excellent.Washington Thkatue aso Mustunt

(Lewis F. Linn, manager).—Current attraethins Include Kelly, handcuff expert; NorthCarolina Twins and moving pictures.

m —Hoc lies (er.—At the Lyceum (M. K. Kiilo*.

manager) "The Song Birds." with HelenBertram. William Burrcsu and James B. Car-son, proved to be the top liner of last week'sexcellent bill. Capacity business was tb»rule. Bill June 3 and week : "The Gover-nor's Son," with Bobby Barry and Stella

Tracey ; George Puller Golden, Rex Fox. KiwiMace, In "The Umpire ;" Del more and Lee.Cleinenso Bros.. O'Brien-Havel and ISRJc Lasrence. and chromatic pictures.

National (Max Hurtlg, manager).—Th"stock pleased greatly during the past week, in

"Gypsy Jack.' Charles Carver scoring heavily

In the title role. Business was fine. "Friends''week of June 3.

Bakku (Mrs. T. J. Boyle, manager 1.—"T»u

Little Vagrants" was well portrayed by the

stock last week. Mabclle Estelle and MaudeNorwood. In the title roles, were well cut.Excellent attendance ruled. "Only a ShopGirl" week of June 3.

Cook (irutiA House (J. H. Moore, mana-ger 1.—"The Stunning Grenadiers" proved in

be a great drawing card In last week's uni-

formly excellent bill. Bill June 3 und week


Cnmllle D'Arvllle. Claude Gllllngwatrr amicompany. "In Morocco ;" George B. Itcno

and company. Three Dumonds, Vinle Duly.

Carlln and Otto, the Flying Grigoleltls amikinetograph.Gbkatkr Ontario Beach Paiik (II. I..

Messmore. manager).—The grand uismlng o(

this lieautlful and practically new resort oc-

curred May 30. and on that day the visitors

nuinliered 5().(MH). The t^irxon Sisters

thrilled In their hair raising net, while

Kosaltl's Band discoursed eujoyuble music.

Prof. Apdule's Animal Circus greatly amused.Bostuck s Animal -Exhibition has been ndiled

to the -list of permanent attractions. Samebill holds good until June S.

Glen II.wt.n Park (B. K. Wilson, mana-ger).—The opening week here, dcspll* the

frigid atmosphere, drew vast crowds. Mr.

nud Mrs. Hurry Fielding, Bess Wright, anil

Pauline Kleldhig nnd Josle t.iatlln are an-

nounced for June 3 and week.

Albany.—At llarmanus Bleecker Hall (H.

It. JacuhtC mannger) the Majestic Slock

Co. Is now furnishing -Summer cotuedy tn

Increasing crowds. "Woman Agulnsl Wo-

man" was tbe bill May 'JT-'Jll. and "ABachelor's. Honeymoon" .'10-Jnne I. Botb

wcre-enloycd by Wg audiences. "The Prince

of Liars" June 3-5.

I"1«ktor's (Howard Graham, resident

mnuager).—The Inst regular-vaudeville week

brought out great crowds, imrtlnilarly

Deeoraliun Day. Geuerous applause wasglvon lu Sue- Smith. Cbas. Wayne and com_

paiiy. in a luitghable sketch, nnd Lasky &Uolfe's .Military Octetle. Beginning June 3

and week, Hie Proctor Opera Co. will si*'

•comic opera during the Summer. Plrst week.

"The JHkodo. " followed by "The BohemlaaGirl."

Ai.-Tao Paiik.— Decoration Day was tn»

openhig of the new Al-Tro Park (Max lloscn-

muuager). Great preparations were made to

greet (lie crowds, and It hi estimated that

.'lO.OUO people visited this resort. I'rhielpal

opening features were : Banda Roma, Mile.

Paustlne, the Ilolmun Bros., the Flawnc*Troupe, tho Breakaway Barlows, and tn'

Walllia Troupe of bicyclists.Ki.kctbic Pabrt (F. 8. Williams, manager 1.

—This resort also had Its opening May 30.

and. with a beautiful day, thousands en-

joyed itfl varied attractions. Gartlnnds Mili-

tary Band was a leading feature.Notrh.—Buffalo BUI'S Wild West will fi"

two performances here June 14 iMIIanC. MacNaugliton. of Sam k Lei! Shuliert!

forces, will lie Identified with Al-Tro Park

this Summer. -I tleu.—At L-

reslih'iit. mnnngcr) v ,

meotlng with great success. "Tbi'lma aur-

"Thc Chrlsllan'' wore presented to pucit"l

hoiisi's last week. De Wolf Hopper, in

"Wang." drew a big house May 2*. and mmte

his usual speech. This wci'k the Majeste

Slock Co. will present "No Mother lo GulwHer" amf'The Cowboy and the- ijRdy-

Oni'llKUM (K. L. Konekc, resident naiBJ-

ger).—'ilti! house Is nicely cooled by elerira

fans, and the moving pictures an; drawing

good, and will- continue all Summer.Summit Park (S. U. Bakor, raanugeji.---

Tho park opened Decoration Day with ,i->'"'

attendance. The new figure eight rot!"

coaster was well patronised. Ityan's (Irene?

tra furnishes music, and will give SuiiWconcerls. England's moving pictures win i"

a feature until July 1, when the regular show

will bo given.t'TK'A Pabk (Scrum & Donobtie. man"'

gers).—Decoration Day was the largcbt lion-

day aitendnncc the park has enjoyed. Rain-'

Orchestra gives concerts.'ona.sT Park (Frlta Brand, manager!,--

Hie Majestic (K. L. Konek'.

cr) the Majestic Slock to. I'

The park-'..111

ark oiicned 27, and tho following bu

drew' well: Xellle l>-sttriie|. Wolf and ^IJi*

Murln Hose. Smith and Van, King and Has

lop. and Helen Louise Eaton's Ladles' Orrurs


Jamestown At tire Celeron Theatre (L

J. Waters, manager) vaudeville opened at

this house for the season. May 27. with tne

therinomeler at the freealng nohiL nic i" '

Ineliidiil: Sam Walx.ui. wllh bis '*» '

vnnl :" Ih'llurelll and llllssaiido, Ihe Kemiw.

Hie Mozarls. and Tom ltlpley.

Xutks.—Celenni l*nrk owned May -'•• •-.-

Victor's Venetian Band will supply the nvu«c

this season ut the park, and mads a O'l "*

June S.


its first appearance Klngllng Brothers'

Cirrus will aypcqr here June i!0. .fc

. ..Workis progressing rabidly on the S&muels OperaHouse, And'tt will be ready lot tho opening.

Irvlnedal* Park, at Warren. Pa., openedMav B9.'.:...M.'B. JIprhmikbi' Ifl the mana-*eT of his own theatre at Oorry,- Fa., re-

placing C T. Trimble Vaudeville Is

Mat we" )n the Opera House, at Tllusvllle,

K, under the minaitement ot Harry Oerson.. . . J. J. Water*, manager of the Samuels,

is again at the helm of toe Celeron Theatrefor the season.

F.ltnlra.—At the Lyceum (Lee Norton,resident manaKert Lew Fields, In "AboutTown," will be the attraction June 4. prob-

nlily the last of the season.

Family <0. \V. Mlddleton. realdent mann-er).—This popular theatre closed Its doors'or (he' season June 1, the following bill hav-

ing entertained packet) houses during theweek : Tahneari. Fells and Clayton, Watsonurid Utile. Iva Denette, Four Dancing Relies,

Wllllnm Campbell, and the Stock Sisters.

Hiai.to (l'\ ft. McConncll, mnnagcri.

People for week of June 3 : King aha Has-liiop. the .forces. Hao Vaughn, Trlxle Bennett.Kljmi Mlrainn. Vern Hopkins, .las. D. Troud-Inve. motion pictures und Illustrated songs.Those who closed 1 : Russell and Raymond.J>liiinond Sisters, Mnyme Karnes. Dolly Blandund l.llllnn Dc Van'. Business good. Tills

then I re keeps open nil Summer.RriRR'K'M (Ji.kx TitSAtRR (Henry Tnylor.

tnnnngerl.—This Hummer amusement resort

will open June .'1. when the Manhattan OperaI'u., which hits lieen rehearsing In this city

for iIh- past Week, will produce "The Gon-doliers." The company numbers twenty-five.Following Is n list of the principals: WallerFisher. William. Clifton. Henry Tnylor, Carltiunv.s.rt, Jack Foley. Onirics Haskins, F.lah

Vnbdervnort. Ilerta Fneele. Mav FlrolneI.lnden. Kvn Blnlne, Ionise- Hlrnrrt nnd Vir-

ginia Ware.Aimm l''oiiRPAi'nii-Si:i.i.s Hans..' I'mtrd

Snows -come June tl.

Xnrt:.—Clara Louise 4'linpm.in, formerlyof this city, has finished Iter season wlihMax Fleman. In "The Man on Ihe Rnx." nndis visiting friends In this elly. Miss Chap-man has not signed fnr next season.

THE NEW - YORK CLIPPER.<i ' . »— ~-l *-h —! -SJ 1 H4-T- 1

Jlwmmmtim*,\'uw pur. the

'It'lpiuajrotne has closed, the

people who have been playing there nil sea.

sou will go to various places for the Summer.Mareellne will go to sec Niagara Culls,

uad Inter will g» on a fishing trip throughCanada. 'Hie Sl.iux wiiiTloi-s leave, ill chargeof Henry Standing Hear, the Slnilx Inter-preter, tor the Finn Ridge Agency, SouthDakota, where they will stay until the Hip-podrdpae uncus next Fall. Henry Ninnillnjf

Hour goes 16 the Jamestown 'Exposition, to

act. As interpreter for an Indian exhibit attlint exhibition. Frank Melville, equestriandirector, will spend the Slimmer al his farm.hi New Canaan. Conn. During the Summer,Mr. Melville will -train Midnight ami Morn-ing, fnr a new ncl nt. the Hippodromenext sensbn. Clyde rowers will spendthe Summer at Hallway, N. J. The YourKnrolys, Hungarian riders, with their livemillions, go ut once to Berlin, for the Sum-mer. Iiht will return next Fall, for the open-lug ol the Hippodrome. Margaret Townseud,the head inermnld, will go to her farm, nearSr. I.onls. Ilassen Ben All's troupe of Bedouin.Arabs leave for 'Morocco. Rose l.n llurte andW. 11. Chirk will sing In Summer stock, atChester l'ark, Cincinnati. Kdwln Clark willspend the Summer at Delmar Hardens, HI.Louis. Marie Louis (Irlbbfu. Neptune's Daugh-ter,, will spend Ihe Summer In the Berk-shire Hills, near Great Harrington. ManuelKlein, orchestra leuder and composer, . willspend a good. part of the Summer with hisbrother Charles, at his estate tit Rows v ton.Conn. Omegn, the dancer of the Hippodrome,will be at Atlantic City.A Frkxch vrusio.n of Clyde Fitch's "The

Truth" will be presented next season In Parts.Tristan Bernard, one of. the younger Frenchplaywrights, who was the author of "Trlple-pnltc." which Mr. FlteJt adapted under thename. of "Toddles." will make the-' transla-tion. Mr. Fitch Is as present In Italy ar-ranging for the presentation of "The Tru'h,"In Kome, next sccson.

Iuxtt:i. Fboiiman lists received- a ruble-griim from Lyndon, announcing the reap-pearance there, In gueen's Hall, after a twoyears' absence, of Jan Ktiln-llk. It was statedthat Ihe violinist hud an enthusiastic wel-come.

Tin: llAMMEitsTKtx ltASKU.M.i. Club, man-aged by Harry .Mock, on May 28, defeateda team made up from members of "The Hoysof Company B." at American League Park,by a score of 11 to 4. .

.' :

Tiik As'i'on Tiikatuk, New York, will bereopened about tho middle of August, withHenry W. Savage's production of the mu-sical fnrce, "A Yankee Tourist," with it com-pany headed by Raymond Hitchcock. Thepresent plan is to retain "The YankeeTourist" until the middle of November, when.Mrs. Leslie Carter Is booked for a New Yorkengagement. Blanche Walsh Is to succeedMrs. Carter. In u new play, and she. In turn,will give place to Annie Russell. In. probnblv.n production of Hh'nkespenrc's, "The Tempest."

Mit. and Mrs. W. II. Thompson (IsabelIrving), sailed for Naples, on Thursday, Mav.'10. After three or.four weeks spent In Italy,they will make a tour of Southern France,going inter to. England, Where they will takeup i heir residence, ut n seaside resort, forthe Summer. 'Miss Irving will begin hernext season in lthlca, N. V.. Sept. 0. In "Theilirl Who Has Kvcrythlng."

i.'UAitt.KM I'ltnit.MAN will present. PaulineChuse In London, Kng., next season, In a newenmedy, entitled "Jennie and llor Mother."Mr. Frnhniiui will also present "Peter Pan"In Australia next season.

Hi.A.vciiK Hatks closed her season In De-hisoos "(ilrl or the Golden West," on Satur-day. June 1. In Brooklyn. She will spend the.summer 011 her farm nt Osslnlng. N. V.

F.I.HIE Dk WM.fr left Tor Paris last week,lo Join F.llxiibrth Marlmry In Purls, ami willspend the Summer nt tholr villa at Ver-sailles.

Km* & Ktti.ANiiKii have renewed theircontract with Mclnlyre and Heath for aterm of yours, commencing Sept. 4, 1MM,nfler Ihe cxplrntliiii of the current conlrhci.these stni's ivill open their next season thelatter part of August, retaining "The Hnm«*»" anal continuing in this productionnnill Hie beginning of the season of 100N,when h'lnw & lh'lAhger will have a new pinylor them.

llrit.N Wark, now playing In "The Itnndto Yesterday," at the Lyric Theatre, will re-tire from the enst on June 8, ana will bereplaced by I'lennor Morrettl. Miss Warewill appear next season with Arnold Duly,la his new plnj.

cii.vni.KM e'liuit.MAX has concluded arrangi1-

uii'iils for Loudon, Hug., for next seitsoti,where he will ciinllnne his management otthe I Hike or York's, the Aldwyeh. the Comedyund lllcks Then I res. Cyril Maude, who Isunder Mr. Fmh man's management, In the pro-duction of "Toddles." will appear cither thisSummer or next season. In Augustus Thomas'p.ay. "The Karl or Pnwtuckel," In whichLawrence Ii'Orsny was 11 successful slar.Nearly all the players In the production will» Americans, and .Mr. Thomas will go toLoudon for the rehearsals.Win 1 the opening of the New York Hip-

podrome, next Seplemlier, La Petit* Ade-laide, ihe ilancer, will he a leading featureIn a toe dimce, on a linrehaek horse.

Ol'STlN Faiim.'U, who has successfullystarred the past four years. In "The Vlr-glnlnn." will appear next season In u pewplay, h.r Augustus Thomas, entitled "Theitatiger."

Walter N. Lawrkncb has engagnl KidneyBooth, for the principal rob? In a new play Inhe produced by Tiltu early next season.

u»-*. -HtmpL,

.. On Moines,—At -to* Auditorium (Wm.Foster, managerl the engagement of l'.tliel

Borryuiore, for May ;!0, wms canceled, owingto Mils Barrymores IllnM*.

cituND OrrRA Hottst: (Wm. Foster, mana-ger).—"The Black Hawk Mine" attracted theusual big Sundav audiences, 2«. "Our NewMinister" proved an excellent, attraction 18-:«). "The Love of a Thief" is the last shhwhonked for the season, and will hold -forthJune 2.

iMiosoi.i. Park i Fred Buchanan, mana-ger).—The opening of the park was some-wnat spoiled by had weather, hut good sliedaudiences are amply repaid by the excellentbill. lie- 1 long Bros., with their acrobaticbicycle act and bicycle somersault, proved aderided. hit. (layton,White and Marie Stuartcompany. In their sketch. "Mulzle ;". Rome,Mayo and Juliet. In "The Burlesque Min-strels:" Louise August company. In Jugglingacts, and the 01 Iva til Troubadours were till

excellent numbers Inst week. The bill forweek of June 3: La Moto (ilrl, the Tourhll-lon Troupe. Howard ami Bland, Brockmhnand Phillip Sliders, and the Three Westohs,

KMi'iiit: (M. J. Kargcr. innnagcr).—The bill

closing the season last week pleased packedhoiiKett at all performances. Me.N'uit Bisters,Duffy. Sawtelle and Duffy. Samson and '/actio,

Memphis Kennedy. Perkins Lampln and com-pany were the attractions.

(iKNTtiv Bros.' Show May, .'II. June I.

Cfldnr ltnpl<ls.—At (iraene's Opera House' (Will S. Collier, manager) Klhel Barrymore.lmnked for Mav Ml, canceled on account ofillness, A big advance sale awaited her.The Henderson Slack Co. closed the seasonhere June 2.

Pwipi.k's (Vic Hugo, managerl.— 'Phishouse itosed Its season May 2(1, and will re-

open in Sepi ember. Manager lingo hascharge of (lie vaudeville 1 heat re In AlamoPark.

Ai.amo Park (ft. K. Horlrih, manager).

The Reason opened here 2li, to good attend-ance,

NoTr.s.—Advertising car N'o. 1, ot theJohn Itohlnson. Circus was here May 31, bill-

ing Ihe show, which is. booked for June 14.

Manager Collier, of Oreene's OperaHouse, attended the annual meeting of theIowa Bill Posters Association, at Stirling-ion, M.iy Ilil. where tho following officers

were re-elected : W. W. Moore, Des Moines,president.; ("has. T. Kindt, Davenport, vicepresident : Al. Bushy. Marslullltawn, secre-tary: Kler.v Peyton. Centervllle; treasurer.Tlie IfRlS meellng will be held in Dubuque.:'.. ...Mr. Collier experts to leave for NewYork C'ly. .Iiim* n. 10 hook nlfracllons for

(Jreeite's Opera House, ainl the opera noUseat Iowa l.lty.

-At .the Majestic (J. II.

the Majestic roud show

(isknloiisn. - Tin- Masonic Otieru House(J. Frank Jersey, innnagcr) will lie giveuover lo the Slirlners. for a. Iilg melding, June12, dfter Whlcii date Imprnveniehts will beInaugtlrntiKl.

. Ilisx (Hewitt & Duiiciilt; managers).

Owing to colli and unfavorable weather, theFOhs Then 1 re will not appear under canvasuntil arter June .1. (iood business diningth" past week.

Xotks.—Joseph C llerry and wire, KaleStein Kerry, of the Ben Hendricks "VonVonson' -

Co.. Western, have been In the cityduring the past week, visiting Mrs. Berry'spuronls; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Su-in. They de-parted May 27, tor Chirago, and will openIn September, with the same 'combany. theirthird season "Ducky" Illlfer, of lite

Iowa Brigade Bund, QepartMl 2:t, to Join theKilties Bund at Buffalo, X Y.

" -


Dnliaqtte.—At the Grand Opera House(Win. U Bradley, manager) "A Stranger InTown" did well May '.'". this closes U111

regular ' season at the tlrand. It Is an-nounced that the bookings for next seasonwill be under the control of Klaw A Erin user.

p.uoi 1 Jake Rosenthal, manager).—Thishouse opened. Its Until week of the seasonWith Farmer Burns/the wrestler, as a head-liner: The season has been a sncresifulone. Rosenthal's road show will start jutunder ctuirns In a few days.

»Davenport.—At the Burtls Opera House

(Direction Chamberlin, Kindt & Co.). owingto the Illness, of Ethel Barrymore. she didnot "appear May 28.

i;t,n-K (Direction Chas. Berkcll 1.—Bill forMay 27

' and week included : Jennings andJewell. Corrlgan and Hayes, Lewis and Cross-man, Lena Kline, Morgan and Chester, andElltcscope.

Iowa City.—At the Opera House (C. C.Rowley, manager) "The Hoosler Girl" pleasedon May 2f>. Henderson Stock June 8.


Fort Worth.McDonald, managerli the attraction, week opening May 27.

Pronilbeni on the bill are.: Jack Williams,Jiis. Thompson and Chas. Hocy (Fort Worthbo vs). in a. singing and dancing specialty,

which has caught the town. The receptionglveu tbem has been nothing short of uuoration. Others on the bill were: MurrayK. Hill, with his pleasing black face special-

ty ; Anna Woodward, prima donna ; Cook endltothert, Mercedes anil Cavaradossl and theMajestograph. A most prosperous seasoncloses with this.' the best bill yet offered.

Lyric (W. D. Russell, manager)'.—Thebest bill of the season Is also 'offered ut tbl*house, week opening May 27, the Klns-Ners,equilibrists, being the headline™. Other*on Ihe bill were: Lewis Lawrence, bugler;the Two Cul-Ups, sohg and dance; J. P.Blount, Illustrated songs, and the klnodrome.Capacity business rules.

Winn: City (Jake Schwartz, manager).

Tlie usual good line of attractions weekaliening 27, and business continued satis-

factory.Ijakb F.iiir (Lee Fleming, manager).

The burning of the pavilion and theatre lias

Interfered with the vaudeville show nt Ibis

popular resort, hut the out door hltructlouacontinue to draw the usual large crowds.BMUMUtn (Frank De Rcque. manager).

"Romp, the Wild cat." Is the title of thecomedy offered hv the stock company weekof 27. The olio brings nut ICugene M. liir-

klss. Harrison Hall. Jno. 10. tlreen, J. IS.

N. anil (ienrgle powers, Joe Irving, ChristieLe Moviie, Rose Elliott, Pearl (lllmore, andthe blogrnph. Business Is good..Tun AMERICAN MiN.STHKi.R appear under

canvas 110.


. , - ,« . .

Houston.—At the Air Dome Theatre . Al-

vldo & LtiBserre. managers), business with anopen air strmiiire depends on fair weather,und so much ruin has fallen lately that fournights ot good business out of it week is urarity The show opened May 27. with 11 11

Immense crowd lo witness "A Mother's De-votion : br, tile Fn 1 e. of the DnlioU Boys."The people 27 nnd week: Hurry Fetlers,Fred Cantons, Frank Kendall, George Mil-ton, the Hnftcllnn Sisters, Mrs. Hisirge Mil-tan, Birdie Allison ami muring pictures.

' I. van: tficuvge Dickey, tuanngeri.—riiisl-

fl'ess Is ralf. Peoulc week i»r 27: liiil K"-*-2er. Werntz. Ixtftls, bnlladlst: Three Mil-lards, and moving pictures. The mnnag<-ntetil has set Thursday and Friday algal


aside for ntnnlcur talent, with prizes .is en-couragement tor good work.

licit sia\ Tui:\Ti!i: reopened May 27, UnderIhe mnnagement of M. If. Mbheiiis. nod

TO CORRESPONDENTS.Osr taeniWcot corre»po!Hrt''*M"'iirc »«ie*»

nott/trit thnt Ihr errtttnttoU note htU lu

them ejpirrrt Jime /. Ttfrg arr ryeNCIIfd to

rrlnrn them in (hi* ofller nt oner, fu,' irneirnl

for'JJMK_—_-__^_^_^_^_^_^^_week ot crowded bouses, and Manager Sinr-?ls left for bis home In SI. I.oiili

nstead of a closed struiiure. Hie Housiuiitheatrical inanagement will construct anopen air theatre, as the elly fathers wouldnot allow ihem to build the one tbey bndcontemplated, as the fathers did not thinkIt would contain eumclem solidity for publicsafety.

Dntlns. At the Majestic (It. S. Mucken-fuss, manager) there were some good fenltireson the closing week hill. May 27-Junc 1.

Although he bns been seeu here before, Ar-thur Demlng proved the favorite, with Bobbyliaylor. Byrne Kcnyon Four, Mable Matthews.l-connnl and Louie, and Hastings and Wil-son all coming In for great applause.

Iakj; .ct.iii- Pauk iChns. Mangold, man-agerl.—The greatest crowd In the historyof Lake Cliff Park was assembled within Its

gates Sunday. May 2ii. All concessions re-

ceived good patronage. Including the JJnld-

wln-Melvlllo company, In "The Lost Para-dise." nt the Casino; shoot ihe chutes, scenicrailway, and many oilier worthy attractions.

Cvoi.k Park Tiikatiii: tC It. McAdams,mannger).— Myrklellnrder Stock Co.. In "TheSlnve Girl," week of 27. Good business 011

the opening night.Xo-rijH.— Dr. H. Rucker's Tent Show, lu

change of play urghily. Is drawing ;ondpatronage ;The Lyric Theatre |W. II.

ItlcCi mannger) continues to draw jnodptilronnge Swor Bros.' Mlns-trels willappear In Dallas June ;i-."i, under, the somemanngi'incnt.

AiisiIii.—Al Hyde Pnrk Theatre (F.arl

Walker, mannger), the Columbia Opera Co.did. line business Ihe past, week, and Willeon 1 1 hnl- for another week. The moving pie-

tliresjire still doing good business.1 *-•-«

CALIFORNIA.I, us Viitti'lcN. .-.\t the Mason tlpern House

(II. C. Wynli, manager) Oils skinner closedhis engagement Ma)- 2.'i, presenting "TheDuel'' 10 good liiislness during Ihu week.Week beginning 27, Mrs. Leslie Curler, In

"Du Barry" and "XaRO,"Ai'iiiTouiiiU 1 Sparks M. llerry, uuinager).—The ciillt'ornlniis relumed to Hie Audi-

torium 27. aild "Tile Mlkmlo" nnd "The Bo-heinlrln Girl" were Hulr offerings for theWis*.

Bki.asco (John II. Blackwood, nmiingeri.—"A Royal Family" wits presented by thestock company, to good business, week end-ing 25. "Sue" is I heir offering 27 mid week."All on Account Of F.lhu" Is III preparationfor June 3 and week.

.Moitosi'ii'.s Bl'UBAMC (Oliver Morosco, man-agarfe—"levers' Lane." Iiy the ItiirhankSincfc Co., drew well week ending 2.1, "ALady of- Quality," to capnrlty, 'M and week.For the week oeglnniiig June :(, Mrs. Flskewill be wen in her Inlest success, "'1'he NewYork Idea." ''Mlzpah" Is In jirepnrutli.ti rorwifk following.

i;uami Oi-iaiA IlniiRi: (Clarence Drown,munuger).—The lilrlch Slock Co. presented"Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model, to goodbusiness week ending 2.1. "No Wedding Hellsfor Her" is their offering 2il and. week.

lTscniru's •

( A. K. Fisi:hef. I'nnniiseri.

I'lscher's Comedians present "Jingo's Duiigh-ler" 2(1 and week. Vaudeville numbers midmot Ion pictures precede the coinedj'.,


ICmpikk (Billy Banks, resident thanager).—Features 2<t and week include 11 new sketchby the Emplte Slock Co., Illustrated songsby Laura Banks. V'nudnvllle mis, and thecinematograph.

I'nioik 1 i lent/. & Zullee, proprietors).

Features 211 nnd week Include new vaudevilleacts. Illustrated songs, a sketch by the l.'nlque

Flayers, nnd the I'llique-o-scope.

.I'eopi.k'x « At. 0. Flournoy, manager).—

Features 28 and week : Frank Ciisliman, com-edian and singer ; Heaves' manikins, Omar,Dervish duncer; Mar lei 11 Trio, xytnphonlsts :

Tiittle and May. In n comedy sketch; HarryLorraine. In Illustrated songs, and the motionpictures'.

Oniiiw.M (Martin Beck, general manager).—Features June II and week: Volts, Mat-thews and Ashley. In "A Sinushup In China-town ;" Ethel MacDonough, Kramer and Bell-clalre. the Royal Musical Five, Carrol undBaker. Lillian Blirkhiirl, Tosca, and Ihe mo-tion pictures.

Notes;—The Belasco Theatre property. In

1 Ills city, has been sold, but this In no wayInterferes with the long lense held by theBtiisco Theatre people. .... .Marlon TiffanyIs the stage name of a daughter of E. II.

Owen, U. 8. Commissioner nt Los Angeles,and she is making quite n success at Ma-rasco's Burbunk Theatre June 18 is thedole announced for the production of adramatization, nt the Belascii Theatre, ofAmelia Rlvcs' "Tanrtls, the Sund Digger," byDr. C. W. Baehmnn The llurbnnk StockCo. will rest during week of .ltttu! 3-fl, whileMrs. Fiske plays an engagementHoward Scott returns to (he Delnaco forcesJune 2 Clarence Downs hits returnedI mm a few weeks' vacation In the East,and resumed the reins of management nt IheOrpheum and Grand Opera House.



Oakland.— At the Mncdonnitgli (('bus,

P. Hall, mannger) Annie Russell, In "A Mid-summer Night's Dream," drew excellent nl-tendnnce May 2.T-25. IrfW HockBtuder's Min-strels drew capacity houses 211-20. The M1111-

hultiuii. Musical Co.. In "The Vain Hon (ilrl,"

:iO-.liiiio 2; Otis Skinner. In "The Duel." .13;Vlnlu Allen. In "Twelfth Night." H. 1.1.

Lihkrtv ill. W. Bishop, msnagcri.—NanceO'Nell and Bishop's Company of Players, In"Mngiln." drew S. It. O. week ending May 2(1.

Miss O'Nell und the Liberty Stock Co., hi"The Sorceress," 27 June 2. "Lady Mucbelll"follows.

IliOltA I'.tllK I IPRII.l Ilnt'sK (II. W. Bishop,manugei).—The Idora opera Co., In "WhenJohnny Comes Marching Home." drew excel-lent business week enclitic. Muy 2(1. Sameopera 27-June 2. 'The Wedding Day" fol-

lows.IIki.i, (1^1. Unman, manager).—Attract-

ions 27-June 2 : l/en Cooper mid eompuny,presenting '"The Price ot Power;" Fiicmonfszouaves, llnwls and Von Kaufman, In comedysketch ; i.cvhie and Lconnrd, automobile coni-edlaiis : Bernard Dyllyn, monoloalsl andsinger: Verne R. MePherson. Illusl ratedsinger, nnd mollon pictures. Business was locapacity Inst week.

NOVKI.TV (Tony Lulielskl, tniiungeri. —Feiuures week of May 27 : Grace courtlnnd.lh« "Wlleh of .Wall Street;" Kalvnll. ma-gician : W. f>. De Veitiix, iniislciti comedian ;

Robert \Millller and company, prescnllng"Tnn"!od Relit t Inns;" Shiils anil Cole, singersand dniicnrs, ami Ihe prnjecinsi'iipc Businesswas excellent, hud week.

NoiiiM.- Bljnti Dream (W. F. tlettfy, man-agerl, bill 27 mid week, moving tihiures nndcoin In nous pr rfoi-inaiii'e. Business was good.

The Ilex (J. I'. Wllluionl

fllmt P»$i Offtce>- In ov-dcr »o avoid mlstaVaa and totnanre I lie prompt ilelltery ol Ik*letter. 'adTerlUed in - tlila list, anrnvelmie plainly addressed mnat beHint tor each letter, aud a irrliieaorder for the teller, signed with thelull nmur and nddrraa nod tab lineOf business followed lir tb» imder,tons! islso b« encloaed.

IFlraae iui-n<ioii the data (or Biim-

ber) o« the CLlPPKIl In whlofc tk.letter* aent tor were adverllaad,

i.Ai)it:s' lir

Luis', tlrsitf

l.ev\K. |t. .1.

(.mine. .'Irlhur

I.II1I9. J. A.t,a Beau* -flurry|<t*m Win.I eslle. Jointl.laiNny, ilis>. I;

l.nnreiii"*. Ilerl

l.esn. Hall I,.

letlno, Mr.I.lflinnioii Alia Orr. waiterl.ovello*. The 4 ill. K. Cl.eiov, Chns.Iris, lirrt

La Vean, Ssml.n Cnils. I'nlll

Liumt.v &

AuUtrsoa H-'.eu

Aitums. I'l.nu

Aleene. MoileArnliiu Ma ran re 1

A-ler. Cninllle

Andrews. MarioItioketirr. K.lla


lim'k Mrs. H.B.Bennett. I. auraLeriisieln

BerthaBennett, \l.trie

I'.I.KKlieSJ'l t. l!,ll. I

Beniielt. VI .l«-l


Miss II. £ A.Itrlnaid. LUitrfe

Beitkcr. MayHonshu, 't'ess

llriiu> NinaIlluke, Millionlire-tea. Kssst«Belninm.

' Mtule line


MiitteBooth, Orrelllnrrtngtn MaudUhilr, Miss M.Ilriuinell l.eulse

ltiisbnel Bliiiiehi

Barns, FlolU'iuiel. MjUIHsmarrt.

' lUlvillielli

Colllna. M>ruCleafiil.


Cruwfoiil.Winnie D

4'utlon, loinrnlbiiiin. Sli, la

I'oKcii .Mrs WinCsj-peier. Klhel4 -..llliir-. Marielilirnril. IHwlefWroMI, MaryCallus. I. Mile

Cnrlliai. Alible

ImvK Id'ssle

De \'rn: O'slle

Vie risitii Viol 1

De Haven. Hoselunor Slsl'.'is

Dm Is, FLc-eiie-

D11 Volirn Violii

II ill I UK. B-ll

I nun.. nt. Myralinveaiiort HelenUsury, .Nellie

Ik-snnnil; MOnlnlie Ne'vre.

Lay MarieIV lliilns. I'.lla

PrMajR LillianIVilves, .M.ii.v KTiellii. A linn

Dililley, ltes>le

Drake. KmllyHe Vnnite. Mayllultnu. KrelynIk- l.yl. Vlvlnlliulmin. Miiiitle.l

l-jiiiuy, Man*l-.delwelss.

Heniietlel*siisinit, FNi-'t.

I'rflwnrils Miss KP.vnus, I'emiKmerson, IdaKarl. Vlridllbl

Pcunell. BessieI'nliiun. M-s.li-.-inklln. Carrie Mel'iirlninl,

l'.illHiKl, Maefraaee.

l-'iiiHl. Mr i. .MiS'iaiiM'lt lainliilo-rl, M1.1111l.ini.

Field. Mare.uvi I Mri. willMlrpnlliek. Mill'. Untile

l.iinra Mnran. Isnlsilliorldii. Mrs. Morris. I.llllim

Fainter. Flo .Morris, Mny.FriHsuan. .vleslll, Alice

Itlanvlie 'Mnekay. SimlaFullanl, Mny .Ulitdlrtnn MN«FFrnncls. I'.ionm • vleXiilB.

Fnlrchlhl. I Mrs. B. Th.Mrs. II. P.lMorrlHtn. IMIe

• Iriuisn. Ilia {.Mortuii llertruile

Hrey. Violet ..Muffin. I'mrdy(ImMfi N'liiKiPoii. Abiin

VtxttU P.i.'illlan MulK-IA.CiNslnian. Mrs.loienniix l.altrll

1 tray. ."ills. Fredl hi ltd y, I.mils,'

illlileo. M.i rile

illrnril, il.ils

hi nievMrs. Archie

II.01 MisLisma nt

lliivoes Beiilrli*Howard, AlllllC

Hurl. Ma MiHull, iBiihcll

iiiiiiiis, yiii'ttihi

llllthes.- Florence S


TwinsItiinti'lirei. flelie

Hitlima 11.

Ilniiy ilreli'liea

fliiiitit. FnunaHunk. Mll'ln-.i

Hene lleliilite

IIIII..11. Uriiee

Nelson, l.ouleNeiltersolc illir.i

O'llrynn Blsnclie1 MUll II, HelenI'ltliiier, Aril"I'enree, Elli.'uliuer. Imtii

IVrrl. 1 inliiltet. NelliePile.' .lush-

liiiiilp, Mnriliii

llavitlnw ilni.vee

liiwc, VisionItuluuin, Siiniri

Itiy—ry, MeyItutlsiuL My,.-

lleM. A ins tinRussell.' N'clls

Rogers, ill.i.lii

lllien. Itos-i

Iteipoi, .laillut 1

Roth. Tleiiii

liiei-, Saiievllols'rts, KitesKmsley.

Mrs. JacUl.'tehiiiniid.


lurlev Diinnliy Si'iiuer. MIssL.Ilenz Mrs. rslunllt. Sisi


l.istnn \V. Miiyllie UIV H.rniti, Miid'ilti" r-iitov. Mac

Jaeks.iii. Ituhv S>rni'ini', N'elllu

Jeiinhias Jennie .Stephen-oil,Ji.|in"ntl, Bi'l'lhltj Lniilli

jeffrev. Cjiilntte Shniv. fttaataKline, i.illliii. Shutter. I.llllaii

Kncler. Miss C, Mitisii, Mile. ,V

Kirk. Annie llnrr.v HbuinKemnaw, KlhtOC St.tinlr Mnrlell.

Kh'fe. Xena Sealmsike.Oiirnlne. <>l;ii Mrs. R. C.

l.n Vorde. Mite Si Cenrbe .leiinle

Cekliuii Mnls'l sliniiilr. Itntel

l.'iwpm Taylor. 1-ella

Miss II. II. F. Thurlier, Lis

l.ltiiteu, fmiii livnltmuks.'


.llfprd .leuei'lle i KinmaLa Miivnc, Teal, Debbie

(IbrlslhielTiiJiiir. I.0H11

t^Mi: FtiV l.'rlhie. EdnaLvniille Sislers Vnn Siiiddlfurd,

Lit Huron. Belle ' Hrsi*l.lvlti'.'stnii loS'C Vrriiini, AmeliaI j> 1'iuie suier, Vjnet. Piylln

ly.rrnlee. Addle n'llliaimi .Itllial..

Lion. Elsie .1. Walinn. LouiseIj-i.iinr.l Sii-niiM Walton. Mnyl.ltiilcrifiiiit. Wisslward,

F|oreliee 1 1.. llle 1).

I* Buy, Flo 'Williams, rbir.i

Luke. Svlvln 'While. LillluoWalters MI4I.K.iWrnylnnd,


Uill.nr, 1,11, Ian

Went, llnrle

Ward. I'nnnleWalters. .MissWnrlteld. Mali,-

Mrs. I'hll Wi-luhi .Mt'K.l.lt

Mink*. KM.) IVehn, Miiyme

Lynn. 1'riniissi

I isninr.l, BraeeI enliiial, Rose.Mnrlell, MiriamMinion- DonuliyMe.N'cll. TenploMn.i oi^ril Ne'.tnlu

I.Marguerite tlcl'tiiinud.

Ko«. nrniv IWra Vide, .May



Athlon. TurnAllien. Itliysl

Austin. T«in ar

Franksilims 1 Muck.Atslerson. CUMArl.iilila. Ciins.

Adams Bros.Anton. Il'irry

Adams Clarence,

Ablean. JoeAlii-. MiltonAttsltfrg &

MnretleAI1I10II li HoldAudi-its, BillyAnderson Innlly

Arinslrong ClydeArmstrongs. :t

.'.1*1 * InvlaAslilt'V. Joint N.Aylesnorth A. JArmstr.i'la I


All, S.

All. A.Arnolds, a.Alvnri. fiicut

llni-iis, Sinn (I.

imrke. W. T.Ilruiui. Will II.

ill" 11 11. Tims. AItlnckCrook

Co.. Mirr.

Byrnes. HurryBlstolil. O.Basic, Mr. *

Mrs. L. K.Hnwmeii, I'isnkllnnil, Frisl

Ciienell, tleo.

Costle. HarryOrotills. t.iins.

Cos. IlsrnldComforts. TheClinrlene A-

. innnnuerl,bill 2" mid week, mollon plelltrcs ami lllus-

I hi ted snugs. Business is henvy Al n Hm.'Wra." ' I'niir'"* Alrer lKaii'lTnb'111',"

Iheatrlcnl liem-lll, given on Mny 24. for tho i;sni».M-li i'n-inf I'eil.i, s. II. (on, ,1, wcniiiiiv rellcr Hind or Oakland Lodge. No.2d. iiieittrietii Mechanical Assoelniliiii. nt IheHell Tlii-nire, over I7IMI was reallznU II. wnsa matinee perfminnnee nnd no other ihertlregave m.lllnees that nflerttnnn.

-^SW*. 1

TIIK Mis.hi's Wild, (hi. Avt. IDiiltrs Justmoving pictures will be ihe main features closed a very successful season with Ihe Highul present. school lllrls Co., /Bid at present ale playing

Notus.—The Majestic closed 2H, nfter a dnles,

(iiullniipc F. \. .murker, c.

Cnrduiiii. Willy tiulil, (list.

Ohndwlek, J. D.ltiale. At.

Colours, lb IV. 'llranewln Chii-.I'rilltihill. MB' dallies. J. II

Curtis. Jus. II. iOordoli. Sinni.inil.'iw Me.li'o uonumnn. ,s.

Curls, M. tl. Itianptier. I'ruto;Cusstin, Frank i(}I|4m, M, ( :


I'Milrllloli. I.leo lillison, III-!

Cu»e, KdwhiC lit 1110. Chns K.tiiroiisly. Ins I- llolllll. R. AI'rane. II. ').' (lrk'ves, JnluiCnnvfurd Lestel- Ititalon, AllK'.i

lienieiit, Clay ll'.nlolo. Jim. A.r. ml. hi, .I'.ltti I,, flay. The lfan.1linrlte. !l. H. •HIT Kite:Cole, Win. ilotlh'.v. Jas. C.l.'sllell. W. F. iteriird, Hleliaril

cohtirn. Hilly firnm. liln*

'nrlton, I'raik niiynnr. Hm.enroll. Harry Hnrdner, 4leo.

Cnrlllo. Leo flrnd.i, S, ,1.

Coiuiney, B. Hulls, Frnnki 'iiHliiniin. Win l" ili'iii'iii. .I.iini XCooper A- Heer llinilley. tl, A.

Iliiiiiin, Allierl

illllllard Walterllnryea. N.

iltiijie, J. V.Ilortou, ,1ns. OHunt. his,, n.

rlirirlciip'Hiiiiies, NickCninllle. C. Iliuina, J.

Conk, Hunt illuihmoiid J. it.lie I. Isle. J. 4!. Ilenrn, 1.11,1

Dixon, A. J. Ilfalnies, JtokDuroure I'lilllpe llli'hainit Bros,liooaltue, ileo.WlHnrcnuii. Frank

llrower. Walt H. Demliia. Ariliur illaivurd *Itraii, !•'. H, Deseon. Clots. Caini-ran

llynie. Andrew pnyle, M, llnllnnil. c. F.Hsrlrlll v'ernl tie Oucrre. Ilnlley, .1. I,.

Black A U'slle lie, ixu I.Ileiil.v. Ji.i.u

Bowers AOurilss lies llothers J. (I (Imillry, J. II,

Boone. John K. Iievfre. Jos. Itenlil, Frankllalilsin, John lltnimore. S. F,' IliiStbiU" Hurrylltihler, .1. A. i'oiineil.v Thai. ll ll(Si|s'f, lllr.oi

Briiiio. 41. DrtnMhne. J. W (IIH. Arllitif I..

Ikiwen A Linn HiiW'Son. It. J. Ilnivkllis. Ins.

Barlow AWIIsoii HeVcldn ,V Zebls llnris-r, llmil.

Busier Brown IVm court, J. tl'llersbey. L. I'.

Ito., Mar. Ilbimriud l/'iv F. itlnvey, A, !•;.

Basivltr. X. C. iv> llnrKli I.ewl' Hills, '''he I

Feliaont. Hurry Dial, Kttrene I'lonklhs 1. K.Bo»il. J. W. Doyle, (.'. L, illynea, W. F.Buriielt. Al. Dale. John 'tlitwley, Frisl 10

UtitW'r. K, It. Denres, W. K. \ Unfile, JohnBneley (.'has. W llnrls. F. K,Bedell, IVIldare, Hen.

Clarence pphnelly, Jns.

BHilires. The Kgher. Freil

Hrsdy. I'sitl Kbls'oke, Tlieo. Itnlels, finis.

Iloroie. I.. If. Fimle. I'd. L. .Ingel, p. |.'.

Ilarlon. .lolui Bmeraid Omedy 'JfiHnson. WallerBurton. Deo. L. - Trloolnhuson (ieo. 4!.

liiiriieli II, II. I'.lwm. Harry i.lones, JohnBrandin, Buy Hhlrldge. Itoht. Ja,htison, C. .1.

Bo*t'rn. Ktl. slvnns. Ilalry 'Johnstone 4). II,

lieirnrd. Al. 0, "wiflcw. W, 'Keith, Cnlo rt.

nrildler. Rrt. L. lieotl. F. A, ! Klng, l.nwrenellItlnek. KI100 l-'reeniuii, Harry King of Kokoiaonisrk, Alillttr ,('ox, Filivln A. . Co., M'<r.Bclmoiii. Jos. t. Fulton. Arlhur .Kennedy, A.Barren. f1in«. ' 'hi. Hurrylirniiineii, Win. I'reilrlu. Aler.B.llllb A Ktldd I' rye, li, 0.Busier, K. I'ord, M,lliu-iii. Hilly Fern, llnrtv H.

Itowfnnii. FrniiklKeraiisanBrewer, Chas, Lil'twler,Ik-nsbn, A. W. '|'rnils..HlTi 1 jenihle, «<*..


tllifiini, Harry ".Knrrell. Cliff (elly.tlliie. J.Cotvin. FritnkA.I'rfvinnn, John IMlse. Win.Curtis, Sum J. I iilU'hlld. It. I), (err fj. (I,

C41IIH1S. iiim Froslhl, F. H. i (rnmns. in..Cole nms.l.Mreu*|Fnlrehltd, Aitnrn' (ellli, Urtgeite

B-01. 1 Miisiit Fenticlil, Nrsl. , (ellni-il, ifnliili

CoiKliline Hurry (lol.lle. Jink .n Bar Bio..Cliiuatillii tiinsK Ofeer. ArlliiirW.i />n, FrankI'rane. Vie nlliimrp, I'artl ^i|ig. NlcL Jfoils-it. Jas. .1. Oor.li'it. Tom ' xilll. Win. A,CnnniiiilliJIii. C. .UrSUnot, Wilt, ILewls, Llallde

Iltihnf, tlotci

III. Chu..Irwin, J. O..Iifyees, The

Nll.lo A ."iieuerr

Mi'llieyri. illtn

Xellllitvili. All«»lXeff Ben (lo.)X. Y. iVvmeily

Co., Mitr.

Owen i. .

Hi' Veritouj'Brlm. Xell

U'llenrn. N. ».nslnrfte ChnsH.

KolieriFred J,


I'totesnnls,The Bis, Mgr,

listel, Is-wlinilette. LouisBerry, Frutikl

l.nns. W. Jl.eliiii.nt llisi.

I.lnii.u. Mr.I.iiehiiinn. D.I.elail. T. T.l.tiniKitru Rnreyi.,i Mnrr HarryMiner. Thus.Vinson. W. I'.

Mil lot Bras.Mlliiiell II. MMllebell. lie.Muck. .Bill

MnnriM', MarkM bun. WillMis. C. I..

Mnrslinll, Jaekllecri'ii. CrunkMtirriiy .vMueky.MelHi.vell.

HardenMaxwell. PaulMiller. Win. I*.

Miller, lackMeir. Iliirri .I.

Miller. HarryMullen, lien.

Morton. Jas. .1.

Mhll'.t, F.Mitluirn. Fi'tntk

Melbin. J. A.Meicuir, i.inis.


M-lfir.l. Urn, HMerrill. S. P.Musketeers. II

Mtiek Bros.

MarsuaN tieo.r)

Myers. IliotyMnxey. II. 1 .

Mark. elms. 1;.

.Muck. CrunkMcDonald. MikeMnekley, \. .1.

Moroliy, MlekMoulin. A. M..Mniiis, RamseyMio-k. HllleMurray, J. .1.

Melvlit, FrankMis. K.Mnnnell, FrnnkUHnre, WnrrenMeilbury, F„ S.Miller, l.ewle,M.ws, HenryMitrsellle-., .In

Jamlm PaAfu. J.

I'lilters. .lolui i'

)'r.ikO|i. Clins It

I'sntln. W. A.I'wIltlT. I>tdle

IV.lt* ft I'Otls

Feuper, Alvln 1 Tnifmnlii'tird Bros. 1 tiinter


Human, HnmScnniini.il A. ij.

si di mi In-. TlieHlmi'Snu. I it ltdsjneiitninn, W.l"Sehiiil.il. Fred It.


isheehnnSmith. W.Shrs. TomSmith. B. T.Apencer. bih>Npsrks. Chas,Soolem. IViiinMaria, 1.. j.Sunimers. Kiltllc

Gutters, Carl V.steren*. I.e-i

lili'litss, T. I".

Taylor. 4"nis

rtmry. tins

I'essler. Win.VranhNehis \

Ki'kiint. 'I'hsiU*. Trrniun, HurryI lilllhi-i. i, II.

ITeuity. t'liil-. K

|'rns|ier. List : ltiroer. it«>. II.

Fallen .vjTaylor. It. W.

lieiiii.'t! lit.irn. Louislitiur.l, Al. - riiiiruiisou Mtinielinens. 1.1, tils , I'm |i,r 1 1 , ,

11 > I


liliiier. Freil IVnreit. I'ksI

Rogi'rs i [Vh-ior. Frnukll.Lit Infra Vcdders, 'liic

IliSives. Harry : Novel, llenr.,-

Rice. Andy jVerit'in. Ben ll,

!toivltiinl. Viekeri. HarryTrsniii .liiietler Valnnl. W.


Raymond. Jackl.'eeds, Miislciil

lleyiiolils l,o\v

ItiMiisey. C. tl,

It'ds't-lus, Will.Iloe. 'Ilu.s.

Idee. HI,lle.vnol.l-, Mi.''

It..--. II, II,


The Iteek'i's,

I'u. Ll Austin J.

Iteitdhiutnn.Thn». M.

II.i«in oil. Will.

Ibs> Bros.Ileytiobls, l.evv

lli.ji", (Ieo.

Itiilsion. Bill

Ray, Jos.

It lee, W. 11.

II11III11-. Itttl|ih

lllldey. I. .tin

liii-siil \ Htlvts

Uliisllim. KblIlyiollleldlelil iViu

. lull Is lli't-tii'iii

Slriiini'i. F, i.Stes-rti. HM,Cf. iliuv. FredSyiix.nil-. JinkKleisnn's If. a*.

Cabin Co.Warles, srilnirHomier, Kim 111

Slilllnui. J. I

Vnnioni VIcinrAMi 1 son, I tin

Wlllard AHiikIi*Welch. Jits. A

CecilWelirel. Ciuis.Woriiiwn-«t. V.I'Wills. K. W.Wind. Fran isWayne, Cbus.Wlmeiinirii, I'M.

Wllgltel'. Alletill

Welti Viiirlb.'* 'VCSIH ,.( I'll,

wnii, j. t:Wells & Hlteiiel

While. I'ni

'Vnlslt. JoeWi'tii'i'. WallerUi'il, MullWm vet', FredWheeler Wni 11

Wilder, J. "Tom I,.


AlliedK. t:


Wrlsl.t,Wall. 01,

Hiiul'l.Weaver, l'nslWslsli, lilt

Wiii'keioii Fitceli

Hiiltl.fi • o..Ill,

Ynune. Chris1.0IIIH, l„ ,\.

Yiiling, Frio''/artllis. lii...

/.Isko \- Miik

Keltiicdy, 'i'.

kmii. n. j.Kaiser, 111I1..11

jji'»»ner, tinIvMine JWiirren

iiwo llnn-)|Kji)if. Jns.er, I1W11 SWi Kdis. hIti 1 lentbte, «<

gMD sfOTIIHfl AT Hie. All l»r» l.tsi


Itlvvlia Ptctiirej... . - li. .. ^,Ll y : .:, ...i, H-..j

"A IT.iirm'T Ni'is.vini:," '"i'he Humanlim'k," "lliiyln'K 11 Ladder," "Malomc" ami"An Icy Day" niv lite hilesl liiiiininnt HintsIlllltrirti.il by the Klelue t)|.lleiil Co.

Tin: VlTAUIMl'll Co. has urliiinilleil Iwo newlllms, I'lilllled "(The lluii... Sleerers" mid"How to Curt' 11 Cold," •

"ASH Till: DiW) ("ami: Hack. I'lie Knwritten Law" ami "Too .Much Mother In-Law" me Ihe Inlest Llibln hits.

Tin: KMMUX.Ouii has Imlued "Lost Iff theAlns, I'eddy Hears," "Daniel llnune" and"Jiiiucsfiitvii Ksjiosltlon."

Till: I^ATUB films cnullnue to lie fenltireson all liiovliia; iilctures proxminiaes.

F. t \ KliAinxiis wrlles Hint he Is In Illsllftcenlh week of sood business with bisKiecirlc Theatre, at Lindsay, Dm.. Cnn., 'atulwill lime to riilnrire llie place 10 ncconuno-dnie Hie prank*. Jim Fill r brinks Is sltiKlintID1tslrnl1.il sotiBs, mid Lltllnn Kdmnmls Is tlielilanlsl,

"Dm. i.n ix DiiiM.Mi.AMi" nnd "The Cariboullilfil" are ihe Iniesi InleresHna; llluitrniilisubjects.

Under ihe ants.I'l.'xcii '\Vin:i:i,i:u, Hie press representative

of the Sells-l'Tnto circus, writes ; "This rovingoutlll anes Into nil new Binds, null we are thellisi circus lliroiixli here idnied Holdlleld.Nov, 1 Tin" railroad is Jusl Mulshed, liicesant »7 Ndtnlsslon, and ll extra for reservedsents. Fink lemonade Is tt> cents- In furl,all water costs money. When 11 hulldlnu.eiilches lire. Ilier lei li hum, as wnlcr eoslsmore 1 lnu. the lumber in rebuild It. TiikI'tllTKit costs 'JTi cents here, and ynti ran netTut: O1.11 lliii.i.iiu.i-. 111 any cnm|i. town, tfiu-kIiirs or Ulnnd I wns ever In. The oiienliiuof 1)10 new Auditorium Is lo bo celebmledby Docks) niter, nnd Hie house has been soldout in two hours, at $'J and Kit pur. Krnry-Ihliiv Is wide open, and, by tho Way, I Justreceived a leleijnini from (.'llttrlle Wilson,Doekstiiiler's innttuaer, lo reserve two sentsal one or the Ml Dorado rnulelle lables."

CIIAIII.KS llll.llKIIIIA, HOW (.11 lilllte WilliHie A I. F. Wheeler Bhow, ban Joined Handswllh /ceil and /eel), nerliillsls. with Ihn siiiiieshow, to do 11 novelty nerlnl net for luwcseilnoii. Tho mi will be known as lite /.echiiio, und will present 11 blah class novelivcombination linn and trapeze net for vaude-ville. .Mr. Illlderrn will lie known hereafteras ('has. Krrtk

IIiihtuii id' Ihe liiiseinill team with IheForepnilifli-Hells (inns: Cleveland Dnyloiimid Fred Kaiter, c, ; Karl liiiylon mid WillSinle.v, p.: Amel llotlK, Hi.: tiiiisi Coiinolla.L'h. ; .Ids. Killllvntl, s.s. ; Will Wlnslow. lib. ;

Tom Lit Van, If. : l-lil, |.n .Mar. cf. ; Wall l.nVim, rr. Oniii Dnvenporl mid Clyde Fishernre innniiKii's, nlso plnylnK its subs. TheyWill piny any I en in In the profession.

litis I'Ull tit' Allt'KUTININII 4IAII, Nil, I, ofihe Hillsl'Tolo circus: llei'inun <). Hinllh,ciir m/i 1 1 11 tier mid ni'ess cnnlrnclor; W. Kemp,secri'tni-y

; 1'ele Collins, boss bill poster: as-slsliillls, IV. I'itrwell, Joe Kble. (Ieo. 'link-bum. W. RiiIkuIz. C, (t, Tlnslcy, II, Mllles,W. .vlni'eli'.'i-.d. ),. Williams, ,1. Iliitris, .1. Conray; lllbfiurapherH, Harry MHtislleld, .1. |inr-inn; liiinticr men, It, Jones, II. Wilson: prourmmner, Roy Jolllis: paste maker, 11. II.Ross, nnd cm* purler, II, WeMleriunn,

LUJ ! J_.__J . ._,

Ittiscellaiteo us.XnTKJ) rnOM l'tim*H.i:v liitfis,' FamOvh'IVn-

xbsmiu: W'aIiiii.ciih. Ui- opened Ihe new Ver-mom Theatre, nl Norfolk, Va.. wlili MagnoliaI'lirk. ill Bliiiiiionil, Va., lo follow, nfterwlllcll we «o lu the .liimcsiown Kipnslllouand open the Aiidlloiiiim there, ror a smv offour weeks. Our miiiinifer, It, c. I'uKKsley,has Ihe imimiaviueiii of both plnees, and willbank all Ihe negro laleni. Rosier: it. C.I'llRKsley, niiinn«er ; Suunu-I MnunlilK, pressnuiint ; Frank litniiui, stiiife mminner; I. II.

wMlilns. musical dln-clur: M, J. ITi'iiel, frens.ttrer; Mrs, Kiln Williams, assistant treas-urer; Rich Hbnnions, Hllle Lorlne, Mr. nndMrs. Iliii'iielte, Ksslc Lewis, Tom Jlrlce. l.iinra

I'Ulill. J II. I'iltle.v. Rosa .Iroes, .1, II. llor-toil, C. II. I'utfKsley, D. (.'. Jiiexsley nndI'lielle Blovnll.count Hr. ili'nM.uxt: bns Just been dls-

chnmed from Hie Bearer Valley llnsnltnl,,\ew Bticliion. I'a. He will be at his homo111 Muriel in, ().. nil Hummer, nnd will luknihe road next season with his pnlmlrtrj cowI'll"). .

m.. -


: Lyrics that Delight, by VINCENT BRYAN.


H fj

Melody that Clings, by SEYMOUR FORTH. ;

Tonic far Tired and Jaded Singers.YOUR ACT - --YOUR SPECIALTY - - YOUR TURN.

Makes Any Old Act Seem New No Song Like It - - A Song for All the Time.

Makes Any Audience Your Friend. Get an Introduction.Copies to RecoRniiod Slrlgera for tho Asking. Orchestrations in All Keys.

punster, Corner Broadway and 39th Street, New York111! Ml V 1 l( ' I'KUI'I.I . , .

Mini. Clan* lllrertor, wlm ruu pin) part*, leading llu. People, I'umoillun. Hoiiurolle, lltiivy Mull, Uil Itux. Woman,' (.'liar, mill <;. II. Mini imtl IV'uJIIiMI,midoilier, unctuistiiuk People, for Summer mid regular acajou. Per. xluck, one bill ii week, hi Temple Tlieiiire, Iliiimto. UvlicarnaH Julio s. Viral elm., pleas.uu I

euituiieiueiit Is nmiiiivil, Wu nimbi:, uppeuniiico uml abllltv ulwolulclv e«sentbil. Scud rull dusc.rlpibiii. wllb pliotox, MM eiiKiigenieiiti imil vorvlowom Bum-mer miloly, ill, mire. Hun place IVcrHUIIi: Hceule. AltH. uml All •Ituinul Stuck Uiirpenler. Add. TED. 81'AUKH, AM.C'ONT. ('O.,»04 Morgan lll<Jg..'Huirulo, N. Y.

CHAS. K. HARRIS saysuhkn vol/ \i i;i> Ni.uiP.M

WRITE OR WIRE FOR THEMTIIK' l iii.i.iiuim. hi.ihks AI.WAVS 0,\ HANI* .'

S5.00 PERCo|ilo>atid ui'fhcilrMloiiM ivnu with »lldo»



tiiu.hknt riiiMi im.iii; :...'...•,

AMI V l.|ll l.K. I llll.ll NHAM. 1. 1 .Ml PI IKMUITHOI I A AVIIIHHM. IllMJiiukmum.. mivi-;, ()/ >oi. ....-....•.•...•..• •...:.'..;

IHOMKWIIEIIK:. :....-. .;.:...•. ....,..•....:-.•.......

HKl/iiK in i u». iial.1. .../..•..:„.:......-...•.avociiU vuc CAltlCl ; .......v. ,.'...•....:;..•..•..•

Ill AW W IIIUIUK. TO IIKAVHN :....:...:.,...I'M THVIIMiU SO HARD I'll MilUil.T »OU........ ...'...•.'....'..

AVI1V IM)I*!T T1IKV I»I,AV WITH MB I....VHIH'I'KjII '-.<'..*h'AHmVlil.L, tiWKKTIlKAIir lii/VV.V.'..'.


iiowrv.iN TBHK vUkvi hiiknanduaii.:..' .....;...:.,..I'VKlilM' MY l-'IIVUKUN I HONSHU; YOU '«*'.» .TOIICH-DflS..I'M WKAMMU -M\ MKAUT.AWAV K»»K VOV..M.HAims V||g WAV..'. ....;........Ill, I.Ml, t I-;VI|»A1.1 I l\ I 11 IIKAVKN:VIIH NfOVKH HI'IIKI'/HI (l|K 1.1 It K THAT II11KIHI.in: a' MiHim* iy ,,'iv in; a in niu vou, r.m isk

• • '.''

V. WlltK OH WHI'I'K '

Hi H- Plil'D.....".»io.ou

:::•:::-SS.....;... ,l0.30....V...' O.BO..'..... U.IIU...."...UJMW..•.•v.'... :io:.iu..'...... 11.110

....... 10.MI,:;:...! o.r.u


.:..•.... 10.50

...... io.ao

..,;... 10..-.II

., ,.o.oo-....... 0.00..:..:. J0.no


! EVERY FILM USERNeeds tl i o Novelty. $ n 00

[FILM REWINDERS d.IT i aiihiks : hi:i;i.n in in.), mioi

! MAY III. milmi i•110.11 om: |.» llu;iii'HKil IN A I I :« MOMKNT8. Iti 1 :

niniN mini;, wkiuiis a piiundn. aURBAT IIOON AM) AVll.MIKHFUl, TIMK

\ >ui:k hi ii.i. iii'i :u a runs.

PRICE, $3, or with 2 Steel 10 in. Reels, $4.1ATH I RDKI.S, ),.,!». Kill II,

& |>ll|i1AVT4T nov - 220VF,rePr001-

0wNE llmm I Jl I or 1 10V Multiple, $ 1 8.

! 'Heml-'for MuniDioili I'llni List. '.",«i.i. I'cr I'oul n».




. 1, 1907.

llUl r«n«va(<iil and put In gouil cunilltloii, Punt Huvvrtl Ala Heat Mhuiv.Tunnill kIjp Iii .Vi'limku. ,.

Seating Capacity 800. Population 5.400.Hi. iik your J ii in |i iirtM.iin Uuiuhu uml llinwi, Onialni hiuI: Vhayomir.

< i>m«l>iM\iii;iv< i; KOIl U.VTE« SOI.ICITKU. . ;

-WA.1&TMusicians and Actors.Tiiim, siiiii\ uai-iiniic, liniiiM, Ulnrliicl: nil iloabli- 'orclu-'utru, llurrlH, Leirrce, Cuiv, duubtC'bWlAdllrulH > m nits imi, i ; TOM'S CABIN CO., it.-mncy. ,iv"i '•>

MANAGERS: Do you want singers? If so, write us at once.r i i aai in in ii n

SINGERS: Do you want an engagemsit? Ktep ii touch viitk us. Send address.


31 Weat Slat St.,QOMKN, Manager

•W Vork


MABEL PAIGE.i pIuit ii Gu'oti CamnBan wUk-iwcMllIrm Alwajn. nWwri in tunr bom <<'Oon, ui;i.i.\in,|: rtloi'Li;

Klllllillur,J 5i(|W.1IOOKIN(| WIXT SKA!?UX. AllDltlsSS IIKKRY K..W'IL1.ARD. .IUi'k*ollvllli„Klli.




ItKi'lljtTOfltE rKOI'liK AUL l.l\KS.ll» l aTCL.«SiM*Klhl»J»''iWAM.-Mi.Ml.'IAA!.iliii UmihI nudOrctiwIni. Ai'liiw tlouL.Uiiir UniMUrofafjm ml pliutuu iiiiil-ptiigrumiui' .i vi k iiiim i,i K.n F«rl Wnrth. Tcaih.


CHAS. W. DINGLE1.4 IMlill^ HllsilK >v.

Klim (.Ihs.i oiigiigoiiieiit uuly. lJuKlvrii Slock pie-ferrod.. Addrusn . . •

I.YCHUM STOC K ('P., St. Junep ll, Mi).


Hi Yuuiin cliurui'iiT mid lliavv Mull. One whoImi Viiiidcvllli' Act ur jiurt uupllHl tuluilDClidiiimii, prutorrud.' Wood look* ami vliaructor ca-»t>niiai. niioios' exolubnd. . haiivkv'hamks,UgX; '4 K- Miilu Ulrcot, Slmwmi), Oktu.-

it Liberty, Med. LecturerHARRY F. PARKER,

. Expcrruiiwd,^6bc|', i'i!llililc"itiid up to I'lic'iuiiiiik1 muiicj gi-tti-r: , kiiojv iliu wlrtlHW. 'tliutoujjhiv.

i UoihI MVralglit lit uots. Tlckd*..• llOO'N. MAIN ST., ltcckroid. Ilia.


16 lllllllltVH Hkvlcli lur IhiIi vi' ,-oiiiiM'tlc ami lintcli '

cDiiiiiliaii. NeM uiidorlRlual; ml fun; .iC-a-uiuluit{

ciiiiiuM {l.iiu. iitiici'.Bcm. i, hi i'ui Htiimp. (ifi . m\sunipkH No. 1. I'arndy and j Gukb, inc.: « 1'aroiln -.

ll> lings, BftCi Skotclu-s. etc., to order. Ketcri'iiceaand price on iiuytliliiK tor Htainp.

MARV 1% IvrilAYHR, aiou Broad 81., Prov., It. I.i

~AT~LIBERTY,Uliii-h Kam l.'uon Khnulsr anil Wlilatlvr,

Hurl. ,i|ii. < ometlluii; IN years old..

Would in.eiui.iiii icVHiidcilile Art. 'Minstrel orVurlfdciuv. - AildltwHONVAHl) "II.S0N,OareoT LVjuieilv t'oiili'iiiiy, llrihvuud fWli, illun.,Jliue i, b, 9,


P E RMA NENT S TOG KTAI.I. .luveulle(J'. mi ill. in uml :

.••Woman to |iluv some. Iieavlea (UllUNK'rTK urulwrwlh TALLCImruottr Wpi.nau, UU0 )

SoiibrelleWlTll SI'KCIAI.TIKS, Tho'CoOiI Ccn.liiiH. Men. State uge, lielghl, WQlgW;Send PHOTON uml pruKinnuiny, ivlileh will liorcliirned. All iuii.il liuve gooil. uiodecu wiinlrolu' iiiw

be STRICTLY SOIIKIt. 'TOO BILLS u week. XO MATiXKLS. lidltli \nleullue, write. People lu all

Mines, write. AdtlniM

!. . A. COLLIN8. Stago Dlrcotor. Norwood Hotel. Shawnee. Okl a-

MUSICAL COMEDY.j;" WILL SELL INTERESTjIn u -well kunwn Broadway Miihlenl Comedy booked *olld for urxt Htn.'on. SpeeluV|Miper, WiktlllM"


luidseeuery. .liooilelmiiee forlady orgenUeman porfornier. Adtlresi . LI


' ... .!•! i:sn A i. t'OMHUY, rare CMPrJAM, Ht'X'



n aIj*,.i„ ha^.ju... I^BwiaialiraiHi % aaaWIH*


rVeaWAll :IAIiiH i <Umty Mjark.Slieliloii s tuiiioillmis. I <>. n. sin u.nv, n,, H ..r-i..» n , m.i.


KlitaiitH, Ham Inn, "lil,(U„K N..1.,-. li.iltut I.hih ami Comedy Ai r.ilillll^:. .lu«pli"R'Thlx.week, Tony faalor'.. At Liberty for Iiiirle.<i.ie, Uuileal orPuree Comedy.


CNAS, W, MERGER, Ouy Stock Co., Shelby.Me,Jnjr. • - -)! i —— *

, I


, —^-MgjggBARGAINS ! aavii I

Wanted at Once, Levi & Follmer's Vaudeville CoPATHE NKW PASSION PLAY, Onlnreil. fBKihMM.Mil liv mi ice, new .and- UKeil.'I'illnill M. P. Ma chill i"-,

rle. i.e. stamp lor lari!i! CAlnliigue nndllgl. -

i ll'.|.;ilLK'<Hi:M'IUMJH,IP.'lt!>ii.l«.lphSt.,i!hlen>'.,.

Siilii-*?! 'M,t V- .



Opens January 5, 1908, and Remains Open All Year.350 Acres of a Natural Park. Six Miles South of City, will be Connected with Hot Springs by our own Scenic Railway.




Roller Coaster, Restaurant, Saloon, Billard and Pool Hall, Bowling Alley, Swing, Boxing ContestPrivilege, Tower, Boating, Slot Machines, Baseball Park, Roller Skating Rink, Shooting Gallery,Saddle Horse and Livery Privilege, Merry-Go-Round, Lunch Counter, Ice Cream and RefreshmentParlor, Ferris Wheel, Baby Racks, Air Ship Ascension for Opening Day, 5 and 10c. Shows, DanceHall, Side Show Features, Figure Eight, and Novelties of All Kinds for Amusement. Only one of eachfeature allowed. Tennis Grounds and Golf Links.

Full particulars by addressing V. D. IVIcDONNELL, Concession Manager of the McDON NELL & BR EN NAN Co., 435 First Natl.

Bank Bldg, Chicago, III. Long Distance Telephones (Day), 4613 Central; (Evening), 1385 Canal.


Hot. Spring* lias a permanent population or

Iri.oou and 140,000 arm mil visitors. It MM forty-four

hot. springs, thrfee luniks, three dally newspapers,nineteen churches, fifteen schools, twelve livery

staiiles, water works, electric and gas lights, elec-

tric HUTct railroads, asphalt street*. Ore depart-ment, local and long distance telephone systems,

I New York, Chicago and New Orleans market re-' ports, by direct Wire, police and detective systems.Slot Springs has two theatres, one new and elc-

' gnntlv decorated and furnished, where all thehigh-class attractions on the road are hooked.

I HI. CJIVIMVrE OF HOT SPRING*.From a climatic standpoint the Hot Spring* of

Arkansas, the most, wonderful hot springs In theworld, vonld not have heen more advantageouslysituated. They arc removed from all extremes.Located in the South, Northern visitors find herea sure escape from the severities of their Winters.Driving, horseback riding, and all out-door sports

and reoreation are Indulged. In all winter; theweather is perfect. Summer, usually hot al this

latitude,' is here itcmporefl b.r nn elevation or l.ono

feet above sea level, and by the surrouoding peaksor the Ozark Mountains, wuich rise sevoral liun-

. <lred feet, higher In nil directions. The nights arc

Invariably cool, and the pure mountain air andconstant Southern breezes make this the Ideal

season for Invalids from all parts of the country.The mountains also afford magnificent, views andscenery, and to crown all, they are covered withlimitless stretches of pine forests, so much prizedfor their health-giving qualities, and the. beauti-fullv graded government drives, unlet countryrosds, walks and horseback trails make It all easily

and charmingly accessible.


It is as a fashionable pleasure resort Hot Springsor Arkansas has attracted the greatest attentionduring the past decade. The Idea Una It is onlythose who are mulcted that (tome here has longsince proven erroneous. With iho completion ofthe four great hotels, the Arlington, Park, Haslmanand Majestic, which are among the largest andfinest resort hotels In the country, Hot Springs be-

came prominent as the leading all-year pleasureresort. of the United States, in matchless cliinaic

bring* 100,0(10 Northern pleasure seekers here in

Winter, and Its cool inourtaln atmosphere attracts4o,ooo people of the South .a Summer. The livery

service Is complete In Kentucky bred driving andsaddle hurscs and sivlish turnouts, No resort In

this country equals lint Springs In this respect.

Il.fs'i' op HOTELS tviijlt.m'.s.CAPACITY, fion nit HOWb

Arlington—Capacity, son. *4 to *K per day;tJI and upward per week, Bntli house In hotel.Open all (lie year. I,. T. Hay, Manager. Kum-mu n- Capactl y, 1,000. ft to |S per day: »'.'l andupwards per week. Bath house In hotel. Openrram January to May. I,. T. Hay, Manager.Majestic—Capacity, MO. New. modern, fireproof.Haiti house In Hotel. Open ulllhe year. Hales Mper day anil up. Special Summer rales, Coo. I.,

Smith, Manager. Park—Capacity. .'iOO. $4 tof s per day; (Jt and upward per week, Americanplan. Kuropcau rale on application. Ilalh houseIn hotel. J, It. Hayes, Lessee.

CAPACITY, .100 TO M0.Great Northern-Capacity, M0. American

plan, ji.oo up per day; f I-l.AO and up per week.Hat ti house In hotel. Klein A Price, Props. Mil-waukee — Capacity, inn. tUM to tr.'io perweek. Steam heat. Modern. J. I'. Hickcy, Prop.Moody—Capacity, lAQ, fii.hu to t.!i per week.Hath house in hotel, s. M. Moody, Prop. NewWnverly—Capacity, liB, $2.80 to f.i per day;special iiy the week. Hath house In hotel. L. Ii.

(tain, Manager. Pullman—Capacity, too. Kito *:i per day: tKM in fji per week. OppositeHath House How. Joseph l.onglnnttl. Manager.SI. Charlei-Capacllv, Ian. {i.'si to ti.&» per

day; *lii..v>i<i siT.oo per week. Adjacent to lialh

houses. II. Dougherty, Owner ami .Manager.The Navnrre—only sirictly Kuropean hotel In

Hot Springs, Klevator and all modern convent-onces. Capacity, lib'. Moderate rains, Wyui.tAMorrison, Props. tVaiikrslin-Cap.V'liy, l-Vi.

$•.' lo ftl per day; %ViMi ro *ji per week. Hathhouse In hotel. .1. C. Wyuft, Manager.


Amis -Capacity. (Kl. Kuropcau. t' I" II'' perweek. Burlington—Capacity, '.o. f: to tin.

inr week Gllsey—Capacity, .'.u. *Ntnfpjpcrweek. Howard- Capacity, ft. v.' and u|iwanlper week. Furnished rooms only. Hotel Hideniniiil- -Capacity, Ion. * ' to *I2 per week. Im-perial - Capo.il v. ;r>. *; to *|ri jicr week, «ln-•ephliie --Capaeliy, ton, t' '" Hi per week.McCriiry—Capacity, T.'i. »7 lo (II per week.New Hot Springs- European Plan. Hath houseIII hotel. K. W. Denton. Manager. New l.ln-•lell—Sleiim heat. Capaeliy, ;.',, $S per week up.Pntnam—Capaeliy, Mi. to In fx per week.Kot'kafVllow—Capacity, "a. ¥.'..'•" in jm.mi perday; *. I

-". lo *n |«-r week. Kaih house In hotel.

K. S. I'liiuani, Crop. Moiithern. Capaeliy, Ml,

ft>l tit sin per week. sampler—Capacity, ;,">,

t; to fin per week. Taylor House- Capacity,SO. Ml* flu per week. The Kdily—Capacity,•'si. Kuropean plan. *." lo * Ki per week. it. »'.

Kddy, Prop. The Pnrker - American anilKuropcau. Hales icnniinulilit. I iiKeit miii (<-.

-capacity, m. *: in tli l>er weok.

GOVERNMENT IMPKOVKMENTS.The government scheme of Imiimvcmpnia at

Hot springs lias luieu going on for years. Themountain side for a dfslancu of scvtral hundredfeel has been Iteaiitirully parked and planted Inshrubbery and climbing vines and Mowers. TheOraud mid other entrance" in Hie reservation areworks or great ureliltecinr.il henuit, The tim-iImportant liiiprnvriueiit in lint springs made bythe government Is Hie systnm or driveways anilwalks nn lac three limillllli n- eulilprlslhg Diereseivilloii. They wlml ar Mind the sides of theiiiou iiiilhs by eiisy graihts roihe siininiiis five orsis .iiimlicil feel alio\elhe city, ills "losing hi . u rvpunt some new scene of beauty aiming the sir*mumllng peaks and valleys of the O/ark Muul •

la us. There are about lirteeti tulle-, uf drives amiSix miles of walks.

Ill ltl.Al OP INFORMATION.The Iheduess Mini's League of Hot Springs,

which publishes this itifnrtuHlInn and vouches i, r

Hi iici -iirm v. maintains a lllireau or lllfnrmallni,for the benefit or visitors, al No, -Jill Central A veuiif,and all are invited lo call and avail ilietiHehe. . r

Ik privileges.

For further information, address Bus. Men's League, C. ', Secretary and Manager. Hot Springs, Ark.m

BOOKING TOGETHERUnited BookingOffices

Of America,

8T. I&IBS BLDfl., N. Y. CITY.

Western Vaudeville

Managers' Association,


100,000 FEET



CNICA80 FILM EXCHANGEIStO B. llamlolpli at., Chicago, III.





By order or the 1'NITRH status rtit'itr, iim (Hvktai, THKATHK Property, indiuMimlease anil fixture., will lid snlil at |iulille auellon n|oni Hot iireinlses, 'jtlliiitt |Uinlnl|ih SI., IlKTHOIT,MICtll, on Tuesday, June II, imiT, ul eleven n'elurk In flic rurciiniui. Male Hiihjci t to eiiiillriuallou orCourt. Terms, Cash. HKAI.KII III DM, aecnmpuhlC'd try ettrllllitil chuck fnr f.MHi.oo, may ho sen)to ll.-ferce In lliioki ujo.v. (I', .Mull.it Hldg., Ilotrnll, Mli'h., anil will ho opened Iiy Ihu Itcfcreii al teno'clock In ilia forenoon nf said llth day or June. II A It V i: V M. IllKAMI. 'Trustee,

N. CAI.VIN IINIKI.OW, Ati'v r.o 'I'tostce. wu iiiiiuuiiuiil'lilihr., Ilelrnlt, Mich,


PORTLAND, ORE.Including every city in the United States, North, Sonth



MUSICAL BUREAU : Voice, Piano, Hand,or Orchestra Arranging ;

prompt service, ac-1 curate work.


WJHltarUTng all Hongs of all PuiManera. Pro-i

. fesslonals cordially welcome: BOOKING AGENCY: Providing Talent In .

all llucs. \7iuilevllle. Minstrel, or Dramatic '.

Kntertaliiiiicufa. I'lanlslk nail Singers Wiiulrd '

for Immediate iwslilomi.



Newest, lausiuun i.esi iioini.ated sonjr slides,

Imuglil, Bold, rented and exchanged. Mend for

1 1st and terms.

t.v.s: spencer, 41 Went mu Street,net. Uroadway ami Sixth Avenue, N. V.



Wanted at Once, for White's Permanent Stock Co., No. 2.

ivripis in All Lines, S|ieolaliles orcferred. A No. 1 Slnfjlnff and Dancing Sotilirelte, A No. 1 Slnglnp:and Dancing Comedian, Leading and Hcconil Bus. Women, Leading Man, Heavy and character Man,l''lrat Class Dlreclor with Scripts, lo piny either the lleavlea or Char. All must he first elans. One Mila week. Will have Ave permanent stock companies In three mouths. Work the year 'round, lull licur inintori it la Summer NOW The Melnoi les, NelHon and French, Maude Thelps, Mellonald Sisters, W.B. Trice, Hd Wbclcn, write. Consider silence a nollie negative.

Ii. J. WIIITi:, HIJon 'I'lieatre, Menominee, Mich.RBFERENOK—Kirgt Nallmial Hank, Marinette, Wit.: First Niiilonal nanK, Meunmlnee, Mirli.

NOTICE—WANTED-(.'oaecfi.s|on*of all kinds tor Lakeside I'ark, Mnrlrtettc, Wis. Ten thousandvisitors per w»ek.

The Man with the Funny Slide.

;Thanks to all Mgrs. for kind offers and good will, also

to BOBBY HARRIS. Signed for aeason 1907-08 withHARRY MARTELXS NBW EMPIRE SHOW.

. For the Summer, to the Catskills.


CENERAL DELIVERY, CINCINNATI. O.Sell* Worn Kvenlng and DinnerSlightlyUownn, which are elaborale and Mtagey, for\etln than 14 Ibelr original prices.

linn, pkck,217 Blue Island Are., up atalra, Chicago.

edicinelas SOAP "ItthV



WEEKS.OAN OIVE YOU IO to 15llig money If ynu have the attraellon. lmmedlnleopen time for M11sir.nl and Farce Comedy companies".Minstrels, Comic Opera, Slock and ftcpertolro Cos. of recognized merli. Coliseum Theatre, Meridian


.Miss., 4.1,000 pojiiilaiinn. Oakland Park Casino, bet. Decatur and New Decatur, Ala., ;i.>,uoo population .

Ilipprodrome Theatre, llnntavllle, Alu„ 'Jfi.OOO popnlallon. • Trl-t'lty I'ark ttnsino.Bhiitlleld.Tnseuiiilihi.Addrcsa,

, Ala.

*., |.,.< ,»., 1 . ,,,,, i„..,[i. , llilllin, iijit, .,...., .<,,wu ,',i|i,,u,.i.iu. * 1 .-. il > 1 nir. \,ir>,,,.', ui.i,,,,, ,.., .,,-<>.«

Vlorenee, Ala., ;m,oon pnpulntlon. F^ist l.nkc Casino. Ulrmingham, Ala., iaii.oiiii iiopulnilon. a.i

J. F. AltNOLD, I', (i. Itoxlu'i, lllrmliiKhain, .

WANTED,FOR TOYI^AND,Principals and Chorus Girls with Good Voices.

Artdreia MOHH. H) VI. \M» KIMI'AVV, 75 t>l)iiionll> Flare, I l.lvago, III.

OKT oar price* on »o«p. THEY will Interest yon.Special Dept. for making private tiranda with at-

tractive labels. Money-Ketters of Ulg value forcanvasHcra and fakir*. We satiafr and hold ourcuitomen. K. M. DAVIHS0APC0.,

40 Union Park Court, Chicago.


J. IV1. UAIRD, Manager.Sow liooklng inn; and luiw season. Hood live town on iniln line P. H^ It. 111.000 pop,: dra«liig fromU.«Ki I |de, Seating capacity l.'-tm lo UN, Only iiicalre In lotvu. P. h. -llnnil npeulag for llnndHkeieh Teams ilirnugli Summer season, Only live ones need apply.


LETTER HEAD BOYLE GEORGE if BOYLEfree Samples, Contracts, Ticket*, Envelopes, ski.


1 ' 1'1 "H I" 11 <»> >" Mr " ll" H opening and elwd*jsj Hurlesiiuu ami a lied Hut Specialty.


< HAH. II. U0VI,F„ Ho. |fH, M.l.w... l(», Wl..


8TAOK 1IONKT. 16o. Book of Herald Cnts, 3*0.

Wantol Al Oiiw,SSS^SS1

One who rends nnd fakes. Oilier Musicians and Per-'

formers In all lirauchi's.wrlte, Also one e.xiierlciiced

C'anvai Man, one nitli Kxperlenee. Xnottiers 111 1 .1

apply, and a gnod, wilier Advance Agent wanted.No drinkers or cigarette fiends uileruliHl with thissnow. Salaries sure every Sunday mm 0. Add, Win.jji-sudoa'sUllt Kdge Show, (Jen. ltel.,Des Moluett.la.

Small Comedian with specialty, Specialty Man for props, who can play

parts; Strong Vaudeville Acts, in ono preferred, to double small

parts. State all. Useful Repertoire People, write.

I.OItMC KUVVJi, Berllu, IV. II., (Ills week, «eek JO, llarhsia, N. II.



IS AX LIB•M in -i.-i Minnie, or solnl Laughter I

OlbLi3g£<H>irt ocfc*Mi 3F<MBpwP>i3Mi ^-s^ne^JcetoTi^K" ..^?c<>££jl%?^b.a«sh;^.a.9To Talk VAUDEVILLE, MWllttlAI. COMEDV, or ANV OTHER VUUH OK AMCSKMBHT for ««• 8KA8OJ OP f&MHL * DMwln|f Cgrd on Any Hill.

My Act, "TUB TRAMP IIB0HBW." The Originator of the Two 'CharRCMMnr In One wltholM- I.jnvlrtr- the 8l»gw. "APOSITIVB HIT."Atldreu ..... Care -WHITE RATS OF AMEttlCA. Broadway and 46th Stroot, Wow York.

TVn One.

POn the Road.

All It mici-n Mu.t Ileiwli M Not LniicTliBU Saturday Preceding

Date of laeae.

Fur Supplemental I An tHoe Another Column.

DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL.Adum*, Mamie (Oniric* rrohiiiHii, nmr. )—Suit

Lake City, V.. il-7.

Allen. VIuIm (Chits. W. Allen, mill-.)—Sun Iran-elncn. Oil.. il-S. Oukluud 14. in.

Alami Oimth (Milton A Sargent Aborn. nigra.)—-

WiiHiiiiiatiiii. ii. c, ;r imieBiilte.

Anion. Kdwjn, Stock— \Vunliliigloii. I). C 3, In-


American stock (Arlhur !•:. llerbat, oigr.)—Mnrlun. Iml., il. Iildrltullc.

Allre Work (K. Y. Albec. mgr.)—Proildencc, It.

I,. :i, Indcthiltr.

A Urn Slock—1'oHlnnd', Ore., il, Indellnlle.

Acme Coined) • -Koukilk, I*., fl, luiletlnlie.

Angcll's CouhhIIiiiim (.1. II. Kuiornnn. mgr.l—Cul-

liiity; Altu..'C«i/.. Mi IHlmunloii 10, Inilcllnltc.

Andrews Hpera—Jackson, Ml*s., MS.Angcll's Comedian* (II. 1. Bernard, tugr.)—Wy»-

coieta. llo.i it'S, florin K)t3.Ilarrymurc. Kthcl ICliarlex I 'mil iiim n . mgr. )—St.

Joseph. .Mil. fi. Ksmra* city 0-8.

Ilcreher * Stanley's Hlg Show (W. J. McDonald.miir.l— fowler. Colo.. 5. Hooky ford 0. I.«i»

AiiIiiihk 7, llrunnflu S, l.u Mor 10, l.n Jlilitii II,

Trinidad 12. Union, N. Mux., IS, Dillon 14,

Springer 10. '

lllucliiiin. Anlelln St. Innil*. Mn.. il, llnlellnlto.

Unn-iello. Ji-miIo IU. v. 'Lawrence, tugr.)—Hiif-

fill.., N. V., il. Iiiilvllnltii.

II. ii urn lili'nl Comic (l|ierii (ICdivlu Patterson,ingl. I

Kiiiihuh City, Mo.. ll-Sent. il.

llcggar I'rlni'P Opera, f.ttn MmV (llnrry Un-veil.', mill-. I

l.lilli- Ituck. Ark.. KIM.'i.

Harrlc Sluok (Uarrle k i milium. mgr*.)—I'lleblo,

Oilo,, 8-13.It.i.v.l ItumweM— Kllia, Ncbr.. US. Bcotln 1(1-12.

Uiirliniii.M. lairi'iiluc. Shirk—Untile Creek, Mleli.,

il. Inilellnllr.

Brown Si.uk I .MI'i 1 1 lli.mn, mgr.)—.Milwaukee,

Win., if, linlellnlle.

Burke Slink (Frank Burke, mgr. )—full Itlu-r,

Sin**., il, InileHlilte.

Itlnkef Sln.'k IMiiuilcc HtllllfuTlt, Blgr.)—Willi-muni, N. i., il, hiileltiille. "

Biirge** Hloek- (Kurl Uiiikchm, iitiir.)—-Seattle,• Wiit.li., il Aim. il. .

Huriiur* Coineilhtii* (llnrry Burluit. uigr.)— Unlen-biirg, III.. ll-Au*. IT.

ltmxie Bmiiiell l.u. lien' Drohcutru -Unit liimre, Mil.,

tl, Inilrttnlle.

"Ilrcwutcr'a .MIIIIoiik" (fnilerlc Thuiiipnun, nigr.)

—X Y. City il. Iiidi'lllillr.

"HreiVHlrr'H MIlllniiK" (CIiiu'Ioh froliunin, mgr.)— I.'.llllklll. Kllg.. II, llliletlnlli'.

••ItoyM nr Coinnuii}' II" (Duuli'l Krohuiou, inn'-.)

--S. V. C. :i, Ihileflnlie.

'•Hoisuh I'rlnre" (Kernel- k NtttlhiK. ingrn,)—8r»t-tlr, WiibIi.. 7, S, Spokuir 111, 14.

"UniikerV Chllil" (llnrry Klninlniu.niir.l—lloitn-

I Ifnl. ll„ .v.- Kmjkhiii- ii. Ilriglinin 7. I /wnn H,

I'oenlellii, Iilii., II, St. Alithnuy 12, Sugnr Citylit. Iteihnry 14. Itlghy Ifl.

"Hnriler lleKn'' (W. W. I <iln t . mgr.)— Illohford,

VI.. ft, Nlunil I'iiiiiI II, l.iiniilKti'r, N. II., 7,l.lllletiiii S.

t.'«rler, Mr*. Lenlle (Win. II. llrny, mitr.)—-Snlein.

dlf.," .'>. 1'orllnnil (IN, Sent tie, Wusli.. U-12,' 'I'm'..mn 1:1. Nnrlli Vnklmn 14. Simkiuie 1A.

rnminnil. Ileiirtelln (Mmrlre CiMii|iIn>II," mgr.)—Wliuteoni, Wunli., fi, t'.veieit II, 'I'ihi.iiiu 7, S,

Himknne 111, 11. '

fiilller, Wllllmn .(Cliiirle* friiliiiinn. mgr.)—N. Y.City II. Inileilntte.

('oKlllan, Hone (Swindy, Slil[>mnn * Co., injjr*. I-

i.ngmi. II.. n, fjgvli'ii II, I'nrk City 7, Halt i.nkn

ClTy 8.inlinii. Hen. M . (Sinn 11. Ilnrrln. mgr.) N. Y.

Clly II, linlellnlle.

< i'le kihI .luliiimin—N. V. Clly ilS.

).'nni|nent, liln, k Wnller llelkiwn' Slock—Denver,Coin., il, linli'tliille.

Culler Slm'k (Wiillnee It. Cutler, mgr. )—Clum-inilHll. III., il-I.V

i'iiiIi; Slm'k iJi.Iiii Crnltf. mgr.)—Bunion, Mum.,II. Illili'llnlle. •

Cnllniiiiln Cnnilo iiprni (Tlnin, Knrl, mgr.)— l.n*

Angelen. Ciil., il, Imlellnlle.

I'urll* Mimlenl I.Vmii'dy (Allen Curlln, mgr.)—


Tim I. in. I. 'Cub., a-H.Cnllllnlihl NhH'k tl.ni'ki'il .V Iniiir, mgr*.)

Wanlitiigliin.'lt. C, il, IliileHnlte.

I i.li.iilnl Slink I Drew fc Cniii|iln-ll, mgrn.)—lilerelnnil. Il„ il, ludellnlie. '••

i iinini.'ll wiiitenn.if Mlork (llnrry (llntin.H'11. mgr),- -I'lllnlnirv. :Kiin.'/ B-S, liideneiiiloni'o II-B2.

t.'l'llivfolir* r.hne.tliiliH ( Itiivininiil [1. Cniwfnlil,mgr.)—Mnnell, Mn., ;i ir..

Citntln Cniniily tWtn. lilliniin; mgr.)— Ilelirue.

Nelir.. Il-S, I'lililllnnl 1U-12, llnni'Mivl, S. Dnk,


Cnlli.n, ,Ii.h,Io ••-I'rlinv.llh.. III., !I-S.

"Clmrley'K Amil" (Wlnfrlil North, mgr. )—Muii-irenl. Cnn., il-S.

••i.'»|itnln i'iirele*n" (II. C. Whlliiey, mgr.)—rtitengu. lit., il. Imlellnlle.

Ihnileln, I 'i link (C. II. Dllllngliiim, mgr.)—I'lilengn, III., il. ItiileMulle. <

innnriiwli New York Syiuiihnny Uivhenlru— I'hlln-

ilel|illlii, I'll.. il'H.Ihily'* UlMM! t)|ieni -Denver, Cnlo.. SS. '

llimgrterl.v Slrtek ll'iiyne & Ihingherly, mgrn.)

Superior, Win., il-S. Cltn|uet, Minn.. 111-1.1.

lie IVw-nnnlette Slink Cri|un. B. I>e I'ew, mgr.)- - Knkinnn. I nil.. 2, llulelllllte.

DiMiglMn Slnek iWnlkyiin lkiuglnH, mgr.)— Buyer-Juwii, l»n„ il-S.

IiilvK StiA>k'-Wllmtnglon, Del., il, Inilt'llnllr.

KiIIhuii, llnherl (Henry H. Ilnrrln, mgr.)—l^in-dun, ling., il-7.

Klw.ru, l*irne— Berlin, N. II.. il-S. llorligui 10-• IA. •' •

Kuildre Stock (Siilm & Nulluumnn, mgrs.)—I'riivlilenee. H, I., il. ImleOnlte. i

Bllleli (liii.leii StiMik- llrnver. Colo., fl, InileOnlle.I'.lmei- Slm-k -(Innilm. Net)., il. Imlellnlle. '

r.uglWi Slinik—Mlhrniikee. Win., il, Indrllulle.I'uy. Indite ISnin H. k U-e Mlinuert, hie., mgrn.)

N. Y. Clly II, Imlellnlle.Field*. Ia'iv. All Cmin - Syriieune, K. Y., 6, Vlbll

II. Si'heneeinily 7. Troy S.

I'rnukeiitlehl/ l.ninii Nnll l.n


I'nweell. Slimk (lion. I'liweell. mgr.)—Uk-biiumd,V*.. il, linlellnlle.

I'ruwley Slnek I Daniel Kniwley, mgr. )—Mlune-nimlln. Minn.. H. Imlerlnlle.

feiinerv siuek Mien. M. I'Vulierg, mgr.)— Huvei-hill. Mom., it s.

I'liriium Slin-k i Win. ti'iiruuui, mgr. )— Clevelninl,il.. il, ludellnlie.

i' ' £

frrrl* Slnek lUIek Kerrl*. lngr.)--Mliiiieii|i<Mls,Mini).. 2. InileHlilte.

I nil. ni Slink |J. I'ulliiii, mgr.) — I.lm'olii, Nelir.,

il. InileHlilte. • "I'nlliT siimk- -.Mini


itu I. Cnn., il. InileHlilte.

"fifty Mile* luiiii llinliiu" it'ulniii .V llurrln,

nilir*.)—chlengo. 111., il, Imlellnlle,"fiivclnnllug flnrn" (Sum S. * l.ee •Shubert,

lue.'. mgr*, I— N. V. Clly il. Imlellnlle.

"I'nll.v Felix." «.!. ,J. Smlth'n (F. Mm'klutiiHli.

mgr.l—MeKenry. III., il-ll. Luke Uenevn. Win..in. Miii'lluguin II. WnnkCHliN 12. Ilurliniil 111,

lli'illii It, Neeiutli IX"funny Mr. tMilcy" (l.n Iteuiii' & l.w, mgrn.)

Sydney. N. S.. C«u., its. Anllgniilxh III, Newtllil^gnw II.

iiiuee (ienrgii (Win. A. Ilrnily, mgr. I— l/indmi,lint'., lit. Imlelliille. .

lii'Hiiewln. CIiiih, I'i. (Well*, Dunne it llnrhiii.

uigiN. I .Mliini.i. (In.. UN.I I Inter Slnek (VeiigUgn (IIiimt. mgr. )—Uelrnlt,

Mleli.. il. InileHlilte.

lllliiHire'* I'lnyer* iFnineln .1. (Illinnre, mgr.)—Wlillleld. Kiiii II H. Arkunnn* Clly IH-22.

(inilnuue. fenllimnd— .Mnunllelil. O., it-S. Uhrkhs-Vllle 111-22.

1111,-k llnlnit-' Sloek (II. T. fillek. mgr.) IVih-ler. II.. :ts,

"lilit 1 1< tin mill" (lliirrv 1„ hk-hi, mgr.


ilini.-li- Kerry, N. Dnk.. '."i, I'niuhi il, lllnlnv 7.

Itnllii K. iiiiiemee .III. We*llni|H' II'.' ItntllimaiiIII. Kruiner II. IIii~mII 15.

"(Jul allU 1U« BUuiuedu'' ,(V, ISA Lauibeit, uigt.)

Luke City. U.. II, In-

— Wed I/Oilge, Mont.. :.. I.imrel 7. Stirfldini,

Wyo.. S, (Jlllelle HI. New Conlle II. Ktlgenwnt,

S. Dnk.. 12, Crawford, Nelir.. 13, Alllniu'e 11,

Mlilney 15.

Held, Annn (Flonm Zlegfehl, mgr.)—N. Y. Cllyil. Imlellnlle. "


llollund. Mllilreil (IWwnnl C. White, mgr.)—Buf-falo. N. Y., 3'July 0.

HoiifiiT, Dc Wolf (Sam S. A l*e Slitllfc-rl. Iue.»

mgrn.)—Brocklon.' Milan.'. .">. New Bedford 0,

Fall Hirer 7, Newport, It.,I.. «.

Hull. Oeo. F. I Frank W. Ninon, nigr.)—St. Jblin.

N. B.. Can.. «-l. Calais: Mei; «. l.uuro 7. Banl-

nort 8, Kl|«wortb 111, olffltowh 11, Mir Harbor12, Ciiindeii 14, Ktoniiigton ID. \

Ilennou. Nelnm. Stock—Clerelaiid. U.. 3. Inilrfl-

ulte. .,!

Hunt Stuck (M. A. limit, mgr.)—lolny City,

Mieb.. :i-s,'•

lllnkniaii-Boiiney (W. Al White, tagr,)—lUclne,WI»;. il tl.

Ilpiiilernou Stuck (W. .1. A It. 11. Uenderaon,invrn.)—Cnlur Iluiilil*. In., 2-8.

Illlliomi. Muy IK. Sclinulirl; mgr.)—Itutliind, VI,«•«. WblttWll, N. tit 10-15-

I lutitlry -Bradford I'lnyera—SprlngUeld, Muss,, 3,ludellnlie. "


HiiUlleya, The (Ben Huntley, mgr. ) — Wlnouii,Minn.. !l-0. in

IlelKinnii Stock. U. W. Hclnninn, mgr.)—Rome,Ua. il. IndrHiilte.


Howe'* Ladle*' OrcheHlrn lU'iinn lluwe, leader)—Wort'enter, Mn**.. il. llulelllllte.

Iluderiiinnn. Jennie. Chlougo I.iiiIIph' Orcbenlra(D. II. Ituilcriuaiin, mgr.)—Hot Sprlngn, Ark.,il. Illili'llnlle.

"Ill* IloiHir, the .Major" (Win. Unyiuoud Sill,

mgr.)—N. Y. City il, linlellnlle:

"IMinly iluiiiy (llrla""i(Cba*. Marks, mgr.)

Bunion. Mn**., il, tililcHnlle.

"Ilumply liampiy" (A. L. Snvllle. mgr.)—f.lgln.

III., 5, Hockfur.! (I, Bclult, Wl*„ 7, Jauesrlllo

". •

' X ••>.:'

"Ilmiley'* Troulilen" (W. C. Dhwnn, mgr.)

I'mi'loMvllle. VI.. ft. I.udhnv II, Brandon HI,

Mlilillelmry II, Brlnlnl 12. Vcrgenuen lit, Illcli-

nluiul 14, >

Iinperlal Sloelr (l/. 11. Curl In. mgr.)—I'rovldence,

It. I.. :t. linlellnlle.

.Iineulle Ibinloulnna do. A; Wnltr, mgr.l—SsultSte. Marie, Mich.. il-U, Hancock 7-12, Calumetlil-lft.

KihiIi. Uenelle (Suirl.v. Slilpumn A Cn.. iiibm.)—Inhpemlug. ' Midi., ft, Muri|iiclle (I, Suult Ste.Marie 7, felonkey N.'i 1 .

• .

Keleey, HiiIkti. ami I'illk- Sliiiuiion (lOnienl S|ll|l-

niiin, mgr.l— Oiluwn. Can., ft, II. Ugilcnnhnrg,N. Y.. T. Wulerlown 8.

Kelm, Adelaide lllurllg 4c .Seiiliiun, mgr.)—N. \'.

Clly il, luiletlnlie.

Knlli unit 1)111 (Nn: A. .Mnjnni'. mgr.)—San linn-i'Imii, (Jul., il, linlellnlle.

Kelley HIiH'k (.leVell Kcllcy, mgr.)—Knoxvllle.Tenii.. ,'l, Illili'llnlle.

Knnn'N Stock (Itlehnril Kami, mgr.)—Milwaukee,Wis., il, InileHlilte.

Kiltie* Baud (T. I'. .1. Power, mgr.)—Kriiiisvlllc,

lull., ft, II, Vlueiiiiii'H 7, 8.

"Knight fur a Day" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)

Chicago. III., il, linlellnlle.

"King of the Cattle King." Rller'a. Limtern (10.

f. Heeil. ingr.i-- Cloipiel. Minn., ft, llrdml Uup-Id* 8. CnHK Lake 11, HeriuldJI 12, Crookston 14.

"King of tlie-Cuttle'lltlig," Kiler'n, WeHlcrti (Joellenker, nlKr.t— Honlyu, Wnnh.. ft. Auburn u,

Kent 7. I'nynllnp 111. Celilrall.i II. Chehulln 12,Wliilork III, ('unite Hoek 14, Kelno lii.

I.lTtugatoue Slock (f. II. I.lvlngntuiie. mgr.)

Xjirlligncld, III.: il, Imlellnlle.

l-cwl* & l.iike'a Mualcul Coinedy—Seattle, Wnnh.,»-20.

Luiiirnp Block (O. K. I.otbrop, mgr.)— Boston,Ma**., il, Indefinite.

I4>wla Slock <W. F. I«wls. mgr.)—York, Ntbr.,3H. '

Lillian Lawrence Stock—Bonlou. Mas*., 3, Indefi-

nite. I*lunch, 'I1iw(k>re—Ilenrer, Colo., il, InileOnlle.

I.lherall'a Bniul (A. Lynn Shaw, mgr.)—Cleve-land, fi., B.Jidy 28.

Lei- sinek (Harry lA<e, mgr.)—Vlnlta, lull. Ter.,il-8. ' ' . «

"Lion and Hie Mouse" (Henry B, Harris, mgr.)-Brooklyn. N. Y.. il-8.

"Lien null the Moune" (Henry II. Hurl'!*, mgr.)- I.mining, Mich., 5, Jnekaon (I, Kurt Hunai 7,

I'mitliie H. —"Little l'ni*|iector" Ifrnnk II. King, mgr.)

Sioux full*. S. link., II. Ilniuklug* 10. Wnler-limn 'II, Hiiruti 12, Miller III. Iledtleld II,

AlieiiliHUt I ft. . '

Mary Maiitierlng (Sam S. A Lee Stiuln-rt. Inc..

niuM. i- Tnriiiii.i. (int.. Cull., 3-ft, l^.u. Inn U,lluiiillli'ii 7, '8.

Mann. Tunil* (Sam S. A l*t- Shubert. Inc., mgrs.)• —I'hllHdelpliI*. Pa.. A. Indefinite. ,

Mnelr." Ahilrew (W. Mi Wilkinson, mar,)—ChrlntCUurr-h. N. /.. il-lft. Tlmarii 17, Dniieilln 18-lulv 2. i-

M.uiiK.nnerj- mid Sinne ((', 11. Dillingham, mgr.)—N. Y. Oily il, Imlellullr,

Melville. It.isi- U. It. Stirling, mgr. I— t'ltlnhtirg.

I'll.. Il-N, neaauu emln.Mack. Wlllard, ami Maude Leone Slock (A. (I.

Bill abridge, mgr. I—St. I'mil. Minn., Il-S.

.Mi.ril.ncr. Chnli. (.1. M. Hill, uuir.)—Oanuellou,Iml.. 3-8. llHWeNVllle. Ky., 10-15.

Miimlell. Kleluii'ii limine, III.. 11-8.

BlrDouulil Sloek (II. W, McDmiuld, mgr.)—Mini-roe. i, .;., il-in.

Mlljesllc Slm'k n'.iil, & Miner, mgr*.)— lllllutl loll.

<),. il. Indelliillo.

Myrkle-llariler Slock, Soiilhern (l.iilliuoro & l.elgh,

mgr*.)—Dulliw, Tex., 3-21..Miller


lii'u-,' Slock (Loo Siiiutoii, mgr.)—Klrka-vllle. Mil.. 38.

MillcHtlc Stm'k -Allninv. N. Y.. 3. liulcHilllc.

"Man uf the Hour" lllnidy A Orlauirr, uigra.)

X. ,Y. City II. llulelllllte,

"Mini «f Hie Hour" (Ilrnily k (irlaiuer, uigre.)

I'hleugo. 111., il, Indellnlle.

"Mr*. Wlggw of Hie Cabbage I'aleh" (Llebler ACo.. mar*. I --[.mull in, lOtlg., 3, luiletlnlie.

"Mkyor uf luiughlunil" Ifretltl. NWon-Nlrdllnger,ingr. I— I'lillinleliililii. Fu., il. luiletlnlie.

"Minn I'oeiiluiiiln*"—Chicago. Ill,, III. linlellnlle.

"My Wife'* family." Ceillral (fniuk Cooke,mgr.l - MomphlB. 'fenn.. 3-8, ('Iniltiiom.gii lO-lft.

".MlHKniirl (till." Fivil HnyoHimrn—-Sjcnmore, HI.,

3, ludellnlie.

Nimlniovii. Mine. Alia (Henry Miller, mgr.)—N, Y.. Clly il-lft.

New York OporH—Norfolk. Va.. 3. InileHlilte.

North Bros.' Coined Imm—Hot Springs, Ark., 3-

22. ,

Orpbeiiiu iliH'tn I .Milton k Sargetil Almrn. mgrn.)'— Brooklyn. N. Y.. .'I, Indellnlle.

Otympln li|H'rn — Mobile. Ala., il. luilclliille.

(I*uuin Stuck I John llnmiin, mgr)— Anhevllle, N.V.. 3-8.

"Our New Mlnlnler" Lliisejilt Unnyern, mgr.)—St.I'.iol. .Minn,. 2-S,. MlnueuiKill* II In.

"Okl Arkannnw," frwl ltuyuioiiil'*—Sycaiuore, III.,

it. linlellnlle.

IMIgc. Mnliel. CimiioiI.v (II. f. Wllhird. mgr.)—.IneliMinvllle, Fin., 3-Sept. 1ft.

I'lielnn Slnek IK V. I'helan, mgr.)—I'ortlnml,Me., II. Inilellalle.

Ferry Sloek (I'i II. Ferry, mgr.)—lodlnburg,• HI., il-IH. '

I'ayitii St.iek—I'eorln. III.. 2. IndeOiilte,

••I'eihller"— HulTuio. N. V.. 3-8.

"Peek's Bad Boy" tfi S. Cnllalmn. mgr.!—lilulrninre. B. 0.. Can., ft. Michel (I. PlnoherCreek, A Itu.. 7, CimlHtnii 8. Maglittli 10, Ray-mond II. I.rthbrtdge 12, Tabor til. Mcleod 14,I'lmenlvihii 13.

nu»»ell. I.llllun I Hem. F. lllnton. mgr.l—Winni-peg. Man.. Can., il-ft. I'urg.i. X. Dak.. 0. Hi!-

Inili. Minn.. 7. 8, South liend, Iml.. III. Ixiiln-

iiiuano. Mich., 11, Hultle Creek 12. Juckmn lit,

Dclroli n, ift.

Il'*<*e)l. - Aiiulo ( Wtigctihiil* A Keiu|KT. nigra.)—Seal He. Wa*h.. Il-ft. Taciimn (1. SpnkiiiM' 8.

Ilnvnl Italian llrunil Oiiem—N. Y. City -111-8.

IleutfrowV Jiilly KalliHnder* IJ. N. Ilentfrow,mgr.l—Meridian. Miss.. 3-8.

Hnyal Cnnndliin Bnnil (.1. W. Finn, mgr.l—(ininliii. Nelir.. II Sept. 1.1.

llmni Arillteri llniid l.loi. lie vii, i. mgr.l -•

lliillliiu.re. Mil., il. linlellnlle.

"It'i-e <il the It: Ii.<* ' llliivl.l |lel.l-e,i. mgr.l X,r." f'llv :\: lllilelllille.

•'"' •

"Hound Up" (Joevi'U Biovk*. mgr.)—Chicago, HI.,

if, ludcUulte,

"IWad to -Yenlenlir" (Sam S. A l^d Shubert,Inc.. uutM.)—N.V. Clly 3. ImlcOnlte.

Solherii. K. II., mid Julia Marlowe (Sam Si Alire Sbiibeit, Inc.. ingrs.l

1—N. Y. Clly 10-22.sishl, Hose (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—Chicago,lll.';

: 3,'lmlediilte.Skinner, (HI* (Clin*, frohmnii. mgr.)—Oakland.

Cul., 3-3, Sill June ii; Stockton 7, snerumeutoS. PnrUiiiiil. Ore.. 10-12, Seattle, Waab., ft 1.1.

Spooher. Cecil (Chas. E. Blmcy, mgr.)—N. Y.City il-8.

San" FraiiclBoi) OpOr'a (Frank W. Healy, mgr.)—Portland. Ore.. 3-July I. <•

Snow - stock (Mortimer Snow, mgr.)—Memphis,Telin., il, ImlMlnlte,

SpetKlpH-Pilire Slock (Mpcddeu A Paige, ma-re.)—Waukesha,. Win.. 3-8.

Seaman Stock— Portland, Ore., 3, Indefinite.

Stodda'rt sirtek— Iia> Clly, Mich.. 3, iudednlte.St. clalr. Mae (Hamilton tc Water*, nigra.)

Hardnlcfc. vt„ 3-8, St. Jobnabnry 10-lft.

"Stranger In Ttiwn" (H. B. Linton, mgr.)—Clfnttsnnoga. Tl'nn,, 3-8, Nashville 10-lft.

Taylur, Allnlrt. Stock -Fort Smith. Ark.. 213.Tlinrn Stock—SorlhgDeld. III.. 3, Indefinite;.

"Time, ( In- Place and the lilrl" (M. II. Singer.nigra.)—Ronton. Mas*., 3-15.

"Three of Ua" (Wilter N. Lawrence, mgr.)

Chicago, III.. 3, Imlellnlle.

"Time, tin- PIium and the lilrl" (II. M. Singer,mgr.)—Milwaukee, Win., 2-H.

"Ciiclc Toin'a Cnbln," Terry's (W. O.. Dicker,mgri)—C««ey. la., 5, ISarlbstn 0. Vnnmcter 7,Valley Junction 8.

"Uncle Tom's Cabin" (J. W. Sblpmao, mgr.)

Johnstown, N. Y., 5."Uncle Toin'a Cabin," Sterling's IT. I.. Tlim,

Jitgr.)—Crown Point. N.-

Y.. 0, Port Henry ',

We«ttK>n 8, ISlftaliethlown 10/Van Der Borg Opera—N. T. City 3. InllMlnlle.Van Dyke & Raton (F. Mack, mgr.)—Elkhart,

In. I . 3-1 OnViilliniionl Kloek (A. (iliissnilre. mgr.)

H'llllaui*-pnrl. Pa.. 3. Imlellnlle. , ,. ...

WnrrlrM, Darld, (Dsrhl Belasco. mgr.)—Boston.Maas.. .Y-15. . .

~»Weber's, Joa. M..' All Stars (freil I'eel, mgr.)—-Kansas; Clly. Mn., 2-ft, SI. IkuiIs. fl-8.

Woodruff. Ileury (Henry Miller, mgr. )— Chicago,

Walker' wiilleshle -Denver. Colo., 3-8;Will* All Blar Comedy (John B. Will*.' mgr.)—

Iloiinoke. Vu.. 3-8. Knoxvllle. Teim.. KI-JUIV (..

Wllbr All Htarn (John H. Will*, mgr.)—litickrooBeach, Va„ 3, linlellnlle.

Will* omiie Oi»rn (John II. xx ills, mgr.)—Dan-ville. Va..- In-Jnly II. •• ..«,

Wlnnlnger Bros.' Own (Frank Wlnulnger, mgr.)—Kscanalia, Mich., 3-0. Applelun, Wis., 10-15.William* Stuck (J. W. Williams, mgr.l—Mount'

' Caiinel. HI., if 8, Mount Vermui loir..Wallack'* Theatre. Norlhrrn (Difbhmky Bros.,

mgr*. )—RiN'k Inland. III., 8. Indefinite.Wallack'H Theatre. Southern (Maurice M. Hu-

lilnnky. mgr. )— Independence. Kan., 3-8.Wallnck'* Tbcatre. Western (Edward Dublnaky,

mgr.)—llulcliluaoii. Kan., 3-8. -

"Wltnrd of On" lilurtlg & Seumon. mgrn.)

Chicago, 111.. 3. linlellnlle. '

"WIsnixT of Wall Street" (Lew Vlnlen, mgr.l—l.itwlon, Oklii.. 3-20.

"Wluinl of Wnll Street," Edwin Patletsoii's

F.Ik Point, S. Dnk..' 5. Vermilion 0, Uuyvllle 7.Shun Fulls 8, Monli.ee tl. Mil. lu-ll 111. How-ard II. Fhiudreati 12, Muillson 13, Bryant II,Wulerlown .15.

Ye Colonial Stuck (C. W. Homier, mgr.)—llurall-too, O., S.8.


II! Itl.lOSdUi: AND VA1 IH'JVIM.K.Auiel-leiiii* (I'M win D. Miner, mgr.)


•Mill, 118.Bowerr Ilnrlcwpn'r* (llnrllg A Scnuioii, nigra. )—

ttl X. 'Lilly 3-8.

Ibiliil}" l'«ree---l<riwklyn, X. Y., 3-8.Minn New York Jr. (I. II. Ilerk. mgr.)—Chicago,

Maria A Buriiell Vuiuhivlll* (Al. Maria, mgr.)

Rochester, VI., C, PlltnUehl 0, HnrnurU 7, Cays-»

iHi- N.

Merry : lliirU'sipirrn (Hubert Mills, mgr.)—Mun-I real. Coll.. il-8.

WiHhviu'm Coney Corner Olrln (W; II. Watsou,mgr. I '—I'lilhuleliilila. pit., it, Imlellnlle,

Mine, Woiiuiu niui Song (M. M. Tbclfcc, uigr.i—N.Y. Clly 3, Imb'HuTte.

Wanblnglon Society (ilrl* (Shiu Ihiblusou, mgr.l

Philadelphia, !'«., il-8.

MINBTHItll.N.American (Jus. Dclmid. mgr.)—lotigllnb Center,

Pii., I", Wnlervllle li.lsu-kalinlei''*, Lew (Cliurle* D. Wllsou, uigr.)—

I •.'. Amrelc*. Ciil.. 3-8. ' •:



Duly'*. Will. Jm.li -Wllke* linrre, Pa., il N, I|ii»Ih-

lon 1015.fox'*, liny K.—Walnut Spring*. Teg., 3ft, lllco

11-8, Do Usui 111-12; (Ir/ribdh 13-15.I'MNT snows.

Alton A Aiulersiin'*— lliiniluirg. N. Y., 5. RantAurora (1. Sprlngvlllc 7, lOlllmllvlllo 8. frank-limine 10, Amnio 11, Atllca 12. I.e Hoy 13,AVON 14, Chlll'l'livllle 1ft.

Bnriiuui & IhilleyV.—BliHaiilugtiiu. HI., 5, Dau-vttle II, Wuinekn 7. Lafayette. Hid.. 8, FortWayne 10: Lima. (>.. II. fludluy 12, Toledo13. Adrian. Mleli., 14. .lucknuli Ift.

lliiiralo Bill'* Wild West, Col. Wm. F. Cody (Fred11. IIutuhliisc.li, tngr.l—I'hlliillelphlu. Pu., II*.Neiviirt, N. J., 10, Jemey City 11. Newbiirgh. N.Y., 12. KlugHion lii, Albany 14, PIU*tlchl,Mum*.. 15.

I'nrepkiigb A Sell* Bron.'—Wnveily. N. Y.. 5,lOlinlru 0. WlllluniKiwi'l. I'n.. 7, Wellnlnmi S,lienern, N. V.. in, tioekport II, Niagara Falls12, SI. c„t limine, Out., Cull., 13, Uamlltoti14. Hi a n i fnnl 13.- :•

Knahloii Plnle—rConlpdrt, l"a„ 5, Barnenlioro 0,IMIiihiynburg 7. Huntsildle 8, Pblllpaburg III,

Tyrone II, Mount Union 12, Lowhtmvn 13,Port Itojnl 11, Neivporl 15.

iiuy'*—ciiiirlotie. In,, 6, Bryuitt tl, Comuucho 8,Lowinoor 0.

Ilnireiilu'eli A Wnlhnv'a—Conlcsvlltc, Pa.. 5. Treij-lon. X. J., II. New Brunswick 7, Elizabeth 8,Brooklyn. N. Y„ 10-15.

Lucky lull'*—Bradshaw, Nebr.. 5, Uaupton (1,

Aurora 7, dinner 8. Doniphan 10, (Jrnnd la-land II. 12, A Ida 13, Wood River 14, Shcllon15. :, 1

t.owrry Rrhs.'—Carlisle.' Pa., 5.Pawnee Wll'ii Wild . Wesl. Col. Lllllc's—Belvl-

lere. HI. ,5. Aurora 0, Oak Park 7, Hammond,I nil.. 8.

tingling Bron.'— Providence, It. I.-, 5. Fall Rlref,Man*., II, New Bedfont 7. Brockton 3, l.jim 10.S ii loin II,

HohluBon's, John

fnrlhiiull, Minn., 5, AlbertU'U II.

Itolibliin'. frank A.—Oiiluey, Mas*., 5, Dedliiim II,

nioitcpHler 7. Hanver* 8.Bred' Bms.'—Slitnty Hook. Ky.. II, Llkfonl 12,WM l.lbciiy 13.

ItiggH' Uotigli Killer*—CiilunilHis, O., 3. ludellnlie.Sell*-l-'loln'*-- Alnlfax, Wanb.. 5, Mohcow, Ida., II,

Le« IhIiiii 7. PiiloilM- S, Spokuno, Wnsb.. Ill, II.W.tlliice. bin,. 12. MlHNiuhi, .Mont., 13, Helena'14. Unite [5.

Sim Bros.'—We*l Hiimlllnti, W. Va..-n. Lukku 7.Silver Fumll.v (Bert Silver, mgr.l—Bailey, Mich.,

ft. i.Vwiiiviu 0. Kent Clly 7, Siwrln 8.Smith'*. 10 •!.—Unlonvllle. Pa., 0. Snow Shoo T,

ilraN*Sat 8. >

Wnnlihnni'n. lu-on—Watklnn, N. Y., 5, Penn Vanil. 'leneva 7, Auburn 8, Oueldti 10. Rome 11,Herkimer 12, fort Pliilu 13, Amsterdam l-l,

Troy 13.

WI*.. 5, Wheeler II. Boycevlllc 7, Downing 8,

11, tilenwod 111. „, . , ,

Holden's Animal Show—Ctilcngo, 111., 3, Inde-

llnlle. , „ .

Jolly Ethiopians (S: II. Dudley, mgr.)—Conlea-vllle. Pa., il-8, Sleellon 10 15. „ ' '

I*c'a Class Blowers (Jack Lee, mgr.)—Oral*, I'n.,

Nevt'Suimy South Floitlng Theatre (W. R. Mnr-klc; mgr.l—Ashland, Ky., 5, Greenup 0, Man-chester. O.. 7. Ripley S.

Pauline, J. B. (Stewart l.ltbgow, mgr.)—Boston,Man*., :l, Iudednlte.

Parker. C. W., Show* (Cramer A Tyler, m{r«.)--Sloui Clly. In.. 3-8, Yankton.' 8; Dak., lO'lB.

Raymond, the Great (Maurice Raymond, mgr.)—Mechanlc»rllle, N. Y.. 3 8. Bennington, Vt., 10-

' IB.Roldnaon Amusement—Richmond. Ind.. 3-8. '

Serengala (Walter C. Mack, mgr.)—N. Y. Clly3-20.

Thompson Kntertilnera (Frank ! H. Tbomfavn;in».-r. I— lOnierul'l. Win., 3-5, Diamond KliitT 12,

-iii,..B«y^3t>: 14..13 i: •-

" «J.

1 gggtag*

Wheeler'*. Al. F.—Mlllerhin. N. Y„ 5.

MIM K.I.LWKOI S.B.i*l<K-k'* Auliuiil AiTiin (Frank 0. Ikinlnck, mgr.)—Ci.mey IkIiiiuI, N. Y., il, IliileHnlte.

lloxtui-k'N An 1 mill Arena i Frank 0. Ikistock, mgr.v-Norfolk. Vu.. il. liiileilnlU'.


Bnrloii Brim.' Illusion Show (Ceo, W. Leonard,mgr.l

llnriford. Conn.. 3, liulelliille. .->

Bryniit Ooiueily (Saui Bryiiut, mgr.)—Urdiua-boro. Kit.. 3-5. Rice's Landing: (in.

Orulkaliank—Marietta. 0., 7. Bctpre 8.Cryitnlplei (M. II. Walsh, mgr.)—Burllgtoa. Vt„


H'Almu'i Trnhi'il Animal Shnw- llniir.u.l Conn:,III. Wliidnnr l>H-kn II. Sprluudcld. Man*., 12.\Ve*llleld 13. I hill oke 14. .Viirlhulupli.u .15.. »

DieinilliiUil l''hiiililig.|'iiluee Slum'

IlliX'V l.uinlln ;,

I'n.. It.

CevrsU XivubailDUtalWuii McCsbc, uigr.)—Cutlug,

TO CORRESPONDENTS.Our- theatrical corrc»pondcnt$ arc hereby

notified that the ireilcntials now held by

them expired ./line /.. Tlicy arc rcqucitlcd to

return them to this o/Pcc at OHM, for renexeal

fur lm-JHOS. , .,.,....,

'. r .-• OHIO.I'liK-iiiniill.—Willi I In- opening >! the

Ludlow UigiMiii mid I'nncy lulanil, tlinoiildimr

season In lu full swing, und Queen City Hnlli-

lug Iteuiii hivlleil swlniiners lo lake llielr

lir-i. pliniK" ill I be Ohio. June 1, Urn nameday ibe sxviiiiuting silnsiiii upenvd itt ChesterI'nrk. At lliln new Wliltc Ctly the season ofiipein will begin June 10, when "Itoblulie (ill " will he put on. ivllli Rose I..1 Unit'',

n i 'lncliiiiu.ll girl. In one nf tlie lotidlnj; rolcK.

Hiii'luK I he seiis-iu Trlxlc f rlgaiizii .nml loll-

fene t'liwle* will 1*' keen. Sum Wylle, Turnlire, Ituae Kuinv and Mnriun Sliinlcy me

pruinlseU. f ,-iMvitiisiTv CAHl'tM (Adda It. Young,

iniiiiiigei).—Out In Hie open TciilivsiHl'a de-lightful woodbind ili it inn. "Tliti KorcHlorH,"vviiH presented Muy 211. by thu ncnioi'H of tlie

liillremlly of i 'liniimntl. II whs olio of Ibemust delightful . fealures of (toniinein i.'iiient

week, umi iittrui'ii'd n bl'llliunt inidlence.Tin- i-iiNt : \n I bun T. Ihiiiu-h. Robin Hood;Jnhn DoMuss lOllls. 1,1 II le John ; Mary lingerty, Maid Mm Inn ; Urncc Mlllendorf, Knto,Alum Mill (lu Urn v, Til inilii : Horace YVolf,I 'rl tun Jnhn ; Jucdb Singer, .Sheriff of Not-i Inejlinin ; lOrle Twacbtmiin, King Richard


Jean Olive Heck. Friar Tticb: Harry llelt-niHyer, Will Meurleit ; Kiitbertne Koohler,the Did Wlteli; Churlcs A. Sclirocllcr. Much,Die Millionaire's. Sod! Paul Hover; WalterI.cu ; Kdward Kitrmcron. Sir Richard lA'a


Nntnllc Merrill, the CIIIzoii'hWife.I.riii.uvv t,.u»M>N (.1. J. Weiivnr, iiianoRer

mid \V. K. Clark, director of iiniusi'iiieulHi.

ii"i ! criiii.'iilti und Alniu Fedura begin tlielr

fecund week June 2, on tile )ii|(li wire, givingan iiutslile free act. in Die x'underllli. (he-aire; l)n Moniln and Hinaniorr, Four Dane-ItiK Harrises. Zcltn uliil Ilotuen. Mnrle Clark,und I inn l.uiiioiii's Cut, Mob mid Monkey C'l-cits will be seen. Klta. Muy Aalilon scoredhenvlly last week': and tin- entire bill wasBond. Tho Five Malvern* put. oil il splendidiiel. Tho Four Keels. Kretlnrfi-k l''revoll nndchiuie* Carroll all took parti DecorationDay was of it beautiful patlern, mid Hinthelped brliiB I bo week's uvoruKii up.

CliKKTLii I'aiik (I. M. Martin, uitiiinger).—lu lite ruiidcvlllo hull 2. Illckey and Nel-soii. the l.iiluikiins mid their dog, "P'ollv :"'

t'onniii-K and Adclbcrl. nnd the 'I'eieliini iluonri' lu be Keen. Lust week |g|. MoiiI'm L'Ocka-tun*, Iiiii'ntby line, tiulilsinllh und lloppe,and All, Hunter nnd All were seen. The jewnl I mil Ions are proving good elird*. IncludingMn- llinhi stnnn und lie Ixl'eko's (jIIwphcs ufthe Orlcnl.

Till.' Hon I Walter A. Driipcr, iniinnger).

Fred loin-, mid Ills band will come 2, aftera week nf Hie Kllllea Hnml, Cold weatherrendered Ibe eiigugepuinf of III He profit.

Cii.MiV Ihi.anu IHciH'gi! Wellington Knglc-bi'i'lli, (iiiiiiKPinent director).—It. Ii. tiri'Kdrv'Kllreworkn snrctncle. "Moscow," will he aeon2. Imokc'il toi' ii two week*' run. Abel millli'wlit. Wiirrvn ntiil Walion. I.tidllc II. Har-per. Iiiiiioi'is mid I'nihb. uttd Kohlpr andMinion are In iippcar at Ibe BIJou Theatre.Auditorium (i.cwi* Vmdtn, iniHMer).—

iecla Vlgini's Kchool of Opera presentedncenes. In costtiine. May 31. Thin wus Dmprngi'iiiiinii' enjoyed by a lurge aiullciico :

Verdi—'ITiInl BM from "Un liiillo In Mil-scliem ;

' drmnntlc pci'sunie : Amcllu. F.llielIrwin: Iticcurdo. Leslie Chilton. Yerdl—fourlh net from "Don Carlo" ("Kiln uliiinuiiilin'niuo ). Hi'cllnllvft—Arlit, "Phillip, King ofSpain. ' Chillies xinllnirlioi'. 'IVhiilkowakv—A flu friim ".loan D'Are." "Fnrewcll. ye Vnl-leys, tiertrtide l„ .InhnKon. I'jnnlzettl—Arlnfrom "|,n Fnvorlta." O. mlo Fcriiundo, Vlr-irlnln (iiitllleh. xiounod—Jewel Song, from"|( until, Monica Siitknnip. Weber— Siccoiidact from "Frolsehula';' Agnes. Kthnl Irwin;Annie, Murgilciltc ltolanil : Max. IlongnardMehicn: diict

-— "Rogue! Hold On!" lithelInvln und Mui'guerlli. Ilnlnnil. Arlutta —T.el a (iiillunt Youth Cnmi! Towurd Me."Miii'Kiici'lle llolniul. Hecllutlvo— ii Ariauoftly SlKhlriff," Klhel Irwln. Trio d Flnnlii—-"\Vlii.ie! What! Oh, Terror I" Klllel Irwln.

Miirgiiortte Holm, I nnd Houguiird Nlclgcn.1 n,





1." ,lll

'l'"'| uii of Grace fi. lioldcnburg

and Wllllnni S. I iolden burg. "Slranded" willbe presumed June 111. The graduation e«-ei-CHc of tlio ScliiiKlei- HcliouT nf Elocutionand liriinnitlc Art occurs June (J. Tlie classof 11)07 Includes: Hess Alibolt. Helen Frbl-.jnnn. Klslu liorch. Marttaret I'ltckett. MildredItiissell. Mlllnii Slevens and Limlla Tarlor.I liere will, lie one post st'iidiiute, Amy llnwki'k.

Nrsijiuu Chat.—There Is u slory In clr-'•"I'l"''," flint Joseph O'Mciirn, oncn NancelINeiils lending; man. !k lii lake eluircc ofI lie ilepnrDiienl Of elociltinti. ill Urn Collegi!

"f Music Wllllnni ,T. Kopp, leader of•Ixopps Biinii. went South laat week, midwas miirrleil tit Hnrnost I,. IIhi-oii. of De-catur, Alii Kulerpe Trio. (8a rail Conmtock.Alinlt'e Miieiii-ot'iir mid Hthol l#wls) gave uconcert at Aurora. Ind. Mnv 27.. . . ".luieyIiogan JHmhun, n Ciiiilniiiill Coileue of MuhIculrl. illrecteil tlie jiresciitutlnn of a newnhrntlta. "The Jnpniu«se lilrl." at Tusrnloosn.Alii.. Inst week.... It was so cold early lu,the week Ihullhe Sinmiier reaort* sufferedfrom, cases »r lute May fnisl-blie. The oullinr"IHjia were lonely place* Juuiea H,I'ennessv Is linrnliiK ii broken wrist, I In- re-sult' or un niiloinnlille juni |» which theiviloiicl IlKltreil mh n star spuiivled hero. Illsnrin will he usctcsa for isoibc time to coiiie.

entertained well tilled houses, week of Mm.27. Bill for week of Juue 3: Chas .11,\land company, Sophie Brandt Al. CarltonI* Veoln, watson'g Karm, Yard, Brown onriNevaro, Hocy and l>eo and Lulla Selblnl

Oi.bntAnoy I'abk (J. W. Dusenburr, man.nger).—The Kllarfy production, which wasoooked for four weeks' time, canceled owIiir to the death of Mrs. Kdna Wilson, one ofthe east, who took her life ou Mav 20 ut llmItrydan Hotel here. The comnanv lias i]|«banded. Rlggs' Rough Riders belil fortli »«nn attraction during the past week. TheImperial Minstrels, composed of Paul ij,'

loudc, Harry Sliunk, Pat Itynn, Kid HrondNick Ilufford and many others, will be theattraction for week of 2. :

"°• Note*.—The Gentry Dog and I'ouy S'mw

will appoar here 3. 4 India nol'n Parkcontinues to draw big crowds, despite (he indweather. 1'hll I). Greene,' on the spiral <yu*I hit attraction tho past week. Signor CmKlulo'a Band' will he thn attraction for weekof I). . . ;. .Ch.in. W. Harper, 'manager of theHigh Street Theatre, has returned fruio In-dianapolis, xvherc he went to confer wm.Dickson & Tnlbot, lessees of i be house.


Kva tToutt. a well known and popular ydtiniiamateur singer, will be given a trial by Mn n .

ugcr Drosses, of the Keith, during this week.' Hus Sttn, the well known Tatidcviiliingenl. of SprlngUeld, wus a local visitor heroMay 28.


Cleveland.—At the Opera House (HarryI). Kline, mamigcr) n four weeks' season ofvaudeville began week of June 3. "The SongBirds" is one of (he eight act*. The lleriiill*of - Cleveland.

'had' » very succeKHful week'

xvhen they presented "The Hermits In Cali-fornia." week of May 27.Gouwnti (Urew''& Caropbcll, manager).-


"Secret Service," by the Colonial Slock Co,week of 3. This company, In 'T/ord and LadyAlgy," week of May 27, drew big houses.

I. Venn m (Ceo. M. Todd, managed.—TheSolum Herman Slock Co. present "Thelma"week of it. "Hazel Klrke," as presented byIhls company, lust week, had giusl reeclpRKeith's (II. A. Dunicls, manager).—Hill

week of 3 consists of the Four Illation; BvuTatigiiny. Alsd, Arileii und- company, AvonCntueily Fuiir, Waller C. Kelly und Geiiurunnd Hull}'.

I'.'pci.in Avbnub Gakdiin's (Mux Faelkcn-licuer, manager). — The William Fariitiiii

Stock Co. week of II. This company gave'"lliir noly City" lust week, and drew fairlygood crowds, considering (he weather.

*•• '—TENNESSEE. -

\ imii villi-.— At the' Vcndome (W. A..Sheet/, luuuugcr) "Alabama" wits presentedMay 28, In n very able manner, by locul tal-

ent, to u largo and appreciative audlcuce.Iti.mti i lien. II. Hickman, niunugeri.—

"My Wife's lrnmlly" opened week of 27, lobig business, giving a good production. "AUitiuiwny Mutch" June 3 undweek.

Ilii'i'iiinnnti; (Wm. II. IlnrdclKcr, iiiiiuu-

ger.—Knnlell opened week nf May 27 nl.

this house, nnd attracted large crowds wlili

his marvelous feats of strength.Casino (Y. C*. Alley, manager).—The Casino

Stock Co. opened the Summer season, pre-senting: "In Old Louisiana" to a large andwell pleased audience. Manager Alley ha*succeeded lu securing u cupublc and well bal-

anced company. ;.'"«.Notmk.—Juno 11 Is the date selected by

local lodge, No. 72, B. P. 0. Hlks. for lis

lintiunl Suriiiner outing at lilendulc I'nrk.

The Hlks have arranged with tbc manage-ment to have full control of all coucesslnusIn addition lo several special nttt'iiclluits.

Mi-iniiiiiH.—At the New Lyceum Thealro(Flunk tiruy. lessee) "Salome," llm bill of-

fered wis'k of May 27, drew large crowds.Mnrllnioi' Snow mid Miss Alwell, In Ibe prln-el pul role*, pleased. Thu other uieinliers of

I he coiiiputiv wore up to the sluudtird."Musi l.yniie June 3-8.

lliit'Ki.xs' K.xs-r lO.Mi I'aiik (A. B. .Morri-son, iiiunugcr).—DosplLi! the very iiuustinl

wenlber, fair crowds itssembleil to see tbnviniilevllli! Iiisl week, and hear Well's Uunriufler Ibe porfortiintice. Tito prugraiiimc In-

cluded i CllveKc, Mlislcul I Jin. I urn us. Iler-

beri null Willing, Mnrtlii Vun llrrguii, midklnudrotuc.

It 1. 11ii tl ten). M. Slain back, manager). -

"Down Mobile' the entire week, begluulngMuy 27, nllnieleil njilendkl liuslness. Thncast xvas well bulunced, and the patrons warnpleased with Hie performance. "My Wife'sFamily" June il-8.

Faiuylanii I'aiik (10. O. Beach, utunagcri.— Had weather conditions Inlerferred withthe initial good iiltcuduucc at this iiupiiliir

resort week beginning May 20. "BrotherOftli'i-rs," a enmedy diniitu, wus presenled lu

tine siyle wllh an excclleut cusl.

»Knoxvllle.—At Chllhowce I'nrk Theiilro

'llnrry llcrnsleln. inunagnr) bttslness con-tin i in* big, with the Jewell Kelly Stock ('"•

The plays for Insl week were ''Tho Inside.

Track." and "Thn Kit Klux Klun."Jii.m;n' CoNsoi.iuA'i un Snows come Juue 3.

cnlnuiiiun.—At the Great Southern (Wm.Kunders, manueor) Lew Fields. In "AbmitI own. pleased n cuiinrlly house Mnv 21)"'Hie Three nf.IV with l.u urn Nelsmi'llall.il pnpiiliir local slnek fuviiille In Hie cnsl.lil*lll.e.t.wi.|| Ailed liousnailu. . .



KKITII'II (W. W. rroaaer. inanager).—


well buluiced ulll, jueuded l>s. Ueuil k'Kixvh,

Cliutliiiioonn.—At the Wells BIJou (Hm>-ct'l: I,. Wiiyne, uannger). week of .lime 3,

"A sli'iiuger In Town." "My Wlfc'H Family"J01 3.

. »» .

KANSAS.I'lllnlinru At the Alrdomc (W. W.

Bell, iiiaiiituer) the Chappelle-WlnlerholtStock Co., May 211-Juno 8, and capacity U«M'ness.

Int.i: ilnuii I'aiik.—Y'muli'villii and oilier

concessions drawing big crowds.Nwkh.—Uuhitisky Bros.' Walluck's Thru-

Ire CA. Mo. 1, closed a week's Riigugenient alHie Alrdunie, mid opened a two weeks' en-

gagement nl Independence, Klin, 'I he

Wallnck Tlieiilre. Co., No. 2., hits been I*heiiriilug here, aud left for Hulchinson. Kan.,where lliey open a two weeks' engagemeni'

Myrtle Shaniwii, planlsl. with Wallnck »

Thealre Co., was able to rejoin the company,nfler being- severely Injured In a runawayseveral weeks ego. '

i '

Kort Sent!.—The Alrdomo (II. C. Ernleh,manager) opened May 27, with Iho BellaIlosii-fireen Co., and turned people away.The Belle. ItoHn-0 rcen Co. Is excellent, andwill run for two weeks.FkrN f.AKr Park (Hafer ft Iiove. miina-

gcrs) continues to run moving pictures.

window—-rhn Alrdome Theatre openedwllh Frnnrls J. Gllmore's Players, In "ForHis siKi-r's Honor." May 25. A large crowdwaB on hand.Tub HirroDUOMs Snows had good crowd!


«»»Mai'Iiiok Cami'uki.i, will put on "The

I'lii'isliiin I'lbrrlni," for llenrlella CrnsninnIn the enrly Full. 'Ilils Is nn tula pin I Inn nir

the-stngo of John Httnyjin'a "The I'llgilm s

crogiesn." The adaptation was uinao by,

JUUH'S MuvAitiiui, ut Uurvti '«, ..

June 8. TUE NEW YORK ClilPPEB. '447

LIST OF FAIRS FOR 1907.The following Hal of fnlr« la mad? up from the

oitMul Hsla furnished by the varloiio secretaries of

Hip frtlr associations, and the dates are those fnr-

nlslied by such offlclils. Thcj are not taken from

lust rear's lint, wtlh the dates (iieaned al. Toi.rUit'tbls year's Hat nt on earlier dale wax imjsn-

ilhlc for the rearou that, with few exception*, lor

various associations tat* only arilbin the pant few

weeks decided upon their respective dates, while

K.-vfi'3l Sin tea have only completed Die lists within

mo week*. The (lushing: of dates, the frequent

change*, and the dlfllculty In collecting nil the ma-teriel combine Jo make It lui|ios*lhlc lo inake a Hat

of nils kind co-iiblf te.' but this list Is as neatly

'correct us-ll la noavlule to make It. and the fainwe record here will be found useful to :miuy

Mamies of showmen who have not yet nrrnneeil

ihrlr rentes fnr the comlnK Summer anil Full sea-

ton. W letters preceding doles sliind fur (he

iiinnllii. rnt.1 Jy. (or July; A. for August ; S. fur

Si-tileiulstr, elc.

STATIC PAIM.AI.AUAMA^—MoulKOnirry, .1. C. Ailaum, wj,CALIFORNIA.-- Stieraniehtii, 8. !H; J. A.

Flb-hcr, soi-y.

CANADA.—Toronto, A. 211-8. 0; Dr. J. O. Grr,

* COLORADO.—Ihicblo. S. V.. Davis, seey.


Ailnnln, Frank Weildnn, xecr.

ILLIS'llLS.—Sprlngttcld, S. 27(1. 5; W. C.Gttrrurd. Miry.INDIANA.— Indianapolis, 8. (I- 13; films, Down-

I nit, st'iiy. '


lOWA.^Des Moines, A. 23-30; J. 0, Simpson,

"'i'iWA INTKRSTATK.—Slnm CIIJ, H. 0-14; l'\

I.. Wirn-k, seey,

KANSAS.—lliilHiltiiwh, S. 10-21 ; A. L. Sjmns-

' MliriVlCAN.— flralid RftnMl, 8. 0-1.1; K. D.(•.miter, sec}-,

MINNESOTA.—Hnmlln, S. 2"; K. W. Handnll,

""ilisftonni.—Siilnllu, O. 6-11; J. n. Illpiiey,

Vlii.NTANA.—Helena. S. 3110. .-.; John W.Pnre,

''•NEBRASKA.—Lincoln, A. 30 8. tl; W. It. Mel-

°NKWyjP.RSRY.—Tienlon. S. 30 O. 4; M. It.

Murgcrum.'Vecy;S'KW YfIRK,—Syrnrnse, S. !)I4; S. ft. Shaver,

secy.NORTH CAROLINA.—Rldelgb, O., HID; Jos.

I'.. Pm.ni', iccyi

NKW HAMl'S-HIRF.—Concord, Chns. R. Hoy!,grey,

nlllO.—Columbus, S. 20; T. I,. Calvert, secy.SHIITII CARDLINA.—Cnlitmbln, —Si'tiTII DAKOTA;—Huron, H. 0-14; Coo. K.

Meh'iiliroii, seey.TKNNKSSBK.—Nashville, S. 23-28 ; .1. W. Ritas-

wiirni. seey.TKNAK.—Dalian, 0. in-N, .1; Sidney Smith,

^WASHINGTON.—North Ynklnin. S. 23-28; <l.

A. Hriilnini, secy.

VVHN'r VIRGINIA.—Wheeling, S. 1)13; GeorgeHook, seey.

WISCONSIN.—Milwaukee. S. 0-13; John II.

True, secy.WISCONSIN, Inter.—f.n Crosse, S. 23-2R; C. S.

Van Anton, secy.

COUNTY ANII DINTHir.T FAIHS.INDIANA.—Angola, Steuben County Fiilr, H.

3U; tJrvllle Coodnle, secy. Illnnmlngtnn. Molina-County Fair, A. fl-Ot W. F. Klnser. seey. Itisui-

vlllc, Wurrlck County I-'hlr, A. 211-31 ; J. Hi Rich-ardson, secy, lloswell, Ilenton Connly Fnlr, A.2it.'to; w. I). Klmpklns. secy. Iloiirhon, MnrsliullCounty Fair, O. 811; II. W. l'arks, secy. Rrciiicn,

Marshall County Fiilr. I). 2-4: I.. 0. Ditty, seey.Chrlsncy, Hpr-iiecr .County Fair, A. 12-17; J. P.Chrlsnoy, secy. Columbus. Ilnrtholomew CountyFiilr, Jy. 23-211: Ed. Redman, secy. Cnnueravllle,l>'nyel(e Comiiy Knlr. S. :i-d ; Bans Sparks, secy.Ciiryihm, lla.'rlBon 'County Fair, A. 20-;i0 : FrankSelf. ntuy. Covlnzlon, Fountain County Fair. S.17-20; John R. De linvon. necy. Crawrordavllle,.Montgomery County Fair. A. 211-30; C. W. Steele,secy. Crown I'oltit, Lake County Fulr, A. 20-2U


Fred Wheeler, secj-. Decdtur, Adams CountyF:ilr. A. 27-30; C. D. Knnkle. secy. EdlnburK,Johnson County Fair. Jy. 24-20; J. I,. Moore,wj. Kast Knlerprlne, Swltnerlnnd County Fair,S. 4-7; K. I.. Turner, secy. ICIwood, Mndlaoucounty l''alr. A. 20-23; F. B, De Horlly. aeey.Fnlrinniint, Orunt County Fair. A. 5-0; Xcn II.

i:dwni|lH. seey. Flora, Carroll County Fnlr, 8.2-0: K. .1, T'wlil, accy. Fort Wuyne, Allen Countyl'nlr, H. 17-22; Dr. Wm. F. Myers, aecy. Frank-furt. Clinton County Fnlr, A. 20-23; Geo. SI.

Hood, secy. Franklin, Johnson Country Fair, A.-.",•.'10; Mnrtlu Sellers, aeey. Greensburv, DecaturCounty Fulr. A. 20-231 J. W. Rhode*, secy. Ha-Kcrstcra-n. Wayne County Fnlr, Jy. 23-20; T. S.Wulker. aecy. HunlliiKhurg. Dubois County Fair,S. n-14; K W. Plckhhrdt, secy. HUntln Kton,llimtlnRton County Fair. S. 10-14; A.'S. Heck,seey. Kendnllvllle, Noble County Fair, 8. 24-27;.1. s. Conlouuc, aecy. Lafayette, TippecanoeComity Fulr, 8. 2-0; 0. W. Trarla. secy. I.n

i'orle. La I'ortc Conmy Fair, A. 27-30; J. K.Howell, secy. Lnwrenceburx. Dearborn Countyl'nlr. A. 14-17.: II: L. Nnwlln, secy. Lelinnou,llonnc County Fnlr, A. 12-10; Geo. \V. Hender-son, secy. Liberty. Union County Fair, S. 3-6:Milton Maxwell, secy; Lojcanaport, Casa CountyFulr, A. .hi); j. T. TonilliHoii, secy. Marlon,lirniil County Fnlr, A. 27-30: Geo. It. Sanp. sees.Mldriletpwn,' Henry County Fair, Jy. 30-A. 2;F.A. WlHi'hnrl. secy. Mont|H?ller. lllackfonl CountyFair, A. 18-21; Choa. L. Smith, aecy. .MountVernon, Fosjy County Fair, A. 13-18; J. M.lurlMlli aecy. Miiocle, Delaware County Folr.'A,13 III; Fred A. Swain, secy. New Castle, HenryCounty Fnlr; A. Ml VI. U. Risk, secy. NewllnriiuHiy, I'nsey finlnty Fair, A. 20-23; I<. WnileWilson; seer. Newtown, Fniinlaln COnnty Fnlr,A. 22, 23; Horace Gray, i.ccv. North Mnncliciter,Wubnsh County Fiilr, S. 24-27: Chas.' Wrljslit,wcy. North Vernon. JenuliiK*. County, Fair, Jy.3II-A. 2; Wro. C. Norrla; secy. Oakland Clly,Hllwoti UMHIU Fair. A. 20-23; Clios. Reed, aeey.Ihujoisl, Ripley County Fair, A. 110; Kdwln. N.Hliisaow, secv. I'liriiiiiiil. Jay Connly Fair* S. 2-11;

Jnincs F. Or.ives,, secy. Prlncelon. Glhsnn OountyFnlr, S. 2-7; 1'niil 8. Brownlee. necy. Rochenler,I'ulloii Connly Fair. S. 2-tl: Julius Rowley, secy.HnokpoTt, Spencer County Fnlr, A. 10-24 ; C. M.I'.irlrldcc, secy. Iliislitllle, Rlikli County Fnlr,A. 27-!Ml; J. Ii. Miince, aeey. sulem, WaalllucloiiCuiinly Fair, 8. 3-0; C. M. Crlm, secy. Shelby-villi'. Shelby Connly Fair, S. 3-7; J. WallerLlllnlr, spry. 'J'erre Haute, VIro County Fnlr,Jy. 23 211; Chns. It. Hullln, secy. Vhlnnmlsii.I'orler Connly l-'iilr, S. Il-ll; Dr. 0. I,. RarlholK-mew, secy. Wnrren, lluutliiclnn County Fnlr. S.3 7:.I. fl. Click, secy.MiWA.— Ahsiiiu. Knswilh Connly Fnlr, H. Id 13;

T. II. Wudsworili, i.vi-v. ,MIUii>n. IMilcr <:oiihlyloir. S. 8 II); M. II. sis-edy. secy. . Aid.. IlnciiaVlstn Connly Filr, A. 20-23: A. L. Denln, secy.Aiiamosa, Aimninsa Dlslrlcl Fnlr. I — ) ; .1.

K, llcmlcy, secy. Aliunde, Cuss Connly Fulr. S. 23-ni : -I. S. Ilnrluu, sci-y. Avncii. I'ulliiwiilliilnleCounty Fulr. S. 11-13; Cnleb Slnllli. nory. Amlu-Isiii, Aiidiilnn County Fiilr. 8. 3ft; O. It, Triilu,Hiev. Ileiirord, Tnylrir Connly l'nlr. 8. 2-7 : F. N.I."Win, sei'y. ntoqnillPliI, Dnvla County Fnlr. S.111-12- J. C. H.-nnhiinl. fi-cv. Ilnnno. Rootle inlv-Iiit! Park nnd Fnlr Asm.; 8, 18 20 ; A. M, lliirnslile.

tfi'f, llrlll, lluneoek (Vunily Fnlr, ( );lohii rinminlll. icey. luirllnulon, HiirlliiKloii 111s-trlet 1'olr, A. (S-l): f!. V. IMwfrr, secy. Hurra lo fou-ler, ( 1- j. i'. norii, seey; Central Clly.Wnimlc Vulley Dlslrlcl Fnlr, 8. 10-13: K. K. Hen-ileiEon. wi-y. Charles Clly, Floyd Connly l':ilr,

I ): R. ft. Il|ihnm, secy. Clnrliiiln, Olnr-Inda District Fair, 8. 0-13; .1. O. Itlekner. "is'y.cinrlon. Wilshl Cinnily Fair. K. 3-11: K. J. Tllllim-Iindt. secy. Clliilnn, Clfnlon Dlslrlcl Fair. S. Ifl-til;•I. ft. Alirens, Ksny. Cnlnniluis Jllnellon, Miiml.us.liinctlori Dlslrlcl Knlr, A. 27-31) : N. T. lIHnliU.sei-y. CornliiB. Aibmn County Fnlr. A. 21-24; Gen.R, I'.llss, secy. Crealon, Creston District Fair: S.20-23 • j. si. McCormnek. secy. Deenruli, Wlh-nealilek (>mnty Fnlr, 8. 0-12: K, A. Wnlerlinry,»teer. De Wilt, Clinton Connly Fnlr, A. 27-311 j pifllr.nlterrusn, secy. Donncllson. Isv Omnlr l'nlr," K.J-H! Chris Horner, seey. Kldnn, Kldoh Dlsn-ictFnlr, 8. 3-0; \T. 0. HurIcv. upey. Hlrtoin. Har-din Omnly Fair, 8. 3-0; Harry S. Mnrllii. sci-r.I.'lkniler, klkadcr Fnlr nnd Track Akan., S. 17-20

: VV, W. DiiTldm'n, Heey. KmulctahlirB:, I'nloAlio County Fair, ( ) : I'. V. Huhll, stey.FnlrPeld, Jefferson Connly Fair, 8. 10-13; H, C.Snyers. secy. Fairfax, 1'ralrlo Valley, Assn. Pair.

It:: * '• K"'- Hentnn. feey. Fomla. Big FourDistrict Fnlr. A, 0-0 1 John Forbes.' necy.Foresi Clly. Wlnnelinjo Couiity Fair, O. 1-3:J. A. peters, seey. Fort Do lite. WelnlerCounty Fnlr. ( 1: M. .1. Ilnlre. we*.tirliiucii, po\n>shlek Cenlrul Fnlr (nl Orlii.

nein. S. S-3: I. 8. Bailey Jr.. «ct. GreeiiBeld.Adair County Fair. S. 3-0; W. W. West. cecy.ilriuiily Centre, Glumly Count/ Fair, S. 10-12: IT.!•'. Tlioma*. 'eey. Guthrie Centre. Guthrie ConnlyFair, <i. 14; T. R. Grlssell; secy. Hampton.Franklin Connlr Fair, S. MMSi Floyd Gillell.necy. Harlan. Shelby Cminly Fair, (-——:— i;\V. B. Cnoiier, aeey. Holsteln, Holsleln Fair,H > l'W. F.Hnlton. secy. Humboldt. Hnm-Imldt County Fair. 8: 1013: John Cnniilnirtiain.secv. Indlannln, Werren County Fair. S. 3-tii l#eTalbot, leey. lr.dc|ienileiice. Buchanan ComityFair. S. 17-20; Chas. L. King, secy. Iowa Cltv,Johnson. Connly Fnlr. ( — 11 (iebtge Htlciicock,seey. La Porte Clly, La Porte District Fnlr. S.17-10; II. I., Mho well. secy. Manaon. Mnnsou Dis-Irk-t Fair, 8. 3-D; t:. G. Knskey, sieey. Manches-ter, Delaware count v Fnlr. i ) : John Pen-Mriy, amy, Marengo. Iowa timnty Fair. ( )


.Men. Mcl.cniinii.KCCY. Mnquokfin, Jirksnn CountyFair, K. 3 11; II. t>. Fly. necy. Marlon. Inler-Sta<c A*an. Fulr. A. 10-23; J. tl. Travis, secy.Mnlvern. Mills County Fnlr. A- Obi J. T. Wnr.l,secy. Malcolm. Poweshiek Ccnlrttl Int Malcolm ),A. 20-22: Jnmes Nownk, se,*v. ^lursliallion-n.Mnrshnll County Fair, S. ld-10; VI. M. Clnrk,sis'v, Massenii, Vilssena Dlslrlcl Fair, S. II-1U-,civile L. Ilcrrlrie. secy. Milton. Mlllnn DistrictFnlr, A. 20. 30: D. -A. Miller, secy. MissouriVnlley, lliirrlw.ii Connly Fnlr, ( ) ; W. II.Wlilirow. secy. Monticelln. Jones County Fslr.S. 2-il | J. .1. Loehcr, secy. ML Ayr. RlnKgnldConnlv l^nlr, I — ) ; Tims. Cnni|i|iell, secy.Ml. Pleiisant, Henry Connly Kalr. A. 13-10.: fa,

K. Knlglit. secy. XaMlM, 111" Fniir Dlalrlct Fair,S. Ml O. C. Ilnyek recy.. Nniloirai; Clnviout:niui|y Fnlr, S. 3-1)1 II. LucIihoii Jr., secy. New-Ion. JsnK-r Connlv Fnlr, M. !)-12: Andy Stewnvt,M'l-y. New Slinron, New Slmr-ul District-' Fnlr,S. 17-20; T. R. Osborne, secy. Nevniln, SlniyComity Fulr, S. 24-27: F. II. (Ireeiinwalt, siiiy.

Norlliwenil, VVorlh Cjninly Fnlr. 8. 23-23; K. II.

Miller, lecy. Oai'.en, Ilcs'lie Oounty Fnlr, S. '!'>

27 : \V. C. Treiilor. secy. Orange City, Slou-vCounty Fiilr, S. 18-20; II. Sllkerveer. swj. fhuiay,Mlleliell Cnnuly Fnlr. ( '-) ; W, If. II. lia-ble, secy Gnawa. Monona Connly Fair. S. 3-0;A. W. Burgess, secy. IVIla, Lake I'rnlrle Ids-Irlr-i Fair. S. 24-271 J. II. Striinciirunvn', secy:lied Oak. .Moittgonu ry Cotimy l'uir, Jy. IM-A, 2:W. K. Kills. M'cy. llhndeH, Filen Hiiirl.-t Fair, u.1-3: II. F. SloiifTcr, i*cy. Hock Valley. Ilo.kDistrict Fulr, S. 3-3; Dennis Scuulnii, secy. Sac(Sly, Sac County Fnlr, A. 13-lii: Kdw, Webb Jr.,*e--y. sbebloii, Slielikin Dlslrlcl Fair. A. 27-:m;Joe Marlon, secy. Sheuainbuli. Slicnamloah l"ilr

Assn.. A. 1210; A. II. iii,UII«-rif. aecy. Straw-lorry Point, Slrnwls'try IMlnl District l'nlr. S.

10-13; J. C. I'lennlkeen, secy. Siit|ierlauil, O'BrlrnComity Fair, S. 3 it; Knv It. tiniin, secy. TI;ilon,Tipton Fnlr Assn., S. Inl.'l: F. II. Connor, soi-y.

Toleiki. Tnina County l'nlr, 8. 24.-27': A. G. Smith,seey. Vlntnir. Venom Connly Fnlr, S. 21-27: fl.

D. Mcl'lroy. iccy. Victor. Victor Dlslrlcl Fulr.A. 13-15; J. P. I'owlluc, secy. Wu|s>lln, UmisaIViunty Fair, 8. 2-1-27; A. II. Ilundorn". secy.

Wnukon, Allnniukee Connly Fnlr. S. 17 : 20; A. C.Larson, secy. West Lilierly, I'ltlon District l'uir,

A. 211-23; W. II. Slilpuitlli, si-cy. West Point,West Point in -ti lei Fair, A. Klt-SS: John Wnll-Jtis|*r. sei-y. West Colon. Fayette Couul.v Fnlr,8, Ml F. A. Mcllhrce. aeey. What Cheer. WhatCheer nislrlrt Fnlr. S. 23-2il ; lien. A. PofT, rtry.

Wllilenet, Madison County l'nlr. S. 21-27; IJI'mer

Orrlit, (ecy. Wllllemsburg, Wllllimslniri! DNirlctl'nlr. S. 3-11; elms. Fletcher, seev. Wilton .lone-

Hon. Wilton .luhclloii Full1. S. 17 10; II. Wlblnsln,

t.vy. WllUiehl, l-;ar,lei-n lowu Dislrlcl Fair, S. 17-

20: Will D. linrinoe, secy.

MA1NK. — Acton, Sltaplelgli and Ac-Ion Fall,( ); Fred K. Bodwell, aecy. AmUeral,Northern Huneock Fair, O. 1. 2; A. N. Jewelt,aecy. Andover, Northern Oxford Fair, 0. 2. 3;John F. TJllKit. accy; 'Bibkor, Eastern Maine A«-aoclatlun Fair, A. 27-30; K. L. Sterns, aecy. Bel-fait. Wildo County Fair, A, 20-22; Itabili 1.

Morae, aecy. Bethel, Riverside Park AssociationPair, ( ) ; L. A. .Hall. *eov. Blngnatu;Bingham Fair, ( )•; H; B. Whipple, necy.Blueblll, Hancock County Fair. S. 10-12; 0. R.Snowman, aecy. Brldgton. Brldgtnn Farmers'Club Pair, ( ); J. S. Ames, secy. Bris-tol. Br1«tol Fplr. ( ) : Geo. A. Huston,aecy. Onmilct, Camden Trotting Pari Associa-tion Fair, (— ) : R. I„ Bean, aecy. Can-ton, Androscoggin Vnlley Fair. ( ) ; t).

M. Rlcbardaon, necy. Cfierryileld. West Washing-ton Fair, S. 18-20: Seth If. Allen, aecy. Datna-rlacotlo. Lincoln County Fair. D. 1-3: A. L.Shaw. aecy. Bait Bddlngton, Euat KdilliuloaFarmers' Club Fair, ( ) : K. B. Cumins,Drey.-' Baat Sehugo. Lake View Pork. Fair, (—

1; A. L. Bracket!, accy. Kdon. Kden Agrl-cultural Fnlr. 8. 18, 10: Kpliralm Allen, <ecy.Ellsworth, Hancock County Aaauclallon Fnlr,( ); II:' F. Whlteomb, ais-y. Kseler. WHIPenuliacot Fnlr, S. 24-28; E. H. Colbnih. secy.Farmlligton, Franklin County Fair. 0, 1-3; 0. F:Hmltli. aecy. Foscroft, Plicatiipifs County Fair,(— —-I: F. W. Leland.. aeey, l'ree|iori, Free-port. Agricultural SocleHi. Fnlr. fl. 1-3; Willi!Snow, sect; Fryebirrg. Welt Oxford Fair, O. 1-3:

B. Walker Mckeen. secy, l.orliam, CuinberlandCounty Fair. 8. 17-10. C. H. Lelgbton. secy. Hart-land. Rust Somerset Fulr, S. 10-21; H. A. Web-ls>r. accy. I*«, l#o Union Fair, ( —— ) ; Geo.B. Lowell, aecy. I.rwlaton, Maine State Fulr, 1. 2*

B; ,1. I.. Utuell. Mrv. Iilvcrnioi'e Fulls, AiiOi'OHCOg-

gl)i County Fair. I ); J. W. Mnxivell. secy.Madawusku, Maduwnska Fair, 0. 12; Html A.Dulgle, secy. .Mndlaou. Somerset County Cnh'.(-i——— )j J. F, Wlthee. secy. Machlns. t^n-trnl Wnshluglon Fair. S. 24. 25; W. II. Pliluuey,lecy. Monroe, .Waldo nnd Penobscot Fulr, 8. 17-

10: F. II. Ilo'vden. aecy. N"ew|tori, Newport \orl-

enlinral and Pom Fnlr, Oct. 2-4 ; J. A. Me.rlll,

•fry. Norlli Berwick, North Berwick Agricul-tural Fair, ( ) ; CIihs, M. Iltiyle. -ecv.

North Ellsworth. North Ellsworth Formers' Cluli

Fair. ( ) ; II. F. Maddocks, iory. Orrlug-ton, Orrlnglon Fair, s. 4-11 ; N. A. Nlckeraoii,seey. Pentllroko, Washington Count v Fulr. M. 10,11 ; J. M; Morgan, kecy. l'lillllps. Norlli Frank-lin Fait. O. 1-3; D. R. Ross, secy. PrcHfiuoIsle, Northern Milne Assoclmlnn Fnlr, S. MlK. T. . McGlautlilln, secy. Princeton, NorthWanltliigtoii Fair, ( ) : Alliert I.. Jonea.kery. Reailueld, Kentlels>c County Fair, 8, 17-11): E. B. I'rceoek, seey. Richmond, Rich-moinl Fanners' club Fair, S. 24 : II. I-;: Alcvnli-der, secy. Skowhegnu, Somerset Cenlrul Fulr,S. 17-1(1; Ansel llolwny. sety. Sntiik Purls, i»»-

ford County Knlr, S. 17-10; W. 0. Fnillilngliilin.

Hecy. Sottiti Windsor, South Kenuelk-c Fulr, 8.

17-10; Arlhiir.N DnuglasH, secy: Toiishatn, Saga-ilKlioi- Connly Fnlr, 0. 8-H); G. It. Teilfnril, seey.llnlnn, Ni.rtli Kunx Fnlr, 8. 2420; George Cllawes. s-vy. |lul|y, Dully I'nrk Assoclntlon l'uir,

tl. 1, 2; K. T. Itcynnlda. wei'y. UpiK-r Glourcsicr,New Glotn-esler ami Diinvlllo Fair, ( ) -.

J. P. Wllhdm, i*.-y. Wiltervllle, Cenlrul MainsFair. S. n-l-l; tlisi. R. Fuller, seer. Weil Cuin-lierlniul, I'limls'i'imiil Farmers' Club Fnlr, S. 24-20: F!. W. Wlnslmv, seey.

NBW YORK—AftOD. Afiun Driving Park anaAgriciiltiiml Assoeiitlon Fair. S. 2427; I. W.Sivlj-, sis-y., Albion, Orlimia County AgriculturalSociety Fair, S. 18-21 ; Wm. H, Frank, necy. Altnmnnt, Alluiny Counlv Agrlctiltui

"A. iO-23;

iirlil Society utulArllmr 'A. BooilibyKitMiU loli- Fair, *; ma] Artimr /,. ttoninuy.

aeer. Angelica. Allegany Conwy AgriculturalSoelely Fair, S. 3(1; .1. f!iark I'lilppen, seey.Hnllston Spa. Saratoga County Agricultural Fab,A. 27-31) ; Nlclioluu V. Wlllu-ek. Hvl. Bilnvia,(lenesne Connly Agricultural Sm-lely Fnlr, 8. 18-

21 : Albert. |{, Brown, secy. Hath, Siculs-uCounty Agrli'iilliirnl Sncjety Fair, S. 21-27 ; Chn->.A. SfiullH, secv. lllnghiinitolt, Iilnghanltdn In-dustrial Ex|inslilon l-'oli, I). II: Henry 8. Mnr-tlu, scry. BrsinvlHe. Roonvlllc Association F.-ilr,

8. 3-u; Henry .1. Vollimir. secy. Ilrwk|wrt, .Mon-roe Connly Africullilial Society Fulr, S. 23 2S;Frnl II. Sliufcr. secy. Ilrookllehl, llrookflrltlMndlenii Connly Agrlciillnrol Soelely Fnlr. 3. IB-Ill; N. A. Crumb, secy. Cairo, Greene Cou:ityAorlcullliiul Society Fiilr. A, 20-22: Frank l».

Colt-, secy. Cambridge, Cambridge Valley Agri-cultural Society Fulr, 8. Ml Bitot H. Nartmi.»"e.l-. chniiitdnlgiin. Ontario County AgHcultnralSociety Fair, S. 10-21 ; Milton A. Smith, aecy.Ontilon. St. Laivreuce Conmy Agrlcnlliirol SoclcyFnlr, S. 17-20; Jodie* R Johnsiiii. saty. CiisaVincent, i'n|n> viiosmt Agrlculliiral Society, s.Ml Friink Defciigreniel, seer. Curmel, I'miiimCcnnlly Anriculthral Astoclntlnn Fnlr. A. 2(1-30;John R. Yale, secy. Cliiiilium. Columhia CountyAKrlciiliitrnl Soclelv Fnlr. ft, 1-4: WMIIniuA; Dnnk-ks: ma. (A>bleskl1l. t.'olilesklll Agrlciil-liir.il Society Fi.lr. 8. 2B-2H: S. 11. Vau Nlss,lee.r Cootierslowii.' Glsrgn Connly AgriculturalSeclety Fnlr, K. 24-20; 0. I,. Van Hnrne. aery.Cortland. Cortland • County Agricultural SocietyFair. A. 27-30; «•, j. Greenncin. secy. Cuba,Cuba Fair. S. in|3: George II. Swift. si>-r."Delhi, llcliiniire Oluiily Agricultural Society Fnlr,A. 27-30: F. W. Yniunaim. secy. Depnali, De-jsisi'. Asss.-lulloii Fair, A, 27-00; Detox Axlell,

aei-y. Dougnu Hllla, Richmond County Agrlrul-turn I Soelely Fait. 8. 2-7: Cdward P. |s>'l».

Hrt, Dydtn. Diydi-u Afrtcailanu Society l-'jly.

s. 17-20; J. B. Wllwm, secy. Dundee, DundeeAssxlailon Fair, U, l-.'l; 11. I.. Woodruff. Wvy.Klienvllle*, Ulster County Agricultural SoclttyFulr, A. 27-30; Wm. S. Doyle, seey. F.lmlru,I 'helming County Agricultural Society Fair,( 1 ); B. J Young, tee*. Fonda, Mont-gomery County Agricultural Society Fair, S, ;io-

l>. 5: J. B. Mnriln. secy. FranMnville, Frank-llnvltlt Agrlculiiiral Fair, A. 27.In; It. L. Cunts,n-ey. - Frislonln. CliaulniiQua c-on.tv AgriculturalCori'irntlon Fair. A. '.K-.'ll ; it m, Clarke, secy.

Ftilion. Oswego County Agrloitiitrui Society Pair,A. 2?. 30; II, Putnam Allen, mv.v. ilouverneur,tmnveriVeur Agricultural and .Mw-iianlcal 8i4-leiy

I-'gir. S. 311; D. A. I.etueit. wry. Greene. Riv-erside Agrlcnllu.-nl Soi'icly Fair, :-. 10-13: J. I..

llarloo. secy. Hninlmrg, Brie County Anrlcul.tnrsl Soelely Fair, S. ad; .1. c Newton, secy.H'.-iiii.iek. llrmlocl: Luke I'ltlon Agricultural so-flctv Fnlr, II. 3, 4; S. Parker I1o|1)mjuKU, *"•;•.

tlerlliuer. Herkimer County AgrleiiKural SocietyFair, A. 2H2!l; I. P. Ilashai'li, rci'j. llorncl.H-

vllle. Ihc llornellsvllle Fulr. A. 27 30; Cl.nl-. H,Sh'ills, sis-y. Iludson, Columbia Agricultural milHorticultural Association Fulr, ( ); No ill

II. Browning, secy,- lllini-N, 'l'liompklns CountyAgrlcullul'a) and Horticultural ,'oclciy 1'nl-. s.

24-27 ; F. R. Hiuiiou, sei-y. Jolinslown. l-'nltoii

Connly Agricultural Society Fulr. S. S3: Tholn.isParker, secy. I.IHIe Valley, Callnruiigns CuiinlyAsrlciilltirul Sm-li-iy Fair. S. SO; J. II. Wil -o.

aecy. Iss:k|sirt, .Niagara Connly Agrlciilliiral

Soelely Fair, A. 2ii-.ll; II. N.iinuniel Rola-ru,u-cy. Lowville. Lewis t.'oiinly Agrlcnlliunl So-elely l'nlr, A. 27-30; W. S. Wliidecker. sc.-y.

Lyons. Wayne County Agricultural society l'nlr,

S. 4-7; B. D. Kllppcl, secy. .Mitloue, I'rnnk'iut'oituiv Agrlculluriil Society Fair, S. 17 20; Wal-ler J. Million, seey. Margnreivllle. IMrktllMniinlnlti Aerlcultiir.il Society Fnlr. A. 211'-'::;

Thumaa Winter, secy. Mlddlcioivn. orange CountyAgrlculluriil .society Fair, A. 2731); Diivld A.Morrison, seey. Mlncoln. Agricultural Society of

fyneeiiS n:td Nnssau (Vmutles l-'lili', S. 21-2.H; l.oti

Villi de Wuter Jr., accy, Moravia. Cay-.iga

County Agricultural .Wlely Fulr. S. 3-3; liny T.Hlllurd. se-v. Monlleello. Sullivan i\niniy Agrieiillural Soelely Fulr, A. 211-23; Usui 1*. Stratum,sei'y. Morris, Morris Assis-liillnu Fair. II. 1-3;

T*. C. Wlnlon, seey. Naples, Niiptes Hulou Aitrl

inliurnl Sm-lely Pair, R. 17-2D; it I,. Is-wls. s.iy.

Nassriu, RensM'Incr tViunty Agrieultural nnd libfrnl Arts Soelely Fulr, S. 11113: IMmi-r l.ytnl,

rh-y, Newrtrk, Newark Asioslullon I'nlf, S. !!»•

21 ; Will. II. Hyde, si-cy. Newark Valley, Nnrih-em Tioga Agrmuttiirnl Sis-lety l'nlr. A. 27-20;i!. r; Purple, seey New C'ily, llocklnial CountyImluslrl'il Assoclndon Fair, A. :!il-30; A. A. Vnu-dcrldll, secy. N. V. city, Aim-rlcun liisilline

Fair S. 24-20, und N. il-H; Robert A. II. Day-ton, secy. Norwich, Chenaago County Airrlcul-

iiirul Society Fair. 8. 3-tt; L. D. Smllli, n^y.Ogileiisbmg. oswiiralclile Agrletilltirtil Sm-lciyFair, 8. 24-2" I I 1 ; secy. Oiienmn,Onisjiitn Ciiloti AKrlcnllnriil Society Fnlr, S. 10-

111; Shirley I.. Iliiuilngioii, m-i-.v. oriiiigelnrg.It's-kliinil Comiiy Agrlctillurnl and HorticulturalI-'nlr, S. 2-0; Kilu'rt Titlmnti. secy. Gwego. l'lo;aCount.!' Agrlculluriil Society Fulr, S. IO-12: Is)

Hoy W. Kihguinii. . secy. Pulmyrn, Palrhyru I'nlonAgrlciilturill .Kdciety Fnlr, S. 2028; John 11.

Walton, secy. Pei.n Ytin. Voles Oiiioty Arrlcul-1 iia-ii I Society Fair, 8. 3(1; John B. YYiilklna,secy. Perry. Silver l.nle Agrlciilliiral ami Me-ilmnlciil Association Fair, S. 23 Jo : S. W. Hull.,secy. Pluilshiirg, (Mhttou Connly Agrlctitln-.il

Soclelv Fair, 8. Hi-13; W. T. HttrleTanV «.-,:>,

Phii'lilx. Ouondngn Oilinly AsKOclallnn Fair, S.17-2U ; It K. Williams, secy. Putsdum, l(ut|iictta

Valley und St. Regis Vnlley Agricultural und Hor-ticultural Soelely Fulr. 8. lu-13: W. N. Clark,M>ry. routfllkcepste, DlllellcsK Count v Agrlotl.tural Society l'nlr. O. 1-4: J. .M. Hoolh, nis-y.

Prattshtirg, I'rnlHbiu-g Colon Agrlciilliiral Wi-dely Fair. S. 10-13; W. A. McConuell. seey.

Reed Corners, Gotham Agrlcttlltirnl Soelely Fair,f 1| T. B. Pierce, secy. Ulcltlleld S|irlin-.s,

l'.lrhllehl Springs Agrlciilliiral S.M-ioly l'uir. S 1*1 •

(). 2: O. A. Chnmberlln, aeey, Rlverlieail. ;'nf-

rolk County Agriittltural Sis-lety Fulr, S. 172');Hurry Lee, aery. Home. Oneida County Agricul-tural Soelely Fnlr, S. 23-27: II. VV. Jouei. . recy.Snndy Creek; Study Creek, Rlclilmid, Orwell andlloylslon Agrlculluriil Society Fair, A. 20-23; II.

Louis Wallace, seey. Sandy Hill. Waaliliigioncomity Agricultural Soelely Fair, A. 27-30; .1. H.Hurkee, mi-v. Scheneviis. Sclieii^vua Valley Agrl-cnltiirtil Society Fulr. A. ]3K, ; W. A. Pier,

aeey. Schohurle, Schohurle County Acrlcultiir.il

Society Folr, t). 1-3: K. I,. Aucliainpingli. ;iet:y.

Troiiiisltiim, Sniilliern"

clely Fulr. 8. 3burg, Union AgrlFair, 8, ill); Guy O. |l|mnuu. secy. Wultnii,Delaware Valle> Agricultural Society Kalr. S. 3-U;P. 8. MCN'ec, aecj'i Wnrrenabnrg. Warren' ComityFair, S. 10-13; Fred J. Hajrea. secy. Wnivnw,Wyoming t.'ointty Agi'lculitiiiil Soilcty. l'nlr. 8.10-121 Wjllluin K. Webiter, secy. Wuiklns,Schuyler Connly Agricultural Society Fulr, A.27-110 ; B. I.. Piper, seey. Waterloo. SellivaCounty Agricultural Society l-'no-. s. 24-211 ! K.I-

wunl Nugent, aeey, Wnlerlowit. Jefferson t.'niiiity

Agrlciilturill Society Fair.- 27-30; W. II.

Skeels, aecy, Wellnvllle, Wellsvlllo AssociationFair, A. 20-23

J' F. I). ' Rlis". secy. Weslport,Kawj County Agrlciilliiral Sis-lety Fair, S. MiA. II. Walker, sis-y. West Siind Luke, Rensse-laer County Agricultural and Hoitlcilllurtil so-ciety Fair, A. 20-23: Oscur .1. I«wb, secv.While Plains, Society of Agriculture ami |l„rt|.enitnrc Fair. 8. 111-21 ; Edward H, l/utg. .iff/.

Wlilincy's Point, Hiimiiuc IViiiuly Agrlgiiltural So-ciety Fair, A. 20-23; David I.. Maxwell, necy.

ulllii. .Uri.ii, Suuiioit County Fair, (>. 1-4;O. J. Swlnehurt, secy. Athens, Allien* i.'nuntyFulr, A. l.'l-IO; II. II. llnilfng. aecy. Helen, WentOilyalingn Connly Fulr. 8. ln-12; O. R. stone.lecy. llel|efonla|ne. Logon Comity Fnlr, A. 211-

23; IC, P, Cluiiiberllii. secy, lllaiichraier, ClintonCounty. Fair, A. 20-23 ; II. B, Chancy, secy. Bos-ton (UweiiKvllle P. I). ), Clerntuiil County Fair,A. 27-30'| A. H. .IiiIiuhiiu, secy. Howling Green,Wcaid County l'nlr, S. 23-211: It. 8. Sweet, secy,lliicyrns. Crinvfonl Comiiy Fair, 8. 17-20 ; GuyB. Sinllh, secy. Iliirlnn, Gouugn County Fnlr. S.17-20; W. S. Ford. arcy. Cadli. Ilurrlson CountyFair. O. 1-3; B. II. Klrby, secy. Canal Dover,Tuscarawas County Fnlr, O. I.'-IS; J. 8. Barns,ecy, Cimtoii, Stark County Fair, 8. 24-27; J.II. Isdiraan. secy. Cnuilcld. Multonlug C'ouaiyFair, S. 24-211: II. L. Mnncheali-r, secy, f.'arroll-

tou, Cnrrull County Fulr, 0. 8-11; (.'. A. Tone,sivy. Carthage, lliiiiilllnn Coiihly Fair, A. III-

17; D. I,. Simpson, secy. Cnllna, Mercer CountyFair, A. 10-23: 8. J. Vlnlng, scry. CliugrltiFulls. Bast Cuyahoga County Fnlr, 8. 3-11; F. C.Gules, secy. Ciiglioclmi, Coslibflnu Connly Fnlr,O. K-ll; B, AL llntiliui, secy. lint Ion, Mom-ginnery County Fiilr, S. 20; W. J. Ferguson,sei'y. Potion, 1'rcble Connly Fulr. S. 10-11; L.fl Reynolds, si-cy. Klyrlt, l/itnlii CoiinlJ' l'nlr,

8. 1720; Anllinhy Nledltig, seey. Fliiillity, ll.in-

coek County Fnlr, 8. 18-21; Win. Dcmlanil, ws<y.Freniotii, Sandtisk.v Cntiniy Fair, o. 14; A. w.Overnli-yer, ns-y. Grs-,rgelnwo, llroirn CoulilyFair, O. I'll Lewis III, lu-y. seey. Greenville,Darke Connlv Fnlr. A. 20-31); J. A. Tlllninii. urcy.Humiiiou, iiuiii-r Connly l'nlr. o. 1-4; I.. M.Llirsh, necy. Benlnu, llnnlin County l'uir. A. 27-W| Arllmr Bvtttis, sis-y. Lnilriisli-r, I'nlrllebi

County Fulr, o, 0.12; W. 'I'. .M.l'lcuugluiit, sts-r.Li-bnnoti. Warren (.unity Fnlr. 8. 21 27; lieu. W.Cnrey, ws-y. Limit, Allen Connly l'nlr, s. 2-fi:

C. A. (Irnh'ini, secy. Llsliott. Coluinbliiim I'rsilily'

. F. Mr

aeey. Springfield, Clark Connly Fair. A. 30-23;8. Van Bird, secy. Tinin. Seneca County Fair,8, Ml -Morgan K. Ink, secy, Troy, Miami CountyFair. 8. 111-20: W. I. Tennry, seey. Upper San-dusky. Wyandni County Fair, U. 2-3; Jay C. Ken-nedy, secy. CrlHina, Chnui|ialgii County Fair. A.13 -Id; J. W. Crnwl. aecy. Wapakouela. AuglolieC.ainlv Fair. S. 24-27: A. B. SliaftTer. seey.

Wtrren, Truinluill Cimnty Fair. 8. HM8: C. »'.

Civajks. aecy. Waahlngton. Guernaey County Fair,

8. 24-27: J. F. SI. Clair, secy. Wnnr-eon. FulinuCminly Fair. S. 17-20: I), W. Williams, secy.

West Pulim. Adams County Fnlr. S. 10-13; T. W.Klllwin, secy. Wooater. Wayne Cminly Fair. S<

11-13; 0. J. Bbrlglu. secy. Van Wert. Van WertCoiuiiv Fair. 8. 1013; K. V. Walborn. ses-j.

Xenla. Greene County Fair, A. tt-ll; It. II. Grieve,

recy. /niirsrllle, Muskingum Couiily l'nlr. A. 27-

30: It. J. White, seey.VERMONT.- Bradford, Bradford Agrlciillnrat

and Trolling AsMMMtlm 'Fair, A. 20rJ; M. A.

Jenkins, secy. Rrnttlrlaim, Wlndliam CountyVnlley l'nlr. 8. 24-211; l». B. Tnaker. secy. Ifast

llnnlwlek. Calcdotiln ilraluti- Fair, S. Ml BaraII. Fin. sis-v. Manchester Center, Hnlteiiklll Val-

ley Industrial Sm-lely Fnlr. I It Dr. J.

F. Page, secv. Jllddlchitry. AiUUann County 4erl-

riilliiral Soelely Fair, A. 27-30; Freil |„ llinull-

inn,, aeey. alnrrlsvllle. Lamoille 1'tilley Fill,-. S.

37 :80; O. M. Wnlerniaii, m-r<r. Niirllifleld. Dial

River Valley Fair. 8. 17-111; C. Dole, sis-y.

While River Jiinellnn, Stale Agrlciilliiral Society

Fair. tl. 8-ln: I". I.. Davis, secy, SI. Juliiishtiry.

Caledonia Connlv Fiilr. 8. 1710: Clin*. G..ltniley.

a,H»y. she,ldnn Juttrtlon, Franklin County Fair. S.

4-il: II. M. Barrett, aecy. siirlngilctd. ikiriiiu'b'l.l

Agriculiiiral Sc.cVly Fair, S. Hi. II TFrisI c.

Havln. secy. Wnierhury. Wliiooakl Valley Agrl-

riiltural Ass.s-lation Kalr. S. 17 III; Cliurles Keen,leev. Wiaalaloek, Wlndanr Connly Agrlciilliiral

Soc'lei? Flit. S. 24 28; C. 1. Paul, airy.

WI«M'i\8IN.- -Anilii-rst. I'orlagc Cminly l'nlr.

8. 17-20; B. I'. Tolde, aecy. Antlgo. Langlade(Mitiily Fnlr, S. 2127; lllchiird li.s-like, secy.

Ai'iibioii, iminuitmlc I'oiiniy Fair, 8. II 12; Jos.

Eolli -::d Jr.. secy, llnralaai, Sauk I'ntinly Fulr. S.

22 27; S. V. Cell secy. Heaver I lain. Dislge

Connly Fair. 8. 30 Oct, I; C. W. Harvey, secy,

Perlli,. iltwti Lake munly l'nlr. A. 2S-:iu: KruMCrcvcriis, secv. Himiduil, lirniil County Fnlr, o,

2 4: A. J. .Srcinnii, sis-y. Ilrtier. Holes Cisiniy

Fulr. I I: J. M. Is-ppley, sis-y. Cislnrlmm,ItUHkee Connly Fnlr. 8. 11)21: Jiu-ob Dietrich,

aeey. Chill, ui. Culuniri County l'nlr, S. 2 1;

Gri'KorV DOt'schct. seey. Chlp|rt>Wil Fulls, Nol'llicrn

Wlscon'slii Stun- Fnlr. S. Ill 30: llolierl It. Clark.

hvi. Dnrlliutloii, Lnfayeiie,County Fnlr, A. 27-

3ti: F. I'.. Weal. secy. Dilranil. I'epln l!nttiily

l'nlr. 8. 8I-27; II. A, Ingram, seey. F.IUmrii.

Will worth Connly Fnlr, S. 17-20: If. 13. NorrRsecv. Blroy. Jniiean t'onniy Fair. S. Hi-13 ; II,

\V.' Smllli. sc-y. KviinsTlllc. Iliak Connly Fair,

8. Ml W. W. Gllllen, sciy. FAml du I.in'. Fonddu l.m- Counlv Fair. S. Mi I'.. W. IMn-lps, sis-y,

Frtciidslilii. Ailams County Fnlr, S. 24 M ; J. W.Curves, sect. Guys Mills. Crawford County l'nlr,

IK 811; E. fl. Ilrluus, secy. Illllslsim, VenomiVninly Folr. A. 27::n: A. N. Jonea. dry. Mm*Innvllle, iliiinuiimlc Counlv l'nlr. 8. 23-20; L.

.Iticoiioi, sis-y. Jefferson, Jcffersun Connly Fnlr,

8. 21-27: O. F. Ilis'sslcr. secy. Klllniurn. Co.

Iiimlila Connly Fnlr. II, 1-4: W. (I, Gillespie,

secv. I.n Crnsae. Inirr-Sliilo Fnlr, 8, 88-98 1''.

8. 'Van Ankeii, sis-y. LnOcnsler. Gram Countyl'nlr, S, 17-lfi; Gen. A. Mni>re, seey. Lisll, Lodl

Bit Inn l'nlr. S. in 12 : A. II. Illnds, seey. Mmll-koii. Dime Cmniiy Knlr. S. 17-2(1; M. W. T.-rwil-

liiicr, secv. MiioIIow.h-. Miniltowis- Connly l'nlr,

S. 4 7: i'lins. B. ITi'lclier, sis-)'. .Mnnslon, .In-

in i.'otiniv l-'nlr, 8. 4-7; I. C. Huldivln, sivy. Me.minlnee, Dunn Connly l'nlr, S. 10-13: N. J- Me-Arllmr. secy. Mctrlll. LI In Connly Fnlr. S.

27-31): N. C. Iluliliaril, h-i-v. .Mineral Pulnl,'

Soiiihwcsiiro Wlsmnsln Fulr, A. 20 23: T. M.I'rleslly. recy. Mimroe, Gris-u County Fnlr, S. Il-

ll: l.elnnd «'. Wl'lte; sivy. New lllrlinuind.- Hi,

Croix I'oinil} Fair, 8, l|l-2d: J. M. t|tiRnn. si-cy.

(icoiitii. ttconi.i county Fnlr. 8. 3 11: It. A. Mlnlely,

swv. Pltlllliw, Pierce I'muily Fnlr. S. 24-27 ; Gen,

It. Fosier. sei-v. I'lnlli-vllle. llrnnl Cioltilv l'uir.

8. 3-H: C. II. Grlhlile. aery. Plyttimilb, Slirbuy-

guii Counlv Fnlr, S. Ml Otto Onfl'ron, secy. Port -

nop, Coliunhln I'muily Fnlr. 8. 3-0 : F. A. Rhyme,accy, lloedshiirg, Sunk Coulily |''alr, 8, 3 11; V. A.Si.iite. wv. Rice Lake, llorrnii fSinniy. Fnlj-. s:

1012: W. A. Denura, aecy. Richland Center.Illehluu.l Cminly Fair. S. 24 27: W. G. Hairy,

amy, Spring Green. Sunk Cuiuity l'nlr. A. 27-l.u:

Anton Sclilosaer, H>ry. Stevens Point. PortageCounlv Fair. S. 1013: II, J. Finch, secy. Timinb,

Monroe Connly Fair. I —II M- Svversoii,

necy. Vlrongr, Vernon County Fair. 8, 17-2(1: F.

W. Alexander, secy. Waleflnwn. Jffrrrw.ii Ciulnly

which haa nutter way ah uninacmrnt park ntthe IsMti'h, iiiDioiiuirs t tint Hie park, whli-li,

lay ,| isipiilnr vnie, |< In lie known Us Luke-side Pnrk. will open cm Mny 24, 1008 .


(,'. \V. Iteimctt, UenfJ uf the llmnelt Amuse-ment Co., was In the city last week. ' He In

well pliM-scn with the pnigresa of the flen-

nofi iriitiilevlllei Tli.-atie. It will he openedSepi. I Ilnrry Mtirrs, mnnnger for thesummer's stock I'lnspanr. la arrniialng forthe opening; of the Knsl l-'.iul Incline Theatre,nt) June 24 w. ||. Morris, of llilrnBAIn eatahltahliig n I'lljon Theatre nt the Cam-den premises. King Streei. Kant, In Includemoving; idclnrcs and slot inni'hlitcs TheIter] Mill, .lames Sircel, North, closed forenlui'genioiit. lias Is-en t'eoneneil with niovlm;plclures mill songs, In iiihllllon to the mullt-iihoiics The I'liliine, Wiinilcrlmiil tiinl

die Lyceum, nil plcturi' nlul lllustritieil soukliliices, tire doing; Knott tiiislness.

I hern .pteuben Agi'lciilturiil So- ,,.„,,. s ,-.;.„. f.

(l |, Hi MulKerger. secy, Wniiiuiilg,tl; R. II. Anal In, secy, 'irtimiina. Wan«liara «« y Fnlr. 8. 2S-27 : Guy Mutnhiae,Iciiliuriil and llorlleulliir.il Society „.,.. u-ainnu. Marnlliini Iknnily Fair. 8. 3-11; M.

81. .I.ilin. At Hie i>ncrn Utilise (A. It,

Sklnnii', uiniuigcri, the Kirk Drown Co. closulu three weeks' ciigiigiMiieiii of big luisliiess,

Mny 2,i, presenting "Dnvltl Gnrrlek." (In24 i Victoria I my i the rompiiny Unit two S.

It. O. lum'ses. The Lyceum Stdi-k l.'u. ois:Heil

n return eiiRiiKcinettt 27, iirencni IAr "A Nlchl1)17." In uoiul business, uiul plcnaeil. \V. ),.

Ji'lcntio, latil'F.v ItiH-key. Cleniior Hicks, Mffr-Kiirel Lee unit .lutlelle Alkltlsnii deserve ifleli

lion. Tlic i-iunpnnv will lilny In I'leilcrleliin,

N. II. ::n. ;il. tnul return fieri* .tunc I. Itcv. Cw. liiinlmi iltjiiph t'unnerl will give rcjil

lugs from "Tlic Sky Pilot," Mny 31. Hen. !•'.

Hull, hi "Tlic Gibson Girl." June 3-S: "Itlp

Van Winkle" its, l-'i-ttnklyu flnle, uaslsleil byA. 0. II. Driimnllc Club, lit "KntMeeti Mu-voniil i." Hi: At'illlory lliimt concert n.

Niilit.s. The Lyceniii Slock Co. riivc II

lirilclll pcri'iirumilri' of "Wllllt llnnpcneil InJones." iifieriifmn of Mny 28, for Gi-in-c

(iiHiilnll, a former member nl' Hie compiiny,who tins been i-oiiiliu-il 111 it hnsplinl lien-.

The Nickel nhfl the I'liltiuu Inovniu;

lilciiiic iticulri'i ure lining nig liOsliiess

Llilllllll Al Ihc lif.-lllll (I,. II, ItnWers,

tuiiniigci'i "The Linn unit I he Miiiino," Mny27, guve mi ndiiiliniilc |U-rfnlTIIHIIce lo n Inluclioiise. "iincle .Irish Spriicehy," 28, wits welliiltciiilcit. 'As T'obl In the Hills'' was welli clvcil. "Widowers' Houses" ,'H, "I'.llM

Lymic" .tunc I.

Si'tiiMiiiAM. Pun; (T'lios. I.ngnn. tiinnti

Iter), Tile Pill'l; Thi'0l|H' wll| open ,'l, wllli

Ihc rnlliuving bill: Ciiiltpbcll utul Itt.lnl. Put-

iilcr Hlslcrs, Hurry WtilsVni, Ifohy Wlswcll,Bilwnrtl Vlitioii, anil McNeil mill Hownril,


WiHiilMlneli.- At the WumltiliH'k ()|ieni

House, "The Linn unit Hie Mouse" plnyeil lo

tl good lintlse May 28, null clnaiMl the houseI'm- Hie sen so it. BJieilslvc l'C|UllrM will lie

miiile In Hie IhciHiT ilill'liiR Hie Siiiiiiiui.

Faiii Miiint I'aiik T'iiiiatIii; opcnetl 24."Snwlllg Ihc Wind" tiinl "Mplicy Hi Hill II."

Imvc ilinwn gnoil niiillelii'im Hills far, tnul

htisliless will ilnulilless Impruve tin Hiewi'ttltier geis more sens,limbic.

81. i'iiiiiiiritii-s.— At* Hie tirnttil (iperti

III,use (I'lins. II.' Wilson, iililllilgcl'l llelberlKi'lcev null Bllle Shliuiihn, In "VVhliivVorsjinnies," Mny- .'HI. '"Pile l.loll tnul the Moos""Jlltte 3.

I'.uii;l-.u nil It Sr.i.i.s linns.' I'iiiitm Juno 13.

Fulr. 8. 17-11): B.son Connly Fulr, A. 27-2.,Afniislleid. Rtcliliilul Cmluly Fnlr. M. 21-27: W. il.

itnorc. "c.-.v. Ismilon, Mini].B. It. Puitclikii, i,f.:,'.

ailuly !•'

Glfford, seey. Mnrlcilti, Woshltigtuh. County Fnlr,

seer. Wnuanii, Miirulliuii County Fair, 8. 3-11; M.II. Din cut., necy. West Bend. Wiislilugloii Coulily

Fair, s. Dl-18; W. P. Ills. seey. Westtlelil. Mm-otielte Couiily Fair. S. 10-13; S. A. tuurfle, secy.

\Vernuv.'i'gn. Wnupeea County Fnlr, 8. 2127; A.L. llulcliluKOii, any.


» »C'ANAD.i.

vliiiitreiil.—At the Acmlemv of Music(Wnlter Grenves. nitiiiiigcri tirnce MerHil.In "when Knlzhlltonfl Wan In Flower."pletwed. week nF .May 27. The seiiNuii will

close with "t'hiiilei's Antit." June 3-8.

FltANi'Als tl', W. I,e ITnlr, llinnBRiil'),

The Fttller Slock Co.. In "Aeroaa Hie Pnrlllc."npeneil a sliori Hennnn In good houses Mny27 unci week, "Only it Shop (Slrl" June It-

8, "t'nrifesHlima of n Wife" 10-lfi.

ItnvAi.' ill. ('. Bgerion. niunncer).— PutWhile nnd Gnlely tilrln rnine lo hijr InialnesHlnsi week. Pat White null .Merry IJilrli'srp'CiHM

i»t:s NnitviiADTCR Mean Prevoal, nitinn-

K''ri.--The periniiiiciit Fri'llcli slock itiniptiiiy,

In "l.ll Miiscullc." pleitsell, M.ty 27 .IlltlC I.

"I,n I'cilcliole" :i-8.

Xa'i'hinai, FitANi a is I Paul CilZl'IICIIVe, 11)1111-

nglT).- T'lte iierilltllieiit I'lencU nl i,.-l; com-liiiny I'loscit Its Kfiisnti wllli "llnlin 1 el Amour,"week of J|ny 27.

miiixi'.ii I'aiik: (Lnvlgnc Sc l.tijnle. inuna-Kern).—Tile park npeneil lual week, wllli III'.*

fiillnwliiir nil ritt-l bins : Kiilliinwskl. I|it> ThreeSiinnliirs. Itiiio/.n and Arnn, mill Mile. I'milliie

Vlnln anil (lo«s.

Iiiimimiin I'aiik (||, A. Doi'Hcy, mnnnRer).— In. IciiuiiI ivcuiher spnllcil Ihc nl Icntluncelnsi week. The nllriicllnnn were Hose undLciniilL I lie Two Arlluis. mid the Four HiiIIiih.

NfiTBH.— II, O'llnlus Itrnoks, si Ills, Mil-Jnsly's, will In'ir I In- lower provltlces with nvaudeville unit picture ninelilnc cftutpiiiiy

Ilcniiell's will reiipeii In August Worklitis lu'Run mi n new P.ligllsli llieiltre In lie

Inilll oii|inslli' i:, tiiieit's, Hie t'oliiiiihhi Amuselitem ('ii, lo furnish Hut nil hid Ions,

lliunllliui. -Al I In- L'riiiiil ti|iern IIoiiho

(A. It, Isouliin, timiitigei'i "l-Innl L.vtine,"

Mny -'.i. plnyeil lo roik! slgeil nnil pletlseil

ilinlleiicea. "The Lion mid I he Mouse." it I,

June I, "Widowers' (loiiseh" .T, Mltry Man-nerlKc 7, s.

SaiiiV (J. (I. Applelnn, tiiniiiigei'). -Tillsnew house liruilglil tin Inllhil, utul. In everyWily, guccessfiil M'ltmin In o clnse, .tinin I.

K/iiun's i-niiiHMIIy ntllile Hie lill t,| lite week.NiiTKN. - - 'Pile Ciitinilliin AmtlKcnii'iil; I'h.,

miller Frederick liiReraoil'N iniiniigi'iiiciii,

i;ucl|lll. Al i|ic. Ilnynl Din-Ill llinisc (II.

I, HlgRlns, miinngci'l, "litis I I ,y ti in-" winlilnycil Alny 28, nnd iiIciinciI. Kclcey undsiiiiiiuon. III "Widowers Houses," June 1;"The l.loll illiit'lho Mouse" 4.

VmOliTtA.\nrfiillt, -Al Hie Ai'tiilciiiy of Music

(l)ll(i Wells, Incut niiinngcrl Hie New YorkOpera Co, niicncil Mny ST, I'ur on Imlclinlic

period. "Tin MlluiiK". thi; . npeulnig ,WIL

litaved lo very Roth, IllVeiiilnllre. "IllHelTe1 '

Jlllle'.'l-d'. I

tiKAMIV lllllo Wells, loeitl nut linger I .


I ,n 1 1 week. Ihc Grenl I .iifnyni H- plnyi'tl Insplendid business. '.'The I'eilnlel'" week Of 3.

Ill.inc i Abb Smllli, tunniigcr i. People furweek nl' II: (Irttie Lewis. Hie llnrrlsniis,

llflcii Lnrelle, Alston und Algulsi. Klah-I'My. Ilrnwh ii ml .Young, .loliilsnn nnd Muck,the l.naeelleH. F.vit lib llol", utul Prof, Muck'smoving pictures. Business In gnutl,

Ac hi: t WHIicisnii It Mutl/lc, mnilnRera). :-

Hill fill week uf 2 : .tnsle Allen; Mike Stelineit. Pennmiln Htalera. Klhel N'tilinil. ittirii-

unit Pcitiiiliiih. (Iiii'iincr ilinl liens. Helniori-nnd Miirr.v. Glial Itniitk mill Kilti/nruH.

Ai nt rniiii ii i.l. M. lloili.it. iminiiRcri.—

Pcpic for week of III K 1 1 It AiIuiuh i.ii.I idiii-

plllty. Hie Osiiuill I'tilnllv, Hiiy .tohtiHflll, l''(IS-

tcr lllld Lucille, Hniloit unit itsiiiuii. tnul nsII speelnl fetihire, I'l'lll'. Mllllrc's Ol l'l|CHl I'll.

Manhattan iCrliiiilnu llros., inminiiersi.• Pcnnlc rot' week of ,T : I'nrtler nnd llarvi'jr,Slicltloli null Hulls. Mny Li-muds, .link I in -

vis. nlid Miiilili'rn und llnrvey.C'ANIMl AT OfliA.s VlllW lllllo Wellll. Iiu'ill

iniiiiiigct ), - The i-eguliir Hiiiiiiiioi- geitunn willopen Mnildll}'. .Iltlll' il. with vaudeville. ,

N'iitk. -It In now iiiuiiiHi certain Hint thnColotilill. Norfolk's new tlivaire, will upeitIn ii row weeks tit ihc fiirilicst. White ihnegiicl npciiliig ilnie bits unl l.ccti dcclilerl tiiiiili.

It la more iluiti prnbiililc iitui thn hoilkr willhave Its formal oiie|tlng kiiiiio lluiu In .In m-.

I'. A. Woodtint, iv ho id present Iiiik ctiai'Re ofI lie house, iiiiioiiincs "I'uciiliniilns" its HinopenliiR it drill linn.

L)'iipliliiir|r.--A| lllvcrinoiil I'nrk CiisliioUnite Wells, llulllllgei') lib! MoitImiiu Cunil'tl.VCo. opened Ihn sensoti hen- lir il Hpleiidldcrowd,. Mtly 211. An usual. Ibis ri-HoiT In up-In-dull' III nil l|s till tin lions, nnil nil nil'highly ii|lpii'clilleil by the ItirRC iidcntliincc.

WllHT KNIi t'AHINti (J. A. Ilflil, innllllgl'I'l.-The Caslmi, nlnce t In- u|icnlng, hud gumlcrowds. This Is il Hew lewilT, Juki npeneillilts SCIIMIIII. »»\eiv l.o.lliiR H ll III u II fin- .Inlin 1 1 ire «v.

Miss lilllle llui-ke, u yoiltiR Anicileiiiiiieiri-sn. wlui Is pliiylpg Hie lenillug- cometlvlinn nl Hie Vniidevllle Tlimilrc, I Inn.Dug., in "Mr. Gi'iu-RC," liii ;1 lu-eu bQiuhmiIliy Chilr'cs I-' i

,, l.iini n its ti now lendliu; wollliinfnr John Drew, IicuIiiiiIok hi I lie |>:in|il


Thcilri Kepleiiihcr •>. Mr, Kmhiiii nsliili'H HUH Miss llul'lti' Iiiih never plnreil III


Miss llitike ployed 'In pfiiilomlmi. In Uioprovinces, sevl'ii .veins ngu, nod wiim neciireilhy (lent-Re MdwiinlcN fnr 'The Sehunlglll."She nflciwurim plnyeil m tbe Apollo, Lyricllllll I'nllscilin, ,t|i,| Hlg lllullllis „e,, inpli C'dlmMay's rule In "Tlic llclle or Muyrnli'." Herllt'sl ilppeui-IHice In comedy ivllliutil luttsleWIIS III lie pn-,111 piny win, rilllrh'X IllltV-Iffy.

S. .'bd; I'M. Fhilulers, seey. Mmion, Marlon(Utility Fiilr, S. 2.V2H; James A. Khnpp. sis-v.

Miirvavllle, lliilun Conhly Fair. S. 1013; W. F.linslrlek, secv, Mclkmitellavllle. Morgtin ConuiyFnlr. 8. 2I-2H: George II. Illin-k, si-cv, MddlMedina Connly Fnlr, 8. Ml Its II, Viin Deltscli,trey. Motlui Gllrml, Mnrrow County Fair, 0, 1

4 ; G, J. Miillth. aery. Miilinl Joy. Sclnli, CountyFulr, A. 27-30: W- A. Mi-George, secy. Mont-licller, Wllll.-.ms County Fnlr, 8. Hill: C. C. I.ul-

iiliinef, secy, Nmvitrk, Lleklitu t'oitiitj I'alr, 0. I-S;J. M, Farmer, secv. New Letliiginn. Petry fimhlyFnlr, A. 21-23: Joint It. MoniKomery. secy, in-lawn, Piitiium Conuiy Fulr, fl. 1-3; 4. p. Snmllea,secy. Ptinldlng, I'lnilillnn County l'nlr, 8, 3-U;W. IT. Jnckson, sis-y. Ponieroy. Meigs CotlntyFair, 8. 11-13: II C. Fish. 'seey. Pria-lorillle,Lawrence Conuiy Fnlr, 8. 11-13; W. W. Ileckiird,kih'V. Ravenna, Portflgr Cntiniy Fair, A: 27-110;I.afnyelle Smllli, aeey. Snlht Clnlrarlllc. HelniontCounty Fair, A. 27-20: J. It, Tnylnr. aery. Sail-dusky. F.rle Couiily Fnlr. 8. lO-lil: F. H. Bertie,seey. Siirnllsvlllc. Noble (Mtlnly Fnlr. 8. II-I.T:lloiiier Jolmmn. seey. Sidney, Shelby COtliily

Fnlr, 8. HM-'l: J. K Russell, seer. Suilililleld,

JeffiTsuit Comiiy fair, 8. 25-27; J. 0. llayiie.

AS PLAIN AS THE NOSE ON YOUR FACEIfynu ore 1'iirryliiR .-.()() His. or liiRgiaKn III lew llellv)-, ..1.1 itislilnn, il Irtinkl /niiil Int ,

of you »»e rarr} Hir morel, > on rover UO.liOII miles In n seiiaon (mill loia rify onroviir more), ami >-o«i llRiire y-iiui- run at mil) itvo tenia « mile ivvhlil) la (noloiv), >OMr .'MO Ilia, eneaa coil, yon nlinul «jll r„iin, «,i,i» . Il you li.nl your stnfT InHAL FillUK lilt NHS il uotilll rciliiie (He uoIrIii ill) per rem., oiMhliiR If3S0 Ilia,, Mill) Ibi. of vvll Il-ll Is 1-tli-aa. T|ie illfl'el cm c lirlueell il'ill Ilia, mill 11)0 Ilia. UIM lln., and fluiiriiigg ihli the sain.- a. aim. e alums a s»4ln« «r •7.-..0O. ulilnh« imlil mlglil j soon PA V KOlt ll.si TilUNKH.

KlKllfe II mil flit' ynliraelr, ami Illin-IIPV A HAL.


Ma) her • al

III) West 401 Ii «l„ Nriw York (Illy.








Another U|> - To - The -illiiiute

Edison Comedy Hit


Historical Production

Pioneer Days In




No. 6312. CODE VEU0BBI6.

1,000ft. CUSS*. $150.00Netul for

lllostrattd Dwilptto Circular No. 311.

Edison Exhibition Model Kinetoscope,

Improved Take-Up and

run lagaiineB,

• I 3 S.O OImproved Take-Up and

Film Hagailnes,

* 3 B.OOImproved Take-Up,

B*> I S.O OFilm Magazines, Each,

3 I CO.©



SYNOPSIS OF" soerThe shepherd's liumu—Children leaving cabin with father's dinner—The shepherd and his flock—The mid-day meal—Children

leaving for home—The storm—Lost in the mountains—Struggling through snow drifts—Buried in the snow—The frantic mother athome—The shepherd's return—Off to the monastery—Dogs and searching party to the rescue—Desperate search through the moun-tains—St. Bernard dogs on the trail—St Bernard dogs' wonderful sagacity—Discovery and rescue by the dogs—Home at last

Tableau—The Dog Hero, "Uncle Sam," Blue Ribbon Winner, Madison Square Garden, New York City, 1907.



No. 03:!.-,. Coile YEEKAAHDE. SOtrft. Clasa A. S7.1.UI)





A Laughable Satire on thePopular Craze.


A ONE BEST BETBeautifully Mono- Tinted. Photo-

graphically Perfect.

935ft. CLASS A. $140,25

No. 6313. CODE, VEELMON0I6,Send for

Illustrated Descriptive Circular No, 317,

Edison Exhibition lodel Kinetoscopj,

Improved Take-Op and

Fill Hagailnes.

$ I 3 S.O OImproved Take-Up and

Film legalises,

$ 3 S.O OImproved Take-Up,

9 1 S.O oFilm lagaiines, Each.

$ i 0.0 o

•end for Latest Catalog* and Illustrated Circular*.


ChlcnRo oilier. SUM Wahanh Avenue,Imt Y«m-V not.., 31 !T„io„ Hfinnre. Cable Address. Zymotic. New York.

OH FICE FOB UNITED KINGDOM : 2D CLKRKKNWELL KOAD, LUNDON, E.C ENULAND.THE ElNETOGItArU CO., - - 41 E. 21lt St, New Tor*.PETER BACIGALUl'I, 1107 Fillmore BL, San Francisco. CatGEORGE BKECK C50-554 Grove St, San Francisco, Cal.





G. S. Primroso's Attractions

UNCLE SI HASKINS C0.-Siiml I'liirtnul , It, double slugc.

Iianmlcj' Old Mhii In ilu Si; iilau tin it i-pciMully.

limbic ••iihi-r brass or bass iiniin. Jiivunlle andllen\y Mou lo (Inutile brass, Hlutc Trombone, Alto

Season opens Angus!

ARDIIirr ftP Pllfrnral'PA (leriiiau 1,'oniedlnn, lllackracu L'miieilUii tn ito

i ninLt, Ur oWtutli IfU.""^ 1



1 " 1"^ "'"' '"""-lc l,r"" H'

'•''•'°" •"'"i>,.' r "'

HUil llHIltoiic lo double singe.double brass, Snare l)i iimincr, Slide Trombone

Season upou- August a.

fll C CllllUOAU i"»A Swede Comedian, Juvenile Woimin, SouUrcllu, Leading und

ULt jnUriolJrl I. II Heavy Men. Hlcycle itlder to ruin: street and iluublo slage.w"""" ""aaaawpipaa »/w. phum to double stage. Season opens September 14.scasou-s. Salary sure. All hitler* answered. Those who Imvc wrltton before, write again.

Address ft s. PRIMROSE, Lu Crosse, Wisconsin,


Ann Hamilton (§L Co.




KtoliiH Looses for Picture Machinescover the « hole rnnse "f prac-

tical projection.




C. B. KLEINE,01,1 Slxlli Ave.. New York.


A Mexican Study

: Address

Second Season.BELLOWS <fc GREGOUY,11 10 Broadway, New York.

J. W. Gorman's Park Circuit.WASTED, for 10 to IS Continuous Weeks, Opening lane 10 or 17,

J. W. GORMAN, 100 Boylston St., Boston.

A $10,000 EQLJil=>IVIEIM-r.Tin; Illicit en louU'.-Tlic ..(inly one In the Soulli. A largo and aaadatu elevated stage aud dressingrooms, llghied by n glittering arr.i.v or elcrtrlclly. Playiug under uusplees—week stund«--ln largest


<iiies mil). Fvcrvbiidy slupai hotels and pay own. One matinee. Salary an ahsoluhicorlaiiily, rainj

or shine. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, ALL LINES. Those doing speeialtlesgivi'ii preference.SPECIALTY PEOPLE. Those doubling iu baud or ahiull purls on singe prelorreil. MUSICIANSI'llll IIAMI AND OllCHEK'I'llA, INCLUDING DRIMMERS. WANT QUICK.!•H.'VENILE NAN AND WOMAN, both rami ha young, good height, line looking, Willi good


wardrobe. .Everybody uiiiHt Hale low Summer, salary only, and give full particulars as toage, heighti

weight, anil be able lo join on wire mid tleket ndvaueeil. Those that wrote to our Stock Company| ifrXraska"

recently, write here. Address KALEIGII, N* C. , p,s_n

Wanted Quick, |i

FirSt lliJI'ii SHOWMAN. NO ANGELFor heated Suiiinier engagement of 17 weeks at;

W(||| gw-n-i,

KRUG PARK, Omaha, Nebr.

into at Minstrel Show of IS years' Title.Scenery, Wanlrubc, Finest Private Car iu liiisfi

Best Money Maker on Itoad. I'lenly I'aper,

ness. Playa best of time West. AddressMANACI')!: OI'KON* OPKRA IIOl'Si;, Mar.slmllbiwn. I»»a-

Wire lowcsl salary to J. M. FINN. BsudinasierRoyal i^anadian Band, care or Krug Park, Omaha,

iuruish unirortn.

IMPORTANT to MANAGERSWanted, Medicine Performers

IJrains and a Pradieal Knowledge of Kouting. Hooking, foul rar tin

Hulng fainlllar with every pun at the country and the various railways enables me to bonk your roule I

belter, cheiiper and more sueecssrid to you than others. 1 will book a few routes, rearrange aud addto those already booked. Tonus secured Hie most equitable. My charges cheaper lliau you can !

do It. Kcsulls or no pav. AddressYV ALT. M. LESLIE, fare uf Klaw A Krlangcr, Hi West 431 Street, New Vork, N. Y.

TWO GREAT SONGS,TALKMale Performers only, lo Work on Wagon or

Must lie sober, reliable and versatile. Stoic all aud ir you cau Join on wire


Don't uiisrepreH'iit.

\lso DOCTOR registered iii Hew York State. Salary ur percent.ltanjo aud liulur Plavers pijbrerrcd.


liood salary to right people.- Addrcs

I H.f. POLLWORTH, oare Quaker Doctors. Gallon






(SENTIMENTAL!.Catdliy, melodious and lull or inerp. Highly rrc-onnue'udcd. Cony or each t'HKK on KCMM oflato program. WM. A. POND »t CO.,

148 l-ifih Ave New York. OTHER MISICAL

Ot cheat ia Lender to lloutilc fhuliiel; also I) Ulariiiel lor II mid II. Alio to Double Singe. Address

LEWIS GRIMWOLD, Pu« |>n«, Michigan.

Sterling's Unole Tom's Cabin Co.t inlor Ciuivns. WANTED UI'ICK, USEFUL TOM ACTORS. Those doubling brass preferred.TROMBONE lo double violin, wagon show. Low, Mire salaries imil expenses. State lowest i|ulck

.IiTo loin on wire. A long engagement to rcul trooperss. Kllzabcthtown 10,

Crown Point. X. Y., o; Port Henry T, AYestpon

WANTED, PBOPL/B INT AxWI^ JL,IJVES,Ineludlng AGENTS, PIANISTS and CIIOIIVS GIRLS, foe one. night stand com.panivs. So Inn, > aalarlea. Pay your own. Addresa

C. J. SMITH. 7A Plymontli Place, ( lilrugo. III.

SHIELDS FEATURES. DANCE OF THE 7 VEILSDAMSEL IN THE DIAMOND DRESSt 4 Seasons, Snake, Kadluin Unticus, Mirrors. Tights.Slides.mat Song, lintiee. Pose, Aids. Posing \'elvcl Cloak, Silk llress, Silver Lare, 90 Slides, |l»: Ser-I'i'nIluuSllk I'less, «S.i:(laii/.o, JIO: Fire Uniiee nniili-. M. P. Sound eirecls. ,'siSerp. nr PMwMMm.J in; .'! I"i jti. i UnraMlus.H'ich orders shipped llr^t. PROF. SHIELDS, I1W Hrpnilwii y, *. Y.

jAttention, Hand and Orchestra leaders!Do yon want lo Learn to Compose andArrange Music 1 If so, scud S4e stamp for trial

lesson, nothing to pay- until you bavc beentaught lessons 1, Sand a. If Itirso lessons do notconvince yon that this Is Strictly Legitimate,

Ithen They are Free. Don'! write unlcaa you

,bavo a thorough knowledge of the rudiments ofmualo, aud Mean Business.

C. W. WILCOX (Box C),10 Union S(|nare. New York City.

iron Jawed, Flexible GymnastVIII Join net or paruier.Papp, Wallace. Ida.

AND TOM PEOPLE, ADDRESSA. D. McPUEE, Fleming, Mask, t'nundo.

El). 1. 1>., care Chas. K.

FLETGHERS NEW THEATRE, Hltlrilll, W,o„Now house, playing lass! people. First class per-formers wanten at all times. Addresu

C. 1>. I'LKTCIIEU. rroprlolor ami Manager.

TO IY FBIENDS AND BEIAT1VEF.1 am Humnu-rlng lu l.llile lUs'k, Ark. Ojien fir

lle.tl sohVmi Offers. (LoudSI.IWI1T. \V. l.nilAYNK.tlen. Pit,

WANTED!Hood IteporUilru People. Character Mau with Specialties, Useful People, all lines, who Double llnis- or

Speelaltleii, Man Willi Swell Picture Mochluu and Films, or will buy outfit ir rlitht. Salary must '*

low, as It is sure, i'ay your own room rent. Address B01l» BtTKHOWES, Canvas Theatre <«Elba, Nebraska, June o-s: Scotia. Xebra»ka, m-i-j. ^^^

Wanted, Sf Ko-Le-Sol.f

on(ler iMiciue Coipaii).


Siuglug aud Dancing Cnmedlaus. Sketch Teams. Sliow ne-er closes. Eat. sleep and trajel

lu prlvnto car. Show nuder canvas. Salary all vou uro wortU. Have no limit: Boo« u|

cts und kuockers, keep off. Address ilAltUY K. MILLBK, Prop- C reason.

Promoter* and Hepresentatlves of LerHhnale AiuuN.ment Ent«rprl»es,

BOB HACK Ac CO., Theatrical Ageiil*«romiwnles rontod, Opera Unu-es Isviked, Vaudeville Artists bonked. Talent In all lines furnish*' »"'

,lie.golliiled for, Transacting a ilriiernl Ainufiemeot Uminesii throughout Hie 0. S. and Canada.

I business snllcltednud sallsfneiiou gnaraulee>t. 0") WlllTTIKll I'LACK, lNIHANAPOLIs, M'.



l-ength, 782 Fo«a*PICTURES

DOLLS INDREAMLANDA happy conceit, showing a pretty

little girl, tired after her day's

play with her dollies, bidding them

good night and going to bed. When

she is asleep, the dollies all scamper

off to Dreamland, where they hold

high carnival, Teddy Bear acting as

roaster of ceremonies. As dawn

approaches they toddle back to Lit-

tle Mother to greet her when she

wakes. This subject is indeed a



lf!You Had a Wifiliki This- 698ft-

Opening Ceremonies James-

town Exposition • 452ft,

AlTendeilolR Tngelf • • *• lit.

The FentipglHastir • - 638ft.

Crayono 428ft.

The Truanls ... 638ft.

Mrs. Snifters' Boarding

School 751ft.

Fights of Nations - • - 750ft

Mr. Hurry-Up .... 625ft.

Trial Marriages - • - 765ft.

The Lighthouse .... 528ft,

A CARIBOU HUNTThe most exciting and interesting hunting picture ever made. Showing in detail the hunters' life on the Barrens of Newfoundland,

where this fleet-footed game abounds.





CountSt.GermainWants to. near from Lady Palmists who will be at liberty in Aiignil, for theKail and Winter Season. Send fall particular* and photo, wblch wlllbe returned.

St. Germain's Practical Palmistry,Tbe belt book on Palmistry ever written. 300 pages; 107 illustration!. U willteacb you all there la to know about Palmistry, and written in a way tbatyon wiU understand. Bent, prepaid, on receipt of price, 00 eta. Address

COUNT ST. GERMAIN, Box 166, Marietta, Ohio.

NEW SONGS! NEW SONGS!FREE- Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.

KOW READY—"Longing, Dear, tor Yon," "When I and My True Love Were Wed," "TbeTom-Boy Girl," "The Land of Dreams," "Violets," "Wlen the Autumn Leaves Are Falling.""How Hard It Ib To Part," "Twenty-three," "Dear Old Daya," "Masy," "Pretty Lady, WillYou KIbs Me?" "Meet Me on the Banks of tbe James," "Just As the Days Grow Short,""Minnie Lee," "One Summer Pay," "My Japanese Maid," "A Daughter's Lament," "We HadTo Say Good Bye, Good Night Again," "The Same Sweet Girl, "A Divine Commission,""Just Squeeze My Hand" "Lest We Forget," "My Sweetheart WUL" "Fair May."

BfflU MUSIC ffit. CO., 55 West 28th St., Sew York.


First Class Slater Team and Single Ladles wishing engagement, please write.li. ECKSTEIN, Gen. Del., Goldfleld, Nevada.

CAMMEYER6tfi Ave. and 20th St., New York.




Theatrical Catalogue

Mailed Free Upon


Can Kit Out Com-panies Without

Any Delay.


FOR SALE, SCENERYDrops, Set Stuff, Etc.


AL. G. FIELD ... 60 Broad St.. Columbus, O.


SHIELDS AND CAILELady and Gentleman Gymnasts and Equilibrists. Play Parts, is Minutes; 10 Minutes In ONE. Address

SHIELDS ABD GA1LE, 4135 Panl St., Franklbrd, Flillu., Fn.


Seating capacity 600. Lighted with electricity. Good show town. Drawing population, 4,000.monthly pay roll, {35,000. Managers routed tills way, send In you open time, quick.

I. K. GARRETT, Manager, DEN




Over 3,000 ot my pupils now ap-

pear in every flrat-clasa Vaude-ville Theatre In the U. S., Includ-

ing Kcltli-Proctor Circuit, Or-pheum Circuit, Unrtlg & Heu-inon's, Hyde 4 Bellman's, Pan-tor's, etc. Earn $26 to tlooweekly. 1 can teach and helpyou to do the same. Hare taughtand placed more pupils than all

other teachers and BChools com-b.ned. I also plan acts, and se-cure partners and engagements.Write (or free booklet, explainingeverything, with list of success-ful pupils, terms and the Indorse-ments from prominent theatricalmanagers. Terms reasonable.Easy payment plan. AddressGeo. U. Wilson (The World'sChampion Stage Dancer), Dirco

tor ot Wilson's Vaudeville School 263J Westm St.



OPTIGRAPH NO. 4 a?Has the


Managers andAgents, (Llzette)"THE La VOUNDS (Fred)

Solicit offers for s real old fashioned black face plantation act, featuring banjo playing. This act ismounted with special scenery and light effects. No time or money have been spared in making thisact a real hit. Time of act 16 minutes. Can cloae in one, 7 minutes. We also carry Edison ExhibitionM. P. Machine, with a large repertoire carefully selected for same. Am experienced operator andelectrician. We play parts. Male, anything cast for except character old man; eft., 200 lbs. Lady,bits and good understudy; eft. 41n. Wardrobe on and off Al. Time open after Sept. 1, 1907.

THE La VOUNDS, Home Address, Cleveland Yacht Club, Cleveland, Ohio.

Chris Bruno and Mable RussellIn THE INSVRANOE AGENT.

Address, for Summer,Hooked solid, commencing Sept. 2, by United Booking Offices.


" OREATK8T MOVING PICTURES OH EARTH." GARDENS, FAIRS, CONCERT11 ALLS. Railroad Colllson ; 80-ton engines smashed to pieces, Brighton Beach, July 4; Show costlil.ooo to produce; 43,000 faces In pictures. Plenty comedy, 2000 feet or less. Photos, press notices,finest on earth 20-sheet posters free. A mint for man traveling. A show In Itself.

ApplyA SOMMERVILLE, 68 West 126th St., N. Y.

AT LIBERTV FOB SDIIEB SEASON. S,VuVh£*KAddress PARK THEATRE, Johnstown, Pa., 3-8; CKI.OftON. Jamestown, N. v., 10-15.

40 REAS0N8why you should buyTHE NEW.........

OPTI3RAPHIn preference to anyother Motion PictureMachine. I II g cahiloguoof Lanterns, Films,

Slides, Accessories, etc.

AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO.,481 Chemical Hank lildg., CHICAGO.


SystemEnables anyone, withoutformor experience, to be-come an accomplisheddancer. Send 2-centstamp for Circular, Pros-pectus, etc, to JOHNP. hog AN, Teacherof Stage Dune I rig,Elks' Hall. MajesticTheatre Building,

B»th St. and 8th Ave., New York City.



ti in mim . LiCKS I

t~l.ll; fgrTb.alrir.il>...


.M.'.b. b*1.«M*a*#i. H«.!,uaf4f.,n.tl|M. EAlfTSB BSSPkB, I a CU UTKII , 1 1 1 «. Bit 81. , I




WASHINGTON.Seattle.—At the Grand Opera House (John

Cort, manager) "Mrs. Warren's Profession,"May 10-23, bad good business. Local 24,25, Henrietta Croiman, In "All-of-a-Sudden1'egxy" and "The Almighty Dollar," 30 June1 ; Annie Russell, in "A Midsummer Night'sDream." 8-3; local 0, "A Bogus Prince' 7,8, Mrs. Leslie Carter 9-12, in "Dii Barry''and "Zaia ;" Otis Skinner, In "The Duel,"1315.

Seattle (Russell A Drew, managers).

Week ot May 10 "A Soldier of the Empire"drew well. Week of 26, "A Texas Ranger;"week of June 2, Earl Burgess Stock Co. willopen an eleven weeks' engagement, with"Queen of tbe White Blares" as the first

Slay ; week of 0, "Nellie, tbe Beautiful Cloaklodel."Lymc (Russell k Drew, managers).—Tbe

Lewis A Lake Musical Comedy Co., week ofMay 10. in "By tbe Sad Sea Waves." didHj business Week of 26, "Uncle Heinle'sVisit ;" week of June 2, "Tbe Beauty Doctor."Lots (Alex. Pantages, manager).— Ollle

Cooper, In "Little Lord Fauntleroy," packedtne house week of May 10. "Tbe Prince andthe Pauper" week ot 26; week ot June 2,"The Charity Ball." *

Titian Ave nub (Alex. Fantagci. manaser).—Laurette Taylor and the Taylor Company,In "Stolen by Oypsles," had big bouses weekof May 10. Week of 26, "Desdwood Dick


week of June 2, "Prom Hagi to Riches."Stab (W. W. Ely. manager).—New people

week of May 27 : Robert Kiilgora, Adelo Pal-mer and company. Flo Irwin. Truce I'. Rus-sell, the Four Shannons, Eddie Roesch, andmoving pictures.Obfhiuu (T. J. Conaldlne, manager).—

New people week of 27: Luts Bros., Whelanand Searles, Mr. and Mrs. Stockton, Geo. W.Bvers, Virginia Uayden, Joe Bonner, andmoving pictures.Pantaou' (Alex. Vantages, manager).—

£ew people week of 27 : Dervin, Stanton andSandberg, Gordon and Chacon, Juvenile Bandof Thirteen, Mlsuno Jap Troupe, Arthur El-well, and moving pictures.

Norms.— Norrls ft Rowe's Circus showshere June 6-0 Manager Cort and familyreturned, 28, from tbe East, accompaniedby Max FIgman, who will spend tbe Summeron Whisker Farm, Mr. Cort a Summer home.• James Townaend, stage manager ofVantages' Theatre, was one ot the victimsof a street car accident, 18, having one ofhis feet badly Injured. The exact extent ofthe Injury has not yet been decided upon bythe doctor Manager Donellan, formerlyof tbe Star, has been sent to Vancouver,B. C, to take charge of tbe Grand and Or-ptieum. A permanct successor for Mr. Do-nellan. as manager ot tbe Star, has not beennamed.


Spokane.—At the Bpoknne (Dan L.Weaver, manager) Lillian Russell, In "TheRutlerlly," played to big business May 28-25. "Hello Bill," with Ferdinand 8. ABhbeyIn tbe lead, 21. "Salome" 20-28, HenriettaCrosman June 10. 11, "The Bogus Prince"18, 14, Mrs. Leslie Carter 15, Otis Bklnner17, 18, Dixie Minstrels 20, Viola Allen 2s, 28,Ethel Barrymore 20, 27.Columbia (Geo. M. Dreber, manager).

"The Fairy Queen," with Frances Scsrtb Intbe title role, played to big business May20-25. "Teesy Weozy; or, a Trip to ConeyIsland," 26-June 1.Auditohiuk (Harry C. Hayward, mana-

ger).—The Jessie Shirley Co. presented "AMidnight Bell" to packed houses May 20-25."Lndy Windermere's Kan" 20-June 1,Washington (Geo. c. Blakeslee, mana-

ger).—New people: Flo Irwin, Robert Ful-gora, Fred Russell, and the Shannon Chil-dren.

Notes.—Norrls ft Rowe's Circus turnedmany awny at four performances In Spokane,May 21, 22. Charles Muehlman, as-sistant manager of the Spokane Thcutre,has returned from a stay of ten weeks InNew York, where he did special work In JohnFkon

?r£15Re«--A,'v Uen m B,M

- ««etary ofthe 1CO.0OO Club, and Spokane correspon-dent of Thm Clii'pkh, has been appointedchief of police, of Spokane, by Mayor C.Herbert Moore The Casur d'Alene, tbeComique and 0. K. Variety Theatrea havebeen notified that after May 81 they muststop selling drinks In boxes. Tbe houseswill be converted Into palm gardens.

iTo co inn.—At the Tscoma (C. H. Herald,

manager) the Howard-Dorset Co. week of May

(jHANplDean B. Worley, manager).—Jamesand Sadie Leonard and Richard Anderson, In"Mile. Manhattan;" Harry Booker and com-pany, the Burks, John Delmore and Emilybarrcll, Clever Conklyn, Harold Iioff, andurandlscopc.

Stab (A. Engel, manager).—"Bachelor'sHoneymoon" week of May 20.Note.—Manager Frledlander, of the Savoy

lacatre, Is now negotiating for a musicalcompany for the Summer season.»»

MAINE.Portland.—At the Jefferson (Julius Cahn,

manager) the Jefferson Stock Co., under thedirection of H. V. I'helan, opened its Summerengagement here May 27. presenting, for theweek, "Leah Kleschna," to most excellentreturns. Harriet Worthlngton, Cecil Owen,Hal De Forest, Geo. Fisher and several othermembera of tbls well balanced company wereaccorded a hearty welcome during the open-ing week, while Manager I'helan himself wasnot overlooked in this regard. The companywill present "Hands Across the Baa" June 8-8.

I'outi.and (J. E. Moore, manager).—Mov-ing pictures and Illustrated songs continueto draw good attendance here. The pat-ronage last week was very large. Al. Weston,baritone, continues In bis third week, anaJas. J. Maxwell met with a pleating recep-tion last week, as the tenor soloist.

Savov.—James, Ilertley and Dorr rendertheir selections from tbe illustrated songsmoat acceptably, and the films selected forexhibition provo very pleasing, Businessholds up good,


Uutte.—At tbe Grand Opera House (DickP. Sutton, manager), week of May 20, "TbeLighthouse by tbe Sea." by tbe Lulu SuttonCo.. pleased large audiences. Claire O'Don-nell and the moving pictures were enjoyedas specialties.Family (F. Nelsonla, manager).—Week of

May 26: Dolan and Lenbarr, in "The HighToned Druminor;" John and Bertha UIcbsoijand Vied Houlihan, the Tanakas, Dan Roby,Gertrude Oebeat, Walter Jeffrey, and tbe mo-tion pictures.


Sooth HeAlester.— At tbe Langsdaleopera House (A. Bert Estes, manager) "TheSwitchman's Daughter" June 2.Lvmc (Charles R. Hodklni, director).—

BUI week of May 27 : Claudius and Scarlet,J. II. Shaw, Varkln and Burr, and Lyrlscopc.

Notb.—Tbe new Nickelodeon Theatre, un-der the management of King ft Latimer,aliened to excellent business May 25. Theplace has been made very attractive, and pre-sents the best moving pictures ever offered Inthis city, with entire change of programmedally. »»

Mi.i.k. A ok li ms Oenke, of the Empire The-atre, London, Eng., has been engaged byKlaw ft Erlanger to come to America nextWinter. By arrangement with George Kd-wardes, Mile, Gence will appear here ss tbefairy. In "Aladdin," which Klaw ft Erlangerwill produce early next year. i

Madam Emmt lias signed with Wm.Morris for s season of nine months, on tbeKlaw ft Erlanger circuit.

CheeseTo many, is a de-

lightful course to a

good dinner. Cheese

is given an appetiz-

ing relish by using

just a little

Lea& Perrins'


It has that rare and

subtle flavor which

increases the enjoy-

ment of food. Try '

it on Baked Beans,

Chafing-Dish Cook-

ing, Welsh Rarebits,

and all Salad Dress-


John Duncan's Sons, Agu., N. Y.


"Onyx" ft


Professionals at homo or en route advnelto ask for this brand. Notts Trade Markabove stamped on every pair. Tlio finest

host. made. Hold by all dealers every-

where. Special features: Colors to match.

shoes and costumes.

"Onyx" Hosiery

Procurable in nil conceivnble styles, fabrics

and prices; cotton to silk. ;




Will not injure {(old work nor

scratch the enamel. A perfect

dentifrice—the one for you. Ask

your dentist.


MOQUIN'S6th Ave., bit. 27th and 28lh Sis., New York.





M. 8TRA88MAN,ATTOHNKT, WSJ Broadway. New Tork City.




"IT'S GREAT TO BE A SOLDIER MAI"THE Great Serlo-Comic March Bong.

"WON'T YOU OE MY HONEY?"TUB But "Flirting" Bong "On the Board." at Thli Tim*. Good for Single, Doable or Big Number. Thl. Bomber Makes a Captivating Bong vr.ta Dame.

All of These Bong, bv the Hoy. Who Write the Big Hit.,

T H K> O I> O R E> MOR8B and JACK: DRISI/AXB.Published by THE F. B. HAVILAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, 125 West 37th St., New York.

No reqaeat. honored nnle*. late programme I. sent. Card, not accepted. Letter, without programmes will receive no attention.


llmiii ui*uu*»ARRAH WANNA

The Great Irish-Indian Matrimonial Affair. Fall of Ginger, Going Bigger Every Minute. Get Some Ghora. "Wigwams," If Yon Are Singing It. Free for the A.fclng.


A Few Special Bargains in Films



Feet Price101)0 The Chimney Sweep $25.000M7 Mr. linn In 20.000110 Nobody Work. Like Father 20.00:i77 Hull flight 10.00377 A Follower of Women 11.001040 Klnwlom of Kalrylund 40.00H40 Skltloo Ilrotliera 20.00220 HolibcrH Koblietl 8.00«r.r. Automobile Thieves 30.00

Feet Price402 The Village Witch $25.00000 Mfcof an American Soldier. 2S.00025 Mr. Hurry Up, of New York 5.00475 Knlsc Coiners 22.00750 flights of All Nations 85.0075 Colored Minstrel. 2.00200 Wight Into Egypt 3.00400 Tom Removes 4.00200 An Interrupted Dinner 2.00

One Optlgraph, that can be attached to any Stereoptlcon, IH0.O0; one EdlionUniversal M. P. Machine, $311,00. On r.- nipt of Money Order to cover expresiageboth way., I will .hip any of the nbove subjiict to examination.











The bestor service and prices consistent with the times always guaranteed. Latest subjects always onhand. Operators, machines and aims furnished for Sundays uud all other occasions. Send for list andprices. F. J. HOWARD,

no* Washington St., Opp. Adam. Hon.e, Boston, Mass.


; .






If you want to accumulate wealth quickly, start a penny arcade andamusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot Machines fascinate and draw the

crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity. Write to us

to-day for full information.

NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO.,64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J.



CONSOLIDATED FILM CO., 143 East 23d St., Hew York.



J. OLABSIHURG, US Third Ave., near 10th St., New York.




FKKKUAN BERNBTBIN. 1918 Broadway, M. V.; PAUL GOCDRON, 208ouijr, Dvjur.ii.ii Aunnin; innnuAfl DnnnDir.ui. iwd Diumnaj, 11. ... iauii uuuuih/h, auo

Amerloan Hank Building, Soattle, Wash.; CHRIS. O. BROWN, 87 S. Olark 8U, Chicago; ARCU1K LEVY,WW Golden Gate Ave., Ban Francisco, Cal.

PLAYSFor Stock Companies, for Repertoire Conpanlos, for Aiitii.

LARQDST A8BORTMKNT IN TUB WORLD. Books (or bom<amusement, Negro l'lays. Taper, Scenery, Mrs. Jsrley's WaiWorks. Catalogue Free! Free I Free I

8AHUBL FIIBKOH. IT W. 82d «.. New York.

WIGS.TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, ETC.And tht Lititt and Moit Popular Stylti In LadlM Hair Draulng.

a. in. in (ii & co.,119 N. Ninth Street ..... Philadelphia



leather pumps S1.50, canvas* elastic supporters II.

Canvas pumps 25c, with leather soles SOe,shoes $1, with leather soles B1.S0; leather shoes 13.50, __.satin trunk, with collar and cuffs to match, spangled and trimmed 15.

Canvas pumps and shoes sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. Depositsrequired on C. 0. D. orders. He sure and send aire. Send for catalogue.

8. 11. CALL, !M4 Main Street, Springfield. Hsu.

innni rnoi cunni ice t;|u,,s.

"»«°ns, duns, nonmg oioi>es hoods.

JIJIihLhtlN NUHHI ItiSa nWlrewalkera' Apparatus. Konisn Axes. Stamp forVVUHaUltf VUI I -•»V catalog and Hat. Kdw. Van Wyck, Cincinnati. 0.

THE MORE YOU EAT, THE MORE YOU WANTA popular So. package. Sold by conccsalon-lats everywhere. A Winner and Repeater.

The Biggest Popcorn Seller In the WorldIn Sealed "Triple Proof" l'sckagcs. Keeps the

contents In perfect condition.We carry a full line of Package Confections suit-

able for amusement trade. Prices and samplesfurnished concesslonlata who will name the con-cession they control.


a*7 S. Peoria Street, Chicago, V. B. A.

WK HAVE POR'LEASE AND BALEAdvance, Privilege, Baggaae, Stock, Au-tomobile and Merry-Uo-Kouiul Gar*.

toft. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com-panies. RcsHoniible terms. Write for particulars.

THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR COMPANY,No. 1220 Monadnouk llulldlng, Chicago, 111.



Stil r.r CATAIOC. Metis, kill Waste.

Special Attention Clvea tbe ProlttiloB

Western Uniform Go.214 8. CLARK ST. CHICAGO


RESTAURANT«T5i SIXTH AV K.Bet. 28th and'2»tli 8t«.

NEW YORKCITY.Best of Food, Perfect-ly Cooked, DcllclouslyServed. Prices rea-sonable Special Din-ing Room for Ladles.



THE III l.HKIl TRUNK AM) llAti CO., 1R2 Columbia Ave., Phlladelpliln, Pa,H!

CENTRAL TRUNKS.2«ln., S7.B0; 28ln., 18.50: SOIn., $0.50: SOin., $10.50; 401n., f12.50. Clrcua Trunks, 24il8ils.$7.00. Hill Trunks, 30x28x16, Inside, $12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42^x2(114x12, Inside, $16.0o!Shipped on receipt of $3.00, bal. C. O. D.. except over 300 miles, then remit whole iimountSIMONS a CO., CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY. Est. 1864, 8. W.cor. 7th and Arch Sts„ I'ulli.

5=S^ Theatrical and Circus TrunksNow Located at 51 W. 29th St., New York.


Send for New Theatrical Catalogue. LBATHEROID MFO. CO., 632 U'way, N. Y., near Spring St.


Theatrical ShoemakerFor IB years at 103 4th Ave., Is now located at

*•#%«. SIXTH AVE., oor. 27-th St.Always leader for his high heel satin Bllppers, dramatic and tancy liurle-aque

boots, wooden and spring clogH, acrobat and gymnastic, negro shoes, ballet sin-

dais, etc. I furnish entire productions. Everything to ordor, neatly and durable,

HOHNER. Harmonicas,Accordions,

Blow AccordionsFor thoae critical professional players whose artistic reputations are partly

dependent npon the flat tone quality of the particular instrument tliey mayplay. 'i'ii.»<- Inatruments have no equal, and All the bill for Vaudeville Per-

former, who MUST HAVE THE BEST.


Sllkollne Tight., au.OO; WontedTight", $a.00| Cotton Tight.,ll.Ooi Bilk Tight., from fJMaT np.Shirts to match, oil .am. pricea. tight.; Pnmpa 40 o.ntat **era, tl.OOi•l.OOi Clolh

as tlghta; Dumps 40 cental Galt-Klastlo Supporters,Supporter*. IIS cent.,

iaittd'tbr catalogue and cample*of tlghta, free. Positively a de-posit required. SattBfaotlon guaran-teed or money refunded. SPIDER BROS.84 Woodblno btroot. Brooklyn. N.Y.; NewYork Offloe. Lincoln Bldg.. 1 union Bq.


a ^^sflBBaV Boots* Shoe**^" CLOG^M&i^'f :'\?


BaW^^^Laf E5eS£ axF BH0E8 a spn

lllgv^ngggr «l<" tT - All work^B ^m^Ay jBp> n "ldu

^a*H!*n«w^ u*' notice.

Kfl W. lad St., New York. Tel. 100 Chelsea.

J. IN/I I IMAManufacturer ofCylinder Piano

Organ.Now and Second Handfor Shows, Merrv-Go-Rounds, Music Hallsand Skating Rinks.Marking of Cylindersa Specialty.FIRST STREETNew York

Magical Apparatus,ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc.

Grand End of Century, roily

Illustrated. BOOK CATA-LOGUE, Mo., free by mail.Catalogue of Parlor trloki freeHAKE1NKA A CO.. Mfrs.,

403 Sixth Ave.. N. T.





8*. 8d. PER YHAR.Slnvle Column Inch.




BIADDBLRelieves all

[Discharges !n

24 HOURSMSSMantan la*


••int n «fi*** \<


IrrWv^ rhfS

OPPORTUNITIES FOR STAGE FOLKS.Oome and Inspect oor great assortment of slightly need, up-to-date GOWNS tor street,

reception, dinner, tea, and stage wear, and we will save yon a lot of money. Also nut,


IKE. DOKTOR, 481 Sixth Avenue near 29th Street, N. Y.


WANTED, F-OR THEGreat "Santell" and All Star Coiiipuuy

DIRECTION HARRY G. HINKSENAl PIANO PLAYER (lady or gent), must lie sight reader; MUSICIANS for band and uirhi-im.

State what instrument, and lowest salary. Wo pay railroad transportation. VAWDEIILWJPERFORMERS of all kinds. Those doubling brass preferred. Address WM. A. LANti, bulie

724-728, Chicago Opera House Ulock, Chicago, 111., or THE UllEAT 8ANTKI.L, BILLBOARD, Clin-lim.U,

Ohio. Show openB Sept. 2, Labor Day.


Specialties, PEOPLE IN ALL LINESSlimmer stock. Slalo all llrst letter. HARRY BURTON, Gaiety Tlicntro, (lalcaburp, IB.

SHOESFOB 8TA0B, 8TBBKT AND BVBNINQ. BXCLUBIVB STVLBBAND WORKMANSHIP GUABANTBKD. Short Vamp »»•Stage La.u always on hand. Mall order* filled. Kit guarin-

teed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN, _Tel. 668 Madison Bguare. BOS Sixth Ave., near 81st St., N- »ALL COLORED BLIPPBR8 UADB TO ORDBB IN 2s BOURt



To apply for lowest rates at


KM East Hth St, New York, German Saving lhB«

Building. Telephone, vm Oramercy. .C*'*,^;dress Slaneslg. All printed mslter ami "'_;'^

Wanted, Union ElectricianWITH OR WITHOUT MACHINE

WEEK STANDS. Addrei. r.,11 partlenlai. II. G., CLIPPER Offlr' 1-


HO -

The Best March SongEver Written.














20th CENTURYOPTISCOPE CO.,01 Dearborn Ht., Chicago.

.liiunlti Bltlg., Dallas, Tex.

first-classTaudevTllI actsm all tines.Booking 81 weeks. Railroad fare In Ohio 2c. per mile. Kxclunlvu Booking Agent for Springfield, 0.;

I'nrtHmouth, Chllllcothe, Mansfield, Lima, Newark, Canton, Marlon. Sldnej, Conhocton, ML Vernon,Hteuuenvllle, t'lndlay, Gallon, I.oralu, Oreenvllle, Cambridge, Shelby, Fremont, Ironton, Hnnduuky,llellalre, Dayton. Hamilton, l'lqna, Mlddletown; Richmond, ind.: Munclo; Newport, Ky.; Wheeling,W. Va.; Huntington; Donors, Pa.; Moncssen. Monongahela, Jeanelte, Braddook, Turtle Creek, BeaverKhIIh, New Kensington. Latrobe. Brownsville, Unlontown, Homestead, Erie. Wanted, experiencedvaudeville plsnlsts at all times. Impossible to answer all mall. Silence a polite negative.

Address CDS SUN, Springfield, O.






Actors' Society of America.Members are requested to notiry the Secretary when thoy have made arrangements,

n ?; 'V."MANAaERS wl" and It to their advantage to consult the Secretary whe'ULP1I DELMOKE, Pres.

United Statee Tent and Awning Co.,Uandolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, III.








Professional Underwear Houae of America.'SEASON 1807.A utoroful of suggestions tor the Spring Season of 1007. Complete Varied

Assortments In CLOAKS, SUITS, WAISTS, MILLINERY. MUSLINUNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc., all at our well known Low Prioes.CUAC nCDT Originator, of our famous SHOUT VAMP Bhoea forbnUC UCrl. »<•*'««I

Street w..r . K.tima.e. freel, 2i,°« „tluiiutity Order.. Complete Stock.. Up to Oat.LOWUST CASH PniCHS I Oil OUSIHAKLB KOUTWHAR.

i Btyitn,

SAMPLES /Of/tO300,


OUR MAKE-UP BOXESMade from the rr rj Ijrn tin. IN black en.melsd. Ba-dally made for professional use, baring a trar withcomimrtments for Great. Paint., I'ow- m *2.I.TS, Comb and llrusb, Wigs, Hie, Ktc. £LviC%Hub double action lock, with two keys, at •Wt

OUR GOLD CREAMExpressly prepared for Hit Theatrical I'rofesiloa,guaranteed to be absolutely pur. and ne?er becomerancid In any climate. Put up In pound Hcrew Toffi lu Cana at 4Be.| half pound at sue.




®mmm> N

„ when engaging people.HARK ELlSWOKTII, Secretary.ANGLES


M1LLOT BROTHERS, Manufacture™, 47 W. 3d St., New York.

2'.1,*Jc,Jd thn< •'* lh* »•«*• Call or write. P. S. ZIMMERMAN, 5 B. 14th

'*' "• ». Hew York ARcnta for The Callle Broa. Co., of Detroit.


UanratM,| Pril>MllllB

ATLANTIC <*AIU>I A, JUNE 17,Missouri Ave. snrt Boardwalk, ATLANTIC CITY. If. J.. 1IMV7


wantkd all kinds of Vaudeville ActsSole Mgr. II at all times. Address all to 811) FKHN.

E IM TLarge Stock 80ft. and UnderNew and Second Hand. WriteTUB I HA II I.I. S I1


Successors to the T. W. Noble Co,, Tent Dept,Detroit Itag and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich.


THEATRICAL WIGSOnr speelalty Is t»la« for your moneyat one-hair the price other, ask Ibr

goods. Perfect satisfactionKen

the«u«r» nt rr.l or your money bark. Ol_recelpt or 91.00 deposit we will aeadoods O. O. D,, .abject to examination.

Remember the Nameand the Place






W. STOKES KIRK,1687 lOtl «., PlUalalrfcls Pi.

ANDREWS.Ladles' Gowns. Slightly Worn.

KUHH OP ALL KINDS.We also Carry Gentlemen's Clothing.

340 Slate Street CHICAGO

Atumiion, DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN_»B nandlo rocky goods when you can dandle goods that will sell thomselves.Electric Bella from 11 per do*, up. Urgo variety to BOloot from. Kloctrlc Jars,

Insolor* up. Large

. dot. pairs760. dor.; Electric Insoles. 81«o. do*, pairs. Soap $2.M per gross. Fine Modlcallattorlos. Bond 7Sc. for Sample No. it K. U„ exp. pronnl.1. Latest out. ouetlilrd

cash required. Trial ordor will convince. Largest Mituiifnciiirurn of ElectricalBelts and Appliances ln_ O^H.^ Kstabllslion 1S7S. Lecture and price list froe.

Soap ftM per gross." Lin


Lecture and pi


Kstobllslion 1H7N. ..

THE ELE0TB10AL APPLIANCE CO., Burlington, lu,

»»» BRn'ir.r. '-(.IAJC.C f/HOO WUHK l,WW PRICED

wnirr, von CATALO'rtuc




Of a tickling character all through. Cet It quick.Big Feature Film*. Fall of Drawing Power, Are Exactly What I« Required by the I'P-to-Dnte Showman. Oat Connected With the LUBIR CIRCUIT and Ton Will HaveHigh Voltage and Continuous Current.





Th. Anlil'i Stnrtloi Preparing for th. Stagei The YoutThe Room with the Velvet Swings Drugged; A FiendishThe Tragedy at the Roof Garden; Th. Tombs Prison) Oi


Young Millionaire) MartIns C»fe| Th. Fight;dish Deed; The Wedding; The Thaws' Home;

Prison) On Trial Iter tilfe; Etc., Eu.PRICE, 8104.60.

The Blggeit Attraction In Ifew York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburg,Etc., Etc., Playing Everywhere to Standing Room Only.

Jamestown NavalReview


fj. 8. S. "Maine" and "Connecticut," KnglLh Battle Shlpi "Argyll" and "Good Hope," Presidentllooievelt entertaining th. Admiral, of th. Foreign War Snips on hi. yacht, "Mayflower." Eng-lish Battle Ships "Rezburg," •Hampshire" and "Argyll; TJ. S. Monitor "Canonlcus." This Monitorsunk the Confederate boat "Marrlmac." The Monitor "Canonlcus" Is anchored where the Battletook place. D. 8. Monitor "Mlantonomah " V. S. 8. "Texas," "Brooklyn," U. 8. Dispatch Boat"Sylph," Austrian War Ship "St. George," German Battle Ship "Roon," and many others.

LENGTH, 660 FEET. PRICE, 871.60

TOO MUCHMOTHER-IN-LAWThl. film, front the first seen, to the lust, will keep the audience In a roar oflaughter,and, while It tells a funny story at the expense of "Mother>ln-Law " It Is without sug-gestion of malice. It Is a roaring absurdity at which no on. will laugh more heartilythan "Hother-ln-Law" herself.



1907 •"BVBAE^V^sU" GIN COMBINEDWITH REOPTIOOS^ Including Electric Lamp, Calclnm

Lamp and Adjustable Rheostat.

All Our Films.Class A. Price, 1 1 Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge



Copyright, 1007, by The Vitagreph Company of Ameilca.

CHARACTERSi Two Bunco Men-One "Bube"— Police Captain andFive Men—Ambulance Surgeon nndAssistant — Hotel Attendants andGuests, and several "Bu ters-ln."

SCKNESi Streets of New York—Hotelexterior and private dining rooms—Police Station.

The Action is Snappy, Tbe Plot Clever,

The Climax Startling.

Length, - - 425 Feet


Copyright, liKlT, by The Vltagraph Company of America.

CHARACTERSi One little, bald-lnmlii), slde-whlskered, mild-man-nered, elderly gentlemen, with abad cnld, sneexlng, head aching andfeeling generally miserable. Abouttwo score well-menntng, interfer-ing, busy-body friends, each oneWilli a different and "Infallible"cure. The family doctor, wtfey,mother-in-law, the lachrymose vis-itor in widow's weeds whose "hus-band came home one clay and DIEDTHE NEXT, anil his symplons wereJUST THE SAME »« «">»" case."Result or all the prescribing — anice new tombstone with the In-scription


Length, • - 550 Feet


NEW YORK, 110 Nassau Street.

CHICAGO, 100 Randolph Street.

LONDON, 10 Cecil Court.PARIS, 10 Rue Salate Cecils.














NationalFilm Renting'Company.

62 N. Clark St.,

Chicago, HI.


"A PERFECT NUISANCE" (*»..,> 590 Feetj»P*s*»1tslsu to what extent a cheap dude can become a nuisance. He gets

St th.™ i. ™^l,le ln.^rloUB ways; be butta Into a little family party when one

"JS1'if'P^'np \ ?

ho.V?Kraph of tne r


cst- and lnsl8tB »P°n getting- In front of theW^iS1 ,


,*: '? tn

SWlway carriage must be seen to be appreciated, and his

preuicly• comlra?S "* ln """ ceD,re ot a balcony at theatre, la su-

"THE HUMAN CLOCK" «.«.«,) 534 Feet

occidental 'SS&SMSff' ad'tatUKa ot a ™* "*° «""« the doctor, u.

"BUYING A LADDER" <c...<r, 604 Feetm.. JQ l

*J*wT17 huniorous object, which shows the trials and tribulations of a


b°"Snt a ladder and makes heroic efforts to take It home. The various

eiSS « Jtil i5men5ounte.5 form


a chain of exciting Incidents, which Is bound tocreate a great demand for this aubject

"SALOME" (Biblical) 534 Feet

nlflert lP.eHnn .f.LW hos made aP exceptional aim of this subject, which Is dlg-

ncilon Th» V.?..* ^ln WW* and conforms with the unities of time, place and

alhlP t£ S.nJ". *JJrea

»c^d ln ihe dance

' whlch Is made as Inoffensive as puJ;

Jonn resmfSff^ *** n,ot

lhrow off an? vells or ° tner garmenU, and the head of

John the Baptist appears for but a very Bhort period at the end of the Dim.

"AN ICY DAY" (Come.") 262 Feet

srlen^ ir TSSXfSS*1. 2

Im of medlnm '"«**. "blch shows the laughable

9«V%BMStS SpEr,!*Wh° meet Wltn ™rtoo.-ontbrtuntte accidents on an

525TSS.2I1. ^ SIXTH AYE.



Copyright. 1907. bj the frank Qmm PobrMhtng Company (Limited)

Founded by

FRANK QUEEN, 1863. JSTEW YORK, JUNE 15, 1907. VOLUME LV.-No 17.Prloo, 10 Cents.


Anecdotes, Personalities and Comments,




A !onf neglected comer of the writer'!

desk revealed, unexpectedly, a story tent

tome time ago by Fred B. Lee, of tbe Borton

PrcM Club.

It concern! tbe Boo. Jobn 1. Cantwell, of

Boston, but tbe Incident occurred some time

before he had any thought of being so promi-

nently identified with the big things of tbe

Hub, and of personifying one of the biggest

spokes radiating therefrom. Bis front name,at that time, was plain "Jack," and he wasthus familiarly addressed by everybody.

Some years ago, when "Jack" was a candi-

date for tbe Governor's Council, it was his

duty once In a while to naturalize a few of

• the unterrtfled. Judge Nelson, now deceased,

who was as Inveterate a theatregoer as Cant-

well (who had to go, for he was dramatic

reporter on one of the Boston dallies), wason the bench.

Four of tbe embryo citizens of Americahad gone through easily. Tbe fifth was abig, green fellow, wbo had been carefully

trained to say that he bad been In the

country six years, though he looked morelike a alz day recruit When called before

the judge he was, of course, rattled, and his

mind became a blank with the exception of

the fact that had been drummed into him

about having been in the country for six

year*. Tbe Judge, In Impressive voice, said


"Tour name.""Timothy Connor, Sor 1" came tbe reply.

"Bow long have you been In tbe country ?"

asked the Judge.

"Six years, Sort" said Connor, with great


"Bow old are you?" was the next ques-

tion, to which came the stolid reply


"Six years, Sort""Ahem I" was the audible comment of the

Judge, followed by the query


"flow old were you when you left the old


"Six years, Sor!" said tbe Irishman, with

that answer and nothing else In bis mind at

that time.

Then the Judge beamed over bis spectacles

wltb a twinkle In his eye, and, addressing

tbe ambitious "Jack," said


"Mr. Cantwell, I believe you've acted as

stage manager for some of our theatrical


"Yes, Your Honor," replied Cantwell, won-

dering what was coming next"Then I'm deeply surprised," said the

Judge solemnly, "that you should put on a

man before an audle. ce of tbls kind whowas not better posted In bis lines. Permit

me to suggest that you take blm out and re-

hearse him."

A bit of laughable repartee occurred recent-

ly over tbe telephone at a dental office notfar from tbat of Tub Cliiteh. The ensuing

short conversation proved tbat "Central" bad

made a wrong connection. At the quick ring

of the 'phone bell, tbe doctor took oS tbe re-

ceiver with the usual reply, "Hello I"

"la this tbe burcnerf" came the question

In a thin, rasping feminine voice.

"No, it's the dentist," was the reply.

"Same thing I" came the quick, caustic

voice of the female at tae other end of the

wire, followed by a click, showing the con*

ncctlon was cut, lie/ore the doctor bad time

to frame a suitable "get back."

9Bvengall, the hypnotist, related a little

Incident Illustrating the realistic effect that

plays have on the unsophisticated.

He was touring New England, and In one

of the small town hotel offices he was ac-

costed by a countryman, who asked


"Be you the fellow who puts folks to sleep

on the thcaytcr platform?"

On being Informed that he had guessed

correctly, the old man asked other questions,

ending wltb the remark


"After all, I don't care much for your sort

p. niciiAitns,The CLIPPER Cnrlmiul-t, Leaving for

ICnrnpc.The New York Cluteii takes pleasure In

announcing that r. Richards, Tub Cluteiiartist, started his European tour on June 8,per "8. 8. Minneapolis."The artist will continue his popular "Patsy

Bolivar" series from abroad, sending to TinCluteii his impressions of every large cityhe visits, in the form of n full page cartoon,which, without a doubt, will be entertainingas well bb Instructive.

Mr. Richards will return to New Yorknext September, to resume for Tin NewYoiik Clipper his original idea of cartoon-ing tbe principal features of tho leading dra-matic and vaudeville productions.

If ,a Wg" ^»<m **f>

-' r ~ •/«,-«* <y.

7he*ttei>e£faelof/l<H>phye amifcookttd dinneponihe QUpper eWrVtM c/#es>ive organs.

"MOni'HY DAY" AT THE "HERMITAGE.""itorphy, 'the man who tinge to teat the band,' reguetti the honor of your company at a luncheon in Honor of the man who

Icndi to beat the band, John Philip Bouta, on Tueiday, June i, at 3 P. It."

Small wonder that tbe above Invitation, coupled with toe tempting promise that tbe whole menu would be borne manufacturedat the hands of said Morphy. collected a most notable gathering at tbat famous singer's bappy hunting grounds, "The Hermitage,"Seventh Avenue and Forty-second Street New York. Philip Mlndil, tbe Jolly and portly promoter of publicity, wbo was in chargeof affairs, proved his perfect fitness for the occasion. The excellent culinary offerings would warrant the hospitable landlord.T. V. Paddeil, to bid for the permanent services of Chef Morphy, In spite of all tempting offers on tbe part of Jealous theatricalagents. The guest of honor, John Philip Sousa. was at his best, and Increased, If possible, his popularlr-* wltb everybody presentby bis entertaining conversation and side splitting reminiscences. Good fellowship reigned supreme, and all present were unanimousIn their vote of thanks to the Jovial host. Among tbe guests were: John Philip Sousa Jr. (of the Spencer Turbine Cleaner Co.),Jos. Shesgreen (representing Fred Thompson), A. F. Adams (of Jobn Church 4 Co.), Victor Emerson (Columbia Phonograph Co.),A.liert J. Borle (editor New Yobk Clippks), T. K. Paddeil (proprietor "Hermitage''), C. Gordon Keel (V. P. and G. M. KingstonColorado It. B. C), James I* Hoff (V. P. Billboard), Bernard V. Swenson (Sec. Am. St. R'wax. Assn.-),'*"Vet"- Anderson (artist lieuYork World), P. Richards (artist New York Clippbr). - '-"


WOODS AND HOFFMAN,Who are pictured above, present one of those whirlwind acts that go wltb a rush fromstart to finish. On the left is Edward Woods, one of the pioneer bag punchers on thevaudeville stage. He first gained reputaion as a boxer when, in 180,-08, as a memberof the Cltv Sports Co., he met "all comers." Frederic Hoffman, the other member of theteam, Is a comedy acrobatic skater. Tbey are now presenting a sensational knockaboutnet on skates, entitled "Only a Mile a Minute."

of ahowln'. I like the opry best. There wusa fine opry here last week.""What was it?" asked Svengall.

"It was one of Al. Woods' trupes. Theyacted a fine opry. There wus a scenery wherethe ruffian grabs the girl, an' her best fren'

came along an' p'lnted two pistols at himand yelled, 'Release the girl I' an' If the

curtain hadn't a-rolled down Jes then tbe

fren' would a shot the ruffian, sure 1"

Harry Helms, the magician, after a twohours and a half performance, the other

night. In a Wisconsin town, went into the

hotel cafe for some refreshment for his drythroat. He was Just about to order a bottle

oi the beverage that has been said to havemade other Wisconsin towns famous, whenup stepped a stranger, who put out his bandand cordially exclaimed:

"Well, well, and how do you do, profes-


At first Helms mistrusted that the sameold game was about to be attempted withhim. However, on second thought, he ex-

tended hla band to meet that of the stranger,

saving :

"You've got me, I can't recall where I've

met you before."

"Oh, I know you quite well," said the

man, "I saw your performance to night andrecognized you at a glance."

"Well, you've got the best of me," said

Helms, still puttied, "so have a drink onmo. Whnt'll you taker*

"No, professor," was the man's reply, "havesomething with me for old acquaintancesake." Then they had something, after whichthe unknown put his hand out again, saying


"Well, good-bye, old man— I have to makea train."

Helms held on to the hand and exclaimed


"But my dear sir, you've failed to tell mewhere we met before now." «

"That's so," said the stranger. "Don'tyou remember that I'm tbe conductor whoput you off the train about a year ago, at

Racine, when you tried to ride on a scalper's

ticket that was N. G. ?"

And they had another, at Helms' expense,

before they parted.

9Thomas Elmore Lucey, whose beautiful

poetic achievements are signed "Carol El-

more," tells a atory about a "manager" of

an "opry" In an Oklahoma town where hehad booked a date. Lucey is well knownthroughout the South and West as a charac-

ter actor and lyceum entertainer.

The town boasted a really beautiful little

theatre, built by a big hearted old Westerner,who bad a few thousand more than be couldInvest comfortably In city lots, and so in-

vaded the managerial field.

The poet-actor was arranging his para-phernalia for his one man show, "A Night In

a Poet's Workshop," when the old gentlemanstrode upon the stage, and, after a few re-

marks, put tbe question


"Did you ever meet John Thomas, the hu-morist?" Without awaiting a reply, hewent on. "Well, Thomas booked a date hereonct as he was a-pasaln' through. Of coarse,

everyone s'posed, accordln' to oil the different

pictures on hie advertising that he had acompany with him. About eight o'clock hecame In an' begun to git ready. 'How manyIs there In your show?' I ast blm. About

Our theatrical correspondents are hereby

notified that the crcdentlalt now held bythem expired June 1. They are requested to

return them to this office at once, for renewal

for 007-1908.

openin' time it had got noised about that tbe

show was a fake—only one man In It an'

the result was that there was only two paid

'admissions; and them In the gallery. Thomaswent out on to the stsge an' dismissed the

two boys, -then went to his hotel. I beerd

later that he was a cracker Jack In his line,

an', was Sorry he didn't show."

By tbe time the old gentleman had reached

this point In bis remarks, Lucey began to

have uncomfortable qualms, for, was be notIn the same category with Thomas—a oneman performance—and did not his advertis-

ing consist of a series of pictured characters

posed by himself, an array that appeared to

be a whole company of players? Just as bewas beginning to be exceedingly anxious as

to the outcome of the engagement he was.startled by the old gentleman's next ques-

tion: • :

"By the way, bow menny bev you got In

your troop?"

The writer cannot find the record as to

whether Lucey played that night or not—j

' * « >

Lillian Russell to Make a World Tonr.It is announced tbat Lillian Russell will

take a company on a tour of the world, be-ginning next May, reviving comedies andlight operas In which she has appeared dur-ing recent years. The tour will be under themanagement of Joseph Brooks.

Miss Russell will begin her world tour InLondon, probably In the Gaiety Theatre.From there she will go to South Africa andhence India, Slam and China, and also to tbePhilippines, Honolulu, San Francisco andback across the American continentMr. Brooks will- accompany Miss Russell

on the long tour. Miss Russell has beenmaking a successful tour, In Kellet Cbalmer's"The Butterfly." She will close the seasonIn Detroit, June 15, and return to New York

«« »Jamaica, L. I,, to Have a

New Theatre.Articles of Incorporation have been Issued

to the Jamaica and Long Island Realty Co.,composed of E.^P. Smith, E. M. Hungerfordand T. S. Draper. The company Intends tobuild a theatre and business block In FultonStreet, Jamaica, near the Jornada BoroughHail, to cost abobt »6O,OO0T A plot hasbeen purchased neir the town hall, 100x150feet, with an "L" extending forty feet West,to give an entrance from two streets.

It Is proposed to have the theatre com-plete and ready for occupancy by Sept. 1.


« »Ethel Levey Secures Her

Final Decree of Divorce..The final decree, granting to Grace Ethel

Cohan a divorce from George M. Cohan wassigned last week, by Judge Dowllng, of theSupreme Court. The decree gives Miss Leveythe custody of their six-year-old daughter,«.eor


[th P«™lsaton to the father to see

the child at reasonable times efrt* to have herin his charge for one month In the year.

« »»Ucruldlne Farrar Delight* Berlin.Geraldine Farrar, the American prima

donna, who Bang with the Metropolitan Opera

£.» ££.•?££ m?de hcr reappearance In

J n aHouse, Berlin, evening of

This was Miss Farrar's first appearancesince her performance In the United States

enthusl01106' *he *** rec*,Ted wlth Sreat

• «»Pontypool Fetes (Wales).

Dare Devil Schreyer scored another bril-

uSl 1*"%'*? Rt,'.he Pontypool Fetes, held

h^mAAi.far «c,,P" |n« the splendid recordhe made there last year. He has been re-

WH? I?,?* Effi"of



'The local press

Is loud In its praise of his daring courage

Ln-£j>ro,n ?unce tls act the m0Bt thrimng and?™d«rfuJ «»«» seen. Managers of fairs and

fetes in Europe are falling over each other intheir endeavor to book him.

-»»M»vlng Picture Bill Killed.

a ^h.L8JS1



at A"0110* N. Y.. killed on June1<, f


lprentlce's bill, which was

^LSli" to.put


out °.f hortneas the cheap

York ratTm

* p re pIaces ln N**


HALFTONE PICTURES In the read-ing pages of THE CLIPPER vrlll beInserted at these prleeaf

Single Colomn B7.R0Double Column SlO.oa

The first thing -<ue desires ti knowabout a lepOatory Po « der, Is.whetberIt Is tannine, mere sre or hahiymore mlsorauded Uept'a*oil<s th nany other singe article. X. Baztn'aDepilatory Powder f >r over TOyears has been the standard. It willremove superfluous hair from the fat e


neck, and arms effectually and harm-Ie8>ly. and may, with impnn'tv, be ap-plied to i he most delicate sMn. Direc-tions accompany each bottle.

For sale at all first class toiletcounters, or. by mall In sealed pack-ages for titty cents, Including postage.

Oar Kame Gnat ante es It

Hall & RuckelMakers of SOZODONT

New York City





The Name is

stamped on every




Simple pilr, EtlkSOc., Cotton2cKtfSBSB receipt o( price.


Beaton, shsa, n.s.A.




THOUSANDS have discarded the idea

of making their own cocktails—all Jjw

after giving the CLUB COCKTAILSa fair trial. Scientifically blended from the

choicest old liquors and mellowed with

age make them the perfect cocktails that

they are. Seven kinds, most popular oi

which are Martini (Gin base) ,Manhattan

(Whiskey base).The following label appears on every botm


Gnaranteed onder tae RationalPare Food and Dmg« Aot. AP"proved Jane 80th, 19O0. SerialIf*. 1707.

G. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO.Sola Proprietors

Hartford New York London

Young Mil is Partner lor Song and Dance

ACT. Apply B. OALAME, 233 W. Mth 6U. S. > •

mm•• » . -:

6et& pe&dy io leave foi» Europe and says good-bye lo his friends.

(i?y /> RICHARDS^

I. Patsy loves comfort in traveling:, therefore he sends all of his

baggage ahead.

2. He strolls alone Broadway to bid a hearty farewell to his friends.

a Mr. Manager requests Patsy to deliver a "small" bundle of

lithographs at the London office.

4. Mr. Leader begs Patsy to have a "few" original compositions

copyrighted In Berlin.

A •

i!: 'l-:

!'!!-i:.J::« .•.:•;; •



lliiAW..h, ,

•w* »s

5. Miss Soubrette "only" wishes her Easter bonnet to be remodeledby her Parisian modiste.

6. Mr. Strongman dedicates a big dumbbell to the Munich Athletic

Club and asks Patsy to deliver It.

7. Even Patsy's landlady surprises him with a box of self madssausages for her couilns In Vienna.

a And thus Patsy finds Ms friends commissions far outweigh his ownaffairs.


LastYearReginaCoin-OperatedMusical Instruments Yielded

a Profit of 136 Per Cent.

THESE figures are accurate, based upon testimonials

received from users of our Coin-Operated Reginas

in all parts of the country. This means that the

instruments bought, ranging in price from $125 to $700,

paid for themselves and 36 per cent, additional the first year.

The instrument shown here is the


This is a new instrument, with a magnificent tone, and

is operated by means of paper rolls, each containing five

tunes. Its imposing appearance and rich, sweet tone will

bring the nickels and the trade.

Regina instruments are money makers and business

bringers in cafes, bar rooms, dance halls, restaurants, hotel

lobbies, drug stores and other places where people con-


Write for full particulars and prices to

Broadway & 17th Street,

New York.

259 Wabash Avenue,


Dept. C , Rahway, N.J.







Manaqers and Performers,^Address WM. A. LANC




NO COMMISSION.Addreia ...--.--- POTTS .t IIARTE, Canton, Ohio.


About 500 Iron Frame, UpholsteredOpera Chain, In excellent condition.Will be sold low for rash. Apply toKPWIW O. MERRILL. Bangor, Me.

GERTRUDE EWING CO.NTSClever Soubrette and Ingenue, with Feature Specialties; Han fur (iencrnl Business; must be goodActor; Property Man, to play tmiall partB. Acton who do Strong Specialties given preference.

Ability, Al wardrobe uuil sobriety essential. Don't misrepresent. Season opens In July.'

liKUTltUDK EWING, Per. ad., 1610 Lister Ave., Kansas City, Mo.




8a. 8d. PER YEAR.Urn. 0d., Single Column Inch.

Perfect FOOT COMFORT Sure Relief for WEARY FEETA Sure Remedy (tor Corns, Bnnloni and all other affliction, of the fecit


THOS. GILL SOAP CO., Inc., Dept, C, 711 Kant Ave., Brooklyn, N. TAt all Drug and Department Stores: Large Cake, 14 cents, or thU ad., your dealer'a nameand address and J»0 oenU, In coin or stamps will bring It to you. Agent. Wanted.

SHOESFOR BTAQB, STBBBT AND EVENING. EXCLUSIVE STYLESAND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp andtaare Lasts always OB hand. Mall order* tilled. Fit guano

teed. WILLIAM BERNSTEIN,Tel. 688 Madison Bouar*. 800 Slith Are., near Slat St., N. XALL COLORED SLIPPERS MADE TO ORDER IN 24 HOURB



To apply for lowcBt rates at

PAUL TAUSIO'8 EXCHANGE OFFICE,lot Kust 14th St., New York, (ierman Savings BankBuilding. Telephone, 3098 (Iramercy. Cable ad-dress Hlaneslg. All printed matter and Inf. free.

Hindi CDC! CIIDDI ICC WuD ». Batons, Ouna, Rolling Globes, Hoops.

dUHnLfcllaV AUl'lVLIC»a>« wlr«wtlk*ra ' Apparatus. Roman. Axes. Hump forVVHUkbllW VVI I Mh« Catalog and list Edw. Van Wyes, Cincinnati, o


Send for Booklet,



MOQUIN'S61b Ave., bet. 27th and 28tb Sis., New York


PARISIAN CAFE. : : MUSIC 8.30 TO 11 P. a

HIGH GLASS.MAGICAL APPARATUSAt moderate prices. Large stock, Immensevariety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Nam.moth Catalogue Just issued, 20c. Just oat, list ornew books on Magic and new list of bargains Istricks. A. ROTEBBERU, 176 Ontario St.. Chicago.

FOR LEASE OR SALEOie 60ft. Scenery Oar, $350

One 60ft. Scenery Oar, $450

One 60ft. Flat Car • • $651Can stored and repaired.

N. J. CAR WORKS, Paaaalc. N. J.


lea SOAP "Pakin,"


GET onr prices on soap. THEY will lnterestyon.special Dept. lor making private brands with at-tractive labels. Money-getters of big value forcanvassers and fakirs. We satisfy and hold ourcustomer*. e. M. DAVIS SOAP CO.,

40 Union Park Court, Ofaloago.

8T E7EB1 HE D8E8 A "CB 88"

LETTER HEADFree Samples, Contracts, Tloketa, Envelopes, eto

CROSSmmtBBmfmu CHICAGO8TAQB MOKKT. lto. Boot of He;aid (rata, 28c.

GOWNS fs°traS£

eSLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET GOWNS, irehave on hand a largo assortment of slightly wornEvening downs, Dinner, Reception and Tea Gowns.These robes are perfect In every respect, and areespecially aultablo for wear In II1GII CLASS DRA-MATIC ritODCCTIONS. We have a full line ofBeat Skin Coats and Furs or all kinds.

MRS. 11. STARft, 307 South State BL, Chicago.




I I -r»m a HranrfitM^/iaOf *ltb erandehlldren going to ach.

I and my complexion clear, therefore I know that it will make jour copplezlon dear and ronthfol.

Mrs- tfrmmor* Creates a;flU»f/f*SU perfect Complexion

. .


Id a healthy, natural way Kotmeo cleanse* the pores, tttm a •

latea the glands, Increaiea the blood circulation and feed* andnonrlahea tha akin tisanes, thereby keeping tbe akin free fromflabblneas, wrtaklea, chapping, pimple*, blackhead*, and all

ordinary blemlihea. It protects the akin from tan. freckle*

and rnnbnm. For men'* use after shaving It promptly allays

all irritation.

Price 80 Cent*. At all first-class dealers, or by mall postpaid.


SampleBoxKosmeo modBook FreeMrs. Qervalse Orsham II4T3 Michigan Avenue, Chicago.



MISSOURI.St. Lonl*.—At Delmar Garden (Turner

T. Lewis, manager) the company presented

•The French Maid," last week, with Blanche

Dcyo in the lead. Josle Stropldl, the newcharacter woman, made ber first appearance.

Frank Stammers (the Delmar stage mana-ger), Edwin A. Clark and John £. Youngployed Important parts. The company Is avery promising one. June and week, "TheWedding Day." _ . . _ „Suuubban Gaeden (Oppenhelmer Brothers,

managers).—Amelia Bingham and tbe Sub-

urban Stock Co. last week played "A Con-tented Woman." A. H. Van Buren la the

leading man. Morris McHugh, the popularstock actor, made his first appearance this

season. "The Eternal City" tils week. Thecompany Is a strong one and Is making agreat hit. _ . _

Forks t Park Highlands (Col. John D.

Hopkins, manager). — Advanced vaudeville,

with Mabel Mckinley as the top liner, last

week. Weber's Prize Band, with Blanch Me-heffy and John O'Donnell, soloists, proved abig drawing card. Others affording enter-

tainment were: Qulgg, Mackey and Nicker-

son, Bedford and Winchester, Cllvette. Muel-ler and Mueller, and the polyscope. The city

public schools and several fraternal societies

hold their annual picnics at tbe Highlands.West End Hbiohts (Obert & 8chaefer,

managers).—"Thelma" did record breakingbusiness. Prof. Franke'a Band began a series

of novel concerts last week. Most of the se-

lections played at these concerts will be com-positions of local authors.Mansion's Park (Mannton Bros., mana-

gers).—The bill for last week follows: "TheCountry Choir," Devlne and Williams, W. J.

McDermott, Helen Stewart, Kalacratus, andtbe Mannlonscope.

Eclipse Garden (H. Gruen, manager).

Arthur Stanley and his wife, Ella A. Stanley,play the leads In the Stanley Stock Co. "TheUoad to Ruin" drew good crowds last week.Lemp's Pabk (J. L. Wallropp, manager).

Creatore and his famous band have arrangeda series of concerts to be given here. Specialarrangements have been made to accommo-date tbe audiences tbat are expected to at-

tend these concerts. The aggregation Is muchfavored locally.

Garrick (Dan G. Flshell, manager).—JoeWeber and a large and excellent company, In

"Dream City," June 6-9.

Century (Pat Short, manager).—EdwinA. Ttelkln, presenting Prager-Juveller YiddishOpera Co., June 2. "Rabbi's Daughter" and"Forbidden Love" 8.

Odbon.— Herr Von Conrad's wonderfulmoving pictures of European travel are muchenjoyed, and are very novel.Notes.—Arthur B. Lynds, who staged "Tbe

Stain of Guilt," which closed Its successfulseason here last week, ended his life hereJune 3. In a note left for Frank Talbot, ofthe Lyceum Theatre, and a life long friend,

be gave as his reason for suicide nls fearof approaching blindness. Lynds was LincolnCarter's stage manager for fifteen years"The Stain of Guilt," presented by local

amateurs, recently, played to capacity. Ad-ditional seata were required for tbe audi-ence The Actors' Church Alliance wereSuests of the management of Delmar Gar-en, evening of June 4. Rev. James T. Coffee

delivered an address, and shared the honorsof the evening with the actors and chorus.

Negotiations for a site for a new the-atre at Twelfth and Locust Streets, oppositenotel Jefferson, have made such progressthat another home of vaudeville seems as-sured Sol N. Oppenhelmer announcestbat tbe American Theatre will open Oct 7,

and vaudeville thereby will gain anotherplace in this city A theatre to be afeature of the new Coliseum will be erectedon the site of the historic Uhrlg's Cave. Thecompletion of subscription to this enterprise

Eats it In the realm of certainties A111 Is to be Introduced In the House of Dele-

gates to Increase theatre licenses In St. Louis.Maurice Speyer, the popular young or-

chestra leader, with the violin, and Wlihel-mlna Lowe, harpist, are to go into vaude-ville.

Portland?.'—ATHie Jefferson (Julius Cah'n,manager) "Hands Across the Sea," last week,attracted fine business and gave excellentsatisfaction. James Nunn joined June 8. Thestock will present "A Texas Steer" 10-15.Portland (J. E. Moore, manager).—Weston

and Maxwell, In Illustrated songs, give muchfileasure, and thWlst of moving pictures arenterestlng subjects. Jos. Kenney, trap drum-mer, supplies mechanical effects, which cer-tainly Increase the realism of these picturesvery much. Attendance is large.Savoy (Jas. McGuinness, manager).—The

patrons are entirely satisfied with the pro-gramme of moving pictures and pictorialballads enjoyed here, and good business re-sults.

Notes.—Bartley McCullum opens the CapeTheatre 22 The Gem Theatre opens 24.

Rl verton Park opens 24.


Butte.—At the Grand Opera House (DickP. Sutton, manager), week of June 2, theLulu Sutton Co., In "Winchester," drewhouses that appreciated a good production.Claire O'Donnell anu the moving pictureswere features.Family (F. Nelson !a, manager).—Week of

June 2: Chas. Carter. Abigail Price, theFour Schades, Bums, Morris and company,Gllmore and Castle, Walter Jeffrey, and themotion pictures.

Note.—Work has begun on the new LuluTheatre, which Is being erected to accommo-date Lulu Sutton and her stock company.This company is now showing at tbe Grand.< »

OKLAHOMA.Oklahoma City.—Delmar Garden (Slno-

poulo A Marre, managers) the Raymond TeatCo., In "In Gay New York," June 2 and week,scored a big success.

Item.—Manager Overholser has returnedfrom New York, where he booked the seasonof 1907-08, through J. J. Coleman.

•«»Klovr & Erlansyer Secure

the Auditorium in Chicago.Klaw & Erlanger leased the Auditorium

Theatre. Chicago, III., on June 6, for tenyears, for $075,000, and will take possessionSept. 1.

Mllward Adams, manager of the theatresince Its opening, has come to New York toconfer with the lessees, Klaw A Erlangerwill bring large operatic productions to Chi-cago In the Winter season. At other timesvaudeville, Including Imported attractions,will be put on.

IN tpite of the many imitations,



seal of public approval, and

is the largest selling brand of sliced

cut tobacco in ihe world.

LUCKY STRIKESliced Plug Pipe Tobacco

Never varies in quality, smokes

evenly, is cool lo the end, with no

waste, and it* fragrance commends

it to all. Economical and lasting.

Pocket aize, tin box, 10c.

TEETH preserved to middle age

are pretty sure to last out ore's life

time. The greatest known preserva-

tive of the teeth is SOZODONT.WHY? Because bring an Alkalne

and Antiseptic Liquid, it penetrates

the minutest crevices of tbe tetth, de-

stroying the deadly mou h acids and

purifying the whole tooth structure.

EVEHY ACTOR CAN'T BE A STAB,But for a Dollar and a HajfYou Can Own aStar Safety Razor,The Headliner of Safety Razors.

It Fits in Your Make-up Box.

It is Simple in Construction,

It Is Reliable in Its Work.Shave When You Like.

If You Want a Clean, Velvet andPerfect Shave, Use theStar Safety Razor.Sold Everywhere by Dealers, or

Kampfe Brothers, Manufacturers,Ten Reade Street, New York City.

Money Back It Not Pleaded.



[TOILET POWDERJ and Insist that yourbarber

Jlfcuse it also. It IsAotlseplic,

ES and will present any of the

»J skin diseases often con-

BL traded.

IV.* A positive relief lor

^Prl-klf Heat, CDi'lnf and^^ Soakers, and all afflictions

of the skiu. Removes all

odoro I perspiration.

Oct Menneo's— the original. Sold

everywhere or mailed for 25 cents.



Managers, Send Samples of Contracts, Heralds,

Flyers, Stationery, etc., for estimate. First cla-





AERIAL GARDENS.over tlic New Amsterdam Theatre, 42d SI.,' Wont of

llruudwsv.'' KLAW 4 ERLAXUEH, Managers.

Nightly hi s.no.



JAUDI IV DE PARIS (The Harden of Paris).

Use* lo the Stage or Her First Triumph. Foallh e

Abpcarancc, 1>AZIE, Premier Danseuac, Manhat-tin Up. Ho. Fred Karuo's London Piiitoiulne Com-pany , in "A Night In an English Music Hall;"

.Itrwcll's Eleclrlc Manikins, Of I la Galley. DaisyJames. Florenz Troupe, Stewart Sisters, LondonEmpire Models and the 4 Mortons, others. Grandcoucert Sunday at 8.30 .Reserved Seats, SLOW,Promenade, $1. Soon—The New /.legfcld Revue.

Tn Follies of 1807.



Erenlngs 8.10. Fashion Matinee Saturday, a.io.


MISS HELP'S DRES8 BONO 8.20 and S.20.



THE ROSE OF THE RANCHO.A Kew American Play by DAVID belasuo




C'UAS.'B.LAWLORaud Daughters—Special FeatureJiaswell A Dudley, 0. M. Mitchell. Adams A Guhl,

OSboril A Wallace, Richy W. Craig,Rich k Howard, Lilly Sanloy.

UarlcurBroB., Yltagraph Travclscopc

- NEW-


Mats. wed. A Sat. M. M. Thclsepresents Seventh Month.

Will, WOIAI <t S0I6 CO.BONI TA , A LEX. CARR A Ureal Gait

.' IK 'Huh Claaa Vaudeville Theatre*.m. mi;yi;ri ici.d jr.. pake. ;

martin reck. (jeneral manager.All 'Applications (or Time Must He Addressedto. -, ..C E. DRAY. Booking Manager,

'•Majestic Theatre Building, Chicago, III.

HUber's ht' Museu



STMM CD1I0 BALL AITIACTIOIS.... Address i. H. ANDERSOK.lIgr., as auore.

.MILLAR.47 W. 28lh ST.^rffiW YORK

l>ar<> Devil Schreyer.- -Again Tho^fisallou of Europe.






TION-Auicrlcan PROJECTUURAPH, THEFLICKERLKSS MACHINR-Clncograph-Optlgraph No. 4-Power's CAHBRAORAPII-No. r>. Etc.. With or Without Fire Magazines—ELECTRIC or CALCIUM.


Film : sou feel anFilm 2,000 feel 55


ELECTRIC LAMPS, *4, $ii, *7.50, t*Calcium Jets, *3.*a. *4..io. *«, $s, $12Rex * Slercoptlcou No. 2, Electric or Auel- .

riene $22.50


220 Alternating-Only $18.


f2 Everything In NEWandS.H.

wS^yjfsm Motion Picture

ieTOHWi Machines"''mD El Film., Sttreopticom,

j<T;^n»rjjj TjT piles. Same wanted.m* Tk~iSGrf* Catalogues free.

UIDDIPUi Pfl 809 Filbert St

nuuDnbtl Ol bll., PHILA, PA.





HARRY THOMSON,::His- Honor, The Mayor of tho Bowery.




Musical Instruments.An :Au to uuilic Orchestra, Piano, Drums, Chimes,

Cyt|iba|s, one act of orgau Chimes of 4.1, one sol oforgan Chimes of 28, Royal Pliolo-Upllo.n withdouole-lcor'es.wllhtruuk. Over au of IhoOnestS. S.

Stewartand J. B. Schull Baujus, and other makes,wltji leather cases for same, will sell at greatsacrifice/ Two' acts of Sleigh Bulls, Starr Bells,WoUloii Xylophones, Organ Pipes uod Wire Dolcl-incr: -Tyfltc.or call for list. PROF. ROACH, Em-pire Theatre Building, 142 W. Madison St., Chicago.


High Class



Manager Sparks' Shows. Rldgeway. Pa.

WINTED, LECTURER RND PERFORMEItlstrong Mcdlclue . Lecturer to double with inc.

Take FIRSTorSECONDpitch. Work.from carriageon street. Preference given M. 0. that can dosome futcrlaliilug aud .strictly sober at AT ALLTIMES. Also I.ady Banjo or Guitar Player.vvltli

good sluglng; voice. Must be attractive looking.

Mention Ion est salary and give full description of

seir. with photograph or half-tone; photo returned

It uol engaged.. Fruuk Lorenzo, write. AddressPit. C. H. CONRAD, Hruoklleld, Mo.


i.Machines, Slercu(Jtlco»M, Slides. KIIiiih, sold, and

i rented. SMITH * Fl LAN, Props.. .,__-.., , ,i,. M ..-.,> u




^'il•^^.::r'*•"£,UrtverIuaJcr "t • i,l ' k,y,, heron & wischman.




Tom People In All Lines who Double In Hand, Manfor Hnlcy and Shelby, Man for Tom. Tromboue, ToDouble Violin or Stage. Wagon show. You getyour money every week here. You must keepsober. State lowest, to Join on wire. Can plsee afew more Musicians. Ijtke Placid, N. v., 13;Suraaac Lake 14, Ausablc Forks 15, Kcescrllle 17.

Permanent address, THOS. L. FINN, Prop, andMgr., Hooslck Falls, N. Y.


ORREPERTOIREEither Dmmatlo <>rV Opera, from slock

or bull) lo order. Soiibrctic ami characters builtfrom ilc-lirn our s|irciully. N. E. Agents for Hindi'sWigs. THE HOOKER-HOWE COSTUME CO.

Haverhill, Muss.


A No. I CornetHand and orchestra; must handle standard music.Pram? City, la., Jnne IS; Monroe 17, Knoxvllle IS.

Rose Hill in, Delta 20, Harvey 21, Eddyvllle 22,

Oskaloosa 2». W. 0. DICKEY, Mgr.,-. Terry's Code Tom's Cabin Co.

ACTORS, MUSICIANS.I want Comet, Clarluct, Trombone ami TrapDrummer for Band and Orchcslra. Also CornelTubaand Alto, Doubhnt Stage, Violin or Piano. Send age,height, weight, experience, rcf rcuces »ud lowestcertain salary. I paying all. Opou Aog. 10.

FRANK DAVIDSON, Mgr., Folks Up Willow Creek(.'p.. Hathaway and lOSIh Sts.. N. K..ClCT<»laml «»btn.

NEW SOUTHERN ROMANTICIV. ELODRAMAwith Dye Scenery anil Special -Paper.

Tins been given a successful try out AddressIV. 0. \Y.. 422 So. Walnut HI., Spilngllcld. III.


YOU STANDOil I FILM ill QUESTION ?If you don't know wlicrs you're at. and If you arelooking for the best service possible; If you thinkthat dealing with a house thai Is never closed,always at your scrvjee, day and ulgllt, would be-

an advantage lo yon, then

GET IN LINEWilli Hie other successful ones. Follow

KARSTN&CO.Everything in I. P. Machines aid Largest

Song Slide Ifri. li toe World.OUR LATEST HIT IS


Watch This Song! Here Are a Few More:

Take Ma Back to N. Y. Town,

Sai Antonio,

Soitwhere, Somebody Is Wailing for You,

Chair Up, Mary,

Jilt a Utile Fond Affection,

AND .<> OTHERS.Machines furnished with or without operators.A million ticket* In rolls fur Male 111 may i|iiaiitlly.

Wrllo, wire, call or 'phone at any lime. NovnrMM

HARSTN&CO.138 E. 14th ST., N. Y. CITY.•rtiuiiu, ;iHia-;tm;i wtwyvenHwi.

RTY,Nat. E. Solomons

MUSICAL DIR. (PlanutFor bu'iuice Summer season. Bust of rofvreuees.Address NAT. E. SOLOMONS, Room 23J, Soiitllcni

Hotel, Chattanooga, Teim. . m

CONTRACTSLETTBB HEADS, ENVIBLOPES, T10KB?TB,PAS8ES, CARU3. Etc. Write tor Sample*.Webb Pig. Co.. 353 Dearborn St., Chicago, III.

Be Af*TOP an ActressAn Aw I V/IH or OratorLearn a profession that pays $23 to $200 weekly.Wrllo for FREE booklet on Dramatic Art bycor-re.pondeiiee. Clileago School of Elb«u>tloa,8M9 Chicago Opera Rouse HI k„ Chicago.


BjejfSj Inattuetton.

What Acts to I^jarii and now. Points on Salary.Row to obtain engagements and many otheressential points every boglniicr should know.Price m cts. Ott Co., 270 W. DiKli St.. Now York.

*mmm KA Hii VI]\8!>*PATUK NEW P48SIONPLA Y, Oolorcd. J'ustrcc'<l.

Many more, new and used.' Edison Hi. I". Miicltlnes,

etc. 3c. slamp for large catalogue and .'l»t.

PEERLESS EXCHANUK, ll2Uaudolph Sr„( 'lilnn,'"-



JL'YWNILE LEADINO MAN, ill leasl AH. lOlll. hill:

COMEDIAN and SOITIRE'riE that do speciHltlcs

People imiHt be llrst class, us siilai les arc si HIuud good. Season of 45 weoks already bookud.Kouvarsals July 2J. FRANK E. LONtl,

. y. iai2 ElghthSl.. Smith, Mlniieapoll01lniiL


Dlr'.eter,' ,'',y •'<"•«'«•? Woman

Invite oilers for. Summer Slock and next season.AT LIBERTY, JUNK IT. Address HOTELNOHMANDEE, Peoria, III. After .lime 17, PAI.AOKHOTE L. Chicago,;

WANTED,riRST CLA88 IDSICAL YODHO IAITo join us In ii musical del. We play I'lmio,

I lu i p. Mtiudollu, 'Cello, .Marlmbiiplioiic. AlioSaxophone, mid Aluminum lliirp. We preferone who pluys any liiMtrumeuls I hut will

(Jo well wllh the above. Sobriety oshciiIIuI.

Itiolos and refeicniiH vxeliunged. Tell nil In

first leUer. Address Mil. mill MRS. C. F.

KUllT'. lior :in:i. Ritvemin, Ohio.

PETER J. RIDGE, Mgr.Western Dramatic Agency

Circulars Froo

Vaudeville Sketches, Etc. Written

Small and Leading Parts Rehearsed



Buck, Jig,

Skirl, Novel,

Caka Walk,

Chorus Work,

Slstor Acts,

Rag Tlnii


Dramatic Art,





PETER h UID«B,'M<-i«. £!'*'

Western Dramatic ; Agency c>°.

127 La Salle Street, Cliica«o, 111.

WANTS PEOPLE ALL LINES.Han for Kugllsh'. iCockinivi, Heavy Chinmter Manand Woman with specially, Juvenile Heavy Woman,Carpenter mill Props lo play bit. Woioiiti I'luol-i

who can play pan. SINULK NOVKLTtJAPANESE At:T. HOTO, WTlle. Season id Hi

weeks; open alsnil Aug.- I. Salary |sis|ilvely sure.

Address <]. HARRIS EloUON, Alexandria, Indiana.

FOR SALEII Drops, lAV-JOt «' Kll|l|ler Wings. V. It.,

Kaii.-yi ;l 1'iTp.o.i U nil anil Set Ntiitrr.ii'

III v l.lrtl Set, itnil lot of other net stnfl* toeRnperlnlrei Net sli.n lin.. Drops In-In lie I'rtlaee Aieli K.llei'llir, t'Ul Woml.

< live. Etc. All llhe new. Il.n Picturenti.rhlne, mill l.iinnfi. i.r Kllma, ArnoldHan MahiiiK Outfit. tlKO. II. IllTTKR.

Tin Louisa St.. \Vllllaiii«|>oit, t'ii.





MorrisonI Shi^f inli,.,, olt


STRONG CORNET.Double (ill, or Selllllil Vlollin

TBOHBONE,Doui.le llu.s in Hecnuil V lullii.

Pascoe-MaiiioyAlllU'-iMiieiil Co., Kewnuoc. Ill .

WANTED QUICKr'or Summer null Ne.\t Sen. on.


OR OEI. BUS. ACTOR.Prefer thusu'ihiliig'specilalllos or doubling hoiiid

liiHlriiimiul. In- blind, siuli: iowesl, I pay all.

Address AHOLl'll fillTTllll), lilllotd's Cnliii'dTiuir..

June ld-l.',,To|tmli; WIS.; 17-22, Sptltigliiovii, Minn.

Whwt, People for Stock

Comedian and Soubrette.... With Specialties

T«'o' couipiiulos to Oil- Toll all. age, height. Salary


E.-B.-WttlUHT, earc of Wright Stock Co., Tul»a,lnd.Tcf..


RA^RrrrjeJE, CLARINET. Double Orclicslra or^'age. Stage People Doubling llaud lustrumenl.I'wI-UruiiHi. (lood Sober Boss Caufus Man Year'swp>». AL'CORNELL, write or wire. Address

"J-.S. KIUTCIiriELD. Marseille. . lit.


'•"• WHt ALL I'llRKktES.. IHINN MACHINERY COMPANV,B<--J«l1nieiil OS, . - . ATLANTA, «A.

i ,'.-.:: -. :


WANTIHim OH MR EKTERTRIHERSPreference given to those. playing ban.lo cr

giiltnr. Call, or address 'J1S ' Century Build-

ing. Minneapolis, '.Minn-. Open-ken June IT.lilt. DAVOLI1EA.SAI.A.

Theatrical Lawyers,soft Ashland block, omicaqo.

I an 24,rs. Old, 5ft. 8fn. Tall; Have had OneSeason's experience wllh a good com|Niny. Wouldlike position wllh a good cotnnuuy for balance of

Suuimer and next season. Wining to work. Ad-dress J. W. BROWNE, Uox en, Newport, Vermont.

At Liberty for Summer Stock,;wanted lady coritctist



Address r.j) WI«T END PLACE, St.Louls, Mo.


Neviiis-Tanner Co.Wants Repertoire People in All Lines, at Once

Slate cvei'jtlilnir llrst letter. If yon do specialties,

say so. Van use a No. 1 Team and Manwith Picture Machine.B.'A. NEVIUS,140I K. Broadway, SI. Louis, Mo.




FILHS.FILMS.FILMSA large lot of Eealun; I'llms al Hie Hlghl Prices.

1'ose* Plnsl|i|iie, Serpentine, Comic, Lecture, Ad-vertising ami Nlchclodeon Announcement Slides,

etc. Price IS lo 'Ji'i cenls per Slide. Send fur large

lists.' . Mall order exclusively.

C. la HULL * CO.,WW K. Hth SI . Clilcago, II I.

rTErra'si«#SAWi^ '(Mist Wanted.New house, pluylng liest iieople. Elrst class per- ;

, '',* VJ v ," ,' ,f ,*,



With First cIhss Concert Experience for EasternSummer Resort Hotel. Address "PIANIST."

212 Hansom St., Orand Rapids. Mich.

T a a K a t oy correspondence.Send for handsome- booklet on

VOICE CULTURE FREEtlory, 521 Lakeside Cldg., Chicago.Illinois Conservatory

For Sale-Wild Wist Gaaopr, Tents, Circus

Scats, Poles and Slakes. Send for list.

PEARL VAN. Northvlllr. N. V

New house, pluylng iiest people. First class performers wanted al all limns. 'Address .

C. D. HiETCHER, Pn.prlclor and Manager.

Mmmmt for Rest Season itheatrical prihters and steheotypehs

O 0-. ' of IIOIMiKKS. HERALDS. Ele.Address TENOR. N. V. CLIPPER, N. V. Cily.

MILLER, COSTUMER,13tt N. Seventh St., Phlladelphln.

COSTUMES AND WIUS Id UIRE.Write for Catalog and Estimate.

WANTED,Teams, Sister Teams, and Single WomenAt all limes. JOHN SEIKERT, Prop, and Mar..

Dewey Music Hall. Utlca, N. \


WANTED.HORIZONTAL BAR MAN,For comedy liar ucl state all. Address.

IRIX IUS2 Luke View. Mn-li:



WANTED, u ridel' Hint can do Ileal, rear wheel lop

uud currying, doubles and ll'lples; musl.be soberand. a gent Ionian, lo Join uu acl of repiilulloti.

Booked solid for iwoyoaraln the best vaudevilleIioiisch III Anicrlcu. Slate salary mid what youItiive; I Tay Rv after Joining. AddressIIAPI'V '/ARROW, P. O. Ho.MlS2. Ml, Clemens, Mich.JOHN J. PETERS, please return the wig.

WA IV T 15 13Rig Medicine Sliow.Registered In ludlsmi. fur

Heat parfoi lacrs wrllc also.

DWIOI1T 01LLETTE. C-lulilliils, lud.

Waited to HeirFroi Arthar Janes Mackler,

in am one knowing Ins wherrabniils, kindly enm-ilinnleare wllh RICHARD MACKLEV.

113 Kcrgvwn Arc, N„ Iltimlltcu, out., Can.

T0DPEE8, Paint. Powder, sump for price nit.

0. 80BIND0.ELH. 118 W. 2Mb St.. New Tork.

MagicThe De,Magic, Wizard. Magician, 16c each.

W. D. LEROY, 103 court St.. Boston. Mass.

Lists ot Tricks, 10c. Kone Free.

The Devil's Own Trick, 60c. Only N. E. Agent for


MUSIC ARRANGEDFor Piano, band anil orchestra. W. H. NELSONH vre.t 2Sth Street. New Vork._



irateiJir A'^ntss' PHntua. Calaloguo free ou re-

ceipt yfr, renin (lelicr i«mih?ci.

A. DE BAILLE, Villa I ris. 4 Roe dc Seze, Parts.

FOR SALE, NICKEL PLATEO STEEL TUBES,SPri'AllLE FOR OYMNAST'S APPARATUS. NEW.Can lie seen al HOHREINER's, %i WaslilngtunAre., Droll*, N. T., llfst Door.


SINGERS AND DANCERS.I. I-'ELD, Manager, cure or Avenue Club House,

I SorUlf Wove Ave., near Mitchell, (Tueintiutl, Ohio.


E N E R Yv'sude* Hl»". and Produeiivn, Largiv.!. SeMNa i.'oii

. eern tu ihn H'mtiL Water Color. Mllko olid Hie.DANIELS SCENIC OTWtHM. UttfcAtltH. _

"van" fleet,RINTET «k KIT Mth STREET, NEW YORK.

Season imiMM,

Guy F. Gregg',AGENT.

AiIdrues'OLAItKSIII.Ri;, W. VA.

VIRGINIA CIRCUITFive I'iiX < lii«» Playhouae* WilliliiMlnely Mllm Kail lli.iin.i il. Pidakkl,Wythevllle, .lliu-lon, Alilii|(«li»i.

HOOD ATITIACTTONS wanted for lies sou.A ITRST CI.ASS-.MUHICM, CIIMEDV wauled TorSeptember or October. For Icruis apply lo the


AT LIBERTY,Hal. II.— -lyffa

lleavh'H uinll'lial., .luvenili's uud lim iiimv.

One lllglll llep.'rii :SI<iek.'.l-:\|'i rlcnic iiuil rtuifl-

lube. ,\ddriMSilE>. DEL., Fort Worth, Tesa.,

" FbRrt>AI-E CHEAP,Several (i(i(Hl FeutuiT Films,l.'sed only two -wnokp. • Wllltraile some rilin for

M. P. Machine.' Fulltci of poles ami stake' for22X0U Icnl fbr.HO.' I'Hliilcil hltiii.

. . .t:„.\LFREH OWEN, EHI-ui. Is.


nNlftolflfiMfi.MIITo pul ou nets and have a c'ltunge of "peclaltle-.

Salary inuslbc low. pay all expense, after Joining.Address RVRpN SPAI N'SCARNIVALCO., WeekiiNimii In, Host Cluisior, Pa.

CHEAP SCENERY «••«* »i«>

INiUlfl. Drop, *'4II. ., Illliei itlllir iliturial UNWillie ba.-ls. HUN .•'. M WWW,.

'.|« \\. I'.il ML, New t.iik CM.


»o*» *MO*«* : m v c ms'D.' *

j .' uu m i rt w e ».'.. " .. i u iiuii






vears ,Mr. 3£uowIes has devoted to a tour of

the world. In South Africa, In Australia.

ood again In America, his monetary and arils-

tic successes bate become almost tnoooxonous.


ALBERT J. BORIE,EDiroguL asd Bcsraisa Manaqbb.

SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1907.

luiteml June 24, 187H, at tba Port OBca at

New York, N. Y . an second claaa nutter, waitUm act of March 3, 1879.

Ailferllienieiili>-$a.HO I** Mat a'""18 eolamn.

Adr«-rllwiB*n(Hict with lionler, 10 per ct. extra.

HlIUSCniI'TIOrT. ^ =

line mr, In advance, 14; six month", »»: three

mouths, II. Korebja posing" extra. Slnglo copl*

*lll Ue ecu I, postpaid, uii receipt of 10 cents.

Oar i'wrma are Cash.

TlItfOI.H'I'I'.K in Issued every WodnesiUytnorn-

Iiik Tli*- lust four (advertising) p««ea 00 TOPUUH on Kiitnnlnjr nl II i. *.. anil OM otlitf

1 bk.-» .hi MONDAY nnd TIJKSDAY.

'J'U* Forms I losln-j Promptly, Tnes-'iJny nl »o ovlook A. M.

please mult by cspress, oioney dtder, chert,

p. <i order or reipster«l letler. AH canto enclosed

with teller ia at ilie risk of gender.

Add reus All < onimnnU-ntlona toTI1B NKW YORK CiaPKKR, . .

aj West 2SIU Street, «»w Tort.

Xrohtcrei Cabin Ailirtn,"AcrnoartT."

THE WESTERN BUBEATJof Tu« Ciaeeso l» locstad nt Ilooid S04, Aiblanfl

Yilock, CblenKil, John T. I'rliice Jr., mans*** sad

correspondent, where advertisement, and eobacrlD-

tloua are received at our rcsular rate*.

THE LONDON BUBEATJ,Ucnle>l at 4N nraiitmiirnn St.,.Loud«o, W. p., John

II. Conwy, manager and correspondent, where, ad-

vertlrnueols und subscriptions urc received at oof

"t'ii'k HMrm can ns obtains", wkoi.sbai.s anj>

miail, at our nxents, Bmiiaim's news i fPQt. «Ateuiic is ropers, Purls. France;*!. Ullenthal,

Frederick SirasH! lul (Tcriulutia Botel). Berlin,

N. \V., Ucrmany; ninraond News Co., H!<J Pra™,H»vura; Msnlla Bonk and HtaUouery Co;, !


Kscoltn. Manila, ft I. : Alliert * Son, laMifll Kluf

HI., Sydney, Australia.

TUB MOW YIIIUC CMPPF.ll pnliHalieBonlv Mill'! eilillon, Hint tliat la (lilted

from New V«rk. '

48 Cnabnraa SI.,' Leicester Square.

London, W, C.

Jink 1.

With the very large number of visitors

In town lb<- theatre* are not being patronized

r,M much ox the .music hall*. Aside fromn few otfrurllons nr the first named houses

i lie business Is extremely light. Julia Mar-lowe anil K. II. Sothern rlnseil their six

weeks' seiiHipii nt the Waldorf lost night. Ahstaled In-fore I he business bus not been uplo the mnrk. The general opinion seems to

lie that n wrong selection of plny» was the

raoaa of the light lMilrnnage. It whb stated

ii few weeks ago Ihnt "'ITie Hand to Yester-

day" would lie the succeeding; piece, butnothing more bus been snid about It. "TheIjist of Ills Haee," which wfls plnved in NewYork under the title of "The Itedskln." closed

ii brief camr nt Drury Ume Inst nlgbt. Theilrnmn proved lo be benvy for this senson of

the yeiir, mid Hummer sensons at. the Lnnelmve never been very profitable.

Among olherg who will appear In support

of t'vrll Mnudr In his forthcomlug pnMluc-

tlon of "I'be Knrl of Pnwtiu-kel" are Alex-

unilra f'urllsle and (Jeorge Hhelton. TheAnierlciin piece will lie done In nboiit amonth's time nl the Mnyhnuse. It will beproceeded by a new one act play, by W. W.Jiii-ohs and Herbert Knrgent, enlltfed "TheI'liimgellng drnmnllzcd from a tale by theformer. In I his I'ollle Kmery and (ieorge

Sbnlton will appear. Mr. FroHmnn an-nounrcM that, owing to Miss Carlisle being




UMan;'' L.V. entertaln-

tS* large parties since tbeopening. ,VUlljfm

tette. Ma;Istance li

gJjgjS^m hmmUf&m. JJ»rJfiJE ^fc^oZSSrkoinfcH. Hunt, man-


We are.glad to think his Itinerary Is at^an , ^.«. ~-j, :r-j !„»-.

end. OopdneM knows wehwre atiaacA that ^lst,,n<^in .h Ê

'" °n ,"e - bhlAH rr nresence from London. To. be j»r- sign of »n» change in ineuiii

p&M^ ™^*fectly truthful we do credit:hlm with 'Infinite 2S^?anffin* ttreVM*

1" hi"a been' muchvariety/ He Is an artist In whom we would |»r>.—


CtjpWn *»raa»JftoTmaace.-iBil

no. wllllnilY note any change. But we_win Improvfd afnee th^ timber o.m

r custom nqw nma along veryjmootb^y

^.n«f?.hS!fJr^ ^r deal *to"hlSW5id


I he clven 1".of visitors on Tuesday afternoon, to Inspect fiftieth .P<,rfo .





nie-ois innnne inurui nun |nr,i-u.,i.... . ™.. r ... -r,.-. irreerAlfred Butt and the dlrcctora of the I'alace also MWH a &<**

on Informol reception to o largeparly faa WMNfcW* ^•J^**1 The


QUERIES AN8WKKED.No Kepllra liy Mall «»r Telesrapk.

AMinnssEK on wiihiik«bouts hot Qirait. AiAm uutsr <>v much mioui.n wiiitk to »bo»b w;uom

"iiky hbric, is <:»h« or TIIK UhUfRK I'oht

Ofrnir.. Ai.l. i.I!TTKIib wii.i. an int»RTin«n onb





1)H ASIATIC.I. I.. Oskilloosil.—We lmve no knowleilge

of lin- iiresenl vfllen-lllwillls uf the Jin VI.V. Ad-

dress n b-lli-r In i-iiri- oi Ibis utile.- mid «e

>lll nilverllsi- ll III Till: I'l.trl-KH letler list.

.1. T. It., t.'llleiigo,

.Mils. H. M„ Smt York,Miss It. It., I'ohoi-s.

K. s. Mi-ii„ I'rhiina.

W. .1. Mil'.. Sj-nicuse, andA. W. II.. New Vork.—Sec nnswer lo (». I„


.1. M. »'.. IIiibIoii.—-Klnw & Krlnnger innn-

iigoil Hie roitd compiinles of the show for sev-

eral years. .

J. I". S., Snlem.—1. We never Indulge In

i-iiinpnrlsisis. i. We lmve no recnnl of the

bii-ldenl. .... , , 11


It. S. II., Pittsburg.—We have lind tiu In-

fornintlon roncernlng the compnny for some

,1." M. .In.. Pensncolii."The K. t". Hold, »t

rata I bin- Willi "The ViiniU'rlillt Cup" Co., Is

the well known bicycle rider.

i'oxstast Ukaiikii, Plains.—Address ,tno

I'resi Tiildlllg Co., m West Tlilrty-KevcnlU

Stri-el, New York l.'lty. .... ,„.K. S. II., Liiiu-Hster.—Address Dick & 1-llz-

gi-riild, .18 Ann Hlreel. and T. II. Wlnnetl,

I-IU2 Itvondwny. New Vork I'll)'.

('. M. S., Wet-hiinkeii.—Address the parly

In mil- nr Hie Kmplre Olrcnlt, 114 WestTlilriy-iilntb 81 reel. New York City

required liv Mr. Maude for his "Karl of Pawiiu.-ket" prodiiclloii, the present run of "•/

Hovnl Knmlly." at the Duke of York's, wll

end next I'riilnv. nnd tbiil on June 10 heWill present, nt that, theatre, firnee (leorge

mill hoi inpnnv, which will Include KinnkWorthing nnd Itlehnnl llenneli. lof I he"SI ronghenrl " rompany. 1rt n new version ofSnrilou's piny, 'Dlvoreons."

It Is very probable Hint II. Beeves Smith,who plnved the principal jwvrt In "The I.hmor Ills lince," nl the. Lime, may Is- seen lnler

in the Waldorf, In "The Marring.- or WilliamAx-be." tlioiigh. so rar, nulliliii: deflhile as to

Hie priNluellon of the |iluy ut that house hasbeen settled.

Adeline Hence, the celebrated dnilrer. who,nl the end or the present year will hnve com-pleted- an uninterrupted engagement of ten

vcinx it the Kmplre, signed :in iigreemenilust Snlnnlny to appear in New York nextJilliu-iry. Her slay In America will bo nl

least n period or some months, and on herreturn to London It Is more than probablellinl .Mile. Uenee, Instead of appearing In hnl-

|el„ will conllne h-rr work lo one or the the-


Mrs. I.nngtry, having henrd from DavidItelnsco Unit he will not be oblc to Binge hernew American piny In New York until Chrlst-niiis. has decided to iinderlnke a short seasonIn London, commencing In .September, pro-

vidliiK she rnu Jlnd a play lo her liking. Tothnl end she Is now anendlng the moat of herI line rending manuscripts.

The American rights of I-outo \. Parker'scomedy. "Mr. Oeorgc," which Is doing n fine

business «l the Viiiidevllle. have been acquired

hv James K. Ilm-krlt, who will shortly pm-d'tiei- the piece In New York, nnd nlso ninke

ii long tour In the States.l-'rnnk Parker will produce his fortieth

consecutive spectacle at the Hippodrome, onor about June 17. It will be an ice carnival,

unil the scenes arc laid In Holland. By newmachinery new being Installed, Mr. Parkerwill be able to change Summer into Winter,and a crowd of one hundred and fifty peoplewill Iw seen attired In the picturesque jrnrh

of the Netherlands, skimming the surface of

tuc arena lake. In a graceful way noted ofHolland's most famous cnnnl skaters. The castIs not at. present complete, but Bert Gilbert

and iXlpner I.iiplno Lone arc secured for theprincipal male parts. The famous sknters.Hess and Lisbon, nnd the four Figaros will

be Introduced. A large number of the Tiller

girls ore now learning to gknte for this car-

nival. The show ought to be an ideal one for

the Hummer senson.The Tossing Austins, who hove Just re-

turned to Knglnnd from the States, wherel hey met with such great success, open atthe Allinmhra, Paris, to-night, 'tne act, whichnow consists of Mr. Austin and bis wife, Is

the handsome hall In Its new scheme of

decoration, and with lis many effective Im-

provements otid handsome appointments. All

Hie alterations required by tbeLondon Countycouncil hnve ls?en carefully carried out with-

out in any way preventing the usual perform-

ances or Inconveniencing patrons. At the per-

formance In question there was music andlight refreshment.May Walsh arrived at Liverpool a few

days ago. from New York. She will open at

the Kmplre. Liverpool, on Monday next,, andthat will he her first nppenTance In this

country. Three other halls on the Moss &Stoll tour follow, after Which she wl go

to South Africa, to' play Hie Hj-mon halls in

that country.He Were finishes, to-night, a long engage-

ment nt the Alhnmbrn. where his clever workhas been so appreciated by the Albambrnmanagement that tils engagement was pro-

longed on two different occasions. He will

rest a short time licforc entering upon his

next engagement., ,

"Suburbia" In the title of a new fnrrlea

plpce, in two scenes, which will he producedby Kred Knrno.- at the- Canterbury, on Juneli. The central idea Is the quest of a youngman for "quiet, lodgings" In a typlcnl Londonsuburb, nnd the concomitant Inconvience ex-

perienced bv one who.would seek- a restful

haven "far. from the maddening Crowd."Dare Oovll Schreyer Is now In Berlin, ar-

ranging forhlsappearnnce In thnf city, whereeven now the peonle arc talking about his

wonderful dive. To-night he leaves Berlin

for Dresden, to complete arrangements In

I hot city. The latter engagement will be

played first. ' . .

The Mlllinnn Trio close their eight, weeksengagement nl Ihe Alhuinbra. It has been

one of the most suci-essrul engagements that

ihe clever wire walkers have ever played.Afler four weeks on the Moss &' Stall tourthey will proceed to Ihe continent, wherethey hnve long iKiokings.

Charles K. Colby, of Colby and May. whoreturned from South Africa last Saturday.went hack in his trade one day this week.

On Ihe way from Soulh Africa.- Mr. Colby meta. Boston mnn who has been In South Africafor n great many years, und who was veryenthusiastic about going up In n balloon. Mr.Cnlbv told him that whentliey got to LondonIf he would hire n balloon; he would pilot

him around Ixindon In the. big airship. Thelatter was secured, und on Thursday Inst, Mr.Colbv and his friend nnd the latter's daugh-ter sinned skywards. They went iibout a dis-

tance of forty miles and at times were overtwo miles from Hie lond. Both say it Is theonly way to get. a bird's eve view of ihe big

city of London. 'Jhey landed safely In nnopen Held n few miles onlsliie of Ixindmi.



Covered His Body—8offered 14 YeanCompletely Cured by


"Small sores appeared on each of mylower limbs, and shortly afterwards thevbecame so sore thut I could scarcely walk'

,The sores began to heal, but small, ScaivSohlke has added several "«* <™ n<-



(. eruptions appeared. The itching was so

or "A. Knlgbr for a Pay" will occur, 11. nnd the blood began to How. ACter I suffered

the production Is ns great a favorite as ever, t]m% ajx>ut ten years l made a lenewed..laying practicallyJo »P&L***™£ effort to effect a cure. The eruptions fa,S3f%,5R&S*£ "®" tbi9 time h^ -Plieared on nearly ,„,lcontinually- adding new Inurels. The offering part of my body, the best doclor in m.

looks good for all Summer. - — '. native county and many remedies gave uoBush Templb TiiKAmr (Harry Franklin, . . ... ,, -. .' , . » "'

manager).—The Summer stock opened to relief, rinaiiy my nair negar, to IjII ril„

exceltent business last week, offering a fine and 1 was rapidly becoming laid. A.frwperformance of "Nancy * OtCj^Wk com- months after! ihuught I.would try t'uli.urj

pared fnvorably with any P'"10""'* KlTf." Ointment and CuticuraSoap. Afler iMritw

b»nJdUKrFar^ns ,,







hls three .boxes I ^COt^y cured. Znan The others were excellent, and the my hair was restored, alter lomteen vejrs

company Is Very evenly balanced. "Cumber-[ suffering. B. llitam Mattingly, Veimil.^2 n

JU*±£S3L V ervW°m


nwas lion, S. Dak.. Aug. «8. loco."

opening night practically every member waspresenlexl with hundsome flowers.

IBIBJJBIIW II TllnATBR I Kills F. OH*mnn, manager).—Mr. Thomnshefsky nnd his

excellent company of Yiddish actors have

liecome great favorites here, and the business

has lield up well.'

Aroi.i.o (Max Bcrman. manager).— TheYiddish company Is doing very well here,

with changes of bill

surcd that Ihey will receive full value r.ir

their money, ns In the past. Malinger K.nnessy has speclnlly engaged Iji coocli.em.dancer, to help swell the due list of special-

ties which will be given this week.'j'iiol'adkbo CI. M- Wclngarten. iimnngeri.—

This'weck tnu Trocndcro Mock Co. is presentIng "Snraxona," with new mid original rnu-

I'kkin (Robert T. Motts, mnnoger).—the sl ,.„i numbers nnd comedy by .Nat and s..|

plnv wlthont a name still remains without |r|,.|ds, who haw hei-onte very popular her.-

one, but. Iiest of all. It Is doing the business, .

rni.v h„,Vo ottered several veiy gmsl |.i)f.

which Is a for more important thing. Ilarri-iPS<n!eH since lUey oiieneil, uiiu have i„-...i

son Stewart has made a grnat hit as the nn-j1Ilr(| nnd con.sx-lenLlnus workers In the house,

sophisticated promoter from (Jary. Ind., who „„-,( aBJ ^y supporled by a iiiunner or iii-v.-r

has a njreat get-rlch-qulck scheme, the plans a,mM||niis, singers and uani-ers, with u guwi

Western Borealof the New York Clipper.

Room 804. Ashland Block, Chicago.The continued bad weather has been very

undesirable ns (nr as entertainments are con-cerned, and especially for parks, which haveharrtlv had a decent day since they opened.There Is only one opening to the record this

week nt the down town nouses, and there Is

no other change of grent Importance nnv-where. Ail ihe theatres which wl!l remainopen tills Summer lire In full swing withthe- Summer attractions, except the Stude-baker, which will open June Id, with 'MissPocahontas." F.lgle Bowm will be seen' In

the title role. All the parks are open nowexcept llnvlnla. which will open its gatesIn a short while, and cater to the musicloving public with splendid bands.

Illinois Tiibatiig (Will J. Davis, mann-§er).—"The Man of the Hour" continues to

o excellent business, despite the weather.

of which nre stoienfrom him. Ills endeavorsto regnln possession of Ihem ore the mediumthrough which most of Ihe comedy comes.

The other favorites or Ihe company are

strongly lo the from, and the song successes

Include: "Say Yon' l.nve-Me," "You Are All

Right," •'Strehnosftv," "Moonbeams,' DayDreams and Dongb.'' nnd "Don't Forget lo

Hay Hood Bye." There- was 'a special mall-

nee given 7.

Majustic (Lyman B. mover, manager).

The entire front of this handsome buildinghas liecn cleaned, and looks splendidly. Thebill for week of 10 Includes: James .1. Cor-belt, Wlllinm Brnmwell and F.leanor (.ordoii,

In "One Touch of Nature;" Cliff Cordon,Louise Agbust and company. Sophie Brandt,the Three Westons. l.allu Selblnl. :Burton andBrooks, Rofoyetic's dogs. Morgan and Mc-•finrry. Edward Moon, tVIIson and l>c Mon-vllle. Jeonette Adler and company, CartellcBros., and the klnodrome.

Oi.oii'ic I Abe Jacobs, manager).—Amongnotable Improvements noted In the theatresibis Summer, this popular house, which is

next door to. the Western Bureau of TllKNt:w Yoiik Ci.iri-i:K, must not be forgotten-The lobby, which extends from RandolphStreet, around through Hie Ashland Block,lo Chirk Street. Is being touched up. In manyplaces, although It was recently palmed, andihe sidewalk porch on the- Clark Street sideis being entirely rebuilt. In place of the oldtlat one, which wos not a credit to the house,a handsome new wrought Iron affair Is beingconstriicted, which will add greatly to the ap-pearance of the entrance. The bill week of 10Includes : Foy nnd Clark. Merrl Osborne nndcompany, the Klusons, Kmil lloch and com-pany.' OIlvBttl Troubadours. Bellong Bros..Brorkmnn and the Phillips Sisters and com-pany. De Onzo and McDonald. Cluxton Rich-mond nnd company. Willie Wesion. Dudley,D'Armond and Dudley, I.lndstrnm and Ander-son. Marie Laurens, nnd the klnodrome.

Sciiixoleii's (Ludwlg Sehlndler, mana-?en.—The business holds up here wonder-

iill.v well, and the bills are among the best

chorus. "The Deluge" is n picture wuu-ushould be seen by nil those who aitmlr.- tins

style of work, as It is one of Ihe largi-si andmost benutlful living pictures ever prodim-dIn addition to Ihe burlesque, six splendidvaudeville nets have Is-eu engaged, nail Hie

bill Is one of Die strongest ever pri-M-n.,,1


K.Mi-iitr. (William Slngerl maiiageri.—Though not yet roiopletea, In so m, ns Hie

dceonitlng oi the exiensive loliliy i> cihj

ci-riied, loc business done hen- lias is-en newsulisfaclory, and Hiis uew.-sl mid hnndMiuiesi

01 burlesque bouses In ule ell} is u inns, wel-

come intuition. The house is well run, amithere is no objectionable leaiure allowed.

I..ion's' matinee, rrldays, bus proved in Ik

popular. Alls* .New YiirK Jr. wa* well ren-tmllasi. week, and the burlesque, ciunimo.v amiolio found great favor, 'i ills week anoiherspoke In the local wheel comes into ilew. rnie

oi tne coiitpanles coming down from toe ci.mto the Norlu ot us, wit i) a catalogue of aurar-

tions and special features which should prove

0, le-nison to even tne sstlaieil burlesque tut-

lowcr.s or tills city. The ligniing eBeci In m>>

lirodd vatrance Is most pleasing anil nriisur.

WoNOKUUMi iKd. laimson, manager;.—Business gnllops along nt a great rale here,

iiud there is no busier man. on the West Side

than Manager Lamson, who bustles 1mmihe time oi the opening until long after

closing time. The bill includes: Marino,

Thomas and Cook. May O'Hell, Thomas amiHarris, Mabel iaimsoo, \annervecker nail

company, .McHee and Owens nnd Miss II.-


Iai.vtsi.v Dime Ml'ski'M tWilllam J. Swee-

ney, manager).—Business continues Hi hold

up" well here. In the curio hall : Huy Hell,

strong man, meets all comers in welgni lin-

ing; aiilene, sntike charmer; tieroid liewH'n.

contortionist; Ihe Norseland guini «nd

James Wilson, the Chicago fat boy. In the

theatre: Llllle La Pearl, Ada Wils.ni,

1-rof. L. Neate and the Oriental dancers.

CLARK. STBKKT MUSKfM ll.. M. Iledies

in the city. That for week of 10 Includes: manager).—Kvery week Manager Hedges "li-

J. C. S., Indliimipolls.— Lew Fields modehis llrsl nppearaiice on the stage lit 18711.

CARDS..1. It., Cleveland.—Any straight "»R1' l"

vvlui t is somet lines called u royal tltish. TheInner hi in Minis no phice In any stiuidnrd

iiiilhorlt v on the game of poker.

II. II.. Derby.-—Vim full lo stale the num-ber of points you were playing. Ten polnls

is Dm recognized gome, nud your rotniuuulca-

llon smti-B B was 10 berore piny. The points

conn t In the fol lowing order of precedence,li-respei-i In- of who bids: l-'lrsl, high ; second,

low; Ihli'il, luck, mid fourth, giune. Thus,If ein-li pliivi-i- nspnreil two points lo go out.

high-Jnek. or low-.lnck would win, the plujci-

h.ilillug game could ii.u roiiiil ll until .the

i.llter three polnls hud Ih-i-ii con tiled In their

ordi-r. I

A. I-'., Moiitlcello.—-A nlnyer can piirebnse

its tnni'y chips as he desires til any singe orl lie inline in draw iKiker. unless il Is Hie gameit "irei-x.- otil." when none eiui be purchasedsi rii-i* i lie original chips urc exhausted.


W. T. It,, llliighiiinlou.-— No. There was aIcnin locnleil nl Plillnileliililtt 111 Ihe Springof IMS. i-iilli'il the Athletics, which plnyeil In

the Knstern League iinlll June IP, when It

Was dlsliaudeil.

MIS(l-:i,LA\i:tHS.i*. A.. Los Angeles.— Illnck Friday, in New

York. [Bi'iirred wpi. L'4, lxiill,

/..We have no means of knowing.

Mure I ii Vim lleesser - -

to \|i|ienr III llpern.

Miii't-ln Van Dresser bus lliiully achievedher u nihil Ion lo In- u singer In grand opera.AINs Vim Dresser i-irfusoil u large snlnry ustin nelress in In-come o sluilenl ul Mr. Cnn-rleil's opera school when Hint lust It ul Ion wasopened, roar yeiir* ugo.

Lnler she wns seleeleil ns one or the pupils<>r Hie scliisil lo be sent abroad fol- study.She has been working In Munich, und hervoice bus In the ineiinilnie Is-en worked Into

jiicnt of the Kmplre, (llasgow, n few wci

ago, left llnnlty for London lost Saturdaynight. Before leaving be was the recipientof n purse or gold, together with severalother presents, subscrllied tor by the patronsand staff of the Kmplre.

I urn told that the biggest music hall salaryon record has been offered to George llacken-schuildt, the famous Russian wrestler. AVaudeville manager In Kansas City Is said to

wont to engage him for one week at £1.000nnd nil expenses paid. "This Is the biggestsum (lint litis ever been offered for a musichail In ru," said P. II. Cochran, llacken-schnildt's manager. II Is not known whetherIt will be accepted.

II. H. Illhtiert, editor of The London MuMi:Hall, has Ihe following regarding It. (1.

Kiiowles, in nn iirllch- headed "H. C," In

current week's Issue ; "Welcome home (o

I!. IL Knowles, who makes his reappearanceill Loudon, ul the Pnluce Tbeulre on Mondaynext. It Is safe to say that among Ihe vastaudience Hint assembles lo greet ihe popularcomedian will he many of Ills professional eal-

leugiies, for It Is Dick Knowles' proud dis-

tinction to be ns highly esteemed In sociallife ns lie is by Ihe public knowing lilm onlyns lis eutui-talner. With do disposition totrend on dangerous ground, we are temptedlo wonder If the course of events In musichull land during ihe past twelve monthswould have Is-eu quite (he same hod Mr.Knowles' counsel been available. There Is

none so proud of bis culling as he; none soJealous of Its dignity and lis Is-si interests,and .vel It is possible Hull bis clear and coolhead might hn vt» seen llilngs dirferenlly ; mighthave cooled indiscreet ardor; might haveproved, In fart. Hip calm, tin- export, us wellns Hie courageous lender. From time lo limecan- lours n good deal of nonsense about the'American Invasion.' We always turn fromsuch dlntrlbes with a curious Interest to thepersonality or It. li. Knowles. We hnve sovivid a recollection of his arrival In this coiui-iry some fifteen years ngo. An octor of a(Vi-lti'n reputation on the oilier side, lie ar-rived In bullion nt the Invitation of Sam

opened Inst week, Monday, tohouse, nnd it proved oue of the most entermining combinations which has been sub-mitted to the local public this senson. Fromstart to finish, there wos almost n continualroar of laughter, nnd Miss Stahl made a

tremendous personal hit In the title role.

The originality of the character, and themanner In which she handles all the vexa-tions situations which confront her, pleasedihe vast audience Immensely, and nothingbut the greatest of praise was accordedplay, star and company by the local press.Business during the week wns phenomenal,and there Is every possibility Unit Ihe at-traction will run out Hie Summer, unless thehciil becomes excessive. The theatre presentsu very handsome appearance since It hasbeen fixed up for Hie Summer und nextsenson.

liAKiticK ThkatiiI! (llerliprt ('.. Diici.-. man-ager).—With no indentation "The Three ofPs" cnnic to lown, nnd won a prominentplace In Ihe hearts of nil those who havebeen fortunate enough to see It. The ruleof crowded houses was renewed, and pressnnd public acclaimed the pluy one of theprettiest which has been seen here. LauraNelson Hall was very pleasing ns 1th)-, butIt was John Westley who won the honors ofIhe pluy from evefy one, nnd made himself.n favorite who will not soon lie forgotten.The acting of Henry Kohlker, FrederickTriiesdnle, Stanley Dark, and Hie others wnsvery pleasing, nnd nearly everything seemslo have Ix-en done to make the pluv ugenuine local success. Manager Waller X.laiwrcnce was In town nt the opening.

Colonial Tiikatm: (Utorgc W. Lodorer,mnnnger).—"Fifty Miles from Boston," Inspile of Hie favor with which It has been re-celveil. will lie forced to depart this weekmid make -room for Kdwnrtf S. Abeles, in"Brewster's Mlllio.is." which Is counted uponlo- run out the Summer. The opening dnieIs 17. and the Intervening night. HI, will beoccupied with the benefit to genlul (ins Schles-Inger, who, through the. kindness of the the-atre mniiagemr-nt. was euabled to have this

tilant Quartette, the Three De Lucas Sisters.McOnlre, Mctiiilre nnd Hlpkev. Vede andHawley. Mete Suiters, Samuels. ConnorsBrothers, Illustrated songs and moving pic-tures.Stab (James L. I^derer, manager).

on theetlons are


eanaeltv ~ •""•'nn i u*»nu j. uo.vurn. manager).

<t enter Business continues good here. The bill forweek of 10 Includes: De Ileitis & Valora. theHowards, Cnrleton and Terre, the GnrrltySisters. Frank Marckley and the klnodrome.


Lyme tBen Snyder, m-inagen.—Businessholds up well. The bill for week of HI In-cludes Felix Adler nnd Kxcollo.

Caluiibt (John T. Connors, manager).

'I his house has closed for Ihe season, afterhaving experience! one of Ihe best seasons Inlis career. It will reopen Sent. 1, playing theattractions hooked over the Sinlr & Hnvilncircuit.

Noirru Avesl-k (Paul Siltncr. manager).—Ibis house was closed last week, owing to thelire laws, with which ll bnd not compiled Inevery sense. No oiraoiinii nicnt is made re-garding the reopening.

Thalia (Thomas Murrnv. manager).—Thishouse is becoming very popular, ihe entertain-ing bill presented drawing good business

HuitAT Xobtiikbn | Fred C. Peters, munn-82L,-~^5? .""""'J.

or ,hc performance ofIhe Wizard of Oz" | s grent, and ihe busi-

ness done shows the value of this piece as apopular priced offering. It Is excellentlystaged and mannecd, nnd the compnny Is nthoroughly good one. Ueorge Stone Is u greathit as the Scarecrow, and Minerva Cover-dale Is n delightful Dorothy. Special creditIs due to Ida l-lmerson for her line singing. Inthe role of Sir Dasheuioff; Robert BurnsPlnyH Hie Lion splendidly, and Jos. Sell rodekicks up high unties us Ibe Heifer. Irvingilirlsllan, as Ihe Tin ' Woodman, Is n lineroll for Stone, and their work together Isvery laughable. -The Volunieer Urgnnlsl"is announced to follow Hi


tulns some big curiosity, Which In iiself is

suraeleut' to attract the crowds which dock

here, but there are many features to be seen

la addition td the feature, and the crnnriN

uever tire of coming.HlVKiiviBW (Wm. M. Johnson, manogerl.

—The attendance continues to be very large,

notwithstanding the adverse weather condi-

tions, for the olg park has been crowded i"

Its capacity by tnrongs of people who anvt

learned that it will require many visits tn

see everything which Is offered tnls season.

The seats under the trees near the uew bund

shell lmve been filled afternoon und evening

during the rendering of the concerts given by

Kryl nnd his band. Of the ruling devices.

the new chutes, with Its beouUful lagoou-s. I*

very popular, so also nre the scenic rallwn),

the ve'vet coaster and the figure eight, earn

the longest of its kind In Chicago. '1 here is

the giant swing, the circle swing ami the

double whirl, besides novel nierry-go-niiiiius

for the children. The new shows on tne

Pike Line hud the Bowery nre being well

pntronlzed, nud tne vast new roller sKatlnB

ring has met Willi approval with all the ex-

pan skaters or the city. In the m-cnl races

which took plnce here ihe world's record was

lowered. Future events for prizes of very

considerable value, arc scheduled. The Wxshow or the park, "The Great Train lb*

lierv," bus been pluv ing to capacity business.

Tills Is Hie most elaborate pnslurlioii ever

a tirm plod lu a local outdoor park. Al tie

new bull park there are games every swiur

day and Sunday afternoon, between tne

Riverside team and those of the Luke Shore

League. The Wisconsin teams that play }Ulverview bring with them car loads «i

"fans" from llicir own towns, to Increase Hie

crowds and the excitement. Hell Gate, one

or Ibe s|iectai-uliir successes ol Coney Mimalasi yeiir. !s Just Inside Ihe park entrance,

und Is tiling explored by almost every vision-

lo the |HirK.

WHIMem (Paul D. llMrae. nmnagen. -

This splendid park, like ull me others. i»»

uffercil ii grent handicap rroin Hie wretched

.-eat her condlllons of ihe past six Wi'W.MMIIInni Roche, manngerl.—"The which not only has kept the altcndunre ilown.II II w li'iia t li n nliun.iil.,,. t a > • . : **- • •_ » • •_. __.>• u a i.a iini-

The (ieriiinii Aniei-lcnn Tlientre In Berlin,Cermnuy. Ihe properly of Paul iiud Adolphl-hillpe. devoted lo the present nt Inn of plays]Hirl raying Ihe nd vent tires of l.'i-riunn en'il-

jgruills lo Aiiieilcii. wns closed Inst week nNer'our f-ilrlv su -ssful years. The lust yenrIs iiiiderslood lo have been less successfullam, any of tin- preceedlng ones, hence iheclosing.

*-»-¥( 'III enwn Ticket Siiei-iihitorN.

Twelve Clilcngn lluiiliv niniiiigers nnd ticketscalpers, who were arrested charged withviolating l In- law by selling liientre tickets atmi advance over the published rale, were ills-

i-liavae I on June !l, when III. Ir case wns call, si

In lla- .Muni-'lpal Coll rl. -on (he griuiiul thailb,- section id Hie Stole law under whichIhey were arrested wns liueousHlillloiliil,

country 'Josser'—the clinrnctorlsllc song andihinee, and Ibe breathless utterance did notnl llrsl make a very reimrknble impressionupon Hie audiences. But Mr. Knowles wasdetermined lo succm.il. and succeed he did.Willi Indomitable energy nnd dauntless cour-age he con I rived tit last lo Impress his per-sonality iiimiii the British public. He grewIn popularity : bis sulury nssumed more nudmore noble dimensions, until there came alime when Hie music hall could hardly con-liiln him. Addressing himself to the businessor a drawing room entertainer, he tried hisluck without the assistance of n costly en-vironment, nnd found that atone he wns ablelo fill the largest halt* throughout the coun-try, proof Incontestable Hint such an artistIs worth every penny- of the princely salaryli.. Is sometimes ciiai-geit Willi ciiorungfrom music hull m.iuiigcrs. The Inst two

will" make her premiere ns a stnr, 10, sup-ported hy Walter Jones, John Pearliey andothers, It being also Hie professional premiereof the piny. Iielng offered by Robert A. Bur-net, who originally wrote the piece for theFirst Corps of Cadets of Boston. The en-gagement Is Indefinite.McVickkb's TiiRATitr. (George C. WarroB,

mnuager)—Since "The Round Up" opened,the occasions on which the bouse has not

two Orpluins" wns the nttraellnn Inst weekand as given by the May Hosmer Stock Co.drew; good houses. "Woman Against Wo-™.,m xoJ ne

.l'" rrc

.nt ml)

- v™ week of 17,"Ten Nlglits In a Bar Room.".....


. !J,"nes H. Brown, mnnngcri.—

I lie Moonshiner's Daughter" did a goodhuslnesa last week. "The Cow Puncher" thisweek, It having been decided to k(*-n ihe

* open another week. This, however,season.

ger).—Frankwith the

nd his nr-"nirlesqucs

but also Interfered materially wllli Hie pre-

parations of nil the parks for the opriimi.

dates, doing South oh the "1." or on on)

of the surface cors, the big tower, wnu-ii

stands In the centre of the Conn or Honor,

shines respiendunt against the backgrounda. sky, liavlng several thousand elccirn

lights oh It, arranged In n very nrllstic man-

ner. The nttractlons Include: Onetll Sisters,

aerial wire act; the Ward Trio, clever gyoij

nnsts, producing "The Bridge of Life. »'"'

Cailcndo's Bund. The chutes nre grenlly in-

vored. and the biggest of nil the shows. "'"''

Burning of the Robert K. Lee." has lssii

doing a splendid business.I'HUTKM Pakk (W. H. Slrlckler, mnnngcri.

for Hi~ ~-~


'J.7ii ~n'„Tv".\:'7W """cwi = —This park of rides bos lieen doing excep-

B5SM!jS!w Vo,,ZVr^l «SM'5*h .considering weo.her oj.rin«»:

been secured.

Is ussi*

and several otner clever comedfans.olio will be seen : Fred Ronen. Harry Harvey

been sold out could Ije counted'on the"flogers JlTrnnvQl,a^,<,,t,

'• fln" Hnnnlvan andofonebnnd. The business 1s phenomenal for Four (John a c.n_«_._the warm weather, nnd the moo-allude of the LltHe Lypt's comninv tfl/' n

mana8«>--lirodnclion Is the drowlna magnet, mnnled iV...i„... KP» 1.52mR??^_''!° .»» enormous

and tiie children and grownups nrid ol!"'r!'

last week wdll nmbl t^i^- ^"""ade a hit en ny the various rides In the pnrk. The"

part and d«u^ «?£"*»" 'tB prln

f."\aI Bn 8(,v,'ri" of them—In foot, ine principal

nrrah Eod bv AnJj .?Cm2£lT*S£ZL V} 1 ^ "'ctlon Is Ihe varied manner In which on'

Tslei I b, the f?m nSuw EfS) ?inne

.y ma

-v '* wl'lrled along, either throagb space

-verni other . ?v?J ei^l Kd' MorV s or an a rnndhod. wnich Is well construed

tans, in ,h» nml warranted ngnlnst all accidentLfvA Pabk il. ». Ijootierstein, mnnogen.—Many thousands have .ivnlled themselves »i

ihe opporluhitles afforded here of o sheher

during the day from the sun (when It Msshone), and of the mnnv ehtertnlnlng ood ne

ad ... others. S|iceial effects have ibeen prepared, and the audiences arc a* Sa.ns Souci 1'ahk (Leonard Wolf, niaaa-


MY BOARD-WALK GIRLYouYou lonsy ?Want Roady IVI<

AA/ant Applause ? ?\A/e»i-»*:H*o Deliver tha

nw Copies with a Fine Orchestration, by THEO. RKNDIX, to All Birnmlll fl ITotesslonals. "TltlJE EYES," tin Exquisite Law Sung. "THE 6AHV AND TIIW HOOIt-MAT.'All these Songs were Written iiml Composed by the Cclebraicd Author-Composer, KliWAlHi A. IMl'l.TOM.

Oooda??7 SING ABOUT HER.Tin- Quulntcsl, Oddest Novelty Sonic Ever Written.

Ileh.i-urs.il* foi «lies<- Songs will be held dally from10 A. N. to -, p. M., at guile 410. NO PINKS If late. BENDIX, fflosic Publisher, 1431 Broadway, H. Y.

kit l.—Entertainment of a diversified naturenny ho found' here, and the band concur is at-Irai't many. In the Mills Theatre (U. It. Mills,lnuiijiscr.i. the attractions Include: Billyonlnby. Cubnuola Sisters, Melrose iind Mack,Miss Uladya, Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Hayes,I.cflnn, Higgles unci Phelps, and Pearl Bve-lyn.

Hklmont I'ark (K. C. Cowdroy, manager).—-The company bus been playing to good busi-ness whenever tlic weather would permit,which has not been often since the parkopened, und the performances have been pleas-I UK.

His.maiu'K (lABI)EN.—The Ilanda Hossn Is

drawing big crowds, bavin." opened 1. ami, onI he fine evenings, 1 lie park is crowded. Thereare no other attractions offered, except thebeauty of flu* puck and the opportunity to sipbeer 111 approved Herman fashion, but theband Ik worthy of patronage.

Ari::i:M.vni.—One of trie most enjoyablenon-professional performances ' was given,evening of U, In the Auditorium, to an audi-ence which packed the big house. Pupils ofthe School of Opera of the Chicago Collegeof Mimic, assisted by John II. Miller, of tliu

faculty, gave the opera of "Martha, underthe direction ofWilliam Castle. Helen Allyn,in the title role, won the most honors of thepupils, and her rendition of "The Last Roseof Summer" was excellent. Feme Uramllngwhs very pleasing as Nancy, and Hugh C.Anderson got much humor out of the roleor Tristan. .1. I .ester Hnberkorn has u splen-did, baritone voice, . which showed up well InI he part of I'lunketl, and John It. Millermade a marked Impression us Lionel, winningmuch applause for his tine singing. (JusSchuli and N. T. Stiff were guud In minorroll's. The chorus sang well In most In-stances, but principally was It strong In thenl lacks on the tin sirs, which Karl ileekzeh.the conduclor, handled very well. The jai-ler Is u member of thu teachers' staff at thecollege. The chorus miinliered one hundredand ilfty, and the orchestra was largely com-posed of iuciuIh'I's of the Theodore ThomasOrchestra, Ureal credit Is due the soloists,members of the chorus and the college fordin really excellent iierforuiance ItTchnrdC. Maililex. the Herman eomeillnn. Is atpresent playing In stock in Wnbash. Ind.,but has been engaged fur the principal eoni-cdv role In Kllruy & Hrltton's "The CandyKid" Co. for next season Ucorgu AdeIs at Huzledon Farm, Itrouk. Ind., workingon the new |)luy for diaries I'rnhniiiii Inwilled William II. Crane will star. The playwill have its prrmhrr. next October in tills

cily The Vallate Standard Opera Co.,has Issued a prospectus, detailing the plansfor next season. In the company will benumbered lln; Elmore Slslers. l.elln Jlurtun,soprano: tlcorge Niithnnsou, baritone ; .loliannHcrthrlson. basso, and Frank Wmdey, come-dian. Cnrlelnti Colby will Is- the musical <ll-

reclor. t;. Frederick Wheeler is the mnnn-ger. and l he production will be under thedirection of I !n> Ilulbrook-Bnrker CoThe rnlrunrc. loby unci laidy of Hie I lay-market Theatre have been completely tornout, -preparatory- to redecorating and refur-nishing for next season, and when reopened.some lime In August, it is promised that It

will rival Hie Majestic Theatre, which Is

acknowledge! to be one of the handsomesttheatres In the world. Through rearrange-ment, the sealing rapacity will be slightlyincreased without confllcllng with the lireJaws, and Manager Ncwklrk looks forwardto a most prosperous season Messrs.Meyers * Free, managers of "Toyland." werecallers 7, and announced that the prepara-tions for their product loll for next season arein full swing, and thai It would equal ingrardettr mid genuine amusement, any nt-1 ruction on the road. Two companies willbe sent out. one o|>enlug Aug. Ill and theolher two weeks luler Mfie. Cnrihi wasa Ci.ii'i'Kii Huremi caller li, having jast re-

lamed from a very successful tour of thehouses In Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana andMichigan. Some days ago she hurl her foolvery' severely while doing her loe dance, forwhich she Is Jusily noted, hut plucklly stucklo her engagements until last week, wheal shewas obliged to rest, and have a surgeon oper-ate on the big inc. Her time on the Sulllvun-Cunskllue eircnlt has been set back, therefor,and. If -well enough, she will appear In Ibisvicinity for four weeks, after which she willgo lo her home lu Providence. It. I., for a fourweeks' rest (Jus Hehleslngcr. treasurerof the Colonial Theatre, heupllts at that (Ile-

al re night of 1">, ins-lead of matinee -'.'!. Manyliekots hull been sold for the original date. •Jit,

hut these will be good for the newly arrangedperformance The new College Theatre,built by SI. Vincent's College, a Catholic In-stitution, and connected with the church ofHint name, was formally dedicated It. by thepriests and many prominent citizens. TheInitial performance of "Otho Viaconti," by(he lain Frederick Grant Gletison, occurred onHie following night, on which occasion thepretty playhouse was crowded, and a very en-joyable lierforiDunce was given. ProminentIn the cast were: John II. Sboebun, Itena Vlv-ienne and Forrester Oubney Carr. Tile opera,which was repeated evenings of II, 8. withmatinee 8, tells the following story: Theliiielfs Hiid lihlliellines are at war In Florence,Italy, al the close of Hie fifteenth century,and otho, of the iluelfs. returning from ban-ishment, meets Bltse Uoiinll. the beauti-ful daughter or the chief of the (ihlbelllues.A inn n luge Is Dually arranged between thetwo, but Ilia nca. ids former sweetheart, ap-pears, and Ills love for her returns. Shehowever, stalls him, kills herself, and Elsiedies from grief The cast: Otho Vlscontl.Joseph F. Sheehan: Illanca. llena Vlvlenue:Aslor, Forresl Iinlmey Carr: Kline, ClaraMarie Knlzonbergcr : Lady Honutl. EllenJones: A Monk. John J. Wynne. The then-Ire, which was creeled at an expense of$:iilil.nnn. Is a very liennliful piece of nrclil-leelure, and Is notable for the novel, uud yetextremely sensible iirraugeinenl. In the first.

pin re Hie singe Is larger tbiiu any other InHip vlly. wlih the exception of the Audi-torium singe. The auditorium Is coveredwith a great dome, handsomely decorated,and there Is no pllltir to obstruct the view,I hose supporting thu mezzanine floor beingplaced lu such a manner that they do not In-

lerfpi-e. There is no balcony or L'nllery.

but the floor area Is great, and the aisles aren-ry wide. The seals are huuilsome and com-fortable, and are arranged In a crescentv-'-ioe. wl'li wide spaces between the rows.The tone Ig of white and Ivory, and the gen-eral effect Is that of restfulneaa. nothingguiidv being illscernahle. ' The electroliersare golden la effecl and the slalued glass In

Hie iloine. wllb the soft green upholstery andthe ini"ds"inc -Iron ciirtiipi of I he Hiliae color,

assist in the iiuletness. There ure 24 aisles,

which would make the emptying of thehouse. In cane of a panic, very easy. Ar-rangements are made. In ease of fire, to turnthe flames through, is-rmnnenr singe vents, ofa novel and e.xcellonf type. Eight handsomemural piiltillm.'s assist In Hie d--»ora1 inn ofHie dome. . The acoustic properties are ex-

cellent. The exterior design Is Mint of lac mil

Sp.mlsli mission. The auditorium Is St feet

deep, tOV feet wide and .111 feel high, nnd the

iiiaiu Hour, including tlic tea boxes, yields u.

seating capacity of 1.1I25. The vestibule Isdomed also, and I* 111 by !>0 feet. The archi-tect Is J. F. 0. Prldmore. Only the highestclass of entertainments, amateur ami profes-sional, will he given Avery and I'earl.together with Warren A. Locke, have formeda new partnership, and will henceforth beknown aa Avery. Locke und I'earl. They areplaying "At the Hares," for which they carryn special drop, and opened on the WesternAssociation time last week The sale oftickets for MuekUv's Hlg Tented Circus, whichIs announced positively to open here. 16, be-gan -1, and. as already announced, forty percent, of the gross receipts of the admissiontickets will go to the support of Chicago'sl'crmaiier.t Dependent Children's Fund. Fivedollar books of tickets have la-en placed withBusiness Womcns' Exchange and others, andIt Is said I hat the demand is great. There-fore, Chicago's |Mior children may look for-ward to many hours of fun, from which theyhave lieen bnrri.il in the past. To Hugh Coylc.business manager of Hie circus, must a greatdeal of the credit go. for lie has been inde-fatigably working in the interest of thischarily for the past three months. Twoexhibitions will be given dally, for aperiod of len weeks or more, In vari-ous sections of the city, and forty-sixinstitutions will feel the helping handBirdyne Znber. who has been a member ofthe "Captain Cureless" Co.. at the ChicagoOpera House. Is leaving the cast to appearIn the leading roles of a musical stock com-pany in Sail Francisco ticorge Sinedley.who halls from Toronto, and Is a remarkablyclever musician, was a Clii-1'KB Bureau cullerfi, having played file Keith lime throughCanada, and now expects lo play through theWest and Central West Arthur Mnly-neux was a caller .1, having Just returnedfrom Springfield, III., where lie was asso-ciated with an III fated stock company, andleft town li. for Ml. Ciiriiiel, III., lo rehearsewilh Jack Williams' slock Co., and will open10. In Ml. Vernon. ..'.. .11ruce Rlnnldo. whohud the same experience In Springfield, wasa culler several days lust week W. A.Junker, manager of .1. C. l^cwls, In "SII'lunkuril," was a caller 8. and reported ex-cellent business for his company, which hasJust closed a long season Cumin andMilton were cullers li, and reported a mostsuccessful season in vaudeville. They will goto their ranch In Texas, for a restE, Ktiuipinrcr, press representative of ltd-

uioiil Park, was a caller .'t. and said that thepark had been doing very well when the weath-er would permit. Mne Turney, an actress,was married to Dr. H. Furl Coger, of St.Ixiiiis. In Hie Auditorium Hotel Annex. 1.

She Is a daughter of Mrs. ltnliort Turney, ofSheridan I'ark The Slate of Illinois

will nereafler protect pluywrlghts and mu-sical coiiipoiiors, whose work cannot Is- placedunder the prolecllon of the copyright lawsprevious lo public production, »s Hie governorsigned senate hill Hill. June 1. making II a

law. This prohibits Ihe performance or sale

of unpublished plays or compositions withoutthe written miiscnt of the author or. com-poser. .Senator A'oert C. Clark, of Chicago,is responsible for the measure ThurlowBergeu lias la-en engaged by Kllziils-th Si-ho-

lier, manager of the Winter session of theHush Temple Stock Co., for her Summerstock company at St. Caul. Marlon Longfel-low Is also a member of this organization.

Waller laiwrence Is looking for adesirable bouse lu tills cily, In which to pre-

sent his plays. Independently of Ihe bookingdone for the present theatres, and which hecould conduct on Hie same principal as hedoes the Madison Sipiare Theatre. In NewYork David Henderson, he of the re-

nowned Chicago Opera House ExtravaganzaCo.. which lloiirtslied from the year 1HS7 lo

18IM, was given a testimonial and benefit

at Ihe <'ol. inhi I Theatre iiflernisiii of 7, theonly llilng marring the event being theweather, which was atrocious. .Neverthe-less. .Mr. Henderson was made to feel, In

a substantial manner, Hint Chicago wasIruc to her sons, by Ihe fact that aboutK2.."K>0 was turned over to him. Thebill, which was a long and variedone. began al I. .'to ami lasted mill!

II.1I0. the programme Including Act 1 of"The Three of 1's" Co.. Hose Sts'd np-i

company, In Act 2 of "The Chorus Lady ;"

"The Mini of the Hour" Co.. Art, a: i myClenieut. In Hie sketch, "The Hoard Im-perial;" May Yokes, single. "Nobody LovesMe," from "The Tatlooct. Man;" AmeliaSimiinervllte Oplu Head, William Llghlfoot.Vlschner, Chiirles Eugene Banks and 1'aul

Hull Ilnvlnln I'ark, that delightful spotto Hie extreme North, near Eviinston. will

throw open Its gates for the Summer seasonHi. wit n n concert by the New York Sym-phony Orchestra, led by Waller llamrosch.concerts thereafter Is.-lng given afternoon andevening. This park is under the manage-ment of .1. J. Miirdiatk, of the Western Vaude-ville Malingers' Association, and only thuvery ls-st bands In the country will appearthere "The Time, the Place and Hie

tilrl" opened "., In Milwaukee, to over 2,r>IHI

people, who i-cmoiiled the local verdict, andthe business through the week was on a parwith Ihe opening. The season of (he com-pany will close S....ltosii Stalil contributeda large doll, made up to look like her 111

"The Chorus laiilv," lo the church bazaar,

given bv Corpus Chrlsll Church, of this cily.

... .The Angel Huardlan Orphan Home, whichheld a hazanr In the Coliseum last week, closed

I be affair, 7, with a total or SPj.-i.nod. but that,

wnen the returns. were all In from extra sales,

etc., the uuioiinl will probably reach fvlUJHHl.

los. Harris, brother of < 'has. K. Harris.

and Evu Berkley, a resident of Chicago, weresisrellv married In Milwaukee. They weremarried (here at the home of Harry Harris,

another lumber of the groom John U.

Ilognn. tiiaiisger of Ihe Crlterbin Theatre,received it letter rrnm Arthur 11. Lynils.

stage malinger or "The Stain of Unlit' Co.,

which played St. Louis recently. I u Ihe

letter Mr. Lvnds announced his. Intention lo

commit suicide, owing lo the loss of his

sight It looks ns lluiugh a hall hadbeen called In the warlike proceedings whichhave Ihrealeiieil the vaudeville Meld here of

bile, and before long nu limb-able arrange-ment may be arrived al whereby Ihe Klaw& Erlanger forces will not Interfere with the

local situation. The Western Vaudeville

.Managers' Assoc bit bin Is very strongly In-

trenched here, having the high class field

entirely l<> liseir. and Inking also Into con-

Hlileration Ihe rncl Hull war between I lie twoforces would raise Ihe salaries of Ihe liead-

lluers lo an abnormal figure. I here Is a flag

of irnee flylug. Lyman II. lilover. managerof tlie Majesllc Theatre, in which are Ihe

oltlces of the asaocliillon. Is ipinlcd us fol-

lows: "It Is hardly true tlint a vaudeville

war has been avoided, although I hat may be

the ease nt some near future time. II Is

no secret Hint negotiations hnve been under

•war. A vaudeville war would be eonlly lo

i-vertlsHlv concerned, and Is n thing lliui

would be heller nvnldiil. We. nre ready lo

fight If Hint I essary, lint would rather

have the business conducted along a

fair coui|H-lltlve basis. Anv scltleiiuint of

iltniniltles will be ami-able."..."V"'Wizard wf i>4

" Co, Kill play, ulgat ol 1Q

for the bem-llt of Thomas .', Iteyuolds, assist-ant advertising manager of the Ureal North-ern Theatre, who was very badly Injured re-

cently III n street car accident Ili-nrv E.Dixey and tirnce Van Stuihllford are bookingsat the Majestic, ami will be seen very shortly.

lane Peyton, now apenrlng In "TheThree of l's." al tin- Uarrlck. Is a resident ofChicago, and Is the daughter of ti. II. VanNot man, a real estate man of this cityHenry Woodruff, who closed hbj season, S,

in "llrown of Harvard." at the Stiidelmker.will sail fur England 11. He has played Un-title role tlim tlliHMi Una Sollike, generalstage manager of B. C. Whitney's nil ructions,will take a two months' vacation, as he hasnot been In good Health The ColiseumHardens will open 10. having, as an attrac-tion. William Henry Krell's Hand Her-nice Shepciril was a culler it, She Is s|iciitlliig

h"r -vacation at iter home In this cily withher brother Other llureaii callers duringIhe week were : E. A. ltillseb. Ed. Weversoti,John S. Young. Joan Heron, Cordon Walton.Mr. Jones, Zola. Mr. McDonnell, Mr. Itrcniinn,

Dorothy Taylor.

TO CORRESPONDENTS.Our tlictilrifal ebrrcHpondrnt* are Urrcbj)

nnliftrd Hull Ihe ci't'dcntbiM noil) held by

Hum rxiilral June I. Thru urn ici/iiikIc-I !r»

ref-uit than lit lliii office ul once, for rawmlfor lO/n-J'Mi.

ontoCliicliiiilltL—The preset 1 1 n I Ion of Allied

Tennyson's epic. "The I'rbiccss." by the Dra-matic Club of College I'reparnlory Sclusil for

Ulrls, was Ihe most notable munlcur dra-matic event of I lie year. It was the mostambitious unileclukliig ever presented isi u

Cincinnati stage by school girls. SarahUnwell Is president, and Mary Neff directorof the club. Tile cast was a large one, andIncluded this rosier of purl lolpimts ; Prin-cess Ida, Until Klnsey : King Uuiiiii. UeririuleAvres: King of Ihe Northern Empire, Bar-bara Thrasher; The 1'rlnce, Ktnlllc Sclimld-

lapp ; l'Torlan, Hiilh Klnsey; Cyril, UracilMorgan ; Arnc. Uwciidolyn Ituwson ; Firstllrolher. Louise Cnlilwabidei' : Snood Brother.Luclle Kroger; l.ndy Blanche. Virginia Hell;

Lndy I'syche. Cliuiioltc Shipley ; Mi-llssa,

Murinn On Hiding: Princess Ida. Dorolby Kel-logg: Itiiily llhiiichc's Sludenth—Ethel Mc-Ciilloiigh, Evelyn Omwuke, Helen Ulen. Itff-

Iruile Ernshnw. IInzi-l Senoiir; I.udy t'syclie's

Siiideuls—Marianne Clarke. Alma Davidson,Margaret Chirk. Itiiilt Crolhers. MurjorleErnshaw..'.!iEllziiljelh Wealherhend, Until

Thrasher. Virginia Egaii, Helen Warner,Emily Burton ; Dancers—Evelyn Omwnkc.Ellznbelh Weiilherlieud, Helen Ulen, Hiilh

Thrasher: Huniils -Dorolby Dawson, FannyMuv tjrosslus. Margaret McAlpln. Charlollclleuly; I'sbers— Isabella Pendleton, chair-

man : Helen Morgan, Elizabeth Morton, JuliaAnderson, Charlotte Clay, Mnbcl Lawrence,llcbecea Sirluiltz. Anna Smith. Helen Doml-nlck, Lenora llofcr, Eleanor Ullolson, Evelynllolllsler.

Ciikmtkk Paiik (I. M. Min-I III, manager).

The chill June days have given nil directumof outdoor amusements the blues. Every re-

sort has suffered. In the- Vaudeville Thea-tre !». (he Country Choir, Kalcratiis, Coyneand Tluliui, and Tom and Edllh Almond will

lie seen. The Chester I'ark 0|a;ru Co. Is

here and I lie season of Siuuiner opera will

begin at the Chester Opera House HI, when•"I lie Kbrlune Teller" will be put on. ' W. II.

l-'llzgeritld Is lo ls> slage director, nnd Ihemusic will again he coiulucliil liy FrankMuiidevlllc. Theliim Fair, Eleanor llurlon, J.

liarllell, Charles Fulloii. W. II. Clark. HumMvlie, Tom I nee and Bud lloss are 'already

rehearsing. During the season Marlon Stan-ley. Hose Le Ilnrte. Thomas ij. Seiibrooke. T.

J. Murray and Clara Lime and Eugene Cowleswill be seen In sja'clal niigagemeuls.

Liun.ow Lauoox (W. K. Clark, miiniiger).

—In the llitsllc Tliealre II: The Hosur Trio.Hie Van Der Knos. /ellu. Feldmuuii andHall, and Hanson and Drew. Of course the

blighting results of Hie cold snap were Mtat (bis Kealnck.v rcsurt. The dog. nil andmonkey net of I'rof. Liimoiil was one ofcspecliil ineijl.

Zisi I Waller A. Dnr|s-r. maniigcri. -Iitnes'

Hand begins lis second uud lasl week's en-

gagement !>. The innshiiles have drawn sur-

prisingly well, itllhoiigli this weather buslieen ziiologlcnllv welcome to nobody savethe members of Hie polar bear family,

virglnhi Llstemuim was a soloist warmlygreeted.Coxkv foUl.M* (U. Welllngloii Englebretli,

niiiiiagpr).— II. E. Ori-gory's "Moscow" will

coiuiiieiice lis sei-uuil and last week's burningli. Hail weather put ail awful hole in Hieprospects for lirltllnnt business, for "coolConey" has been "frozi-n Coney." In IheHIJoii Tliealre II: Douezeltn's Dog nnd I'ony

Circus, the Alliens. Ciisnd and He Verne,Luclcr nnd Lncler. Hilly Wlndum and SSpimi,

Oiiko.v.—Sara Cotustock lent vocal nssisl-

mice nt lite, last reclliil of Albino Homo'spupils. 4. Iliixcl Itelle Mi'lleiiry. Alia

Wright. Helen Sets-I, Louise W. Cliureb andEthel E. 1,cw1h took part.

ScMMbit Chat.— Cbrlslliie Norman, t tits

f'bicinuutl girl who recently gradunled fromIhe Empire Driiinallc School, New York, is

visiting her home here. She Is In play Hie

leading role In "The Darling of the Hods,"In a Heliihco i-onipiniy Manager JohnJ. Weaver, or Ludlow Lagoon, Is ill IheJamestown Exposition.

ot "Tin! Vanderhllt Cup" t?o„ was marriedliere, t. Elsie Jnnls was one of her altend-aiits Iiiillnnoln l'nrk conlliiiiea lo drawwell In spile of the Inclement went her. PhilD. tireene. on ihe spiral, was Ihe attractionduring the past week. Signer Unrglulo and hisIwuid will he the all ruction week of II. llreu-

ory's sjieciacular "Huriiliig of Moscow" will

show tor two weeks, commencing hiWilliam Hnllleld, a brother or Al. 11. Field,

lies ul the point of death nt Ids home here.

Inbti W. Voxel, the popular minstrelman. Is lying III at bis home here, fruin nuover indulgence or cucumbers.


Cleveland. — At the Colonial (Drew &Campbell, malingers) "The Llara" Is Ihe at-

tract loll, bv the Colonial Slock Co., week otJune In. Well patronized houses, week of ;i.

were pleased with "Secret Service." Samecompany week or 17.

Krci.ui Avhxi'e U.uipk.nm (Mux Fiielkcn-lieuser. imiiiageri.—"Damon mid I'ylhlas."

by the Wlllluin Fnrnum coiiiiiany, week orIII. "Motile I'rlsto" drew well at every per-formance, week of .'I. The Farnum companyweek of July I.' Lvi'KtiM (Ueo. M. Todd, manager).—TbaSelmn Herman Co, presents "A Young Wife,"week of 10. "Thelnui." by Ibis company.drew splendidly week of :i. Same companyweek of 17.

Kkiiii's III. A. Daniels. inniiagerL- -Bill

week of lo Includes: llrlgolelll's FlyingItnllelt. "(Tirlstliuis on the Island." Waler-1'iiiv Bros, and Teniiy, Valpskn Siirnlt. anilWilliam lioukl, Mastei- Uubrlel nnd company,"Lllile Hip," Claude Ullllngwnter. Ueo. It.

Item, uud company, mid La Itelle llbniche.

The excellent bill week of II, sold out thehouse nl every performance, stundlug roomonly being Ihe rule.

Ill-KIIA llol'SK I Harry D. Kline, malinger).---Hill week of III Includes: Victor Moore,Emii'a Cams, Irene Lee. Hurry uud Tracy."The llelle of Mnyfalr." Ueorge FullerUohb-ii. W. C. Fields, mill Sluley's Trans-formallou Co. The iiltciiilnnep week of :i,

tne first week of vaudeville at (Ills house,was vi".r large.Lisa Paiik iKIwood Salsbtiry, inn linger).

- In spite of Die iiiisensiinable wealber Ihepalroiinge here bus been good. Llls-rnU'sIlauil begins, |o, lis second week of a twomonths' engagement.

YoiiiiKNtowu.—Al liloni I'ark lltnbl. W.Ciiiinliigliaiu, auiiniger) Ihe hill week ol' June10: Hiimtlmo mid Stevens. Wolf Pros.. Millerami llitssell, I. 111. in Miiynnrd, uud the UrealIIiivwimsI,Avon Paiik i.loe \V. Wess, inaniiger).—

Alleitiliince Inst week was blmlereil on ac-count of cool mill wcl weather. The bill forweek of June II: Iflclmril l.eggell. Ihe Itnllolls,

Wlniri'i-d Slewnrl. Cook. Iloyd and (lakes,

Mrs. Jules Levey und Family I re-engnge-mettli. and IJiiglics null llrown.

UltA.xp Oi-kha llottsn (Joe Scbagilii, mini-ngi'ii.-Tlie Somiuer season opened 8. withihe Clirouo Phone conlinuous pei-rorinnnce.

I'aisk Tiikatuh (A. C. Irons, manageri.--Li-w field'', played two performnueos Mayiio. to good attendance.

N'iitkh.- The Eagles' June fi-Kllvnl. for oneweek. I'oinineni es June 10. with the I! routParker Amusement Co.'s attractions, Includ-ing ntiliniil show, Siinllower Belles, Siiperba,Kagtltiie Village. Katzenjiimmer Castle, lliile's

lours of Ihe world, Sim Francisco In Flames,Switzerland and Electric Tliealre Win.Dcsluin, Ihe capable manager of the I'arkThrill re last season, will again lltivn rhnrgunext season Harvey Arllnglon. one ofItigersiiH's Ainnseiiieiit Co.'s reliable men,again bus charge of Ihelr enterprises ill

Idnra Park, for Ihe Slimmer season. Duringtoe past Winter Mr. Arllnglon. with his wife,

professionally known as Clarlre Templetnn,loured Ihe Central Slates with their comedy,culled "Looking for a Wife." Fosternnd Kramer, clever local song nnd dunceteam, nave signed lo travel over Die Hun Suncircuit during the next two uusiilis. Thuteam will be known as Foster Hri«.

( oliillihliM.—Al Keith's IW. W. I'rosser,

iiiaiingeri Eva Proiil. a popular young nma-leur singer, was milled lo the bill June 7. 8,

mid was cnlhuslusllciilly received. Hill for

week of 111: Homer's Manikins. Hen Welch,Kelly and Hose. Oeiinro and Hit I Icy, EmnietlHe Voy and company. Ulrard and liardner,

Hosn Ire anil Dm el ii. and Auric Dngwell.Oi.cntamiv I'aiik (J. W. Dusenbiiry. man-

ageri.--The Inclement weather last, weekseriously nffecled Ihe business of fills popu-lar park. The Imperial Minstrels, composedof ihe cream or me minstrel men who Hum-mer hole, opened u I wo weeks' engagementL'. Ed. Hutchison headed the executive staff

mid furnished Hie wardrols-s. and a sellingof Al. li. Field's was used. The couipnny lit

el 1 1 lies : I'niil l.n l.oude. uiiislciil director, andJoliii Dickens. Intel luciilor, and prominentaiming Ihe comedians and vocnllsls are Hilly

llroiid. Nick IIufTord. Sam Harris. Charlesllenck. Ditlliis Shiidrlck. I'm I C. Itviiii, Ueo.Mnrlbi, Edtnond llalz. Lvle J. Uariliier. JackWoods. Tom Abiuius. Jim Templetnn. MercerDllla and Jack Urossinnti. The olio IncludedCharlie Iteneli. and his eduented giraffe,

".largo:" Hilly llnind, Dllln and Templetoii,Jack UriMsniilli. Itrlll and Powers, and I'rof.

Fink's educated mules. Illggs' Hough Hldersclose this week wllb their Wild West show."Shooting the Sliools" Is Isiokeil for week of


Noji:s.—(ienlrv's Dog mid I'ony Show bail

. guud business o, 4 Amy Luke, a member

llnjlnii.- At the Victoria (II. P. Miller,mniiiigerl "The Three of lis" closed the sea-son at Ibis house May 211, and II certainlywits u III Mulsh. Those who ntleiided werehighly entertained. "TIip Three of Ds" Is agood show, with n good couipnny.

Faiiivikw I'auk Tiik.vihk (I'lluier Hedelle,inniiiiger). -Week of 2 was one of the mostprosperous In Ihe hlslory of Ihe park andtlienlre: Despite Hip miserable wentlier,Ihoiisunds vlslled the park, and the Ihenlrnenjoyed big ill leiidaiice at every perform-ance. Hill week of 1) Includes: Blmm, llouini,

ll-r-t-r. Mr. mid Mrs. I'erklns Fisher, JamesHull. Nat. Jerome, Howard and Howard, andmoving pictures.

Lakksiiik Tiikatiik.—BUI for week of » In-

clinics: Ernl, one legged roller skater andliorlzoiiinl Inn* performer: lln- MiiubiillunNcwslioys (Jiinrletle, Lizzie Webber, trick

piano player, and moving pictures.Wiiitk llt'i'V. —Thin amusement park opened

to Ihe public May 21!. The Illckclt Family,hand concert, mid charity ball In the largedancing pavilion, conslltule the free attrac-tions. Other iiltriicllona nre Hie scenic rail-

road, lour of lln- world, Johnstown Flood,anil moving picture show. This nark, locatednu mi Island at the junction of Inn Stillwaterami Miami Klvers, makes one of the finestiiiiiurnl amusement grounds in Southern Ohio,with line limiting, luiililng and llslilug, to-

gether wl Hi Ihe ninny a I trad Ions bisikud.—



lluiiillloo. At I be Jefferson (Tom A.Hmltli. malinger i Vo CoUnilul Slock Co. played10 i-xcclleiil btisliii-ss Inst week, and gave I lie

best of satisfaction. Sunn) company week ofJune HI.

LlNliC.xiv.an I'aiik TllKAtltn (Frank Stilll-

van, manager). - Marie Holfsou and eotnpnnyare playing lo fair business and pleasliig.

(iliA.Ni> (McCarthy & Ward, inauagersi.

Hill week of 10: Csslelliil and Hull, MabelHeller. Marin Dnckinmi, Kampsel and Arms-nun. Joseph Thompson, Illustrated songs andbloscois-.

Notk.—Kara Trcdwell and Haymonil Ketch-mil, of Ye CoIoiiIiiI Slock Co., playing at theJefferson, were married on Juno 4, by Itev.

A. II. Ausj In. al Urn M. E. Church, this city.

Toledo.—At the Casino (Kllves & Ilnsen-(lull, nimiagersi lln- imrlloiilar feature of asplendid bill WHS Smlii Werlltulm, Ihe lieml-

llner. Ilitslrn-ss wits very siiHsfuclory, desplloHie exceedingly cold nod riiluy weather. June11 and week. .Murray and Muck. In ".Shootinglln- Clinics," excepting one nlglil only, . 10,

wln-ii .I'm- Weber and company, In "Dreamt'lty."'apiM!iirH.

I 'a ii At Tiikatiih (Jos. I'earlsteln. mana-ger).—For week of 2, the Farm provided avaudeville hill of seven numbers, which packedHie theatre ill every performance. .1 til In Hod-iiioud mid company bended Ihe 1,111 in an ex-ceptionally funny farce. "Too Much Married."HIM week of li : Nntu WalKon'u Hartiviird Clr-ids. Avon Comedy Four, Iwizeola. bred Mor-ion. Del Ton-Ill and llllffnnilN, Tom Itlpb-y,

Ilini American viliigrilpb.


Miiusllehl.- At Luke I'ark Casino (K, It.

Eiidlv. nianngcri I lie Oriilintne Mtork In.

played repertory on a return engagement,week of June It. to small palroiinge, owing to

cold weather. The Chicago Slock Co.. tor 10and week, playing "A Soldier ot tho Em-pire" nnd "The I'nrlsh Priest."

Otti'iiii'M (Fred llllion, manager).—Theextreme cool werillier causes biislnesx to re

mnln good here. The bill for 10 and week-

will Include : Woods nnd Italton, Daly nndOhrlen, the Cunninghams, F. N. Urlfllth, andothers.


Znucsvllle. — Moxilhlllii l'nrk Thealrn(Hilly F, Trnvlse, manager) Is entirely newfrom the piano up. It opened for the seasonon Jinn- II. with the following bill : Dorolbylinden, W. F. Mellnin, Fnrnum and Huntley,Illllv o'Diiv uud iloblle Huff.

Wui.i.uu Tiikatiik (.1. ti. ICngliuid, tnanii

gerl. -K. or P. inlislcnl. wllh Olto Meyer,violinist. June II ; Ziincsvllle High Schoolcomencemeiit I J.

l.nkeside Casino (Hurry A.imiagerl owing to hud wen I her busi-

ness for week ot June ,1 was only fair. The

\l, con.— AtIlnwn. manager) owing lo bud wen I herin no »»*a rt'i.ii, ara *««••*. ir ••n- ••••.» •»-.... - ,-,..

lull for week of ill:, Kline, OH llrothcis andNlch'.ilson, Jos. Kelller and cotupnn.v, Sher-

man nnd Fuller, Seymour's dogs, MurrayK. IHII. mid Ihe Ciishiograph.

Pavilion (Achllle rhlllon, miinageri. --


good bill openeil to big business !I-N. W'pek

of l|): The Doyle mid Emrrson Trio, Dally

and O'Brien, Holmes nnd Wnldron. Vice andViola, Anna 11. Onldn nnd picture*.


Denver. -Al the llronilwiiy (refer Mc-

Court, matnigerl lust week, Walker While-

side, In "The Magic Mphsly," did excellent

business. Week of June 10, Ethel llnrryniure,

in "Ciiplnlti Jinks."Nkw CriiTIH ll'ellon ,V Smiil/.er,, iniinu

gersi— Tlicodore Loicli mid ciiinpiiny. In

-Dr. Jekyll uud Mr. Hyde," did well. Weekof 1). Theodore Lurch and company, In n' new

Ei.rivn's U.miiikxs (Mary Elllcb 1 B.

proprlelor). -Lusl week, Ida Ciuiipiesl, lu

"Leah Klcschiia," did splendid Iiuslliess.

Week of II, Ida Cimipicst and Mellows Stork

Co.. In "Her Ureat Match."Manhattan IIkai'h (A. Duff, niiiiiugiu-).

-•The Aiigiislln Hnly Slock Co. did line liual.

lusl week. In "The Clngnlee." Week id

In "The Lletileliaiitliess III

III. Hie alio) iimpnny,mill Ihe Cowboy."

Tlll.KlilKs liAllliKNM did big business last

week. I lie iiliiloiiie presi'iited a bill of high

class vaudeville. Including Ihe Alpine Fiimlly,

May Evans. Mnrllii and King, llussell. .Ian

Hummock d pictures.

Cm htm. (Ueo. I in Adams, malinger).

A line bill IiikI week did good business. Timbill lucliid -d : O'Connor, Saunders conipany,

Jnrvls mill Tudor, Urey and I'eters. I.'reen-

wnlil. Lazar, Liiziii mid lllmplii and plciures.

NiiVKt.rv (Sullivan. & Coiisldlne, 'nuiiiii-

gi-ri.- • Hill last week Included: JamesFrauds Hitlllvaii and compnliy. O'Neill's Ma-jestic Minstrels, ihe Ounces, Helen llritiuloll.

Jliiy Evans and pleiures.

Niri'KS.—May Evans lllled In on two bills

lusl week, at Ihe Tiillelles evenings andNnvelly imillliees. She scureil lilg.

May Ititekley, who for the nasi rew Siuumiir

seasons bus headed Hie Elltdi Slock Co..

Iibiyed last week ill I lie llronilwiiy, Hhe. Is n

very prominent, member of Walker While-

side's Company It la reported lliul llui

McCmirls cleared nearly Mo.lMio fmm (he

Ilioailwav anil Tnlmr Urntiil this past season.

Hie Tabor Oniiul iH-lug Ihe •grenlPr uioliey

milker, which ilemoiislrnles Ilia gnlierill suc-

cess or popular prices.-»-«« '

VIRUINIA.Norfolk.— Al tho Acnilnmy of Music (Olto

Wells, local manager) Hie New York OperaCo. opened lis second week's eiigngeini-iil,

June II, Willi "Olivette" UK Hie offering. Theriuiipiiiiy bus been parlleiilariy pleasing, andliiislni-ss, as a rule, wns very siitlsfaclory.

"Il's l"ii In Yon, John Henry," 10-15.

Ciil.oMAl. (II. E. Weaver, local manager).- -This bouse, which Is operated under lint

nuiiiiigciuciil of Ihe Colonbil llitlblllig Corpornllun. upeneil Its doors to llm intlille fur

ihe llrst lime Thursday. Juiu- II, Nul only Is

If lln- largest thcnlre In thu cllv, bill one or

Ilin liiiiiilsoinesl houses of Ihe kind (lie Slate

or Virginia has ever known. In llm orccllnn

of t )il m new Uioitlre the inaiiiigemoiit lias

spared neither I rouble nor money In makingIt. one or Hip tlnesl llientres In the South.

Aside from the lieiiuly or tile Inlei'lor or lln-

theatre. Ihe building In Itself Is a handsomeslriidure, nnd a credit In Hie cily, It Is

located on Tnzwell HI rent, Jusl buck of Ihe

Lorain Hotel, and dlrecllv opposite tile Vlr-

glnluii-I'llot Itulldlng.. Tim opening iilll'i"'-

Hon, "I'oi-alioiilas," hud lis Initial perforin

mice on Ilie same nb'lit. "Poculioiilas" Is

an historical drama, from Hip pen of ileurgn

F. Vlell. ot Norfolk, and produced under Ihe

management of Hie ('. W. Ilex Co. Ausllii

Webb, late nt "The Claiismnn" Co.. Is cast

for John Smith. The limine staff for l lie (uInitial lliilldlng Corpora I Ion Includes: II. I',.

Weaver, ticling malinger ; Frank Hmltli. treas-

urer: Jlnniiiiii Norwllzk.v. slagn iniinager;

Jmiips Kerlnek. chief elect rlclitn, mid I liurlus

Hew, muster of properlles.Hiianiix (iilio Wells, local inaringori.-'

"Tim I'nildler". played to good IiiisIiiphh weekof !l. "The Nancy llaoks" 10-lfi.

Ill.ioi' (Abb. Hmllh, inntinger).—I'eople for

week or ,11): Eva Do Hols, llm Lascelles,

Brown mid Young, Elsie Fay, Ihe llnrrlsoiiH,

Helen LovpH. (irnee Lewis, Alslim and Al

qulsl, nml Will Iloyd.Ai'.mi; IWIIkersoii k Mnnzlc, innnngcrsi.

Hill for week of HI! MIiiiiIp Ifownrd, MlknSlrniiPl.l. Jnsle Allen, Flo Esmond, PenmatiSlslers, Delmnrp mill Morey. Heiilz mid Ed-wards, and Harry and I'ctunim,

AirhfT'iiui'M (-1. M. llurlon, muniigeri. -

Thnre will he no change hi Hip bill for «' ,' ,, l-

or 10.Manhattan (Crlnnlnn nr»«„ maiou'ersi.—

PpoiiIi- for 'week of 10: Minnie ratlersoii,

LiidtlP Mnyllnld, Hnllle Wilson, Soplin-

Hlaiichard, Sheldon and Davis, mid Nellie

Leslie.Cahi.vo. Ocean View (Olio Wells, local man-


TI)p regular Hummer season openedweek of fl. wllli an itnt Ily strong vande-

vlllp hill, bnl owing lo the very cool andralnv weather, buslnpss hns been very un

sstltifiieforj. Vnudpvlilp HI- in.—— ti

Dilitvllle. T'lie Academy of .Music, whichwas di-Ml roved by fire u year ago. Is being re-

built bv S! A. Scbloss, who will conduct II.

In con'iieciloti with bis theatres hi NorthCarolina. The new building will be nu up-

lortiitp and iiilracilve Ikiiimo.

Ki.K-riiP' Casino, under (he management ot

Jake Wells, ban been doing good business.

The Kennedy Players, wllh change ot bill

twice II week.»-.# i

Tom Hatkman has lusl closed fol'tv 'veel-<

wlili ill" Fred Onge Stock Co., and will rest

until July, ul Ills huuiu In 1'nll Klvor, Muss.

•:i i v,.—•*:' ;!v;,r,,;,^?; & S^WWP^



and Burnt Cdrk Removed WWASH-UP" MADE EASY

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quickly and thoroughly remove* ill

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and comfortable.

roi sale n dmiooists and oiqcms ., , , > ^ .. r .



..Used and enderaed by the leading member,

of' eVery branch of the profession.

' "We want every member of the profession in

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Send us "your 'name art*. address, and we .will







Of America,


Western Vaudeville

Managers' Association,





PORTLAND, ORE,Including every city In the United States, North, Son th




Hook by HAM MOitms. I.yrlca and Mnsle hy HAHRY l. RHWTOM anil Hampton lH'KAND!' 1»< iiiuio mill I'lionm with Good Voii c». Proiinrly Men, Rlei ih< lium, (iBrnentrAi.Adilrtoa MANAOKItfl TOYLAISI), JA Plymouth IMnre, ( lllrmgo, 111. ! -


I'AIIK, Kltsl Liverpool. (».. It-ii: I'AKM TIIKATRr

R NKXT SEASON( DI.IUtON. Jiiiiu-iiiwii. N.V., lol.'i; Kill k SI'lIIMiSTnleilo, <)., M-tD.

. . I -'

, ...L-I....... .1 -. J.

J, A. COB IUN, Mjsr. and Owner*



Can Always Place Reliable, Useful Singers, Performers, 'Musicians.

Long- Season, Good Treatment and Salary Guaranteed.

,0111 PLACE IMMEDIATELY FOB SDMMEB PAHK SEASON,»«S^^'!.• mlrr liu ml, Uii rlntii.-, Iimibli- strliiK, Baas and Tuba, Cornet, II. and O. oi tier Nuslclnim write", AdrlfejWAll Mall li.



'' J. A. COBURN. No. 250 W. 44th St., Mew York City.


I tiave Several Hundred Dollars

to Invest in Good Amusement

Enterprise. Address


Care of CLIPPER Office, Net York.

"*"*•¥/' WANTED. TORMaud Henderson's Attractions,GENERAL lUKIMtss MAN wllli Strong

rfr>^« lulllo.i AUo WOMAN FOK ill A II -

' ACTBRft AN1> HOME INGKNUBfLTilpse iiniiiK specialties preferred. Slate nil In

llrfi letter and ncnd plioloLf eiaivenlcnt, Managc-MMlpatitall. i MAKJ) HKNDKKSON,

:i'."J Johnson hi., Suglnuw, Mich.

WAITED,People in All Lines


. AT" : .


Those who make ifdod fturk ihe jenr round. Wenever close. Pure* paid nnv way. Wire tinincdl-

nreiyto ,. .BERT. O. OAONON,Saralnmi Hotel. Plilcaajo, III.

WANTED,PIANO PLAYERK|ini Clin H'.iil ulnl in Kt,'. mil' H'hn dues speeladlcH

jiri-rerii'd, for Summer engagement <>r fromtwelve to fo'llrteen wuck». A(usl lie n perfect gen-iii'iiiiin iiihI nice ihyaser. season open* JuoeiM,Oilier I pic, write,' AddresK

. Hit. UHI.OW Al.l.KN,

; . iixfiml liiVke Turk, AatretOM, Alit.

REPERTOIRE PEOPLEin AL.I. iiham iikn \VA mi;i) ami u.AVrltD full pi>rti«ulurit In limit lullwr.


frank g. Campbell,I'AMI'IIKI.h'A STOCK CO.. HIRII CITY. I'A.

ITS- J l»» Ulim. pleiiiMn wrllti ngnlli.


JU l.enillnif MRU, Xlio I" ilouOle slnue. Cl«rliiet

Jl. anil O.,' Tuba n..aml O. Mum Jnln quick, (live

full |mrile.iiliirn. Vimvut* xliuw. (I. (JIlAllA.M, I'rop.,

<:. stoKktcid, Mjr., Jolinsion oilv. III.

WANTED, PRACTICAL MAN TO MANA6ES'ewMiwIe ruMiHliliiR eoiicern. swie cxperleueeanil sHlnrv ili'Nlri'il. Cm nl n)i|ini luiilij fur llglll

iim'ii, Adilre»» '••;.'

A. K . A., H4 ll»ml<Mik SI.. Brooklyn.


liUT TUB I'SK <»F PAINT OH POWIIRR;MA KV Kl.l.A • AOKKrV.^Oil W. iM Slreel, K. V.

Scenic Artist At Liberty,

FRANK C. AMB08Addreaa. No. 30>> Kiu>t Clmpiiel HI,. Columbim, Ohio.

SOPBAWO SOLOIST,Willi excelled! truliiliiic. ilei>lre» «ii|tage with OP-KHATir or HFKt-IAUT* Show. DOROTHYTAYI.OII, ••«* Mli'lllmin Ave., I'hliti||i>. 111.




For Saaaon lrKH-8.


JOHN D. PAV5S .'• 414 Pltam.St.



l-'ive huiisi'f. Work iha-'ven'r YminO.' One hill •»

week. The Mclnonn«i, write. .. .

I.. J. WIIITK, Bijou Theatre. Meiioiiilnee, Mich.

Film Film FilmI IKIfty thoiisnnd feet of flue Mock, large aiul biiihII

nulijcctu, ile. uurt up. No Jimk. , DO NOT SKI.Li l'll.M NOT ITT TO I'sl-:. All nro senlccnlile. If

! noi, they. can. lie remriieil. HAVE YOU SKI'.N


I ililiig fur •'!•. Dhow." ami mlvi'i lining. Send So.MlHIPli for "iiniiilc. I ALSO IICY l'll.M ANDSI.IDKS IF GOOD. C. K. (IAI.LOT,

\a tihrl»if>t>liei St., Nftw. Yo»t City.

WANTED, FORKAEMONT SHOWS,Holier Hosk Chiivuh Mhii for siiutll niiilll, 'tlooil

All Around CiiuiodlAtia, MtiHliintiK. 'Oilier Actawrite. RAKMONT, Itldgpway, o„ June Ml WentMiihnllclll l.'i, llnni-vlllellM.Hke Vlewi", JwckaquCVnlrii 1M'.__ :

' ;/•'.



. W/«rtt*d aiOnoa>,<t


AND MUSICIANS; who oouhu: uand and okch'F8tra.,i


ADAMS' NKYV II. II. SHOW, t'uliimlilu. I'll.

Now at LI'iAfli, T0L0R BOTTOM IEHDR,J-'ur iiiuiilellc. I 'an. do tut r In. Address-.

.(HUN ( <U.H>\.1017 ProH|i«vt St.. ludlaiiniKills, Ind.

Felt Acrobatic Padj in. lung, an. wide.

K. PAI'-W, Sea.. M w. *M straw, Naw_ ToJ?'

3XT C3tT IO JES *l ||

I have rejoined tlie Bid CITY AIM). SHOW, hmioii! Bros,, write. CI.AIIKNCK BKItKKDS, rare tjiiaker

IMiclnrs, chi|k]iru'ii Knlls, Win. Six weeks' sllitld.



Who can change often. SIl.RNt ACTE NOVRLTYACTS to reuiurc for ihelleHt mkimcim: SHOW onlite road. I have the iluest Cnnvua Theutrc millMnsi KlegHittly i:i|iil)i|iisl Show of Iim Kind Kvernum. Nice iilHre foi: l.mllcs aud (leitaehien Imliiiilms ilnliiiil here Aililfcss

POP. RAY, Moberly, Mo.


EXPERIENCED Quartette Man. Can Sing FulrItliDnil. '. , , A. 11. F., »are CUPPER.

Call!- Frederick, Maryland, City Opera House.Anew $73,000 Theatre. Managers of combinationsholding i'(intruci.s With former munugciiii«t lire

noiuieil'io fqmtniioleuic ut once with Wond AU'liherz.'tf tnev desire to hold dates. House com-pletely rebuilt, and the town lulu line for a seasonof good business. Address '

YVOOD'*: I.K11HKR/, Box -2M. Frederick, Md.



. Occupying Entire Block on Independence Ave., between Oak and r.ocnst Slreetg.

WANTED, Clever Stock Soubrette,Doliig Stroug.spe'elsMles;, exceptionally clever people In an linos, wliti good wardrobe; Mii'slclnim rotllahd and Orchestra, Including Lender. ^Several Concessions For Sate. Absdlutely.no fiireN-advimced.

,' . PERCE R.BKNTON, Otlllsa Theatre, Kaiiaaa C)ty, Mo. .

1—t, ,1

FOR SEASON 1901 AND 118,

17 — r


JjOflS Slliytlie Whistler and Imitator

fe^nife ffieCiatSrfe «,W^ »«""«'"»'«':«nd.v»rb3,isso„ods. rWt»it*'

, .I'ermaneni' iftldiess, ilOJl SOPTH LYNDAI.E.MINNRAPOJ.IS, MlNNrNTED,

Man (or Heavies and Characters, Woman for

Characters, and an Agent.Address 8HARPLEY THEATRE CO., Billings, Montana.



J'/ h'or Hiiiiiiii*!' SiiM'h, '


A GOOD;-GENERAL UHSIMF.SS ACTORWilli Specially; .11- t'OIlit; MAN i<> slug Hiih-

iraied xoiigs. Tell all In firm letter. Photo, etc'lie ready to join on wire. hDWIN II. BAII.KY,

. : Cure of Hotel Columbia, SI. Thomas, Ontario.

Andrews.Ladies' Gowns. Slightly Worn."ti^ . FUR8 OF ALL KINDS.

1 'W< also Carry (lentleineh'H Clothing.qaas.tat* su««t CHICAGO

ii H

Hook 'of Spiels rind Door' Talkers'. Unlde,Anyone can lenrn. Prlee '.'5e. sllveV, PostPaid, t'opyrlght 1P07. by A. II.

WIl.HlOlt > HKNHY 01TKK.Three •Rivers, Mich.k

WANTKB, CttICK,Owing;, to disappointment, .fOt'Per. Stuck, .twohllls'u week—MAN for llenrvles, t'buraciersand ttenernl Huslness. Those: doing- special-ties preferred. Write or. wire. Prepay,,. all

IMngraiim:. I; no tbe siiine. ' . ;; :••'' OKO. W. SCOTT.

Cn$ of Shady Lake park. PeeltHltHI,' X. V.

a.iM,forl)e Land's Shows,

REST CLASS SILENT ACTS(No magic). Long season, good treatment andsalary sure. KDDIK TORREY and ZESO, write.Address JAMES DF. LAND, fiermanlu. Potter Co.,

Pa., June 17; Cross Forks is.


WANTED QUICK, A^O'SiJSMEDIAMjfflu m-mmmMffiJoin <m wire, i tlftrln, «e., June lu unit week; ICdltia, }Io.,;,)n an'tl week.


WANTED, for CHAS. E. BLANEY'S"Young Buffalo, King of the Wild West," G».,

6I0..M; BAIUN6ER, Cfeas, E, Blaney's Amusement Co,, 1441 Broadway.Hew YetK.

X W. GORMAN'S PARK CIRCUIT,VWTCD, IpM* to 16 Copllnnoiis Weeks, Opening InnelO or 17,

I. M. GORMAN, 100 Bovlston 8«re««, Bo.t'orJ.-Mai.s..

WAMTEO. Real Med. Performers for Eastern

Colo, and Nebraska, under canrait If yhii scrap,liooze and are hi/.v, don't write. Tell all In letter.


DR. AHPBKW H_ANKlN,^en.Jb<;l„ Detiver.^olo. I



TH? MaW-^vIta Makat the Baajo Talk '

I. I. 8A0KCT, Colo. Spria«i, Csig. i

SaMS£lto'rt"n f"'' ("" flt



'iUI -'CK

' a x^^ AVeiuto, Jer^y C lty, X. J.

the Brain , Wat theSr^n^ J



• "w •



I '•'"ff '

Uwdwillt Roatt CW.

aatvoodrvltle boosflnva. To loasjre la*

aTrlTuo In «hls dr/Mirlaimf. Ihr narnr-


k Co.. . WaAhbjgton. Spokane,

Henderson's, Coney Island. N.

Bijou, Canton, 0-i

?f the theatre or. bark,m well • theII y ortnnn, MUST aiueumpany eick

Nookina ent nsj.;

Abel. Oro.. & Co., U. O. U.,;Plllsburs, 10-13.

Atllcr. Felix. Lyric. Chicago. 10-10.'.

».dler. Jeauetle, * Co.. Majestic, Chicago, 10-13.

Adams ft" Outil. Pualor'a, N. \J#~. 10-10.

Aoclla. La. Star, Hnnnlual. 'Mo^lil-lS:

Adelyu. Urplieyio. Sidney;- O.,- 10-16; Lakeside

ipark, Daytou, 17-22.

Adams * While, O. H.. Caulou, 111., lO-lo; Lake-'tie*' Park. '.Term Haute. Ind.. 17-22.

Adauia. K.Klrkc, & Co., Auditorium, Norfolk, Va.,10-23.'. .. . .

\daai8. -Musical. Four Mllo Creek. Eric. Pa., 0-

'it: Boseville Park. Sharon. 17-22.

Addison ft Livingston. Lyric, Muskogee, 1. T., 13-

15: Lyric, Ft. Worth. Tex., 17-22.

Agunst. Isailse, ft Co.. Majestic, Chicago. 10-10.

Aticrn'ft'Baxter, People's Pork, KxcelBlor Springs,

Mo.. 0-10.Ahcani.Cbas., Fauilly. WlUlorosport, Pa., 10-J5;

Trocsujcro, phlla., 17-82.

Abcrtis. The, Conor Islaud, Olticlimatl. 10 15.

.Ui Ling Foo, Qlcn Haven Park, Rochester, N. Y.,

10-15. .' .

Uvln Bros., AlrJome, Tcrre Haute. Ind., IO-10. .

\hl-M3 (4). lllppodrutne, London, Kng., 10 July 8.

\lirhf. Trio, Bye Beach, X. V., 10-13; BanoTer'

I'aik. Merldeo. Colin.. 17-22.

Alpine Family, Novelty, Dciver. 0-13.

vltarabl, Sadl, Spring Urorc Park, Sprlugflcld, O.,•9-15


Alllsou, Mr. ft UN., Colon Square, .V. Y. .C, 10-

~IO:timolol. Tooi ft Kcllth, Cheater Park, Clnclunatt,

10-10.Alt/lona, The. Orpheum. Columbus, Ind., 10-15;

Crystal. Anderson, 1.7r22. .

Allen, Joalc. Aetue.- Norfolk. Va.. 1010.Alt-ton A AlnulHt. BIJou. Norfolk, Vn„ 10-13.

Alburrus ft' Millar, lllmixlrotue, Killing, Hug., 10-' .IS: Hippodrome. llrKluii, 17-22.

AJIofl, SenrI'* Violet,' KVIlli'B. Boston,- 10-10. '

Aldo ft yancrsou, Clrco Boll, Mexico City, Mexico,-•10-Oet 27.'

Allyn, Any. Lublu'B, Baltimore, > 10-15.

Allen, Ireuo ft' Co., Crystal, lit. Joseph, Mo., 10-

Allaire ft Llnd, Hljou, Aim Arbor, Mich... 10 15.

American Newsboys' Quartette, BIJou, ,Battle

Creek. Mich..- 10-13; Jackson, 17-22.

Aiilrltu ft Peters, Lake Michigan Park, Muskegon,

ft Iteyiiolila, SJar, Muucle, Ind., 10-13;luni. Lima, O., 17-22..

jo's 'Animals, Luna' Park; Buffalo, X. Y., 10-

; Ilanlon'a Point, Toronto, (Jan., 17-32.

jfion' Comedy Four, Korumbega Park, Boston,

b'ng-Bakcr Troupe. Globe, Sao Fran,, Cal.,

. |I0 IS. •

Armstrong ft Clark. Bock Springs Park, EastSrwnool; 0., 10-10: ,V'ann. Toledo. .17-22.

Mm * Attic Lyric. Dallas, Tex., 10:22; Lyric,

So. McAllslcr..!. .T....17-22.

AVniond, Grace. Majestic, La Salle, 111., 10-15;*Cjrlc Terrc Haute, Ihd., 17-22.

aWeVAhcl & Co., 0.0. a., Pittsburg, 10-10;' Ctileago,' 1T-21J. ',' • .

Austins, -Toaalng, Palace, Aberdeen, Scotland, 10-' 10 r jllppodroiuc, Glasgow, .1 7-22; limnlre, Blrin-

I liihiiini, Gng.,.21-2U; Porlllun', Houtbport,. July

AudrlQlta, Jennie, Auditorium, Walerbury, Colin,,

"TTi32. i- j . -.'

Mm Couirdy Four. ' Farm, Toledo. O.. 0-15.

ffy ft Hart. 120th Street.: N. ; Y. C, .10-10.

fj* Trncey, O. II.. Cleveland. 10-10.

fey. Pickett, Shady Side Park. Baltimore, 10-

.jf: 'Atlantic City, N. J., 17-22.

'obcii Strlug Quartette, Keith's, Boston

Bucna, Morris, i

Wash., ltf-15.llgrlon at. Durum,

Y., 10-10.Burton, llufibea ( Hartoo,

O-10. -.- .

Biickner. Luna Park, 8ebeuectady, N. v.. 10 is,llupkerr, Ureat, Klecltlo Park, Kotomo, lod.,


Bush ft Elliott. Waasoo's. JpjUu, Mo., 10-i5;l'ark. La" Salic, 111.,: Itftaa. '

Husli, Frank, Uieslnut Stre«!t, PMIl., 10-10.Burkhart, Lillian, ft Co., Urpheum, Los Augolcs.

. Cal., lu-lii.

Ilurkc ft McKvoy. Lyceum, Phlla.. 10-10.Buckleys, Musical, limplre, San Fran., Cal., 10-

10.Ilurlluus (2), Lyric, Banvtlle, Vu... 10-15.Bilukley.' Joe. BIJoo, WbevUinj, W. Ya.. 10-15.Byron ft Blanch, Hiatto. Elinlra, N. Y„ 10-10.Bynl ft Vauoe_ AlrUome, Seyuaiar, Ind., 14-10;Olympic, South Bond, 17-22.

>Cit(Tery ft tirant, Albany, N. X., lu-lu.Casey ft Urancy, t.yrlc, Tcrre tlaote. inJ., 10-15.Curus, Emtnu. O. II., Cleveland, 10-10.Ciisnil ft Uc Verne, Coney Island. Cincinnati, 0-13.Ckrmuntclln ft Co.. Lmjoou, Cincinnati, 10-22.Cirrcys, Lea, Wick's, Klttanulnf, Pa., 10-15 ; Ta-

rentum. 17-22.Ciirncll, Edna, Flood's Park, Baltimore, 10-Aus.


Carroll ft Baker, Urphcum, Los Angeles, Cal., lu-ll). '

Carters, The, Morlcy'a, Barnesboro, Pa., 10-10.Carroll, Jus., A. ft 8., Boatvu. 10-10.Calcf ft Wuldrou. Bijou. Wlicellug, W. Vu.. 10-15,Cameron ft' Flanagan. Uauxma Park, Grand IUip-

' Ida, Midi., 10-15; Winona Beach, Bay City.' 17-22.

-*-*«•CarllloT'Leo, 08Ui Slrcot, N. Y. C., W-13.Carkton ft Tcrre, Hijward's. Chicago 10-10.Campbell ft Copelaud, BIJoo, Jackson, Mich., 10-

Campbell ft Cully, Crystal, Marion, Ind., 10-15;lilkuurl, 17-32. .

Casper ft Clark, Uhceuy's, Fall Blvcr, Mass., 11-

CaiujTMe Trio, Victoria, N. Y. C, 10-15.Carroll, Joe, Grand. Jollel, III.,' 10-15; Carutval

Park, Leavenworlb. Kans., 10-22.Curuu .ft Faruum, Luke, Worcester, Mass., 10-10.Caiiuou, Jack ft Ullda, Shcedy's. Fall Klvcr,.Mass., 10-10; BIJoo, New Loodoo, Conn., 17-




& HarrlK. Shea's, Buffalo. 10-10.The, Academy of Moslc, Bagersloivu,

ID-w.BMPol'l'-" Animals. Victoria.' N. YUarnai'AI,' Alrdome, Se.vlnour, Ind.

5 Okv South Bend. 17-22.Ba'iks-BrpBM'iile Duo, KWksIoti. N. \.afMll^A GarOeld, Urulid. Newrxirt,

' 'J.'|ri.|lHT,' Flmllay, O.. 1


HUrues'ft Cdwlua, Novelty, Olieyenue, Wyo., 10-

^*l«l CryaUI. Denver. Col., 17-22.

UatCH, Louis' W., Star,] Braddock, Pa., 10-10;

, Stir, Turlic Creek, lt-iSI.

llanta^Hrob. <t4. Star, Muucle, Ind., 10-15;. Star,

Clilcago. 17.22. ;

' '' :

BiailerXo ;Velle Trio, Dreamland Park, Decatur,"

III;, 0-IB.' . . ' .

BuUom's, • Breakswur,' Vanity Fulr Park, Provl-

l.Jrtice, IIM., 10-15. ' .' •

Hiiftor.-. Wlcka ft ileed, ' National. .Stubcuvlllo,

,'.o:, ip-is: ' • '•


Jfsjiictt. G'ormuu ft Bartlett, Park, Wllkcs-Barre,

TPltT. 10-10.•'

IlaMe mes. The, liljon. SU|ierlor. Wis.. 10-10.

llirtu.W."Waviii-, Columbia Music Hall, Utlca,

fr. lo-io/ • r . —L-mK. ft- P., Jersey City. ff.

C. 10-15.

10-10; Oljui-

1010.Kj., 0-10;


rjAjujl ft Newton, K. ft- P., Jersey City. ff. It.10-10.''.' '••

, • . " .

nilicr'4'Joruine,- Keith's, Phlla.. 10-15. '

jiiiiryHii. The, 'Ayoii Park, Youugstowu. 0., 10-10.

Ualsr, Pete, Wasson's I'hrk, Jopllu, Mo., 0-10.

Cili'itlval Park, Kansas, City, Kans., 10-22.

Tacit. Trlxle, Itlaltoi ihlmlra, N. Y., 10-10. •

ITpL.' Doout, ft Dogs, Buck Springs Park,'nvhiglleld; U.. 10-10; Farm, Toledo, ,17-22.

uil,';15lH'oixl ft Maggie, Star, I.atrobe, Pa., 10-

iii'cii Sisters' (0>. Stori Atlanta. Ga.. 10-10.

il'iCryslal, Virginia. V'ellatoii. O.. 10-15.'

Ulea, This BIJoo, Wbl-eltog, W. Va., 10-10.

HelluHg Btus.. Ulymplc, Chicago, 10-10 ; Keith's,

vOJlfwahd, 17-22.Ile>,viiuil. «. O.- 11.. I'lllshurg. 10-10.

H-vur.*: Julinsuii. Hljou. .Iiulutli. Minn., 10-13;' .(VJldttooil ('uili, SU Paul. 17-22.

Meritam. Helen, NI»ou, IMltshurg. 10-15.

Beecker ft .Muyc- Stiie, Homestead, Pu.. 10-10.

(Jfptjiiil A Iriln;;. lu-i-uibluiid, (lli.'uu, N. Y., 10-

''irlcde of Mayfalr." O'. II., Cleveland, 10-10.

Borllar's MunlkliiH. Keith's. Columbus, U., 10-

li1t<MaK-slle,. Chleiiiio. 17-22.

Burule'r 'ft Stella, lleidtersou's, Coney Island.

: iS,-V.. 10-15; Union Sijnare, N. Y. 0., 17-22.

He lulnirc Bros.. Orphcuhi. Boston, 10-10.

TMlllcaiiit. Low. A. ft S., Bobtbu.' 10-10.

Headtola, Arthur, ft Co., Grand. Reno, Nor., 10-


fere. Vnlmle,11., 10-ll(.rClty Quartet

joy ft Cuupuiau,

ft Co., Oi'iiheum, Los Angeles,

ft P., Jersey CityK.

Blaipjlie. J

{1 uiinililii

B esaliiff,

vcola, Pluelnirst Park, Worcester, Maas,,

N. J.,

Palace, Atlanta, Co., 10-

UlftV, - Bwiiui, B-r-r-r, Fair view Park, Dayton,Oi. 0-15.

BlmiOhard. Sophie, Munbiilton, Norfolk, Va„ 10-

vJB« ,


Ln Belle, Kelth'a. CleioUnd, 10-15.

ft Hchr, Star. Atlunla. Ga.. 10-13.

Mr. ft Mrs., Olympic, Sprliujdcld. 111.,


"'iliissars" 111). Kumlro, Cui-dia, Kug..

Maiieliestcr, 17-22; Leeda, 21-20; Llver-

lloyd, Anblc. ft Co.. Novelty, Stockton, Cal., 10-

•"'"tfirj.Volty: Sim Jose.. 17-22.- Ruwtvi. . Wiilujrs ft Cruiiker. Keith's. Ch-velaud,

'.HMii.i Cook G. II.. Itdehester. N. V., 17-22.

H(Macu.A :(|alnh. Soculc. Providence, U, I.. 10-10.

Ro*Jll Bi-os., loin, Chicago, 10-13; Crystal,

-iMarJon. ind., 17-22. ,

, Bjaiu,' Ureat.. Slur, Seattle, Wash.. 10-13. ...WtfUita'ek Uuurtettc, Original, Ofpheum, Sao' Katpi Cal., 1015.KtlWrnnn, Frank, Keith's. I'lillu., 10-10.

QlHttreyft Davis, Grand. Fargo, N. D., 10-15; Bl-joU,.WInnl|>eg, Can.. 17-22.


IKulnwell ft Gorilnn, Majesth', Clileugo, 10-15.- Btvokii-* Clark. Hljou. ItoVkfoid, III., 10-10; Olfux-

.'IfjV Chicago; 17-22.

IlfHWP. Gil. Bell, Oakland, Cut., 10-15.

ttto»ii ft Wllmot, Lyric. Independence, Kans., lo-

. IJJi" ..- .. - - - '

BrOwn ft Yomig, Bijou, Norfolk, Va.. 10-15."

' ft Jenriette, R.vc Bench Casio, Bye, N. Y.,

I; Merlden. Ooim.. 17-22.

s. The. G. O. H., Plttsbarg. 10-10.

Ii'lrot. Sophie. MaJfMllc. Clilcugo. in-lC.

(Iwefhuju ft Phillips Sitters, Olympic, Chicago,

•JriWi-ri'ck. Dave. WDidsor, St. : Paul, Minn., 10-

1ro>'«jA.' Nrfsjfo, TriMilr. Delrelt. 10-13.

ftiwli fniiilly. Lyrle Park. SprlugBeld, Mo., 0-

10: Lyrlf.. Webb City., 10-22. .

. llujHon ,,V Ur-iukH, Majpsile. Chicago. lo-l->.

JjuYkee. .Iii.'iilliiir, Keltli's. Boston. 10-10.

Bjtke. John P.'. Flood's Pork. Baltimore, 1030.terms, wm,, Mum, pltiamirg. in is.

lihu.w.;- CbM. €.. CrjJlnl, Mtiu.hlm. Wis., 1022.Birrnii. • Uarr.r. Olympic, Snnfh llr-nrt. Ind.. 17-SI,


CaUellaMil., 10-10.

Chstueroys, The, Luua Park, Coney Island, N.Y.. 10-15.'.-

Christopher.' Chris., Vcrhcck's, Oil City, Pu., 10-15; 0. II.. Couneadt, O., 17-22.

Chapman, Chus. N.. Howard, Boston, 10-10.Chcnter, Mile., Itamona Park, Grand Rapfds,

Mich., 10-15.Chick, Ureat, Pinoliurst Park, Worcester, Mats.,

1015.Chathaui Sisters, 0. H., Morgsutowu, W. Va., 10-

15; Wayhesburg, Pa., 17-22.Christy, ; Wayne G., Electric Park, Excelsior

Springs, Nov., 17-22.Chefato ft Cnprclta, Sohnier Park, Montreal, Can.,

10-15. .•

Clements, The, Umpire. St. Paul, Minn.. 10-10.Clermuiito, Frank & Ktta, Empire. Cardiff. ISng.,

10-10 ; Empire, Manchester, 17 22 ; Kmplre,I<ecds, 24-20; Olympic, Liverpool, 1-0; Umpire,Hackney, 8- J 8.

Cluxton, Ulchmond, ft Co,, .Majestic, Chicago, 10-16.

dauu ft Railcllffc, Majestic, Slooi Falls, S. D,10-10 ; Windsor. St. Paul, Mlnu.. 17-22,

Cllyette. lngersoll Park, Des Moines, la.. 1010.Clarence Sisters, Savoy, Atlantic City, K. J., 10-

Clemo, Cassels ft Bonzal, Bepdcrsou's, Coocy lu-

lauil. N. Y., 1010.Clark, Harry Coraon, Cleveland, lo-ifi. -

Clifford, Dave, Grand, Unlnntown, Pa., 10-15;Swlsha, Murgaiitown, W. Va.. 17-22.

Clarhe, John F., Ulen Haven Purk, - Rochester, N.Y., 1010.

Clarke & Temple, Kalamazoo, Mich., 10-15;Hljou, Battle Creek, 17-22.

Clufkc, Georglauu. Orphcum, Vuucouver, B. 0., 0-

15; Uraud, Belllngbam, Wash., 17-22.Clark ft Bradley, Park, Johnstown, Pa., 10-15.Corbett.. Jas. ,1., Majestic, Chicago. 10-10.Country Cbulr. Kransvllle, Ind., 0-10; Youujs-

town, 0., 10-22.Courtlelgh, Wllllum, ft Co., Albatntira, N. Y. C,


Colhurn ft Greno, New Kevslugiou. Pa., 10-10.Cook Bros., . Park, Jabustou, Pu., 10-15; Lyceum,

Beaver Falls, 17-22.Corro ft Corro, , Morley, Barnesboro, Pa., 10 15;

Slor, Latrobe, 17-22.Coyne ft Tlnlln, Ubeater Park, Clclttuatl, 10-10.Courllauil, Grace, Uraud. Reno, Nov., 10-10.Cook.'Frank. A. ft »., Boston, 10-10,

Coonors, Harry, Sbelluot Park, Wilmington, Del.,10-15.

CoII|nu ft Hart. Victoria. N. Y. C. 10 July 8.

Coaan ft Baneiott, Henderson's, Coney Island, N.Y., 1015.

Connors Bros.. Schluillcr's, Cblcagv, 1010.Collins ft Brown, l.ukeiuout Park, Altooiis, Pa.,


Colen, Musical. Ci'.'stal, Iflkburt, Intl., 10-13;Ooahen, 17r22.

Colonial Septulle, Ye. 123tb Street, ff, Y.. C.10-15. . .

Cowiier, Jlmmle, Hazel Park, Mazcltou, Pi., 10-

Cooke, Boyd ft Oaks. Avon Park, Youugitowu,.:o.-, 10-10.

Coatcs, Don, Hljou. Battle Creek, Mich., 10-15.

Corday. Laurence, Uljou, Lorain, 0., 12; Majes-tic, Suudusky, 13-10. .

Colonlul Septette, Yu, 125th Street, X. V. C,1010.

Cri-o ft Co.. Cryatnl, Anderson, Ind., 10-15


Kokomo. I7-1V, i

Crawford ft Deloneey. Family, lirle, pa.. 10-10.dial)-. Iilchy M'.. Pastor's, N. Y. C. 10-10. .

Crolxi Pert, Klcvcnth Wurd, Wllmlngtou, D(L,1015.

Creo Co., Crysal, Auilersuu, Ind., 10-15; Logans-port, 17-32.

Cialue, Long ft Craiuo, Idlowoud Purk, Ashta-hola, 0., 10-22.

Crnlgs, The, K. ft P.. Jersey City, Ml J., 10-15.

Curzou Sisters, Dominion Park, Montreal, Can.,10-22. ' '

Cutiuuola Sisters, Mill's, Chicago, 10-10.CuiinliipUum ft Smith. Trocadeiv, Phlla,, 10-15


- Summer Park, Ashland, 17-22.Couhtnglium, Bob ft Daisy, Orphlum, Muusttcld,

0.. 815; SprlngSeld, 17-22.Cuiumlugs Trio, unique, MiDiieapolls, 10-13.

Daly ft O'Brien, Pavilion, Akron. O.. 10-15.

Davis, Ben, Bijou, Muakegun, Mich., 10-10; Fam-la., 17-22.Carnival Park, Kansas City,

TO COHm»r»OH DlHTS.Our theatrical cm-rc3pomlrnta~ oro hereby

iiotiflcJ that tin cixdenlMt . viotp hilt bpthrm nspirtd June I. 'iVicy are requeited to

return fnem to this office at one*, tor renetcol

for.aei-aes. ,

In Onto ft' McDonald. Olympic. Clilcago, 10-10


Majesllc, Clilcago. 17-22. ;De Caoo, Chaa.. and. Dog. Ukc Michigan Park,Muskegon, Midi.. 1015: Pt. Huron. 17-22.

Droning, Joseph. Noruuhcga Park, Boston, 10-

•416. . .

;De:Bas«lnl, Vera, Dnlou SyoBre, S. Y. 0.. 10-10.

De Veldc ft Zelda. Nlpuiac Park, Mllford, Mass.,

1013s Bn»k»ld»; Atbol, 17-23.Dec Roy, Harmellng. Bristol, Teuu., 10-13.

Dcmacos, The, , Dowluig's. Logausport, lud^15: Uartc's, Wabash. 17-22.

De Fays, Moslcal. Sioux City. Is.. 10-13.• Dime ft Morui, Wbaleo Park, Fltchhurg, Mats.,

10-16. .

Dillon Bros.. 23d Street, N. Y. C. 10-1S.Dlxoti Broo., Rlverslile Park, Saginaw. Midi.,

. 10-16; Wloonn Beach. Bay City. 17-22.Dixon ft Fields, Spring Brook Casino, South

Btnd. Ind.. 10-10. .

Dillon ft Moore. Hljou. Racine, Wis.. 17-22.

Dlxey. Henry K., ft Co., G. O. LI., PltUurjrs.1010.

Donawtllc's AnlDiJa, Coney Island, Cincinnati,10-13. ,


DOnald ft Carson, * Proetor'i, Newark, N. J.,

10.Doyle, Patsy. Alhamlra, N.'Y. 0.. 10-15.

Doyle ft.Granger; Star. Altooua. Pa., tO-IOtDoyle ft limersou Trio, Pavilion, Akrou. 0-,

.15.Dolau, Roger ft Hello. Wiliiilugton, Del.. 17-22.

Donecau.' Nellie, Colonial, N. Y. C. .10-15


Keith's. .Phlla., 17-22.,- .- .


Dougherty. Jas.. Empire. St. Paul, Minn.. 10.15.Donovan ft Arnold. Oulque, Minneapolis, 10-13Drew, Dorothy, Umpire, Blrmloghaui. England,

10-10; Knjplrc. Newcantle-oiiTyiie, 17-22; Km-ylre, Sooth Shields, 21-29; Edluburgli, Scotland,July 1-0.

Drew, Mr'. 4 Mm. Slduej, Keltli's, BostonDrake's - Sheep -ft Dugs, Alnlotoe, Tcrru

Ind.-, 10-18.Dupree, Geo. ft Llhbie, Alrdutac, Terro Haute,

Intl., 1016.Dupree, Jeahctte, Novelty. Oakland. Cal:. 10-15.Dunham; Casting (4), K. ft P., Jersey City. ff. J..

gsWDo' Bols, Great,' ft Co.. Cashio, Wushlugtou, Pa.,

10-10.Duim ft Glazier. Orphcum. San Fran.. Cal., 9-22.

Huue-lln 'Trouiio, Colonial, K, Y. C, 10-10;' Keith's. Phlla., 17-22.Duprcz, Fred, Electric Purk, Baltimore. 10-10.Dudley. De 'Annum! ft Dudley, Olympic, Chicago.

10-15. M .

Duval, Viola, ft Co., Ucodcrson's, Coney Island,

X xVUO-13.' .

Dyllyn, J. Bernard, Novelty, Stockton, Cal., 10-13;Novelty, Vallejo, 17-22.

ICarle, Dorvthr, Krbe's Cnalno, North Beach, L.

1;, 10-10; Ihman's, Coney Island, N. Y„ 1.-22.

Karl ft Wilson, Acme, Sacramento, Cal., 10-15;Bell, Oakland. 17-22.

Karl ft Rnrtlett. IrvlmJalc Park, Warren, Pa., 10-

15; While; City. Blngharaton. N. t.. 17-22.ICckert ft Berg, slyern Lake Casliw. Cautou, O.,

1016; Lakeside Park; Akron, 17-22.lickhoff ft Gordon, Lake, Worcester, Mass., 10-

10.F.hJOra ft Norlne, Oleu Haven Park, Rochester,

K. V.. 10-15.F.llswortli ft Burt, Bijou. La Crosse, Wis., 17-22.UUIntt ft West, orphlum, Newark, 0., 10-15;

Bijou. Wheeling. W. Va.. 17-22.Knierson ft Baldwin, orplieuui, Suu Frau., Cal.,

10-10.- '•'

-Euiai-Jld Couiedy Trio, Montmorency Falls Park,Quebec, Can., 10-10. . .

F.uimy, Mine., ft Pets, Cheatunt Street, Phlla.,10-13. .

I'.iuplir City Quartette, Nixon. Pittsburg, 10-15.HiiKiclon, Sou, ft Co.. Bell, Oakland, CaL, 10-13;

- lx)S Angeles, 17-22.'KngllBh Rockers (0), 23d St., N. \. 0., 10-15.Kniis ft Lurvlla Troupe. Uappylaud Park, Stateu

Islaud. 10-32. .

Kraesto Sisters. Chestnut. Street, Phlla., 10-10.'ark, Muakegun. Mich.,


UsmiTiilila. Lake Mlchlgnii PI0J5; Pt. Huron, li-22.mm ft F.Vans, llfiou, Duluth, Mluu., 10-16 ; Bl-Jon, Superior, W's.. .17-22. .1 .

l.vans, Bessie, Folly, Chicago, 10-15; Star, Mil-waukee, 17-22.' •

' '. ' •'•

ijvers, Geo.. W.,' Grand, Vancouver, U. C, 10-10.Kvclyn, Pearl, Mill's, Chllugu.. 10-15.Kverett. Hdphlc,' ft Co.. Uhlou Square,- N. Y. 0^

10-15. ..',.•....Kxcella, Lyric,. Chicago. 10-15. •''•

Fatitus (2), Idle Hour Park, Pittsburg,' Kaua., •-

16; Lyrfr, MiiBkogee, r. T., 1022. '

l-'udette Orchestra, Temple,' Detroit, 10-16.Farley. James A Bonnie. Orpheum.: Vancouver, 'B.

0., 10-10; Grand, Tacoina, Wash., 17-22.N..Y. C, 10-16. ' ' " ,f

Faye, Elsie, ft WaaMt' ft Miller. Uulou Square.Far, Anna' lira. t). l>.- II., Pit talnivg, 10-10.Ftlduiau ft Bell, 'Lagoon Park) Ludlovf, Ky.. 10-

161 Oak Honimlt Park. Evaiinvllle,-ind.. )T 22.

Ftrguson ft Muck. Maulou's Park, St. I/oOls, 10-

22. ., • '•' .

Ferry, Ornheuin, Hau Fran,; Cal.; 10-29.

Fields ft Hanson, Highland Purk, Belleville, N. J.,

10-22. .

Fisher, Mr. ft Mrs. I'crklus, Kklrvlow Park, Day-ton,. O.. H-to, • • •, •

Flake. Gertrude. Pliivbarst-Park, Wowealtfi', Mass.,tu-tO. i

Fltsmald, Harry, Crystal. St. Joseph, Mo., 10-•ip. • ...

'• '•

f'liinoys, Tin-, Orpheum, San Fruu.. Cal., 1010:t.o.i Aiigeles. 17-20. *

Fields,' Will II.. Four Mile Creek, Urle, Pa., 0-

IB : .Avenue, • Dubuque. 17-22.Fisher ft Berg, Ionian's Casino, Cuucy Islaud, N.

Y.. 10-15.Cleveland. 10-10.Klialru, N. Y.. 10-15.Casino, Buenos Ayres,

lly, Sioux CityDavis ft Davis,

Kans., 10-16.Davenport, Edna,

, jirown « :

'Brook* ft

JXflU; I


Uljou. Phlla., 10-30.

D'AHta. Flor. Keith's. Boston, 10-10; UnlouSquare, N. Y. C. 17-22.

Duvey ft Phillips, Crystal. Mcnusha, Wir, 10-15;BIJou, La Crosse, 17-22,

DariiMjiidy. Palace, Boston, 10-16 ; Pluchurst Purk,Lowell,' 17-22. •- •'.

Daucourt, Leah B,, Dreamland; Braddock, Pa.,10-10.

Datle, Mile., New York Root Garden, «, Y, 0.,10-10.

D'ArvlIlc. Cainllle, 23d Struct, N. Y. C, 10-10.

Davenport ft Rauklu, Cook 0. H., Uucheatcr, N.Y., 19-15.

Dale. Dottle, ft Co.. Hippodrome, Pittsburg, 10-

10; Family. Du Bios, 17-22.

Dcvene ft Hhurlz. A. ft S.. Boston, 10-10.

Dtgwcll, Aurle, Keith's, Cleveland. 10-15.

Daly, Vinlc, Uulou Square. N. Y. C, 10-13.

Deas ft Deas, Melville Park, Bayo'lUC, N. J., 10-


Devoy ft Miller, Henderson's, Coney Island, N.

Y.. 10-13.

De Hollls ft Valors, Calumet, So. Chicago, V-10;BIJou, Kensington. 10-22.

De Laceys, Dancing, Orphlum, Portland. O., 10-10.

Dc Von ft Kennedy Trio, Tlieatorlum, KlttaoDlug,

Pa.. 10-10.

Deloiore ft Morey. Acma, Norfolk, Va.. 10-15.

Dennett Sisters, Sliellpot Park, Wilmington, DeL,10-15.

Dean, Sidney, ft Co., Keltli's, Cleveland. 10-15.

DeiBlaker's Dogs, Ford City, Pa., 10-13; Brook-.vtlle, 17-22.

Dc Youuk. Dorothy, Shcllpot Park, WllmlngUin,Del., 1013.

Dereiiiio ft La Pue, Wonderland Park, Indianapolis,

10-10; Wonderland. Milwaukee, 17-22.

Delmar, Jennie. Star. Atlanta, Ga., 10-22.

Deloiore ft Durrell, Grand. Portland, Ore.. 17-22.

Du' Lucas Slaters (0), Schludler'a, Chicago, 10-


De Ci«la. Viola, ft Co., 09th Street, N. V. C,10 10.

Drlniure ft Lee, Nixon. Pittsburg. 10-15.

Deltorelll ft Ollasaudo, Farm. Toledo, O.. 0-15.

Ih' Vn.v. Kmnicll * On., K.-llh'ii, »'<iliim!«w, O,lO-lli.

De T/>ra. Mllo.. Pliiolinr-t Purk. Worcester, Mu5« .

I"l". . . . .... _•',.«

Flelda. W. (.'.. O. II..

Floyd. Mamie. Klalto,Florence Sisters (0), Casino, Buenos Ayira, So.

America,' 10-30.Florcliz Troupe; N. Y. Roof Gurileu, N. Y. C, 10-

July '«.

Flood Bros.. MtU St.. N. S. C, 10-13.t'ljin;.' Earl, Family, SIOux City. la.. 10-13; Ma-

jestic. Sioux Fall*, S. D„ 17-22.Flemen ft, Miller, Park. Bavomie. N. .1.. 10-15.Flahm ft Dunn, Howard, Boston, 1015. '

Florence Troupe, Soumer Park, Montreal, Can.,10-13.

Foalell ft Knimoit, Wbulom Park. Fltchhurg, MUf„10.15; Palace, Boston, 17-22.

Fords (4), Orpheum. Los Angeles. On!., 10-16.Fords, Famous, Rosuvlllu Park. Sharon, Pa,, 10-

15; Ccm, Mimon guhcla, 17-22.Fo> ft Carlier. Port Arthur, Can.. 17-22.'

Fox ft Du Hall. Bait End Paik. Memphis, Teuu.,9-10; West End, Nerr Orleans, Id-July 1.

Foy-ft Clark. Olympic. Cblcugo. 10-16.

Ert'iiuiuA Walaon, Howard.. Boalon,. 1013. . .

FTeilefic, Paul, Boston, 10-15.Froslo; Charles, liljtiu. GrandforkB, -V. 1).; 10-13..Freyr Ilenrj, Lakevlew Park, Terre Haute, lad.,• io-ib; :-•'

Frimkllu, Lillian, .Uluujlc Gurdcu, S, Y, C, lu-ll'.. ' * •• -

Frevoll, Freih-rlc, Elwoud. lud.. 13-15.Fultop ft Larkln. A. ft 8.. Boston. .


Gardu'er, Happy Jack, Vnlou Square, N. Y. C,•jo-io.'

Galley. Cella, New York Root Ourdou, N, Y. C„tp-10, '!

Gaurlel. Master, ft Co., Keltli's, Cleveland, 10-10.Ouyety QAiartette, Lake, Worccswr. Mass.,. 10-15.Oanrltk ' sisters. Howard's. Chicago, 1015.Caroler ft Somels, Troeadero-. Phlla., 10-10 ; Park,

Bayoiinc, N. J., 17-22.Gallagher ft Barrett. G. o. II.. Pltlshurg, 1015.tUrdeiiCIW Trio, BIJoo, Appletoo, -WIb., 10-10;

OrysUl. 'llrlwankee; 17-23.Gullettl's Monkeys, Chutes. Chicago, 10-13.

Gurlpt ft Graff, Rensselaer Park, Troy, N. Y.,io-10. ff

Gaston ft GrdeiH.-, Alhsmbra, N. V. 0., 10-16.Gallaitdo. Mil Street. N. Y. C, 10-15.Oenrge. IWwul, Olympic Park, Chattanooga, Tcnu.,

10-15.Hnisro ft Ballsy.' Keith's, Columhus, O., 10-15.(lennaro's Band. Shea's. Buffalo, 10-15.

Ollbart. Vriitrt. Whaloro Park. Fltchburg. Mass.,10-13; Paluc, Koslon, 17-22.

Olllliiawatcr, Claude, ft Co., Keith's, Cleveland,HI-16.

Glllen. Tom. Grand, Taeoma, Wuah., 1015;Grand. Bcllliighnm. 17-22.

Glnlcllor's' Doks. ' Unique, Minneapolis, 10 10;Family.' Fnnto.' N.'D., 17-rj.

Glrard .V Gardner. Krllli's. Cvlumbus, O. . 10-13.

lillrwy. Haynes ft Montttauery. Forest Park High-lands, St. Louis, 10-10; IVmtnlnn. Pnrrv Park,Imilavlll,'. Ky., lfl-22.

niliiaeretthi. The. Kstlh'a. Phlla.. 10-15.Guides ft Hughes. Mnhtitle. LofayMxe. lud , l»l-

l0.^LngalI^flJH, ll-IS*

tjladii. Mips, Mills'. Chicago, 10-15.Golden. Lewis, Flood's Park. Baltimore, 10-50.

Gorortn ft Doyle. U. O. H., Klyria. O.. 10-16.UeM. John. Marlon. Markiu, O., 10-15.Goodwlu, Susie. Auditorium. Joplln. Mo.. 0-15;

Carnival Park. Knnsaa City. 10-23.(lorsjou & Cbacou, Pantagcs,' Belllngbam, Wuh.,

10 15; Grand. Taeoma. 17-22.Gordon, Cliff, Ma.tcatlc, Chicago. 10-15.

Guide. Anna .. Pavilion. Akron, O., 10-15.UooUoaits, Musical, Wrat Knd Park. New Orlcam,


Goldsmith ft Hoppc. Pastor's, N. Y. C, 17-22.

Golden. G.u. Fuller, o. II., Cleveland, 10-13.

Gonloas. The. Temple. Detroit. 10-10.

Grant Gardner C Temple. Detroit. 10-15.OrltT Bros., Hrltaniila-on-Bay, Ottawa, Can., 10-

'' 13.Gray's Marionettes. Hoag Lake Park, Woonnoekct,

It. I., 10-10; l.ako View Park, Mlddletown.Coon., 17-22. .

Umy. ft. Graham,. Park, Ulchmond, Vu., 9-13;l>ark, Roanoke. 17-July t8.

GrtmlettlH Flying Ballet, Keith's, Cleveland. 10-

Grahatn ft Campbell, Hollywood Park, Baltimore,.10-22.

Grant. Sidney, l.yceuin, Rochester, N. Y., 10-13;Nlxoa. Pittsburg, 17-22.

Ontuticcka (21. Atlantic Garden, X. V. C. 10-10.

Gallic. Johnnie, Academy of Music, Saaluair,Mich., 10-10; Alvarado, Hay City. 17-23.

Uai.len, Virginia, Hagcr's, Vancouver, B. C, 10-

Itali'* Corbiii, Victoria. - X. Y. 0., 10-13.

Srrlson. U-e. tlslcly, Alliance, »., 10-13; Hi-

du. Canton, 17-32. .•

liiea, Lola, Wondorlood, Ilovore Beach, Mass.,10-30. - . >.

Uansuu ft Nelson, Hctidersou's, Coucy Islaud, N.Y.. tO-16.

Harney ft Hayucs, O. H„ Glen Falls, X. Y., 10-

15; Sandy Beach Park, OgdcoaburBj 17-23.

Hampton .-ft Bautnau. Dcutscuc's, Mlcbcti, Gvr.,

r-lU-aO.Jutfhnch ft Harris. Verheek'a. Oil City, Pa., 10-13.

lUrlaud ft Itnlllaou, Unique, MloueapolbJ, 1013;Family,. Fargo. N. D.. 17-22.

Halbuway ft Slogcl, Hiawatha Purk. Mt. Vemou,0..'U-15. .

Hayues, Al., Lockaprlugs Park. East Liverpool, O.,10-10. .

Hays. .Ed. C. Nlxou, Pittsburg, 10-15; Farm,Tolado, O.. 10-22.

Hals ft Harty, French's Sensatlou, Mouud City,

'''•• 1018 - ~ ^ „ .-liar.. L'nlcycle. Meyer's Lake. Caulou, 0., O-lo;

Park, Woealltig, w. Va.. 17-22.Harlem Bros., Pastor's, N. Y. 0.. 10-15.

Uarrtion, The, BIJou. Norfolk, Va.. 10-13.

Harrla-Beatiregarde. ft Co., BIJou, Anderson, lud.,

10:15. . . . .

Harty, J. It., Howard, Boston, 10-15.Kaiivef, Leuora, Crystal. Frankfort. Ind.. I0-£U.

Hiirla, Charley. Pastor's, N. . Y. C, 10-13.Hamilton ft Howlelt, Keith's, Phlla., 1013,Ilarver ft D< vora, BIJou, Crystal Falls, Mich.,



o>es ft Johnson, Orpheum, San Frau.. Cal., 0-t5.

BJmaii ft Franklin, Pavilion, Londou, Kng„ 10-

Harison ft Drew, l.agoou, Ludlow, Ky.. 10-13.

HaWJcy, K. Frederic, ft Co., Orphcum, San Fran.,

9A--llarcourt. Frank. Mission, San Fran., Cal., 17-22.

Hay ft llros., Purk, Wheeling. W. Va.. 10-13.

Han, Mr. ft Mrs. Bohy, Mills'. Chicago. 10-10.

Harcourl. Daisy, Palace, London, Eng,, July 1-

Aug. 10.-

lUiUril. Oracc, Lyceum, Rochester, X. V . 10-13,

Ucrrmuuu, Adelaide, Chestnut Street, Phlla., 10-

jlv liii Children. Cink'* Park. Hvausvllic, lud., 10-

10: Maiiulou's Park, St. Louis. 17-33.

Saury, Louise, O. 0. lI.,.PIttshnrg. 10-15.

eatu, Tom. Keith's, Cleveland, 10-10; Atlantic

City, N' J- «'J2.lleiiry ft Youug, shcllpot Park, Wilmington, Del.,

HJ-22.Heuuessej, Jas. A.. Eiiiplre, l-o* Angeles, Cal..

10-15 ; Uarlou, Bukcrsneld, 17-22.

Herbert's Song Birds, Nixon, Pittsburg. 10-10.

Herbert, Minis.. Tumbllug Run Park. Pottavlllo,

Pm;. 10-15: Island Park. Suubury, 17-22.Heytviaid, Groat, Idota Park. Youngatowo, O.,

10-10. . , .

Uowleltes, ilie, Cu)ur d'Alcue, Sislkana, Wash.,lo-Aug. 11-

Henry £ Do Youug. Sbelluot Park, Wilmington.Det.. 1015.

Hill. Hamilton, Tlvull. Sidney. Aus.. 10 July III.

Illjl. ijurray K.. Lakeside Casino, Akrou, O.. It-

Illuiuaii, Capl., Hldn.-y. Steeplechase, Oouoy Island,

. X. Yu 10-20.llloiihiB ft Felps, Mills'. Chicago. 10-10.

lllir .Clierry ft 11(11. Park, Johnstown. Pu., lo1 3;. Park, Aahland, t7-22.

llllluiuii. George. BIJou, Streutor, 111., 10-16.

Hoch-Kinll. ft Co!, Majestic, Chlcagp, 10-15; Orphium. Son Fran., Cal., 29-July tl.

fjolzsau, Al. F.. ft Mamie, Ouilak, Hlhci'Ja, Russia,

10 July 00.llguillnl, Horry, l.'ul.ni Square. N. V. C, 10-16.

Horloii ft La Trlska, Forrest Park, St. Louis, lo

16; Fontslue Kerry Park, l.uulsvllle, Ky.. 17-22.

Iluliuon Bros.. Ferry* Park, Toronto, Can., 10-10;

Vnnjli- Fair Park, Providence. It. I., 17-22.

Hold-worths, The. Norumbcgti Park. Boston, 10-10.

Holme-- ft Woldyn, Pavilion. Akron. 0.. n-10.

.Park, Wheeling. W. Va.. 10-22.

flolman. Harry, ft Co., Unli|iie, Kuu Claire, Wis.,Iti-IO: Traverse City, Mich., 17-22.

Hpil,* SJarlon. Junction Park. Bearer Falls, Pa.,

Hull, James, li'alrvlvw Purk, Daytou. O.. 0-ld.

Uowu'ril ft lxiwis, Keith's, Boston, 10-10; Kclth't,

,T»li|Ja., 17-23.

IluiUcr's Domestic Animals, interview Park, Chieagu, 10-10. '

. .

Hogfii, Ernest, .Cook O. 11,. Rociivslvr, N. V., lo

"•ft,- .

Il.'.wai-d. Horry ft Muy. BIJou, Kalsmaroo. Mich.,

•lO'IO.. .

Hoiiklns, Vera, lllallo. Klmlrw, N. Y.. 10-16.

itoManls, .Thii, Howard's. Clilcago, 10-15.

Huntings (4). K. ft P., Jersey City, N. J., 19-10.

Hussev, Mr. ft Mrs.' George, Procior'n, Newark,•"»,• J., 10-16.Hostoii, Arthur, Melville Park, Uayunuu, X. J..

Hughes,' Musical Trio, Lyric, Dauvltla. 111., 19-15;

^jKpuisoo Park. Ft. Wayne, Ind., 17-22.

HH»he« ft Brown, Avon, Youugslown. O., 1015;

Kelly ft Rose, Kellh's. Culutobui. O.. 10-13.

Kennedy ft Wllkeuo, 0. O. U., PltUhulB, 10-WJG.O. II.. Johnstown, 17-32. . > „ m

Kittle Trio, Oleu Haven Park. Rochester, 8. I*'0-16. • .

Kluaoua. The, Olympic, Chicago. 10.15.

',uua Park, BuCalo, X. \..



10 'to J




' 'llleeUlc Park, BulTulo, N. Y.. 17-32.Iflltiiilsoin 13). Crystal, Fostoilu. O..

ilttwel Bros., .Electric ..Park,JSma\llufliiin

Hi-16; t'lectrlc Park, Kansas City,17-22.

1016.Hv.cclsl.ir Slirliiil

>, »aiie" M ""» 1T-*'

Musical. Ilnwurd, BuHtonft Brown, Avon Park, Youngstown, 0.,

15.de. Mr. ft Mrs. Rout., Island Park, Suubury,

fa.. 10-10.Innras ft Ryan, Alamo Park, Cedar Rapids, la


irwlu, Jack. Irviudulo Purk, Warren, Pa., 10-10.

Italian Trio, Chestnut Street, Phlla.. 10-15.

JaWes ft Parker. BIJou. Wheeling. TV. Vu., 10-16.

Jalvans, 'Hie, Pluchurst Purk, Worcester, Maim.,•10-16.

JackMou. Harry ft Kate. 20d St.. N. Y. C, 10-10.

.lanirsr Daisyr New-V.wk Roof Garden, X. Y. C.

Jails', Klale, Chestnut'Stmt Phlla.. 10-16.

Janaoos (»). Unique. Los Angeles, Cal., 10-IC.

JeroUe, Nat S.. Falrvlew Park, Daytou, 0., 9-10;Coney Island, Cincinnati, 10-32.

Jewell's Electric Manikins, New York Hoof Oar-dun. X.' Y. C. 10-16.

Jtuidvgs ft Itoutfrcw, Robinson Park. Ft. Wsyne,Ilid.. 10-15.

.lohiisuu ft Dcau, Yard's. Moscow, Russia, 19-ilV


OH'Budsva/u, Budapest; July 1-Avjg. 81, -

Jolson. Harry-' Union Squurc. X. Y. C. 10-1."..

Jobuslou ft Leslie, Unique, Minneapolis, 10-16.

Johns, Johnny, Fontaine Ferry Park, Louisville,

Ky.. 1015. ,1

Johnson, Carroll ft Co.. 50th Street, X. Y. C . to-


Jolnisloue, ..Ralph, Chestnut Street. Phlla.. 1015.Jotuaif, Great, Rtullo, F.ln'ilra. X Y.. 10-15.

JOfifi A -HaloKind, Illlou. ^ViuIitbou, lud., 10-10;

1, 17-22.Ky..

Olympic.' So. TJcnd.Kates Bros., Fiiutalne Ferry Park. Louisville

D- 10 ; Kast End Park, Memphis, 10-22.

Kane. Morris.' Grand. Caruealo, Pa.. 10-15. '

Karflfmon Bros., Keith's, Phlla., 10-13; G, 0. U.,

TBtlsburg; 17-22.Katiki's London Co., New York Roof Garden, X.

Y. C, 1015.Keefe ft Pearl, Alliambra, X, Y. C, 10-15,

icren". Joggling, Orplilum, Sidney, v.. 10-15.

lOUcy Bros.. Park. Johnstown. Pa.. 17-22.Kennedy * f lxsig, Bon-Ton, Phlla., 10-10,Kelfeo* !><lgliion. Celorvii Park. Jamcslowu. V.

Y., 1010; park, Rasl Llvqrjswl. O.. 1722.Kettler, Job., ft Co,,' Lakeside CtmliHi, Akrou. O.,

10-10. ,•


Keaien.- Durulby, llaal Knd Park. Memphis, Teuu.,•ftTlO; Teinple. Detroit, 17-22.

Keilners, The, While City Park, Uprlugcl.l,

121 Lyric, Joplla, l«-in.Kelly A Adams, Pastor's. N. Y. C. 10-15.

Kelly ft Kelsr, Mt. Varnon, Ind.. 10-15.KiT'iertr * wlhk, Ulailll PV% Catton '•»

Mint. Sum ft Nellie,10-15.

Klralfo, Vincent. Bijou. Iron Mountain, -Mlcb..

Klug. Clias.. ft Nellie. Union Square. X, X.19-16.

Klta-Bsuxal Japs. Keith's. Huston. 10-13.

Ktiuholl Bros., Lyceum. Boston. 10-10: Homler-son's, iHmey Island. X. V.. 17-22.

Kimball ft l*wla, Keith's. Boston. 10-16.

Klein, OH Bros, ft Nicholson, Delmar Garden,Okla, City. Okla.. 9-22. , . .. _

Kuowk's, Harry. Novelty, Slocktou. Cal., 10-10:Unique. San Jose, 17-22._ -

_, „ ._Knight Bros, ft Sawlclle. Keiths, Phlla., 10-13;

Keith's. Oilnmbus. O.. 17-22.Kohler ft Marlon. Majestic, liontou. 0..

Grand, Newport. Ky.,. 17-23.

Kramers, The. Keith's, Hoarou. 10-16.

Kretore. Owk's Park. Kvausvlllr. Ind.,

Maunlon's Park, St. I.oul-. 17-22. -

Kreiukii Bros., West End Park. Sow Oilcans. 19-


Kmtls ft Busao ft Dugs. Electric Park. Eicelslor

Snrluga, Mo., U-16.La 'Pour, Irene, ft Dog. Steculcchuso Pier. Atlantic)

City, X. J., 10-10; Luna Park, Coney Islaud, X.

Y.'. 17-20.Lii Clair ft West. Oceati Pier, Sea Isle. S. J.,


Lu Roses. I.es. Howiuil. Boston. I0'15.

l.ai-ke ft Adams, Auditorium. Norfolk. Va.. 10-

July 0.'

LnWeii ft Civas. 123tn Street, X. V. C;.. 1016.


Lu Nolo Bros., Howard. Boston, lu-lu; Socloly

Clretts, Lynn. 17-33.La Zar ft La Star, Colo. Surlugs. Colo... 0-16. .

Lancaster, ton.. Lyric. Pittsburg. Ksui.. 0-13;Lyric. Piiraoiis, 17-32.

I.n Reno. Art, Al Fresno Park, Peoria. 111., 10-80.

lai IH'lles. Fantustlc, Star, Latrobe, Pa., 10-10;Grand, Uulontuwii, 17-22.

Latcll, Kd.. Chestnut Street. Phlla., 10-16; T-y.

ceum, RiH'heiilrr, X. V., 17-22.

La Burd ft llyerson, Lyric. Ft. Worth, Tex., 0-15.

Lu Toaka, Phil.. Orpheum, Los Augelcs, Cal.. V>-


La IWIen, The, Uulou Square, X. T. C. 10-16.

l/unaxlona, The, orplilum. Newark, O.. 10-13; 111-

kai, Wheeling. W. Vs.. 17-22.

Luliakius, The, Cook's Putk, Evausvllle. lud., 10-

15: Lskavliw Park, Torre ,Haute. 17-22.

Lawson ft Xamou. Kofth's. Phlla., 10-13.

La Mont. Ollle, Slur, Chlaolin, Mlnu.. 10-29.. •

Lakuls, Harry, Star, Monessen, Pa., 10-13; Cayalno. Waahbgloii, 17-22. „ _ _

l.awlor. Ch»s. «.. ft Daughters. Pastor's, N. Y. C,.

La Sulli.'-, TUo, UUuii. Norfolk. Vs., 10-15.

Laniaou, Mabel, Wondcrlaud, Chicago. 10-10.

Li Mont's Cockatoos, BIJou, Battle Cropk, Mich.,1(1-13.

LsTell Bros.. SanaWka Park. Poltslowil Pa.. 10-

10; Vnlou Lake. MIUvUlc. X. J., 17-92.

Laurens. Mario. 0)jmn(o, Chicago. 1U-lo.

Laurent, Maria. Irvfnflnlo Park, Warrco. Pa., 10-

I.lw'l. AIU-p: XI«0U. Pltlshurg. 10-15.

Lloyd. Herlett. ft Co., Ptootor'a. Xewark, N. J.,

10-13.Lehilit, Faunlo. Hint, St.. John, X. S„ Can.. 10-

Le Roy ft Woudfotd, 123th Street, X. X. 0., HI-

Leonard ft rlillllvM. Notlli' AvMiuo. Chicago, 10(3.Leonanl, Kddla, ft Co., Alhamora. N. Y. C„ 10-18.

I^ouard. Gits. Acme, Saurameulo. Cal., 10-20.

Lee, Irene. O. I|., (iletriand, 1013.l-egmtt. Dick. ATtin I'ark. Youngstown. O.. IO-Ij.

Is; Dout, llri'iil, liiAplrc. Hobokcn, X. J,, 10-10.

I* Gray, Dolllo, White City. Oslikosh, TM».. lp-atf.

r.elunami, Joseph, ft CO., Bijou, Kouoaha, Wll.,

Le Witt ft' Akhuiore, OrfHti, St. .losoph, Mo.. «

Leui'le ft ivfillMOB, tlridicum. Rockford, III.,

13 ; Howard, Chicago, 17-22.

lsi Page, MIssOollls, Ben's, Escauaba, Mich.,

I* Nor© ft St. Clair. O. H.. Pltlsburg. 10-15. '

lx>wls ft Hair, Spring Orovo Park, Hprlugfleld,

Uwi's ft diiapio, White City, Chicago, 013; Pkfk,

Lrnua'rd ft Le'atet, Ulavcntli Ward, Wllmlugtoo,Del.. 10-15.

Levy. Mrs.MMjC Y.,

reti'Tifrt. Keith*. • Boslon, JLO-15.Leonard ft lsiula. l-;»rcJklisJijIlou, III.. 10-16.

Lavlllo ft Sinclair. HclrW^TWa., 10-10.

I.cfton, Mills*, await) 1U-I6.LlBdatrom ft Andoraon. Olympic, Chicago, 10-16.

Llttlrdetd, 0. W, llutunnu Park, Grand llapldi,

Mich., 10-15, • .• •

...Little. Ireniv Unique, Mlnncdpulls. 1010.Little Hip, Keith's, -Cleveland, 10-15.


Imckliart Hlslsrs, BIJou. Groou Bay, Wl«., 10-

16; Bllou. MiillucUP. "-03..

Lncklcs f2), AlUlltle Oorilon, Uklii., 10-10.

I.ticadoa, The, Orjihluui. Porttmouth, 0., 10-13}Cuahoetiili, I7.-21I. ,_.

Lu'eler, Mr. «• MB". Ffcd. Coney IslauU, Cln-

eliniall. »'I3. , ....Lucia ft Vista, Temple, Detroit, 10-15.

Lynn, Allies, ft CO,,- Urltaimla on- Bay, Ottawa,

Marlines, The,' Oriiltluui. SpVluBUeld, 0., 10-16}

Grand, llatulllon, I?-»2.. , I „. „_ ,.Mujeatle Quai'lottn, Cmmhle's, Mluueapolla, l«-

22.Majtslle Trio,' Prootor's. Ne«ark. X. J.. W-IJ.Mapu, Danny. Park, Mygra Liko. Cantan, 0. a-

. Marliuiieltlc ft Mylvoater, Coi.k O. 11.. RochMier,• N. Y.. IO-16;THnpti', IMro t. I7'23.

Mil-mi ft liuraii, Hliu«l),'s'Xtckelodiou. Fall Hlvsr.

' Maioi., 10-.10; •''', ...Mulicw, Stella. Luna Park. Bnffalo, IUI.>.

Marllu Bnia.f Uliloh 'Sqiiavi'. X. Y. C, I0-I6.

Mavklr, Chou., Uiinuid. Uoaloo, 10-15.

Marshall, Bert.,' fulllo» Oardims, Ooluinbua, 0.,


Ma June, A. ft. M.. Boston. 10-10.

Mauley. Joltit. A. S., Uusloii, 10-16.

Marshall ft Klug, Msfifl I'ark, llaltliiiure lu-15.

Msrdo Trio, Oueon view Casino. Norfolk, Vs., 1»-

10; Idlcwlld Park. ' Richmond. 17-22.

Marlon ft PeafI,; lloek Spring Park. F.a»t LItm-

Maulcil's "MTir'loiivltos, • Blei:trle„ Park, Peoksklll,

N.. Y.. 10-15; Pastor's, X. Y. C. 17-23.

Mnrlou ft PeuM. Celmm Park, Jameitown. X. Y.,

Marr ft'lCvaua, Olympic Park, Newark, X.


Maltluud, Madge P.. Lake Park, Worcester.

'0-15. '

. ..Matovtia. Xetarh ft Mgi'wuu, K. ft P.

MaHrel'o'ft tviiulf,' Vanity I'alr Park. Provldoaoe,

II. I., loid.Marlon. Wonilerlontl. Ubleavo. 10- lo.


Marriott Twliis, 'I'hundsruolt. Mavunuuh, Ga., lu-

Mariiiu, Mils,, Sohnier Bartc. Montreal. CiU.,l»-1Ji.

Marlowo Plunfcclt Co.. M KM Orcsk Part,

Brln, I'a.. U-15; Liikccldu Casino, Akrou, .0.,

17-22. • •


Maxwell ft Da<Htiy..P»Jlot'!B, N. V. C. 10-15.

Msek. Wilbur, ft Co.. Yiiuujj'a Pier. Allsnlle City,

NV J.. 10.10 ; Pfoeior's. Newark. 17-22.

Mara, Dick, OiphiMiOb Leavenworth. Kan., 10 13,

Novelty. Topeks.. 17-23,, ..I,,.™.,

Mock ft llufti, BIJou. Jaokao'i, Mleli.. .10-13; Ohl-

Maekey. to?**""* t>.., liloveulh Ward, Wllmlog-

tun, De).,.jMMP- .:



Marckley. Frank, Hnii'urd's Ohlcago, H'-I4.

Masser. > tmmi fuir. Martinsville. Ind., 10-

15; Crystal. Marlon. Intl.. 17-22,

Madiieu. Jtiggllllg. Lako View Park, Terre Uuuw,

Mslhewa, Klmjr.-BIJtrti.-KalsmuKoo. Mlchj io-IO.

McHorloy ft lils^uore. Caur d'Alonn, Spukao.',

McGulrii.' MiiGuIre' ft liaWls)'. Hchlndlul's, Ohl-

Ju'lca. ft Fnmlly. WliltciClly. Blnahiini-

Y., 1(1-15; Van Ransaelaor Park, Troy,





eago. 10-1.1.


MclCis.' I U is ml Forka. X. D., to 16




McKre ft Vuu. Buvoj,OrooksPm." 17-2..' '

. . ....MeNameo, Ij-rle, - Terra. Haille. lud., 10-10.

McClellan, Jas.-, BIJott. pululh. Mluu.. 10;lo. •

McDowell!! Jtili aV Alice. BIJou. Chut uDOOsa,

fSmh, 10-ir.i Park, Atlsulii. frs.. {7'22

MaGee ft ,CoJJru», C>y/jtal, Marlon. Hid., 1016,Crystal, Hlkhart, I?*'.,

MeGre ft Owen. Wouilyrflll., Clilcago. O-lo.

Mi'Miillen, Mlsv, Wonih-rraiid, .Clil-ugo, lU-1...

MeKlnley. Miihcl. ,Foi) ulne l-'orry Park. Louis-

flfle. Ky.. 111-10. ., .,.,„McCum. ft Grant.. Lyric Uouslon, lei.,

Uslietlon. IU-33. ... ,

Merrill. Frank. Hi. Aalijugd. Iiy.. 1", 5.

Mrsle Slstrra. Miliidlsr's, <«nV«go. 1-10.">raplc, Detri.l.t,_10-.l...


nils' Stn Soucl Park, Chicago,Melllrh. .Mlwrtlpi.Melrose ft Mack,

tlK La P'llle, 123th St.. X. ,V O., »<>-«^MllllUsg Tfl"., OI,t»plS»;l9«W|S»»I 1 Kng., 1«)>»|


11-33! Umpire, (lias-

Ponies, Cook 0. II., Rochester, N.

Touring Imlln ami China. 10-Jtily

Hippodrome. Manchester.i)i»'. S.-nllmnI, 21 I'll

Miller. .Minnie. Phlln.. Ill- 1.1,

Miller, Carrie llcllc, lour Mile Creek Park. Krle,I'ii., 11- l.

r.; Myers Lake (Jasluo, Caatuu, o..

IMS,Milieu'* Itoa, Proctor's. Newark. K. J., 10-1B.Miii'lu'll A- llrnivnlng. in iililiim. Mini, 0., 10-1S.Mitchell. (I. M., I'uidor's, X. I. <;., 10-lfi.

Miner, Trunk. Bijou, ll.iltli' I'm*, Mli'li., 10-

Mnrinn. Trwl W.. Turin. Tntislo, (>.. lu-lfi,

Military m-u-lie, llowlcrsoiTs, Coney Island, N.v., io-w

Mlgiavn, Hl.lnn. Plait... Hlmlra, N. V.. 10 1 r.


Mornm. JllBW J., iiriilH'inn, San i'ron., (,'«!.. 3-

MisieN Parl-deiuies. l.mtn I'nrk, Buffalo, 1(1-1(1.

M V k llllltH'In. Ti.iirini; I-mi.-1i.imI. Ill Ml.

Alov.atts (SI, lugm-soll Pork, lies Motues, Is.,

HM.VlI'inN. I.i-eii

V., 10-1.1.

MiMiclrl. I -ii.


Men k (lowlrli'h. Ilrondwny. N. Y. ('... 10-30.

Moon, K.I., MnJi'Hlle. Chicago, loir..iluiilio. I.i-h KIiiith. Iii-plicum. Stiu l-'rnn., Oal„

11-13 1 l.ox Angeles. IH-litl.

Mi.iviir .sl.slers. Klein's I'nrk, Wr.il. Tort, Itnlll-

mere. 1'i-ir, ; Welter's I'nrk, BsHlnu.re, 17-21!.

Mi.iii.ik III, New York lloof i In Men. N. V. C,in 15,

Mik.iv, Vleli.r, O. II.. Cleveland, 10-1G.Mol'.e, Hi I lie. Anlimlser Hull. AI.rl.loen, Wnxli.,

1015.Mi.i',1. Sllolll, (I. O, II., Tlrlohsrllle. O., 10-23.

Morgan * Meilorry,, Olympic, Chicago, IO-ir>.

.Miiis'. lion, Puxhuig I'nrk. llurrlslmrg, I'n., 10-


Murphy k Tnlliy. Da llnln. I'n., 10-in ; Cumlier-liiini, .MO., IT-SB.

Musketeers let. Trnonilcrn. Tl. Henrse, N. Y., 10-

Mueller & Mueller, Ihkith.h Park. Urn Moines,

In.. i'i I".

Mulligan, Muy, Cnslnn, Wiislilngtnn, I'll., 10-15.

Mailtos llrei, IhtuiiiIhiiiI. Xiilmooiiou, N. V., Kl-

IS ; Iiu Itois, Ph., 17-112.

Mailer, chiinn k .Miillcr, Knhnier I'nrk, Montreal,Ciiii., HilS.

Muiphi A AmiIii-wi;. I.iuin Park, IhlfTnln, N. Y.,

lu-IS; An. ii I'nrk, Yoiuigslnwu, ii., 17-22.

Murray, cisyiun k Drew, Lyceum, I'hlln., lO-lfi,

Murray. Kllr.nhclh, luguriuill Park, Urn Mulr.es,

In., in i...

Murray Sisters, Conk I). II., Iloeliralor, N. Y., 10-


Murphy ,t I'raurlu, Aliunde fjiirden, N. Y. (!., In-

Kami, VUiln, Lyric, l.llll<> llnrfc. Ark, ll-lfi.

Newman, Harry, Alamo I'nrk, Cedar ItnplilK, In.,

"IB.Krlll k Chapman, di'iilieum, Hun Fran., CsL, 1MB.N, well * N.I. I... Illeelrle I'nrl:. Kriiisns Clly, Mo.,

(110; KKcolslor Springs, l«l-iU!.

Nlhl.) A iijicnrcr, ('oldcii I'll)', Cutinndr, I,. I.,

Ill- 1.1.

Nlomcyer k inli'll, Mile, Km.'k IhIiiikI, III., 0-lfi.

M.Im.Ii Sisters, 1'iilmi s.i.mre, N. Y. C, 10-lii,

Neil. .li & XMiiilwin, Ki'llli'H I'lillu., 10-15.

.\erl.iii, N'i'ii. I'.IJim. Adrian. .Mli-li., In ir,.

Niililetii- k Mariih.ill, Alnluinr, l*o»rnworlh,Km l., (1-15.

.Wiv.iil.. Juek. (I. (I. II., I'l'lKliiirc. 10-15.

O'l'iaincll. & ni.i.ien, Tiiinlly. lllllliiiin, Mnat., 0-

15; MUCH f'lly. litMX.iriii.v. Mil, liuek S|irlni(s I'nrk, ICiimI l.lvrr|iiKil,

().. 10 15.UI..H. Mar, WeiiiieriniMi, ciiI.-.iko, 10-15,

u'lliirii ,v WiiImui, llrnml, lli.nilh.ni. 0„ 10-23.

llllviilll 'I'riniliililiiiM'K, Olyiiipli', ('llli'UKo, 10-15.in,,. h ., Trio. Illniiiiiiiil I'nrk. Troy. N. V,, 10-15;

Allilrlic I'nrk, i;uii.,i.i. 17-22.lllin.|.l;i (I. mil. 'lie. I.yi'l'lllll. H.i.lie.,(ei-. N. Y.,

Hi 15: Mvi.n, PIiIhIiiii'k, IT-1UI,

Oiiri. Aitelo I'tirviH, l.'onr Mile Creel! 1'inU, I'.Ue,

I'n., !»I5.cini-iii SlKli'iv, While Oily, Clilcaxv, 10-15.

ii'Ni'IH'h MliiMlrrlM, T»|K'kn, Knn., 10-22.

1 1'Nell, Turn, .Mnjratli', Miunliwky, 0., 10-15;Olyiinili', llrlliilre, 17-22.

n'M-lll. ,1, II., A i-.,., I risliil. NiiMeillle, hid.,

IT 111; Klwiml, 30-JQ,Opel. Ullrwilil I'nrk, Newark, 0„ 10-15.inn. ,v Tern. All.. mil.ru, X. Y. «.'.. 10-15.ll-U.'-l. A W.llhi.e. PlInllir'H, N. V. ('.. 10-15.

Oslmi'iie, I.'Ihih. II.. T.uk. WlierlliiR, W. Va., 0-


iMairiHS .Merrl. & I'n.. Olyinple. Clilrak'O, 10-10.

iilin'H AiilimiN, Hlvrrvli.w I'nrk. Chli-nKO, 1(1 15.

nil.. Iliim., MlirnV. Hiifl'iil.,. 111-15.

Ilrerlnir Trio, Troy, X. Y„ 10-15; Wllkenllayre,I'n., 17-22.

fiwen. llnrry, l.lltle, A Co., Ir»lnilnlr I'nrk, War-rrn, !•»., 10-15.

Il.-iiv-, Tile, Null Lake, 1'liih, HI 1 5 ; Ojilru. 17-

22.I'liiemm, Minnie, Mnnluiltiin, Xorfnlk, Vn., 10-

IliiiK It Wliilnnii. Alrilome, M|irlnxRrlil, Ma., ti-

ll lee k I'rcrom, Vlelnrla, N. Y, C. 10-15.Klo, Ad.ilpli. Alnrowln Park, Mntler, Ph.. 1015.Killer tt Fouler, Kmplre, Johannenherir, So.

Arrli-.-i. 2.1-Aimr. 10.Ripley, Tom, Tarm. ToleOo. O., 0-15.Klnnoa (4). Q, O. 11., I'ltlalnim, 1015; Free-

pon. I.. I., 17 -:in.

KInJIa iv.iH.iiy gnarletle, MnJeMIe, ChlctiKi, 10-


Want, Wilmington.

ui.'ii..r.ii. Ureal, Celernn Park,Y.. 10-15.

Ulley A Moru.'in. KlerenrliIM.. 10-15.

Illn Bron <l>. Illprmlrome, UveriKXil, Kiik-- 10-

15; Pavilion. Ncw-CanUe-on-Tyae, 17-22; Tower<:ireu>, uii.i'Liuol, 24-20; Ibiynl, Killnlniricli,

July 1-0.

Well A llowanl, I'mtor'a, X. X..C, 10-15; At-Innili' llanlriiH, X. Y. «*., 17-22,

Kiiini-. Mayo A Juliet, llouiliilon, Wianlpeir. Can.,17-22.

linger* A Deely. l2.-,lh Mlrect. N. Y. C. 10-15.It-oil, ConnleiH & I'nuln, Orplienm, San Fran.,

(mi.. 1(1.211.

It.is.i Slilen. I'rovlilnii-e, It. I., 10-July 30,Itoi'kway ttVnnway. IVInonn-Jteucli Park. Dny Hly,

Mli'li.. 10-15; HlvrrNlde Park, Saginaw. 2<-2».ItoniuDOU (5), Ucetu View Park, Norfolk, V*., 10-

15.Ii.i-.nlre tc Dorelto, Kellli'n, c.ilnini.iii. ().. 10-15.Itoinlren, The, II. II., Centrallu. HI.. 10-15; How-

nril'i, Clllengo. 17 22.Rnia & I*wl», Kmplre, New Port, Kng., 10-15;

l-'.mplre, lllrmlnglmm, 17-22; Umpire. Null Ing-ham, 24-20; I'uliiee, l^lecsler, July 1-0; Km-plre, S.MHIi Hlil.-I.li. H-I.'l.

It, .iii-ii. Horn. I'rortor'H, Newark, N. J., 10-10.ltnlihiKon * (Irani. Illjini. Iiiilutu, Minn., 10-15;

llljon. Huiierlor, Wl«.. 17-22.Royal MiikIi-uI Fire, Orpheiira, I.rw Aiigelen, Ctl.,

10-15.Ilonac.v A Ileal. TJ.'.lh Street. X. Y. t\, 10-15.lli.ii & Vni-k, Cryalal, Denver. 10-15,Ilosroe It Sinn, Slur, .lemii-ue, I'n., 10-15 ; llrad-

iiui-k. 17-22.Hone, Julian. Lyceum, Rochester, N. Y„ 10-15.Itnaiell it Held, Alamo I'nrk, Oilar ltnpl.li. la.,

10-15; MmJciIIi-, La Snlle. III., 17-22.Rlliwella, MiiHleifl, Cryatnl, F.lwoul. Intl., 0-15.ICHhlii, Paul, Itlnitn. Kluilra, X. -Y„ 10-15.-ItiiHiell, Leah, I'alucc, liniilon. Fnglanil, 21-July

Ryan' h Kk'lillelil, i'riK-l,.r'», Newark, N. .1., 10-15.Snmoy, Tilly. Proulor'n, N. Y, .0., 10-15.Kniiiiirl*. Seiilinllei-'i. (llileago, .10-15.ShiiijimI k Arosuinii, IJruo.l, I lonill l.oi n„ 1015;

I'lillllpi. III.-luiM.ii.l. inii., 17-22.Snk'l, .lii-epliine, T-. urine S. us h Afrli-.i, III Ane.

S lent, Cbllb, Kleelrle Purl;. Italllmnre, 1015.Siiill. I'nnle .\l., IIIJ..M. Hamilton. II,, 10-15,SehiiKlii', M llnln, p.ilm-e, HoKlall, Hl.'lll.

Keliepp'M Iiokh. Ponies ,v Monkeya, Sliie'*, Koko-. in,,, tail.. Ill-Id.

"Srliool ltoyn k UlrlH," Victoria, K, ¥. 0., 1015,Se.Miionr'i ln.:;i, (,'nxlno, Akron, (I., 10-15.Seymour SlHiem, llljon, Iron Mounmlu, Midi., Hi-

15.Heyniour k Hill, Alliamhra. X. Y. C„ 10-15.Seurey, (!en„ .leiYerwui. < '..itewl 1 1,-. Kan., 015;

1'iiliiaro Park, Okln. riiv. likiu., lili'.l.

Kelikiii, «lc*irK«. IIIJihj, Alllunw. O.. 10-15.SemoiiH (8), Alnloine, linli„i,i, liu|„ |:|.|8j Ill-

Jon, AinlcrKon, 17-22.Selhlnl. l.ullu, Mnji-iile, Chicago, 10-15.rh'inon. I.'hna. V., i.vwk O. II.. lUKliealer, N. Y„

10-15.Solum, (trout, llljon. Wheeling, W. Va., 10-13.Se I lerim, .'I'lie, Lyceum. lloelicHler, N. Y„ I0-15.sIi.-im, Clyfien, WlmlHir, St. Paul, .Minn.. 10-15.Slilelila k lit.

Verinelle-I^irpotll Trio, Ulyiiipln, Lynn. FraniT,1015.

Vnln k Quinmriniw. Lyric, Parwins, Kan., 0-15;

Lyric, Fl. Worlh, Ten., 17-S2.Vrroon. Nfirnubega Park, Boston. 10-13.Vmiu, Xeiin, lOleelrlc Park, llaltimcre, 10-15,

Vernon, Tony * Flo, P.IJou, I'l.pni, (>.. 10 15.

Viola k Kogrl, People's, Los Angrlm, Cal„ 10-15


Noreily. Salt Laic Olty, l>„ 17-22.Vl,-e A Viola. Pnvlllun, Akrou. !»., 10-13.Voerir, Frank, llljon. Kalnmaano, Mleli.. 10-15.Von Klein k illliwn. iiijou, Duliitli, .Minn., 10-15.XVnril k LnnVriy. Lubln'a. Ralllmore, 10-15.Waller k Muglll, (Irnnrl, lii.ionioan, Pa.. 10-15;

Star, Liitroiie, 17-22.Waller A Kverls, Howard.' Jlostnn. 1015.Ward, Billy. Harrier Park, Bellows Falls, Vt,, lo-

in.Wnison'n Farmyard, Farm, Toledo. (>.. 0-15.Wayne. A. J.. KlM Side, (lreen Bay. Wis.. 10-15.

Wnaher Bros., Klvcrvlew Park, Chicago, 10-15.Walsh, John, Bijou. Huiuili. Mian.. J0-13.Waliham Troupe, Immlnlnn. Wlnnipff, Can., 915.Ward Trio. While Clly, Cldcngo, 10-15.Ward. I'lim., Iliimona Park, ilrand Ituplds, Mich.,

1013.Waller. Trof.. Allnntle Cnrden, X. Y. C. 10-13.

Wat son A Morrlssey, llenderson'e, Coney Island,N. Y.. 10-15.

Wnlsli. Frank, fioilfroy's, Orand Rapids, Mich.,10-15.

Wenlonu [81, Majestic, Chicago, I0-I5.We»ion. mini. I'ryslul, Frankfort, lad.. 10-15.WellB llms. A Smlih, llurlcm Turk, Rwkfonl,

III., 1115.Welch, |*m. Moss fc Sloll A Illonrd Tour, Fag.,


West, Arthur, A. A S„ Rostnn, 10-15.Welch, Mealy A Montrose, 23it Street, N. Y. C,

10-15.Worn worlh, Vesta, A Co., Park, Manchester, N.

II.. 10-15.Wehl». Harry L., Crystal, Milwaukee, 10-15,Welch, Hen, Keith's. Columbus. 0., I0-15.WeMi A Connelly. Illohe; San

.National, Kan Fran,, 17-22.Werden A (iladlHli, Orpheum,

10-15.Weslou. Dave, Mnncssen, I'n..

17 22.Welch. Joe, Cook 0. II., Rochester. N. Y.Weslon, Willie. Olympic, Chicago.. 10-15.Whllney, Tilly. Kcllli*. lloston, 10-15..Willie. Jit Smart, Slien'H. Huili.io. HI 1.1.

Wlilleley A Bell, Cnnlon, III., 1015.Wheeler Slslers, Fremont, o„ 13-IA.WlilirliouBc, ijrneclyn, Park, Wheeling, W. Y«.,

10-15. _Wills A lliiniiii, Itnmnnii Park, Cruml ItnpMs,

Mich., Ill 13.Wilson Urns., .Mnywnnd, III., 10.10.Wlli.. ii lie U., Millie A CO., MnJeill,', Chicago, 17-

OCMHn «ATK OI.BANINO!!. Hli«rl_«. Mujune, Arthur West, and niuilon

«/ied«r l>i*\>»Uh In Tins XKW VOllK Vl.IPrKH. ^J{Li, MllHKUM (I-. B. Walker, rjlnnn

Has- J.-itASCisco, June 11.—At the Vnn -gMy.^-Jof Walcott holds over In curio haVenn Theatre veaterday niurkcd the begin- meeting all comers on the wrestllne- mm'

Carl huah, atrpngr manj Dodge and Ciaril:ncrobata, 'and

manL-j-nch's Punch and Judy

l-'ran.. 4 'ill.. 1015;

l.na Angel en, CaL,

1015; Ilnmnlrad,

10 16.

i it-irt-rs, Tjisi ij,.i Park, .Memplils, Tenn.,ll-l.i ; Ingersoll I'nrk. lies Moines, la.. 10-22.

Slicnnaa A Fuller, Lakeside ChkIiio, Akron, o.,10-15.

Shcrlilun, Will, Dunkirk. X. V.. 0-15.Suuiuan, Sadie, l.uhln's, Bullhimre, 10-15.Slicruinn A Toller . Lakeside Casino, Akron, o. 10-

13; Park, Wliii'llng, W. Vn.. 17-22.

1ml., 10-11 1 Marlins-

2:td Slreel, N. Y. C,

I'niimlinilkH's Pels, Luna Park, Wnshlnglou, D,<;., in- in.

I'aiimev. Willy. Trio. Victoria. N. Y. 0„ 10-15.i'n yi on A Stanley. Brockton. Mass.. 10-15.I'atrlrk k Wcsthrnnk, Proctor's, Newark, N. J.,

17-22.Psscnlcl, Crent, Lake I'nrk, Worrenler, »l«i».,

10-15.Talker Bros., Limn Park, Joliostown, Pa.. 10-lfi.

1'cm.iul. Ciimllle, Mulcstle, Sioux Tulls, S. !»., 17-MPcTei's. Plill A Nettle. K. A 1'.. Jersey Clly, N.

,L, 10-15.Perry A Alecla, (I. II. , Brownsville, I'.i.. 1015.1'ciTV A I'curce, Palace, lloslon, 10-13.iviiiiiciiiiis, The, Hiuhuu, Ogilen, I.'.. 0-15; Nov-

ell), Deliver, 10-22.I'eriv, Frank I... Alrilnine, Sun Antonio. Tex., 10-


Pelclilng Bros.. Park, Wheeling, W, Vn., 10-15;ilock Springs Park, Fnsi Liverpool, ii.. 17-22.

Pelot, l-'ivil A Ainilo, West 10ml Park. New Or-Icniis. 10-22.

PepisH' Twills, l.ngiiii*pofl,

vllle, 17-22.Perkins. Wullcr T... A Cn„

in- 15.Peru N Wilson, liilaud Park, Fusion, Pa,, 10-16;

Siri'iilis'linse Pier, Alliiallii ('lly, N. J., 17-22.Picric Florence, i.ul.ln's, llulllnioiv, 1015."PliiiiophleiulK," The, Keith's, I'lillu., 10-16;

Kcllli's, ('level mill. 17-22.Pierce, Itostyn, Fontiilue Ferry Park, Louisville,

Ky.. JIMS,"I'lniie." Driving Pari:. Kvenc, N, ll„ 10-15.Polrii'is CD, While Clly, Chicago. In in.

Pony lliillci, The, li. ll. II., PlllsbniK, 10-15.Pope, J. ('., A Hot. Collins' llnrilciis, Colnnilnis,

I., HM5: (1, ll. II.. Anderson, luil., 17-22.Price* IMslini. I'lii'iieglc, |',i., 1015; Avenue, Dip

ipiiiiie, 17-22.Prlniiiise. II II., Keith's. I'lillu. . 10-13.I'l-.voi-s, Tin-, La Crosse. Wis., 10 15; Unique, K«n

I'lnli'c, 17-22.Pullrii. Ilnliy l.tiellii. Central Park, Allenlnwii,

Pa,, 10-13 i Sumilogii Park, l'otlsluwn, 17-22.Queen A Boss, I'mnlly, Scrnnliui, Ph., 10-15,yulKg. Mnekey A .Mekerwui, Knaliilnn Ferry Park,

Louisville, Ky., 1015; Knst Knil Park, Meni-pllll', Tenn., 10.22.

iJillKs' A Mliek. I'llelilo, Colo., 10-16."Uuliilclte." The, Knsl Tint Park, Memplils, Tenn.,

1013; Majestic, lies Moines, 1»„ 1J-22.Itnyaioiiil ,V i'.i veil), Kellli's. I'lillu.. loir..llHiutcllii A l.yniiiu, (Miuie's, Waslilngloii, I). O.,

10-J5.Ilal'ii.volle's Doits, Mnjcslle, Chlcngo, lO-lfi.

Itmieey Sisters, While Clly llljon, Chicago. 11-16.

Kuppo Sisters. Spring drove Park, Sprlugtteld, II.,10-16.

Itiniiis A llnuliH, Lyric, Liverpool, Knglnnd, 17-

22: liliu.isiiiiiiic, llrtglilnii. 24-211; Hippodrome,LIverpiHil. July 111; lllppislroinc, Birmingham,s lit,


liny, I'li-il. A Co.. Temple, llelroll, 1016; Keith's,Cleveland, 17-22.

ltnhilsuvs, The. (irpliliini. Sprtnglleld, 0„ 10-16;ildiii, I, llnnillli.il. 17-22.

Iluwls A Von Kimfniiiu. Tnlipir. Snn Jase, Cnl.,111-15; Peonies, l.os Angeles. 17-311,

Ilislinonil, .lullii, ,v ivi., Itis'k Sprlntts I'nrk, KastI lve.|«Hll, II., 10-15.

llnlisl A llnilley, Wouillnwu Park, Ashland, Pa,111-13.

lleiui, T.hv., Klngnsiier, Okln.. 17, IS; llohnrl 10.Iteiio, (iiu. II., A Co., Kellli's, Cleveland, 111-15.

IIo.hioIiIh. ,1ns. A„ llrnml. (Ill city, Pa.. 10-15.llocsc, Harry, A Alfivy Sisters, Ornlilinn, Lima,

Ik. 10-16.Iledfonl A Winchester, Fontaine Ferrjr Park,

Louisville, Ky., 10-1.1.

lleiui. Will A liny, llugen's. New I'nmls'rlntiil,

\V. Vu.. 17-22.Reckless, Iteeklitw, II Ink, St. Joint, X. S., Can,,

10- 1 5.

lli'iincr Tnmlly, Cnluuici, So, Chlcngo, 10-15;Lyric Torre llnule. I ml.. 17-22.

lii'lilek. I '.in I'., A Co.. Ilinnhn. Xrh., ii-ir,.

I'evi"iril. ltd. I-'., Keith's. I'hlln. . 10-13.IM.T Urns., 2:td Sliect, X. V. ('.. 10-13,llmln a IjIwNiils. Anne, Norfolk. Vn.. 10-13.Ill-ill?,). Ureal. Prlncetowii. W. Vn.. 12. Ilymcr,

13 1.1 : Soron IMniw. 17-ltt: Mela, 20-22.Rlnir, Julie, A Co., 6Slh Slreel, N. Y. C, 10-15.

Sheldon A Davis. M.iuhn(lnn, Norfolk, Vn.. 10-10.Short A Mlivarils, Alameda Park, Butler, IV, 10-

15.Sherry^ J. W.. ICIevonlh Ward. Wilmington, Del.,

Sim liter. Bessie. Itl.ilio. Timlin. \. Y., 10-13.ShnW, Mnueli. .MmJi-sII,-, PHishurg, 10-20.SI idiii-

( ll. (iniii.l, VIciiiiIm, II, (,'., 10-13,Sinclair A (.'overt, Oloversvllle, X. Y., 10-15;

North Adams, Mnsi>., 17-22.Silver. Im.l.ire, BIJou, Huiuili. Minn., 1015.Singers, The Four, Kellli's, I'hlln., 10-15.Sluter. Finch A Co., Idlcwlhl I'nrk, Newark, 0.,

11-15; Myrr'e Lake Casino, Uanlon, 17-22.Slockcy A Nemnan. Chutea, Chicago, 10-15.Smith. J. W. A Mnttle, Tucson, Arl«„ 1010.Sinlth A llamni, Ixiraluc, o., TIKI; Snnduskv,

17-20.Sin I Hi. Sue, 68th Street, x. Y. 0„ 10-16,Siirdrr A Buckley, Ingersoll I'nrk, Don Moines,

In.. 10-15.Sutherland A Curtis, Delmnr Onrilcns, Okln. Oily,

Okln., 10-30.Somrrs A Stork. Pa:k, WoouBockct, R, 1„ 10-16;

Roulhlnglon, Conn., 17-22.Spniildlng A Dupree, Idea, I'ond du Lac, Wis., 10-

16; Hlkni, Appleton, 17-22.Splssell Bros. A Muck, Piilace, London, 15ng„ 10-

80,Spoddcu A Herson. Colonial, Cunthrldge. 0., 10-15.Spencer, Waller, Oryatal, St. Joacnh, .Mo., 10-16.Stolnerl A TliomaM, Wlndmount Park, Kewanrc,

III., 1013; i '1(1111.11. 17-22.Slewnrt Sisters, New York Roof Harden, N, Y.C, 10-13,

Stevens, Hose, l.nnn Park, Rnffalo, 10-15.Shirk. Tolile. F.xcclslor Sprliuts. Mo., 10-15.Slrlcklnuil. K. C. Kmplre, San Fran., Cnl., 10-

16; Wigwam, San Fran., 17-23.Stuart A Kooky, dak Summit Park, ICvnusvllle.

IniL. 0-16.Stroud A Thatcher, People's, Lo» Angeles, CaL,

Sluloy's Transformation Co.. O. II., Cleveland.10- 15.

Hlmklnrd A Wilson. Majestic, .Madison, Wis.. 10-16; La Snlle, 17-22. . ,

"Shinning (irenndlers." Keith's, Boston, 10-13,Stevens, Kitty, I.mm Park, Jnhiislnwn. Tn.. 10-15.Slewnrt. Wluirml. Avon Purk, Youagstown, 0,,

10-15,Stanley A U> Roy, Dreamland, Rraddock, Pa.,

10-15.SI. Klmo. r.di. Casino, Rome, N. Y-, 10-15.Si. Onge Bros.. Oruhuum. Sun l-'rnn., CaL, 17-20.Sully A Phelps, l.ukn Park, Woiwslcr, Mass.. III-

16.Siinhcmns (I), K. A P., Jersey City, N. J., 10-13.Sural! A (lould. Kellli's, Clevclund, 10-13.Snullffe Trouiie, Orpheum, I.oi Angcleu, CaL, HI-

"sliiiny Soulb," The, Victoria. N. Y. 0„ 10-16.Suiiiiners A Winters, Dowllng's, LngmiHiiort, Intl.,

10-13; Vliulluy, Fiudlnv.ii., 17-22.Swim A liiiniliurd, Temple, Detroit, 10-15.Tnlcntls, Tin'. Family. Ml. l'leusani, Pa., 10-15;

Ut'uuil, Turtle Creek, 17-22, .

TuiUK-r. Nellie. Klevenlh Ward, Wllmlnglon, Del.,

Tate, liorry, A Co., Lyceum, Rochester. N. Y.,I0-I.».

Tinmen. Julius, Shen'n, llllrtnl.). 10-15.TiuiKiiny, Kvn, 3Slli Sl„ N. Y, C 10-15.Tnylor. Wllu. 2-ld SI.. N. V. C, 10-15.Tnlly-llo Duo, Howard, lloslon, 10-16.Teed A l.a«ell. c.wpei-. Ml. Vernon, 0„ 1013.Thome, .Mr. A Mrs. Harry. Avon Park, Youngs-

(own, 0., 10-15,Thnmus, ileorgla, Broadway I'nrk. Rkln.. 10-15.'Tim s A Harris. Wonderland. Chlcngo, 10-16."That" (Juurielle, Vlclorln, N. Y. (!., 10-16,"The" Quartette. Keith's, 1'hlla., 10-15; Shea's,

Uuffato, N. Y„ L7-22.Tlionuis A (Xslk, Wnnderlnnd, Chlcngo, 10-13.Toy A Toy. llroukshte Park, Aihol, Mnsa., 10-15.To-h-ii, Oiplieiiin. I)n Angeles, 4'al„ 10-15.Toiihcy. I'm A May, Crystal, Anderson, 1ml., 10-

13; Ixtgumtport, 17-22.Tracy. Mr A MM. Dick, I'nxtnng Park. Hnrrls-

luirc Tn.. in 1,1.

Trusk. (iluilen ft llnhli, Nntlonnl. San Fran., Cat.,10-13; tilois-. Sun Fran.. 17-22.

Trlllrrs. The. K. A P.. Jersey City. N. J.. 10-16.Tstidii, Harry, Four Mile Creek Park, Krlo, Pa.,


Turner. Bert, Alnlonie, Alliance. 0„ 10-13.Tnlly. May. A Co., Kellh's. I'hlln.. 10-15.Vaeilclles. Tlio. clrnnd, Tnrlki Creek, Pa„ 10-15;

(H'.iml, lloioeite.id, 17-22.Valdnre, Bessie, Troupe, Kleelrlc Park, Bnltlmore,

Vngges. The, l.uiislpg. Mich., 17-22.Van (lofre A Col rely, California, Butte, Mont.,

10- HI.Van. Billy, ltuffnlo. X. V., 10-16; Celeron Park,

.1 nmeslnwn. 17-22.vnliir.r.i. Xlion, I'ltlsbnrg. 10-16.Van. I'lias, A Fannie, Kleelrlc Park. Baltimore,

1015.Vusnar Hlrls, llnmonn Park. Orand Rnplds, Mich..

1015.Variety .Quartette, F.mplre. Soulh Rend, 1ml.. 0-

I."..- Anderson, IU-22.Vaiialm. Diek. Ill.itt ., Klmlfn. N. Y.. 10-15.Veoln, La Hello, Farm, Toledo, (>,, 11-15.

Wlllon Bros., I25lh Slreel, N. Y. (!., 10 15.

Wills, Nut M., Krllh's, Biwlon, 10-15.Williams Duo, Orphlum, Chllllcolhe, 0„ 10 15;

Portsmouth. 17-22.Williams A Tucker, Lyceum, Rochester, N. Y.,

1010,Wilder, Marshall P.. Shrs's. Rnffnlo. 10-15.Wisdom, Billy. Coney Island. Cincinnati, 10-16.WIkoii A T.nii.n, Tumhllng Hum Park, Brldgcton,

N. .1.. 10-15.Wlngnles. The, Savoy, Cumlierland, Md., 10-15;

Tjlrmii, Now Castle, Pa.. 17-22.Williams A Pullman, Tumhllng Dam Park, Bridge-

Ion, N. J„ i'ii:..

Wlwlnm, Klennnr, 5lh Ave., N. Y'. C 10-13.Wnrdetle, Kstclle. A Co., Fulrvlew Park, Dayton,

fl,. 111-22.

Wo)«l Trio, Shell|iot Park, Wilmington, Del., 10-

World's Comedy Four. Winona Reach, Saginaw,Mich, ll)-!.-,; nohlnson's I'ark. Fl. Wayne, Ind.,17-22.

Wood Bros., BIJou, I'lillu.. 1015.Woodward, V. I'.. Pm.lnnoK'. Portland. Ore.. 17-22.Wright. Nick, Allnntle Harden, N. Y. C, 10-13.Wynn. Res-le. (I. (I, II., I'lltshurg. 10-16.Wyeherly, Margaret. A Co., Alhnmbrn, N. Y. C,

10- 15.

Yaekley A Bunnell, palace. IlMlon, 10-13.Yeoman, Oeorgo, La (Crosse, Wis., 10-15.Young A Manning. North Avenue. <1>lcago. 10-13.Vmi.. Hrin-e. illohe, San Fran., CaL, 10-15.Yerke Comedy Four. Pastor's. N. V. C 10-13.Yoing, Ollle. k Bros., Cnslno. Toledo. O., 016;

l.llewild Park. Newark, 10-22.Young, Chas., Illllslle Park. Newark, N. J.. 10-15.Y'oiing, Mr. A Mrs. Arthur. (Hen Ilnven Park,

Rochester. N. Y.. 10-15.Yule. Arthur, Ocean View Pavilion, Richmond.

Vn.. 10,16.z.iw- Hodfroy's, (ii-iiml Rapids, Mich., 10-15./arrow Trio, Henderson's, Cniiov Island. X. Y.,

10-15.•Kelln. Lagoon. Ludlow, Ky., 1016.Zem,, Coney Island, Clncliinntl, 10-1.1./.hiKui.-ll... Morlcy's, Asliialniii.. o.. 10-15; Sharon,

Pa.. 17-22.Klskll A King. Shell's, llnrTnlo. 10-13.Zotihoulaklt:, Whit* City. .Chicago.. 10-22,




Supplemental U»( — Reoelvedi.nt<- for i HaaalllcaUou.

Rennet t-Moullon (A. 1«. Reed, mgr.)—Delhi,Y.. 1.115. Onronta 17-22.

Burgess, Karl (Oeo, V. Hallday, mgr.)—Snglniiw,Mich,, 10-15. Buy City 17-22.

Callahan Drnmnllc—Ilenryelln, Ind. Ter., 1.1-15.Curtis Musical (Allen Curtis, mgr.)—Dallas.

Tex.. 24-.luly 7."Funny Mr. Donley" (La Hemic A Lee, mgra.)

I'lclnn, X. S., Can., 20, 21, Wealvllle 22.llelsnmn Stock (Helamnn A Cohun, ragrs.)—An-

gitHtn. Co., 10, Indeilnhe.Ktnrk-lTrhnn (II. II. Klnrk. mgr.)—Corlhou, Me.,

10-12. I'lcKpie Isle 13-15.Karen' Slock (S. II. Keyes, mgr. )—Snllno, Pn„

10-15. Sulisliitrg 17-22.Kilties Bund (T. P. J. Power, mgr.)—Blooming-

Ion, HI., 12, Jacksonville 1,1, Alton 14, Belle-ville 13, 10, Sprlngfleld. Alo., 17-10, Rogers,Ark.. 20. Fort Smllli 21.

Parks' Slock MS, W. Parks, mgr.)—Huntingdon,Pa., 10-15. Mount Union 17-22.

"Tncle Tom'H Cnhln" 1.1. W. Shlpiniin, mar.)

llooslrk Falls. N. Y„ 14. WllllaDislown 15.Ri'iiilslsiro, Vl., 17, Wllmlnglon IS, Brnltlehoro10.

"Tncle Tom's Cnhln." Sleellng's (T. L. Finn,mgr. I—Lake Placid, N. V.. 13. Siirnnac Lake14, Ausahle Forks 16, Kcesevllle I".

TH1T SHOWS.Ilacenliccl; A Wiillucc's—BTonklyn, N. Y

Jersey Clly. N. J„ 17.SluirreiFs, Howard S Moulolulr. X. .1.

MISCRI.I.AXKOIS.Driiniinniiil Amilsrincnl Co. (Oco. Dritmnioud,

mgr. I—Johnslrtivn. I'll., 12-18, Lilly hi 21.Portage 22-26.

Karmnnl Show—Illdecwuy. 0„ 14, West Mans-ili-M 15. Iliintsvllle 17, Lnkevlew 18, JueksonCenter 10.

Leo's (lluwt Blowers (Jack l-oc mgr,)—F.llta

. 101,1,


nlng of a two weeka' engagement of MaudeAdama, In "1'eter Pan."GanATBR Novelty.—Yesterday marked the

heiountDg of n ten weeks' aeaaou or the

l-iwtey Co.. with 'T^Bh Kleschna" as the

opening bill.'

„ ... . ._riAvis.

—"At Cozy Cornel's" this week, by

the stock conipnn.v. .

Ckntkai,.—"Young Bnffnlo, hlng of the

Wild Yv•c8t.'• nnd vrcek.

AMEnlCAN.—.Monday, 10. "The Girl from

1'nrls." being the beginning of a special lour

weeku' engugement of I'ljiirl Mllkersnn a

comedy Co.t •oi.uMAi..—Monday, 10, Mrs. FMe and

company, In "The New York Idea.' Ihla

engagement may be for two wecUa, It oil de-

pending whether the strikes arc settled by

hut time or not, and as to whether (he llrat

week's business la prolltnble enough lo war-

rant a second week.Xi:w Alcazar. — "The Undertow Is re-

tnlneti for another week.Ohtiiki.'M.—HIH for I he week opening Sun-

day (iniiilnec), ll : James Nelll nntl Jldltb

Chapman, -llayea and Johnson, Kredcrlck

Htiwley arid combany, the lloolhlaek Onar-tette, the Klnneys, James J. Morion, KlncraMoulin. Kddle Kmerson and company, and the

klnodrome. •


Ciipthn.—This bouse reopened yesterday

nflernoon. 10, with miscellaneous vaudeville.

The theatre baa been closed since the Rtrlke


MAssACittsiirrrs.BoHlon.—The continued cool weather of

the iiaat few weeks has caused unusualactivity in local Iboalrlcals. The onlychange's for the current days are mnde nctbn siock company and vaudeville houses.

Continued attractions are: Itlchiint Carle, In

"The lliinly (inrdy I'ilrl," nt f lie Tromont


David Wnrlleld. In "The Music Master,". atthe. Majestic, and "The Time, the I'lnce andinc llli'l," nl Hie ( 'ni. mini. Paragon Parleopens June in, l^xlnglun I'ark Id, and'Aiedfnfii liiiulevn rd Tbeulre 17, milking lite

list cnmplele for Hie season.Tkhmunt <J. II. Schoeffel, mnnager).

"The lliinl.v liiti-ily tilrl." a muslcul iilay Inihree nets; Im'.l- by Klchiird Carle, und nnslcl.y II. I,. Hearst, lind Its premier here June,'i. In brief, Du' sloiy deals with u rich youngi, inn'-. Iiiiuhiailon for n dttliclng girl of thestreets, a prelly lliili- creature, who had beenstolen In her youth by an llnllnn organgrinder. The young man wins her love anddetermines to marry her In Spite of 'parentalobjections, but his drenma of happiness arcsuddenly shattered by Ihe apparent dis-

covery of the fact that the girl la reullyhis own long lost sister. In the secondact It develops Unit a mistake may havebeen made, hut Ihe curtain fulls withthe lovers just as miserable as before.In the final act, however, the real faciaIn the case nre made known. Thecomplications are straightened nut and thein vers are free tn enjoy their long delayedhappiness. The east: The Uurdy (lurdy (jlrl,

Mne llottl ; Judfcc Van Coover, John li liuz-ziird: (iwendolyii Van Coover, Mutllde Cnt-lielly; Mary Vim Coover, Adele Rowland


Jeremiah Oils, Henry Norman ; Sarah Oils,Annie Yeamans ; Tom Otis. Walter Lawrence ;

Felix Jtunn, Harry Htune; Old Hunn, JacquesKruger: Mis* Cuticle. Mny Holey: Mllo,Sylvitln Langlols; Knmn, James Hunter;Ahey llljcb.c Arthur Coiii'ad : Mrs. McSlinne.Kthclbcrt, Tony Hulllvitn ; Walking Delegate,Abbott Adams ; l'nllceman AJax, J. II. Pur-coll. The piece scored a decided hit, andn prosperous Summer run seems assured.

Mukstii- (A. I„ Wilbur, manager).—David Warlleld, In "The Music Master." liasbeen illllng this house to Its capacity during JH2H l*?KS nn(l , '?.,llfl c,l0

.v n|,e •*the past fortnight. The engagement Ls been BggSSk •' ,"."

n<,".s f

on,ln« <'s Mt t0P noleli

Mattkiis ok Ixteiiks

other cards. Theatage ahow Is present(he Imperial Burlesque ond Vauilevlllc Co

N'ickrlodkon (W. II. Wolffe, manager')Nilea JObnaOn, bag puncher; Klmbrlno' lint,gler, and a wrestling tournament are ti,„nlrlo hall fcnlures ID-IS. In the theatre I,line Up Includes: Dolllc Clifford, May W.


(Iron, Slgfrled Moore, Annie Perry. Know! 's

Sisters. Molllc Rogers, and the l'relly plrikBitrlesquerN.


NdllVMBKOA I'auk (Carle Alberle, matinjrer>.—Bill for week of 10 In the rustic Vieatre: Vernon, the Holdawortbs, Joseph. \Jn .

nlng. Arlington Comedy Four, und Hie kograph.

vVo.NDeRi.AXt) (J, .1. Illgglna, mnnageri —Hctichey and his nirsblp remains for one nion-week na chief nltrnctlon here. In the n-,.,.open air circus nre: The Stubhlelleld ip.L,

nei'lallsts; ihe Nohrens, ncrobnts, and .Mil,.'De J,oro, contorllotilst. Frank Kminiiiu'ssinging, with Ihe Cadet Hand has proven mbig feature.


pAliAimx I'AUK (fien. A. Dodge, manager,—The third season ot this Naiihishm ll.-a.-hresort begins on Saturday nf the rarrniiweek. Some of the new concessions nr.-"Crentlon," "Swltxerland," "Touring n„'.World," "A Trip to the .Mines" and the "iiuman Itotilotlo iVllccl." Frank C. Rostock'snn I rniil iireiia -will be a special fenlnro.KOTML—Monday, 17, Hunker Hill nnv n

local holidny, big crowds are expecled ni 'alliimiiscmciii resorts I. W. tianimon , oftlio Palace Then Ire, hus been appnlnicd' ll(


vcrllslng agent of Lexington I'ark...John Levey, treasurer of Ihe Combine wasmarried 11. to Sadie Hnshnvvsjcy, of Wilkes-Murrc, Pa The Crescent Clly Oiinrleiii-assisted by W. I!. Ifngnman, pianist, Intrarelurned lo town after n liusy season. Thei-will piny the local parks during ihe Summer

Hiram Davis, (in old lime llientrlenimill circus ma linger, died In Ibis city histweek, from tuberculosis, need Kcveniy roam.

The. announcement is made t'lin'l tin.

Boston Theatre will open on Sept. 2 as adramatic stuck company house, under Ihemanagement, of Lindsay Mnrlsnn. well known(ii loon I slock circles, and formerly inuiiu-ger of Hie Umpire Theatre Thomas Iiu].lock Is rounding nut his tenth iiiouIIim usIllustrated song soloist nt the CombineTim new Dream la ml Theatre, M. S. Kpsielii'mnnager. featuring moving pictures mid Illus'trilled songs, has proven a veritable mhiialnce the opening Murrain Bill's WildWest Show will open next .Monday at IheHuntington Avenue grounds, for one week'sengagemenl.


snritiKiiriii.—At the Court Square (H0. (lllmonr, munngcrj nothing the Hunter-Bradford Co. hrta done bus cremed the furorethut "Leah Kleschna" did Inst week., ihehouse being lllled at every performanceJulia Booth. In the title role, showed markedability; I aim u ml Kltnn, a member of ihrHartford company, cast as Kleschna, broughtout tile line points of the part lo a nicely(ieorge Sumner, ns Paul Sylvulne, acorcilheavily, ami Thomas Thorne, another Han-ford member, was not found wanting, nsItaoul. The minor purls were all well played"Vou Never Can Tell" June lO-lfi.

I'oi.fa ((.'onion Wrlghter, resident mana-ger).—The house stock company added an-other success to lis chain, in "The Little(fray Lady." week of June 3. Marv Slock-well wna excellent. Sam Hardy, the newlending man. made his llrst bow to a Spring-Held audience, and was accorded a heariywelcome for Ills line wofk Monroe SallsluirvIs allowing each week his atcrllng worlh, andJewell Power and Paula (llov arc also

extended to 211,

•COMMA!. (Chas. Krohman, Rich & Harris,managers).—"The Time, the Place and thefun," which was transferred from the Tre-mont, will close the second and final week of

'V,..*" ?,.,01


; '•*-*• wlll.be followed by" Fifty Miles from Boston."

I'auk (Chas. Krohman, Rich & Harris, man-agers) .—"The Little (iray Lady" will haveIts llrst llostun presentation 1(1, bring Inter-preted by Lillian Lawrence and her stocknsBoclnteB. "The Gay Lord Quox" was apleasing bill Inst week, "Oa Parole" nextweek.

Oloiib (Stair, Wilbur* Nicolal. managers).7TA fl<£ SC? w<'

,'k,l of "I'lendld success for

Ihe. Darling of the Cods" the John CraigS



' 2,',ls

J!een lD "Tne Olfl 1 I-eft Behind

Me." "The Conquerors" Is to follow.CA8TI.K Sqi.AiiK (Boston Stage Society,

mniiagora).— "Kaust," by the slock operu

company, this week. Clura Lane and LlosRwell will alternate an Marguerite, und-cprge lallman and Harry Davres share Hietitle roc. Well lllled bouses enjoyed "TheaBHStf

.1|Mt *"*• |,,np wcei< of it, -The

Mikado."BowuojN Sqiia.-ii: ((j. K. Lothrop, mana-




nndon Wvca" Is the currantolTct'lng of the Uthrop Slock Co. On l-'rldnvafternoon and evening the leading womnri,Charlotte Hunt, will have her nanunl bene:lit, appearing In acts from four plays. I Hir-ing the past week "A Child of the Slums" ai-r""tcd big crowds. Xcxt week, "Brokcu

Kkitii's (It. I-'. Keith, manager).—A lip-top vaudeville bill tills week cnlla for: NutM. Wills, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew amicompany, Seur and Violet Allen. RarlebenSttlng (Juartetle. "Motorlne-." Bert Lew.klta-Hiiiiza roupe. Juggling Burkes. TillyWhitney, PaulIt rederlc. Klmhnll and Lewis,Howard und Lewis, the Kromers, and newmnl Ion plcl tires. Business keeps at Winterproportions.




:M lVfnZ W'lllnma. manager).—Fine IniSlnesR conllnues. The .current hillIncludes: Word and Kingston. Majestic Mislcul hour, Rogers *

Brothers, q-nm I'll

Bayer nnd <'ompany.a nd Tip, and new plcl tires

Frank R. McKen-zle. a former Sprlnglield young man, now fol-

lowing the stage, and Bessie Vinton, of Oilsclly, were married In Providence, R. I., lasiweek Howard A. Karnslinw, pianist atDreamland, l'lttslleld, sustained a fracture ofthe left forearm last week, by falling froma rocking chnlr. Ills arm became wedgedunder the chair nnd broke near Ihe wrist.It will lie some time before be can resumeJiIh position again. The testimonial lieue-lit to (Jcorge F. Hill, nt the new OilmanTheatre, Wednesday, June li. under Hieauaplceu of Sprlngfleld local, A. T. 8. K., No.ii,'l. una u ll nun cla 1 success, and quite ugoodly sum wns realized for Mr. Hill. Thoseappearing on the programme were : I-MwlnKeough and company, with whom .Mr. 11(11

has been connected ; Bnsalnl nnd Drake.Bison City Quartette, Kdelwelss Duo, MllluiiClancy, Thomas W. Ray, McOlnnls Bros..(Ieorge Dovle, Campbell and Hale, ThomasHilekett, McKay and Cnntwell. Mnjor Doyleand Shepard's moving pictures. Mr. Hillwill leave this week for Hot Springs, andIt Is hoped by his friends thai they will lie ofgreat heuollt to him for his rheumatismThe heartfelt sympathy of a larec circle offriends goes out to Annlo ft, Burke, nowtraveling with n theatrical company In theWesl, nnd William J. Ilm'ke, of the vaude-ville team of Iturku und Dcmpsey. In I heirate bereavement, the death of their mot her.In this city, June 4 The news hasreached this clly of the marriage of T. HenryCoote and Trances Long, which lortk placelast. September. Mr. Cooto, an old Spring-field boy. played the title role In "The StudentKing." tbo early part of Ihe past seasoa. andwas Inter with Frltgl Sclieff. The bride Is adaughter of Col. Ham Lung, nf Dallas, Tex,,and a member of "The Prince of Pllsen" Co.......The luggage of tlnorge Sumner andI'.dnuind Ellon, of the Hunter-Bradford Co.,was broken open In Its transit between Hart-ford nnd Ibis clly, and a few articles token.

Worcester—At Ihe Worcester (fl. II.

irs nnd Deeley, Belleclalr 1,'IS'"""' '"esldenl mnnager) June It). MalcolmClifford, Mldd'lcion Spell- "'"lams nod his mIock company, includingny. Watermelon Trust, lloli

Morence Iteed, produce "The C'ay Lord' plcl urea. Quex." Beginning J I, this company will pro-

m:u HAMi'Siiiiti:.Mnnchealep.—The Nickel, formerly Keith's

(II. .1, Speliiiian, manager). Is dohiffcoodbualness. Besides moving pictures, the Phil-harmonic Quartette and Nettle Baron are theattractions.

Xoten.—The Dake Theatre opens 10. andManager Frank (i. Mark has prepared astrong vaudeville bill for the openingJohn .1. Sullivan rejoins his partner, Chas.Hamilton, 0, nt Pawtiickci, R. I. They arebooked solid nn the Flynn circuit of parks....... Alice tlmerald Mulshed her I bird sea-son witli Ihe Rose Hill English Folly Co..and reports having made n bit everywhereIn her song specialties Rdnionds andCodalrc Have Just returned from an extensivetrip to the coast and Western Canada, andwill spend Ihe Summer at their cottage,"Joblnldn," at Lake Mnmabeslc. near Man-cnester J. C. Kmondn will drill andhave full charge of the amateur productionto lie given here "J2, by the Chatel-QiilrlnAthletic Club. .. ..Kmest A. Provenchcr willbe stage director nl Ihe Lake Theatre. LakeMossflbeslc, K, II.. for the Summer Reason.Mr. I'm vouchor has signed u contract withJacobs & l.owry's Moonlight Mr.lds Co. forIhe Winter season Iinrnum ft Bailor'sCircus shows here i;t.

(C. ii. Wnldron, manager.— ="*M« «f T", Ihe Poll Stock Co.. In "ArhomaR and John .1. Blnek will 'hiclielor'R Honeymoon." Week of 17. "Rnf-

'.nst week Iho company wns seen to

nnlnge In "Tbo Vounjr Wife." Thewill have Frances Whltehoiise as

lend Ihe company In two new burlesques Ibis"*»•" '•<

week Tim olio win engage: Polk 3d Polk NMlia.'kleyand Bunnell, Douglas Fnmlv? flow eompnnynrd and Oreen. Bates anA Ncvl e . umper


i'w J8JP%.i °"-V and Pierce, and Fisher ,fnd

LvcFtiv f(l,0u °n


i',nMhnR <irnwn *«l

The Summer slock will be seen In tfic tmnet biirleaque. "Looking for Justice." The-presents: fioltannon nmi CoreyZoyarraa, Kimball ilros.l

vaudevillethe nutans.t be Dolitns. the Znynrras, Kimball Bros'lardner West and Sunshine and mo Ion »felures. Business generally irnod

AtiHTlx & Stiinr'h MumiUI (A. II. White

new leading woman, nnd Hcnrlelta Jtug-ley, ns character woman, week of 10.

Lake.—The Summer season will ojien here10, with J. W. (lormnn's Vaudeville. Inclini-

ng : Eckhdff and Gordon. Mndgo P. Malt-land, (layety Quartette. Kullv and Phelps.Cnron and Farniim, and tbo (ireat P"«u*i"l-PiSKitURRT.—Weok of 10, vaudeville, In-

cludlag: The Seyons, in "The Census Taker;'the (irent t!hlclt, Ucrtritdc Flskc, the Jalvniis'.dward Boyd, and Mildred Vcola, Mile, D«liOru. Sunday sacred concert Includes: Call*Fnrwell, Alice l'hllbrlck, Sydney Reynnlds,wlhlo nnd Spencer, nnd Iho Overlng Trio.

..... ...., . mngmmi ,Ri-Nfll.iXfl BnoniKRR allowed lo full ietil«

il»n « !i. »i» 'Vs'i


fr »>i"li'ltina: enroll, 'n suite of the wet weather M The ncv

Jvrbii i wondee " uw •'""VJoc P*«» Ar! outdoor llicnlro nt. White City will be ready


The M.OR.reKMa.ds. -SVLJ li.^ell.-At the Lowell Opera nm.se . M-

:.,nT.,p.J' r

r.n(,.9. .Ida Campbel!, & "loom, resident manager) last week the

Summer senson of moving pictures and Illn-trilled songR progressed llnelv. John J. f*!' 1


ton Is meeting will) big success ns Robust.Do Wolf Hopper. In "llnppylnnd." ni"' 1"" 1

the house June 4. Shepard's moving pleim'"1.

niannger).— The mnnngement announces aseason of sensational novelties. In the curioIhls week ore

: The Stanleys, physicalJapanese mnglclnn : Ihe

hallmarvels Wlalunn.

Vlolelle Dale,





?1',>¥«Winnie tlnrk. Magle Toledo. Flo F.lwell IIlrand Sis era Frank Cook. I/-w Benedlc


,1ns. Carroll. John Mnnler. and evh«Tli, !

villa by Fulton . and -llrkin, 'Dt«n? «5

June. 15. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER: 1^ 463

i,iliir««r-4)«ltwi. In Illustrated songs, and tho

vlMUWIWMMli Pl«.ver lor the current week.

Al'adkhv or Music (JT. A. UNHi mnna-

trr) —Thin house opened for a Summer Bea-

;,M with motion pictures and Illustrated

„«, 8. and business In very arUfnetory.

Krcd Xoonan, pinnlst-dlrcctor ; Estelle llal-

Isrd, KOlolHt. and James Spllalne, operator.

MTiikatr* Antique (Frank N. Attmiui, man-

....or).—This house la meeting with phc-

omonnl success all the time. ?Thc Howardurn-Inn pictures. Harry Wilson and Evan-

tone Cardinal, soloists, and the Theatre

Aullnuc Orchestra. Henry Patnnnude. direc-

tor, arc continuing successes.

Niwkh.—The pnrks nre not dolujt their

usual big business. owing to Inclement

weather... . ..Lakevlew Theatre will open

laito "4 with Die Adiim Ooode Stock Co.,

under Che inunugcment of J. J. Flynn. . . . .


The advertising car .No. 3. of lllngllng Hros.

Circus, was In town 7. with Manager George

Gondhcnrt and twenty-four assistants, giving

the dual announcements of the show s visit

,prc ]4 Klchard V. Murphy, owner of

he Academy of Music. Is to visit New York

Cltv this week. Several aro negotiating for

the' purchase of the Academy here..

intnes Snllnlnc has closed a successful season

n'llli this D. B. Walker theatrical forces, and

U now at the Academy of Music for the Sum-.,,,.. The lodge of B. P. 0. Elks,

low'nil H7. Is In receipt of (n copy of) the

Idler sent by President Itoosevelt to the

Grand Exalted Itulcr, In regard to dlscon-

llnuo the nee of elk teeth as emblems of the


Xew ll«dford.—At the New Bedford

Theatre (W.' H. Cross, manager) Sbcpard's

moving pictures, Hellniare and Pratt, comedy

acrobats; Payton and Stanley, fashion Viatel

<,f colored aristocracy ; Jas. Meehnn. illus-

trated sungs, and .lounlc Glrrado, a popular

vociillsl. furnish the vaudeville part of the

entertainment. They played o .Pickedhouses. Be Wolf Hopper June 0, In "Hapw-land" which llnlshes the seusoii. Aaudcvllle

continues until the. Fall HCHson opens.

Hatha wat'k (T. B. Hayllcs, manager).—Ham-Burke Hlock Co. opened Us llftii week

with' "Knobs of Tennessee." This company

Is very popular with the public, and this

week lias Iwo old favorites. Frank Thomasmid Mr GrlfHn. Packed houses rule.

Swov iW. II. Shine, manager).—Contin-uous moving pictures, with Madeline lluck-

lev, In Illustrated songs, and Lewis andTiiompsou. In Irish comedy.

.VriTK.—Lincoln Park, n popular Summerresort, opened May oU, with dancing nftcr-

iiooii and evening. Vaudeville makes this

place u ureal attraction for both New Hert-

ford and Full Itlvcr people.


rail lllverv—At the Savoy (W P. Mason,iilcturcsresldcill niuiuigcr) Shepnrd's moving pictures

greatly pleased last week. Dp Wo|T Hopper,

In "liappyUnd," Juno 7, delighted a hugeaudience. .Moving plclnres week of 10.

SiibWiv's (John W. Harry, manager).-—The .1. Fiank Burke Stock Co. presented

"Man's Enemy," last -week, to excellent busi-

ness. Week of 10. "Two Llltle Sailor Hoys.

Nickkloukon (J«s. V. Mason, manager).--Week of 10 : .luek and .llldu Cannon, MayPiirlow. Htilh Clark. Mns<ai and Doran, andoplisrupc. Business Is good.

Xiitkn.—At the Scenic t Lewis II, Hour,

iiiunnger) moving plciures and Illustrated

songs. Business is good I MUM (b. ».

Hill, milliliter), moving pictures and Illus-

trated songs. Satusfuctory business is re-

niu-led The lllngllng Brothers present-

ed their big show here .nine U. to capacity.

lames Itoblnson, formerly of the Pall

Hirer Bill Posting Co., was in town June T.

lie Is now with the No. 1 car of the Buffalo

KIM Show Sheorty's Preehody Park. New-port, opens for the Summer here, June 24,

with high class vaudeville.»

i minion.—At the Tuunton Theatre (Calm& Cross, malingers) Shepnrd's moving pic-

tures closed the S u miner season Junu I.

HuUMH! Tiikatiik (C. II. Pronty. mnniiger).- Big business week of it. Per week of ID.

all. new pictures, and specialties by JinnnsWaters. Wltllnins and Hose, Anna Delnnly,Priink Hurt. Irn Kessuer. mid Adu Cnrbort.

Sahiutia Paiik will have moving pictures

until Ihc opening of the regular season, JuneSi.

I.invrriice.—The Opera llimse closed Inst

week. Shepnrd'H moving picture's Wednesdaysod Snliirduy.

Colonial (J. Prod Lees, lniinngon.—"ihe

Bohemian Girl" drew good business week of

June ft, every membur of the Colonial OperaCn. doing their slime to iiinke It u- success.

•The Mascot" 10-15.4 1 > i

MICHIGAN.Detroit.—At Hie Detroit Opera ItoDM

ill. C. Whitney, uiauiigeri Mary Maiiucrlngplayed a brief eiigHgcmeiit lust week, to

packed houses. The Tboimiskefsky YiddishCo. Junu 10, 11.

i.Vixum (E. 1». Blair, iniiiiuger).—ThsVnuglwn (iluser Co., In "Dorothy Vernon,isf lluddou Hall," eulcrliiliicd packed houses2H. Thn mi m<! company. In "The Cowboyand Ihe lady," week of 0.

Ti:si]'l".)5 l J. II. Moore, iiuuinger).—Wm.tiouid mid Vnlcsku Siirutl were the lendingJills of last week's well bnlniiecd bill. At-tractions, week of 10: The Pndcttn woman's(u'chestra ; C. drum Uarduer mid Mullssioddtird, Fred liny mid company, lira Hound-ing Gordons, Albcrllnc Munich's (ruinedbirds, Lnuhi unci Vluta Swan and Bumbnrd,mown and Xevurro, and tlie kluelugruph.

n««ilo Creek.— Ihe Post (B. Bmnniiger) was durk Juue ;i mid week.UiihhoM is due P.'.

Bum: (W. S. Hiitterflcld. manager) .—Billfor week of in : Lnmont's trained cocka-toos, Prank Minor, Don Cootes, AmerlcaANewsboys' Qunrtcttc and the cllnctoscopepictures.

Note.—Barnum k Bailey's Circus Is billedhere 2o.


Grnnd Hnplds.—At tlnmona Park I LewiMiimmer. manager) bill week of June 10Includes: Cameron and Flanagan, Mile. Ches-ter and her dog. C. W. IJttlelleld, the EightVnssnr (ilrls, Cbas. Ward, and Wills andHnssan.

.Gopfiioy's Pavilion (Chns. Godfrey, man-

sgerl.—The hill week of » Includes: HayCumrln. Prank Walsh, and the Znggas.

. .

.Ini-kmiii.—At the Atlirmciiin ill J.Porter, resident manager) Mary Munnerliig.In "Glorious Betsy," played to capncltyMay 21). delighting a large audience. "UncleJosh Spruceby." SO, plensed. "The Lion andthe Mouse." 8, had S. K. O. Lllllnii Ilussell

Juue 111.

Babxdii * lUiLVjy's circus 15.+»»

CONNECTICUT.New lluvvii.—At Poll's (S. Z. Poll, man-

ager) for .the third week's offering by IhePoll ()|>cra Co.. "Tim Chimes of Xormundy"will bo presented June 10-1.1. mid nil theoperas nre proving to be especially welcometo the public.Wimth Cirv. BaTln Kock. litis opened with

big success. The bill week nf Juno 1(1; Mile.Angle and her lions. Fllllplno midgets, andHindoo dancing girls.

Note.—Plans tiro going forward for IheNew England Eagles' Held day here, In July.All the Connecticut Aeries Iirvc voted to at-tend, also those of New England, New YorkState and New Jersey.

H. i.ltc.-i.ori—At Smith's 'Edward C.Smith, inn linger i Shepnrd's nioviug pin n resand Al. liotltner. vociillsl.

Poi.i'k (P.. II. Mitchell, mnungei).—Poll'sSummer Stock Co.. In "Mrs. Dune's Defense:"Alice Fleming mill Edwin Caldwell. In lends.

Notes.—.rack Burke, of this city, husngiiliiJoined forces with his old pnriner. Kdward.McKvoy. The team will resume vaudevillework ns Burke ami McEvoy. being Ixsiked fortwenty weeks over the Western circuitClmrles Jcwclt. of this city, bus doubled upwith Johnny Xeff, In a song and daiice net.and the team Is now pluvlng HustonClmrlcK Ivors, of this city, formerly of thelenui of Ivors mid NcfT, Is prcpnrlng n noveltyfor the coming vuudevlllo season In the wayof n roller skate dunce. Ills "Scarecrowdunce made a hit on the Pacific const andthe middle West of lute years, hut It Is saidto be outdone In the new novelty JackShou. n prominent Elk of tills city, mid one nfthe best known men In tho country amongthe theatrical fraternity, intcndi-d the funeralof Juntos niehiiiomi Ofcuroy (J, p. Foeney),his old' liovliund frlonil. Ill Brooklyn, June.'I. The two Won frl"'iils thirty yearsago, when Mr. Glenroy was "fried out" Inthe old Volkes Garden on Ihe Bowery, thenunder the miimigciiiciit of Tony Pastor. Mr.Olenroy made a big hit nmnteiir night midInler went, out with "Old Hoss" lloey. Forii long I lute Mr. Clou toy wrote the songs forthe original Put Itooney. Including "Biddy,the Pride of Ihc Hnllel" and "We'll Paintthe While House Green." Mr. Glunroy wusa grout favorite In this city, unit n popularmember of the Elks. Another of Glenroy'sclose friends In this city was Judge Mc-Lnughllii, mi Elk und former circus ntlachcc.

Word comes to this city to the effectthai the Hurry Slock Co. Is making a big hitnt IIiiiIiiiwii.v'h Theatre. Now Hedford. Muss.Mr. Hurry, or the linn. Is n Brltlgeiiorler, usIs Florence Hamilton, who Is playing leads.

Henry II. Jennings Sr.. owner andmniwKor of the Hurl ford Theatre, was Inattendance al the gathering of pust exultedrulers of the Elks of the Stnle, held atSteeplechase lslnnd, June 1.

Hartford.—At Parsons' (II. C. Parsons,manager), week of June II. Iliiiiter-Itrndforil

Players. In "You Never Cuti Tell." bad largeaudiences. "Old lieldolhorg" 10-1 IV.

Poi.i's (Louis 14. Kllby, mnniiger).—Weekof A, Poll's Stock Co.. In "The Eternal C!!y,"had gootl audiences. "Why Smith Deft Home"lo-ir..

Foot flfAM Armoiit (M. EllBworth. man-ager).—"(ilrls of America," by local lalent,h, (1. » »

INDIANA.I milium noils.—A! English's Opera House

(Ail. F. Miller, umiiager) "The 'I'll roe of Us,"May .'it. June 1. pleased good sized houses.This closed the season for tills house.

Paiik Tiikaiiii: (Dickson & Tiilhott. mana-gers).—The I'nrk Thealri! Slock Co. up-js-arcil In "The Cowboy mid the l.udy." weekof '.{, to very big business. "Carmen" week of10.

XOTIH.—Gentry Bros.' Shows ore billed forweek of 10 Xnmortl Family. Ueieu/oand t.ailue ami Arndt's Military Band ap-peared lit Wonderland week of •!. ami busi-ness wus fair, considering the weullierBrook's Chicago Marine ifitnd gave dully con-certs nt Piilrbiink week of 10 Wbeelock'sIndian llniid played u relurn engagement atthe While. City week of 10.

Our incufi'icn! correspondents ore hettbvnotified ihnt the credential* now hel* 6yihrm centred June l. They are requrtted toreturn Inem to this office at once, for renewalfor lWl-ms.

m:w .ii:um:iNewark. — At. Praetor's (It C. Stnnrl.

resident manager) on the current hill the oldfavorites, ltyiin and lllehllold. In "Mag Hugforty's Iteeeptloo." nre the principal oilier-aluers. Herbert Lloyd and company are

'also prominent on Ihc hill, which Is satis-factorily completed by Donald anil Carson,Scheiick-Marvelll Co.. Dora Hoiim, GeorgeHiisscy. Miijesllr Trln mill Milton's dogs.Big houses nightly enjoyed Ihe bill of JuneII. and notably "Christmss Oil Btackwell'sIsland."

Cui.cmiiia (M. J. Jacobs, nmnnger).—Thelllxnn Barlow Stock Co. Is having a Springseason of good business and appreciation,and the return to this city of Victory Bate-man, who Joined the company lust week asleading lady, was welcomed. As Maslovn. In"Hesiirrprtlon.'' Miss llRtemnn has an excel-lent chance to again display her ttblllty weekof 10. "Man's Enemy Is booked for weekof 17.

,uiiaiii: island.

Providence.—At Ihe Providence OperaHouse (Felix It. Wcndclschucfiir, manager)Jacob P. Adler and company were seen, June7.' In one performance of ''llie Stranger."

Kkith'h i Charles l.ovenln-rg, manager).— died from lien

The Albee Slock Co. played "A Lady of Hotel Hreslln.

yiinlltv." to good business, :i-S,

Gloria 10-15. to be followed by



Estritti: (Splti A Nnthnnsoii, managers).

"Out of the Fold" attracted good houses :i-R.

A special production of "The Christian" 10-

15. ' Clarence chase will make his Qrst ap-pearance with the company In this play."The Wife" 17-22.

Imi'Kiiial ID. II. Ciirlhi. nisnsgcr).—Fol-lowing "The Private Secretnfv." 11-8, "EileenA'ltoone" Is produced 10-15. Fred J. Ireland,the author, has one of the lending roles.

Notk.—Al Vanity l''nlr, week of 10, thefree circus Includes the Lh Krcy Sisters, Mnr-7.oln and Wolfe. Young mother*, and Kenyonand Dc Gnnnn.


'WnoHMOPkrt. — At I long Luke Theatre(It. II. Itandnll. mnniiger i the hill for JuneIn and week Includes : Gray's manikins. Mer-rill and Wnkrllclil. Homers and Storke, Emma

I'.n.i.-li W. WIixkIiis. a brief null, t

whose death nppc.ireti In cliese columns lastfeck, was well Known In the profession, lie

heart disease mi May 2S, In the.. Xew York City, aged sixty-

tlve years. At his bedside when lie passedaway were his wife, his son. John 14. Wig-gins, and his son Inlaw, J. II. Moore, mnn-iiger of the Temple Theatre, Detroit, Mich.Mr. Wiggins was born In New York Stale.He went, to Detroit ns n isiy and begun hl«business career as a "butcher" on the GrandTrunk. Ills tlrsl e.\)H<rlenee In the show Inisl-

lies was as property hoy la a Detroit the-atre. Later he Joined John llohlnson's I li-

ens, nail loured wllh It for several yours.Ill time h» established museums In St. Paul.Minneapolis. Omaha mid other Westerncities, which lie gave up When lie

started the old WnuiTorliird on WoodwardAvenue, Detroit. This venture found Itsfruition In the establishment of HieTemple Theatre n few yours ago. In nihil-Hon to his Detroit theatrical Interests. Mr.U logins owned the Cnolt Opern House nodlinker Theatre, In Rochester. X. Y., and thnIhirrls Then I re. In Phoenix, Arls. Mr. Wig-

rllt nnd wnkellelil. Homers and snrso, hmnu „|,H i lil( | |„,,,„ (1 ||,„K f„r several years, onKlaus. All and Peyser and Dlbrtes moving Tils return from Arhtonn rewntly. he seemedplciures. 'Ihe bill last week wis held over ,,„|„, improred, however, and decided to

Cuiiiden.—At Woodlynlie Park (II. D. I.e

Cu 1 0, malinger) more satisfactory weatherbrought the crowds Inst week, nnd Ihe ex-cellence of the vaudeville presented by Man-sgor I.e Calo demonstrated that he Intendsfollowing his usual course In providing thehost obtainable. This week's hill : Howellanil Emerson, Peril mill Wilson. I. en St.141 mo, Prances Wood, Itellly and Morgan,Nellie Nichols, ami moving pictures.

C.vmiikn Tijkatiik,—"Cinderella" was pre-sented here by Mr. Carpenter, a Philadelphiadancing school master. Business was satis-factory.

Xotks.—Mnniiger M. W. Taylor startsfor his hnngiiloo In Maryland this week. Hewill pay weekly visits, liuwever, to Ills XewYork und Camden olllces. . . .Malinger Long'snew Camden Tims l re Is now having the floor

laid nnd girders placed The cityauthorities have decided to tax the movingpicture shows In the town. There nre abouta dozen located here nnd more to come.

Jersey City.—Al Keith & Proctor'sIP. Burns, mnniiger) for week of June 10:Four Huntings. Big City (iiinrlettc, Pbllmid Nettle Peters. Pom- Sunbeams, Banksnnd Newton, the Ci-fllgs. Mnreeiin, Nevaromid Mnreeuii, nnd the Trlllers.

Xoikh.- Buffalo Hill's Wild West II....,I Iiigenbeck-Wiillnee 1 7.


Louisville.—Al Hie While City (\V. II.

Lnlili, mnniiger) (Inrgitilo and his bund. Hire'sHog. Pony and Monkey Show, nnd Prof. Hail-

in, I lei's trained animals well! Hie principaloutdoor features week of June 2. nl whichbig crowds wore prcsoal. For week of HiCora Youngblood Corsnn mid bund of thirty-

live females urn engaged to discourse music.Fontaink Fkiiiiv I'aiik (Win. Itclehtmin.

manager i -Inclement weather hud no effect

on the pill lounge at this resort during week1'. The outdoor nil ructions wore enjoyed bythousands of patrons. Tho best vaudevillebill of tho season at the thenlro attractedcrowded nouses, at every performance . .Mana-ger Helchninn nininiintes that every Saturdaynight In Hie future there will lie given a free

display of fireworks to his patrons. JosephDelgrnnde. ion Eastern cipcrl, bus been en-gaged to arrange lira progriiuuiie. Xew peoplebooked fur week of 11 : Mabel Mcitiley. Iled-

foril and Winchester, Qtllgg. Muekey andXlckerson. Johnny Johns. Kales Bros., Piercoand lloslyn. and Ihe kluodroine. '

Hay City.—At the Wushlngton IW. J.

Damn, iiiunnger) "The Lion and the Mouse"drew a largo nnd pleased audience Juno 1.'Ibis iierforuiuncu closed the regular seasonof this house.

Ai.iAitAtin i\V. J. Daunt, mannger).—Tliei.oruiliic-Hucliniuiii Slock Co.. hi repertory,did excellent business It-!). Tlie sumo companyneck of 10.

Bl.lot; |,l. D. Plluiore, manager).—Billleek of :; Included : The Five Melverns. Fran-cis lloyi und company. Antrim und Peters.Ben Dnvis, Triliuuil Seymour, mid the IIJJou-»eo|ie. Huslness Is big.

Wkno.na llu.Mit Paiik Cahinii (L. W. Rich-ards, uuuingcr).—This resort opened for theseason 2, and drew a large crowd with thetollowlng excellent vaudeville hill : HurryVokes, Margaret Daly mid cumpmiy. in "TheHalf Buck. Tavern;' Iho Eslertirooks,' theI'hroe Hounding Gordons, Edward II. andKulliryn Dengon. Cora Landls, and the Ca-slnoscois?.

Xnrj;.—The Stnte convention of the D. P.O. E. was held In this city, -1-U, und waslurgely attended.


Ivnliiiim/oo.—At the Academy of .Music'II. A. Hush, maiiugerl Lillian Ilussell. In"The lliiitcrlly," June 11. closing the season"f the house, which bus proved very suc-cessful, despite competition of three otherplaces of niniiscinctils. Hie If IJuli. Wonder-land und Vtiiidelte. nil of which have donegissl business. Attractions for next year «renow Mug lajokcd.

Hi. (W. S. Iliillerth'lil. am linger I,--to'isl houses here, ofleu to cii|iiiclty. Ill 1


week of 10: Clarke and U'eiiiple, Frank<»erg, Harry and Mac Howard, Joseph Leh-man und company, Elmer Matthews, and llhis-aiid conspuny, Elmer Jlutthews. nnd Illus-trated songs.

Notkh.—Wonderland IW. II. Johusoii,manager), and Ymidette IF. A. ItulT, niuiia-ger) nre liolh enjoying good patronage ; mov-ing plciures unit Illustrated snugs being theirofferings Buriiiim k Bailey's ShowJune 2!. ••—

LiifnyeMo.—At the Mujestlc (Gregg Fre-llnger. uiiiiiugei) the bill tor week of June It:

Herbert and Vance, Ethel Young, Clmrles andJosephine Summers. Mcxlciis and Mexlciis,and the Mnjcstosconc. Business is excellent.

Norm*.— Willi the Grand dark und theFamily Theatre closed for repairs, Ihe HappyHalf Hour and La Purduttchave a cupaclly huslness eonThe Elks Invaded the city Junoamusements were liberally uutronlzcdThe Ben Greet Pluyers will give two lier-

'forulaiicoK In the campus of Purdue Uni-versity. June 10. Should the weather proveunfavorable, limy will appear In Fowler Hall.

The plays selected for Hie open air perform-nnens nre "As You I.Ike It" nnd "MidsummerNight's Dream." The U. S. MilitaryLadles' Band gave some very pleasing con-certs nt Teeiiinseh Trull Park. May JlO-Jniie

2. The stormy weullier liilerferrod somewhatwith iilleiidunce.

(>«»si AltYLAM).

Iloliiinorc.—At the Auditorium (JamesL. KeniHli. inunugcri The Chimes of Nor-aiatidy" will be heard June .10-15, closing amost successful engagement or the AbornOpera Co. "The Pontine Teller" drew theusual full houses week ending 8.

GavktV (W. L. Hiillunf, inuiinger).—"Paris

by Night" opens 10, for a week's stuy, midcloses this house for the Summer.

I.L'ui.n's (Edward C. Enrle, manager).--Itellly and Morgan. Amy All.vu. FlorencePierce. Ward mid l.ufferty. and Sadie Shipiiitin lire Included In the bill for 10 nnd week.

Giibatkii I4i.i:i:tiiii' Paiik (P. C. Scbaii-berger, manager).—The novelties for weekof 10 Include: Thn liesslu labia re Troupeof .'cyclists, Xotln Vests, Chalk Saunders,Clmrles and Fimnle Vun, und Mnrsliull midKing.


si, ,1,,,, u ,io.—The Opera House i W. II,

Stoddard, munugori, und the Unhiuc (ArthurLane, manager) are closed for the seuson.Lakh Vikw Si;m.mi:ii Tiica'iiiu (Arthur

Lane, manager) opened Mny 30. with "HuldPnshii." to ctipuclty huslni'ss. "Frn Dlavolo"and week. "Olivette" 1(1 and week.Norn.— Drenmliiiiil t.M. Drneger, tnaniigi-ri

U drtiwlng well, with moving pictures andIllustrated songs.

I'nilocoli.—At the Wnllnoe Park Csslnn(Win. Malone, manager) Krotore, "The Mu-sical Wizard :" the Helm Children, Axlell midHeine. Miss Clcnwuod, and Mr. and Mrs. JohnT. Powers were the features Inst week. In

vaudeville. The house will lie durk for tendays, beginning 10, due to Cliuiirnti<|iia ut thepark.


Now Orleans.—At the West End (TomIVInslon. miiniiger) the usual packed housewus on hand June 2. to greet the change of „,''!*-? "..' ' *$&bill and listen to Emlle 'INhsI's Premier Con- I*"" ""> -"

cert Hand. This popular yinnig dlreelor busscored heavily with bis line band, and lie Is

compelled to work overtime each eveninganswering recalls. On tho stage, the Musilent Ouoltnniis, llulley mid Rohan, ltlnl(o

Comedy Four, and the Keiiiku Brothel's wonrounds of applause. The klnodrome, underAl. Warren, with n Int. of new slides, plensedas usual. The lour around the world oh-

Nomillon cur, Ferris wheel, carousel, Ja-panese hull game, electric theatre and otherside shows coiitluue to big business. Thebill fur week of II Includes : Fred and AnniePelol. Iriua (Hiiirny. nnd Musical Gooltnuns,und Krenikn Brothoru ns hold overs.

Width City (C. C. Matthewson. miina-

feri.—The Olympla Operu Co.. with Jolly,oi ile Kendall as the star, presented "Said

I'liHha," 118, to large crowds. Ed. Seumons,the well known actor-uiiinuger, made his llrst

appearance this season, II. In the title role,

anil was given a big welcome. John Collins,

a coiueilliin of merit, made his llrst appearmice ns a member of tills popular coiiriiiiny,

,'l. nnd scored u hit. The work of Hid) Pllkln.Herbert Curler. Kullierlue Mitchell and Ro-salie Sheldon deserved iipeclttl inenllou. "TheFrench Maid" tl and week.*

entire from the opening week. Rail weatherkept the attendance down. The ConnecticutFireworks Co., iienihiiiiirlcrs Now Haven,Conn., gave an entirely satisfactory exhibi-tion of. fireworks on the grounds after theevening performance, Thursday of Inst week,which drew* very well.


Wheel I »(.—Al the Bl.loii iSi'hurti &Hrnrley, projirlelors) huslness was good forweek ending June H. People for week of 10:The Beatties. the Great Solum, Joe Bin k ley.

Oiler and Wuidion. and ihe moving plciuresWiiKul.ixu Paiik ( Frank J. Baker, general

inn linger ).- -On aoeouiit. of the cold nnd ruinbusiness was light for week ending S. Peoplefor week of n I Fetching Bros., GrucelynWlihehoiise. Hay and llro., Rleglor lllllo,tisi,,, in, acrobnllc comedy. On Sunday. II, nsa special attraction, the Great North (ioniumMarine Hand.

Kim,—Coney Island will lie opened aboutJuly 1. It will be entirely rebuilt, ns Hieflood of Issl March look imailv nil of thebuildings from the Island. Corn-go Sohuetvrwill be manuger and Claude Nelson, formerlyof the Wheeling Park stuff, will have chargeof the press work.


Atlnutn At the Grand (II. L. k J. L.lie (ilve, malingers) thn George Fawoolt Co.presented "Friends," June ;i-M, to excellentreturns. "Tho Charily Hull" Is hilled 10-15.Camixo i. Ink. Wells, niiiiiagei-i.—Cliurlln

tirapowln. In "it's I'p to You. John Henry,"was Ihe offering, to good business, ll-H. "DownMobile' 10-J 5.

Star (J. II. Thompson, malinger). -Thnpatrons of this resort were favored wllh miexcellent bib .'IN. which Included : Blninphlnsml Hehr. the FlnrcllnA, John II. Morris, MayDolmny, MeCall Trio, lleuiieli Sisters. MnyMyers, Tyler Trio, Harry .Sodley. ManiaPnrker. Lillian May. Edith Pcrchel, and mov-ing pictures.Pahtimk.—Capacity luisliiess cisitlniies nt

this house. The bill :i-K included : Lewis andLosslnger, Tnmniv Wllks, Baby Esmond, UlsleWoods and b'lors Esmond.


ui.-tiitii. .it the Crawford (14. L. Mart-ling, mnniiger) "As You Like It" (loenli wuspresented by Ihe senior class of FulrinuiltitCollege, In a erowded house, .lime I.

Wi,.mu:ui,am> Paiik Tiikatiih (J. T. Nuttie,mnniiger).—Wolfe Stuck l.'o. has opened forHie Summer season, nnd Is playing to bightiklness.

Aiiiimimk (Geo. M. Gatts, manager).— liny-wind stoeii Co. Is playing to a largo audi-ences, mid changing the bill nightly.

Wlnaeld.—At. the Alrdotno Tbeiitre. Finn-els J. Glliuore's Plurers, In "A Clever Rogue,"pleased crowded houses Mny 27, 28. Thesumo company played "A Miilrlmoulnl Mud-dle." In a large crowd. III). 31, The WolfordSlock Co. play ill the Alrdniue for two weeks,beginning June 10,

iianii OftiiiA llot.'SK.—"The Mnlluco Girl"

Xew York. II

lifter Ills nrrlralI'ell

andtelogrujdied fur, Hosldos

John.- Mr.


I linrlotte. — Al the Lallii Park Audi-lorluiu JW. A. Peters, luuiingor) tint W. A,Peters Stis'k Co. oponotl the senson nt thispopular resort Monday. June it. Long beforethe rise of the curtain the house was com-pletely sold out. Tho memiiers of the eoiii-

Niny lire: W. A. Peters, Earl McUdluo, ElsieWrciiu, Mn rle Melhiiru, Lynn Oslsiru. Allsirtlirlglitoii. Minnie Ferguson, Ester Gnrber, andthe Groat llesinoiul Trio. This exceptionallyWell Intlaneeil ConipilllV IVI1S given II big ro-eepilnn nt the op, -n lug poi'fonnnnce. andshould draw big business during the senson.«»

AI1KANSAH.Little lloek.—At Forest Park (Chns. T.

Taylor, malinger) the Arlington Comediansstill hold Iho boards ul Hils jiopulnr SlimmerI heal re. which Is becoming more iiopulnrevery season, under the management of Mr.Taylor. Attendance every night Is largo. Forweek of June 10, Hie Bigger I'liner Opern Co.is underlined.

Notk.-—The Mujestlc Theatre has closedfor the season, us lias Ihe Lyric.

Hike n business tl'jp

III almost iiiimoiiiiiioiv

i ho fniully wusthe widow und soil' John.'' Mr. WigginsIrnvM miother son, William ,1. Wiggins.Funeral was hold on Mnv ill. It has liooti

arranged Hint the body slmll remain In thereceiving vault nt EIiiiwimhI until Ihe comlih'tlon of Hie finally mausoleum, which Is

In course of construction,Clmrles II, StiMYiirl. of Stewart nnd

Bayer, died ar his home In Xew York Cityon Juno li, from |nioumoiila. after n week'sIllness, iigcd thirty-live veins. Ile was bortiIn Oregon, mid niiulo his debut on Hie singeat Hull Lake City, hi ISNII. Laier Ile cameEast ns stnge director nnd manager for Gilslllll. Four yours ago he took charge of thepiny department or Bellow \ Gregory, nullInter wus iissoolatod wllh Dnrey A Woirnrd.Itccently ho fiiniioil a pnrtnorshlp wllh Mrs.Willis lloyer. Hie llrin lining known us Slewuil& lloyer. Ills wife was Anlolliello Walker.of "The Music Muster." lie leaves an Infantson. Pin- funeral took plui'o In the MasonicTemple mi June 111. und Interment was hiGreenwm ii I Cemetery.Arthur II. Lyn'ds, who was Lincoln J.

Carter's stage manager for llfleon yours,committed suicide In St. Luiils, Mo., on Jinn",'l. Ho loll a mile staling that he (cared uppronehlng Idliidiioss. ami i<mk his life becauseor this ihroiiiciicd trouble."Don" Cniniiliell, of Hie Ciimpliell llrolli-

ers, owners of Campbell Hrotliers' Slnov.'dloilon Sunday. May 20, ut Pulrhiiry. Noli, Intorment ivns In Falrhnry on May 2H. on whichlllllo moniol'lnl services were hold on theshow grounds."r Hnvla, formerly n well known tutor

manager und showman, died on Juno 'I, utI! bridge, Muss., iiuoil set ly-two vents.

Vletiir M. Oe Hllhe. nn ucliir. died althe Solon llosplinl. New Vnrk City, on June2. aged forl.y yours, lie was nil Englishmail by birth. He had pliiyod I I'lio (iron I

Rnhy. 1 "Phe Price of Peace," and wus wllhRobert II. Maiilell In "The Secret Warrunt ;" Amelia Hliighiiiu, In "A Modern Mugdolln :" Mny Irwin. Ill "Kuto Kip. |luv„i p'Jaiiios T. Powers, In "lleullemiiii Juo, millHie Russell Hrotliers. Mr. Do Sllko's lustii|i|i»i|riilioo was with John T. Kollv. Invaudeville. The Actors' Fund took cure of.Mr, Do Sill.,- during Ids lust Illness, mid Intorment was la Hie Actors' Fund plot, InEvergreen Cemetery.

Ciiiviini iiin.iciK. nidi known hi vniidc-vllle, 'njtd a iiioiiilior of the loam of Met 'alemid Daniels, knoekiihtiiit coinedlnns, died nl.II hotel In Buffalo. X. V., on June 7. Ilfli'l' ulong llluesN. Ills lust otigiigemoul was withtne Guy Mnsipterudors Co.W. II. Fun, otic nl' llie original lluunlllii

Rrnthers, groli'si|ito diuieers anil high kickers,died recently IM .Murcol. Cnl., from llrlghl'sdisease, aged forty-seven years. Ills wire,Mis. Nellie Fox, Survives him.urnrge W. n.i.ie. ngod eight venrs.

who wus with Cole llrntliors' circus, wnsthrown under the train and killed ul liuhnls,I'll.. June ,-|. Interment was III Oil City.Fred .1. Miller, n unislclmi, died on Juno

1, at the Emergency IIomiIIiiI, Huston, Muss.,Hged llfly-lwo yenrs. lie wns a unlive ofLondon, Eug. At various limes ho liml playedIn Iho hesl theatres or llostoii, and Ills Insttraveling engagement was wllh Savage's OperaCo., several yours ago.

niMTHICT OF COLUMBIA.WiisliliiKtoii.—Al the New National t

w.und Mujestlc 1|. Raplcy, ninmigerl. the Aborn Opern Co.

tlnunlly this week presents "The Mikado." Last, weekl). and nil Hie same coiiipiiny gave "The Serenade" lo

packed houses. "I'fnnfore" and "(,'uvallcrlaBust leana" June 17-22.Columiiia I Jos. E. I.iickelt, iiiunnger).—

This week ihe Columbia Stock Co. Is pre-senting "Aristocracy." with Waller Lnekayo.Lust week "Trilby wns given to capacityiitidlences.

Bklani'u (L. Stoddard Taylor, manuger).—This week the Edwin Ardeu Co., In "Dl-vorcotis." Last week "Prince Karl" hudcupaclly business. "The Private Secretary"next.Lycklm (Eugene Keriisn, mnniiger).—This

week lh«"Lyceiim Stock Co. Is'gins an all

Suiiiiiior eiigugoinoiu. Lust week was the endof the regular seuson, and the High SchoolGirls hud excellent success.

l.i'NA Paiik (diaries J. liondfcllow, ins li-

nger i.—This place, replete with nmuscineiilN,Is dally and' nightly crowded. The HaleyWashington Orchestra gives nightly coitisirls.

Lust week the Itoyul Berlin Military Bundwus the utti'iicllon In u musical wuy.ciiKir Cinsi: MRU ' Herbert Claude,

manager).—The V. S. .Murine Hand (sccllonigives u free concert every night lo Immenselit rungs.

(ii.t.N Eciin llii'i'ointnyit: (14. J. Slinonds,ma linger i.—'Iho nltruetlous Usually found atn llrst obis* suburban resort draw vxcnlh'ritbusiness. Charles Vincent, In Illustratedsongs, In the Audit, ilium, and an orchestra InHie pavilion, nre prime furnishers of amuse-llli'lll.

Under tot Cents,Notkh riin.M Al. F. Wiikklkii'h Ni.w Motirii.

Siiiiivs, -DoHiilio the Diet that we have en-countered bad weather two-thirds of the limesince our opening, we have played to en-cl-ient business, with very low losing stands.Since our opening we hnve added throe liiuiiis

of draught burses, a now dining tent, nndnude many Improvements. Our performanceIs the Is'sl over presented by llie New Model,and Is milking good.

'I'm: Van DIHMBSSH, under the miiiiRgeiiientof Jack Sudan, are one of Hie. sensationalfeatures with the Hiigeiils-ok-Wallacn Show,In their exhibition of tieilul levlh gymnastics.

A. V. STK.sMAitK, genera! agent, of LeuBros.' Shows, writes: "This season Oscaritragelslruins Is band leader, with eight men.The show Is playing (0 good business In spileof tjle wel, cold weather.. Slxe of lop seven-ty, wllh twenty-four fool middle place.


Al. ItiMii.lMi was Willi the Forepmigh-Solls Show Inst week, lie Is now onioylng ashort vueuHoii al his new home In llurabuo.Mr. (tingling reports a record breaking busi-ness for ihc Rlugllng Show thus far llilssenson.


MISSISSIPPI.Meridian. — At Ihe Coliseum Theatre

IVIvliin WHsker, inuniigcrj Rentfrow's JollyPutlitlndors continued to draw, and closedII successful engagement June H. Frank Dud-ley Stork I'n. HI-IT.

• •*Al.. Li'lilN has severed bis connect Ion with

('hnrlos K. IIjiiI,-. und Is enjoying a briefvacation.

Cl.AUK.vci: Jlo.iu-.MiH, German comedian,Jollied, Iho Claude (Junker Medicine Co., play-ing a six weeks' si and ul Chippewa Full's,Wis.

Tiioxa.s Mourns, of Ihe Emerson FloutingPalace, gave a social session nnd a Chinesesupper ut u Chinese restaurant. In i/uilsvllle,Ky.. on Sunday evening, June 2, to a fewmembers of the company. The followingwere of tho isirty: It. Emerson nnd wife,Joe k. Kelly, Vlrglnln Kclscv, Frank und Vir-ginia Rogers, Clnreiiee unit Mu Bunion TlllleTwinkle, (tat, Huckholttte and wife, MyrtloHuntington, Mnrgurllc Maxwell mid Tln'muisMorris. A wind lime wns the result and nilJoined In with thai dour old melody, "OldLung Syixe."

Aolliig upon a million made mid curriednt thn lust mooting a general meeting of Hiei i In


hi will ho held Sntni'ihiy night, Juno 21),

the tlrsl evening of the Pilgrimage. At thisHum a niol Ion will be offered lo change Ihoconst It tillon lo the effect that otllcors boelected yearly on this date. Ihe llscul yourto begin at this lime, Tlie presldDtit. ap-pointed i In; following commit lee on noiiiliui

Huns: W. G, Hiiiyth, Harry G. Hummers,IV. M. Hull. Llpmiiti Ki'iilte. 1 1 II fry Slmin,Hurry Uiivldsou and ,1 nines Slicsgrc.cn. Thiscoinuilllou will uiiiioiiiicK Rs iioiiiltiullniis olift

week before Hie general tnoelliig. Friar \\.G. Smllli moved thai i«-„ llekels be phici'il

ill the Held.

on u mot Ion imide by l-'rlnr S. (loud friend, It

wus decided lo revise mid liiiiko none compre-hensive the present coiiHlltiilliili. It was alsoreported Hint tile h'rllim will 1st lilcorporiileitafter the general meeting. Tho presblenl luiii

iippolnleil the following coiiimil.lcn lo Inksup the mutter of a new const I In Hon


Charles Emerson Cook, Frank C. Pnviio, W.M. Bull, H. Giiodfrleiid, Wnllncn Miiuro, I). S.

Susseeii and George W. Hammls. A. L.Jacobs, the Friars' Attorney, will advise thecouiinllloe.

Proposals for mcmberslilp lueluilu; /inflin—Etlwurd Frlerbeigitr, Simon Nullum, F, W.Joi'diin, - Louis Nelliorsiilii, Georgn K, lloffei,

Win. II. Ovllllt, JlllllOB llllltoll, JuSOpIl 1)11101.

John II. I'll /jmi t lli-k. lilts ilolblici. .1. Ilulo-

Murray. George Gnlltigber, L. J. Rodriguez.,Hurry A. Leo, Fred Miller Jr., Win. Alex-iindi.'i', Leo Itllcy. Jssoclufi-- Heorge Cnrlerel,Edward S. Abeics, Wlnlh-ld Ii. Hhoolimi, Ar-thur J. Hllrldon. Ileiliert W. (Illckul. Will(icnlry, W. S. 'i'liointisiin, Snmiiel Wnlluoli,J. C. Hitminouil, Loo lliuiey. W. W. Aullck.The l-'rlnrs have |iiii'chused fur $20 n gal-

lery sent tor Iho Is'iiellt to he given t» DuvTiillondorsiiii, In Chlciign, under Die auspices ofthe Press Cluli of thill city.

.Meetings ure held every Friday evening, at:

Kern's Chop House, 71) West. Thirty-sixthStreet. New Vork,

Prlitr Clmi'los Emerson Cook reportedHint the eoninilltee on Ways and Means haddoubled that It Is to the best lulnrcsl of III"

organization In postpone dcMulle nclloti In-

ward securing u club house until Hie clubwas on a slroiig llniiiiehil busts. A specialr ii in l fur Iho club house project has boonstarted, nnd nil meuiliets und friends of Innorgiiiil/.iiilou lire ollgllih' to cmili Nolle, Anyiiiiiouul. large or siiinll. Is nceeplable, mid It

has been (lolcrmluoil Hint no notion inwardopening a chili house will ho taken until lit

least mi. (iiiii Is on lined for Hint purpose.Tlie money now In Hm treasury, and thnIncome from dues will mil bo utilized In Ihoeluh house fund, hut will lie set nsble ns nil

emergency fund for the did of members whomny bo to ueod of assistance been use ofoe, -iili'iii or Illness.

+«_»Fiiink Mtt.niN |M Tllll IM Loxu Hisriiits

nre In t In pi thirty. third week of bookings for

tint Western Vaudeville Association.

464 Tips1

:k^W YQBEfCLIPPER. June 15;


For WOLFFS PARK, Detroit,LAMM and GENTLEWEN WITH COOD, BT&ONC VOICES CAN REMAIN HERE THE BALANCE OF THE SEASON.|.fli#IBa «"«f *•"- w.a ..I..I tifMtif U/rtlfl'fl Pork Dairoil llleh

Htaie yeur lewest salary In your first letter . Aiitmg...ti-L-wweggw"-J-— 4—1. J a

;$#;>.* JOSEPH pqmeran: Mnilcal Director, .Wolffs Park, Detroit, lltli.

Uauacville and minstrel,

HajiIit Thomson. "Moynr of if«'B«jW»7>''

rturiuK Wcnl rtiBiiE"moiiw In Buffalo unit

RocbeWrTfC. V.. nnrt UamlRon, Can., waft en

• HiNotes mow On Rkb Bros." Ideal MIH;n«sthtils.—Th l» company closed a season orforty-eight weeks and three days nt. Nchngh-llrtlkfi, N. Y„ May 22. The Reason was mebe»l In Ihe history of 0|« show. Wo playedtwenty-seven stands In New Jersey, andtwenty-one stands out of the twenty-sevoa

ftiffWAT Kniss, magician, appeared nt

tlie "Columbia Theatre. Boston, June a. Helatroduo.ed Hie Hindoo snek nnd great trunk

mysterr. He Informs ns that he wns placed

la n sack nnd lied, the Hack placed In ft

i runic, and the trunk locked nnd corded with

seventy-llvo feet « rope, nnd thnt he es-

rhh'to hot : "I have been In Ihe show busl-S Ihlny-flv? "yew*, 'newly, twenty-two

S& 'VliVs time^M-owner-nnrt ££*••«the minstrel conrtmny bearing my name. I.Ike

nil other men who have pursued a calling

fir,-«"linn ii "me. I have looked forwar

W a rlmowtien I might, enjoy a lo..g am*Vocation, vet I have never hart the courage,

to' fix tnc" time, the vocation mlgHI begin.

SMMM "IS", owing lo sickness In my

I,. I nhnodoiied my stage work. I Ini-

Mely lost nil lotcrest In tlie show ;I flu

H booked solid, and commences on .Inly Ifi. the town nil that could be desired. The the

The company will be much larger, number- aire Is doing good business. The house is

Ing Ihlrry-ftru people, and will he equipped one of a circuit of eight. ' IB OLD Rr.LlA-

entlrcly with new wardrob-, scenery and mi.r Is regularly on hand."

to) fix the. ttnu

Two .



electrical nnd mechanical effects. The showtrill also have entirely nmv pictorial andblock advertising matter. IHIIy lie. Hue Is la

New Vork tr looking after the Interest ofthe Know. In the line of wardrobe nnd scenic

«ffcrt*. The show will hare two Europeanvaudeville novelties which are now undercontract. Master John J. Lambert, the Juve-nile soprano, will bo featured lo a singing

backed by a chorus of ten mole"the man Of manydlrocl a hlg dadc-

elfectN, The specta

L„u. Vnr me 1 took mv Dlare In the perform- line of minstrelsy. The scone will

Sn» en.T it wasn't ft day until 1 was as in Italy, and entitled "Sunrise AmSeeoiv interested In the Show na ever before. Fountains." The comedians, vocall

Among the"ats and

?me lit Mhn° doesMWM wean that the com-, bltts will be press, agent. The hand will he

o^v henrltm iiy name will cease. Arrange- enlarged next soasoa .hy n reed section- of

SeUlt-hflve>tmS made In the past two years, ffur clarionets and two saxophones, and with

tharTaTho event (lint 1- should be Ineapncl- (he grand and gorgeous new street parade

at«l or-cnlled from this life, the Af. 3. costumes, we can not look forward, to any:

HoweverField Greater Minstrels will KM.there will bo some changes In. the nrrange-

mVnia when I retire. Tfie MBBUir wMlTMincorporated under the laws of Ohio, Mdnumbers of the old employees will hold stock

^J&C^mFUM closed with the Yankee

Doodle Girls Co.. nnd nre playing Summer

thing but a prosperous season ilnanclnlly ttnd

nrtlstleallv, for tbe niitlonlr nt the present

time for s. it. (> business Is brighter -thanever before In the history of Pe Roe Bros.'

enterprises. \"'>Johnnie Jess will produce a new apd

original sketch with the i.iii Llfcera Co.,

In wblcb fifteen people wfll be engaged.Il.uttiv i'iiam;, liiislnt-H'; manager of De Rtie

Bros.' Minstrels, Just closed his second seasonof forty-eight weeks with the above company,and reports that they have had a long nnd

riuraranr~tiroe~ !»' oil tilled. They played I'as

for™ week of May H. and will play a return

H-%'mhktt" s^BwWWi writes I , "I was extremely prosperous "season, with only a few

.»«ninri nil iihsolute divorce from the Great, chnnges since their opening week. ''They

V mail llfenrv "l llmiu " on .tine R. I re- will open Ihe middle of July for next season.

iuiirm^&am"^"..,^..., B1W l)ee„ fit '"M "" ^^ " l "" PreSent

Ja.mi-s A. Wi3jCH ami company will pro-

duce a new vnudevllle sketch for next season,

using five people. It will lien, strictly comedyaet. '

-. -.

Tim Empire CoMnnr Forn (Messrs. Leon-ard, Cunningham, Jenny nnd Roland) will

again sail for Ktirope, on Aug. lS^penlngIn Prague on Sept. 1

are for the coat~

played through _and Wales. The quartette the lust few yearshas been very Rticcessful, and have loxt verylittle time. They will play a few weeks around

something new In the .«„„ yorki h(.f re they leave America.be. laid •'SftxA.PER and Son open on the NnsU circuit

at. Winnipeg, Can., June 2.1.

Jimiirn .UfiutAv, and William Mack haveJoined hands, nnd are working In vnudevlllewith a singing, dancing and talking act.

itii.i.r llAtir Js spending a few weeks at

Mt. Clemens, Mich., prior to a stay In Atlan-tic: City during July. Others at the hath*are:. Frank Howie, of the London Theatre,.New York; Levlne, .Too Flynn- and TobyLyons.Tue Pe Lanoth SiflTrns report meeting

with sitccesa In their song and dance act,

and have been offered a return engagementof "two weeks. June 17-2-1. at Lntemann'iXew Theatre, Toledo, O.Sam .1. Kixin, formerly manager of Erbe's

Casino, North Ileacb, for the past five sea-sons, writes: "I have accepted the manage-ment of II. II llusmann's Rayslde Casino.;Cdnorsle, where polite vaudeville, three timesdally, will be the policy. Rill for week of.tunc |j The I .it hells, Prank Burt. Mile.

Klsle. Kitty Morris, Readdlng Sisters, Ray,and Taylor. Winters nnd English. Kitty Ht>ff4

.man and Dora Hall/.'''"°

Wn..i.iA.u J. Kim.i.v leaves for Europe July

The CunzoN Sisters, under the manage-

ment of Joseph Ctirton. nppenred jit the

Chestnut. Street Opera House, rhlljidelphin,

weik ofl

June n..wbU was to he their second

week at Oniarlo Beach. Rochester, N. \. »li.

Messmore. mnnnger of Ontario BWil,HNthe net release, and ns they have return dates

thev were able lo play the engagement, rno

novellv of this art (s creating nn Impressive

Mt, wKH receptlona at each performance.

ItoscoK ano rims, after thlrty-two weeks

of success In vaudeville with their talking

act "The English Tourist and the Coon, are

In Chicago, putting their old comedy mu-

sical act together for next senson, with one or

the Eastern wheel burlesque showsJohn II.' Eaoax, comedian, of the well

known team of Kaenn and . Merriam. wascalled suddenly to Ihe home _of his mother,

at LcomlnBter, ' Moss., who died on Mondaynight. June 3. The team Is with the llartz

ARurnell Vaudeville Co.Nkwhi.i. ami Mni.o return to England

i Sent. 1. Their bookings there ji,,],- •_>_ n (ter three months' work nt home,i-oritlncnt. ns they ha.ye already

' *Jfnev n re hooked to open at the Hippodrome,gh England, Ireland;" Scotland ..^ on j u |y gj t be followed by shr,'111. . ..._..... * 1. ., I...,* fftll. rnliru .

' --• _ '. I 1 .1..... ....... I.. 1 lu.weeks' In England, ond then over to the

continent, to till lime booked In Frnnce, Ger-

many nnd Holland. . They will return to

America In the early Spring of next year.

CitACiu Sachs, late of Batchelor's BostonReii". has signed for next season, with II. S.

Woodhull's Md Lifters Co.

K, Kiiikc Apa.ms was made a member of

Lodge No. .1, T. M. A.'s, it Norfolk, Vo.,

Ingllny 2(1, 1(107. . ,

Snviier ani» inii'Kt,i:t write: "\\t close

our fifteenth season at lies Moines, on JuneIS, and lay on' at our Summer home, nt

ltockawuy. N. V. We open again Se()t.. 'i,

l.eltig booked for fbrty-flvo weeks over theI illicit nnd Western vaudeville houses, fromI'liriiuiiii. .Me., to Portland, Ore. Qur newact was a decided hit this season, and wewill add. a few more novelties before we'open again next season."Summers and Winters (Charles and Jose-

i>iiiiii-i are meeting with hlg success throughthe Northwest.

Stkimhit and Thomas, German comedians,report that they are doing fine In the West.Tfie.v are booked up at the. Western parksuntil September. Their act Is a hit at every'theatre,'and the ghost walks every Sunday."Edmund O'Oonnkm, and Beatrice Golden

are In Ihelr fourteenth week on the Sulll

Calolum Gas and ;


Moving Picture OuHit

|Tht LattttVlotary/



Pbajii, CahtauNINO writer,:

\?\ Rftfr closing Saturday night, June 1, at van & C'onsldlne circuit. The team, whichKeith 4 Proctor's One Hundred nnd Twenttj ^as been sixteen months In the for West, Isfifth Street Theatre an engagement of eight ,,„„ coming East.

itrnnrerY ' an" "ahsblute divorce from JV . i_ .

.,' I n,. Ill, I nil Xrlj>os Jr., of

Show.l.ncUmon & Loos'


Taw* Femx" Co. Nothh.—We will openthe Hummer and regular season, June 0, andthis coinpanv will he the first of C. JaySmith's iitrrnctlnns lo take) tbe road for tlie

seat>on 1007-08. The company will be underthe management of I'red Mackintosh, and thefollowing people have been engaged : Hurryllnyden. Hart nnd Gilbert, the Orlands,Arthur f'olllns, HIchnrd.Hlrayhone, Fred Wal-lers, R'.'sttc (illhert, Louise Ashwood, Ix>v«Elter. Ernnels NiuiflVr, Ada M. Miller, W. 0.Woods, business manager ; Arthur Colllnn,uge mnnuger.; Robert Boyde, musical direc-

'. and b'nlty Felix's Kngllah bull .dog andlaed goat.

I,: Ttliliu: rnarAiiyn iirrivCTi ij"m; •"-rY; .f.-.TiiK Cti',l,lN« i-'niiswri.i.s, who rucently

, Thov will open nt the Chealnut Street.Jjj,n ,rDP,i from. Meilcu; are visiting their home

"*t VHHilovllle seu-ilett Echo Illp-

IIa'nna Dim*, late of the Howetias, writes


I wns divorced «t Cincinnati. 0.. from

Mike Huffy, who Is known as Rowrnn.

joe Wuu'ii has received genera pro se imhis' work its an Italian who hits Just In tided

this enunlry. In his new sketch, "Ellis

"land " Ills make-up. dialect »nd gestures

arc remarkably clovor, and there Is ft deal

M human nature In the little not. • . • „„„I'uank PliMiUtUM motiniH the loss or rns



father win. died June 0, at l>hlUUisburgr$&N...I. Interment whs at Wushlngton, N. J. * .',iKl,

•itii: Tuhhk VoHCAityH arrived from Hnrop*. Ip7r

llolicri Tlnl'lv wliTpiny t'h.- title rolo.


They expoi-l-

In Mexico,us that, having

riicently Jolueil hands with Warren Locke,Uic nit wlllxln future ho knon-n as AveryHAllllil MWrtan «.,^ ..-— ---- \ -„ .Mil III" nillXIH IUIHI.' HIT. hll.. 111. HI" ATW7I

are, giving tlus Sun's pat runs gJ'Wgn i^-ke mid Pciirl. presenting their act, "At.niaedy, lutrnduclng seven muslcnl numDers, |qn llnvc»." They opened June 2, at Lnkonmklng their act a .small comic opetn. •"•/ Michigan Park/Muskegon. Mich,are engaged ns n feature for the entile cir-

# |AH ],, oAURISO.s _ hnrltone hallndlst, with

*AUBUI PiiBVtn ONtii, t'lora Allthorpy and

Harry Tsnnn closed a very successfli two

weeks' enguccnient nt Ynimg's Pier, AJIanllcvery successful t

ratcn't at Ynimg's Pier, At In

C'liy, Salnrday, May 26. nnd were g;lvenweeks' enguCity, Satnroay.' ninj.-n. «« g . -„return itigageatent for a w^e.ok In AugUHt

J. W. Vogel's Minstrels, reports n successful•ensnn or forty-four weeks, and has signedwith the some company tor season of 1007-1008.

Hhi.jii:s AND Wai.ikin report n prosDerousand successful wini.-r season, having lost

Thentre, Omaha, Neb., week of June 2 : Burkenext senson In America.Tmk Karoi.y Bsbt. sailed Tor Holland last

*Tm) Sistehh McCoNNKM, »if on the Jake

Wells Summer park circuit, opening at Idle-

wood Park. Richmond. Vh. They;will open oa

t he Llou Palace Hoot, New V'drt City, oh

June 20, for the Summer, for H, H. Hire.

Si'li't ani> Pitiii.rs closed « forty weeks'

enirngemeiit on May A, wltlr Ihe Bennetl-

jdoultoh Co., under the tanniigement of A.

X. Elliot, und have signed with Ihe suimtt

company for next senson. Week of May »thev were at Tuirthllug l.»am Pnrk. Itrldgetuv,

SE J. Thev open their Summor work In

iiurlis, nhditr tin* middle of June.

Tjii; Ki.iti: Haumuni hViun write to sny

that thev arc meeting with great success,

lu Uloucester, Mass,, week of June 3. making Kiiglnnd parks tor Ihe Summer. Me is slug-

a run of live weeks. lug Illustrated Nungs, and doing well.

Mi'iiiiav, Clayton akh MW write; "W« t\\n Wilson has returned from Europe,closed the sesson Inst week with Sam Oc- «-iiere she spent the past tour years, nnd hosvero's Own Show, and will take a rest for - gnrie to (he coast, to visit friends. She will

weeks.James Carson Vivian and company, in

"The Devil's to Pay," n one act sketch, byCbas. Horwltz, report meeting with greatsuccess, v

Chaiiuj* Robinson hos concluded his en-gagement with the Colonial Belles Co. Ills

act. "The Tramp and the Hebrew," has beena distinct success, presenting the two dis-tinct characters without leaving tlie stage.Mr, Robinson occupies the stage for from.twenty to twenty-Ove minutes. •'

Nat C. iIakf.ii, Hebrew nnd Italian come-dian, has Jolted hands with Sal. H. Hart,the singer, to do n character singing andtalking act. ' "A

i.hau iti ssi i.i. sailed, June 11, for Eng-land, opening at the Palace, London, June24. Prom there sho Is booked to open, Sent.0, at .lohiinio'Khiirir. for eight weekB.wjDh.Witt Youski. the "College Hoy Juggler,"who has been with Miner's Americans thepast. season, ns an added ut unci Ion, will hegin his vnudevllle time nt Pastor's Theatre,June ,17. .


Ci'mixiis, Thornton and Company nro-duced, for the first lime, ut Ihe Olympic The-atre, South Bend, lad., on June 3, n. comedvsketch, hy Arthur Gllllsple nnd Collin Onvls,entitled "A Mall Order Wife."Notes vbom the Novki.ty tiieatue, Still-

water, Minn. —Business here for the weekending June 2 was Ihe record breaker. Thetheatre wouldn't begin to hold the patrons,and we anticipate nn except lonnlly fine Sum-

• business. Manager Obrecht Is negn-log for a larger and better located place,

', the deal will lie closed soon. Tin: Oi.n.uiii.K Is received with eagorness every


Bernard Novh and I'ih.ix Domah hare

i'ai.vi.v Hrss, basso and trombonist, closed

MMBlUIVSIMIiErlirUlnlnl lh« Subllc.

WMtiit yoUifurnlililiig complete outttlwith simple and expllett- lastnlotloni.

The Plaild la aVarc*. oomprtidii tin

regulsr.thestre and lecture circuit, alto

loctl fields Id Churches. Public Scbooli,

Lodges sad tlrnersl Public ftsthtrloii,

NiithluK sffordt better opportunities tor

E." r«?R.i. Our Outfit Comprlsas

th* c. r. oo.'J modal, ramcalcium casj OUTFIT, th*

raataat oandl* powar,tha aaftat

and moataoonomlcalajaa-maklngoutfit avar invantad. Wsitktteiki.

SlirMpiltin, Mtlllll riclun HicMit

IIIBlt, sllfll needed for compleuentertslnments. Absolutely tbe liieit

films sad views on the msrket , iDCludtuc

all subjects forth* public's enjojmcoi.

rail antartalnmant auopir oataiogu. ui•PICIAL OFCEPt fully expt»lnsev»r,tbhiK..

CIIC ten rUJICTlaB CO.. 22Slllilirs It., dipt 301, Chlcsn.

tl' '' '——, ' LL "

ill.- i'i>iniiilii« C.'lrenlt.

The Columbia Amusement Co., or Eastern

Burlesque Wbeel, had lis drawing of routes

at the offices of Hyde & Bebmaa. 'la the

Temple Court Building. Brooklyn, Monday.June 10, and tbe drawing was all arranged

In tw» hours. Tbe season opens ofllclallr

Sept 2. Independent time being played prior

to tbe authorized opening. The followlog

cities are on the Eastern route sheet, giving

.'ill weeks : Albany. Bait Imore, Rlrmlngluim.

Buffalo, Boston (2), Brooklyn (P.j, Chlonco

(2), Cincinnati. Cleveland. Columbus, lie-

troll, llolyoke (3 days), ladlanopollB, Knn*n«

scat an Illuminated post card from Vienna,slcul Smiths. Business, we are Informed, 'Is .Austria, wishing prosperity to TlIE.Ci,iFpnn,excellent. '

. - anfl good health to rhelr <many friends luWitkin ami Mann, Hebrew comedlonsi America,

have dissolved partnership", hy mutual coif- "nioK- Mitchell, comedian and trombone.sent. Alie Wltkui will hareafter work.'alnno soloist, la enjoying n short vacation ut IllsIn vaudeville, m a new monologue, which home In Townsend, Mnas.


Is belug written for him hy Barry Gray. . Lkn B. Manthli. writes: "I have Just com-'Lew OfOAN and C. W. IiKRter nave Joined nleted n senson of forty-two weeks with III-

hands ngnlii, and Ihe (earn will he known us Henry's Minstrels. 1 will open my vaudevilleLester und' Dugon, eccentric singing and senson ut Pastor's, New Sorb City; June 17,dancing comedians. They. will play the park*- 'presenting n big scenic novelty, which I claim(his Summer. Next season they go with u it. the most comical marionette act In lite

hurlaauM show. business, using three people. This net Is

J. Movmo.MKitY Crane, dialed singing com- booked for u Western tour."I'dlnn. writes thnt lie has enjoyed a. very.; it'Ain. Coveland writes that he Is norkliiilenstinl season, and Is booked in 'the Now alone, und Is booked solid.

Eiigbiiul parks lor Ihe Summer.

Co., at St. Louis, May 18. We have signedfor a Summer season of ten weeks with•Shooting the Chutes' Co., opening nt thoCasino, Toledo, 0., June 10."Frank Haiicoi;rt was reeontly engajed

ns comedian with the musical comedy stockut the Mission Theatre, San l>'raaclsco, open-ing there Juno 17. lie wan with Boh- Man-chester the past season.Jambs Coi.k, of. Cole and Clemens, has

returned lo bis home In Philadelphia, Pawafter playing eighteen months on the West-ern circuit' The team played return datesoyer Kohl A Castle circuit, and the act metwith hlg success. Marguerite Clemens willlay off on her firm, at Benson, Neb., nilMtimmor, while Mr. Cole will work wllh Roselloydcll. la n new act, written bv JosephMitchell. They nro to-pury-tho Enstern parks.

.1. A. Uennessy writes from Auburn, N\S. :"'My recent 'ad.' In The Clipper brought.me over 100 answers from good people."

I'I.oiikm'i: Waylanp closetl us the charac-ter woman with Woodhull's Lid Lifters Co.,nnd Is now s member of the dramatis stocknt Shady Lake Park, Peebsklll, X. V..Lillian Emmerett sails for London on

June ir>, and will tour Europe.

moving Plciure$t

"Whkn Womdn Vote," a comical pictorialtreatise on woman's suffrage Is supplied by

Kinney in


r<uiii.-i-s an Innovation byI'ruvl.lliiK fuliN.

Charles K. Blaney nnnotinced lost wfei.

In an Interview, tbnL he Intends to Introilttos

a cnbnod carriage service for the exclusive

use of patrons of his thentre In New lork

City—the Lincoln Square,He will try the Idea' this week, and tbe

service In Its beginning will be confined be-

tween One Hundred and Twenth-nflh Street

and Canal Street, It is expected thai.tne

rates will aot be, higher tlaa Iweniy-flte

cents, and cabs can lie ordered when tlio

purchaser buys his ticket, or over the iel(-

phone.as »

''Ksliia Mar Married.'

Mdjst May. wiu* married to Oscar liewlvolm

at 10 o'clock on the morning of June 4, In

Ihe Registry Office, Windsor, London, Rni.

The <-oujiic will Hike a motorlBK tour on IMcontinent on their honeymoon.

! Edna May, who formally retired from in'

stage several weeks ago,.made her first hlt.es

the Salvation Army Lass, In "The Belle, of

New York," nt tho Casino. New Vnrk Cltf.

Recently she-has been • under Charts! |rrjw..

man's managemont.^«»

The (inrden, BnlYnlo, X. V.,to h* liaprovea.

Cbas. R. White, manager of the Garden.

nnd "Salome."Tun Slave, tlramntlc production nf


Burlesque "Wheel." • while' out in his ntotor

oar, In Clnclnnhtl, 0.. re'cently, enme wltwa

„K «> incident "B'efo^ 'he War"Ps^tie'lates .ffl

a^ ¥i™J&l»«K£»"S*%L.rSSfg

Vltagraph output. "How to Cure a Cold" 1° Bvolu ln 1" rlnK her Mr. b-ennessy ftM

flr Is o" comical presentation, wllli a pathatic tfe, ""'STll"!. " nuh* ,l,rn'


Mrl *n"

two wenks. AVe opened our Summer work, hi-

ginning week of June II, tit the Lyceum 'the-

atre, Philadelphia, for two weeks (return

dale), and «larl on our nnrk time at Allon-

town Jdne 21. The net In iMHiked solid until

June, 1008, und hits been ft hit wherevernlnycd. Harry W. Murray was made a inetu-

Tier of Ihe White Bats during ihe week of

May 20.";

Builow, WrcKS anii Ukkp, known as the

Xtirmeg Comedv Trio, report meeting with

hlg success over the tins Sun circuit. Theyvrlto : "Our act Is In Ulg demand. We close

return to Germany next Kail.lot: Dillon ano Marty Moonr., lust season

t big ilctu

-<m the above circuit July 22, and slart re

lienrslngNfor next senson with John W

Vogel's Big City Minstrels. We are to do: 'Morris' nme, Win,- I

our ner, und Sam Burlaw Is going to do an. '



.. ....THE HABKNESS & b'l»\ MlNSTHIlIS will |l«

known In the future its Hoy R, Fox's LoneStnr Minstrels.

I'rank llAucouav has closed n successful

season uf thirty-eight weeks wllh Bob Man-chester's Casino Olrls Co.. anil has cancelisl

his Sutuaier engngemenls. op tiecount of

tievere throat trouble. He Is now- In Chicago,

tinder the care of it spoclnllsr.

Ciiak. 0. Caurolton, of ihe team of Car-t.ilton and Hodges, Is now mannglug th*Temple Theatre. 'Boulder. Colo. The tenot

has Just finished thirty successful weeks M- run Sullivan & Conslrllne, nnd Adams clr

Smith and Oai'm report success with theirhigh class musical act on (ho Qua Sun circuit, .

Onlsh, hy Ihe same producers,where they are booked solid until August. .- J' 1 ' *"1 lx "H"2 Alps," "Daniel Boone,

iIosib Fly.vn will work alone. In burlesque, "teddy Bears" ond "Jamestown Expositionnext season, In a new act, now being written, are the latest Edison feature films.The WuEEt.un Sisters have closed a »ery '

' Don Police" in the latest. successful engagement of forty-two weeks "J WN Kreres. It Is full of

with "Tbe Phantom Detective" Co., have wllh Ihe Depew-Bnrdette Co., and now enter-. SBW f» excel their famousJoined hands In a new \THidcvllle net. It Is vaudeville on the Ons Sun circuit, opening Biers,

a skit on the live cent picture shows, en- at Fostorlo, O.tilled "The Single Tnmiiln Craft." They Mildred Hawk, Master CUBag&jmd WINhave Just finished the Southern Majestic llnm Cnrr were Clipper callers Inst week.

Thev report having closed a successful seasonwith the "Side Tracked" Co., with whichthey were doing their feature Trio Act. Af-ter spending n few weeks' vacation they willhe seen lu vaudeville, featuring Master Clif-ford. Mildred Hawk announces that she willhereafter be known ns Mildred Hall.Tun PtTTsnrno papers were, last week,

'very laudatory of Joe Welch's work In bis

ik, 1 1,,, in, i«e Miiumu me "pathaticrlghr -wrist -badly.


vaudeville circuit, after playing a retnni.weekat Dallas, Tex. *

La Clair and West recently closed n sea-

son uf thirty-right weeks, at Altoono, Pa.,

mid have gone in their Summer home, SeaIsle City, N. J, Their comedy playlet, "A.Drop Into Society," was well received overIhe .liicl-Min circuit, Interstate circuit, Win.

Henderson's I loir apd

Wssruiisln .v Kemper .News.

"The Builders," which closed Its season In

film put out the..Astor Theatre, this city, recently, a»»

...V" ?,nn<1 heen purchased by Wagenhals 4 tOtPffinog Smug- The firm has also purchased from Marina

Fairfax, author of this ploy, another MUM;In which they will present Annlo Russell n««season. "The Builders" will resume Its ran

nt the Astor in the Fall.' *'* — „ v

Vaudeville House for Bondnut, >• »•

The Rondout Opera House. Rondnitt, V:Y., has been.ftolfl to I. J. t M. Fordnu, M

TllR Vaudeville Comedv Club B. 11. C bent x*w Xwk cl*y- «n" lr w" 1 ««"• " v'n

the White Rata 1»: II. C. at the Polo Oronnd" .a™1* t**» t "'- opening In September..

on June 7; score ii to 2. Seven Innings were' *>*

Irving J. Polnrk circuit. They bare signed new vnudevllle sketch, "At Ellis Island,'with the Boston Slock IV. for next senium. Arhanoementh have heen perfected for a

A. K. lh Ti-iii.vsiis Is hooked, over the l.en new vaudeville thentre at Mollue, III. cims.Siiem-er circuit of pictorial theatres, opening Rerkel, who will bo one of the managers, Ishi Bridgeport, Conn. . • • -now managing the Elite Theatre at Daren-

l.u.l.iAN Rraukoiid, of the Bradfords, has port, lu.

fully recovered from her Illness, and the team ittvr.ns and Paue, In their novelty act, rr-wlll shortly resume plaj-lng tlielr dntes on- port success. They Just closed engagementstho Melville circuit hf parks. ' fct Orange I«akc Theatre and the Acndemv

Tiir Pepper Twins closed a very success- rof Music, Newbnrg, N. V.ful season nf forty-two weeks with the elms. Fiaitim and Rutin report making a big suc-K. Chntnplln Stork Co., and nre now play- cess at North Beach, New- York, week or JuneIng a circuit of Summer parks through Ohio 3. A sensational finish has been udded toand Indiana. Their character quick change, ihelr-acl. Thev aro hooked. with the Rent?,-act, thev Inform us, has been a headllner, Sanlley Co. for next season,and Ihe'hovs ore honked up solid, wllh the Bush and Elliott write that they are sue-

PlayedWhite Rats Initiated May 30 new mem-


bers, and six members were'

reinstatedIIn ffif,*?" renowne4 hoop Diaalniiliitor. wn

,ood standing at , heir last meetin'g,,





ti: |^-%^"'A%$M& M*

tills. Mr. Dodges returned to his home In exception of two weeks In July, when they cessfnlly playing parks for the.Western Vattde-

Ht. Louis,- for h Summer's rest, while Mr,Carmllon will continue lo manage Houlder'*Vnudevllle House, which la doing a Hue biisl-

•BfJIT - •—-« -. »

Char. F. Hnrt-MAV Is under tlie doctor'scare at Ashland, Pa,

tiron.d In Broken In Seattle, Wash,,For tlie Ilia Exaoalon.With Impressive ceremonies ground was

broken, oa June 1, for the Afaska-Ynkon-"oclilc Lxposltlon, wlileh will be hcul inSeattle, beginning In June. lOOfi. That cltvm-esented a gain appearance oa the inaugiirn-ton of active work on the Pacific World'srnlr.

It Is Mleved that two years' work on theten million dollar World's Fair will find Itcompleted In every detail by June l, ipoilthe opening dity. Its purposes nre the ex-ploitation of the resources and nolentlnllttes

•* where' be Is repeating his former siiefi'iW-


Oearirc Ira Adams' Ilonneato Wrslim A lliirns.

The Crystal tKeatrea of Oco: Ira A«"J";In Denver and Pueblo. Colo., nnd St. >"

seplt.' Mo., have been leased for five years i«

Weston & Bums, of the Western WWVnuderllle '.sboclalton.


resources nod nolentlnlltles

will tithe a vacation at their Summer home", vole Association! and are going big everyat Lindsay. Ont„ Can. . where. ... .


Maiiii' lmcKMAN luforiiis us Hint she was Lavoy and Lavov report meeting with of ihe- Alaska ana Yukon territories In theranted nn absolute divorce from George A., great success over the Northwestern circuit. Vnltort States oluli Cnnndn, and to tankePudlck, In the Supreme Court, at Chicago, They are- on their sixteenth week, and ara known and foster the Importance of PacificIII., nn Morcli 22. 1007. .. hooked for the eotlre Summer^ '...l""*'


Arthur J. I.nnin Married.Arthur J. Lamb, the well known «m

writer' and playwright, who Is »JjJJ'JtJBath. Kag.', and Isabel E|bt»to», 9/f

„ ';;

of NeV York City, were married .on 1;

evening- or dime 6, at the- residence of »'

Dr. 11 mull ton, 01 Eaut Elftytlffh IW*this city.-

3mm 15/ ^?HE ; NEW* YORK CLIPPER. 465



Tkis Subject Excels Our Famous Production, "Dog Smugglers,** in Many Points, and Therefore

Needs No Other Recommendation.

ffEW'YORK,13 K. «:w si.

CHICAGO,.1ft Randolph

World of Players,Damon Lyon, who was n member or Rich-

ard Manatleld'n company, linvinic recovered

from a recent Ulnons, has been giving songrceltaln and readings from plays, lie. lias

l*ou. engaged to sing and read nl Newport,i it. I., In .lune. • -

A. ft Oicutt writes: "I have cloRCd withthe. Francis MhcU Shows, us manager, andhave. bought an interest In a hoarding andlivery, stable at, Sew Koehelle. My HrwlnComedy L'or.-wHI- open early In September.and will be under' the management of Will

11. Morgan. This company Is booked solid In

toe very best of time In Pennsylvania andMew York until next April."

,iijii:;j Kyat.ni MacCi inn and wife (KateWomln l-'lRkt'i have gone to their home In

Brentwood, Long Island, to spend their- va-

cation until August, when Jlr. MacCurdycomtnencen.. his fourth, season In "The OldClothes Man." ...John ami Ai.i 'k McDowi.i.i. are on the

Jake Wells circuit. Iu the South, with HarryIt Linton's "My Wife's Knmlly" Co.

.Iami'i 19, XlclOuiov, comedian ol' the HeraldSquare Slock 'Co,, will spend the Summer at

the country residence of Col. Carrol Graves,near Crescent Park, R. 1. ,-.-


t'uANK W. IliiTiiAWAr, of the team ofHathaway and Hathaway, has Just finished

a forty weeks' engagement with the Henryramiiv Stock Co., playing leads and heavies,also doing specialties. Ills wife, Letile A.Hnlhnwny, was forced to close eight weeksearlier In the season, on account of Illness.

At present they tire laying oft* at. their homeIn Bristol, Vt.Bkrt Bom: writes: "We have closed our

rccond season with W. F. Monn's 'As Told. In the Hills' Co., and have signed with his

hlggest HiiecesB, 'The Cow Puncher.' My wife,.

Hesse l.yle. will do Slattery Ann, and my-self, Spokane Ike. At present we are takinga rest at Beaver Place, near Lincoln, ill."

Mr, and Mrs.- Hhxiard Wight (AmberMontague), closed a thirty-two weeks' en-

gagement wllb. the Warren Noble TheatreCo.,' on May ,22. Mr. Noble re-engaged themfor the Summer season, under canvas, open-ing June 10, at Watertown, 8. Dak.

ll.wiitY M. Rovai.ic writes: "1 am in mynineteenth week with It. 1>. Rucker, playingprincipal leads. We are In Dallas, Tex., foran Indefinite run. My wife, Carol J>andon,died here on May i::. nnd wns hurled st

Kalamazoo, Mich."Tub' Hot.dnooK- Rim Co., Kdwln 1..

Barker, general manager, which controls anumber of .theatrical enterprises and lecturecelebrities, announces the Valbar StandardOpera Co. for nexl season. Itevlsed produc-tions of "iolanthe" and "The Chimes of Nor-mandy" Will be presented. The season willopen Sept. 10. The company carries Its ownorchestra. The roster : 0. Kroderlc Wheeler,business manager ; Clifford Wodetskl, advancerepresentative; Martha Seaborn .1. Vullmr,prima donna ; Mantle and Jennie ICI More,-ioprano and contralto soubroltes. nnd In-

genues ; D. JCmlle Lamnuretix, tenor; GeorgeN'utmisciii, baritone ; Frnnk VVooley. come-dian and stngb director; .Minim Bcrthclsen,iiassn: Ca'rlaion Colby, musical director; Al-fred Lewis, stage carpenter.•' Uittbb a.. I'ansiiawi: Nothh.—We closedour season of -ninety-two weeks at Townndu,i'n..' June l. Mr. Fansbawe Is nl. WhiteHaven, I'n., where he- will rest for the Sum-mer. Marly In August he will reorganize the'Herald Square' Stock Co., and open the operahouse nl White ' tlnven with new scenery,new paper nnd plays.- His new version of "Dr..lekyll and Mr. Hyde," In Which be made apronounced success Inst year, will be used,also -the following: "Tho Minister's Secrot,""The I'r.lrice of Russia." "Hie Woman With-out. a Heart,"- "Her Lost Love" and "Queen.of Crimc.r . . i - .



f. L., I'erny'H.hlg pavilion theatre, at Sahlna,•Oil was completely destroyed by fire Thurs-day; May BO..1 The lire started from Bparks

' front n railroad train. Some of the companysiivcd -their trunks, many of which werebriflly bunted i othere lost everything. W. 3,Schullz, who was In the theatre at the time,

- noticed the Ore and gave the alarm, but It

wns under full headway and could not beeonl rolled, although the Ore department andcitizens did everything In . their power toi.'beck It. Mr. Schitltz was seriously burneditiiont the head, neck, shoulders and arms,his clothing -was completely burned off him,Ini t he managed to get out and saved the h|gfosollne task whllo surrounded by flames.

. t was n very heavy loss lo Mr. Percy, havingunlit everything new this season, and It wasthe most complete theatre, under canvas, onthe road, carrying a carload of scenery, His.loss Is said to be about $*>,00O. The companyplated the opera house the last three nights,nnd Mr. Percy at once wired for a new top.

. Mvery one Js looking on the bright side ofthings, add working day and night build-

.Ing and painting scenery, nnd we expect toopen with the new outfit June 1. The mem-bers of. the company are: .Mr. and Mrs. J. I..


Percy, Mr. nnd Mrs.- W. J. Jefferson. Kath-leen Maneree, Lewis Lord, W. J. Sebultz,

' ''ddle Walktm. Walter Smith. Prank Baker.Marco and Harry Shear, I'd. Porter, IialHltehens, John MncCarty and P. <•. Pufflng-ton.


*Victor Lr, Rot and Vivias Denhmorr. of

Prank Do Atle.v's company, were married onMay .18, at the Lvrlc Theatre. Rnltl, Okla..during- the second act of "The Matinee Girl."Among those attending were: Dan Russell.Blanche O'Nell, J. P.. Jackson nnd wife. Pranktie At Iy. Will Grows, Darling nnd ICoynoirKKarl Simpson, Mnble Lnngdon, Floyd Wilson.

" Mrg. HiimphrcyH and daughter, Anna liny,'Hadyn Jackson, Mr. Whitney and wife, Kate

• Smlthen and. Gale.Gel ten., . . , ....

.Ioiinnii) Uav wns In- New York Inst week.The.Ilnys will spend the Summer ul. theirhome In Cleveland, O. "King Casey" willbe the title of their next season's offering,under the management of P.. D. Stnlr.John W. Ri:kai:sf,r writes from Chester,

Vt. ; "Am here, playing Barber's Park thisweek, Business, like the weather, Is bad.The park Is one of the finest I've ever seen,and but three miles ma of town. I nm goinghack with Hnp Ward again next season."

flRR.tr IIicksian-Bmnv. Notes.—This at-traction closed a very successful season offorty-live weeks nl Haclno, Wis. They willopen the Alrdome. nt Davenport. la., remain-ing all Summer, producing two plays a week.They start on thctr regular season slxjiit

Aug. so. • > ;

Norns prom thk Salter Attraction's).—Harry Weber, after a retirement, of tbreeyears, returns lo the stage next season, la"Nip and Tuck." Kdwnrd R. Salter haspurchased of Mrs. A. P.. Davidson, all rightsand lltles to "The Train Robbers." "TierMad Marriage" 1m now tbe property of Mr.Salter, nnd Is hooked for a tour of tbe Eastnext season. Ida Lawrence, who Is now play-ing In her own sketch In vaudeville, will slur

uext. senson In n Western sonbretic play,wrltlen by Ardn La Croix, entitled "ThnlYoung One of Clancy's." The MortimerSnow Stock Co., iu the Lyceum Thentre.Memphis, last week did a big business withthe fidward It. Snllor version of "Salome."J.mi Hnscnll has purchased of Mr. Salter uone act playlet, called "Her Trial Marrlnge,"written bv Lem I'arker. A new melodrama,called "The Yiddish DelectlveB,". written byLena Parker, has been disposed of to Vance& Sullivan, through the Kdwnrd II. Stiller

Amusement Co.Rrxwrow's .Ioi.i.v Patiipindrrr Notes.

We are In our forty-first week of this sen-

son. Tltirt comproy has not closed or live

venrs, plnylng cnnilnitonsly through the Win-ter and Summer. Out' business Is fine, nndthe present company embraces the ollowlng:tilmer Buffliam, leading man; Fred.DnrlleUt,H. D. King, Fred Dnunn, Umory Tnrbltt,

Percv Lee, J. J. Collier, band and .orchestraleader, with the following musicians : L. J.

Flitelt. W. O. Dodge, Fred Barllett, I'red

Dnnon. Wm. ICveret, I. C. Wort, Geo.Bolleatt unit Percy l,ct. Tbe acting com-pany nlso Includes : Grace Hentfrow, AdelaideIrwin. Miss Bartletl, Jean Volleau, HarryKing, child actor. J. N. Rentfrow Is mana-ger ; Mm. , J. N. Rentfrow, treasurer, andnew additions to tbe company are : Jessica

Parker, K. O. Dodge, Jack and Clara Lyou,Clara Mnthas, Will Marsh and Carl Itemingleaving.

Mtts. Ida KtKPr.n "writes: "1 huve beengranted a divorce from W. K. Klofer, come-•tan. I will remain In Frnnkfort, Ind.. for

the rest of tho Summer."i ; i-c mi ;t: Ann Is now at Hazelden ' Farm,

Hrook. Ind., whore ho Is working on a newplay, to l>e produced next season by CharlesFrohmnn, with William H. Crane In thestellar role. The play will have Its premierIn Chicago, In October..Flo a.vii May Hnsoi-nn have been engaged

bv tbe Rogers Brothers for their new pro-duction, "The Rogers Brothers In Panama."' T. II.' Winnktt has arranged with theatttbors of "Tbe Mlssoiirlaos," lo act as thesole agent for their play, also with the wellknown authoress, Kthel May, of Lynn, Mass.,to handle oil of herorlglnnicreationH: "LightHouse 143. Phornton Sons,; Brokers;""Nathnite",—"Snnfminn of Montana." etc.

Kaiihv Conso.N Ci.akki: anb Maroabbt Dai.pOwen closed their very successful stock star-

ring season at the Casino, Toledo, '0., Juneft. They will pinv a special engagement att'levt'hiuil, as features of tho bill voder Ibenosplrea of the Mystic Sbrlners, during weekof June 111, when they produce their sketch.

A House Divided,"Got.nwix Patto.n has been specially en-

gaged to ntay the role of Rev. Howard Stur-gls, In . the Cblcngo production of W. B.Gray's pastoral drama, "Tbe VolunteerOrganist/' at Ibe Great Northern Theatre.

Prkd Rnt.t.A, of the llelln Stock Co., Is

lying critically HI . In. Coffeyvllle. Kan. Hewns stricken with paralysis several weeksngo, and since that time has not been ableto talk. His friends have not been able to

procure the address of any relatives. It Is

thought he has n brother somewhere In the

Rast. and possibly other relatives. .

I'lLRANOR HtCKH AND FttANIt lYlWKI.I., of. the Lvcettm Stock Co.. were married on June

;>, at Amherst, N, w. Both have been playinglends with the above company, at the OperaHouse. In Amherst. On June 14 the couplewill sail -for London, ting. Mr. Powell hasbeen engaged as Hinge manager for I'llen

Terrv In n new ly>ndon production, and will

begin bis engagement June 30.

Davk Skvhoi.r, after a successful sensonwith the Rowland & Clifford Attractions, hits

gone to one of the Northern" New Ybrk Sum-mer resorts, where he will operate au amuse-ment enterprise during the heated term. Mr.Sovmoiir will be with the Rowland A Clif-

ford Enterprises the coming season, whichwill innke Ills- fifth year with the firm. HeInforms us that. "The Mysterious Burglnr,"one of the firm's new shows. Is expected tohe the season's sensation.

Ci.tnt: AaiisritoNi; writes that he has beenengaged for Hummer stock to do Juvenilesand neaviea, at Lake View Park, Augusta,flo., under the management of Helsman &Cohen.Char . Aknoi.pa, who closed a successful

season May IS, with thp Murray & MnckeyCo., at Akron, 0.. and Joined the Carl W.Cook's Stock Co.. playing Northern .Michi-

gan, reports Hint the company Is doing fine,

W. STiM.trr jAirr.s who recently finished

a successful senson of forty weeks with theKatliryn Purnell Co., Is- now playing a abortmpni'cmenf with the Columbia Stock Co., atWMblOgtOB. . ,

I. NVwtov BnoNSON writes :" 'Losl in Now

Yorls' t:o. closed n senson of thirty-nine weeksat Cleveland, O., May 83, after travelingtlirougb elgtneeti Sliues In ibe South nndNorthwest, and covering nboul 'J7.fluo miles.

We met with Temarkable success, The trip

next senson will he. to the Wist. Tin- play,however, will niulcnm several decided chiingi-N

In the way of added and entirely new feat-

ures on the sensational order."Notes prom thk Frank R, Lono <:o.—

We closed a successful season of forty-twoweeks at Oiiluth. Minn., June 3, The com-pany will open lis next senson Aug. fi, at

Clinton, la., bigger nnd better than ever. All

new plays will lie used, find a complete seonl,-

production of each given. We are Isioked

nearlv solid over the same old territory—


fourteen consecutive seasons—and no sign ofwearing out our welcome: on the contrary,our reputation becomes more firmly estab-

lished with each succeeding year.

t'iii-H-n:i[ A. Kt:vi:s. comedian, Is Iu his

fifth, week with S. II. Keyes' Stock Co,, plu.v

Ing week staods through Pennsylvania.NOTi'.H and ROS'run of the ,Hclln Rosa

Green Co.— This Is musical comedy show,plnvinc the alrdomes through Missouri andKansas. .Inmes w. Green.- proprietor nndmanager; F P. Tbels. treasurer nnd musical,dlrectdr : I 'tildes Pnge, characters and singemnnitg-A- : James L. Ring. , hurneieis midspecialties: Clyde Collins, Juveniles: Prims.McAllister, general business -. I'n til Deioy,property own; Clara Williams, chnrni-terH

tad specialty ; ICdna Vnllnrd. Ingenues


Helen Allen, specially ; Jnmes F. Oreen. lend-

ing comedy roles: Bella Rosa Green Is

featured with the show, nnd Ring. and Wil-liams are a special vaudeville nttrnkilon. '

Noti;:; AND RoSTHtl of I'hiinn's f. Grenicr"ITncIe Tom's Cabin" Co.—Wc opened ourtenting season April II, at Cftrrollton. Mo.,and the show has done a nice business. Wehave had quite a lot of bad weather lo eon-tend with through Indiana, We ore headedfor Northern Michigan. Everything is pnlnf-«d lip In fine shape ibis Reason. Wc only hadthree .weeks' lay off from the Winter to the'Summer season, having plaved through theSouth with "Old Parmer Hopkins," Theformer show done nice buslnesH nnd gave thebest-, of satisfaction. Wc will play l ;ncleTom until. early In September, when we openwith "Old Parmer Hopkins" for o long seasonIn Ibe Smith. - Lou Brooks, of the Stetsonshow, paid us a visit. > 'Mr. Chiron Is con-remplriUng a trip to the Pacific Coast early.in.Aiigufli. The following people are with theevmpany:' J. D. Chtinn, sole 'owner and man-ager ; V. ('. Wentland, business ngent ; Prof.Robert Nnrberg, lender of the bund, withforty-two soloists ; J, W. Lawrence, leaderof orchestra, with eight men.. Our coloredpeople arc the. best thai enu be had.They are very amusing with their rakewalkand buck nnd wing dnnclog. Tlllle Shel-ton bad lo leave tbe company on accountof sickness, and return to Baltimore, Md.,'where she Is In the hospital, When she rally

recovers, she expects lo return to the com-pany. 0, Cnhn baa charge of the advance,with three wide awake hill posters. The show-Is hilled tike n cirrus. The following peoplenre In the east: Kd. Albletz, I. veil Aihlei/,,

A. II, Basford, Jack Defrance, Dnvn Jakl-s,Clnnde Marshall. William Bud, Gen. Robin-son, W. J. Stone. Joe Bulingcr, Will WllsmuII, D. McCorkle, Mrs, Dorothy Ross Hnumn.Mrs. V. C. \Vosl|and. Kmm.-i Russell. AllenPdwards nnd Lltlle Gerald. We make a fewmorn stands In Indiana, then go Into Illinoisnnd- Michigan. .

"S'oteh from "The Matinee Girl-' Co.—We

opened our Summer season at Pelmar Gar-dens, Oklahoma City, Okla., for two weeks,and found business S. It, O. ut every per-formnnce. We are bow no our way lo Col-orado, to play the parks for the Summer. Weare/ carrying twenlv-lwo people, fourteencjioriiH. seven principals and our musicaldirector. The rosier of the show Is as fol-

lows : Prank Dfl Alley, proprietor: J. K.Jackson, manager ; Guy Gtiymao, musical dl-rector; Dan Russell, Blanche O'Nell, Km I


Simpson, Will Oross, Victor Ln Roy, -fllady*Jncks6n, Anettc Humphreys, Dot Jackson,Vivian Hensmoie, Mnble Langdon, Floyd Wil-son, Anna Ray. Gale nett"r«, Lou Smlthers.Blanche Humphrey),, Delia WHb. and MmSiewart.

Notrr p«om the II, Leslie Smith (In.—WeJust closed n very successful season, nnd arenow taking our company under rgnvax forIbe Summer. We disposed of our: old top,and purchased n new waterproof teul. Welinvo moved no on.- lot ttt Hebron, nnd haveeverything ln tint class shape, ready tosin il rehearsals. We are playing a newline of bills, writ ten espeelallv for us, andcarry n fine line of special paper for eachhill. We receive The ('i.ipi'uh everv week,and certainly enjoy rending same.Stmt t'RO>f Arnold's Comedians, — We

opened season under canvas ul Glenitlleu,' Vlink., May 20, lo big business, using sixtyfoot top, thirty foot middle piece. (EverythingIs new from the ground up. We curry 'ourown stock. The following people are withthe. show: Rogers and Letephn, the Wlnelles,fmd Jenkins and Barrett. Jack Arnold Is

\rV A Q U I OKFor Reed-Stuart Stock

LI I IM A I IMPur balance of Summer and tegular season,slide. Wardrobe, ability mid ri-linhllll.v very

Delhi. N. Y.. Ju

liiieiu e Inn. priigrniiiiui's mid phoms If una*essentliil. Address A. P. Ill-'t:l>.

lie lit, :i days, Diieontn, N. V., June IT, week.BBSB9BW-!



WM. TKIil, IIUVNU, Howard and Snmeraot8ta., Hoiton. Vicinity of all vaudeville ttieatroi*

About M week. HM II.Y BANNWAKT, Prop,'"

II02>]H>4H'abaak Ar*,,

• t-Mlt At:i>.' ~ ILUOperDay.

EUfOpMB. in.fiO per Week

THAFALOAIt.llMIT B. 14. N) V.,lir, Kmiii's

Acad, of Must,-, llewey. Kovnis hue, 7f,o., fl,

|1 .60 day; ta.tOro


g weak. W .D.IIANWIU AN.Prop.

nniiTHiriiTil Wihmtti Maiiisuu, i.'ini'AGi).

N NrN H '- u -''"iron. I'llip. SIHutlJ

DUIlllliLlilnL American Hun. r«-« single.

t; IU limii)l<.. VMlldeville pntromge invited.

••a i.ACtc iioi'Ki., 101 N. Olark ML, Uhlcafo.Ktirunran, I3.M per Week; With nrltate halb.ll.Tui-klili Btth. U>». H. U. UlUl'IIKHV, Prop.

lays tlin same territory every year, as thisstrictly N'orlb Dakotn show. Perform-B5


manager and sole proprietor. Mr. Arnoldterritoryrib Dakr

are not required to do canvas with thisshow.

Rii-iunn Cari.k's operatic success. "TheTenderfoot," under the management of Wnl.'P. <

'ti lien and ll P. Hill, closed a fortyweeks' season at Milwaukee, Wis., June 2.

l-r in said tbm George Marlon will becomean Independent producer of plays next sea-son. He will first put on "The Merry Whine"for Henry W. Savage, and then begin with

MIIHM lOMfOSHII ANll A1IBANOBDfor any Instrument or number of Instrument*.Sougs.wotds and milKln, ketones, elu. Hetul slain p.

CBAkL. I.KW1H, -l-fli Hiilimpn0 8l,,<lnc,luiiHH,(),

SLOT SIAI llimiCM, NIW PIN HUM.money maker, l.oou othhrh, chkap. SIAIANNOVKI.TY CO., Station H, Plilladelpbla , Pa.

ki it UK Hush. „r Wife I'bnlos for PalmlxsParks, etc., t'-'.on per 1,000; n.;i.". pcrhoo, nnMnaMCAIIIKKT PIIOTOM, copied, KM, »'.'; l,noti,$10.


BANJOH-The World's fioeit." The celebratedWhrte Laydle. OaUlog* and llalf-Toaea of MIrttiiU Pree. THK A. 0. FAIRBANKS CO., «sndhorv Ht.. Boston, Mas*.

WANTBIJ AT OIVCH, FIHNT CI.AHM,Thoroughly L'xpnrlciiued VniulnvilU' t'lunlsl, solier

and reliable: also (kind sl«ler Teuui, or Tuntiood ivinulu Singers nnd linncers, for my singe.Must 'he guild lookers mid dressers mm makeguiul on mid on", No object loll In color. *ulury,lift and board and trniisiuiriaUon for utl fromN. Y. in Havana. i limns WILLIAMS,

KnnJsldlo.j.N, Havana, culm.

Uu * tm»t llmiu __1" Nate Her, Cllllilcs mil]nlMTrilHJt.,(!l"«i|i ni ,lli #

.A-,. (liners j:.,

Ljre #s. ROUT. WM I'IK'M. iniullicr-' IIP-. Mo.

IIIUV lullKlo,n*^.uvloiii„....... .

mini and Bank Heading, each irlok HluatrAied.

SBi _¥nI'l!l*'!t!*£!,0. i'.¥l

IJ!'.'^tfiaJ^&JIft""WAliTBD, AaKMM~lalRUlMH> MMHliitforsiol iiiai'bliini, putiuited, Scllnonslgbl fur tl.Particulars. GISIIA !'(>., Anderson, Indiana.

HOW* TO STAItllN MIIUW HI Nllh ...(fopyrlghted), adltfernnl nooks, loo. All kluds mlkOKPURT'S SCHOOL, CI7 N. I'illi St.. Phil*.. f».





TIIKATHK A I, IMtlVIIM. Hod^eis.t-lM, Heralds; Letter Heads. I.uwrst Prices.Cheapest bill llesl. A •.lump will gel samplesprices. THK HflliMPTX Pill. Mlfc, IViMwIer.



anil 'tlelbi, Porninnoiit Hotel Join t Hours'


i. II I'laiein I, Music, N'on 1'iilon. Wrllil or u Ire,

lug Inrtiis and all pniileulnis. So Imnrit Mpnlct. Also other first elius Itislriiinents write.

J. WILKINSON, ,MmH, UiirelSI.. Illcliiimuil vs.

II. II. IIICAT'III., L.AWVHI1, UoDfldcotlulCases aspnclally. J udgineiiis and decrees obtainedpromptly: no <lu liiv. Counsel free. 4011 Itidlnli

,\ve_, third floo£, Chicago. '

imhoiiiks. Tnree i wo verse, i wo chorusones, and l."> tings, 2.V. Send Htmnp for Halof other Gngs. Sgelehes, etc. IJIgbeat gradeat low price. MARY P. P. TIIAYIOR, 1.100

Brood Ku Prov.,_R. I.

POli N ALR-Teni, ftf. It. T., IDfi. middle, ;

lengths IiIiicm, oiler: is canvas benches, trick bouse,trapeze, Spanish rings, hand wagon, harness, now;-.' pad dogs, Knglish Lulls. Wanted, Hep. PeopleStayem and Mossman, Cor, Main uud Douglas, si.

Louis, Mo.

WANTRD ut uk s. «nil li. Team, PianoPlayer, People up lo Med. Ulz. Wire nidok. lira.

iimilc People, Lending Mah, Woman, Heavy, Cbnrttcler Man nnd Hllllnua of linn. Lowest is nrst'

I'ltiil'.li.DKI.MiiST, llonslon VVashiiigton Co., Pit

VpArVTKD- Performers All Lines of Med. HI/,.

Sketch IvaiiH, Singles; change for week, llmidsalary and good place for people not afraid ofwork. We are under can vua. \<w must assist, inbundling same. If yon are sick, cripple, I In » ourLuck, lusty or afraid of getting •ninluiriir, I don't

tviuityoii. I havo Just, got rid of a luiiichnf nils

J,hid. Tickets ndviinced If von want i hem. Wire

ill' -Ipilci,. in. Til os. C. Warner, Pnukwood,Joffarsoii t 'n., Iowa.

WANTK»-I>rauinllr People, All l.lne<. Threenights, under canvuR. Hand mill S|S'eUlt.t Peoplepreferred, I pay expense-. Want only thosewilling lo work. Stale all tlrei letter. Join miwire. No tickets. Add.

II. I.K8I.IK SMITH, Hebron. Neb.

Xotrs i'iioji Tin: Db PRW-BOMMITTM StockCo. We o|,en"d our Hummer season at Atli-

leilc Park, Kokomo, ind., Sunday, June 2,nnd nolwlthslaiidlng cold, dlsngreeiible weath-er, the big theatre was packed to the doors.The entire reserved sent section wan solidout the day previous. The roster at present1st Thos. P.. De I'ow, C. A.. Clarke, Thos. M,Hdlllviin, Morris M. Mcfleo, Gordon Hamil-ton, O. J. Mnwhury, the Greoi Hunker. Hoy.VI. Wenger, Walter S. Gresulr, Pntinle DePew, Hollic Hcnnell, Virginia Diiiieaii Sitlll-

nifi, Marie Clarke. PlOssle Wheeler, flndlcWheeler, Nonlue Wheeler and Annie Corey.Notch rami tiiii Mai.i/iv Stock Co.- -This

attraction, under tho management of Malloyk Porlle, will open Its season on Aug. I'i,

with a strong repertory of scenic productions,'K i-ust of l lie best people obtainable Is nowbeing engaged. Itnlph McDonald Will he the

hew. productions."'•J! (lI'iunk C. Ili.ttTON has been re-engaged to

play Turn Wstson, la Arthur Nelson's rw-lug play, "The Governor'! Pardon."

stage director, mid We Intend putting oil

nothing but royalty bills. Mcaftr*. Malloy APortle ore ut present In New York, securingthe Hcenery and effects to be used.' Prospectslook, very bright /or our lour of V>0 PasternStnlew, having booked some of th> nest timemi the Cahn A Grant circuit. ,

Lii.i.ia.v N'iiiilk'a sailed on /line ri, forHavre, She expects lo sp/ind port of theSlimmer nl Hnvreutfi. studying Die detailsof the Wagner Theatre, which Tnler she willfollow In the Noruirn Pextlval House she Ispiounlng lo liulld not far from Owluing,

Ci,mm; Li:si,ii:. who retired from Ibe singea. few years ago, will reappear before thefootlights next September Iu tbe lending rolein a new American play lo be produced byWnller N. Lawrence, In the Madison HuuareTheatre, New YoU City.


liaveii week open near Albany. N. v., write me. I

want nil kinds of acts for vaudeville. Make oiiiary

low. Pour shows it day. IIIHIAI. AI.VIN, Mgr.,Umpire Theatre, fllens row, N. V. '

WANTHU, Mali who e.nii do three or limreN'ovrlly Aots. Wire. Traps or Conloriliiu, or uuygood Nllent Act. This Show NKVKIt CLOHKS,Ticket. II you are reliable. Wire at- my espensp.I.K.W VAN IHIRIvN, Mgr. Herbs of Lire Med. Show,Mn.J, (loieho, UMn.

FOR MAiiK^-Kdlsoti M. P. Machine, uotnlorder, non. dotiliio strand cable, with dink cabinet;cost $l'jn when new; In use tin days; |M taken n.

Mgr.Wm , '.'Oril'besiiiiitBt,, llarrishuiir. I'n.

HNRIHOn PAHTIVRR HAXTKUwith i"i«i and Service, lo Uni as Malinger, townWaterproofTom, ^oxstf, seats :i,unii. Seals and Klec-trie Llglil and Three Gasoline Tanks, Throe PoleTent, Kverythltig complete in stun: already en-

fragcil Hiiiiiuier resort nenr Knw York mid Hrook.yn for season, si ;•'• utid •-':• nereeui. HaveUoloredcninpiiny ready, lim play tulrs in Knit. II. <). IM,,

c;iroof c'LIPPL'll. Hdti'i answer iiiilesn you menuI aislness. '


K. II. IL, f,<Kl broad St., Newark. N. J .

ILLCHIOAiN WAeVTKII -lioHiL pmclical,second band, small Illusions, Head In basket orFlower", Head on Table, Hii»i, Head and Iliist onSwing. Send particulars mid price to AmericanAmusement lo,. s.M Colonial llldlf., Itost/ia.

An'MVUMV lf~W« aoaMrvH] amy VlT.~ blgii-est price, for LADIKV HIHCAHIlKH STItliKI,Kvenllig and. IHnuei (towns and Ueiilleijieu'*Wiirdnibe. MAHAMK (IIHTLIP.il,

m<'i V.. •JilliSi.. Neu- York.

WAVTKII. Hood Yei-siitllu (.Vi.neinmi to puron nei. and do specialties, Sketch Team, Musics I

Team, others, write, rianu I'luyer in doiihlobrass. All In .11 ml. Vn lime in dicker. No ticket.P. s. story, Tamwnrtli, N. IL P. S,— fliir Hill, wherearc yoitf

POH M«1,H—MfL It. T..4Si',tl. I'., Ml. Wuil,Poles, Slakes, blocks, all complete In good condi-tion, «oo. H Lengths of s-Tler Seats, like new, tm.t Length New scms, : tier high, flu. 'J.tssi feet i rPlluis, tih. Clonk uud Knlie for Pesos, til. ,<il

kinds of show goods cIikap. .vavhi'ii:i.L'srHI<>WrtTi'leoi»N?, Pa.

KOII MALIC—line renin noun iu>i»e., mi miner:Two Perrortnliig Hogs, one Hog luilf |>og and ballHear. The only curiosity of tbls kind.

(HI AS IHLI.MAN.Lumy, Va.Can iten several All 'Itoiuid Perrorniers.

W A.Vi r,o - rooeR i-copi,;. Ifiuck sliidles, Hoodwardrobe. Bnozersl No. Make salary low. as it's

sure.. You pay own. Co. pays H, It. aficr Joining.Tickets, no. Tho i Ills per week. Send photos,programs, Hanson opens July I. Mgr. 'lorry, ".ti.'i

Cbest tuiist., Hnrrlslmrg, Pa.

FULL ACTING MUSICAL COMEOY COMPANYWANTED.S.aud I). Comedians, Scripts, Idreci Stage: PrimaKonnn Souhrette m. and ll.i. cbaractnr Woman(Young), Tenor or High baritone (good looking;.Leader, must arrange tl'iimoj; lit/. Manager wincan hook ro. Muariettc, I'J good lixikllig Klnulnv,Dancing Ohortis (llrln. summer salaries. Ibira'yMcConnetl write. Hunt tlrsi class producer, Sun.'iitci- and Winter Seasons, Address, ivltb parti'

riilars, lowest salary,

_J>.SBYMOIK.^hurchlll[Hotel, NJf.^Hy.

Ladiis' Band. Doubling Crcheslra, Deslnfirst clas« eng. Ladles Plnylng Hand instrumentswauled Immediately. IjicIIch' Orchestra und bund,cure Allien, ile ueriil Hellyery, Pltlla,. Pa, •

Wanled -Tent. About 30x60, 600. Condition

and cheap: alao lecturer and Advance Man, forMedicine Co. Slu-it be extiericuced and steady.

Address MIDKINT'., care ot OLIPPCK.;


RMW VOUIi. CITY.H<tlli ,v Proctor's Union Nnjunre

Tliciilro if,. F. AIIh'i'. general manager).

lliimllnl. tint "Handcuff King," again headsI In- bill hero fur tin: current week. At the



em-orou ninny limes, whlli- Howard nndNorth. In tlicd- sketch from life, entitled"Those Were the Iluppy Hays." were warmfnvorltcs, and gained nmcb praise. VlnleDuly, that pleasing dancer, silso scoredlieuvlly. Ollieni who ituroii In for their full

Mime of applause were : Happy Jack Hard-IHT, Hie well known munologlst ; Mr. andMrs. Allison, In their comedy skit, "Minniefrom Minnesota :" the Nichols Bisters, "The

: fiellli * Proctor'*llienlre IK F, Albee. general manfigcr).—l-.dnu .\liiy Spooner. lit the head of lier cumpaiiy, appears this week in The Cndevtow."and on June 10 u good sized matinee audi-

f«» W«&r liked Hie play and the maimerIn which It was given. Augustus Philliphail plenty to ilo us Uleltnrd Wells, the reIMirler. who makes tilings hum as n reformer,anil .Mr. I'hlllipH whs eiiual to Mil demandsmade upon his uttlng powers. Miss Spoonerdid some capital acting us Mary Calvert.'.'.

. ..'.,ar<l1 ' 1 K«nnedy, Arthur Kvers. Jc«<Ie

MoA lister, lien V. Wilson and Kdwin If.( iirtls all played Important roles withcreditable results. Klcanor Wisdom, singing

June 15,

Kentucky Belles ;" Klslc Fnye and lllssett and comedienne. np|N>ari>il hetween the acts andMiller. In n clever singing anil dancing nov- her vocal efforts were pleasing. The 'cas»eliy : Vera dc nasslnl "

xylophonlHts : Sopli

In a sketch, "A lluiise

Nellie King, singerItelles, hoop manlj1 lurry .lolson, anil


Keith & Proctor'* I'llt> - eighthStreet 'I'llen Ira- (!;,• j.'. Albee, general man-ager).—standing room wan nt a premium attnls house Monday, .tune 10. when, a hill,

good In every particular, was I'lmwlti. Oal-lando, In his clever clay modeling, opened the

r"gu"„l£ nii'lT " l10*' M»g followed fn rapid succession by

Hue Smith, a pleasing singing comedienne


Vlolu Ui: Costa, In till) musical playlet, "Inthe l,atln Quarter." aided by Jack Phillips,Augustine Bad. Illllle ffobarl, Edward J.Cornell and lleble Hazard, made a hit, thedancing of Viola Dc Costa and the quartettesinging by the male members of the companybeing especially good : Leo Carlllo. In hisChinese dialect and Imitations, was a goodnumber ; Carroll Johnson, with his fourteen

Thompson's reputation us a scenic wizard. Wit* C, SjniTit , of Itlniuoml and- sunThirty-one Individual ultructlons, widely dlf- lias received a legacy of »:«o,ooo fnL? '


ferent in flielr nature, muke up "The Court tamer* esiiilr." ul" "li

of Limn.". „-. ''• 8. Sum lias secured several nlamw. ,

HiiBAJtLAxn.—The new spectacles this year support May ftobson next seuson h,•



are "The Knd of the World." one of the moat BoJuvenutlon of Aunt Mary." her 'ili'si J "'

stari ling of Illusions, and "The Feast of Bel- Among these supporting players will i.. K•


Hhaznar"' Large crowds attend these con- O'Brien, who has won recent aiirin.n ..,',"

cessions.Kohvim:k'k Akexa.—Inclro. the while ele-

phant. Is still the chief attraction.Hknokiisox's Cijxhi- Island.—Bill week of

Morrlspy, He

Viola Allen;""*he m'Sa/^SSnS.. *»')!

"Sunday." Mr. Sire has also engaa.,1'


Misses Make. SavlHc and Ilemrlc * * ,l,u

JPlPj&^JS^JXmUV, fat "Thecryen


'nl'er"aD5"sti"ila","i)ovoy and Mil- cities'.'" "'"" '" ViK lai8«

FiSLPi. ft?«« with

SI. Nicholas Uurdeii. — Franz Knltenhorn, the popular orchestra leader, who hnsenilriired himself to the music loving publicin this clly by previous years of success,

both at this garden and the Circle Theatre,opened a Summer season at this house onThursday. June il. with an orchestra of llfty

selected musicians. It, was a Wagner night,

nnd fullv 1!,IKH> people were on hand to showMr. KnitenlKirn that they, remembered his

blah class music of other years. A big re-

eepliim was given the leader, and the playingof the dllllcull programme proved that he

still retains his remarkable ability lo handle

a large number of string musicians In

i borough milliner. Mr. Kultenborn and Har-

riet l'"oslcr. a uu-sixo sop rail o. were the so-

lolsls on the opening evening. After twoiirdieslral numbers, Tschalkowsky's "Slavic

March" mid Liszt's "Second Hungarian Ilbap-

sodv," Mrs. rosier sung the Spring song, by

Vtni iler Slueken. Strauss' famous "BlueDanube" wall/, rinsed the first part. After

Die liilernilssloll nil Hie rest or the programmewas Wagnerian, olieiiing Willi the "Tuiinhaui-

er" overture, and dosing with the Prelude

and Llcbcslod, from "Tristan and Isolde.' I he

Wallers prize song rroni "Hie MclKterslngcr

was Mr. Kallenborn's violin solo, while Mrs.

Foster sang "Trauina" nnd "Schmcr/.cn. 'I he

otlii'r oribeatrul niimliers were: "noliin

"Farewell," and the "Fire Scene" from "Die

Walkure," nnd "The Arrival of Lohengrin.

Frlilnv was operatic night, und Ldnu HolT

was the soloist. Nclorlloiis were given from

"I,u Heine de Saba," "William Tell. '"I np-

pelhi," "Hansel mill Grctcl." "The OrumlSlngul. ' "1'iigllscei." "Lohengrin," nnd "Hie

Walliure." 'file composers represented were:

Wagner, Slrutiss. liuiitlod, Hellhes, IIoshIiiI.

Hiimpeiillnek. I.uilers. Massenet mid Leon-

cavallo. I'llilay will he operatic night

Ibriiiiglinilt the Summer. Siiniriliiy litis al-

wnvi: been popular night with Mr. Knltcii-

liiirii. anil tills seuson will be no exception.

Last Saliiriliiy the soloist wiih Mrs. Florence

Uriike Le Itov. soprano, nnd the selecllotis

were - from "The Bed Mill. I'lic MerryWives of Wluilsor," II Bnrbleil," "Minliime

Hiillerllv," and "Aldu." Sumlays, of course,

the concerts are termed sacred. The soloists

Siiuihiv, .nine l>, were: John Cheshire, harp,

nnd Mr Kallenborii. violin : John A. Flnne-

gun, tenor: Max llurge. cello. The SI. Nldio-

las has been beniillfully ileeorated wlili pink

"I'lnkv" AndersonBoy, II. K. Spouin

thotnns Hbeel.v: (IHIceKdward Maynard. Wil-

liam Short : judge Wilson. Kngerie Ordwnv"noddy." B. Kvers: t.'lcrk ollaru. M. 10.

Mnnn: Telegrii]ih Kdltor, James Ayer*


llouseki.'eprr. Olive tjrove ; Kate Kmerson.Jessie McAIMsirr: Alice Whltelaw. JosephineFox : ICdna May Spooiiev as Mary Culvert.Next week, "Mrs. Pane's Defense."

lielili A l>ro(!«»r'H <Twen(y-tlilnlstr«-ct 1 1., ii i re (K. F. Albee, general mun-ageri.— t.'iiinllle D'Arvllle reniipenrs In vaude-ville this week, mid on June 10 herpresence on Hie bill wits hulled with delight.Iler voice was In line condition, nnd she sangthe • Drinking Song" from •The Belle of Lon-don Town." attd oilier numbers l» warm mdwell deserved expressions of favor. The capi-tal "girl act." the Six Kagilsh dockers, withNellie Florcile, made a tremendous success.and fully merited It, Welch. Mealy undMontrose, who have an exceptionally funnyspecialty, were another of the real winnersof Hie bill. Their act Is nicely arranged

orn. nt the Casino, has or .'•1 members of that clioiuland Issues a challenge l«Immera for distances from lift


" mi,e

- ,/.nim '«• thocld, h,',

nt without doubt before thsseason Is much -older, there will be ,,„,,'now comers. Miss Llngurd Is herself ii.nroud possessor of muny medals, and underher caroful direction the "club" should LiThgreat success. " "

no and May Hnmum hare just been en.PMdtar cubic for "The Itogers Bros 'hma. which opens Sept 2. at the Drum. Theatre. New York. Thev will arrirc

time to 'quiet the audience. The small bpy here oarly in July, from their phenomenallymanaged to get away Manager Kills, successful tour of Kngland nnd the eoini.

wood's lienra, doga and tnoDkoys. On Mon-day, Tuesday and Friday evenings free dis-

plays or fireworks are given. "Love's Jour-

ney." a new ride. Is this week's novelty.

Notks.—At the matinee at the Gotham, 8,

a small boy who was detected In trying to

steal his wav Into the theatre, yelled lire

work being heartily applauded ; Kva Tanguaywas the hit of the show, her eccentric sing-ing and dancing taking the house by storm


tnc Flood Brothers were clever comedy acro-bats, and tile motion pictures closed the hill.

Aerial Unrdenn iKluw & Krlangcr, man-agers)—George Colimi, in "The lloncymoon-ers" began Monday night, Juue 10, his sic-

creatlnlf'mucii excitement." "Yttook' tiie house ftiuama.'ortd week.

Htttlt nll,| members of the company some way(iurrtck Tlicntrt- i Charles Frohman, tuan-

ngeri.—William Collier began, Juue 10. his;

twenty-fourth week In "Caught in the Italn."I.jrrlr Thcntrc 'Sum i, & Lee Slmbcrt

managers).—"The Itond to Yesterday" be-

gan Its ninth week It this house on Mon-day evening, June 10.Lyceum lliinir.- (Daniel Frohman.

manager).—"The Boj'K of Company B". be-

gan. Juno 10, Its tenth week.„„„„.,,,„. business' of" tiie liyde ft Bebinan Amusement burlesque attractions will begin' eariv""b,Wiilliiek's (Mrs Tl eo. Moss P>'°J»^K ,;». woll |,| rerpilre his personal attention.... July. The rehearsals for their two misl,

be'gV jX Vtte second week «Hi ??5 " **&* tt»«OTlS% ftftf 35» <&«**>• &«*• «S "iSpresent engagement.'

lost. ii. Tlieatre iSuin S. & Lee Shuberi

greatly enjoyed.br all wTio wore In attend- Ihentrc, Juue :>», and resume her rim ihor,.once. Mr. Kills announced that he would late In August.spend most of the Summer In town, as the ItKitatitsAi.s of If. W. 4 Sim Wl hams'

tends to spend 'n' month of his vacation In Day." begin Aug. 10.

apple blossoms, and iiiimy Mower baskets are |,|,.|,, nn ,| j,

some very good uctlng as the lady who wasscheduled fur the "lit." <iuy Maynard alsogave good aid. Hurry nnd Kate .lucksengave the former's skit. "Ills Hay Off," which(ells Die story of a wife's suspicions arousedthrough rending a letter Intended for herhusband. Both players worked hard to maketin' act a go. others on the bill were: The.Dillon Brothers, whose parodies were heartilyencored : Leila Taylor, a clever singer ofsongs, mid the ItellT Brothers, whose remark-able dancing always gels tile audience. Themol Ion pictures continue.

Vtelorln Theatre (Oscur Humiuurstehi,malinger).- -The bill for Ibis week, beginningIII the lllllllllee Monday, June 10. IncludedHie ilrsl exhibition here of the eumernphone,a meehmilcul device, which combines ani-mated pictures with phonographic repro-ductions of sound, producing thereby notonly every movement, bill alsu whatever dia-logue may be required. They therefore reallybecome "talking pictures." and are a cum

pendant from the girders. A large fountainplnvs constantly In lite centre of the floor

Admission, Including a sent, Is llfty cents

lie-it ved seals cost one dollar. Smoking and

Iking pic

ccliicdl.v Interesting novelty. Theopening of the roof garden, lust week, whilelug weather was anything but propiHoiiK, wasmarked by great success, mid large attend

Ilppodrome. Irving .

Square. Majestic. New Amsterdam, NewYork. Star. Thalia. Weber's. Yorkvllle.

Colonial, Dewey, Klghlli Avenue, MurrayHill. London and .Miner's Ilowery arc closed

for the season.smov Tlieutvc (Frank McKce, mana-

ger).—"The Man of the Hour" began, June

lo. Its twenty-eight It week.

Iliirlem -A I Kellli & Procter's Harlem(t|ient House (K. F. Albee. general manager I

Henry Ouy Carlcton's comedy. "Jack's Honey-moon." Is the offering of Ihe stock companyfor this week, and a large crowd turned

out to witness the llrst performance of the

Hummer season, on .lime 10. Barry o'Ncll

had Hie company In great shape, und miuiiiiHiiallv good performance was Ihe result.

The cast contains all the favorites. Includ-

ing: Alphouz Kthler. Kobert Hill, tleorge

Howell. Win. Norton. Agnes Scott. LouiseItatidolph. Henrietta Brown und Dudley Haw-ley. Motion pictures continue.

W»:st K.mi (J. K. Cooksoit. niiiiiagcri.

The Vim I Jen Berg Opera Co. continues to

do Hue business, and It looks now ns though

London. Kng. Business nnd pleasure will becombined on this trio Treasurer John.1. McDonnell will manage a strong semi-professional bnscball club, called the WangDoddle (Hants The manager of theProspect Hotel, Coney Island, will run bur-lesque, lu the theatre connected with hislioiire this Summer. The chorus from IheBoston Belles Co. has been eugaged for theseason. Misses H. C. Itaymond, nnd Joslc andWinnie Crowe will have tbe principal role.

The Hageiibeck-Wallai-o Combined Cir-cus opened Monday. 10, to big crowds. It Is

the first time this show hns appeared In thiscity, and the reception accorded was hearty.It Is particularly strong In the animal de-partment, and In Its entirety it tukes high

ft frX dZiT' nrc plHyIng thc KcMh

Bartuk and ASIH.BV, who recently relumedfrom iMlropo, opiii at the Alhambra TliealreNew lurk Clly, June 17.


1"*"' —^^ggNEW YORK STATU.

&«in&7tt i',

l,e }'yr.h


' '^Ufhllii, in.u,ager) Mildred Holland, with a good stock com-pany. Is -presenting, week of June 10, "I'm.Llllle \ngruiits." "Tliu Klly and the I'rlNce"17. nnd then "Kast L.vnne." Business Iseven better than anticipated.





c"' nii"'agcr).—The lion,

rank among the. tented organizations In this i10"

,*!'.. *

tu' Hfi ,wcok *"?* School (or

countrv. .

Scandal. An entirely new Ainerlcaii plm,by an American author, Is promised for iieji' k. Hie play's- name not being uniiuiiiii"d

yet. -All ol'-a-Siiildcii Peggy" was a h'tAmusement Hews.ll.Miitr W. ft Sim Wim.i.wix are now lo-

cated In their new olllees, .VJO .'din Kulekcr-bocker Then l re Iliilldiug. Next season, be-

sides their burlesque ultriiclious Ihey will

send out it new musical comedy, entitled•The Cut end the Mouse." They will havea hu-.'c company of principals und u chorusof nretty girls.

Khxknt Smi'MA.N hus closed cotitriicts wliliIlobbs, Merrill ft Co.. for the dramatizationof "TliD Port of Missing Men," and will giveIl nn early present at Ion next seuson, withil specially selected east.

week.aslast week.

Siika'k.--Hill for 10 and week : StellaMaylicw. Zlska and King. Zuzcllc-Yci'iiou Cm .

(innnnroa liondoller Band, White and Slu-art. Ciirlmell and Harris. Olto Bras, amiJulius Tniinen. S. It. O. business twicedully last week.Lakavkttb (('lias. M. Bngg. niiinnger).—

rile Mlovk. entitled the High Fivers Bar-lesipie Co.. this week, ill a uiuslcul satire."'I he Cll-I from Chelsi-a." In the companyare: Kaymond and Clurlt. Duke ami BiWiui.Meeeiirct II. King. Joe Bowers and CelrsleCarter.

t.i.vA I'.mik (il. II. .MucBruom, manager i.

ninies Olllesple Is stage manager this year

sble, is Ihe manager. The second week began10.Academy of MiinIc (Cllinore ft Tompkins,

miiiiagersl.— 14. II, Sutheru mill Julia Mar-lowe, who have Just ruluriied from theirvery successful Loudon engagement, begunmi engagement of livu weeks here .Mondaynight, June in. wlili u pt'oiliicllon of "Borneoand Juliet." There Is much -Interest s| inchedto this engagement of Mr. Soilieru mid Miss closing of the second net the applause was

Ingliig the inline I

vosi, I'limlllc Trio, and Ihe vlluimiph. Hale ceplloii was of such 'warmth that his popuand Cofhlii, bunjolsts, are new here this week, luiily In this purl of the town seems lo need

llliiney'H Lincoln Miiunre Theatre no boosting by press ugent or other pub(('has. K, llhini'v Amiis. Co.. lessees)'.—Cecil Itchy hiioiuer, and his lull, rich voice wn*Spoonet began t lie third week of her engageinelll. here on Monday evunlug. June 10. "ThetJIrl Kallles" was the attraction, and thebouse was imekeil wllh the niiiiiy iiduilrersof tills talented Utile woman. After Ihe

William Uii.i.kti'i:, who reached London,Kng., on June 4, has nrriinged lo write n new

uies arc now entertaining lurgc pntruiiiig".Xotkk.—Cole's Circus 10...... Henri Mc-

henr'il to splendid ailviilitiige. lie is In III

rime as a usually line tenor, a fact that "Ix months lo writing the play.


,. drama for Churles Frohman, for production HIlis Shows (a wagon clrcusi Is lemporarllvs In America and Kngland. Mr. Ulllelte will delayed hero. Mr. Hanlols, formerly ofs return to ihe Culled Slates soon, and devolo Mcl'ale nnd Daniels, vaudeville ls'iforaiers,. slv , < , . 1 1 1 1 1 . In .....Il 1,... ii... ..e... ,11. ..I I — ........ * - .-_ * ...... . ..

Miirlnwc. us these iippcuritiirt'H are aniioiiucedto be Ihe lnsl lu wlileli they will he seen |o-

gether lit this coiiulry. When next seusonopens each will be ill the head of n separateorgaiil/.illloi.. Tills fuel uo ibititil gavean milled wiiiinlli lo the reeeplluN ac-corded tliein. There was a very large audionce present. Bulb Mr. Sol been mid MissMarlowe looked extremely well after theirsen voyage. Criticism of the performance isuiiiiecci-hsaiy ill tills lime, as It Is con-sidered one of the best In the Solhern-Marlowe rcperlory. Of the. support, Mr.Lewis, us Mei'i'titlo: Mr, Croniptoa. as Friarl.aiiiciicu: Mr. Iliickxlolie, as I'eler, nndMrs. Siulili. us the iiurse, were vervellleleut. Next week will be timidly dividedhelween iirodiicllous of 'Uliimlel" and"Twcirih Mght," The eiigugeihonl of Mr.Sot hem mid MUs Mil flow, besides markingthe closing or their season, also closesthe season of tills house. The house re-opens for next seuson Aug )'.'. with .Mclutyrennd llenlh, In "The Ham Tree." Cast of"Borneo and .lullel :" ICseulus, Mr. Vlbiirt ;

Purls. Mr. Ilowsnn : .Monnigue. Mr. Itieher


Cnpiiti'i. Mr. Muwsoit: Uomeo, Mr. Sol hern :

Merrill In. Mr. Leivls: Benvoliu, Mr. Ander-son: Tybalt, Mr. Krle : Frlur I.am ce, Mr.CrullllHuni Baltliiisur, Sir. Tiiylcr ; Sitmpson,Mr. iMiiifiiuin : (Jregury, .Mr. Asplund ; i'eler.

Alirahmn, Mr. "

so continuous thai Miss Spoollcr nils cullpclled to make n short speech, which wasfollowed by her being Ihe rccljilcul of n largeand handsome hunch of roses. The play nilslosi none or lis diiirinlni; features mid dis-plays the slur lo 1ier most pleasing abllllv.I lie supporting company Is compel cul. Muchapplause was eiirn.-tl liy W. II. Turner. Ceo.

iptulMy of his voice fully proves. Mar-garita was capitally sung by Helcne Nobll.who a roused her hearer* to great eniliii-

mI.-isiii lu Hie I bird net. Aclillie AllH't'tl

was qnlle good as Valentine, but Fran-cis Molley did not do well vocally :is

Mcplilsl aphides, nllhoiigh his acting redeemedhis performance to some extent, llerllin

Slllllek, IIS Slebee. sung with good efl'ecl.

The cast : Faust, Josepli 1', hlieelian andJohn M. McCloskey: Vnlenlllie, Aehlllo Albertl mid ThouutH Hurdle: Mephlslo|ilieles

U'lt.l.l.VMdied here 7. aged forly-slx. The eold

A. BtiAiiy has eugaged Helen weuilier has iqi to now caused a bluish up-Holmes its leading woman for Wright l.ori- peiinince at Ihe bike und Summer imrlis.icr. who Is to .appear uguin next season In I

Hoohosler.—At the Lyceum <M. Iv.

Wolir, manageri tdvauced -vuudevllle cer-tainly has come to stay, as Is evidenced liv Hiecrowded bouses here dully. "The (lovernur'sSou" ami tleorgc Fuller Cordon were lop-lineis last week. Bill week of 10 : Wlllliimsand I'lieker. the Se Herns. Hurry Tule amieuuijiiiny. (.•race lluxiird. Jul Ian dose, Kidney(irnnt, olyiuplii four, VlnolH's society clrciif

"ihe Hhephenl King" and "The Wild Duck."hit-: Maid AND tiik Mii.i.iunaiiii;," a new

iniislciil comedy to be produced by Thelso andI Ulcus, will be the opening attraction at the.Madison Square Hoof Carden on June l"J.

.Maihiaii;.'!' li.i.iM.'ioN will appear hi theLyceum


lheutt'c, this city, curly next season,ii tin l.ngllsli comedy dritinu, "Or. Wuke'sI'lilli'iil. Mie will be supiiurlcd by .Messrs.

d tU'"

Ibis weekPiiKlor's Tlieulie Clony Puslor. mana-

ger |- Monday's inailnee. June 10, found Iheusual big rruwd on baiiil. ami nil etiiovcd ullnely arranged bill. Charles J.nwl'or andbis daughters. In Mr. Lnivlor's new coined


skit entllled "On the Sidewalks or Newtork. were

Mr. Ititeksloiie; Alirnliam, Mr. Itoberlsoii :

An A|iiilhecary, Mr. Crawley : Au Otllcer.Mr. Iliihoti : Luilv Montague, Miss Clement;Lady I apiilel. Miss Kruger: .lullel, duugli-ler. Miss Marlowe:; Nurse to Juliet. Mis. ,

Smith: Page lo Purls, Miss Wilson. F.x-'" rk




v,m." fnvorltcs. anil gained mucheeuilve Hlulf; A. T. Worm and John Major. !!J.

l"'" v




J Ju'.iorke ('omedy Four (O'Bilen,iiinnngers ; p'runds Powell iiutl Fruuk Col-

"""'"dike, \\ ells and He drool I sung them-lux. sliigii niiiiiagi'1'.s.

selves Inio linmedliile favor lu their cleverJonliii tie Purls (|\ KlegfcM Jr., man- tX"\ ,"A" '"K"'-" while Chnrlea llnnls, with

ngeri.- tinoil nlleniluiiee eoiiilniies to rulenl I his Imiise. The new comers on tills week'sbill, opening Mutably night, June 10. were:Jewells electric manikins. Mile. Diule tl.eliiinillni Buiigel nsslsled by s|g. Saiilellii. nntl

inn.!, a iei miuiv si rung one. is not new to ami lie will i.J-.i i, i.. Vi . 'V,. .l ooipmnu.

Hils clly. but this is M*r. McAllister'K tlrst \ 1 «l aw ?.« . ,W 8,"LW H »«l>«llo.y.

uppeurance in II. |fo did some excellent,i the Wldn. \!.J» '1 l0

'.'S«»n'uier home

work, antl was shown by the uildlencc Hist l ,,„ ••, n.,.

MV " ,,ll,1H

' ''The Bonnie Brierlis iiellng was approdiited. Others on the SS^n^f^^^^S^S^r^.VnMbill were: Lu Veen und t.'ross, Lc Itov nndWoodford, Ye Colonial Septette, Itoonev andlleiil. La Petite Mlgiion. Avery and Hart,

-netograph.HiiKATKii Ontario Bmaoii Paiik (II. I,.

JleNsinore. mnnager).—The con tinned frigidwetitlier malerlallr decreases the attenduiieehere. Kosulll's Bund Is still rcuture.il. Nn

ills 'bniicu oi nonsense," drew many laughs.(Mhers who entiled Ihelr sliurc of approbationwere: lllly Siintoy, mule Impersonnlor : theIliirlem llrotbers. comedy acrohals: WillItlch mid I'lp Hnwaril. bluek face singers and

Dillon Brothers, and motion plciures.Ai.ilAMiiiiA (Percy (J. Williams, umiiiigerl.— Illls house was packed from lop lo out-

torn on Monday, 10, when a most pleasingbill whs presented, headed by MargaretWyeherly ami eompmiy. Others are; Hustonand (Ireeiie. Patsy Otiyl .. onli ami Fern.Seymour and I 111 I. Kddln Leonard nutl WindBros.. Will lam Court leigh und company. Mullheefo and Tony Petirl. ami Uuuedln Tr

resident maiin-

skctcb, was *nlug pictures last

.....r, manager).-—arc dreawlng good

changed tirles

jinny. In "Love's Voting Dream


tons. Arinsiroiig nnd Clark, InPartner:" Fred Morton and

the Bill'

"Finding Jthe Flood

lug this season. bUU Ulc UU1

i mm nisi ween in mum. After it visit |« "Vleiilm, i \l... .i.V.V-' n ' ', I " '" ' '•""'lis. oppenred In Corry. illCon.ieKse Coipietlc" en.l "The Wreck of |,e Corsnl

"'ill, "

.a. ,r m."iV

».;. S »•'•«»"*. manager Aemlemv ',' "?£$»*> tn"i wns eonipelled to uhuniloa

shipwreck., one will tally . P| • l,,(e ',e'ut rk this eek ," .""T'W" K '" l,,w '' fwffi XtoTS?™"^ ^F**.* """ SSSjf^.

iiiviii,,' iieuiiu iun> «eek ihltlng Ins partner, Sim Wllllurtis \.r\'\K

- "" '"'"ount of rain (ieorge ".I —in , minims. |)l,.t ., ..,,,.,1 ,!,.,.,,„„ ,,.,,.. i_|».ul Hie CoUDickie, used If years, who Joiiicd the Coli


Brothers' Circus at (Ml City. May 'It, wasthrown under the irnlii at Dubois, ">, anil

killed..The burial wok In Oil City. .... .All

the parks ,n ,n,H section ]l"ve "*,n doing

noorly me; -account of cold weather

'/'here will he '-a.- carnival In Dunkirk, I".

The itoblnson Shows supply tlie attraction*.

Albany-—At Harmanus Bleecker Hall

ill It. Jacobs, rithnager) Majestic Stock. Co..

which I* furnishing Summer light comedy,lellchtert good RUM audiences week of June• "The l'rlucc of l.lors." il-.">. nnrt "What'linnnened to Jones," tl-8. were the bills

,,'r.Mvil. "A Kunnwny Wife" IMS, "WhyMniitii r.cft Home" w-ta,

I'BOCTOit'H (Howard Graham, resident

manager).—The Summer season of light

niiorii was successfully launched :t. with "TheMlkndo" Standing room only ruled. The,oni|>>ny will sing "The Itoheminn Girl"

\t-Tito PARK, notwithstanding; the wetwen i her. Is drawing encouraging crowds.

Prof, Wormwood's dogs, the llnnl'/ctt I Troupe„r ui'i'olinls. and the lluniln lloma continue

leading features.Ki.Kt'TMi; I'ahk Is gradually getting In

Shape for a prospermia season as soon iis

•mrm weather nut* In.

Itl'KKAUl Itll.l.'s WII.H Wt'.sr June II.


Filmirii.—At tlie Lyceum (I.ec Nortnn

I, sldent manager) l/>w Fields* "About Town"Co, drew u large niidlence June 4.

lioittCK's Gi.kn.TtiKATni: (Henry Taylor,

ni'i linger '.--"The (iondollers" drew packed

houses al this popular amusement, resort last

week. 1> being the Miiuhatlnn Opera Com-pany's opening bill for the Summer season.

••Virginia" week of 10.

KiAi.Tfl (!•'. W. McOonnell, manager).

I'eople for wrjok of. 10: 'Myron and Klanch,Hick Vaughn, Messle Shafller, Trlxlc llennetr,

.Minnie Floyd, Vera Hopkins and HIJouMlgnon, Itlnlmseope and llluslraled songs.

Business Is good.Aoau Fi)W'Aiioii-Si:i,i.s linos.' Knows gave

iwn performances II, lo capaelly business.I

Ulii(chnmtoii.—At Hie Armory Thentre

(J. V. I'Tynn. resident uiannger) "When WeWere Twenty-one" pleased good sized housesJune *!-$.

- 4l »ii.i.i\nis.

Sjirlimlleld.—At Ibe Majestic (lien. Me-Maniis, manager) Livingston Stork t.'o., In

The Man from Kokomo," drew good bousesweek of June ,*t.

Oi.v.ucii: (Win. Jackson, manager).— Bill

week of ,'! : Burlesque, "Queen of the Orient ;"

Amy 1>C Maria, Francis and Cross, llrace

Smirks, Fontaine, Bcimcliiiinp and Fontaine,Ityiin and De Van, moving pictures, ThernuWiurjic, mid comedy, "Hotel l)e Hum."

FMl'ilit: (Johnnie Connors, manager).—Mill

work ot :;: Comedy, "O. K. ;*' illustrated

songs, Frances and lingers, Schepp's dogs andmuukeys, Nellie Uaymond, Olllc Wcstcrmun,mid twentieth century optlscopc.Wum: t.'irv I'aiik (.lolni U. Gill, mana-

ger).—week of it, free attractions. The Great.Nelson, band convert ft and T.

Xdtks.— Itarnum & Uulley's Clrctia ap-peared here June 1, and owing to a drench-lag rain, which lasted all day, the clrvuspeople were unable in raise the main tentin lime for Hie afternoon performance. How-ever, i in' night performance was given, underillttlculllcs. and. was witnessed by fully 4,000pi'uple. Those who braved the elements anda Mended lite night performance state that It

was the best show of the kind Hint ever ap-peared In Springfield The members of"The Man from Kokomo," which appearedhere all. week of *l, held a public receptionWednesday afternoon. Immediately ufter Hieperformance, which was attended by a largenumber of our prominent citizens Chat-Icrlnn'l Opera House closed June 1, and Man-ager runnel-inn loft for New York, where hewill spend some lime hooking next season'sattractkmm.

iv. .ein

At Main Street (Davis-Churchillcircuit, managers) I'uycen Stock Co.. lu

".Men and Women." opened the season June'.', to n crowded house, with the followingpeople in the company: Ida Olenn, Lea Heinclude. Jaisc Tyrrell, 1'nullnc deary, MarieHe Truce. Will L. White, Francis I'lerloit,

.laincii F. Fulton, I idward Cody, ltobcrt 'Hy-num. Frederick Telltscb, (.'has. C. Burnhnin,L. S. McKce. Fruuklln Whitman, B. W.Snow and II. C. F.dwnrds.

Staii (II. Waller Van Dyke, manager i.

"For Hie Ixivr of flold" was glveu by theslock company last week.SroxK ii it. i. iiAani:.\ (Frank Orave, man-

ager).—Tlie stock '.'imipnny, In "A MysteriousWoman," was the bill Inst wook.

Aiiiiiiimi: (Jim Buugh Amuse. Co., man-ngers).—Stock company, In "A ColoradoWaif," was last week's bill.

Wkast'h (Charles !'. flartson, manager).—Woek of June II: Burlesques, "The Ameri-can Minstrel In Turkey" and "Satan's Urlde ;"

Wilson Bros., Jennie Delmnr and movingpictures.

VinuiNtA llKAcu i Frank A. Ilcliieke. man-ager).—Week ot June :i : Corrlgau andHayes, moving pictures and dancing.

Al. l-'itii.si-o I'aiik i Vernon C. Seaver. man-ager).—Thore Is no change In I he bill. James'Brooklyn Military Hand continues lo please.It opens Its mint week, June ID.

.Wins.—.Itarnum U Bailey's Circus showedto full lent* -J Now Hie weather Is

warmer |hv outdoor ultrucHons <nre doinga heller business I). Owen Boon, ofHie tirnnd, Grand Itnplds, Mich., is assist-ant irensnrer of Main, Street, during theSummer season I'ugenc ]•;. Banner Is

the new lending man ut Stone Hill Warden.I'. I*. Churchill and 10. C. Burroughs

are here unending the opening of their stockcompany,

NorKS.-tMto Klrhtcr continues |« pleas*large audiences hi ilie Crystal, and busRained many admirers during his short slayere.......Sidney Uvy Is now at his horn's

here, after a siicressfiif season with the VogelMinstrels. Mr. Levy rejoins the show thelatter part of July. This week In Klks' weekit the park, and they have arranged a Halor outdoor attractions thai should make theweek -a record breaker In attendance.

Memphis.—At the New Lyceum (Frank(Irny, manager) "Fast Lynne'' was the of-fering week beginning June M. Matinees weregiven Monday. Wednesday and Saturday,and to crowded houses.Hum: (IlenJ. M. Stalnbnrk, manager).—

"My Wife's Family" was presented week of'J, lo satisfactory business and pleased Im-mensely. For week beginning 10. the SnowStock Co., which has closed n most success-ful season at the New Lyceum, opens foran Indellnite engagement, presenting "TheOnly Way." This company lias gained manyadmirer* here.

.Kast Bxd 1'ark (A. 11. Morrison, roaua

6*1.—The wentber being more propitious,week of •! proved more satisfactory to themanagement. The programme Included'Snyder and Buckley, the Marco Twins, JackWilson and company. Hie Juggling Mowatta,l'lerce and lloslyn and the kluodrome. Well'sAiorld's Fair Band Is a leading feature.

Faiiivi.anii I'aiik (K. O. Iteacli, manager).—Week commencing i', the stock companypresented "A Colonial tilrl" to excellent sat-isfaction. The outdoor attractions, were wellpatronized. "Trilby" is Hie bill for 1) andweek.

at city baseball park. June IT mid weekII. Sanger, representing the Cosmopolitansnows, was In town recently, and closedcontracts for the appearance of his companyIn this city. Kalpb Newman, advance agent,was also In cltv. The location being good, abig business Is looked far, as Hie town lias cer-tainly been well hilled.

Cellar Hnnldn.—At Greene's Opera House(Will S. Collier, manager* the Henderson

June for two

Knoxville.— At the Chllhowee Park(Harry Bernstein, mnnager) ibe Jewell-KellySlock Co. closed a very succi-Bsfu I four weeks'engagement here June 8. The plavs for theInst week were. "The Kii-KIiix Klan" mid"The Shadow." Wills Musical Comedy Co.opens a rour weeks' engagement 10.'

Ai'piiiiuiiiiM Kink iCIius. Me.Nnbh. man-ager) Is closed for Hie Summer.

Noth.—Jones Bros.' Shows bad big busi-ness .'!.

ClinlliiiKinail. \t the Wells BIJol) (Rob-ert L. Wayne; imiuugcri "A Stranger InTown" opened wlib nu s. It. O. house, JuneIt. for the week. "A SI ranger In Town"jo-ir..

Oi.ympia (J. A. Ii.ihln. manager) Is notdoing much business Hits season.

Nul'K.—The live ceni vaudeville and I lie

automatic vaudeville are doing good business.»«»

MINKKNOTA.>llii iicnp.. lis.—At l-he Metropolllnu Opera

noiise (!.. N. Seolt, malinger) Hie FerrisSlock Co., In "The Jad^e and the Jury."June nnd week. Tlie same company, In"I'lenpn-trn." report very line business 2 andweek, "Old Heidelberg," by the sunie com-pany, 10 nnd week.

Bijou Ockka Hoi'hi: (Then. L. llnys, man-ager).—"Our New Minister" and week."The Four Corners of the F.arth" report fairbusiness •.' nnd wck. "The Convict's (laugh-ter" If. nnd week,

I.vcki'M (I. C. Speers. mnnager).—"OliverTwist" and week. "All the Comforts ofHome," i* and week, had very good houses."Thelma" Klnnd week.

IIniqi'j: (.loh-n Killott, manager).—Mill for10 and week : .lolinsion and Leslie, Donovanand Arnold, Cumnilngs Trio, Karl (iardeller,llnrlnml anil lIoillHon, and Irene Utile, itnsl

iiess was very good :t and week.WosnKiii.A.Nii.— I'suul outdoor attractions.Bio Isi.Axn I'ahk.—Splendid outdoor amuse-


C111111111.--A1 the UIJou (Hook & Powel-noii. manager) Hie hill ibe past week was ex-rcpllonnlly good and lias been drawing goodcrowds. Week of June 10 will see Lou Nel-son. Meniii sisters, Jennings and Jewel,ItitnUin nnd Leslie, new Illustrated songs andblcliires, (ioo, and Leltlo IJupree, Chns. Cope-land anil (Jeorge Rrny.

N'o'iks.—The live cent (lieatre rnnllnties toplay 10 good business The three day cir-cus in be given under the auspices of K. otr. Lodge, on June lit. 11 and 15, promiseslo be a winner. Besides some one hundredlocal talent there have been about ten pro-resxhmnix engaged. The tent, which seats..•Oil, Is nil ready.

Alton.- -Hock Springs I'nrlt had pre-liminary opening on l)e 'nllon Day, butwill not ojien roll blast until June ic. J.Ltlgnr Collins Is managing this large cnlor-

Km* 0n ''pldny night, May ill, Ihe Western.Military Academy gave il beiielllt petform-ance for the new V. M. C. A. Home. Itproved highly successful, Ibe Temple Tboa-t re Is'liig packed to the doors.


Xiuhvllle—At the BIJou (Geo, H. Hlek-nian,. manager) "A Ilunnway Match" hadgomi business and pleased June il and week."a Stranger In Town" 10-lfi.

Casino (V, & Alley, manager).—"I'lnkOomlnoes" enjoyed good business 8-8. Feld-nan and Ball, singers and dancers, were thevaudeville feature. For 10 and week, "Don't'ell My Wife," with the following vaude-ville ocls: Anuelte Shaw. Fanny Llpman andSidney Levy.

Hii't'oiuiuMi: (\v. II. Bordleser, manager)."-•'lie bill week of 3 Included : Rogers and» liffonl. innglclans; Ben, Scott, with llltis-

tratrd songs and moving piclurea.Ciiv.st.m. (Wni. Wassuinn, maiiuger).—This

House continues with thriving business. Thisweek's bill Includes the Musical Shlpps nnd[Be moving pictures nnd illustrated songs.

S«. 1'iinl.—At ll:e Metropolitan OperaHouse il.. N. Scott, manager) the farewellweek of the Mack-Leone Stock Co., June il-

8, drew very good houses for Ibis populurcompany II: "llenrlsease." There Is. 11 uni-versal regret thin the engagement, was notlonger. Week of 10, the I'lnyers Stock Co..from the Bush Temple Theatre, Chicago, willo|ien In "The Christian." Tlie bill for thesecond week, 17, will he "tlraustark."

tiiiAMi iTIieo. L. llnys. wanageri.—"OurNew Minister" drew very good houses weekof ;l. nnd pleased. For week of 10, "TheConvict's Daughter," which will conclude theseason at this bouse.

Wi.Nfmnit 1 Smith II. Hall, manager).

Business was very good week of II. withtlie following people on Ihe stage: Mclveeand Van, Jessica, Clarence Snlglo and Kd.Powers. Some of the people for the week ofIII will be Shaw and t'lyfion and DaveItrodrlek. Others will be added.

IOmi'HIK (Sam Fink, mnnager).—Businesswas very good week of il. New people forweek of 10 are: The Clements and JamesDuugliei'ty. Those closing: The Orent Torjeyand Shaw nnd Clyfton. All others hold over,Including: Itiitli l.t- Van, Murtln Sisters,(lertrudv Leslie, Marvelous Jackson, littleDeimorc. Carroll and tiardner, TheresaKemp, Muble Ward, Brady and Hamilton.Birdie Van Hawk. Lurlle lllnlie, (irnee Mat-thews, nnd Delia Isard.

Diilutli.—Al the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall.inn linger I Itosello Knoll, In "Alice HI I by HieFire,' May iil-Junc 1, mnllnee and nlgbl,scored n hll. Lillian llusseli 7, N, itlclmrds.v 1'rlngle's ticnrglii Minstrels, for the KlksAnnual l-inlertalunient. Ill-lfi. In "KingO'Keefe In the Isle of Yap," under Ihe direc-tion of Tommy fietx.

.\Ii:tuii1'(ii.i-ia\ closed on June 1, perhapsnever to be opened ngnln, us all the buildingswill be removed for two blocks for the II. It.

depot.Hunt: fjoe. Maltland, manager). — Busi-

ness is Hie same week tiller week. The showsurn lining Ibe place nightly. Hill for weekot 10: John Walsh. Itoblnsnn and Oram.1 Ann-, nnd I Anns. Van Klein nnd Gibson,Buyer and Johnson, Isadora Silver, .las, Mc-Clcllan, llltistraied songs and moving pic-turas.

Cammri.1. Bttos.' ntnrtlia gave two showsn, to packed tenls.

Wiiitk Crrr.-.-Tlte dancing pavilion Is theonly attraction nt present, as Ihe weather buslM>en too colli for lent pcrforninnces.


IIiiImiiio...—At the Grand Opera House(Win, L. Bradley, manager) Hie regular sen-

son has closed. Tlie bouse will lie I noroiiglily

redecorated during Hie Summer, and whenopened again Its bookings will be controlledby Klaw & F.rlnngcr. Mr. Bradley, mana-ger, returned last week front a I'iiiroiienn trip.

BIJOU I Juke Rosenthal, manager) nils clonedIts regular season, which has been a most suc-cessful one. A supplementiiry kcusoii opensJune in. with blogrnpli pictures and Illus-

trated songs. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal (CoraBeckwllh) are at their Summer home atFienlivss Lake. Mr. Rosenthal's road showstarts out June If,, under canvas, under themanagement of Barney Rosenthal. The book-ing agency established here by Mr. Rosen-thal has been very busy supplying perform-ers for the county fairs.

UNION I'aiik.— The Royal llungarlnn Or-chestra began a two weeks' engagementJune 11.

Stock Co. return .Sutiduyperformances.

A1.A.M11 I'aiik Hi. K. Burton, manager).—Hood business, considering the cool weather,and this hill week of '.'

: Dixon, Bowers nndDixon, Ilagnn and Westc-nit. Foster and Hit-

ter. Senor tiorza, Ray W. Fay. nnd the klnetn-scrtpe.

Notes.—Tlie Bnrntim & Bailey advertis-ing car No. ii 1 opposition 1 was here il. 1.

and billed for Aug. Hi Cedar Itnpldssecond annual Chaiilainiua 1 Fuller Swift,mnnager) June IM-.'IO. on Cue College Cam-pus, will have a line programme.


Don Moines. — At Hie Ingersoll I'nik

1 Fred Buchanan, manager 1 (he programmeweek of June .'I intended big crowds. Bookedfor week of June III: Clivelle, FllznbeihMurray, Snyder and Buckley, Five .lug-jlliig

Mowaiis. nnd Mueller mid .dueller.

tiKNTiiv Buns.' Slinw pleased well tilled

tents May ill. June I.

John Kohinson Snow June IS.


TKXAS.Ft. Worth.—At the Lyric Hi. W. Iliirn-

htirt, manager) Ihe bill week opening Juneii Includes: McCune nnd (tract, McClottdand Melville. Golto, Fred Blount and Hieklnodrome. Parked houses continue,

Wiiitk Otv iJake Schwartz, mannger).

In Ihe While Rose Theatre Ihe Winner Vaude-ville Co. offer an entire change of bill weekopening .'!. The outside tiilruellons con-tinue 10 please and the crowds continuelarge.

Laki: F.we (Lee Fleming, manager).--Work is progressing rapidly on tills new pa-vilion ami theatre mid the contrarian an-nounce Hint il will he ready -.'.. The at-

tendance art his park Is heavy.Stanuakii 1 Frank Do Deque, malinger).

"The Moonshiner's Daughter" Is presenledby the stock company ibis week under I In-

direction of F.ugcnc 1'ilrklss. In the olio

are: .loo P., Green, Pearl Gllnmrc, RoseKillott. Maggie Brooks, J. P.. N. and GeorgiaPowers, Harrison Hull. Joe Irving, Christinel.e Miiyne and Hie blogrnpli. Business Ii

excellent.Nutk.—The new Vendome Thentre o|iens

10, ns u combination house, with Whitman'sComedians ns the attraction The SwnrBrothers, big fuvorltcs here, will presentminstrelsy under (heir own round lop tl-R

Houston.- Al the Lyric Theatre (JohnDlckcv. manager) huslness, with fair weatherJune il-S, was excellent. Tlie programmesatisfied. On the bill were: Klnxncss, the

Great Lawrence, Carl Brothers, Marie Monl-rose, and moving pictures.ami IbiMi: 1 Alvldn & Lnsserre. managers).

—Business is good. "Uncle Josh," a rural

comedy. Interspersed with songs and dances,was the feature ,'I-S. The people were thesame us last week.

1111:111.ami I'ahk Tiikatiii: (John II.

Keeunn. mnnager).—Kthel Morton, soloist,

was the an raeilon ii-M, and drew goodcrowds.

Hui'HTON- TllEATlit: (M. C. Michaels, tuiin-

liger).—Moving pictures are drawing line

crowds..Nutkk.—The local pnper proclaimed, with

authenticity, that the Interstate AmusementCo. lias piirrbnsed a site situated on TexasAvenue and Milam Streets, and will soonbegin the erection of a magnificent structure,lo be ready ns a theatre for the Fall open-ing Moving pictures continue 10 do anImmense business here, and all the places

lire lllled dally.

Clipper Post Office.

In order to nrold inintnkrs nnd lolamrr this nromitt delivery or tbolOKer* ajTrrttirl) 111 Oils lilt, mlenvelope plainly nddressril must becent for each letter, and • writtenorder for the letter, sinned relfa thefoil name nnd addreaa and the lineof tannine** followed br the sender,moat also be enclosed.Pleaae mention the date (or num-

ber) of the clipper In Wnlea lh*>

letter* aent for vrere advertised.LADITS' LIST.

Aim. Alice lOhutt. MayAlexander l-'ollce iici,



I'llbiril. Mloill"

'I'jnlllici Multelli.

.Vn-lier. Hetene Mareaerlte F. Palmer.Allen. Florems- (ilbh«. Mr». 1V111 KalberlneAII1I011. I'.titc linilrii Mrs.Alex. Powell. ItemAlfretia. I.u>nn lllliulstanr. bbi I'mrbs-

Arnold. Hlailys |llnrner. -Mb" I'ca-lei. u-nli

11,-11- Malile ili.vln Ivn-oiliy ['null. .Mmlge1111.111. Miirkei Koirer. Marie

llolllver, llelle IRoU'rlS, K.lll.l

ilrny Sylvia A. tltevcrle llliuielie

Oortloa. Amy iltuwan, LnnxlnuHrlltilli Miss 1.. nVyimlils, llllu

llnyell. Helta iKimmills, I'vn

llnwllHiriie Aniy.Kuiiiscy, l.lllle

Hill. .Mrs. can- IraImir, .Mis. rt,

4 llllls'i:.il.,ii.l .MrsJiic'i

ilcrirnn. Itnvlc ,lHelinrtl'«ia MI--S

Unities Itcalrleeiltimkel. I'tirbui"

lloii-lno Ileal lleiUimkel, .Mrs. M.jlnrliuiit Adebiilc



Ilriio.n. Nellie11..1 iicn, AnnaBryant. VlolerII.S'SOO. LuluHnilis, Ibillle

Hell. ACOISblItuvie .Murle

Hurry. Iteim

lb-> -nil.

Vlnlel (loe.)liny nc. ttimelliiirbi.ur. NinaItlekle. Mrs.u.l.

Blanche LunelleIln-nuan, Syliyl

I'.n.iiii. LuluIt.-.ti.l. Miss Al.

Ibirbin Mrs.U-iyIlllllU'llillll.


Peimelt. Mnl»Itersieln. Itcrihn• Hark. MnyPlinse. Mlsii l~Ciirleloit. Alley

Casnll. VlrulolnC.illlns. F11III1

r.iorllno.l l.rn.'f

Clark, llelle

t'liaeiimiiileririide B.

Clnocy ilerlrii'le

1'iirr. Mrs. J. It,

r.iuiilniMl lime.,

irniie Mrs. S.

north, lilnncheCool. Ilernbs.

Ii'lvr.v Alurtkbte!>• .\n:i I

SistersIS'sMomla .Millie

IS- l.nis'y. MnfleIh-l-'ori'sl CnrbH'lioosbis, MioelIliiilil. MnrleDavis. LalllOllrnke. Mtss I-'..

Ilnylell. Slndi'i

De lleiiu, .MnrleHiitTy. .Mrs.

Kiiiinelt, Km ht

l-ivelyo, AnnieIjlwinils Ml-s JKillott, Helenl-'.viins. Mrs. K.Iliirl, I .obi

l-'ournlcr Minutel-'i.inklln.


I'rillihllli. Inrrlel-'ox, HarnetIViy. KllleI'loveiiee MnrloiI'l-liei-. Mnel-'raalilln I'ilennr

I ..v. 11,1111.'

Franks SotiIHi*


Mnrciirlii1 0II1111I. May

.Iniit.-*. -fiiliit K,leiikln-.. ILirryKlllcfit I'lios.M

Kltia ii' K'ikiiinti

Co.. Mar.Kei«|i, IniI.

helniMv, 4.

KeiHlall FraiikMKohler. i>.

tvellv. WallerKlni-k. II.

Kelly. K. A.Kent. < leis.

Kelley * lilbsoii

Klnc * StaaaeKelly. I'luii. J.

Ke liens. The II

Mrkpairlck .loo.



lull 1. Alfre.1

Kramer. I'red

Kins. Ib'.v

K-lbnnn. It

Knlins, aKlmiiliini, l.eslk

Keiuiedy, A.Kcitinsl.v, II. J-

loll.. AlfrislKelt-no. I. J.

Kane, MorrisKaiser. J.Kiilb. I'red C.

Lnwliniee. l-i. A,

Leo. FrnukIcwIh. j.:c.Lyilini, M. W.Lewis, (isisir

1. 11 Mar, Wiiynel.e lelwre, 1 1. J.

1,1-sIIim. TinbM-ke«. Tin

Hauler, Lesliellisllli'll. I.UClIu

11. .in. r iteuevi've

Ibiwtinl. II. lly


I'tenl. I'iiisv

ltil>'lir... I'.illicr

'tnssell, Mn)Ibiwiinl. illcmiyi||iiss.>ll liisiritln

Mule, jlessle iKrrere. MurleIllinium, Miss HIRIiik, lllnnrlicl.ittui-il. Kllle

Hiirliry, LnurtiHomer. Miss (i.

Hun tie inn- Amyll.irloi'k. Violet

n|. i.'laliv ClaireSub IL.nunhlelu, liraSnilili. MayHinl Hi. She

biwtii'ii. Moon isniiili'iir.l N'urlell

Irvlie.'. Vli.-.- Isuirli. Tlllle

JeWell, Battel Hlncltilr. Ilnf.el

Jnnsiii. Mnrle sterns, May

DiiIIiim.—Swor Bros.' Minstrels, June 3-

,1, under the mnnugemeul of W. II. Itlce,

were honored In Iheir own city on Ibe open-ing night, filling their large tent, and turn-

ing many nwii.v. They gave n uiosi credllaldelicrforinancc.

Laki: Ci.iit Casino iC. A. Mangold, miniager).—The Hnldwln-Mclvllle Slock Co., In

"Under Two Flags,'' pleased good patronageCV0I.K Paiik TllllATtlH (W. II. McAdnnis.

mil linger 1. My rkle Harder Slock Co., Ill

"The Flshermon's Daughter." pleased.Nuw Lvnii' Tiikathk ilidwln Fdwards,

innnnger).—The current hill Includes : TheWrrnlK Dun, F.dwln Fdwnrds, Lou Kneizgcr.and Hie Three Wlllnrds

Noti:.—Lynder ItCckwIth, the portraitsinger, Is iptlte III here ill Si. I'liul's Sunlta-rluin.

Oaknlonaa. — The Masonic Opera - House(J. Frank Jersey, manager) Is dark, and toeseason Is practically closed. Mystic Shrlnershave the house June l'J. The house will thenhe turned over lo Improvement contractors,under supervision of Mnnager Jersey.Pons (Hewitt A Duncnn, managers).—This

house did good business week ending June I,

which closed the season. The company de-fmrieil June si. lo show under canvas, open-ng nt Kddyvllle, June 0, for a three days'

si nnd.Xiitkh.— Cosmopolitan Shows vol) exhibit

I. 'inline-. Miss AKetiihill, K11I1.1M

Klmliall ilriiisdt

Kerr, IharlKirk. Aiiiiii

.Jin.in .leiiiiueK

l.inn.101. JennieI m-ell Sisters

Leslie, tlllle

Wells I'lirry

Lit Veil.-., MabelLit Tour, l.ollle

l.nssne.l. .Minnie

Diflns (irnee Wl.uelfer. Mrs. L.I.yinno, Hriieel.ollsilnle, Mnblel>s*. Ilestrlee

Morilui. I.llll.'tii

.MeMlllllll. I.ldll

Morris, MissMoore I'torelieel".

Maurice, Mrs..Mnury, .Nellie

Harris Mrs.UsniMurray.

KIlMihrlli M.Marinw ISirmhyMadden, ThelmaMnylleld, Slell.i

MeAibon WinnieMnliir, I'lonneeMiller, MissMarks, Mnlilc

Smller. J.wleSiiIIIviiii Mistier.

Siiiilers, PearlSlnley, VlnlelSiwili, OliveStevens, KiltieMir I «, inn,.

Mneliilr. Mi.iitle


Stewart 1 <iiiis'n

Slew nil, l.lMleTniy. Jessie'i'liiiiniis, HildaTllllln;isell,

Mnladlell..ir«l.ui flrnee

Till He Mrs, A. I'.

I'cniu el Iiurntli.v

Villi. Olllllis

Van Camp ItoseWallers, dtneeWesterfeli ViolaWlllsli. I''., II

Ward. MnyW'eslnn il*l'lyile

VViilson. LillianVfimilivnril.

II. .III.' I'.

'.'. in.

Mrs, Tb 11

Wrluhi. I,nunWllllatiis. HelenWare. Vlralul.i

Moore, Isinellti 'uvii'li, I'lierrv

Myers. It.t'n nil. I.-. I.uellle

Mlllturii lii-iieel.'woo.lwnril.

Moor*, Helen Di.llle 1'.

Jwsle! Warden, Ksicllellnllicn-s. /.,>. iivilhird. U11N1Mnrlen. Hassle Wlllim, 1Mb'

HisnlrldKC Kiln .Murray, Klbel 'vvillloins. Hell

tiraiil, -Nidnoii, Mrs.l'.J. Vntew. ilrni-i*

Charlotte I.. Olt'iitt. Vern '/nllinini I'niillne


liiilnedvllle. At Hie Aiiililorliim (Kd-moiisoii ,\ Gallia, mnnagers) Lew VlidenStoi-k Co., June 10 nnd week.


Port lii nil.—Al the Itelllg (W. T. Pangle,ninnager) llenrlellii Crosmnn had fair busi-ness May L'7-^0. In "Allof-u-Siidden Peggy."Annie ttussell also bad fair business :;o-Juiic

1, In "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The(heutru will Is; dark 1111III 11, when LeslieCurler will appear, In "Dtt Barry." OilsSKlnner comes it), II, In "The Duel," nndDnckslitder's Minstrels for 12, lit.

M.muji am Gita Nu (S. Morton I'olin, mana-ger).—The San Francisco Opera t.'o. enjoyedgood business week of Mny 'J7, In "TheStrollers." "tllroflc-tllrofln" will ls> put onJune il, and "Dally Varden" 10,

Main 1 Geo. L. Baker, manager 1.—TheBilker Theatre Co. hud two fair Ionises, -J,

which began Hie last: week of Its engagement.The company did fair business week of MayI'll, with "The Dairy Farm." The entireseason has been highly successiiil. ThePrince nnd Ihe Pauper" comes June 0, /.Inn's

Travesty Co. HI.

Lyme (Kealliig & Murphy, managers).

The Allen Stock Co. week of ii, presenting"Sins of the Father."

Staii (James II. Frrlcksmi. mnnager).

The Star Sloes Co. week of June il, present-ing "Darkest Itnsslit."

i in a nu (James II. F.rrlrksnn, manager).

The bill II nnd week Included : James 1n.1l

Sadie Lconuril and Klchnrd Anderson, hi"Mile. Manhattan :" Harry Booker company,Miller and McCnnley, John and Mae Burke,Clever I'onkey. Mile. Caiitareiill, FredericklloherlR, nnd the Grnndlscope.

I'antaokk' 1 John Johnson, manager).—Hillweek of ii Included : F.lvcrla, the Itussell

Finally. Ihe Froinnns, Gordon nnd Chacon,Nancy Itlce. Leo Wn.ie, and the blogrnpli.

Fiiit/.'h (Joe J. west, mmiiivrrl.— Bill forweek of il: Claire Stanley, Fny Leslie, Vir-ginia Vernon. Marlon Atwood. Mrtltlc Mntbe-son. Josle Myers. Bonnie Bonnie, MickeyFeeley, Adelaide Stewart, Wilson nnd Lei.

center. Jones mid Itaivollc, l-iibel Smith,Josephine Gordon. Mliintin. Lillian Starr,Lnurlne, the Great Dill. Dick llitlclilns. BretCarter. Kdna Minor, the Stocktons, FrankLambert, Ibe Wheeler Sisters. Jeauelle Du-prey. May Jolly, llelle Donald. Agnes Conway,anil the slock company production.

II.w.k'n Stknic Toi'n di' Tin: W01tf.11 (Fred, I'rllr., mannger 1 con Unites to do good busi-

ness.Oaks Si'.mmm I'.uik ill. ('. Frcemiin. mnn-

ager) enjoyed Ihe most successful nnenlug ofIts career, Mny .TO, This Is Hie third yearIhe park has been open, mid the business,both In respect to admissions nnd conces-sions, lias exceeded that of Ihe previous years.SclillvoiiHil's Hungarian Hussars, who nreengaged for leu weeks, have given entiresatisfaction. The Great Davenport begins 11

Ibree weeks' engagements J J,

Adams. MartAdnlr. Juliolliiuiii linn

Allcs. FelixAi.IiIiii, II.

Aibims, KuaeneA1I11111-. Win. .1.

Ailliik'ion, in-. 1.

Atlnnr. Will. M.Alls'lly. UntilAlieiirns. Ilie

Albllll. ilco.


Ailnins, AndyAlsirn, Messrs.

A sla Irs, heAll, SideA bin. l-'r.'d

Pol tlliere. Nedinn ns. Mo myllauer, Then.Itnllllie. t\'. A.

Itowle, I.. I-:.

I'.ryiint, SamBeeiner, W. H.

Ilonesettl, Alt.

Itrowii, Wni.Itiumcsscn, t'nrl

Itnidsliiuv. J. Klliirrelt. Toolliu-li, II. &De Vear Trio


Hilly k imlsylii-.ni in, Joelliir.i, Itlliy

Brady. ItnyIhsison, T. J.BarlowsLumen. J. M.Itllx, Henry U.Bilker, JohnII.. v.l. J. II.

Burma Frank Clliirthohll Amlyltiisliy. J. M.Ilnekley. l-'loyd

lii.i.H. OwenHanks, J. fkHeliannl. Sidneyll.illei ,


llnyer. I.. M.luirlnw Lnwrneelliirrelt Kdinomlll.ii Inn. Jus. II.

Ilryson, J.

Its rues. I'.. M.Ilnl'liely. C. F.llemi, I). II.

11,1 1 let I A


lliirbiwellrnekell lloblA.Ililglilid. .Wni.Iliiiniell, (Ico.

Ilulsiiek 'lliisi.

iii-iiu.. s, Tfcellnrlow- AiWIIsonlu-rry fc Berrylleiiuir. I'rof.

Buck. II. It.

lllilcy, Kilpirllyrne, J. V.I)rccti. HarryllroMiilee Itlterd

Italley. J.1I111

Hell, itolicrt

lllark. KII011Ibiinniily, Joellass, J.

Collar. B. K.Clieeny, rims,rarl Pros.

Case, ciini-lle

Only. Mori J.

Corliell 11.11' I'

Oiwsrove J0I111T.

I'liK'ker. <".

Clark, «ill.vI'l.tiiiii l-'riiuk AI.on, W. A.Curtis. Kit.

Calu, A. F.

Conway, NickCllll-.i.l. Hill

Cnailn. U. F.( ..hen HumCleveland Claudflitttkn *


t'nrney, lloe.

f^nuik, I'retl

Craver, Win.Coles, TheCarleion hTerre("lurk. HarryClark, Hen. s.

luiViirncy, I'lill

I iiiiv.iu A II. m:hHeWi.ir, DICkDn-lilngliiit. Al.rsiberly. Joe I',

IVadae, S1.ol1.nl

Iliivi'-i|..rl , 11.


It. me, nil

IUII..U. W. A.Ik. bl, lie. IV. K.Ilitiii.viiu. Jas.ltHiiWHini. II u-i-y

Hiirllmt. S. I'.

Heaves, W. K,IInoclilie. .1. I-

ik.vic. I.. K,Hfilngblie .1. \V.

Diivln lien. ''.

IS' KHtraii!!. L.

He W..111, ,1. II.

Italley. Ilco. K,liiiiiwui. Hon S.

He 1 1. lien. Mr.(t Mrs. t.'nri.'i'

ImvH. F. K,1 11

11 me. Illsi,

ilium Jus. A,

nattier. A. C-Doyle, l-lil.

jie.iuiii. Frankliiiiin & Harryliinlelk'b. HulllUU/iili. IS'WJinws.in. Benfbdy, A. II.

Ililliuul. C. II.

loi llnls. HurryHull- Sum II MJ... Us, I'lllK. II.

Ili'l'erly. Jii".

KHIMKI-. Jllllllll

Keener. F.'.illls ,\ MoorKateMHi, Ja^. KKllweml, Hilly

Kvnas T1I1.

Knins. II. J.

'Irllols, I". W.Knaare, RiauaaKoglbli. HurryCller, W. A.I'lckels HWiiriierKoi'llsb, lllllli-

K 11 ns. Allenl-'rill.-eelll it


i'arle. T. I.

Flniaonl, JasFool, John

I'lirlo. Caselta I Km, Bert L.C'olwni, <Sin».

i.'iiinenin. film.Copcliind, Curl(Mrititiiii KmmelCirrira. II.

Colorudo (JrantSlvnv

(.'(•ii'ielly. IluahCnrll.iifi Misb.Vi.

Clark. Mr.Chlnka, Mr.Cnrinislr. Jas. Ft'ross, Johni-oiiiii-, II. I).

Cougar, Hen.f.'ady, FnslCole. ins.

Hirst, HairyFowler. I". A.Cui. Mr. * MrsFlynn. JohnPnrrell * ls-llny


MysteriousFroslo, Clin».Kr«llel»co«. \i

Frees, JacobKo«, HarryFtlince A Pa miceFields. John

I'lrniuii Lesteriitiiklln, P. C.laffy. Tlnls,

Haul. I. K.biltaoiiv, The:...nun, Arthuritirmi.vl, Oeo,Irani, Cllf.

Htibs, V, II.

Irimdl, llolairt

luii-lsiio, Julesbii'iiiiui .' M'eslI1.110. C|.as.

Iiwn, A. W.lleinau, J. I..

Iiilluulier, <>'-'

llordon, I'll IT

ireii... Jackllorlon's MIU'

siielk, MM".1:111 lb os, Mbi

alivls, .Met.

ilrci'ii. II. T.'lliilolel:.', MIk.lirnhaiu. Win.illlinon-i, Tlieiii-llllili. John1 1 at- e hi« 1 1

mi. .1.

II. s.p. 1 HarrteMHull, no..Iliminiouil, J. II

I III 11.!-. I.


ibilluii-iiv. II.

Hare. F, L.it.iMkbiH, i-:. i".

llllllllc.V, .1. II.

Bill. Iliiuilii.ui

Ibiwiinl Al.liulei-

IjllllsAII, ll.llll

Harvey, Clile

Hem, Franklliil.lsivijl'lll 'III f

I lull. Is. I'eril.

Ilclrlv AI'reseolt

}b:i 1 -a. Tomlellileisoli, II.

tlnsllns. Hurryjlnriter. I lurryllyile ,V llenlb

lllllli, M. A.Hull. A. I'.

Iliilliiii.l, /.ntBoll, A'l"-rl

jlassev H.A wifenmllti Itlebtiril

llbl.ll".l, A. .1.

nw.nil * Tiiff

iias, n-eiirnit. mnyOOkllll, I'll I/,

llllner, Uhillanilllnti < Imrle•IlL'lll. .Her, III'.

I in. -rl.i, Hillyiliitiiliviii-lb.


llearn. BarryHarris. II4-U

llutiroril linvl. I

Harris, fiiii

Hiiliniin Bros,IIiiiik & <"".

Iltiillb'.i. Hell

Howard, II. J.

I'nilei. M. I'..

Illir.r.uil, lleit.H

IIIIVIICK, .1. H,Co lines. Will. II

Il11u1011.il. I.

I'm 11 it

llofiui, Mr,lilelde, It. 1.

Ilullla, ll'Hltl

lliirle.i.u. 11.1

lie una. A.Hn lues fc

lit -OKI e

lldrih. Link.IjlillVey, L. A.Iinhof. ifniter

.ulies 1 II. J..i'1-sey I'.ullill It.

nliiisnu, ('. J.

Ollllk.lli, .1. II.

Jaeirer. Air.Uanls I Tii'liir

Matthew" Jus.I'

MeNalr. Jar, It

Men 1, 1 111 lm. Air,

Miirrr.' PummelAlack. Joe 1'.

Alalia. 1'iinl

Mtiseii. Jiibn

Merrill, S. I».

Alansfrbt. HnM.Mllcliell. BarryMaraar, .t.Tiieo

Mnrvioi-., Tlie

Miller, ii. tt'.

Mucks. .Musical

Meiice. M. «".

M.tn-eiui UrnMn.li|i.\ ll's'il.


Mantley. «'. •'.

liorrell. Isuils

Xertli, SimriN al tun Humid I

Melmls I". A.Nuitelnir Ilea.

\ewin in. Vleiol-

Name, It. N.

Nan, F-.i. 1*.

.Vciuuiiii VlelorXnvel, I". II.

Vnoel .V A.biiiis

.nlell. Tommy

.illrlea. W.linen. Wallace1I1MI A Klrleyiirvllle, C. T.illcntl. II.

firth. Frank, illrlcn .V

Hnekleyil" Urine Michael1 lltnls- I'tiiiilly

Dvwe, Cbas. 1'. .liar, Walie.I.iililiiiau. W. I". I'nrlsh 1'rlcst

l.itiiens.cr Irvlm: Co.. Mcr.|,e lien; Purler t'hh'k

l.lodley. Hurry Toners. .1. T.


I. inn. 11 llnrrv II. I'rlis-. J. II.

I,e«ls. B. J. I'tirker. II.

I. .lid. I'nyloii, Wm.I.i iilanche. I'iiiiird. A.

Mnreu« ('.ill. J. «".

l.tisH.-ird. Louis t',siris». Alf. A*.

It, I'obile. W. loner. II. II.

I.11 Pearl Wesly;i'n)ite. II. C.I.ionl. Hurry l'..rl«. J. I..

Divett, live Jlvarsiui, W. L.

U'lln. Chns. ,1'aliucr, II I..

Ill Hell THn l|'bllll|is Alio. J.

Lu Itose. IV-rt I'hlliii.s. M. J,

Is'wls, Harry PWIlIns II. 0.

Lvnniii Bros. Powers * l'ree.1

l..iuibiii-il Pros, 'r.iteu M'lelclier

l.ewlni. Waller 'I'leeltbiniil

I oey & l.n.-li-i- { I.ml

I. .too.'. II. F. I'aulo. Alfredt.i.ivi-etlee. Iterl I'.nvlev 1111


lel.'lieinlel.ll. A. I'llllng, Wm.Merrick. T.un ,1'rbs- J * MnMAlack. .1. II. ,1'crlcrsoii

Mui'liliy. J. F. i FamilyM.okii.i Andrew Qulubiii. HonMeeliuit. W. A. I.'isleaule. D.Melr. Adam ItiH-kwrll, .1. u.

ycorrlsou I'atiur Knblilns. Win.M'isbe.', Jas. Itoilisilell. I^nds

Mnri.liy, W. J. Itnlin'y, JackMelii.iiiilil. Mm Iti'uuii, Chns. FMuriiliy. w. II. Itolllus, Itnbili

Morris, Percy ' Itnsskiiir. Frlla

Mahnrs. W. A. !lanit<il|ibs UrolMarrlll. P. A. Held. M. A.Mnrvl, Jack l.'vnsr, Hurry II

MlHlml. Hit Itolu-rsim.

Monies. II, T. T..n. k I.on

Maiiet, Jack 'Itussell. I'reil

Mutdler, fid. A. Ileisler, Ii. A.Mil. lib. \, I'l'llllU .lu«-ell. I'M.

Miitlili.v. Mr. k ltti.ll-.ltl. Il.ih

Mrs. Mark IhnVHs. J. T.MiaMrls. The ilicyisilds lllelul.

Ml, in-., Il.s. ;lleii,iil.l. I'. II.

Miivnllo jllntb. Cliits.

Mioi'.-iuiii .lack Iteter, II.

MrKrc. HarrvK. I..11111. F. W.McAiilllle, .lere Itiissliiini I'liusll

MiioiiiiiMo , lieeil. sum T.I 'tun. Trio 1 Itussell * Harts

Mario, lieruee Ajllbodrr. Vn.Mario! Kosm. lien. \Y.

.Mason, I'ratikF.llteyiiaril. MSM.N.illl. lieu lltiiyiumiil, L. It.

Morrill, (lias. ' Kli-liiM.tsii'i Willi

May. Allen Itnss, it. II.

Moulder. T. <.ibariMi. Kd.Miller, l-i. Leon Spuna. Ilyiim

.Moss. Henry siniiiird. Htiriv

.Mlllllee. W. II.

Moss, C. S.I'll. hell II. I

4yiTealer, t'. v'ol'jiliil. Mils.Sharp, llllly

MiiClelland, C.A'Sliea, Tims. F.

Mel.inialilbi, 'Shrnrer. TnhiuiyMorris 1, Swor. Wm.

Miettan, Hurry , Slnnloli, Will

Mm inn. I'lill Seville ,\".

Mollis, Hilly Slil-clttilll. Jtiel.

Mills, JOr II. Moo.iiiiiii. i.'ha-i

Mix, ('. I.. sin, ok. HarryMussey. Al, Seldmi. ili"i.

.Mitchell, F, Al. >lgim. Ureal

S|a-i i, Jas.

imhaatt. Wai.HSetton. Ilnrri

Sinllb, I'Uns. II-

Hawtelle. J. ALStilllvan. S.Snoner. aim K.mMtaran R'.P.Kilter, <i. I.

>t C'alr. .lis.

Stevea>. II. I.

Sanlnn, I'lanK .1

slock Wall. I'.

SlrrnajnSllter. .Iti".

fkln's. TheSeniniers,

Harry I'.

»l. Onm-, Fii-d

Scbitllk. I'red .1

Smith's I'll.'lc

Haatkera, lu-nSwnty . Ilarrrl..stllllii- I-'. «Slniyne * tirin I.-

Sylvester,I..IWTCO e

Strleklln. HamMM •Wcslhrool;

Wley. Wm, I'

Miai'i. time..siiliiiuii, ilea, aSavoy, llei-l

Slaiiiiiini, p. J.Slewiiri. W. I.

Sprlaaer, K,Sadler KiomliTO, Wm.trallna FrntdillTa vernier. Allu.Ta seolt'Irevellek. F. It.

'jorlot, K.Tewksbnry. ILKTeni|s's|. L.Ttieker. FrankTrlssell, L.'Ilionois Franki'.T. Cabin Mar.

Trimble, Hoo.MTosslck, milsriThompson A-

i 'uric-'I'eaae R DanielsTenner, k.Tesster, Wm.Tims. WallerI llnlii. .ti-, Hist. II

Tettliiy, llui.-i

Tisiiuri.tou .V


I'eimysmi, Win.t slier. .1. II.

Viiruey, V. A.Vet oe lo, l\ Al.Veitiiei, II. II,

Vivian.Viilciillne, S.Vbloey, WillVerona, F. P.Vlis>. FishI M.•Vest. in. 1 1 remWont Is. A. J.iVIIIs. John II.

iVnlllnu, Wtilnl.A'alsoti. I 'litis, II

iVauncr, K. I'.

(Vesl X (t I'lirti

IVIIHliiIlon ILK.Ward, II.

Won, I. I'riiiiel"

Wliliaiiiii, KillsWisi.l Hoi-Wild. Hill)

Willis. I

Wiiisoa, Jna, K.Wilson. Tom I.

Wall. J. D.Whig, JackWilliamson V. S.Waters. .It.s.w.

Whltiioin. Ii'ino'.

U'.-liloii. Ism. 1.


Welsh. I. A.Wlllbuos. Kit.

Wissl. SI.toe .1

luleWatson. Hen,tycisb, .1. c.Wol ford

Slock i'ii,

Wilson, ilaiWells. ||.

Walker FranuTWills, A, W.Whitney, C. .1.

Wlllli JoeWealims, 'I lie :i

M'ral, HefoieslWilson, 0. II.

W.ii.l, WillWilson. I'reil

Von UK hull'" I. •

Sioynrns, TheJienhn. They.itouiii. F. P.

lord. Clint (i. .lours, J, A.Flarer. 0. Al. iJMtnne. J, D.

i -'llsaerald VV.II. Jnlilisim Tr'n"i'l.l. Vernon iiillnu, Mtrtlo

('rule. Bleb W. , -'iirrell Billy .Jills- J. s.

Chlphl, IlenJ. li'rK'innii, John Johlisnn, Fred

Zeb, Jolly



iviin.ns <n> Al the Sbuberl TheatreI Waller Sanfiiril. niniiiigerl Jue Weber anil

his nil star company etiiiie Julie y-o, presetu-

lug "Dream City*' lo very gond business.

Tills will close Ibe son al tills house,Wii.i.ih W'otiii Tiica i in: id, D, Woodward,

inannueri. -• KHiol Bnrryinore, In "Cniilalii

Jlllks/' nunc it K. wllll inatlliee, In big lilts].

tire*. This will close lite season Of Hll* Un-it I re.

Gll.l.ts Ol'llllA IIiii-ki: 111. S, Ilrlgliiiin. manager).—Last week "Adrift In I fin World"was fio-uiiiaie hi having enrtt wcitiher. coif»ei|iienllv business Was good. This week""The Dfuiiionil King" will close the Ni'iisoii,

which has been Itjf filrly-snven weeks' iliirn-

Hon: the record for any loclll I ben I re. Thehouse will reopen In July.

Acni'initn si ((l. D. Wrtoiliv.ini, iiiniliigei').

— bast week, Harry lleresford nnd Ktiiiiui

Dunn, I Ibe Jtltlge and Hie Girl," for llmtlrst lime here, minified- a largo nndlence.The slurs were very good In their respectiveroles. This will probably close I lie season 'ii

this house.lil.KI.TIHC I'AIIK I Slllll Bi'hJlHIllll. Illlllla

l,ci').- -lillery's Blind cniillntii's lo be the prill-

clptil onislile all ruction. Ill lllc Village. Hie

nets last week were: Tlie lilellliinilei- Urns..

In it musical I it fit ; Hie Messenger Hoys Trio,

III lllil'hioliy: Kit'.. Major, voenllsl, and lib'

ii'ltniii'k" Hiirneii Trio, in songs. This week :

.Newell and Nlblo, Xciiliilud, I'aulliie Miirnii,

mid Devlin- and Williams.FimiiMT I'aiik (Ii. K. IliiMsell, innniiger).

Lcnge's lloiol eiiiiiliini-ii. In the I ben I re HieBoston Ideal llporii Co. sung "Stllil I'lisbn"

III a very acceptable milliner. This week,"I'lliitfore."

Faiiimiu'XT I'aiik. (W. F. Sltillh, niatitigei'i.

— II bier's Military Band continues and onSunday* special balloon races and high divingili'ls are given.

caiimvai, I'aiik, Wesl Hide (Wm. Winch,iniinagcrl. Laiiihlnse's Itoyal Vcneiliiii llniiil

conllliltcit, The viiiidevllle acl* Inst weekwere : Itussell mill Held, In songs awl dunces ;

Mexican Hei'i'lliaii, In il sleight of IiuikI nil :

Chnpiniin and Nelson, flcrobuls, and Nublettonil Mnrsliiill, sketch team.

I'l.H't'KiHA'iiH.—Manager A, .tiidnh, of the

Grand, iiceoiupmiled by Mrs. Jinlnli. left J.

for New York Clly, from Whence they will

go on a flailing Irlp to Belgrnile Lukes, Ale.

Will II, Winch, who bail cluirge of Hiepress work hi Ibe Orphrum for Ihe nasi:

Ave seasons, and who lias been aeilug In nlike eapiiclly for Forreal I'nrk Ihe Inst iwnseiiMins, lias been unpointed Ihe new managerof Carnival I'nrk, Wesl Hide., Fred Peel,

wit* In the rli.v mannglng the Weber Show.

st, Joaeitli.—At Tool lea IC. II. l'ltlllev,

niniiiiger) F.lliel I lurrymore, in "caplnlnJlrtk*/' find a large ami well pleased audi-

etice June i"i.

lltlvHTAi, iFreil Cosninii, innnnger i.--Thispopular house Is playing nuiUuiinlli id i-u

imcltv business, Tim hill week of (l Includes :

l.e Will nnd Ashmnre. Wither Spencer, HarryFitzgerald, Wm. Moore, and Irene Allen nndeoilipnny.

Aiiiiintii: if. I'. Phllley. mnnngcr).—TtmLyceum Stuck Co. continue lo ill'tlw large

audience altlioiigh cool wen iher. prevails,




Used exclusively in all of the largest and most successful rinks in America, and by all of the most



RIFICE QUAL1TV FOR CHEAPNESS. We carry a complete line of rink accessories, including median.™ h^.^^^S^^^QW^Pm^6^v^wardrobe tickets, lithographs, electrotypes, uniform?, floor brushes, gongs, etc. Write forjhe most completejoHerjkate^ajalogue ev«^ROLLER RINKS. « . ~ * . * « «~ - ^ = ^ « •

BEARING SKATES. _Dt skaters in the world. We hold every world's record. WE DO NOT SAC-

brass bands, floor surfacing machines, maple flooring, admission, '

ctrotypes, uniform?, floor brushes, gongs, etc. Write for the most completerairai^™""^™- - = aU,a. ffg\RICHARDSON BALL BEARING SKATE CO., 501 Weils St., CHICACQ.



ParlorShoe Store

47 1 6th Ave.. 2Slh St., N. Y.

Stage SlippersMAIM'. TO OUUBH ISi l*£ uncus



Moving Picture Machines. 1'iiiiin ami song slides,

P.oughl, Sold. Kcilted aud Exchanged,HUPPLIHM OP ALL K1XU8.



SOUBRETTE,I'd Juln on wire. Olhei'.s llml wrote huftw, wrlleigulli. HACKING STOCK UP.. C'llHHCOtllB. Mo.



WANTED AT ONCE,For Summer Stock and Regular Season,

Woman lor Characters and Some He; vies,


'hi piny purl-.] Oilier Useful Hep. People, wrlle.Muirltid people preferred. .Mii'T lirtvt- ability, ex

~d wardrobe."

„ lloii'l nilmvpn-i ill. Jnlnmid open al onpe. AtlillL'la ll.OUlS DEAN,

.prllc In i- lilt'

Ntll«l ._M»r.,l»KAN STUCK eo.,JuutiHhoro, Ark.



Past Iwn HOiihDUH at Trent Theatre, Trciituii, N. J<Address HAHItV CRAVES,


ttntuil Union, Hotel, Troy, S. Y.

wanted" pott••"

J. W. SHIPM All's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co,M »" fin Tn|i«j , \» llli Mioiiu N|ii-i lul-

Ivi Trombus t>, B. Mint (>.;

dim li.il, II. una O..1. W. SIIIPMAX, Hnoftlck Fulls, N. V~ 14: Williamsloivu, Musv, I,'.; ItendHlioio, Vt.. IT; Wilmington,vt„ In; Hnnthboru, Vt., ID. , t ... ;

PM OR JOUSE NAiMSSend open nine, ullUcr Circuit ur-Stoek, SummerMiiHlRttl Ooinody, ID Hoopla (New-York, ivun.,Muss.- or Conn.). Managers icnd open time Sepl.,Out , .Nov. Mid lli'C. lor "Blue llouvilJr." HighOho)* MiisIciiI Comedy inn binlosiihe) hi People.Addrosa I). 8KAM0I : R, OUurolilll Hotel, X, V. aty.

ROLL TICKETS.''.WW, your own special tickets, numbered eonsecu.lively iiml jmrfurotcd on i in' roll for tl.25- " rt

Ihomiliiples. NATIONAL CARD CO;. Shiiuiokill. Mil.

<. For Satin,

Uncle Tom Sceneryit 'or icul sliuiv. Two inning Tests mid Band llnl-

roruirt. MA^AiiEll 0., care of (H.IPPEH Olllcc.

REPERTOIRE MAJNAGERS!Now nud iiiOcuV.ifnl BLAY8 \\ ltli prlullug. cheaproyally. Dunl direct Willi million Hnvi' uiuiiuy.

WALTER Ml ii 1 1 is.

l-llll H'way, Boom ..II New York.

l .. V1KWH TO A SIT.


CLIMAX VIEW CO.. :i l.'iiluii Siinnrc , »w York.

WITHOUT DELAYS-nclln Your Open Time.


StiwHtloiiul, AerlallsU, Anlnmls. AaroLutg midNoveltlex, HOOD JUVKIIS, SWIMMERS AM)A'.JUATIO KOVEl/l'IL'S. pnrlluulKrly HiiltHblo forwntor punloiiilmp. III!" SnniiiH.r soiisop, Adilri'i?

Al.l.KN .t MARRVAT,Vaudeville A«cnlH. CI W. 28th SI., N. V.

Wanted Quick,


Address MANAGER, Airdcma. Wtntield, Kas.

Wanted, Carnival Co. Mgrs to Frame Up Com-ph-ii- ciinikni rm Jili or July wci'k 111 Norlou. Vh .

1'lit: utyt iowm In H, w. iu„ mid coatorn lor .0,1 i.o

people, nil working, unci nollilng over dept. A surewinner. VVrllu tienl Ictiiis Imiueilliitt'ly. A I Roodnets writo. IIIiisIiiiiIkIh, Sword SwuIIomom, Suiikrcimriiii'i h, I'uin'h Man. iMitirhlntf Oiillorv. ete.

SAM MlCHBNtlltKKN. Xorlnil, Vfc

it in orWho .1111 ii'ullv Hl.Vli HI. Souk-, eli'.. jilii.v kuiuII

HHi'ls 111 Hioi-it. Also STACK DIRKCTOIt(ini'lodrumm, And piny email pain. Addrciw

J. W. HKISMAN. Park Hotel. Macon, Gu.

|]\^EMK U'ANTKIf• '(IK

Hair .-.Hid and liuir marc. Suiind. iienM* 1111U O. K.

In every way. Weight, W«i »"••; W. * .vc(™-

«'rlle for Information. WW consider reasonable

oitvr. Addren*

J. W. OLCOTT,BOX 209, Quabic, Cinada.




EDWIN PATTERSON,11.1 Waul 5th Sirwt, JWIaeiw City, Mo>

WANTED,Leading Han, Heavy Man, a Real

Comedian and SoobretteWilli mi Al Hue III Snienic and llHllidllg Mieeial-

l.les.- MiiHl'bo good, and there's NONK tw good.State age. bnlglil, weight and salary. Pay yourown hotel. , Three nlghl and week si:m.is up toNov. 1, then one uiglil In elly lliuc. Itilieai'sala

.lulv 1. Address iTI1K Sil'iK.I.SMITHS, Uellittii> , Mo.

A FEW PLAYSstii.i. i.ki r DNHULO for some lurrllory.

..pei -hillv S..11II1 and Weil: nl-o 1 'aiuida. f ic.uu

eneii. (Heat repertoire bargains. Solid for lid.

UUICKBV * HCIIVLKIt,770 South Broad St., I'hlladelplllu, Pa.

WANTED,German Dialect ComedianWith gotul lliirlliHii! voll-C. AildrcisVAlJJI'.VIM.li. IW) W n.hliiKUMi SI., Itllirnlo. X. Y.

Wanted, Marionettes, Punch and Judy, Magic.I or sole or Irade, nils, blldeii, lllnek Art, ConeerlI'huiuigiapll mid Uncord:.. Camera, Automobile,Cilbtllel. J. C. A HMON H. I.ll I loion, N. II.

Along the Kennebec Co.jPr-fcr one who slngd. Aildresa ('HAS. SMITH,! Crawford. Neb., Juno 17; Hot Springs, S. n., Is;: liuptdc ty in, siurglsuo. Long season.

WANTED QUICK!Pall A< IIiih I ..iioi.ini r.,l ••'iiiiiiimi SIihU.V 11 ml n v I II i< Puopll> WllO |llli y |iii 1 <.. C.101I(iooil SoiiIii rite Willi Npi-i lulllr«, Sn.nl.i I

Artlal. i.AwitiiNci; nt.ssKi.i,,

Llbeil.v Theatre, Ncrldou, Conn.

The Very Bestmonologue*. lWi'uitlvH, skoteliea. ntterplcce.",

ele., In MAIilSMN's HUIIOKT NO. 10.100 pagen of gili-eiigc eome.lv material.«l Pur Copy. .1AMKS NADIAON.1 tut TiiiKii a v 1 ;\i 1 ... m:yv voiiii .


viiisvnn; mmm WORKMust tin able to eliungo for one or lm. wickstands. 11. r. Uomeillaii. Muni lie good daneorand be ul>le to jnit 011 acts and make llieui go.In willing slutn all you <:an and wlil.lo. P. g.—Can ulso use good Colored (hutrleL nr, single perfortners plnylug their own InslriimeutHi Addresslilt. 1.E0.V SMITH, iir: Teuiple lildg., St. Xonls, Mo.


DUTCH or IRISH 8. and D. COMEDIAN.Slate lowest lli'Mi leller. V011 pay \uiir own. I paytransportation. . One show 1, tint. Moiilh standH.AildlcssTIIKflKKAT VlltPII.I.AT, lianbiiry. Conn.

W. I. SWAIN CO.Best Equipped aid Wealthiest Dramatic Show in America.

WANTED, DRAMATIC PEOPLEThai eati and must do 8|>eel»ltles, Miisldans. Including Piano Player, for orchestra only, iim,^ „ .

can play small .parts, pr'eference. flood, sober, reliableJfjHw njl W»%™njfflib8_»rv«!^loug as they wish sndatiiBuod salary, otliors closed wjlliout nollee.

uny pari of the"

S. Say. exactly what ,"»Will furnish transtK.rlnllo,,


you cou do. This la 11 two car show; one of the ftBMt prlia

Pullman cars In Ihe world. If you wish to pay your own, wo allow one dollar per day. KnnZiiecommoillitloiiH, best of modern dmwlng rooms for married people- Kcfelencu: DooaUban ItSLgrupliliig Co., Newport, Ky.; Nullonul Printing Co., Tribune Bnhllng, Chicago; Ackermnn ami qnMnKansas City; American Amusement Association, Times UuUdlog, New^ Vork. The show i»do|Mcapacity business. W. 1. SWAIN, Hnmllii. T *

MOFlUSlcFAlirAND STA6E PEOPLEW A Xi T E> X>I'ur "Along the Kenuubec" and "Jushua Slmpklns" Co. coming season. Heavies. JavwUto, CUWaiiOld Meu.Stralglil Old Men, Ingenues, Sonbrcttos. Churacler Women, Band nnd Orcheslni Leaders mmUnslcuuia of All Kinds. Prefer odors, that double lirasg. Slate If you do specialties mid what \mdouble. I*ug, sure hcusou. Open CHriy. Can place s^ne people al once. Addrcas- .

C. It. HhM), 1370 lli.iiiiluii). \. y.


Pav vourowu. People doubling naruf, spcelnlllcs or band preferred. Summer mid Uliitci 1:113™-.

luc'ut. Address KVOF.NB M. PlIKKISS. core Lyric Tlieulro, Ft. Worth. Tex.

W A N T e F- OC. W. Park's Big Stock Co.BEPEBTOIBE PEOPLE IN ALL LINESOne veitr's eogugeuieui. Must, lie good .iiwits, soUer and lellable. All week sluuds. siatc .^.-,

height, etc.. and unreal aalary In llrsl teller. People Hint cau sland prosperll.v eau secure un"iiulluillta

ciigugeineni.' This show never closer. Those who h^ve wrltteu before, write again. Address

C. w. PAllK. Park's Slunk Co., Hnuilngdoii, Pa., week.luue 10; Mount. I'nloti, Pa., week Jdtte 17.

MUSICIANS for B. and 0.Leader, Performers, Sister Teams, Dancers, Single Women, Novelty Acts, Chorus Girls, Agonrs.

Tiro years' solid work, open J line £!. Will buv SEATS or all kinds. Slate all tlrsl loiter, CHllttk.

CLIFP W. CiltANT, i'-i-.l s> ioiiiiw Htreui, t'liielniinti, 0.

The G.N.Y.FILM RENTAL CO.Is the Headquarters for the Rental of Up-to-Date Films.

Prompt Service. Honest Treatment.



WANTED for REP,I nder ciuivas, uoek sloinls, l.KN. Bl.'S. MAX and I

SOI HltCTTIv, learn or single. Those doing a|icclal-He-, prefeitcd. Tell nil ami salary In llrsl leller. I

I pay ult. RAMi H. i;ahi)INIi:u, coideu ituieComedy Co., Cauloii, Mo., 11-17; Limn, HI., IH-IH.


NOW ENUAU1NO I <>lt i:ih Vlvllt nnil-K

THE HIGH ROLLERSWAIVTED, linrl< sqtir People,

Ciuiii'dlaus, Chiirueter Man nnd Woman, hoprnuo and Contralto Sluglug Soubretles and ('bonis tilth.

Season opens In the Kasl Atlg. in, 1VU7, II. t». u (kiihiih.i,, Kluuatltr,

ItouiniciO, Knlekerliockei'Tlieutro lliillding, New tuck.

KB. DOOLEY CO., WANTMusicians for II. and O., Imp Drummer, Character .

Man and Woman wlib sperhililes, \ audoi'llle Acts,Doubling Hrnss. Address HAKHY LA ItKAXK, Mgr.,Slcllaiioii, N. S.. .I11110 II. 15; ri1111lultet.mil, P. K.I., 17, Is: Smnmei'slde, P. K I., P.i; Ple.lou. X. S..•.•0, Ui Westvllle, N. S., sS; Piigwaeh, X. S., -a;Oxford. N. S„ •£,.



rvn u oArranged, coiii|iut,e(l. 'IVruislow. •

A. KIlrXSMAIt, 4U 10. UUl SI.


IllfU. KiSW, lluniliiaiuu, lAxigJslanil, X. V.

First Class Cornet Player.'Jooil iiionev 1.1 liif rigid Mud. .I0I111 Dnil. ivrlle.

Park Job. Address .1. il.Mfl'i'lll'.l.l ., Allooiia, Ph.

WASTED, Performers u ^i•IVi Juln iiLoiicii. Medicine People. Wire at-'


WAvem -amoKTPBBrORBEBB WHO DOUBLE IN BARD,Ao Olilii (Ioiik to (iooil Aiilllli'Ul'".

_ "• W. VAltKP.tl. Alldover, All'gy Co.. X. V.

WANTED, Comedian Who Is loud Singer,

Musi eliango for week and be up In acts, ir youbooze, NO ! That's I lie ruaaon'lnr Ihls ad.

HAKK, THK OILMAN, Three lUveri. >Ceh._

Wanted, Mus'clans, A. F, M„ from Ohio andnurroutidliiK* Slates to Join Concert Hand. All

liislriiineiits and several Solon.", Stale all, andwrlle (|iilck 10 Mtlll-. I'.'d 1^ Kith Sj^., N. V. CIO,


A Pllin, «• iioiv, *1 ..(H>.

• •A. ill. Al II rif « O., Will lllllrrl, Pa,

1 WANTKD- Copies of CI.IPI'MII before 153:1;

alsoCLIPPKll Aliiiauncp. 1

JAMKS MAII1SOM. 1101 Thlril Avciinu. Xi Y.

FOR SALE or EXCHANGE.Moving Picture Maelilues, Pllins, Song Slides;Mie-i. iiiMiHtriiineni.i, Cameras, ele. Lowest prices,del our llsL JKNKINS KXCIIANdi:,

111 nisi St., Chicago.


CANVAS NAN. All good Medlcluc People able10 change for I wo weeks, write. I


AT LIBERTY, PIANlbTC1111 double U rial Clnvliiel In Baud. Add. ,.

P. MAXSILVKItMAX.JSI Whealiin St., Providence, lj;_L_

xfr aTn t k cst\\ Around Medicine People, Quid


Wire' or wrllo Immediately, to work my Ionise amipark here. Long season for good ones. Also PianoI'lu.vcr- Xo boo/.e huninrs Mniiicd. Also I'reuks,



JANOOKK WINDOW ATTIIACTIOX CO..1 . 7 tireiil Joliea SI., K. Y. t'lli.

WANTED, COMEDIAN,To join at ouce. Platform and .-licet. Others,wrlfe. 11AVK MAHLOW. lloacobel. Wis.

WALTER DEVONDE STOCK CO.Al s«mil Artlit, also MiilUler, for about llireo »™iin. Would like 10 dear from

Best Uriiinutli 0,1,1 Vnudovllle Pev|ile. Senaon ioiiT-k. BILLY COIIMIN. yuurlvt-

(or too iu(e: lend uddrcas. i IIi:mi;k iiiaiimii;, (i«»i-„-», X. V.

I— I I

UK. W. S. 1IALISY. Allien, loy

second Hand Opera Chairs, lnuat lie In good con-

dition. Stale kind, color and welgtil.

.1. W. STKWAHT, Wert Bloo|on. Ala.

_^^^ArrmijfitfmALSO SINli KltS COACH Kl). ISTHODCCKO. TKIA1,TURNS, PUBLIC AI'I'llAltAXCKS. Apply FOBUESTBIl A (IQ., I'Jl W. '-'3d SI., N. V„ till ft P. M.


C. C. r'RANCIS. IHIa -d St.. Onveiipwt. Iowa.

Comedian Wanted at Once,

Wanted, to Join on Wire, A No. I -Ho.aliy Par-t oriiici- doing fou r or inure good acts.' Opera houaeaall Summer. Salary all von are worth. AddressB, I'. LA BOTT. Wlsliek, Mcintosh Co.. N. I»k.

At Liberty, ALBERT J. LEE.Monologue and SlugiugUomeilluu. Clwngofor twoiveoks. Piny pmis mid work' In acls. It. I'. I)„

Xo. 1, Slop Hi. west Albany. X. V„ Tu.xedo Park.


Refined 20 IWIinute SmKinK Act.: NOW HOOKINtl SU31.11EH AND PALL. A.lilioss TUB BMWPWJ-

Medicine Performers al once._ Alt 'Hound Coluodlaiis. Irish,


Dutch nudlllaek Face Song ui.nl Imncer-. Hobcrlji

aud llalstmi, WTilo or wire. Addrcks JOS, 11, LI-.K I

or It. ASTULOPK, Warren. Out., Canada.

WANTED-Duleli iiudTtlack

MAY HILLMAN CO. ,Wuii is \v<miiiiii Wilh 8trouae SpcciuH/To play parts. Also Piano Phl.ier. Auswer. KRXKST aCIISAIIHL. IVhlteliull, X. '•


Stnlo all you can do audW. BU

Change Airtwo ingiite. .

lowest. Monuy'tmrii. W. lilmi,).';.

Mantello . Berks County, l'a.

miHTIHS FOI LABfll M, SEPT. IApply OTTO H. /.IMMKIt, BdX IM, Berlin. Oaf.

A Versllllc Skeleli Team. Manand Wife; one must plav ruin...

> M and all. Also II. P.. Irfth.'S. uod D. comedian I

thai cau play piano. Jugglet' aud Coulorllonlslto double Initis aud ring*. ''


(L BLACK, No. 1 Klngjgtree t, iliillttlo. N. Y.

Wanted, Medloine Performers, no Teams. Stop


al hotels: work under canvas. Salury no object !

for Rood people. Address OR. II. W. CLIFTON,week of June 10, Kwlo g. Mo.; 17. NcNunvl lle, Mo.

LADY PARTNER!For Soeletv sketeli. Good Slocer rieterrod. Ad- I.,

dress "COMKHY, '1 Hote l Tremont Chicago.VOCAL-ISTS

Coached. Introduced Trial Turns. Public Appeafiincos ArriiugoU. Apply lOlilteaTUH * CO., '

\U West am S'rcoi. Ml v P.M.

WANTED-TOSinging ami liHiielng

Team. Sister Team tor

COMMENCE JUNE 29, PARKS; AUTUMN TO FOLLOW,Tl-IAM TO VKATURK. "Dude'' and ''Soubndte," or luslruincntal and \on

or Sh'W MULDOOX'8 PICNIC. K. LblWIS WEST, W(l Fulton St., Ihwkljli, .>• »WANT — Al PIANIST

WANTED, First Class Vaudeville Acts at All Times.

ALSO PIANO PLAYERS and CHORDS GIRLSJAMKS ARNOLD HOOK I IVu AUBNCV, H.-.-l.in.le, Society llldg., Kim '»'• "' •>




riitiliihis mine vuliiable lulormullon lo J"» 1-Jr


Xovelly Healers, Klilfc Board Men. tUHl "KYankee Notion Workera, eh:., than a»y Wenlaloguo issued. MAILED fc'ltr.F- v

• SINUEn BHOS.. S.'l Howmy. "» ' ^




June '15.









Historical Production

Pioneer Days In


mmm itsklf.


1,00011. (US*. 5150.00' Send Tor

illustrated Oascrlptlve Circular No. 311.

Mm Exhibition Model Kluetoseope,

improved Take-Up and

rilii Ma gaiiaes,'

tt I 3 B.O O ' I

Improved, Take-Up ail

FIIei Mapxiues,

:j m 3 g.o oImproved Take-Up,

a £ s.o o





' >•.*•**' ' •' *' • '

' '

8YN9PSIS OF- SGMCtNKS:the shepherd's home—Children leaving cabin with father's dinner—The shepherd and his (lock—The midday meal—Chililren

leaving for home—The storm—Lost in the mountains—Struggling through snow drifts- Buried in tlie snow—The frantic nwtlieir'athome—The shepherd's return—Off to the monasteBy— Dogs and searching; party to the rescue—Desperate search through the moun-tains—St. Beroaid dogs on the trail—St' Bernard dogs'' wonderful sagacity—DUcovery aiid rescue by the rtnjjrji Hnw\i at last—Tableau—The Dog Hero, "Uncle Sam," Blue Ribbon Winner, Madison Square (lardcn, New York City, 1907.

No. 6324. Code VEEMEE8TER.' 830ft. Class A. 8124.60.• wk.XIJ Roll ll.l.l 4 1HATKII UV.HI Itll'TlVK CATAI.OOUP..NO. •''»•


rilui Magailnes, Each,

« * IO.O.O


No. 6H3.V. Code. VF.KNAAKDB. IHIOn. Class A. t7.-i.0il




•' lea* Cor Lateat Catalog* aaoMllaatrated Olroolara.


Chicago Office, U04 Wabaali Avfajne,New York Office, 31 Unlou Square. Cabl* Address, Zymotic, New York.


Another Dp - To -Tiro- Minute

Edison Conieily Hit

A Laughable Satire on thePopular Craze.



Beautifully Bono • Tinted. Photo-

graphically Perfect.

935(1. CLASS k, $140.25

No. 6313. CODE, VEEIM0NDI6.

y Send for

HlMSlram PtscrlptltC Circular No. 317.

Edison Ciniullloi] Model Klntloaeopo,

. , improved Take-Up and

PI Ib Magailnes, .

41 1.3 ».Q OImproved Take-Up and

• , Film Magailaei,

B> 3 B.O O' Improved Take-Up,

a i g.o o


I'llio logoilnea, Each,

a o.o o






TIIK KINK'IOOJtAI'II CO., - ' ,1 B. Slat St., New York.rKTP.lt ItACIfial.Ul'l, 1107 Fillmore Ht„ Man Fnnrtico, Oil,

JOCK, 6B0H54 drove at., Hsu Frauolaco, CbI.





The hest Summer reperlolre imvn.ln llie Stale. The Temple Theatre Knew-, on DM ground floor;

-tagc, n.x.'iiri.; capacity, l.toti;. '2,000 Muecaliees laiostlng for your show all the time. Alpena, hits

apoplailnu of lo.ono, sl'iuntell on the II. mill N. It. II., which connects for Hie North ut Chebnyguu.Address all communication* tor lime mill terms to ' . .



W. J. DAUNT, Booking Agout, Manager Washington Theatre, Buy City, Mleh:


"'.."•* i :hr\ IN ALL LINESHeavy Man, Character Woman and Comedian. A1 .specialty People who run play pacts: al*i> PianoPluyer, Miin>wllltJ<lctiire Machine and Films. Week'standa-vOne show ul nltfhl. salary siiro.jnuke It

reasonable. ' Must Join on wire, . Address THOS, JEAVONS, Lai robe, Pa.

7 _ „_^ Qujjcic; for:

WIEDEMANN'S BIG KIT CARSON CO.Experienced Uancl L<-mt«r with un to.dale repertoire of music. Al Chairaet'er Come-dian that floe* siieelaltle* and doubles band. Want Rough Rider, BroMcn Buvteranil Rope frplnner for l<r.«. Attraction. AUo waat UoOd Ajaent capable or hxn.llliip,

'^hl people, w.VftEDB

lu.rru, »Iiimv. LiiiiK. riiKuKruiriil to the rlu .'« nevar rlo.e.1BMANN. AI»mo»a. Colorado.



' ra-iik' B ro a d b &> ri tPIANIST, ARRANGE


.(UNDER CANVAS) '•.'.. '

Nuidelatfa tor Pali Hand and Orchestra. Band Leader to'fornlsli good Ulirary of Mn,sl,c. Please Minewhailnfiriimenw you play und very Idwesl salary. Pay yoiir own. Board. Uthg e^iended iteasoii.

Must JAld'at once, AddFes» ,;'

,CHASB jfc HBTBR, Newlon.lowa.


HIGHTOWERS BIG VAUDEVILLE SHOWThe Onest'tented'tliektre in 'Texas o'he' Plnno Player, read and fuke; one <;oort Illustrated HongSinger, two Ooort Sketch Teams. Novell? People. Season's work. Four 10 eight week Mand*.' All

I'll! towns. Wrlteorwlre. Dit. WM. lll|iHTO\VKR, Hurshal, Texas, for eight weeks.,

Wanted, ELECTRICIAN,CloudIn. Tv - .Kllewl Srloptlroa or Spot Lamp*,' Rising Moon and. Moving Cloi

fleet a ^.Power's Moving, PlctarrJIaehlne. 8. W. M.( care of CLIPPERAlso- TvEr

" OMK ATttST MOVING PICTURES ON EARTH," (1AHUKM*, FAfi»S, CONCERTRAbLgv KaltroM Colllson; sown engines smashed to pieces, Brighton Beach, July 4; Show coat

fll.ouo to produce: KfiOO races lu pietures. • Plenty comedy, !000 feet or less. Photos, press notices,

vest on earth aisbeet poalers free. A mint (or mau traveling. A show In Itself.

,••.'.•. Apply A. MIMMKUVUJ.K, M West ljith St., X. V.

"IF YOU WOULD ONLY MARRY ME'A C'yclonie lilt /or Pemale!i. . Just a stamp. .Prof, eoplen and orch. now rea,dy.

KKNNBDV'MUHIC PUB. CO., v.i OrMrborn Sirret, Chicago.




R9pe|1ojr9 p60p|f ,„ y , ]m


(SENTIMENTAL).Catchy, melodious ami full or Herri Highly IB*iiiiiueudrd. Copy of each I'KKt: on icceipi of

late program. WM. A. PONll .v CO.,^, . un Plfth Ave., Now York.


At El Ptso, Tbxm. CRAWFORD & RICH.


PRINTING.HENNEOAN & CO.. fjfttctnnat|t


Tlie a teat Kiiropeaii DhMvcry, Increases yourweight- ulioilt A to lo pounds monthly. The onlyflesh proiiucer endorsed hy the highest medicalauthorities. Unrjvalled for nervousness, atisemlaand .wasting disease*. • «reKiHsl tonic known;Hounds out the figure and gives strength to thewhole system, Price,' $'i. Interesting booklet

free. ASPA CIIHM. Ct)„r

- 12W> Broadway, Dcpl. 0, New York.

•'Tell ItTo Me,f

kehdaxxv sdnew - jdst our.M tat* on all train* and n*wa ttatida, or by

BMlLiie. Addrea* KX1XA K.EN1IALL,laadwtu Are.. MayOeld HelghM. oiareland, O.



30 Court St., Boston, Xlaee.

NEW SONGS! NEW SONGS!FREE Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.

NOW iieaiiv -"i-ii t.e iviiiimg in tin. BtiB.iow of tiio pines," ••Where's My Paiia, afiimu, Hear!-''•I Will i.ove You iii the Winter as I l|n In the rtiiiiimeriliiio," ".lesns, I Want Thee In My Heart:""A Prisoner In Ills Lonely Cell." "Hose Hud," "Pleaan save My Mama,"' "Hear Jim," "Nancy (luPsletter rrom Mollter," '•llltie Kyed Hoi*y,",„"Tne Warmest Part In My Henri." "I Am Walling,Sweetheart;" •The Hummock lu the simile," "A llrnken Promise," ••What the Maiden Suld,' 1 "LlilleWild Flower In Itluc," "The Answer," "Pins," "(live Me fhe While Hose Y.ili'rn Wearing," "Sweel-heart, I Think of Thee," "The StnokliiK Matt,'' "No KturimlSlee i," "My Old New Kngland suei-lhearl,"'•I'll Uu Ynnr Warrior Ikild." >.,


MKLVILLE HR I'liL (»., 55 West 28th St.. New York'.

Educated Pigs, Sheep $ Goats'die hendiinci or Its kind on the road. Have offer* of all kinds online lu vaudeville. ' This la a >liaptor some live idle. IteftKonjfor sclltng.have no one to lake ihn ait on the' road ami must xpewl mylime w nti my troupes of acting monk and dogs. Address t;mv. M|JSI,INK)t, Jaekwni, .Michigan.

i —in 1

, i i SBaepssasa'

i i ,n,.,i. ,','n. i .m. ii.'i

Do YouWAOT MILITARY GOODS?AND UN1PORMS, AKU Y or NAVY BDIT8.TKNT8, OUN8 and EtlDIFUBNT OP KVKKTUKaCRIPTION. Prom Oorornmcnt AncUon.No matter what yon want in that lino l can•apply it. New or ucond band. Bend forostalogne, B. £ ABRADAMS,

xB BOOIU BL, Philadelphia, Pa.

BAD SEASON IS OVER.lilac k 'ivnts, ii;.x:uiii>to-Jlx''Ji. used. White Tents,about all sixes; 1'oliling Chairs, folding {tenches,

Poldlng Organs, Folding Torches, Spring MotorI'lalio, Klccinc Piano mill llatijo. Nickelodeonl.'hHlrs, Kldit Light-, Mammoth Torches. SPNI)


II. II. AKMHRUSTKIE, Sprlngllcld, Illinois.


THOUSAND.I tivl-liilePnrtiiiiesei.H.l iter IOO. Printed Port tine*7 Tic. per lOOO. Calilnec Photos of yourself for sell-

ing purposes, M.r.o per IOO or $lo per 1000.Seud negative or plinlo lo copy. ScntLfor Sample*.Pre,. WENUT, Photo., HooDlou, N. J.


Lung seti»on-lu weeks. ,v:

ddres» W. P. MrNAIR, Mgr., Gpii. 0«l., Cincinnati, Ohio.


MOVED TO 02 LA SALLE ST., SUITE 29, CHICAGO.Representing 1'lr-t ClifwrMnnngersof Kavernaud Western Vaudeville Tlienlres, t'omliliiiitl'itis, Item-and Aiiisih nf Recognl'/.ed Alilllly. Illgli Class Vanrlevtlli; Performers, lleadllncr-, Nocelilc, |l|g ,i,-h,

und everything lu OPEN AIR ATTRACTIONS, furnished rot Thetilms, Parks, Pleasure Iteii.fis


Ising nistauce 'I'lioiie, -ISM-MalH.

.1., 1, ^ .-

Chris Bruno and Mable Russelllu THE INHlfRANOB AOBNT. Booked wild, commencing Sept. % nl United Hooking Ofllce*.

Address, for summer, - mlnlo para, n. J.



OtftYbur Order in for a Professional Copy, QUICK.THOMPSON MUSIC CO. Orand Opera Moui Hi >IC, Chioai

On tbe Road.All fUMlteft Mum llcuch I'm: Not I. titer

Tlinn Saturday Preceding;Dole of Issue

For Supplemental Mot "** Another Column.

DRAMATIC AND MDUCUUmAdams. Minnie (Charles Probmuti, uigr.)—Snn

I'mllciSeo. Oil-. I" -'- : : .

Allen, Viola (Cuas. W. .Mini, mgr.)—1/0» An-geles. Oil., 10 IV, Vremiit 1.1. Oakland 14. 13,

Furlhuid. Or..,. 17 Hi. Se.ni It- . Wash., 20-22.AlMim Oia'ra (Miltuti * Sargent Almrii, nigra.)

Wilsblngt U. C, 10, Hidcllnlle. ,Anion, Hdwlli. Slock-- WmlllllKli.il, 11. On 10, In-


Alias.- Kldck (K. P, Albcc, mgr.)— Providence, It.

I.. Ill, Indefinite.

American Sleek (Arlbur K. llcrl.st, mgr.)—Ms-rlnii, Hid., to, Inilerinllo.

Angcll'a Cinucdhins (J. II. Kiiiprson, ingr.)—Kd-uii.nl. hi. Allu. Cun.. 10, Indefinite.

Allen Slock—Portland, ore, 10, Indefinite.

..Wine' Comi'dy—Kelikuk, In.. 10. ludpllnl tc.

Augell's Comedians (0. J. Bernard, nagr.)—florin,

,m.i„ 111.13..

llarrymoi'e. Kll.cl (Charles I'rol.innn, lugr.)—Den-ver. Oil"., in-).'.

Bingham, AinfllH- - si. Louis, Mn.. 10, linletlalle.

lini.Hielle. Jessie (C F. Lawrence, nigr.)— Buf-falit, .V V.. 10'. Indefinite.

BiiMou Ideal Comic Opera (Kilwlu PaHci-son,IUKJ-. I

-- Ivimihpih Clly, Mn.. 10-Sppl. .'!.

Ilrminr Prince Opem, Kiln MlTla' (Harry Lea-vllle, ... gr. i- I. M tie Hock, Ark.. 10-13.

Ilc.-raor & Stanley's Ills' Show (W. J. McDonald,mgr. I—'I'rlnldad, Colo.. 12. lUHffl, X. Mt-i.. i:i,

lUlli.n II. Springer in, I,iih Vegas IT, SnntnFc IK. Allnuiuwiuf III, Gallup 20, Wlnalow,

. Aria.. 21, Williams 22.Ilnrrle Stock (Barrio It (iraliniu. nigra.)—Pueblo,

Colo., 10-13. .

Hiiyd Hnrmwrs—Hcollii, Nelir.. 10 12.

llncluinuu, Lorraine, Sleek— Palllc Creek, Mlii...

10, Imletliille.

III. mil Slock (Albert Bruntl, Illlil'.)—Milwaukee,Wis., 10. Inilelll.lle.

lln rk- Sleek (.1. Prank llinke, nigr.)— Full lllvfr,

Mass., in, Imletliille.

Hhikci Stock IManrlee Klnufiird, iiusr.)—Wlld-IVOod, N. J.. 10, llliletinlle.

Ilnrgc** Sleek (Karl Burgess, mgr,)—Sciililc,

Wash., in Auk. II.

Il.ililivin .Melville Sleek -DnllilK. Tex.. ID, Imlrll


Hurton's C-nmcdliiu* 1 1 lurry Iturli.n, mgr.)—Hnlcs-i.iii'k, ill.. io Aim. 17.

Hr.vui.l Comedy (Sniu III').. ill, ingr. )—Mllhdiiirn,I'ii.. 10 13.

lllggcr-Plincr Oimtii— l.ltlle K«ek. Ark., ln-13.Jlpsslp Hiini.ell l.ielleH' Orchestra— Hull In. ere. Mil..

II), Indclliilto.

"HrpwKlcr's Millions" (Frederic Thompson, uigr.)—n. y. city loir.."Ilrewaler'a Millions" (CIi.iiTi'H Frolunnii, mar.


— la.udon. F.iig., 10, l.nleii.ii.e.

"Hoys of (JiiN|niiiy It" iDii.iel l-'ruliman. ins;,', i-

N. V. Clly 10. liMlellnlle.

"Bogus Prince" i Fcrucr & Nulling, nigra.)

Sm,»llr>. Wash.. Il-1,'».

"Hunker's Child'' (Hurry Sliamiui, mgi.l—-SI.AhUwht, Ida., 12. Muour Clly 13, Itcabiirn I -I.

Itisiiy IS.Carli-r. Mn.. Leslie (Win. M limy, 1111rr.l--S1.nl-

llt>, WiihIi.. 10-12. Tniiiaiin III. North YlkaluaII. S|HiklllH- 13, ll.'le.ui. Mnlll.. IT, liiv.it l-'Hlll

IK, Untie III. Kargn, N. link., 22.f'niKiiinn, Hfiirlell'ii (Manrlrr t'«ni|iliell, nigr.)—

lleleini.Mi.nl.. 12. liri'al Kulls II, l!nlti> 14, It.'Odllt'i'. William li'hnrlex l'*rulinia!i, lugr. )—N. Y.

Clly JO. Inilelll.lle.

Ci.Kll.'nn. KlWr ISweely, Sl.l|il.i«i: ft Co.. mu"ra. )

l.Milvllle. Oilo.. III. S.illd.1 II. I'ltclilw 12.tiiwlo.v lil. K'lil (\iIIIiih 14, ClniyrniH-. Wyu.,13, Keiniiey. Nelir.. IT. Hamilton IN, Vurk III.

Celinn. lie... M. ( Shim II. IIhitIh. ii.kv. )—M, Y.City ID, linletlnlie.

Ouiiliawl. Ida. At Wnller llellmvK Slnek— Denver,I'.ili... HI, ln.lelll.lte.

(ViiIk SI.h'U i.li'lni (IralK. iiiki'.)— HiikIoii, Mn^n.,10, lii.lelhille.

t'liller Slnek tWalliote It. Culler, mgr.)—Clinra-pulp.. Ill,, IK IS.

Colllllll.lil Sleek ll.inkell ft l.lH-yer, msru.l—WllHlllllgliill. \V. >•,.. 10, llnlelliille.

Colonial Nloek (t)rtMV & Cnnipla1 !!, nigm.)—Clerelund, II.. 10. Inilellnlle.

clnipiiell-Wliiti'rholT 8t<H)k I Marry t^i«|i|n»ll. mgr.)—Indriwndpnra", Knn., 11-22.

ClileiiRo Slock (tilniM. II. HoiIh Kiiiii, mgr.)—Minis-Held. O., llllfl.

Ciillinii Sleek (ll.irtley (,'iilliim, mgr. )— I'i'illiiii.l.

Me., 22, Inilellnlle.

(Vnivruiil'a OoninlitilM (Itnyiuinid II. Crnwfnnl,mgr.)—Mnimll, Mn., 111-13, Nwnho 17-22.

C.iinill Oouieil.v (Ion Cariidl. iiiki'. )— lliirnavllle,W. Ya.. 10-1,1. Rlklitx 1T-22:

tinrlla Oomr-dy tWm. (illiniin. mgr.)—Fairmont.Nehr., JO-IS. Iliiiiesleel 1.1-1.1.

"I'Alilaln OirolCHK" (It. O. Wliltitry, mgr. )— Cl.l-

eago. HI., 10. llnlelliille.

"ConvletV Hi. i.Kilter" (.lnn.es I). Ilnvtoii ,V Co.,nigra.)—St. I'niil, Minn., 1113. MlinienpellK Hl-

22DanlrlK. Frank (C. It. rillllnghaia, mgr.l-Chl-

vngo. HI.. 10. Inilellnlle.

DmnroKeh Now York Sympliony Oivliralra—Phila-delphia. I'a., 10-14.

l)« I'pw llimlotlo Stoi'k (Tims. K, Dp Pew, mgr. I—Koko.no, Intl.. 10, liMlednlte.

noiiBlipfty Stoek (I'lrynu & Dongliorly, ingrH.)—ClmpiPl, Minn.. 111-13. Two Ilnrlairn 1T-82.

lliirla Stork—Wllmlnglon. Dpi.. 10, Inilellnlle.

Iieniiirpi.1 Comedy (Itohl. Imnnroal, mgr. )- -Itome,(III.. IT, Inilellnlle.

Dudley Sloek (Frank Dmllpy, ntgr;l—Merldlnn.MlKK,, 1(1-10.

Dotiglna H(npk--Towpr City. Ta., 10-ia,"Down Middlp" (.Inn. 1>, Jlarlon & Co.. mgr. )

Ai|nnt.., (in., ln-lA.Klwyn. I.oriip—Onrliam. X. II.. in 1,1.

l'.inplrp SliK'k (Splla ft- NnlhaiiKOii. mgra.)—Providence, It. I.. 10. Imlellnlle.

V.l.ner Slock—Omaha. Nelir.. 10, IndPltnllp.

UngllKh Sloek- Mllnnnkeo, Wl».. 10. Inilellnlle,

J'lakp. Mm. illi.nli-oi. ti.ey Fluke, mgr. )— HallFrtHieli-en, Oil., 1013.

F'oy, Kddlp (Sum 8. * l.pp Stinlierl. lot!,, mm,)—N. Y. Clly 10. Imlellnlle.

I'lel.li. All siiiik n.eiv Fleldn, mgr. i Ilnaiklyn,N. Y„ 10-13.

Fnwpplt Slnek (lii-o. FmvppH, mgr.l- lllvliiiiond,

Vi... to, IndPllnllr.

Fnneell Sloek Hleli. Fawrolt. nigr. i ---Allmilii,tin., in, Inilellnlle.

I'rnnkeiillel.l, l.i.nm - Sail l.iikP Clly. I'.. 10. In-


Frnwlpy Stock (Daniel I'rawlpy. mgr. I— Mli.ne-npoilK. Minn.. 10. Inilellnlle.

l-'etil.erg St,«'k iiii.». M, Fenlii'rK. nigr. I— An-gllsln, Mi'.. 10. Inilellnlle,

F .urn. m Slink I Win. Fiiumni. mgr. i- - t'leveli.ll.l.

II.. 10, Inilellnlle,

FpitIh Sloek i Hick I'errlii. mgr. I -Mlni.eniw.il".-Minn.. Il>. Inilellnlle.

I'nlloii siwk U. Pultun. . max. i IJiimiIii, Nel.r..10. Inilellnlle.

Fuller Murk- Montreal. Call., in. In.leilnlip.

"Fifty Mile, n-oni lln«loii" (Coluin ft llarrla,mgr*. i—Oitcago. lit., |n-i;., ltoMtmi, Miihk.. IT.llnlelliille.

•'FiiM-lieillnu l-'lorn" < Sum S ft l,ee Shnlwit, Inc.,

nmr». N. Y. CH\ In. Indellnltp."Fully Felix." C. A. Smith's IF. Maeklnlo«li,mar i Waiikealm. Wis.. 12. Hartford lit. Ilpr-

lln II. Nll'lmh 13. SlielNiygini III, lleiiver Diltll

IT. WiiiifKin Is. New Ignition 111. Clliilmirlllp20. \ in iu„ 21. Morrill 22.

"r'ii„nv Mr. Iinnley" ll.n Hen..e ft |.w, ins.s.i-VlitbniuWh. N. S.. Can.. 12. Slplhirli.ii lit. Sinn-lll'.'r!.|ilp. I'. K, l„ 14. 1.1. I'liiivlntieti.vvii IT. IS.

"l-'or tier Itrollier's Sake" tl'iink DiHlm1, mgr.l

i \l.mv. Sask.. Ciin.. CI. c.iiiiilnrr 13.I'.rie- lleime i Win. \ llrndy. ingr. I l.oinl.ni,

I.e.: in. In. ..'ill. lie

llla| euln, I'lnis. I'. i Welts tl.intie ft ll.lrl.ii.,

WCt i Xorlolk. V.i.. Ill 13.

HI,,,-- s»„ek i Yitin.'liii.i illnser, mar. i Octroi:,Ml.-.i . I", linletlnlie.

Uiubniuu, rutlliiauil— I'lii-iubavlllc, 0., W-'H,

lillmoro'n I'lnyeiK (Frnnel* J. Ollioure. mgr.)—ArkanniiK.OIiy, Kan.. 11-22.

liim.l'd O.ilH-dlaiw lAilolph C. (HITui.l. mgr. i-

Tnniah. win.. 10-13, Spring tlrorp Minn.. 17 22.(itlek-Roberla Stock (ll T. lillek, mgr. I—Mc

Co.nii, )., lo-l.l. i.oi.iHic IT-US.(iarrlrk Stock lltlehard Kami, nigr.)—Mllwankat,

Wla:, 10. IimIAIiiKp.

"HIil from Chill" (Harry 1.. Dlxaoti. mgr.)—Bot-tineau. N. link., in, Kramer 14, Kuaavll 15.

"Girl and tin- Stampede" IV. K. [.ambert, mgr.)-lylgpinont, M. Dak.. 12, Crawford. Nehr., lil,

Alliance 14. Sidney 1.1, ilgalliiln 10.lipid, Anna iriorena Zlegfpld, mgr.)—X. Y. City

10. llnlelliille.

Hall, tint, F. (Frank W. Xawm. mar.)—Bar llnr-iK.r. Mo.. 12. Camden 14, Stoiilngion 13.

Holland. Mildred (Kilwanl C. While, mgr.)—Buf-falo. X. Y.. in- .Inly ll.

Ilermilll. Selmii. Sloek- Clevi-liinil, (I., 10. llnlell-


nillnn.ii. Muy.lK. Schnalatl. mgr. I—WltllPbnll,X. Y.. 10-13. Tlooiiderngii IT-22.

Ileinle.'son Stock (W. 1. A It. It. Hrmlpraon,nigra. I—Ylnloii, la., 10-1.1.

Ilinitley-lliadforil I'layera—S|.rlngllold, Masa., 10,liiiWlnlle.

Ha; ward. Urate, Stoi'k Mieo. M. Uatta. nigr.)—Wichita. Kan.. 10. Inilellnlle.

Illxiin-Barliiw Stock—NeWark, N. .1., Ill, Intlefl-

idlc.lloward-Dorisel ((ieo. K. Ilowaiil. niKr.)—Tncomn,

WiihIi. . 10. p.. Ielll.il".

Ilk'kiiniii-llPHwy (W. Al. White, mgr.)—Datpii-liort, lu.. 10, hidelhilip.

KelH.onii Sloek (.1. W. Ilplanian. mgr.l—Home,(ill., 10, Inilellnlle.

Ilnntlev 1-intertHliiirK (Hen Huntley, mgr.)—War-rens. Win., 12, Maiiatiiii FI-13, Xew.li.li 1711).Illllaboro 20-22.

IIiikIi'k c.niKsllaiis (II. A. Nlchola, mgr.)—llovnl,

In.. 101,1.Howi-'m U'iIIc-' iiiciirsini il.eiiiia Howe, leinlerl

N.'lo'iii, Mmw., lo-Xepl. I).

Ilaileraiaun. Jennie, Chlengo I,ad1ea' Ori'limtra ID.11. Ilnderniniiii, mgr, I—Hot SprlugK. Ark., 10,IndeHlillo.

"Ilia Ileum-, the Mayor" (Win. Raymond SHI,mgr.l— N. Y. City. 10. ImJpttnlte.

"Ilnrdy (lanly tllrla" (Chux. Marka, gen. nigr.)— Huston. Muss.. 10, Indpilnlie."HooIpv'h Triinlili-a" IW. (!, Dowiw, mgr.)—Bris-

tol, VI.. 12. Vergeiiui's HI. Klelin.iinil 14. Milton15. Snaalvn IT. Canilirhlge IS. Ilaitlwlek 20.

Ilnia-rliil Stuck ll,. IT. Cnrllii. nigr.)—I'mvldence,It. I., 10. hiilptlnlle.

,lu vei. lie liosinnlans IK. A. Wolf, mgr.)-— 1 Inn-cock, Mich.. 10.12. Calumet lil-J.1. Dnliilli..Minn., IT-22.

Jackson. isaVI (.'., Slock ll'erpy II. I.evln, mgr.)- I'lilliidelpliln, Fn.. III. Imlellnlle.

Jpffci-son Slock IK. V. IMiplan, mgr.)—Portland.Me.. III. Inilellnlle.

.lainon' Brooklyn MHJlni-y Baud --Pnirla. III. 10-15.Kin>tt.l(i».elle iSwii-ly, Slilpinan * Co.. nigra.)--Tr/iveme city, Mich.. 10, MiniNve 1 1. <>adlllai!12. Film. I.'l. Ypslli.nl I II. Adrian 15, (Ireen-vlllp. Pa,. 1T. Tltiiavllle IS.


Kclm. Ailclaido (llnrtlg ft Keniiioti,' nigra.)— X.V. Clly 10, inilellnlle.

Kolli ami Dill iNat A. Miiyi.or. mgr.l—San Fran-Cisco. Cnl.. 111. Inilellnlle,

Kellpy Slink (Jewell Kelley, msr. I— Km.v vllle.

Temi., lo, llnlelliille. .

"Knight for u Ilov" III. (!. Wldliiev. mgr.l—Chicago.' III.. 10. tndi'llultc.

"King (if. lln- Caltle Itlng." Kller'a, Kajdcn |F.P. Keed. mgr.l—HenildJI, Minn.. 12. FnaalnnHI. Warren 11, Argylp 15, Stephen IT, IliillockI*.

"King of (he Cattle Ulng." P.llpr's. Weslern (JoeBeckpr. mgr.)—Chehallal Waah.. 12. WlnlockIS. Cnalle Itock 14. Kelko 15, Portlnnd, Ore.,10. -Hood Hlvpr 18, The Dallea 11).

MfllUWtnuc Stuck IF. H. I.lvlngalone, nigr.)—SprlugHelil. III.. 10. Imloflnlle.

l-olhrop Stuck l(i. K. I.olt.rup, mgr.)—Itimlon,Mass,. 10. Iniletlnlle.

la-wla & laikc'H Mnalcnl Cumpily—Senttlp, Waah.,10-211.

/.Illlaii Lawrence Stock—Boston. Masts., 10, In-deihilte.

I.oreli. Theiiilore- Denver, Colo.. Id, Inilellnlle.

Lyceum Slock (Waller I). Xealand, Ingr.)—St.John. N. II. Cun., in Imli'llnlle.

I.lla-rll'a Bund (A. Lynn Slinw, ingr.)—Clove-land. ().. lo-Jnly 2S,

"Llltle Prosiaatlor" (Frank ti: King, mgr.)—Hu-ron. S. Dak.. 12, Miller I.'l, KeilHeld II, Aber-deen 1.1.

Mann. OiiiIm ISiiiii S. ft lai- Shnla-rl. Inc.. nigra.)—I'hlladelidila. Pa., lo. Imli-nnltc.

Mack, Andrew (W. M. Wilkinson, nigr.)—ClirlslChurch. N. ft, 10-15. Tlmani IT, Dimedlu IS-July 2, liirercarglll 5-5.

,M mi nunnery .mil Sli.no iC. II. Ulllliiglinui. mgr.)

"X. Y.'CHy 10. Imlellnlle.

Mortimer. Chun. (J. M. Hill, nigr.)—llawea-vllle. Ky., 10-1.1.

MeD.in.ilil Slnek (li. W. McDonald, mgr.)—Mon-roe. La,, 10 15.

Myrkle- Harder Stork, Soiilhern il.allmore &Leigh, ingrs.l—Dallns. Tex.. 111.25.

Mnjmlle Stock—AllMiiy, X. Y., 10, Indefinite.-Mali'llnn IJlH'lll—Klliifm, X. V.. 10. l.nleHnlte.

Miller llnw. Stm'k iIah- Slauloii. mgr.)—.Mtdatrly,Mo., 10-15,

"Mail irf Hip Hour" (Brady ft; tiilamer, lugts, )—X. Y. Clly 10. Inilellnlle.

"Man of Hip llanr" (Brady ft lirlsnier, uigra.)—Chicago, III.. III. linletlnlie.

"Mrs. Wlgjis of. Hip liaMiage Patch" (l.leblpr a!Co., ingi'K.I-Umdon, Kng.. HI. Inilellnlle.

"Miss I'lsahonlas" (lilinigii. 111.. |ii, ImlpilnllP."My Wlfe'w Family. Ctnirnl (Frank t\«ke. mgr.)

- -l.lllltttllllHigil, Toilll., 10-15, Allmilii, (in., IT-

10- 15,

10, lu-


Stork. Wolford— Wlnlleld, Knn.. 10-32..".HljCaaiajn In Town" (II. B. l.lnion r.mgr-)—N««U

vllle, Twin.. 10-15, Memphis 17-22.Taylor, Albert, Stock—Fort Smith, Ark

Hot Sprints 17-21).

Thompson, Mabel, Stuck—San Diego, Cnl.definite. -

Thnrp'a Big Show—Joncarlllc. Ky.. 10-15"Ylh«, (lie Place and the Olrl

,r (M. H.mar. I— Boston. Masa.. 10-13.

"Tbree of TJ«" (Walter K. Lawrence, mgr.)—Chi-cago. III.. 10, Indefinite.

"Uncle Tom'a (Tallin. " Tprry'a (W. 15. Dickey,msr.)—I'ralrle Clly, In., 15. Monroe 17. Knnx-vllle 18. Itoac Hill 1!), Delta 20. Harvey 21.Kdd/vllle 22

"T.ncle Tom's Cabin," Mason Bros.' (Tom Mason,bda. mgr.)—Renfrew, Ont.. Can., 12. Arnprlor13, Sniflh March 14. Ottnwa 15.

Van Der Berg Open—X. Y. Clly to. Indefinite.Van Dyke & Katon (F. Mack, ingr.)—Elkhart,

luil.. 10-15.Valliiinoot Slock (A. Glassmlre, mgr.l—Williams-

port. Pa.. 10, ludednlte."Volunteer Organist" (Win. Gray, mgr. )—Chicago.

111., 1(1-22.

WarHeld, David (David Ilplasco, mgr.)—B.wlon,Mean.. 10-15.

Wills Musical Oimedy (John II. wills, nigr.)—KiHixrllle, Tenn.. ID-July U.

Wills All Stars (John B. Wills, ingr. I—BuckmeBench, Va., 10. ImleHnKi-.

Wllla Comic Opera (John B. Wills, nigr.)—Dan-vilje. Va.. 10-Jnly 14.

Wluhhigcr Bros." Own (Frank Wlniihigvr, nigr. )—Anplclou, Wla„ 10-15, Keaaoii emla.

Wallnck'a Theatre. Xorlhern (Dublnsky Bros.,nigra.)—Itock Island, III., 10, Indefinite.

Wallnck'a Theatre. Southern (Maurice M. Ilutdu-aky. mgr.)—Chumitp. Kan., 10-22.

Wiillack'a Theatre, Western (ICdward Dublnaky.mgr.)—Wichita. Kan., 10-22.

WIIIIituiH Stock (.7. W. WIlllniiiK. mgr.)—Mountvriion. III.. 10-13. Sah-m 17-22.

Wolfe Stock—Wichita. Km., 10. indetlnlte."Wlianl of Oa" (Hurtlg & Seanion, mgrB.)—

Clilcugo. III.. 10-1.1.

"Wlxard or Wall Street, " Kdwlii PH llersi.i.'s—Flanileim. S. Dak.. 12. MaillHon HI. Bryant II.Walerlown 1.1, Ilris.klnus 17, JCinoti IS. plenv111. Miller 2(1. Iteillleld 21. Ala-rdwii 22. 2:1.

•Wizard or Wall strivt" (l,e\v Vlrden, mgr.)—I.awlon. Okln.. 10-20.


Ye Oilonlnl Slock (C. W. Burner, mgr.)—Hamil-ton, O., 10-13.

HtllLIOSUII': \M> VAIDKVIM.IC.llowcry lliirlesipa'is (Hiirllg ft Seiuuon, nigra. 1- -

X, \. City 10-15.Meilx ft Biirnell Vaudeville (A|. Martx. mgr.)—

Danville. Vt„ lit, Concord 11. Oll»)t 15.Wine, Woman and Song (M. M. Tlielse, mgr.)—

.v. Y. City 10. imlellnlle.Walwm'a Coney Conier Girls |W. II. Walson,

mgr. I—I'lillndelpl.lii. Pu.. 10. Iiidetliilte.

MIX-STHKLS.Dockatnder. Lew (Charlea D. Wilson, mgr.l—Porl-

land. Ore,, HI, 14. Tacomri, Wash., HI, Seattleii.-in. iCverelt 20. North Yaklinii 21, WallaWnlln 22.

Diiiio.v nixie, Vohakel ft Nolan 'a (John J. Xolau,mgr.)—Moose Jaw, Saalj.. Cun.. lo. MuideCrM'k II, Meillelne Hat. Alia.. 12. I.otl.l.rl,p.-o

14. 1.1, Cardatmi 17. Mclir.illi IS. Itiiymond III,L'larealnmi 20. Illgli lllver 21. Okotoks 22.

Daly's. Win. Josh—llazlelon. Va.. 10-1.1.Fox's, ltoy K.—Dc l«0U, Tex., Hi-12. Gorimin 13.'

15, Chleo 17-111.

TriXT SHOrt s.

Alloa ft- Anderson's—Attica. N. Y.. 12. I,e |t,.vlil. Avon 14. Churehvllle 1.1, Akixui 17. Lancas-ter 18. Middleport 111, Albion 20, Biccsport 21.Williamson 22.

Barmm & Bailey's—Flndlgy. o.. 12. Toledo HIAdrian, .Mich.. 14. Jackson 1,1, Detroit tT, FilmIS, Maglmiw 111, I, mining 20, lonln 2!, Griimlltuplds 22.

Jliiilulu Bill's Wild West. Cnl. Win. F. Codv (FredB. Hutchinson, mgr. I— Newlmrgli. N. Y., 12Kliigaloti HI. Albany 14. Pltlattcld. Masa., 15.lloalot: 17-22.

I'orepangli ft Sells Urn*.'—Niagara; Falls. X. V..12. SI. (Jatheiliies lint.. Cull., lil, HamiltonII, llraiitfoiil 15. Loudon 17, Clialham IN, SI.I'liomnii III. Wooilatiatk 20. Slraifoi-d 21. Berlin

TO CORRESPONDENTS.Onr theatrical: ciirretpetufentt are hereby

notified that the credential* note held by

litem expired June 1. Then are rcquctted to

return them to this office at once, for renewal

for im-BOS.'


PKNNSYLVANIA.I'liHiulelpliJu.—Another Summer sciuoti

1ms hcgiin, und I'hllndelplilii still lacks Hint

which evpry other large clly possesses—


roof garden, with the uaoal combination of

vaudeville and blgli balls. Great hopes wereanticipated when the owners of the Lyric

und tnc Adelplilu. wlilch adjoin each other,

announced tliut u big roof garden would bebuilt oyer the two houses, but now wc ureagHln In the slough of despond because theaclienic hua been abandoned.

Lyric (Messrs. Sliubcrt, munagers).—"TheWhite Hen," with Louis Mann, continues to

In- a slrong drawing curd, and begins its

third week June 10. Tbe run should con-tinue to Mne business far Into the Summer.

(iiiiAim (Miller & Kaufman, lnanagera).

Tills popular playhouse put up Ha sliultera

8, the concluding week being devoted lo

Chester D'Amon. ni!nd reader, and several

vaudeville nuns. The past season has beenthe most prolitnble In the history of the


IIaiit's (Mi W. Hurl, liiiintiger).—VimKlnale, In "Kuthieen Muvournven," did Huebusiness lust week, which xvns the litial oneof Hie season. Mnmigcr Hurl lias uo causeto complain of the business done duringthe season.

J'.wiK (F. (i .\ixoii-.\lrdlluger. manager)—The Shaw English UpCfM «.'o. will beginn season of comic opera HI, opening with"The Mikado." The company Includes: De"Nlvcn, Wiillucv Hrowulow. Laiiril .Mllla

Frederick Knight. George W. Leslie. Williamllrown and Frank ltiini'iey. Tom Waters, In"The Mayor of Laogliliind," concluded, S,

a • highly successful run of six weeks. "Thelloliciiiian (.111" next.

Kkitii's (II. T. .Ionian, mnntigci).—Killllils week George II. Primrose and Ills Min-strel Hoys, the Glliwroltl Troupe, May Tollyand company, Kdward F. Keynard, the Piano-ph lends, It.i.vin.iiul and L'nverly, the Foursingers, Xorlnn and Nicholson. Knlgbl Urns,und Sawtellc, Lnwson ami Nainun, I.cvllleund Sinclair, linker and Jerome, the Kuuff-iimus, IMmlllon and Howled. Frank ilowiunnund I he kluelogi-uph. Jack N'oworth andHenry 10. Dixev were strong favorites withthe throngs that packed lite house last week.CliKSTNrr S'rituCT Oi'iiiix ll(ii:sn (Nixon &

Zlininermtiii. inaiiugci's).

joisli- Juuls Is tin;lending limilnary week uf 10. Millers arc:Frank Bush. Adelaide llerrmunii, Ilulpli .lolin-slimo. the Itnliiin Trio, .Mile. Ktnruy s pots.Tom Ileum, hid. Latell. I he L'rucslo Sistersand moving pictures. .Vlclntyrc ami llenth.and Wilfred I'larTte were the big cards lustweek. Willi (iverliiiwlng houses.

UtJou (George W. Klfe, manager).—WilliMajor Siun Dawson In charge, tile Snuitnerseason atarts 10, with Miner's Americans.The. olio mentions: Gladys Arnold. Will 11.Ward. .Hiiiin- Itowlaito. Wood Urol hers. Mel-

IMltHliurK—At Hie Grand (H,„ rv , hmaoager) this woek'i* BWiliidnrlw tl,SSiSi

Dlxcy and comuony In "David iiM "\L'>.Anna Kva Fay, Geo. Abe and cotui.a ,Ve ',*


Norworlh, Pony Ballet. Gallagher1

und t""!

rctt, Hcsslc Wynne, Loulso Henry ffl* ftfnos. the Brlttons, Le Nore and «lnclilr if-


nedy and Wllklns, the Buenos ainjfffij&"

matogiaph. I^st week's bill wus cicelinTand packed the ho-ise dally diirlng H?c i, S 1'

Nixon (Thos. f. Kirk, manager, •',,

week's bill liKludes: Alice Llo'd t |,e~,Lll '


Nnoghtons. Kmplri! City Quartette Ire-cngag,'.for another week), Valazzi. Mason nmi n5iOKrlen nod Havel, Wm. Uurress? v r^i!


bert'H Song Birds, Delmorc und lie, i|rc ,Bert rum and tlie animated pictures. iSbouses have been in order. "l "

Hii'i'OUltiuiK (Ira J. La Motte, mina«.,This wecka hill includes: Polar Ifca? x


Harry ('. Lyons, C'lienoweth and FerrirtDainty Dotlie Daleand' Boh Huheria rm«inesH lias been very good. The Hallau UlSEitra. lu concert, afternoon nml even lug

Majks-ik: (Howard Koycr, maniigeri .

This weeks bill: Catherine linker ttiauMuck. Will Taylor, Perkins and Calvert S|.„ey and U Koy, and Bema U UmSStBusiness has been very good.


Luna (Klmer K Gregg. jMiw^rJ.-Ti..Navassars Lady Military Band bus la-en r»engaged for another week, and In 1|„. onM ,Marzelo and Wonlfc. In « clever ucnilii-net, appear. Business has lieen good; Kknnywoop (A. P. Mehulmn. juu2»t) _Sunday aflcrnoon and evening, », MaVnV.Band. Mnrjorle Barrett, and ..titer fmi'tahters npppared. Kemp Sisters' Wild Wmand Hippodrome continues to pluy to nartaihouses. *™

SoiiTHKltx (A. S. McSwigan. manager)-.Sunday afternoon and evening. 0, Xlieii',,-

;Band, and


Karl Lindsay, the vocalist »,peared. Kim ness has been good, und II,

• 1Mb "father conditions are mlicli more favor.il,

iiii.-I,BKAM r,TV Stanley V. Vlcltcr" ami ,'









,,.'.!l: ger).-Fl'ee twi,« dully. (aP „omH|esIrotipp, inn

I Deliiceit's II. S. Hand. I!. in ,| eoncert* Sunday. Business lias been very t i

WMtT Vikw.—No coiatrts .Sund.iv, ),„[during the week dancing and bund codcpiIs

Ciinbv Is i.am,.—Tlii s nBW .mrk wl |,


opened on June 2i).

Lnnensler—At the Family (Kd. Moiarlmanager) 'Tlie Cowboy and the Lmlv" waswell iiutrnnlwil June :t-S. "A Stranger Ina Strange Land," 10-15, will conclude Himme engagement of the excellent stock comiiun.v Hint Manager Mozart formed. 'I'lin

house will (hen be closed for the BuuWrHie eompiiny, reorganized, but rautainiigmost of the original members, will lie itnumed the Frederic Sumner Slock Co.. amiremoved lo Itocky Springs Then Ire for HieSummer.

Kiiok l-iAIHiKS (Olias. M. Howell, inamigenopeneil for I he season 3. "Thu TolepboneGirl," Hie opening attraction, drew crowdedhoiues. ilie new stock compituy proved Inhe of gi-ent nliltlty, mid Kuve very .vallsfarlory perfornvunces. "A Trip lo Chinatown,"10-15.Kockv SfltINO Thhatrb (H. (irlffcliis,

manager) will lie opened bv Hie IrvingDramnllc Association, of this cllv. in "VulJevharm. II. Commencing 17 tin- Fivderfc

vllle und Itoller. and I)e Win Yotingand com- ,s iiinner Stock C. removed from Hie Fnnillv

pnny. Thi! Washington .Society Girls were re- 1\u


u l*''; »'JH start Its Summer engagement.eelved with much niipreclatlnu, by line houses,lust week. The Bijoii Kurlcsiiuo Stock Co.next.

, Lenlhlinvu,

!, Cautiy til.



Xnzlinovu. Mine, .\IIh I Henry Miller, mgr.)—N.Y. Clly Hi-1.1.

Xorlh Bros.' Comedians—Hot Springs. Ark.. 10-22.orpls'iuu (ippra (Milton ft Sargent Ahum, nigra.)

- -Brooklyn. X. Y.. lo. Indelliillo.

ilymida (iisna -Moiille. Ala.. 10. tinletlnlie.

"Our New Minister" (Josepli Couyera, mgr.)

Mhiiienpolls. Minn,, II- 13, Milwaukee, Wis.. II).

Paige. Muliel. I.'ompdy (II. F. Wtllnril. mgr.)—.lacks,, li vllle. Phi., ID-AUK. IT.

Pii.vton Slatera (C. S. I'n.vloa, mgr.)— Fori Snillli.

Ark.. I0-2H.I'rynr anil Ids Baud lArlhur I'ryur, iMiiductor)

I'lilladclplila, Pn., I.VJulT 5.

Pluyers iSioi-k I Bush Temple Theatre (.'«.. nigra.)- SI I'niil. Minn.. lo-Aiig. :il.

Puyceii Slis-k -Peiirlu. III., lo. Imlellnlle."Pwk's Had Boy" IP, S. Callahan, mgr.l -

Leililnhbie. Mia., Cun.. 12. Tnlair HI. Mcl.poilII. Cl.iresli„hn 15. Xuiiloii IT. High Hirer IS.(I.oioks HI. Caltarj 20. Dlilsla'IT.v 21, funis-fall 22.

Itiisspll. Lillian I Gen. I". Hluloii. mgr.l—Battlecreek. Mich.. 12, Jackson lit, Delrult 14, 15.season wills.

llio.nl llallan Open— X. Y. Clly 1U-2II.

Itoyal C4iiiiidhin llaial (J. M. Finn.Ilnmlia. Nel.r., 1|l-Sp|il, 13.

Itoyal Artillery Baud Una. De Vlto,llnlelliille.

(David Hoi, , see.

Fashion I'll,le-M, nail linloii. I'a., 12lil. Purl Ito.vul II. Xenporl 1.1.

I In till ii ir Brns.—Slcp|i.v F,ve. Minn., |j

Gioloii. S. Dak., 14, Slssploa 15,Minn.. IT.

ifmyV- Prlncploii. Ia„ 12, l,eclnlrp lit,

t-t, Donahue 15.

Luck? Hill's— 1 1 rami island. Nelir., 12. Alda HIWood Ulver II. Shellon 1.1, (illit.in IT, KearneyIH, Axlell 111. Mluden 20, Noruuin 21. Holslclu

Uv Bros,—ApiHiiuiitg. It. I.. 12. Xallck HI. civileII. Pliculx l.i, Sicrllng, Onia., 17. Mooallp IS.Jewell clly 111,

Pawnee Bill's Wild West and Great Far FinalOul. LHIIe's— Davenport, la.. 12. Dulamm- Hi!Oerarrln I, llochealer 15. Mlnnpapulla. Mliui.,

I7.' i?'

'"•'."'"'''I II'. Muiikiilo 20. Wortliliigtnn21. Slum Fulls, s. Dak., 22.

IHiigllng lima.'—Lawrence, Mass., 12, Mauchcs-ttf" ?'. "•• .'"• Lowell. Mass.. 14, FUchbiirg15. Sprtuglleld 17. llurlfoiil. Conn., 18.

ltobiison's. Johii—Wulerlou, la.. 12. MaiichesterLl. Cedar Unphla 14. Tamil 13.

Itulibhia. Frank A.—Itocliealcr. N. II. , 12. Snvlim-viile. Me., hi, linn, h. Jtucklund 15.

Heed Bras.'—West Liberty, Kv., U,Kla»' Hough Itlders—Coliimhiis, ()., Kt-ir,Splls-Floio'a—Wiillncp. Ida.. 12. Missoula. Mont,,

Id. Helena 14, Bulte 15. Aiiiicondu 17, DillonIS. Idahn I'iiIIh. Ida.. Ill, Motil|,cllcr 20, RockSnrliiga. Wvo.. 21. ItnwlhiH 22.

Smith's, K. (I.-Oleli ltlckey. Pn.. lit. (irampl,,,,Lntliershiirg I'-ll,

Silver l-alully I Hurl Silver. iiigr.l-Coiiklln. Mich.,.•••JlWptwrllle in. Berlin 11. Cruudvllle 15.MiishlniHis. I.1SX1—Herkimer. N. Y., 12 Vuri


ViA»1N '«;«,«'» II- Troy 13. Hooslek Falls

li, Sheltuti-ne Fulls, Mass., Is. Greenfield 111Xo.'lliaiiiptou 2(1.

'"1. Turners I nils 21, Orange 22Cliuksvlllp, X. Y„ 1.1, Alamoi






lliilllaniri.. Mil.. 10,

''Hum. of tin* Itauehn'N. Y. City 10-21'.,

"Bound I'ii Uoappli Brodks. nigr.)—111.. 10. Illiletliilte.

"Hoad lo Veslenlny" (Sam S. ft l.ppInc.. Iligrs.i -X. Y. I'lly III. Indefinite.

Sotlieru. l-i. II.. null .I11II11 Marlowe 1Sam S.I.pp Shnlrri. hie. ingrs.l— X, y, Clly III 22.

Siabl. Hum 1 Henry 11. Harris, mgr.l—Clilcugo,III.. 10. Inilellnlle.

Skinner. (Ills (Charles 1'riiliioan. tllgr.)— Spultlc,Wash,. 1.1 1.1. Spokm.e 17. IS.

SissiiH'r. Cecil (('lias. K. Illaiipy. u.iir. 1 - ,\. V.Clly UI-I.V

Shaw F.agllsli ll|H<lil--Plilhidpl|>lilii. Pa.. III. Ill-


San FrnuclsiM (i|a>rn (Frank W. Mealy, mgr.)

Pnrllaiul. On-.. 10-Jnly 1.

SI. Clilr. Mae 1 Han, III.,,, ft- Wnlers. nigra.) •

SI. John-dairy. VI.. Ill 15. Iliirro 17 22.Nii.i« si,«'k iMnrlliuer Snow, umr. I - Memphis,

Ten, . HI. Indellullp.Slur Slock I'orilcial. hit., in. 111,1,'ihifl,'.

si.alilari siis-k Buy I'lly. Mi.-h.. IK, linletlnlie,Stanley Slock (Arlluir Stanley, mgr.)—St. Louis,

Mo., 10, luileUulte,

Whirler Al. F.-ciniksvllle. X. Y„ 1.1. Alntnout

NWlIivil'ie'Tl'i'"'"""•Wc IT. M.iiyllehl is.

MIM liLI.ANKOlS.Ikisiock's A11I11111I Amin (FrimkC. Bi-slwk. ingr)— Oiuey Ishiinl, X. V.. Ill, ludeilulte.ItosKs-k s Animal An (Frank C. Bnsloeli. mgr 1—Norfolk. VT:„ 10. hidelhilip.Burton Ilras.' Hlusluii Show (Gm. w. Usiimnl

imii'.i--lliirtronl. C01111., 10, llnlelliilleCriilbsbniik—Puiwroy, 0- lit. (,'ulihiolia 15(, rocker's TrtWucil Animal Show—Toronto. Out..

Crystniplox '(.M. H. Wulsb. mgr.l—Worceslcr,

D'Ahnu'a Trulucd Aiilmnl Show—Spi-lngnptil.Mass. 12. West.leld lil. Ih.lyokP 14. Xorlh,,,,,!-'ton IS. iliwntlelil 1 1. Oriinge is, tliirdnpr, mat.,11111I Hlehbiirg II), Lpoinlusler 20, Cllnlon 21Mnrllson 22.

llolden's Animal Show—(Tilcapi. 111.. 10. hnlell-

Heek. W. S.. AanMHuMri Co.—Lima, o., 10-15Jolly Ktliloplaus is. II. Dudley, mgr.l Stoeltiin

Pa.. 10-1.1, York IT-22.Parker. C. W.. Shows il'rainor ft Tvler. mgrs )—

luiiklon, S. Duk., 10-15, MnlikAto. Minn.. IT-""llioinpsoii Kuleriahmra 1 Frank H. TboninsoiT'Mr-l—Dial 1.1 llluff. Wis., I", I.'l, ll,," a,j-

MiiniiKcrN nml Ac (lira lull)- I,,

Hitylnu- lli-nl I'Xnle.Henry II. Iliirrls Is president of 11 now-

orgaiilziilliiit. called the Astorin llevelniunent

liV1'.„J,,,i"l'.1' "., Gristlier Is vice president, aud

\\ llllaiin Ilnt-rlM. treasurer. Other directorsare: William K Connor. Frank Daniels. Wit-Inn Luckiiye, Slinilslnun Slnngp und KdwnrdAlleles.

The coui pu 11 y has hoiiglit from Hie Hlckerl-ITnln.v ltciilly O,.. (weiKy-llitep lots 1111 VilliAlsi and lion Avenues and llurclnv Streetliiisi Ulver llplghts. |„ I., for *02.(l(M1, ami.will erect tiieicou a group of four, atory flats.

Lvi'khji (John G. .feniii.ii, nianitger) .

Purls by Nlghl, 11 house show. 10-15. Thecoliipany Is headed by Win, Kelly, wlih Wil-lurd and llnghps lealuicd In the olio. Tbehill also included .luck Bluckliiii'n, In 11 box-ing contest. Business was good lust week.

TitiicAiniitii (Fred Wlllsoii. umiiuger).

Hilly Watson and His Cozy Corner Girls cou-II mil' as a fine drawing curd. The burlesquesare changed weekly, ns well as new lids inI he olio. The ninuieiir nets on Friday arctilwuys piudiicllvi! of 11 capacity iiudlencc.

Casino (Kilns & Kuenlg. luitiiiigei'H).

( <ile mid Juhiisoii will open a Htipplcnicuinlseuson III, lu "The Shoo-I'lv llegiuieul,"which will com Itiuc IntlellullclV.

lluN 'I'ox I Lillian Tyson, iniiniiger).— Hillweek of ll): Florence llules. Man Fallund.kennedy und Lang, linker and West, W.Liivern unit moving iilcturcs.

IlimciiWddii I'ah'k iK. K, Downs, lnatia-gor).— In Hie nrenu. week of 10, are: TheKelliilzer Sisiers und I he Uell-Prevost Trio..Nearly nil the ainuspment feu Hi res arc nowretidy for (he crowds, two more being Mulshednst week. Venice and Ilie .lupunese Itimdis also relit Ined for the current week.,

"OOiisiDi: I'auk.—Tlie Gretmdlers' BundIs furnishing Hue music for Ilie crowds. Theamusement features ure doing us well us ranhe expected, considering the weather condl-I ions.

Wiixiiw GltiiiK Paiik (F. H. Llucoln, 1111111-itger).—Walter LMtnrosch mid his New York-Symphony Orchestra continue 11s the all ruc-tion until 14. when lie will lie succeeded bvArthur I'l-yur and his baud, for a three weeks'stay.

Wasiiinu'i-on I'auk (Win. J. Thompson,iiiainigeri.—A big roller skat lug rink, whichwill he 1.pencil shorlly. Is expected lo he thebig feature ill rim park llils season. TlieItoninii linpcrlnl Bund ( (limes lo (llscour.seline operatic selections lo Iha evident tippru-clullon of tin! crowds.

Wllini Cirv (II. If. Auchy, autnaser).—All the iimiisemeot feittuics urn being wellpn Iconized. Including tho skating rink andl>ou.v (ruck.

NiiTlis.—The Knll'iilo Bill Show did siidi nili'IIoi-iiioiis hitslnoss Insi week. Mint ll wassimply liiipoKslhlc lo handle lite crowds, thou-sands luring liii'iicd »way. The uiuiuigeuieiiihad. also great d (Nullifies In preventing llcketsculping with the ndmlKslon tlckels, whichwere buiiglil up by the hundreds and sold foradvanced prices. This Wns ihmllv overcomehy closing Die ticket otltccs und (lonipi'lllngeverybody lo pay cash iidmissions ul Ihcgute. ... Architect Albert 10. Weslovcr. ofthis clly, la designing a handsome. tUO.000nhivhouKp In .Merlden. Conn., for 13. '/,. 1> 11.Bids will lu> asked for In two weeksHarry Duvls has leased tho store propertytit No t.lll Market Street, for $18,000 ityear, for a moving nlcturc show. This mni.-sthis fifth venture of his In this city, withJ no,,',




1" r<"' "' Properties running overSHU 1.111111 ,1 year Gcurge Dliguetii.. on,.01 the broncho Humors with the Kiiirnlii BillShow, Is seriously III hi the Sumurlliin llos-IV'"I, with piiptiiininla. Ills home Is ,11 Laket liamplnltt. X. 1


with "My Friend from India." 17Nun.—The lied Men will hold a lurgc

State convention during current week, withparade on 12. und It Is exiiected I he thrumswill be largely pnlronlzed.

1 m 1

\vnil(iins|,,,rl,—Al; the Kamllv ( Preil SI.

.nuiiKle. muimgerl the Four Dancing Itclh's.

I'.d._ nml .II.ullii White. Ivtl llotictle, Taneiiii.I'llx und Cluylnn, Wilbur Mack mill Mill

1 home Worthley. AdamlnlTaylor and compuny did big biiKlness week of .lime ii. Mr.I.iimadi! aunotiiices Hint the house will clos«2^, for teu weeks.

VAI.hAMONT I'AUK PAVILION (AugllstlWGliissiulre. mnnugcr).—'I'll-.! season npens 24.

Willi 1 he following company: AugustineGliissiulre, Wm. ti. Slider, Cbas Stevens.Geo. (Niiinor. Goo. Kiirle. .Tuck Ucgitn, NoibIteytiolds. Chester Wallace. Robert Tule.Ben ha Creighton, Ham Summers, Virginiallennlngs, I In 1 1 It- Foley and Consltinco Irvln.


Wuslihurii's Animal Show did big

business May ill Forpaugb-Sells Bros.'Show drew and pleased big crowds .Mine 7.

Ilageiibeek-Walhicc Shows for Jane-4 The Pennsylvania BUI Posters andDistributors Association held their llilrtcritlli

nnnutil convention In this city (I, 7. 11 waslargely attended.

t Tuiioinlul.-.—At the Grand Opera Ilnui"

(George W. Lowdrr, manager) the local

Knlghls of Columbus gave a repetition id

I heir lulnslrel show io packed bouses, lift"noon and evening of 'Memorial Day, and thawsuccess was so gratifying that Ihev iif

making dates to nnneiir In towns within eradius of sixty miles.

. Family if. j,. Blair, manager).—Week K.lime :) : Wllllum Shallcs, in songs lllustruled,and refined moving pictures, r.very leatiii''

of the Innovation lias proved a winner, ns(he applause has a nested.

Xiitk.—Forepuilgh Ik Sells Ilrolliers' GniHShow was wlih tin Saturday, June I. All

seats were laken aflernoon and evening. HOThundreds of llcket buyers were sat lulled lo

hold down I lie grnss. Tim show is cnpllnl.

AH (.01111—rn„j ytur, (Silverman Urn*,munugers) -a new and attractive resort wasformally opened,limn 6, with moving (*•

lures of the I'asslmi I'liiy. 'Hie following peo-

ple uppcur Hi anil week: Doyle and Oralis".and Lu (,'lnlr und West.Lakkmoxt I'auk Thkatiik (.1. II. Sliiuk.

tiiiiiiugen.—The season owns IB, ,NriTKs.—L. It. Cool, formerly manager of

the Lyric. In this city, will manage Ihc **lostlc Thcalre. In Johnstown, Vn tVWalter L. Main Fashion Plale Shows will

exhibit al Tyrone, 10.»

Vrltv—The Majestic (J. L. Gllsoti, ninn

""TI and tho Park Opera House U. [»

Gilsou, manager) aro both closed for to"

senson, and undergoing necessary ronovalwu.Ilie piisr reason 1111s is?en very UroillgUK Wthe miiuugemciit.

Waliiamukii (Thos. Malooev. inaiiagerl

opened the sensou on Muv ill), with a rrwrnbreaking iitlpiidnncp. jinny Hue Impni';''

meplsi uiiii nlirurtlons huve been iithh'd.J'|

(ludluu; 11 roller i-ouslcr -i""l (Imire - '

June :i and week, Uteri uiwi his concert hanO'

GET WISE,lhre.Trui.lc, beonn... Hi. (he l.lgl.lr.t und Strringe.t Thentrl.nl Tr«nk iwinV


Oliikei-a ut

110 Wesi luiii 81., New York Clly.





NOBODY'STHE \v4ltlis AN'fa MH«i1



"I'll*" melodyof "PIhixii .Cuino anil

N» rriim"!!


l'TRST VERSE.On'lhe rm-ner stands a halvr,

Willi n l«tter in li«r hands :

Passing liy a pnstninn falters.Sees a smile lie tinders! amis.

•"I'nke tills letter to my .Mama,Tell her Unit II enme from me."

"Whin's your mime, i-oiiih. tell lue. OenrleV"Then the ehlhl sobs tearfully :

In one of THRODOttE MORSE'S very bent. The words nPiny. In My Turd" and "Daddy's Little C.lrl." and they ,w

in Ii.iii.ii-. Ml iiulpsH into prowramine In MM Cn*iproicrai


A si'i-enni lu I lie East ntul Middle Wesl

CHORUS.They say I'm nobody's baby.You'll ilnd my Momn, Air, maybe.If xomeone eared for me only,I wouldn't be spil and lonely.I'njui nnd Minim have ported;I'm nil ii lone, broken henrled:I guess that's wliv Ihey .ill rail meNobody's Mtrteiiilrl.

CopyrlBhl. 11107.

»re In JACK OIHSLAXEH heal vein. TV slides by SCOTT & VAX ALPENA, are nlwoliitely perfeet.were both bljt ones. VOl- know thai. Orchestra purls In all key* What's*<!«. not accented. Letters without lirnuru in inn will le.-rlve im

skcoxh vi:itsi:.S.i.iii I he post mini rends 111.' letter,

Oulekly »lves ii million stun."Ililhy, dear, 1 know your Mniiin.

Tim' 'lis years we've hern iipnr

In bis iirin* be dikes bis ihirlliig,

Itrnshes Ink I; her irnlih'n .nil


"Though she left us. I have ymf,V«u're stilt someiHie's Utile girl


yours?i Hllviillon.



dear -

.Mil Jifl- M't. This s.ui|: Is w

PUBLI 1-lllMO COMPANY, \A/< t-fc 3 7th St., New Vnnd irnvelhiK fast. Von cannot afford to be without II. thir ehorus


'Wigwams" ureal. Hel a biiiieh. I'ree fur lln-



\.y uliml



I ollllilll-i List of KeW J.iik Tlleiltres ;

Mnlingei's, Agents, lialli-onil Agents.Mll.l. PllbllnllPM, KtC.

Fltl.K at. till* o.nii e or will lie niulleilin Iteelpl .if four ceil is lu >lnill|ls.

' .;""'' "

c'OTIt Mii.t) CllKKK (if, T. , 1'osler. mtm-gcri.—This resorl 4.peus Julie !), tvl.h .1

crawl In'nugnnil hull. Viiiidevllle Includes:Will Meld*. Carrie Miller, the MusicalAdams, Onrl Allhnrpe nnd eompmiy, assisted

liv Hnr.'l, liilil Marlon- , I'lunKel coiii|iany.

liood weather here is Juki t'.uiiiiioni'lng.

Prof. A. II. Knoll, eornettlsl. Is xpowlini; it

few days at his homo hero.»

llamlctnn.—The rurally (Kilobluiicb &llersker, proprietors) closed n sin ssful sea-

son on Saliirilny. June N. Hie lasi two weeksbeing confined lo minimi pictures and (litis-

Ira I ed souks.ll.m.t: I'AltK ojiens week of HI, wllh Win.

Josh Daly's Minstrels.Wai.tkii Main's Ciuet'N June 111,


limit renl. — Al. Ibc - Actlileiuy of Music(Waller U reaves, malinger) the season forIbis house closed week of .lime .'i. Willi

"t'hnrley'x Aunt."I'liA.vfAi.s . (R W; I.e Clair, mnnnKer).

The 1'iiller Sioek t'o. put. on "Only u Shoplilrl." hi gonil houses, ii-X, "The Confessionsof II Wile" 1(1-15.

ItDVAi. ill. C. Egorl.ou, ni.'iiuiRvr).—l'nt

White mid burlesque I'ompnny iileased k<io.I

iiiii'iuhiiico lust week. I'm White nnd Ciinii-

dlan llelles 10-1B.fins Noiivkai'ths (.lean J'rovosf, mnnogerj.—The permanent French stock company. In

"Iji Perk-hole." plensed 3-8. 'Gnrdez Vosl''einnies ''1*J-1S,

HoMixio.N F'aiik (II. A. Horsey, manager).—Attendance nf this park Improved duringthe past week. The outdoor attractions wereMile. Paula Plnuet and tne Halms Itrothers.

s.ui mi it I'aiik (Lnvlgne & LaJole. mnna-gersi.—Attendance was Rood last week, withllolm.il Hrothers. Mine. Xnynon, Les Vnla-dons, Sisters l.nfrere. idle, de Mat ha, andLurigne's .Military Hand.

Vii-riiiiiA III.vk Oaiivkns illroolis & OnKllnly. managers i.—The rink will open fora short season 10-15. with Uttle Bo-Pcop,.Musical Thor. Ilrnce Wndtlell, (Jeorge Hyde,Wiltshire and Hyde, and life motion pictures.

St. John.—At the Opera Monde (A. 0.Skinner manager) t tie Lyceum Stock Co.closed lis engagement. June 1, presenting"l»r. Jckyll nnd Sir, Hyde." Rev. C. W. Gor-don f Ralph Connor) gave readings from hishooks. "The. Sky Pilot" and "(ilengarry SchoolHays," 111, and delighted a large audience,i (en. K Hull nnd comimuy. In "The Gibsonlilrl," .moiicd a three days engagement, June.'I, in big business, and pleased. The star,who Is | big favorite here, received n warmwelcome. Others who deserve mention are:IlluiicliK Piiquettc and Geo. Jacobs. "RipVan Winkle 1

' (IS, Krnnklyn Gale and A. V\11. Dramatic Club, in "Karhlecn Mavourcen,"10: Arilllerv Rand Concert (local), assistedby Harry McClaskey, 11; "The Tnymakers"JJ. l.'l. "Alvln .loslyn" H, 15.

Nii'i'KS.—Frank Powell nnd Fleanor Hicks,• holli playing lends with the Lyceum StockCo.. announced their engugement May ^0,mid they were mnrrled June 5. In I he li. l.\

church ut Amherst, N. 8. W. I). Nenlnnd,the iiiaiiuger of the company, supported thegroom, nnd Jeanne llollls. of the same com-pany, wits bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Powellimssed through here, (I, en rautv lo Quebec,where Ibey will I like u steamer for Miighindfor n iiioiiih's lour of Europe, after whichMr. Powell will Join KUen Terry's companylu l,.m.|i)n. The young couple llrsl met whenthe Lyceum, company was formed In New^ork last: Mnreli The Iliirgrenves R. R.Shows gave lft-n performances', 0, to big busi-ness. The Nickel and Unique Theatres, bothgiving moving pictures and Illustrated songs,conlluue to draw big business.

»Toronto—At the Princess CO. H. Sliep-

liiird, ninntigor) Mary Maiinerlng, June ll-S,

In "Glorious llelsy." played to big business.This closed the theatre for Ihe season.

tiitA.vi. (A. .1. Small, manager).—Hark H-H.Week of 10. Prof. 10. c. Crocker's horses,Mollies, donkeys nnd mules, which will closeI Ills house for Ihe season.

Ma.ikhtio (A. .1. Small, manager).—"AtCrlpiihi Creek," :t-8, did big business, con-cluding Ihe sensnn of the house.

SfAiiBOKii Hkach Paiiic (II. 1 lorsey, mana-ger).—Tills place of iiniiisiimciit opened forthe Summer on June 1, hut owing to the ex-tremely cold weather, business has been light.Special at tractions, J!-8, Included: Kcntmun-Sehlller Troupe. Rose nnd Lemon, and theGIoIm! of liealh.

IIa.S'I.an'h Point ( L. Solomon, ttinnogcr).

Ihe extremely cold weather has also marredihe iiilendnitce at Mils cenlre^of nmnseuii'nt.I'lie special features lire Rapt, Webb's per-lonnlug sanls and sen lions. Silvern andr.nierle, and Aerial Marvels.

Iluiiiilloii. At Hie I (mud tlpera." Ilonsi-"The Lion and the Mouse" May .'ll-Juuc I.

pleased good sized house*. "Widowers'Houses" "., with Herbert Kclcy, I". Iloll-s.linlk nnd Kllle Slinunnu, gave nu ndmlrableperfoiiuniire. "Glprlous I'.eisy," wllh MaryMiinnei'lllR. 7. S. Tills prnci Icnll.v ends tile

regiilur senson.NOrn.—I'oreiKiugh & Sells Ul;:s.' Circus Is

line 14.

Ottawa.—At the Russell I P. Gorman,manager) "Widowers' Houses" drew wellJiiDCi. 0. "The Lion ami the Mouse" 7. 8.

RltlTANMA-O.y-TJIK-RAl' tj. K. Hutchison.miinai!eri.--Hill for week oT 10 'Includes


Rose Xnynon's birds, Agnes Lynn and com-pany, Clenso, Gi-iff Pros, and tip- inovlng pic-,


London—Al Ihe (Irtind (L. II. Ilnwrs,iiuiiiiicer) Mary Mamierlng. In "GloriousRelsy," June I), played lo n nnckeil house.I lie Hum | re now closes, nnd before the open-ing lu August many alterations will be madeI" Hie Inl.ilor.

SriiiNtjiiANK Park (Thos. Logan, mnna-eeri.—The season ooencd with viit'devllle :..

bill owing lo Ihe wild and wel weather, poorcrowds hit re turned out.

Voi-Hh.— J. K. Cnlrns. of Saskatoon Snslt,I'atinrtii. tht' (lrst manager of the Grand inMini, suffered n severe loss on May '-'fl, Illslarge warehouse was completely wiped out byore, -mailing a loss of nearly *5O,0OO, wllhonly *10.000 Insurance ...T. R. Stewart.manager of the Grand for a slrort period thepasl reason, nnd -now treasurer of Bennett's,at oirnwii, is home here on a visitMary Miiiuicrlng closes her season at-Hum-l li.ni H.


spoUnne.—At the Spokane (Dan L, Weaver,miinugerl Elizabeth St nan. In the name part,

nnd Wilfrid Rogers, as Herod Antlpas, pre-

sented "Sulome," May ^t>. 27. Iienedlct Me-gtinrrle. us John, the Rnpllst, was excellent.-

Henrietta I'rosnian June ill, II, "The ii.ixok

IVIricc" l.'J, H. Mrs. Leslie Curler 15, OtisSkinner 17, IS, Dixie Minstrels' 'JO, ViuluAllen 24, A Kihel Harryniore 2U, 'J7.

Al'Iiithkii'm t Harry r. Huy ward, mana-ger).—Virginia Reissue scored lu the leadingrole. In "Lady Wlndeinere's Kan," week orMay 'JO, being uhly siipporied by MugeiieMoekbce, Jack Am. try, Laura Adams andGeorge HoQaarrie. Jessie Shirley will leave

on a vacation of three in.mills. "A GreatTemptation" is underlined.

CobUMiitA tieorge M. Dreher, tniuiager).—"Teciy Weezy ; or, A Trip to Coney Island,"Willi Jessie itrown us Mamie Wise, win? pre-sented h\- the /Inn company, to big business,week of May "0. "•* Wux Princess" week ofJune 11.

Wakih mitox (George C. Rlnkeslee, inuua-ger).—"A Stolen Kid," a playlet, by J. KnoxGavin and Jennie Plait, wus liultirrd. oilier*

were : Reeves and Kenney, Charles liowsorand company. In "Home, Sweet Home;"Georgia Chirk, the Pour Toledos, All*. Ron-ner, illustrated songs, and the olograph.

Items.—J. \V. Clifford, lending lnun of the

Zlnn Musical t.omedy Co.. and Luelln Temple,of Sun Atnonlo. Tex., a chorus girl, weremarried hv Justice Illnkle, May 'JB TheZlnn Musical Comedy Co. will dose June 8,

going to Portland, ore. The Luke TravestyCo. will begin a .Summer season !), playingat populur prices Prof. S. A. i.'oukley, I

parachute leitper, was severely injured andalmost drowned In making a drop of onethousand feet from a balloon, ut Xatatorluia

Park. Mar :10. He was caught In the rigging

and plunged Into the Spokane River before

he could fill loose, lie wus rescued by l'nited

States soldiers stationed at Fort Wright, lie

will recover The Ingersoll AmusementCo. opened Its attractions at NntatorlumPark. Muv SO, and 80,000 were present.

Audley Ingersoll Is manager, the representa-

tive being "Joe" Pet rich, formerly managerof the Spokane Theatre John Cort an-nounces thill the orplieum circuit will be

extended to Spokane, and that the ColumbiaTheatre probably will be used In tho wheelto Include Tucoiuu, Seattle. Portland nndeither Vancouver or Victoria, R. C .

"The Sheriff of I/arnmle" la the name of asketch hy Harry W. llnbb, ftf Spokane, whoheads a company playing it In the l'uget

Sound country. It Is said to be strong, onereviewer ut Portlnnd saying: "It Is the best

of Its kind that has been seen here."

Alexander Puntnges. president nf the Pun-tages Amusement Co., which is remodelinga building for theatrical purposes here, an-nounces Hint Ihe new vaudeville circuit will

Include the Panlages houses at Seattle. Port-

land, Tacoma, Helllnghiim, Victoria, Vim -

cotiver nnd Spokane: the Myers Theatres In

iRolso ii nd Ogden. and the Kmpiru and Crys-

tal circuits, miilniiilning the Umpire, tt'lg-

want and Lyceum Theatres, In Sun Francisco;the Nnvellv and Kniplre In Oakland, the

Unique In Los Angeles, and Hie Ihentros In

Reno. Colorado Springs. Cheyenne, Stockton,

Sail Jose, Pueblo. Trinidad, Fresno and SI.

Joseph. Mo. Louis Plnciis will have chargeof the hooking office In New York, while the

distribution will be In the liiiuds of WilliamWcslnn, In Denver; O. S. Kuril*. In Sun Friin-

clsco. and Goldsmith lc ITsher, In Seattle.

Sent He.—At the Grand Opern House (JohnCort. manager) llcurlellii CrtMiumi, in "All-

ot u-Siidden Peggy." May .TO. ill, was grcclcd

by large tiutl enthusiastic audiences. AnnieRussell, June :i-5, iii "A Midsummer Night's

Dreum ;" local II, (lurk 7. 8. Mrs. Leslie Car-

ter 0-12. In "l»i Ibirry" and "/.nza :" Oils

Skinner. 1JM8. In "The Duel;" Dockslnder'sMlnslrels Kill', Viola Allen. In "Cymbcllne,"»>0.oo


Ki:atti.i: (Russell & Drew, inn lingers).

Week of May -ill. "A Texas Ranger" had big

busliii'ss. Week of June 'J, J'url Iturgess StockCo. opctied an eleven weeks' engagement. In

"Queen id the Willie Slnves." Week of !»,

"Nellie, the Ileaiillful Cloul; Model." Weekof III. "Chlnalown < Minrlle."

Lvitic (llussell & Drew, nianngersl.—TheLewis & Lake Musical Comedy Co., In "Thelilrl from Chill." ns Its closing nllrurllnn,

week of .'. Week of !. "The Rogtls Prince."

Lots (Alex. Pniitnges, maniiger).—Ollln

Cooper. In "The Prince and the Pauper." hudbanner business week of May I'll. Return of

Alleen Muv, In "Grniislurk." 2 and week."The Man from Mexico" l> and week.

Tiiiiui Avkm'K TiiKATm; (Alex. Pnntnges,

manager).—Week of May iM), "DeadwoodDick," wllh clinrinhig l.nuret'o Taylor andthe Taylor Company, proved a good draw-ing card. Week of June S, "From Rags to

Riches." Week of Ii, "The Derby Mascot."Stah (K. G. Dorr, manager).—New peoplo

week of .'I : Four TnledoB. Clias. Howscr nndeomptinv, Georglunn Clark, Gurver. Plntt andI'enches, Reeves and Kenny, Kddlc Roeschand moving pictures.

Obpiihpm (T. J. Consldlne. maneiipri.

New people week of i! : Cnpt. Henry. Delmoreand Harrow, White and Snnford. t.'lirls Keiioe.

Pnld Dollc. Joe Homier and moving pictures.

Paxtaokh' (Alex. Pnnlagcs, manager i.

New people week of .1 : Joe and Ola llnyilen,

While and Sanford, Slgnor Dufrees, Stnnleyand Stanley. Thomas Ln Rose. Mr. anil Mrs,Dnverny. innvlng nlctures and Arthur Klwell.

Notks.— K. a. Dorr hag assumed the man-ngemenl of the Star James Townsenil,who Was quite severely Injured in a recentstreet ear accident, left the hospital June 2,

hut will be obliged In use crutches for somelime.

I'n.-.Miin.—At the Tiienmii Then I M" it". II.

Herald, miuiiigcl I 111.' Ilowiird-I lorscl Co.,

Ill "An Arabian Xlghl." June 2: Annie litis-

sell, in "A Mldsuintni Xlglil'

Crostnun, in '

Hreiim." JuneMl-of-iiSiidili'iiii: Ileiirlcltii

Peggy." 7. 8.

(itiAxn llVnii It. Worlcy, iniinager).—Hard-ing and All Sid. I. ill/. Itrns.. the Four ,Mns-ons. Mile. Olive. Tom Glllci|. Mr. nnd Mrs.Swlcknril. Harold HulT and OriiiidlsropeWeek of June II.

Stau.—Alb-n Slock Co.. In "In I'liili."

week of '.{.

N'.iltins & Riiwr Ciwtis June I.

CAI.IPOnMA.t.oa tiiKcleN.—At the Mason Opern House

(II. C. W.vatl, manager) Mr*. Leslie Cm-ierclosed a most successful engagemeni here. May21). presenting "fill Hurry" nnd "/.nxa." ForIhe enilre week, hegliiiiing June 3, Lew Dork-slader and his niliisirels. Jbue 10-12. Viola

Alb'll will be seen lu 'TWelflb Night," andal the Wednesday imilliice, acts of "As> VonLike II." "The School for Scandal." "Romeoanil Jilllel" mid "The Merchant .if Venice,"A ttni ..Hie M (Sparks M. Perry. maniiKcrl.—The Ciillfornliins' successful revival of

"The Hnhenibin Girl" Is continued nnoilierweek, beginning it. "Pinafore" Is to be their

next prndiicllnii. 10 and week.lti:).AS..i i.lolin |l. Itlnckw.i.Hl, nnmiigcri.--

"Sue," by Ihe Hclasco St.K'k Co.: drew wellweek ending I, mid Is f.ill.iwe.l. :: nnd week,

by "All on Account of Klhtn." "I.e||v" Is lu

nreparnllon for 10 mid week, lliislness Is


Moiiosco's Ui'iiiiank ( Oliver Morosco. iiitui-,

nger).—The stock coin|uiny presented '-Tlie

Lndv of Quality" In gisid business week end-ing 'I. "In Sblilli Ciir'iiney" wus presenledal two performances 2. Mrs. Flske o|K'iied

her engagemeni it, presenllug "The NewYork Idea" for l|ie week, excepting Ssnir-day, when it special triple bill will lie given,

wllh ni'ls from "Iteckv Sharp." "Tess of DieirCrbervllles" mid "liolc. 1 ." The Huii.uiik

company will present "MIk|kiIi." vvlil.V Is

now In prepariill.iii, lor In mid week.Guam. OltnM llnrsi: (lliiience Drown,

tunniigerl.—"No Wedding Rolls for Her" waspresenlwl to en pucl I.v business by the I'lrleh

Slock Co. week riming 1. "Hchlnd the Musk"is their offering for it nnd week.

Fis. -null's (A. K. Fischer, mu nager ).---

The bill beginning :i Included ImeSt motionpictures, clever viiiidevllle nets, and n mu-sical comedy, "A High old Time" byFischer's Coniedlims.

K.MI'MIK I Hilly Hanks, resident, mniingeri.—Features il and week Included n new sketchby Ihe l.'mplrc Slock Co.. Illustrated songsby Laura Bunks, new vaudeville nets, and thecineniiiiogrii)ih.

.KOl'I.K's i Al. G. Fliiiirnoy, iniiniigeri. -

Features .'I nnd week Included new vaude-ville acts. Illustrated songs hy Harry Lor-raine, and motion pictures.

I'NiqrK iHcNtl k Zullce. proprietors ).--

Features .'{ mid week : Fonda. Dell nnd Fonthi.club Jugglers; the ijiilnii jirns.. presenting"The Forge in the Forest;" Grace Wnllnce.coon shouter ; Homer Long. In Illustratedsongs: "Shiikespeure Outdone," by the t'n'ipiePlayers, nnd Ihe I'nlqiie-o-seope.

fiiii'iiRt'M t Man In Reck, general nuinngerl.—Features 10 and week: The Itoyul MusicalFive, Carrol and Raker, Lllllim Riirldiurl.Toscn, Valerie Hergere and coiupiiny. tin-

Four Fords, the Sutellffc Troupe. Werileonnd Glmlillsli, and new motion pictures.

Xotks!.— Denuiiids, on the part of the localMusicians 1'nlnn. for certain concessions In

regard to salnry and number of men ehi|ilovedIn orchestras of Iheuires In this ellv, wererecently adjusted wllh Ihe except lop' of IheJtelasi-o Theatre, Where Miinuger John II

I'.luckwoiid has Installed an entlrelv neworchestra under the leadership nf 'VictorScbert/.lnger Arthur Unto Is lo innu-ngn Hie Hotehklss Theatre. At present thehouse Is undergoing a thorough overhauling.

Arthur Riii ledge, of Morosco's llur-I in nl; Slock Co., Icfl recenlly for mi extendedva.-alloii, owing in his III health.

Onkluiiil.—At Ihe Mncdonoiigh (I'lins. P.Hull, manager i the Manhattan Musical Co.,ill "The Vocation lilrl," pleuswl, Muv i!0

June 2. Otis Skinner, in "The Duel,"' »,-,


Xat C. Goodwill il-ll (return engagement ),

Waller Simifonl's Slock Co., i I'lie Slinggle l'.ic Lire." 10 mid week.

Liiii'.iitv (II. W. Hlsliop. malinger).—NuncO'Xell. siipporttHl by (he Llls-rlv Stork Co..in "The Sorceresu," drew S. R. o. week end-ing 2. Miss O'Xell begins the third weekof her engagement In "Macbeth," il-ll. "LnToscn" to follow.

IIHIIIA I'AIIK Ol'KIIA IloiHi; (II. W. RIsllOp.miinuger).—The Idorn Opern Co.. In "WhenJohnny Comes Marcliliig" Home" isecondweek), drew excellent business week ending2. Maine company, In "The Wedding liav."il-ll. "The Ameer" follows.

Illil.l. (K.I. lino:. ip. malinger I.— l-'en luresil and week : Archie Hoyd mill couiiuiny. pre-seiiHng "Afler Many Vears :" Hie Flying Vnl-entlnes. Nun Knglelon nnd conipuuy, lu "Howthe Widow Won Oul ;" Finnioiis. Kmersminnd ICmmons. the Cnssellns, lOmlly .Vice, andthe blograph. Riislness was cupiii'llv InstWeek.

Novki.tv I Tony Ltihelskl. inanngerl.—^ilillweek or il : (lus Williams, the Iluckleys,Silent Tall, .lennelle Diiplee. the Frnncellliis.und Ihe liilesl novelty mnllou pictures. Iliisl.ness wus henvv hist week.Notmh.—Bijou Dream (W. F. Heffv, miinu-

ger) continues moving pictures, lliislness wasgood last week The Rex (.1. P. Wlllnioni.miiliiigerl moving pictures nnd Illustratedsongs, lliislness Is good.

San Oleuro—At the Pickwick Tliealre(Palmer Rros., tnnniigerst Hie Mabel Thomp-son Stock Co. did S. R. O. business. In "TheDeacon's Daughter." week ending .lime

ul Won."und Ml.The same cnmpanv, In "Losl"Master and Man" lo follow.

CiiA.vo Hii! Lai'onr & Field, managers).

The regular slnck presented "The lliiniiwnrTramp," In good business, week ending. June2. Same rmnhiiiiv. In "Old Arkansas." il-l).

IvHiMRi: ill. II. Rnsley. miinuger).—SusieLehymnn nnd Lottie Teddle. In llhiHlratcdsongs and innvlhg pletures. Huslness Is al-ways good.

F.i.ECTitinaM.— Lntest moving plel tires, withS, II. O. at all times.

Tin: Boot; Co.mkiiv Tiiio Ulco. f,, Dorsev.Jus. .1. McGownn and Jus. J. Hoherlvi havesigned again for ncxi season with Tom Mi-ner's Dreamland llurlcxqiicrx.

Genuine Panama Straw HatsThat Are Worth $5 and 36

Drill stores, ihrou.-h Isthmian connections, arc able

Panama Hats trimmed rea'Jy In p'.il on tltal are )lfi milcountry over.

In se

$c vii

*3II at $:i,

lilt's Hie

1'ium "X. V. Sun:"Piinaum hats will becouie the universal

headgear of uutumoblllsls If a certain physi-

cian with nu" Investigating I urn or mind bus

III* way. It.v Hie use of n self-recording Ihcr

inonieier litis sclent I lie physleliin bus ills-

covered Hint u close-llltlng cup. such as Is

so generally worn by iiiil.iiiioblllsls, Is the

wiirmesl kind of lieailgear nvn liable. ThePaiililim hill Wlls f.illllll In he 111 Milesl head

covering there Is. The physician Is of Ihe

opinion llinl he bus discovered the ciiuse of

speed mania In Hie xhnpe of iivcrhciilcil

brains, brought nil by Improper bctidw.-ar.

He has Iheivfore Iss'imie nu eiirnesl uilv.u'ul.'

ol Puniiniti Inns Tor aiilomolilllsts.

Mail orders filled day received.

$f> ami $<! valtle jVanaints, trimmed

wi.li leather and black silk lund, $.1.

Fancy bands 50c. extra.

liKT Tin: llAIIIT. Ill I TO

IfyUCC {Qlvthtl*


UNION H«ir»HK,•iT'.i iiitoiinvii.


47 COMTI.lt NIIT ST..wvrii UT. A ill! AVK..


Theatrical Tights,

Silk Hosiery,Long Silk Gloves,

Silks and Satins,\

Gold and Silver Spangled Trimmings.

Special Discount to the Profession.

Catalogue and Samples, with Prices, Furnished UponRequest.


Broadway, 8 and 9 Sts., N. Y.

NO BETTER PROOFOf tho value of "Arnlicim" uIoUioh our ciiHlomciH ultra} h

como back to uh.

Jjft ih send flaiii|ilcfi ol' our JJI17 "lwo-|iiccc" Siiiis. 'I'ltcy

art; wonderful valno.

The making of RVICNIKti DIIIOSS i.s art willi iih.



OilA VKHK.NO. ,1mm ||.|U.


AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK.Willi Detroit, .Julie N, III, II, II.

Willi Cllliiuifii, .fiuir I.I, II, lit, U.


vim tiovr.lliirlliitflnii. Ai lln- Miruiiii iCiihii &

(il'iinl, luiiiiiiK.'rs) Ari'hh' I.. Mhi'iinril's iiiovIiik

lilutiiri's ilri'v/ lln- usual uo.nl liusJiii'Ss.

N'.itkh.— At Hie Tlii'iitorliuu I .Ins. P. Hoylo,iniuiiiK'-i'i, moving iilcliir.'s <l ru w H. II. O.

iliilly Tin- l.vnus If-n lii'fi' Insl wn*,nfd-r sovornl wociim' viii'iilloii, lo Join lln-

i.i-nirrnw Mlorh Co Hliliii*)' II. H|S'iir hasin I u in cil from Kiliiioniuii. Ailn-iin IiiivIuk

Im'Imk iihsi'iii rriini lln- .-Hy llili'ly-slx wi'i'ks,

as hushii'ss niiinimcr or lln- Prliiilli- Slink I o,

Ho Mils foiiiii'i'ly riitiiii'i'lHl with lln- Slrotn;

Thonlro. null h-rt in In mi' hiislu.'ss iiiunii

gin- ol I hi' "Oul III I own" lo,»» i ..

oni.AWAiii:.WHmiIiikOmi.—At IhiMlriiliil ll|M'rn llnuso

Oalttor's iuiivIiik pliiuri'H anil lllustruli'il

songs.Hl.liVK.NTll Waiiii Tllli.cnii:.—This oiion air

vauili'Vlll.' lli.'tilr.' Iiiih hi'i'ii roiili'il lu. mill

o|n>iis wllh lln- followlug hill for wi'i'k of.llllli' 10 : i. \\. SluuiT. Illii'V mill Morg.ili,

Ni'lll.' Tli|i|H*r. I.t'onnrd unit Li'slcr, Pi'rl

Croix. .Ins. I-'. .Murkcy anil .'oiiipiiny, mill

moving iil.-iiiri's

HllKI.I.I'irr I'AIIK (.Ins. I-). Ili'iirv, intiiut

gori.—Week of III: WoihI Trio. HiTini'll His-tors, Harry Connors, Hoiothy Ho young, millmoving pli'HiP's. J. W. Corfcv. lilt' 'irigluui

Jlnriiiiin's living skell'loil. Is nil I'xhlliiiloti

nl Hil* park.

*«I'ltAM K. lUllUIH' Illicit Hllllg IS .'tllllli'll

"JiiMl lipcausi' I Lured- Von Ho," Through nuerror In the list of llurrls' songs, will) slhles.

Hlllt U|i|ii'ii!i-.l ill sevi'llll |i:i|H'i'i Insl wi'l-k.

It was prlnleil "Jmm lieeniiM' I Tnlil Von Ho.

r i : UN IK j.

IIAV.\|VS.sINlilNli. llAKI.'INti, I'O.MCliv.

III.APK VMM 1'IA.VII ACT.UENKIIA1, OKI... Ul«n. tall., .V. V.


Hkoii'iies iiml I'lu.vs wruten loonier, oiiginalityg ruin uri' imil all worn guiiruntct'il.

Wauled, C itiedy Sketch Team, Novill, /els,I'.alto ritin-i. Iloi Ailvntiee Mitti. Hu'. llrsl lel'er,T.ii iilrlil «lin(il«. iiiiiIi'I'iiiiiviis Th'Vei., vin. S.iiniiliiigeriWiiiil.il. Ailil..lii.'k.triio:i|,Jliiiiit,N.I>ak.


CONCESSIONSOpus January 5, 1 908, and Remains Open All

350 Acres Under Perpetual Sunshine, Six Miles South of City,

"be Connected with Hot Springs by Our Own Scenic Railway,



Roller Coaster, Restaurant, Saloon, Billiard and Pool Hall, Bowling Alley, Swing, Boxing Contest

Privilege; Tower, Boating, Slot Machines, Baseball Park, Roller Skating Rink, Shooting Gallery;

Saddle Horse and Livery Privilege, Merry-Co-Round, Lunch Counter, Ice Cream and Refreshment

Parlor, Ferris Wheel, Baby Racks, Air Ship Ascension for Opening Day, 5 and 10c. Shows, DanceHall, Side Show Features, Figure Eight, and Novelties of All Kinds for Amusement. Only one of each

feature allowed. Tennis Grounds and Golf Links.

Write lit Once for Full Particulars, addressing V. D. McDONNELL, Concession

of the McDONNELL & BRENNAN CO., 435 First Natl. Bank Bldg., Chicago, III.

long Distance Telephones (Day), 4613 Central; (Evening). 1386 Canal.


On* o,f *H«» liggest Drawing iMovoltios

AT LIBERTY KOIl NK.XT SUASOXCorrespond*, ht ti Invited

The FortoatioD of Woman from Wood, Plaster and Cloth

,T-«o Ladle* ami -l.eni. • Special Sreiieij. Klnlimuir Setting,

Bp»aking Records E -<sorywhero '



1404 Borie Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.JVdlV IttOADY -'•"'Ua5l««i(rl;" ••Spoil, ^iMtrti S|n.rl,*» "Let Mr lie Near Von,

i¥!l';;''nii:l,lliHMt*^<>fr;(.iii,""A Week' '

<;<it..ii.ueau,» « iireantilitf

to Wtrtrtv Vniir Nhui,..""

JU.tt lMCKIlltllU

'Sa« I'j

My Heart for llnine?':''.'!'!^!. -

'1 I'nil't'U'iivc Mother Tor- Vou,Hiiliipslilre." •'•


Kvtin Clio ItirtlH SeemKllil Trip Id 1,'uropo," " Slsk-r Stic Hus

liown III Old Keulneky," "Wlioro tlio nine Connecticutu Inn iiii iii'iiiMi Leaves Turn la Hold," " lii Mr Automobile,''• Outre," " TJio Sunny Southland," " There's' A'Longliig Hi••Only Be True," <'Iiil.Uu Valley of Hie llviuitimi OI1T0,"

' .Mi«i I.hiihIw mill Smile*,"' "What thc'lllrd Said,'' "In Old New

«:•' " rite «.iiir.6M.iiu;»Viiiiii wyes,'" - vI'ranclsro ItarlMiiinikuU1 '"fM Kiltyart for lioiiif'/''


:''.Tllulv Kahf 'fcvvulei',''

ii't'U'iivv MotIicrrdr-Von,":"Mlsi l.a

ililro." •'•

JttVllLE jlillC I'lli, CO., 55 W. 28th St., Sew York.

A DEVIL'S LANEFor Sale or Lease Cheap

'West of the 'Mississippi anil Cunadu. A-

(our act musical comedy. Can be played

with J people. bright, culchy and up-to-

date. Can be used with or without music,

Swell full line ol special pa per, some scenery.-


Address 6EQ, 0. SWEET, Storm lake, Iowa.


.Parlleularly a Stuping and DuiicIuk Soiiliretlc;IVobianfor i:iiaiaeleiH and some Jtireultfi*, (MILspecialty,' Mini for den. Business with specially.-Summer- salary. 1 buy all. llelteutnalH, .lime :j.


lUlt I.; I'ANSHAW K,' Fehrt Show Trlnl,-While lliiveii, Peuu.


TO COMPLETE LADY BAND,• I-'imvsciikuii of forty wcks^vlth. reco|oil/,ed tUSljil'li I'lreullahow. ' All week stands. Seeoud Cornet,TtihafJHliMtniie. l-'reu'eir lrdfti.* TroiiNiutio, Alio, t'lailiiot,' Sinirc (irtitii. Hues tlruin. Must lie joupif.Ipiott looking, not 1

ovur:."iflfijln, nor under f,rt. tin. AH wunlrolie furnished from feel out. Sl'lldphotos; ivjlltl.ral tcttur.. <;T;Q. It. Til ItNKII, care of this Hill's AHrac'llous, 13..II Ihvnitway. New York. '

iTiVIn—F*F .'



J. C. Lewis "Si Plunkard" Company'M.«i. .'..'.. tflMH/KH TUB MANAUKMKNTW W. A. JltNKKItt,

" *HILNT I LASS At 'j'ollH, AM) At (111 Sll I ANN* Oil II AM) A> IHIIll IIKS I JIA,

•„',;'-'. I'iami PLAYUll, 10 m>\ hlk iihass. ™.\Hjifejon opens hbuul .\iig.'l>;(u't*r mileage). Address J. I'. I.KWI.S llenton Harhur. Mleli.


With Brenon Stock Coi, -Anderson Park Casino, Pascagoala-On-the Beach, Mississippi.

OPEN FOR REGULAR SEASON !907-'08. . ,.Ope nicer iiltraidhHiicopidilrrcd only. <I|h-o for Summer Murk Htler Itmt lb. ' Address abtSVl*

THE FRANK A. BOBBINS SHOWSCould u-ri a S«n»«tlott«l fcnliu e Ail done by one or two people, a Small Tiniip*of Japanese Performers, man and wife and one or two children preferred* Con-r. rt Performer or a c lovt n irlio van play mar. drum In hand, nl.u Fnnture lor

ruuml, MMNM «• pvrrnul«. KiiANK-A. HOMBiNS, Uen'l Mgi


..;.. ... ..... . . i,..,.,



lly K. at. K1IITLK V.

40* Wu liMVi'igh t Hldg., 81. LouU. Mo.Profe.siiloual Copies Furbished with Card orProgramm e.

Attention, Kami and Orchestra Leaders!Ilo yim want to 1*1011 (o Compoae andArrunue Music 1 If Ho, hciiiI lie staiup for liiul

: lesson. Nothing to pay until you have been1 (auxin leesous 1, •! and it If tliese lessons do notcoitvluucyou that thin Is Strictly Legitimate,then They nre Free. Don't write unless youIirvo a iHoroti|.'li knowledge uf the rudluiools of.tuuslo, and Nean llualne... '•

C. W. WILCOX (Bo* C),IV Union Square, New York Cli>.

iVt Hrit>er,ty,

GEO. MELIES "STAR" FILMSAll our subjects are with titles and Itear our



LOVER ESCAPED.A Scries of the lost Wirlb Provoking Siloalions Conceivable, Admirably

Acted and lost Tastefully Sot. An Abundance of Now and Comic Ideas.

LENGTH, 600 FEET. PRICE, $00.00.

Tbo Rythmical Swing and Well Tnncd Action ot TMs Film Harks It An

Extravaganza ot High Class lolltty.



204 Eatt 38th St., Niw York City.

KLEINE OPTICAL CO., ^52 suit St., Chicago, m. r*

WauM, for Capt. W. D. intent's Great Silver Gift tav.Singers nntl Daneers and a few Novelty Aets. C'oiuedliinij, ete. ; Uentleuiun I'louo Flayer, notafraid to help out otherwise ; Kxnerleneed Advance Agent, who in not too lazy to do Ml/ ownhilling: Movuuj l'leture Operator, with Ills own maehlnc, who can handle gas tanks. WWseiison. under eauvtts, playlnjfweek •tnTMta, Xo fiiuey sularles considered, us I payln cu»h everyweek. Want Versatile. I'eople who uru not ufrahl of earning their salary. .Show olions Jam-.*t.

•Iliumle Hums. KtujI'. S.~l would like

Add. CAJVT. W. I>. AMK.NT, Oklahoma Clly. C-khi.

Slslers. Iioe llollund. nletise write,to know the wlu'vonbouta Of onu Hurry WoodtJiornc. '

(Luto of London, Kug., Theatre' oreli.i

DuHlres eugagemeiii for Summer In Irret rinss

nreheslra. Hotel, Seattle Itcaort, Theatre, etc.

Julu on 'wire. Address

,II. W. POUTIill, Anilicrat. Xova Scolln.

WANTED. Al BED. PEBFOBHEBS,Sketch Team that does Singing .and UauclugSpe-chillies and work In uets, also Al Slteut Act. Otni r

good Med. People write. Mutt change for a weenand make good. Salary, whut you're worth.lluoiterH, No. Tickets, Vc8, If I know you. OpenJune IT, al l.ooitootce. Mai tin Co., tail.

II AltltV VAN.Mgr.. Clifton lleuifldr Co.

COMPLETE DIDA OUTFITFOR HALE « III ; H*M RDSt. 41 t'uun St., liixjm 417 . Brooklyn. K T«







i'.';,..l '.lt,;.'""'k!:

J"Smiiiiier, litre; to live weeks. Allwt'ek'HlutnlMln Winter.. Addn*'

'.•"., ,'

u ''''J

1A?>^. '*''« Jcnule lladetiiiaun Uhleago Ludlea' Orchcitra, Hot Sprlugs, Ark,, to J"" 11

".J: Utile Hock, Ark., June -a to July 14, or as per route In t!l,|l»FKIt.r


AL. F. Wheeler's iz Shows\A/ JX |\| "T" ?\


on v ,M''lal Cornet, 'J'tihu and oilier JIualclaiiB.ilnrdh.•Mult

,,^ *T^ ^, "., " "" r aol"B other uets. Lion Turner lor Uutuuiuulc Act. tl'w'-rctrluo. win), and Sensational Act for Side Show. Salary low but sure. , Cltrksvll ft. ,»Y„ June t ; Altamont. i, \., ll: Oidanson IB. I'tilton vllle 17. MuyJleld 18, Nofthvllle^

S O XJ B R E> T TB"W Itu does auy Ihlng In the dauclug line, at lltft'ly for coiupany or lltvl class Sinter Abl/ Addrc»!< • _,-

ZOLA, M Ashlaud Block, l/hlcag". _

"NEATH THE GOOD OLD SUMMER SUN,"*.*•** Er,n5 """ vM mn l-J a "Cloudy" Act hrlghf. Prof, cnplo.i and Oft*, now ready. • BtiuMftple.ii se.

na -vioiiny" Act nrtgltr. rrnr. ennkn and Or.'h. now rciny- •"•"

KKNIVBDV MirgIC PCB. CO., tilt 11, nrl.,.1 n St.,' Chleag".









20th CENTURYOPTISCOPE CO.,01 Dearborn St., Chicago.

JusnlU Bldg., Dallas, Tex.











The but of service and prices consistent with tbe times always guaranteed. LateBt subject* always onhand. Operator!, machines and Alms furnished for Sundays and all other occasions. Send for list and"^ F. J. HOWARD.

564 Washington St., Opp. Adams House, Boston, Mass.


The average town or city will readily support as many "Automatic Vaudevilles''as It does theatres. Dozens of Arcades were opened last year by men of no prevlcum experience wltb coin-operated machines.

Do you know of a good location? If so, don't hesitate. We have a splendidnew model Hutoscope at 150.00, and bargains in used machines as low as $»8.





Amusement parlors and penny arcades are the greatest money makers.

Start one now and reap a fortune. Edison Coin-Slot Machines draw the

crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity, and require prac-

tically no attention. Write for full particulars to


64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J.



C0H80LIDATED fILM CO., 143 East 23d St., Hew York.


P. KELLER A CO., 215 West B'way, New York, successors to Stereoptlcon Department of J. B. Colt A Co.

OPPORTUNITIES FOR STAGE FOLKS.Come and inspect oar great assortment of .lightly used, up-to-date GOWNS for street

reception, dinner, tea, and stage wear, and we will save yon a lot of money. Also funhats, shoes, etc.


HE. DOKTOR. 481 Sixth Avenue neer 29th Street, N. Y.TELEPHONE 4008 HADIBON.

STALLMAIB'S DRESSER TRUNK.Easy to get at everything with-

, out disturbing anything. Nofatigue In packing and unpack-ing. Light, strong, roomydrawers. Holds as much andcoals no more than a goodbox trunk. Rand riveted;strongest trunk made. Insmall room serves as chiffonier;

0. 0. D. with privilege of ex-amination. 2o. Btamp for cata-

log. F. A. 8TALLHAN,86 W. Spring St, Colombns. O.

Spangles, 11.25 Per Pound,GOLD OR SILVER.

Cotton Tights, pair 11.00

Wonted Tights, pair a.oc

Plaited Silk Tights, pair. 1.HBest Silk Tights,

j B00»lnoh cotton tops,}


cair, Thigh and Hip Paddings.Gold and Silver Trimmings.

Send Deposit and route with order.

THE BOSTON REQALIA CO.,tar Washington St.. Boston. Mass-

MmMommcmu,i vkii ii h 10 oUulu. -"Honotn *"<cjBoi u'!'•:'!/. -r-llit. A W BROv/Nfi Mi I jtuiioN sil

LOW S'^i-AU'



V . CH'CAf'




And make yoa a fortune. Ujoa haveaPLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT,BONG or BOOK that le worth anything,

yon should copyright .t. Don't take

chances when you can secure onrserv-tcesat small cost. Scndfor oar SrlCMLOfTW »0 INYINTOBS before applying for

a patent, U will fay you. HAWOOOa on

titmUvntmi. We advise If patents-

le or not, FREE. We Incorporate


Consult us.


Managers,MtoaMc CaayrigM t Patcat Co, let,



!44 ,LA-.-kALLE,, ST.\

%%*rVSy%%%%%%%%» rHmHim%%%%%%


TUT OOlRTirIs at Hammerstein's, l¥. Y. City,

For the Season, and Featuring





JOS. W. STERN& CO., 102-104 W. 38th St., N. Y. City.


Rube Brownin Town

Our hero, Reuben Brown, lakes

his little roll of savings and his

gt ipsaclc and hies himsell to tt\e gay

metropolis. Arriving, he starts on

a "personally conducted" tour of

sightseeing. Although he find-, the

pace swift, he is game, arid tries to

keep up with the ' 'band wagon," but

at length plays ou' and mak es t'acks

Tor the tall timbers at a rapid gait,

determined to spend the rest of his

existance in the peace and quiet of

Cross Corners.

Length, •mm*


Dolls In Dreamland • - 752ft.

If You Had a Wif« Like Tbls - 698ft.

Opening Ceremonies, James-

town Exposition • • 452ft.

A Tenderloin Tragady 481(1.

The Fencing Master • • 638ft.

Crayono 42811.

The Truants .... 638ft.

Mrs. Smlthers' Boarding

School 751ft.

Fights of Nations • - 750ft.

Mr, HnrrMlp .... 625ft,

Trial Marriages • - • 765ft

A CARIBOU HUNTThe most exciting and interesting hunting picture ever made. Shewing in dt tail the hunter's life on the llurrena of No Wmindland,

where this fleet footed game abounds.

Length ...... 728 F"«»e»-fc




'V, i * •

'.."..'. :U".'



• \


*H.. • \ A

M* ^b iiSSSe

paM *£m MBWkJ

r&SS&il ' . 'i*M '-V"'-



lii;--^W« .< 04aflal i-'^^-^jiHjKte:

IHlllliBltBiiwwi K?sPf*?£?S5r*>


75c. LETTER HEAD HALF TONEWe can make a half tone from photograph roll

furnish; net up four name, address and act in

type, and print GOO Letter Headi>, «xxll, for |3.so,


515 Hay St.. KnoavlUo, Tenn.

gUkollne Tights, •fl.OO; WontedTight., 19.00) Cotton Tights,ll.VOi Silk Tights, from $S.BS aptIblrta to malih, all same price


loan* and .ample,of tights, free. Positively a da-po.lt required. BatlsfacUon guaran-teed or money refunded. SPIORR BROS.H Woodbine street, Brooklyn. N.Y.; NewTnrk Offlco. I.lnmin Bidir. I ITnlnn Sn.mm PUNTm








Managers, address 443 E. 130th St., New York.

GOOD CHORUS GIRLSMnst Have Good Singing Voices

Also Eccentric Egyptian Dancers and Good Carpenter; AltoDutch Comedian who can Sing and Play Brass.

Star Show GirlsApply WM. FEHHESSY, Empire Olfices, 39th SI. and Broadway, N. Y.


THE GREATEST OF ALL AERIAL TEETH GYMNASTS.Three women, one man. Special scenery and light effects for theatres.OPEN TIME AFTER NOV. 1. JACK SUTTON, Manager,

En Route Ilagenueck-Wallace Show.


BRONZE AND PAPIER MAGHE 60.,131 West Broadway, New York.

FIRST-CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS AT ALL TIMES.Booking» week*. Railroad fare In Ohio 2c. per mile. Exclusive Booking Agent for Springfield, 0.;

Portsmouth, OhUllcotne. Mansfield, Lima, Newark, Canton, Marlon, Sidney, CcmhoctOD, lit. Vernon,Steubenvllle, Plndlay, (lallon. Lorain, Ureenvllle, Cambridge. Shelby, Fremont, Ironlon, Bandniky,Bellalre, Dayton, Uamlllon, l'lqiia. Mlddlekiwn; Itlchmond, ind.: Huncle; Newport, K/.; Wheeling,W. Vs.; Huntington; Honors, Ha.; Moneiuien, Honongahela, Jeanette, liraddock, Turtle Creek, BearerKails, New Kensington, (.atrotie. Ilrownsvllle, Utilontown, Homestead, tide. Wanted, eiptrltocedvaudeville pianists at all times. Impossible to answer all uialt. Silences polite negative. ' ',


Address ous SUN; Sprtagleid, 0,





aid, BECoemzme the possi-

bilities or its sensational








MHBflKfvr^ *•







Anything You Get For Nothing ) '< WftVB 4%Is Worth Nothing. ORDER DIRECT. ( BnlfAL SIMPSON, 257 West 1 1 llh Si,, New York City, p-r so* - $6.20 - per so*

Sea-; :. ..: ;-, iggja . .





»Professional Copies and Orch«tira1lo.i

to be had from"SHAPIRO," B'WAY and 30th ST., !». V


A Few Special Bargains in Films

l mi

mE. 23 ST.


Feet Price811 Escaped from the Cage . . . $10.00070 The Masquerade™ 18.00877 Mra. Browne's Dad Luck.. 12.00480 All Aboard 1C.00410 A Tlpater Taken for • Fool 12.00720 Love Title 22.00220 A Glutton Taken for a Thief 7.00UOO Oh, That Umnurger 20.00844 A Tenant's ltcvcnge 10.00088 No Wedding Hells for Him 17.00844 Two Bravo Children 11.00000 The Acrobatic Burglar*... 20.00230 Humorous l'liaacs of Funny

Faces 7.00640 The One Hundred to One

Shot 20.00828 The Troublesome Flea.... 11.00041 81 Jone. Looking for John

Smith 18,00877 A Free Pass 12.00B07 The Magic Flute 18.00844 A Miniature Theatre 11.00074 The Paris Student 10.00844 A Broken Idol 12.00

1000 Kathleen Mavourneen G0.00407 A Daring Holdup In South

California 14.00803 Two Mischievous Boy.. . . . 12.00000 Fun After the Wedding. . 20.00262 Qllelott'a Hotel 0.00700 Nurse Wanted 20.00181 Bobb; and Hia Family

(Partly Colored) 7.00lie Little

•202 The tie New Brother. 0.00

Peet Price1000 The Bank Defaulters 40.001020 The Life and Passion of

Christ 05.001000 Hubert Mucnlrc and llnr-

tram .30.00

400 The Flat Dwellers 14.00800 ltecdam Arpalragcs O.OO100 Push Ball Content 3.00

1OU0 The Chimney Bweep 30.00OHI Mr. Butt In 20.00200 An Improvised Suit 8.00041 The Starveling. 16.00300 Unexpected Wedding 10.0000O The Invisible Man 20.00300 Inauguration 6.00000 Itescued by Carlow 15.00410 The Clown's Adventure. . . 12.00000 Nobody Works Like Father 20.0000 Going to Work 2.0070 Target Practice 2.00BO The Foundry 1.00

524 Childish Match 16.00377 Bull Flgbt 11.00475 Kxhcmcral Wealth 16.00400 The Detective 14.00007 The Holiday 17.00344 Three Ha Parts of Leks. . 11.00041 The Election 17.00377 A Follower of Women 12.00403 The Night of the Party.. 16.00480 Sktdoo Bros 16.00008 The Paymaster 20.00220 Robbers Robbed 7.60006 The Subpoena Server 18.00

Faoifio Coast ^.^^w,^^. W w.,



BOLB BOOKING AGENTS: FREEMAN BERNSTEIN, 18M Broadway, N. Y.: PAUL GOUDRON, 208American Bank Building, Seattle, Waal).; UIIIUS. 0. BROWN, 87 S. Clark St., Chicago; ARCHIE LEVY,1907 Golden Gate Aye., Ban Franolsoo, Oal.


Both mu.t do Specialties. Other useful Hepcrtolro reoplc write. Long Season, Summer and nextWinter. We never clone. Salaries must be low tor Summer as they are absolutely certain. Com-pany ten years old, never has closed or missed it salary day. Write or wire

RIUMAKD HENDERSON, Care of Henderson Stock Co., Vinton, Iowa.

Wi An Constantly Originating New Designs and Making New Plates ot Our

Soubrette Dresses and Ankle Length GownsMADE TO ORDER FROM 820.00 UPWARDS.

Band colored plate*, with complete description and Hit measurement card, sent on requeatKindly state style and color preferred.

WOLFF, FORDING fc CO., Thaitrlcal Outfitter*, 61-65 Eliot St., Boston, Mm.

PLAYSFor Stock Companies, (or Repertoire Companies, for AmateurLARGEST AB80RTMENT IN TBB WORLD. Book* tor homeamusement, Negro Play*, Paper, Scenery, Mr*. Jarley a WaiWork*. Catalogue Pre* I Pre* I Free IAMVBL FRBKOH. IT W. Wi It., Haw York.

GRAM) OFHHW,fcfirVSU ******

ATLANTIC GARDEN, JUNE 17,Missouri Ave. and Boardwalk, ATLANTIC CITY, M. J., ip/n

SID PHRN, I I WANTED all kinds of Vaudevlne ActsSole Mgr. | | at all times.. Address all to SIB KERN.

A D V A :N;< " "1&will find it v

leave their orders;


Theatrical .Half-to

or electrotypes of every kind,

Proofs :'incl prices innlK

The Standard i

Stvttth Hi'tnut itl jt)th

tng Co.

THE MORE YOU EAT, THE MORE YOU WANTA popular 6c. package Sold by concession-lata everywhere. A Winner and Repeater.

The Biggest Popcorn Seller in the WorldIn Sealed "Triple Proof" Packages. Keeps the

contents In perfect condition.We carry a full line of Package Confections suit-

able for amnsement trade. Prloes and samplesfurnished ooncesstonlsts who will name the con-cession they control.


H*T 8. Peoria Street, Chicago, V. S. A.

Gems of ArtA book containing 24 of the most

entrancing Photyue Pictures evershown In one publication. All fromfamous paintings. Worth ten timeswhat wo ask for It. Size of bookIs ex 9 Inches. The Artist's DreamRealized. Sent postpaid, togetherwith 60 lifelike miniatures of otherbeautiful art pictures, for only 26c,coin, stamps or money order. Bendat once today to WILL J. WELSH,* Ucpt. I, Mt. Vernon, 0.




1817 I. lOtt IL, PWUdelphU, Pa.

BALLOONS,Gas "and Hot Air, Parachutes. Openlime for a limited number of (lasBalloon Ascensions, hydrogen or coalgas. 60 Foot Air Ship, Bag and Netfor sale, cheap. - -

GODAM) BALLOON CO.,910 SheOleld Ave., Chicago, HI.

6th Ave. and 20th St., New York.




Theatrical Catalogue

Mailed Free Upon

United State. Tent and Awning CoRandolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, ill!








<y/$'W/L'LOW.SlP/il£A;PA. .

Can Fit Out Com-panies withoutAny Delay.


The Beat

Public MusicSend for our New Big Catalog of

MechanicalPianosCircus. jr^K Organs


Military Band Organs


Nickel- in- the-Slot

|Majestic Pianoj.Pianettes.&c

•^JorJLen Ŝ

5OW8 ' sldo Shows. Arcadea.

Nickel Theatres, Cafes, Roller Skating; Rinks andall Amassment Places. Send for catalog;. It'*lull of Information, and our prlcea are the lowestIn America on Musical Instrumenta of hlffa trad*and nnquetlioned durability.

LYON & HEALY, Chicagoi larawl Mule Eo... is ti. Wwll

IMLarge Stock 80ft. and Under •

New and Second Hand. WriteTUB CHARLES 1'. 8IEUEHTENT AND AWNING CO.,

Successors to the T. W. Noble Co,, Test DepL,

Detroit Bag and Mfg. Co.. Iletrolt. Hlih


A .^SMBfJk HooIh A Shoei

^H»P.,'^/ ;

~"'--'-'y BALLETI^^^B nSgSc JmW BHOES aW mmWm̂ *TBW cistty. ah »oiiW Uv gBA ut

^*mCk?^F **^ notice.

HM W. ana St., New York. Tel, loo OM**.

FOR BALI?LargcBt and Oldest In New England State*

Write CURTIS AND WELD,34 Hayward PI.. Boston, M»ai,

Flu Magical Appaniii.


Grand Knd of Century, foUj

ttlnatwted. BOOK CATA-LOGUH, Mo., tree bjr *gjCatalogue of Parlor trlcKs tree

MARTINKA A 00., Mfrt.,

493 Bilth AT.., N- «•


Wo hare made the cure of Blood Poisnn »

specialty. Blood Poison PennanenUy curea.

Yon can be treated at home under s.irae

guaranty. Capital 3600,000. We solicit lio

most obstinate oases. If yon have ex-

hausted tho old methods of treatment sua

Ball havoaohes and pains, Muous Patch' *mMonth, BoreThroat, Pimples. Copper-CokoaSpot*, Ctoors on any part of the body, >i"r

or Eyebrow* falling ont, write for pro: '


onres. loo-pago Book free.

COOK REMEDY COD «lu Mutate lmill»Jto)eu&B-> (j '" *"


From Herald Sqimro to--I don't euro,

I--, it's in the air - EVERYWHEREi <1 . . i t ; thpro - .- IT'S IN THE AIR; th« JBankor, Brokor, Millionaire, tho Nowi Boj oa ho crtoa Mb .wivro, IT'S IN THE AIR,

-.. mi.

riLilroad :ur> '.urul .:stonmbont. ilown ..it's.- -..--..



And can yon blame 'em? Why, it's a bigger bit than ." Sunday Atternoon," and it's by the tame writers, STEBUIO- and YOI TILZCB. TAKE THAT POOH, TIBED, ACHIKC1 SOHO oil; put

on "Tako Ie. Back to lew York, Town,'' and be happj A thousand eitra choruses on every" city: and country In the world.


:OCT.: riLXT.-.




TILZER 'iMYORK STREET,Covent fiardcii, London,


CWAAR'C F" ,L- IVIS andaWAAD d MACHINESAre guaranteed to be exactly as represented or we refund the money. We sell at a

reasonable profit and always "deliver the goods." That's the secret of our phenomenalsuccess.

STOLEN!! Some more of our thunder. We no sooner produce an article of merit

than it is claimed by some other as his own.

SWAAB'S NEW REWINDKRFor nickelodeon work particularly, and picture work generally. It is an absolute

necessity and only costs $3.00. Buy one. It holds two ten inch reels. The handiest andbest rewinder on the market

'I'll H OPTIORAPH NO. *, like n.w, with electric attachments • tSS.OOTHE OPTIORAPH MO. 3---- ...... jaS.OUMODEL B OXYIiTTHB OUTFIT, like new -

imi.sisi FIGHTS OP NATIONS, Comedyxa.oo39.00


Power's Cameragraph and Edison's Kinetoscopes



Leatheroid Trunks.LIGHTER THAN 8TEEL.



Theatrical Catalogue. 539 II'WAY, N.V., near Spring St.TRUNKS"PATTERSON" *»— •


THE BELBER TRUNK AND BAG CO., 152 Colombia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa.

CENTRAL TRUNKS.-<>ln.. S7.60; 28ln., (8.60: 80ln., $0.50: SBIn., S10.60; 40ln., $12.50. Circus Trunk*. 24x18x18,$7.50. Bill Trunks, 80x28x15, Inside, $12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42^x28^x12, Inside, $16.00.Shipped oh receipt of $8.00, bal. C. O. I) , except over 300 miles, then remit whole amountSIMONS 4 CO., CBNT1UL TRUNK FACTORY, Est. 1884, S. W. cor. 7th and Arch Sti., Pblla.

-o.c^ Theatrical and Circus TrunksNow Located at 61 W. 29th St., New York.

FOR SALE, SCENERYDrops, Set Stuff, Etc.


AL. G. FIELD ... 50 Broad St., Columbus, O.


WHO CAN FLAY BRASS.State particular.. Addrea. JOHNNIE RAY, 1148 E. Boulevard, Cleveland, O.

A HIT IN NEW YORKJames Carson Vivian and Co.

In "The Devil'* To Pay," lij Chas. Horwllz. Elaborately dressed. Add. WHITE RATS, N. T.

wiesTOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC.And the Libit and Mott Popular Styles In Ladlsi Hair Droning.

A. JH. Ill I< II & CO.,119 N. Ninth Street ..... Philadelphia

MONTAMBO AND HURL-FALLSComedy Aerobata. Aaajo.da.theh.it. Peatare act with the Beaallfel Bagdad Co.




ofthe name of TAVLOU




/YORK: 111 WtM lllhl



Miniature Railroad, for Park,, Summer RttorL.etc.

The Greatest Money riakers andbest Attraction In the World.

Me Park complete without them, earaisf $|M0

la six days, With proper can, will latt sj yean.

Kino roa CATALOGUa.

WE HAVE FOR: LEASE AND HALEAdvance, Privilege, Baugaee, 8tach, Au-tomobile and Merry-Go-Round Cure.

MR. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com-panies. Reasonable term*. Write for particular*.THE ARMS PALAOI HOItSK OAR OOHPAN*,No. 1*20 Monadnock Uulldlng, (Jlilcngo, III.



Sell Itr CATALOG. InllM Kill fillet

Special Attention Given the Prolusion

Western Uniform Co.214 8. Clark St. CHICAGO

J. MIMAManufacturer ofCylinder Piano

OrgansNow and Second Handfor Shows. Merry-Go-'UoiihiIh, Music Hallsand Skating Rinks.Marking of Cylindersa Specialty.FIRST STREETNew York

(ALLMoMAHON'SFam o us Theatrical

RESTAURANT47a SIXTH AVE.Set. 28th nnd'Hth Hts.

NKW YORK CITY.Rest of food, Perfect-ly Cooked, DcllclouslyServed. 1'rlccn ren-sonahlc. Special Din-ing Room for Ladles.

ew onnrMDOU 'OATARRMof tho i

BLADDER*Relieves all




BtmZntf WIDMi




Professional Underwear House of America.'

SEASON 16 7.A storeful ol suggestions tor the Spring Reason of 1807. Complete Varied

Assortments in CLOAKS, SUITS, WAISTS, MTT.TiTrTBBY, MUSLINUNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, oto., all at our well known Low Prloea.

AkJAr f% CBT Originator, of our Famous SHORT VAMP Shoes tor

JSMU |- UCKI. Stage and Street wear, Estimate, freely glean oa*»* ^sr am ***** * * Quantity Order* Complets Stocks. Up to Date Styles,


OUR MAKE-UP ROXESMads from the vary beat tin, are black enameled B*>daily mads tor professional dm, haying a tray withcompartments for dre.se Paints, I'ow- —\ aw>dire, Comb and llrush, Wigs, Etc, Etc. 4nfl.lias double action loch, with two keya, at ^Sw ws» e

OUR COLD CREAMBipressly prepared (or the Theatrical Profeeeioe,guaranteed to be absolutely pur* and lister baeoeMrancid la any climate. Tut up la pound Screw TopTin Cans at 4Be.| hall pound at He,





THEATRICAL WIGSOur specialty I. value for your moneyat one-half (he price others a.k Ibrtil. same goods. Perfect .allsflaotloagaaranteed or your money back. Oareceiptor 11.00 deposit v/a will sendgoods O. O. D., subject to .lamination.

Remember the Nameand the Place .




Why handle rooky goods when yon can handle goods that will sell themselre*.Electrlo Belt* from tl per dot. up. large variety to select from. Electric Jtra.76o. dot. j Eleotrlc Insoles, 87>4o. dos. pairs. Soap IS.M per gross. Fine MedicalBatteries. Send 7(c. for Sample No. H E. II., azp. prepstd. l-atoui out One-thirdcash required. Trial ordor will convince.1 |l<argost Manufacturers of ElectricalBelts and Appliances In 0. 8. A. Kauhllshen 1878. Leoture snd price lint free.


" wm%z F6.R.-..tATtAiartur



J. OLASSDERO, OH Third Ave, n.ar 10th St., Haw York.

The Original Gypsy tyuccn Talking Fortune Teller

Is an attractive, life size, Oriental beauty, which speaks your fortune in aloud, clear voice, and is the most attractive slot machine that has everbeen placed on the market for arcades, parks, Summer resorts, etc. Thismachine gets the money. Arranged for either A. C. or D. C. Motor.Order now. F. S. ZIMMERMAN, 5 East 14th S'., New York City.



186 WEBT B'WAT, H. Y.



$1200 Power Organ For Sale.A 07-notc tieatiilful French Instrument In perfect order, will sell for |»oo. Can be seen atM W. IMth St,

If, v. city, or write The (Jrcator New York Film Kental Co., U Union Sonars, New York.



Canvas pumps 2Sc. with leather soles DOc. ; leather pumpa fl.SO, canva.shoes tl, wlib 'leather soles ll.no ; leather shoes 18.50, elastic supporters II,satin trunks with collar and cuffs to match, spangled and trimmed to.Canvas pumps and aboes aent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of pries, Depoaltarequired on C. 0. D. orders. lie sure and send lies. Send for catalogue.

S. II. CALL, 344 Main Street, Nprlnfflela, Haas.




A Regular Wrinkle Wrecker and a Sure Winner



Of a tickling character all through. Cet It quick.Big Feature Film., Fall of Drawing Power. Are. Bxactly What I. Required by the l't>-to-Da!eShowman. Get Connected With the M1BIN CIHCUIT and You Will Have High Voltage andContlnnon. Current,



TOO MUCHMOTHER-IN-LAWThis dim, from the Orst scene to the last, will keep the audience In a roar of laughter, and, whileIt tell, a funny .tor? at the expense of "Mother-ln-Law," It 1* without suggestion of malice, it

1. a roaring absurdity at which no one will laugh more heartily than "Jlother-1 n-l«»" henieir.





The Artist's Rtadloi Preparing for the Btaget The Young Millionaire) Martin'. Cafe) The Fight)Th. Boom with the Velvet Bwlngi Dragged; A Flendlth Deed) The Wedding) The Thaws' Home)The Tragedy at the Roof Garden) The Tombs Prison; On Trial for ldfe; Etc., Etc.

LENGTH, 950 FEET. PRICE, $104.50.The Biggest Attraction In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago. Cleveland, Pittsburg,

Etc., Etc., Playing Everywhere to Standing Room Only.

A Winter Day in theCountry

An Excellent Comedy Film, Full of Singer

Do You Knew of Anything More Delightful Than a Winter Day ii the Country?

* Farm Life; A Sleigh Ride; The O^ulltlng Party; Rati; Blind Han's Buff: Coasting; Shoot-ing Wild Geese; OhI Such Fan; An Interrupted Dinner Party; Alt Ends Well.

LENGTH, 750 FEET. PRICE, $82.50.


WITHInclnding Electric Lamp. CalciumLamp sod Adjustable Rheostat.

All Our Films Class A. Price. 1 1 Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge 1



THE SLAVECopyright, 1007, by The Vltagraph

Company or America.A Pathetic and Sensational Story ofthe "SouthBefore the War."

Working on the Plantation—Young SlaveDefends a Girl Against the Brutal Overseerand Finally Kills lllm - The Escape —Pursuit by PI inters. Plantation Hands,Negroes and Two Enormous Bloodhounds—Through Jungle, Swamp and Thicket—Deathofthe Blave-Puthetlo Finale.

Length, 550 Feet


Copyright, 1007, by The Vltagraph Company of America.

CHARACTBRBi One little, bald-headed, slde-whl.kered, mUil-iimn-nered, elderly gentlemen, with abad cold, sneeslng,head aching andfooling generally miserable. Abouttwo score "well-meaning," Interfer-ing, bu.y-body friends, each onewltli a different and Infallible••cure." The family doctor, wlfey,mother-ln-l.w, the lachrymose vis-itor In widow's weeds whoie "hu«-band came home one day and DIEDTUB NEXT, and his symptoms wereJUST THE SAME as thl. case."Result of all the prescribing — anice new tombstone with the In-sorlpt'on


Length, • 550 Feet

BPECIAL—A Colored One-Sheet Poster will be given with each film of"The Slave," "The Bunco Steerers" and all new feature films.



KLEINS OPTICAL CO.,Ch.lr.ago. 111.

BULBS BROTHERS,Ban Francisco, Cal.

NEW YOBK, 110 Nassau Street.

CHICAGO, 100 Randolph Street.

LONDON, 10 Cecil Court.PARIS, 10 Rao Balnte Cecil*.













NationalFilm RentingCompany.

63 N. Clark St.,

Chicago, 111.

NEW FILMSReady About June 10, 1907.

6AUM0NT FILMSPrice, 12 Cents Per Foot.

SAVED FROM THE WRECK, Dran.tie, - urn, mmA fisherman leaves bis wife and child and Joins the fishing fleet. A storm arises,

and all the boats return except bis, whl;h Is wrecked. A sturdy old tar Is deputedto tell the wife of the loss of ber husband. Although In despair, she does notgive up hope, and haunts the beach, meeting a part; of tourists who are spyingsomething out at sea through a marine glass. She borrows It, and sees ber husbandclinging to the mast She rushes to the life saving station, the boat is taken outshe Insisting on going with the men. The; reach the wreck and save the husbandwith a life line. A reunion of all the neighbors takes place at the fisherman's home,with great rejoicing, when they return.

THE SIBSTITIE DRUG CLERK, c«med», mwwA dru°?lst leaves the store In charge of an assistant who In turn calls In bis windowcleaner, puts the latter In charge, and g>es to a saloon to play cards. The windowcleaner puts on the druggist's white coit and starts to do business, with startlingresults. Everyone receives the wrong medicine, snd a laughable series of incidentsIs developed.

THE CHILD ACCUSER, Drawtfc, -. • k.gtb, MS Feet

Two men are rivals for the love of a girl, the daughter of the lodging house keeperwltn whom they live. One of them is rejected, and she marries the other. Someyears elapse, and there Is shown a family group of father, mother and a little boy.The suitor pf olden times appears as a family friend. The men work at the sameJob and both of them are seen upon a s:affola. Something gives rise to a quarre ,

and the husband falls, fatally injured. His little son comes up with the dinner pall,

finds his father, and gives the al«.rm. At the deathbed the boy accuses his fatber s

rival, who is arrested.


1N A HURRY. Comedy, ... Lengtb. 374 Feet

A very humorous subject showing the aad experiences of a man compelled toin a hurry, and which proves the Innate depravity of Inanimate objects.




Comedy - 690 Feet

Comedy - - 604 Feet

Comedy - 634 Feet

Comedy • - 262 Feet

Biblical - 634 Feet


SALOMEfilledi 2,Fst


heBe.BIni8 •"unrestricted ss to sale, and all standing orders are

-..-.J on the day of Issue. Shipments are made simultaneously from New York mid

v.! ?! !'.!* no buyir,

haB ,«» advantige over another because of prior delivery.Vaudeville houses and nickelodeons can obtain all of our exclusive films from therant Al nrmn o?n1r>h nro .imnivinr. »k*mrental firms which are supplying them.




Copyright, 1907, by the Frank Queen Publishing Company (Limited).

Founded by

FRANK QUEEN 1853. NEW YORK, JUNE 22, 1907. I VOLUME LV.-No. 18.Price, 10 Centi.


Ri55 Clipper^Anecdotes* Personalities anl Comments,


lwcn to the show every night, lounged over

to the table where the- comedian oat writing

a letter, and said :

" 'Bcubo me, but I'd like to known where

your dentlat Is at."

"Why do ynu wlHh to know?" asked Wills,

noticing that the young countryman dl*

DnllBH Tyler,

Whose picture appear* on the front page of

this Issue, won born In Kuglaiid, but has spent

most of her life In the United Slates. At

the age of fourteen she made her first stage

appearance as a member of Ulchard Mans-

Held company. Hhe then played Ingenue roles

with Win. II. Crane's company for two sea-« ft . i. . *«VI>. -. 1 --. ..M 4 * n L'nifl Anil

•Inn* for the GermanIfear "York,

Theatre In

Arrangement* ire.being perfected In Der-

iln. Germany, by Dr. »«»«•{,

\™Theatre.— «utuft °SofJe"rln

gg a company ofnew manager

STAGE FOLK llld SomChmeS OTHERS played two very IU lltllng pieces of dental- _____ porcelain where his two upper front teeth


II Is widely acclaimed, both In and out of

thv profession, that Its mcmls-ra, In their

rivalry for histrionic honors, arc not above

doing mean or unkind things to accomplish

their objects—popularity and position. So-

called professional Jealousy Is present In

different degrees In almost every Thespian

breast, and when Instances occur In this re-

gard that proves un opposite feeling, they

arc worth recording.

A "happy family" tableau might have liecn

seen In the star dressing room at the Colonial

week of June 3. The principals In the

picture were the headllners at the same per-

formance—Not Wills and George Primrose—

making up for their different nets. Mark

you I iwo stars In the same room, amicably

following the precepts of old Dr. Watts'

hymn, "Illrds In Their Little Nests Agree."

etc. One of them had previously said to the

other, "Hrlng your trunk In, old man, and

we can Just as well dress together." Bmb

particular hendllner made a score of sug-

gestions to the other as to ways and Ideas

In strengthening his net. l'rlmrose gave

Wills lines for big laughs, and the other.

not to bo outdone In generosity, made nice

Introductory speeches at the end of his turn

for the minstrel man who followed. This Is

an unusual action, as every plnyer Is always

anxious Hint the mental elTeet of his act

upon the undlence should remain with I hem

as long as possible, even If the memory of It

should linger and distract during any net

that follows. Ily Willi' Introductory re-

marks about his friend, he generously made

a distinct periodic end of his own act In

favor of the one which followed.

*In his extremely clever monologue, which

Is literally stuffed with laugh lines, he tells.

a ridiculous story of bis early existences

that might Illustrate the effect of a per-

former's work lasting through and Into the

succeeding turn—In fact, B sort of "hold-

over" Influence.

Ills story concerns a vnudcvlllo experi-

ence which occurred when he llrst went Into

the business. He relates how his turn was

preceded by a team whose work was so had

and so uninteresting to the weary audience

that the performers , finally left the stage,

being hissed Into the wings most Ignominious-

ly. Wills goes on to tell how shaky he felt

when ho went on for his turn, expecting the

same treatment, for the nudlcnco was a dlfll-

cult one. lie was getting on fairly well,

however, then he noticed a change out front

that portended III for his success. They wero

getting ready lo hiss, Dually coming out most,

decidedly In this unpleasant expression of

disapproval. Willi his Ingenuous smile, Wills

goes on to explain this demonstration In a

way that let him out as to any personal re-

sponsibility for the hissing.

"You see," he says, "during my turn the

audience got to thinking about the had turn

that was on before me, and right after my

llrst song I hoy started hi to hiss those fellows

all over again."

This plausible explanation gctB one of the

blggoBt laughs of the "Happy Trnmp's" act.

Wills was standing at the box office window

of a Southern theatre, one day, hi conversa-

tion with tlio" treasurer. While there, a

young man of the place nppronched. lie was

one of the "smart Alee" sort, who likes to

be thought well Informal! as to theatrical

mailers, but knows very little ubout Miami

This person evidently wanted to get "an

sons. Following this she-went to Knglandat "fmanage , and August Welgert^ of tho

with Wm. Gillette's company, and returned ft^X Munich; L cbel ind«with him to this country to play In "'

, Service." Then camehad Is'en previously located. "Do yon want ^vtillnry production

to go to him 7" asked the comedian, at the Hbc succeeded Miss'

The annual pilgrimage begins oflUiii!'. mv %ra

«!?m«S^dV»1nVof"6Ign"cloi«": 3 V. m., Saturday, June 20. At that tlnn'tho^".r


k inS Mariow ho* been engaged a* Fr | ara will leave from Tier 81, Toot of WeilForty-second Street, via Bandy Hook r"ittA special train, awaiting the mombc.





en'"a"cnuhT3.- Including "*•«£?BSSLjgS and "Komniersaenger Courte

lines* llcrr Commissar Schnltzlcr » "Omen

Kakadu!" HenriK "Baccarat

"Dcr Dleb," and Bbbcl s

andMaria Mogdelena.'

nK^t.'?'wni'XTngwt"a 8 wel.a.a =&»yn^totti^u^toZC^

(lemon vccslon of "HaCen Sfc MelitsZu ttaelerttan. •_

In next week'* bulletin. Following iumxhthe first annual meeting of the Friars will )»called to order at 8 o'clock, In the ei«m«!tlon hall of Asbury Park Casino. At u,,,

conclusion of other Important business th»election,of a president, vice president, tress,urer, corresponding secretary, recording sec"retary and a board of governors will •,\



place. The successful candidates arc t<i holdofllce for one year. The committee on Howl.


at the Itesldenztiow JE!«yln8'» l07?K engagement

r. Theater, Berlin.

Mi. miner Herrlngton Promise- »Novelty.

Manager Alf G. Herrlngton, of the Lady

Illrds Co.. of he Kmplre Burlesque circuit, II

promises an Innovation In his particular fleld. TVie aniiounces that next season he will pro- (

1 co one of the best burlesque a .owe.that

will he seen In c ther wheel. H'* jnenng«• be called "The Isle of Samoa," the book

an lyrics of which are from the pen of

Ned Nye and Bob Hly, while the music for the

induction Is being written by George A.

Nlclioa. the musical director of the Nat M.

Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, special trol-ley cars will be In waiting to take Friarsto l'ort-an-Peck, at Pleasure Bay. There theclamfest will take place. This will lie followed by a game of Mil and other sports

Pilgrimage committee are : Itallrouds .'.ye

11. Hull, JT D. Lefflngwell, Caldwell Burns'-Tickets—George If. Murray, treasurer 'i„deorge W. Sammls; Hotels and Clambake-.

Melville llammctt, Llpman Keene, W \|

Hull, John MacMahon, Fred Peel: Bnsine««Meeting and Klectlon—W. O. Smyth, K


l'nype, Harry Davidson ; Uamcs—WallaceMonro, Kdward E. ltdgeon, Ulchard F||«-worth ; Guests—Charles Kmerson Cook. lien.nold Wolf, Wells Hawks. Badges—Kogcnu

T. Vicunas determined not to use W^^H™ »f& .^olan. "The committee will issue a hdccIuI tkfai


Will .1. Davis, manager and part ownci oi city until Sunday, a rebate will be made ofthe Illinois Theatre, Chicago, and MaryJ'.llon Saturday, night expense*, maklag pike ofO'llagen, well known In Chicago theatrical ticket |7. It Is, however, Uio desire of thecircles, were married at live o clock, after- Kr|* r» that every member will bo presentnoon of .lime 11, on the farm of hdwnrd 1J. Saturday evening to attend the annual meet-Smith, near Buchanan, Mich. Ing. The committee must be advised at once

Miss O'llagen has been stenographer ror ana letters should be sent td Ccorgc 11. Mm-'

tieo. Kellx, llrst base. apt. and manager; O'Donncll, second base>: P. Morton. ». s.;Ilornn.


third base; l.lbby, p.; Milt. Wood, I. f . ; Irving Brook, c. f. ; Billy II. Watson, r. f.. I hll

Mr. Davis for fourteen years. Mr. Davis

llrst wife was Jessie Bartlett Davis, the opera

McForland, c.

«« »

same time widely displaying Ills lino row of


"You hel," said the young man. "Any

dentist that can lit a face as natural-like

as yours with a pints' of false teeth that

can lie took out every time you net, then put

In so even, kin have my Job. l'a's got plenty

of money an' 1 can go where 1 want to git

my teeth llxed. You see I bad 'em knocked

out Willi a baseball, an' the tooth doctor In

this town wasn't up to a good Job."

"I see," remarked Wills, regarding the

small t bslones In the young man'* mouth.

"Mlno do lit pretty well, I must say, and I'll

be glad lo recommend my dentlat to you. I'll

give you his nddrcss Imforo I leave."

"Mny," said the young man, "do you mind

Inkln' 'em out now? I'd like to sco how It's

done. The false ones fit In so line between

the real ones."

"Well," replied Wills In all seriousness, "I

enn'l very well oblige you Just now. I really

don't Hke to lie seen without them except

while on the stago In my character make-up."

"Von don't have to work hard for your big

salary, do yon?" said the same young man


"II depend* on what your Idea of work la,"

replied Wills.

"All you do Is to say fool things, an' that'* i

no work." declared the young mnn. "It don't

seem like you ronlly earn nil you git."

"You'd liilnk you did If you were In my

place," said the comedian tersely, not caring

to go Into the myrhid detnlls of all that con-

Hllltited his apparently easy act.

"You wouldn't even huve to talk to be

funny," continued the boy with deep con-

viction, "all you have lo do Is to look funny."

"Well," modestly replied I ho actor, "I must

Later she became leading woman with DavidWnrlleld, In "The Auctioneer." Season of

i '.in., i; she was leading woman for HenriettaCrosman. and the season of 1000-7, she suc-

ceeded In-lnu lie Wolf, In the role, of

Catherine Fulton, In "The Other dlrl," the

piny In which Thomas W. Boss scored n suc-

cess during the past season.0»»

ISdlth Helena Makes a Fine ImpressionIn Opern.

F.dlth Helena played Vloletta, In "I. a Tra-vlatu," at the Grand Opern House, New YorkCity, on Thursday evening, June 111, nnd re-

pented the excellent Impression she made atthe Academy of Music on the Hundny pre-

ceding.Miss Helena leeeiveci many recalls, and

there was great applause for her during theentire performance.

June 13 mnrked her llrst regular appear-once In the opera, as the production givenat the Academy of Music was without np-1 1 ion


late costumes or change of scenery, In

order to comply with the. Sunday concertlaw.

4« >Members of Nut C. Good will's Conipuny

Hurt In Wreck.Six members of Nat Qoodwln's theatrical

company and two other passengers were In-

jured in a collision nt Sparks, Nov., on .limetl, when the train bound for Uoldfleldcrashed Into Hunt. Manson's private car ona side track. The Injured arc: J. H. Bur-

Ntine nml Bvuiih to Stnr.

Charles J. Stlne nnd Ollvo Evans, well

known In vaudeville, will appear next season

In the United States, starred by a well knownmalinger. In nn elaboration of their sketch,

"A Bachelor's Holiday."

nluridge. Trcmont, New York ; X. G. I.ongHdnle,(inidtleld, Nov. ; Gordon Johnston, New Y'ork


Herman Sharp, Lambs' Club, New Y'ork : N.C. Tucker, New York; Lovo Kelley, New

There arc none seriously hurt.«»

The Firm of I.osky, Ilolfe & Co.Dissolve.

The Una of Lasky, Itolfc &'Co„ producersof high class vaudeville uoveltlea, has dis-solved. The acts now In vaudeville will bucontrolled by the Jesse I,. Lasky Co., ofwhich Una Henry B. Harris Is a member.The Plnaoplilends, Stunning Grenadiers, Mili-tary Octette, Lasky (julntettc, FourteenIllnck Hussars, nnd Crusoe's Isle will bo theHirelings the new firm will retain. The offices

of this organization will be In the Hudson

ray, treasurer, l'llgrlmagc Committee, theFriars. ll'JO Knickerbocker Theatre BuildingNew York City.


Proposals for membership—Active: KrnnkDu Coin, Oscar F. Hodge, Joseph McKevcrCharles Bradley, Louis Morgenstcrn, CharlesII. Greene, W. W. Decker, Frank M. Nor-cross. George II. Harris, Thomas MorrowKdward Tliurnaer, Sherman Danby, Ilk-borallnlzell, Ned Holmes, John F. Hurley, dieh-ard \V. Little, Arthur C. Alston. Associate—Henjnmln Otttnger, AL Simmons, Isldor Wit.mark, II. Lawrence Ilelnhard, II, .limi-nhT'ooker, Ueorgo J. Cook, Thomas llanlev, JU. Mason, Colin S. Eaves and Frank Ge'rlli.

Seattle.-WASHINGTON.At the Grand Opera House ( John

wu.Tiai McMillan.Wnltcr McMillan (formerly Walter Lacey)

Is shown In the character of dipt. AbuerTniiux, In the old comedy, "Lend Me YourWife," played by him season of ltinr

Curt, malinger i Annie Itusscll, In "A Mid-summer Nights Dream," drew big housesJane :i-S. lxical li, dark 7, 8, Mrs. LeslieCarter, In "Du Barry" and "Za^a," ll-IJ •

litis Skinner 18-15. In "The Duel;" Dork-Hinders Minstrels 10-11), Viola Allen IMKMIn "Cyuioellnc" and "Twelfth Night"Skattlk (ltussell & Drew, managers i. -

Week of 2. the Earl Burgess Co. opened aneleven weeks' engagement, in "The Oueen ofthe White Slaves," to big business. Week ofU, "Nellie, the Beautiful Cloak Model ;" weekof HI, "Chinatown Charlie."

Lvaic (ltussell & Drew, managers).—TheIa-wIs & Lake Musical Comedy Co., In "TheGirl from Chill." closed its very successful

. engagement week of 2. -"The Bogus Prince"week of II. The house Is now closed until theFall season.

1,018 i.Alex. Tantagt's, manoger).—"Grau-stnrk," week of 2, with Alleen May onceagain in the east, drew largo houses. .Manyiloral offerings were received by Miss May.Week of 0, "Tile Man from Mexico ;" weekof HI. 'The Charity Ball."

Till nn Avksuk (Alex. Pantages, malinger).— Hie Taylor Co., week of 2, In "From lingslo Itlches," had good business. Week of U,"Pile Derby Mascot ;" week of 10, "Faust."

Staii (14 O. Dorr, manager).—New peopleweek of 10: Dolan and Lenharr, John andBertha Gleuson, 'and Fred Hoollhan, DonHoby, the Tnnakns, moving pictures, GertrudeGebest and Eddie ltoesch.

OiiriiHuu (T. J. Consldlne, manager).—New people week of 10: Mr. nod Mrs. Hwlc-nrd, Jenkins and Stockman, Booth, llerf

05-6, with Soiihii, Joe Bonner and moving pictures,great success, winning praise from press and 1'antaoks (Alex. Pantages, manager).—public. He has been featured the past sea

effect" on Wills regarding Ills knowledge, w „mt my Utck>. „mke-«p brings mo about Theatre Building, New York,

and started up a talk with (ho treasurer,

On epicst hmliig the box office mnn as to tho

how nt tho thealre Hie following week, that

gentleman laconically replied


"Ben Hnr,"

"Yon don't say I" snhl ihe smart one ;"well,

what production Is Ben llllf pluyhig in this

season If"

Wills observed during his Southern tours

thai the colored folks down there Invnrlably

select one play during the season which Is

their crllerlon of what Is best, and when

ns much as my talk."

By the way. perhaps some of those who

have seen Wills' act, have not noticed thnt

his tramp character mnkc-iip Is something

quite npart from Hie snbBtonce of hi* mono-

logue nnd songs, anil that he mnkes no refer-

ence whatever to tho character he Imper-

sonates. This absolute contrast Is one of tho

sirnnc features of the clever player's present of tho manuscript, and the piece Is said to bestrong ti mures or ine cievir pmj iwell suited to Kendall. The titles uudor con-

II. A. Ilolfe wlU retain the Colonial Sep-tette and Immensnphonc, and will prodticonew acts. He has secured offices In the St..lames Building.

» »I'.ru Kendall to Star In New Edition

of "Tho Had Samaritan."In Eira Kendall's repertory will be n new

edition of "Tho Bad Samaritan." GeorgeAde has been hard at work upon the revision

» »

"Tody" Hamilton to biro inllnltlmor*.

Tody" lliini'lllon I* building n house ot

they have decided Ihls. nothing else ainouiils cvston and Clifton Streets, Wnlbrook, a

to much In their eatlmutlon. suburb of Baltimore, Md.. and he Intends to

The comedian was In the box office of make It his home during the W Inter,

another or these Southern theatres when the Janet Priest Married.valet of n wealthy Inhabitant of the plnco | (lm., i.fi,,,,^ of "Ills Honor, the Mayor,"

applied at the window for souie seats for n

theatre parly.

"An' how much Is It n sent on1

here?" was the double question he put to tho

ne pmco ,, ,.,!,,,,, of ..|,| H uoiwt. the. Mayor, -— ^,- y— •»-

ta for n «•„.. was marrl.Hl evening of June 12 in t.C S^T»T4.«uf They

Metropolitan ^•fe I1 M̂*ffiy ' to all connected with tl

• ...w. Tbiiinas Hobb Jr.. of Philadelphia. matie Held Tlic memH whoa ...,.,, „.,.. „„,„,,., nllKnr.ii performed he "",gw,i*S5LS^


"Two dollar*—and Miss Mnudc Adams,"

wa* the reply.

"Ain't dnt a pow'ful big piico to see a

H'l bit lady act out ?" he exclaimed.

"Not to see Miss Maude Adams," replied

the treasurer.

"Well," void the darkey, "I Jes wouldn't

The Key. Itola'rt ltagnell pei_.

ceremony In the prcseurc of n large numberof friends of the bride ami bridegroom.

Mrs. George Can Held. Miss Priest's mother,

came on from Minneapolis to attend tho wed-


Nnnee O'.Mell to he Starred i«j 1<. It.

Htorkwrll.L. It. Klorkwell hns concluded arrange-

menls with McKwi ltnnkln to take NanceO'Nell nut for a short tour of the coast, In

slderntlon are "Ills Second Time on Earth"and "Fifty-two Year* Young." Harry Askln,Mr. Kendall's manager, will control the roadrights of the new piece.

««»New Organisation of Managers and

Advance Agents.The managers nnd advance agents of legiti-

mate attractions have organized a new or-ganization called the Pathfinders and Trail-ers. The rooms aro at 14111 Broadway,

. aro open at all timesthis branch ot the il.-n-

memershlp up to date Is

over 150. Managers out of town ore alwayswelcome.


son In the leading support of Albert Taylor,with whom he closes the season July 12. Hohas been re engaged by Mr. Taylor, who wiltarrange it starring tour for him next season,presenting him In two complete scenic prodiiclloiis now in preparation.

Arnold Daly Talks of Next Season.Arnold Daly, who Is now ubrood, has

secured two new plays In London, both writ-ten by Graham Hill, who was the author ofMrs. Liingiry's utile play, "Between theNightfall and the Light.""One of them." said Mr. Daly, In an inter-

view, "is called 'Bridge,' and Is a scathingsatire on the prevailing society craze. I

think Hint It will appeal directly to theclientele I expect In New York,"The other play Is exactly Its opposite lu

' called "




New people week of 10: Elberton, .

Cimimliigs nnd company, the, Jasis-rs.iwo Perrys, the Musical Bentleys, ArDwell and moving picture*.Nom—A branch of the T. M. A. wonformed In this city 0. Temporary oflkcruwere elected and a committee appointed toapply for a charter.

Spokane.—At the Spokane (Dnu UWWTtf, manager) Annie ltussell, In "AMidsummer Nfirht'* Dream," June 8, didfine business. "When the Bell Tolls," II, linil

o ton heavy house. Henrietta Crosmnn, II),

II, Mrs. Leslie Carter 16, 10, Otis Skinner17, 18, Doekstader'B Minstrel* 23.

CIU.UMIUA (George M. Drcher, manager).— ihe Zlnu Comedy Co., headed by FrancesGrey, closed an early Summer engagement8, with "A Wax Princes*." The i-cvcls kLake* Musical Comedy Co. opened 0, In "A510,000 Beauty," Marjorlc Lake uud Ccllna

theme. It Is -called 'Bundle.' and' 'la a pa- Morris Uvlnj"th riendlnn roles Tic ethetlc touch of low English life." gagemeut Is Indeiliilte


: V • AuuiTpniuM (Harry C. Hayward, mam-Grace George Captivates London. S.er )-—Virginia firlssnc was well received la

Grace George, who began an engagement at „M„ilell


dlP,B Z '6

' *5 'JMf J*"* "?"•", '1

tho Duke of York's Theatre. UTnilon. Eng., *^h «£» „*e 2nd..Jack



n.l?u "".2

on Wednesday, June 12. In Margaret Mnyo's %1 $ ,ole8, A Southern Vendetta," weekgorct Mayo's „, .,

Dlvorcons, won a dc

give $2 to see even 'llnppy lloollgnu,'" which Miss O'Nell's trsgle rewrtory, beginning July

Illustrated his slaudard of greatest excellenco Laffi^jMriniSt? ^'."JioMIe $?for that season.

The o|H'n smile that frequently adorns

Wills' face during Ills net discloses apparent

vacancies In hi* dental accessories. As most

people are aware, this Illusion of lost teeth

is a hit of stage make-up, accomplished by

the use of dark adhesive material of some

sort, covering those teeth suposed to be out.

Till* fnct, however, wns not known to Ihe

smart son of a certain hotel proprietor, nt

whose plnec Will* was stopping while lining

nn engagement of n week In tho town. When-

ever the comedian wao In the hole! office lie

noticed that the young mnn, whose lounging

place It wns, always watched Ida mouth

closely. Finally one night, after the per-

formance, tho young townsman, who had


ranee work.«»»

Sluilclinker Theatre, Chicago, Leasedby Dillingham & Connor.

Clio*. II. Dillingham and W. F, Connor haveleased the Stiiilclniker Theatre, Chicago. Theywill take possession about Aug. 1, nnd will

open It a month Inlcr. Mr. Connor will be the

resident innnnger. . . .

Mr. Dillingham said that they decided to

secure a Chicago house In order to have a

theatre there for long engagements,


IIALFTOM.) I'lt'TCHKS la the read-ing pagen ot TUB CI.II'I'KIl will beinsi-i-lril at iiu-sc prleeai

Single < -t,i ii inn . D7.KII

I >» iil.lt- » oln in ii f 15.04)

Umpire Circuit Drawings Postponed.The Kmplre circuit (Western Wheel) havo

postponed their routings, or drawings, untilWednesday, June 2U. The original drawingof routes was to hare taken plucc nt theBellovue-Slratford, Philadelphia. Tuesday,June 12. The work on the Brooklyn, EasternDistrict, house will bo started at once, andthe Newark) N. J., house will be commencedIn the near future. »»Lin* ri-nei- D'Orsny and L'veelln Loftua

ns Joint Starn.Cecelia Loftua and Lawrence D'Orsny will

star together next season, under Henry Mil-ler's management. In a military comedy,adapted from the German. The nlny will beseen nt Daly's Theatre, New York City, dur-ing Ihe Fall. The support Ing company will in-

clude Ferdinand Gottsiiinlk, Frederick Bondnnd Howard Kstnhrook.

«»»Nut C. Uoodwln in the Hole of Miner.

Nat C. Goodwin has organized a miningcompany. Associated with him in the raining

sportThe Ncvadn Mines Selection Co. Is the title

under which Mr. Goodwin has Incorporatedhis company. The articles were tiled withthe county clerk of Snn Francisco, Col., onJifue 0. with (he capital stock at $100,000.Mr. (looilwh. has a big automobile, which willlie used lu prospecting,

version of Snrdou'selded triumph In the leading role.The critics of tho lCngllsh metropolis unite

In praising her.4>»

Snvngc to Produce "Salome" InEnglish.

"Salome" 1* to be performed next seasonIn Kngllsh, by Henry W. Savage, who willadd It to the repertory of ti Ik ICngllsh OperaCo., using tho original text of OBcar Wilde.Mr. Savage has acquired the rights to theopera outside New York.

i »Ruby lint , Engllnh Favorite, to Piny

Here.Ituby Hay, n favorite of England, hns been

engaged by Charles Frohmnn to play inAmerica with "Tho Dairy Maids," next season.

Miss Itny has Just completed a yenr's cn-

Viasiii.ncton (O. C. Blakeslee, malinger).— ihe Tanakas, Dan ltoby, John nnd llerllia

(leiison and V. Houlihan, Uertrude (iiiiest.

James F. Dolan and Ida Lenharr, and Alt.

Bonner, Illustrated songs.Scenic (V. 11. Glover, madoger).—Moving

pictures nnd colored scenes, Jeffrey Mnynll,singer; electric piano.Notkb.—Christian Zangenbcrt, of Ihe Itojnl

theatre, Copenhagen, appeared before lists

Scandinavian American Society, at Lis*lemple, 7. He was assisted by the SvcaSociety, of Spokane .Pat and Ftiniilc

!. lY,.' 0l«>rd) were married by Justice J.

D. Hlnkte, 3. They have played- together adozen years Spokane Holler Kink Co..

headed by John M. Bunn, capital $20.i»«i.

broko ground 8, for a structure, 100 by :'»0

feet, to opcu Aug. 15 Seventy live

thousand dollars will be expended by ibo,»in.» imjr iihb ami com ueieu n years en- ii^„*_^— —.....w t....w^-k*»—-;-.,-'.-


gagoment at the Vaudeville Theatre, London.lnn

.tflBei> Amusement Co., In remodeling imd

In '-The Belle of Mavfolr." '

"muo"' fi^milng a theatre in the HolleyMn-on, » Building, to open Sept. 1.

Calm's. Gnlde Just Issned.Julius Culm's Ofllclal Theatrical (Julde

(Twelfth Mdltlon) has Just come from thepress, nnd a copy of it has reached thisoffice.

Tneoma—At the Tncoma Theatre (CII. Herald, manager) Otla Skinner, In


Duel," with B. M. Holland, Keith Wflkeniiin

and Wnltcr Hitchcock, June tl Mrs. LetJIJ

Carter, In "Du Barry," 13; Lew Docksttsle'liils book Is Invaluable to show people In and his minstrel company 15

Stau (A. Bngel, manager)- M m,


' lnc . '»'', It gives much Informationenterprise are Harry Pollock and Georgo concerning hotels and railroad Jumps, he-

Wcedcn.. both well known In sporting circles, ilnci |H)|iula lloiiM ofJowns, tlicn lres, etc.

Tub Maiiiio Thio hove Just closed a very

-Allen Slock

Co.. In "The FnTaT Card,' 1' week of 10.

GtUNii (Denn II. Worlcy. mnnngeri --

Week of 10: Wireless telegraph, by [wHenry ; Pauline Cook nnd May Cllflon. Ilorij

successful season with the Washington So- Braliiin. Maude Kntwlstle and coinp.inT,

clety Girls Co., nnd arc booked two weeks at James, Bonnie nnd Barley, Burton and »«*»,

the Jamestown Exposition, after which they Harold Han*, and Grandlscope. ,

open on the Harry Hawn circuit of parka. Notb.—The city la full of strangers, una

They are booked solid. all the houses are playing to big business.

finds life aboardship one continuous pevfbrmanae



I. The steward Is generally a good contortionist. 2. The sailors perform some clever acrobatic stunts.


3. Many fancy dances are practiced on the after deck. 4. The heavy man finds plenty of material for a tragedy.

5. The usual concert aboard gives the amateur singer a great opportunity. 6. The table company would not be -complete without a humorist.

7. In the smoking room we often find some clever card manipulators.



8. Ambitious bar performers are fond of working overtime.



JAPANESE ROLLING BALL MEN,[1 Send in 50c. for Samples of Japanese Article* for Sou vrnlra.

W. A. MENTZER, Importer, 92-94 Lake St., Chicago


A Few Special Bargains in FilmsFeet Price Feet

In the Polar Region! $11.00Madam Wears the Breeches. 10.00Jewel Robbers Mystified. . . 14.00The Country Schoolmaster. 25.00Too Much of a Hurry 7.00A Tragic Wedding 20.00The Accordion 11!. 50Bights In a Great City 18.00The Paris Slums 18.00I'als; or, My Friend, theDummy 25.00

The Thirsty Soldier 7.00The Prospectors 30.00Iloochey Coochey Dance... 2.00Itullroad Team 5.00Georgia Minstrels 2.50In Search of Adventure.... 20.00III Rewarded Honesty 12.00The Fox Hunt 25.00Japanese Dance G.OOThe Poor Tutor 10.00Olympic Games In Athens. . 10.00The Holdup of l/cadvllle

Stage 28.00The Poisoned Fowl 7.00Trapped by Plnkertona 00.00Soldier's Ulllet 5.00Serpentine Dance (colored) 3.00Lady Rastus (colored) 5.00Hot Chestnuts 5.50Hat Catchers tJ.OO

Borneo City 11.00How Would You Dike to lie

the Ice Man? 0.00BUI Posters 7.00Friendship Better Than

Riches (partly colored).. 27.00

Price385 Dolly's Papa $16.001000 Honeymoon at Niagara

Falls 00.00750 Bell Ringer's Daughter... 85.00140 Punch and Judy 6.00813 The Tunnel Engineering

Feat 82.00508 The Alps Seen Through a

Telescope 25.00313 Artist's Dream 15.00402 The Village Witch 25.00410 The Great International

Cross Country 1 0.00450 The Moving Picture Man. . 20.00370 Lumberlngln the Far West 12.00010 The Female Highwayman. 45.00524 At the Seaside 25.00205 A Difficult Problem 15.0008 The Cousin's Visit 0.00500 A Venetian Tragedy (col-

ored) 40.00377 Fetch the Bread 18.00800 And the Villain Still Pur-

sued Her. 40.00114 The Rebellious Walking

Stick 4.60508 The Desperate Girl 25.00278 Police inspector Hypno-

tized 13.50202 A Wedding on Bicycles. . . 12.50240 Old and New Style Con-

juring 10.00183 A Mlxup In a Gallery.... 8.00108 Mischances of a Drunkard 7.00013 Sky Scrapers of New York 30.00304 Life Saving Up to Date.. 15.00442 Day In the Country 20.00




Film Hoofcet »'.'.'.

Film 2,000 fet)t 60


ELECTRIC LAMPS, M, »•, »''•", *»Calcium Jets, »:i.mi, M.w. to, *h, %ViHex * Hlercopllrun No. 2, Electric or Acut-yleue 122.1)0


220 Alternating-Only 518

Everything In NEW and S. II.

Motion Picture

MachinesFilms, Stereoptlcona,Song Slides and Sup*piles. Same wanted.Catalogues free. •

809 Filbert St

1 ,PHILA. I.PA.$




And make yon a fortune. Ifyou ha™ aPLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT,BONG or BOOK that Is worth anything,jos abontd copyright it. Don't takechances when yon can secure onr aerT-

Iceaat small coat. Sendfor onr SPICIAI.

»»« 10 INVOHMS before applying for

a patsnt, S will pay you. HAWWOOK on>a/*n<iMR/latf. Wnudvlself patenta-ble or not, FREE. Wo IncorporateSTOCK COMPANIES. Small feea.

Consult us.



Waaatal C<*>yI«bI * Pateat Co Im_* WASHING I ON, D. C

ANDREWS.Ladles' Gowns. Slightly Worn.

Kl'ltS OP ALL KINDS.We also Garry Gentlemen's Clothing.

:i«0 Slat* Street CHICAUO

THE MORE YOU EAT, THE MORE YOU WANTA popular 4c. package. Sold by conccssloD-Inw everywhere. A Winner and Repeater.

The Biggest Popcorn Seller In the Worldlu Sealed "Triple proof" Packages. Keeps the

contents In perfect condition.We carry a lull line of Package Confections suit-

able for amusement trade. Prloea and samplesfurnished conoosslonlsto who will name the con-cession they control.


H«T B. Peoria Street, Chicago, V. B. A.



Mmitlur* Railroads for Psrkt, Summer Retorts, etc.

Tho Greatest Money Makers andbest Attraction In the World.

No Park complete without them, caning $IB0O

ia six days. With proper can, will leal sj y.art.

Bind roa Catalodub,

WH IIAVK FOR-LBA8B AND BALKAil vu in«, Privilege, BaKgajie, Stock, Au-tomobile anil AlVrry-Un-ItoancI Cars.

60ft. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com-panies. Reasonable terms. Write for particulars.TUB ARMS l'Al.ACK HOUSE CAR COMPANY,No. MM Monadnook Building, Chicago, HI.


SystemEnables anyone, withoutformer experience, to be-come an accomplisheddancer. Send a-oentstamp for Circular, Pros-pootiiB, etc., to JOHNP. IIOOAN, Teacherof Stage Dancing,Bike' Hall, MajesticTheatre Building,

00th St. and 8th Ave., New York City.

CONTRACTSLETTER HEADS, BNVBI.OPK8, TICKETS,PASSES, CAKD8, Ktc. Write for Samples.Wehh 1'tg. Co.. 8B8 Dearborn St., Chicago, ill .

mm* A|)rr IN SHOW BUSINESS.^ A /\f\ A Btajo Inatruoilorx.

What Aota to Loam and How . Points on Salary.

How to obtain engagements and many other

essential points every beginner should know.Price 26 cts. Ott Co., 270 W. 39th St.. Now York.

WANTED, a Lady Performer, withCostumes, who can sing and dance. Apply lo

DAN l,K ROY, care of G. 8KMU MUSIC CO., 6a W.»tn St., N, Y, Call Friday, bet. 10 aud 12 A. M.


BEST PAYING PROFESSION IN THE WORLD.Wc tenoh you at your own home In a short .time to

go upon the stage or speaker's platform. Thou-sands of satlslled students.~\Vrltc fur free booklet

on Dramatic Art hv Correspondence.CHICAGO SCHOOL OP Bl.Ut'DTION,

oso Chicago Opora Houbo mock, CHICAGO, II. I,

iii\\mrt>mMlsrmS villi UN 10 Ollllt W. BCSJutlT ASOSOLBs -MlvS A V BROWNE i051 tfljiaUft bl

*,'MaWraiPfl •«•»" YAVi

IAMR1CHn Ideas. Write tor PAltODY i.laLwhloh out-

Incs snblocts of various verses. MATT WOOD-WAitii. 215 W. wii St., N. Y. City. AuthorRBNTZ-BANTLBY lliirleauues (7 seasons),

COLONIAL BBLLBB Rurlesiiues (2 stasons).-

8KBTCHB8 to order inly.

CAMMEYER6th Ave. and 20th St., New York.




Tti.tric.1 Catalogue

Mailed Free Upon


Can Fit Out Corn-

pan lei WithoutAny Delay.



TKW OPTiaRAPH NO. 4 %d?'


40 REASONSwhy you should buy


In preference to anyother Motion PictureMachlne.Ulgcataloguoof Lanterns, Films,

Slides, Accessories, etc.

AMUSEMENT SUPPLY CO.,491 Chemical Bank Bldg., CHICAGO.

The Up-ToOota .




19 Pages,$1.25 per loo;

tio per 1,000.


8x12, is Pages,eoo. per ioo;

$7.w per 1,000.

Contain popn-Ur Illustrated

songs, Jokes,etc.

Send for



240 E. MadisonBL, Chicago.


YOST A COMPANY, 000 Filbert St.,((established 1870), Philadelphia.

a*- New, Knlargud, Illustrated Catalogue.

Gems of ArtA book containing 24 of the moat

entrancing I'hotyne Pictures everBhown In one publication. All fromfamous paintings. Worth ten timeswhat we ask for It. Bute of bookla x I Inches. The Artist's DreamRealized. Sent postpaid, togetherwith to lifelike miniatures of otherbeautiful art plotures, for only at.,coin, stamps or money order. Sendat once today to WILL 1. WELSH,Dept. 1, ML Ternon, o.




W. STOKES KIRK,1687 I. I0U SL, PbiUdalp.U, Pa.

J- IWIINAHannfkietiirer ofCylinder Piano

OrgansNew and Second Handfor Shows, Merry-Oo-'Rounds, Mnslo Hall,and Skating Rinks.Marking of Cylindersa Specialty.FIRS* STREETNew York




Best of Food, Perfect-ly Cooked, DollolouBlyServed. Prtcea rea-sonable. Bpcotal Din-ing Room for Ladies.


We havo made the euro of "Blood Poison aapoolalty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured.You can bo treated at home under sameguaranty. Capital 1600,000. Wesollolt themost obstinate cases. If you hare ex-hausted the old method, of treatment andstill havo aches andpiilns.MuouH Patches InMouth, Sore Throat, Pimples, Ooppor-OoloredSpots, moors on any part of the body, Hairor Eyebrow, falling out, write for proof* ofouros. ioo-page Book Free.

- COOK REMEDY CO.,dill) Mamie T»«»t«,©«!c«Q«



jjlor Wt of Players.


Can™ Co.—Since tie opening of our tent-

&" Season, May 18, at BynnlngMn. VL,

we have been doing Tory well. We we not

Mcklng the tent at every performance, but

bnalnes. has so far exceeded our expecta-

tion. S«tMaiager Finn was obliged to order

in extra middle piece to enlarge our tent.

We may no have the be.t "Tom" .how on

the road, but our company I. imposed of

{be £5 Wle in the *&* **5g> "«under the directorship of B. A. Biritr, we

give a nice production of the &*&_&8rama Our mounted band, under Bie leader.

ihln of C H. Coons, i composed of twelve

piece., aid 1. a strong feature In our .treet

parade. We hove had a little bad weather to

contend with, but the- company Is enjoying

the beat of health, and Manager Finn pre-

dicts a long and prosperous season. The

roster of tfie comply: Tbos Finn, pro-

nrletor and manager: Charles Coons, busl-

See. manager; C.TL W'f»'\Xt;£Tho.. Finn, treasurer ; B. A. Barker, .tage

director; Aiaud Dunn, little Myrtal Barker,

Blanch Clayton, Jerry Neman, Burt Steater,

Willie Tucker, George Bolton, Will Be»P,

Albert Tailor, Jam Riley, Pet Curran, Frank

DavieB, Mable Olcason, Emma Johnson,

Burlhy Hunter, Tom Brynt, Robert Pipely,

and Charles Crandall.

Followiho I. a list of people who have

been engaged by Gu. Hill for his .eyeral

attraction, for next season: The Bed Hus-

sars, the Twelve English Rosebuds, Charlie

Johnson, Gayety Quartette, Ford West, Jerry

Sullivan, Everett T. Scott, Annie Hart, Ed.

Wright, Blllle Ritchie, Charles Foreman, Wil-

liam McAllister. C. F. Cardon, Jack Lloyd,

Edith O'Dell, Mildred Fletcher, Charles 8.

Calder. H. P. Rosseau, James C. Henry, B.

R. Kelly, Al T. Uolstein, M. J. Joyce, W. D.

Norton, Wllllom Proctor, Harry Yost, LewWelch, Frank Base, Exposition Eight, Alice

Porter, Front and Barre, J. O. Gibson, J.

Fred OBteratock, Frank Farrell, Eva Lan-ttay, Richard Bartlett, Nellie Styles, Mableelmore, S. H. Dudley and Tom Logan.Notes fhom the Casino Stock Co. (J. W.

Helsmann & Sanford Cohen, managers):

We opened at Lake View, Augusta, for the

Summer season, Monday night. May 27. It

was a gala night and the theatre waa filled.

The company at once sprang Into popularfavor. Roster of company : B. B. Du Free,director; Ralph Menzfng, leads; Clyde Arm-strong, C. A. Wilson, Al. Ray, W. H. Ed-wards, H. Ganetb, Mary Ayer, lead.: Isabelle

Lowe, soubrette ; Addlee Beny, heavies ; LeraDelston, characters, Vaudeville features:Clark and Campbell and moving pictures.

There Is a scramble for the actor's friend

every Krldsy.Tub Abburt Park (N. J.) Opera Housb

will hove for this season the following at-tractions: David B. Gaily Co., commencingJune 13-10, with a repertory of selected

Slays: the Tom Williams Vaudeville Co.,une 17, 18 ; the David B. Gaily Co. 20, 21,

the A. C. Dorner "Hazel Kirke'1 Co. 22, theDavid B. Gaily Co. June 24-29, the RaymondGrau Opera Co., from July to Sept. 1, In arepertory. The Opera House la under toemanagement of Louis S. Grenner.

Notes from tob Mtrtlb Barcumb The-atre Co.—We are In our twenty-second weekIn Central Michigan, booked solid for theentire Summer, at various resorts. RosterI. as follows: Ed. H. Branch, manager andowner ; Geo. Lan.haw, Lloyd Gould, Wm. J.Hall, Geo. Brown, Mento A. Everltt, VeraHolmes, Bessie Loraine, Baby Luclle andMyrtle Barcume. Every bill Is put on In aDrat class manner, with special scenery forthe same. Lloyd Gould, In hi. contortionact and feat, of strength ; Vera Holmes, Insinging and dancing ; Mento Everltt, In thelatest ballads ; Mr. Branch, In comedy songs,are Important vaudeville features. LittleLuclle, our child actress, receive, nightlyapplause. Mist Barcume'. costume, arebeautiful.

Fbbd D. Whetten, character actor, reportsmaking a hit with the Yeager Stock Co., Inthe character of Hank Sponge. The companyIs doing a good business through the coalfields of Pennsylvania.Arthur Stbinobb, author of several novels,

snd Florence Vaulx Henderson, are collabo-rating on a play, founded on Mr. Stringer'sbook, "The Sliver Poppy."

Jos. N. Machan writes : "Myself, wife andLittle Roselyn have Just closed a very suc-cessful season of forty-two week, with theErnie Marks Co., and are now resting In thenew Ontario silver fields, preparing for open-ing my own big company, featuring LittleUosetyn Machan, who has been making aphenomenal hit wherever we have playedthis season, in Cobalt she had over |25thrown to her on the stage during our en-gagement, and next season I Intend surround-ing her with a strong company, and we willuse a strong line of plays which I have al-ready secured. I will have special paper foreverything we play."Calvin Dix, a member of the "Our New

Minister" Co., mourns the loss of his mother(Mrs. Emma Morann), who died In Los An-geles, Cal., on June 0.Florence Kramer, Russian prima donna,

will begin her tour in her new musical com-edy, "A Lamb from Wall Street," July 1.The tour la under the direction of the author,

m";. Si. yawmt The season opens atNorthfleld, Vt.Hattib Richardson Habt writes : "I was

recently granted an absolute decree of divorcefrom George D. Hart"•„ ?°i. Al Sdllivan and wife are at tneWest House, Newport, R I.

William N. Smith, who has been assist-ing with the opening of the Lyric Stock Co.,at Amarlllo, Tex., will leave July 10 to Jointhe Gertrude Ewlng Co., as business mana-ger, third season. The Lyric Stock Co., witha few changes that are being made, will beone of the best In the West, and Includes •

Jphvi DOrmoBd, Harry Lenard, Bernard J.McOwen, William N. Smith, Wm. Christie,



eymouri, ?• L

- Russell, Ague. Fuller,Edyth Oglcsby^Madge Fuller and Vana Ward!The Gertrude Ewing Co. tour Is almost com-pletely booked, and opens July 20, with tenfair dates In the Drat eleven weeks, then fiveweeks with first money contracts, which IssulHclent to Insure a prosperous season.Andy C. Baldwin, the stock leading man.

who successfully created The Phantom De-tective for Rowland A Clifford's production,has gone to his cottage up rn Canada, foreight weeks, before beginning rehearsals forhis stock season. This Is the first rest he hastaken In two yean.Notes prom Yb Colonial Stock.—We are

enjoying the biggest season in the history ofthe company, and are In our fifty-secondweek, this being our third week at the Jef-ferson Theatre, Hamilton, O. Business hasbeen good all along the line, and we haveplayed quite a few return dates. The rosterof the company Is as follows: Cnas W.Benner, monoeer: James Spencer, stage man-ager; Frank Wlrlck, representative; ThomasOleson, leader ; Geo. Sands, property man •

vathryn Benner, Sara TreaOwell, EthelMather, Marie Gilmer, Miss W. Tuer, O MWilliamson, Raymond Ketchum, Kid Evans'Ralph Barton. Eddie Foley, James Spencerand Frank Jackson. The Old Reliablereaches us every week, and the "governor"calls its every Wednesday,Lon and Mabib Brooks closed with Stet-

son's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co., May 18, atHamilton, Can. Mrs. Brook. Joined Oaden'a"U. T. C.'- May 20. at Waup.ca, W~, t5 pTaJthe part of Ophelia. Mr. Brook. I. making avisit at Lafayette. Ind„ but will soon &n I

Burk'e Big Two Car "U. T. C." Co,

.."?? J8?

LU! Coddlb," a musical comedy,book by Chai. Ba.wltx, music by Carl Hand,Will open In August,


ROAST MEATShot or cold, are given justthat "finishing touch" if*

seasoned with

Lea & Perrins'Sauce


It perfects the flavor ofSoups, Fish, Steaks, Chops,Veal and Salads. It givesrelish to an otherwise in-

sipid dish.


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TEETH preserved to middle age

are pretty sure to last out one's life

lime. The greatest known preserva-

tive of the teeth is SOZODONT.Why? Because being an Alkaline

and Antiseptic Liquid, it penetrates

the minutest crevices of the teeth, de-

stroying the deadly mou h acids and

purifyine the whole tioth structu re.

S: FASTENERSMen .wear by them, not nt tbem.

I.r (lain ui Ulif, ate I Hr.rt lloMrn, • • • I*la* HoMim, . . . Ml I

Kartelor nation.. • l<M

Stnt PtitfaM. I.I1U-. hul N.tit l,rt Ho. CkMAKwAMSold everywhere,

indicia Rati Craws,, Dill 12, Wittrhui). Ci»«.



FLASH LIKE OENUINEftaivr night. YuacaaowuaDtawa*'•qua! In brilliancy U> aar laooial

, Kluii. .1 ou.-lblrti.tb Iti.cri


etaDd acid te.1 and .apart .t.nilai-

Hon. Waiuaranle.lh.rn. 3.. laaOr.1. than pal. Catal<f*i Fm.IFaUnl Hint Mwiara IncMtd In'FIVE two-c.nl rlarap.

glMMMJBI Dept. 4,280North Stale

St., Chicago.


MOUQUIN'S61h Ave., bet. 27lh and 28th Sis., New Ycrt



Get the Habit. Goto


UNION SQDABE,14th Street, near Brendway,

279 Broadway, near Chambers,

47 Oortlandt St, near Greenwich,

125th St., corner Third Ave.,

NEW YORK CITY. ^^MUkoltne T1.I.U, •>*W»i^*o»»J*righu, »>..flo, cotton Tight*,

ii.Thj, Bilk Tin'hu, nrom«».0f> opi

ihlrtV tO .natch, .11 MMJgg*a. tlghtai Parnpa J» eentaM «•""'aim, 9I.OU. Kla.tlo Support.™,»l.ut), Cloth Supporter.. US «»*Send for entaloKae und aauipWof tlchto, free. T>o.MlvelY « <«•"

posit roqotred. HatlafactIpnigujran

tied or lMnej refunded. SPIOER,uho8.

84 Woodbine Street, Brooklyn. N.V-,


_York Offloe. Lincoln Bldg., 1 Oolong

MUSIC ARRANGEDPor Ptano, Band and Orchestra. W. U. WtlaOPw West ajlh Street, Now York.






" >"u have Iwiiil "Love Ma, and the World I* Miue," yon unalnlj iliould get busy nnd irnd fur Ihr answer. Prof. mules lo professionals. Bend laic |n lignum.



vvju. TELL house, Howard and SomersetBtt.. Mutton. VIciQltT o( all vaudeville theatrofApont 16 week. EMILY BANNWART, Prop.

MMMWabash *,t,OHIOAOO.

"! "T IJ.00 per Day.

European. J6.oo per wee».

I'llAKALUAll, lift- 117 E. 14, N. Y., lir. Keith'.

Acad, ot Music, Dewey. Rooms Ma, 16c, 11,

il.60 day; fjjWWil week. W.D,HANMIOAN,Prop.

Wabash A Madison, CHICAOO,1.. W. Carlton, Prop. Strictly

_ American Plan. 18-15 single.

$7-]2.I>niible. Vaudeville patronage Invlled.

High Classltieatrlc I BoardingHouse.Slngleor

lu milieu. tB.ooup. Telephone, a» W. aid at,, N. V.

" PALACE IIUTKL, 101 N. dark St., Chicago.

Kurupeau,' 13.60 per week; with private DM0,17.TarlUMatU, too. H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop.

nJUMlD COMI'OSKIl AND AHKAftOEDfor HOT luJtrnment or number of Instruments.

Suog«,irord*. and music, sketches, eta; Send stamp.

LUTO 4M Klchmond ml, OlnolnnaU, 0.


tnonM maker. 1,400 others, oiiup. 8L0ANNOVELTY CO,, Station 8, Philadelphia, Pa.

WW 11 k II uiii. or Wife Photo* for Palmists

Parka, eli'., I'i.00 per 1,000; $l..'ir> per wo, postpaid'

CABINET PHOTOS, copied, 100, 12; 1,000, f lft.

TrDKMA STUDIO, 3312 N. Rroad St., Phlla., Pa.

BAHjqB—The World'a Oneat. The celebrated

Wtiyt* bardie. Catalogs and Half-Tones ot 36

Artfata Free. THE A. U. FAIRBANKS CO., Mgndbnrr at,. Boaton, ataai.

tl. H. BEATTIK, LAWYEH, Conlldemlal

( asea 11 specialty, i tidgiiienw and decrees obtained

promptly; 110 d»,lar. Counsel free. 4941 Indian

Ave , third floor, Chicago. ^_l|OW TOBECOME ACONTOBTIONHIT.

Prunt and Back Beading, each trick lllnatrated.

BBC, tlorphet'a School, 837 N. 12th St., Phlla.. Pa.

WANTED, AOKNTH-Lcgltlmate substitute

for slot machines, patented. Sella on sight, for $1.

Particulars. OISHA.CO., Anderson, Indiana.

HOW TO STAllT 1H SHOW BUSINESS.(CopyMgtited). a different booki, 10c. Ail klndiact.koRFpOT'B SCHOOL, 887 S. 12th St., Phlla.. Pa.

WANTED—Comedian or Acrobat for medlcl »

Mltovr. Wri't stand*. Sr»l» s» ary ...... mi In Aral

irtli'i, _ DR. JAS. 0. WKIINTZ, roslorla, Kims.

WjfeNTBD-aOOD BIN0LK MAN Hint can doStraight and Second Comedy; ,;innl Sketch Te ,111,

tlmi ran sing and dauce. Slate all you do andmine lowest salary. Address

l»R. 1. fl. HAUfiHMAN, Jobs, Hocking Co,, Ohio.

' f4amEB) have 1 lucim- »-u u,, juice vt '.><, 10

mipplMlie various co's with ALIUS, the biggest

aod ipilckcnt seller on earth. Albus, a soap, light

an a leather. Double slue, attractive pkg. Albus,

u novelty (nature. W lieu yon gel. sample, »how It 10

Tl r-t gi'i|t or lady you meet ; they will want to buy II.

TluuM proof. Mi'il.iirad.eos, enrloseric. Instaniiis

to pav postage, and get sample and prices. OKI).P. TrOQP, -.The Albus Co., Traverse City, Mich



AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK.Willi st, Louis, June IN, 10, HO, ill.

With, Washington, June UT, »8, tlO,

July 1;

national league.

POLO GROUNDS.Willi Boaton, June »», 4

r,, Hi.

' ttjt : WEST VIRGINIA.WlieelliiK. At Hie Hllou tScbiick &

Rcn'rley; iJi'oiiiictorsi tbe hill for week elid-

ing Jtlne 15 gave satisfaction, nnd tbe bouseclosed (he' season on that dale to make neces-sary repairs for Die opening next lull,

Whi-.hi. isii I'aiik ii'-rntii; J. linker, gen-enil.iilaiitigei-i.— Unsliiess wim fair for week•Tilling In. It mined every evening, nnd usHie weiil her kept cool. It held tbe attendance.down. • People for week of 10: Bndl Alfnr-nbl,

: Holmes nnd Waldron. Rappo Slaters,Hilly (rimy, iitul Sherman and Fuller.Notk.—The Great North German Marine

bund failed 10 keep Its date nt tbe park and«h Manager Baker did not want to dlsup-IMdut the patrons of the park, he secured tbel-'erphle Orchestra from Luna Park. PittsburgThe.ifreheslra came here by special train tokeep Ibe appointment.

'. .4«»

\ MONTANA.•xnii-—At tbe Broadway Theatre (J. K.

Heslff, manager) Annie Russell, In "A Mid-summer Night's Dream," had large audiencesJutle -10,- 11.' Henrietta Crosmnn. In "All-of-»-siidden Peggy," was greatly enjoyed 14.15.

"fMixft.'.'Ot'BBA Houhk (Dlck_ P. Sutton,inarJIger).—Week of 0: Tbe Lulu SuttonStock a'o.. In "Tbe Colleen Bawn." showedin -cnpscitv Miss Sutton was lienrllly a(i-

Maudcd.' family' (P. Nelsnr.to, manager).—Krlesel'sdogs^nnd .rats, Hnwley nnd Leslie, Al-

l»h-»aw/ Nellie Filling Co., Maybelle Meeker,Wnitir. Jeffrey nnd the motion pictures,(lood bouses were the rule all week.

. •SRMJt-FwiTO Hiiowh 14, 111, under canvas.»»»

. CBAn.-AlANVii.LR baa assumed the monnee-iioni of tbe number one company of AugeM'sComedians,

SEVERAL MF.HHY-UO-ItOt.TNDS andSwings, with or without privileges, cheap. OSKAKBUCK, W Merrick Road, Jamaica, L. I., N. Y.

WANTED-Sllde Tromlmne for Imnd and orchestra. Must have plated horn. Hall show. Slopat hotels. Slate lowest salary flrsi letter— It Is sure.Join on wire. Address Al. Maitz. Morrlsvllle, VI-June B: Hyde Park M, JerTersonvllle '£>, Underbill'

Ai, Fairfak 27.

$1.00 FOR ALL THIS.-60 Gags, 10 for 10c-or all, 4ftc. : 10 Funny Wanfs and Ads., inc.; !i ComleHotel Rules, ft Comic Epitaphs, inc.: Recitation,"He's Ne'er Forgot," 10 lines, list.: (Jaglel Recita-tion, 48 lines, -iftc; Talking Turn. Straight andComedian, Sac.; 3 Parodies, 1, (tags with each one,ii'ic. Sold In lots to suit, or everything for tl.oo.List of (ketches for stamp. All kliids of singe stntlto order. Send stamp for references and price.Mary B. P. Thayer, alwu Broad 81, Prov., R. I.

AT LIBEHT Y-Sketch Team, do singles andDoubles, Irish, Dutch, B. P., eu-., Singing andDancing. Change for week. Put on acts. Plavsmall parts. Vamp organ for turns. Address

TH E DE WOI.FE8, MO E. 1st St., Flint, Mich .

WANTED. Sketch Team nnd Single, *2ft team;f lft single. 1 pay all after Joining. Team mint dodouble and single or two singles tor week. Changeeach night. E. P. Mailer, Clearwater, Kan. P. AV—(Ine must fake pian o. Those that wrote, write again.

WANTED for LOWERY BROS.' SHOW, Per-formers and Musicians In all lines, flood groundacts and Singing Clown who can do turn In con-cert. State salary In Drat letter, and must Join alonce. Address as per route.

THE LIVINGSTON SCHOOL OF PIANOTl'NlMi. Only School touching Construction nndRepairing of various Piano Players. Most remun-erative branch of Piano Toning. Wrlle for cala-logue. 40 Henry Street, llliigliaro lon, N. V.

TENT FOR SALE, 40.x70fi., Side Walls, Poles.Stakes, Ropes, }7fi; beeu used a season. Also onegood capra Crank Piano, f 7ft. Will furnish layout-nud take partner for any money nrnkliig proposi-tion. C. It. Cttlbertson, an W. nth St., .luraestowii,

N, V.

REPERTOIRE(lood Man and Women, capable of playing any-thing cast for, Sketch Team thui sing and danceand change nightly, Comedian that can changespecialties nightly, Name lowest. Pay your own.Must loin on wire.

ION CARROLL, Elklna, W. Va.



Or other Oood Act for Street. One ulgtit siuuds.Pav own. Conipauy opens July 4. Address

0. JAY SMITH, 7ft Plymouth Place, Chicago.


Care of Hugenbeck- VVallnce Slums, as per Kihte.


CLEVER COMEDIANS,Alio COMEDY SKATEHS. All Summerwork. Apply afternoons.

MORTIMER KAPIIAN,Mjj Broadway, N, Y. Tel. WW Col.



FARRELL A TIPTON. Manhattan Hotel, l.luia, O.


MED. PERFOHMEHS Or ALL KINDSSingles uud Doubles. Regular M. D. No med.sales In audience, so you can get it all. Will buy70ft. oblong top. For Sale, 3axM Ball Ring Top.

Can use good Canvas Man and Cook,J. J. DASHINOTON, Viola, Mercer Co., III.


ALAnything cast for

Height, ft'!, loln-

Welght, . . IM His.

.Double Brass.

Appearance, Wurdrolie

-LELASpecialties, Bits nndsome Characters.

Height, . lift. tin.

Weight, . la: lbs.

Sobriety. AdddressAL unitHELL, centervllle Iowa.



HENRY B. SAWYER, 07 Clark St-.. Chicago.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY,And later time, Bketch Teains, Comedian, Sou-

hrettei for Parlor Vaudeville. FRED FAULK-NER, Manager, Pike Family Theatre, Roanoke, Vo .

AT I IDCDTV THE THOMAS FAMILY.Al LI0r.ni It— will rent my Handsome PullmanCarlo same company we work for. Will work andrent reasonable. Write quick for particulars. MRS.SOSIE THOMAS Riverside, Iowa, iShow Car).

Two First Class Advance Agents Would Like to

book with some good theatrical company for.the

season, ft years' experience. Best of ref. Ans. by

wire or letter. FRANK C. RAY. Big Pine. Cal.

Wasted Quick, Al Sketch Team. Change tor

Week. Money sure. Stale LOWEST and all In first.

The Bovlers, write. One must play piano.

F. S. DK VKRF, Macon, l.lv. Co., S. Y.MUSICArranged, composed. Terms low.

A. KRKTSMAH, 41V E. lfilh St., New York.

WANTED, BALLAD SINGER, also COMEDIAN,Street work. Prefer those playing Banjo or Oiillar.

State salary; pay your own hoard. ,

CARPENTER A VANE, Hanover, York Co., Peana.


Unequaled Film Service at Right Prices.

ALL MAKES OF MACHINES FOR SALE.iViisos, Carltoiis, Condensers, Ik, Best S!ri|i Tickets 20 Cents per 1,000.

The O. T. Crawford Film Exchange Co.,i-i Hi and lytiotist jsi<s., St. Jv«>i 1 1.**, Ado.

FRANK HARDING,Music Printing, Engraving and

in All Its Branches.HALF TONEH, LETTEH HEADS nndall kinds of oomiunrrlol printing, An-logriiphle Alatlr Prlntliig, <>|.cruti<< Inn ii«e«. On Ileal in I Ions, Hi .

FRANK HARDING,14 Christopher St., New York,

NKAH sixth ,i VI-: mi i..




Morrison Show Print n,„„„

Aii Opportunity of a IJfoTint^

TO HI A It K MONEYFur sale outright, lease on liei'i'iuilitge or Hat

rent, must allrHCllve luilldlliK— hest location onWar Path, Jamesluwu Exposition, size :mfi.

front liy Wfl. deep, with addition of two liedroumsami kitchen. Aildrcs NATIONAL I'HIN'I'INOAND EXHIBIT CO., .laiiicstowii Expusllliio, Va.

WANTED,Han for Heavies, Refloed Irish ComedUu,

8lalterino Robe, Juvenllei, Han for

Props., Small Part, with Specialty


Woman for Char. Old Bald.One piece. Niitne lowest: you get It. Join on

Wire. Sii fare* to strangers, A. li. Snow, write.

AddrowA. R. OEARIIOItN, Hox (73, Plymouth, N. II.


tlf Ala. and Miss.; lu to r. consecutive weeks. Shorl Juiu|h. Hlg iui<liie«s. rotiie n:ul ,tel the inoiiev.It's here If you have Ihesliow. For lime and lertiisiulil.

(V«uile>-Cull alsi

lllo spcciniii i-cr. in this vicinity send open lliiicso use if I outdoor Acts lluil can work nt iiIkIii.


.1. V. AHNIII.lt,ion, Uui 111. uiioKliniii, Ala.

W II/I< » U Yr



To open June -a. MISS EIKIENE WOllllS, tele-

grapn perm, address. 1.I0S CARRA YS, let me hearfrom you; <II'S. CLARKE, Mlaiiilwliurg. I).


FIBST CLASS IEDI0IHE PEBF0BIEB8,flood Comedian, tnust change for a week; SketchTeam, Musical Act, Pianist, others write State nil

you can do and lowest salary In tlrai letter. Whpay all. .loin on wire, You must keen sober orvoa won't last lu re. r Is Is not a lent show. DR.O KI). M. HOWARD, I'. II. Uo.v lOWil, Ronton , Muss,


ROY DEE,SliiKliiK and Talking l.lgltt Coinudlan. Address

• S04 ASII1.ANII BLOCK, ClllcBlto, III,


For the Hcnsous itsi: and Iikim. OPERA HOUSEnewly renovuied. (lood show town. Population7.000,' Address M, I,. I'LVMPTON. UkeClly, Fla.

Wanted, for Heyer Concert Co.A First Class SlnRing and IiiiiicIiik ('omedlun, or

Clever Versatile Sketch Team (man and wife).

Change for week. Want to hear from the hest In

Mils line. Long, pleasant engagement to right

people. Week stands: no matinees. Will advancetickets. Add. J. W. ItlT/KI., Mgr„ Athens, fla,

Wantsel, Forl»E LI.\»'H HIIOWH,in si l.i Ni; ACENT, nu baam just had one. sal-

ary positively sure. Make It low. Can use silent

acts: theaednlnf two turns preferred.JAMES HE LANII,

Cross Forks, Poller Co., Pa., June Wand 21.

NEW UP-TO-DATE 52 PAGE ROOKI'atiilogiie of Ijitest THICKS, Hooks, etc., Just

out. Hem for loc. NONE FREE.W. II, I, Kito V, «Xt Court St., Hosioii, Mass.


Plulst at Ubeitif, Fake, Real Soto, DoableStage, TUOS, HEE, I Van Ml., Rochester, K. Y,

Wanted, for Harrington's Pavilion Theatre,MI'SICIAN'S dollhltng Himil and Oreheslrn. Ke|ieilolre I'cuple ilol]i#S|Hicliillles, write. All st hewilier and relltilile, and undei-siuiid thai I am Manager, lllve lowest Siliuiner .aliii-y.

E. A. IIAHIIINUTON, Washington, Hid.


Inv'lle oilers for coming senium. Farce Comedy or Hiirlmi|iu>. Aildri'MIIfi Wi'stlonihSl., New VorkCli.v._WAl»~TEDrW^TEb7



not in.ivii BANII.


BARITONE,nm ni.ivii <> oil HTAME.

Rep. I'en|ile iloiilillng lluilil. write. WANTED ASTRONII VAlllJEVilil.K ACT 1X1 FEATURE.

J. P. KILtlllRE, Mgr„ Mattoon, III .

WANTED(Jooil Nlnglv Arts, Lady and (lentlemuniMalar Team, llMan and Dancers. I'n.i-llval)r no iinmrn, Chorus Ladles and!|,i. Irian, that iloulil.v Address i|iil< u,

CAPT. PAlCE,Water Uueen. Mlllaboro, Pa.

Vaudeville Notice.Kindly unto thai 1 have inieu appointed the

Repri-soiitain e of

RED CIRCLE PILL 10.Semi your orders lo CLIPPER otlh'e. Red CirclePHI (for tin- liver), » cts. Ibix.

J. MARCO, (Marco.TwIns).


For Circuit Permanent Moving PIcturei.Thoetret

and Summer Parke,

All klndsof acts ror theatre nnd oiiuloor ait i acii. ins.

Stale your lowest sulury. You must make good.Send photos nnd programs.

WALLACE (i 1 1,MORE CO., Oswego, N. Y.P. S.—Can use piano players and llluslraieil song

singers. Prefer pluno players who can sing.

Frencli-Aiiieriean Youn^ LiulvOf commanding np|ieariince, to lake half Interestin new |Hiny Imllei Musi Invest |mhi unit lie ulile

to oilglnalc new designs and Ideas. Send photoami. slump; full particulars In Hist letter. -

411; Montgomery St., Portlaud. Ore.


Drum*, Traps anal Italia

Two Seasons at Old Howard, Huston. Locale ortravel. A.I'.ofM. Hlale salary. DRUMMER,

Old Howard Theatre, Hoston, Masi.

At Cornet Wanted at OnceI pay traiis|Kirtatloii: three week stands: oue showli <lar. Mini.- lowest llrst letter. Address•



Al •; of I per cent. Royullyand up for combinations.

en,»and stock with |uiper.Old Bills revised and Plays written luPlays nought and sold, EDWIN HOPKINS,Qeneral Play Agent, 1*7 W, totli SL, N. Y.

SketchesNew Plays,.'burn,


Qir In it I coinltiloii ii ml |ii Ices right.Mil mil llllllllier Of Slides |iei arl l. nilinni'si in lit- lira! letter.




hi ami i.oi-u.i Nta., Ml. i.niii«, ii. i.






North Bros ., Little Rock, Art.


frTiiciii*(jl|>yz«iic Stock Cos.




Ilimil people iviniieil al all limes. AddressCHAS. W. RITCHIE. Ciiliiuihhi, S. I'.



ALL KINDS .Or ACTS (or Tbeatre;

also 0DTD00B ATTRACTIONSSlate lowest salary.. Von inusi make good. Scudphotos ami programs.

SMV. MAKER. Orlskan.v, N. V.

AT LIBERTYAccount of Theatre closing for Summer, Al Or-

chestra Leader iVIollm, doulile Alto In Rand.Wife Al I'laillat, swell voice, up III Vaudeville.

Have one year old child. Only relinlilo inuuagelsneed wrlle. Address, OEO. C. DAVIDSON,

TCI I>hiIsIiiiis Sl„ Little Hock, Alt.


idcliires. (IOLIIKN III I.E THEATRE,IK, Rlvltigloii St., N. Y.C,


acts. Will join Co, or uur'uer for acrobatic net,

Address IMf. MAIN ST., 111'liCO.UE, lOtt A.







SATURDAY, JUNK 22. 1907.

Knterrd June 24. 1870. at the Port Offloo at

New York, N. Y., oh second ctoao Hotter, onaot

the act of March il. 1870.

R AT" E S.AovcrUaMMHtB-Sz.HO P" ]*P^38*j3!RlAdTertlaeinouts act wllh horder, 10 per et. extra.

One >nt, in advance. $4 1 fU OBtW. t»l-«g*months' III Foreign po»lo«e ««•. Slogl.



will bo wnt. poatpold. ou receipt of 10 cento.

Onr Termi are CB«h.

TDK CLIPPER •» toouedBS v'<!<",


3!in i5i

Ing The loot four (ndvortlalng) pogMlOO WPBHM on Hnturaar at JjLAiJfa »n0 °» oa,M

rages on MONDAY and TUKSDAX.

The ITorina Clonlnjr I'roaiplly, Tae»-ilay Bt lO o'clock A. M.

Please remit by expresa. money order, *«^P onler or reentered letter. All cosh eoclaoea

nlilj letter to at the rink of sender.

AddreM All ComnninlcoiloBB tm

TMB NDW YORK CI.IPPBB,*47 West 2Slh Street,. New Tort.

KcgUlmi Cable Andres*. "AuiiwiBiti

THE WESTERN B0BEATJof Tn» OUtVBB to located lit Boom 504. Aihland

Stock. Chlengo, John ft Prince Jr.. my;*" "£correspondent, where advprtlrwiBcntB. and aubscrlp-

tlona arc received at our regula r relet.

THE LONDON BTJHEATJ,I-ocnrcrt el 48 Oranlwurne Ht.. l-ondpn, W. t)„ John

II. Cunwy, manager and correspondent, where aa-

vcrtlsenienls and aulmcrlpllona are received it onr

"T/ilf fi!?™ ca« »»wm niuiwigairrAil., at our agents. BHBlano'S BOEMAB2k.&Annuo dp roncru, Par to. France; M. Llllcnlhoi.

If oilcrtoK HtraU 101 (Tennlaus Bote > Berlin

N. W., Ocrnmiiy; Diamond New* Co., 120 Prarto.

lla»ar.a- Manila Hook and stationery Co., IM"aVnMn.'MHnll.i. P. I.; Albert A Bon, 137130. King

Ht., Hrriney, Auatmllii.

•1'IIH NEW ironiC CLIPPKB nBfalUhM«nl" »i»V "dlllim, »ud «l»»t U d«t«dfrom New York.

QUKKIKS ANSWERED.No Bc«llc» hy Mwll or Teleurapk.

Ahimr.BRxa or wiikbbahoutb hot oivbn. Ai*IN QUEST or BlHJIl SHOULD WIUTS 111 THII»1 WUOMIBM NaT*. IN 0AM or TIIIC CLIPPER PoaTOmoic a!.i, i.kitkiib will n» au»«RTiaio oni

WMttf HNi.t. lr Tim mouts or ant TnsATnioAi,

rxiMi-ANT is souoiir, kkKk» TO OUB liot or BOOTJJON ANOTIIKa PAOI1. \V« OANMOT BAND gOUTM ai

KAIL OB xxexuBAPn.

DUAMATIC.II. A. \V„ Wutisaw.--We have no knowl-

edge of I he present wheroubniits of Hie purty.

Address ii Idler III trnr niri-, iincl wc will

ilvi-rllM' II In Tin; I'l.ll-J'HB Icller llul.

Mimh K. II.. I'lyii Hi.

••An:; luis," mill,, ,

It. II, <!., Tolirdo.—Hcc niimvcr tu II. A.

\V., iiImivi'. ., ,

A. Ai |. -Sinn lliTiinnl iiIiijiiI In tin- orljt;

imil piiMlni'tlon or "Tlie Mim In the Moon,

lit I hi' New York Tlinilre.

II. M., nt rnulr.—No. :t Is Hie moHt up-

iironrliile for counsly.

c T« Ni'»v York.— We liuve not luid the

ronle of Hit' ml for novenil weeka.

A. It l '.--There nre Kovenil Hinge yer-

hIoiik of '•.Sii|ilio." The follllillilil fOMfrlBht

en., WiiKhliiMion. I>- <'i <nn loll yon whether

liny of I hem lire rttJtfNghlM.

A, II. ('., llrooliljn. — I. AMlJM I-otila

Miiim. fiu-e of (lie l.yrle Tlienlre. New Vork.

a. Addreaa Kilgnr Hmllll, cure of Weber


.Mimic Hull, New York.i'onktant Ukaiihii.—Hie pnrly If whom

ion refer enn heat iiiiBwer your iramtlon.

K I'. W„ lloKlon.— l-'rom *HM»|ieiwoekii|i

S. »'. II., Norfolk.—AdvertlKc your wunta in

Tnv; Ci.ipi'Hii. „ .,

Ii. AH ltiiHikl.ru.—Hy ii|i|illeilllon to the

viti'loua viiutli'Tllle iionklin; iiuentieH you limy

iihiiiln whnl vim iIokIiv.

Mikh l„ Mm WnliM'.v—The piny Ik not pub-

lished. II wua wrlMeii by lii'iiul Slewiirt mill

Wlllliuii' rolller, mid Illy Inller to now hIiii-

rlnit In It. ,.„ . ,

W. ('. II., YoiiiijjHtiiwn.—The worila iinil

liiur.li- of I lie Hiiiiff were wrllleii by Ilnlfe.

.1. K.. HI I'iiko.— Iliinka Winter to nllve. Atl-

dn'HH him In eiire of lllto tifflct*.


\V. A I'.. ItokilhuiHii.— II wlnii, A IiiivIiib

Kelcvleil Hie llHkitbHiaiiH In will Imth Kiiinee,

mill then Ihey IomIiib Ihe Hint OUO, It nmtlo noillireieiii-e lo l> 1 mi iih to ivtietber or not Ihe

mpi'oiiiI one wiih preveiileil by ruin, for noli i.l no tliiiiiee lo wilt even If II Imil been

'"M.'t''. S.. Noiwnlk.—Write lo T. W. Kkellv,

ri'.'i .IoIiiikiiii Avenue, lliooklyu, N, 1. Hemil probably nltl yon.

MISt.KI.I.AMiOl'S..Misx II. I,. II.. t'eiliir ItnplilM.— Any irlovu

uiiiiiiifiietiiiTr will limke uloveii to order.

sun Another I'nrk for <;hl«'H«vo.

rrenin lltjr I'uik. ill l.yonn, III., it Hiihnrbof

ritleiiEO. to lite Inl'iHl iiiltlltlon lo tin; Itot of

iiuiliH In Ibis Ineiillly, mill the prrM niiitter

ileliilto itH IoIIowk: II will he oiiened July ST.

mill will be linger Hum any other jiill'k here,

"overhiK sl.Mvtwo nei'1'K. When fully eom-iib'leil. next aramw, II will be one of the

IgrsOHl mill moat mitgnltleent open nlr parksIn I In- world, imil will be n f«<- a/iiil/o of it

tvplinl llohemlmi vllhige. with Ha pletiireKlnii!

KlrWlH, hIhiiik. elf. The InrgeHt iimaUr Imil

In Aineelfii |» uptti'i- eoiiNlriietlon In the piirk,

mill will linvo it aeitllnij cuimelty of 4.000.

Here nil Ihe grent biituto will he heard. AI'fHiiiiii'iint and lefii'Hlimoiit hull, with it

I'liiuii'llv of It.ritld, la under way, nmln nne 'oreheal ra will play (here. (Mir orthe IniKi'Kt bull I'utnna exliml to heliiK

eiiiiKliui'leil, with a enpaelly for lo.noil

I'liiiples. A figure elgbl eimater. aeonle rall-

witt and live litiiidi'i'il olher park eiitertnln-

nii'iiN will Im' built. The boliiiileal Kili'deiiH

will be a feature, mid the enl ranee to Ihe

pink Ik anlil to to' Ihe lines! and moat Im-posing In the world, .loaenh F. Ktopkn. the

manager Hint promoter, to reapimalhle for

the design. A beiilillful naluial htgonn HowsIhi'iiiiuli Ihe North end of Ihe park, and will

he llluinliinled. In Ihto will he gnniliilna nnrt

oilier 1-1-111*1. The rM'Kpliililea Ulver flowa bythe oilier end, where may be had good bunt-

ing, hallilng and (tolling. Mveryllilng pos-

alhle will he dune for Ihe enniforl and safety


Clipper BnrrBB,' 48 Cranliiinriie Nt..

Leicester Hqoare,l.onilnn, W. C.

.Ii:nh K.

This Is the week of Ihe bin race, the Derby,

and as a result the theatre* and tbc hilto

have Ix-cn doing n splendid business. I*«tnight the Horae Hbow, nt Olyroplfl. opened.

It to more than possible that the better elnss

of playhouses - will suffer from the strongcompetition next week. _.On Tiieailny morning, .lime 4. at ten, hdnn

Mav was married to Oscar I,ewlBohn, In tne

office, of Ihe HiijH'rlntendent-rogtotrar, at

Windsor. Fifteen jHirsons were present. Mr.

Lcwlsohn and Ills bride were toith nnilmiK

to avoid a public ceremony, and for this rea-

son had declined to disclose, even to close

friends, the lime mid place of the marring*.Tim pnrly at the wedding consisted, In nd-

dltlon to the bride and bridegroom, of Mrs.

Pottle (mother of Miss May), .lane Pottle,

Mnrguret Peltle, Mr. and Mrs. Sknmiti, Mr.

llovle nnd Mr. I'ohn. The following presents

we're received : From the Countess of l.lgln,

diamond, pearl and ruby brooch ; Mr. niinaon,

diamond horseshoe nln ; Viscount and Vto-

counlcsH Kslier, writing table and porcellnn:

Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Monckton. gilt and em-broidered picture frame ; Mario .Stiulholmf,

llower howl : Adclnhl Theatre staff, silver

coffee pot. Lute In the itftornoon Mr. andMrs. l^wlaohn left Aacot for London, enrtMH for Dover and 1'arto. from whence they

iiroeeedod on a lenglhy tour of the continent

by motor enr , ,

Olgii Nethersole, whose season In Paris, nt

the Biiruh Bcrnhordt Theatre, began last

Monday night, was on Wednesday served

wllh on Injunction restraining her from play-

ing "Cnrmen." AllK»rt Carre, the director of

the Opera Combine, who caused Ihe Injunc-

tion to be served, says he did so because he

considered that the performance of "CarmenIn a French Theatre would he an Infringe-

ment of his rights over the opera."Slrnnglii'Hi't" closed lust night Its miner

brief run nt the Aldwycb. A large audience

of professionals gathered at the theatre onTuesday iiflcrnoo-i. to witness a performanceof the pluy. Among those present were


I'llennor Holison, Madge Carr Cook. Charles

llnwlrey, llllle Hurke, II. V. Bame/nd, Jameslllnkily. Ran Hotiiern, (Jeorge (irossmllh Jr.,

Herman Veita, Kile Lewis. Haydcn Coffin,

J. Mmindy C.regorv, Corncy tlraln, Oiatotl

Maver. Kvelyn Mil lard. Isabel Jay. Millie

l.egnrdo. Orace I.anc. Kittle I.oftus, MnilamcKaly ii.id Mrs. Ii. H. BriMike. "Strong-

hearf was played to perhaiis the moat ap-

preciative audience since the piece was pro-


"Mi Ihe lllalnm'it Carriage" will be the next

I,n.iiiirili.n at id-- Waldorf. The exact date

ill l lie production has not lieen stated Mint.The producer. Clmrles Cnrtwrlght, will haveIhe nsstolance of the following actors andactresses: Frnmt Cooper, Henry Vlbarl,

Charles Collelle, Arnold Lucy, HumphreyWarder, Agnes llewllt, Kdlth Cartwrlght.

Mtopelh Dudgeon, Margaret Fuller and bonny

The production of "The 'Merry Widow"will lake place nt lMilys, tonight. Adress rehearsal of the piece was given last

night. Frnnr. I^luir, and Ihe author, Victor

Leon, are In l<otidon, and (leorge Hdwardes,In order In meet their wishes In connection

with Ihe Kngllah version, has made certain

i-lianges In the east. Itoberl Bvutt has taken

up Hie Part Intended fur Lotus Hradlleld, andi:il/.abelh Foible has been stibsllluteil for

MngKle May. If continental Judgement goes

lor anything, Mr. Kdwiirdes should, with this

Vlenes'i! opereltii, be In for u grout success,

for though It was only iirodueed tor the first

time In January, of Inst year. It bus been

performed no fewer than live thousand times.

In four hundred different lowns, anil six

different languages. Henry W. Bavagi! has

the American rights to the piece, and will

produce II In the States In the early l-nll.

lie nnd (leiirgo Marlon are now In l<nndou

will l lug In view the Hngllsb production.

"Mrs. Wlggs of the Ciihbnge Patch," nt

Terrv's, Is proving unite the most success-

ful American .production that has been seen

here for a long lime. The fiftieth perform-

ance will lake place next Monday, nnd tiiis-

liui Mitver Intends running (he piece wllhi


pi'oseiir coumiiny, Including 'Madge I nrr

Mink, right through the Summer ;months,

anil, as I slnled last week, extra flying mutl-

noes will be given ill some of the Hummerrcsorto. , .

The SlmfleslHiry iiiunngeinent, a few days

sluco, offeifd a prtoe for the best sum-eat Ion

of ii title for a picture by John Hiissnll,

reiircKetillng a nil her ragged girl. The pie-' 'Lady Tat lorn,


She made u big hit In the last pantomime at

the Belfast Theatre. _ „Bransby Williams, who la now on tho Mobs

& Btoll tour, has decided on accepting PercyWilliams' tempting offer lo revisit Amer-ica at trie end.of September. He hopes, how-ever,' to be "back' Id London In time enoughto Join too Christmas entertainment at the

Hippodrome. Mr, Wllllnms will visit NewYork, Boston, Philadelphia and Brooklyn.Annie Moutrt, the daughter of (Jeorge Mo-

zart, the comedian, was married on June 1,

lo Peter UaUell. The presents were munyand costly, and the guests Included the well

known sketch writer, Chris Davis, and Mr.and Mrs. Tom Craven.A com pun v called the Liverpool Theatres of

Varieties, Limited, has been registered, withii capital of £4.-1,11011 (£1) (40.000 preference)

lo acquire tile Tlvoll Palace, Park Palace,

nnd Paddlngton Palace, all In Liverpool, andlo adopt an agreement with the LancashireVaudeville Syndicate, Limited.The Zancigs will, on June 15, finish their

very successful (our of tho provinces, underthe management of Alfml Moul. Sixty townswill have been visited, and every day twoperformances Have been given. Not one naslieen missed, even when, on some occiiHlons,

the company has not arrived till 2.10, withine performance due to commence at 3



szs^ss^S'^Z LITTLE ONE SUFFEREDnnHir Tehi'i.b Thisatbi; (Harry * raoKiin, ,, ..

. . ,.i| i mm^ge'r,

1-' Cumberland W'iP"*"** »H

tractive offering last week, and the new

, X comuaay dl.T Itself proud In the variousFor Ov.r » YaBr-Hehlna; Skin Ulu

. Kr«m» Covered Fmee and Nrrk'

AVT"%itob "'W

oiick-'*°**r *">'tF*"Mw M-d,t,"«'~


mattstock companyscenes. Tbto week

ce ent misincaa. vlAHIahAi'oli.0 (Mnx Berman, manager).—Yiddish

stock holds' forth here to good bualnesB, and "My baby's face and neck were covortdwith itching skin simitar to cczenia a»H

^^TuJZ^no^nT. Motto, mana- she suflerctl terribly for over a year '1

gerl.—"In Zululand" will be revived here took her to a number ol doctors, and a |.nweek of 17. with many e£n«"™gitiH to different colleges, to no avail. Then

'SVi^^t^'^iS^ Cuticura Remedies were recommended

Lome tlm? lar?"son Stewart will be seen me by Miss G-, who was telling me h(lw

hTlHi ohiI nan. and the full strength of the they netpt,d her. I d(d tlot Me\ , „company w II ^"''"^'Ji^i^Ven Mated, as ihad tried bo many other remedies wi,„

andl to° an ackno^lXd"ftict 'Slit tW- out any favorable results. At last I tried

Is one of the cleanest houseB In the country, Cuticura hoap, Cuticura Ointment andIn which the management takes JO"* 1!' J>™e - Cuticura Resolvent Pills, and to my sur.

SSS.*wfexiJ^^^i»?S prise noticed an improvement. Alg^Ma rriHwc (Lyman B. (JlSvcr, mnnagerl.— three boxes of the Cuticura Oinlmtnt,

The bill for week of 17 Includes: The Orlgo- together with the Soap and Pills, 1 am

of pillions, nnd nu disorderly persons will

be ailmllted. A large depn/lmenl or pub-licit v wilt to- In charge of Will H. Barry,well known In the lucitlriciil profexalon, whoii'coiilly resigned from 1bto same position

nl I .nun Park,4«»

London Tliriilr«> lo (live MovingPIcliircM.

'I'lie London Theatre, on Hie Bowery. NewYork Cllv iWi'sleiii wheel house) will runa moving picture and IIIiihI ruled song show,nl popular prices, during the Summer season,

opening June 17.+*+

Keith nml Klnw A I'.rlniiKer In IhrWtwi.

The dally papers of Pittsburg, I'a.. midt'leveliinil. i».. teem with ads. of the ht'Uhnml Klnw It Krliiiigor Iioiikcs. Pages of spe-

cliil will clips and double iluvcrttoluu; i-piRua

pec uevd l'ikIi wi'rii.



liresenllllglure was lieuded

bury Tlu'iilre. The prlxo bus gone to n manfrom (iluucesler. whose suggestion for ii title

was that benealli Ihe prelum should be

placed the words, "Full Inside. Wish 1 Was.

"Ijidy Till lew" bus boon Improved greally

since the opeiilng week, and to now playing

to uood business.Ili'in-v Arthur Jones Bulled from Liver-

pool laid Tuesday, for New York. He goes

lo arrange the cn»tlng of his new play, '"Ihe

liallleiin's Victory." which Is to lie produced

In New York, by Klaw & Krlunger. In Ihe

Amnion. Mr, Jones will remain In New York

for nbiiut six weeks. Previously to his em-

barking. Mr. Jones hud something to suy to

mi Interviewer on Ihe condition of serious

draniii In Knglaiid which, he repealed, wasunder a cloud. Mr. Jones irnced this to a

sciircltv of g<HMl eniollonnl actors anduelrosKon, brought nboul by the long run. nnd,

cnuseuuenlly, (he iiisiilneicnl (rulnlug In ex-

purlenee of Ui'tOrJ. "The long run' said Mr..Inni's, "only laments iiuthors nt. the cost of

robbing nel'ora of better Irulnlng."

Lewis Waller's season nt the Lyric will be

concluded nt Ihe Lyric, on July Ht. He has

decided not. to produce W. S. Muiigbnm s

new modern piny, "The Kxplorer," until

next senson. although Ihe piny has been re-

hearsed and has practically been ready for

production for lau last week or so. Instead,

Mr. Waller will run In the end of his present

season wllh Ills revival of "Clam-arly.


Unlet (teorge and company will open nt

tlie I Mike of York's, on Tuesday next, In

"Dlvoreiiiis." Supporting Mtos (Jeorge will

be Frank Worthing. Illclmrd Bennett, J. I).

Beverldge, .1. W. McDonald. Frank Collins,

Mux Freeman. Frank Match, .lane Corcoran,

Until Benson, Ituby Kay and Smile Jerome."Her Love Agillust Ihe World" llnlshos Us

successful run lit the Lyceum on June U,and on June IS Waller Howard's "The Mid-night Wedding" will be produced nt that

house. This play to said lo have achieveda record success In Australia. It deals withI hi* morganatic marriage nnd the adventuresof Paul Viilmnr. it son of the frown Princeof Siivnnlu. who to the swordtnuster of the

Med Hussar*. .

It. (!. Knnwles nnd Clarice Vance openedal Ihe Palace last Monday, and both scored

big hits. The well known comedian hadbrought with him this lime n rare fund of

mousing yarns anil n capital new song, on-

titled "livery Little Hit Added to WhatYou've (lot. Makes a Little Bit More." It to

lulereathig lo recall that. Mr. Knowles Is

just on Ihe eve of the sixteenth anniversaryif hto lirs! npiM'urance In laindou. Miss

Vniioe ousllv made good with her ipilet andartistic manner of singing conn songs. Hprmanner of delivering the good was certainly

a revelation In our ICngllsh cousins In the

audience who had been accustomed to ennui

sin nu lug.

Mav Moore liiipii'/ bus to-en selected by

Frank' Parker for the lending lady in (lie

forthcoming lev spectnolo. "Znyder Zee." nt

I In* 'Hippodrome. Miss Duiirex came fromAmerica seven years ago. Two years since.,

slic undertiiiik ii lour of the world, and madea jjicut bit in Aubtmiiu and South Africa..


Western Bureauof the- Netv York Clipper,

II .104, Aahlaud Block, CIiIcbko.

Theatrical Interest this week to centered

In the opening, June 17, of Kdward 8. Abe es,

In "Ilrewster'H Millions," at the Colonial,

where It to expected the combination will

prove strong enough to last through tbe hot

weather. At the Oreut Northern "TheWizard of Oz" gives way, 10, to "The Volun-teer Organist." With this exception there

are no changes of note. June nas been ascapricious, thus far, as Its younger stoter,

May, with the exception Hint the temperaturehas not fulleu us low, but it hna been fur too

chilly for the many parks to do the businesswhich the expenditure upon them warrants.When the genuine hot weather does strike

the city these unfortunate spots will reap

the benefit, nnd the public will be able to see

what wonderful things the managements haveaccomplished. Lust Sunday, opening bright

and fair, changed before noon to threateningweather, but during the afternoon the suncame out strong, and hundreds of thousandscrowded nil methods of transportation to get

to the out door siiota. In (he meantime Ihe

theatres here have been doing a better busi-

ness than they could have reckoned on at this

season. Four New Y'ork successes ate on for

the Summer, namely : "The Three of Us,"at the Darnel ; Itoae Slahl, In "The ChorusLady," at Powers' ; "The Muu of the Hour,"nt the Illinois, and Frank Daniels, In "TbcTatioiMMl Man, nt the Urand. "Cantaln Care-less" has Ix'cn picking up In business.

Illinois Tiikatiik (Will J. Davis, mana-ger).

—"The Mnn of the Hour" to still doinga line business.

Powkiih' Tiikatiik (Hurry J. Powers, man-ugsr).—Hose Stubl has taken the city bystorm, and the house has been crowded to

Its capacity ever since the opening of "TheChorus Lady." No better business could be

done at the height of the season. Storms oflaughter greet the actions of the star, nndher every line Is listened to most nttentlvely.

James Forbes, author or the pluy. met munyfriends during his stay here. Members of tho

support ilcsci'vlng mention nre : Alice Leigh,

Kva Dennlson, iJllcsj Shine, Francis Byrne,Wilfred Liiciik, Amy Lee, Muude Knowltonand Wm. It. Itundali.

Caiiuu-k Tiikatiik (Herbert C. Dace, man-ager).—"The Three of Cs" hus proven one of

tne most Interesting plavs which has everbeen seen here, and tbe business has been ex-

cellent. Interest haH never flagged since theopening. -

Colonial Tiikatiik ((leorge W. Lederer,munager).—Many regrets have been expressedthat the run of "Fifty Miles from Boston''should have been forced to close, for tbe pluybus proved n great delight to Ihe majority of

people, ami ranks well with anything whichtlcorge Cuban has given us in Hie past, Kd-ward 8. Abeles, In "Brewster's Millions,"opens here 17. The play conies wllh thehall murk of New Y'ork success, which will

make a iiital of live successes from the CroatWhile Way which are playing here. There Is

room for them all, however, and both star

and company may be sure of a hearty wel-

come.Sn iii;iiai;i;i; Tlll'.ATKK (It. K. llarilieyer,

manager).— l-:igle llowen, who became knownto local theatregoers (lnoiigii Iter excellentwork in "Two Little (llrls." whs launched asstar upon the sen of histrionic fnuic, hy It.

A. Barnct, night of June 10, In the musicalcomedy. "Miss Picnhonfus," at this bouse.The offering Is In two actB, the book beingliv It. A. Burnet and it. M. Baker, ami tin:

music by Dan J. Sullivan, it was Him pre-

sented a year tig) lust February. Ill Boston,

hy the First Coips of Cadets (for whom It

was written), at the Tremont Theatre. Theaction deals In a humorous manner with theIncidents of Cuptiilii John Smith's Careerwllli (lie Indians during the settlement of

Jamestown, Vii., and his rescue from them,by Pociibouiiis. ihe cliiefLiln's daughter.Waller Jones Impersonates the captain, re-

verting to Ills oil time style of work, andmaking the doughty soldier more or less lit

a trump, with u. distorted vision of things.

He also docs his old trump specialty in tnesecond ltd. nnd is very funny all through.There to little to the story but this. Klglollowen was very dainty us (be Indian prin-

cess, nnd danced most gracefully. Nell Mc-Neil Was funny us the medicine man, amiHarold Crane's voice showed lo advantage usHoan-ge-ta-ha : John Poachoy was Impross'vi!

ns Freckled Thunder Cloud. Clnra Palmerwas excellent, as June, nnd Anna Mc.S'ubb

very amusing as Kee-Koo. Mmllle Welling-ton Is untitled to apodal mention for hueclever work as Sim w Shaw n bit 111 whichslit* showed what a clever dancer and mimicshe Is. The scen"ry was very butidmime. midthe lighting effects were beautiful— All of

tlie costumes were excellent, particularly

i hose of Miss llowen. The papoose song nmlI ue Indian spirit song were, perhaps, thogreatest favorites of all.

McVu'Kbii Tiikatiik (Ueorgo C. Warren,iiuinhgerL— "The Hound Up" continues to

excellent business, with comparatively fewchanges, the most Important being in thelighting effects in the lust act. nml the en-

tree on hoi'HPbuek of the principal characters,which gives Hie action much more life.

Nothing Indicates a lermrnntlon of the suc-

cessful run.GlIANP OPIUM Hot'SK (Hurry Askln. mini -

ngi'i-i.—Rarely bus u Summer attraction In

Hie comic opera vein proved more attractiveor convulsing than "The Tattooed Man,"lu which Frank Daniels ami May Vokes,supi*nr!cd by William Pruetlo and a scoreof clover people cavort and make meriy.The engagement closes L'H. The house will

then remain dark until 90, when "The Ml-kndo" will bo sung.

I'lilCAai Ockiia llnrsi: (D. II. Hunt, niiin-

ngerl.—"Captain Careless," greally bright-

ened, and wllh Toby Claude, Ida Hawloyanil Joe Whitehead as the leading splrltx,

is pleasing, but the attraction will close 2;i,

and vaudeville will be put on lit and there-niter.

Wiiitsky Opkiia UnlhHH (Ram I*. Orson,manager I. This hustling, hustling musicalcomedy is turning people nwnv at nearlyevery perforniniire, nnd Mabel lllle ami JohnSluvin nre as funny nn any nne could pos-sibly wish. II la worth tbe price of admis-sion aloii" In hear MIsh lllle sing her severalmusical Hirelings, and her personality lias

never been of Ktealtr scrvlco to au attiite-

Conn and Corlnne, Mclntyre and Bennett. Dc Oct, 20 and 30, 1006.

Onzo and McDonald, Morgan and McGarry, mmmmmmmmmmm^wmmKatie Jobnson, Surazal and Razal, and tneIAUIIl aJU'AiiD\/ai| •/«••»•»• ——— ——

_ . • • -. ,

klcodrome. Summer hns been donned Here.belng reached by any cuf which "runs s

and tbe house looks and Is del ghtfully cool on flU toted Street, and the cross townIn Its dainty Irish linen draperleo and bung-

IngH, oroamented with embroidery In rose

color. 'Jlin usher, maids nnd other attend-

ants have linndHome grey unlfornis.

Olympic (Abe Jacobs, manager).— This

house was destroyed by lire, which was dls- ,„ „ l„ l,„ ... „„„„, ,covered shortly before midnight, 14, and Band still holds forth, and there nre nninvwhich threatened for a time trie Hurroundng othcl.

.fcatures which assure the visitor ibuildings. A full account of the disaster

will be found In another column. On the bill

that week were : Foy and Clark, the Klnspn".

Ollvnttl Troubadours, Brockman and Phillip


which transfer to this line. "Reckless" Ito"will continue bis airship flights, which havebeen attracting large crowds. The purl r whomet with an accident afternoon or 111. «.„„

hto assistant and not the aeronaut himselfbb was stated In some of the papers. Tliiivluii


Sisters, Morgan and Mcttarry. Dudley, DOrmond nnd Dudley, Marie Laureno, Mcrrl Os-

borne nnd company, Kmll lloch and company,Keating and McCuulcy, Talcott and eompiuiv,

Hcl long Bros.. De Onzo and McDonald, Willie

Weston, and Llndstrom and Anderson. Their *l'[||wa„kec Klectrlc Line, round trip "rickets'

belongings were more or less ruined by smoRo including udmtoston to the park, coaling *|.'

and witter. sank Soi;ci Paiik (l<eonnrd Wolf, imuni.Si'iiimu.kii's 1 Ludwlg Si'lilndler. manager), err).—There are .1 variety of attractions Ht

lively time.lt.wi.NJA Paiik (J. J. M unlock, manager).—

This park will open evening of HI with Wal-ter' DamroHch and the New York SvmplumvOrchestra, which will continue to give highclass concerts for some time. Pcrforimini'i'sare at 11 In the ufternoon and nt s.;in p. m,Tbe park to reached by trains on the I'lik-ngn

and Nortliwi'stei'ii It. It., or Ihe Chlengo nml

—Business continues up to the lop notch, and1 In' bookings are excellent. The bill, for weekof 17 Includes: Leonzo. comedy Juggler; Mel-

roy Trio, singers and dancers ; Memphis Ken-

nedy, musical comedian : Mexlcun Trio, ThreeWnllseys. nnd moving pictures.

Ioi.a (A. W. Both, manager).—The hill for

week of 17 Includes: The EglerZlegler Trio,

Clcone Pearl Foil. Leonard and Phillips, Hd-dlero and Skelton, Florence Fields, und mov-ing pictures.

HowAiiu'H (Lnrln .1. Howard, manager).—Business Is exceptionally good. The bill for

week of 17 Includes: Robtoch and Childress,

Itohi'i'ts and Nome, Leslie and Williams, the

Itosiirres, and the klnodrome.Ii'ollv (Jolin A. Fcnncssy, manager).—For

this week a splendid offering to promisedwhich will outshine anything that has here-

tofore been given In this house, which Is

noted for Its excellent burlesque entertain-

ment a. The coinedlims are all clever, thesingers good ones, and Ihe chorus is stately

and hard working. Special scenery has beenurcparcd. The Summer scuson thus far hasbeen 11 great success.

TitocAUKito (I. M. Welngnrlen, manager).—Advanced burlesque la the manner In

which (he management advertises the stockcompany here, which bus succeeded In be-

coming very popular. The company to 11

strong nne, und is doing a good business.

Forty people comprise the list, which In-

cludes such well known players an: Nat andSul Fields, Pete cm ley, Murrny J. Simmons.Leo Kendiil. Millie De Leon, the original

"Ctrl In liJue.".An excellent olio also usslsts

lo while the time away, and Ihe chorus worksIn n lively manner.

Mmi'Iiik ( Will lam Singer, manager).—Thestock orgunlzutlon Is doing wed ut tlito

house, and Hie patromige has lieen gaining Instrength ever since the opening. The decora-tions of the lobby nre almost completed, undgive every evidence that It will be veryhandsome when completed. The burlesquesoffered have been highly appreciated, and theI'liinpiuilcs giving (hem have been uniformlystrong.

W11M1KIU.AM1 (Kd. Ijimson, manager).

Business continues up lo Ihe top notch here,with a tine llsi of attractions, in tlie nrendeall the Intcst novelties nre tu be found, andthe manager is always ou deck to look afterthe Interests of his patrons In every way.Popularity bus certainly perched upon Iheshoulders of Wonderland nnd lid. Lnmsiiu.London Hi.mi; Mrs hum (William J. Swee-

ney, manager).—Crowds 'patronize Ibis placeevery day. In the curio hull: Irene Lighten,fenuile bug puncher: Jnllen, snake charmer


1'rof. 1 Inyes' I rained wolf : Lllllnn La Perl,strong woman and Prof. Spencer, muglcliin.In Hie theatre: Margaret Fields, Alice Uur-doii. Nnzirii and new moving pictures

t'l.MiK Stkkkt Mi'kkum il. M. Hedges,manager).—Kverylblng In the curio worldseems at nne time or another to land In tillshouse, und the people flock here to gut agood glimpse of them.

KtVKitviKW Paiik (Win. M. Johnson, uiun-agerl.—The fourth week of (his tremendousamusement enterprro commences 1(1, und, Inspite of the fact Hint the weather muu husnot. done his duty ns he should, tbe ntlend-unce bus been pheiiumcmil. lining tlie roundsof tlie concessions the night of 12. which

ibis park, und Its proximity to While rhvdoes not seem to have any bad effect on tin

crowds which patronize It Though nut aslarge ns the Inltir, It Is laid out In a pli'iislng

mn nwr, nnd has u splendid roller skill ingrink, which to w 'il idled at all limes. Kcrallnund bis bund play well, ami the cusliio la

lllleil at all linuix.

iti.i.Mosr Park IB. ('. Cowdroy, luunngeri.—Tbto piirk to the North bus fell Hie colli

und rainy wen tiler perhaps more Kcrcrcty

than liny of the other places, for the enter-

luliuneiit Is given in an open air stage, whichmakes It Impossible lo have a perfuriuiinco

unless the weatlie.* la warm and pleasant.BlHMAIICK (iAIUIKN.—Tile Il.illllii Itossn Im

been |M*rfornilng here nearly every eveningsince the park wiih opened, but the cold litis

driven the visitors Indoors, end from llieu'

they have listened to the music, which Is

worth going a long ways to hear. The luinil

Is very well trained.stau (James L. Lederer, uiniinger).—Tbls

popular West Side house, which 1ms torn

doing very well all season, lins closed Its

doors for the Summer, and will opeu In

August, reconstructed, and with a smiting

capacity of I.IIOO. It to minounced Hint it

win be u thoroughly modern tlienlre In every

respect. t .

Lviuc ( Ben Snyder, muoiiger).—Tlie bill

for week of 17 Includes: Wells Bros., DoMollis und Vnloru, Dolly Wells, Foster midHamilton, lldnu Shcpurd. and tlie hlnseo|»'.

Business holds up excellently here, und Ihe

bills are worthy the patronage.Noiitji Avbnuh' (Paul Slttner. imiiingrri.

—The bill for week of 17 Includes: Theltobert De Mont Trio, Al. Wnrdu, Llpaltz

Tamborlcu Bund, lluwes Sisters, Downey und

Wlllnrd, and Ihe moving pictures.Sa.ns Sniisi Paul Tiiiiatiii: HI, B. Mills.

muuager).—Welsz und Wclsz, Walter Kelly,

Meridian Slaters, Ferguson ami Diiprce and

Baby iJimiys.

Thalia (Thomas Murray, manager).— rlw

bill for week of 17 lududes: La Adelln,

Kd. nnd llu/el Lucas, Kdmiinds and Itoley,

and mnvlng pictures.Folk's Hall (Levey & Fiinta, uiHBilgi'WL

—For week of 17: M. Sumuels, Feiilon and

Fenl'in. Vouinii aul Tiirley, Muude Jlullery

and Tom (jnle.

i'iivkt.m. (I;!. Trolt. manager).—



Thompson and 1'iirrcll. Walter McFiirliind

and Dulc Slstcra, Murcla.Oiibat NoiiTituiiN (Fred C. Kberls, niaaii-

ger).—"Tho Wizard of Or." closed n gi»»i

sized run, to very pro!lttiblc business. I.i.

and will lie succeeded, Id, by "The \"liin

leer Organtot," which to better kuown on I lie

mild limn In this (!ty. It to otic of Hie tne,

however, which should uppeul lo Hie cllonli'lo

here, und prospects are lor a good run.

Bt.Mii! (WTHIuin Ituche, inanugur).--"Woinun Against Woniiin" was well reoolveil

lust week, ua plnjed by the May HiwDier

Stock Co. The same company this week, in

"Ten Nights In a Bar Kuuin." Next week.

"From Hags to ltlches."JOUMOK'tt (Sid 1. MuBoa, mnnnger).— Hiifl-

noss hus been excellent, conslderlug mewealber, whleh. wllh the humidity, bus hecu

enough lo drive people away from the I lie"-

tres, and the fact that Frank Finney Is llic

chief dispenser of Hie comedy element here,

to the principal reason for the atlendanm.

lie, however, is backed by a very clever com-was not by any menus Summery in tempera- " v < imwevcc, jh uncxeu u,v n >« ""'•;:;;;.Hire. Ihey were .ill round to lie doing un ex- I'tnJ ° r comedians, singers nnd a tine ruor in..

cellcnt buKlneaa. and the crowds thoroughly "n" «" parties work iih a not fur tlie mm-

enjoyed nil In Bight Kryl's Hand perforraeil WBB of the house. The burlesques so oin the handsome shell In tlm centre of the have been pregnant with humor imil '"

park, nnd muny were seated under the trees, onechiltleu offered, nmong the Isjst ohtaiiuu•

which cover perfectly this portion of the '"<' Hie week of 17 uu enflrely new progni miiii

grounds. This week ushers la Put rick Con- bus been arranged, with Frank Honey won'

Ing the fun makers, assisted by the run

strength of the company. New songs. BBtveo

and special features lmve also been arrnngea

for, and the olio will be one of (he strong;'*!

which hna ever appeared nt this popular

bouse. .

ArasBMATH.—G. S. Scbleslnger. jrvtunirjr

Wiiitk City (Paul D. Howkc, manager).— of the Colonial Theatre, will have his beiietu

Villa amusement city to the South 1ms been night of 10, In that house, and u long h*getting its share of things as dispensed bv the of volunteers will- appear, among WWell H«»

wealber, but. has been drawing crowds In the following: Henry Lee, Ituth Wright. Jf*

spite of It Annette Kellerniiin, the swimmer, ale Waters Northrup, Cliff Gordon, llohei"*.

him proven one of the greatest attractions Hayes and Roberts, Count de Bulz and Bra.!

In the park, and her exhibitions nre witnessed the Bell Trio, tho Country Choir, loin aim

by people from all parts of the world, who Kdlth Almond and others. Mayor Bnoae mwapplaud the clever Australian woman for her signified hto Intention of being preseiil, ui;

The Chicago companled by hto cabinet, and the Schinoozers

way and his Ithacii bund, which was such astrong hit hop' last year. The engagementwill last for three weeks, and during thatperiod Mr. Conway will lend Ills musiciansthrough all the popular and. ragtime offer-ings of the day, (or Hie rendition of whichHits baud to particularly noted.

splendid uquatlc' performance. 1

1' Ire to a never ending source of Interest, andthe working of It has been much Improvedsince Inst year. Itlcd's Band has been charm-lnc the vla'itors by fine playing In the shell,and In the Casino, Star's Orchestra playsduring Ihe eating times. There nre aboutfifty Hhows In all, nenrly any one of whichwill compare favorably with that of the samekind In any other park.

Ciiiitkm Paiik lW. 11. Strlckler, manager),—Willie tills pluce to not heard from us

strongly ns some of the other parks. It makesii strong appeal to those who nre fond ofriding and sitting around for a good rest.There nre no concessions to speak of, butthere to plenty to while away tlip time, andIt Is significant thut those who go to tbepark nn* sure to go a second time, whichsneaks well fur lis onlerlahillig possibilities.Iliirilly a riding Invention of any note whichIs not lo bo found hero.Luna Paiik ( L. It. Liiultersleln, uinnngcr).— I,nst Sunday record breaking crowds took

In (be many pleasing features or this park,and It Is shown (but Ihe enterprise to filling

u lun« tell vnmt, U to very easy, of ueeeus,

Club will turn out. In force A Bj*tal

card from Punch Wheeler, press ngenl or uu

Solls-Floto Shows, from Idaho Falls, lain

snytl they plnyed to over eight thousand an

the day, which to "going soma' IB '",','

country. He also sends me Thr l">" '"'

Dally llo»anza, with n two column an"' '

which shows conclusively what a no "'

show umde In that town What v." 8

probably Ihe largest theatre party ever in-

lerlHlned In u Chicago theatre, was ln'M

Majeslle, 13, when the entire bouse «"»the

As-reserved for the National Credit MenHoclatlnn. In charge of W. J. McMlllen. IJW


dent of the Chicago branch Wm. I "' "

well and Kleanor Oordon. who have made in-

numerable friends during their season nt '"

Chlragn Opera flmme. in wtoek work, din ua

the Winter, appeared again Insl week HI"JJ

MiiJeHlle, In "(hie Touch of Niiluro. »' "

they presenied delight fully The I «l« BtJ I

Theatre, which closed Its aensou n few «fwjj

ago. rind 'whleh. unlit within about llirn

weeks of lis dosing, bad been playing *>'"?

will retipen Aug. 'JO. with David BP»'J"His Mat l)oiiur," apd .will play Ww aM


,*feur night aland*, hcokcd liy stair ft Uuvlln.

, A profes*loual matinee was glvcu byFred Wright, manager of the Hrent TrainPoh(>»rv. nt nivervlew Park. 14, and manyhundreds nf (be actor people attended'j„>- iiiieruiitiuiiai Theatre management wasnotified, 14, that unless It compiled with thebuilding laws within twenty-four limns, the

bouse would be cloned. The stage Ik of

wood, there In no sti-el curtain, mid movablescenery Is lined, acrordlug to the Inspectors,

which, In a theatre of this closs, should notlie Mort Singer^ Is ulready organizinghis companies for next senium, which will

present musical comedies at the 1<U Salle andi he uew Princess. For the former, Cecil

l/iiii, Florence Hnlnrnnk, dun Drew Mcn-ilum and severnl others of the old playersliave been engaged. l,eo Knhlinar, recently

seen here wlili llnvld Wurlleld, will havemi Important part. (Jcorge Parsons, whoIh appearing this) week, wllli "Fifty Milesliiilu Huston," will hnve one nf the

leiidliiK purls In Hie Princess Theatre of-

fering. Oem'gle Drew Mcudtim Is Ills wife.Although W. F. Connor, who Is to

associate with Charles II. Dillingham In the

iminngoincnt of the Stmlehakcr TTicutrc nextsenson, will mnke bin headquarters lieve,

lie will not riiiwinc Ills ii I in, 1 1. in to that

house. It is staled that (icorge Howies will

jiii vi' Hie house maniigi'ment . . . .Montgomerynud Slnne, In "The KM Mill.' will com In

Hie (mind opera House Aug. IP, so it Is an-

nounced now > Hongs written Inug ago

by tJie late John 13. McWado, will lie pub-

listied very sliorlly It Is announcedHun Will .1. Itlw'i wishes to lease the lliir-

rick Theatre, far August, for a inuslcnl com-edy, lint the house Is otherwise engaged fur

that time. Hucliol Crnthors, who wrote

"The Tlireu of lis," is a resident of lllooin-

higlon. III., and u theatre pnrly. comprisingupwurds of !i()0 of the unlives of Hint nearby

town, will nlleml a perfurniiilicp of Hie play

at Cue ilnrrlrk w'.lliln a few daysCeorge Foster I'lall, the stage ilii lur of

"The Three of U<." hns wrl'len a four act

cniuedy. which Will lie presented by I he linker

Stock 'Company, In Milwaukee, week of .luiie

•CI .lohn Meeirs. formerly treasurer til' ,

Powers' Theatre, and who has been business

iiiiiiiiil'it for 11. 'ii in i in Crosman siuee leaving

the theatre, will bring the compiiny MMIn this city •'.' for ii rest, breaking

the Jump I'roin Winnipeg In New York......Tut* Hen tlreel I'luyersi will give a series of

mil door performances ai Hie Scammoudtiiirde, I'ltlversliy of Chicago, during Ihe lirst

two weeks In .lul.v W.- I''. Henderson,

the booking agenl. lias moved Ills olllces 10

inure eiiiumoiliiiiisiiiuirters, 114 I .a Hltllc Sireel,

corner of Washington Sir and il Blewpresent a very pleasing iippeurnucc. lie Is

assisted liv C II. Honlrlek and Crunk OmanDovle In i In' I HI"!; of his buslne**

The Dnulels Scenic Sliullo, wiih olllces In

the Chicago Opera Huiiki' Building, bus se-

.•lired Hie rnnlrilel I'or the docnritllvo feature-

if Hie Corn Carnlviil, which Is in lie held

In Hie Coliseum, commencing Oct. II. Theoutlay for Hie dressing or Hie entire buili|lag

In lo Is- $IH,Win, of which the Daniels Co.

will receive the major port [int. Oilier ex-

hibitions to be held there Include: Shoe andl.ealhep .Trades. Aug. 1*8: Nnllomil Bind-

ness Show, Nov. 7: (iilcrnntlniiul Cure Fond

Show. IS: Aulo Show. L'S; Motor lion I Show..luo. I: F.lccirlenl Show, III Louise

Ag'onsl and company appeared at I lie Majestic

last. week, in a clever Juggling an, and llin

Hlnr wus enthusiastically applauded, as she

deserved Uruce Klnnldo. wlio lias been

lu the idly for (he past Ion diiys. left. It,

to plav an engagemeul In Hie Cast. Hewas a ilurean culler several Hales

Fred Wright, lniiunger of "The limit Train

Itobls'r.v," Is well known to theatrical pcoiiie.

Among' the productions which lie lias handled

successfully In the pusl few years are "YorkStale Folk*," which will go over to lOngliind

next season, and Itelle Archer, In ".less of

the Itar '/. Itnncb," whom lie hud nt the time

of Iter death Joseph Brunaky, assistant

iroasurer of MeVlcker's Theatre, and for u

lime maniigei' of. the Ilumholdl, has contract-

ell Willi May llnsmer. whereby she will ap-

pear under his management In vaudeville for

live years, opening ill the .Majestic In the

middle of July Frank Winch, who I'uine

here from Sun Frnnclsi'n last year, and wasengaged by Rowland & Clifford us an advanceagent, bus Is'cn promoted to the position ol

general representative of all their enterprises,

and next season will have charge or their

biggest attraction. "The Mysterious Burglar.

Cliff Coition. "The (jermnn I'oltllclun.

Is no where a greater favorite than at the

Mnlcsth: Tiieulre. where he played last week,

being greeted the moment his teller appearedon tho electric announcement, by rounds of

applause. Ills monologue bus been bruslicii

ill) so Hull now there is not n dull nioiaeiit

In It, and he often lius lo "suspend opera-

tions to give the laughter n chance to

die out Two lions were hum ul Itlg Otto s

Animal Show, ill lllvervlcw I'nrk. I».."£lThe visiting menibers of the National Credit

Men's Association at tended the performanceof "A Knight for a l»uy." Ill A ptiulc

was averted at the Majestic Theatre, Spring-

Held, III.. l»l, through the coolness of Htellii

Itoor, who was directing a chorus. llrnilun-

Hon exercises were In progress of the high

school, when smoke, caused hv an overheatedI'leclrlcal apparatus, caused the uudlence andHie scholars to flock toward Hie exits. Cries

of lire were followed by a rush, but MissIt. H. i and Oreheslrii Leader Harrison pre-

vented any uerlous damage being done.......lames ,1. Cornell, played Inst week «l the Ma-iestlc. and bad several new mid Interesting

stories In tell of the days when he was III

"Hie ring," In all of which the audience lis-

tolled attentively, nud showed appreciation

of his manly bearing A stndluin Is be-

ing planned for Hie lake fruut on the NorthSide, which. If realized, will nccommndate100,000 people, and be used for conventions.

Indoor guinea and oilier things • JIa ' 1;' 1

Hurra, an actress, reported to the police, 1.1,

that slie hud bty;n robbed of u diamond ring

valued at *70i» Nearly "00 members of

the Texan Hankers' Association intended

Hie intillliee ill. Hie Majestic, 10Mllwurd Adams will renin In ns liinint-

ger of the Auditorium when Hie house

passes under tin. control of KM* «krlanger Anthony J. Albrecht gave a

phiiio recltiil In Kimball Hull HI Hie.Orchid" will come lo Hie Hnrrlck In Octoberlor a six weeks' run "The Time, lie

I'luce und Hie Hlrl" played Inst week at the

Alliainlini, Milwaukee, to the biggest receipts

lu the history of the house Hrace Mori I-

mer Is making n ««••«» success at the

Coliseum, singing u number of Thompson a

songs, with Krell's Hand, and will remainthere for three weeks Anna Mnrdock,mi actress, married Carl lOekhurt, a Chicagoiimn. last week Mabel "Pills," Iremi.

a cliorus girl, married .1. Howard Tompkins,n Chicago dentist, at Aberdeen. S. ft, re-

cently Ilni'iv Asklu and Mort Klnger.

wlio 'comprlHe the producing llrm known as

Askln-Slnger. have arranged for seyern pro-

iluctlons next senson, among which will be

"The Time. I lie Place and Hie Hlrl." whichwill he seen nl Wallacli's. New Yorle, com-mencing Aug. Ii! n large production lo he

made at I lie Hrniicl Opera House, tills city,

next December, anollier "Hlrl" Co. on the

•lid. "The Ciuplre," F.zrn Kendall, andMabel Harrison and Joe Howard. In ' I ho

Flower or tlie llulieh" Will .! Duvls.

tuauiigei' of the Illinois Theatre, wasmarried. II. lo Nellie llageu. for inniiy

years bis private secretary mid stenographer,

< in ini. near- Iliichimaii, Mich., by

Hie Itev. Father M. -I. Dorney. Lillian

Hiisscll wus one of the few present .....


Kssle l.'av. a pecforuier nt lllg Otto's AnimalShow, at lllvervlcw Park, was badly bltlen

reci'iillv hv a leopnrd. bill is recovering.....

Xliickav's Wagon Slmw has postponed Its

opening until -'-' i unit of the ciinllniied

• cold wenlhec The lament perforniance of

•Tlie Wluurd of oz," which was given for

'I'll. nuns J. ite.Miulds, 10, netted good results.Sam i.evle, musical director with Du

Vault's Musical Comedy Co., whs u caller10. und stated that he would go with u Hur-lesiiue organization next season TheColiseum Harden opened Its season night oflo. despite tint had weather, with a goodcrowd to listen to Krell's Rand, which It en-Joyed Tlie opening play at the ttU.de-baker, under the management of Dillinghamit Connor, Sept. 1. will lie "Artie." a comedy,by Heorge Aoe. Thereafter Sunday perform-ances will be given T. 10. McUlllnn.formerly a member of the Bujli Temple Stock,has been engaged as a member of Hie stockcompany which will piny at the College The-i''"e The Iloilirouk k Parker Co.. withoffices In Slelnway Hulldlng, has leased theliusli Temple Theatre, to take possessionSept. l, and will present a stuck companyI here, Tlie lease Is snld to run for live years.

The police department reports thatthe moving pictures exhibited by (he cheaptheatres are very much more decent thanthey used to be Mile. Cnrltu. "The lilrl

on Her Toes," wus u Cumtt llurcuu callerseveral days last week, and left town 13, toplay a week at Chester Park. Cincinnati,after which site will play several otherparks, and return lo her lioine In Providencefor n well earned rest of four weeksniiiec visitors during the week Included:Jack Hornet t. K. C. Peters and Mr. II \ kind.of I he Three II viands.


Huston, 'tlie Summer parks will IIOIV

have t heir Innings, us Hunker Hill Day. JuneI", a local holiday, marks the opening ofthe outdoor sens i.i hereabouts. Two playsnew lo Huston will Is: seen here this week :

"Fitly Miles from Huston." nt I lie Colonial,nud "(lu Parole," presented by the I.llllan

Lawrence Slock Co., nl the Puck- llnvldWnclleld is In ills (bird week nud last fort-

night ul Hie Majestic, and "Tlie Hnrily (iuidyHlrl" remains at Hie Tremnnl. HulTalo Hill's

Wild West Is in tlie Huntington Avenuegrounds for a wi.ik's stay. Business main-tained n good av.'rage nt Ihe housed shows

• during the past week.Ciii.ijmai. icli.v I'n.liiii.iii, Itl.'li & Harris,

ln.'lllilgersi.— "Fifty Miles from Huston.


(Jeiirge m. CohnnV mtudciil piny, will havelis luciil pi'ciiiif'ie Monday evening, 17, thenbeginning an Indellulte engagement. Thecompany Include.!: lOuima Janvier. Frit/. W.il-

llains. Donald Brian, lieorge Parsons, .lames

C. Marlowe, Jnnieii Bradbury. Hlcliard Nes-mil It. Lores (li'lm, Ititsssell I'lncus, LouisItliil. Ilnzel Lowrv. /.elda Sours ami HruyceScull. "The Time. Hie Place and Hie Hill"

closed a very sucerssCul I'orlnlghl last Sat-

urday ulglil.

M.UKSTir (A. L. Williur, inaiiager).

David Wilrllold eonllniies "The Music Mus-ter" Inio its third week and lliuil ini'iiiiglii.

Patronage lias lieeu large. 10. II. Solhi-ni

and Julia Marlowe will follow. L't, I'm

week of Shakespearean repertory.

Tiiksiiixt i.lolin It. Sel Ifel, mniingeri.

"The llui.lv tinrilv lilrl" continues in please

the public fancy, business: having been

sleiiilllv goad shire II | lug. Tlie Ihlnl

week starts Monday nflernoon, IT, Willi

holiday perl'iifuiiince.

I'AttK lllUM. Fii.liuiau. Itleh .Vc Harris, mali-

ngers;.— Lillian Lawrence will lead her slock

coiupiinv through "On Parole." now seen for

Die first time III IS.. stun. During the past

week "The Llllie Cray Lady" was disclosed

to view for the ileal time here, and a favor-

nlile critical verdict was hacked by line busi-

ness. For week of 'J4, "A Milk While Mag.iJi.oiik (Stair. Wilbur ft Nlcoliil, manugersl.

—Tlie John Craig Stock Co. Is still In very

prollt utile possession. "The Cuni| •ON will

lie given an elnborule prodiicllon this week,

mill "The Strange Adventures of Miss Brownwill lie put on week of Sit. Cnpnelty houses

saw line present it lions or "The Hlrl I Left

Behind Me last week.CAHTt.B SipMlti: (Huston Stage Soelely,

inn lingers!.—The ever populnr "The MikadoIs Ihe Hireling of Hie stork, opera companytills week. "Faust" was given In a eapali e

manner, nud ntlracled tilled bouses last week.

"Lucln dl Lnniniennnor" next week.

HoWW) l\ SorAiiK Hi. 10. I<otlirop, maua-,,,.,.


—'r;,t.. slock company Is presenting

"How Hearts Are Broken," with Charlotte

Hunt und Arthur llehrens III the lends.

Liberal pittrumige anil upphtuae were be-

stowed on tlie excellent performances of

"How London Live/." last week. In rehearsal.

"Wife In Name Only." Benj. M. Snow, of

the conipanv, will benellt by a pcrforinnnro

of "Fast Ly'niie, ill, _.Kitrrit'H (It. F. Keith, intt linger).—TM

ntur bill of the season Is provided here this

week, with Lawrence D'Orsay and KvaTiiiiguav sharing headline lionors. othery on

Hie programme nre: Wlnoiui Winter, MuleDalv, Mr, nud Mrs. Sidney Drew und com-

piin'v (second week;, Seymour and Hill, Bar-

lcno'ii String Four, Knthryn A. Wlilte, Hie

Keuips, Jack Loionze. Biuily and Malmney,Frank llowmon, the Henlys, and new motionpictures.unco i;i:.m (Percv Wllllamn, manager).—

The Hellclulrc Hrolliers hold over us lenders

on this week's line bill, which also Includes:

Viola De Costa and company. Mosher.

Houghton and Mosher, Welch, Francis andcompnnv, Allium! ami Duuionl, Zlsku unit

King, Clindwlck Trio, Buo Snillh. and newmotion pictures. It Is probable thai, In I1HI

near fiilure, the house will be closed for a

sliorl lime, as Hie iiianageinenl has nlanned

extensive ulleratlons anil redecorntloiiH In

preparntlon fur Hie Old Homo Week celebra-

tion, July att-Aug. it. .

HOWARD t.ln.v llnnt, business manager).

—A well balanced bill week of 17 Includes:

Crowlev and Klllecii. Bob and Tip. Miixsmltli

Duo, Charlie Fiirrcll, 1011a Illchards. Allen

and Keelev, Musical Iluclin. Dot Duvenport,

Finn and" Ford. Female Minstrels, flM. B.

Alexander. Myers, Bowman and Bernard, and

Ihe 1 Inward Hurlesipieis, In u uew song carni-

valPALAci; (C. II. Waldrun. lniiunger).—The

tech burlcsoue emupiiuy will present "IheDiamond Palace" ami "Family Jars Hisweek. Tom Thomas and Jonii Black will

bend the fuiimakers. The olio will engage:

Toy and Toy, James Weltzel, Copplnger amiWillie Until and FoHter, Dlelle and Morln,

and (Imen 'I'oledo and Moe Bryant.LviBi'M (C. II. Halcheller, manager).—


special holiday offering Is made at this popu-

lar resort Hits week. In the curio hulls are:

Mimical Honolulu Students, Cnrnll. steel skin

marvel: the Stanleys, physical marvels: Jon

Midland, wonder wort.'!." : Nichols, colored

liilmle; Tlll's marionettes. Topps iroulia-

rtours, and Trlxie, <pteen of snakes, lu the

theatre: The .Minstrel Maids. Introducing:

Violet te Dale. Flo lOIWood. Loltle Bluiicillird.

Cassle French. Ida Campbell. Winnie Clark.

lOdttli Mitchell. Mnssle Toledo, (lerlrudc llru-

nelle, Brnnil Slslers. Frank Cook, Lew Bene-

dict, James Carroll, John Mauley, and addedvaudeville hv Norm and Brown, Marron andMurrou, Pas .Ma La Trio, the Wlnstanleys,

and Booker and Hooker.Wai.kcu's Misr.tM IL. 11. Walker, mana-

ger).—The Twelve I'ncle Sinn Hills, lu pat-

riotic songs, are curio hall leaders 171!^.

other trainees: Martha Peters, rat girl;

Young Merlon, bug puncher; Corey and Arlo,

acrobats, and Prof. Lyncli's Puticli and Judy.

Stage show: Nettle Hartford's Tyrolean Hur-

lesouers. olio—Hrace Walsh, May Crlpps,

Pearl Arnold. Illuucho Siivuy. 'I'essle Notr s.

Annie May, Nellie Hurl ford, and electric pic-

tures.Xickkmiiiriin f\V. H. Wollfe, mannger).—

lOllnorc. Juggler: Prof. Mlnnoek, liypuotlsl,

and a lilg wrestling toitriiiiineiu will divide

all. nil. hi III c.irlo littll this Wei k. Tlie slag"

will be held by Dollle Clifford, Hose Craw-ford, Knowles Sisters. Kvnlliie ttlvers. MayCrosliv, Devlin and Itnssell. and the Amerl-inn Jacks Hurlesnurrs.

I'Ml.liii.N I'AIIK I (leu. A. Dodge, nmiiaceri.— Till' llllril SI'IISOil of HllS I'l'SOI'l tH'gllll In Hi

Saturday, (villi idj crowds In nt tendance. In

Ihe free o|ru ill. circus tills week nre:Speedy, high diver: the Nurlns, fancy diving,and .Martlniid's Bund. linstock's unluuilarena Is I big feature.

WiiNorai-AMi (J. J. lllgglni, manager).

Features in the tree open air circus, 17-SI>,

ure: "Sandy" (Miapman, vocalist; Oeorge andHarrington, conieii.v triple bar act : the Noh-rens, double tropczlsts; Work and Ower,acrobats ; Jiissely.i Trio, aerliillsts, mid Wal-ter Bruoks. In Ills ilde for life.

Lkniniitun I'.inK i.i.'l'. Henson. mann-geri.—This rcsurl openen Its sixth season onSunday. Hi. Besides tlie ninny popular diver-sions there will he two shows dally, In tlie

rustle theatre. J. W. (ionnau's AlhambriiTroubadours will furnish the eiilerliiliiiuent

Ibis week.MKI'I'ollU BiUI.KVAIlli TlllMTIlB (J. W. Coir-

iniiii. mamigcri.— Monday. 17, murks Hieopening of this most |Hipiihir Summer showhouse. The opening vuiulevllle bill presents:.Mullen ami Correlll, the limit I'lis.'iilel,

Madge Maitlaiid. lOckhnff and Hordou, tlnyetyIjiiarlelte. Hie Frarer Trio, and the kouio-graph. '1'wo performances mill nre given.KinCMMOM I'Aitiv i Curie Alberte. mana-

ger I.- -'I'lie bill lu the rustic theatre for Ihethird week of Hie season Includes: TheWheelers, Ilalliaway nud Slegle, lOmersou nndHorn, (Junker city OunrleHe, Cuiini undFiirnum. and I lie Homograph.'Norits.—Col. Frank P. Sione. of Ausllii ft

Stone's, hns opiinel bis llslilng ciimp it I TankPond. .Sullivan County. Maine M.Thomas Murphy, treasurer of Hie Tivinnnl.Is crlllciilly 111 wllli iippeiullcllis at Hie Bus-Ion City ll.>sp[ti: ; The Sunday law,prohibiting certain aniuseiiienls n nil concertson Hie Lord's Day." tins been referred to Hienext Honi'i'iil Con rl. whleli coiiveiics In .1 n nu-ll ry Tlie "pop" conceris In SymphonyHall will close Saturday evening. I'll

D. W. Sullivan, il.c genial stage niauager ofHie Orphi'iitn. will spi'iid the Summer at tils

coxy home III lli'iu kmn, Mass I. \V.

I Ionium Is braking foe n do/.eu of Hie largesrpinks In New lOiigland Manager Hen.\V. Mngee, of Hie I • ru nil iiin-ru House, hasJoined Hie I lien I .'lei I colony at Onset, Mass.


l.otvoll,—At Hie Lowell Opera House I M.M. Bloom, resident uiiuuigcri the Shepardmoving plcliires are ilellglillng lilg businessIwl tally, und John J. Diilton Is winningwell deserved success rendering Hie latest

Illustrated songs. Sheparil's ntoiloii picturesand .lohn .1. Dull. ill's llluslraleil snugs thecurrent week.

A.'.uikmy op Mtsit' I.I. A. Lurose, migen. The Howard servi f inuyliig pic-

tures lias been giving excelleiil Mil Isl'n.i ion

here Hie past week. lOslctle lliillill'd lilel withapproval as a singer of popular tllnslrnli'd

Mings. Motion pictures liy James SplhiliU',

illustrated songs liy Fslelle llallard, und ,1ns.

N. small, pianist, tills week.TtlKAriM AXTHH-R I Frank X, Alltimii, iiinii-

ilger|.- -This po'iuliir resort Is lilted lo en-pacliv nil Hie lliuc. Howard's moving pic-

tures. Harry Wilson and lOviingelliic Car-dinal, soloists, arc meeting with much up-proyiil. unit runlimio lor Hie ciirreui week.Lakuvikw I'AUM TiiiiA'rio: I J, J. Flynii.

nuiiiiiger) Is to open for the season I'-t, Willi

Hie Ailnin (loud Slock Co. as a inTluiiuciit

nllrai'lloii, wllli eloing.' of bill weekly. "TheCollege lilrl" will lie the Initial offering.

ISessh' Overton and Danny Simmons will

lli'ild the pin V. is All uew scenery Is beingInstalled. iiihI Hie house will present an ni-

Iractlve ii|i|H'iirance when ready for the u|s'ii-

lug..VirrKK.—The |i:t'ks are giving hnnil con-

ceris Siiiiilnys. ennoble Lake Park offers

Itleh and Harry, lute of Ihe Hup Ward cum-panv, ns a himtIiiI feiitnre lit The big

event of lust week was the visit of Itlnglliig

Hrolliers' World's lireatesl Shows, at HieFair i : rounds 14. The enlerlalnnienl. from themugnlllceiil sireel parnile lo Hie last numberoh the programme, deserved only the highestcoiiinieiiiliiiloii. ami Hie tmutensi' canvas wastilled to overllowlug both niiillnee und ulglil.

Annex 1, illrecllon of Lew Critlunn, enter-

i allied lilg business. Leon llni'tu, leclurcr.

Annex \t, Murgarei Jiiteti Wlgglii, the latest

ulclnres, bail excellent business.local tiiiiiiuil horse show will Isi

were married here, nt the home of the bride'smother, June 1°.'. Ilolli are well known to theprofession Hoy T. I.nchdrll hns dis-

posed of his Interest lu the HIJoll Theatre,West Held, to I'liiiuiicei T. Nash W. A.Sill, mannger of the Lew Fields company,visited this city Inst week, on a pleasuretrip luhn F. Wclier, the nasi seasonplaying Sonera Slim wllli "The Hlrl from ofHie Hidden West." Is spending Ihe Summer nl

Ills home In Northampton The select-

men of West Held have grunted a license lo

Cole Bros.' Circus to exhibit I here July it,

... .A. it hike, general in Hunger of the amuse-ment enterprises for ihe New Y'ork, NewHaven and Hartford II. II.. was In Hits vi-

entity looking after Hie Summer parks andmaking arrangements for the seasonA new vaudeville theatre will Ih- opened in

i count Park, West Held. "4, and the Fiuiinels1.nines' Orchestra ot Boston has been engagedto furnish the music.

lu motion

Full Klv«»r... At Hie Savoy t\V. F. Mnsun.resident manager) Hhepard's moving picturesdrew gi.od houses Inst week. Moving picturesweek of .tune IT, Mary Mminerlng 'Jl.

Niii:i:n."K (lieu. S. liaiisciiiuh. immugcr I.- -

The J. Frank Burke Stuck' Co. presented"Two Little Suitor Boys." Inst week. In ex-

ll'llenl business, lllld greatly pleased. Weekof 17, "Wlnchenter."

NifKi:i.nm:oN i.lns. I'. .unson, manageri.

Week or 17: Casper and Clark. Alice Bruns-wick, lius Denim, It'ii 1 1 Clark. Mason andlioriin. and opllseope. Business Is good.

.sol Hs.- At Ihe Scenic (Lewis M. Hoar,manageri moving pictures nnd llluslraleil

songs. Business Is reported excellentCii- Inn (I.. II. Hill, inailllgel'l moving pic-

tures unit Illustrated songs. Business Is good.lohn M. Welch, general agent for I!

M. Cohan enterprises, wns home lust week.Andv McLeod Is home for Hie Summer.Biiunln Dill's Wild West will exhibit

here June Sill.

Iluoli (Abb. Smith', manager). — Pe6pluweek of 17: Hrace Lewis. Helen I.eveiie,

Klsle Fny. Brown nnd Young, Johnson amiMack, Kva Du Boise, and tho Lnacelles.

Ai pi -1111111 m (J. M. Ilnrlon, manager).

People week of 17 : Adams nnd company,tiny Johnson, Osinnn Family. Foster unit

Lucille, and llariou and Osman.Manhattan iCilnnhin Bros., managers).

— People week of 17: Mrs. Madilerii, MinniePatterson. Luuru Itiiymoiid. Itose Allen, FrankWallace, ('lius. Hiisch, Sheldon and Smiley.nud Haiti.. Wilson.

Casino. Occiiii View toil.. Wells, local

manageri.. -The very cold weather lias haddirtier a depressing cITccI on business nt thesea shore resorts generally. Vaudeville Is

lio.ikeii for wee!; of 17,

Nun:. John .1. Mailderii, a vaudeville per-former, who I raveled with tils wife, amiworked under Hie team name of the Mail-

drriiK. dlei' In Hits city. May -'.'. from a

complication of diseases brought on by par-tial paralysis.


I'orllniul.—At tho llelllg (W. T, Pnngle,manageri Mrs. Leslie Curler did very nicebusiness June US, In "Du llnrry." OlioSkinner cullies III, II. In "The Duel;" Duel;-

mailer's Minstrels II-, hi, Viola Allen 17, is.

Ill "Twelfth Night."IUkku Tiiiutiii: (Heo. L. Baker, mana-

geri.- "Tlie Prince and lliu Pauper" didfairly good business II. The Baker 'I'll eat re

Co. dill exeelleii: business week of -'. theclosing week of the company, In "NeverAgain." /Inn's .Musical Co. en,lies week of 111.

M.ui.ji am Tiikatio: (S. Morten Colin, man-ager).-- The San Francisco Opera. Co. hodtwo good houses fi, |o witness "Dolly Vnr-ileii." Tlie company did excellent businessweek of S!, In "lilrolle-Hlrolln." "The For-tune Teller" will be nut on lfl, and "WhenJohnnie Comes Marching Home" INI.

I,utir TloSA'rui: iKeatliig ,\ Murpliy, niiin-

ngersi. • -The Allen Stuck Cu. week of 10, pre-senting "All Hie Comforts of Home."

Staii THKATRM (.Innies II. lOrrlekson. miniager).-Tlie Slur Slock Co. « k of 10, prc-

Hol>oLc. 'Ih- opera House (James II.

O'l'onii.'il. uuimigi'i I elos.-d iis senson Mnv•-•:!. nud will open for one ulglil only, siO, for


Hie special eng u.'ll.elil of Mary Maniierlllg, Keiillug "Tlie Belle of Itlcliiuond."ill "i.liirhnis ll.'lic.'."

i Ciianii Tiikatiii: t.lnnies II. Krrleksiiii, iniiii-

'Fun III aMoiniai.n Paiik Casino (Louts Pelllssler.

iimnagerl -The new slock company will

open tlie regular season here, 17, Willi Hie

musical Comedy, "When Johnny Comes.Marching I Ionic." Following Is Ihe cns( :

Ada Meade, urlm.i dunlin : W. II. Thompson,I ir ; Mr. Truiix. baritone: W. t '. Welti amiHni'iV P. Nelson medians ; Hutli 1.11111-

nioi'e. chiiriiclers : Bessie drowning, sou-

lirelie; Virginia Held. Dorothy lOllls. LanierDe Wolfe. Kilty I'etrlgo, Vlolil Xliicey, Mar-garei Holland. Wlinelmliiii Diivcupurl, Helena

Tninpuli/.. Chnrles II. Henilerson. lOrnesI

lierer, lOugeue Poiid mid cllfforil lleclilnger

complete Hie eltoi'iin. AI. M Il Is Ihe musi-cal director, and the sluge will lie u ngnl

hv Chnrles Burrows.Nun:.- It'iigllug Ilros.' Clreus will show

here Si'J.


lli-ilforil. -At Hie New BeiK I

( W. II. Cross, inau.'lgec) De WolfIn "lliinpyhiud." played to u large

June 7. lie received numerous cur-

la lu culls. Week of I". Sheparil's movingplcliires. wllli nil new subject*. Hy rcipiesl,

n retill'U engagement of Bales nnd lOrucsl,

Herman eouiedians, also Jack and Mnhel Ivy,

and ,1a H .Moohnii, lu llliisl rated songs.

IIatiiawav'h IT. II, Baylies, iiiiimigi'i'i —Hurry Burke Co.. In "lleurls Adrlfl. _drewInrg.' Itoilses last week. Week or 17, tlie

same company.Savov (W. II. Shine, nianager).


oii* moving plcliires, wllli die LIppluciiH*

nud Heorge Foster, black fuci median, drawg.ioil sized liousea.

ItlNlll.lNU IIIOitllHHH' Cll(CL'H,H, will lieiivlljr

pal rotilzeil.

Tllllillol At Hie Scenic Ttientre (C. II.

Pioiilv, uinniigei'i. for week of Jiuie III, a

strong vmidfVllle lilll. Willi uiovhig jilcliires.

pleused lilg iiiidti'ii For week of 17, all

given at Spiiuhllng Pack ST-SB TheForepaitgh-Sells (Trciis will vlsll here July17, It lieliig Ihe llcst lo occupy Hie new circusgrounds Hampton Bench Cusliui uncuswith n hand concert III. The regnlnr sensonbegins !M, Muuuger J. J. Flynn TheLowell-Middlesex Norlli Full' grounds havingbeen Hold, this place of etiiertulnineiit. will Is*

n thing of the past. Itlnglliig Hrolliers'

Shows were Its Inst occupanl The local

Ct.ii'PWt riiri'fspondeni will spend the nexttwo weeks lu New York City, combining busi-

ness With pleasure.»

WoreeMler.— At: tlie Worcester ((!. II.

Lighten, resident mnnugeri week or June17. "The Society Polleemnli." Last week,"The Chorus lilrl" made a greul hit. Thoplav Is hv John Cinidierliiml. lllld was llrst

nreiieiued'iit the Worcester Theatre, June 11,

hv the Malcolm Williams Stock Co., of

which Hie author Is a member. The work Is

In four acts. "The Chorus lilrl" Is essen-

tlnllv a plav of laughter and tears. Hastory Is original, and tells of Marjorle Den-holm, an ntnlillloiis cliorus girl, who Is ele-

vated lo Hie position of n slur by her mali-

nger. He. In return, hints nl the paymentlie expected, after forcing Ills wny Into hernpnrluieula. She Is lu love with a youngliterary man. Her lover, who culls lit Ilia

apartment, discovers Hie manager there. Hedenounces the girl, and In the midst of tils

deniuu'lulloii Is stricken blind. In tlie

end (lie lovers are reunited by a letter

from the dying moungcr, clearing Marjorle'shonor. Florence Heed did some rcimirkublyline work, and the company In Its entirelyproved fully eipuil lo nil demands made uponIt. The east: Arthur MucChcsiicr, HermannLh'h: John Cill'mtehael, John M. Sullivan:IIiiitv Knowlloii, Hen (iriiliam ; Tom Heron,John Cumberland: Waller Henson, StanleyWood: Jliiunle O'Hrleii. Heorge Pcurre:/iithrcy Pliiiilngiinei, Frederick Sutton ; Nelliienliolm, iOlhel (.Irani : Vltinle La Salle,

Mlgiion oxer; Dolly Dalryinple. Alice Hiker;Mrs. Avres, Motile Hnvel : Maggie Muloney,Alice Hiker: Marjorle Dcnliolm, Miss Iteed.

Week or-

JI». "The [Atfl Mr. Kiirly." wllliwhich Hie compiiny, headed by Malcolm Wtl-llams and Florence Heed, will close Its

present engagement.I'oi.i 1.1. ('. Crtitdle, resident manager).

Pall's Slock Co. will produce "Unities ' weekor 17. Last wei'K this company played "ABachelor'* Honeymoon." lo good advantage.Nettle Scott, formerly nt Ihe Lyric, hnsJoined Poll's organization.

Lakk.—Week of 17, one of J. W. tlor-

Hum's speeluliv companies will he Ihe ill trac-

tion.Width Citv (F. II. Hlgclow. inaniigcr).—

Week of 17. Hi" new Auditorium will openWilli Fulls nud Co", Mill Hill's Dog Circus,

Sister* l. a Tour, I'urliu and Blossom, theTwo (i ru cm. L.iv.Miii and .Niimnn, and theIn mill Nupoll.

Bl'l-'I'AI.II lltl.I.'M Wll.ll WlKT SHOW Will

pul III till appearance July I.


siiriouticiii AI the Court Square ID.o (illntore, ma linger i Bernard Shaw's come-dy. "Von Never Can Tell." did excellent

business Inst week. "Old HelilellHTK" this

week.Pom's (Cordon Wrlghter, resident mana-

geri. — The furre comedy, "Humbug," wasthe stock company's offering Inst week, andlarge audlenei'M enjoyed Ihe performance*.Mnry Stoekwell was seen us the haughtywidow. Sam Hardy. Ihe pretender. ScottSigglns, lit a lilt of licrniaii elm meter work,nnd Paula cloy, n fiieluiillug inn Men."Itnllles" Julie 17-ts!.

.Notch.- .Margaret M. Duiiovnii, treasurerof Hie Franklin Sipinre Theatre, nl Worces-lei', iiiid Dr. Albert .1. Daly, of lliiyoiiue, X. J.,

lew pictures, mid speclulllcH by Bute* andlOiirncst. Marie .Mausoii. Wnll.v Clark, Ira

Kessuer, and Kessner und Tliotuus.

Notk.—The I'Tfemiui's song. "When ourFiremen Filii? Their Foes." which Miuuigi'r

Proiilv .(..Heated lo the Taunton Fire lie-

piirlineiii. with special slides of members of

the depai'Diieiil and scciies nboill the city,

proved a lilg drawing card.

. » i

Lynn. -At the Combine CM. Mark, mnii-

ngeri good laiHlncss prevails with largo

crowds, aiteiuiliig.

lOi.ni-nitc (Clias. W. Hheafe. manager).

S. It. o. business la also enjoyed at this

popular resort.DiinA.ui.ANii (Und ft Downing, uinnngers).

— .Big crowds emit I line lo putronlxe this

place.N'otish.— •Illnglli.g Bros.' Slmw did plienoai-

emit business here June 10, mid nl IwoperlorninnooH inniiy were turned awayNianager Sheiiru oiiened Ills Summer Iheaire

ul Bass Point, 17. Moving pictures undniiisiriiieil songH are Hie iiltractlonM

I Ionium's Suiiiiaer resort opens on same dateul Salem Willows, and Is uiiiler Hie muniige-in. 'iii or Michael Doyle.

ilgeri.—Harding i.lid All Sid. In

Chinese Laundry ;" Lutx drnlhrri, the FourMasons, .Mile. Olive, Heorge livers, Wlielnll

and Seniles. Frederick Huberts. (Irandlseope.Pl.NTMlCS' 'I'llKATKi: iJollll JoltllSOII, llillll

ilgerl. - Tlie Lutein Trio, V. P. Woodward.i noper nud Cowglll. Leiiiulre and l.euinlie,

Sliltl'ord and Sliillord, Jcm Wilson, and Hielilogrupli.

II.m.i:'s Si'ttNti' Torn in' tid: Wimtn fl'ieil

Frll/., mnniigei |.-. in 1 1 iiii.-H lo good business.

FlilT/.'s New THNATUN (Joe, J. West iiinii

agei i. -Claire Sluuley, Fay Leslie, Vir-

ginia Vernon, Million Aiwood. Mill Hi'

Mnllilesoii. J. isle .Myers, Mickey Feeley.Ailelntile Sd'warl, Wilson und f.i'lcesler.

Julie* mid lla. vellc, IOlhel Sliillll, JosephineCordon. Minima, Lillian Slarr, Laurliie, Hie

HreiH Hill, Dick lliilelilus. Ilrei Curler. lOiliui

Minor. Hie Stocktons, Crunk Lumberl, HmWheeler Slslei*, Jeaiielle Duprey. May Jolly.

Belle I iiinii til. Agnes t'ouway, Millet red LuMay. ami i lock.


Kiiihvlllir.- -At the Itljmi (Ceo. II. Hick-man, inn linger i "A Stranger lu Town" openedJune 10, fur u week's slay, lo good business,

and gave n delight lul peiTormuuco.Cahino IV, C. Alley, uuningeri,— lilll tor

week of HI was "The Two Orphans," whichenjoyed lilg houses. "James Boys In Mis-souri" Hell,

HiiPi'tuuiuMN <W. II. donlleser. mnnnget').

—Business continues good. Holler skaterail's, moving pictures nud lllnsl ruled songsare siiuie of the iillciielloii*,

N'n'iHS.—The IIIJoii Theatre closed a mustsuccessful senson Siiliirilny. in. Manngerlltekmiui will remain here this Summer, lllld

seperlnieiiil Hie ilccoiii I Ions iiiid oilier tin

provenieiilM to he iiitule lu ihe house. Thiswn* lit* llcst season hi charge, and he hasiiiiul. iiiutiv friends by tils good ninungcntciit

nnd con lo. .us treatment Win. Stewarthns received a special dlNpctiMalhui and Is

having ciiuimiiiitciiled lo him the degree of

S.otib.h lilies In Masonry. Mr. Stewart re-

ceived his llrst degrees while here lu slocknevera I years ago.

.viciiinii l».

mek, ii




hack, imuuigerireek liegli

business. The Snow Stock l.'o. recent

Lnivi'i'iiee.— AI. llin Colonial Theatre(J. Fred Lee.-,, inaiiiigeri Hie Colonial OperaCo. presculi'il "The Mascot," week of June10, in good business. "Olivette" I7-14S,

« »

VIKCJINIA.Norfolk.—At the Academy of Music (Otto

Well*, local mannger) "It's Op lo You, JohnHenry." June lo-lfi. Owing lo Ihe cold. (Its-

agi utile wea i her. business was only fair.

Colonial (II. 10. Weaver, ncllng iniiiiugiir).—" Poea lion I us" wus presented for the llrst

lime on any stage ul this house June (I. 'I hehouse wus crowded from toil lo ballum withmi eager, enthusiast le audience, Hint gaveevery evidence of Its approval. "Pocuhonias '

Is hilled for an liiiletlnlie period. It Is it

HiH'rliiculur drama, In throe acts, liy Heo. fr.

Vlell, and Is a series ol well bundled situa-

tions, depleting the episodes In Hie romanceor I'api. John Smith und the Indian amid.On the opening night a big audience liked

the production so well I hat It remained until

almost midnight, and Ihe general opinion

seemed lo be thill the work was worthy of it

long nud prosperous run. Austin Webbs act-

ing ns nipt. John smith came in for the

highest praise, press und public uniting In the

ileclarnllon I hut II was unusually good work.Powhatan, ns played by Heorge S. 'limbic,

wus most Interesting, and Louise Curler, hi

Ihe lllle pun. was capital. The cast tn

full: Capl. John Smith. Austin Webb; Johnllolfe. Lnwrciice (irlllllh : Hon. Heo. Percy,

Heo. Iliircourt : John Hudcllffe, Samuel Ann-strong; Heo, Kendall, William Handle; I'M-

ward Maria Wluglh'ld, Win. He llotige : Cnpt.Christopher Newport, (leu. Centre; John buy-don. Hold. W. I'arkln; Anne Hurras, Henri-etta Tedro; Angus MeUiyne, Hpotllswoodii

Allken : Terence O'Trlgger, Clias. N. Hcliaef-

fer; Dobbv Futlfnt, Frank Wonderlee; I'ow-iiiiiaii. Heo. S, 'limbic; Opechanciiuoiigli,

llerherl Prior; Washnwundn. WHsun Forbes;Kimilei•wnfkit. How. L. Dorsii.v ;


Louise Carter.i sua s hv (Olio Wells, local manager).

At this house "The .Nancy Hunks" phiyeil to

very good business week of 10, "Knob* ofTennessee" I7-'J1!.

Ma.ikhtio filer! (', liiigmm, miiiuigei ).


Shennrd's moving plclure* drew fair businessweek of 10. They Will he held over for

week of 17. . .Ac.uk (WHkerson ft Mnnr.li>, managers).

New face* week of 17: Clinton Hlslcr*.

IOlhel Norton. Miickln nnd Hart. Utile'I'll. .inns. >|lke Hli'itiiell, lleluiore anil Morey,Mnv Muster*. Helen Lumberl, llnhe Witsnnd lleiiU and lOdwnrd*.

Hie IIIJoii, i Belli. M. Statu-The Only Wny wns pre-

(Inning June 10, to splendidnow Stock Co. recently coil-

eluded ii most successful ctigugcuu'in at iheNew Lyceum Theatre and will continue att Ida limine Indrtlultely. 'The Charity Hull"

iToi'kinm' IOaht F.np Paiik (A. II. Murrl-Nun, niniiagcn,—-The ntleiidaiice week of II

was good. The programme lu the theatre In-

cluded: The Lasky -llolfe Oubliette, DorothyKenton, Fox nud Du Hull. Shields nnd ling-

em. I'nlla and Paul, and the klnodroine. TheBedouin Aiulei nud the lluugailau Bund wentthe out door nil ructions.

Faiiivlanii Paiik (10. C. Beach, nianager).—"Trilby" was the offering week commencingp. Lnrg'e crowds worn In ntleudauco nud nil

spoke highly nf the good work done hy Hieentire Fairyland Slack Co. "Tlie Americancitizen" 111' and week.»»

MAMMiI'orlliiuil.- -At the Jefferson (Julius Cnliii,

iniiimgi'i'i "A Texas Steer" was produced liv

Hie sti«k June in- 1 a, und wns exlrcniely well

pal roll l/ed. The player* did excelleiil work,under the utile direction of Mnmiger Plielnti.

Business .Manager liarrlty, of (lie linuse,

keeps busy gailiei-lni: In Hie shekels. "In Ih"

Bishop's Ciirrluge." by Ihe slock, week of 17.

PoiiTI.ANIi (.1, 10. Moore, miniiigert. -

Crowded houses ul Hit* moving picture Hie-

aire. Maxwell WchIoii and Joe Kenney con-(rlhule.

Savov (.In*. McHuliuie**, miiungi'i'l.—A list

of line soloists, together with tile best sub-ject* obtainable In the moving picture Hue,continue lu draw line iitlenilauce Mere.

Notch.—The Hem Theatre at Peak's Islandopens 'li, with n list of iiliiver*. iiuunig

whom nre: Jane Keimark anil Frank S.vlves-

ler. leads: Sue Vim Duser. (Oil. Poland. Chits.

Lollilini, Jus. Devlne, Jus. Dixon, John Per-rlss, Jii*. (', HpollHwood, Allen Si. John. Wl-norm drldges, Leslie llliiglimn, Ileal rleo

Nichols and Hllbert Kly The Ciipo Taire opuim Si-, under the iiuiniigeiueul uf

Hartley McCullum, for whom tlie ilieutre

was orlgliiullv built. The opening play will

be "Tid! HetiiHor," with Sidney Dayiie mill

lOugeiiln Ilaydeii plnylng leads Itlver-

ton Park opens •!I.

< »

OI'.IAW Altl,.

WlliiiliiKliin. At the tlnrrlck (Wllllatii

II Meyers, ma linger i the Irene Meyers StockCo. opens a Hummer season ul this lliciitio

June IT. presenting "A Man of Mystery," to

be. followed by a series of repertory plnvs

with two plays a week. In coiiiieclliin will

he the motion pictures und llliistraleil songs.

Kl.HVKNTII WAtlll TllKATIIK.— Bill fill' 17

nnd wi>ek : Jus F. Mnckey mid company, Pert

Croix and moving pictures

SllKl.i.l'o-r Paiik (Jus. 10. Henry, mnmiger).—All rnrl Ions 17 nnd week nre: Woiwln nndHoffman. Kilty Hurl, lingers nud Belle

Dolnli. Tom buns, Henry und Young, iiiid llin

moving picture*.Hiiami opciia Hiiunh.— flntnor'a moving

plcliires and the llluslraleil sunn* continue In

draw good pin roniige,

Noti:.—Aiilonlo Maori mid his companyof Knlliiii lilayers will present "Borneo andJuliet." iino repertory In Ilullnn, at Ihe Ly-ceum Tlienire. The dales will ho announcedInter.

««»ItiHSKl.l.. O'N'kii. ami tliioMH nre en rugf!

Willi Hie ".Matinee flirt Co.

-.. *•

'*•?, ';:'•*/ •.—-'•

4841 THE NEW YORK! CLIPPER* June 22.



State yonr lowest salary ii yonr lint letter. Address JOSEPH POMERANZ, ileal Director, Weltt't Park, Detrtlt, llci.

AERIAL GARDENS,Over the Mew Amsterdam Theatre, 42d St.

8AM H. HARRIS present-


S£t$5!3.Evenings 8.10. Fashion Matinee Saturday, 2.10.


HISS HELD'S DRESS SOSO 2.20 and 8.20,

B„| tty( , n 1HK4TKE.e 1 H. H C O WEST OF BRl4»d ST.






i. mriwiua IIIKui

1 15 Little Dynamo,DAZIE -






< 'an offer nriy-two weeks' work Id the year to goodMusicians: Parks and Hotels In Summer, Vaude-ville, Concert and Road In Winter.

i contracts;— «Now on liand an follows: Ladle*' Band, l."> pieces,to open June 24. tallies' Baud, 10 pieces, to openJuly l. Ladies' Orel)., B pieces, to open Julv 1.

Ladles' Orch., 12 pieces, to open July I. Ladles'Band, :» pieces, to open Aug. 10. Hare openingsat all times, for tlrst class Lady Musicians, as wesupply Ladles' Bands and Orchestras in all partsof tlio country. Have also at present a number ofopenings forsmall Hotel Orchestra*. Have sixteenBands and Orchestras working at present. We arenot Agents, hut Owners and Managers, so don'tfigure on commissions when quoting salaries.Send photos, returnable. MUSICAL SPECIALTIESAUjO WRITE.

CRESCENT AMUSEMENT CO.,93" Che.tnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


and Frank D. Bryan's Congress of American Girls,UNDER THE SOLE MANAGEMENT OF


40 AND .10 tTS.


MRS. ANll MRS. IIAItllY ENGLISH A CO..Harbuch A Harris, Jack lrwiu.lie Witt C. Yuuug, Clifford A Hall.Mautull's Midgets, Roliert* A Ralstun,Handle BiBhop, YoscoTrlo,1 ravelscope. Vimgraph.

Mata.Wed.ASat. M.M.Thctse pre-sents. Kth monlli, Sooth performanceThurs.,.liiiie20(liHrt<lsi)iiicHotivuulini

Win*, Woman & Song Co.BONITA, ALEX. CARR & Great Cast

- NEW-

CIRCLEB'way A 60th

or 111*1, Clnan Vaudeville Theatres.M. aii:yi:kki:i,i> jr.. MUCH.;.MAIli'lV UKt'K. UMNBRAIi MANAGER.All Applications for Time Must Ho Addressedto ('. !:. IlIlAY. Hooking Manager.

MnjCKtlc Theatre ItulldlDg, Chicago, III.

Huber's £ MuseumWANTED,



Jptire Devil Sclireyer,Again Tlie Sensation of Europe.






WANTS CIRCUS AND VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE(Only useful ladles and gentlemen). No fancysalaries. F.al and sleep in cars. Address Ccnesco,Kau., June 22; lloislngton 21, 2S, Marqucl 26,r.ypsifm City 27. Herrington 28.

JACK IIMGP. 8.—All Artists engaged for above company, holding contracts with ME. PEANKD. BRYAN, will com.

municate or call personally to Knickerbocker Bldg., 1402 Broadway, Boom 227. ALL CONTRACTS HOLD GOOD.JACK SINOER, Manager.WANTEP-Eipirieneed Burlesqm People and Chorus 6lfls, Eight Dancers, Twelve Singers with voices. EVERYTHIM6 FURNISHED;




Colonial Theatre,VOW BUILDING AT

BIG RAPIDS, 1ieill«\.Slave. I'p to date cijuipineut.

f, oroimdFluor. Steam Heat. 8. C, son.

OPENS OCT. I, limi


Good Atlrarllopjsjptrlte. D. C. M0I1RILL , Mgr.


REGISTERED IN WIS.l.mik the Part. Salary or Per. Now working tin,

Capital of the Slate with coinpaiiv nf It) people onstreet. Address

DAVE MAItbUW, Madison Wis,. Gen. 1X1.

WANTED. To *--•«

TIINIIVEY'SBANDwith (he Great Cole Droa. Show

Cornets and ClarinetsAddress CHAS. H. TINNKY, PoLsdam, N. Y„ 21;Messina Springs 22. Halone 21. Write or wire.


ORREPERTOIREEither Hratnatio orOpera, from stock

or liiillt to order. .Souhreue and characters built

froni design our specially. N. E. Agents for Bitch's

"IB-HOWE COSTGNK CO.Haverhill, Mass.



SINGERS AND DANCERS.I. KELD, Manager, can: of Avenue Club House,Spring drove Ave., near Mitchell. Cloclnnati, Ohio.AGENT



MILLER, GOSTUMER,I3S N. Seventh St., Philadelphia.

COSTUMES AND Wilis TO 111 RE.Write for Catalog an il Estimate.

HARRY "THOMSON,Hit Honor, The Mayor ol the Bowery.

TEL. IkkiR HUSHWICK. Hrooklyu.


ft H 10(?O '- PIH lUDi'

C.»« lottm SO 30- jt B.ttt MifiitiM Carta, IMS.l.H "if HoVtVittiM twit, - |,50

.15 '-! IJrw(«tlI»MVkl"»l,M« ••0(.10

i • run. iim if tvmn> -i vtiftCfl i* nor mcJUKil. . .


Pianist Wants Summer Engagement.Leader fur vcars in tlr-t class combination and\nndcUlle houses. Aihlri-ss K.I.DMUT,

cencral Delivery. Manchester, N. II.

WANTED,LEADING MAN TO DIRECT, 1-KADIMiWOMANfAND CHILD TO PLAY PARTSOTHERS, WRITE. Tell all In first letter. Dlsor-ganl/.ers, boozers and kissers, save stamps. Aild.

THE 7.IEHLKES STOCK CO..Hoi noa. Ncodesha. Kas.

WANTED,PEOPLE IR ALL LINES OF BEP. BDSIRESSTo support VIOLA WILSON and W. OSCARMcvVATTKRS, Mimtner and Winter engagement,linud sketch Team, man anil woman, that eauplay parts: one or two (loud Vaudeville Act?, sin-gle or double: riann Player.

KLOY1) I.. KltOWN, Sandy Hill, N! Y. ••

Tor balanceNo booze.

1.11thla or next, tenaen.Csn, vud will, post.



Presenting Sensational and Novelty Sharpshootlng

Ma A*1012 W. H ST. ,



MUSICIANSTo strengthen KERLACH'S CONCERT BAND, withSUN BROS.' SHOWS. Can use espe'lall.v SlideTronilKinc, Cornet ami Alto. Very long season.with all the accompaniments of high class treat

ment. Wire or write as per route, or to per.

address. Nu. 31W SUMMIT STREET, Toledo,ii per.

, Ohio.



MARGUERITE MOORE, Leader.ll'lauo. A. P. of M.)

For FIRST CLASS Stock, permanent or uituuU,No cheap salaried managers need au.-wer. CLYDEII. CALLICOITE. care Hen. Del., Ardniore, lml. Tcr.

WANTED,Small Singing and Dancing Soubretta. as ParinarFor Vaudeville and Road Show. Steady work,state age. height, etc. Send photos; win return.Address Jl. R, Mi ASHLAND BLOCK. CUICA0O.


TO DOUBLE BAND.Clarinet. H. ami O. Man for Marks. PerformersDoubling Band. Musicians on All Instruments.One show a dav. No parades. Year's work, (ilve

per ad. Address F.E. ORISWOLD, Geueva, Ohio,Box 70T. Show lu Ind. and III.




MARIE and EMELINE, GOOD TOPSY.Ben for all parts. LEADERS and MUSICIANS for BAND and ORCHESTRA, Actora that Double Brassand Musicians that Double Stage, Colored Ladles ami Gentlemen for Jubilee Singing, Cake Walking,Buck and wing Dancing. Must work in Drum Corps for parade. Sober, experienced people onlrwanted. GOOD. LIVE AGENT THAT CAN AND WILL PUT OUT THE PAPER, ANDTWO MORE BILL POSTERS. Name lowest salary flrst letter. Must Join at once. Those wlwwrote before write again. Letters received too late for replv to reach you. Cousider silence a polite

negative. Will advance ticket to you. A. D. MePHEE, Fleming, Sask., Canada.



CHABACTEB IAN AND CHARACTER WOMAN.Season opens Aug. 13. Long, pleaaant aeason to good people. MUST SEND

PHOTOS WITH FIRST LETTER, \t lilili will he returned. Addroaa

CHAS. K. CHAMPLIN, Red Bank. N. J.

ALICE LAWRENCEAt lilrcrtylor tanner Eiigajicncnl.

LEADS OR SECOND BUSINESS.Versatile, Experienced and reliable. Address



en SOAP 'Takers,"


WANTED,I p In Vaudeville.

PIANO PLAYERYear's job fur the ri'Ml on,

im limit. Add. NCR. InSTHIIERT JAKVIS. PITTSIintt:



Waited, Partner, Who Will Invest $200 for

naif Interest in Riporlolre Co. for Snrumer andnext season with recognized aclroax. Address


.i.HKi, your own special tickets, numbered consecullvelv anil perforated on the roll for S1.2A. Geithe samples. NATIONAL CARD CO.. Sliatnokln. Pa

WANTED, COLORED TALENT, FOR THEHlg Southern Coined) Co.—Advance Agent (Pianoriaven, Chorus Clrla, Comedians, Musical Acts.Add. A. I> KTHEK. ^Q3Waba»li Ave.. Chicago. III.


SOHF.Ii AND RELIABLE.J. i.lt AV, W, Hroad Street. Augus ta, Ga.

WANTED, iwjjti C^eMoiisl.llaiTcian",Tliiit can change for one week: Good Black KaeeCiiiiii'ilian. Mate lowest sjilar? : ulu-ars sure,

I.E VANT'S BIG TKNTSHOW.'l'raverae ( Ity. Mich

FLETCHER'S NEW THEATRE, Hirhilll, Wyo.,New house, playing best pen pie. First class per-formers wanted at all times. Address

C. P. FLETCHER, Proprietor and Manager.



TOUPEES, Paint, Powdor. swmp for prtoe HsuO. 8UHINDHRLM. U« W. Sflth St.. New Turk.

OET our prices on soap. THKV will Interest yon.Special Dept. for making private brands with at-

tractive labels. Money-getters of big value forcanvassers and fakers. We satisfy and hold ourooatomers. E. M. DAVIS SOAP CO.,

40 Union Park Court, Chicago.

•The Very Besparodies, sketches, afterpieces,~ NO. IV. I


Ietc., In MADISON'S MIDGETlou pages of glll-cdgc comedy material.(II Per Copy. JAMES MADISON.1404 THIRD AVENCE, NEW YORK

Knickerbocker Stock.Witb MABEL 6RIFFITH, J. H. DOYLE and an Excellent Company,WANTS OOOO DRAMATIC PEOPLE,

Including Soulirelle and Heavy Mau, Vaudeville People who change. Can use good Sister Team. Thebest only. Some plays wilh paper. Opening Aug. IP.

J. H. DOYLE, Hoyfa Theatre, Sotlth Norwalk. Cuuu.


Al ixtadiug Mau. Ueavy Mali, large Character Mhu to Direct Plays. COMEDIAN. General Busluch'People who do (food Specialties. Juvenile Woman, Character Woman, Lady Platilste, who cini |ss.v.

parts ir necessary. State all llrst letter; make your salaries right for Summer; 9 performances a week.Show upeus July 4 at lllawathu Gardens. Colorado SnrlugB. AddressDELLA PRINOLE, 803 E. Klona Street, Colorado Springs, Colo.

WANTED, B0WD1SH PAVILION THEATRE GO.Man lor Heavies. Woman for Juveniles. I"refer

people doubling brass. Useful pimple write ipilck

Stlarlos low. but sure. We pay all. Mr. '

HOWD1MI, Mgr.. week of 17. Chtcura, Pa.A.M.

HERON & WISCHMAN,Theatrical Lawyers,


Dnnii's Pneumatic System of Water SupplyFor Country Houses. Wc Install these systems luall parw of the world.

DUNN MACHINERY COMPANY,Department 35. Atlanta. Oa.


I^atlleis Wanted.Singers, Dancers and Musicians, tor Peeler's

Shows. Long season ; sure salary,EELER. Lot'khavoii, I'ctiti.15. M.

Double StuF. A. CHl'ROH, 10

ige. Can Lead Hand.Eighth St.. Ijiiisitigbin g. N. Y.

60Y BBOTHEBS' MINSTRELS,G. R. OPT, Proprietor and Manager, want Singers,Conieillanx, Specialties, Musicians for next season.

&3W LIBERTY ST., Springfield, Muss.

VIRGINIA JEFFEBIES CO.Best Singing, Dancing Comedian. Jib Best Mretto


(ilrla with Hed Hair to Ride In Parade. Side Showand Privilege People, Cowboys and Indians, Cooh,tirlnder. Second Advance Man, Tall Man, good ap-pearance, that can Ride and take Speaking PaM-If nut of employment, write. Show I. growing alio

relluhlr people. None other need apply.

WANTED-we liavo m limiie Tor nobrr,

RIGGS WILD WEST SHOWSJane ap-Jaly 0, Cedar Point, Saadaaky, Ohio. . ,._



lowest nalary and what von can do. If you hoozc, don't wrllc.

Write unlck, CHAS. 8A-VAN, Mt. Clemena, MIr»«l.'mg engagement hooked. Statepreference given to a giaid. reliable amateur,


MAN AND WOMAN FOR GENERAL BUSINESS: must hare wardrobe.and capable people. Prefer those doing specialties, Summer salary-

and It li SURE. Address M. L. KINSEY, VAN WERT, OHI'%1




51 Its Clipper's Anecdotes, etc

Dallas Tyler—SketchThe FrlsrsPatsy Bolivar...ljueries Answered *.•»*,uur London Lettern.ir Chlrato Letter

Ob the Boad . *.vaudeville and Minstrel -•...•.:.•.

Vaudeville Route List .'..'...

New York. CityClipper Post Office .."..'.

Current Topics.'...:. ;.'

Under the -Tents,:. ;»Deaths In the ProfessionOlympic Theatre, Chicago. Burned...Wbtte BalaMot Ids PicturesMUcellaneooiWorW of Players

CORRESPONDENCE.WashingtonMassachusettsVirginia...Oregon .'••••» • ••••••• ........•• ••

Tennessee .

MaineDelaware...PennsylvaniaOhio...... •••••••••..«•• •••.•Missouri.....Canada. . . • .. ........ •..... ...


MarylandGeorgiaColoradoNorth CarolluaNew York StateNew JerseyDistrict of ColombiaMississippiIndianaRhode islandMichiganWisconsinMinnesotaTennesseelow* ,

KaosasTernsConnecticutIndian TerritoryCaliforniaNew HampshireKentucky

4l8..... 470


. 4S0, 484

.488. 487

. 48S, 48o480

...'.: 481. 480. 491

481. 487. 488


. 480, 488


.'.... 483483483483484

494, 495. .... 403




.... 487487487487


efpfuiol Oinpalchra to THE New York Cxm'Eit.

San Fbancisco. June 18.—At the Van Ness,tbls Is tile second and last week of MantleAdams, In "Peter Pan." There will be anextra matinee Thursday. On Wednesday even-ing Miso Adams will change ber bill to•'(JualUy Street"Ukbatek NovEfcTT.—Sunday. 10, the Fraw-

Icy Co.;' ui "You Never Con Tell."

DiviR.—The stock this week, In "The LostParadise."Central.—HerschellMayall Is leading man,

nirwilrig 10. "The Secrets of the Police" Is

this week's bill.

Ameiucan.—This Is the second week of

"The Girl from Paris," featuring Richard J.

-New. Alcazar. — "Old Heidelberg" this

'OrVhecm.—Bill this week, opening Sun-day, 10: Rossi and Paulo. St. Onge Bros.,Ferry, toe Abdallah Bros., Dunn and Glazier.

Hayes and Johnson. Frederick Hawley andlonrpany. the Bootblack Quartette, and theIdnodrome.

Chutes.—A vaudeville bill is given here..\uTKb.—The street car strike Is still on.

apd business at all theatres is very muchhurt George Lask Is viewing the beau-ties of Yosemltc. He writes: "This Is a greatplace—the towns on the rout 1

: here wouldnot bear, even one night stand bookings.".'.'.*. .'.Clarence Drown, manager of the' LosAngeles Orpbeum, has been made generalmanager of the circuit on the coast, bis ele-

vation liclng brought about, It Is claimed,through the retirement of President MorrisMejcrllelU from active participation In theexccqUye duties of the business.

a '

'.."- 1TIOM OTHER POINTS.t'jllLAUiXPHiA, June 18.—The long de-

layed Hot spell having arrived, the parks un-joved Immense business on Sunday, 16Cecelia. I.oftus. as the headllncr. drew a big

allcndsqcc at Keith's, while Klsie Janls tops'

the bill at the Chestnut Street Opera House.. .....-.."The White Men" Is In its final weeknt-tne' Lyric The Shaw Opera Co. cavean enjoyable performance of "Olivette. ' atthe Park, to a big audience Cole andJohnson, In "The Shoo-Fly ReglmeDL" are atthe Casino, and enjoy good businessThe


[burlesque shows at the Trocadero, Ly-ceum and Bijou continue well patronized.

Ramus City, Mo., June 18.—The warmweather drew thousands of pleasure seekers

to: the. parks Sunday. 10. and capacity busi-

ness', ruled At Electric. Klfery's Bandbegan Its last week la the German village...".'. .Dan Leno's Happy Youngsters werethe headllners at Forest Park. The BostonIdeal -Opera Co. sang "Glrofle-Glrofla," andIn the' open I.enge's Band was the attrac-

tkju . .Fairmount Park had Hlner"s ThirdRegiment Band, and other attractions werea balloou race and exhibitions by the Meirerrurally Carnival Park (West Side) of-

fered Cgllendo's Band, a balloon ascensionand.. To, l he Wigwam, the Ramsey Sisters werethe- headllners.

Chicago. III., Juuc 18.—The Olympic The-atre' wis destroyed by Arc night of 14. Thevaudeville will be transferred to the ChicagoUoera House, beginning 23 "The Volun-teer Organist" opened at the Great Northern18. .....Edward Abeles. In "Brewster's Mil-

lions,'; onened to capacity business Monday,17. .... .Business at all the parks was ez-



-.108 *.F. Willaud, late of "Around the

Ctatt* Co., and Harry Bond, late of "TheUlngecbred Man" Co.. have formed a part-nership and will present an act In vaude-ville .They will be known as Joe F. Wlllard.Harry Bond and company, and will give amilitary satire, entitled the "Battle of BuncoHill," a travesty on the battle of BunkerHIM. . It will be equipped with everyminute detail pertaining to military. Theyre 111 .carry three acting people, and a proper-ty man. They produced the act at the Ly-ceOUl 'Theatre, Washington, D. C, the onehundred and thirty-second anniversary of theJiltlMif Hunker Hill, June 17. They playPhiladelphia, Pa., next week aud will beseen 'In New York City week of July 1.

"H.un. Kekley. of Stuart and Keeley,while 'iriaylng Fontaine Ferry Park, at lajuls-

vlU«.Ky.. week May 1», was taken seriouslyIII, and had to be removed to the DeaconessHnspfrHl, where she underwent a successfuloperation. She la now rapidly recovering,nnd Is resting at her home at Indianapolis,till she fully regains her strength. The teamwas compelled to cancel much valotrule time,but etQCct to resume work about the middleof July. They will be seen In at, Y. City. Inthe' Fall, under the direction of Myers AKeller.'

Tom Wanna has closed a highly success-ful '• season of forty-two weeks. Including aseven weeks mn at the Park Theatre, PbJla-

delpbto. lie will remain In New York for

tbiy'Sqmmer, nttcudlng to details for nextseason. Mr. Waters will appear In "TheMayor of Luughluud." opening Aug. M, atIrtotOD. N. JT. under tbu muuiigemeut ofNltop- & Zimmerman. Mr. Wuters will putout u company producing "Neighborly Neigh-bors" next season.VAX Goran and Cotbkly. equllibrlsta and

Jugglero,' .ire plnylng (lolrtsmllli ft Flnher'nlime.'

Baimev and atstin are working on a newvaudeville act for neit season.

gjjjgjje Rome D$tThlai Hat la anade van as nearly ae-

«• a ra « c aa It la po aa Ible «• aaake a Hatof vaodei llle bookings. To laiire In-aem on t n this drpartneat the lineof the tkessire or park, aaa well aa thecity or town, MIST accompany rackbooking sent aa.

Abilellah Bros.. Ornheom, San Fran.. Cat, 105-'.Abel. George, ft Co.. Keith's.' Columbus, O., •

82; Mojcstle. Chicago. 24-28."Adelyo,7' Lakesld* Park. Oayton. O.. 11-22.Adelaide. La Petite. Thalia, Chicago. IMS.Adams a White, Lakevlew Park, xerre Haate,

Ind., 1T-22.Adftius. at Klrke, i. Co., Auditorium. NorfolkVa„ 17-29.

Adams, Musical. Itoaeville Park. Sharon, Pa., 17-

22; SprlDEgroTe Park, SprlngDeM. 0.. 24-29.Addison & LlTlnystou, Lyric, ft. Worth, Tea.,

17-22.AjMnst. Louise, & Co., Ramona Perk, Grand Rau-

Ills, Mien , 17-22.Aherns, The. Airdvuio. Terre Haute, lad., 17-22;

Alrdome. Bedford, 24-29.Abcarn. Cbas., Trocadero, Phlla.. 17-22.Akounlnc, Hophle, Music Hall, Brighton Beach,

N. Y.. 17-22.Alpine t'atnlly, Park, Lincoln, Xcb., 24-29.Alblons, The, Crystal, Anderson, Ind., 17-22,

Crystal, Kokouio, 24-29.AloUi Trk), Hanove.- Park, Merhkn, Conn., 17-

Alrlnus (4), Hippodrome, London, Kngland, 17-29.Alrln Bros., Spring Bank Park, London, Can.,

17-22.Almout & lluinoiit. Orphuiui, Boston, 17-22.Alljora. Atlantic Harden, N. Y. C.. 17-22.Allnirtus s Millar, Hippodrome, Brixton, Unit.,

Allen." Henri & Violet. Union Square, N. Y. C ,17-

22.Alhnou, Joe S., Olympla Park, Oiattauooga,

Tenn.. 24-211.

Alilo & Vunnersuu, Clrco Bell, Mexico City, Mei .,

17-Oct. 27.Allen & Keeley, Howard, Boston, 17-22.Albertys, The, Keith's. Phlla., 17-22.Alfarabi, Sadl, Park, Wheeling, W. Va., 17-22.Allman, Cbas.. Electric Park Casino, Galveston,

Tex.. 17-Jnly 7.Amerlcus Comedy Four, Freebody Park, Newport,

It. I., 24-29.American Trumpeters (4), Four Mile Creek Park,

Eric, Pa.. 16-22.American Newsboys' Quartette, Bljoo, Jackson,

Mich., 17-22.Amos. Wilbur. Union Square. N. Y. C. 17-22.Anars, The, Uodfroy's, Grand Rapids, aflcb., 17-


AulU. liujulre, St. Puul. Minn., 17-22.Anderson A Reynolds, Orobluni, Lima, 0., 17-22;Orpulum, Newark, 24-28.

Anderson, Cbas. V.. Star. Altooua, Pa., 17-22.A|Hlalc'« Animals, Uanlun's Polat, Toronto, Can.,

17-22.Ariustroiijf, Jas., Hillside Park, Newark, N. J.,

17-22.Armstrong-Baker Troupe, San Jose, Gal., July 1-0.

Armlnta & Burke. Ludlow Lagoon, Clnlclnnatl,10-22.

Armstrong & Clark. Farm. Toledo, 0„ 17-22;Urpbeum. Sau Fran.. Cut., July 1-13.

Aruoldo's Animals, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 17-

22.Arnold ft Artie, Lyric, So. McAllestcr. 1. T., 17-

22; Airdouie. Okla. City, Okla.. 24-28.Armoud, Grace. Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind., 17-22.

Ashers (2). Red Bank. N*. J., 17-22.

Atlas Quartette, Henderson's, Coney Island, N.

T. 17-22. „ .Austin. Florence, Hillside Park. Newark, N. I.

17-22.Audrlettu, Jennie. Auditorium, Waterbury, Cunu_.

17-22 ; Pastor's, N. I. C, 24-20.Austins. Tossing, Hippodrome. Glasgow, Scotland,

17-22; Empire, Birmingham, ling.. 24-28; Pa-

vilion. Southport, July 1-0; Central Pier,

Morecomb, 8-1:1. • ___.Arolos, Musical (1». Victoria. N. T. O., 17-22.

Avery A Hart, K. * P.. Jersey City, N. J., 17-22.

Avon Comedy Four. 23d Street, N. V. C. 17-22.

Barton ft Osmau, Auditorium, iNorfolk, Va., 17-

22 .

Barry & Johnson, EIJou. Duluth. Minn., .17:22..

Bailey & Flckctt, Ati:intlt Garden. Atlantic City.

N. J., 17-24. / .. —Burtell t Garfield. Flndlat. Findlay. 0., 17-22;Theatorlum, Keinou, 24-28.

BariKS, Al, Olympic. South Bend, Ind.. 17-22.

Bnrlehen Siring Quarrelte, Keith's. Boston. 17-22.

Barlelmee, The, Butte. Mont, 24-2U. ^Barnold's Animals, Victoria. N. Y. C. 17-22.

Barton & Ashley. A:hambra, N. V. C. 1 •-22.

Barneys (3). Wetwti-r Park. La Halle, III., 17-2H.

Bates, Louie W., Star. Turtle Creek, Pa., 17-22.

Hantu Bros, 14). Star. Chicago , 17-22.

Bander-La Velle Trouiie, Majestic Park, La Salle,

111.. 10-22: Pavilion. Paris, 24-28.

Harms A Edwins, Crystal, Denver. 17-22.

Burriiigtoiis. The. Urpblutu. Mansfield, O., li-.'2.

BatcUelor A Bnskirk, Atlantic Garden, N. Y. 0..

17-22Barnes, Mayme, Utlca, N. Y„ 17-28.

Barilells, .The. Atlantic Garden, Atlantic City,

N. J.. t7-22. „Baker, Pete, Carnival Park. Kansas City, kan„

10-22Bartlett, Catherine. 3d Ave., N. Y. C. 17-22.

Beanmoat, Nellie. &. Co.. Chestnut. Street, Phlla.,

17-22.Bedlnl, Donat. ft Dog. Farm, Toledo, O.. 17-22;

Celeron Pork, Jamestown, N. Y., 24-28.

Beasev, Claire. Keith's. Columbus. O., 17-22.

Bentou, Elwood, Oriental. Butler, Pa., 17-22.

Beyer Johnson. Miles, Hlbblng. Mhu., 10-22;

Majestic, Madison. Wis.. 24-28.

Uellong Bros., Keith's. Cleveland, 17-22; UnionSquare. N. Y. C 24-28.

. .„ .. MBcrnler ft Stella. Union Square. N Y. C, 17-22.

Bell. Crystal, Orhlum. Chllllcotbe, 0.. 17-22;Grand, Newport, Ky., 24-29.

Bernur's Animals. Majestic. Chicago, 17-22; Or-pheuin, San Fran., Cat., 24-28.

Denton, Elwoud A Haggle, BIJou, Loralae, O.,

23-20.Beeson. Lulu, Glen Haven Park, Rochester, N.

*• ,7-22. ..„„Ueecher & Ms} e. Gem. Monongshela, l'a., 17-22


Huutley. Blalrsvllle, 24-28.lkTiuett, Trlxle. Rlnlto, Elmlra. N. Y.. 17-22.

Bellaian ft Moore. Chestnut Street. 1'bila., 1722.Bcntlies, The, Colonial, Coiubrldge, O., 17-22.

Bedouin Arabs (8). lugersoll Park, Uc« Moluvs,

la.. 17-22.Belleluirv Bros.. Orpiwuoi, Boston, 17-22.

Bergcre, Valerie, ft Co.. Orpheuw, Los Angeles.

OH., 17-22.Bell A Richards, Atlantic Garden, Atlantic City,

K, J.. 17-22.

Behreud A Irvlug, Dresuilaud, Brudford, Pa, 17-


Bender t: Karl, Keith's, Columbus, 0., 17-22.

Blimey & 'Chapman. New Garden, Memphis, Tcun..17-22. ' " ""

Bison Clly Quartette. Rumoua, Graud Buplda,

Midi.. 17-22. . - '

Bingham A Gable. Oraml. Hammond, -Ind.. 17-22.

Bishop. Blanche, Pastor's, N. Y. C 17-22. ' _BIJoa Circus, Sabbaiia Park, Taontoa, Mass., 17

22' iBlmm, Blmm, B-r-r-r, Variety Pavlllda, Paris.

111., 17-22.

Big City Quartette, Union Squaru, N. Y. C, .17-

Bloticlinrd Bros.. Ilnl-uver 1'arli. Merldcn. Coun..17-22; Lfekcvlcw Park. Mlddlclowu. 24-20.

Blmslng. Mr. & Mre.. olytuidc, Sprlugtletd. 111:.

Hlanebe'. I,e Belle. Albainbra. N. Y. C. 17 22.

Blswnlilu A Ilebr. Atlanta, Gu„ 17-22.

"Black Hussars" <I4», Kntulre, Mauebeuterling.. 17-22; Leeds. 24-28: Liverpool, July I-

8: Hlpiaalrutur, I.vndun, 13-11.

Boyd. Archie, ft Co.. Novelty. San Jose, Cal.,,17-

22; Unique. Los Angeles. 24-28.

Bowers. Walters * Crooker. Cook O. H.. Roches.ler, N. Y„ 17-22; Union Square, N. Y. C, 24-

20:Botter. Harry, a Co.. Union Square. N. Y. C„


Bowen Bros., Crystal, Marion, Ind., 17-23.

Bob ft Tip, Howard, Boston. 17-22.'.

Booth. Great. Grand. Tacoma, Wash.. 17-22.

Bootblack Qoartetle, •.Original, Orpbeum, SanFran., Gal.. 10-22.

Booker A Booker, A. A S.. Boston. 17-22.Brailley ft Uavla, HIJou. Wlnliepeg, Can.,. 17-22;

Bijou, Dululh. Minn.. 24-28.Brady ft Hamilton. Gem, Hlunea|H>lls, 17 22:

Umpire. St. Paul. 24-29.Brooks ft Clark, Olympic. Chicago. 17-22.

Brooks. Jeaune. Bijou, p'rreport. III., 17-22; Bi-

jou, Kalatnnsoo, Mich.. 21-29. ,

Browu A Wllmot. White City Park. Springfield,

Mo,. 17-22.Ilrudnhnw, Chan, 11., ft On.. Htla Mwt, N. Y_a. 17-22.

irnnt. t/indon. Bl>nci, K'tamasoo. Mich.. 17-22,

Brown a lonng, BIJou, Norfolk. Vs.. 1T-22.

Brooks ft Jeauelte, Uanortr Park, Uerhkra,Cvnu.. 17-22.

Brooks ft Vedder, Empire, Sau Fran., Gal., 17-July 22.

Brlttons. The. Keith's. Coluaibua, O.. 17-32.Brotlerlck, Dave C, Windsor, - St. Paul, Miun.,2128.

Buach Family. Lyric Park. Webb City, Mo., 16-

22; Lyrtc, Parsou:'., Kan.. 2U2».Buxton. Cbas C, Cryital, Menosua, Wl«., 17-29.Burkes. Juggling. Keith's. Phlla.. 17-31; K. ft P.,

Jersey Clly, N. J.. 21-28.Burtlnos. Tbc, Mannlon's Park. St. Louis. 10-22.Burke, John P., Flood's Park. Saltlmora, 17-30.Burns, Harry, Olympic. South Bend, Ind-, 17-

32; Bijou. And»rsru. 24-29.Burnetle, Madeline. Luna Park, JohastoWu, Pa..

• 17-28.Burton ft Vass, Pautages.' Portland, Ore., 17-32;

Acme, Sacramento, Cat., July 1-0.

Burton, Htuthes ft Burton. Hardeaty. Canal Dovar,O., 17-22; Carwcle. Pa.. 24-H».

Busb ft Elliott. Park, U Halle. III.. 17-22.Bulger, Harry, Nlxou. Pittsburg. 17-22.

Bunkerr, Great, Athletic Park, kokomo, Ind., 17-


Buns. Morris ft Co.. Star, Seattle, Wash., 17-22.

Buckleys. Musical, Farnurut, VaUejo, Cal.. 17-21.

Byron ft Blanch, Sprlngbank Park, London, Caa„17-22.

Byrd ft Vance, Olympic. South Bend, Ind., la-

s'.'; Alrdome, Terre Haute. 24-28.

Caaiicr ft Clark, Sheedy's, Fall Bl»cr, Mass.. 17-

22: Crescent Gardens, Hereto Beach, 2:1-18.

Casads, Two ft a Half, Lyric, Cartage, Mo., 10-

Carmoutella. Lagoon, Clucluuatl. 10-22.

Cerreys, I*s. Tarcntuw, Pa.. 17-22.

Cannon. Jack ft Gllda. Sheedy's, Now Loadou,Conn., 17-22; Pastor's, N. Y. C, 24-28.

Casey ft Crapey, CryBtal. Milwaukee, 24-29.

Carroll, Nettle, Forcpaugh-Sells Circus.Carroll. Joe, Carnival Park, Leatcaworth, Kan.,

10-22.Carlos. Bon, Dogs ft Monkeys, Spring Groro

Park, Springfield. O.. 17-22.

Carucll, lOdua, Flood's Park, Baltimore, 17-

Aug. 30.Carter, Taylor ft Co., 120th Street, X. Y. C.

17-22.Casey * Croney. Unique. Minneapolis, 17-22.

Cameron ft Flanagan. Winona Bwcb, Bay City,

Mich.. 17-22: Riverside, Saginaw. 34-20.

Cameron. Grace, G. O. H.. Pittsburg. 17-22.

C.irlta, Chester Park. Cincinnati. 17-22.

Campbell ft Cully, Crystal, Elkhart, Ind., 17-

22: Irwin, Goshen. 24-28.Crunlllo ft Fona. Family. Scrantou. Pa.. 17-22.

Catcs, Four Musical, Cnhln'a, Baltimore, 17-22.

Camllle Trio. Vlco.ria, N. Y. C. 17-22.

Caron ft Farnum, Norumbega Para. Boaton, 17-22.

Cantmell ft Harris. O. O. H.. Plttabare, 1H».Csrlcloa Sisters, Victoria Gardens, Montreal. Can.,

17-22. _ .. ..Christopher. Chris., O. II.,- Ouueaut, 0., 17-22:

Family. Rrlc, Pa, 24-28.

Cbefalo ft Capretta, Victoria Gardens. Moulreal,Can.. 17-22.

Chadwick Trio, Orpbeum. Boslon, 17-22; 23dStreet. N. Y. City 24-28. _

Cbalbam Sisters, S. H.. Wayncsburg, Pa., 17-22;

Grand, Unlontown. 24-28.Cbrlsty. Wayne C.. Klectrlc Park. Excelsior

Springs. Mo., in 22; Kansas City. 2329.Chnrdn, Benjamin, ft Co., G. O. II. , Pittsburg, 24-

28,ClermnnTo. Frank ft Etta, Empire, Manchester,

Eng., 17-22; Leeds, 24-28; Olympic. Liverpool,

July 1-0: Empire. Hackney, 8-13; Hippodrome,London, 15-Aug. 31.

Claus ft RadclItTe. Windsor. St. Paul, Miun., 17-

22: Electric. Waterloo. la.. 24-28.

Clark's Dogs, Atlanta? Gardes, Atlantic City, N.J.. 17-22.

Clarence Sisters, Chestnut Street. Phlla., 17-22.

Clinton Sisters, Acme. Norfolk, Va., 17-22.

Clayton, Una. ft Co., Pastor's. N. Y. C, 17-22.

XUOooL.Dave, Swlsltt's, Mo.rgan.town, W- Va.,.17-22; Star. Homestead. Pa., 24-29.

Clifford ft Hall, Pastor's, S. Y. C, '17-22.

Cleveland, Claude 4 Marlon, Crecent Gardens, Re-

vere Beach". Mass., 17-22; Bljoo, New London,Conn., 24-29.

Clarke ft Temple. Bliou, Battle Creek. Mich., 17-

32 ; Jackson. 24-20.

Clark, Georgians. Orpbeum, Vancouver, B. 0., 17-

22: Grnnd. Bclllngham, Wash.. 24-20.

Cornelia & Eddie, Music Hall, Brighton Beach,N. Y., 17-22.

Coles, Musical, Irwjn, Goshen, lull., 17-22; An-derson. 21-20.

Cokeland, Carl, Electric Park, Waterloo, la., 17-


Columhlaus (0), Spring Grovo Park, SpruigUeld,

O., 10-22. •


Coakley ft McBrlde, I2&tb Street. N. Y. O. 17-22.

Collins ft Brown. Oakland Park. Greensburg, Pa.,

17-22; Nixon, Pittsburg, 24-28.Colburo ft Greno, Pa til Ion. Akron, 0„ 17-2S.

Cook Bros., Lyccnm, Beaver Kails, Pa., 17-22;Grand, Pittsburg, 24-28.

Corro ft Corro; Star, Lalroue, Pa.. 17-82.

Collins ft Hart, Victoria, V. Y. C, 17-July 1».'

Collins ft Collins, Atlantic Garden. Atlantic City,

N J.. 17-22. „ _ _Couebni, Nellie, ft Dogs, 58th Street. N. Y. C,

17-22.Cuumv, John ft Mamie, Spring Grove Park, Spring-

bold. O.. 10-22.

Cook Bros.. O, 0. a, Pittsburg. 17-22.

Colonial Septette. Ye. Keith's. Phl|a, 17-22.

Country Cbolr. Youngstown. O., 10-22.

Courtlelgh, WUlUm, ft Co., 23d Street, at Y. 0..

17-22.Crawford ft Manning, Savoy, Atlantic City, N. J.,

17-23.Craveth! Crystal. Chicago, 17-28.

Crawford ft Delaneey, O. O. H., Wayuesburg, Pa.,

t7-22.Crnnksnn, Carl, Cascade Park. Bellows falls, Vt.,

17-28.— ' '

Crowley ft Kllleen, Howard, Boston, 17-22.

"Cremation," Victoria, X. Y. C, 17-22.

Creo ft Co.. Crystal, Logansport, Ind., 20-22;Frankfort, 24-20.

j _ . .__Cralne, Long ft Crrlnc, Idlewood Park, Ashta-

bula, O.. 17-22.,

_Cunon Sisters, Dominion Park, Montreal, Can..

17-22: Park, Toronto, 24-July 0.

Commlugs. Tborntou ft Co., Phillips', Klcauioud,

lud.. 17-22; Star. Muucic, 24-28. • „_•Cunningham ft Smith. Park, Ashland, Pa.. 17-22.

Cii'iiln-ii^oi, Bob ft Daisy, Orphlum, Springfield,

O.. 17>22.Onnunlngs' Trio, Windsor, St Paul, MUjb., 17-22.

Dagwelt, Aurie, Cook O. H., Rvclwfctcr, h. Y„24 -28.

Hurls. Ben. Faiull). Sioux City. la., 17-22; Ma-|«tlc. Slonx Falls. S. D.. 2420. -

Ua-.eniort. Edna. Bijou. Phlla.. 17-July 31.

tluvcy ft I'lillltpe. Macvmhe, III.. 20-22; Kleclrlc

Park. Kansas City. 'Mo.. 24-28.'

DaruHjmly, Pineliurst Park. Ixiwell, Mass., 17-22;

Casino, Angnstu. Me.. 21-29. „„D'.MIta, Hoe. Unlou Square, X. Y. C, 17-22;

BS Street. N. Y. C. 24-28.

Daukmnr-Scblller Troupe, O. H., Cleveland, 17-

22-aaole;. Sydney, lladlows Falls. -N. It. .17-22. . _D'Arvlllc. Coinllc. (i. O. II.. Pittsburg, 17-22.

D'Arvllle Sifters. Marlou, HI., 17-22.

.Davenport, Dot, Jlowart,. Boslon, 17-22.

Dale, Dottle, ft Co.. Family. Du Bola. Pa., 17-22.

Dancourt, Leah B., Hlripotlrome, Monessen, Pa-,

17-22.Dasle, Mile. N. Y. Roof Garden, N. Y. 0., 17-


Davis ft Walker, Music Hall, Brighton Beach, N.

Y.. 17-22.Daly. Vlulc. Keith's. Bcetuii, 17-22.

De Caiuo, Chan., ft Dog. Park, Port Huron, Mich.,17-22.

Dc- Page Slslera, Park Family, Johnston. Pa.


17 22,Devcuu, Hubert, Kicelskir Springs, Kan., 1722;

Waterloo, In., 21-28.

Mass.. 17-22.Dc Cbsulal Twiuk, Whalni Park, 1'ltchbnrg,

Dclsur Trjo, Forrest Park HlghlsuuV- St. Laala,17-22.

De Vilbow, Coney Island, Clucluuatl. 17-22.

Deane. Sydney, ft Co:. G. O. H„ Plttuhurg. 17-22.

Deem. Katberlne. Bijou, Kalamasoo. Mich., 17,22.

De Haven, Rote, Septette, Alhsmbra, N. Y. C-.17-22.

Derenso ft La Due, Wonderland Park, Mllwao-kre. 17.22.

De Yoong. Dorothy, Shellput Park, Wilmington,Del.. 17:22.

Delmore ft Lee, 0. U.. Cleveland. 17-22.

Delraore ft Darrell. Grand. Portland, Ore., 17-22


Aciuv. Sacramento. Cal., July 1-41.

De Lour TrK FihiIcIiic Ferry Park, Lufllsvllle.

1722.Dcmlne. Joe. Lake Masaabcslc, Maaebcster. N,

H.. 17 22.De tiu*J ft MeUonaM. Majeallc. Chicago. 1722.IH> TTollla ft Vabra, Bijou, Keuslnglou, III., 10-

22.Kenno Bros.. Union Squarv, N. Y. n„ 17-28.He- lUakor'a I«nj3. Itrnnkvllle. Pa., 17 22; Rey-

nolds vllte. 24-20.IVooso. OeOTce. niton. Winnipeg, rtan., 1732;

Bl>.u. Dulnth, Minn,. 24-28.

De Tor, Emmet, ft Co., Cook O. H., Rochester,|L Y., 17-38.

D* Ootwt ft Bowaid, Rlalto, Elmlra, N. ¥., 17-

22. .•

Derby.) Al, Irontun Park, 1 ronton. O.. 2420.Demaroa, The, Alrdome, Seymour, Ind., 17-22;

Alrdome, Weat Baden, 34-29.De Von ft Kennedy Trio, Hippodrome, McKces-

port, Pa., 17-22.DeVclde ft Zeldu, Brookalde Park, Athol. Mass..

Vt 22.Dillon ft Moore. Bijou, Racine, Win.. 17-22 1 Ske-

borgan. 24-28.Dixon Bros.. Winona Beach Park, Ray City.

Mich., 17-22; Ramona Park, Grand Haplda. 24-

88.Dlaay. Henry E... ft Co.. Alhambra. K. Y. C,

Dlcnticke Bros., Cicro Bell, Mexico City. Mexico.17-Drc. 30.

Dillon Bros.. Keltu'n. Pblla.. 17-22.Dlette ft Morln. Palace. Boston, 17-22.Downey A Wlllarl, North Ave.. Chicago. 17-32.

Dolan, Roger ft Belle. Sbellpot Park, WllmlngtaD,Del.. 17-22: Atlantic City. N. J.. 24-20.

Doyle ft Granger, Grand. Patton, Pa., 17-22.

Donnegau. Nellie. Kctlh'i. Phlla.. 17-22; LunaPark. Schenectady, K. Y.. 24.30.

Doyle. Patsy, K. ft P.. Jersey City. N. J.. 1722.Drew, Dorothy. Empire, Newcaatle-ou-Tyne. Eng.,

17-22; Empire. South Shields. 24-20: Empire.Edinburgh. Scotland, July 1-0; Hippodrome,Glaagow, 8-13. '

Drew. Mr. ft Mrs. Sidney. Keith's. Phlla., 17-23.

Dresser. Louise. U. H., Cleveland, 17-22.Dunrev. Geo. ft Llbblc, Manlon's Park, St. Louis,

17-23; Lyric. Jonhln. 24-20.Duhcdiu Troupe, Keith's. Phlla.. 17-22.

Duffy. Sawtello ft Duffy, Unique, Minneapolis,17-22;

Dunn ft Glaslcr. Orpbeum. San Fran.. Cal., ld-22;Orphcum. I.w Angclea. 24 -July 0.

Dumont, Daisy, Boomer Park, Moulreal, Can., 17-

22.Du 'Bols. Prof., ft Monkey, Electric Park, Balti-

more, 17 22.Duprea. Fred. Family, Lancaster, ra., 17-22;

Family. Lebanon, 24-28.

i, Jas. It.. Lakenwnt Park, Altooua. Pa.. 17-

Goldsmlth ft Uuppe. Paator's, N. Y. O. 17-22.Gordon ft Chacon, Grind. Tacoma. Wash.. 17-82.(iuodwlu. Susie, Eiirtrlc Park, Excelsior Surlnga,

Mo,, 17-22.Golden, lewis, Flood's Park. Baltimore 17-28.Oolile. Anna II.. Four Mile Creek Park, Eric, ra..

16-33 : Rlveraldo Park. Fludlay. O, 21-28. .

Ooldcn ft Hughes. Sloe's, Kokomo. Ind.. 17 22;Dowllug's. Ixjgxii'uort. 24.20.

Golden, George Poller, Chcs17-r-

Chestnut Street, Phils.,

Ddval. Viola, ft Her Girls. Proctor's. Newark. N.J., 17-22.

Dyilyn, J- Beruanl. People's, Los Angeles, 24-28.Karl ft Wilson. Bell. Oakland. Cal.. 17-82.

Earl ft Bartlett. White City Park, Blnghamtou.N. Y.. 17-32; San Soucl Park, Wllkes-Barrc.Pa 24-29

Eckstein. Wlillc, Union Square. N. Y. 0.. 17-88.Eckert ft Berg. Lakeside Park Casino. Akron, O.,

16,22; X'onr Milt Creek Park. Erie, Pa., 24-88.Eckboff ft Cordon. Mrdfonl, Mass.. 11-22.

KdvUrds A Vangbn. Wick's. Klltauntng. Pa., 17-

33; Star, Pittsburg, 24-28.Edmunds, Joe. Third Ave.. N. Y. a. 17-22.ralmomls ft Haley, Thalia, Chicago, II 22.

Ellsworth ft Burt, Rljou, La Crosse, Wis., 17-22;Majestic. Sioux Lulls, S. D.. 24-29.

Elliott ft West. BIJou. Wheeling. W. Va., 17-22.Emerson ft Horn, Noruaibega Park, Boston, If-

28.:Emmy. Mme.. ft Pets. K. ft P., Jersey City. N.

J.. 17-82.Emerson ft Baldwin, Orpbeum. Loa Angeles, Cal..

17-22.Eauncjt, Eugene, Lyric. Salt Laku City, U., 17-

23; Utaboa. Ogden. 2420.English, Mr. ft Mrs. Harry, ft Co., Pastor's, X.

i. C. 17-22."English Rockers" (Ot. 12.1th Street, N Y. 0..

17-22. •

Enaletou, Nan, ft Co., Uis Angeles, Cal.. 17-22;Ogdcu. Utah. 24-88,

Epps ft Lorctta Troupe, Happylaad, Suulh Beach,8. I., 17-20.

Ernesto. Sisters, Lyceum. Rochester. N. Y., 17-22.

Ernie ft Honeaer, Atlantic Garden. Atlantic City.X. J.. 17-22.

Esmeralda. Keewabdla Park, Port Huron, Mich.,rPw. - - —

Estns.HO.. K. ft P.. Jersey City, N. J„ 17-22.

Evans ft Evans, BIJou. Superior, Wis., 17-22.I'.rers. Geo. w.. Acme. Sacramento, Cal., 24-28-ICyanT/. Bessie. Star. Milwaukee, 10-22,

Evans. Geo.. Music Hall. Brighton Beach, N. Y.,17-22.

Exposition Four, Young's, Atlantic, City, N. J..

17-82.Fantas (3), Lyric, Muskugee. I. T,, 10-22.

Failettu Orchestra. 4j. o. 11.. Pittsburg. 17-22.

l'arlcy, Jamea ft Huaule, Graud. Tacoma, Wash , Hlnman. Capt. Sidney, Htoaplecb17-22: Orpbeum, Seattle, 24-20. Island. X.. V . 17:341.

I'aye, Elsie, ft Blasett ft Miller. 83d Street, N. Y. Hill. Hsnillloii. 1 if oil. Sydney,C„ 17-22,

Kartell. Chas., Howard, Boston, 17-22.

Faolell, Coney Island. Cincinnati. 17-22.

Far,' James, Pastor's, K. Y. C. ,17-22.

l'enton ft Fcnton, Fols Hall, Chicago. 17-32.Fell, Cleonc Pearl, tola, Chicago. 17-22.

PeldBMU ft Bull, Oak Summltt Park, ICvousvllle,

Ibd.,- Iff-22;' Alrdome, Terre Baute, 24-39.Fergusoit-Duproe Co.. Sau Soucl Park, Chicago,

Fetgason ft Mack, Manlon's Park, St. Louis, 10-2-1; Cook's Park, Evausvllle. lud.. 84-20.

Feutelle A Carr, Fairyland Park, Passaic. N. J ,

FerguloJi ft I'assmorc, Ramona Park, GrandRapids. Mich.. 1722; Robinson Park, Ft.Wayne, Ind.. 24-30.

retry, Urtibcum. San Fran.. Cal.. 10-29.Flhucys. The. Orpbeuju. Los Aaf/Mt, Cal., 17-29.Field ft Hanson, O. II., Hartford, Coun.. 17-22;

Proctor's. .Newark, N. J.. 24-88.Fisher. Perlrlns, Bijou, Lansing, Mich... 17-32.

I'lsbtr, Minnie, Illllilde Park, Newark, N. J..

17-22.Flrat. Harry, ft Co.. Family, Lancaster. Pa., 17-

22.Flnlny ft llurke. Music Hall. Brighton Beach, N.

t„ 17-22.Fields, -w. C, Nlxou, Pittsburg, 1728.Fisher ft Berg, Hapnyland Park, South Beach,

statcn Island, N. Y., 17-22.Fllegerald ft Uulnu, Family, Sciuntou, Pa., 17-22.

Fields, Will IL. Avenue. Duquesue, Pa., 17-22.Fiddler ft Sbcltou. Chicago, 17-22.Fields, Florence, lota. (Silcago, 17-22."ITahlog" (Tate's), O. 11., Cleveland, 17-22.l-'lhreuee Sisters Ml, Tournee Sequlun, Rio do

Janeiro, Bratll, S A.. 17-July 15.

Fiona* 'Fatally, W. Y. Roof Gurdou, N. Y. O,17-Juiy 0.

Flyiiii. Karl. Majestic. Sioux Falls, 8. 1»., 17-22.Fox. Will II.. Chestnut Street, Pblla.. 17-22.1'oids (4). Orpbeniu, Los Angeles, Cat., 17-22.Forttk, Famous, Grm, Monougabela, l'a., 17-22;

Star, Jeanetle, 8-1-29.

Fostellt- ft Emux-'it. Palace. Boston, 17-22.Fox ft Du Ball, West End Park, New Orleans, 10-28~

Fox ft Carber, Port Arthur, Cau., 17-22; Ft.Williams. 2428.

Foster ft Lucille, Auditorium. Norfolk. Va„ 17

22. . • .


Gohlons. Rounding. Shea's. Buffalo. 17-88. '

Gas*. John. Orpbeti'ti. Sidney, o., 17-33.Gray ft Graham. Psrk. Roauoke, Vs.. 17-July 13.Grenadiers. Stunning. Keith's. Columbus, O., IT-

33.Graces (31. White City Park. Worcester, Mats.,

17-33; Pequot Park. WestBeld. 34-28.Graham ft Campbell. Hullywood Park. Balttmnre,


Grose, Russell, Uulqne, Minneapolis, 17-23.Gray's Marionettes, Lakevlew Park, Mlddletown.

Coon., 17-23; Lake Oompooce, Southbigtoa, 21-30.

Grant, Sidney. Nlxou. Pittsburg. 17-33; EuclidAvenue. Cleveland. 24-38.

Graham. Billy, Windsor, St. Paul. Minn., 17-33.Guise, Johnny. Alvnrado. Day City. Mich.. 17-22;

Alpheaa, 2429.Gayer ft Crispl, Keith's. Phlla.. 17-22.Hilars, Lola, Wuoderlaud. Revere Beach, Mais.,

17-July 31.Hart, Kittle. Sbellpot Park. Wilmington, Del., 17-

22.Hampton ft Itaauiann, Deutsche*, Mlucbew, tH-t..

17-30.H«Ii> ft llarty. Krenehe's. Qanlrr. 111.. 17-23.Hathaway ft Slegul, Norumbega Park, Boston. 17-aa

Uarnoj. Hen, Saiuly Beaeb I'arka Ogdeusbtirg. N.K 1733.Ilaxard, Grace. Cbestuut Street, Phils.. 17-83.llartMcii ft Harris. Pastor's, N. Y. C. 1788.Hav. Unlcyclc, ft Bro„ Park, Wheeling, W. Vs..

17-33.Ilarlaud ft Itolllusou. Family. Fargo, N. D . 1782.llanvvy, Lcnora. Crystal. Frankfort, Ind., 17 22.Hays. Ed. C„ Farra. Toledo, (>., 10-22: Casino

Island Park, Kaston. Pa.. 23-38.liaynes. AL, Mayer's Lake, Caatou, O . 17-28.llarcourt. Frank, Mission. San Fran.. Cal., 17-22.Harrison ft law. BIJou, Cantou. O . 17-32.Hale ft Cotbtu. Hsndcrsou's, Coney Island. N. V.,

17-83.Haskell. Loiivy, 12.1th Street, N. Y. C. 17-22..Uarney ft Haines. Sandy Beach aPrk, Ogdeius-

burg. N. Y., 17-82; Summltt Lake. Utlca, St<Ml

Hayes ft Johnson. Orpbeum, San Fran., Cal., US-"


layman ft Franklin, Pavilion, London, Lug,, 17-July 21.

Harrison. Im I'.. l'atlllnn, Little Current, Can,,1738; Gore Bay. 34 20.

Halm's Sister* North A to,, Cblcsgo. 17-22.Hawley,. K Frederic, ft Co.. Orpheiiiu, San gran.,

Col.. 10-28; law Angeles, 21 -July 0.Hawthorne ft Hurt. Savvy. Atlantic City. N. J.,

Ilawloy'ft Olcott. So toy. Atlunllc City. N. J., 17-82. .

Harris. Cbas.. Pantile. Scranton. Pa.. 17-22.llarcourt. Dally, Palace. lamUon, Eng.. July 1-

Aug. 10.

Harvey. Elsie, ft I'lcIU Urol.. Klectrlc Park. Al-bany. N. Y„ 17-23

Harrington, Oan J.. Glen Uavcu Park. Rochester,N. *.. 17-*1, .

Uaiallton. Connie, Atlantic Garden, N. Y. C,1732.

llealeys. The. Keith's. Bosom, 17-22.Helm Children, Manion's Park. St. I/vuls, 17-22.Henry. ClaptT Oraml, Pottlsnd. Ore., 17-22.Hey wood, Great. Cascade Park, New Castle, I'*..

17-22.llesrn. Tom. Young's Pier, Atlantic City. N. J.,

17 28; Keith's, Fblla.. 2438.Herbert, Hon*. Island I'ark, Ssudusky. Ps„ IT*

32; Wnodlyn Parif. Camden. N. J„ 34-8B.Herbert's Song Bl.'ils. Lyceum, Rochester, N. \'„


Hewlettcs, The. Coetir d'Alone. Spokane, Wash..I7-Aug. 11,

Henry ft Young. Sbellpot Park. Wilmington,- Del.,17-80.

Henry ft Voting, Wotiipot Park, Wllmingtou, Del.

Hill. Cherry ft Hill, Woodlawn Park. AHbland.fa.. 17-22; Lyceum, Iknver Falls. 24-29.

'as* Park. Coney

Australia. 17-

Foslttr ft Hamilton. Lyric. Uileaao, 17*«._ Ti.-i"1'roslo. Stur. Devil's Lake. N U.. 17-22; Audi- »„',/.,„,',

July Hi.Hills (3). Meyer's Lake, teuton. O.. 17-22.Highland Pipers i7). urpbeum. Loa Angelas,

BE, 17-22.,,HUliert A Wgrrvu, Pnaitor's. Newark, N. J.. 17-

82.Ilobaaii. Harry, t Co.. 0. H„ Traverse .City,

Midi., 17-88Holmes ft Waldon, Park. Wbwllng. W. Va.,

10-2; Pavilion, riu Bols, l'a 2120.Uvlueu Bros., Vanity. Fair Park, Pnivldeuee, R.

I.. 17-22.Hocb-Cmll, ft Co.. Ornlieuw, San. I'rau., CaL.

23-July ft i

Ihiwlsou. Chat., Union Stiuarii, N. Y. C. 1722.llolinin. Al, V... ft Mantle, Omsk. Siberia. Rus-

sia. 17 July ;;i.

lluitdlul. Harry. Union Square. N. Y. C. 1722.I Ionic;,. Geo..: Atluntlc (Jatllena, Atlantic Clly,

Holt, .lames, t.'Ollios' arileus, Columbus, O., 17-

83.Ilowunl ft Llinlvr. Gleu liavcu Park, Rochcstsr,

N. Y„ 17-88.Howard ft Lewis, helm's Pblla.. 17 23.Howard, Chas.. . Keith's, 'Uduuibu*, O. 17-22.lioldeu ft Salisbury ft Troubadours, Ucuiirraoa'*,Coney Island, N. Y.. 17-32.

Hoffman, LltUau, Hillside Park. Newark, N. J.,17-28. •

lliilconili, Curtis ft Cu„ 18atli Street, N. Y C,17-22,

Horlou ft La Trlska, Kontuliic 1'orry Park, tsiiUs-

vllle. Ky.. 17-82: East End Psrk, Mcinpljls.Tenn., 3I-38.

Howard, Harry ft Mas. BIJou. Batiks Creek,Aileh., 17-22. . •

Hosard ft Blapd, Fontaine Ferry Park, Inula-fill*, 17-22.-

Hmvanl ft North, Music Hall. Brighton Bi»cb.N. Y.. 17-32..

Huglies Musical Trio. IlublpMin Park. Ft. Wayua,Ind., 17-22; Spring Hruok Casluo, South Baud,2129, '

~*Hughes ft UmMu, Luus I'ark, ttuffalu, N. i'.,

17-28.Huston. Arthur, Electric Park, Albany, N. Y..

17 22. .

Hurleys, Thr, Lakeiuont I'ark, Allooos, l'a, 17-22.

Ilneliu, Musical, Upward, Boston. 17-22.Hncel Bros., Klwtrti: Park. Kanras Oily. Mo..

lorium, Cruoktoii, Mlou., 84-29.Frater (,'l), Medfonl. Mass., 17-22.I'rsicr Trio, BIJou, Duluth. Minn., 17-22.

Frederick. Prcxfblc; -BIJou. Uolutli, Miun,. 17-22.

Fredo'ft Dare, Unkiu Square. N. Y. c, 34-29.Gardoer t'A.. Star, Monessen. Pa., 17-22.

Gaston ft Green, li. ft P.. Jersey City, N. J:, 17-

22.'Galley. Mme. Cell*. N. Y. Roof Gardes, N. Y.a. 17-22.

Gale. Turn. Fol* Hall. Chicago. 17-22.Garden City Quartette. Crystal. Milwaukee, 17-

22: Olympic. Chicago. 24-20.Garden ft' Summers, Psrk, Buyontiv, N. J., 17-22.

Garrlly. Harry. A Co., BIJou, Marinette, Wis.,



Gayety Fvnr, Medfonl. Mass.. 17-22.Gaylor'. ft Gran*. Montmorency Falls Park, Que-

bec, Can., 17 22.Gaylor. Bonnie. Wluona Beach, Bay City, Mlcb.,

J7-32: niveralde, Saginaw. 34.28.Gabriel, Muter, ft Co., Atlantic Garden, Atlantic

Olty, N. J.. 17-22.GartOntr Children (3); Keith's. Pblla., 24-28.pardper-ft HtodilarJ. Keith's, Uuluinluis, ()., 17-

H: Klwtrlc Park, Balllmorc, 24-28.GtlitKioGltlsy Nlxou, Plttabtrrg. n-22.Gilbert. Vesta. Palace. Boston. 17-22.Gill. Aker, 1

Lebanon. Pa.. 17-22.U11l4.li. Tom. Grind, Belllngham, Wash., 17-22;

Grand, Vancouver, B. C, 24-29.Glrdeller's Dogs, Family. Fargo. N. D.. 17-22.Gtldefi Slaters. Atlantic Garden, Atlantic Clly.

N. J., 17-22.Gllroy. Hayocs ft Montgomery, 1'ouialin- Ferry

Park, is.nlsvl'1... Ky., 10-22; East End, Mem-phis,- Tan o., 21-28.

Ollcli. Anuu. Grand, Tunic Creek, Pa., 17-22:ilrk-nul. Butler. 31-20.

UHlliigwaicr. CUiiue, ft Co., Keith's. Pblla.. IV-22. 1

ilsiiaodo. Phil.. .'Id Are., N. V, if.. 17-23.Girl Behind tin- Drum, lugersoll Park. Dca

Moines, 1*., 17-22Gladys, Baby, Kan Soucl Park. Chicago. 17-22.Gleriroy ft'ltHStvil.. Keexrbadln Park. Port Huron,

Mich.. 24-20.Goforfh ft Doyle, Avon Park, Yonngstown, ft,' 17-


Huntings (41, Shea's, Utifralo. 17-22.Hutclilsou, Al. F... Pictorial, Bridgeport. *»».,July 10.

HiilctiliiMoiis Gi). Uronu's, WapaknusU, 0„ J7-23 ; lairralne 2338.

Humes ft WwIm. Park. Rutluml. Vt.. 17-28',

Dowry. MontpeJIer. 34-29.Hyde. Sir ft Mrs. Itobt., Island Park, EtsCoa,

Pa.. 17-23."Immeusaiihjotti*," Ileadersiin's, Coney Island, N.

Y.. 24!I8.International Four, Driving Park, Keeue, N. R-,

liiiiesa A Kyau. Alamo Park, <>ilur llapids. Is.,

10-22: Majeallc I'urk. La Sslle, III., 24-29.Irwin, Jack. Pastor'*. N. Y. C, 1722; Young's,

Atlaulle Clly. N. J.. 2-1 20,Jaaies. Daisy, X. X- sfxtf Garden, N. Y. C , 17-

Janus A Parker, Cooper's. Mt, Vernon, ft, 17-82.Janls, Elsie, CJknluut Strcel. Phlla.. 17-32.

lacksou. Harry ft Kate. K. ft. P.. Jeraev City, N.J., IT-'JlT Ywlb' Street, X. V. C„ 24-20.

laeksun Family,- Fount Park. St. Louis, 17-88.Jerome, Nat Hi, Coney Island. Cincinnati. 10-22;

liluwalbla Park. Mt. Vernon. 23-29.Jewell's Manikins, New York Hoof Gankji. V. t.

Jennings ft Hspfrsw, Grand, Uuallngtoa. Ind,,17-22.

Jones ft Raymoinl, Olympic. South Bend, Int.,17-32.

Johnson ft Dean. Yanl'i, Moscow. Iluasla. 17-30;Go Budavara. Undspsst, Gyr.. July 1-80.

Johnson ft Mack. Bijou. Norfolk, va.. 17-32.

JnlinsUxi, ClKster. Luna Por, Jobustowti, Fa.,1722.

Johns. Johnny, KhsI bud Park, MemphN, jean,,17-22.

Joly. Eugene. Keith's. Phil*., 17-22.

Jolly ft Wild, Family, Livingston. Mou.. 34-29.Jones ft Law. Faiiilly. Wllllauspvrl. Pa.. 17-22.Jonci, Jimmy . Hl>ai, Katui»«»», Mlcb.. 17-23.Kates Bros., East- Cud Park. Memphis. Teou., 1«-

22.Kamo's f>,i.nv,a ikaneUy. New York uVaif GaWlaa.

N. V. 0„ 17-22. ' •


Kane. Morris. Oriental. Butler, Pa, 17-33; MLPleasant. 24-20. •

Kaufman Sister*. Manlon's Park, St. LnuU, M-22.

4$6 THE NEW YOEK CHE-PF-EB. June 22.

Kmfinan. Minnie, Fontaine I'm/ Hark, I.ouli-

Tlllc. 17-21!.

Kaiifman Bros.. 0. 0. 11., Pittsburg, 17 22; Park,Johnstown, 24-20.

Kuliiilsky Bros.. Atlnntlc Harden, N. Y. 0., 17*22.

Katies (4). Olentangy Park. Columbus, O., 17-22;Lakeside Casino, Akron, 24-211.

KiTW, Juggling, Mnjcnllc, Cedur I'oint, Sandusky,(I.. 17-22. >'

Keller * Foul's Arnlw, Family. Wllllannport, P».,17-22.

Kcrgntt & Mnrl;, Atlantic Burden, Atlantic City.

K. .1., 17-22.Kennedy, Mi'tuptiln. Kmplre, Ht. Paul, Minn., 17-

' Kelnj & I.clghtnii, Park, Kant Liverpool, 0., 17-

22; Form, Toledo, 24-21).

Kchtml, Dorothy, Temple. I)elrnlt. 24-21).

Keeley Bros., Pork, Family, Johnstown, Pa., 17-

22; Lyceum, Deliver Falls. 24-20.Kcil.-r Troupe, Savoy, Atlantic t'liy, N. ,1., 17-22.Kelly A Vlok'llo. Farm, Toledo, (».. 17-22.Kelly. Waller, Sun Souol I'ork, Chicago, 17-22.Kelly i Kelsy. Kmcrsnn's. I'udnciih, Ky., 17-22.Kemps. 'I'll.-, Keith'*, Boston, 17-22.Kiiiiji.lv a; Qiiiiiitrclll, Hillside Park, Newark, N.J„ 17-22.

Kennedy A: Wllkem, Park l-'nmlly, Johnstown,I'll., 17-22; Umpire, Hoover Falls, 24-2M.

Kennedy At Lung, Purl:. Wind tlap, Pa., 17-23.Mm;. Harrison, Wliiilwir. St. Piml, Minn., 17-22.Kilters Moulin, I.i-m. Orphi'iiin, l/is Angeles, Cal.,

HV22.Kim H1111711I Japs. Albomlirn, N. Y. 0.. 17-22.Klernmi. J. A., & Co., K, lit P., Jersey City, N.

J.. J7-22.Kimball Bros., Henderson's, Coney lalnnd. N. Y.,

1722.Klein, (lit Hnis.. ft Nicholson, Myer's Lake, Can-

iim, (>.. 1(1-22; Folrvlew Park. Dnytou, 24-21).

Knowles. Marry, Nuveliy, Sail Jose, Ool., 17-22;i'euple's, l.na Angeles, 21*20.

Knlghi Bros, (t Siiwlello, Keith's, Columbus, O.,17-22.

Ko|ieluliil & Tlicinnr, (linlul, Hiimllton, ()., 17-22;I'lillllit's, ItlehiiKiuil, lint.. 24-211.

i.i.iil, tins ,V Miirlnn, llinilley'H, lilulrsvllle, Pa.,17-22; Fiinilly, Krle, 21211,

K.j|i|n-, All-dome. ,\ illume, I)., 17-22; (iruinl, 1'nlr-

moiiiit, \V. Vn., 24-211.

Holder A- Mnrl Ilruml, Neiv|n,n, Ky., 17-22;lillewlhl Pnrk. Newark. 11., 2;i-2tt.

iMi-hire, Mlllllllll'S I'llll:. Ml. I.llllls, 17-22.Kramer At Hollcliilr, iMniulin- Kerry Pnrk, I.onls-

villi-, in., IRI'Jtl.

J. ni-1 1 Ifii-r-i- A lim:*, F.lllc, Hi ii k Inland, III., 17-rJO

l.i"Tr,iir, Irene. A Dog, I -una Park, Coney Island,

N. V.. 17 2ti.

J ,ii ('tall- it West, Ocean Pier, Sen Isle City, N. J.,

1722.I.ir.u Qiiliilelte, Ingerwill Pink, Ren Moines, la.,

17 22.Lawrence A Sylvester. ltyi> lli'iiell, Itye. N. Y.,

17 22. Hanover Pnrk, Merhlcn, Conn., 24-20.I .a Ailrllll, Mll.lesllr I'nrk, l.ll Salle. III., 17-22.I.n Item,, An. Al Fresisi Pnrk, Penrln. III., 17-21).

La Noli' Hi in., Soolely Circus, I.ynu, Mush., 17-22.I.iiiig.loiis, The, MIJiiii, Wheeling, IV. Vn,, 17-22.I.illicuslcr. 'I'iiiii, I..vile. I'liraullS, KtlllS., 111-22;

l.yrle, ft, Win-Ill. Tex.. 2:1-20.

I.iltell, F.ilwlll, I ,.V Ill, Itiielieslei', N. Y., 1722;llrlliiiiulii iiiilluy, (illtiwii, Cult., 24211,

I.n Muni, mile, sun-, riiii.lii.lin. Minn., 17211.,I.ahiikiins, I.iikeslile park, Term Haute, Inil., 17-

I.n r I;e A Ailiimn, Aililllnrlum, Norfolk, Vn., 17-July HO.

In llilli-. I'll II I ll a lie, (Iriltld. I'n!. nil. iH'ii, Ph., 17-

22 ; Vei-lmek'a, 1)11 City, 24-211.

I -nk. .la. Harry, t'linlim, WimliliiKlmi. Pn., 17-22;Swlsliei-'x, .Moriniulown, VI. Vn.. 24-211.

i.n Verne, j-'liirn, tlrtiml, lliiiniiiimd, Iml.. 17-22.l.iiM'nlli-a, The, lltjiiu. Niirndk. Vn., 17-22.

In IIcIIch. The, i'i-iii'Imi-'h. Newark, N. J., 17-22.liiiiireut, riiesnn- Pnrk. llliieluiiull, 17-22.I.invi-eiiee. Al., Norton ilrnvc Purk, S|irlnj(Oelil,

II., 17-22.I.lilie. 'I'.illl. Shelliml I'm i It. WllllilllKliin, Del., 17-

l.inicii Ilnrilli-, l.nkevlew Park, Term llnule,

Ind., 17 22: lliaik'a Pnrk. KviiuaTllle, 24-211.

I.nwreiiee, lien. New KeiiHhiKtnn, I'll., 17-22.I.n Hello. W'lillv t.'lty, IndlaiiiiiiidlH, Iml., 17-20.I.n Tell Urns. Unloii l.nke, Mlllvllle, N. ,1., 17-22;

Kli-i-|iliM'liiiHe Pier, Atlaiille tllty, 24-20.I.eiiroii Trio. Knlimor Park. Mnnlreal, ran.. 17-22.

I ,i-i mini, (Irniv, Yiiiiuk'k, Allmillc Olty, N. J.. 17-

Leiiki'll, IHi-lt, l.inin Park, lliirTnlo. 17-22.I.i> Dent, ureal, Victoria, N. Y. (!., 17-22.I.i.iliaril A l'hllll|ia, lulu. I'llleilKO, 17-22.I e.iiiiiril A lliiali-do. Idullo, Klinlrn, N, Y„ 17-22.I.eiiiiiiii. IlcrlK-rt Hen, Klwlrle Pnrk, Albany, N.

V., 1722.I.e (lii'/ii. Hehliiiller'a. (llilmiKO. 17-22.las-. Irene, N'lxnn. I'lllslnna.'. 17-22.I.enim- A Hi. (ilnlre, Pnrk, I'limlly, JoluiHtown,

I'll.. 17-22.I.e limy, liiillie. While City, imlikosli. Wis,, 17-20.I.isinni-il A Tlionilon, I.mm Park, Jnlinatowa, Pu.,

17-22.I.e Ihilnllin Hiiiirv. Allniillc (Inrden, Atloutlc City,

N. .1., 17-211.

I.isniiii-il A I.esier. (Inrrlik. Wllnihielon, Del.. 17-

22; I. Ui'n. I'hlhi., 24-20.I ni'il-A I'liilllps, li.ln. Chlcaiin, 17-22; North

Avenue. Clilinmi. 24-20.lass Henry, t). II., Cleveland. 17-22.I.cluli, I. Isle. A Co., 2:1,1 Street, N. Y. 0., 17-22.I.eliniiiiin, Jim., A Co., HIJoii. Huttle Creek, Mich.,

17-22; ItlJ.in. .Ineksini. 24-211.

I.emy A Winalrtird, SlieaV. lliirTnlo. 17-22.

Leslie A Wllllnnin, llmviiul's, Chicago, 10-22;Tl'lll'lldcm, I'llleilKO. 2:1-211.

I.p Wilt A Aahmnre. Kleclrle Park, KscclalorSnrlmra. Mo., 2;i2ll,

Louis A llurr. Mevers l.nke. Clinton, 0., 24-20.

Levy. Mm, JiiIch. A I'miilly, Vim neimaelacr ParkTiii.v, N. Y.. 17-22.

Levy, Hen. Knloii Ht|iinre, K. Y. 0., 17-22.Lewis A Clmnlu, I'nrli, I'urla, 111.. 17-22.l.-iinilis A LemulcN, <)r|ililutn, HprhiKtleld, ()., 17-

22,Little Unsatnn Prince, Ulectrlc Park, Baltimore,

17 22.

I.lllle Irene, Hiihiue, MhineniHiltn, 1722.I.llislir. TamlHirlea Hnml, Norlh Ave., cIiIciiko, 17-

LinJ.' c.iok II. II., lloeliCHler. N. I., 17 22.Uekhnrl Slalom, IIIJ011, Miirlnellc, Wla., 17-22.Lniiii-i. Ceii.llii. Keith's, i'hlhi., 17-22.i.oienzi', .liieli, Kcllh'H. IIohIoii. 17-22,l.iieiitlns. The, Sl-tlh Sins.t. Ikinlioctini, ().. 17-22.Line A l.uiv, (Kvnii View t'ualnu, Norfolk, Vs.,

I7-22.I. liens, IM. A lintel. Timlin. cIiIoiiko. 17-22.lamas. Jliiimle, liit-ermill Pnrk, Di-s Mnlnes, la.,

17-22.I.vdln A- AllilllO, Weiiilel-lniiil. .Mllilie:i|nil|s, Minn,,

17 22; lliiuhtu'a Polnl, Tiiroiiln, Ciiii., 24-211.

Mnriliiellle A Sylvester, Teui|ile, llelrolt, 17-22..Miiitlii lii.iH,. 2;id Stnvt, N. Y. 0., 17-22.Mnekln A linn. Acute. Norfolk. Vn.. 17-22.Mann. Dniiiiy, A i\i„ (). II.. Kent, 0„ 2il-20.

Mnrl I nor.. The. liriinil, llmiillloii, U., 17-22;liroa.Hviiv. Mhlllelown. 24-20.

Mnrihi 'I'lln, hllou'lhl Pnrk, Itlchiiiond, Vn.. 17-

22 : l-'oiir Mile i>iid; Park, Krle, Pa., 2M-20.Ma. I. A HilKiil, I'IiIiiik.i, 17-22,

Minns-, Hester, Cnloo Si|iinie. N, Y. 0., 17-22.Mtivollo. Iirenmhiuil, llleun. N. Y.. 17-22.Minks (2), nriilieii'ii, Hoitiiin, 11., 17-22; Cuslno,

Wnallllieloll, Pn., 24-211.

Mn. -it, Turn, Celeron I'nrk, J unrestown, N. Y., 17-•ei

Mtniii Mary, Oi|ihi'iiin, N|irhiRnotil. ()., 1722.MiiitcIii A Woillt'e, Vi mini's Pier, Allniillc l.'lly,

N. .1.. MI-22; (Hymiili! Pnrk. Newark. 24-20.M11iT.n1 A Mmroll, A. A S., Iloslon, 17-22.Mtirshntl, Ih'rl. Colllim' (liirdena, tAilunilnis, 0.,

17-22.Miisiin A llornti, rlheeily'H, Vn 1 1 Hlvrr, Mana.,

17-22.Mitin'lT's Mnrloueltca, Paator'a, N. Y. O., 17-22.Mill-Inn a Pctirl, ll.iel; S|irlnira Park, I'nst Llvcr-

IKh.iI, 11.. 17 22; l-'iii'in, Tnlislo, 2:1-211.

M11I11 . Afc-nos, A l.\i„ Snlimer Purk, Miinlretil,

C1111., 17-22.Miiihi. Herucr A Mnrlo, Allniitlc tlnnlen, Atlantic

I'ltv, N. J,, 17-22.Mnylicw. Mlelfil, 2:hl Slreel. N. Y. C„ 17-22.Mnimileiii A llitrrey, Ltiillnw I.iikihiii. I'liieliinntl.

Masnl A Ilitrl. Lyecuni. Itoehcaler, N. Y., 17-22.Mnrlowe I'lnnkell A- l\i. . I.iikeslile I'nrk, Ctililou,

Ai.i'.in, ii,, 17-22: M.ver'H l.nke Purk, Cnuton,21-211.

Mitch, Clnis,. A Co.. Shea's, HiiITiiI.i 1722.Mnl I 'run I;. i:ni|ilre, SI. I'uiil, Minn,, IV 22.MiiNsiniih Dim, HiiUTird. lloaluii, 17-22..Ma.-k, VVIIhiir. A Co.. I'metor'a, Newark, N. J.,

17 22.Mil. I. Dlek. Slur. I^.nlvllle. Col.. 17-22: llljmi,

Lincoln, Noli., 21 211.

Mns.ey A l< ranter, cryalnl. Mnrlnn, Iml., 17-22.Mari'ln. I'rvsini, t'hlcnito. 17-22.>l»i'iiir|.i.r, Lulu, Star. Alimnin, Pn., 17 22,Macl-'urliniil A Hie Huh- Slstem, Cryatal, <l|ili>ai|ii.

II 22.McSorley ,\- Ulenniire, Cnmr d'Alene, 8|Hikune,

WukIi.. I7-.'IH.

McDinvell. .I..|m A Alice, Pnrk. Atlanta, tin., 17-

22; llli'liinnud, 21 20.

McKnlght, Owen. 3d Are., N. Y. 0.. 17-22.Mi'Kw It Van, Crookainn, N. D., 17-22; Bljon,


Wlnnrr-ett, Carl., 24-20.McClellan, .lames, Bljon, Dultith, Minn., 17-22.McKenitlc A Shannon, Cook 0. II., Roclieater, N.

Y., 17-22.McOee A Colllnn, Hannibal. Mo., 17-20.MoAlllHter, Paul, ft <!o., 12Tith HI., N. Y. C. 17-

22.McClellan Slatern, San Soncl Park, Chicago, 17-22.McKlnley, Malwl, Knat End Purk, MenipkTa, Tenn..IMS.

McCnne A Orant, Lyric, Onlvealim, T«., 16-22;Lyric. San Antonio, 2:1 211.

Medallion lino, Orphenin. Springfield. O., 17-22.Melvms 14), Kclih'n. Bonton, 17-22.

Merrill. Frank It., Howard/ Hnntlsgton, W. Va.,17-22.

Meeiton. Tliomna, A Co., Cryatal, St. Joaepb, Mo.,17-22.

Melvln's Anlmbla. IIIJ011, Knlamncoo. Mich., 17-22.Melville & HlkKlna.Proetor'a, Newark, N. J., 17-

M.-xl.-nn Trio, Schlndler'a, tnilcano. 17-22.

Melrose Slaters, HI11I10, lOlmlrri. N. Y.. 17-22.

Mereltl Titmiie, CsiU 11. II., Rochealer, N. Y,,

17-22.Mimic Four. The. Mill street, N. Y, C 17-22.M Uintah Trio, flliiimdmiue, Muneliealer, Klig., 17-

2.'S: Kiuplre, lllaagow. Scotland, 24-20,Miller, Carrie Helle, Mcjer's Lake Park, Canton,

0.. 10 -22.

Miller. Kll/.nhclh, (imlfmy's, (Iruud Itaplda, Mich.,17-22.

Mllninr llroa., Klwnoil, Ind., 17-22.Mlleliell A Hrnwiilng, Oriiheiim, Newark, O., 17-

22.Military Octette, Henilermn'a, Coney Inland, N.Y„ 17-22.

Miles A Rnyniouil. Glen Haven Park, Rorfunter,N. Y., 17-22.

Slllla A Morrla, Lyceum, Rochealer, N. Y., 17-

22.Mori. nis (4). 11. II., Cleveland, 17-22.Morton, Fred W., Avon Park, Youngttown, O., 17-

Morton, Phil., Star, Snlem, Maa>., 17-22; Co-tnlqiie. New Beilford, 24-20.

MorMand, Alice, A Co., Unique, Mlonropolla, 17-

22.Jlorimi, ,1 nines J., Orphenin, Los Angeles, Cal.,

17-22.Mooney A Holbein, Plnying Halls, London, F.ug.,

17 Ji.lv ill.

Morris. Joe, Youiig'H Pier, Atlantic City, N. J.,17-22.

Monlrnse A Richards. Atlantic City, N. J.. 17-22.Moioitirl. La, Touring India A China. 17-.liily 21.M.m & Goodrich, Broadway, N. Y. a, 17-20.Moulin-, Houghton A Mother, Oriibeum, Bosluu,

17-22.Murcfie Blntern, Weber'n Purk, Bnltlroore, 17 22;

lliirTiinin House, llnltlnioru, 24-20.Morris A Morrln, Anlmry Park, N, J., 17-22;

HrlKbloii Uench, N. Y„ 24 20.Morris. Billy, Ludlow I.ukooii, fliirlnnail, 17-22.Moore A i.lttleiieid, Lyceum, Rochester, N, Y., 17-

22."MnlnrltiK." Alhnmhra, N. Y. C. 17-22.Morn, silent. 11. o. II.. Illrlchvllle, <)., 17-22.Morse, Bon, Ltikemont Park, Alloioa, Pa., 17-22.Motor Olrls 1:11. Park, JolniHlown, I'n.. 17-22.Mullery. Maud, Fola'n, Chicago, 17-22.Muakelcem (.'!), 'llilnl Avenue. N. Y. O., 17-22.Murphy A Tolly, Ciiinherlnnd, Mil.. 17-22; Blulrs-

vllle, Pa., 24-20.Murphy A Andrews, Avon Park. Ynnngatown, O.,

17-22; Park BlnKhnmlou, N. V.. 24-20.Miiriny, Clnytou A inew, Purk, Cuimleii, N. ].,

17-22: I'eiiifnl Pnrk, Allenlowii, Pa. , 24-20.MiiIIIcii Bros., rirenmlanil, D11 Mils, Pa., 17-22.Mullen A Curelll, Mislford, Mass., 17-22.Niivnssnr Bund, Ontario Reach Purk, llockealer,

K. V.. 17-22.Nell A Chiiiunaii, Sheti'n, IlurTiiln, 17-22.Newman, Hurry, Wasnon'n Purk, Joiilhi, Mo., 2:1

20. .

Newell A NII1I0, I'.li.lrle Park, Kxcelilor Springs,,Mo., 10-22.

Nccdhuni A Wmnl, Auditorium, Wsterliury, Conn ,

17-22.Nlemeyer A flikdl, Bl>m, Orera Bay, Wla., 10-22.Norton A Itusaell. Fnrin. Toletlo, (I.. 17-22.Nohlelte A Miirshull. Harlem Park, Itockford.

III., 21 211.

Norlott, Nisi. HIJ.ni. Film, Mich.. 17-22.Norrln, Wesley, A Co., A. A s., BohIoii, 17-22.Nlijii'lH, J. C, A Oil., Keith's. t:nli:oilil|s, 0., 24-

Nye, Neil, BStli Street. N. V C. 17-22.o'Conncll ft Hold Family, Miles City, Mont.,

111 22; Novelty, Denver, 24-20.

O'lJay. Hilly, Park, Wheeling. W. Vs., 17-22.O'llnru A Walaon. Irontoii, 0., 17-22; Ornhluin,

I'orlamoiith. 24-20.H'Kiils- ,lup Troupe, Snhmer Park, Montreal, Can.,

17-22.Olyiupln Qiittrtetle. Nixon, Plltshuag, 17-22;

Undid Avenue, Cleveland, 24-20.nllveirn Trio. I.111111 Pork. ItnrTulo. N; v.. 17-22.nllv.iill Troiiliailoiim, Ramoun Park, Hruiiil Itnphla,

Mich., 17-22.iint-i Family, Soltitier Park, Montreal, Can., 17-22.il'.Noll'H Minstrels. Tnpcka. Kim., 17-22; I.euveii-

worth, 24-20,O'Neill. J. II., A Co.. Crystal. Flw.ssl. Iod„ 20-

22: People's. Bliiirton, 24-2U: lluclienler, 27-20.11'Nell, Tniii. Olympic. Relliilre, ().. 17-22; Nu-

llontil Sleulienvllle, 24-20.O'Nell, Polly. F.miilre. St. Pnul, Minn.. 17-22.Uriel In A Toylur. I.ufuyette, Buffalo, N. Y.. 17-20.Oslsirue, fhni le.s II., Hiawatha Park, Ml. Vernon,

0.. 111-22.

ovei'lug Trio. Wllkea-Ilurre, Pa., .17-22.timvs. The, iigilcn, Utah, 17-22; Novelty, Denver,2420.

Patrick A Wcslhrook, Proctor's, Newark, N. J.,17-22: Prorlor's, Trov, N. Y., 24-20.

Pnrker Urns., Cakforil Park, Creenaliurg, Pa., 17-

I'nyiiiu A Stanley, Suldnilla Pnrk, Taunton, Mobs.,24-20.

Panliur. Willy. Trio. Victoria, N. Y, C, 17-22.I'uscuiel, Medford, Mass,, 17-22.Pan-Mit-La Trio. A. A s.. Boaton, 17-22.Pnullitettl A Plt|tio. Alhambru, Florence, Italy, 17-

110; Teniro del Llllu, Venice, July l in ; TeatruVerdi, iiraiia. in -:»i.

Peraoul, Cninllle, Mnjcntlc. Slout Falls, 8. D.,17 22; 1llji.il, Lit Crosse, Wis.. 24-211.

Peru A Wilson, Steeplechase. Pier, Atlantic City,N. J„ 17-22.

Peyser A McDonald, Atlantic City, N. J.. 17-22.Pctullotnns. The, Novelty, Denver, 17-22.Perrlu A Crosby, Bljon, Kiiliiiimmo. Mich., 17-22.1'clctilng Bros., Hunk Springs Park, F.ttat Liver-

pool, Dm 17-22.Perrlnn, The, New Kensington, Pn., 2D-22 ; Orand,

lliillieslenll, 24-211.

Pelol, Fnsl A Auiile, West Knd Park, New Or-Ictiiis. 17-22.

Pepper Twins, Martinsville. Intl.. 17-22.I'clers. I'lill A Nellie, Kleclrle Park, Bulllutore,

17-22; Keltli's, Pblla.. 24-211.

Perry A Alei'la, O. II.. Wayncautirg, Pa., 24-20.Perry, Frank L., Clly 0. II., Traverse City, Mich.,

17-22; tiislfroy'H Pavilion, Orand llsplds, 24-21).24-21).

Pliiui't. I'tiiilii, Lima Park, llulfnlo, 17-22."Pliiuophlemls," The, Keith's, Cleveland, 17 22;

II. O. II.. Pltlnhurg. 24-21).

Finite. Hen. I... Kccne Park. Keene, N. 11., 17-22.Fiine. J. ('.. A Dog, II. O. II., Anderson, Ind., 17-

Piiwers, Kd., Wludsnr, St. Paul. Minn., 17-20.Pruiullove, Jiiines I)., Itlnlto, ICInilrti, N. Y„ 17-


Price Sisters, Avenue, Diiqncsne, Pn., 17-22.Primrose, tlcu. II., A Co., Cook I). II., Rochester,

N. Y,, 17-22.I'n nrs, The. Unique, F.bii (,'lnlre, Wis., 17-22;

Pulque, Minneapolis, 24-20,PmluiHcil, Hi mnl. Irwlll, Pn., 17 22; Bljon, Al-

liance. I),, 24-20.Ptilleii, Harry Luelln, Sanalogu Park, PiiIIsiowii,

Pn., 17-2'J; M Hnlii Pnrk, Wind Hap. 24-21).

Qttnker City Qiuirlelte, Nnriimlsign Pnrk, Boston,

"QiilnJi'llr," The, Mnjeallc, l>es Mollies, ln„ 17-

Qtilgg. Mtiekey A Nlckerson, Fust Knd Park, Mem-phis, 'I fun. . ld-22; Ingersoll Pnrk, Deu. Moines,lit.. 24-20.

Ramsey Sisters, Carnival Park, Knnans City,Kim., 111-22.

Itiifnycltc's Dogs. Rnuiona Park, flranil Rapids,Mich.. It-Oil I

tilvniiiie. Chicago. 24-20.Itnpisi Slslri's, Pink. Wheeling, \V. Vs., 17-22.llnslim A Hanks, l.yrle, Liverpool, Kitg., 17-22;

llliqaiiliiniie, llrliililoii, 24-20: llliqiotlronic. I.lv-

ei'issd, July I -11; HIpiMKlrouie. Illrniliightim. H-


Use A HimscIic, Union Hqitiire. N. Y. C 17 22.

Ray, Fnsl. A Co., Keith's. Cleveland. 17-22; Mi-Jeslle. CIllniK". 2420.

Hiivenseroft. chtirleiie. Winona Peacli, Bay Clly,Mich., 17-2'J: Riverside, Saginaw. 24-20,

"ItnloUiws ,;• The, Coney Isluml, Cincinnati, <>.,

17-22: Pnllllps', lllchinmid, Hid.. 24-20.Iltiilo A Herlnini. Limn Purk, Buffalo, 17-22.IIumIs A Von Kniiliniiu. People's. Inw Angeles,CnL. 17-22. •

Redmond. .1 ill In. A Co, Myer's Luke Casino, Can-Ion, ii., 17 22.

Itenlr. Ureal. Mel*. W. Vs., 2022.Ilcisl A Furl, Unique, Sail Itenmnlliin, Cal., 24 20.

Reno, Edward, Hobi.rt, Okla., 10, TXnlop, Tex.,

24, Coralcana, 25. Lake Charles. La., 20.

Ttcllly, Johnnie, Nevlsna Park, La Salle, III., 17-

22.Renoee Family, l.yrle, Terre Haute, Ind., 17-22;

Lyric, Danville, HI.. 24-20.Helff Bros., figih Street, N. Y. C. 17-22.

Reitford A Wlncbestiq, Kant Knd Park, Memphis,T«nn.. 10-22.

; _Reno. Will A .May, Hagnn'a, Hunthigton, W. Va.,

Kelgliard, Harry, Luna Park, Johnstown, Pa., 17-

22.Hees». Harvey, A Allrey Sisters, Broadway, Mid-

dletown, O., 17-22; Marlon, Marlon, 24-20.

Kellly. Jonnnle, Nlneva Park, Peru, III.. 17-22.

Redwood A Hnnvey, Coney Island, Cincinnati,

17-22.Rln. Adolnh, Junction Park, New Brighton, Pa.,

17-22., „

nice ft Rimer. Iillewlld Park, Richmond. Va.,

17-22; Ocean View Casino. Norfolk, 24-20.

Hlcli.inls, Kiln, Howard, Boston. 17-22.nice A Prevoat. Victoria, N. Y. C 17-20.Hlrter & Foster, Empire, Joliannesberg, So. Africa,

21-Aug. Hi. .

Itli'li .Insi, Olen Hnven Park, Itochwler, X Y.,

17-22,lllallii co'insiv Quoftetle. Majestic, Chicago, III-

22; Ronuino Purs. Orand Rnplds, Mich., 23-20.

Rliinliln, Chester Park. Cincinnati, 17-22.

Ring ft Williams, Alr.loiue, SprlngOehl, Mo., 17-

n.It!« Bros. (4). Pavilion, New Costle, F.ug.. 1722;Tower, Blackpool, 24-20: Royal. Kdlnhitrgli,

July 1-0: Pained, Us?ils, S-in ; Empire, Stock-

isirt, 10-20.Rich A Howard, Ai'nutlo Onrileit, N. Y. C. 17-

2'J: Henderann's, Coney Island, K. Y.. 24-20.

Richards, Crest, Meyers' Luke, Canton. O., 17-22.

Hoherts A Ralston, Pnstor's. N. Y. C, 17-22.

Robinson A Cnnieron, Spring Orove Park, Sprlng-lleld, (I.. 17-22.

Rossi, Countess, A Paulo, Orpheuai, San Fran.,CuL, III 211.

Rossi Biw.t.'t), Port Huron, Mich., 17-22; Ft.

Wayne, Iml.. 24-20.Ross Sisters, Providence, R. I„ 1 7 .Inly 30.

Roof A Hart, (I. O. II., Pittsburg, 17-22; Park,I'oiistoviii. 24-21).

Hoys, Tin-, Bijou, liulitili. Minn., 17-22.Roberts-lie Mont Trio, Norlh Avenue, Chicago,

17-22.Rovers, Aerlnl, Aliunde Onrdrn, Allniillc Clly,

X. J., 17-22.

Roldsch A Ohlldrfss, Howanl's, Chicago, 17-22.Kosiilrcs, The. Howanl's, (Chicago, 17-22; Ma-

jestic. I.n Snlle, 24-21).

Ross A Lewis, Kinnlre, Blrinlngliam, F,ng., 17-22;Umpire, Notllngnnni, W-20; Palace, Leicester,

Jllly Ml: Umpire, .Smith Shields, S I.'I;New

I'lislie, I:. 2n.

Honsell, .Mnrvelons, Lincoln, Noli., 17-22; Omtiltn,


Robinson A (Irani, Bijou, Superior. Wis., 17 22;Family, BiiIIp, Mont., .'iii-.luly 0.

Ross A Vack, Crystal, Cheyenne, CnL, 17-22.It' bins <:i), Miii-vn Pnrk, Peru, HI.. 17-22;

Umpire. Sprlngfleld, 24-20.Itoouey A Item. Kellh'a, Plilln., 17 22.

Home. Mnyo A Julie). Doinlnlnii, Winnipeg, Can.,17-22.

Hiiln-rts A Nome, llownrd's, Chicago, 17-22.Iloekwny A 4V>mvny, Riverside Park, Saginaw,

Mich.. 21-20.Rose, Julian. Nixon, Pllfshurg, 17-22.Itoseoe ft Sims, Star, Rruddia-k. Pa., TT :22.Russell A Held, Mnjestli-, La Salle. III., 17-22.Rnlilu, Paul, O. II., Piili-hngiu', N. Y„ 24211.Russell. Leah Ptilnee. Lmuloii. Kng., 24-.lnly 27.Ryno A Kmrmun, Slur, Bmildnck, Pa., IT-IS I

llrplilnm, Turtle. Creek, 24-20.Ryan A While. I umllv, r!nnciister, I'n., 1722.Siuiiilels. M., Foil's Hull, Chicago. 17-22.Stnvjer. Kildle, llnlqtic, Mliiuenisilla, 17-22.Siinqisel A Arusmnit, Phillip's, Rlchinnuil, Ind.,

17-22.Sargent. Vlrglnlii, I Inlnm Square, N. Y. C, 17-22.Snbel, .losephliic, Touring South Africa, I7-Ang.


Schuster, Milton, Pttlnce, Boston, 17-30,SehiHil Boys A .school Girls (Kdwnrtls'j, Victoria,

N. Y. <;., 17-22.Seymour A Hill. Keith's, Huston, 17-22.Seymour Sisters, Bijou, Cryatal Falls, Mich., 17-

22.Sciiuuis (3), iiiioit, Aiiilersou, I ml., 17-22; Ma-

Jcsile. Lafayette. 24-20.Searcy, Geo., I'liiiititu Park, Okla. City, Okla., 10-

23.Seors. 3d Ave., N. Y. C. 17-22.Seldon, George. New Cactle, Pa., 17-22.Seinoit, Clnis. !'., Pivctor's, Newark, N. J., 17 22.Shields A Rogers, Ingersoll Park, Des .Moines, la..

10-22; Spring Bmok Park, South Bend, Ind.,:m July II.

Shea, Thus. 'J'., Olenlaiigy Pnrk, Coliiniliita, I).,

Id 22. Casino, Akron, 24-20.Sluilller. Bessie. Klnltn, Kliiilni. N. Y.. 17-22.Sherttiiin A Fuller, Purk. Wheeling. W. Va., 17-

2'J; lnlrvli'w Park. Dayton, ().. 24-20.Shreck Bros., Farm, Toledo, 0., 17-22.Shepherd. Ktliia, Lyric, Chlciqai, 17-22.Shaw, Mniti-k, Majestic, I'ltjshiirg. 17-20.Sheldeii A Smiley, Mniihutton. Norfolk, Vn.. 17-


Short A Kdwnrils, Jtinetlnn Park, New Brighton,Pn., 17-22.

Sluclulr A t'livcri. Norlh Adams, Mass., 17-22.Silvern A Kmerle, (ininili. Beach Purk, Rocliesler,

N. Y.. 17-22.Silver, i-.iuii.ie, hi inn. Dtiliilh, Minn.. 17-22.Slater, Finch, A Co.. Meyer's Luke Casino, Can-

ton, <).. 10-22; Park, Wheeling, W. Va.. 24-20.Smith ft Cunqiholl, Alhumbra. N. Y. C, 17-22.Stnlrl ft Kessuer, 2,".d Street, N. Y. C. 17-22.Smith, J. W., A Mat He, Tucson, Aria., 17-22.Smith, Rue, Orpheuni, Bonton, 17-22.smythc. Will II., Family. Scrantnu, Pu.. 17-22.Somci's A Storke, Park, Kotithliigton, Conn., 17-22.Soper, Ben. Slur, Alloonu, Pa., 17-22.Sniitherlnutl A Curtis, Helmut Gttrden, Okla, City,

tlklu,, 17-ltti.

Sorutners, Al. F., Fast River, Green Bay, Wis.,17-22.

.Sinners ft Law, Family. Wlllluiusport, Pa., 17 22,Sp.'tcl.ilng A Diipree, Bljon, Applclon, Wis., 17-

2'J; Bijou, Green liny, 2421).Splllers. Musical i-'l). Alhamhrit. N. Y. C, 17-22.Spissel Bros. A Mack, Pulace, London, Kng., 17-


Speilden A ilerson, Orphliira. Clillllcotbc, 0., 17-2'J; Majestic, Siiiidusky, 24-20.

Stewart, Mr. A Mrs,. Cal., Glen Haven Purk,Rochester. N. Y., 17-22.

Sielnert A Thomas, Wlndinout Park, Kewonee,HI., 17-22.

Stevens A Keeley. Trocndero, Plilln., 17-211.

Si it. Mike, Acme, Norfolk. Vn., 17-22.Siewttrt Sisters (41, N. V. Roof Garden. N. Y.a. 17-22.

Stevens, Edwin, A Co., 125lh Street, N. Y. 0.,17-22.

Slrlcklnnd, R. C, Wigwam, San Fran., Cal., 17-

23; Novelty, Oakland, 24-30.Stevenson A .Nugent, Henderson's, Coney Island,

N. Y., 17-22.Stoddard A Wllsou, Majestic, La Snlle, III., 17-22;

Ft. Dodge, la., 24-20.Slovens, Mule, Gtikford Pnrk, Oreennburg, Pn.,

17-23.Slunley A I.p Roy, Hippodrome, Moueisea, Pa.,

17-22.Slunley, John, and Ills Typewriters, Young's Pier,

Atlantic City, N. J.. 17-22.Stuart A Lu Vnrdo, Shndy Grove, Unlonluwu,

Pn., 17-22; Rldorn Park, Clinilernl, 2420.Slulsmnn; t;hus., Nlncwu Park, Peru, 111., 17-20.SI. I'.lino, Lis., Autlllorhtiu. Wuiertuwn, N. Y., 17-

2'J; Island Pnrk, Fusion. 24-20.SI Irk, Klsle, 3a Arc, N. Y. C 17-22.St. Huge nros., Orphenin, Hun Fran., Cal., 17-30.St. Loon Family. Foreimugli A Sells Bros.' Clrctii.St. Julian. M., White Oily. Chicago. 17-22.HiitclliTc Troupe, Orphenin, Sail Fran., Ciil,, 17-

22: Majestic, Chicago, July l-o,Sillsvrs, Finite, Cook O. II., Uoehiflter, N. Y., 17-

"S"iiiiny South." Victoria, N. Y. O., 17-22.Summers A Winters. Fludlny. Flndlny, O., 17-22;

Orphcimi, SprlngUehl, 24-20.Swan A Hiiiiilnir.1, Shea's. HnfTaln, 17 22.sylvian)', Chestnut SI., Plilln.. kJ-22.'I'nlcottn. The, Grand, Turtle Creek. Pu., 17-22;

Olympic, South Bend, Intl.. 24-21).

Tangiiny, Kva, Keith's, Iloslon. 17-22.TusiiiHiilini Ti-oiqie, llagelttieck-Walliict. Circus.Tuylor, Henry A Alice. Atlantic Clly. N. J.. 17-22.Taylor Twin Slsleru, Chestnut Slreel, Plilln., 17-

22.ToyTor, Horn, Atlantic Gnhlen. N. Y. I)., 17-22.Tempest, Grace, Trio. Henderson's, Coney Inland,

N. Y„ 17-22.Tennis Trio. Family. Lancaster. Pn.. 17-22.Telephone Girl, The, r.sth Strwl, N. Y. 0„ 17-22.That guartctte, Victoria. N. V. C, 17-22.The Qtinrlette, Slicn's, Biiffnlo, N. Y., 17-22.Thompson A Farroll. Cryslal, Chicago, 17.22.Toy. A Toy, Palace, Roston, 17-22. *Toiikcv. Pat A Mar, Crystal. Isignnsporl, Intl.,

17-22; Crystal, Frniikforl, 21-V'li.

Toiirldlkni, Matt, Tti..ii|iv, Nixon, Pittsburg, 17-

2'J: Fiiclld Avenue. Cleveland. 24-20.Trainer ft Muliler, -Windsor, SI, Paul, Minn., 17-

Trovollo Great, 0. 0. IL. Pittsburg, 17 22.

TfirtJ Hr ftMrs Dick, UHtnioilt Ark, Altoona,» p- 17-22 " " '


nTraak! Gladden ft Babb. Globe, San Fran., Cat.,

17-22! Bell. Oakland, 24-20. ^Trueadell, Mr. ft Mra.. Union Square, N. i. C,

TMaat*; Ow Bearli. ft Co., Collins' Garden, Co-

mmon*. Oh HsaaV ,' „ . ..

Tully, Slay, ft Co., Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 17-

Tyler Trio. Whlttv City Park, Atlanta, GBo 17-22


Oxford Lake Park, Annlaton. Ala., 24-20.

Tyce. Lillian. Savoy Atlantic City, ft J., li-22.

Van Camp, Young's Pier, Atlantic Clly, N. J., 17-

Vartlelles, The, Grand, Hoineslend, Pa., 17-22;

HiPDodronie, Pittsburg. 24-20.

Vaggei. 'Hie, Lansing. Mich., 17-22; Wolverine

Vulda're, Bessie, 'Troupe, G. 0. H., Plttshnrg, 17-

Vanwrit, Victor. Nnnley's Casino, So. Bench, N.

y„ i7Ju1y 14... .


Vnldliigs, The. Hndsoti. Masa.. JMVVVan Gofre A Cotrely. Montana Hall, Havre, Mont.,

Voa. Billy, Celeron Park. Jamestown, N. Y., 17-

22; Farm. Toletlo. O., 24-20.

Von. Nellie, Fnrin, Toleilo. O. 17-22.

Vallnaul; Lyceum. Itorhesler, N. Y., 17-2.

Vassar Girls, Majestic, Chlcogo, 17-22; Forrest

Park, St. Loula, July 1-0. ,,,„„„.Variety Quartette, Eaiplre, Anderson, lnd„ 10-JJ,

Terre Haute. 24-20.

Volleclia's I*o|innls. Eieclrlc Tnrk, Newark, N,

J., 17-20.Vim Dlnnon Troupe, Itngenlieck-Walloce Circus.

Veoln. La Belle. 0. 0. H.. Pltlahiirg, J7-22.Veda A Qnlntiirmiw. Lyric, Ft. Worth, Teg., li-

22.Verdi Quartette, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y.,

17-22.Voman A Turley. Folr.'s, Chicago. 17-22.

Viola A Kngel, Novelty, Salt Lake City, Utah, 17'


Voltn, Majesllc. Chicago, 17-22.

Voerg. Fr.-ink, Bljon, Battle Creek, Mich., 17-22.

Ward. May, A IF-r Dresden Dolls, Family, Lan-

caster, Pa., 17-22. „ ,

Wallers, James. Prarlilence, R. I., 17-22; Hart-

font, Conn., 24-20Waller A Mnglll, Star, Lnlrols>. Pa., 17-22;

Swisher, Morgantown, W. Vn., 24-20.

Wallers A Kvcrls, Pine Hurt. Pnrk, Worcester,

Mass., 17-22. mmmWnllnce. Frank, Manlinllan, Norfolk, Va.. 17-22.

Waldorf A Mendra, l.tinii Pnrk, Johnstown, Pa..

17-2 1 '

Wnyn" Al. G. , Knnt River, Green Bay, Wis.,

17 21).

Wnlloii. Fred, A Co., Savoy, Ailaiitle City, N. J.,

17-22.Watson ft I.lllle, Family, Wllllnnisporl. Pa., 17-

22.Walseys CI). Sehlndier's. Chicago, 17-22.

Wanla, Al, Norlh a. earn-, Chlcngo. 17-22.

Welch. Mealy A Montrose, Alhaaihra, N. Y. 0.,

17-22.We'' i Seals. Lima Park. BnlTslo, 17-22.

Wells Bros., Lyric, Chicago, 17-22.

Welch. Leu, Moss A Stnll A Rlcnrri's Tour, Eng-land, I7'.luly 31.

Wells Urns., A Sinllli, Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind.,

23-20.Weston, D.ivc. ,0, O. II. , Homestead, Pn., 17-22.

Weston. CUM. People's, Hluirion. Ind., 20-22;Crystal. Marlon. 24-20.

Weston, Al. 11.. A Co., Keith's, Plilln.. 17-22.

Welsh, Francis, V Co., Orphemn, Bnsiou, 17-22.

Wenlworlh. Vesln, A Co.; Society Circus, Lynn,Mass., 17-22.

Webb A Connelly, National, San Fran., Cal., 17-

2'J ; Bell. Oakland. 2420.Walls, Dnly. Lyric, Chicago. 17-22.Wcriicii A Glaillsli. iirpiioinu. I..-. Angeles, CnL,

17-22.Weir. A Weir. Snti Soncl Park. Chlcngo, 17-22.

White. Stnnrt, A Co.. G. O, II. , Plltshnrg, 17-22.

"While Hnwk," Great, Henderson's, Coney Is-

land, N. Y., 17-22.Wheeler Sisters. I.oralne, 0., 20-22.

Whlteley ft Bell, llijoii, Gnlcsbtirg, III.. 17-22.Wheelers, The, Noriiitibcgu Purk, Hnstoii, 17-22.White. K. A.. Keith's, Iloslon. 17-22.Wlntloin. t'oioinnce. Keith's, Cleveland, 17-22;

Majestic, Chicago, 24-20.Wlenbiifg, Angle. 3d Ave., N. Y. C, 17-22.Wilsons. The, family. Lancaster, Pa., 17-S2,Wilton Bros., 23d street. N. Y, 0.. 17 22.Wlorn Trio, Henderson's, Cotiev Island, N. Y.,

17-22.Wlnstnnlcys. The. A. A S., Huston, 17-22.Wilson Bros.. Mays-mil, HI.. 17; Fontaine Ferry

Park. Louisville, Ky.. 24-20.Wilson A Wilson, Grand. Hammond. Intl., 17-22.Wliigatcs. The. Bljon, Alliance, 0., 17-22; Grand,

Hnmest->ad. Pa.. 24-20.Williams A Tucker, Nixon, Pittsburg, 17-22.Williams lino. Orplilum, Portsmouth, O., 17-22.Williams A Piillninn, Central Park, Alieulown,

Ph.. 17-22; Saratoga Park, Pollstown,. 24-20."Wlaanls In While," Vlctorlu Oardens, Montreal,

Can., 17-22.Wisdom, Klennor. r.th Ave., N. Y. C, 17-22.Winter, Winona, Keith's, Boston, 17-22; 23d

Street, N, 1, C, 24-20.Wllhinl. Charles A Annie. Hillside Pork, Newark,

N. J., 17-22.Wlhl»r, Marshall P., Rhea's, Buffalo, N. Y., 24-

20.Wllhinl. Bond A Co.. Lyceum. Washington, D. C,

17-22; BIJou, Plilln.. 24-21).Wordette. Kstelle. ft Co., Falrvlcw Park, Dayton,

O., in 22; Spring Grove Park, Sprlngfleld, 24-20. . .

Wootls A Iloflmuii. Shellisit Park, Wllmlngtou,Del., 17-22.

World's Comedy Four. Robinson Park. Ft. Wayne,Intl.. 17-22.

"Won by a Bluff," Pastor's, N. Y. 0.. 17-22.Wodwnril, Ed. ft May, Orphlum, Sprlngfleld, 0.,

Wolff Bros., Cascade Park, New Cnstle. Pa.. 17-22: Butler. 24-20.

Worth A IH'liuur. Weaat's. Penrln. III.. 17-20.Wood A I.inson, Atluutlc Garden, Atlantic City,

Woodward, v. P., Pontages', Portland, Ore., 17-22; Tiiciiinu. Wash., 2 1 2:i.

Wycheidy. Mnrgnret, ft Co., O. O. H., Pittsburg,

Wyim,"Bessle, TiSlh Hlreet, K, Y. 0„ 17-22.Yoscnrys. The, Clnwlnitt Street. Phllu., 17-22.Young, Chas., Bonhogls, Norlh Beach, L. I„ 17-22.Young, nin... A Bron., ldlewlltl Park. Newark, (i

ld-22; nientangiiay Park. Colitaibns, 23-20.Ynsisi Trio, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 17-22.Young, Dewltt C, Pastor's, K, Y. C, 17-22Youngs ft Manning, Sun Soncl Pnrk, Chicago, 17-

2niit|V5. Mine.. Bijou, Kankakee. lit., 17-22.Zlirel A Vernon Co., Keith's, Cleveland. 24-20./.arrow Trio, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y..

17-22.Znniorns, The, Ludlow Lagoon, Cincinnati, 17-22.Zenn, Jnrdnn A Zeno, nsth Street, N. Y. 0., 17-

22; Moluner.Pnrk, Mnnlreal. Can., 24-20.

Zenns, Great, Bljon, I.oralne, 0., 17-22.Zlngnrelln. Mnrley's, Sharon, Pn., 17-22.Zlska A King. Oriiheiim. Boston. 17-22.'/.Ingiirl Trone, Music Hull, Brighton Beach. N,

Y., 17-22.Zlmmermnn, Willy, New York Rnof Garden, N.

Y. 0.. 17-22.Zntihniilakla, White Clly. Chicago, 10-22 Reser-

voir Park, Paris, 24-20.

OV THE noAt).

Sllllpl.'intiiliil I.lst—Hcci-lvfil TOOl.alc for ClnsslflcnlliMi.

Aylesworlh Slock (Arthur J. Ayloswnrlh, mgr.)— Goldilcld, Nev., 17. Indefliille.Boyd lliirmwes Dramatic—Plensanlon, Nehr.. 17-

22, Aurora 24-20."Bonier Bess" (W. W. I.npolnt. ragr.)—Norway,

Me.. 20. Dlxllt'lil 21, Fiirniliigton 22, Phillips24, Skowhegiiii 2H. Pltisfleltl 211, Newport 27.Dover 2R, Greenville Junctlnu 20.

Cnlltihmi Drnmnllc (Chas. Hununel, mgr.) Ok-initlgee, Ind Ter.. 17-10, Snpitlpn 20-2*.

losgrove stot'k (John Cnsgrove. mgr.)—Calais,Me., 17-22, Bur Harbor 24-20.

Glhnoiir A Lnlour Stock—Salamanca, N. Y., 17-22, ML Mnry. To.. 24-21).

Hiirennrt Comeily (Chnsi K. Ilnrrls, mgr.)—San-ford, Me., 17-22, Ganllher 24-211.

Herald Square stock «Adger A. Wall, mgr.)—Maiden, Mo., 17-22, Oram 24-20.

Herald Square Drainnllc A. A. Wall's l.Mlliii

Ala.^'w-M. 'n,, ,7'22, °I1C""»'

Kriiiner, Florence' (Kramer A Lnisilnt. mgrs.)—

Vt w£'>*•»«>)•), N. H„ 28 Bethel,



"r" KI" IM,,


•^S^tei (^•o!;' !^U

:"»»•>—nearer Cross-

ing. Nelir., 17-22. Friend 21-I'n.O'Nell, Nahee—(Inktanil, Col.. 17, Intlcfinltc1'ragueJiiveUor (>|iern—Providenee, R, |.. 17.0!Periichi-tlyinilne (Chaa. D. Peritril. mgr )—An

tlorsou. S. C, 17, linleiinlte. * ' "

Page, EkectaT (Pag» ft Lapolnt, mgn.l—i.i.«j•.fond, Vt.. 17^, ColabVook. N. n !,



Brltlgeton, Me.. 27-20. '",i'i-

Rosar-Maaon Stock—Hamilton, 0., 17-22 <,,.„..: Bend, Iml., 24-20. ' s"ul«

Snnforil Stock (Walter Saoford. mgr.)—Gaki„»jCal.. 17,.lndeflnll«.

« r-'—"Hkhinil,

"Uncle Tom's Cabin," Stetson's (}mn w „ .

burn, uigr.l-Jamalca, N. Y.. 10 Pwr w.S"Inglon 20,. Oyater Bay .21, .Far Rockaiai «»Patchocue 24, Babylon 25.

"-"'way m,

Von Buren Stock. (Uustln ft Laimlnt. antra 1

Bethel. Me.. 2D-22. Nortb Conway, N H b720,- Wolfboro 27-29. " "" **

"Vdiage Grocer" (Unatln ft Lapolnt, mars 1

North East, Pn., 20, Ripley, N. Y„ 21 w,~7Held 22. .

' *'* v,nl -

TBNT SHOW.Fnslilnn Plate Shows—llasleton, Pu., m si*....,

.lonb 20. Aslilnnd 21, Tnniaiiua 22. \/3SEft. !

24, Slntlngton 2.1, Bangor 2i!, Slrondsl,, „ v"Hnckettsiown, N.- J.. 2S. Newton 211 " "

Nebraska Bill's Wlbl West—Hiiccnaunnn v 1

III, Stntihniw 21), Hoeketlslown 22, Wa'sidw.toll 24.


Misci:i,i.\Nr.«iis.Johnny J. Jones Shows—Ooldahoro, N. C 24 911

Sevengsln (Wnlter C. Mack, nigr.|-X,"v i'i»1 7-J nly ft. ' '

m:w jbrsby.Newnrk.-^At Procto'r'g ' (It. C. Slnnrt

resident manager) the cool wenlUer and 11ti'gcllve hills hnve cititsed bimlness 10 ltoirj

up big the lost few weeks. The iireseothill Is well divided between new faces and oldfavorites, and l<r bended by the novellv"Stop. Look and Listen," as iiorlrnved bvMay Tully and comnnny. Other Interest Inifeatures are: Arnold's wild nnlmnls, ('litis rScmoii. Illhbert and Warren, Wlllmr Mm-iand company, Vlolu Duval tintl girls, Mel-vlllc and Hlggliis, nod tne La Belles.Columbia (M, .1. .lucobn, manager).—The

cool weather Is also ravorlog Ibis lmnsewltere the lllxoii-Tlnrlow Slock Co ench weekIncreases Its popularity and box nillce receljiiK. "Mini's Knemy" Is the current offer-ing, being well tot I t.ni to 1 1n- iiIiIIIiIph of theconipuuy, which is headed by Victory Rule.mnn, ns Uriire Lisle. ".Monte Crlsto" L'4-'"i

Uti.i.siDi: I'ahk (II. i:. N. Thitller. inniiu-gerj.—-'i'lie eqiioHlrlnn mid Wild Weal showscontlinip lo 1st chief features of tin resuriparticularly the racing and fancy riding ofthe cowboys and cowgirls. Lillian Hiiiruinnwill again appear this week on her highschooled horse. The specialists on the stag..Include: Chorlcs nnd Annie U'llhml, .lnnjcsArmstrong, Kennedy and Qualrelll, Minni,.Klsher and Florence Austin. John Mmkcontinues In iiHc.qnl siid'essfiilly In Ills bal-loon en. 'It Sunday, nnd ILniv Kennetiy 11,.

L'ollules the long pair of slnlrs on Hie roll.

Ing hall nightly. A realistic represenlnlliuiof "Tho Death of sltllng Hull" and (he Ilia

slon, "The lOgyptlnn Hall or Mystery," arenew attractions.Olympic I'ahk (II. A. Schmidt, managers).—The Olympic Park Opera Co, has neen

supplanted by the Ahnrn Opera Co., win. h

was very siutpshi'iiI here lost season. "IlobiuHonil" Is the oncninB nttractlnu week of 17

Notks.—The Cat I llagenheck Animal Shnvyand Circus slops here .litoe 18 Iliioul.t

Hill's Wild West Show drew the capni'lly

here last week.a

Allniillc t;iiy._At, the Savoy (Fred RMoore, mnnngen vtiuduvllli! had big liusliiess

week of June 10. For week of \1 ; l-'retl

Wnlinn nnd compauy, I In wi inn n.- and Bun,Hnwlcy and Olcolt, llcurv and Alice Tnvlorcompany, Lillian Tyce, Crawford and Man-ning, Jessie Keller Troupe, and klueliigraplt.

YOUNd'S I '1 1:11. 'I'll i:.vr 111: (W. K Sliuckel-

fowl; manager).—The sumo excellent busi-

ness Is attracted here by vaudeville. Illcbard(iolden, in "A Poor Devil," had uood patron-age 15. For week of 17 : John Slanley nndBlonde Typewriterg, Joe Morris, Moulrotwand Itlcliarils, Ornce Lconnrd. Peyser andMcDonald, Van Camp, Kxposltlon li'our, amikinelogmph.

STLLi.r.Hi'tiA.si: Pier (Olles \V. Clement,niannwer).—The some good business Is draivti

hero by vaudeville.-Atlantic Uaii1>i:n (Sidney l.'ern, 111111111-

5er).—Little Hosier lirtiwn nnd company,lai'ln, Herger and Mario, the Harnells. Kee-

giin niiil Mock, litillev nnd Ticket), Georgellolden, Clark's (logo and ponies, Ned Way-burn's Night IngiilcM, Bell nnd Klchiirds,(illden Sisters, the Aerlul Rogers, Collinsand Collins, Krnle and llonegger.


Camden.—At Woodlynne Park (II. I>.

Le Cato. manager! the Gamella Co. wnsu oih'

night attraction licre, appearing Monday even-

ing, .lime 10, only. The rest of the weekwas devoted to vaudeville. Die bill naming:Dixon and Anger, Smith, Conway and com-pany, Holo ami Payne, ICdna Fitzputrli'k.

(lamella and Shirk, ilatcliclor nnd Ilusklrk,

and moving pictures. Mr. Hlock, of llradra-liiirgh's Ninth and Arch Museum, Is looking

after the stage at tills place.Note.—Mr. Mitchell, private nccrotnry far

Dr Long, announces the opcnlmr here of Dr.

Long's new theatre for Labor Day. Vaude-ville will be featured from the Keith ft Proc-

tor circuit.— a

Jersey City.—At Keith & Proctor's IF.

Hums, manager) the bill week of June 1":

PatSy Doyle, Avery nnd Hart, .Norton nndNicholson, ,1ns. a. Klcrmnn nnd company.UllbvNoWlln Trio, Harry and Kate Jackson,Gaston nnd Green, nnd Kd. Kstus.— « »

DISTIUCT OP COLUMBIA.Un sl>l iiuio 11.—At the New National (W.

II. Kapley, manager) this week, I ho AlmmOpera Co.. In "Pinafore" and "Ciiviillcrlu

Husticiinii. Last week the company |ir''-

senled "Tlic Mikado" to pucked houses. "TO*Chimes of Normandy" June 24-211.

Columbia (Joseph ft Luclcell, mnnngcr).—This week tlic Coliimlila Stock prcscuis

"'ITie Manoeuvres of Jtine." I/ost week ca-

paclty audiences witnessed "Aristocracy," middie last appenrunce of Wlllon Luckaye Willi

the company.Hri.asco (L. Sloildiird Taylor, inaiingerl.--

Thls week Hie Edwin Ai'den Slock Co., In

"The l'rlvnle Secretary." idtst week "I'l-

vorcons" was exceedingly welt liked, nnd 1 1f

attendance tested the capacity of Hie house.

"A Scrap of Paper" 24-21).Majhstio (A. ],. Klslcr, inanagi'i').— nil"

week, for one night only, 18. n Yiddish piny.

"Tile Chosen People." will he given liy Mr.

and Mrs. Tliomtishcfsky, supported by ll>"

entire People's Theatre company, from NewYork.Nkw Lycbhm (Uugeno Kernnn, inanagerl.—This week the house burlesque stock ciun-

party. In two farces and six vaudeville ncl*.

I'he same company lust week had egwlient

business, nnd will continue nil Summer.Luna Park i

I'lmrlcs ,1. Ooodfellow, minui;

ger).—<lla ley's Wnslilngton Orchealra mmgives two concerts dally. Wxcellcnt vntidcvliie

features and the nmusemcnls Incident In an

up-to-dnte siihiirhaii narki draw hip crowds.Glbn Kciio HipponnoMH (L. .1. Slnionti".

mnnnger).—La Petite Almn nnd the IHl'i'"-

tlrnrue .Mlnsiicls arc features this week In HWAudlcrtrlnm, and other attrncllotm In no»

park make the place attractive lo litrp'

crowds,CiiBVY Ciiahb LAKia (norherl Clnnde, niiiii-

agnr).—The II. S. Marino Bnnd gives iiiglHU

concei'ls before linnieiisc throngs. ,.,,Notrh.—The new ctiinliliiol Inn variety «'"•

•tre. Hie Gaiety, Is In coursn-bf conslnicllon.

and will he ready for occupancy Ivy the '""

?Inning of the regular Pall season.... •'he Academy of Music, which wns burned 1

ew months ago, In lining reconstructed' »o»

will he lit complete rendlness for next season.

"MISSISSIPPI.Meridian At llie Coliseum- (Vivian Whit-

taker, nuinnger) Itrnlfrnw's .Inllv PnlhO"'"'"closed a successful two weeks' engflgeoient

.lime 8. Frank Dudley Stuck C iiciu" 1.;'

week's engagement III. lo highly plensed mi"'-

ences. Dark 17 -lo L'4,


Indiana;i:t nintvlllr—All of tlic local playhouses

hive closed their doom lor the season, ex-

cept Ihe Hopklns-BIJou, and that place will

remain open the entire year. Tho bill for

week of June » Included : .lohn and Will

Under, Illustrated songs by Mima Charlatan,

and the life motion picture machine.Cook's Park (Harry Laurance, manager).

irf the Earl Burgess t!o., wan In town l.'l

The New Lyric Theatre, with now motionpicture* and Illustrated songs, Is enjoyinggood patronage.

Knlnmncoo.—At the BIJou <W. S. Kutterlleld, manager) good houses prcrafweek of June IT : l<'rank Melvln'sutiiinai circus, Jcauno Brooks, London

_Onlv fair patronage here ever since Its Perrln and Crosby, Jimmy Jones. Kntherl

opening, on account of extremely cold weath lir, 'm " t ,•» t•,•1 «onm Hral mnvlmr oletut. . _ - I . t_ **-.. ...........1 * . . 4 II l.< ,k 4 , Lrllilrlntk AKsHlff

IOWA.Cedsr llnplds.—At Greene's Opera House

I Will H. Collier, manager) the HendersonStock Co. returned for two performances,Sunday, June 1>, to good business. The the-

La Trlscu, Mlnulo Kaufman, and Die kino-

d route.

. , 4«»

or, but things seemed to take a sudden changewhen the park was so packed that people

were unable to get even standing room In

some of the amusement places. The vuudc-vlllc show was well attended, showing arecord breaking house. The list Included : ThaHelm Children, All, Hunter und All, Krctore,Conners nnd Aldert, Dave Hose, and the klno-

dromc. Well's Band, with Amy Whaten assoloist, was a great attraction 10-14.

Oak Summit Park ill. G. Oiilllgnn, man-ager).—Good crowds at almost every per-

formance since the opening, and good attrac-

tions are being offered. Bill week of in-

cluded : The Three La Maze Bros., Joe Golden,Marguerite Newton and company, Klo Adlcrand boy. Band and Byron, and Edison motionpictures. Brooke's Bund was the main at-

traction 10-14, and was well attended.Tim Evansvii.lk Chautauqua will lie un-

der the direction of W, G. Archer this season,

and will open July 3 and continue until 17,

Nui'K. —'Tlie local thcatorlnms report thelargest business they have ever had In movingpictures, and with lire in steady operation,the demand for space is still sought.


l.iifnyotlc.—At the Majestic (Gregg A.Frolingor, manager) week of June 10: KvnThatcher, Goldou and Hughes, the Kllppels,

Ethel Young and the Mnjcstoscopc. Businesscontinues good.

ifulMH.—La I'tirdctte Is pncklng the hnitso

at every performance. Manager Ball Is shar-ing hl» success with tbe public, and thin

week is giving tin extra good show, withpictures or the I'asslon I'lay. and Felix Biceto play the appropriate music. Miss Broull-lettc sings 'The Holy City." The HappyHnlf H»ur has n nice, steady patronageThe Ben Greet Players gave two open airperformances on the I'urduc University cam-pus, J*ine 10. "As You Like It," and "AMidsummer Night's Dresm" were enjoyedbv an immense audience George AdeWaB In the city to attend the commencementat Purdue, June l". and lie took part intbe baseball game as right fielder on theAlumni team Tho old Family TheatreIs being torn down fur the purpose of re-modeling, nnd the management expects tobave the new house ready to 'apen by Sept. I,

Fort Wayae—At Uoblson Turk 'I'hc-

aiic (<>. II. Halter, manager) week of June37: World's Comedy Four. Mile. Chealer andstatue dog. Jlinmle Willi. Hughes MusicalTrio. Edwin George, and the klnodromc.Notes.— Both 'he Majestic mid Temple

Theatres hnve closed for the Summer, andlire undergoing renovation. Each house willImi greatly bouutltled for next seasonRepeated rains und continued cold weatherhave kept Itohlson I'nrk Theatre businessdown Hum fur this seaRon, but some symp-toms of Hummer now arriving, brightens I beprospects Brooke's Chicago Bund, ralliedout on Its hint, visit to Bohlson Park tills

year, played u return dale I), to big business.Bnrnuui & Bailey's Circus, 10, struck

bad weather, nnd played to only fair busi-ness Munuger V. K, Stoiidcr, of thoTemple Thenlre. bus gone to his Hummerhome ut Luke Wnwnsec, for the season.

I'Vuiikfort.—At the. Crystal (Chas. Welch,malinger) good business lust week. Bill forweek of June 17: ltudolph Askeland, JeanctteAshley, the linrnulliis, Charles and JennieWelch, ami the klnodromc.

Xotks.—The Metropolitan and Palace pro*•tent continuous vaudeville. . . .Moving picturetheatres are rapidly growing here, and alluredoing tin excellent business The CrystalTheatre Is undergoing considerable repaint.rbe entire front Is to no changed mid numer-ous elect lie llgbls added. When completed It.

will he one of the most atlructlve theatres InIhe city. »

HIIODH ISLAND.Providence—At the Pivividci Opera

House (Felix It. WendelschiK icr, maiiugeritwo of the season's itllriictloiis for the week«l .Imic 17 nro the Prugcr-Jiivcllnr OperaCo. In Yiddish opera, 18. IV. and Mary Mun-nerlng, In "Glorious Betsey," 22. There Istalk of a Hummer opera company at thishouse.

,„Kkith'm (Chui'les Lovenbi'fK'. malinger).

I he Alhee Hlock Co. was seen to good atl-ymilnge. 10. In Its llrsl perforiuauce of "(illt-terlng Gloria." "KuIIIon" 17. "The Darllncrof the Gods" Is lu preparation for 24 andweek.

Kmi'IHK (Spitz & Nulhuiison. manugers).

Hie Chrlsllun" received a civdimble produc-tion 10, and drew good biiclness. "TheJMfe 17. "Darkest Htissln" is announcedfor 21 and week.

Iiii'mhai, (L. II. curtln. mainiger).

Eileen A'Koon" was given lis llrst prudur-lion by the Imperial Dratmillc Muck Co..10. Ibn author, b'rctl J. Ireland, Is a mem-ber of the eompany. The play depicts scenesfo lowing the Irish Hovolulloii of 1701. Hud-erlck McFlun. who endeavors lo avenge awrong done him by Hie falher of EileenA Moon, manages to gel lier lover, MauriceLucy, ciullnwed as a rebel. To further illsends he kills a man, und places suspicionon Lucy. |j u t love culls and the hem, luirk-onllig lo Its voice, pays a visit to his sweet-heart, is discovered by Hcglnuld O'Muhoncy,who, although spurned, is in love wllliEileen s mouey and wishes to gel rid of hisrival, |j)cy Around this plot are woven

Deem, illustrated songs arid moving.

Ai'AiuiMv or Mt sic (B. A. Bush.peri is closed (or the season, and will soonbe In the hands of the decorator for the an-nual brightening up.Bauxum A Bailey Circus June 24.


linill.- Creek.—At the Post |K. It.

Smith, manager) Lillian Busscll pleased abig house June 12.

HUOP (W. S. Buttertlcld, manager).—Bill

for week of 17 : Clarke and Temple. FrankVocrg, Harry and Mac Howard. Joseph Leh-iiiann and company. Illustrated songs andCllnetoscope pictures.

Baiisi' m & Bailey's Circus Is due June 25,

(•rami Itnplds.—At lUunoun Park (LewDelemater. manager) week of June 17 the bill

Includes : Louise Agonst and company. BisonCity Quartette. Ferguson and Passmorc, Oll-vatil Troubadours, and Bafuyettc's dogs.Godkroy's Pavilion (Chns. Godfrey, man-

ager).—Bill week of 10: The Aucrs, Eliza-beth Miller nnd Frank L. Perry.

Notk.—Bnrailni & Bailey's Circus Is duehere 22.


Milwaukee.—The three local companiesare nil doing satisfactory business. At theliarrick, past week, Itlchard Kann's companyput on "An American Cltlsecn." Commenc-ing June 17, "The Cowboy and the Lady" Is

the offering.Davidson.—Albert Brown's popular slock

coraimny continues to find great favor. "Glit-tering Gloria" will be put on week of 17,

and the second premier production of theseason will lie offered In Of* Foster I'latt's

new piny, "The Needle's Eye," 24 and week.' P.mibt.—Tho English Stock Co., assistedby several members of Leon Witehsncr's Ger-man Stock, put on "Old Heidelberg" pastweek, nnd had tbe best attendances of thoseason. "Secret Service" week of 17.

Bi.ioii Oi'kka House (John It. Pierre,resident mutineer).—"The James Boys InMissouri," week of ID. drew excellent busi-ness. "Our New Minister" 1(1 nnd week.

Star.— Miss New York Jr. lield thesinge past week. Manager Frank It. Trod-iiia]i offers May Howard and company forweek of 10. Business Is great.CRYSTAL (F. B. Winter, manager).—Vaude-

ville continues to full houses. Illll week of17 Includes: Eva Bay. Williams, Thompsonnnd company, Thro. Clluiiirk. Frederick Mak-miirl. and the Crvstnlgrupli.Notes.—The Alhumiira closed Sunday. P.

with "Thi' Time, the Place mid Hie Girl, andtwo extra performances w«?;'e necessary.Tills attraction broke all records for the sea-son dining Ihe final week. The same com-pany will reopen the house In August with anew mnslcnl play, und will move lo the LaHalle Theatre, Chicago, for nu Indefinite run...,,.. II. Gould makes his llrsl nppcnninre asloading man of the (larrlck Stock Co., Mon-day, 17 Iiiirmtm tc Bailey's Circus Is

billed to appear here July I The bene-llt performances given by the three localslock companies nt the Davidson Theatre, 14,

netted *850 for the Tuberculosis Sanitarium.Archie Miller, manage" of the Dewey

Theatre, In Minneapolis, has returned to Mil-waukee for ills Summer vacation.

tlfui;Bagdad"m appear under canvas June ^.r^Vl^^a^'^cnmf^-TheG'reene'. Op-f^VmWfTtlJ SXT"^ TflE&ft SfetSEagles. 11.' He was, (he ftft^fpiirth new J"rWlO and week.

Is their or

Bki.asi'u (John II. Ithtrkwood, manager).—The stock company presented All on Ac-count of Kllxa" to good business, week end-ing 8. "I*tty" Is luo offering ID and week,with "The I«ovc Boutc" In preparation for17 nnd week.Morohco'h llriuiANK (Oliver Morosco, man:

ager).—Mrs. Flake nnd the MetropolitanCo. closed their engagement S, having pre-sented " The New York Idea" to capacitybusiness during (lie week. The ItnrtuiiiK

Stock Co. returned 1), and revived "Mlnpah."and excellent business ruled. "David Du-rum" Is their offering HI and week. "ThoDaughters of Men" being postponed until nlater date.Granu Opera llnrsn (Clarence Drown,

manager).—"The Street Singer" Is (he bill

and week, by tho I II rich Stock Co., togood business. "Behind Ihe Mask." by (hecoui|uiny, drew well week ending 8.

F i si -ii kii's (A. V. Fischer, luanuger).

Fischer's Comedians present "A Bwell Affulr"11 ami week. Tho feature of the chorus will

be "In Vacation lime," The latest vaude-ville nnd motion pictures complete Ihe bill.

Km run: (Billy Banks, resident manager i,

—Features 10 and week Included new vaude-ville nets. Illustrated songs, a sketch by Em-pire Slock I'd., and lllu cinematograph.

1'koi'i.k's (Al. II, Flounioy, malinger).

Features 10 and week : "Solomon the Sec-ond." Belle Slone, In "The Mystery of IheSphere;" Carr and .Ionian, clever |Mjrfonnera ;

Viola and Engle. loin el Jumpers; Lnvlne andLeonard, French nulo comli|itcs, mid HarryLorraine. In Illustrated snugs.

IJMWH (Henls fi Znllee. proprietors).

Features 10 and week : Hulviill. the magician ;

'Berce Brothers, comedians; Three Jueksons,Muxle Mitchell. Illustrated songs: Jus, r.1/cc'i; one act comedy, "Shakespeare Outdone,"bv Pnhpie Comedy Co., and the Unlipie-o-scone.

(liiriiKiiM (Martin Beck, general manager).—Feature* 17 and week : Valeric llcrgoro,

the Knur Fords. Ihe Hutrllffc Troup*. Wer-deti mill tllnddlsh, the Seven II Ighlaml I'liiers,

James J. Morton, Ihe Fllilievs, l.es KIlliTSMoulin, Emerson and Baldwin, and motionpictures.

Notes.— Leslie Morosro and Leila Sltnwhnve retiirued from an eight months' tourof "In Si.iu h Ciii'llney." Foreman lien-


member received since Jan. 1, lfin"—


iiuriiiiKion.—At Madison Avenue ParkFranz Bnlner's Troupe appear June 111-22.

ThkatorM/M.—A series of really excellentmoving pictures and Illustrated songs drewtine business week of !!.

1'i.irs.—II. L. Lent, of Omaha, has leaseda large store room locnted In this city, nndwill at once transform It Into n 10c. vaude-ville theatre ..Manager Harrington, ofPeoria, visited here 11 nod 12, and signedthe renewal of the Grand Opera House lean •

for Chanihcrllit. Harrington & Co., the leasehaving expired June 1.


Den Moines.—At Ingvrsoll Park (FredBuchanan, manager), with tho Improvedweather, tho attendance has greatly In-

creased. An excellent hill pleased Inst. week.Bill week of June 17: Tho Eight BedouinArabs, Shcllris and Koyos. Ctrl Behind theDrum. LaskyKolfQ (Julnlette and JimmyLucas.

John Korinsdn's (.'titers June 18.

llonnc.—At Aries Opera llonso (Ben Wi-ley, manager) Itlchard Mandell, In "SexAgainst Sex," played to n fair bouse June ft.

Hi'RNic (Sceulc Amusement Co.. mana-gers).—Moving pictures and the vaudevilleare doing n good business.

Note, — John Uohinson's Circus showedhere 17.


Fort Keott.—At the Alrdomr (E. C. Er-nl< li. manager) Bosa Belle Green Co. closeda two weeks' engagement June H, to big busi-ness, nnd proved satisfactory. The McMillanPlayers opened u two weeks' engagement 10,to capacity, and pleased.

Fkiin 1.ak - Park (llofer & Love, mana-gers).—Moving pictures and band concerts.

Note.—Two live cent moving picture showsare doing n good business.

I'ittnliurit—At the Alrdome (W. W. Bell,

•manager) Ihe Woodward Stock Co., June 10-

22, opened to hie business.Iiii.r IIopr Park continue lo draw big

crowds.Niitkx,—Nickelodeon, moving pictures and

Illustrated songs, had capacity business dersou, iiiulersliiily ("or lllunebe Aiihcrl

SIii-Imivkiiii At Ihe Opera House I \V. II.

Stoddard, manugeri Ihe Eldorado Stuck Co.opened for a week's engngeinen I . lo capacitybusiness. In "The Frontiersman," June 0, giv-ing good satisfaction.

Unhide (Arthur Lane, manager) Is closedfor Ihe Summer. It will reopen about themiddle of August, afler having been re-

modeled and decorated.Lake View Theatre (Arthur Lane, man-

ager).—The Lyric Light Opera Co., In "SaidPasha." did good business.

Note.—Dresmlan'1 (M. Drneger, manager)Illustrated songs and moving pictures.«»

MINNESOTA.SI. I'ihiI.—At tho Metropolllnn Opern

House t L. N. Scott, manager) the Players'Stock Co.. from the Bush Temple Theatre,Chicago, hud very big business, und scored agreat success In "The Christian," week of I),

with iiniibiee Similar. Wednesday, Thursdayand .Saturday. Week of hi, the same players,In "Graustark."

Giianu (Then. L. Hays, manager).—"TheConvict's Daughter" was the attraction weekof 0, closing week of (he season nt this house,and business was fair to good. Grout Im-provements will he made In the interior ofthe theatre during the Summer vacation, asheretofore announced.

WlNUHoll (Smith B. Hall, manager).—Business was big, -week of I), with Dave Brod-eilck. .lesslka. Shaw ami Clyfton, nnd Ed.Powers on Ihe singe. Week of 1(1; Trainerund Mohler. Harrison King, clans und Hadcllffc. und Ed. Powers.

E.Mt'iiiu iHiini Fink, manager).—New peo-plo for week of 17 : Polly O'Nell. Anita.frank Mnlunc ami Memphis Kennedy. Allthe others will hold over except MarvelousJackson, the Grout Daugherty and Jackson,

Nothn,—(Jon try Bros.' Pony Show comes17-22 Pawnee iilll's Show II).

The Mystic, Willi moving pictures and Illus-

trated songs, does big business.

coiivyvilic.—At Tuekelt's Alrdome 1.1.

II. Tneketl, manager) Stater's MadisonHrpmre Stock Co. Just completed (wo weeksof excellent business. Ferris' Comediansopened June 0. for two weeks.Band Airihimk (W« W. Worth, manager).—The Bella Slock Co. Is playing to largo

sized crowds every night.

Winflclil At Ihe Alrdome (II. It. fJ rose.

manager).—the Gllmorn Players, In "Hindu."pleased large crowds June .'I, 4. The samecompany, In "A Jealous Wife," fi. (1, and"True as Sleel," 7. H, played to capacity.Notes.—Tbe Tlientorlum Is doing n nice

business, and Is giving satisfactionThe Wolford Stock Co. will show here 10 22.


Ft. Worth.—At the Vcndume Thetilre(Juke Srliwniz, miinuger) a large crowd waspresent at the opening of this new Hummerhouse, Juno 10, Whitman's comedians, la

"The Mysterious Model," being Ihe utl ruc-tion. Tills etiiiipiiny will remain Indollnltelywllli a change of programme nightly. . TheIndications ore Hull: this new louibliiiitlonhouse will he a winner.

Lviiii: IG. W. llurnliiirt, malinger).—Illll

week opening Hi: Phroso, nicchaiili.-al doll:Lubold and Kyersirn, ,1ns. Hilton. HurryLyon and the klnledrome. Business is


White City (Jake Scliwni/,, manager).

The Winner Vaudeville Company continuesthe attraction. Business Is looming.Lakh Kriii (Lee Fleming, manager).

Work Is progressing rapidly on the. new the-nlre, una extensive prepuriillous are beingmade fur tho opening, which Is uuuouuccd for2D.

Standard (Frank He Ileipie, manager).

Burlewpm has succeeded (lie drama lit tills

house, "The Bishop" being iircsciited tinderIhe direction of W. B. Frieolnnder, week ofID. In the olio, ,1. E. N. and (ieorgle Powers,Joe Irwin, Pearl Gllmore, Hubble Blckllng.Christine Lo Moyne, Jno. K. Green, Eddie1 1 an Ion, Maymc Cooper unit Harrison Hall.Business heavy.

Hwoti Buns.' Minntiiki.m did good businessunder canvas 0-8,

Coo Callforiibin's production of "The Italic

inhiii Girl." nl the Auditorium, bus appearedto good advantage Frederick Perry, bile

lending man In "The Mail of Ihe Hour," lias

arrived In 1st* Angeles to spend the Sum-mer Fred Ho in sco visited here It andweek The Humane Society la makingthings disagreeable for managers In tills city,

and creating adverse erlllelsni by Its arid

irnry conduct In seeking to regiilale produc-tions In which children nre riHpilred to an-is'iir n|sm the stage. It lnterferred will) tills

fen I ute of Mrs. Fiskc's performance of "ThoNew York Idea," at Morosro's Thenlre, IheI'.ehisco performance of "All On Account, ofKIIm, I'he lioheinii.n mil,' nt ihe Am


loilnin, und likewise the euipliiyineiil ofboys us programme passers al other houses,

Isabella l.'nderwo.sl. a contralto, nowmarried and retired from the singe, Is visit-

ing relative)) ill this clly Dot llerunrdwill soon leave this clly In become lendinglady for the new linker Theatre Slock Com-pany at I'oil la ml, Ore.

Mli.inuixills.—At the Metropolitan (L.

N. Kcott. manager) the Ferris Stock Co., In

"Old Heidelberg," June 1U and week. Samecompany, in "Tbe Judge nnd tho 'ury," bad

of good business I) and week. "The Half Breed"scenes, is In preparation for L'.'l nnd week.

Buou (Theodore L. Hays, manager).

"Tho Convict's Daughter" III and week. "OurWfimiMiioket. — At I Jong Lake Theatre iimv Mlnlalcr" played to good business P and

(It- B. Handttll. niiiiiageri the Golden Gate wt'cli - This house closes for the season Satur-

Qulnlelte and their Southern Troubadours Is day evening, 22.he name or the company (hat will be ut the ,„Lvcti


L - $K?-n 'ISnn1


<,.!" )„— 1


h,' llnn.

lake week of June 17. It would be l.urd In •" « wl'''K -. "Ivor Tw st," and. week,

nuicliluiitlons that lust through four actaloyu triumphs and spectacular seemKnobs ))' 'I'ennessee" 17 and week.

Dallas,—At (lie New Lyric I Edwin Ed-wards, manage) i ihe hill for week of Julie10: McCloud and Melville, McCuno andGrant, Gato, Juggler, and Edwin Edwards,Illustrated snugs. Business, is fairly good.Lake Ci.ikt Casino.—The Baldwin Mel-

ville Co. presented "The Dunlles," to goodhouses, week of 10.Cycm; Park Thkatrb (C. K. McAdnuis,

manager I.

Myrkli Harder Stock Co., In"The (joldllrldn of Nevadu," 10-15, came togood jiatrniiage.

II 1 1. BlICKKll'S Ivorak W.iMU.n Co., In

chungo of bill, appears nightly, lo full teuls.

Pick the favorlle In Inst week's bill. As nnovelly. Cray's manikins proved lo be Inter-est ng. especially to Urn little people. Burnersand Hlorke hnd a refined Utile rauslcul netthat proved very popular, nnd the rest, of Iheprogramme rounded out n very clover Hummershow.

reports good business. "The Hello of Rich-mond" 211 und week.

Uniqdk (John Elliott, mnnnger).—Bill for17 nnd week Includes: Duffy. Snwtellc andDuffy, Eddie Sawyer, uunscll Grose, AliceMortliuid and company, Cnscy und Crnnev,nnd Irene Little. Business was great 10 und

NoTH.V-Advance car No. 1. of the Buffalo week.Bill's Show, visited us lust week. This on- Moth.—Big Island and Wonderland Parksterprlse will lie seen In Wonnsnckct July 3. nro enjoying good business.

• —

Ncivpnrt—Sheedy's Frccbody Park (Chas. Diilulli.—At the Lyceum <C. A. Marshall,R. Cook, manager will open lor the season munuger) (he Diiluth Elks hiiye (h» i-ou«n

June 24. Juno 13, 14. "King O Kcefc" had B, B. 0.Ill, given by tbe members of tbe lodge andN'otkn.—Buffalo Bill's Wild West Is hilled

here for June St Vaudeville bus beendiscontinued at the Newport Opera House.


Wny VUr— At Ihe Alvnrado (W. .7.

Diuinl, manage) . Hie Lorraine. Unehaiinnhloek Co., hi repertory, did good ImslneHSweek of June I). The Earl Burgess Co. 17and week.

Ri.ioii (J. p. Pllmure, malinger).—CupucKyhouses ruled hero week of 10, when the fol-lowing din wns presented : Avery, Locke andPearl, tho Great Weston. Lynn and PnaWesley, the Marvelous McCIure, Truman Hey-tnoure, and the BIJoiiscope.Winona Beach Park Casino (L, W. Rich-

nrds, mnnnger).—Bill week of 10 Included :

The World Comedy Co., the Three BrothersBosil. Crouch and Klchnrds. A. K. Culdern,itnekn'ay and Oonwnv, and the (.'nslnoseone.

„, N'THS.—Tom Atklnsmi. wlio has been withIhe Isle of Hong Bong" the past, sensnn, Is

spending Ida Siimiuer vacation at his home« tbls city Ed. li. Moore, In advance

their friends. Lillian Itusscll pleased greatly7, 8. "Thelmu." with Crtrolyn Mcl^un, didwell 11. IMchurds «V Prlnglo

rs Minstrels, 12,

13, did Avail. Juvenile BoHtoiilnns 17-22.K'ni) Vlvlenne (Itenn Smith), a Duliith girl,

will give a song recital, usslslrd by Iiiiliilh

people, 21 : Mrs. Leslie Carter 20. .

nt.inti (Joe Mitltbind, manager).—BusinessIs at high water mark. Hill for 1 7 nnd week :

Barry nnd Johnson- Frnzn Trio, FlexibleFrederick. Wllher Held, the Hoys, IsadoreSilver, Jus. McClellnn, and the moving pic-tures.

TENNESSEE.Knozvlllc.—At Chllhowee Park Theatre

(llnrry Bernstein, manager) the Wills Mu-sical Comedy Co. opened June 10, for fourweeks. Business began very large and con-tinues so. The hills for the opening week Notkrwere, for the first hnlf. "At Atlantic Cltv." manngerslaud for tbe last half, "Sweet Slxfeeu." The ThoatreJewell Kelly Stock Co. eloped a vetv success, ptctntec.fill four weeks' eugagenimt 8, 15.

Sun Antonio At the Elcrlrlo Park (Sid.II. Wels, uiiunigcr | Sunday nlghl, June (I, theColumbia Opera Co. opened for u two weeks'engagement, with the popular "Said Pasha."The attendance was very large, and the pro-duction was well received.

NorHK.—Itlschc & < lamer, local people, nrodoing good business with ten cent attractions,a) a tent show, playing every night and nun I-

nee An open air lyric vaudeville showopened June 10. • >

CONNECTICUT.Hnrlford.—At Parsons' (If. C. Parsons,

manager) the Hunter-Brudford Players maden big hit. In "Old Heidelberg." week of June10. Cupneltv business ruled, "l.urd andLady Algy" 17-22.

Poli'm (L. I*. Kllby, manager)—The PollStock Co. pleased large houses with "WhySmith Left Home" week of 10. "Mrs. Dunc^iDefense" 17-22.

Foot Guard Aiimoiiv (II. Ellsworth, man-ager).—"The Girls of America," by locultalent, played to good business .1, (1,

Hi'KNic Tiikatiii: (II. C, Young, inunugcr).—This new theatre, which Is devoted tomoving pictures and vaudeville, gives a con-tinuous performance, It opened June 10, togood business

-, .«IMHA.% TKnitlTOHY.

Sooth HcAlrstcr.—At the Liingsdiile

Opera House (A. Bert Estcs, manager)Ferris Comedlnns June 3-7.

Lyric (Chas. J, Hodklns. director).—Billweek ut 10: The Klngsburyo, ,1, II. Shaw,pons and Nndonly. and Lyricscope.

Nickelodeon (King & Latimer,

Oiiklniid.—At Ihe Mneiliiiiiiugh (Chns. P,

Hull, mnnnger) nils Skinner, lu "Tho Duel,"pleased well lllleil houses, June 3-fi, Nut <!.

Hood win, lu reisu'liiry (return cngiignmenl),drew excellent business IIP. Walter San-ford's Hloek Co.. In " A SI niggle for Life,"10-13; Viola Allen, In "Twelfth Night."three pcrforiiiiinr.cH, 14, ID; Saufoi.l's StockCo., Ill "My Jack," 17-23.

LllilltlTV (II. W. Illsliop. iniinager).—Nnnce O'Nell unit Bishops company ofplayers, In "Miichclh." drew capaelly houses,week ending I). Miss O'Nell nnd Ihe LlberlySlock Co., lu "La Toscu," 10-111. ThoJewess" follows.

lui.iiA Park Oi-kiia IIiiiimk ill W. nisliop,iiian'iger).—The Idoni 0|M>rn Co., In "ThoWcddlnu Dny." drew S. II, O., week ot «.

Sumo bill ki-iii. 'Tho Ameer" Is uuderlliieil.

IlKU. (Ed. II. .man. mnnnger) —AttractionsHI and week Include: Harry La Hose ..ml

company, Howard llros., hiiiijiilsts ; Tan-ner 'illll Gilbert, In "How to Make Love ;"

No. .so nnd Sloan, In "The Trickster;" GilBrown, miinologlsl, nnd the Helioscope. Busi-ness eon i limes to capacity.

NoVKl.TV (Tony Lllls-lskl, manager).— Bill

10 and week: Fay, Coley mid Fay. singingnnd talking comedians ; llio Dancing Mit-chells, the Three Hummus, club Jugglers;the Hiilsdens, trick hlcycllsls ; Grace Williams.female linrlloiie. In Illustrated songs, nnd thelatest motion pictures. Business was excel-lent last week. Clayton. Jenkins and Jasperwill be u feature allriicllnn here In the nearfuture.

Ili.mti Diikam (W. V. Ileffey." manager).

Moving pictures continue to draw big pat-ronage.

hex (J. i'. Wlllmiint, manager).—Motionpictures and Illustrated songs. Business wasgood last week.

• *

Hun Dii no. -At (lie Pickwick (PalmerBros,, malingers) Myrlle Thompson Slock didgood business In "Lost und Won," week end-ing June 0. The same slock, lu "Master and.Man" lu in, "Uncle from Julian" to follow.

GrAnii (De Lncotir & Field, inn lingers),

Tho Grand Slock presented "Arkaiisuw Ingood houses 3-ti. 'Ihe regular stork, 111 "Ontho Yukon," week ending 10.

E.Mi'iui: HI. II. Hosley, manager).

Florence Blrdsiill, in Illustrated songs, midI.. lest moving pictures. S. It. 0. businessalways.

Ei.KCTitlMiM.—Latest Hickories* movingpictures and Illustrated songs. Hualnes* Is

splendid ut nil performances.-•-

NEW IIAMPnlllHE.Miineliesii-r. — At the Nickel, formerly

Keiths (Harry J. Hpelltnsn, mnnnger) mov-ing pictures continue to draw large crowds,together with the .feature, tho PhilharmonicQitiirlelle, In their singing. Nettle Barroncontinue to please uk Hie soloist.

Maknarrsh.' (Frank G. Mack, residentman-ager i. The opening occurred Juno 10, nndwhile (he weather has been a trifle cool, busi-ness has been fair throughout the week. Thebill Included : Hid Baxter, Csrlmi and Christ i.

Joseph Keno nnd company, Nerf and Miller,wentwnrth and V'csln, and Ihe rnmeriigrnph.Notk.—The Mingling llros.' Circus gave two

nerformunrcH 13, In excellent business andpronounced siillsfnedon, Their slrenl: paradewas s fen I it re, and one of the best ever seenhere.

cerls In the music pavilion, to largo audi-


Kon-taink Fhriiy Park (Win. nelchman,manager).—Mabel MeKlnlcy was the head-liner of a first class vaudeville bill Inst week,and was given a rousing reception. Pierce

were the soloists In the park,

g being greeted with enthusiasticSew people engaged week of HI


Liuir Trio. GllFoy, Haines andHoward and Bland, Gorton and

Deaths in (be Profession

Mrs. W. G. Jones.Mrs. W. G. Junes. Ihe uldcst actress of

prominence since die dentil of Mrs. Gilbert.

died on Thursday morning. June 13, nt the

home of tier daughter, Mrs. Julia A. Birdseye, 101 West Due Hundred nnd Sixth Street,

New fork Clly, Her Inst Illness begun onApril 17. two days after xho had iippciirrd

In a Shakespearean part in li lament at M,Chrvsoslom's Chapel. Thlrly-nlnth Street andSeventh Avenue. Mrs. Jones' maiden namewas Julia A. Wagstaff. and sho was born in

Chatham. Eng., April 15, 1828. Her fatherwas a musician, stationed at Bermuda withnn English regiment. She mine to Americawith her falher, mother and sister, on asailing yncbt. mid (he family (raveled(iiroughnut America as public entertainers,

Mrs. Jones appearing on the stage playinga llageolci. Site was llien eight yuars of age.

and, with tho exception of a fuw years, hasbeen on the stage ever since. The familysettled In Philadelphia, and Mrs. Jones ninth*

her debut al the Walnut Street Theatre In

1S3II. as the Duke of York to J. It. Booth'sItlchard III. When she grew older sheacted Ihe Prince ot Wales, l^uly Anne,Duchess of York mid (Jiiecu Elbalsdh, andhas several limes doubled two of these wo-men purls. While n member of the slockcompany hi I'lllshurg, Pit., lie acted lib li

itiond to the Itlchard of Kale Fisher. II washard work lu those dnys lo get iieuple in

coine lo benellis, so Kate Fisher for her beneIII, thought It would prove n novelly to havetwo women pluy Ihnse parls. Mrs. Jonesalso played Moliien to the Juliet of Mis. M. A.Fin-eon. because thorn wns no man In Ihecompany capable of playing the purl. Sheafterwards acted Juliet. Ludy Cnpulot amipluvcd two men lu Ihe same play. Ill "limnlet sho hits acted iisrlc und Queen Ger-trude. In "Othello" Hesdemoiia andEuielln. lu "Jack Cade" Miirlumi and WidowCade. In "Macbeth" Flounce, Hecate, Gentle-woman, Singing Witch and Lady Macbeth.Ill "A New Wily lo Pay Old Debts," Imlhwith .1. II. Booth mill Edwin lloolb,

.Margaret mid Ludy Allcock : In "IronI'liral," wllli J, B- Hooilt and EdwinMouth. Miirlurle WIHurd and Lady Helen;III 'Black lived Susan." Hoebi and Susan,with Httiurt Bobson : In "Mob Muy,"' one of

Ihe children, Dliinii Vernon, Mnltlo und I'ran

els ilsbnldlstuti. She was Ihe original Meg,In America, lo the Luke Fielding, of Coiil-

dock, nnd wns Ihe original Eliza, hi "UncleToms Cabin," when ll was produced nt the

Chulhiiiu Thenlre. New York city, July is,

ISrdl. Coidellu Unwind played Eva. Mrs.G. C. Howard plnjeil Topsy, and Geo. L. FoxGumption Cute. While Mrs. G, C. Howardwiis lit, 4lis. Jones played Topsy, Mrs.•tones also played Ell/.a and fussy, at Ihe

New Bowery Then I le. Del. K. 18(1(1, nlsu

Aunt nphcllu. at the Olympic (LauraKcone's i. Del. 20, 1S7II, with Jennie Yeiiuuius

as Topsy and John M. studley as UncleTom. For over twenty years Mrs. Joneswas a member of the slock company al Ihe

Old Mnwery Theatre. Previous lo Joining(he Old Bowery, she traveled with llm He-

glllll (ipei.i Co., over tho country. Aflert nut she wns In Ben De Mar's stock, In

New Orleans, also In HI. Louis Al1'lltsle.Hg she passed from Ingenue In

lending lady. At Ihe Old llowery her salarywns lllil a week, when II wns reduced In

$12. Al Ihe Old Nullonnl Thenlre sho alsoappealed. In Ihnse (lavs slid wns Ihe mustpopular nciress connected with the New Yorkstage, nnd In the laic days of Ihu Old llowery.

when "Mertliu, Ihe Hewing Machine Girl,"

nnd such iliniiias were acted, she continuedus grout a I'nvoi'lle wllli Ihe public us shehud In lis early ilu.vs. In "b'nsl Women of

tho Modern Times" she assumed six chu me-

ters, while Fanny Herring played seven char-urlcix As Mlooily Nullum, In "Nick of Ihe

\V(ai(la:" Fretl, In "New York Flreinun :" HenBowling, in "Hi ii the Moiilswiilii :" YankeeJack, lu the piny of Hull name, sho wns ugrout favorite. It was when llm war brokeout Hint her salary was reduced, as moneywns scarce, mid III f!2 II week silo remainedill Ihe llowery for months. There were tin

new costumes In buy during that gloomyperiod, so the ineiiihnrs of the rouitiuny re-

sorted to llm "diking" business, wiiurllig their

gowns until (hey became llireiidhare. Afternor retirement, from Ihe Old llowery she lanklo Hie road, and me llrsl part she playedwith a comhliiiillon wits In "The lloiiiiiuy Ityc."

Shi! was nl. the Hlnnilurd (Manlialtan) during(he Hummer of 18H2, and acted Itll.i Muller.In "Mux Muller," wllli linker & Farreii. Hhehas also pluvcd Ihe Nurse with Minnie Adams,at Gm Empire Theulre. During bur en-

gagement at Dm (ltd llowery she has actedIn three pieces llio snuio night -a tragedy.n drama and a farce. In IM-Ifi she marriedWllllniil G. Jones lebraled roc Ills notingof sailor eliiiruclers. Ho died In IHC3, nndl tie following year she married J. M. Cisike,

who was killed bv a fall from the flics.

Hhe wns llrsl announced ut the llowery usAirs. Cooke afler nn absence of I wo years, JulyI), 1B50. In INII2 she married Menliimln I',

lieiin, the lender of the orchestra of llio oldBowery. Her last appearance at (bo Boweryoccurred July 7, IH7II. Mrs. Jones was gifted

with u comminuting person, a video isiwerfuland melodious, und with nil Ihe charms,botb of mind and Unit. Her grenl iinliirul

luienis were perfected by diligent slndy. midshe not. only knew but comprehended all

purls she undertook. A inure versatile nciressbus never been seuu on Ihu Aniiirlciin slago.Hho look n great. Intsrest In Ihe Aclora'Fund mid Ihe Church Alliance, and wns miactive wurker lu both. She leaves one sonand ono daughter. Funeral services wereheld on Hun. lav, Juno 10, III HI. Chrynnsl urn's

Chapel, at Thlrly-nlnth Htreet. unit SovntilhAvenue, at noon. II Js estimated that, 1,000people were present, Kcprcsciilitllvc* of theProfessional Womiin's I/Ciiguc, the Aclors'Church Alliance, the Actors' Huelely, llmActor*' Fund, Actors' Society of Friendshipnnd the Players' Club were in attendance.Each society sent Moral tributes. 'I'he poll-

bearers were Marcus Morlarty. 10. J, Wendell,Edwanl Frelberger, T. Allslon Brown, T. C.

Iliimllton. Frank Smith, Logan Paul undLouis Grlsel. 'IMie ushers were Adulph Jack-son, Guy Hpungler and John Brown,


.pictures lliippylnuri

lAdler A Wood, iiiaiingerni iiiovlng10-


ler A. Andrews Auiiucdicu t Co.

KENTUCKY.Louisville. The Wbllft CII.V (W. II.

Lubb. manager) enjoyed large patronage weekof June li. Mile. Brachnrd. on, the revolvingglols* ; llm Tldbeiiiix Zouaves, In a sensn-lionai (urn, and Prof. Illen'n dog, pony andmonkey elrcilH, were free attractions whichpleawd the crowds. Cora Youngblnod Cor-son's band ot thirty Ave svontva iftive tuu-

Dolly Cosier (Mrs. James T. McAlpliiidied on Hntiirdity, June (I, In her llnl, :uin N.t.'lark Htreel, Chicago, aged forly yeliis. ,\lra.

McAHilll wns taken III about three mouthsago. and her illness was thought lo be minllll. lion of her right eye. She went home.In retire fin' a yen, Is have her eve treatedby a specialist, mid seemed to lie Improving,but on Hntiirdiiy night, June H, she was sud-denly ntlurkcd Willi convulsions, which eonUntied until Ihe nnxl night, when she died,

without having regained consciousness. AIHist-irmrleiii examination was held, and II

was discovered Unit she had nolle a largetumor growing ou her briilii. Mrs: McAlpInwns ipille . noted soiilireile, having been onIhe stage since her Infancy. She pluyedbnhv mid child parts with Edwlu flooih.

John Mel'r. Hough, John T. Mil > lliolld. MaggieMllclielt, Fanny Havenpoll and ChristineN"llsoii. Mrs. MeAlplu wss one of Ihe ladyhonorary members of Ihe J-'lku. Hue wnr,hulled beside her mother, In the family plot.

In Mt. OIIto Cemetery, Slto in mir'lveo by

488 THE ^®W^ YORK CLIPPER June 22.

ber"hnsDpnd.**JanrT.~ McAlpIn," who was

home of her mother In Now York City,. on

June 12, from- valvular heart disease. For

many 'wW she traveled M4«*»Lillian, with road ronvpanles, and the sisters

w"Je also In vaudeville. She was said to

bare been the Inventor of the radian Mgeji;

used by the English pony ballet. In -PHr!

PotT'! Poufll!" at (lie Casino, New York.

Ftmrrnl services were held nt tbe Beektpan

MIK Church, Kant Fiftieth Street, Sunday,

June 10. Interment wna In Greenwood Ceme-


Katberlne i.llllenthei, once famous ns

a concert singer, died last week, and was

burled In Potter's Field.

John J. Maddens, a vaudeville perform-

er, who appeared with hl» wife under the

team name of tbe Msdderus, died In Nor-

folk, Va„ on May .25. from n complication,

brought on by partial. paralysis. Mr. Mod-

dernT who bad been on the stage since he

was ten years -of age. was. forty-two yetus

old. During tbe past Ave years be had been

stage manager of "the Manhattan Theatre,

Norfolk, Va. Interment was In, the Catholic

Cemetery, " that city. May 27.

Cnrot <..lnjc»r, t.nndou, an actress,

died nt 10Ti Ilrynn Street, rjallos. Tex, Mon-

day, May 13, aged twenty-four ye"*. »he

bail been filling an engagement wltb H. I).

Uurker's Korak Wonder Co. Miss I/andoa

began her theatrical career four years ago,

with the Lillian Lyons Co., and has since

tilled engagements with North IlroH.' Corne-

lians. Ulfoy Stock Co.. Klnsey Komedy Ko.,

Klmef Walters, and H. l>. Hucker. She wasthe wife of Harry M. Royal, well known us

s heavy mnn. Miss Lnndoh was .called.' Gin-

ger" by her friends on account of tbe lively

action she. always -pot Into her character*.

Tbe remains were sent to Kalamazoo. Mich.,

the former home of Miss Lnndnn, for lnler-

t;kyde O, Hess.an actor, and a member

of the Aylenworlh Stock Co.. playing at. the

New Floss Theatre, Goldfleld, Nevada, died

lb that city last week, from pneumonia, Mr.

Ilcss was ooru at Dansvllle, N. Y., on Aug.

18, lflCO. He had been on the stage virtually

nil of his life. His father. C. D. Hesar wasfor maov years manager of the Hess Opera.

Co. Mr. "Hess was a member of the Fraternal

Older of Fogies, aerie of Sheboygan, Wis.

Prior 1o appearing In Qoldneld, Mr. Hobs

bad for years been connected WKb the AJcn-

7nr Stock Co.. on the coast. The body wastent to Han Francisco, Oil., for Interment.

Mr. Hess Is survived by his wife.John A, lIoiTmiia, a musician, died on

May 14. In Cook's Hospital, nt, Fairmont, W.Va., from typhoid fevor. Mr. Hoffman hail

been engaged as musical director of the W.II. Marble show boat for the season of

11)07, ond opened nt Parkershurg, W. Va..

mi April 2. He' was apparently In goodhealth until a few days before showing In

Fairmont, and on arriving there decided to

go to 1 the hospital. Members of the showsent mauy beautiful flowers to Fairmont,which were shipped with tbe body to Lykens,

Pa., for Interment.

John darter, an old time nctor, died nt

his home, 1412 Fnlrmoont Avenue, Phllndel-

iihln. nu June ill, from heart disease, agedfightv-seveii yenrs. He was hou In Ireland,

hut went to l-'uglnnil at mi enr.'y age. Mr.Carter llrst came to America under the man-agement of Henry French, In "The BrokenMelody." His Intcst engagement was withthe Creston. Clnrkii Stock Company, whichclosed for the season In Baltimore In May.He played Fruncojs to Macroailv's lllchelleu,

Mini supported Charles Keen, Junius BrutusBooth, Charles DJIlou Charles Fetcher andHenry Irving. It Ik sold he was the tlrst manlo piny Uncle Tom Ja Kngland. Ills widowsurvives him.

t rmik W. Caldwell, advance agent andbusiness manager, died Tuesday night, June11. at his home In South Westerlo, N. v..

from consumption. He was wltb tbe Sbu>herls last season, mid previous lo Dint be hadbeen for three years ndvnnce representativefor Adelaide Thurston. The. body wasbrought to New York <Mty for Interment.

iir«. -William A nil too, wife of the aero-imi and bar performer, anil mother of EituMav -Ash-ton, the vaudeville performer, diednt her home In Cincinnati. ()., June 12. Shebail been In retirement lor a uumber of years.

r.niiuu HhUbiU, of Marks Bros.' Co., No.:t. died In St. Joseph's Hospital, Chatham,Cmi., on June III, after six weeks' Illness.

The holly was shipped to Portland. Me.

a iii.-iik iiiiuriiiim Appears In aNew Play.

A despatch from Ml. Iionls, Mo., statesi)i-ii Amelia Rlngunni made s most favor-ii tilt- Impression there, at Suburban Garden,evening of June .10, ns Lady Mary. In Fred-erick F. Scbrnder's play of high F.ngllKh

society, "A Modern Godlvn," which waspresented on thnt date, for the first lime onany stage.

»« »

KllK'flir Wellington to Have a IlenrHI.

Kugeue Wellington, familiarly known ast.enlul Oene, Is lying III at his home, 104West Hlxly-llrsi Street, New York City, witha stroke of paralysis. This will be u shuckio his luiiny friends In the theatrical andupon lug world.

Mr. Wellington was for two years the man-ager of the Gotham Theatre, this city, andwas mauy years a road mauager for promi-nent ot tract Ions. Ah a side Issue, during theSummer lime, he woh connected wlBh manyprominent bookmakers on tbe ICusterrT tracks.

His many friends In. ibis city, unknown tohim, are arranging n beneiit and ball, torake . place ut tbe Torrace Garden OperaHouse, Firiy-elglith Mlreol mid LexingtonAvenue, Siiniloy evening, June 110.

A number of prominent high class vaude-ville people have volunteered, Maurice l,evl's

Orchestra will furulBh the music. Ticketsfor the vaudeville performance and hall willlie oue dollar, aud those wishing to subscribe•nay address Geo. 11. Hu rrls, , Room 1101. NewTimes Building, cure the National PrintingCo. It Is hoped that enough money will beraised to care for Mr. Wellington for a longtime. Jnmon J. Armstrong, the well knownvaudeville agent, will have the direction of(he stage,


»»MikIIkiiu Nuunre Itoof linrilrnlnllpru,The Madison Square Hoof Gnrden will open

Its regular Summer season Saturday night.June i'2, with "The Mold and the Million,aire." a musical, farcical mixture by. Fred-eric Chapln, whose nnme Is new as a makerof Summer entertainment for New Yorkers,it is In two acts, and Is sold to be full oftun, music and pretty girls. Mortimer M.Thelse, under whose personal direction theproduction Is being made, 1ms given "TheMa lit and the Millionaire" a lavish produc-tion, and engaged a capnbU> company of fun-makers, and bus bent his every effort to pre-tfcnl a pleasing entertainment of a lightcharacter. Among those who will lake partare- Tomn Hiinloii, Maude Alice Kelley.Mildred Morton. I. Ilia ilrenuan, Mir Hart,Charles Burke. Fred Wykolf, John C. Hart,Albert Davis, Hnrry I.lnkey and Kd. Morton.The roof le under the management of Mor-timer M. Thelse and Henry 1'iiicns.

. ».»'

Wni. A. Ilriulj Arrange* to Send "'WayDown Kant" and "The Man or

the Hoar" to London.Win. A. Ilrady arranged last week with

Charles Frobmnn for the production of " 'WayDown Fast" at the Aldwyrb Theatre, l.on-don, Eng.. on Aug. 1. no bns also arrangedwith Frank Curr.on to produce "The Man «tthe Hour" before tbe middle of September, Inuati of Mr, Ciuwon'i London the* t res.

Olympic l^tPN&E&g&WU&SSThe Olympic Theatre; known as "Chlcsgo'r

Cradle of Vaudeville," and .situated In MuliAshland Block, corner of Randolph anaClark Streets, In which Is Ihe-Western Bureauof Tin-. \i:w York Cuprr.it, was very bsdlyburned night of June 14, the Ore starting. It

Is thought, from crossed wires In the rear ofthe auditorium, at the head of the balconystairway. .

. Special Officer William McKenzle, an em-ployee, while making bis rounds at 11.35 r.

W.j smelted smoke, went to tbe engine room.and then to tbe dressing rooms under thestage. Not locating tbe fire there, he re-

turned to the body of tbe house, and ascendedtbe stairs leading to tbe balcony. At thetop he snw smoke pouring out from the cell-

log of the gallery, and rushing down stairs,made his way to the street, where he turnedin an' alarm.

Ahe Jacobs, manager of the house, wasstanding at tbe corner of llandoiph andClark Streets, and bis first knowledge oftbe lire was when he saw the engines ruitb

up lo the entrance. MrKen/.lc rushed backto tbe fire and emptied the contents of achemical extinguisher on tbe blaze, but It

. 'tfnt thr terns* wsslewed KrWn ,wItk-'tMT understanding-' that be should turn It over

nt any time the association might went. It

for vaudeville.'

r*> •»•• i

mm Picwre$.

"Doa POMCf," an Importation. *>*?*£*Freres, shows. the dogs at. work, Uicilng,

criminals. They take up tbe scent, "* ""J*it through waler and over land, nntlly nin-

nlng.down their prey in a garret. This Is

a subject thoroughly Interesting to all pot-

M"r; Mibin has gone dA|rn :B<>nth. «-'woy»,

for a new subject, ond has produced a series

MHin.ru nr nat enwmn n *nlf of films on tbe "Oyster Inatistry. followingMHiii.KH, hi rat i,d»*mu u.JHii,

the same In all Its phBgef«f planting, clean-The "Scanper" held ot the club rooms, ?! "Siting shlppmgann lending. "When,

last Saturday, June l£ was one of the most wo-jK vote'* is a comical political subject'successful ever held. The "entertainment com- A

')|st of +he ij„bin, output is it the

menced with a . minstrel first part, afterfli,no,ai t exhibitors


which we bad a touch of "vodevllje," and, \>TllB AwKWARD MAN'^Mjiput through his


.different, we had, "Backward the vllngTaph. lilms. Such amuslnj

VSSS&L&n&f&2U»* eJSl»«n


SS l»clden,? as ifallfng •«* everything _ an3entertainment wltb a travesty on "Tbe Girlof tbe Golden West," "The Squaw Man,""Nobody.'s jClnlm,". "Big Hearted JtoV' "8a-lomy Jftlte** -*and several other plays, all laone; arid tberesulr was that we Just langbedourselves almost, to death.

everybody, and making himself generally ob-

noxious, and "always In the way arebonpdto raise laughter. "Tbe Slave" Is tbe. title

of ah Interesting series of pictures showingthe evils of slavery- days. V

'1'nfc latest fiftumont: films can be> secured

.Ji y0" *?* Dot n rat' ail ,y°n De,

eA,J „

at: from" the"k'iejne"6ptlrir Co., who are general

tend one of our scampers, ig an Invitation|Str | blIting agents dfr Chicago for films.

member: so, in the future, if jOU machines, Itc. "Mother-ln-Law at the Whitel enjoyable time, get yourself Invited..

c.Uv" the latest Issue, shows the adventuresfrom awont an enjoyable time, get yourseir inviteo. cftv/'The latest. Issue, shows the adventures

H(ra«r on me omzc, o..^ , t "jflj Bg.«&«»&**>*» JSLFg-gg of a three hundred pound "wife's mother-had no effect. Tbe chemical engine company KmthS. £?r«™« *££ Zi, »» .«vl.1 ravortlng on the varlouB amusement devices

arrived and spread tarpaulins over the seats sS^JS^SSt'J^xS^Z^Z^^S^ at the public resort. The effects are ludicrous

and boxes, bit these were destroyed later. Jn.f.„


ur,J&£ StJSS^TtSSSSS In the extreme. Other subleets are "Legless

The shutters at. the rear of the bulldlfig, Sffl^g-'Jg'WtP**m *h*^Pyfo™^-»gd Runner." "Shoeing the Mall Carrier" OBdfacing on the nlley-way which riiHs'-frtm g*J»"«y **. *»J* «"»*:fgPgg! "Amateur Rider." „ , J.Clark to Dearborn Street, were closed ond SSS-WSB n


^r..taJSSCS?^ fISS "H«>w BRtDOEfs I^vkb Bscapb[>'' Is tbeloekiHl from the Inside, whkb made It dlffl- KS2*w5'tt-3r* "MtMfcBj cry was, More mle of a Dew Melles Importation,cidt for the firemen to get at the blaze for a "^J^JZ _*£, the following candl-


When Chief Horan arrived he ranldlv notes were duly initlafed, nnd.admltwd Into Jnles Mnrry'B Plnn» for Next Season.

rned In four alorms aid soon IriiMn tb* tealm* «.f Rat-land : John Allison, Bob Jules Murry will next season produce tout-jjy!LJL^LK^JH&3gLyEL*5! Ward. Archibald Dunbar, Geo. W.Relff, John pew plays, .and in addition to wlilch he will

i^tSS%StS^tti^A^ SjgfiWn - ETn0». «* BevJDi'tnd ftllllp ope



ACompanle, la the successful col

'hie business of tbe order having become Paul Gllmore will use a new play, bytoo large for Major Burke to handle, be. vol- George V. -Hobart, Mr. Gllmore playing theuntarily resigned his position as secretary, part of a young fellow with the automobileand was replaced by Bro. Herman Desco. habit, and tbe piece will afford him excellentMajor Burke has been appointed overseer opportunity to display his admirable quall-nf tbe club rooms. ties ns a light comedian. The scenes of the

In a mood of charity, I beg to remind you play are laid In one of the fashionable Sum-that Joe Palmer, well known to everyone as mer resorts on the North beach, Long Island;a good fellow and' a great performer. Is in In Wall Street, New York, and on a ranch InlUstress, brought on by illness for many Texas. There will be great chances for novelyears, and is to have a benefit tendered to scenic and lighting effects, which will behim In' tbe near future, at some one of our fully taken advantage of.local, theatres. The latter bag is yet not The title of Creston Clarke's new vehiclebeen secured. We, tbe White Rats of America; for next, season has not yet been decided upon,will do all In our:- power for this worthy but the plov Is a modern one, of unusualcause, by giving one of our nil star enter- strength, with a capital part for the star.tninmeiiiH. it Is also probable that Mr. Clarke will, be-

Bros. Will Cook and Joseph Maddern are cause of repeated requests from his followersIn charge of tbe Joe Palmer benefit. throughout the country, give occasional per-

If you think Major Doyle,' the diminutive formances of "Hamlet" and "Tbe Merchantcomedian, Is little, get around on meeting of Venice," Tbe Hamlet and Shylock ofnlgbts and hear bis arguments, as:.the In- Creston Clarke are conceded to be among the•Han, would say, "Heab-mucb-bW-tillr." most intellectual Interpretations of these

Bro. Henry Walters, who, When not work- parts ever seen In America or England.Whltecar Mr. Murry has se-r drama, dealing wltb life onIs called "An Old Sweetheart

.. this production many pleasantTheatre, Reading, Pa. surprises In the way of mechanical effects

"the shown, and the play will be bond-aely equipped scenlcrtly.' Mr. Whltecar

rates of the rooms have been reduced for has for the past three isasons been winningthe Summer months to tbe following terms: favor all over the country by bis delightful

rooms performance of the leading role of "TheMummy and tbe Humming Bird," under the

what our Jules Murry management,tiny, nnd was" In working order when ex-

""emDersnip is now, wit I know It Is four With the production of "Cupid at Vassar,"amined. The flames leaped from the rear of "s"'*8 - ^

Mr. Murry will blaze the way for the girl

ihe house to the stage, but It Is thought that ,As r*8B™s tbe baseball teams,: the stand- college play. "Cupid at vassar" Is a musical

the scenery nnd the belongings of the per- 'B* up 'to date would' naturally prompt one to comedy drama, by Owen Davis, with musicformers were saved, though they may be In-

"n-T J*"1 ' I!

'" u" ov*r b"t the shouting, for and lyrics by A. Baldwin Hloane and Georgelured by smoke and water. the Comedy Club, but ye old time fans know Totten Smith, of "The Gingerbread Man" and

Practically everything on the stage was "hat an uncertain game baseball' Is, and con- other musical comedy fame. Florence Gear,suved, except, the granu drapery, which was fluently you will FeBIIze that there Is many whom Mr. .Murry featured last season, Intorn and singed. The performers were able 2,u

H"t,!"?,vveen the spltball and home plate. "The Marriage of Kitty," will be seen Into get their effects Into the Randolph Street T"5 whlte Rats .will win the pennant, take Ihe. leading part. Fifteen principals are re-

lobby of tbe bouBe. The list of those playing ",fr°m «"»• I" 1."?1 *° 088t "Cdnld at Vassar," besides

here Is In the bouse notice. Concern for the ." ?ou "a*e never attended one of those which there will be. about twenty good look-Ashland Block was felt during the early a


1? name*, don't fall to take advantage Ing young women to represent different typesstages of the lire, and beyond scorching the °r *he first opportunity you get. Games of the Vassar girls, and to assist Miss Gearwalls of the building near the fire, and the l""? fuesdny and Friday, at cither the Polo in the musical numbers. One of the hi

breaking of a few windows by tbe heat, no Grounds or the American League field. Ad-dumage was done here. The building was mission free,

Up to date the standing of the teams Is nsfollows


win thpre "wer'e the realms of 'Rat-land :' John AJJIson, Bob Jules Murry will next season produce fou>

y englne™putnplni water intoTthe KKOSBNtPSe*!* (*l9:£-lR*\«L1!&a pew plays, and In addition^ to which he will

ng.reached In case of fire, as the only side exposed Is tbe back of tbe auditorium, which i»oa the alley mentioned above. Tbe stagewall backs up against the Union Hotel, whichIs a headquarters for many actors, and fromwblch the occupants fled in panic when tbefire burst forth.On tbe West and South sides Is the main

building of the Ashland Block, while on Ah*Fast Is the Schiller Building, In wblcVfiWb.Garrkk Theatre. Finally linns of bose werestretched over the roof of the Union Hotel,which Is five stories high, and many of tbefiremen fought tbe enemy from this vantageground. The roof of the auditorium eventuiiily caved in, falling to tbe orchestra floorand the balconies, all of which nltbstood theshock, showing how strongly they were built.

In the muss of wood, iron and tin threefiremen were caught, also Chief Horan. butthey were rescued. Martin Moran was takento tbe Ashland Drug Store, and then to thecounty Hospital. He Is thirty years old.Itodler Dsbe, twenty-five years old, and Wal-ter Bngllsb, twenty-seven years old, wereboth cut about the face and


Utter was bruised aboutundoubtedly saved the life

he removed to a place near tbe door Justa heavy beam fell where they bad previouslybeen. As the firemen entered, an attemptwas made to lower the fire curtain by thesinge mechanic, hut one of tbe fire marshals

I would like to Inform the members who wllf.be shown, and 'the- playwere absent at our last meeting, that the somely equipped scenleafly.' Mr.

tilled with the smell of smoke and dampburned wood, when tbe occupants come lotheir offices next morning.Tbe Garrlck Theatre was tbe Object of

greatest concern, when It was found fonpos,slble-lo save the Olympic and for over anhour the firemen fought valiantly to savethat bouse, which was .done. Across theBlley, to the North, is the Tremont Hotel,Mometlmes occupied by performers, and all thooccupants prepared to leave nt a moment'snotice.

Prom Ihe upper floors of tbe AshlandBlock a good view of tbe ruins can be bad,showing the wrecked auditorium, wltb tberemains of the roof laying on the orchestrachairs, the balcony and gallery, all of whichare bndy charred, or otherwise injured bysmoke and witter. The walls of the theatreremain intact, nnd the stage Is In good con-dition. From the exterior, looking at tbeeHage portion of the bouse, no sign of the Areis evident, as the roof over ihe. stage re-mains intact. ..;,.

The boxes present a very bedraggled ap-pearance, tbe draplngs of which were soakedwith the streams of water, nr scorched bythe flames.

o. p. WON. LOST.Comedy Club 3 3Red Mill 3 2 1White Rats , :t J . 5.Cohan's Nine 3 3The White Rats of .America are located

ot Broadway andt Forty-sixth- Street.'Thk board of governors of tbe White Rats

Includes: Charles J. ltoss, chairman : Richard

—igfentures of the production will be" a baskethall game. "Cupid ot ' Vassar" Is scheduledfor an early opening. ' X

Krnest H. Baxter has been engaged - tohend one of the' "At Yale" companies, andClinton ;C!ny will be leading man In theother company. Both companies will beequipped' with complete, new productions,and tbe sensational race scene between aYale and a Horvard eight, which made sucha hit In "At Ynje" last season, will be afeature of this season's productions.

Mr.. Murry will himself superintend theh

.Staley. John P. Hill Hilly Gould. Mart M. production of all bis plays, and be bos en


' *Sl"y J{ean,, i an? k C. Mudge, ex- gaged Harry Jackson ns general stagrdirec-offlolo. They have Jgst Issued a booklet on lor. Mr. Slonne will put on ill the musicalhouse rulcH governing their club house, and u—evorv member should have one. On July 1

the Initiation' fee will be raised to $25. Thosewho desire to take advantage of tbe lowerrate now prevailing will hnve to do so beforethat date.

numbers In "Cupid at Vassar."

il. or, w. gavajge Attractions forIIMIT-H.


?.Leufl r'f """He operas, "The Merry

Widow, promises to be' oae of the musicalL*;



?,.*el"l0n wto"1 Mr ' Savage trans-plants tbls Viennese success to the New Yorkstage,

Mr. Savage. may open his Garden Theatre'.? .SffctMnbar, wltb a week of "Madame

miscellaneous.' NOTfiS IrROM T«B ElSENBABTH-HENnEBSON ,

Floating Theatre.—The roster of the show is Butterfly," before tho Puccini Japanese oneraas follows: Cant. Klsoobartb, owner nnd Is sent pn. Its second tour.».""

It wns thought that Ihe loss would reach .

manager V John Philips, stage; manager; Vlek,

aer,/ude.' Q'jlolan, the original Flora Wlg-«Sn0.O00, but thin Is too great an estimate. U.

rnl?li ISS!,IM*FJ HnrrT High, band leader; *'"» of "The College Widow"' will appear fn

Abe Jacobs was on band every minute, dl- 2iJSi. Jr^SttStJSSl Pr??

,e£ Carl Wal- « new play next season, under Mr. Savage'sreeling the firemen where to go to Haiti .SHSaifiJ?' Mffi*%J3g£wiS* »2p* u,a5Driera52 t-„,points of vantage,, and worked like a hero.

Harry- i,uter, Clifton Dickson1

, Norman Han- Raymond. Bltchcock has Just closed a threeasslstlug everyone. • .

ley. euphonium soloist; Bert Poller, George months' tour In the musical comedy, "A yRn .

The Olympic was one of Ihe first theatres ffia-SF* p,a, ti'«m. »•>* Gtear De Villus, kee Tourist," and It has proved such a suc-

hullt after the. great Chicago fire ofnnd bns held a prominent, positionlist of local playhouses ever since, nuu m „hm. tb '«,. r- -«;v-r --—

• j-cwas in this theatre that local vaudeville was 9S&Ai£?,JS'VSSt on

. Lbe

-^ -Y.fr

' 1nS ls

practically born. " -giving the beat satisfaction-. '"The .Johns-I was one of tbe three handsome houses I^i&l*2 «£»

,«Blr??Ri dr



ftlfeJe*!* Ahp .Western Vaudeville Managers'V n*„?5t <2&ftf&&Z$k& X™'^!.}.*

fire" of 1871, KKl1.?"d "WA tnrtMCamW. Joe oess Ihnt It will be brought to N.™ York for

isltlon In lbe^whUrt, James McAliester. Henry Turner a Broadway run, at the Astor Theatre begin-

s nee nod Itnna »' r». Frank Horner and Little Cupid. The nlng In August.

»ue«nj, oegin



sorlatlon book In Chicago, being controlledby Kohl & Castle. Tbe others are tbe Ma-Jesllc. the new H.OOO.OoO theatre on Monroe,near State Street., and the Haymarket, onMndlson, near llnlsted. which Is dismantledat

,present, preparing for next season. This

noted as tbe very best blind along the river.There ban not been a change In the showshiee we opened March "20. The S. R. 0.sign has' been up live nights out of everyweek. At Boomer, W. '.Va., w* turned manypeople' away.NOTRS raoll II. I). RUCKBR'S Pahoos

» B6 8ovn*eJ has engaged Gustav Matzner.ending comedlnu of "The -Merry Widow"rfc* J




10 P">yv»"H original role In

*™»nr? c


,opera wben It Is brought to

£5&3f il,




' ,H"P Mauner Iscredited with having made the bit of the

^^Jffiffi 1,sruP,'n

rTbe German capital.

slariron^Tor,/»'i«S™ilppe. one

;of tbe five prima

r* Vm nt Mad"ne Bu| -

M Bason^wa's* slgne'd^fo^next seMoSThe Opera House, up to"a year ugo last ???d: "„nta «Zty^convenience of a modern before she sailed for Europe last weefSpring, had been ploying vaudeville, w«b ?{%£. ,^*l\„ t

'' *»,8 x


,uelectrlc Henrv


w- SaTB8e 1« enjoying an extended

.Summer sessions of musical comedy, but 'Vh° "*""* '"'

last Fall it was turned into a stock 'bouse, ,

where a fine linn of comedies and dramas SSZeTIL;was given, the season having closed Mnv P t,°Pie- .

The top Is made of Khaki cloth, and11. nnd the Summer season with the musical " absolutely waterproof. Two carloads ofcomedy opening on the following day. Tbe 5S?B scenery Is carried, nod It takes fouvOlympic wns completely reconstructed afler S'

ar8 lo P,.°.v^ tae 0,,tnt- All managers who

the Iroquois Theatre fire, at an expense of haTe HS*"1 m,» P11"8* «y »' is

*ian,ootl. nnd hns been one of the best pay- |D<?.most complete tent theatre ever

I- lights and sixteen electric fans. The stage vacation' abroad, That .bVgan wlthHa vSSSiSopening Is twenty-six feet, depth of stage to Spain and I aly, earifin March B

jtwenty-eight feet, dressing rooms for thirty then he has visited Sicily Greece P.r»i»

.,„' People, fhe top is made of Khaki cloth, anrl f^rOmmS^lM^' Itth'WJSSii11. nnd the Summer season wltb the musical )i.




er?E9 J

ri _T¥ ..

car!0I,<l ». ot 'ronce. Scotland apd England. "


»»Poll's Worcester House for


Ing pieces of tbentrlcnl property In tbe-United- SIZ?W °\ American soil. Dr. Riicker,...I*

" * Tljeatre, Worcester. Mass., began onStales ever since. Joe owner, has spent several years In rented J25KL

1 *• 115 career ns a Summer vaudeville

Abe Jacobs tins been In Ihe employ of theatres, and his experiences have enabled """Btre. The Acme Vaudeville Co., of NewKohl & Costle for oianv veara, and Is con- n,m to D""a tnl* magnificent theatre under '"™- " re the lessees.

sldered one of the most efficient and courte- canvas. He says ihat *in,000 would not „aac<5"es Theatre In Worcester will reoneu

ous of managers. The Sherman House, across coyer the cost of his expenses on tbls outfit. ?,ei

?!- J<inD,}.wl" be booked, as usual, bv theClark Street from the Ashland Block, which rhc company numbers tbirty-flve people, andwas the Mecca of many of the Inmates of the wl" reniBln at Dallas until Nov. 15. This is

the same company that played at Houston fortwenty-two weeks,. through tltt Fall and Win-ter months, to the largest business ever ac-credited to a tent show. '.

Notr pbom the Hippodrome Shows.—Out

Union Hotel, while In great danger for alime, was not seriously damaged. Olympicbookings week of 17 included : James J.Cornet t nnd company. I.alla Selhinl. FourOnette Sisters. Ben Welch, Harry Yokes andMargaret Daly, Klngsley and Lewis, Dawsonand Whitfield, Roscoe and Siiums, Rlssettand Scolt, Wilson and De Mon vllle. GeorgeSeGou. Brooks and Clark. Elite ComedyFour, nnd tbe Albright Sisters. The theatrewill he rebuilt. In all probability, at once,nnd opened as soonas possible, to take careof the rush of bookloas which tinve beenmade for the Fall nnd Winter seasonmeantime, after the ChJcajbeen changed In policj-;

United Rooking Office.

Mike Bernard QnltH.« Ml

H? Bernard, pianist, at Tony Pastor's



rfr.w " reR,«n Sofrday evening June

....... r„„„ .,, ,.,,,,„„„„„• e-uows.—i»ui ft.J»JL!H ht,en ««ure at the little play-of rblity stands in Snnsas we- hnve sold PS??*? J™W «<"•• nnd played for allstanding room twenty-five times. A pretty ,wo a da^ ac**- He Intends to go Westgood record for a rainy Spring. -— i a, >» m

- W. D. Lkrot has in preparation a new Jena Bum. slum, i.,„„i, ,__ i*;^

a^nratn?^n,* mtnlotw «*!"» mWe Caslao Olrfs. %,""n^*" !,

' *•*' ' ' Olrls^l&"r„ll



a*ed'°F ",

D0 <**no

John Cort's Plus.With, the engagement of "nomas Tho™.

as leading man. tie cast which will snnnS!Maude lrealy. in "The. Stronger sex

!PIS2been completed. Harry Burkbart will wHIthe light Juvenile role -of, a Texas millionth?Others In .the .company, will Include- Ed»«Ketchlim. Florence HpWnson.^ Marlon Ch*ham, Ethel Knapp.-Paulk Bachman j itByrnes and John Hhermah. Dore DavliW1

to.whomMr. Cort will Intrust tbe"sta Ep m»7agement, Is now In London, for the bmm£o? fnmlllariJ!lng himself with the BnzuKfterpretntlon of tbe play.

™gnsn la-

Joseph Smith, who has been engaged h.John Cort to direct the rehearsals of -ThlAlaskan," the new comic opera, by J fi«r,7Blethen and Harry Glrard, promises to burn,dnce many novelty numbers In It

Arrangements have been concluded where,by John Cort will present Max Flgmau in"The_Man on the Box." at t Londod' the„'tr.shortly after Jon.. 1, 1908. All EbJ&Srights to the McGratb and Furnlss play C,been acquired by Mr. Cort. -


Mary Bertrand, who has been with Florin™Roberts .for the past, two seasons, hos hemre-engaged. by Mr. Cort to play Ruth «•?!«ing, fn -Zlra," with the Western actress n"nseason. Miss Bertrand has already dlsDlatiiher^cleverness by. assuming, in less than teahours' notice, tbe leading role In "s5EStrength of the Weak," at a time when SSRobertA was too ill to appear.

After her concert tour, beginning Oct -aIn tbls country, Emma Calve will slna'tnithe first time In Mexico and Cuba, ManamaCort having arranged for the diva's annear.ancc there during March and April -

Among the- difficulties encountered In cast.,nfiuT&e H$&! wpb

d'i'the "«* p"»y inwhich Sarah Truax will star next season

Manager Cort experienced grent trouble hisecuring two young women to Iropersanotnn brace of twin spinsters. The author ver»specifically calls for twins, who cannot hiIdentlfied-apaet from- one another, and It i*quired the great hunting to. finally locit.Marlon Brooks and Hatel Miller.


. « .»> ..:


Henrr B. linrri.' Plans.Mr. Harris will furnish the opening altne.

tlons for both of hUNew York theatres th,Hudson and the Hackett. His first produr-tlon will be a new play of American liftas yet unnamed, by -William C. De Mm."author of "Strongbeirt," In which RoberiEdeson will begin bis New York season atthe Hudson Theatre the last week In AnnmOn Sept. 2, Grace Elllston will be Intromitedas a star at the Hackett Theatre, In "TheMovers." a new play of American life',.' byMartha Morton Conheira.. On the same datefour companies. In Charles Klein's play,' "TheLion and the Mouse," will commence theirseasons. The two leading roles in one com.nany will be ployed by Edmund Breese nndGertrude Cogblan

; In another, by Pnnl Rlv»t-

ton and Josephine liovett; In a third bvOliver Doud Byron and Flora Juliet Bow-ley, and in the fourth, by Walter Kdwardiand Heiene Wlntner.Edgar Belwyn will begin bis starring tour

Aug. 2fl, at McVlcker's Theatre, Chicago, in'•Stiongheart.' Ijiter In the year Mr. Selwynwill come to New York In n new play. OnSept. .10, Mr. Harris will present, at fbnColonial Theatre. In Boston, "The StruggleEverlasting." by Edward Milton Roy%,Arthur Byron having one of the Importantassignments in Its cast.

In November he will have a new eomeilrdrama, by James Forbes, to be followedlater In the year. by a play of American life,by Stanislaus Stange. In which EdmundBreese will be featured ; a comedy, AugustanITtou. nnd new ploys by George Rroodluir«land Charles Klein.

«»»The Rocern Bron. Bnlernrlse'a.Gus Rogers had planned n trip abroad tbls

Summer wltb hla wife and family, but hismany duties In connection with the new pro-duction, "The Rogers Brothers In Panama,"which opens at tbe Brondwny Theatre, Kept.-', for an extended run, will prevent his mak-ing tbe trip this year. He is also linslly

engaged In real estate operations, directingtbe erection of the new Rnymdnd Building, In

Harlem, named after bis wife. Maude Ray-mond, and other buildings in the Bronx! MaiRogers will forsake his usual hook and rodexpeditions, (his -.Summer, and will spend hisvacation In daily trips In bis new autnufnblU-over tbe many roads' wit leb MUittTf NewYork nnd the Immediate vicinity.

. . <'

»Vaudeville Comedy. Club lo Have a

New. Clah Honse..The Vaudeville Comedy Club, consisting ofthe leading comedy acts In vaudeville, willbe In Its new club house on June 24, the clubhaving leased an entire building at 147 WestI-'orty-flfth 8treet, New York Cltv, next dnnrto the Lyceum Theatre.The officers will have separate rooms for

their official business, and two elegant old

Mission pool tables will be put in. A larseand airy reading room will be one of t««prominent features of the new building.The club Is organized for tbe mii.lua.l nra-

tectlorr of Its members, nnd to soctir'e for lawnequitable legal engagement contracts; lo

faithfully keep all theatrical c6ntracts signedand for the protection of original material,and for social, fraternal and literary pur-

poses.Any male white cltlsten of good reputation,

who 18' a vaudeville comedian, rannolugK

pantnmlmlst or comedy acrobat, who be-

lieves In the principals of Ihe club, may Join.

* »An In ii.iv i. (|„ j, in iinnnim--


. Great Gny sends a clipping from n*7.oiifst<I«c (Ky.i HiraM, which reeds' as fol-

lows: "One result of' the meeting of Ihe Dis-

trict Passenger Agents of the B. and <•-

S-W„ which wns held in French Lick re-

cently, Is an Innovation. In baggage conces-

sions to Ihe public of tbls section, nod one

which will be appreciated by Ibem. Col. «S. Brown, local agent, reported thnt t)0gga«e

over tbe B. and O., S-W.'. will henceforth be

carried by lbe railroad from street addressIn one town to street address In the destina-

tion town, thus doing away wltb the chrrk-

ng system, and. the worry of getting oae*luggage to various .stations."

. . »»'»

"The Red Mild" Vacation.In order to give Messrs Montgomery soil

Stone and their company u month's rest

before the play begins a run at the GrandOpera House, in Chicago., early in, August-Mr. Dillingham, producer of "The Red Mill,

now running at tbe Knickerbocker Theatre,has decided to end the. New York engage-

ment of the musical comedy at tbe end of

this month. "The Red Mill" was the llrst

of the musical shows of the present season

to arrive, and will be the last to go. Collat-

ing its holiday and regular matinees, »'

Knickerbocker run, When. It ends, will com-

prise n performance for* every dny of » Wyenr.

i »»Blval Headliaem.

Cecelia Loftus Is 'the leading feature «Keith's Theatre. Philadelphia, this week, and

Elsie Janls has a similar position «t W«fc Erlsnger's Chestnut Street Opera House,

In the 'same' city.

. ««» '


New Bnrlenqae Monae for Cnnarslr-

Jack Singer, manager of 'the Hrhniin

Show t Knslern wheel), received an offer froo

n real estate firm to build on enclosed concert

Imll at Canarste, L. I., opposite Golden tuyI'ark. for stock -burlesque durlpg.fbe Summer.Mr Slh.nrKiv.nloJ flta n*.. fnr n Pit -Si-aSOn .

mm. lor ptoi'K tiuriesqne during! ne cuui"--'

Winle'r"aeiiBon''''ln"fhe .Summer, hnvlng StoBrtl "siiecwsfuraeiiMn MTBttrnV has>VlVo''slmed


KH?n«T.*,?H u' ?

1"' Afrl


J!"g<'r a

f,c<'Pj<'d 'be offer f&-next •season.

»^ra siuightev-co.^"''

"f™f*? ^^^^m^^^^^^^^¥





Here*, the l-Snrui hal naw long GUi BDWABIM ku tiim humming to hia Profeaslonal (Meads for several Wffkl along tbe (lr«t Whllo Way. It I* n«W romplele, >» will be Ik* featurenumber of F. ZIKGHKLU'S great Hummer review, "TIIK FOI.LIK8 OP I90T," ail the Hoof of the Naw York Theatre


By COBB and EDWARDS (The Annual Hit Writers)f-HORUli

Tho biff maroh nK hita

Tlil» <oii|j i< restricted for New York City only.

Bye, bye, ilmr old Broad wa v,

Hje, bye, grand old lane,Be good to Bll my pals

Until we tiro snail meet again;

Professional copiesnw In pram.

Aud no matter where 1 wanderTo ytui I will ever be irne,

Knr the more I aee of other <«>\> iik

The belter I like M,They'll all be> >ln Klng It

Published b» the publishers of that great Kid Song, "SCHOOL DAVS" (not restricted).

GtVS EDWARDS MUSIC PUB. CO., 1513 Broadway, New York City


Brndf-Orlainer Plana."Brilvvet Jim's Baby" will likely he (be

medium of -Wilton Larknye's next tour. Heend his manager, William A. Brady, own therights- to the play, made by Phillip Verrlll

MTghels from his novel of the some title. It

was recently given some trial performancesin WaahlDgton, and received much praise, asdid ul-ift Mr. Lacknye's acting In the strongleading role.

Robert Mant«ll will, on July 15, start re-

beorrfalB of bis repertory of Shakespeare, atbis country place, Atlantic Highlands, N. J.

Next season will be the twelfth of "'WayDown East."' Two companies will tour In lr

next season.Ibsen's "The Wild Duck" Is- to be acted

on tour next season by Wright Lorlmer. Mr,Urady, In November, will put Mr. Lorlmerforward In a new piny, by Alicia Ramsey andRudolph Cordova, of London. Carl Abrendthas been engaged by Mr. Lorlmer to createan Important character role In the new ploy.

Four companies will tour next season In

Oeorge Broadhurst's successful play, "TheMan of the Hour," now running at the SavoyTheatre, New York, and the Illinois Theatre,Chicago. The present cast will continue atthe Savoy, while the Chicago company will.

In September, begin a tour of the large cities

between there and Boston, The third com-pany will open at Atlantic City, N. J., late

n July, then Jump across the continent, bvspecial train, to San Francisco, where It will

begin a tour of the West. The fourth com-pany will play forty-two weeks of one nightstands, all 6f which have been booked.The Rev. John Snyder's play, "As Ye Sow,"

will again be sent on tour next season. lis

original title wan "Cape Cod Folks."George Broadburst, the author of "The

• Man- of the Hour," Is under contract to Wll--liam A. Brady, to provide a play for Orace(•eorge, and also to Brady & Orlsmer, for n

{May dealing with an International Intrigue

n the diplomatic activities at Washington,»»»

A I tm, ii u, !"«., to Have AnotherVaudeville -House.

The Silverman Bros. Will erect anothervaudeville theatre tills Summer. The housewill be located on the site of the presentPastime Then I re. and will cost $12,000. It

will front au feet on Eleventh Avenue, andexjend back ll!0 feet to an alley. Thefacade will be 118 feet In height, with a hand-some main entrance. The stage will huve adepth of 2ft feet and the proscenium will be

•JIU-J4 feet. The auditorium will have asealing capacity of 700 people. The build-

ing will he started June 17, and completedSept. 1,

Hasten. Wheel News.All Eastern Wheel attractions playing the

' Gaiety Theatre, Indianapolis, lnd., will here-

after play one solid week, Instead of threedays. Akron, 0., which was also a three

days' stand last season, so arranged In orderi hin there should- be' no lay off, will not be

. used next season. The new bouse now beingerected at Memphis, Tenn., will not he readybefore 'Dec. 22. This will force the Bos-ton' Belles Co. and all other attractionsbooked there before that date, to lav off. TheBoston Belles will lay off week of Sept. k,

between New Orleans and Kansas City.

; *_»Hope Booth Signs Willi Klaw A

lOrluum-r for Vaudeville.Mope Booth will begin vaudeville engage-

ments, under the management of Klaw & Kr-lunger; the first week In September. She will

present "The Little Blonde Lady" and "TheManicure Girl," both of which were writtenby George Cohan.

Charles l)e Land, who created the role ofHummer, the dramatic critic, in "The Little

Blonde Lady," was engaged by Miss Booth,and- Henry Garron. who made a hit as theboy, In "A Message from Mars," was alsosecured.

<«>Keeney to Open His Adams Street

Theatre In September.Frank Keeney has set Sept. 17 as the open-

ing date for his Adams Street Theatre, for-

merly Hyde & Redman's, Brooklyn, whichhouse he secured recently, as announced Inthese column* last week.When seen by n Ci.ippkr representative,

Mr. Keeney said that he has secured for his

bouse manager one of the liost men In thatline In vaudeville. Mr. Keeney will book his

three houses through the United Bookingoffice.'

Cans, Baroold'n Anlmnl Ant to Play(he Klaw Si Krlnnu-er Clrcnlt.

Chan. Bsrnold, who came Into New York'.'ii.v with his wonderful octlug dogs andmonkeys, and opened at Hammersteln's Roof,June .1. making n big hit, has signed for theKlaw & Krlunger circuit, which lias capturedthe act tir a good 'stated figure.

Al. H. Wonda to Build a Theatre lu, i Brooklyn.

Al. II. Woods Is 'to build a theatre on thecorner- of Liberty Avenue and Stone- Street,Brooklyn (Kastem District}, N. Y.-The house -will present Mr.- Woods' attrac-

tions; and other productions on the melo-dramatic order, and will be ready to open onSept.- in.

. '»' Huiilmi Brothers' Noveltlea Secured

by Klaw A Krluuiter.Qeargo W. Hanlon, of the Hinlon Bro-

thers, tbe famous pantomlmlsts, has signeda contract wltb Klaw & Erlanger. by tbeterms of which all future Inventions andproductions of the Hanlons will be used bythese managers, in their chain of vaudevilletheatres. "Lights and Shadows" will be thellrst Hnnlon pantomimic novelty to lie used

' under the new contract.

Colored Performer* In Oraanlie.A movement Is on foot by the colored

vaudeville performers, whereby they will

form an organization, -similar to tbe White- Rats, and the Vaudeville Comedy Club.Ernest Hotmn. Harry Bradford and othersare Interested.

•** '

. 1. n>rb«rt Maek to Manage theMurray Hill.

J. Herbert Mack will manage the MurrayBUI • Theatre, on Forty-second Street andLexington Aveaue, New York City, next sea-on. This is the Baslern burlesque wheel

- house, air. Mack's World - Beaters Co. will,be greatly atxengthened for next season. ^

Meyer Solmson to Manage theMoJeatlP at Pine Hlan*.

Meyer Solmson, city editor of Thr. Graphic,at Clue Blutf, Ark., has become manager ofthe Majestic, Pine Bluff's Summer theatre.Leltner & Well, owners of the theatre, retirefrom tbe management. Mr. Solmson was forsome time connected with the Al. fl. FieldGreater Minstrels.

• <»Frank Huffman does tn Mount

Clrmeus.Frank Huffman, who managed Irwin's Ma-

jesties (Eastern wheel) attraction last sea-son, is at. Mount Clement, Mich., for hishealth. It Is expected that be will be nbleto go out again next season with the show.

0»»Cboa. B. Arnold Leaves Cincinnati.

Chas, B. Arnold, formerly manager of tbeStandard Theatre, Clnlrlnnntl, <>.. will takea show out. with the Eastern wheel, and Rud.K Hyncke. treasurer of Hamilton County, <>.,

will assume tbe management of the abovehouse. ,


f»»New Vaudeville Houae for York, Pa.Work -on the new vaudeville bouse of the

York Opera 'Co% York, Pa., (B. C. Penla,manager). Is progressing In a very satisfac-tory tuanner.'fnd there Is no doubt that thehouse will he ready to open In tbe Fall.

, .»Adler'a Grand Theatre far Saninier

Vaudeville,The lower. East Side of New York City

will huve ii Summer season of vaudeville, atAdler's Grand Theatre, on Grand, cornerChr.vstle Street. Robert Gran will attend tothe bookings.: The opening is set for June 211.

• *» _ _H. S. Wondhull'a lllnli Holler* i ••

Oprua Ausr. IB.

H. s. Woodhull will open the season Auk.10, at the Gaiety Thentre, I'liisliiirg, Pa.,

with the High Roller* (Eastern wheel), play-ing two weeks before the opening of theregular season. «»"P.nrl and tbe Girl" HnKaajemenls.Tbe Shuherls have signed Alexander Clark

to piny Jim cheese, In "The Earl and theGirl," also Harry B, Lester as tbo Heal Earl,The attraction Is hooked for forty-four weeks,from Atlantic coast to tbe Pacific coast,

• »»K. A. Warrkx, song writer and composer,

of Sturgls, Mich.. Is In New York, with a

view of placing bis latest compositions withhis piibllRtiers.- Mr. Warren numbers amonghis productions several well Ituown ballads.

Uaudeville and minstreLLmoornh Tosca wrltev that she was granted

an absolute divorce from Robert Bird, pro-fessionally known as J. B. Mack, at Aber-deen, Miss., on June 11.

Gko. It. Guv, the popular manager and pro-

prietor of Guy Brothers' Minstrels, held nreception at bis home recently, to celebratethe twenty-fifth anniversary of his weddingday. With Mrs. Guy, he rerclvcd many hand-some silver presents from their friends In

many parts of Canada and the United States.

Etta May Ashton writes: "My motherdied Juno 11, In- Cincinnati. I bad Justclosed season with the Rice & Burton Show,and was home for the Summer. 1 go withthe same show next season, again appearingIn one of the principal rolea, also workingIn the olio."Tom (i ii.i.kn writes : "I was made a T. M.

A.. Taciima Lodge, No. 4ft, Tacoma, Wash.,Friday. June 7. week of June 10 I playeda return date at Seattle, Wash., with usualsuccess. Week of June 17 I play the Grand,Hcllingbam, Wash., and then another returndate at Vancouver, B. 0. They are treatingme well on the Sullivan & Consldlne circuit."

M. B. Lmavitt writes : "I am returning toLondon, Paris, Madrid, Barcelona, Berlin,

etc.. Saturday,- June IS, to close up a lot

of Important ' business, leaving there againAug. 10, to return here." . :

Musical .Nai.on closed a season of twentyweeks wlth-the Joe Marks Repertory. Co., atGeorgetown, Can. Week of June 3 he JoinedCliauils-rluln's Alrdome Co., at Lock Haven,l'a.

iluMtis and Lewis, male and female com-edy acrobats, will close u four weeks' en-

gagement -with "Hooligan's Troubles" Co.,

June 22. They have been the feature act,

nnil met with great success, They will pinyHummer parks till. Aug. 18, and then go onthe Felix Reich, circuit of fairs. -

THR -Miij.aSd Bnos., 'cycling rccrnlta,

topped the bill at the Howard, Boston, weekoi Jnne 3. • ' • ,•

Carl CoI'hi.an'ii writes: "I am playing re-

turn dates tn the theatres my partner anaI played this season, and tuy new slngle.uctIt; going finely."

OiioKN-ANii Mave, comedy sketch team, will

go to Toledo, O. (their homo), to commencetheir Summer vacation June 23, after a verysuccessful season with tbo C. W. Parks Co.The show closes In Mt. Union, Pa., June 22,to reorganize for the Fall and Winter season.

J ok II. Baunks. manager of the Coliseum,Term Haute, was In New York last- week, ar-

ranging- bookings of the Umpire Shows at

his bouse. The past season Iras been mostsuccessful. Terre Haute has become a valu-able member of tbe circuit.

Cooprr and RoniNSON have been engagedfor the Klaw & Erlanger advance vaudevillecircuit, commencing June 24., at Hochestel-,

X. Y.Jrnnoi.iso r>R Ltst.n ' writes that he lias

signed to play the Flynn circuit of porks for

the Summer.A.NNKTTP.' WlCHOX writes -

. "MM. W. B.

Greaves, professionally known as BernlceN'ntu. bas been III wltb typhoid pneumonia,compelling her to cancel all work. She Is

now slowly recovering."Minsthki, Bii.l.t Ci.auk, owing to his for-

mer success with tbe Al. O. Field GreaterMinstrels, bns been re-engaged for that com-pany for next, season. Mr. Clark recentlyclosed a successful season In vaudeville.

Jack Brntiiam, one of tbe well knownii rm of Bcntbnm nnd Byrne, musical team,has been confined to his home, No. 70 cinnryStreet. Grand llaplds, Mich., for nearly ayear on account or IMbess. Mr. Bentham basfor years been Identified with leading min-strel companies and vaudeville theatres. Aline now and then from friends helps tn passthe time pleasantly.

. Fkamcis Hai.e returned from Europe last

•reek; '-;.;>- . ..-

CI.AUS and' R.Mirt.inc notify ill) that iheyhave signed with Charles Woldrou's Trorn-dern Co.. for next season. They are at pres-ent playing to much succss on tbe Westerncircuits.

Notrb prom the Howarii MrCAnvKR BinSotiTllP.RN- COftir.nr Co., A. I.. Eflien, mana-ger.—We will open our season at Chicagoearly In July, and are hooked almost solidfor sixty weeks. Tbe Marvelous Shields, hooproller and wire walker, has signed for nextseason. Others are : C. W Bebee, comedian :

Lilly Vorny and Bamboo. The show Is honkedIn a few parks for the Summer.Cham. .it. Watson Is very successful with

his dingle act, and Is now playing the Ingramcircuit, through New York nnd Permaylvanla.

Ci.ai'iu: Kei.i.y and wife (Claire. Gibson)arc In their ' fifth week with French's NewSensation, doing their specialty and pro-ducing the first part, "A Pair of Heroes."

Yacki.et ami Bunnri.i, have been engagedbv Jos. J. Flynn for his circuit of parks forthe Summer, commencing June 24.Trrns ANn Evans write : "After a rest of

two years, wc will take the road, seanon oft'.iiii iih, with the Titus le Evans Comedy Co..with Agnes T. Harnn and Tom (Vllsrar, car-rying about sixteen people." . tour i.

Ruby Raymond has Joined hands with InaThomas. They will be seen In a new net, andarc hooked solid over the Keith, Proctor andOrpheum circuits.

('has. L. Gimvi: writes: "I am running thevaudeville theatre at Dreamland Park, chain-hershurg. l'a.. nnd will stay here until 1lie

latter part of August, when I Join WalterStutts' Big Co. for next season."en mii,rs AM,man, comedian, writes: "I

played rue Casino nt Electric Park, Galves-ton, Tex., week of May 5, ami senretl sucha pronounced hit that I wns re-engnged forfour 'weeks, opening June 0."Maup C ' Diiprk, formerly Seymour and

I in pre, Is no longer connected with the act.Note prom "Dainty" Fujrknck GUMM,

Charles (iregaon and Frank Cowan.— ''Ourselves und u few friends met In secret con-clave, and after due deliberation, decidedibnt a sufficiently arduous season's workbud been accomplished, and that, u seasonof rest during tbe Summer months wouldbe most lieneflclal. A brand new campingoutfit was at once provided, and <tlie happygroup of 'overworked' thesplans proceeded toestablish themselves lu their coxy retreat,at site 1)8, I'ellinm Boy Park, New York, forthe season, where we float the Olu ItKi.t-

ABTiE's banner above-- our tent and welcomeail wandering actors und 'aciorines' to par-take of our hospitality at: any and all times."

tun Family Tiikatris at East St. Louis.HI., closed Its most successful season June0. Tbe members of (he stock company arenow enjoying their vacntlon, with the ex-ception of Warren Catterler, who, with theusslHiance of bis wife (Frances Lorlng),has been engaged to present one net comediesand dniinns In connection with the high classvaudeville that will hold the hoards unltlthe regular season opens.

Jar. 10. Emkrson. Interlocutor, with JohnW, Vogcl's Big City Minstrels, has signedfor next season, this making his third seasonwiili the above company, lie Is uow restingin Cleveland, 0„ after a very successful sea-sou of forty-four weeks wltb Mr. Vugel.THH Mit, la un linos., 'cyclists, arc spending

a two weeks' vacation at Mrs. Boli.MlllurdN.summer home at Massabesic Lake, Manches-ter, \. H.

Maiioii: Catlin, singer and dancer, reportshaving bad a most, successful season In bur-lesque with the New London Gaiety Girls Co;'Her act was one of the features of the olio.

She will do vaudeville work through theSummer months.Mrs. Hannah Wpj.ch, mother of Frank M

Christie, died In Manchester, N. II , on JuneH. Six children survive her. ..

Rekchrr and Mayr report making o bighit on the Ous Run circuit,, with thelrchnrueier sketch, "The Tramp's

,Rehearsal."The aot will be entirely rewritten for theirnext season, which opens at Philadelphia,with Pastors, New York, : and llie Howard,Boston, to follow. They \ are paoked soliduntil June, 1008.

En. Keller, of Keller nnd Myers, soiledJune 1ft, for England-. - -

Mr. 'and Mrs. Gko. N. Hiisset, whileplaying Proctor's Newark Theatre, last week,purchased a motor cur, wilt which they will-

tour the New England Stales,Capt. Sidney Hinman, with 'his life sav-

ing dogs. Is successfully giving exhibitionsut Steeplechase Park, Coney. Island, N. Y.Wood a.vh 1'iNAnn, musical comedians,

p.n.ved the Steeplechase 1'lrr, Atlantic' City,week of June 10, und report that they wereone of the hits of the bll).

Ida Gi.austiink has signed with(>.lja'vld

Kruuss- Rlaltn Rounders, as leading. womanfor next season.

. -,

0. Wrllinoton Enolp.brpth, hooking man.ngcr. Coney Island Park. Cincinnati, Informsus that be In truly cdntiirlng the foremostacts In vaudeville. "My own Bryant's Fa-mous Minstrels will open Hern June 30, foran extended run, same ns last aeason."Morton II. Pox, electrician, and wife (Mile.

Payette), have signed with Weber & Rush forthe coming soason. - . ,


. Alfred Burke writes: "I wish to Informyou that Thr Clipper comes to me at Bail-dclte, Minn., now. und Is the most welcomevisitor In town. The write up you gave mehas simply done wonderful things for me outhere. Have had plentv mall from performersIn all lines since. The house opened June 8,Instead of 10, to tremendous business, andwas a success from start to finish. Tba fol-lowing people opened the house: The Jor-retts. Illusionists: Dora Hay. illustratedsinger I Vina Young, buck and wing dancer


Haby Marlon, In a child sketch. Mrs. A.Burke Is treasurer, and Alfred Burke, pro-prietor and manager." ... »..,

The Bartelmek (Louis and Bessie)', lipudeto head balancers and foot. Jugglers, closedover Nash circuit June 10. anil open ou Sul-livan & Consldlne circuit, at Butte, Mont.,June 22.Annette and Blanche Hiimphrkys are

with "The Matinee Girl" Co. They playedlltitchlngton. Kan., week of 17.Wm. R. Pattie. who closed an unusual

long season with De Hue Bros.' Minstrels,-May SO, reports that he will not be able toplay any engagement this season no accountof poor health. He Is tit his home al Frank-fort, Ky.

Al. G. and Mazio Belford, who opened ettlicJOnM End Hippodrome, Pittsburg. Pa., ontin- Buyer ft Bolsdnn circuit, say : "Our setmode a big hit, and Manager Blnkeney com-plimented us very highly. Our art Is en-titled 'A Rnmnace of the , Bowery.' ThePittsburg papers credit us with having 4laugh producing sketch." - >

' — " * en '

_: •» raoiQ ,>. .

3o\wvl)a\ttft^,SowiiliSQm,HEADQUARTERS FOR

Theatrical Tights, Silk Hosiery,Long Silk Gloves,

Silk . Brocades andThe DANIELL Satins,

Gold and Silver Spangled Trimmings*Special Discount to the Profession.

Catalogue and Samplaa, with Prices, Furnished UponR«quest.


Broadway, 8 and 9 Sts.» N.Y.

"WoTuTof PUve7$7Wali.ach It. I'iitthu Nuti'.s.—Mr. Cutler

always laid clnlni to the title of "Tin- Arlslot-ruts of Repertory" for his slock cnnipany.The present eoiiipiny coin limes to deservethe aUive (Hie, as the laoililgeineni lids MPpassed nil his previous efforis, unit, on this,their ilfi.v -second week of the presentseason. Manager Culler can well Is-

proud of the best company ever underIlls capable niitjiagcment. The following penpie, tire the "Aristocrats:" Wnllace It. i 'ut-

ter, manager; Hum t'tirllon. business iiiiina

ger; Nelson Coinpslou, director; Roy M.

. KWtNi stage manager; Raymond It. Raymond,leudi-r; T. ('. Nevnrro, scenic artist; L. It.

Hill, electrician ; Fred Kuhliniin, propertyiniistei j Nonniin lltlynrd. Clayton Maeklein,W. G. Ittr/eii, Phil iinher, Myrtle Bigdin.Alldii Hericnu and Nellie Hopper. F.ach plu.v

..Is .hiilng given u complete scenic prodiletlixi

hy 1. <'. Nevnrro, the scenic artist with thecompany, and the coming season will llml

• tbe Culler Stork the emial of any repertoryorganization playing the Central Stales, All

Rluys are under tne |s>rsonal direction ofi-lsou t.'omptnn. Commencing Aug. fi, eleveni'iias. I'iiiiikk Informs us llial-he closed

wlUi the I'ltuplra Hhow at Montlcello insi

April tn Join the rltanley Htock Co. at Hi.I.ojiIh, winch he hud been connected with fur

.the past three seasons, hut. was uuable tojoin on account of sudden Illness, insteadhe opened with tne McGlnneKS Ic Koltlei-

stork t'o., at Ihe Family Them re, llaveuporl,for character comedy: and I'loslng with hisspecial lies.

'fan PamVIN closed us press representntlviiwith Miller Brothers' 101 Ranch Wild Westshow, at the Jamestown Imposition, June 10.

Mr. I'arvlii will spend tbo Huinimtr withfriends In Chicago and Cincinnati, und opensept. I with a well known mi ruction.i 11 W. Taylor bus signed for tbe TaylorSlock Co., which opens Aug. 13: MurwllnBros.. Julius K. Mfrcillih, (leu, J. Christieand Jos. L. Itempscy. W. A. Taylor will lookafter the Interests of the attraction In ad-vance.Humph anii Lrwis, comedy acrohnts, havo

signed with Him Williams' "Cat- anil l.he

Mouse" Co., for next season. They will heirlii

rehearsals In August. They ure at presentwith "llooloy's Troubles" Co,, a. the featureucl.

Maiihk ItAiimiN, past two seasons wllii lieuHendricks' "Oie Olson" Co., tins signed will.Wlnnlnger Bros.' Repertory Co., to play Irishclinriicicr pnrtH. opening at. Wankcshu, Wis.,July tt.

II ii mil i' Laiiaiiir closed ii very successfulseason In "Fnust," nt Hlnlnti, W. Vn. Mr.nnd Mrs, Ijibndlc (Mary Van Trump) stoppedfor a few days al In-lroK, Mich., Ihe guestsof Joseph Lnbadle, hut have gone to theirMummer hntne near Kalhnsku, Mich,, on (lie

b'inkH of ihe Big Mnnlstee River, one of thenoted trout streams of America, where theywill entertain n merry crowd hunting nndfishing,AtJmr in Np.w York," wlilcli l. N ilruu-


SOU 1 iii 1 1 nut lust season fur Hilny nine weeks.goes nut uKiiln next nensnti, under the samemiiniigeiueui, when the nltriii'llou will go to

ihe coast, being one of ihe llrst ones mil 11

opens a great number of Ihe theatres. Theplay Is being rewritten and much new nndsensational matter Is being placed In It which...III . ..!.,._ I. .... M. .1 \'..... ..........no la 1. ,.!.,..will bring ll up-to-date. New scenery Is beingjiulll hy the Hoiith Mend Printing Co. This era-will make the twenllelli vein this old pbi.v

*VANTHI»-»'erroi titers well up III ined, 1)1/,,

Sketch Team, ll. F. I'onicdlnu, t.o..,t l.eninrer.

Prefer t hose dial fake organ . Make salary low;you get. It, All llrst letter. Tickets lyes) If known.I 'llfiou Hemi'ily Co., Aherfoyle, tnimrln, I'suaun .

WA'NTRD Hood Versatile t'nuiedlyii to putnil RUN slid do specialties Sketch Team, MusicalTeam. Others, write. I'lano Player lo iloiil.te

ttiiiss All In Mist. No time to dicker. No ticket.k. s. Slory, Ashbitul, N. II. Ulg Bill, where are your

WANTRlV-lieperloirs I'eiiplc'for tin- ShawCoined)' (to., under ruuvus, Jiivitulle Woman amiidiiiractei 1,'iiiiieilliiii; prefer Hioie ivlin du special-ties. Also want rlANIM'I.AVKH who duiibles Brassmid Musiclaus ror B. and o, state age, height niulweight and luwctt Summer -nlurv. Tngond pet>

pie a pleasant engagsmi-ui Is open. Must havegood wiirdi-olie.

0. M. BROWN, Manager, nidlown, Maine.^^wnwiH-stPf i n it w—awtweeks of county fulr dates will be pluytd.

Giiayi'P. Kavai.aw, who recently closed withIhe "down the Pike" Co., Is spending HieSummer at Hi. ,I nines, |„ |„ with friendsShe is re-engaged for next season wllb JohnnyRay, In his new piece, eiitltlcil "King Casey.

Tin: TAIIKS ((')iiirles L„ lull K. and Janetarc a I their Sunminr home, "No Shop Talk,"nt Trenton Junction, N. J., where they areengaged lu poultry nnd mushroom raising.> iinrles l„ lias Just closed a sensiin of forly-

two weeks with the Karl llurgrsv Stock Co.;Dell IC, closing Willi Ihe Irene Myers Co.,and June foriy weeks with the Fenheru StockCo. Nellie tl. -Tint Joins a putty of friends,next week, for ,n I rip through Muliie.

i-'iiiim tiik Alrdome, IVnrlu, III., Non-s umlRosier.—Tills iilnce o|M>pt>d Mil v III, and.Judging from the nt tendance, wo are givingwhat the pit III Ic wants— druinii. coined v anilvaudeville HiHier; Bnltgh Ainiiseinenl Co.,proiirleiors ; Jim Hough, mnuuger , G. A.child, stage manager: Beiilnh (Iwyne, iiiiinI-

enl director; Ohau. Glrton, stage curpenier


B. W. Wilson, publicity; F.lmer I'owderly,nrnpnrlv inun ; Tom Sinltli. udverilslng agent;Helen Wnrile. Jennie Wliner, Murtltii Brooks,Clara Glrton, Julia Kennedy, I). A. (Iinroti,

Harry poife, and c baud of six nieces.

Nklhon a. LAwiiKNt-R und wife (iterilimLee) have closed lit Stone Hill Harden.Peoria, ill., und opened, 111, with II. WalterVan Dyke's Stock Co,, in his new Alrdotne,which In said tn be one of the finest In theWist.Jhhsamink Woods, who lias for months

past been ploying Louise, In "The Twoorphans," was taken very III Willi plum-pneumonia, while playing nt the AmericanTheatre, lii this dry, week of Juna 11, tinWednesday night, she bud lo retire from Ihei-asi, She Is very III, under the cure of hermother. Mrs. Have F, Woods.

Niitiim I'liuM tl. M. BuriwN'H Attractions.—The "Iteiilieii In New York" Co* which MMscheduled to close May 'M, Is still on theload, owing lo the ntccllent business It hasdone, and will remain ont until June tfi.

The leading members of Hie company hnv*linen engaged for the Hbnw Comedy Co.,wb h'h Is now doing u phenomena! businessthrough Maine. Recent addition* lo theShaw Comedy CO. tire: Marl Bean, J. F.rnosi

Wind, Fi'iink Allei'ton nnd llnlene Worthlng-liui. W, ii, Herbert, musical expcrl, Is nowwlih I his company, and -introducing Ids spe-cialty with great success. Lottie tJIcumurnwill be featured with the company at iheclose of the "Hetthcn In New York" Cu. tl.

M. Brown Is proprietor and manager; l:d-

niond Barret, director, und W. S, Utiles, gep.

has been out, nnd hus never been known to

lie, a failure.

NnrRS t'tioM THK Frank fitiiiLp.v StockCo.—We closed hi Jsckknii, Miss., June 'J*,

what has been one of our most successfulseasons. Mr nnd Mrs, Dudley return to theirhome nt Hammond, lnd., for n Mummer va-cation. One of the pronounced successes ofour season was the singing of Mrs. Dudley,wbo has never failed In win encomiums fromIhe press and public,John Shrriiian, who has played Ihe title

role In the "Joshua Kimpklns" Co,, severaliMASons, has Just closed a long and profitabletssaSon with that company, und will spendthe Summer at Lake Kenka, X. Y,Jons F. Fbrnlock, who recently closed

with Hie lint. Ion Bros., has returned to hishome at Buffalo, N. V., after a five weeks'llshlug Irlp al Fair 'Haven, Mich., and Isnow playing a short engagement with theMildred Holland Co., also visiting relatives.

IIOSTKR OP TUP GlilCK-RODPRTH STOCK "<'.(!.— II, T. Gllck, manager; W. A, Robertti'fAs-slslsnt mnnager: George Cash, advance ; Mrs.II. T. Gllck, Mrs, II. Hillimnu, cinrn Dtfpree,Howard Sllllmnn, Clyde Donaldson, John LReh, Paul Oliverl, Wilbur Scott, II, I',. Bas-set t, IV I'helphs, L. J. Caswell, C, (.'happen,M. Duffy. B. W. flnlsey, Rabe llnlsey andJohn Wnlker.

Htri.la Bi/idoptt, formerly of the BlndgettSisters, Is with the Geo. W. Kcotl Stock Co.,nt sbatlv Luke Park, Peeksklll, N. Y„ play-ing srHthrette parts and doing her specialty,She reports meeting with big success, -


ILL H.Wii.i. Ii. Ii'iki.d* writes: "I opened mynark season at Krle, Pa., June 0. I urnliiKiked up solid till I start rehoursal* with"Che Four Comers of the Kiirth' tin., In Chi-cago, about July Ti. I play Moses Rtihen-siein, the principal comedy In the piece, anddo my specialty.


Lincoln J. Cartku Nothh.— "The (!al nndthe Fiddle," by Lincoln J. Carter, offers Itself

to the public In nil Its splendor, radluntscenery, costumes und sprightly chorus, underthe tutorship of Mr. Carter, who Is responsi-ble for the hook. Tbe lyrics nnd music an?attributed lo Clarence Sinn. The directionwill be In the hands of Charles Salon. Re-hnnrsals begin In Chicago July 111. The"Windy City" will see inn premier of tlm"Fiddle" on Aug. 18. A cust of sixty people.Including a chorus and enmrnfafe of forty,will require three 00ft. cars for transporta-tion. A staff of len carpenters anil elec-

tricians Is necessary, three of which will- besent four days ahead of the company eachweek, lo make alterations and preparationsfor tbe production. Mr. Carter guarantees topresent the biggest attraction ever given atpopular prices,

IIklknb Lai:kayi\ sister of Wilton Lack*nye. who last seiuwin played the role of tlmilnsblni! widow In "The Heir to tbe Hoornh,"has been re-engaged hy the Klrke-La, ShellsCo., lo play the same role next. season. Mis*Lncknye has gone to Washington to spendihe Hummer vacation with relatives.

Dsha Warri'n. of N. Y. City. Is vlottlng

har brother,,W. F. Drannlleld, at Clay City,


NEW YORK CITY.Keith .v. l'rni'ior'» Union Ku.nar«

Tlienlre ilj. F. Alhco, general manager).

Honillnl, "Tlii' Mysterious." remains theheadllner this wi'i'k. and at the Monday nintl-

Dec June 17, tl" good sized audience WANmill "guessing." Henri und Violet AIIpii nutl

company, In Sir, Allen's newest laugh maker,entitled "Tim Traveling Man," wore a de-

cided lilt and the audience heartily append-ed their good work. The Big City Konr(Webb. O'llurn, Huberts and Metcalfe) gainedinativ encores and proved themKvlveii one ofthe 'best In the quartette lino. Others ap-pearing, who gained well corned applause,

were : Mr. and Mrs. Trucsdell and company.in a eiimedv skit, "Two Slen and a Bottle:Itae and Broncho, In "A Woman of FewWords:" Hi-hIit Slagee. an Kngllsh con-tralto winger- Willie Kckslcln, boy pianist;narrv Bolter and company. In a sketch,

"Tin' Matrimonial Blizzard j" the liennoBrothers, acrobats; Virginia Sargent, apleasing singer: Wilbur Amos. Juggler; Chas,Howison. Bert Levy, ami the nmtlon picturesclosed tlin performance.Urnml Opera Hoime f John H. Springer,

malinger I. —The Itoyal Itnllan Opera Co.begun its second week at llila house on Mon-day evening, .lune 17, in it good sized audi-

ence. "Ftiiist" was the week's opening hill,

with Stella Peril In Hie role of Marguerite.Gulsoppo Perlnl was heard tn the title role,

nnd Aiuadeo Alemlnl Was till! Slcphlstopholca.

II will la- repeated Thursday evening. "LuTnivlaln." Tuesday and Friday : "Carmen"for Wednesday evening: "Cnvallerla Bust I-

eanii" and "I Pugllncci" Saturday, matinee,nnd "Lucia dl Lummcruioor." with tllly

Barnalo In the title role, will close the week h

upcni. Large audlenci's have enjoyed this

company's Individuals, and the run lias been

n decided success since Us opening hero, nweek ago.Third Avemie Tln-nlro (C. It. C'nsad,

manager).—The bill this week Includes: I'hll

(lllssnnilo. Catherine Iliirtlett. Owen Sic-

Knight. Klsle HI Irk. Hears. Joe Ktlmunds. the

Three Musketeers, and Angle Wlenhcrg. Thelimine will is- renovated during July, and will

• men In August, producing vaudeville at ad-vanced price*.

Victoria Theatre (Oscar llnnimcrateln,manager).—Business on the roof at nightliere started with it boom the opening week,while the dully matinees, which continue to

lie given tn the theatre, are given Invariablyto capacity audiences. The excellent bill

offered by Manager lliiiunicrstcin at theopening of li In Summer roof garden for this

season has .been so successful that fewchanges In nets are deemed necesgary. Theacts which continue for this week are: liar-

Hold's dogs nnd monkeys, Including the "In-

dira ted canine." which has made a solid lilt

liere: That ijiiiirfeltc, the Willy I'ant/cr

Troupe, the "Creation" Illusion, fins Kd-wnrda' School Hoys nnd School tilrls, Illee

mid I'revohi. Collins and Hurl, the "SunnySouth." and I lie Cainllle Trio, Le I lent, com-edy Juggler, and Ihe Four Avoids, xylophon-Isis. arc new here this week. The vllagriipbcontinues to clime the show.

St. NIcIioIiim Giinlen (Ceo. A. Illumen-

Ihal. inamigeri.—Kallenhorii and his well

drilled orchestra bnve made the greatest stir-

it'SK In their cm ret r, playing to lug audienceseverv evening since the Summer nights' con-certs iH'gitn. Mr. Kiilleulsirn Is arrangingHome excellent programmes, and It has mendecided to mid .Mondays to Ihe usual Thurs-days for Wagnerian evenings. On June 17Ihe popular leader was enthusiastically greet-

ed upon his appearance, mid Ihe selections

that were rendered secured the warmest ex-pressions of approval. The programme In-

cluded: lloherl Craig Campbell, leuor. assobiM : overture. "The Flying Dutchman :"

Hungarian dance*, lli-n Iiiiih : scene and aria.

"I lev Frelaohul/.." Weber; walls, "SoulhernHose."," Slruiii-s: prelude. Song of Hie It hi imDaughters, Arrival of the HIiiiiih. Song ofFrltii, Arrival of Luge passing through Nlc-lielhelin. Knlranee or the (lods Into Walh.illa

---"Dns Rhelitgold :" I 'rise Song, "I He Sinister-

winger:" Wolnn's Farewell iitnl Single FlroScene. "Die Walkure:" Wulilweticn. "Sieg-fried:" .Morning. Dawn and Siegfried'sttlilne Journey, "Die ilnllcrtlniumeruug


Siegfried's Death anil Funeral March, "Die(Intli'i'ilamincrmig."New Circle Tlienlre (Kraus & Siilllvnn,

manaucrsi.--M. SI. Thelse's Wine, Womanmill Song Co. continues lit triumphant en-gagement here, still playing lo line business.Thursday. June '-'". marks Ihe three hiin-

dri'dlh perforuinnce of Its season here, whenhandsome souvenirs will he presented lo eachlady visitor,

.(nriilii tie I'lirls (F. Kl»gfrld Jr., niiiii-

ligerl.— •The new comer on Ihe hill week of

June 17 was Willy Zimmerman, In his Impersonal Ions or famous composers, who scoredIlls usual big success. Alice Lloyd was onthe bill for one perfonuanee, her farewellprior to her sailing for Kiiglinid. IS. MissLloyd was given a musing reception, anil,

before leaving the stage, she was presentedwith ;i handsome sliver tea seevlce. The hold-over I'nvorlloi; were: The Floroux Troti|s> ofacrolmls, .Mile. I.iastto, assisted by Jos, Smith:Daisy ,1 tunes, comedienne; Jewell's electricalmanikins, the Four Stewart Sisters, dancers:Colin Ihtlley, cbanleuse eccentrhine: FredKn run's cninniiiiy. In "A Night In an F.ugllsb.

Music Hall,' nnd tbe living pictures amiHtti t nary.Academy of Music I tillmnrc& Tompkins,

iininiigeisl.— K. II. Sol hern and- Julia Star-

lowo began .Monday night, June 17, theirsecond anil last week, with "Hamlet" us thehill. This bill will no given Tuesday midWednesday ulglll. and Wednesday uintlnrc.

"Twelfth Nlghl" will lii! performed Thurs-day, Frldii'' and Saturday night and Mntur-itny inatlnec. It Is nnnmiticcd that owing lo

the great demand for seals, extra lualbn'i's

will he given Thursday and Friday, "llniueu

nnd Juliet" being the bill ill the former, and"Twelfth Night" at the latter.

Iltiher's Museum (John II. Anderson,lilillingol'l. Tills bouse continues to drawgood business. An excellent line uf curios Is

presented In Ihe curio hull. The I ben lie.

which Is doing u share of Hie business, hasIt llnely nrranged iirngiaimiie.

Ilcnoil <vn> 'liii-nlre (I, It I & Dingwall,ma lingers I.- -Anua Held In-gun, June li, herthirtieth week, in "The I'nrlsleit Model."The three 'humli'fdlh perforinmice wcurred onthat date

1\ iiti-l.ei'lmeKer TlirntN' (Al. Ilityiiian

& Co., lnnuageisl.MoulKouiery and Stoneand company began. June 17, their thirty-

niiilh week and last fortnight. In "The lied

Sllll."Miiiiliiittiiii Tlienlre.—Shepard's uiov-

lltg pictures continue with popular favor,

and draw large crowds.Lew ITcIiIn' lleiolil Siiimce Tlienlre

(Ucurgc ,M. Hmiiuils, inn linger) .—Kdtlle Foy,In "The Orchid," begun. June 17, Ills eleventh



Ileloseo 'I'll ell tl-e l Darhl lielnseo. iiinn-

itucri. -Friiuivs Starr began, June 17, herIhlrtlelb week and last I'ortnlgbt, lit "TheHose of the liaucho."t.o rclcL Tlienlre (Charles I'rolnnan. UIKII-

tigeri. William Cnlller. In "Caught In IheIlnln." began. 'June I", bis twenty-tlfth week.The two hundredth perfiiruuiuce will occuron Saluribiv evening. '."J.

Lyrli' Tlienlre tSani S ft Lee Shtiherl,

managers I. "The lload lo Yo-deidny" bognu,Jiiii" 17. Us lentil week at this house.Lyceum Tlienlre I Haul"! Frohtiiiill.

manager L- "The Hoys of Company H" lM<gnii

Its eleventh week nil Monday evening, Jane

tins Ino i Sam S. & Lee Shubert, Inc.. man-agers!, 'i-'asi'lnaltng Flora"- begun, June 17,

Its tiri'i v, ksnvoy Tlienlre t Frank McKee, mniin-

geri. "The Man of the Hour" began, June17, Its twenty ninth week.

Aerlnl liurileiiN iKhtW ,t- lOrl'iigei- twin-ttjieiei. Ki'oise M. Cohan, 111 "Tbe Hotiey-Unnjucri-, "begtiu, .luue 17, Uls tUli'U week.

Keith * Proctor'* KUIh AvenueTheatre (K. F. Allwe, general manager).—lalua May Hpooner essays a role this weekthat l» tremendously exacting In Its demands—that of Sirs Dane, In the famous HenryArthur Jones dr'atna, "Mrs. Dane's Defense.


and on Jane 17 two good sized audiencesgave the young star close attention and un-

stinted praise for her clever work In the part,

Miss fjpoonor, who now stages nil her ownproductions, adding Just »<j much more workto the amount of labor ihe dally perforins,

gives her own conception of the role, andwhile It naturally differs from those previous-

ly shown In New Vork by Margaret Anglinand Lena, Ashwoll. It has a distinct charm,..cr work throughout was on a high planeof excellence, and the trying third act, withIts exhausting cmntlonnf scene, was beauti-

fully handled. Sllss Hpooner Is steadily grow-ing In popularity here, nnd the housewill, in nil probability, be kept opennit Summer, Judging by present In-

dications, sir Daniel Carteret was givena capital portrayal try Augustus Phillips,

whose work thus ritr has been highclass In every character he has assumed,Harold Kennedy, who Is also gaining friends

for his conaclciiilnus and worthy acting, dis-

closes some additional talents tn make-upnnd abllltv this week, as Canon Iilnaev, andHie work of Arthur ICvcrs, Ben F. Wilson.Kdwln II. Curtis, Jessie McAllister andJosephine Fox was worthy of the favorshown II. The <asl : Sir Daniel Carteret.Augustus I 'Id I lips: Canon Binary, HaroldKennedy: Mr. .Inuies Itlsby, Arthur Kvers;Lionel Carteret. Ben F. Wilson : Mr. Ilulsom-

Pnrlcr. KdwlM II. 'Curtis; Adams. Wdi. West;Fetidlek. Jus. Montgomery ; Wilson, It. K.Sisjoner: Sirs. Iltilsom-I'orler, Olive Hrove;Janet Culnulioiin, Jessie SIcAlllster ; LadyMastnav, Josephine Fox ; Sirs. Dane, lOilua

Stay Spanner. Klennor Wisdom, soprano, ap-peared between Ihe act* and sang delight-

fully. Next week's production will be"SIntn's!clle."

Keith A Proctor** 1 lily-i iulitli

Mlreet Tlienlre (K. F. Alhee, general lililtl-


(ieniiltie Summer wcttber hud onlyn slifhtlv deterrent effect on the clientele

of the Fltty-elghtb Street house, Monday,June 17, as a good sized nudlun.ee was pres-ent and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the goodbill provided. Bessie Wynn nuide u hit In

her singing specialty, being compelled to re-

spond to a number of heiirly jDcores. Anotherstrong feature of the bill was "The Telephone.Ctrl a condensed version of the well knownmusical comedy of Unit title. The scene Is

inoi tn a telephone exchange, and a dozennllracllve girls figure as operators, iiinl Intro-

duce several catchy musical numbers of thepiece. Ch.is. II. Ilrudsliaw Introduced Ills

mined lei in. "Fix In a Fix," and. aided byfrank lineman. .Mabel Crawley and FlorenceTurner, crented much laughter. Neil Nye,In Ills iiualnt dancing monologue, won afull meiiil of approbation. Zcno, Jordan andKcno, in their hazardous anil thrilling trapezeturn, held the house spell bound. JennieConchas presented her troupe of well trainedcanines. The llelff Urol hers sung ami dancedcleverly anil found fnvor. The Mimic Four.In their skit. "The Day After." ercatedilbtliuinace of fnrclcal slliialious, causingcontinuous laughter, and their remarkablygood singing earned rounds of applause. Themotions pictures closed ihe show.Keith 4V, l-i-i.otor'H Twenty-llilrtl

Street Tlienlre it;. F, Alhec. general niau-areri.—Win. Coiirllelgli and company arebig type features this week, presenting tieo.

V. Iloburt's Intent hit, "reaches." for thellrst lime at this house. This act Is full ofgood things, mid lias a story of real liveInterest to keep the auditor thoroughly alert,

some good funny lines,' and a new twist lo

n slang phrase now anil then, Hull capturesthe laughs. Sir. Cotirtlelgh and the two menso],porting him are clever, lull Ihe womanwho plays the lending female part Is notipill<> up lii expectation. Lisle Leigh andcompany present n winner In "Kid (HoveMini." which Is u well devised little hit ofilrmiuillc writing that holds Ihe Interest

well. .Miss Leigh, Mdwnrd Flsner, Hie authorof the sketch, ami Mary Daveii|sirt playll well. Stella Mayliew. with her funnynegro dialed songs, mid her delightful Imper:. ioiiiI loll of Hie hoy enjoying Ills llrsi.

smoke, made one of the big bits nf tbe bill,

lis she deserved lo tlo, nnd the A vim ComedyKnur, with their raining slap-bang ntrrts•"The New Teaelier." got mars of laughter.ant) were voIihI great. Others were: TheWilton Brothers, In their splendid comedy barlift, which was a big feature; l-llsle Fayc andMissel! anil Miller, whose ilnuclng made thesuccess of Ihe ltd ; Harry Sin lrl and HoseKcssucr, In their lasting specially. "TimBellboy ami the Walling Maid, ' ami MartinBrothers, xylophone soloists. The motionpictures continue.

t'HNtor'H Tlienlre (Tony Pastor, mana-ger).—Although the weather was exceedinglywurm at Monday's matinee, June 17, a fairsized audience enjoyed the following hill:

rim Clayton and company, a big favoritehere, made her usual gotnt Impression In thatmust amusing and laughable sketch, "What'shi a Name?" Sir. and Sirs. Harry Bngllshand company nuide their Initial aiipearanceIn n new sketch, written by A. I!. Sliallineyerand Styles McCarthy, and entitled "Won on it

Bluir." The work of Sir. Kngllsh whs ninsl

heartily applauded, and with his witty midslangy talk, won Immediate favor with Ills

audience He Is ably assisted by Mrs. Fug-llsh, and the smoothness with which thesketch was handled made II a pronouncedhit. Lou llurliiich anil llanna Harris. In askit, •"IVetily Sllnutes for Matrimony," alsoearned much applause, while liolilsiutlh nndII optic entertained mid amused with theirmusical offering ami comedy. Others whocntiie In for their full share uf approval were :

James Fax. vocalist: Da Will I. Voting. Jug-gler; Jack Irwin, coinedlaii 1 Clifford andHall, singers ; MiiiiIcH'k marlolielles: Hubertsmid Italslon. singers and dancers; the YoscoTrio of vocalists, Itlnnehe Bishop, the dancing"Texas (ill'l." nnd the vita graph pictures.

Hudson Tlienlre I Henry It. llnrr Is. innn-

ageri.—"The Lion and the Slouse." whichMinis New York loo prolllablc a Held to for-sake for any length of time, returned onJune 17, In discover a big audience awaitingIt, and applause was hearty anil frequent forIhe newcomers lo the cast. Arthur Byron,as John Bttrkell Ityder. Ihe part created andhandled In such masterly manner by KdiuuudBreese, did Nome iinconiinouly line work. Sir.

Byron Is n llnlshcd nclor, n fact lo whichIlls net lug III Ills present role gives ampletestimony. Flora Juliet llowley. as ShirleyllosMinore. the Part originally played by I i raceICIIIston. was charming, nutl gave a thorough-ly pleasing lilt of net lag. Malcolm Duncananil Frazer Cunlter were also greatly likedin llii'lr res|s'ctlve diameters, and honorswere won by Charles Sltirgls. Joseph Ivllgournnd Ida Darling, The cast : Kudoxla. 1011a

Craven: ltev. Pontlfex Decile, Chun. Sturgls:.lane Deelle. .Margaret tlray: Mrs. llnssinnre,.1 ill In lliinclicit : Miss Xcshitl. Carolyn Fi-ber! s; Judge Itnssninre. Walter Allen; ex-Judge Stott. Frnzer Coulter: Kxpressniau,James T. .McDonald ; Shirley Itnssinore, FloraJuliet llowley: Jefferson Ityder, MalcolmDuncan: lion. Fllzroy llngley. Jos. Kllgour ;

Joiklns. t 'buries Sturgls: Senalur Hoberls,i: A. KIsTle: Kale Hoberls. Marlon Pollock•loluixnii ; Sirs. John Burkeit Ityder, IdaDarling: John Burkeit Ityder. Arthur Byron;Multl. tiertriide Barren.

A tin nt le tinrden (W. Kramer's Sous,managers).—Ilatelielnr and llusklrk. musicalcouiedlans : Knllnlsky llrolbers. acrobats andhand balancers : Will Itlch and Flo Howard, -

black face singers and dancers : Dora Taylor,I'Sigllsli ciHiiedieune and toe dancer : ConnieHamilton, vocalist : "Alburn." eipilllbrlst, andnew moving pictures are the all ructions forIbis week.

tin |i|i> I •> nil . Stolen ImIiiiiiI.—The pub-lic Is flocking to see Ihe hippodrome acts uudvuudcvillr, uud (lie park 15 dQlug well, ,.__t

llou.es cloned. Americaii. Astor, Bijou. MMjLfl»J<ftflgSSLXtSmii»,-i„n in,iv'« i.'.mnln. Fmiriecnth Street, provements at «« pi", a.immer. .. .. .ITuCriterion. Daly's, Umpire, Fourteenth Htreet,

Harden, Bucket t. Hippodrome. Irving I'lacc,

Liberty, Lincoln Sipiare, Sladlson ,«1»ufc '

Majestic, NOW Amsterdam, .New York. Star,

Thalia, Weber's. Wullack's, Yorkvllle. Co-

lonial, Dewey. Highlit Avenue .Murray Hill.

;,ondon mid SUner's Bowery are closed for

the season

Ilnrlem At Kcltli & 1'roctor's Harlem

Opera House (K. K. Albce, general manager)

"iv Celebrated Case" in the offering for this

week. It la well staged, and most of tlie

house favorites have good characters, wlilcli

they made the most of. An audience that

comfortably tilled the house was on hand

June 17. Alphonz' Kthler, In the rtto «C

Jean Valjean, scored a great lilt. OtheiH

who particularly pleased the aud lence were>

Ionise Itandolph, Ueorgc Howell, WUHnmNorton, Siartln Faust, Kobcrt Lee Hill. Hen-

rietta, Brown. F.cilly Jlelvllle and Isabel Craw-

ford. Th* vaudeville offers Agnes Scott and

motion pictures. . ,_,,

Wks/Knp (J. K. Cookson, manuger).— ri e

jnivemenis sl jn» i' ,

"V|, l'"'rt;,"rSn,pr" ,11)0Ing the Urge crowds lis «umlu r

- j,',^'

nJHBrooklyn W» »•• » "/>fJW th a

nl,y'.JdlB "--questsJ"

8" f°?& C°ran3hance to attend the reunion of the I'tami

X- «t I'hlladelpbln week bf July ^S&^hS^ 'parade.&^«his ffirsS ca ^ wxriffllodge.

Current topics.

Wiiitk Crrv, at Syracuse, opened the sec-

onavveck of lis season Sunday lust, under

Van'^Bcrg 'tipira"co7'presents a' double , hc management 0f ''eat„B'^i"* o

' . hoiuuyblll for the current week, with "Hmfe£ agetnent waa forced o forego a imnoay

and ••C.tya.lcrla B.mtlcnna.^Umt*J- Shec-

ffi„^,»»«««« fig^^g^S

the Dirk buildings, but a start was made a

^Sunday, when lOJJM people we™ufiied on the grounds. S'.nre then the

HUM LHVillll-ltll «ll«lt.i«M«« »-*•'- -, . -~-

bun will bold over for another week here,

with ilclcne Noldl, Bertha Shnek. Achll le

Albertl. John SIcCloskey nnd William Welsh.

'Hie "I'lnafore" cast Includes: Alice Aslt-

more, Bosemarle Campbell, Alice Kraft Ben-

son. Alexander Clark, Vernon Stiles, Hubert

Wilkle and Francis Notley. The house was

well tilled 17, and both operas were nicely

presented, giving delight to those who patron-

ize und cujoy high class music. Mr Wilkle

Sir. Clark. Sir. Sncchan and Sllsa .Soldi were

the big applause winners.SlETitoi'oi.iB tllurtlg & Senuion. ninntt-

KcrHl .—Adelaide Kelm continues to drawcrowded liouses. She is niipenrlng this week

In "In the l'alace of tins Iilng." Miss Kelmadds a new leaf to the garland of her suc-

cesses by her work us Donna Itomn, and ou

the opening night, her audience gave, her

every evidence of approval. Her supporting

company la composed of clever players, most

prominent among them being Thurston Halt,

as John of Austria ; Alexander Kearney, whoportrays 1'hlllp, King of Spain: J. J- Htz-

slmmons, In the role of Cardinal De Torres


Malhllde Deslion, as the Dowager Duchess of

Slrndlnu, and Caroline Harris, as the Duchess

of Alva.Kfcrrti A I'hoctoii's One IiiWuued and

Twu.vtv-fiitii Htiikkt (K. F- Albee. gen-

eral manager).—This, house continues lo

pack them In. despite Hie Summer weather

which has Just arrived. The engagement of

Foul SIcAlllster has proven a good move.

He presented, on June IT. for the llrst time

•in any stage, a one act. play, written by

himself, entitled "John of (iuseony. Ihe

scene is Inltl lu a room In the Chateau des

I'ltVH ltcln, Ihe time being the sixteenth cen-

tury. The cousin of Ihe 1'rlncess I'ays Iteln

offers himself In marriage to her, Is refused,

nnd conspires with Cyprleu to Und a 'man In

marry her. Jean Dfi Huscone arrival from

an underground passage, half starved, and

upon promise lo wed the princess Is fur:

titshed with food und drink. He falls asleep,

Is awakened by Ihe princess, and they plan

lo defeat the eunsnlrators. There Is .1

will Ihnl states she must be iiinrrled

before Ihe day is over, or half Hie

estate goes lo the cousin, and the other half

lo the crown. She und Jeuu consequently

decide lo marry. The play was well singed,

and wltli more life Infused into It. will makemi acceptable offering. It proved Interesting,

and Sir. SIcAlllster acted his costume role

well. Anna Johnston, its the Princess Dlitn,

showed Ihnl she was an actress of conslder-

anle skill and scored u decided success. Thelittle piny wus citHt as follows : Dlan. I'rlu-

cess des t'nvs Itlen. Anna Johnston ;Cyprleu,

John St. .lolin : I'ltlcline, Joseph Ituwley


Vulcan. David Thompson ; Jean Du (inscone.

l'aul SIcAlllster. Others on the bill were:llolcoiulie. Curtis und company. Luney Has-kell, Six Hngllsh Itockers anil Nellie Klo-

rede. Kilwlu Stevens and Tina Slurshnll.

Conkley and SIcBrlde. Chas. It. Carter undliiiKslo Taylor, and motion tilclurcK.

Ai.iia.miih.v ll'ercy li. Williams, ninnagcr).

—Despite lite wurm weaHier this house wits

filled 17, ami a most excellent programmewas offered. II Included: The Splllers,

Belle lllmiclic. Iliirlon mid Ashley, Smith andCnuipbell. Henry R, Dlxev nnd company, In

tho one ni'l play. "David durrlck" (this is

Mr. Dlxey's llrst Harlem aiipearance In

vaudeville, and he wus accorded a warm wel-

come;; Hose De Haven Septette. ".Motoring,"Welch. Mealy mid Montrose, and the Kilniimiziil Troupe.

Ilnrrn; & Simmon's Muku- Ham, (Louislltirtlg. Manager).—The Ilowcrv Bnrlesquersslnrletl their third and last week 17. before,

a lurge audience. I'rospects are bright for ll

big week. This In the closing week fur bothIhe house and Ihe company.

Uroukll ii.—At the Orphenui (I'ercy (I.

Williams, manager) "The Chimes of Nur-niniiily," June 17-U'J, by Hie Orpheum t.lperu

Co. The management mis spared no expensehi selecting Ihe costumes for this opera, amithe scenic effects are up lo the highest sluud-urtl. Carrie Heynolds, lute of "The llrantl

.Mogul," Is seen In the role of Serpolette."The Mikado" drew big houses last week."Cnvilllerlii Ititstlcana" ami "II. M. S. Pina-fore" next week.Luna 1'ahk.—"Mollycoddle" Is Iha lutest

attraction, with Its Illusion uf shipwreck.The free circus ami the other thirty-one at-

tractions constitute the "Court of Luna."HitKAMiiANii.—The Biblical scenic nrndue-

llons continue lo attract crowded nouses.The educated goose Is exhibited In connectionwith the. "Feast of Belsbuzzar." "Hay ofNaples." "Creation" and "Tile YellowstoneMountain Hide" are very popular.

HllNTlU'K'N AllKNA.—A slolll mill llynullllle.

a .Mexican mule, which any otic Is at libertyIn ride If he can. are the new ultnietlnns.

Stkkti.ki'HAhk I'aiik. -lluiaan roulette Is

the popular pastime here. Bverythlng In Mr.Tllyou s park leans toward the ridiculous, but.

this new device Is the must amusing tiling hehas yet Invented, The new skating rluk Is

on the street level, nnd Is one of the largestlu tills country. Swimming at night by elec-

tric light Is drawing many people. Admis-sion and twenty-live attractions are offeredby Sir. Tllyou for 25 cents, us hi formeryea rs.

Biiiciitii.v Br.Arn UVMtC Ham,. — Thishouse opened on Saturday night. June 1,1,

with a large audience, who enjoyed the fol-

lowing bill: tieorge Bvmis, the ZlngarlTroupe, operatic singers: Howard and North.In "Those Were Happy Days;" HnyuiundKin ley ami Isittle Burke, lu their travestyskit; Sophie Aknunlne, violinist; Corneliannd Mddle. acrobatic couiedbius. and Davisami Walker, colored duo. Moving picturesrinsed the bill. Saturday inn t luces will begiven, beginning June 2!).

IIkxpkiison'k, COKMV Iki.anp.— HIM week of17 : Hidden mid Salisbury aud tlielr WestI'olul Troubadours. Hale and Corbln. WloruTrio, third mid last week of .Military Octetteand the Clii with Ihe Union, Stevenson audNllgeot, Hie Four Comliiucs, Verdi lirnndOpera Quartette. Lowe, Joe tienrge's "Funat the Seashore," Kluilinll Urns.. Alius Utinr-letle, (trace Tempest Trio, and Zarrnw Trio.

lioi.iiuN Crrv Cminrsic. — This restirt Is

doing well with a score of puzzling or pleas-ing exhibitions, and with the wonderfultricks of King I'hiirunu. "Ihe horse Hint seemshuman."Nuws Itkmh.—The opening of the tweuty-

elglitb season, nnd Inst In the present en-closure, of I'nln's fireworks, nt ManhattanBeach, will lake place 22. A put Hulk pro-duction Is to be presented, entitled *"Sherl-ilan's Hide" (Cedar Creek) nnd n fight be-tween Ihe Slerrhnnc and the Monitor on thelake. Manager A. II. Scboulierg. who nturlshis thirteenth season with Sir. Rtlu. Is cou-Adept that tttls Kill in one of tlie beet tea-


St&Vm "tV'SSt by" the- people of

r'cnlralgN«w York has proved an agreeab e

sunirlitc to the management, ma***.*"Slo-pby. the "Man Who Sings to Beat tie


Is one of the star free attractlous^

All the other thirty places of amusement on

the grounds have new bills for this week

Wiikn Nellie Mac Brewster iind OBilcn

nnd Mack present "Tbe OW from Broad-

way." loiti lovers of musical comedy wll see

u ualnty crentlou. It Is from lb c pen of Her-

bert Hall Wlnslow. It Is a musical comedy,



.i"ii?K civKUErrB, of Sophie Kverelte and

company, who opened tin engagement at

Kelt'M 4 1'roctor's Union Square 1 heat re,

Monday afternoon, June 10, was obliged

to cancel the week, owing to an accident at

the evening performance on that date, suss

Kverelte fell from the lop of an eight foot

ladder, breaking several bones In her lert

urra. Injuring her spine and causing Internal

Injuries She Is under the core of a physi-

cian nt her home In this city.

The SIx.ssiik. SiitiBKitr have obtained the

American rights to Hustavc Kadelburgs

opcin. "Ilii88.-.ren Fielder" now being pre-

sented lu Berlin .

Un SiluiiuiiT recently completed arrange-

ments for the appearance lu this country of

Hie celebrated Kngllsh chiinteiise, Connie

IMUe. who will (tall for New York, on July

1, She will play tin Important role In Ihe

production of "Tlie (llrl Behind the Counter,

the new play In which Lew Fields will be

seen next season. ,

W. S. Ct.AiiK will have one of the best

shows In tilt! Eastern Columbian wheel for

the season of 1UU7-U8. Among Ihe principals

will be: Leon Krrol. Stella Chatelaine, Jan.

I'. Ward, Maud. Ituynor, Horace Maun, CudFranks. Fannie Vedder, Franklin nnd Buck-ley, Chits. Levlne, the Klgbt Kngllsh Danc-ing (ilrls, and a strong singing chorus of

sixteen girls and eight men. I.eon.Brrol has

written the entire show material, Including

all the original musical numbers, withseveral novelties and effects. Manager Clark

will spare no expense to m-.tae the Jersey

Lilies one of the strongest uad hundsomestdressed shows on the rind. Next season

Sam S. Clark will l«' In advance ot the com-pany, while .las. Frohsln will again he withHie company, us manager.

Kiiwakii BbiiNliKl.l. will put out next sea-

snn "Tbe Lust Hoy," a musical comedy, lu

the Knit and West, with two companies, anda big spcclncuiiir production, "The Centreof the l'Jurth." J. C. Matthew* Is In chargeof the bookings.

(iKutlilK Halb will manage "The tiny torea-

dor" (Western wheel), next season, whichIs allotted to the Umpire Theatre, Chicago.

VimiiNiA Dkkw TitBSdorr ami Slelbourue

SIcDoweil will be co-stars In revivals ot Sar-

doti's plays, opeuhig In Knnsus City. Mo„June lid, under the nmuugemonl of OniricsKllloll.

llAitttv Wai.tkhk and Frank Hill., traves-

ty stars, will open al Atlantic City, lu their

new act, .June 2-1, and then go on tbe Keithcircuit of parks.

At-ri;ii Tin; Bowery Burlctstpiers close nt

lltirtlg & Seamon's Music Hall. Ben Jan-sen will go to the mountains, up New YorkSlate, fur a four weeks' rest.

Wai.tkii C. Kki.uv, tlie "Virginia Judge."leaves for Kngland, Saturday. June 22, to

open al the Palace. London, for it six weeks'stay. Ills Southern negro stories shouldplease Ihe Kngllsh theatre goers.

lllbi.r W. Watson will appear shortly, In

a new musical production under the directionof llurllg &. Seamen.

1'ost and lttissHi, open nt Toledo, 0., ouJune •_:(. tin extended tour uf parks, throughIhe Middle West.' Their regular vaudevilleseason opens nt Indlniiupolls, Sept. til.

Chan. K, i'mami-un was a Ci.ii'fKii callerMonday, June 17. lie stated that his pastseason of forty weeks was the best in thehistory of his show, having hud bat onelosing week, and breaking ten house recordsfor a week's business. Next Beiison hu ex-pects lo go fur ahead of anything hn hasdone before. He has three men at workbuilding stuff at Ills studio tn lied Bank.N. J„ and will be ready to launch his showIn llrst class condition the llrst of August.House managers write saying that Mr.ciniiiipihi's attraction Is the greatest moneygnt.lcr they hnve ever played, from a reper-lury standpoint. He carries twenty-sevenpeople, und two speclnllies lire glveu betweenHie acts.

.Ia.mh.x J. MotrrtIN, Who hits been playingover the Orpheum circuit, will be back the.second week In July, lo resume bis official

duties ns secretary of the Vaudeville ComedyClub.

lilM.lAM Siiaw und Al. Coleman will pre-sent a new net, by Eddie Clurk, with specialscenery, next season.

Tin: Sluoitus, In their comedy singing andtalking net, have received umuy offers fromburlesque malingers, but will slay In vaude-ville next season.

ltoiiijiir 0;.MMi.Nt.is has been engaged byDavid Beln sen, fur an Important pari In unew play, to be produced early In the Autumn,

In viuw of negotiations now being curriedou between David Belusco und BeerbobmTree, it Is probable that the Kngllsh actorwill again visit tbls country with his entirecompany, season after next, to appear atMr. Belasco's new tlieutre, the Stuyvesnnt,Our theatregoers will then have an oppor-tunity of seeing Mr. Tree lu Shakespeare's"Julius Cicsar"' and "Antony nnd Clco-pntra." and Stephen Phillips' "Herod," Inaddition to other new pieces In his repertory,and some older oues, In which he bus al-ready been seeu liere. During Mr. Tree's en-gagemeut liere Sir. Belasco's present plan lalo present Duvld Wnrlleld, in London, atMr. Tree's theatre. Ills Slalosty's, Mr. Wur-lleld's repertory will Include "The MusicMaster," "The Auctioneer' and such otherplays as he may produce next season ut. theStnyveonnt. It Is ulso possible that FrancisStarr may have a season ut Ills Majesty'sTheatre.

SlAt'UB Lambkrt sailed lust week forKurope. She Intends to take a short tripthrough Ireland. Scotland and Kngland. Shewill spend a week In Dublin visiting the ex-position, und afterward will go to Edin-burgh, London ami Purls.

Silt. AMI Slim. It. C. WltlTNRY sulled tnstweek for London. Kng. They nrc members ofa party of six that will make an automobilelour turoinrh Kngland.Wm. SlACAirr will play Klaw & Ki lunger

time, beginning In September, In a new act,"Kew. Xwtl Eve in London," „

AccouoiNB to recent announcement, j;. nHot hem will go to London, the season after

next, and take charge of George II. Ale*,ander's company, at the St. James Theatrethere. Mr. Alexander will cotnc to this

country and ftjypear at the head of j| r .

SoUieru's company In the theatres here. Fol-

lowing their separate starring engagements,Mr. Sothern and Julia Marlowe will againloin hands, next Spring, and appear lu tlielr

Shakespearean successes In London.SIauo Jewries, the American actress, an-

nounces that she has retired from the glareof the footlights. Miss Jeffries, who Is nowSirs. James Osborne, the wife of a wculthynative of New Jsouth Wales, while In the pro-fession, supported Wilson Barrett. BeerbubtnTree, and created parts In "The Sign of theCross," "The Slanxman" and many otherplays while In .London.Jamks Si.ev IN, owing to the pressing de-

mands of his own business, has withdrawnfrom the K. It. Salter Amusement Company.Henceforth Mr. Slevln, will represent all hUown plays, excepting such as are lmudledby the Stewart A Boyer Agency for storkpurposes. Reports from Mr. Slevln's version

ofsSnlome" state that it is meeting with

considerable success, having been presented

in Minneapolis, Memphis, Milwaukee and si.

Louis.SwkbIiY-Biiipman Notus.—The three weeks'

Spring tour of the Kclcey-Shannon Co., in

"Widowers' Houses," terminated at Water-town, K. ST.. June .8. Contractu are about lo

be signed with them by Kmest Shlpninn for

a new vehicle, In which they will appear nextseason, and a tour covering forty weeks hasbeen booked.

Kuiiar Hixixv will assume tho leading

.comedy role, and produce both the openingund closing burlesques for Batchelor's BusbarBelles (Eastern wheel), next season.James and Pbvob have Just arrived from

the West, and will produce a new act In

vaudeville, entitlctl "Capt Barnacle's Court-

ship." n remedy sketch.

Uract. Dean, singing comedienne, has re-

fused offers for musical comedy, and will

piny vaudeville nil next season.

The latest addition to the receipts of

the Actors' Fund Fair Is e check for $13.4u

from Los Augelea. B. D. Price received the

check Inst week, In a letter from Carl Taylor,

as the net proceeds of it buseball game be-

tween n team of actors und local newspapermen.Bon Dailkv, late of "Tho Vanderbllt Cup,"

will not play vaudeville next season. WellsHuwkes Is writing a three uct comedy dramafor him. entitled "The Circus King, whichwill lie ready In September.The Ymvmabh, comedy acrobafs, will play

park dates for tbe Summer.Jack Sinoer. who managed the Boston

Belles last season, has secured the Behmaii

Show and Frank D. Bryan's American (Jlrls

Co. His olllces arc in the KnickerbockerTheatre Building. He Intends to make tlin

former one of the best shows on the Eastern

wheel. He has engaged Capt. Fox's SeventeenHooMicr Zoiiuvcs as a feature act.

Max Miu.an will Introduce a novelty In

vaudeville. He will present u number of

trained frogs. •

Dave Feiuiuson has been re-engaged Willi

Sllss New York Jr., to play the same part

lu which he made u hit the past season.

Sam S. Ci.ahk. business manuger of the

Jersey Lilies (Eastern wheel), has written

four new songs, to be used In the produc-

tion next season, which opens ut Wuldmunti's,

Newark, N. J., Sept. St

The Harrow Trio will piny vaudeville neit

season. They have forty weeks on the Kcltli

Ae Procter circuit.Jukei'ii K, Watson, after closing his sea-

son with Ihe Twentieth Century Molds, will

enter vaudeville with a new act.

IlENitr SlEVERuni'if JR. bus Joined hand';

wlfcji Belch & 1'lunkctl, with ufllces in the St.

.lames Building.itienv CRAIU hits signed for the Blue Hih

buns Olrls (Kastern wticcl), to pluy lending

comedy next season.DolUITHV IllAIUUISTT AND MAV CbAWVOID

will do a singing ami dunclng act next sea-

son, with the Blue lllbbon Dlrls.llAVWAItn. CltNROV AND llAYWAItll will gn

with the New Umpire Show (Western wheel)

next season.Seymour and IIh.l, comedy acrobats, will

open their Orpheum time ut San Francisco.

July a«. , _hmw and Dahe have received offers In

appear In musical comedy, but will play

vaudeville dates next season. .

The Four Uuntinuh, utter this Hose o,

tlielr vuudevlllu dutes, will tako a rest prior

to their louring with "Tho Fool House.SiiEi'l'Aitn L'AMt' will produce his original

two act musical comedy, "Sir. Wise troin

B'wny," with thu Kentucky Belles, lu wblc.li

he plays the title role.

La Veen and Cbohh have now In prepara-

tion :i second edition of "Komnn Spurts andPastimes," which they will put on next sea-

son, which will lie a surprise.

Billy (Iauton and Ktkkl Hrbkn hnve pal

tunny new Ideas. Into their act, "In Bits or

Mimical Comedy." They closed their engage

incut In the Percy (1. Williams houses.lime lo.

Ji'i.ES HuuTiti, who bus been on a business

trip in the West, arrived lu Syracuse, N. V-June IS, where hu wus Joined by his broth-

ers, Ben und Lull. The trio will inuko Ihe

trip lo New York in a touring car.

Sjiith and t'AMi'BULti lire booked for

forty weeks ou Keith & Proctor circuit Tor

next season. , , .,

Will II. 'Fox will sail for Kiu'ope July tl.

to open on the Moss & Stoll tour, will stay

till August, 1UUS. ,„SIonnik Eaierai.d. singing comctllau. win

null for Kurope July II, to open at Caulher-

well, London, Mug. , „Sam Howe, or the Klalto Uouuders, l»il

for Kurope. June 11. to be gone for six weeks.

Tub riiLLowiMj art! among those engaged

for U. W. & Sim Williams' musical comedy,"The Cat autl the Moiiso:" Frank Humes,F.lln U'wls, Chas. Shepmau, Kate Mortimer.Murgtiret Mlllsoii. Alex Hlude, Frank C'loke,

llelleu Wllllnms. .Margaret Paulla, Mi hired

Sillier, SnlU Seymour. Klsle Arcon. Wllnier

Argcdon, Klsle Covuler, Sluy Schilling, TinaHmllh. Edna Ovcrbeck, Sussle (Jules, Joslo

Willluid. Emma Knowles. Lydla Somuiers.

The production will be equipped vvllh special

scenery nutl luechunlclcal contrlvunees.La Shllk Tiiio have been re-engaged wllit

Wm. Fennessey's Star «how Girls for next

season. They will put on u novel Itlsley net.

Chas. Nichols and Marib Cboix hare

been re-engaged with Wm. Fennessey's star

Show (ilrls. Sir. Nichols will produce a newversion of "Dopey Dan," with new music unit

original Ideas., ,

Al, Weston and his wife will make a Hltort

trip tit Hie mountains before starting on their

vaudeville tour.Mablo, Bbruer and Mablo will present a

novelty gymnastic act next season, with .ins.

II. Curtln a Broadway Gaiety Girls.Lavinb and Hurd, comedy ucrohnts and

singers, will play vaudeville next season.

Myiitlk C. Bybnb, "Queen of the Sharp-shooters," 4s playing parks, and In the r nil

senaon will be featured with Dial & Arm-strong's Twelve Navajo GlrlK, In her shootingact.

On Thursday evbnino. June 'JO. tloudlni

will attempt to escape from » packing bo*

nulled up by Ibe shipping clerks of Brut

Brothers' I'nloil Solium store. The utlemiUwill be inude at Keith & Proctor's UnionStpiure Tbeatie, after the close of Hoitdlnl I

regular act.Vinnie Dalv sails for London, Eng-. Jut"*

'25, for a "six weeks' pleasure trip. She winrefurn to piny vondevllle.

Jos. KliMONSTON hna signed as business

manager for A. II. Womls' Big scenic producHon. "The Express Bobbery?' which opens

at the Natlonnl Theatre. Philadelphia. JiH)

•J7. There will be twenty-eight people. *

band of Indians aud six horses used In tut

PtttuUSMsij, _i_ J_, j . u-i

June 22. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. mHiciiABti Manskici.i* has sold hit' New

York resident*, at 316 Illverslde Drive, near

ilne Hundred and Fourth Street. It 19 11

five story American basement dwelling, andwas bmiKht by Mr. Mansfield about nine yearn

airo He occupied the houne up to the time ot

his Went departure' for Europe. ••

Marion Stanley, who wns leading womanfor the Rogers Brothers last season, has been

i-ncnaed for llielr new production, ••The

Itogers Brothers In Panama."Am* ItiCAitD has beep engaged as. leading

Note.—Daniel Qulnlan. of this city, whofor the past few seasons has been Identifiedwith vaudeville, Is spending two week* withhis family.

— m

Jameitown At the Celoron Theatre(J. J. Waters, manager) the bill for week ofJune 10 Included : Young America Quin-tette. Mcl'hee and Hill, .Marlon and Pearl,rne Great Richards, and Kelso and l^lghton.business Is good.


HlimiiM nn.ni—At the Stone . OperaHouse (J. |«. K.. Clark, manager) Rlclinrd(iolden. In "The Poor Devil," pleased goodattendance June IS,

AiiMiutv l.l. ft, Plynn. resident manager)).—".Mrs. line's Defense," 10- Hi, hnd good at-tendances.

Unfler tbc Ceim/

Is now appearing In vaudeville with ,ilarry

l'invcnport and Phyllis Knnkln, has been en-

auKcd as a member of 11 permanent stock

eoiiipitnv thnt will begin Its season in the

Huston" Theatre, Sept. * -

URHII M, S!ihom:r ani> Job Rrinork, of

Cinclnnutl. O., part owners of the New Y'ork

llliMMiiliome. will make llielr residence lu

future In New York City.

(•AiiBKT P. Campbell signed for two years

wlili llenrv K. Harris, lie leaves for Chicagojulv 1">, to Join Itose Stuhl, In -'Tile Chorus


It" M. titiucK, lessee of Die Alvln unci the

Bijou Theatre, Plltsburic P11.. was granted uillv.irtt' from Ktitharyne Cnrr tiullck on June11, In I he shove city.


Ilnffnlo.— At Ihe Star. (P. V. Cornell,

manager 1 Hie Hnnsxelle. Slock Co., week of

June I", present, a new four act play, the •

stiirv involving nlllclnl life at Washington.Tlie' play will be named by (he people ofItiitTiiio. ' a prize of ?:i!i having been offered

for tin* best title. "The (llrl and the Judge"week of 1M. "School for Scnndnl" drew nice-

ly 10-10.I.vkii 1

I J- Lnughlln, innnnger).—MildredHnlluud, lh "The Lily nud the Prince," this

week. "Fast. Lynnc" week of 24.

Siiha's.— Kill for 17 and week includes:.Mnrriliall I'. Wilder. Charles Mack and com-pany. Four Huntings, "The" Quartette, I.h

jtnv and Woodford, Nell and Chapmau,Hounding Cordons, nnd Swan mid Bnmbnrd.

I^AFATt.TTK iChns. M. Hogg, manager).

The Summer slock company includes : AnnieMeek, Mvelyn AVnlker Winchester, Mae Or-letttt, Annie Cnrter, Mnhd Hamilton, AngleArden,- I.uclllc Herrnn, Fred Taylor, Andrew(I'N'ell, Joe Rowers, and many otllers. "Thetllrls from Chelsea" and "The Rehearsal" tire

the aitracllons Ihls week;1,1'NA PARK (II. II. MncRrooin, malinger)


features In Ibe pnrk Ihls week Include:

Webb's performing sen Hods nnd Paularliliiel. Ill the lliealre : Itndu and lleiiinaii,

Hughes nnd Itrown, Ollverre Trio amiKlcniinl I.eggett.

Albany. — At Ilni'lililiius Kleecker Hull

(II. It. jambs, niniiUKoi) Smiiiiier comedysi HI holds ntlenllon here, Ihe Majestic SlockCo. furnishing good eiiterlnlinneiil. "A lliin-

iiwnt Wife" was llic bill June' Hi-r.', ntiil

"Wliy Smith Left. Home," 111- Hi, hntli drawlug well. ••Tennessee's Pnrdner" 17-11), "AStranger In 11 Strnnge Land' 1 'Jli-Ti.

I'luM roll's 1 Howard (ii'ahnni, resident

maiiiiger).—The Proctor Opera Co. Is delight-

lug .Sumin.'l' tciilloiicea here, with sensonnbleeniertalnmenl. "The Hola-mlnn tlirl" was the

hill all last, week, nnd 17 nnd week, "TheClilmes of Nnrmnndy" Is announced.

Ai.-tko Paiik (Max Rosen, tnanilger).

Ah Ihe seuson ndvnnces business Improves..Special features are the Four Loudon*, .Mile.

Hols Piquet). Work nnd Owen, und l' mi".

Renuiuniit's Fully Circus.KbHCTtlKl Pack UJ, W. Williams, ninnn-

gerl.—The Rustle Then-Ire opens in, nndwill continue during the season, changingHie programme weekly. Perry's MinstrelsIs the opening attractions.

III'I-TALo Bili.'k Wll.O WMT 14, had twoof the Inrajest outdoor audiences that evermined out here, averaging 20,0110 people nt

encii performance.lilMii.iMi linos.' ciin-i's couirs here on

June M.

Rochester.—At Hie Lyceum ( .M. K. Wolff,iiuuinger) attendance Is large. <trace Hazard,In her unh|iie act, scored big Inst week. 1 till

week of June 17: Victor Herbert's Song BirdsliYliirn engagement). Kd. LiitelL VictorMoore nnd Kniina Llttletleld, (he Three Hr-iickIii Sisters, Mills and Morris, Muspn undHint, Vnluzzl, and chromatic picture.

Cihik Opkiia lloi'SP. (J. II. Moore, mana-ger).—Joe Welch and company and Krneatllngaii divided honors last week. Business Is

Kill! S. It. (i. Rill week of 17 : Oeorge Prim-rose and cuiii'inn.v. l.lnil, Bowers, Waters nndt.'rookes, Fiamct De Voy nnd company, Mc-Keintto and Shannon, Untile Siihcrs, the Met-/.clil Troupe, nnd klnctograph.

National (Mux llurtlg, manager).—The.slock. In "The Avenger." had big returns weekof 10. "Past Life In New York" week of 17.

IIakkii (Mrs. T. .1. Royle. manager),—"AMan's Broken Promise" wns shown to crowd-ed houses by the stock, last week, with.Minion llaincv and Fdwui'il B. Haas In thelends. Mildred Flora, In an entr'acte offer-ing, pleased. "A Working (lid's Wrongs -

* 17und week.

Hiikatkii Ontario Brack Park (II. L.

Messmore, innnnger).—The Pour P.allius nndthe (Hobo of Death amused the throngs dur-ing lust week. Rosnlll'a Band concludes aihiee weeks' stny 10. Nnvassnr Band, theFrnesto Sisters and Silvern nnd Kntcrln open11 week's engagement 17.

tii.KN IIavhn i'aiik (B. 1:. Wilson, mana-ger*.—Minora and Norlne scored heavily lastweek. Attendance was big. Bill week of 17 :

Mr. nnd Mrs. Cat. Stewnrt, Miles and Ray-mond, Lulu Beeson, Dan J. Harrlnglon,, andHoward and Under.Nora.— Minhiiiic So Herns, who ended a

week's stay, 15, nt. the Lyceum Theatre,mused 11 sensation, 111, by driving a team,while blindfolded, through the prhiclpulsi reels of the city, und locating a missingpackage, that was secreted by a local news-paper conimlilee.

I ilea, a the Majestic (M. L. Koncke,resident manager) "A Stranger in 11 StrangeLaud" was presenled by the stock, June10- 12, and Vviilier L. Vim-lent, made a verycreditable showing us lending man. "In theIllsbop's Carriage" met packed houses 18-1B.This week: "Snpno" 17-10, and "Big HeartedJim" 20-22Oni'imuM (!•:. r,. Knneke, resident mana-

ged.—The pictures nrc sllll drnwlng bighouses, nnd liilw. P. O'Connor's songs arc apleasing addition.

Utica Pauk, (Rcnm -A Donoboc, malin-gers)..—Ruth's orchestral concerts, nnd theiniseiiiiil nil racl Ions are tilling the pnrk dally,and will remain over.Summit Paiik (I. V. Baker, manager).

Hood wenllier nnd big nl tendance was llic

rule last week. Ryan s orchestra, and ICtig-

land's moving pictures nre Ihe nttrnctlonthis week.

Piiiirst Park (Prllst Brand, innnnger).

Vaniievllle nud iliiiiclng continue In drawwell.

Notes.—Cnle Bras.' Circuit showed In Rome,N.Y., 17 Prank Hill, former residentmanager or the Orpliciini. at I Mica, and laterwith Wllnier & Vincent, at Rending, Pa., willhereafter he seen with Walters & Pfniity. In"The Hebrew nnd Ihe Actor." Mr. Hill willIs- 1 lie nctiir.


F.lmlra.—At Rorlck's OlenTlteatredlenryTaylor, manager 1 "Virginia" drew well Instweek. "Hih'ciiccIo" will he the nttrnctlon June17-22.

Riai.to (P, W. McConnell, manager).

People for week of 17 : Leonard nnd lltistedo,He Co tret and Howard. Melrose Sisters, Hes-se shadier. Trlxh- Dennett and James D.I'rniidkive. itlnlinscope and motion pictures.Vlila theatre remains open Ibe year around. -

Tub CMPPM, ilatml .lulu 11, will containinn- itlriclorii uf tent s/mir pcuplt, s/ioiciuf/citiiaurmrntH {ur unman uf Kf/J. I'ltc fretirill be «/" 11 litimlAmur iIckIhu, <ii /hut culur*,unit the number wilt be well illntleateil.

' A'UTKS MtOSI At.. V, WllKEI.KU'S N'BW MollSLShows.—l)est>lte very unfavorable weather,uur business through Pennsylvania, New Jer-sey and New York has been very satisfactory,and the show has left a reputation behind ittiiut will be valuable capital in seasons tocome. We now have sixty-three head ot stock,eleven cages of animals, nnd give a per-formance I hat Is "making good" everywherewe show. Our annex, under the managementof Will T. Miller, is doing a land office busi-ness, and sending them out pleased. ••

Tom Rankin, Pred tirlffln, Tom RurkeandMajor Keller, of the Buffalo Rill Show, werevisitors at the llagcnbeck-Wallace Show, InBrooklyn, .Sunday, .tune 11.

Ntrres i'icom TiiAiiiio's UNHID) Snows, tour-ing Pennsylvania, under canvas.—We openedMay 11, ut Linesvllle, Pa., und business hasbeen excellent irom the start. The show Is

oue of the best we have ever hnd, and we havehad lo turn people away at several stands,although the weather has been very unfavor-able, uur advance agent, lieu. K. Brondsuti,Is" the best agent since the days of Billyl'eard. We have an excellent lot of paper,and everything Is running us smooth, us glasR.Pollowlng Is the roster of the show : VA.Thardn, proprietor; Mrs. A. P. Tut He, uianu-ger and treasurer ; Kd. Thardo, contortionist


Muster Paul Thardo, singing and talkingclown; the Thurdns, iinpuleuient art: lieo.A. Oram, wire wulker and Juggler: linn Mm-dock, Hexllde i'i|uiiliii-Kt and bulunecr; JohnP. Muck, comeillun nnd duncer, and NellieTuttle"s canine paradox. 'Pho concert Is underibe direction of John I'. Mack, nnd we nrepacking tiiem to the doors every night. Weuave live big acts In Ihe conceit, und everyact a rent ore. John P. Ann-It Is hooked onone of the Weslern circuits for twenty-eightweeks, after Oct. 1. The "ghost" walks everyweek, nnd we gel The Oi.u Hki.uiiu: regu-larly.

Notes prom tiii: Cranii Ciiku BrUmMexico.—Beginning wit li our Hist Hiitnii ufierIcuvlug Mexico City. April In, It has beenone ciinllniiutlon of Ideal I'lrcns weather.No ruin, bin wnrin, sunny days nnd coolevenings. Ilitslness litis Leva grand. AtCuiidiilujurii. for ten days, all records werebroken tor the twenty-seven years of annualvisits of the show there. Sun I<ouls Potosl,for Ihe leu days wuh Hie sumo, nnd at thepresent writing from Monterey, from Indi-

cations, It Is going to happen again. Thefollowing help to keep things moving, alsopresenting change of programme often,:Klciinln Bell Sr„ proprietor; Dick Bell Jr.,

manager: Curt Wlllpps, equestrian director;Slgnor Bnxo und Jose Piiitcs, advance.Performers—Madman Scliell and her lions,

the Bros. Dlerlcks, modern athletic display ;

the Three Luclfers. novelty dancers: Prof.James Parker, Burton's Hog Circus, Trumanand Schaffer, jugglers; Miss Raymond, wireact; Mons, Hugo (formerly of the '

FlorenceFamily), heavy lifting, Juggling and balanc-ing; Aldo and Vanerwiu, horir.ontal bars:Rlngal and Patatna, contortionists, and theBell Family as follows—Hick Bell Sr„ DickBell Jr.. Franzlskn, Amelia, U'lla, Albert,Cerle. Ktldle, Nellie, Charlie, Willie. Ocorgte,Silvia. Ilstclla, Oscar. Arthur, Joseiihlne, Eva—all Hells, not 11 "ringer" among theni, anda more Yersullle and congenial combinationof talent would be hard to had. Kmllle LeaLucifer celebrated her fifteenth birthday atSan Louis Potosl, May 20, and wns the re-

cipient of many valuable presents from mem-bers of the Bell Finally and Ihe company. -

Notkk 1'fto.M Mlllner, Itoselle and .Milliter.—We have signed for the seuson with theBolllieur Rroy.' (iolden Mascol Shows. Wctravel In our own cars. They ure pnlnteda bright yellow, nnd all baggage, seats,

poles, etc., are the same color. The bigbusiness und the success of this show, yearafter yenr, does 11way with the hoodoo yel-

low Idea We make one und two nightstatiilH, carry thirty people, und bund undorchestra. Tin: Clipper conies lo us lute,

but Is always welcome.Tin-; Four Huiini.nis have replaced the

Colby Trio with the Forepuugli-Sefls Show.Notkm FROM SUN Bros.' Shows. — This

show Is In the eleventh week of the currentseason, und is Just emerging from a veritable

deluge of rain and mud. The season thusfar, from the ntmospherlc point of view, hasbeen the worst In the annals of the show.Hver since leaving Macon, this Spring, theelements hare been anything hut conduciveto outdoor exhibitions. S'nl withstandingthis, the. show bus moved along on schedulelime, and given performances iwlce dolly.

All of the people connected with thn showhave enjoyed good health. The accommoda-tions In Ihe sleepers this season have beenunusually Hue. Tlieso cars are conceded to heIhe verv llnest ever carried by any leiiled

show. They are both supplied with the mostmodern healing appliances, and during Iherecent cold weather the cars were kepi ut aline temperature. Archie M. Donnldson ofthe Donaldson l.ltlni Co., was 1111 Interestedspectator and guest nt Maysvllle, Ky. J. P.

Piigon, of the Illinium & Rulley forces, hndn recent look at Hie "Rig Little" show.Hobhe Fay, J. II. Hellers nnd the Aerial TwinStarr are newcomers In thn main show pro-gramme, and their respective specialties nreFs'lng received In n most fitvornhle manner.M. Burgowcr has succeeded ft S. Clnrk, nscontracting ngenl. Mr. Clarke has been trans-ferred to the executive stall' buck with Ihe

show, nnd Is making good In his new ca-

pacity. An entire new layout of blue andred seats, all of the most modern unprovedsafety kind, have been added to the "biglop" department, which now ntukes Hie equip-

ment practically M llrst class ns tiny showof Its kIsii now louring America.

Notes prom Klcffcr * Turner's SliverPinto Shows.—We just closed two successful

weeks nt South River, N. J. Have been out

six weeks, und. In spile of had weather, busi-

ness hus been good. Next week. In order to

enlarge the show, we will Join the llolladny

i.'nrnrval Co. Roster of the show: K loiter «Turner, proprlelor* und managers; Wm. A.

Mack, business manager; Prof. Tom (Hrtnti-

ncr, musical director; Happy Jack O'Hrien,Ihms canvas man with three assistants


Pouev Wilson, boss of stock ; Mack Turner,comedy sketch : Jnmes lOmersnn, Irish come-dian : Kdllh Turner, child performer; Ihe

Turners, acrobats nnd dancers; Jack O'llrleii,

black face roiiiodbn ; Mllle Lettlon Alficlla

character cluing.', und Perry nnd Thomas,moving pictures, l-iveryhmlv Is well. MMThe 01.11 IlKi.tAiit.K 'Is n welcome visitor

each anil every week.

Ndtks from Prank A. Rorrins' Shows- -

We are now entering upon our ninth week.We have never missed 11 performance, havecommenced late once, and theu only fif-

teen minutes. With the single exceptionof New Britain, we have never been upon alot after 11.4ft p. m. Wllh very few excep-tions the train has been unloaded by a. m.,ana while we have hail a great deal of badweather, we have never been short of work-tngmen In any department, the complementbeing one hundred and fifty, and the lowestuuraber drnwlng pay nt any one pay dayhas been one hundred nnd thirty-eight. Forthe llrst five wis'ks the receipts were big,and the next two weeks, from a combinationof circumstances, fell off some. Since thattime business hns Increased a little, probablyowing to better weather. We have not hadan accident to a horse, car, wagon ur animal,hut, on the other hand, have live colts thathave been horn since our opening. The publicand press have been a unit In praising thesnow, not only for Its excellent pcrforiiiunvcsnnd the splendid condition of the entireoutfit, hut also for the discipline and goodbehavior of everybody connected with theshow, drunkenness, rowdyism and lightingbeing an unknown quantity. In a great, ninnyInstances we have made the towns for threeyears In succession, und nil of them at leasttwice In three years, and In every case wherethe conditions were equal, the receipts haveexceeded I lull of any previous visit. Whilewe have never hnd occasion to turn any peo-ple away, we have done a very satisfactorybusiness, but us our canvas Is toll round lop,with three Stiff, middle piece's, fifty lengthsof blues, twenty lengths of reserves, and alxlengths of portable platform, we can do con- '

sldernhle business and not turn people away.Pawnee Rim, Notes.—Business with Paw-

nee Bill's Wild West Shows since our iqienliignt Nashville. Tetin.. bus been all thai couldbe desired, notwithstanding the fact Hint wehave encountered rain or opposition, nnd Inmost cases both. In nil of Ihe larger cities,such us Mcmpnls, Tenn. ; Padiicali, Ky.


Kvansvlllu nnd Terre Haute. Ind. ; Hi. Louis.A10.; Chicago, III., and Davenport, In., wehave done n liirnnwny business. In St. Louisand Chlcngo Mr. Thompson, our press agent,Is credited Willi receiving more newspnperpublicity limit wns ever given a lenled ex-I'lbltlon. Al Pniluciih. Ky.. which Is'th-home of thi' Terrell Bros., formerly proprie-tors or KiirVsklu Bill's Wild West Shows.Syo Terrell gave Pawnee Rill nnd party 11

very novel on ling. Mr. Terrell Is now In thedistilling business, nnd Is located about threemiles from the city. After the nl'lemoon pcr-I'ormaiice three niiiouu. biles curried the"major" nnd his parly lo the distillery,where Ihe parly sut down to n luinnuei.which consisted solely of dishes famous Inthe Southland In the unlr brllnm daysIt was u decided novelty In nil, (lining,surrounded by many thousand barrels ofwhiskey, which Mr. Terrell guarantees hashod nil Ibe headaches extracted. Mr. Ter-rell siyj be Is not entirely out of show IiiikI-

ness, mill expects III Ihe near future Inlaunch tin enterprise Hint will make the wiseones sll up nnd take notice. Al Chicago, wereceived all new canvas, uud Ihe show, withlis new dress, looks very bright nnd pretty.We have been forced lo Increase our seatingrapacity, and nl Minneapolis we will receivethirty more length ot blues, and live lengibsof reserved sents, which Is nil addition thailias lung been needed.The Two Jiaaii.iNu John's joined Hie Jug-

gling Royles, recently, und 11 irdlng lo re-ports, ure making 11 decided hit, Tills newact Is under Ihe guidance of Francis .1. Royle,and Ihls seuson Is being featured as one ofthe "big noise" specialties In the uinln showprogramme with Sun* Rrothers' World's Pro-gressive Shows.Notes mm Ihe Steele Family Show.—We

opened under a 40x70 lent, near Detroit,May 20, to n splendid, business, which buscontinued when the weather has been at uil

pleasant, but since our opening we hare hadsome snow, mid u greut amount of rain.ItiislnesH hns been quite snltsfnclory, andwhen the wenllier becomes settled we exiiect

to do our usual amount of business, whichmeans capnclty at every stand.T"M L. Wh.sun IiIis closed wllh the Fashion

Plate Show.Tim: Cheat Ai:ihai, Smiths are wllh Ring-

ling Bros.' Circus.Majiui Keixeii. Juggling drum ninjor, re-

ports meeting wllh success In his novel act,with Buffalo Bill's Wild West.

Antiinki V. J'lmtu.ONES, the famous Cuba 11

circus proprietor was married In Havana.Ciihn, on Mnv 2fi. lo Oernldlne Leopold, acelebrated Diironean performer. The circuswill stnrt the Summer season of ten weeksIII Viiellu Abu |n. Cuba.

««»Al. H. Wiintlft' PIiihn.

Of the twenty-two plays to be sent on tournext settson, under ihe direction of A. II,

Woods, on 1 )- Iwo nre musical. Half of the re-

maining score nre Insi season's successes, andten will be new melodrnmiis. Mr. Woods hassecured K. K. Rose and Frank Hatch lo

stage bis productions.The American Theatre Is lo open Its next

seuson lute In July, with "The King and(jneen of Onmhlcrs." thereby continuing Its

policy of throwing open lis doors yearly withWoods' pin vs.

lAiulse Beaton will likely reappear nextseuson at it prominent tlroudwiiy house. In n

new piny by 11 prominent author.Kill Hi Hi-owning, who last season appeared

In the title role of "Rerlhn, Hie Sewing Ma-chine lilrl," will be starred next season In

"Kdnti, the Bountiful Typewriter."Mr. Woods will uculn send mil Iwo "Rertlin,

Ihe Sewing Muchlne (ilrl" cnm|uines,tiennrn und Rulley nnve been engaged for

Ihe new musical comedy, "Tony, Ihe Root-hlack."

Mr. Woods Is Importing Ihe "See-Suwlilrl," mid the "l>iinctisler Lassies." Iwonets Hint have been nppeurlng In the Eng-lish music halls. The former Is lo he 11

fen I ure of "A Chorus (llrl's Lurk In NewYork." nnd the other of "F.diui, Hie PrellyTypewriter."

Captain Kellev's Zouaves, who were with"The Queen of Hie Highbinders" Co., will bewllh Ihe "Convict lit)!!" company. Their wallsealing will be seen In 11 hreiik fur liberty,

from the prison."Chinatown Chnrlle." "Nellie, Hie Benull-

fnl Clonk Model. flic (Inmbler of IbeWest," "Bertlui, Hie Sewing Muchlne (llrl,"

und "Ruled Off Hie Turf," are lust season'sWoods' shows Hint will bid for public up-provnl next season.

An elaborate mechanical storm effect will

he a feature of the, "Since Nellie WentAwny" Co.

Various phases of New York life will bedepleted lii Hie production of "llroiulwnyAfter Dark."

Ralph Knhn, of A. II. Woods' executivestaff, ban been yiHUidlng his vacation InBuffalo. N. V.There Is in lie an niiloliioblle effect In

"A Chorus (llrl's Luck In New York," withHie ninchlnes coining down singe. Instead ofacross the singe, us Is usual.

"The Belle of Avenue A" Is lo he revivedIn the near future.

».»Illlilll-I I'rilllllillll'n PIllllM for Veil

Seuson. .

Daniel Frolitnun will present Margaret II-

llngton, hi the Fall, ut the Lyceum Theatre.New York ITly, In "Dr. Wake's I'allenl," »romedy. by W. (leyer nnd Robert ord. Thisplay wns originally produced ul Hie Adelpbll,nndon. Fug., nhiiul Iwo years ngn."The Roys of Company It." wllh Jack line-

rymnre in Hie lending role, will remain atIhe Lyceum Theatre all Slimmer.

Mr. Fiohinnn intends to bring Kills-Ilk

buck lo this country again lu-xf seuson. Theviolinist will appenr s"vera I times In NewYork, traveling thence to Sun Francisco.Kubellk will ulso visit Cuba nnd Mexico.

In orkler lo nvold mistakes and toInanre the prompt delivery of theletters advertised In thi*- Hat, •ruTelope plainly oddreaaed m»t besent lor eneh< letter, nnd a writtenorder for the letter, eln-ned with thefall name and addreaa and the Hueof kaalnesa followed by tar sender,must nlao be eaeloaed.Pleuae mention the date (or nam*

ber) of the CMPl'IOll In which theletters lot for were adyertlaed.

1. Antics' LIST.

Allen ciinrdlottr -'Hirer. Mnrle iNTctinlx Sisters

Alexiuiiler IJIIsui 'fonhm. Amy Hr«or. I.iuvle

Arciiru. Miss F.lHlant. May (lids, BettyAkspne. Marie .•rum. Ilniel Peterson, fsrlnia

.Vrnioiid. (trace jlr«y, Mrsltnrryi Primmer Vernle

Allen, bin ' ilbleu Myrtle Prpyu. Mrs,

.Allisi. Florence ; lurdeie-c IWHlelie Ami, .Mrs. I l>w«l«ln. Suebugler. Hhuiche .llls-ri. DotHell MrH.Artlinr '.onion. Marinalleiim-ll. Mnrclc 1 tresiis Mrs Nitiiisuvncl KleauorJ Iwlwm. MabelBarlow Uomtliy .lowanl Mrs.Jas1..11-1.11. Mnble .Pun; nt ,v CarleHeliisiut. Mornlluliiinl. KdniItUTgnyNe,

HrnyceItrown, NornuiItonrite, Hate)KtiriKsi, l.llllnii

llurrr. Iteunbenistclll,

BerthaItrelllinn. Sibyllie II. Miss V.

Ik'riiliv. I'll.


lieutou Missf.MOnttew tsiroltiy

Con, RayCiutvfiinl,

WltnibCnrllle SistersCrswfonl Net I hlonnell Mrs His

Casev Mrs. J.FI'oll.y.



Clnrk, AmiesllCHMiilid.l Ml till

litiprcc. jenin-t

I lilt- cell. RIMHnuliHr, KroHide, lively 11

Drew, MissHll|Mtlll, Mnvhiu'llnglen.

It us 1. M.liny tell, MmlgeI lel.ua. Mile.He I'luimilul

SistersHe .M. in I.

Ilrowntellemes Mni-y ¥In- llailll. MillllciUelie Itose n

Jennie1 1.

1 ml hen MillieIhmioat. DalayHemnrlii, AmyI'lnrle, HomihyI'lvmis, MinnieF.xceln, .Mile.

Kteretl, Net MeI'jirly. CecilKtelvu, ComIvsleile. MinnieFvclyn Slstis-s

Fowler. Fiiuiiu

lo\ Mrs WiMIC U bid lei in.

Iiniriiler Minnie -Miss 1-'

Fox. Floreiiee |Miiil.s, Mis.

Krelsluiair, Moete. Kilille

lleriniiiel Mtlloll Bros.Kiilght. V. I). 'Murray. Jehu 1

Frninvs I,.

Peek, llrnee

Pallia. IoniseItohson.

Mrs. StnnriItiiSKell. NellsHealer Sllfndler

M |ssi^»

lleiimid. Mnmlllndfoi-il. AmyItiisMsl. I'nulhieItnilford Mrs. I>.

Kolker. Mrs. K.Itutmey. I'nrrleliaison. MneRyan.

Mantle lie.)Hyoll. MienItildclllTc l.tl.-ne


VlridohiIteildlli'j. M nl II-

limiisev. I III VI-

Slewurl. l.lPXle


Seynnair. Iialina


Siirnuue, LurrleScluierer. Piuiln

SI.Deorite .Icamyielley, Minnie Muitiirii. Ibisr

,n Miirr. Isieveus lleleac.

Mai'lfarel Sue. let--. 01 Julia.••slle. Mnrloti Soniervllle.



Mrs. »i.

Sli, ley. Vb.l.-l

MiilM'tMiiiiniiia. MnvLyi.olle. SIrlder Mlssl.,1*.

Kiilherliie Silrk. Ai.nb-

bawl) Helen Jflevem. Kit IU*

.iivnialc Tnlisiil, It. II.

Sislers'TyNiiii, I.Min'.invrems*. iTIinrls'r. Is^no

Ida M-ie 'lebbiH, .let in

'.iih reins -. TIkhiisuii M, III"

ilosllii \ 11 1 one K.isntliiil

.11 Tour, t.utlle. Villlll, I'n, niie

.11 Veil Sisters Vnii. Mrs. (', It

Unllb-e. \.iii Mi,i.|iur..rd.

Mrs. Wnrd : tlr

Mcvllle. y.eidla Veriiiiu. Mrs.JMMnrlliKT. Miss 'Wmteiilnelirei'.

Mnckey, .In I In ! Miirilui

tlnrriiv. Mrs. II Wallers. (Inns--•i.i!.'. Wilson, KaleMrs. Harry C.iWnils. I.11I11

! Murray. Maria warn*, .wmii

; Murks, A rile

Men Is. HrniS'ileluolle sistersMayo, lb

Missesllnle. JessieHess. Kllly. I, iiner llctH-veveHutchinson.

LouiseMawlliorue Amyilaivire.-. Heleniliirrlson. Mnvffan . Mrs.Jerryllnlniinb Hriiyclinvlliiiru Kittylilllunl. Mn.l

hull. LrsllcIllltlllWIiy llelle

ilicksiui. Allcel).

:i'r.une. Corn K.tm-.'ii. Mnrleerouie. Vlolnlash:. I«ii!n'I1c

iisai. Lor.line

Miiirauoi.Miss inn.

I vrniiier, Mnnde1 .'.ill..,. \ln.ul,.

ebl A llllll

*'vy. Mrs. M..eve.v. i.'.t 1 ii-


I'oIIihiI. Maeforties, MarlonFielding.

Mm. IlsrrvLiiL'ii, HelenaI'risterlck.

Mm. Win,l'rur.ler. PearlParley, HotI'ny. Fllle

I" lower. Mine.


M.thick, Mrs.ll.ilMam Corrliiue


Miwire. Florence'.In. I riu. Ml hi, '.-l

M, lilies. I'liir.i

MorrlM. MnrleNichols. VellU-NonvNiil.


Wnyoe. I.eean


|s,mtliy li.

Whipple. Mlssll.

Win el house.Mrs. ||. I..

Wnlker.Mrs I', iin



triiu-licll <'urrle

WisHlriitY, HornWilli

•MarauclW'SHi, l-l-le

Wllmol giiisail"

Wi.ids. AmeliaWlllon. llelle

Weslixi Sisters

Vide, Mnale



Austins. UrealApnliilc, .1. F.A lion *AiiilenmnAllen. Sum K.AU'xnnder .1. K.Asblou. HurryAlton. Toiii

Allen. Win,Aaliter, Ad.ArmslmiiK Wm.Annul mint Hoe,Ariusti-oiu; ArthAlelillMler,


Aii.lers'in. .Ilia

A, boils I'liii-en,.,

A«lil.v. Heo. V.

Aimell, JoeAllien. L.-ii

Ansllii lieu, K.Axtell, 1). «.Arilell, Jetlll

Iturcliuin. W. K.Iiiiiuii... it. It.

Itrellineyra Frisl

Pernelbi. Jos.flu, .|;iin, re.

Hurry I)

lliicliholr.. Ilis.,11

nulls AllenHni-aes, SmartItelhuore.

Maurice M.Ilnsloiilaiis Mur.p.urke. A I.

HiiMer. R, II.

Ilia delt. belli

Hush, CrunkIllllhllUloil (1. II.

Hhieklitirn. I. is.


lUsilv, ChtoItrniu. Kd.linker. Al.

Hell. Jacklley.T, lien

lilslol. .!,»'

Hi lisle IM.Hides. Italic

Hrimo. (hisHnrloii, Heo. I,.

Iliiulh A Itiidil

lluller. (I. A.lll-ssell II,

lluker, Pert

Hides. Jos. T.llnrrill. Tomllye. >:. II.

Hrimniiu, Mr.Iln.iks riinrlle

llruael. Tiwiiy

Hclfr.ute llisi. I

llarreii, Jos.Calhoun, Will.

C0I11111, Ibis

I'hler tilKidnlaFire

CnM-liett, Willcum. s.

Cunning, The.lull Hrenlier

('limine. <i.

1 li if., nl « IlurkeCnrnclln AFdUli-Cniirbln, HillyI'l'liimns, W, W.(Milter. W. It.

I'niiry, Jnek II.

COIS'lHIIll, i-n.-l

ilrlps, W. II.

('inisivell. 'I'. (I.

Cnwini, l-'riink

Ciirhtoil.v Ins. I-'.

Carlisle, Mr.Cnrley. PeteCole A Coleiaan(tlirlsly llrestCoiisldlne HurryChief HnniiliiKm(lump Hliepiiaril

Christy A Willis

Ihapyr d tiesrClayton FrankCiiniptiell. Wm.Creiidilon Clius.

Cole. ins.

ivsi|H-r, HarryCars on ft


Clnrk's fluinnlySlunr

l.'llUHtll, Louis"rowbi. Carl K.OiiiiiliiKliiuii .ni'

('uiinntr. Kilille

Holy. K. I..

Hi. Willi, U. IP. III.

Hellililno. Morrisliuis.y. Re,Inwiiliic WnllerDale Pros.Iliiiunhv J. A.Duke, 1 'tins.

(iiiriinil, C. II.

\k' limn TrioIlium, FrankIS I,mo-. W.IK- Lisle. J. 0,Hi!, l.l IIDiii.oViiii. .Ins.lt,

llnyle, .luckIlewey. Milesllrls.-oll, 4. K.tlswsini. It. .1.

Ik-iilon A SwillOwker. L.l.

On Pen A Rur-al 11 Stuck

dill Slis'k <".i.

Puree, LouisI In veil" A

SheensHe itiiMu. C.lb. II. .11. II. F.Iipprex, I'rtHl

lnl lev. F. .1.

VAInu, J.iliisldnirloa Alblla. II. (.'bus.

Ibiiui Tims.in.,. Celine A


Fl org, 'tubeI'usluce, Frist

Liutllsli. W. P.r-lxistsllhiii Fniirl'1'Hlebrelh li.WII Min, Itrent

hi Holt A N.-ir

Li llllll. J. T.Kclilhl. S. A.Lllbilt. Mil-. I!

Kllliole. it, M.Lekel A Wiu-nerF.vtllis. C. |„].'.lv,,.,.i. PrinceFreemnii. JohnFhuiiii, lliiriiey

Felte. Pred W.Fox. Ilert

I'lnliiy A IlurkeFoster. I'riink

Franklin llennleI'bimnnl. aJH.l-'IKKcrnlil, linnFields. N'rirniuii

I'leti-liei-, ClmsField,. It. J.I'" I IT.tern 111 M.A,I'h. .,,1, F AFiij. I..


MysteriousFnley, fd. APox, llnrryFox A FovleI

' 11 :ii, ,1ns.

field, N. It.

Fowk.rs. Til"Fllxwru'il II.

I-Tynii. .loin,

l-'enlw-rw. He,, Ml-'rislerli'k BrosA Jesse lliirns

freenuiii. .Inliii

(lurdlner. Wlllirtirml) Sleplll'll

iliirxKiii, Tomniblirlsl,


illyiui. Nlek(Irnlinin. FrtslI i IH III. Ivl.

t.iliiune Harney(lunlhrle, II. C,,Krawr. 1.dngimnx. The ! Kuov, O. M.ti.. uilev. Kccaiin; Klein, Kd.

* thai r ley Klnro. ||,

i.io.vile AMlldiI.'. nlnel. Hickl.'lilbreiilll. |P,

lliinllier. Heo.(Ilesy. 1 1 link

(llhiHiur Ai.m Tour

HalnitlK'f lliintr

1 1, .lines Clms Nllownrd A

ThulHTlakellmnini-iid. .1. II.

H'Miker, 1 bus.

Hlllllllll ItleluilM

iiiinoiiii. Fr.mklli.le. WnllerI lotve. Iter I

Harris. Heo.Howe. I'rtuik

Hurl, I'lnirlb-

liaise, Cliiul

I llllll ley. J. II.

Illisthuis AArnold

Hayes, (lisi.

Hurley. F. J.Ilemlerwiii. C.ll.Han-Is. Toliunvll.'irdliit. Cluis.

Ihlllisiek. licit

lliuuui, -Albert1 In iris, lien

Hurrls. JoeHurt, liniv

HuywiiM, llnrrylliilin, llnrryHurt. TiniyHen on Ill-rib'


Hollies. Mr. AMrs, 1 feu".

tiiitiinii.i Hurrylleviiiuu. ,1.

Iluhies AKlsnu'ie

lleililen. Ilert

Hnv. C. W.I lllbl. Ill, I. H. R,liop's-r. Clms.Ilnmiorrlv AduiiHiinler. W. II.

Ilelsrt. W. 11.

Iloi.por. 1^- HoyIrvlnu, TIrvlim. Heo.luce, 'I'll, is. II,

Imniiii. Win. A.Irish, Vn, nihil

lo 1 less A It VII II

Irish. F. il.

J11N011. HarryJegermn

Co., Mar.llll'llSllll. (llsl.M

.loliuH.ni. icis.iisi

liilinsnii, T..lohuwni.

I.swreueeJeroiee, Klmer.Ionian. UrealJotnuh. J. A.J111 re, p. F..!. I'li-lot.e A


.tones. 1' I ,

, , s


loloosiii, i;,.i ''

lolien, IrviiiK

Kcll. J. W.Ivliiihull A


Kllnii. W, II.

Klllll. N. .1.

kiswtier, IrnKelly A VlulelleKelly, Clms. .1.

Kelttifslv .llliutde

Keen. Wnller I).

Kellnni. I,. J.Kennedy, ft, A.Keeble. F.Knehler. A.King, of

Kokottui. Mer.Klticsnnnii F.C.KcnliniH, Tlie n

MclviHc,Murk. HickMiles SUl.-hni'ils

Morsti * WelseiNoniiiin, Iieioiie

Sortiill Alltlssell

Nernro. Jos,N'orlon. .Ins. H.Nelss. I'. I.

.Miirrny,NelT, J11I111 S.

Is- Hoy, Pierre i.Nelsim. Win.I.e Clnlr. llnrry iirlh, FrankI. colon., llnri-yll o'lirlen. l-'rank

Kuox.Kelly Michaell.yitrhnn. J. K,l.fo-eiurn. J. A,Lawrence. IU>rl

I yiaiui Twillsl.n Rose, llerl

l.lis'ker. Ilins.


1 .en, MarkLeslie. II. II.

I.a roesI. ink-. Irn

Livn I. HarryLewis. Artiel.nrknye. Hilly

l^'vy. Als«Lesulk, H111IJI

.is- TllIlK Fisi

o'lirlen, TomIIIhiII, J.ll|ilwoh. Iinec, J

u'lVH. Will,

lllierle. Jos.o'l'otiisir. Kd.Oakley Clms. II

Own, L. V.o'llnrn AWnlsunPreslon, llolsni

Sli'illllll.lll, Ulins

Ktllbnan ItnwrdSlattrr, Frnl


Stewart.llnrry M.

Sliernitui. InuiS.'USui . ,

siolle. FrankSwesley,

Slilpinun A CoMi-nlt-l.k A

Til 1 1 Kilt

Saunders. WsltsMiehlon's

i 'iinuslliiiis M-<rMan", i.'iciii

.siinnii UvnnisIiiiiiikiii Hiii'.rMiear A l.nnj


Hurry A.Seridi. Billyf'.isulelil, M. II.

ssiftoti, llnrrvSmtoler. .Ins.

Sb.-iy. A, !,.

Savoy, Jniii'lell

hhawi F. K,'I isaals-s ihsi.W.Tewkubury II. It

Tilllllleu, Jillhis

'I'eniiex, IT.

Thompson W. 11

TriH'lieiirl W 111 1


Taykir. PaulTeiiule AllnnlelsIVsrier, Wm.T«-vnrciiitii A

WnlbyThiiiniison. It.iv

Tuyli.i. W. II.

I .auils'N, V. K. Polk. Cullliis A Tiiicsihile llnrryLesson, II. II. cm mine sisters 'inner. CurI,noil I've. Phillips. BessieLump's , I '11 lire. Clms A,

MmilkniM pnlmer, Itevoe

LnMoiil. Fred T'lvvosi. L.Lorn- .Slur gniii-l fust. I ti lj.lt

Lucas. Sydney l'lilll|S'. li.

Letnek. • !||l<s> A lllllnil

Tlieoilore; llnwe, .Ins. II.

Mctil.dii AIM. K Itiwers A HcelyMelvln. .Ins. II. Hose, FnslMnllliil. M. Unions.. i>. TinaMuck. J. P. libs- Urns.

Mnlenllm. Frtsl ' Itovciihyrne i'.C

Msllov. Hun Hay. Jus. H.Mark. Clms. K. liccves CIHTordMeddi'iiiliirf. II. ! Ill vers. Fred.Merrill. S. Kiel II.

Miirsiiull Hen. o.lfusscll. Italic

Mrl'nrlv -Ins. K Idssl, CltutdeKiniror.l. in. I

Ituyaioinl. A


By F. W.itltct, K. H.

Iths' A t'mlytill. S| || ,1, |l,|||.


lliskivii) ACoiiway

lli.Hi', Tom S.

Heilcil Clmrley

Leslie. Wult M faylon, Itnlpli

Lewis. Cluuilo Prlniflc. llnrryLi'lKhloll A Penrl. Sum

LelKlilon-l'iiwdi'ly. Frankl.nwr -nci" Funk 1 Percy. JackI ..nliy, I birr) IPsrsons, JinkI ondoii, Louis

, PerlHo. Aii.ii-ew

lelxliimi Hurry Phllllns, II. I1


Lewis clHTonl funis, ,1ns.

I. HIS'. hi. II.

Lee. F.Lawrence llreat

Unit. H. S.

I.iuitthlln, JoshLiutnii HiirryT.

I'uiil. OscarParker. I.. B.Pitcher Fnsl RPresroi I'riinkl

I'nlfii'y A11... -lib r


Malley. Will. I.

Marsh. Re W..Man hi. FrankMil. hell. DickMill' 1,.,1 J. F.Merrill, Pranl;McAdiiui. A. II.

.McAllister. Win.M.u.hiiint. HalM10 h. IMIMlilllll, I'elK


• icl'iirtliey W A Ipib-oii. Hillyin. ii, ti", < ilKuw A AdnnisV.Cord, Fnsl I'ltlley, Win. F-Mnek, .1. W.Min is.111. JohnMarlon-, Ins,

Mullet. Mr.Hill. I. A.Miller Wm.

Thus. ShurpMorris, PercyMeeker. Win.MeCnrlli.v Myli's

Melioiiidd. MikeMiles. II. A.Mu. -it. ('bus. i:.

Mnrtlli. llisi.

Mollis')'. IIO"S

Molhiney HomeiMylle A thlhMi. 1 re, .Siiltt

Murpliy, lieu. I'

Merrills. Minv.Mitchell, lini..-.

.MilcM I AI'rllenw

Moss Henry.Minion. I. J.Morion, Clms,M lib 11 Jack A.Mulililer. FnslMiller is'imnril

,M 111 1 In. Hist,

Maulboii. Mr,Manrru (lea, sMiir-lnill II. WMisniy, Itnlpli

llyiiersoii Li.ioi.

11 .I,,'".-. II N.Ilellll .lolllllile

111,-.' LeojliHit. tinnyIJossno,

Mr. A Mrs II

tohliisnii. II. II

Itoekwell. il, Mlllcln.rds H. II

it,, Mas.',, Sinn'lie, nun, Ira

SICKrlsf. 'I'lios,

sydi'iibnm. Oisi.

San nnw.sii-ciiliiuiu. W.lstun, llnl-ry Asiilllvnn, .lm» i• liuiilfor.l. Lis,


Sin iter, .luck

siIiimiii, PhilScynioitr friuikVSliti|isoii. f. Wsioiil. Iliirobl

st ..nt, l(. c.Slrltler. Jus.<uuds. Win. I.-

Sv.lell ,v Siiiu.'l

slieii, .Ins.s. hm ill 1 I'reil

Miler. P, A.Soluriiinii FnslSi-yiin. HnrrySeliuinnii (Jiinrl

lis ATcrpey, J.,

Tin,rue Jus. H,Tiny nor. .1. A.JThniipsun, .Ins.

Vnriu'v. I!.

Vice. Frnl M.Vlllluni, Iriiiil:

liiVeLJohn W.Vnn. Hilly II.

Von Smllli.Cllll". A llrnee

Vlel;, .1. B.tilde. A I.

Vnn Fosm'Ii.llllll I

Vincent, Wm.I ll|Ce|lt. .Inlil,

Viiliiiiillii Victo"Wulerhtiry II. N.Wulerlinry K, MWnller. It. F.WlSsl. .I.ibli

Wnllim. Ilivllle

Uiiitiier I'rnhkl.

WollY Bias. .

Willi I ell. .1. J.Williams. A.Wilbur. C. II.


Aidieids, MurWelsh AMulllo-lWat. Clms.Wlll'OII, Jos, ||.

'Voiiii.li-.l llillt , In

tVlleoy, F, M.Wlllltir.l, II. I .

ivniil, P. A.Walker. Chiis.

Wliltui.iii A .

Hnvl.Wnrde, I'rett

Willis. C.WlllKls, Win.Wm. in, Al.IVh.ekler. II. I..

Willi, mi-. S. M.Wl let', Hill

Wiirren. PreilWill,ml A


Welch, Ben •

Wisl. RuiieueWood. Milt,tt'els'r. CIiiih.

West. HurryWilliams. J. C.Wbllller. II II.

IVn Ids, TomViniiiMs, .Inelt

'enner. Il.urrN ,o fill v h ,*l

Ml, II. I,.

Zcrti. KilwlnZnrn.w. Iliinpy

Rpfc, .lully


i:ie\enili Ave. Ilpero III, use. Allouilll.I'll., Ileal royed l>> I lie.

Tile lOlcvenlh Avenue Opera House In AlInolin. Ph., In ihe Ii'iiiIIiik six story block III

the cenlrnl luinliicss ncciloti of Hun city, wnsdiscovered on lire n little before iiiIiIiiImIu

of .lane II, nud III II short little Ho- entirestructure wns In Humes. The lire slurled Inllic I Ilea Ice purl of the hiilldlnj,, and hi ushort while II wns IiiiiiiIiik from roof locellnr.

This iniikes the third I lieu I re hilildliie de-stroyed by lire In Alloonii In a period of lessHum I'lulii nion I lis -the Mlshler. Oct. Ill ; theLyric. Feb. I'll, und Hie F.levcnlh Avenue, Hiemost eoiupli-ie deal riict but of nil.

This house was liullt In IHHH us it innrketand opera huiiae ; Il wns remodeled III IHNK.when Hie lute I-:. H. HriHWold iiuiiiiiki'iI Ii

mil II I. C. Mlshler leased II nnd UlinndnneilII ua n lliealre, April I, of Ihls yenr, whenthe Imperial I icy Hoods Co. look possessionof II. hi I'onlemtilittloii of cliniiKliilt Ihe In

lerlor lo be used fur store purposes.«.»

Illi'lllinl lllll.lllllt Wilis, In Apil.lliil.-lltvisl.lll.

The Apis'llllle Illvlsloii of Hie HupremeCourt uf New York lust ivrc't sustained theiippcul of Klfhu.il Olilciiull from Hie ilclerlllliiallon of Ihe court brlow iiveri'iilliiK Ills

demurrer lo the answer of Liiclen L. Runbcitc. ns trustee In bankruptcy of MelvilleRaymond, lu a sllll brouKltl by Mr. i luieiinll

for royalties tUw nit "lliister ilrowti."The answer of the ilcfetiilniils set up Hint

Mr. lliilriitill wns nut Hie owner of "lliistiu'

Itrown," und also n coiuiter clttlni for mullet'all. -inly paid, M:'. Oiilcnull il.-iiiuir.il In thisanswer, but his ili'iniirivr wns overruledThe Aiipi'llnle Hlv.slon reverses this rulliit'

nud miisIiiIiis Hie ib inurror.<_».

tii.tr llieniie. New Vnrk, Nitlil nltiicllon, In MoclHim. e.

The Aslor Then I re, Itliimlwfiy mill FollyII ft II SI reel, Now York city, was sold al title

Hon on Jiini' LI, fur $11111.

The purchaser was ,M. L. Riiiideii, who hudalreiulv atlvaiiccd s.iit.onn on the hnllilliiK

and IlKitred ns pliilltlllT lu forerlosiire procoi'dlnjiK In ri'cot'i'C Ihls iMiioitill.

The inorlKiik*' 1 covers tile hulldliiK only, usHie Ki'ounil It occupies Is owned by the Aslori.slnle. Oilier Iticuuilil'iiiices—-luxes und lit-

leresl • -curry the lolul ilidi'lileiliiess mi theproperly up lo s.*.s,-l?ri.l!tl.-

MnvltIK I'leluie I'i'npli- Seen ccInjiiiiclliin.

Jusllce Triinx mi June II (trniilcil a leiu

piiiary liijiiiictlnn ri'strnlnlliK Mnyor MeI'lclluii. I'lillco CutitinlsMliiiier ItliiKhniii llllll

John P. Coii-Ikiiii, Chief of Ibe Hiit'eiiii ofLicenses, from cIosIiik nny of Hie "Penny"Arcades In Miinhiilliiii or the Rroiix.

Ily ill Hon of Mayor McClellun, Mr. CoriIkii'ii revoked nil licenses for places of this

diameter. Mr. HIiirIiiiiii then undertook lo

close them, 'lite Injiinclloli Is reliirmilihi

I Ills week,«»•-•

Hiivld Illsplinni Slm.s With Os.ncllftiuiin-rsiein

Hnvbl lllsphaiii arrived In New Vnrk Cllylost week, nnd nnnoiinred Hull he would sins;

here next season under I he innnaucineni ofOscar llantmeratelit. Mr. Rls|iluini' staled

Hint il wns prnlinble Hint the oporn, "TheVicar of Wakelleld," by l.l/.n l.i'htfiniin, whlcbhe owns, wbn!d he siiuk here dnrlliK net I


49£ TttB Nl&Vr YOEK CLIPPEB. June 22.








IMPORTANT NOTICE TO THE PROFESSION.When investing yoar dollars why Hot invest them in your own business in

a business that yon know and with a Corporation that is inoorporatod in lew York

Slato with a Capital Stock of $10,000.00. This is a chance of a lifetime—a bona

fide investment. SHARES CAR BE BODOHT FOB $5.00 PEB SHABE (non-Useif.

able). Only a limited nomber—ret in before the rnsk—AS THE SAME SHARES IR

90 OATS WILL BE WORTH $7.50 PER 8HARE. Investigation solicited. Resemg

lioH held by wire.



ELECTRIC PLANTSSix Plants, Each Mounted on Well Con.

slrncted 4-Wheel Tracks, 25 Horse

Power, 4 Steam and 2 Gas Engines.

Modem la ever; detail, Lamps, wiring, etc., veryunliable for traveling purpose or electric parks.

For particulars and price, address

M. B. BAILEY, Electrical EdbId. 27 East !Kd St., New





VAUDEVILLE NOVELTY.HARDER & HALL, Myrkle-Harder Attractions.

PARK THEATRE, INDIANAPOLIS, ISO.VKItV < l.!'.\ Kll IIKAVV MAN, :.!,. 10 (lit OVBlt, '4 (JKNKHAI. Ill -INKS- ill;v

Electrical Outfit for Sale.Suitable lor iipectacular act or dance. Stcreopil-

coob, arc, IncanU. lamps, rlieus tuh, cable, switch-

board, curtains, apparatus for effects, water ripple,

rainbow, lightning, rain, reflectors, dimmer of•JS point.-, spot MghtH, slides. APARTMENT a after

4 V, M., K* East 12tli Street, N. Y.


Sketch Team, Comedians, Silent Performers, PianoPlayer. State salary and what yon do In flrst

letter. Eat and sleep at hotel. AddressA. BAIIiBT, Empire, Jefferson Co., Ohio.


\2VT J± B*T E> I> ,OJHI. TO DO RIDING and Roping, Street Work, Big Character Han thatcan Slug and Dance, Big Man to play Cowboy Lead; munt sing; GenteelHouvy Han. Also Aotors that Double Bibbb. ALL PEOPLE ENGAGEDFOR THE KILROY BRITTON ATTRACTIONS send addreBS. R6om40 Orand Opera House, Chloagd, 111.

Elite Theatre, Rock Island, III.BEST PEOPLE IN TUB H08INE8S FOlt SUMMER STUCK. Wardrobe, ability, essential. Must beable to lulu on wire. Dnvc Curjls, Harms and Edwins, Krauze mid Laretlla. write.

Mil AH. PORTER, M «r. , Elite Theutrr, Hock f-.lariil.Ul-

Small Comedian with specialty, Specialty Han for props, who can play

parts ; Strong Vaudeville Acts, in one preferred, to donble small

parts. Slate All. Useful Repertoire People, write.

I.OKNK KliWVN, Rlchlbril, VI., June 3«-.W.

Wanted Quid*, for

HARCOURT COMEDY CO.,Comedian Willi good Specialties. Summer and next season. People In All Lines, write. Address,this week, Sanfoid, Mai uc; week June '24. Gardiner, Maine. CIIAS. K. HAltltlS, Manage;-.


MANAOEK AT LIBERTY For Summer or Winter, season.Tlioruughlyexperleuccd, sober and

reliable, t'au handle tun kind of atlraulinn. Reference anil ability. Will consider nothing butresponsible, repulable attractlOna: no "fly-by ulglits." Reasonable salary. Also A1 Ingenue or Juve-nile Woman. Address RELIABLE MANACER, Care CLIPPER.

WANTED,Specialty Comedian.Wire. People all

people. Addresslines' repertoire, specially

Interstate Dramatic Co.,HAiyy,, i'A.

TOR 8ALE- F1BSTPABTSuits aud Chair Covers, tiO Suits, colonial style;

purple velvul, trimmed Willi heavy gold braid:

covers made of tJne eorcltiruy velvet: White CourtWigs, Suits, Wig aud Cover cost, when new, tini er suit. Will sell for $10, Als io mammothbass Drum. .'4ln. Head; one (Hunt Rooster. Address

LEON WASIIUITRN, llouud Brook, N.J.


Wanted, far Lent Washburn's Fanous Trained

Animal Allows, Man Io Hide llloyclo 'Mown an In-

cllno and Jump Hie liap. Like to hear renin lliu

man wlio was » It It I'miik Itobblns Citrus lusl sea-

son. Waul n Colored Baud (male and female) whocan give plantation show, a Boss Canvas Man anil

'train Man; uhto Lady for the Salome Dance, Address LEON WASHIU'RN, us per route.


SI nli- lowest Summer sulary . Heper-lolre Six Alotlern Play*.

OEO. KINO,t 30 Ooiajft ., YonkciH, H.:\ .\


KHANK CHAVES, Stone lllll Theatre, Pcorlu, Ilk

MUSICIANSDesirous of playing a pleasant

10 Weeks Summer Hotel EngagementIn Vo., start lug July 1, are Invited to communicateat once Musi be able to plav in both Hand audurchestra. JOHN s. EUAN,

llaudiuaater. W ilmington, Del.


LADY olMmTiFoillELl( .ii,- ..f flit, Iliiul t-.iiiniffi.nii.iil .* lit II,., I'liiinlruIn the Conutry.


AUSO SIMII.ltK I.U.M'lliai, 1M ItODUi.T.li. llll.M.

TUItNS, PUBLIC APPKARAStlKS. Aliply TOR-KKSTKll & CO., 1M W. 'J3d SI., N: V.. till « P. M.

Wanted «t Once,Quod Straight Man to Join Al Musical Comedian.Must play brass, Add,


KTTBD,Good HbieK I'aoe'-aml Irish Comedian. Salary

sure. Sleep at hoiol.- OB.J. P. SPANllLKIt,Weal Fiilrvle<v, Cl|tub(ill|(iid Co., Pn.

torn n4 ftphr Mnii Co., 'MnH&nKnveUtM. Wl West Broadway, New Yell." *'OK BAlt»-K«w White Moire Stlkolliie Set-

Fnultue Duuee Kress. t>. Black Art Outfit, $13.air Klekln Plated Hide Tables, with Wrist Trap.

$I'J. I'Oae UutUI, |.|0. Lot •»( ttm -• i li'iiji- I'nolnse stamp for answer. "Mftft. Wit. CARL, 2>A(niirt Street, tloehe^ler, N. X,

One ot Hit' Best KiigageineuiI Other Musician* write. BEvSSII! mils ORUIIKSTKA, The Suburbitu ltesoit, Park'. Heig hts Avenue, Italtlmure, Md.


WANTED, Al SKETCH TEAM, SILENT ACT,I CANVAS MAN. All good medicine people able Io

:change for two weeks, write. Also lecturer.

SILKNT. care or IXUT'KK.


"RINKWants RbiPKKTOlRI-; I'KOPLK for the summer.IJUICK I W. A. McllBRMOTT. TuIbb, ind. Ter.

at enJ. A. WHITE.Ilcavlcsani l Wen. Bus. AdiLttAlNSVILl. i:, Tcmis.

Wanted, Young Lady with Capital. To TakeAn inleru -1 in well known comeUy co. tor Sou-bielte Lends, llircc night stands.

A.C . P. . P. 0. Box VU4, Hew Itoehclle, X. Y.

Will Buy Circus Seals.Musi t>e In good condition and cheap for cash,


ft >s f


Machines, Stereoplicons, Slides, Kilns, sold andrented. SMITH & PILJfN. Props.,

W.'insb'g Bridge Plaza, -ja Havermeycr St., B'klyn.

Tel. <m W'mab'g. '


and PERFORMERS>vho uuilemlaud street work; also

Sketch Teams, Musical Teamsjrafned Dogs and

Ponies, Jugglers, Magicians and Performers

in work nailer canvas with MedlcOMt.Co. Lout'

engagement to the right people. AddressJ. D. WARD. Cllntonvllle. Colin.




Two plays a week. No matinees. Write quirk.


To Managers and Performers


If you have any of the following song slides which you have ob-

tained from us during the past few years, please communicate with us.

and you will hear of something to your advantage.

"BLUE BELL" . mmm"I'VE GOT A rEELIN' FOR VOU" '.,,.>£,




125 West 37th Street. NEW YORK

OSCAR ZINN,WRITER OF VAUDEVILLE ACTSAnything from n line to a burlesque. If youract reiiulrea strengthening or H jou want a bright, newnt for lliese dare of advanced vaudeville, I can tlx youiup. FOR; SALfc-boyera£good Up-to-Ilah

Sketches now ready for production.

Information and terms write to

You probahly may find just what you require among them.OSCAR ZINN, 435 B. 70th St., N. V. City, or care of CLIPPER.



will oiii'ii my seaiou oil or iihout Aug. ao for 4J siilhl weekn, cloning lit New York City, aud will spare unexpfiiiicln IibvIus the show uf my life. ALL NKW SONtis, Mnalr, lUnU I eU/IQflntf Part unit Bnrlemiue, wrlUon by tlio Clever Comijdlu.il, HI1U I LEIIIO.

IIIABITrn A (ilHIll, WtfUtmU COMICUY Hl'AltTK'l'TK OR TOW,W AIM li CU I'llAT CAN SINti, DANCK AM) l»bAY 1'AIITS. \d,li,„

WANTED,BAND LEADER,Tuba, Baritone, Clarinet, Piccolo. Oilier* doublingSluge or Orchestra, Mack Face Comedian, Aclorndoubling liuuil.



Piano and CornetPlay htaudard uluir. Seashore Job. Ciuod salaryto right men. J so. F. KNKISEI., Ocean ViewHotel; WilghtHVtlle Beacli, Wllnilngtou, N. C.


(musical comedy), Barber Bess (melodrama), Electa

Page (repertoire). Can use specialty peuplc and hfew who double brass

KRAMEU & LAP01NT, Barre, VI.P. S.~Attractions wanted at Castle Park, Barre,

Waterhury, and Bellows Falls.



MADAME ETOILE'SSix High School Horses,

including VINELLA'S ltO\I\<* STALiL.IOj\S.Elaborate Entry Display, Magulllcent Capsrlsoucd Thoroughbreds, Uorgeoiw Cowns, liajipcr Trap-

pings, Just finished phenomenally successful Spring season in KLAW 4. ERI-ANCEK'S ADVANCEDVAi;i)EVll,f,E THEATRES, aud rc-cngaged for season 1907-08, beginning with September, over tltn

KLAW & ERLANCER TOUR. This greal attraction has few weeks open for Parks, Fairs, Horse

Shows, etc. All communications to sole aud exclusive manager.

ulte S3.r>, Kiiicki'i'biirki i Tlnntio Bldg.,1-104 Hrouilimj , Now York.W. S. CLEVELAND,

WANTED QUICK,Actors and Musicians

FORKit Carson Companyftin WIKDE1HAN, Houlij foul, i nlo.




Leading Han, Heavy Man. Soubrelte, Qen.. Bus. Woman with Child, Piano

Player, Advance Han.CILMOUK .v. LaTOUIt'S .STOCK CO., ivcek .lune IT,

Sttlamani's, N. V.: week June 24, ht. Marys, Pa.t) BOSVi C.VNVAS MAN*.Cau tise

50 CENTS FOB A BOOK OF TEN SUtTCHES..". Acts for 1 male 1 female, A Acts for a malet>.Money order or 2 cent stamps. Address BERNARDKI.ING, Playwright, »r.7 Jay St., Ilrooklyu, N. Y.Sketches and Plays written to order. .

WANTED, Med. People, Comedian, to Changefor week stands. Those piny lug organ given pref-erence. Allslopon lot; good acconnuoduliuns. Xofares ndvaticed. Stale all you do In llrnl; uo fancysa larlcs. Direct MAXAIiER, Wwlerv llle, Ham.



WANTEDfurntsli money I

VOCALISTSCoached. Introduced Trial Turns. Public Ap-pearuuees Arranged. Apply FORRESTER & CO.,'24 Wcst'.'Ud Street, till ul'.M.

Will place Talented Amateur. -. _ In Big Novelty Act, who can

furnish money Io elaborate same. Also have ex-ceptionally good sketch <new> for sale.

__J. KEISKHBK. tiriiuml Delivery, New York.

WANTED, Tive Musicians For Pier,VORSt'MMRIt. Pleuwut position. Auswci iiultk.mating loaest salary. OCEAN CITY PIER ANUIMP. CO.. Ocean City. Maryland. _ u,

AT LIBERTY, Willi Pullman Car. Br«£under Coumic I'arfurnl.'hed: kitchen, P. IL. ui-Isr. iiaveiiUis nnii paper. Will take Doiiaurt PinyShow, .: "MORA PULLMAN', Riverside, U. I.

ATTRACTIVE YOUNG LADY WANTEDI trill feature Hllratiltve voting lady and give one-llili'il InlercBl. In Eirst Class Musical Comedy hooked

solid Tor uext season in iiest. time, if thev cau invest One Thousand Dollars. This is an except lonal op-

norluuity to the right person, and an artistic and Unsocial success guaranteed. No ohjectloii to t'lcvet,

ambitious uuiutctir. Address al. once, Willi particulars. Iowit, I, I AH It. rilAYRE, Uenorul II. Hi . i j , Rock Island, ill-

P. S.—This is nut a case of taking a chance, Ills a sure tiling. 1 am a recognized milliliter with

a reputation.


BROADWAY STOCK CO.Changing play semi-weekly. Special scenery and puper for each play. Two coiupaiiius; can hsvo

either one. Certainly or percentage. Locution must be good. Will Imy or rent Two Tents, 00ft., with

4iift. Middle Piece or larger, Seals, Lights, etc. want hi), I'wo (loud Character Women.LAWRENCE UtJSSK.LI,, Liberty Theatre, Merlilsn, Conn.

FORAL. W. MARTIN'S Uncle Tom's Cabin CompaniesMau for Haley and Skeggs, Io double baritone or trombone In baud; also Man for Ccorge Harris aicl

Logree, ( 'Icier Child fur Eva, wtnini u ror Ell/a and Marie, Electrician, must be union man; Dsss singer

to double cornet, or trombone, Buck Dancers lliat can slug and play In band mo drums), flood Singer-,

Dancers, Musicians and nsernl Tom people who lire sober and reliable, and want a long, sure engage-ment, write Io WOODY VAN, IVu. Hill Weat Hruutlwny, Nnneh Chunk, Ps.

THE FASHION PLATE CIRCUSCau always use Hood People In All llrnuelies, and whenever the route isuot InTHIi CLIPFBH, letters

addressed Io CENEVA,JllIJO (Winter t^narlera). will always be forwarded.. ,WANTED NOW*-Cooierl. and Side Show People. Also Blacksmith, llilflicssuialcr. Lsridj

Hulehers. Ailvurtlxlog I'rognimrae and HuiiDcr Privilege for rent. Four Elephunls. Also wsnillldcrs. Olga Reed please address PER ROUTE.

MUSICIANS. FOR THEJOHNNY;J. JONES EXPOSITION SHOWS.Tojulii hi uueo for a long. Mire season, nnil the ghost walks overv Suudav tuorniug. Address as pe

route: Week of June a. lioltlsboro, N.C.; week of July l, Rulelglt, N. C.;'iveek of July *, llcndcrsoii;

N. V.; week ot July 16, Krceusbnro, N. C; weqk of Jiilv VI. Illekorv. f). <\; week of JitlvJH, Ashevlllc, B.«P. s.—Cau place one show unit a few clean privileges at 510 it week.

AMATEURS WANTED.We Can Place One Hundred Good Amateurs

IN VAIDEVILLE AND ROAD ATTRACTIONS. Write us at MM. State vour particular Hue. of aliuTlj*

experience ir any. We can help you. AddressLESLIE A CRAPY THEATRICAL EXCHANtlE, Suite all, MM Uroftdwa.v, Xcw. YgBjv

LEWIS 5TOCK CO.People in All Lines of Dramatic Work.

If ;ou cau't net, doti't write. Those doing eperltUttes given piefereoce. All must have good ward! oh''.

Liwiwtsslatyflisf letter. I pay all. Sure money. Win advuuee tickets. Long season io cpod peoW.B isret Cros-dng, Neb.. lT-g;; Friend, Sen.. 24 m. \y. P.IiBWlB'

MANAGERS Having opcu time and waiiimgOw1 ''***

ads, addressJAMl.'fl A 11 HOLD, IhmkliiH Agnn-'Ai

Mechanics Society Illdg. nlimrs, B. )


Have^ Signed with Mr. Jack Singers Behman Show and Frank D. Bryan's Congress of American Girls, Season 1907-1908,I jBti HH ' JBVJ9BnBB —i ___ _ :&>

C. MORTON.Through the Sickness eg iiss Mamie Diamond, Mr. Morton will be Compelled to Vjgrk Al«ge. Thanks to Other Managers far Kind Offers.

U niied Booking Offices

Of America,


Western Vaudeville




PORTLAND, ORE.Including every eity in the United States, North, South





MEN. JUVENILE AND CHARACTER WOMAN.Muni be Capable, Sober, Reliable and Good Dre»aerK. Long Season to Right People.

OPENS AUGUST Sl». Address, wllh Photo,

CEHTBAL AWUSEMEHT SrNDIMTE, 323 Bice Street, St. Paul, Mian.

Western Dramatic Agency,127 LA SALLE ST., near Madison, CHICAGO, ILL.

100,000 FEETI





OXY-HYDRO-GASWhen In ST. LOCJS territory, you should order

jour gas from ns. We guarantee prompt service.Headquarters (or




Brker Bros. Optica! Co.,WMK,Ladies'

WardrobistSells Slightly Worn Evening mid MnNerGowns, which lira elaborate Hntl Stngcv, forless than If their original prices.

MltS. PUCK,217 Blue Island Ave, up stairs, Chicago.


That (an change often Hinl work In Mix loslrcuglheii our companies. Preference given Ihnse.that can play organ. Piano I'layer thai cau workou stage. Stale all you do, ami salary.

HATDBE'8 BEBEDY CO., Phlla., Fa.

FOR LEASE OR SALEOne 60it. Scenery Car, $350

One 6011. Scenery Car, $460

One 60(1. Flat Car • • $550Can Mored and repaired.

Si J-'- <;Aa WORKS. Pa.aale. N. 4.







lienciMl Delivery, Plilahiirg. Pa.

OFFICE OPEN FKOM 10 TO 10. DESK ROOM FOR MANAGERS,Managers wanting reliable people iu all branches of the theatrical profession, write.


CAPABLE OF MAKING GOOD AT ALL TIMES.NOTICE—We cau furnish the best dramatic people—LEADS, Heavies, Characters, Juveniles and '

General Business People, Soubrcltes, efe. Also Vaudeville and minstrel People, Song and Oaucoj

Teams, Sitter Acts, Singers of all kinds, Musical' Acts, Piano Players, etc.

EXPERIENCED CHORUS GIRLS FURNISHED.NOTICE.-.Wc Invite people In all lines of the theatrical profession, that wish first class engage

meuts.lo call or write. '.. - P. J. RIDUE, manager.



MARGARET ROGANLight Juvinlles, Ingenues or He.vles.


WANTED AT 0NGE,! First Class Song anil Dance lilack Faco Comedian.i Mum change sncclulllcs for :i nights, and must]uudcrsbindhiico. business. I want Hie best; salary

Imi 1 1 in 1 1, to good performers. Slate all In llrsl teller;

l flon't nilsrcpre.senl. Address DR. It. J; ATKINS,I

Rule No. n, l.exlngloii, Washington Co.. Iowii.





MAN and WOMAN for Specialties and Parts, Private Car for SaleTALL, HANDSOME JUVENILE MAN; COMEDIAN.


Double. Hand ami Oroliculra. Slrletly sober,WM. BRANDONM cu.T KIMIK SHOW, Atlantic

Will buy Second llainl Films. State salarv, references, engagsinenla, photos, programs, huiglil,weight, etc. II yon have written before, write again. Silence, polite negative.


AT LIBERTY FOR COMING SEASONALMA T. CRIPPKN,Pianist, A No. 1 Sight Reader, Tr« iisi>o;e

anil Arrange.

At. PATTERSON, New Sharon, Iowa.


or Heavies.Slate your limit. Add.


STERLINGS BIG UNCLE TOM'S CABIN CO.,Inder canvas, can place at once Man for Tom, to Double Band; Trombone, to Double Stage or O.;Irombuue, to Double Vlohn. Other Muslclaus write. Largest Uncle Tom Show travelling bywagons. Thirty-four people, monster parade-, and playing to turn-away business. You must be atrooper and keep sober. State lowest; vou gel II every week here. Managers, scud open lime. Now'""iking for Winter season. West Olm/.V, N. Y„ June '-•«; Moore's a, Etleuburg 99, Bnrke M.



—THOS. L. FINN, Mgr., |ier. address, llooslek Falls, N. V.

How About Your Route USLet us hook nod rente your allracllnii and lake eare of your rouln during the season, thereby save

yon money and annoyance over samp, giving you Hie benefit, of our 30 vearsof practical experience-on the road. Addrem BOB MACK A CO., Theatrical Agents, 80 Whtttler Place, Indianapolis, Hid.

Interior complete, with oillcu, four stale moms,dining room, kitchen, etc. All lisrdwool finish.Completely furnished for twenty or more people."Ill aell.nu reasonable terms. Address

.1. I>. STEWART,l'.".i7 West Monroe Slreel. Chicago, 111.

SNAKES.Monster Pythons, suitable lor Platform or FeatureAttraction, also smaller sizes at lowest pi tees.Pine Snakes, four to six foul, fl.'i.no per dozen.

J. IHll'E. Xt North Ninth Si,. Philadelphia, I's.

WAKTBD,Young: Lady PartnerIn Musical Acl. Must lie clever Hoajt ami DanceWuniaii and Play soma Musical Instrument. Pre-fer Cornet or Saxophone. Address, wllh' photo,CHtS. LA NiilRE. Musical Expert, care of finll-

mar Bros. 1t'lnui", Dnliitli, Min n., lo June si, n.


CENERYvaudeville and Production. Largest Sceuli; Con-

cern iu the World. Water Color, Silko and Dye.DANIELS SCENIC STUDIOS. UlllcAnO. _Vratfelt fit A I .ltl Mxm Tew. with tofi.JTVJW' OflLRJMXt side wall, poles, slakesand all, eompleic. In good condition; al«o t lentli*-

or 7 Her seats, f mi lakes lot. If sold at nnr'is; rea-son for selling, sickness.

W. J. POWELL. Laliig.hurg. Pitch .


TRANSLATED FRENCH NOVELS (Some Wis-UMeilj: Actress' Pliolos. Catalngiio frit; fin. re-ceipt of 6 ncnls (loiter imMaanj. -

t< i' < i.t a ,

A. DR SAILI.K, Villa Iris; I Kite fly Se/.e, fails. '.

* GEO. MELIES "STAR" FILMS*All our subjects are with title, ntid hear our



LOVER ESCAPED.A Series ol Iho lest /irth Provoking Situations Conceivable, Admirably

Acted and lost Tasteinlly Set. An Abundance of New and Comic Ideas.

LENCTH, 600 FEEt. ______ PRICE, 86O.OO.

The Rythmical 3win* and Well Tanod Action of This Film Marks It An

Extravaganza of High Class Jollity.


GASTON MEMES,20* Ea.t JBth St., New York City.8

KLEINE OPTICAL. CO.. -X-52 Slate 81., Chic .go, III. ^

WANTED, FORYE COLONIAL STOCK CO.Al Leading Alan, a Renl Lending Woman iinu.l do some heii vle.i, .villi teal win <l-

Ve. Iloltl must be young, good looking and able lo nt'lt ''list I'Iiish I oiuedU.villi led hot aueclulllea, t'liarurtei-AInn .vltll Nui'i'laltle., Half Innlst,

Other good Hep. People wllh specialties, write. Hooxe tlghler-', lUsurgailllirrs, ami noiildbe nuiiiagers,save stamps. A good, long cugageineul, with sure salary, b> those who will penult Hie iitamigomeiillo rim bis own show. Do not mtsrepreseiil, or you will be closed wli haul miller. Hiaie very lowestsalary, which is sure. I pay all. (live height, weight and age. Send plinlris ami progiaiiiiiies, whichwill be relumed. Tickers, yea, If known to me. Schsmii opens Aug. ... Itchmrsulssisri July sa, ir

miii expect a replr slule ail III llrsl killer. Address UUAa. W. HENNEII. Mgr. Till- week, .Icllersou

Thealre, llamtlloinohio. Week June Jt, licniieli Thealre, IIP biiioml, hid.


in; vim; t)



\i t;i si

itHave Following Openings for



Lending llciivy Kecond lliwivy-

.1 mciillc to dull I lie

Tramp wllh good specially(•barnolerCarpenter (tfiiloni

liood Agent t In. • knows Ihe Weid


l,AIMI>,Singing and liainlug


llt-avv 1,'lialiiilcr

Small JuvenileSmall Child. Mother lo

play one of the above




MURRAY COMEDY COTall Leading Man, Tall Heavy Man, Coiiiedbiu ami Soiiluclle, with Mining spermines; Noul Sneclsllylo Feu hi re and Full Ailing Coiupanv. iteliearsiils slarl Aug. f>, Sprliigli''hl. O. t'n'l description nlul

Idiolos In llrsl letter -photos relumed. ,1. litis. .SMITH, Mgr,, l.ii So. Mulberry St., Muncle, Iml.

PARTNER WANTEDfor High Class Vaudeville and M. P. Show

We I ravel in our own car. Under canvas. Sealing, siuge, piano—everything compline. I'leiitr nffeature lllms and E. S. gas oullil, so we can play. A rare chance for only those In lii« profession (Lull

know the hi/, and mean' business. Answer.P. S.— Purl v who wrote to McUreevv-Young Co. and made proposition, write or wire address. Ixi(.

ler wh*inlslaved. 'Address J. VOIINU, Onllu, News, Oallna, Texas.

Wanted, for W. A. Partello's Attractions,


Including singe .Manager who can dlrcd, Stage Carpenter and Properly Man who can plsy Mix, Man ofHoniaii for Illustrated Hongs, who can play a res|s>iisible line or purls; a good, simile Specialty whocan change, ac.rubiillc preferred.' Kncln-o programs nun slain lowesi salary. Consider silence a palllo

negulivc. W. A. PARTELLO, Hiille If., No. ::v (.'tuirl SI reel, Hosloii, Mass,

BEST REPERTOIRE PEOPLE JtirS:*Leading Lady or line ap|ienmiii.'e. to be feulured. High Crude \aiiduvllle Acts. Stage Carpeliter,

Electrician. Musical Director who cuii play bits, open sent. I. l.ong scusoii, salary sure; pay own.Musical and other team people wrlle If you can not. Appearance, wardrobe mid abllliy an absolutenecessity. If you are an Advance Mini ami can bieik light, wire or write liiiiiiedluliiy. Mule, age,belghl, weight, Send photos und program.. Alter Jun • lf>. uddn-.x

I.ANO.VT .v MARt.OW, ll Omn villi- M,, JVeivurk, o.



Willi good specUllies. Sleinei, ivhcic are you • Week of June 17, llniiillloii, (lltlo; week or . u i, o -I,

South Itetid, Ind. Show opens al Hoiilh lleiul, Iml., July a. All mull t.'eii. Del. send pliolo ,.



PAH J (lit s. R. V., WKEK JUNK 'it. LOOK VH OVKR. ALL I'LAV r All 'IS.



To apply for lowest rales at

PAUL TADSIG'S EXCHANGE OFFICE,mi East Mill si., New York, Herman Having. Rank(litlldlng. Telephone, WJ (iramercy. Cable sd.dro«s slanesig. All pilnieil Mailer and nit. free.

MiP Vdl li alhmih WEAR A WHILE"—The. latest and grealesl song success, ffs•nappy and ealeby. Ilv Win. K. Co.nwell, author and iiubtNhur. of Hollywood, Callfurnhi. Anyonecapable of reading or s'nglng Iho lines under I he above lltlo knows that Hie gems of t hough t. appeal to

you. Tlmre Is food for reflect Ion; you will retted inorenboin yourself aud east less reflections on o[bci>.

Every lino is thought Tor medllullon. Send lo day for Hie Instructions. To get good returns for vninin oner send 'lie. In siaiu|is, I'o.ilea mulled In punlclioer.1 lobe ,. Copies with rales to dealera mailed

free on application. Address WM. jpWSNViaL, P. <#. Ilox :ilk, Hull) wood, L'sl.



On tbc Road.Iloulen Blunt Deni'h Va Not Later

I Iihii dnturriiiy I'l-ec-dlnuDate of issue. •



limy, iimr.)—Unite,

, 22. WlmiliM'X. Mini.,

N. link., 27, lliilnili,

*i> f:uii|ilM'll. Mir.) -

II), Winnipeg, .Mini.,

Fur Hnp|ileoi*niiil Lint See Another Columo.

DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL.Ailnni", Alnndp (Charles 1'rniiiiiiiii, Mgr.)

I'rnuclneii, fill.. 17-22.Allen, VI11I11 (Charles W. Allen, uigr.)—Tuciitnii,

Wash.. III. Hcutile 211-22. Spokane 24, IB.Alnirfl ll|KTU (.Mllluii tt Siimem Almrn, innrs.)—

Uiishhlgtnli, II. C. IT, Inilt'lliillc.

Almru (Iihth (Mlltno & Sargent Almrn, tug™.)

..utvitri.. X. 4.. IT, luilclliillc

Ai.iiii uponi (Mllluii At Sargent Almrn, nigra.)

Allium-. N. V., IT, Inilolliillc.

Alum lliK-rn IMillim & Sargent Almru, iiikth. ) -

New lluvcii, I'uiiii., IT, luilclliillc.

/.1.., rn ii|«'i'ii (Mliinii it Snmenl Almrn, niKrs.i—l.ll»'tVIII1', .MlllM., IT. IllllclltlllP.

Anlcn. Kdwln, Slin-k—Washington, I). <!., IT, In-


Allan- Klm-k IK, T. Allan-, niKr.)— Providence, It.

I.. IT. Inili'lluUi'.

American Slnek lArlliiir li. Herbal, mgr.) -Ma-ruin. I111I.. IT. luilclliillc.

aiiki-U'h umtaai (J. II. Kmtrnwiinrgr.)— M*

inuniiiii. AII11. Can., 17. ludptliilie.

Allen Slink I'lii'lliind, Ore, IT, Indefinite.

Iwirrvimire. I'.iIm'I Ifluirlfs I'mlitiuui, mgr.)—Stilt

l.iiki- I9ljr, I!., il. 21.Itliiuliiiiii. Amelia- -Si. limits, Mi>., 17-22, Cnlinn-

Ihii, o.. U4-1RI,

lluiislelle, Itmil (I.'. l'\ Lawrence, ingr.)— Iluf-

I11I11. N. V., 17, Inili'lluUi-.

HiMiuii 1'li'nl OiH-rii ( lvlv.11> Patterson, ingr. >—

IvUllSIIS I'll)', ]|»., IT-Sl'|il. XIti-L'siir Prime H|ii'i'ii, I'.lln Alerrln' lllurry 1-cn-

iclli-, mat. 1—ll.il. Siirltign, Arli., 2.1.

HchoIiit & Stanley's lilt; .Show (W. ,1. MoDnnnhl,miir. 1 Ali.ni|iii-i'i|iir. N. Mex,. Ill, (liillup 20,

WliisliiW, Ariz.. 21. Williams 22.rliii'liahiiii. Inu-ralnc. Slui'k— Kntt-lr Creek, Mli'li.,

IT, hidetlnUe.liclim-ll .Mimlliul lA. I'. IIiH'il, Ingr. )— Oni'Ollltl, N.

V., 17 22.

Brown sin. 1. (Aiken Hruwu, nigr. )— Milwaukee,Wis., IT, hull-Hull.-.

Iturki> Sim'!; 1.1. Frank Burke, ingr.)- 1'nll Itln-r,

Mann., IT. Imli'lliilli-.

lilok.'i Slink I Maurice Sliinr.inl, ingr.)—Wllil-

wii.nl, N. .1.." IT. hi.h'iliilii-.

Burgess, Klin -o-'reii oillwi, mgr.l — Seattle,

Wash., IT-AUK. XBinges*, Karl Kli'n. V. llnlliliiy. tugr.)— Hoy Clly,

Mli'li., 17-38. Al|«'iin 34 .1 illy II.

Iiiil.lttln Melville iWiilli-r H. Itnlilwlu, ingr.)--llllllllH, Tl'\., 17. illlll'lllllll',

Helillell'" Itlg Minor (lllllv lli'iin.'li. nigr, I I'iiiiiI...

N. link.. 20-33. SI. John 3I-2H. IIIkIki- 27 211.

Hiirliio'n I'liiiirillriiin I Hurry llnriiiii, nigr, I— (lilies-

Imrg. III.. 17 Auk. 17.

Bryant <'m ly iNiim Hiyiinl, iiiki.) - KrciliTlflH-ihwii, I'n., 17-28.

IIikkIh lliiimi'll l.mlli"!' llii'lii'Ktrii— IliillliiKiri', M.I.,

17, luiMliilli-.

•'MriwnU'r's MIIIIhik" I Kmlwlr 'rinimiiHiiii. initr. I

(Iili'i-'n. III., IT. Imli'lliilli'.

"Mii'WKii-r'H .Mllllinii" Klliurli'it l''riiliniiiii, miir, I—l.nlliliili. Klin., 17. Iinli'llhlli'.

* • ttuy m ill rmiiiiniiy II" ilinnlil Kiuliniiin, nigr. )—

X. Y. I'll.t 17. Imli'lliilli'.

i'iiiii'I'. Mr*. l.i'Hlii. (Win. MMi. hi., in. I'niii.i. V. linki'iiii., 8 1811. Ilriiinl I'nrkH,

Minn., ill.

l'rii"liinn, II. in I. 'ii i i M mil I

;n, mi I'm lis, x. linkCull., 21132.

Ciilili-i'. Willi irlnirli". rriiliinmi, nmr.) N'. V.rilv 17. Imli'lliilli'.

I'nliiiii. Hiii. M. iSiim II. lliirrl». miir.)—-N. V.rii.v IT, Imli'lliilli'.

Ciilllilnii. Hum' ISuii'ly. Sliliniiun & Oi., niKm.)—lii'iivi'i. I'iiIii,, 17-22.

I'niiliii'Mi. Iiln, k Wi lii'r lli'lliiwii Hlwrlt'—TJriivpr.(Villi,, 17, liiili'lliilK-.

I'rillK Slink i.li.lin CmlK. iiiki'. ) lliiitoii, Muhh.,

17, IiiiIi'IIiiIH'.'

I'.ihuiii.ni Slink il.iii'ki'ii A IlvvyiT, iiik'ii'.l


liililnn. II. <'.. IT. Inili'lluUi'.

Cutli-r Slui'k (\Viillinf II. CnlUT, inur.)—Kokomo,Iml., IT-.luly 3T.

I 'iimil i'.iiiiiiIv | lull I'm lull, IIIKI'')— KlklllH, W.Vn.. IT-88.

i'lni|iiii'l Wl rlniir Slunk lllurry ClmMin'l, iiiki.)

liiili'i.i'ii.li'ii.T Kim., I T -22.

Hiirlln Mimlivil lAlli'n 1,'nriln, miir.)— Dullim, Ti'X.,

21 July T.

I'riiivi'uril'H Ciiiiii'illiiiis iHiijiiinnil D. Crnwfuril,

ihri'. I— NpimIiu, Mil. IT-82.Cri'iilnrn niul IiIh liiin.l (lluwuril Pi'W, nmr.)—

SI. I.iiuln. .Mu., llt-22,

t'nliroriiliiliM (TIioh. Knrl, mgr.)—linn Aiiri'Ii'Ii,

<!nl.. 17. Imli'lliilli'.

"I'mnnlii 1'iiri'li'iw" (II, ft, Wlilini'v, niKr.)— Olil-

i'iikii, III., 17. IiiiIi'IIiiIH'.

"(kHivli'l'n IliuiKlili'r" (.Inn. I). Ilnrlim * On.,

lllic'rx. I— MIiiiii'iiiiiiIK Minn., 111.22.

Iimili'li. Vruuk (C. II. IiililiiKliniii. nmr.)—CM-OK". HI., IT. Illlll'lllllll'.

Iii'lnwr (ini'in (Turner 0. I.ewln, inKr.) — St.I.uiiln. Mo.. IT, Imli'lliilli'.

lie I'i'u lliir.li'iii' Shirk (Tlnii. K. Dp I'l'U', uigr.)- -Kiikitinn. Iml., IT. luilellnllo.

HoiiKln-riy Slock ll'nj'iie * Doiwliprly, lUKrn.)—Tun lliirliir.i. .Minn., 17-22, Wunlililll'li, Win.,21-211.

lieinnn'Ht UHiinly lllulwrt IkMuorent, mur.)—Home, (in, 17. ImU'llnlle.

llnvlK SI rk—WlllllhiKlnll. Hi).. IT. Imli'lliilli'.

HI tkiriiiln SliK'k. .Winn A I'nluier'H (W. .T.

WrlKln, inter. I—ltuilne, Win., IT-IS, .luuvsrllle

21-20.Kni|illi' Stni'k (HiiIU & Natliniimn, niKn. )—I'rovl-

leni'p. It. I.. IT. riii.'ilnlii'.

I'.liner Slnek—Oniuliii. Xplir., IT. ImlHIiillc.

r.mMlili Slink— Mllwnukiv. Win.. 17, luilrflullp.

Kiiy, Kilille (Sum S, A l.oe SIiuIhmi, Inc., inurn.)--X. V, rail IT, liiili'tlulle.

I'Viiiikciilk-lil, l.uurii -Siill l.nUe City, IJ„ IT, hi-


1'inv.H'lt Sleek (den. I'nwi'i'll, inKr, I—ItlrlininiHl.

Vn., IT, Imli'lliilli'.

Kriiwli'.v Slui'k lliiuii'l I'riiwli'.v, niui i Sun I'niii-

ilni'ii. Cnl.. IT. luililliillp.

I'i'iiI.i'i'k Slui'k Kiev, ,11. IVulK'ri;. umr.l — AllfWUiMe.. IT. Inili'lluUi'.

Knittli'v Slm'k (lliin'i'l Knuvley, ninr.)—Mlni'e-in-ill Ii, Minn., 17, iin'i Unite,

r'nrnui'i Slui'k (Win. Kiiruiini, iiiki. l—Clevcluiiil,ii.. 17. Imlellull".

IVriln Slnek (lllen Ferris, miir. i MIiiiii-ii|iuIIi

Mliiil., IT, Imlellull.'.

I'iiMi Ii Slnek (.1. I'nliiiii. inijr, I I.IiiimIii, N'l'lir.,

IT. Imlollulle.

Fuller Slnek- Mimlreul. ('nil., IT, liiilellnlle.

Feii'ln Oiiiu'iIIpiih- IVil'e.vvllle, Kiiu.. IT 28."Firiy Miles fniiu Ikwiun" (Culinii & llnrrl*,

luuri. l.-'I'iHlnu. Mu.-.-.,. 17. Iiitti'liullp.

"FnneliiilliiK Flni'.i" (Sum S. A- l.iv Sliuln-rt,liik'i'H. I--X. Y. (Illy IT, liiilellnlle.

"Fuiiuy Mr. Iknile.v" l In Iteuue A I , iiikpi. I—

Siiliiluel-lile. I'. F. I„ (Inn., 17 III. I'lel.ni. N.S.. 8(1, 21, Wenli'llle 22. I'llKWnnli 24, (Ixfn.'il Vh,

"Fully Felix," C. Juy Siullli'n (F. Mneklnlimli,nmr. I— New Inuuluii, Win.. III. I'llnlnuvllle 811,

AhIIkii 21. Merrill 22. Wininiiu 2:1, Wiiilliiien 24,Aniliei'si -'<. ili'iniil IIii|iMh 2ll, Mminllelil 27,tlwen 2S. Slnnley 811.

(Irnee (ieurKe (Win. A. Ilrnily, inijr.l—l.oiiilun,

KWh 17. liiilellnlle.

ilhisi'i- Slin'k (Viiiik'lin (tinner, niKr,)— Del roll,

.Mli'li.. IT. liiilellnlle.

Ilniliiinu'. Fenlliiml- Flirlelinvllli', O.. IT 82. New-ink D I .Inly II.

(Illiiiure'n I'hivern (Frnneln .1, llllmntv. inKr.)

ArtaWM I'lly, KM., IT 22, I :mi ><>i I.i 2:i,lnlv il.

(Ilh'kltiiln'lln Slml; (II. T. (lllek, nw.1— l.el|i-

nle, (I.. 1T-22. Ci'iillneiiliil 21-811.

i inn ink Slui'k i Itli-lini'il Uiiiiii, iiikv. I— Mllw'inikep,Wis.. IT, liiilellnlle.

I.HTiinl IVHIIinllnns lAilnl|ili ('. llliTunl. uiKI'.l—S|ii-lnu Driive, MIiiii., IT 22.

"fjlrl fniiu I'nrln"— 'I'lileiln, ii., hl-22,llelil. Annn ( Flnli'in ZleKfelil. uiitr.l - N. V. t'l!y

IT. Ili.lelille

llolliliil. Mllilivil (Kilwiinl I', While, iiiur.1 - llur-lulu. N. V„ 1 7 -4 illy (1.

llei-iiinii Si'linri, Slmk ('lereliiml, I)., 17. Imli'll-


lllllmnii. Mnv (F. S.'IiiiiiIh'I. iiiki-. I - TlenuileruKM,N. Y., IT-28.


, lii.vern--llnrlfiinl, Fiinii.. IT. In-

III. II. (IihIitiiih'iii. iiiki-. i II. ii S|irlnK". Ark.,IT'2:t, Utile It.n-k 24'Jllly 14.

lleliieit Hiavk (Itolwrl T. Helnen, ronr.)—Cleve-OmtCStsamT liulHliilte.

HlBlnrTiinl siie'k (At. [•Hnniey, mgr.)—York,I'n.. IT, liiil.'lUllte.

Iliiwe n l.nille" Orelu-nlrn lU-inin Howe, lemler).— Nitlmnl. Minw.. 17-Sepl. It.

"Iliinly (lurrty flirts" (tlinn. Marks, mxr.)—itnntnn. Mom., 17, Indettulle.

Ilinih-j'n Triniiiipn ;VV. C llownii, mKr. I—Hut-Inml. Vt.. 1T-22.

Imiierltl HKn-k II.. II. (.'iirlln, ninr.l—Provlilence,It. I.. IT, Innerlnlt*.

Juvenile lliikiuiilmin (K. A. Wulff, niKr.)—Dnlulli,Minn.. 17 22. llllibliiK 2:1-2(1.

Jieknim, Iniiiini C, stick (Ferny II. 1/pvln, ngr.|l'lill.'i.lel|,liln. I'n.. 17. iinleiliilti-.

JerTernon Slnek (K. V. I'lielnn, mi)K)»PorllaiiiT,Me., IT, iiiilellnile.

Knoll. Ituaelle (Swrely, Hlil|imnn & Co., ingrn.)—Kline, I'n., Ill, .Inliii-K.iiliiiru' 2U, Siui'ili|n>n 21,KmiKirinin 22.

Kelin, Ailelnlile IHnrilK * Henown, Dll(r«.)— N.Y. Cliy IT, In.li'lliiiie.

Kulli ninl Hill N'ni A. Mnyiior, mKr.)—Han Friu-elneo. Cnl., IT. liiilellnlle.

Keiley Sioek (Jewell Kelley, mgr.)

KiioxtIIIp,Teiiii.. IT. liiilellnlle.

Keyen' Sioek (S. B. Keyen, mgr.)—Hiillnburg,I'n., IT-28.

Kllllen Hiiii'l (T. P. .1. power, mgr.)—-.Snrlngflplil,Mi>., 17-111, Itngern. Ark., 20. Fort Smlili 21.

"Knlglil far n liny" lit. |T. Willi my. mgr.)—Chi-i-lll'i, II)., IT, lllllplllllle.

"King nr Hie Cnlllp.ltllig," Fller'n, Wenteru (JoeMeeker, mur. I— I'lie llullen. (ire.. 111.

.llliuii l.tiwreiiee Slock llimlnn, Mnnn,, IT, In-

Senllle, Winll.,

IjiIIiiii|i. mgr.)— llostnn,

lilvliiK-itoni', uigr.)—

Sliulierl, Ine.,

.-'nil Itlver 21,

lloulei- llriiilf'ir.l


Hi i HinilCir.l Plnyemliiilellnlle.

in, inn. in iii'xi'.i-

SiirliiKlleM, Mnnn., 17,

White, lugr.l— llnren-


1.1'H'ln ,V I. like Milnlenl IVmieilV-17 2!l.

l.iiilii-.u, slnek ill. i:.

Mann., IT. liiilellnlle.

I.ivlugnliiiie Slnek IF. I

S|iriiiKllelil. III.. 17. liiilellnlle.

I.iireli, Tlu-inlure— Denver, Ciilo., 17. luilcfliille.

I.> tie (inliHily, Kelly A MiinM-y'n iWnller J. I'llui-

mil-, mgr. I— Puliuer. Mnnn.. 24 21).

I.levin'* II, in. I (A. I. vnn Sliniv, mgr.)—Cleve-Inml. (>.. IT July 2M.

"I.lun ninl Ihe Mom e" ilh'inv II, lliirrlM. mgr.)X. Y. I'lly 17. Ii'ilellnlle.

Miiry Mii'iiiei'liiK (Sum S. \ I.e.-

iilKI'.n, I- llolynke, Mnnn,, 2(1,

Pruvlileiiee. II. I.. 22.Mnnn. I. Mil- i Sum S. & l.ee SIiiiInm-i. Ine., ingrn.)

l'lilln.|i'l|.lihi. I'n,, IT 22.Mnek, An, lieu t VV. M. \Vlll.lii-.ili. mgr.)—Dune.

.Hi, X. '/.., Ill July 2, Mm ivui-|.'lll llfi.

.M.iiii'iiiueri ninl si,me ii'. II. In 1 1 lie limn, mgr.)-X. Y. Flty IT, Inili'lluUi'

Myrkle lliiiiler Slnek, SouihPrn ( I.n t,' Inure A U>leli,

liiKl'n. ) Kiilllin. Tex.. IT 24.Meliuiinlil siin-k Ii'. W. Mi'DiiiiiiIiI. nik'i'. 1 Nni-

eluz. Minn.. IT-'JIi.

.Mi'Cillllllll Slin'k lliiirllev Mel'iilliuii. nmr, I I'lirl-

l:i ml. Ml'., 22. Iinli'tllllll'.

Miilinlliin (lin'iii -KIiiiIiii. X. V.. IT. liiilellnlle,

M.'Mllliiu Plnyem— Furl Senll. Kim., IT 88.Miijenlle Slin'k—Allniu-. N. V.. IT. • llulellnlle.

"Mini lit Hie limn-" (lli-iiilr .'. lii-lnnier, ingrn.)—N. Y. I'll" IT, ImU'llnlle.

"Mnu of Hie J I, mi" 1 1 if in Ix ,\- llrlnmer, ingrn.) --

I'lileitgn. III., 17, liiitelliille

"Mm. WlKgn of Hie Cnlllulge Pllleh" ll.lel.hr Si

Co.. nigrn. |--Iniiiil(iu. Kim.. IT. liiilellnlle

".Minn I'oe.iliiiiilnn" lit. A. Iliiruell. mgr. I— (Mil-

i'uiiii. III.. IT. liiilellnlle.

"My Wlfe'n I'nuilly," I'eiiliiil l I'liink I'ooke. mgr.)• -Atliiiilii. flu.. IT 22. III. Iiiii.ii.il. Vu.. 21 21).

N.n -il, limn.' Collie lliittn— Hut Siii'lngn, Ark., 17-

(Iriilieiiiu ii|,erii IMIllin A Snrgi'llt Almru. iiieri.


- Ilnniklyu. N. Y.. 17-211.

til,nii|.ln tl|H'i'.t - Miilil'e-, Alii., 17, liulelltille.

"(Utr Xetv Mlnlnler" t.lune|ili Fuityern, mgr.)—Mlltviiukn'. Win., IU22.

Piilge. Mnliel llletiry F. VYIIIitril. mgr.)—Jnekwin-vllle. Fin., ITAurt. IT.

Pitytiin Slntern ((.'. S. l'liyluli, mgr.)— Fnrt Riullli,Ark., IT 211.

Pliiyern Slnek i linvli '|-eiii|,le 'I'liei, lie Co., ingrn.


--HI. Pittil, Mlnti., it-Aiik. .'II.

l'ryiir nml Iiln llnuil (Arihtir Pryur, eomliiclur).

i'iiiiiiiieiiihiii, ph., n-.iniy n.

Pltyeeil Slin'k- Plnirlil. Ill,, IT, liiilellnlle.

Purlin stm'k il". W. I'tirkn. mgr.)—Minint Union,P't.. 17-22.

"Peek's limi liny" (C. H. Cnlliilinii. mgr.)—tlkn-lukn. Aim.. Fun., in. ciiIkiii-v 20. Dlilntterry 21,luulnfiill 22. Kiliii.iiilon 24, 2.1, Weliinkltvln 2U,l.nixMiiIni 27. Iteit l)«'r 2S. Culgary 2(1.

Ilii.vnl I ml Inn l)|n'iit (iiiiei.iin, il'Atiiiiln, ingr.)—N. V. I'lly 17-211.

Ilnnn llreeu Slnek—S|irlngllelil. Mn., 17-22.Iluy.tl I'niuiillnii Hnml (J. M. Finn, mgr.)—

iiiiiiiIiii. Nelir.. IT Si'pl. I.",.

Iluynl Artillery Hnml (Jim. I)e Vllo, mgr.)—Haiti-MOW, Mil., ITSeiit. 1.1.

"Itonp nf Ihe Itiinehu" (I)nvlil nelnnen, mgr.)

N, V. City IT-2II.

"Ilnutiil I'll" (Jnnp|iU llnmkn, mgr.)— Chicago, 111.,

IT, Inilelliilte.

"Itimil In Yenterilny" (Sum S. & l.ee Shitliert, liti'.,

ingrn.)—X. V. Clly IT, Imlelhille.Snllieiii. !•:. II., ami -I ill In Mnrlowe (Ram R. *.

\av Sliiihen, Inc., num.)—X, Y. City IT-28,l'lilliiilel|ililii. I'n., 24-211.

Sklumr, lltln (Clnnli-n I'iiiIiiiiiiii. nigr.)— Helena,Mom., in, Aiihivii.Iii 2I>. Iimie 21. 22.

Hlnlil, Unite lllenry II. llnrrln, ingr.)—Clilenao,III.. IT. liiilellnlle.

Hltnw Fngllnli H|iprn— Plillnilclphla, I'n., 17, in-ilellulle.

Hon Friinelnen flpprn (Frank W. Ilealy, mgr.)

Pnrlliiitil, lire.. IT-July 1.

SI. I'lnlr. Mlie , lliiiMlln.ii A Wnlera. iiigm.)—Hitrr<>. VI., 1T-22.

Snow Stuck i.Moiilniore Hnow, mgr.)—Meniphla,Trim,, IT, liiili'lhilie,

Stanley Stuck i Arthur Stanley, mgr.)—HI. I.nuli,

Mo. IT, linli'iliilie.

Hlnr 8twk—Portland, Ore., 17, Inilelliilte.

"Slninger III Town" 111. II. Mnimi, mgr.)—Mi'tiiphln, Tenn., 17-23, Hli'tiiliightiiu, Ala., 24-211,

Taylor. Alliert. Muck-- Hut Sprlngn, Ark,, 17-211.Tin imp -.nil. Myi'll... Sn.el. • Sun IHekM. ('ill.. IT.


"Thnt1 uf Un" (Waller X. (.iiwienoi'. mgr. )—4TUI-enpi. 111., IT. liiilellnlle.

"Fitelc Tuin'n I'nliiit" i\V. 11. Plckev, mgr.)—Itune lllll. la., in. Dellu 2ii, Harvey 31. F.ilily-

vllle 23."Inele Tom's Ciil'ln." SIi'I'IIiik's (T. I.. Flint,

iiiki-.) Went I'liuzy. N. Y., 8n, Minicrs 81, III-

IciiIiiii'u 33, Itiu k' 31.Van Ucr llerg fl|H-r,t— X. Y. Clly IT. Indefinite.Ynllnimiiil Stuck IA. (iliisntiilre, utgr.)—Wlllluuin-

mill, I'n., IT, iii't.'itiiiic

"Viilmileer OtKanlM" I'ltleiign,


Wlll'lielil, llltvlil IHiivIiI llellinen.

Mnnn.. IT-8II.

Wills Munlciil Cotui'ilv i.lelm II.

Kuiixvllle. T'eiin., 17 July II.

Wills All Stum i.liiliu II. Wills.Ilt'iicli. Vu.. IT. indHlitlte.

win- I'limle iliiciu iJiiIiii II. Wllln,vllle. Vn.. IT July 14.

Went lln.l Stuck lliin'i'l A Si'ltnerer. mgr.)—HI.I.onln. Mu.. IT, liiilellnlle,

Wlllluuin Sleek (J. W. Williams, mgr. )—Snlcin,III.. IT-28.

Woinlwiiril Stuck- -I'lllslinrg, Ktui , i T 22.Wnllnek'n Tlieiilre, Xnrlliern (Hiihlusky llron.,

inti-n. i Iti.ek lnltiitd, III,, IT. liiilellnlle.

Wnllnek'n Then I re. Sinttlier'i (Maurice M. Du-lilnnky, mgr.)—I'linliult-, Kan., 17-22, loll ill-

July II.

tVlHttrk'a Tlieiilre, Weslern IKdwurd Diiblnnky,mgr. I—Wlchllii. Kim., 1T-22, Arkausan Clly 22-.1 nly tl.

Wolfe Stock—Wlelillii. Kmi., 1T. liiilellnlle.

Wuiriinl Hlm-k—-Wlutlelil. Knit.. 17--88."Wltfitril u( Wall Hireel." Kilwlll 1'nllemon'n—

Plerif, S. Dak.. III. Miller 30. Ilisllleld 21,AtwMmi 88. L'.T. Welwler 84. Oi-tunvllle. Minn.,3,1. lleiiMin 2n. Morris 2T, tlleinvinnl 28, Alex-iimlriii 211.

"WTr.'ifil nr Wall Hireel" (Lew Vlrdeu, mgr. I—l.ilWHill. iikln., 17 211.

"Was She In llliiine'r" .1. (1 sunn's (llisi. I..

Ilt'iiwu. mgr. I- Nelmni. Xelir.. in. Ileliixui 3d,Wusliltigliili, Knit.. 21. Itlilo Ititplds 22.

Ve I'liliinlnl SliK'k if. W. Ileniier, mgr. I—limn-llt.iu. (I.. 17-22. Itlilini.iiul. Iml.. 21-211.

Ill 'lil.l--.S4tl I! At'll VAI'IIKVII.I.K.llugti's Ciiineilliinn HI, A, Xleliuln, mgr.l t.ln-

itixivc. In.. 17-22.

Mny lliiw.iixl Kxti'iiuiKitii'ii—Mllw.'iiikis', Wis., Ill-

Iinmli 1 11 vie. Vii'lekel A Noliin'n i.lnliti J. Xulun.mgr.l- nnitnuiiil. Aim., I'iiii.. Ill, Cluri-sltMiu

21), lllgli lllver 31, (Iholoks 22.Fox'n. Hoy K.—Chlco. Tex., 17 11).

Sun Hm».' (Ctis Sun. mgr.)—SprlngDelil, 0„ IT-


Allon A Anderson's—Mlddlepurl. N. Y., 10. Al-lilnn 20. Hrei-nimrt 21, Wlllliltnnilll 22. Fnlrnorl,

24, Sliortsvllle 2o, Pliplpa 211, Pnltnyra 2i.

Clyde 28, Hnrannali 29.Ilarnum & Bnilej'a—Snglnaw, Midi., K). Lansing

211, Inula 21, flrnnd Itaulda 22, Kalamnioo 24.

linltle Creek 2,1. Smith Bend, lnd., 2(1, Jollet,

III., 27, Htrentor 28, Aurnru 2(1.

BiUTiiln IIIII'm Wllil Went. IM.Wlfc F. Orsly (FredIt. Huti'lilusnn. mgr.)—BoMon, Muss.. 1T-22,

... Prgylflnnce, It. I.. 24, Newport 2.1. Fnll River,

Mnnn.. '211, New Bedford 2T, Brnekton 2», 'J'nun-

ton 211.

Fnrppnngh-Hclln Bros.'—SI. Tliontns. Ont.. Can.,19, Woudstuck 2f), Strnlfnnl 21. Berlin 22. To-nuitii 24. Peterlsiru 2.1, Belleville 211, Kingston27. IlriM'kvllle JH, ntlnwii 211.

Hsy's—Blue flrans, H.. Ill, Durotit 20, Suubury21, New LIIstiv 22.

HagenlxH'k'Wallace's—.Newark, N. J., 18, 'Entoo,I'll.. III. .Miiui.'li ('hunk 20. Sci-iitiloii 21. Wilkes-liiirri- 22. Wllllnmsport 24.

I.uekv Hill's Axteii. Xelir., 111. Mlnden 20, Nor-man 21, Ilidsteln 22, Ilnselnml 24, Illiidelt 85,I'unipls'll 2(1. Cpliuul 27, lllhlrelli 2S, WlldiX211.

I/WM1 Bros.'—Tniiiytown. I'n.. 21. Fn-ilerlek,

Md., 22. I.llllenti.uii. I'n.. 21. *nl. 2.1, 2IL

Lee Bros.'—Jewell City, Conn.. Hi.I'nwnee Hill's Wild West ami Ureal Far Bust, Col.

Mllle's I-,, HI, mil I. Minn.. 19. Mnnkiilo 'HI.

Wiirtlilngton 21. Sioux I nils. I, iJuk., 22.

Itliigllng Bixin.'—New Unveil. Conn., HI, Bridge-is.ri 20. Wulerlmry 21. llolynke, Muss., 22,Alhmiv, N. Y., 24, Herkimer Hi

llulililiin'. Frank A. - llitngor. Me.. 20, Kingman21. Imiit'orili 22. I'nliiln 24, Ktiatnnft 2.1, Mu-cliinn 2U.

nigKs' Wild West (C. W. lilacs, mgr.)—Ron-diisliy, tl., 2il'.lulr (I.

Sells -Flnlo'n- Muho Falls, Ida., II). Monlpellcr20, Iloi-k Sprlngn, Wyo., 21, Ruwllns 22, Clie-

yeune 21, flreeley, (Vilo.. 85. Fort Oilllii* 2U,Isirelnliil 27. LoiiKinoiit 28, Boulder 39.

Him Itnin.'-Sinllhllelil. W. Vu.. Ill, Xew Miir-

llt'svllle 20. HI. Ctulmvllle. ).. 21, Humesvllle22. Sli.i-.vuee 21, SoutPI'MI 25, I'lleil 211,

Steele I'unllv t Hun SlfM>le. liter. I—f'lntvsnn,

Mich.. It), 20. I'l« Ileitver ill, 22, Tn.y 24, 25.

Dlneii 211, 27. W'nldi uliitrg 28, 211.

stamen's. Iliiivni'ii S. - .Moiililalr. N. .1., 17-22.

Sll»-.' 1,,'iillv Uteri Sliver, mgr. i- Ihirr, Mlcli.,

III. Ilimklus Sl.iiiou 841, u in I nni 21, Miillm- 22.

Wni'lilinrn's. Linin— lirin-tdlehl. Muns., Ill, Knrlli-

ainiitnn 2n. Turners Falls 21. Alliul 22. limitnei 24. Wliicheiidiin 2.1. PelerlKim. N IL. SO,hum. ,i., Bridge ST. Mllf/ord 38. Xushmi W.

Wlueler'n. Al. tl.— Xnrthvllle. N. V., IU.

Mist i:i,i.\ni:oi s.

Biinlnik'n Aiilnml Areiui t Frank C. Ikinim-k, ingr. I

•-Ciiiiey Inland, X. V., 17, Inilelltille.

llontoek'n Atilmil Aremi (Frmik ('. lkismek, mgr.l— Norfolk. Vn.. IT. indeflulle.

Karnes Tniliiint Aiilnuils (AL tl. Bnrnen, mgr.)

Miinknlii. Minn.. 17 22. Si. Jiimen 24-21I.

I'rnlknhiink- Purkemlatrg, W. Vn., 211, Wheeling•i*i

DAhiin'n Trained Anluinl Slum—(lardner, Muss.,mnl., slid FUclilnirg III, Innimlunlpr 20, ('Union

21, Mnrllaini 22.liniiiiiiioi.il Aiiiusenieiil i'o. (llixt. Uriiininiiiul,

mgr. I—Lilly, I'u.. 11121, Pnrlagp 22-2.1, l.ei-.-ii

long 2ll'2tl.

lli|.|i.,iiiniio- Hhnwn -ileiienisi. Knit., 32. Ilulnlnu.

lint 84, 3.1. Muri|iicl 3d. tlypsuni city 27. Her-liiKH'ii 28, 311.

llnlileii'n Aulmiil Sliuw-Clilengn, III., 17, luili-H-


Jelly LHiliipliiim (s. H. Hmlirv nmr. )—Yurk,P.I., IT 22. Anmiimlls. Mil.. 24-211.

Kui-iiiiiiif Sliiiw--JiickNnn (.'enter. ()., 10,

Liii's lllnsn llliiw'in (Jack l^c, mgr.)—Mlllern-lllirg. I'll.. 1T-22.

Mcllixs-vy A Yiiiiiik's Pleinre unit Vniiilerllle

Slmw—Xiieiigiliii'lien, Tex, 24-21).

New S iv south (W. B. Mnrkle, mgr.l—Buck-isill. lnd. , 10. (LvennlNiro. Ky. 20. Newblirg,lnd, , 21, Mount Veriinn 22, I'nloiilown, Ky.,24, Sliawm-etiiHii. III.. 2.1. CiiKeyvllle, Ky., 21),

('live In ltis-k. III., 27. F.llxulK'lhtowii 28.Peeler'n ii renter Slmw—fxieklinren, Pa.. 17-22.Parker. C W., Hltonn ((.'riiiner A Tyler, uigm.)

- -Muiiknlii. MIiiii.. 17 22. Hi. Jnmea 24-20.Smith's. Prof. Ilnriy—'ItnlH-rtHihih', I'n.. Hi. 2fl.

iiiuihr 21, i-iis.v'iie 22. snltlllo 24. ThreeSprings 25, OrldsunlH 211. Mount Hitluti 27,veivion iiiiiniii. in 2(i.

Smith flrroter Hhuw—flraflnn, W. Va., 17-22,Morgiihtiiwn 24-21).

T. Mett'linrll


reiier n« Ii-miIIhk iiiiiii. will put on "The Jitilf.' 10, thhc jjurforiiinncos tjamnal ,i„n.

v It 1 1

1" WT'lc'uf 17. The altifd efforld- o jsood bunlneiw. William Hltalles. | '/

..i,. t'o nlrv fllrl" .mil "Drifting Aptirt," treted mm.find the moving rSftirSSst vveek were rcwnrfled by One lionncs. the li.lef Tentiire. Thus for the EgnW*?Itm-Mwint. Ahk IB. K. Uovmt, ranna- trnrtloiiH (have aatlsfled Its piitroDS ,-,'

„\rFl"hJ ThlrfiI ileglrnent Bnn.l haa Ijeen proved a sufcess. "• »«

^i? S Bt^(H«"rV"wrrchere7, SSuSHL



' lotvlns bill drew wall 'JS3rBl,.™t l<*

aeason.In an aerialI- lumen were

actthe twu

! Btre^rrrtcLeret %&£»lowing 'bill drew well, week of j,MI ;

big leotitreii

crowds Hint thronged the park Inst •week.

Wii.t.ow (jmtVK i'akk <r\ H. Lincoln, man-

ager).—Walter Pryor and hl8 hand begun

IS II v enncerts. 14. for n three weeks stay.

The'.popularity of this band wa; altcHtctl bj

1lte large attendance prencnt. More eeaimri-

nltle weather hat* reunited In excellent Imsl-

npss being (lone by Ihe amiiBinent fentnren.

WrginsiHK l'Aiiiv (Win. J. rii'crlng. mann-

B,.|.i,_The (iwimdlers Itanil conllniies ns

rite musical feuln.c. Alt Hie new amusementfciiliiies me nuw "pen and doing dice busl


""wAMUmro* I'aiik (Wm. .1. Thomimon,mnnnger).—The II »inan Imperial Hntid, with

lis rendition nf eliistdenl selcctlona. Is drawtug big erinvds. '.vlto are aim llhernlly pnlron-

Ir.lng the niniiseiiient, features.

Wiirrii Ci'iv ill. Jl. Atieliy. mannger).--AUtile warmlh In liio nlr drew the crowds Inst

ivm'k, and the park begnn to put on lis

usual Summer nsped.N'fiTKM.—llinnnille Killlms llerninn I..

Mreck. of The ttrmrtl, and II. T. Craven, nf

77ic hnlftn: ore now on the high sens.

I ml fur Ihiropi'. where they will spend nwell earned vacation Will It. Anllwlel.

nf tile Shuhert forces, was In town last week.

Finishing lunches nre being put H>

n Cintri of Hi r, on llronil Street, In honor

uf Hie coming cunvemloti of the Klks. It

has lieen littlll of stuff, and extends for lltree

blinks on either side uf the city Hull, nmleiisl SHU.IIIH) The I'liilndclphlii Opera-

lie Snclelj will produce "Aldn" and ".Mar-

ihu." next season Il bus beenestlmiiiedHint Ihe leu moving picture shnws Hint are

exhibiting mi Market Slreet. between Hlgbthtintl Itni.'iil SI reels, tire paying u coiiililneil

reiilnt of si.-,ii.iiini a year S. l.uliin

will shortly open bis new moving picture

von I ii re on Market Street, u few doors aboveHie Port fllllee. The enllre fi-mii Is uf marbleninl piaster, nrllli bninlreds nf vnrl-eiilnri'fl

ileclrle lighls, and produces a day.zlltig el-

feci when I Ik hi ml op.


nmlCook "Brothers, Frank' C'ia.vlan" LlartrHraflley, Tom Mack. Hill, Cherry no„ ,„and moving pictures. BUI week or I"

1 '

Kennedy and Wllkens. the Three Motui rn.i,:

Ignore and St. Claire, the He p,,» su,Lril


Keeley Brothers, and moving pitturnr"'

MJXA I'AIIK TliKATKH (P. it cinliehl nogeri.-HIII week of ,o\ Or ic ami i'


llirker Ilrothers. Kitty Bterwa, |!,,lEand Miles, and Master Relghard litiiTiSof 17: trheglcr B. Johnstiiui'. i,,.( ,

„».,*"*Thornton, Madeline Bur-del tc,

«•"- --


Meudeg, and Hurry Itelghnrd.Mnldiirf


York.- -At the Highland Park TUi-ntre ll>.stock ciiiiiiiiiii.v, tinder the management ^ ir iflletisley, presented "Tho Xw »,,,""''"Ihe other (ilrl," to excellent b.tsi, U ?*week. The Inclement weather bos bod J,,,lllfle elTect on the attendance, but ,?,! SJ*of productions and manner, in which nijme presented.. have been cffccllve in rlnurlnigoml retiinis, notwithstanding Hie wea

, r"

Mrrn-j-Work on the now vaudeville |„,,wof tin; iork Opera House Co., U. f i.,.,,,,

innniigcr, Is progressing In n very saiisfmn,,,

rtinnner. nnd tltfre Is no doubt but ihe i„„';,will be ready to open In the F.-i||,



H, till

I'll i.i. urn. At Ihe Nixon (Thos. I\ ICIrke,

iitaiiiigeri this week's bill Includes 1 Hurrylllllgee, Svilney (inint, Irene Lee mill Iter

Kandy Kids, Willi.mm mid Tucket, Julianllnse, W. C. I.'ellfls. the Ureal Toiiilillli.in

Tiiiitpe of 'cvellsls, lllvmplit l-'uiir, mill thefillinnn i.'irls, with Armabt'lli' Whllfnril. Ilusl-

III'IIS I'IIIII 111 Ml' i{OUll.

(iiiANii (Hurry Davis, iniinngeri. — Thiswis'k's bill: Ciinillle li'Aivllle, Ihe KndeiiesWomen's llrcbenlrii, Cln.iluii Wlille-Hlimrl.I'litiipuny, droit* Ciiiiiei'iin. Mnrgiin-i Wychi'i'lynml ciimpiuty, Sydney 1'eiin mid coiiipuiiy,tin- flri'tii 'I'mvol lii, Ciii'liiii'll and Harris, Mnsun nml Sluiiiiiun, llesnle Viibliire Troit|ie,

('null Bros., Lii Hello Venla, Ixaiifniann Bros.,and the I'lneintHugrniili. Ilitslness has beengiciil. The pa Irons luive lieen eii.lnyltig I lie

besl viludevllli' eiiiei-iiiiiiiiii'iji In Ihe lilslnryuf I'lllsliurg.

llfl'i'iiimuMi: Urn .1. l.n Motif*, mnnnger).—Tills week's bill Includes: Cbeiiiiwlth andI'l'ITill'l, llenellit. Irene .Mny. lion Tun Sis-ters, Boh Huberts, nml 111 inograph. Busi-ness hits Is'cn very good. The Italian Blindgives coiii'i'i'is afternoon mill evening.

Mmnmtii* ill. ixx ji nl Itnyer, iiiimnger).

This week's lilll : Unlisnii and l> Vnn, Ynrl-tioiii nml bis circus, llnyt nml Merrlett, LouiseCnmbell and Baby I lite. Business eonthiuesverv siillsfiiiloi'.v.

IxKNNvwiiiui (A. 1'. Mi'bnhnn, mnnager).—Hiindoy aflet'iiniin mid evening: Xliellu'sHand, mid Hugh K. Illaney, viicnllst. DuringIhe week, |xcm|t Sisters' lllppoilronie andWild West conllnnes to play to packedhouses, and Hie piiiroiis are witnessing one of

best exhibitions uf frontier life.

WllllniiiNiiiirt.—At the Lycmlng tipn™

"The l'oor Hevll," .lime III."'

Kamii.y (Kred M. I.iinitide, maiingcriBig business ruled 10-1.1. Bonked for went


ur,,fl S'SW "lelinrds. Wnlsi.it aud

Utile, Hoiners and i.uw, and litre uer »i»aids. The house closes lifter 22.VAI.I.A.MHXT I'AIIK 1'AVll.lllN (lilisllne (il'iw

mire, mnnnger.).— This popular Sntinurrhouse opens wllh the tlrphi'tis lib.,, chii.Minstrels lloeiil) 1H-20. Vitlluiu Ht,"kCo. opens lis season wllh "The Mule r ni


Lady" and "My Friend from lite West" ''i.">iII,vi:i:NHI'I'K-Wai.i.aci; Cllii'Hs 24.



Huston.—At Hie Island 1'iirU Cnslnn idK. St* (illlm*, limill*ger),wlllfll C|S'iiei| un AlarII. bail iluiie exii'Ileivt business, however lit

spite of Ihe cool wealber every pfrronaailn*beiiig played lo large ninlleiiees. |,0n | k,.^„bill was Ihe Mnjesllc Vaiiilerille Cn. Includ-ing Peru mid Wilson. Hilly ICvmis, I ||„.Happy Bailor;" Ye Colonial Iteeds, nad Km-iieilv and Wihi.'.

s.'iin.iiiii.—At. Hie l.'nnillv (II. It. Smliliinmitlger) week of June 17: ('bus, Harris'Atlanta Spencer, I'ltzgeralil nml OiiIhh, theAla sen git is, I'liinlllu iniil- |.'i,uii, nml win ||.

Stuyilic. Business conllnties guild.l.i.VA I'At'K I.lames Alherluu,

--Week of 17, Slrncilii's lliHIanIhe l-'i-eilei'li'lis l.'n nillv Busl uens

ma linger i,

I'ollnl III,,!

In line.


II. Hotel111,

mgr. )— li'Kton

Wills, mgr. )—

mgr.)— llui'kroe

mgr. 1—Han-



|nirl. lit., 17. Imlelliille.

llnywanl. limee. Slick (tlen, M. (latin, ingr.)—Wlcliltti. Kan., 17. liiilellnlle.

IIImiii llinlmv Stock- -Xewnrk. X. J., 17, lulled-

Mnrl« .x- llnrnell Vniiilerllle IAI Miirl*. ingr.)—Tiny. Vl., 20, L.iucll 21. Mmrlnvllle 22.

Wine. Wuiiniii mid Snug l.M. M Thelse, mgr.)—X. V. Clly 17. liiilellnlle,

Wiitnuti's iImw Corner fllrln (VV. It. Wtttnoii,

uigrl- Plilliiileliiblii. Ph., 17. ludellnlle.

l'IO\-ill,VlM.\.I'liiiiiil.iiiiiiii — .Malinger S.nmiiel l>'.

Nixon made Hie slurlllng niitiiiiiinenieut Instweek I lit* 1 be Intended erecting tiuuMier |iluy-

liouse In town, tlnii will he far superlurIn tiny other ever creeled. He bus alreadytoken title In Hie plot, which mensures l.ii)

by ISO feet, for "fstl.non, mi Collowhlll Slreet.West nf Twenty-tlrsl. Allhiniglt ibis bicntluii

Is at present n must linn eenslhle one, andnliniit ihe last place where one would expectHun a pliiyliuuse would be bultl. II will litee

Hie new Parkway now In cuurse of erection,which will run from Ihe City Hall In Knli'-

moitnt Park. Architects Alaishtill & Foxhave already been commissioned tu preparethe pliiiis, wit it'll will provide for n slriicliireto cost fniMMHMI. II Is not expected, however.Ihnl the work of construction, will be marleduntil next year.

I, villi' (Messrs. shuhert. in.inngers).—Therun of Louis Mann, In "The While Hen," willcome to a closn nl ihe end of the currentweek. There will also be sonic changes lathe cast this week. Vera Mlchelenn assum-ing Hie prima ibinnii rule. Business wits fnh'last week. BegluliiK 24. Marlowe anil Snllt-era will appear for Hie week, opening In"llnuieo and .Inllel," wllh Hie n-st of thelime devnicil lo "llmnlet" and "TwelfthNight."

I'akk (l'\ (i. NIxou-Nli'dHngcr. miinngei).—The Shaw Opera Co. will pal un, week uf17, "Ollvctle," which litis mil Isn-tt sung heresince Hie days Hull Harry II, Malm ran nil

iiiieni company I'l the Ari-ii Street Operallnuse. I .it k t wt***Sl u splendid revival of "TileMlk.ido" was pruiiticeil, wllh big huusi's hilltlellllallee. "Tile llidlelti lllll Hill" next.

Ixkith's ill, T. Jordiiii, munagcr).— Cecilial.iii'tiin Is the big in I'll un Hie hill, week ofI", assisted by Claude Clllhigwnler, the Co-liuiliil Seplelte. Hie Diinedln 'Pi'iiiipe, lilllunItiol hers. Hie Juggling Burkes, Itio.iu'i nmllicni. lluycr mid Crlspl. Al. Westuu ami fsim-luiny, the Two AllH'rlys, I Inward and In-wls,I'higcne July, Clnrki*. Iterginnii and Mabouev.anil l be klnelograph. The riiiuophlends midItityiiiinid ami ( 'overly senred big IiIIn, withcapnelly crowds, lust week.

ClIKHTNl'T StRKRT (11'HIIA Hiiuhk (Nixon &/.llllliiei-inilii. iiuiniiuoi'si. —Dlsle .lauls I'tlll-

llinics us ihe headline!' for the current week,oilier Idg carils are. (ieorgc l.'nller Onlilen.Itellmiin and Moure, Hie Three Ynscnrrvs,limn* lliizniil. Taylor Twin Sisters, will II,

1'iix, lllll and Sylvian)', Nellie Benitnionl nndciiiiiiiiiii.v, and muring plclures. I>'rauk Hush,Ailelnlile llei'i'hiiiiiii and Tom Ileum grimilypleased Ihe big crowds last week.

Iti.toi: iHenrge W. Illfe, ninimger),—TheSummer kciisiiii nf burlesi|iie will lie In

migiirnleil IT. by Ihe house slock, .lames Rl.einiiiril will do Ihe enmedy siiinln In theopening burlesi|ite, "Sullivan ill Ihe Front.".Miner's Ainerlctins played In good ret innslast week.

I. villiM (.Inint (i. .lerinuu, innunger).

The house show week of 17 lias Murrhiud amiVirginia Tyson. Lillian Steele. Stddnn Urns.,Win. A. 1 mmu ii. Shelby and (irnfl. ami IheThree Aziinls. Business was giuiil Inst week.

Tiiih'AIickii iKrisI Wilson, laaiingeri.—lllllvWat.Mit\ mill bis Cozy Curlier Ulna , milli il

In Hue rcl ii ins last week. This week Iheolio has: The Musical lleunells, CharlesAlli'illll. mill l)iilllll and Allli'hell.

Casino iKIIiis & Ixoenlg, mautigersl.

Cole and Johnson, In "The Shtto-Kly llegl-inenl." began Hielr neconil week 17! Lustweek big houses were In evidence mid enjoyedlie efforts of Ihe stars.

week. Don Philippine nnd Ills Spanish IIiiiiiLuf fifty are furnishing Ihe music. The oilier•niiHltlc utiriiflliius I'liiillnue lo draw ciipttellvliniises. and the patrons nre getting a highelnsH entertainment.

Sori'iiiaiN i A. K. McSwIgnn, manager).—Sutulity afternoon ami evening, Second Bri-gade Bund, lOdua Snelnlre, Hie child |M*rfoi-m-er, and other ntlriu'tlons. BiiHlness continuesvery good.

Diikam Citv ifttniilcv K. Vlckera, mana-ger).— I )e Lncrn's Baud still continues lodraw out the patrons In large numbers. Tlilaweek, .loseplilne .Moilarelll, so|)rniio, enter-tnlns twice a day. and In the open Silvernand. l-hnerie give a clever exhibition.

Xii-rr..—On .Monthly evening. June 17, Mr.nnd Airs. Bores Toinashel'sky. play a returnengagement for one evening, In tbe four actMildlsh piny, "The Dreamer."


Iiiuicaaler—At Ike Tamlly (Kd. Mozart,mnniigiri "A Si ranger In a Strange Ijiud'


drew- well June lt).|.1. Before cloning forHie season, a week of vaudeville will hegiven. 17-22. The hill consists of: MnvWard mid her Dresden Hulls, llarrv Firstand company. Ityun nnd While, p'red Dinprez, Tennis Trio, the Wilsons, and movingiilclures of tbe Bed Men's parade, takenhere. Ii!.

Hon? riAiiimx iciins. Al. Howell, mnnn-cor l.—"A Trip In Clilnntnwn" had crowdedhouses 10-1.1. "Tin. (Un nam p,|..lS

" 17.*,,Idii'KV Sl'iiixits TnuATlli: III. H. (li-IDHhs.

managiir). -The Kii'derle Sumner Slock r».Will Hiiiri lis Snininer eagngi'iiient wllhMy I' rleiid from Indln," 17-22. The com-piiny Is nearly linnet from lis recent nimcar-ance for tbe same weeks nl the Rinilly, butFrederick I.. H right, Hie fnrnier manager,has returned lu Xew Vark,

1. y.'m:T~tonum Chits. A. Veekor, nf thehi 1

1on Opera House, 1ins far live years been

the seerelnry of ihe Pennsylvania BIB l'n»t-I'ls Assnehit Inn, and in Hielr annual nieeilngreeeuilj' ihev preseuled III in with a hnnilsomesilver service, lu recngallloii of Hie nhllllymid full hi ulness wllh which he litis olwnvsserved them.

All«.oiia._AI Liiki'iiiont 1'nrk Theatre1 J. Al. hlnick, innmigeri, heavy and ninlln.unns rains kepi, people away, and poor busi-ness icnitlteil week nf June II). The folluw-mg people npima red: Collins ami Hiiiih,Mtuli'lliie ltiirdelle. JoliiiHllne eoninativ





1*"•".'• >""J WHMorf and Muitim!

lllll week nl IT I Bun Morse, James It. Dunn,

lltirlev"rl"'J'• '''""nenns. and the

Sta'i! (Silverman Bros., mnnagets).—Billli and week: Charles V. Anilersui 1, U,|MaKlrcgor. Ilcrl Super. Xonh, Soull, anil

Nun:.—j'he Sllverinnn Bros, will erect on-other vaudeville theatre thin Hummer. Thehouse wl he located imHie ate n f t*

BOTJi ",,>" l

V!r,''"<;»"••' . «»" wm cost

XI..IMMI. li will front :i2 feet on EleventhA 'enue ini.l pxpimI |U„'|, V20 feet lii 1

v. h n hniulsniiie mill ilranit'. The stiigew I Imve tl (lepll, uf in feel „i„l the wSscei.Ium will be 20x24 r,s't. The nil 1 or ,,„luive a seaHng cnpnclly „f 7tli) penwill

The luitldlng will lie

cnmiileled Sept, |,

stnrled June I


CliiWiiiinll—Dli'iHtiii'H or nmtiseiui'itls In

II inn nre Interested In 11 slorv Hint n

parly of Knslern citpllnllsls bus teeiired 1111

oplliiu un Wallers' WoimIs, hi Kits! XurwiMsl,and Hun an eleelrlcnl ilremnlnnd, similar in

Lima Park lit Corey Island, Is i:oiileiii|diilpil

i"i- next season. At present Ibis woudlaudla only on Hie city 1 ruction line uud bus innthe tiniispnriaili.u fncllllles for |s>ptiliir so.--

cess. The nlghla are still a Hole ton cnnl

for iiiiiiiiigei'lul comfort, nud Hie iiiieett (.'It;

liu thing Beach has ls.'en i-uinpellcd to clunr,

and promise reopening June 22.CllNF.V ISLAM) (tl. Wellhlgllltl-ICllgll'brHll,

nniuseiaeiil director). — "Moscow," ttfier a

I'ortnlgbl'H run oft Intcrruiiled bv ,1

closed lis engagement. 14. lu (lie Itljoit

rili-lllle, 111. I f|l> ItitlliliilWH, Sill S. .IfltMIlP,

l.ituiberi and Pierce. Iledwooil mid llnrrev,

He VIIIkuis and Kanlell, the Amerlcuii lie,

lilies. .o]ip erne,!, i.asi week's Illtslui'SS, nf

course, leli ihe uncerlalu wenlher, nnd rownnd fell wllh Hie temperature.iMOUHt l,Ai:nii.\ (\V. 1'!. chirk, niiiuaeineiit

manager).—The Itnstlc Theatre will iiresi'iil

Armlnla and Burke and the /.iiinoins, Jenn.

Corona and Kvelyn, as the bcndllners 1(1 nmlweek, lllllv Morris, cnrinniitellii, and Miun-Held and Harvey also appear. The liusloesx

of lust week was better (ban Hint of Ihe one

preceding,I'HKSTKR I'aiik (I. If, Mnrtln, liinnnger).—

Al Ihe Opera House, 1(1, the season uf Sum-mer opera will commence with "The l/nrtiiin'

Teller' as the opening nltractlon. .Marlon

Stanley bus arrived, mid she will make her

llrst appearance JUL In "The Mocking Ulnl."

At the Vaudeville Theatre, 10. the new faces

will lie : Shnrni! Brothers, Cnrlta, Uitrentand llinalo. The advance stile for the orsTii

Is large.Zoo (W. C. Draper, manager). — Well's

Bund, which wua lienrd to advantage m i' 1


St. 1. mils World'* Kalr, will commenei 1 nil en-

gagement 1(1. The sojourn of limes' Itanil

was enjoyable, if not overwhelmingly pnnil-


Scottish Hitk Hall. — Two druinnlli;

sketchi's from Ooelhe's "Wlllu'liu Werster

and Dlcken's "Old Curiosity Shop." were po"

seuted ]fi, bv the pupils of .Mrs. William

McAlpln's Opemtlo uud Urnninllc fcbo*The progriimme bears mauy names Ihni jo'

ilesllncil tu niliirn professional bills nf |il' f

nnd opora, nnd was its follows: "I l'ttgllni'i;

1 1,1'iineaviillii)—(.'null,,, Harry Uuiliuuml:.»'vlo. H, l», Hnrnham; Tonln. Van Dyke ll«i»'

Phrey: lliirleipilii, John Weber; NoildU, t"MMHcliueler. "II Trovaiore" ( Verdi)— henanM.Klsa Belrlch; Count de Luna, Allsu'l WMjiManrico, William Payne, "llugueiinls." diw1 AleyerlMsir).— Vtilitntlue, h't'tinci's IdelrlilJ


Marcel, ltolantl Smith. "Tnmilinuser," »rl.i

( Wngner)— Kll'/nbolb. Krnucesl>ellrlcli. "ojj'

men" (Hlitet)—Cnrmeu, Jii.ln lletirli'li: Mi-

cacla, Bess Jasper; Mercedes, Ainandii »Iless; KrasiiiilLi, Bena Jas|H>r. Ui"iiui.itn-

Hkelcli from "Wllhelui Melster" ((JfMlhillr

Mlgnon. Penyl ijiiltmmi : I'Vlliia, 11mwMelster; I.nerles, .Inint Weber; Wllhelui. \;

Humphreys. Skclch. "Curloslly WW,(Dickens 1 — 1,11 tie Nell, Jessie Italnl"".

Mulln, Harry (iitllinnii ; Kit. A- Wlebe: »''

JI1111I and Um, Jnrley, HlM Blerbh: >"*•

Oiillli. Hilda Melster.Aniit'idiiH'M (Lewis Vandcli. mtinngeri''

The Windsor Theatre Co., of Yiddish td«*

lieadpfi by Ueginii I'ragcr nnd .1. Turshol. |>r;

seined "The Korhlddeu lAive" uud if"

Morning Star" 8. I). u , ,.,

AHHHUI.V Hai.i..—The Tecln Vlgnn *•!of Vocal ami Driiiiiirtle Arllnii was tiililri'i"'''

by Charles l-'redcrlc (toss, on Ihe ueeanloii i»

Ihe grndiialloo of KHtel Minnie Irwin. I*""*

vllle. lnd.; I*slle IM Chilton, Ciinihellsb»0.>

Ky., and Charles Htlwlll (lallngher, S*W>Ky.

COXSKIIVATIIIIV llAt.I..— nilllglns P.nXllll I'""

senled Alice Slilels, KVU 1-esHe. M' 1 '."?

D'Aiinniir, I^n MeNnmnrn, l.lly !•"' *""!;Henri Ilreeden, Cnahy Uausby nml I l«" ul"

Cllflnn In a reellnl. „ , ,.t

Si'mmkb Oil at.—Mnnager 1>. II. ,""" '


Ihe old Pike Opera House, was In nurW...... in,. ,„„ ,-,„,. 11 pein iiouse, wus 111 '„".'.;„,ili

'I''"; early In Ihe past week Hurry It" 1 "'

•""I anil Ills wire will spend I tin healed i""1'" 1"

ill Hielr Summer liiiiue un Oyster Buy-•


<ii^i..,.ut.t.. ». 7, 7:~ I'lma I'fil'k, at Oakley, lilts Ih-cii IWJ'JS.IL

ii'..,.,^. tv r ;TA1 ",0 "n"Ml '•I'crii llnuse list of Summer oulliig spots »''' »JJ

l-ii x . .^1 • •... .'VVVV- '"''""""''Jl "m ' " M* H'HI-Werlhiier nuide ipille n favorable lining

'...in ,v '.in.!1 ' 1 '.' 1"., J ",lK

, !

,r I'flekawannn slon at the Atlanta inutdo fesllval. .•••;•


1, ?..,V,.„I„lvPml

.""' l,",|l,<,|P» addreas nl Ihur .1. O'Knnne was the vocalist ill the 'I'.!

'* Harden. Nofwo"}; u


r;To Advertisers*J

The Ifwnc of THB NEW YORK CUPPER,dated July e, will *'c * special mmitirf,

with h cover In four colore, noil will con-

tain our director/ or tent show people.Copv for advertisements Intended for ttint

Issue should reach tin as hood as possible,p


The Clrent Knropean Discovery, Increases yourweight Hioni 6 to 10 pounds monthly. The onlyflesh producer endorsed liy the highest medicalauthorities. Unrivalled for nervousness, anaemiaand wasting dlscaiei. Greatest tonic known.Bounds out the figure and gives strength to thewhole system. Price, S2. Interesting booklet

free. aspaciiem.co.,1266 Broadway, Dept. 6, New Tork.

LADIES—8cnd for free sample C'REMKTACO-MA. Most perfect complexion cream; entirely

new; unlike anything you ever tried; almolutcly

nun'; positively will not promote hair growth.IKON CITY CHEMICAL CO., Plllshtirg, Pa.

gill week or 17 : Ray Ogdcn and company.Kopeland and Thcninr. the Rainbow Sisters.Grncy (Jammings and company, Harry Hodglnaend Win. Dueshlbber, and the bioscope.


LiNDKNWALu I'ahk Tiibatrk. — Vaudevilledoes nice business. Week or 17, vaudeville."OTK.— In last Week a letter It was stated

that the Jefferson wua contemplating vaude-ville during the Summer. It should haveread Hummer stock.

Dnyton.—At Kalrvlew Park Theatre (El-mer lti'delle, manager) week <>r .lime was avery prosperous one. Tim bill proved to bea strong one, nnd hundreds availed them-selves of the opportunity of seeing somethinggood In Ihe vaudeville line. Rill week or lfl ;

J he Three Keatons, Kstellc Wordette andcompuny. .Murry K. I (III, Seymour's comedydogs, Graeelyn Whltchouse, and moving pic-tures.

Lakbside Park Theatrb (.lames A. Kirk,manager). — Week of 1U: Miss Rlncliiirt.Manley nnd Sterling, the Mexican Trio, andpicture*. .Manager Kirk will again Introduceamateur night, and the first performance willtake place some time during week of HI. '

NOTE.—The White City will open, its pre-viously mentioned, June 2. Everything Is Inreadiness.

Full of Snap and300 different patterns—all this season's materials—"two piece" Suits

to measure, $17. Over 100 atylcs reduced from $25 arid $!»5. Tailored

juBt as you like to wear them—Coats with square shoulders, medium or

long roll and cuff*—turncd-up Trousers with belt loops, side straps wiih

silk puff, to prevent fullness t f the wais*. No extra charges.

Tne making of Evening Clothes is art wiih us.

Samples given or forwarded to any address.


guccn or Hearts," by Catherine Itlcker andJoseph Surdo.

YoiniKNtuiTii.—At Idoru Park (Robt. W.Cunningham, manager) Jack Lylc's Mlustrelsweek oi June Hi. Notwithstanding the back-ward Summer, many umuscment seekers havevisited Idora and Mill Creek parks since theiropening. The lrgersoll Amusement Com

Toledo.—At tlie Casino (Kllves & Rosen-thal, managers) Murray and Mack, in••Shooting tlie Chutes," did splendid businessJune Ban. Joe Weber and eompany. In

lies as a Ulg attraction. Tlie new 'bathingiM-aeli WM opened last week, nnd was wel-

comed by a large crowd. S|ieclal balloonascensions are given on Sunday.Cakmvai, I'ahk. West Side (Win. Winch,

manuger).—Cnllendo's Venetian Hand madeUs llrst nppe.'irunce here Sunday, .lime II,

and scored a hit. In Hit' wigwam, the arts

were: Hall nnd Rril, comedy nnd knock-iiboul comedians ; L'llnorr Hatch, bnllatllst


lliivls and Davis, In a dancing and roller

skating turn, nnd the Mercedes lino, singers.

A sped*! outdoor feature Is Konanslngn, In

his balloon ascension nnd parachute leap.

ri.iiM'BltlNUH.—Win. Sells, formerly or theHells-Kioto Shows, was In the city last week

Hit* Heen Mumped On Tlinl KlerlrtrMoiik Hit,

uny's attractions, under the management of scoring heavily

lurrv Arlington, are running continuously, "hd vlolette,

'rot. (.'lias. Mnlcii made a thrilling balloon Clark. Norton and Russell. Iledcnl and dogs,

"Dream City." evening of 10 only, gave•n excellent performance, packing the housewith «n appreciative audience. ••The (jlrlfrom l>arbi" 10-1:2.

Kaum Tiikatrh (.los. I'eiirlsteln, maun- .......gen.—Bill » and week iiro'ved a complete and purchased the complete outfit of thesuccess, Sam Watson's Itarnynrd (Trens Lemon Km*.' Circus. Ren Itosi'nthnl. of this




Nellie111 nnd week: KellcyVan, Armstrong and

* ii i- 1 u Kill l.i—At the Orplilum (Ous Sun,mannger) the bill for week of June 17 In-eludes: The Cunninghams, Mury Madden, "f


,.' t-V

ascension and drop from u hazardous height Schreck Bros., and American vliagraphafternoons of 14. 15.

Avox I'akk (Jos. W. Wess, manager).

For current week Munager Wess provides


Fred W. Morton, Louisa ltamoiu, Tom Ripley,Young America (Julntettc. nnd (ioforth andHovle. The bill Is it good one, and withfavorable weather big attendance rules. Man-ager Wess has Inaugurated many new at-tractions for Avon, and the park presents avery pretty appearance. Mr. Wess also an-nounces that Keith & l'roctor will do all thehooking for Avon Turk from now on, havingexclusive charge of attractions furnishedGuano (.lou Schagrln, manager).—The

Chrono I'hone continues to very good attend-ance.

.Ncitkk.—The contracting agent for thellngenhock Wallace Shows was In the city 12,nnd arranged for the show t<. exhibit hereJuly 5 The I'arker Amusement Co.

Medallion Duo. I.emuTes anil Lcmulcs, nndnew songs nnd pictures.

Spjiinc OnovB Pabk Casino (C. K. Howell,manager |.—Bill for week of lfl: The KlvcColumbians, Al. Lawrence. Hon Cnrlos' dogand monkey show, and Robinson nnd Cam-eron, *

city, will lie the general manager. The showwlil open In Kansas City July II. and In To-peka 4 Win. Warren, business managerof the Auditorium Theatre, will take Ills

annual vacation trip this Summer throughMlnocquu. Wis Mrs. Waller Sunford Is

preRS agent for Klectrle I'ark The Kun-Rlll Hosting Co. has openeil up a

distributing department, and has remodelednnd furnished up a handsome room, whichIs under the inanagement of M. II. Shnnhcrg.

Neiil Abel, a local hoy, who left herewith I'rlmrose's Minstrels. I lie latter purl oflast season. Is In the city on a short vlhll.

He more than made good, and was signed byMr. Primrose for (he next two seasons.

closed Its week's engagement 15, with theKogles. 'of this t'ily. The carnival .proved abig success, and tlie attractions furnished bythis company were good and enjoyed by all.

l'rof. Lnnkford Is furnishing the musicut lilorn I'ark Ciislno, anil represents The-atrical' Agent I'r.in). Melville, who la bookingnil ihe nllracllon.s for Idora I'ark.


(level I. — At the Colonial (Drew '&

Campbell, managers) Ihe Robert T. HainesSlock Co. presents "The Henrietta" week ofJune 17. This company creditably presented"The Liars," week of II). and drew largehouses hi each performance. The same compuny week of 24.

Kill. Ill AVKNI.'K liAIIIIKN'S (Mux I'netkrn-bener, manager).—"As You Like It" Is theoffering by the William Ira muni Stock Co.,

week of 17. "Damon and I'vlhlns," by thiscompany, drew well week of 10. The sameloiupuny week or "


Lvi'KI'M (Ceo. M. Todd, manager).—TheKcllilu llermnn Klock Co. will give "CastLviine" 17-10. and "Suiiho" 20-22. "A Youngwife." week of 10, hail good receipts. Samecompany week or 24.

Kkitii'h (II. A. Dnnlels, manager).—SinceIhe hinugiirallon of Ihe vaudeville war byIhe li|K'i'a House, n week ago. Keith's, nswell us the Opera House, have been sold outat earn performance.

Oi'KitA llotiHK (11. D. Kline, manager).

Rill week of 17 Includes: The r'our Mortons.Louise Dresser, Henry Lee, Dankmiin-HchlllerTrnujM. Delmoro and Lee. and Henry Tiltc's"r-'lshlng." Splendid business ruled week or10.

Ll.'.NA I'ahk (Klwood Salsbury. niamiget').— Altlioiigb Ihe weather lias been much toocool, splendid crowds are allriicted by theniu.'.h' and other all racl Ions.

MISSOURI.81. i.iiiiix. At Delmtir Garden (Turner

T. Lewis, manager) tho Delmnr Opera Co.,with Blanche Deyo, gives "The TclephonoGirl" June HI and week.

Subiikhan Gaiidkn I Upiienhelmer Bros.,manager*). — "The Internal Cllv," withAmelia Hlnglium In Ihe stur role and A, II.Van Riircn, Cordon Kdwurds and Ilarrv t'en-wlek us principals scored well IMS, .Specialattention was given Ihe seeuury. "TheModern Lady tlodlvu" will be given it pro-duction 1(>, with Amelia Bingham In thelead.

Wkht K.nd Hkiuiits (Obert Ic Schiicfcr,run lingers).—Klhel Fuller and the West Kndllelglits Slock Co., gave "Salome" 11-15.Specially engaged players assisted In theproduction.

KollllKHT I'ahk II lilllLAMis (Col. John D.Hopkins, manager). — Lnuihlusc's VenetianHand week of |l. The Delmiir-DeliriiuoiitI'rlo sing wiih Ihe bund. The vuiidevlllehill Includes: fhinko and company, the JackWlbon Trio, Minnie Kuuffnuin, III a bicycleact; Gllroy, Hsynes ami Montgomery, audlloiioa and Trlska.Mansion's Gaiiiiun (Mann'lon Bros., mali-

nger).—Rill for week of II: Sharp Bros.,Ilarrv Cook and lines llolberl, KdwnrdSmith and Lillian Wullone. Kliiv Mayor.Charles Hruy, and new pinnies In Munition-scope.

Lump's OAIUKM (J. L. Wallropp. mana-ger).—Creatore and Ills hand drew largecrowds June 'Jll, nnd the second week i>r theengagement la very promising, Creatore beingniucli favored locally,

Kci.ifsi: (Jaiiukm (II. Cruen, manager).

"Kor the Lovo of n Womnn." wllh ArthurStanley In the leading role, ably assisted byKiln Allen Stanley nnd a good company, June11-15. Special features by Hugh !•:. Me-Cormlck, Julie Nlccole und Charles Colvllle.

IlLORM Tiikatiik III. !:. Rice, manager i—

AM ructions for week of I): Rlirtou Sisters,Karl I'lynu, Holland and Vernon. Itndellfreand Relmonl. Lulu llesselmnn, lllustruledsongs nnd new moving pictures.

CttMTt'nv I Put Short mannger). — ThoPrilger-Juveller Opera Co. was greeted bylarge and enthusiastic audiences .V7. Mine.Prager and Cold sang exceptionally well.

(lAiiiiii'K (l)iln (1. Klsliell, manager).—.IonWelter and his large and excellent companyplayed. 0-11, to crowded houses. This closedthe season of this playhouse.

NtiTKK.—Cissy Loflus lias signed for n

Siirlimlleld.—The Alrdnmr (lleo. Oleti-

dorf, manager) the Woodward Slock Co.closed a two weeks' engagement here June S.

The hills were "(iriiuslnrk" and "Little Lordr'atintleroy," and both pleased. The Rosa(ireen Co. opened to good business, In "I'lnnl-

gan in the 40(1." for- two weeks, and will

change the bill three times n week.Doi.inii I'ahk.—"Her Cowboy Lover" and

"The Ranchman's Daughter" were well re-

ceived last week. "Utah" this week.Whitk Cm.— Dr. Carver and his diving

horses drew large crowds. Tlie Immune so-

ciety filed a complaint against Ihe show, anil

the dive was cut down twenty-live feel.

Notch.—The Younger Hros.' Wild WestShow left this city Inst week. II was strand-ed here for ten dnys. Kver since Hie showstarted nut thin season It has played In hardluck, on account of bad wenlher TheOwl Odeen was recently added to the moving .

picture and Illustrated song business nam. He

ILLINOIS.tinlnc) At Baldwin Wonderland ( Pat-

rick & McConnell, managers) Ihe opening or

this resort occurred June I), wllh an altctul-

ana of MM While all the attractions nre

not yet In position, enough are now on the

froundto rurnlsb amusement lor nil clauses,

n about two weeks everything will be In

running order H>r tho Summer. The pro-

gramme lor tlie current week, as rar as vnude-

vllle Is concerned, la made up ot the follow-

ing: Lspu llrotheis, Coo. (leer, and movingpictures. Hand concerts by Slgnor Plain's

Band, and orchestral concerts, by an espe-

cially select. si orchestra, mako up Ihe mu-sical offerings for the week.

IDuiii.anii I'ahk Illy. Credell, ninnnger).—The new stone bunding, one of Ihe largest

and costliest buildings In the L'nllcd Shitcs

used for park purposes, will lie completed nabout two weeks. The formal opening will

take place July -I.

Xiitks.—Manager Busby, of Ihe KtnplrcTheatre, leaves fur New York, to assist In

booking attractions for the Clinmberlaln cir-

cuit the coming season K. A. Welsh, whoopened n nickelodeon In ibis cllv. llnec

mouths ago, bus sold mil lo W. Y. Jackinmi,of Danville, III. Business has been verygood. Mr. Welsh Is forming n company to

take Hie road soon, with u lent show,

Springfield.—At the Mujesllc <(ico. Mc-Manus, mnmiger) "A Southern Belle," pre-

sented by the Livingston Slock Co. laat week,drew good houses. The receptions givenWednesday nflernoons have proved very popu-lar. On Thursday, June IX the llienlre whsturned over In the high school for Us com-mencement exercises. "Which is WboV" I J.

15, a clever three ml farce comedy, precededhv a clever one ucl playlet. "Tile l'lsd. Re-porter and the Maid. Special musical nnm-hcrs Introduced between lids.

WllfTK Citv (J. It. Mcdlll, iiiiiungcr).—John C. Welsh's rninous bund drew Immensecrowds every evening, wllh lllaiiclie Miiluiffey,

soprano, nnd Joe O'jioniicll, lenor.(M.VMi'lc I Win. Jackson, mannger).--Week

of 10: Comedy, "Pals :" Lollle Lee, Billy McBreen nnd Brother, Miss Wayne, Hie lireiit

Johnston, Ryan and l>c Van. moving pleliires.

Myrtle ICdwonls, and comedy. "Bliiiulers."

I'.Mniir. (Johnnie Coiuinrs, ninnnger I, —Week of 10: lliirlesriue. "Chill Sauce;" Illus-

trated songs. Itlondcll nnd Miller. (Iniee lira-


Anil 'lid «lliles for this .' ng nre n rfveln.lion to Ihe llliiiiroi.ol song world.Another Mr lilt In piepnratlon l»y «!»••

hopi-.l >oii|( ullile miinufiirturre* lo 'lie

world. Ilesiilrs tile rotlo« lug Ills; Hits,which nre still selling blgi

omewhere 8omebody'B Waiting for Tontlngy Uoonoaool Daysin AntonioTake lo Back to Now Tork TonnJut a Little Pond Ailectlon

Choer Up. MnryDearoBt PooahontasUnly a Messenger Boy

AND 50 OTIIK.lt 4 AT$5.00 PER SET $5.00

A Wind Aliout Our I'lmtlrpitiseil

FILM RENTAL SERVICEWhen you gel I lie, I or proinlaes, poorfilms, delayed svrrlre mill repeuls,«i i lie US. We have Ihe remedy. KDINtlN>IOV IIMIJ P1CTUIIK MAI'IIIM'.H In .lark»l nil limes, rend}' for Immediate de-livery, either for snlonr rein, wllh orwithout opernlnrs. Anollinr millionticket, oh rolls Just received, mid atlll

Hie sole rails nn.TIIK IIIMNF, 'IHATH NKVBIt « I.ORKP.Wrlle, wire, call or 'plume at any hour. Alwaysat your service.

HARSTN&CO.138 E. 14th St., Now York, H. Y..

•Phones, :inh-:isi:i Ntuyveannl.

ColunihiiH.—At Keith's IW. W. I'rosser,iiinnugeri Hie bill for week of June IT: TheStunning tireimdlers. (Jen. Abel and MthclAnlen. Clara l.leaseys. Bender and ICarl,Charlie Howard/ Marzelll and Mlllny. und theMillions. All excellent hill. Including BenWelch, Council Du Voy and company, undBcrnafK maulklns. drew big business week of ^"vvlih tiie'subti'rNn tSaUajJun^t' Khe

will he seen In "Mrs. Dane's Hefense," ami10.

Ol.KNWNUV Pahic (J. W. IMisetibury, lnnn-iigeii.—Tbfl 1 in lit In I Minstrels were tho-roughly enjoyed during their closing week.Murray and Mavic, In "Shooting Hie Clinics."week of 111. Amelia Bingham, In "TheClimbers." week of ail.

Cni.uNN 1CAllliKN III. Collins, manager).

Hill for aliening week of 1": Bert Marshall.Hull, the Juggler; Cora Beach, und Turnerand company.

.Niitks.— Indlniiolii Park continues lo drawwell. tiargliiloV Bund and Phil. 1). Greene,on the globe net, were the nil ructions dur-ing week of 10. Gregory's "Burning of Mos-cow" conies for two weeks, commencing 1U,

William llnttlcld, n brother of Al. 11.

I'leld, the lxipiilitv mlnslrel, died ut hishome here II ICnrieo tlnrglulo. lenderof Hie bund playing lit Itidliiiioln Park Iheihi si week, has sold Ihe title to the bund,music library nnd instruments, to A. Dc-u-nlsnu. linrglulo Is still retained as lender,iiccorillng In (he contract.

'mi ai ilm Hark Theatre (W. IIHarris, manuger) for June 10 ami week:Julia Redmond mid company. Puerto BelleMiller. Three Comedy Aerobutle Hills, GreatRichards. Klein, till. Ilros. and N'lckersoii.und Ihe lifcograpli. Very good business hasruled hI this result since Its opening MayBO. Ill spite of the Inclement weather.

111.mi' TliKATllr: (Potts & lliirle, mana-gers).—Splendid business- has rewarded thevery excellent bills offeretl at this noptilurIlllle theatre, and the house will remain opennil Summer. Vaudeville, illustrated songsami latest moving pictures week of HI,

Rixiii.inii Hiidk.' Cijtt'i.K Is billed for July a'I'm: Aaikkii'A.v Stock Co., of this city, rc-

it'iiGy closed Its llrst season of forty-fourweeks at .Marlon, Ind. The season has beeneminently siillsfnctory. and the show willopen enrly In AiigusC Arthur K. Herhst,innnngc,, and Billy Carver, character actor,will Summer her':.

Xirri:.—Work is progressing rapidly on thenew Gits Sun circuit house, and the contrac-tor Is confident of Us completion by Sept 1.


/.niicHvliic. . ai Ihe Weller f.T. «. Kng-land, ninnnger) Otto Meyer, the vlollnlsl.June 1). Local high school commencementpacked I lie house HI.

Itb.m.—A new musical star, according to

Madame Kchumniin-llelnk. has arisen. SheIs Helena M. 'Bunnell, of this city, and Is

Iwenly years old. The great o|a-ra singer1ms slated that Miss Bennett has « mostwonderful contralto voice, and should be-come u star some dny.

HninlltoH,—At the Jefferson (Tom A.Smith, malinger) Ve Colonial Stock Co. hfls

been playing lo phenomenal business, draw-ing highly appreciative and well pleased audi-ences. The same company will continue dur-ing week of June 1 7.

k !U«a-nd (McCarthy & Wold, managers).—


nfter the close of each performance willgive Imltullons of famous aeiressCHThe Delmnr Gulden mnnagemeul laid usguests. Hi, Ihe ladles who made such asuccess of the Charily Carnival, which washeld a few weeks ago, mid netted *:i7,ol."i.i;i.

Louise Meyers, a young violin milolsi,of SI. Louis, has received uu offer fromJohn Phillip Sousa, to accompany him onhis next concert tour. She Is a very talentedyoung woman Kred \<\ Shrader, ofliitvid Beliisco's literary staff, a former St.I^uils newspaper man. Ik In the elly lo in-tend Ihe rehearsals of his play. "The ModernI<ady Giidlvhi," which Amelia Blnghiim andthe Siilnilhnu Slock Co. will present JunoJO. Mr. Shrader Is a unlive of Missouri.

Members of Ihe Suburban and WestKnd Heights Nlnrk Cos., t-lie latter knownns Ihe Klhel Cullers, have orgnnlxcil base-hall tennis, and will piny it series of games.

The concerts of l'rof. Frankc's Hand.with Ihe special feature of Introducing com-positions or local authors, Is n pleasing at-traction. "That Rag," composed by TedBrown, was played week of II. HummerGardens lire trembling, as ICxclse Commis-sioner Miilvlhlll has announced his Intentionof Inforeing the new law concerning theserving of drinks


K n ii sits Clly.—At the Mills Opera House(K. S. Brlglnim, ninnager) "A DiamondKing" proved lo he a thrilling melodrama,and dlil fairly good business last week, In

spile of the warm weather. The companyremains over June HI. for I wo performniiccs of "A Lire's Mistake." This will closeHie season at the house. During (lie SummerHie house will he entirely redecorated, andwill reopen alioiil the middle of July.

Ki.Ki'rnir Park (Sam Benjamin, mnnugerl.—Hllory's Hand still continues to lien feature.In the village N'oal Abel, a clever black facecomedian, was the headllncr, and scored a bighit with his singing and dancing. Others onthe bill were: Pauline Mnran. De Vine andWilliams, nnd Ni'well und Nlblo. A series ofnew living pictures were shown In the electricfountain. This week Don Leno's TwelveHappy Youngsters are the feature attractionIn the village. The circle swing. In the centreof the park. srm|i|s>d a steel casting al Its

base on the night of 11. and fell wllh a crash.Fortunately only six or seven people wereriding at the time, and they were somewhatshaken up. but not seriously Injured.

1'iiitiiKST Pauk (D. 10. Russell, manager).—Lenge's Hand continues, also Miss Wll-mine Damnum, soloist, na n special fentttre.

The lloynl Hawaiian Herennders nppenriilghllv, ill Hie ten giirden, The Boston Ideal

0|M'rn Co. revived "Pliiafore." in Hie Ihea-

Ire. nnd gave n very pleasing ixirforiiiHiiee

of (be old. but tuneful oneni. Tills week."Glrollc (ilrolla" will Is- sung.

r'AiiiMot'NT Paiik- f W. F. Smith; mftnn-

Ber).—Hlim's Third Regiment Baud coutln-

Roller skating is the, big money tanker herenow. with three or the largest rinks In theState. All do a packed business.

CANADA.Montreal.—Al the Theatre Krunciils (K.

W, Le Clair, ninnnger) (lie Fuller Slock puton "The Confession of a Wife" lo good housesweek of June 111. Week ot 17, "Tile Poweror Money."

Royal (II C. Hgcrton, manager).—PutWhite and (lie Canadian lb-lies closed theseason for this house 10-i'i.

DtW NuiiVHAtiTKN—The permunent slockcompuny, In "Guide!! voiih Fcmines." hudfulr business week of to, "Volln L'lOplnlsIrMesdiiuicH" 17-112.

Vktouia Risk Gaudksh f Brooks ft I»«

Klraly. munugersl.—The garden opened weekof 10 to good uttendnucc. wllh the followingill ructions: Little Ko-l'ecp, Musical Thar,George Hyde, llruce Wnildell, Geo. Reynolds,ami Hie life motion pictures.

SoilMKK I'AHK (Lilvlgne & Liljole. iminugcrsi.—Genii attendance ruled during theweek of Hi, lo see Hie following allracllons:Mcllu de Mntha. Chefnlo and Cnprella, Mul-len, t'lnimi nod Mnller. o'Kalxt JapanesiiTroupe. ThonipHou'H elepbiinls, nnd Uivlgnc'sMllllnry lltiuil.

Ho.miniiin I'ahk (II. A. Horsey, miniagei' I,—The park Inn! good ullcndnuce during I lie

week of Id. wllh outdoor attractions ClintonSisters und Wiillbuw Troii|H>.


Ml. John—At Ihe Opera House (A. <>.

Skinner, manager) ,1. II. Huntley, in "RipVan Winkle," pleased June il-H. FriinklytiGale, saporieil by Hie A. O. 11. DrniiiullcClub (local amnloni si. gnve two pcrl'oriu-itnii'H of "Knlhlit'it Mnvourneen." II). lo bigbusiness. The Third Regiment Canadian Ar-tillery Bund itnve ii concert II, nsslsled byHurry McClaskey and local taleni. lo big luisl.

ness. and pleased. The Jollltees presented"The Toymakcrs" II!. HI, and pleased. Har-lan P. IlrlggN, Percy Chapman. John 10.

Ilobleti. firiice Lu Belle nnd Holly 1 1 oil Is de-serve mention. "Alvln .loslyn" canceled 14,IS, Daniel II. Rynn 17-July I.

KOTHH,—The Lyceum Stock Co. In lfl offhere II In my notes or lust week ll wasstaled Hint Crank Powell nnd lOleanor Hickswere married In tlie It. C. Church al Amherst,N. S, It should have read In the Kplsc.opitlChurch. Margaret Lee, of the Lyceum Co.,was bridesmaid instead of Jeanne ilollls. Mr.nnd Mm. Powell were here 10, and left 11for Quebec, en rmilti lo Kngland Geo.F. Drlscoll. of the Bennett vaudeville forces,left II for upper Canada The OiilmerMoving Picture Co.. of Montreal, bus securedWonderland, which has been closed for sev-eral weeks. A number of Improvements havebeen made, and opened H with moving pic-tures. The house lias lieen renamed Ihe Bio-scope..,. . . .All Hie moving picture bouses nredoing big business. .. .'Harry McClsskey. thewell known lenor. arrived from New YorkHI, and will spend some weeks wllh bisparents here, . . .Reckless Itccklnw and Fannyheight gave exhibitions of fancy roller skat-ing and bicycle riding at the (Jneen's Roll-away, 10-13.

Belleville.—Fnrepuugh & Sells' CircusIs billed for June '211 The SouthernTheatre Co. In opening two small theatresfor moving pictures and Illustrated songs.

The Victoria Rink mnnngement haslaid a hard wood Moor In lis Immense build-ing. making1

it available for roller skating,and other indoor nmiisements I'niij

Lnlonde. musical director of Fields' Mins-trels, spent several weeks In this city. Hewill till a Summer engagement ut Pitts-burg Frank Robinson, of the KiltiesllniMl. and Miss ("olcuinii, of "Ben Iltir" Co.,are resting In this elly.

sWoodfltiiek.—The Falrinoiint Park The-

atre, which bns been closed for a few days,owing to bad wenlher. opened June la. with"When We Were Twenty-one, "Knst. Lynne"1MB.

l''niti;i'Ai'iiii & Ski.i.n' Ciiii'i.'h visits here30,

ngs, iiioniieii anil .Miller, uriice i.ru-

vine nud Fuller. Caul. Hie Mystlller,

anil twentieth cenlury opllscope.Nun; —Two nickelodeons have slnrli'd on.

one nn North Sixth Street nud one on I',.

Washington, both of which seem to lie doinggood business.

I '

I'eorln.— At Mil In Street (Davis Chun-hillCircuit, inn lingers I Paycen Slock Co., In

"Brown's in Town," did capacity businessInsl week.Stunk Him. llAUPKN (Frank Grave, tnnnit-

gerj.—"In Old North Carolina" was given bythe stock cumpiiny lust week.AinnoMi: i.llm Baiigli Amuse. Co., mana-

gers).—The Slock Co., In "Mnnll." wan Inst

week's bill. The Three Pillmiiils us an extraiillrurllim. »

S'l'Aii (II. Waller Van Dyke, inuiiager).—The regular season Is rinsed. The Hluck Co.opens hi nn iilrdome HI.

Wkant'n I Charles P. Ibirloii, iniiiiiiger).- -

Week of III: Slock burlesuiies, "The HceleyDinner 'I'rliil." "Before the Diiwn" nnd"lOiichered," Burl M. Jack and moving pic-

lures.Viiicim.i 1 1 1 : a ' •

1 1 (Frank A. Ilelneki', maniiger).-The Webslera, llliisiruied songs nnd(Inuring lust Week.Ah FiiKsco Paiik ( Vernon C, Heaver, uinii-

ageri. — For Hie current week. ArkansasSi ale Bund is Ihe principal lit I rni'l loll.


Clinton.—At the Injun (Hook ft l'owel-snn. imuiagcrsi good tiilenl Ihe pnsl weekmndo gnoil despile laid wenlher. The hill

for Juno Jll-to was transferred to Hie bigK. or P. circus for those iIiiIum. The lentseated 11,001). Besides -<m local ticrforiiicrM

there are Home 'Jo proresslonals. It. S. Hooklias completed nrriiiigeinenlH whereby hewill, during this Sumnier, give one or thesehome circus nil ructions In (he followinglilies: .Miicoinb, Riishvllle, llenrilslown, I'e-

k III. Gnlesberg und Moiiiiioiill|, lie has nlong list of vaudeville engaged, which willinsure Its being a good n II met Ion.

Notkk.—The B cent Family Theiill'o con-Hiiucs lo draw well. Moving pictures nndIllustrated songs nre changed I line limesench week Van Winkle I'ark will openJune U<i, wllh Ibo Fifth Regiment Hand,soloists, etc.

WARNING!All ptrstmH »ro enutloiioil ii|;»iiiHt lu-

cldHing iiintiey with Inttern to us,


Wo are in ttxnlpt cf c.nniplninlH from numy

who liuvii Inst iiioimy li.v noinli tin it tbroai;h

ilio iniiil, wlnnli ilnipinstriileH thai Hint

niatliDil of tnnkinr> rnmitlAiiooN

IS NOT SAFEIf roslal Mnnny Onlor, Chook or Drnlt is

sunt, and is stolen from tun mail, n duplicate

oin lie obtitinod und thorn will bo no Ions of

money, but tbero will In a loss of limo,

wliicli itiny 1>o of tliu utmost, importance.

Wo will Rinirntiten nil persoiiH ngniiiHt Iohh in

snnili.it; us remit taucoH IF TIIK LKTTKKMIN Willi II TIIET AUK KENT ARKI'ltOI'KltlV KK(IIHTKKKI).



Hire will o|ien early in Augilsl, as a vaude-ville house. Klnw & Krbinger will book I be

ill 1


lions. This will leave Kurd's nlone lu

Hie lil-^li class leglilnuile Held.

lUiiomliiuloii.—Luke Turk Thenlro (Mult.Kusel. manager i o|M>ned Hie season Juno fi,

Willi Us own slock company, bill owing In(lie con I In ued cold wenlher, the house closedIndefinitely.

Notkn.—The Nickelodeon. Luke I'n rk (J.]•'. Garwood, manager), Is doing n large busi-ness Thealorliiiii (Hurley While, man-ager), moving iilclures mill Illustrated songsdraws good business Grnnd Opera House(r-'rnnk M. Iliilelgli. iniiiiiiger). week of JuneI), wns dark Illinium K llulley's circus,fi, had Immense business.

Alton.— Rock Springs I'ark f.l. KdgarCollins, iiiuiiiigeii nl Rock Springs Tlieulre.Kilties Ciimiilliin Hnnil opened Ibis bouseJune 14. Week of 17: Kuilclln* und Relmonl,l.undium Ilros,. AMI and Mack, Wnguor, tlinDensmore Sisters, Heliell Sisters anil theMujesllc Trio.

Sim;.— l'rof. Hill and Ills baboon will haHie free allruclloii at night, and slack wirewalking In tlie afternoon at Rock Springs1'nrk week of I".

HI. I nihiirlnoN. At ihe Grand OperaHouse U'has. ||. Wilson, niiiniigeri lleibcrtKelrey mid Hllle Sliaimoii, In "Wlilowors*Houses." pleased Mny :H), "The Lion nud

Mouse•I''iiiii:i'Ai(iii A sSm.i.H. linos ' I'lari.'H played

afternoon and evening 13, to big business.

e Mouse" delighted a parked house June .'I.

. Fli

Ileenliir.—At I Hon 111 In ml I'ark (A. Slg-fried. niiiniiRei'i s|ieclnl free attractions drewbig crowds. June 11 and week. Tho llnnder-I,n Velle Troupe and Lu llelte were features.The wenlher tins been Hue nnd good attend-ance prevnlles. Lionel Ijegsrde week of III.

.Nl<'KKi.'ini;ox.- II. \\. Kills, iniiiingiir, re-

fiorls excellent, business.«-^»

JMIIVMMI.Itollhiior.- At Ihe Gnyely (W. L. Ilu|.

Iinif. mnnugerl the Knropean Sensation I'o,

opens June 17.Liimn'h iKdwsrd ('. Karl, iniiiiiiger).

The our Musical ones. Ilnrry MeOiinlu, Itan-•/etln and Lyman. Hen Reinbold, Waller Kun-ford nnd Amy Allyn are features on the hill

for 17 nud week.Gsi'.vi'KU Ki.la i ii lr I'iiik II''. ('. Schnii-

IsTger, iiisiumeri. In Die I'usliio l" nudveeek nre: l'rof. Imlsils, 1*1*11 slid NelliePeters. |be Criiigs. Tom Moore, and Hunksand New Inn.

MlTK. The iiiniingemi'iil of Nlxnn fc Zlm-uieiuiau's Acudetny uuuyuute tbut Ibi'lr the-

GKOHGIA.AIIiiiiIii. Al Ihe Grnnd (II. L. & J. L

He Give, niuiiagersl Ihe George Kinvrelt Co,

enjoved Its I bird wifk of sueeess June HI- Hi,

•"rbe fhurlly Hull" lielng ihe nd'crlng. "ThnCowboy und Hie Lady" Is hilled 17-'JJ.

Casino I Jake Wells, u ngerl. "DownMobile" iilli-ncled guild illteiidillires ill tills

iiopiihir Summer resort .">- Hi. "My Wife'sli'iinilly" 17 and week.

Staii (J. II. Thompson, malinger). --A clev-

er hill pleased good size audiences .", a lid

week. The bill Included: May Helmiiy, IheThree lleiinell Sisters, Will. l<'lorello, MayMyers. Mills llliimiiblii, John II. Morris, Monullelir, McCnll Trio. Harry Medley, lira Chirk.Hum .lone. Kdllh rereliel, Llx/.le I'arker, andIbo moving pleliires,

I'Asinii: - M. II. (). business iirevnlls. Hill

for « k of ."> Included: Hlnney nnd chnpmiin, Hyt/. and Syu. Miss Wllnoii nud Nelliellrlllnllt.

NirrKM. -The I'nwcetl Slock I'o. has en-

caged June Wheal lev fur Hie leading reiiiinlne

rule, Site i.-lll uiilke her III'hI nppcaranee It)

•'I'lie Cowboy and Hie Lady," 17 Honefurry, who hits lemiiuriirllv been doing Hieleads for Ih mpniiy, will resume her ell

giigemeiil wllh W. A. Ilrnily's " "Way DawnKusi" compuny. «

COLOIIAIIO.I'lichlii. . Al Hie flriind Opera House,

Hose I'lighlnii, ll) "Mrs, Warren's ITofcs-

slou," June I;!.

Kim, Thkatiik 1 1. M. MoitIm. nintiageri.

-Tlie bill week of ll : tjulgg und Mack, lloxle

and Wayne, Weaver and Lambert. O'Connor,Saunders Skeleli Co., new million plclnre.

"Ton Much Molher Iii-Liiw." nnd lllnslrnleil

song. "My Llltle Nnplnee."Lakk Minnkoca I'ahk ani> Tiikatiik (Jon

Glass, manager). — Good business Is Hiedally ruin here. In the Unsure tin excellent.

programme Is given weekly, und often His

S. It. I), sign Is displayed. Joe Glass & Mcijiilllan. Him malingers, nre Hie right men In

Ihe right placeNo'l'KM.-- Ilecenllv (here wns a change at

the Karl Tlieulre, Mc. Adams, of Hie CrystalTheatre, In Denver, retiring, owing m* III

beiillb. iiml Mr. Aekertiinn siici ling hi in

The old local iinimigeineiil Is Hi III retained.

The A. G. Alien lulled MlnslrelShow appealed here under lis iiuiiiimolh '-HM-

vns I hen 're, June [8, L'l Sells-Kioto

Cirrus Is announced for July 1.1,

*-*Mill I II (•AIIDI.IM.

< luirlolte. I.nltu I'ark AiiilHorlutn fW,A. I'elers, iiiaiiiigeri eoiilbiiies to draw largoci.iimIh nlghllv. The nlli I Ions lire llrst

class, ami (lie I'elers Stock Co. deserves thnsin ,i wllh which It Is n ling.

No'ii;. Tlie odcan and tho Mystic, movlnsplciurc' shows- rim by W. A. I'elers, are wslluttcntk'il, untl urc gtvully cojoyod, . „r t







Historical Production LOST IN THE ALPSOM —

Pioneer Days In




No, 6312. CODE VELUM.1,00011. CUSS A. 5150.00

Mead for

illustrated Dii ciipti.e Circular No. 311.

Edison ExtibltioD lodel Kloeloscope,

Improved Take-Up andFilm Magailues,

*J I 3 S.O OImproved Tak«-Up aod

Film laiailues,

• 3B.OO" "-

Improved Take-Up,

9 I O.O Oin .I,,


Film lagailnes, Eacb,

e i o.o o



NOP8I8 OF ENEI18 OThe shepherd's home—Children leaving cabin with father's dinner—The shepherd and his flock—The midday meal—Children

leaving for home—The storm—Lost in the mountains—Struggling through snow drifts—Buried in the snow—The frantic mother l

home—The shepherd's return—Off,


tains—St. Bernard dogs on the trail

Tableau—The Dog Hero, "Uncle Sam

No. 6324. Code VEEMEE8TER. 830ft. Class A. 8124. 50.

joat in the mountains—Struggling through snow drifts—Huned mtlie snow— ine iramic moineraiDfT.to jthe monastery— Dogs and searching party to the rescue—Desperate search through the moun-rait—St Bernard dogs' wonderful sagacity—Discovery and rescue by the dogs—Home at last-

Sam, *'* Blue Ribbon Winner, Madison Square Garde n, New York City, 1907.

Another Up - To - The - Minute

Edison Comedy Hit



No. 6.TM. Code VEENAARDE. SDOn. Clsss A. 17.9.00




A Laughable Satire on thePopular Craze.


A ONE BEST BETBeautifully Mono- Tinted. Photo-

graphically Perfect.

93511. CLASS A. $140,25

No. 6313. CODE, VEELM0HDI6,Send far

Illustrated Descriptive Circular No. 317.

Edison Exhibition lodel

Improved Take-Up and

Film Hagaslnes,

$ I 3 S.O OImproved Take-Dp aod

Mm laguiues,

9 3 s.o oImproved Take-Dp,

m * s.o oFilm laga.ines, Eacb,

* I o.o o-I"

end for Latest Catalogs and Illustrated Circulars.


Chicago Office, !I04 Wabash Aveaoe,Sew York Office, 81 Union Square. Cable Address, Zymotic. New York.

OF FICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM : 25 CLKKKEN WELL 80AD, LONDON, B. C, ENGLANDTHE K1NETOGRAPH CO., • - 41 B. -'1st St., New York.PF.i'FR RACIiJALUPl, 110? Fillmore 8L, Ban Francisco, CilGEORGE BRECK 660-S64 Grove St., San Fraocitco, Cat




BARNOLD'SDog and Monkey Pantomine

Hammerstein's Roof Garden all Summer


THE BIC SUCCESSFUL COLORED SHOW.i SO --- COLORED PEOPLE -•- 30Band mill Orchestra. DIB Street Parade. Just cloned M week*. Reopen Jul; 1. under cunvas.W* 1V rl

r,livla' Male nl"' Feqmle Singers and Dancer*, those that double band preferred.« iR.1V MJiMWrn Mm, i tie Hint class in ever? particular. State everything in flnit letter.

Address J. C. ROCKWELL, Mgr., .Sunny Smith. 242 Dover St., cure of Lltihle's Show Print. Uustou, Ma*-.

WANTED QUICK, ORCHESTBA LEADER, VIOLIN. - „.Double Hni«-. furnish own music. Also Two Slide Trombones, one Double Stage, other Orchestra. OtherMilslciuu* ami Performers who Double Band, write. Long season, sure salary, good treatment to reli-

able people. Two-car tetil show, fifteenth successful year. Uninkards and tremble makers, keepon*. I pay all artvr joining. Slate salary uiitl experience drst letter. All letters answered.


WANTED, FORGorton's Minstrels


SINGERS and MUSICIANS, Trombones and ClirlnlsThose.wlio cau double Klveu preference. Long season, Answer uuluk, staling all, to address below,

' CO. PEARL, Mgr. GniK.ir. Minstrel*, Emporium, Peuna.

ALLEN CURTIS MUSICAL COMPANY,Presenting High Clasa Musical Comedy 8ui irum, playing all year around,

WANTED, CHORUS GIRLS.Always pleased Io hear from people In all branches nf musical comedy. Two weeks, hegiiinlug



MUSICAL BUREAU : v °lce, 1'lauo, Band,or orchestra Arranging; prompt service, ac-

curals work.

MUSIC PUBLISHERS' EXCHANGE:Popularizing aTTSorigs of all PiibusheiR. Pro-fessionals cordially welcome.

BOQKINO AGENCY: Providing Talent Inall llues. Vaudeville, Minstrel, or DramaticKntertalnments. Pianists and Singers Wanted

. for Immediate position*.

Newest, latest and IwsUlmstrated song alldes,bought, sold, rented and exchanged. Send forlist and terms.

LEN. SPENCER, 44 West 28th. Street,

Bll Broadway and Sis tn Avenue , N. Y.

WANTED, FORjos. \. mai'iiavs own comi-am,

Supporting 'be C'evor Little Arltsie,


FULL ACTING COMPANYFor Sniiimer -lock la the new Ontario silver flelds,

also tor regular season.W A-T|rfr Leading Juvenile Man, Leaillng« JR-Ib M. )ji,i» tor strong line or parts.Comedian with specialties,, also sonbrette withsame, Man with Picture Machine with Slides andI'llois. others who do specialties, write. Seasonopens Aug. I. Long season assured to the rlghlpeople and sine money. Address{ ay -^-ey- job. aj. MACHAN,

Huievboro, New Out., Canada.P. M.-Oracle, write.

IBKRTY, Sanson 1907 ansid *OI


Introducing Bluging. Soft mid Wooden Shoe Pnnrlug and Comedy Violin Playing. An act with a plot,

not a hashed up arnilr. Time of aot, vu minutes. Address, week or June 24, ill A li l.KSTON, WEST VA.N. B.—Two Character CoiiieiUans and Song and Dance Soubrette.

Tin- kind tl.ni «ei the money. Call tir write. i\ s. ZIMMERMAN. R E. 14thl„ N. V. New Y'ork Aarnl for The Callle Urua. Co., of Detroit.


Klelne Leuaea for Plrlnrr Maehlaearover the whole range ufpiao

Ileal proje. i luu.




C. B. KLEINE,004 sixth Are., New York.


HOUSE IN PHILADELPHIA.The house whose guarantee is worth loo cents on the dollar. We never Indulge in rake or bluff adver-tisements to tool the uninitiated. When you read IT In onr ads. It's the truth, wlth-our gilt edeeiiguarantee behind it.



., Positively uo dupes or indecent pictures for sale, no toys aud no Junk.We Sell First Class Goods Only.SPECIAL No. 1-A Psw Good Reels of Film, at l+.l.uo, ready la run. F.aih K..I

i on tain, about 1H10 fret. Six Heels; $3.tO.OO.

i.^SPB*',Al* ? ;.

3_'r.wo R*2,U "' F'

,,«». ahont 180O feet, and a No. 4 Outlaraph.like new, and Complete will. Elertrle Kquipuient, Screen, Three Seta at. II. SongSlides; entire outfit, 9150.00. "- "

Chlraga Rheostata, eaeh, M.AO; new. | Chlraga Else. Lamps, each, $4.&0i »ew.




Taught by Correspondence.Send lor handsome booklet on

Illinois Conservatory, fiai LakesideWE Chicago.E


FREE -Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.

K1^LPSyjr~!^!^."».MWi_»».s."fJ S«y" •I'ocnhontas," "Nona Dear." VO. Oarllug.

Kv.». K^nb "".tlw. vSle!

!»»'•»»" ICMklmo," -Mnmn. fWunt to be With You." -Dwrn

•w-i in ,\Z P«,rf,^rU.Ju!~ onw £"•'' R


!Jlvo Me ODP i'or(' «-»"'" •""'•'^ Tramp-s Story."

Mama " • Pet « PnnJT» 1."" "•'• 5 S?m


"l »roams of Heaven." "Please Send a Letter to

a Itoosevelt Bear." "Tlie Young lady's Fate." "While the Baud Was I'luylsgBluebell." "My Baby. Mv IjiiuHeaven." "Only a Golden* Curl."

'The Young Lndy's Fate.'.

' "Only u Pair of Eyes .

"Always Think of Mother."

Bluebell." "My Baby. Myjjiiib." i'°l'ni'r' Jf *Byes 8o"b"uV"'"A~ ChlldV s*«"3

MELVILLE MUSIC TUB. CO., 55 West 28th St.. Sow York.

Wasted, Lady I'iaiiisf

To Entertain Gns.U In Hotel.GEORtIK W. CLARKE, Prop., Johnstown, N. V.


CafCTAUCC '.'On., of the People,"dRE I WllEi* StaLIJoiniie.. of .tin.,' Kle.



uon.Ut, ADO Broadway, N. Y.


KI.Ol'K, Gen. Del., Hochreter, Minn.







•ilHJ- v!iV


"f.hM*" f ",n* lllu8«™ted songs, Comedian and Sonbrette ab"

Player thai (so a?r«n^ Thn^ih """ !, I*L,C"'

1V. H«»»-y Woman to play a few characters, Plan-

ami iSLtutaoSfL.Ittn'e.




K" ,>e ore. write again. Long seain to rlghl people. Moue,

sure. »''«",w». Live heUht an. I welsht. Send photos and programs. Address


_ ' ''

V Mflnsi- Newark, Ohio. P. S.-Sea«on opens early In Auyust.



' "Uwo1"'1

^YSi "£3> Boardwal sr, ATLANTIC CITY, H.J., ISOI.L.HYMAN P'oPfletori. HID FEBlt, li WANTKD slUlnds of Vaudeville Act.

•' Solellirr. stall Urnet. Address all to SID P«K>-—

MONTAMBO AND HURL-FALLSlomedr Acrobats. A. good as the be., . p.Mur. act with the He.nt Iful Bagdad Cu.


Uaudepilie and minstrel

Bill* Evans, of BIS and Bang, writes:

"We open at the Tivoll, Missoula, Jane 17,

for four weeka. Our present bookings In this

State extend to Not. 10, which does not In-

clude an offer of four weeks at Butte."Rosscll, O'NaiL AMD Qnoas, who signed

with Bob Manchester for next season are

at present festured with "The Matinee Qlrl"

Co playing the Western circuit of parks.Eddii iutuond and Visa Hall have

now Joined hands to do a refined singing anddancing act. Mr. Raymond was solo dancerwith Gorton's Minstrels last season, andMiss Hall was formerly of the team of

Wheeler and Hall. The act will be known asRaymond and Hall, two dancing kids,

ft. E. Lively, contortionist and band bal-

ancer, while spending a few weeks at home,after closing a successful season with theGreat Barlow Minstrels, was made a B. P.

O Elk, In the Slatersvllle, W. Va., Lodge.No. 883. Lively will play the parks this

Summer; having the entire time all booked.Joiin Baxtbb Informs us that while sing-

ing at Palm Garden, Canton, 0., a fire de-

stroyed the building, and he lost eighty seta

of song slides, also a new Power's camera-graph, with 5,000 feet of Alms. He saya hisToss was about $900. He opened at theMajestic Theatre, Cincinnati. 0., June 10.zinto writes: "I left the Hagenbeck A

Wallace Shows to take out a show, wblch Is

known a* the Gallagher & Zento VaudevilleStare and Wonder workers, playing three daystands. We have a 60x90 foot top, 20x32foot dresser, carrying ten people. Our roster

Zento, propitors; J. .W. Irwlng, jtage director; LloydIs as follows: Gallagher A Zento, proprle-

Hammond, advance; Zento, handcuff expertand "Jail breaker;" Myrtle Zento, feat Inrope tying: Lulu Jackson, soubrette; theIrvlogs, Jack and May, comedy trick dancingsketch; G. W. Fields, banjo comedian; G.W. Bogyess, black face act ; 8. P. Gallagher,acrobat; Al Huston, Juggler, and the Craw-fords, fancy paper tearing. Business Is good.Mid Thornhill writes : "I leave Stockton,

Cal.. June 27, for New York, to Join WballenA Martell's Kentucky Belles Co. This will bemy first time In the Bast, after fifteen yearson the Pacific coast"Dali and O'Bbiin write : "We will present

a new act next season In vaudeville, entitledThe Jungle Shop,' written by Mr. Daly. Theentire act will be In 'one,' carrying o'ur ownspecial drop. The characters portrayed by uswill be novel, and serve to Introduce ouroriginal creation, 'tanglefoot' dancing."the Misses Dudley have gone to their

home In Florence, South Carolina, for theSummer. Beginning in August they havefifty weeks booked over the Keith A Proctorcircuit, In their new sketch, "A Fish Story,"by Walter Woods.

Quigq, Mackbt and Nickebson write:"After paying the entire Keith, Orpheum andKohl & Castle circuits, we ere playing forMr. Hopkins, as a special feature, on hiscircuit of Southern parks. We were thesecond headllners at the Haymarket Chi-cago, the last week of the season, and werethe last act to play In the bouse, as wesuccessfully closed the show, after followingtwo other musical acts. We are bookedsolid by the Western Vaudeville Association,until the Summer of 1908."Lewis and Thompson, singing, dancing

and talking comedians, are playing a fewnark dates, bat will shortly return to NewYork, to start rehearsing with the MerryMaiden Burlesquers, for next season.Ma. and Mbs. Frank Colton and Baby

Colton left Hot Springs, Ark., after a sevenweeks' rest, and visit with Mr. Cotton'sfather, better known as Pop Fretwell, theold showman. Mr. Colton writes: "We areworking our way East to our home In Newark,N. J., where we lay off for the Summer. Wehave signed with one of the wheel burlesqueshows for next season. Baby Colton was twoyears old Decoration Day. She got a grip fullof presents, the main one being an emeraldring from George Harris, of Chicago."Dainty Dorria Dale and Fmmr, Dale

are meeting with success with their comedysketch, "As Children See Us." For five weeksthey were the special feature with the AcmeVaudeville Co., playing towns In Pennsyl-vania. They played the Silverman Bros.'circuit as a special attraction. While play-ing this circuit they were sent to Tyrone,l's., as a special feature for the opening ofSilverman Bros.' new house, the Academy ofMusic. Week of May 27, they were thespecial feature with the Perm AmusementCo. "a Big Show, at Lock Haven.Tommy Hayes, after a successful week at

Henderson's, Coney Island, N. Y., June 3,where he reports making one of the hits ofthe bill, will rest for a few weeks at his homein East Providence, R. I.Oxford Lake Park, Annlston, Ala., will

open Its season the week of June 24. It Isthe intention of the manager, Ludlow Allen,to engage more people and give a longer per-formance this season than Ess been given Inthe past. The theatre has been repainted andremodeled Inside, the stage made larger, andmany other Improvements made for the bene-fit of performers and the audiences. This Isthe eighth season with this popular resort,with never a performance missed, and thisseason Is expected to eclipse any In the pastBaby Esmond, child actress and vocalist,

is repeating her former triumphs at the Pas-time Palace Theatre, Atlanta, Ga. Flora Es-mond, In her Imitations, also scored a solidhit on the same bill.

Otto Rio. manager of the Four Rio Broth-ers Bends The Clipper bin best wishes fromMadrid, Spain. The act will return toAmerica on Jan. 15. 1808, for a few months.

Nelda. Noble writes : ''I am not at Atlan-tic City, as was reported, but am at my homein Brooklyn, working hard on my new act,which I expect to produce In the Fall. Whileplaying the Keith circuit Jess Coady was'°y partner, and we were known as SistersNoble. My new act will present three ladleswith excellent voices."

Jessica Cuee, the female whistler, notifiesus that following her engagement with theVassar Girls, she will work alone, and nextseason she will head a new and spectacularmusical act.

The American Newsboys' Quartette(Laird, Ford, Gehrloger and Click), writethat they will continue with the Rowland &Ulfrord attractions the coming season, usinga flashy ihree sheet, and under their oldmanager. Dave Seymour.The Omkoa Trio (Ahl, Crowley and Alii).

writes: "We have been busy In vaudevilleolnce October, 1006, with only one week layoff, during the holidays, and are bookedsolid for six weeks over the Eastern Parkcircuit. The act has met with success, andwill be seen In burlesque next season."John J. Khaton writes: "1 was Initiated

"ito Qalncy Lodge, B. P. O. Elks, No. 943,on June 11, at Qulncy, Mass. I am doingnicely, playing clubs In and around Boston.Rbmenna Is the feature act with the Harris-

' Parkinson Co.The Sours (Jesse and Beatrice), present-

ing "Satan's Courtship," a feature aerial andcontortion novelty, with special scenery, haveJust closed their second successful season asthe feature vaudeville act with Marks Bros.'Co., and are now being featured with the(jreat American Alrdome.Luna Park, Chicago's newest resort, will

nave as publicity promoters, two experiencedmen. F. C. Cooper, a well known circus andtheatrical advertiser, Is looking after thepress work, and L. I. Montague, one of Chi-cago's experienced theatrical advertising•gents, has been appointed general adver-tising agent Business Is large at this bigaddition to Chicago's outdoor resorts.Kienb, the Juggler, has recently finished

ten weeks on the Amnions circuit and Is nowon the Qua Sun circuit, playing return dates.






of More Artistic l





"The'H'rcfl, anil you're silly."






"laugh, and the world taught with you." Thanks! to Managers for Flattering Offers.

WINONA GORDON WINTER am engaged indefinitelyThe Versatile, Dainty, Talented. ut7Z^i.\~t*±.'u W. H. BANKS, 47 W. 28th St., N. Y.

anagersTo Mof Theatres

This Summer, when you consider the question of repairs or the putting in of newfurniture, it will be to your interest to secure samples and prices on

QarUoAoteLeather from your dealer or upholsterer. This material is, beyond question; better than

real leather, is more durable, odorless, does not crack, more easily cleaned, is tire andwaterproof and costs about one third as much. It is so like real leather in appearancethat it is almost impossible to tell the difference. We invite those interested to call at

our large show rooms, 26 West 34th Street, N. Y., where an extensive display of made-up leather furniture and screens will be found.

After investigation, the N. Y. Hippodrome placed a large order of Pantasote.

Sand for Special Theatre Sample Book to-day, showing met tints In which It li made. Address

THE PANTASOTE CO., 11 Broadway, N. Y.Accept no furniture as covered with Pantasote unless It bears our trade mark label as shown above.

On piece goods see that word Pantasote Is embossed on selvage edge.

WAtt.n«oni DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMENWay handle rocky goods when you can handle goods that will sell themselves.Electric Belts from $l per doz. up. Large variety to telect from. Inhalers, 76:.

per doz.; Voltalo Insoles, 95o. doz. pairs. Pure C'ocoanut Soap, $2.80 per gross.Fine Medical Batteries. Send-7Sc. for Sample No. 14 K. B. Trial order will convince,one-third cash required. Largest Manufacturers of Electric Belts and AppliancesIn U. 8. A. Established 1878. Lecture anil price list free.

THE ELECTRIC APPLIAWCE CO., Inc., Bnrllngton, Kan,

I. MILLER. MASCPACTl'HEK^gff. of Theatrical

a ^^SSBBna Boots & ShoesAn Wk clogawBFKEsWjKV^ sad

A .^RV??-'. t'~"W BALLETl^k^^^•?\i\«'-'.- "k^F SHOES a ape-

WtSSaSStsWr^^B cM*J- All work

^3 bat BSm made at |Dort^t^S^ ^^ notice.

aw W. Bjj St., New York. Tel, loo Chelsea.


Largest and Oldest In New England states

Write CURTIS AND WELD,34 ll>) wartl PI,, Boston, Mass,



jwtlill j for Tint. if. 11',,

BEADSEVERYTHING VUU CAM THINK OFINTUIS LINE" .l»o'lb. U4 M«|. teiiuapforuMllrt. SM.1HO—i BSSDia, laroBTiB,m s. on hi. , a . i.




Jna br UTAUK. IcillM Kill Iute<

Sstelal Attcatlta Clvci lac PrifttalH

Western Uniform Co.214 8. CLARK ST. CHICAGO


C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKSNEW YOUKi 131 W. 3Nth St.milCAqOi 30 E. Randolph St.

BRASS BANDiInntroment«. Drum.. Uniform.. Bnppllra

ri'l Muaienl InNlrnmenU of nil kintli.

WrUu u* what )ou am Interacted In andwe will •end yon a l>la 311-pukk catalog

free. It ifl¥0» Hand Munlo and Inntruc.

tlon. for Amateur Banda. Oorneta from(5,60 npw.nl. Ka.r pnrmonu. Wrlto today.


Professional Underwear House of America.!SEASON 1907.

A storsful of suggestions for the Spring Season of 1907. Complete VariedAeeortmenta in CLOAKS, SUITS, WAISTS, M3LLIN1JBY, MTTRT.mLTNDEHWEAE, HOSIERY, etc., all at our well known Low Price*.CUAC HCDT Originator, of our Famous SHORT VAMP Bbcee forOnUC UCr li Htaie.nd street wear, Estimates foal; elrea MQuantity Orders. Complete Stocks. Dp to Dale ntrlea.LOWEST CASH PRICES FOR DESIRABLE FOOTWEAR,

OUR MAKE-UP ROXESHade from the very best tin. ate black enameled. Sa-cl.lly made tor profeealonal use, harlot a trar wltecompartment! for areata Pelnta, Pow- m *•>den comb and Bruin, Wlf», Etc., Etc. IhAHa. double action lock, with two keys, at ™Wa

OUR COLD CREAMiprenlj prepared for the Theatrical Profeaales,guaranteed to be .beolutelr pure sod urtr keoaeMrancid In any climate. Pot up la pound Screw TotVln Cine at 45e.| half pound at He,





THEATRICAL WIGSOar specialty Is value for yon r moneyat one-ttair the price other, aak forthe aame soodi. Perfect .afteractionguaranteed or your money back. Onreceiptor 11,00 depo.lt we will .endgood. C. O. O., .object to examination.

Remember the Nameand the Place



MUtVI it

Theatrical ShoemakerFor 19 y.are at 103 4th Ave., I. now located at

«*»«% SIXTH AVE., oor. 87th St.Always leader for tils hlffli lice! witln Hllppcni, dramatic and fancy burlonquehoots, wooilon and BprliiK ctoftH, acrotiat mid imnimntlc, negro »lioe», ballet tun-data, etc. 1 furnlali unttro productions. Everything to order, neatly and durable.



J. 0t<ASSBSSU, BS Third Ave., near 10 ta St., •w Teak.


Ir' 4

Ill-ii '





i M I


; ;# I

m m h


, piis #iKin




!l. Jii u

i '.:''

V.'-: ,;S'"

' Vi


'i"! ' •i:.

If] .•


k I ; >

|lr.; :•-:





CHORUS.She wan a grand old lady.

Hair tlnRMl with allv'ry gray;

There nt the door she'd greet in'•.

Just at the clone oT day.

Mother, she was my sweetheart,

There at my beck and call,

.She was a grand old lady,

And I loved ber best of all.


Mold hands with your Mosle, make ejw win,me, Rosle, * "

Mere under the Rosenbloom


No use to lie single, 'cause I've cot 11n> ||n »i»So let the bcTIs dingle, It can't eunwuS


I'll make <or you. Route, a bank account poserKuril day a brand new honeymoon,

Ol, 01, sura a happiness,Under the Rosenbloom.




CHORUS."Won't you come and splash me, splnsii

In the ocean blue?

This Is not the place to mash me, muto. me,Hut we oughter get Into the water 1"

Then when Percy sold, "Oh, Lou, Is thai thething to do?"

She said, "Come along and splnsh me,

And I'll splash you I"


When Bob White Is whistling In the mi-udow,

I'll lie waiting by the garden gate,

Then we'll ramble, you and I,

as we did In days gone by,

When Bob White Is whistling In the meadow,





ILLUSTQATORS.You. ean't be » "Live One" unless you'reusing Illustrated Songs from "The Homeof H.ts." Bend tor Complete List.


PBOFITABLE.I teach you by mall, so you can go at once on theItagt. lend for my beautifully lllus-frstod book explaining method, also pictures,scenes ot plajs, actors, actresses who have become•Oolent through my training—mailed FREE.Address HENRY DICKSON SCHOOL OFACTING. 306 Auditorium, Chicago.

Cheap Scenery(Diamond Dye)

18 1 24 feit Drop, 520.

Other stair ngareil on »m» basis.

DON 0. MANNINU. 610 W. 4*1 St., New York Cll.r.

AttoBtion, Band and Orchestra Leaden!Do yoo -wont to Learn to Compose and

(,*;.; ,1 lesion. Nothlaiir ao, send He stamp for trial

to pay until you havo been


.:/. :

Arrange Mnslc 1

, nothing to pay _.

taught lessons I, a and 3. If these lessons do not

,couvlnoeyou that this Is Strictly Legitimate,then They nre Free. Don't write unless youhave a thorough knowledge of the rudiments of

music, and Moan Business.C. W. WILCOX (Bos C),

19 Union gqnare. New York Clly.


ft* sale on all trains and new* itandl, or bj

alL MM. Address EZRA KENDALL,Itkdwell Ate., Mayaeld Heights. OleTeland, O,

DoTobWANT MILITARY GOODS?BAND UNIFORMS. ABUT or NAVY SUITS,TENTS, GUNS and EQUIPMKNT OF EVKRYDKSOB1PTION. From QoTenunent Auotton.No matter what yon want In that line 1 cansupply It New or cooond hand. Send for

oatislorae. B. B. ABRAHAMS,Ut Bonth St., Poiladelphla, Pa.


LETTER HEADfree Baaplea, Oontraota, Tloket*, Snrelopea, eto.

CROSS mWS&Sfcr.. CHICAGOtTAQB MONEY, HO. Book of Herald Oata, tfto.


SUOHTLY USKD. Also STREET OOWNS. Wehave on baud a Urge assortment of slightly wornEvening Oowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea Clowns.These robes are perfect in every respect, and areespecially suitable for wear In II1UU CLASS DRA-MATIC PRODUCTION!*. Wo have a full line of

Seal Skin Coats and Kurs of all kinds.MAS. H. STARR, 80? South State St., Chicago.

Wftn.IAS J">lJ*lUi



HIGH GLASSMAGICAL APPARATOSAt moderate prices. Large stock, . Immensevariety. IllnstraUid Catalogue Free. New Mam-moth Catalogue Just Issued, ate. Just out, list ofnew books on Maglo and new Hut of bargains In

trloka. A. ROTKHUKRU, ITS Ontario St., Chicago.

FUTURES THOUSAND.Invisible Fortunes tl.H.iwT 100. Printed FortunesISc. per 1000. cabinet Photos ot yourself for sell-

ing purposes, la.50 per 100 or $140 per 1000.Send negative orphotu to copy. Sond for Samples.Free. WHNDT, Photo., Boontoa, N.4.

NEW YORK: 42 East 23rd Street. CHICAGO 35 Randolph Street.


A wonderful picture, showing the dogs at work trackingriver they go, finally bringing down their prey in a garret,

a natural instinct for hunting can do.

criminals. Through streets, country, over theA remarkable exhibition of what training and

Partner Wanted. < sketch Team, well known, want man, singer orcdlhedlan (good amateur will do), with *auo, for

moving picture show, oood uniiortiiiilty. Call

quick, 8ANFOR1), D»S K. 8Sd St., City.



nuAll) or inyanir, tint faiuuus rsuly,fHU In gold, for IS f»nli, sealed. All,,Carrie SI. Weber, Uoz SHUT, Boston, Mtaae.

Opera House to Rent.


Capacity, 900. Town has population of over 6,000,

with very populous surrounding country. A goodopportunity for right person. Address

H. N. l'UATT, 47 W. Hank St., Albion, S. Y.


J. C. Rockwell's Dramatic Co.UNDER CANVAS,

Ropertelre PeopleIN AM. LINKS, except leading lady. State all In

tlrst letter. Must lie competent and have tlrst

class wardrobe. Pay your own. Address J. 0.

H0CKWF.1.L, Mitng., Rockwell's Dramatic Co.,

ji'i Dover St., Boston, care of Lllihle Show Print.

Consider alienee a polite negative.

MUSICIANS ! PERFORMERSWanteil for the Jamos Shvlhy Shows. Long sea-

son. Show never closes. People must bo soberand reliable and ready to Join at once. Peoplewith wagon show experience preferred. Slate all

In tlrst teller, and addressCM AS. T. OlIDKN, Anderson, Smith. Carolina.

BAD SEASON IS OVER.Mack Tenls, lo.x&l up to 2;x«o, used. White Tents,alionl all sizes; Folding Chairs, Folding benches,Folding Organs, Folding Torches, Spring MotorPiano, Klceti'le I'lailo and llanlu, Nickelodeonchairs, Kldd bights. Mammoth Torches. SKNOFOR FHF.K IIAIUIAIN UOOKI.KT.

it. II. AKMIIRUSTKII, Springfield, Illinois.



ULANCUB, 1U years. Ingenue, Soubrct e or

Chorus, llolh do spi'i'lalllea. Only responsible

managers please answer. Ono piece or musical

comedy. uox at, hi.kncok, ill.



Length, 868 Worn*

Rube Brownin Town

Our hero, Reuben Brown, takes

his little roll of savings and his

giipsack and hies himself to the gay

metropolis. Arriving, lie starts on

a '"personally conducted" tour of

sightseeing. Although he fir.dt the

pace swift, he is game, and tries to

keep up with the 1 -hand wagon," but

at length plays out and mak es tracks

for the tall timbers at « rapid gait,

determined to spend the rest of his

exUtance in the peace and quiet of

Cross Corners.


Dolls In Dreamland - - 752ft.

if Yqu Had a WifaLikeTbis - 698ft.

Opening Ceremonies, Janes

town Exposition

A Tenderloin Tragedy - •

The Fencing Master • -


TneTraanls - - - -

Mrs. Snltners' Boarding

School - - • -

Flgbts of Nations • • •

Mr. Hurry-up

Trial Marriages


48 lit.





. 750tt.

. 625ft.

- 76511.

A CARIBOU HUNTThe most exciting and interesting hunting picturp ever made. Showing in detail the hunter's life on the Barrens of Newfoundland,

whore this fleet-footed game abounds.a-ongth ---..„ 725 K"«ao*





MINSTREL PERFORMERSAlso those going with VAUDEVILLE and BURLESQUE SHOWS, if you've decided who you go with next sea-

son, it's about time you were gathering your material. If you're in town, come in to see us; if on the road,

write and let us know just what kind of songs you use, comic, ballad or novelty, whether for first part or

olio, and we'll send you an assortment from among which you will surely find something available for

your purpose. There is no publishing house in the world that has the staff of writers connected with it

that we have, thus enabling us to furnish you with anything under the sun. Let us know your wants-

we'll do the rest. When writing, kindly send up-to-date program. No cards.

jyi. WITMARK «fe SONS, Witmark Building, 144-146 W. 37th St., New York.

NEW SONGS! NEW SONGS!FREE— Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.

\OW nEADV—"Beautiful Sweet Love," "lly Heart Stll

;,\Vav Down In Mississippi," "Love Brightest Star," "Wh"Mother's Pleading," "A Dream of Home." "When \on b

My Heart Still Lives In Dear New York.":st Star," "Where Is Thy Mother To-night?"

•Mother's Pleading." "A urcam ot Home, "When Yon Soy Yes, and Daddy Gives HisiiioMlnr" ".Mv Happy Home In Tennessee." "I'll Come to You," "Trying," "Don't Let

Mv Dream Come True," "The Duke," "If I Knew." "My Yankee Doodle Olrl," "I Havenik the Rattles." "Brother Mine." "Karllne," "Uncle Sam," "And Kathleen Understands."

••When the Pumpkin Is Ulpln" on de Vine," "Hose Marie," "Mother's Flowers," "Will YouI.ovc Me in November?"

MELYILIE MUSIC FOB. CO., 55 West 28th St., New York.

HOHIMER.Kor those critical professional players whose artistic rep

pon the fine tone qualitymof the particular II


Blow Accordionsututlon* are partlyn.trument they maydependent u

piny. Theseformers who MUST HAVE THE IlKs



1I11 v These Initramenti have no equal, and fill the bill for Vaudeville P*»r-* •_ _ atttam * a mnn< mrwrp




ParlorShoe Store

471 Bth ftve.. 28th St.. N. Y.











May 27'June 3, \A/r-ii*o City, Syracuae.ADDRESS - 310 EAST 47th STREET, NEW YORK CITY

m mimdFOR








fireproof maimThe best or service and prices consistent with the times always guaranteed. _hand. Operators, machines and Alms furnished (or Sundays and all otberoccaslons.prtCM K. J. HOWARD,

Lsust subjects always oaSend for list aid

nr,4 Washington St., Opp. Adams Home, Beaten, Mm.


Spangles, J1.25 Per Pound,GOLD OB SILVER.

Cotton Tight*, pair •1.00

Wonted Tight*, pair 3.00

Plaited Silk Tights, pair.... MOBest Bilk Tights, f ._,Blnch cotton tops, (

" "™*

Call, Thigh and Hip Padding*.Gold Mid Silver TrimmJ nga


Send Deposit and route with order.THE BOSTON BIBALU CO.,»t WMbtiurton St., Boston. Mass.

United States Tent and Awning Co.,

Randolph and Union Streets, CHICAGO, HI.




HOW TO MAKE MONEYWITH EDISON COIN-SLOT MACHINES.Start a penny arcade and amusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot

Machines fascinate and attract the crowd and bring them to your place

often. Get in line now and make a fortune. Write to-day for par-



64 Lakeside Avenue, . Orange, N. J.


MOVED TO 92 LA SALLE ST., SUITE 29, CHICAGO.Representing First Class Managers of EaBtorn and Western Vaudeville Theatres, Combinations, Resorts

and Artists of Recognized Ability. High Clssa Vaudeville Performers, lleadlluern. Novelties, Ulg Acta,

and everything In OPEN AIR.ATTRACTIONS, furnished for Theatres, Parks, Pleasure lteso.U

and Street Fairs.



OPPORTUNITIES FOR STAGE FOLKS.Come and Inspect onr great assortment of slightly «sed, np-to-dat* GOWNS for street

reception, dinner, tea, and stago wear, and we will save yon a lot of money. Also ton


HE. DOCTOR, 481 Sixth Avenue near 29th Street. N. Y.TELEPHONE 4048 MADISON.



Booking u weeks. Railroad fare In Ohio 2c. per mile. Exclusive Booking Agentfor Springfield, O.;

Portsmouth, ChtlUcothe, Mansfield, Lima, Newark, Canton, Marlon. Sidney, Coshocton, Mt. Vernon,

Falls, New Kensington, Latrobe. Brownsville, Cnlontown, Homestead, Erie. Wanted, experienced

vaudeville pianists at all times, impossible to answer all mail. 8»;nc« a polite negative.Address OU8 SON, Springfield, O.






SBASffisW&ftfSi. S-' -


5/1E8X1/'ddipMOOWfZWPfPIWSAMPLES IOft/'0'Mok5:5E/irCO:D.

A.LONDON PUB.;CO,7/8 W/ttOW-57rP///MPAy




8l. Kd. PER YEAR.2s. tia., Single Column Incb.

BARGAIN IN REGAL ELECTRIC PIANOS.Owing to stringent ordinance, recently passed In this city, excluding musical Instruments, from

tsloons, we will sell 5(1 of our Bllghtly used REGAL PIANOS. Each Instrument equipped with

motor, 4 rolls of music mid iili-kel-lh-thc-slol attachment; all In A 1 condition and fully guaranteed, at

» 400 each. P. O.B.Kansas City, Mo. Original cost of Instrument 8000. »30 must accompany all

orders, bulance 0. 0. D„ freight or express, subject to examination. Address"mISSOUIU VALLEY PIANO CO., 628 Broadway, KanBiis City, Mo.


Chris Bruno and Mable RussellIn THE INSURANCE AGENT. Booked solid, commencing Sept, 2, by milted Booking Ofllces.

Address, for Summer. MENLO PARK. N. J.


The fi. NY. FILM RENTAL CO.Is the Headquarters for the Rental of Up-to-Date Films.

Prompt Service. Honest Treatment24 UNION SQUARE, NEW VORK.RUNKS"PATTERSON" ™- ->«- -*«« "ATLAS"


CENTRAL TRUNKS.20ln., S7.B0 ; 28ln„ f8.80 : 80lrt., $0,150: 80ln., 110.80 ; 40ln., 112.50. Clreua Trunki, ZdsMlll.$7.B0. nill Trunks, 80x28ilB, Inside, (12.00. I.ltho. Trunks, 42Vki2BMxl2, Inside, I10.0*.Shipped on receipt of $8.00, bal. C. 0. D„ except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount.SIMONS A CO.. CBNTltAli TltUNK KALTOIti. Est. 1864, B. W.cor. 7th and Arch BU„ Phlla.




Send for Now Theatrical Catalogue.


Large Stock 80ft. and UnderNewand Second Hand. WriteTHE CHARLES P. SIBDERTENT AND AWNING CO.,

Successors to the T. W. Noble Co,, Tent Dtpt,Detroit Itsg and Mfg. Co.. Detroit. Mich.

Fin Magical Jkppml.1,ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc.

>Orand Bnd of Century, fallj

(Illustrated. BOOK CATA-LOGUE, »c, free by mall.'catalogue ot Parlor tricks treeMARtyMKA A CO.. sifrs.,

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BLADDER*Relieves all


724 HOUR•tXT/

WIGS.TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS. ETC.And thi Latest and Moil Popular Styltt In Udlst Hair DrtNlsa.

A. IH. HUGH & CO.,119.11. Wlnth tr—t ..... WuUm«UI>siU



BOLE BOOKING AOKNTK: KKKKHAN BKKN8TBIN.18M Broadway, N. f.l PAUL COUDRON, XIAmerican Bank building, Heattlo, WsBh.; U11KIB. 0, BKOWN, 87 8. Cisri 8U, Chlcsgo; AKOHIK LITT.laoraoldon Gate A»e., Ban yranclsc*. CaL

' '

PLAYSFor Stick Coipiilis, fir Ripiitoin Coapaifis, fir AiUnrLARQB8T A880ETMBNT IN THE WORLD. Book* for km


Actors' Society of America.Members are requested to notify the Secretary when they hare made arrangements,

N. ii.—MANAcj KIU4 wUI Hud It to their advantage to consult the Secretary when engaging people.MAKK KLLHWOHTH, SeonUry.IIAU'II dklmoiik, Pres.

SHOESVOJl 8TA0B. 8TBBBT AND BVBNINO. BXCLUSIVB BTTLBSAND WOltKUANBlIlP OUARANTBID. Short T.af uaHfM Last, always en kand. Mall ordera SIM. Fitteed WILLIAM BBRNITKIN,Tel. BOS Msdlson Sonar*. 009 Hlitk At._. near Slat St, N. T.ALL COLOMD BllPPKBfl HAD! TO OliOBB IN 24 HOUM


I <a I I lEStiS^e + l_J»W<»BEQT MANUPAOTURKR Of * PHILADELPHIA». —^-^SSSBni J L|FE MOTION PICTURE MACHINES fe FILM8 • it-» south Eighth street.


This Most Interesting Film Shows the Great Oyster In-

dustry of Baltimore. Beautiful in Photography,Entertaining and Instructive.



A Regular Wrinkle Wrecker and a Sure Winner


WE MANUFACTURE-AND: CONTROL EXCLUSIVELY THE FOLLOWING HITS:The Bold Bank Bobbery 600ft. $66.00 A light Off (Tory runny) • 800ft. $88.00 The Wreckers of the Limited Express 900ft. $99,00

The Great Train Bobber; • 600ft. 66.00 loot le at the Fountain • 475ft. 52.25 55.00

life of an American Soldier 600ft. 66.00 Highway Bobbery • • 760ft. 82.50 Clown's Adventures • 400ff. 44.00

Uncle Tom's Cabin • 700ft. 77.00 The Counterfeiters 700ft. 77.00 The Secret of Death Valley . . 600ft. 66.00

The Kidnapped Child • 300ft. 33.00 A Dog, Lost, Strayed or Stolen • 460ft. 52.60 The Bank Defaulter - 1000ft. 110.00

Through the Matrimonial Agency • 700ft. 77.00 The Great Mall Bobbery 550ft. 60.50 Wife of a lew York Policeman . 610ft. 67.10

A Thrilling Detective Story (Funny) 335ft. 35.75 The Enchanted Mattress • • 660ft. 71.50 The Unwritten Law - . 950ft. 104.50

Around lew York in Fifteen Minnies - 050ft. 104.60 The Wishbone (Fanny) 800ft. 88.00 A Winter Day in the Country . . 750ft. 82.50

Travel! of i Lost Trnnk 650ft. 71.60 The Lost Hat (Fanny) • • 450ft. 49.50 Too Inch Mother.ln.Law . 700ft. 77.00

Trials and Tronblei of an Antonobilisf • 400ft. 44.00 The Bigamist (Fnnny) • 500ft. 55.00 And the Dog Came Back . 600ft. 66.00

Two Seedy Babes • 450ft. 40.60 Lynch Law •

Fan on the Farm500ft.




lamestown laval Review . 550ft. 60.50


Including Electric Lamp, OalclnmLamp and Adjnstable Rheostat.

All Our Films Class A. Price, 1 1 Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge

IVITAGRAPHTbe "Quality" Films; Also, The "Quantity" Films.

More Vltagru]ih Film, are .old than any other make In the United State..

THERE'S A REASON!They are Pencil morn Cleverly, A. toil more Intelligently, Developed and

Printed more Skillfully, and Wear Better than all other*.


AWKWARDMANOr. OH! SO CLUMSY.Copyright, 11)07, by The Vltagraph

Company of America,

You know html—The man who can't walkaero*, the floor without .tumbling over some*thing or .omelHMly—The man who atepa onj inn conn In the .treet ear, who ..pills soupover you at the table and make, himself ageneral nul.ance wherever he gov.. He maynot be very funny In real life, but he'* excru-ciatingly comical In Vltagraph Film*.

Length, - • • 300 Feet


THE SLAVECopyright, 10OT, by The Vltagraph

Company of America.

A Pathetic and Sensational story ofthe "SouthBefore the War."

r Srrtr-^lsE' :>?' His. I


..- - : v 1

. ^..4. .kA-a&M*....^,., j|

Working> [the Plantation—Young SlaveDefend, a Olrl Agalmt the Brutal Oveneerand Finally Kill. Him — The Eioape —Purtnlt by Planters, Plantation Hands,Negroes and Two Enormous Bloodhound*Through Jungle, Swamp and Thicket—Deathof the Slave-Pathetic Finale.

Length, 550 Feet



MILES BROTHERS,San Francisco, Cal.

SEW YORK, lift Hassan Street.CHICAGO, 100 Randolph Street.

LONDON, 10 Cecil Court.PARI8, 15 line Salnte Cecil*.













Nationalr nm RentingCompany.

62 N. Clark St.,

Chicago, 111.


HolierUaw al Ike White City.OMEDY. - - - LENGTH, 867 FEET.

At the dinner table tbe husband In-forms his wife that he will take her tothe White City. She hurries off todress, and In a short time he also leavesthe room. Not liking this, mother-in-law makes up her mind to accompanythem. Calling the maid, she asks torher outdoor costume. The maid bringsIt and helps her to dress. On the ap-pearance of husband and wife, readyto bid mother good-bye, they are as-tonished to learn of her determinationto accompany them. The more theytry to persuade her not to go, the moreobstinate she becomes, and for the sakeof peace and quiet, they reluctantlytake her and her 8001b avoirdupoiswith them. Arriving at White City,she Insists upon going up In a balloon,and suffers aa a consequence. TheFerris wheel next claims her attention,and as It revolves she becomes dizzy,then sick, and falls out Recoveringfrom this, she goes up the escalator, anagets rough handling;. Then she shootsthe ehoots, bumps the bumps, rides theswitchback, from which she Is takenout In hysterics. The photograph gal-lery next excites her curiosity, and she



has her photo taken in what she thinks

an angelic pose ; when she sees the re-

sult, she goes mad with rage. She next

tries the mechanical owing and fniis

on the neck of her son-in-law, and la

lifted out with difficulty. The clowns

make fun of her and Invite her to a

boxing match. She puts on the gloves,

but Is knocked out, very much to ner

discomfiture. She next tries the wrest-

ling bout, from which she conies a

cropper. After this they carry her to

a carriage and drive home, where memaid, with smelling salts, poultices una

medicine, attends her. The doctor

bandages her broken head and face,

and makes her as comfortable as pos-

sible under the circumstances. m»daughter and son-in-law now appear,

dressed for outdoors, Invite her to go

with them to the White City, but she

has had enough of that, so they bwher good-bye and go off for a good (irac

without the unwelcome presence oi


liKGLKBB RUNNER. Comedy ••.....350 FEET.SHOEING THE MAIL CARRIER. Comedy . ... HO FEET.AMATEUR RIDER. Comedy. ....... 034 FEET.


52 STftTf.57- *j 662 8IXTH AVE.CHICAGO. NEW YORK.


Copyright, 1007, by the Frank Queen Publishing Company (Limited)

Founded by

FRANK QUEEN 1853. NEW YORK, JUNE 29, 1907. VOLUME LV.-No. 19.Price, 10 CenU.


Mi55 Clipper^


STUB FOLK and Sometimes OTHEBS


"Punch" Wheeler, who continues to oc-

cupy the editorial chair of the Sell»-Floto

Show'* publicity bureau, write* from the far

Weet, where the big "aggregation" la touring,

that the Snake Elver, Idaho, should be travel-

ing aa a freak with the circus, for, during

one part of the aeaaon, when water la low,

the river flow* North, and at other times,

Bouth. An exciting elephant Incident also

took place at thla river about a year ago.

Those who at present are attacking writers

of wild beaat atortee, alleging them to be

untrue, beside* applying to them the name,

"nature fakers," should hear the sworn to

elephant atory which Wheeler relates.

The event happened al Idaho Falls, Idaho,

when the circus was visiting that place last

seeson. The elephants were taken by one

trainer to the canal for a bath. After cross-

ing *t they proceeded, In aplte of the trainer's

pointed protesta, toward the banks of the

Snake River at a place whers the current

runs swiftly between wall* of solid rock. Ar-

riving at this locality, they looked down from

about twenty-five feet above water level, and

evidently a desire for a real awlm took

possession of the clever brutes. They Jumped

from the cliff Into the current, from which

neither man, nor horse nor other animal that

had previously dropped, had ever escaped


The poor trainer saw hi* own finish, for

the value of tha elephants In his charge

amounted to more than 180,000. A big

crowd of townspeople gathered at the top of

the bluff* to watch the floundering of the

beasts, of which little could be seen except

a waving trunk, a big foot or a broad bit of

back now and them. Elephants are powerful

swimmers, however, and they finally strug-

gled oat of the fierce current, through a

channel down to the flat* below, where they

made a aafe landing, and were recaptured by

their keepers.

(The editor of the largest - local paper at

this place told Mr. Wheeler, during the recent

Melt of the circus there, that many of the

/itlteni who missed the elephant adventure

of the previous year, hoped the beasts would

give them an encore, and had asked Wm to

try and arrange It with the management. In

"Punch's" own funny way he replied


"Well, If the show doesn't get any more

money at thla place than it did before, we

had decided to put the elephants In the river

and have them push it up all over the town."

"Circus life I* all very different to what

It was when I broke Into It, more than thirty

year* ago," remlnlscently remarked "Punch"

to the editor of a Western paper the other


"At first, when 1 began to peddle pink

lemonade to the festive farmer, and was com-

pelled to use a pane of glass In the pall for

Ice, and later celluloid lemons—at this time

I considered myself the real thing by way of

a merchant.

"On cold days during those times, when

the bos* of the palm leaf fan privilege was

paying at the rate of flO a day for It, I've

aeen him go Into the zebra cage and let the

animal kick him several times as punishment

for being In the circus business.

"Times halve changed," continued "Punch,"

"and now I'm located on the finest show ad-

vance car that ever traveled. Fred McMannIs the car manager, and the company con-

sist* of eighteen experts In the bill posting

art. As for myself, I have a fine suite of

rooms—an upper berth and a paste box—be-

side* two kinds of hot water and the German

papers to read.

"This beats being 'back with the show,'

for we get our regular sleep, white the people

with the circus have to sleep In the Winter."

9A little story Is told of William Granger,

recently of "The Squaw Man" Co. Besides

being a clever actor, he is something of a

wag, and very much of a whistler. The story

touches upon this last accomplishment, of

which those who have heard him say that

hi* tone la clear and true as that of a bird.

While In the office of a Western town

hotel during a one night stand, the past sea-

son, he was conversing with the manager at

the desk, when five or alx men filed Into the

ofSee with the evident Intention of warmingthemselves at the big radiator.

"There comes that string of musicians

again from their rehearsal," exclaimed the

manager, deeply annoyed.

"What's the matter with them?" asked


"They're always coming In here to get

warn and filling up space that belong to our

guests," testily replied the manager.

"Don't you want them here?" said Granger.

"Of coarse not, they're of no advantage,

bat I can't very well tell them so," answered

the manager, "this 1* a hotel office."

"What would you say If I could get rid of

them for you?" asked Granger, the possi-

bility of a remedy suddenly occurring to him.

"Ml open a bottle for you If you can get

them out without offending them," declared

the manager.

"I'll try," said tho actor a* he left the

deak, then quietly seated himself in a far

corner of the office and began to whistle In

low tone*, as If to himself.

At first he wis unheeded, but aa hi* whist-

ling of popular melodies grew louder. It wasnoticed: that he was frightfully out of tune.

This seemed somewhat to trouble the mu-sicians, who fldgated uneasily, though makingno great show of annoyance. But Granger's

scheme was quietly working. He picked upa paper and began reading, at the same time

Increasing the power and volume of hi*

whistle a* be launched unmusically into "TheHoly City." All this, time It could be teen

that his ear-splitting off key notes were hav-ing a worrying effect on the group aroundthe radiator. They looked at each otherwith scowl* that might have been Interpreted

Into anathema*, called down upon the headof the whlitler who kept up the annoyance,unconscious of their nnhapplnes*.

After a while one of them, whose musicalear could apparently stand no more flatting

and sharping of notes In the familiar melody,quietly took his departure. A moment later,

the piercing sounds still keeping up, anotherman followed suit and disappeared, unable

to stand the strain of listening to sounds that

Who la Who with Prank B. Carr'sThoroughbred*.

The following people have been algned withFrank B. Carr's Thoroughbreds Co. (Westernwheel) for next season: Harry I-e Clair, theLancing Mitchells, Klght English Violets,

Mnrle Richmond, Josle Flynn, Howard len-

der. Mile. La Toska, Harry McAvoy, DanRellly. Sam Schiller, Frank Smith and four-teen chorus girls.

Bransby Williams to Return toAmerica.

Bransby Williams, the clever English vaude-ville actor. In "Characters from Dickens,"will play Percy G. Williams' bouses at theend of September. Mr. Williams played six

weeks last season In the Williams and Proc-tor houses, In New York City, and made adecided success.

Harlem's New Roof Garden.

On July 1 Percy Williams will open for his

Harlem patrons one of the largest roof tar-

dens in the city, on top of his Alhambra

Theatre. Is seems that few persons In Har-

lem knew that there was a roof garden, or

space for same, on top of the Alhambra

building, and this announcement will come as

Interesting news to the residents of the upper

portion of the city. Mr. Williams has had

carpenters, upholsterers and decorators busy

for some time preparing the open air theatre,

and has cabled from Europe that he has en-

gaged European stars to appear at his new

Imtiscment resort According to present

plans, a matinee performsnee will be given

Sally In the main theatre of the Alhambra

building, and at night the same show will

be produced on the roof. Provision has been

made for a score of boxes, a •'

and a promenade In the rear

Pilgrimage ProgrammeThe "advance agents" have rei..- . ...

Belmar, N J an? not Aibury^arT'Jigreal place to hold the annual mcetlii" .!"*fore, the first great annual meetin- r

.£Friars" will take place at the V'f ^Hotel, Belmar, N. 5,, Saturdayat 8 o'clock P. m.* The start win

, "ObitJune 29

at 4.15 o'clock p. if.. from"pieV"Kil


River, foot of West Forty-secondI Bi'irJ'SSandy Hook route. The Friars -


press tralD^whlch leaves ^Atlantic llii-hUno.vUlon has been oyer the Jersey Central R. R, um . ,.h!large balcony, of the ateamer. Is due at Belmar r in

Hm1„ u,c .«.. of the theatre, coaches will be at the station to tr'in'.i


Commodious express elevators will carry pa- the "Pilgrims" to the Hotel Columi ^,po


tronsto the roof, and a number of stairways 7 P. „., an elaborate dinner will be »«£'The annual meeting and election ,r ^T*4

follow this feast, ProS1 the time t ^tand Arc escapes "will afford exits,

»»»Big City <«"»«*ette Booked for

a Year.

The Big City Quartette (Webb, O'Hara,

Roberts and Metcalfe), who have been meet-

ing with big success everywhere they have

plSved since the act was put together, have

been working steadily, and keeping their

singing numbers up-to-date. The members

of the quartette are all good so plsts, and

their concerted numbers are excellent, the

merit of the act has been repeatedly proven

by the fact that It baa been the bit of a

number of bills, .. ..The United Booking Offices have thought

so well of the quartette's work that they

have booked them for a year.« >

Morris Wlaa Salt Against Sheedy.

Wm. Morris, the well known vaudeville

. In special cars "on" the AUani'l^r1"181

Electric Railway for the clambake°t %?au-Peck, the Friars will practically own,?.

Proprietor fJU |nn wl J} J*the o£prli

colors of

Hotel Columbia.oprf

1 "^ 8j>eclal ^njenlr'menu ca'rd's pr'ntSIn the brown and white ~>i~- ' -

Friars, will be a feature. "TheTa'n rt^J**;

the hotel in which the annual meet2?«2convene has a stage and footll^t. i*!"stage and footlightsand cold running w;

most of them have baths attached

™mJr..** KfjsK^^T^A

rtany member goes to bed that night he wmbe comfortable. It would be difficult to \JL',,

a more Ideal place. Every prepara inn hibeen completed for the clamfest on 5i

^'In the apple orchard at Port-au-Pcck nof the big added fw.hir.-i «* r". ...V. 0l


will close Thursday. June 28,T9A7.>


member should obtain his ticket as early 2to George H. Murray, treasurer, at the Frlir

From left to right.IIAMMERSTEIX B. B. CLUB.

Harry Howard,umpire.












Harry Mock,manager.










dieted for the clamfest on Sundi,pie orchard at Port-au-lYck nil.the b e added features of the pllgrlnS»

.be the moving picture mach ne whiS

booking agent, has won his suit for coram s- will cover the movements of the Friar* fu-sions due from M. R. Sheedy, the vaudeville the time they leave the North River l'llJmanager, of Fall River, Mass., and Newport, Subscriptions for tickets to the nlVrim..R l. wul close Thursdav. Juno 9« inA" 1' .P'K

Mr. Sheedy booked his acts throughMorris' office before the recent merger of

vaudeville managers Into the United Book-ing Office.

The case was tried In the City Court of The committee will Issue a sDecial if,*.,New York, and Judgment for S573 was book, which will contain coupons covcrln" iklawarded to Mr. Morris, pilgrimage. This will Include : Round trinriii*** r°t

d ticket, dinner at Belmar, N. J., and elan.'Wine, Woman and Song Closes Its bake

;hotel accommodation Saturday night

Long Rsn. and fares to Pleasure Bay. The price uThe Wine, Woman and Soog Co., the re- |Unda

For.thi£! f

"naJ? f &» lea7 the cjty until

markably successful musical show, closed "StMnVruS* TnSlL^n,?,?le



*2f'its long run of 300 performances at the Or- n '*,nt {£%?«*,



l?$ *"}?.£* tickets l/.

cle Theatre Saturday night. June 22, The "is. nowever, tbe desire of the Friars Hitcompany will lay oft for six weeks, before ^7 m^r


w"'^Pre!e''t Saturday eren-

they resume their Fall and Winter tour, over "K to attend the annual meeting,

the Klaw A Erlanger houses.

pained his trained musical sense of hear-ing. A moment more and a third martyr to

sharped tones made his disappearance.

This encouraged Granger to a continuanceof his performance, and he kept on with In-

creasing power, turturlng the tune andmangling the beautiful melody of "The HolyCity." The result he was after he finally ac-

complished, for the six men had disappeared,

one at a time, until the last, with a look ofpained reproof at Granger, made his silent


"Let's adjourn to the cafe for that bottle,"

said the manager, as the big door closed


"that whistle of yours must need a goodwetting, and you can wet It as often as youwish while you're In town."

9A fine, large diamond was added to Maude

Lillian Berrl'a collection soon after the be-

ginning of the present season, when her

clever husband, Frank Moulan, and she be-

gan their tour with "The Grand Mogul."The two clever singer* were discussing the

success of their songs. Mlas Berrl declared

In favor of "Come and Nestle By My Side,"

while Mr. Moulan thought that "MarchingWith the Circus Band" would be the "hit"

of the comedy.

"I'll make a wager with you !" exclaimed

Miss Berrl.

"The money is up," said the comedian,

"anything from a dime to a diadem."

"Cut out the dem and make It a diamond,"said Miss Berrl, "for if you won, you couldn't

wear a diadem."

"Done !" said the star.

The two Bongs, as the season advanced,

seemed to keep about the same pace In popu-

larity. Finally the publishers, the Wltmarks,

were appealed to, and their verdict was In

favor of "Nestle By My Bide," for, like the

theatre box office, the music sales tell the

true story of success.

And that Is the explanation of the newdiamond Miss Berrl wears.

»»He Knows a Good Thing.

"In the last eighteen months I have badoccasion to advertise In every dramatic paperIn the country for people, etc., and I find thatI set ten timet the replies from a Cm iter'ad.' than from any other, regardless of thespace I buy In the other sheets. With all theknocking and opposition given The Old He-liable, n remains the standard of accuracyand reliability the world over.

Very sincerely yours.Harry A. MABCH."

»»»Nina Collins Joins the Lady Birds.

Quite an acquisition has been made by Man-ager Alf. G. Hcrrlngton, of the Lady Birds Co.,

of the Empire Burlesque circuit, in securingNina Collins, prima donna soprano, for hiscompany for next season. Miss Collins Is

well remembered ss the soprano singer withSousa's Band several years ago, also as themember of a number of musical productionsof merit.

4«»Wilfred Clarke's Long Tonr.

Wilfred Clark and Miss Theo Carew haveJust finished ninety-three weeks in vaude-ville, having played Keith k Proctor. Williams,Hammersteln and Orphcum time. Mr. Clarkeclaims this to be the record for a sketch play-ing successive weeks In vaudeville. The fentwas accomplished by the aptly uamed sketch,

Will nappen Next?'

PLO AKD MAY ni:\<;i .nit.

Fbiabs' Reooxab Ticket.Following la the ticket selected by thenomination committee, to be voted uoon »t

Hotel Columbia, Saturday, June; 2n at sclock: For president, Wells Hawk's- forvice president, Charles Emerson Cook forrecording secretary, Frank J. WHstacb; forcorresponding secretary, Philip k. Mlndll-

for treasurer. John W. Rumsey ; Board olQovernort, Harry G. Sommeri Frank CPayne, George W. Sammls, W. G. Sravtb AToxen Worm, Wllffam M. Bull, Bruce\i-waI1






'ratt'W»"8Ce Mun™ *"a

po^M&t"r»m^t" sra^5P .


lF candidates on the bulletinboard, before Friday June 21, and followinga motion made and carried, an oppositionticket must be signed by fifteen members Ingood standing.

Vollng win be by ballot. Only memberswho have paid annual dues, and are In goodstanding can vote.Amendment to Constitution.

™.?n °otlon °' ^iar Cook, chairman of thecommittee on constitution, It was uninl-mousy voted to amend Section VIII of the

constitution by striking out the entire para-graph under the heading "Election of

liwln"1inserting In fto place the tot-



he.°^cerl ?f..

t5i8 C|UD will be a presl-

rtl^ ,

loif J t;?^a3e Abtf°t; a vice presi-

dent, to be styled The Denn ; a corrcspondinrsecretary- a recording secretary; a treasurer.and ten directors, who, together, shall formnn executive committee, to be designated isthe Board of Governors. All the officers

?i,ai ^ !£


pre,?8 "Bents, and at least

three of the ten directors shall be chosearrom among the traveling active members.

ihe said officers shall be elected by them,Tb0



vth£ club

- at "n annual meeting,and shell hold office (unless removed forcause) for the term of one year, or untiltnSJrsmwssgatl shall be chosen. The vicepresident of the club shall also be chairmanof the board of governors.



n»d.Se«l°n XII by adding uader tli;

heading, "Meetings," the following:

h„Mc annual nieetlng of the club shall be

tZl »on tDe laBt Saturday of June each year

ror the purpose of receiving the reports ofptflcers and committees for the past vear. elect-



D,Jw offl fers (as provided l.i Section Villi,


dlacn 8s|ng all matters requiring the de-cision of a general meeting. Notice of the


1 meeting shall be sent by the corre-sponding secretary to every member at leastten days in advance of such meeting, and asimilar notice must be posted on the bulletinboard for the same length of time.

. . „ .N0T*a, or Last Gatiierinc.

At h riday night's meeting, upon motion of

1 .5 liBIV °- Sommcrs, S25.00 was contrl-

ulci, ,

bjLthe c|ut> to the widow of George W.

»nu\elgh a former manager, who died re-cently, and in less than five minutes tills do-tintlon was increased to oVer SitlO, by tiegenerosity of Individual members.,,„"a™ Hull, Goodfrlend and Keen* were

appointed as a committee to render any ncces-snry assistance to Friar Harry Schwab. »*>

Hi? ".sanitarium at Bristol. R I.r nor John Shean was reported ns belts

out of the hospital and back Into harness. (

iclogrnms of bon voyage were tent to Friarsbred reel and John "Yours Merrily" Ilogers,who so led last Saturday on the St. I-ouls.A wire was sent to Friar Fred Sbrsdn.

wishing success to his play, "The Lady Go-

were reluctantly released, having their mt£*t3£ij^™^%^^ *"'

^Tbea^New'YortDe U0gCr8 Br0thCr8 'n PanamB'" WolcD Pcn9 S-t-T-t*,-?


Klaw A Erlanger In PhiladelphiaKlaw & Erlanger havo abandoned the Idea

of using ths Fark Theatre. Philadelphia, andthat house will be devoted to dramatic andmusical productions as heretofore. Messrs.Klaw 4 Erlanger will build a new house,centrally located, the site of which ha* beenselected.

E»™pVwhe«7the^^ «• VoetctairK-'K Cav^ A." 1-evS,

S^LSSHSL^SS&g^JSi.^ .wa

? only, after great presTu^e* wMbrSEnt toheJr!"^ iL ^e*B«dmB I

Alfen*,at '

id by Attoddte—A. W. McNally, Herbert Gresh-road- am, Walter Collier, Frederick Dean. A. Km-

erson Jones. Frank S. Bishop. Oscar JLynch, Dr. Edward Plsko, Robert Campbell,Herman L. Roth, D. W. Stuart, Z. M. Harrl".Harry Erttleler, Will M. Lewis, A. It Chap-"An, Wilson J. Ubberoth, R. Mcfiill. I* *-

Vpsburg, Charles A. Chlvee, Thomas F. Mac-Mahon. Albert Caldwell, Llndsey Morrison.Ch. Goettler, Carroll Dunning. _

New for Point


HALFTONE PICTURES In the read-lag pagea at THE OLIPPBll will beInserted at these prices 1

Single Coin ran T.SODouble Colnran • S10.00

Vaudeville HomeLook Oat, L. I.

Harry Short, last season with "The YankeeConsul" Co., will manage a vaudeville the-atre at Tolnt Look Out, L. I., for the Sum-mer season, opening July 4.




»Clarice Vance a Hit With English

Audiences.Clarice Vance, the coon singer, has met

with signal success In England. She Is nowIn her third week at the Palace. London,Kng., and It looks as If she could remainthere Indefinitely.

»»Jake Sternard Back In Harneas.Joke Sternard, of the Western Vaudeville

Association, who has Just recovered from aserious Hindu, was around the United Book-ing Office, In the St. James Building, look-ing well. He left for Atlantic C'ltv, and willbe back at work In the Chicago office, July S.

Hlce and Cohen Preparing a New Act.John C. Rice and 8ally Cohen will spendiclr vacation * «•«• «•-- £"_"". ai"

brooke, Corfn.HlSil'^rS? atJ*eJr Slimmer home at West-

.They will resume their en-gagements Sept 2, In a new act, "A Bache-

lor's Wife," on the Keith & Proctor circuit4++

New Manager for Jacobs' Theatre.Paterson, N. J.

ȣaa5l,na. 5a


B ^SF appointed house man-ager for Jacobs' Theatre (Western wheelhouse), in Paterson. N. J. The house will tedecorated and renovated for the opening ofthe regular burlesque season.

"*~"»B »»

Four Honaes Added to the I'nlted

Booking Offices.Vaudeville performers are getting contracts

for Scran ton, Pa., Johnstown, P«-. Maiden-

Mass., end Dayton, 0., which arc h..nses re-

cently added for next season on the Unites

Booking Office route sheets.

The Brigadiers for 1007-08.The' following have been signed, by Mana-




° r ^Waâ "8"^


Heab• Fra^k H* tt-M?fer

r5 ?.nd^ arren

i,Tom dsncer. Oterlta. to this country. yj.,,.

Kraus innnle H.^ii6

.' f*ty Wlora, Emma early In August at Hammerstc.n's 1: -off>

Mm£ "Vaudir if.nr,'

8^ ^'fn* - ,H»ter and den. Oterlta Is at present apnea's at t"aioore, Maude Clifton and sixteen chorus glrla. Folles Bergere, in Paris.


-— «»Oterlta to Appear at Hnmnieratels''

Roof Garden.Oscar Hammersteln baa Just coni|<l-'ted K

rangemeots to bring the sensationa J-P'" Jf

-., I*

mic/tea visit to London .

jjjjjljj (BYBRlCffaRDS)


I. Puzzle Picture: Find the name of the station on the UndergroundRailroad.

2. "Dear Old London" on a clear day-as seen from the Thames.

" •-!I t

<t J- « *«- 4 . • ,."' '*. - H I

l*V * }=•

3. Patsy and his company going on the stage. 4. The real coster singer In the streets of Whltechapel.

.' - .'• ? ,,j, , V •• ..,, ,.

• ...liiiiiir-iillIWmMr

5. Patsy meets "maitre de claque," the man who sells applause to

music hall performers.

1 ll^ifciUi typ ii^ y

f*wu\m*'mwm*mm\umv*WW—WWWIimjlnnw nl lu ll —'n uuAuwitwiMCTaigm—iHess— .


6. Rival artiste—the final ending of many an ambitious career.


7. Wandering minstrels.—A decided specialty of the streets of London. 8. The tame-taking up their collection. (Note the change la the



Tom fiillen

A Young Fellow from

the East Now Play-

ing -in the West

Was very successful playing Keith,

Proctor and William Morris time.

Now playing the SULLIVAN &CONSID1NE CIRCUIT, and 1 like

it. Why shouldn't I? Everyone

Irom the managers down to the

janitors treat me great. I am the

biggest success of any single enter-

tainer that has ever played out here.

Tour extended from 12 to 20

weeks, and then some.

Regular Theatres

Regular ManagersRegular Orchestras

Regular Stage Hands

If you are doing "Flour in the

Face," "Water In the Pants" or

"Hatchet in the Head," STAYEAST.

Finn's Friend

Address care of PAUL QOUDRON

208 American Bank Bldg.






Hurrlal No. 1,437-tloi

Oiih lU'.'i, 07JI feet. I'liiklou Play, 10 subject!, from Annun-ciation tO Anl'itll'aloil. I 10.0(1.

Lot No. 1,47V—Cowboy* and India,n (Patbe), and flv« other Film* on a Reel.$35.00.

Lot No. 1,111V HI* Subject*, about 1,800 feet of Film, Snn. on two Heel*.Special No. 1,407-Optlgraph No. 3, llk«< new, with Calcium Lamp, S3"> 00, or

including Blectrlv Lamp and l!heo»tat, $33.00.No. 1,003—Fine, large Cunop^; Iron frame and Maud, heavy black material,

enveloping entire machine. $10.00.


ALWAYS IN STOCK—Machine*, carbons, Kleolrlo anil Calcium Lumps, Rheostats, Carbons,Condensers, times, Cuhlo, Hohc, uto., etc., In Urge (juuuUtlea.




First Class Repertoire People in All LinesThine doing •pectaHtea preferred. Wardrobe, appearance and ability absolutelye.avntlal. Mend full ilii*crl|illon, with photoe and lowest salary, at once. Openlatter 'part of Auguat In Kunaa*.


Addrea* .1. C. (DATES, Manager, Box 71, Lafayette, Ind.




14 Leicester St., Leicester Square, London, W. C.FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS,PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, 2s. Oil.

8s. 8d. PER YEARSingle Oolomn Inch.

Partner Wanted, With $1 500To Produce Production, with a Popular Broadway Star.


Room 840, Knickerbocker Theatre llldg., N. Y. City.

Being an Alkaline Liquid Den-

tifrice, SOZODONT penetrates all

the little crevices of the teeth, neu-

tralizes the dangerous mouth acids

and purifies the whole tooth struc-

ture, making the teeth strong and


Stand by SOZODONT, and your

teeth will stand by you

Few tobaccos suit all tastes.

The one that can, most justly,

lay claim to that distinction

being an exquisite blend of

choice flavors, is the famous

LUCKY STRIKESliced Plug Pipe Tobacco

Cured by a secret process—it

does not bite the tongue.

Burns well, gives a long, cool,

sweet smoke, without waste.

Pocket sixe, tin box, 10c

.After Shaving


[TOILET POWDERand Insist that yourbarbcr

use it also. It ii Antiseptic,

and will p reveal any of the

skin diseases often con-


A positive relief for

Prickly Heat, Cballor andSuuboro. and all afflictions

of the akin, Removes all

odor01 perspiration.

(Jet Mennea'l—the original. Sold

everywhere or mailed for SS cent*.



^al*"**^ S

EVERY ACTORCANT BE A STAB,But for a Dollar and a HalfYou Can Own aStar Safety Razor,

The Headliner of Safety Razors.

It Fits in Your Make-up Box.

It is Simple in Construction,

It Is Reliable in Its Work.Shave When You Like.

If You Want a Clean, Velvet andPerfect Shave, Use the

Star Safety Razor.

Sold Everywhere by Dealers, or

Kampfe Brothers, Manufacturers,

Ten Reade Street, New York City.

Money Back If Not Pleat- ed.

Uaudetille and minstrel

Th» HUM Childixn arep'°»'°f

*° •» *

bl7dr*wl5g cardJ®JSfe'fifta for'run Moum (^*d.S5d t?„ii, trie stoii

linden. BatortAj. *™» «Ag» burningtour, July »?d *|*Sw 9. They have hadto America to openi^n for Ihem by Matt

shopW, June 10, for

iupkks. Paint. Powder, sump for price Hat.0. SUHINDHKLM, 118 W. Mth St., New York.

t BhSrrliwPMk.""eweago.-.

He says : I naveJ£

c" r™ l

and four people

vaudeville "eit aeasoii.Bellea.—Taylor's

while doing her acrobatic work atjnooas

ffi Baltimore, Md.. ^^jured her knee

cap. Hhe was Bent nome to her motner at

U XaiM™ioi» Rsnbchlino ha. added

several new Illusions to bis performance, and

win Sresent the act at the leading vaude-

ville houses. Special scenery has "been ar-

ranged for? The act will be one of the largest

mystic acts before the public. ^Leo F. Harbison, our Hebrew eggfe

writes- "I am now in my twenty-eighth

week with the Francis Ureene Co.. and meet-

TngwUh success. 1 will shortly p ay TMdj.

vine in a high class comedy act. entitled

rohenPB Luck; written for me "by Barry

Oray It will be a novelty In the way of

^Sgu'cSSm Foua (Messrs. Stan-

hope. Brink, Stanley and Kice) report sue-

cess on the Harry fiawn circuit of parks.

Mrs. Jab. Marco and son Bal led, June 14,

from London to join Mr. Marco in New York

ttLfSS BZIBH AND MP*n WSSJSS1signed for neit season with the Tiger Lilies

Co., with which organization they were sea-

son of 1U05-1006. . „ .,„ ...»Uajob Bubk was a Clipwm caller laBt

week, and stated that he had a blrtiday cele-

bration June 21. The major also stated that

he had been a reader of Thb Clippm for

tlfty years, a distinction he 1b proud of.

Max Milman and Hbnby Clivb have Joined

bands, and will open shortly, doing a comedy

high class musical act _ _ „Tna Three Musical Stbwabis are Sum-

mering In Baltimore (their home), previous to

their engagement with the Bohemian Bur-

lesquers, nert eeason They state that they

will produce one of the strongest musical acts

ever before the public.

Thb Chapman Sistbbb and their picka-

ninny have Just finished eleven weeks on the

Amnions circuit with big success, and open

on the Hodklns time July 22.

Ebnbst Lamson left New York last weekfor his mountain cabin In Arizona.

TUB team of Graham and Lang have dis-

solved partnership. Billy Lang Is now work-ing with Jack Kennedy, late of Kennedy andMay. The new team wlU be known as Ken-nedy and Lang. . . _ ,

Louis A. Hanybt ,of the original EmpireComedy Four (Will Cooley, Clarence Wilbur,

Wm. Fuller and Louis A. Hanvey), and who,since 11)01, has been playing dates with his

wife, Lenord Doane, under the team name of

Hanvey and Doane, Is now working alone onthe Uus Sun circuit, under the name of Louis

"Alone" Hanvey. He states he will put abig act on next Fall, and open on the Keith& Proctor circuit, In October.Tub bill at the Empire Theatre, Ashtabula

Harbor, 0., week' of June 17, Included: Mat-thews and Conley, Madeline Stuart, LenaCooley, Howard and De Mar, Myrtle Ruaaeland Flossie Gray. William G. Green has thearranging of the musical numbers in his ca-

pacity of musical director, and Mrs. N. B.Foley Is manager and proprietor. Business Is

very good, and the outlook for the season 1b

most encouraging. George F. Howard Is stagemanager.

IIaurx Gabuitz and companx are playingthe Bijou Theatre, Calumet, Mich.

L. Taub Brixton writes: 'I closed with'For Her Brother's Sake' Co., Saturday, June15, after a Ave months' engagement I open24, a vaudeville engagement of live weeks tn

Minneapolis, under the management of G. J.

l'rescott. My vaudeville act, which I did asa specialty with 'For Her Brother's Sake,'was one of the hits of the show."Bert Lawrence and Bill Dam, the He-

brew comedian, have joined hands, and willshortly be seen In their new comedy skit,

which la now In preparation, entitled "Bits,They will work under the team name of Law-rence and Dale.Tub Bowery Combdt Quartette (Sher-

wood, Fox, Slatter and Peck), after a verysuccessful season of forty-one weeks withClark's Runaway Girls Co., sailed for Jack-sonville. Fla., on June 18, opening Monday,June 24, for six weeks, after which they re-turn and start rehearsing for next seasonwith Clark's Runaway Girls Co.

John Philip gou.a.Few band leaders of any country or of

any time have enjoyed the great popularitythat haB fallen to the lot of John PhilipSotiaa, who has ranked as America's leadingbandmaster for a number of years. A fewyears ago, not satisfied with conquering theUnited States, he went to Europe, with theresult that wherever he appeared with bisband the people endorsed the American ver-dict. But not aloae as bandmaster has Mr.Sousa won fame, as many of the most popu-lar American marches, and other Instru-mental pieces have emanated from him. Mr.Sousa has also won an enviable reputationas a composer of light operatic works, "ElCapltan," "The Charlatan" and "The FreeLance" being the best remembered of theworks for which he composed the music. Mr.Hoima's personal popularity Is also Interna-tional In extent, and he numbers among hisIntimate friends many prominent personagesboth hero and abroad.

.ClubrCockUi!?TTLED DEUcitf

THOUSANDS hare discarded th* idea

of tnakinf their own cocktails—all will

after giving the CLUB COCKTAILSa fair trial. Scientifically blended from the

choicest old liquors and mellowed with

age make them the perfect cocktails that

they are. Seven kinds, most popular of

which are Martini (Gin base), Manhattan(Whiskey base).

The following label appears on every bottle


Qoaranteed onder the Nationalpure Food mad DifXaTa Aot. Ap-

8roved Jew* 80th, looe. Berlalo. 170T.

G. F. HEUBLEIN 4 BRO.Sol* ProBtfeter*

Hartford New York London

lllH<For over seventy years X. Ba/.ln'a DcdIIltory Powder has been used by the Brule*slon. Never falls In Its mission of removingthe hair thoroughly and without the slight-

est pain or injury.

At all ,j*fite^»-*. or by mallfirst Ap HvjV ln '" li ' ]

class wU^'^SGL packages

j*j*raf^K*SjaP*Wcounters ^K9990mj^Sf llf, v

^-^^M Including

4*r ^|B postage.


HALL « KUCKEL. Makers of Sozodont, N.Jt\


Professionals at home or en route advised

to ask for this brand. Note Trade Mark

above stamped on every pair. The finest

hose. made. Sold by all dealers every-

where. Special features: Colors to match

shoes and costumes.

"Onyx" Hosiery

Procurable In all conceivable styles, fabrics

and prices; cotton to silk.




Bend for Booklet,



Long engagement. No traveling. Send photo.

State If you have banner. AddresHW. D. 8., No. 28 Grove St.. West Uavcu, mnn-_



Flu Magical Apparatus,

ILLUSIONS, TRIOKB, Etc.Grand Knd of Ocntnry, fall)

.Illustrated. BOOK OA.TA-Xoouk, gso., tree by man.Catalogue of Parlor trteu freeUIOINKA h 00.. Mrri.,m sixth Ave.. N. T.




Olympla Park, Chattanooga, Tenn.






iIt?s life-like iiiovemeiits, combined with the magic smoke, never fall to arouse deepe*! interest and

keenest anticipation. Hundreds now in use. Simple to work, easy to carry. Can be set up inspace :i feet square.


. CO., Suite 629,Pamphlet of Information and instruction

La Salle St., Chicagoon Application.


j MINNESOTA.St. Paert.—At tue Metropolitan Qpera

Hotwe (L.;N. 'Scott, .manager) .tne Player's

Stock Co. presented "Grauatark.'.'.the second

week' of their- engagement, beginning, June10, to big business. Week IK* S3, "Mrs.IJine-'s -Defense ;" week of 30, "An AmericanCitizen.".Wi'kdsor (Smith B. Hall, -manager).—

Busltiess • was • very good week of IT,, withth> • following people on the bill: Trainerihrt'-'Mopler, Harrison King, Claris und'ltad-

elllfe,'8Bd ; Ed, I'owers. The MM 'for week of

"{'Includes: The Cmonilngs Trio,' Nellie Re-

volt and Billy tirabam.'Bill'iBK (Sam Kink, manager).—Business

was fair week of 17. The only new acts for

week of ti- are Henrietta lioberts. and .Alex-

ander' B. Butler. All the others 'hold, over,

with- tile exception of Frank Ma lone anditbcClements. -' '

•NotrEs. — Gentry Brothers' Show bad big

business 17. ..'.. ..Pawnee Bill's: Wild - Westanil '(li em Fur Bast Shows bad- enormouspatronage afternoon add evening of IV."....

T-he public Is patronizing the' lakes andparks' In good dumbers.'anathe warm weatherhas-been a welcome visitor. •••"

-••*..- *'


' Mlnneaiiolln.—At the Metropolitan OperaHoiisV -(fj.' N.' Scott, • manager)

Jthe t'errls

8to«V C°-> lD '"1'be Half Breed:"' June- 'Si

, ind v"we«k.' Same company, in "Old Heldel-

bnrg,"' played . to Very good houses 10. andweeg. ••Alice of Old Vlncennes," by.the'sanie.

company.' H0:a,nd week.. Scroti Opbha Hiilhk (Tbeo. L.'Hays, man-ager):

—"The Convict's Daughter," 10'; andwyk.dld good business. This bouse closed

Saturday night,' June ' Tl, for the Summer

• ''Lyceum (!.' C. Speers. manager).—'-The

Belle of- Richmond" TA and week. "Thelma,"lOadd week, did good business.;: T'yiot.'K (Jobh Elliott, manager):—Bill for

24'.ijinu -week :• Harris Bauregarde and com-pany.' 'the Pryors. Kelley and Valeoret, 'Bar-ocv "VVIIIIuiub, Albert Burton, cand IreneWttie.. ,B|i;' Inland. Park.—Banda Uoaaa and theUsual' oiUdoor attractions....famuKV 1'auk.—Outdoor amusements.

'.' Hqlnth.—At the Lyceum (C. A. Marsbjill,

iianaiet) tn«- Juvenile Bostonlans returnedtot -ope week, opening June 17, with a changeof ', bill nightly. The- Duluth- Lodge of Elksgive'! three- performances of "King O'Keefe,"(iiSder-the direction of TJ«s. P. Uatz, 13-15.to good business, and the lodge put money in

tfce bank as a result. The next' booking is

Ben* Vlvtenne, in a song recital:- There will

be'RHarje audience, as she is a -.Duluth girl,

and' popular.. Rhoij. (Joe Maltland. manager).—Business

Is li)f. .'i.'The bill week of 24 : Morrleey andRtoh.-Mabcl Cassldy, Elmer Jerome, Bradleyand (Divls, Wlllard .Newell and company.Dt'Qpxo, Larry Kecton. Jas. McClellau.- andwnfraiut pictures. <

NpTBtf.—The White City, at Oatka Beach.will open, for business :u> ..Huruiim &B«l|fyVeircus Jiily BT.

Mankalo.—The Parker Amusement Co..week of -June 17, did big business. Dr. II.

K.- Mcrkel. an old Ci.iitkb correspondent.is


press agent, and is also niioaglng theTyrolean Alps, Show./Xotis.—Pawnee Bill's Wild West, ' June

30, dl(J well 'Manager Rurpf. of theWonderland. Is erecting a stage. in l(ls tlie-

itrp.'ind'wlll put on vaudeville, commenclna(peek, of June-W.

.'.-;v f :-—•*•


f •

; HIKIIIE ISLAND.-. Providence.—At- the Providence OperaHouse' (Fells- It. Wehdelschaefer, manager)two- evenings- of Yiddish opera, Juno 18 and19, by .the Prager-Juvellor Yiddish OperaCo.," aud two performances of "GlorldusBri(sy," by Mary Munnerlng, 22, kept thehouse force busy week of 1«.

t'Kisrrh'H (Charles Lovenberg, manager i.

"Jttfflaa" was successfully produced by i theAHjfi Stock Co. week of 17. "The Darlinguf :.* tl)«' Gods." {M-'Ji), with a large advanceVale, i "His Hilarious Honeymoon." next week.> BJiMbk j( Spitz & Ndtuunson. managers).—I'nme Wife was produced, to good houses,we»k>of 17. "In Darkest Husaia" 24-:!t>.

"Urn' ajid Women" nest.I.WPsniAi. (Ik H. Curtln, manager).—"Be-

yoMJthe ltockles" was the offering 17-C22.

SrtTt!S.—fiuffnlo Bill's Wild West did big

buslh'osg 23.' Knabensbue's airship wnstnei big attraction week of 17, remaining J4-30."' 'In the free circus the Five BclletzerSisters, .Toledo and Price, Pongo and- Leo,and'Tinna.

imonnaocUet.—At Uoag Lake Park (It.

R.' Randall, manager) the programme, forweek Of June 24 Includes: Al. Leonttrdi, Cur-Ai "arid 'Blossom. Viola Napp, Gilbert- andIf•ten/and Matt Hill's educated canines. Theyowq Gate Quintette and the Southern Trou-lW(Jours drew well' last week, tbere being arecord attendance at the theatre for the aea-

».w ;*••


s Mewport.—At Sheedy's Krecbody Park(cJiiasVE: Cook, manager) the season openedJulie.' '44, with Akldato's Japs,' ExpositionFour," Beaumont's ponies, Amerlcus (.'omedyFoiir. Marshall and King. Mr. and Mm. Alii-

»oh;'Paut La Croix, and the camoragraph.'

'. ij 1 1 ; *-^


SOUTH CAROLINA.• f,ol»wnia.—At Hyatt Park Casino (CotaEltc. .atj Rr.. managers) the Peruchl-Gypscnefo'lB' playing to the largest business in thehlHtory pi tbo park. The company. Is strong,

'•tsnglnff.' the bill iwli'i' a week Cow-&f&'>4i*tl*, K. (>. R, 1.140, gnveHo annualoi)||ng.'at;thc

/Caslno, 20.



WM. TKtL HOVSB, Howard and Somersetts., Bo.ton.

About ifl.weak,

Sbi., Boitnn. vicinity of all vaurteviue theatrm*EMILY BAHNWART, Prop,

.892-9MWafeaafe An,


Eurapnw. ioiooperWw'k.• TllAFAI.UAH, 116-117 E. 14, S; Y.,nr. Keith'sAcad, of Mnslc, Dewey. Rooms 60c., 76c., $1,BJg day; UM to >B week. W.P.HAymOAK.Prop.


Wabash & Madison, CHICAGO,I.. W. Carlton, Prop. Strictly

American Plan. $8-16 single.tTV- Double. Vaudeville patronage invited.

PAL.ACK HOTIfib, 101 N. Clark St., Chicago.Earopean, $8.50 per week; with private bath, »7.

Turkish Bath, too. H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop.«=

MUSIC COMPOSED AJID ARRAHOCDfor any instrument, or number of Instrument!.Songs,words aud mnslc, sketches, etc. Send stamp.CUAS. L. LEWIS, 429 Richmond St., Cincinnati, O.

SLOT HACHINEg. NEW PIN OUR, Latestmoney maker. I.OOO OTHERS, CHEAP. SLOANKOVELTTCO., jgtatlon 8 , Philadelphia, Pa,

- FCTIJRK Hush, or Wire Photos for PalmistsParks,' etc., $2.00 per l.ooo; $1.36 per BOO, postpaid'CABINET PHOTOS, copied, loo, $2; 1,000, $15.

EDENA STUDIO, 3312 N. Broad St., Phlla., Pa.

- BA NJOS—The World's finest. The CelebratedWhy te My die. Catalogs and Half-Tones of Si

Artists Free. THE A. 0. FAIRBANKS CO., «1iTMhnrt St.. Boston. Mau.

WANTED, AGENTS—Legitimate substitute

for slot machines, patented, sells on sight (or $1.

Particulars. CISHA CO., Anderson, Indiana.

' THE LIVINGSTON SCHOOL OP PIANOTUNING. Only school teaching construction andRepairing of various Piano Players.- Most remun-erative branch of Piano Tuning. Write for catt-

logne. to Henry Stree t . Hlnglianiton, H . -Y.


WANTED AT ONCE, for THARDO'* UNITEDSHOWS, an Organ Player. Will not seud llckels

to people unknown to me. Kl).' THARDO,


Lumber City, Pa., June -.1); Clen Rlohey, Pa„ Juneao; Wallactun, Pa., Jull-y .-

MOVING PItTVHE- MACHINE Wanted.Any perrfun having a Moving Picture Machine andStercoptlcon combined with clejbtrlcal attach-

ments, please write inc. stating lowest, price andwho's make, also what model 11 Is. Will have l«

send.C. O. D., subject, to examination.. I; will de-

posit an amount with the local express agl. mt in-

dent to cover express charges boll) ways should

there be no sale. JAS. ROACH, 12 Laugdou St.,

Montpeller, Vt.

WANTED AT once, to enlarge. Bhow, Clr

cus and Vaudeville ' Acta. Band Men that-Double.

Sure salary. HoozersandKUvenlurersNo. Adilress

CRYSTAL, MICH., until Julyl, then-route, •

BERT SlLVER.'Wagon Show

WANTED, Medicine Porltormera that

change Tor week, AI Singing and Dancing. Sketch

Team that docs singles and doubles. Harry and

Dot Westlor, write. Salary sure. All you're worth.

Tickets If I know you. HARRY VAN, Mgr. Cllflou

Remedy Co., Loogootce. Davis Co. . lud.

PARODIES—Three two verse, two ubofiis ones

and hfleen gags, 25c,; one parody,,flyw g»g»,-10c.

other g-tgn, Rketches,etc List for stamp or- free

with aS order. MARY B. P. THAY EH,'

"21D0 'Broad St.,.ProV;, R. I,

AT LIBERTY, The Tressalla'B. . dent, Irish

Dutch and Black Face, in acts; put on same aud

aud make them go. Lady works In acts, fakes piano

or organ. We do doubles and singles. First class

Vaud. »r Med. Co's write or wire. Address Olaiim.



WANTED—Med. Performers .lhai uan fake

organ, Man to Work In Acts that fakes organ,

Magician that straights acts. No boozers. Tickets

If you can furnish mc references. .','••'

W. II. KLINO, fort Covington, K. i-

WANTED—Some one (a woman preferred)

to help /*»'«'• B nmantio planC» ' BuoliiM

of the. Heart uf Xarurrr. iieriiiil. Sluatjiaoc

some knoivlvdw of stum teehniquc.of Frciivh

literature, anil be able to tell a loir, ttvru so

as to iilcaao the "matinee uirh." (loud, pay

for work avtaally performed. :At/dre»a, feff-

iny what you have '/one «nil what t/uu vim do.

• HUNltY OF NAVAHHK,Care of THE CUPPKK Offer, Xcio .Yurli .

HOW TO START IN SHOW bVhinKSh.(OopyTlihted).8dl(rerent boota. loo. AUHndeaot.llOWtTET'S SCHOOL. »xt S. lath St.. Phlia.. Pa.

R. H. BEATTIE. LAWYER, Confidential

Cases a specialty. Judgments and decrees obtained

promptly; no d„lay. Counsel free. Mil Indian

Ave , third floor, Chicago.

WANTED, Good Dancer, Midway ami Talk,jjNES' ENORMOUS SHOWS, Greenville, Tenp.,

June an: Bmbrevllle, Tenu., July 2J Jolidsou City,

Tenn., July 3 and 4. ;__WANTED AT ONCE, Good Dutch, Irish or

B.- F. Comedian, Good, Silent Perroriner, Mhu doingAerial Work and Contortion, Hood, Versatile

Sketch Team, write. Those who wrote to mr last

ad, write again. Sickness Is (he cause of this

ad- (food salary, good treatment' and loug en-

K-igeraent; sure salary. You mu»t be'sober: noIichit^. Add. ipilrk. TlokelM for liflggSK* elirclrfi.

lir.'A.,K. Ilerren, Modern Remedy CU, Klboli,

Montgomery Co,, Inwa. . -,..•....

GARDENS,Over the New Amsterdam Theatre, Wd 81

SAM H. HARRIS nreaeuls

AERIALnsterdaiHARRIS preaeuls

Ceo. M. CohanIn "THE HOMEYMCOHERS"BldA_WAT TBEATIB *S5?£Z&Erenlng* 8.10, Fashion Matinee Baturday, 3.10.







• e



With ROW, A. LOCKE and ST. «EO. HP8SBY, In




And the FIVE SULLYS. aa estra attraction.


CIRCLEB'way A 90th


Wine, Woman At Sana to.BONITA, ALEX. OARR A Great CastMM

Of HlKh Claaa Vaadevllle Theatres.U. MKYERFKLD JH. PltES.;MARTIN BKCK, OBHRHAL MANAGKB.All Applications for Time Must Be Addressedto.' Z C. V- ItHAY, Booking Mnnager,

rfujedtlc Theatre Building . Chicago. 111.

Huber's '^ MuseumWANTED,

STBOHfl CDB10 HALL ATTBACTIOFS.Address i. II. ANDERSON, Mgr.. aa above.


Dare Devil Schreyer.Again The Sensation of Europe.








MILLER, edSTUMER,ISO N. Seventh St., Phll-4«1nhl».

COSTUMES AND WIGS TO HIRE.Write for Catalog and Estimate.

HARRY THOMSON,Hit Honor, The Mayor of the Bowery.


De Rue Bros.' Minstrels.All artists engaged answer this call by letter atonce, and report for reh«araal July o,

«' A.M., at

t.'oi'peratowti, N. Y. Have opening for Trombuiicsand other muslduiis to double B and 0. Musiciansilo not black, ttlleuts a polite negative. Address


DK RUE BROS.. ______ W. V.

Medicine MenParly ' wanted with several htindnnif Dollars toback opening or advertising Eye, Ear, Nose andThrnat Office. Not necessary to im. an M. I). - Fieldunllnilleil: nrcnt p.n«liiillipc«: I'liancc of llfellnie.

$1.1,(1(1(1 to $20,00(1 a year. Ilpspiniaiblr iwrllrH onlywrlle. C. K. HOFFE'lT, M. I>., Ar*«n«as City, Kan,



If A TVTP1^11 Leading Man, Heavy Man, Character Woman. Stage Manager tor ilonoral Rml*" -»».*w M3IMW ness riaiiitt, Coincillan and General HuslneM Wntnan with Speclallios. Coulduse Man with Slercopiliim.' Tell all. We pay all. Week alainK Address

IVAN KKIIKIIOKF, 1DIH N. Jl.t 1),. loulli OuiMlia, N«hr.

A BONA FIDE BUSINESS OFFER.Will sell an Interest In inySensatUiual I'olneilv Drama, No. -.* Co.. a tried Now York sin-cess. Seasonbooked- In good lime, Including K. A K. and S. A II. houses. All special paper, special sreuory amienecls. - The- iipiHii-tuiilty of a life (Hue for a I'oiupetciil, ndiablc matt. I'm not particular the amount,bnl .want-Hie mini in charge to be financially lnleresiial. Don't Write unlets von mean hnslneaa.Angles not wanted. JOHN MIIIMVBR, Pw. Addrew Ho. «»(, Unit, roninln^. ()). In.

First Class Dramatic People in All Lines.Leading Man, Stoge Dlrii-tiir, to play pari-; Fcalurc Specialty. In change [or wci-k; Srcnlr Artist.

(Diamond Dye), Ladles' orchestra and Slater Team. ALL inuil be (list clays. Stale all ami sendphobis, , Pay own liolel. Seasiili opens Align*) A In Kansas. Add.

CLIFFORD KKEVES, Mcliopoliluti Hloi'k I'll., Cliarlloli. Inwa.

lYIOlNrXAlVIBO AND HURL-FALL8Comedy Acrobats. A>go»4 «• Ihrhoal. Praiurr ait will) |^ Bf autlftil Hagilnd («.

WANTED,. Fill' tll<< Nllltilliel' Nrn unit,


Vtf* 'A<'t>, lliitildH Attrai tlnn., OruntatlrPnople, HIstKr Trams, Skelrli Tnaiiia,Piano Players, Choi «« Olila, Mu.I.Ikh.and people III nil liram lie» of the haul-


urn. we want to Hear from Koori I1 ""- '

pl<- at «ll I line. Adilreu all imnuiii n(- '

calloin lo HOOK IMi DEPT.,


, , . Ho.mi- 7. H.V,


P. s. Mit miners m on! In k Unod People,Willi1 III.

WANTED.Uncle JoshPerkins

EASTERN AND WESTERN.CHARACTER ' HEAVY MEN, doubleRi-M»< COMEPIANM to dn Hiiih l«lty anddouble lirasal alao MI'SICI ANN. B.und O.i 01 A Ml PLAYER* to doublelira.., SIM'IIKHT'I'BS ami ( IIAItAI TEKWIIMKN. Addrean i|«luk,

AT LIBERTY.IAMKB I,Votaatlle,I, nailingBnalnean,

OKHAI.IMNR.lliv. I, mill.,

Heat lea,NoubreMe

......... ' w,tnIHHCCTilR. UV/ULU I Npeclaltleii.

U'iii'ilrobi!— Manager, kick annul'. il Iwi iniu'li'

Oouipanliia South or going Snulh preferred. Ad*


Place Your PrintingTill ton write km. Can aavp. vuli iiimiey. Oalalogm.'

treer. Morrison bKow print. Heimit.


The only Summer Theatrein Augusta, Georgia, is LakeView Casino, operated byundersigned.


Tiryr.ri"Learned by any Man or llov at Home. Small coal,

KcwHo day ft-, ahuiipfnr particular* and proof, o,A. Smith. Ilooin -liig. -.illo Knox villi- Av.J'iwirla, III.

THEATRE TO LEASElltriifof aet». SealHiiiiO. Suitable for alock orvaudeville. Addrean

Mtilt.. Rl.nn THEATRE, Sllawnee, nkla.FOR SALE—I'iiwim'h Cauii-ragraph, No. -I, and

_________ Fllma •!<. In (_ per find. _

DOCTOR WANTED,Reglatered In Mlnucaola and So. Dak. Lecturerpreferred, but mil Decennary. Firni claaaMacPerformera Mcoiiro neaaoD'a work, llolera amiplatronu. (icntbiiicii, 0. K. Ilami, "v;i




Lake Hiawatha Park.Mt. Ve rnnn, Ohio.

OEM. BUS. ACTORGOODiSpei-IMly preferred) stock reupip wriie.


»« i(Ki;T(iii hliio.'ciiiuaho, II.u

Angells' ComediansAl LEADING WOMAN

Mum have AL wardrobe ami appearance, OE.V.III/.. MAN Willi Spcr-lal tic.. ' Othi'l' goiid pooplii

write. HalHtice or Siinuimr and regular .aeaann.write or wire ClIAS. MANVILI.K.

Mgr. Aligella' CiiniOillaii». Columbia, Mo.

WAfrtt, Inr Suiiiiiier Stock,AT .

AU9USTA, MACON AND CHARLESTON,Cotiieitlan (apeclallliw), Heavy Man, Juvunltn Manand (ien. Hue. Cliaractur Woman, Uun, Huh. Woman(ism id appearance) and other weful people. Staleit iiiiv H|H-i-.ii|||M. Lung -Meamin. Money mm.Anv Opera I'oe; waul lllfic ! Or other"! Addrtai

' J. W. I1HI8MAN, Park Hold, Manilla

WANTED QUICK,I j«a«l i ii it Man,

C*«iie Hmn. Woman.Oilier iiKaful Rup. People write HARRY STETSON,"Snldcn-Stemwi I'avlll ini en." ______ Ohio,

WANTED, FOR STOCK,linlaiii'e or limine! and next miaHoii, Woiunii tne

Jiiviiiillim and (.'ImraciciH, (leii'l. Huh. Han, MaleI'laiio Mayer, tlia( call play mnall part*. Cntui'dlaii.

People doing incclalllDj given priilnrniH-e. Couldiihi: giiiid Skr.lc.n.Team Mini change nfinii. Te.llall

dratlcticr. Must be able (o loin on wire. AddresaF. W. DIINNINfl, (•('Utral^P^rk, Trlnldail, i:oln._

Wanted, LecturerFH EDWUDS' M.MCM. EXHIBIT,

I'nilerriiee given (o mail who haa Iiicliired onanimal.. Kli\v.\ IIIIS' ZOO,

(il? Market Street, I'lilladclphla. Pa._


:i« H. WaafcHlglOB Hi., HpnkamyWaiili.

Wanted, Lady Drnmmer, TromboneAND CLARtNKT. HEHSIK IIITRNELL LADYOltOIIKSTKA.THe SiilmrbWl, Fark llolglila Ave,Haitiwure. Mn.

WANTED, FAMILY BAND AND PERFORMERSThai 'no change for a week. Also I'luiin .Mayer,Albert SiiiIIIi write or wire. Aiblreaa •>f-

Vlirnill LOCZON, FreaWlB, One.. Canada.


Wanted at Once, a Piano PlayerExperienced III vaudeville. ' Hlx lilKlilu nml live

uinlineiiH. I'll. Simdiiy work paid nxlra. Unionman. J0H. O. CA ItEK, Ohalianooga, I'cnn.

i ..J




• > I 1



|i o.aj—





noil OLB OWN COBErsrONDMT.- .. .. 1 ,. i

of (he JfivVirk Clipper,,

SATURDAY, JONE 29, 1907.

(Catered June 24, 187B, at tht Post Ofloii atNew Vork, N. Y , as second clan nutt»r, MdMtbe act of March 3. 1870.

ilpper,.Room BO*, A-.hiuu.l Block, Cbicaan

eat IfcW which Knhl & Caa'i]

tnlned fn rlie flenfrnctian of the Olympic Tin


) r


T/ir treat Iukh' w-lilcb' Kohl * CnBlle.sns-

Jci'ssltnted changes to Ikt

that. their Imoklngd might not he Interferedaire, necessitated changes to lie mnde'.qplckly.

with tiny tnnre than wns necessary, and therefor thi' < 'hlcrtgo Opera House, where "CaptainCareless" has been playing to grnddajly In-

creasing business, rind which Ik controlled by

l,vai(-, (lien. Miiyaer. nainnr — »«'» nickels and mmes. .»"" V .SS » Mm "

.'orley May I* May. W. ana" Mrs. —^bmn^^nK&F.E&JZB.'nI\

Sprain pan Ear to Cheek—Beat Doctor.llld" fiSt Cure It-Lakted piv^.


tear, Bat Speedily CaredIII ^!_ fi

AsiIlAmimanager) ,-

cntt and I'A i 'm nl,

flf f(ft USE OF GUT!

Had been troubled with eczema foryear on my ear and if began to exin my' check, I had been doctoringthe? 1 best physicians, but found


Tatail«iy n« ill o'clock A. M.

Please remit by express, money onler, check.

P. O, order or registered letter. All cans eucloatdwlih letter la at The rials o( wader. '

Addrrim AH Cutiiiuiinlcnllnna toi ii io m:\v YOHii. cLimoii,

47 Went '.'.Bill Street, New Tork.RrgittrrrA (lable at'lilru*. "AuTHOktrT."


of Thi Ulu-prr la located at Konu> 604, AshlandBlock, Chicago, John T. Prince Jr., maoa-pr and<oireepoDilc.il, where advertisements auil suUcrlp-tlona are received at our regular rated.


grounds at Washing!,*,,Avenue and Sixty-third Street. , for a week Jv„or more, and ten weeks will be devoted to this '

, .

city, covering every aectlon of the town.. it. t.i nii is (Will.I, Davis, manager).—"The .

Man of Hie Hour" continues to do excellent 'orbusiness. The company Is excellent. A party

all the eutcii-peuuy ui-yi^n v- •••:- ti*.nt

Marquis and Lyun, McClellon Sisters, and ageareto be found, and from here all around I

jgof one hundred arid sixty-two from Racine, moving pictures me park one can flag«*»« *«^*™J rWis. attended the iK-rforrannce 20. Sans Hotel l'ABK Theatre (O. B. Mills, day the crowds weft very grpnt


J V. 7"»Puwkn*' (Harry J. Powers, manager).— n

ln !*"Bel




h?»r 9 *M w

Hold out at every performance Is t tie talc Melroy Trio, lToI Young aim -.-ou-i,-. -,-, nm ifiSHSLRZ JSS'nYi le™. ™3"»'. *

here, where Hose 8mhl continues to delight Jj2^B!£5.


,°' Caro " B*w!g*^_!^y^n^iff,^«S& t'- Wtejf?_ Pi ?11'-,


i. ,«rfil th. drops, w,lth special lighting, effects, thhmamiger).-^.Tbe b'.Jl for week of 1»4 includes: Impossible M. fiud a place to. sltunaeruie be)l) fla .enlargement of his old act

.,ond company, (re^s. and cv^h the paths were crawu>dwltb »pd calllngi for the services of about

PW1*,..*H?JS jA _ ...I, i.. I. (I... manwith clever performances of '"rhe Chorus Una e.ugerB, and moving plchirea. bbxmont Park (B.C. Lowa S. mailagehustler, and Is continually adding some

Lady." It lookn us though the attraction Ohkat Northrhn (Fred C. Kberts, mana- —At'- last the weatbw for wdicniui.iuaun(;w ,catul.e to his already Interesting act.

bad drawing powers strong enough tp. with- ger).— "The. ...Volunteer Organist" came, .to agement haa been WIMWIJ", *""I* "(S •.•°H? Schlesltjger's benefit at the Co-

stand the hottest weather* .which has been town last week. Sunday, and Immediately nod with the MOtt«* o! BML"W"f*iKS lonl) - '»8t Sunday, night, was a great suc-i""«ny. iiuu iiumtuiuirij iiuu wiin "" l,""7*.T J.; „.„, nivinle rfo lunil, H»v ouminy. umui. was a great SUC'

•ate.1 at 48 Cranliunrue Ht . Iximlon w. o.. Joba current the past week, nnd front which most secured a favorable verdict. It was thorough- the intense heat of the day. imny peopii_k wsg from jVCry po ,nti ln g „e i (fc

H^M.mSSm^Snm^MtriM^S of the theatres have been suffering. A chorus U "njoyed through the week by good audi- to this very accessible place for. entertaior|d|ty whlch stQ


rted Its reign that day, anare'rtiiemeois awl Bubacrlptloun are received at our girls' matinee will !*• given 28, Invitations eactm.

; := •..

•• . .


inent. -' ,,—, ~h. ,,.„., concerts the g>ptaf treasurer, was oace again assured(wing extended to all chorus girls playing In *tlJOU. (W,l Ham, Rod*, manager) .r-The Bismabck OAlioEN.—Tbe band conceris

Qf fc|nd| tetllag of tbe public aad pro-thecllv. ? Westslders have had a good opportunity to have attracted many people In the past

festslonnlg yMlai the dancer, culleddiffered moods, of May Hosmer. weeks, and passengers ou^ theJ»«f™>^JJ™ several times last, week, and has beea work-

ing hn hi tin' last few days. In Ibis vicinity.

ret'ulir iuich.

Tim tii.irecii can « OBTAiNan, whoi.ehii.si akdbViaii.. at our iiceiits, llrentiiuu's ofWB depot, 37Atenue de I'Opiru, I'arls, Kruuce; M. Mllentbal,b'rxlerlck Dtraare 101 (Terinloui Hotel), Merlin,

N. \v . (leriuaoj ; Uluinoud News Co., 120 I'rado.

Bavii.a; Manila Uook and Slutloiiery Co., 128Baeolla, Manila, I'. I. ; Albert & Sou, 137-130 Kbighi., ilydney, Australia.

i ill': m :w YUltK CLIPPIilR pnbllsbeaonly one •••lltlon, aiad Hint la dated —Ifroiu New Vork,

ftiKly tbe


No Ilcpllea by Mali or Telecrapk,

pnclty Inst Monday night, the. hottest nightof the year so fur. and continued to linebusiness during the week. The cast, Includ'


ttii, and he Is living up to it pretty care- strongly. Ragtime and popi

)y, and giving «ome of the best burlesque bine to form what IM]W«1- . n , vramvwmcu. wm oe.proaucea uere ne>ws that have ever, been seen here. . Prank Mortimer has pleased greatly with her *W£ October, and nlso reconstructing "The Hiiney has bwn- doing some splendid work ijig.ot awpa of theJMjffltiU^mp*™ .Samaritan," which will be presented by fe

probability that the play will have ah ISaiSA^nSKl'rSSft -!SSMW 'fc l!flV


i «L ' P" "';'"""1 or a we"Kendall, under a new title, as yet undecldi

ed run Bvcnlnir of "u Ueorae 1'rohert.'esdliig jinrts. Carrie Seltz and Mile, imato known local firm. . „,.-; ^„j upon "Fortune I^ind," a new muslcul

Sy rfowiv. Swit^word aflle laatSJ: «" « ls0 very well llke.l, the, former .haying Ciads ««oi-»|*5 "^J'S. h[{^L^t ^^ "le *>* ^ Hu'ari Ufclfim.bnt he Was III. and I*sllo Basselt. who n,n*V rt gt^ 1

l" ,.w)w



h£r* na /°™e.

r W»w1iJ»ikI»'«,


al\f n,in?wltb and music by Mr. Kobyns. with Frank Laloi:

m ob Unrdner, assumed bis role iustowoslons. Aurella Cocchln doesi great work Clicnb, which.arrived. In' town J 1. opens witn

hll(1Hlnir the caRt: will bava nro,ii,eti,.„

everyADfiltBSHXS OR wliauKllliHITB NOV OIVBN, AU exteinli'il

in guaar or bucii hiiiiui.o wimtb to thobi wimu who playsTUkK BKBK, IN C1HB or 'ITli; tjl.l l'l'IO|t I'.iHT Ul'-tll I"

OWIUI. A I.I. 1.81 HOIS WILL. BB 1IJVBUTISBD OM« l|p],eill's _wxbb: ONi.y. I if rim iioijtb or inr tuiitbioai, nH ,|K. cui'ttilii went un mid with no pre-

wltl1 the cl

OumcaMI is Bouanr, «b«u to our list or Boots* V |01ih rebenrsul. The minimise, he received has q really clever ImiIIcI.

an iNo'i'ima i'iob. Wa cannot bbnu suvtbb srvviii ,iH'rlled

uppinuse lie rueiveuYmA.x ('John A. Kepnc

mail us TXLkiisAi'U. M*ii,.,'i,» v«.„ mi •v* hBhhh.a, manager)

tuJSmdS* V?B"?ea ln wfJt'nE.a pew. play for MufiiSH. Crane, -which will be. produced here neit


- Ided•I'ortune F/nutl,

issue. Hint Mnnneer' nilllniflinii will hrlnir ihi> or- . ° . .r? ,

nnnuHt»in«f. and attracts n great will be carried. A musical extravaganza Is

(I. W, D.. I'orllnnd.—Hhe doeH a Ringing !^;J?ty^r^'lL'^^JgiL.»?'tJiM^ ''V"1 of attention from nassorshy. The the- being written by Mrs. Fitch and Cnrlefon

lid In ti.e piny besides playing the title role. *J""]X-Ho i|„n v KVil linked tSn,,'

<, '" fojPtSSBS' *" tUv lo,ll,i

v- how- l'

ollVt musical' dlivi'lof, which will be pre-Miss C. fi.. I,om Angeles.—Address Homeoiie


' ,.."",,

s,i iiner or Miiietlmi or ••Tb* Ml,,,






'""' "'<' Ix'rfnrinanceR are of the kind sented Inter on. They composed VThc llajl.h

connected will, the show. GLS" a„d "Pinafore" hi he con no*'''<-'»' niak/one happy for a couple of hours, of Hhong.", 'IV llorbrook'llarker Co. plans

nlinns" nnd "Kast I,ynne." . . .


Walker, fonnerly known ns Louise llepner,was granted a decree of divorce from her sec-ond husband, (loo. Leslie Walker, StO, on l he


V.— If Ihore was no one on first base at the(line I In- bull was hit, then Hie, lunil who oc-

cupied second hnse was the one who Hhoiild

have lieeu touched mil, even If lit! did Hliindon third hnse. Tbe runnel' who hud uccii|>leil

tlilnl hoar ilhl not viicnle It until be badlocally touched home plate.

II. A., Cripple Creek.—II. loses. The tie

game Is of no account In the wager. The betwas (bill the club mimed by II. would wintwo games mil of three, which It did not do.

H. .1. H., HiK'hcatcr.—When two games lire

iilityeil on one iiiirrnnnn, the II 1st one haslieen announced olllclully lis the one regnlnrlvscheduled fur Unit day. However, where bothparlies were not. nwiire of die fact Hint ailniibleliender was In lie played, ll would bebellcr |o cull I lie Ih'I ii draw.

CAHDM..1, W.. West I lorry.— In the four Hush Ills

chances lice Mil'!' tliini In tile (our nlrnlghtI the bitter open nt bulb ends), us lu theforiner any one of nine cards will coinplutchis IimiiiI. while In the hut. 'i' It must have oneol eight eui'il'i Io ciiiupleii' II.

II. II. II.. Xewurk.—Yes.ytiM ii.i. \m:hi >-

through the burning of I tin Olympic Theatre,14, us, having mi Oilier house In which tocontinue the vaudeville bookings. Kohl &Castle were obliged to lake over this place.The hill for week of 24 Includes: .lames . I.

Corbel t, the Viihsiii- (llrls. the .Orpheus , Com-edy Four, 1 in lion". Conn . iiml Corlhne, Mile.Chester's dog; l-'oy and Clark. Jos. White-head, tims. LeonHril Fletcber Rufavette'sdogs, Mclnt.vrc and Heinu-ti, Frank Haves,Hurry l.iuw. the (Irur.lers, and the kluo-drnllie.

Arlington, Madge Mnrtley, und the Oriental business they 'have been domic Is really won-"eetrlclan. In the Rattle of SautlaiN uerforip



. . ,

' derful, considering the sliOrt Cmu that tlie ?,"ce

,-,rl"' eeremoiiy wll be performed In

Clark STiiitKT Mijhkum (I,.. M. Hedges, article has beea bffore. the public. All tbe «« 'Ions, eaae In Bla otto r i-esei-railqa

uiiiuuger).—Tl)is place of entertainment on pui'kK In this vltlnlty have a representative '\nitonR. Harris wli

.tlnrk street continues to please large crowds, with (heir clever InviBillan, ind the demand

Wiiiinkv Ol-HU llot'NK (Sam V. Orson, a good proportion of which cornea In from from t|ie outside world Is , taxing themMalinger).—"A Knight for n Day" grolfiy the country. greatly.... , ."Captain Careless", will be wotrunnier all the time, through the unceasing Hivkiivikw Paiik (Wm. M. Johnson, mna- on the road Aug. it), with Joe Whitehead stilleirorls or Mabel illle. John Slnvlu nnd tho ager).—This niiumaotb nmusemeut park Is In the title rOIe, and (leorglc Hrlghlon lu tbeother clever people, and going to see this contlniiully smnsblng Its own and tbe records imi-t played recently by Tobv Claude '.

niiisU'iil coiniHly has become h habit With of othei; parks, and the hoc weather of the Two companies of "A Knight' for a Day" willA"°, About Nothing and "A Comedy of Kr.

ninny. The little playhouse has been turning past week Is said to be only the forerunner also' be "Blurted out at the same time with ''?''R Hertrlce Shepard writes me that

T. 11.--Tin- road was la-gun in IHCtI, and uaoplu nway on many occasions, nn<l has been of uiOre "park weather." which will swell Kddlo Redwav iiml Clarence H.-lrvey iii the .'!'w

'!8 ""uuenly taken III at her home, •JO. In

wiin llrsl opcrnled In July, IHII7. Hie scene «* several theatre parties of good the receipts here. Last. Sunday, 10, the role which John Slnvlu is playing nt tbe ,? ''"v' "" ,'-"s' '-eland Avenue, and was

L. ('.—Record for miming ten miles, up to slite lu the last mouth. . crowds here were the largest ever recorded Whitney. The company at present there Itl>u"«m' Io go to the hospital, Buffering with

Watklns, IIi'mii Tcmi'lk (Harry Franklin, mana- nt a local amusemeut place, and every con- >s said, will go 'to New York in the Fall tV* 'hjimniatlbii In the groin. The phygen.—The slock coinpnny bus been dulug cesslou was crowded to Its limit. Records There is n possibility Hint, Muy


very well since the Siumner season opened, were also lowered In th* athletic field, and apnea-

Milton R. liiirrls will have charge of n mu-sical at Klmbnll Hall, afternoon of 21)

Ben Oreefs Players will appear lu the Scum-inon Harden, of the University of Chicago,during July, presenting "As. You Like It,""The Tempest," "Wlnter'R Tale," "A Midsum-mer Night's Dream," "Twelfth yight." ".Much

llinl, was .'il.tioif,, made by HurryMepl. Hi. ItUiP,

MA IN 10.

I'oitin ml. — Ai (he Jeffersoti (JuliusCnhii. ni'iiiiiiicr) another excelleut week'sbusiness was accorded the stuck, In theirlireseiiliillou uf "lu the lllslmii's Carriage,


.line' 17 '-"-'. The mtitliu'c nltcndnnce for thisproduction was especially large. Louis AI-I, Ion, of the CtiHlle Kijiuil'c Slock. Jollied 17

is a posslblllly (hat, May Yokes wM H'?lnn Informa Her that lilie will lie able to

r In one of the road companies In thele



ve ">* "'«pltal In ti few days. Miss Sliep-

of the servant, played h.-re bv' Mabel a,


1 a CUm Bureau caller, 20, and at

. R. M. Baker, one of t..Has Pocahontas," Is said to

chance to laugh. Mntiel Montgomery will inent. Is sure, to draw large patronage. It Is1 » one net musical corned v| which a

rclum Io the I lien Ire In Hie title role, after great for children of nil, ages. "The Great In vaudeville next souRon. ....... 'I

a long nbsence. In tbe Full she will star. Train Robbery" has been.lorccd to give iih has been engaged by Mori Singer

ami hist week gave "Along tho Mohawk" In the baseball game hail the largest attendance Parta very creditable -annuel'. This week, "Jane" of the season. The woler carousal Is nt last Hlte .


...R. If, Baker, one nt the author-; ,


- lnle romplalued of severe pnllis. Sheis Hie bill, and the patrons Will have a good ready, and this unique method of entertain- of "Miss Pocahontas," In said to be willing "1H, bM'" studying very hard on the part In

Maliel Montgomery will meut. Is sure to draw large patronage. It la a one act musical corned v, which mav be seen wllll'b she Ir to. star In tlie Full, and over-

.Tell Taylore

,)Ie,'' l«". combined with the excessive heal of

-„J'r for the La !,'!* 1"IHt tew •,n>'8 ' eomblned to bring on theNext week, "'I lirtinn." '

,. ,. many na eleven • shows (o "accommodate the Salle Thealn- Co., for next season. . . Hilly 'Jmess Ocrtrude Cotisiielo Bales, vlo-

I.ntkiinatiiinai. (Kills F. illlckiunn, maun- crowds which .havp sought admission, and Barry, the energotlc press I'epresentatlve -if ^fflSj,will, give n recital In the Audlturlum


on'erl iiir Ii v I hi- "lin-k •! •'!» wll I bV Kcr).—The business kwps up well, despite with the hot weather the plunge of tho mep the new Cream City Tark, which, by the wnv ,'',''c,,ul •"" .afternoon of 28, oaslstcd by

•i iiiiie-i" ociil inlent'wl l iirT-sent' '-l'l nli"s the heat, nnd the acting Is of ft' very high and horses Into the lake has not been, tlie will not opch as soon as It was thoiiah'tt- l"'

.-J'l' ti, Canity, reader Delegates

I)iimhter" Smiliiv evuiliiir slnndard, with spleiidld plays bc|pg given..

couse of so ninny shudders on, the part of tlie writes me that he Is making great' pre mrii- J ,,™* -National Convention of tlrocers will

Al.-Cii ii'u'k Cai-j- Cowaiii'' Paiik illnrl- Ai'ol.ui . (Ma« Herman, manager).— The audience. Patrick Couway has.drawn thous- thins for bis Hilly Barry Merry Mlus rels for'vl0

Ll theatre, parly nt tho Majestic, even-

lev Mi'l'iilniii iiiiiiniici'l --The oik-iiI iir of •, - , "••l eompnny .cotitlnues to do well, and amis around the shell, to listen to the catchy next season, nnd will have (lie comunnv !"K .°.f-.?7 KddleFoy will star In "The

ail house ccurre. "•-"''nie Seini or" Teliig

olTers guml plays.,

...'.' „ Suiiimei- offerings which his band has played, transported around the connlrv In 72 W* -.•* ,tr» ^W»* «» ate WMb «f«l

ilio iVlaiv m>l«'t-ttAl r.Tr ire-Mmtnlii •'•'••'11 I'kkin (Rols-rt T. Molts, manager).—When and the orgahlsatlon will remain three weeks <'lnl car. He ' has manv ppectnl feat-•-'•"'• ""d will be suphorted by Amelia Stone

Amouit the p avers re • SeverIn I e lieyiitiUwu' " W" w"hoilt, IJlerc Is nhv.i.v.s sun- In pi

, which Is longer than any other bandWhen nnd the organization will remain three weeks «'lnl ear

j sun- In nil, whir;.Yid"'Kii

([enli-''^ *•»• wln,ln " "»W.WBW on thi- South stays here.

Wm. frimiiilna. llleharil I.ylc, Itlchhrd Ulw-ler, Arthur Beiiblel, Arlhur Pickiais, A. J.

Hurt*.. Itiirlley McCiilhuii, W. It. Woodull,Fay I ..Vie. Charlolte Hunt. Isabel I'ulden.

Lucy Mllllkcn, I'rof. Hnvld Fisher, directoror orchestra: t.'eo. Foley, slage ciii'ia'titer


('has. Crosby, scenic artist : Luke Manning,assistant ; liei'iiiau Nlerluius, eli-clriclnn : D.

Side, and tho prepiirailons for the hot H|H>I1 WlllTK ClTV .(Paul D. Howse, tunnager)are such thai the sintctutor can keep lis cool Though far from the lake, this second large...as If he were on the' lake shore. "lp. /,ulu- park In the City did un enormous businesshind." revised edition, has caught on here, Ills hilt. week, with the thermometer up In thirty days later than the time orlelnullv VVm ,M 'ln« Joe' Whitehead. Frank Hays.and the bouse bus been crowded. ' Harrison the lit) r. ..which was what thii, management planned, owing to the lucom--'-' - *••-•' '"" n»>«i"» "sa.- ^-i...j.. , ..„.. „,,.i

Stewart lias- redoubled his efforl-i In the fun- was waiting foK They hud the atlnii'llons, of the grounds Roymaking line, and the additional songs and bill not the weather to display them hi. From huvlng Just returned from n very successful *'.", IS °. PMM or "The Chorus. Ladv '

dances make ll almost a new offering. "Cai^ the entrance gate on l lie Northeast corner, sosson of forty-eight weeks with "Wedded nm' -- 1 uhiler'siudv for Rose Stabl. whose part...... ..*..' she It, ,,l,lti,„,l *,. ,.,.1. .......... -ji i...,., ........ ,

npletc condition ,,un Hawley.. Toby Claude, Harry Lime niol

Pc? called 17. SLfV , ""' An,y M-SWi a Chicago

von- successful ''!',

ls •> lI'ellilH'l' of "The Chorus. Lady" Co..

FtoM trickier,jp^, m^^^^^^^^.s picked lit. 'here, sulenflldly titled "A Daughter of Jiden" athat' rJevMh'.?/_ "'_ "A'- 1 ' "IH»H.-nn«l the has received the greatest nrnlse ?ron.


likcorpurnted.A number of vaudeville bouses In Obi*

have been Incorporated Into .a stock compiiuyunder the name of the Suo-Mlirrnv Amuse-

iiii'inlcil last wis-k. The advance sule for the It Is In Hie Winter, anil the excellent ur- dcrmeilt fbr many. ,

neiison'K reserved llckvls ii|K'lied 17, and was rnngeiueiits for kivplng (he temperature at Ciiutkh Pa,iik (vv.:H. Stivery large. Waller Locke mid Heo. H, llrown, n reasonable degree are appreciated. The bill —Business .'hasna Iri'iiniirer mid business malinger. rcs|a-c- for week of 24 Includes: Brace Van Hlilddl- with the adventllvclv. will he In evidence ns of yore.

Itiviutri.N- I'aiik ill, 11. Smith, manager).—This resort opened 24, with the attractionsfurnished by ,1 W. (inrinan, ns lu the pnst.Pmm.AMi (.1. M, Moore, innmiger).—lllg

bii'iliicss i.revnlls here, and extra attractionsme added from lime Io time, supplementary i

S.-iiixi.i.mi-s (Luiiwlg Schludler, mnnn- boiuw. MeWnttera and TVho.V ,L .:* ?roS?' w'-ose home is In tlnitlllton O Is to he

gen.- Business keeps up Io the high uotch I.uxa Pahk (L. R.

Lfluttensleln. mana- players, are hi town, nnd Mi • McWat(n-s.V»i° «



,,,*ro - manager of tbe new corpora lion. Thehere, 'the bill for the week of 24 rnclndes: gerl—The nceommoda Ions here aiv not biiOI- nounces that he will make a maan.n.slnt m.S"

clrt'l,lt "' vaudeville houses owned by Ibis

lllcbarda aud company, tbe RobertsDuwont dent for the crowds which congregate, so an- ductlon next seawn caiffne «5i'" pl °" ^tnpany Includes : Lima. Cnlllicothe. TCew

'a "'n8 * aevel- »rk, Canton, Zanesvllle and Manstleld, Ohio-

to Hie moving plclures ami llliislrnled songs.Savov t.lns. .McOuliiuess. mauuger).—This

movlug picture theatre enioys excelleut bust-ue-js.


507th« £3&3*% Rob

.,rt *'&*<>». m response to

hLHi °ti!ne au.'llen«'- oinde n short speech

Hrotiiers. Aocipni;June 10, revival or -Jin, crecieu i>y millionaires. Interviewed Mr ~~' IM> ,p"" Dnllnii Symphony Orchestra lie- «« i Kennedy jiml Wllkcns, Three .Motor Girls,

I'nndrrbnry, Undpvllle, and June 24, "The Barker siilil: "No definite antlaraciurv offer 5" n n" oiW'KMHent 22, succeeding the Circuit- Lcnorr- nml St. Claire. He Fnye Sisters, KceleyIncubus, and The rluenln,' Coronet, hns lieen mnde In me. Tliere 1ms been roiuc d "' l

's ""lid. which mtrnrtcil big crowds. Brothers, and iiiovhiir pWturcs. Hill week ofWeather during the week hns been rather talk of such a thing, but even ir It hM ticen Washington Paiik ilVm. J. Thompson, -' : 'I'ho Hw Lulilns. Four Musical rules.cool, and good for the amusement places, made I am not III a position at present to WMMMjer).—A new tenure that will com- Kaufman Itrothers. Irwin Walton, GoforthThe great haffect I he patronage at

orsc show, at Olyinpln, did not "«>' yes or no. My Interest lies In the Savoy •"•"''"I Itself in music lovers Is the engagement """ lh»ylc. anil moving pleliires.patronage at the theatres us Theatre, which we will open next Seplcmls-r ,,f 'I"" *>''*' Vnrk ijiilnlcltc. which will he Lcna Paiik 'I'maniR t P.


much aa was expected, even If It did at all. Julia Ncllsoti and Fred Terry will ton-Orace George opened at the Duke of York's elude their season at the New at the end of

<m Wednesday, In Margaret Mnyo'a ndapta- July, and will then go on tour. i ne theatreHon of Sardou's comedy, "Dlvorcona." 1 am will, then go Into the hands of the decorators

heard dally In grand opera selections. Theprincipals are: (tract Hoss Cmitiiurlcr. HelenMarie l>ny. Carrie C. Chime. Fred ThiMilnsand Mrs. .1. Harrison Irvine. The Itonuui lin-

imngcperhaps lie more enthusiastic than my Kng- Go-Won-Go Mohawk had a narrow escnpillsh cousin, so I will i|iiote a short criticism from being shot while In her dressing room atfrom This llallii Unit: "All London must go Moxborough last week. A shot came throughto see (J race Ueorgo, the dear little American the window, and the shattered glass Blruckactress, who appeared at the Duke of York's her eye and cat her forehead.Inst night—her llrst engagement In Engliind—In an adaptation liy Margaret Mayo, of Sar-rion's gay comedy, •IHvorcons." MUs Gron-nwill !«• compared, of course, with the Frenchactresses) who have made l ypnenno faiai.iur,

Die. Jhealres and Music Halls t' nlllee.of the London County Council, has hail Usattention drawn to a music hall sketch, en-titled "The Unwritten Law," produced at theseveral London halls recently, and obviouslybased on the Thaw case. The luiumltlcc Is o'f

pleased to record that .Miss George met with anil will be reopened In Sepleuiberr by"a new ferial liand also continues jo tie a" big drtiw-great favor. Helng an American, I would management nig card.

Wiiitk Citv III. M. Aiichy. manager).—The roller skal lug rink Is dwarfing all theother attractions at this resort, anil Is n ldgmoney tnnker. The other attractions are.however. Is-ing well patronized hv the crowds.

NoTtss.—The IdeOl Amusement Co.. with .1

capital of $.iil,ui)i), has applied far a New•lerpey charter. The names of the principalshave not hem disclosed Carl lluseli, ofKansas City. Mo., Is the winner of n (AMIprlsse, offered by the employees of a departnient store for an American cantata. It Is

called "The Knur Winds." and was selectedIn n coinpctlllon lit which Ihe Judges wereVictor Herbert and Dr. W. W. GilchristPhiladelphia intends to do Itself proud inhonor of the Klks convent inn, which takesplace week of .Inly in. More limit?1."iil.lM)(l has been sultserllssl to entertainlite visitors, and nlrenilv Hie rllv Is a mussof colors In honor of the eventThe funeral of .lolin Klenelc Curler, the vet-eran actor, look place from his home. No.1412 Fulrmoiml Avenue, on June lit. and waslargely attended by members of the profes-sion. Creslon Clarke was one of Ihe pall-bearers. Interment was nt Monument Ceme-tery.

anil It Is possible that some of Ihe compartsons will lie unfavorable. Yet she may snup opinion Hint the sketch Is open l.i grave oh|i


her pretty fingers at adverse critics. She Is ''"" and the licensees ,,r the mills have beenhound to conquer, for she Is so human, so requested to countermand any arrangementshumorous, so sly, so tender, so bewitching, for Ms production. The skelcii was plnvedand all In a breath, Unit every woman who uy J>'hn Lnwsou and company.sees her will envy her, and every ninn will Certain changes in the formation of thelove her. The old piny went splendidly last syndicate halls board, consequent on Ihe

Tiikathr 1 1'. II. Canllehl. man-ager I.—Large audiences greeled the followingbill week of 17: Chester It. .Inhuslnnc, Is'on-nrd null Thornton, Waldorf and M elidej,Matlel ine llurdi'lte. and Master Itelghard.Mill week of 21 : The Tanncitns, Mr. andMrs. Tracy, .lames II. Uiimi, the Hurleys, amiKlorence Mnrlow.

- I

Ha rrlnhnrn:.—At Pnxliing Park (FelixM. Davis, nrnnngeri week of June 24 willfind the following on the hill: Onirics unitAnna Ulockcr. Van Brothers, llelle llrandon.1'iiiillne Fettling, ami Joslo Clnllln and A. U.It In.

Xotkh.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Chnnncev, whonre resting nt (heir home In this cltv. arepreparing for an curly launching of theChauncey-Kelffer Co. Improvements lirebeing Hindu to Ihe Lyceum Thciilrc.


AtiKeleia.— At the Mason

night, and the grimier share o'f the lienorswent undoubtedly to Miss George. Her col-leagues would be Ihe first to admit Mic factof her triumph, and to congratulate her uponIt. Her coming hud not been boomed, midher charm and freshness, therefore, found usunprepared, and took us by storm. Ily theway. .she Is sweetly pretty. That seems a de-tail, somehow or other. Her nrettiness isii minor attraction, for personality Is every-tntng on the stage. Miss George's person-ality Is Irresistible because It combines thedepth of true womanliness and the galelv ofJune sunshine, (me writes enthusiastically,and not without reason. Hut enthusiasmmust Is- tempered with strict justice. Onedelicious little actress cannot make a plav.Miss George lias Frank Worthing. IttchnrdBennett, .1. I». llevcrldgu and Max Freemansupport her. Every man of them has a senseof comedy, anil I bey all scored last night."

"Great Possessions," translated from theGerman, of Karl llossler. and produced byMartin Harvey, at the Ad.-lplii early In theweek, met with fair success. Its scene Is it

small town on the Lake of Genu ->sureth. Theperiod Is A. II. .'II. The Messiah has come,ami Is preaching to the poor and Ihcnllllcted.Cite does not, of course, iictutilly see lllniunon the, singe, bill He Is constantly spokenof as being close at hand. The blind oremade whole, the possessed are saved, and atlust the call conies lo Nathaniel, Ihe richyuung man. lie Is the reputed son of Asarji,the hard hcnrlcd usurer, hut his fulhcr isreally Splnlhiiros. the Greek, lie himself istorn between two opinions. He has not Ihefierce tenacity of Ihe Jew nor Ihe love ofbeauty of the Greek. He Is an unhappydreamer, nnd at Ihe offer of happiness he Isquite willing to sell all that ha has and giveIn Die poor. For a while he hesitates be-tween bis spiritual longing mil Ihe attrac-tions of Ititlh, n very unscrupulous anil mostextraordinarily outspoken young ladv, andliiiallv he Is killed by the people he wantedto help."The Merry Widow" met with tremendous

success on Its llrst performance nt Dnlv'slust Saturday nlghl, and It Is safe lo saythat the piece will have at least a year'srun at that house. Joseph Cnyne. In one ofthe lending parts, shared the honors withLib Lisle, who plays Ihe widow. The rest

death of IS. Adney Payne, have" recently beenmade. To the boards of the Tlvoll, lite Ox-ford, the Variety Theatres Consul Ida led, andthe United Varieties Syndicate. Waller Payne,son of G. Aliney Payne, has been eleeied.Henry Tozer and Henry Sullen are the imtn-inrltig directors of the Oxford unit Tlvoll,rnmeetlvely. Henry Gins continues ns man-aging director of the .Metropolitan, and nowbecomes senior mana"lng director, will) Jo-seph Oavls as Joint managing illreclor or IheFusion, Chelsea, South London, Wiillliatn-stow. Fast Ham and Tottenham music halls.H. II. Wells Is managing director of the Can-terbury and Paragon, Henry Toanr being nom-inated lo the board of the compnny.Fred Nlblo and Josephine Cohan are leav-

ing for Smith Africa to-day. where Ihev Hrcunder contract to fulfil engagements lii Jo-hiinneshiirg and Cape Town. Their next en-gagement In London will lie played In June,Phis. After Die South African trip they willreturn to America to piny the Kluw ft l'!r-

langer houses, tlthers leaving for South Af-rica on (lie same steamer are: Cruv anil Mc-Carthy. Hilly llobhs nnd Millie Millard. He-(tuning today are: Griff, elms. Slevetis, Lalb-lie Xello, Die Three llraggs, mid HarryTate's company.

Hurry Lauder appeared as n soloist In DieUnion Church, Morrison Sheet, Kingstown,Glasgow, lust Sunday night. An announce-ment that he wns to lake part In the serviceat t moled a large gathering. Mr. Lauder .mi:;

Cowan's "The Children's Home," anil Mrs.Lauder sang it setting of "Crushing the liar."They were accompanied by their son.

Hare Devil Schreycr, now lit Dresden. Is

announced to give a iierforniiince of hisduring mt to-morrow, but Ihe pollen areplacing olMtneles In his way. and have In-sisted on a private performance to-day, lie-

fore Ihey will give him n permit to appearIn his net before Ihe public. The Dresdenpolice are permitting molar cycle races,which Sclirever declares are Inlinlteir moredangerous than his set, and In respect ofwhich a tragic accident was lately reported.On Monday next, Ihe Zanclgs return to

tlie Alhambrn. after their lung lour of theprovinces. Muile ltordln. the premierdancer, who was so successful In Ihe ballet,"I.'Aaiour," will replace Alexia. In "Thefjueen of Spades." Other newcomers will

of the enst la of the usual strong Dalvtvpe Include: the Ylullnns family. Ihe ItakoczyThe name of Kdwnrd Morton Is iiiinnuriceri


on the hills as Ihe author of the Englishversion of "The .Merry Wlddow." but In aremarkable letter to one of the local papers,iuntnln Basil Hood disputes the authorship,and declares that Hie work was done by him.

am aware." m?j Cnpliiln Hood, "that

Sextette of Hungarian singers and dancers,and some new llltns on Die hlogrupb.

«»»I'KWM l.\ AM \.

Philadelphia.—Things theatrical are nowat their lowest ebb. Hv the end of the presentweek tho Lyric nnd Park will put up theirshutters, and all Dial remains lo cater tothat portion of Die amusement loving publicthat are unmindful of weather rondlllons,are the vaudeville shows ill Keith's and theChestnut Street Opera House, mid the tourburlesque bouses. One reason why this cityhas never encouraged Ihe Summer stock

dramatic and opera— Is Die close proximityto Atlantic Clly, which Is now considered tohe practically u suburb of Philadelphia, anddraws the greater excess of those who prob-ably would patronize slmws during the dogdays,

Iahic (Messrs. Shuberl, managers).—E.

H. Hoi hern nnd Julia Marlowe begin a one

Edward Morton sometime ago, prepared aversion of the piny, but this hns nothingwhatever to do with my own work, which Isicing performed. In consequence of mvknowledge of Ihe existence of Mr. Morton'swork, and the preliminary advertisement,which he himself hud given In it, I suggestedlo Mr. hdwnides. that It would be it Elndlvaction to omit my name from Die bills andthe programmes. In order Dint Mr. Morton'sreciingu might not unnecessarily Buffer. ButI now consider that a public explanation Is

? ?..m

e!«">«ernlug the fact of EdwardMm ton allowing hlnfcolf to nppeur as the

writer of my work." Interviewed. Mr. Mor-on, who was very much surprised at theHilar, declared (lint he couldn't rccogni"Plain Hood nt all In the mutter. My r*


r.,,"'n w,,h ray ninnager. Mr. win

.iiwardcB. throughout, and I have opposed seat

w£'V *».J

1" r-nnctlng demands made by tho dept

stm rt 11.1.1' «rB

"."!!cnmJ,nM:r- 'f

""'ns- "ndet- weee ,„ „ i


r ' Fdwardes could make unlunges be pleased in the miinuserlpt. Sinupialn Hood confesses to have written Imere Independently <if mine, which he sn

i . i.

on y hoard of. I am surprised Hi...'!! ''""J""

Ml" country where the charii

InM, 1hmr

...rmm Marsovla. 1

a place which I


'"T ,,h, '


1 l»erty of Inventing. I have no de-

E!*J° Calm anything that Cnntnln llnnd or

:.I"'kt1!?,""/ hHV,, contributed to the

KSlffU1LK .""' ,,r,,t "mc I h"ve heard of

i»iEn.I'ood In the mutter. Cnplaln Hood

n. . L ?. ""i"'nR n,

-v feelings.' It seems to

enll£S i".s ,"^ ,

'u no 'are to do so. but has

tfc me •' P wlt 'ln"t »o much as a word


H, 'i1"' 1 of ^awlucket," whlelt Cyril

JSIr* »'IM do at the Playhouse ou June S3.

h.. lisseen

t"""lues Mr. Mniidc, who will play

a iltlc

.roi ''- «eorge .Shellou, \V. 11. I'osl.


JP"",'i'('Corge Courtn.'y, Richard

iin.uA1* "? vlrt Tod"- Jol,n ll'irwood. Dure



- lL Mct'arlhy, A. G. Onslow. 0.y*2£»n. W. Blair. Master Doyle, Pollh;

Ai2i.f!l!*!""r'L CarlWft services are: Hurry mnger, . run i.niicy. uHi.. <??","• was «lvon 1° Fanny Coleman, nt Kerreros. Delmore and Lee. Mills anil Morris.

nemorni .



l"y lM* wccl'• (o com- the Eight Primroses. Will Itogers. Louise

iMUi.iM.rK. At the Nixon (Thos. F. KirkJr., inuiinger) this week's bill Incliiles | ElsieJiinls, Nellie llenumont, Willy /linineriiinu,Itttppo Sisters. Edwin Ltltell, Uellauin anilMisue, llolta llros., Ciilllns and Mrnwn. IlndleAlfaralil, mid the new unlimited pictures.IliislncKs was good lust week, and the patronsenjoyed u good hill.

Giianii (Harry Dnvls, manager). — Thisweek's hill Is one of the best of the season,nnd includes: Nat M. Wills, llelle Mlanchc,Plunopblends, Kosulrc and Dorcto, lleuj.Clinplii. Six Itockcr Girls, CUB Gordon, Kellyand Itiisc, Claire llensi, Tom Mack, (he l.lp-plncotts, Fred N. Morion, and the clueniulo-grapli. Lust week's hill |iliiyed to S. II. I),

oil week.Hti'i'iililiuxK (Ira J. Ln Motto, malinger).

--This week's fill Include : The Vnrdelles,Hob Huberts, ( nas, W, Mllliai, Dovle nndGinuger. Prank Claytmi. nnd ihe lllpiuigriipli.The lltillaii Orchestra ivinDiiiies to give Itsusual concerts aflcrnnou mid evening, iliisi-nee.s has Is'en very good.M.WKsnc (Howard Koycr. manager) e—This

week's bill Is composed of some good acts.The patrons are enjoying good bills weekly,and .Manager Hover Is doing everything pos-sible to give excellent talent.

Ll'NA (Elmer I!, Gregg, manager) lienPhJIIpplnl's Sensational Spanish Hand midMnnliulliin Grand Opera Singers coiilliiiie foranother week. They were such a big drawingcard last week thai Die muuugciiieiii decidedlo hold tbeiii iiver for one more wis-k. Musi-ness has been very good mid Ihe pnlrons lire,

enjoying very line enterlnlnmetils.Kbxxywiiiiii (A. F. Mehiihiiii, malinger).

Sunday, 211, was known us MgKeesport Day.mid the Eagle tliinil, of McKeesport furnishedthe music, while Edwin Kelly, the whisllernnd Imltalar, entertninud at licit It iiflertioouand evening enncerls. Kemp Klslers WildWest and Hippodrome lire now beginning Diesecond month of their engagement, and con-tinue playing to packed house, daily.

SoiTHtuix (A. H. McSwigun, manager).—Sunday afternoon and evening, US, Nirelln'aMahd, la select concerts, and Claire McUiugb-lln. comedian and vocalist, appeared after-noon nnd evening. People are turning out Ingood sized crowds lo enjoy Die concerts.

IUtUAM City i Stanley E. Vlrkers, niiiiin-

rInctto grow dally, and the patrons lira gellingsome very line enlerlnlninetils. The specialfeature,^ of the outside or open air enter-tainments Dial are drawing heavily arcCupid's roaster. Wlnrhcrtnun s animals andCity of Jerusalem-Wkst Vikw continues (o have Ilia usual

picnics from vurlous churches, schools, clc,nnd business continues good all the lime.

I operaHouse (ii. c. Wyiitl. manager) Viola AllIn "Twelfth Nlghl." June 1(1-12. with specialmatinee 12, played lo capacity business dur-ing her short engagement. House was closed17 and Week. Fur one week, Icglmtlng JulyS, Maude Adams nml her company will pre-sent "Peter Pan."

Ai'iiiroltn'M (Sparks M. Meiry, manager).—"II. M. S. Pint fore" was presented lo goodbusiness, by Die Ciillfiiriihius week ending |A,"llnbln Hoisl," Die company's llrst and bestsuccess, was revived for week beginning 17.

lliXA.sco (John II. Illnckwu'ii). manager).—"Lolly" was produced to good business,by Hie slock coinpiiliy wei-k ending IS. "TheLove Iiimfe" had Its llrst prcsciitntliin l.'i, byHie llelasco Slock Co.. and was cnnllnueilduring Dm week. "The Girl .villi (he (IrreuEyes' 17 and week.

Moiiosi-n's Hi -iiiiamc (Oliver Morosco. ninn-agerl.—The revival of "Mlxpnb." by theslock company, tl and week, drew capacitybusiness. "David llaium" III and week, pin


lug to full houses. "Tile Lily mid thePrince" 2.". and week.

Giianii Oi-kiia llm sn (Clarence Drown,iniinugert.—The Ulrlrh Slock Co. presented"The Street Singer," lo Die usual business.week ending IS, "A Midnight Escii|m." drewwell 1« and week. "The Price of Honor" 2JIami week.

Pist'iicti's (A. K, Fischer, mnmiger).

•('hurley's Farewell Dinner," a musical i-oin-cdy. was presented by Klarher'a CuinedlaiisIII and week. Tin lulest raildevlUu nets anduiul bin pictures complete the lull.

Emi-ikk i Ml liy Hunks, resident iiinnngerl.

Features 17 nml week Included: Idlest vaude-ville uT-ls, illiislriileil songs by I.aura Hunks,sketch by Ihe Empire Stock Co., mill Iliacinematograph.

I'Kni't.c's (Al. G. Flourimy, iiiiiiingerl.—-

Features 17 mid week: J. Ileriinril Dvllrn,Die Three Flying Volunteer... In their aerialII rl : Nan Eiigleloii and roiupnny, In a pewcomedy: Emily Nice, singing spccln II v : TracvMc|h-riiio|l, phi in e.l me I., riles, unit People'sSlock Co., preseiillllg Die "Mirgus Aunt."

tlNIUCK I Ileitis ft Zllllee. proprietors!. -

Fen lures 17 mid Week: Ily Greenwny. comedyjuggler; I'oiihui and Curler, singing and lulk-lug act; ||. w. Mrlnkley. Illiislriileil songs:two skclclies, Die Ibilqiin t'oineily Co., In"Hear Alpliuiise," and I'libpieo-scupe.

Utll'HKI At (Martin llei'k, general manager).-Fen I n res 21 and week: Jiimes ,1. MoriDie Phincys. |j-s Klners Moulin, Eiiiersnii andi t.i hi win, Dunn and lllaaler, In "The Messen-ger Hoy:" Hayes and Johnson. IloollibickOuiirlelle, mid Orpl m motion pictures.

1Oiik.lnmi.Ai ihe Mnedonoiigh (Chus. I',

Hull, imiiuigeri viola Allen, lii "TwelfibNight," drew cnpiicliy houses Diree perform-iiuces. June M, if,. Waller Sanford s stock,'io,.»ii .hi lrtiiiaiey ej. > icscrs, iniiiin- :, . ..;.,. Ii. ."I" ' . Vr'v. V ' " .-...«.*

er).—This week, Iwlco dully, the lloltomly ',"•,""''I ISI'lrSB!"

f"r JJ'B'. .(r



!l l""'roupe, and De Lucca's United Htntes Hand, ,V '.!lV.


w<',".".'li'l. i""."'^'

^anford's Pluyers,ncludlng six soloists. The crowds contlnun '"

, *JLS5en. \1 'i .

:,HI""'""K '••'«' SH"iW.

_ I .- J.- It-- ...- AM . - M. . »»* I . I I L I' I f 1 V III \ r. I I . 1 , , I . t . I ... LI ..... I \ '......

.LniKlirv (II. W. Illshup, iiiiiuiiger).— NiiiiceONell nnd the Llherly Slock Co., In "UToscu." drew S. II. II. week ending HI. Miss

Nell nnd Bishop's fnuipmiv of Players, hi•'I be Jewess," I7-2.'I. "The Flics of Hi. John"follows.

Proved mure agreeable at all limes than didMusical Director Itayncs. Mr. ilavnes liasbeen under the Snvnge regime for n nuinberof years, nnd while young In yenrs, Is old inexperience In his line. He, will) Mr, Lmmint, composed ,iu> music of "Peggy fromParis." and the production was given for s, \

oral seasons under Mr. Ilavnes' direction.While here he composed "The Fee Geo Man.and staged II with splendid effect. Dnl-vHoward snug the ftiing. and wns assisted inthe chorus by n Is-vy of us prutty girls aever slond lKtfon« Ihe foolilgbls. Thev weieciilhsl back from live In right limes lit cadiperfiiriunnce during Die production of ".tn.-ic

and Hie lletuislalk." The Summer nlghl'concerts have begun In lllenvllle Square, amiare attended twice weekly hv large crowd-

The First Infantry (land, cumin, ledby Daniel S, Drngo, leader or the I.vrle Theaire orchestra, will give it musical festlxalfur Ihe heneili of the uniform fund, July I'..

nt Monroe Pnrk. <»VHIUINIA.

Norfolk.- -Al the Academy of Music (ottoWells, loeiil malinger) "It's lip To You, .lobeHenry." closed a fair week's business JuneIS. The management states that in ail

probability the hmihe will remain closed forthe remiiluder of the Summer.

Ciii.oniai, ill. E. Weaver, acting nuiimgiri—"Pnctihonliis" Is now In its llilnl wet,.and considering (be weather clndlllons, Imilness Is nil Dint can lie reasonably expected.The piny Is Isioked fur an Imlellnlle run.

Giiamiv (Otto Wells, local- uiiiimgeri.Altbnugb Ihe weiithitr hits Is-eu must llufilvornlile, business remains very aallsfnctoi \.

"Down Mobile" 24-211.

M.ut.snr (Men C. Gngtinn. inntuiger'Shepurd's moving pictures inc. playing to fairreturns.

Ai mi (Wllkersnii ft Mniule, tuiiungors).People week of 21 : Miicklu mid Hurt, Llllle'i'boums, i 'Union Sisters, Marry and I'ennnviu.Irene Delmore, Thompson nud Humes, KilnWells nnd KeuU and Edwards.

lu.ioit (Abb. Suiltli. innnnger).—New penlib! week of 24: Wells iiiuK Sliellby. MnrleMartin. King mid Long, "Aliiiee," and Jol.usun nnd Mack. Iliisliirss Is gisuL

Ai'iiiToini'M (J. M. Hartiin, mnmiger)People for weok of 21 : E. Kirk mid company.the Ostiums, Guy Johnson. Nenl Sisters, amiHarvey mid Admits, lingular stork. Is Ktallied,

Manhattan (Crlnnlnu Hros., uuimigers).--New people for week of 21 : ciinrles Hi h.Ed. Parker, Joe Downey nml E. F. (Irlllith.

"Strings nud Springs," n builesqun coined.',will lie produced by the regular stuck inni-iiaiiy. Slitiie the death of John J. Mudileru,Ills wife, Cecilia Muddern, bus hud I ho man-agement of Die slag... at this bouse. Mrs.Muililern hi assisted by 10. F. GrHulh.

Niiiks. -'Mr. Muddern, whose dentil waslioled In Inst Issue of Dili paper, was one ofthe heal liked managers ever enguged til

tills I hc:il re, mid during Ills stay, ciiverlugn period of over (wo years, he made inunyfrlends Klrnlfy's speetaeillnr "Porn-bonllis" Is practically complete, nnd willhave Its premier preseiilnllon, Sntnrdayevening. June 22, In Die Hippodrome, form-erly llm Horse Show lliilldlng.

-— 4 l »WIHCMNSIN.

Mllivnukee.--Tlie Gnrrlck Theatre, whichwns opened a few weeds ugo uy diehard Kami,Is announced lo close Its doors Sunday. Jilllit

2;i. The Harriett Stork Co, scored several hitsIn such product Inns as "An American rill

xen" and "The Cowboy ami #• - Ludy," butluck of receipts ill Die box alike forced themaiiiigemeiil to cut shod the season. EdwinTbiinlioiiser Is ciiiisblerbig reopeiihig thelions., wllli a strong stock company.

FAiiMT.--"Heerct Servlrr." as presented byTheodore llohrrCs English Stock l.'o.. scoredheavily last week. "The Itlvitls" Is iin-

iiounceil fur week of .In lie 2 1.

Davidson.—The Albert llron-n Hluck Co.Will pill III! George luster Plait's luteal, "TheNeedle's Eye," week of 24. "The Price ofHonor" was Die nllrnetloii week of 17.

Hi.ioi: (John It. Pierce, resident intnniger).—Ibisluess Is hulillng up well. "Our NewMinister" lust week." "The Convict's Daugh-ter" week of 2!l.

Hr.\n.—Mmiiiger l''rank II; Trollnwin ron-Iiioiia Paiik OHNM IIoiikh 111. W. Mlshop. "' * •" draw u guild share of nlleiilloll

muiiiiger).—-The Idoru Opera Co, In "The *'">' Howard and her roinimiiy held tin

Wedding Day" (second week), drew excellent H, "K''. week of 17. The Llherly Girls weelbusiness week eliding III. "The Ameer" I7-2II. '" "*

vlvul of "Olivette" nttracted line houses, whoenjoyed Ihe efforts of Laiiin Millard, DeliaNlven nnd Will In en Mrownluw.

Kkith's ell. T. Jordan, manager).—CeceliaLoftiis was a strong drnwlng curd last week,and will continue ns the head liner week of24. Others are: Charles B, Mack and com-pany, Hobby North, William Courtlclgh. in

the playlet, "Peaches :" Wrne's Dancing Won-ders, Ken Levy, Kiln Hiiuznl Troupe, MaJestlc Musical Four, Phil nnd Nellie Peters,llellf Hrolbers. Le l.'evre nnd SI. .Inlin. Ilbndesanil Carter, the Cralgs, Sanford and Darllng-lon. nnd Die klnelogrnph.

ClIBSTNItT Stiikkt Ockha Hocsb f.Mxon &ZliDmeimiin. managers i.—The playlet, by Geo.V. Ilnbarl, eiillfled "Looey," wllb Gils Wein-berg In Ihe leading role. Is the big card forthe current, week, others tendering (heir

Hlllger, ('Vila Galley the

class vaudeville.Notk.—F. L. lllalr. the local manager of

Ihe Family Thrntro, In this clly, Is now InAtlantic City, N. J., as an iltlache of one ofthe large pleasure resorts (here. Respondingto a telegram which he received Saturdaynight, lie left here at il a. m. Siuiduv, mroute lor his new Held of lubor. Mr. I'.lnir Isa worker, and Is conceded lo nt n safe andskillful tnunlpuliilor of moving plclure ma-chines.

uuiliiiiispori—A^t (he Family (FredM. Lnmnde, in»nnger)_ the Great Lyons,

Emi'IHB (E. M. Cnrlston. niiinnger).—Hill17 and week: Al. II. Hiillett anil company,presenting "Deception;" the Military Qimr-lelle, Ihe Dllges. Cull and Johnson, JosephI'onseeo, In pb lured melodies, and Ihe bin-griiph.

Notks.—Ann Crewe tins been engaged usDie lending lady of Die Illshup PlnyersII. W. Illshup ami family, of Die Lllatrly andIdoru Park Opera House, have gone to thelosemlte Valley Work un the OriiheumJ'liealre, on Twelfth Street, is now progress-ing rapidly, and H Is expected that the open-ing will not be long delayed, n |g slated

Ciivktai. (Frank II. Winter, manager i.

Hiislness Is line. People week of 24 : Cour-ture ami Glllelle. 'I'liro. Ullmiirk, Allen Donneand rompnny, Mr. mid Mrs. (I'llrlen, andCardoiia's lions,

WnM'Kiii.ANU fllleiiard Kiiini, iniinager).

lluslness picked up lusl week, and thingstook guild for Die rest of llm unison.

Paiikt Paiik.—Wheelock's United StalesIttiliuu Hand opened the season, 1(1.

IIaii.ni'ai ft IIaii.ijv's Cillers comes July I.

' isin in,. Him At Dp. opera House (W,

II. Hluildurd, tuuiuigeri Eldorado Hloek Co,Juno ll-HI. planned. "Ilumpty Diuilpty," 17.scored well. Tcsilinunlul concert lo Wiildt-itinr von Gellcb. 211.

Lakh Vikw 'I'iikathk fArlliur Lune, managert.-"Fru Dliivolo," 10 and week, prowlan excellent .performance, and good buslnes.:resulted. "Olivette" 17 and week. "Chime:of Normandy" 24 mid week.

Watson and Little, Itertha NosH-ltussel pnsltlvely Hint Die jiousu wl I lm opened loMontgomery nnd Moore, Humors and Law, {»" public ou hepl. I Ml Ion Dream (W.nnd Killur nud Paul drew big audiences, '• Ih'ffey. innmigeri bill -17 nnd week, inov-June 17-22, mid the house then closed for

u'>-' ph'lnres and coiitlnuoiui performni

llli.m/srn,„^». .,*.,, • ,«•>" «^-T.-n, iij ...,ui- ,rir Clgai llliuiones, ,, III ivugci*. UUtHKU""morale Ihe .fiftieth year of her professional Dresser, and moving pictures. Httsitiess eon-

io»m JSit. .V™SmwV wno l» seventy-four tinned to good returns last week,

ensile »irctlrcl1

,In|d year. An Mrs, Hard- lli.ti.ti (George W. Kite, manager).—The

n inr..:. Is

' -"nlaprnp. and In dozens of house show continues In good business. Theii m LrP'' 11' 1',' 9**, <olemnn wns n olio week of 24 mimes : Kennedy, rtond nnc



iinli "8,";fl '" tuc t'lientrlcal world of company. Smith Convey and company. Matpast generation. (hews nnd Mct'iihe, Marr and Evans, ink


f°',l<' "nt have gIVen Dint verdict." Huliy Jackson.;:!" ,

J'ldge yeslerday. In commen ling on these m which Ethel Newman, the understudy


.,'B >' ln '1'he Belle of Mnyfalr." was

vui'i -mi3nn damages against Ihe Vaude-

),..;»n'';«"e management, lie added that

i,„. ,utue "'Idence of Hen Nathnn. who anld

,1m.Inp ''onlracl In queslion was not

'iillnurv one, he would liave let. Ihe casein the Jury. Judgment wns entered for M»„-?i.n fl "' t;10u

' •*'"•'• "f execution bel..„

eoi rt •°" (

'nn(,'""n lhat £"10 »vnH l'»l« In'o



HIHIe Burke's last appearance In this coun-,,' ..V!

1' "OS" f'mo will lu- at the Vaudeville.

. ,.i 'CK

' Ponderlniry's Past." which will he

.,'.p".. "...""" no'""' °n Tuesday next, ln

e |„|| M| S11 11,,,-ko will go lo America underi e management of Charles Froliman. wheresue is |o ,,|., v le-ollnp nieiH ..I'b •'•.. t)»..

b..inr ?,nP|


•Xcw" i* *- ">'! Wife,"- ni


,HI: ,hp "nyniarket, will inn

Pi ubalily be the piece In which Miss nurl»"' fominenec her New York rngiigeinenl



Lvcktm (John G. Jermon. manager),— Thehouse show Includes two lively burlesquesWilli William Kelly ut the helm ror Ihe funmilkers. Flo Kales nnd Mae Follard nrefen lured In the olio, which also Includes sev-eral boxing bouts. Business was fair 'lastweek.

Tiioi-AOI'.KO I Fred Wilson, inn-ingert.—nillvWatson's Cozy Corner Girls pjit on the skils."Th" Sessborn Girls nud "The Diamond Pal-are" week of 21. Newcomers In the ollnare: The Great Crowley. Frlne While. Blackanil McCone. nnd Stevens and Kelly.Casino (Ellas ft Koenlg. managers;.—Cole

and Johnson. In "The Shoo-Flv fleclmenl."nre now In. their third and finnl week, begin-ning 21. Houses of fair proportions werepresent last week. '


Hun Ton i Lillian Tyson, malinger).—HIMweek of 14 : Frank Lninonl. Gordon nmlHerg. . (hinker Clly Qunrloilc, lllnrk nndLejonn", nnd moving pictures.

"aiik ( E. E. Downs, inana-

theYam.amont Paiik PAV1LU15 fOirdlne Glns-

inlre, mnmiger).—Orpheus Glee Club Mins-trels did an Immense business 18-20. Valla-monl Slock Co. begins lis season with "TheLittle Gray Lndy," 24-211. "The Girl fromOut West' f


Ht'!KNiu:rK-WAi.i,ArK HtintTM 24.» •

Alionnn.— Al Lnkemont Park Theatre (.1.

M, Shiuk, manager) business week of June 17wtn guud. The following nil rod loan nrebilled for week <if June 24 : Cruet mid Grilel,Hearibilev Sisters. Hess Wrignl, Menlley andOpp. and llobln. Juggler.

Stau iSllvcriaaii Bros., diniiagersi.—At-tendance was ejond 17 ,ln ,\ vvwk , Rm .j,t „n ,|

week: The Musical Adams. V>o nud Viola,

Bert Super and Lulu MarOrcgor. '


iiiiiensiei—Tho Fiinilly 'Ed. Mozart,miintigeri closed for the season July 22. nudwill reopen Sept. 2.

Il'i'ir Gaiipkn iCIius. M, Howell, innnnger).—•"Ihe Girl from Purls" drew large audi-enc.'s 17-22. "Baron Humbug" 24 2».HncKv Hi'Iiimih ill "

lluslness was good last week ...'... The Hex1.1. P. WltllllOfll. Iiiiiiingerl hill 17 nnd Week,moving pictures and Illustrated songs. Busi-ness wns heavy Inst week.


Mobile. -At the Lyric fl,enn Neubrlk,inmiugeri the Lyric Musical Comedy Co.closed a ni'isl protlluhle Summer viigiigeinenlof six weeks ill Ibis bouse, with il farewellperformance Monday. June JO. Standingroom was at a premium, and all seats weresold before, noon of the Inst day. "Tin- Ulrlfrom Purls." wllli nil Ihe musical iiiiiiiIsm'swhich. made such a hit when llrst produced,several weeks ago, was rcis-nlcd. The com-pany left on the siinu- nlghl for Toledo, (».,where they H re booked solid for Ihe remainderof the Summer siumon. The principals nudiiiiiny of Hie supporting tnembern of the com-pany will return here early next April, nndI lie I.vrle Thealre will run musical comediesnnd opera all nexl Summer. The Lyric lanow tinned, and qiiineroiis changes will bemadi:: and Ine house will open early In theFall for the Winter season. Manager Neu-brlk leaves In a few weeks for New York

Coo ( Intro. ,\i ii„, Unique (Win. Al-mond, resident maniiger) bill fur June t


nml week: Delia WiiIkoii, lliirney William-,the Pryors, Win. Ariiioiul, F. M. Kelly andH. fl. Ciilverl. nnd V. .1. itlef.

II.MIM'M ft Baii.kv'k Known July 0.+-*

(MMMMUA,Atliintii. - -At the Grniid (II. I* ft J. I.

De Give, mnnngerl Die George PnwroHo Inpresented, In il pleasing maimer. "The Coyhoy nud the Lndy." lo liberal rclurns J que11)22. "The Christian" 24-211.Casino (Jake Wells, manager).—"Mv Wll- a

Family" was lite offering 17.'.'", Lnrge nodiipprei'lallvi- audiences were fitlrurlcil. "Alltile Com for I a of Home" 24-211.

Mtaii (.1. II. 'I'hnriipsoii, manager).— TheUsual Hiillsfncfory returns were enjoyed IV22. The '1,111 • Included : Mnv DellUny. (lmMyers, Hlnuiplibi nnd llehr. Crvstnl Henii.uiJohn II. Morris, I,mini llennell, McCnll Trb,Harry Medley, Geurge Wilson, Chun. I.McbKilllb Perchei, Lilly May. Mnv HI. Clair,Avllln Ht. Low, Nellie llennell, and moili..-pictures.

I'AHTIMK TllCATIiK. - This reiirl cniitliille in

furor. Hill 17-22 Included: .Wilson andMoynbln, Lewis and Londngef, Tuinuiy Wnsand Win. Tliouins.

HncKv Hi-iiiniih HI. II. Hrliredin. manager) „' .7 , Tv

. " ."w

. .1" "r,™-"My Friend from India" dr 'w well "-••i

""'',""•'''«!•.• lo a tend to the bookings.Losl-Twenly-four Ho irs " 24 2!» -2J222?5 P4K \>

lK*™K '"• * MclVt,

manager).—The Olympla uiiiiiitgemeiit

.egonn". nnd motRkki'HWoi.ii Pa

lork.—At the York Opera House (fl. C.Peiil)!. liianageri "The Mm, Iro.ii .uexk-o, ' bylocal tilletit. nndei Die iiinniigehn nt Of l»,ij.aid MneDonald. matinee and night June IS.II., ,i.„ 1 . , , . *"•" , Hfwarci., ...,,.,,.. ......... .... .» .... ,,, /.,,.„.., iiinu.i- ids ,'i.t' u'liu I , ILMlinec HOI llCal .IllUe IX Add" lineWu Hie last night pi •'atroWhti«rti

" At mijHE* lilM iiss[mm Hmi WUUBUM JIiouu,vd Pakk Oi-tj^ BmuSSl SA gaglment,

Vrmott,.. ..I. found

Hint II would not pay to nllerunte the nlaverslietwisai ibis city mid New Orleans, the' ex-Ifiinit being loo heavy, so the house put onvaudeville until week of 21. when Hie J,coAdd- Opera Co. Is iKioked for a BummM wi-

Home.- At De Soto Park Tlienlre LI. W.Ilelsnian, miiiinuer) Hie King Dramatic Co.June 17. wild "Married fur Millions; I'lic

Lighthouse Bobbery'' IK, "Wiliiled. A WileHI; "1tlp Van Winkle" Ifll, "Built Lynne" '•!,

"The Man from Ihe West" 22.4»»

llAitnv Tii'iiinton writ*; "I cloned III

Norway. Me., June H, nnd opened In Mldcl'elawn. Conn.. Jurte 12. with Ilia Harmon LadyMlH«trela 1 twelve p»npie). nc bnllut matterand illreclor. Things look g'jod for big IUvcess for tills company.



508 !TH2E;NE"Wr "5TGBK CLIPPER- JtWE 29.




f1lms°and projecting kinetosgopes.THE RECOGNIZED STANDARDS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.


jpprucea by the Hew i'ork Hoanl of Fire ViulerwrUnt ana the Department of Water- Supply, Cmsana Electricity.

A Tbrilllng Story of Adveolur* aad Rescue

LOST IN the ALPS830ft. $124.50



j^hr aboveRltroalnt Is t hi- iriuU of a series ofcareful experiments and tests aimed.tn produce an apparatus t» meet every requirement of Municipal Authorities andMotion Picture Exhibitors. The resistance U built up with Individual coll* of"Climax" wire and any tingle coll may be replaced. without. disturbing anyother coll, by simply -loosening four eet (crewe. A heavy, perforated aheef, steelcasing thoroughly prol«-ct* ana ventilate* the colls. Terminals and adjustableawltch are mounted on a non-contlactlag elate bate protected by a aheet steelautomatic closing cover. Aabeatoi covered: copper wlrea ronaert the various collaiv Uli awltch contact*, and all ronnectloaa are solderleas. A convenient handlefacilitate* handling, especially when Rbeottat la hat. All parta are matte withjlga and templets, fiwnrlng Interrhangeabllity. • • •

The above Rheostat la adapted for all modela of Ellison Projecting Kinetoacopc*,and for either 110-M5 volts direct current or 104-110 volte alternating current, and•4.-1 to HO amperes without excessive heating.

The above features, eoinblned with the beat material* and workmanship,uperlor ilealgn and construction, have produced a PERFECT RHEOSTAT.





end for

lllwatrsled Descriptive Circiil2r Me. 319.

Great Historical Production

DANIEL BOONE1,000ft $150.00GLASS A.

Bend for

Illustrated Descriptive Circular No. 311.

Another Up-to-lhe-Minute Ellison

Comedy Hit



935ft. $140,25CLASS A.

Send for

tllestrated Descriptive Circular No. 317.


AND FILM MAGAZINES,«? i 3 a .o o







jSYF»2VOSIS OP SCVirBS;:Cohen's "French" Mulinary Store-Enter BhopperB.-ArriVai'of a Fresh "Im-portotion"«Cohen Opens Case on Sidewalk-Mrs. Cohen ,'SeleotB Several

Hats and Returns to Customers--Cohen Follows to Assist-Ashman Ap-

pears and Damps Packing Case Into Ashear t--Cohen Beturn 9, Discovers

Loss, Calls Police and Starts After Ashoart, Followed by Mrs. Cohen and

Salesladies- -Asheart on Way to Dump-Hats and Bonnets Falling Into the

Street-Children Bon Headgear and Start Cakewalk-Cohens to the Besoue

-Bunch of Irish Women Secure Some of the Prizes-Arrival of the Cohens--

"A Rough House '--Polios Beseue Cohen—Ashoart Reaches Bumping Pier

and Dumps Load Into Scow-Italian Laborers Gather in Remnants of Bats

and Start Lively Dance-Cohen and Police Arrive and Beeur* Dilapidated

Millinery-Back to the Stoie-Customirs Won't Bay-Business Bad-Cohenin Despair-Discharges Clerks and Retires to Private Cffloe "TO THINK" a

Bright Idea-The Lamp and the Cat-' 'Everything Is 8afe"--Locklng Up the

Store- -The Explosion-Turning in the Alarm-Exciting Fire Bon-After a

Few Bays-Big Fire Sale-Entire Stock Below Cost-Tableaux- Mr. and Mrs.

Cohen, the Insurance Policy.-Diamond Ring for Bachael, Smiles and Kisses.

No. 03 <d.. CODE VBBNADERS. OOOfl. CLASS A.' 1133.00.



•4 for Latest Catalogs and Illustrated Circular*.


Chicago OOlce, 804 Wabash Avenue,Ret? York Office, 31 Union Square.

. Cable Address, Zymotic, New.Yerk.



flPITTRfl •flPNTfi THE KINETOGRAPH CO., • • 41 E. 21st Bt., New foriOLbbino flULnlO, peter BACIOALDPI.^1107 Fillmore St., San Francisco, Cal.

GEORGE BRECK ..650-854 Grove 8t., Ban Francisco. C»lI DEALERS IN ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES.



We Charge No Commission for Booking.


Royer & IIuIm.oii Kilterprises and Circuit,Majestic Theatre, Frank-tow n Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.



Removed to Loraine, Ohio,AVlnM'.' it win be reopened mi ntlNDAY, JULY 1, for the lutlitiire of Hit- season. /Oneperformancceach in Kin inn) three matinees each week. Artists booked at AkMU for July 1, or Inter, will pleasereport at Loralur instead. Vaudeville artists in all lines (except aerial) write- quick for Unit*. Wouldalso like lu I ie» i' rrotn good Musical Comely Companies, Nlnsfrel Troupe", or iiuy ni her good organizedcompanies. Guml singe fully equipped. Seining capacity for 1,000. -Address '•'




Slate ago, weight, helghl and lowest salary for long scaKon'fl work. Seu.l photos i wlileli will boh|IIvc<1 \

be returned). S18TK1I TKAM or HOY AND tllllL iClilldreiii for i'arls and Specialties. Season opeuaai Henderson, Kenmcki ,.Julv •-':'. Helii'iimls start Jul; s at Henderson. Sobriety and Wardrobe in-

dispensable. Address - ..,' THOMAS K, DRl'EW, Care ofJUKIMN SUOW PRINT,

«i>s No. 7fi Plymouth Place, Chicago, Illinois.

i'" ''I ". 4==sss=s ,

-i .1 i. '

i i i i


CLEVER CHILD, DM under 12 Tears.; also PIANIST l.KADKK. fur weeks' engagement, 14 of sameSummer slock to Providence. ' write, stailon full pHitlculars and low eat salary, in first letter. Seasouopens Aug. IB. Address MPITZ i« NATHANfiON, Empire Theatre, Providence, R. I.

PETER J. RIDGE, Mgr.Western Dramatic Agency

Circulars Free '.-"••*

Vaudeville Sketches, Etc. Written

Small and Leading Parts Rehearsed



Buck, Jig,

Skirt, Novil,

Caks Walk,

Chorus Work,

Slittr Acts,

Rsg Tim*


Dramatlo Art,





PKTBR J. RIDGE. Moa. ^'tWestern . Dramatic Agency suC

127 La Salle Street, Chicago, HI.


C0R1ET and Other MusiciansFOR B. and H. or DOUBLE STAGE.

Veraatlle ladles and gentlemen, wlib speclaltien.Write, ststiug lowest. One ulitht stand ear show.We pay all.. Never close. Add. BROWN A ROB-EllTS, June V9, Sutton, West Va.; July 1, Rich-wood, West Va.: July J, Flatawood, West Va.

Hale Piano Player: also Good Black Face Come-dian who Is Htriiiig In aeW, dancer preferred, anda Novelty Performer who can ohauge for Oveulghts and work in acta. All muat be strictlysober. State lowesi and all drat leuer. OtherGoodlied. People, write. Be ready to Join at once. Mgr,Modern Kenn-dy Co.. care Show, (iasxaway, W.Va.

At Iaiberty,ROBERT TAVBf

Feature Specialty Arilsi. High Class Vocalist, Mo-uoluglst and Impersonator. Would like no lulustock 'company. 'Can do Hmallon wire. Address

.ga H. Grant Street



Can JoinTAIL,





LU \V- 6tli St., Kansas City. Mo.

MCDICINE PEBrOBHEHSStrong B, V., no women, singles only: Novelty Per-formers. Can use good Sensational Act. Wouldlike to bear from good, eight piece Band or strongOrchestra. No C. 0. 1>. telegrams. Must .do whatvou nay; tell It all. Open air. Here for the balanceof .seasou. Jf not too far, tickets: Add. MGR.,Herbs of J.lie Med. Co,, Gen. Del., Padncah, Ky.

AT LIBERT?,After Jrt.lv 1, Experienced Plaulst. Read, fake, etc.

PBOr C1US. ELLSWORTH, JanesvlUe, Wis,

THE FAMOUS ROBINSON SHOWSSister Teams, Strong Lady Specialties for the BUCKEYE GIRLS,S.tage Manager capable of putting on first class musical

.parts, Strong

Ballyhoo People, Lady Piano Players to sing illustrated song6, ColoredPerformers and Musicians for Ethiopian Past Times, Sober, .ReliableWorkinpmen Addresa the robin son amusement co..

5 c"' Warrea, Pa., week Jane M; Saleat, Ohio, week Jaly I.

WANTEDGirls with Red Hair to Ride in Parade, Side Shawand Privilege- People, Cowboy* aad Indians, Cook,Grinder, Second Advance Slan, Tall Many good ap-pearance, that ran Ride and take Speaking Parta.if out or employment, write. Want General Super-

intendent, Boss Canvas Man and Worklucmen. Show Is crowing and w* harta home for sober, reliable people. None other need apply..

RIGGSWILD WEST SHOWSJune 80, HI, an, Shelby, Ohio; Jane ietWaly 6, Cedar Point, Sandusky, Oule.


ACTORS AND MUSICIANS IN AXX JUNESFor No. 2 Show and to till vacancies In No. 1. < Waul Good Baud Leader with up to date music, LeaderMan for Kit that doubles baud, Eccentric Irish Comedian that does specialties and plays brass, AlTrap Drummer. Want-Slrong( Free Attractions for both shows. Actors and musicians do not have to

put up or take down scenery wlUi these shows. We never close. • .'•

' TOM WIEDEMANN, Garden City, Kansas.

iiWanted, for Donald Frank's Great Indian Melodrama,


Under the direction of t\ K. Ackermun, Character Lead, Blue Slilrt Heavy, Juveulle to DoubleCharacler, Black Fnce Comedian with Specialty, Juvenile Woman. Genteel Old Lady, Child or Smsll

S&SSUV! Specialty, and a GOOD, Lfvi;ADVANCE MAN. Show opens Aog. 20, uear Keokuk, I*.

POSITIVELY NO FARKS NOK FANCY SAI ' "ARKS NOK FANCY SALARIES. Address, with full particulars,AC'KLRMAN A FRANCE, care of Ackennsn-tjiilgley Ptg. Co., KKansas CItJ. Mo.

Vr- I "VVA.J>irTA No. I STAGE DIRECTORWho can play Strong l.es.l* or Heavies. Two hllla weekly. Also Red Hot Stock Comedian wiik

' n, man and woman, who are there wlin nw

t , liave plenty of wardrobe and quick stiw-People In all lines, write, perniancul stock the year 'round In the land of orangen and pineapple*-

EAR*. P. ADaMS, Ballast Point Casino, Tampa, Pl«-

Swell Specialties. Can place-good Comedy Specialty Teamgoods in dramatic work. Hunt be steady and reliable, h

STODDART STOCK CO.Wants Al Singing and Dancing Sketch Team

S . \ l V 1 .^ . - , \ t ' 1J I~ yfllll *- I

•-'*-• ---—--

W. L. STEWART.. Lansing. Michigan-^

SSl£! 8"""J"

r, resp" «ca*on,iieer New York, PKRFOIIMERS and ML'SICIANS; those doing twpj<*

rentage, Circus Cook and Boat Canvas Ban. Make salary low. All In first letter.' PRANCI9 MACK, care of CL-IPPli.R'^


(lO0*>The original Sport id "THE devils TO PAY,'voice*. Regard* to Big Bearted Jim. Add.

.br-cHAB. wmms^gugjgfr f;°



ITHOGRAPH WORK8mall Idltlons at Low Prices. Best Quality of Work. Liberal Terms. Large Capaoity, Quick Service.

Block and Type Work. Heralds, Dates, Etc. All Your Work in One Shipment.AC KKimA\ \-<tl lUl,KV LITHOGRAPHING CO., 11«, 117, 119, 1S1 Went otli Street, Kuiimi* City, Mo.

Show Printers and Lithographers. Coupon Theatre Tickets, Roll Tickets.NEW YORK OFFICI, 203-204 KNICKERBOCKER BUILDINC, 1408 Broadway. ^^

TABLE OP CONTENTS. Bartells, The. f.una Park, Buffalo. N. Y.. 24 28. 24 20: Olympl.. Llterpoot. July 10; Empire, 24 211; Celeron P.rk. Jnmestown, N. IT., July Grmm, MMt May's, O. II., Pluuo. «».. 24-28;, — «ff« Barnes. Moytue. Schenecindy. N. 1.. 24-29. Hackney. »i:i; Hippodrome, lundon, 1.1 Aug. Ml, l.lmlenwolil Park. Ilnuillluii, July Ml.

Miss Clipper's taMHK etc J02 Boker. Tony. Lubln's. Baltimore. 24-29. 3). Eckstein. Willie. Keith's. Bunion, 24-20. liny. Arthur I... Oswego. X. Y.. 24-211; SummitHatunierstetn B. B. Clnh 602 Beaumont, Nellie, A Girls, Nlion, Plttsborg. 24- ClItfoM i Burke. 12nlh Street. .V. Y. C. 24-29. Kdwords * Vaughn. Star, K. Pltlahurg, Pn., 24- Pork. I'llca. 4uly t-ll.

Henglrr Sisters 502 20. Clinton Minim. Acme. Norfolk. Va , 24-20. 20; Ml. Pleasant. July Ml. Hallux. Lola, W Itrl 1, lletere Beach. Mass.,The Frl.rs S5? Brd'nl, Donot, A Dog. Celeron Pork. Jamestown, Clans ft RadcllfTe. Electric. Waterl-jo. I... 24-20. Edwanls' School Boy« * School Girls, Victoria, N. 24 July II.

ror«T BollTar - «.. fg N. Y.. 24-20; Volley. Syracuse. July Id. Clorke. Minstrel Billy. Uke Michigan Pork, Mu«- Y. C, 24-20. Hallet, ft Hayes, Fairyland Park. Pniwale. N. J.,

Vaudeville and Minstrel 304, Jit Benton. Elwood ft Moggte, Majestic. S.nduslry. kegou. Mich.. 30-Jnly 0. Edw.nls ft Ross. Third A?e.. N. Y. ft. 24-28. 24-20.

Jouj ptiiilp souaa—Sketch 504 p.. 2.-20. Clarence Sister.. Nlxou. Pittsburg. 24-20. Kdw.inls Tom. A. ft S.. Boston, 24-20. Ilurrlniriuu ft Lesler, I'nluu Hiiunrc, N. Y. (.'.. 24-

Queries Answered... 600 Bell; Crystol. Grand, Newport, Ky„ 24-20; Brood- Cleveland. Claude ft Marlon. BIJ»n. New [ocidan, Rlwood ft Maggie Benron, BIJou. loraln, 0„ 23- 2w.

uur Chicago Letter "<"1 way. Mlddlelown. 0„ July 1-6. Conn.. 24-20. 20. Hammond * Forrester. I2.MIi St.. N. Y. C 24 20.

Our London Letter 007 Bellong Broa.. 23d Street, N. Y. C, 24-20; Proe- Clark'. Dogs, Atlantic Garden. Atlantic Olry, N. Elite Musical Four, Henderson's. Coney Islonil, N. Hatha. ay. Ilelle. Fontaine Ferry Park. Louisville.

i>n ihe Pood BIO. 018 tor's. Newark. N. .1., July 1-0. J 24-20. Y., 24-2l>. Ky.. 24-20.

Voodevllle Ronte Lilt 500, Bill Beyer ft Johnson Majestic. Madison. Wis., 24-20; Clark. Eddie. Atlantic Ganlen, N. Y. C. 24-20. F.IIswnrrhs, Four. Dnrn.y Park, Allenlown, !•».. Ilnliinway * Slegel. Onrmnii'a, Mrilford. Mass.,

>.,. .mi i ii) B14 Airdome, Ft. Dodge, In., July 1-0. Clifford. Dare. Star, Homestead. Pa., 24-20; Law- 24-20. 24-20.

rilDDer Post Office 515 Beauregarde, Harris ft Co., Unique, Minneapolis, rence, Ellwood City. July Ml. Kllsworth ft Burl, Miijestlc, Sloax Foil, H. !>.. Hays. Kd. ft, Casino. Island Park. Hnston, Pa.,

Current Topic* 5J* 24-20. Clarke. John F.. Union Square. N. Y. C. 24-20. 24-20. 23 20; Sixth HI.. I'oshoci.m. !».. July l-il.

Deaths in the Profession 511 Bertlna. ft Brockwny, Poll's, Waterbury, Conn., Clarke ft Temple, BIJou. Jackson, Mich. 24-20. Klton. Jane, ft Co,. I2.M1i HI., N. Y. C. 24-20. Hat. Mnlcycle. ft Urn., C.mey lalund. Cincinnati,

White' Rat. Ml 24-20. Clarke ft Bradley, Aron Park, Yonngstown, •)., Eldorn. Mile.. Atlantic llurden. N. Y. 0.. 24-20. July 111.

Mlscellsneons Bit Beeciier ft Maye. Huntley, Blalrsrllle, Pa., 24-20; 21-20. Kllls-Nowlan Trio, Keith's. Boston. 24-20. Hnrland ft Kolllsou, Family. Butte. Mont., 3d-

World of Players B13 Laurence. Elwood, July 1-0. Clark, Ueorgtna, Uratid. Relllngham, Wash., 24-29. Kmemon ft Horn. Lexington Para, Bnstun, 24-20. July d.

rnRRKSPONDENCF. Beardsley Sisters, Lakemont Park, Altoona, Pa., Claude, Tohv. Majestic, Chicago, 24-20. Fmniv. Mme.. ft Pets. Lyceum, Uocbester, N. Y., Hampton ft lliiuuiiiun, Deulsche's, Mlin-hen, Her.,CORKhMunoivncr,. ^ M ^^ & Brown. N lion, Pittsburg, 24-20; Ly- 24-20...

24 3d.Minnesota... 'JJ» Bedinl ft Arthur, Saroy, AtlanUc City, N. J., 24- ceuni. Rochester. N. Y.. July 1-0. Kranierson A Baldwin, Orpbetim, ~im* Aogeleis, Oil., Hnnrey ft Adntus. Audliorlmu. N'orfolk. Vu., 24-211,

Rhode Islsnd ouo m Oaik Bros.. 0. O. H.. Plltshnrg. 21-2B. 24-2C. Hartley ft llaynes. .Summit Park. Hi lea, N. Y.,Sooth Carolina »m

Bellman ft Moore, Nixon, Pittsburg. 24-20. Chaftkf * McBrlde, Prm-tor's, Newark, N. J., 24- Kmmett. Eugene, I'talinn, (Igileii, II , 24-20 ; Not- W-211..uint-...-- SS Beaumont, Nellie, Nixon, Pittsburg. 24-20; Euclid 20. elty. Denver, July Ml. H"'* ft llarly. hreorhea Sni.atlon.PepMyWanla "J" Aw. o. H.. Cleveland. O., July 1-0. Connelly ft Clement. Grand. N. Y. C. 24-20. Kmplre Comedy Four, Music Hull. Brlxbtuu Beacli. Hart. Manrlee. Lulu Park, Buiroln. N. Y., 24 20.California '"'

Bernler ft Stella. Bermn Beach, N. Y., 24-20. Coles, Musical. Crystal. Anderson, lo.L, 24-20. Jf. Y.. 24-20. llanyey. l.ouls. Brmldock. Ph.. 24 20.

Alflwnia '"i Bentley ft Opp, Lakemont Park, Altoona, Pa.. 24- Colter ft Bouldln. Lubln's. Baltimore. 24 20. Kngllah Pony Bollel, Cnok O. H.. Kocbeater. N. JJ«>«.Ironk. U H.. f'h cago. 24 -all.

Virginia JH jo. Collins 4 Brown. Nixon, Pittsburg. 24-29. Y., 24-20. llarrlsmi, I,m P, lorllluu. (lore Bay, Manltou-Wlfconsln •*• Beaumonfa Pony Circus, Sheedy's, Newport, R. 1., Country Choir Quartet, O. H., CleTcland. 24-21). F.ngletou. Nan. ft -Cn.. Ogden, U.. 24-20; Salt lln Islnmls hid.. 24.20.

tl«oril» US 24-29. Coogson, Oorl. Cascade Park. Bellows Falla, Vt., Lake City, July Id. Harris ft MIkhi, Htnr. I.end»llle, Cnl„ 24-29;Miuocbwetts gig

Bellclalre BroH.. Alhambra. N. Y. a. 24-20. 24 July 0. Kpps ft Lorelta, While City, New Haven, Conn., „«'"./ ripple Creek, July I tl.

Dflgwore. »]» Beattles, The, 0. H., Fostoria. O.. 24-29. Collins ft Hart, Victoria. N. Y. C, 24-July 11. 24-20. Hair. Mowlce, Liiiib Park, Uiiffalo. 24-2 .

Ollahoaj. »{g Beasy, Claire, ft Cata. 0. O. H.. Pittsburg, 24-29. Corhett, Jas. J„ O. H., Chicago, 24-29. PMneralda. Ramona. Grand Rapids, Mich., 24-20. Hayes ft Wynue Poslor ., N. V. C.. 2420.Vermont •

2}S BIJou Circus, Sahhatls Park, Tannton, Mass., 24- Cooroy. Mock, Orphlnm, Hprlnglleld. 0., 24-29. liitua, Kd.. Howard. Boston. 24-20. Hnyninn ft linnklln, PnTllkm, lomlmi, Kng.. 24-

Ohio "•"aS 29. Cairo ft Carro. Browns.llle, Pa., 24-29. F.yanei, Bessie, Chicago, 24-20; Street Fair, Qoln- Jnlx SI...

Missouri Jf" Bishop. Blanche, Atlantic Oanlen. Atlantic City, Conrny. John ft Msmle. Park. Wheeling. W. V«„ cy. 111.. Jnly Ml. llarlmrh ft Hnrrla. Tiinihllng Dam Purli, Urldge-

lowa ?!!: N. J.. 24-20. 24-29. F.yers, lleo. W.. Acme. Racraraenlo, Col., 24-29. Ion. V J-. 24-20; Central Park. Allvntowu,Wishington *'" Big City Quartette. Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 24- Colonial Septette. Ye, 23d Street, N. Y. C. 24-29. Krani,, Oeorge. O. 11., Cleyelnnd, 24 20. J"IT ML ;


Tfnnesse. «}5 jg. ' Colton ft Darrow. Family. Scranton, Pa., 24-20. Imposition Four. Sheeily's. Newport. R. I.. 24-20. Howes Sisters, Meklniller'a. Chicago. 24-20Montana *!J Biff ft Bang, Tltoll. Missoula. Mont.. Jnly 1-22. Cooke Bros.. A«o Park, Youugstown. O.. 24-20. F.ntas (2). Lyric. Ft. Worth. Tex., 24-20. "'I.

1"",'". * Ur"!- •<»'*'< }'»rk. Hvaiunllle. 1ml.,

Indlon Territory ""?Blssett ft Scott, Majestic. Chicago, 24-29. Courtlelgli. Wot., ft Co., Keith's, Phlla., 24-20. Farley, James ft llonnle. Orpbeum. Seattle, Wash., „*,*": 'ak" l,

',T '.


r'1' ^T*" "Mft Jul)' ''*Florida.'. • V.V rJ? BIJou Comedy Trio, Glen Haren Park, Rochester, Cooper ft Robinson, Lyceum. Rochester, N. Y., 24- 24-20: Acme. Sacramento. Cal., July Ml. Ilnwlejr. R. l-reilerlck. ft (\i„ Drpheiitii, l.ua

New York State 5I4,SJJ N. Y.. 24-20. 20. Fay. Ellle. Alhambra, N. Y. C. 24-20. Angeles, Cal.. 23Jnly tl.

Illinois •••-. 2J2 Blmm. Bomm, Br-r-r. Delmors Oordens, Okla. Crolne. Long ft Cralne. Phillips. Akron, O.. 24-29. I merne. Oliestniit Street O. H.. Phlla., 24-20. I awley ft HulT, Maji-sllc, Clilciini. 24-20.Michigan {"2 City. Okla., 24-Jnly 0. CMO.ft Co., Crystal, Frankfort, Ind., 24-29; No- Feldman ft Ball, Coney Islond, Cincinnati, 211-20: Hayes ft Johnson. Urpumini, l.m AngelM, Col.,Texas "{2 B lll. Bicycle. Family. Anaconda, Mon.. 24-29; bleillle, July 1-3; Rlwood, 4 0. Llndenwobl Pork. Hamilton, O., July 1-0. .,** m; ... ,. , , . „ ...Cansds 2!S Family, Helena, July 1-0. Cralgs. The. Keith's, Phlla.. 24-29. Feeoey. Wiilly A Rellly. Pastor'.. N. Y. U, 24-20. Ilnrcoiirt. Daisy. Palure. f.iinilon. Kng., July |.

lmllipa ' "i" "Black Hussars" (14), Leeds, Eng., 24-29; Llrer- Crlmmlns ft Gore. Cascade Park, New Castle, Pa., Feldman ft Boll, Alrdonie, Terre Honfe, Ind., 24- Aug. 10.

New Jersey »}£ pool, July 10; Shepard's Bush, London, fl-13; 24-20. 29. Hantey, l^norn, Crystal, rrnnkfort, 1ml.. 24-iirejoo..... "'* hippodrome. London. 13-Sept. 7. "Cremallon." Victoria. N. Y. C, 24 29. Ferguson A Mack, Cook's Park, RrnnsTllle, Ind., July IT.

North Csrollna »}ij Blessing, Mr. ft Mrs., Crystal; Morion, Ind., July Cininliigham. Jerry, Sbellput Park, Wilmington, 211-20; Chester Park, Cln.liinuil, .'Id-July 6. Ilolcntt ft Farley. Aaliliiiul llpar. Harden, Ohl-rolorsdo S{2 ].fl Del., 24-20. Feraiison ft Possmore, Itiilflnsira Park. Ft. Wayne, cngo. 24 20.Unlslon. I

1!',' Blompbln A Hehr, Star, Atlanta, Go.. 24-29. Curxon 8lsters, Toronto Park. Toronto. Can.. 24- Ind., 24-HO. Ilenly Slaters, Hl-iiderson's. Ooney Island, N. Y..

West Virginia »{£ Bloncbanl Bros.. White Oak City. New Britain. July «. Ferry, «Jrpheum, Han Fran., Cal.. 24-29; Jm IJ4-2H.Msrylwel. '.}',' Conn.. 27-20: Highland Lake Park. Wlnsted. Cuminlngs. Thornton, A Co., Star, Muncle, lnd„ Angelea. July 1-1.1. Helena, l-.dllh. Siuoy, Atlantic Gordon, AtlanthtNew Hampshire »}} JaU \_a

' " iH-20. Fentelle ft Carr. Keith's, Bostnll. July l-fl. L'lty, N. J.. 24-29.Kansss '"{ Blanche. Belle, 0. 0. H.. Pittsburg. 24-29. Cunningham ft Smith, nrookslde Pork, Alhol. Flnlay ft Burke. Alhanihra. X. Y. (!.. 24-29. Henry. Cnpi.. Acnis. Kacrnmeiitu, Col., July Ml.Connect lent... ... - •'"

Blonde Trnewrller. Kilwards- |25th St., N. Y. Moss.. 24-20: I'nlnn Lake Park. Mlllrllle, N. Fields A Hanson. Proctor*., Newark. K, J,. 24-29. Henry A Young. Hhell|Hii Pork, Wllinington, Del.,District of Columbia •>]) c 24:214 J„ July 1-H ; Tumbling Dam Park, Brldgetou, Finch ft Sluler. Park. Whcs?llng, W. Va.'. 24 -20. 24-July I.

Kentucky n"Rogers Wolters ft Crooker. Onion Squore, N. Y. 4-tl. Fields. W. C. Xew York Roof Garden. N. Y. C. Ilelnrlili A Easier. Orpbetim, Sim Fran., Col.,

—mmmm^^^^SS^^SSBS^S^S-^^am C. 24-29: Celeron Park. Joinesnwn. Jnly 1-n. Cuminlngs Trio. Windsor. St. Paul. 24-29. ,,.-< M -,, . „,, , . .. „ ,^ ,,-


: • ^_ Boyd. Arcble. A Co.. People's, f^is Angeles, Cal., Dole, Dainty Dottle, ft Co.. I'artllon. Oil City, Fltxnerold ft Glldoy. Avon Park, Yolingstown. 0., I leant, 'ftim. H. H., Glevvliuid, 24-29,

TlauJ.HitU D.iif. f*i*t "4-20 Pa.. July Ml. 24-211: Keith's. (Inlunilms. July 10. Ilerhen. Muns., Wn.sllyn Park, t'aiiulen, X. J„

ildDQirVlllS KOUlV LISIe Bum 'Btw., Crystal. Elkhart. Ind., 24-211


Dareniiori.' Edna, Bl>»u, Phllo.. 24-Jnly tl. Flach. I^..t». t, Co...Pork:. Wheeling. W V.. 24- 21 20:

IIIJim. Phil... July IU.VlltWVTIU* |\¥WS\> M'w'*Crystol Goshen. July 1-6. nonwndr. Nonimbega Pork. Boston. 24 20. 20; German Village

.Columbus, «., July Ml. Ilueliiirr. Chad. Lyceutil, PI1II11., 21-20.—— '— ~~.

Bonlxeltla The Ontario Beach. N. Y.. 24-20. Dayton Slaters, ft Geo. De Vflsy. Star. Hot Springs, Fltanrlhhon. Xe.1. Postor's, S. Y. 0.. 24 20. llerlien ft Wllllums, Lugooii. Ludlow. Ky.. 24-20.

Thl.) ll.t i» made a* • nearly »c-gndtr,],,,.!; Quartette, Orphe.m. 1^» Angelea. Cal., Ark.. 24-Jnly II. Flnneys. The. Ondieiim. Loh Angeles. C.I., 24- llenly ft Viiuce, Hemlersun's, Coney Island, N.

cainte a. It la iiu.alble lo make a ll.t 24 .oex v ...

Danclng Dolls. New York Ronr Garden, N. Y. C„ 29; Olympic, Chicago. July 1-13. Y„ 24-20.

of vaudeville booking*. To Insure lo-Boldens' The K. ft P.. Jersey City. N. J.. 24-20. 24-20. Florence sisters I3>, Turtles Heunlu, Hlo de Hewlellra, The, Cieur d'Aleue, H|mkane, Wash..

•ertlon la this department the aatoe Br,.ant 4 Sa'rllle, Xorumhega Park. Boston, 24-20. D'Armon. Young's. Atlantic City. N. J.. 24-20. Janeiro. Braxll, Ho. Aaaorlca. 24-July 1(1. 24-Ang. II.

atMS theatre or park, na well aa the,iraj|„ & Davis, Bllou. Dnlitth, Minn., 24-29. D'Allxa, Flor, r.8lh Street. N. Y. C, 24-20. Florenx Family. O. H., Clerelaml. 24-29; Nlion, Hevwtsid, Great, Alotued. Park, Butler, Pa..

cl|J- or towa. MUST accompany each „ fl 4 Uiln , Uffln . Krap i re , St. Paul.. Minn.. 24-29 Davey ft Pbllllne. Electric Pork, Kansas City, Mo. Plttabnrg. July 1-0. . . . ,„:,, •?,,

/, , , „ „v .uooktaor.eut aa. Brfok* ft Ve-lder. Empire. S.n Fran., Col., 24- ^ 24-20. K ynn. EarL Empire Garden, St. rjouls. 24-20. HillI ft1

Hyl.l.ny, Now York Hof Harden, N. Y. 0..i,,| v vr Dormondy. Casino. Augusta. Me., 24-20. l-'latow A Dunn, Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo., 24-21). 24-20.

... , - -- «-i-=.i» ci,i«m "4 2ft' nm-n ~\tL,. Ann Union %....« v v r 24-o» Dniikmor Schiller Troupe. White City Park. Oil- Fletcher. Cho.. I«nard. O. H., Ohlcogo, 24-29. Hill ft tiny, Hhell|nt P.rk, Wilmington, Del.,Abel. Ikorge, A Co.. Majestic, Chicago, .4J«. Brown. Mary Ann,JMM Square, N. Y. C.. J4JO. „iM Klora m,,,!,,^, ,; n | „ Sq„aP,, s. Y. 0„ 24-20. 24-20.Olympic, C-hlcngo, July 1-6. E&^2Jirm!!£'t2*v25l \»«- Hrit.in D'Arvllle Sisters. Oentrslla, 111.. 24-29; Chicago, l-'urd A Bowes Hyde Park, Chicago, 24-20. HIM. Mnrry K„ Spring Unite Pork, Hprlugneld,

Abdollah Bros.. Orphenm, Sau Fran., ColI., 2.^.0. Brooks A JcnmHte, White Ook Pork, M Britain, J( , c Vnx t earner. Ft. Williams, 0on„ 21-20; Ft O.. 24-20. ' *

Adler, JMnnetle, ft Co., Blj-m. Battle creek, Conn., 24-.0. o.™M»„™ u,i Doxle. Mile., New York Roof Oanlen, N. Y. C, Francis. July 1-6. Hill. Cherry ft Hill. Lyceum, Henver Foils. I'...Mich.. 24-20; BIJou, Jockson, July 10. Brohst Trio, Eagle Family. Hogerstown, Md., ~^„ Foresto, New York lU>of Oanlen. N. Y. C. 24-20. 24-20. ' "

A.ldlson A Livingston, Lyric. Beaumont, lex., n _«:*••. ,..„„ - .„ „,„=h„„ nloa Davis. Ben. Majestic, Sioux Falls. S. D.. 24-20. Fo.x A Clark. O. H„ Chicago. 24-20. Hlnmon. Cupt. Hlilney, Sten|ilmliase Park, Cmiey

E^&&Sgtttt* Br&ffi.^^e^.Bnff.lo.N.Y.. „£-„.,„„.^ ,„„ P. r, ,^.. r^V^A^ ^ ™' ^SSp^^^iJ^SJS^.'t..x,.^. a nn^ir m. nreh.en Reach Me 24- Rreiman Fineence Grand X Y C 24-20 »l»«. Ky.. 24-29. Kiater, Ed.. A Dog, Casino, Ashury Park, N. J.. *"'"»• Se*1

.K-lwlnglott, 27-:!0: illpiiolronie,

^"ri^m™ 1 S?i^ Hnm.oi. iiil'v lb RiirketrKaelln. K A-P' JHfH City N J 24- BIJou. Su,*rlor. Wis., July Ml. _ Froaio. Amllrorlnni. Rnaitslou. Minn. 24-SO. Horloti ft Lo Trlska, Knot Krul lurk. Memphis,

• iU.'L"!1 ^,^ «, r^ut. 24*0 20 I>emacoa. The, Airdome. West Bnden. Ind., 24- Frevoll, M/-Betb Pork. Llmo. O., 24-211. {*""'-. 21-20; liigenoill Park, Doe Moltuss, lo.,

iSS. <i5? .,'„£,«,. itoiforl) Ind "4-20 nnrtU Inlin P Floml's Park Baltimore 24- ! B'Jn". Anilersoo. July 1-0. 1'roslnl. Lyceimi, Rorliester. N. Y.. 24-20. . *5 I* _, , .

^fcT^rf^A ?, »S«-^^ ^- «* '-2Vo^*M...r.F.,y,andPork.P.s...c.N.J.. ^ ... *,*> ^^ &t±Wl '"' »««

Aj| sear, ft Violet. She.', Buffalo. N. U » ^SS^Tk^oSffSS^^ ,^r ^Dexter. Terre H.ute. lnd„ 24-J.ly n. « f^«rw^VAn« ^ ""l"'"


' """ """"""""' ™" "'

Air^ U,t, a^iw, aaâ ^«Ma^, B.|kfe . Martin, ft Ok, Una P.rk. Buffalo. N. "'j^,.^. H-o,d.v,l,e. P... 24-20;

Apo.lo. Gjrdlner^ CkHdjeo ,31. Keith's Phllu 24-20 » Hgg* "-»• «* Cll.y. .I..ig.,.u,„«. N. Y.,





t" 2,,™J?? ^i C»13 Ind' -RoVter Brown " Atlantic Ganlen Atlantic City De Vere A Allen. Wonderland. Chicago. 24 29. 20. "nine. I;Lew s...Deyrey, Munipellcr. VI., 24-211.


Mnwrllte. in"-. Blister Brown. Atlantic Ganlen. Atlantic City. ^ Von ft K(>nnw|y Tr|o [i]h|| MonnnKnhe|ai H,. t fl„nnon,., v„n|t|a„ „„,„,„„„,. „„„„, *„,.„„„, N ,

ll.ieh... Mtt.lcol. Pi„«1,„r.t Park. Wcrcter. Mass.,

Al2i»7n,n,, ClrC° Be"- ""'" C1 *y'

M",C0, ^«Sg:J8^aRj^ iJWftyh J-».» Ox** *. JH* fll^'s24,^. Hlj™, Wln„.,,g, Can.. 24-20; "'[^

" ^'WA''- »l%h.'%T.%il?AllVn, imy. Luhln's, Baltimore. 24-29. Uuckner. Wm., Howard. Boston, 24-29. Detnlng. Joe. Mayflower Grove, So. Hanson. Maw., BIJou. Unliilh. Mm,. July 1 0. n July III

ir.Je.rle Pink. La Salle,

^trUTfe a^n^klDLSw. ^24-29. Z^'^Ji^lX T^*%*' DeSFAL, .ronton, O.. 24-29; M.y', Plqn.. "'fj.^JTo.

A""""C ",l"• *"""* °"'\ "S^^^S' «S?' «^ «*Alvlo[Bros ".nfuyette Buffalo 24-29. Bulger. Harry. Chestnut Street O. H„ Phlla., 24- July 0. fllllen. Too. Grand, Vancouver, B. O., 24-20; ,}KK 'V


'!,^ H?hiain;.ri i?,,.,, i,i,m

Afe:whto^£ P^=,^^n0 -

B„£y.. Musical. Portland. Or,. no-July B. dT^^ K^=.^an«: Ol^g^^^^npek,. K.n„ Effi^HlfflW^•f^S SK Freely P.rk. Newport. By™, ft B.onch. L.ke P.rk. Kingston. Can.. 24- ^™''^.f„,,kj ,,„,„, p„ rk . ,„,,„,„„, ^fe.t^«^.«^' .'^LLL. N. Y. «..




Ly, ,ke



;:tn B^ :^Rnht^dTjX^- ""^

"• {Ao.«.>yde ^ggjj,^* «gSVnf. A Moulgumery. East Kud P.rk. "^^'^^^feS^ ftTiTOAntrim ft Peters. BIJou, Eon Claire, Wis.. 24-20; Cnrt(, r , Bm,: Worn Pork. Yoiiumtown. O.. 24-29. nl

JJ?jf,H,'nl^ F- * r<

'". "" k'n h"<"° re' * Y

' ""JJ"»f* «• Ten "- '*{-2»: _ linlioff. Conn A Corlnne. O. h.. Chicago. 24-2II.

iSL't &r«X». Nework. O., 24. ^^^ - »» C"W ^i• 1","•

C,nl" ,"'• ,, •

".1 njr,«. Ramon^ £ r..^ (j*.* "'SiT'aSSofe^^^^ Tltt"'" ,,,"""- r,""X ^ '"""'"'*V

20- . „ Casads, Two anil a Holf, Idle Hour Pork. Pills- -*™ '•'"" Mlehlwu Pork, Muskegon, July p,rk. M icblgan (!My. m .. July Ml. ,„„,„ 4 ,,„„_ M<U<*Ue. La Htille. III.. 24-20:A pd.le's Animals. Park, Albany. N. Y.. Ju y 1-6. burg Kan.. 30-Joly tl.

o< nn Dixon AAnrer She.', lluffolo X Y 24-"9 SSfgL^feagg?- J&L*J*U ^- TJ» "^^ Monnlon's Pmk. Ml. L.mls. Julv I II '

ArWS: A Cl.rk, Orphem, Son Fron., Co... 8a=,,eJ





gO& ES&WiZSi*. n.&^^'T^-' "-• 2429i ™ Si^S^.M^Jfe S£ !



I ST" """"'"* °,,)r' ^ J "

ArEU^Roker Troupe. Ssn Jo«, Ca... Ju, .-«-C.ntell, Edna. FLyd's Pork, Baltimore. 24-Sept. ^^ g«'- Dancing Girls. Luna P.rk, ^f^t&jgfeMg&t' '»& $BSftBJ&&Sr> »*

Archer Bras.. Henderson', Coney islond, rf. Y.. c.rlotta. I25th Street. X. Y. 0.. 24-29 nlwy* ioj"fl.nh.ttaii Norfolk V. 24-29 °J ^20* Park^ whie In. W Va' ^iii i^o' ' ,."',


""" , .""" lv' !''J«"

•'"? »»• »>'»l«. 34-20.

3fE, Glen H.ven P.rk. Rochester, N. 3^5%!^^^ '^^H^HV^^ "»^«Jrl»WfeWiS* '"X^W.M^^'T'^ M.°"

ArmoJ4Gloce, Crnlva. P.rk, K.ns.s City. K.n.. c^\ti. Thfrlow.rd. Boston. 24-20. «-*• »'—"• *- Pines. ' H.verh.ll. M.»., Ool^Bro,. Xlxop, MamlHI, J..m...

j(D.lsy New York Hoof clonic,,.. N. Y. ft,

10-July 6. ^_ Compbell A Cully, Irwin. Goshen, Ind.. 24-29;Ito7.



jlllB-, ft o,,,, .„.„,,„ ri„ N . 24-29 PaVior-f N V r- Jni,'

n ' ' ''"W?- SV H " '-'"'""'wnld Park. Hamilton. II..

Archer A Crocker. Union Squire, N. Y. C. 24». Crystal, Anderson. July 10. . . HH"' ^1^**^^ AM.nMe n.rdin iiimGe aSFEm illL i.,7.?,? o aouaa ?n

:a0i ,,,,,r Mni" '!w"' •

,"l«. Krl". ''»• :|1'-

Arnold ft Artie. Airdome, bkla. City. Oklo., 23- Campbell A Jolinson. Touring England. 24-Sept. ""'•" »°Hjr *"»" A»""<c «**. Atlantic Go s Join llljou Plqua 0„ 24 -20 KfeC..

Ar^,AAtn^.^»^Cnlcogo;V^ S A O.rk. Crescent G.rdens, Revere «, ^F^^^.^^nn

.2.29. SH'SSSHju.yO V'BET 1^'.2!!!l"^

'T P,S«K; jT'^CenfraTpSr; c.m,felc°- Victor,.: 1i. Y. C. 24-29. „ S'-SBmlTS B-P-H- "^ * " U,,h"' D°W" ,"fX ,^",nr,• "^ * ^SSS " »tt- '"&^f '<-

|SCi![W X. Y. C. 24-29; « ffi^fiB«^^n^^ SpSSw^HSA*' ^ST'*'*-* •« *-' ««• «-* Jo lll'ft^U'.'Bllo,,, Norfolk. Vs.. 24-20.

ig&S^vi-U N. Y. 0,24-29. Eg, A St.oton. Wenon. Beach P.rk. Bay „S^rlfeK??l «' €.'«,,r ^ "^ 0r»'"'^S^Atou Cojuedy Four. 58th St.. N. Y. C. 24-29. Olty. Mich.. 24-20 ; Ramona Pork, Grand Rapid, "'J^'l'«l«». '-"oeslnBt Street O. H.. PhlH.. M.rUin In.L July III l.ud, 24-20: Edlnhurgb, Scot July l-(l; llltu.-

^ I P^an.'Almef^a «fW M^SSt Wt» «•»• tt«i W * ^ "** "* ""Hl"' ^ °' S^-h4^*®fr av?J^„ Hf^MfcjSSP^*^^B

'se,j* a c


A,l""« 0,nl*n-At,""'C C"T ' "S" Cffi* P,n,hor"t "*• B""r",* > Dnprei*- Geo. A Llbble. Lyric. Joplln. Mo.. 24-20. ""2.* VSgi£jfrB&fa'tSmS, amWAmmS' A "ft* M "ifHtlon -4-29

a^ld. Dags and Monkeys. v,el.H. h. Y. C. C.rru.1 ft^jjer. ^es, « -ew JM-«.^* ^-29 «n,h.», „„, WlnJ.o, S, 1^1 24-ioj£^ 1 ^ll^a,, „.».

Boxrrr, Sidney. Medfnrd. Moss.. 24-20. Cor ton, Arthur A Lucille. Howonl, boston, 24-29. Jnlv 0. Ornett ft Onietl: Ukeuimii Pork Al inuna Pa , w,~ nvS., i /.'.. ii,'i.. i* 'SSfj ',«'«,B.roM.- (3 1. -Webster P.rk. Lo Salle, III.. 24- Century Comedy Four. Henderson's. Coney Is- DuZnt, Robert. Trio. rVblndler's. Chicago. 24-29. "'24-29 >"•«""<»• « "". Alloim, I.., Jmige, T,»^d. «,«!,, I low.nj. 'to-'«». «.2U


„JnllO. land. N. Y.. 24-29. Doneilln Trmipe. Cook G. II.. Rochester, N. Y„ Greene Bros,.. Proi'lor'a. Newark. N. J., 24-211. K.n7s uT 'l aSSd. fta.lao Akron ,i oJ -m '

Baoie, Mayme, Utlca, N. Y„ 24-20. Christy, W.yne G„ National. K.n.n. City. Mo,, 24 SO. Grace. (2». Pequot Park Wesineld, Massl. 24 20. K.ntwi.silfi^B.S., Unle W.. 9tor. Latrohe. Pa„ 24-29; Star, 23-29: Glohe. St. Louis. 30 July 6. Diivol. Viola. .18th Rlreet, N. Y. C, 24-29. Oriy> Marlonetles, Lake <"mp^utl" rW ufhlng /„ ?\l."l|«N J n i l-ll


Homestead. Jnly 1-0. „ Christopher. Chrl... Family. Erie. Pa.. 24-29. rhtprer. Fre.1, Family. I^honon. Pa.. 24 2ft; I,y too. Conn.. 24-30 White Clly.>nrcester Mass K.nfi, ui, llros^ Park loh'i.oi. Pa 94.M1gtnt. Bra,, Chester P.rk, Cincinnati. 24-29. Cb.pln. Benl.. A Co.. G. O. H.. Pittsburg, 24-29. fie. Donvilie. 111.. July 16. July 1-0.waiiei.iiy. Worcester, suss., Kaurn,.,, »«"••„««•

'ffi^l^.Iti'l oj?" « «a.Birnrlla. The. Farolly. Hnger.lown, Md., 24-29. Cheater, Mile., sod dog. O. H.. Chics*). 24-29. Dyllyn. J. Bernard. People'., Lo. Angeles. C.I., Orlmea, Tom A Gertie, Malesllc. Cnliimbus O Grind I lomestea jnlv i.*i ""r* 1

BiSdr^U Velle Troupe. P.vlllon, P.rls. 111.. 24- *3,.dwlck Trio. 23d Street K. Y. C. 2420. V20; Ml l..ke CltyT U.. Jnlv fl-L?: 2T20 ; BIJou. Fremont. JatTl-J.'"'"""""• "" ^1^,^^^'^.,,^ Hocbester S„» Oh»th.m Sisters, Grand. Unlontown. Pa.. 24-29. Fjtrle ft B.rtlett, Sui Koncl Park, Wllkes-Barre, flr.sler., The, O. 11.. fthlc.gr,, 24-2M. v 04 2 " nocoester. a.

*!«!»»». Kafbryn. Third Ate.. N. Y. O.. 24-29. Ch.pln. Benjomln, ft Co.. G. O. H-, Pittsburg, P... 24-Z9. <lranvllle A M.ck. Pa.tw's. X, Y. C„ July 1-6. Keen's Juogllnx Princes. Clevel.nd 24-90,Sii*".A,S.»M

Si,d '. ?•»'• M.rtlnsvllle, Ind., 24- 2J-29; Keith', CIevel.nOL July 1-6. Krkeri:

ft:Berg Four Mile Creek P.rk. Erie. P... Or.nl. Sidney. OH.. Clevel.nd. 24.20.

T K^-HSmA'.^UikSSStb'^'H XI?; Ibolbyvllht, July 1-6. OKmoalo, Frook A Etts, Empire, Leeds, E.g., EciboIT A Gordon, Uilnpon Para, Boston, 24-39. Ouls, Joboule, AlpbSB, Mich.. 24-20 , 2411, ™ "'»«o« u«w», ». I.

510 Tills Tsns&r foiK oi^PJPJfefc June 29.

Keno. Rosa, Keith's. Boston. 24-29.... . ,. „„

Kpnton, Dorothy, Temple. Detroit, Mich., 24-28;Pastor's, N. Y. C, July Ml. •

Keatim, Lurry. HIJ011. Dnluth. Minn., 24-20.

Kcllnr. Jessie. Troupe, Hendersou'a, Coney Island,

N. V.. 24-20. ' „_Kellv, Waller. Wonderland. Chicago, 24-Ju.

Kelly * Kclaey, Coin? UlrndeHu, Mo., July 1(1.

Kolncy A l.aylou. Farm. Toledo, O., 24-29.

Kelly * llnsc, (I. 0. II.. Pittsburg. S4-M.KemiPtly * Lang, Park. CannotistMirg. Pa.. i!4-J|i,

Kennedy Urns, ft Mae, Piirk, Lcwlstowii. Pa., 24-

2I»; Wnldiimere Park. Krle, Jnly 1-0.

Kenncdv & Wllkcna. Tower, Toledo, O., 24-20;Kclili'K, Cleveland, July 1-fl.

Kelley Urns., Avon Park, Youngstown, <)., 24-

fflt! Rock .Springs Park, Kant Mrcrpool, Julyt-fl.

Keller * Paul. Keith's. Plilla.. 24-20.

Kelso k ls:lgliton, rural, Toledo, O., 24-20;Valley, Syracuse. N. Y.. July III.

Kins: * I.oiik, Illjou. Norfolk. Va„ 24-20.

Klnanna. The. Ornheum, San 1'run.. Cal.. 211-20.

Kings. The. Kleelrle Park, llnlllinorc. 24-20.

Kl>:)i|zuiin Trouiie. Luna Park, Buftnlo, M. X.,

24-20.Klnera Moulin, Orplieum, Iam Anuelen. Cal.. 24-20.

Klein, Oil Broa. k Nicholson, FnlrvJew Park. Dny-lon. (>.. 211-20; Spring Grove Park, Spring-

Held. July III.

Kunwlcs, Hurry, People's, Los Angeles, Cal.,

24-20.Knlvlii Ilrua. k Sawlellc, Keltk'a, Columbus, I).,

24-20.K.iiii. litis & Mnrlon, Family, Krle, Pa,, 24-20.

Kniielnml k Theinar, Phillip's, Illcliinmid. lml.,

2120; nun-. Mimi-le. Mi-July 0.

KopiK-, tlraud, Palrinouut, \V Vn., 24-20; Wiley,CniiilK-rlnnd, Mil., July l-u.

Kolilcr k Marlon, Llndeuwald Park. Ilainllton, O.,

Kramer* Belleclalrc, Fontaine Kerry Park, Luuls-

vllle. Ky„ 2420. .. .I. ii Tell llios.. Steeplechase, Atlantic City, N. J..


In Vine k Muni, Atlantic Uarden, N. Y. O., 24-


I.n (.'lull' h West, Oeeau Pier, Sea Isle City, N.

J.. 24-20.I.n Wiv, Flora, Nortli Ave., Chicago, 24-20.

I.n Mnic Bum., Atluiitlc Garden. Atlantic City,

N. .1., 24-20.I.n VliK.-Clmur.in Trio, Cook O. II.. Rochester,

N. Y., 24-20.I.n Nolo llios., Soeiely Circus, Dorchester, Mima.,

14-39.Laveen 4c Cross, iiHIh St., N. Y. 0„ 24-20.

Lnlrd.i At lllnl«>, l.yeeuui, llochcsler, N. Y., 24-20.

Lancaster, Tom, l.yrlc. Ft. Worth, Tex., 24-20.

I.n Kurd A lljerson, l.yrlc, Man Antonio, Tex.,July III.

I.sleli, Kd.. Ollnwii. Call.. 24-20; Kucllll Ave,Cleveland. II., July I -II.

l.n It'ii ,1 A lli-versiiii. Lyric, Iiouslon, Tex.. 24-20.

Lurko k Admit*, llnrloii'a Auditorium, Norfolk,

V(t., 24Jllly rt.

l.ti Tov BniN.. -liiiKtu.il I'nrk. Benver Fulls, Pa.,

24-SO.I. a "piles, The, Howard. Boslotl, 24-2!).

I.n nnuii. Ail, Al 1'reiieo Park, Peoria, III., 24'

.Inly I).

I.n Jess. Then. A Candllei Kleelrle Park, Knukii-kee, III., 24-20; Weal Knd Park, Champaign,July Ml.

I.n Mont. iilll<-. Blur. Chlsbnlm. Minn.. 24-20.I.iilinlu. Ilnrry. Hwlshor'a n. II., Morganlowii,W. Vn„ 24-211.

I.n <!mlx. I'niil. Hhcody's, Newport. It. I., 14-30.I,n Dellea, Puuluatlc. Verlavk, Oil City, Pu., 21-

20; rn ml lv. Krle, July Ml.l,ii Tour. Irene, i.iinn Piirk, Cnnov Island, N. Y„2120; Steeplechase, AlliinlU: (Ml), N. J., JulyIII

I.n Znr A- I.n Znr, lluli|ue, l/.i» Angeles, On).. JulyI -II.

Lawrence A Nylvcaler, Hanover Park, Merldcn,Conn.. 24-211.

l.niiKdnii, Hnrille, Oxik'H Park, Kvanavllle, Ind.,

21-20.Liiaky Oclctle, Allnntlc Garden, .V'.lmillc City, N.

.1., 24-211.

Lno.v, Mr., Oleti Haven Park, Itoeliealer, N. Y.,

24-20.I.iitlim. Mile.. Kleelrle Park, linllliin.iv. 24-20.I.n delta, White city, llidluiinpollii, 24-20; Bo.

Iieiid. Ind.. July Ml.I.ii iiiiniliiii Rouge, Atlantic (lurileu, Allnntlc City,

N. J., 2 1 July II.

I.nrella, The, Slicll|>..t Park, WlhiiliiKtou, Del., 24-

20.I.mlell k Crouch. fiHtti HI.. N. Y. C. 24-20.I.averne. Mil., Koreat I'nrk. Utlea. N. I.i 24-20.I.inrreiiee, Bert, Ciudilu. Allegbeny, Pu., 24-20.i in"-, Harry, (). II., Clileiign, 24-20.l.r Clulr A Ilunen. I2.MIi HI., N, Y. C, 21-211.

Leon & Adeline, Mora Park, YouiiKaloun, O., 24-

20.Leonard A I'lilllliw. North Ave., Chicago. 24-20.

l.c Wilt A Aidiuint'o, Kleelrle Park, KxeelalnrHprlugH, Mo.. 24-20; L.vrle, Joplln. July Ml.

Li'luiiuiiii, Jon., A Co.. BIJoii, Juckaon. Midi,, 24-

20.lit' Hem. (Ii-cal. Itork Hprlug Park, K. Llverpind,

O., 21-20; Celeron Park, Jiiiiieatoun, N. Y.,

July Ml. '

Le Dent, llreat. Vlelorlii, N. Y. O.. 24-30.!,< inn. AlniiH.. Handy Ueaeh Park, Ogdenahurg,

N. Y.. 24-20.I.i-" A Hulkey, Wniiderlund. CIiIi-iiko. 24-20.Le Boy A Woodforil. Keltha, Ciiluuiliua, ().. 24-20.Lemon, Trlxle, Niitliinnl. Chicago, 24-20.Leslie A Williams, Trocadrro. Chicago, 24-20;While City. Clilciigii, July I -II.

Le May, May, Ashland Opera Garden, Chicago,24 20.

Lewis A llnir. Meyer's Lake, Cniltim, O., 24-20;l-'onr Mile Creek Park. Krle, Ph.. July Ml.

lewis A CIihiiIii. llljnu. Htreator. III.. 24-211.

Le dray, Dollle. Whim Oily, OaUkoali, Win., 24-

.litly tl.

levy. Bert, Keith's. Phlla.. 24-20.Le ird A l.ester. Lilt's, I'lilln.. 24-20.Lee Tung K<Mi, Lexlnciini Park, Boston, 24-20.Levy, Mrs. Jules, & Co., lintel Park, Hnteltim,

Ph.. 21-211.

lamnwi, llei-herl Berl, Benvenvlck Park, Ithaca,N. Y.. 21-20.

l.linl. Vlelorlii, N. Y. «., 2-1-20.

I. nili-. Irene, Cnliiite. Mluiieii|aills, 21-20.

Llpiilnenlts. The, It. O. II.. Plttahurg. 24-20.l.oftiis. i -.villi!. Keith's. I'lilln., 24-20.Lloyd, Bradley. Mnleatlc. Chlrago, 24-20.I.nllse. Helen, l-'oivat Park, Ullcn, N. Y., 24-20.Liaia Itnis., North Ave., Cliteiigo, 24-20.Lui-y A Liu-ler. (Viuey lalniul, Clnelnnutl. 24-20.I.i A Luce. Sumy, Atlantic City, N. J., 24-20.Lueler, Mr. A Mrs, r'red. Coney lalaiul. Ulncln-

iiiill. o., 24211; Meyers Lake, Cautuii, O.,July Ml,

Lui'niliie. The. Illjou, I'lipm. O., 24-20; LnkesldeI'nrk, liiiyicni. July Ml.

I.vilell A Biitterworlli. I.ukisui. I.udlun, Ky., 21-20.l.y.lln A Altiluo, lliiiiliin's Point, Toronto, Can.,

21-20.Lyric QiiHi-tflte, 1'ninlly, Heriiuton, Pa.. 2-1-20.

Mack. Tom. (I. O. II.. IMttHliurg, 21-20.•Mn mi. I.nnny, A Co., Kent <). II.. Kent, O., 24-

20: l.nkeslile Park. Akron, July Ml.Mnilliil A MiiMiiilllnn, Music Hall, Brighton

Bench. N. Y., 24-20.Mnripils A Lynn, Crystal, Chlenpi. 24-20.Murk, I'lins. K.. A Co., Keith's. I'lilln., 24-30.Mack. Hick. Illjou. I.lnenlii. N'eli., 24-20.M.iin.n & Miirnni, A. A 8.. Boston. 24-20.Marlowe, IMtmkelt A Co., Meyers Luke, Canton,

tl.. 24-2H.Marvin Broa,. Illjou. Knlatliatmi, Mleli.. 24-20.Mniiiell'M Mni-loiieites, Atlantic llnrilen, Atlantic

City, N. .1.. 21 .Inly I.

Mnsim ft Dorlm. Hhwdy's. I-'nll Hirer, Mhsb., 24-.luly II.

Mnrlln Brim.. 12,Mh HI.. N. Y. C. 24-20,Martyne Hlaiers. Ureal Parker Amuse. Co.Mail A Kvhiih, Casino. Ityo Beach, N. I., 24-20.Murtyne. Knlliryn. Park. Wheeling, W. V»„ 24-20.MiiimliiK Trio. 1'ninlly. Hlnux City, la., 24-20,Mnhcvr. Stella. Keith's, Boston. 24-20.Mnnhnttan Comedy Knur, Allnullc liarciou, At-

liuitle City. N. ,1., 24-20.Mnek. Wilbur, A Co.. 08II1 St., N. Y. 0., 24-20;

2.'ld SI.. K. Y. C. July 1-0.

Ma.-k, Huh. tiriind. N. Y. C. 24-30.Miirllnea, Slar. Miuielp. lull., July Ml,Marshall A King, Hheedy's, Newport, H. I.. 24-20.Mardo Trio. Konr Mile Creek Park. Krle. Pa., 24-

20: Lakeside Park. Akron. O.. July Ml.Mnrrh.it Twins, Casino Park. Macon, (.Is., 24-20;

Blrnilnghiim. Ala.. July Ml.Manhattan Trio. Bush. Belle Vernon. Pa.. 24 20..Mi. ciu-li. A Woulrc. Aim. Pink, Albany. N. Y„ 24-


Marco Twins, I2MI1 HI., N. Y. 0,. 24-20.Mario. Berger A Mitrlo. Young's, Allnntlc City,

N. J.. ?r-2ft.

Miirlowe-Plunketl A Co.. Karttl. Toledo. O., .10-

July tl.

Mnrtlnex. The, Broadway. Mlddlelown, O., 24-20.Mn.leat<e Muslcl Pmir. K.dth'a. Phlln., 24-211.May, Cecil, * Co., Hvde Park. Chicago. 24-20.MMse.r A Kramer. Crystal. Klkhart, Ind.. 24-20;

Irwin, iioshen, July Ml.MncOregnr, Lulu, Star, Alloona, Ta., 24-20.Mnrlon A Pearl, Farm. Toledo, O.. 24-20,lilies (21. Cnslnn, Washington, Pa.. 21-20; O.. a., BroTVUBvllle, July M).

'« Dick * Alice, Norumbega Pack, Boatqp.

Mc¥orley * Btranore, Coeur . D'Alene, Spokane,Wash.. 24-July 1.

MeKnlght, Orne, Third Ave.. N. Y. 0.. 34-80.MeClellau, Jus,, Bijou, Dulutll. Minn., 24-29.McClellan Misters, Crystal, Chicago, 24-20.McKee ft Van, Bijou, Winnipeg, Man., 24 20;

BIJou, Dulblh, Mian.. Jnly 1-9.

McDowell. John A Alice. Park, Richmond, Va., 24-20; Park. Norfolk. Jul/ ill.

McCord, Lewla, A Co., Hamona, Grand Rapids,Mich., 24-20.

MctlrnUi A Paige. Manila drove Park, Tamanua.I'n., 24-20; Tumbling Run Park, Pottavllle,

July .1-0.

McQoald, Jouiea. Luliln'B. Baltimore, 24-20.McCarty k Lnw'rence, Junction Pork, Beaver

Kails. Pa., 24-20.Mclntyrc k Bennett. O. H.. Chicago, 24-20.McKces (.1). Adora Park, Youngstown, O., 23-20.McPhee k Hill. Farm. Toledo, O.. 2-I-2S.

McCnne k (Irani, Lyric, Han Antonio, Tex., 24-20: Lyric. Austin. MO-Jnly 1.

McAllister. Paul, 4 Co., 12SOJ .Street, N. X. C,24-20.

Merrltt. I'rank II.. Casino, Portsmouth, O. 23-20;Orphliiro. Chllflcotbe. July Ml.

Mexican Trio. Hyde Park. Chicago, 24-20.Merrltt Hlalera, North Avenue, Chicago, 24-20.Melville & lllgglns. K. k P., Jersey Cily, N. J.,

24-20.Meech International Trio, Proctor's, Newark, N,

J.. 24-20.Melroy Trio. Sans Kouci Park, Chicago, 24-20.Metxettl Troupe. Keith's. Cleveland. 24-20.Mlllronr Bros., Lagoon Park. Luillow, Ky., 24-20.Millers (tl), Hchlniller'a. Chicago, 24-20.Millard Bros.. Nornmls?ga, Park. Boston, 24-20.Mlddletoii. Hiiellmeyer k Co., Proctor's, Newark,

N. J.. 24-20.Mitchell & Browning, Chestnut, Lancaster, (>..

24-20.Mlllman Trio. Umpire, illnsgow. Heot.. 24-20;

Htnll Tour. Knglaud. July 1 Aug. 12.

Mlllnril Bros., Mayflower Park, South ILiim.n,

Mass.. 24-20.Miller. Minnie, Casino. Wlldwood. N. J.. 24-July «.

Millerslilp Sisters. Lubln's. Baltlmnre, 24-20.Monarelis. Instrumental, Family, tiloversvlllc, N.

Y., 24-20.Mortlock, Alice, A Co.. (iran.1 family, Ksrgo, N.

I).. 24-20; Butte. Mont.. July 1-14.

Morion, Phil., Comlquc, New Bedford, Mass., 24-

20.Morton A lllaiii.in.l. Keith's. Bostnn, 24-20.

Mo'invy A Holbein, Olbbona k Payne Halls, Lon-don, Kin.'. .

Mirxnrts. The, Kniplre, Hackney, London, Kng.,July S t-l; Kiniilre, Hollnwny, l/indnn, K.2(l.

"Motoring." K. A P., Jersey Cite, N. J., 24-20.Mologlrl, La. Touring Iudlu and China.Miiran. PmiiIIiip. Ijikeslile Park, Tei^e Haide, Ind..

24-20; Ccnk's Park, Hvansvllle. July MI.Morris A Morris, Music Hull, Brighton Bench, N.

Y., 24-20.Morris A Kramer, Henderaon's, Ccney Island, N.

v.. 24-20.Morrlsaey A lllcli. Illjou. Dllluth, Minn., 24-20.Morse. Hon, Onkfnrd Park. Jenmitt'e. Pa.. 24 20.

Mon k (loodrlch, Ilroiulwny. ft. Y. C-. 24-20.Morton, Kred. I). O. II.. Pltlslnn-t, 24-20.Murpliv A Wlllnrd. Atlantic Oaidcn. Atlantic

City, N. J., 24-20.MiirpTiy A Talle.v, Blalravllle, Pa.. 24-20.Murphy A Andrews, Park. Blnglinuili.ii. N. Y.,24-20; Park, Troy, July Ml.

Murray, Clayton A Drew, Central Park, Allen-lowu. I'll

,2-1 211

Murphy A Dunn, Tlilrd Ave.. N. Y. C 24-20,Nagel A Adama, Keith's. .Boston, 24-20.Nmile. Mile., nrnheuni, Hnn Klin., Cal., 2,1-20.

Nawn, Tom. A Co., Ingcraoll I'nrk. Dea Molnea,la., 24-20.

Napp. Viols, Woonaocket, II. I., 24-20; Webster.Mima.. July 1-0.

Nelson, Catherine, Havoy, Atlantic City, N. J.,


Newman. Harry, Wesson's. Jopbln, Mo., 24-20


Cnriilvii! Pork. Kalians City. Kan., July Mi.Nehlhaiu A Wood, Carnival, Bergen Beach, N. Y.,

24-20.Nell A Chapuian, Cok O. II., Rochester, N .v..

24-20.Nlemeypr A Odcll, llljnu. Iron Mountain, Mich.,

24-20.Nlhbe A Bordeaux. BIJou, Kaluruuioo, Mich., 24-

20.Mum A Kalop, Atlantic Uiirdeu, Atlantic city,

X. J., 24-20."Nightingales, The," Atlantic City, N. J.. 24-20.S..locus. The, Atlantic Uarden, N. Y. O., 24-20.Nusses (Hi, Majestic, Chicago. 24-20.North. Bobby, Keith's, Phlla., 24-2D.Nobletle A Marshall, Harlem Park, llockrnrd,

III . 24-20; Crystal. Mllwaukef, Wis., July 1(1.

Noblea. Milton A Dolly, Pastor's. N. Y. O., 24-20.Norworlu, Jack. Cook O. II., Rochester, N. Y.,

34-20.Nugent. J. ('.. A Co., Keith's, Columbus, (J.,


O'Brien, M. C, ludlaiinla I'nrk, Columbus, ().,

24 J illy I.

O'Connell A llolden, Novell v. Deliver, Oulo., 21-

20; Tulllerles (Jnnlnis, Denver, July Ml.uTIiira A Wnls.in, Orphltmi, Portsiuoutu. O., 24-

20; O. 11.. Wiillslou, July Mi.iilyinpla giinrlelte, Kuclid Ave. U. 11.. Clevelnml.

II,, 24-20; Chestnut Ht. O. II.. Phlla., July 111,

Onrl, Adele Purvis, Myers Park. Canton. O.. 23-20: I'nrk. Wheeling. W. Vs., .Inly 1 (I.

i inlaw Trio, Norumbega I'nrk. Boston, 24-20.O'Neill. .1. 11., A Co., People's, liliiHl.ni, Intl.,

211; Miinltvu,. Rochester, 27-20; Slur, Martins-vtlle. July 1-3.

O'Neill's Majestic Mlnstivls, Leiivemvurth, Kan.,24-20: Lincoln, Neb.. July Ml.

O'NpII. Tom, National. Hteiiliemille, U., 24-20;iirplilum. Minletta, July l it.

Orpheus Comedy l-'nur, O. II., Cldcago, 24-20.Ordwny, Lnuru, Lyceum. Ri«.-lieHtcr. N. Y., 24-30.Orlnnd. I*e. O. 11., TraTerse City. Midi.. 24-20.O'ltourke A Marie, Howard, Boston, 24-20; La-

tayeitc. HurTalo, July MI.oi'letin A Taylor. Lufsyvtle, BurTalo, 24-Jnly 0.

Osbiirue, Clliis. II., Kosaliam Casino, Mguallelil, (I,,

24-20.Ostiums, The, Auditorium, Norfolk, Vn.. 24-20.oxavs. The, Novelty, Denver, Col., 24-20.Parker Bros., Alameda Park, Butler, Pn.. 24-20.Pnnfier, Willy, Trio, Victoria, N. Y. C, 24-20."Pauline." K. A P.. Jersey City, N. J.. 24-20.Pnyton A Stanley, Hahbutlii Park, Taunton, Mass.,


l'a Inc.. la. The. dm ml, N. Y. C. 24-20.Patrick A Westhrnok, l^roclnr's. Troy. N, Y., 24-

20; Union Sipinre. N. Y. C. July Ml.Parker. Kil.. Maillmttuu. Norfolk. Vs.. 24-20.Paullnettl A Plnno. Allininhni, l'Torence, Italy, 22-

30; Teniro Del I.lde, Venice. July 1-13; TeuiiuVerdi, llenoa: lll-.'in.

Perlns. 'The, Orand. Uomesleuil, Pu.. 24-20.Personl. Csmllle. BIJou. La Crosse, Wis., 24-20;

Unlipie. Kim Claire, July Ml,Perry. Prank I.., Uodfroy'a, Grand Rapids, Mlcb.,


Potching Bros., Meyers Lake. Canton, ()., 24-20;Lnkeslde (laslim, Akron, July Ml.

Perry A Aleclii, O. Hi, Wnynesburg. Pa., 24-20;Casino. Washington, July Ml.

Peters, Phil A Nettle. Keith's. I'lilln.. 24-2D;Proctor's, Newark, N. J., July 1-tl.

Pevser A McDonald, Luna Park, Coney Island, N.Y„ 24-30; Keith's. Boston, Jul; Ml.

I'liceriel. Kmll, Collins UsrileiiB. Columbus, ().,

24-20.PliilloplilPtids, The, (I. O. H., Plttsbnrg, 24-20.I'hiner A Kallniens, Collins llardeus, Columbus,

0., 24-30.plerif A Kulila. Weber's Park. Baltimore. 24-20;Hollywood Park. Baltimore. July 1-fl.

Plum, Kulry. Scblndler's. ChlcaBo, 24-20.

Platte, lleo. I.„ Pavilion Beach: Oawefn, N. Y„24-20; Summit Park, Utlcn. July 1-0.

Pnlo'ir Sisters. Pastor's, N. Y. C, 24-20.Putts Bros. A Co., liriiuil. N. Y. C. 24-30,Prlnirosp, ileorge II., A Co., Shea's, Buffalo, N.Y„ 24'20.

Price A Dlsluli, Havoy, Cninls-rlsiui, Md.. 24-20;l-'ainlly. Hsgeratown. July in.

Prluiroses (8), Uhralnut Street O. II., Phlla., 24-

20. • '

Prohiiaco. BIJou. Alliance. O . 34-20.

Prvorv. The. t'ltliilie. Minneapolis, Minn., 34-20;tirnoil, Knrgn. N. D.. July l-U.

I'lillen, Baby l.nelln, Mountain Park, Wind Oap,I'n.. 34-20.

Qimker City Quartet, Boulevard, Meilford, Mass.,24-20.

Qiilmt. Mackey A Nlckerson, Ingersoll Psrk, DeaMoines, la., 24-20; Wssnn's, Joplln, Mo.,Jult 1-0. •

Rnrfayette's Dogs. O, II.. Chicago, 24-20; River-side I'nrk. Saginaw. Mleli., July 1-0.

llnr, Fred, A Oo.. Majestic, Oilesgn, 24-20: ltn-

inetm i'nrk. Grand Ranlds, Mich., July 1-0.

Itnuisey Hitters. Alnlome. Leavenworth, Kan.. 24-

20.Rnlnliows. The. Phillips, lllelitiion.l, Ind.. 24-20:

Star, Miinrle, July Mi.Rustus A Banks, lllpp, Brighton. Bug.. 24-20;

Hlisfi.. Llveriionl. July Ml; Hipp. Birmingham., H-l.'l; Hit. p. Leeds. 1020: Pavilion. Newcastle.• SI2-2? ; rjuidre, -Wolr«u«lDptWi ;»Aug. 8>

lUppo stsMrs. Nixoo. s9ttiMK£Mi|Bail.. A Bortman. Luna t*rkWBnal0




Rene. Bessie, Heights, No. Beach. N. Y.,J*™-Reogler A Hllle, Bprlng Orove Park, Hprlnglleld,

O 24-20IUmV, Will A Msy, Hngan's P«r*. t^stWUbiim,

Ky., 24-20. .. _Keno A Axora, lola, Chlcngo, .-'4-20.

Ileipj, Edward. Lake Charlea, UtnjBjt, „..„

Beevl A Eari. Unique. Han Bernardino. Cal.. 24 •».

necklgjr, Beckless, Peak's Island Rink, Portland.

Me 24-20Iteniiler A O'aiidler, Music Hall, Brighton Beach,

N Y 24-29Reno. George


R.. A Co., Ingersoll Park, Des

Moines. la.. 24-20. _. _nllevelle, Nellie, Windsor, Ht. Paul, M on.. 24-20.

Rennet Ifarolly, Lyric. Dsnvllle. 111.. 24-20: OakHummit Park. Cbattanqoga, Tenn., July 1-0.

Ileilfonl A Winchester, Ingersoll Park, Des Moines,

Reese' A Alfrey Hitlers, Marlon, Marlon. 0„ 24-29.

Kennee Family (5). Lyric, Danville, 111.. 24-28.

ltelff Bros.. K«lth's. Phlla., 24-29.

Rhodes A Carter. Keith's. Phlla.. 24-20.

Hire A Mmer, Ocean View Casino, Norfolk, Vs.,

24-20.Kldgc. Mr. A Mrs., Aahland Uarden, Chlcsgo,

21-20.Rli-hsnls, Klla, Young's, Atl-intle City, N. J.,

24-20; Rocky Point. Providence, R. L, July

MI.Rico A Prevost, Victoria, N. Y. C. 24-20.

Bk-e Bros., Ashland Harden, Chicago. 24 20.

Hlnllo Comedy Four. Hamona Park, Grand Rapids,

Mich., 24-20; Majestic, Chicago, July 1-41.

Rich Duo, Renwlck Purk. Itbaca. N. Y.. 24-20.

Rio Bros. (4), Tower Circus, Blackpool. Kng.,

24-29; Royal, Edinburgh, Hcot., July 1-0;

Palace. Uvils, B-13; Kniplre. Stockport, IS-

20; Hipp, Huddersfleld, 22-27; Empire. Old-

bam, 2d Aug. ;t.

liiiisldos (4); Olympic Park, McKeeaport, Pa.,

24-29.Kin, Adolph, Paxtang Fork, Harrlsburg. Pa.,

24-28.Richards A Co.. Bchlndler. Chicago, 24-20.nkh A Howard, Henderson's, Coney Island, N. 1 .,

24-20; Atlantic City. N. J„ July 1-0.

Rlshiirds, Ureal. Lakerlds Park, Akron, O.. 24-

20; Myers' Lake. Canton. July 1-0.

Rllier A Kdalcr, Kniplre. Johannesburg, 8. A„24 Sept. 14.

Robinson A (Irani, Family, Butte, Mont., 30-

July 0.

"Rocklngchalr Girls" (U), U. O. H„ Pittsburg,24-30.

Rosalie, Atliiiillr Uarden. N. Y. C. 24-20.llosal A Paulo, Orplieum, Kan Krsn,. Cal., 24-

20 : Orplieum, Los Angeles, ,'10-J.ily 0.

Ross A Is-wls, Kmplrv. Nottlngbam, Kng., 24-29;PnlllCC, Isdcesler. July 1 II; Kniplre. So. Shields.h t;i; Kmplre, Newcastle, 1S-20: Kinplre. Kdln-lioro. Hcot., 22-27: Empire, Ulasgow,'29-Aug. .'I.

Hobs Hlsters, Providence, R. I.. 24-Jnly 110.

Ronuldos (3), Kmplre, Hprlnglleld, HI.. 24-20.Boners, Aerial, Atlantic Uarden, Atlantic City.

N. J., 24-20.Rogers, Fcum-ia A Virginia, Kmerson, Ca|se Ulrar-

deau, Mo.. July l-U.lu.siihe A Doretto, O. O. 11. . Pittsburg, 24-20.Royal Russian Troupe, O. II.. Cleveland, 24-20.It.i-iilres. 'The. Majestic Psrk. l.n Halle, 111.. 24-

20; Lakewood Park, Vlnceunes. ind., July Ml.Rossi Bros.. Ft, Wayne, Ind.. 24-20.Ross A Vnek. Kmplre, Colo. Springs, Col., 2420;

Kurl, Piieido. July Ml.lbilH-rts, Henrietta, Kmplre, St. Paul, Minn.. 24-

20.Rogers A Deeley. Albaiuhra, N. Y. C, 24-20.Il'icrrs A Mullen. Pustur'a. N. Y. C. 24-29.Rome, Mayo A Juliet, BIJou. Lansing, Mich., 24-


Itijckway A Omway, Riverside Park, Kagloaw,Mich., 2420; Kecwalidlu Park, PL Huron. Julyl-U

RoutoU, Murvelous, Oinnha, Neh., 24-20; Nt. Jo-

seph, Nov., July 1-0.Robin, Lakemont Purk, Altoona, Pa., 24-20.lt'«.f A Hart. Psrk. Pottatown. Pn., 24-20.Itiisaell A itiiymoiid, lola, CI.Icium, 24-20.Russell, l.e.di. Piiliiep. l/.ndoii. Kng.. 24 July 27,Itiililn, Paul, O. II., Patchogue. N v.. 24-20.Russell A Hold. Harlem Park, Rocktord, III.,

24-20; Pavilion. Paris, July Ml.ItiiHselj, O'Nell A Cross, Deliuur Unrdrns, Okla,

City, Okla., ;m July 14.Itynn A Kmerson. Orplienm, Turtle Creek, Pa.,2420; Star, Beaver Falls, July l-U.

Sanson A Delllla. I'nrk. Wheeling, W. Va.. 24-20.Havpy quartet, Junction Park, Braver Falls, I'n.,

2420.Hiimiisel A Aniesiiiuii, Htar, Muncle, Iml., 24-20;Orphlnm, Lima, o.. July l-U.

Hll llaras. II. II.. Cleveland, 24-20.Siiymoiili's Dogs, Spring drove Purk, H|irlugtlrld,

O,. 24-20.Smiford. Walter. Lubln's. Baltimore, 24-20.Hnnilford A Diirlliiglon. Keith's. I'lilln., 24-20.Siilsii, Joscpblin?. Touring South Africa.Hcliellhuru A lliii'tinsun, l/iguii, W. Vs., 24-20.s.iiimtet-. Milton, Piihiep, Boston, 24-July 0.Seymour Hlsters, BIJou. Jackson. Mlcb., 24-29.Heuions CD, Majestic, I.n Fayette. In.! 24-20.Brinon. Cbss. I-'.. 23d St., N. Y. C„ 24-20.Shields A Roger*, Spring Brook Park, Ho. Bend,

Ind., 30-July (I.

Hluirp BriM., AIIibiiiI.i'ii. N. Y. C, 2420.Hhes, Tboa. T„ Casino, Akron. O.. 24-20: Fair-

view Park, liayioii, 30-Jiily U.

Sherman A De l'orest. Cook O. II., Rochester, N.Y., 24-20.

Sherman A Fuller, Fulrvlew Park, Daylon, O..24-20; Spring Grove Park, Hprlnglleld. July 1-0.

Shall, Munek. Majeatlr. Pittsburg. 24-July U.Short A KdwiirilH. Olympic, Park, Mi-Keesnorl,

Pa., 24-20.SliuvV. Lillian. Keith's. Colilniluls. Il

. 24-20.Silvern A Kinerle. l.miii Park, Hrrantoii, Pa., 24-

20. -

Singing Four, The, Henderson's, Coney Island,.V i.. Jbly Ml.

Simpsons. Musical, Idora Park, Youngstown, O.,24-20.

Simmons, II. A., Roller Rink, Norwich, Conn.,24-20.

Slater A Williams, Henderson's, Coney Island,N. Y„ 24-20.

Staler, Finch. A Co.. Park. Wheeling. W. Va., 24-20: Uermun Village, South Columbus, O.. Julyl-H.

Hiiilth-Bowmua Trio, llemlersim's. Coney Island, N.Y„ 24-20.

Smith A Baker. Pastor's. N. Y. C, 24-20.Hinltli, J. W.. A Matlle, Tucson, Aril.. 24-July 14.Siuytlie. Will 11.. Family, Scrauton. Pa.. 24.20.Sonimers A Cook, Rust River, Green Bay, Wis,,

24-30.Htmer, Bert, Htar. Alloona. Pa., 24-20.Sinners A Law, Psstor's, N. Y. C, 24-20,Honors. John, Greater Ontario Bench Park, Ro-

chester. N. Y., 24-20.Sinitherlsiid A Curtis, Delmnr Gardens, Okls. City,

ukra., 24-July U.Siiiiiildlog A Dupive, BIJou, Green Bay, Wis., 24-

20.Splsaell Bros. A Muck, Palace, London, Kng., 24-


Sis-d.len A Hcmiiii. Majestic. Sundiisky. (I., 24-30.SiK'neer, Wslter, Crystal. Ht. Joseph, Mo.. 34-20.Stevens A Keeley, Trocndero, Phlla,, 24-Julv 0.Hit-Inert A Thomas. Crystal. Chicago, 24-20; BI-

Jou. Kankakee. 111.. July Ml.Kleiner Trio. White Clly. Chleugn. 24-20.Slulsmati. Chus., Minerva Park, Peru, 111., 24-20.Stevens A Bocbm, Yorkvllle Roof Uunleu, N. Y.C "4-20

Stark." Toliie. Family. HloUX Clly, la., 24-20;BIJou, Marshulltnwn, July 111.

Ktewnrt. Ileorge, Atlantic City, N. J.. 24-20.Shiikliirtl A Wilson. Ft. Dodge, la.. 24-20.Ktnraut A La Vardu, Kldora Purk, Charlerol, Pa.,

24-20.Hlrlekland, E, C, Novelty, Oakland. Cal., 24-20.81. Is-oii I'linilly. Km eiiaiigli Nells Circus.St. Klmo, Leo, Island Park, Ronton, Pa.. 24-20.St, Onge Bros., Orplieum. Sun Fran., Cal.. 23-20.SI. John A D* Fevrr. Keith's. Phlla.. 2420.SI. John Family, Grand, N. Y. C, 21 28.Siitellfle Troupe. Majestic, Chicago. July l-U.Sully A Phelps. Lexington Park, Boston, 24-20.Silllya (5). Pastor's, N. Y. C, 24-20."Hunny 8.0UI11." Tlie, Victoria, N, Y. C, 24-20.Summers A Winters, Orphlnm. HprlngOeld, O.. 24-

20; Grand. Hamilton, Jnly Ml,Swarfs. Frances, A Co.. Peoria. III., 24-20; Crys-

tal, Marlon, I ml., Jnly l-u.

Ta lent la. The. Olympic. Ho. Bend, -Iml.. 24-2(1.

Tuiine, Vanity Fair Purk, Providence, R. I., 24-20.20. '

Tasmania!! Troupe, Hngeuheck-Wallace Circus.Tangilay. P.va. 23d HI.. N. Y. C, 24-20.Taylor Twin dialers. Brltannla-on-Ba.v, Ottawa,

C*n., 24-20: Lyceum. Rochester. N. Y.. July Ml.Taacott, Alhsnibra, N. Y. 0.. 24-20.Temple, IrenerBcenlc. Taniilon. Mass., 24-30.Tennis Trio. Shea's. Buffalo, 24-20; Temple. De-

troit, Jnly I-o:

Tempest, Grace, Trio, Union Square, N, Y. C, 24-20.

Thorne, Mr. A Mra. Harry. Temple, Detroit,Mich., 24-20; Park, IE. tlvernool, Ci., July 1(1.

Thompson 4 Banner. Acme, Norfolk. Vs., 24-20.TboUpioo 1 Uarvlu, Lyceum, ftocgeslcc, N. X.,

24-20, '


7. 24.20.

ToOrWIM'&s* Temple, Kuclid Ave Clevel.ud.

O. 24-29; Lyceum, Rochester. N. \m July l-u.

Tobin Ki. m&TTf-'JstTorcat, Proctor's, Newark, N. J„ H4s\.TolUp A Co.. Orpblum, SprldWeld. O., J4-W.

Toohey. Pst. Crystal. Frankfort, Ind 24 20.

Tobln A Brooks. Orand. N- ^ Vi'-Vo

Trssk: (Hadden A Bubo, Bell. Oakland, Cal.. 24-

20Tnrpin, Ben, lola, Chicago, 24-20.

Tully May, A Co.. 23d Street, N. Y. O., *«*g or, "Snell A 5»H5.j5P^JK^)lE?Si.Tyler Trio, Oxford Lake Palk, Annlatoa, Ala,. M-

Vsjdare, Bessie, Tioupe, Keith's. Columbua, O.,

Vnr/etjpAiartet. T,err;e Haute, Ind., 24-29; Marl-

AelilW 2420i 0tphtaa -

Rockford, 111., July 1-0. -

Vnldliigs. The, Palace, Bhstou, 24-20.

Van Oofre A Cotrely, Music Hall, Havre, Mon.,

V,m lluddlford. Grace. M«Je«tl<:. Chicago. 24^29.

Van. Billy, Toledo. O., 24-29; Oleotangy Park,

OdumbuB, 0„ July 1-fl. . _ . „Vaileclu's Leopards, Electric Park, Newark, N.

VamxrOlrta, O. IL. Chicago, 24-20; Koreat Park,

St. Louis. July 1-t).

Vardelles, Ine. Hipp, Pittsburg, 24-29.

Van Dlrmon Troupe, HagcnbcCk-Wallaco Clrcru.

Vainoiit, Victor, Nunley's Casino, So. Beach, N.

Valu'dons. "'/lie. City. Brockton. Mass., 24-20;

Crescent Psrk, Providence, It. I.. July 1-0.

Vnnnl A Clottl, Keith's. Boston, 24-29.

Veda A Qulntsronw, Alrdome, Beaumont, Tex.,

24-20; l.yrlc, Houston. July l-U.

Vice A Vlolit, Htar, ' Alloonp-, Pa.. 24-20.

Ward A Wetmler, Wonderland, Chlcggo, 21-20.

Wnvne. A. J., West End Park, Green Bay, Wis.,

24-July 13.. . _ . .

Wntcrbury Bros. A Tcnny, Keith's, Columbus, O.,

24-20.Wnlseys (3), North Avenue. Chicago, 24-20.

Wuller A Msglll, Swisher O. H., Morgantown,W. Vu, 24 20.

Walton, Irvln R., Turk, Johnstown, P«.. 21-20;

G. (>• IL, Pittsburg. July Ml.Wahlund-Tekla Trio, Henderson's, Coney Island,

N. Y.. 24-20.Wallace Hlsters. Crystsl. Ht. Joseph. Mo., 24-20.

Walters, Jits., Hattford. Conn., 24-20; Electric

Park. Baltimore, July l-U.

Waters, James IL. Uiirlfurd. Oonti., 24-20; Elec-tric Park; Baltlmofc, July 10.

Wall, .llmmle, Riiinonu, Grand Rapids, Mich.,24-20;

Walsh, Lynch A Co,, Union Square, N. Y. C. 24-

20.Wayne, A. J., Must River, Green Bay, Wis., 24-20.

Weston. Dave, I.atrobe, Pa.. 24-20.West A Siiy|or Lagoon. LudloW, Ky.. 24-20.Westln, Ureat, Bl oil, Kaliimaxoo. Mieh.. 24-20.Wells Bros. A Smith, Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind..

24-20.Weston, Al., A Co., Union Hipiare, N. IT. O.,

24-20.Wells A Hhelhv, BIJou, Norfolk. Vu.. 24-20.Weston. Clint. Crystul. Marlon, Ind., 21-20; Crys-

tal, Elkhnrl, July 1-0.

Welch. Francis, A Co., K. A P., Jersey City, N.J.. 24-20.

Wei.'. A Connelly. Bell. Oakland. Cal.. 21 20.Webb. Mario A Webb. Atlantic City, N. 3„

24-20.Welch, Ben. Majestic, Chicago. 24-20.Welch. Lent. Moss A Htoll Tour. England, 24-30.Welnls>rg, hub, a Co., Chestnut Street 0. II.,

I'hlls.. 24-20.Wheeler, SSeluis, tola, Chicago, 24-20,Whltehousc, tifacelyn, Spring Orove Park, Spring-

Held, ().. 24-20.whit.!.) A Bell, wiiiilimiiit Purk, Kewanec. III.,

24-20,Whltesldes. Ktbel. A Picks, Family, Hcraaton,

Pa., 24-20.Wheelers, THe. Medford. Mass., 24-20.Wheeler Hlsters, Cambridge, O., July 1-3; Co-

shocton. 4-t).

Whitehead, Joe, O. H„ Chicago, 24-20.Wilson A Knton, Atlantic Uarden, Atlantic City,

N. J„ 24-July 0.Wlngates. The, ilrand. Homestead, Pa., 24-20;

Ktllsun. New Castle, July 1-0.Wilton Bros., Slieu's. Buffalo. N. Y., 24-29.Wilson, Jack. A Co., Ingersoll Park, Des Moines,

la., 24-20.Wilson Bros., Fontaine Ferry Park. l^iulMvllle,

Ky.. 24-20; East Bod Park, Memphis, Tenn.,

Wllmer, Wuller. A Co., Keith's, Boston, 24-20.Wills. Nat Mi, U. O, II.. Pittsburg, 24-20.Wlndoni, Constance, Majestic, Chicago. 24-20; Ha

moiia Park, Grand Rapids, Mich.. July l-U.Wise A Milton, 23d St., N. Y. C., 24-20.Williams A lieuly. Kmplre, Chicago, 21-20; Folly,

Chicago. .'Hi Jtilv tl.

Wiggins, Berl, Grnuil, N. Y. C, 24-20.Williams A Tucker, O. H„ Cleveland, 24-20.Wilson Trio, San Kouel Purk, Chicago, 24-29.Williams. Barney, UiiImih-. Mliiueupolls. 24-20.Wllartl A Bond Co.. Bijou. Phlla., 24-20.IN lllliilns A Hesly. National, Chicago, 24-20.Williams Duo. The. Pastor's, N. Y. C, 24-20.Wlllluins A Piiltuiun, Sauatoga Park. Pottatown.

Pu., 24-20; Thayer's Park, Amsterdam. Julyl-o.

Winter, Winona Gordon. 23d Ht., N. Y. C. 24-20-Keith's, Plillu., July 1-0.

Wjlder. Marshall p., Hhes's, Buffalo, N. Y., 24-20.Wordette. Kstelle, A Co., Spring Urovo Purk.

SprlugKeld, O., 21-20; Lakeside Park, AkronJuly Ml.

Worth A Delmnr. Wenst's, Peoria, 111., 24-July (I.Wood, Francis, Atlantic Garden. Aliunde Oily. N.

Wood A l.nnson, Atluiitlc City. N J„ 24-20.Wolf A Vaughuu, Bagdad, Muscatine. Iu„ 24-20:

Mnllne. IlH. July l-U.Wolff Bros., Butler. Pn., 24-20; McKeeaport, July

Woodward. Kil. A Muy, Orphlnm, HprlugUeld, 0.,


?.ri'' v ' p" Puntages'. Tncoma, Wash., 24-

20; Panlages', Seattle, July 1-fl.

Wright, Bess, Lakemont Pork, Altoona, Pu., 24.

Wynn. Bessie, shea's. BurTalo, N. Y„ 24-211.Wrocs Dnnclug Wonders. Kellli'a. Phlla.. 24-20Wynn A Lewis. Kellb's, Boston. 24-29.

Mum *4.2ti""""'Hlgl,,,""l p" rk

. Brockton,

young, To*t, a'Oo., Snus Soucl Putk, Chlcsgo. 24-



SCW Y°rk n°"f 0anIei'' N'Y- °"

York, u'rave, Hun Jose, (Jul., July Mi.io'u'I!. Cbas., Luns Park, Coney Island, N. Y„

garrow Trio, Shea's, Bulfalo. N. jr., 24-20

i'n'n 34 211* Ze'"'' 8oll ""-,,' '*«, Montreal,

glnMtl Operatic Trio. Alhanihm, N. Y. ft, 24-20Boulgettls, The. Oulnrlo Bench, N. Y 24.'>ny. mmermuti, W'llly, Nixon. Plttslmrg,

' 24-20.


/ ska A Mug Klettrlc Park. Baltimore, 24-20.Zlngaiellu. White City Shows,/siiibouliikls, Jelni, Reservoir Park, Paris. Ill 24-


Snppleitionlnl Mat—Received TooLute for ClnaaltjcBtloB.Anselme. Slock—Terre Haute. Ind., 24-Sept. 3.Brown A Roberts' Druuiatlc Show—Hut on, W.

^KMm^™' "' Vb"'

J,lljr'' BpI,ilrt™

Bnrctinie. Myrlle. Theatre (Kd. H. Brunch, ingr.)

-fgbctnftU. Mich.. 2-l-20. l-Jkton July I-uVBuuer's Band—Hersnton. Pa.. 24-20.



T 'ek C°"W"5'' n«r >-Chlcngo.

D".',?.'"2 Aiigusthi, Musical Comedy—Denver, Colo.,

Damroacb's New York Symphony Orchestra (Wal.


'l*m,c'r >-^I""is-o, I™.. 24, Ib.

Cljord'a Coniedlins CAdolrdi Olgonl, mgr.I—tlotcloiila, Minn.. 24-20. Preston July 1 (?.Kpyes. Block (H. Burton Keyes. mgr-I-Bviilvar,

Kll(|es Baud* |T. P. J. Power. mgr.I—DsllaaTJx.. 29. Kort Worth 2V. Wsei. 287 20. MarlltiI?'.

Cor" ic»"|a Jnly I, Hlllshoro 2. clebiinw' S


V' iW, W>«!^4:ittcllliiaU, O., M-July 13."Wa« or tin CatUtj Bliig," Eller's, Ksalctn it,

IsvmMUH PUyets IDdh Wacmlllon.- mgr.I—Mtk.burg. Ksn.. 23-Jtily 0. "' ""

Maid snd the Millionaire (M. M. Tbelse, m-r'iN. Y. City 24. IndeOnlte.

Phlnncy's U. 8. Band (Frederick Phlnney. inn.doctor.)—N. Y. City 25-27, Utlca. N. ?„ «l.30. Saratoga Springs Jnly 1-13.

"Uncle Tom's Cabin," Sterling's (Thos. L. Finnmgr.)—Molra. N. Y.. 27. Brasher Fall, zs!Massenn 29, Norfolk Jujy I. ParlshvllJe 2.

Venetian Band—Chicago. HI., 24, Indefinite.Williams' Stock (I. W. Williams, mgr.)—KqnaBly

III., 24-20, Hhawneelown July 10.''

Weaver's American Band—Wssblugluu, D, C24, Imlefliiltc. • "

TENT SHOW.Hunt's Sliver Plale—South Watcrford, Me., 27

Bar. Mills 28, Gorhnm 20, Westbrook July I

Yarmouth 2.'

Wheeler's Al. K.—Elliuls/tblown, N. Y., 4, Keetu.Valley 6, Lake PlgCld B.

Under ibe tettuT


foriesnon 1907, will appear In (lie S

Jfl>r season Ivor, will appear In (heJulv 4 Issue ofTHE NEW YORKCLIPPER.


Don't miss It.t

ItOHTHB ill- AlTON & AmikusiiN's (illKATUnited ShuWH.—Big show performers ; FiveHtufford Slaters. Vita. Nlcliuls. (he Weatcolts,Hnrtclls Trio, Kclda Zemora Troiipe.four peo-ple ; the Jbgllng Wilsons, Ncllfn Moullon,John and Daisy Hall, Tom Wright, OrvllleHealy. Wm. C. (Iccthi-n. Clias. Andrews,Wilson Peterson, Ulck Bailey, Mnrlc Vernonand Annu Hall. Side show and nnncx : ('.

lv Anilersmi, manager ; Mine. I,;i Torsla' NewMystic Wonders, B. M. Winters, enmedvmuplclan : the Grimt Laretin. Eight. BostonIialsles, Ml.n Loml's dancing Teddy bears.Smith iind Yockcy, musical wonders ; Ander-son Bros.' dogs and ponies, (Jertlc Lea-Is.Ada Moulton, Laura Washburuo, Bess Orange,Frank 'Simpson, Dick Wilson, with O. (,'. Sid-man, ticket sellers. The concert Is givenby the Worton Bros., Millie Vouettc. t'hannon Slster.i. Doula Uugsullouatlze, IlusslanI'lissiick Troupe, Hall nnd Nelson, Pearl Kel-ley and Chnpmun Sisters. I he big slimv

bund la composed of: II. II. Vt'oodard, FredHose, Kd. Andrews. Frank Simpson, ClaudeNelson, t'omuces Bros., L, S. Kllpatrick,Henry Jon-is, Bob Moulton, ('. K. Perry, I'hus.

Cole. II. Channon, (.'. II. (Jreem, Kredl'iixers,Kred Tryon, tin: Urcnt Huyden. bnnil uiiis-

tec Bosses and chiefs of work men : Hill

Williams, master mechanic; Wblty Lewisand Wind C'orbett, boss cnnv.is men ; J. W.Miuk'-iisi-n, train master ; \V. Oilell, bosshostler; Dr. J. A. Bluckbiini. veterinary surg.'iin ; Harry Sleginao, supcrlatcndent of ringstock and foiage agent : James Clark, hnssproperty tiuin ; Ciniey White, buss canvasniaii of side show top ; Tom Toby, harnessiimkir; Jack Clayton, stake and chain wagon ;

Homer Antwerp, chief of prlvllego car; Wal-ter (.'olbui-n, oIIIi-IhI barbel'; Hen Dexter andClyde Adams, car porters: Chus. Curtis sndUscar Robinson, eight horse drivers. Kxe-citllvi! stun": Thou. Alton itu/l Clyde Ander-son, mitniigiiii: directors ; C 10. Andrews, nel-

Ing manager; S. M. Jackson, special agenl


Frank Woods, malinger cur No. 1 ; N. W.Jninps, manager car No. 2 : (.', W. Black, con-tracting agent; Jim Collins, 24-hour man


C It. HUItIm, big HhOW ticket teller; lli-ini

t.'Hhlll, reserved seats; Col, Bob Tate, W.H. Cooke and George Acton, Inside reservedscuts; Kred James controls the advertising,banners and lunch car. The season openedMar i). ut Glim Itock. Pu., to big business.This Is a twelve car show.PUNCH W'iium.hu, press representative of

the Sells-Kioto Shows, writes: "The s.-ii-

Kioto Shows' prices for Goldflcld and the

Nevada gold camps circuit were : General ad-

mission, HI ; reserved scats, (1 and $2 extra;pink lemonudc, 25 cents ; plain water, incents; tilde show, SO cents, and concert, fid

cunts. The receipts at (ioldHeld were over$H,i)i)(i on the day, and wc needed the money,for wood was $70 per .cord, broad 10 penispet- pound loaf In lots of one thousand loaves,

and pies CO cents each. Business was im-mense ut all of the six stands, Drinkingwilier Is Ht a premium on the Great AmericanDesert circuit. The new towns discoveredwere Minn, Tonopith, Goldflcld, Rhyolile, La»VegaH and ('alien le. Under a beading, 'SchoolChildren Get a Chance ut the Circus,' n*Tonopuh Sun of May 13 Bald : 'There wasno school to-day. Professor Schoer thinkingIt wise to adjourn in order to protect the

absence sheet. "Circus day has never beenhere before," said the profcsBor, "and I

I bought it a good plan to give the students,big and little, and the teachers as well, a

chance to get the greatest benefit of circusday." It was learned the lengthy, kindhearted professor suggested that any of his

students that didn't nave the money, shouldhunt him up and the circus fun should lie

theirs, and the professor was well prepared,tlnanclnlly. for a rush, so it was not neces-

sary for the "kids" to take the under the lent

route.' At Rhyollte, Jos. Gunt, the pros-

pector, who discovered the famous Search-light mine. Issued a proclamation' to nil the

children In the camp to be Ills guests at the

circus. Joe said he loved the children, andthe children loved the circus, and now the

circus loves Joe more than ever."ROSTKR OF ADVKKTIHINO CAU No. Ii. I)f TO

Sells-Kioto Circus : Krod Mc.Muim. cur nuinii-

gcr, ; Ray Yoarout. secretary ; Albert .? Ver-mi'tte. boss bill poster; George Kdmonds. Al.

Turrell, Henry, Mpence, Homer Strong. JackMohen, Joseph Lewis and Hans Rector, bill

poHtcrs; George Moyorand Harry Craig, pro-

grammers; Claude Cooper, piisle maker, andAlex. Milton, car porter. Punch Wheeler,gencrul press agent, also has his offlce on thin

cur, which is said to he Mn- finest advancecircus advertising cut' ever on the road, at-

tracting much Attention and generous new*paper write-ups at every town visited.

Ii'ranl'ib J. BotLB, of the Kour Ho.vle

Brothers, European juggling entertainers,writes thut they are In their twelfth weekwith the Sun Brothers' World's ProgressiveShow, and urc meeting with exceptional IhM>cess.


Vauoevillh Annkx.--Col. J. C. O'Brien.essce vaudeville nnncx. : Charles D. Sviu.

hiiiUHgor; Kd. Vernlllo. Inside lecturer: tick-

et scIUm-h: M. Damirc, No. 1 box; loii

Dickinson, No. 2 bnxi Kred C. Moore. No.II box; Kd. Vernlllo, Punch and magic:Mini'. !ne!s (Mrs. Vernlllo), second sight nndmind reader-: Frederick Poole, female linper-

soniitor; Prof. Kruntg, tattooed man : the RoyFamily, Albinos; Tow Brockmuii* Californiaglnnt; Bob Inex, Zulu chief: Da Koiitlm.

snuke chnrmni'; the Scamore's, comedysketch act: the May Sisters, Kay Gornldlno.contortionist Our feature act, Flossie MBlanche, n strong woman. She lifts twelvemen.at each mid every performance. BaxterReynolds. Alabama Minstrels, and coloredhand of ten pieces. John' Hulllvnn, boss can-

vas mgn: seven weeks ahead, and wc do

splendid business.' Notch kuom tub Pamahasika Animal8nr)w.-*We opened our twenty-fifth success-

ful season at Luna Park, Washington, D. t ..

n» nn open air attraction. Ideal weatherprevailed, and many compliments were heardas to the wRy the stock Is kept, It being the

policy of Pnmnlinsikn to give n clean por-

romance. with. clean tinlmnls. The stock ' 3

.under the direction of Harrv Davis. Roberts,

wbo also -will be transportation master tin*

JUNE 29. THE NEi r i


, The Show will leave Philadelphia for ' 'GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. Mm G. Irtvln. reslrteirt manager and Thb Famous Central IMm »tt.,1u Ou» HHPa H»n..Western territory on June 25, opening at special Uitpalch io Tub New York Cupper, flock comedian, of Klein's Deer Park Thea- great demand. The forty Inch *Ue»Tosts Ous Hilt has coasumnoated -orraomnieiits

8an Francisco, June 25.—At the Van. Ness 're, Baltimore, Md.. died in that city, on twelve dollars, Instead of twelve dollars nnd to present, nvxt season, a very formidable Hue' after an illness of three mouths, fifty cents, lbs figure quoted erroneously lu ,,r attraction* In the batter class of popular

"ilrty-<tcven years of age, and leave* tlielr recent advertisement. ., ptttf houses. The list Include* the musical1 four emnll children. !S~S!sr—™«—p""™"""™1•—""""•"s: comedy succi>»a, "Around the Clock," wblcncKrcevy. a Western performer, Word* and Music Club, serves to exploit the eelehrntcd Hllclile Pan-consumption on May ft. at hla „..,,,„_ „ . „ tt,„pka „„„ .„..„, .,„,..,„,,... toiulmc Company, headed by 811110 Hltchle.

• mTSk^^tSStJSrSStSl^^Is survived liy his wife, mother, ;5,iS; this attraction In Knrape. and J. ('. William-

M canvas man, with six assistants; Oscar (.'0.. In »a Lady of y'unllty," this week.-- '•— '"-•"• "•'»' l«tnnt«: Davis. — "llrs. Warrens Profession"

week.Central.—"A Woman of Kite" this weAJiriiican.—-The Broadway Review" this

week.Colonial.—Week of Monday. 24, no at-

I Tactions announced. May remain ilflre fora while.New Ai.cazaii.—"Mrs. Lefllngwclla Boots"

this week.pRPHUUM—Bill week opening Sunday, '-'ft

yum. lie is surviveu ny nis wiitf, uiouier, "--„ ,'"•„„• ,L. «„,,„• n,,,, „» the "tt'oeds "'is oiirnrinm in reurnpc, uv <i. 1. nHwrItock sister and four brothers./ _ .'

.'Baffl^fMnb if Aui ?cu" they llHle »"' has seen r.J tbe right, tor the Autlpodes.1 union- "linen, milnnger of Shea's The- V,"' ,',.

1 *„,

ll',,,,",, ,,, 'J %e eliif w.Vohl Aiioihcr of the musical comedies Is "(lay

this aire. Buffalo. X. Y.. died In that city on .lime &» „*h.


, 1



" ' ™L\n ".r,inH. nr 1 eve v rVc ir

N"W York." which has already been received22, aged thirty-eight years. His 'wife aur- JgWf 111 Mj ninuiherahlp 1n ul> ejer) ur g

t. vcl

. v(vlu.,„ wllh ,„,„.,, fnV(1P .

welt, vlvesblm. " Snrrmusic in me i» smart Het Will be sent nut lu nil Ms

band Wht^'isfin^^^^ijiSjn «»„f week out. have bad only one dry day

,,d only one show for opposition. .

SvASWSH iiammson luforms us .that he Is

•11 h 1he Kells-Floto Show now. after three

7mm abroad, doing Ills clown bicycle act.


«iin«s'-W« are still doing it guod business Julia Heinrleh and .diss Faster. Fuill" lloeh

it ninth New Mngland, slthoiigb the weather and company, the Klnsons, .Mile. Nadje. ltossl

iiiis liei'ti bmd for tent shows. We bnve not mid Paolo, the St. tinge Bros., Ferry, the Ab-

iiirned itictn owny, but have done a goon dulluli Bros,, and the kluudrouie.

hi luess and the man lu white bus not Chui'KK.—Miscellaneous vaudeville this

t'lih'il to wolk regularly every Sunday morn- week.

hur We have just odded another thirty Note.—Hubert ("Hob") (ilrnrd, many!i.,t middle piece and three new lengths of years ago connected us manager with the

«— "— " Orphcuiu, In this city, and thereafter, andfor 1'. number of yenrs. representing the someplnce of nninieincut ns Its represent iitlvr.

In New York City, Is In town, renewing oldac«ptiilntnnces>ilps mid having 11 good time

The body of Minnie Harrison, whodied oa April 28, and that of her mother, Mrs,

country.Within a few days (he club has leased a

suite of rnninx at 1420 Broadway, which Are

werTX^&i.^lL^&i i-inxsuutp^usly;..,!^,, wBhTal. .he con

blues, and our fop w 1

vault and burledlawn Cemeterythe removal of the bodies was uintie by MajorDiuienu It. Iltiriison, In-other of the IntoMaude Harrison. A number of friends ofthe. family witnessed the trousfer of Hiehodles.

, Robert II. YVIInoii died at his bnme InWestvllle, Nova Scotia, on Wednesday, June12. aged twenty-live yenrs. During the pnstsix years be bad been conuected with Ilnvel's"lluiupty Dlliupty" Co., C. It. Iteno's ".loahiui

Slmpklns," llaverly's Minstrels and for thepast two seasons was at the f'lohe Theatre,

Itlrged manner, with everything new and up-

tO'date. The Well known rolor'd comedian,S. H. Dudley, will bead the ll«t of playerseiiguged for this a timet Inn.

"Hnppv Hooligan" has enlarged the Kcqimi

. of his irwiibles and trllmlnllons. 11 ml In a new

lilt t president). I In rry Williams; first vets" and »^V£iVv'1V^fe.,liuti



'wn(Ulrsl vice president I. Mean Schwurlit ; second i»'\ con plliHl by .HrffcpfJ 1 nil .ITOMaW.. w

™i )\. „ Vr. ,.... »VS i« « „T venlehees of a medeni <lnf».' The* '" '.'"•'


n,llllv P|ot '» J !* he ready for occupancy In 11 week.

^s-JkJ^j^srar'vi.ss ..The &**» or the ,-m .» «


The rooms will

follows: Dig

now Seat one thou

Fanii"pi'opie coniifortnbly. Prof. Hurry H. Bel-

luoiu s sliver concert bnnd 11 nd orchestra Is

Hiking the unlives sit up and take notice, ninl

Hir iiei'furuinnce goes with a snap and villi n.

ihiii nle'ises the masses. Wc will close our generally. Mr. Glrard has a mine In Sierra wired for at Cluyloii, N. V., where be wasieii lint smi'soii about Sept. 20, and go luto County, Ibis Slate, mid will probably In the playing with the "Joshua Sluipklns" Co.

1.1k and work West. We had fl verv pleasant future, devote nil his time to developing It, Mrs. Angelo Tarrianl. widow of a well

visit' from Otis Hunks, the old lime down, '

verse (second vice president I, Maxwell Sil-

ver; mnnusrrlpl (secretory 1, Will A. Ileelan :

royalties ilreusurer), K. P. Morou ; leadsneet isersi'Oiit al arms), Ben Shields; con-ductor. Sevinonr Furth: chorus (board uf

governors), llenjauiln llnpgood Burt, Max S.

Witt, tieorge It. Bell, Kd. F. Rose, OeorgeTotlon Smith and William ltedmoud.The members Include the following well

known authors and composers: lOghert Vanllosion. ns cornellst. He Is survived by his Alstvne. K. Hay Uoetr., Herman A. Wnde, J.father, mother, one brother oud seven sis

(era. Charles B. Wilson, Hie brother, wasA. Mnhiuiey, Andrew [I. Sterling. VincentHryiui. Maurice Levi, VUigeue Plntxinan,

iiM lvrek. Mr. Hunks Is now In the Jewelry

business, at Providence, oud has retired fromHie priifenslnu, but still reads Hie dear old


Boh" lins lliousauds of friends bere, and known music teacher, und herself a formerbe Is being royally entertained

NEW HAMPSHIRE.Mnneheslcr.—At. the Mnssabeslc (Frank

(i .Murk, resident iiitiiiaKcr) the bill for weekof 17 Includes: l.ce Tung Foo, the Holds-

noi'llis. Floli'W and Dunn, Joe Deuilng, tile

Mdlurd Bros., and (he komogrnpli. Business

cooltones Io Improve. For the week of 24,

the A hi bums Troubadours.Nickel, formerly Keith's (Harry J. Spell-

man. mnnnger).—Busluess In beyond ull ex-

pectation, the hot weather seemingly havingnu effect on the continued large audiences.

Notes.—Manager Ktnery. of the Park The-

atre, was in mwn. 20, on business. He Is

uow Summering nt his form at South Llttle-

tuit. Mass Manager Charles II11111II-

toii Is In town for a few days, nt the homeof bis partner. .1. J. Sullivan. They areloni .-.I 111 die Summer resorts after July 1.

Krnesl A I'roveoelier, atugc managertit the Massabealc, will rennrt Aug. W, withJai'ubs A Lowerv's Moonlight Maids Co., to

till the same position.•


Wlcbltn.—At the Crawford Theatre (K.

I,. M11 rl ling, iminager) moving pictures, at

popular prices, are drawing good business.

Tnt.ER Al'DiTniuiiM tIC. c. Tnler, manager).—The Acme. Comedy Co. o|>ened for the Sum-uier season, to lilg business, IT.

vVoNMWUXO pa 11 it 1.1. T. Nut He, ninna-

eeri.—^The Wolfe Stock Co. Is here for the

Slimmer season, and pleasing the people.

Wonderland Park Concert Bund Is the featureIn the park, with a moving picture show.AiithOMK (K, I,. Mnrtllng, manager).—Wul-

lOrk'H Theatre Co., ltl-22, ployed to hugeouulenees,

Deaths in the Profession1'Hilil. U. Ill > mi.

Frank D. Ilrynu, well known ns a theat-rical producer anil manager, ami formerlya comedian ami parody singer, died 011 Satur-day ulgiit, June 22, between !• and HI o'clock,

at bis home. :i:i2 Knsl Seventeenth Street,

New York City, from a complication of dis-

eases. He bud been III for almost a your,

liuvliig been stricken early Inst teason, whenlie wein to Mount Clemens, Mich., to recu-

perate. He whs again taken 111 In Louisville,

Ivy., anil went to a buspltnl there. Aboutseven mouths ago be came to bis borne lu

New York City, ond steadily grew worseuntil bis death. He was horn In Cleveland,(I., Feb. is; ISflS, Ju 1X811 he formed upnitiier'hlp with '!. 11. Moiilton, to mintmusic In Cleveland. Frank M. Drew Induced.Mr. Bryan Io enter the profession, and luisk 1. Hryim ami vtiinliou starred to play

dotes. The next seosoii they were with thel.lzn Weber Htirlesiiue Co. lu imsi; they or-

giiuhed die Niillonal Four, and piayed datesfor two s'r.inoiis. From 1SSS to lsllO they ap-pea red at the head of their own company.

opern director, died oil the night of June 18,ut her home at Oceaulc. N. .1., from paralysis,aged seventy-seven years. She leaves severalculldreu.

A lu 11I111111 M. SclinrliiiitNky, Yiddishplaywright ami poet, died on June 111, lu IhoManhattan State Hospital, Central Isllp, I..

l„ :ii:ec| forty years. He had been In thehiispllnl fur u year. About twenty years agohe came 10 lids country from Mbuii, andwrote several ploys, which were producedhere ond In Itusslo.

ileurge Wbltlng. F.dgnr Seldon, Joseph Hoi- (llbsou. C. F. •nWen. ( hnries

lender. Lester Keith. Thomas Kelly. Felix Hleuard Harllc . William Klrby .rue

Fetal. Wm. Jerome, ililward Mnddeii. Hlllee Jos. I.:D!xoo

r(Jeorge Pile ps, WUIIoui


ex|ilfllu his travels lu Uiissln, Jspnu and Hieliilllnplne Islands. . .

"MeFiidilen's Flats," refurbished, rejuve-

nated nuil reinvested with merry scenes andJolly complications, will pay Its annual visit

Io Iho large cities only where the demandlor tin- infraction has grown to (he extentthat, extended eiiKngemenls are called forThe only melodrama In Which Mr. Hill

will be Interested Is "The Shoemaker." Thellllc role will he Interpreted by Lew Welch.Among those engsgeil by Mr. Hill ore:illrhnrd McAllister, Charles R. ForemnU, J.

t'horics France,'•Iroest Solcr


Joe J. Sulilviiti. " Charles Johnson, Kd.

MIIItl.MS. 11V HAT F.DWARU CI.ARKThe Willie flats of America will hold (heir country, In point of beauly and safety. The

It. Mu llor, Aaron llofrmun. Will D. Cobb,Monroe II. Himeufeld, Alfrod Doyle, W. C.Polio. Scamp Montgomery, Timothy Colemanand K. Huchngnlnl.

4»»< litem;.. Opera House Returns to


The los» of the Olympic Thenlre, June14, bv lire, MM severely fell, not only byKohl' & Castle, but the vaudeville lovingpiitillc. which lisiked upon the Olympic as u

cn7.y place Io witness 11 line performance.It will be a number of weeks before It will

open ugulu, bur alien It does, It Is promisedthat it will rlvul any other house lu the

annual out lug at Ulnier Park, July 1ft. Therewill he gomes of oil kinds, entertainments, ahuge dinner, ond will wind up with a scamperat the Willie lint eltili rooms, In whichladles of the profession will be nr liberty tointend, 111 (he Invltndon of n Brother listOf course.There will also be 11 scamper held In honor

of Timothy D. Su 1 1 Hun. on Saturday, Juneml' Trio 211, and the eulertulnnientconiiolllee say theyUU

'Hi. •|V.J...'..„ "!!"!.'i,


J." hove something up their sleeves lu the formwas formed, and Ibey becniiie popular forthe folluwlag six veins, with Victor's Vaude-ville Co., Invln Brothers' (.'0.. oud Itellly ti

Wood's Co. The denlb of li. K. Moulton, Inisllti. dissolved the trio, nud Mr, Ilrynu bossince that time appeared alone. In lgtiUPThe managed the (lus Hill New York Stars,aod season of 18H7-DS bo wus at the helmWilli Itellly & Wood's Ulg Show, lie W0Smalinger of Itellly & Wood's Show for aboutlive seasons oud left that organization totake oil! Ills own company, "The Fuuuy Mr.Iiuolev." lu the ownership of which he wasassociated with Paul Quluu uud CharleySmith, of Smith oud Campbell. Mr. Bryan

of on eiilerialiiinenl that will make

trusses for die roof, which were of heavytimber before, will, lu ull probability, be re.

pluceil with steel girders, which will addgreatly to the strength of the building. Themere fad that the small amount of uoumgedone, coinimriitlvely s|s<oklng, when one Hikes will reinlii this ploy for the early port of herInto consideration the location of the house,proves conclusively, Hint with (he excep-tion of the roof trusses, the theatre was ofHie tliiest class of construction, and here-

after, no fears will be entertained In tbeevent, of lire breaking out there. In lb« menu-

Tom I.OK011, Don Onlhigher, Henry Leach,

Frank Hose, J. Fred llslersloek, FrnukleCarroll, Alice Poller. Mlldnsl Inure, I'.vn

I.nugiinv, Nellie Slvles, Mnble Iielmore. XIII-

driHl Fletcher, Mill 111 (Idell, Nellie .lohlisloue,

Louise Allen, Phyllis Proctor. Win I'ujjim,

Maude Cociiicoti, Pansy Woldrou, Julln DlCvnliila, Louise Knv, lllxle Hetiumont, Vio-let Itlo. Julia Keeley, Lillian Van Oslen,Hose (lohleo. llohrlelle llnrhler. Moe I'Xella,Delia Itiinuev. Nellie Mason, (lenevleve 01b-son, (he Iteil Hussnrs, (he Twelve KngllshKoselniils, and the (inyely Quartette.

»»» 1

Shci-Ii -sliipiuoii Allriietlnni.

Itoselle Knott closed a prosperous seasonof fort v one weeks on Jinn- 22. In the title

role In "Alice Sit-by-Hli'-FIre," Miss Knottbus deiuonslroteil thai she Is not only minclress uf ureal ilromnllc force, bill Is a clevercomedienne. Her uiuutiKor, lOrnest Sblpinnn.

In ploy for Hie early port of hernext season's lour, mid will Inter present herlu a new piny by n well known author.


Mr. Sldiiinnii closed the "Mrs, Warren'sProfession Co., of which Hose Coghlnn wasthe iliur. at Denver, Colo., on June 'i'l, Ihoengngeinent lu dun city being nn extension

vim ceil viiudevlllc" go away back uud sit time, the Chicago Operu House will lake up of Hie original bookings which terminated aldownSome brother 111 the lodge suggested (hot

nil Invitation lie nxtetlded Io "Illg Tim."privileging him to bring nil bis friends,ilenrge Kvaus objected on the grouuds that If

Ike "Seootor" were Io bring nil bis friends It

would he uecessory to bold the aromper luModlsou Square Oorden.For the fienellt of nun -members. It now re-

quires 1 brae meetings to elect u cundldule

the burden of the Olympic, uud present thehigh class vaudeville which was listed ut

the Inter. The Opern. House. In doing this,

reverts to "It* old Inve," for coiorocoelngabout 1Mb". Ibis house was mode Into a

"I'ontlnnuus house," uud until about two

Suit Luke (,'lty, one week earlier.Mr Hhlpmnti lilts completed arrangements

with James K, Hacked whereby he now con-trols the sole performing rights to AlfredSiiiioh piu.\, "The Walls of Jericho." Aroute of thirty-live weeks has already beau

vean. a kd. remained Hint way. Since thru booked, and II Is Mr. Sblpnion's intention toIt lias been devoted to musical comedies, present the

Into the realms of •Holland," and beginning reeded that.

"'Is? Ian.

unlit Inst Fall, when the stock company wosput In there, and "Captain Careless sue-

wiiiiicin—At (tic Airaome Ttieatre. (lie ™?"i" nJSttvETimilSXSr Aftor'thV«• ?unjl ' members who Have been absent forWol ford Stock Co. played to large uudlences «' * """"K* 1

,?.{.,"mJSSSt \i'r lSSLJ" ?.


e a few months pnst. and whose faces threw a

with July 1 die Initiation fee willSome members who have been absent for

«»»Jiniirstowii l'.i|Mi«IOoii !tlaw>.

iilav with n particularly strongcost. Mr. Sblpuniii bus also contracted fortwo new ami complete productions for "WhenKnight hand Was In Flower." The bookingsI list hove been uiadn for the two companieswhich Mr. Shlpnian will send nut In thissuccess next season, consist largely of city

Idct Scwtl.—At the Alrdouie (II. C.Kiirleh, manager) the McMillan Players

la 1 eil io lilg business lost week, openinguoe 17 to capacity. Tbe Morey Stock Co.

opeus 24 fur two weeks.FritN i.aki; Pauk (lltifcr & Love, monn

gets).—Moving pictures oud bund concert.4»»

CONNECTICUT.Hartford,—At Parsons (II. C. Parsons,

Isaiisgeri the Hunter-Bradford Players, lu'Lord and Lady Algy," pleosed large nudl

vears : bis father, mother ami one stall..

Mr. Hryou wus 11 member of New YorkLodge, U. P. O. Flks, oud Muun Lixlge of.MnsoiiR. The funeral services were held onTuesdny, June 24, at Masonic Temple, WestTwenty-third Street, New York City, At 10a. It., and Interment will lie In P.vcrgreeuCemotery.

Dunlin li.niie, of the vaudeville team, ,°T 'Jmlul

Deone and Way, whose name In prlvute life " p' • ,"',,• ••,• "was Mrs. Borie C. Wuy, died on June 17, ut IW* conat

Linton, Ind.. frooi luls-rculosls of tbe bowels,aged twenly-slx years. She hud been actively

euces week of .luuu 17. "Brolber (JIUcers" engaged hi the theatrical profession ever-'4-211. s | n ce Hhe was four years of age, when she

Puli's (1,. 10. Kllby, manager).—The Slockcompauy gave an excellent presentation of"Mrs. Dane's Defense," to good business,week of 17.

Scuxic TtiRA't'OK (H. C, Young, monager)


Bhnis and thb" MwfjTiiwMd theutre'ore the wiis uTa'rrieti'td Furle C. Way, lu Mobile, Aln.,

elilef nit ructions of this resort week of IT.business Is reported to be good.

Nirti;.— I .oiiln R, Kllby, innuager of Poll'sThenlre. and Sadie P. Mober, a slater of1'iiuny Maber, were nmrrled on June 111.


lend the boll gomes, and, ns Al suvs, "Itain't so much the pain In my leg, but Iothink of missing that twelve inning game be-tween Boston nnd tbe (Hunts—(lull's whatgives me o pain In the foot."The different ball teams In the nctors'

league now stand ns follows:C. V. Won Lost. r. I 2n h 2

II 21 4

In order to dispel any wrong Impressionwhich might have been created, through anerror. I beg to amend Hie statement lu this

((rounds. her. lives In Scuttle, ami for Hull reasonTlie establishment of thin War Path will knows well die picturesque cbiinees offered by

make tbe uegro deportment n most uttroc- a musical piece with the great North loni)live feature of Iho imposition. Aside from for 11 netting, The old fashioned minor, wllb1 lie tnnlu building adjacent thereto I here ore a large thirst for whiskey, a quick itsit of aa dozen or more buildings erected by the gnu, mid si small 11 mount uf love for civil Ira

White Rots.

first entered the children's ballet. After-

ward she wos engagud at tbe Casino, NewYork Cltv. Her hist engagement with a

combination wos with the late Harry Morris.

After Hint she re-entered vaudeville, doing unable to give the secretaryship of the ordi

negro upon this reservation. Thousands ofwhile people visit the negro buildings dolly,and oil express udnilratlon and surprise nttbe successful exhibits contained lu Ibisbuilding. \

There ore several bonds of music fromdifferent colleges, etc., who hove volunteeredto take part lu the musical programme oflitis depart nieol, which Is situated at. the

column Inst week, to Din effect that Major Western side of Iho Imposition (Irutinils, neor In writing "The Alnsknn," has used" newItitrhe hod resigned as secretary of the order nu entrance nt One Hundred ami Third nod correct ninliirlul, and Horry Olrors bos

written the score. Joseph Smith has been

,. unit wi su.

Hon Is nearly ns much a stranger lu Alaskaluluiug cumps os he Is on llrundwiiy. Themost successful men lu Alasku hitve been tin-ii

wln> would Succeed lu comuierclnl lines, andIreipieiitly ore men of college training iludsclent Itle nltnliuueuls. "The Alaskan" showstills fli-nicnl of American manhood withoutlosing tiny opportunity for tbe picturesque.Joseph Blelhen, author of the book uud lyrics.

-Business continues good at this continuous her character French dialect singing ond his entire attention, owing to the nmonnt of WtOi,lerforioouee house. dancing specialties. After a short season In work be (the major) was engaged In on the nihil:. 1

Li'N.y Pauk.—Hutchinson's balloon asccn- the Southern vaudeville bouses, she met ond outside, which mode It Impossible for him meut.

of While Hots, owing to the business bovlug Street.become too large foe liltn to bundle. Whnt (Hies B. Jackson, n noted lawyer of Hlrli-

I meant In say wns, that the ma lor wos mum!. Vo., who secured tbe appropriation ofsi 111 1. (ion from Hie government of Hie tin lied

1. Io old the uegro lu making this ex-Is director general of the uegro depart-

OISTRICT OF COLUMBIA.Washington A( the New National (W.

II. Knploy, malinger) (his week, tbe Aborn'ipera Co., In '"ITie Chimes of Normandy."Last week "Pinafore" and "Cuvallerhi Uustl

on June 20. 111(15. since which time she undher husband played together until last Feb-

ruary, when she won token 111. Intermentwos In Falrvlew Cemetery, Linton, lnd., onJune II). . . , _Hens or I be death olT Joliu II. 11. -n u-

111011I, formerly manager of the Wilsonopern Hoiibe, Uwego, N. V., bus Just, reachedus. Mr. Beaumont died sutldeuly at Owego,N. Y., Hslitrdiiy, April 27, uged slxty-hv;

years. He was horn lu Brenge, Cunuly (Corn-

wall. Euglund. oil. III. 1S41, ond come la

to give his full uttention to both.Now ilou't forget : The big scnm|»er for

Hlg Tim. June 21), and die on 11011 1 online atUlmer Pork, July 2fi.

White Hals of America ore located otBroadway and Forty-sixth Street (overChurchill's).



eugoged to stage the product Ion. rehearsals ofwhlcli will begin hern In August.

•».I1.I111 Ciir('« Aiiiiiiiiiii'i-nii-uts.

"The Stronger Hex," In which MamieFenlv will he starred In (bis country, nextsenses, has been transferred from theHenry Mlll.r'n I'Iiihh for Next Nensoil.

Henry Miller, who soiled fur Kitrope lost Apollo' to the lloyolly Theatre, London, Hug.,In order thai Its successful run will nut nodisturbed.

«eek " I'hu ManiPiivres ot Jouelinsliiess,




for1 it


week. Hi,, ii'ouse slock In vaudevllTe lind intr-leaiue. i.ast week excellefit business ruled.

Niitis.— I.utiu Park. Ulen Kcho and Chevy< Iiiisi- Lube, suburban resorts, nru well pat-ronized.


Notbs FBOM Paiikbii's Nkw Suiiwh.—Weore carrying (en people, with n brand new40xiiO tent; In foci, everything is new. Otirscenery was pointed by Joseph II. Klunes.

- our Mlde trombone soloist. We are inakliighud excelleut dniighter of Mr. nud Mrs. Jpun Leonard. Mr. two days" stand* ond the show Is giving en-

Hcniimont was very successful ns inuuuger of lire sotlsfoelloii. Couslilerlug the hod weother

cann" piicked tbe house throughout Ibe woek, this couulrv In 18(1.1. He imsaed lunny years•I lie Fortune Teller" July 1 and week. |u Hut West, und ulong the Pnctlic coast. HeloLiuiniA (Joseph B. Luckett, manager).

went to Owego In 1882, and on Oct. 11, of'I lie Stubbornness uf Oernldlne

1' 24-30. Lost that year lie Slurried Mrs. Frances (low,

week, will produce several new plays nextseason. These Include "The Servant In theHouse," by Charles It. Kennedy, und "TbeMudstoiie," by Itldgeley Torrcnce. In Ibelatter play Hie leading role will he played byWaller Hampden, a young American actor,vim bos lieen appearing for three years hiLondon.

Alia Naslmnva will reopen tbe Bijou The-atre, New York City, under Mr. Miller's mini

various roioponles. The team pluyed with

Mrs. Tom Thumb's Co. for three seasons,

Nlcte Murphy, 011 old time performer,

died on Friday, June 21, from a paralytic

stroke, aged llfty-seveti yenrs. Mr. Murphyintered (he profession about forty years

ugo, with llooley's Minstrels, anil wos con-

tinuously lu the business up Io Hie lime ot

appearutice every week. We are always gladIo receive Thr Di.ii IIih.i.mu.k, which is a

Max Flgmnn, who will inttkn short tour.

In "The Man on the Box," prior to bisLoudon engagement, lu (bo Mciluitli andPtirulsH comedy, will return tu New Yorkshortly, to take charge of the several nowproductions for Jobs Cort.

After playing ibnaighout the West, In•/.Ira" next season, Florenco Huberts Will

ngnment, on Sept. 2. with "Coiutesse Co;

njjnin be seen lu New York, In a new, moderncomedy driimn, the nature of which, us wellns Its tli la, aod the name of the author, orewithheld for Hie present. Mary Hortrniid,Tliiirlow Bergen, 1'. V. Hronsnn and ClintonMuynuril are among some of the players al-

ready engaged.Frank Dnkum has been engaged for the

lending Juvenile rule. In "The Spider's Web."Ilia new ploy by John iiuicblns. In whichSurah Triinx will star next season. MarlonBrooks, Hazel Miller and I.eo Herbert Whitehave iilsn been engaged.

quette." ond six weeks afterward site willbe seen In Ibsen's "The Master Builder." Thenwill come "The Madstone" and revivals of"lleitdu (jobler" und "The Doll's House."

Henry Miller nnd Margaret Anglln willbegin the seuson In Daly's Theatre, Aug. 2(1,

lu "The Orent Divide." This play Is to befollowed by a military . comedy drnmu. Inwhich Mr. Miller will present Cecelia Loftonand l.rAii.i.. •• D'Orsay as co-stars.

•» 1

•I. Fred. Kliiimcruiiiii Jr. Iiiti-rislril

cotiifoi-l nnd heliilng baud to every nerformer.Rosier of Hlg Otto'u Trained Wild Animal

K KNTUCKY.Louisville.— At li'ontolnc Ferry Pork

j/i'sdea'tu. Ifta'm'lMltlaNiril bi atoUwwtor

• »»Rleven Vcnrs With One Mhasv.

Kaui Hire has been re-CDgageil with theMerry Maidens Co, (Western wheel), litis

being Ills eleven lb season with the above 11 1-

aiul with Ills pari

111 Viiaili'illli- Acts.J. Fled. /.Ininieriinin Jr., whose father Is

n member of Ibe well known theatrical ArmShow, nt lllvervlew Park, Chicago, for tbe of Nixon & Zliniiieriimn, will mauuge severalseason: O. F. Hreltkrleutb, president ; (I. F. vaudevilles next seuson. ei^oey," whichBiletki'leulx, vice president ; C. H. Buldwln. Is ploying nt the Chestnut Street Opera .

general inunnger : Ksslc Fay, with her troupe House. Philadelphia. Oils week, will lie under traction. He will also stage am] product;of performing leopards: Mtulame Itobertl, his direction. "Miss Cnuillle," by Victor the Inirlesqtles for the CTmiupngnu fllrls Co,,with her troitue of performing beats, monkeys Herbert and George V. Unhurt, will be on- both of which attractions are under Ibo

iiiHiiageiueiil of Holler, Jncohs Ic Lewry.«»

The Viiudevlllc Hrnnou at RucbuiiuyReach.

Morrison's Thealre, at Ilocknwny Uracil,L. I., will oiien for Hie season Monday, JulyI. with vaudeville. The bookings will be doneby Win. Morris' ofllce.


Wiper will Im modP for this nininiuoth pro-oaeilou. '|'h» people are fast being engnged.iiuii everything points to- a very successfuljeason.

i"|il>» Is* Mr. Jasun's third season aslie manager ,,r » „w ulgbler. Our bookings""I he in ih,. \„w Kngland and Middle At-i.iinle siiitc;,. \\ t, n„,| that Tin: I'LlrfRM IsB great help to us,

his owu company. Diamond Brothers' Minntrels. having associated with him bis brothers

l*iwrence and l>Wls. Lawrence recently,iii..l .,.|,t l.ewl« "Ml' «ii"v|vih> htm. '''linernl

rervlces were held Monthly, June 17, fromSt, Mary's Churcli, of which lh« deceased

was a member. He Is survived by his wife,

n dandy. Our overland car, twenty feet long,drawn by four horses, attracts much atten-tion along the line. Hosier: Houghton &Long, proprietor: it 111 Houghton, conteillou,with Mollle. 11 irulued idg, and Bedella. 11

trained goose: Amv si, Cyr. iiiuglclnn : HelenHough Ion. traps, rlnirs, musical act and snake

two children, tiro ulsters oud three brother*, handling, and Prof. Long, leader of orchestra. Alley."

The act wns greatly liked by die oudlence,and Mr. Hnvllnnd wns given good aid in Its

Interpretation by Alice Thornton.-•Knife's Mcm-cnI Act. '

II. A. Knife has lii iirepnrollon n hlgnovellyact for vaudeville lie will cull It "Paradise

Mils Hitler null Rrnei* Foster Leavefor riuKiioid.

be Max It liter and flmce Foster sailed onter Julie 22. for F.nglund. From there Ihev will

go to Johannesburg. South Africu. ntiu thenpiny engagemeots nu the conllnnit,

<i >

Curler nnd Taylor Hiiro Ovi>» tbeKrlfll A Crueliir Clrenll,

Chns. II. Curler nnd flussle Taylor borereceived contracts for forty weeks on IbeKeith & Proctor circuit, beginning Kept. 2.

4i»Columbia) Amusement Vu.'n Medina".'Columbia Amusement Co. ( ICnstern, wheel


belli n special meeting l-'rldiiv. June 21, atlll.'iS Iti nail win. their ofllces. Herlierf Mm'kwas in the clmlr. The regular tninual meetingWill be held July 12.




I 'THIS ANSWER TOIf you have heard "Love He, and the World 1. Mine," you certainly should get boxy ami -mil for the mMn Prof, copies to professional!). fend late program*.

BEAUTIFUL »Ivir>15« NOW READY. : : : *MJ A SET.SHEFFIELD MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., 238 Tremont St., Boston, Mass.Charles K. Blnncy's Plana for Next

Season.Charles E. Binary offers for the season of

10(17-08 (lie following attractions. Veryfew of lils old plnys remain, but the newcrop iuoks promising, Inasmuch as nearlynil have been tried in Mr. Blaney'a Tlieatres(his Spring.

Cecil Spooner will appear In two playa at(lie beginning of the season. In the bettercIukb theatres. Her lam year's success. "TheCtrl Raffles," and her new romantic drumu,"The Dancer and the King," have both hadsucccsful bearings at Blaney's Lincoln SquareTheatre. Sin 1 will be supported by her aamestrong company. Miss Spooner has writtenseveral new songs and a number of new mu-sical iiiimlM'i'8 for both playa. She will alsocarry her famous lummy chorus. Three carsare necessary for tlie trnnsportnlli>n of herproduction.

Lottie Williams, the exceedingly popularrough sonbreltc. will piny the popular pricehouses, In n uew piny especially written forher by Chan. K. Kinney, entitled "Jnsle, tbeLittle Madcap." It will suit her peculiarstyle of work, nnd she will curry a lurge coin-puny, with a chorus, and a beautiful new pro-duction.

Harry Clay Blanc*-, will continue Ills

original character of Willie Live, and thlalime as "The Boy Detective." Par the Uratlime in eight years Harry Clay Blaney willnot do a wnr play.

Flske O'llurii, the Irish tenor, wlU'fnraakemelodrama after two yeurs of his success In".Mr. Blarney from Ireland," and will nowwear knee' pants and be the Irish Romeo, in"Dion O'Diirc." a high class story of tbenfteenth century. He, has several new songsof Wh own composition."Young Buffalo. Kins of the Wild West,"

shirts on its third year with fifty people, In-dlunis, a cowboy band and a big parade.

Vfvlan PNtNtt In "A Child of the Regi-ment," will begin her second season us aBlaney .star, with a hard record to heat, iih it

was one of the biggest successes of lostseason.

Will H. Vedder. In "Kidnapped for Re-venge," achieved much success as the re-

formed thief, and his play Is considered amasterpiece of melodramatic construction.This company will curry thirty-five peopleami ii large production.The famous Russell Brothers hnre a piny

to suit them In the comedy drama, "The Hired(.Iris' Millions." written by (.'lias. U. Blaneyespecially for them. It proved a big successlast season.Wm. If. Turner, the latest of the Blimey

slurs, has been fortunate In his first play,"Ills Terrible Secret, .or, the Man Monkey."it was written especially for him and pro-duced by Mr. Blaney, nnd was novel and orig-

inal in theme.Cunning, the Jnll breaker. In "From Sing

Slug to Liberty," a new play, by Harry ClayUluney, will be launched under the manage-ment of ChHs. K. Blaney. The play Is saidto lie a novelty. The star Is a professional.full breaker und handcuff expert, nnd hashud much success In exhibitions of this kind.Hurry Cluy Uluney hnB written a playaround these Incidents.Laura Jean Lihbcy's "I'orted ou Her Brldnl

Tour" will be in Its second season, andshould prove, us big as anything ou the popu-lar priced hoard.

"j/ottle, the Poor Saleslady ; or, Debtb Be-fore Dishonor" is the latest play written byChar.. K. Blnuey. Lydu Powell, n new starin Hie Blaney forces, will have tt difficult

emotional role.

With twelve big attractions, Chas. E.Uluney will also conduct his chain of houses.Uluney theatres, In New York, Brooklyn.Newark, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgmill New Orleans.

( •"leiTiilnu the Bclasco Enterprise*.Blanche Bates close, i her season in "The

Ctrl of the (iolden West," In Brooklyn. Sat-urday evening, June 8. Her engagement wasextended one week In that city, ho great washer success thpre. The stage, on the closingnight, resembled a conservatory. Kvervmember of her company had contributedlarge bouquets of roses, but most prominentwas an enormous bunch of American Beau-ties, as tall ns the star herself.

Mr. lie las co sprang a pl?asant surpriseupon his youngest star, Frances Starr (nopun Intended), when he presented her witha magnificent automobile. Miss Starr wascompletely bewildered until' the donor ex-plained that It was simply a little rewardIn recognition of her loyal and good ser-vices throughout the Benson, especially whencnlled upon to appear nt the extra Thursdaymatinees of "The Rose of the ituncho."

David Warlield is still playing In Boston,to phenomenal business. Ills return engage-ment in "The Music Muster" Is attendedwith the same enormous business as before,and It Is at times Impossible to accommodateall wbo wish to see the play.

*-»-• •

John Osman Will Pat Ont TwoCompanies.

John Osraao. proprietor and manager of theOsman Stock Co., sailed for England on June'Si, and intends to take a rest for a fewweeks.

Mr. Osman -will probably bave two com-panies for next season, starting one from Hu-f;erstown, Md., .and tho other from Cumber-and, Md. Both, companies will open the sea-son on Aug. 12, and one wllfplay some Ohiodates, and will then follow thi .other organ-ization about eight weeks later, playing tbesame cities, but giving different bills.

Jack Barrett, of Grin and Barrett, willhave charge of the Eastern company, and Mr.Osman will have personal charge of the othercompany.W. H. Harllgan, of "Dr. Jekvll and Mr.

Hyde" fame, will be stage director of Mr.Osmun's own company.

Mr. Daman's daughter. Marguerite, will bewith him, and will play some of tbe leadingroles.

+»»Minnie Sellffnian and William

Bramwell Married.Minnie Sellgmnn nnd William Bramwell

wore married at Dclmonlco's, New York City,on the evening of Wednesday, June 19.

Miss Sellgmnn and Mr. Bramwell headedI he Proctor Stock Co. nt tbe Fifth AvenueTheatre about live years ago, and .later Mr.Bramwell went starring In "Captain Bar-rlugton" ami appeared with Miss Sellgmaji,In "The Dragon Fly." Mr. Bramwell recentlyhits been leading man of tho Chicago OperaHouse stock company.

Mr. Bramwell und his bride will shortlygo to Europe for the rest of tho Hummer.On their return they will beglu rehearsalsof | sketch, by Uracc Livingston Furniss,entitled "A Dakota Widow," Tn, which theywill appear together lu vaudeville next season.

4 «».takln-Mimt-r Productions.

Hurry A skin and Mort Singer will benames very much before the public next sea-son, for they have several productions toplace on tbe road, among them being KaraKendall. In the reconstructed "The BailSamaritan," by George Ade : "JeffersonHltl," n new piny, by Paul Wllstacli. whichdeals with the character of an Arkansan,and mi exti-avuguuza. entitled "Little Johnnyuud His Teddy Bears," for which the man-agement Is already laying out the cast, and

Four "Man of the Hour" Companies).Four companies will tour the coming sea-

son In George Broadbtirst's "The Man of theHour," now playing at the Savoy Theatre,New York City, and the Illinois Theatre.Chicago. The cast In the Savoy will be heldthere, It Is planned, for months to come,while tbe special Chicago cast will. In Sep-

J. J. Coleman Braacbea Ont.

One of the most recent surprises In tbe

theatrical profession occurred the other day.

when tbe announcement was Issued that

J. J. Coleman, who for eleven years bas been

the manager of tbe American Theatrical Ex-

Hurtlg- A Seamon Will Build i,

Syracuse, .V Y.Hurtlg & Seamon, wbo have held an onti™

i property on Warren and Bank wSSSyracuse, N.onY„ for theatrical

chased the plot on June 19. They" will erect

pur;heyurposes, par.

change, was to sever bis connection with .u 1200.000 playhouse on the site, on nlanK—ng *bc made by w. H. McElfatrick.that concern. Mr. Coleman has been amongtember, take up a tour of the large cities the most popular men in the business end of The theatre will have a seating capaclt,between there and Boston. The third com- the profession for many years, and his re- of -'.JOO, and tbe latest safety and sanitary



pany, after a couple of trial performances InAtlantic City, N. J., late In July, will Jumpacross tbe continent by special train to SanFrancisco, where It will enter on a tour oftbe large cities of tbe West. The fourthcompany will play through an itenerary offorty-two weeks of one night stands.Mr. Broadhurst is under contract to William

A. Brady to provide a play for Grace George,and to Brady & Orlsmer for a play dealingwith an International Intrigue In tbe diplo-matic activities at Wnablngton, 1>. C.

»»"Tom Jones" for America.

Prior to sailing for New York from Eng-land, June 19, Henry W. Savage concludedarrangements for production here of "TomJones,'' tbe new light opera now so success-fully running at the Apollo Theatre, Lou-don. Mr. Savage has Iwugbt tbe Americanrights from Robert Courtneidge. producerund part author of the book. The piece Is

taken from Fielding's well known book, andthe music is said to be reminiscent of oldHqjnolid. Tbe piece will be produced In NewYork In the early Fall, when Mr. Courtnedge,will come over to assist In the production.Mr. Savage expressed great pleasure over theLondon success of "Tbe Merry Widow,"which he will produce In America.

. »»Mr*. William Morris' Children's

Party.On Thursday afternoon, June 'JO, Mrs. Wll-

Ham Morris, wife of the well known vaude-ville manager, entertained about 500 childrenfrom Epiphany Chanel Kindergarten, at berhome at One Hundred and Seventy-eighthStreet and Fort Washington Avenue.

Master Wililum Morris Jr., tbe seven yearold host, made an admirable master of cere-monies, and Ruth Morris, age four years,received the guests with all the dignity of asociety matron.A collation was served, and all the games

dear to juvenile hearts were played upon theInwn, until lengthening shadows brought theenjoyable occasion to a close.

vaudeville turns, suitable for the little ones,were supplied by Mr. Morris.«»

I. u n n Park at Washington, D. C.Luna Park, situated on the line of the

Washington. Arlington and Mount VernonRailway between Washington proper andAlexandria, Va.. Is In full swing, and reportshave II as playing to Immense crowds dally.It has ull the accessories' that go to make apark perfect. There Is free vaudeville, andthe current musical attraction Is Weaver'sAmerican Regimental Band, composed offifty picked soloists und musicians. Charles

-J. Goodfellow is the park's manager: FergusMcCnsker. assistant manager. Beachey'sair ship is announced for a season of tendays, commencing July 3.

* »»Sulllvua A ( oimlillne Buy a llliil..

Sullivan & Considine have uctpilred con-trol of the Coliseum Skating Kink, at Seuttle,Wash. The alterations converting It Into atheatre will cost approximately $30,000. Thehouse is 240 feel In length and 87 feet wide.The stage will be the largest In that oily,being 40 tat deep and 80 feet wide. Ther

signa't'lon'from "this institution' Is much re-, devices wlH be installed. ItTs expected tll.t

grctted. He will establish an Independent the theatre will be opened early in loos.booking agency, where he will promote tbe

Interests of his own circuit as well as give

personal attention to those entrusted to hrs

tare. There are few more popular men in

the theatrical profession than "Johnnie"Coleman, wbo has a pleasant word and smile

for every one.* i >

Tbe Suiter Enterprises.

llarrv Linton and Aneta Lawrence left

last week for Jacksonville, Fla.. having con-

tracted with the management of the Dixie-

land Park, at that point, to put In a Summerseason of eight weeks, producing musicalcomedies.

Rev James Milbank, has arranged, throughthis firm, for a starring tour next season,playing John, the Baptist, in Thomas W.Brondhurst's play. "The Holy City."

Clara Turner bas secured tbe rights for"Only a Shop Girl." This piece will formthe opening bill of the Clare Turner Co.

Oliver Lttbadle and Frank Young ( the play-wright), are now located with tbe EdwardIt. Salter Amusement Co. •+ »KlawdcBrlaiiKer and Their AssociatesWin In the Suit Brousrht Asralast

Tbem by Independents.Judge Rosalsky. In the Court of General

Sessions, New York City, last week dismissedthe Indictments found early In the yearagainst the so-called theatrical trust.Kluw & Erlanger were the only ones named

in the Indictments, but the decision of JudgeRosalsky also effects Nixon & Zimmerman,Al. Hnyman and Charles Frohman.Judge Rosalsky holds tbat theatrical

amusements do not qonstitnte "trade" or••commerce" and that the business methodsof Klaw ft Erlanger and their associatesviolate no law.

CM aAnother Theatre Planned for New

York City.Plans were died on June 21 for a three

story theatre at 200 to 204 West Forty-sixthStreet, for the Forty-sixth Street and Broad-way Realty Company, of which Walter J.Solomon is president. Tbe house will haven frontage of seventy-five feet and a depthof ninety feet, with a narrow extension, andwill Beat SOU and cost $130,000.

This is said to lie tbe playhouse which Isbeing erected for Morris Sellers Largey.


Gcorm- M. Cohan's Trip Abroad.George M. Cohan, wbo announces be will

wed Agnes Nolan on July 4, will go abroadfor bis wedding tour. Mr. Cohan bas nottaken a vacation for several years, and hehas planned to take his bride on an cxteudedautomobile tour of Europe. A cruise of sev-eral weeks Is also Included In his plans.While abroad Mr. Conan Intends to write

a new musical play for himself•—*

Circus Train In Wreck.The circus train ' of the Mackay Sbowr,

wlille on Its way to Chicago, June 21. fromsome town In Minnesota, was partlv wreck-Kln order to save a passenger train, with

« »Judgment In tbe Karno-HllI Salt.Alt. Reeves, representing Fred Kirovs

attractions In America, secured Judgemmragainst Gus Hill, for $3,050. This mSoutcome of a suit against Hill for lofrinnment of Karno's rights to the oketch 'iNight In an English Music Hall." Mr' Bincalled his piece "A Night Off." which Reeve*claimed was virtually the same rs "A Niehrin an English Music Hall." The JiiditmeVawarded was $3,000 for damages, and Jjncosts.



A. 11. Woods' Productions for 11107-09.

The following Is u list of attractions tinderI lie direction of A. 11. Woods, oil of whichwill lie on tour by the lirst of September:• lldna. the Pretty Typowrllcr," with Ednallrowhlng; "The Ureal Train Rubbery." "AChorus Girl's l.uek In New York." "The King panics will he on the road, with. the big coin-iiikI Oneeu of Gamblers, with Severn De pan* In New York, mid "The Umpire'' willDyne: "Since Nellie Went Away. "A Kacc continue In various sections of the country.

which will be produced, probably lu Chicago, will be no balcony, but. a seating capacity of which It was about to come Into contact In a- head-on collision. Drnamo, a trick horse

owned by Maud Uurbank, was slightly in-jured, as was his keeper. Will Leach, but

lu December.Ky.ru Kendall will play a supplementary

season In "Swell Elcgunt Jones, commenc-ing shout July lit, und for his support Wil-liam Hacked, a clever character netnr, hasliecn encaged. W. E. Burlock will go aheadof Mr. Kendall.

In addition to the above attractions, two"The Time, the Plata and the Girl" eom

Across the Continent," "Broadway Afterfliirk. I'ho Wire Tappers," "Fnllen by theWuyslde." "Convict Ullfi," "The (iumbler ofHie West," "Nellie, the Beautiful Clonk.Model;" "Chinatown Clmrlle." "Hulcd Off theTurf," "llerllia, the Sewing Machine Girl" ( uvocouiiiuulcs). "Secrets of the Police," "Queenof lliii Highbinders," Genu to und Hal ley. In

"Tony, the Uootbluck :" Hurry Fields, in

"The Hebrew Detective;" "The Belle ofAvenue A," und Louise Benton in u new pluy..Mr. Woods com cmplntoj giving gold nuggetsns souvenirs for the "King und (Jueen ofGamblers." Ill the "A Race Across tbe Con-tinent." twelve Esquimau dogs and dog sIIiIk

wlll be used In n novw scene. "The.Wire Tnp-liei's." one of Mr. Woods' new plays, is fromArthur Si ringer's popular novel, adapted by(•wen i Davis. "Since "Nellie Went .Away" Is

also the work of Air. Davis. Louise Beatonhas received the manuscript of the new pinylu which she .Is to appear next season.

•>*+' New York, to See "The Time, (he

Plane nnd the Girl.""The Time, the Pluce and the Girl,"

slumped wllh the approval of Chicago nndHuston theatregoers, will opcu at Wallack'sTheatre, Aug. A, which means this. house willopen Its doors after a short period of mid-summer darkness. Manager Hurry Askln an-nounces lie will give the piece an elaborateproduction for Its Broadway presentation,

»« »I,ton Tinner Attacked.

Captain He Forrest, (be lion lamer, ofItergen Beach, who was attacked on Sutur-day. June !.", by (he lion. Ik mote seriouslyInjured (linn wus at tlist supposed. II Is

feared that tbe Injured nrm will have to lie

aiupiitntud ut tbe elbow should the process oflancing fall to prevent the spread of thepoison.

»«»Mine. Knslmova'a Plans for Next

Season.Muie. Alia N.-uliiiom will open her next

season, with "Conites.se Coquette." I, liter III

i he season she will apiiear In "The Ministone." and probably In Ibsen's "The MusterBuilder." «»Henri heonl Ke-enirniced for Anna

Helri's CO.

<«»"The operator" n Good Sketch.Lorlmer Johnston und Adallnc Dauloii ap-

peared at Keith & Proctor's Fifty-eighthSliiH-i Theatre, on Sunday. June 'JX In "TheGpCrulor," a sketch new In vaudeville, uudrscored a success. The playlet, which Is simi-lar lu "The Flag Station." offered lust se:i-son. bv Arnold Daly, at special luutluees. Isdramatic uud Interesting. Malinger Robin-son booked the act to appear week of July 1.»


Iteivard for Merit.Graiil l.aft'erlv, sluge manager, at Keith's

Philadelphia* Thod'treT fur many years, hasbeen given some lonlldentlal work for Keith.v 4'ioeiui- circuit. Ills' position bus beenglvenMo Mr? Fleishman, who served In'thesame capacity at Keith- & Proctor's FifthAvenue last Full and Winter, before theslock eompany was Installed.




"» — *~~

. A Vru Theatre nt Hamilton, O.The Coliseum, Hamilton's new amusement

resort. o|K<ncd June 22, with "Zlma." tt newcomic opera, as tbe ill traction. William Schu-macher manages the house. <

a >Blllle Burke's Hit In Loudon.

A cablegram stated Ihut "Blllle" Rurkewaswarmly applauded ns Madame I'olacca. tn therevival, evening of June .18. of Humund's"Mm. Ponderhury's Past," In the VaudevilleThen t iv. London, Eng.

++-*Mnhlrr for the Metropolitan. Opera


Gustuvc Mahler, director of the ImperialOpera. In Vienna, will begin an engagementus conductor ut the Metropolitan Opera House,New York, Jan. 6, 1908.

+—* r

.Mnranrei Levy, of "The Isle of Spice"Co.. Attempts Suicide.

Margaret Levy, aged nineteen years, and amember of "The Isle of Spice" Co., tried lakill herself at Atlanta, (in.. In (her boardinghouse, on June 20. by swu I lowing laudanum.

»»»\ilule Buys l.nnd ou Which to Bnlld

an Arena.Mme. Adgle. the well known lion tamer.

2.700, twenty boxes, and sixteen exits. Itopens about Aug. IS. with popular pricedvaudeville, in conjunction with the Sulllvau& Considine circuit.

+-—New I heutie at Hitrrlshurjc.

Ground wus broken for the new M. Iteistheatre in Hiirrlslutrg, Pa.. June 'JO. und Itis expected that the new playhouse will Is?ready about Dec. 1. Tile Harris Constructiontn.. of. Cleveland, O.. have (be contract, andOrlando Johnson Is (he architect. The newtheatre will lie modeled after the Toledo, O.,theatre, and will lie perfect I v llreproof. Theinterior will be on concrete and steel Theestimated cost of the theatre building is$100.0(10. and I he Interior work, sluge fixings,etc.. will cost an additional $((0,000.


Meiiiliec* of the Kentucky Belles.The following people have signed with

the Kentucky Belles Co. (Western wheel):Caen and Amato. Shepard Imam. Flemen andMiller. Mid Thornhllf. Andy BeLead. Mile.Tlieo. Nell Sullivan, leader of orchestra : JacobMiller, stage carpenter: Boh Gordon, manager,and eighteen chorus girls.• « •*-—Kiimtucnicnls for the Star Show Girls.'.ft'm..Fennessey has engaged the following

foir his Star Show Girls Co. (Western wheel I :

Chlis. Nichols. Marie Croix. Baker and Lvnn...'rimes Dixon. La Sello Trio. Wallle undBertha Clark. Mackey and Mackey, HelenItlley. Charles Ernest, leader of orchestra,and Wm. Fennesscy, manager.

>liurlluKton, la.. Still In the

ciiiiiiiiu-i'liilii circuit.Chamberlain. Harrington & Co. bnre re-

newed their lease for the Grand OiieraHouse, llurllngton, la.«

the performance was given just the same, Kid move Into Marinclli's office. He has Iwuwith both man and horse appearing.

+—+ .

Alice Johnson In Vaudeville.Alice Johnson, formerly leading woman

with E/,ra Kendal, has been engaged, week ofJuly 1, ut Keith & Proctor's Flfty-elgbtbStreet Theatre. Miss Johnson will present »-' ,lul PI»«l with elaborate scenery, costnuiei,

Richard Warner's one act play. "The Mirlit.aD 'i electrical effects. Fourteen girls will

1 TILTH It.'

'*'"' "u " , "'' 1 ' 1 *-•!• '- *•*•«. -

Koiupfe <fc Mi'Ilur, a New TheatricalFirm.

The Konipfe & McKae Attractions were m .

corporated last week, with offices In to,Knickerbocker Theatre Building. Ther n||lsend out Oliver Labadie's play, "In Lousiani."and have arranged, through the Ed. R SalterAmusement Co., to play through the Easterncountry, a sensational melodrama "The TrainRobbers." They have also placed "Her MadMarriage" on tbe Stair & Havlin circuit AK. McRae is tbe general manager for the newcompany. «»

Musical Comedy for Vaudeville.Jesse L. Lasky Co. will begin rehearsals,

July 1'L*. of the musical comedy, "RolilnwioCrusoe's Isle," featuring Rogers and Heelywho will be supported by fourteen peopleThis will be tbe first musical corned* everattempted for vaudeville with special mum.costumes und electrical effects.

««»Al. Reeves' Compauy.

AI. Reeves' Advanced Burlesquers o|s-n tbeseuson Aug. 20 (race week), at tbe NewGaiety Theatre, Toronto. Can. Mr. Iteewswill carry five complete sets of scenery, withdrops. He says he will endeavor to have weof the Itest (If not the best) shows ou tberoad next season.

< »Miss Caren's New Art.

Miss Theo Carew wHI produce a new vaude-ville act, written by Wilfred Clarke, entitled"The Double Cross.' She sailed June 13. forLondon, and when she returns she will bringsome English songs, to be used In tbe act.

+«»Johnstown, Pa., to Have a Sew

Theatre.Tbe Majestic Theatre, now being built it

Johnstown, l'a., will be completed Aug 1!>.

and the regular vaudeville seuson will opeaMonday. Sept. 2. L. B. Coole has been nuuVbouse manager. Tbe house will be bookedthrough the United Booking office.

+»»New Poll Thentre at Scrnuton.

The new Poll Theatre being built at Scran-ton, Pa., will be completed Sept. 2, when (he

season ojiens. The house munager will Ir

J. L. Docking, who bas acted In tbe samecaimclty for S. Z. Poll at his other houses.«*Uuriiiiuupt to be With Marlnelll.('has. Bomhaupt, agent, will arrive In New

York City this -week, having left SbcaVld.England, last Wednesday, June HI. He will

give up his office In the St. James Buildingand move into Marinclli's office. He has been

doing some work for Marlnelll In Paris amiLondon.

*« >Hlldii Carle Will Have a New Act.

Hlluu Carle and her cadet girls will put on

a new drill act next season, which will be

» »Akuck Scott In One Art Plays.Agnes Scott, Ingenue, of the Harlem OperaMouse stock Co.. bas been especially en-

gaged, to present a repertory of one act

GiS™* .

fo.'„f"u.r WCCK,i

;at Kclt« & Proctor's

Flfty-elghll. Street. Week begluiilug Julv I,or first offering will be "the Red. Redlose

; and week of H. "The Wall Between,"both written by herself.


**-»^Kentucky llelles Get the Three

Melvlnn.The Three Melvlns, acrobats, who fornierlvwere a four act hi vaudeville, have signed

SJ*JS,!SS2 Be,lc» ,;°- < W*«eni wCl,for next seuson. '

«»American Plays In London.


"ic "sl; °' -American plays In LondonEngland, which Includes "Mrs. Wlinrs of the secret for some time.ublmge Patch" and "Brewster's Millions,"

there tiave been added "The Earl of Paw-tucket" and "In the Blshoii's Carriage!" both

w -ek* re

',nnm"H'c,, for production this

be carried with the act.*-»-*

Kluw ,t Krlniiarer Secure Sbepsrd'iMovlnjt Pictures.

Archik L. Suki'aiiii informed a Currl*representative that Shepard's moving pic-

tures will be all of the exclusive features,

in all of the theatres In the Klaw & Krlanger

vaudeville circuit.•»»»

The Avenue Girls* New Name.The name of the Avenue Girls. Campbell i

Drew's Western wheel attraction, will «dropped, Instead will use the title of "l""'

IMcs and Harry' for next season.» »

Hex Beach Married.Rex Beach, whose novel. "The Spoiler",

was recently dramatized, was married mmu month ago. In Poughkeepsle. N. Y., to fcditu

Curter, an actress. The marriage was kepi


-* »»

llrrn Kendall's ,\ew Piny.Ktsra Kendall. Mabel Uarrlson aud Joe

Howard will appear In a new mu'lcal couiedv,"The Flower of the Hunch." under ihe inuu-ageiueiit of Hurry Askln unci Mort Singer.

4-»*A, I.. Milium. >r la Chicago

Krlanger. of Klaw & Erlanger. who Haven." N? j7"on"'tbe"sh"rj«ft tsy.QMcajn Jtthf 38, WJU mSStHSmnrnt has named It the Krius Villa'* Mr Kraus

ArnistronK and Holly to Appear InIhe Ennt.

Armstrong and Holly have received con-tracts for forty weeks on the Kcltb 4 Proctorcircuit, after .playing all through the tat\\ est for the last two years.


Maurice Kraas Buys a House.

JSSS^LSS't °" nerv ut "" Twentieth

New Snnimcr Vaudeville Honse.

The new vaudeville theatre, nt I'M""*

Park, Westllcld. Mass.. was opened J"""

24. The Fantacls ladies' Orchestro. «(»'

ton, furulBhed the music.

A I Erlanger. of Klaw* Erlanger. who hSS?^JM&m*SK&*&^S^^'Jk'SSmW^ a'lso C??Ji*X23^&££l ' '

,HamrraM -B-Roo-f. The windows


nients nnd alterations, to be readv for the five peopleolrt twent»- roof *'"• be closed when his act Is ou.

Full opening of the vaudeville season. '

-* , - -. 4) » »*** Edward rti—t n~~,,-* _ .

Russell Bassett to Play in

Hurt Greene ut Pastor's.

Burt Greene will ue the pianist lo play {*[

tne two-a-day ucts at Pastor's Tl"'" tr''-,,r!h

gmnlng July l. for four weeks. bw»T «•?he witl go Into vaudeville with Irene rr«n«

lln, who Is now airpearing hi "The Orchiu-»»Arthur Prince to Keturn to America.

Arthur Prince, the English vcnlrllwpiW-

will return to America In August, to spprj"

Indows on w»

Henri I»onl has been re-engagod as leading has purchased a plot 110x220 In Ocean Parkman for Anna Held, who will retain "Tho way, near Prospect Park, Brooklyn. TbeParisian Model" us ber vehicle for next sea- property runs through to Caton Place, Pint-son, bush. Ac, arena will be erected oil the site.

May llosmcr for Vaudeville.May llosmcr. well known ns leading ladv

of * number of dramatic iiimpanlcs, willmake her debut. In vaudeville <n the nearfiilure. Joseph llrnnsk.v will luaunge her.and her husband. Frauds Boggs, will be herleading support.

* » >Donald and Cnrson Well Hooked Up.

Donald and Carson haw received bookingsfor forty weeks on the Keith & Proctor clr-


.'.' {*:R !D


nlnB ScDt -' opening b| KoIHi'b,l'hlludclphlu.

Clark Booked for FortyWeeks on Ihe Keith & ProetorClrenlt.

Vnndev'lllc.Russell Bassett, after a most fJJ^E

season with Thomas Jefferson. In K'P,Edward Clark und his Six Winning Widows wiVfSi .






lhave received contracts fnr r.,rt^ ... ,0H "Inkle," will shortly t

he Keith & Pr«"to? rtremt. Mr^CbTrk will" kglt'». """Istcd "y wv

put some new material In the act. which ho* ""

Hied out al tbe last White Rat s-eainpcr

be seen In aeral people




*>*Solly Kraus Leaves for a Vacation.

Solly Kraus treasurer of the Circle The-atre, New York, will go to Vermont for theSummer, ne wilt be oack at his post whenthe house opens early lu September.

The fui.uiwixu i-koplk havu asgWLSJohn B. Wills Co.: Eleanore M*B

f>George H. Adams. I^rretU Marshall. w

jHam Hallott, Earl Swarts, Wm. I 111 "'^.,.

Tammany. II. K. Mack. IIowxIc S *ters_ >jY>

den nnd Gilbert, Sam Wilde. EU'/obclh Hf™^

Cap Snyder. May Holly. Mary Taylor, wTolmau and Stanley Slaters.


12 CENTS PER FOOTOur Western Subjects have proved the Film Success of the Season, and the latest and Greatest Surpasses all that have gone before.

JUSTCEPowerful and Picturesque, a Thrilling and Dramatic Story, all Life and Exciting Incident with sustained Interest from beginning to end, set as such

a story deserves to be, in the Wildest and Most Beautiful Scenery of the Western Country.


THE dUUIvW Unrrl, Now in Printing and shortly ready to deliver, is Fare, Unadulterated Comedy-a good second to "His First Bide," the Biggest Laugh ever produced.

THE SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., Inc., No. 43-45 Peck Court, Chicago.

Uawdwilk and minstrel. Olorld of Players.Winona Gordon Winter opened on the

Keith circuit, at Boston, June 17, and againdemonstrated her remarkable versatilityand ability as an entertainer, na she followedone of Boston's greatest favorites (VlnleDully), nnd was compelled to respond to sixand seven curtain colls at the finish of hernet.TuM Oiuuss, "Flnnlgan's Friend," seems

to be equally as popular In tbe far West ashe Is In tbe East. His clean cut characteri-zation of Celtic wit and manners has beena revelation to vaudeville patrons In. theTerritories.

Madeline Franks, soubrctte. with Wash-ington Society Girls Co., closed a very suc-cessful season with that company nt 1'h I In


delphln, fa., week of June :t. She Is nowresting at her , Summer home at CrystalBeach, Can.The wife of Sam M. Dawson, of the uew

Monumental Theatre, at Baltimore, died ather home In that city, on June 10, after along illness. She was forty-one years old.liar remains were taken to Lynchburg, Vu.,for Interment.

.Iue A. Il.uitiMAs took bis third degree Inthe Alma Lodge, Mo. 728, F. and A. M., JuneIX

F. Ci.auenz Uiveks has recovered from in-

juries to his foot, sustained recently whiledoing net, and tilled In tbe last half of weekoi June 17 ut tirbe's Casino, North Beach,L. I., with his partner, Bert Page. Week ofJune 24 they play Inman's. Coney Island.

Billy I Iowa no and his wife, VlolelteKsher, will do an act in vaudeville next sea-son.

Hakonesn von Ziehue, the great militaryhand prima donna, Is at King's Park, singingwith a band for two weeks, and has ElectricPark, Kansas City, to follow.

Harris and Nelson, who have had a verysuccessful season, playing dates through tbeWest, closed recently on the Crystal circuitat Denver, and are now working East.

Ki.kin and Clifton, who are at the Em-pire Theatre, Johannesburg, S. A., write thutthey bad a grand voyage from Ismdun InCape Town, and they are meeting with greutsuccess.Ku Sl'Hkli.iiorn, formerly of Schellliorn

mid Kent, lias joined hands with Jess P.llartmann. the dlmlnutivo comedian, and willhereafter be known as Schcllhorn and Hart-luann, blackface comedians and singers.

Stuicklin'h Dog and Monkey Circus, whichbus Its entire season booked solid, at parksand county fairs, play tbe Belch & Plunkettcircuit of county fairs through New Yorkand Canada, commencing Aug. 20.

Mazie Yale sprained her ankle whileworking at the New Stir Theatre, at Mil-waukee. Her partner, Miss Rogers, willwork alone until Miss Yale has fully recov-ered. .

Archie McOann has signed with Jacob-.& Jcrmon's Golden Crook Burlesque, as mu-sical director, making his second season withthem. ...Dannt and Dick Simmonds moum the

loss of their father, who died at his home atl'elcrboro, Can., June 14.Herrmann, the Great; who Is touring

Europe, with Ills own show. Is meeting withphenomenal success. He Is just hack In Parisfrom a tour through Belgium und Holland,and 1m now preparing n tour through Pranceand Italy, after which he will return to.America, lo open his regular season, la NewYork, Sept. 2. with several new illusionsand Blight of hand features never seen be-fore, lie has signed a contract for an Indefi-nite run for next Summer In Paris.James R. Waters, the Hebrew comedian,

closed a very successful season with A. H.Woods" "Queen of the Highbinders" Co., onMay 11, nnd urxmed 12, on a vaudevilletour, playing Keith's park circuit, where hemakes u big hit with his own new parodies.Johnny Hkii.i.y writes : "I will finish my

vaudeville bookings for the Western Vaude-ville Association, at Nlneva Park, Sunday,.tune 2H. and will arrive In New York on tbe20th, and will start on my Eastern time July1. I have not laid off for fifty-eight weeks.Sunday, June 10, at Strcator, 111., the T. M.A. attended the Bijou in a body, and pre-sented each of the performers (Including tbewriter) with a beautiful bouquet. After theshow they escorted us to their lodge rooms,where' solid and liquid refreshments wereserved. Songs were sung, stories told, andgood fellowship prevailed for several hours.Strcator Lodge, 58. is tbe real thins."


.Dick Mack writes: "I am on my wayEast, after playing two solid years for Sul-livan A Consldlne, on tbe coast, havingplayed eleven months at the Lyceum Theatre,San* Francisco, before tbe earthquake, fivemonths In slock at the Star, at Portland.Ore. Lust week I was highly entertained.h.v the Elks, at Leadvllle, Col., while playingtbe Star. The Elks were holding a Stateconvention, and I had the pleasure of eatingdinner with them two miles under ground. Ina gold mine. I play the Bijou, at Lincoln,week of June 24, then I pay a visit at thehome of my relatives at Brantford, Can., fora week."

Charlie Hasty Is meeting with unusualsuccess presenting a character singing andmonologue specialty, "The nooslcr Boy." Hewas re-engaged for two weeks after his first

performance at the Alrdome, Tcrre Haute,Ind.

Charj.eh Jacklin and Gertrddb Lano.who have trlod out their new art. by BarneyGirard, called "Partners for Life." reportthat It gave entire satisfaction to the mana-gers who witnessed tbf try out.Job Ltonk-i.i, and Mahf.l Lbvehtkn. wln<

recently closed sixteen weeks with Ihe Llud-say-Coxe Vaudeville Co.. have signed withC. Jay Smith's 'Talr of Kids" Co., Western.

Notes from Suburban Park. Vickaburg,Miss.—This la the most successful Summerseason Suburban Park has ever known. Man-ager Moles Is playing only high class attrac-tions, and the patronage proves that hisefforts are appreciated by the citizens. Theseason opened with the Olympla Opera Co.After a two weeks' stay It gave way to theFrank Dudley Stock Co., which opened May26, for two weeks. Mr. Dudley has sur-rounded himself with such well known playersas May Davenport, Cora Bello Bonne, GraceBeaumont, Leah Mode, Baby Lorotta, GeorgeCrawley, Rex L. Klngdon, Harry Powell. I.

W. Hide, John Nixon, B. J. Blcthen and Cllf-lord Wodctski. This company Is one of themust popular that has ever visited Vlcks-burg. Tbe Rcntfrow Stock Co., with ElmerBttffbam and Clara Mathes in the leadingroles, will lie the next attraction.Notes from Adger A. Wall's Attractions.

—Mr. Wall Is with the Herald Square Co..and we arc doing a nice business. We wentinto the parks on May 12. Lillian WoodruffIs our leading woman. We had bad weatherIn Oblo and Indiana, but as tbe people knowthat It tabes money to run a snow In badweather, they gave us fair business. TheHerald Square Dramatic Co. is In Georgia,doing only moderately well. Fred Drocken-mlller, the manager, was called home on ac-count of the death of his mother. Thenshortly after leaving for a vacation InFlorida, lint be did not return, and MlltleChirk Is attending to his duties. The Her-ald .Square Co. goes Into Missouri, nod Her-ald Square Dramatic Into Alabama. Missis-sippi and Louisiana.

Walter Scott Gresier joined the De Pew-Hurdctt Co. for the Summer, and opened withthem on June 2, at Athletic Park, Kokomo,Ind.

I.era Dei.ston has Joined the Perucbl-Gypzcno Stock «.\d.. to do all the characters,this being her second season with this com-pany.Myrtle Foster writes: "I was granted

a divorce from Wlllard Fouler on June 21, Inthe District Court of Scott Co., Davenport,la. I will resume my maiden name, Myrtle-

Bethel."The Chester Db Vonde Stock Co. will

go out stronger than over next season.Through an error the title appeared as theWalter De Vonde Stock Co. in an advertise-In n recent Issue.

Notes frosi the Harvey Dramatic Co.—After closing our road tour, we arc rehearsingat- tbe Bush Temple of Music, Chicago, pre-paratory to Its Summer season throughMichigan nnd Wisconsin. The company will

produce high class royalty bills, at popularprices-, such as Howard Hall's romantic play,

"A Soldier of the Empire," Hal Reld's ''Ko-anoke," Daly's "A Night Off." etc Roster ofthe company is as follows: Harvey D. Orr.manager; Jack Hariowc, agent: Harry Dcl-phos and Dorothy Kenyon, leads ; KathcrlneSclsor. heavier : Evelyn Kussell, characters


Lola Stuart, Ingenues and soubrettcs: He-velle llrquhart, heavies ; -Herbert C. Fnrdcy,characters; J. Wendel Davis, Juvenile: HurryWright, light comedy: Robert Winters, gen-eral business : Dow Reynolds, property man :

H. B. Lewis, carpenter. The company will

open Its season at South Haven, July 1.

>4otks from the Interstate Dramatic Co.—We are meeting with success nnd makingmany friends wherever we have played. Thecompany has an elegant new tent, and every-thing new «ud up-to-dato. We play n returndate at Warren, O., week of July 1. ut whichcity the company organized and opened ItsMMHarry E. Wilson, wife and son, Rex, will

close a very pleasent engagement of fouryears with the McDonald Stock Co,, on July14, nt Vlcksbarg, Miss.

Roster of Dbmoiikst Commit On. : RobertDnmorest, Harry E. Allen, Robert H. Garrett,Victor Walker, Elmer La Zone. Alfred Wil-liams, Geo. H. Galley. Ona Demurest, KatieNewcomb, Caroline De Voro and MargurlteAtherton. The company plays Rome, Ga.,for nn Indefinite engagement.Delmar and Dexter write : "We are with

the Great Anscllnc Stock, at Tcrre Haute,Ind. Mr. Delmar is stage manager. We re-

main here until September, when the companygoes South for the Winter. Business Is sogood that tbe man In whlto keeps comingaround long before he Is due, and we mustadmit In every way that this Is the finest en-gagement we ever bad. James II. Walker is

musical director of the cronrpany."

E. S. Briotiam writes : "The Glllls Theatre.Kansas City, which closed a forty-seven weeks'season last week, broke all past ntcordB for

receipts and length of season since 1 assumedits management. I have let contracts for thecomplete redecorating and renovating of theGliiis. which will include a number of ex-

tensive Improvements before the house Is

onened the first week In August."Ciiarlkm Webkr Joins the Austin Davis

Troupe of Players.Notes from Wlnnlnger Bros." Own Co.

We closed at Appleton. Wis., June 18, for asix weeks' vacation, after one hundred nndtwo weeks' continual prosperity. The showhas established Itself to such an extent asone of the leaders of the West, that nextseason Wlnnlnger Brothers will have twocompanies on the road. Three of the brother*will be with one and Iwo with the other.

Joseph Wlnnlnger Is booking the two attractions from St. Louis. Mo. Juhn Is on apleasure trin to the Jamestown Exposition.Charles and Adolf are at Wausau. Wis.,

mounting the scenery and properties for nextseason, and Frank Wlnnlnger Is nt f'hh-ngnlooking after the iiHiiingerml Interests.Mamie LINCOLN Pjxley Is entertaining

friends at her bungalow, for the Summer, atKlamcsha Lake, N. X.

Get the Habit. Go to



UNION SQUABE,14th Street, near Broadway,279 Broadway, near Chambers,

47 CortlanrJt St, sear Oreenwlob,

125th St., corner Third Ave.,


SEVERAL large, cool, newly renovated rooms,45 seconds from Broadway, centre theatrical dis-

trict, convenient all car lines, near all depots; run-iilnv.water, hot and cold. In every room. LowSummer rates

.KF.1l, 14 ft \\. iMtli SL , New York.

TllllEE EVKD CATOPUOKA and txNPalntlng, $36; Shark, 7ft. long, and two Paintings$76; Platform, Top and Side Wall, $is. All cashwith order prices. ivsi. N KLSON,

II Van Norden Rt., No. Cambridge, Mass.

WANTED—For Hotel Itolilnson Roof Garden,commencing July 4, MUSICIANS INOKUHKSTKA.lias*, Viola or 2d Vloliu (prefer Viols), clarinet,Cornet anil Trombone. Wages, $18 per week—union. II. D. LEUItON, Lender. Tulsa, ind. Terr.Attcrnuon|snil eveulng, and your salary Is sure.

FORTUNE TELLING LETTBKM andPHOTOS cheap. IKt samples, 10c.

A. B. WARFKL, Photographer, Cadiz, Ohio.;

Notes from the Sock and Buskin Dram-atic Club, of Lafayette College.—We stuged,ou June 15. at the Able Opera House, Easlon, .

I'a.. the most successful of our June pro-

ductions, and to the largest audience In theclub's history. The production was "WhenLafayette was Young," rd original, two act, ;

musical comedy. libretto by Thomas B. Don-aldson, of Philadelphia, who has writtenbooks and lyrics, nnd personally staged theLnfayelle shows for seven seasons. A capa-ble cast nnd chorus participated In the come-dy, which had seventeen musical numbers.The cast Included: Wm. J. -Fetter, FredericWheeler, Burton Hotchklss, Marklcy Steven-son, R. V. Glover, II. L. Buckley, C. L.Alliert. C. P. Maxwell, A. A. Blnlcher. W. F.Downs, It. L. I.ogun and George Darsle. Theshow was written Ip. honor of tbe scventy-tlftb anniversary of Lafayette's founding, andthe two acts were periods of 1857 and 1007.Notes from tub Bbadt Stock Co.—We

are playing a Summer engagement nt LakeBrady Park. It Is situated midway betweenKent und Ravcnnn, ()., and has n modern, up-to-date Summer theatre. Two bills per weeknrc presented, Willi vaudeville between theacts. Roster of company Is as follows : MaryAthellng, Hclene Trowbridge. Nana Barnes,Ednn Daly. Chester Bishop, Will J. Olio. EdC. Mills. Fred Wlllard, Harry BcevcH. PercyIlolllngctr, Hempstead Prince and Don c.Kbnugli. D. G. Hurtman, manager; F. E.Johnson, business manager ; Chester Bishop,stage director; Unrry Reeves, stage carpen-ter : Doa C. Ebuugh, musical director. HayUnnkeon, wife and daughter, arc spendingthe Summer at Lake Brady. Mr. Ilankson


ger of the Orpheum snow, Is here for theSummer. Al. Lawrence, the popular mono!-agist, owns a farm hero and Is always happywhen nn opportunity presents Itself to enablehim to get back "on tbe farm." He thinksthere is no spot on earth quite as pretty asBrudy, and his farm.Leon and Bertie Allen write : "We have

just closed u very successful season of forty-three weeks with Cohan A Sutherland's mu-sical comedy, 'The King of Tramps,' MissAllen playing the soubrctte part, and Mr.Allen tbe Juvenile and also acting as mana-ger of said company. We huve signed withGus Cohan's musical cumedy, 'The Boy fromYale.' for next season. Mr. Allen will man-age the company. We are spending our Sum-mer vacation at Oshkosb, Wis., at the homeof- Miss -Allen's parents, and thereby takingn long needed rest before starting rehearsalsfor next season. We don't Intend rnturnlngto vaudeville for some time, and when we do.we will have something entirely new to offer."

J. IJ Cline, manager of May Stewart, is inNew York, making arrangements for nextseason. He says that an unusually strungcompany Is being secured, nnd everythingpoints to one of the must successful seasonsthis star has had. Tour will begin early amirun through the South and Southwest, whereshe has become n strong favorite, extendingInto tbe extreme Northwest for tbe lateSpring months.Sam T> Merrill has been engaged for next

season by Daniel Frohman for a New Yorkproduction, In which Dustln Farnuro willstar.

Carl Stotkdalb lias been engaged byLaurence A Sandusky to play the leadingheavies with their Sncrnmento Stock Co., atthe Allsky Theatre, and opened on June 10.as iAird Jefferies. In "Nell Gynne," followedthat ns I'alviti Stcudman. In "Men' and Wo-men." Business, both here and at the Stock-ton house, Is excellent.Nellie Graham, of Gray and Oralinm.

while playing Norfolk, Vn., week of Juneil, was made sn honorary member of NorfolkLodge, T. M. A., No. 54. The team Is rest-ing at Boanokc, Va. •.-.•

HEADQUARTERS FORTheatrical Tights, Silk Hosiery,

Long Silk Gloves and Mitts,

Tinsel Novelties, Silk Broeades andAll Colors of the DANIELL Satins,

Gold and Silver Spangled Trimmings.

Special Discount to the Profession.

Catalogue and Samples, with Price?, Furn shed UponRequest.


Broadway. 8 and 9 Sts., N. Y.

recently purchased a cottage at this i

O.N. Sutton, of Chicago, last season

America's Neatest Wagon Show

Al. F. Wheeler's H Shows') Horses, Mulrs ami Ponies, all Harness, Wagons, Cages mid Anllimls, Including Fine Voting l.toiuu*

broken Tor llntaiirihlu Acts. Tents, all In line condition, HoltoA IVnyiir Lights. SwcllTrnupeot Tiuliied

Horses, Ponies, Mules and Dog, and the lines I line or Special Printing of nni mail show In America.Reason for selling, hsvn tnoito enough Willi this outlll Pi retire. To n Ileal Showman, would sell

part of oulllt al fair inventory ami lease balance of properly, or will sell with or without Trained stuckand Animals. No time lo woMu with trltlttrs; If you have tin- money slid urc looking for u (lilt I'.ilgo

Investment, count on anil sec tho luminous we are lining, as pur route lu CLIITKIl. KllzuiicihiowuJuly 4, Kecne. Valley July 1, I like Placid July II, Haninii: Uko July N. AL. F. WIIKKI.KK.


fsimre tart. jUll'ii. In our CHALET mil. working. Uooit PIlVTUrHJOPK, takingclear pliiiiie., can make money. Atldrtus ut ones. CARL ALBFRTE. nigi


HOW TOBECOHK A t (ISTOllTIOS I8T.Front and Back Bonding, each trick Illustrated.Man. Mnrphet's School, 837 N. mil St., Phils., Pa.

AT LIBKKTY-Season 1007-Os, for Itoportnlrc

or One Piece Show. I play purls und do Special-ties, Irish ami Hutch songs and dunces, mono-logut'H, clog, Jig, reel and buck dancing. Am sobersad reliable. (Inly reliable mnnugors need reply.Address Alexander II, Ituller, 810 Fust Indiana St.,

Chicago, 111.

WASTED- Mi Song and Dance and Orientlauiles for my different carnival companies, 2 DoorTslkers. I hoard and lodge everybody on lot. Sal-

ary must be low. as 1 pay it. Kvorybody has a gisal

time. Three to six months' engagement. AddressProf. (I. W. Van, llornell, N. V.

WANTED tAOICK, For lite Powell Family,Swiss Hell Ringers Co., Hood SkctuhTcuiu tliuti-nn

change, a Oood Comedian, anil Mall with PictureMachine and Film. You must lie up to snuff amisalary must bo low. This Is a First ('lam Vaude-ville Co. No medicine. Must be able to Join at

once. Per. add. W. ,1. FOWP.LL, Lalngnbiirg, Mich.

WANTED AT ONCE-dUUD MA. 'ROUNDMKDICINK PKOI'LK. comedian to do specialtiesand put on acts; also Piano Player. Other goodmedicine people, write. No boozers. Can iilucc

gooil Sketch Team. Address DB AHMO A IIBAT-TKY, HlgMcd. Show. St,_Cloud. Minn. _Foil HALE - aVXH P. t. Topi will last one

season; it lengths of seats, h tier; organ, 40 re-

serves and lu is of small stuff, all In good con-dition. Bverythlng, IB.'.. Write for list, oulllt- iutouoriiHjII. JJKO. O. tHITTWI, Cbry. III.

WANTED AV MOB-ttM Ikwl DMl*Team, change for week. Al lied Hot Black KneeComedian, work ami put on acts, and make ilictii

go. Ulster Tenia, M. and l>. A I Pianist. StrongKenturu Act. A ileal Medicine Show under canvas.flood treatment, sure money; salary every week.Don't misrepresent. Ising season If you stsnduosid treatment. Tickets no. IIUNTKK A IIBI.U,Modern HemedyCo.. Big Tmt Show, Doxter, Minn.

BNUAUEMB'vT WANTED for Al Violinand Cornet, and nlso Harp, who doubles on Piano.Summer resort preferred. Address

PrtOF. J. SMITH,Clark's Hotel, Sandusky Street, Alleghe ny, i's.

WANTED,PERFORMERS and MUSICIANSTo double Band. Small vaudeville company. Allstop on lot. tiood accommodation*. No fares orfancy salaries. Black and Irish Comedian, Alioand Trombone and Organ Player. Others, write.

W. M. GOLDIK, Wiitervllh!, Mms.



BDWIN HOPKINS, l'l«j Agent, 127 W, 40th St., ft V.

Films! Films! Films I]Moving Picture Machines, I'linn and Slidesr'Oll HUNT or I'Olt SANK. Sertoli llm mar-ket. Also furnish operators and singers.Also have First Class Movlnir Plr.tnio Thnal re

For Halo. WESTERN Cll AHLOtillA PllI (JO., 44U II*vt<iiiit vrr St., tlrooklyu,IN. Y. T«l. 4.1714 Wnibi,

E. 0. Smith's Colossal Shows,Hinging and Talking clown, with turn for Wgshow or concert; Slide Trombone, w)lh concerts.Hlrns, wire.

H. (I. SMITH, Manager, Marleiivllle, I'a.

WANTED,MUSICIANSFor seashore. Violin. Bass, Comet, Trombone.Trap Drums. Must lie At. Address

PFIUNIv, '.HSoiilliMlssPslppI Ave., Atlantic ( 'It.v.

WAjjrf|mainsK.itjm '


A No. 1 PIANO l>LA YKIt, Mint can armugnand trnnsp-isu. PAUL CASK, write. Will scudtlckot If I know you. Address

r. A. TAHNKT. Both or. 1%.

50 CENTS FOR A BOOK OF TEN SKE1CHES.fi Acts for 1 niab- 1 female, .' Acts for •! mutes.Mime/order or intent stamps. Address HKRNAKbKLINO, Playwright, 357 Jay St.. Brooklyn, N. Y.Sketches and Plays written lo order.


YVISEHAN'H DOU ACT (new troupe) ATLIHKKTY for narks, vaudeville, die. I'criiiM-

ncnt adOrnss. %\ SCOLBS ST., BltODKLVN, N. Y.

i/iidifts' Ciiliniiiil Orciicslra or iianilIL .11. . Klrsl < li... KrigHgemrnt.

MAItlB K. KKIIKlt,_17»i Witlllnglon HtreetjNiiiailelpliia, Pa.

Wanted, for Mid. Co., Good, All 'Roundcomedian who can fake organ. Other useful peo-ple, wrtle. A Iso innn to handle canvas. Join ou wire.Add. A. J. MILLEll, Dal/.ull, Washington Co., Ohio.


NBW YOBIC CITY.Kt'HIi & Proctor's Union 8o.nu.re

Theatre (E, F. Albee, general manager).

It wan nn appreciative uiullence that filled

ibis popular house lit the Monday matinee.Juuc 24, nnd one of tbe host hills of tbeseason win presented. Henry K. Illxey.

assisted by Marie Nordstrom, presented tieone not ijinyi-t. "David llarrlrk." nnd thesetwo popular- plnyern Won approval for ilielr

good work. Al. II. Weston' nnd companywere big favorites in flint Inugbnble skit,

••The New Reporter," while Bowers, Waller*nnd Crooker, tbe acrobatic rubes, and Mil-dred Flora, an ever enjoyable comedienne,also gained approbation. ' Others completingthe big bill were: Mury Ann Drown. Kingingcomedienne: Harry nml Hide Jackson, in

"Hla Day Off;"

' Kredo and Lore, musicaleumedluii* : John F. Clark, i lie- "IriHli King:"wabli, Lynch and' company, In a one netmelodramatic comedy sketch, "Hiii-kln'sRun;" Grace Tempest, assisted by l.'ddle

Fsrks tiud Ceorgle Illcbler, lu song* anddances : archer und Crueller, in rouii.i , huellugtou und Lester. In "A Mix up in lieruldSquare." und the vltngrnpli pictures.Keith «V Proctor'* •'Ifty-elgntli

Street i'lienlre ill. I'. Albee, general limn-ageii- A lltie bol weather hill Ik on tuphere tbl* week, Willi. Mr. -and Mix. Kidney]le (.... |,. Hirle nx' ,-eni»lv laughable skit."Billy's Tumbslones," which Is one of tbeIllumes! hirer* seen 111 HUH lli.UM- ihlH Mr.,

eon. The vti|.|eiitli)g eiimiiiiiiv nf P-e r»ml»rMr. ami Mrs. Drew able support. Tbe ToblnUlsters furnish u. duiuly feulnre, In theirreiiiicd musical specially, ilielr playing onvurluii* Instruments being Wurmly applauded.Vlolu Duval and ber Knickerbocker Girls con-tributed mi uttmctlve singing und dunclnt;number that look well. IBbhert nnd Wul'reucaught on In their grotesque dancing nmlpiano pluylug. Peter Dona lii and Meta CiirBOn, In "Alex. McLean's Dream, ' n Scotchsinging mid comedy novelty, were nbuudnilllyapplauded. Hurry L.'idcll mill Hoiiu Crouch,on acrobatic dujiclng i ••iiiu uf merll, werewell received. The Avon Comedy Knur cre-ated laugh upon laugh in their skit, "TheNew- Teacher, ' their solo uud ipimmtie siug-Jng being especially good, l.n Veen and Crossheld flic utteittlon of 1 lie uiidloiioi; lu theirItoiiinii Hporls and pastimes, Motion picturesclosed I lie show.

Molilalia s<|iuii,- Hoof Garden.—Thisresort opened for the Summer Saturday ulglil,Juno 22, wlih the licit presentation oit anyutuge of "The Maid nnd the Mllllonulre," afarcical musical mixture, 111 two nets, thebook, lyrics uud music of which Fredericf'huplu Is responsible for. Tbe ncllou ofthe piece revolves around tile si ru lid lug ofu comic opera coiiipnuv on u Innelv Island.With tills well Worn Idea ns'u tuisls, Ml'.Chupln hits succeeded lu imiklng u "Sum-mer allow" mifllclently divert lug iih to hookadd of considerable merll iih to Its musicalnumbers. A inisiihi'c of the MiiugH lire purtlo-ulnilv iitlrncllve, while two of Iheiu, "KittyO'Neil," snug by Toinii llnnlim, uud "IllbicullliiNeliall." rendered by lid. Morion, bid fairto ho genuine

;"song hits." Tnmn llnuloii

nppeiireil to iidvunliige as Nanette, anil maden very pleasing appearance lu hoys clothes.Muuile Alice Kelly nlso gave a good accountof herself, Kil. Miirliiu .nnd Kreil Wyckoffdid the iirlnclpnl work of tbe mule contlii-geiil. The cast In full: John Van llns-leliei', Kreil WyckolT; Waller Van Hosteller,Harry Llnkcy ; llurney Cosgrnvc, ChurlcsBurke; Tell M. Strung, .lolm ('. Hurt; floodand Slow, Hil. Morion; lllnililns, and Duttoof Hie Maros, Alls'rl. IMivIs: Nanette, Tonuillunlon

; Gliuiunu Wurremir, .Muude Alicehelly; .Mile. Marie. Mildred Morton: Bins-hum.. I. Ilia Hi-cumin. The opeiilug night theresort was crowded, and Hie nudlencu MondayUlglil, 24. WIIH eiplllllv huge.

HI. NleholiiH Harden (Geo. A. Illumcn-Ihnl. iiinniigcri. ,1'runz Kiillenhorn and Ilia

splendidly rehearsed orchestra are iiltraetlnglilg crowds here,' ami now Hint Sumhierweather seems to luive come to stay for uwhile, III d St. Nicholas, •with Its 'iced nlrund delightful amnio, Ik a line place to spendmi evening. Monday. June 24, was "Lolicn-fi'ln" nlgnt. unit the eullre secnnil part oflie prograunnc wim given over to selectionsfrom 1 1> I opera. The soloist wiik .Mrs. KilnJei'kowMltl, sopriino. TuesiiUy will he sytn-phony night, and Dvorak's) "New Wfirld" willbe the feature, fieri rude llltis, contralto, willbe ihe soloist. Wednesday will he Suhit-Sneiis ulglil; Tliursilay. Wagner night: Fri-day u Sirnnss and oiierullc nlgltf, wllh Mrs.Ad ii SodcrllUcek, con I in 1 1 a. nnd John f'he-ahlre, harpist, soloists, ami Siilurdnv a popu-lar programme will he given.

Vlelorlii Theatre (Oscar llaniinersleln,mutliigeri.— No heller evldeuve of Hie excel-lence of Hie bill sch'cled by Ihe manage-tueut to cater lo Die umuseiiietit of Hie Hum-mer audio iocs could lie round Hill II the factthai bill one or two chuuges are made luIhe hill from week to wick. Tills week, be-ginning ut Hie Monday luuHucc, June 24.l.llul, the clever liupei'soliiilor of feimile chili'-

actors, is Hit 1 only newcomer. There lire tenhold.,vc numbers, whieli Include: Ilai-nold'sdogs and monkeys. Hie Willy Pnntr.cr Troupe.Thui Quartet, "Crcuutiiuu, Kuwaitis' SchoolHoys mill School (llils. Collins und Dart.Klce nnd Provost. Ihe Siiiiuy South, the fourAvoIoh. I'aiullle Trio, und the vltiigruph.Hnber Hue, a feiimle, who defies all tittemplslo uinkc her laugh, has lieeu added lo Hieliiute review mi tile roof giii'ilen,

PoNlor'* Tlieiitcf (Tony I'nslor, uiuiiii-

geri.— -A good sl/.oil iiiiillence lllled Hits houseund enjoyed n well annulled bill at theMonday null I nee, June 24. Milton uud HolloNobles proreiiii'd Iheir new fiifce, "Fads anilFancies," und with Hie able assistance ofF.dwurd A. Locke nml Miss St. George litis.

Key, hold lliflr audience's Interest throughmil, nud gnliied lengthy iipiimusc. The l-'lvo

Sullys. ill n new nud lauglinlile eoinedy, "AFallen Hero," were protioiiuced fuvoilles,and earned many recalls. Hilly Gaston andFiliel (Irecu, und ICddv Hayes nml MoiiuWynne, In songs and dunces, were also ex-ceedlugly well liked. Others who uppenredto ndviiulage were : Smith i,ud linker. Hie•Sailor Hoys:" Homers and Linv, talking andHinging comedians ; the Gnycly fjimi'lctloi Messrs. Wright. Ilreiiiiiin Wnltr.cn nnd ItnthMildred), in Ihe newest offerlugs; Ihe Wil-Hums Duo, iniislohins : Kivuey. Wnllv uudItellly. diuiclug coniedluns ; Ned Fll/glUbon,Violinist ; Jack uud Hilda ('iitiuou. singingcumeilliins : the 1'nlolT HlHters, clever singersnnd dancers, nud the tmilloii plot arcs elusedthe jiei'foriiiniM'e.

'I'll l i'il Avenue Theatre (t\ II. Cusad,ninii'igerl.-- Hie hill this week Includes:Miicphy nud Diitiu. find McKulghl, KniliryuItiirllell, Devet'eniix Slslers. and Kdwiirds uudlluss. moving pictures nml lllusi ruled songs.llruiulony Thentre (Lltt & Dingwall,

iniiiingci i. Anns Hold heguu, June 'Jl, heri lilii v ilrst nml last week, In "The I'm-lslunModel." ('•buries A. Illglow, principal conic-illllll In "'I'lic I'nrlslmi Mmlel." who left theKlnge In the hccoiiiI net Friday night, JuneHI, nnd resigned his role In support of Anna.Held, reappeared III Ihe iiuitlnee performancemi SllHICdll.V, '_".'.

Knlekerliiieker Thentre (Al. Ilnvinnn&. Co., mniingersl.—Montgomery and Stonenull eompiiny liegnn, June :'-(, their fortiethnull lust week, In "Tbe Red Mill."

Hiiiihiiftiiii 'I'lienlre. -Hhepurd's movinglilciiiics continue wllh good patronage.

l.i'H I'lelils' llernld Hiiiinre TheatreiHeorge At. Smuliils. liuuillgei'L— Fdillo Fov.In "The lll'chhl." iM'gtni. June 114, his twelfthweek,

l.yecii"! 'I'lienlre (Dtnlet Fi'nli'unn, ninii-

nget-l. -"The Hoys of t'oiup.iuy H" began,June '.' I. Its tweiriti and IiikI week.

iiislno (Sam S, ft l.ee Hliuhel'l. Inc., mnil-agersi. "Fiisclnnllng Flora" begun, June '24,

Its sixth week. ...•..«.Niivov Theulrev (h'ratlU MoKee, tunna-

geri. 'Tbe Man of the Hour" begun,' JuueVi. lu thirtieth week.

1 _ ,—, j.

Keith A. Proctor'. Fifth AvenneTheatre (H. V. Albec, general manager).

Kdnu May- Hpooner and ber excellent com-pany are appearing tb la week in "Mam'xelle,"und the energetic and eonsclentloiis star Is

appearing in, the dual ryla of Toluette Jucii-

tut and Fleur-de-l.ls. flu Monday, June 24,two good sized houses enjoyed the fun of theplay, mid the delight fill work of Mis* Hpooner,Augustus Phillips, llurold Kennedy, lien F.Wilson, Kloanor Wisdom, Jessie McAllisterand the others of the company, was warmlyapplauded. The cast : Lionel Leslie, Angustus I'bllllps; Bob I'rltchord, Harold Ken-nedy, Fraueola I'SRSennrtout, Hen F. Wilson;Col. Illroin I'osler; Arthur Evera; T. Torle-lou Tupper, Kdwln II l.'urll*; Topplehy, W.1.. West ; Marcus Brutus Hninin, James Mont-gomery ; Thlswny. It. K. Hpoouer ! O'Cltlh.Tom Hbeeley ; Airs. I.oulsa Tupper. OliveGrove; Mnry Markon, Jessie McAllister; Fe-lice, Josephine Fox; Aunetle Aviary, Ficano.-Wlsd'iiu : Tolnette .liicotot ("Minn zelle")and I'leu rile Lis, Kdun May Hpunner. Nextweek, a new play, by Ulllc Akerstrom, eii-

Htleu "The Gypsy Horreress."Keith & fro. tors Twenty-third

Sfreel Then I re (K. F. Albee, general inuli-


'lliere was little Indication of Hieusual Siiiiiinec falling uir In attendance onJune 24, u big matinee audience having us-semhleil to puss judgment on n good bill. May'fully und company, In one oi the most ab-sorbingly lnieresHn» tittle plays that u vaude-ville nudlence ever witnessed, "Stop, Lookand Listen," I'uught Ihe fancy of all. Missni.lv is hard working and painstaking lo umarked degree, and the trying acting whichshe bus dune all season, has evidently tiredher. Hill In spite of' Hint fact, she oiinli-

cated the personal artistic hit she made whenHie not was given lis llrst presentation lit thishouse, last I'u II, and the olferlng went witha vim. June Gilbert und Frank Robinson gaveMIsk 'fully splendid aid. Kvn Tiiiiginiy. bundleof nerves mid never ending worker, arousedher audience to wurm expressions of favor, nndWhtoni Gordon Whiter, who was welcomed onher uppcui'nncc us becoming a New York fa-

vorite, sang "Tbe Measnge of tbe Kyes." amianother number, and gave nn Imitation ofVesln Victoria singing "The A141*1'* Model."The grolesfpie dancing of Miss Victoria waswell • ltnltuted, and for an encore Miss Win-ter gnve her "trade mnrk." Hie veulrllu<pilaiImitation, which was lis clever und cuthu-KliiKtlcully received us, of yore. 11. A. Itolfe's

"Ve Colonial Hcpiette." dainty and pretty usi ver. was encored heartily, and the HellongUnit hers, In their remarkable cycle act.,proved equilibrists of a hl^h order. TheI'liiidwlck Trio, whose dancing was cupltnl,


and who present Hie wonder. Miss t'hiiflwlck,

were high In fnvor. I'luis. Semuu. and Wiseanil Milton were also winners. The motionpictures continue.H en ml 'I'lienlre.— Hill for week June 24 '

Potts Bros, nnd company, HI. John Family.Ilcrl Wiggins. Sisters Hllisou, Connelly midClement, Tobln ami Brooks, Boh Muck, lb'I'alilcols and Florence Brennnn.

.liirdin lie Furls (F. /.legfeld Jr., man-ager).— Ideal roof garden weather Is re-

sponsible for n nightly crush here, mid peopleare frequently turned uwiiy. Hn Monday.Jiiim 24. ii big house witnessed a tine bill. In

which Ihe following newcomers appeared |

Hill nnd Sylvian)'. In a imlcyclc act thill Is

well worth seeing many limes; the ThreeVosenrys, comedy iicrolmts, who are acknowl-edged by all to be milling the greulest In tile

world : Alfred 10. Anions' Duucllig Dolls, as-sisted by Hie Kviiux Brothers, lu mi net HintIs diilniy mid clever, nnd Forresto and biscomedy flog. The dog III thin act Ik unusuallygood, mid Hie olferlng Is excellent. W. ( .

Fields, the eccentric Juggler, nnened nn Mon-day a return engagcuieui on the roof, uml hisspecialty seemed in go boiler than ever. Theretained I'enin res Include: Mile. Daxle. as-sisted by Joseph Smith : Daisy Jmnes, theKngllsh comedienne : "A Night In an KngllshMusic' Hull," and the living pictures andstnfuiirv.llurrlek Theulre (Charles Froliinnn, man-

nger).—William Collier began, Juue 24. Ilia

twenty-sixth week, In "I 'might In the lliiln."

Lyric Theulre (Hniii S. .t-f Slinliert.

Inc., iiinungei'sL—"The Hood In Yesterday"begn'n, June 24, lis eleventh week lit, tilt*

hoiiKe. The two IniudriHl und fiftieth per-formance occurred Tuesday evening, 2.Y

UeliiNeo Theulre (David Ileluscu, iiiaii-

uger).—Fruiices Sltirr, In "The Hose of thelliiuclio," begun, June 24, tier tlilriy llrsi

anil lust week.trrbil ibirilciiK (Kluw & Li lunger, mnii-

ngersl.—George M. Cnhiiu. In '"llie Honey-lllooncrs," begun, June 24. his fourth week.

iiuiInoii Theulre (Henry 11. Ilnrrls, niaii.

agerl. -—"The Lbm nnd Hie Mouse" le-ganMonday, Juue 24. Its second wis-k nl thisllonse. '

tthuiilc tlnrdeii (W. Kramer's Son*,managers).—The Nuhreii*. trupew act : La\ hie and lliii'd, I'omcdy acrobats: llosullc,singing Cmiicilieiine : Bolicc und livers, col-ored duettlslH; Kdtllc Clurk, cuaicdy Juggler;Mile. Kldoru, Hying ring*, and new luovlugpictures are the iittriictluns for this week.

1 1 ou sos eliisi'ili Anierlcnn, At- 1 or, Aciidemyof Music. I*. I ton. Criterion. Dlllv's, Fniplre,l-'oiirteouih Street, Dardeb! Grand OjiernHouse, lliiekeifs, Hippodrome, Irving I'lnve,

Liberty. Llueolii Hipture. Miullson Sipmre, Mu-test Ic, New Autsterdiiin, New York, Star,Tlinllu, Wuilnck's. Welier's, Vorkvllle, Circle,Coloiilnl, Dt>wey, Klgblh Avenue, MurrayHill. London, miner's Bowery mid tlubcr'sMuseum.

Iliuipy loud, Hlnleii Isliiiid. Is doingnicely, uud pieseiillug u good line of ut-

I met Ions.

Iliii'leoi.—At Keith d Proctor's llurlein

Hpeni House (K, F. Albee, general inanuger)Henry Arllinr Jones' chnrinlng comedy, ' I'be

Llai-s," Is Hie otTerlng for this week, unddespite the hot weullier. grout crowds turnedout June 24, for both performances. All thehouse fuvorlles were In the cast, Including:Alplinu* Klhler, Willliitii Norton, Geo, Howell,Itiibei't Hill. Dudley llawlev. Win. C. Cnrr,llenrlotlu Brown. I.nnlse ltundolph. AenesScott. ICmlly Melville and Buy Beverldge. Theiiioilon pictures are continued.

Wl-iHT Knii (J. K. Oookson, ninniigerl.

The eighth week uf opera started, 24, andHie Vim Den Berg Co. continues lo packtin-in In. This week. Hint delightful oldopera, "Fm Hitivolo" Is Hie oUerltig. uponrequest of a great number of subscribersand patrons of Ihe company. Hubert Willie

is cast for tic title rule, u purl he has sungover eight hundred times. The cast Includes:ileleue N.ildl. Berth* Shnlek. Mae Ctllder.ltiisi'imirle Campbell, Achllle Alberti, JohnMclMosUey. Verni.n Hllles. Tom Springer,Wllllmii Welsh mid Henry Vugel. II Is an-nounced Unit this ooiiniaiiy will col mil lu theFull, nnd conlliuie llirniiglioiit the entire sen-sim with n change of bill weekly.

Kkitii & l'liDc'ii iii's One Hiiniuikii amiVwrntv-kikth Htrkkt (K. I''. Albee, generallunnngei'l,—HusltvcsK roiitlnnen to he of thebest, and Hie house Is one of the ciHileSl luHie city. Mn nager Itogers has worked hardlo make vaudeville n success nt this house,nml lie lias sncceeiled. This week there areseveral acts tlial are new to Harleiu. and line

Hint was iiresenled for Ihe first, lime lu NewYork. Tills was Gus Fdwurils' "HlonileTypewrilei's." wllh Johnnie Htuuley. TheIdea cuiliodled In Ihe not is i good one, andIhe women present n Hue uppearnuce andpossess gisul vulces. They Introduce severalnew songs with tolling effect, mining whichare "Flirtation." "Does Anybody Waul ;t

Blonde';" "School Hnys" and "We'll BeThere." .Tune Klton ami enmnuny presentedher new sketch, for the Ilrst tithe lu Harleiu,entitled "A Trial t'cvforinmice." with anreena.others me: Marl In Brother*, Marco Twins,Hammond and Forrester, Clifford and Burke,f.'iirldttmJJu her tlil-llllng looping the loop.act, and l'uiil McAllister ami company. Inone of itoheri Milliard's old successes, "TheUtiles! Girl," lu which Mr. McAllister mude

a great' hit, receiving several curtaia call*.

Mr.- McAllister la proving one of the strong-est 'drawing card* of the season.

Mi.tkui'ui.im (linrtlg k Be&mon, managers!.—Adelaide Kelni presents for this week,"Leah, the Forsaken." nnd opened to a goodhouse June 24. There Is continuous actionIn the cleveriy'tolll 'storv and the parts aveso well filled thai the performance stands In

even fnvor with those presented by MissKelin and her excellent cast of players sincethe Inauguration of the stock season at tbeMetropolis Tnentre. The roof garden, whichI. ist year been me popular as "Old HeidelbergIn the uir," will be opened Monday. July 1.

It has been rechristened. and will hereafterbe ..nown uh "Hurtlg & Senmon's MetropolisKoaf Garden." The attracHon* will consistof modern vaudeville.

Al.tiAMBtiA (Percy G. Williams, manager).—This week'* bill Is a good one, und it drewnut a large audience June 24. CommencingMonday. July 1, tbe performance will begiven down stairs lu the afternoon and onHie roof gardeu lu Ihe evenings. This week'sbill presents: Sharp Brothers, Tasrott, theItellclalre Brothers, Kayuiond Flnley uudLottie Burke, Itodgem Deeley, Geniuiro, IbeZlugnrl Opernllc Troupe. Claude Gllllng-\\-liter und company, and Fine Fay. If wasMlsr. Fay's Ilrst Harleiu uppenronce In vaude-ville, and she scored a big success.

Num.— Lew- Hose, who has managed manyamateurs during the past season, will bold acarnival and ucnetlt on Frldny, June 28.

Brooklyn.—-Al the Orpheum (rerey Ii.

WIHiiius, manager) the Orpheum Opera Co.Is presenting a double bill the current week

•('a vallerl:i Hustlcuna" and "II. M. H. I'ioa-

fore." Kstelle Weutworlh appears In the roleof Hantu/zii, lu "Cuvullerla." Fmllle Gn rdnor. fornierly prima doniin of "Flu" ! Faff!!I'ouf!:!" will sing the role of Josephine, in"Hnufore." Tbe opera Inst Week was wellotteuded. Next, "II Trovatore."

I,una l'Aitii.—"Night and Morning" mid

"The Wreck of the Corsair" III shows thatwill beiir witnessing frequently. "The Daysof '4!l" Is fill in tri'elbui full of "nluuispbcre."Tile escnlntor, ihe tickler and the wigglewaggle are amusing uud exhllurntlug novel-ties. The free 'circus gives afternoon undevening eulerlulutncot for the pnrk aduils-slon.

UltKAMl.AMi. — KxcursluiiH to Dreamlandhave been urnuigeil from points In i'enusyl-vanla, Connecticut and New Jersey, and willbegin HIIh week. . • «

UUMTol'K'M AiiKxa.—Tliere has been lienv.v

nil tronage here, and as Air. linstock alwaysIiiib some new feature and u number of ster-ling continued altrucllnns, u visit to thearena Is well worth while.

Sri'.Ki'i.i'.ciiAjfK.—Of Hie many new attrac-tion* here tbls year, the most populur Is Ibehuman roulette wheel. The big skating rinkis ulso a big business getter. Prince Itandlon,Ibe iii'iuless and legless wonder. Is iinothernew ntlrncHon, nnd u troupe of diving dogsgive a sensational exhibition from the wreckof the old burk, Sariiniic, <

llK,viii-:imiiN"H. Ciinkv Isi.anii.— Bill weekof June 24 : The K. A. Itolfe "Immeusa-photie." Wnlilunil Tekla Trio, Jessie KcllnrTroupe, ••Fun :it the Henshore," McNnllyTroii|ie. F.llte Musical Four, Arlington Com-edy Four. Mealy Sisters, Century ComedyFoul-, llculv mid Vnnce. .Morris nud Kramer.Archer Bros., Smith Bowman Trio, undHlater nud WilllnniK.

lluiiiiiriiN Bkacii Music lUt.i..—Bill weekof June 24 : Three Dmuonds, Martini andMnxinlhlnn, Kiupirc Comedy Four. Morrisnnd Morel*, Ilenn'er and Gaudier nud Jewell'smanikin*.Manpattan IIkach.—-Many thousniid per-

sons were nt Mmihntliin Beach, ulglil ofJulie 24, to witness the opening of fainsnew fireworks spectacle. The subjects choseu

n's Bide and "Thethis season are "SheridanIhiltle of Cedur Creek."

Giu.la:\ CITY, C'ANAIIHIH The doublewhirl 1* attracting nttetitluu. Five seals eachholding two people are suspended from cross-bur* on revolving wheel* attached to pro-jecting ni'ins,, which move, In a circle.

i) nl Inii I I'-"''

Current Copies,

Mum. Wlt.blAM In man, wife of Wm. 1 11-

iiian. both uf whom are In vaudeville, gaveId rth to a baby boy on June 12. Both motherund child are doing well. Mrs. Hunan Is

known in Anna Dougherty, of the DoughertySisters.

Fn. HoiiKim, of . Itogers uud Warren, haswritten the lyrics for the Brigadiers Co,(Western wheel). He will ussunic the lend-ing purl In the production,

Gn.itEiiT ami UKAn, Hebrew comedians, willliuve ii new act for next season.

Bfivu ami Vkoi.a will have a new act nextseason. They will play parks for seven weeks.

I'OTTKlt ami llAicrwi.i.i, have been re en-gaged for next season with the ChampagneGirls Co. (Western wheel). Miss Ilurtwell is

slowly recovering from ber recent Illness, ntSt. Luke's Hospital, New York City.

Tiff; Avon Comeuv Fouii are hooked solidfur next season In vaudeville. Mux Hart willbonk Hie act.

Tut; Majestic Musical Fouii will closetheir vaudeville .season ut. Keith's, Philadel-phia, Satm-duy night, June 20, ufter whichi hoy will rest nt Atlantic City tor four weeks.Next seuson they will put on a new act, withfour changes of wardrobe.

Br.M.Ki.'i.Aiut: Huns,, who do one of theneatest hand balancing nets In vaudeville,played two weeks lit the Orpheum, Boston,Mass. They me buoked solid on the Keith &l'rnclor nud the Orpheuui circuits for nextseuson.

Wii.i.h ami Hassan are playing park dateslit Ihe West, mid beginning early In Septeiuherlliey start u tour of forty weeks ou the Keithii I'roi'i in- circuit.Guv itAw.siiN and Frances i'i.aiuk are re-

engaged for next season with WoIhu- & Bush'sHon 'run (Faslern wheel) Bitrlesouers.

Jam. It. CAtiTiiii ami (liiSHiK Taymiu, whociiiie from the West ii short (hue ugu, withtheir vaudeville uct, have received contractsfor forty weeks on the Keith & I'roclur cir-cuit fur tiext. m-.ihi-i,

AtuiiMo.N Bi'iiKiiAiin-r. who wrole the bookof "The Kuiiuwuys." ami other inuslcnl com-edies, is writing Ibe lending comedy role Inwhich his brother, Chus. J. Burkhurdt, willIs- featured next season. In the burlesque putmi by the (lay Toreiulora, the new Westernwheel nt ( met Inn.

CiiAiit.KH I'uoiiman has engaged KiigeuoO'ltotirkc mill Bessie De Vole for "The Dairy-maids," Hut musical play he Is lo producehere curly next season.

Wit. 1,1AM Fcus-r will write Ihe music forHenrietta Crosiniui's product Inn of "Pilgrim'sI'rngivss."

DultK Daviiinun hns been engaged bv CvrllMaude for the run uf "The Karl of 1'aw-tueket." nt Ihe I'layhoiise, London, Bug.James Byan will again look after Ihe stage

iiuinugemciii of "Kerry How" and "ShniinBhnc next seuson.

Joskpii Gaitks has engaged Harry Sweat-man to go In advance of the lour of John L.Kearney, In "The Mayor of Toklo." This at-traction will o|M'ii at AhIiiiiv Park, Aug. 0,and will carry two tuirt, bnggnge cars, twusi inula rd Piilluinn ears nnd one duv coach.The costumes mid scenery will be entirelynew.Cl.lFK GoitnoN, "The German Politician," ar-

rived lu New York June III, froui n successfultrip over the tirpheutn circuit. He playa IheGrand Opera House. Pittsburg, Pa., this week,which closes his vaudeville sen«on of fortyweek*.Tin: Tiiiikn Hpii.i.kii Misicai, IIiimi-khs

hud u very successful season of forty weeks.After' week of July 22 Hie act will be en-larged to the people, milking It u big noveltyact.

Bosk De Havbn Sbxibttb close* It* season

Hiiturday. July 8, at Keith *^"J^ffiSquare Theatre. The girl* Wfll.-lg-tO^4*t;

hinllc Citv, N. J., until August, when their

SSaon begins. Mrs. De Haven will elaborate

HiHct wtth new scenery "n0 «»»tiimea. 1'he

act Is biKiked for tlfty weeks on the Keith &

"fjffiTl3a"ta doing a Hebrew specialty

without a Iward, which is proving on innova-

tion in the vaudeville field; Mr. UNf


credit to be the first one doing till* act.

Barton and AKHI.BI will spend the Sum-

mer at St. Jantea. L. I., before their 1-all and

Winter tour In a new act..

Fbof. Ad. CABLiaLB, with his dog and

pony act, is resting at his home in Phila-

delphia. He contemplates taking- his ownshow out under canvas.


Diirino the engagement of J. Aldrlch tM>bey and Catherine Trayer, at Quebec, Can.,

Mr. Llbhey was a guest, by special 'nv ' ,,

otl?n -

of St. John's Lodge, F. and A. M. Sir Ad-

miral Nevlll. of the British fleet, was also a

guest of honor. . „ItifE and Prbvo.it, woo are at Hammer-

stein's Boof Garden, have received contracts

for forty weeks on the Keith & Proctorcircuit. • _ ,,.

Gi:o. QoiflLBT. of Ibe Qulgley Bros., will

spend his vacation In tbe L'atsklll Mountainsuntil their vaudeville engagements begin In


LEoy -Moniiis and costPANr, trained animal

oct, has been engaged for forty weeks on the

Keith & Proctor circuit. •, ,

.Iiisepuim: Gassman and her pickaninnies

are resting at her home In Atlantic City,

N. J., und will remain there till tbe openingof their vaudeville season in October.

FiiKtio and Dade, musical comedians, haveadded several novelties to their act. Theyare Ibis week at Keith & Proctor's UnionSquare.

Mil. and Mhs. H.wiriY Thorne have eight

weeks' work in Hummer parks, opening at tbaTemple Theatre, Detroit, Mich.

Jui; . Winn closed his vaudeville seasonJune 8, at Rochester, N. V„ und will rest all

.Summer.1 1 it. tii I-:m:i.i:ni>, a Swedish actress, who

appeared In Mew York recently at a benefit

ui the Herald Square Theatre, has been en-gaged as leading woinnu for Wright Larimeritext season. Carl Abrendt, recently withThe Daughters of Men," has also been en-

gaged to support Mr. liOrliner.

John Rf.kd Scott, author of "The Colonelof the Red Hussars," has signed a contractpermitting the dramatization of his novel.Lillian Baldwin, favorite niece of Lillian

Nurdlcii, was married on June 11), In Boston,Mass., lo Frederick K. Bui nliam, of New YorkCity.

Maiiui: HuiniBH has signed with M. M.Thlese's Playing Strollers, to play the snii-

brcHo role, the new attraction which takesplace of Wine, Woman and Song (Westernwheel).

Mrrrim.i, and Cain play Ihe Keith A Proc-tor circuit until lute In the Fall, and thenleave for Knghinil, to phi v Moss & Stoll tour.Onk oi' tub THAU of Polk and Polk, ac-

robats, while playing Washington Pnrk,Boyonite. X. J., week of June 17, injured hisknee cnp. lb, uud tile team laid off the restof the week.

Mil. ami Mus. Hhinbv Diikw, who nrepresenting "Billy's Tombstone." lu vnude-vllle, close their season July 30, nud lav offuntil Aug. IP:RUHH HoiiM. female baritone, will pluv

forty weeks on Keith A Proctor'* circuit.JIM F. Ktti.t.v, of Kelly mid Kent, sprultied

his knee while playing bull. He expects to1st In good shape to open nl. Pastor'*, July 1.

A inn wAiiuiuiL-sB at Twelfth Avenue undForty-fourth Street has been leused for livejeuis by Arthur llammerstelu, lor his fnther.Oscac llaaimersti'lu. iu tbls warehouse therenre three floors. Dh one floor will bo builtall the operas for next eensou. Carpentrywork ou some of them will begin at once. Onanother floor will be stored the, productionswhich now cramp the stnge of the Manhattan.A third floor will be devoted to the proper-lie* of (he opera.nPPKmUH- ckhiimoniks will mark the

twetily-llflb iinnlversiiry of the opening ofthe Casino, on July 1. A novel programmebaa been nrrnnged, Including u performanceof "Fascinating Klora." and specialties bywell known players who have appeured luformer seasons ut Hie Casino.

TtiifiiHbAv ArTBRNOoN, June 27, at theI'V-flc Theatre. K. F. Bostwlrk will offer'I he Hornet s Nest," a fantastic comedy, Inthree ucts, by B. H. Nndal.William Noiiiiin, of the Keith A Propter

Ilnilem Opera House Btock company, will gola-Huron on July l, for a vncutiou.

I1il.ua- I'lMit.ii.vii. the young Swedish actress,who caused much favorable comment by herportrayal of the role ofAse, In "Peer Gym,"bus been engaged by Wright l.orlmer as hiscalling woman. She was the original Ase,in the ilrst production of "Pen- Gynt," luStockholm. She rehearsed nnd plnvod thepart uuder the personal direction of' HeurlkIbsen.

IIri.knh Lackave, wlio Inst season playedhe role of the dusblug willow. In "The llelrto the Hoortib" bus bwn engaged liy HieMrkc I.n Shelle conipnny for the same rolenet season,

Viiiiiinia Saikiknt mode her debut in vnude-vllle, last week, al the Union Square The-atre, In ii series of dnuces aud new topicalsougs. '


1'*!1!^" ^"'-"VBH. xvhin ha* heeu npiK'nrlugwltii "Is Honor, the Mayor." as a chorusgirl, will next sensnu assume (he role thatwas played the pnst season by Nellu Webb

1 IIH CLiiTBii CiiMBDv Four will Introducelie r new net next seuson, with Alf. Ilerrlnu-ton s Ludv Birds. It Is claimed to be nn In-novation lu the ipiarletle Held.

wluii^S o*"\r'H w

"i "luy ll'u(,ln« >»y withnelier & Bush, next seasun, making hersecond seusiui with that company:

Ki.imr.iiim and Mbakin have idgned a threeyears con t rue t with Alberto Gallatin to pro-vide her with a new nlay each vear. She williijipenr next season In Algernon Tassin undMnry Stones dramatization of Murle Man-ning's novel. "Judith of Ihe Plains"

I'Haxk Tannriiili. Jr. i* connected wllhBarton & Thompson'* Mimic. House. He Isnow writing with Put Itoouey.Gkii W. STUWAirr I* playing Yuung'* Pier

Al antic City. N. J., this week'

, Ve,v llh


' •*" hn* ployed the Sheriff,n Wine, Homiju und Song, nil season, hasbeen re-eugngeil for next seusou by M MIhelse. '

FuitiiBRR will appear at Hamwcrsteln'sItisif, opening In August.

"wia a

'I'iib I'liiiKH MiiLviNx. nerobals, will go wllh

next season*' ""' "* <Wus»"''' "heel"

Francis Wilson Is to appear enrlv nextseuson hi I he Garrlck Theatre. New York fn"Wlien Knlghla Were Bold," lo be producedby Charles Fl'iihtunn.piuuiilihj

IinitB Davipson, now in London, has beenWHIP ,';>• PT.L Utl**b r"r the produc loof "The Karl of Pnwhicket" In Unilon

ItHVnBH ami \tuii have signed with the(•liiimpngne Uhrta i;». (Western whee'. for

hm^KS ."'^w' 1 ' «ny at Atlantic c tytill the call fur rehearsals. '

Bauiibtt anii ItARnBTT have been reen-gnged for he Century Girls Co. (Western





•a,',"racHou., "." ,

'"" rd "« »'•S


^fifSR Vm n,,d msft an <l Miller are

circul'f. ""B yt'ar

' "" "" Kel,h * ™»*WTtiK Martin Bros., nre booked up to Sent

AH Weston and compAhj, who is appear-ing In "The New Keporter, in vauuevllle,whl finish a season of fOrty-nlne weeks attbe Union Square this week, having playedon the Orpheum and Keith circuit*.

Claiieni'b Haiivbv has signed with LewFields for next Settaodl to appear lu "TheGirl Behind the Counter. '" Mr. Harvey waswith "HI* Honor, the Mayor," tbe pnst sea-

afAUDK Adams will -probably make a tour ofKngland and the continent next year, whichwill also include a season In Paris; •

Clyde Fitch's play, 'The Truth," whichIs now a reigning success In London, In tobe produced in Paris, as Is also William Gil-lette'* "Sherlock Holmes." .

Ma nn: Dunn AND JJoni* Kkane, two wellknown American actresses, are now Hi Paris.TUB. SI'fCKSH of "Fascinating Flora" at

tbo Casino, has again demonstrated thatIhe typical Hummer' show, full of brightline*, catchy songs and clever lyrics, with acast, chorus and show girls- of - Hie highestrank. Is certain of generous support from tbepublic. Adele Ritchie,- the prima donna, Is

sloping n new song, "I'd Hntber Two-steptbtiii Waltz. with great success, besides the"Silbwoy Kxpross," which is tbe big hit ofthe perriirninuce. Louis Harrison, Harry Gil-foil, Kdwnrd Fuvor, James M. Sullivan, EdnaLitbv. Ada Lewis and Kiln Snyder are givingexcellent characterizations lu their severalroles.

Saturday eveninu, June 20,, mark* thecloning performance of - Montgomery ondStone, lu "The Bed Mill;" which has beenrunning ut tbe Knickerbocker Thentre forthe pnst ulne month*. Business has beenphenomenal throughout the engagement, andcrowd* have been turned away at practicallyeverv performance."Tub Road to Yesterday" now playing

nt the Lyric Theatre, passed It* two hun-dred nnd fiftieth performance ou Tuesdayevening, Juue 26. The occasion was markedby the distribution to each lady In theaudience uf n handsome souvenir engravedwith her initials. The play, with a Cast In-cluding, Minnie Dnprce, White Whittlesey,Fstbcr Lyon, Eleanor Moretti, Robert Dem-Mar, Joseph Solum n, F. Owen. Baxter, AliceUtile. Julia Flane and Agnes 'Overettc. hnsmet with such continued success a* to war-rant its running throughout the entire Sum-mer season.Ralph Austin, of Bailey and Austin, with

his wife. Will spend a few weeks at theirhome in Dayton, 0., prior to his return to thevaudeville Held.James B. Carson Is resting tbls week In

New York. Beginning July 1 he will rejointleft. V. Unhurt nnd Victor Herbert'* "SongBirds." In vaudeville.

Wiliiiir Mack and company, who nre pre-senting the one act comedy In ' vaudeville,-rile Bachelor nnd Maid," will he at Keith* Proctor's Twenty-third Street Theatre weekof July I.

Ni:n Nyk, the talking dancer, Is resting atAnbury Park till the opeulng of his vaude-ville season.

Geo. Leonaiip, lending man for Joe Welch,in "Kills Island." will spend the Summerwllh his wife nt linke George. N. Y.-, retnra-ing at the opening of the vaudeville season

Jiie Ivmkii.siin has signed with Campbell &Drew's "Tom, Dick and Harry" Co. (Westernwheel l, to piny a leading comedy role nextseusou.

F.i.i.a Hay mii sti and Tii.i.ik Hale havejoined bands, and will appear as the c ratio

Sisters. They are ut present preparing nnovel singing, dancing and musical act furnext mason. Bolh of these girls have gulnedtunny Individual press notices wherever theyhave uppenred, and now Hint they have Joinedbonds, success I* predicted for them. Specialscenery nud electrical effects will also Is*

curried wllh the act..•»•-»

NEW YORK STATU,Buffalo.—At the Star (P. C. Cornell,

manager) the Jessie Unnstelle Co. present"The filrl and Hie Judge" week of June 'J4.

Ic he followed, July 1 and week, by "TheLove Route," BiislnesH continues excellent.

Lviili' | J, Luughllu, ion linger i.—MildredHolland Is resenting "Knat Lynne" the cur-rent week. "A Paradise of Lie*" I* under-lined for week of July 1.Shea's.—The bill week of 2«l Includes:

Geo. II. Primrose, Wilton Bros,, Chns. Brud-shaw mid company. Kearl und Violet Alleneuiupaii.v, /.arrow Trio, Dixon aud Anger,Tennis Trio nml Bessie Wyun. Business Isgood.

_ Lafayette (C'bos. M. Bngg, manager).—Mugs nnd tjuceus Burlesque Co. I tilt* week,llrnndwnys mid Peeknboos next week. Thecurrent olio I* headed by Blllv Falls. Camp-bell mid Hoard mid Geroo nod Gucroo.Luna Park (It. II, MacBroom, umuuger).—The Klshl/.nna Jnp Troupe, (leorve aud

George, Undo and Burtman, Martin Buckleyuud conipnny, the Bortell* and Maurice Hun,nre this week's atl ructions. Roller skatingIs one of this year's popular features.Notes.—Thos, G. O'Brien, maunger of

'"ben's died June •_>L». at bis homeManager Stair has been surveying a newtheatre situ here.


HochcNtcr.—At the Lyceum (M. E. Wolfl,nuiiui K ei-; Hie Song Bird* (return engage-ment) topped the best bill of the present sea-son lust week. Vesta Victoria scored heavily.H III week of June 24 : Lurldo und Bliike, tbeGibson Girls, Froadnl, Laura Ordway, Thomp-son und Garvin, Mile. Kmmy'n Pets, Cooperund Robinson, Griff Bros., and chromutlc pic-tures.

Coiik Opera House (J. H. Moore, mana-ger).—George Primrose headed lust week'sexcellent bill. Business was good. Bill weekOl IN : The Kngllsh Pony Ballet. Jniues Nelllund Fdytho Chapman, Auric Oagwell. .luckIsorworlh. Vlolu Gillette and Geo. McFur-lane. Dim Sherman. Mabel De t'orresl, Dn-nedln-Tronpe, La Vlne-Cluiarou Trio, uudkinetogrnph.

National (Max Hurtlg, manager).—Thestock, In "Fust. Life In New York," did goodbusiness last week, with Charles C. Carverand Louise Vale In the leads. "King of IheDplum Ring" week uf 24.

Baker (Mrs. T. J. Boyle, manager).—Thelinker Stock, In "A Working Girl's Wrongs,"appeared to advantage lust week. MurlunBurney, In I be lending role, wub well casl.St. John and Lo Fevre uniuscd between Iheact*. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 24 and week.

llHRATKn Ontario Bkacii Park III. I..

.Messmnro. manager).—The protracted spellnt- torrid weullier drive* the crowds here Inthrong*. Modnme Bergerar, In her thrillinguulnuinlillencls, du'llv umitses thousands. Herengagement Is concluded 2,'l. For week of 24 :

Nuvnssiir Band (ro-engugcd). (he Bonlv.ettls.Dare Devil Dash, nnd John Snnora, iu "Slidefor Life."Glbn Haven Park (B. R, WIIhoii. tnnnn-

ger).— l'hls pretty park Is very well patron-Inert these lint days. The following peopleare here 34 nnd week : The Brownings. BijouComedy Trio, Leonard Kane, Wiu. Lncy, andArilo and Eildo.Note.—Jules Hurtlg and A. Shapiro, of (he

Hurtlg & Senmon force*, were visitors here20, rhey were Joined here by Ben Hurtlg,who drove from New York in Jules Hurllg'smniense new motor car. and who, with MaxlluiMlg. left for a motoring trip, the end ofwhich will be the "Great White Way."


Albany—At Hnruiaiins Hleecker HallIII. R. Jacobs, mannger) Ihe Majestic Slockotupuny appeared to good advantage dur-

ing Hie past week, first giving "Tennessee'sPnrdner,'- June 17-10, nnd "Camltlo" 2(1-22.Both drew good Summer crowds. "Our Regl-jj»W" 24-2(1, "In the Bishop-* Carriage."

PitncTiin's (Howard' Graham, tealdent man-Hgen.— -PriH'tur's Opera Co.. giving Summerlight opera, plensed excellent audiences lastweek, appearing to good advantage lu "TheLhlines of Normandy." "Fra Dlavolo" 2*-29i



Al-tho Park (Max Rosen, manager).—crowds arc seen, dally and nightly at the

wrk enjoying the novelties. Special for

his 'wrote are: Pechanl Troupe of acrobats.

Mil.- ntnegn, George and Harrlgan, the

Wbiatons. snil Itoaettl'B Band.KtECTBic Park (F. 8. Williams, tnana-

„er ) siioot the chutes nnd dancing pavilion

nrc ravorltes with many that visit here.

in the rustic theatre are: the Pantxer

Trio Elsie Hnwlcy and company, Herbert

ft Lennon, Houston and company, andl^nnnrd Kane. Moving pictures ure anadded attraction with the Increasing crowds.

rtiNiiuv; Bros.' Oacts comes for twoperformances, -4.

litlcn.—At the Majestic (K. L. Koneke,resident manager) "8apho" opened the week,

June 17-lH, to big houses. "Big Hearted Jim"did as well, 20-22. ThlB week the stock eom-nnny presents "Our Boarding House" 24-26,

and "The Pitt" 27-20.

ORPirKCM (10. li. Koneke, resident ranna-

KC1.).—The Orpheum Is the coolest place In

The city, nnd the moving pictures are well

patronized.Summit Pakk (I. W. Bukcr, manager).

Ryan's Orchestra, and the park amusementscontinue to draw big, nnd remain over.

IItii'a Park (Scram & Dondlioc, mana-gers).—Phlnney's United States Band will be

[be allrnctlon 28-30.'

Foiikst Pabk (Fritz Brand, manager).

Vaudeville nnd dancing continues to draw.Xotk.—The new Bijou Theatre at Kings-

ton, N. V.. Is reported to be doing a big busi-

ness wltb the moving pictures,


jomcMcMvn At the Ccloron Theatre (.1.

,1 Waters, manager) the bill for week of

June J7 Included the Slaters Mclrlch, TomMack, Fitzgerald and (illdiiy. La Vlne-Clma-ioii Trio, and Lucia unci Vintu. Business con-

tinues excellent.

Norm.—The J. Frank Hatch carnival, un-

der the uuslces of the Falconer Hose Co.. atHtv line grounds, 24-2P . . HlngllngBrol hers' Circus appears here 21). Hagcn-bork-Wallace at Warren July 1, and Sparksat Sheffield July 1, all within u radius ofthlrtv miles The lOagles have abandonedthe (dea of a carnival nt C'eloron Anumber of free acts have been provided for

the Fourth of July at the park.

moat prosperous season for both the localtheatres.


Grand Rapids—At fitmona Park (LewDelamater. manager) the bill for week of•„.,

ner,4 'ncludes

: Chan. Do Camo and dog.Mile. Lsmeralda, the Lanky Quintette. LewisJlctord and company, the ftlalto ComedyQuartette, and Jlminlc Wall.

a) t »TEXAS.

Hourton .-At the Lyric (John Dickey,manager) business, wllh line weather nowprevailing, parks the plucc nightly. People17-22: The Two Scoflelds, Billy Taw, Austin,tambourine manipulator: W. K. Condell,Illustrated songs and moving pictures.Airdomg Tubatri: lAlvldo & Lasscrre.

managers).—Business continues big. Therepertory is changed twice a week, to allowthe Introduction of songs and specialties,hut the people remain the same as the open-ing night.

ItiuiiLANn Park Tiieatrk t.l. II. Kccnan,manager).—ICthel Morton continues to bethe main attraction, In her solo specialties.Crowds fair 17-22.Notes.—Michael A Wilson's open air thea-

tre Is being hurried rapidly through, andwill he ready for the opening July 4. it willbo capable of seating a.UOO people, andembraces half a block of around In thefinest populated portion of the city. Lightopera nnd llrst class vaudeville will be themalu features Moving picture shows,thirty In number, while new additions arebeing made to them, continue to rake In theshekels from Immense crowds NothingIs being done yet to start the new theatrefor the Interstate Amusement Co.

llliiKliniuton.—At the Armory (Smith &Gradv, managers) "A Stranger iu a StrangeLand drew well June 17-22.

a H>

ILLINOIS.1'eorlii.—At Malu Street (Davis-Churchill

flrciilt, managers) Payeen Stock Co., In

"Cnmlierlanil 'tH," played to crowded houseslast week.

I'wiiiia (II. Walter Van Dyke, manager).—This new Summer theatre opened 18, withthe slock company, In "A True American."Stonk Him, Garden (Frank Crave, man-

ager).—"A Woman's Honor,'' given by theslock company, was last week's bill.

Amnion; i.llm Baiigh Amuse. Co., mana-gers I. — Stock company, iu "SherlockJloluics ;" Figaro, and Frances Swartz undcompany compose the vaudeville bill.

wY.ast'h (Charles F. Bnrlsou, manager).—Week of 17, stock burlesque company, iu

"Kntsti-sn-san" und "Trilby :" Laura Jean,Claude Itiiul' and moving pictures.

At, Fresco Park (Vernon C. Heaver, man-ager).—Week of 17: James' Brooklyn Mili-

tary Band, Culianola Sisters, Billy Crumby,luiii Wilson, anil Mnrle James.ViHuiMA Bkach (Frank A. Ilelneke, man-

ager).—This popular resort bas attractedlarge crowds the past week.

Notes.—Patterson Carnival Co. comes weekof 24 Burlesque shows, as produced byLouis Worth, tire pleasing the patrons ofWensl's. Business Is big, und last week nmatinee wus given, the first one In the historyof the house.

Canton.—At the BIJou (Hook'& Powul-Min. managers) the vaudeville attractions Inst

week pleased, und attendance was good. Thefollowing hill for week of 24: Brooks andKingman, Uorscy and Phillips, Olga St. Clair,Hugh Harvey, und moving pictures.

Notes.—The Flvo Cent Theatre (D. It.

Capes, inn nugcr I moving pictures continue todraw well The K. of 1'. circus. June IU-l,'i, was a decided success. The tent, seating1,501). was entirely Inadequate, and ticket

nulling wus stopped Iwfore 8.110 each even-ing. The side show also did good business.The lodge netted about *l,W)l>, and had theaccommodations been better, it would harebeen several tunes tbut amount Bennett'sPark wns opened 18, to an Immense crowd.The features were : High dive by Daro DevilHalllgnn, concert by Fifth Regiment Band,songs, etc.

Alton—At Itock Springs Park (J. EdgarCollins, manager) this park Is drawing largecrowds night and day, and the vaudevillehouse and other concessions ure doing athriving business.

IOmx'tkii: (Wm. Bennington, manager).

This house Is doing u large business. JackMefnrry Is making a big hit' with his linebig voice.

1 i t .

MICHIGAN.Bay Cllj-—At the Alvarado(W. J. Daunt,

manager) the lOurl Burgess Co., in repertory,pleased fulr sized audiences week of June 17.Bijou (.1. D. Pllmorc, manager).—Bill week

of 17 Included : Fdgur Foremun and company,the Hirst-horns, Charles Ward, Baby Tbelmu,I'liimnn Seymour, and the Bljouscope.Wenona Beach Park Casino (L. W. Rich-

ards, iminugrr).—The Wenona Boucli StockCo.. In repertory, pleased good sized lioiisesweek of 10.Note.—The llngeiibeek-Walhjco Circus Is

tilled for July 10 Tom North, of thiscity. Is home for a month's vacation, afterwhich he leaves for New York to take out tothe coast "At the Old Cross Itnads," of whichcompany he Is to bo manager The Vau-deilc Theatre, with moving pictures and Illus-trated songs, opened 10, and is drawing goodcrowds.

Knlnmasoo At the Bijou (W. 8. Hutterlleld, manager) hill for week of June 24


Marvin Brothers, Jeanne Brooks, the (it-cut"est in. Kiitlierliie Deem. Illustrated songs,Mlibe anil Bordeonx. and moving pictures.Acahhmy of Mi'sic (B. A. Bush, mana-

ger i.—This bouse Is closed for the season,""'i Is lKnv undergoing the annual redecorat-ing and general renovating.Notes.—Barmim & Bailey's Circus June

Mj Fischer's World's Fair Orchestra.which has bud a very successful season, giv-ing two Sunday concerts at the Bijou, willclose 2a.

' SiMni'lslee.—At the Kamsdell Theatre (R.

B. Itainsdell. mnnager) Rosellc Knott. InAlice Slt-By-the-Flre." did good business,

June II. "in a Woman's Power," billed, wasnot given.

Ri.mu iK. .1. Blnghnin. manager).—Thispopular playhouse still continues to drawcrowded houses, In spite of the warmweather. Week of June 17, "The Last ofthe Ken 1 1 iiules."

Saginaw—The Academy (C. W. Porter,manager) closed for the season June it sndwill remain dark until Sept. 1.

JJtmnMj (C. W. Porler, manager).—Thistheatre will he opener! about the middle ofAugust, and will be devoted strictly, to thedrama, nt popular prices. It will Is- underthe management of genial C. W. Porter, man-ager of the Academy, who has made for blm-self -many

. trlends unions the" NieatregolngPublic, si Saglm^ KrcrytbJug nolata. to A

Vt. Worth—At the Lyric (Kd. Jenkins,manager) Vcrila and Oulnlarow. Livingstonand Addison, Billy Moore and Hairy Lyoncomprised Hie hill week opening June 17. At-tendance Is heavy.

Vknihi.mk (Schwurz & Mike, managers).

The Vendome Stock Co. opened week of 17,with "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Bill changesnightly, und attendance continues heavy.White City (Juke Schwarz, malinger).

The Nelsons head the vaudeville features Inthe theatre, which, with the outside attrac-tions, continue to draw large crowds to thispopular result.

Staniiarii (Frank De Hciiiie, manager).

"The Correspondent" wns the burlesque of-fered week opening IT. In the olio: TomKelly, Muymc Cooper, Pearl (illniore. John 10.

Green, Lemoync Sisters, J. 10. N. and GeorgiaPowers, Harrison Hall and Joe Irwin. Busi-ness continue big.

llnllns.—At the Lyric (lOdivIn Kdwiirds,manager) the bill for week (>.' June 17 In-

cluded: The Greut Klns-Ncrs, Carl Brothers,Cadis and Karl, and 10. Kdwards, In Illus-

trated songs. Good business rules.

Lake i i.ut Casino (C. A. Mangold, man-ager).—Baldwin-Melville Co. drew largecrowds, to witness "Lost—24 Hours," weekof June 17.

CYCtr Park fC. A. McAdnms, manager).

Myrkle-Harder Stock Co. remains here Indefi-

nitely. Patronage Is good.a

Galveston.—At the lOlcctrte Park (Chus.Frankel, niunager) Casino Theatre. Dickeyl/ung, (.'. II. Allman. Harry Chasu ami ThomasSmythe are drawing well. All of the conces-sions arc doing well.

Chutes Park (C. II. Xlenieycr, manuger).—All concessions are drawing big crowds, themystic rill nnd clinics huve caught the people.


Austin, — At Hie Lyric Theutl'o (KarlWalker, manager) week of June 17 : Mwrenceand Sheridan, Josephine Carlisle, the Wolfs,and John Lane.Hyde Park Theatre (Jim Miller, Dianu-

ger).—Moving pictures..CANADA.

st. John.—At the Opera House I A. O.

Skinner, uiunnger) Daniel It. Ryan and com-pany opened a two weeks' engagement June17, to good business, and gave a splendidperformance iu' "The Vagabond King." DanielIt. Ityan, Clinton Ferry. II. M. Hicks, PhyllisGllmorc and Zellu Davenport deserve men-tldn. The star, who Is a great favorite here,

received a warm reception on his Hist ap-

pea ranee.Notes.—The Nickel, tile Unique and Ilia

Rioscope, the moving picture theatres, con-tinue lo draw big business U. J. Arm-strong, formerly luiinuger of the York The-atre (now ihe Nickel), returned June 15,

from St. Johns, Newfoundland, where he se-

cured the lease of St. Patrick's T. A. Hall,

for the Keith Interests. The lease Is for oneyour, at u rental of $1,800, and moving pic-

tures and Illustrated songs will bo the pro-gramme, the admission being five centsJohn IC. Harding, with the Daniel Kyan 1S».,

Is a native of this city, and Is meeting oldfriends Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin"Co. Is to show here 24. 25, under canvus.

Hamilton.—Mountain Park Theatre (Geo.

H. Summers, manager) opened lor the sea-

son June 24. with the Summers Stock Co..

in "Confusion." Mr. Summers is supportedby Belle Stevenson nnd a capable company.Mountain Vibw Park (F. Weaver, man-

ager).—Good business In the roller rink andwith other attractions. It was the Intention

of the management to have vaudeville, hutthe large tent first erected wns destroyedby wind storms, und no satisfactory arrange-

ment could be made with the owners for tunerection of a more permanent building. Iu

consequence, the presentation of vaudeville

has been abandoned fur this season.

Forkpauuii & Skm.s Biios.' CIRCUS per-

formed to big business, 14.

Ottawa.—At Ihe Russell Theatre (P. Gor-man, manager) "Tim Lion and Ihe Mouse"had capacity. June 7. 8. Prof Croaker's

horse sliow July 1-0, Mrs. P'lske 8.

4 » »

INDIANA.Erauavllle.—Conk's Park I Harry Laur-

nuee, manager) had good attendance weekof June 11, und a good list of attractions

was offered. The Hat Included: The Sisters

Albert, llenrv Frey, Kulucrutus. Helm Chil-

dren, Johnson and Buckley, and the kino-


Oak Summit Paiik (II. 0. Opillgaii, mana-ger!.—Knorinous crowds attend to hear Thus.Preston Brooke's Band, assisted by one of

lOvonsvllle's favorite singers, Grace CbnllearCaborn. who made a most decided hit at. the

local Chautauqua last year. The band had the

park 18, 10,»

liidlminiMill*— At the Park Theatrer Dickson A Tslbott. managers) Ihe ParkThen Ire Slock Co. closes a successful season

with tin elaborate production of "Carmen."week of June 17. With the closing of Ihe

Purk's season, all (he local 'theatres are dark.

Notes.—Natlello's Band guve dally con-

certs al Fulrbank, week of ' 17. John 'V,

Weber's Band will appear here week of 24.

Felzer's One Ring Circus gave twoperformances a day at While City, week of17. Business was very good when theweather permitted Rose and Lemon,trick 'cyclists. In their "Globe of Death" act,

appeared at Wonderland, week of 17. Amesand Feathers were on the bill alsoSbater Zlegler, manager of the Grand OperaHouse, left for a short trip to New York,18. After attending the Suburban, he will

return to superlutond the construction ofthe new Grand Opera House, which Is grow-ing rapidly. The contractor hopes to getthe roof on the new structure by next week...".*..'. ..Gentry" Bros.' Shows did well here

Imi week,

NEW JERSEY.• Newark.—The warm weather is shifting

business from the theatres to the parks.PnucTOR's (B. C. Stuart, resident mana-

ger).—A novelty beads the list ef attractionsthis week, iiainelv Mlddleton. Spellmyer andcompany, In "A Texas Wooing." Others are


Toical. the eccentric : the Big City Quartette,Meeh International Trio, Six Kogllsh Belles.Fields snd Hanson, Coakley aud McBridc.and Jenny Concha's dogs. Business wasgenerally good week of June 17.

Columbia (M. J. Jueobs, manager).—TheHlxon-Bnrlow Stock Co. presents "MonteCrlsto" ns a fitting close to Its Spring en-gagement here, which has been a gratifyingsuccess, both artistically ami tlnunetally.Iteglnsld Barlow appears as Kdinnud Dantes,und Victory Bntcman as Mniccdes. Tiehuns? closes for the season niter June 20,und will reopeu about the middle of August.

lOi.ECTiuc Paiik (C. A. Diiulup. mnnager).— -The warm weather Is bringing crowds lothis big mecra of pleasure. Among thevarious nitron Inns the German theatre Is

prominent, and (his week offers : J. 10. Tonicnnd company. Iu n nirnl sketch : Black andLeslie, Krroll and Ward, Lillian Murttw.Duke and Iliormi, and Ihe daring Vullcclta,wltn her six leopards. Vullcclta remains an-other week, and Is again the strong featureof the park.Olympic I'.utK (II, A. Schmidt, manager).—This resort Is nlso enjoying Us full share

of warm weather business. The Alsirn OperaCo. has aguin taken Its favored place inpublic esteem, and the productions are votedbetter than ever. The company Is wellequipped for "The Serenade, the currentnlTcrlng. "Robin Hood" made a bit last week,aud "Boccaccio" Is In preparation. Ml is

Sloan, sister of the fatuous Jorkey. divideshonors wllh Bristol's Pouy Circus Iu theopen tills week.Notes.— It Is locally reported that Lee

Otlolengul, who lins managed the NewarkTheatre for several years, has signed a con-tract with the proprietors of Waldman'sTheatre, to manage that house next season.Alterations amounting to about $12,000 havebeen planned during the Summer, and thepolicy uf the house will remain unchanged.

Thursilny, June 20, was the proudestday in the history of Newark Lodge of lOlks,

ns It marked the dedication of the new$100,000 home of the lodge. Members of Iheorder came from many cities !n this seel Ionto Join In a parade numbering twenty-livehundred, and the beautiful new home wnsopened with the hospitality and good fellow-ship which Is proverbial of the order.


Atlantic CU>-—At the Savoy (Fred 10.

Moore, uiunnger i vaudeville lias cuugbl onbig hero. Rill tor week of June 24 : Las-key's Military Octette. Bedlnl and Arthur.Catherine Nelson. lOdltli Helena, ManhattanComedy Four, Three La Maze Brus., Hyamsand Mclntyrc and klnetogrnpli.

Voijno's Pikii Thi.'atiie (W. 10. Shackel-ford, munnger).—The same excellent busi-ness coullnites. Billed for week of 24


Chester D'Amon, Adsmlul and Taylor. ThreeGardner Children. Murphy and Wllluril,George Stewart, lOllen Richards, Harry L.Tlghc and his Collegians, and the klneto-graph.

Atlantic Gaiiden (Sidney Fern, mana-ger).—lOxrellent business bore. Bill for weekof 24 : The Aerliil Rogers, Blanche Bishop,Roger and Ilclle Dolun. Wood anil Lawson,Three Glides Sisters. Muntell's luiiiloticttes,

clink's dogs nnd ponies, Nixon aud lOiilon,

Itulli'.v and Fli.kett, Wi-yhiirn's MghtliiK'iles,Keegnii nnd Muck. Webb, domain nnd Webb,Francis Wood, und Mario, Bcrger nod Mario.Steeplechase Pieii (Giles W. Clements,

mnnager).—Business Is Hue. Vaudeville Is

Hie altriictiuii, together with many comicalamusement novelties.

Jersey City.—At Keith & Proctor's (P.Burns, manager) for week of June 24 : The.higgling Burkes, De Vole Trio, Melville andlllggltis. Pauline, Welch. Frances and com-pany. "Motoring" und the Buldens.

Note.—Work on the now Majestic Is pro-gressing nicely. Not n strike has Interferedwith Hie men employed to date,

i nioili-ii.—At Woisllynne Park (H. I). Lecnto. manuger) packed houses are the rule,

and Manager Le Cuto was the recipient ofgeneral praise from all for the excellence of

lust week's hill, which Included Vic Rich-ards aud his minstrels. The olio Included


Ingram and Crania, the Dixie Comedy Four,Messrs. Richards. Cussiidy. Clemens. CharlesSnertwr. Vic Richards. Tom Willie, JimClemens and Theo. Heed.


Portland.—At the llclllg ( W. T. Pangle.malinger) Oils Skinner enjoyed good busi-

ness June 10, It, In "Tue Duel." Doekslad-er's Minstrels did tine business 12. 111. nineCoo|S'i', supported by the Baker Theatre Co.,

presented "Lltlle Lord Fuiinlleroy." to a veryI'a I r house. HI. Viola Allen presents "TwelfthNight," afternoon of 18. and at the eveningperformance scenes from "As You Like It,


"School for Scandal," "Romeo and Juliet"und "The Merchant of Venice."MAnuUAM G ha mi (S. Morton Colin, mana-

ger I.—-The Snn Francisco Ope.ru Co. did ca-

pacity business In "Dolly Vurtlen." week of

June 9. "The Fortune Teller" 17-22. and"When Johnnie Conies Marching Home" 24and week.BAKEn (Geo. L. Baker, manager).—/.Inn's

Travexlv I'd. hud two guts! bouses 10, to wit-

ness "Teczy Weczy." The engagement will

lust several weeks. "The Prince nnd thePauper" did fair business week of II.

Lyiiic (Keating & Murphy, managers).

The Allen Stuck Co., week of 17, presenting"Shall We Forgive llerV

SiAii (James 11. Krrlckson, manager).

The Star Stock Co., presenting "Confusion,"week of 17.

liUANli I J nines II. Krrlckson. manager).—Rill 17 and week Included: Captain Henry,Herr Soiinn. .lames and Bonnie Farley, MaudeIsabel lOnlwIstlc and company. Deliuore andDnrrell, Burton and Vass, Fred Huberts, andIhe lirundlscope.

I'ANTAiii.s' (John Johnson, manager).

Bill for 17 and week : Grace Court In nil. Louf'vx'. Lords, Swan's educated iilllgiilors,

Siilfall, Ihe Hiiydcns, Tom I.a Rose, JeanWilson, and the blogruph.Hale's Scenic Torn rip the Woki.ii (Fred

Fritz, luiinuger) continue to good business.FiUtz'h (Joe J. West, manager i.—Tin? fol-

lowing people remain : Claire Stanley, FnvLeslie. Virginia Vernon, Marlon Atwood,Matllo Milthlesnn. Juste Myers, Mickey Fee-ley, Adelaide Stewart. Wilson and Leicester.

Jones snd llalvclte. lOthel Smith, JosephineGordon. Minima, Lillian Slnrr, taurine, the

Great Hill. Dick Hutehlns, Brel Curler, lOdnaMinor, tin' Stocktons, Frank Lambert, theWheeler Slstern, Jeanette Duprey. May Jolly,

Belle Donald, Ague;, Cniiwnv. Wlnefted taMay, Marlon Dmisworth, anil stock.Oaks Sgumeii Pajik fD. C Freeman,

manager) has been doing excellent busi-

ness. Si'hllzonl's Austrian Huzza cm give dullyconcerts, and the Great Davenport Is also apublic attraction.


Wllmlttirton.—At the Grand Opera House(Cowan Bros., managers) a moving picturemachine lias been Installed for the Summermonths.

LinttsA. Wrlgbtsrllle Bench (C. R. L. kP. Co.. proprietors). • All amusements aredoing good business, considering the coolseason.

Note.- -"A Rabbit's Foot" Co. (colored)will show on 24. »»

J, C. Nwuunt produced his new sketch,"The Htrsnger," at the BIJou, 'Lancing, Mich.,Juno ip, auU icpwlu M uutttjit ult,

. .

Clipper Pott Office,In order to avoid mistakes and to

laaare the prompt deliver? of theletters advertised Iu this list, anenvelope plainly addressed mast be•ent lor each letter, nnd writtenorder for the letter, net wllh Ihefoil name and address nnd the Hue•I baalneas followed bv tha sender,must alao be enclosed,Please mention the date for num-

ber) of the CLIPPER In which theletters sent for were advertised.

LADIES' LIST..Mini FlorenceAulston. MslslAlhellng, MaryPulley MollleAHums, Flolirownlee,

Mrs. taahlk'll. Katielleiivaii Marlon Jlioukman.

Miss FreddieUlake . MarlonHi run. Misslb inly, SmileHumes, MamieParker,



Sistersrarleuai. SadieConnelly. HindiCarman, Dollyi.'lnflln, ,lo«k<


i.'nile. lllhlii

i',>,k. MarlonCivilian.' Itose

L'ivIx, Mariet •inrllicy IxittlCi 'in lis Maude N.Claire, HelenCarter, Mrs.Cliesley Mrs. II.

H. Frankl)e Nevre,

l,oy Marielie Vere KittleHurls. Alms K.1 like l''.dllb I,.

Illsklll. MollleIS' Fny, Mme.Dm Molida.



Mrs. GarryDrake. KniuileDerby, MaudDil Voiirn VlvlelI'.verclt. ChiraKger. Vallifl

lldivards, Jenniel- lllnlt, Mats-lieLdelwelsa.



l-'ovvler. .Mlwl'riiukllii. CuirleI'olbinl. MseFi.nncr. Phi.Fields Mrs.N.C.Cordon, Marinoi.iKKlHla, SueCardiier, MabelliiirrlN, Julia

Hull. Dora 'linden. Helenllsrl. Utaee M. Iiirter, Allciv •

llowird, lllciiny IHdlaril, llenle

lllll. May Powell. BeneHtllLiiil. Helen I'ane. lhinuliy

Marie, lleliilnc t'rrrln. Vldalliitchlils. Mary Hednsniil, JuliaHo|iklns. Vers Kadfofri,

llaiiiinomt drsee Mrs. Dicklies aril. Nellie Kut ledge,

ifuyni's, Jessie MlHenley, Nellielliislwuil,

Kloreui'C I

Henry, Ada

P. F.ililnger. Besidellioby, Muiidettaymuud.


.liiKhc*. .Madge Itli-tinnlMiii Ml.<i

less, Kinlile lUlrlinnlson.

Howard. Mubel.May iciderrdi lladrllfl, Pearl

itowiinl A Fur) iHi.uiSey, tlllve

Misses jHlvbuiond tlruecli'Tlng, l.teua jSI.CIalr. Audrey.'nig, Myrtle Smyth. Kllirl

(aba, Mrs.t.'lins. Shrewsbury<m«tt. ltoselle ! Sisters

\oestcr, Jennie Stewart, MayCuts I , Ivlnil K. St. Alva, Addleicily Florence Stella Dlniiehe

ilnii. Alice M. l.'-niiieril Mary D.a (imvler l^iiaSnlheilsiid..a I'li'ir Minnie l.iiurn M..iinrcMico, Smith Ilenlrlce

Miss I-). V. Suiuinervllle,

.aiigtns, l.lllle Amelia.awrence. Sbsw, Uludrs

Mh Mae'Slpnerley Fniiiiy

tile, Misses Sutlici Inml.

.enls, Alum K,

.iilin deSnrrnia, Mile.

1st II tie, 1 1 niceij'slle, Florai.eouuel SusioiMLuke, Ml.h!Is-Clslr. Ktliel

Uortoii HrsOlnrs.Mullen. AnnieMcllunlels.




Mrs. WillM'l'ie, I.ula.Marlon, l.ldu

Mantell Selm.1Miles, tin


.Moure, Until

Mei an No rhieMiarl-on.

.In-M'l'lilne K.Morris, ClsraMelbiisik. Itutli

M'" i re.

.Mrs. FrankMink-. Mrs. M

l.alirn M.Toiler, l .mi be'laom'r, CoraTliurls'r l.iimaIU rr. JuneTnylur. BessieTbursion. Ill aceTuriier, tllnrii

Tudor. Slclln

Tun. Marieli'lteo AboiiM le

V.iiilbneu HatllVcdder. Mi:)Vail, CoriiViulahli. Ills

VVIIIIiiis'. JuliaWant, NellieW'nlsh. KvnWilt, a.. Ilclle

Wren. DeliatViildron. Ihiilad

Waullchl. MurieWsllser, FinWiiiylsnd.

Fliirenee'Villsh Kntlllbie

Wlllliillis MinnieWcK.tluillil.

Dollle Mhiirts-

Welch, llslsi'y

Wetaisler.Ileal i

I, e

Wlncliell. I 'al rl"

Whipple llsyniie

Mylls, JohnMurphy J. Theo.Mnrens. HenryMax, Clayton I,.

Mounts. Mr. It

Mrs. ClarkMarshall. U.Mauliattsn

Comedy TrioMarshall. JackMill I lie"'. J. C.Marks, Hugo O.Melfcliald ftelsyr

MiCariiiey,Win. A.

Hanm, LowellMd'hemon WaltMeyers, JuliusMormi, NellMills, Kobert.Mivker, J. M,Muiry. JulesMurdis'k Heii.ll.Miller. HarryMi< < i tnl. HobMurray, Jns,Myers. II. A. •

Marshall ilm.O.Millard. HillyMuek. CIiiih.

Mickey Kdwlllll.Mm tin. Wnsli.Mn-bler, Will. II.

MeViilr, J. It.

Merlin. A.Marklinui HarryMiller, 1 1 iii. M.Ml'llllllNll. W. II

Maek Dun « Del.Mlllpliy A

AndreusMaek. Jus. J.MiNiilly, HenMerrill. S. P.Melhauilp. J.I'.Maek A RsxterMaek, DlekMlllnrd. FrankMyers Co., Iri'ii-'

MgrMarrlsnrjr, T. l\McH.ildn. \\lll< i

Mltllllliey Kllllle

Monliiiiui, llnl

Miirtyuii' lln'iil

Maiiely, MorrisMurat.i. TnklNefT. Will. F.Neser, HasNew Inn. DimNIcIiiiIh A Null 111

N intent. PbllluI '-till I .M||

Owen, ilsenr K.HOT, Walleriisenvy, lluiro(liiliuilli. Tims JHie, Mr.r ii . imini I 'tankolivette• Irrllle Crank K< imlcli . HayI'lleller, II.

Powers, II.

IVIers. H. J,I'lleher. FnslPiiilello. W.I'hlllllis, J.I'liiiint. Al

(iinlilis Mrs.S.A; Mcolnl. liiln

HlliiKiie Slaters New liuiil. Kiln

llnrkell Arleeu Nliillns Hen trieHall Mrs. Murk Jslairn. Nellie

GtSNTLBMISN'S LIST.Adiiina, Kiutcue icluiue. Claretim I lllralns. I'mil

Allen, Harry I'elbaiii. Illllle llulley Jus. I,.

Alblnl I Carey. Harry D.jHuluyr. JohnAH la, Peter Clarke. II. C. Hilllii d J. H..Mliiuis Curl t'.'iiv-.. II Humphreys.Alls-rl, lstw .Cnsik, K, J»s. W.Ahlutl, IW. Cliuse. Toiiiinle .Hyde. Mr.Arniuiid. T. V. Cuslul, .Ibiyt's Ktoek Co.

Alilu, Fred '1 I'orliiniile Hownrd. Win.Alcniiiin Trio llnmill Hen V, lllogau, Kriiesl

Ai-iciu It flniiici'iMii Aiiiiibini'iiinii Arroii

Wagiier'txiirsii, F, A. Ilaiulltou U.K.Alsuci' A Holl. I'Sils Hernia. Hugo

Uirrullie il'itui, .llmmle How. It.

AaiieiMiii. J. lb! I.liile, Jnlin Karils. lien

Allen, Hurry .Ware I'rnnk It. Iiarrls AAL A HilMei [1c Ihomui Mull; Mallleivs

All. Aiuliai-k Hurley. II. Hujden. Thus.Hindi, J. B. iDu Hurry, Hultetl, Win. II

Levd. Kit. K. t'atlii'i Ine llnis'i HurryBa'tle, F. A. iPekork * Frere«t||iiycs A Hulls

Illonilen. Leu He Hue. Hubby, Henry. Fundi .1.

Brown, HnrryA. Daley. Willllitrkc. Drrln T. thirling. H. I


Hlssett A Henll|ISiliiiBlliie. .1. II.

Iliiiwa. lieu. IC. itleuves. W.. Kiiiiwnport, CMHell. Jllllll D.Ilellnll'lll Chus.Utile, l>. A.

Hrudys. Tlii

Hiolteii. HaniHllla. F. It.

Ilille. Jus.liar low, Gl'h I.

Il.'iidley a ClayHowers. JiS'

In dell Cliireiue Del n my. Wllili bli.,1/.. (.leu.

I'niiy, It,

lb.' "II, M.Hriiiiil, Herman1'urin's. F.Hockley, Hurryliewley Harry CH'Uliiier, Al.Illnrkinore A. KHerbhurl. Chus.I'liiliiw AVVllminHeiielt A Uitwersliremy Time,


Mr. A Mrs.Howers, Fred Vlleliiiont, C.Illdwell, li II.

loan. HarryHi'iaiks, U,

Hunt. Ileiberl

Ibmaril, II. II.

lliirluuloii l/eiiF

lliila'in, C. W.Ilownril ft

Cameronlliirlluaii. W.I I.

Ilanillli'll F. A.

Hewn- Frank - Hcii"ii. T. J.

De lllake loloi Mairl". Charlie

Dnli-ny, Hurry lluslies. A.HiisIIiiks A

DdmMsli, ii. wiiunii

IS'Wobi, J. II. lleiibm. Irs

IH'Ih'oII MiiviicI llil/l"l(. W. II.

Dueey, Kd. ' Holliiwiiy FrankISsiiia/n, A. iHnssey, Hen. VV.

Da Hell, J. II liuliof. Iliixer

Dolllllusx. Chus. Iivjllg, Jllllll W.Kdnsilliituli, 'Ins.

Ki I ion Amuse.Ki|lllllli. JulesKliislle Triollngllsli. W. P.Mo i le. Johni;iii» N'liviin

TrioI'.iijjIIsIi, Illllle

Kilwiinls, licit

Kveretls. Tliettstrrlmmk Fits)

Krers, il<si. \V.

Fields, Hi. in II.

I'a.v Julin k KvsFirst, HarneyI'lsk. K, I).

Fields. J. J.

Fimicls, FrunkI'eniier, Walteri'lister, Franlij'eritii>iin, BareFriinils, Cut K,I'lill.'ul. IloberlI'lnnbir, HillyFlsiher CluirleyI'rsiue, KtrsrsrlFIcIIk, Hum It.

Klcinlm. Thus.Illliuore, H.ibilvlii. .Ins. A.Ilreeti, Hum• lorniiin. Jackilnrdoii. LewUracil, V.Ilourley, Wm.(Hies. V.. P.Hljnn, Nlek'iiihton, mil'.niisnlis* Ailoloii

(illili-r. Cliss. W(rfirdon ft llnyes(lllnsSndii. Win.tioriimi Hurry C.Gnniou, Mgr.Kentucky Bells

l.olorlll. Mr. ft

Sirs. Karllirutil. IS. W.linlluidicr llsrnylilliiinr.', PaulCroble. II. U.1 1 1.ml. i bi.. A.tillmsi, J. G.I i ussier W Kent I

Hash, Arthurtorse ftllenritle

flrarty. JerryGabriel MasterGerald, W. II.

Iloeorl, A. T.Iiitchlns, I'm.Hustings. Hi'ii

Iluntia, AllsTtllAppe. Guyllarsrhell F.iiarrls. lienllalll.k, Ferd.llsninsuid P. |f

r.ii.toiti, Jus.Ill) nut, Hatll

I'saely, Franklinllloiis, TimHuiuell. Kil.

Ilalley, Franklliadley, HenlU'iiiiam. Ilsrrylleiul, iliillln

HiMiin. Wm.Hurlies, K. M.Huriiell. Kil.

Hertou. .lack

Hallbits, TheProwu, ctiiia. tt.

Helfnue Hen. F.Iivniiil'in. Win.Fl'ilell III',..

Illttner. W. W.HiiltliiKInu V. it.

Ileery. J. W.Hnriiiili!. Cllas.Illis'ksuii Ilsrrylbiitelll VernluHrewer, Cliaa,Hbind. F.rln

Connor. Jas. J.Ciirtmell. JohnClark. Kd.Collhia, DunCii'liniaii W'r.l. CClark's Una A

Pony sjhowColby. Wm.carlctoo. Al.Cocas, Chan.' niKoii. HI, F.Corregon ft

HayesCurtis, t). M.Chandler, HeoWOwk. Carl W.Cnnnisly. Jus.


l.'linlterlnn Artli

Cart, JobsCrrticher, W. K,Cole ft JohnsonCHtronl. H. H.Cridliers CharlieCreniie. Franki. ablatio, will Klariiso. Jas.Criimlile. Mr.Ct"»s, .IlJ|ll

Cliarli,,,,. y,CDelsllo lltlekii, a. J. 1,»feal>. t <Gluk, tfirry UiBtauMt fTruk iHaiBbfi T. H. -


Irvltiiftiiii. Hiidhl in in. Wm,Jnhiiwiii ft


Johnson. I'M.

Jones, II. J.Johnston,

Jim. W. W.Johnson. C. J.Knox Bros.Kerr, C. II.

Klnusley FierceKnlll. N. J.Kennel i. F. P.Kllllllllutl, Jos.J.Kelly. I.tnis. J.

Felly, Jns. T.KuiM'r, MiltonMinl'iil llerpinuKenilrlck. Ilerl

Kulp. iPsi. K.Kaiilliuan. Ji»'

Keiiliuis, TheK bunion. II. I-

Kelly. A. J.Kelleys, TheKllnieiil. K.K'H'lller. A. li.

Klrliy. ,liu>

Lewis, Wm. IC.

I.a my. Fnlnkl-cniy. Mr.lam, MurkIssillUi, VieI.attlalll, Jas.lellloll, 'I'iiiii

1.1-nti A MnlkyU'vvllt. Win.I.lllllbai li, P. M.Lii Kevre Juo.f unreni'r. K. S.

I.e llov. Clpis,leu. FrankI.a Mini'. Hurryl.le.KI'1. CIlllS.

i.e lels.ie D..I.

I.ul'eurl WesleyI die. FrankI c. nurd ft


I nrreii ft Cl'iina

l.ane. Arthurl.ulteiilu'rger.

Frank <!.

I.swrenee. Beltl.e«'. HarryIsv Alla'rt I'..

I.a Tell Urnsl.eia, lllranl

Latins. H. II.

'.a Mar, llensieiI. lane. CecilUlllllIM, Win.llnCaiiley Jns. II.

Miller. FnslMyers. Harry!?.

! donah ii WillI'lnntley. 0. C.

I'intcer. CtrlPrice. Harry K.Poll: J. N.I'elllll'l, tleo.

Pearl. C. U.Pntten ft

Fletcher1'urker. H. G.Puns. Wait L.Ping, chs».I'lielps. KuxeiiePark, Jss.Potter Henry Btgulnlsrd, 11. A.hey noli Is, Karlllelalolplis, TimHoblnsiai. Ttioa.

Ilnyw, lien.

KhwIIiiscii, II.

Klley, Wm. F.ItnhlOMiii, M.Itnwe. J. C.Held. .Inliu II.

Ilvsa. Italpli II.

Hecves, Harrynull

Slull, Wilter.-weuimtU. .

wniis p.ytcirns. M. A.Sicker. LeuSibley Homerw.HlH>an, Al.HyiuomU, Jack .Htiidley, HamStllli A StlthSbeblou's Cbrhe-

illaiis. Mar.Sheldon. 11. II.

nhuw, iHsr.

HtellliMs. lie,,.

Smith. J. It.

bismlytl'iiinioo Harry'luriiey. KddleTeiiuey. K.Teslii, HenryI'ri'velllek. It. Ffiiet'iis. willTlvnll Quail, I

Tiiidii, Jan.Tlmuuy, JohnTerry, WalterI 'dell, Chus. K.\ nils. Jl\ id, nt Inc.

Ham ft AttnVim. WilliamViand. J. W.Vletnr. lamill

Vnblili'lls. TheWllluril, Chus.Winters, Hill

W'lrreu, I mlWrlluM. II in In I.

RntiHisiii). JoItussrll A Davis '

uveil, IteymerIttrstf, HarveyHi laibls. TheIII. Iiarils. Al,lluiiiaii. U«M.Haluiliaiilt J. II.

Hlchiirds Co,The Ureal

Itussell. lain.

Illi'l, arils. II. II.

ltiahsl ft llii'U.'v

l!.,ruaiii, HillyUaiuiiiiid Kildle Wliltller. II. II.

Iti-bsl, Charley Waters, Jas. W.liteves, Hilly iWiiriuwnud VI 1


Itilcy, Will. F. West I la. V. C.itnU'ux Trlu iWiird, IlniipvHoi kivell. I). M. WnterMry O.N.It iiolall. II. Wnieiliurv ¥.. Mlliuiul lliiis., :l Wubler, linnBoIiImiii. Ilerl Inel Wen Ii. Jin.Bite. John «'. Wiildliisiiii Knallinls'iiiis. Wui. 'M'hlle. I'. J.Hobls.ni. Billy Wnl leu. H II

Itlstl". itslph WHimiihii HarryKoayrs. lien. K. Wcssells llolu V,

Itiissell ft Mind. HI 'I'.iiu

iliivls Welscb, Jns. \.Ilelsi, Nat I Wood, Dnvbl I'..

Ilelnloii: Melliir. WMlIlt, llm.W.Kllswiirlh ft j Wild. W, CTlioiiuin .Wllliniiis n. \.

Itilcy. Win. F. VUbnu, Jue II.

Block. Alel F. U Miner !•'««•• Cllcvi'ic. Ilisi. W. West. DeforestMniilcy. F. | Weston, Wave-t'en ward. Frank Wllllvini, Iterhl.

Htewnrt & Wllluril, II. F.Ilii.i iiiiiinl Wined, Marlbi

Shearer. Frank Wallers ASinn u. II. Kieii.Siioiiii, llerr. While, diiSiiniriv. AIIU. i Hluir l.i i

Sen rIrs, \ rllitir WiHslivnilh Minis.ilcll .Inch Walttiuii. llinrisSim} Wm. K. Wlllliiuis. J. II.

Hlntdn, Henry Wcyiiuoi J.II.V.His'iilliolse Kilwn ViMlllll. Will.Seluriinni Ftvil Yorxas. TlieShnlininis. I jViiUHK. I'llll FSlurldiili Jim. J Inrke Cum 4

Spurrier J, i/iniincr. llsv"ii mi in. F. II. Suillli. Clink. H. Zecly, Mart W.

Prim ft , Suillli. A. V. /llnie. H.Misali-eil Kiililliiei-vllle Mr. /ctilh

Heilley, Hurryl.


Denver,—At Ihe Talsir Grand (I'eler

McCourl, iiinn.iiteri Knse Cntthbin, In "Mrs.Wiirrptl's Professloii," Inst week, th'hiRU u

lltlle out of the leunlnr sen sou, lnuiiil largoliildlclices.

N'kw I'ritriH (Peltpn It Hiiiii'/.or, tiiitna-

uersl. — Lust week, 'I'lieo. Liireli and ciinipaiiy.

In "The Vendetta," did well. Week nt June'Jit. nbovo company, lit "Sunny TenttfsMjn."

I'il ITl'tl'M GAIlflKMI (Mury Klltl'll LiillK.

iiriijiilelini, Ida Cont|liesl, III "Tile Kecotlil

In Cniiimaitd," last week, did excellent hllsl

itesk. Hie piece being played well by it |piri|t

conlpaiiv. Week or 211, BIJou Fi'illiinde* andKdw. Mackny. In "Tito I 'rally J*|stei' of Jose."Mamiaitav Bkach. -Lnsi week, tile .All-

Kusllii 1 111 I v Musical Co. did nice businessI I'lie I'lniis Girl." Week of illl, alwvncnnipiitiy, In "Han Toy."

Niivhltv iHuMlvnn A Consldlne, niiitin-

nersi. A Komi bill last week did nice busi-ness, nffcrlnii : llesale Allen. Midlivond wilson, Ihe PeiideHiiiis. Klriniil and Thatcher,Joe Goodwin, Alblnl. mill pictures

Niitkh.- The Tullerles continues to tie

popular, wllh lis inany iillriicllons, and nli-lliilni' Vlllllleville. S.iclilllallc picnic. Hllllfllly.

wliiitt FuKi'iie Delia speaks Beyond a(loiilil the niiisl popular ailriicilun in henvei'.Ibis season, Is llie HirlltlliK spectucis ntKlllcb'H (lo I ileus. "FIkIiIIiik the l-'liiuies." 'It

Is ItikltiK like "wild lite." II Is given underIhe mnnagcineni and |s>rsonul (llrei'tlmi nfA. w. Koiirs. who Is very popular hern. Theperformers for this nil taction ate exceedinglywell trained, from the big chief of the lira

di'inirlinenl lii I lie Klreet urchin. Kvcrv perfortnuiice goes off like clock work.


Jlew Orleans. — Al While city (C. C.Matthews, manager) the Olympla Opera Co.,wider lite persnjial illri.rtloii of Ht|. F, Hen-iiions, gave "'I'lie Ijclshii" lust week, aildpleiised large alHlletiees. The play was pflt

on III capital style, and won llm principalsSevern I encores night iy. The chorus wasgreatly Improved, nnd In lltelr many drills,(lances, etc., won much well .earned uvpreetii-Hon. A chiui ge of liill Is promised for weekof "-'


Wkht KM (F. Ulster, iiuiniigcri,—Thou-sands vlstl this popular lake resort nightly,lo listen lo Prof. Kinllo Tonno's Concert Band,ns well as to enjoy the vaudeville oircrltigH.

For week of IT. Lilian Howe and lief DresdenDulls, Fox und Dil Bull, Fred mid Annie I'e

lot. mid 1 1. nit (Ii'Iuishiiv'h i rallied lirds, mwell us Hie klumli oine. pleaded. 'I'lie two first

nuiueil turns will hold over week of -I, Hirbill also InelMilliig Carroll and Bilker. Thetoill'lsl cm, .luiiani'se hull gilffle, elect lie theii in', etc.. continue to big business.Citv Paiik.—Constance Crnwlev mid her

tine supporltng ciuiipiiiiy have moved downto this lower (llslrlct public nark, and dinpleiisliig large cruwds with thrjlr open sirperformances. "As Von Like II" was tjle bill

for lust week. A change of bill Is proitilnedfor week of M Miss Crnwley has scoierllieiivlly here during the Huininer giving 'ipeti

air [icrfoi inaiici's. which Is a new feature toXl'W Ot'leilllH Illeillfejiiiel'M. Freipient I V til"

company hhs made IrTps along Ihe near itdlf

'nasi, and report good luisinnss tilling Hie line.


Wlieelliiu. At Wheeling Pink (Frank J.linker, general mafiiigei'i the bill for Weekending June 'i'i gttve good sstlsfiii'Mnn. millthe atlnndatice wus verv good. The hill forweek of TA: llolcoiiib's Vaudeville Band. Hun-suite ilml Ilelllit. Flncli mid Hlnler, KiilhryiiMurtyne. nnd John and Mamie Cunro.v.


nnltlmorr.—The Gityrty IIV. L. Ilal-

laitf, ftlannget i remains open. wCn the Gny-ely Girls Buries/piers as file bill for June ','1

snd week. Boxing and wrenllitig bouts occurweekly. ,

l.i hin'h iDilwiiid C. F.iiili', maniigerl.

Tlie Mllb'rshlp Klalers. A in v Allyn. TonrBaker, '"otler nnd Boiildln. Waller Hanford.and Jstnes .Mt'fjiiiil'l are Hie enleitslnerxopening :M.

(lltKATKR Kl.Kcrillr Paiik iF. C. Hchun-burger, inn linger I. In ihe Casino, :M andwees,' iipiiear Gardner nnd stoildnrd, Zlak'i

:uid King, the Alheriys, lb". Kings, und Mile.

Liillnn.o*se . .

Atniii: ami I Inn Lions Have hr-n meeting"till "rt"» siiii'sss at White Cllv. New .lis-

van. for the pnat three Wenkn. Mis* ArtgirV-'U

Bttcfltog (u bet oku uuiiltUias tuii tJummef,



COME IN, AND LEAVE YOUR MEASURE FOR THE BEST WALTZ SONS YOU CAN GETWe'll try it on and deliver the goods FREE. It's called


JU_TT THIS OHORU1Take me where there's a big brass band,

PluyliiK grand. Dear the stand;Any where. I itoo't rare,

As long un there 1, somethl ng doing. .

'Round Hie place where I'd like to go,

Breezes hlow, soft and low;

Ycm will make me care If yon lake me where

There's a hlg brass hand.




Trombone, Baritone and Tuba; aim, (irnnnd Ada,l.ady preierred. I wan) sober people only. Just

Sot rldof a bunch of drunkards. Salary first letter,

lust Join on wire. Address 8. Waterboro, He. !»,

Bar Mill* in, Graham 2D, We.thrnok .Inly 1, Yar-mouth i.WANTED,


fil US MED. pins.Sketch Team, Comedian*, silent Performers, PianoPlayer. Slate salary and What yon do In first

teller. Kat and sloop at hotel. AddressA. BAILEY, Kmptre, Jefferson Co., Ohio.



BILLY CQNLINFlnt time In seven year*. Blank Pare Song andllaucc Comedian. Address



That Can Sing, llunee and Talk.

To work In three net. Parly with .ketch preferred.Address wank \v ii.i.iaai.h,

Opposite N. Y. (! Depot. Palmyra, N. Y.



PHILADELPHIANo ant loo hlg. Stale positively lowest salary.BOOKIWI EXCHANGE, 1WH Chestnut St., Phlla.Pu.

FOR SALE,32 ALOMIHUH CHIBE8 <»cag.u* Make)


3 MimiCAI. WII.NOVH,m B. Hood St., Baltimore , Md.JW A WI^Brlk A SMALL OIltlANI/KI)wT _._ JL ml*'• PLANTATION SHOW, orwonld like to hear from a good colored Mao whoran get together ami manage the aanie. Peopleplaying musical Intitrmnents njeforred. Wonldlike to hear from Perkins from Boston. Alaowant to hear from a good man to make opening*.

AdilresaUIIAH.il. WILLIS.l.ong Point, P. 11, (Rear Montreal), Canada._________

Maungora using prop animal, of any kind, call

on K. Walker, Mil Klglith Ave., Now York, the manwho makes animals right, pruetloBl, durable andat the light price. WALRKa's animalshave been used lu evory country on earth. Prop,of all kind, mode to order.

Fiiisrou^mPDRuniiAT LIBERTY.

BELLS, TYMPANI, XYLOPHONE and goodliueof n.ipa. Thiiroiiahly familiar with heat class

of iniisle. Concert Urch. preferred. cI.akknckilll.LMAN, 14 Cotlgdou PL, Blnghamton, N. Y.


Soubrette and Gen, Bus. Woman.Both must do specialties. Salary low Inn sure.

We never clnae,

RIOHAHD HENDERSON, I'arkerahurg. iowa._


,11.At once and for lafr dales, (loot) Black Pace, Irish

and Herman Cometh Sketch Teams. Addrca. coininnnlcailoiis to KltlTZ BRAND, Proprleror.

Wanted, lor the Hsbraska Bill's Wild West,tiood Lithographer, not afraid of paste. AlaoLong Haired Indians. Address JACK CONI.ON,Mgr., June 28-», somerville, N. .1.: July 1, BoundHroolt, N. J.


WANTED AT ONCE, SKETCH AND SISTERTEAMS, AKRIAL AOT8 and SINOLK LAU1KH,both Specialties and Stock. Alao Theatre for .sale.

Write (IRANI) THEATRE Mfilt,, Toledo, 0.

At Liberty, The 3 Dtlys, Ed., Berths. Cordla,

COMEDY SINU-HSftnri DANCEHB. Canchange often. Reliable managers only,

.Ilia WABASH AVE., Chicago, HI

WANTED, Me«l. PerformersJoin on wire. WILL BUY DOttS.

l)R. JOHN flAKKH, Smltliboro, 111.MUSICComposed to Song Poem.. Low form..

L, TIL. ADAMS, Herrlck, III.

WANTED, PIANO PLATERMusical Act, Dancer and Comedian, flood Summerlob. Nothing too good. MODKKN REMEDY CO.,43 Paiiaad.0 Ave,, Vonkert, M. Y




Dot Karroll Co.Comprising all scenery (drop and flat.), set piece.,parallels, electrical and mcr nan leal erjeeb*. 'J atagesand 1 spot lamp (Meuetien's newi, right, title, paperIn whole or pari. Pa.t 6 season., NT E. only.

To lease "A Might In Chinatown"To lease "A Tilled Aut.Mrar"To lense "A Mad Harrlair"

Addreu J. . WBL8B, Hewburyport, Mm."wanted,EXPERIENCED REPERTOIRE

LEADING WOMANMust have Al Wardrobe. State lowest (pay own)for balance Summer and regular season.



The Bett Kidney and Liver Remedy in the World.ASSISTS THE LIVER.


PRICE, •!.-..

The great savor of doctor, b lis and preventativeof disease. Enclose TWENTY-FIVE CENTS to

J. MARCO, 47 W. iwth Si. A .ample box will besent yon by mall, postage paid.


GUY STOCK CO., Portland, lud.CHAM. W. MBHCBII.

IDE YOU OFFThe hoard. 1 If m, n <o me and I'll

give yon a special*}- art thai will roln

the dough iter yon.



musicalmamAn Autouiatle orehest.ru. Piano, Drum., Chlmea,

Cymbals, Ucagan's $4au set. of in Organ Chime, forfitto, on account of sickness, used four eights only.Deagan'H (210 set of 28 chimes, hand new, $ 12f>.

Itoyal Photo opt Icon with double lenses, with trunk.Over 30 of the finest S. S. Stewart and J. II. SchallBanjo., and other makes, with leather cases forsame, will Hell at great sacrifice. Two .eta ofSleigh Bella, stair Bells, Wooden Xvlophonea, Or-gan Pipes and Wire Dulcimer. Write or call forlist. PROP. ROACH, Empire Theatre Building,142 W.Madison St., Chicago.



Mechanics Society Bldg. Klmlra, NY r '



Opera House, New Brunswick, N. J.

WANTED.Bass and Tuba


Open next Monday. Wire quick. OTHKIt MOSI-1ANS, write. JOHN 8. KUAN, Wilmington, Del,

WANTED,An Autograph WriterApply at otiiee. J. B. LAMPK, care of J. H.Remfck A Co.. g W. 28th St., New York.

_r_.NT_D, FofAngell's Comedians,HEAVY MA.1V.comedian with Specialties, balance of Summerand regular season. Write or wire.

DBAS. MANVILLE, Manager, ColtimhlB, Mo.

At Liberty.__R_E < It \IMHH It,

Tall Heavy Man, Producer, no Scripts,

MALAK B. QUIJNN,Best lady pianist In the business. We have longexperience, plenty of wardrobe, are sober and reliable. Add ress OK.N'I. DHL., Oklahoma City. Okla

,WANTED QUIOK,A GOOD GENERAL BUSINESS MANAlso A No. 1 Uhnracter Woman. Tell all In Uralletter. Be ready lo Jolu on wire. Those doingspecialties preferred. Don't delay In answering.JOS. PARENT, Jasper, Mich., care of MAUDHBNDKHSON CO.


LADY BIRDS,Empire Circuit (Western Burlesque Wheel).

The title LADY BIRDS was used at the Lyceum Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa., week of June it, for Hieburlesque stock attractions, for above mentioned week. For past seven (7) weeks MIL HKMliNuToxhas been giving publicity to this title. He has spent enormous sums on his forthcoming productionwhich will be the best burlesque show extant, llrlnd your axes on a grindstone. Be original, tr norcapable, engage lleuteuants who can be. ALP. 0. HF.RRINliTON.

WANTED, »0 CHORUS OIRLS, POM KM AND SHOW GIRLS.Room 720, Knickerbocker Bldg., No. 1402 Broadway, New York.



Those doing specialty preferred, send photos and programme. Stale all In nisi letter.


Address IRA W. Jackson, Manager The Clara Turner Co., Lyceum Theatre, New Loudon, conn.

PRINTINGtwo Tickets, IttXIW. 7(lc.

1,000 •' " $1.00; 2,000, (1.00; fi.000, f2.0U1,000 Letterheads In two color. 2.001,000 Knvclopea to match, two color. 2.50l.oou Small Heralds, »xo l.oo4,0011 » " $2.20; 10,000. f|_| HJHL 6.70

CASH WITH ORDKK.IMDKX SHOW print, Wllllamsvllle, Illinois.

Medicine PeopleTHAT 1IOUBLK PIANO. Jolu on wire.

DR. PRKD W. BUCK. Hasting., Neb.

FILMS FILMS FILMSFifty thousand feet of tine stock, large and .mallsubjects, :ic. ami up.FILM NOT PIT TO USE. All are Bcrvlccable; If

nek, largi


not, they can lie returned. HAVE YOU SEKNTHE NK\V ANNOUNCEMENT SLIDE? Just thething for Ac. .sows nncl advertising. Send 2c.swmp for saniple. 1 ALSO BUY FILMS ANDSLIDES. IP HOOD.

<!. F. (i ALLOT, 70 Christopher St., N. Y. City.

Wanted, a Singing ComedianFOR A NEW VAUDEVILLE STOOK.FORRESTER, 124 Weal 23d St., New York.


IDEAL THEATRE, « IrarOeld, Pa.MUSICArranged, composed. Terms low.

A . K.RKTSMAK, 412 E. 16th St., New York.

Wanted, Silent Acts, Conloitlon, JugglerOr Wire ah. Suitable for Big City MedicineShmv. Wire or wrlle.

DOC RAY, Monroe City, Mo.

Wanted, Soubrette and Sketch team, GoodNovelty iviionner, and Singing ami DancingActs at once, Must change tor week.

N1LKS BRADLEY, Waverly, Iowa,


Un'on men, who are not ufruld of work, and cankeep sober. Address A. 0. WEST, Agt., Wash-burn's Shows. Franklin Fall.. N. II., June 20;L.conla 27, Plymouth 28. Farnilngtou 20, Wolfsboro July 1, Sprlugvalc, Me., 2.



842'. W. Lombard si., Baltimore, Md.



Acts fliiltubic for lady audiences, Male Singer forIllustrated Song., liuniedlalc open I lute.

MRS. LOUIS J. RUSSELL, The Lyrlo, Warren, Pa ,

AT LIBEBTY, CHARACTER COREDIAHWith clever specialties. Plays piano and has flue

picture machine. B. WALCOTT30 Went laoth St., New York Cltj.

K. A. Warren, ol Sturgis, lieh.

Wrote the flnt song evor written under toe title,

"In the Shade ol the Old Anple Trw"

OOOD BlnTOlNU AND DANCINO SOIlilt K'l'TK. good looking ami veiling; also OOODWOMAN POR SECOND llt'S. Send photosand tell all In llrst letter.

UKO, 0. CLARKE, Electric B____gUWANTJED(lood Comedian with A No. I .peclaltle.; alsoS. and D. Soubrette; Ocncral Business Peoplealso wautel. Othent, write. Slate all. Join tit

once. Address FLOYD BROWN, sandy mil, N. v.,care of Viola Wilson Co.

John Kane and Win. ll. M .lone. wire at once.W #*, 1^ T K 13

KILROYSBRITTON'S AN ARISTOCRATIC TRJIMP GO.Heavy Man, Tramp (with specialty), Piano l-m.vcrtmaD), Property Man. All men must double baud.Slate all quick. Pay own hotel. People all Huesfor No. 2 CO., write. Ulveperudd. S.E. LESTER,Mgr,, Room 40, Oranil Opera House, Ohleaao, 111.


DANCING COMEDIAN.Must do red hot comedy In acts and change forone week, others, write. Tlckeu It I know you.Live in camp, flood accommodation. Address

.1 C.YAOBR,Kalrl.ncl, Indian Territory, Cherokee Nation.

DCCni E Vour "'oUi.r '. here and 1. mostDCCULC anxious. Let us know where youare. Have no Intention of following you or of In-

terfering with your plui. _BIAN_




i C»»ri\_llL_

VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE-WinY REPARTEE",tunny business, and laughable situations, leadingto a novelty finish, make a successful sketch. 1write that kiod. cIias, landon carter,

Ml Clark Ave., Warrensburg, Mo,





or. __.. COBURMANSFIELD . OHIOWANTBD,Grahame Stock Company,


er,hbt_ggggf ™w™ w"1,rE

.«*m ™™^;*s«d «wa™.





:£A,Opens In October, near Kansas City.

WANTED, v., 1 d',llul


IUN!J;IAN -s ' r, "• Ii, ' ,, ftaM '» A " '"""• Klrstciaasl. llnK

double brass Musicians for ii^,,Vi.'»K



oml1". Soubrette, OharncUir Woman, Coiuedluu, Aciom wta-

•U your own A. I _ m'pwI™ \"g"- "'",l have Tuxedo llllta, No pamoea. Week sl.nd*.

t^ay yonr^wu. Addrcsa <>. A. fLTERSQN, Canon City, Colo. Managers In Middle Weal, semi open iliac.

ROSABELE* "LESLIE CO..Character Woman,for Juveniles andWANTS

ll' t I Hi I I . I I 1 , .. . , ( IJ... Ik I . .......


llmracter Mnn. to direct; ..

S. and n. Comedian, Man for .....

Light Comedy, with Specialties ; Al Letirtlng

Jlun. Strong Specially 'i'eiiui, lo I'lay tlrti!

,,,..— iTOWl Mono Player.

Kniei leneed Hep. iv„p|e |n A„ ,.,„,.„ wrlt(, ^^ (pB| J((|y m'

* MM ALLRN, Suite :i'.Ti, 1402 HiondwilJ-

, X. V.—W /_ KlTED£____&. ____*5_»' Le


- Tom - HftrriB . Bt. Claire. Musicians.

SSnJStSSSS. %.?.§?• double band andorol._,a or

mm ME TOT CABW CO, Lincoln, Mmh. _F*0 R 8


hour. Big money gelter: will toketh'c i^ rie??n 1JhP|,m1


,.'.v "P'ess, and ready for exhibition lu lieIf

tlnn Figure. In life World. Any flgitre made t" o?der?J- "" the iw*Mt ******** "' l

';xl"bl '

___?. ^HJJK,lre ,,la,le 5 order?'- " c"T v"° '"""*' «"»«"iwi. m m^m

BOSTON'S EDEN MlJgBB, TOtVo Ttl.1 Wa.hlngto,, «., Boatoa, Ma...


lffil& ^'aT AI •» ** *%*l*Smm&mBARBON A THOMPSON, 1431-33 Broadway, » *•





w^^iV^^vfw'ruvivmS^ 8nd most successful rinks in America, and by all of the most prominent skaters in the world. We hold every world's record.RIFICfc. QUALU Y j?uk CHJWNfcbS. We carry a complete line of rink accessories, including mechanical bras* bands, Hoor surfacing machines, maple, flooring, admission, skate andwardrobe tickets, htnographs, electrotypes, uniforms, floor brushes, gonps, etc. Write for the most complete roller 'skate catalogue ever published. TELLS HOW TO OPEN AND OPERATEroller rinks RICHARDSON BALL BEARING SKATE CO., 501 Wells St., CHICAGO.



TOGETHERUnited Booking Offices

Of America,

Western Vaudeville




PORTLAND, ORE.Including every oity in the United Statei, North, South





"HUMPTY-DUMPTY" CO.ak GENUINE UP-TO-DATE ^> rrCt> ENTEHTAINER8, *DIS AN ELABORATE SCBNIC PRODUCTION, Ileum If ullv Illustrating the Itii v a and Fairy Tales o


A. h. NAV1I.I.K Manager.

oSe two" i''Pantalo6u"). oulck n*|i)v necessary, with all mrtlcuiani Hist letter, tot-hidlng lowest, sal'

ai'y for long season. .SURF. MuNKY. Mini join iin WIRE. Photo, |f possible, Addles*COL. C. \v . HUBERTS, Bua. Jtlmnrger, care or Metropolitan Theatre, 81, caul. Minn.

THE ORIGINAL GYPSY QUEEN TALKING FORTUNE TELLERIs »ii attractive, life size, Oriental beauty, which speaks your fortune in a

loud, clear voice, and is the most attractive slot machine that has ever

been placed on the market for arcades, parks, Summer resorts, etc. This

machine gets the money. Arranged for either A. C. or D. C. Motor.

Send for Sample Record and try it on your Phonograph.

Order now. F. S. ZIMMERMAN, 5 East 14th St., New York City.

The Guarantee Amusement Co.

Dramatic People In All Lines for two one night, stand productions; prefer people doing s|>eclallleB.

Two Male Pianists to double Stage, Musical Artists and Vaudeville People (or European Novelty Co.

Must lie A No. 1. Ladle* Full orchestra. Those who sing, given preference, for concert work. All

Companies open .Sept. l for long season. Two Listing Agent*. Stale full particulate with lowest salary

anil photo, age, height and' weight. Must he good dressers ntt'aud on. Drinkers and klckera keep off.

Chas. Casad, write. Address THK GUARANTOR AMUSEMENT CO , Alum, Neti.

Bigger, Brighter, Grander Than Ever.


. LAWRENCE BARLOW - - - - ' - - Managerl r

« WEEKS .SOLID ENGAGBMRNT Ui rellalile people. VYANTKU—1st and 2nd Violin to

Double band, l Trap Drummer, 4 Cornels, J Soloist; 4 Trombones, 1 Soloist, 2 Tuhas, 1 Double liass andTuba, 1 Clurluet, 1 Flute and ITecola, -I Oood Specialties, m Solo Siugers, 10 Song and Dance Men, V

Good Comedlails that dance, 2 1'roperlv Men, 3 Porters. S Cooks, 1 Uood" Hustling Agent, Cotupunyopens August 7. Address ha it low a WILSON, W Main St., Danbury, Conn.

STOCK AnTsPECIALTY PEOPLE.Two Slater Teams, Musical Act, Harpist, Sketch Team, Imitator, Whistler, Twenty Chorus ttlrls that

Sanslng-and dance. State age, height, weight, experience, salary (pay own), idpeu Chicago Sepi.;

Jose Phlla. Jul.). TIME-ALL KILLED.. Addressr

" n mii.o K.IRKPATRIOK, "Spring llrook Farm," l.uFayeiic, Did.

One Dramatic Producer, Feur Hale Performer!, One Boubrette, One Leading Lady,

One flood ainger, leaiOle, to open at DE SOTO PARK, Tampa, Fla., July W.' >.'. v salary |W pt>r week. Twelve weeks. No wine rooms. Address

"W....Q. LVNCH, earo or Metropolitan Theatre. Tantpa, FLA.

.P. 8.-Also one Piano Player." Salary $25 per week.

BOOSTING BALFibre Trunks I* the steady occupation of all those who use

them, became when a man get* the best theatrical truuk

on earth ao one know* It better than himself.


Maker* of

110 Went. loth st„ New York City.'




TION -American PROJECTUGRAPH, THEKl.It-ti.KKI.KSN MACHINE -Clneograph-Optlgraph No. 4 Power's CAMERAGRAPH-IA©, r, etc., With or Without Fire Magatlnes-ELECTRIC 01 CALCIUM.


f*%^aV%%%%%%%%%Film...: ; swofeet $25Film 2,ouu feel ti

FEATURE FILM -LOW.'PRICES.Hoodoo Anto—Lighthouse—Lone Highwaymen—

The Poachers—Frolics of Satan—Oliver Twist—Sk> scrapers, N. V.—Clown's Advent nre«—Paymas-ter—Counterfeiters—My Hat—Train Robbers—BankRobbery—Had Man from West, etc, etc., etc,




220 ' Alternating—Only $18.

erythlng In NEW and S. H.

Motion Picture

MachinesFilms, Stercoptlcona,bong Slides and Sup-pllea. a«mt wsulid.Catalogues free.

HARBAOH A OO.,B09 filbert at., Phlla., Pa.

Camtragrapht, Edison .


Projecto(jrapln, Clttaoyriphi.

« Polyscope* and Finn.

809 Filbert 8t


MUSICIANS WANTED,String Bass and Tuba,

Strong Cornet Band and Orchestra,

Cornet to Double 'Cello or Second Violin.

Drummer, wilh Full Line of Traps.

Other Musicians Write.

All of the above must lie hiiTciIv hhsi class,SOUKK, HKI.IAHI.K and INDUSTRIOUS. To sumgood salary and a loug, pleasant engagement will

e given. Must report fur rehearsal Monday, July2H. State full parllculars, I.owkst salary, I payALL. Address JNO. W. VOOKL,owner and Mgr.,.lun. W. Vogcl'a Big City Mluslrels,

No. 1301 Pair Avenue, Columbus, Ohio.

Want to Book lio ShowsFOR THIS MASH \ \B NEXT,

Kew Opera House. New .Scenery, New Piano,Electric Lights, Nice; Clean llresslug Itiiuui*.

I'opulatlon to draw from, 4,2M.

A J. CRONK, Manager und Owner,__^__ FI.UBHINU, MICH.


FRANK O. CURTS,Chariti'iers and lien, HI*.

LILLIAN CRITTENDEN,Heavies, Characters and Ueu. III/.

LITTLE VIVIEN (Girl),-.Parts ami Hpeclallles. Wurdrobe and Abllltv.

1 UKNKKAI. DSUVatmr, AII.M((lliTi|Ue, N. II.


ADVANCE AGENTWilling to engage an Second Mini. In ordiu-

tu get the experience. Strictly solier and u

willing worker.

A. W. LONG ACRE,Hi W. Cherry gt., jjajg Caalle, Pa.

WANTED100 good second baad Feature pllins. Must lie

In good condition and low price. Also Views,Hong Slides, Lecture 'Setii and Motion Picture



, Sixth St., Hooiu % Portland, Oregon.

I have a complete stock of scenery, "Sohiuiu St

l.andts niiiK-e," with all accuSsiilles. Cunt aboutVi,Wi. Will take |'.ooi.j NKI.i. U,lllCK. Sceneryas good as new (closing new house). Addri as ,

T. H. DUNCOMBE, Sruggiat,St. Tliotnaa, Dnlitrlo, Caiiada.

No Stitches.Must lie seen tonolltiv*. Coaluiuev, Ura-Berlea, -n , BMBnOIUBHKU and aiPAM-

i.i:i» In luitii.i.iA vr tait.D, sii.vkiiSiTEKI., JET and COLOKK without uw-Ing. tirandeur of eflTerla never lieforeequaled, yet much Irs* expensive. li«-tlutile leallmonluls.CHONEIl, Theatrical Exeh. Hide.,

1431-3 U'way, ltooms 0_14 and 15.


particular*. In tlrst letter. Including refeieucesatidlowest salary. Inclose photograpli. All mull con-sidered confidential, Photographs will Ik returned.Silence a polite negative. Do not call. AddressK. II. SMITH, ID Fair View Place, llrool lyn, N. V


lei SOAP "Prteri,"


OET oar prices on soap. THEY will Interest yon.Special Kept, for making private brands with at-

tractive labels. Money-getters of big value for

canvassers and falters. We satisfy and hold ourcustomer*. K. M. IM VJH MM P CO., .- .. I

41) Union Park Court, Chicago

nuA'IO ur luyaeir, tUe l.inuu, beauty,fHII to EoJU.tor Ij t-enlt, lltl.il. an.CnrrTa M. Wehar, Hnx asm, momub, asii.






UNCLE JOSH PUPERSBY CO.Ilcuv'i- Wiuueii, CliHineter Woiuen ami Solilirelle,

Juvenile and Heavy Man. character Man and SHI?Kid.' Mualelutis for Hand and Orchestra. All meninns', Double brass. Pav Vour own. I), II, KKI.T,Ijipel, liul. Open South Haven, Mh-li., July r,.

Mana'gors send open time to II, .i. Mack A Co., No.erfWhlltler Place, lndlauapullB, Ind.

Freneli-Amerieaii Young' LadyOf conitnaudliig appearance, to lake half Interestin new pony bullet Must Invest f.'sm ami lie ableto originate new designs ami bices. Send photoand stump; full particulars In first letter.

no Montgomery St.. Poiilnnd, Ore.

FOR LEASE OR SALEOne 6011. Scenery Oar, $350

One COM. Scenery Oar, $460

One SON. Flat Oar • • S5G0Cars stored and repaired.

N. J. CAK VVOttKK, Passaic, H. J.


OPERA CHAIRSAlso clieap Steel Pratuii t:imlrs, suitable for Mov-ing Picture ami Variety Theatres. We can makea very low price. AddressIIKPT. C, Steel Kuruilnru (;»., tlrand Itapbla, Mlelt.



Twenty Specialty and First Pait Ladles.JOE Mll/LBH, Prop, and Mar.


!Miist ba all around people, able lo plat two weeks'siuinl. steady employment. Slate all you can dnund sularv expected. Also a

STRONG MEDICINE LECTURER.No limit, to Hillary for the right tnau. Address inletter or wire immj nTltoCK,

Ml", h. Howard M., Akron, O.

Nickelodeon(' WANTED TO BUYA UuvIuk I'ltiiiif. KIiiim in Nlraeloileonal ahoui »mtu or ll,uuii, .n u Uooil t...iu-ilon for the same |iiir|>oae, lu ieni.Wealeni I'ellli. pieterreil. (live full1 1 « i .• 1 1 ill IIki letter. AiMreas

.ION. .1. I A ItHUM.,QUI* Waln ill HI., BtKfwpn 1 1, I'm .


CENERYVaudeville und Produetlou. Largest Hceule Con-

ceru In the World. Water Color, Hllko and Dye.IIANIKI.S MCKNIU HYIIDIOH, OHICAOO.

fiie Very BesI monologues, parodies, sketches, afterpieces, I

etc., lu AIAOINON'M III IX. r I NO, 10.|


loo pages of glll-eilgH comedy material. .

|l Per Copy. JAHEM MAMIbON,—Illliu"

1404 Til I i AVENUE, NEW VliltH.


Worthy of a production lu the best of houses. K.x-

cellcut reasons for selling. Kor terms and full

particulars address wil.l. ,i. WIKOPP,,. wiPreeluontAvc. ttprluglleld, Ohio.

COD CAIP Acetylene lias Oenerator andrun OnliSi. 4 )& Hurner, cost %•!». VeryUtile used. Ulves Al antlsfactlou. A bargain lor

111, Including imim, Carbide.SALVATION AHMY, Lowvllle, N. Y.


Long experience, dress and look Hi* part, campor running board. Ticket If too for. Salary or percent. DR. 0. 11. K.EAKN, Box 247, OnuiUe, S. Y.


aUAIUNTDK riuti:i: hh; sonusi.idi: hits a WKKK.

Our Slldo Ituslncss litis gionu to suchenormous proportlous. that. In order to sup1<I v tbe detumid, we nre going to i«ne three ornh'ie lilts, nnil lilts (Inly, so wntch for them.This week we offer thai Itulltcklng Hiiuiurt

"There's Room For Us All On Tba Trailer"

'i'lint lUMtantnueotis Hit,

"DREAMIN6"And the third one needs no liiliodnct'lon lo

you. Vun know n.

"SCHOOLDAYS"This In the class of souks which baa earned

us rite title of

The l.arKral Mont; Slide Manntarfureralu Hie World.

We nre now selling Uiore Illustrated HongSillies Hutu nil the rest of Hie slide makersloiulilueil. liul . we nre not satisfied. >K>WATCH US.


• a.Otl PER MET H^.iio

Ullt IIIIDIOflM Rill


urn sum: oitiiKits. and omtP1LX 8ERVI0B CANNOT BE EXCELLED.MAI'lllXKS ami I'll.MM KKNTKII WITH OK


I'IKUU IIHRiSTATS. Hillitlreds now iu uselu X. V. unci Massachusetts, und we havevet lo beni ii ciiinplalnl.



Write, wire, cull or phonent nuy hour, day or night.

HARSTIM tt CO.,138 E. 141b KTBEET,


Htiiyvesiinf. NEW Y0BE, N. T.


Machines, Hiereoptlcnns, slides rums, sold andrented. SMITH A l-'ll.AN, Props..

W'msb'g Bridge Plata, Wl Havertueyer St., li'klyu.

Tel, tifi W'msb'g,

Wantod, for th»»

Burton He HcNahon Stork Co.

Man for .luvniilles or Good Heavy, Soubrelle Willisome Characters, Tuba who plays hits, Comet amioilier useful people. Mule your lowest In llrat let-

tor. No lime to dicker. You get your money hereuud good treatment, Address

UIIIITON .v IMtHlAHONMartinsville, lib, from Jujv I lo Augu st II.

STREET PIANOIn Al i oinlliloii, Very ( beap.

' Apply lo THKON A Clf., Seriiiilim, Pa.

rt amen In Join al mice. Musi be sober anil re-

liable and iiudestiiiul the liualiieas. Mtale all lullrat Idler, Answer to .1. C. liOUKWKLL,

Manager Wimiiv Houih. Luncasler. N. H._


Chamber A flovey Stock Co.,OKN'I. Hi:SISi;.MM MAN WITH HI'KlTAl.THe.People In nil lines write. I'eler Parley and <'. P.Nelson, wiite, CHAMUKKS A UOVMt', Copeu-llagen, N.'V., week of II; Daiinni we»k of Julv I.


Clover Repertoire People.Week stands. Pay own. Uuwasl a ilary Ural letter


WANTED. LYON BROS. SMSStrong Cornets, Trombone, liarlione and Tuba.AI.HO I'UlPOIiMKIth doing iwo or more acl«,

C'ouks und Working Men. Show on road, state

all. LYON llliiis. slltiw,.... M flratid Opera House, Chicago, III,


Heavy Man and HuTlbretle. Join on Hire. Otln.r

Hep. People, wrlle. *

AKTHtllt L. PANHI1AWK, While Haven, Penu.


PIANIST.Musi he experienced medicine people.

_ J'lL MOIHIAN, M. JohusvUIC, N^Y^WAN -T E D .To furnish street Meu Medicine for less than tlier

can nialiofiieiuie, or will furbish on basis of divid-

ing profits. J. S. UUKTON MKIilli.NK. CO.,- Bherniail, Texas.

Spanish-American War, 6V Slides add Lecture Uook.cost lib. Yours for only 17, Including Case and uPotters. SALVATION ARMY, LowvuTa, M. Y.


n m mi.All nontu Matt nmnh Vm pbt later

Thatt Saturday Precedm*Dale of Usne. •-.*

For Supplemental List Bee Another Oolatdn.

DRAMATIC AND MDRIOAt.AilnniB, Maude (Clinrle* t'mhnian, mgr.)—Nun

I'TMiir-lR Cal., 24-20.Allen. VIiiIh IChas, W. Allen, Mgr.)— Helena,

Moat., 27. Blltlo 2H. 211.

Alsu-n Opera (Milton A Sargent A horn, nigra.)—Washington I). 0.. 24. inileiliilie.

ANirn (barn (Mlllnii A Sargrld Alum, nigra.)

Newark, N. .!, 24. Indefinite.

Atiorn 0|iera (Milton lc Sargent Atom, nigra.)

Albany. N. Y.. 24. Indefinite.

Aliorn filters (Milton * Sargent Atmru, mgra.)

.New II ii veil. Conn., 24. Iiidellulle,

AliMi-n iiiM-rn iMIItoti ft Sargent At»rn, nigra.)—Lawrence. Mass., 21, Imlennlle. .

Ardcn. KilH-ln. Slock—Washington, D. 0., 24,lllilrllnlte.

Albee Slock (H. V. Alia*, mgr.)—Providence,II. I., 21. Inileiliilie.

American Sloek (Arllmr k. Herlwt, mgr)

Marlon, I nil.. 24, ludeduiie.Augell's Comedians (.1. II. Kmorson, mgr.)—

I'aliuoiilon, Alia., (Jan.. 24, Indefinite.

Allen Stink—Portland. Ore.. 24. Indefinite.

Allele, 1-co. Opera— Middle, Ala.. 24. Indefinite.

Arlesworlh MliK-k (Arthur J. Ayleswortb. mgr.) •"«•». rheoilorc— Denver. Colo.. 24. Inileiliilie.

Hlxon-Barlow Block—Newark, N. J.. 24. Indefinite.Imperial mock il. H. Curlln, mgr.)—Providence,

ft. I.. 24, Indefinite.Juvenile BoklonUna (K. A. Wolff, our.)—.Hire

Wne. Mind;; 23>20, Virginia July T, kveletb. 2, Two Harbor* 3, Hutierlor, Win., 4-7.Jefferson Stock (K. V. Pbelan, mgr.)—Portland,. Me.. 24. Imlrllnlle.J»C«*n ii.aia-1 C, Stock (Percy H. Levin, mgr.)— n.iff,.iV, nm'

, 1/bllailelphlu. Pa.. 24. Indefinite. ,yll, miItelm, Adelaide (Hurllg - Heamou, nigra.)—N. i,i v,.„ n

i. Clly, 21, Imlellnlte.Kolb and Dill (Nat A. Maynor. mgr.)—Han Krai*_ clseo, Cal., 24, liidrdnlte.Kelley Stock (Jewell Kelley. mgr.)— Knoxrlllc,

Tenii., 24. Imlellnlte.Kramer. Klurence (Kniiiier ft l.a|ailiit. mgra.)

Windsor. Vt„ 27, Leftamm. N. H.. 2», Bethel,Vfc, 2I>, Northtk-ld July 1, Wstcrbury 2, Morrla-tlllc 3. Ilardtvkk 4.

King-Dramatic—Riinie. «a., 24, ludednlle."Kijlght for a Day in. c. Whitney, mgr.)—Chicago. III., 24. Imlellnlte.

Lillian Lawrence Stock—Boston, Mass., 24, In-definite.

Livingstone Slock (V. II. Livingstone, mgr.)—Springfield. III;. »4, Imlellnlte.

J8m.. ItTld&nln': '"J 1"""' m*r-»-B"«o<". Jones'. .1. Aueiistne—Moshclm.. Term....28,, Green

I'Trtc bimeily, Kelly' ft Massey's (Walter J.I'llmnter.' mgr.)— Palmer, Maaa., 24-20, Woou-soeket; R. I., July l-tt,


A Lake Mimical Comedy—Seattle, Waab.,

Untie Bros., the ValdlnEs, Anffcr nnu iianicy, iwwai,imi nan Mnlumbv. Evenly good business heavily.

SSL.""""""y- ''""J *

,i vs'K DotNGH.—George H. HanBeoml. .,,

a, Korm Aimma n, lilies. ... .. . „,..„,„. „. «ti,o»A^' US? • "'impliell lir<H.--(llcii.llvc. Mont.. 2il. Miles City LvcKtiM HI. H. Halcheller. mannger).— his ,n, H m nager of 8 '^y," 'I'heau,.,

27. Hillings 2S.Re.l la»lge_20 .l.lrlngalon Ja y I, Tho Summer stock burlesque wison close; '•"'' "Lvne.Lv „„°'LroL„, CalL™rto 's'»'.k

^n"J?to* !* •"• l-ewl«. mgr!)—krlend. Nebr.Ji-20.

lioldlleld. Nen., 24, Imlellnlte.

Anne Comedy—Wichita, Kan.. 24. Indeditltc.liitrrymnre. Klbel (diaries KmlimiiD. mgr. )—4ipo

Vim-. Wash. .21). Yakima 27. S-nlile 28, 20.Illiivlinm. Amelia— (Jnlnnititis. It.. iI4-2H.

llnnstelle. .lewtie (C. I''. Linvwiieo, mgr.)—BuffaloN. Y.. 21, hnlellliltv.

Itoston lilenl 0|a>ra (Kdwln Piiltirwin, nujr.)— Mack, Andrew (W. M. Wilkinson, mgr.)Kaunas Clly. Mo.. 24-Sept. It. din, ft, Z.. 2|July 2. InvercarglU »r»-

Becpir Prime (Iperii. Ktta Merrls' (Hurry \A-i- Monlgomery ami Stone (C. B. Uillliigliam. mgr.)vllle. mgr. I -Port Smltli. Ark.. av-July U. —N. Y. Clly 24-2H.

»«»•"• "w>

TENT SHOWSAlton * Anderson's—Pbel|i«. N. Y.. 2(1. Palmyra

27. Clyde 78, Sarannab 20. Weedsport July"

Bnlriwlnarlllc 4. DtirhantaTllle 3; OriskanyBuruiim A Bailey's—South Bend, 1ml.. 2(1. Jollet

III.. 27. Streator 28. Aurora 30, Milwaukee.Wlr.. July 1. Madison 2, Sparl.i 3. La Cro«ae4. Winona. Minn.. f>, Knu Claire, Wis.. 11.

Wll.l Went, Od. Wm. P. Cisly'3

_ Hutchinson, mgr.)—KellUlver. Mass.,2<l. New Bedford 27. Broeklou 28, Taunton 20.

Wnrceater July 1. Norwich, Conn.. 2. Woon-iswket. It. I., 3. PlU-bburg, Mass., 4. Orccnttcldn, North Ailama (I


Porenautrli A Sella Bros.'—Belleville." Out.. Can..2(1 Kingston 27. Ilriicktlllo 28. (dtawa 2ft. Mon-treal. Que., July I, 2. Newport, Vt.. :i, Ht.Johtisbury 4. LancaBter, N. H., 3, Lewlston,Me., 0.

Pnahlon Pbile—Bangor, Pit., 2(1, Stroudsburg 27,Hackettatown. N. J., 28, Newlon 20.

Uur's—Coltmibiis Junction. la., 28. Letts 2ft.

(inindrlew July 1. Wapello 2. Dakvllle 3. Medl-ii||oIIk 4.

IlsKenlieek-Wallace's—(leueva. N. Y.. 20, Roclies-ler 27, Mount Morrla 28. Clean 20.•ilea'. J. AtiiiustuK—Moshelm, Te»llle 20, Buj-tiiwii July 1. Kmtirovllle 2, John-son Clly 3, 4. P.lliiibethlon n.

Lucky Bill's—Campliell. Nehr.. 2U, Upland 27,lllldreth 28, Wilcox 20, Central Clly July 1.

Clatka 2, iVi-eida 3, I, Shelby 5, Klalug City U.

l/iwery Bros.'—York. Pa.. 2«.Pawnee Bill's Wild West and Great Par Bast. Col.


.Mitchell. S. Dak.. 211. Chamberlain 27,

Iliteliiinau. Lorraine, Slock—Battle Creek, Mleh.,24. Indefinite.

UniHii Stuck (Allart Ilruwu. mgr.)—Milwaukee.Wis.. 21. luih'lliille.

Baldwin Melville (Waller S. Baldwin, mgr.)—Dallas, T«., 21. Indefinite.

Burgess. Karl tl'ieil (illleti, mgr.)—Seattle, Wash.,21-Ang. 3.

Burgess. K.irl ((ieo. V. llnllday, mgr.)—Al|irna,Mleh,. 24-July it.

hero this week, and will hold hourly sessions "owning, one or tne coyDoyB, hod the mls-«" VnrlDg and "unmaking In the curio hall, h'rttine to he pinned under one of lite rm


MvKlIek- 1 Tvrolenn Troiipe. Topp's narmo- fangs, which fell, the niai'shy jrround helug

n on" Tlll'H Marloncttea. and the snake den ««,'"»'•• ,"*"'"; ?d „">" Downing „"Sare other features. The stage show: Mln- sustained three broken ribs, and a badlystrel Maids, specialties by Vlolette Dale, Ciis- wrenched wrist. Although the doctors Uale French,' p'lo Klwell. Ida Campbell . W In- vised his going to_ the ho , t , he ^^nle Clark. Vivian Hose, (Jerttmle Klmbery, and left for Boston, with the show l-pnnLottie Blanchtiid. Mazle Toledo, Brand Sis- opening one of the tigers cages of tUnallnglers. leriink Cook. Uw Benedict, .las. Carroll Bros. Clrcua, Sundajr, It wiw found thai „„Jand added vaudeville by Ted and Clara Steele, of the tigresses had given birth to triplets

Jordan and Btennan. Joint Smith. John and during the trip between Kltcbbtirc nnd misJames Merron. Tom lidwards, Kthel Bosc city. ... ..i'ola La I'Ollelte has resigned fi UU1

and the Marron Comedy Co. the Hunter-Bradford players and returnedWalker's Mimut'M IL. B. Wakw, mana- to her lionoc ta WMsconaln. . . . . . Ji.inager

Scotland 28, Yankton 20. Pierre July I. Huron get).—The Twelve Facta Sain (.iris, in sonas t.lenry, of the Cem rheatrc, Westiield. has2. Brookllngs 3. Watertown 4. Redticld 5, nnd mntclies. are curio hall fentures again arranged for moving pictures, lliistrated songsOakea, N. Dak., fl. this week. Xew acts are : Melln. Lag puncher ; and vniidcvllle acts, to run through the Sum.

Rliusllug Bros.'—Auburn, N, Y.. 20, Batavla 27, Cnrr and James, acrobats, and I.ynch's Punch mer Charlotte Gary is playing withnnd Judy. Stage show is fiirnlsbed by Nellie lodlcs orchestra at Lexington j/^n \yHartford's Tyrolean Bnrlesqiiers, who are In Washburn's trained animal show did notstock here for the Summer. Manager Walker glvo an afternoon performance at Greenlieltlwill run several tent shows at l.owell, Mass., duo to the brake beam of one of tho trainJuly 4. breaking near BstttB Klver, and preciplta-

MortlmeF." rXiaa.'ijV'M. Hill, mgr )-Clovernort Klaga' Wild West—SanrtViaky. O.. 20-Jnly «. iMCKKi.ru)K(.x iff, H. Wolffe, mbnager). ting some of the cages down the bank, block-Ky.. 24-20.^ Hiiweavlilc July i:«. SellsFloto's—Fort Collins. Colo.. 2d. IxivFlnnd —In curio hall, week of June 24 :

Prof, log the track.. John A. Hatch has ac-

Lyceum Stock—St. Joaeiih. Mo.. 21. Imletlnlle.Llbcrtl's Baud (A. Lymau Shaw, mgr.)—Cleve-

Innil. ().. 24-.luly 28."Lion and the Mouse" (Henry B. Harris, mgr.)—„ N. Y. City 24, Imlellnlte. • .


Dunkirk 28. Jamestown 20.KofiliiMinV. .Inliii -Hastings. Nehr.. 2(1. Kalrlmry

27. Beatrice 28. Holton, Kan., 20. TopekaJuly T."

IlolililVs'. Kiniik A.—Manillas, Me.27. Bneksjmrt 28, Oldtown 20.

26, Kllswortli

.^ JulyMeDuliald Stock («. W. .McDonald, mgr.)—

Nalcliei. Miss.. 24-20, Vlckshurg July 1-13.McCuUum Slock I Hartley McOullum, mgr.)—

PortlaiHl. Me., 24,' liideDnltc.Morey Slm-k—Port Scolt, Kan., 24-July 0.Myers. Irene, Stnek (Will II. Myers, mgr.)—Wll-

inlugton, Del.. 24. Imlellnlte.Manliai tun Oia-ra—lOltnlra. N. Y., 24. Imlellnlte.

Bnrki' Stis-k (.1. Prank Burke, mgr.)—Fall River, Majeatle Stuck—Albany, N. Y.'. 24, iiuiedolte.Maax.. 24. Inileiliilie.

Bennett's Big Show I Billy Honuelt, mgr.)—St.John. N. Dak.. 21-2(1. Blsliee 27-20.

Blakcr Slock (Maurice Stanford, mgr.)—Wild-wood. N. I., 24, ludelllille.

Beeilier * Slimley's SIh>w (Walter J. McDonald,nigr. i—Purl Morgan, Colo.. 21. Sterling 25,.lulesburu*. Nehr., -H, Pastiai 27. Norlb (Matte28. ifgnlliili 211. Ubapindl July I. I iKlge Pnle 2.Sidney 3, Kimball 4, l'lne Bluff 6. Cheyenne,Wyo.. U. __________

Bovil llntfowes liniiiinile—Aurora, Nehr., -i •-„,

Burwell 31 -.Inly II,

Man or the Hour" i Hi ndy ft tiristuer. mgra.)—N. Y. Clly Hi Indednlte.

27. longinout 28. ltraililer 20, Denver July 1, 2.

Sua Bros.'—Ctlea. O.. 2H.Starretl's. Howard 8.—Mnrrlstown. N. J.. 24-

July II.

Hlikdc Family Show (Burt Steele, mgr.)—Disco.Mich.. 2U. 27. Waldenliurg 2H. 20.

Silver Kalhlly (Bert Silver, mgr. I—Clarksvlllr.Mich.. 211. Slimline 27. Orleans 28. Beldlug 20.

Washburn's. I/emi—Franklin Falls. N. II.. 211. La-ennl.i 27. Plymoutli 28, Faimlngton 20. Wolf-ls»ro July 1, Kprlilgvale

"Man of the Hour" IBrudy & Crlsmer. ntgrs.)— Wheeler's. Al. P.—Chesterlown. N. Y.. 211. NorthChicago, III., 24. Indednlte. '-'n-ek 27. Poltersvllle 28, Scliroon.La

"»lra. Wlgga of (lie Cablatge Patch" (Llehler &Co.. nigra. I—Liaidon. Kng.. 24, Indednlte.

"Miss Pocahontas" lit. A. Harnett, mgr.)—Chi-,

cago. III.. 24. Iiidellulle.

"My Wife's Family." Central (Frank tiioke. mgr.)- ItlehmoiHl, Vs., 21-20, Norfolk July 10."My Dixie Ulrl"—Truro. H. S.. (Jan., 23, 20.Sydney 27-20.

O'Nell. Nauee—Oiikliiud. Cal., 21-20.Oriilleum Opera (Milton ft Sargent, mars.)—

Brooklyn. N. Y„ 24-July II.

Biirlnu's I'<iiihsIIiiiis (Harry Burton, mgr.)—(Jules-burg, III.. 21-Aug. 17.

Hairy ft Burke Stuck—New Betirord, Mass.. 21, Olympla 0|a>ra iKd. F. Si union, mgr.)—New Or-Iiidellulle. ,

leans, La.. 24, Imlellnlte.

Brady Slock ID. (J. Harttntiu, mgr.l—Ijike Brady Paytim Sisters (C. S. Payton. mgr.)—Fort Smith,Pnrk. ().. 24. lnilednlle. .

Ark., 21-20, Kitreka Springs July 1-13.Bryant Catnedy (Sam Bryant, mgr.)— Ilnscoe, Pa., Paige, Maliel (Henry F. Wlllard, mgr.)—Jack-

21-20. aoiivllle, Fla., 24-Aug. 17.

Bessie Bunnell Ladles' Orchestra— nnltlniiire, Mil., Perudilfiypxliic ichns. J>. Peruchl, mgr.)—Colittn-

24. ludedlille. Ida.' S. (.'.. 24. Iiidellulle.

."Mrewsler'a Millions" (Fnslerlck Tllompson, I layers Stuck iBttsIi Temple Theatre Co., mgra.)mgr.)—Chicago. III., 24. Imletlnlle. —SI. Paul. Mlnu., 24-Aug. 31.

"Ilrcwstei's Millions" ichnrles Frobiiian, mgr.)

PaycenStwk— Peoria. III.. 21, lnilednlle.London, Kng., 21. Iiidellulle.

"Border Hess" iW. W. Lupolnt. mrg.)— Pitta-Held. Me.. 2(1. Ne»-|»irl 27. H.ivei 28. GreenvilleJunction 20.

Carter, Mrs. labile (Win. M. Gray, mgr.)—Win-nipeg. Man., Can.. 24-2(1. (irand Forks, N.Dak.. 27. Dnlntli. Mlnu.. 20.

Collier, William iCllarlea Fmliman, mgr.)—N.Y. Clly 21. Imlellnlte.

Cohan, (Ion, M. (Sinn H, Harris, mgr.)— N. Y.Clly 21. Indednlte.

Conquest. Ida, ft Walter Bellows Stock—Denver,Colo., 24. Indednlte.

Craig Stock Malm Crnlg. mgr.)—Beaton, Masa.,24. Indednlte.

Page. Kleela I Page ft Lanolnt. mgrs. I—Colebrook,N. II, , 24-2(1. flrldgetim. Me.. 27-20.

Perry Stock IK. II. I'erry. nigr.l—Nntivoo, 111.,21 CO. Wniiello. la., 2i-20. Weat Branch July13. VI


ton 4(1. •

Pryor end his Band (Arllmr Pryor. conductor)—I'lillnilelplila Pa.. 24-July A.

"Peck's Bad Boy" (C. S. Callahan, mgr.)—Wetaa-klwln. Alia.. Can.. 2d. l.arumhv 27. Red Deer28. Calgary 20, Meillcine Hat July 1. MapleCitvk 2, Swift Current. Snsk.. 3. Moose Jaw 4,Iteglna B, Qu' Ap|a>lle 11.

Royal Italian Oliera (Oaetano d' Amnio, mgr.)

N, Y. Clly 24-20.Rosar-Mnson Slock—South Bend. Iml.. 24-20.

Culler Stock (Wallace It. Culler, mgr.)—Kokontu, Iml.. 24-.1nly 27.

Cosgrnve Slock (Juliu N. Coagrove. mgr.)—BarIlinii-.ir, Me.. 24-20.

Ciillroinliins iTItiis. Karl, mgr.) — Los Angeles,Oil., 24. Indednlte.

Curtis Musical I Allen Curtis, mgr. )—Dallas. Tex..24-20. Fort Worth July Ml.

Uclinnr (liieia (Turner (I. Lewis, mgr.)—St. Loula,MO., 24, lllll.'lllllle.

He IVw-llurilelte Mark (Tbos. K, De Pew, mgr.)Koknnui, Iml., 24. ludednlle. -

Dougherty Sloek (Payne ft Dougherty, mgra,)

Wnshluirn. Wis.. 24-20. Bessemer July 111.

Desuiund. Kllicl, stock- Hamilton. O.. 3d Inly II.

Klwyn. Lnrne, Draniatlc—Itlehtonl. Vt.. 24-20,Wiiodsvllle. N. II.. July 111.

Royal Artillery Band (Jos. De Vlto. mgr.)—Baltlmore. Mil.. 24-Sept. Ifi.

"Rose of the Ranrbo" (Dnrld lleli-'co, mgr.)—N.Y. Clly 24-20,

,akc 20, Tl-eonderngii July 1, Crown Point 2.

Mine i.i.i, \m:ois.Rostock's Animal Arena (Frank C. Bostock, mgr.)—Co-iey Island. N. Y.. 24. Imlellnlte.

Bnstnck's Anlmnl .Menu (Frank C. Bostock, mgr.)—Norfolk. Vn.. 24. Indednlte.

Barnes Traliieil Animals (Al. fl. Barnes, mgr.)—St. Jahtea. Minn.. 2420. Faribault July 111.

Crnlkaliank—Stenlienvllle, O.. 27, Zunesvllle 211.

Crocker's Trained Horse Show—Ottawa, Can..July Ml.

Drtimniouil Amusement Co. IGeo. nrttmroond. mgr)—las-sbiiru. Pa.. 211-21). Ford City July 1-0,

Great Lngar Shows—Fori Rmrovery. 0_ 211. St.

Henry 27. Ciddnater 28. Cellmt 20. ItorkfordJuly I. Mendon 2, Speucervllle 3, Delphoa I,

Vail Wert 5. Scott II.

IIolil.-u's Animal Show—Chicago, III.. 24. lniled-

nlle.Hlppedi-nino Show (Victor I/"c. mgr.)—Maniuet,

Kan.. 2(1. (iy|wum City 27. Herlnglon 28. 20.Jolly Kthlopluns (S. H. Dudley, mgr.)—AnnB|iolls.

Mil., 21-20, Alexandria. Vn.. July ill.

Johnny J. Jones' Show—Uoldsboro. N. C.. 24-20.llulelgh July 1(1.

McGitovy ft Young's I'lclure and Vaudeville Show—Nacogdoches: Tex.. 24-20.Morley's White City Show—Oil Clly. Pa.. 24-20.New Sunny South (W. R. Markle, mar.)—Casey-

vllle. Kc. 2(1. Care In Rock, III.. 27. Kllxabetb-towa 28.

Parker, c. \v.. Shows (Cramer ft Tyler, mgrs.)

St. James. Minn.. 24-20. Faribault July 1-0.

Purker's Shows—Phillips Creek, N. Y.. 2(1, 27,llelinonl 28, 20.

ntlerson Carnival— Peoria. 111.. 24-20.Rnhliisiiii'a Amliseineut Co.—Warren, Pa., 24-20,

Salem, O.. .Inly Mi.Smith'


24-July d.

Smith llrrnter Show—Morgan town. W. Va.. 24-20. New Haven. Pn., July 1(1.

Burton, strong man ; Walter Wcntworth. con- cepted a position as scenic artUt at thet-Ttinnlst. anil Die Kunnv South Warblers. Boston Theatre, Boston.In the Ihea-rei Blue Bell Burlcsniieis. Olio: a

Dollie CIHTord, May Waldron, Vivian Larue, Dnwcll.—At the I^nvell Op-ra House, InstKnowles Sisters, June Crawford, Kmelle week, there were Shepard's moving plelnreiRivers, nnd Smith nnd Cooper. and illustrated songs by John .1. Dalion

WiiNni,itt,\.\n 14. J. digging, manager).

Much Interest was centered upon (he pic-Business was Immense last week at this tares showing President Itoosevelt at theRevere Beach resort. In the free i-lrcus this Jamestown Exposition. The house closed Its

week appears: The Jossclyn Trio, trapeze Hummer season of motion pictures 22. andact: Bert Iatlter, handcuff king; Ihtgene will soon be In the hands of tho decoralorsFielding, human llsh : "Sandy" Chapman, It will reopen, the Inst week in August,vocalist, and Lurry O'Connor, pianist. Academy of Music (J. A. Lairose, uiana-

I'AlUaos IMiik (Ceorgc A. bodge, tnnnn- gerl.—The house was dark last week. Anawl.—Attractions In the free circus remain athletic and vaudeville tournament Is In pro-Ihe same as last week: Sheedy, high diver: gross for week of July 1.

the Xorlns, fancy diving, and the Tedcsca Thkatiik Anthick (Frank N. Altman. man-Irouoe of trick 'cycllsls. The "human ager).—Business continues big. Hazel Welshroulette wheel," and Boslock's animal arena is the new soloist, and with Kvnngcllnn Car-are among the other popular features. Hlg dlnal th" latest Illustrated songs are ren-crnwds have been lu attendance since the dered. Howard's moving pictures arc excel-openlng, Hi. lent. Bill changes twice weekly.

Noki'Mbkiia Park (Carl Alberte, manager). Caxurik f-tKR Park Tiigatiik offers raov-—Bill for week of 21 : (Inlaw Trio. Bryant lug pictures Sunday. Richard Barry enter-and Savllle, Italian Trio. Dick and Alice Mc- mined lasi Sunday, with solos. Instead ofAvoy, Dnrmody, and the komograph. Big IHch and Barry, as Incorrectly announcedcrowds enjoyed a line bill of specialties last last week,week. FlSMintsT Park (Adams & Conghlln.

U-WORTj Hotii.Kv.iiiD TiiEATiiE (.1, W. llor- miinagers).—This house opened Its seasonman. manager). — This popular resort was >'• w"b motion plelures and illustrated

packed to (ivcrllowlng last week. The new sonss, evenings. Concerts are to he held

acts for the current week Include: Sldnev <"">'!? Mwday. and the park affords ampleBaxter, the Wheelers. Hnthawav and Sleglr, amusements for pastime and recreation.Quaker Clly Four, and Caron and Farnum. Lakevikw I'iikatre (J. J. Flynn, :mnna-

ii nnisi

Foo, Darmody. Ik-khoff and Gordon, Sully ....

Phelps, and the komograph. 4. H*. (iorman'sAlabama Troubadours provided splendid en-tertainment last week.

Notes.—The "pop" concerts at KymphonvHal! will close Saturday night. 20Buffalo Bill's Wild West closed a week of

bratc the Fourth of .Inly appropriatelyRy act of the present legislature the legalright was given the city lo sell the privilegeof entertaining to any parly or parties wish-ing to purchase same. Heretofore, much dis-cussion has been made by clt'nens as to lu


i« !has II. lUafaKain. mgr).-M.ns- ««« M* JS^W* «_r.)-_au Fran- RoWn.m'a Amtiseinent Co.-Warrcn. ..... 2429.-

|n^'^-^^ ^T.°AW™< (»»& * tto*S2*i i-^-W-S "tK -

Colu.n'ila Slock (Lickctt ft Dwver. mgrs.)- Royal Cauiid'i'uu Hai»i"(j. M. Finn, mgr.)—Omaha. Smith's.' rrof." Ilarry-Orblsonla. Pa.. 2«. Mount Jg SftEft! £____? ,



Arts will ^ amiisement place here, with a seating

Wan 1 1 lug lo i D 24 Imlemilte «*»•. ^-Sept. 111. . Ciikin 27. 28. Newton Hamilton 20. present -|'he Srhoolmlstrcss" and "The Capif pnclty of about .4.00(1. n'as totally destro

Cutter stock' (Wallace it Cutter'

mgr )—Ko- Hov«' Artillery Band (Jos. De Vlto. mgr.)—Bal- Scvengala (Walter C. Mack, mgr.)— N. Y. City Mall, at Potter Hall. Wednesday evening, >>' Hre early Saturday mornuig. A .wn

Marlenvllle, Pu.. 29, Lwnn July 1. Sayders-liurc 2.

Thompson Entertainers (F. H. Thompson, mgr. )-Ontario. Wis.. 20-Jnly 4.

Kmplre Sloek (Splti ft Nattianson. mgra.)— San Franrlsm Opera (Frank W. Hralv, mgr.)

"Round t;p" (Joseph Brooks, mgr. )— Cblcoco. III.. Smith's Colossal Shows (IS. (!. Smith, mgr.)24, Indednlte.

"Road to Yesterday" (Sam S. ft Lee Shubert, Inc.,oigrB.)—N. Y. City. 24. indednlte.

Sotliem, K. II., and Julia Marlowe (Sam S. ftLee Sliuhert, Inc.. mgrs. )— Philadelphia, Pa,,21-20, Boston. Mass., July Ml.

Skinner, oils (Charles Prohmaii. mgr.)—GrandForka. N. Dak.. 2«, Wlnnepeg 27-20.

Stahl. Rose (Henry B. Harris, mgr. )—Chicago.III.. 24. Indednlte.

Shaw Kngllsli (>|.crii— Philadelphia. Pa., 24. In-dednlte


Boatou.—Old Sol got In his work lastweek, and, as a result, the outdoor resortsdid a thriving business, while patronage nt

line business, at the Huntington Avenu* legality to rent sites liollawa.v (linkgrounds, last Snlurduy nlgbl Pupils of (Bunker & Henessey, managers), the larg-

\rls will est amusement place Jiere, with a seating ca-


. jrest-'« Harry X. Kan-en. manager of the ling tonrnnment was held 21. to S. It. O. TheColumbia, has opened Ills new cottage at fire is thought to have originated la one ofGreen Harbor "In Bohemia." a one act 'be dressing rooms.play, by II. D. Coolldge. clerk of the Massa- acutset ts Senate, was u feature of the bill at Sew Bedford At the New Bedford The-tlte Orplieum last Sunday evening Nines atre (W. B. Cross, manager), week of Junerepresenting 'fifty Miles from Boston" and 17, Shepard's moving pictures, accompaniedthe Lillian Lawrence Stock Co. will play a by Illustrated songs and Summer vaudeville,baseball game, for the benefit of 7'Ae Uvuloii to large houses. This week : The Three Morln

ii" 'ii i'.'.?"____!__ fffflfi

«"" f»n<'. -I the Sisters, Dynes and Dynes, and James Meehan.soulb l-.nd grounds. 1 rldny afternoon, _8. Hathawav's (T. B. Baylies, manager).—

Barry A Burke Co. presents "Marching Thro'Kali Hiver—At the Savoy l W. F. Ma- Oeorglit," week of 17. For specialties, moving

Providence. It. I.. 24. IndednlteEnglish Stock—Milwaukee. Wis., 24, Indednlte.I'linrr Sloek

Omiiliu, Nebr., 24, Indednlte.Kl Onrailo Stock. Nelson & Palmer's (W. J.

Wrl';hl. ingr.1—Jniiesvllle. Wis.. 24-20, BeloltJuly 1-3. Lake llenevn 4-11.

Kmplre Stock—Portland. Me.. 24, Indednlte.Flake, Mrs. i Hun-limn Orey Flake, mgr.)—Seattle.

Wash.. 24-27. Bellliigham 28. Vancouver. B. O,Can., 20.


Foy, Kddle (Snm S. * Lie Shubert. Inc., mgrs.)—N. Y. City 24. Indednlte.

Friiiikenllelil. Laiirn—Sail Ijike Clly, U., 24. ln-


F.nweetl Stock (Oeo. Fawcell. mgr.)—Richmond,Va.. 24, Inileiliilie.

Faweetl Stock (lien. Fawcett. mgr.)

Alliintn, Ga.,24. Imlellnlte.

I'enberg Slin'k (Geo. M. Fenberg, mgr.)—Augusta,Me.. 21. lnilednlle.

Fi-uwlev Sloek I Daniel Frawley. mgr.)—Sail Fran-cisco, Cal.. 24. hiilelliiite.

Farmtnt Stuck (Win. Farnum, mgr.)—Cleveland,i).. 24, Indednlte.

Ferris Slock iDIek Ferris, mgr.l— Minneapolis,Mlnu.. 21, ludedlille.

Fulton Stock i,l. Fulton, mgr.)—Lincoln, Nebr.,24, lnilednlle.

Fuller Stock— Montreal. Can., 21. lnilednlle.

"Fifty Mlhij from Bunion" (Odinn & Harris,nigis. I—Boston. Mass.. 21, Imtedulle.

"Frlsclnntlug I 'loin" (Sain S. .V lyee Shuliert, Inc.,

mgrs. I—N. Y: Clly 24. imh-diilte.

"Fatty Felix." C. J. Smith's (F. Mackintosh,- mgr.l—Grand Rapids. Wis.. 2(1. Mnrshdeld 27,Owen 28, Stanley 20. Chlpjicwit Calls 30.

Grace George (Win. A. Brady, mgr.)—London,Kng., 24, hull-finite

Glnser Stock (Vnughan Glaser, mgr.)—Detroit,Mich., 24 211. Coliillilnis. ().. :iO-.)uTy 27.

Grnliame. Fenlbiiiiul—Newark, O., 24-July (I.

Gllmore's Players (Francis J. (illmore. mgr.)

Kmpnrln. Kan.. 23-20. Tupckn iW July 14.Gllek llnls'ils stork III. T. (illck, mgr.)—Conll-

ueiitiil. (>.. 24. Indednlte.Gllinour ft L.tlnur Stock— SI. Mary, Pa.. 24-20.Held, Anna iPlnmix Zlegfeld. mgr.)—K. Y. City2120.

Holland, Mlldml tKilwnrd C. While, mgr.)—Buf-falo. X. V., 24-July «.

Ilareoiirf Comeily (Clins. K. Harris, mgr.)—Gar-diner. Me., 24-20.

Hunter-Bradford Players—Hartfont, Conn., 24, In-


Hunter Hi-.iilfurd Players—Sprluglleld. Mass., 24,Iiidellulle.

Henderson Stock (W. J. ft It. It. Henderson, mgrs.)1'iiikeislmig, la., 21-20,

Portland. Ore., 24-20. Seattle. Wash., 3b. la-iledulte;

Snow stock I.Mortimer Snow, mgr.)—Memphis.Teiui.. 24, Imlellnlte.

Star Stock—Portland. Ore., 24. indednlte.

•The Music Master." fourth and tiniil week, pleased greatly. Miss Mannerlng and Robert away. Week of 24 the play given by the com-at the Majestic: "Fifty Miles from Boston." -Warwick were excellent, while William Bo- Pa"J" will be "At the Risk of His Life."

Savoy- IW, II. Shine, manager).—Contlnu-' ",'nl-


at the Colonial, and "The Hurdy Gurdy nclll. Herbert Carr and Harry S. HadHeld areSuiitord siwk t Walter SuiiVord. 'mgr. )—Oakland y'V at t" 11 'Pt'eninnt. The Orplieum closed worthy of special mention. Shepard's raov- »us moving pictures, tllsteen Bros, and Wnl

Cal.. 24, inileiliilie. »» doors Sunday evening, to remnln dnrk for mg pictures. 23. afternoon and evening, ter Stead. This little theatre Is one of tbi

StroiiR's. Kdwln, Playera (Walter Savldge, mgr.) n tew weeks. The regular season of the Ly- delighted good sized audiences, which closes coolest spots in town.—Netlgh, Nebr., 21-20, Stanton July t-(l.

Stanley Stock i Arthur Stanley, mgr.)—St. Lonla,.Mo.. 24. Indednlte.

Stater Sleek (O. W. Stater, mgr.)—OklahomaClly. Okln.. 24. ludednlle.

Scolt. (leu. W., Stock (Arthur J. Riidd, mgr.)—I'eeksklll, N. Y.. 24-Sept. 3.

Simnners Slock iilro. II. Siimmers, mgr.)—Ham-lllou. Out., Can.. 24. Imtedulte.

"Stranger In Town" (II. B. Llulou. mgr.l—Blrm-ingbam. Ala.. 24-20. Atlanta, (in.. July III.

Taylor. Alliert. Slock—Hot Springs. Ark.. 24-20,' 13.

ceum mded last Saturday night.M.Ukhtiv (A. L. Wilbur, manager). -Mon-

the_ season at this bouse.Shkkdv's ((Jeo. >S. Hascomb. manager).

Lincoln Pabk (I. W. Phelps, manager).—This park Is noted as a most attractive vaude-

dny evening. June 24, marks the thousandth Last week marked the eleventh successful v ") ,> theatre. It is well patronized during theconsecutive performance of David Warfleld, week of the J. Frank Burke Stock Co "Win- Summer season.In "The Music Master," and also the begin- cheater" wns presented nrtlstleitllv and staged Note.—Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show isVI )ll If /if lll_> f i\l! I'l n lltwt Hml I lin.lLr nt oniviolie In II mil_ f- fnuililot.i ni ...... j... t.-i 1 w_ °. t l-i lirt nln«H U „,.„ __. T.._._ pi— _• C ....... .-. _,_i4nlng of his fourth and flnnl week of capacity In a most complete manner. 4. Frank Burke to be given here on 4une _7. afternoon andbusiness at this house. K. II. Snthern and "Jin Harry K. Humphrey were excellent. Kthel evening. There will be no parade this year.Julia Marlowe will come next week, In shakes- Lldrr, as Virginia Randolph, was charming

while Frank Thomas. Bert Walter and JohnDuly were worthy of mention. Week of 24."Confessions of a Wife."

Holyokr.—At the Opera House (James H.O'C'onnell, -manager) the special engagementof Mary Mannerlng. 4une 20. drew a largeaudience. Miss Mannerlng closed her season'

Mountain' Park Casino (Louis Pelllsler.mnnager).—The new stock eomnunv which

IKKJIONT uno. if. Mcnoeiiei. manager).— .xitkk.—At tne Scenic (Lewis M. Boar opened the regular seasonal the (Sisl'no June

pearean repertory.Colonial iChas. Frohmon. Rich & Harris,

managers).—"Fifty Miles from Boston" con-tinues on Its merry way here, the second Nickelookon (.las. F. Mason, manager) -week starting Monday evening. 24. Business W'cek of 24 : The Wlnstanlevs. Annie Per'rv

Shrovos|>ort. La., .in .In I


Thompson. Myrtle, Slock—San Diego, Cal.. 24.ludednlle. has been satisfactory, aiid the piece wus fa- Mlrto. Mason and Doran, ond' ontlscone Rinil-

"Tbree of Us" (Walter N. Lawrence, mgr.)—Cbl- vnrably received. ness Is good."imsiopi. uusi

••m_fi_!-!" ""' v"_?J«i ., « ..o .T

!,K5I0NT < Jno - n - Schoeffel. manager).— Notks.—At tho Scenic (Lewis M.

tliiillimkv Bros..mgrs.)—Ruck Island, III., 24. Indednlte.

Wallack's Theatre. Southern (Maurice M. Dubln-aky. nigr.l—loin. Kan.. 23-.lnly ll.

Wallack's Theati-e. Western (Hdward Dulilnsky,mgr. i—Arkansas Clly. Kan.. 23-Julr H.

Widfe Stock—Wichita. Kan., 24, ludednlle.West Knd Heights Slisik lOlatrt & Sclinfer, mgra.)—St. trills. Mi,., 24, Indednlte.

Woirord. .Mamie. Slock (K. L. Paul, mgr.)—Win-tii-Ul. Kan.. 24-29.

Wbatiuu 0|H>ra

l-'ltelilnirg, Mass.. 24-Sept. 3."Wtasnl of Wall Street. " ^Mwl^l Patterson

pcra House..._la Turnge-

slock opera company, this week. Lois Kwell nn" '» K, l" conllned to her home' but HI? . ' presented the musical comedy,and Grai-e Darling will alternate In the <*. "'nvnlescent Jnck Warburton nr- „BeI,,8C. s Only Blvnl." on June 22. Oalnorslltle role. "The Mikado" was inst week's rlvt'

1' lu""'' '-• Mr. Warburton will star nextmotion pictures arc pleasing the^Summer

Benson. Mlnu., 211, Morris, 27. Glenwood 28,Alexandria 21), St. Cloud July 4.Wlasnl of Wall Street" (Lew Vlnlen, mgr.)—I.iiwlon. Okln.. 24-20.

llelnrs Stock lltolH-rt T. Urines, mgr.)—Clevelaud, Ye Colonial Sloek tC. W. Bcnner, mgr.)— Rich-. O.. 2i-20. _ moil,), Ind.. 24-20.Huntley Kntcr fathers (Ben Huntley, mgr.)—Cnab

ton. Wis..- 2(1-20.

Illekman-Brssey (W. Al. Wright, mgr.)—Daven-port, la., 21. Indednlte.

HelKinnn Stock. (Ilelsnian & Cohan, mgrs.)—An-cn-ta. Ga.. 24. ludednlle.

Hlclilamt Park Stock (Al. Brasley, mgr.)—York,Pa.. 21. Indednlte.

Harvey Drnuialle (Harvey D. Orr. mgr.)—SouthHaven. Mleh., July IT.

Herald Square Stock (Adger A. Wall, mgr.)—(Iran, Mo.. 24-20.

Herald Siptnre Dramatic, Adger A. Walt's (MIIHIf'lnrk. mci'i)—-OiK'llka, Ala.. 24-10.

Howe's I .miles' Orchestra I Union Howe, leader)Nullum. Max*.. 21 Sepl. I).

Ilaileeniaiiu. ,1,'niile, Chicago Lndles* Orchestra ID.II. Ilitdermeni ur.i l.lule Itnok, Ark., .'I-

.lull 14."Hurdy Hurdy Girl"" (('lias. Marks, mgr.4— IIim-

'in. Mass . 24. Iiidellulle.

••lloinefs ShI" (K. F. llvstvck, mgr.)--N. Y.Clly »T,

111 lli.KHQt ll AND V.U'llEVIUK.

1)111. and the patrons turned mil In goodlv Sl'" |i<>" »1 the head of his own company thisnumbers. "The Chimes of Normandy" Is KS?" !_»?.% s< ! l't- I. In Ohio. . .. . .Harrvaniioiiin-ed for next week. «n " I' '" Manager Mason u living visit 17

BnwiMiiN SytiAio; (G. K. Lotlirop, niann- ;,'•; •"' , ' muny friends of Jnines Koblnson'


i'.''"throp Stock Co. will he seen In "' .VY'T

1'. Iutl1 ' ''HI poster, who fell from

"Wife In Name Only" this week. Kifka liar- * "' third story of a North Adams hotel, whileruum. and Arthur Behrens have the leading """('P-wo Iking, are grieved to hear of the ttn-roles. During the past week "Broken {'"'ornblo reports of }i!m condition. Fears forHearts" attracted gnod slrnl liousos. despite „,m.



alL<' "'terhilned Buffalo

Hie hot weather. In rehearsal, "Stars and ' "' s " lld " pst will cxhllilf hero June °0

pntrono.Oahrick—Irep.e Meyer Stock Co., In reper-

tory, Indefinitely.SitM,i.ror Paijk.—Bill week of 24: Tho

LiivelloH, .May Hoey, Jerry Cunningham,Henry und Young mid moving pictures.

- __^ » >» —OKLAHOMA.

Oklahoma CHy.~— Al Delmar Garden'Slnopiiulo A Miiri-e, managers) Raymond

l'm-go 20. Wlnnrpeg. Man.. Can.. JulyHi-am I Porks. X. Dak.. 4, Doluili. Minn., (I,

-3. Adams, nnd new motion pictures!'

ger).—The house comptinv View"«re'l|u'w|



u.1?"1')'";.''" '"Vc W1j'lrtl"s ' manager).- "Halites" 17-22. Mary

•Stnrkwell wn" good

'litis house closed Sunday evening.



OHIO.. ^l£W^.7>U|J&Klte^t|l4dNUM "For Ihe l,ove of M Wotii.iu" played to bigillnelnnnU.—The weather man )>n* Will wi|o. In (he Winter season, looks attar ttruw.ls wwk ending • til. . "The Countcr-

inuiued Spring ami plunged lulu Summer, the press work of Xlxou ft y.liuuienuuu's at- fellers." with Arthur Stanley uiitl -Mrs. F.ltuJ

. .. ..... P..,..rt jHr«M<tnrfi U'prp trlnil tn seeAll the resort directors were glad to see tractions. Theicbm Is due to appear here, Allen stunlev In the leadlogrole*. supported

the mercury rlf.e during the pant week.-until July .ft ..,.... Manager <J»«rge .Ornniwaen.; .of liv a good company, 1T-J4. Other featureshov,»cd near the BO mark. The outdoor tile l-.dson Theatre, will shortly Introduce of entertainment by Julie Nlcolny. J. Nes-

easoi 'has suffered from continuous frost- »•"*>»«•• «™< «•«-•—»-« . - «i-» .......... ....—.-_,.._*.... . ...'

kite and hII the ra'c* 6t Zephyr boosters-

Scott Small, Joe Faulkner. Jack Appleton

ind "Shakespeare" Mclntyre—believe they'd

and Illustrated songs at that'.efl'son^haa '.'suffered from "continuous frost"- JWJ*Hi,ite and Hllthe rae* of gephyr boosters— nnn

't. Small. Joe Faulkner. Jack Appleton »

,d "Sliakespeare" Mclntyre—believe they'd Dayton.—At Knlrvlew Park Theatre (EI-

do well as publicity promoters for an Arctic mer Itedelle, manager), despite very disagree-able weather, week of June 10 proved a verysuccessful one. The excellent bill offered at-tracted good crowds at every performance.Week of June 2.T: Klein, Ott Bros, andMcholson, Sherman and Fuller. Jos. R. Kett-ler and company. In "A Kural Substitute:"

hilt and Charles CnvlHc. Jutie 24 and week."Tracy, the Outlaw."

CiiKitoKKK Uahuks.—Helm's. Orchestra Is

popularising Itself, and excellent programmesare being rendered at each concert. JuneIt* was press night.

; Notes.—"The Modern' lady Oodlvla"sceuery and costume*, for the premier ren-dition, were strictly of St. Louis production,and no expense . was spared to have. MissBingham appear tn the very best advantage.The play calls for s|>eclal singe effects, amia varied line of accessories. All Hie membersof the company, and a nuuilicr of extra |ier-

sous were needed. Xewspnper men of the•It v and suburbs, were guests of the manage-ment June 111, IT. to witness Hie first per-

were splendidly sung by a C'lnclnuatl girl, nights tluit proved so successful last season, formances Quite n stir In society wasDorothy Barlow, while V"

llnnn 'PIlO

CH»m PABK| t% M Martin, manager).—Marlon Stanley will he seen June. 2:T. In

•The Mocking Bird." The Chester ParkOnera Co- gave a decidedly attractive pre-

sentation of "The Fortune Teller", last weekTlie aggregation is the strongest ever seen Ollle Young and Three Brothers. Vesta Curtis,

In Summer opera In this section. One dls- Carrie Miller, and moving pictures.

cotiraglng incident of the Inaugural was the I.akknihk (.las. A. Kirk, manager).—Kraftaccident to Theltua Fair, who took the dual and Myrtle, the I.ees, Tulsn. Turkey Bovd,

role of Irme and •Musette. • She lost her voice and moving pictures. On June 22 Managertemporarily through a Imd'cold, but her songs Kirk Inaugurates again the popular amateur me'nt June 111. 17. to witness the llrst per

'ft C'lnclnuatl girl, nights Unit proved so successful lust season, formances Quite a stir In society wanllss Fair spoke her and the opening will see a splendid array of the result of the announcement of the en-

own lines. The comedians were nil clever.

iludd Ross, Sam Mylle and Tom Ince form

a rare constellation of utinioroiiB.tuieui. in,jwas the cnat for the llrst opera: Sander,.W.H Clark: Cnpt. I.udlslas. Clias. Fulton :

Count Berezowskl. Snm Mvlle; Fresco, BudRo»s ; Boris, Tom Ince : Rafael, F.va Bock-

vood: Vanlnka Josephine liurtlett: Mile.

Pompom. Eleanor Burton ; Jan, Lillian Mc-

- - 1 lol Ij- Vardeu" :t0. In the vaudeville theatre

the Two Renoloa, Four Banta Brothers John-sou and Buckley and La Crdndall will be

Conkv Island (U. Wellington Kuglobreth,

amusement manager).—Kennedy's Wild Westbegins a three weeks' engagement In the open,•'> The new faces In the BIJou Theatre will

be": Don Carlo's Animal Show, l-'red and Mrs.

I ucler. Wise. Helman and Bald, and BurtonIll-others. The steamers were crowded with

pleasure seekers last week.Zoo (Walter A. Draper, manager).—Welj s

ambitious amateurs.Xotks.—The White City will have every-

thing completed for the opening night; June22.- The park, which covers about thirty live

acres of beautiful wooded ground, will bebrilliantly Illuminated with in.uoii electriclights, making every toot of the park at nlglilas light us duv. There will lie free vaudeville,circus acts and band concerts every day. withchange of bill weekly. Other attractions In-clude : The large hall room, bathing beam,Hale's tours, carousel, the third degree, shootthe chutes, scenic railroad, electric theatre,Johnstown Flood, shoollng gallery. Japaneseball game, and many other attractions, toonumerous, .to mention. The White City willalso be let for picnics, and will make an Idealouting place.. Manager Itedelle. of theFall-view Theatre, has extended- to the chil-

dren of Dayton, under twelve years of age.free admission to the Tuesday and Thursdaymatinees until further notice.

gageinent of Josephine Llldvvlg Becker, a St.Louis singer, who tins attained Internal Irinal

fame In grand opera, to Count Centtnelll, arich Italian, and owner of a vast Italian es-


- Toledo.—At the Casino. (Kllves & Rosen-thal, managers) for June HI and week, HelenByron and several other clever people made"The Girl from Paris" an excellent musical

K mimm City.—The good old Summer: line

weather has anally come, and nil the parksare doing a land office business.

Ki.Ki-rnic I'akk (Sam Benjamin, manager).—Kllery's Bund held over for Its farewelllast week, and with Italian night. Freneiinight, grand opera night nod Wcgner night,drew capacity in the music pavilion. In the(lot-man village, Dan Lena's Happy young-sters scored a big hit, and (hey will probablybe held over this week. Others on the bill

were: Mme. Mae Beaver, Lewis and Marshall,and Xoblcttc and Marshall. This week, Fer-rulo and his big band.

Fiirkmt l'AUK ID. K. Russell, manager).

Last week, the Boston Ideal Opera Co. sang"(ilrolle tilnilln" in good style, mid the audi


Perfect FOOT COMFORT Sure Relief for WEARY FEETA Mm * llcmtity for I'vi-na,. Bunions and all ul lie r »tlt It tloiii of Ota *«ejl •> v

JOHNSON'S BORAX, IODINE AND BRAN SOAtMuiiufarlureil only l»y

THOS. GILL SOAP CO., Inc.. Dent. O, 111 Kant Ave., Brooklyn, N. YAt all Drug and Department Stores: Urge Cake, !5 cents, or this ad., your dealer's nam*

nil address and StOcenU, lu coin or stamps will brlug It to you. Agent* Wanted.

good business The show organized 111

this cltv. mid played Its opening engagement111. It Is given under ciinvns. mid will traveloverlund The Scenic, formerly managedby L. Loeh. president Scenic Amusement to..

has changed hands am! Is now managed byJulius Conn, who owns a el milt of t heal res.


(ixkniiHisii, - -At the Iowa League ball

park. thi> Cosmopolitan Knows opened JuneIT. for the week, to lurge business.

NoTKH.—Terry's "I'. T. C." Co., under eau-

vas, will exhibit here June '.'!> ManagerJersey, of Masonic Opera House., was In townJune 111. In the lulerests of bis bouse. Hestate:, that plans lor the tvmcdelliig of lavhouse are practically completed, work to be-

gin this week Myrtle Jersey, daughterof Manager J. F. Jersey, of the Masonic, will

go out this season as leading lady with "I'll

dor Southern Skies" (Western!, opening theregular season ai the Masonic, this city,

enrlv l|| October ,. Illinium .V Bailey expeel to exhibit In this city In August or earlytcptcmbcr, >u uncotillrmcit minors have II.

lint liodue.—At the Majestic (Hennett & SilieiT.ull, managers I big business

at each performiim-e Is the rule here. Bill

for week of 17 : Wlmrttui ami l.e Roy, J. K.Hunter, Campbell and Biudy, illustrated

song?, and the Mnjcsltcope.i-.Ml'lUK tit. Hutchinson, manager).—Mov-

ing pictures and blast rated songs to goodbusiness.

ees were the largest of the engagement. „,A| !

,'''"" , !' >,


(,f ,

( '' •"'j!' 1'', &,""!{!*>•"":

lis week, "A Verslnn Honeymoon'' will be The ITfly-sl.tth Regltneiit Bund. IS. drew n

Rand has scored well, and will commence the show at the Casino, and la the best prodtic

second week of a fortnight's successful stay


Ludlow Lagoon (W. E. Clark, amusementmanager).—In the vaudeville- theatre,. 23,

Herbert & WIHlng's Combination will pre-

sent Lydell and Dutterworth, Mlllman Bros.,

Allaire' and Llnd, and West and Savior. Dur

Hon of Its class seen here this season. At-tendance was large. "The Belle of NewYork" 23-21).

Fabsi Thkathr (Jos. Pearlsteln. manager).—Last week It. was difficult to pick our theheadllner. ns every number on the programmereceived the applause of appreciative uudl-

Ing the days, until July 1. women and dill- ences, which pack this popular little theatre

dren will be admitted free. twice dolly. Bill for L'H and week: Dora-Si'MMKR Chat.—Director E. T. Ziegler Is thy's poodles. Kennedy and Wllklns, Kelsey

busy preparing for the Ohio Home Coming, and Lnyton. McPhee and Hill, Sydney DeaneIn the Fall Charles L. Dorun Is enjoy- and company. In "Christmas on the Island,"

lug the llrst real vacation he has bad In many ami American vltngraph.years.

Cleveland At Hie .Colonial (Drew &Campbell, managers) the. Robert T. HainesStock 'Co. winds tip a successful season of

slock, week of June 24. "The Second In

Command" being the final hill. "The Hen-rietta" bud excellent patronage week of 17.

Ktici.il> Avkxi'E Oaiidrn'h (Max Faetken-heuer, niunagcr).—"The Lady of Lyons" Is

the offering bv the William Famoui StockCo.. week of it. "As You Like It," ns pre-

sented by this poifular company, drew splen-

did houses at ifvery performance week of 17.

Same company next week.Ci.EVEi.ANn tdeo. M. Todd, manager).—The

Livingston Slock Co. will complete the Sum-mer season at. the Lyceum, opening week of

24, with "The Christian." Willi "Fast Lynne"the Selroa Herman Stock Co. had tine re-

relnta week of 17.Coliseum (Max Fnetkenheiier. manager).

•The Bohemian <!lrl" Is the Initial offering

llmiilltou.—At the Jefferson (Tom A,

Smith, manager) Ye Colonial Stock Co. will

close this house June 22. for tile season, afterthree weeks of very good business.

(iitAND (Ward & McCarthy, managers).

Bill week of 24 : Mary Madderu and the Mil-tons. Illustrated songs and bioscope.

Ll.MiK.NWAt.P TllKATItK IFMOK Sullivan,

manager).—Vaudeville, week of 24.CnusKi'M (Wm. Schumacher, manager).

This resort opens June 22. ttllh the comic,

opera. "Zlmn." direction of cnploln 1'eabody,Introducing (leorge and Gladys Johnson, theTwo Mllmers. with chorus -of forty ; Bam-berger. Mnntozcllii and Tnlka. Week of 30,

Kthel Desmond and company, in repertory.

Sandusky.—At the Majestic (W. C.

Dunn, managerl after' a successful season of

vaudeville, this house has closed for the

Summer season, to open again Sept. 1.

I'amily (Oscar !•'.' Cook, malinger).—This

produced, which will close the opera seasonat the park. Then Melbourne MneDowell andVirginia Drew Treicott will open for a sonson of drama. The llrst piece will be "Anthony and Cleopatra." and an elaborate pro-

duction will be mode.FAittMorsr l'.vnt; tW. F. Smith, mana-

ger i.-r—Hlner'a Third . Beglmenl Band, withtwo dally concerts, comes to continued goodattendance. On the lawn., the Meier Familygave clever acrobatic aerial. exhibitions. A spe-

cial feature Inst week, was the balloon racebetween L. M. Bales and Allen V:in Cleve. anda swimming race between I'rlvnte FinestMulie. of the local army recruiting station.

and t'orpornl James llowen. of the F.lghtceuthInfantry,, stationed al Ft. l<euvctiworth.Carnival I'auk, WKftr Side (Win. Winch,

managerl.—Cnlllendo's . Venetian Band' con-tinued for Its Inst week. This week. Brooke'sBund. In the open. Dare. Devil lloiionslngamakes two dally ascentlons and parachuteleaps, with a llreworks display at night. -InIhc wigwam the nets last week were: TheBumsey Sisters. In songs and a musicalturn : Conwell nnd O'lhiy, black face dancingcomedians, and -Ine (iasjra. Spanish equili-

brist. Thin week, the high diving ponies In

the open, nnd In the wlgwatn : The Mnlcotnnils. Jugglers: Scholium and Brown. HieBrothers Ike Van. nnd Mabel Matthews.Cliiteiunok.—Sam McCrnckeu and Nick

IVItlr, cms I Hiding agents of the Minglingliros.' Show, were In the city Inst week mak-ing arrangements for nu early tippenraure oftheir show Walter Murphy, contracting

gued slv.eil audience.»»»

\V ASHIM. KIN.sentlle.—At the tiraud Opera House

I John Cort. mutiager) .Mis. Leslie Carter, lu

"Uu. Ilurry ' and "luua, " win grciitly en-

joyed uy big audiences, Juae B-13. OilsKKlliuer. In 'The Unci, gave u Hue perforin

nuee, to yxielUIlt liusluess, l.'i l.'i. Inicksiiiil

ci-m .Minstrels Ul-ltt. Viola Allen, In "t'yuilie-

llne" anil "Twelfth .V'lgtil." iti-22 ; Kthel Bur-ryiuoie. In "Cupl. Jinks," i'l-2ll. Coiiiuietu'-

lug ill), I lie Sail FI'iiliciMO opera Co. lone of

Air. Con s organizations! comes for n Sum-mer eugagfiueni.

Seati'I.e (linssell & Brew, .nil lingers I.

The Karl Burgess Co. Is ineellug wllh muchsuccess. Woo* of n, ".Wille. toe iteaiiuiiil

Cloak .Model." had line attendance. Week of

HI. "Chinatown Charlie;" week of 23, "NoMother to Cubic Her."

I.VHIC (linssell ,v Drew. Iilituagers).— "TheBogus l'rlnce" opened P, for a week, hut onlygale one pert'oi kiiitiit'c, me luuaay.eioen, ci,..,-

Hilly refund lug Hie money. Toe plans for

the Summer season have not been formulateddefinitely.

I jus (Alex. I'linlugea, iiiinuigcr).—"The

Mill! I lulu ,lle.\lco ' Wits aol.V iiaiuueu Ity I'lio

luges' riuyers week or II, "The Charily Hall"wistk of Id, "The Texas Steer" week oi 23.

Tniitn avknik it". A. Taylor, iiinungcri.

"The Derby Mnscol," week of Hi hnil goml at-

tendance. Week of III, "Fillist," with l.aii-

rette Taylor as Mnrguerlle, Frederic Clarkt

: Calolunt Gas and u,

Moving Picture Outfit


Enltttainlni tn« Public.

W'rHint yon.fiirnhihliig roninlete niitdli

with »tni[ile ami explicit limtruelioas.

The Fluid Is Large, eoinprlniug tb*regular tliruttr una lecture circuit, slio

Its-sl Ileitis lu iTuirchen, Public Scliooli,

l.utluen ami Iteueisl f.ubllu 0»tbetlui«.NcitlduK ullunle hotter oppoi Uiultfct for

S&r«%d. Our Outfit Comprisesthe C. P. CO.'S model, PURSCALCIUM CAB OUTFIT, thegrenteit cnndle powor.the aafeitund mosteconomical aua-niuklnnoutfit ever Invented. Wii.kmuiin.

Sttmptlctl. Moving Plctun MltMHt,

en.. vnA.. a"* twrf aoccaierfFIIIJ, Slllln Ul.,.,|e,| fur emnpKtaeulertalniuenti, Aliauhitely the Istutman Slid ytewa uu Uu market. lucbiJItu

allsubjet'ta tor the public's enjuyuieoi.

• Ill liuiitlliillli iiiii »'- sin- in > mi "tie i "ih 1' AM lid 1 \vnvni a . \.,uvn, inoniif,' ' »• »" . ,. . II ill

week of 24. of a high class company Just Cpzy theatre vwlll. .be completely remodeled, through here last week . ....l,ouls v».

organized by Mr. Fnetkenheiier. The lending ami will reopen durlnj; ^epteinlter. SDoiise. manager for ( onveniliiii Hull. Is u

members of the company are Joseph Sheehan, Ckdau 'Point 1'lkasitir Kkhoiit Itieo. A. New ^ork ..A nnmber of circus people lu

Agues Calne Brown, Ethel Dii Fre HoustonLouis Cnssiivnnt, and Clarence Harvey, come-dian.

Ot'KB.v IloiTSK (Harry D. Kline, manager).—Hill week of LM Includes: The Sa-Heras.<ieu. Kvrins. Williams nnd Tucker, the Kln-renz Troupe, the Boynl Iltisslnn Troupe, Sid-ney (irant, Tom Hearn. Max TotirblllonTroupe of Bicyclers, and Country Cliolr

Quartette.Kkitii's (H. A. Daniels, manager).—The

Horckling, manager).—Almee. fire dancer,and moving pictures will be presented until

Jnlv I. Col. Biggs' Wild West will be anextra ottruetloti for the resort, for one week,beginning T2. After July I. I'rof. BradfordMills will present comic opera for the sea-


r'ltusi. and Irani; I- mining mill I'ercyagent for the John Iloblnsou Show, was In limiting nlli-i'iuttlng as Meplnslo. Mrs. I'l»ke.

i he city Inst week .lico. Aiken, railroad In."Til* New York idea. ' H-.'7,contractor," for-tlie ltohlusim Show, passed St.vii I K, II. Ihirr. iininiigeri.— Bill for

week of IT : ('bus. Carter, Abigail l'rlnce, liil-

umre mill Cnstle, Four Seiiutles. Illirtis. Morrisand compiiiiy, labile Bueseli, mill I he inoylngItictures.

(iiii'ijKfM IT. J. I'unsiijlne, tiianugei'i.— Hill

for week of IT: Conk and I 'Union, h'riink K.Montgomery anil •-utiipiiii.v. Hurry llrahani,

all depurliuenls are. coming to Hie city per-liiirntnry tn Joining the Sells Show, whicheaves here about July 1. ,


J—; '


St. Joseph.—At the Alrilome (C. IT. I 'Jill- Four Brlgg's lirothers. Kjll mid Uln Morion.

Msnalleld At Lake Park Cnslno (K. R.

Endly, manager) C. 11. Bosskam's ChicagoStock Co., In repi'rtory. Is on Ibt.tlilrd weeks'

only act announced bv Manager Daniels Is engagement, of a ten weeks' enntlnnoiis con-

ICmmet l)e Voy and company, 'n n sketch, tract, and Is drawing large business.

called "Dreamland.'la na I'ahk 1 101 wood Snlsbuiiy, manager).

-^Splendid attendance mnrks each week'sbusiness at I,una. I.ljieratl's Band is verypopular with Luna's patrons.

i olniuliiiN.—At Keith's (W. W. Prosser.manager) business rout limes good In spileof the warm weather now prevailing. TheStunning tlrenadlera were the licudlluers dur-ing the past week. The bill for week of June24 Includes: J. C, Nugent and company,Bessie Yuldure Troupe. Trovollo, WnterburyBros, nnd Tenny. Knlgbt Bros, nnd Snwtelle,I.lllliiii Shiny, and l.e Roy and Woodford.Olkntanov Pamk (J. W. Dusenbtiry, man

UHi'tiii'M (Kreil Hilton. mnaager).-^Weekof June. 17: The Barrlngtons, William Field-

ing. Stella Itliiehart, and Ma.-k and Held,

Week of -Jl the bill will Include : Elliott andWest. Duraut, the Langdons, and Calef andWalili-ou.


Sprliinrlleld.—At. the Drphlum (Cub Sun,manager) the bill for week- of June '24 In-

cludes : The Summers. Totlto and company,Ed. and May Woodward, Mack Ootiroy, At-

lantic and Mack, and uew songs nnd pic-

tures. • .. ..

Si'iiiNo (iKOYK ParkCasino (C. V. Powell,

manager).—Bill for week of J3 : Murry K.

Mill, lii'iieelvn Whltehouse, Seymour's dugs

lev. manager) the Lyceum stock Co. con-tinues lo please. "Ileciiuse She l.oyed Illlil

So" first' four nights of. this week, ami "ANight Off" Ihe Inst three. j :...

CiiKvs'i'Ai, (Fred t'osuinu. managerl.—Thebill for week of '23 Includes: Klntoer amiDunn. Waller Spencer, the Wallace Sisters..Net Bennett. Fukltio's Itoynl Japanese Troupe,ami Cosmnn's moving pictures. Bualuvs con-tinues fine. ,.


iJitveiipiict.—At Hie Elite Theatre (Chaa.Ilerkell, manager) business continues good.

The following . for June. 17 and .week:"Yuma." Barney First, Ivitrtls and Kitsse,

Lent; Kline, Ames and Lamb, and Klltescope.AitiDiiMi: (Direction C. Roy Kindt).—This

open air vaudeville was opened 111. midpatronage has been very good. For IT andweek, the Biisse-Hiekuiuu Co., lu "Blue nud(Jray."

Si-nvwiAN I'Attic TiiKATitu (Direction Chan.A. Shanip).—This vaudeylll^, theatre will he

itertalnrnenr eupply oatalogue sod

gHECIAL OFFBR tally e juinliw every HiIlk.'

tKICUl) fKUliL'IlllSVU.. mttmUm II.)M. Ml. tliltin.


MOUQUIN'S6tli An., bit. 27th aid 281. Sit., New York.



a hi: iuii tuo' thin i



'Hie llreiit Kiiropetin Hlscovery, IncreiiHes yourweight, nlsiiil r, to lo pounds monthly, The onlyItesh pmilu or uilorsi'il by the highest medicalauthorities. Unrivalled for nervousness, anueinla

and wanting dbeiises. Urenlest lotitu known.Rounds out the figure nnd gives strength lo, the

whole sislehi. 1'ilce, »-'. hit enisling booklet

fret). ASI'A CIIKM. CO.,

jgjl llronilwny. liepi. v. New York, ;

.hie Homier, and I lie moving pictures,I'anta.iks' i Alex. I'aiitages. manager).

Bill w.i'k uf 17: The Lnrello Trio. Lu Malrenud l.e Malre, WisiiKvai'd, Brown and l.llyler,

Lois teclle llobsiHl, A rill ill' Klwell, and IheIllpVillg pll'llires,

NiiTK.—C. A. Taylor reci-nlly nHsuiiied Hieentire iiiiiiingeinenl of the Third Avenue.

HiioUi.ne.—At I lie Spokane (Dim (..'Weaver,manager I Henrietta i rnsuuin, III "All-of-n

Sudden Peggy." sitpporleil by nu utleipiale

compiiiiy, played to two large audiences Juneto, II. Mrs. Leslie Carter, In "Znzn" and'Tin Barry," was greeted by cn|uiclly houses15, 10, , "tt'heii Iho. Hell Tolls," Willi .lenniiie

Russell. Iienililix Hie couipiin.v, pleuseil II. tills

Skinner 17, is, Docksttider's Minstrels L'3,

Viola Allen '24. '2U, Klliel Unrryiui.re, In "Cap-in lu Jinks,'.' no, 'ii.

Wahiiiniiton ItieorgH C. Hlukeslee, luuiiu-

ger).—New people: .Nellie Ktlhige mid coin-

puny, Allen Show. MiiIh-IIii Meeker, llowleyand Leslie, Alf Bininer, Krlesel's dogs mideats, nud the blogruph. Business coiillinies


lA'e M. Bodn. generpl manager ofthe Valentine Co.. was In New York the pastweek on business In couection with the futurepolicy of the. Shubert Tlie lecelvcrs forthe owner of the Majestic and representn-lives of Hiirtlg & Sennion's. were In confer-ence here. 18. regarding the future of thehouse. The contractors will begin work Im-mediately, and will endeavor to have thehouse ready for opening by Oct. I MaryDavis, a local girl, was a member of the"Shooting the Chutes" Co., at OlentnntrvPark during the past week Lloyd T.Hlnghani, manager of Amelia lilnghnm, wushere Ihe past week, rehearsing the companyhis wife appears wllh at Olentangy Park nextweek. ...... .Snlomo. Pnt'k. a member of theStunning (Iroundlers. appearing at Keith's,suffered a slight attack of Illness during Hieearly part of Ihe week. . . . . . Indlauola Parkdrew large crowds during Ihe |M(t week. dreg-,ory's "Burning of Moscow" eutortalued larg?crowds, while Neddeltnyer's Ml'ltnry Bundcontinues to be n big drawing attraction.

be erected the coming sensou,

MISSOURI.St. LoulM.—At Delmnr (inrilen (Turner T.

Lewis, malinger) "The Telephone Cilrl," averv popular' production, with Johu B.- Youngas Hans Nix. Joule lutropidl. Blanche Deyo,

Cecilia Rhoda. Alice B. Hills. Edwin A.

Clark, Frank Itusliworth and others, June ltl-

1*2. Abedluh Fairfax was added. "The Isle

of Champagne". 23 nnd week. .. •

Srui'niiAN OAitbiiN (Oppcnhelmer Bros.,

managers).—"The Modern

.Lady Uodlvla,"

with MIsb Hlnghiiin In the star role, had Its

premier production, under the personal super-

vision of the author, Frederick V. Shruder,

on June 111. The company In support was uuexcellent one, and uiueh praise Is due for the

able manner In which this Jlew play was pro-

duced. "Mnm'selle Mnrnl" June 111. June lll-

21. "One of Our Girls" will end Miss Bing-

ham's engagement with the Suburban man-agement.Wkst Rnii llfcimiTH (Obert & Schnefer,

•itKititiii,- uiunugeri me uui iur ivirn in

23 Includes: The Musical Simpsons,i and Kenny, gymnasts: Billy Carter.I I'd ; the Three MeKecs. singers and

)ii:nig«tiiivii,-Ai Idorn Park IB, \V.• 'iiiiiilnghnin, nuinnger) the hill for week ofJuneAlvlntnlnsti. .

ilnneers, and Leon nnd Adeline,"" comedy.lugelers. More favorable wenther continueslo increase the ntteudunees.Avon p.vim (Jos. . W. WesH, manager).—

I lie bill for Hie current week, beginning 2.1,

includes:. Cooke Brothers, comedy jugglers;''liirke and Hrndlev. the dancing glrlB : CarlHerbert, the man of mystery: Fitzgerald nndL'lldny. eomeillnns. and Hio Keeley Brothers,comedy athletes. The above, together wllhPayne's sneelaculnr fireworks dlsplny everyWednesdnv evening, are doing excelleut hual-ness.


fltiANn CJne. Schagrln, managerj.— Theehrnnnulione continues to fair bnalnesn.

N'itbs.—Prof. Lankford, who la renderingexcellent music at Idora Park, and who wasorchestra leader for the "Buster Brown" Co.Inst season, has signed a contract .

withthis same company for next season......Advertising Car No. G, of Ihe Wallace-Hagen-be, k iim.4 arrived aerc -I. m clwrge ofJobn Ilees. The Bccond car will arrive In

Hon, .lu which more than three thousandvoices. will he heard..

XoTES.-r Jtnie:2l). and week, Kllery's RoyalBulla u Band will give a series of concerts.

Pawuc; Bills Wild West Show cameto town 12, .and drew huge crowds at bothafternoon and evening performancesBnrnutii & Bulley's advance advertising carIs hi the city, porting bills for this big show,Which comes .Aug. 111.—


»Den Moines.—At Ingersull Park (Fred

Hucha mm. ma linger i liusluess for week ofJune 17 was excellent, wllh n hill Including:Jltiiinle Lucas, the lllrl Behind Hie Drum,Might Bedouin. Arabs, Lasky's Quintette.Shields and Royes, and the moving pictures.

For week of L'l, n fine comedy bill eonslsl-lug of: Tom N'uwu and company, lien, ilenoanil company, Jack Wilson and company.Qnlgg ' Alack nud Wlckerson. and Redfordand Winchester.

Jiiiin Hiiiiinhun Snow plea si, 1 1 wo crowdedtents 18.

NnTK.—The work on the Majestic Theatrehas been liegiin, ami Is progressing rapidly.

, •, • _^


< ftlur HhiiLIm.— At (ireene's llperil House(Will S. Collier, n ngeri the twdllh anninilconvention of the Soefely of .Music Teneliersof Iowa, June 18-21, gave four .line pro-gramme)..

At,AMn I'auk (H. K. Bnrl.iu. malinger).

Hood attendance nnd tills line bill week of III:

Fox a Foxle's Circus, Inticss and Itynn,Hnlly-nnd Ileelian, K. . ,1. Appleby, Hay W.Fav, and Schmidt's Hand.

1,'norii Canvas.—Beaullfiil Bagdad (J. A.Daniali.y, luntiager), 17-22. pleased eapncllybusiness nightly The lietilry Brothers'Show Is due July I. .Henernl Agent W. II.

Tnrklngton was Here 2(1.



llo.ii.e,—Aries (ipera House i Men Wiley,

Powers. Count Do Butz antl Brother*. Lew manager) was dnrk week of June 17.

Wells. Fdwatd. (Jeer, ami the Manulonscope. John BnniNHox'H CllVim gave Iwo tier-.

Lkmpn Pauk (J L Wnlirnpp, manager), formances to the usual large crowds, nfter-

—Creature and hls'band continue to be a big noon anil evening 17. The show Snndayednttrncllon. nnd lovers of high chiss niuslc are here. .... . ,. , •

given rare treats. After leaving St. Louis NoTKS.—The Scenic (Julius L. t nliii, iiian-

"I'ntler Two Flngs" scored a

MtlnOEMBful week, wllh Kthel Fuller luninnagers).-

the lend, and a company which gave strong


"^(ntENT Pauk 1Ihiiii.a.niih (Col. John D.

Hopkins, inunnger),—June 111-30 will lie Po-

lice Belief Association Benefit weeks. Dussand his bnml nud (irnee Sluddlford Ho-

cnllv very iiiipiilnr) will be ihe lending fen-

lutes. Others who will add to the attrac-

tions nre: Joseph Hart's Untieing Duisles.

supporting Louise Mink, the dancer and sing-

er; Tom Nnwu, supported by Chnrlolte La-

pelle ; Belle Hathaway, wltli her baboons andmonkey*; Foater nnd Foster, Wilson Broth-

ers, and tlie polyscope. The IligliltiutlH has

been charmingly decorated.Mansion's Paiik (Mnnnlon Bros., innnn-

gerH)._Tbe bill for week of June JO": TheKaufman Slaters. Mr. nnd Mrs. James T.

company lias a good singingchorus. "Whlrley tlirley" Hi nud week,

NiyriiH.—May Downn. a dancer, connectedWilli ii side show wllh Sclln-Flolo Circus, andI leorge Wall, of Denver, were married hereJune HI. They will live ill Denver IV, II.

Jackson, u Spokane musician, mid Anna Isabelle Kgitii. until recently n member of the/.Inn Musical Truvesly Co.. were mil riledJune HI, and will live In Spokane Sells-

I'loto Circus pin.veil four performances, , lanocked tents, In Spnkane, June III, II, liirn-

lug iiwn.y several llliillsillld til the night per-fol'liiutices. The show In well presenleilMargaret Harding mid Florence Leonard, whociiine to Hie XiuTliwesl to Join it vaudevilletroupe, ami were stranded In Hit: Pugel Soundcountry, were sent lo their homes June 12,by the county commissioners mid friends. Thelatter provided sleepers and funds for I heirmeals c» nniir Nniatorluni Purk Is at-tracting big crowds. The eliteiTallililenls

provided by Ihe lugersoll Alllliseineul Co. lire

equal. In any al Hie Fasterii resorts..,- I

Tiiciiiini. At Hie Tncoins Theatre If.II. Herald, malinger) Vlolll Allen, 111 "TwelfthNight." June HI.

StAii I A. F.n'gcl, nuiiiilger).- Charles King,lu, "The Indian," 17-22.

liKANti iDeuu II. Worley, iiiniiugi'ri,--The I ileal I'ulgorti, I'lorence Irivlu. Ihe FourKhnntioiiH. Adele . Pulpier- and .compiiiiy, Fredlinssell, Harold lloff antl (Irnndlscope.

.Null: - Lew TlockNtilder, who played heretwo nlgliis, had S. It. II.

.TI'I.VNKNt* ih:.

UeiiinliiM. -At the IIIJou (ItenJ. M. Slaln-bnek, uitiiiageri Ihe Snow K I nek Co. presellteil"The Charily Hull," week euiiitiieucllig June17, lo good hliaiiifas. "Thelina" 24-211.

Hoi'KiNH' Fast Fni. Paiik A, It. Morri-son, iiiaiingei'l,—Splendid crowds prevailedweek beginning 1(1, The programme Included :

Mnble McKlnley, Joan and Marie Wellkinnu,tltilgg, Mnrkley and NTckerson, Redford andWinchester, Kates Bros., nnd Hie klnrniromc.

Faiiivi.anh (B. c. Bench, •nitiaget'i.—"\nAmerican citizen," 111-22, drew well. Tlie

LiAUIKH -Send for fnio sample CRKMK TACO-MA. Musi jierfeet complexion creiim; entirely

new; nullkn iiiiytlilng you over Hied! nhwilMiely

pure; positively will not promote hnlr growth.1 HON CITY. CHKMIl'AI, CO., I'lttsbiirg, I'll.



AMERICAN LEAGUE PARK.Willi Washington, June '47, MM, 'lb,

July I.

Willi I'lilliulolp ltlo, July .'4. 3, I, «.

Vi.slivllle. Al lite Casino IV. C. Alley.

Iininiigeri ".lease .laiiies lit MIkmiiiiI" openedw It of June IT. wllh an eluliornle produc-tion, mid lias dellgliled large crowds. Weekof 24, "The Two orphans."

lliiTiiiiK.i.tiK I W, II. HorillcHcr, umtingeri.•Moving plrliiicH, llliisliiileil songs andIn in- v skill lug lire all met lug huge crowds.

XirrKH.— Malinger HordleKer, of the lllpiKi-

drotiie, iiiniuiiiiecH Hull after thin week tills

place will close until Full, when he will openIlls doors wllh on entirely new Hour, roofnud Interior deeornlloiis. This place busdone big business since lis doors were opened,which I'.'lleclH i!

roil I credit on Mr. Hoi'dleser.

Owing lo the extreme hot welllherI hive of our moving plcllliv allows, the Twin.Olyinpln iinil Ihe Audllorliiin, have closedtuilll the Fall,

('rent nre will begin a long series of concerts ngeri moving pictures mid lllusl ruled songs regular slock coiiipiitiy Is gnuiiug Ineu.ls anil

in f'hleneo nre dolug gooil business. The Weller'a Ihe iittendance fat liirreimlng. The perforin

EctiPSii Gabpeh (H. Gruen, manager).— Hippodrome Show played, June 19, 20, to ance pleased. "David Oarrlck" 24-20.

Kiioivillf. Al Cbllbowee Park TheatreI Hurry Heriislelii. uiiiniiger i Hie Heeond weekof i In- Wills Mimical Comedy Company's en-gagement was II very priilllnlile one. TintIiIIIk for the week were, for Hut Hist half,

"Two Old Cronies," nud Ihe hint half, "ATrip lo .Merry la ml."

CliMllMim.iKii. At Ihe Wells HIJou (Itoh-

Iter! |„ VVnyiie, inaiiageri week of June 17,

If ill lilt Sllllii'l. Ill "The Chrlslliili." openedthe week wllh II large

.audience 111 ulleud-



Bulte. -Al Ihe llroailway (J. K. Ileslet.

matingeri "A lime for u Widow" hull u gootlliuiise June IT. Mrs. Leslie Curler, HI. 20,dellgliled Ihe luiiiiiihxc erowibi who allendeil.

IBM Skinner, In "The Duel," 21, 22, hud tworecord breaking audiences.

Hiianii UT'KIIA lloiiKi-. 1 1 tick P. Siillon. iiiiiii-

aueri. The Lulu Hid I oil Co.. Week of III, III

"The Holy Clly," had record business. MissSill Ion's l la I ice of Hie Seven Veils was el-ocptlnniilly good. The olio was pleilHlug.

Kamii.v (F. Nelsonlii, iininiigeri.- Hill weekof III: Beatrice Mureliiuil iiiui Sluuley Jolins,

Al, Jols.in. Ileniiy and Francis, Hurry Tsiulu,Ctivniiii, 1 1 race iirina, Walter Jeffrey, and thelllolloli plelilfes. HnslnesM is H-I.V good.

IIoi.I.anii Rink.—Nlil llelss' ciniilval showedto good iilleiidiiiice 24-2(1.


Sou lb MeA lister. Al Hie l.yrie Tile-

aire (J. F. Ilodklns, director) Hie hill weekof limit 17 liicludeil : The Jiiggiliig I'urrollst.

J. II. Sluiw, Arnold ami Arlle, ami l.yrlHcope.

.S'ii'KkuiiiKon I King * Lull liner, miinagers).— I lllllHIIIIU'l MI'/K.

Nirrii. -Tlie Cohuilnl Then I re (Arlhur llnr-

Hs. iininiigeri opeunil lo good t-ii -I m— Julio

HI. wllh moving pictures ntitl illustrated snug.

Change of programme dully.e »»

ri.OIIIDA.. ,

.iM.'hN.iiivllle. Al Ihe little rr.. W.Ilimklev, iininiigeri for June 24 and week,"Mv Wife's Family," by Hie lililelund Mu-sical Comedy Co, .... ..







"Let Me Hear the Band

Play the Girl I Left Behind"

Prof, Copies FREETo recognised ar-

tists. Orchil, 6c.. i'H.

f»r mailing.


JOS. W. STERN & CO.102 WEST 3811) St., N. Y. CITY,


J.Witt* for a UKt ntour new Picture Son*


Want All Kinds of Vaudeville ActsANI>

100 CHORUS GIRLS.TANNER & CO., Theatrical Exchange,

KNICKERBOCKER THEATRE BUILDING,Halt* illMV'J.J.r-'J'.H, Telephone, Ill04-3*lli si., i hi : Broadway, New York Oily.


A transitory tifi disturbs the beatific bli39 of a newly redded Couple, but the advent of Burglar Bill map, them In each

other's arms. Bill gets the cooler for his trouble.

FUSSY FATHER FOOLEDLength - - - '« •«••*

A comedy of errors, fn which a young lady receives the attentions of a young man In defiance of her father's orders.. By

strategy she saves her lover much embarrassment and causes her father the loss of a hat.

THE MODEL'S MALsngth - - - 233 :Feet

Lively times' in the atelier. The Model's Ma proves a •model ma" when she thought the artist was getting fresh.

All Picture are Made with Our Celebrated Blograph Cameras. Our Films Run

on any Machine


• ' PACIFIC OOAUT BRAKCHl 111 N. BROADWAY. Lou Angel... Cal.


We Handle All Makes of Moving Picture Maohinei.STRIP TIOKETS, SOo. r>ar »,ooo.

Have Several Pathe "Life of Christ" Films for RentReasonable. The Greatest Film Ever Produced.

LENGTH, 3,4011 FEET.


«..i)»iv Theatre III, In.. I id, ,ni,i I.,.,m,f street*, - • <*> St. LonU, Mo.


Klelne Len.e. for Picture Machine.cover the. whole rangter |>ine-

h. u i in. >J.'<1 1 on.




C. B. KLEINE,«m slid. Ave., Hew York.

\ \i ih;\'ii.i,k. 11 1 MCI. I'lllh.

RECKLESS RECKLAWWorlil'B rji-iiiitp««. *i;.vr||Bt. Ooincily ami Sensational. Hi. Real SkHlliig lilrl. Miss FANNIKLKItillT. Week Jlllir 'I, lvuk'< Mlulliritlln;, Portland, Maine;' Weeks' Jllur ;«) mill .inlv '.

open. Address 'W.'H. t'l.KVKLANIi, KM Knickerbocker Theatre Hulldlng. New York city.



CLIMAX.VIEW CO.. a Union Square. New Y"rf -

VIRGINIA CIRCUITFive Flr.it Clas. Playlioa.es WithinNinety Mllea-Ba.t Radford. P..l..»kl,

Wythevllle, MarloB, Abingdon.GOOD ATTRACTIONS wanted for uext season.


BSDtetnber or October. Km- term, apply i<> \j»P VMANAGEMENT OF EACH HOUBB.

GEO. MELIES "STAR" FILMS*All our snbletl* are with titles unit hear our


AL. F. WHEELER'S »Kl SHOWSWant Sensational Outside Exhibition

with Hutu np|inr hi >i'.. Singing hoi) Talking clown, Lion Tamer lor untamable set, Strong Baritone midother Musicians inn! raker worklnunion. Clicstortowu, N. v., H*j North Creek, N. Y., SJ; rottersvllle•A, Srlimiiu Luke '.II. Tlomiilei'ngii July I, iron ii I'olnl 3,

•W Jk. IkTV jD X> ,

Agent, leading Lady, Gen. Bus. Man,PIANO PLAYER. AM. Al. for One Night Stand. SUMMEB WOBK.




SINGERS AND DANCERS.1. FELH, Manager, cure of Aveutic Cluli. House,Spring drove Ave., near Mltcliclt. Cincinnati. Ohio.

Or the Fisherman's Nightmare.

This Film is UNDOUBTEDLY one of the GREATEST Spectacular

Fantasies Ever Shown in America.

IOTH, 93Qft. - 'NICE, *fciii.f>o

30 GREAT SCENES 301 The FIsliel -iiiairs Collage

J Return fioin the Sea

1 A Restless Sleep; the tireaiti

4 The Sea Nymph.'. The roll or Departuren Military Hotmr.; i.ii-iiii-imiit In Command


8 UiiIuk Almiail!li The Departure of tiii Sub-

marineto Deeper and Deeper

11 The Algieof the Seaa The Wrecksin Entrancing UruMoe.14 (llant Slicllllsh

U The Awakening of the SeaNymph

in Marine Monsters17 Tlieoucenor itit; Slarilali

1H Till.' Ml I'll-

19 The Naiad*m The sinpwri'r'k of the Soli-


ill CihIim ami Monstrous Kiali

it Siilmiarllie CuVem-M Aimiiiiiiii". himICoikIm

•-•4 The Sea Home.'.'., The riBiii's' Revenge'.!« TlieOclopua

27 Knlangle'l In a Net28 The \ hi, Hi- Spoiigc'.'« Awake


itu The End of the h'lglitinire




204 Eitt 38th St., New York City, ft

KEEINE OPTICAL CO., .X62 Slut. St., Chicago, III. *


A.i.i., ii in. r..ii i>i.in< ui,..>,

'- ' ^V^WILL. R. BOYLE. Braiuerd, Minn.



CHARACTER HAH OR GENERAL BUSINESS AGT0B.Pipfer tii.ise ilnlug a|tei'lalllrn or plarlug muue liiHtruniont III lianrt. Oilier people In all linen doublingbrtiiil. ivi'ltc. State nil Dnrli'tti'i'. 1 pay aipeoKa, Arttln-Hs

ADOLI'll lllKI'OUD, Mgr., olriord'H Cnnieilliiiin, Ciili'ilnnla, Minn., ,luili> 21-iOi Prenton, Minn., July Ml.

Musical Farce Comedy People Wantedtfe can place ll|c following people with "Ma's Sow llii-i»iiiit." for next seiiaon: a very nnii.11

Onmollnu for feiiturc boy pari, luruc Conicillaii tor old man pari, tall. Eccentric Coniedlan, EccouttlcSniiiilctti' for a "Mi llopkliia" purl, tail, .tin onlli* Moman; two hanihiouic Women for mini ti part*; mtiKt

have line voices; Mimical Hliector, etc. I'Iichc avc high class niinictlons, playing only Hie luigi-r clllc.

In the lies! houses, ail.l we only want Al people. Address, with photos and full psi ilniliu s, loMini 1

.<( IIAYNOR. aviiv l.a Salle SI., Chicago, III.



A.11 Ivlncl.N of A.otas for Free Cirotus,M.,in with Picture Macblue and Ooiul Plluis and Song Slides. Also Singer who can play plauo.

i , j Ha in 'lux mils for Oriental Show who cnu make good.


HTKHLl \«'H ITNCLK TOM'S CABIN CO.,m.ui in I'i'iy Tom i>, iliiiililc liili.iiiil l'ii,i,ii,„n,' iiiilootde sioiteor o. oilier mi.ah'iaii'i, will.*, i'iii

lilace iibtfi'iilTom people -at all times, stale If vou dnnble i«vass and loivcsi enlAry. .loin on Kile."Wagon show, • t- Tints, In FINN, Manafivr,iioira,.N, V., iff; iiraauur t'uih ;*, Miifiufua. v.<, -Nurlolk j uly l, rurbhvUlo 'i.


A VERSATILE PARTNER.Prefer Home one that cau Juggle, dance and play

two cJ) or more of the following Instruments: Vio-

lin, piccolo, coruol, trombone or clarinet, cigarette

rleuda, booze flghtera awl inashcra save your post-

age. Alt lellera that conlaln full pat Honiara, half

tone or photo will be promptly answered. Addressiil : S KIHALKO, cine lieu. Del., Hvntisvllle, lad.

ANDREWSTLadles' flowns, Slightly Worn.

FVR8 OF ALL KINOB.We alto Carry Gentlemen'. Clothing.

a«A Btate Street CHICAGO


Stage Cm-pent kv and Scene Constructor

AT LIBERTYProperlv Man. Responsible manage! s, wrtto. andI'm nt your aervlce.

SIM PDLMAK. V' Llvlngatotl Bt-iVewYerK.


Steeplechase Island Park1 BRIDGEPORT, CONN.

tinier II..' flnni.Keiiieiil .1 1" CBDt. P0u| BOVtOnThe Best Re.ort between New York mi. I Boston.

Knoruioii* po|inliitton or gooil money a|iendera to draw from. >.

ALL KINDS OK OUTDOOR ALTS, llallbons and Airahlps, Dic-

ing. Animal Acid, High Wire, Water Performance", etc. '»«

, vaudeville!. Have room for .mall shows under canvai, WMi\Vest, One lllug Circus, Vreaka, Kortune Teller. Good, clean ahowH only. New Amuneiuout Device*will pay well. Nothing too good for Bridgeport. The present Manager Intends to make Steeplechasetbe resort for all Connecticut. Write or call. CAPT. PAUL BOTTOM, Manager-




Taught by Correspondence.Send for handsome booklet, on

Illtuou Conservatory,VOICE CULTURE FREEitory, U2i Lakeside Bldg., clilcBgo.



MUSIC ARRANGEDFor rlano. Band and Orchestra. W..H. NELSONM Went s»th Street. New York.

NEW UP-TO-DATE 52 PAGE BOOKCnlalOEiie of i.niesl ValHtKU, Itnoiw. rlc, jumout. Sent for 10c. NONE FREE.

W. I>. I.BttOV,.t«l Court St., Boston, Mass.

Plenty work. Baltimore, Pino Reach, Va„ Savannah, Oa. flood Treatment, Long EngagomcDts. Btt

Oommlsalon. Mire or write. iCan use a Oood High Wire Act, Several Sensational Act?, forTalm In

Septcinlier, In Mil.. Trick llouat, Educated Horse, cle. Addran JOHN T. M?CASLIN' . Balto. Theatrical Etchanse, OaycSELexlugloi

i! !


l ii


l li ~Balto., Mil.



V JULY 1:4

THE WILSONSHAHHY E., Gen. Bin. MAE B„ Gen. Bm, MASTER REX, Parts and Slieclttltl"-

Addreas HARRY E. WILSON, care McDonald Stock Co.. VlcHabiirg. Mis?.

THE BESTSTRIP TICKETS MADE.20 Cents Per THOUSAND, in Lots of 5,000 0B 1R0BE.



RXCI.1ISIVR PAnonv ON any sono for-a dow.abi II

Ioiiie (INI; ONI.V 1'flll TOUIt AOT If ion'11 iwild met'l wtlfJ-Mc"™^

before Aug. l. Aflor thai ilftle. ?I>. Address 'UAtli iN 6BIft-.«« I-'llc"" 1.

AVC., Chicago. • '.--'..,


HEW SONGS! NEW SONGS!FREE—Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.

NOW BEADY—"Just Why," "If I Love You," "Llttio Blue Bird," "Decoration Day,""There la no Lore like That of a Mother," "We'll Make Love on a Submarine," "When I

Say Good-Bye to Yon," 'The Parting," " 'Mid the Hills of Old Kentucky," "By the Brook,""Deserted and Alone," "Cupid," "When I Left My Dear Old Home," "The Unloving Bride,""Always True to Me," "Meet Me at the Garden Gate,'' "My Old Home In the Land ofFlowers," "When the Girl Upon the Stage Mokes Eyes at You," "By Gonea," "What la >Woman Worth ?" "Up In • Balloon," "Sklddoo," "Dream Blossoms," "With My Sham* I'll

Wash Your Sins Away."

MELVILLE MISIC TUB. CO., 55 West 28th St., Sew York.



Now In course of construction. Will he ready to open October l, 1907. We must have a bang-np,rattling good attraction for the opening. Will give liberal terms. Frederick, formerly a dead one,Is now a hummer. Factories working day and night, buildings going up everywhere, Inter-urbantrolleys, smooth streets, and an up-to-date opera house, under professional and hustling manage-ment. Easy lump from Baltimore, Washington, Hagerstown or York. Address

WOOD «Sf LEBHEHZ, Box »84, Frederick, Mil.


A No. I CHARACTER AND GENERAL BUSINESS MAN.Others write. Long, sure season. Address itoiiKUT URANM, Box 268, Joplln, Mo.


2 LADIES BAND, 10 Pieces Each



Suite 3»»>3»3, Knickerbocker Theatre Building, 140* Broadway, N. Y.

Soubrette Dresses,Anhle Length Gowns

ANY COLOR. ANY STYLeV^ ANY QUANTITY.All Garments mado to order from Special and Original Uoalgns. FIT, MATERIAL AND WORK-MANSHIP GUARANTEED, or money refunded without argument. Hand colored plates fur-

nished free, on request. WOLrT, FORDING & CO., 111-06 Eliot Bt., Boston, Mass.

>, FOB THEWill A. Peters Stock Co.W

PEOPLE IN ALL LINES.Those who wrote before, write again. Address CHARLOTTE, K. 0. N. B.—Plcaso don't misrepresent'



Must be strictly sober. Bend photos. Show opens In Ohio, Aug. ID. Kchcarsala Aug. 6. STACKMltKCTOIt and (i(iul) PIANIST, write.

Address EDWARD DOYLE, 180 N. Princeton Ave., Columbus, Ohio.


Book and (fallen Stand Privilogo for Rent.


Capable Becond Woman, with emotional ability, for Hie American Block Co. Also (leneral HusluessWoman for Ingenues and Home characters. Can use flood Pianist. No trouble makers or Idlers re-

julred. Open Aug. 1 for forty weekB. Give references and tell all In ilrst letter. Photos will boreturned. POPULAR AMUSEMKNT CO. (Inc.), Canton, Ohio.

WANTED. CONCUSSIONSFor Mound's Park, Anderson, and West Side Park, Munclc, Ind. Merry Co 'Hound, Ferris Wheeland Stock Cos. for IIUNCI E CASINO. Miniature Ity. and anything that will get the money. Address

R. C. CARLISLE, Mgr., Box 120, Munclc; Bot 173, Anderson, Ind.



158 WEST B'WAY, N.



WIGS.TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC.Aid tho LatMl ind Molt Popular Stylos III UtflM Hair Drilling.

A. HI. BUCH & CO.,110 H. Ninth Mm* ..... FklUdUlpkU



To apply for lowest rates at


104 East i«h st,, New York, Oerman Savings BankBuilding. Telephone, tt»» Oramcrcy. Cable ad-

dress slanenlg. ah printed matter and Inf. free

THE MORE YOU EAT, THE MORE YOU WANTA popular to. package. Sold by concesaloa-lsu everywhere. A Winner and Repeater.

TIM BlgrjMt Popcorn Belter In tot WorldId Sealed "Triple Proof" Packages. Keeps the

contents In perfect condition.We carry a full line of Package Confections suit-

able for amusement trade. Prices and samplesfurnished concesslonlsts who will name the con-cession they control.


HOT 8. Peoria Street, Chicago, U. B. A.




Bool of Pood, Perfect-ly Cooked, D s llo lo uslyServed. Prices rea-oonable. Special Din-ing Room for Ladlaa.

I. MILLER. atAStlFACTURER._«*. ofTh.alrli.l

* ^^ngV UootidtSho..^fct^"i..'T//tv CLOG

a .JBfts'^.."-'.' -'.'iv BAJLLBTEW ^Bk>' ..-,•-'' -tny SHOES a ipo-

BbT^BbT oUltJ- A" work^1 Eflr iflnl made at short^BBBJZfBBr ^^ noUos.

Miff.M at., Now York. Tel, loo Chelaea.

Spangles. $1.25 Per Poond.' ^ OOLD OB SILVER.

Ootlon Tlghta, pair 11.00

Worsted Tight*, pair 1.00

Plaited Nik Tlghta, pair MOBeat Bilk Tlghta,} IMllnoh ooltoB topi,i


Oalf , Thigh 111 Hip Paddings.Gold and Silver Trimming*.

Send Deposit and ronlo with order.THE BOBTOlf REUAUA CO.,

OCT Washington St.. Boston. Mas*.


LETTER HEADfree Bampleo, Oontraota, moketa. Envelopes, etc,

CROSSmWE&Sfc* CHICAGOSTACK MONEY, ISO. Book of Herald Onto, »o.

GOWNS fs°traS2.


SLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET GOWNS. VYOhave on hand a large assortment Of slightly wornEvening Clowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea Clowns.

These robes are perfect In every reaped, and areespecially suitable for wear In HIGH CLA8S DRA-MATIC PIHHWUTIONH. We have a full line ofSeal Skin Coats and Purs of all kinds.

BBS. H. STA lilt, 867 South State St., Chicago.


FOR SALE*Largest and oldest lo Hew England Btate*

Write CURTIS AND WELD,34 Hsyward PI.. Boston, Mm,

Attention, Band and Orchestra Leaden!Do you want (o I.nam to Compose andArrange Ma.lc t If so, Bend He stamp for trial

lesson. Nothing to pay until you have beentaught lessons 1, J and 9. It these lessons do not

convince you that this is Strictly Legitimate,then They an Free. Don't write unless youhave a thorough knowledge of the rudiments of

muslo, and Mean Baslnel*.O. W. WILCOX (Boa C),

10 Union Square, Haw York City.

"Tell It To Me"EZRA KCTPAIX1, 3d BOOK.

AU HEW - JUST OUT,for aale on all trains and news stands, or by

mall, HBO. Address BXBA KBUfOAUU,I Cad well ATO., Maya el a Heights, Cleveland , 0.

Do YouWANT MILITARY GOODS?BAND UNIFORMS, ABBT or HAVT SUITS,TENTS, OOVS ana EQUIPMENT OF EVERTDESCRIPTION. From Government AnoUon.Bo matter what you want In that lino I cansupply It Hew or second hand. Bond Cor

catalogue. B. B ABRAHAMS,501 Sooth St., Philadelphia, Fa.

HERON & WISCHHAH,Theatrioal Lawyers,


FLETCHER'S NEW THEATRE, Hilttllli, Wyo.,New house, playing best people. First class per-formers wauted at all limes. Address '

0. D. FLETCllF.lt, Proprietor and Manager.


PRESS SHOW PRINTERY, Johnioabiirg, Pi.


75c. LETTER HEAD HALF TONEWo can mate a half tone from photograph yonfurnish: set op y»ur name, address and act lotype, and print too Letter Heads, IKltl, for fJ.W,cash.

KrYOkVILI.K KNOHAVlNt. CO.,BIS Hay St.. Knoivllla, Tana.

Randolph and Union Streets, CIIICA




50NGBO0K5//-. ,./!'.- i/iu \ V/M/VM ':'"'' '

M/:\t.\. >!oJp/:RWtiwr,>- h'nwo

iavpu. '. /i/i0fwri/fi '. if pop

7/s wn : u^'pr/'ivp^./'A


E IM TLargo Stock BUt. and VoderNew and Second Hand. WriteTUB: CHA 111.1:1 P, BIRDKItTENT AMD AWBllNO CO.,

Suceooooro to tbe T, W. Noble Co,. Toot DentDetroit Bot and Hff. Co., Detroit. Mich.


BK8T PAYING PltOFKHHION IN TIIF. WOULD.Wo teach you at your own homo lo a short .time to

go upon tim stage or speaker's platform. Thou-sands of aatlsllod students. Write for free bookleton Iirumutlc Art by correspondence.CHICAGO SCIIOOli OB ELOCUTION,

mo Chicago Opera House Block, cillCAco, ILL

BAD SEASON IS OVER.Black Tents, 10*32 up to 21x00, used. White Tents,about all sizes; Folding Chain, Folding Benches,Folding Organs, Folding Torches, Spring MotorPiano, Klcctrlo Piano and Banlo, NlokelodoonChairs. Kldd Lights. Mammoth Torches. BBNDFOR FltKK BARGAIN UOOKLRT.

B. II. ARMBRDKTKR, Springfield, Illinois.


I 144 LA SALLE ST V—'^

START IN SHOW BUSINESS.Stago lr>»trviollof\.

What Acts to I^aru and How. Points on Salary.How to obtain engagements and many otheressential points every boKliiner should know.Price acts. OH Co.,m W. 3»th 8L, New York.





WE were the Orlglimuira of pictured melodieswilh our "Little Ijatl Child!"\vk nover illustrated a song unless It had been

tried out and proved to be a lilt'

w K uover lsauo stuck vlewsl Kvery picture Isposed specially for the song and the situation, nomatter to what part of the world the photographermust travel to get It IWB loan you our slides rKKKOKCIIAItUKI Vousimply deposit t&.OU with us for KACII HKT UB-DKKKD, aud as soon as tt la returned you get yourentire deposit hack, or we will send you anotherset In exohango if you wish. In this way you gettho use of all the Illustrated hongs we carry foryour original deposit of J6.011, which amount Is re-funded when the last set is returned. You conse-quently have the use of all our slides for ABBO-LDTKI.Y NOTHING, excepting the cost of trans-portation, both waya,


She Was a Grand Old UdyWhen Bob while Is Whistling In tho MeadowWe Have No One to Care for Us NowWhen the Snowbirds Cross the ValleyMllo :-: Gettysburg :: My Martha JaneThe Bird On Nellie's HatWhere the Weoplng Willow Hrmdes Mossy LaueAfter They Gather the HayLot Mo Write What I Never Oared TellKvenlng Breeie Is Sighing Home, Sweet HomoWe Parted as the Sun Went lluwnIn tho Golden Autumn Tlmo, My sweet P.lalniDown Whore tho Sllv'ry Mohawk Flow!Since Father Went to WorkTho Plain Little Soldier ManIn the Valloy that the Sunshine Never LeavesM v Henri's To-night In TennesseeWhen tho Harvest Moon Is Hlilnlhg on HlverSunday Morning when the Chiiruliliells ChimeWhore tho Sunset Turns Ovuau's Blue to GoldYou'ro as Woloomo as the Flowers lit MayWhen the Flolds are White with CottonThe Llitle Rustic Cottage by the StreamIn the Valley where the Bluebirds sing

IN PREPARATIONWhy Can't a Girl bo a Soldier f :-: :-: Black JimYou Took tho sunshine Willi You. Mary MineI'm Dreaming of sweet Lily of tho ValleySouthern Girl

Copies and Orehestratloiia <>r AbovoKHEB WITH NL.IUBH.

OS" NO SI.I1IKH SKNT C. U. ll.-»0

Managers or Nlrlceloileans, Penny Ar-•atlsi, Moving Picture Companies,Vaudtivllle Compniilas, Parks anil allother Amusement Bnterprlsea are r.-luealeil to coiiiniunlentti with (II,

102-104 Wut38lh 81., Niw York Clly.


1 r fr*J "" ->

Minlatw* Rallroadi for Parks, Summer Resorts, eta,

Tho Orrateat Money Makoro ondbest Attraction In tha World.

Ne Park complete without then, earalag IIMla six days. Wilh proper ssre, will last s| jean,

k'sHo roa Catalooui.

WK HAVE KOIl-I-KASK AMD BALEAdvance, Privilege, Baajgaao, Siorfc, Au-tomobile and ltf«i rv-tlu-itoDDil Oara.

Wft. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Com-panies, Seasonable terms. Write for particulars.TUB ARMS PALACK 1I0IISF. VAIt COMPANY,No, MM Monadnook Building, Clilcago, ill.





CONTRASTSL.ETTBB BBAU8, BNVKI.OI'KH. TICKETS,I'AHHKS, CAKDS, Btc. Write tot Sinploo.Wabb Ptg. Co.. 858 Dearborn Bt„Calcigo, III.



Department a», • • ATLANTA. BA.


'.'1 Mas 1* \v 1 •',; .' kXXMfjl. :




Orchestrations, 5c. Each for Mailing.

Prof. Copies FREE fo Recognized Artisls. | If^O W CTEDftl 4* f*f\ 102-104 West 3©tH St.,flrchislrata. 5c. Each for Mailing. JvO. ¥V. O I Em* «< UU. Now York City, N. Y.

ILLUSTBATOBS, Send For Our List tl

Hew Picture Song Hits.


Professional Underwear House of America.:

SEASON 19 7.A atoraful of suggestions for the Spring Beaaon of 1807. Complete Varied

A—Qrtmenta In CLOAKS, BDTT8, WAISTS, MTLLINEHY, MTJ8LTNUNDBBWBAB, HOSEEBY, etc., all at our well known Low Prices.

O t_J f\C r\CDT Originator, of oar Famous SHORT VAMP Shoe, fewOnUC UCr I Btage and Street wear, EiUm.tr. freely given or^-waaa _ Qu.ntlty Order* Complete Stocks. Dp to Da". Style*LOWEST CASH I'llICKS FOR DBIIBABLB FOOTWEAR.

OUR MAKE-UP BOXESMade from the very beat tin, are black enameled. Cadaily made for professional dh, having a tray wtUcompartment, for Ore*** 1'alnta, Pow- m t* _dera, Comb and Brush, Win. Etc., Etc. tXftf*Uaa double action lock, arltn two key i, at »W«

OTJK COLD CREAMxptettly prjpared for da Theatrical ProfeMloaguaranteed to be abiolutely per* and never becomirancid In any climate. Pat ap In pound Screw To)fin Can* at «o.| .bait pound at 3Se.





THEATRICAL WIGSOar special t jr la t»!o« for your moneyat one-halt* the price othera ask forthe mine oooda. Perfect • atltfactlongnarun t erit or >oar money back. Obreceipt of $1.00 deposit we will sendgoods 0. 0. I)., subject to examination,

Remember the Nameand the Place




Will he INCREASED beyondmeasure If you have a . . ,

TAYLOR AUTO TRUNKDuntproof, Waterproof,

Oaorproof.Made especially for people of refine-

ment who desire neatness and com-fort while touring.

C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS,NEW YORKt 131 W. 38th St.CHICAGOi 41 E. Randolph St.

Leatheroid Trunks.LIGHTER THAN STEEL.



Theatrical Catalogue. B3i» B'WAV, N.Y., near Spring St.RUNKS"PATTERSON" *» ™« .


THE BELDER TRUNK AND BAG CO., 153 Colombia Are., Philadelphia, Pa.

CENTRAL TRUNKS20ln., $7.60 : 28ln., *8.50 ; 301n., $0.50 ; 30In.. $10.S0 ; 40ln.. $12.00. Circus Trunks. 24x18x18,J7.60. Bill Trunks, 80x23x15. Inside, S12.00. Lltho. Trunks, 42^x28^x12, Inside, $15.00.Shipped on receipt of $3.00, bnl. C. 0. IX, except over 300 miles, then remit -whole amountSIMONS & CO., CUNTUAL TUUNK FACTORY, Est. 1804, S. W. cor. 7th and Arch Sts., Phlla.

it, <0 //


Attanttoni DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMENWhy handlo rooky goods when yon can handle goods that will Bell themselves.Electric Bolts from $1 per doz. up. Large variety to select from. Inhalers, 7oo.

per dot.; Voltaic Insoles, 05o. doz. pairs. 1'uro Cocoanut Soup, $2.00 per gross.

Fine Mould Haiterics. Send 76c. for Sample No. 14 E. II, Trial order will convince.One-third cash required. Largest Manufacturers of Elect) lo Belts and Applianceslu U. 8. A. Established 1818. Lecture and price list free.

THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO., Inc., Burlington, Kan.



SHOESKOR STAGE, BTHBET AND EVENING. EXCLD81VB STTLKfAND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTIED. Short Van. aaaStaata Laata always on band. Mall order, filled. Pit gnaraateed. WIMJAM BERNSTEIN,Tel. 068 Madleon Square. 800 Sixth Are., near 81ft St., N. TALL COLORED SLIPPERS MADE TO ORDER IN 24 HOURS




C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKSNEW YORKl 131 W. 38th Bt.UHICAGOi 30 E. Randolph St.



See hhe half-tones WEmake tor "THE CLIPPER—

llf/ojare going' fohavo any CUTSl

| modorwrite us n'rat WE NAK E.

PHIL.ADEL.PHIA. PA. fPt»t.»lofrlcitin ONE or MORE COLORS!

Sllhollne Tight*, fS.OO; WanMTight*, IB.OOt Cotton Tlghu,l.TKIt Milk Tight*, from tS.95 upihlrta to match, all unt pricea tight*! Pnmpa HO cenUs Gait-

er*. Sl.OOt Elaatle Bapportera,(1.00| Cloth Bapportera. its cent*.Send ror catalogue and sample*of tight*, free. Positively a de-posit required. Satisfaction guaran-teed or money refunded. SPlOER BROS.So Woodbine Street. Brooklyn. N.Y.; NewYork Offlce. Lincoln Bldg.. 1 Onion Bo,.

STALLMAN'S DRESSER TRUNK.Easy to get at everything with-out disturbing anything. Nofatigue In packing and unpack-ing. Light, strong, roomydrawers. Holds as much andcosts no more than a goodbox trunk. Hand riveted;strongest trunk mado. IdeinuH room serves as chllfonler;C. O. 1). with privilege of ex-amination. 2c. stamp for cata-log. F. A. STALLMAN,86 W. Spring St., Columbus. O.

HIGH CUSSMAGICAL APPARATUSAt moderate prlcca. Large stock, Immensevarletj. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mam-moth Catalogue Just Issued, 20c. Just out, list ofnew books on Magic and new list of bargains Intricks. A. ROTERBERQ, 176 Ontario St., Chicago.


We have made the euro of Blood Poison aspecialty. Blood Poison Permaneutly Cured.Ton can be treated at home under sameguaranty. Capital $600,000. Wo solicit themoat obstinate) cases. If yon have ex-hausted the old methods of treatment andstill have aches and pains, Mucus Patches InMonth, 8ore Throat, Pimples. Copper ColoredSpots, Clcors on any part of the body, Hairor Eyebrow, failing out^ write for proofo ofonree. loo-page Book Free."" COOK RgMEDY co


A Few Special Bargains in FilmsFeet ***lc*

94 Man Run Over by Automo-bile *400

820 The Witch 50.00

UO0 Trip to Niagara Kails 30.00

11)0 Sea lly Moonlight 10.00

278 An Old Mans Darling 14.00

420 A Female Spy 20.00

377 Motor Car For Sale 18.00

450 Carnival at Nice 20.00225 An Evil Day 8.00

260 Funny Fishing 1100500 Sultan of Morro 26.00

350 Norwich Pageant 12.00

751 Married for Millions 30.00

180 Hello! Hello. Grinder 7.00

COO Bostock Wornwell 23.00

295 Pay Day 11-00

550 Dog Tramp 25.00

311 His Wife's Birthday 14:00

U72 Views of African Life In

Congo 30.00229 Susan Tastes the Wine 9.00

590 An Exciting Honeymoon... 25.00311 Six Amorous Dragoons 12.00508 Attempted Suicide 22.00240 Cabby by the Hour 11.00131 Sportsman and the Lion... 6.00390 Amateur Night 17.00442 The Little Blind C.lrl 18.00147 For Motuer's Birthday 6.00202 Between Two Fires— De

Cogido Entre Dos 11.00147 A Clever Thief 6.00

Feet Price875 Foul Play , umio450 Servants' Strike 22 00344 Letters Which Speak m.uo524 Crime on a Railroad -ii oo344 The Child's Revenge...- ih'uo528 The Lighthouse 22 DO295 Wrestling Match of l'JOO... rj tio

508 A- Bad Mother 22 00150 After the Battle u.uu150 American Soldiers In Cuba, li.uo

393 The Fan In Japan n.uo229 Customs Officers and Smug-

glers 9.00100 Inauguration Ceremony. ... 2.00535 The Grafter 22.OO375 The Fishing Industry 15.00500 Flags and Faces of All

Nations 20.00325 Beware ! My Husband Comes II.110

426 Julia at the Barracks lii.oo

375 Policeman's Little Run.... HS.on

705 Trial Marriages 30.00300 Japanese Sports 12.00300 A Wrestler's Wife 15.0050 Clog Dance 2.0050 Fisherman's Luck 2.<io

CGO The Bad Man .111.110

247 Among the Animals In Cen-tral Park II.OO

475 The Old Mashers 22.00220 A Determined Creditor S.00039 In the Cause of Faith 3ii.no-

262 India Rubber Man lli.OO


The average town or city will readily aupport as many "Automatic Vaudevilles"

as It does theatres. Dozens of Arcades were opened last year by men of no prevl-

oui experience with coin-operated machines.Do yon know of a good location 1 If so, don't hesitate. We have a splendid

new mode) Mntoscope at $50.00, and bargains in used machines as low as $»8.













The bestof service and prices consistent with the times always guaranteed. Latest subjects always onhand. Operators, machines and nims furnished for Sundays and all other occasions. Send for list and

K. J. HOWARD.804 Washington St., Opp. Adams Honae, Boston, Han.

3&j&€HlC*\a0 .


If you want to accumulate wealth quickly, start a penny arcade anaamusement parlor. Edison Coin-Slot Machines fascinate and draw the

crowd and the pennies. Run automatically by electricity. Write to us

to-day for full information.

NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO.,64 Lakeside Avenue, Orange, N. J.


P. KELLBR 1 CO., Mi West B'way, Xew York, successors to StereopUcon Department of J. B. Colt i Cu.

QintK j?r4!*^iCL -.-.. coon work v3w ;



Address, for Summer,

and Mable RusseBooked Mild, commencing Sept 2, by United Hooking onU'"



For the Greatest Goon March Song that DAVE EEED ever wrote, and you know what he can do in this line.

BYEMY CAROL!They were made by the Chicago Transparency Company, which is a guarantee in itself that they are all weclaim for them It's a "corker

1'—full of ginger—and ifyou want something good and isnappy send for it at once.

M. ^IflTlVI/yreK: <fc SQ1VS, Witmark Building, 144-146 W. 37th St., New York.


6th Ave. and 20th Street, New York,





Theatrical Catalogue Mailed Free upon Bequest.



U 77-11 W00S7ER ST.(IM. tptlruj an* Broome), law Tart.







And make yoa a fortune. Ifyou hare »

PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT,SONG or BOOK that la -worth anything,yoa should copyright It. Don't takechances when yoa can secure our serv-

Sendfor our SKOAL


He or not. FREE. We Incorporate


Consult US.



Hiatal. CevyrieAt • Pateat Co 1st,





now ready lor distribu-

tion. Write for It to-

day. You cannot afford

to be without a copy.

Mailed free.30c. per 100.






SPAN6LES (All Colors)




NEW SONGS! NEW SONGS!FREE— Professional Copies to Performers Enclosing Programs.

>0W HEADY—"We Joined In the nefralo," "Tbe Feats of Death," "Why Don't You Fall

In Love With Mo," "Sweetheart," "I Laid Awoy My Chaps and Spurs," "Pocahontas," "I

Wnnt llrudder Jones to Hold Me," "My Svveethenrt Nell." "Golf," "The Coming Glory, "MySweetheart of the South," "Mv Teggy." "The Sweet Sunny South, the Place for Me,

"Moonbeams," "Good Nlcht, My Little Turtle Dove," "When I Said, Sweetheart Farewell.''

"Imllud," "Where the Daffodils ore Blooming, Dear, for You," "Missing." "Tethered," "MySailor Girls." "Quivered Lips," "You're the Sweetest Little Girl I've Ever Been, "In tbe


91 M 'OOP ---"' ttM 10OQ

CvaU Lallan. -.


JO.?0-"*|l .Oi»«'» H» f>i"«M C»'4i.' $1,25.

•*l« Lallan, - - ( ,;5 [? Le»* Le^»f Ci'*t l.SD

fuel in lean. .. .75 Lj '.- li.fMie."'eliyii»., per ill. |.50

«• i'i H.iett.M Catdi, '| ,55 ^jj^Mi.-ni Pi a t •",* la -n ^um." » * r I* |.20

*id a FULL Lilt el lV[fl>THlNC itKCcVKUO! "*»CHI>lt» .


Days Gone By."

MELVILLE MM PUB. CO., 55 West 28th St., M York.

MR. FILM RENTER.Bear In mind this one fact—Your Business Depends on the Films Yoa Show. Poorones drive trade away, while good ones add patronage. We've got_» eei-vlc« thatwill swell yonr box-offlce receipts. Write for our booklet, "FILM IlENTALFACTS." You'll like It. Also tell as how many changes yon make, etc.


ochTnew book of specialtiescontains more valuable Information to Jewelers,

Novelty Dealers, Knife Board Men, Street Men,Yankee Notion Workers, etc., than any othercatalogue Issued. MAILED FREE.

SINUER BROS., 83 Bowery, N. Y.1

COSTUMESADAPTED FOR STOCK OR REPER-TOIRE, Either Dramatic or Opera, from stock

or built to order. Soubrette and Charactersbuilt from design oar specialty. N. E.

Agents for Buch's WlgB. THE HOOKER-HOWECOSTUME CO., Haverhill, Mass.

$1200 Power Organ For Sale.a 67-note beautiful French Instrument In perfect order. Will sell for $800. CanbeseenatesW.lSJthSt.N. Y. City, or write The (Jreatcr New York Film Rental Co., 24 Onion Square, New York.

Theatrical -Half-tone

for work of •.his.'ciescrip;

the • 'handy engraver.1

Broiilvvay, AV

engraving- 'esfablis!

visit. Proofs am

to out of town

tative will cal

The Standard Engraving Co.

m-vps'th AVE. -,vr,-|i)hi" -ST-r^NEW—VOKK



Seaa fir CATA10C. itillii llll WllMSpecial Attention Given tie PtoleiiloB

Western Uniform Go.214 8. CLARK BT. CHICAGO

IMITATION is the Sincerest

Form of LIMITATION : :


Wten in Doubt Do an Imitation. You Don't Have to TrouMeYour Brain, and You Got tbe Money (P). So Did Josao James.


CHAS. J. BURKHARDT,The rv.a.1-. \A/Ith the Funny Slid*.

PLAYSFor Stock Companies, for Repertoire Coupaiios, for AnteirLARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE VTOBLD. Book* (or hoaMamusement, Negro Plays, Paper, Scenery, lira Jarley a WaiWorks. Catalogue Free I Free I Free I

HAMIEL FRBNOB, IT W. 23* at.. Blew York.

GR.AIVD OPRKIiVO ati.amtic gabdkiv, ju\ei7,Wllitlillf VI UlilitU, Missouri Ave. and Boardwalk, ATLANTIC CITY, H. J., 1907.

8. BLATT 1 „ . ,"ID FBRN, I I WANTED all kinds Of Vaudeville Acts

L.UYMAN,| lr°PriclorB -

Sole M<r. |[ at all time... Address all to SID KERN.




BLADDER.Relieves all


|24 HOUR:Sack cspnl* bout Uw

Bnareof {mIOVJ



MADAME ETOILE'SSix High School Horses,

including VIXKLL.V8 UOXINti Wl \TvLIO\H.Elalioralc Entry Display, Miigiillh'ciit. Caparisoned Thoroughbreds, Gorgeous downs. Dapper Trap-pings, .luslllnfshocl phenomenally successful HprliiK season Iti KLAW ,V Eltl,AN<;EU'H ADVANCEDVAUDEVILLE THEATRES, and re-engaged for season 1807-os, beginning with September, over theKI.AW * Eltl.ANGEH TOlllt. This great attraction hss fow weeks open Tor I'arks, Fairs, Horseshows, etc. All communications u> solo and exclusive manager.

W. S. CLEVELAND, —'Qi&£g£ttJ%3£**«

Band Men Who Can Sing in Chorus


Also Property Hen and Carpenters S Play Brass.Would llk« to li.nr from TUBS WELCHES, Jan anil Urn.

A.hire, (lis HILL, VIM llroadtva) , Now York.






fVlesy 27-Juno 3, Whit* Olty, Syraou.e.ADDHBSB . m m r SIO EAST «Tth 8TUKET, NEW YORK CITY


PortsmouthHtciibenvllle,KellHlre, Dayton, iiamnuin, riqtta. MKiaieiown; Klomnond, ma.; Mtinclo; Newport, Ky.; Wheellc


W. Vh.: Huntington; Donors, Pa.; Monessen. Monongahela, Jeaneite, llraddock, Turtle Creek, BeaverCalls, New Kensington, Latrobe, Brownsville, Union town, Homestead, Krle. Wanted, experienced

at all tltnea. Impossible to answer all mall, silence a polite negative.Address HUH BUN. 8prlagtel«, 0.

vaudeville pianists t


trated): Actress' I'liolos. Uulaloguc free on re-

ceipt of 6 cents lletlcr postage).

A. UE HA1LI.K. Villa Iris. 4 line de Heiie. Paris.


MOVED TO 92 LA SALLE ST., SUITE 29, CHICAGO.Kcpresontlnu First Class Managers of Eastern and Western Vaudeville Theatres, Combination*, Resorlsand Artlsta of llceognlzed Ability. High Class Vaudeville Performers, 1 1 earl liners, Novelties, Big Acts,and everything In OPEN AIR ATTRACTIONS, furnished for Theatres, I'arks, Pleasure Resultsand Street Fairs.


Long Distance 'I'lione, <S3o-Maln.



SOLB BOOKING AGENTS; KKEKMAN BERNSTEIN, 18U Broadway, N. T.l PAUL GOUDRON, UKAmerican Bank Building, Seattle, Waeh.; CHRIS. O. BROWN, IT S. Clark St., OUcago: AKOHIB LEVY1S07 Golden Gate Ave., Ban Francisco, Cal.


WANTED, FOR HANS HANSON CO.Very Best Hand Actors and Musicians for Two Companies. Two Leading or Ingenue Udles, with Littlelllrls, live years old; Two Clever Soubieltes, with Specialties: Two Tramps, with Specialties; FourEccentric Comedians. Hen must POSITIVELY-

Itoublo Brass; also Six Clarinets, Six Wide Trombones,six Cornets, Two Tubas, Two Baritones, to Double Orchestra; Two leaders for B. A 0, Von must beJUST IIKillT. nnd you urcawarc that I do not tolerate liquor, Season opens Aug. la.

JAS. T. MeALPIN, Clarendon Hotel, eor. South and Ontario, Chicago.

<®zAT L.II ITY :ason.OR NKXT m\FARCE COMEDY AND BURLKSftVB. OKI/IRON, Jamestown, rf.Y., 10-1S; BOCK SPRINGSPARK, East Liverpool, O., 17-23; TEMPLE THEATRE,, Detroit,. 2420.


, LUPIN $ UFE f^w^imuw[M^^^ki^ftLm9 *P »'^»& fcl



A Beautiful Sentimental PictureA Oroat Suocoss



Mrs. O'Brien at home-r-A political meeline—Women vote— After the battle—Mrs. O'Brienelected judge—Twenty years in State Prison for kissing his wife—Mr. O'Brien does the housework—No divorce granted.

A Regular Wrinkle Wrecker and a Sure Winner



The Great Train Bobbery (Senutloul) • 600ft. 66.00

Lite ol u American Soldier (Patriotic) • 600ft. 66.00

Uncle Tom'i Cabin (Dramatic) . 700ft. 77.00

The Kidnapped Child (Funny) • 300ft 33.00

Through the latrimonlal Agency (Funny) 700ft. 77.00

A Thrilling Detective Story (Fnaey) • 326ft. 35.76

Around lew York il Fifteen Hiatal • 150ft 104.60

Travels of a Lost Trunk (Funny) 650ft 71.60

Trlali and Troubles of an Antomoblllit (Funny) 400ft 44.00

Two Seedy Bnbei (Fouy) • • 460ft. 40.60

A light Oil (Tory Funny) • • . 800ft $88.00

loot le it tie Fountain (Funny) . 476ft 53.25

Highway Bobbery (Sensational) . 750ft. 82.50

The Counterfeiters (Sensational) • • 700ft 77.00

A Dog, Lost, Strayed or Stolen (Funny) • 460ft. 52.60

The Great Ball Bobbery (Sensational) . 550ft 60.50

The Enchanted Hatlress (Funny) . . 650ft. 71.60

The Wishbone (Funny) . • • 800ft. 88.00

The Lost Bit (Funny) .... 450ft. 40.50

The Bigamist (Funny).... 500ft. 55.00

Lynch Law (Sensational) . . 500ft. 64.00

Fun on the Firm .... 525ft. 57.75

The Wreckers of the Limited Express

Rescued by Carlo ....Clown's Adventures

The Secret of Death Valley .

The Bank Defaulter •

Life of a lew York Policeman

The Unwritten Law . .

A Winter Day la the Country (Funny)Too Inch Bother-iB-Law (Funny)

Aid the Dog Came Back (Funny) .

Jamestown Haval ReviewOyster Industry -

000ft. $99.00

500ft. 55.00

400ft. 44.00

600ft 66.00

1000ft. 110.00

610ft. 67.10

050ft 104.50

750ft 82.50

700ft 77.00

600ft. 66.00

550ft. 60.50

500ft. 55.00


WITH Including Electric LampLamp sod Adjustable ft


All Our Films Class A . Price, 1 1 Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge j

VITAGRAPHThe "Quality" Films; Also, The "Quantity Films.

More Vltagraph Fllmi are told than »n >• other make In the United State*.

Thejr are poaed more rleverljr, noted more intelligently;, dereloped andprinted more .hlllfnlly, nnd wear better than all other*.

The BANDITS0rf in Adventure In Italy,

Copyright, 1907, T>y The VltagraphCompany or America.

A New, Sinsitlonal Fill of til RI6HT KIND.

Two Conleantoarlit«ln«an-njr Italy—In arock) ravinethey panie toadmire the•cenerjr throngh their Held glaiaee. Wo tee(by a novel panoramic effect) n carriage ap-firoachlng, drawn by foor hone, ana con-alnlng a lady and gentleman, evidentlytonrl.u. Suddenly, the peaceful ecenechange, to tragedy—The carriage le attackedby bandit.—The two American, to the reicne—Kxclting hand to hand conflict—Bandit*routed—Lady re.cued. A rplendld Aim, fin.photographlcally.wttha rattling good flnl.h.

Length, - - 550 Feet


AWKWARD MANOr. OH! 80 CLUMSY.Copyright, lOOT, by The Vltagraph

Company of Amerten,

Yon know him I—The man who can*t walkaero** the floor without .tumbling over «om «•-

thlng or eomehody—The man who ctep* onyonr corn* In the atreet ear, who .pill. *oapover yon nt tho table nnd make* klmself ageneral n a Laser wherever he goe*. He maynot be very fanny In real life, bat he'* (icr*.clntlngly oomleai In Vltagraph Film*.

Length. - - • 300 Feet

THE VITAfiRAPH C0IPARY OF AMERICA,H.lllag Ag*nt*ikAiJe OPTICAL CO..Chicago. III..IILEB brothbiu,Ban Frantlico, Cat.

mtW YORK, 116 tai.a. gtroet.•» 1 ICAGO, 100 Randolph Street.LOPIDOJt, 10 Cecil Ceart.PARIS, IB Rat* Balnte Cecil..













-:- AMI




NationalFilm RentingCompany.

62 N. Clark St.,

Chicago, 111.



Kleine Lenses for Picture MachinesCover the Whole Range of Practical



Scanned from microfilm from the collection of

Q. David Bowers

Coordinated by the

Media History Digital Library


Funded by Q. David Bowers and

Kathryn Fuller-Seeley