DIOCESE OF RAJKOT NEWS Bulletin Vol. No. X Year - 2020 Issue No. 1

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NEWS Bulletin

Vol. No. X Year - 2020 Issue No. 1

Volume X, No. 1January - March - 2020

Department of CommunicationBishop’s House, P.B. No. 1501, Rajkot - 360 005

E-mail : [email protected]. : www.rajkotdiocese.org


1. Pastoral Letters and Circulars

2. News from Bishop's House

3. Formees' Corner

4. Department of Social Work

5. News from Parishes

6. News from Institutions

7. News from Mission Stations

8. Diocesan Chronicle

9. Departed Souls

10. Obituary

11. Birthday Babes












Dear Rev. Fathers, Sisters and Lay Faithful,

Greetings from the Bishop's House, Rajkot!

All of us are aware about the Corona virus (COVID-19) epidemic which has affected about 150 Countries, including India. In the wake of the spread of this epidemic we have to pray to God for a solution to this grave situation and take all precautionary measures to curb the spread of this disease. The Government of Gujarat has already given instructions to close down the educational institutions and to cancel all kind of celebrations. Taking the present situation into consideration I am giving the following instructions and request you to observe them till the situation get changed.

1. Follow the instructions given by the Government from time to time.

2. Postpone/cancel all the public celebrations in our parishes and institutions.

3. Even though Holy Eucharist is conducted in the churches, the people are free to attend it. As a precautionary



measure the faithful are exempted from attending the Holy Mass including the Sunday Celebrations.

4. During the Divine Liturgy, Holy Communion should be distributed in hands and the Exchange of Peace should be made by folded hands.

5. Avoid keeping Holy Water in common places.

6. Avoid kissing of Statues, Cross, Cruci�ix, Relics, etc.

7. Avoid travel as far as possible.

I request all you to pray for the Victims of this disease. Please keep a close watch of the situation and take every precaution in curbing the disease.

Invoking God's healing power on all of us and praying for the intercession of our Blessed MotherYours in Our Lord,

† Jose Chittooparambil CMI� � � � � �Bishop of Rajkot


Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This year the Lord grants us, once again, a favourable time to prepare to celebrate with renewed hearts the great mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus, the cornerstone of our personal and communal Christian life. We must continually return to this mystery in mind and heart, for it will continue to grow within us in the measure that we are open to its spiritual power and respond with freedom and generosity.


Christian joy �lows from listening to, and accepting, the Good News of the death and resurrection of Jesus. This kerygma sums up the mystery of a love “so real, so true, so concrete, that it invites us to a relationship of openness and fruitful dialogue” (Christus Vivit, 117). Whoever believes this message rejects the lie that our life is ours to do with as we will. Rather, life is born of the love of God our Father, from his desire to grant us life in abundance (cf. Jn 10:10). If we listen instead to the tempting voice of the “father of lies” (Jn 8:44), we risk sinking into the abyss of absurdity, and experiencing hell here on earth, as all too many tragic events in the personal and collective human experience sadly bear witness.


In this Lent of 2020, I would like to share with every Christian what I wrote to young people in the Apostolic Exhortation Christus Vivit: “Keep your eyes �ixed on the outstretched arms of Christ cruci�ied, let yourself be saved over and over again. And when you go to confess your sins, believe �irmly in his mercy which frees you of your guilt. Contemplate his blood poured out with such great love, and let yourself be cleansed by it. In this way, you can be reborn ever anew” (No. 123). Jesus' Pasch is not a past event; rather, through the power of the Holy Spirit it is ever present, enabling us to see and touch with faith the �lesh of Christ in those who suffer.


It is good to contemplate more deeply the paschal mystery through which God's mercy has been bestowed upon us. Indeed, the experience of mercy is only possible in a “face to face” relationship with the cruci�ied and risen Lord “who loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal 2:20), in a heartfelt dialogue between friends. That is why prayer is so important in Lent. Even more than a duty, prayer is an expression of our need to respond to God's love which always precedes and sustains us. Christians pray in the knowledge that, although unworthy, we are still loved. Prayer can take any number of different forms, but what truly matters in God's eyes is that it penetrates deep within us and chips away at our hardness of heart, in order to convert us ever more fully to God and to his will.

In this favourable season, then, may we allow ourselves to be led like Israel into the desert (cf. Hos 2:14), so that we can at last hear our Spouse's voice and allow it to resound ever more deeply within us. The more fully we are engaged with his word, the more we will experience the mercy he freely gives us. May we not let this time of grace pass in vain, in the foolish illusion that we can control the times and means of our conversion to him.


The fact that the Lord once again offers us a favourable time for our conversion should never be taken for granted. This new opportunity ought to awaken in us a sense of gratitude and stir us from our sloth. Despite the sometimes-tragic presence of evil in our lives, and in the life of the Church and the world, this opportunity to change our course expresses God's unwavering will not to interrupt his dialogue of salvation with us. In the cruci�ied Jesus, who knew no sin, yet for our sake was made to be sin (cf. 2 Cor 5:21), this saving will led the Father to burden his Son with the weight of our sins, thus, in the expression of Pope Benedict XVI, “turning of God against himself” (Deus Caritas Est, 12). For God also loves his enemies (cf. Mt 5:43-48).

The dialogue that God wishes to establish with each of us through the paschal mystery of his Son has nothing to do with empty chatter, like that attributed to the ancient inhabitants of Athens, who “spent their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new” (Acts 17:21). Such chatter, determined by an empty and super�icial curiosity, characterizes worldliness in every age; in our own day, it can also result in improper use of the media.


Putting the paschal mystery at the centre of our lives means feeling compassion towards the wounds of the cruci�ied Christ present in the many innocent victims of wars, in attacks on life, from that of the unborn to that of the elderly, and various forms of violence. They are likewise present in environmental disasters, the unequal distribution of the earth's goods, human traf�icking in all its forms, and the unbridled thirst for pro�it, which is a form of idolatry.

Today too, there is a need to appeal to men and women of good will to share, by almsgiving, their goods with those most in need, as a means of personally participating in the building of a better world. Charitable giving makes us more human, whereas hoarding risks making us less human, imprisoned by

our own sel�ishness. We can and must go even further, and consider the structural aspects of our economic life. For this reason, in the midst of Lent this year, from 26 to 28 March, I have convened a meeting in Assisi with young economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers, with the aim of shaping a more just and inclusive economy. As the Church's magisterium has often repeated, political life represents an eminent form of charity (cf. Pius XI, Address to the Italian Federation of Catholic University Students, 18 December 1927). The same holds true for economic life, which can be approached in the same evangelical spirit, the spirit of the Beatitudes.

I ask Mary Most Holy to pray that our Lenten celebration will open our hearts to hear God's call to be reconciled to himself, to �ix our gaze on the paschal mystery, and to be converted to an open and sincere dialogue with him. In this way, we will become what Christ asks his disciples to be: the salt of the earth and the light of the world (cf. Mt 5:13-14).


Rome, at Saint John Lateran, 7 October 2019

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary



The monthly recollection for the priests and religious in th

Rajkot City for the month of January was held on 29 January 2020.Rev. Fr. Rojant Kalapurackal guided the recollection. He emphasised on the importance on the Christian life guided by the Holy Spirit. The recollection for the month of February

th .was held on 29 Feabruary 2020 It was guided by Bp. Mar Jose Chitooraprambil CMI. He shared with his Lenten thoughts. He focused on the importance of personal prayer and holiness. There was Confession and night vigil followed by the talk.


The marriage preparation course was conducted at the Pastoral Cente, Rajkot. There were 16 matrimonial aspirants from the various parishes attended the program. Fr. Jacob Marangatt, Fr. Joychen Paranjat and others animated the sessions.




On 7th January, 2020, the Sacred Heart family, Gondal, celebrated the ordination day of their beloved rector Rev. Fr. Tigin Kadaplackal in the Seminary. It was a day of thanksgiving to the Lord. Holy Sacrament was exposed from morning to evening and Rector and brothers spent the time

with the Lord. In the evening there was a solemn Holy mass celebrated by Fr. Tigin along with Fr. Aneesh Philip, principal of St' Mary's School, Gondal and also attended by the FCC sisters. After the Holy Mass, cultural programmes were conducted by brothers followed by felicitations, and it was concluded by dinner.


The sacred Heart family, Gondal, arranged a pilgrimage to th

Okha for the celebration of the feast of our Lady on 15 and 16 of February, 2020. It was an exciting moment for the seminarians to know about the feast and the wonderful devotion to Our Lady. The seminarians could witness the love of people for Our Lady and how they are blessed by her. It was an eye-opening event for the seminarians to see people from different places come to honour Bl. Virgin Mary. On the way to Okha, seminarians could also visit other mission centres such as Kalawad, Motikhavadi, Vadinar etc. It was a memorable day for the seminarians.




N a v j e e v a n T r u s t celebrated the Senior

thCitizens Day on 26 January 2020 with 263 senior citizens at Christ school, Rajkot. Navjeevan Trust gave

them good news about its new Centre for the senior citizens. In collaboration with the Help Age India, Navjeevan Trust has opened a physiotherapy Centre for the senior citizens at

Navjeevan Social Centre, Morbi House, Rajkot. It's working hours are from 9.00am to 5.30pm every day. Navjeevan Trust also organized a health camp for the senior citizens in which about 265 people bene�itted.

As part of building the capacities of the nurses Navjeevan Trust organized a Nurses' Meet which was attended by 43 nurses. In order to support and encourage “the differently abled” the Navjeevan Trust conducted grassroots comics and ring the bell campaigns in the schools. 2756 persons were supported with medical care through rural dispensaries and medical camps.


N a v j e e v a n Trust is always in the forefront of inculcating l e a d e r s h i p qualities among w o m e n a n d o t h e r v u l n e r a b l e

minorities. Therefore, we have arranged the Leadership training for 334 women across different grass root centers.

Financial literacy classes were conducted for 325 women farmers. About 175 women across the centers attended special awareness sessions on credit linkages. Navjeevan Trust has distributed Woolen clothes to 25 families. 423 SELF HELP GROUP bene�iciaries were given leadership Training in grass roots centers of Navjeevan Trust. New 10 self-help groups formed and functionalized by Navjeevan Trust. We also celebrated International Women's day with 1002 women of various grass root centers of Navjeevan Trust.


Navjeevan Guajarati Olympiad exams were completed by 2800 students across Sauarshtra and Kutch.

Kite feast was participated by 168 members of Balmandals across the Saurashtra and Kutch.

Republic day was celebrated by 102 members of the Balmandal students of Navjeevan Trust.

New 9 Balmandals for the students have been formed across the grass root centers by Navjeevan Trust.

Leadership Training was conducted for the 87 boarding students of various boarding Houses.


Livelihood and Skill Development Programs are integral part of Navjeevan Trust. Navjeevan Trust has trained 80 students in Morbi and Rajkot centers.

Under the Skilling of Women, speci�ic courses were conducted and 20 candidates have completed bridal- make- up courses and got certi�ied for the same.

Navjeevan Trust has covered 135 village farmers through various activities like training on natural farming and agricultural schemes etc.




Steve Maraboli very well said, “When you are living the best version of yourself, you inspire others to live the best versions

of themselves.” “Parish Priest Fr. Dr. Joychen Paranjattu is o n e t o h a v e inspired me a lo t ”, sa i d Fr. Shijin during t h e s o l e m n m a s s h e c e l e b r a t e d

ndalong with our parish priest and Fr. Patrick on 2 February, 2020.

Fr. Shijin served St. Thomas Catholic Church, Gandhidham as a deacon for 3 months in the year 2019. He was very enthusiastic in his diaconate ministry and friendly to everyone, in particular to the Youth. They gained a lot by his constant guidance and amiable presence.


St. Thomas Catholic Church, Gandhidham organised the annual r e t r e a t f o r t h e

stparishioners from 21

rdto 23 February. The retreat was preached in Hindi , Engl ish , Tamil and Malayalam by Rev. Fr. Augustine Mundackatt, VC, from G o a . I t b e g a n o n

stFriday 21 at 10:00

am and ended on Sunday by 7:00 pm with adoration and prayer sessions. It was a moment of abundant blessings and spiritual renewal for the entire parish community. He was able to reach out to people from different language groups and he could communicate in their language. Everyone who attended the Retreat made his/her confession and was renewed in the Spirit. Fr. Joychen, our parish priest too led one session and enlightened everyone as usual on the Word of God. Thanks to the patient and tireless efforts of Fr. Devasia CMI, Fr. George Elavunkal CMI, Fr. Joychen Paranjattu and Fr. Joby Pendanath. Thanks to Rev. Scaria Thomas who inspired us through his talk and was instrumental in bringing Fr. Augustine to Gandhidham. God bless Gandhidham!


stOn Sunday 1 March 2020, we visited the Galpadar Jail along w i t h t h e M o u n t Carmel Principal Sr. Diane AC, Sr. Jacintha AC, Sr. Vimal Rose SD, Sr. Suman SC, Sr. Anet S D , C a t e c h i s m Children, and Alumni of Mt. Carmel School. Sr. Fr. Dr. Joychen Paranjattu, our parish priest inspired everyone through his talk in Hindi. The Children in chorus sang two songs while the Alumni conducted a few games for the inmates. Sr. Anet and Sr. Suman began the visit with a prayer song followed by a short prayer led by Sr. Anet.

We thank Jail Superintendent Shree Manubha Jadeja for inviting us to spend some time with the inmates of the Jail.

This was the second time that we used visit to the Jail. Earlier during Christmas season, we had visited the Jail along with the Youth and performed a skit.


We celebrated the Sunday School Anniversary along with the Holy Childhood Day on 16th February 2020 in the Parish Hall from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. The Children from Class I to Class 12 performed various cultural events based on the theme: 'Fruits of the Holy Spirit', and enthralled the audience.

Fr. Joychen Paranjattu, our Parish Priest and Fr. Joseph Kattakayam, the priest-in-charge of Bhaktidham ward spoke on the occasion and congratulated the Children and thanked the Catechists for their hard work and commitment to deepen the faith. The presence of Fr. Joby Pendanath, SD Sisters, DP Sisters and AC Sisters encouraged the students.



Gandhinagar P a r i s h a r r a n g e d a program on

t h5 J a n u a r y 2020, with a dual purpose- to bid adieu to its pastor dear

Fr. Francis Akkappadickal CMI and to welcome its new parish priest Fr. Binoy Alappat CMF, followed by Family Get- together and Fellowship meal.

The parish community expressed heartfelt gratitude to Rev. Fr. Francis who served the parish for the past seven months. The community acknowledged that his service as a pastor was really inspiring and appreciable because it was, he who gave them a new foundation to their community. The parish community also welcomed its new pastor Fr. Binoy with joy and much expectation.


stOn 21 January, the Gandhinagar Syro- Malabar parish community celebrated the feast of St. Sebastian with enthusiasm and fervor. Prior to the feast, the seven family

stunits conducted the novena prayers. On 31 , the parish celebrated the feast solemnly. Fr. Binoy Alappat CMF presided over the Holy Qurbana. The community experienced the protection and the support of St. Sebastian in its spiritual life.


February 23 was a j o y f u l d a y f o r G a n d h i n a g a r parish community because on that d a y , 4 o f i t s children received their �irst Holy Communion and three among them r e c e i v e d a l s o

con�irmation. His excellency Mar Jose Chittooparambil CMI was the main celebrant of the Liturgical celebrations. Bp. Jose, in his sermon emphasized the sacramental life of a Christian. He inspired the children to approach the Holy Eucharist with devotion and love. Fr. Binoy expressed gratitude to Bp. Jose.



t hOn 8 March, 2020, Immaculate Conception Church organized a special thanksgiving Mass for all the women of the parish. The mass was celebrated by Fr. Joby CMI the principal of St. Mary's school Chotila. The whole Liturgy was conducted by the active participation of the women of our parish. Fr. Joby in his sermon spoke of the importance of women in the role of mother, daughter, sister in the family and the society at large. After the communion service a few women who had contributed for the welfare of the parish, family and society were felicitated. Fr. Anton Macwan, on behalf of the parish sincerely thanked the outgoing superior Sr. Akila MC by offering a bouquet of �lowers and a shawl for her sel�less service to the parish. The parish community also welcomed Sr. Jenice MC the new member of the MC convent. After the Holy Eucharist a one day outing was arranged for the women of the parish. They were taken to the newly built retreat house of the CMI priests at Dhroliya- Mitana. Rev. Fr. Shijo CMI conducted a one-hour adoration for the women. Sr. Daya DP led a one-hour session on women empowerment for them. It was a memorable day for the women in the parish.

th150 DeathAnniversaryofSt.KuriakoseEliasChavara

Immaculate Conception Church, Rajkot solemnly celebrated th rd

the 150 death anniversary of St. Kuriakose Chavara on 23 February 2020. Rev. Fr. Shijo CMI the director of Mitana Retrat Centre celebrated the Holy Eucharist. In his sermon he narrated the exemplary life story of St. Chavara and his contribution to the universal church and to the world at large. There was a solemn procession around the campus in which the parishioners carried the photo of St. Chavara.


In the new year of 2020, Immaculate Conception Church decided to dedicate every third Sunday Holy Mass for the Parish children. As per the decision, the liturgy would be animated by the children of the parish. The catechism teachers would help prepare the children.



St. Ann's Church, Junagadh had various celebrations during the last three months. They had celebrated the feasts of the Presentation of the Lord, St. Blaze, Holy Childhood day, World Day of the Sick etc. In all these celebrations the community had expressed their love of God and neighbor in the form of prayer and charitable activities. Especially they prayed for the sick and the suffering and honored the health workers who were actively involving in serving the sick and suffering.


th19 January 2020 was a day of great joy, excitement, fun and jubilation for the entire parish community. On that day the parishioners had a one-day picnic to Ummatwada. The people had lot of entertaining programs by which they could refresh themselves amidst their busy schedule.



Welcome to the Fourth Batch of Christ HealthAcademy

The beginning of the fourth batch of Christ Health A c a d e my, t h e C o u r s e s o f P a r a m e d i c a l Sciences, started

s to n 0 1 J u l y , 2019. Fr. Jomon T h o m m a n a , Director, Christ Health Academy, motivated the students and made them understand how the students should exhibit their professional characters and should have behavior modi�ication. He made them know the facilities present at the Christ Hospital, Rajkot, the parent hospital and its advantages. He appreciated the staff of Christ Health Academy and added that we are privileged to have post graduated doctors as professors at Christ Health Academy.


After getting the permission for the f a c e - l i f t , t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n work was started. B p . G r e g o r y Karotemprel CMI l a i d t h e foundation stone for the Security building and Road

th thon 05 October, 2019. As on 24 January, 2020 the New Face-lift for the Christ Hospital was ready to be blessed. Rev. Bishop Jose Chittooparambil CMI along with Fr. Jomon Thommana and Fr. Nideesh K.T, blessed the New Face-lift of Christ Hospital. Bishop showered his blessings and wishes for a bright future, with Christ's grace on the hospital. The construction was possible with the support of our Benefactors. Fr. Jomon Thommana, Director of Christ Hospital, Rajkot thanked for their generosity.


Christ hospital has i n t r o d u c e d f e w Awards for the Staff which will be given at the end of every month. Such as:-Christ P innacleAward (Award for e x c e l l e n t

Leadership), ChristCloud9CollaboratorAward (Award for co-operation team work), ChristExtraMileAward (Award for Commitment & Dedication), Christ Yes-I-Can Award (Award for Willingness & Cheerfulness), Christ Time &SpaceAward(Award for Punctuality & Presence) winners for the month of January & February were given away the awards.


Dr. Manisha H. Ghonia joined Christ Hospital

rdFamily as on 03 march, 2020 as a f u l l t i m e Pediatrician & Neonatologist. S h e h a s v a s t experience in the �ield of Pediatrics & Neonatal Critical Care. She has done MBBS, MD (Pediatrics). She has participated & presented various research papers and posters in various conferences. One of her papers is also published in the Indian Journal of Science & Research.


Christ Hospital, Rajkot has applied for the Certi�ication by NABH which is the highest quality accreditation Body for Hospitals in India. Christ Hospital has undergone the Inspection by the team from NABH (National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare) from Delhi for the Certi�ication process. Lots of efforts have been made to

accomplish this Hallmark of Quality Certi�ication. All the formalities for the Certi�ication has been completed successfully. It is to our great joy, we are now of�icially informed by NABH that the Christ Hospital has been granted Accreditation.



B.Sc. students of Christ College of Nursing conducted Group Health Educational Programme and Aganwadi Programme at Sanosara Village on 09/12/2019 and on 12/12/2019. The �irst programme was based on the Antenatal mother care. The Students educated the mothers regarding the hygiene, immunizations, treatment, health checkup, delivery signs, care, after delivery care, breast feeding etc. using colorful �lash cards. In the second programme, anthropometric measurements like height, weight, head circumference, chest circumference and mid-arm circumference of children present in the Aganwadi. They educated the children and parents of the Aganwadi to avoid packet foods and junk foods due to its health hazards. They stressed the importance of healthy homemade food and its advantages.


Christ College of Nursing (B.Sc) celebrated the

n d2 B a t c h ' s Freshers' day on

t h0 8 J a n u a r y, 2020, organized

by the second year B.Sc Nursing Students. Cultural Programmes such as solo song, group song, task performance, dance etc. were conducted before a distinguished audience consisting of Fr. Jomon Thommana, Director, Christ College of Nursing, Fr. Nideesh K.T, Assistant Director, Christ Hospital, Mr. Binu Joe, Principal, Christ College of Nursing, Doctors & other dignitaries.


As a part of B.Sc Nursing curriculum, Nutrition Cookery thProgramme competition was conducted on 10 January,

2020. A planned diet chart was prepared such as Balanced diet, Fluid diet, Hypertensive diet, Cardiac Diet and accordingly the food was prepared by the Group members for the competition. The programme was inaugurated by Fr. Jomon Thommana, Director, Christ College of Nursing. The Judges had an interactive session with the group members and evaluation was made on the basis of taste, presentation, performance, knowledge, Hygiene, way of cooking etc.


The second batch of B.Sc. Nursing students had the Lamp Lighting and Oath taking ceremony on 10/02/2020. Rev. Bp. Gregory Karotemprel CMI, Emeritus Bishop of Rajkot Diocese, Fr. Jomon Thommana, Director of Christ College of Nursing, Fr. Nidessh K.T, Assistant Director and Mr. Binu Joe, Principal of Christ College of Nursing were present on the occasion. The lamp was lighted by Rev. Bp. Gregory Karotemprel CMI. He then shared his personal experience and highlighted the compassionate love he received from nursing professionals. In his speech, he further pointed out that the nursing is not only service oriented but even a sacred profession. Later Rev. Bishop Gregory Karotemprel CMI and Fr. Jomon Thommana individually congratulated each student and blessed them.


A Mass Lamp Lighting & Oath taking ceremony was organized st

by all Gujarat Self-Finance Nursing Association on 01 March, 2020 at D.H. College Ground, Rajkot, where our B.Sc Nursing

nd02 Batch students also were present. The main dignitaries were Honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat State- Shri Vijaybhai Rupani, Dr. T. Dilipkumar- INC President, Dr. Pragnaben Dabhi- Registrar Gujarat Nursing Council. F r . J o m o n T h o m m a n a , Director of Christ College of Nursing and Principal- Mr. B i n u J o e a n d o t h e r c o l l e g e

representatives were present on the occasion. Presidential address was delivered by Honorable Chief Minister of Gujarat- Shri Vijaybhai Rupani, mentioning Nursing as a service-oriented profession and therefore nurses should carry out their duties with great responsibility in the society.


As a part of curriculum, Christ College of Nursing had th thorganized the sports and cultural events from 17 - 19

February, 2020 at Christ Health Academy, Bedi. The programme was inaugurated on 17/2/2020, with unveiling the theme 'Floram-2020' and lighting the Floram Torch by Fr. Nideesh K.T, Assistant Director. Cultural programmes such as Solo Dance, Group Dance, Group Song, Solo Song, Rangoli, Hair Dressing, Adapt to Tune, Mehandi, Best from Waste, Mock Press etc. were organized. The last contest was the “Personality Contest”. The contest was judged by Fr. Jomon Thommana, Director of Christ College of Nursing and Dr. Aarti Chandrani, Gynaecologist, Christ Hospital Rajkot. There were three rounds, which included Fashion Show, Talent Round & Traditional Round and at the end Mr. Floram-2020 and Miss Floram-2020 were declared. After the cultural program the Games such as Chess, Caroms, Tennikoit, Catching and eating the Bun, Three- legged- Race, Sack Race, Running Race, Bottle �illing, Badminton, Short put and at last Tug- of War were conducted.



Republic Day was celebrated on Christ Campus on January 26, 2020 by the NCC cadets as per the tradition of armed

forces. Chief Guest of event was Retired DSP Rajendrasinh Ghanshyamsinh Vaghela. All standard protocols were followed according to the national rules and regulations. The celebrations included the March-past by the Cadets, formation of pyramids, Fire performance and a Skit.


A blood donation camp was organized on February 11, 2020 for the entire Christ campus. Authorities of Civil blood bank of

Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Civil Hospital, Rajkot were invited for blood collection. Total 97 bottles were collected from the students, NCC cadets and staff members


Christ College, Rajkot organized Annual Sports Meet 2019-20 in January 2020. The students were divided into four houses – Harappan Hurricanes comprising BSc A and BA, Shaurya Veer -BSc B and BI, Maurya Maharathis - BCom & MSc and Arjuna Warriors - BBA & BCA departments. In total 27 categories of

various games were conducted. The event culminated on January 11, 2020 with the March-past, �inal heats of athletics and prize distribution. Harappan Hurricanes were the champions of the Annual Sports Meet 2019-20.


th12 National Level Science Symposium 2020 on Recent Trends in Science and Technology was organized by Christ

College, Rajkot on January 19, 2020.The event sponsored by GSBTM and GUJCOST was attended by 753 students, besides research scholars and faculty members across the country.

The inauguration function was presided by His Excellency Bishop Jose Chittooparambil. Prof. Nitin Pethani, the Honourable Vice Chancellor of Saurashtra University was the chief guest and the keynote speakers were Padmashree A.S. Kiran Kumar former chairman, ISRO and Professor C. G. Joshi, Director GBRC Gandhinagar


Department of Business Administration celebrated National Youth Day by organizing a Youth Contest on January 24, 2020. Six �inalists presented the widely prevalent management problems and their solutions. The methods of presentation were power point presentation, management game, quiz and role plays. Khushbu Thakker bagged the title of the Emerging Youth Icon. Kalindi Shastri and Smit Vachhani stood second and Manash Khakhar bagged the third position.

Emerging Technology of IoT and MachineLearning

On February 05, 2020 Department of Computer Applications organized a seminar organized on the topic “Emerging Technology of IoT and Machine Learning”. The resource person for the seminar was Mr. Brijesh Pande from TOPS Technologies, Ahmedabad. The seminar began with an introduction on breakthrough future technologies like AR (Augmented Reality), VR (Virtual Reality) projects. The expert also explained how to develop AR, VR projects with different effects using C#. He also gave a demonstration on face recognition project using python programming and information on Smart dustbin system, of�ice management, and driverless car using IoT.


The Department of Physics in collaboration with the Science Club organized Physics Stage Show on February 06, 2020 for all BSc students. The programme was arranged with the help of Indian Association of Physics Teachers, Gujarat Chapter. Experiments were demonstrated by an eminent professor of Physics, Dr T. R. Ananthakrishnan, currently a Visiting Faculty, International School of Photonics, CUSAT, Cochin and a former professor of Physics, St.Paul's College, Kalamassery, Cochin, Kerala


As a part of World wetland day celebration, Bird Watching at Khijadia Bird Sanctuary, Jamanagar was organized by the Nature Club of the College on February 10, 2020. The unique habitat at Khijadia with fresh water as well as marine water was a unique experience and accordingly birds were

identi�ied by observing their bill structure, �lying patters, colors of feathers and calls. Total 75 bird species which include cormorants, pelicans, �lamingos, spoon bills, paradise �lycatcher etc. were identi�ied and the checklist was made by using �ield guides and binoculars.


Awareness Program on Health & Hygiene was organized by thAAROHAN, Christ Women Cell on 14 February 2020 at the

Government Primary School of Veja Village, near Rajkot.


To identify and encourage research abilities and culture among students VIVIDHA 2020 - A National Level Conference on Recent Trends in Commerce, Management and

Humanities was organized by the College on February 15, 2020. It provided students a platform to present and discuss the most emerging and innovative ideas and concerns in the respective �ields. The national conference was organized with

major contribution in the form of papers and posters that addresses themes and sub-themes which will ultimately be disseminated to various spheres of the society. A total of 179 students from various institutes participated in the conference. The chief guest for the function was Dr. Vijaybhai Deshani, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Saurashtra University, Rajkot and the Keynote speaker for the event was Mr. Ankur Shah, Managing Director, Sanj Samachar.


Christ College has been selected as a venue for organizing Dr. Vikram A Sarabhai Centenary celebration at Rajkot. The programme was jointly organized by IMSA - Ahmedabad Chapter & Christ College, Rajkot on February 18, 2020. Dr. Sanjib K Deb, Sci/Eng-SF, AOSG/SAC and Secretary IMSA, Dr. Chandra M. Kishtawal, Outstanding Scientist, Group Director, Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences Group (AOSG), SAC & Chairman IMSA and Dr. Atul Kumar Varma, Sci/Eng-G, Head, Geophysical Parameter Retrieval Division, AOSG/SAC were the resource persons. The programme included an introduction to the activities of Indian Meteorological Society, Ahmedabad Chapter, a documentary on the life and work of Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, which is actually the story of the birth and growth of Indian Space Research Organization and the Space Research in India and a lecture on 'Microwave Remote Sensing of Oceans and Atmosphere'


The three-year- long chapter in the lives of all the students in the third year of their graduation was reiterated and revised with mirth by Christ College. The event Syanora2020 held on February20,2020 was a blend of wondrous dance and music performances, chiming in with the farewell speeches

by student representatives from all streams, which was followed by the common dance as the DJ played the beats.



Christ Institute of Management used to organize a week long industrial tour every year. For the academic year 2019-2020 the tour was planned for Bhopal, Capital of Mandhya Pradesh, India. The tour started on 20 January 2020 at 1:50 pm from Rajkot. 2 Faculty members and 24 students of MBA joined the tour. Staying at Poornodaya Samanvaya in Patel Nagar, Bhopal, the group visited four companies and seven sightseeing places. Other than this they also had three sessions of discussion on different topics.


A student development programme on Synergetic Decision Making was conducted for the B.Com. students of JH Bhalodia Women's College, Rajkot. 66 students were participated in the programme. Students were put under training to �ind out their working patterns when they work individually as well as in a group.

The Shylock Show Trial 4 – A National LevelSerialCaseStudyTrials

The Shylock Show Trials are case analysis performed by the students in a closed Moot Court Set up. In all about 91 Students in 11 different teams from different Postgraduate

colleges as well as Undergraduate colleges in Gujarat participated in the event.

Separate Trophies and certi�icates were awarded for UG as well as PG level. Awards for Best Enactment was also given in both the levels. Registration started from 7.30 in the morning. The inaugural ceremony was at 10 am and the Chief Guest of the event was Dr. Hitesh Shukla, Professor, Department of Business Administration, Saurashtra University. The judges of the event were Mr. Vishal Sarvaiya and Mr. Joy D'souza. Sponsors and partners of the event were Destination Publication, Trans Globe, KBZ Foods, Global Publicity and Aajkal Daily.


This multi visit gave an opportunity to the students to learn the inventory management, Hospitality management, the �lexible printing solutions for FMCG products and management of �irms in PVC pipes industry.


A Training session was organized by the budding trainers for th the students of CIM on 26 Feb 2020 by designing 4 different

types of management games. The aim behind these training was to make participants understand how to work in team, how to increase the communication skills, and how to co-ordinate with each other when they are working in teams. The outcomes of the session were positive. Students learned many things and also gave a positive feedback. 28 Students participated in the programme.


A student development programme on Synergetic Decision Making was conducted for the B.Com. & BBA students of Christ College, Rajkot. 40 students were participated in the programme. Students were put under training to �ind out their negotiation skills in a win-win situation.


One day Workshop on 'Energy ConservationAwareness'SponsoredbyGEDA

Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) & Department of Mechanical/Automobile Engineering, CPI has jointly organized one-day workshop on “Energy Conservation Awareness” sponsored by GEDA. The dignitaries who graced the inauguration ceremony of workshop were Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Benny Joseph, Mrs. Nymphea Gogia Principal Christ Polytechnic Institute, Mr. Kamleshkumar B. Sangani [(AEA-287, EA-8840) Company Name: M.K. International Technocrats], Dr. Megha C. Karia (Asst. prof. V.V.P. Engg. College), Mr. Ritesh Patadiya (GEDA-convener), Mr. Dhaval M. Pansuriya and HoDs of all the departments of Christ Polytechnic Institute.


Chrispo 2020 the Annual Sports eve n t o f C h r i s t Po ly te c h n i c Institute was Organized during 31

stJanuary 2020 and 1 February 2020.

The Students were very Excited to be a p a r t o f t h e S p o r t s events. Almost all the s t u d e n t s o f t h e institute participated in the events of their choice with joy and they gave their best. The student volunteers also contributed in the preparat ion of the sports ground and for t h e s m o o t h organization of the sports fest under the able guidance provided by the faculty coordinators of the respective events.


Technospark'20 a National Level Technical Event, was organized by Christ Polytechnic Institute on March 01, 2020.

This event was the e i g h t e d i t i o n o f Te c h n o s p a r k . T h e students of various institutes participated in it. The Chief guest f o r t h e i n a u g u r a l function was Swami Nikhileshwaranand, t h e o f h e a d o f Ramkrishna Ashram, Ra j ko t , D r. Ra j e s h Thakker, Principal,

Government Engineering College, Rajkot was the Guest of Honour and Keynote speaker. Rev. Fr. (Dr.) Benny Joseph – Director of Christ Campus and Mrs. Nymphea Gogia – Principal of Christ Polytechnic Institute were present on the Dias.

The inspirational speech was given by the chief guest of function Swami Nikhileshwaranandji followed by the speech of guest of honor and keynote speaker of the function Dr. Rajesh Thakker on the topic “Recent Developments in Engineering and Technology”.



Christ School, Rajkot celebrated its Annual Day – entitled 'Twilight Gala 2020' with vibrancy, excellence and

thmagni�icence on 30 January 2020. The programme was an amalgamation of various hues be�itting the theme wondrously. The evening commenced with devotional dance by way of invocation to God the Almighty. Twilight Gala 2020 woven around the theme Incredible India and the theme-based dances both western and Folk dances captivated the guests. The props and costumes added colour to the festive occasion with the synchronized dance movements to the foot tapping music. The two- hours long Cultural Show held the audience in awe and kept them enlightened and spellbound as the show culminated. An astounding visual treat enthralled every spectator present. The celebrations concluded on a happy note encouraging the students to reach further milestones in their journey of success.




Dev Mata welfare Centre organized a kite making competition for the balmandal children at Rib and Vavadi villages on January 11 and 16 respectively. All the members of the groups participated in the competition. All the winners were given prizes on the following days.

Seniorcitizen'sDay,Women'sday,SportsdayThe Centre celebrated Senior Citizens Day at Vavdi village. In connection with the celebration, there were different programs presented by them. Sr. Jyothi FCC led the program. All the winners were given prizes. Ten of the senior citizens were taken for the Senior Citizen day at Rajkot.

In order to re�lect and acknowledge the services of women and to motivate them Deva Mata Centre celebrated the women's day on March 7, 2020. There were different programs presented by the women. The Centre had conducted various competitions for the women. The Centre and all its members acknowledged and thanked the women for their great services to the families and society. The Centre also could take around 50 women for the celebration at Navjeevan trust, Rajkot on March 8, 2020.

th thon 8 and 17 February 2020, the Centre had organized a Sports competitions for our Balwady, Tuition and Balmandal children at Rib, Vavadi and Valadhiri Sr. Angel FCC organized all the programmes. Sunilbhai, the animator supported her. This was an opportunity to �ind out and encourage the hidden talents of our children. The winners were given prizes.


There was a training program for the leaders of SHG on January 16, 2020. Miss. Arathiben from Navjeevan Trust, Rajkot animated the program. Her class was informative, helpful and encouraging one for the leaders.


Dev Matha Centre arranged a picnic for its Balmandal children to Rajkot on March 1, 2020. There were 58 children for the picnic. They visited St. Mary's school, Gandhi museum, Navjeevan trust, etc. it was an excellent exposure for the children.



NIshkalanka Mata welfare cenre, Ranpar arranged a kite making competition for the the Balmandal children on 14h January 2020. On the same day they celebrated the kite day. About forty-�ive members from the Balmandals participated in the program. Various gifts were distributed to the winners. Fr. Jaison, CMC sisters of Ranpar and Mrs. Pareena the animator of SHG arranged and conducted the program successfully. Many people from the villages attended the program.


Nishkalanka Mata welfare Centre, along with the Government Primary School, Ranpar celebrated the Republic Day. Mr.

Nathabhai the panchayat surpanch of Ranpar hoisted the �lag. The balmandal children of Ranpar performed different types of cultural programs. On same day evening they conducted quiz competition for the Balmandal children. it was a very successful one.


Nishkalankmata welfare Centre Ranpar arranged a thleadership training program for the SHG leaders on 15

February 2020. Mrs. Aratiben from Navjeevan Trust, Rajkot was the resource person. She spoke about the abilities, duties and responsibilities of women in the society and in the families and how they could transform the society. The SHG leaders and members of the villages attended the program.


A leadership training program for the Balmandals was th

arranged on 11 February 2020. All Balmandal and Balpanchayat leaders and members attended the program. Mr. Bharat from Navjeevan Trust, Rajkot was the resource

person. He spoke about the duties, behavior and responsibilities of leadership.


Nishkalankamata mata welfare Centre Ranpar conducted a stMega Medical Camp on 1 March, 2020. The camp started at 2

pm concluded by 7 pm. We inaugurated the camp by lighting

the camp and invoking the mercy of God. Around 286 patients bene�itted from the medical camp. It was intended to identify the prevalent diseases in the village and to provide the preventive curative services to the people. Dr. Benny, Dr. Vyas actively involved in the camp.


rdThe Centre arranged a picnic for the senior citizens on 23 February 2020. They were taken to the different spots of Porbandar District. 35 people came for the picnic. It was refreshing experience for the senior citizens.



The Centre had arranged a Leadership motivation camp on 24 th January at Nani Kattechi. 61 members from SHG groups of three villages participated. Resource person w a s M i s s . A r a t h y f r o m Navjeevan Social work center, Rajkot. All were enlightened by the programme.


Jeet Prakash Trust had the solemn celebration of Silver Jubilee of religious profession of Mother Sr. Amala SABS and along with SR. Prabha SABS, Sr. Tressa SABS and SR. Lizbeth

thSABS at 6.30 pm on 8 February, 2020 at Jeet Prakash Trust (Shree Niketan) Nani Katechi. The celebration started with Solemn Holy Mass offered by Rev. Fr. Joji Thengathara the Vicar of Surendarnagar zone and the Jubilee message was given by Rev. Fr. Ajeesh Chirayarikil the director of Chachana center. There were present many fathers and sisters from in and around the Surendarnagar zone. It was a great time for a celebration and family gathering. This celebration gave a double joy to us because Sr. Anila SABS inaugurated her Silver Jubilee year by receiving Jubilee candle from Fr. Joji. The SABS Sisters and staff of Jeet Prakash Trust joined together to make this event colorful and meaningful.


Women's day celebrations and competitions were conducted th

in Rajkot on 8 March, 2020. Our SHG members from different villages participated in different activities and we

the Jeet Prakash Trust, Nani Katechi won the First Runners up trophy of the year 2020. It is the fruit of long days of preparation and hard work of the staff and SHG members. The members used to come in the evening to take practice. The people of this village are very poor, they used to go for work and come back in the evening and they used to come for practice at 9.30 pm to 10.30pm. At the same time we the members of Jeet Prakash Trust do sincerely Thank Sr. Rose Mary SABS, Sr.Namitha SABS and Miss. Shophna for the planning and hard work.


thWe had a grant celebration of Holi on 6 of March at JPT Nani Katechi. Along with all the children, sisters, staff and some of the parents participated in the holi celebration. It was a great fun and enjoyment for the kids. End of the programme Sr. Amala SABS gave sweets to the children.


Ø January 7-15- Bishop Jose attended the Syro Malabar Synod in Kerala from.

Ø January 31- News Priests Day and Jubilee Celebrations at Bishop's House Rajkot.

Ø February 7-8 Formation Day at Bishop's House.

Ø February 9- Nurses meet at Navjeevan Trust, Rajkot.

Ø February 13-19 Bishop Jose attended the CBCI meeting in Bangalore.

Ø February 21- Diocesan Mathruvedi meeting at Bishop's House, Rajkot

Ø February 24- Ash Monday, Lent started.

Ø February 27- Trust meeting at Bishop's House.

Ø February 28- March 1- Marriage Prepartation Course at Bishop's House.

Ø February 29- AINACS meet at Bishop's House.

Ø March 7- Christ Collage felicitation program and award distribution

Ø March 8- Navjeevan Trust Women's Day celebration at Christ School, Rajkot

Ø March 19- St. Joseph Day, Feast of Bp. Jose Chittooparambil CMI

Mrs.ThressiamaJoseph, the beloved mother of Sr. Rinta SMC was passed away on 25 January 2020.

MrsAnnamma (77), the beloved mother of Fr Jaison thAnchanickal is called to eternal rest on 15 February

2020. Her funeral was held at at St Mary's church t hcemetery, Pandalloor on 16 February 2020,

(Thamarassery Diocese).

Mrs.Marykuruthukulangara (82), beloved mother of Sr. Lini DP(Devpriya) passed away on 17/2/2020. the funeral service was held on 19/2/2020 at Padiyoor church (Irinjalakuda diocese).

Mrs. Thresiamma Paulose Kolenchery (71) the beloved mother of Sr. Grace DP (Devpriya) was called to eternal life on 21/3/2020. The funeral service was held on the same day at Amalapuram church, (Ernakulum Diocese).









1-Jun Fr. Vadakkekara Joseph Gondal

1-Jun Fr. Kochupurackal Jithin Mahuva

1-Jun Sr. Rose Davis Chakieth CMC Dayapar

1-Jun Sr. Reshmi Thelakkadan DP Malayattoor

1-Jun Sr. Nimy Rose Kalampukatil SABS Parnala

2-Jun Fr. Manikanamparambil Abraham Amreli

2-Jun Mr. Johnson P.S. Rajkot

3-Jun Sr. Rajamani Kondaparthi FIHM Rapar

4-Jun Sr. Bini Joseph Arniakulathil CCV Merubaug

5-Jun Sr. Joicy Maria Pala DSS Junagadh

5-Jun Sr. Sini Joseph SSpS Rajkot

5-Jun Sr. Shanta Jamra SSpS Rajkot

5-Jun Fr. George Therakam Rajkot

5-Jun Bro. Antony Justin Njaraparambil Bhachau

6-Jun Fr. Akkappadikal Francis Gandhinagar

6-Jun Sr. Vyagula Mary CM Junagadh

6-Jun Sr. Annie Don Naduparambil CMC Porbandar

6-Jun Sr. Mable Thadathil SABS Rajkot Amal Jyothi

6-Jun Sr. Mary Vattamattam CHF Mundra

7-Jun Mr. Manoj Chandrapal Rajkot

9-Jun Sr. Valsa K.V. Kallumalaikudy SdP Raidhanpar

10-Jun Fr. Puthuparambil James Rajkot

10-Jun Sr. Sandhya Sonavane SA Varvala

10-Jun Sr. Margari Uthuppan SD Hapa

12-Jun Sr. Sebati Nayak DP study

12-Jun Sr. Teslit Attuchalil SH Bhavnagar-Host.

13-Jun Fr. Kolamkuzhiyil Thomas Rajkot

13-Jun Fr. Njavarakkattu George Mundra

13-Jun Fr. Kalathoor Mathew Palitana

13-Jun Sr. Agnes Macwan SA Varvala

13-Jun Sr. Brenda Coelho SA Varvala

14-Jun Fr. Thaliath Naiju Shinai

14-Jun Fr. Valarkottu Mathew Mahuva

14-Jun Fr. Edasseril Dayon Kumaranalloor

15-Jun Sr. Joice Moonjely DP Vajadi

15-Jun Fr. Jeslindas Francis Marthandathil Nanikattechi


17-Jun Sr. Angel Mary CHF Bhachau

21-Jun Fr. Cherumuttathupadi Manu Philippines

21-Jun Sr. Prudenzia Kurian Mekkunnel SA Arambhada

21-Jun Sr. Namitha Nayak SABS Parnala

22-Jun Fr. Kotteparambil Shijo Rajkot

22-Jun Fr. Avimootil Joseph Bhavnagar

22-Jun Sr. Jisna Thazhathukunnel CHF Mundra

22-Jun Fr. Titus Mandy Bhavnagar

22-Jun Bro. Aloshious Abraham Olomana Rajkot

23-Jun Sr. Sruthy Kochupurackal CMC Porbandar

24-Jun Fr. Kochalumkal Peter Bhopal

24-Jun Sr. Maria Mangalath SABS Naliya

24-Jun Fr. John Vattathara Veraval

25-Jun Fr. Vayalilpurayidathil Sebastian Merubaug

25-Jun Sr. Shaji Mangattu DP Kalawad

25-Jun Sr. Manjula John Macwan SchSA Bhavnagar

26-Jun Fr. Kattakayam Joseph Shinai

26-Jun Sr. Roshna P. Jose Puthiyampurath DPMT Nakhatrana

26-Jun Fr. Jaison Anchanickal Ranpar

27-Jun Sr. Rose Mary Kallolil FCC Gondal Ashram

27-Jun Sr. Darshana Damian Kunnath FCC Wankaner Nirmala

28-Jun Fr. Painadath John Fisher Rajkot

28-Jun Fr. Vettikuzhichalil Sunny Delhi

28-Jun Fr. Pulavelil Joseph Botad

29-Jun Fr. Kallamullil Kuriakose Silvassa

29-Jun Sr. Saniya Vallikunnel SMC Lakhtar

30-Jun Sr. Lissy John Othickal SABS Surendranagar

1-Jul Fr. Nettikkatt George Rajkot

1-Jul Fr. Marangattu Jacob Bhavnagar

1-Jul Sr. Vini Tom Ukken FCC Dhaneti

3-Jul Fr. Kuruppancheril Jijo Gondal

3-Jul Sr. Nirmala Macwan CM Junagadh

3-Jul Sr. Lissy Erniyakulam SABS Rajkot Christ Ladies Hostel

3-Jul Sr. M. Eunicia Pereira AC Gandhidham

4-Jul Sr. Elsamma Cyriac Kavukatt CCV Bhavnagar

5-Jul Sr. Ligi Parakulangara SABS Rajkot Amal Jyothi

6-Jul Sr. Vanaja Kamalapuram DSS Bagasara

6-Jul Sr. Tessy Thomas Keepuram SH Morbi, Phulchab

7-Jul Fr. Padayatty Siju Aluva

7-Jul Sr. Vinaya Attupuram DP Vasavad

11-Jul Sr. Vincy Vadakepurathan DP Anjar

11-Jul Fr. Joseph Velikkakathu Rajkot

12-Jul Sr. Nirmala Inchickal SABS Rajkot Amal Jyothi

13-Jul Fr. Thakarappillil Benny Dhrangadra

14-Jul Sr. Maria Andrea Gnanprakasham AC Gandhidham

14-Jul Sr. Nithya Chelackal CMC Upleta

15-Jul Sr. Salvi Ozhungalil SJC Vadinar

15-Jul Fr. Nideesh Kanjirathamkuzhiyil Rajkot

16-Jul Fr. Mylickal Joby Thomas Chottila

16-Jul Sr. Meena Parmar SA Arambhada

17-Jul Sr. Josepha Chuzhikunnel PCPA Mahuva

17-Jul Sr. Linet Mundaplackel SH Bhavnagar-Host.

19-Jul Sr. Salvy Moolan CMC Raidhanpar

19-Jul Sr. Dincy John Cholamkariyil FCC Rajkot- clara

19-Jul Fr. Saiju Mekara Ribda

19-Jul Mr. Sherin Varghese Rajkot

21-Jul Fr. Vakkayil Roy Thomas Fuljher

21-Jul Sr. Mary Parmar CM Junagadh

21-Jul Sr. Bindu Puthenkudy DP Adipur

21-Jul Sr. Jossy Joseph Oliyanickal DPMT Nakhatrana

21-Jul Sr. Marie Britto Rina Kullu MC Morbi

21-Jul Fr. Siju Kalapurackal Dhaneti

22-Jul Sr. Milly Grace Bodra FCC Wankaner

23-Jul Sr. Sherly Kottackal DP Generalate

24-Jul Fr. Pattathil Jose Rajkot

24-Jul Sr. Francilit Chundayil FCC Vinchiya

26-Jul Sr. Nivya Kalarikal DP Bedi

26-Jul Sr. Tincy Maria Padiyara FCC Gondal

27-Jul Fr. Mathasseril Jilson Rajula

27-Jul Sr. Ranjan Macwan SA Arambhada

29-Jul Fr. Kottarathil Sijo Mathew Rajkot

29-Jul Fr. Mallathu Martin Bangalore

30-Jul Sr. Irene Joylin Rabha MC Morbi

30-Jul Sr. Ancy Varghese Vettingakudy SdP Rajkot

30-Jul Bp. Agnelo Rufino Gracias Bombay

31-Jul Sr. Dania Joseph Chozampadathil DPMT Nakhatrana

Third MillenniumIndian Journal of Evangelization (Quarterly)

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