Common Symptoms in Advanced Cancer Ruth L. Lagman, MD, MPH * , Mellar P. Davis, MD, FCCP, Susan B. LeGrand, MD, FACP, Declan Walsh, MSc, FACP, FRCP (Edin) The Harry R. Horvitz Center for Palliative Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Avenue, M76 Cleveland, OH 44195, USA Anorexia and cachexia Introduction Anorexia and cachexia are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in advanced cancer. Involuntarily weight loss is characteristic of solid tumors, particularly those that are derived from foregut organs. Eighty percent of patients who have upper gastrointestinal cancers and 60% of patients who have lung cancer have lost a substantial amount of weight at diagnosis [1,2]. In contrast, hematologic malignancies, breast cancer, and hindgut malig- nancies are not associated with anorexia and cachexia or develop symptoms and signs late in the course of illness [3]. Cachexia is more common in children and the elderly and becomes more evident with advanced stages; cachexia is present in 50% of patients who have active cancer and 80% of patients at the time of death [1]. Patients who have cancer who experience 5% or more weight loss have a significantly shorter survival than those who do not have weight loss [1]. Weight loss decreases the tolerance to radiation, chemotherapy and surgery. Cachexia reduces performance status and determines quality of life to a greater extent than pain in advanced cancer [4]. The detrimental effects of catabolism that are associated with cachexia are responsible for 20% of cancer deaths [1,2]. Anorexia occurs in advanced cancer, despite an increased need for calories. Cancer disengages the normal balance between appetite signals and The Harry R. Horvitz Center for Palliative Medicine is a World Health Organization Demonstration Project. Available at: http://www.clevelandclinic.org/palliative. * Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (R.L. Lagman). 0039-6109/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.suc.2004.11.004 surgical.theclinics.com Surg Clin N Am 85 (2005) 237–255

Common Symptoms in Advanced Cancer

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Surg Clin N Am 85 (2005) 237–255

Common Symptoms in Advanced Cancer

Ruth L. Lagman, MD, MPH*,Mellar P. Davis, MD, FCCP,

Susan B. LeGrand, MD, FACP,Declan Walsh, MSc, FACP, FRCP (Edin)

The Harry R. Horvitz Center for Palliative Medicine,

Cleveland Clinic Taussig Cancer Center, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation,

9500 Euclid Avenue, M76 Cleveland, OH 44195, USA

Anorexia and cachexia


Anorexia and cachexia are a major cause of morbidity and mortality inadvanced cancer. Involuntarily weight loss is characteristic of solid tumors,particularly those that are derived from foregut organs. Eighty percent ofpatients who have upper gastrointestinal cancers and 60% of patients whohave lung cancer have lost a substantial amount of weight at diagnosis [1,2].In contrast, hematologic malignancies, breast cancer, and hindgut malig-nancies are not associated with anorexia and cachexia or develop symptomsand signs late in the course of illness [3]. Cachexia is more common in childrenand the elderly and becomes more evident with advanced stages; cachexia ispresent in 50% of patients who have active cancer and 80% of patients at thetime of death [1]. Patients who have cancer who experience 5%ormoreweightloss have a significantly shorter survival than those who do not have weightloss [1]. Weight loss decreases the tolerance to radiation, chemotherapy andsurgery. Cachexia reduces performance status and determines quality of life toa greater extent than pain in advanced cancer [4]. The detrimental effects ofcatabolism that are associatedwith cachexia are responsible for 20%of cancerdeaths [1,2].

Anorexia occurs in advanced cancer, despite an increased need forcalories. Cancer disengages the normal balance between appetite signals and

The Harry R. Horvitz Center for Palliative Medicine is a World Health Organization

Demonstration Project. Available at: http://www.clevelandclinic.org/palliative.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail address: [email protected] (R.L. Lagman).

0039-6109/05/$ - see front matter � 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

doi:10.1016/j.suc.2004.11.004 surgical.theclinics.com

238 LAGMAN et al

energy expenditures [5]. Anorexia, as measured by dietary intake, does notcorrelate well with the degree of weight loss. Weight loss can be precipitous,despite a normal appetite [5–8]. Anorexia in cancer may be a general loss ofappetite, early satiety, altered food preferences, or a combination of these.There is a distinct difference in the proposed pathophysiology betweencancer and anorexia such that anorexia and cachexia should not beconsidered synonymous although they overlap in frequency.

Pathophysiology of cachexia and anorexia

CachexiaCachexia is a systemic inflammatory response that is caused by host-

generated cytokines; tumor-derived cytokines; or specific (unique) cachexinsthat detrimentally alter carbohydrate, lipid, and protein metabolism.Cachexia differs from starvation. Clinically, cachexia must be differentiatedfrom secondary caloric deprivation that is caused by mechanical interferenceof food absorption (eg, bowel obstruction, dysphagia, malabsorption, nau-sea, vomiting). Caloric deprivation will respond to aggressive nutritionalsupport in the form of parenteral nutrition, whereas cachexia will not [6].

Glucose used by tumors is inefficient because most cancers are hypoxicand are unable to metabolize glucose fully to CO2. Tumors use glucose asa primary source of energy and generate a large amount of lactate which isconverted to glucose in the liver by way of the Cori cycle [9–11]. Fiftypercent of glucose turnover in advanced cancer is through the Cori cycle;this is 20% in normal individuals. In addition, alanine from proteolysis andglycerol from lipolysis are diverted to glucose by the liver [9,11,12]. Thegeneration of glucose from lactate in the process of gluconeogenesis requiressix ATP molecules which is energy inefficient; this accounts for some of thehigh resting energy expenditures in cancer [9].

Resting energy expenditures are increased in cancer, particularly whenenergy expenditures are corrected for lean body mass rather than body massindex. Men have higher resting energy expenditures than women. Althoughresting energy expenditures are increased, total energy expenditures can beunchanged as a result of a patient-adapted sedentary existence [13–15].Increased sympathetic activity in cancer causes increased resting energyexpenditures [16]. Recently discovered uncoupling proteins (UCP1,2,3,4) werefound to increase brown adipose tissue, liver, and skeletal muscle heatgeneration at the cost of stored energy in the form of ATP [17]. Uncouplingproteins divert electrons from ATP production in the mitochondrion infavor of thermogenesis and increased resting energy expenditures [18]. Atumor-specific cachexin, now known as a zinc-a2-glycoprotein, identical tothe lipid mobilizing factor (LMF), increases uncoupling proteins in adiposetissue and skeletal muscle [19]. Several other mediators are responsiblefor increased resting energy expenditures in advanced cancer, includingincreased neurohumoral agonists, cytokines, and tumor-specific cachexins.


Patients who have cancer have increased insulin resistance that leads toincreased lipolysis and hyperlipidemia that is unresponsive to glucoseinfusions [12,20–23]. Glycerol clearance also is reduced [24]. Several factorsseem to be responsible for increased lipolysis and reduced lipid anabolismthat are associated with cancer. Increased sympathetic activity is responsible,in part, for lipolysis [25,26]. The cytokines, leukemia inhibitory factor andtumor necrosis factor (TNF), decrease lipoprotein lipase activity; this reducestriglyceride clearance from the blood and blocks lipid storage in adipocytes[27]. A second tumor-specific cachexin, anemia-inducing substance, increasedlipolysis in patients who had ovarian cancer [28,29]. Interferons also increasein advanced cancer and decrease lipoprotein lipase activity and triglycerideclearance [30]. Finally, LMF also induces lipolysis through b-adrenorecep-tors on adipocytes [31,32]. As with altered carbohydrate metabolism,multiple factors are responsible for altered lipid metabolism.

Skeletal muscle wasting occurs as a result of the up-regulation of theubiquitin–proteasome-dependent pathway [33]. Actin and myosin aretargeted for catabolism by proteasomes. Other factors that lead to pro-teolysis include certain carrier proteins, transcription factors, and nuclearfactor kappaB (NF-jB) that up-regulate proteasomes and reduced proteinsynthesis [34]. Hormone mediators of muscle catabolism include cortico-steroids, which increase the components of proteasomes. TNF preventsproduction of new muscle through up-regulation of the transcription factor,NFjB. Tumor-specific proteolysis is induced by proteolysis-inducing factor,which induces proteasome production through the prostaglandin, hydro-eicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE) [35].

Appetite signals are blunted in cancer. The normal hunger signal that isderived from neuropeptide Y within the hypothalamus is qualitatively andquantitatively diminished in cancer, whereas the satiety signals that aregenerated by melacortins are amplified. Central mediators of anorexia areinterleukin-1, serotonin, and TNF [5].


Assessment of nutritional status requires a dietary history, review ofsystems (focused particularly on gastrointestinal symptoms), physicalexamination, biochemistry (albumin, pre-albumin, C-reactive protein),anthropometric measurements, and bioelectric impedance [36].

At least three quality-of-life instruments are validated in the assessmentof anorexia and cachexia. They are: (1) Functional Assessment of Anorexia/Cachexia Therapy, (2) Subjective Global Assessment, and (3) Bristol-MyersAnorexia/Cachexia Recovery Instrument [37–39]. Bioelectric impedancemeasures tissue electronic resistance (nonlean body mass) and capacitance(lean body mass) and accurately measures cachexia (and sarcopenia) betterthan body mass index and anthropometric measurements [36,40–42].Overall nutritional assessment should be multi-dimensional if it is to reflect

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clinical reality. Treatment outcomes that use only one or two dimensions ofassessment (body mass index, appetite, or anthropometric measurements)inaccurately gauge for clinical benefit and interventions.


Management of anorexia and cachexia requires initial treatment ofreversible causes for weight loss, such as bowel obstruction, dysphagia, andmucositis. Appetite stimulants, anticytokines, and antitumor cachexins maybe important in relieving anorexia and forestalling or reversing weight loss,particularly if used in combination. The provision of calories is a necessitywhen secondary causes for weight loss are evident. Nutritional support, inthe form of enteral or parenteral nutrition, has limited benefit in cachexia.Nutritional support does not reverse the catabolic metabolism of cachexia inadvanced cancer [43,44]. Appetite stimulants, including include progester-ones and corticosteroids, have some symptom benefit by evidence-basedstudies [45–48]. Corticosteroids accelerate muscle wasting and progesteronesincrease body fat, rather than lean body mass [49]. Neither one significantlyinfluences quality of life.

Agents that reverse the inflammatory response that is caused by the hostor tumor-specific cachexin have some potential for improving appetite andreversing catabolism [50]. Anticachexins include eicosapentaenoic acid,melatonin, thalidomide, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, anabolicsteroids, and 5 deoxy-5-fluorouridine [1,45,51]. In particular, eicosapentae-noic acid has promise as demonstrated in phase II studies. A dose-findingphase I study has been performed [52–54]; however, a recently completed,randomized clinical trial of low-dose eicosapentaenoic acid in a nutritionalsupplement found no clinical benefit. Further trials that use higher doses,based on phase I studies, will be needed to appreciate fully the benefits ofeicosapentaenoic acid or confirm the lack of benefit. Other anticytokinesthat should be studied are soluble interleukin-6 receptor; soluble TNFreceptor; and interleukin-4, -10, -12, and -15.


Dyspnea, a subjective sense of difficulty breathing, remains a troublingsymptom in advanced cancer. In a multi-national study that evaluated thepractice of terminal sedation, 25% to 53% of those who required sedationdid so for reasons of dyspnea [55]. Treatment of the underlying cause is themainstay of therapy; however, as disease progression occurs, usual inter-ventions become too burdensome or a different strategy may be needed.


Dyspnea is subjective and has a multi-dimensional physical, emotional,and social component. There are no tests (eg, oximetry, pulmonary function


test, chest radiograph, arterial blood gas) that correlate with the presence orseverity. It is whatever the patient says it is. A patient who has a normalrespiratory rate, normal blood gas, and a normal chest radiograph may bedyspneic. Studies of the correlates of dyspnea found that weakness of therespiratory muscles plays a significant role [56–58]. Nevertheless, abnor-malities often are identified that can be addressed specifically. In the settingof malignancy, these can be divided into complications of the disease,complications of therapy, and comorbid conditions. One also can considerpathology by organ system, such as: (1) pulmonary compromise that are dueto pneumonia, primary or metastatic malignancy, pleural effusions, embolusand restrictive defects that are due to chest wall or intercostal anddiaphragm muscle dysfunction; (2) cardiac abnormalities (eg, congestiveheart failure, myocardial infarction, tamponade, arrhythmia); and (3) otherfactors (eg, anemia, cachexia).


The goals of care should guide the evaluation. The first step is a carefulhistory that identifies the time course (sudden versus progressive),exacerbating or relieving factors (eg, positional change, medications),associated symptoms (cough, fever, pain), and intensity. Although multi-dimensional scales exist, visual analog scales and numeric rating scales havebeen validated [59]. A 5-point verbal rating scale also has been validatedusing the terms none, mild, moderate, severe, and horrible [60]. The mostreadily treated causes that are identified in advanced disease are hypoxemia,anemia, and bronchospasm [57]. In most circumstances, oximetry andcomplete blood count or hematocrit should be done. In the in-patientsetting, a chest radiograph also is indicated in all but the actively dying.


Management of the underlying cause is beyond the scope of this article;therefore, we only will address the symptomatic approaches. As with allother symptoms, treatment of the sensation should be initiated even whendetailed evaluation and aggressive interventions are planned. There is noneed to wait for results to begin the therapies that are outlined below.Nonpharmacologic interventions, such as fans and positioning, also shouldbe considered.

OpioidsThe primary symptomatic therapy for dyspnea is morphine or an

alternative opioid. A Cochrane review found evidence to support their use inthe setting of advanced cancer [61]. In the naı̈ve, starting doses should be5 mg orally or 1 mg parentally (intravenous or subcutaneous routes). Acontinuous infusion that starts at 0.5 mg/hr is reasonable for rest dyspnea

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rather than episodic symptoms. If ‘‘as needed’’ dosing is begun, thena continuous infusion or oral sustained-release medications should be usedif frequent dosing is required. Morphine is then titrated to relief and at thesame time, monitoring toxicity. Respiratory depression generally is not seenwith careful titration. Medications to treat side effects of opioids, partic-ularly constipation, should be started simultaneously. Nebulized morphinehas been controversial and controlled trials have not confirmed benefit [8];however, a recently published abstract found comparable efficacy with lesstoxicity when compared with the subcutaneous route [62].

CorticosteroidsThere are no controlled trials on the role of corticosteroids in the

management of dyspnea in advanced disease. They are used particularly inthe setting of lymphangitic spread, superior vena cava syndrome, or pul-monary toxicity from chemotherapy or radiation. Dosing is not standardbut we typically use 4 mg to 8 mg by mouth at 8 AM and noon and continueif beneficial.

BronchodilatorsUnsuspected bronchospasm is identified commonly with pulmonary

function testing in patients who have advanced disease [57,63]. Because thistesting may be difficult for these individuals, a therapeutic trial of bron-chodilators is reasonable. They should be discontinued if there is no symp-tomatic benefit.

AnxiolyticsThe relationship of anxiety and dyspnea is difficult to clarify. There is

a definite correlation, but cause and effect are less clear [56,64]. Therefore,the role of benzodiazepines is poorly defined. A recent trial of oralmidazolam and oral morphine found equal efficacy but more side effects inthe group that was given morphine [65]. Chlorpromazine has synergisticeffects with morphine and also can be used for palliative sedation as a singleagent, if indicated [66].

OxygenThe role of oxygen is controversial. It is considered to be a benign

intervention yet it limits mobility and may be irritating, cause nasalbleeding, and interfere with eating and conversation if delivered byventimask. There was no symptomatic benefit in a controlled, blinded trialthat involved nonhypoxic patients [67]. Because dyspnea does not correlatewith oxygen levels, routine use in nonhypoxic patients is not justified. Theplacebo effect of oxygen may be beneficial in nonhypoxic patients, althoughother measures should be used before oxygen in the hypoxic patient (O2

saturation less than 89%) to prevent cardiopulmonary decompensation byminimizing pulmonary hypertension.




Delirium is a common and complex problem in palliative medicine. Ina prospective study, 42% of patients were delirious on admission, 45%developed it during the admission, and 88% were delirious at death [68].Frequently, it is unrecognized and undertreated yet it creates significantdistress for patients who may remember the event, particularly if thedelirium is mild or moderate [69]. Distress is even greater for families andnurses who provide bedside care.


Delirium presents in three forms: (1) hyperactive—the easily recognizedagitated, potentially aggressive patient; (2) hypoactive—that may be mis-taken for depression and, therefore, often missed; or (3) mixed. The diag-nosis is made using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of MentalDisorders, Fourth Edition criteria that has four key elements:

Disturbance in consciousnessReduced clarity of environmental awarenessImpaired ability to focusImpaired ability to shift attention

Change in cognition not better explained by pre-existing, established,evolving dementiaMemory impairmentDisorientationLanguage disturbancePerceptual disturbance

Evolves over a short period of timeHours to daysFluctuates during the course of the dayEvidence that the disturbance is caused by physiologic consequencesof a general medical condition

There are multiple, validated tools that can be used for screening, such asthe Delirium Rating Scale, The Confusion Assessment Method, or the Mini-Mental Status Examination. Whichever method is chosen, testing should bedone on admission and then assessed periodically, particularly after medi-cation changes [70].


Research suggests that disturbances of various neurotransmitters, partic-ularly acetylcholine, but also dopamine and serotonin, may underlie delir-ium. The symptoms may reflect a final common pathway of multiple factors

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[71]. Patient factors may predispose to the development of delirium, such asadvanced age, pre-existing cognitive dysfunction, hearing or visual dys-function, metabolic or nutritional deficits, and unfamiliar surroundings.Causative factors include medications, infections, surgery, metabolic abnor-malities, hypoxemia, pain, withdrawal from medications/alcohol, physicalrestraints, and others [72]. In the palliative medicine population, the mostcommon causes that were identified were medications, infection, and cen-tral nervous system malignancy [68]. Most, if not all medications that areprescribed frequently for symptom management have delirium as a poten-tial toxicity.

If delirium is recognized in a patient, physicians need to evaluate theability of patients to make decisions. This is one of the more difficultdecisions that faces a palliative medicine specialist. Terminal delirium bydefinition is irreversible, and unfortunately, has no unique identifyingfeatures that separate it from reversible delirium. Only in hindsight will oneknow if delirium was reversible. The goals of treatment, therefore, need tobe determined by the attending physician and family. Is it control of theagitation that may require sedation, or an aggressive evaluation that looksfor reversible causes and specific treatment of the underlying cause fordelirium? The goals of managing delirium should be based upon pre-eventperformance status, quality of life, and life expectancy. Would the persontolerate treatment of brain metastases if identified? Would treatment of aninfection, if present, be indicated in light of the projected survival andpreinfection quality of life?

The first step in evaluation of delirium is a careful history. The onset ofdelirium with a new event, such as a new medication or fever, may behelpful. Identifying the time course can identify any medication adjustmentsthat may have led to the cognitive changes. If appropriate, laboratorytesting should include complete blood count and chemistries; renal andhepatic function should be done. Oximetry is reasonable because theaddition of oxygen is a simple intervention. CT scans or MRI of brainshould be considered, depending on the goals of care and prognosis. Ifinfection is suspected, empiric antibiotics are reasonable. Some investigatorsrecommend a time-limited trial of fluid resuscitation. although the benefitsare mixed [73]. Regardless of what type of evaluation is planned, treatmentof agitation and hallucinations should begin immediately.


The treatment of delirium involves treatment of the underlying cause, ifappropriate, and management of the symptom with neuroleptic agents, suchas haloperidol [70]. Olanzapine, respiridone, and quetiapine also have beenused; however, they do not have parenteral forms in the United States[74–76]. These medications have proven efficacy in hyper- and hypoactivedelirium. Although benzodiazepines are the medication of choice in the


setting of withdrawal from substances, they rarely should be used in mostpatients who have delirium, yet they are commonly prescribed. In a small,randomized, controlled trial of haloperidol, chlorpromazine, and lorazepamin HIV-positive patients who had delirium, the lorazepam arm was closedsecondary to lack of efficacy and worsening of symptoms in all six patientswho were randomized to receive it [77]. For terminal sedation, medications,such as chlorpromazine, phenobarbital, and midazolam, have been usedwith success [78].

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting occur commonly in patients who have advancedillness. Their prevalence varies widely; however, approximately 60% to 70%will experience nausea and 30% will experience vomiting in the last weeks oflife [79–81]. Nausea is a subjective, unpleasant sensation of wanting tovomit. Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of gastric contents, whereasretching is an attempt to bring up something accompanied by contractionsof the abdominal and intestinal muscles [82,83]. Most empiric research isfocused on chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting. There is a scarcityof data on nausea and vomiting from other causes.


Afferent pathways in the central nervous system and gut connect to thevomiting center through neurotransmitters that are located in the nucleus ofthe tractus solitarius and reticular formation of the medulla. These afferentpathways include: (1) chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) that is located inthe fourth ventricle with dopamine (D2), serotonin (5HT3), acetylcholine(ACH), and neurokinin-1 (NK-1) receptors; (2) gastrointestinal tract withD2, ACH, and 5HT3 receptors; (3) vestibulocochlear nerve (histamine andACH) and; (4) cortex [83,84]. Understanding the underlying pathophysiol-ogy of nausea and vomiting, the knowledge of neural pathways, and drugpharmacology is paramount because these will lead to an appropriate choiceof drugs and minimize side effects. A combination of these neural pathwaysmay be responsible for nausea and vomiting.


The common causes of nausea and vomiting in advanced illness includemetabolic abnormalities (hepatic failure, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia,uremia); brain metastases, with increased intracranial pressure; bowelobstruction; chemotherapy; radiation therapy; constipation; and medica-tions (antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioids, vitamin/mineral supplements). Emotional distress, such as anxiety, can cause nausea

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[85,86]. A significant number of individuals who have advanced disease havepain and are treated with opioids. The CTZ and the vomiting center haveopioid receptors that are emetogenic [83].


A detailed history and physical examination are essential. Early morningheadaches with nausea and vomiting are common with brain metastases,particularly those that are located in the cerebellum. Large volume emesiswith colic and abdominal pain is associated with bowel obstruction. Nauseaand vomiting with movement denotes vestibular dysfunction or mesentericmetastases. For individuals who are on several medications for multiplesymptoms, an offending medication—commonly opioids and antibiotics—isa common cause. Laboratory tests, radiographic examinations, CT, andMRI help to confirm abnormalities that are suspected on history andphysical examination.


D2 antagonists, including phenothiazines (chlorpromazine, prochorper-azine, promethazine) and butyrophenones (haloperidol), are the principaldrug classes that are used to treat nausea. Phenothiazines are more sedatingwhich often limits their use, whereas haloperidol is less sedating [83,84].Olanzapine, a new atypical antipsychotic, is a dopamine and serotoninantagonist and is useful in refractory nausea and vomiting [87].

Metoclopramide, a substituted benzamide, is a dopamine antagonistand a serotonin antagonist at high dosages (ie, more than 120 mg/day).Akathisia and extrapyramidal symptoms may occur and may not be doserelated [83]. Another prokinetic, domperidone, has antidopaminergicactivity; it does not cause sedation and extrapyramidal symptoms becauseit does not cross the blood–brain barrier.

Antihistamines, like meclizine and cyclizine, are used to treat nausea andvomiting secondary to motion sickness, but also are ancillary drugs forbowel obstruction or nausea that are associated with brain metastases. Themost common side effect is drowsiness. Dronabinol, a cannabinoid, acts oncentral cannabinoid receptors 1 and peripheral cannabinoid receptors 2,which reduces gastrointestinal motility and nausea. Its main side effect ismood changes, principally dysphoria, in the elderly [88].

5HT3 receptor antagonists (granisetron, ondansetron, dolasetron) areeffective in nausea and vomiting that are caused by chemotherapy andradiation [89]. The NK1 receptor antagonist, aprepitant, when combinedwith ondansetron and dexamethasone is even more effective for the acuteand delayed phases of chemotherapy [90]. Aprepitant relieves delayednausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy to a greater extent than 5HT3

receptor antagonists.


Octreotide relieves nausea, vomiting, and cramping from malignantbowel obstruction. [83] It also decreases gastrointestinal secretions that aregenerated as a result of having a bowel obstruction.

Palliative venting procedures, such as gastrostomy, percutaneous endo-scopic gastromy (PEG) [91], or percutaneous transesophageal gastrotubing(PTEG) [92], are surgical interventions that relieve symptoms from malig-nant bowel obstruction that are refractory to medications.


The subjective symptom of fatigue—often referred to by patients asfeeling tired, weary, or having a lack of energy—is among the most commonsymptoms in advanced cancer. It is reported by 60% to 90% of patients [93].The Fatigue Practice Guidelines Panel defines cancer-related fatigue ‘‘as anunusual, persistent, subjective sense of tiredness related to cancer or cancertreatment that interferes with usual functioning’’ [94].


The metabolic process that is responsible for causing fatigue is unknown.It is speculated that fatigue may be the end-result combination of differentabnormal metabolic pathways [95]. Because cachexia and fatigue often occurtogether, the role of cytokines (TNF and interleukins) in the pathogenesisof fatigue has been proposed [96]; however, this remains to be proved.


Fatigue in patients who have advanced cancer frequently is a result ofmultiple factors. These include cancer treatment modalities (chemotherapy/radiation), paraneoplastic syndromes, comorbid illnesses (hypothyroidism,congestive heart failure), cachexia and severe muscle wasting, anemia,sleep disorders, psychologic factors (anxiety/depression), other symptomsof advanced cancer (pain, dyspnea, nausea), and medications (narcoticanalgesics).


Because fatigue is highly subjective, a thorough history of its temporalnature, exacerbating factors, and effect on overall quality of life need to beassessed. Patients do not often volunteer fatigue as a symptom, and there-fore, physicians need to ask the patient if it is present.

Assessment instruments include unidimensional scales (eg, FatigueSeverity Scale [97], the Rhoten Fatigue Scale [98], and the Visual Analogue/Numerical Rating Scale [99]). Examples of multi-dimensional scales include

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the Brief Fatigue Inventory [100], Piper Fatigue Self Report Scale [101], andthe Cancer Fatigue Scale [102]. Performance status scales include theEdmontonFunctionalAssessment Test [103] and theKarnofsky PerformanceStatus [104].


Often, a treatable cause of fatigue is identified. Treatment of pain,depression, insomnia, and anemia (blood transfusion and erythropoietin)can reduce fatigue significantly. Metabolic and endocrine disorders cancause fatigue, and if treated, may improve performance status. Patienteducation improves the patient’s ability to cope with their fatigue [99].

The best nonpharmacologic treatment to improve fatigue is moderateaerobic repetitive exercise [105,106]. The exercise regimen that is imple-mented has to be individualized and needs to be performed consistently tohave optimal benefits [95]. Other alternative modes of treatment includerelaxation, distraction, and guided imagery as well as restorative activities,such as gardening, meditation, or prayer.

The psychostimulant, methylphenidate, improves fatigue and depression[107]. Another psychostimulant, modafinil, improved fatigue in patientswho had multiple sclerosis but has not been tested in patients who havecancer [108]. Other drugs diminish fatigue, including methylprednisolone[109] and megestrol acetate [110]. In time, however, corticosteroids willincrease skeletal muscle proteolysis and lower extremity weakness.Megestrol acetate also can produce cushingoid-like side effects.


The prevalence of constipation in patients who have advanced illness isapproximately 40% [80]; the greatest prevalence occurs in the opioid-treatedpopulation [111]. A study of 498 terminally ill patients who had cancershowed that laxatives were administered to 87% of patients who were onstrong opioids, 74% of patients who were on weak opioids, and 64% ofpatients who were not taking any narcotics [112]. Although opioid ad-ministration is used often for pain by patients who have advanced illness,other factors may play a role in the prevalence of constipation.


The general population in North America will describe ‘‘normal’’ bowelmovements as anywhere from three times a day to three times a week.Because constipation is a symptom, the relative use of the term makesit harder to define. The Rome criteria was developed for a diagnosis ofconstipation. To meet the criteria, in the past 3 months, patients shouldhave: (1) straining, (2) hard stools, (3) incomplete evacuation, (4) anorectal


blockage, (5) needed disimpaction, and (6) less than three bowel movementsin a week. In addition, loose stools should not be present and the criteria forirritable bowel syndrome is not met.

Normal bowel movement is mediated by the central and peripheralnervous system, hormones, and reflexes that are unique to the gastrointes-tinal system [113]. The peripheral nervous system, which is mediated by thesympathetic and parasympathetic nerves, controls colonic motility, retro-collic reflexes, and relaxation and contraction of the anal sphincter. Theurge to defecate and the process of defecation itself is mediated partially bythe central nervous system. Gastrointestinal hormone physiology iscontrolled by the endocrine, paracrine, and various neural pathways [114].


The causes of constipation are varied and range from reversible,correctable etiologies to irreversible factors that include: (1) neurologicabnormalities (spinal cord lesions, autonomic neuropathy), (2) metabolicdisorders (hypokalemia, hypercalcemia, uremia, diabetes mellitus), (3) struc-tural abnormalities (fibrosis, obstruction), and (4) drugs (antihypertensives,opioids, antidepressants, diuretics, vitamin and mineral supplements).


Although a decrease in the frequency of bowel movement often is re-ported by patients who have constipation, other clinical symptoms mayinclude bloating, abdominal fullness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and ab-dominal pain. The initial history taking should include a thorough review ofbowel movement pattern, comorbid illnesses, and the patient’s medications.Physical examination should focus on palpable abdominal masses and fecalimpaction through a rectal examination. An abdominal radiograph androutine electrolytes should complete the initial diagnostic work-up. Ifnecessary, further diagnostic work-up can be added as indicated.


Nonpharmacologic maneuvers to prevent constipation include increasedfluid intake, increased physical activity, and attempting to maintain regularbowel movements at the same time each day. Increasing dietary fiber maynot be a practical solution to a patient who has advanced disease becausedaily fiber intake should increase by 450% to increase stool frequency by50% [115].

Common laxatives that are used include bulk agents (methycellulose,bran), stool softeners (docusate sodium), saline laxatives (magnesium, hydrox-ide, magnesium citrate), osmotic laxatives (lactulose, sorbitol, polyeth-ylene glycol), and enemas (tap water, sodium phosphate). Metoclopramide,

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a prokinetic, can be added to patients who may have gastrointestinal auto-nomic dysfunction; however, it is not a substitute for laxatives because itworks primarily by binding to upper gastrointestinal receptors.

Because most patients who have advanced cancer also are taking highdosages of opioids, opioid antagonists, like naloxone, have been used clin-ically to reverse constipation that is secondary to opioids [116]. Its narrowtherapeutic index and its potential for physical withdrawal symptoms limitsits frequent use, however. Two drugs that are under investigation to treatthis opioid-induced bowel dysfunction include methylnaltrexone [117] andalvimopan [118].


The key points of this article are

� Anorexia and cachexia are a major cause of cancer deaths. Several drugsare available to treat anorexia and cachexia.

� Dyspnea in cancer usually is caused by several factors. Treatment con-sists of reversing underlying causes, empiric bronchodilators, cortico-steroids—and in the terminally ill patients—opioids, benzodiazepines,and chlorpromazine.

� Delirium is associated with advanced cancer. Empiric treatment withneuroleptics while evaluating for reversible causes is a reasonableapproach to management.

� Nausea and vomiting are caused by extra-abdominal factors (drugs,electrolyte abnormalities, central nervous system metastases) or intra-abdominal factors (gastroparesis, ileus, gastric outlet obstruction, bowelobstruction). The pattern of nausea and vomiting differs dependingupon whether the cause is extra- or intra-abdominal. Reversible causesshould be sought and empiric metoclopramide or haloperidol should beinitiated.

� Fatigue may be caused by anemia, depression, endocrine abnormalities,or electrolyte disturbances that should be treated before using empiricmethylphenidate.

� Constipation should be treated with laxatives and stool softeners. Bothshould start with the first opioid dose.


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