Davidson County women in the world war, 1914-1919

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Gc 976.801 D23giGil more, Rose Long.Davidson County womenworld war, 1914-1919

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ROSE LONG GILMORE(Mrs. John G. Gilmore)

4^ 4*




FOSTER & PARKES COMPANYNasliville, Tennessee


DAftDsoy coiMV ir(>Mi-:\ /.v the no rid war. i9iii<:>r

AHen County Public Library900 Webster Street .

PO Box 2270 ^

Fort Wayne, IN 46801-2270

L' hrinrsi lidlllr llllll (XT lllis l()Ui:hl.

Shall I tall uiu. where ami uhr„y

the maps oj the jvorld you'll firiil it i

It was joiight by the Mothers oj ]lr

DAVID s (' .V (. o I ^ r y if o m e ;V / .v the /r o r l d a a k. 19 1 ii 1


KO |{ K W 1; I)

Tlu- title (h.-M-n lor llii.- vuli.m,- is •|)a\i.i-n„ Cnuntx \\.,„mm, in llif \\..,l,l

War." ahlioujih il is a very complete ieeo.,1 ..1 \\nrl,l War w,.,k Jmu- l.x «..riirn"s

organizations throuiihout the State of Tennessee, iiia-niiK li a- llic Stale iKadqu ii li r<

of all patriotic organizations was located in Da\i(l-nn ( ..urilv. Willi llic ixccplmn

of Mrs. George W. Denny, of Know ill,'. Slalc Cliairrnan ol ih,- Woman'- CotnnMllce.

Council of National Defense, and Mi-, .-am I'liillip-. ,.1 Mmiplii-. Stale ( h airman of

the Fourth Liberty Loan, the women selected to dinrl tin- uoik ol h niic-n World

War organizations were residents of D;i\id-on Coimtv. \No tin- pir-id<Mils of

practically all State organizations and chili-, ulilrh ui ic in cxi-liiirc al die time

of our entrance into lli<- World War. ucrc l)a\id-on (!ounl\ uomcii.

Tiiese existing organi/alion-. Ii\ llicir -ui;i;i'-lioii- and artixitic-, wire umk-liops

for ideas for llie ncwiy-organi/i-d patiiolir liodii-. \inon:; llir-c were: Tennessee

Federation of Women's Clul>-. Mi-. \li\. S. CalUMll, I'n-idcnt: Tmiiessee Society

of Colonial Dames, Mrs. Jamc- 11. kirkland. I'n-i.lrnl: •|Vinir-r,. K.pial S„|Trage

Association, .Mrs. Leslie Warner, President; Daugliln- cd tlir \mriirin l!r\olntioii.

.Mrs. Edwin A. Price, Tennessee Regent: Woman'- \ii\iliii\. Soiiilinn ( ommi-irial

Congress, Miss Louise Grun<l\ l.iiid-li\. ( diaii man-( iiiicial : State Housewives'

League, Miss Louise Grund\ laiid-li\. I'le-i.ient: I mted I )aii-litei -'^)f the Con-

federacy. Tennessee Divi-ion. Mi-. Hcnndl 1). Udl. Proident: Parent- Teachers' As-

sociation, Tennessee l)i\i-ioii. Mrs. Kugene Crutcher. President; King's Daughters,

'rennes.s<"e Division. Mi-. W. I., \orvell. President: Tennessee Capitol Association,

Mrs. Robert F. Weakley. Prt-iden' : and Teime Stale Fair. Home an. I F.dnrational

Department, Mrs. Robert Whaiton Nidiol. Direetoi.

Furthermore, there are recorded in lln- I k lero.d- of l)avid-on Coimlv (.old

Star heroes of the World War anil the lliiei' tlion-aml l)a\id-(.n Comilv veterans

whose families contributed to the (dia\e- -woid liiml.

led the women of lli,- .-oulli in \irliialK ru;s rampaiijii an.l diue loi W.ald War

relief work, and thai they a. eompli-lied n-nit- uliieli ueic nn-nrpa-ed in tlic en-

tire country.

'i'his recognition of l)a\id.-on CoiinU'- a,lii.-Neni.-nl- inspired llie lu ,iil\ -lour

public-s|)iritcd women of the CouriU. who rompo-e llie \d\ i-oi\ ((imii il id ihi-

work and who^e exei-utive ability and devotion to diit\ uere denioii-.t r.ited dailv

during the war. to undertake the -tupendoii- la-k id pi I'-ei \ m;; a leiord of these

achievement-. Tlic\ fell a -ciih' ol piide in l.eiii>: L'i\en tin- piixile^ie ol' -eniring. as


a heritage for posterity, the records of patriotic services rendered voluntarily l)> tiie

women of Davidson County in the greatest war that has ever been staged in history.

To these women this publication owes its existence.

The work of compilation began immediately after the close of ihi' war while

memory was fresh, in spite of the fact that prices were inflated. Howt-ver, at this

time it was possible to secure a more complete and accurate record. The council

members, fired with the true spirit of patriotism and possessing the dauntless courage

and supreme capacity for endurance which characterized our fighting forces in

battle, steadfastly held to the determination of accomplishing their purpose. They

originated their own ways and means and overcame almost insurmountable diffi-

culties in accomplishing their aims, riicy were well aware, when they assumed this

responsibility, that the cost of produclioii would exceed the receipts of sales, yet they

continued the fight with "conspicuous bravery."' At the final mesting, when the fact

wa? announced that sufficient funds were in the bank to begin publication, the signing

of the contract with the publishers occasioned a rejoicing among these sponsors

similar to that occasioned by the first news of the signing of the Armistice.

The "Distinguished Service Cross"' merited by the women of the Advisory Coun

cil is the satisfaction that they have passed on to future generations a record of the

])art their ancestors plaved in the first war known in history where women were

tirafted into service. Not one woman whose name appears in connection with the

compiling or publishing of this volume, which required months and monthj. of labor,

has received any compensation for her services.

The expense of the Gold Star illustrations, of the dedication pages, of the scrap-

of-paper illustration, of the memorial for women World War workers, of the frontis-

jiieie and of many other illustrated pages of this volume was borne by the Advisory

('.(.uncil in addition to the cost of publication. They purchased a number of

volumes and presented them to many Davidson County mothers, whose sons paid the

Supreme Sacrifice, to Libraries of Tennessee and to National Headquarters of the

organizations represented in this book. T!ie earnest endeavor of these patriotic

women to "carry on," regardless of toil or sacrifice, justified and encouraged the

compiler of this book to "finish tlie job."

If there are any honors to accrue therefrom I would like to share them with

each council member. Their loyalty, their unselfish devotion, their utmost con-

fidence and eager willingness to assist during the struggles that naturally accompany

a gigantic efl'ort of this character, afforded the writer the support necessary through-

out the long period of compilation and publication.

I Signed I Rose Long Gilmore.

Nashville. Tenn.. June 15. 1923.

nA\ inso.\ (ot XTY womex in the KORin ir-tR. hiuioio


®l|p **^rrap of Jappr"


Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

Ireland, His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia,

His Majesty the King of the French, His Majesty the King of Prussia, and

His Majesty the Emperor of all the Russias, declare, that the 'Articles men-

tioned in the preceding Article, are considered as having the same force and

^'alidity as if they were textually inserted in the present Act, and that they

are thus placed under the guarantee of their said Majesties.


Belgium, within the limits specified in A rticles I., II., and IV. shall form

an independent and perpetually neutral State. It shall be bound to observe

such neutrality towards all other states.

^^,„ /:.>AJ:yu.








POZZO Dl BORGORussian Plenipotentiar,

DAiiDsoy coiyry i(ome.\ i.\ the horld in h. i914i<)1'


To a iiuniJ)er of iii(li\ iilu.il> and luchii)- nl imlix iilu.iU llii' c ompili-r ol llii-

volume wishes to e.\j)rf>- an appiciialiini. Ilicii ink-n-l ,iiui >iiji|M)rl j;a\c iinj)(.'lu>

throughout the four years spent in conipilinj; these records, lliey include, lust, tliose

who gave generous donations: second, those who subscribed for volumes prior to

compilation: third, those who made possible the feature jjages. and fourth, those whoassisted in securing the record-.

In the first group were Wliilelnwid K. C.lr. W . (). linill.J^:.

C. Fail, lot!,. Dr.

W. D. Haggard, Vernon Tupper. M.ijm !.. i;, Sl.ihliiuin. Col. Tli,,Mia- W . W lenne.

T. Leigh Thompson. Joel Cheek. Mrs. I'n, s D. Maddin and Mrs. Idabelle W ilson.

The funds necessary to begin piililn iln.n were secured through the instrumen-

tality of the second group. The coiirhltn.c pi ircd in their abilities by these puldic-

spirited citizens of Na.shville and l)a\id-Mii (;nuiil\ inspired tlie iiieinber- nt the

Advisory Council and the compiler nl llii- \nluiiic lo Imld [,, llu- deteMiiiiialioii ol

finishing the job. Thev were:

G. M. Neelv. Mrs. I'ercv Warner. \li-. K. W .I.dr. \l,.. Whildnonl U. Cole.

Mrs. R. A. Gulbenk. .Mrs. I'ercv I). M.hI.Iiii. \h~. Mal,.llr W lU.m. Mr-. W .O. Tir-

rill. Miss Jean Haggard, N'ernnn Tuppr,. \l,-. liubnl I. Jackson. Mr.-. George

Washington. Mrs. Horace G. Ilill. M.-. Ki.l,,,,,! T. Wil-on. Mrs. A. ET Potter. E. C.

Fain-loth. Major E. H. Stahlm.m. \li-. b—,- \l. (l\.il.m. Mrs. T. Leijrh Thompson.

Dr. W. D. Haggard. Mr-. Mai V W ..-Inn. I, .,/,,

Bruce R. Pavne. Mrs. Chail,- l)u.ll.-\ J -. \li-.

Bass. Mrs. May Erenrh \,mI. M , -. \ ,,,„•, MMrs. Harry W. Evan-. \h-. I'.mi,-, I'I,,II,|,-. M,-.

Roberts, Mrs. James II. KnkLin.!. Mi-. Wilii.nii I'..

Mrs. B. F. Wilson, Mi-. KoIm-h W . \h |„,l. M,-.

Morton, Mrs. Craig .Xbd-arland. \li-. kil I. M.C,,,

R. H. Lacev, Mrs. John A. M, i:uri,. M,-. I i,,„k

Blackie. Mrs. Edward \V. I'o-hi. Mi-. Tli-.ni.i- \r^

Lvon Childres-. Mr-. \U^. liMiiii. \l,- Min.i Olix

thews. Mrs. J.,liii W, Mn-I,x. \li-. I!,, -:.„,, I. \l -<

Lucy .Manninu. Mr-. M. ( . M Ji.. \li-. W . \ .

Miss Lutie C. Jones, .Mr,-. Lee II. Fani- Mi-. (.I.hU-

rev Timothy. .Mrs. John Coode. Mi-. (I. I. Cimi.

James Weakley. Miss Klizabelh liiiiioi,!. Mi-. J.

Judge Lvtton llirknian Mi-S,ua llihl„,.,k. Mi-. MM. Duncan. Mi-. W . II. li.iilcu Mi- M.iiv F. llu

Lillian Taylor, .\li-s Mary Webb. Mi-. I). C. I In I.

Whitsitt. Mrs. Paul Treanor. Mi-. \l. 1. I .ml, . MDaisy M. Gunn. Mrs. Kendri, k I l.u d. a-i Ir. Mi-. K.,- ILim.IIn, \I,-, \).u-^ Irncli.iii

Hoffman. Mrs. Fred W. kel-,\. Mi-. .1. \, Hair Mi-. .S. K. Dirk.y. .Mi.-. O. N.

Bryan. Mr.s. Eugene Cnii.lin. Mi-, join, I'. W illi.nii-. Mrs. C. C. Young, Mrs. W. F.

Young. Mrs. Andreu I'm.,-. Mi- I. .hi-,- C. Fii,.l-lr\, Mrs. Charles F. Amierson.

Mrs. J. T. Allman. Mr-. \ an- e Alex.m.l.i . Mi-. ,|..-.|.li \brams. Mrs. B. H. Allen.

Mrs. John U. Ausl. Mrs. Kalherine T. \ll.ii. II. I!. M.x.in.l.i . Mi-. W. S. lir ,n-

ford. Mrs. H. B. Bond. Parent-Tea, lici- \-... i.il i..i,. Ma.li-..n. T.-i.ii.. I!,i|,li-I .Sun-

day .School Board. Mrs. Robert B. Hranniii. II. ( >. lUa. ku I. Mi-. I,,aii-,- F.

Bran.lon. Joshua Brown. Dr. Richard A. Ban. Mi-. J. W . III,..!. M,-, C. S. Iir,,un.

Mrs. W. A. Bryan. Mrs. Brown Buford. Mr-. Fiaiik A. i;,n\. Mr-. A. B. liincll, I.

. M


Mrs. Charles A. I?nnii,lrnan. Mrs. Georgia Knox-Berry, Mrs. L. F. Beaty, Mrs.

J. G. Crevelinu. Jr.. \li-. Walter L. Jones, Mrs. Margaret Wade Thompson, Mrs.

James E. Cak'lu.ll. Mi^. Kogers Caldwell, Mrs. Alex. S. Caldwell, Mrs. Charles

Caldwell. Mrs. Kate B. Hutchinson. Mrs. E. B. Craig, Mrs. William A. Carter, Mrs.

Henry Beach Carre, Mrs. H. Taylor Campbell, Mrs. R. S. Crutcher, J. H. Corbett,

Mrs. Henrv E. Colton, Mrs. W. B. Cook, Mrs. A. E. Cudworth. Watkins Crockett,

Mrs. Sadie M. Corson, Mrs. Robert Cheek. Mrs. M. H. Dobson, Paul M. Davis,

Mrs. Guilford Dudley, Mrs. John H. DeWitt, Mrs. Mary C. Dorris. Mrs. SamDouglas. Mrs. Alice Smith Dayant, Mrs. W. W. Dillon, Miss Elizabeth Eye. John

Early. Mrs. W. G. Ewing, Mrs. Arthur Evans, Mrs. James S. Frazer, Joe Fenster-

wald, Miss Ellen Foster, Mrs. Rufus E. Fort, Mrs. Carey A. Folk, Frank D. Fuller.

Memphis, Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald, East Nashville Library, Mrs. W. L. Granbery,

Mayor William Gupton. Mrs. Reba Wilson Gray, Mrs. C. C. Gilbert, Miss Madge

Hall. Mrs. Orrin T. Higgins, Mrs. J. A. Hawkinson, Mrs. P. D. Houston, Mrs. Mary

Bright Thomas. Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. Mrs. Budie E. Harrison, Mrs. Rush Hawes,

Mrs. Foster Hume. Mrs. J. W. Howard, Mrs. Thomas Herbert, Jr., Mrs. W. T. Hale,

Jr., Mrs. Ellis C. Huggins, Mrs. Harvey Herbert, R. Boyte C. Howell, Mrs. George

W. Hale, Inquirers' c1ub, Mrs. R. Griffin, Mrs. Hill McAlisler, Davidson County

W. C. T. v.. Mrs. Reuben Mills, Mrs. Horace Cauvin, Mrs. James B. Ezzell, Miss

Lillian Joy. Jack Price Jones. Kennedy & Stevens, Mrs. S. J. Keith, Mrs. F. E. Kuhn,

Miss Alice Hall Lindsey. Mrs. Luke Lea, Mrs. Robert Lusk, Mrs. Lou Lusky, Mrs. W.

H. Lambeth. Mrs. Carey E. Morgan, Miss Theresa McGavock, Mrs. M. A. Montgom-

ery, Mrs. John H. Moore, Mrs. C. A. Manthey. Mrs. Jo B. Morgan. Mrs. C. A. Mar-

shall, Mrs. J. Spencer McHenry, Mrs. Cliff McClendon, Parent-Tea( lin A^-.x iaiinn for

Donelson Library. Mrs. Elizaljeth M. Norvell, Mrs. Louise A. O^.lrn, \li-. Sandy

E. Owen. Dr. W.' A. Oughterson, Mrs. Edwin A. Price, Mrs. Gibson I'att.iM.n. Mrs.

George H. Price, Mrs. W. 0. Parmer, Mrs. R. E. Porter, Miss Frances 0. Pilcher,

Mrs. Alex. Perry. Mrs. James H. Parkes, Mrs. David Rosenfeld. Mrs. Granville

P. Rose, Mrs. Jordan Stokes, Mrs. Reuben Seay, N. B. Shyer, Mrs. Edward Scruggs,

Mrs. Charles Stetson, Mrs. W. J. Spire, Mrs. Leo Schwartz, Tennessee State Library,

Miss Mary R. Smith, Mrs. Walter Stokes, Mrs. Vernon Hibbett Sharp, Mrs. A. W.

Shipp. Mrs. Louis H. Sperry, Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne, Mrs. Joseph Thompson. Mrs.

John W. Thomas, Mrs. Smith Tenison, Miss Roberta Tarpley. Oliver Timothy.

Mrs. Dempsey Weaver. Mrs. Sam Woolwine. Mrs. Joe Werthan, Mrs. Percy Williams.

Miss Mary Shackelford, Mrs. Abram M. Tillman, Mrs. Fielding Yost, Mrs. T. Dwight

Webb, Mrs. J. W. Warner. Board of Y. W. C. A., Mrs. W. H. Witt, Mrs. Miles Wil-

liams. Mrs. W. Ridley Wills, Mayor Felix Z. Wilson, Mrs. Betty Lyle Wilson. Mrs.

P. A. Murray, Mrs. Thomas G. Garrett. Mrs. Laura C. Gillespie, Methodist Publishing

House. Miss Emnia Wheat Sullivan. Miss Martha Handley, Advisory Council of thi^


G. M. Neely, whose death occurred during the period of compilation, was the

first subscriber in the County and one of the originators of this project. His splendid

counsel, his unfailing confidence in the compiler's ability to do the work and his

hearty approval was at all times encouraging.

Feature pages and those who made them possible are: "Greatest Mother." Nash-

ville Chapter, American Red Cross. Executive Board of 1921; "Columbia Calls Her

Women," Mrs. Idabelle Wilson; "God Save Our Splendid Men," Executive Board,

Army Comfort League; "Polk Memorial Fountain," Executive Board. Tenn. Sfate

Fair, through Mrs. Robert Wharton Nichol, Director of Home and Educational De-

I) All I) S O .\ C i .\ lY U O .1/ E .V / .V T H E l( O R L l> tt A H. 191 l-I 9 I 9

pailmeiil: "N ictoiy Aich." .\li>. B. I- . W ilsmi. \ iii- l'ii>icliiit nl Home-coming Parade

and Reception: "Cenlonnial C.lul.." tlu- Clul. Kx.-, .iii\.- r..Ku.l of 1921: "the Her-

mitage." Andrew JacksonV home. Davidson tiounly Board. Woman's CommiUee

Council of .National Defense: "Scrap-of-paper" page. Gold Star pages, memorial

page for women World War workers and F-^ontispiece, the Advisory Council. Mrs.

Granherv Jackson, Chairman.

.Assisting in securing (he recoids were:

Mrs. Frank Searcv Green. Mrs. Geori:,' V. BLuki.-. Mi- Elizabeth Binford,

Miss .Madge Hall. .Mrs. Jordan Stokes. J... \1.-. \ r, , Sharp. Mrs. Dempsev

Weaver. M:s. Percv I). Ma.idin. Mis. llaii\ W . I v. in- \li-. S. S. Crorkell. Mrs.

\{. H. I.acev. Mr.s. 'Rohert Wliaih.n NirlHil. M, . Bi.har,! T. WiK.m. Mr-. Itrul.-n

Mills. Mrs.' Frank W. Rin^^. \li-. i;. W . I ivr. \l,-. Cmi.^ia knnN.B., , \ . \li-. Kil

r. McConnico, Miss Carrie In-lr,. \it-. -^a.li, \1. C,,,-,,,,. \1,- Maiia -|. „nnn,,-.

.Miss Marv Webb. Mrs. A. B. An.l.i-.m. \l,-. K. i:. Pu.ir,. M,-. i;. I . \\,U,,n. \l,-.

Alice Wilson Clovd. .Mrs. \crner M l.rui-. \li- Ma.x Hal.-, nan. \1,-. \.

Lvon Childress. Mrs. Walter L. J<.n.-. \l,-. 11, .ana- \,ul.ill. \l,-. IMua,,! W .

Foster. \Ir>. Idabelle \\,1-.,m. Mr-. \U^. S. (aMurll. M,-. W . II. S, !„„,, „an. M,-.

Charles Caldwell. Mrs. I'. \. \hn>a\. M,-. I!nl,.-,l ( l,r,k, Ml- \Iu\ l'lra-ai,l- .bai.-

and Mrs. T. Leigh ThoinpMm.

In addition to these the following Ipu-ine— I, mi- nl \a-l,\illc .,i,lr,l l.iiurh wilh

their unfailing interest and i-iiin,ii,,^ri,ir,il : i:. 1!. S, h,in,,,( I,,-, . W . (i. TImi- and

.Marvin W. Wiles, photographers, wli., , n,,i, ,|.i,lr,| ., \.tr2i- i,,,iiilic <.! lli,' |il,..l(igraphs

used in this book; the American \aii.ii,al l'.a,ik. iIikmil'I, I'. !). Iliai-l..,,. I'li'sident,

who served as trea.surer for the AiIm-o,\ C,,,,,,, il: I .,-iia .,,,,1 I'aikc- (.c,.. through

E. W. Foster, President: B. \. (>iill.r,,k I ,,ii,.,\ ,,,..• ( ,... ilimugh Clifton Greer,

.Manager, and Mrs. R. A. (Hilhrnk. ^^\u, u.,- ,,,„• ,,l il,,- |,,n,,i,,l<Ms of this enterprise

and who assisted constantly will, ih.- uck iir,t,l lir, ,li',ili. which was an irreparable

loss to the Council.

The Nashville Tennesseati and tl,,- \a-li\illr I!,, nun were generous willi space

in their columns in presenting the i ,i,i-c to ihc |i,j|ilii .

T. Leigh Thompson, one of Na-1,\ illc'- ni,M,c-|>ii ,1,(1 ,,li/c,,- ai,d ,,l-ii one id

the originators of this project, wa- ai, .,Mc a--i-lai,l d the cianplh-i. with aiKicc

gained from his successful busine>- cane.'.Mrs. Granbery Jackson. Chairniai, ..I the \il\l-..i\ Can,, ,k piiAcil a w i-c cam-

felor and co-worker. She acccplcil the h.ii(l-h,|i- ii, caincciin,, \^ith thi- wmk a- a

part of the job and Ircald the, a, cu, ,1,,,^ K .s|„. |,,| ,,,||, ,, , h.-c, l„l,;,- and

complacency that made ,l a |ih-a-iiie tn he a--ii. iatcl wilh heThe compiler of ihi- I k I ee

Advisory Council, laih ,ncn,hci

Searcy Green. Mi-. \. Lmh, < hih

began this projei t vsith the , \i

to every call (hiiin'_' the lo,ii vaApprecialion i- dne \1,-. I.

192;', Mardi (,ras l.alL a-i-te,l h'

immediate jjub Meal ion.

.Mis> .Madge Hail, will, her .xpericnce ,,- a -iMce-fnl -neietN edit.u of a local

in thi. book, r.-nden^.l xah.able a-i-t.,Mce to ih- coinp,!,; ,l„,,ni. the pi ., days

of the work.

hat -he ua-

1 Uhll h ,- 1

- .mil \l,-.


Grateful Acknowledgment

Many of the Most Striking Photographs Used in this

Book is Herehv Made


21511. Fifth Avenue. Nortli


17 Fiflli Avenue, Nuith


Nashville, Tennessee

They were out best; they gave their all; as long as love lives they iiill run die

AUnnl, I'vt. Will. P.

Alesaiirter. Sgt. Horace L.

Anderson, Corp. Edgar B.

Anton, Pvt. TUos. C.

Anthony, Sgt. H. B.

Arnold. 2nd Class Sei.-

iiian Roiit. E.

Baile.v. 1st Lt. Oliver >T.

Baker. ';a,it. Robert

Banks. Ptl. Wilkie S. J.

Battle. Pvt. Alexander

Bennett. Pvt. DeWitt

Biggs. Cook Hugh D.

niacknood. Pvt. Harold F.

Bohaiinan. IstLt.SbirleyD.

Booth. Pvt. Wm. H.

Braee.v. Pvt. Walter L.

Bradley, Corp. Ernest H.

Branch. Pvt. Leslie

Brown, 1st Lt. A. Stewart

Burke. Pvt. Frank E.

Bush, Pvt, Alexander

Byrara, Sgt. Jas. M.

Caldwell. Candidate Dand-

ridge W.Caldwell. Sgt. Wm. S.

Calhoun, 1st Lt. Paul C.

Cameron. 1st Lt. Alvin H.

Carter. Corp. Overton

Casey. Pvt. John


Chilson, Sgt. Carl A.

Cleghorn, Pvt. Wm. R.

Clements. Capt. Paul

Cochran.^lstClassPvt.PrankConry, Pvt, JamesCooper, Sgt. George E.

Cudworth. Pvt. Jos. H.

Pvt. WiDavis, Corp. Will L.

Dismukes. Pvt. Geo.

Dixon, Pvt. Geo. L.

Donohiie, Pvt. Wm.Pvt. En nueJ

Douglas, Pvt. Abner B.

Dowell. Pvt. Carlos B.

Duncan. Capt. Chas. BEarls. Pvt. EugeneKdrnondson, Pvt. Marvin ]

Elliott, Appr. Seaman i


Fvnn<!. Pvt. K.irl

Farmer, Corp. Tobey

Ferguson. Pvt. Chas. M.

Fiison. Pvt. John W.Frazier. 2iid Lt. Hilary R.

Frierson. Capt. Meade

Frith. 1st Class Pvt.

Thos. R.

Garland. Pvt. Jas. L.

Gatlin. Pvt. Joshua O.

Gerard. Pvt. Geo. R.

Gilliam. Pvt. Arthur B.

Gilliam, Pvt. Ernest P.

Goff. Oiler Wm. .\.

Goode. 1st Class Pvt.

Mark A.

Goodwin, Sgt. Harold G.

Graham, 1st Lt. Richard H.

Grant, 1st Class Pvt.


Greer. Corp. Orman P.

Greer, Pvt. Walter

Gregory. Coppersmith S.

Griffith. Corp. John O.

Grubb. Corp. Wm. A.

Haas. Pvt. Doss B.

Hadkthorn. Pv.t.ClarenceE.

Hager. Pvt. George W.Hart. Pvt. Johnnie S.

Hart. Capt, Leonard K.

Hathawa.v, Pvt. Fred S.

Head. Sgt. John W.HUl. 1st Class Pvt.


Hindman. 1st Sgt. Thos. J.

Hinds, Corp. Arthur J.

Hinkle. Pvt. Jas. T. ,

Hitner. Pvt. Fred

Hodges, Pvt. Leighton

Holman. Pvt. Chas. J.

Holman. Pvt. Wilson D.

Hortoff. 1st Class Pvt.

Houston, Isir.t.UiiymondF.

Hudson, Sgt. Harvey L.

Hughes, Pvt, Otto J.

Jacobs, Pvt. Earl W.Jackson, Bugler Buford

Jovdnii, Pvt. Henry

Journey. 2nd Lt. Jas. B.

Joyner. Pvt. Roy E.

Keeling. Pvt. Joseph

Kerrigan. Pvt. Frank A.

Kidd. Corp. Geo. G.

Kirwin. 1st Class Pvt.

Thos. M.

Knox. Pvt. Wm. N.


Layne, Pvt. Owen B.

Lee. Pvt. Louis E.

Lehning. Pvt. Henry

Lewis. Pvt. John

Long. 1st Lt. Geo. W.Lovelace. 1st Class Pvt.

Alcey M.

Luter. Bugler Richard M.

Lyle. Pvt. Justin O.


Pons, Sgt. Donald

Ray. 1st Class Pvt. Hern

Ray. Corp. Leroy

Raymer. Pvt. Claude

Ricketts, Corp. Kriiest

Ring. Pvt. Henry G.

Riter, Pvt, Horton A.

Rosenthal. 2n(l Lt. Jos.

Ross, Pvt. Dee

Seaton, Mechanic Jas.



Jenkins Jack G.

McCarthy. 1st Lt. Mar-

shall H.

McClanahn. Pvt. Frank C.

McFolin, Pvt. Waldo F.

Maddux. Bugler Ernest

.Manier, 1st Lt. Emmett M.

Maniiis, Pvt. Jesse R.

Ma.vers. Pvt. Christian F.

Milam. Pharmacist Carter

iMitchel. Pvt. John

Mocker. Pvt. Lambert H.

Monk. Capt. Chas. E.

Moran. Pvt. Jas. W.Morris. IstCl.Pvt.JohnnieL.

Newell, 2nd Lt. Jas. McC.

Nichols. Pvt. John H.

Nixon. Pvt. Rile H.

NoUner. Pvt. John H.

Norton, Pvt. John F.

Olney. Pvt. Guy R.

Ormsby. Pvt. Thos. F.

Orr. 1st Lt. Samuel K.

Overton. 1st Lt. John W.Parker,, Wagoner E. HomerPatterson, 1st Class Pvt.

Joseph H.

Pat ton. A. Seaman Edw. T.

Payne. Corp. Chas. J.

Persley. Pvt. James

Sker: John R.

Small, Pvt. Invin

Smith. 2lidCl.FiremanH.

Smith, Pvt. Kin^ J.

Smith, Pvt. Simi

Snyder. Pvt. Robert

Speck, Corp. Thos. 6.

Spire. Sgt. Wm. J.

Stephens. 1st Lt. Clay

Stephens, Corp, Wm. BStevens, Pvt. Chas. L.

Stuart. Pvt. Boyd E.

Taylor, Pvt. Wm. T. V

Terry. Sgt. Paul

Terry. IstClassPvt. Wm.Thomas, 1st Class Pvt.

Timothy, 1st Lt, Jas. g

Turbevillc. Pvt. Jas. WTurner, Pvt. Hear

Vaughn. Pvt.



Wainright. IstClassPvt.R.

Wair, Pvt. Lawrence A.

Walsh. Pvt. Edward J.

Walton. Pvt. Lycurgns M.

Sgt. Jos.War:

Warren. Sgt. Robt.

Wasserman. Pvt. Di

Watterson. Pvt. Hen

Watkins, Pvt. Allen

Webb. Pvt. Robt. PJohn

Wilbur, Candidate Chas. HWilkinson. Pvt. Jos. W.Williams. Pvt. Edgar O.

Williams, Pvt. Geo. H.

DAI I DSO.\ (.Oi A / 1 ir (> .1/ A .V / A 7 // K tt O H L I) II t H. 1 » I It " 1 t

GOLD > 1 A K |{ L C U K 1) .S

Every possible efl'ort was made by the compiler and Advisory Council of lliis

volume to obtain the record of each fallen hero of Davidson County in the WorldWar. Repeated visits to the homes were made; letters were sent; numerous adver-

tisements were placed in the Daily Press; and various other means were employed.After four years of volunteer service spent in this work, we herein submit suchrecords as it was possible to obtain, the information liavinp been given by the

families of the soldiers.

FVT. Lambekt HEMn Mo. ki:k. M,n of Cluulcs llcruv. deceased, and Elizi. Mockerwas born in Nashville. Tenn.. Nov. 6. liioi!. Me \\,i- ilu- liisl native Davidson Countyboy to give his life in World War service, ihuinii U-m drowned Feb. 5. 1918, while

en route overseas with his regiment, when hi> i c)ri\(i\. llie Tuscania. was sunk bv a

German submarine.

The first realization tlial lb.- pcjilc of l)a\id.-oii C.uiiIn IkkI .,1 llic grave dani;cr

of our boys came with the message that tiie Tuscania had been sunk and LambertMocker, one of "our own," had been a victim. Pvt. Mocker's untimely death wasfelt by every citizen in the County, and the people back home imniediately awakenedto the importance of all calls for w.ir relief uiuk.

Private Mocker enlisted |..r Woil.l Wai -nxir,. in ihr retiiila. aiiin, M l'(.rt

Oglethorpe, Ga.. December IT). I'M 7. and ua- a rn.-nii.ei ,,1 Cmnpanv 1 ). l^dlh Kni;!-

neers Corps, 6th Hallali..n. lie rc.cixed lii~ Iraining al Km I OgN'lhn, |„.. Ca.. an.l'al

the American Inivcr-itN. W a-hin;;loM. I). C. and ^ailcl r,,i ,,\,-i-i'.i-. .|arni,M\ I').


The exact place of burial ! llii- lum U n<>i km.vsn. lail il i- lli.aiiilil In be <in

the Scottish coast. He is >nr\i\i'd l«\ a laigi- larniU ((innciiinri. who loid.- in

l'\T. Uos.s B. Haas, the lusl Da\id.-on CounU boy. in llic I njlc.l .Slalo RegularArmy, to be killed in action, was born in iNashville, Tenn., September. 1881. He en-

listed in the regular army at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., April 26, 1915, and served

with the following organizations: Company A, 1!')lh Infantrv; Companv A. Ttli In-

fantry: (Company F. 60th Infantry: anil (Company M, 18th rnfantry. A- a nienibci

of the last-named organization, he served with the A. E. F., having sailed for o\cr-ca~

duty October M, 1917.

Private Haas receixid iln- I )i--iinguished Service Cross, and was aUo liicd lor

gallantrv in action and -|ie( iai meritorious service at Canlignv. Frame, bx tlw

Division Commandant of the French Arm\. He »a^ killed in a< lion Mav l','.. 1918.

and his bodv lies at rest in France.

Mr. an.lMrs. W. M. Sparks, resi,lenl> ol Na^lixille. Tenn.. are lo-ler pareni- .d'

Ihi^ valiant soblier.

P\T. Lot Is Edwaki> Lee. the fir-l l)a\icl~..n (ounlx volunteer in the World Warto pav the Supreme Sacrifice, was llir -on ..I \li-. W . II. Hamby (Susie Beasley), of

Nashville. Tenn. He was born in Na-livillr. Xpul I 1. 1898; educated in the Nash-

D A V I DSO N C O i N T Y ff () hJ EN IN T HE If' R L I) WA R. I 9 I 4-1 9 1 9

\ille City Schools; and was among the first to answer his country's call. He volun-

teered for service at Nashville, April, 1917, with Troop A, 1st Tennessee Cavalry,

uhich was recruited by Captain Bruce Douglas in the early stages of the war.

Private Lee's one desire was to get into active service as quickly as possible.

Fearing the organization he was with would be delayed, by request, he was honorablydischarged by Captain Douglas and reenlisted December 12, 1917, with the United

States Marine Corps, going immediately to Paris Island, S. C, for training.

After a short period of preparation Private Lee was chosen for duty on foreign

fields, due to his willingness to perform well any line of duty that might hasten his

progress to the front lines. He sailed in March. lOli!. willi the 2()th Conqiaiu. .ith

U. S. Marines.

A letter written by Private Lee to Mrs. Hamby on Mother's Dav. 191 <!, gavejoyful expression of the fact that he would soon be "scrapping with the Huns." In

less than a month his desire was granted, which resulted in the sacrifice of his life.

He was killed in action June 7, 1918, at Chateau Thierry.

Private Lee received a citation from the French Government, signed by Major-General Petain, and one from the United States Army, signed by General John J.


Mrs. Hamby receixed main communications from her son's comrades, fromhighest to lowest rank, in wliicli they referred to Private Lee's bravery and po])ularity.

Private Lee's body was later brought to Nashville and was laid to rest in Mt.

Olivet Cemeterv. at Nashville.

1st Lieut. Jvmes Simmons Timothy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Timothy,residents of Nashville, Tenn., was the first officer of Tennessee to give his life onihe battlefield. He was born in Nashville, November 18. 1892; prepared for collegeat St. Mary's College in Maryland; and entered Vanderbilt University in September,1912, graduating in the Engineering Department in 1916. At the time of his en-

listment he was Assistant Paymaster of E. I. Du Pont de Nemours. Wilmington. Del.

Lieutenant Timothy volunteered his services in the World War. August 29. 1917,at the Officers' Training Camp, Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., where he ranked as a

second lieutenant. He was soon commanded overseas, sailing January 12, 1918.

I pon reaching France Lieutenant Timothy entered a French war college, wherehe took tlie examinations for the regular army and passed with high honors. Soonthereafter he was made a first lieutenant.

In March, 1918, he was placed in command of a platoon under Captain BaileyM. Coffinberg, of the Medical Corps, near Verdun.

On May .31, 1918, he was sent to Chateau Thierry. While there he was badlygassed and was sent to a base hospital. After leaving the hospital he was temporarilyassigned to the 80th Company, 6th Marines in Belleau Woods.

On June 14, 1918, Lieutenant Timothy led his men—two hundred in number

"over the top" in the fierce engagement at Bois de Belleau. He was one of eightfortunate enough to return from this encounter.

Later the same day. while sitting outside his dugout, he was struck in the backby shrapnel and his death resulted in about fifteen minutes. As he was dvinacomrades heard him murmur: "Into Thy Hands, my Lord. I give my soul." Thiswas evidence of his readiness to meet his Maker. His body now lies in Mt. CalvarvCemeterv. at Nashville.

Lieutenant Timothy died on the date of his brother's (Captain P. H. Timofhv

f 15)

n.niDSOX coiyTY ifo.\if:.\ /.v rut: iroKi.i) war. n>iii<>i9

a World War veU-ran l marria,^.- in Ani.'ri, a. II,- ^a- .liv .i^-u,^ th,- uol.liMi; ul,.-n

lie ua# killed.

Lieutenaiil Tiniotliv n-rcivi-d Fri'iuh cilalioii and ua~ auaid.-d lli.' Di-linuui-iu'd

Ser\ii-e t'ros-. iici-tliuiiiiui>l\ .

PvT. FlUNK K.tKKI(.AN. w a.- die Mill (d' Pahil. (Ie<ea.-ed. and Marj^arcl Kn li^an.

of \a*liville. Teiin. He volunteered in llir I . S. Marine (^orps Deeeinlur I I. I'M 7.

at Nashville, and was sent to Paris Mind. S. ('... and later to Quanticn. \ a. OnMarch 27, 1918, he sailed for overseas, and p irlici|»ale(l in piit;ageineiil> al ( li ilran

Thierry as a member of the 67th Company, 'ith Maiim-. Ili- w.i^ killed in .niion.

fighting for World Democracy, in Helleau \\n,,d» Jnnc 1 1. I'»l;i. lli- IhmK rc-W in

.\lt. Calvary Cemetery, at \a~livillc.

Privates Kerrigan and l.nni- I.re unc rln-c Iritnd-. and cnli-li'd al llu- -arnc

time in the L. S. Mannr loi,,-. I lu'\ -ailed f.., f..iviun ^x\\\ nn llu- -anic -hip.

Privatei.ee was called into action jn-l ,,nr urck pi in, 1.. I'ri\,ilr kcniiian. hnlli hcii.j:

killed in action near Chateau ThieriN.

Private Kerrigan and I.iciilcnanl SiniiiKin- Tiiih.iIin \mmc killed in aelimi on

the -ame dav. \Nilliin two ucek- of I'lixal.'- Ilaa-' and I ,ee"- death-.

The deaths of the^c lour l)a\id-..n Couiil\ l.ov- m-pin-d ll,e umnen ol DaMd-onCountv to renewed efforts in carrying to suere-- e\ei\ Woil.l W ai .icliviu n> \\lii(li

they engaged, and no sacrifice was too great Imi iliem lu make. \- [Uv nie--ai'( - \w>iild

come from time to time that another of "our cum." -o piomlU ( heend a- he ni.iK hed

away, had been a victim of the Huns, the desire for jii-li(c .iinl wm Id wide lieedoin

to prevail increased in the hearts of every |)atricilic eiii/en ol iIh' eounl\. The

wruncn recorded in llii< volunic will never forget.

P\r. JoSKlMl II. ClDWiiHiii. -on of Mr. and Mi-. \. K. (aniuoitli. of Na-li\ille.

Tenn.. was horn in \a>liville. He volunteered for World War -ervice during the

first call to arms at the age of (iftccn years and iiim- nioiilh-. giving his age as

eighteen. He was sworn into service July 18, 1917. al \,i-h\ille. as a meiiiher of

Company B. 2nd Infantry. Tennessee i\. G. Later he -eued in ( oinpaiix 1. I -I

Training Battalion. .S.ith De])ot Brigade and with Compan\ V.. \\'H\\ liilaMlrx. '.Dili

Division, al Camj) Sevier. Greenville. .S. C. He sailed for dul\ o\ri-,a- \la\ II. I'lll',.

Private Cuilworth engaged in -i\ olleii-i\e- iiaineU. S me. ^pie-. ^pie-l,\-.

Chateau Thierry. Bellicourl ami St. Snpl.i\ -.-iloi-. Ih' roUL:lil willi r,,ii-pieiiou-

bravery and was killed in action Ortohei id. I'M;;, uhen In- .ind .i . ,,mi.ide .illeiiipled

to take a machine gun nest. His pannl- weie -eni the " \( rolm.nle id llu- Ni'u

Order of Chivalry" antl a s])ecial o\i i-e,i- (eilihc.ile liom (ienei.d I'ei-hinu.

Private Jo.seph Cudworth was l)a\id-on ( onnl\'- \.iim;je-l fallen hero (d' the

World War. He promised his mother that, il -he would not reveal the secret of

his age. he would write her everv dav. He laithliilK kept hi- pidiiiise until his death.

He po-^e>-ed manv true and nojde qualitie- lor one -o Noimii. Tho sacrifice of this

l.ov"- life for hi- e.,nntn \eiilie> the fact that l)a\id-on Counix -avi- her he-t.

Com-. Kuc.Mt HuowN Andijuson. son of Kdgar B. and Mary Elizabeth Ander-on,

of Thomjisons Station. Tenn., was born June 20, 1<W.'{. in Franklin, Tenn. He was

engaged as a .>.alc>man for Foster & Parkes Co.. al Nashville, Tenn.. when hv u a>

inducted into service September f.. I')li:. it the l.o.al Board ,d' Wil-on Coiiiit\. Hewa- a member of Batlerv F. 1 I lib V. \. iLninerh I'.atlers F. I -t F. A.. Tenn..


National Guard) and received his military training at Nashville, Tenn., and CampSevier, Greenville, S. C. He sailed with the famous 30th Division May 26, 1918, for

overseas duty. He was stationed with his company for several weeks in a Frenchtraining; camp. He fought with bravery in the engagements of St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne defensive sectors and of the Woevre offensive sector. On February 20, 1919,he died of pneumonia at Le Mans, France, after faithfully assisting America andthe Entente Allies in winning peace. His body rests in the Anicrican Cemeterv at

Grand Le Mans, Sartha, France.

PvT. Thomas C. Antom ( Antonopoulos), son of Christian ami Helene Autono-poiilos. of Greece, was born in Lycucliorion, Doridos, Greece. April 1 .'5, 1119 1. grad-

uating from the high school of that place. He emigrated to the United States fromPatras, Greece, and was naturalized soon after his arrival.

Private Anton was a nephew of a popular restaurateur of Nashville, Tenn., PaulAnton, with whom he was associated in business when he volunteered his services.

He enlisted with the 1st Tennessee Regiment, at Camp Jackson, Nashville, Tenn.,June 15. 1917, which organization later became the 115th Field Artillery. He wentwith this regiment to Camp Sevier. Greenville. S. C, as a memljer of the Sanitarv


Private Anton contracted pneumonia while in training at Camp Sevier and was•ent to El Paso. Texas to regain liis health. All efforts failed and he died at

Herrick Sanitarium, at El Paso. December 29, 1918, a short time before his companysailed for overseas. Every Da\i(lMiii (^(luntv citizen feels a special pride in Private

Anton's loyalty to America, his .i<l(iiilcil country, for which he paid the SupremeSacrifice.

Robert Edgar Arnold. 2nd Class Seaman, was the adopted son of Mrs. AnnieE. Arnold, of Nashville, Tenn. He was among Davidson County's first to answer the

call to arms, having volunteered in the U. S. Navy April 17, 1917, at Nashville, two

weeks after America entered the conflict. He was sent to Norfolk, Va., to begin his

training. In less than a month he contracted spinal meningitis, and died on May 12.

1917. being the first Davidson County boy to die in a government camp of disease.

Private Arnold was only seventeen years of age when he enlisted. He was a

member of Christ Episcopal Church, at Nashville. His blue star was the first turned

t<i gold on the large service flag that hung in the auditorium of the church. He wasa model young man, due to the splendid rearing of his foster-mother who bestowed

upon him the same mother love that she did her own. Private Arnold's bodv lies

ill the cemetery at Mobile, Ala., by the side of his foster-father, W. L. Arnold, for-

merlv a well-known newspaper man, of Nashville.

1st Lieut. Oliver Winston Bailey, son of Charles Winston and Florris H.

Bailey, of Nashville, Tenn., was born in Nashville April 21, 1896. At the time of

his enlistment he was employed with the Tennessee Inspection Bureau, at Nashville.

Lieutenant Bailey entered the Second Reserve Officers' Training Camp, at Fort

Oglethorpe, Ga., August, 1917, and upon completing the course there he was com-

missioned a first lieutenant in Company H, 47th Infantry. 4th Division. He wasthen sent to Camp Greene. N. C. On May 18. 1918, he sailed for duty on the front

lines, landing May 2.3, 1918. He fought with the French Army until the second

battle of the Marne, when he rejoined his regiment. He fought valiantly until killed

in action August 7, 1918, near the Vesle River. He was buried near Bazoches, France.


PAi ll)SO\ COl XTY irOMF.y /.Y THE K () R L I) If.tR. 1 ^ i II >t m

CvFT. KoBEKT Bakek. was born .May .'i. 1880. in Nashville, Tenn. He enlisted

a> a private in the regular army, at Jeflerson Barracks, Mo., December 10, I'Jl.H.

On July 19. 1917, he was honorably discharged in order to accept a commission as

Captain. At the lime of his discharge lie was a first sergeant of the 27th Ret.

Company. General Service Infantry. After receiving his commission Captain Bakerwas stationed at Fort Bliss. Texas, and served with the 7lli Cavalry and later withthe .iOlh Pioneer Infantrv. until his death. He sailed for overseas Si|itiniiiii

1. 1918. On February 27,' 1919. he died at Kvacuation Hospital, Mayen. Cvvmim)


and was buried at New Friedhof. ilhineland. Germanv.

P\T. Hakoi.I) I'kldlkicr BlACKWooi). was the .-on of Georue W . andBlackwood (deceasedi. and brother of II. (). l',la,kwood, orNasliMJI.

was a patriotic and valued member ol ihc "Xmn at Home."

I'rivate Blackwood volunteered in the I ..'s. .Marine Corps. Deceniliei

Na-h\iile. and was sent to Paris Island. S. C.. for military training. Hetu ihc l.)2nd Conipanv. 2n(i Replacement Battalion Marines, Regularl'ari> Island. S. C, sailing for duty overseas March 12. 1918. He fougl

uith the 17th Company, 5th I'. S. .Marines, and received a medal for mi

On Februarv 10, 1918, he was made a sniper. He partici])ated in the f

of Chateau Thierry June 0. 1918, and was wounded. d\ini; from the ,

wnuiids June 8. 1918. at a hospital near the front lino.

Private Bla. kw I was I



PvT. Fr.\nk E. Burke, was born in Nashville, Tenn., September, 1898. He wasthe son of James P. Burke ( deceased ) and Mrs. Frances O. Burke, a resident of

Nashville. Private Burke enlisted with the National Guard, at Nashville, May 16.

1917, in Troop A, Tennessee Cavalry, which later became Company A, 114th Ma-chine Gun Battalion, 30th Division. He received his military training at CampSevier, S. C, and sailed for overseas duty May 11, 1918. He foiipht couraceouslv

in the battles of Bellicourt area and Premont sector. On OcIoImi 21. I')|,'l. Up died

of wounds received in action while fighting for world freedcuii.

Corp. Ernest H. Bradley, son of R. Edgar and Delia Bradley, who re^^ide in

Davidson County, Tenn., was born in Sumner County, Tenn., in 1891. He volun-

teered in the National Guard, December 15, 1917. at Camp Sevier, S. C. andserved with the following organizations: Supply Company, 114th Field Artillery

and Battery A, 114th Field Artillery. He contracted pneumonia while in train-

ing at Camp Sevier, from which he died October 8, 1918. He was popular with

both officers and men of his regiment and in the community in which he lived.

PvT. William H. Booth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Willard F. Booth, of Goodletts-

ville, Tenn., was born at Goodlettsville, August 16, 1896. He was inducted into

World War service September 5, 1918, at the Local Board of Davidson County. Asa member of Company F. 57th Pioneer Infantry, he received his training at CampWadsworth, Columbia. S. C. He sailed for overseas duty September 29, 1918. ar-

riving October 7, 1918. He contracted broncho-pneumonia immediately after land-

ing in France, from which he died October 13, 1918, at Brest, France. His remains

were returned to Goodlettsville, where he had a large circle of friends. He served

with courage and faithfulness.

PvT. DeWitt Bennett, was born at Joelton, Tenn., March 22, 1895, and wasthe son of Irvin and Maude Bennett, residents of Joelton. He enlisted for WorldWar service with the Kentucky National Guard June 4, 1917. at Hopkinsville. Ky.

Private Bennett died of spinal meningitis at a government hospital, while still in

training. At the time of his death he was a member of Headquarters Company.119th Infantry. He also served in Company D. 3rd Infantry, Kentucky National

Guard. He was among the first Davidson County volunteers, and his devotion to

dutv was highlv commended bv armv officials.

Candidate Dandridce Wentwortii Caldwell, youngest son of James E. and

Mav Winston Caldwell, of Nashville, was born at "Longview," the historic estate

of his parents on the Franklin Pike, in Davidson County, Tenn.. June 16. 1894.

He received his early education from tutors at home and later at Montgomery Bell

Academv. where he made a magnificent record as a gentleman and as a student.

He won several prizes for exceptional work and a number of medals for oratory, a

gift inherited from his maternal grandfather. Dr. C. K. Winston, who was noted in

his day as a finished public speaker.

Candidate Dandridge Caldwell entered Vanderbilt University in the fall of 1910.

at the age of sixteen, and was a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity. Realiz-

ing the necessity of a business career, owing to his approaching marriage to Miss

Elizabeth Keith, with whom he had been in love since childhood. Candidate Cald-

-S a~ a

/* . I I / I) S N C i ;V T y U O M E .V / A T // /•, 11 O R I. I) K'A R. I <> I 11 '/ / 9

icifi\i-(! while in a French training camp. His nearest reiali\i- is an aiinl. Mrs.

,)( e Cane, who resides in Dayton. Oliio.

PvT. I 1st Cl.\ss) Fr.4nk Buford Cochran was born at Nolensville, in Davidson

Ciiunty. February 21, 1896. He was the son of Thomas G. and Mary B. Cochran,

wlio reside at Antioch, Tenn. Private Cochran was inducted into service Sep-

tember 22, 1917, and was sent to Camp Gordon, Atlanta, Ga., where he was as-

signed to Company E. 327th Infantry. Later he was sent to Camp Sevier. S. C.and became a member of Companv D. 105th Engineers, and sailed with the .30lh.

Division May 26, 1918. He fought with bravery in the engagements at Ypres, Belli-

court and all other engagements of the 30th Division until he was killed in action

September 29, 1918, on the battlefield <.f France. Mis Inidv now rests in the ceme-

tery at Nolensville. Private Cochran \vas a model soldier and lii- dutv to his flag

was always his first consideration.

Capt. Pall Clements was born at Morganfield, Ky., November 27, 1871. Hewas the son of George D. and Mary Welbourne Clements (deceased), of Nasiiville.

Tenn. At \ anderbilt University he won the Founders medal in medicine and served

as an interne in the City Hospital, at Nashville, for one year after graduation. At

one time he was a member of the Tennessee Militia and was sent to Coal Creek,

Tenn.. when trouble broke out among the miners in the summer of 1892. Captain

Clements went to the Philippines in 1903 in the Public Health Service of the United

States, where he was stationed at the Department Hospital. Manila. P. I., for fifteen


He enlisted in the Medical Corps February 2.5, 1918, and was stationed at Fort

McKinley. Manila. P. I., where he made a reputation for his work toward eradicating

cholera. He died of disease June 29. 1918. at the Department Hospital, Manila, P. 1.

Captain Clements married Miss Effie Skillern, of Pulaski, Tenn., whose death

occurred in 1911. In 191.5 he married Miss Trinidad Munoz. She and two children

survive him. also his father and three brothers. R. M., C. R. and MelbourneClements. He has a large connection of prominent relatives in Davidson County.

\\'iLLL\M Orjl\n Chest (2nd Class Matet, son of E. R. and Anna Laura Chest,

of Nashville. Tenn.. was born January 28, 1897, at Nashville. He entered the

U. S. Navy in October, 1917, at Minneapolis, Minn. Later he was transferred to the

Naval Aviation Corps. He was wounded in November. 1918, while aboard a

submarine chaser in French waters. Second Class Mate Chest died of pneumonia

December 23, 1918. at the base hospital, at Brest. France, and was buried in Ker-

fautras Cemetery.

Sgt. Carl A. Chilson. son of Mrs. Emma Neese Chilson, of Nashville, was born

in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1896. He enlisted in the regular army at Jefferson Barracks,

Mo.. April 19. 1916. and sailed for overseas duty May 5. 1918. Sergeant Chilson

served in the following organizations: Company L. 22nd Infantry: Company K.

35th Infantry: Company L. .344th Infantry: and Company M. 59th Infantry, until

his deadi. He participated in engagements of the Marne sector and was wounded

July 22. 1918. He was killed in action October 7. 1918. on the battlefield of France.

PvT. \\'ILLIAM R. Cleghorn. Son of Isaac and Sarah Cleghorn. of Nashville.

Tenn.. was born in Cookeville. Tenn.. in 1893. He enlisted for World War service

p.iiioso.s cotyTY no.MF.y /.v the ii oki.d itar. i9 111919

in the National (Juaiil. at Nasluill.'. Tcmi.. June 12. 1917, among the first voluii-

tt-ers. and mobilized al Camp Kirklaiul. in Nashville, with Battery E, 1st Tennes-

see Infantry, which later trained at Camp Sevier. S. C. Private Cleghorn sailed

tor France with the famous .iOth Division as a nundier of Battery E. 11 tlh Field

Arlillerv. Mav 26. 1918. He fought l.ravely in the l.attles engaged in l.v ihi-

ilivision. including .St. Mihiel. Meuse-.Argonne and V^oevre sec-tors. While in the

armv of occupation he coiilracled pneumonia, from uliirli lie died lVluucu\ l.'j.

1919. in Germany, alter failhfullv a^iMing Anirri. a m gaining world frcclnm.

l'\T. Ar.MCK H. l).>l(.l.\s ua- 1m, rn al Jurll,,,,. Tcnn.. In K:')7. an. I ua- ih,' -.,n

of Mr. and Mr-. A. S. l)ou,iila>. rr>i,lri,l> uf David-,. „ (;,.unU. 11,- ,-rdi-trd in the

regular army Deeemher II. I'M 7. .il Fort Oglethorpe. Ca.. for military training.

Vt hile a member of the .'llJlli \ii,. Scpiad. Signal (^orps. Aviation, he died from

fracture of the skull ()(l,,l,ci Kl. Vnw. resulting from an attempt to crank his

aeroplane. His l,„dv ua- l,r,,Hd,t ba, k to Dav id-on Counlv t„ rr-1 in hi- nativ.- -oil

PVT. WlLU.VM J. DuNuillK ua. lH,in in \a-b\ilb'. Tcnn., October II, UlfW.

He was the son of Mrs. Kate Donohue. ,1,", ,a-, .1. an, I hi- nearest relative is James

P. .Morgan, a cousin, who resides in Na-li\ill(. I'rivai,' Donohue was inducted

into World War service at Fort Thonia-. K\.. \la\ _'7. I'MIl. He was a member of

Headquarters Company, 50th rnfaiili\. W liil,- in liainini: , amp lie , imtractcd jineu-

monia and died October 5. 191)1. at llii' .amp li,,-pilal.

C.\I'T. CHAKI.KS BknJAMIN DtNCAN vva- I.,. in in \a-li\ill,. IVnn., Dcvnib.r I,

1893. He wa> the so,, of Charb's H. and Anna Clair Diiii.aii iboll, ,|cc,-a-c.l , . lb-

was reared bv bis grandmother. Mrs. Carrie Fastman Duncan, a lifedong resident

of Davidson County. He was prepared for college at Wallace University School

and entered \ anderbilt Iniversitv in the fall of 1911. While in \ anderbilt he was

a member of the Ddla Kappa Fp-ilon I'ralrrnilv. Capli,.n Duncan later a.-.v|il.-d

an appointment to \\ c-l l',,iril.

-V-i a student of West Point. Captain Dun, aii ua- commissioned a second li.ii-

tenant of cavalry. March 22. 1917. On Mav 1'.. 1917, he was promotcl i,, lb,-

rank of first lieutenant and advanced I,, lli,' lank ,,f a captain August r,. 1917. and

was stationed at Fort Fibui Mian. \ ,i nl : ( ain|) Shelby. Hattiesburg. .Miss..

and Camp Greene. Charb,li,-. \. i.. lb- ua- a nniiibcr of the 19th Cavalry ( Light 1

which was converted inl,. lli,- 77lli F. \.. lib Division, sailing for the front lines

April 19. 1918. Captain Dun. an l,,iiLihl uilb ,li-liii, li,.n in llic folb.uin'j -.mI.,!-:

•\isne-.Marne. Vesle. .St. Milii.-l an, I \>Li,.nii.-. an. I u.i- tal.ilU u..iiim1..I >,-|il,anbcr

M). 1918. and died from the u,,niHU i,-,,i\,-,l i

was buried in the ficbl bo-pital c.iiirl. , \ al C

made the supreme sacrifi.e. an<l ua- lal,-, i,i


Captain Duncan lias a large lainiK , ,,mi

one of the most popular olfKcrs in tlic arlillc

th.- Di.-lingui-bed Service Cross. poslhunn.nsK

P\T. (;koh(,i; 1',. Dl-\II ki:s was b<.rii at Goo,

and was the -on of W . II. an, I bla C. Di-mnkc-

i,,n lal, 1 al a InTI 1

n.ivin s o N c o n a' t y w omen in the w or l d in r. i q i j-i '> i <)

Di^mukcs was iiiilucted into service for his country, at Nashville, Tenn., June 27,

l')ll!. He was trained at Camp Gordon, Ga., and served with the following orga-

nizations: 29th Company, 8th Training Battalion, 157th Depot Brigade; and

Company D, 7th Infantry Replacement Training Battalion until his death. He

sailed for France September 14, 1918, and while in a French training camp con-

tracted pneumonia, from which he died at a government hospital in France. October

9, 1918. Private Dismukes was considered one of the regiment'^ lust ami was

popular with both army officials and comrades, as well as a larL'c nuriilir ,,[" ac-

quaintances in Davidson County.

PvT. Marvin Eugene Edmondson, son of William and Mary Edmondson. of

Clarksville, Tenn., was born October 1, 1892. He enlisted in the U.' S. Marine Corps,

June, 1917, and was trained at Paris Island, S. C, and Quantico, Va. On January

31, 1918, he embarked for France. As a member of the 79th Company, 6th Marine

Corps, 2nd Division, he took part in engagements at Bois de Belleau from June 2-13,

1918, and at Soissons and Champagne" from October 1-4. 1918. He was w-ounded

June 2, 1918, in Belleau Wood, and was killed in action October 4, 1918, at Cham-

pagne. His body was brought to Clarksville, Tenn.. and buried there September 11,

1921. Private Edmondson was cited three times for bravery, first, at Bois de Bel-

leau; second, at Soissons, and third, at Champagne, and was presented with the

Fourrogere. His record is a source of pride to both Davidson and Montgomery

Counties, where he was well known and popular.

HoLLiCE Clinton Elliott (Apprentice Seaman), the son of William and Ema-line Drake Elliott (both deceased), was born near Normandy, Tenn.. February 28.

1896. His nearest relatives are two brothers, Emmett L. and Alvin E. Elliott, resi-

dents of Nashville, Tenn. Private Elliott enlisted in the Navy December, 1917, andwas sent to the Naval Training Station, at Norfolk, Va., where he contracted pneu-

monia and died in the government hospital at Portsmouth, Va., January 14, 1918.

He was among the first Davidson County boys to die in service. His body wassent to Wartrace, Tenn.. for burial.

PvT. Eugene Earls was bom in Nashville. Tenn., in March, 1893. He was the

son of Mrs. Effie Earls, of Nashville, and resided with his mother at the time of

his enlistment. He enlisted at Fort Thomas, Ky., August 3, 1917. He sailed on

April 16, 1918, for duty on foreign fields, and was killed in a railroad accident

in France, September 23, 1918, together with several other brave American soldiers.

He was a member of Company D, 61st Infantry, at the time of his death, and was

greatly beloved by members of his regiment.

1st Lieut. James Dixie Everett, son of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Everett (both

deceased), was born October 28. 189.5. at Nashville. Tenn. He graduated from

Montgomery Bell Academy and entered Vanderbilt in September. 1911. He was a

member of the Delta Tau Delta fraternity.

Lieutenant Everett enlisted with Company F, 1st Tennessee Infantry. N. G.. in the

spring of 1915, and served on the Mexican border as corporal and as sergeant. Hehad accepted a place in the French army but when the United States declared war,

he resigned. He then enlisted in the United States Army in 1917. and entered the

First Reserve Officers' Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., where he was commissioned


DAVIDSON CO f ' N T Y 11" O M E A' / A' T H E W O R I. I) WA R. 19 1 1-1 9 I

commissioned Setond Lieutenant in the United States Regular Army, doing this

from a deep conviction that his own country would be drawn into the WorkI Warand wishing to be prepared for service when the need arose. He was sent to Fort

Leavenworth, Kansas. After three months he was assigned to the llth Cavalry and

was with General Pershing on the Mexican border. He was then sent to Fort Ogle-

thorpe, Ga., and went from there overseas March 15, 191iS, attached to the L5th

Cavalry. Before sailing he hat! reieived promotions to First Lieutenant and then to


In France Captain Frierson was assigned to the 125th Fnfantry, .">2nd Division,

with which organization he served in tlii' trenthes in Alsa<i-. lie ucnl inld luittlt'

for the first time on July 30, 1918.

Captain Friei'son with his company figured in the defeat of the Prussian Guards

;-n the battle of Ourcq River and in the seven days' campaign from the Ourcq

to the Vesle River, during which engagement the Germans were driven out of Cour-

mont. Les Jomblettes. Hill 212. Hois Belger Gergy, Soissons and tin- railroad vards

at Fismes.

After a rest period Captain Frierson went into line as Acting Major, the obiertive

being Juvigny: and after two days of fierce fighting before .luvigny was cap-

tured, he was killed in action on August 29, 1918, at the age of twenty-three and

one-half years. At the time of his death he was suffering from wounds received

in action,' and gave his life in an effort U< save the life of a friend \^\u> had been


Because of his bravery and leadership in the Alsace offensive, ("aptain Frier-

son's men as a unit requested the commanding officer of the 32nd Division that

he be decorated with the Distinguished Service Cross. This decoration was awarded

posthuni.iii^lv. ills promotion to Major and transfer to the air service came on

the moiniri'j lolldwirig his death.

His bod> :e:ts at Columbia, Tenn., the home of his birth, where he has a large

and prominent family connection. The last service rendered by Captain Frierson

was characteristic of his devotion to his fellow-man as well as to his country, and

the sacrifice of a life such as his was is a constant reminder of the price paid for


Captain Frierson was prepared for college at the Columbia Military Academy

and entered Vanderbilt in the fall of 1911 at the age of sixteen. He was a member

of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fralernity and active in many student clubs and or-


PvT. I 1st Cl_\SSI Thomas R. Frith was born in Nashville. Tenn.. in July. 1!!03.

He was the son of John H. and Annie Frith, who are residents of Nashville. On Feb-

ruarv 18, 1916, he enlisted in the regular army, at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. As a mem-

ber of Company L 16th Infantry, Private Frith sailed for France June 12. 1917.

and was one of the first Davidson County boys to arrive overseas, where he was

soon promoted to first class private. He fought with courage in engagements in the

Artois sector, and was killed in action July 19. 1918.. fighting for his countrv. He

was a model soldier and his military duties w?re well performed.

PvT. J.\MES LAUTtENCE Garland was born at Bellview, Tenn., September 4, 1892.

He was the son of William B. and Margaret K. Garland, of Bellview, and was en-

gaged in farming before entering World War service. Due to the importance of


DAVID S O S i: O I STY HOMES / .V THE K R I. D K.IR. I 9 1 4-1 9 \ 'J

raising "fooil >lulV for the army. Private (iarlaml wa;^ not tailed into service until

September 5. 191B. He was sent to Camp W adswortli. S. C. for training, and was

assigned to Company L, 57th Pioneer Infantry. In less than a month after enter-

ins service he sailed for the front lines. <iue to his splendid rtxord made while train-

in", arriving in Europe October 7. 191<S. One week later he contracted pneumonia.

from which" he died October \X 1918. at Brest. Fran.e. His hodv r.-;ts in the

American Cemeterv at LandiczcUiH-. France. Pri\alc Cailand was possessed of

maiiv noble traits of ( liaraclcr.

PVT. JoMIl \ (). (ATI.IN wa- l.nin al .b.i,|..nia. in Davl.^Mn C-m-.U ,T.mim..

Novcnd.cr I. Ii',')7. lie ua- llic -..„ ,,l Jaitir- aiul Mai-aiW (;allin. nl \a-l.Mllc,

Tenn. He wa> a member of the TennoMC NalmMal laiard and ua,- in MTsiee un the

Mexican border prior to his entering service in the W orld War, having enlisted on

June 19, 191(). at Nashville. He was a member of Company E, 1st Tennessee

Infantry, which later became Batterv K. II Itb V . A. Private Gatlin was in traming

at Camps Jackson and Kirkland. al \a>li\ilie. -din- laler to CaMi|i Se\ I.t. S. C,

with the 114th Field Artillery, for fnrlbei miiilars tiainmi:. W iiile al Camp Sevier

he became a victim of the disease which proved fatal lo -,, many of our American

soldiers—pneumonia—and died April 20. 191!!. al a L:(i\enuiicnt hospital at CampSevier. He was buried at Nashville. Tenn.. two (!a\- lah i. His casket was draped

in the American Hag. which he served faillifniiv inilii l.i~ death.

P\T. Gkorce Hohekt GeiuhI) wa- a lui.lliei of lailin and Jacob Gerard of the

I. S. Navv and Mr.*. Marv Blak.K an. I \li~. \ mla ( nili-. residents of Davidson

Countv. He enli.sted in the I'. S. Mannr ( o,,,- al ll ill. teak of the World Warwith the first volunteers. lie ua- killed in .ulinn in llie I'.i us engagement at

(^lialeaii Thierrv. October \\. I'M.':. \l lli.- liin.' ..I hi- .I.miIi Iu' was a member of

the !;.?rd Marines. His b,.d^ i.-N n, ll.,- Nali.mal ^^u^<u^^ al Nashville. Tenn.

Private Gerard mmvc.! failhlulU a. id uell and lii- e..iii.ii:e ,,n llie balllefiel,! was

highly compliin.'nied i.v ..liiee.s and men ..f hi- rei^imenl,

PVT. M.VHK A.NTIIONV (;<K.I>K. >uu ,,f J,,lin W . i.lerea-e,ll a.ul Delia linen (,.„Hle.

of Nashville. Tenn.. was born June .'.. i:;.'!'). lie wa> indn, le,l inio .eixire al Na-h-

ville. September 20. 1917. among the early volunteers, and was sent to Camp (Gor-

don, Ga.. for a few months' training, and then to Fori Ogleihorpe. Ga. He served

with the following organizations: Companv D. .S26th Infantrv: Companv M. .'^2.Srd

Infantrv: and with Compain M. Ilth InfanlM. nnlil in- d.alli. He -.lile.l f..r

overseas .April 21. PJl.'i. ami l.aejhl uilli ihr laiii..ii- '.(Mh l)i\i-i..ii. II.- ^^as

among those who llelped I.. I.ieak lli.- Ilin.l.iil.iii - l.iiu'. ami ua- killed in .ii|i..n

in an en^'agemenl in llie Si. Mihi.'l -<, I..,, ^.phnil.. i I-'. I'M.':, al lli,- aLM- .,1 lu.ailv-

-even vear-. lli- Im„K i,.,u ie>l- in Ml. Cavalix C.iii.l.M al Na-h\ille. wli.i,-

his family i- well krmwn.

Private Goode was a brother (d Mi— "-^ii-ie (njn.le. and ,i M.un- man pii--e--ed

of many noble qualities. As a soldier he |i.m fii tneil hi- .liili. - \mII an. I -ei\ed his

country in a courageous luaimer.

PvT. Kknest Petti e (Jii.i.iam wa> born in Na>hvillc, Tenn.. O. i.,lMr lo. lf',9.'i.

He was the son of Waller Ov.rlon and Jane Gilliam, of (;re.nhi ie, . lenn. lie en-

tere.l the >crvice of hi- cunlrv Fchruarv 2.'). 191!!. at Na-li\ilh. where h,' was

n.iriDSON COUNTY no MEN IN THE If () R L D ITA R. I '> I I I 'i I 9

iocatetl in the mercantile business. Private Gilliam served with the 13olh Aero

Squad, and was in training at Vancouver, B. C and Raymond, Wash. He was

drowned while in training at Raymond, Wash., June 28. 1918. His body was sent

to Greenbrier, and his burial took place on the anniversary of the Declaration of

Independence of his country for which he gave his life.

1st Lielt. Richard Helm Graham, son of John Meredith and Ellen Foster

Cheatham Graham, native Tennesseans, was born January 18, 1890, in Pinewood,

Tenn. He entered Federal service in April, 1917, the month America entered the

great conflict, as a second lieutenant from a reserve officers' training camp. He

was stationed at the following posts: Camp Stanley, Texas; Camp Travis. Texas:

and Camp Funston, Kansas. Lieutenant Graham also served with Headquarters

Troop, 90th Division, being transferred later to Company F, 360th Infantry. 90th

Division. On June 10. 1918. he sailed for foreign duty and fought bravelv in the

St. JNIihiel ofl'ensive. He was killed in action while on patrol dutv in the St. Mihiel


Lieutenant Graham was prepared for college at Webb Sthool. at Bell Buckle.

Tenn.. and at Branham and Hughes School, at Spring Hill, Tenn. He entered Van-

derbilt Universitv. at Nashville, in September. 1910. At the time of his enlistment

he was associated with the firm of Goldman & Lester, cotton factors. Houston. Texas.

At \anderbilt I'niversity he was a popular member of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity.

Sgt. Harold G. Goodwin was born in Nashville, Tenn., January 7, 1887. Hewas the son of Jolm E. and Louisa Buford Goodwin (deceased). He volunteered

his services among the first of Davidson County with the 1st Infantry, Arizona Na-

tional Guard, June 11, 1917, at Douglas, Arizona, which later became CompanyK. 158th Infantry. He entered for training at Camp Kearney. San Diego. California,

and sailed for overseas duty June 27. 1918, arriving in Europe July 13, 1918. He]iarticipated in the engagements at Vesle River, near Fismes. France, and was gassed

while on the battlefield, August 10. 1918. from which he died August 12. 1918. at

Base Hospital No. 27, Angres. France. He was a member of Company G. 30th

Infantry, at the time of his death.

The news of Sergeant Goodwin's death in action was felt throughout Davidson

Countv. where he and his family are well knowii and prominent. He came from

a long lineage of patriotic ancestors who served with distinction in other wars, and

his courage and devotion to service was highly commended by his captain and fellow

comrades. He was a brother of Misses Mf rv Louise and Rose Goodwin, of Nashville.

Corp. William Allen Grubb was a brotlier of Mrs. J. E. Shipley and Mrs. Anne

L. Woodward, of Nashville, Tenn. He was in Detroit. Mich., when he enlisted in the

World War in September. 1917, and was stationed at Camp Custus, Mich. Later

he was transferred to Waco, Texas, where he received military training with Com-

pany G, 126th Infantrv, 32nd Division, sailing for overseas duty with this division.

Soon after he arrived in France he was promoted to corporal, in which honor he

expressed great pride, as he boasted of being able to serve his country well. Cor-

poral Grubb was called into action August .5, 1918. and was severely wounded.

Seven months elapsed before Corporal Grubb's sisters in Nashville received official

notice of his death. It is supposed he died from wounds received while fighting for

freedom of the world on that date. He was twenty-seven years of age at the time

of his death, and performed his duties cheerfully and bravely.

nuiDsox (:oi\Ty itome\ i\ the iroHi.i) ir.iR. loiiioio

Corporal Grubb became interested in tlie moving piilure business when only a

small bov anil was an expert machine operator at the time of his enlistment. Hewas a voimtr man of many noble trails of charaeter and numbered his friends by

all wild whom he was associated, both ci\iliatis anil members of military circles.

PVT. Wai.TKK Gkkkk wa> born in l!cl!\i.-u. T,nn.. in March i;;')|. He ua- the

son of Louis \^'. and Cora Greer, ol \iu-.>in~ Slat ion. IVnn. lie was inducted into

service at Nashville. December 7. I'M 7. On \ia\ 22. I'M."., lie sailed for duty

overseas, and died of wounds rcciivcil in a' linn Oi loin '). I')i;;. He served faith-

fullv with the 21th Company. Ca-uallN Dria. Iniicnl. l-.7lli Dr,,,.! lirigade. l.st Coast

.•\rtillerv Park, and with Deix.t C |i.ni\. Ui C.aM \iiillrr\ i'aik until his death.

He was' popular uilh his rei;iniciil and ua^ held in lic.;li r^\r,;u in the commnnilv

in ^^hi.h he ii\ed. 11,- foni:hl uillmul tear an,l ua- al all llnio (hcciinl.

PvT (1st ClaSSI ..\l lil!i:i Gicxnt ua- llic urand-.n ..I ,|a( k ilaukin- uilli ulmni

he resided in Nashville. Tenn.. uhcn I,.- «a~ inch,, id into ihc -c,\i,r ,,l hi- ...nnlrv.

.March M). l«;i.S. He was born in Winrhc-ln. Ten,,, in \i\'hK He r.vcixcd hi>

military traininji at Camp Gordon. (,a.. and -ail,,! I,., diil\ ,>n the forei;!n shore

.\pril 29. 1918. Private Grant >cr\,-,l uilli ll,,- L'dll, C.rnpanv. |-,7th Depot Brigade,

and with Company L. :i27lh infantry, until hi- ,l,all,. II,' ua- promoted to first-

cla-s private after reachinsr France. He fouiihl uiti, laa\,i\ in a number of noted

battles, and was killed in' action October 1."). I')li:. ,.n ll„- balll. Iicld. fightimr for

world frc.-.Iom.

PvT. AliTlll K I!. Gli.i.iwi uas Im,i„ in l)a\i,ls,,n Cmnlv in Manli. 1!!<)2. and was

the son of William an.i \,na II. Clliain. ,,l \,,-li\ il I,'. ll-> was inducted into

service Mav 22. 191!!. an. I «.i- -,iil I,. Ciirii- UaN. \l,l.. I,,i liainiiig. He was as-

siu-ned to Machine (;un C-mpans. .'.Olh Inlanlix. W hih- in liainini: he contracted

tuberculosis, from which he died October M. I'>l,".. ir, a :j,.\ ,inni,Mil h,>-pilal in

Maryland. Private Gilliam had a large circle ,,f fii,,,,!- in \a-li\ill,- and wa- a

model soldier, beloved bv his comrades.

Cm'T. I.ia.NMa. Kll.l.lN,. \\\V.\. -,,n ,,f l.,-,,nanl K,-,linii and Ln, v Ka-lman Hart.

of Nashvill.-. T.-nn.. ua- I,., in in l),xl,l-on CainU. jiih I. li;'"'.. He enlisted with

the Tennc— ••• \ali,.nal (inai.l ..n W.n I. I'll'.. II,' -r,^rA uill, Company C. 2nd

Supply Batlali.pu and in th.- OH,,,-,-- T.aininL' Cmip al l,.,l ( ). h-llnnpe. Ga. Cap-

tain Hart was honorably dischai-,-,1 \.,\,a,il"a 27. I'll 7, t,, a. , ,'pl a o,nn,l-i,,n.

and was called into active service a- (!.iplain nl lnlanli\ Imni ll,,- \ali,in.il (.ii.iiil.

He was stationed at Camp Greene. \. C.. as a member of Cu.ipan-, G. -.::ili Inlanl.v.

beinL' transferred later to Company G. 1th Ammunition Train III, Divi-l.ai lb

sailed for France Mav 22. 1918. and contracted pneumonia ,„i b,>a,I ll,,' han-pml

from which he died at Brest France. June n. ]>)]i\. Hi- nan.iin- a,,- n,.u l,nrl,,l in

Mount Olivet Cemetery, at Nashville. Captain I la, I i- -n,\i\r,l b\ a lai'j,' nnnil„r

of relatives who are prominent litizeiis of l)a\i,l-,,,, (.,iin,l\.

PvT Fi(Ki) Simon Hathaway, son of \V. S. id-ccasedi an.l \nna llaihauav. ,,f

Na-hville. Tent,., wa- 1m, •„ near Whiles Creek. Davidson G.nnU. T,-n„.. I'cbrnaiv

6. i;;90. He uas a b,.,,kbindcr bv trade, an.l .nPn.! -I'rv i, in ll„' W,.,l,l War


D A V 1 DSON CO U N T Y W M E ^' / V T H F. WORLD WAR. 1914-1919

May 28, 1918, at Nashville, receiving his training at Camp Pike, Ark. He served

with Company D, 4th Infantry, Replacement and Training Regiment, Camp Pike,

Ark., and was with the Camp Pike July Automatic Rpplaccmenl Draft at the time of

his death. Private Hathaway contract.',! inllu.Miza. wliicli dcNclopcd hit., h)har pneii-

ni.inia. while at Camp Merritt. N. J., fr.nn uhi.li li.' di.-d O.t.ili.-r V,. I'M.';. He was

buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery, at Nasluillc.

1st Lieut. Raymond Freeman Houston, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Monroe

Houston, of Nashville, Tenn., was born in St. Louis. Mo., April 1.5, 1893. He volun-

li ered his services to his country in July, 1917, at Nashville, where he was employed

in a local furniture store. He entered the Second Reserve Officers' Training Camp,

at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga., where he was conmiissioned a first lieutenant. He was sent

t.> Camp Greene. N. C, and sailed for overseas duly April 15, 1918, and served with

Company D, Company G, Company H and Company A. 47th Infantry, 4th Division,

initil his death. He saw active service in the engagements at Chateau Thierry and

in Belleau Wood sector. Lieutenant Houston was killed in action July 31, 1918. at

Sergv. Fere-en-Taidenois.

PvT. Fred Hitner. son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hitner, who are residents of Nash-

ville. Tenn.. was born April 14. 1893, and enlisted for World War service in Cin-

cinnati. Ohio, June 27, 1918. He received his training at Camp Sherman, Chilli-

cothe. Ohio, and sailed on September 2, 1918, for overseas duty. He fought with

bravery in the Ypres-Lys offensive, and was severely wounded on November 11,

1918, the day Peace was brought to the world, and died the same day. Private

Hitner sen'ed with the following organizations: 10th Company 3rd Transport Bat-

talion, 158th Depot Brigade: Company M, 333rd Infantry, 84th Division, and with

Company F. 363rd Infantry until his death. His body now lies in Mt. Olivet Ceme-

tery, at Nashville. Tenn.. when' he has a large and prominiMit family connecti.m.

Sct. John Waller Head, son of Charles R. and Alice B. Head (both deceased),

was born May 14. 1876. in Gallatin. Tenn. He volunteered his services in the

World War. at Nashville. September 4, 1917. where he was engaged in the insurance

business. He was a member of the Quartermaster Corps and received his training

at Fort Barancas, Fla. Sergeant Head was stricken with pneumonia while in train-

ing, from which he died October 14. 1918, in a government hospital at Fort Barancas.

Pensacola, Fla. He had successfully passed the examination for Second Lieutenant

a short time before his death. His body was sent to Chattanooga. Tenn. for burial,

October 16. 1918.

Sergeant Head served for fourteen years with the Tennessee State Militia. He is

survived bv a sister. Mrs. W. J. Nixon, of Chattanooga, and a brother. J. Allen Head,

of Nashville.

1st Sgt. THO^L\S Jehu Hindman was the son of X'iilliani Mattliew and Mary

\^'right Hindman I both deceased). He was reared as devotedly as an own son by

his aunt. Mis? Julia Hindman. a popular mendier of the insurance firm of Jackson

& Hindman. of Xashvillp. Tenn. Sergeant Hindman wa< born in Giles County.


Dlimsoy cm STY !rO.ME.\ l\ the rORLU ir.lR. I0I4!910

Tciiii.. Octolier 7t. IJicJ'J. and was engaged as an engraver at Chicago 111., when he

answered the call to arms, enlisting at Chicago, September 11. 1917. He received his

military training at Quantico, \ a., and Paris Island. S. C. Having a keen desire

to get to the front lines, he enlisted with the 95th Company. 6th Regiment. U. SMarine Corps, which was among the first commanded for overseas duty. This regi-

ment landed in France October r>. 1917. on the twentveighth birthdav of Serceaiit

Hindman. They were M-iit I.. (:.un|. (:ii.i„i|,l.::nrull,- (,.v inl.'MM\,- liaiiiin^.' and

.Sergeant Hindman enl.'n-.l In- In-l |.,illlr m M.n.h. I'i|;;. ||,. |,,ii'jlil uilli i-oii-

spicuous braverv in the balllrs .! llir Xi-iduri -i-i Im I mjn Man h ,;| i,, \la\ 2. \')\l\.

On May liO. mH. his regiment received an urgent call from Marshal Focii to assist

in checking the rapid advance of the (Jermans on Paris. From June 1 to Julv 1.

1918. Sergeant Hindman was in the front lin<-s of the famous battle of Heli.-au Wood,the turning point of ll„- \\o,l,l War. uhc, ih,. (;,-,inan tide ua^ rh.vk->,l. II,- ua- in

the Soissons M-<t..r iii .|iil\. I'M:;, ulu-ir lie ua- killed In arli,,ii at lli,' l.alll,' of

Belleau Wood on Juh I". I''!.':.

Sergeant HindmanV -idrndid inmd ,A' a(li\c -i-i\ir,- in ih,- \\(,i|,| War uill ever

be a source of pride to (iilr- (:ounl\. hi- n.ili\i- li..nic. a- \\f\\ a- t.i l)a\id-on

Countv. His ancestors in (lilc- Counlv u.t.- di-tin-ui-lu-d m oiIht uai- tor their


PVT ChARI.Ks J\i Km,n llnl.M\N. >uu of Ft,::rnr T. and Lena MrCalhnn llolman.

of Nashville. T.'nn.. ua- l.oin \ni.N-I l(,. \i\'n,. in Na-lixillc T.'im. lb- nT,-iv,',l hi<

Mluralloii in ihr iMil.li. -,l,ooU ,.r Na-liMll,-. and lirl.l a responsible poMtion uilli

Kirlli \ --nnnion- llaiduair ( :..tn|.aii\ . ol \a-li\ill.-. |„f,,re enlisting. lb- volnn-

Irrrr.l 111- -riM,r- I,, hi- ,oiii,li\ and ,-iilrir.l ll,r I . S. Marine Corps, June i. Dlo.

and on the saini- .l.ilr \^a- -ml i,, I'aii- l-land. S. ('... for training, where he passed

a practicallv pi-ilr. i |ili\-i.al r\aiiiinal ion. II,- uas assigned to Companv 17, .5th

U. S. Marines. Wliil,- ,il I'aii- l-lan,l lie mail,' a n'l-ord as a marksman. After nine

weeks of intense traimnii li,- ua- liansferred to Ouanlico. Va., for a few dav- and

then was ordered over-.-a- lo j,,in ihe .A. F. F.. leaving Quantico August Id. ]')\r..

He went almost immedialch to the front liiws after hi- arrival overseas and foimlit

with marked bravery in the St. Mihi.-I an, I Ulan, M..nl \\u\vv -,-, l,,r-. !!, ua- -e-

\erelv wounded in one of the engag<Miiiail-. Iml i,, ,i\ ,i ,-,1 -nlli, i,aill\ lo ai:aiii i,'turn

t,, the front line<.. He w.a. killcl in a,li,.n on ih,- hall I, -li, -I, I al lilan, M,,nl Ih.Ilm'.

(),!,. b--r II. I')];;, aft, -I r,,iM iii,.i.lli- ,,r \alnal.l,- an,i ,!,-\,.l,-,l -,'i\i,,' i ,-n,l,'i ,-,l ,-a, li

dav diirin- hi- briid' niililai\ ,ai,,'i. lb- ua- i;i,-all\ Im-I,>m,I l,\ .\,in ni,'iiib,-r ,,f

his regiment.

Coup. AktIILH Jack-on IIi\I.-. -,,n ,,1 \ll„il and Mars llin.l- (l„,lli diveascdi.

was born in Harriman. 'I,nn.. in l.'l'lo. II,' wa- in, In, I,, I inio -,a\i,,' Oilobcr 22.

l'»17. at Nashville. Teiin.. an, I ua- l,ain,-,| al l,,il ().J,ll„,i ,„. (,.i.. an,l Camp Ja,k-

son. S. C. He sailed for ih,^ front lin.-s April 9. 191!;. After reaching Fran,,' li,-

re<-eived his promotion to rank of corporal. He fought in the engagemenl- in lli,'

St. Mihiel sector and in the famous Argonne. On 0-l,d.er 16. lOlt!. h,. ,li,-,| ,,f

wounds received on the battlefield, while fighting f,.r u,,.l,l I, ,,-,|,,in. II,- -,iv,,l

with the following organizations: Companv H. .H2(.lli Inlanlis: (..inpanv F. ;2;i,l

Infantry, and with Companv F. 6lh Infanlrv. imlil ,l,alli. II,- ua- |„,pnlai uilh

hi- (-omrades and in Na-liville. wh.-r,- 1,1- l.i,.ll„-r. F,luai,l Ilin.l-. n-ides.



Wii.soN Davis Holman (Cook), son of Reuben h. and Lula Ellen Holman, of

Nashville, Tenn., was born August ], 1898, in Columbia, Tenn. He joined the

Tennessee National Guard in October, 1916, and was in service on the Mexican

border as a member of Company L, 1st Tennessee Infantry. When the United

States entered the World War he was honorably discharged, re-enlisting for World

War service on August 22, 1917. He was a member of Battery F, 111th Field

Artillerv, 30th Division (formerly Battery F, 1st Field Artillery, Tennessee National

Guard ) . serving as cook, and was trained at Camp Sevier, S. C, with Battery F.

114th Field Artillery. He sailed for overseas duty with the famous 30tli Division.

May 26, 1918, and participated in several engagements of this division. He died

in Camp Hospital No. 15, Guer, France, of wounds received in action, August 15.

1918, at Coetquidan, and was buried near that place. Previous to his enlistment

Cook Holman was a farmer. He was one of the most popular members of his

batterv, alwavs cheerful and willing to do his duty.

PvT. Frank R. Johnson was born at Donelson, Tenn.. December 29, 1887. near

the Hermitage, the home of the noted hero of the battle of New Orleans. General

Andrew Jackson. He was the son of Thomas and Betty Johnson, of Donelson. Hewas inducted into World War service May 28, 1918. and was sent to Camp Pike.

Little Rock. Ark., for military training. On August 3, 1918. he sailed for overseas

duty. He was engaged in several battles, giving his life while in action October 16,

1918, on the battlefield of France. He served with Company B, 4th Training Regi-

ment. Replacement Training Camp. Camp Pike. Ark.. 83rd Division, 2nd Depot,

and with Company F, 11th Infantry, until his death. Private Johnson possessed

courage and patriotism inspired by the example of his neighborhood hero.

2nd Lieut. James Britt Journey was born in Nashville. Tenn.. November

29. 1890. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James M. Journey, of Columbia, Tenn.

He entered the Second Reserve Officers' Training Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga.

On completion of his course he was commissioned Second Lieutenant and was

stationed at Camp Greene. N. C. On March 3, 1918. he sailed with the 3rd Division

for overseas duty. He fought in engagements in the Chateau Thierry, Marne and

Vesle River sectors. He was killed in action August 10, 1918, while leading his

men across the Vesle River. Lieutenant Journey was recommended for First Lieu-

tenant, and his commission was received at the headquarters of his organization

shortly after his death.

Lieutenant Journey was one of the most popular men of this county, and was

greatlv beloved by his comrades. His duty to his country was ever his first thought,

and his cheerful performance of same was favorablv commended hv officials of the

A. E. F.

PvT. Jack G. Jenkins was born in Mt. Juliet. Tenn.. in 1892. On September

22. 1917. he was inducted into service at Nashville. He sailed for overseas duties

April 24, 1918. and fought in engagements in the St. Mihiel sector. He was killed

in action October 27. 1918. He served with the following organizations: Company

G, 327th Infantrv; Company E, 322nd Infantry; Company K. 11th Infantry, and

was with Headquarters Company. 11th Infantry, at the time of his death. Private

Jenkins was a jirother of Elbert T. Jenkins, who resides in Davidson Countv. Tenn.


[) II in SOX CO (MY irOME.X /Y THE tt O R L I) WAR. 1 Q I 41 9 I o

HiKOKO Vi. Jackson (Bugler) was l.om in \a>livill.'. T.-mi.. ill lull,-. l,",or,.

and was the son of William H. am! ElizalMili ,l,ii k-mi. d \.i>li\ illi-. He ri-,i-ivi-(1

his early education in the Nashville city s<iio<.l~. II.' (riii>tiil in the nnuiar armyat Kagle Pass. Texas. November 15. 1917. as a meniix-r of Battery A, Srd MeldArtillerv. After completin;: liis niilitarv training he sailed for dutv on the front

lines. July U. 191!!. Me died of eholeiyslitis August 21. lOl!!. while in training

in a rreiuh eani]i. His cheerl illness at all limes. wIkiIi'Mm lln' ciriiimslani t-;. was

an inspiration In his ((Uiira.les. His .hitio \\cr.> ,ilua\- hi- lii-l ih. night.

CoKi'. (".KoiaiK r.KiGSiiv KiiM) was horn in \nhii-\iili-. Triiii.. Se|ii.nilMT (i. 1.".91.

and was the son ..f George Washin-ton and l.ee L.ak Kid,!. ,.f \a~hviil,>. Tenn.

He was indueted into World Viar service March 30. 191;:. al \a~h\iih-. and was

-ent to (lamjj Gordon. Ga.. for military training. He was a--ignrd to I'rcivnst

Guard (Company. J.oTth Depot Brigade. On September 1. I'Jl!!. hr \\a< made a

corporal. He died al the base hospital at Gamp Gordon, Febiiiarx 1. I'M'), frnni

hemorrhage shock, as the result of accidentally shot)ting hiniscH \\ilh a Iwelve

gauge shotgun, while hunting near the caiiip with c.imradcs. Thir- \ni\\<- -nliiiei's

untimely death was deeply dejilnicl l.\ lii> ii'^inKiit. a- c.icii iik f ihc rriiinirnl

was his friend. He was behivtd li\ iriiml- in lii- ripiiiiiiiinil\ a- uril.

Coi'.p. •riloMvs MoiiriMKi; Kli;\\l\. ^..n nf J,,hii J. and S,-l.illa lloumin Kiruin,

,.f l)avids,.n Gounly. was born in Nasli\ilie -m O.tnlM-i L'.",. Ii;');;. He was .uie of

the fir^t Nashville hoys to volunteer his services to lii- r,iiiiiii\. enlisting April 11,

]')\7. with the Tennessee National Guard, during llir ~anie \m rk the United Slates

enlered the World War. He was assigned to Troo|) A. .Separate Squad. 1st

Tennessee Cavalry, which later became Company A. I 1 ith Machine Gun Battalion.

Headquarters Platoon. He received his training at Camp Sevier. S. C and sailed

on May 11,1918. for France on the U. S. S. El Penor. landing al Liverpool. England,

on May 21. 191.'!. and proceeding at once to Calais. France. Al La Panne. France,

this battalion re<pived its final training in the use of machine guns and ent(^red

active service in the Rellicourt. I'remonl. Bohain-Kemmel Hill and Ypres-Lys se<tors,

also taking part in the breaking of the llindcnbiirg Line and ihe Offensive of the

Somme sector am! LaSalle River. During this last-named engagement Corporal Kir-

win was badlv wounded, and was S"nt to Base Hospital No. 16. at La Treport,

France, on October 17. 1918. where he died. October 27. 191!!. He fought with

marked braverv and was one of the most |)opiiIar members of the llllh Machini"

'.iMi Battalion.' with both officers and pri\al.- in tin- ranks.

('orp.iial Kirwin's family received niaii\ • oiiiiiiiiniialion- IVoin iiis coniradi--. in

uliirji llii-\ commented on his lovall\ and (l(\ilion to dut\ in li1owiii'_! teini-. Hi-

body was broiii^dit to Nashvilh- f.n- bin iai in Mt. CaKaiv CnirlriN. ilr u as a

brother of Misses Kalhrvn and Jcvm^II Kiiuiii. of \a-h\illr. uiinr hr ha, I nianv

fiicnds. who were iu-llv proud .,f his patriotic' service so .jaliantiv icndncd.

P\T. Wll.l.lxM Nkwton Knox was the son of J. Ma<k I (ie<ease(l ) and Alice

Heed Knox, who rr-sides in Nashville. Tenn. Private Knox answered his country's

call December 1.1. 1917. He began niilitarv trainint: al Paris Island. S. C. as a

member of Company 76. r.lli 1. S. Marine Coi,,- W hi!,' in trainiuL' al Paris Island

h.- conlracled pneumonia, fn.ni whirl, he <hV.I \l.in li I. I'M!).

DAI 1 1) S N C U N T Y IF O MEN IN T H E ff O K L I) ir A R. 1 » 1 l-l '> 1 9

Private Knox was a brother of Herman and Hugh Knox and a iiipluu >A' Mrs.

John McKenzie. all of whom reside in Nashville. His body was lakrn lu (iiles

County, the home of his birth, and rests in Mt. Moriah Cemetery, beside his father,

who was one of Giles County's most prominent citizens and a most devout Christian

man. Private Knox possessed many noble traits of character. He performed his

(hales well and was one of the most beloved members of his regiment.

PvT. Owen Bryant Layne was born near Brentwood, Tenn., in Davidson County,

in August, 1899. and was the son of James and Alice Layne, of Brentwood. Heanswered his country's call with the first volunteers, at Nashville, April 14. 1917,

and enlisted with Troop A, 1st Tennessee Cavalry, National Guard, which later

became Company D, 114th Machine Gun Battalion. He received his training at

Camp Sevier. S. C, and sailed for overseas duty May 11, 1918, as a member of the

30th Division. He saw active service in the engagements at Bellicourt, Molain, La-

Salle River and on die Hindenburg Line. Private Layne was wounded in action

October 17, 1918. and died at a hospital in Winchester. England. Novemlier 1. 1918.

In his death the 114th Machine Gun Battalion lost one of its most loyal soldiers.

Later his bodv was brought to the land for which he gave his life and was laid

to rest at Brentwood. Tenn.. May 20. 1920.

PvT. Justin 0. Lyle. son of William Lyle (deceased I and Malvina M. Lyie, of

Nashville, Tenn., was born in Hickman County, Tenn., in 1896. He enlisted on

March 22, 1917, in the regular army, at Fort Thomas, Ky., and sailed for overseas

dutv October 31, 1917. He fought in several of the most noted battles of the war,

and died May 6. 1918, from wounds received on the battlefield. He served with the

following organizations: Company K, 40th Infantry: Company K, 58th Infantry;

and was attached to Company H, 18th Infantry, at the time of his death.

1st Lieut. George Walter Long, son of George W. and LaVonia XowlinLong, of Nashville, Tenn., was born in Farmington, Tenn., September 14, 1889, and

was among the first volunteers in the World War from Davidson County. He en-

listed in Battery E. 1st Tennessee Infantry. National Guard, in July. 1917. and was

one of two selected from that organization for the Second Reserve Officers' Training

Camp, at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga. He received a commission as First Lieutenant in

November, 1917, and was assigned to Company I, 58th Infantry, at Camp Greene,

N. C. He sailed with tlie 4th Division for overseas duty, May 6, 1918.

While en route overseas the transport "Mollavia," which was just in front of

Lieutenant Long's ship, was sunk by a German submarine with many of his com-

rades aboard. In a letter to his mother, Lieutenant Long assured her that he had

no fear for himself, and wrote of saying to his men: "I don't know what our fate

will be, but if need be we will die together like men." The same courageous spirit

dominated this brave hero until he fell in action on the battlefield three months

later during heavy shell fire along the Vesle River.

The following is an extract from a letter written by a comrade to Lieutenant

Long's mother:

"On the night of August 5. 1918. the 58th Regiment took its position in the front

lines facting the Vesle River, and on the afternoon of the 6th we received orders

to move forward for the attack. After advancing about 1,800 yards, we encountered


DAf I usu .V COL .\ r J ;r o m k .y / .v r // e tr o r l i> it a k. i»i ii 9 1


sonu' of tlie inotit terrific slicll and iiuuliiiiL' gun fire we hail experienied in ourseveral nionllis" fijihtinj.'. During a lull in the firing Major Robinson ordered

Lieutenant Long to organize the headquarters seetion. and thi- lasl I heard of himhe uas hurrying through the thickest of shell fire. .\o one e\ii did hi- diitv morecheerfully and bravely, and in the greatest danger he was calm and al\\a\- >miling.

He was a man among men and one of the roidest 1 mcr saw ijiid( i liir."

Lieutenant Long was a inriMb.-r .iF ih.- lii-lmii M. K.'iidicc Chunli d \a-h\ille.

Tenn.. and his was the first lilii.- Mai liirnr.l I.. t;..l,l ,,i, ihr lai-,- MTxi,,. Ila;^ ,.| lliis

church. Many letters were rec<'i\i-il li\ lii- l.iiiiilx i unmicaHliiiL: in i .iin|ilirnrnl.ii v

term.-. Lieutenant Long's high ideal- .md In- l.i\c li.i In- ((uni.idi-. a- will ,i- his

Hag. Hi- commission as Captain \\.i> ir.ii\r,l l..ui d,i\- .illn In- dralli li\ ihe

connnanding officer of his divisii)n. His liod\ ww if-l- in tin- \ alimial (iiinrinv

at -Arlington. \ a. Lieutenant Long is -ni\i\(d h\ .1 Kniji- l.nniN 1 unncc linn whoare prominent residents of Nashville. Tenn.. hnlh ni -..rial ,nid hu-in,— ,mh-.

l'\T. llKNin 1.KIIM\(. ua- b..rn in l)a\id-..n (a.nnlx. in .|ui\. K;'):,. and uas

tiie .-on of L. .S. and Kii/abrlh 1.,-hnini:. uli,, rr-ide in Na-luillc I'lixalc l.rhrnng

was inducted into service al \.i-h\illc. \|iiil '2li. I'M.'!, and w.i- -iiil 1.. CampHumphries. \'a.. where he ii'ici\r,| In- nulilar\ li.nnniL:. Mr -aHi-d Im diitv i,n

the front lines .Augu-t 2(k I'M;;. ||r Inuuhl uilh maikc.l l.i.i\.i\ m .1 imnd.n of

battles in which hi- ..-.innrnl pa, In ipalc,!. .mmm; whirl, ua- ihr nnlrd h.,lllr ..I ihi-

Argonne. He died N,.vrml.r, I. I'M.';, Imm w.m„d> ,,-r,.ivrd uhih' m a,l,n„. \rja-

ing for world democracy. Hi- -r,\r,l with ihr following organizations: .Slst Com-pany. 8th Training Battalia, 1. I'linh l)i|ini liiigade; Company G, .3rd Engineers

Training Regiment. Camp I Innipin ,r-. \,,.: ij,L'ineers Replacement Service Camp,Camp Humphries: 116th Kniii,,,'.-, -: ,,i,d ua- will, (:nmpan\ I'.. ;'.(i:)lh l'a,L' incci s. at

the time of his death.

I'rivate LehniuL' LMVc hi- lilr ,,nU ., Irw dax- hrl,.,,- ihr wn,hl ^a,nr,l ihr pra.e

for which he -,, ,l,rr,l„IU .„id willm.K tun, hi .,nd ,l,rd. II,- |..mK ua- lal.-r

brought to N.,-I,vil|r. ,,„d ,r-l- in \lt. (Ilivrl Crnirh^N. Mr u .,- a l.i..ll,r, ,.l Chaii.-s

Howard. Fduaid and John l.rlmimi. Mi- Annir \la\ LrhniiiL:. ,iml Mi-. S. I!. Smilh.

and came of a w.dl-kiioun Davi.lxm C.nnlv famih.

PVT. (LsT Cl..\ssi \i. I > Mmmin Ln\M \. 1. -o„ ol T. \. and ;\da Lovelace, of

Greenbrier, Tenn.. wa- hom m Hio\Mi-\illr. rmn,. j,,,ir .';. I.'l')]. He was emjiloyed

as a clerk in one of \a-h\,llr'- drpai Ininii -loir- uhrn hr \oliinlccred amoiit; the

fir.st David.son ComiU l.o\- to, -,i\,rr m ihr Wo, Id Wa,. Ilr rnl,-lrd will, ihe

National (iuard. at Na-hNillr, jnnr I I. I'MT. Mr u.i- ,i,nl„l, /rd al (;.ii,,|. Knkland.

at Nashville, wher.- he wa.- a m.-nd,.'i of HatlcrN K. l.M Tenn, -rr I nhl \,l,llri\.

National Guard, which organization later became Battery L, 1 I lih I irl.l \iiillriv.

Private Lovelace received his training at Camp Sevier. S. C will, r>illri\ 1 . I I lih

Field Artillerv, .'JOth Division, will, which be 'tailed for over'-ca- Mav _'(..I '»!;;. for

frontdine dulv. He fonudil will, ro„,,,...r i„ ll,r \h'n-r- \,-onnr ~rr|,n and ,l,rd

October K). iOia. from ' w..i,„d- ir,,i\,d ,a, ihr |,alllrl„.|d. Hi- |,o,K ,,-!- at

Luton's Chapel, al G,rr„l„ir,. whr,,- hr ha- a ri,, h- ol f, i,„d- who a,r jn-llv p,o„d

of this her,,-.- -pl,-nd,.l ,„ilil.,,v ,r,o,,l.

FUNF.ST MAI>ni:x (I'.nglcrl. so,, of William M. an,l 0|,l,rlia Ma.idnx. of Chapel

Hill. Tenn.. was born .lidv 16. I'JUd. nra, W II.i,,n. Tmn. Ijr u a- ,.n.,a..rd a- a


salesman at Lebeck Brothers' department store, of Nashville, when he enlisted for

service with the Tennessee National Guard, April 14, 1917, at Nashville. Bugler

Maddux was among the first Davidson County boys to volunteer, and served as

bugler with Company A, 114th Machine Gun Battalion (formerly Troop A, 1st

Cavalry. Tennessee National Guard). He was trained at Camp Sevier, S. C, and

sailed for overseas with the 30th Division, May 11, 1918. He fought in all battles

in which this division was engaged until his death. He was gassed in the LaSalle

River Offensive, October 17, 1918, and died from the effects on October 19, 1918.

His body rests at McMiniivillc. Tcnn. His service to his country was uillinglv given.

and his bravery was often a mailer of favorable eduiiin'nl willi Imlh ollicers and

men of his battery.

PvT. Christian Frank Maveks was born in Nashville. Tenn.. January 3, 1894.

He was the son of Philip J. and Jessie Mayers (deceased I, of Davidson County. Heenlisted in the regular armv at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga., for World War service. De-

cember 13, 1917. and received his military training at Fort Gaines, Ala., and Fort

Morgan, Ala. He served with Battery C, 3rd C. A. C, and later with Battery C, 3rd

Battalion, C. A. C. On August 8, 1918, he sailed for overseas duty, and died of

accidental gunshot wounds September 7, 1918, at Paris, France. Private Mayers'

father, his wife, Mrs. Amanda (Mayers) Riggins: one son. Christian Phili]i. and

one sister, Mrs. Aileen Thorn, are all residents of Nashville. Tenn.. where he was

well known and prominent.

1st Lieut. Emmett Malone Manier was born in Nashville, Tenn., March 19.

1893. His father, J. W. Manier. resides in Hudson, Mass. Lieutenant Manier

enlisted in the Aviation branch of the LI. S. Army May 3, 1917, in Chicago, and was

sent to France for overseas duty August 17 of the same year. He received his

commission as First Lieutenant March 18, 1917, and was sent to the French Escadrille

as pilot of a daylight bombing machine. He participated in all the fights of his

unit, which embraced the American fronts, including those near Chateau Thierry,

St. Mihiel. and the British and French fronts, until his death. He was killed in

action October 2, 1918. The day before he was killed Lieutenant Manier had been

recommended for the Croix de Guerre. His body rests in an American cemetery

in France.

The following is a copy of a citation sent Lieutenant Manier's father by the

Commander of the 12th Escadrille:

"October 5, 1918.

Order No. 56.

"The Chief of the Escadrille Vuillemen, Commanding Bombardment Squadron

No. 12, cites in the orders of the squadron the soldier whose name follows:

"Emmett Manier, First Lieutenant. American Pilot of the 12th Escadrille.

"A pilot as skillful as courageous. Since his arrival in the Escadrille he has

always been to his French comrades a beautiful example of coolness and energv.

While taking part in all the attacks of this unit under atmospheric conditions often

very painful. (Signed) VlILI.EMEN.

"Commander of the 12th Escadrille."

Capt. Charles E. Monk was born in Olney. 111.. April 19. 1880. He enlisted

for service in the World War Julv 19. 1917. with the 2nd Tennessee Infantrv, at

D.iilDSO.S COIMY l(()MF\ l\ Tllh II o R I. I) U t H. I " 1 I I -i I 9

.Minfrffi-luiro. Tciin. Later lie was translei ii-il tn llic ll.itli Mailiiiu- (am Companyand >ervetl as adjutant supply oflker of tliis loinpaiiy. He received iiis eoniinis-

sioii as First Lieutenant July 2.S. 1917. with the lOStli Field Signal Battalion, andwas eoniniissioned Cajjtain .November 11 of the same vear. CajJtain Alonk sailed

for overseas duty ^hly 27. 191{i. and sa\\ a<li\r sii\i(c in the Somine ( )lVeMsive,

Ypres-Lys seitor and the Flindenhurg Line in S.|it(nil..i . l')i;;.

.\fter the signing of llie Armistice, Captain Monk rcniaintil willi llic Ainiv of

Occupation until ALtrch. 1919. when he siiiled for America, llr landr,! al Charles-

ton. S. C in .^pril. and was sent to Camp Jackson. S. C.. and lalri in I <iit Ogle-

thorpe. Ga. He was assigned duty as chief signal officer at Washin-lon. 1) C.. andlater as camp signal officer at Camj) Benning. Ga. It was here thai Ca|itain Monkmet his untimelv death, having heen injured liv a falling leliplKinc pole, fromwhich he died April 9. 1920. at the C^\^ Il,,^pilai in C..limil.u-.. Ca.

No soldier in Davidson Connl\ lia- 1.. hi- .irdii .i ir.,,ii| ,,t iiim,- milii iiii:

s«>rvice or a more splendid militarx .a,,-,, ilia,, I, a- Caplai,, Mn„k. Hi- l.n,|\ lies

in Greenmounl Cenielcis. at "^Hik. I'a. Hi- wilr ai,<l Iwn i,,a,,l\ -o,,- le-icle in ihe

West End section of \a-l,vill.'. Tr„„.

CaKTEK Mii.\M I Phaiinarisl I. son of 11. il

Carter Milam, of Nashville. Ten., uas l,o,„ i,

enlisted in the service of hi> , ..i,„l,\ al N.u \ .„

a mcmher of iJie U. S. Na\ \ ll.>-piial C<.,|.-, a

military seirice for three monlli.- at CoIui,,l>ia. ^

ter. N. Y. He was also trained at Paris l-l ,,,(!.

he sailed for foreign duly and was stalio,,iil

Louisville. He died of pneumonia, at Brest,

liody rests in .Mt. Olivet Cemetery, at Nashville.

Pharmacist Milam came of a prominent Davi(

education in the Nashville city -(ho(ds and a

He was a resident of New York Citv at the time

Milam. ll.-Mh Field Artillcrv. and Capt. J.,hn 11

memhers of the I'nited .Stah - K, ji,l.,, \,,i,\ i

Corps, are itrothers of Carl, i \lila,,i. ul,,. p.,-

1111 Death is given below, the pmi,, lia\ i,ii: lur

hi- d.-alh. and exjjre-ses the courage of ihi- voung he,

THE PIHIM i; I'diil

Dim, I, I- a iH.i.l nf mvslerv:Pi,rpl.- ,l.-e|.- aiKl slill

A dim. riark. lurii lilclcien. warn, and c;iliii

As a sunt; -'nealli a lonely liill.

Si.m.- seek Ihe way; some stnndilo. blind.

.Some an- drawn "(;ainsl a finzcii will.

.Some fi-ar fdk-rl- come, as a i liild al ,iit;lil

Goe^s into an iinlil room:.\nd lie liy llie pool; and l)arc llieir fiel

.\nd lave ilicm, there, in the clooiii.

liiil. like moths that an- lured by a dirk", in

They pi hack lo a livinp tomb.

, \a-


- a p

DAflDSON COVNTY WOMEN IN THE If O K 1. 1) WAR. 1911-1919

Others lie on tlie ledye, at the water's edge,

To drink from the pool of death.

And lingering, long for the mirrored face

Stoop and pause on its every breath

And bend to its lips—and are lost in the depths—Fof a kiss is the tool of Death

And some leap to the pool as an unknown joy.

And are lost in the orchid spray

That drenches .imi -Ii..vmis ihe weeping flowers

That perfuiiir ilir I. K way.

And the ripple^ 'lir, ,i^ jll ililngs die

Like Love, \\lii(li lives hut a day.

So, all men seek the purple pool;

Some are sent by treacherous tongue;

Some go as a prodigal, going to his home;Some follow a siren's song;

For all things die, as all things must.

At the toll of some sunken gong.

Bv C.\RTEii Milan.

PVT. Frank C. McClanaiian. son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. McClanahan. of

Brentwood, Tenn., enlisted for service in tlie World War at the first call of his

country. Although Private McClanahan was thirty-five years of age, which wasbeyond the draft age, he felt that his services were needed and he wanted a part

in gaining world democracy. He was a courageous, fighting member of CompanyF, 2nd Regiment, Engineers Corps. On June 7, 1918, he died of wounds received

in action on the battlefield of France. His body was sent to Nashville, Tenn., for

burial. He performed his military duties, regardless of diflTiculty, without a murmur,and was popular with both officers and men.

PvT. Waldo F, McFolin, son of Robert P. McFolin (deceased) and Emily E.

McFolin. of Nashville, was born in Erin, Tenn., March 9, 1893. He was inducted

into service, at Nashville, September 6, 1918. He was a member of Companv G,

.57th Pion. Infantry and was in training at Camp Wadsworth. S. C where he con-

tracted influenza, from which he died. October 7, 1918, at tlie camp hospital.

PvT. I 1st Class I Arthur Lee McCampbell was bom in Donelson. Tenn.. April

24. 1893. His mother, Mrs. May Evans McCampbell, resides near Donelson. Hewas educated in the Nashville schools and was inducted into World War service

September 22, 1917, at Nashville. Private McCampbell was sent to Camp Sevier,

S. C. for training, and on May 11, 1918. he sailed for overseas duty with the 30th

Division as a member of Company M. 117th Infantry. He fought with bravery

in engagements at Ypres, and died from wounds received in action. June 2.5. 1918.

Private McCampbell was the son of T. G. McCampbell (deceased), and before

entering service he was engaged in the dairy business. He was reared near the

historic home of General Andrew Jackson, and possessed to a large degree the cour-

age of that famed hero. His family are well known and prominent in the Hermi-tage district.

PvT. John Herbert Nollner. son of John L. Nollner (deceased! and Mrs.

Laura A. Nollner, a resident of Nashville. Tenn.. was born in Hartsville. Tenn.. May1. 1900. He enlisted in the regular army at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga.. as a m°mber

l>ltll)S().\ COtMY I10.ME.\ I .\ THE IT O H I. I) 11 A R. t >i 1 It 'i 1 9

of Ballerv D. UUli Fiel.I Artill.Mv. ..n,l «.i~ li.Mir.l al DuwAa-. \n/n„a. II, -aihil

for overseas amy April 2:^. l')i;;. ami sau arll\,- -.rvi,,- in >rv,al l.atll.-. anim,-

ulikh \va.< tlif enj;a!.'fnR'nt at Clianipagnc. llr ua~ killed in ai tioii Julv If). 1')!!!.

havirii.' been at llie front from the lime ol In- aiu\al in I laiiic. He fou<;lit witli

hraverv ami wat: noted for his lovallv to Ir- c .iunlr\ and In !ii> feliounian. He was

buried near Chateau Thierry. France. I'rixale N.dlnr, ua- a n>i,l,-nl ol Na-liviile

uhen he enlisted, and had a large circle of li irnd-. Im.iIi anioni; (iinnadcs in the

armv and citizens at home.

I'VT. John F.Mtm.s NohtoN. son of Oscar an, I Mai-ai,-! \,..l,.n. ,,f \a-li\ill,'. was

another of Davidson County's heroes who i:a\,' lii- life al l'lial,-,ni Tln,ii\. li.uiii'i

been killed in action there June 18. 191!!. at lli, lirn,' ,.f M.ii-lial I ,„ h- jr,.,! of-

fensive. Private Norton fought in several ,ali,a |,.illl,- \silli marked l.raverv. Hewas only nineteen years of age. yd hi- ,le\,,liiin I,, dul\ an, I liis courage was com-

mendable in one so young, and he wa- on,' ol lli,' ni.i-l |i,i|iular members of his


PVT. (;iv H. Ol.NKY. son .,f II. 1.. and J,,>,-plun,- ()|n,x. ,>l \a-li\dl,-. I.rn... was

born October 12. 188!!. in Mann-, la. II,- ua- nnln, l,,l inl.i \\,.,l,l Wai -,xi.-,'

November 10. 1917. at Akron. Olii,,. II,- i,-,,-i\,-,l In- li.iinin-j al K,,.l < ). I,lli,.i p,-.

r,a.. and Camp Gordon. Ga.. and -ailed f... oM-i>.-a.- dnl\ April 21. I'M!'.. II,- u.i-

oiie of the fallen heroes of the noted St. Mihiel drive, having been killeil in .i, li.m

in that si^tor .September 20. 1918. He was buried at St. Manic Farm, li,- -,-i\,,l

with the following organizations: 1 lib ("onipanv. ilh Tr.-iininL' Batlali,,n. I'lTlli

Depot Brigade: Companv K. -.YZM Infanl.N. .n„l C.rnpan^ 11. I Ilh lidanliv. unlil

death, and was beloved by officers an, I nun ,,1 lli,-,- xari.ai- ,„ uani/.ilion-. .,- u,-ll

as a large number of acquainlani-c- al Home.

1st LlKlT. Samiki, K. Ollli. son of C. H. Orr. of Lvinuill,-. r,-nn.. \\a- li,,in in

Lvnnville. Novemlier 9. 1889. He enlisted with the Tenn,-, , \ali..nal (,Na,,l \l,i\

I. 191.1. and was a member of Company G. 1st Tciinessc,- lnriMli\. W 1i,-m \Miriii a

entered the World War he was sen! I,. F,,il fbl,-lli,,rp,-. (.a.. I, a -p,- i.il li.nnin--.

He was honorably flisf-harsed Auiin-I M. I''I7. I,, a, , , pi a , imini:— iiui. ami \\,i-

called into active service for his coiinli\ a- .i -,-,,,11, 1 li,-iil,nanl .il lnr.nili\. Vn-ii-l

1.x 1917. from the National Guard. He «as sen! to Camp l.n k-.m. ^. ( ;.. ami I,1,-.

to Camp Wheeler. Ga.. for further training. He died of ,11-, ,-,- ,1 (amp \\l„-,l,i.

Ga.. De,-ember 2. 1917. at the base hospital, l.ieul.-nanl On I, a, I a pi,.mi-n,-j nnli-

larv career and was fearless. He bad manv fri,-n,l- in ih,- .nrn\ ,anip. a- \\i-\\ as

Davi.l-on and (;iles Counties.

1st I.ik.it. John W ii,i.m\'s Ovkhton. ,,nlv s,:n of J,-,- \1. 1 ,1-, ,-a-,-d 1 andSadee Williams Overton. «as born in l)avid-,,n Canilv. (),l,.|„-r |U. |;;'li. al "(hr,.

Ion Hall."^ the home of his parent-. II,- all,-n,|,-,l -Hill -,I I" in l',-nn-\ K ani.i.

from which he graduated in June. I'M i. aji,l \\a- i-l,, |,,l ,iial,,i ,il In- ,1a--. Il,-

graduated from Yale University in .Inn,-. I'M 7. r,-,,-i\in-- lli, , I, •:,,- ,,1 i;i,le-|.n

of Arts. He held the world's amateur in.loor record f,M I. I ^ ,,,l- n, lu,, .nin-

nies. ff)ur|pen seconds, and the world's indoor re<-ord fm ,11,- mm!,. I minnl,-.

.'ixleen secr.nds. He was a member of the Sophomore >,"i,l\. Mjilia |),-ll,i I'lii

( .•?B )

I) All I) s o N c u N r y ir o u /•; ,v / ;V t ii e ho r l n ir i r. i'h i i 'H <>

ami the Senior Societies. Skull and Hone^"" and "Sigma," being presideiil of the

latter. He received military training in the Yale Battery, at Tohyhamia. Pa., in the

Slimmer of 1916.

Lieut. John 0\ert(in \iilunteered his services on the same day the I nited States

entered the World War, April 6, 1917. Soon after, when the schools and colleges

were requested to name ten students each for commissions as second lieutenants in

(he L'. S. Marine Corps, Lieutenant Overton was one of the ten named hv President

Hadley of Yale.

On Mav 21. 1917. Lieutenant Overton was commissioned Second Lieutenant of

the U. S. Marine Corjis at the Brocjklyn Navy Yard, and was called into active

service at Winthrop. Md. In July, 1917, he was transferred to Quantico, Va., where

he entered the LI. S. Marine Officers' School, and graduated three months later. OnNovember 10. 1917. he was assigned to 119th Company, 1st Replacement Battalion,

with which he sailed. February 3, 1918, for overseas duty. During March and

April he served at the Marine Training Area, Chatillon-sur-Cher, and took the

course at the First Army Corps School at Gondecourt, graduating June 1. 1918.

In the files of the Yale Bureau in Paris were preserved some of Lieutenant Overton's

examination papers taken at the end of May, 1917. giving him exceptionally high

official ratings.

LTpon completing his training course at Gondecourt. he was innnediately assigned

work with the 12nd French Chausseurs in the Vosges sector. He had in his pos-

session the "Alpine Imi\\." the insignia of that great fighting squad of '"Blue Devils."

On January 15. I'M'', oiic of his French comrades, in an address on "War and

Friendship."" paid him ati eloquent tribute.

Lieutenant Overton was transferred at his own request to active service at the

front, and on June 14, 1918, he was assigned to the 80lh Company, 6th Marines,

with which he fought at Belleau Wood and Chateau Thierry. The night of July

17. 1918. the Marines arrived at Soissons, and next morning the regiment joined

in the great offensive under General Mangin of the 10th French Army. Lieutenant

Overton was killed in action during this offensive. On July 1. 1918. he was pro-

moted to the rank of First Lieutenant, LT. S. Marine Corps, but the notification ar-

rived after his death.

The following is an extract from a sketch of Lieutenant Overton in the Yale

World War Memorial volume, giving details of his death:

'On the morning of July 19. 1918, First Lieutenant John W. Overton ('Johnny

Overton of Yale and the Marine' I was killed while leading his men in desperate

attack on the enemy near Vierzy. A fragment of high explosive shell striking him

in the heart brought instant death. By his side was one of his closest Yale friends,

a fellow lieutenant in the Marines.

"'I had just said "hello" to him in the attack a minute before he was killed.'

says this friend, when he was typi( a! Johnny, full of life and did not know xvhat

fear was.'"

That afternoon his friend burled him where he fell, about a mile from Merzy.

His liody was later removed to tcm|iorary cemetery 594, American battle area, at

Parcy-Ligny. in the department of Aisne. and on May 16. 1919, to the permanent

cemetery at Nissy-aux-Bois. where a memorial service in his honor was held.

Lieutenant Overton was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross posthumously.

The following is the citation which accompanied this reward:

( 39 I

Ililll ll

I) III p S (> A' C V N T y ir O M en / A' the ifO R L I) II . I R. 191 4-1 9 I 9

son County's army at lionie. He led to success many of the most important drives

of the county in World War work. He, too, was a descendant of heroes of other

wars and was one of the most beloved and influential citizens in Tennessee. His

son's World War services, so bravely rendered, was a source of great pride to him.

The ex-service men of Davidson County lost a valuable friend in the death of Jesse

M. Overton, who considered it a privilege to "fight," if necessary, for their welfare.

Lieutenant Overton was a brother of Mrs. Henry E. Colton, who resides at the

home of her parents. "Overton Hall," on the Franklin Pike, in Davidson County,

and whose son, John Overton Colton, bears the name of his hero uncle. Mrs.

Lucius Robinson I Harriet Overton), of Indiana. .Pa., is also a sister.

Elias Homek Parker (Wagoner), foster son of M. C. and Susan H. Lampley,of Nashville, Tenn., was born in Dickson County, Tenn., December 9. 1897. Heenlisted in the regular army April 20, 1916, at Jefferson Barracks. Mo. He wastrained at Fort Sam Houston, Texas, and at Camp Pike, Ark., where he died of

pneumonia January 11. 1919. He served with the following organizations: MountedService Cavalry: Quartermasters Corps. Fort Sam Houston. Texas, and with SupplyCompany, S7th Infantry, until his death.

Wagoner Parker was given to Mrs. Lampley at the death of his parents, T. J.

and Bettie Parker. He was very fortunate in having such a foster mother. Shereared him from a baby and deserves all honors of having furnished this loyal

Davidson County fallen hero in the World War. His splendid traits of character

were due solely to her training and care. He is also survived jjy several brothers

and sisters who reside in Davidson Countv. Private Parker was buried at Nashville.

PvT. (1st Class) Joseph H. Patterson was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.

Patterson, of Waverly Place, Nashville, Tenn.. and was born in LInion Citv. Tenn..

in 1895. He was among the first volunteers of Davidson County. He enlisted at

Nashville, Tenn.. June 5. 1917. and was assigned to Battery E. 1st Tennessee Field

Artillery, National Guard (which later became Battery E, 114th Field Artillery),

which was then in training at Camp Kirkland, Nashville. Tenn. His battery was

later sent to Camp Sevier. S. C, for training. On May 26. 1918, he sailed with the

30th Division for duty on foreign fields. He was actively and cheerfully engaged

in the battles in the St. Mihiel sector, in the battle of Flearn, and in engagements

in the Argonne Forest. He gave his life on the battlefield less than a month before

world freedom, for which he so willingly fought, was gained, having been killed in

action October 15. 1918. He was one of the most popular members of his battery

and was loval to his duty and fearless at all times.

Sergeant Donald Pons was a brother of Mrs. Blanche Pons Piatt, of Davidson

County, and was born in Jacksonville, Fla.. in 1891. He received his education at

Madison. Tenn., and in the Nashville public schools. He was inducted into WorldWar service at Nashville. May 27, 1918, and sailed for overseas duty with Com-pany A, 533rd Engineers Corps, on August 26. 1918. He contracted lobar pneu-

monia while in training in a French camp, from which he died September 20, 1918.

His body was returned to Nashville and interred on his native soil, where he waswell known. He was a model soldier and performed his duties well.

(41 )

Dii iDsoy coiM) n (> M i:-,\ i .\ the iroHi.i) ir.iR. i'>ifi'>i9

1st LlElT. James Aakon Pk;i E «as Imm i.i Na-lmll,-. T.r.n.. Oih.l.n II. l!i;!l.

ami was the s..n of K. H. Pij:iie. of \a>li\illc. lli> moti,.-, ,li,d s.v.ial \rai> ,,i,-

vioiis lo the war. He attended the Naval Acadeniy al .AmiaiJoiis and wa- s •! r'cil

as one of six men to aeconipany Gcu. William C. (Jorgas to Panama, for iin|)n laiil

work in the Canal Zone. He served eighteen months with .Admiral Bad::ir. 1 . S.

N.. in the Mediterranean, and did scout duty with the North .Atlantic Heel. Whenthe Mexiean border trouble arose he was with the 1st Tennessee Infantry. National

Guard, and was eonunissioned a second lieutenant in C!)ni]i;uiv !•' of thai rcLMnicnt.

He was drafted into Federal service August ."1. l'i|7. a- a lii-l li.iilniaiil licin

the National Guard. He was stationed at Nashville. Iriiii.. aiul al Gaiiin Si\ i. 1.

5. C.. with the ll.Slh Field Artillery. At his own request he was transfern^d lo the

117th Infantry, preferring that branch of the senice. On May 11. 191;!. he sailed

with the .lOth Division for overseas, and was killed in action on the niorninsj; of Julv

IK. 191!!. at i'icardy. His death was the first in action in the .iOlh Division.

Lieutenant Piuucs wife was active in the war work al home, and his fallicr was

also ati active worker in the armv at home. He was buried in ih.- \nieiii an Gcnic-

tery. .-^21 Gevalia Farm. Bret Klverdenghc. Hi- laniilv i- u H knouri and pmmi-nent in Davidson Count\.

PvT. (1st Class: Hkumvnservice Mav 21. 1917. al CamF. 1st Tennessee Infaiiliv. whir

was further trained al (!a]ii|F S(

dulv June 1. 191«. He wa- |.

France. On July 1. 1918. Uv '

Private Ray"s nearest nlal

Texas, his parents beiii^ dcica-

in Nashville, made whil,' Mali-,,

Coup. I.i; |{oi Litiikhw Hw was Immii m David-m, CmnU. >r|,|,i,,l.ri

190(1. and was the s,,n of l!iirlon I., and l.illir Ma\ llav. ..I \a-liMll.-. Mramong the first Davidson CciiiiU \..„- |,, \ .,|,ii,i,.,-i f,,, -i\„r ,„ il,,- \\ ,.; |,| \

enlisting in the regular arni\. al .blln-.m llanad-. Mc. Iinir 1. I')I7. in l!al

F. 10th Field Artillery. He rr,,.,N,d I,,- liannuL' al D.acJa-. \m/.. and ^ailrd

duly overseas Febrnarv 27. 191;;. jlf Imi'jlii \siili laaxi i\ in all jialtli- nv'.fj,-

bv his regiment until killed in adini, JuK IV I'M;;, i,, ih,- ,, ,| |,aiii,.nl ll, • \l.i

He was the first soldier to be killcl in In- ballrM. uli.,,- ,x,ix man ua- In- Iri

He was buried in the .American (^cnichiA. al \riiiir. Fi nnr.

Cor[)oral i{av was a student wliiii lir \ nlnnlrciid lii- -rivicr-. and alllmni

mere bov. he f„M;.'hl and >erved his r,,unlr\ uilli llir I., sails an. I abilils ..I a 1

He po.-essed manv noble trails of chata.lrr. and wa- d, \..|,,l |,, |l,r -isi.,- ,.|

PvT. Henhv (,n\l>^ |{in... who ha> the .lislinrlion ..I unnnnv more liori„r> an.l

engaging in more battle^ than anv other Davitlson Couiilv fallen h-ro. was bornSeptember 9. 1«9I. and was the s.m of James Harvey and Leihia Jacobs Ring, whoreside in East Nashville, Tenn. He volunteered h's services t(j his country imme-


Ha\ .•nli>lc,l in Ihc Nahnnal (

|. Jackson, among llir In -1 \..

ll later be<-ame Pallri\ C. 1 I'lij

\ici-. S. C. and sailed uilli l.i-


(li;Uely after Anieriia's entrance into the \^ inkl ^\'ar. He was a member of the

o2nd Company, 6tli U. S. Marine Corps and received his military training at Paris

Island. S. C, and Quantico, Va. On October 29. 1917, he sailed for service on

foreign fields, being among the first Nashville World War volunteers to sail, andlaiuied at Brest, France. October 18, 1918. Soon after his arrival he was com-manded for service on the battlefield and fought with conspicuous bravery in en-

gagements of the Aisne Defense. Aisne-Marne, St. Mihiel. and Meuse-Argonnesectors.

The following official record reveals the character of this hero and the splendid

service rendered bv him:

Personal Honors.

1 Croix de Guerre—Bronze Star. 1 Meuse-Argonne Battle Clasp.

1 Aisne Defense Battle Clasp. 1 Defensive Sector Battle Clasp.

1 Aisne-Marne Battle Clasp. .S Bronze Stars.

1 St. Mihiel Battle Clasp. 2 Silver Stars.

Citation: Private Henry G. Ring. No. 121.987. 82nd Companv. 6th Regiment.


"His constant heroism and abnegation in the accomplisliment of his dutv is be-

yond praise. During action in Champagne. October 3-9. 1918. ceaselesslv carried

messages to the first line, all the time lieing exposed to machine gun and artillery


(Signed) "Marshal Petain.

"Commander-in-chief of the French Armies of the East."

February 16. 1919.

Citation: Private Henry G. Ring. 6th Marines.

"For distinguished and exceptional gallantry at Blanc Mont on October 2-9.

1918. in the operations of the American Expeditionary Forces.

"In testimony whereof and as an expression of appreciation of his valor I

award him this citation.

(Signed! "John A. LeJerene.

"Major General. I. S. M. C. Commanding."

Awarded on December 31. 1918.

Citation: Private Henry G. Ring. Battalion Runner. 6th Marines.

"For distinguished and exceptional gallantry at St. Etienne on October 3-9.

1918. in the operations of American Expeditionary Forces.

"In testimony thereof, and as an expression of appreciation of his valor, I

award him this citation.

(Signed) "John J. Pershing.


Awarded 27 March. 1919.

Private Ring was spared to win laurels for himself, his State and Davidson

County, where he was well known and beloved, until near the end of the world

conflict. He was wounded at the battle of the Meuse-.\rgonne sector. October 31.

1918. from which he died November 1. 1918. just ten davs before the signing of the


/) U 1 1) S O .V C U I V T y If M E V / V T H E (T () R I. I) Hi H. 1 o 1 II o I 9

Arinislicf. His reiiiaiiis lunv rf>l in tin' t.itniU hiiiMiii: i^rouiul al Mint h-i-Imhh.

Ti-ni... Kh.-re his faniilv i* |.ron.iiu-nll\ . mu..-, t.-.l. 11,- «a~ a i.n.llu-i „1 .Mi>> l',-ail

Hitis. of Nashville. T<-nn. Private Kiii.-iV Mi\i,.- >,. iicMv r.-iul.-ii-d is also a source

of pri.le to eveiv ,iti/.en of Rutherfoni Couiilx. his native home.

Com-. KUNKST F. KlCKKTTS. >on nt ,1. i;n|,.-, an, I F.lla Ki.krll^. ,,f llohrnuahl.

Tenn.. was horn in Flattwoods. Tenn.. Manh 17. I.':'i;i. He e„h-le,l in the r.-iiular

armv. at Fort Oglethorpe. Ga.. Mareh 21. I'M:;, .nnl u.i- li,nne,l at Fort Sereven.


On Oetoher 5. \')\H. he sailed for ih.' luiilrlHl.! ,.| Fia.ir,-. hut was strieken

and died of pneumonia. Noveinher 2. IMl;;. al the ha-r h...|,it.il .il Bre.st. Franee.

He was l)uried in the .Ameriean Cemetery, at I,aml>e/..-lh-. . Fi.inrr. \l tlie time of

his enlistment Corporal Kieketts was a valued emploxr ..I ih. (u-lom House at

Nashville. Tenn.. and was as loval to his eountry as to hi- hu-ine-- (iulie-. He was

beloved hv hoth his comrades and f.-llowemploves.

FvT. HoitTON Allen Ritkk was horn in Na-hNiUe. Tenn.. in June. 1.S99. He

was the son of James E. Riter ( deceased i an,! M.u\ 1. Riter. who resides in Nash-

ville. He volunteered his servi.es in the irnn.-Mr \ati.>nal Guard. June 11. 1917.

at Nashville, aii.l ua~ atlarhr,! t,, li,.,,,, \. >ii.nal C.ixahv. whl,ii later became

Companv A. 1 1 Uli Ma. hiiir Gnu i;.illalin„. Whih- In lianiiir.i al Gamp Sevier. S.

C. he contra<ted lui,er.ulosi>. iVoni uhi.h ,n..la,K he died ( ». h.hr, 1'). ^lOl,'!. at the

camp hospital. His remains were l.i<ai;jhl I., \a~h\ille lor hiiii.il. I'ii\ ale Riter

also served with Companv C. Pro\i>iunal (^i-ii.dl\ llallall..ri. (anip >(\iri. >. (,.. and

was attached to the .School fo, liakn- and Gnnk- .il Gain|. Sr\i,i. al ihr lime of his

death. His only regret at goi,,;, ua- ihal ,.| ,„,i ,rll,nL' In lli.- Iroril line-, lie was a

model soldier and |)opulai wilh hi- (.iiuiadr-.

PVT. Angklo SilvkHMAN. son of Mr>. Atuiie SiKeiuKin. of Nashxillc. Tenn.. was

horn in HusL Rumania. De-cnd.er 22. i;i')(.. lie ua- a traveling salesman uhrn he

entered the .service al Camp .McClellan. Ma., m O.lnher. 1918. He wa- a mrml.rr

of the 2.ilh Field Artillery. ll.Sth Rrigade. -hmlK iller he entered the -e,\irr !„•

contracted [jneunuinia from exposure in militaix liainirij. rrom whii h In- dii d al

the camp hospital, at Camj) McClellan. OctolM'i ;l. I'M.'!. Hi- l..„l\ u a- -ml h.

Nashville for burial, wrapped in tlie flag of his rmmlrv. I'livalr SiK.rman «a-

loval to dutv. alwavs .heerfnl and willing to serve regar.llo- of sarrilice.

COHI'. TlIOMVS (;. Si'KCK was i I r'rl.Miaix d. I.':'',, al I .i\ inv-lon. Tcmi.. and

was the son of John W. and Lula ^|m-, k. oi l,iMn"-l.in. He rnlnrd ih- rrvular

army on December 1:5. 1916. at Jedci-.U! lianarL-. .M... Ih- nr,i\r,| hi- liainm- al

JefTerson Barracks and at Camp Nogatese, Ariz. He -.lIIcI Ini ov.i-ii- dnl\ in

June. 1917. being among the first troops of Davidson G..nnl\ ho\- |.. aiiivc in

France. He was ()romoted to corporal after his arri\al o\ii-ra-. dur In In- -plcn-

di.l rcord made in a French training camp. ]\v u a- ja-.J an.l lain ununded in

action, dving of these wounds Mav 11. 191!i. Inl.l lii- .l.dli li.- ua- in piacticaliv

all the large battles fought bv his detachimnl. lb- ua- a mrmbci nl Iba.lquarlers

Company. ]«lh Infantry. Signal Delaehm.nl. al ih.- li.n • ..I hi- dralh. a.a.l Imcjlil

with marked lourage atui cheerfulness.

( M )


Sgt. XS'illiam John Spusk. Jr.. wa- Ikhh in I)aviclM)n Cdunty. Tcmi.. Septcmlier

13, 1896. and was tlie son of W. J. and Pauline Woulaid S|jiic. of Nashville. Hereceived his education in the Nashville public schools and at Montgomery Bell

Academy. At the time of enlistment he was a valued employe of Phillips & Buttorff

Manufacturing Company, of Nashville, and was among the first volunteers in David-

son County to enter service in the World War.

The following complete military record of Sergeant Spire was sent to his mother

by the Lieutenant Colonel of the Headquarters Department of the United States

Marine Corps, at Washington, D. C:

"June 2. 1917—Accepted for enlistment in Marine Corps at Recruiting Station.

Nashville. Tenn.

"June 10. 1917—Enlisted for the duration of war. joining Companv D at Ma-rine Barracks, Paris Island. S. C.

"August 10. 1917—Qualified as 'Expert Rifleman.'

"September 11, 1917—Joined Companv C at Marine Barracks. Paris Island,

S. C.

"September 24. 1917—Promoted to the rank of Corporal.

"February 23. 1918—Joined 137th Company at Marine Barracks. Quantico, Va.

"March 13. 1918—Embarked on U. S. S. Henderson at Navy Yard. Philadelphia,


"March 14, 1918—Sailed for foreign shore service.

"March 26, 1918—Arrived at Brest. France.

"March 27. 1918—Disembarked at Brest. France.

"March 30, 1918—Arrived in the Zone of Advance.

"April 12, 1918—Promoted to the rank of Sergeant.

"June 8, 1918—Joined 49th Company. 8th Regiment, in the Chateau Thierry

sector. France.

"June 16. 1918—Killed in action while participating in the engagements with

the enemv in the Chateau Thierry sector. Had Sergeant Spire been discharged he

would have been awarded character "excellent.'

(Signed! "H. Lav.

"Lieutenant-Colonel. V. S. M. C. Washington. D. C."

Sergeant .Spire's father was honored by being made a life member of the Second

Division of the U. S. Marines, of which his son was a member when he paid the

supreme sacrifice. Accompanying the presentation was the following message:

"As a tribute to the heroism and sacrifice of your son, and in profound respect

and affection for his memory, by his comrades."

Sergeant Spire's mother was awarded a "Victory Medal" I with ribbon), an

"Aisne Defense Battle Clasp," one "Defensive Sector Clasp." and two "Bronze

Stars" with citations. Mrs. Spire was also presented with a French Certificate.

.\lthough he was barely nineteen years of age. Sergeant Spire received the recog-

nition and commendation of many high officers of his division, which indicates that

he possessed the superior qualities of maturity.

Sergeant Spire is the only Davidson County hero whose body was never officially

located and who was classified among the "unknown." The memory of his heroism

will never be "unknowii" to those who knew him and will ever be cherished in the

hearts of the people of Davidson County throughout endless generations.


DAI ID > o A cm -v r ) HOMES /.v lilt: iihrld war. nnir'iQ

An I'xtrait fioin a tril>ult> received hy Seigeaiil S|iire"> I'aiiiilv iiDin hi# caiitaiii.

\vliieli reveals llie iiol.le iliaraeter of this v..imn s.ildier. i> a- f(ill..M.-:

"He lielped us make Marines that gaiiuil l.u ,,iii >ci\i(i- I'anir lli at will la-l. and

then he fou<ihl and died with them. As Im lii> lua\ri\ well. I nni\ want imn

like him about me when the lioiiis are dark and Ilea. iiei.,u>. Hi- .oniai^,- nr\er


.>^er?eant Spire wa> a iuolli.T .-t _M.>. Lewis McCarv. of Na>livill,-. and Mr~. II.

M. Rahoru'. of St. Lonis. Mo.

1st LiKlT. (Jl.AV G. StkIMIKNs. .In.. \onn,i;e>t son of Chu (;. and Miiniie Ccdlins

Stephen.s. of .Nashville. Tenn.. wa~ l...,n on ().|,,l„r 12. l.".'r,. in Davidson County,

Tenn. His early education w,i~ ol.tainrd m tlir N.i^ludl.- ^.liools. At the ase of

nineteen he entered the lni\er.--it\ of l'rnii-\ Kani.i. flu- deizree of Bachelor of

Science was conferred posthumousiv npon liini i>\ llii- nni\(r-it\ in !')2(l.

Lieutenant Stephens volunteered lii- Mivi.i- in tin- W orl.l W ai on tlie day .Xmer-

ica entered the conflict and during llu- latter part of his .-senior year at Pennsylvania

I'niversitv. Desiring to go overseas witli Iroop.s from his home slate, he returned

to Tennessee and enlisted at Coknnhia. T.'rni.. April 27. 1917. He entered the

First Reserve Oflicers" Training Camp, at foit ();jl.tliorpe. Ga.. on May 12. 1917.

On completing his course he was re. ..rnni.ndrd lor I n>t Lieutenant of Infantrv. hnt

before the comnii.-sion was award.'.l lir |onH,l ll,,- \viation Corps. .Tulv 2:5. 1917,

and was -sent t.i ilir 1 . >. >rln.o| ol Milil.n\ Vrmn.niiir-. al \tlanta, Ga.. for ground

training. He ji.idiMir.l iImw .^ciiIi ml.n ;; ol ilic s.inii- M-.ir. Lieutenant Stephens

was so eager for a<li\<- >ri\iic that li<' icpir-l.'.l airn\ olli, i.il> to allow him to go to

France for further training. His reque.-t ua- j:i.nit.-d and In- mailed ^\illl the Itli

Delacliment. Aviation Section of the Signal (!oip>. Iroin Montnal. Canada. Oi tohcr

9, 1917. for duty on foreign fields.

This detachment reached l"inidnn. I'lari..-. f'lldis. No\cndMT 2. I'M 7. and in-

stead of a camp equipped for trai liinii ( a<lit- to ll\. llic l>o\^ lonn<l "the nniddiol

hole" in France greeting them. For two ol tin ...Id.-i in..nlli- in lii-lory these gal-

lant soldiers built roads, hangars and canip-. -|ilillin'j r.iiU. liaidinu logs and saw-

ing timber, when the tools they used wen- immicI in \>,-. Yd llir\ endured these

hardships without complaint.

In January. 191R. Lieutenant Stephen^ wa~ >enl to Chalean Honx. Fran..-, where

he was trained in flying under a .^killed nionit(n. (hi .\|nil (i he wa> ( (innni»i.ined

First Lieutenant in the Aviation Section of the Signal Ollieers" Reserve (orp- ol the

Army of the LI. S. A. Detained again from getting into active servii e. .hie I., hi. k

of planes and organi/ation. he a-k.-.l to he transferred to llu- H.iniliiiej S.-. In.n.

where thenr was ne.-.l .il li.iin.-.l plloN. \. . ..lint' I., llii- r.'.pi.'~l. In- w.i- -.-nl l.i

Clermont-Ferrand on jun.- 2'>. uli.-n- !..- -p.-nl tu., ni..nlh- ni..i.' .iw.nlirej plan.-.

A diary kept by him shows how dis,-ouraged he grew, and h..u nnpUi.nl he was

over the cf>nlinued post|)onement of his supreme desire, to gel int.. ih. -.rap."

On Septemlx-r 10. 1918. this desire of his heart was gratitn-d and h.' was as-

signed to the 2()lh Aero Squadron, Isl Daylight Bombardment Grou]). and made his

first (light over the enemy's lines. After five days of active service for world free-

dom from the Huns. Lieutenant Stephens was called u|)on to make the Supreme

Sacrifire. On the morning of September l.i. 191!!. when starting on a bond)ing

expi'ditirtn against Gorze. a German town on the Moselle River, an overloaded plane,

of which he was pilot. f(dl. and another heroic boy of Davidson County forfeited


DAIIDSON COi NTY 11 M E N IN THE WORLD if A R. 1914-1919

his life. He was Iniried at Gdiiclecourt, a nearby French town, uhiic his Ixxly lav

until the spring of 1921. when it was brought to Nashville. 'ICnii.. to rest on his

native soil in Mt. Olivet Cemetery.

On September 14, 191o, Lieutenant Stephens was awarded the bicNrl of full

Bird-Pilot of the International Aeronautic Federation. This was a niiu h-coveted

honor and one which few American fliers ever won. He was posthumously awarded

the brevet D'Aviateur Militaire by the French Minister de la Guerre.

Lieutenant Stephens' mother was chosen by the Davidson County Post No. 6,

American Legion and the Legion Auxiliary, to represent the Gold Star mothers of

Tennessee in the "Good Will" contest held in Nashville in the spring of 1922 by

the National Devastated France Committee. This included a trip to the battlefields

in France. While on this pilgrimage, Mrs. Stephens was the recipient of manyhonors in recognition of her son's loyal service and the sacrifice made by all Gold

Star mothers of Tennessee which she represented.

PvT. King J. Smith, son of Moses (deceased) and Melissa H. Smitli, of Nash-

ville, Tenn,, was born in Woodbury, Tenn., in 1892. He received his education in

Nashville schools. On March 30, 1918, he was inducted into World War service,

at Nashville, and was sent to Camp Gordon, Ga., for military training. He was

transferred from tlie 20th Company, 157th Depot Brigade, to Company L, 327th

Infantry, with which organization he sailed for the front line trenches April 29,

1918. He was killed in action October 10, 1918, on the battlefield, where he fought

bravely for world freedom. He was beloved and highly commended for his devo-

tion to service by his comrades.

PvT. Irvin Small was born in Nashville, Tenn.. December 1.5, 1896. He was the

son of L. H. and Rosa Small, who reside in Nashville. He was inducted into service

October 8, 1918, and entered Headquarters Company, 138th Field Artillery. Hedied October 26, 1918. as the result of a train accident, while still in training in

a southern camp. His remains were brought to Nashville wrapped in the Ameri-

can flag, to rest in his native county. His family is well known in Nashville, where

his father is prominent in business.

James E. Seaton (Mechanic) was the son of J. D. Seaton, of Nashville, Tenn.,

and Mrs. James Beals. of Louisville. Ky. He was born in Nashville in 1895. OnAugust 21, 1917, he enlisted in the National Guard, at Chattanooga, Tenn., and

sailed for overseas duty after several months' training at Camp Sevier, S. C, with

Companv L, 117th Infantry (formerly Company L, 3rd Infantry, Tennessee Na-

tional Guard I, on May 11, 1918. He was promoted to mechanic and was active

with the 30th Division in the engagements of Bellicourt. Poncho and other sectors.

He was killed in action on the battlefield, October 6, 1918. where he fought with

skill and bravery.

PvT. William L. Shores, son of W. C. and Mary C. Shores, of Nashville, Tenn.,

was born in Pulaski, Tenn., February 15, 1895. He was inducted into service June

20, 1918, at Local Board No. 2, at Nashville. He was first a member of the 872nd

Replacement Squadron, and later was sent to the Aviation Mechanical Training

School at St. Paul. Minn., where he contracted pneumonia, from which he died

October 3, 1918. in the government hospital at St. Paul. Private Shores was of a


Dlllimoy COl .\TY ll().ME.\ l\ THK ir O H I. I) If I K. I « I l-l •< I »

u.ll-kii..»ii i;il.',- C.iMilv I'.iinilv .uul u.i- a ino.l.l \umiij 1,1,111. an, I a cniii aii.-oiis

solilU-r. Hi> aiU> I., his r.uintix aluav. ran.r ln>t Hilli llll^ li.i...

CoKr. William H. Stki-iikns. mhi ,.f ],„• T. arul Marv L. Sl.plicns. of Nash-

ville. Tenn.. was borii in WikxHuhn. T.iiii.. \Iai,h lii. IJi'JU. He was iiuhulfd into

servile in the World War at Naslnill.-. \lav I.;. 1918. He was a member of Com-pany H. 51st Infantry, and sailed lor iIuIn mi lli.- battlefields of France Jnly (i. 191!!,

where he was promoted from private list elassl to corpoKil. lb- ua~ ni'aijiil in

the batth-s of llie Gerardner setter ( \ osges I . He wa> llir \irliiii nl an a. . idrnl.

from which he died March 2n. 1919. in France. Corporal -^Icph, n- u.i~ a brother

of Joe T. Stephens, ulio rc-idoni \a~liNillc.

PVT. Bovi) F. .^riAl;-!. -on ol D.^onl an,l >allic Sliiail ibi.lli dccca-cll. wasborn in Waverlv. Tenn.. Seiilcmbc 21. I.';'i.'., II,' ua- indiiri,,! inl.> -cnl.c M,i\ I I.

1918. at Xashvi'lle, Tenn.. and ua- -.lU lo C.uiip M.Cbllaii. \la.. loi iraiimrj. lie

was attached to the Medical C.ip-. While in ii.uniiiu al llii- camp lie contractedbronciio-pneumonia. fmm \\|iic|i h,- dicil ,|aiiiiai\ 21. I'M'). H,- \\a- buried at

Goodlett-sville. Tenn. Mi-. l,i//ic Our,,-, an aniil. of i, Ilcll-\illc i- ih,- nearestof kin of this soldier.

S(;t. I 1st Classi I'ai l J\Mi\. ^on of Felix 1!. and Maillia Tcriv. of \a>liville,

Tenn.. was born in Smithville. Tenn.. in 1886. He wa- 1 nicinl,, 1 ,,l llic rejinlar

army, havin? enlisted at Fort Leavenworth. Kans.. Au;;ii-I l.". I'M '.. He received

his training at Fort Leavenworth and sailed for oversea- diiU in ihe W.iild WarFebruary 27. 1918. He fonnht with dislitidion in lli.' >ccoiHi bailie ,.f il,e M.une.and was cited for braverv. and also fonulu in llie adxance fi llie Main.- b'lxei l.i

the Vi-sle River, where he was killed in'acli..n. (), lob.r 12, I'll;;. II,- ua^ alia, lied

to the following organization-: \ini\ ."s, r\ i, , ."-<,1 1 I )i|,ii linn iil. Fort Leaven-

woiih. Kaiis.: Detachment ('.,iin|,,in\ . 1 -1 .'^iioial (l.up-. Iml l,,',i\,iiworth. Kans.:and was with Company 6.t. li,lil Si;jii,il r.allili.in. iinlil lii- .|,-,illi. Si-rL'eant Terrvcame of a well-known faniiK. uli,. i,,,i\,',l iii,in\ I, 11,1- lioni liiuli aini\ ,,111, l,ils

and (.'omrades telling of .'^citj'Miil Teir\'- -pi, ndnl i,-, ,.i,l ,1- ,1 -ol,li,-i ami ,1- a

comrade. \ews of his death was received diiiiicj lli,- loiiilli l,ib,-il\ l.o.m in Daviil-

son County, and the love of the citizens of tin- , ,iniiiiiniil\ f,ll loi ihi- i>i.i\,- Ih-iu

inspired splendid results in th(^ canipaicn.

I'VT. I 1st Cl.ASSl Wll.l.lVM Hlki) JKHin ua- I,

temper. 1890. and was the son of .lames T.-rrv. a

inducted into service .September 10. 1917. and 1,,

Camp Sevier. S. C. On May 11. 1918. he -,iil,,l I

fought with flistinclion in the engasremenls ol ImIII

the famous ."'.Oth Division, and was killed in a.li.m

field of France, fighting for world freedom. lb- u

K. :'.2.ilh Infanlrv. and later with Com|)anv \. II I

which oru-anizalion he served in France, lb- u.i- p,.piilar uilli lii- , oinr.ul,- andonicials. and was a splendid soldier. dev<,l,-,l lo diiu. aii.l I, n I,--.

fvT. D\Mi.;i. Wasskkmw was ibe son of I'.i'iili.u.l W ,,-,1 man 1 ,!,,. M-cd I and

Carrie Wa.-serman. of Nashville. T.'un. He wa- b,,rn in Anislerdani. \. Y,. ,Iann-

ill \,1-

i,l,'nl ,,

,l ,1 p.

Inix 0,

D.I r ID SON COUNTY WOMEN IN THE U O R I. I) « \ K. I 'i I it <> ! 9

ary 5, 1874. For eighteen years previous to his enlistment in the World War he

was a resident of Durlian, Natal, South Africa, where he was engaged as an agent

for a large shipping company. Private Wasserman had had military training as

a member of the Imperial Light Horse during the Boer War. His love for the land

of his birth and the American flag caused him to give up his business career in a

foreign country and return to his former home, when his country became involved

in the World War. He enlisted the day America entered war, April 6, 1917, and

was attached to Company A, 3rd Infantry. His death occurred January 10, 1918,

at Gouzeaucourt, France, and he was buried in a military cemetery near that place.

Private Wasserman came of a well-known Davidson County family. Nashville

citizens feel a special pride in his patriotism and loyalty to America. Private Was-

serman was a successful young Inisiness man. but his duty to his country was his

first thought.

PvT. James William Turbeville was born on the Mill Creek Valley Road, in

Davidson County, Tenn., in November, 1891. He was the son of James K. and

Marv Minton Turbeville and brother of Miss Mary and G. R. Turbeville, of David-

son Countv. He received his high school education at Hume-Fogg High School, at

Nashville, Tenn. He was inducted into the service of his country March 20. 1918,

at Nashville, and was sent to Camp Gordon, Ga., where he was in training for only

two weeks when he was sent to Camp Upton. N. Y. After a week in this camp be

sailed for overseas and was trained for a month in a French camp. He participated

in the engagements of the Toul, Lorraine, St. Mihiel and Pont-a-Mousson sectors,

and was killed in action in the St. Mihiel drive. September 12. 1918.

Private Turbeville fought in more battles than many who were in service much

longer. His military record is a source of pride to Tennesseans. and especially to

Davidson County citizens, where his family is well known and prominently con-

nected and where he had many friends.

PvT. Joseph W. Wilkinson was born at Joelton, Tenn.. February 2. 1891. His

parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Wilkinson, reside at Joelton. He was inducted

into World War service September 22, 1917, at Nashville, Tenn. He was the victim

of an accident while in training, from which he died December 3, 1917, in a govern-

ment camp. His remains were brought to Joelton to rest in his native State. Hewas first attached with Company G, 327th Infantry, but was later transferred to

Battery B, 317th Field Artillery, with which organization he w-as attached at the

time of his death. Private Wilkinson's short service was well performed, and he

was considered a model young man in the community in which he lived, and also

in the army camp.

PvT. Lyclrcl's M. Walton was the son of Air. and Mrs. B. T. Walton, of Nash-

ville. He was born at Lexington, Ky., in 1893. He was inducted into World Warservice June 27, 1918. and received military training at Camp Gordon. Ga.. and

Aberdeen, Md. He w-as one of the many victims of the influenza and pneumonia

epidemic, from which he died October 6. 1918. while in an army training camp.

He was of a prominent and patriotic Davidson County family and was a vouns; manwith many noble traits of character. He was first attached to the l.'i7th Depot

Brigade, at Camp Gordon. Ga., but was a member of the Ordnance Department at

Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md.. at the time of his death.


rnunlx. Trn,,.. i

DAI I D S O N C U A' r >• If M E N I A' T H E U () H h I) U A R. I fJ 1 4-1 " I •)

at Soissoiis. He was awarded hvci |icisiinal cilaliuiis feu (li>liiii;iii-liril service. Hewas killed in action while liuhliim lo|- U(jild (leinoria< v in lln- m.lid lialtle of the

Soissons sector, July 19, 191o. He was buried in the American Cemetery at Floisy,

Aisne, France. Sergeant Warren's fearlessness on the battlefield and his ability as

a soldier was often commented upon by officers and comrades of the A. E. F.

PVT. John Walker Wecer was Jjom in Davidson County. Tenn.. December 24.

1892, and was the only son of John Walker, deceased, and Maude Johnson Weber,

of Nashville, Tenn. He was among the first volunteers to answer the call to armsafter the United States entered the World War. He entered Camp Bowie, Fort

Worth, Texas, for training, and was a member of Company 112. .'^Cth Field Ar-

tillery. While in training at Camp Bowie he was injured in an explosion of a

trench mortar, from which he died May 8. 1918.

The following is an extract taken from a letter written by Private Weber's cap-

tain to his mother after his death, which expresses fully the sentiment of all whoknew John Weber, both as a soldier and as a private citizen:

"He was an admirable and model soldier and as such he died. I was with himin his last moments, anl although badly hurt as he was, there wasn't one whimperpassed his lips. He died as a soldier should, with a smile in his eyes and with these

words on his lips, 'Captain, we'll call it square.' And his death was an example to

all of us, and I can say for myself and the officers and men of his company that,

should we pay the supreme sacrifice in this great struggle, if we can meet it with

the courage and bravery that John Weljer did, we will indeed have left a glorious

heritage for the future generations."

Private Weber's mother, a popular and beloved teacher of the Nashville public

schools, inspired many by her courage in so bravely "carrying on" after the death

of her son. Her pride in having given her only son to the cause is a beautiful

example of true patriotism.

The following account comes from a lifelong friend of the Weber family in Cal-

vert, Texas, where Private Weber was in business when he enlisted for World Warservice, and where he was as popular and well known as in Davidson County:

"At the entrance of our government in the world's great struggle John Weberwas among the first to volunteer. He sold all of his possessions, invested his funds

in Liberty Bonds for the benefit of his widowed mother and, untrammeled. dedi-

cated himself with heart and hand to the services of his country.

"He sought no office, desired no insignia or rank, but joined a batter v of ar-

tillery as a private soldier, and by his soldierly conduct attracted the attention and

esteem of his officers and the admiration and confidence of his comrades.

"On the practice field, by the explosion of a trench mortar of his battery, he

and four of his comrades met instant death. His remains were taken back to the

home of his childhood, to the great State of Tennessee, whose soil has been conse-

crated bv the blood of more patriots than any state of the American Union, save one.

"John Weber made the supreme sacrifice for his country and its cause, and if

he had lived through all the years allotted to man on earth, and every virtuous

effort crowned with its full reward, and had there been vouchsafed to him a chariot

of fire, he could not have left this earth with greater glory.

"He lived and passed like some rare flower: maturing early, opens wide at night,

di^els its richest fragrance on the air. and in the morning is withered on its stem.'

f 5n

DAllDSOy COl.MY IIO M 1. .\ /V ///A II () K I. I) II I H. 1 '> I II '> I o

Private Vi I'ht'r'* mother lias iiuiiiy litli'i> in licr |)o>M's>i(>ii trnm armv oHirials

and friends which coniinend her son's I'eai lessiuss and readiness to pav the siiprenie


PVT. Edgar 0. Wii.iu\i> ua- Ih„„ ,„ \i~lnill.'. Tenn.. in 1873. He ua- a

brother of James T. Wiliiain-. uli^ i.-i.l.- m \,i-li\ ill.-. He was a nn-nil.ci nl ihc

regular army, havini; rnliMr,! al I..1I \l.|),,urll. Calil.. O.-.-emher 24. I'M,;. W lini

the United .'States entered the W.mM W.ii lir ua~ li an-IVr i.-d liv request from Com-

pany I. 30th Infantry, to C.rniMiis i.. I lih lulanliv. Mr .lied of disease July 1,

1918, which he contracted wliilr al ramp auailinu ,inl.arkali..ii for overseas. His

body was broii,i;ht |.> Na^hxil!,- In, lani.il. ,h.,prd in llic Ihe. ulii.h hr -o faillifiillv

and willinjily -nx.'d. .in. I f..r whi. Ii In- iii.i.l.- ih.- Mipi.in.- ~.i. lili.r.

PvT. Al-l'IlKls \ki.s..n WllITi:. M.n ,>f l!..|.,H an.l M.u.ar.l K. Whit.-. ..I \a~h.

ville. Tenn.. was born in Mli^.ma. 'Icnn.. \p,il L>l 1 \r.')U. lie ua> indiule.l ml.)

'World War service al \a~li\illr. <.pi.inl.i 1 22. I'MT. and was trained at CampJackson. S. C. He >ail..l 1... .A.'.-.a^ .liiiv \piil L'l. 1918. He was actively en-

gaged in several noted l.altl.->. anion- «liiili u.n- iIh- .n^aL'cments in the St. Mihiel

sector. He died November 29. 1918. of u.ain.l- ,,-.,i\.-.l .m lli.- lialllH,,!,! in lliat

sector. He served with the followint' ori;ani/alh.M~: (;..ni|i.ni\ I.. '.L'Tlli lnlanlr\:

Company F. 322nd Infanlrx; an.l ua~ uilh C.nipanv I '. 1 III, lnranli\. al ih.^ lini,-

of his deatll. He wa^ I ..I ,,l l!.aun,' C.il,- .TOi. Kian.,-. I',i\.,l,' W liil,. ua^ Irar-

less and his marked ..ana..- n, l.alll.- «a. UyAA^ . ..nnn.ai.l.-.i I.n ,,m|I,..mI i.- in


1st LitLT. \\Ai.Ti:i( S. Y\ltr.KOM.:i. -..n ..f M.-. Dai^v Va,ln..n.Ji. u( Na^lnill.'.

Tenn.. was born on Februarv 1^7. IliT,. II.- ua- ,..ii.'.l ni \a-luill.- an.l ...,ix.,l

his early education in the Na-lnill.- pnl.li.- -. Ii.h.U. \rnlali..u- I..1 a . ..mpl.lc .'.In-

cation, he worked his way tlironi;li ...II.-:.-. an.l .linin:' lii- la~l \.ai al lr.in-\l-

vania University he became instrndoi ..I allil.li. -. lb- v\a~ ,1 Lmllall -lai in |ii.|i

school, and was chosen, while at tin- I ni\.a~il\ ..I k.iilii. k\. ,i~ alll\.ntii. k\ .piai-

terback. Before completing his edu.ili.m. ll,.- I .nl.,1 States entere.l ih,' W.nl.l

War. and immediately thereafter i.i.iil. n.inl "l .11 In .m-li iiitered an odiccr-' liainin-

camp, at Fort Benjaniiii Harrison. In. I., an.l ^^.l- . . .inniissioned First I .i.iil.'nanl.

While there he was allil.-lic an.l l..,\in,^' in-l M1.I..1


A quotation from lli.- pap.r. pul.li-li.-.l |.\ lli.- Ililli Inl, \ Clnli. al I'.irl II. n-

janiin Harrison, of ulii.li In- ua- a ni.inl.. 1. i.a.l- a- l.ll.iu-:

••Walter S. Yarbr-.n^J,. 'W al.' ua- lli.- .illil.li. -la, ..I ll,.- Il2ll, C.nnpanx, an.l in

addition to coaching lb.- b..\.-,-. ,.-p,,-i-,,l.-.l lli.- . ..inpa,,\ in lli.- ini.l.ll.-u.-iulil ili-

vision of the boxing w.nld."

Fieutenanl Yarbrough was -eiil l.i C.in.p l-',in-l.in. Ka,,-.. a,i,l laic lo K.al Sill.

Okla.. for special training in bav.>nel fl'jhli,,;'. .,,i.l .,1 ll,.- . ..,„pl(-ll..n .;!' lli.- ...n,-.-

was sent back to Camp Funsl..n as bavon.-l i„-l,n. I..,. II. ,.- I,.- .av.,ni/,-.l ll,.- f.,..!-

ball team of lb.- 89th Division, which lal.-i pl.,v.-.l ,,: I'.,,,-. I, an..- uill, ,1,-1 >„- I i.„.

When the 89lh Division embarked f.,r ,,\ ,-, -.-,,-. I ,.-„|.„,,,il V,, hi ..,.• I. ua- at-

tached lo Company F. .','^Mh Infantry, and -.,\..l uill, llii- ,.-i,i,.,,l <,\. ,-.,-. I,ah,

he was transferred to the olfK'er's stall. n,n. I, I.. I,i- .|,-,ili-r,,. I i..,,. a,,<l l.\ i.-.pi.-l

was allowed to again join his comrades al ll,.- IV'.nl uill, ll,-- .".''ll, |)i\i-i.i,,. II.-

f .'52)


])artiri|iatfd in all engagements from St. Mihiel to Meuse-Argonne. On tin- ni;;ht

of Novemfiei o a patrol of fifteen men was sent to swim the Meiise River, whichwas entirely frozen over. The men were compelled to turn back before theyreached the German lines. As im])ortant information was needed at the time, the

night following Lieutenant Yarbrough was again selected to attempt this sacredduty, due to his splendid athletic record.

Captain Malvin C. Fisher, who was in conmiand of the regiment at the time, in

a message sent to Lieutenant Yarhrough's mother, said: "Watt was the only officer

whom I could hope to successfulh >\\\iu lln' i( v rixcr. The mission was one of

great danger. A friend accompanied liini aiul liny were to he protected from the

ice by a barrage, but it failed. Lieutenant Yarbrough was desperately wounded andwas taken prisoner and died November 26, 1918."

Mrs. Yarbrough received many communications from the highest officers of the

A. E. F. down to "buck" privates of the 89th Division, commenting in glowing termson the courage and faithfulness of her son, on his cheerful devotion to dutv, and onthe love for him of his comrades.

One officer wrote: "I hope if it is necessary for me to give my life that I cangive it as willingly and cheerfully as Lieutenant Yarbrough. He had a smile that

would make his worst enemy love him."

Lieutenant Yarbrough's body is uuw buried at Rose Hill Cemetery. Columbia.

Tenn., by the side of his grandfather, a captain in the Civil War. Lieutenant Yar-

brough was a model young man and his record as soldier will be read with pride

by Tennesseans for generations, and his name will be listed among the greatest

heroes of America. This last brave act which caused his death is a deed but few-

soldiers of the World War can boast, yet no sacrifice was too great for this brave

hero to make. His was indeed the supreme sacrifice. He smilingly gave his all.

1) -I I ; i> s o y coi \Ty n o 1/ e v / v the if o k


n (r •( h. 101 v-i 9 ;


in» IGuuiuri

% iflnuitrir

Mii>. LiziNKA Elusion Birorii) (Mrs. IMuanh \1k-. Chmim-

Mrs. W. D. Haccahu (Annie Laurie Cluuni.' Mis-. I. I>. C'

Mrs. Emii.ie Amende Mutii \1k-. \iMn 1

Mrs. Rachel Jackson Lawhenci; Mii-. II. B. II

Mrs. Joseph Linhai er \Ik~. \. .1. I'"

Mrs. Margaret Campbell I'ir.i.KKii <\!i-. J. S. i \li;-. ^\m I!i i

Mrs. Verner M. Williams IIaih i \1i>. J. K.i \li;~. I W . Ih

Mrs. James Knox I'olk (Mary llil,l,lrrl \li:v 1'. A. MMrs. R. a. Gi lrlnk (Mil.lr.-.l M.i.all i \1rv Kk.imv

Mrs. Edward .'^iierlev ( Elizalx-ili Sin.l.n

,«1N Ijrssi,- (:,.x>

WMi'i: (Mrs. n. A.


ntiiDsoy <:()i\T) ir o m f. \ i\ t ii F. uorld if .i k. I'liimio

Ti'il)iit''s liv n.iNidsoii County's Tnvo Coloiifl-- whose

of I );i\ i(l->(»ii (>()imlv Soldiers

llKikf a |K'nimncnt i.-dud i,| lli,- (lr,-|] a|ipiiMi;ili(iii Tell li\ cm-in ,,I1i(ci ami ciili-lcd

man ..f the reLMinciU Im lli,- ulH.I.-lirai I. .1 an. I umm-IIi^i M-i\i.r irn,l.-:r,l il |.\ ih.-

S|.l.-n(ii<i uomanhood .,f Na-luillr an, I l)aNi,l~..n Camlv.

Th.- unlimited ^a.lill.e> an.l l.ranlilnl (lr\oli,,n ..f tli.-r unnim in .M.nli il>nting

I wish to extend lo every one of them my a^^urance ..I (lee|i |ier-iinal apijieeia-

tioti and respeel.

(Si-nedl 1.1 Ki- 1.I:a.

Colonel, m li.1.1 \ilill,-,v. \. K. F.

Na-hville. Tenn.. .juK .'.. l'>22.

Il i- fillin,!: an.l |m..|mt thai a i,-e.„,l ,,l ihr \\.„l,l War a.livili,.. ,,| the uonien

of Davidson CnnniN -Inaihl he pn-ened. The u,,rk ..I the-,- nchle u,.nirn , nn~li-

tuU's a preciim- ln'iila-je id |ici-teril\.

Modern warfan- i- nut men-U a .nnlliei hriueen ihr ,,i,„r,l In,,,.. ,,( ih,' e,,ni-

hatanls, Init it ha.- he.nnie a --Inej-le in vshirh ih,i,- i- a po-l ,,l dnu r,,i i'\,i\ man.

woman and ehild. and th,' pari thai ea. h nniM plav i> .— .ntial I,, lli,' Imal -a. les-.

The -enliment of the -,,l,li,-r- i-: Ml Imnor lo the uomnih I ,,r l)avid>on


(Siiine.li ll\l;K^ >>. Ihliin.

C.lonel. Il.nh I'iehl Arliilerv. A. K. V.

Hendersonville. T.'nn.. ,Inlv 1(1. 1922.

DAVIDSON corMY WO M E .V / A' THE U O R I. D UA R. I"I tl9l9

Tennessee and Davidson County Surgical

Dressings Committee

Mrs. George \\ i i ks II \i

Mrs. Arthur L\ \ns

Mrs. Joseph Thompson

Slah' ChainuanChainiKin


The first organized efforts for World War relief work in Davidson County were

made by a voluntary organization under the chairmanship of Mrs. George \^eeks

Hale. State Chairman, and Mrs. Hale's sister. Miss Louise McHenry, Davidson

Countv Chairman. Mrs. Hale and Miss McHenry were traveling in France when

war was declared in 1914. Impressed with the need for women's services, they

worked in the Red Cross woikrooms at Tours. France, for three weeks in order to

acquire the correct knowledge for making hospital supplies. They were the onlv

Americans in diis group.

Upon their return to Nashville, in November, 1914, Mrs. Hale assembled a few

of her friends at her home and organized them into a

unit for making surgical dressings for French hospitals.

Money for materials was obtained by voluntary sub-

scriptions and meetings were held at the homes of the

members. The work went forward with such earnestness

that by spring of 1915 three cases of hospital supplies

were ready for shipment to the hospital at Tours.

France—the first offering from any Southern State to

the belligerent countries.

In October, 1915. Mrs. Hale was appointed presi-

dent of tlie National Organization, Surgical Dressings

Committee, for Tennessee, by Miss Carita Spencer, Na-

tional President. Mrs. Hale consolidated her unit with

the new organization and organized four other un'ts in

DAI If) so \ <:oi.\ry iro.uEy i\ the R I. I) IT I H. I ') I ;./ 1 y

dilTcreiit section* dI" llic ci

seat of the State, and mv

Mrs. Simpson \^alki-r. MThomas 1. W t-l>b. Mrs. Jam.s ."^p.-n,

.Miss Dolla Dorlcli. Miss l.,u.is,- M

ViOrkin;.' unit- were .-Lilili-lied in nearlv i'\

than lour ihou.sand wonii-n «ere enrolhil n-

<:f ttie Tennessee orizani/.ation. Ihirlv tlm

gieal dressiiiiis were made lu tlie Teiirn

iillr,l Slates entered the World War-lal.li-linient of the ,\nir,„,ni \\r>\

Mr-. Ilah- advised mendMi- ,,f li,.r

Mi-. .|..1,„ Al.hiM.ri. Mrs. Frank .\. Brrrv, Mrs. .Inlinsuii

l'..an-l..,,l. Mrs. W l,il,.f.M,r,l K. C.le. Mrs. llenrv Connor.\li- ll.iiiN i:. Cohon. .Mrs. Guilford D.ullev. .Mrs. I.iabelle

\\iIm,„. \1,s. llarn- \V. Evans. Mrs. Arthur Evans. Mrs.IrHv i:»u,c. .Mrs. E<l»ar .M. E.-^l.-r. Mr-. MrPh.-.trrs Glas-

fiow. .Mrs. Graham Mall. Mr- II, .in II, .u.. \li-, (larenceLewis. Mrs. Porcv I). .MacMii.. \li-. ( l.iik I'm. Ii.ii. Mr.«.

John B. I!ans<,m. .Ir.. Mr-, i;..l..>l .--niitli. Mr- Harry.'Mcik.-s. Mrs, Jo.rpl, Tl .-,.... 1... Mr-. T. Graland Tinsley,

Edwin Warn.r. Mr-. I!..h,rt W.lk...-. \li-. Dcmpsev Weaver. Mrs.Mell.-nrv. Mi-. Kinin,. \1 u \i..l,-rson. .Miss Sara Berry.

nrv, aii.l Mil,-, \larp..,l Sam.n.

Wh,1 lll>

n 11 I n S ON CO ( ;V T Y if O M E .V / A' THE IT O R /. Ii If I R. I'll ll 0^

rest unlil an auxiliary \\a> Icmni'il in Na-luillc. I mli-i iu-r luNini: iiiiiii~liy main

children received lessoii> in i^ihkI liti/cn^liip.

Miss McHenry was an ardent patriot, and a few davs lief'ore her death she re

marked: "It is a wonderful time to live and a beautiful time to die, when so many

liuoyant vouns; spirits are soing." Her casket was draped with the flag of her coun-

tiv.'whicii she loved and served s,> failhfullv.


Lniisi; McIlENin. Jun.- 10. 1918.

'Deep within the soul of her,

Where no eye could see.

Burned the radiant ecstasies

Of God's Eternity.

"As through Cathedral windows

The Temple light doth glow.

There shone about her holy life

The truths her soul did know."

—Mary DeMo

DAI IPSO.\ c.n(\Ty nnvF..\ i\ the it or in ir -i r. iqi 1.1919

I);i\i(ls(>ii Cdimtv Fi'ciich lu d Cross Lnit

In Decemlier. 1911. tlirt-e years, ht-foie Aiiinira mln.,! ihr W.ul,! War, a unit,

composed of young school girls, was formed fci ilir |iui|m.-c hI making surgical

dressings for the French Red Cross. Mrs. Janii'> >|iim > i \|i||iiir\ was the presi-

dent of this pioneer unit.

Meetings were held once a u.mI al the li ,,1 \li^. Mrll,iir\ Im a period ol

five months. More than foinlivii hiindir,! nin~liii liamlaL:!-- and i:au/c coiiipresses

were made and sent to Frami- i>\ llii~ iiiiil. 1 umU La |iiiii lia-ni;j -upplii-s were

donated hv the memhers of llir miil. wliirh \'.a- icnipM^rd ol ihr lollnu in;^ \ciirng

ladies, with .Mrs. James Spcm ii \f llirii\ a> inc-idcnt ami in.-liuclor:

Miss Gladys Willicrspoon, Mi-- lluili W iiIk i-podn. Miss l.ilv .Atchison, Miss Emma Morrow.Vlcliison, Miss Kathleen Garr.ti. \li- \lMl^ llanlinj: Bu.kner, Miss Lundv File. .Miss AnnieLaurie Campbell. .Miss Elizab.tli (.mi.Iimi. \1i- Martha Killchrew. .Miss Elizabeth Neil. Miss.Martha Lin.lsev. Miss Valere Blair. Mi- Mnili.i Haves. Miss Linda Landis, Miss CorneliaKeeble. Miss Mar>- Wheeler. Miss Lillian h,,l,-,„,. \li<s Reba Wilson Grav. .Miss ElizabethBuckner, Miss Alice Hall I.indsey. Mi- l\ ilina k. nt.er. Miss Helen Killebrew, Miss EllenSlokes. Miss Sophia Ezzell. Miss Liicilr Man, a. Mi- Mary DeMoville Hill. .Miss Elise Maney,Miss Ajinez Zarecor. Miss Corrinne Craiii. \li-- "-irali Shannon. .Miss .Mildred day. MissEvelyn Douslas. .Miss Emma .Schwab. Mi- \^Mn ll.nl. Miss Mildred Bond. Miss Elizabeth File,

and Miss Lillian Warner.

II i I ID S O :V C O V ;'V T Y () M E ,V / N T H E

Query Club

Miss Frances Piixher and iMi<s Feumine Pkide. n orld \i ar I'rcsiilcnis

,( World W;

1 meniheis of

ivlieii war was

It i^ pt'culiarlv lillin;: lliat llic Oiumv Clidi sli,,uld

Davidson Coiinly to undfrtakc any constructive form

as it is the oldest woman's club in Tennessee.

In the summer of 1914, Miss Louise McHenry, one

the club, and for several years its president, was travel

declared. She witnessed the stirring mobilization of

the French troops, and immediately joined a group of

French women organized for the purpose of making hos-

pital supplies. Thus from the outbreak of the WWar—three years before America's entrance into th

conflict—the Query Club had the distinction of havin

a part in World War relief work.

Returning from France in the fall of 1914, Miss McHenrv presented to the Query Club the needs of th

Frcncli lio^pitals: and at a meeting on November 21

191 1. it was decided that the club would prepare a lio

of hospital su])plies to lie shipped to France as

as possible.

The first meeting for this purpose was held at the m,,^ UANti:^ PiLCHtK

Y. W. C. A., December 10, 1914, with the Club Presi-

dent, Miss Paralee McLester. and Miss McHenry as instructors. Both the active andhonorary members of this club took part in the work, which was so vigorously car-

ried on that on January 14. 191.5, a box. containing one hundred and eight band-ages, six hundred compresses, and a large quantity of other necessities, was readyfor -hinnieiil to France. Hospital supplies were so scarce in France at that time

il the letter of appreciation from the hospital at Tours,

uliiih the shipment was sent, was a very warm one.

1)1 of 1915 and 1916 several of the

assisted Miss Louise McHenrv in

lining outfits for the World Warbies in France.

The Club members 1(1 a part in this DavidsonCounty pioneer World War work were: Miss Louise

McHenry, Organizer; Miss Paralee McLester, President:

Miss Annie Allison, Miss Lula Andrews. Miss Ella

Blown, Miss Anna Blanton, Miss Dorothy Calhoun, Miss

Libbie Morrow, Miss Elizabeth Thompson, Miss Louise

P>ivan, Miss Delia Dortch, Miss Lizzie Elliott. Miss

Mi . .LIMINE PB.tE^' "'"tney Hollins, Miss Eunice Jackson. Miss Alice Orr,

Miss Frances Pilcher, Miss Fermine Pride. Miss Mar-garet \ance. Miss Maiy Lou White, Miss Rebecca Jones, Miss Lucile Landis. MissMary Linda Manier. Miss Mary Lipe. Miss Cornelia Marr, Miss Marv Ramase. MissTheodora Scruggs. Miss Ada Swann. Miss Flavel Wilkin, and Miss Ellen Wallace.

Honorary members: Mrs. Charles Kinkead, Mrs. Charles A. Martin. Mrs. Tvler


VAiiDSoy coLwry iroME.\ /.v thk world ir.iK. I'Ufi'jiu

Calliouii. Mr*. Cliarl.-> C. Ti.il.u<-. Mi>. \\.iv ilaiull\. \1.>. Horace Tral)ue. Mrs.

IVrtv 1). Maddin. Mrs. W altcM K. itii. Mr>. Frank W . Ki.iL;. Mrs. Leslie Kirkpatriek,

Mrs.Harrv Leech. .Mrs. Guilford Dudley. Mrs. Thoma> J. 1\ ne. Mrs. W . L. (;ran-

berv. .Mrs.' W . H. .Monl-;omerv. .Mrs. Claude Waller, Mrs. A. C. Adams, and Mrs.

A. B. Benetliet.

The Query Clul> wa- one c.f lln- lir-l (ir,2ani/ali(ins in Tennessee to maki- appro-

priate war-time eliani;e> in it- nuilinc woik. A- early as December \'2. l')\ \. it

was agreed that the <\u\> >lioul,l ,1,. au.i\ uilli il> .^pensive year book and '^wr the

money thus saved to Wmlil War uliil wnik.

In May. I'JIT. as a Mil.-lilulr Id ihr annual , lub pi.nir. an informal ^latlu'ring

was held at the home of .\Ii>s I'raiue- I'llrh, r. ihrn Clnb President, and the sumof SCO. wiiieh would ordinarily iiave been ili\,.|iil Im an elaborate picnic luncheon,

was voted bv the clnb members to be scnl 1.. lIu- \merican Permanent Blind WarRelief fund.' The Querv CInl. mrnd>rr> nul unU made hnancial .nntribulion- to

war charities, but they ulr-n juinrd the rialional nmM-ment for ronscrx atidn and

simple living.

At the club meeting in D.vcnd.er. I'M7. it uas v.,t.-d thai the , iub. a- a uhole.

would adopt one FreiK li oiiihan.

In February. 191;). a Warwith Mi-s Marv .Stahlman as

as president of the Query Clul

adopted by .Miss Mary Lou Wpicnic was planned along >iii

to the \ashville Ian<Mgenc \

Harry Evans was (!(.mniandai

On Febrnar\ 1. I') I'), llir i

In addition to the clnb im i

World War work, the follouli

ganizations and had share in

caret Bransfoid. Mi-- \nn,i (

Miss Frances \l. l,,-i,-,. \li- \l.

ton. Miss Ann.- Kink.ad. \li

irarel Hansom. Mi-,- Kallini,

.Mis. FUen Hansom.

The honorary member- of th,' (.Iiica Clul. ulu. aii-u.'i.'.l r^rv^ .all. r.-gar,ll,-s

of how difTuult the task might be. wir.-:

Mrs. A. G. .'V.lams. Mrs. J. .M. .An.!, ,-,.„. \l>-. \. B. l!,„,-,li.l. Mi-, s,,,. |.. l!,„wi,. Mrs.

Clailx.rn.- Brvan, Mrs. .him.-s C. Bra.ll..i.l. \l.-. IM.-. ( .ill,..ui,. Mr-. T. W ilh.ir Crul.-li.-i-. Jr.,

Mrs. L.-mu<-l U. (:am|il,.-n. Mr- M.N. ill I ..\. \li-. W hil,-f...,i-,l K. Cok-. .Mrs. Sidney S. Crockett,

.Mrs. John H. O.-Witt. M.- (,ii.ll..,,l Dm.II.a. Mi- M, |>lie,-ters Gla.sfiow. Mrs. W. L. GranlH-rv,

.Mrs. J. W. Howard. Mr-, \^.l^ ll,,n.llv. Mi- W . 1). Hardeman. Mrs. Maryin llol.l.-rness. Mrs.

-\lfr.-d E. Howell. Mrs. Knox lliun.-. Mrs. C-mfir llillman. Mrs. W. T. K. .-m..n. Mr-. Walter

Keitli. Mrs. Charles S. Kinkea.l. Mrs. I'.-rey I). Mad.lin. Mrs. I.esli,- Kii k|.;.ti .. k. M.-. Frank

W. Rinp. Mrs. Waller Stokes. Mrs. .Mamie IJ. .Sawrie. Mrs. Charles s.k. -. Mi- < kirles C.

Trahiie. Mrs. John \V. Thomas. Mrs. Joseph Thomp-on. Mrs. Thoma-. J. Tmi. Mi- ( I..1..I.- Waller,

Mrs. Demi.scy Weaver. Mrs. Georjie P. Winton. Mrs. Thomas V.. Nhiill, u- Mi- W W . Rerry,

Mrs. John ^r. Reeyes. Mrs. Ge.,rKe I'rire. Mrs. M. A. .Monlt:..M,. 1 v M.- -,n,n.l II Orr. Mrs.

Charles C. Martin. Mrs. W. H. Williamson. Mrs. Ann Rankin. Mi- \Li.\ h-M. imII. Mi- Annie

De\roville. Miss Mary Allen Thompson. Miss Annie Thompson. Mi- I l.n.l W.lkin. \li- MarvWoocIh. Miss I'rud.ne'e I'olk. Miss Alire Orr. and Miss Cornelia Mm

It is a matter of pride with the Query Club that, wh.-ii lln- I uil.-.l Mat.-- .-iil.-i.-d

the World War. the club furnished many directors of imp.'rlanl uai a. tivilies. Mrs.


Savings an

DAI I DS ON C O b A" TY J! O M E A' / A' THE H () R L D II A K, 1<H4-191^

Percy D. iMadilin uas \ ire-Cliainnaii ,.l' llie Nashville Red Cross Chapter aiul Chair-

man of the Administrative Bciaid: .\h>. Sidney S. Crockett organized and was tile

first leader ot the i\ashville Chapter Emergency Canteen, and Chairman of CampActivities; Mrs. Guilford Dudley was State Chairman of the Woman's Committee

for the First, Second and Third Liberty Loans and a member of the National Board;

Miss Louise McHenry was Chairman of the L(hiraiiunal Classes and Nursing Service,

Nashville Chapter, A. R. C, and was the iii^l Daxidxui County woman to serve in

World War work; Mrs. Frank W. Ring was super\isur and instructor of the Surgical

Dressings Department of the Nashville Red Cross Chapter; Mrs. Dempsey Weaver

was President of the Middle Tennessee and Davidson County Society of Fatherless

Children of France and a member of the National Board; Miss Virginia Nelson,

Miss Catherine Hall and Miss Ann Blanton were selected for overseas duty, and

Miss Ellen Wallace was stationed at a Y. W. C. A. hostess house in a southern camp.

Many of the Query Club members were mothers of sons in service and the wives

of husbands in service. The service flag, which bore more stars on its white field

than any other in Tennessee, hung in the home of Mrs. A. G. Adams, who, as Miss

Sue Howell, was one of the charter members of the Query Club. Mrs. Adams had

six sons in active service and a seventh in government work.

There was no call of the government which did not receive the loyal support and

assistance of the Query Club fn;m 191 1 until 1919. the close of the World Warperiod.

Mrs. Claude Waller had die distinction of cutting the first pattern for surgical

dressings used in Nashville. Mrs. Walter Keith was one of the first volunteers for

Red Cross work. Mrs. James C. Bradford served on the National Board of the

United States War Garden Movement. Mrs. J. M. Anderson was one of the first

Red Cross instructors. Miss Libbie Morrow was one of the first to begin publicity

work, and continued to perform this duty during the four years of the war. Miss

Delia Dortch was State Chairman of Belgium Relief, and raised S60,000 for this

work. Miss Mary Linda Manier completed one of the first Red Cross courses in

surgical dressings and served as one of the first instructors. Mrs. Thomas J. Tynewas State Vice-Chairman of National League for Woman's Service and Vice-Chair-

man of Army Comfort League. Mrs. W. L. Granbery was Chairman of Christmas

parcels for soldiers of the A. E. F.. 1918. when thousands of packages were labeled

and mailed by the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross. Mrs. M. A. Montgomery w'as

among the first instructors in Red Cross Surgical Dressings classes. Mrs. AvervHandly and Miss Mary Ramage were active members of the Nashville EmergencyCanteen. Mrs. Ann Rankin served as instructor of business women's evening classes

at the Tulane Red Cross workrooms. Miss Mary Allen Thompson and Miss AnnieThompson were among the most active workers in the W. S. S. movement. Miss

Frances Pilcher. one of the war presidents of the Query Club, led several important

committees in various war campaigns. Miss Paralee McLester. a former president,

assisted at a Southern army camp hostess house. Earli member of this pioneer

Tennessee club was an active member in pioneer war work and remained in the ranks

until "honorablv discharged."

I) .Ml D > V C <) I V /1 IT () 1/ 1: V / V T H E 11 (I K I. I) \f A R. I <> I l-l <> I 9

Tennessee .iiid |)ii\i(U(iii (-omit) Socictv

ol ( l(»l()iii;il I );unes

Mk-. Jv\ik- II. klUKl.vMi. ;/-.,/,/ It „r l'rrsi<lcnl

Th<- Tenno.c. Snvwly of (.<,|. iiial \)inn-< ..f \nir.i.a. icpn-rnlativ.-

earliest palriolism uf tlii? coimlry. iiM;ani/r<l and cnii.lii. iid ilir iii-l uriil 1'^

Vi'ar relief work in Tennessee.

.\t the oull.nak of the Spani-li \n, n-:M, War. lii^ \aliM„al <,Mi,.|s ,,1 (

Dani.s organized within it- rii.rnlr i -ln|, a Xaliiaial I! lid \--o. iali.NL llic

of which was "to co-eiiierale in all iim.i-iim- ami I-. |ii.i\l(li Mrrc~-i|i.s and c

for our arniv and navv in lime of uai." I lie nlli' i r~ ol iln- Relief Assoeiali

to l.e the same as those of th- Naf.nal S,,ri, |v ..f Colonial Dames, hut il

were to he kept in separate a< •oiinl- and di-lril.ulrd h\ llie National Trpreferahlv. ihrou^'h the American Red Cro-.-.

Within ihi- orL-ani/.at'oM. alreadv pr( pared |r> Ininlion. llir \alion.il Tr

nl Washinjrton. f<,reseeinf.' the advent ef the I nilr.l .stale- into llir W ,,rld Wa

( r>4 )

of lh(




)n were

* funds

D A t I DSON <: V N TY WO \i E V /A' THE WORLD ir in. 1 9 1 l-l •' I 'j

to Mrs. James H. Kirkland, President of the Tennessee Society of Colonial Dames,on February 10, 1917, recommending immediate formation of a Tennessee branch

of the National Relief Association in Nashville.

The officers of the Tennessee Society of Colonial Dames for the period of the

war were: Mrs. James H. Kirkland, President; Mrs. Overton Lea and Mrs. JamesS. Pilcher. Honorary Presidents: Mrs. Frank W. Ring, First Vice-President; Mrs.

A. S. Buchanan, of Memphis, Second Vice-President; Mrs. C. B. Wallace, Corre-

sponding Secretary; Mrs. Samuel H. Orr, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Owen Wilson.

Treasurer; Mrs. William Duncan, Registrar; and Mrs. J. D. Blanton, Historian.

On February 20, 1917, Mrs. Kirkland called a meeting of the Tennessee Society,

at the home of Mrs. Edward Buford, to consider the suggestion of the National

Treasurer. The plan was received with entire approval by those present, and the

Tennessee branch of the Relief Association was formd with the following officers,

who served throughout the war period: Mrs. A. S. Buchanan, State Chairman of

World War relief work; Mrs. L. D. Tyson, Chairman of the Knoxville unit; Mrs.

Thomas Day, Chairman of the Memphis unit: Mrs. D. T. Montague. Chairman of

the Chattanooga unit; and Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, Chairman of the Nashville unit.

At the bidding of the National Society, the Colonial Dames of Nashville andDavidson County entered at once upon their work. Mrs. Robert F. Jackson waselected permanent Chairman of the Nashville unit; Mrs. J. D. Blanton, Vice-Chair-

man; Mrs. Samuel H. Orr, Treasurer; and Mrs. C. B. Wallace, Secretary. In reply

to requests, the National headquarters of the American Red Cross sent plans for

organization, patterns for hospital garments and directions for surgical dressings.

In a short time a charter for a Red Cross unit was granted and the affiliation with

the National Red Cross organization was completed. All of this took place several

months before America entered the World War.

The Colonial Dames' Auxiliary was the pathfinder in Davidson Countv for

United States World War relief work. At the time of their entrance into this field

of endeavor there were only three Red Cross chapters in the State. The honor of

forming the first auxiliary of Red Cross relief work in Tennessee, with its variousdepartments of surgical dressings, hospital garments, knitting and first-aid classes,

after the entrance cf the United States into the World War, belongs to the Nashvilleand Tennessee Society of Colonial Dames, with Mrs. James H. Kirkland as leader.

The week in which President Wilson made his great appeal to Congress for a

declaration of war found the Tennessee Colonial Dames already mobilized: andwhen war was declared on April 6. 1917. they were readv for service. For sometime previous to the United States' declaration of war this organization had beengiving aid to France, England and Belgium.

Immediately after America's entrance into the war ]\lrs. James H. Kirkland.

President, Tennessee Society of Colonial Dames, sent the following telegram to

President Woodrow Wilson from that organization:

'The Tennessee Society of Colonial Dames of America, founded to stimulate a

spirit of true patriotism and love of country, wishes through its officers and hoardof managers to extend to President Wilson hearty endorsement of his action in the

present crisis and pledges him loyal support."

An immediate reply came from the President, expressing his appreciation for

the message and its sentiment. This body of women kept their promise during the

war period, regardless of any sacrifice.


I) III I) s () Y <: o I .V r y ir o \i e v / .v the w o a i. d ir .i r. i"i i-i 9 1


T\n: \\v>\ «a.

the equipmi'iil nl li„>,,ilals

;( 11 Itv till- National Scx-iety of Colonial Dames was

1(11 ilii- I iiiit-tl Stales Navy. The Tennessee Society

ml as its quota of the §50.000 raised by the National

Soiiety. One of the means employed in raising the

local fund was the inauguration of informal gather-

ings at the homes of the Nashville Colonial Dames,

where each guest brought her knitting and a cash

contribution. Hefreshmciits at llu-si- gatherings con-

formed to the strictest iuod n-gulalions and tiie

onlv topics of discour~i> wen- tho-c n-laliiig to

W orld War propaganda.

Wallace School generously gave all space needed,

and headquarters for Red Cross work of the Nash-

ville Colonial Dames wa- ..pened in Fehruarv. 1917.

Appropriate leclnn- ui:r ,lili\crc<l in ihc chapel.

Kveculive ofTicc>. and wm kioiiii> Idi lin-pila! gar-

:,. ;, lir'o" 111'- Nandcil.ill

WnUlAU- Club ur,,.

Colonia! Dames in ll.i^ «u,k. M,>. C. \l. \r,U ua

both organizations in I'u d t:!!^-.-. uurk. Ah.~. Saiiiinl

were appointed chairmen of a committee to solii il ~i

the work. Manv of the members gave SIO towaid lb

tions were so generous that the work was slaili-,1 i

were borrowed and rented I'm lin- ib.-pilal (ianiiciil

ballroom was appropriali l\ hllcd up loi llic >uiiiir,

was conducted under llir -iipn \ ision ot Mrs \\ . A.

were not members ol aii\ nl ilic organizations rep-

resented were also iiuilid In a~--ist in the Red Crns'-

work. From a very modest beginning the work l.c

gan in a short time to assume im|)ortant ])r(ipiir

tions. and the ()Ul|)Ut |)er day of each deparlni nl

was daily increased.

workrooms, stimulating the spirit of |)alr i(.li~iii and

informing the workers of the needs ol tin- lioiii.

The work grew to such large jiroportions llial llm^c

in charge were not ((inh-nlcd uilh n~iri- nine paper

instructions and sent h. \alii.nal licaili|iiai Ici s at

Washington for a ..unpi.-lc -ri ,,1 Iml-licd :jainicnl-.

which was used by lb.' C.donial Danic.- \n\iliarv

during the entire period of llieir work and wa- pic

scnted to the Nashville Chapter of llic \rnriiran

Red Cross, formed several inonllw laic, a- ihri,

first model.

Mrs. W. A. Brvan an.l M.-. Lluai.! W . bn-lci p

zation of Red Cross auxilia,,.- al lien,!., -..nMlic al

Pike, at the Hermitage, and al DoncNmi. in i ibiiiai


1 SorirU and 111,. \andri|,ill

iivilcl I,, a^M-l III,- \a~li\iMe

,l,- l,-,l ,baiiinaii I,. i,-pi,-,-iit

.On aiul \li-. Claud-' Waller

|ili,- anil rniiils for beginning

^iippK 11111,1. and other dona-

iiii',lial,'l\. .Sewing machines

."iiii al Wallace .School. Thel>i,--iiigs Department, which



Fi.,m left to n.ht l,„iinn,

son (iMaiini. liiM.H I'l.-n

dent of I.nn (li_ n \li I hn I V

made lll Dim I n ( nnU in ill W i 1 1 W 1


Top rou I. II I, lulit \li- ( I. W ill,.

Organization. Mr- \^ \ Br\an (Emma BenEdward West Foster t Susie Cockrilll, one of

Mr- Frank W Ring (Finnie (,alel

I nit Ml- lime- H knklmd (M

I Marv Thompson ) , and Mrs G M Neely ( Mamie Robinson


Ml- Roheit F. Jack-

. Hindei-on) Presi-

iNlnilii \ I 111 wli lilt llii fii-t garmentI ill II ii_l, lllh kiikiiiiii)

,1 in hiiliouii S| It. Siiiilm ot Tennessee

"\fr- \^liit,foord R ( ol. iMiu Bds-l: Mrs.

I organizers of Count\ . Mr- bamuel H. Orr

When the Nashville Chapter of the American Red Cross was formed and its

headquarters opened in July, 1917. the Nashville members of the Colonial Damesliecame an auxiliarv of that organization, and under Mrs. J. D. Blanton. Chairman,

they met each Wednesday at the Chamber of Commerce and Hermitage Club work-

rooms with a splendid per cent of the membership represented.

Members of the Colonial Dames who, by virtue of their knowledge of the work.

were selected to be officers of the Nashville Chapter of the American Red Cross,

were: Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, Director of Women's Work; Mrs. Frank W. Ring,

Supervisor of Surgical Dressings; Mrs. Harry W. Evans, Commandant of the Emer-

gency Canteen Service. Nashville Chapter; Mrs. Jesse M. Overton. Chairman of the

Red Cross Motor Corps; and Mrs. C. B. Wallace, Chairman of the Communication


The Colonial Dames had representatives on tlie Woman's Committee. Council of

National Defense, practically all of whom served as leaders of some war activity:

the League for Women's Service: War Savings organizations: in all house-to-house

canvasses for war activity; registration for war service and for student nurses; in

all Red Cross drives; Y. M. C. A. campaigns; French. Belgian. Armenian and

Civilian relief work and the several book campaigns.

In the Liberty Loan campaigns the Colonial Dames took an active part, both

in the buying and the selling of bonds. Booths were maintained by them, and rep-

resentatives from the membership acted as bond salesmen every day during the

five Liberty Loan drives in Davidson County. Over $100,000.00 in bonds were


COIWTY irOMF.\ I .\ r II F. II OR I. I) ir I R. I'll 11919

{ED CliOSS \\(



Memhers appeariiiii in this piclme are: Miv*. C. M. Neely CliairmanGeiural: Mrs. W. H.Schuerinaii. (^Iiairnian of Scwin;; Deparlmoiit; Mrs. liufus E. Fori: and .Mrs. Kicliaril Barr. Chair-

man of Surfiral Dressings DcparlmenI: Mrs. .Mcl'liecl.-rs Glastiow (Sannic Keilhl. Vice-Cliair-

man-General; -Mrs. C. S. IJrown. and Mrs. J. II. .Sitfvcnson Chairman of Knittin}; Department:-Mrs. W. II. Witt. -Mrs. K. H. Lacy. Mrs. D. (I. Han. Mrs. H. C. Tolman, Mrs. .1. T. McGiU,Mrs. J. \. Dale. Mrs. Clarenee Dixon. Mrs. II. B. Hon.l. .Mrs. Dan .McGusin an.l Mrs. II. B.

Carre, .Mrs. Eustace Hail. .Mrs. Will C. Cherrv.

l.oudit and.sold l,v tin- \asliNill.-.„

I.) tiie sum <pf S6.').(I()M. Mr-. Ouci

booths for tlio sale of Im.ihIs and ll

Tluir sa

I Mr-. 1.

\'.y tiir s:

ol III

I!. I'

Members of tlie Colonial Dainr- ulio Inld |uo,niii(iil n

orjraiiizalions v.ctc: Mrs. James II. kirklaiid. I'rr-iilinl. Cli

and Thrift Stamp organization for \.i-liMllr. I)irr,i.,r ,,! u

the second caiTi])aij.'n for hook- For -oldiri~. Diniioi in iIh

lion, Vice-Chairman ipf |)a\i(l-oM CoiniU lor I .unili l.il.. ii\

Emergency Hospital for \ amln hill I iii\ri-ii\. Dinri I

Liberty Loan parade, in which thoLJsan<l> jiarlic i|i.itc d. .uu\

nessee Budget Committee for the W. S. S. organi/.ilion. \l

supervisor and instructor in surgical dressings for iln' \,i-li\

Red Cross, from the opening in liiK. I')17. iinlil ihr i Ih-(

Robert F. Jackson was Director of \\. nun- \\..ik ..! llir \,i

can Red Cross, during the entire |iiiio(| ol oi j.ini/.ilion.

was Tennessee Chairman of Vi'oni.in'- liin ii\ l,.,,iii ('oiimiill

Tliird Loans and member ot llic \.il ,il W ..hmh', I.iI.,iI\

the period of the war: mcnil.cr ol ihr Milr Hoard. W ,in

Council of Defense: National Public ity Chairman f.ii I ..i

Loans, and a member of the .Stale Kxeciitive Roard of \\ .^.

ton was Teiuiessee Chairman for the National League for \\

Chairman of Third Liberty Loan, and City and County (^hai

Loan. Mrs. Harrv W. Evans was State Chairman of Navy CCommandant of Emergency Canteen .Service. Nashville Cha


llicrs in othe:- patriot!.-

lirnian of War Savings

mien's organizations in

War .Savings Associa-

l.oan. a Director of the

I lie spectacular Fourth

a member of the Ten-

.-. Frank W . King wasullr (:iia|i|cr. Americanr in Innr. I'll'). Mrs.

i-li\ill.- Cliapl.-r. \nieri-

Mr-. Cnillord Dudleyrr of Fir-I. Sr,-,,nd andI .o.iii ( ^nnlnil|l•l• during

I- Coinniilhr. \alional

Mill) ,ind IHll, Liberty

^. Mr-, b-r M. Over-

onirn'- Srr\ ii i" ('oiinty

rman of Fourth Liberty

omforts ("ommiltee. andpier, Red Cross. Mrs.




At the Home Coming of the Tennessee soldiers. A. E. F..

Dames. Children impersonators in the tableaux were: W.Alice Holman. Elizabeth Brvan and Pollv Orr.

embers of Colonial

Fielding Yost. Jr.,

Alex. S. Caldwell was State Chairman of Food Production and Conservation for

Woman's Committee, National Council of Defense; originator of food pledge cards,

and World War President of the State Federation of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Percv

Warner was President of the Tennessee and Davidson Countv Armv Comfort Leagueand State four-minute speaker.

The Colonial Dames were in the line of march of the returning soldiers of the

A. E. F., and as a welcome-home booth they fitted up the la\ni of Mrs. E. W. Foster,

one of the members, to represent a colonial drawing room. Children were cos-

tumed in the picturesque style of old colonial days. Polly Orr was quaintly attired

at Betsy Ross, and Fielding Yost, Jr., impersonated George Washington

Forty-five sons from families of the Tennessee Society of Colonial Dames served

in the United States Army and Navy, and winn llir W ..rid War was over there weresix gold stars in the service flag of the N.i-lixill. S... iety. The two RegimentalColonels of Nashville were sons of Tennessr.' an. I |)a\ i.ls.in County Colonial Dames.Colonel Luke Lea. of tlie 114th Field Artillery. A. E. F.. is the son of Mrs. OvertonLea. and Colonel Harry Berry, of the 115th Field Artillery. A. E. F.. is the son

of Mrs, Horatio Berry.

Davidson County Dames who were active throughout the World War in every

form of service and pioneers of World War activities in Tennessee Red Cross workwere:

Mrs. T, F, P, Allison. Mrs, J,

W. W, Berry. Mrs, J, D, Blanl..n

Mrs. Alex, S. Cal.lu.ll. Mi-. .Ian

Mrs. H. B. Cooluai,,-. Mr-. Wliilrl

Mrs, William C, Dak.. \1,-. 1I,.,m

Douglas. Mrs, Gu.ll..i.l Uu.ll..\, .Mr>, William iJiiiuan. Mi>, Artlmi Exai..-, Mi.-, Harry W.Evans, Mrs. F. G. Ewing. Mrs, W, G, Ewing. Mrs, L, B, File. Mrs. Sophia Fitts. Mrs. E. W.Foster. Mrs. Mary Washington Frazer. Mrs. Laura C. Gillespie. Mrs. Hallum Goodloe. Mrs.

R. J. Gordon, Mrs. Margaret L, Hoyt Hicks. Mrs. George Hillman, Mrs, H, C, Horton. Mrs.


M, Anderson, Mrs

I) . ( I / /; S O V C O I XT Y If M F. V / V T H A ff K L I) HI R. I 9 1 h! " I

J. W. Howar.l. Mr>. William Hun.,-. Mi>. U.iImii V. Jackson. \Ii-. Norman Kiikman. Mrs.Overton Lra. Mrs. U . T. .Mannint:. Mrs. .\mlr,« Marsliall. Mrs. (;. M. .N,.,.|\. Mrs. W . E.

.\orvi-ll. .Mrs Samm-I II. Orr. .Mrs. Jes^e M. Ovrrlon. Mrs. C. B. I'armer, .Mrs. Bruce K. Haviie,

.Mrs. T. H. Pavnc. Mrs. J. Kccd Pearson. .Mrs. W. K. Phillips. Mrs. James S. Pilcher, .Sirs.

Lucius E. I\ilk. .MVs. Frank W. Kinp. Mrs. J. O. Rust, Mrs. D. K. Stubblefield, Mrs. JohnTliompson. -Mrs. George N. Tillman. Mrs. II. C. Tolman. Mrs. Charles C. Trabuc, Mrs. C. B.

Wallace. Mrs. Claude Waller. Mrs. Percy Warner, Mrs. George \. Washington. Mrs. JosephE. Washington. Mrs. F. W. Webster, Mrs. John P. Williams, Mrs. 0. H. Wilson. .Mrs. Louis

G. Wood, Mrs. Fielding Yost, Miss Cornelia Dismukes, Miss Marv Ewing, Mis,« Mattie Fletcher,

Miss Susie Gentry, Miss Rebecca Jones. Miss Elizabeth Kirkland. Miss Elizabeth Lea. MissPrudence Polk and Mi- M.un W.l.li.

^Fr^=. Jam.- ]\. Kirklan.l. I>,rsi,l,.„l ,.r l!.r Tr,u„-ss,.,- S.xielv. CLuiial Dames,was chosen I.ilri i.i Ir.id riKim nilici p.iliioiii ,i.li\ill(s. Ilcr ahililv lo organize

women workn- \\,i~ ( mi-pii imiis jn v\i\\ u.ir iiha cinrnt. llic iiIiikisI ((Hifidence

was placed in her as a leader, liecaiise she re(]uired no tnt-inher ol her coininittee

to make a sacrifice that she was not willinp: to share, .Mrs, Kirkland's patriotic en-

deavors hegan hefore .Xmerica entered the conflict, and she pave of her time and

strentrlh, as faithfidlv as anv soldi.r i„ ih,' ariiiv, until the rlosc ,.f the «ar period.

As a nicmher of tiic \.l\i>..i\ Couiiril nf this \,,lnrnr -lie al.l\ a-JMr,! in ihe raising

of funds for its puhliralion.


Vanderbilt Unit

Mrs. Robert F. Jackson. President

The Vanderbilt Unit of the Red Cross was organized before the Nashville Chap-

ter. The organization was affected in February of 1917 for the purpose of aiding

French hospitals. The work of this unit began one week following the organization

of the Colonial Dames, the pioneer Red Cross unit of Tennessee. The Vanderbilt

Unit membership was made up of women from the Vanderbilt University. Vander-

bilt Aid Society and the Vanderbilt Woman's Club. Mrs. Robert F. Jackson was

elected president of this unit, and when the Nashville Chapter was organized she

was made chairman of Woman's Work in that organization, and was succeeded byMrs. Jesse M. Overton, who continued to serve as president of the Vanderbilt unit

until the close of the Nashville Red Cross headquarters.

The pioneer officers of the Vanderbilt Red Cross Unit, organized in Julv, 1917,

were: Mrs. G. M. Neely. Chairman of activities; Mrs. J. T. McGill, Secretary, andMrs. George E. Bennie, Treasurer.

The Executive Committee was composed of Mrs. James H. Kirkland. Mrs. E. W.Cole. Mrs. A. Loveman, Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, Mrs. B. F. Wilson, and Mrs. Jesse

M. Overton.

The committee on organization from the Vanderbilt Aid Society, which met at

Wallace School for Red Cross work before the Nashville Chapter opened, was com-posed of the following: Mrs. James H. Kirkland, Mrs. Jo B. Morgan. Mrs. A. B,

Hill, Mrs. C. B. Wallace, Mrs. John A. Witherspoon. Mrs. George E. Bennie. Mrs.

Arthur B. Ransom, Mrs. Jesse H. Thomas, Mrs. J. M. Anderson, Mrs. John Bell

Keeble. Mrs. Richard Barr, Mrs. McPheeters Glasgow, Mrs. Edward T. Seav. Mrs.

J. T. McGill, and Mrs. G. M. Neely.

The committee on organization from the Vanderbilt Woman's Club, which met at

Wallace School for Red Cross work, was composed of the following members:Mrs. J. H. Stevenson, Mrs. Bert Young, Mrs. Granberv Jackson, Mrs. E. A. Rudiman,Mrs. C. S. Brown. Mrs. W. H. Schuerman, Mrs. J.T. Altman, Mrs. Jack Wither-

spoon, Mrs. W. H. Witt, Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Mrs. Clarence Dixon, and Mrs.

O. N. Bryan.

The committee on surgical supplies and bandages included these: Mrs. Richard

Barr and Mrs. Rufus E. Fort, Chairmen; Mrs. J. A. Witherspoon, Mrs. McPheetersGlasgow, Mrs. Henrv Morgan, Mrs. Hazel Padgett, Mrs. J. T. Altman. Mrs. W. H.

Witt, Mrs. W. C. Dixon, Mrs. Jack Witherspoon, Mrs. 0. N. Brvan. and Mrs. D. G.


Mrs. C. S. Brown and Mrs. J. H. Stevenson were Chairmen of the Knitting

Committee, and Mrs. W. H. Schuerman was Chairman of the Sewing Committee.

Mrs. Schuerman's committee on hospital garments, at headquarters of Nash-

ville Chapter, American Red Cross, was as follows: Mrs. G. M. Neelv, Mrs. Jesse

M. Overton, Mrs. Henry E. Colton, Mrs. P. D. Houston, Mrs. J. A. Witherspoon,

Mrs. W. C. Dixon, Mrs. Jesse H. Thomas, Mrs. Thomas G. Garrett, Mrs. Robert


n II IDS o \ c o I v r > /r o m t: \ i .\ r /; /. ii o h i. n ir i h. i <> / ; ; '> /<<

F.win". Mrs. W. H. HiW.ctl. Mrs. Hamilton L..vc. Mrs. Thomas I'aik: s. Mrs. Ceorse

E. Bem.i.'. Mrs. Jol.n Irotwoo.l .M.u>rc. Mrs. Sf.warl Campl.t-ll. \h>. A. W . Brandt,

Mrs. M. -M. CiM-il. Mrs. O.-^car ^Valdkircli. Mrs. H. \\ Salter. Mrs. \V. S. H. Armis-

stead. Mrs. W. A. OL'd.-n. Mrs. KIlis C. Hu^^'ins. Mrs. Charles F. Ander.son. Mr.s.

J. H. Stevenson. Mrs" A. B. Hill. .Mrs. H. B. St.ele. .Mrs. John E. Dunn. Mrs. J. T.

McCill. Mrs. Bert Youn;:. Mrs. Rol.erl Armistead. Mrs. Harrv Hartupee. Mrs. F. L.

\\ ilkerson. Mr-. John H Atchison. Mrs. J. M. Anderson, and Mrs. George Martin.

This eonnnittee worked each Friday at the Nashville Chapter. .\. R. C. headqiiar-

teis. until the close of the workrooms.

Work in surgical dressings was condu. ted at Walia.c S< hool. Mrs. H. F. Wilson

made a large donation for the purchase of raw materials for this deparlmenl during

its pioneer struggles in February. 1917. The wholesale dry goods funis of Nash-

ville made lilieral donations of gauze and cotton at the same time.

The Charter members of the \ anderbilt Surgical Dressings I'nit were: Mrs.

Jo B. Morgan. Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Mrs. Irving Chase, Mrs. Bailev Rice. Mrs.

Thomas G.Garrelt. Mrs. Sam Underwood. Mrs. 0. N. Brvan. Mrs. J. H. Stevenson,

Mrs. R. B. Steele. Mrs. E. A Rudin.an. M,-. I'. D. llmi-lon. Mr-. A. 1!. Hill. Mrs.

Thomas Parkes. Mrs. Oscar Waldkiirl,. ;„„! \li-. W .('.. l)i\nn.

A large class in first aid was eMabli-lid U Dr. .1. \. W illir.,.,, ,. a-^iM,'d bv

Dr. W. C. Dixon. They were pioneer iii-l i im i,,i - in ihi- wnA in \,i-li\lllr.

.At the opening of the Vi'oman's Work I )(|mi inicnl. \,i-li\illc ('lia|itri. Xnirrii an

Red Cross, in August. 1917. the Van. Ic bill 1 ml alliliald uilh that organization

and removed from Wallace School in iIm- (:lia|.l.i bra(|i|ii,ii lci~ in llie Chand)er of

Commerce building. Mrs. Roberl V. Ja, k~nn. I'n-hl.nl. u.,^ ihr director of this

department for the Nashville Clui|il(r.

The record of work turned out b\ llic Xandnbill I nil w.i- an rn\ iabb- one. ihe

workers having given themselves 1.. lli.ii la-k- ol nirrr\ inmrnilliirjU horn ibe

time of the fir.sl call for service. Mi-. M. M. Cn il. ,,nr ol tin- ln-l ni-lrnrim- in

knitting in Davidson County, did ia. . |.li..nal umk uilli ihi- nnil. Mi-, l.fuis

Baxter was among the one hundicd |"i rml ui>ikri~ Im ibr \.in.liibill I nil.

The \anderbilt .Aid Societv u.i~ mw u\ ibr oiiiain/ali.iii~ \\bi< li made |Hi-~ible

the War Salvage Association, of ubi.li Mi-. (;. M. NrrU ua- Sii|,ri x i-m . Ibe

members of the N'anderbilt organization- wen- animrj ibr mn-i anirnl -ii|i|)..rlii - of

all patriotic work done in the countv. Tlirii |.i..nr. i u..ik in llir X.iihlnliiii I nil

equipped them for efTicient work later. M.-. (.. M. Nr.K -r,x,-,l a- ( l.aiinian ol

World War \r|i\ili,- l,„ liir \an.lribill \i.l ^..,,rlx. ,,n,l \li-. Cianbriv Ja.k-nn

as Chairman ..I lb. Xan.j.ibiil W ..man'- (liib. Mi-, la. k-.m an, I h.i . ..iniiiillci-

sold SHbOOO in War ^axiiiL'- :-l,ini|.- in lb.-

She received the hearty sii|.|i..il ..I .ill in.inb.-

as chairman of hostesses lin ib.' ^..I.li. i-' ii

tional League for Womans .Sii\i. ..

Mrs. Jackson was chairman of lb.- h-,ini w

for the War Salvage Associatb.n : .liaiiinin

1919 Fourth Red C.io- CIni-lin.i- lb. II (all

members during iIm- .nlin- |..ii...i ..I lb.- \n.i

cfjmmittees were din-. I.-.I bs Mi-. la.k-..n. v


Mrs. Ja.kson olabli-bcd a npi>t,ili..M <ln

for war relief work xxbidi could not b,- ex. c


n AV 1 DSO N C O I !S T Y If O M E A / .V T H E If H I. I) ir ,1 R. 191 '-; 9 / <;

the citv in the allotment of places by the captains of the Fourth Lil)crl\ Loan. Imt

she and her committee gained first place in Zone Two in the selling of Lilic rl\ l!ornl-

In recognition of this splendid reputation, Mrs. Jackson was unanimously elected

by the members of the Advisory Council of this volume as their leader in securin?

funds for publication. She brought this stupendous task to a successful conclusion

This; work was done purely as a labor of love and in order to stiniidate liistoric in-

teri'sl and lh° pride sh? felt in the achievements of her c(iLinl\.

Mrs. Granbery Jackson(Margaret Early)

Cliairmaii of Advisory Council of this History

n.tiiDsoy coixTY itomf.\ /.v riu: uohld war. I9ii-i9i9

IViiiu'sscc .•111(1 I );i\ 1(1x111 ( -oiiiitN Navy

Conil'crt- (^ommitt'.'e

Mi>. ll\Kl{\ W. K\A.\s. n orl,l n >ir President

The first conc.Ttf.l \\nri,l W ;m u,nk of llic uotnrii ,,l T,-ini.—rr ua- ,lon,- l.\ llir

Xavv Comforts Coniniittfc. llir pinnrcr W.uld W ai pair i.. In m :.'aiii/alion In llic

State. This committee served uinlii \\\r I nilcd Slair- \a\\ Lra-uc al W a-liin'^lmi.

When America entered the World Wai. llir \a\\. uidi inan\ im-u rcniiiN. wa- railed

into immediate action for pici^et dul\ and iiiinr la\irij aJMULi tin- cda-l-. and llic

demand for woolen comforts for llic mm al lln- linir ua- ini|Mi ali\c.

The patriotic women ..f Term. -mc. Id \.^ \l,-^ llaiiN W . l.\aM-. nf \a-luillc.

the pioneers uliu Ida/.-d ih,- ua\ Im ihr lirnimduu- \\,,ild Wai uml dial lalcr

became necessary \\licii llir liiii;r aiin\ nl ihr I nilrd Slalo ua- lianiiirj Ini (i\rr-

seas diitv.

Mrs. 'Evans was ap|,..inlrd l,x W a-liiniilon nlJiriaU a- Irnnr-rr Cliaiinia.i for

the Navy Comforts Commillcc. and alllioiiuh llir \\..ik ua- nru and llir lica-inv

without funds, an organization was formed wliirli allarkr.l ilir umk uilli -inh ef-

ficiency that the results were l.olli iriimcdiatc and -ali-Mii'.

sT\Ti; I \risAmouL' the most active T.-iincs>cc iniil- niiNidr ,.l l)a\i.l-nn Coiuilv ucrc: C.laik-

villc Unit. Mrs. J. D. Herndon. I'residcnt : Mi-. William C. Daniel. Secretarv;

Fayelleville Unit. Miss Lucile Lamb. Pre-idr„i \|,- I l,/alMil, Heasley. .Secretary;

Torn Hve Unit. Paris. Mrs. John Sweenev. I'lr-hlmi : \li-- l.,,iii-c Scales. Secrclarv;

Miss Corrinne Lewis. Treasurer: Hunlin-<ln„ 1 ml. Mi- M.iiv llaukin-. P. r-l,lriil


Franklin Unit. .Mr.s. William H. Dozier. Pir-idrnI: Mi-. J.-r,,!, Iv:_lr-|,.n. S . i r-

tarv: Hendersonville Unit. .Miss Sara Pn i v . Pn-idrnl; Cda. Ildl I ml. Mi-.

Joseph Washinpton. Presid.-nl : ( :..Mkr\ illr I ml. Mi-. Knllrd'jr Simlli. Pir-i,l,iil-

Union Citv Unit. Mrs. .A. I,. PirN.u.l. Pir-idml: ^p, iic lirl,l (nil. Mi-, \ril •s.

Glenn. President: and HuLmIoi. Unil. Mi-. .1. II. /.ar.< ,.r. Prr.-i,lcnl. The la.-l-


nanied unit was the first unit to fill an order for helmets for aviators. This unit

served later with the \ashville Hed Cross Chapter.

A central committee was appointed by Mrs. Harry W. Evans to direct the work

in the State and consisted of: Mrs. Harding Jackson, Vice-Chairman; Miss MaryRamage, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Sidney S. Crockett. Advisor and ex-officio

member of all committees: Mrs. W. J. Morrison, Publicity; Mrs. Andrew Price, In-

spection: Mrs. Spencer McHenry. Packing; Miss Lillian Warner, Girls' Auxiliary;

Nfrs. I. W. Miller, Centennial Club, and Miss Sallie

Richardson, Knitting.

]\Irs. Andrew Price's Inspection Committee wasi(iin|ici^c(l cif Mrs. Percy Warner, Mrs. Edwin A.

I'ii( 1-. \li-. Joliii Hill Eakin, and Mrs. George Price.

Si r\iii;j with Mrs. Spencer McHenry in the Pack-

ing Department were: Mrs. Charles C. Trabue,

Miss Annie DeMoville. Mrs. C. A. Coding, Mrs.

J. W. Howard, Mrs. Kate B. Hutchinson, Mrs. L.

G. Handley, Mrs. Charles Dudley Jones, and Mrs.

W. V. Kennedy.

Miss Lillian Warner's Girls" Auxiliary included:

Miss Mary Nelson. Miss Reba Gray, Miss Eleanor

Tyne, Miss Mary Lee Crockett. Miss Mary HardingBuckner. Miss Lucile Holman. and Miss Frances


''^%\tah!"h1"")'' Miss Sallie Richardson's Knitting Committee

was composed of: Mrs. Edwin Warner. Miss Kath-

erine Berry. Miss Mary Linda Manier, and Mrs. Edward Scruggs.

Mrs. I. W. Miller's Committee included: Mrs. John Hill Eakin, Mrs. D. C. Scales.

Mrs. W. 0. Tirrill, Mrs. Sam Puryear. Mrs. Charles S. Brown, Miss Alice Tuck. Mrs.

Simpson Walker, Mrs. Sidney S. Crockett, Mrs. John W. Mosby and Mrs. A. W. Shipp.

The Central Committee organized sixty-one charter units of the Navv ComfortsCommittee in Tennessee, and these units worked constantly in the closest harmonywith the Nashville Committee.

The Davidson County Navy Comforts Committee was organized at a mass meet-

ing at the Centennial Club in April, 1917, and representatives from everv woman'sorganization and club in the county were present. They were organized into a

Headquarters Committee, with Mrs. Harry W. Evans as director, and also director

of the county organization. The use of the Centennial Club was tendered the com-mittee for their headquarters bv Mrs. Sidney S. Crockett, the president, and the

members of this club gave generous assistance in every branch of the work whichwas carried on in the club house for ten months.

The executive Board of the Davidson County Committee consisted of:

Mrs. Walter .Stokes. Review Club; Mrs. George E. Blake. Browning and Friday MorningClubs: Mrs. John Kreig. Kipling Club; Mrs. Mary C. Dorris, Daughters of 1812; and repre-

sentatives of the following United Daughters of the Confederacy Chapters: Mrs. Mark Harrison,

Mary Frances Hughes Chapter; Mrs. Harry Lee, Annie Humphreys Morton Chapter; Mrs. W. T.Davis. William B. Bate Chapter; Mrs. Thomas Newbill, Nashville Chapter; Miss Mar\- House.Harriet ON,Hnn n,:,|.i,.r; and Mrs. John C. Brown. State U. D. C; Mrs. Reau Folk. First Ten-nessee i;.L:iin.M; \li-. [,. G. Noel. Vanderbilt Woman's Club; Mrs. Armstrong Allen. TwentiethCentury ( Inl-; \li- IImiiit Eastman. Belmont Magazine Club. Mrs. W. F. Bang and Mrs. W. L.

Tally. \\ . < . T. I .: Mrs. Robert W. Nichol. Art Association; Mrs. Leslie Warner and Miss


II>S(>.\ (.()l.\TY lf()ME\ I .\ THE WORLD WAR. 1 " I -il " ] 'J

MaliUla 1'orl.T. SulTrapi- A^M.rialioii; Mrs. C. M. Ne<-ly. Vaiulcrhik Aid; Mrs. Granbcry Jack-

son. Vaiulcrbill Woiiiair* Cliil): .Mrs. LlizalK-tli Frve I'apc. Metaphysical Club; Mrs. Alice Clovd.

Parent-Teacher Association: Mrs. Charles Cohn. temple Sisterhood; Mrs. J. D. Blanton. WardBelmont: Mrs. James I'almer. Fli>rence Crittenden ^[ome; Mrs. Walter Keith. Old Woman's Home;.Mr-. Horace C. Hill. Old Woman's Home. Junior Board; Mrs. W . G. Ewing. Protestant's Or-

phana'j;e: Mrs. O. .N. Ilollabauiih. Kullediie -Magazine Club: and the following representatives

of the .Nashvill.- I). A. H. Chapters, with Mrs. E. W. Foster as chairman-general: Mrs. K. T.

.McConnico. Cumberlan.l Chapter: Mrs. James K. Cal.lwell. Campbell Chapter; an.l Mrs. W. W.Lvon. McCrorv Chapter: Mrs. Edward Buford. Y. W. C. A.; Mrs Henrv Teitlebaum. Council

of Jewish Women; .Mrs. James F. Caldwell. IVabody Woman's Club; .Sirs. John Hill Eakin,

Centennial Club; Mif. Robert F. Jackson. Colonial Dames; Mrs. Walter Johns, East Side Civic

Club; Nfrs. Alex Caldwell, State Fe<leration of Women's Clubs; Miss Louise G. Lindsley, Ladies'

Hermitage .\ssnciation; Miss .Martha llandlev. A. J. Harris Circle. Independent Daughters of

Confederacy: .Miss Elizabeth Bloomstein. Magazine Circle; Miss Fermine Pride a.ul Miss Frances

Pilcher, Query- Club; Miss Roberta Tarpley. Second District; Mi>s .Margaret Thompson. Ninth

District; and Mrs. Count R. Boyd, Fourteenth District.


at Washinctdii.

'ktiit the kils" were reeeived from National Headquarters.

111(1 armv cd knitters was recruited from the veteran knitters

of other wars and from every rank and file of Davidson

(lountv'.s womanhood. To procure wool for -iic h a kiiit-

tinjl force now became the first interest id lli'- \a\v

Comforts (lomniittee. and various kinds of

.Mnrncan I'atriot.

Nashville newsiiapers p:ave ^'enerousK

houses kept the committee's work constant

on the screen and hy allowinsr school eii

Comforts Committee l.adiic i,, |,,i" r,,ll,-, I

The following l,alllr-ln|.~ ur,,- lulK r,

orpanizalion: The l. S. S. \n~li\illi

the Shaw, the Stewart, tin- (nlc

In AufTust, 1917.

that the members of tlo- Naw (!(.nilorl~ Cdiers as well as the s:iilor-. \;

permission, and all u.Hibn cijUii^ ili,n nn li,

wherever they cf)uld be reached. .Many oulills were sc

mander of itie 11 1th Field .Artillery, and to Col. Harrvll.Mh Field Artillery. Four hundred and eiphty-eight

Captain Percy A. Perkins. .AmbulaiK <• C.>iiipan\ No.

bow Division. The men of this unit li.id rm ~\\>:i[i-

in twentv-foiir hours after the reoiK-l Im -ii' li ai

niic-sec I nit of the Kain-

HT woolen comforts, and

a- received the consiprn-

( 76 )


meiil was sliip]ied. reaching Captain Perkins' men on tiie day tliev sailed for overseas


Lieut. John Overton, one of Nashville's fallen heroes, of the U. S. Marines, wassupplied with a complete woolen outfit, and on the day he left America he wrote a

letter of appreciation to the members of the Navy Comforts Committee. Capt. Lewis

Tillman, of the United States Reserves in France, was sent many of the.se comforts

for his men. Howell Adams, cf the 12th Engineers (Ry. I. U. S. Reserves, was also

tlie recipient of a complete outfit.

After ten months of the most strenuous and efficient work the jNavy ComfortsCommittee realized the necessity of consolidating its forces with the newly estahlished

.American Red Cross Chapter to prevent duplication of work and waste of material.

Mrs. Harry W. Evans, President, sent a circular letter to all the units in Tennessee,

asking them to merge widi their local Red Cross Chapters. When this was done the

life of the Navy Comforts Committee as a separate organization ranie to n close: hut

the intelligent efforts of its trained women added muchto the efficiency of the Nashville Chapter of the RedCross, as well as other patriotic organizations formedlater.

Mrs. Harry Evans became the Commandant of th?

Emergency Canteen Service of the Nashville Red Cros:-

Chapter, where she worked with the same ability whichhad made the Navy Comforts Committee such a siicces'^.

Mrs. Evans also had charge of four hundred wait-

resses at the Nashville Hippodrome during the home-coming of the Tennessee boys of the A. E. F., at wdiic'i

time three large banquets were served, giving thousand

of soldiers a bounteous "feed."

Women who made possible the success of this pio-^^^^^ ^^^^^^ f^mue

neer organization, which began its service with the en-

trance of America into the World War, will be found to be practically the personnel

of the women of Davidson County who carried on until the close of war activities,

Avhich culminated in the 1919 Christmas roll call of the Nashville Red Cross Chap-ter, of which Mrs. Granbery Jackson, a member of the Central Committee, waschairman. Due to the experience gained in organization by the members of the

Navy Comforts Committee, many of whom became leaders in other patriotic or-

ganizations, credit is due a large per cent of the splendid war work of the womenof Davidson County.

The following members of the Navy Comforts organization, who were pioneers,

gave generous donations and assisted materially from their homes by knitting andby serving on Telephone Committees to secure workers:

^Mra J. T. Altman. Mjs. Horace Allen. Mrs. T. P. F. Allison. Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mrs.

\V. L. Anderson, Mrs. Vance Alexander, Mrs. A. B. Anderson. .Mrs. Joseph Abrams, Mrs. B. D.

Bell, Mrs. B. B Allen. Mrs. W. S. Bransford. .Mrs. Johnson Bransford. Mrs. Byron Martin. Mrs.C. D. Berrv, Mrs. O. N. Brvan. Mrs. W. W. Berry. Mrs. H. B. Bond. Mrs. L. P. Bellah, Mrs.

H. O. Blackwood. Mrs. W. t. Blue. Mrs. Frank A. Berrv. Miss Mary E. Burke, Mrs. CharlesBringhurst. Mrs. Charles Bringleman. Mrs. Dan C. Buntin. Mrs. Count Bovd. .Mrs. 0. C. Barton.

Mrs. J. W. Black. :\Irs. H. A. Batchelor. Mrs. Robert Cowan. Mrs. M. S. Combs. Mrs. RobinCooper. Mrs. Paul Cohn, Mrs. Thomas Craighead. Mrs. Sheffield Clark. Mrs. W. L. Coulter,

Mrs. R. E. Donnell. Mrs. H. M. Doak. Mrs. H. F. Dulin. Mrs. A. S. Dabney. Mrs. WilliamDuncan. Mrs. C. H. Dabnev. Mrs. Frank Dodson. Mrs. Samuel Douglas. Mrs. L. F. Davis. Mrs.

C. W. Clifford, Mrs. M. E. Everett, Mrs. John Early, Mrs. James M. Frank. Mrs. Thomas Farrell.


Driiii)S().\ coiy'T) iroMEy i\ tiik no rid war. loiii'ii^)

Mr<. Marc-llus Fro>I

.Mr?. Jaiiir-i C.walline\

Mr;;. C. A. Ilarriiigl'.

U. .N. llujil.e*. Mrs. P. L. Harm-il. Mrs. Frank Hobson. Mrs. Laura HutII.M.pi-r. -Mrs. .Marv Hawtliornc. Mrs. E. A. Halcher. Mrs. Grace llous

Mrs. .\v,-r\ Ilamlly. Mrs. B,-n Herman. Mrs. Alex Irvinp. .Mrs. ThoniaJaekstiu. Mrs. Edwin Jackson. Mrs. Robert F. Jackson. Mrs. Norman K

Mrs. G. \V. Fowler. Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald, Mrs. W. L. Granbery,.Mrs. F. Searcy Green. Mrs. Marv Graves. Mrs. Roberta Cbase Harding,, .Mrs. George Hale, .Mrs. Carrv' Herman. Mrs. W. D. llutcbison, Mrs.

Mr-. n,.r,.nce W.-. Il.iii\ Horlon.

. \1.-. Unwell E.

1.. .\h>. Van Leer

Bas W. M.,i Mis. i;

Kirkman. Mrs. George Killebrew. Mrs. John Kennedv. Mrs. R. C. Kenvon, .Mrs. Ikrtnide Lewis,

Mrs. E. T. Lowe. .Mrs. Jobn Leilvell. Mrs. Jake Lefkovilz. .Mrs. Lee Loventlial. .Mrs. Horace.\<blev. Mrs. Jobn Asliford. Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Mrs. C. S. Brown. Mrs. diaries Dudlev Jones,

Mrs. T. A. Leonard. Mrs. W. A. Brvan. Mrs. Lewis Baxt.r. Mrs. Dora B. Grimes. Mrs. E. W,Cole. Mrs. H. B. Garre. Mrs. Irving Chase. .Mrs. Walkins Ci,.,kelt. \li>. Nathan Crockett, Mrs.

C. C. Christopher. .Mrs. John Cheek. Mrs. M. .M. Cecil. Mrs. John W. \lo>l,v. Mrs. K. C. .Moore.

Jr.. .Mrs. W. \. Kennedv, Mrs. Buist Richardson. Mrs. Kmilie \hith. Mrs. Daisv Leiiehan Hoff-

man. .Mrs. Robert Cheek. Mrs. Robert Caldwell. Mrs. Louis Davis. Mrs. W. 0. Parmer, Mrs.

Clarence Dixon. Mrs. Craig McFarland, Mrs. W. R. Dismukes. .Mrs. 11. M. Drifoos, Mrs. Ilarvev

Hogg, Mrs. J. A. Dale. Mrs. Ilenrv Neuhoff. Mrs. Albert Ew-ing. :\Irs. Sandy E. Owen, Mrs.

. Kuin-. Mrs. Mvra Fall. .Mr.s. R. E. Fort. Miss Daisv M.Cni.n. \Ir~. K. \V. Frve, .Mrs. William Gupton, Mrs. C. A.

\lai.ilu. \li- Murlimer Gaines. .\rrs. J. E. Hart, Mrs.

I) (, II, 111. \l>-. K. V. Havward. Mrs. Eustace Hail, Mrs.s,,,„ \1, k.ix. Ml-. ( h.ul.- iluiii. Mrs. Lucy Manning, .Mrs.

M.,1 H. Il,.„.ll. \li., ,1. W. Howard. Mrs. Boyt C,

llnu, II. \1,.. I ,1,1,11.111.1 kul.ii. Mrs. John Coode, Mrs. P.

\. MunaN. Mr>. .^,im W.M.Iuiiic. .Mrs. Katherine T. Allen,

Mrs. W. 11. Bailev. .Mrs. Sam K. Harivell. Mrs. M. E.D.rrvberrv. .Mrs. .^iarshall llotcbkiss. Mrs. W. D. Haggard.

Mr-.' J. 15. Johns. Mrs. C. A. Coding. Mrs. James H.

kiiklaii,!. Mrs. J. P>. naiii.l. Mrs. John Kreig. Mrs. Wil-liam I iii.ni. \h-. I'i,,l K.U,-v. Mrs. Dan .McGugin. Mrs.

.1. W. M,».ir. Mr-. M. C. \l,Cannon, Mrs. Jo B. .Morgan,

\li-. {;,-,.n;.- M,.r;;an. Mrs. II. II. Corson. Mrs. Garnet\.„ I. Ml- Margaret Thompson. .Mrs. James E. Caldwell,

li Ml-. Hazel Padgett. Mrs. E. A. Ruddiman. .Mrs. John\ M, luen. .\[rs. Edward Bnford. Mrs. Lou Rascoe. Mrs.

( lill .McClendon. Mr-, J. II. Sl,v

Mrs. Carev A. Folk. Mi- .1, \,'

Whitworlh, Mrs. W . II, Will.

Mrs. \V. G. Waldo. Mi-. W . I!. (

Mrs. Louis Wood. Mrs. John A.

Mrs. II. B. Chadwell. Mrs. Fi.

foord R. Cole. Mrs. James Cavebell. Mrs. W. W. Crandall, Mi

1. Mrs. W. F. Tillett.

1-1 M. Mrs. Len K.

W illiam A. Ogden,Mr-. Frank Walkirk,

^ Mrs. B. E. Young,Yost. Mrs. White-

of T.I...,-..•, loyal patriot.. f„„r,| 1! C,,],. Mrs I.imes Cavee .Mrs. H. Tavlor Camp-K. D. Crulchor, .Mrs.

Verner Moore Lewis, Mrs. William A. Carter, Mrs. J. H. Corbett, Mrs. J. G. Creveling, Jr.,

.Miss Alma Oliver, Miss Dorothy Ashley. Miss Elizabeth Cage. Miss Ola Nunn Cage, Mrs. LeeH. Farris. Mrs. .M. E. Fontaine. Mrs. G. A. Lock,-. Mrs. Ben Lindauer. Mrs. A. Loveman, Mrs.

E. G. Lewis. .Mrs. Lou Lusky, Mr- M. < I, I..,!. Mr- West H, Morton. M,-. Ki.ll.s Wills. Mrs.

Menrv McClellan. Mrs. J. D. C-. M,.ii,,ii. Mi- 1 W . Miller. Mrs. Tlumia- M.,iili,u-. M,-. Ellen

.Mar.siiall. Mrs. Richard McClain. Mi- h.lm W \l,.-l,x. Mrs. G. N. Martm. \li-. I. M. McGee,Mrs. T. J. .Ma.sfm. .Mrs. Robert W . Ni, li.il, Mr- Sri.h.w O'Brien. Mr-. M.u-inl I'rck, Mrs.

Elizabeth Frve Page. Mrs. Harris Pinrr.r. Mi-, William C, l',.ll.r,,l. Mr-. Jam.'s K. Polk. Mrs.

\Jarsh Polk. Mrs. Robert Pickering. Mrs. \l.\ l>,.il, r. Mr- l',,il, i I'lirllr].-. Mrs. Samuel Prilcbett,

>rrs. James Beaslev. Mrs. Boiling Rice. Mr- I. li 1;,,%.-. Mr- Wril.arir B. Rees.-. Nfrs. Charles

Reeves, Mrs. EJj Ridelsheimer, Mrs. L. R, H,.g,t>. .Mis. (,,arr^ill,• P. I!,.>e. Mrs. C. G. Stephens.

Nrrs. Edward T. Seay. Mrs. M. Sobel. Mrs. R. S. Salzkotter. Mrs. M. J. Smith, Mrs. Jobn Sbarpe,

Mrs. Vernon Sharp, Mrs. Gertru<lo Schrader, Mrs. Euclid Snow. Mrs. Margaret Sykes. Mrs.

(;. L. Smith. Mrs. T. M. Steele, Mrs. W. H. Bailey. Mrs. Brown Bufor.l. Mrs. J. C. Sweeney.

Miss Helen Buford, Mrs. A. M. Shook. Mrs. Leo Schwartz. Mrs. M. A. Spurr, iSfrs. A. B.

Benedict, Mrs. Joseph W. Byrns, Miss Frances Bcnnie. Mrs. Thomas Newbill. Mrs. William B.

Sbelton, Nfrs. James B. Ezzcll. Miss Elizabeth Eve. Miss Margaret Early, Mrs. W. G. Ewing,

Mrs. Henry E. Collon, Mrs. E. W. Foster, Mrs. Rogers Caldwell, Mrs. Charles Caldwell. Mrs.

Lyon Childress, Mrs. James S. Frazer, Mrs. Georgia Knox-Berry, Mrs. Gladys L. Chamberlain,

.Mrs. E. B. Caycc. Mrs. Ed. A. Lind.scy. Mrs. ^L M. Cullom, Mrs. Charles Baker, Mrs. George

f 781


f. Blackie, Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. \liv \\ a i.i K,-itii, Mrs. Leu B. Kite, Mrs. .Mary WashingtonFrazer, Mrs. S. E. Dickey, Miss ijl.n l..-(.i. \ns. Sam Douglas, Mrs. W. M. Duncan, Mrs.Rulus Port, Mrs. John H. D.-Wiii, \li-. \l.u\ C. Dorris, Mrs. Bruce Douglas, Mrs. OliverTimothy, Mrs. A. N. Tilljiian. \l,-- Inn. in I.ium,. M,-. •^,,nl W ,..,!» in,-. \1,^. !,„ W rrlliam,

Mrs. W. H. Laml.nl h. Mi-. !. ii |.,,. \l-I W \\i,n-ni. \li-. \Kiik ILniiMn,. \l.>. John

O. White, Mrs. (,r,,i„. lu,/,.,. \li- r.nn W. 11,1,1. \h-. i;,lln l^l,• W.l-nii. \liv ,l.,ln, Weber,Mrs. J. W. Wani.n. \ii- \nii U.iii.n. \li-. ( 1 . 1 , \li- |n„„ ||,.|iia Mmih. \iiv. Tnumas(.. I.ailrll. Ml-. \. !:. ( inlunllll. \l,-. Il,,,^,^ I|,,1miI \|-,- .-;;,|', llll, llru.k \U^. Jolui A.liil'l^.-k. Ml- i.li/.il"lli IniilMMl. \i,-. ( ,,. Will,,, Ml I, III. \li-, 1;. I'. \\il-,,ii. Mr.s. Idabelle\Ml-,,ii, \ii-. i;i,li.n,l I. W, !-,,!,. Ml- I.,,,,,-, \l,ll,,,,^ \l,- i;,,|,.ii I'.iann.in. \lr^. HumphreyTm.uiln. \l,-. ( 1,11 \|.( l.iHhni. \li-. W. K. \.,n.li. \li- W . II. -, liii, , iii.,n. Mi-. Joseph W^est,

.Mrs. \\illK.ni M.nii,,. \l,-. (lu-l.x \|,,n„,. Ml-, I. - \\,-,iIJ,a. \1,-. II Lu lor CampbeU,Mrs. J. 11. I ,,i!.,.|i, \l,- IViiil \l. h.iM-. \li- (.,,,i„ --, hu.il,. \li-. \l. II. II,, I, -..II. Mrs. HoraceCauvin. Ml-, ^.i.h,' ( ..mni. \li-. II |l Ii.n. Mi- ImImi I iiif.li.i. \li-. I laiik D. Fuller,

Miv l.'.iili.ii Mill-. \l,-. ha, I. A \l,,l!l„«-. \li- \li.. Hall i i,i,l-.A. \l,-, ( a,,^ E. Morgan,Ml-. Il„i.-.i \l.(.aN..,k. \li-. ( . \ \l.ii-!,all. \li- 11,11 \l.\li-i.i. \li-. II. .1,1.,, (;. Hill, .Mrs.

C. \1- .\.,'K \li-. I.--, \l nx,al,,ii. \li-. l,-li, \\,,,n,>. Ml-, A. i:. I'. .11.,. \1,-. Gibson Pat-

t. •-..„. \l,-. K,,,,;,i. k llardca,l!c. Mi.--. W . A. Uu.i.U.,-uii. M,>.. L. "l . 1' U/.l.u:;li. Mrs. W. L.

(.l,,,,l„.^. Ml- W.ili,, ,M„kes. Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson, Mrs. R. A. Griffin, Mrs. Elbe Hugsins,Ml-.. Iiui^li! \\,l,|,. Ml-,. Joseph T. Howell, Mrs. Eugene Crutcher, Mrs. Watkins Crockett.Ml- (;,,.„ 1:,, Mi>. Pv. E. Porter. Mrs. C. A. Craig. Miss Kalhrvn Crai-. Mrs. George\\:i-lnn,.,l,.,,. M,- 1. 1'.. Itani.L Mi-. Gnilf,.,,! nu.ll.^. Mr-, n.ni.li i. Iji.' r:al,l«,.ll. Mi-. F. M.CI. III. an-. Ml-. W . 11 Will. Ml-- I .an M.ni., T.i 1

1, l,,| li. Mi-- ki. - l'il,li,i. Mi-, llallum

(. II,,,-. Ml-- Inn,, ( I-. Ml- \I,A l•,ll^. Ml- i;. ( \l Nil- Mil,- W illi.n,,-. Mrs.

J. k. i;.,,,i-. \i|. li.iM.I i;, .-,,,, I. I.I. M,-. k.l».,,,l -„,„,--. M,-, I hark- .^i,a-..,i. Ml-. W. J.

.^1 M.-. l.,»i> .McCary. Mr,. 1... ^. liu.m/ \l,-- \kll^ i; ^mith. Mrs. A. W. Sliipp, Mrs.Tla.ina. ,1. Tm„,. Mrs. John W. Th..Mi.i-. M>- I..-, |,l. 1 li,,,,,,.-,,,,. Jr.. Mrs. Smith Tenni.son, Mrs.J.'lni v.. Tl a-. Jr.. Miss Elizah..:!, l;,i, ,,„,. \l,- \l..,^ ll,,,,|,,n, Buckner. Miss Anna Blanton,

M,-. M,,,ii,i llarlman. Mi" Mi,,, (, -nnlli. M,- l-nll,, lk,-kin-. Mi" I nnra Bi'iitini. MissC..i.ili,.,^ Il..|lin-. Ml-- |-|i/.,l.,ll, Ik.'lni-. Ml- l,.iii-,, s,,„,, \|,.^ Ii.li.i l|,„k,-,,„. Ml-- Rr-rtha

ill,,,,. Mi-iian,. Ml- M,, Kn,,ln..,i,.li. M,- M.,, L.n.-N. M,- Ik, .a I i,.,,,„i!,, \li- \,ll K,,,,,. MissJan.- Turr.nilni.,. Mi- \k,rv I'.nl.,, K,,k,i,.ni. M.-- M.nll,,, T,l|,„,,,,. M,-- \k,i^ii,l I -nil. MissI'ntlir Milka-. Ml- Am,,., Ma, In.l.au I. \1,-- l,/„, Klla.ii. Ml- ^,,-1, M.Wn,,i.r. Missr:ii/al,rili W I. Ml- lai.i Ka-iin.iM, M,- v,,|K M.,,,,,,. \|,- |'.,,il W,ii-..„. \1,-- I.ucile

F.na:ii-..ii. Mi-, Klk.- M,.r:iaii. Mi- M,,,^ Wxall. Mi- l,,.,,,-.' Caail.l. Mi- llkii .\aiiLc. MissM.n^ I. ,11 C lu,,,. \l,-- \.ll.i I'.iii, .,-..,,. \l,- l;,,-.. (:.,.,.l„,,, M,.. I h,.,l,..ii. Price, MissK,,,,l,., C I,,. I,. \l,- \'.i,N I'nkaiii. Ml- .1,11., „ Ik.niih. Mi- li, - ll,^,.,-. Miss EllenII, III. ,1. Ml- M..\ 1..UI-. \li-- M.in I. .11 Ham-. Mi- Mar\ Han. I.I. Mi- 1 .1 i/.ik.lli Hart. Misshlizaheth kirkland. Mis^ 1 i-,- l,,n.l-l.,v. .Miss ll.-Irn .Mitchell. .Miss Blannlir .Martin. MissMartha Nichols, Miss Ague- .smhli. Mi" Ida Swann. and Miss Rebecca Ward.

Several strong knitting iniiks were organized in Nashville through this organiza-

tion, one of the largest being the D. B. Unit, organized by Mrs. John B. Ransoin, Jr.,

and Mrs. Rogers Caldwell, with Mrs. James E. Caldwell, Jr., as instructor. Themembers of this unit were:

Mrs. John A. McEwen. Mrs. Allen Berry, ^[rs. Charles Hunt. Afrs, Paul Rve. Mrs. W. D.Haggard, Mrs. Richard Pake. Mr-. Fdwin Mnrrav, Mr- F.nmt William^. Mr-., .^^p.n.'.-r M. -Henry-.

Miss Mary Webb. Mi-, iliirl.- hn.lk^ l,,,,,- Mr- Ik-nrx Kia/.-r. Mi-, K„-J.l,i,i; ( i.., .I..n. Mrs.Walter Morgan. Mi- I,,-,]. I, l'.,li,i,i. M,-. I'.s,,,,, M,, ,,,,. Mr-. M,,,,,l,il, (.,|,|u,ll M,- FelixCheatham. Mrs. l)a„,|,,,lLn (.,I,I»,II. \l,- ,|,,l,,, ( l„ ,,k. Mi-, .1 \, I l.,u k,n-,.ii. Mi- l.eland

Rankin. Mr-. C, il 1 uin^. Mi- la,,;,,,,,, ^1,,,, \l,-- \l„,, (.,,i,,„l,. Sniill,. M,- |,,-,,|di H.Tl,..,n|.-..n. Mr-. Ii.nik -..,,. n C,,.,-,,. \l,- ( I,,,, I,.

I M, „,,.». \|,-. ' ,,- \kil..,i,. In, Mrs.I'.ikin- ^.\l..i,. Ml- H.ii-^ I. II, I,., I, II, ,111,,.,,,. Ml- W.il,,, ^i,.k,,- 1, . Ml- I lank- WlniKurth,Mr-;. \n,|n-w Z.-ilki. Mi- ( ..rrin.- ( r,ii^. Mi- I illiii, J,, v. Mi- -.ira -^liainn.n. Mi- \l,,r^ Hard-ing Buckner. Miss Elizabeth Buckner. Mrs. Foster Hume. Mrs. C. A. Coding. .Mrs. Thomas Herbert.Jr.. Mrs. K. C. Moore, Jr.. Miss Lillian Warner. Miss Evelyn Douglas, M^iss Bessie Dunbar,Miss Ellen Stokes, Miss Ruth Vance, Miss Margaret Vance, Miss Martha Lindsey.

The personnel of the National Life and Accident Company Unit, with MissMargaret Crecellus as president, consisted of:

/>.( I I nsoy CO I v r y o 1/ /; V / V 7 // A ;; o a 1. 1> ir i A'. / <> i ii " i :

GKOLP UF MEMliEKS Ol" GlKl.S Al Mil \1!V



Mi?s Lillian Warner in centre cf jilelure. Cliairrnaii. .-^tandinj; buck of her is Mrs. Harry

Evans. Presiileni of llie Tennes-.e orianizalion. Ullicrs in the i.icluje are: Miss Francis

Dudley. Miss Marv Lee Crockett. Miss Eleanor Tvne. Miss Corinne Craig. Miss Percie Warner,

Miss Marv Harding lOnckner. Miss llariel Dillon. Mrs. Paul Kyc, Miss Gladys Wilherspoon,

.Miss Allien Tillman and Miss Delia Martin.

Mr< \. L. Anderson. Mrs. Douglas Moxlev, Mrs, Ethel .'^niith. Miss Annie Aycock. Miss

Mildred Brown. Miss Lorine Cunningham. Mis* Er<'aa Chilton. Miss Nellie Ferguson. Miss

i ucile f-Vr"U-on Mi-^s Clara Sue Ge,-. Miss Margaret Kellev. Miss Karline Meadow. Miss Nellie

\I Nevin-^" Mi- Julia M,l. h.-Il. Mi^- l)u,-,•^ Monger. NJi-s Gla K- Ku-l. Miss Sadee .Shea.

Mrs. Louise Hailev. M.^. -.lU Mm,.,. Mr-. Grant Thoma>. \li-> IMi,;, M-nway. Miss India

Cooper Mi« llesl.'-r (..... ^... \l,-- \l,,,,i,.. |)i\,,i.. Mi- Martha frilh. \1,-- N.'lie .Mai Gibbons,

Miss Inna Jackson. .Mi- I ,n,„, K.M.n. \I.— l)<;vev \la\wrll. Mi- Ir.iiu-.- Morton. Miss Iteba

Orndorff. Miss Ka- i'ad., 11. Mis- .-um- Slalev. .Mi- Frances Heaves. Mi- Vola Thomas. Miss

Pearl Watson. Mi- Matii,- William-. Mi- N,l! \\e>l,>. Miss .Margaret Welch. .\l.iss Helen Walker.

C. A. Craig. I'residcnl of the National LilV and .Vccidciit liisiirance Conipaiiv,

challen;.'f<l this unit lo fuitlicr eiulcavor hy promising to iJiirchase knitting needles

and all tlie wool consumi'd. This unit in their splendid woik gave Mr. Craig ample


Ciitucii Ol- Tin; \i)\i;nt IMt

Mrs. J. Huist Kirhardson was preside I' llir (:liiMrli ,1 ll.r \.lvent Inil. and

the work of this organization was exeeplional. -.. thai iIh\ \m n- di.illrd as a unit lo

continue to knit for the Red Cross at tin- l..nnali,ji nl llic \,i-li\ill,- Ciiapler.

The following were the memhei- , f Mi-. K i. I,,,, ,l-..n- : M,-. .1. P-iiist Kieh-

ardson. President; Mrs. Koseoe .Niirni. \li-. .1. II. :-n\ iiohll. Mi-, \iiiia C Shipman,

Mr.s. J. \. Chamherlain. Mrs. C. 11. ll,..ll..,-. \li-. \. I). l;.\,n,. Mi-. II. C Hihhs,

Mrs. M. H. Parrish. Mrs. Wiiliatn .S helTer. Mi- j..,- C,,,!!.-. Mi- (oitrude Lewis.

Miss Priseilla Polk. Miss Med.ira Mill. Miss l),,rnll,\ llill. Mi- M,ir.iaret Edwards,

Mi-s Hula Niinn. Miss Amv Nunn. Miss Frances Niiiui. Mi- l.nnn.i Jean Lawrence,

Miss Willie Temple. Miss' Lorena Southgate. Mi- Kli/alM-lh SmilliLate. and Miss

Klizaheth Jungerinan.

Ckniknm.m. Ci.i I! IM I

Mr-. 1. W. Miller ua- pr.-ideiil of the Centeiiiii.il Chil. Inil. llir piinripal ., Inject

of which was lo . -tahlish knitting units at the Wariolo Sclllcicnl Horn-, the Wesley


Home ;,M,1 the OM \V,..nair- Home. V„v llie unit inMilullnn. Mi-. Kniili,- Mull,,

inutlier of Mrs. Miller, at tlie age of ei;^hly-six. eontril.iited over seven luindred

artieles knitted for the boys by her own hands. Later Mrs. Mulh was among the

most ardent knitters of the Red Cross Chapter, and was unsurpassed by any other

knitter in Tennessee.


Miss Corrinne Cavert organized a unit among the public school teachers, whosepatriotism cannot be too highly praised for the excellent manner in which they in-

stilled with the spirit of helpfulness the children in their charge from the beginningof tlie war through the reconstruction period. The Davidson Countv Teachers' As-

sociation received favorable comment from National and State officers of all WorldWar organizations.

The members of Miss Cavert's Unit were: Miss Corrinne Cavert, Miss RoseGoodwin, Miss Annie Cavert, Miss Ida Cavert, Miss Alice Leonard, Miss Hettie

Duff, Miss Laura M. Malone, Miss Lillian Taylor, Miss Margaret Rose, Miss GraceRose, Miss Claytie Robinson, Miss Jennie Waggoner, Miss Hattie Cotton, MissMarie Cage. Miss Louise Cage, Miss Keeble Trimble, Mrs. Henry Manthey. MissJulia Green. Mrs. Ross Hudleston, Mrs. Lou Rascoe. and Mrs. P. M. Tamble.

CoLNciL OF Catholic WomenThe Catholic women's unit was organized at the residence of Mrs. John Coode.

Mrs. Horace Cauvin was elected president, Mrs. Herbert McSweeney, secretary, andMrs. John Steadwell, treasurer. The meetings of this unit were held at the Kniehtsof Columbus club house, and tlie instructors of knitting were Mrs. Bettie Dahlgren.Miss Alice G. Smith. Mrs. T. R. Behan. Miss Sadie Cauvin, Mrs. John Bevington,and Mrs. Dora Bruce Grimes.

The following members of the unit donated the wool and knitted a large numberof articles:

Mrs.. John Coode. Mrs. A. P. Ottar=nn. Mrs. J..lin B.niiigton. Mrs. M. I. Smitli. Mrs Herbert.McSweeney. Mrs. .\rtluir .I;nAi-. Atr-, ,1. II. Criin. -. \I,-. F. K. Kiiliii. Mi-, T. T., T^ixl.ir. Mrs.Joseph H. Thompson. :\Ir-. I, \, ^i, m,Iu, II. M,-. Ih,,..,,. (.,„mii. \I,-, -i,,„i,a |,,nlh,ni. Mrs.John Lowery. Mrs. John Tivhii.-, \|i-. \IImii ^muIii. Mi-. |mIi-i \1,mi,,.. \I,- \ | I In,-. Mrs.P. A. .Murray. .Mrs. Fran,.- \l,(alill^. Mr-. ,1. I,. >p,,r.-. \l,-. Cluirl.- Iln,„. \l,-. Th.,masSwords. Afrs. Thomas Mo„ney, Mrs. T. K. Behan. Mrs. John Miller, and Misses .Mary Finnegan,Dorothy Lutzler. Elizabeth Green. Annie Marie Nenon, Annie Mai Kennedy, Mamie Brew, MaryDeMoville. .\nnie D.-Moville. Catherine Grimes. Cornelia Coode, Kathleen Langham, AgnezKuhn. Kate Fitzgerald and Ellie Sutherland.

The Fire Fighters UmtThe fire laddies of Nashville formed a volunteer unit, '"the kit unit." and gave

their spare time to knitting under the instructions of Mrs. John Coode and Mrs.Sam Orr. These men turned out a very creditable number of hand-knitted articles.

Later they learned to operate a sock machine and greatlv increased the volume of

the units work.

Mrs. Harry W. Evans donated the first knitting machine to be used in Nashville,

and after the practicability of the machine was established several more were pur-

chased later for the Red Cross Chapter.


DAI 1 1) S O \ C O I V 7 )• K M E .V / A' T H K If R I. I) If A R. 19 141919

Y. Vi'. C. A. Annkx IMt

Mis. r.liarl.'s Dudl.-v ],m,'> an.l Mrs. K.luin \. I'li.v ^^vu^ l\u- oi-aniziMS and

Mi-- Mai\ Smith. I'lvsid.-nt.

Mi-- Mar\ Sult..n. Trcasiin-r.

Mi- kat.- Healey. Serrctaiy.


M>-. K. 1{. Dooliule. PlTsidLMl.

Mr-. \. ,). McGaughey. SetiTtai y.

Mi— llallic Rose. Treasurer.

Ml-. V. T. Carturi-ht. riirchasins.' Aiicnt.

M,-. II. 11. Clia.lurll. Kxtrnsion.

DriMMM M\(.\ziNE CiKci.E Unit

M,-. .I„lin II. DrWitt. President.

Mis. .1. C. (avveiins. Jr.. \ i.ePicsid.-nt.

Mrs. I). M. Smith. Serretar\ and Tn-a-iiivr.

Mrs. Clav C. Stephens, lii-li iMl<.r.

This unit was composed of the < iilire in(ndin-hi|i nl ihr lirhiiMiit Magazine Club,

whose rosier of members apjirars in {h- l-edcrali'd ( liih ( liaplri.

Miss Lina Kaminsky. one of the most eHirimi kiiittci- .^1 the Navy ComforU

Committee, was born in Berlin. Germany. She. h< vmm i. I.ir nnr -o impressed with

Ameriean ideals and principles that her adopted . nunliA did not have a more ioval

or devoted [jatriot.

To Mr.s. Harrv K\an-. Pn -ideni of this oi-iani/ali.,n. rredil is due thr training

of a lar"C number of wcinien of Tennessee who later beranie eni( ierit war workers.


\o other I oiiiil\ ill llie M.ilr i an hua-l iil iia\ inp more sons in the service of their

countrv from the same families than that of Davidson County. While we sive a few

illustrations of the mothers and their sons, there were more than a hundred families

in the county with from three to six stars on the Service Mafrs that hunji on the

front doors of the absent soldiers' homes. Mr. and Mi-. Marl Rice. Davidson

County residents, had six sons who were native- nl ihr . miiiiI\ in the service, and

a number of other families who had several son- in x-iw,,- are iccorded with the

Cleaves Sword Chapter.




World War Mother of Tenr


D.niDSoy COLM) iroMF.y i .\ the iiohlu ivar. i'ji-ii'jiq

(\lai-a.rl \\in^l^^l

To hrr ri;:l,l. I'rivalc W in-ln„ Cal.lu.ll. I l(a,l,,iiai Icrs I).-la,lini

(Wihlcal) Division. To I.e. l.-ll. Li.ulmant llarnM I'. CaliUM-ll.

Gun Baltalioii. 59 Bri>;a(lr. .iOlli (Old llickoryl Division. A. K. 1-

William Dakc Calclw.-ll. llTlli Infantry. 59tli Bripade, 30lli lJivi>i(,i

.\rember of Advisory' Council of this History.

Arliljcrv. Hist

null MachineL-ft. Lieutenant

DAVIDSON CO U N T Y IT' M E N I ,\ T H E tt R L D K.l R. I 1 4-1 ^ ] 9


on 1 1) s o v Ol .\T y a (> M E V / V 7 // A If ORL D

To k-r k-fl. I.irulcnai.l W illiain

ville. Ky. Field Arlillery.

To iuT right. I'rivat.- 11. r I'

Camp SevicT, S. ('..

Top row: l..'fl. WhMv \llri,

Private IJavid .Siralloii Ilii!:f;in>. Na

cased I, Officers' Training; Camp, Louis-

?edl. Batten- E. lUtli Field Artillery,

-inell Huf-cins. Cam|) .Inlinsl..n. .la.U>.iMville

Operaliiij; Base. Haiii|itiin Kciads. \ a.



MRS. W. H. SCHEURMAN(Lenora Badger)

To the right. Charles Barrlngton Cridd'e, Bat. F, 312 F. A.. 97th Div.. A. E. F.: William•Smith Criddle. U. S. Navv Reserve Force. San Dieio, Cal.; Fe'ix Ewing Griddle. I!. S. Eng.Supply Corps, Washington. D. C: Edward Scruggs Cridd'e. S. A. T. C, Vaiulerbilt University.

DAllDSoy colMY ITOMEy / V THE llOHLI) WAR. 1 1 1-1 9 •




Below. Private Louis Eclwaril Lee. llie first Davidson County volunteer to pay tlie supremesacrifice on the liaitlefieliL after America entered tlie war. To tlie left, above. Private Carter

\^'ebb Lee. who served thirteen months in South America with the U. S. Marine Corps. Right,

Private Harry Eugene Lee, U. S. Marine on board L'. S. S. Pennsylvania, U. S. S. Arizona, and.Submarine Base, San Pedro, California,

DAI I DSO .V C O I \T y ir O M E Y / V THE IT K 1 1) IT I K. I " ///";'

w s Chri liaii Association

If o,l,l II Prrsi.lr

operated with ;ill ;

•^ Cli

The Nashville As>

1918. Exeenlive I?,,:

Lewis. Mrs. Per. V WTrawick. Mrs. John R. .'\ust. Miss Kath.-ri

Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis, ehairinaii I

wilh a eommittec selected from the nierni« i-hi|

This was the second largest amount collected

Icrifrth of time in ativ campaijrn throiifihoiit

]\irs. Ferdinand Kuhn faised si2.(M)0 the hi

the war in a campaiiin.

For several years U-(.nr the Iriil.'.! Slah-

war the ^alional Hoar.l of YomiL' W an

Association had l)e<'n co-operatin;

Red Cross, and throiifrh the Red (

inir Service an educational iimur:

out hy which the women of I lie i

pared for emerjiency work. In I

fieslion came from the Nalinnal Una

A. that trainin*.' chi--(- in 1 ir i ,ir

aid and home dietetii> -hnnlil hr (Pij

Nashville Association. Mr^. I. .1. \

of the Fducational Commillcc. appon

Red Cross educational work nl ll,r In

Miss McHenrv and Mi-~ \lar\ I

ized. during the WorM War. ihc In-

IlomcCareof Ih.-Si.k in Davi.iMm (

-niialion llirnu,t:hnnt the . ..uiilry co-

ll uere engaged in World War ac-

lliis policy implicitly, and took an

arli\c |iail in all lampaigns. beginning their services

imniedialcK after the United Stales dwiared war. The

Nashville Y. W. C. A. building became the headquarters

for all organization^ and committees engaged in war

activities which .lid n..l have established headquarters.

No more patri.>lii wnm. n . .add be found thati the girls

of tin- two b.iar.lin- ,I.|m. Ini.-nts of the Nashville Asso-

. latinn. Th.n u.M- ,,.,M,-.n|,-.l in ,-.ry. pha f war

u,„kan,l ...l.l.-.l nialriialU l,,ll,.- t.-ain, . pnbli. ilv .ivcn

Tla- v. W. C. A. officers. I...1I1 \..lunt.-.a- an.l .-ni

p|.i\c^. llic -landing commitl.'.- ami li.-n.-ial nuinli.r-

-hip h.'l.l p..-ili..n- .if li-a,lcr-lnp in l.nal and State

palii.ili.' .irtiani/alinn-. 11 III.. a- ami h.uird members,,f III.- A-so.iali.in .liiiin'j lli.' W.ul.l War were as fol-

l..us: Mrs. George F. Dlackie. Proi.l.-nl. fi.an lOlT, |„

•rnl.,-rs were: Mrs. W. G. Fwing. Mr-. X.an.a \ln,„,.

Mr-. Kdward Ruf..rd. Mrs. W. W. Cian.lall. Mi-. \i.h

M..rri-" aii.l Mi— Marv Pleasants Jones.

Na-liMll- in ih,- lii-t Y. W. C. A. drive,


li.inal secretaries, organ-

l.l.rnenlary Hvciene and

,11 «a< given on\'\pril 17.

D.IIIDSON COiMY () M E N I y T H K W I) R L I) IfA R. 19 1 41 ^ 1'

1917, with a class of nineteen members; the second class, assembled on April 20,

1917. had twenty members; and the third class, organized April 25. 1917, had

twenty-five members. On April 26. 1917. an evening class of sixteen members was

organized. At that time Miss Fannie Owen Walton was the only Red Cross nurse

in Nashville qualified to teach beginners. She was detailed by

the American Red Cross to take charge of the Y. W. C. A.

ilasses. Mrs. Willie F. Acree, who was later qualified to teach,

completed the work begun under Miss Walton, and organized

four additional classes. Miss Walton was appointed bv the Red

Cross to hold examinations of those who applied for certificates.

She was later commanded for overseas duty. Lectures were

given by Nashville physicians on all matters pertaining to public

health service, in the auditorium of the local Y. W. C. A. Miss

Pearl Sanders and Mrs. Frank Avent lectured on practical homelife.

of leled the fi the Redas foil

Class No. 1: Mrs. Medora McAlister llackie. Mrs.

Virpinia McMl

DUiDsox r.o/.vri iroMF.\ /.v the \iorii) itih. iou.;c,q

III v w.

They are: Miss Mary Pleasants Jones. Mrs. Kobert Ciieek. Mrs. Henrv TeitU-jjaum. .Mrs.

Dempsey Weaver, Mrs. .\nne Davis Jackson, Mrs. Ellen Kion Caldwell. .Mrs. Dea Fletcher-Cherry, Mrs. Carrie Hovt .McHenrv. Mrs. Louise Bransf..rH Kirknum. Mrs. Louise McFerrin,Aflss Sara D. Hi. liai.lM.n. \Iiv \ i-i,ii,i (;,,,-. \I,-, \I.,n i;,.,,K Wr.nn WIlliaiM-.ui Mr<.Margaret M. \lr<:io,„l. Mi- \|.,Ih.| MMI,,. M,- \,.,,, Ku,- \1,-- \ uunw (.irm. \l,- i:ilr,.

Cockrill Foster. Mi- kjiliniiir linn. Mi- M.iiiM,, l',,,i,,. \I,.. | ,,. i!.- T.ijlv. Mi- i:ir.ii,,,r Kiik-palrick Miss Fr.in.i- ll.nlr-. Mi- I .nim.- (1. W.iii.,,,. Nin-,. Mi- I i,-,l W K.l-r\ Mi- rheiesaGrief. Mrs. Eula GoUlen Gaine>. Mrs. Marjiaret Rurr. .\h>. Fli^al.elli BnM.kes. Mrs. VanceBogle Bryan. .Mrs. Blanche Lindauer Fensterwald. .Mrs. Louise Jackson Me.Alister. Miss VivianWalkins. Miss Percie Warner. Mrs. John O. Vi lute. Miss Lorraine Hyronenius. Miss Louise Prich-elt. Mrs. Hascornh Montgomer>-.

Tin- first class in DavidsDii C.imlv in Red Ci(i>s lioini- Dietetics «as c,ri;aiii/.c(l

at the Y. W . C. A. on June 2.'>, 1917. with Miss Ada M. Field and Miss .Marian Oney,of Peabody College, as instructors. The following women were inenibeis of the class:

.Afrs. .Sophia Acree, Mrs. Pea Fletcher Cherrv. .Mrs. Jennie Peehles DeWilt. .Mrs. .Sara Polknradford. .Mrs. Blanche Lindauer Fensterwald. .Mrs. Eula Golden Gaines, Mrs. Annie B. Jenkins,Mrs. Mayme Hidley .\ichol. Mrs Sara I). Ilichardson. Mrs. Ittie Kinnv Reno. Miss Sadie Frank,.Miss \era King, .Miss Mabel .Miller. Miss Sara Ogilvie. Miss Lucile Tallev. Miss Vernon Kirk-patrick. Miss Matilda Porter. an<l Miss Vivian Watkins.

A second class in Ii.umi- (lirlclicv was tauL'lit (iiici. r liir -iip<'! vision of a P.-aliddv

Coileire instructor.

On May 8. 1917. al llo- In, al V. W . C. A., a rla>^ in l!c,l (;r.i>- Fii-I Aid wasorganized with Mr-. \l. C. \|. ( ;,iiin..n and Dr (.CMi-r WillianiM.n a- iii-lnirl,,r^

The followiiiL' Unmrn r.-rei^rd ,r,lll,ralr- in llli- r,,„r-r:

Mrs. Anna lius-ell Cole Weaver. .Mrs. Anne II.im- .1,,. k-.m. Mi-. III.

Ufa Fletcher Cherry. .Mrs. Virginia .\Icllenr\ ll.il. . M,- ( ,,>„ II. .mBransford Kirknian. Mrs. Louise .McFerrin. Mi- ^.ii II l.'i. Iiinl-.m.

Teitlebaum. Mr.x. Virginia (Jross. Mrs. Marv l!..i.l\ W.-.nn W illi.iin-.

AfeCloud. Mrs. There..^a Greif, Nfrs. Eula Goldin Gaines. Mr- Helen.Margurite Burr. .Mrs. Elizabeth Brooker. Mrs Vance Bogle Brvan. Mile.Blanche Lin.lauer Fenst.-rwald. .Mrs. Louise Jackson McAlisler,' Miss VivlHughes. Mi^s Lorraine llvronenius. Miss Mabel Miller, Miss Louise PSleadwell. .Mrs. Ba,«;onib .Montgomery. Miss Vera King. Miss Emmelin.Foster, Miss Kalherine Durv. Miss Percie Warner. Mrs. Fred W. Kels.v. >

Miss Mary Jane Napier. NJiss Marv Steadwell. Miss Matilda Porter. \li

Frances Davies. and Miss Ehanor Kirkpalrick.




DAVIDSON COUNTYThuse appearinj; in llit- pirture are: Mi-* ^Ial-^ Pleasants Junes and Miss Sue White, instruc-

-: Ml" Klli.l F,i-lM„. \I,- \|„||,1 -,„,-, Mr--. llilhn.M, ( li.allian,. Mi- Delia Byrum, Mrs.inr- liili.r \|i-- (.ri-i^ij |inl',,-,. Mi-, v.nlh' (,i!ii. Ml-- V.i\ i.hiiitr-. Miss Alc-xinc Bogatzlcl,

I- \liM,::. IMUl 1,-1, ,11. \h-- \1,„ lluii. Ml-- I'aiitiiir i:,l»ai,l-. M,- Ruth Foster, .Miss

llleli.R LallrU>. Ml- Mal.el Clia. Ml.-? Callleiinr Me(.c,%elii.

The niajoiitv of these women took instructions in the preparation of surgical

dressings under Mrs. Willie F. Acree. and those who complied with the require-

ments were entitled to become instructors in the Nashville Red Cross Chapter.

During the influenza epidemic, in the fall of 1918, the Y. W. C. A. co-operated

in every possible way with the Red Cross, Nashville Chapter.

In May. 1917, war emergency training classes were organized at the Nashville

.\ssociation in the following subjects: Use of adding machine, day and evening

classes, taught by a representative of a standard adding machine company: Stenog-

raphy, day and evening classes, taught by Mrs. Hofstetter Graham. Miss AgnesSelley and Miss Sue White; Typewriting, taught by Miss Eunice King and MissPearl Hobbs: Bookkeeping, taught by Miss Pearl Hobbs: Business English andArithmetic, taught by MiSs Helen Brown; Civil Service courses, taught by an in-

structor from Peabody College: English, taught by Mrs. Jordan Stokes, Jr.: French,

taught by J\Ille. Calusant and M. Robert; Spanish, taught by Miss Claudia Caranza:Home Management, taught by Miss Marian Oney; and Public Speaking, taught byMrs. Harry Anderson.

The Y. W. C. A. service flag contained twentv-two stars in honor of members of

the Nashville Association who were in foreign service. The members who served

overseas in the Vanderbilt Unit '"S" were:

Misq CatheMi- I. iiiii.- I

G. Sinnot. Miss Elizabeth Beal. Miss Iva Br. Mi- .lelini,. Drn-nn. Mi- Mallir Dru. Mi-

Mi Effie M. Bu.-hanan.

:a-lla,M. Miss

Mi- K;,lli.ai„.' ^uaiir,. \|,- ll.ulah Ta^l..r. Mi- Lrna W ak.li.LI. Mi- Fannie ( t. Walton.and Miss Mary Steadwell.

Through the Industrial Department of the Nasliville Y. W. C. A., of which Miss

Katherine Morris was chairman. Red Cross units were organized in several large


D III D S () .V C I \T y « M E .V / .V T H E K R I. I) If I H. I » I l-i <> I 9

industrial centers. These incliKicil the Xdlunlr.M Manul';i( liniiij; Chiiiikimv ;iiu1 llu-

Methodist Publishing House. A larjie iuiiuIxm ..t -ul- Imni lli.- \,iii(.u- i\l,'nH,in

clubs of the asso<-iat"ion and the lu,, hoaidinj; de|iaitiiiriii- w,-ic .iii,>llc.l in llic K.'d

Cross classes.

Knitting circles were formed in liie Association and Annex l.uildini:. and cnni-

plete outfits for liie soldiers were made al ni^liI hv tin- tiirls who were ein|do\ed

during the day.

Classes were organized in which ihe mo-l a|i|Mo\eii nieiliods of camiing. drvmg

and preserving foods were taught h\ \li-~ \.la field, ol I'ealiody College, at Nash-

ville. Members of these classes u.ie \nlnnleei iiiMiu.i,,i~ in the neighborhood

camiing demonstrations, which proved of inestimable valne.

In June. 1917. a canning demonstration was given in llie \\ airier Vudilorinm of

the Y. W. C. A. by Miss \ iVginia Moore, leader of the KMen-ion Departinenl of the

University of Tennessee. At a lecture given at the |m, al \-oeiatiou on Food Con-

sen-ation by Dr. Francis Lund, in June. l')17. more iliaii luo hundred women were

in attendance. In AuLni-^t. 1017. a dcmon-lralinn nl the making of war emergencv

bread was •inn, b\ Mi- \\.->lin-. a L:ox,.rmnent eN,,eit. In June. I')|;;. ||„. Y. W.

C. A. co.operate,l uilli th,' food \dniiniMratn.n in air.niL^in'^ a ,ne,-tin;. in llie Warner

Auditorium for Dean Arnold, of Siimnon> Coll,-^.-. al lIoMon. in the inle.eM of food

conservation. :\lrs. Charles Caldwell, a inemlur of tlu- \"o, iailon. u a^ the Nash-

ville (Chairman of Food Conservation.

On May 16. 1917. Mrs. Aib-en fillman MeLan^hlin. a loinMr Daxid-on

Countv girl, gave a talk on her expriienie- .i- .i nni-r in llie \\.,\ lio-|,ilal- ni llalv

and France before a large andiowe in the ^ . W . ( .. \. andil.., mm. Ihe ILi- lai-ing

on the roof of the \^~o.iali..n l.nihiinj ua^ an im|.ie-,\e and I.eanliriil feature

of the program. Mi- l.ou,~e MeJIemN ~e,se,l a- ehanman. and m llir al,M-nce of

Governor torn C. Hve. Ib.n. CIvde vlnop-hue ma.le an addle-. The ^lai -^panLdcd

Banner was plaved as the lariic Hag wa,» nnlniled l.\ Mi-^- Maiiha .md M.ua Wil-

liamson. A handsome flag pole had been |.,e-, nl, d |o the \a-li\Mle V W . ( . \. I.v

Wade Kirkpatrick. The Nashville Raihsav \ l.i.uhl CompanN eM.ndeJ ihe r.,nile-v

of a spec-ial car to traM-p..rl the First T.-nnessee Irdanlix fiom C.nnp .laek^on for

the ceremony.

In May. 1917. a conunittee was a|)poinled |,\ the -^. W. C. \. |o recpn-t all

women's organizations of Nashville to co-o|m r.ile in ( nilnrj -i-nlmienl lo -alcLMiard

the morals of the soldiers stationed at ("amp \ndM\\ ,|,iek-i,n. near \a~li\dli\

In June. 1917. Mi— fell and N holliehl. naln.nal , e|„ e~enl,,l in e- ol ihe father-

less Children of Frame, niade a.ldie-e- al the \a.h\ille V W. C. \. n, le.ani lo

their work, and by re,pie-l uen' fmni-heil ihe name of llie unman ulh. eoidd m,iki>

the Fatherless Children of France organi/alion a -iieee~- in \a-h\dle and Middle

Tennessee. This woman was Mrs. Dempsev Wea\ei.

The Western Union Tclcirraph Compaii\. ol Na^li\ille. femi.. e,|iii|,ped .i looin

and furnished an in~liii(loi in \\:,\ iinei^M-iH \ woik loi m.ne llian .i \ear .it the

Y. W. C. A., in o,,le, to enahh- ,u\^ to piepaie ihem-eKe. lo, -e,A iee ,n lelcraph

work. Miss Mary Pleasants Jones was chairman of several classes in tele' r,iph\.

A large number of girls availed themselves of this opportunity. Sc\i i.d of ihem

became expert operators and rendered valuable service in war w^ork of thi^ i haiaeiei.

The Nashville Association co-operated with and a.ssisted Mrs. Rogers Caldw(dl.

president of the Girls* Patriotic League. This league was a junior branch of the

.National League for Woman's Service, of which Mrs. Jesse M. Overton was presi-

( 94 )


dent. Miss Katheriiie Morris, chairnuin „f llu- liulnMiia! l)ivisi,.n of llir Y. W.

C. A., was instrumental in securing several tliousand ncu members l^ir the League,

from all walks of life, thus making the Girls' Patriotic League one of the most

democratic organizations in the county during the war.

SPECIAL MORALITY CAMPAIGNIn January. 1919. plans were made bv the National Executive Cominitlee of tlie

Y. W. C. A. for a Social Moralitv Campaign. The meeting held in Nashville for

the purpose of fmmiilaliiiii plans for local co-operation was held in the Y. W. C. A.

building on April LM. I'M 7. \lis. John R. Wheeler presided and Dr. Sara Windsor,

of New York City, made the principal address.

Mrs. Spencer McHenry was chosen chairman-general of the campaign, which

began active work in Nashville on May 5, 1919. Many distinguished physicians

from other cities were guests of the local committee, which arran'jcil io liave lec-

tures delivered before all the schools and women's organizations in \a-li\illi\ stress-

ing the importance to the countv of education along the lines of social molality.

Mrs. McHenry's Committee for the campaign was composed of Miss Susie Mc-

Whirter, Local Executive Committee: Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. Publicity Chairman,

and the following members:

Miss Sara Scoggins, Mrs. Arch Trawick, Mrs. J. R. Wheeler, Mrs. Frank .Searcy Green, MissMary Pleasants Jones, Mrs. Lemuel Campbell, Miss Addie Fuller, Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis,

Mrs. Jennie Zarecor, Mrs. T. B. Agertoii, Mrs. Robert Cheek, Mrs. Leo Schwartz, .Mrs. CareyFolk, Mrs. George F. Blackie. Mrs. John Kreig, Mrs. Charles Eastman, Mrs. Reau Folk. Mrs.

O. N. Bryan. Mrs. James Weakley, Miss Flora Gordon, Miss Adele Stamp, Miss Katherine

Morris, and Miss Jennie Sparks.

A luncheon was arranged by Mrs. McHenry, at the local Y. W. C. A., as a com-

pliment to three distinguished women who came to Nashville to assist in the cam-

paign. These were Dr. Julia Schoenleber, of Ohio: Dr. Valeria Parker, of Con-

necticut, and Dr. D. Kerr, of New York. The hospitality committee for the luncheon

was composed of: Mrs. J. L. McWhorter. Mrs. Arch Trawick. Mrs. Weaver Harris,

Mrs. Sidney S. Crockett. Mrs. W. T. Hale, Jr., Miss Addie Fuller. Mrs. John Mc-Clure, Mrs. Sam Wilkes, Miss Susie McWhirter. and Miss Jennie Sparks. Following

the luncheon. Dr. Parker delivered a lecture at the Centeiini<il Club to the memJjers

of the Cotillion Club, the Red Cross Motor Corps and the Girls" Patriotic League.

Mrs. George F. Blackie. President of the Y. W. C. A., was later selected bv the

Executive Board of the Nashville Chapter of Red Cross to organize the Red Cross

units in Nashville and the districts of Davidson County. The experience which she

had gained from her work in the Y. W. C. A. enabled Mrs. Blackie to accomplish

the splendid results achieved by the Nashville Chapter's Red Cross Extension De-

partment. It was through her efforts that the records of each of her units are given

so completely in this volume. As a member of the Advisory Council for the publi-

cation of this book, she worked untiringly to secure accurate records of all depart-

ments of the Nashville Red Cross Chapter. Although Mrs. Blackie's rank was that

of an official, she worked with as much enthusiasm as a private. She led to success

a number of committees for World War relief work and ablv devoted her tim.e andtalents to war work from the day the need arose until the end of the conflict.

niiiDsoy cor\Ty komex i .\ the iroKi.i) ir.tK. i9H!9i9


MH>. .I..HN llUl. KVKIN. Fouml.T

Mrs. Sydney S. Ijiockktt. n<'rl,l 11 ar I'roUlent


Headquarters for a larpc iiuiiiher of fuccc^^sfiil w.i

j! apiiroximalely every Wfirld War orpani/alion n |ir.-

rif rhe organizations were .e!e.|e<l from il> niriiilier-l

DAllDSON COUNTY if M E N IN THE WO RED WAR. 1 <J 1 11 9 1 9

Centennial Club

]\Ii!s. John Hill Eakin. Fmiiuh'r

Mrs. Sidney S. C.ko(:ki-;tt. W orl<l W ar I'n'sidrni

Tilt: Centennial Club is a clepaitninU rlul. ni' \a.liMll.-. llie clnl, lia.l a mem-

beiship of five hundred women duriiii; tin- Wdrlil War. and I unii-lied the majority

of workers in all patriotic orgaiiizaticm^ in llic Slatt ami county. The club was

founded bv Mrs. John Hill Eakin. The ,AU,;-v> and dire, l,, is .lurin- the war period

fon-i^trd of:

\li- -I, ill. . S In- Lrii. President; Mrs. John Bell Keeble and Mrs. Percy D. Maddin, Vice-

1',, -1,1, ill-; \ii- i;,,l., II -. Webb and Miss Ella Brown, Secretaries; and Mrs. Samuel H. Orr.

Tr.M-iii. 1. 11:. li,|jiimrnt Chairmen were: Mrs. Robert F. Weakley. Art; Mrs. Samuel C.

Douglas, Home; Mrs. John H. Reeves. Literature: Mrs. Robert F. Jackson. Music; and Mrs.

Lemuel R. Campbell, Public Interests.

Serving with Mrs. Campbell were:

Mrs. M. G. Buckner, Mrs. Mary Washington Frazer. Mrs. Dempsey Weaver. .Mrs. E. W.

Foster. .Mrs. Harry Evans, JNIrs. Edwin A. Price and .Mrs. George E. Blake.

The official life of the Centennial Club Board of Directors, who are given

above, was almost coincident with the participation of the United States in the

World War, and the history of the club's activities during this period is a record

of the endeavors of the members to put at the disposal of their country the training

of group action and collective intellectual effort which had hitherto been devoted

to the improvement of local conditions and the enjoyment of the cultural side of life.

Mrs. R. H. Lacev served as the club's chairman of the Emergency Service Com-

mittee and she and her committee were appointed with authority to act in all mat-

ters pertaining to the war, to co-operate with patriotic organizations and to lend the

club house for war work. Mrs. Lacey's committee was a large one and she divided

the members into neighborhood groups for quick action. An automobile service,

with Mrs. Emmett Cooper as chairman, was placed at the disposal of the HomeService Section of the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross.

The use of the club house and equipment was tendered to the Xavy Comforts

Committee, to the Society of the Fatherless Children of France throughout the war,

to the War Savings Society, to the Ciuinril <>( National Defense, to the National

League for Women's Service, and to the \a-h\illr Chapter. Red Cross, until suitable

quarters could be provided. Various jjuliiir Irrtun s on timely topics were delivered

each dav in the auditorium of the club.

The first woman's Liberty Loan meeting held in Tennessee convened at the Cen-

tennial Club, and committees were furnished from its membership for every financial

campaign conducted in the county for World War relief work. Sixty thousand

dollars' worth of Liberty Bonds were sold by Mrs. W. T. Hale, Jr.. who served as

chairman of the Third Liberty Loan, assisted by members of the Centennial Club.

Fifteen hundred dollars in War Savings and Thrift Stamps were bought by the

club treasury. A War Savings Society was organized within the club membership,

with Mrs. George William Fall as chairman.

Serving on the committee for the W. S. S. Carnival on Capitol Boulevard. April.

1918, were the following Centennial Club members:

Mrs. Arthur B. Ransom. Mrs. W. G. Adams. Mrs. ^ilarv Bright Thomas. Mrs. Lemuel R.

Campbell. Mrs. W. S. Bransford. Mrs. Richard Dake. Mrs. Frank Carl Stalilman and Mrs.

Louise Davidson.


I) A I IDS o \ C () I V T y IT O M E A / A T H F. \J O R L D Ift K. 1 9 / /-/ > 1 9

The Rt'.i (:ro>s (;iui>lnui-- I'ark.ii;,- f.oinniill.-,- ,.f ]')\r. u a> a>-iMr,l |.\ m.inl.ris

of the Cent.-miiul Cl.il.. «itli _M.>. W . L. (;.anl..TV a> ( luiinu.iii. arul M,-. W all.-r

Stokes. Jr.. viLe-ihairmaii.

One hundred and fiftv .oniloit kit> were tilled l\,r tlir Tennessee soldiers bv

members of this club.

The Red Cross operated a soup kitchen in llie i lul. limi-e iliiiiiiji the influenza

epidemie in October. 1918. with Mrs. .^nna Conger arul \lr~. Cailn 1 Jeeves in charge.

Mrs. 0"Bryan Washington served as chairman nl xoliinleci^ wlm ilislrilmted the

delicacies. She was assisted by a large number i>t ilu- rlnli inrmlH i>.

Courses in First Aid were arranged at the rliib liniise in Maw l'*17. willi Dr.

McPheeters Glasgow as instructor. The following members eoinpleted the course:

Mrs. .M. n. Dobsoii. Mrs. Minus Fletcher. Mrs. A. B. Beiu-.licl. Mrs. KIsworth P. Scales.

yhi. Albert Brill. .Mrs. \V. O. Tirrill. Mrs. Clav G. Stephens, .Mrs. Veriier Moore Lewis. Mrs.

Brown Bufonl. Mrs. I. W. .Miller. .Mrs. \V. L. .\ichol. ..Mrs. W. D. Phillips. Mrs. .John W . M..nr,-.

.Mrs. T. Graham Hall. Mrs. W. D. Trabue. .Mrs. Chauneev Foster. .Mrs. B. F. Blankenship. Mrs.

Clarence "Woodcock. .Mrs. C. C. Christopher. Mrs. .Samuel Pouplas. Mrs. llarrv P. Murr.v aiul

Mrs. Joseph Gibson.

Dr. William 1). .Suin|Mer aUn InMni. l.'.l a lar

The following mciiiber.-- of llic Centmiii.il Clu

means of fitlinsr tiiemselves for all plia-c- nt w ii

Mrs. George Parkes. Miss Rebe. ra b-nr-. \1,~~ \

Miss Ella Browii. Miss I-:ilen Wall.iee. Mi- M.,,

and Miss Frances Pilcher. An in-lnicloi ri..iii

secured for these courses b\ ihe l'ulili( liil( n-i

The club \va-. re|Me>enle.l at lb.- |.nll> ,,„ vr;\~\

mittee. 1917. b\ the Inllnuirrj r,,inniillee ,,1 men

Mrs. W. (). Tirrill. Mrs. \ .•rner Moore Lewis. Mrs. Kilwii, MurraN. \1,-, W , T, Male. Jr..

.Mrs. W. L. .Nichol. .Mrs. Kobin Cooper. Miss Lillian Tavlor. Mrs. Ilalliiin ( 11..,. \1,.. Abram

.\L Tillman, .Mrs. Perkins Baxter. Mrs. Frank A. Rerrv. .Mrs. Mile. Will,.,,,,-. \1,- (arev V

Folk. Mrs. James B. Ezzcll. Mrs. W. C. HofTman. Mrs. James II. Kirklan.l. \li. \i,na Conner.-Mrs. Leslie Warner. Mrs. Bruce Douglas. Mrs. George F. Blake. .Mrs. Leslie Cli. . k. \li-. IrankCarl Slahlman, and Mrs. Mary Bright Thomas, who served as tlie club's chairniaii.

Mrs. I. W. Miller, chairman for the club, collect

and four hundred and twenty-five mudler- rr..m ilie n

Knitting .Sfvtion of the Red Cro.*s De|,ailni. m. \a-l

McGannon and Mrs. Walter Stokes sened a.- ( a|)laiiis

in the Hospital Garment Section of the Nashville Cha]itei. Ileil Cm--, an.! riiiMisbed

workers from the o[)ening of the workrooms, in AngusFebruary. 1919. Miss Fllie Mo.-an was nssistani s„,,er\i-,,r nl il,e >iM.ji,al l)re..s-

ings for the Red Cross, and fiiniislied u,.rkei- lor llial depai liin'iil Ir/.in the ,l,ib


The following members .,f llie rliib responde.l |,, a call for clerical work at llie

State registration olTice:

Miss Susie McWhirler. Mis> (, lacks Blake. .Mrs. Tom Forde. Mrs. F.. M. Brugli. Mrs. M. C.

Butler. Mrs. Thomas L Webb. Mrs. L. K. Campbell. Mrs, K. H. Lacev. Mrs. A. F. Potter. Mrs.Pollard Caldwell, Mrs. H. A. Ilenrv. Mrs. Cbauncey C. Foster. Mrs. j. \X. Joplin. Mrs. GeorgeF. Blackie. Miss Kale Smith. Miss Marv Harding Buekner. Miss Frailer. Pil.lier. .Mi.- Flliel

While, and ^rrs. E. W. Foster.

Among the special lectures pi..\ideil 1,\ llir Cenliiinial Club f.., il- meinbers

and the Nashville public was an adilir- lu Cli.iii.ellor J. II. Kirklan-l of \ ariderbilt


g,' class ill liisl Aid.


rniversity, entitled "An Interpretation of the War Aims of the United Stales." Miss^

Helen Frazier delivered one on "English Women's War Work." Under the auspices

of this club, Major Beith (Ian Hay I , of the Black Watch, and Mme. Frances Wilson

Huard gave their experiences in the war zone, at the Vendome Theater, at Nashville.

The Hospitality Committee, wilh Mrs. Percy D. Maddin as chairman, offered

several distinctive hospitalities, nevertheless complying with the Food Administra-

tor's request for simplicity in entertaining. Among these entertainments were the

following: The presentation of a service flag with one hundred and ten stars on

New Year's Day, 1918; the Victory Reception, New Year's, 1919; and a reception

for Admiral and Mrs. Cleaves in April, 1919.

In the Public Interest Department, with Mrs. Lemuel R. Campbell as chairman,

a course of lectures on historical subjects was given by Dr. W. L. Fleming, of Van-

derbilt University, Nashville, and lessons on Red Cross Home Service were given

bv Dr. George B. Mangold, of St. Louis.

The Art Department, with Mrs. Robert F. Weakley as chairman, furnislied

a number of patriotic programs, among which were the following: '"Paris Under

Fire." "Cleave Me a Way with Banners." and "The Spirit of America Responding

to the Call of War." All of these were inspiring and well attended by the Nashville

public, as well as members of the club.

The Home Department, with Mrs. Samuel G. Douglas as chairman, directed the

major portion of its efforts to Red Cross Emergency Canteen work. Mrs. Douglas,

captain and secretary of the Canteen Department, was ably assisted by the following

club members:

IVIxs. Percy D. ]\raddin. Mrs. P.iiil D-Witt. Mr.^ John W. Moor--. Mi-^ ,|.-,|.li 1!, W.-t. Mrs.

Alfred Merritt. Mrs. J. E. Britt. Mi- l^lr^ Williams. Mrs. R. H. L.i,,n. \1,-. I, W Miller.

Mrs. C. A. Craig. Mrs. J. T. G«ailii..x. Mi- linn P. Murrev. Mr-^ II. II. > •<-:<- Mi- W C.

Chem-, Mrs. Brown Buford. Mrs. Cl.n C. x,,.,,!,,.,,,, Mrs. W. D. Phillir-. Mr-. *<..,-. Dil.rell.

Miss Mar^- Porter Kirkman. Miss Marv P.anuiire. .Miss Marv DeMoville Hill, and Mi- Katherine


The club kitchens were used for the preparation of Hoover refreshments. Courses

were given in Canteen cooking by Mrs. Frank Herbrick, dietitian, and in canning

and drying vegetables by Miss Mary McGomi, a government demonstrator. The first

months of Nashville Emergency Canteen service of the Red Cross were financed bv

the members of this committee and the service rendered by these patriotic womenwas far-reaching.

The INlusic Department, with Mrs. Robert F. Jackson as chairman and Mrs. Wil-

liam C. Hoffman as chairman of programs, furnished the music and leaders for all

jiublic gatherings held in the club house during the war.

The Literary Department, with Mrs. John H. Reeves as chairman, presented,

among other attractions during the war. Robert Nichols, one of a group of English

war poets, and also a wounded soldier, in a reading of his poems and also poems

of other members of his group.

The Library Committee, with Miss Mary Ewing as chairman, placed on the

librarv tables of the club current literature indicative of allied thought and criticism.

The Press Committee, with Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin as chairman, and the Decora-

tion and House Committee, led by Mrs. Claude Waller and Mrs. Claude C. Chris-

topher, each in its own sphere, made important contributions to the club work

throughout the war period. Mrs. Kirk Rankin promoted the success of a number

of activities by her splendid method of presenting the cause to the masses.



Main Stale conferciit< - wcic held .it llic ('..iil.'imi.il Clul.. ainmii: uliicli wim

the Fir.-t. Second and Third l-ilu-ils l..>an>. at uhirh oil,,,-,- aiul .l,'l.-,i:atrs In. mi ll

Southern and National lieadiiiiarlci.- wire in allriul nu r.

A patriotic tea was given at tin- i luli on .|aiiiiai\ W. I'M.".. I.\ tlir l.adir^ llciin

tage .Association, of which the |.iiii.iiU urn- di\idiij .iiih.iili lliiif |iatiic.tir o

ganizations of the county. Thi> tci w.i- .iiir

from over the State, who were in \.i-li\illr

conference, of which Mrs. Pcm \ W.iiiki ^^.i

tlie organizations benefited hv ihr tci.

A patriotic response w,i> niadi- l.\ tin- ( j-iiirinii.il C.lid. niiinliri.. and ..liners t(

everv Vl'orld War activitv i.f Davids.n (iounty. 1 he prcjidcnt and loundn i.f tin

club inspired to a large degree the patriotic spirit manifested at all times In W Hi h

War gatherings within the club's departments. The Centennial Club house lia~ iii.

distinction of harboring more patriotic meetings during the war than anv ..tli.T ii

na\ids..n (;.iiintv.

.\ .1 laiu.- mil

.11.1 th.' \iiiK

D.4 1 in SON COUNT Y rOMES IN THE WORLD rA R. I » I 4-1 <>! Q

Tennessee and Davidson County Federation of

Women's Club

Mrs. Alexander S. Caldwell. World War President

The Tennessee Federation of Women's Clubs \

bodies, in existence before the World \\ ji to it ili/i

in the emergency of war times. Since i\Iis

Alex. Caldwell, President of the State Ifdtia

tion, was a resident of Nashville, the ledtiated

Clubs of Davidson County naturally be line one

of the most active contributors to \^()iid ^11

work. In April,. 1917, immediately aftii the

United Staes entered the war and seveial monlh-

before the government created the office of I

Conservation for Herbert Hoover, the Ti iint -

Federation had offered its services to the ^1 il

in this work. In October, 1918, when Hd 1 1

Hoover sent his pledge cards to Tenne^-it \\i

Federation substituted their 40,000 pledsrc ( 11 d

for the Hoover cards, and chose the (onsei\ i

tion of foods as their special war woik Ihtii

activities along this line proved of such \ ilue

that the ideas and plans originated b\ the Fed

eration of Tennessee were adopted b\ other

World War organizations tliroughout the coun

The Davidson County Federated Club>- aUocreated a systematic method of teaching ( annina;

and preserving long before demands foi >.U( h^^ , ^ ^^

^"'^r^'"'^i "i"^f ii 1 Hi T^

work came from the Government. Aftei the

universal appeal for food conservation and organization of canning units was made

through the Council of National Defense, these clubs were in a position to render

valuable assistance in this important matter.

HThe First Liberty Loan Drive conducted in David-

son County was through the Federated Clubs. Mrs.

Guilford Dudley, State Chairman for the Loan, ap-

pointed Mrs. Alex. Caldwell as chairman of the Ad-

visory Board, and the drive in Davidson County was

effected through the Federated Clubs, the club womenselling 148,000 in Liberty Bonds for this new work.

The State officers of the Tennessee Federation who

resided in Davidson Countv during the war period

were: Mrs. Alex. S. Caldwell. President: IVIrs. Hallum

Goodloe. Secretary; Miss Madge Hall, Press Chair-

man: Mrs. R. S. Maddox, District Chairman: Mrs.

M„« jon^ kkic Leslie Warner. Legislation: Mrs. Charles S. Caldwell.

(Ntii, Pride) Home Economics: Mrs. A. H. Pardue. Club Extension;

D.nil>SO.\ COIMY IIOMF.\ / V T H F. ir O H L I) H. I " I II 9 1

.Mi<. GfOi-e niakc. Aiulitoi; Mrs. Claii.l,- I). Sullixan. Kuial K.hMali..n;

Frank Aveiit. Art. Mrs. Join. Kr.'iu li.l.l tlu- im>ilio„ of Nalional Sr.rri

IV(l.rat.-.l C.hihs.

A puMiiitv f,alur.> of far-rea.-hiii'.; \al.i,- «as .

the nianai:cnu-iit ..f a ]>aj!f in Tin- \a^h\illr T.-iiri.

in^ and encouraging tlie WoiM W n \\.iik ilmir I

Slate. This page was edilid li\ ihi- Malr I'ns- (

1,1 Mr. of tl

.hiairied lhr„ui;h the (h.natiun bv

-^,an. uhirh was used for outiin-

\ all llir federated Cluhs in the

lianinin. Miss Madi;e Hail, and

,1 ,ind Ml


lal their record is more a roster of ii

1 work. Mrs. Jones, tiie |)resident. was o


thoroughly trai.u-d uar uorker- I

chairmanships than a recital of dii

county's most efiicient organizer>

helow held a number of important olln r- in uar oi'j.nii

zations throughout the entire war:

Mrs. Vt-rnon Sharp, Secliimal Chairman for llie \.i-li\il!i

Woman's Committee, Council of National Dcfcnpc. Mi-. W .

G. Harris. Calvin Avenue Red Cross Init: Mrs. ii.iin.ii II

Bell. Reel Cross Chairman for East Nash\illr: \1.- K \I.

Dudley. President. Pioneer Knitting Lnit: Mr- l.ui- !.

IJullcr, Secretar>-. Pioneer Knitting Lnit; Mrs. (>. W . \l.( l.ini

han. Canning Clubs; Mrs. R. L. Sawver. Vicloiy (;ar.l.i,-: Mi-.

Thomas De Moss, Belvedere Red Cross Unit: .Mr-. II. W.

Thomas. Ihe Club's Auxiliary to Red Cross: Mrs. W. \l (. I

l.-lt, general war activities in the Twenty-third Ward; .Mr-. I ii. n-

Orav, Re<l Cross activities in the Twenty-third Ward; Mr-. I!n-Ii

IleriR-rl. Red Cross Christmas Roll Call for East .Nashville:

.Mrs. C. A. Davis. Food Pledge Campaign for the Kiglile, iilli

Ward: Mrs. B. H. .'Spain, Social .Service for PZasl Nashville:

.Mrs. Ira B. Clark. Chairman of Finances for Twenty-third Ward;Mrs. Harvey Herbert. Chairman Warner .School Surgical Dress-

ings. Red Cross; .Mrs. Harry .Murphy. Chairman of Finance.

East Nashville Woman's Committee. Council of National Defense

Dislrirt, flounly Woman's f:.pnimittee. Council of D<fen

li.e dislriet; Mrs. Joseph Monlgomerv. notable mention I

H. M. Thomas. Vice-President of Club and Chairman of

Sewing lnit; Mrs. W. M. Bramwell. Chairman of foo.


.f the

.Mrs. C. M. Russell. Eleventh

and ('hairman for .Social .Service of

expert knitting for Red Cross; Mrs.

.lies' Auxiliarv. N. C. T., Red Cross

Ir.l..:,. eards for Twenlv-third Ward;Mrs. H. E. Benaugh. Chairman of soldiers' eomfbugh. Chairman of Registration in Twentv-tl.ird V

Crorkett. flbairman of Allied R.-lief for Eighleent

kits 1 Ward: Mrs. E. Y. Fitz-

)mmittee; Miss Anna Bell

Reed Dicks. Chairman of


l.\Ul iEK.^ CLLB

Finm left tn li-lit. bnitnm row: Miss Laura Price, Mrs. Susie Scott Bass. .Mrs. .Neil S. Jones.(Aiviai, Totlv), .Mrs. J. \\ esley Weaver (Myrtle Rushton), Mrs. Goo.lloe Cockrill (Mamie Har-ris). Rev. J. W. Cherry. Founder of Club. .Mrs. T. W. Schlater (.Mary Matthews), Mrs. FrankC. Guthrie (Jennie Harden!. Mrs. Joseph H. Hooper (Sallie Newsom), Mrs. George C. Appleby(Ada Drake).

Finance for the Eighteenth Ward; Mrs. Kate Weathers. Chairman of hospital garments for the

Red Cross.

Top row: Mrs. G. W. Sweaney (Alice Kirkpatrick), Mrs. B. C. Wright (Jessie Jones),

Mrs. Lee H. Farri^ Mi.nr Dillon). Mrs. B. T. Young (Villa Carley), Mrs. Lit Malone (MaryLain). Mrs. J. 1), l. I«im i ^.^ie Cox). .Mrs. 0. B. Childress (Mary Armstrong), Mrs. A. J.

Hamilton (EentoDi.i I'liihp-i. Mrs. R. L. Woodward (Emma Brennecke) , Mrs. Conrad Miller(Amy Alexandrei. \li-^ In. ih- Hale.

The following members served eaeh Friday at the sewing rooms of the ,\ashville

Chapter, Red Cross Headquarters, during the two years of war:

Mrs. Thomas Beal. .Mrs. G. A. Davis. Mrs. J. P. Hatch. Mrs. W. C. Yarbrough, Mrs. W. S.

Bramwell, Mrs. Bennett D. Bell, and Mrs. Kent Bandridge.

These women were also active in every relief drive of the war. Mrs. Kate

Sanders held an exceptional record for knitting in the Red Cross.


The Inquirers Cluji. of which Mrs. Neil S. Jones was world War president andMiss Lucile Hale, secretary, from May, 1917, to May, 1918, furnished chairmen for

every activity, along patriotic lines, for the West Nashville section of the city.

Members of the club who were leaders in war work were:

an's Committee. Council

ion; Mrs. B. T. Young,Mrs. Goodloe Cockrill,

xi.e. Nashville Woman'swill. Chairman of HealthRegistration; and Mrs.

>mmittee. Mrs. Goodloee of the war. with .Miss

Mrs. Lit Malone, Chairman of Twenty-fifth Ward. Nashville Woiof National Defense; Mrs. Joe Hooper, Chairman of Food ConserviChairman of Education Propaganda, Nashville Wom.nn'^ rommitterChairman for Red Cross; Mrs. R. H. Allen. Ch.ili mmh mI \1, Jh ,1


Committee; Mrs. J. W. Weaver. Chairman of Publinu : \l,- I|i (.,„

and Sanitation, Woman's Committee; Mrs. Neil >. |.Mir~. ( li.uiiiian

J. A. Cox, Chairman for Packing and Shipping. Nashville \\i>iiian's

Cockrill served as president of tliis club from May. 1918. to the cli

Laura Price as secretary.

The Inquirers Club was instrumental in having union praver services on the dayssoldiers were drafted. Si.xteen members of the club registered for Red Cross service,

and the West Nashville Red Cross Auxiliary was organized through the efforts of

this club. The club, with the assistance of the Junior Inquirers, raised one hundredand forty-seven dollars for Red Cross work. The members participated in every

house-to-house canvass for every necessarv cause, and assisted in collectins deli-

OME.\ /.V r II K WORLD WAR. 1'>III91<

cacies and magazines for the soldiers. Tln-y i aniiiil tlinc tliousiiml (]ii;uts of tniit

and vegetables and were active in ail W. S. S. and I.HmiIx HoikI sales.

In addition to those already iiienlioiu-d. \\u- ( liih iiii-ml.iTs \vlio kmi.I.mihI i'x-

ceptional war sen ice were:

Mrs. George Applebv. -Nfr-s. Susie Bass. Mrs. 0. B. Cliiklress, Mrs. Isa Moore Cross. Mrs. Lee

Farris. .Mrs. Joseph Hooper. Mrs. W. V. Jarretr, Mrs. Conrad Miller. Mrs. F. W. Sclilater. Mrs.

I. N. .Strolher. Mrs. Weslev Weaver. Mrs. Robert Woodward, and Mrs. B. C. Wright.

Cll VKI.OITI. KOM) IKiMIM \kl li:-" Cl-l 1!

Mr?. K. A. Savage was the World \N ar pie^id.ril and Mrs. .1. A. Cox. -err.'larv.

of the Charlotte Road Home-makers" Ciui.. uhirli liad a niend.cisliip of -esenlecn

housewives. The club was organized as a Red Cross Unit and held its meetings

each week to sew on hospital garments and knit for the soldiers. Over two hundred

members were knitters for the Nashville Chapter. Red Cross. Thev also

the wool and made sweaters, socks, trench caps and wristlets, wliii li iIh\

soldiers uho enlisted from their district. Thev organized a \\ . >. >. <\t


ranks, sold 82.000

pl.'dge cards. Tli

Hoad Home-maker



Left to right: Mrs. 'William E. Beard. President; Mrs. P. DePierre, Mrs. Frank Weakley. Mrs.

Harrj- S. Vaughn. Mrs. E. L. Geistman. Mrs. Spiller Campbell, Mrs. R. H. Wilson, Mrs. Jo.

W. Towler, Mrs. George Reed, Mrs. Herman Trotter, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. J. C. Casey.

Miss Emma Sloan was one of the most loyal and efScient workers in the Nash-

ville Chapter. Red Cross, and received a certificate as an instructor.

All members signed Hoover pledge cards and registered for service. War Sav-

ings Stamps clubs were formed by the members of the Altrusa Club and a number

of'^them cultivated Victorv Gardens. A contribution of fifty dollars was given the

First Red Cross Drive for' funds, in May. 1918. and during the summer of 1918 over

five hundred gallons of raw material were canned and preserved by the members.

Miss Julia Hindman gave to the county one of the Gold Star heroes. Jehu Hindman.

who ^^'as reared by her.


The Sunset Park Club, with Mrs. William E. Beard as war president, in 1917.

converted its activities during the war from social to patriotic purposes. This was

done at the request of Mrs. A. B. Anderson at a meeting at which she was hostess

in July. 1917. Everv member of this club joined the Nashville Chapter. Red Cross,

and the club formed a Red Cross knitting auxiliary, which was instructed by Mrs.

Marv M. Hotchkiss and Mrs. Claude C. Christopher, with each member of the club

enrolled. Each week a number of knitted articles were turned over to Red Cross

headquarters. The Sunset Park Club membership was active in all World Waractivities. Owing to many of the members being housekeepers with small children,

the principal activities of the club were confined to knitting and such work as could

he done in the home. A roster of the club members is filed with the Nashville

Chapter. Red Cross Knitting Department. Mrs. Harry Vaughn was president of the

clul) in 1918. and Mrs. Herman Trotter, secretary and treasurer.


Mrs. Claude Waller was the World War president of the Review Chili, and under

her leadership the club developed keen interest in all patriotic endeavors. Eachmember signed food pledge cards and contributed a set of knitted garments for the

soldiers. The knittina was brought to the meetings, which were open forums for

discussions of patriotic subjects. All literarv reviews of this club during the war

period dealt with World War problems. The entire membershi]5 worked in every

branch of women's service dining the war.

The personnel of this organization consisted of:

Mrs. Percv D. Maddin. Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Mrs. J. B. Atchison. Mrs. Leslie Warner. Mrs.

Alex. Caldwell. l\frs. Jesse M. Overton. Mrs. G. M. Neelv. Mrs. Charles S. Caldwell. Mrs. George

E. Blake. Mrs. James E. Caldwell. Mrs. W. W. Berry Mrs. Claude Waller. Mrs. Robert F.


I) It 1 1) so.\ coiXTY iro.\ih:.\ / v nil-: iiorlp hah. loiiioio

Jack^iin. \rnj. Vi. A. Uuntiii. Mrs. Janu-.; C. Hra<lfiinl. Mrs. .'^. .S. Crockett. Mrs. Julin Carpenter,.Mrs. Ceursie W. Fall. Mrs. W. C. Dake. Mrs. K.au F.. Folk. Mrs. W . L. Graiib.rv. Mrs. MaryWasliiiijit.-n Frazer. Mrs. Waller Keith. Mrs. .lolin liell Keehle. Mrs. .1. II. Kirkland. Mrs. Thomas.Malone. Mrs. Charles Afarliii. Mr-, jlunl.r M. DonaKI. \li-. \Vall<T Stokes. Mrs. Thomas M.Steger. Mrs. D. 11. SlubblelleM. Mr-. J, ->, II. Tliumas, and Mrs. A. G. Braiulau.

This club had th.

hih it. Tennossee.

distill, lusjiiii'j St;ili' li-aders

I! M.CYON Ci.l I!

The Halcvon Club had a nrnii.-, -in|, .,1 lu,-„U xouiil: uon,.-n

<'f the war. Under the leachM>hi|, ,.i Mr-. W . 11. l.,\iri,>. ihr pn-sid

reorganized into a public service body, i'he iiiendiers coni|jlicd with all governmentrequests for food conservation and registration, and were actively engaged in all

departments of the \ashville Chapter. Red Cross. Each member 'of this club wasalso a member of the Girls" Patriotic Leacue. As m , lub llicv subscribed on,' hun-dred dollars to each Red Cro.ss drive and formed W . S. S. c lulw.


No organization was more active in WinM W ,h woikof the Southern Association of College W ..m, n.

World W.ii |.i,m,Im,I. \I.,

[•hapter ii,i\c llicii rnlin-

\r hegmninghe club was

,1,1 (, I \\()\ll A\.i-|imIIc (:i,,,pt,.|

Th.- chapt,r c

overseas, with .\li» At

donated to the mountainto the Home Funding S<,ci,u .ni,l lo the i'.lind ibli, I Wtable oiu: day each week in the .Surgical Dressings DcIndividual members did Red Cross work, .sold Libertv I

I)ublic service made necessary by war conditions. Etribul.-d two dollars to the College E.,ai

Stam|.s. The members of this organizali,

president. Mrs. R. S. .\laddox. a member ,.l llir \.

Mrs. John Kreig was chairman of the Program ( ..minillrr ,,

the war. and was assisted bv ih.- following: \ii-, \. K. I',.

Crutcher. Jr.. and Miss Adelaide l.yon.

I 106 )

/) / 1 1 I) SON CO iXT Y OMEN IN THE UORLD WAR. 19I}-10I<)


The membership of the Magazine Circle of Davidson County was limited to thirtv-

five. and under the leadership of Miss Elizabeth L. Bloomstein. World War presi-

dent, and Mrs. Joseph Abrams, secretary, this club

meant thirty-five active workers in every branch of

World War service. The circle's work as a whole was

the adoption of a French orphan, and seven French

orphans were adopted li\ indixichial members. The

circle contributed genei(.ii-l\ lo iIh- lielgian Relief Fund

and to the fund for Jr« i-h War Kclief. Manv of the

members held official positions in the Nashville Chapter,

Red Cross, the five Liberty Loans, War Savings and

[I Thrift Stamp campaigns, and all patriotic movements.

In the conservation of foods, the Magazine Circle canned

and preserved approximately 6.000 quarts of fiuits and

vegetables. Miss Sadie Frank, a member, served with

distinction in Armenia and Turkey, after the signing of

Miss Elizabeth l. nu..iMsri,> the Amiistice. The Magazine Circle sponsored Dan

Wasserman, a Gold Star hero, for the Davidson County

Memorial of the Kiwanis Club. The following members served as leaders in various

war organizations: Mrs. Leo Schwartz, Mrs. Henry Teitlebaum, Mrs. Dave Rosen-

feld, mI-s. Reuben M. Mills, and Mrs. Lee J. Loventhal.

Individual members adopting French orphans were: Mrs. Lee J. Loventhal.

Miss Stella Rich. Miss Carrie Rich, Mrs. Dave Rosenfeld. Mrs. J. Lowenstein and

Mrs. J. W. Martin.


Mrs. James E. Caldwell was the World War president of the Peabody Woman's

Club, and its principal activities were the formation of a Red Cross Auxiliary,

which met each week, the purchasing of SL500 in Liberty Bonds, and the establish-

ment of an agency for the sale of War Savings and Thrift Stamps at the Peabody

College book store. Each member was active in the following war organizations,

many of them serving as chairmen: W. S. S. and Thrift Stamp organization, Red

Cross, Canning Units, Liberty Loans, Army Comfort League, National League for

Woman's Service, and the Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense. From

among its members the Peabody Club furnished more chairmen for the various

branches of World War service than any other club in Tennessee.


Tiie Rutledge Magazine Club, with Mrs. 0. N. Hollabaugh as World \^ar presi-

dent, was composed of twenty-two members, which meant twenty-two patriots. In-

stead of following the literary and social pursuits, for which it was formed, this

club reorganized itself during the war period into a knitting unit. Immediatelv

thereafter a surgical dressings Red Cross Unit was formed, which met each week.

Hospital garments for the Red Cross were also made by this club. War Savings

Stamp and Thrift Stamp clubs were organized by the membership of the Rutledge

Magazine Club, and every member joined the Red Cross. All signed Hoover pledge

cards and several cultivated Victory Gardens. More than two thousand quarts of

fruit and vegetables were canned by the members.


I) A I 1 1) s o v c o I v T y ir o m k v / v t ii K iron i d iri a. im i I'ng

^rrs. K. C. Wright, a meml.er. s.-m-d as S-ili^iuil Chaiinuu, In, Sn„ll. \a-ln,ll.-

WoniaiiV Committee. Couniil of National Defense: lluee meml.ei-. ueic uaid rliair-

ment i>f the Woman's Committee. Coimcil of Delense: one an au\iliar\ leadei lor

the Red Cross: one a teacher of a fr.'e rlass in shorthand: an,l on,- ^doplrd l«o

French orphans.

The annual sprinp luncheon of liii- ( liili \\a- alMiidoned and llir Imid^ ~a\i'd

were used for the support of two 1 iciirli or|ilini-. \ii~. W . \. ( (mlIiIii -on. Mi-.

W. L. Onarles and Mrs. Marv R. Harris, nirmhrr- of ihi- , In!.. I, .1,1 nianv inip.nlant

.hairmanships throu.Jiont the war. a- di.l its incMdml. \!,-. 1 1,,| laLaudi.

I!l.i.\l()\T M \f;\/l\l (1,1 i;

The Relmont Magazine C.lnl.. uilh Mr-, .lolm II. \)v\\ ill a- W orl,l War president.

had an active memhership of twenty-five women, all of wiiom were engaged in

\^'orld \^ ar work of some capacity. Every meniher signed Hoover j)ledge cards;

a numher of Victory Gardens were cultivated, and nuich food was saved hv canning

the products of the gardens. The . Inl. fnnncl a knilliii'.: cin le Awvnv: llir <iinniicr

months and completed twenl\ kil-. I.acli iin'riil.rr <.! tin- rlul. diil a.iixc \\,,\V in

some department of the Nashville Chapter. \\i\\ (jo—. \- a (lid., I.ii cl..ll.u- was

contrihuted to the Woman's Committee. Council ..I \alii.iial I )iliii-i': ..m' hundred

dollars to the W. $. S. and Thrift Stamp organi/.ili..n : llii..- I i.ii. h ..iphaiis were

adopted hv individual memhers: and two mrmhi-r- -. iahI in llic lanir',i(iii \ Canteen

Service. Nashville Chai)ter. \, I!. C,

There were thirlv-five >lai- ..ii lli.' lielnionl Ma'ja/in.- Cliil."- -.-rxi.v ll.i-. Tuoof the duh's memli.-r-. Mi-, William M. Mani, r iiul Mr-. ,|..-.|.li W. WV-l. ucir

termed the World W ,n in..ll,.a- ..f the cluh. Tli.' I..ii„.-, Ii.i.l ihn-,' -..n- in -.'n i<-,-

and the latter four. Mi-. W, 11. Richardson, a ni.n.l,.r. ua- ,.l lli,. rliiL's

staunchest snpp.,rler- in rxcrv u.ir a.livll%. aii.l lln- pi .-i.l.iil. Mi-. I),-Will. uas

an active worker in tin- Canlci-n.

I'W in I I.I NIC \^-^()(:l \i i()\

Th.' I'an-ll.-llcii, \-,,. I, III,, I, \,,|,,1 M..I I,. .tl..in,l,.n i

gram- f.,r uar u,.ik ,n, hi-ix ,-h . I..',ai

reeon-lni.|i,,ii p.-M,„l. Mi- M.ivl„-ll

and III,- ,lnl.-- u,.rk lor three vear- lia.

vi,-u- 1,, ,,,ll..lin:: data to he availal.l,'

t.-r.-lc.l. Til,' a-ociati<.n did spl.-iuli

and met on<- dav each week at Na-li\i

of the memhers knitted arti, 1.- Im ll

serve in various other eapariii.-. ,il\\a\- -.'inIicj v^illi -ii,-,cs^.

I I JOI i; CI. I I!

,'\ very commendahle f<Mliire of the W.,rld War w.nk of Le Jour Cluh. with

Mis- Nettie McMurray as president and Mrs. W. E. Rowlin as secretary, was die fact

that this organization assisted in takinir care of some particular familv from which

the hread-winner had gone to war. They adopted a four-vear-cdd dauiililer of a

soldier of th<- ,'\. E. F.. whose mother was forced to earn the family's livelihood.

In afldilion tf> clothing and other iie<(ssities. the cluh gave the child many pleasures.




he Jour Club had a special day to ^cv^ (mi li(i>|iilal i;aiinfuls at lu-il (iidss Head-quarters each week, and organized itself inlu a W . S. S. and Thrill Stamp club.


Out of a membership of tweuty-hve, the f^riday Morning Literary Club, with

Mrs. George E. Blake as the World War president, not one went unregistered for pa-

triotic service. Three of the members registered for automobile service, one for

gardening, one for journalism, and the remainder for hospital service. Everyhousekeeper in the club signed the food pledge cards and each of the twenty-five

members kept Thrift Stamp cards. The club adopted twenty-five French orphans,preserved over 1,000 quarts of food, and was enrolled one hundred per cent for RedCross work. Several members of this club received certificates as instructors in the

Surgical Dressings Department of Red Cross. In every drive for raising war relief

fimds, the Friday Morning Literary Club had some member as leader. Each mem-ber was engaged in some branch of service of the Woman's Committee, Council of

National Defense, and the five Liberty Loans.

In answering a questionnaire sent out by the President regarding services ren-

dered in educational propaganda of the Woman's Committee, one member's answerwas: '"The most strenuous war service I do is to try to keep my mouth shut."'

Mrs. Blake, President of the Friday Morning Literary Club, was one of the mostconvincing four-minute speakers on all war propaganda in Davidson Countv.

A roster of this club during the war is as fciliows:

^rrs. r„-„r£rp F. Blake^ Prr^i,l,-nl : \!,~ I,, In, \rii..!.| ll-IL S.-rr.l.irv : \lrv \\illi;ini Berry.

M.-^. I'\:v„\.^ r ' |,M-.,,pl'ri. \l,- I. ...,;. DiIhMI, \l!- I i/inl:, l-.invll. \l,-. \llir,l:, Kilr. Mrs.

-- !..,,,-, ILill. \li-. \ji-j,ur .1 -. \ii-, (,,.,„-,. Kiik|ialii. k. \li-.. J.o!in

Inrn^. Miss I'crmme Pn.le. Mrs. Arcli Iniwick. Miss Marv Kit,- Turley.

Irs. J, ,1m Wils.m. Mrs. Douglas Wright, and Mrs. Clarence C. Woo.lrock.


Whilr .-ach member ,,f tiie Twentieth Century Club, of which Mrs. Wendall Mc-Faddin was World War president, did varied and untiring war work, the club as

a whole organized a W. S. S. and Thrift Stamp organization and oversubscribed its

quota. Two orphans were adopted by the club, and the members rendered a splendid

service in volunteering as assistants in classifying books for the soldiers. Eachmember was associated with some branch of the Red Cross work and took part in

every war relief campaign.

NASHVILLE METAPHYSICAL CLUBEach member of the Nashville Metaphysical Club, of which Mrs. Eliza!)eth Frye

Page was the founder and World War president, answered every call during the

entire war period. The president was a member of the State Publicitv Committeeand conducted a column in The Nashville Tennessean, called "This. That and theOther," which was used by the various war organizations for propaganda and whichreceived favorable comment from National authorities. Mrs. Page also contributeda number of war poems which were helpful to leaders of the many war drives.

While the membership of this club was small, they gave willingly of their time andmeans to every patriotic endeavor. Thev adopted and published a praver, compiled



DAI ID so.\ COLXTY If O M E \ 1 1\ THE If OKI I) II.IH. 1 " I l-l 'J 1 9

by iheir president, wliich was dislriluited over the

leaders of religious organizations as an expression


i> and

SOlTli \ \--ll\ 11.1,1. 11.1

The South Nashville lVd.Tati..n li.ul I.., ii-

was also a sectional chairnian for ilu' \a~li\illi

National Defense. The spl.-ndid ^suvk a.r,„npli

South Nashville was due to the experience and v

this cluh. The work of the inend)ers of tills f.-

patriotic movement in this volume. .Many of thi


It Mrs. E. C. Wright, whous Committee, ('ouncil of

Kiuahout the entire war in

aliililv of the members of

uill he found with every

rli(i!M'n to lead important

]\Irs. Alex Caldwell. World War President of the Tennessee Federation of

Women's Cluhs. inspired to a large degree the splendid results achieved hy the

federated club women of the State, and especiallv of Davidson Counlv. durinsi the

World War. Every faculty of her mind ua- alluricl |,, palrioliMii. In addili.'.n I,.

many oHicial duties, well performed, in \ariuii- w.n m iiani/alimi-. -In lanicd mi llic

automobile business in which her thnr -ons ucn- rriLi.ijril .il llic lime <,{ their en-

listment in the service until they were discharged JKun tin- annv. \s State Chair-

man of Food Consenation during the war, Mrs. Caldw. II •-, ,M,|i,ir' Herbert Hooverwith the pledge card idea, and as a niember of the \d\i>Mr\ Cnunril ,,( thi-^ volumeshe ably assisted with the preservation and |MiMiealinn nl icrrjids heicjn ((.nlained.

In May. 192.3. a memorial tablet ua- er.i ted il llie Ti'nne--i-e \oe.iti..nal S( hod.at Tullahoma. in honor of Mrs. Cahh\ell \i\ the lediraled ( luh uonieii of Tennessee.

which was an honor worthily 1)(sIo\m-,I. Tin- -(I I w^- lounded during Mrs.Caldwell's administration as State l're-i,leril ,.l lli,- I edeialnm of Women's Clubs.

Afrs. Robert Lu-k. ChairmanClul) .luririK ll..- W orM War. wWorld War r.-li.-f work lurid a

club liousc without com|ipnsal


.Mils, lioiiiin I.I >

* Bonnie Brig{;si

)f KntfTlaln nt Cornmillc- al ihr li.ll.- M.-.i.lr t;..!! and Coininy

slant in all uf tin- many henelil rnlcrtaininenl.s (or

\l her requot I he Executive Board gave over the

the war for all the entertainments given in its



Her picture appears in the upper left-hand corner of the cut. In the left of the

hut was the Canteen Department: the room to the right was used as a library and

for insurance business. Between the two a small room and bath served as quarters

for Miss Dromgoole, who was the first woman volunteer from Tennessee to enter

the service, enlisting the first of May, 1917 She acted for some months as publicity

veoman, sending out such publicity as directed by Capt. Philip Andrews, of the

U. S. Navy. She also did recruiting work for some linir almii: the waters of Mary-

land, Virginia and North Carolina. One of these in iiiiliiiL; c ruises covered the

historic countrv of Raleigh's lost colonv, the entire cruise covering three months.

For more than a year Miss Dromgoole did shore duty at a small base in Virginia,

where she collected, through the papers and otherwise, more than a thousand books

for the exclusive use of seamen. She also sold a large amount of government in-


DAf'lDSOy cor \ TV llOMFy l\ THE irORLD tr.tR. 19111919

Army Comfort LeagueMrs. l>i;ii(:v Waunkh. l',rs,d,;n






God save our splendid men.

Send them safe home again:

Gcd save our men.

Keep them victorious, patient and chi

They are so dear to us:

God save our men.

Army Comfort League

p.nii>S()\ coi.MY iro.\i.f:\ i\ the ir o k i. n ir t k. lonni'j

Trihiilc l)y Mi's. IN'rcy Warner

T.. lllr |MlM

1..TS nf Ihr \mi



Army Comfort League

Mrs. Percy Warner. I^resident

The Army Comfort League was the outgrowth of the Army Comfort Circle, of

Nashville, organized July, 1898, during the Spanish-American War, with Mrs. HenryBeaumont as i)resident. At the end of tlie war the activities of the circle ceased,

until the troubles on the Mexican border developed in 1916, at which time the or-

ganization renewed its services under the leadership of Mrs. Jesse M. Overton.

On April 22, 1917, after the entrance of the United States into the World War,the members of this circle called a mass meeting at the Tulane Hotel and perfected

the new organization. Mrs. Percy Warner was unanimously elected President.

Through the courtesy of the management, the weekly meetings of the League wereheld in the assembly room of the Tulane Hotel. Mrs. Warner appointed the fol-

lowing officers to assist her in the volume of work confronting the new league:Mrs. Georgia Knox-Berry, First Vice-President; Mrs. M. S. Lebeck, Second Vice-President;

Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne, Tliird Vice-President; Mrs. Laurent Brown, Recording Secretary; Mrs.Mary C. Dorris, Corresponding Secretary; and Mrs. Lou Rascoe, Treasurer. The last three officers

served until December, 1917, when, upon their resignations, Mrs. W. B. Shelton was appointedRecording Secretary; Mrs. John G. Gilmore, Corresponding Secretary and Press Chairman;Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson. Treasurer, and Mrs. John 0. White, Assistant Treasurer.

An advisory board was selected from the various local women's organizations,

the personnel of which was:

I^frs. Edward Buford. Y. W. C. A.; Mrs. John Hill Eakin. Centennial Club; Mrs, Jesse M.Overton, National League for Woman's Sorvirr: Mr<. Ahx, S. Caldwell, Federated Clubs;ATrs. Robert F. Jackson. Colonial Dames aiwl ll. .1 <!..— : \li^ Marry W. Evans. Navy ComfortsCommittee; Mrs. John C. Brown. State and C..iini\ I . Ir ( ,: Mr-. Henry Teitlebaum. Council of

Jewish Women; Mrs. Bruce R. Payne. Peabn.K \\..u,:>n\ ( Inl,: Mrs. B. D. Bell. Ea.st Side CivicLeague: Mrs. James H. Kirkland. Vandirluli \\..i„,m,-. (:hd>: Mrs. W. A. Overall. NashvilleEqual Suffraee League; Mrs. W. Winter l\..ri. \lr( ,,,n Chapter. D. A. R.: Mrs. E. A. Price,

State D. A. R.'s; Mrs. James Frazer. Na-lmll.- \\n,ii:in\ Committee; Mrs. Robert W. NichoLCounty Woman's Committee; Mrs. Eugciu- (.:itili her. I'aient-Teacher Association: Mrs. MaryP. Bang, W. C. T. U.; Mrs. James E. Caldwell. Campbell Chapter. D. A. R.; Mrs. K. T. Mc-Connico, Cumberland Chapter, D. A. R.: Miss Louise G. Lindsley, of the Ladies' HermitageAssociation; and Miss Mary Ratterman. Godmother's Auxiliary.

The purpose of the League was to supervise the comforts of the Tennessee sol-

diers, especially those who had no relatives or friends, and to send help direcllv to

the individual. From a small nucleus, under Mrs. Warner's able leadership, the

Army Comfort League grew to a membership of seven hundred women. The workinaugurated at the camps in Nashville followed the bovs across the seas and on to

the battlefields.

In Mav, June and July, 1917, when the First Tennessee Infantry was stationed at

Camp Jackson, Nashville, Tenn., the League built and equipped a reading room for

the regiment stationed in that camp: and tri-weekly entertainments were given for

the soldiers by the best talent of Nashville, under the direction of Mrs. Kinnard T.

McConnico and Mrs. H. Louis Sperry.

In equipping the reading room, Mrs. Joseph H. Thompson donated a victrola:

Mrs. Mary C. Dorris. stationery, distinguished by the equestrian statue of Andrew-Jackson, for whom the camp was named. The die for the stationery was presented

by Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne and Mrs. B. F. Wilson. A bookcase and many books weresupplied through the efforts of Mrs. George H. Williams. Mrs. John Steadwell andMrs. M. S. Lebeck. The daily papers of the State were obtained through the efforts

f 115)

D.niDsoy coi.\T\ OME.\ /.Y Tllh: IK) HI. II If .1 H. I » I 4-.

Mrs. (;<-..r!:<- Kra/ir. Mrs. llinry Morgan. Mr-,

Weaver Harris. Mrs. L. L. Gamble. Mrs. C. .\. Mantl

While. Mrs. S. E. Dickev. Mrs. Saruly Owen. Mrs. E.

Kirklan.l. Mrs. B. F. Wilson. Miss Louise Li

Mrs E \ Lin(ls,-v. Mrs. Robert \V. Nichol. Mrs. We-i

11. Morton. .Mrs. W. B. Cook. Mrs. 11. Louis S|urrv.

Mrs. Clarence .Sutherland. Miss Aleda Waggoner, and

Mrs. Thomas Malone. Jr.

Chairiiicri iti various sections of the county

for tlif Arinv Comfort League's activities were:

Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson. Mrs. George H. Nevins.

Mrs. George Dean. Mrs. Arthur Cooncy. Afrs. I1'

Lowe. Mrs. M. II. Dobson. Mrs. Thomas J. Tyn.-. M.-

Ilenry Morgan. Mrs. J. O. White. Mrs. Lou 1.u4..a.

Mrs. Horace G. Hill. Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, \1.^

Ellr-n Marshall, and Mrs. George W. Fall.

The camp hospitals were supervised liv lli'-

.Army Comfort League, and in the work of sr

curing furnishings, hospital garments and deli

cacies for the sick. valual)Ie service was ten-

dered ihe League hy other organi/alii.n- nl

Nashville. Among them were: KIII-Imu I nil

Carev E. Morgan Auxiliary, Girl-" \ii\ili,ir\.

women's societies of the Baptist Chun lies. C,

Ionia! Dames, and Nine Street Temple Sister-

hood. Mrs. Harrv W. Kvans. President of the

Tennessee Xavv Cf.niforts Commille,-. duiml.

f;ver one hundred knitted garments fm llic (..

vakseenl soldiers at Camp Jackscm.



Mrs. W. W. Margraves contribiitfd H\|. luiiulred l.acljies

League members during their service al tin- laiiips.

When the 114th Field Artillery was stationed on Vaville, three hundred blankets were furnished the men by

in ronnection with this camp was under the supervision

of Mrs. J. T. McGill, Chairman, assisted by the womenof \'anderbilt Campus, who were members of the League.

After the boys had departed for other camps and

enlistments grew, the demands made of the Nashville

organization were so great that Mrs. Percy Warner,

President, and her Executive Board, decided to call a

conference of county representatives on Jackson Dav.

January 8, 1918, for the purpose of extending the

League's activities throughout the counties of Tennessee.

Mrs. John G. Gilmore served as general chairman of

the conference, assisted bv Mrs. Percv Warner. Mrs. T.

Leigh Thompson. Mrs. John R. Aust,' Mrs. W. B. Shel-

ton, Mrs. J. 0. White. Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne, and Mrs.

M. S. Lebeck. ^^Tc.,!i"" nufli"'

Although the weatlicr cindilicins were such as to

cause the rural roads lliroughout the State to be practically impassalile. the fact

that the women were to be allowed to form an organization to work for their own

sons brought representatives from seventy-five counties of Tennessee. Mrs. Percy

Warner, President, presided, and made an appealing address at the luncheon fol-

lowing the conference, which was attended by over four hundred workers. Other

helpful talks were siven at the luncheon by Mrs. George W. Denny, of Knoxville;

Mrs. Alex. Caldwell. Mrs. James S. Frazer, Mrs. Jesse M. Overton, Mrs. Robert W.Nichol. Mrs. Charles Caldwell, Miss Louise G.

Lindsley. and Miss Delia Dortch, on the work of the

organizations which they represented. The inspira-

tion gained from the conference was far-reaching

in its benefits, and was helpful to other patriotic or-

ganizations throughout Tennessee.

Mrs. John C. Brown, an active member of the

Advisory Board, gave a liberal donation at the con-

ference for the formation of a league in Giles

County, her husband's native home. This branch

grew to be the second in activity in the State. Mrs.

Thomas B. Wade served as president of the Giles

C(.untv LeaLiue. and Miss Ruby Carter, secretary.

Mrs. Sam X^'oodward represented Giles County at

the conference. This league not only equipped everv

soldier from Giles County with a knitted outfit and

kept in personal touch with them throughout the

lunch for each soldier on departure for camp, suf-war, but furnished a farewi

ficient for his journey.

Other leagues developing from the Nashville League's conference were: Ruther-

ford County League, Murfreesboro, Mrs. W. C. Covington. President, and Mrs.

Mahlon Brown, Secretary: Montgomery County League, Clarksville, Mrs. Gracev

( 117 )

D.lllDSOy <:Ol.\TY ffOMEy /.Y THE WORLD IT.iR. 1 >i 1 4-1 > I•

Childress. President, ami Mi>. J. D. ll.-rrulon. Chairman ,.t ll„- knillin^ l).|KUln

Henry County Leagii.-. l*aii>. Mis. 1- ram .-s (;. Mollis. I'rr-i.i.-iU : W iiliaiii>un ('..

Leajrue. Franklin. Miss Susie Gentry. President: Robertson (lounty League. Sj)

field. Mrs. Joseph Washington. President; Wilson County Leajrue. Lebanon, Mrs.

Nathan Robertson, President: Putnam County League, Cookeville, Mrs. Rutledge

•Smith, President: Sumner County League. UciKJer-

sonville. Miss Sara Berry, President.

.^dviee in regard to organization and work of

the Teimessee League was sought by other states,

and leagues were formed in Texas, Kentucky. SouthCarolina and Mississippi a

M.uiid from the iNasluili

On April 22, 1918. lii,'

League celebrated the lir-

sanization with a patriolii

'')av. Mrs. K. P. Blair an

nn -.•ur,l as r,,-,lKnr,n,'n

I lllr n,,.n,l/ali,.M nIr.L

bv liiis meand speeches wa:

•sume of tlie v<'

ill of informati

'\s n as Sacrifice

. Lrigl, Thomp-

request of her workers, she pledged herself lo nnliniir li

the war as President of the iVashyille organi/aiinn.

Lvidence of the Army Comfort League's iiiliiRnce ua^

diale response giyen all demands for assistance. A call

helmets was received from a captain at Camp Sevier. (

three days the President of the League was in re-

ceipt of a telegram of lli.nik- fr..ni llii~ captain for

the required allotmenl. M. >. IrLiik. llic League's

constant friend, supers i-rd ilic -liippiirj of tin- ar-


On an.,lher occasion a .Icmand came f,,r one

hundred and eighty helmets. Owing to the large

number of j)revious calls, there were none in stock.

Immediately after the call reached the organization

a rmniber of machines were rented li\ lln- nuinlHrs.

khaki-colorcd flamicl purchased. an,l Iir , vrnln"

of the day the ajjpeal was made the cnlirc lot waswrajiped and ship])ed on the 9:'M) P.M. train leav-

ing Nashvilh; for a .Southern army camp. Again.M. S. Lebeck defrayed tlie expenses of shipmenl.

Strving on this ru-h ordir were:

Mrs. IVrcv Wariwr. Mr-. 1. l..i(;li lliomiis..],. Mrs.

John I!. Aust. Mrs. O. V. Miiilh. Mrs. l.ronar.l (Wlli.rl. .Mrs. J

McGav.ick. .Mrs. W. C. Dake. Mrs. E.lward Hamilton. .Mrs. W. B.

Mrs. llarrv Maiil.v. Mrs. A. G. Boslick.. Mrs. Edward .SlicrUv.

Mart. Mrs. W. C. Covinpton. Mrs. M. .s-. I.,l,.rk, Mrs. U. A. CLulie Jones, and Mrs. T. B. Molt.

Tile Army Comfort League had lln- (li-liri( lion of oi

Club in Davidson County. Mrs. Cil.M.n I'all.rson w

( llfi)

program of patriotic

. Mrs. Percy Warner>rk. and bv unanimous



Bottom row: Mrs. George William Ivill. Mib. Tlidiiuib I T>ne. Clidirman, Mrs. Wjlliam S.

Bransford. lop row: Mrs. Laurent Brown, Secretary of League; Mis. William B. Slielton, 1st

Lieutenant who had charge of booth in campaign; Miss Theresa McGavock, who purchased the

first thousand dollar War Saving Stamp sold to a woman in Davidson County; and Mrs. Frank

McGavock (Theresa Perkins).

Miss Theresa McGavock. an active member of the League, purchased the first Sl.OOO

worth of War Savings Stamps sold to a Nashville woman. Mrs. Foster Hume, a

member of this organization, sold the first $1,000 W. S. Stamps purchased by a

man in Davidson County. The League was also prominent in the selling and pur-

chasing of Liberty Bonds, and tlie members took an active part in every campaign

and patriotic organization.

A booth, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne. Mrs. T. Leigh Thomp-

son, and Mrs. John G. Gilmore, was maintained by the League at the W. S. S. Car-

nival, April, 1918, on the Capitol Boulevard, to secure funds to further the League's

work. Mrs. W. B. Shelton had charge of the Girls' Committee, assisted by Mrs. J. 0.

White. Numerous articles were sold at this booth. War Savings Stamps were also

sold. The decorations of the booth were lavish and attractive.

The Army Comfort League had the ice and candy concessions at the magnificent

Patriotic Ball at the Belle Meade Club in February. 1918. These booths were ar-

tistically decorated and equipped by the members, and over $400 was realized from

sales. Mrs. John G. Gilmore and Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne had charge of the candv.

and Mrs. Percy Warner, Mrs. John 0. White, and Miss Roberta Carter presided at

the ice cream booth. Mrs. W. B. Shelton and Mrs. Alfred Merritt were chairmen

of "stunts." One of the features was the presentation of a handsome lady's hat,

donated the League by a local millinery firm, to the winner in a guessing contest.

A small sum was charged for each guess.

In the Fourth Liberty Loan Drive the Army Comfort League supervised a booth

at Fifth Avenue and the Arcade, of which Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne was Captain; Mrs.

( 119)

DAI IPSO \ cmMY ITOME\ / .V T II F IT O K L D UAR. I <> 1 t] " 1 9

\^'. B. Shellon. First Lieulenant. and .Mi>. (..ni-.- W . 1 ,ill. Sc. mul l.iriihiKml. Dil-

feient niPiiiliers acted as salesladies eaili ila\. M-llini; stxrial tlmusaiul dollai- in


Mrs. 11. A. i;rillin. Cliainnan of rununaue sales for the L.'a^ue. ,(,n,lii,ted a mini-

l.er of >ales ea.li M-a-,,.,. from «iiieh xvas derived a sum of ..xnal IninJrrd dolhu-.

_ - Mr>. Smith Tenisoii served a- \\\- ir.i^ue- . hairmaii

.r the War .^alvaue store and. lo^nl,,-, uhli Mrs. I'er.'v

'I ll

11,11- lo Ihr l!e,l

hIm,. I')|;;. andMM- ,,f the amliirlaii.-e

\lolo, (;orj)s Depart-

,. , u,,. Captain.

\h- I, l.eiudi Thomp-•r„. \,i-hvill,- Chapter.

I lo


son served as Chairman of an olliiinii lo I

Red Cross. Several automohdes ui ir ri(

bv the members for this offeriiip. Mi-. Iliomp-on u

Wallers MeGill, who served as telrph.Mio . Ii.nrnian.

For the 1917 Christmas fund -..^.ral huiuhr,! ran

bearinfr impre.ssive inscriptions from tiie iiif'.v.l pin o

.[ohn Trotwood Moore. Mr. Moore donated the iii-( lip

tions. Several thousand dollars ])asse(l throu'jh ilr

League treasury, which was handled hv Mrs. T. Lei^il

Thompson in an expert manner durint; the two years o

the League's existence. Every penny of this fund wauspd directly to benefit the Temiessee soldiers. Tin

( ntire overhead expenses of the organization were borni

Ity the president and officers. Mrs. Warner never al

b.wed a call to go unanswered.

The League sponsored one of l)a\i(Uon (!oimlv':

fallen heroes in the V^'orld War. «ho had neither rela

lives nor friends, for \hr Davidson Connlv MemorialVt\ a coincidence. wh":i iii> name was revealed, it wa;

i:ne of the boys whom ih" Li-ague had mothered while ii

lamp and when Ir avit)L' Nashville for overseas (hil\.^. ^

Aside from the idlicers of the T.,eague. who wiHin'.il\

answered . verv call, exceptional servi.e was rendered lo c\erv adivilv of llu' WorldW ar bv the following memb.rs:

\rr>. Frank Mr(;av...k. Mrs. .Smilh T-nis,,,,. Mrs. I!u>l, llaw,>.. .Mr.. .\. \1. Carr,,!!. Mrs.f:l.arl.-. .S|,.|.„ii. Mrs. .(„lin W. Black. Mrs. It. A. (Jrifiin. Miss Tlien.a MrGavork. Mrs. s;. E.Dirk.v. Mrs. M. II. Dol.son. Mrs. Charles r:„lin. Mrs. W. C. Harrison. Mrs. Arlliiir Cooney,Mrs. K.lwar.i .>^rruf.'ns. Mrs. E. \\ Blair. >rjs. Guy Nevins. Mrs. Charles Cooncy. Mrs. James

(120 )

D.IJIDSON cor NT y WOMEN IN THE W O R L D WAR. 19 14-1)19

Weakley, Mrs. W. E. Thomas, Mrs. George W. Dean, Mrs. Frances Darden Allen, Mrs. S. Walters

McGill, Miss Lena Marx, Mrs. John Steatlwell, Mrs. James E. Long, and Miss Mar>' Smith.

The success of this organization was largely due to their whole-hearted service.

The following women were members of the Army Comfort League throughout the

war, and assisted either with work or funds to carry on the League's many activities:

Mrs. Robert L. Abernathy, Mrs. Armstrong Allen, Mrs. Jesse H. Anderson, Mrs. R. L.

Alexander, Mrs. Frances Darden Allen. Miss Annie C. Allison, Miss Stella Abrams, Mrs. J. P. B.

Allen, Mrs. John B. Atchison. Mrs. John R. Aust, Mrs. A. B. Anderson, Mrs. J. W. Black, Mrs.

B. D. Bell, Mrs. Albert Britt, Mrs. W. S. Bransford, Mrs. Count R. Boyd, Mrs. W. A. Buntin,

Mrs. Dan C. Buntin. Mrs. L. Bogatsky. Mrs. John C. Brown, Mrs. Charles Barham. Mrs. H. B.

Bond. Mrs. Doswell Brown. Mrs. A. G. Brandau, Mrs. J. D. Blanton. Mrs. Frank Bnensrh. Mrs.

R. D. Blum, Mrs. Robert Brannan. Mrs. John Barksdale, Mrs. E. P. B'air. Mr-. Claiborne

Bryan. Mrs. M. G. Buckner. Mrs. Johnson Bransford. Mrs. Harry Batchcl.., Ii \li- Laurent

Brown. Miss Mary Laurent Brown. Mrs. Green Benton, Mrs. W. W. B.n^. Mr-. Ki. iiard A.

Barr, Mrs. E. J. Booker. Mrs. David Brandon. Mrs. Nathan Crockett. Mrs. Kubcrt Lli.ek. Mrs.

Charles Cohn, ISfrs. C. A. Craig, Mrs. S. A. Champion. Mrs. Nathan Cohn. Mrs. C. H. Crawford,

Mrs. Samuel Cohn, Mrs. C. P. Cooney, Mrs. H. T. Campbell, Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell. Mrs. E.

B. Craig, Mrs. Runcie Clements, Mrs. James E. Caldwell. Mrs. Lyon Childress, Mrs. J. W.Childress, Mrs. W. R. Cole. Mrs. Henry Connor, Mrs. Char'es S. Caldwell, Mrs. Watkins Crockett.

IVTrs. Marvin Campen, Mrs. E. W. Cole, Mrs. John Cheek, Mrs. William C. Cherry, Mrs. Sol.

Cohn, Mrs. James H. Campbell, Mrs. C. C. Christopher. Mrs. Goodloe Cockrill, Mrs. Leslie

Cheek. Mrs. A. M. Carroll. Mrs. Eugene Crulcher. Mrs. M. E. Derrvberry. Mrs. G. W. Dean.

Mrs. M. H. Dobson, Mrs. C. C. Dabney. Mrs. ! ettv M. Donelson. Mrs. Sol Dryfus. Mrs. Hunter

Davis. Mrs. L. G. Durr. Mrs. Paul DeWitt, Mrs. Paul Davis, Mrs. A. A. Doak, Mrs. W. W.Dillon. Mrs. W. L. Dismukes. Mrs. Houston Dudley, Mrs. R. M. Dudlev. Mrs. L. H. Davis,

Mrs. Guilford Dudley. Mrs. B. A. Enloe, Mrs. Duncan Eve, Mrs. John Hill Eakin. Mrs. R. C.

Ewinff. Mrs. Cecil Ewing. Mrs. W. G. Ewing. Mrs. Harry Evans, Mrs. James B. Ezzell. Mrs. John

Marshall Ewinc. Mrs. George Frazer. Mrs. Carev A. F,dk. :\rrs. Mvra Fall. Mrs. Gn.rge W.Fall. \!i-. i'M-Miar.l I'rn-lrrual.l. \lr~. 1,. TrankiaiHl. Mr-. Al.-_\an,l.r Fall. Mr-. M.hn Wilsoni-inljr. \1,- \l,.|,l, |-,Mi-M,i. \1,-. i;,,,ii In'k. Ml-. IImu.i,,! Iim-i. M,- |' Ki.iiik I'l-M-. Mrs.Fkiii, I il.-pilir k. Ml-. .Ia,„r- K 1 II.M.. \l,-. llnliMl ( Ik 11. Ml-, ^li.a... („.M|ki.-, Mrs.Kolliii 1'. Ciaul. Ml,. J. i;. Gnu..-. .\h=.. .\llowav Gra\. Mr,. U li. Glenn. \h.-. AK Pheeters

Glasgow, Mrs. R. A. Griffin. Mrs. Frank Gurlie, .Mrs. W. L. Granberv. Mrs. Horace G. Hill. Mrs.Sam Hirsch. Mrs. Joe T. Howell. Mrs. Drake Hyde. Mrs. Ross Handly. Mrs. Frank Herbrick.Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. Jr.. Mrs. J. Harry Howe. Mrs. W. W. Haigraves. Mrs. Foster Hume.Ml--. \Nrrv Ilaii.llv. Mr-. J..-,.,,h IlaMiir. Mr-. Harr\ Hill. Mr-. W Mark I l.iiri-Mi,. Mi- lliiinphrey

llar.li-..ii Ml-, \. M. Ila^.ui. Mi-, I.', Ik i. Il.,u.lk Mr-, I Ni- ( Mi-jm.- \1i- W I Ikirrison,

Mr-, Mai-1-ail ll,.l,l,ki-. Mi-, II kii II. h,-,.. Mi-. I,, I, I I ,n, ,p". a, Mi- h',,,:.! Ilunir. Mrs.

William lliiMi.-, Jr.. \lr>. Ku^ll llaHe.. Mr,. Kuberla C. llardiiit:. Mi,. (Ii,,i, I lh-)i;-. MrsEdward Hamilton. Mrs. L. Jonas. Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, Mrs. Howell F. .1,.. k -, .. \l - ThomasP. Kennedy, Mrs. Thomas C. Keebng, Mrs. J. M. King, Mrs. Louise Bran-ia.! ki kmin. Mrs.

n Bell K' ' ki. M ;

- HuncanMl- I >

i,:, M.-. Lee

M,-, k.^. - ..,,,. r, Mrs.I.i.iii- l.'lhM.k, M.- i;,.k. |.:i.-i.i. Ml-, \,in.a M |.a,i-, Mi- I .-I ,,.:,•,, Mrs.K..|..-rl I ii-k. \k-, ,|..kn , 1.^,1-, Mr-. ,1 (I, L.ak.-, Mi-, |..nn l.lh.ai. M.-- k' v ' I.;-. Mrs.James R. Love, Mr-. J. W . Mo-bv. Mrs. James II. Moore. Mrs. Henrv M. . .

>'I H.i. C.

Marshall, Mrs. Charles A. Manthev. Mrs. Thomas H. Malone. Jr., Mrs. C. .\, \ki,-' I \k-. J. C.

McHatton, Mrs. L. A. McMurrav. Mrs. S. Walters McGill. Mrs. J. T. MrCilk \h- -... i,.,r Afc-

Henry. Mrs. John B. McFerrin. Mrs. Frank MrGav,.rk. Ali" Thrr.-a \I. ( .,, . ... k. \h>. H. R.Manby. Mrs. F. P. McKeel. Mrs. West \l..rl..n. Mr-. Ikirn.ll \ \l..|.in. Mr-. John Ma?on.Mrs. R. C. Moore. Mrs. S. S. McKav. Mr-, k.lum Mm,-. Mi-. \,,.|,.av \k,,-kiM. Mrs. Guv H.Nevins. Mrs. W. E. Norvell. "Mrs. tlmma- \.»|,ill. Mr-. William \. l-..n. Mr-. G. M. Neelv.Mrs. T. B. Neal. Mrs. Cliaik- \,. !-,.„. M,- ,|, M, Overton. Mrs. W. A. Overall. Mrs. Andrewb'Brien. Mrs. Andrew Pri, . M,- I'.n., I'kik,.-. Mrs. WiUiam Phillips, Mrs. Thomas Parkes.Mrs. II. C. Parrent. Mr.-. Ilu.ii.i I ', 1

1.. . Mi-. .1. W. Pentecost. Mrs. E. A. Price. Mrs. A. E.

Potter. Mrs. Bruce R. Pa>m,'. Mi,, .lam,,, K. I'olk. Mrs. Marsh Polk. Mrs. Ernest Pillow. iVfrs.

George S. Parkes. Mrs. Dave Rosenfeld. Dr. Celia Rich. Mrs. Arthur Ransom. Airs. Paul Rve.Mrs. Thomas C. Rye. Mrs. A. G. Rutherford. Mrs. Granville P. Rose. Mrs. Lou Rascoe. Mrs.W. A. Roberts. Mrs. J. H. Reeves. Airs. Jo' n R Pa-som, Jr.. Mrs. George Ratterman. Mr?

A. 0.

DAI I U S O .V COi .V T y II M E A / A T H A H O R L D If A R. I 9 I 4-1 9 1 9

llov Kuscor. Mrs. M.Ewcii Hansom. Mrs. John B. Kansoni. Mrs. J. II. Kilev. Mr*. Leo Schwartz,

.Mr^. Jolin Hi-nry Smith. .Mrs. Walter Stokes. Mrs. Jordan Stokes, .Mrs. E. B. Stevenson. .Mrs.

C. E. Skinner. .Mrs. Jordan Stokes. Jr., .Mrs. Charles Stetson. Mrs. Paul Sloan. Mr.s. D. Perkins

Sexton. .Mrs. J. D. Skinner. .Mrs. E. .\1. Skinner. Mrs. \. S. Sohel, Mrs. Clyde Shropshire, Mrs.

.Marv E. Scru-igs. .Mrs. J. .N. Steadwell. .Mrs. A. M. Shook. Mrs. Louis 11. Sperry. Mr.s. Eugene

Shannon. .Mrs. T. M. Steger. .Mrs. Charles Trahue. .Mrs. Henry Teitlehaum. .Mrs. John W.Thomas. Jr.. Mrs. K. W. Turner. .Mrs. Smith Tenison. .Mrs. J. A. Trousdah-. Mrs. Jesse H.

Thomas. .Mrs. Vernon Tupper. .Mrs. .Vrch Trawick. .\rrs. E. O. Tate. .Mrs. James I. Vance. Mrs

John J. \ertrees, Jr.. .Mrs. .Annie Lindslev Warden. .Miss Marjiaret Warden. Mrs. J. K. Wheeler,

Mrs. Edttin Warner. .Mrs. Joseph Warner. .Mrs. A. S. Warren. .Mrs. Olin West. .Mrs. Oscar

Waldkirch. .Mrs. Percy Williams. .Mrs. Betlie Lvle Wilson. .Mrs. B. F. Wilson, .Mrs. Idabelle

Wilson. .Mrs. T. Dwigiit W ehh. Mrs. L. A. Warner. Mrs. K. II. Wright, Mrs. Dempsey Weaver,

.Mrs. Joseph R. West, Mrs. J. din O. White. .Mrs. William 11. Witt. .Mrs. W vlie Williams, Mrs.

Ridley Wills, Mrs. Douglas .M. Wright. Mrs. Jo,- Wertlian. Mrs. .Mton Wade. Mrs. Frank Weil,

Mrs. John G. Webber. Mrs. I.. M. W.iUh. Mi-. 1,. I!. W.ukin-. Mi-. < In. -In..' !,. Williams, Mrs.

W. J. Wallace, Mrs. Richard .T^ W ,1-..,,. \l,-. i I,,,,,!, \\,ll,i. \l,-. \l,l.- W ilium-. Mrs. John

A. Wilson, Miss Cornelia Bark-M.il. . Mi- Vnn.i \\\. n. M.- Mimh. I. I'.mk.. Mi- Elizabeth

IJreen, Miss Sadie Cauvin. Miss Kuueua C.ul,i. Mi- M.im I.t C.Kkrlt. Mi- Mlinla Cooper.

.Miss Mabe! Cohn. Miss Ida Cavert. Miss Kal.- ( im. Mi- ilattie Dismukes. Mi- Maiv I mui

Dobson, Miss Delia Dortch. Miss Elizabeth Ev, Mi- ll.niv K«ing. .Miss Loiili. I »iii.'. Mi-Corrine Cavert, Miss Susie Edwards. Miss Cjiii-iin. (.I.ni,. Mi^s Margaret 01. -1111, Mi- MmTi

Goldberg, .Miss Bella (;n...lin,.iK Mi- Ida E. II I. Mi- ( "Li ll.iu.i. Mi- I,..,raine llvronemus.

Miss Amanda Ilan.llv. \li- S..1..1,, ,|,.,iii.,m1. M,- IIi/.iIi. ih Iuhl:. 1 iii.i.i. Mi- .Medora Jones,

.Miss .-Vnna Marv Kenn.-.K. Mi- I mn-, (,. Ill„l-I,^. \!

Miss ElBe Mclver. Mi- Mar> i:ii/al..lli I'mln. Mi- I!

Percie Warner. Miss Kate Quinn. Miss Chri^tim Kili\.

Sluite. Miss Mabel Truby, ^riss Willie William-. Mi- I

.Meda W'aggoner. and Mrs. Daisy Yarbrough.

Mrs. Percy Warner, the beloved Prc-iilml n

the women of this organization to victorv li\ In

thtisiasin. The patriotic addresses dcliMTcd |i\ In

were both inspiring and eloquent. Mi-. W.iinr

garding all movements of the Gusn mm ni. unl

among the first organizations in l)a\iii~nii Cciiiiil\

r-omernitiL' the Tennessee and l);ui,l-,m C.imhiIn -.

\ll. . 1


I.. i'nl..|.

- K.lii.i

lan Warm

DAVIDSON COUNTY () 1/ F N IN THE TOR L f) ff'A R. 191 4-1 " 1'

Press Committee

It is an acknowledged fact that the splendid amount of publicity given to every

World War movement was a telling factor in not only the final result, but also in

the formation and extension of every patriotic endeavor. This work was a real

necessity as a means for bringing about a successful conclusion of hostilities.

The newspapers of Davidson County responded so generously with space that

it was a pleasure to hand copy to them, knowing that it would be featured in aneffective manner.

The press women, both professional and amateur, who constantlv kept every

issue before the public, and who were so indefatigable in the seeking and handling

of every item of news that would interest or arouse the public, deserve a special

tribute of thanks for the unceasing application and the intelligent handling they

gave to this important branch of public service. Among the women who handledthe press work in Davidson County were:

Mrs. Frank Searcy Green, Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin. \h'. junlan Stokes, Jr..

1. Miss Corrinne Rich, Mrs. Morton B. Hc.wvll. 111. \l,-. \ i-rner .Mooreri^im. Mrs. Reuben Mills. Mrs. Emma Look >im||. \1i— Maria Slemmons,'a;:,-. Mrs. John M. Kenny, Mrs. J. H. Nye. M... Kailu-nn,- P. Wright,-. Margaret Erw-in Ford, Miss Will Allen Dronigooie. .Miss Madge Hall,

li-- Katherine Powers. Miss .Mary Stahlman. Miss Florence Wilson, Misslinma Wheat Sullivan. Mrs. Charles Baker. Mrs. John G. Gilmore. and


Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin, as Chairman of the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross. Emer-gency Canteen Publicity Committee, brought world-wid? famg to this organization

DAVID S O Y €01 ST\ If M E Y / .\ T H E If O H I I) If,I H. I » I 41 9 1 9

u kr,-|, llir «u,k ,.r \\u-

,,r nM-nnli,,'^ llirlnuuli:

ll.<' U



by her eonslant and (;irni--l (iidivud

the pul.lie. and \>\ her < miipitenl mansttiries each day in the daily pre>s.

The following women did exe,,,

the oriranizations they re])resented ii

Mrs. It. II. Corsc.n. Cliairmari. Nashville Chapter. American Ked Cross: Mrs. Keulien Mills,

rhairinan, Nashville WomanV Commiltee. Council of National Defense: Mrs. Robert WhartonNichol. .Slat.. Chairman, Le Bicn-Eln- du Hlesse: Mrs. John M, Kennv. .'^lale Chairman. Woman'sCommill.T, Council of National Defense.

Mrs. John (;. Gilmore served as Stale and l)avid-(in Cmmlv i'i-es~ ( :li.iiriii:\n for

.he Third. Fourth and Fifth Fihertv Loans. Zone and Conntv Ciiairnian of ih.- W. S.

S. orsanization for I'Jl.'!. State and Conntv I'ress Chairman of llie National Leaguefor Woman's Serviee. Chairman of Pnhlieitv for the Armv Comfort Leatnie from\ovemher. 1017. to elo.s,. of W.„l.l War. Stale an.l Connlv I're-s Chairman of the

Cirjs" Patriolie Leajriie. and Connlv ( li.ilr man nl lln- War Salva.L'e \s.n,ialion,

Piihlieity Committee.

( 124 t




For a |ipriiid of nineteen months, beginnin"; two months after the th-elaration of

far with the United States and lasting until after the signing of the Armistice, Mrs.

Edward A. Lindsay served with the United States

Food Administration as a retail price ir|iiirlcr. wliicli

responsibility was entrusted to only a lew individ-

uals. The duties of this position consisted in per-

sonally securing each week prices on all necessi-

ties, including food and fuel, for the purpose of

preventing profiteering. This service, which was

done secretly, entailed an immense amount of de-

tail work.

As a reward for her services, Mrs. Lindsey was

awarded a certificate from headquarters at Wash-

iniiton. which reads as follows:

Washington, 1919.


LJnited States Food Admin

Edward A. Lindsey in recogni



sents this


the appreciation and esteem in which it holds the valuable

price reporter.with fidelity as a ret

(Signed) Heubkut Hoover.

Food Administrator.

Dr. Raymond Pearl,

Chief Statistical Director.


Mrs. Tennie Coleman Sharpe and Miss Anna Hayes were appointed liy Post-

master Williams to serve at the postofRce at Jacksonville, being the first women to

assume duties at the gigantic Powder Plant.

Though these women received a salary for their services, the compensation was

small compared with the vast amount of work that was required in handling the

mail for the many thousand strangers who daily poured into the Government work

at the magic city of Jacksonville. Often these patriotic women remained on duty

from seven o'clock in the morning until eleven o'clock at night, and the patrons of

the postoffice had many occasion> to thank the intelligent and gracious postmistresses

for helping them through the dilfh iiltics that were unavoidable in the confusion

tiuit of necessitv attended tlie building overnight of the greatest powder plant in

Ihe world.

DA ill) so \ c o I y r y n o m e v / v r ii /•; ir oki. n ir i r. i"i iioi o

Nashville' Chapter American Red Cross

Miis. I'KKcv 1). .M\i)i)i\

I'ice-Chainniui of Chapter and (.liairmiin of Adininislraliic Hoard

Miis. IvDHKKT F. Jackson

Vlce-Clmirinnn of .tdiiiinlslraliic Board and CJiairnian oj Woman's If'orh

n.-If ID SON COUNTY IT' M E N IN THE If O R L I) WAR. I'll I! 9 I'


Greatest Motherin the WDRLD

I) III P S O .V cot :V T y IT f ) U F \ I V T H K ni.n ir./A'. n>iii'Ji9

Mil-. Vim:-, 1). \Ui.niN

(Man li.-llr K.-ilhi

\ic.- ClKiiiinan nf Nn^luill,- Cl.ai.lri. A. H. CChairman cf A,llnHli^l^ali^. I'-.a..!. \I,iii|jcr

Ad\is.„v (:,.,IT„il nl llli. lliMuiA.

Tiil.iilc l)v Mrs. Pcn-v 1). Mnddii

Th.- work ,.r til,' \:.>li\il

tlfisc to tlie hearts of tlir- pi-

as the ireiierosity of its ser\ ii

aijparent. Lartre as were tin- -ill- u

itself in the ineal.iih.Me ani.Hinl ol

flepartiiient of chapter unrk.

In \ashville the He<l Cross hera

hours of need when the ery of so ii

the Red Cross made answer.

No matter where one xrxed in

and mr)st far-reaehint.' voluntarv oi

with it has ever developed in „i,„l,.,

pir,. \,o,

I D.iM.U,

Illr L'lr,,]


in every


To be a vital part of it was a lasting decoration. "Afli'r all. to love sonielliing

more than one's self is the secret of all that is great: In kriou love fcir oilins is

the aim of all noble souls."

The women who made up the working organization of llie \a-hvillc Ch.ipler

were drawn from every walk of life and represented every iiilcrr>l iii the ri\ic and

social life of the cdinnuinity. Ardent and consiicntiiiiis. tlicv lalHurd unliiiniilv

and wisely.

The men arc due the credit for the financial su(c,-.> „f ihc drive- for finuK. in

the first dii\c [lionccr- deserving of much praise blazed the trail, and in the >ccnntl.

tlK> lari;c-[ anidiml collected in the Southern Division was secuncl bv the Nashville


From beginning to end. x\halc\cr measure df success was attained by the Nash-

ville Chapter was due to tin- palridlir dt\(ili(in (if those who banded themselves

together to aid the (Jovernmcnt. through the American Red Crciss. to "bind up the

woiuuls of a Idceding world."

(Signed) Mary Belle Keith M.addin.

( Mrs. Percy D. Maddin)


Vice-Chairman of Nashville Chapter, A. R. C, and

Chairman of Administrative Board.

Nashville. Tenn.. July .5. 1922.

[),tiiDS(}.\ <:oi.\r) if()Mt:.\ /.\ r ii r iiohi.d itir. nnii'iio

Or<:anIzMti(tii (tf Naslivillc Cliaj)lt'i'. A. i\. C.

Tins miglity organization so intcilact-d ilsi'll uilh cviiy inlcrest of liie soldiers

and sailors that its influence and htMicficencc was universal. Red Cross were the

magic words that caused every purse to fly open and snnnnoned every worker to his

or her task without hesitation or question.

It will he of interest to the many thou>an.U of fiirn.l- of ihc He.l Cr.iss. Nash-

ville Cha|)ler. to know that more than one lunulrcd niiiiioii d<illars was spent for

war relief work in foreign countries and in America during the first year of the

Red Cross Organization, which ended June 30. lyio. and that the appropriation for

working capital was .'S26.2.'!6.()()(). Tliese slatistiis were taken from the annual

report submitted hy tiie National Red Cross OrL^ani/alion to Secrctarv of WarNewton D. Baker.

Each woman of Davidson County recognizes ihr fail ihal ihe organization of the

Red Cross, with its tw<-ntv-five thousand active u. ikn-. w.i- ihe most efficient andfar-reaching of all \^'orl(l War organizations, and jlidlv jives it precedence over

the others. As we read these pages it is a source of great pride to every womanrecorded within to note thai whenever a call came from the Red Cross they re-

sponded in unison, whether it was dub. patriotic organization or individual.

The roster of the Nashville Chapter. Arnrii(an IJrd ('ross. included everv man,woman and child in Davidson County, and lln- \\><i\ accomplished in this countv

was surpassed by only a few larger couiitir~ in Xmrrica. \ rcniarkabli> record

reported by the Red Cross Southern Di\i>iiiii lb adi|ii niii ~ id ijic NiiiiJiial reads

as follows: "Final record of the Red Cro-> .lii\c c (.mlin inl li\ die \a-li\illc Chap-ter in May. 1918, reached .'SO.OOO. IreMirvj llir (|N,.la. Tlii- ,-\r,r,N an\ .hive uj)

to this time in the entire S.Jiidi. and .iid\ lr\s nion- in ihr .nliir ...nnlrs." I.ee

Loventhal served as general ciiaiirnan of liii- ilii\c. and \li-. i'iiv\ |). Maddin as

chairman of women's organizations.

On May 15, 1917. a charter was granhd 1.. .,\r,al \a-lulllr ,ili/,-n^ l.\ ihe

National organization to form a chapter ol ihc Xmniian lod ( n--. bihn Ibiiiv

Smith was elected Chairman of this pioneer organization: Id. I. |). lilanliai. Nice-

Chairman; T. Dwight Webb. Treasurer, and Thomas C. Kiiin II. ^.i mI ii\.

These oHicers began at once to organize for a War I nnd (.ini|iai;'n lo be

launched between Junr !.': and .Innr 2-"). I')I7. W nmm^ ..i;.Mni/ali.Mi- ..I \.idi\ille

and Davidson Countv w.ir a^isrd h. join lln- cain|Mi'.Mi. ami \i\ti\rt \\,r rhalrni.ni-

ship of Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. \ u e-Ciiaiiinan ,.f liie Na.-^livillc Chaplrr. ihc f.d-

lowing organizations collec-tively raised §21,814.14 during this drive:

Centennial Cliil). with Mrs. R. H. Laccy as Chairman: Prolcsiant Churches. Mrs. M.l'luclirs

Glaspow. Chairman; Y. \V. C. A.. Mrs. George F. Blackie, Cliairman; Nashville I'uhlic Schnol

Teachers. Miss Delia Dorlch. Cliairman; Colonial Dames. Mrs. W. A. Bryan, Chairman; U. D. C,.Nfrs. Thomas Newl)ill. Chairman; I). A. K., Mrs. K. W. Foster. Chairman; Council of JewishWomen, Mrs. Henry Teillebaum. Chairman; King's Dauphlcrs, Mrs. Gibson Patterson. Chairman:.Suffrage Association, Miss Delia Dortch, Chairman; I-'arent-Teacher Association, Mrs. EugeneCrulcher, Chairman; Elliston Auxiliary, Mrs. Norman Farrell. Chairman; Donelson Auxiliary,

.Mrs. Craig McFarland, Chairman; While's Creek Auxiliary. Mrs. A. P. Connell. Chairman;South Nashville .Auxiliary. Mrs. J. Paul Ilarvill, Chairman; North Nashville Auxiliary, Mrs.

George M. Ilile, Chairman: West Nashville Auxiliary, Mrs. Goodloe Cockrill, Chairman; East

.Nashville .Auxiliary. .Mrs. Bennett D. Bell. Chairman; and Nashville City Hospital Auxiliary,

>riss >rary Itatlernian. Chairman.

Nashville's tpiola in tin- M-rond campaign f,>r fund- was >;1 .lO.OOO. and .«;|,'r).00n

was raised bv the Nashville (iliaolcr.



I at RMnaii Auditorium to celebrate the victory of the Second Red Cross campaign

111 this campaign Nashville Chapter, led the South and also led the entire country

r. pih.n of a few large cities. Mrs. Percy D. Maddin served as Chairman of the

1 -.;iii/,ations of Davidosn County in this campaign, and the women did exceptional

When the first campaign for finances had been successfully completed, the work-

ing organization of the Nashville Chapter was perfected and the first selection of

officers was confirmed. These were: John Henry Smith. Chairman: Dr. J. D. Blan-

ton, Vice-Chairnian ; Mrs. Percy D. Maddin, Vice-Chairman: Thomas G. Kittrell,

Secretary; and T. Dwight Webb, Treasurer. These officers served until January 24,

1918, at which time the following were elected: Whitefoord R. Cole, Chairman;

J. G. Creveling, Jr., Vice-Chairman; Mrs. Percy D. Maddin, Vice-Chairman : Thomas

G. Kittrell. Secretary: and T. Dwight Webb. Treasurer.

The Board of Directors was composed of the above-mentioned officers, supple-

mented by the following:

John Henry Sm.ith, Dr. J. D. Blanton. Robert L. Burch. Dr. L. E. Burch, Dan C. Buntin,

Dr. Duncan Eve, Jolm Bell Keeble, Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, George E. Bennie, Art J. Dyer,

W. 0. Tirrill. Ridley Wills. Lawrence O'Bnan, B. C. Edgar. Edgar M. Foster. J. H. Allison,

Judge George N. Tillman, Dr. Bruce R. Payne, Dr. J. H. Kirkland, J. H. Peyton. H. J. Grimes,

Mrs. H. H. Corson, Mrs. S. S. Crockett, Mrs. Leslie Warner, Mrs. George F. Blackie, Joseph

H. Lindauer, Mrs. John Hill Eakin, Pat. H. Cain, Lee Loventhal, Mrs. Harry W. Evans, and

Mrs. James C. Bradford.

Owing to efficient services rendered the Chapter by Mrs. Jo B. Morgan. Mrs.

Frank W. Ring, Mrs. Kinnard T. McConnico, Mrs. R. H. Lacey, Mrs. Joseph H.

Lindauer Mrs. W^ L. Granbery, and Mrs. John W. Thomas, they were added to

the Board of Directors in January, 1919.

The Executive Committee consisted of: J. G. Creveling. Jr.. Chairman; Mrs.

Percy D. Maddin, Vice-Chairman: Whitefoord R. Cole, John Bell Keeble. Joseph

H. Lindauer, Mrs. Robert F. Jackson. Thoinas G. Kittrell, Secretary: T. Dwight

Webb, Treasurer; Chancellor J. H. Kirkland, and Mrs. John Hill Eakin.


DAiinSOS COIM) irOME\ l\ THE tt O R L D W i R. I'^HI'UO



111(1 Chair-

iille Cliapter

rd. and Vice

The piclurc was lakcii a^ti-r lli.ir n-iiioxal I., llir 1 l.-niiila;:.- Clul.. S,al.

frnm lofl 1.1 ri^hl: Mrs. I!..lxTt F. Ja.ksoii. \ ice Uiaimian «( \.lMiini-lrali

man of Wiiman's Work Department: Mrs. H. H. Corson, Cliairm. I il

Piililicitv Oiinniiltee: and Mrs. Percy D. Maddin, Chairman of \.liiiiiii-lia

Chairman of .Nashville Chapter.

Those appearing in the |iicHire. standing, left to liyht: Mrs. Ceoifie F. IMaekii-. Chairman of

Extension Uepartment; Whitefoord R. Cole. Chairman of the Nashville Chapter: .Mrs. K. 11. Lacey,

Chairman of K<hi<ational Committee and Nin>in? .Service: and Mrs. Joseph I.indauer. Chairmanof Shipping De|iarlment. Mrs. (^arii.i Murnaii. <iii ahle a--i^lanl in lli.- Nashville Chapter's

various departments, is seateil .il lli.- urlii. Mr-. I'iir\ I). MaiMiii ami \lr-. C.eorge F. Blackie

served as members of the .\(KI-..i\ Ciiiiril ,,\ ihi- lli~lnr\. and aid.d in -ccurin!; the records

that make the splendid ehapler of the Nashville l!,-.l Cn... -,, tin,, in tlii^ l„K.k.

Those composinu llic .Xdiniiiistrative Hoard of llic Naslivillc Cli,

were: Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. Chairman; Mis. Kol.rrl V. .la.k-on.

and Thomas G. Kittrell. Secretary.

\'arious departments and chairmen of each ol llic \a-h\illi'

Extension Committee. Mrs. George F. Blackie; AhniJHi -liip CMininill

and W. O. Tirriil: Pul)licilv Committee, Edpar \1. I ..-in. (Ihmuki

H. Corson. Vice-chairman, to .laniiarv. 1918, and Mrs. H. II. Coi

with Mrs. B. Kirk Hankin. Vice-Chairmaii. from Januarv. 1918, iinti

quarters. June. 1919. The Department of Womairs Work, which

Called Military Relief, had Mrs. Robert F. Jack.s.in a- Dii.. |..r. The

sub-committees and chairmen of Mrs. Jackson's .1. p. ii liii.nl :

Hospital Garments, Mrs. Jo B. Morgan, Stip.rvi.Mir: Sin,i;i..il

Frank W. Ring. Supervisor: Knitting Department, Mrs. R. K. I..1I n

T. McConnico, Supervisors; Purchasing and Shipping Depaiiin.n

Lindauer, Chairman: Regi.slration Desk. Miss Helen Biiford. Cliii

Kits Committee. Mrs. John Coodc. Cliainnaii : an.! r.iil.Mainiii.nl (

Van Lf-er Kirkman, Chairman.




( V\1P \( ll\ll\ Kl I) ( Koss OFFILULS \M1 W (

Taken nii ( liiiuli S|ie, I diiiin^ tin -pectaculai street i.ai i.l. -ti

Nasluille in the interebt of the bec<md Red Cioss Campaign lot

June, 1917.

Mrs. Sydney S. Crockett, Chairman for Camp Activities, and Mrs.

W. Evans. Commandant of Nashville Chapter Emergency Canteen,

in the picture leading the group.


Other important departments of the Nashville Chapter, A. R. C, were: Nursing

Service and Educational Classes, Miss Louise McHenry and Mrs. R. H. Lacey, Chair-

men: Civilian Relief, which later became Home Service Section. J. G. Creveling, Jr..

Chairman, and Miss Evelyn Carrington, Executive Secretary.

The Home Service Department, organized by the Nashville Chapter of the Red

Cross, was still in existence when this volume went to press. The office was main

tained in the Chamber of Commerce building, with Miss Evelyn Carrington as

secretary, and the body of the ambulance used by the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross

Motor Corps was being used by this department on their service car.

Other active departments of the Nashville Chapter were: Camp Activities, Mrs.

S. S. Crockett. Chairman, who in this capacity organized the Nashville Red Cross

Emergency Canteen, with Mrs. Harry W. Evans, Commandant: Motor Corps, Mrs.

Jesse M. Overton, Chairman: Mrs. Robert S. Cheek. Captain, and in charge of all

activities: Refugee Garments, Mrs. W. G. Ewing, Mrs. Frank W. Ring, and Mrs.

George F. Blackie, Chairmen; Linen Shower, Mrs. Van Leer Kirkman, Chairman:

Clni-tmas Parcels for Overseas Soldiers, Mrs. William L. Granbery. Chairman,

with ]Mrs. Walter Stokes. Jr.. Vice-Chairman; Junior Activities, Mrs. George F.

Blackie. Chairman, with Miss Ruble Simpkins, Secretary; Communicative Service,

Mrs. C. B. Wallace. Chairman; Awards Committee, Mrs. Frank W. Ring, Chairman:

Red Cross Christmas Roll Call. 1918, Mrs. John W. Thomas. Chairman; 1919. Mrs.

Granberv Jackson, Chairman: Home-coming Banquets for the Tennessee soldiers of

the A. E. F., Mrs. Harry W. Evans, Chairman.

[)Alll)SO.\ COLMY irOME.\ /A' THE WORLD ttJK. 1 'tl il 9 1


Credit is due Mrs. S. S. Crockett for the pioneer organizalion cil wdiniii workers

of the -Nashville Chapter, Red Cross. Mrs. Croekett showed ui-ilnm in seletting

Mrs. Percy D. Maddin to fill the highest oflice anioiic the wcuiirn d tlie Chapter.

Mrs. Maddin assumed her duties as if under niilitai\ \\\\i~. .md practically closed

her home for the two years of tlie war period and gave \u-v inliic lime in volunteer

service to the Chapter work, regardless of sacrifice. Slie was one of the most gen-

erous supporters financially, too, of this organization, and each department of tiie

Chapter keenly fell her interest and lielp. Each of the twenty-five thousand womenwho are recorded in the various departments ol ihc NM-h\illc Chajitcr lound in Mrs.

Maddin a friend, willing and reads al all tinu- |o ,,, np.ralr in anv wav Im, the

success of the Red Cross work.

As a member of the Advisory (Iduncil ol tlii- \idinni' -In- ucukcd caint-tlv to

accurately record every worker and every palriotir cridcaNor nl the \a>liville Clia[)-

ter of tlie Red Cross, which she so ably served throughont its existence.

As in the case of the Vice-Chairman of the Nashville Chapter and Chairman ot

Administrative Board, no mistakes were made in the leaders cliosen to diiecttl

eai h C.li,)f the various department^ and -ul>-( urnrnitlcr^ <A' ih,' \a-l

Thev. al.-o. gave voluntarily of tlnii -.i\ir,- until llir lini-li .in<l Ird ca, li ilcpart-

ment under their jurisdictions with >wh jiatridliMU anil ciuhn-ia.-m thai tlicv in-

spired to a large degree the wonderful results obtained by this organization, whidiNational autliorities have recorded as being unsurpassed by but few larger cities in

America, each of these bavins more than double the po[)nlation and wealth nf


During the fii

services of an Kwere provided

the N; Chapter. Red Cross, the

Miss Pauline Wilherspoon, of T.ouisville, Ky.,

After that time all the work of the Chapter was done by volunteers,

with the exception of a stenographer, a stock-room keeper, two workers in the HomeService Section, and a janitor.

|)ro |)atna


in recognition of/Sfrbitc taitf)fiillp pcrformcb til

befjaU of the mation anb fjcr men at arms

DtlinSOX cmMY TOMEN in the world WAK. 1914-1919

\ A-H\ll.l.i: i:H\l'

Staliunca on McKcnJiet' Cluiieli

of the A. E. F. Miss Effie MorganMotor Corps is stationed

\MHU( \N RED CROSS WORKERSat the Home Coming Paraile of the Teiine.

Gieate'^t Mother," appears in centre of pict

the front. The ddik colored costumes were of red in thi

Although Miss Rubie Simpkins, as secretary of tlie Chapter, was paid a small

salary, her interest and overtime were of valuable assistance to every department.

The janitor's services, also, were well rendered, and each paid worker's salary was

small in comparison to the patriotic service they gave.

The development plans suggested by National and Divisional Headquarters of the

Red Cross were followed by Nashville Chapter officials as accurately as local con-

ditions would permit. The Chapter's first headquarters, both offices and workrooms,

were located in the Chamber of Commerce building, where sections of two floors

were given bv The Nashville Manufacturers' Association. These headquarters were

maintained until June. 1918. when, by that time, the work had outgrown these gen-

erous arrangements. Inasmuch as the war was tlien at its height and the supplies

sent out by the Red Cross were so essential to the welfare of our fighting forces, it

became necessary to remove to larger quarters.

The Hermitage Club of Nashville, with a spirit in keeping with the club's record

of twenty-five per cent of its membership in active service, offered the Nashville

Chapter, Red Cross, the use of its spacious ball room, roof garden and public dining-

room, with the promise of more space if needed. The Hermitage Club created

through its individual members a w^ar fund which made all changes necessary for

the convenience of the Red Cross workers. The rooms were rearranged to accom-

modate special needs and coinforts. In these commodious and well-lighted rooms

Red Cross war activities were carried on until June. 1919. when there was no longer

any need for work.

Practically all groups which had been doing Red Cross work before the or-

ganization of the Nashville Chapter became auxiliaries and parties to the general

production schedule, supplemented by a large number of new auxiliaries through-

out Davidson County, under the direction of Mrs. George F. Blackie. the Nashville

Chapter's Extension Chairman.

The detailed report of the work accomplished in the various departments of the

Nashville Chapter. American Red Cross, will be read with pride bv everv citizen

of Davidson County, as they were all friends and supporters of this organization.


niiiDsoy coi.\Ty ro.i/fv /.v r ii k ijorld war. I'lu-ioig

Mcml..M->lii|) Coiiiinittee. Nashville Chapter. A. R. C.

Ii. C. Ijm.m; a.ul W. O. Tiuiili.i.. (.hairmni

Tlu'ie Wfif o.-ild aiiiuial iiR'iiilifr> m llit- \a>li\illi' Cliaptir. A. II. C. paving one

hundred dollars each: four hinuhed and forty-cifiht magazine nu-nihers paying two

dollars each: twenty-eighl contrihuling niendx-rs paying five dollars each; two life

menihers paying ten dollars each: and one patron mcmher |)aviiig one hundred dol-

lars. I?. C. Edgar. Chairman of Membership Committee, appointed Mr-. Idhn W.Thomas. Chairman of the Nashville Vt'onian's Committee, Council of Natimuil l)c

fense. as Chairman of the second Red Cross Christmas Roll Call foi' nnnilii r-liip^.

which was begun December 1, 1918. Mrs. Thomas used the entire personnel of the

Nashville Woman's Committee, supplemented bv Mrs. Robert \V . Nichol and her

County Woman's Committee and eonuuiltees drawn from oilier patriotic oriraniza-

tions. A full account of this cam|)aign is given in lln' ( liapl.i ..I ihc \a-h\ilie

Womairs Conunittee. Council of National Dcfcn-c Tlinc u.rc ( iik.IIi d in llii- ,liive

:;.:'»(. „ir„ii.,T-iii;,-. Mrs.

Jul,,, \1. (;,a\ .,T„red the

f ruemliers


OM-: OK Flli.ST WJOTII.S KliKCTKI) I\ l)\\ll)S(i\ Mi~. |.i. k-.,, an, I h,

COI/NTY Ihal ll,r fxr, ,,li\,- (:,.,,,„,illreKi)r llic piiriiDsi,- of sf)licitiii|4 incmbcrsliins for il,i- \,i-h- i ii \ |,,;|1,. (liiuiir I'.'il

vill.- Chapl.T, A. K. C. Miss Krba Wils.,,. (;rav apprarv ,

'" '". "I"'- " <

sealcil iaside the Imolli. and Miss /\niiie Laurio Camplicll "-'''"^S- "'^'''I''

"" -'I'' Id llie

is pinnlnK a Ked Cross biilinn on a subscriber. right leadri ii, ll,,' lijjil pla, c.

( 1.% I

D .•( V I DSOiy CO U N T Y IT O M E .V / V T II E IT O R L I) lf\t R. 191 4-1 9 1 9

Extension Committee, Nashville Chapter, A. R. C.Mrs. Gi:ok(;e F. Blackik. Chainnan

-\Ins. George F.

I Meilora McAliste.f Advisory Cduncil ,

Through tlie efforts of the Extension Conniiittee of the Nashville Chapter. A. R.

C. there were organized in Nashville and Davidson County eighty-six auxiliaries.

Thirty-six of these auxiliaries came to work at Red Cross Headquarters, which were

at first located in the Chamber of Commerce building, and later, at the Hermitage

Club: and nineteen worked at various churches, clubs and neighborhood centers.

Each of these auxiliaries received their supplies from the Woman's Work Depart-

ment at the Nashville Chapter Headquarters.

The policy of the Nashville Red Cross Chapter in the beginning of 1917 in

regard to auxiliaries was tliat no supplies be given out except in the w'orkroom at

headquarters and in the Davidson County districts. Later, at a State Convention

of American Red Cross workers, held in October, 1917, a call was issued for thou-

sands of flat muslin dressings from the Surgical Dressings Department. As that

department was not equipped with sewing machines, these dressings were made bvthe city and county district auxiliaries of the Extension Department, and this ruling

was thereafter followed throughout the war period.

D n 1 1) s v (, 01 \T y if o u f y / v r ii /: it o r i. d it ,t h. i « ; ;/ o i g

The loimtrv Red Cross auxiliaries worked with sueh faithluliu-^- and i-lln iiiu v

tliat ihey betame valuable assistants of the Central Headquai In- \\oikiM,.m. and

no adequate estimate of the spirit of self-sacrifice and heroism ili:-[da\<il li\ die

women of Davidson County districts can ever be made. Owin'i to so many of the

boys being in service labor was scarce, and the horses were frequently needed for

farming purposes, which worked nianv liardsliip^. \ft the*o |intriolic women walked

miles to their Red Cross meetings lallii-i lliari ml— llinii. Ilii- fail alcuir ]iri.\cd

that the Red Cross Extension Service \\.iA a di liiiilcK -liiiiiilalint; itlnl cii ihi- sup-

port of all government activities in rural coninuiiiities.

Tile quality of work turned in by the county district aiixiliai i( -. likr llial nl llie

city auxiliaries, was perfwt. never failing to reach the striri -tan.laiil- -il li\ llu-

National American Red ("ro^s.

Before the organization of ihc \a-li\ illr Cliaph'i'- \lntoi ('.c,r|i~ l)(|iarliii(nl. Mi'^.

Bernard Fensterwald personally cuiui-Md llic malciiaU In anil linni llu- cilv aux-

iliaries of the Extension Committee in her private car. Other \\niiirri ulm ~ii\(il

faithfully in this same capacitv for the counlv auxiliaries were:Mrs. 11. II. C.rsuii. Nfrs. K. f. McComiio,. Mrs. (;arlan(l M.mt.-. \1i- I'.m v H. W.uUlm.

Mrs. A. J. Dyer. .Mrs. Jolin Woochvard. Mr>. KnlH-ri S. Clirrk. \1.>. Kdu.inl l!iil..i,i. \li-. i;,,l„rt

Turner. Jr.. and .Miss Alice G. Smith.

Chairmen and city auxiliaries of llu- Extcii-iun l)i |iailiii(iil. \a-li\illc Chapter.

A. H. C. whose work and nieml>ershi|is urre Imlli chh- luin<lii-d per rrril. were as


.Vllrusu Chih. .Miss Julia llindman; Dixie Auxiliary. Mi-s Frames Harris and Miss EmmaMai Crockell; Christ Church. .Mrs. Josepli (nhson; Aflilialed Chapters, l. I). C. Mrs.Thomas .Newbill: Belvi.lere Auxiliary. .Mrs. Thomas DeMoss; Kin-'s Dauphlcrs. .Mrs. GibsonPatterson: Ella Kpsilon (;amma. .Mrs. Edwar.l Poller. Jr.: Ellislon Plaee. Mrs. Norman Karrell:

Eastland Auxiliary. Mrs. K. B. .Mitchum: First Baptist Church. Mi- l.iin. - II. I .uii|.l,.ll; Girls"

Auxiliary. .Miss Mary Halterman: Glen I.cven. .Mrs. David T. .M.Cill: ( ..un. ,1 ,.l |.„,-l, Women,Mrs. Ilenrv Teillehaum and Mrs. A. Loveman: Clentennial Cluh. \li-. K. II I ,h . \ : Kil Knitters.

.\rrs. Alhert Kinc; La Hue Club. Mrs. George M. Adams; Noelimi (luh. .Mrs. Illir KinneyReno: Order Eastern Star Auxiliary, Mrs. Felix Ewing: Peabody Dames. Mrs. C. 11. Lander and>[rs. F. B. Wre-ssler; Colonial Dames, .YFts. Robert F. Jackson; Calvin Avenue Patriotic Knil-

Icrs. Mrs. J. Washinglon Moore; Pioneer I'nit. Mrs. R. M. Dudley and Mrs. Lewis Riiller; First

Presbyterian Church, Mrs. James L Vance; .Sixlemil, W.ir.l. Mr-. ri,,i,l,- II..I1.1.-; S,.ulh Nash-ville i nil. Mrs. J. II. Campbell; Trcvac Circle. \I,- ( ,,1, .n,,i ,,„,! M,- Id., Cavert:

fnilv Red Cross. Fisk I niyersilv. Mrs. .S. W. I m. -«,,,!.; \,,-I,mII, I'nI.li, s. I„.,,l Teachers.

Miss Delia Dorlch; Vanderbill Aid Society. Mr-. (,. \1. \, ,K : W , -1 Na-livill.-. Mr-, (niodloe

Cockrill: Allison's .School. Miss Josephine Farrell and NHss Annie Allison; East Nasluille. Mrs.

B. D. Bell and Mrs. Vernon Sharp; )X ard-Belmont. .Mrs. J. D. Blanton: Council of Catholic

Women. Mrs. John Good.; William B. Bale Chapter, V. D. C, Mrs. W. T. Davis; BelmontAuxiliary. Mrs. Fred Kelsey; Nfoore Memorial. Mrs. Charles Kinkead and Mr-:. H,„„ii Ruford;

May Gerald. Peabody Dames, Mrs. C. J. W. Dressier; Quill f^ircle. Life aiul (\i-u.ilu ( ..nipany;

Parent-Teacher Association. Mrs. Eugene Crulcher and Mrs. Alice Clovd: \.in.lriliili Auxiliary,

Mrs. W. FL .Schuerman; Y. W. C. A. Knitters, Mrs. Charles Dud'ev J..,,,-: II, In, . mi IVrracc,

Mrs. Robert Bransford and Mrs. Fred Kelsey; I'irsl Lutheran Cl.iinh. Mr-. I ,.d UMll.nslap;

McKendree Church. Mrs. Clay G. Stephens and Miss Alma Olix.i: \.iilli.,,-i \;i-liMl|e. Mrs.

Florence Roberlson; Ordwav Place. Mrs. E. T. Ilollins; Peabody AiimIi.iix. Mi- \1:ii-i. Carohcr;

Suns.-l Park Club. Mrs. William E. Beard: Woodland Street I',. -I,M.-, ,,,„ ( I,,,,. 1,. Mr-. Sam>rcKav and Mrs. Green Benton: Vine Street Christian f:hunh. \l,- M K 1 1. , rxl.. , , x : Equal

Suffrage League. Miss DePa Dorlch and Miss Matilda Porl.r; Y..,„i.j \\. .,„.,„- ( l„i-n;,n A-o.ciallon. Mrs. George F. Blackie.

The \ashville and David-.. n C.nnly ,11-hi.l-- u..in.n. ul,.. .ii.' ,,...,, I. ,1 In llie

Extension Department of the \a-li\lllr Knl C,..-- ( l,,i|.l.i. I.l,i/r.l llu- li.ill I..1 .mivWorld War campaign and iImm- llial ua- lann. Ih.I In l),nl.l-.,ri C I\. Tlirv

worked earnesllv and cfTicientlv for i-vn \ |.alil.lli ,.i LMiil/alinri anil had a \ilal

part in the success of th.- World War arlil, m.I |,v IVnn.-ic uonien.

DAVIDSON CO V N T Y W M E N 1 A' THE WOR L I) WA R. 191 l-I 9 I 9





The Affiliated Chapters of tlie United Daughters of the Confederacy Auxiliary

was organized in June, 1917. with Mrs. Thomas Newbill as chairman. This auxiliary

sewed on hospital garments at headquarters one day each week during the entire

war period.

Charter members of this organization were:

Miss Meta Orr, Mrs. Thomas Appleton, Mrs. Mark Harrison, Mrs. Har\-ey Hogg, Mrs. L. A.McMurray, Mrs. James McHatton. Mrs. Ross Handly, Miss Virginia Claybrook. Mrs. L. F. Beaty,

Mrs. W. J. Warner, .Miss Elizabetli Campbell. Mrs. Lyman Gunn, Mrs. Harvev Lee, Mrs. JohnMcCreer%-. .Mrs. Robert Abernathv, Mrs. Charles Huril, Miss Daisy Gunn. and Miss Eliza Clav-



The .Mtru^a Auxiliary was organized on September o. 1917. with jNIiss Julia

Hindman as chairman. This unit organized to knit as well as to make surgical

dressings at night at the Tulane workrooms.

Charter members of this auxiliary were:

Miss Julia Hindman, Miss Lucile Fort, Miss Rosa .AL Rust, Miss Katherine Morris, Miss

Lillian Joy, Miss May Selley, Miss Grace Dawson, Miss Pearl Bledsoe, Miss Frances Estes, MissAdelaide Lawrence, Miss Nina Wooten, Miss Bertha Childs, and Mrs, W, A. King.


The William B. Bate Auxiliary was organized on January 8, 1918. with Mrs.

W. T. Davis as Chairman and Mrs. Ross Handly as Instructor. Meetings were held

at the home of Mrs. Davis for the purpose of making surgical dressings.

Those composing the charter membership were:

.Mrs. David Rice, Mrs. M. M. Ginn. Mrs. Frank Wheeler. Mrs. E. T. Hall. Mrs. M. L. Tucker,Mrs. Floyd Wliillow, Mrs. Charles N. Price, Mrs. E. T. Lester, Mrs. W. J. Morrison. Mrs. R. D.Herbert, Mrs. William l.unsford. and .Miss Reba Lee Yeatman.


The Belmont Terrace Auxiliary was organized in November. 1917, at the homeof Mrs. Robert Bransford. Mrs. Bransford was elected Chairman, and Mrs. Ross

Handly and Mrs. Fred Kelsey, Instructors. This unit made surgical dressings.

Charter members were:

Mrs. R. F. Sloan. Mrs. R. H. Bransford. Mrs. P. P. Paxlon.

Benedict. .Mrs. J. B. Cowden. Mrs. G. A. Purvear. Mrs. M.Mrs. Fitzgerald Parker. Mrs. Oscar Waldkirk. Mrs. T. A. Leon


The Belmont Auxiliary was organized at the Belmont Methodist Church on June

23. 1917. with Mrs. Fred W. Kelsev as Chairman and Instructor. Knittina and


DAVID > o Y c o I .V r ) ir M f: y / .^ r ii i- ir o n i. p ita r. i»i t.i 9 1


inakiiip sinj:ital drt-s.-iiips was tin- wmk ul llii- imil. wlid-r iluiiti-r iiii-mlirr-liip


Mr<. E. E. Bau*,-1. Mr*. Battle Clark, .\lr^. I'ullanI CaKiwdl. .Mr.-. Taniur Ih-.i.lrick. Mrs.

Elma .Martin. .Mrs. Harry Hclrick. Mrs. Giori:.- Kivcr. .Mrs. James Cooper. .Miss Mary Crit-

tendon. Miss Elizabetli Redfor.l. .Miss Ella Rivers Finch. Miss Louise Blakemore. Mrs. F. H.

Hut:j:ins. .Mrs. Tliomas Spain. Mrs. W. M. Carr. Mr>. ^\'. E. Ilogan. and Miss Mary Byrnes.

l!i;i,\ IDI III \l \ll.l \I!V

Tlie Belvidere Auxiliary was ortiaiiizi't! on .laiuiarv 7. I')|". willi Mis. Tltoinas

DpMoss as Chaiiniati and Miss Sallie Cornelius as iii-lriir|,M . I lii> wmk of tiie

auxiliary was making surgical dressings, and the cliailrr nimilici- wlm vmmc resi-

dents of the Belvidere Apartments were:

Mrs. J. E. Binns. Mrs. E. B. Bradley. Mrs. T. H. I'.a.i.irll. M,-. ilart^ Kralun. \h-. \\all,.n

Cunningham. Nfrs. A. E. Potter. Jr.. .Mrs. 1)1, k F,,.,-, Mr-. \. II. ( ,.,„ I.m.l. M,-. ThomasDeMoss. and Dr. Emma Godwin.

THF. RF.SSIF. SCin Ylll! \l \lll\i;^ i K \^ 11 i;\ -^T \l! i

The Bessi.. S.-lnnier .\uxiliarN i I .,-lr, n Si. in ua- .., •.i,u,i/r,l i,i .juh. I')|7. |,v

Mrs. Frank W . Kiti.L;. at lii.' imn.,- ,,1 M,-. Cliailr. S.hinlrr. ulirrr all .ncrliii- u,-re

held until the <)|)eiiiiig of the central u..ik in in \ii-ii-l. I'»17. Tlii- unit re-

ceived its inspiration and instructions finni ihr (.MJnni.il |),iiiii-. .ii Will.irc School.

The first work turned in for the Red Cki-- w i- r.,in|ililr,l |.\ ihi- iinii in llic nameof the Order of Ka-tnn Slai. and roMM-lr,l nl -ix l,„i„li,-,l -nrjir.il ,li,--iims.

hospital shirts and iiuinci.ai- knillc.l ailirl,-. II,,- u..nHn ulm did llii- inniircr

work afterwards dcvi-lip|, rd inl,. a \ri\ lariii- aii\ili.ii\ Inniird lioni ii-|.ir-riii.iii\,'^

of five chapters of the Eastern Star. ha\ inji xvinkrooins at riclnKnil Culjriic and

Clenimons .School. They were:

yUs. Charles .'^chuvler. Captain, and Mrs. Roland S. Clark. Srmi.nx .,...1 li.MMii.r: Mr-.

W. II. Hampton. Mrs. .S. B. Wilson, Mrs. H. M. Jared. Mi- I T ll,.II.Ml,n Mrs. I'at

Quiplev. Mrs. Ilallum Goodloe. Mrs. George Bradley. .Mrs. E. 1

M. E. Neyvell. Mrs. F. B. Dressier. Miss Eliza Frith. Miss .\r

brand. Miss ^^aud .\li.rn. Mrs l.eland Hume. Mrs. George CI.. J. T.owrie. Mr-. F. K. Henderson. Mrs. John Bevington. an


The Christ Chin. I, \iiMliary ua- or..:aiii/rd oi, >r|,|,.|,il„r 22. I'M 7. uill, Mi-.

.Icseph Gihson as Cliaiiinan. and Mi- linir \ii-l,aiiiii a- Sr. irl.iiv. Jlii- iiinl had

two croups, one of which sewed on lin-|iil,il Miinrnl- .il lic.iili|iiai hi -. ami llir ullirr

composed of business women who woik.-d al lli.- (Iniiili ,il inLdil makm'j -m-iral

dressings. Mrs. Charles Starr yya- rli.iii man nl ihr -nond ;^ioii|i ,iiid Mi-,- \l.iiilda

Porter, instructor. Charter mendni- im linlrd


Mrs. Jo.scph Gihson. Mrs. Thomas \l:,l.„„ . Mr- Du.llrv Gale, and memhers of various so-

cietics of Christ Churrh.

COl ACIL OF C\l IKillC WfiMI \- \1 Mil WWThe Catholic Women's Auxiliary ua- or,i:ani/rd ()rlnl,rr 17. I'M 7. uilli Mr-. |oI,n

Coode as Chairman. This mcharter memhers were:

Mrs. John Conde. Mrs. John >

Cauvin. Nfrs. ]'. A. Murray. Mr-.



Miss Sadie Cauvin, Miss Henrietta Wessell. Miss Barbara Kiilui. Mrs. Dora B. Grimes, and Miss

Maud Ahern.


The Nashville Public School Teachers' Auxiliary was organized during the first

Red Cross campaign, with Miss Delia Dortch as Chairman and Miss Hettie Duff as


Three thousand and four hundred dollars was given by the teachers to purchase

an ambulance for use in France. Six plates engraved "From the Public School

Teachers of Nashville" were sent to Washington to be placed on the doors of the

ambulance. Although no official word was ever heard from these ambulances, a

letter from a wounded soldier was received by the chairman, saying he had been

conveyed to a hospital in an ambulance with one of these plates on the door.

The teachers who were charter members of diis unit were:

Miss Delia Dorteh. Miss Elizabeth Binford. Miss Julia Green. Miss Lillian Taylor. MissEiiprn,' C.illilan.l. \li<» Hattir Cotton. \li« Ro^r Goodwin. Mi" Graro I!o^o. Mi~^ '/.uc Goodloe,Ml-. \1, .,.,,.,, I i;,,-, \h-- i:i,/aliril, IImIIi,,-. M,-. l',,„l.a,r,. I'nik. \l,- l,a,,-r II, ,11, Mi- IrMuiei;, \\,.'j- I, Ml-, \l,iiil,,i I, Willi,., Ml- \rll„- l.'narli. Ml- \lai\ Loll ( lum. Mi-. LucyLull. .III. Ml- ll.aii.. Hull. Ml- \iii,ic \lli~..n. Mis, .L.Iim WrlH^i. Mi~, Loii La-.a..-, Mi-. Cor-n,.|ius Hall. Mr-, (a.rinn,- Ea,-lman. Mrs. M. G. Armstrou!;. Mrs. I'. .M. Tanil.lr. and .^rrs. Ross


The Centennial Club Auxiliary was organized during the campaign in June,

1917, with Mrs. R. H. Lacey as Chairman. This club raised .|2,203 for the cam-

paign. Two groups of club women sewed on hospital garments at headquarters;

one group served under Mrs. M. C. McGannon as Captain, and the other, under

Mrs. Walter Stokes as Captain. The charter members of this unit were:

Mrs. K. II. Lacey. Mrs. Cdav G. Stephens. Mrs. John W. Moore, Mrs. Foster Hume, Mrs.W. L. \i,li..l. M,-, L.i. N \\illi,iin-. Ml- Maix I'enn Thompson, Mrs. C. A. Marshall, Mrs. Johnn.Wiii, Ml-, ^ani 11.. I, -la-. Mi- ^, --, k.ii. Mrs. Albert Britt, Mrs. Claud C. Ciiristopher,

Mi- Man W.l.l.. Ml-- M.iiMii \\,il-li. Ml- liilia Harris. Miss Alma Oliver, Mrs. Joseph West,_Mi=.. 1. W. .Mill.i. aiol .Mr,-. _McLhe..l..i, t;ia.-t;ow.


The Council of Jewish Women's Auxiliary was organized during the first RedCross campaign, in June, 1917, with Mrs. Henry Teitlebaum as Chairman. This

auxiliary raised S3,000 for the campaign. Charter members were:

Mrs. L. Breyer, Mrs. Alex Colm, Mrs. Hyman Cohn. Mrs. Abe Epstein. Mrs. Morris Ellis,

Mrs. James M. Frank, Mrs. L. Er.=inklin. Mrs. .'^aul Gordon. Nirs. .A. Goldbrrsr. Sr., Mrs. BenHerman. Mrs. Joseph La Cat, Mi-, I,.-.- L..x. nilial, M,-, Maitm I ..v. mliil, M,-, --,,1 Lowenstein,Mrs. Joe Morse, Mrs. Juliii- M.iiiin, Mr-, II,. him M,ik-, Mi- li,n.- i;..-. nl. I.I. Mrs. S. Roth,Mrs. Hannah .Sulzhacher Mr-, Mil, h. 11 s,,|„,!_ \|,. ||,,,,n W , i,il,aiiiii. Mi-, \ l». Weise Mrs.Harrv •^".iiili id., -Mi- r,„,iini,- (:,.!,ll„i,. Mi-- Ll-i. II,, di. Mi- \l,ni. I

..^. nili,,l. M,-. MauriceI'.i.l,. M.- ,l,.l,,i L Li, ink, M.-, Lik. Ii-li.l, \li-, ll.iiiv I 1 1. .Im,,,,. \l,- ,|,„. (.,11,., I. Mrs. M.Gr.af. Ml-, \.l.,l|.l, .|..ii,i-. Mi-, L., Iiil.iii, Mi-. (Iiirl.- I . .v .n I li,i L \l,- I I . ,u , ,,-i ,a n, ^^^s.

Jiiliii- L,.«,a,-l.an, Mr-, 1. IL M,„-,.. Mr-, L,a, 1!, M.iii,,,, M,-, i:i, i;,M,.M„ ,„,.a-, M ,-., IL^rman

Rich. .Mrs. M. Steiner, >rrs. Leo Schwartz, ^frs. Victor Sobel. Mrs. Julius Weil, Mrs. A. S.

Weinbaum. Miss Stella Abrams, Miss Bella Goodman. Miss Maude Lindauer. Miss Lena Marks,and Miss Stella Rich.

DAllDSOy COiyTY \l E \ / \ 7 /.' I: R I. I) tl .1 R. 191 II 9 1


CALMN A\KME Al XILlAK"i L)¥ KMBoltoin Kuw. lefl to righl: Mrs. Daniel Webster Phili|.s. \1.>.. J.

Willium Grav Harris. Mrs. J. Wasliinnton Moore (Mamve .Vnnisicaii i


Mrs. AUIritlye Miller Hitt. .Mrs. George Thowas Hutcinsoii.

Top row: Nfjs. Charles Frederick Rhea. .Mrs. William Clinton Ja..

Kitzhuph. .Mrs. William Blair Armstead. .Mrs. James llenrv Ban.U. ami '


Tin- CmKi'»r

A\,nu,- I'aliinii, Kiiill.i. NumIkim u,i- or.

,1, \\.,-lii,i:il,.n \l .1- ClKMinuin. .in. I \li-^.

.Sara >Ik.i i ami \li-. >am l),.ui;la~ ~,r\iMi^ ,i- in-l i ii. |,,, ...

also inadc in ll.i^ au.xiliary. 'i lu- t.Ual am. .mil ..I uoik ,,. ..

lliirly-L'iglu sweaters, forty pairs of sink.-. Ii\r Imiiiliiil -irnh

sand five hundred curtailed jjandages. Iilinn liimilnij inan

hundred many-tailed bandages and four Immli..! ,iml lili\ |.

five dozen handkerchiefs, four dozen towiU and li'^lihrn n.i

the l{ed Cress linen shower by this au-\iliai\. \\lii< h il~.. m.nl

Belgian children and furnished material ami knith-.l ..m- .

soldiers. This auxiliary canvassed the Twent\ llni .1 W.iid I

the drive for Belgian relief. Charter members (.1 lln- .iii\ili

.Mrs. James Washington .Moore, Chairman; .Mrs. AUlridge Miller lli

Eugene .McElrov, .Mrs. William Clinton Jacobs, .Mrs. Wailc Hampton Ela

lih.-a, .Mrs. Ilarrold Harding Ward, Mrs. Emmetl .Shepard. Mrs. .Samn

Blair Armstead. .Mrs. (;eorge Thomas Hutchin-c.n. \lr< S.imni-l .Solon

I'ayne Gross, .Mrs. Ewing Pollard. .Miss Lois \\.:nl.. r-. Mi^- Kalheiyn

Harris, .Mrs. Rosa Haminon .McElrov. .Mrs. Jarn.^ II.mi\ lian.lv. Mrs,

Young Filzhugh, Mr.s. William Yarhrough. .Mr-. iM.mk Ml.n. \Ir.s. .\

Webster Phillips. M.rs. Charles Winston Bailey. Mrs. Kal.' W .alli.i -.^

Mr.s. Charles Wilson. .Mrs. (iabie Cox. and .Miss Lnril.- I l.nivli.l.l.



i--iri^s were

, ..n-i>lcd of

.-. lu,. lli.ai-

.nin,-. Kight sh.-cls.

.kill- were donated to

, liliv night shirts for

{iiill fi.r convalc-ccnt

s.. i.I.im; Mr-, l.onise

\li-. ( I. ,1.1.- Kn-drrieh

\I,,\«.-I1. Mi-. WilliamII llan-li,l.l. .Mrs. J..lm

lira. Mrs. William (^avinuiel Barr. Mrs. Elmer


. .Mrs, Daniel

E, llarlslicid,

heThe (Colonial Dames .^uxiliarv was i.ij.mi/ril ..n I liuii^i

organization of the Nashville Chapter, witii .Mr.-. Kobcrl F. Ja. kson as Ciiairman.

Mrs. W. A. Bryan as Instructor, and Mrs. C. B. Wallace as Secretary. This auxil-

iary raised 82.7.^0 for the Red Cross campaign. Their meetings were first held al

Wallace School, and later transferred to the Chamber of Comniene Hed Cross

Headquarters, where some of the members sewed ..ii lii.-]iilal n.iriiiriil-. uiiilc others

worked in the Stirgical Dressings Department.

f 142 )


The personnel of charter members of the Colonial Dames Auxiliary included:

Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, Mrs. Samuel Orr, Mrs. McPheeters Glasgow, Mrs. C. B. Wallace.

Miss Klttie Berry, Mrs. J. H. Kirkland, Mrs. James Pilclier, Mrs. Claude Waller. Mrs. G. .M.

Neely. Mrs. E. W. Foster, Mrs. W. A. Bryan, Mrs. Joseph Warner, Mrs. Frank W. Ring, Mrs.

Fred Kelsey, Mrs. Bruce Payne, Mrs. R. H. Lacey, Mrs. Edwin Warner, and Mrs. Bruce Douglas.


The Dixie Auxiliary was organized June 25, 1917, with Miss Emma Mai Crockett

and Miss Frances Harris as Chairmen. This auxiliary was composed of younggirls who met at the homes of the members and knitted sweaters, helmets and oilier

woolen articles. A lawn party was given by them at the home of Mrs. Paul Roberts

for the benefit of the Red Cross, from which a splendid sum was realized.

The roster of charter members includes:

M-- Emma Mai r,„,';rtt. MN. Franr,-. Dirkrr.un. Mi-< Marllui Rair.l. Mi- \laiLM,.-i Sim-mnn- \l,-- l.ni,,-,. I', II. \n-- KitliiMi (..,,,1^. \n- r.anr,- ll,.,li.n. \l,- \l,.l^ \]. ...,.. Miss.lull.i I'.i.ii,. \li- I Ilix Ii,mM,a. \Ii- \,i,i r.,,,l;-lM,,l. \1,- \I,M,,.I lininl. \l,- I,., - Hall,

\li- kalh.Ti,,,. ( laik. Ml- < ha \laihn, \li- (atli.-iinr Mall. Mi- |),,i.il!ira Tink.-r. Missliani,! Wnnhvine. Miss Katherine Corlette. Miss Loiette Hampton. Miss Frances Harris. MissKraiuas Hampton. Miss Edith Roberts. Miss Elizabeth File, Miss Travania Dudley, Miss Kather-ini- llinihicks. Miss Helen Hooper. Miss Mildred Woodwine, Miss Margaret Duval, and MissFrances Stahlman.


The Davidson County King's Daughters' Auxiliary was organized June 20, 1917.

during the first Red Cross campaign, and raised $250.00 for the fund. Mrs. W. E.

Norvell was Chairman and Mrs. Gibson Patterson, Captain, of the auxiliarv. Themeetings were held at headquarters of the Nashville Chapter, where the memlierssewed on hospital garments. The charter members were:

Mrs. W. E. Nuiv.ll. Mi~. 11. r.. I l,a.l«,M. \l,.. Cihson Patterson. Mrs. R. D. Ezzell. MrsE. C. Skinner. .Mr-, i hail.- I i-h.i. \li- hihii \ii-i. \!i-- Jennie Skinner. Mrs. Jolui A. Jone-.Mrs. G. W. Norton. \li-. \mi,i. (.^h Hr.u hM,,,, . \li- J. Y. Craivford, Mrs. E. R. Doolittle.

Mrs. A. B. Hill, Mr-. Diakr il>.l,. ami .Mi- Jaiiic Outlaw.


The Eta LIpsilon Gaimiia Auxiliary was organized September 24. 1917. at the

home of Miss Sue Holmes. Mrs. A. E. Potter, Jr., w^as Chairman, and in addition

to knitting this auxiliary worked in the Surgical Dressings Department at Red Crossheadquarters. Charter members were:

Mrs. A. E. Potter, Jr., Mrs. Howard Eskridge, Mrs. William Carroll. Mrs. W. H. Morrison.Miss Willie Ruth Ravidson. Miss Sue Holmes, Miss Mary White Guill, Miss Margaret Coor.pMiss Frances Davies. Miss Elizabeth Hart. Miss Susie Weakley, Miss Louise Benedict. MissEmmaline Green.


The Elliston Auxiliarv was organized in March. 1917. several months beforethe organization of the Nashville Chapter of the American Red Cross, at the homeof Mrs. George William Fall and Mrs. Rollin P. Grant. Meetings were held eachweek at the home of Mrs. Norman Farrell. in Elliston Place, until August, 1918.when they began work at the Red Cross headquarters. The following officers servedfor this auxiliary throughout the entire war period: Mrs. Norman Farrell, Chair-man; Mrs. A. G. Brandau, Secretary; and Mrs. John B. Ransom. Treasurer.

( 143 )

I) li I i>so.\ <: o I wry ir o m e .v / .v the world n a h. i9i ii " 1


As (he Nashville Chapter ha.l n,.t .U llii^ Inn,- |.r,„ >taM,,l. llii- auNill.uv re-

ceived inslriii'tioiis from Washiiiiituii and >i-iit the liiiishcil arliilo l«i Natiniial head-

quarters at \^ ashinjilon. Three standard Luxes, luiniber eif;ht. were sent before

August. 1917. when the auxiliary became adiliated with the Nashville Chapter,

.\merican Red Cross. Besides night shirts and refugee garinenls. nuislin bandages

were made by this auxiliary, and all expenses. r\( .'iii loi mi]>liii. whiili was fur-

nished by the Nashville (^hajjler. were met by xnlunlaiv n.iiii il,iiii,,ii-. In addition

to purchasing materials, the following contrihutinii^ ueic made: ."^luel- for relief

during the influenza epidiini( .s'l.') lo llu- i\( d (aci» Emergenev Canteen Service,

and S125 to the Red Cross liruu ~h,,uri in \,.\r,nbri. 1918.

Charter members of this unit were:

Mrs. .Norman l-arrdl. Chairman: Mrs. \. G. Brandau, Secrelar\'; Mrs. John B. Ransom,Treasurer; -Mrs. .\llison Hunlin. Mrs. \. G. Camphell. .Mrs. Lee Cantrell, .Mrs. George Castner,.\rrs. W . -A. Chamhers. Mrs. Jolm Gluek. .Mrs. Robert Cheek. .Mrs. Walkins Crockett. .Mrs. \. S.

Dabnev. .Mrs. C. C. Dabnev. .Mrs. S. II. Dennv. .Mrs. L. H. Davis. Mrs. Edward Buford, .Mr>. JohnDix. .Mr.s. Houston Dudb-N. Mrs. .Arthur Evans. Mrs. George W. Fall. .Mrs. Reau Kolk. Mrs.Howard Frosl. .Mrs. Meade Fri.-rson. Mrs. Marrelbis Frost. .Mrs. James Frazer. Mrs. MarshallGaither. .Mrs. Kollin P. (;ranl. Mrs. Foster Hum.'. .Mrs. Norman Farrell. Jr.. Mrs. Andrew I'riee.

-Mrs. Charles Hughes. .Mrs. Porter Phillips. Mrs. William Philli|)s. Mrs. Ernest Pillow. Mrs.Alex Porter. Mr^. Edwin I'riee. Mrs. Abb I.andis. Mrs. John Landis. Mrs. J. O. Leake. .Mrs.

Claude Martin. Mrs. A. B. McCarty. Mr>. K. T. M.( lo.mi, n. Mrs. Charles Morrow. .Mrs. JosephGibson. Mrs. Thomas .\ralone. .Miss Maiil.la l'..ri.i. \li-- Kcbeeea Porter. Mrs. George Price,

.Mrs. 1. J. Haves. Mrs. William Nels„„. \1.. ( h.nl.- ||„„i. Mrs. G. T. Ingram. Mrs. HardingJackson. Mrs. Charles Dudlev Jones. \1,.. J. \1. Kin^. \!,-. Paul Roberts. Mrs. T. J. Smith,Mrs. William J. Smith. Mrs. R. G. Sparrow. Mrs. I). K. Sinbblefirld. Mrs. J. W, Sewell. Mrs.Thomas J. Tvne. Mrs. Vernon S. Tupper, Miss Eli/alMlh Enrrrll. Mi.~ I.i/inka I'air.ll. MissJosephine Farrell, and Miss .Mary V. Gaither.

iii!>r iiM'Tisr cm ucii \i \ii,i \i;y

The First Baptist Cliiurh AuxiiiarN u.i- .u-ani/.,l ..n 0,|,,|Mr 1. I'llT. uilh

Mrs. J. H. Campbell as Chainnan. Hi,- ,n, n.bn- >,•«,,! ,„, li...,,ilal LMrn.mN at

Red Cross headquarters and made kriitlnl ailii Ir- at lioinc Tin- iliailcr nuiiiliers

.Afrs. J. H. Campbell. .Mrs. \V. P. Rankin. Mrs. C. A. Jones. Mrs. John l.lKeii. Mr.. A. Y.Stephens. Miss Marie .Moore. Mrs. W. A. Roberts. Mrs. A. .M. Saunders. Mr-. J. W . Hurt. Mrs.W. L. Dunn. Mrs. IJ,-n.ler-on li.iker. an.l Mis^ Frank llollowell.

Fii;-i I'Ki -in 1 1 Ki \\ (III III II \i \IM m;^

The First Presbyterian Chun li ViimHim ua- u^•^.mu^^ in >rpipmber. 1917,

with .Mrs. James 1. Vance as .Supn \ i-.,, . ,,m.| \Ii-. JmIih \. Mmkin a- Captain. Thisunit served as an auxiliary on lii.-|iiiil LMinniii-. uorkiiiy <-a<\\ Moiidav at head-

quarters. The charter members urrr:

Mrs. James I. Vance. Chairman; Mr-. 1.. T. Kirkpiitri. k. Mrs, Ki.liar.l A. Barr. Mrs FrankCray, .Mrs. A. Tillman Jones. Mrs. J. A. Mnrkin. Mr>. Jani.s K. Polk. Jr., Mi-s Kffie Mclver,Mrs, E.lward Shcrb-y. Mrs. Harvey Alexander. .Mrs. C. B. Wallace. -Miss Mary Burke. Mrs.V. A. Shelton. Mrs. (iillespie Adams. Mrs. Edward Hart. Mrs. John A. McEwcn, Mrs. John S.

Walker, Mrs, Frank B, Fields, Mrs, H--nrv MrCb-lland, Mrs. Arthur Jones. Mrs. Gales Adams,an<l Miss Margaret H.ill Fri.r-n„.

Fii!>T 1.1 riiii; \\ (III i;( II \i \ii,i \\\\

The First Lutheran Church Auxiliary was organized l)...inl.ri 11. I'MT. .u ihe

church, with Mrs. Fred Batlenslag. Chairman. The wmk ..I ilii- unit (..n-i-|r,l ,,f

making surgical dressings at headtiuarlers. Members were:



Mrs Fred Battenslag, Mrs. William Marsh, Mrs. Frank Dahlinger, Mrs. Harry Sudekum.

Mrs Derby McClellan. "Mrs. R. J. Crutchfield, Mrs. Tony Sudekum. Mrs. Marllia Burt, Mrs.

^r M Johnson. Mrs. Charles Turner. Jr.. Mrs. David Kuhn, Mrs. William Gerth, Miss EmmaPlatz. Miss Katie Hauff, and Miss Madeline Fehr.


The Glen Leven Presbyterian Church Auxiliary was organized in September,

1917, with Mrs. Dayid T.'McGill, Chairman, to make hosiiital garments at head-

quarters. Knitted articles and comfort bags were also made at the iiomes of the

charter members, who were:

Mrs D. T. McGill. Mrs. George Dean, Mrs. W. G. Ewing, Mrs. John Campbell. Mrs. Charles

H. Stetson, Mrs. W. H. Schuerman, Mrs. S. Walters McGill, Mrs. 0. Walkirk. Mrs. J. N. Gaut.

Mrs. Arthur Cooney, Mrs. W. C. Alexander, and Miss Margaret McNeilly.


On October 29, 1917, Miss Sadie Cauyin and Miss Mary Rattennan organized

the girls of Nashyille into a Godmothers" Auxiliary, and Miss Mary Ratterman was

elected Chairman.

In February. 1918. the name of the organization was changed at the request of

the Nashyille Red Cross officials to the Girls' Auxiliary of the Red Cross. The pur-

pose of the organization was to work in the interest of the Tennessee soldiers, sup-

plying them witli such comforts and necessities as "smokes,'' knitted garments, jams

and j'ellies. The membership grew until it enrolled over 300 young women in

Dayidson County.

The first funds of the organization were obtained at a dance giyen at the Cham-

lier of Commerce, and were used for equipping two hundred and fifty comfort bags

for JNIrs. John Coode. Chairman for the Red Cross. The members of the auxiliary

paid yearly dues and kept a sacrifice box for the trench smoke fund. Wooden boxes

accompanied by brilliant posters were placed in down-town stores for free-will dona-

tions to the smoke fund.

A play at the Vendome Theater was sponsored by the auxiliary, and the sum

of one hundred and fifteen dollars was raised. On Thanksgiying. 1917, the girls

sold their own buttons in the morning and added two hundred and seventy-six dol-

lars to the treasury.

The most unique and successful undertaking of the auxiliary during the war was

the plan of running tlie Hermitage Hotel for one day. On May 17, 1918, tire man-

agement of the hotel turned its affairs completely over to the Girls' Auxiliary, and

every "tip" job in tlie hotel, from bell boy, elevator operator, waiter, clerk, page,

to general manager, was filled by a smiling girl, wearing Red Cross headgear. The

sum of SI.711.00 was realized. Miss Corinne Craig. Chairman of Ways and Means,

was Chairman General of the hotel day. On her committee were the following sub-

chairmen, who selected their respective committees, the members of the committees

including the entire personnel of the auxiliary:

Waitresses, Miss Mary Lee Crockett ; Maids, Mrs. W. D. Trabue, Jr. ; Elevators. Miss Percie

Warner; Flowers and Shoe Shine Parlor. Miss Alice Hall Lindsey: Clerks. Miss Sarah Shannon;

Newsie Girls, ^^iss Frances Hillman; Decomlinn^, Mi^s^ Sue Holme-i: Reservation of Tables.

Mrs. Dandirdse Caldwell: Bel! Girls. Miss \l:nv ll:,ii, ,mm : ( alil.M-. M.-.- Jane and Elizabeth

Culbert: Smokes. Miss Barbara Kuhn: Taxi.-, \l,- Wilii, l.'uil. H.imI-m,,; Cashier, Miss Mar-garet Creighton; Hat Checks, Miss Elizabii!i 11 nl iii.l \li-- Aiinn- Laiiri.' Campbell.

( 145 )

I) 1 1 1 1) so v c o I \T Y If o M r. .\ / v '/• // /: w o a i. d iri r. 1 9 1 i-i 9 1


"idi \t, i,\i)i;:> (.1' \ \-ii\ II 11:

\i\i)K \\ i\iri;i>M\ ! wii I

AM) \l\-- Ml

111. \Tiii;iii

D A V I DSON CO U N T Y IT M E N IN THE IT O 11 L D WA R. 19 14-1919


N Till



Miss Mary Lee Crockett sened as chairman of waitresses. Others who appear in the picture

are Miss Kathryn Craig, Miss Viri;inia Benton. Miss Lillie Atchinson. Miss Evelvn Douglas,

Miss Sarah Shannon, Miss Ruth \ance, Mrs. Dandridge Caldwell, Mrs. W. D. Trabue, Jr., MissFrances Hillman. Miss Luciie Holn-.an. Miss Sue Holmes. Miss Elizabeth Culbert. Miss JaneCulbert. Mis; Willie Ru:h Davidson. Miss Annie Laurie Campbell and .Miss Lundy File.

four wash cloths. Over five hundred scrap-books, newspapers and things to amusethe boys when ill were sent to Camps Taylor, Sevier, Jackson, and Fort McPherson.

The auxiliary was divided into ten teams for work in surgical dressings. A shell

shock ward in the Base Hospital at Chattanooga was adopted by the girls and sup-

plied with many luxuries, among them being five quilts, knitted from fragments of

yarn left from sweaters, and a five-dollars-a-week order for flowers.

The Girls' Auxiliary sent twenty-five dollars a month to the Southern Division

for trench smokes, and twenty-five dollars a month to the Nashville Canteen Service,

five hundred dollars being donated the Canteen and one hunched to the Red Crosslinen shower.

In all patriotic drives in Nashville the Girls" Auxiliary liad a prominent part, es-

pecially in the Red Cross Christmas roll calls and the Thrift Stamp drives. In the

first Red Cross Christmas Roll Call the girls had complete charge of all booths in

stores and banks.

The officers serving at various periods of the war were:

Miss Mary Ratterman and Miss Sue Holmes. Chairmen: \^ice-Chairmen. Miss Sailic Cauviii.

Miss Corinne Craip. Mi^^ ^iir Ilnlm,.. Mi.. Alir, Hall li,M-.A. Mi- M,,n 1, , r,M,k.lt. andMiss Stella Abram-; i;r,nnlHr.j <r, , .In i.-, M,.. l^ninn,! V.s,\u_. \li-- lll/ii Tiaiuir ami MissWillie Ruth David^-.iii: i ,.m r-iMMMlm^ ^r.,.iaii.- \li- Willi-- I.'miIi jiaxhl-..!. ,,,,! \l,- Itince

Douglas, Jr.: Tr.-a-ui-i-. \li- Kmli \ an. , ami \li- Eianr,- (,„,„liu-: (haiiinai, nl --.-rap

Book. Miss Marie kiiliii; ( liaiini.ii nl I , ain-. Ml- Elizabeth Buckner and Mrs. M. B. Howell.iH: ('hairnian of \1. inln a .|ii|i. \li-- I iMian l.'rx.i: Emergency Committee, Miss Corinne Craig.-Miss Sadie Cauvin. \li-- l.li/ali-ili Hail, \li-- \larv Harding Buckner, and Miss Annie Maetnderwood: Chairnuu ul KnilU.it:. .\li,,. Ainue .Mae Underwood.

Charter members of the auxiliary besides the officers mentioned above were:

Mrs. Dandridge Caldwell. Miss Jane Culbert. Miss Reba Gray. Miss Sarah Shannon. MissElizabeth Hail. Miss Maria Fprri<-. Mi^^ Annie Whit.^ Folk. Mi-^i Eli/ab.-th Brrm Mi.= '\lan-

DoMovllle Hill. Mi- I'laair Wanai, \li- I, urn. II, s|„,,, M,_, r||,.,, Tialai. \1,- I'l,-.- ManevMiss Marv N.-I>„n. \li- \,.„ W ,,i,.a. \l,- Kli/ali.ili Mill. \li- M.nilia Drl.MU. \1,- \ DaleDurr. Mrs. V,'. D. Tral.nr. Jr.. \li- Aiiu-lia ImIih-. \|,- KalluMi I raiLi. \li- ( ..n„-lia W.llier-

spoon. Miss Helen Killebrew. .Miss Evelyn Douglas. Miss Elizabeth Sharpe. Miss Harriet Dillon.Miss Dorothea Tucker, Miss Frances Gray, Miss Susan Baxter, Miss Elizabeth Culbert. ,\Iis=

Barbara Kuhn. Miss Katherine Lewis, Miss Mildred Gray. Miss Catherine LeSueur. Miss Martha


h-^llDSO.\ CO IMY M F V / V / // / A' / II ir I H. / ; ./.; Q I 9

GKoi I' (ii III ii I i;ii-- i,ii;i - \i Ml I \l;^ ii i i,k- \ i i mi III.U\1IIA(.I-. iiou.l.

.MAY, vna

\\ lu-n llii; iiianafiemi'iu of llie hotel !:avL' one day to the yirU. to laije funds to fiiitlic-r their

work. -Miss Marjiaret Creishton was casliicr-niaiiai;fr. To tlie left, standint;, is .Miss MaryRallermaii. Clerks at the desk, left to right, are: .Miss Melinda Hampton, Miss Keba Wilson

Gray, .Miss Elizabeth Hill and .Miss Sarah .Shannon. Miss .Marie Kuhn is standing to the right.

Tillman, Miss Cornelia Coodc, Miss Margaret CBuford, .Miss .Margaret Wherrv. .Miss .Mildred H.

.Miss Ellen .Stokes, .Miss Keba Dean. .Miss Kdna I..

berrv, .Miss .Sipliia Kzzell. -Miss Frances Duk. i-.i

Siimpter. .Miss .Martha Baird, Miss Nfad.K,, >-,i„

Miss Ann Bransfor.l. .Miss Mary Hiinle, (>,,. \1

Virginia Yates, Miss KmilN >li»ali. \li-. ( Iimi

Holman, Miss Elizabeth (;,!I.I.,m.I. \Ii-- i;-ih,, \

ton, Miss Regina Liglitni;ni. \li-~ I ..in-. II. ^lh.

Nfiss "Red"' Lowe, and \li -I h/il.. ili |,.-i.k.

\li-W I

II. \li^- Margaret\li" ll.l.n Baird,

\li" l;.I..Hca Sed-\l,- I I.M.i Wrenne

il. Ml-- fi.ni..- llillman,

\li-- Krl..! I).|„„ue. MissAtkiii-, Miss Elsie .\lae Bradley. Mi.ss Lucile

ell.. I. Miss Vance Talbot. Miss .Matilda ilamp-

\li" Hazel Brizzett, Miss Sarah Kirkpatrick,


The Kit Knitters .Auxiliary was oifjaiiized Septcuiljer

King as Chairman and \Hss Maud Balhird as Secretary,

homes of the memhers, where sweaters and socks were kiii

Mr3. Albert King, Mrs. George TennisoGregory. Mrs. Ira Park.-r, .Miss Mand Balla

Bouchard. Miss Bessie Yarbrouj

Mrs. Ed K»in^.

. Miss Marv li.Lk.

Ml-. W. A. T.niii-.m.

uilh Mrs. Mhcit

Mrs. B. T.

Miss Marie

LA l!l I. \l \Ii.l \I!Y

The La Hue .\uxiliarv was .ii-ani/cl \,,xr,i.l.r, L T)17. uilli Mr-. Ccult \L

.Adams as Chairman. This unit srunl ,„i hn-.|iilal ..:.n iiinil- al ilrd Cro-- licad-

quarters and made knitted artich's al llie JKimcs (d ihi- Muinhci-.

The charter members were:

Mrs. G. >r. Adam.s, Mrs. S. W. Fifimar. Mrs. \V. }.. Gillespie. Mrs. li. M. Tinker, Mr-. .1. F.

Corbilt, Mrs. Henry Wiggs. Mrs. T. J. Hobbs. Mrs. G. L. Maddux, Mrs. I'al Qm|s\r^ . Mi-. C. B.

Moody. Mrs. E. F. KIdd, Mrs. C. H. Holmes. Mrs. A. E. Wiggs. and Mrs. C. H. Damnn


CKOI 1' l)F -BELL IIOI'>- \T TIIK IIK1L\HTA<.L llolKL o.N \L\^ 17. I')|H

From left to right are: Miss Barbara Kulin, Mrs. James Stahlman. Miss Mary Pnrter

man. Miss Mary DeMoville Hill Miss Sadie Cauvin. Miss Marie Kulin and Miss Mary Ratt

Mrs. Dandridge Caldwell (Elizabeth Keith), was Chairman of this group.


The McKendiee Church Auxiliary was organized in 191

Stephens as Chairman and Miss Alma Oliver

made surgical dressings. The charter memhers wer

Mr-. Mil.- R'illiani-. Mr-. ,Inl,n Ri-krrx ill,.. Mr-, MaMi- II II. I.n.x. Mr-. Tin,,,,,,- li.,r>,.MM. \l,- ^. F. Will

L.illl-.. ( r.,ulM,,|. \|i- FIl/.llMlh I .l,,A. M,. 1,1., l!ln,-,

Ib.u.M. Mr- \Li,l,l,„ --a^nr. Mr-. Tiirn.r |l..,l,l. M.-, Dm,Loui-,. l>„w,.ll. Miss Jane Douglas Crawford. an,.l .Mi=.s P.

with Mrs. Clav G.

Assistant Chairman. This unit




The !\ray Jerald'^xiliary was organized May 3. 1918, with Mrs. C. J. W. Dress-

ier as Chairman. Meetings were held at the home of Mrs. Dressier, and the unit

was entirely self-supporting. The work consisted of making refugee garments.

Charter members were:

.;. M. Lisk. Mrs. H. A. Webb. Miss AgnesMiss Eleanor Perkins.

Mrs. D. R. G.

Hibbs, Miss Ann;jhart. Mrs. C. f.'. La.i.ler. MrMallison. Miss Pearl Gray, ai


The Moore Memorial Presbyterian Church .Auxiliary was organized on November8. 1917. with Mrs. Brown Buford as General Chairman. Mrs. Charles Kinkead hadcharge of the knitting, and one hundred and one women composed the knitting

department. This unit also sewed in the Hospital Garment Department at RedCross Headquarters. The charter members included:

Mis. Brown Buford. Mrs. T. J. Bailey. Mrs. Crarles Odom, Mrs. A. A. Dickerson, Mrs. W.H. Webb. Mrs. W. D. Trabue. Mrs. E. B. Cayce. Mrs. W. E. Metzger. Mrs. Lyon Childress. Mrs.H. P. Thomas, Mrs. Sam Wilkes, Miss Fanny O'Brien, and IVOss Stella Ford.

DAllDSOy C O I \T y IT U M E V / A^ THE If O K I. I) HI H. I 9 I II 9 1 c

GROUP OF OiriCKHS. CIKI.S- MAll.l AKY. \ ASII\ ll.l.F. CIIAl'Tl.K. A. W. C

Miss ALKt 111

Th.- No.-hon C

,-.l in ,Iun.-. 1MI7.

Noli.KiX (1,1 I'. \l Mil WW

h M,-. lltic kiiiM,-\ ll.nn a^ i:h

Mi>. Cl.arl.-s \lanlli.-v. Mrs. Frank linrnscli. jr.. Mr-. \. M. I!i)

Mr-. M H. .S|.l-..ri. Mrs. Dorris Krilrv. Mi- l.n.il.- Man.N. \li-.

Lell^.^. Mi- .\unr W arn.r T.-nnisnn. an. I Mr-. Sniilli T.nni-..n.

\()i;tiii:\st \ \:-ii\ ii.i.i. \r\!i,i \i

Til.- Nn.lh.'a-I \a-li\ill<- \i.\iliarv u,,- .:rjani/r,l \,,\

Aniiif;!.,.! Sli..-t Cliui.li. Willi Mis. Fl.u.nrr 1!oIm ,1-..,, .i- (

son later n'signefl and Mrs. Boyd Drake u a- niaJr (liaiiii

was Instructor, and wccklv mectinfrs were IkM al tin- \rriii;

work of this unit coiisisifd of makiir.r iiiiislin (Im-iii'j-. \ I'

ronsislfd of flflv T ha.i.l-. luo luindM ,1 l.rh-. ll liuinlir

da"PS. fivf linndrcd IWuIvmi IjuikI-. -i\ liuiiclird nimlrrr

-IhmI uork

ular l.an-



one thousand livr luiiidicd fmlv-fix.- plailiniis. scvrji tli(iii>aiMl and si-vi-iily-iiiiie first-

aid basis. CIiailiT mciiilin-. were:

Mrs. Fin, ,.,„,. i;Ml„.,i-Mn. \l

DAI I D so.\ COI WTY IT O M E .\ l\ THE WORLD WAR. 1 <)! 41 9 1 9

Rr.i) rR()s:> (n ii.T ciitci.i: oi Tin wiiowi, i.iii: wn cvsi \i.ty

i\--i i; \\t 1 ( oxirwi

Tlu- 1!,->1 (;^..^. Ouill Cii.l^- ol ll>.- \,,l,..„al III,- ,„„l \.,i,i,nl I,.-,,,,..,,,- (,,,„i-

pany was composed of" girls in the dllii c who v.w,- ihrii linu- (lining ilic ruMMi Imui

and also at outside meetings to makf (|iiill- l<>i llir -olilin-. j hex I m ni-hrcl miii h

of their own material, obtaining: the rest hum llic llii~|iil,il (.anmnl >crii(iii al Krd

Cross Headquarters. Mrs. Johnson was ."^iipci vi^u dl tlii> uiiil. and ih.- rharlcr

memhers were:

.MUs Minnie Gollilhan, Miss Eula Girard, Mass Mary Brails. Mi- K..- D,- Pierri. MissRebecca McDaniel. Miss Mollie Walkup, Miss Lociiie Walkup. M.- Knil, D.uis. Miss Charlie

.Mai Selpli. .Mi?s Lena Graves, .Miss Bessie Baker. Miss .Angelina !) I'mhi. \Ii— Gcrlriule Rice,

.Miss Daisy Franklin. Miss Alice Dickerson. Miss Mappie Giraril. \li- MmiI. (.,,,„. \li-< MarvHalloran. Miss Louise Howlin, Miss Evelyn .Sanford. Miss Clara K. II, ,liat-. \h-- I !,.,.„,, Ciaw-

foriL .Miss Leilali Baber, Miss Lena Canquest. Miss Hazel Harris, \li-- M.ii\ \i U..ii. \li~- Lillian

Smilh. Miss .Margaret Hill. Miss Florence Clemnions. Mj-s Lni., W n;M..„. \1,-. l,„r,l Mc-Candless. .Miss Flora Persley. Miss Elizabeth M,a,l,.r>. Mi>^ \Iar\ M.,,,,,-. Miss Siuli,- Kapan. andMiss Mamie Hayes.

SINSFT r\l!K \l Mil \I!V

The Sunset I'ark AMxiiiarv. !,., al.-.l |u-

Pike, was organized in .Sepltiiil>rr. I')! 7. \

Knitting instructions weregi\in \>\ Mi-. Mand the meetings were held al llir luinn •

valescent soldiers were pie<-ed. (ihartf'r n

Mrs. A. B. Anderson, Mrs. ^L L. Baxter, Mrs. Spiller Campbell. Mr-. I'. Dil'Inii. \li-. Cur-eReed, Mrs. Herman Trotter, .Mrs. Harrv Vaughn, Mrs. Spencer K.akin. Mr- Sa,,, MrCiw. .Mrs.

A. F. Woodward, .Mrs. Robert Wilson. .Mrs. T. J. Baker. .Mrs. W. E. Beanl Mr-, llionra- Craw-

ford, Mrs. Marvin Dcaver, Mrs. Edward .Swain, Mrs. R. N. Tavlor. Mr- W . II. Wa.le. Mrs.

Geislman, .Mrs. Houston Sexton. Mrs. Frank Weakley. Mrs. J. M. Hill, arr.' Mr- .1. M. luwier.

SIXTKIATII W \i!l) \r\II.I\l!^

The Sixteenth War.! \ii\iliarv wa- r.r'Mrii/rd in \n^r^^^\n^. I'M 7. uilli Mrs.

Charles Holmes as Chairman. Knitting wa- il..rr.' I.\ llu- rinil. ulr.,-,. , haiirrian a!-..

gave three months' work on the draft hnaid. a--i-lril l.\ ilu- im rirli- r-. \\\\n i-ai Ir

worked in some department at Red Cross IIi'.iil(|ri,ir hi -. '\\\,- rlraili i nniiiliii - uiii':

Mrs. Charles Holmes, Mrs. Newton O'Calahan. Mr-, l!..!.. ri ( irnn,. Mr- W . 1). Milhr, Mrs.

Felix Ashley, Mrs. L. E. McElroy, Mrs. B. F. OMiar. an. I Mr- s.uah I an.a-i,-,.

SOI 111 \ \'>li\ 11 1,1 WOM W^ \l Xll.l \I!V

- ua- nriiaiii/ci .lunc

ll-l,lr' ill,- .

\h-. Willi.

Ilot.hkl- ,1


W. Evans was instructor. Its work consisted priiicipallv ul kriilliiiu. allliiiiit;li sev-

eral members worked each week in the Surgical l)irs>iiiiis |)i|i,irliiirMl al head-

quarters. Tlie charier iiieniliers were:

Mrs. .1. \ ( i.Mi... \1,-, I ,„^ ManiMiii;. Mrs. E. L. AsMord, Miss Mary Napier, Miss MaryParham. \li~- I.M/.ili.ili It.ilr, \li-- ( onihh. Cavert, Miss Louise Cage, Miss Maria Cage, MissClaytie l!..l.in-..n. \Ii-- M^p.:".. i;nl.in~..ii, and Miss Elizalietli Hoyle.


The Tennessee Mothers' Congress and Parent-Teachers' Au.xiliary was organized

(luring the first Red Cross campaign. May, 1917. Mrs. Eugene Crutcher, State

Chairman, was assisted by Mrs. Alice Cloyd, Chairman for the Central Council, andMrs. J. C. Walker, Mrs. Alex. Irving, Mrs. R. A. Griffin, Mrs. T. H. Burleson. Mrs.

Russell Longhurst, and Mrs. Lou Lusky. The members were drawn from the Cen-tral Council, a roster of which will be found with that chapter.


The Vanderbilt Unit Auxiliary was organized in June, 1917, with Mrs. W. H.

Schuerman as Chairman and Mrs. Thomas Garrett as Vice-Chairman. the membersbeing chosen from the Vanderbilt Aid Society and the Vanderbilt Woman's Club.

They sewed in both the Surgical Dressings and Hospital Garment sections at RedCross Headquarters. The charter members were:

Mrs. C. \K \r,lx. Mk. lr..r \1 ()\r,inn. ^[,.. \\,n^^ Y.. ( ..ll..n^ Mi~. 1*. 11. Ilnn^lon. Mrs.

J. A. Willi, M-i \li,, !,•.-, II. Tlhmia-, \li- T. C (..nirll. \l,- ,|,iln, I'.. \M,i.,„,. Mrs.

Hamilton I ..w .. \1,.. Tm„, I'nk--. \l,- ^r.,^^, \-\. I',.mm,... \1,- JmIm, In.lu I Mm,,,,.. Mrs.

Stewart CaiuplKll. Mib. A. W . BiJiil, .^h^. U-ur W al.Jkn,:li. Air-. W . .^. II, .\i ni.-l. m,I, Mrs.

Ellis C. liugtiins, Mrs. J. H. Stevenson. Mrs. K. B. Steele, Mrs. 0. N. Bryan. .Mrs. J. T. .McGiU,

Mrs. Bert Young. Mrs. Robert Armstead, Mrs. Harry Hartupee, Mrs. Clay G. Stephens, Mrs.

Robert Ewing. Mrs. G. E. Hibbett, Mrs. J. M. Anderson, Mrs. Granbery Jackson. Mrs. J. H.

Kirkland, Mrs. George W. Martin, Mrs. Byron Martin. Mrs. M. M. Cecil, Mrs. H. P. Salter,

Mrs. W. A. Ogden, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. A. B. Hill, and Mrs. John E. Dunn.


The Woodland Street Presbyterian Church Auxiliary was organized at the church.

with Mrs. Sam McKay as Chairman and Mrs. Sam Douglas as Instructor. Muslin

dressings were made by this unit, whose charter members were:

Mrs. Sam Seav McKav. Mrs. William Hume. Jr.. Mrs. Walter Caldwell. Mrs. Andrew O'Brien.

Mr-. C. H. Ba-k',.llr. Mr-. l-n,.,.n,. Tl,,llin-. Mi- H.-iiix S|, ;..,, Mi-. Aiiiii,' W:iK..n, Mrs. Green

i;,. ill, ,11. \l,- Will, Ml i:,, 1^1,1, ,n. \li- ^.iMi |i,,ii.J.i- \1,- ^,1,1, \l,i.ill. \lr- M,,!,l,.- Brengelman,

Ml- I\\:i-li,i,,:l,,n \l, „,,,-. \li- 1.1-.,, T,,-],.. \li- |,,hn T lii,,|-U Ml- .1. Y. Fitzhugh,

Ml-. C,.. .!-, J. Suil,l.l,.rirl,l. Mr-, iiln,A IViM,.-. Ml-. ( ImI,' \\ali,.|-. Mi-. I),.\\iit Gordon. Mrs.

H. 0. Blackwood, Mrs. John Price. Mrs. Albert Moore. Mrs. George R. Gillespie. Mrs. E. G.

Holladay, Mrs. W. H. Elam, Mrs. Anna E. Bennett. Mrs. Charles C. Fuller, Miss Zadie Baskette.

Miss Carrie Hollins, Miss Laura Spicer. and Miss Evelyn Patterson.

Mrs. Green Benton was Chairman of this unit for the sewing of hospital gar-

ments one day each week at Red Cross Headquarters.


There were two auxiliaries from the \ ine Street Christian Church, one working

on hospital garments at Red Cross Headquarters, with Mrs. James Cayce as Super-

visor, and the other one making flat muslin dressings at the church, with Mrs. M. E.

( 153)

DAI I DSO iV COi N r Y If O M K N I A' T H E If O R L I) K'A R. 19 141919

Derryberry as Cliainiuui. Mi>. Ross Ha.ullv «a> In>lrurl..r. and the m.'.>tin-s w.-ie

held each week. I'i\<- >c«in;j iiuicliiiH- «<•!, iiv, .1 l.\ llii> unit. uli(.>c cliartcr ni.an-

hers were:

.^^rs. James Cavce, Mrs. M. E. Derryberry, .Mrs. Turner Jolinson, Mjs. John Hooper, Mrs. J.

.M. Jacobs. .Mrs. Anna Condall, Mrs. J. E. Houk. Mrs. Carey Morgan. Mrs. B. C. Shackelford.

Miss .Marv Shackelford. .Mrs. Ed. Corbin. Mrs. Hunter Perrv. .Mrs. Laura Rerrv. Mrs. A. H.

Anthonv. Mrs. Ale.x. IVrrv. Mrs. James A. Yowell, Mrs. W. K. McAlisl.r. M,-. I..,- Ilolman,

Mrs. Mill MrAlister. Mrs. Andv Griffin. .Mrs. J. C. KranUlin. .Mrs. A. S. Wuim. \I,-. W. P.

Ballard. .Mrs. J. E. ILipkins. .Miss Cornelia <;.M.dall. Mrs. K. L. Gentry. \1.~. .1 II IL.krr. Mrs.

A. H. .Mizell. Mrs. Craig McEarlan.l. Mrs. C. G. Eastman, Mr.-. livn.n \Luln,. \l,~. Claudt

-Marlin. Mrs. Theresa P. .McGax.uk. \li~. I. I\ liealv. Mrs. I.ee llill. Mi- Kmli Cowden, Mrs.

P. D. Houston, .Mrs. Fred Fish.r. \li-- I ii. il.' Il..lnian. Mrs. HouMm,, |),„1I, n. M,>. I{oy Shelton,

Mrs. Rush Hawes. Mrs. Fieldint: (...,,1,.,,. M,-. liufnnl Corl.itt C.uim.i. \Ii-. K. C. Moore, -Miss

Maud Ballard. Mr:-. M. G. Gleas.-. \1,- ,l.,,„- n.illii-. :i..,l Mi- lain,,,- Gl.aves.

i:(,)r\L SI ill; \(,i. \i \iLi\i!Y

The Equal SulV,at;r \uxiliaiv «a^ ,M-ani/r,l , Inline tli.- In-I li,-.i Cm-, rarnpai.-n.

with Miss Delia Dorl.h as Chairman. I.al, , \li-~ MatiM.i I'.Mlri ua- n.a.lr Chair-

man for the city workers, and a laiL^c niinihi i .I rnrinlHi- wnikrd (^h li \\ci-k at thr

Tulane Branch Workroom on niu-lin di c>-in;j-. I hi- unit i,ii-i'd ^^iHi' Im thr

first Red Cross campaign, and nndrr Mi- M.ilihl.i ruilci -niind dir lai'jc-t num-

ber of workers of an\ nnil in the ( it\. Tin- c h.iilti mrmhn- u. re;

Mrs. Leslie Warner. \l.-. II. T. Kin,l.r..ii^.|,. \l,~. liMiik \v.nl. \li-. Mil.- William-. Mrs.

W. A. Overall. Mrs. Lou l,u-k^. \l,-. I.. II. ( 1».„. \1,-. .|,,1,„ Ha, k-.l,,lr. \1,-. ,|a„,.-- li. Kzzell.

Mrs. E. \V. Frve. .Mrs. U. A. ll.^^^. \l.-. ( liailr- I'.ak,,. \li-. .1. \l. K.iinx. \li-. ha Parker,

Mrs. Ed. Gardner. .Mrs. Aver\ llan.lK. \l,-. I, .ink -l.il-tni.in. \l,-, .l.ini.- I la/n. M , ~. J. L.

Fossick. Miss Cornelia Barksdalr. \!,-. (.. II. William-. \l.-. ^ain KiiMiaiM.k, \li-. E. E.

Clearv. Mrs. A. M. Mitchell. Mi- KliAihnli lliiil..,,!. \l,-. .|.,li,i G. G,l„i..i,-. .\h>. Illir Kinney

lien,..' Mr-. I!. L. Sawyer, .Mi-s Lulie J,mu-s. and M.-. T. li. Unit.

Y. Vi'. C. \. MAIII \KY

Thr Y. W. C. \. \n\iliarv ua- ,n-,mi/rd diinn.; ihr lir-t ltd Cm- Cam|.ai:in.

\%ilh -Ml-.-. (;,-ori:r I-. Ida. kii- a- Ch.nini.m. Tlii- unit i,n-,,l .^.-..:;il(l in thi- cam-

paign. The Y. W . C. \. h.id tin.r «..ikn.- unit-: knhtn,.. ..•,..u|,- at thr V W . C. \.

building and a! thr I ulanr unrknaun- .in.l lln K.nn.-t \\,uk. i-. u,lh \l,- l.llir Bush

as Chairtnan. with the Inihiwinn nirmliri-:

Miss Evelvn I.auglirrn. \li- 1

Lena McA-kill. Mi-s G,,i.. Iiv.

Nanny, and Mr-. P.-arl Mniiill.

DAVIDSON CO f A' T Y IT' O M EN IN T H E U OR L l> 11A R. 1 9 I 4-1 9 I 9

Richard Dake, Mrs. J. R. Wheeler. Mrs. J. G. Creveliug. Jr., Miss Elizahrlh McDonaia. Miss

Jennie Sparks, and Miss Addie Fuller.


The West Nashville Auxiliary was organized in June. 1917. luit did not begin

active work until Red Cross Headquarters were opened at the Chamber of Com-

merce building. Mrs. Goodloe Cockrill was Chairman, and prior to the opening

knitting was done at home and sewing on hospital garments was done at Red Cross

Headquarters. The charter members were:

Mrs. Goodloe Cockrill, Mrs. T. Van Hooten, Mrs. Lee H. Farris, Mrs. John Bratton. Mrs.

B. C. Wright, Mrs. Nell S. Jones, Mrs. Lit Malone, Mrs. R. S. Williams, Mrs. S. Grainger. Mrs.

Capitola McDaniel, Mrs. Keith Vaughn, Mrs. E. H. McHugh, Mrs. Roscoe Williams. Miss Lora

Cullom, Miss Lou Ella Wolfenden, Mrs. John Trimhle. Mrs. R. Horton. Mrs. W. F. Jarrett.

Miss Ellen Lovell, and Mrs. Warren B. Sloan.


The Ward-Belmont Auxiliary was organized in December. 1917. with Miss ^Tary

Lou Mclnnis as Chairman, and six hundred girls became members. The workers

were drawn from die student body, with Mrs. J. D. Blanton as Instructor. A large

class was formed and work was done at the college. Miss Pauline Sherwood Town-

send assisted with the membership. During the summer months Mrs. Blanton offered

the workrooms to the Nashville Chapter, and many classes were instructed in sur-

gical dressings. During each year of the war several nursing and educational classes

were formed among the Ward-Belmont pupils.


Chairmen and Davidson County district auxiliaries of the Extension Department,

Nashville Chapter, A. R. C, of which Mrs. George F. Blackie was leader, whose

work and membership were both one hundred per cent, \

Amioch. Mrs. J. W. Sirls: Beechland. Mrs. Ora Lee Patton:

Bordeaux, Mrs. Jones Noblin; Donelson Emergency. Mrs. B. E.

McFarland; Eastland. Mrs. R. B. Zarecor; Goodlettsville. Mr-.

Myers and Mrs. J. J. Ransom: Hadlev's Bend. Mrs. Livingstni,

Gen. Andrew Jackson. Mrs. John T. H.n.l. , ,,nl M,.. ( l.,,,l,-

Core; Linton, Mrs. L. F. Joslin; Locust (.h n \li- T \ I .,;. hI.n

Mt. View, Mrs. R. T. Rucker. New Hope, \li-- \nMiMl,i \. \|..i-,ii,:

Pasquo, Mrs. J. B. Miles: Pioneer Knitt.i.-. liili Di,Uk1, Mi.-.. UW. B. Armstrong; Seifried, ; Tusculum. .Mrs

Charles Wilkerson; Una, Mrs. Andrew McLaughlin; White's Creek, Mrs. Count Boyd; Ridgetop,

Mrs. J. H. Zarecor and Mrs. Spencer McHenry.


The Antioch Auxiliary was organized on January .31, 1918, with Mrs. J. W.Sirls as Chairman and Mrs. George F. Blackie and Mrs. Robert Cheek as Instructors.

All the members served on surgical dressing work and five of them made knitted

articles. This unit raised funds to purchase material by holding lawn festivals

and musicals. They donated fifteen dollars to the Red Cross linen shower. Charter

members were:

Mrs. W. A. Matthews. Mrs. John Barry. Mrs. Slierman Hope. Mrs. Josie Lankford, Mrs. Ella

Cline, Mrs. C. K. Austin, Mrs. L. B. Shumate, Mrs. J. A. Dunn. Mrs. W. W. Smith. Mrs. J. R.

Briley, Mrs. R. G. Briley, Mrs. 0. W. Harris, Mrs. Walter Hessey. Miss Willie Collins, Mrs.

W. E. Raines, Mrs. J. W. Sirls, Mrs. W. M. Kuykendall, Mrs. John Rieves, Mrs. John Nevils,

( 15.5 )


DAllDSOy cniWTY llOME\ / .V THE If O R L n WAR, 191419 19

Mrs. H. A. J^irls. Mrs. Julian McDani.-l. Mi-. J. A. Collins. Mrs. J. G. Hunt.-r. Mrs. W . K.

Waldrow. .Mrs. Heiirv Turner. .Mrs. W. 'l . NUi-..,,, \1.-. Tom Dolan. Mrs. V.irgil X.uUir. MrsKellev Davis. Miss Johnnie Wall. Miss /i.l.. \l,iiilu»s. Miss Minnie Hays, and Mi-s linl„Mla


11. \M) \i \iM \i;v

The Bewhland Auxiliary «a~ l<.ralr,i mMfield Pike. It was organized in \|iiil. I'M;'.

-Mrs. John Woodard as Instrurl,,,. il,,. m,


S. D. I'atton made llie knilliiiii Mrrdle- „>,•,! U this auxiliarv. Th,- rharter

members were:

Mrs. S. D. Palton. Goodlettsville: Miss .\Iyra Patton. Goodlettsville; Mrs. Ora L. Patton.

Goodlettsville: Mrs. J. E. Polk, Baker: .Miss .Allabell. Polk, Baker; Miss Margaret Polk. Baker;.Miss Louise Polk. Baker: Mrs. Hudson Drake. Goodlettsville: Mrs. F. D. H.-.-,l. Goodlettsville;

Mrs. Sallie Kev. Baker; Mrs. Porter Kev, Baker; Mrs. Ella Johnson, Bak.r; \li-. W . \. I lamer,

Baker; .Miss Addie B. Padgett, Baker; ^frs. Allen Coggin, Baker; .Mrs. Il,^l^ Mniin. Haker;-Miss Naomi Martin, Baker; Miss l.oraine Shoat. Baker; Mrs. Marshall l)i.i|i.i. (. Ih iisville;

Miss Thelma Draper. Goodlctts\ill.-; \!i-. W. E. Tinnin. Goodlettsvill,-: Mr- I ..iui.l \lcGee,

Goodlettsville; .Mrs. M. Pike, G Ilni-^ illr ; Mrs. E. E. Grizzard, Good!, ii-mI,-: Mr-. HenryAdams, Goodlettsville; Miss Elsi,- \.l.,in-. C ll.ttsville; and Miss Julia .Spin In, k. G Il.iisville.

HKl.l.KX nW MAIL! \I!V

Tile Delleview .\Msiliar\ wa. ,a ..^ani/.-,l \| 7. I')!;;. ,,! i'.-l I,a i,-u . ul.lrli i-

twelve miles from \a-lnillr. ..n llai.liii^ i'lkr. Mi-. \. 1. \Mn ua- rli,,-ri! a-

Chairman of the au\ili.ii\ ami Mi-. II. 'Im Tiiiini. jr.. wa- In-ii u. i,,i . kniiiinL'

was done by this au.\ill,ii\: mu-liii dii— iiiu- wvn- mailc al-n. The lollnuiiiL' were

charter members:

Miss Adele Alexander. Mi- Marx I ail.r. \li- Kli/.il.. ll, ll,-\I,,-. Mi- K,an..- Harding,

Miss Sadie 11,-rrin, Miss Iva I.oii \Mu. \I,- \1,,

Susie Work. Miss Frances Farrar. Mi- i.i.i.. i..i

Mrs. S. .^. .>^hawl. Mrs. B. F. fiarl.i. \Ii. Iill.

Mrs. E. 1'. Horn. .Mrs. J. B. Hom^. Mi-. .^. I' II. i

J. A, Moselv. Mrs. A. 1. Mvhr. Mrs. W. W . .Mill

Mrs. Henry .Sadler. Mrs. James A. Easlc>. and Mr-. ,|..hii C.iddi-.

i;()i!i)i \i \ \i Mil \i:y

'Ihi- ISonlrai.x Auviliaiv. .ai llir livdr'- In i \ I'ikr. u,i- .a.j.mi/rd \,,\r,iilirr 21.

1017. with Mrs. Jones \,,ldiii a- Cli.iii iikim. Miv C. S. Ilmun .iiid Mi-. \l. \l. Crril

were instructors of kiiilliirj. a\u\ Mi-. Will Clnais and Mi-. I'.niiaid I rn-l,.| u.ild

were instructors in muslin dn— iiij-.

The meetings weic laid al llir Iimiim- .d Mi-. 1,. M. l.rui-. Tin- u.ak ,d llie

auxiliary consi.stcd in in.ikin^ llircr Inindird l.n l\ --r\rii .ihiloinin.il l.,iiid.i"r-. ,,iir

hundred twenty four-tail l)aridaj;e>. mic liiiiidnd lliiiU -i\ 1 1 laii._'iil,ii liandi.jr-. luo

hundred ten nianv-tailed bandages, i'oiii Inindird -i\ iil.illin...-. \\\\,;- Imndird -rNcnlv-

seven r.dled bandages, one thousand luu hnndird iwrnU-lu.. Iii-lai,l |,.irka'jr-.

fiflv-oiie pairs of so.-ks and >iiiM-l<-i-n -uralrr-. Tlir rliarln innnl.rr- nl llii- in.il

.Mrs. L. M. Lewis. Mrs. j. L. Lewis, .Mrs. Jaik l!ra\. \li-. I'.a-I I K dr. Mr-. ,1

Mrs. Enimell Hv.ic. Mrs. Brooks Butlenvortli. .Mrs. A. V, . Sirphn,-. Mi- |.,„r-

Netlie Hvde. Mrs. W. W. Ghappell, Mrs. Thomas .Snell. Mr- Jrl.n -mitl,. Mr- W.

n.- 1 n.



From left to right, bottom row: Mrs. Thomas Snell. Mrs. J. N. Noblin. Miss Ellen Siiell,

Miss Evelyn Stephens and Lady Audrey Noblin. Top row: Mrs. L. M. Lewis. Mrs. A. W.Stephens. Mrs. James L. Lewis. Mrs. Nettie L. Hyde and Mrs. A. A. Doak.

L. D. Maupin. Mrs. Will Hagev. Mrs. .Miller. Mrs. Josie Miller. Mrs. Robert Cato. .Mrs. Albert

McPherson. Mrs. W. J. Thompson. Miss Wendolen Hyde. Miss Ladv Grace Hvtie. Miss RuthHyde. -Miss Ellen Snell, Miss Madgelene Sudekum. Mrs. F. E. Pfeiffer. .Mrs. Thomas Snell, and.Mrs. Jennie Torian.


The Donelson Auxiliarv. six miles from Nashville on the Leiiaiion Pike, was or-

ganized Jime 25, 1917, with Mrs. Craig McFarland as Chairman. This unit raised

a large fund in tlie first Red Cross Campaign. They held weekly meetings at the

home of Mrs. McFarland and made hospital garments from material furnished hy

the Central workroom.

vorkers and members in this auxiliary:

»urtli. ^Ils. Will Griswold. Mrs. Harry Nichol,

\li~, I Ih.inas DeMoss. Mrs. Sam Sweeney, Mrs.MnlM, liusenfield.

DaNi.lMm County. Mrs. McFarland per-

th from headquarters for this unit.

The following women were pioneer

Mr.s. Craig McFarland. Mrs. James WlMrs. S. J. Ballentine. Mrs. Edward Lani. .

H. C. Criswell, Mrs. Annie Wright, and \li

This was one of the banner units

sonallv conveyed materials back and f


The Donelson Emergency Auxiliary was organized in May, 1918. with Mrs. B.

E. Spain as Chairman and Mrs. John Woodward as Instructor. Meetings were held

at the home of Mrs. L. W. Lane, and the auxiliary made muslin dressings. At a

large lawn fete given under the auspices of this unit several hundred dollars was

raised to purchase materials for the work. The charter members of this auxiliary



Mrs. B. E. Spain, Chairman: Mrs. L. W. Lane. Secretary: Mrs. I. Benedict, Mrs. R. J. Ben-son, Mrs. ^^alcom Benson, Mrs. D. D. Marler. >rrs. T. C. Crockett. Mrs. W. M. Crockett, Mrs.O. W. Crockett, Mrs. A. F. Stanford, Mrs. Edgar Keeling. Mrs. Stanley Fuqua, Mrs. J. H. Comp-

D.ninso.x cm \TY novEy i\ r in- aoRi.n iriR. 1011-1919

:m.\ \; \ii.iAia. ,. ,,. '.. ,.i!.,ki.i,.-

Bullom row. kit lu lifilu: Mrs. li. K. Spain. Mrs. Slanl.v !• iiqiia. Mrs. J. W . T. Dahbs. Mr.s.

D. D. .Marlcr. Sc.-..rul ruw : Mrs. L. W. I.aii.'. Miss Krankic Cninploit. Mrs. T. C. Cro.kelt..\rr.s. W. M. Cro.kclt. Tliinl row: Mrs. .'s. A. ISass. Mrs. Kiliiar K.-elin-. Mrs. .\i.l.rov .Swan.

Ion. Mrs. Branllcv liovd. .Mrs. Will Hiillin-lon. Mrs. J.-ssi,- Mor;;ai. Horn... Miss Marfan-'.McCampli.-ll. .Miss Krankir Com i. Miss Anna Kinal.lo. Miss Marfrart-t Binkl.v. .Miss LoriMU-Wliitworlh. .Miss H,ssi<- HoN.I. .Miss Jonnell,- I'roctor. Miss Ida Kidlev. Miss .Mack Uidley. .Miss

Anna Hidi.-v. Miss Delia Morsian. .Miss Marv Dean Baird. .Miss .Marv ijranilev. .Mrs. EdfrarIVnson. and .Mrs. A. Coodl.lt,-.

KASTl.WI) \l \ll,l \i;^

llic l-a>llaii(l Au.xiliarv was urj;aiii/(il Aii^u-t Id. I

Mrs. K. B. Mitchencr as Chairman, Mrs. Ross as Sn n i.

as Instructor. During pioneer days of this orjiaiii/aiim

due* and bought their own materials for tlie iiiu>liii

supplied with materials from Iti-d (iross llra(li|iiarl(i-.

clotlis. The charter members were:

>rrs, R. B. MiUluim. Chairman; Mrs. Thomas Hak.r. Instrn

S. Ross, Mrs. F. F. (;rain!:.-r. Mrs. Gillrm. Mrs. Cole. Miss MaAdams. .Mrs. C. T. Bass. Mrs. H. .M. Bai.;:li. Mrs Thomas Si

James Sloan, Mr.s. William .Norlhom. and Mrs. Barlo-ld.

.I.H,,.-. \I,s, M..1.-. \1.-. \,„i II.

\l. \lo,„,. \|,..

(;(K)1)Li;tts\ 11,m; \i \i

The Goodlettsville Auxiliary of ilir llnj Ciu--

with .Mrs. J. J. Ransom as Chairman I |m.ii \Ii-.

letlsville she was succeeded as Chaiim.in l.\ Mi-. ^.

for this unit, which was one .d iIh- no.-i a.iur

variety of work and was one IhiiiiIhiI \<r\ icni rlli

anfl presented to their home l"i\- |p\ lin- (:lia|ilci

shirts and muslin dressings from malciiaU fiiniisli

Nashville Red Cross Headquarters.

Mrs. J„hn Wondard an.I Miss All.,- Crrlrn.j.'

nnil. «hi.h raisc.l il- .,un fiin.ls |., ,„ak.- tu,-„ls-|..


as organized June 22, 1917,

aiisom's removal froin Good-NX ilhoite. wh,. acted as Ica.ler

kr....m. at

r- .d- lliis

„l s,.v,.imI

D A V I D S N C U N T Y IF M EN IN T II E IT R L D WA R. I 9 I 4-1 9 I


Mrs. J. J. Ransom was pioneer cluiinnan. Mrs. S. H. Wi|.

hoite succeeded lier.

to the liefunecomfort bags. Tliis unit was a lart^e coi

made a large number of handkercliiels. I

outfits for refugee women to the value (

tributed by charter members who held tl

The following were charter members of the Goodlettsville Chapter

d socks

uur hi dnilal.

t Ihf il.

Clothing Fund and

id wash rags. New\ne made and con-

c of Mrs. Wilhoite.

Mrs. Martha House. Mrs. R. E. Travis, Mrs. J.

Cuniiiiisihain. Mrs. Nannie Grizzard, Mrs. Robert C

Willi-. \li- (....rtie Watkins, Mrs. Ben Cunningli

Ail- III I. nil. Mrs. Robert Patton, Mrs. J. H. It.

.\li-- In.- li . Miss Penny Sniilev. Mrs. E. (..

KouncN. .\ll^^ Irene Cole, ^rr«. CcrLT W. .lark.nn

E. T. Cunningham. Mrs. ,1. ^. I'.n. Mi-. I'mv..||.

Mrs. Brown. Mrs. B. F. .I..1.I.11.. \li- I . n v„, ,],.,.

Mrs. .';. J. Wilhoite. Mrs. \m,.i |;,I, .\1,-.

1 I;. I;;in

Mk. Will \Uri-. Ml-. Dii.ll.A |m,„.-. Ml-. I II., 1'.,^

!. CartwTight, Mrs. J. K. Taylor, Mrs. Sallie

irtwriaht. Mrs. .">allie Herman. Mrs. HarveyIII. Ml-. Kn-,,,, Diaki. Ml-. .1. R. Harris.

-rn, . Ml- t.l.iiir 1;,,-,,,,. \h-- kate Lassiter.

1. III. .11. Ml-. II, .1,1.. (..ill,,, Mill. Mrs. J. W..Mr.-. l;..ljrrl .l.,Mi.i. Ml- Will Peay. Mrs.

li- I i.in-nce Morris.

M.ii \ trances Jones.

. Ml-. Kate Herman,

Mrs. B. C. WakMrs. T. L. Drak-.,m. Mr^. S. 11.

,.. Ml-, i:. 1;, Mliiinii,. M,-, W ,


.« tiern,


1;. Lee,


is. Mrs.


Mr.-. C. W. Kmyhl. Ml-. \{.n .\1..( :a-llaii.|, Mr>, Kal.^ l,.„,ll,^. Mi- I illi.' ( i.,-»

Williams, Mrs. John Burklin. Miss .41ma Moore, Mrs. Frank White. .Miss Vale

Mira Scruggs, Miss Mary Grizzard, Mrs. Jim Phipps, Mrs. G. 0. Bachman. at



The Hadley"s Bend Auxiliary was organized on June 21. 1917. with Mrs. Liv-

ingston Hadlev as Chairman. This unit was not long in existence, because the homes

of many of the members were sold to the Government for the construction of the

"Old Hickory Powder Plant." which became the largest in the world. During the

active work of this unit money for the wool used by the members in knitting was

raised bv them bv voluntarv contributions and bv other means. The charter niem-

Mrg. Livingston Hadley. Chairman; Miss Martha Turner. Treasurer; Miss Hallie C. Turner.

Secretary; Miss Annie E. Hadley. Miss Katherine Hadley. Mrs. J. G. Turner. Miss Leolla Robin-

son, Mrs. Tillie Wade Hadley, Mrs. D. B. Dismukes. Miss Beulah York, and Mrs. Edward May.




First row. left to riaht: Miss Rachel Smith, Mrs. William Cunningham. Mrs. Jesse Tyler,

Mrs. Margaret Henderson Hutchinson. Mrs. W. E. Stoneham. Mrs. W. L. Baker, Mrs. G. A.

Henderson. Second row: Mrs. John T. Henderson, Mrs. Edward B. Craig. Ji

Buntin (Jane Bern" I . and Mrs. M. -\. Henderson.

Mr Charles A.


" Sara Weher, Miss Elizabeth Fuller. Mss Annie Murphy, Miss Dorothy

11. Mrs. Frank D. Fuller, Mrs. W. G. Hutcliison. Mrs. H. P. Meredith, Mrs.

riaret Bennett, Mrs. George Henderson, and Mrs. Rachael Smith.


The Jordonia Auxiliary, on the Hvde's Ferry Pike, was organized in October,

1917, with Mrs. J. H. Drake as Chairman and Mrs. Charles S. Brown, Mrs. K. T.

McConnico and Mrs. William Core as instructors in knitting. Mrs. William Cherry

and Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald were instructors in surgical dressings. This auxiliary

met each week at the home of Mrs. E. C. Correll. A lawn party was given by this

unit and funds were raised for the work.

Tlie following women were charter members and eificient and active workers

througliout the war:

Mrs. J. H. Drake. Chairman; Mrs. W. W. Chappell. Mrs. Flinloll lluni. \li-. lini,, ,|.,idon,

Mrs. W. -M. Hard, Mrs. Ella King, Mrs. William Setters. Mrs. In-, i ll,ini!iuij. \li- \lattie

Fletcher, Mrs. W. W. Core, Mrs. Henry Spann, Mrs. Martha BiallM„. \1,- l;, --,, ( Im^tian,

Mrs. J. W. Drake. Mrs. Robert Cato. Mrs. R. S. West. Mrs. E. C. Cui.. II. and Mi.-> l,iu~Me L.



The Linton Auxiliary, eighteen miles on the Harding Pike, was organized March,

1918, with Mrs. E. C. Joslin as Chairman, and Mrs. Byron Martin as Instructor.

This unit made flat muslin dressings and knitted articles. The following womenwere workers and charter members in the auxiliary:

Mrs. E. C. Joslin, Chairman; Mrs. Byron Martin. Instructor: Mrs. C. D. Breedlove. Mrs.

Charles Joslin, Mrs. J. D. Allen, Mrs. William Linton. Mrs. Hooper Linton, Mrs. David Pinker-

ton, Mrs. John Stinson. Mrs. Rome Hannah, Mrs. Louis Joslin. .Mrs. A. W. Allison. .Mrs. JamesSmith, Mrs. 0. A. King, Mrs. L. F. Joslin, Miss Marie Lou Pinkerton, Miss Louella Linton,

(161 )

DAI IDSO\ C.OISTY IT O M E \ / V THE WORLD WAR. 1 " ! 11 1 9

WOKKKltS IN ,|()K1)0M\ Al XILIARY. \. K. <:.

Fir-I n,». l.-ft I„ ri^lil: Miss l!.-llii- .I„linsM.,. Mrs. Hettir ,|..i.l..n. \1,-. I.„„r- W ray, Mrs.

J, I). Ilv.l.-. Mrs. W. W. Core. Mrs. \\ . \1. .S.|l,-rs. Svr,md ru» : \l,v K. K. ( ..,,,11. Mrs. Isaac

.W-wlin.'Mrs. Bessie Clirisliaii, Mrs. .1. W . I)r.,k,-. Mr>. II. K. KI.Mi,,. \liv W.W

.( ;1kiim"-I1.

Thinl r.,«: Miss Alyne Jordun. Mr>. .1. A. .j,.!,,,-..,,. M,-. W . M. Il.n.l. \l,s- W.,,:,,,- W.ih,,,,.

anil Mrs. .1. Ui>n Thompson.

Miss .sa.ii,- .-^cluilTn an. Miss Lillie Scluiflman. .Nfiss Emma Smitli. \li- r.-i-ir,. Ci.-. i. \li-~ 11,1, mi

Ipsetk-r. Miss Marjorie Jn-iin. Mrs. K.i. Yourre. Mrs. D. E. Mrl'h. r^..n, Miv .1. A. I.inl.,n.

.Mrs. Steven I psetler. an.l Mr.. -. ^. \l..rl„n.

Mrs. Byron Martin scrvr.l a~ inMrurl,,r ,,! knillinj: ,,f lliis unil. as uell as ihc

Surgical Dressings Departnnnl.

LOCI .<! (.I.IA \1 Mil \I;Y

The Lonist Clrn \u\lllar\ ua- .a-ani/r,! \1.,n. I'M;;. ui||, M,.. W \. I,a/eiiliy

as Chairman .iri.l \li-. I!..!..,! Clnrk a- I i.-l i n. I,., . Tlir l,,lal u..,k nl ll,,. ..uMliarv

consisted of niakiriL' Inui liiirnhr,! rv'U\ m.II,-,I |,an(k,,"r-. ninr luiiMlir.l l,ll\-.rM.n

plaitings, six hundred seventy-niiic firslaid i>ags. I hi- (h.irhi iiiiiiiKri ~ vmmc:

Mrs. T. N. Lazenby. Chairman: Miss .Susie (;arner. .Se,l.l.^^ .mmI I,.,,-,,,.,: Miss Zula

Gardner. Mrs. Shannon MayfieUl. Mrs. Rhoda Hunt. Mrs. .1. M \1..,, I \l,. k. Osborne.

Mrs. Oliver Binpham. Mr.s. II. M. I,"v.ll. Mrs. Joe CartwTifihl. Mi^. Kmuiki llii.il. Mrs. Dan

Alavfield. Mrs. Emily Gardner. \1.-I I < arney. Miss Gladys CariirN. \1,~. K. I.. Tml'^.H. Mrs.

Andrew Mavrhe. ^^rs. .lames (,.,i.. „„l \l,-. Tom B. Lazenby.

Ii; \ \-<ll\ 11, Li. CI! M'TLK. \. K. C

I.MOirJ .11 Ma<

\1,-. L. !!. I).

\1 \l)l-()\ \l \ILI W'A

Thr Ma.li-..|, \umIi.,ix. ulii

Pike. wa.s organized June 1. I''

A. J. Over as Instrii. l,„. Tlii^ au\ili,n\-~ rnrnii.n- hrl,l llirn rrn

son schoolhousc, an.l iheir umk r,,„M-lr,l ,,! makn.j Hal nui^lin

lowing pioneers worked willi ihi- iinil:

Mrs. E. R. Doolitlle. ChairnM.,; M.^. W . II. ll,uM-,.n. Mi-. ( \l. \i

Anderson. Mrs. L. I'. Bellah. Mr>. Ii. E. liixl.r. \ljs> Ophia l!i\l.., M.- W ^,:u,^. \li- ( C.

Hannah. Mrs. W. II. Harris<,n. Mrs. C. L. Jones. Mrs. J. M. I .n,„i. \l,- i; I \la^l,.l,l Mrs.

II. S. Morris. Mrs. E. Z. Carlwright. Mrs. L. S. Doolitlle. Mrs. I i; I lull. \li- I .1 H-iris.

Mrs. W. E. Davis. Mrs. W. W. Fercuson. Miss Nina Eerpu-un. \li- II.um ( .. . \l,- Minnie

Oe \lri-. E. L. Morris. Jr.. Mrs. T. O. Morris. III. Mr-. T. II, M. \i-l,. M,-, \ll,.il Knhms.

Mrs. Amelia Staines. Mrs. T. M. Slii.-ld-. Mrs. C,-,.. W . Siii.-lil-. Mi-. Sioiie. Mr-. Tiiinli'e. and

.Mrs. (.. II. Woodruff.

( ir>2 )

nn.in and Mrs.

.- .11 llir Madi-

in.-. Thr lid-


Sawyer. SecondAmanda V. Morgan


Tlie Mount View Auxiliary, twelve miles from Nashville, on the Murfreesboro

Pike, was organized May 30. 1918, with Mrs. R. T. Rucker as Chairman and Mrs.

A. J. Dyer as Instructor. Meetings were held at the schoolhouse, and the work con-

sisted in making first-aid bags. The following women were charter members of this


Mi-s. Dave Woodall, Mrs. J. R. Hibbett, Miss Belle Hibbett. Miss Martha P. Woodall. Miss

Nannie Carothers, Miss Claire Rucker, Miss Mary Hibbett. Mrs. B. R. Hibbett. Mrs. R. S.

Carothers, and Miss Hattie Carothers.


The New Hope .Auxiliary, seven miles from Nashville, on the Hillsboro Road,

was organized April 23, 1918, with Miss Amanda V. Morgan as Chairman and Mrs.

James I. Vance as Instructor. This unit sewed on hospital garments, which they

obtained already cut at the Chapter headquarters. They met at the schoolhouse

and had the following charter members:

Miss Amanda V. Morgan, Mrs. E. W. Farley. Mrs. Emerson Horton. Mrs. Thomas Lazenby.

Jr., Miss Grace Sawyer. Mrs. W. J. Carson. Mrs. Thomas Lazenby. Miss Effie Rucker. and Mrs.

Abe Sawyers.


Th? Oglesby Auxiliary, nine miles on the Edmonson Pike, was organized in

July. 1918, with Mrs. Marshall Polk as Chairman and Mrs. George F. Blackie as

Instructor. This auxiliary made twenty-four quilts for convalescent soldiers in the

army camps and fifty pajama suits. They raised the funds to buy material at a

barbecue given by the charter members, at which time they cleared over five hun-

dred fifty dollars. The charter members were:

.Mrs. James. K. Raines. Mrs.Hi,

Mrs. Marshall Polk. Chairman: Mrs. John Hill. Secreta

Billie Hill, Mrs. John Holt, Mrs. Arthur D. Fitzgerald. Mrs.James. K. RainesEdmondson. Mrs.


DAI- ID so.\ COiyTY r O .1/ f V /.V THE WORLD WAR. m U-l 9 I 9

Drumwright. Mr>. J,.^,-|.li M.-Mali...i. Mr-. M. I. \\.,ll,i, \li-, 11, .li Willi,,,,,-. M,-. K„,,\ \\.ir,.„.

.Mr*. W. II. \Villi;.Mi>. Mr>. J.,l.n \1. \\,lli..„i-. \1,- .1. K. \\,,ll.,. \1,- M,,., (,i„,„l,-. \1,-

Gambill. Miss .N,-ll Hill. .\lis> L.-li,- Wall.-,. \1,- >,i.l,. W ,I1,,li„-. \1,-, ~.,,m„ I I.„ ,I,„i,,„. M,-Irma WalU-r. Miss Kli/al.,-tli I'liillip-. Mi- \l,,ii..i, \1. \l,lla„. \li- \h,n l'l,,lli|,.. \I,-. >. Thai-

man. .Mrs. M. .\. Bn.oks. .Mrs. G. Vi'. Carmical. .Miss Carrie Hill. .Mrs. Waller Jor.laii. Mrs. C. E.

.\llev, .Mrs. Will Caldwell. -Mrs. H. I'. I'liillips. Mrs. D. L. Leeds. Mrs. M. 11. McMillan. Mrs.

J. W. Mavs. Mrs. II. G. Hill. .Mrs. W. n. Carnes. Miss Sara Fitzgerald. .Mrs. W. H. Williams,

.Ir., and ^rrs. .'^. P. Tiirrontine.

i'\.^(,»i (I \i Ml. I \in

The Pasqiio AuxiliaiA. lilt.-,,, inilr. tmn, \a-l,Mllr. ,„, ih,' llanlin.^ I'ikr. u as

organized in .Novcmlicr. I'M7. vsilh Mi-. .1. I!. Mil,- a- (^haiinian and \li-. MInTt

Britt, Mrs. Marcellu* Fr.,.sl and Mi.s.s Saiah Shaiui.m a- In-hu,!.,,-. \\,Tkl\ intH-

ings were held in the Fasquo schoolhouse, and a Inial dl lliicr llmn-and lirst-aid

bag.s and four hundred plaitings. Iie.sides l)andagis. ^^^lal(r- and -ml-, wen- turned

in from this unit. Charter members (if this a(ti\c and illi< i.ni uoikinu unit were:

Mrs. .\. K. Bnmn. .Mrs. W. J. MrCr..,,. \li-. l.„l., K,,|„„-..„. M,-. O.i.ll l',,li-. Mrs. Jim

iVach. Mrs. J.du. IVaeli. .Mrs. Ella Maxs. Mr-. l!l,,.,rl, \1,1,-. M,-. Will,.,,,, (;.,rla,i,l. Mrs. AdaEnsev, -Mrs. W . A. Koreliand. Mrs. T.,in l).,rri-. Mi- (Ha l',.li-. M,- 1 ,//„ I'oieliand, .Miss

Tabit'ha Miles. Mrs. .Matlie .MeCrorv. -Mrs. A. 1). 11, .nil..,, I. Mr-. \,,ni.> I ,,,l Mrs. .1. T. Potts,

Mrs. Tom Barnes. Mrs. Elsie Smith. Mrs. C.li,- I'.,,. I,. M,-. .1. K. M.n.ii. Mr-, .leniiie Ensey.

.Mrs. .Mollie Ivev. Mrs. .Maiul Sawyers. Mrs. ll.iii,.. \.,„.J,.,. M,- (,,il,.,,n. I',.rel,and. .Miss

Mollie Peach. Miss Mai Anderson, .Miss Ola M,,, l'..li-. Mi- M.i-,. (^.ll.^. M,-- I.orene

Wright. Miss Edith I'otls, Miss Ida Crallon, Mi- i:i,/,,l.. il, 11,..«„. M,- M„,i \l.,i Brown.Miss Jennie Pits Brc^n. Mi-s Lillian Wright. M,- I ,i„., IL.v, Mi- Ia,, l'..n-. .„,,l Miss Pearl


1,1. 1,\ IMIl I)|^II!K:T

,,- ,, i;,-,l (a..- \uMli,H\ .nid a- a

III,- . U\ I., ..ru.iiii/, t,.i l!,-<l (a,,-s

111,- 1 1.- ..I \h-, U, \l, DiidlrN ,,11

l.,-ui- I , lli.lirr were elertod joint

, iMnlhii;-. ,111,1 making refugee gar-

,-—,-- wi-Yi- I 111 lied in to ii('a<l(iuarters.

iIm-1-, I„.|Ii adiill ami iniii,,r, did a

inl.rr- in, I ii,l,-,l


Mrs. Matlie Adams, Mrs, ,I..-.-|.l, M..„lji,ii„,-, ^ , Mi-. W. 1. I,..i„,,n. Mi-. ( l,;irl,- h-rguson.

Mrs. J. T. Benson, Mrs, Davi,! K,..-. Mr-. \l,,iil,.u i.,ll,.,„,. M,-. il,..,,,.,- l!ii„.K. Mr-. F. L.

Schardt. Mrs. Wilherspoon Hav,-. Mi-. K. ,.l (.,i„ili.i-. Mi- I i.i„k --,,,a,, il. \I,-, Reuben

Dunbar. Mrs. Herbert S. Bell. Mr-, L,-v^i- Biiil.i, Mi-, 1'., (.. K. ..,„. Mi-, I..- (a,-,:..iy. Mrs.

J. M. Bonner. Mrs, J. M. .'^anders. Mrs, IbTin.ii, II, n. M,-. W ,11,;,,,, r.l,,,.k,„-l,,|.. Mrs. Bush

Sneed. Mrs, O. P. Hampton. .Mrs, O. H, Clarks,.,,. M,-. li, I. Lin.n. Mi-. .1. n, i I, irk. Mrs,

R, F. Williams. Mrs, Harrv Lee. Mrs, Andrew Dmal. Mi- I,,,. -1 W.iii-. Mi-, \i,t^„- M, l.aughlin,

Mrs. Ben Doswell, Mrs, 11,-nrv Fn-nch. Mi-. Mar\ K. Ii..i,i.,„. M,- Kl. ,,,,.., ( l,,>k. Mi-s MaryOverton. Miss |ew,l \!,-ad..»-, Mr-. J, ,\, TMi,-r. Mrs. I-..I I

-. M,- ( W H. .,„, Mi-. Jennie

Winston. Mrs, William Hall, Mr-. I!. M. nii,ll,-\, Mr-. .l..l,„ W,IK.,,.I. M,- l|.,,i,.,,, 11,11. Miss

Dora Benson, Mi- Ma.x la,,.- M,( .,,^,-r. Ml- Kva ll.-,i.l. M,- jjh.l l„-i..n. ,,.,.1 M,-- Kalhcrinc



Mrs. J. H. Zarecor I Jennie Msbet ) was Chairman of lliis unit, and the pioneer

members were


jMrs. Isabelle Clarke, Mrs. Corneille Foard, Mrs. James Bailey (Lily Beaumont), Mrs. L. H.Davis (Anna Bruce), Mrs. B'rank Siemens (Hallie Colman), Mrs. J. Knox Hume (Sallie

Foard), Mrs. W. J. Holman. Mrs. Emiline Burns, Mrs. L. F. Davis (Bessie Sawrie), Miss FannyO'Bryan, Miss Agnez Zarecor, Miss Maria Slemmons, and Mrs. Mattie Coggins.

Mrs. Zarecor personally knit a sock a day, in addition to other articles, while

this unit was in existence, which was only during the summer months.


Tlie first unit in surgical dressings formed after the certificates were awardedwas organized at Ridgetop by Mrs. S])encer McHenry (Carrie Hoyt ) among the

summer residents, practically all of whom were Nashville women. The work of this

unit was so uniformly perfect tliat the muslin bandages turned in by them at the

Red Cross Headquarters were used as samples for other units then beginning to be

organized, Mrs. McHenry having had wide experience in this line as director of a

French Red Cross unit before the Nashville Chapter was formed. Charter memberswere


Mrs. Len F. Davis (Bessie .Sawrie), Mrs. Snencer McHenry (Carrie Hovt), Mrs. T. C. Kags-clalr (A.l.-lr Armstrong I. Mrs. Georiie C. Durv (Kat.- Walkinsi. Mrs. Thomas For.l.. (Alii,- High-l.iiiiii. Mi-. l-.i|.,-lle Clark (Belle I'lnnknn. \li~- lv.,lli,Mn.- UriM. Mi~. i. kM,.\ IIiiiim- ( Sallie

Ko.imI' \Ii- I T. Foard, Mrs. Tliu,,,;,- ( laik-n„ d;, --„ \\,l-n„.. \.|,-. v.,,,, k ||,nu.i|. Mrs.

.lam-- I.' Invr I Mary Hooper), Mr-. .I:niir-. II.uNa iliihan 1^ iii I'. \li-- lli.alnil, /ar.-cor,

Mr.s. Jeniii, .\,.-l„'ii Zaivr,,, i\l,-. J. II. ). and Mi» EUn, Davis.


The Scottshoro Auxiliary, on the Hyde"s Ferry Road, was organized Feliruary.

1911!. with Mrs. W. D. Armstrong as Chairman and Mrs. K. T. McConnico as In-

structor. The work of this auxiliary consisted of knitting and making muslin dress-

ings. The charter members were:

Mrs. C. L. Scott. Miss Lillian S<„tt. Mrs. T. M. .Nnit. Mrs. Alva Scit. Mrs. Lucian Scott,

Mrs. Orma Simpkiiis. Mr- In, \r,,i. \|,- liM«,n-l..i,. Mi- \aM Ihiunrjlun. M,-- I ,.,,|a Mmiikins,Mrs. S.J.Taylor. Mi-. II. ..I ImIi;.!!, Mi-- ( iilir M.iiili.u-. Mi-- IMnh (innx. M,-.. ReinsHyde, Mrs. H. Cam. a. Mi-- \I I l'..!. \li-, I. l;. Xnn- -, Mi-. \l..lli.- .viin|,kins. Mrs.W. L. Armstrong. Mi.. J. T. Dicksm,. Miss Lunk- Taxi..,, and .Miss Louis,- .-s,-,,!!.


The Seifried Auxiliary, located on the Hyde's Ferry Road, was affiliated with

the junior activities of the Red Cross, and was entirely self-sustaining. Miss Eliza-

beth Bush was instructor, and the work of this unit consisted in making quilts, com-fort pillows, substitute handkerchiefs. The Seifried unit gave benefit entertainments

and purchased its own materials with the proceeds. The pioneer members were:

Miss Elizabeth Bush, Miss Irene McElroy, Mrs. Geo. White, Mrs. J. U. Putman, Mrs. R. P.Reasonover, Mrs. R. M. Hudson. Mrs. Will Cotton, Mrs. Otto Hackerbiel. Mrs. Lampley, .Mrs.

Harris, .Mrs. Dortch, Miss E. Bell. Miss Maxie Claiborne, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Jim Nichol, MissAgnes Nichol, Mrs. Neighbors. Mrs. Carney, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Matlock, Mrs. Langford, Mrs. Oliver,Mrs. Helton, Mrs. C. M. Smith. Mrs. C. SuUins. Mrs. Richmond, Miss Hudson, Mrs. Sadler,Mrs. Green, Mrs. Noland, and Miss Clara Bumpass.

I IfiS)

lj;l IDSOS COl .\TY ITOMF\ I .\ THE WORLD WAR. 1 1 41 9 1



J. WVKh. Jr.. Mjs. W. M. Waller, Mrs. C. W. Wilk.-r.^on,

Supervisor iif Knilliiif;, and .Mrs. .\. J. Sliellon, Chairman of Linil. Second row: Mrs. Ilenley

Harris, .Mrs. Reese Smith, .Miss Annie Seat. Miss Tennessee Tucker. Mrs. Thomas D. Chaml)ers

and Mrs. W. H. McMurrav. .'^ex-retarv and Treasurer of Unit. Third row: Mrs. .1. D. Boring.

^rrs. Henrv Jones, Mrs. .Martin Go..drieh. Mrs. J. H. .Seat. Mrs. M. T. C Iiirh and Miss MaryLee Lunn.

Tl SCI I.IM \r\ll,l \HY

The TuMiilu,,, AiiNiliaiv. rvjM mil.. ,,,,

Tiisciilum Cliunli on April 2.i. I')i;i. uilh \l

^'. H. Mc.Murray as Secretary and Trea.stm i

siir<rical tlressinjr.s. This unit did a jrrcai '

sewinp: <n hospital {rannents, the itieinbers m,

containers and other surjiical. handajies. II

and a larjre number of sheets and pillowca-i

at the Slate Fair, by uhicti s,.ven hiindrnl li

was fjiven by them, and uilli llir pK" rcil- lln

four layettes for Fremh Ip.iliie.-- wen iii.nli- ,ii

coterie of patriotic pioneer wcrkei> im liidnl

Mrs. Thomas Calhoun. Chairman: Mr- LI W .


Mrs. Ilenrv Jones. Mrs. Georce Joms. \l,- (. \

Wilkerson. Mrs. I'rire Holt. Mrs. Lee li:ini- \l.-

Mavs. Mrs. T. R. Horini. Mrs. Henl.^ M.iin- \1

Mar> Bruee Calhoun. Mrs. T. M. G In. I, \l,v

Brvant Reeves. Mrs. Ilenrv Chamhers. \li- I' kMrs. Will Waller. Mrs. K. M. MrPher...... \li- II..

Cochran. .Mrs. Latimer. Mrs. Clarenre \\,,l|., \li

Minnie Goodwin, Miss Mariah Calhoun. \li-- \.iii

Mabel Baker. Miss Tennie Tucker, Mi-- I u. ^ 11.

Ada Brown, Miss .Mary Lee Loomi.s, an.l \l,- W . I

This auxiliary accf!m])Iished roiili- ili ii pworkin- forces.


j..liii WUn,k.

A. WrUI,.



1 4-1 9 1



Fir..t nnv. l-ft to right: Mrs. F. [, F.n,l:iinr. \I,<. Wn- Gaines. Mrs. W. L. Earlhman. MissIli^ I I. iiiumI. Mrs. A. E, McCiM.I. \li- l ..um I; l;, \J. Mrs. Oscar Carney. Second nnv; Miss|i|l|"^ I MMKune. Mrs. A. P. (on,;. II. \l,- i. .:.,'. llnnter. Mrs. F. A. Graves. Mrs. Lulie

iiM V \l,- Dan Campbell and Mi- \1,im Kiln, F..i,laiiie.

dressings. This auxiliarv turned out an average of two luindreil first-aid hags andtwo hundred alidoininal liands each week. The following women were pioneer



Ml-. Will K:,,i ,. M,- II. v.. ^1, .:,,,„,. M,- K.l i;,iii.,. \1,- F,,l Hill. M,. Will M,„a,i. Miss.M.i-i" \I..,,i,,. \|,- i;,,|„.,i \|,.,,u.,,il„,. \l,- W, K \„l„,|-,,,,. \l,- \\,^,^,, II.,,,,-. .Miss

Fkui,,- \M ,-i,-, \Ii-- \la,^ I. ,,,,,,„, Ml-- ^„-i,' \l,i,l,.d. \l,- II i; v«, „„!,,_ \l,, ( omb.s,

Ml" \n., W Iai,l. \l,- Tiail. \l,-. IImI,. \Ii- I l,.i,lr- sa,i,„. \|,. \ V, T, ,„„„,„-, \1,-. FrankSmith. Mrs. J„e Brrnl. Mr.. Ben TvN-r. Mrs. Jes.i,. Myrick. Mrs. Rnhrrt llcitun. .Mr.-. Swinnev.and .Mrs. A. E. Mc.Malion.


The White's Creek Auxiliary was organized in July. 1917. with Mrs. CountBoyd as Chairman, Miss Nell Earthman as Treasurer, and Miss Mary Ellen Fontaine

as Secretary. Mrs. S. S. Crockett and Mrs. W. A. Bryan were the organizers. This

unit met each Friday at the Alex Green Church and sewed all day, many of the

ladies bringing their sewing machines with them. At the Community Fair they hada booth to raise money to buy more sewing machines. One member donated a calf

to be sold at the fair for this fund. The first five dozen bed sheets made by themwas a gift to the Nashville Chapter. Red Cross. Later the materials W'ere secured at

the Central workroom. Three hundred ninety-seven hospital garments were madeby the members, who also knitted a large number of articles of which no record

was kept. Mrs. 0. L. Grimes did a large and efficient amount of knitting, for whichshe received a service stripe from the Red Cross. This unit was also at the top in

results accomplished. The following were charter members:

Mrs. Count R. Boyd. Mrs. D. J. Campbell, Mrs. Lizzie Carney, Mrs. A. P. Connell. Mr*.E. E. Drake. Mrs. W. L. Earthman. Miss Nell Earthman. Mrs. W. Freeman. Mrs. F. J. Fontaine,Miss M. E. Fontaine, Miss Courliu^ F,.iilaiiM . Mi- Cailuii,,,. Foiiiaiiio Mi- \ i; CravesMrs. F. S. Graves, Mrs. 0. L. Cnni,-. \l,-- IMnl, C, -. \li- r,,-,lal..' (.11,,,.-. \li-. T. E.Hale. Mrs. Estelle Harris. Miss Fli/al.nl, H.,i,,-. \l,- (,..a^,. ||i,,,i,,. \|,, I nal, llnnter.Miss Maggie Hunter, Mrs. T. J. k.iii..i,. \h-. i;. .\. \l.(,,,,l, \|i-. \|lai, Milln \li— HelenNeuhoff, Miss Catherine Neuhoff. Mrs. J. B. KnljerK. Miss Ilettie Treppard. Mrs. B. G. Tucker.Miss Mattie Walker, and Miss Ethel Williams.

( 167 )

D I I I DSO Y C O INT Y IT M F. .V /A' THE If OR I. I) K A R. I ') I l-l 9 I 9

lloiiic Service Section, Nashville Cli.i

J. (',. Cki:vki.in(.. Jh.. Cliairnuin

Miss Evi:i.\\ (:viiiii\(.roN. Exccuiive Sen

\. R.C.

The Home Service Section of llie Nashville Chapter. A. R. C. was organized in

the spring of 1917. with J. G. Creveling. Jr.. as Chairman. The committee was

composed of James H. Parkes. Dr. J. Paul Harvill. John H. DeWitt. Miss NanDorsev. and Mrs. (Claude I). Sullivan. The oflice in the ('hamher of CommerceIniilding was opened Januav 1. 1918. and Miss F.velyn Evans Carrington. social

.-( rvire worker, was secured as Executive Secretary. She.

with the clerical assistance of .Miss Ruhy Simpkins and

the aid of a few volunteers, conducted the work until

July. 1918. at whi<h lini- Miss Vir^'inia Howlett. an

experienced social umkri. uas added li> the fe.ree as a

salaried assistanl I.. \li-> Carrington.

The duty of the Home Seivice Se.lion was to care

for the families of the soldiers and sailors in any emer-

uciicv. and to guarantee their welM)i!nL' at all times so

that lamilv worries w.,uld n,>t he add :<1 lo ih .-iddier's


Not oidv (lid the llnme Service Deparlment of the

Nashville Chapter keej) up the morale of the soldier

while overseas and in the army camjjs. hul it main-

tained the e.sential standards of home life.

This section estahlished communicaticn between soldiers and their families

through odicial sources at Waihingtcn and in the various camps, wliere the families

would have been absoluttdy helpless. The department loaned nionev to families

pending the receipt of checks for allotments, and sr;ured

Bureau on matters which could not have been handled

bv the individual. Thev sent marriage and birth cer-

tificate.', to the Bureau in allotment cases, and \\i\es of

the soldiers were sent to the hospitals and cared hir al

childbirth. For cliildren of all Davidson Counlv sol

dicrs who were not fortunate enough to have a Sania

Clans otherwise, the Home Service Department acted a-

guardian angel, and ex-service men in the hospitals re-

ceived the same tender care. Tubercular wives of all

soldiers in service were sent to the hospitals and nurses

were |)rovided lo care for llir^ i liildren at home uliile

thev were awav. Busim^- < oiir-i~ were given member--

of s.ddiers" familie- b\ llii- .1. parlnient. which also

looked after lb.- cmfoil of M,l.lier<- u ive- ub.'n thev

first reached Nasbvilb- from llie allie,l eonnlrio.

Each of the Nashville Cbaplei'. (:i\llian Ibiief ,oNr-

vided a number of Nashville Nohintee,^ ub,. .Ii,l \aliial.le

ofTice until June. 1919. Tlie-e s ..boil.er- uere:

War I^sk

rp. Mr-, W;

D A V I D.SON C <) I A T Y If () M E ,V / .V T II E i< 1. 1> n A K. n I 1 1 '< I ''

Coles, Mrs. Heiirv Wasliiiif;!.

Mrs. Matt G. Buckner. Mi-Buford, Mrs. Arch Trawi.k. '

Mrs. H. H. Corson, Mr^. k.„,

Mrs. Florence Standaril, aiul >

l!a\liT. M

DAVIDSON COVNTY WOMEN IN Till: II (H< I. I) ll\l R. J 9 I t-l 9 I 9

Publicity Committee, Nashville Chapter, A. R. C.

Mks. H. H. CoKMiN. Chairman

Irs. H. H. Cmso(Sadie McGuire)

The work of the Publicity Department involved the publishing of certain bulletins

sent from National and Divisional Headquarters in newspapers and the posting of

these bulletins throughout Davidson County on specified dates. The committee was

held strictly accountable for the accuracy of all information given to the public,

and was responsible for keeping the name and emblem of the Red Cross from being

misused. This required the committee to be familiar with the personnel of each

department of the Chapter's work in its nine divisions and to know the varying

aspects of Divisional and National authorities and their relationship to each other

and to the chapters.

An average of eight hundred and six inches of copy per month was printed in

the daily papers of Davidson County. All copy, except telegraphic news and canteen

publicity, passed through this committee's hands, was edited and made acceptable to

the newspapers and delivered to the printing offices, night or day. as the issues re-


Intensive work was called for in special drives or unusual activities of anv de-

partment. The American Red Cross authorized its chapter "machinery"' to exploit

all other relief agencies.

The First Annual Report of the Nashville Chapter, A. R. C, 1917-1918, was part

of the routine work of the Publicity Committee.

D.ir I nso .\ COL yrv n o m k v / y r ii /; ;r o k i. d ir.t r. i9i ti 9 1


PuMisliiiig by word of mouth was done iti spetnhes before eivie. business and

advertising clubs. Clipping and permanent filing of ])ress notices was undertaken

systematically in May. 1918. and continued to the close of chapter activities.

Mrs. H. H. Corson was Chairman of Publicity in the \;isliville Chapter of the

i'u'd Cross from May to November. 1918. \ ice-("liairman and Acting Chairman from

I ebruary to Mav of the same year. She received the highest Red Cross award pre-

sented to administrative officers, as she had given the maximinn period of service

and the maximum number of hours. Mrs. Corson helil the following ofhces:

Correspondent for Tennessee for V. S. Committee mi I'lililic Information. (Jeorse

Creel: Woman's War Work Division. Clara --rar-. T.nin,. Im,,, Ma\ In \ujjusl.

1918: on State Publicity Staff of Tennesse.- Dimm..,,. W ..inan- ( .Minniii.v. (.mincil

of National Defense: Associate Kdil,.r of MonlliU War Bull, tin: A.-.M>taiil to Ten-

nessee Field Secretary (Paulin,- V. Willi, i-^iioon K for Southern Division. A. R. C,November and Dei'ember. 1917: c a-liii i al lieadijuarters and workroom of Nashville

Chapter. A. R. C. from Jnlv. 1917. I,, June. 1918: Kmergencv Committee. MotorCorps. Nashville Chapter. Red Cross: and I'oinMinute Speaker.

Members of the Publicity Commill.e of tiie Nashville Chapter. A. K. C... were:

Mrs. B. Kiric Hankin. Sp.-cial Cank-rn I'uljlicitv : Mrs. E. D. llallnck. Clerical ami Clipping;

.\riss Etiu-l While ami Mr<^. .Xrmslrung .Alien. Press Clippinps: Miss Maud Ballanl. I'ostcr Dis-

:ribulion; Miss .\nnie Mary Elliotl. Seraplx.dk; Mrs. John H. Ai.st. Knllelin Dislrilnilion; MissJulia Gre.-n. (^rls' Auxiliarv ami M.-mI.ers c.f Mnt(,r Corps: T,-le|.hone Cnmmillee, Mrs. W. C.

il.ifrman ami Mi-s Kli/abetii r.\e.


Department of Woman's Work, Nashville

Chapter, A. R. C.

Mrs. Robert F. Jackson. Director

Mr?. Robert F. J.

iMannie Baxt.

Chairman of Woman's Work. Nasli

and Vice-Cliairman of .'\dmir

Chapter. A. R. C,itive Board.

So great was the part played by women in the work of the Nashville Chapter,

Red Cross Production Department, that it became known as "Woman's Work." al-

though women were occupied in every other department of the Chapter. The

''Woman's Work," or "Chapter Production Departme-iit." \sa> made up entirely of

women volunteers who gave faithfully and generously of tlicir time and talent.

The Department of Woman's Work was directed by .Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, wholed her "Regiment" of several thousand women ably and wisely. This departmentreceived all communications from Divisional Headquarters of the National RedCross Committee in regard to the materials to be used and instructions for the makingof hospital garments, surgical dressings and knitted article?. The departments in


I) 11 ID SOX COl\TY «OME\ IN THE WORLD WAR. I o i .(.] 9 i 9

cluirjje of this work were the tliree large?! in the Naslnilh' Chapter, and tliey repre-

.^ent the greatest activity of this organization. Tlie most self-sacrificing, the most

tedious and the most hd)orious work in which tlic womi'ii of Davidson County en-

<:aged during the war was that of the u,.nicn listed in llic^e dcpartmcnls. in wiiirli

nu>re than 15.000 were engaged.

."Standard patterns and specilications from National !lr,i(l(]uai Icis ucic used in

the workrooms of the Nashville Chapter of Woman- Wnik. .nid iiislrin linn- were

passed on by the dinx^'tor to the heads of the various (l(|Milrnrnl> Id 1 nn-idria:ion.

As the work of the Woman's Work or Production l)c|)arlmeMl of liie Nashville

Chapter increased it was found by llie National ]lead(|uarters of the .\. R. C. that

there was danger of overproduction of some articles and not enough of others, and

also that only limited transportation could he seiurcd. I his la(t made it neces-ary

lo put l\ed Cross production on the allotment ]dan and \>< ici|ii(-l cha|)lers to make

onlv the kind and quantity of articles specified hv lln' >.pnlli(in Division olliie.

The allotments assigned the Nashville Chapter were in\aMal.K acv.pl.d. and the

high standard of work set hv the National Red Cros- u,i- jnainlain.d at all lime- in

every ilepartment of the Nashxille orcanization.

The work completed by the unni,n of lli- WCnian'- \\.,ik I )r|.ai linrnl ,,,n-ti

tilted a factory service greater than mulil lia\c hi-i-n c.in(i-i\ril In

War. and the motive power behind it u.i- lli. -\ni|ialli\ an<l ln\a

County women.

Mrs. Robert F. Jark>on. Direct,,, ,,f \\,,nK,n--. \\,,ik. wa- loit

women leaders in the \arioiis deparlniml- ui,,|ri In', jni i-dn Imii v\

dcred faithful and eflicieut service. Th,s u,i. ; ll,,-|„l,l (.aim,

-Morgan. Super\isor: Surgical Dressing-. Mi-. I rank \\ . liinu. >\i\ir

llMie .Morgan, Assistant Supervisor; Knitting Dcj)artmeiil, .Mrs. Rufus K. I ui I an,


Mrs. Kinnard T. McConnico, Supervisors: Purchasing and Shipping Depai lin,rit.

Mrs. Joseph Lindauer. Supervisor: Comfort Kits. Mrs. John Coode. Chanman


K.ristration Desk. Miss Helen Buford an, I M,-. J,,lin Tli...n|,-.,n. ],.. Clianin,-,!:

i;,ncfit Kntertaiimient Committee, Mrs. \ an \ .m Kiikmaii. Cliai.in.in: Mi-. |..-,|,li

11. Thompson was Chairman of the Surgical D^,^-lnv- I',,, kiicj I ),|,a, l,i„-nl. ,ni,l

Mrs. E. W. Frye and Mrs. .Ann Poterfield Rankin ua- m ,l,aiLj,- ,.l tli,- llii-incss

women's evening classes of Surgical Dressings at the I iilan,- II, ,1,1 l'i.in,li ,,lliii-.

A detailed report of the workdone hv the Nashvill,- Cliapl,,. \. II. C.. -W,, man's

W,.,k.- ,ln,-,lc,l \,^ Ml-. R,,lH-,t F. Ja,k-,,n. f,,ll,,u-.

Sli;(,l(;\l. l)lM.-.^l\f.- DFPMITMI \ I. W^IIMII.I

Mk>. Kh.VNK W. I.'IN,.. >Nlnni.s,„

Ml- Fnii; Muik.vn. .Is.,./,,,,/ S,,/',;,

The Surgical Dressings Se<ti,,ii ,,1 tli,- Na-li\ill,- Cliapl,

ized August I. 1917. with Mrs. Frank W. Riri, a- Mi|„im-..

a- Assistant Supervisor.

The first thing undertaken h\ tlii- ,1, p.n lni,nl u.i- ih,-

the proper preparation of surgical >n|>plii--. wlii, li ua- alv

dulv of Ih.-dcparlnicnt. ,\ Red Cro- nni-,- «lp, «,,- a ,,alil

.ln-inL'> wa. >cnt from lid (aa.s- Divi-i,,n I l,ad,n,ai l,-i -.


.1 1




-enlre of the ^njup appears Mrs. Frank W. Rinp (Fr

: I" hrr l.-ft. Miss Effie Morgan. \<^i-lant ^..prni-,-i

nil" rMiiiplrlrd a course in uiir mI ih.' In-i , !,|.., - \j

-'-. i"|i row. all of whom \\r\r |ii(.ii.-i i m-iiihiMi-I: Mr-. W. v. Cooper I Mary Ian. la Maiu.ri. \li.. \l

W. Krl-ev. Mrs. M. A. M,jms..nitrv i Maxir Ilar.li-..n

or of the


ml taught

1--1!-. are,

ilr Ford),

to instruct three classes, each consisting of fifty-six women, in the making of surgical

dressings. Twenty-five of the women who took this course qualified as instructors,

thus giving to tlie Nashville Chapter a nucleus for the continuation of classes and the

training of women for the special work of expert making of surgical dressings.

From this heginning twelve instructors conducted twenty-one classes in Nashville,

each class being composed of three hundred twenty women, and also eighteen classes

in the counties of Middle Tennessee, composed of two hundred ninety women each.

The value of the trained worker for the making of surgical dressings was re-

vealed by the quality and quantity of the completed work. These trained workers

gave their services in various ways to keep up the required standard set for such

work. Twenty of them, four each day, were floor chairmen in the workroom at the

Chamber of Commerce and Hermitage Club Headquarters. They received special

instructions from the supervisor or her assistant and kept the tables supplied with

necessary materials for the large body of daily workers. Each table was provided

with a trained worker whose duty was to see that all work came up to the standard.

Special activities of this department were operated under Cutting. Inspection andPacking Committees. No exact valuation can be put on the splendid work of these

sub-committees and their chairmen.

The work of the Surgical Dressings Section of the Nashville Chapter increased

so rapidly that it soon became necessary to open other gauze rooms. Four addi-

tional surgical dressings workrooms were put in operation by tliis department. Thevwere located at Ward-Belmont College, at Clemens and Warner Schools and at the

Tulane Hotel, all being model workrooms in charge of qualified instructors. Thr

I)IIII>S0\ cor MY irOMF\ l\ THE irORI.I) ITIR. lOll-l"!"




From left to rifilil. (irM row: Mr~. Graliam Hali iKdtii- MarliiU : Miss Ellic Mor^.ui. \-siM-

am .Supervisor ol the Drparliiieiil; Mrs. Frank liiiii:. .Supirvisor o.' iIk> Dcia.'Unciil. ami in ion-

slam alti-n.laii.T .laily for almost two years. To licr l.ll. Mrs. Andrew Price and .Mrs. Joscpli

riioin|>son. Mrs. Thompson was ako Chairman of Paikiiij; for this Drparlment.

.Second row. left to rif:ht : .Mrs. M. A. Montuomery (Maxie Hardison i . .Mrs. Louis Davis,

Mrs. Humplirev Hardison (Elizabeth Escolti. .Mrs. Carter Reeves (Ada Morrow), .Mrs. RobertCheek (Helen Pickslav l . and Miss Mary Webb.

11 Ih. Tulaiie Hut. I.

Iiii'iit. \\as fiivi-ii ii|) i-iilircK !>• Im^iricss wnnnii allrr a



Fii-st row, left to right: Mrs. Ben Herman. Mrs. Edward West Foster, Mrs. William Luton

Talley. Second row: Mrs. George Karsch, Mrs. M. A. Grief, Mrs. Gladys M. Chamberlain,

Mrs. J. D. Blanton and Mrs. Carlton Rogers.

Mrs. Al.iaiM I i!

Fred K,-]-.v \h

Mrs. ^\illi^ 1. .

,. \l.,i,i:„,„„ ,^. Miss Elizabeth McDonald, Mrs. W. L. Morrison,, I .11 I

I \1 r. Mrs. E. W. Frye, Mrs. Frank W. Ring, Mrs.ill-- I >!iM Kh liardson. Mrs. J. P. B. Allen. Mrs. Carter Reeves,

.Vim Guluuli- Smith.

The following women took the course in the Nashville Chapter. Surgical Dress-

ings Department, taught by one of the women mentioned above, and upon completioii

of their course became supervisors and instructors for the Chapter:

Mrs. Louis Davis. Mrs. Sarah Palmer McMr^. ,ln«,.|,h H. Thorn, i^oii. \li«^ Sallip PevI

A\ 1

li, I.


3ter. Mrs. Andrew Price. Mrs. James C. Bradford,\li" Pnidpncp Pnlk. Vlis. I.izinka Farrell. Miss

liMni.i- \r«l„ll, \li-. !. II.imM, Curst, Mrs. FredI. \li- I h I;, ilrl-h. iiiiri . Ml-- ijnnieline Hanes,

;,ink,ii. \li-. AJ.Ir (,..,. In,,. \l,-, F..unt Williams,\li-. V,. I . \I..,M-M„. \|,.^ \iil,„, Exans. Mrs.

Alii . It. I, Ml-- I- .111111.- II. -III. -Ml. \li- MargaretW. !:. M.-i/^.-i. Ml-. I II . .iiii|il.. II. \ii~. M. A.M... II. y. (\iiii|.l..-ll. Ml-, i:..- Ilan.lly. .Mrs.

M.iii Kirkiiatrick. Mi- V. W . \v\r. Mrs. AlorganGoodwin. Miss .Mali. I \Ki-..ii. Mrs. T. J. Mason,

II. Mrs. Vance Ki.^'l. I'.nan. \li-. Carrie HovteI in. Ian. -r. Mr-^ Wiliiaii. ( .

i Ih-iia. \Ii« Lucille- ii. Ml- ll-lu^ T.-ill.-l,,iiiiM. Nil-. Til. .111,1- Baxter,

Ml- Miii'i- I

i. :. i.i. Ml-. \,l,.l|.liii- 11,11. Mrs.- M.Miii I

i[i|-i,iii. Ml-, W illiani II. W ilt. Missl;..iii I I ..Ik Ml- ,1, (. kiikpalM. k, Mr-, Ua-


bamucl 1 1. .11'- .

r>rown. Ml- I

Miss Paniiii.-

McHenrv. Mi-Tallev. .Ml- ^

.Mrs. R..I..1I (

W. H. iK.li,-.

Corinne I i.iiii

dore L.•^^. Ml- I. II. M.ulli:. Ml-, l.nn. It M..i_-

Mrs. W, I l,,ll.-^. Ml- ( .111. r i;.-.-x.-, \|i-- MLouise Braiu-fur.l kiiknian. Mis. Eula G..!,l,-u (...

Mile. Germaine Sansot, Miss Mary Steadwell. \

Sallie Cornelius, Mrs. W. C. Dixon, Miss Zue Gardson, Mrs. Charlton Rogers. Mrs. John Thoni].-

Norvell, Jr.. Mrs. Ben H.rinan. Mi- V.n-. V.;l

McWhirter. Miss Nella I'atl. i -..ii. Mi-- ,^.iia -...-i

Mrs-. T. Graham Hall. Mi-, M.a.l. I ii,i-..ii, Mi-

INIiss Kathleen Garrett. Mr- William K, Mam.. Mr-, Inn.- T.nl... ( ;^^al!llll.^ , Mi- Kli/alu-ll

Miller. Mrs, W. A. Pavne. Mrs. 0. P. Smith. Mrs. C. G. Griffin. ,Mrs. B. M. Corlelt,-. Miss Nanc\Erwin. Mrs. James L. Glenn. Miss Natelle Hirsch. Mrs. Ben Lindauer. Mrs. A. C. Webh. Mrs


rank. ,Mis, \ man Wr. Mrs. W. A, I'.ix.in

cca Jones. Mis- I .In,,

de Waller. Mr-, Will

U, r, I,.-,,nai,i, Mi-

\ii-l, M,-,

till) soy coiM) ir o M !: \ i\ rut: uoHi.n ii i k. nniioio





First row, left to right: Mrs. J. G. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Charles A. Manthey. Mrs. MorganBrown, Miss Amanda Handly, Mrs. John Orman, and Miss Virginia Johns, bottom of picture.

Second row: Mrs. H. Louis Sperry, Mrs. Ross Handly and Mrs. Hazel Padgett.

The Personnel of the Cutting, Inspection and Packing Committees consisted of:


Committee No. 1—Miss Alice Orr, Chairman, and Nashville Public School Teachers as joint

Chairmen: Committee No. 2—Mrs. Fannie Parrish. Chairman: Mrs. Ben Lindauer and Mrs. D.G. Hart. Assistant Chairmen; Committee No. .?—Mrs. J. G. Kirkpatrick. Chairman: Mrs. JamesH. Parkes. Mrs. H. C. Parrent. Mr-. (»l,n WV-t. Mrs. ArtJmr F. Evans, Miss Floy Lewis, MissKatherine Pilcher. Mrs. Isadore I..a\. \1i- K,.unt Williams. Mrs. John Orman. Mrs. E. R.Schumacher. Mrs. Merritt P. Piklicr. ,li.. .\li>. Aliram Tillman. Miss Louise Parkes, Miss LouiseShelby and Mrs. Frances Webb.

The work of this department was greatly facilitated In- two cutting machinesgiven the department by the Nashville Chapter and by Mrs. E. W. Cole. After

these machines were installed the production of surgical dressings was dotdiled.


The Inspection Committee of the Surgical Dressings Department was in chargeof Mrs. J. P. B. Allen, Chairman. Assisting her were:

Mrs. A. H. Robinson, Mrs. Harry Howe, Mrs. T. Graham Hall, Mrs. Frank Searcy Green.Mrs. John Grief. Mrs. George Marsh, Mrs. Thomas Newbill, Mrs. D. G. Hart. Mrs. Albert Britt.

Mrs. John Hill. Mrs. Clarence Lewis. Mrs. Garnett Morgan. .Mrs. C. A. Manthey. Mrs. PalmerMcLester. Mrs. Carter Reeves. Mrs. Silas Mason. Mrs. H. P. Lewman. and Mrs. William H. Witt.


nilll>>0.\ COINTY irOME.X /A' THE irORLI) WAR. 1914-1919


Tin- Packiiif; Committee of the Surgical Dressings Deparliiirnt \\,i> in , luui^c ol

Mis. Joseph H. Thompson as Chairman. Mrs. Tliompson's rmiiinillir u;is rom-

pos.-.i of:

Mrs. Aiulr,« I'li.v. Mrs. Tli.Mnas Lr.^^u.ur. Mrs. l.uiii^r l)avi>. Mi>s Kli/ahrlh M,I)„nal,l.

\Ir~. M. A. \l..„i^,,„„M. \lr~. .\. K. W hitmian. Mi- MarN Ni-ls,,,,. Mrs. Bas.-un.l. W . \1,.MI-

^..mcry. Niiss Effio .M.irfian. .\Ii.<s Li/.inka Karroll. .Mrs.

William Manier. .Mrs. John Ldlvelt. .Mri. J.-iuiL-lte

I. .an. Mrs. S. S. Crockt-tl. and .Mrs. Bn.wii Bufonl.

l|..t.I \li- rill.- \l..r!;an was ^^upcrvisor,

..M., l;,,v,-. \1,.. i;„l„.rt Cheek, .Mrs. E..1.1 \li- \..i. I'..ii.ili.l,l Kankin were .As-

iif the war.

.1 Mis. CharlesI. Mis- i;ii/al)etli

.III C..lle..:e, Mr,-.


ik W.

Ml-, Wil

.1. \.lki-



liam All.mav. Mrs. Ilarrv An<lers..ii. Mi-. < l.ail.-

..Uniisleail. Mrs. Clint Alk.n-. \li- I .1

\anre Tru.leau Axlell. .Mrs. Thonia- .\|.|.|. 1..... Mi-Mi- Kli/al.elh Brant. Miss Helen liiaiil. .\Ii>. J. II. lira.K. Mi.-.

Bra.lf..r.l. Mr-. Iloi.erl B. Brannon. .Miss lilsie May Bradley. .Mr,

Hra.i.iaii. Mr-. Ji.lin Brattiin. .Miss Margaret Bransfon], .Miss Kleanor Breen. Miss Marfiuril--

Jin-.M Mi- Alevine Bopatskv. .Miss .Margaret Boisseaii. Mrs. W. T. Bright. Mrs. Cliarles Hr..vv(r.

Mrs. T. (t. Brnoks. .Mrs. A.M. Brooks. Jr.. Mr-. M. C. Hii. k,i,-r. Mi- MaiA llai.liim F.ii. kii.r

.Miss Klizalielh Biiekner. .Miss Anne Bnekn.i. M.-. H. C. Hii.ll. \li- i;...l,.ll.- P.ii.ll. Mi-Carolvn Buell, Miss Mamie Burke. Miss Kli/,.|.. lli Hiiik.. Mi- Im.ii,..- I'.iiik.. Mi-, I, O. Bint..-.

\rrs. J. (). Burge. Jr., Miss Eslelle Buchaii.in, Mr>. I..ui- K. Biillri. Mr-, I), in, .in Bull,., Ii, 1,1.

Mrs. A. (;, Buekner. Mrs. C. IF. Buchanan. Miss Helen Biilonl, Mrs. K.UvanI Bufonl. Miss

Ma Bl.-vins. .Miss (ierlruile Bovd. Miss Mamie Barksdale. Mrs. Jnse].li W. Bvrns, Mrs. JamesBnw. Miss Delia Brew. .Mrs. W. |{. Bringhur.-t. Jr.. Mrs. S. S. Briggs. Mrs. Dosw.OI Brown. \\\s<^

l.or.na Bright. Mrs. Innis Brown. Mrs. IVrey Brown. Mrs. Aaron Brown. Mrs. Henderson Baker.

Mi- Margaret Barry, Mrs, \V. F.. Baleman. Miss I'ollv Baird. Miss Effie Bush. Miss Carrie Bush.

Mr-. I.. C. Bradley. Mr.s. E. M. Bond. Mrs. II. B. IBond. Mrs. (;eorge B. Bond. .Mrs. Clara E.

Bond. Mi- Willie' Lou Bond, Mrs. J, W. Bonn.r. Mrs, J, N. Bonner. Mrs. Krank Boyd, Miss

Kuth Boiling, .Mrs. J. II. Bomar. Mrs. I.. G. Boxwell, Mrs, B, I). Blum. Mrs. Ilarrv S. Blum.

Mr-. Max Bloomslein. Miss Hella II. Bloomstein. Mrs. \ auglin Blake. Mrs. II. (). Bla,k»,.,..l. Mi-.

C.orge E. Blake. .Mi- Cla.jys Blake, Mi>s Valen- Blair, Mrs. J. T. Blair, Mrs, Miun Biiiii-,

Mrs. E, L, Binkley, Mrs. Henry I,. Binns, Mi- Virginia Benton, Mis> I.illi,- Bell. Mr-. W . W .

Berry, Mrs, Allen Berry. Mrs. John T. B.rry. Mis- Kitli.- li.rry. Mr-. B. C. Beii-oii. Mr-. W \.

Benson. Mr-, I!. B. Beal. Mr-. John (;. B.-nnelt, Mi- Maiiii,- H.yiiiglon, Mrs. John B,v iii;:l..n.




Mi^ Fred \^ K.

tor of the class wlmtions.



«li III

.dii in the picture, -econd to the right on first row, was Instruc-

1-I 11 _i U tomposed of men-i:iers of the U. C. T. and U. D. C. organiza-

Mr- ( , ( l!,.,~l,A. \I,-. A. B. Benedict. Mi- Icm^,- !!.ll. Mi- i:.l,r, , a i!.H. \Ii>^ I'aulme Bell,

Ml-, i;.— ir i;.iik-.L.I. Mrs. John Barksdalr. \li-. W K Hani:. \li-. Mil.- I. I; iiih -. Mi- Agnes

IJamr- \l,. I ( r.aiiinan. Mrs. L. E. Bamlx. \li- ll.i.ii I'.ainl. \li- Mailli.i DLiii. Mi-. Alex

Barlhrll. \1.-. W. l; I'.air.l. Mr^. W. W. Han, I. Mi- M.iiil.a ll.i, luim. Mi- .1. A. liailc>. .Mrs. Wil-

liam Bailr\. Ml-- I iir\ r..iil,-\. Ml-. .|.i-,|,li Karl. Ml- I \, l;,i-k. im[I.-. Ml- Kate Bariisdale, Mrs.

W. B. HailanI Mi-- M.iii.l Ballai.l. Mi-. ImImi M H,,--. Mi- li.ink I'.i-. Mrs. J. H. Baker, Miss

Susan liaxhi Mi- Mi/a llaxha \li- i;rli,,,,i I'.iM.a. Mi- II \ KiMi.-lnr. Miss Mary Baker,

Ml-, n.iiil,. ( l.uk. Ml-. M. W. l-Il.ui. Ml- i'.a.l l;lr,l-M,.. \li- I nun, II I m,,,,,,. Mrs. J. B. Court-

,i,.\. Ml-. ( h.iilr- < .,1,11. Ml- \I.A ( ,,lir,i. Ml- II \ ( mIiii. \],-. ^,M„ ( mIi,i. Ml-, Keubcn Cohen,

Ml-- I'.riiir ( mImi Ml- \ailiaii I mIiii \|,. s,,, ,,,,„_ \i,,, \,,,|,, r,,i„|,i,,ii M r s. Van Coles,

Miss .Nara Cu^.cllu^. .\li>=, Jessie Cnnvlm^. .\li.-.- .Marll.a Cnirliu-. Mi- kiaii.vs Cornelius.

Miss Hattie Cotton. Miss Laura Conger, Miss Catheriiit-

Cox, Mrs. Cliff Cooper, Miss Margaret Cooper, Mrs. W. E

D 1 1 I n s o .\ c o I STY ir o m e .v / .v r he wo r l n ita r. initial')


AN 4**fc

i;i ij 1 i,()>> \\(ii;ki;i!> in m ki.icm- i»i;i>-in(.^


lEAST NA> •: WOr.KEliS IN THE Sll!(;iCAL


Fir^t row: Mrs. Fred I. Ehrhart. Mrs. Boyd F. Drake, Mrs. Xc-riinn M. Crihble. Mrs. John

L. Dillard. Mrs. W. T. Simmons and Mrs. W. F. Allen. Center mw: Mi- .John H, Matthews.

Mrs. Thomas J. Chrisman. Mrs. Sam G. Marshall. Mrs. A. C. W.l.l, and \lr>. W. F. Marshall.

Third row: Mrs. J. L. Gann, Mrs. Margery S. Williams. Miss Una Gilliam. Mrs. Waiter J.

Williams, Mrs. J. C. Morelock and Mrs. J. A. Williams.

Mrs. Finlev D..rris. Mrs. W.Miller DiMiink,-. \ll~^ Aim;

ainia D...ik. \liv A. \. Mu;

Frantvs |i,,m.-. \I,-. \.„n,

Mrs. Bulnnl Uiikerso

rk.. \ll>. Mlll.M DlHI

.^ W, Haw-, Ml-- \,.



W. W. hank I, . \li- I'Ji/ali.ali Ikink M \li-- \kiM

xMary Hx. i, \li-- Xkiix I mhi DmI.-mii. \ii- Kmm,weese, \li-- k:.ik'. Imm-. Mi-. \ktM i nn.^ i)..iii

garet Ea.K. Mi.-. Williai.i W . EaUhi.iaii. _\1:.- K..

liam L. Edwards. Mrs. W. C. Edwards. .Mrs. E.v,

Miss Lizzie Elliott, Mrs. Floyd Elliott, Mrs. «.

Miss .Marv Embrv. Mrs. B. A. Enlor. Mrs. J. IL

Mrs. K. C. E«iiiii. Mi- Frain,- E»lii^. Mi-. II

Estes. Ml- --Miihia l./.^.lk Ml-. Mk.ll \''^nr:.

Nell Eaiiliiiian. Mi- kki k:i;;,iiiih L Ml- W ill I

Mrs. T. S. Klain. Mi- k ilr I -h-. Mi- < ;

Miss Catherinr Im. I,! ,,ai:,. Mi- kJi/ak. ili l\,- \

F. M. Farris. Mi-. I . Ik I am. \li-. W . M I ai

Mrs. George "«. ka'k Mi- Ik.ii-lmi kaM. Mi-- ^

Miss Cntlierinr I . i.ii-,.i,. M,- Jnim In,. Mi-Fitzgerakk Mi- >i.liirx kiir-mm. \ki-- Mak.-I

Miss Aimr kilr. Ml-, kumk W a-, \l,-.

File. Ml- ^ii-ir Ki .,«. Ml- I'Ii/.iImM, kiir

Wilhnr I Im-k. Mil. Ml,. I ,1,,, II, mm:,. \li- \ I

Folk, Ml-. Ill ,1- M. I. a, I,-. Ml-. ( li.mii,,^ I,,

.lohn T. I ,.v. Ml- I ,1.11, I ..-I, a. M,- ( ( I,

Miss Miiiani Freeman. Mi.-. W . Ik li.,i-,,n. MMilton Frank, Mrs. Lou Frank. Miss Ik a I

man, Mrs. William L. Frank, Mrs. L. Ki.mkkm.

F. J. Fuller, Miss Dorothy Fuqua, Mrs. W . W . I

Lula Freeman, Miss Lucille Ferguson. Miss .Mai

Miss Mabel Foster, Miss Margaret Gambill, M

rk.ason, Mrs.

.ak. Miss Vir-

i,M,l-o'n', Mrs.

I,, Ik Deed.s,

\li-. Thomaslki«-„n. Miss.. Ikuis. Mrs.

h-. .l.M. De-I-. Mi.-s Mar-

I.I-. Mrs. Wil-

I, !'i Khrhart,- Niaiaie Ely,

l-islu-r. Mrs.

J. U. Finle,

. \h-. R. N

I i-li. Mr-. W. II.

\li- I aiidv Fite.

11, . Ml- Lena B.i„ II ,

I i,.M-. Mrs.

k. Ml- I ai,A A.

Mrk. \li- I illian Frankland, Mrs. H. R. Free-

\li.- \i:ii,- Friel. Mrs. W. B. Frierson, Mrs.

.1. Ml-, kale Fuller. Miss Emma Ford. Miss

Frank. Miss Lucile Fort, Mrs. R. E. Fisher,

Marshall Gaither, Miss Julia Gannaway, Mrs.

Thomas Garvey, Miss Sara Gaut, Mrs. G. B. Gaston. Mrs. Mary Belle Geary, Mrs. D. R. Geb-

( 18.3 )

f)iiii)S().\ coi \Ty aoME\ l^ the world u a k. i9I4-i<ji'j

l.art. Mrs. William W . CcraKiton. Miss A.U-lai.k- G.-iiy. Miss Clirisiiiu- E. G,-iu, Mrs. W. E.

0;ili-insal.T. Miss Kalluriiu- Oilmore. Mrs. CliarU-s C. Gilbert. Mrs. Jos.-ph Gibson. Mrs. J. \V.

GilliK-k. Mi<s .Mariiarrl (Jleiin. Miss Claire Glenn. .Mrs. James L. Glenn. Mrs. Ilallie (ilenn.

Mi-s Gra.e Gallaper. Mrs. MiPlieelers Glasgow. Miss Elizabetb Glenn. Miss MoUie Gleiinon.

Mrs Kr.-.l Goblner. Miss Bealrioe Gol.lner. Miss .'\nnie Gary Gosnell. Mrs. \V. N. Goo.lletl.

Mrs. Kiel.linf: Gor.lon. Miss Bella Goodman. Miss Corinne Goldberg. Mrs. Sam Goldstein. Mrs.

|i III! ! Goilwiii. Mrs. Kdward Godwin. Mrs. Robert Griz/.ard. Mrs. Luke Gray. .Miss .May Grant-

land. Mrs. B. T. Gregory, Miss Lucy Griffin, .Mrs. C. G. Griffin,

Mrs. Clinton Green, .Miss Emmaline Green, Mrs. Forrest Ciraliani.

maS^^^^^^BtM \<rs. John M. Gray, Jr.. Miss Keba Wilson Gray. Miss Mil.lie.l

^^^^^^^^^^^M Ctav. \. B.' Gregory,^^^^^^^^^H l.r.rnspan.^^^^^^H l',ank

^^^^F ^^^^H (;nnn. Mrs. Mrs. W.^B^K. .^.^^^^H ll>i"'ni~ Ml- \rrix \\:n lltiu-irw. Ml- Willi. iiii lltMiie. Mrs.to lift ^^^ InM.r Ml-. W. M>~.

^T^M^V ^H lli'lnia llii.l-.n. M,-.. II. <:. Ilud-..n. Mi- M.x iliinl.r. Mi<sCLi^ ^^H I ,11, ..II lli.nlr,. M,-.. i;. .M. Ingram. Mi- I nnk (. UimI/. Mrs.

^^^ '^T. \. I^,^. Ml. C.orgia Kyinan Ja.k-.n, Mi- i.i.iiiImm Lirk.

F^^MSntf^ ^ '" Ml" \\.'>\\<A File James. Mr~. .1. W . I.ik. -. Mi-. Ii.uik

^^P^V ^ .larmon. Mr-. I ..in- ()-K,.l M.-. bnkiii-. Mi^-

^^mP ^l

lln«ar,l J,.n.-. M,-. \ill.iii bm. -. Mi-. liMinaii .I..11.-. Mi-.Sue Ibdnies. .Mr.-. I rank l|..,ii. Mi- Til.l.i, H. II. .II. Mi- Wua-

„,„ „ , H.BT betb llowse. Mrs. I.. II 1 1.. 1 1.. u. 11. Mi- liaiik I l..ll..».ll. Mr-.

(V„u,„,j \Vi,,-, Kmmett Holder. .Mr-. 1 1 I!

Lucille Ilolman. Mr- .1...

Marv llnlmes. .Mr.. Nb.rlon B. Howell. III. Mi- Fi.in. .-

Mis- F^a llul<liin-,.n. Mrs. W . <;. I l.acl,iM...n. Mi- \iitiiii

Mi- Lillian lluell. .brand. Mr-. 1!..-- 1 lu<ldl.-l..„. Mi- U.— ,.

Idi/ab.-lli Hill. Mrs. Herman Hill. .Mrs. Sam llu>. Ii M,- N

.Mi-> France- llillman. Mr-. Willis Hilzing, Mr-,. II. K II,,

Hitclic.k. Mr-. OIncy Hi, ks. Mrs. G. E. Higblower. Mi- \

man. Mr-. W . k. llibbell. Mi- Julia Hindman. Mi- I

Mi- l.Muis Horner. Miss Mary D. Houston. Mrs. 1'. H ll..,i-

ll,.».-. Mrs. J. W. Ib.war.l. Mrs. J. \\. Howard. Jr.. M,-. HaII. .^L'. Mi-s Manila Howell. Miss Louise Howell. .Mr-. M.1'.. II..W.I1. Mrs. K. Hoyt C. Howell. Mrs. Joseph T. II..W.II

Mr-. Charles .\. II. .well. Mr-. J,.-eph T. IL.u.ll. Mi-.

l|..-.iin-. Mr-. Mar-hall Ib.lrhki-. Mr-. .|..-. |.li W . II...

Mr- 1;. Ii. lb -r. Mr-. L. W . lb..,iier. Mi-- ll.l.n !l...

Mr-. Flor,-nce Wilkes Hooper. Mrs. Kale M. lb...;..!. Mi-.

Henderson. Mrs, John T. llen.lerson. Mr-. F. T Ihuiil.

Harry W. Ilenson. Mrs. Thomas J. llenson. Mi- W II I hi

Mrs. T. L. Herbert. Jr.. Mrs. 1(. 1). Ilerberl. Mi- I iiii. ,-

berl. Mrs. H. ,\. lb.|l..-it. Mi- .s.i.h.- i.. lb -1.1. Mi-. W,


Herbert, Mrs. J. O. I|.n.ll.^. M,-. T. \. Il.nk.l. Mi- II.m

llerstein. .Mrs. Hariv ll.n.hi. k. M,-. W. .\. Il.„,x. Mi-lahle Henderson. .Mr- \ut;ii,ia F. Ibuui. \l,- I ranc- II

Mi-s \Liry DeMoville Hill, .Mrs. Osear Hill, .Miss Dorothy II

Mrs. \. H. mil. Jr.. Mrs. Horace G. Hill, Mrs. John Hill. M.Albert Hill, Mrs. Al W. Harris. Mrs. J. H. Harris. Mrs. Fu.ic

Harris. Miss Francs Harris. Miss Willie Harper. Mrs. J.

Ilandly. Miss Amanda Han. IK. Mrs. C. B. Hall. Mr-. Allen lb

Mrs. Margaret E. Hall, Mrs. Wo,.d Harrison. Mr-. W . 11.

Mrs. 0. .\. Ilall.d)augh. Mrs, .M. J. llalloran. Mr-. O. 1'. 1

Lady Frances Hamilton, .Mrs. Delia Hagir. Mr-. .1. D. ll.il

A. Ilawkinson. Miss Annie Hampton. Mrs. I. I". Il.il.li.r. '

man. Mrs. W. E. Henders.m. Mrs. W. fl. llan.lK. Mr- F.lv

llardra-tle. Mr-. Kustace A. Hail, Miss Ayon Hail, Mi- W.I

Mr- W 11. Hampton, Nfiss Malinda Hampton. .Mi- s,,,|„.

J, W. llaNe-. Mi- Clara Haury. Mrs. Haynes Haryill. Mi-.I

( 184 )

. Ml- 1...

Ml-. 1;. 1


Miss M.iv Mail. 11. \li^. IIii-.ll K. 11,111. \I,-, K.ii.' r. II,,, I M,-. Tl,. .,„.,- \!. Ilarl, Miss Eliza-

beth lla,i. \l,-- \,i.,ii,,, 11,1,1, \1,-- I a, I,, I l.,.,,i-, 11,1,1. \li , M,, k.,1, 11,1,1. \1j,ss Lucile Ilailey,

Mrs. .1. l; ll,nJi-M,,, \1,-- \m^ii.:,, lla,,l,~M,,. \i,~ ll„„,|iii,.v 1 1 ,, , , 1, ^..,,. M,- I

li. Hawkins, Mrs.

Charirs liu,llr\ ,1,1,,,-. M,-, 1;. I . ,1,,,,,-. \|,-. .Vhuu .\lui .l..liii.~. Mi.-. Ahnii Julius.. Mr.s. tlusene

Johns. \li- \iiL:i,,ia (a,n|ilHll ,|..l,n-. Ml-. It. E. Johnsuii. Miss Lula Johnson, Mrs. Clifton

Johnsipii. Mr- ,1, \iil,,ii ,|,.lin-,,ii. Mi-. Cluiil.- Johnson. Mrs. Fred Johnson, Miss Alice Jordan,

Miss Aline ,|„i,lan. Mi-s Lillian |,,^. Mr-, ilnnnas Joy. Jr., Mrs. Arthur Joseph, Miss Annie V.

Joseph, Miss Evelyn Johnson, Mi- \l,ii,ii,, ,|,.x. .Miss Elizabeth Jungerniann, Mrs. Martin Kane,Mrs. John B. Kane, Miss Maif;a,,i k,,„,. \l,s. J. L. Kain, Mrs. George Karsch, .Mrs. H. R.Kaufman. Mrs. J. W. Kerr. 'Mr-. W . C. k.„,„,i,. Mrs. Marv Kelley. Miss Josephine Kelley, Mrs.Dorris Krll,.v. Mi- \,,„;, M,,i K- n,„ .K \li-, I. fi. K,i,,„,K. Mr-. W. V. Kmn.Mv. Miss KatieB. Kenn.'.K. \1,-. ,|. 1 k.^,-. \l,- ll,,ii,i.i- i k.,!iii;j \1,-- \la, l,l>i,,^ k.iii^.ii,. \1,-^ LouiseKerrifian, \li-- ( ,,ii,,.i,., k, ,M. . \1,-- \\,li,,- K k.,,,i.,K. \l,-- \L,iiia,.i k.lK M,- EuniceKelly. Ml-. (,, i:. kii kp.im, 1,. \i,- li,,ii,,.- \^,. kiik|Miii.k, Mi-. I, I'. Kii kpaii lek. Mi^sRoberta Kiikpali i. k. Mi-. .1. d. k ,i k|,,il 1 1, k. Mi-. I ,i,i,'-l kii'^ialink. Mi- Linina Kirkpatrick,-Mrs. Ail.,-it Km;:. \li>. .1. \L Km;;. Mi- \, 111,11, Km-. Ml-, W. \. Km-. \li-- Eleanor KirkmanMrs. P,,rl,r Kiikinaii. Mi- Mai\ I'liii,, kiikniaii. Mi-. \,, ,111:111 Kiikiii.iii, Mi-. Van Leer Kirk-

man. Mi- M.,-;:i,. \l,ii kiii-,^. Ml- I'Milli,, km-,^. Ml-. Cliailr- .--. kmk.a.i. Miss AnneKinkea.l. \li-. Willi, m, ( kii:..l,iii,l. \li- Line- II. kiiklin.l. .Mi- 11.1, ai Kill.'bi i.-w. MissMartha Kill.lmu. Mi- limi,,. kmk,a,l. \li- M.illi,. Killirll. Mi-. C. IL Kiiik,>a,l. Mrs. A. O.

Kleeman. \li-. f!,ii,ii,,- kii,,\. Mi-. Cu- K.niinian. Mi-, (liail,- .\. Ki,-1,-. Mi- M.iry Kreig,

Mrs. John F. Kr.i;;, Mi- Minnie Kuhn, Miss li.irl.ara Kulin. .Mi- \;;ii,- Kuliii. Mi-s MarieKuhn, Mrs. Fer.ln.m.l kiiliii. Mrs. R. Z. Levy, Mi- L.ali Belle l.evx. \li- W . II l.,mil"lli, Mrs.

E. Langhan. Mr-. .\l,l, Laii.li-. Miss Lucile Lamli-. .Mr-. Jnliii T. L,m,li-, \li-. W .."-. Lawrence,

Mrs. W. H. Lawreiiee. Mr- \, E. l.awrenr,-. Mrs. A. J. Lamar. Mr-. L,.l»ar,l Laniei. ,Mrs. C. H.

Landers, Mrs. W. H. Ian, ,1-1.1. Mi- i;n/,il,.tli Laccy. Mrs. K. H. Lacev. Mrs. J. G. Lackey,

Mrs. Jack Lee, Mrs. Chail.- W . l... \li-. K T. Lee, Mrs. J. W. N. Lee, Mrs. R. H. Lee, Miss

Katherine Lewis. Mrs. .1. .^ 1 . ui- \li-. .|.,liii L.wis. Mi>s Flnv Lewis. Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis,

Mrs. Herbert Z. L.-sn. M,- k,,lli.im.' |.-^ii.i. Mi- KK,iii..r l.^-^iea. Mi-. L..111- L.Tl»i.li. Mi-s

Cella Leonard, Mi- k,,liia l.li^.ll. Mi-. .1. T, 1,,'lK.n, \li- W , II I, Am.'. M.-. (. IL l.'^ii.a.

Miss Jennie Le«i-. \li- \aii l-l"l! I... Mi- ll.il,.il |.^^. Mi- M.iillia Wlui.^ 1iii.1-.>n. Mr-.

J. S. Lipscomb, ,Mr,-. \aii Lip.-r,,ml.. Mi-, l...,iu. \, Lip-e,.mb. .Mr-, l.la^. Lip-, .,n,l,, Mr-.

Horace D. Lipscomb, Mrs. A. V. S. Lin.l-l.v. Mi- Mary Lipe, Mrs. J. W. Liggett, .\Lrs. C. L.

Liggett, Miss Lucile Lyles. Miss Elizab.ili 1 i;;^. 11. Miss Dorothy Lindsley. Mrs. R. C. Link,

Miss Louise Lindauer. Mrs. Henry Lo\.inan. Mi-. \. l.oveman. Miss Fanny Long. Mrs. George

W. Loni.'. Mi- luaiiii.i I.,. 11;;. Mi- Ki.ili I. .11;:. \1.-, 1,1.11.- E. T,,.,;;. Mi- Elli.'l L..m:. Mi-s

Louise L..u.a,-I.aii. \li- fl.,i.ii..- I . ,u , 11-1,1 11 . \li-. ^..t I . ,» .ai-l. 1 11 Mi- Inliii- I . .u


Miss Aniii.' !I ..». \li-- f 1,/ali.ali I ..u. . Mi-. 1 liail.- W I ..n^lmi-i. Mi-- \l,iiu 11. 1 1

..V. iillial.

.Mrs. .Marliii L,,»,aillial. Mr-. \,. I ..,^,•lltllal. Mi- l> tli^ I ..^.nllial. \li- M.iii. I ..^, iitlial.

Mrs. Charles Loventhal, Mrs. S. D. Lovell, Mrs. C. E. Lovell. Mi- \iiii l.rav-,

Fannie Love, Mrs. H. J. Loser. Mrs. C. H. Loser. Mrs. Louis L... li. Mi- lam.


W. S. Lucas. Mrs. Robert Lusk. Mrs. M. L Luskv. Mrs. Lnu Lll-k^. Mi-. .1. (

Calhrrine T.uskv. Mi- Kath.-rin.- 1 iil.m. Mi-* L.-ah l.n-'cv. Mr-. Mill \1.\I,-I.r

\b \li-I.r Ml-, llarn II M. \li-|.i. Mi-- I .1.-1. M. \li-t.r Mi-- M.im \1. \Ii-1.

M.rlarU. Ml- Man Ian,' \|.i ,iu.i. \li-. Willi, 111. \1. 1 ,il..' Mi- < liuh- M.' .il.

U. r,,i,„i,,,. \|,-, I,, I,,, II \|,(|,,,., \1,- \l.\ \l.i'.,m, \li- l',,,nk \l.l 11

M.I...M, Ml- I ,,'/i.. \l. a ,,«,,. \1,. I),,,,, ,1,1 \1, 1 ,,1,1, \1,. II 1 \l,h, I.

M. ku. 11 Ml- M.m \l.|li..^. \li-. i;..l,.il W. \1. 1,1.1,1. 1. \li- W \ M.t.iiii

\l,l. inn Ml- l.ui- \1. 1,111, m,l. \1,- l,,,,,k > \l.l,,u... k. \li-- ll-.i.-,. \1.

Ham- \|,l.av...k. M,-. J. E. "l . .MeGavuek. .Mi- k 1' M. 1 ,1 .'^..i . \li- k,ili. M.

Dan M,(.m.ii,. Mi- M. C. McGannon, Mrs. W \ \1, (. I..1 lil ,,,. \li- \,la M.( ;i,.!lilin. Miss

Agnes M,i.l..ililii,. Miss Annie L. McHatton. Mi-- Min.n. H \1.11,..\. Mi- \iini.- Frances

AIcKoiii. \li- l',n.,l..- McLester. Mrs. Judson M.I. -1.1. \li-- \l.i/i. M, I an.. M.-. K. W. Mc-Laiii. Ml- llir."- \1. 1.111. .r,-. Ml-. \. M.T aiiLililin \li-- M.ii \l. Mi.iku. Mi- William

M.\liiii,n, Ml-- \.ll -.,,. M, \l,,i,i, M,-. .1 W M. MiHi.u. Ml- I \ M. Mnii.i.. \li- Nettie

\|.\llll.^ \li- ll,,|.|.,. M.Millin \l,- 1 ^ \1. I'li.,,l. \li-- I!,. II, \1, I'll, I-, .11. \li- I. B. Mc-(lui.l.K. Ml- 1 iiin,,. I, M.dni.l.U Ml- Sn. M.:i,,i,l,K. \1,- |,,,ni,. M,,, M,(l,ii,l,lv. Mrs.j'. L. M.\\l,..ii. 1. \li-, l-,i.l.,i, \l,ih-,.ii. Mr- lull, 111 M,iiili..u-. Ml-, I. II, \l,,iili,-ws. Mrs. C. E.

Matthew-. Ml- IMiii.- \ii,i-ii..ii- \l,,iili.»-. Ml- I. ami.. E, Maiili.u-. Ml-. Julius Martin,

Mrs. J. 1;. .Maii-li.l.k Ml-. 11 .1- \lal,.n,', .1... Ml- Laura Mai , Mi-, Eallle Malone. Mrs.

Missie Malone. Mr_-. Lit .Malune. -Mr>. U, .S. .Maddcx. Mrs. Ilarr> It. Manby. Miss Lena Marks.Miss Cornelia Marr, Miss Kate Marr. Miss Elizabeth Marr. Miss Elizabeth Morrow. Miss Nelle

Major, Miss Elise Maney, Miss Annie May Maney, Mrs. Mortimer May, Mrs. C. A. Marshall.


1 .,ve. Mrs.

. L,,ve. Mrs.

null) S O V C O i WTY W M E \ I .V 7- // E If l{ L I) 11 A R. I 9 I f-I o I 9

\lr>. Silas Nfason. MU* Bo>sU- Mannin:--. Mr.. Join. Marcli. Mi- Man Kli/..lull. Martin. Mrs.

\\inti.-l.l Martin. Mrs. J. II. .Martin. Miss Conu-lia Martin. Miss St.-lla Marl.iirv. Miss KrancsMartin. Miss Lillian Tavlor. Miss Winnie Maltimor,-. Mrs. W . E. M.rritt. Miss 1,1a .M.-rritt.

Mrs. W. K. M.-tz;:,.r. Mrs. E. .Meacham. Mrs. L. C. MilK. Mrs. ll,,r^ Mills. Mrs. U.-iili.n MMills, Mrs. C.nra.l Miller. Mrs. I. W. .Miller. Mrs. K. \1 \lilU,.p-. Mi- 1 ..uise MittI.ell. Mrs.

K \V. Millspaiijili. .Miss .^nita Minter. Mrs. A. II. Mi .11. M,- 1. ii. \linl„n. Mrs. J. N.

Mitihriu.r. Miss .Marsmrilo Mitclienor. .Mrs. Fletcher .M..ri;.in. Mr- W ,.ll. , \l..ri;an. Mrs. Carnetl

XL.rfian. .Mrs. Carev E. Morgan. .Miss Neelv Morr.nv. Mis. \ irtiiii.a \l..,,n«. \1,- \l,„-.uel

M..rr..w. .Mrs. Vi alter I'. Morrow. Miss LibUic Morrow. Mrs. Ed MorrI-. \li- -..in \l.,,n- Mrs.

Kirhar.l Morris.,n. Miss TI.elma .Moser. Mr.s. Baxter .\I.,orc. Mrs. .|..lin \1....... \1,- 1;. ( \l....u-.

Mrs. Ilifil.t C. Moore. Mrs. John TrotwoocI Moore. Mr-. .1. 11. M .-. \1,-. .1. \\ \l„ure. Mrs.

I. B. Morse. .Mrs. I). .S. Morse. Mrs. J. S. Moran. Mi-- k.uh.iii., \l..Kni. Mrs. John .Moshv.

Mrs. M. B. .M.irton. Miss {;ia<lvs Mocker. .Mrs. We-i II. \l,..i..,i. \li- N.llie .Moonev. Miss

l.iz/ie Moonev. Mrs. Charles Monk. Miss Elsie Jean M.-. \li- N. Ilu I .. \l..ran. Miss Erance-

Morton. .Miss .\nn Ilumphrevs .Morion. Miss Dorolhv K \l..^^^. Mi-. 1 ,.n Muii.n. Mrs. I'. .\.

Murray. Mrs. Joseph Murray. .Mrs. Harry V. Murrev. Mi- \,.ni. \lu,t,,\. \1.- \l,,iir Murray.

.Mrs. T. V. II. .Murphy. .Mrs. C. C. Murphy. Miss Nelii. \lur|.|,v. \li-. I'.il Mi.ipl.v. \li-. Ilui;h H.

Mvers. .Mi>s E. V. .Mvers. .Mrs. W . B. Mver-. Mi- K-i. II. \\^u.\. \I,- KM.,, %.,„... Mr-. T. J.

-Nance. .Miss Florence .Napier. Mr-. W . \\ . N.ip,.,. \li-. \1. I,. N.».ll. \1,-. .1. 11. \. «,„.,„. Mrs.

William Nelson. .Mrs. Oscar N. 1-,.,,. Mi-. (I,.i,l.- \. l-..„ \li- C.ill,.-, ,n,- \,,:I,..IV. \1,- lla/.-l

NeuholT. Miss I!e!en NeuholT. \li- i:ii/al,.ll, N.,1. \1,- (..,l,„.l. N.ii.i,,. \li-. K. 1 .N..„.n.

.Miss Annie .M. Nenon. Miss ,\nnie Blanrhr \.u-..„k \1i-. i:. \I. \..h. \I,- K ,1. \. l-.ii.

Mrs. Boyd Nicks. Miss Esther Nichol. M,-. i;..l,.il W . \,.l,..|. \li-, Ni„. I,,,i N,|.-. Mi-

John Noien. Mrs. W. L. Northern. Mrs. I.. C. \... I. Mr-. (l-..,r K. N...I. M,- I ,,.„..- \...-l.

.Mr.s. May French Noel. Mrs. Edwin Noel. .Mr-. II. E. N..rl..ii. \Ii-. \l,,r\ K. \... I. Mrs.

Irene Nu.ssbauin. .Miss Katherine Oaklcv. Mrs. J. T. Oakley. Mr-. \,i,lnw ()l!r,.„. Mr-. M. I'.

O-Brien. .Mrs. P. F. 0-Brien. Mrs. T. d-firien. Miss Nellie O-Bri.ii. Mi-. J. W . ()( ..i,nor. Mrs

Miles I'. O'Connor. Mrs. I!. A. 0<lom. Mrs. William A. Ojicl.ii. Mi- Kaili,-,ii,r (ImI.ii. Mrs.

James A. Ogilyie. Mrs. O. A. Oliver. Mr-. 1,1a Oliv.r. Mi- \l,„,, ()l,^.r. \li- l,..,.i-.- (Iir. Mrs.

Hol.eri Orr, Jr.. Mrs. Samu,-1 11. Orr. Mr-. J..I111 \. ()i„,,,„. \1,-. 1' , (>-li..i,,.. \li- K.'l.a

Oshorne. Mrs. W. A. Ouf:hl,-r...n. Mr-. William A. (!^.l.,M. \I,- ( ..in,,,.- (Iu„,u- \1,- \,it.ilie

Overall. /liss Katrina Overall. Mi- Eli/al.eih Overall. \1,- (.l.i.K- I'.il,,,.,. \1,-. 1 pi, l'.il„„r.

Mr>. I'errv Halm.-r. Mrs. W. O. Parmer. Mrs. Koherl 1',,,-..,,-. \1,- 1. 1 I'.ii.li.. . \li-. M. M.

I'arrish. .Miss Marv Ajines Payne, Mrs. W. A. Pavn,-. \I,- 1;,,,.. K. I'.iv,,.- M,-. r,t'-.ral.l

Parker. Mrs. Ira E. Parker. Mrs. Hazel Padgett. .Mi- i;,l„.,., I'.i.h. 11. M,- 1 ..i,-.- I'.„k,-,

Mrs. Walt.-r Parkes. Mrs. Thomas Parkes. Miss Marie Paneiil. Mis. II. C. I'aii.,:!. \li- W. E.

Park. Miss Mania Pardue. Miss Mvra Patton. Mrs. J. S. Patton. .Mrs. O. II. I',,t Mi-. U.

E. E. I'arnian. Miss Eli/aheth Parman. Mrs. Ora Lee Patton. Mrs. Edgar Park,-,. Mi- Kiilh

Parks. Miss Beatrice Parham. Mrs. V. E. Patlon. Miss Margaret Park.s. Nlr-. J..l„i I'.rr^. Mis.

C. B. Pennock. Mi<s Sallie PeMon. Mrs. J. H. Peehl,-. Mi- \„„i, P.a,-..ii. Mi- Will Pelwav.

Mis, .\ugusta Perrv. Miss Elizahelh Perrv. Mrs. J. S. I'.rix. \1,- („,.,u. I', n.ll.l,.,,. Mrs. C. E.

Pearson. Mr-. F. E. Penteo.sl. Mr-. J. W. Pei.leco-i. Mi-, I \1 I', ,,l. . .,-1. Mr-. ,1. I.. Percy.

Mrs. W. II. Peel.les. Mrs. C. L. Phillips. Mrs. l.oui^, S Phillip-. \li-. \\,lli.i,.i I'liillips. \1.>.

Jes-e Phillips. Mrs. Porter Phillips. Miss Cora Pitts. .Mrs. .Mallie I'l. m . \I,- \U>U^ Pillar.!.

.Mi.ss Catherine Berry Pilcl.er. Mrs. John M. Piclon, Miss Eavinia Picloi,. \l,- Kl,/al,.ll, P„ l..„.

.Mrs. J. A. Pitlsman.' Mrs. D. U. Pickens. Miss Addie C. Piltmaii. Mr-. I.. I'm-. Mr- \. Plumlee. Mrs. M. K. PlummiT. Mrs. A. E. Potter. Mrs. I.eui- P.. p.. Mr-. .l,i,„. - 1!, P.. p.-. Mi-. .1. KPolk. Mrs. James K. Polk. Jr.. Mrs. Ke'sev Polk. Mr-. I I,,,- r..u.-,-. \1,-. \l.v, l'...l.>. M,-Mil<lr.-d Porter. Mi-s Matilda Porter. Miss Eva Porl.,. M,- 1,M....,, \ 1' ,. M,-. 1.' M.

Poindexler. Mrs. (i. E. Povm-11, Miss Louise Powell. M,- 1 ., .1 i.,.,„.l I'..a.H. M , -. Ku,,,- I'..IIm,<I.

Mrs. William C. Pollard. Miss .Marv Power. Mi- \Krll.- I'..v..,. \li- 1.1,11, P. p.-. M,-. IMuar.l

Polie-. Mi-- Bessie Poteel, Mrs. Richard P.,..r.. M,-, 1,,>,- P....... Mi-. (.. -. l',...l..i. Mrs.

L. II. Prodor. Mrs. (ieorge Price, Mrs. Rhea Pr,. .. M,- \l.,iLa,.l l',i... Mi- K.lui,, A. Pi ,.,.

Miss Lucile Pride. .Mrs. Charles N. Price. Mrs. R. I!. Pu,a,-.,,. \1,- \,i:.iiiiia Purvear. -Miss

.-iara Puryear. Mrs. C. F. Purcell, Miss Kate Pylmss. .Mrs. K. I IM,,,-. Mi- Louise Quarh'S.

Mrs. Rnhert Quarles, Mrs. T. B. Quackenhos. Miss Fav Ouarh -. \1,- \l,k. .]. Ouinn. .Mrs. Loulias..,,.. Mrs. Roy Ra^coe. Mrs. Anna C. Davis Rascoe, .Mis. \rlh„r It. R.iii-om. Mrs. McEwenRansom. Mrs. J.,i,n B Ransom. Jr.. Mrs. J. K. Rains. Mrs. T. B. Ra»l-. Mr- S. E. Rather. Mrs.

(miv Rainev. Mrs. William P. Rutland. Miss Clara Rust. Mrs. Mary Rust. Mrs. Charles Russell,

Miss Lillian K. Rus-ell. Mrs. C. M. Russell. Mrs. A. J. Rowland. Mi-s Martha Rowland. Mrs.

William Ro-. Mrs. John B. R.d.inson. Mrs. A. II. R.d.in-on. Mrs. J. II. Rol.n Mr-. Victoria

Roach. Miss Nannie Ro:.che. Mr-. C. B. RoL'crs. Mi- R..-a May Rii-I. Mr-. C V. liii-.ll. Mrs.

C.-orgia Ryer. Mrs. Paid Ryman. Mr-. T. J. Ross. Mi- N.llie Ro, 1,,-. Mr-. 1. J i;,...,i,v. Miss

( 1P.6 I


Katherine Rooney. -NFi-. 11,1,,, K x. \ri-- M.,,,.ii,i l!,,-,. Mi^^ C,,,..- !;.,-. M,-, C, .,,,^ iil,-

P. Rose. Mrs. Davi.l l;,,-,,il, 1,1. \1,- ll„l„,,, l;,,u!,,„,| li,,l„, i~,„,. \1,- 11,1, ,. |:,,!w,i-. M,...

A. H. Roberts. Mrs. W , \ |.',,l,.ii-. \1,-. \. i;,,il„ l,,l,L \li- 11, I,-,, l;,,l„-, -,„,. \1,- H,,,., K,,!.-

,.r.,-,n. Mi.c J..;,,, i;,nn.i-,-. \li- \l,iix l-i-kii,,' i;aniau,-. .Nil.-. Ham J. Uankm. \li- U, Kirk

l.'aiikin. \li-- h.M,,- |;,,il,^. \1,-. l!,,ll,i,,' II. Ui,,-. Mi>. Evans Kichardson, Mi- I ,1.,, I,i, ll,.,l•

•,,il. \1,- I i.ih' |;„l,ai,l \l,- S\r]\j i;„l,. \lr^. Herman Rich, Miss la.i.i-,' lli,!, \l:->

^,i,^ Khli. Ml- ( ,'lia IJi.h. \Ii- i.,.ir,i„- i;i,h, \1,-. J. H. Reed, Mrs. Ittie Kini„N l;,n,,. \lr^,

i,,,i^, i;, V,.. Mrs. H. B. Reams. Mrs. Tom R.-.v,-. \li- \ll„-rts Reeves, Mrs. J. P. Regan. Mrs.

' ,11,, l;,,x,>. Miss Lillian Reyer, Mrs. Ed R.. , , . \l,- F.l.,,^ Ragan. Miss Mary Ella .Samuel

\l,- i;,.-, -^auvor. Miss Eloise Stnckoll. Mrs. 1-. I.'. ,^a,,,l, i -,„,. Mrs. E. A. .Savage. Miss Georgia

.>awn,. \|i-. n. \. <a«ii,'. Ml-. Ma. Mill ^a^wi, Mr-. T. M. .Sawrie. Mi-, ll,,ll^ v^,,,,,,.].. M,^W. C. -luii,. Ml- II,,, IV -,,uii, M.-. (..||,-|,„ ^xkes. Miss Ada Sua,,,,. Mi- < la, a WianiieSumpl,,. \li- William .'~:„iii|a-i \li-- M.iini,. >iilluan. Mrs. Arthur .1. ^„il„ala,„l. \li- Kill,-

Sutli.'il,i,,,l. \li-- -,„li, Ml, - ,la,Ml \l,-. J. \\. Stein. Mrs. R. M ^i,,,i \l,- \ ,uan^tiil,l,l,<!,l,l. Ml.. .1. W. .s|,.u,,,i. \|,,. K,Uvard T. Seay, Mi-- K.iiImim,,' ^,mv. M,- \li,ilia

-,»,ll. \l,- i:-ih,a -, huail/. Ml- 1,,, -,luvarlz. Mrs. A. Nl,,,,,lt. \l,- \,lh,' M,,, S. Imll.\l|-

I li,,"l..ia -, Mi^i:-. Ml-., ( hail,- W ^, luivler. Mrs. A. C. --,u,l,K. Mi- i l-u.aili IV -. il,-.

\ii" Mar;:, 1,1 -, 1,,||„,I. \|,-- \|.,1„.M,. v,,,, ,,, |,.,-.. M,-.. H. V. --I„'|,,,,. Mi-. \^...^ I ^li,ll,,i,. Mi>.'. .\. ^li,ll,,n. \h-. W . i;. v|„. !,,,„, \||.,

I,„||„, , Si:,, I/. M,- (

. \l. -I, a, kl, II Ml- I l,,.,,':,|li

^l|,il^. Ml-. I'.luar.l II .^l„al,'. \li-. |,,li„ -.|,. . \l,-. \, .nI,,,,,,, \|,-- |-I,...,

I „a Ii


Stanl.,n. Mr-., lam,- -1,'j, i. M,- l;,,l,. ii I . -i, , 1,-. I,.. M\h>. Clan, I, 1'. Sli,.-I. \li-- I i.iii., - ^iM.a. Ml-- I n. il

Frail,,- --I,,k,-. Ml- 1 11,1, ^l,,k. -. \l,- ImmI,,,, v|,,|,, ..

Kloi-,- <l,„k,M. Ml- 1,— ,, ^lii,,2l,ll,,u. \l,- Ir.iiik I.I

Mi- Mjys --l.llilina,,. Ml-. 1: - I. -laliNniii Mi- 1,1

Mr>. K. I-'. Sl,„ k,II. Ml-. ( ku C -1, |ili,ai-. Mi- II. I'.-

Steailwi^ll. Ml- IMiik --i, .,.|v , II. Mi-- Maix -i. ,,,l«,ll. \l

white --|,,ilk-. Ml- |. iiMi, -,M|-.- \li- I ilhin -la, k,,nl '

man. Mr-. 11 .,- ^|u-,,l, ,, J, . \l,- II. ,,m v,„.,,,. \|,,.

E. S. .snee.l. Ml- Ihamaii -|,,l.-. M,-. II, ,,,> W . -p„,iSouthgate. Mi- I.,,r,a,a -,,iiil,^ai. . Ml-. Ii. -nhn-k^. Mi-Mrs. Lionell Siiiilli. Mi- kal,' ^milh. Mi-. Kiil.x '-milli.

Mrs. Ed. Smitli. Ml-. Mik,- :-iiiilli Mi- IIuliIi -imili. Ir.

Smith. Mi- 1 ,„i,-.' ^,i,,il,. Ml- i;i.,ii ^,,iitli. M,-- l-,,,l

Virginia ^i,,illi. Mi- W Ik ^niMl,,'. M,-- I ,liia ^mvil,, MMiss l-a,i,aa -I,, ,11. M,-. II. Ik ^1,11,1 Ml- MiMnM -kil-i

.Sloan. Ml.-. J. F. .•>!., «e\. Mi.-> .Vi.nu (k Sanml.i-. .Mi;

Mrs. C. M. Tally. Miss Lucille Tallev. Mrs. Edward 0. Tate. MrTamble. Mrs. H. W. Tank.sley. Miss Edith Taliaferro. Miss Rut'

Miss Mabrv Talbot. ATi-s C'ara Louis,- Tavlor. Mis< Katherine '

Bessie Taxh.r. Mi- Fli/,,l„Mi Tim--. M;-- \ni,li,' Tin . ATi-

Thoi.ia-. Ml- k.ki. W l'.,.m.,- k Ml- W 'I-l.-k, \k-.

TaniK. Mi-- W iM 1 II, i I.Umhi. Mi-- Ik.k- n., I ,i,.k ,. Mi-- ^ ,,'i I

Miss Fran,-,- lin-ka. Mi-- Killi|,,ai Tillm.in. Mi- Fk.i-,' Tiiiim

Mrs. Pat H. Tiinothv. Miss Ailcen Timothy. Mrs. J. G. Tyler. .Miss Alice Tuck. .Miss ^fary Fite

Turley, Mrs. Robert W. Turner. Mrs. R W. Turner, Jr., Mrs. Vernon Tupper. Mrs. Vivian

Tapper. Miss Laura Tucker. Mrs. Frank Turner. Miss Marie Trebing. Miss Melinda Timmons.-Mrs. ,1. D. Torn V. Vr =

. G,-,,r!:.- Tomi 'dn-, Mr-. Sidney Tompkins. Mrs. W. D. Train,-. ,lr . Mi==

Helen Trabue. Mi- (lli^kl Tr.il.n, . Mi- 11 II. Tial,,,,. Mi-. ,L L. Trousdale. Mi- I \ Ti,,,,--

dale. Mrs. Heiin Ti,!,,,,,.!. Mr-. 1. I-' TInmia-. Mr- b.lni W . Thomas. Mrs. .1 II ma-.

Mrs. R. L. Th.,iiip-,,ii. \h-. T. F.-igh llb.nii,-,,!,. \h- .l.,-,-|,h H. Thompson. Mr- M,,r.,,,.l W ,i,le

Thompson. Mrs. Overton Thompson. Miss Florence Teague. Mi-. s,i,„|,.v j; j,,, |„aii. Mi-Anne Warner Tennison. Mrs. Smith Tenison. Mrs. W. A. Tein-,,,. M,- i.,,,,^. I,, i, -,,,,. Mr-.

(Tcorge Terhune. Mr.s. Sam J. Underwood, Miss Annie Mav I ii,l,i\v I. Mi-- Ik.irl \ .i,,ii, ,i-e.

Miss Leona Vantrease. Mrs. John J. Vertrees. Jr.. Mrs. T. R. \i\icUi. .Mi.- t)luia \aiKa. .Mrs.

James L Vance. Miss Ruth Vance. Mrs. Currell Vance. Miss Margaret Vance. Mrs. Preston

^au<rhn. :\Irs. Harry A. Vau?hn. Mrs. Ear'e Wylie. Miss Clair Weil Mrs. Ju'ius B. Weil. Miss

f ]87>

lai .,1, M,-Mr-. lk,> .si.'N


Mari.- ttril. Mr^. Kmnu-t W i-bb. -\lr>. J. N. W ,1.1,. Mrs. J. 0. \\.1,1.. Mrs. R..lu rt \^Vl.slor. MissN.ll Webh. Miss Mar\ W.-bb. Miss Kllt-na Wtbb. Mrs. W. II. W .bb. Miss Exin.- Vi .bb. Miss\\ib-mina W.bb. Miss .Mliiu- W .-bb. .Miss Louise Vi .-bb, Mrs. M. 11. Wrijibl. Mrs. Tliomas Wvnn.>rrs. Mamarel Wrifil.t. Miss Marlba X^vall. Mrs. 1!. V.. \\\atl. Mrs. Malv.rii Wriiilil. Sirs.

Cbarli-s T. '«ri^lit. .Mrs. William K<:b.-rt Wripl.t. Mi- \I...n W U. \l,v \. A. Wrifibl. Miss

Maiul \Vo.Hlar,l. Mi>- Kli/.ib.-th Wrivhi. Miss .liilia \\..lf. \|.. W li. W ,, 'hi. \1.-. H. C Wri^lil.

Miss Bes.sic Wilki.is,.,,. Mi>, Eva Wrijibt. Miss Marv W lul. In ,..|. \l,v WiHiani 11, Will. Mrs.

.b.bn L. Win.iia. Miss Maji^i.- Wbilbmor,-. Mrs. Ilarrv Wliil,. \lis. Will Wilk.r.-...i.. .Miss Cla.lvs

W bit,-. Miss Elsie L. Winnia. Mrs. J. H. WhaU-v. Mrs. II. Wiles. Mrs. A. M. Wlun-ler. Miss Ella

Wilson. Miss Nina Llovd Wheeler. Miss Iiula Wilson. Mr.'.. Felix Wilson. Miss Marv Wilson.Mrs. Harry Wlierrv. Mrs. Carter Wilson, \riss Berllia Wilson. Mrs. J. Sl.vi- Wlierrv. Sirs. .I„lin

11. Wilson. Mrs. C. P. Wilson. Mrs. J. M. Wil<..„. Mi-- M.u^n.i WIi.im. Mr-. D.uiJ.,- W,i.:l,t.

\Ii-s Margaret Wrisbl. Miss .Mice \\^nx{^,^. \li- Mil^i.,! \\,m.1ui,„-. \1,- 11, im,.! W.m.Iu,,,,.

Miss Marv Wiekliffe. Miss Dorothy \\ilk.,-n„. \1,- (.1,,,U- WhIim-i Mi- lull \\n,J,,,,„.

Mrs. llufiiies Worke. Miss E.lilh Work.- Mr-. .1 II. W ilk.-. \li-, .^.n,. (, W ilk.-, \Ii-. Il.lr.-.l

Woolwine. Mrs. .'^am Woohvine. Mrs. Walter W,.ohvine. Mrs. W. I). Witlurspoon. Mrs. G. B.

Woodanl. Mrs. Jack Witherspoon. Mrs. J. M. W^oodwar.l. Jr.. Miss Cornelia Withersi.oon. Missrtull. Withersi.oon. Miss I.la Pearl Wood. Mrs. Ri.lley Wills. Mrs. C. C. Woo.lcork. Mrs. RoyV. Williams. Mrs. W. B. Winfrey, ^rrs. W\ W. Watkins. Mrs. J. L. Walking. Mrs. J C. Watkins.

Mrs. C. B. Wallace. Miss Ellen Wallace. Miss Maraarel Whitehead. Mr- l..lin \ W ,1-on. \rrs.

Charles Whitworlb. Miss .Mma Williams. Mrs. K. Williamson. Mr- I \I \\l,,lu„rlh. Miss

Opal White. Mrs. Miles Williams. Mrs. R. T. Williams. Mrs. Jennie W hit. . \l,- W ,,li.r White.

Miss Corrine Williams. Mrs. B. Frank Williams. Mrs. J. Mall Will,,.,,,-, \l,-, I'. .. ^ W illlMn,-.

Mrs. J. Weis. .Mrs. C. P. Wailiams. Mrs, Danelie Weinbaum. Mi- I iMm.. W .-imI.,,,,,,,, M,- I.,.-

Werthen. Mrs. Idabelle Wilson, Mrs. James T. Weakley. Miss .v,,-,, \\,,,kl. ^, \h- I, II W .Mkl.v.

Miss Marian Webb. Miss Ethel H. Weaver. Mrs. Dempsev Weax. , \l.- |..-. |.li W.-l, M.- I ll.n

II Webb. Mrs. Frank Welch. Mrs. B. C. WVIsh. Mrs. Rufns W W.ix.i, \l.- Ml.i.i W.ll.nin.

Mrs. H. T. W'enc. ^riss I'attie Ready West. Miss Christine W.M.., M.- Cu- W.-i, \l.- 1...-

Weinstein. Mrs. M. R. Wetterau. Mrs. Charles Wetherbee, ,1. \I.- (K.l- W ;i-l,l.n, „, Mi-.

Frances Wade. Miss Josephine Warr.ii. Mi- \nni.- Warr. n \li-, W , T, W ,i-lMn jl..n. Mi--

Margaret Warden. Miss Susie Wade. Ml- I 1 W ,iikiii-, M i-- lliiili W ,i!lri \l,. I W \\,i,l„|.l.

Miss Martha N. Waller, Mrs. Clan. I.- W.iH.i Mi- Tl...in,i- II Wiii.ii Mi-- CLnh- \\,Mi.n.

Nfiss Emma Warren. Miss .\lice Warwi. k. Mi- lii.x Warui.k Mi- \inn,- W.nui. k. Mi-, (', II.

Warwick. Nfrs. C. Wasserman. Miss Courtney Wapponer. Mrs. J. II. Waiijioner, Mrs. K. C.

Warmack. Miss Dora Wallace. Miss Loui.se W^allacc. Mrs. C. C. Waggoner. Miss Percie Warner,

Mrs, J. B. Watson. Miss Rebecca Way. Mrs. Georpe C. Wade. Miss Marianne Wade. Mrs. George

II. Wade. Mrs. Elizabeth S. Wade. Miss .Sarah S. Walts. Mi-s Kli/ab.th Watts. Miss ThelmaWalker. Mrs. S. C. Walker. Mrs. L. A. Warner. Mrs. Jean B. W.ilkin- \li- (THrvan Washinalon.

Mrs. Fred Walter. Mrs. D. P. Wrenne. Jr.. Mrs. Fiel.lini: H. ^..-l. Mi- I.la Vouns. Mrs. C. C.

Young. Mrs. J. E. Young. Mrs. W. T. Youns. Airs. W. F. V.i.r.n, Mi- I..hn Yeamen. Miss

Mamie Yearein. Miss Louise Yates. Mrs, Carl\l.' ^ ai. -. Mr-, 1 , K, /il.ail. Mi- Kli/al..lli Zar,'c.,r.

Mrs. J. II. Zarecor. Miss Beatrice Zander, an. I Mi- 1..-. pli /,ii ,

Mr^. Joseph Byrns bejian licr Worl.l W u -rvi..- In ll.r ^ULiial Dn-iii- D--

parlnionl of the Nashville Chapter, and -In- al-.. u.nk.d in iIh- p.n kiirj i.i.nii-. I)

ti. experience pained in thi.s department. -In-

inj.'s of the A. R. C. for the Cr.nL'icssi.iiia! Cjoin her husband while Conurcs- \\a- in --

nessee l.ovs at Walter Reid liospilal. an. I -.-n

C.rp.s at Washinjiton. Conpres-ni in 1!mii-

diers whenever possible, as w<'l! a- -ii\iirj

National Headquarters for all l)a\iil-..n C.a

k.'il in ll




Mrs. E. W. Fkye. Supervisor

Mrs. Ann Pokterfield Rankin. Assisiani Su/icrvisDr

During the latU'i |i.

inas DepartiiKMil t>{ ilu

emijliiyed in luisinos

I' Sr|]tciiiliri. I')i;i. ihc niiilil work in tlic Surgical Dress-

1Ckiss. uliicli ua- (Idnc |ii iri(i|iall v liv women who were

iig the day, was opened in the Chamber of Conimerce

luiilding, with Mrs. E. W. Frye in charge. Six weeks

hiter a unit was started in the Tuhme workrooms, with

Mrs. Carter Reeves and Mrs. Ilolnii Check as Assistant

Supervisors to Miss Effie Moi-m. \l.ini_-er. In Fel>-

ruary, 1919, the two rooms wcic ( (m^..lidatcd, with Mrs.

E. W. Frye as Supervisor and Mrs. Ann Porterheld

Rankin as Assistant Supervisor, the two latter serving

until the close of the workrooms.

During this period over seven hundred business

women, who had stood at their post of duty all day,

cheerfully gave up a portion of their rest time, manygoing without the evening meal, to do their "bit" for

the soldiers. They came through rain and snow and

Mr. e w Frye''"' '^''''' "' summer, never tiring as long as there was

wdik to l>e done.

Over 103,200 surgical dressings were made in these rooms in the Tulane Hotel,

generously donated by the management. The list of business women doing Red

Cross work in the Tulane Red Cross quarters, and whose work and efficiency were

one hundred per cent, were:

, Miss Alice

Miss Marionguerite Collisant, Mrs. W. B. Cox, Miss5 Mira Carmichael, Miss Gertrude Boyd,

Mrs. Mary Ayres, Mrs. W. J. Crork.u. Miss Daisy Boyd. Miss Annie A\Campbell, Mrs. Thomas Bovd. Mi>-- Mar-iurjl.- Bell. Miss Anne Belle Anderi

Alexander. Mi>^ MaiN \ls.„. \l,-~ 1 h/a Mt. ,,. \

Portia L. Bao.i. Mi- M.i IU.mii- \Ii- lil.l Al

Miss Marv \\r,., k. \li- \,,i,. \illiin. \li-- \aa ( m,,i|,-. Mrs.

Brown. Air. II, II. Ilia-Inn. Ml- I I i.-.ili. I li ll.ii,-. \li- Mr-

Mss MaiiM,, ( ,,N. \n-- M.ili.l I. ( MJiM. \li-. I! ( Mllni.ui. Mi-

Miss C. -11111, 1,. ( ,H,k. \li- I II. V r.iillih.ll. \l,-- \ ii::ii,i,i l;l,H

^Uss Ilia I( Liikr. \li- II, 1,1, i Ink. Nil-

I~^ i ,,!„ i, \li-

terman. Mi-kv. Mr-^. 1


.\U« Alanuu i;,,,«iiiii;;. Ml-- Man |,„-

Margaret Barrv . \li- \ |;,hi|,-n. MMrs. John Blak,-. Mi- \iiiia l;i,i-u,-ll.

Cooper, Miss l-;iti,- lal-ll. \li-- I-,- la

Miss Praii r.lr.l-,,,-. Ml-- li.i:-^ IImim. \I

Miss Mar^ai.l lliu. ,-. \li- I iili Hian-,,,,

Miss A. la |„ r. Ml- Ma^^h- I .III, I. \

Bridges. .\1,-. In, 11- lin.uii. Mi- \an,v

Margaret Buchanan, Miss Allia Drapir.

Punbar, Miss Marv .41ize Davis. Miss Kii

Mrs. Clarice Drake. Mrs. W. E. Drake

Cameron Duncan. Miss Mildred Dinning

Dickens, Miss Minnie Dickson. Miss Catherii

,-ki i;

n tl 1 1) so .Y C O I V / > If O M E .Y / A' THE \l () K L I) 11. 1 R. 191 4-1 9 1 9



Kain, Miss Tinsie Lewis, Miss Adelaide Lackey. Mrs. T. B. Lundson, Miss Evelyn Laugliren.

Miss Stella Lamon. Mrs. J. G. Lackey. Miss Frances Lamon. Miss Phoebe Lawrence. Miss Nan

Isabell Lee. Mliplnman. Mi-s

Mr.l, 1

,Ma,la \lili.r. Mi-- l.na \l:i,

Miss Janie Martin. Mr-. W .

Miss Susie Murphree. _\li~-

Miss Grace Massre. Mi-- \i

Sadie Maiiin. Mi

Minnie \1, >. '

Mrs. J. W \h u.Caslin. \h.. W. I

McCorn, Miss \1

Miss Mary McAIIMiss Katherine '

Lowenstein. Miss Regina

V \Iavwell. Miss Eleanor

\li~- I illian \la|,>r. Miss- l;,--,,. \lanniii..;. Mrs.

ax.-. Ml- K-i. Mr \lyrick.

Mi-> D.,ia I'nhuii. Mi=- Uai^N IVal. Mr.,

- Luvie Puore, i\Dss Nancy Pristole, Mrs.

•ssie L. Poteet. Mrs. George H. Price.

. Miss F.-leoie Porter. M'iss Lere Pitts.

ikin. Mi- \lliN Kirh.

Julia Pettv. Mi.^Nlla Kirli. Ml-



U- l;il-I \ll- \l. ^ llh l|,ilw:,J, Ml- llirhmond,- llM-a Ma^ Kii-i Ml- M.rx l.'n-l. Ml- Tuna:i lli.li. Ml- L,iia i;ra-_:.ii,. Mi-. Iiii K. Reno,

> G. Reed, Miss Louise Rich, Miss Anna B.

H. K. Stevens, Miss Mary Sinnott, Miss Esther

nes. Miss Lillian Nicholson Shearon. Miss Ina

Mai\ lotii-,- SI., an. Mi- MalA "il.-pli.ai-. m.

a I .^panl,

S. Skef-

I- Kath-.1... MissIt/. MissMl. Missan. Miss111. Mi-s

-. \1,-, (, \l. ralj.-x. \li-

iseud. -Miss Will Ella Taton,

Laura Tucker, Miss Elizabeth

Mrs. Lucv Tucker. Miss Irene

Mi- R.,-.' tiirk.-r. Mi- Florence

Ml- ^xl.il Tii.n.i. Ml- Carrie

Underwood, Miss Olivia Vane. Mi- M. I W.l.l.. Mi- Mai::iii.l W.l-li. Mi- Mariiinri

Wade. Mrs. A. R. Whiteman. Mi- M.u W.ll-. Mi- itni.n..' W il-,.n. Mi- li, - Wa.l..-. Mi-s

Effie A. Wa.ll.-N. Ml- (...iima I.'...- W nl-. M.- I.'- - Wa.!.. Mi- M.im \\^.llll. Mi- Bartha

Wilson. Ml-- -.ii.ili \\il-M,i. Ml-- \ni,i. \\,i1-mii. Mi-- Man.! W lu.ini. Ml-- Maiv W .'ll-. Air.-.

Van A W^l.'i Mi-- Mau.l I W.-.nii. Mi-- M.i Wilkm-. Mi- N.lli- Walk. a. \li-(lki Walker.

Miss Carrie Wilkes. Mr--. Julia \\..lll. .Mi- Cam,.- We-ki. Ma.--- AiUi.c W i--c. Mi--- .Vima Wil-

liams, Miss Margaret Walton. Mrs. Joe Weinstein. Miss Ruby Williams, Miss Margaret Walton,

Miss Ethel H. Weaver, Miss Josephine Warren, Mrs. Henry M. Wells. Miss Nellie Williams.

(191 )

niiii)So\ c 1 wry komew in the world itar. 10141919

MUs M;irv Wliitoliea.!. Miss Jonnic Ward. Miss Louise Wallace. Miss Dora Wallace. Miss Alice

Winfrev. Miss Ma;:^ie W liitlen.ore. Miss Lillian Weinbaum. Miss Klizahelli Womaek. Miss

Mollie L. Wallun. Mrs. l.la Youiif:. Mrs. Louise Yates. Mrs. 11. Zolinski. .Miss Floreme L. Zoplii,

.Mrs. L. Z<.liiiski. and .Miss Beatrice Zaml.r.

Mrs. Frank W. Ri.i.u. Supervi-.., ,.l liii> ,l,|,ai liiir,,!. .j;,vr Ihi e„liie li.nr each

(lav to tills work from iiiiie o'clotk in the iiinrniiiL; liiilil 1i\c in llie rxcniiiL;. lor two

years. Her splendid example as a leader and workei ln-|iirr,l a larire amount of

llie «ork aeeomplished in this department. Her reciud ..I l..\.ill\ to duty inspired

workers in all departments of the Nashville Chai)lrr. Ile.l Cro--. as well as other

patriotic World War oruaiii/.ations. ulio ar<- iiislK pimnl ,,t \li~. KiniiV lovallv to


Ho-riT \1. (. \l!\ll A !> Dll'MMMIA 1. \ \^ll\ II. 1.1 CM \l'l IK \. It. ('.

\llis. .1(. r>. \l.Ma.\N. (Junrman

The workroom for niakinu c,.n\ ale, ,.n| and lio-pital Lzaiiiicnls for ihc Nashville

Chapter. Red Cross, was opened XiijiiM. I'»I7. in the Chaml.er of Conmier.e build-

\n'j. and. when lanrer quarters unc ncrdcd. the department was later removed to

the Hermita-e Clul. huildin-. Mi-, jo I'.. Mor'-an was the Chairman Ceneral of

this deparlrncnl thr..nL'hunl il- .xiMrnc-. and ua- at all lini.- a lailldnl u.ukcr.

She «as a>H~lrd la a .,„,,- ,,f daN rlKiirnirn. m-prrhn-. ,ulha> an, I pa.f.r-. uhoa|s,, servcl ,1- al.l,- \ .,l unl,-,i -. \in,inu ll.,- rn,,-l l,.\.d ,,l lli,- ,la\ ,lK.irni,n u,T,-

\1,-. Ilairv 1'. \hnr,-\. Mi-. ^anin,l On. M,-. ()-,ar WaMLiMli. Mi-. Wall,- (>.

\\in-|,;Hl. Ml-. Cla\ (-. .-1, ,,11,11-. Mi-. ,1. II. M, .,,.,-. M,-. I'.n.uii ll,,l,,i,l. Mi- l!;ii

nell !). D.'ll. .Mrs. Joseph W . I'.srn- an, I Ml- Ma,a I . I'mmI.

.Mrs. Jo H. .Mortrari an,l Mr-. W . 11. Cn-mhMl -ii|„rx i-,',1 ih,- iii-p,'.l„,n and

pa.-kin-. and Miss Rlhel Wliil,- ua- in ,l,at.,' ,,l ll„- l,nll.,iil.,,l,- nia.liin,-. \li-

Bvrd .^hehon served as st,„ k.k,.'p,'r an, I M,-. W . W . M, \,alK ua- a in,,-! laulifnl

v,,lunleer «,,rker. s,-r\ in,^ in am ,apa,il\ llial u,,i,i,l Inill,,-, lli,- aim- ,,1 ill,- <l,'-


The work of the Hospital (,arni,-iil S,, li..n ,,l ili,- \,i-li\ill,- Cliai,l,r In,,,, ihe

heginninj: was done l>y anxiliari,-- .in, I ui,,up- li Inn, li,--. , In!,- aii,l pali i,,li(.-

organizations of Davidson C,,nnl\. uli,, u.,rk,-,l in l,ain- a,v,ii,lin;j !, Ia,!,,rv

methods, each team hein.i: ,lir,', l,-,l l.\ a , aplaiii. W li,n a-,nil.l,-,l lli,--,- u,,ik iii-

took on the appearance ol a laii:,' l,i,|,,i\. \ll , la--,-- ,,| uonn-n. in, linlinij \,i-li-

\ille*s most select, deemed il a pi i\ il,".',- I,, d,,n liinvhain ,ipi,iii- and \\,iik in iinisi.n

for a common cause.

The hospital Jiarmenls made ui-re l„<l -liirl-. pajaina-. halli i,,l„'-. ,,,n\ al,-,-,'nl

rohes. l,ed socks ami un.h-rwear. F,,rU -lln.-,- in,,. Inn,-. n,aii\ ,,1 ulii.l, ^^ru ,1,,

naled. were in constant use at head(|uail,i - ,a, li ,la\ an, I lii,ll,,iih,.l,- ina.,liin,-. uilli

motors attached, were |)resented for use in ill,- u,,ik n- l,\ \a-li\ill,- , iii/,-ii-.

The larfrest output i)er day of this departmcnl wa- ,,ii,- linn,lr,-,l an, I vvA\\\ '-ar-

meiits. and ihe largest per week was six hundred ami -i\l\ I,,im. lli,- l,)liil ,,iilpnl

wa- :'.7.f..'!l hospital ^'armenls. The work of the woni,-ii. I„,lli a- olli, iai- ami pri\al,-s

in Ihc rank ,,r this d,-parlni,-nl. u.,s - ,,r ih,. ni,,-l palri,.li, i,-ii,l,-r,-,l .lining the


The followin'.' cliurch.-. . Inhs and ..rL'ani/alioiis ^av,- ,,n ni,,i,- ihu- ca,li

ueck ill the llo-pilal (;arni,-iil S,-,lioM of lln- \ashvill,- Cliaph-r:

( 192)



In the center. I,.,, k ,,l il II I u

ment. To the lef: i- \li> II I I I m

row from left to iii;lii u. : \l I I i I

nett and Mrs. Bn.Hii DuImi I iI I 1 i 111,Second row, left lu right Mil II

(Bessie Lindsley), Miss Laurettt W II \l

L. Talley, Mrs. Owen Wilson (I x II I I

Third row: Mrs. Vernon Shaii (I la 1)

Dave Lowenheim (Tessie Blum) Miss Sarah i

(Mary Hibbler), Mrs. Lena HillmanTop row: Mrs. John Coode, Mrs. Charle

Blantoa (Anna Hawes). Mrs. W. H. Schuermai

1^ Mrs Jo B Morgan. Supervisor (

Diiector (if Woman's Work. Othei

Mudthy I Mary Ella Wells). Mrs.

Mrsiiii OniLan I Uai

H. Landers, Mr

H. Stetson, Mrs. Craig McFarlai(Leonora Badger), and Mrs. Charli

llie Depart-

of the first

hn C. Ben-

.laidi. Mrs.

Knox Polk

Mrs. J. D.


St. Anne's Chuich, West Nashville, Unit, U. D. C.'s, Peabody Dames, First Presbyterian

Church, Catholic Women, East Nashville Unit, Christ Church. Advent Church, McKendreeMethodist Church, Parent-Teaclier Auxiliary. W. C. T. U., Belmont Circle. Centennial Club.

\'an.l,^iiMll Ahl <nr,rlN, I ). \. K.'.. ()i.lr, uf r.,M.Tii Suii AiixiliarA. \"iii. S,,-,.,.[ Christian

ChuH !l. \|..M,r \k-MlM,i.,l |',r-|,M, ,1,111 I lllin 11. NiImImIX mI I 11,1, ,| I Miniii, 1, .,l| IKIM-Irr-. \\".-t

W I \ll\

Presbyterian Church. South Nashville Women, V. W. C. A. Auxiliary, Council of Jewish Women,Donelson Auxiliary, Baptist Women, King's Daughters. Northeast Nashville Auxiliary, Daughters

of America, Faithful Few, and Edgewood Auxiliary.

Mrs. Mary BlackweU. of the St.

weekly meetiii"; for the entire two vi

Church .ewinc; was present at eacli


FIRST FHKM!^H;i!l VN (111 KCll \l \ll.l \I;Y

Tlu> First Presbyterian Cluiivh I nil ua- lli.- iMriiir, ,.i :_..,iii/,iii,,ii. liavin;: I., ihcir

credit more finished garmenU lliaii ari\ ..llin niiu. Mi-. Jaini> 1. \ ancc was the

Supervisor of this unit and Mrs. Joliii Mmkiii ua- (.rin-ral lii>lriMlor ami \ ice-

Chairman. The workin"; members nl ihr in -I I'lc-lix lii iaii (lliimh I nil \mmc:

Miss Marv E. Burko. .Mrs. A. Tillman Uxv>. Mrs. M. 11. Dobson. Mr- l l-. ar W ihlkircli,

A!rs. Kllis Ilujipins. Mrs. Wrner Mo.irr Lrwis. Mrs. Roh.-rt Brannan. Mi- I \ lunl.liman.

.\[rs. W. K. Harrison, Mrs. llarvov .\l.-xan.l.-r. Mrs. .Marjiar.-l Frierson Hall. M.- 1 W luster.

.Mrs. GaU-s .\.lams. .XFrs. Ora L. Harris. .Mrs. Jenni.- Nrsbit Zaretor. Mr-. In,.. - I ( ,,l,liv,-ll.

Mrs. E. T. Kirkpalrick. Mrs. Frank Cray. .Mr.-;. Jam.-s K. I'olk. ,lr.. Mi- (.ill,-,,,, \.l,.in-. Mr-.

Kichar.l Barr. Mrs. W. C. Dixon. Mrs. Echvarcl Harl. Mrs. Jolin \ \1. !«, „. \1,- I,il„i S.

Walker. Mrs. Efiie .Mclver. .Miss Ellen Nanee. Mrs. Felix Clieatliain. \li-. \1. I'li. . t, , - (.l,-:,„w.

Mrs. Tinv .McClelland. .Mrs. 1'. A. Sliell.,n. .Mrs. William Kirklaiul. \1,.. l.luani s|,.,I,a. Mr-.

Allan Berrv. Mrs. Georf:e Killehrew. .Mr.-;. Arlluir .l..n.s. Mr-. C. K. W.ill.i.,. \1,- -- ,„„„.| ,|,i.

.Mrs. .Smith Tenison. Mrs. Annie I.indslev Warden. Mr-. William M.kii...k. Mi-. H.im,.- MrFaddin. Mrs. John O. While. Mrs. M. W'. .Moore^. Mr-. Sam M<Ka^. Mi- W ( l.'.inkin. Mr-.

Claude 1'. Street. .Mrs. Horace 0. Hill. Mrs. Georpe Bradley. Mrs. linneie (;l.„i,,il-. M,-. ThomasKennedy. .Mrs. W. V. Kennedy. Mrs. M. G. Buckner. Mrs. A.lam .Nichid. M,- \l.,i,|. I ri.rson.

^lrs. Morion B. Howell. Mrs. Edaar M. Fosler. .Mrs. J. I'. W. Bro,vn, ,Mi- II \ II. n,^. Mrs.

B. Frank Fields. Mrs. W. A. Opden. Miss .Margaret Glenn. Mi- .1.— i,- S,„,||,. \1,„ l^.alierine

Durv. .Miss Eloise Slockell. Mrs. W. D. Fuller. Miss Lillian I In. 11, I, ran. I. Mr-. !. W . \1 ill-|,anf:h.

Mrs'. Sidney Thompkins. Mrs. E. T. Q-Brien. .Mrs. J. M, Ku,,. M,- I a,„.i l.ll,..n. Mr-. K. A.

r.indsey. Mrs. John Mason. Miss Louise I'richelt. and Mi- \nii.. Wain.r r.ni-.ni.

This unit ^vas also ..ii.' of th.- Japj.'sl si'uin;: Mnil> in llu- \a.-iuill,. C.haplrr.

c:HIRCH of \i)\K\T \l \ll.l \HY

AinniiL' the -aidaiiis. supervisor- ami u..ikri- ul„, -j.nr |,|,rial an,! cll,ri,.nt

service in the .Advent F])iseopal Chur. h \u\iliar\ u.ir:

Nfrs. J. Buisi Kichardson. Chairman: .Mrs. J. B. .Swindell. .Mrs. C. H. Broth.r-. Mi- 11. C.

llibbs, .Mrs. William SchefTer. Mrs. J. N. Chamberlain. Mrs. A. D. Bryan. Mrs. ( l.„„ „l I lax

mond. Mrs. J. C. Elpin. Mi--^ \rar!:arel Way. Miss Margaret I'olk. Afis* Eli/al.ell, > IrmI.-.

^riss Amy Nunn. Miss (ierhii.l.- l.,-ui-. Mr-. K. ,-,.,, \„i,ii. Mi-, \nn.i C. >lii|.maii. Mi- |),.r..llu

Hill. .Mrs. A. H. Oliver. Mi-. l;..l..il IM.a-. Mr-, M. 11. I'an-li. Mi- \l, (I. (lA.il. Mi- Kiila

Xunn. Mis- Willie Tern,. I.-. Mi- I'm-. ilLi I'.. Ik. Mi- I..1.11., ,S..iiil,^al.-. Mi- laiuiia ban Law-

rence, Mi- Mar^-arel lh,i/l. Mi- M,.l..ia llill. .111. 1 Mi-. II. ( .. llil.l,-,

I!I!()\I)\\AV I'KFSIJVTKIUW (ill KCll. \ . S. A.. \l \ll l\i;>

.Mi.ss Sara Cornelius and iVIiss l.auiellr Walla.,-. Caplain-. Ill,- f,,ll,iu in.i: u,t,-

\yorkers in this unit:

Mrs. L.da Baird. .Mrs. W. B. I'.ili.l. Mi- 1. IV (....n.x. Mr>. J. 1), C.nincton. Mrs. J. G<:ummin<!S. Mrs. Horace En-ilaii.l. Mi-. Kii^ tl.l.li.r. Mr-. Minus Flelcher. Mr.-;. Llny.i

Havnes, Mrs. IL Kai Ilows<-, Mr-, .bilm M.( l,ii.. Mr-, I ilK -liilland, Mrs. C. E. .Skinner, Mrs.

T. A. Younp. Miss .Sallie Corn,-liii-. Mi- M.irtlia ( ..rii.liii-. Miss Anna B.ners. .Miss Lillian

Taylor. Miss Marfiar.l liose. Mi- Gra,-,- I!.,-.-. Mr-. Ira l'ark,r. .Mrs. C. K. Coll,-y. Mrs. W. OTirrill. an,l Mrs. j„|,„ |1. I),.\\iit.

l!Fi,M()\r CIKCIJ. \l \II,I\I!Y

Mrs. Harrv I.. Williamson. Caplaln. a-l-l,,l l.\ ihc f,,l biu iuL' «,irkers:

Mrs. W. E. Hil.lMil. Nfr.s. T. A. Curl.-.. M,- I'. \. Moses. Mrs. Chester Brown. Mrs. A. B.Clark, Mrs. Georpe Hever, Mrs. J. .\L Dim. 11. Mi- I'orn^sl Graham. Mrs. Henderson Moore,Mrs. C. C. Paris. Mrs.' J. K. .Simpson. .Mr-. Tli..iiia- spain. Mrs. E. S. Culherl. Mrs. FanninMcBride, Mrs. C. C. Talley, Mrs. J. IL Harrimaii. Mr- \I. Ilarri-..ii. Mr-. 11. 11. Campli.ll. Mrs.

H. C. Clav. Mrs. Marv Burns. Mrs. A. B. Benedi.i. Mi-. I,. M. o'lin.n. Mr-. A. I!. Li-li,i. \li-.

J. A. Cooper. Mrs. G. W. Lawrence. Mrs. E. B. Lli-, h.r. ami Mr-. W . 1. Walla,,-.




Mrs. M. C. McGannon, Supervisor, Section One; Mrs. Walter Stokes, Supervisor,

Section Two. Mrs. John DeWitt served as Captain of Mrs. McGannon's Section

and Mrs. C. C. Christopher served as Captain of Mrs. Stokes's Section.

Pioneer members of Centennial Club Auxiliary included:

Mrs. R. H. Lacey, Mrs. Clay G. Stephens, Mrs. Jolm W. Moore, Mrs. W. L. Nichol, Mrs.

C. A. Marshall. Mrs. S. S. Cr.ick..tl. Mrs. Percy Williams. Mrs. Samuel Douglas, Mrs. Albert

r.iill. Mi- Man W'rlili. Mi- M.iiiai, W.il-li. M,,. y\\inrr ll:Mii~. Mrs.



Mrs. John Coode. Supervisor; Mrs. Horace Cauvin. Captain.

Workers of this unit were:

-Mrs. John Thompson. Mrs. W. C. Sanders, Mrs. Elizabeth Joseph.

Mrs. R. F. Regan, Mrs. John Bevington, Mrs. T. J. Wynne, Mrs. W. C.

Mount, Mrs. P. A. Murray. Mrs. W. J. Morrison. Mrs. John Lowery.Mrs. John Trebinsr. Mrs. E. C. I-nat/. Mrs. John "^innntt. Mrs. HermanBrackman, Mrs. W. F. \1 i,x. Mr.. I. V. I In.lJI. .im,. Mr~. II. J. Grimes,Mrs. J. P. Regan. Mr-. K. I'. \, n.i„. M,-, Ir.mk l^nal/. Mrs. A. C. (GT.rudo bnow)

Taylor. Mrs. R. F. Marlin.lalr. Mr-. Mari.n CM rr. \li- KUir W innia. Miss Maggie McCormick,Mi- ,--a,li,- llnnuva^:. Miss Mamie Brew. .Miss Lena Tamble. Miss Catherine Neuhoff, Missl.i//ir M \, Ml-- Delia Brew, Miss Elizabeth Breen, Miss Minnie Kaminsky, Miss Cornelia< !•. Ml-- I aili. MM.- Grimes, Miss Alice G. Smith, Mrs. J. F. Murray, Miss Kate Breene, and.Miss Callirriuc W innia.

Mrs. Humphrey Timothy supervised a group of Catholic women who workedbefore the organization of the Nashville Chapter at the various Catholic churches,

and later came to headquarters to sew. Mrs. Timothy was assisted bv a captain

from each church, who corralled the workers.


Mrs. Samuel H. Orr and Mrs. J. D. Blanton, Supervisors. The membership wascomposed of:

Mrs. J. H. Kirkland, Mrs. C. S. Brown, Mrs. Edward Buford. Mrs. Leslie Cheek. Mrs. J. L.

nismukes, Mrs. Bruce Douglas, Mrs. William Duncan. Mrs. Hallum Gondloe. Mrs. J. W. Howard.Mrs. Bruce R. Payne, Mrs. J. H. Pilcher, Mrs. Charles C. Trabue. Mrs. C. B. Wallace. Mrs.('laude Waller, Mrs. Owen Wilson. Mrs. Louis G. Wood, Mrs. Sinclair Niles, Mrs. G. M. Neely.

Mrs. Jesse M. Overton, Mrs. Percy Warner, Mrs. E. W. Foster, and Mrs. Alex Caldwell.


Mrs. David Lowenheim, Chairman. The following composed this auxiliary:

Mrs. L. Frankland, Mrs. Adolph Loveman. Mrs. Martin Loventhal. Mrs. Louis Lowenstein,Charles G


Mrs. Ben Lindauer. Mrs. V. Bach. Mrs. Sol Cline. Mrr^Tae Ellis, Mrs. Abram Frank, Mrs. A. L. Gnldli.ru. \l

Mrs. Isaac Hirshberg. Mrs. Joe Jacobs. Mrs. A ImIim-i

Joseph, Mrs. H. Kamer, Mrs. J. L. LsPat. Mrs. M. I a/.nn-

llial, Mrs. Lee Loventhal, Mrs. I. Lowenstein. Mrs. .'mjI Li

Joe Morse, Mrs. Julius Lowenstein, Mrs. A. Roth. .Mrs. AV. S. Sobel, Mrs. A. Weinbaum. Mrs. Henry Weinbaum. Mrs. M.Miss Mamie Blum, and Miss Belle Gootlman.

Mrs. Sam Cohn, Mrs.\k. Mrs. A. Hirshberg.

Ml- \iilnir ,|..-,ph. Mrs. HarryMi-. I! /. Ij\\. \]i-. Dorris Loven-in-lrin. .Mrs. .-.it:nuind Marks. Mrs.Rothchild. .Mrs. .M. Rosenthal. Mrs.

?iner, Mrs. Lee Zibart.

I)^lll>:<o.\ <:oi\ry n o m e \ i x the no rid war. i9iti')i<

(iliOl r (IK W. C. 1. I . WoliKKi;- IN I 111 llii-^l'l I \l (. \l;\ll \ I-II I

\n\ ii|I UK

N A>ii\ II 1 1. (.11 \i'ii i;

First row, left to riyht: Mrs. Lena Wallace O'Barr. .Mi>. \nna M.iiliii Draufiliii. Mrs. Meila

Cole Taylor. .Mrs. W. L. Tally (Sallic llamplonl. Chairman ..1 unh, \1,.. I. N. Ilvde (.\nnie

Holt). Top row: Mrs. Emma .lunjierman Rnsi (Mrs. ,|. W . i . \li>. Cvnlliia Ilarrell Carter.

Mrs. .\. II. Cox (Louise Harii^.n). Mrv Xnna Cail«ri^lil Cnrni, \li-. ,1. llerstrin ( Ava Kvans).Mrs. J. C. Walker (.Sallie \I,n,io.


A U-\ ..f ^^..rk(l> ,,f tlii- ii.nl inav \n- Cnin,! liMr,l ninlr, nrall, ih,

i)\r(,iin,i;s or wiiiik \\ !;r\(ii i 1 1(»\

.Mrs. i:. A. Trke. >uyriM~,;.

Mrs. E. W. Foster. Captain, uilli:

.Mrs. Jolm Mosl.v. Mr>. i. \. \lar-liall. \li-. Sinclair Nilcs. \lr>. I. .1. \ an Ncs^. an.l Mrs.

H.,l,in l!li.„lrH.

( J mi!i:ki,\M) ( Ji \i' I t;ii

M.-. ]. (). ll.-.KJlcv. Cai-lain. Her luicc iiuliulr.l:

Mr~. K. W. \IillM>au(;li. Mrs. .1. K. llarl. Mrs. .L W'a-liin^l..„ \l,„,ir .M,-. Cliailr^ M,„tuw.

Mr.. I!. K. l).,n.i.-ll. .Mr<. Hyron Martin. an,l Mrs. Maf:;;lc I.. Il.rk-.

•Ill(,M\s M.CuolO ClIM'lt.l;

Mis. Bruce R. Payne. Captain. A-i-linn llii> iiuil u,re:

Mrs. .I,.lm Krcic Mrs. A. M. McClain. Mr-. W .(I. rirnll, Mr^. Ki.llev Wills, Mrs. C. ,S.

I'.rnwn. Miss Apatha Brown, an.l Miss Marv W.l.l,

i:\>ii i;\ -T\i; \i \iii \in

Mrs. I'al Oui^'ley an.l Mr-. W . T. W no . .-npcM-,,,-.

Mrs. S. J. Kleiclwr. Mrs. II. L. Ihi.r.-.,,,, Mi-, W . -. Ililc \1,-. j. K. .|„ln.son. Mi-. Ai.li

Maraman. Mr-. C. W. Sclnnl.-r. Mr-, I. I, 1,;.^-. an.l Mr-, ,-, I!. W iN„n.



Mrs. W. P. Rankin and Mrs. J. W. Hurt, Supei-visors.

Mrs. W. A. Roberts, Mrs. W. I. Edwards. Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Mrs. Casey Jones. Mrs.

Charles Eastman, Mrs. E. C. Dargan, Mrs. C. Bauman, Mrs. Kirk Hart, Mrs. J. B. Totten,

j\Irs. Hite C. Moore, Mrs. Harrv Manbv, Mrs. C. E. Connibear, Mrs. J. M. Gilliam, and Mrs.

J. O. McKee.

Mrs. J. W. Hurt, vvliose luitimely death occurred while in service, registered a

daily attendance for the fifteen months that she was Captain of her unit, and was

one of the most rapaUle workers in this department.


isoi Memheis of th

B mar Mr J hn B II

\l, I 1 "f, Dean Mr \^ BI II \li I

s McFadden Mr, \l ( II Mr Carl Mitchill

L ( ^ 11. _ Mr G M b«anF \I Geiard Mrs Charle Stet

'Mr Louhe Vi eele Mr \ii ^

Mrs. David T ]\k( ill Su

Mrs. W. C. Alexan I r M. s

Cooney. Mrs. J. W (. df1 \li i

W. G. Ewing. Mrs L II II \li

T. P. May. Mrs. S W ili i \l

Mrs. Oscar Waldkirch MMrs. E. W. Mooring Mrson. Mrs. Greenlee Tate

Porter. Miss Kate Jones Mis Margaret McNeilh MiMargaret Wliite, Mis Elizabeth McFadden Mi Abl)

Spears. Miss Annie McGill Miss Irene Chenoweth MiMildred Mitchell and Miss Pauline Gerard

KING'S D\L( HTEKs \l \1LI\R\

Mrs. Gibson Patttison tht Count\ '^ ii Pit i

dent, was Super viboi with Mis H B Chadwell

Mrs. J. Herstein Mrs John A Jones and MiFlorence Robinson sei\ing at diffeient times is Ciptains. Those working \Mtli this unit weie

Mrs. W. E. Norvell Mr 'W IT BuEzell. Mrs. E. R. Doclitil ^l; (

T. Hall. Mrs. Robert Fi iii \i

Hill. Mrs. Kirk Hart M, \ hMrs. E. P. Blair. l\Ir II 1 , .

Mrs. R. G. Crowle\ Mr V ( M

>u hminFi 1

\ 1 il


DAVID s \ cor \ T y it o m a: v / v r ii e ir o h i. n ii i h. i <i i t-i » i'

\ (.Kcl I' (IK CM'I \I\S l\ TIIK IKt^n I \l I. \l;\ll \ I M.(.ll(i\. \ \>ll\ II IK (11 \P-


'\'i> llii- ri^lu. bottom row, stands Mrs. h> H. M()r»an (Jean (Jibson). Supervisor of lln' Di-part-

MR-til. To 111., left. Mrs. Hobert F. Jackson. Director of Woman-s Work of lb,- Nasbvill.- Chap-ter. Otbers appearing in the picture are tlie Giptains of tlio various units »lio corraleil lln' unrk-

ers for tliis Deparlnnnl ibroevbout the war.

Mrs. Robert Creigbton. .\Ir>. I. N. \lr,,n-. Mi-. |..lin W . i ImI.Ii.--,. \Ii-, I.. |:, \i, K. an,!, \lis.

I!. O. McLean. .Mrs. W. K. M.NnlK. Mi- J, W . I',ni,,,,-i. M,-. W . [.. \l, kra.nl. Mi- \. M.Tillman, .Mrs. Sam C. Wilke-, Mr-. ( . I;. W il-..n. Mr-. Ii. n I,. Mallli.u-. Mi-, .lam.- If. \ii,I,t-

,on. Mrs. D. H. Scanlon, Mi-. A. >. W il-.n. Mi-. C. i;. I!a,l„u\. Mr-. \ an Li|.M..ii,h, Miss

Maltie W. Thompson, Mjs- M.iia Mafjill. Mi- Klla (,ill..r.l. Mi-. ( bail.- O.I. .in. ami Mi-. I von


M. ki:\l)l!l,K (III IK II \l Mil \I!Y

Mrs. Clay C. -^Irplim-. Mi|,ri \ i-.,i . .iimI \Ii- \Iiii,i OIimt. Caiilain. Assisiin-

with this unit wen-Mrs. Jobn Mo..i.-. Mi-. .|..l,n l!a-k.rull.-. Mi-, riiin.r |)...l.l. \h-. Dun, an D.ui-. Mr-. Miles

Williams, Mrs. K. T. !...«. . Mr-. \Kra fall. Mr-, .lain.- K.-.lin;i. Mi-. .l..hii W . Cli.-sl.a. Mrs.

J. V. (:rawt.,nl, Mr-. K. 11. la..%. an.l Mr-, lam.- H. K//.II.

\()i;iiii;\sT \ \sii\ II, Li, \i Mil \Vy\

\li-» Mil,- K.luar.is. SiiprrviMU. TIiiim- u.iikin..! lln ..ii,i:li..nl llir uar uilli llii-

unit \Mrc:

Mrs. .\!arv rioaUvrijibl, Mrs. I'bilip .1. Il..n-.r. Mi-. \. 1,'. llall...k. Mi- .1. N ( liainb.i lam.

Mrv Cassius M. H.ilt. Mrs. J. O. Kckbar.ll. \li- Mux I,..- Tnrn.-r. Mi-. 1). K. lilank-. Mrs.

Marv Fritz. Mrs. George Kolb. Mrs. \n.li.u \1,,. K. n-i.-. Mr-, ll.n I \..iii-. Mr-, l.ini,-

.--milb. Mrs. M. \I. Ilarvill. Mrs. J. 1). Ilil.-. Mi-. M. M, l.mn. Mr-. II.iim \.ii1i..II. Mi- \Kille

Mclta.-. Mi- .Mau.l l'a>ne. and Mi- MarN Sinitb.

SOI ITI \\s||\ 11,1,1. \l \!I,I\I!V

Mrs. ,1. II. Cami-h.-ll. Mr-. Cliaib- l!ir„v.rlnian ami \li-. I. Paul II.iimII. Cap

Mrs. J. \l. {;ant. Mrs. 1,,-ab (wlbert. .Mrs. Molli,- .|.,n,-. Mr-. .1. \\ All.n. Mr-. W i

Corbitl. ,\Ir-. .1. Tb..mp-on. .Mr-. J. K. Marsliall. Mr-. I.. A. Taiik-lrv. Mrs. Mai M.AIur


Mrs. Louis Peal, Mrs. H. B. Hill, Mrs. K. II. Murray. Mrs. B,tI (;ci-,.r. Mrs. Carl Mc.Murray.

Mrs. Mefedith Flault, Mrs. A. T. Cart«rit;ht. Mi- Oplulia Marlin. Miss .),-n„i,- Uuwr,,. Nfiss

Annie Rowen, and Miss Kaminsky.


Mrs. Robert L. Sawyer and Mrs. Ira P. Jones, Captains.

Mrs. A. H. Council, Mrs. J. L. Hopkins, Mrs. J. F. Horn. Mrs. T. C. Joy, Mrs. M. C. Koellein,

Mrs. W. B. Jones, Mrs. W. H. Sherrill, Mrs. H. J. Marshall. Mrs. M. Y. Sloan, Miss Martha

White, Mrs. W. A. Overall, Mrs. Charles Baker. Miss Matilda Porter. Mrs. Lou Lusky, and Mrs.

John Barksdale.


Mrs. James Moore and Mrs. C. H. Swaim. Supervisors, and the foilowinp; mem-bers:

Mrs. Ira B. Clark. Mrs. Frank H. Weakley. Mrs. C.,.,-,- T. I ,„,„,,,,,. \l,- I;. II Dnnnan,

Mrs. Charles T. Wright. Mrs. W. R. Garrett, Mrs. Marx ( . Ii-lu,, \h-, \l,ll^ 1:1, m km,,,. \l,-.

Charles D. Campbell. Mrs. J. H. Ambrose. Mrs. H. L. 1 i,,-. m„iI,. \1,- I;,,!,,,! i;.,x, ,mI,,I. .\1,-.

James L. McKoin. Mrs. W. B. Marr. Mrs. George Wade. .\h>. Uillie Din., K, ,-,-. \1,-. W .S.

Allen, Mrs. W. G. Browne, and Mrs. James Tilt.



Mrs. Thomas Ncwhill. Supervisor. Mrs. NewbilTs workers eonsisted of:

Mrs. Tho,,,;,-; \|i|,lrl..,,. \liv \l;,,k ll.,i,iM,i,. Mrs. \\^t^,^ II, ,i:-. Mrs. L. A. McMurray, Mrs.

lames \1, ll,,il.,,. Mi- W . I. W^n,,,,. Mi~. I.M,ia,, Ci,-,,,. M,-. Ilaiyev Lee, Mrs. John Mc-

Creery Mis i;,,|.,ii I \l,r, ,,jil,^ Mi-, W . 1!. I'.allar.l. M,-. William fiarr, Mrs. J. T. Chad-

wick, Mrs. R. C. i u,^.\.^. \\i- W. T. Ha^,-. \1,-. ,|,.l,ii I l,.„,ls,,n. Mrs. W. W. Hargrave, Mrs.

Rush Hawes Mr- I ,iiii,, ii ll,i|.|,i. M,-. 1.'. ( . k.,n.„,. M,-. A. H. Mizell. Mrs. M. B. Morton,

Mrs. David I'.i, ,. M,- II, ,,,1,1 I'aii, ,-,.,,. \li-. .1. I!. I'"!"-. Mrs. W. H. Randall, Mrs. J. V.

Smith. Mi-. M,,,,,I, V ^l,lll^,lll. M,-, Vivian Tiipper. Mrs. J. W. Warner, Mrs. Lizzie West,

Mrs. r., n ( i,ii,li,,. \1,- I ,,,! W I,, Ill-more, Mrs. J. Matt Williams, Mrs. W. T. Yeargin, Mrs.

W. T. ^, ,,,,,. Ml- I I. "i,i,,ii-. \li-s Evelyn Crutcher, Miss Elizabeth Campbell, Miss Meta

Orr, an,l M,- Man r„,|l., Il,,|.k,„-,


Mrs. John V. Orman and Mrs. Emmett Holder as Captains, and the following



Mrs. Harvey Hogg, Mrs. Berry Cbrislensen. Mrs. E. Van Schaack. Mrs. A. P. Church, Mrs.

Edwin Godwin, Mrs. John Godwin, Mrs. James Austin. Mrs. Henry Cooper, Mrs. William

Shrigley, Mrs. Albert King, Mrs. Harry Eskew, and Mrs. Mitchell Austin.


Mrs. W. H. Schuerman, Captain, and the following workers:

Mrs. J. M. Anderson, Mrs. W. H. S. Armistead, Mrs. Robert Armistead. Mrs. John Atchison,

Mrs George Bennie. Mrs. A. G. Brant. Mrs. Stewart Campbell. Mrs. M. M. Cecil, Mrs. Henry

Colton, Mrs. John E. Dunn, Mrs. Robert Ewing. IMrs. T. G. Garrett. Mrs. Harry Hartupee, Mrs.

W. E. Hibbett, Mrs. P. D. Hou-t,,,,. Mi-. Ilamili,,,, I,,.v,-. Mr-. .\. P.. Hill. Mrs. C. E. Huggins,

Mrs. George Martin. Mrs. J. T. \l,(.,ll. \1.- I,, I,,, Ti,,iu 1\I,",n. M>-- •. M. Neely, Mrs.

W. A. Ogden, Mrs. Jessie M. (K,,i,,i.. M,- I ,,,- I'aik,-. M,-. II I' .^aller. Mrs. R. B.

Steele, Mrs. J. H. Stevenson, Mis. J,.-s., Tl„„i,.i-. Mr-. (I-, ar W al,lkii, I,. Mr-. F. L. Wilkinson,

Mrs. Bert Young, Mrs. J. A. Witherspoon. Mrs. W. C. Dixon. Mrs. 0. .N. Bryan. .Mrs. W. H.

Witt, Mrs. Granbery Jackson, and Mrs. Richard Barr.


l)Alll)SO\ rOfAD ffOMEN IN THE WORLD WAR. 1 9 1 t-l 9 !


Mrs Jam.- V.il^r,. Caplai.,. Tli.- u..,kr,- ,n lln- unit Inrlu.lr.l:

Mrs. M. E. Deirvbrrrv. Mrs. W . K. \n, I. ,.,,„. Mrs. JmI„. ,\,lan.s,>n. Mrs. J. \\ H,alt\. Mrs

J. T. Berrv. Mrs. J. W. Carmicha.l. \li-. C, ,.,•. Calhoim. Mrs. Fielding Gordon. Mi~ \lin.ia

Brannon. .Mrs. C. C. Dabnev. .Mrs. || \1. DnI...... Mrs. E. E. Eastman. Mrs. C. C. Cain,-.. Mr-.\..iia C.MMlail. Mrs. An.lv Griffin. .Mrs. J. M. ,1a.. .1,-. \h>.

Turner Johnson, Mrs. Carey E. M.>r!xa„. M,-. W . K. MeMister, Mrs. Hill Mc.Mister. Mrs. Tl.. ,. -.i |-..Isim. MeGavoek. Mrs. D. MeK.-.>. Mrs. E. E. .M. (,.-.. M.-. W iliiam

\. O^.l.n. Mr-. H. C. .'^haeU.-lford. .Mrs. llunt.r I'errv.

\li-. II W. -t,,nl,^. Ml-. \. ^. Warren. .Mrs. .lanws Vow.-ll,

\I,- \lai^ sh.irk.ll.iMl. Ml- Fannie Cleaves. Mrs. K. C.

Mm., I.. M,-. 1... I|,.lnian. \l,- Maud Ballard. Mr-. W .-I 11.

M,„ Ml-. I. II. liak... Ml-. .\l,-x. I'.-rrv. \lr>. (;il.H.n

l',ill,r-..ii. Mr-. Fi.-l.liim (;,.r,l„M. Mi- l.iirH.- ll,.lnKin. an.l

W I>! \ \S!I\ 11, 1, 1. \

Mr-. {;.„.,ll,„. Ci.kriil. Sn|,

uv2 u.irker-:

Mi- .\.


Til.' LMriin

.ft.n us,-,! a-


Mr-, li. C. W

1- ,„a,l,- l,\ Mr-. Cuk

.M^. ,. M,-, W. I., r..iil.x. Ml-. ( . I II, u. -.

lu.ii.l. Ml-. I.I,, I!,. V.I. Ml- s„,|,, |;„

... Maiih.x*-, Ml-. N.-il >, l,.ii.-. M,-. 1. 11 M.

M,- .1,1,11. ( ..nkiill. Ml- I... II Kll.i W.. II. 11. 1. 11

al.r-. M,-.

1,1,1- All. II.

,1,-. .1. W.M,-. It. I .

M,-. .1. W.ill. Ill-, Mr-.

. an.l Mi-

wooDi.wi) --iitKJ.i' i'i;i>inTKi;i w (III !;(:

.Mr-. .Saim:.l .-. .\l.ka> an.l .Mrs. (,iri ,i l:inl..ii. Caiilani-. I

Mr-. William Hum.-. Jr.. Mrs. An.lrew OlJii.n. Mr- ( liarl, - I!r. ii-.

lins. Mrs. Henrv .Spi.-er. Mrs. Eugene llollii,-. Mr-. \\.,li.r ( :,il.lu.ll.

Mr-. Wilbur Creiiibton. Mrs. Olnev Davi. -. Mr-. II. ().

Bla.kwood. .Mrs. G.-ortr.- J. .Slubbl.-field. Mr-. C.r.niir K.

Gill.-pi,-. Mrs. W. 11. Flam. .Mrs. Anna F. B.-iin.ll. Mi-I.aura S|,ie,-r. an,l Mi- /ai.la Bask.ll,-.

K.XST \ \-ll\ II 1 I \l Mil \in

Mrs. i!.-twi.-U 1). I'.ell. ^ii|M-i\i-..r. ,111.1 M,-. \,-i-

n„.i .^liar).. Cai-laiii.

\ .,,iri|.l.-|.- li-l ,,l 111,- iniil uill l„- liiiniil uil!,

Ill,- Ka-I Na-hvill.- -,-,li,,i, ..I ll„- \\,,iii,,,i-- (:,„i,,„il.

I,-,', (a.iiri.il „r \ali..ri.,l D.lin-.-. ,,| ul,„l, Mr-.

Slia.|. uas Chairman. A l.-u ,,1 lli,- u,,rk

lisicd with the picliir.-.

Tl..- i)„n,-ls.,.i and \\lill.--s Cr.-.k \i

u„rk.-r- uill I,.- r<mt..l l,-h-,l im.l.-i ill.-

\\oni,.n'- Cimmill.-.-. ,,l ulii.li Mr-. I!..li



appeannii in thr |ii,i

J. Hamill.Mu \1,-. II,

Walkrr. \l,~. W. .1. (.

L. Junes an.l Mis. kt

Vernon Hibbelt Shai-)). Captain. Other workersu-rty, Mrs. John Hix, Mrs. J. H. Cable, Mrs. W.ins Haile7, Mrs. Witherspoon Hayes, Mrs. T. M.IS. Miss Bixler Otha, Miss Mary HaJl. Mrs. Walter

Nichol was Chaiinian, and also under the Red Cross E.xtension Department, of

which Mrs. George F. Blackie was Chairman.

The record of the La Rue Chib. of which .Mrs. G. M. Adams was Captain will

be found with the record of the Knittinji nepartment.

and also in the Extension Department, as this cluli as-

sisted in all phases of World War work.

Other units working in the Hospital Garment De-

jiartm -nt whose rosters are given elsewhere in this

volume, and who rendered efficient service, are: West

End Methodist Church. Mrs. A. G. Duffy. Captain: Christ

Church, Mrs. Owen Wilson and Mrs. Jose[)h (iihson.

Captains: Alex Green Unit, Mrs. W. Z. Fontaine. Cap-

tain; Y. W. C. A. Auxiliary. Mrs. Donna Baird Reaslev.

Captain; Donelson Auxiliary, Mrs. (]raig McFarland.

Captain; Peabody Dames Unit, Mrs. 1). R. Gehhard and

Mrs. Robert S. Webb, Captains; Daughters of America

Auxiliary, Mrs. W. S. Hite, Captain; Women Residents ^i'LiH-'rHiul'sr

of Harding Road, Mrs. George Killebrew, Captain:

Parent-Teacher Auxiliary, Mrs. Alex Irving and Mrs. R. A. Griffin. Captains;

Auxiliary. Old Woman's Home. i\lrs. Horage G. Hill. Captain.

DAflDSOiV CO I NT y H' O M E N / ;V THF IC R L I) WAR. 1914-1919

KM •\i;

On dulv. seated al left. Mrs. 15. Frank ri.l.l-. \"i-

Hi.lianl Uake (Julia Dudley I. In the centn. \1.- (

-Mrs. \crnon Tuppcr (Ijniise Frilli). and \Ir-. I lur

(|uarlers. To (he left, standing', are. Mr-. K. 1. MiCtlie Knitting Department.

\ \--ii\ii I K ciniTKi;

urnian. Sealed to the rislit. Mrs.

own. Hark of her. standing, are

I. two vahud.le workers al head-

,„1 Mr-. U. K. Fori. Chairman ..f

Ml \ I. \ \^ll\

hmI \1k-. 1mn\M;

Knilliiij; l.v llu- \a^h\ill.-C;hapUr. A.

(;ravson Murphy, Chief of the Kctl Crn-l!c(l Cro.s.s. was feceived at National Ih

al once one and a half tnilli.m each of kiiil


shipment of knitted garments received at tiie Soiithucstern Division Hcadqiiarlers

of the Red Cross, at Atlanta, Ga.

A competent office force in the Knitting Department was re(|uired al all times

to receive and distribute wool, to keep the thousands of knitters sujjplied with

work, and to give accurate instructions. The women selected by Mrs. Fort and

Mrs. McConnico for this particular work included:

Mrs. Vernon Tapper, Mrs. Cliarles Hunt, Mrs. A. B. Anderson, Mrs. James E. Caldwell.

Jr., Mrs. Charles S. Brown, Mrs. Edward Craig. Jr., Mrs. M. M. Cecil, Mrs. Felix Cheatham,Mrs. Thomas Keeling, Mrs. John Kreip. Mrs. Geci-e F. Blackie. Mrs. John Thompson. Jr.,

.Mrs. B. Frank Fields. Mrs. Ri.hanl OA,-. Mr^ \m„,ii, BaM,,. M,-. Van., Al.xan.l.T. Mrs.Charles Davitt. Mrs. R. E. Dnnnrll. \li-, \Kk I,.-uL \.h I. \|,- M„,m \m, L \I,-. C. A.

Manthey, Mrs. W. O. Parmer. Mi- ,|nl,,, (>,,- \l.- ( .,,„pl.. II l',M,-, \i:- I W . y,^.. Mrs.

Frank Horn. Mrs. D. R. Gebhardl. Mr-. W .1'. luilland. _\li-. William i;. Miaum,,-. Mrs. J. T.

Halbach. Mrs. Arthur Jarvis, Mrs. Cla) G. Stephens. Mrs. Abram M. Tillman, Mrs. Louis H.

Sperry. Mrs. John Cummins, Mrs. W. H. Doty. Miss Hazel Brandon. Miss Bes.sie Barksdale,

and Miss Rubie Simpkins.


Among some of the knitters who did exceptional work in the Nashville Chaji-

ter, A. R. C, and who received the highest commendation from Mrs. Fort. Mrs. Mc-

Connico and all Red Cross officials, were:

Mrs. Nannir Howse Allen. Mrs. Susan Hill Alley (Mrs. J. W.I, .Mrs. Bessie Alley. Mrs.Floreno- b'n--, , IlaL, , (Mrs. T. B.). Mrs. Nellie Temple Brothers (Mrs. C. H.I. Mrs. Clara

Foskett l-.iMvn i\l,- C, S.). Mrs. Malinda Howard Cecil (Mrs. M. M.). Mrs. Louis Wood,:\Irs. A.M.,- ( a.M|.|.. II Cooksey (Mrs. J. L. I . Mrs. Ada Shaw Core (Mrs. W. W.). Mrs. FannyV,aii;;li iKui- .\ii- k. C), Mrs. CharU- llii.ll.^ I -. Mr-. I!.lli.' Cil.l.- Uiiiil.ar i Mrs. J. s. i


M,-, l.liiL, \,,|,„ I .-rris (Mrs. J. C. I . \li- Hinl- -l,a-.,n. \l,- i n. n Manning.. \irv \lav

i'.iMi.- Ii. M- i\li- B. F.). Mrs. Inez \\..;u..i\n l,.!li- -M,- Hin, I. \l>-. .\niii^ |l..wii.v

Gadd) l.\lr,. ,1. K.i. Mrs. Carrie Scrug!;s Giam. .\1... Talnll,,, ULi. kmaii (.iii,,.- (Mr-. (). L. i


Miss Mary Smith. Mrs. Johnnie Fowler. Mrs. A. N. Il.illal.auiil.. Mr-, dm.- Ilan.-v Jones

(Mrs. M. 0.1. Mrs. Calista Bailey Manthey (Mrs. C. .\-i. Mr- l'..,i,r I'lnllip-. Mr-. A. B.

Anderson. Mrs. Bettie Harris Piokh- (Mrs. G. H.K Mrs I.I,,, I,,, I, k.ll.v I'.. i..n (Mr- J. N.),

Mrs. W. n. (-....k. ^rr-. M.li-a lu.k.-ii- Pill- I Mr-. .T. \ '. Mi-. I.I,, I', n. II. La, l;,i,,-.l.-ll (Mrs.

T. D.l. Mr- Til. .,>,,,- ll.ih.al li.. Mi- I. II. /.,,.. .a. Mi- k.il. \\.|,-i., -,,,,.1.,- Mi- AnnieVan C, ..,!,, I. Ml- \, W.i.l.- W ,1k.-. Mi- \ll..i' k,,,-. Mi- II ,.- ^ii.ii.a, Mi-s Julia

Hindman. Mi- Mai\ kx',- ,|..m.--. Mi- Winna s.,r.i.jLi-. Mi- M.imai.l \ an, ,. Mi- Frances

Pilcher. Miss Lucy Butt„rff. Miss Maud Ballard. Miss Kitti,' B.rry. .Mrs. ,^. Walters McGill.

Miss Ida Cavert, Miss Lillian Taylor, Mrs. W. A. Core, Mrs. John Coode. Mrs. Count Boyd,

and Mrs. Marshall Polk.

The following women were ardent supporters of the Knitting Department, work-

ing untiringly for the splendid results secured for the Nashville Chapter bv this


Miss Stella Abrams. Mrs. A. F. Acree, Mrs. A. G. Adams. Miss Florence Adams. Mrs. G. M.Adams. .Miss Zula Adams, Mrs. John C. Adamson. Mrs. E. J. Adkisson, Miss Cornelia Alberts,

Mrs. J. L. Albers. Miss Natelle Albert, Miss Inez Agerton, Mrs. Carter Alexander, Mrs.

M. C. Alexander, Miss Ruth Alford. Mrs. A. S. Allen, Mrs. Armstrong Allen, Miss Arquilla

Allen, xMiss Belle Allen. Miss Bessie Allen, Mrs. J. T. Allen, Miss Katherine Allen. Mrs.

Nannie Howse Allen. .Mrs. Will Allen. Mrs. J. W. Allev. Miss Annie Allison. Miss Jennie

Aline .\-li»..rlh. Mrs. William .\Il..way. Mrs. J. T. .\ltmaii. Miss Ell.n .\mbr.,s,^. Miss

Flora F. \,nl. ..-.. Mr- 1 II, \,„l. ,..-.•. Mrs. A. B. Aii,l.i-..i,. Mi-- Marx i: \i,.l.a-..n. Miss

Gladys .\,,.l.r-..,,. Mi- .1. ll. \i„l.i-,.ii. Mrs. Louis A11.I.1-..11. Mi- \!,l.li..l \,,.l.i-.11. Miss

Agnes Aii.lr.-»-. Mi- Mil.lr.-.l \n.lr.-w-. Miss Amelia A|M.I.-I..n. Mi- lli/a \il.-.l^.-, Mr-. Alyin

Armstrong. Mrs. T. B. Armstrong. Mrs. J. C. Arrington. Mrs. E. I .\-l,l..i.l. Mr- P. I! \-k.-w.

Mrs. J. G. Atwell. Mrs. John R. Aust. Mrs. J. W. Austin. Mrs. M,i,l„ll .\n-iiii. \l,- ( liail,-

AyereU. Miss Eleanor Bailey. Mrs. J. A. Bailey. .Mrs. W. H. Ba.l.x. Mi- ll.l. n IJaiil. Mi-Lola Baird. Miss Virginia Baird, Mrs. J. H. Baker, Mrs. Henderson Baker. .Mis. J. W . Baldwin,

Miss Maud Ballard, Mrs. W. B. Ballard. Miss Elizabeth Ballow. Miss Nora Barclay. Miss Nellie

L. Bardill, Mrs. C. Barham, Miss Martha Barham, Miss Bessie Barksdale, Miss Kate Barks-


DAiiDSoy coi .\r\ iiume.\ i .\ the iroKi.i) hah. I'mioio

.!al,-. .\rrs. I'aiil Harm-s Mrs. Miles W. Bariu-s. Mis. C. F. liarn.-lt. .Miss Adilir B,ll Barr,

Mrs. K. T. Barr.ll. Mrs. l)„ra Barton. .Mrs. J..lin Baski-rville. Mrs. Frank Bass. Mrs. A. B. Bass.

Mrs. John M. Bass. Mrs. Frances Baleman. .Mrs. Alfred Battle, Mrs. Oscar Baer. Mrs. Heiirv

BaiiMian. .Mrs. Fil Baxter. Mrs. Lewis T. Ba.xter. Mrs. Berry Bayless. Mrs. R. B. Beal. Mrs. W . K.

Braril. Mrs. W . E. B.arden. Mrs. W. P. Bearden. Mrs. Donna Baird Beaslev. .Mrs. J. F. Beatv.

Mrs. Bettie S. \'.r,-.\rs. Mr-. William Beeslev. Mrs. Bennett D. Bell. Mrs. Harry II. Bell. Miss

Elizabeth Bell. Mrs. John Arnold Bell. Mrs. J. T. Bell.

Miss Lillian Bell. Mrs. C. A. Bellamv. Miss Eli/.al,cth

i;,na^h. Mrs. 11. C. Benajih. ^riss Alberta Bennett.

\li-s Fannie Bennett. Mrs. J. C. Bennett. Mrs. S. V.

i;.-,.Mr. Sister \I. Bernard. Miss Kalherine B.^rrv. Mrs.

V, T II., IV \|,- (..,„M,:,-k„..\ |!,.,,^. \|,-. i;. B.

\li .1. ki


JVIiss Marie Clark, Miss Mary Helen Clark

Elizabeth Clarkson, Mrs. T. A. Clarkson, MiIMartha Clements, Miss Rachel Lee QementiNathan Cohn, Mrs. E. W. Cole, Miss Lucile

•, Mrs. .Sheffield Clark. Miss Kailh Clarke. .Miss

is Annie Claybrooke. Miss Eliza Claybrooke, Miss

, Miss Beatrice Cockle. Mrs. C. K. Cockle, Mrs.

Cole. Miss Carri.- (-..ImKin. .Mrs. J. R. Coleman,

Mrs. J. T. Coleman, Mrs. T. H. Coleman. Mrs. William i mI, ,„

Lelia Collins, Mrs. George T. Colyar, Mrs. C. E. Conil>.,,i. \l

Ward Conley, Mrs. C. P. Connell. Mrs. W. J. Conner, Miv Jnl,,

Mrs. S. M. Cook, Mrs. J. L. Cooksey, Miss Margaret Cooper, MrCorbitt, Miss Martha Corbitt. Mrs. W.Katherine Corlett. Miss Martha CorjidiII. 11. C.i Mi.^ Kalliriinr r,„nl»,

\li-. Mary A. Coles, Miss

^.illii- Cornelius, Mrs. Sara

jr. Miss Mabel H. Cook,

Enimett Cooper, Miss Lonise

Core. Mrs. W. L. Corder. Mrs. B. M. Corlett, Miss

Miss Sarah CurneHus. Miss Frances Cornelius, Mrs.

I. Ml-. .1. M. C.N,.,!.


r-. Mi-

tt W . (

- Margaret Creighti.n. N

I..U. Mrs. J. A. Crillnnl

. Crockett. Mrs. J. !•:.

-. W. I. Crnrkitl. Mi-

tt 11

Mr.. l; tt. Ciichlow,

. Ml-- I innia May." k. II. Miss Mar-ttai kills Crockett.

1-. K. S. Crutcher.

. Mrs. J. G. Cum-llMM Cunningham,Ml-. ( . C, Dah-

\li MMl- .M

Bessie Davis. N

Davis, Mrs. HnMrs. L. H. DaNCliail.-. HaWll.

Ml-. Willir l;ulh Uawdsull. .Miss

M^. Mrs. G. W. Davis, Mrs. H. C.

Ik. J. K. Davis, Mrs. K. C. Davis,


U.tllDSOX (:Ot\TY «OME.\ 1 .\ THE If () K L I) WAR. 1914-1919

GROIP OF \\(H!kl 1!- I\ Till III \lnM \IMI.I!^ ol Till, kMITINC1)1 I'M! I Ml AT. \ \--ll\ II I I ( II \l'l I i;. \. K. C.


H. Fuller. Mrs. W. H. Funk, Miss Dorothy Fuqua. Mis^ M.i M.-. J. R. Ga.ldy,

Mrs. Albert F. Gaines. Miss Edna Gaines. Miss Lula (lain.-, \li-- \nii (,,iiil,.r. Mrs. Marshall

Gaither, Miss Louis Galbreath. Mrs. Pauline Galbreath. M.- T \1 ( ..,ll,,,l,. ,\l,s. J. B. Gallo-

way, Miss Elizabeth Gannawav. Mr<. I , ,1. Ciirner. Mrs. Tlioma,-, W . G.u.liin. Mi.-,. W. T. Garrett,

Mrs. L. E. Gates, Mrs. .Inlm \ l,,,ni. Mi-- M,ii\ Gant. Mrs. Minnie Gee, Mrs. S. H. Gee, Miss

Virginia Gee, Mrs. E. .^. (.ri/n,.iii. Mi- |m, i,il,-.,,n, Mrs. Alonzo Gilbert. Mjss Hortense Gilbert,

Mrs. Leonard Gilbert, Mi-~ l.ii.i (.HI..,, I. \h-. Lillian Gill, Mrs. Laura C. Gillespie, Mrs. D. R.

Gebhardt. Miss Elizabeth Gilliiand. Miss Clara Gilliland, Mrs. J. W. Gillock, Miss Katherine

Gilmore. Mrs. McPheeters Glasgow. Miss Mamie Cleaves, Miss Elizabeth Glenn, Mrs. James L.

Glenn. Mrs. J. P. Glenn, Mrs. L. C. Glenn. Mrs. S. BC.I.-ni,. Ml-. A. S. Glover, Mi^s Lillian (.I..v.t. Mrs.

::. A. Cclirif:. Mrs. D. T. (h,.Iuiii. \h-- C.rinne

(;,.l.ll..m. Miss Emma Goodum. Mi- Mm.i Gold-

l..'!-. Ml" J.Mll

Mr-. Olu.' C.llilhan. Mi-s I, a ( I, ill. Mrs.. \l.- W. M.W illiaiii Good-

I ' .Ipasture,

i;il\ i....>drich.

Ml-. ^..| Go7-l..inaii. MissMl- Minnie

..aiiil.iH.I. Mrs.

-. -\ii>s GraceMiss

Josephcs, Mrs. Will GraFrances Gray, Mr

Miss Annette C. Green,

1,1 1,1. .11. Mi-- Minnie(.1. .11-1. ,111. Mi-s May

I Gri.-f. Mrs.n. Mrs. O. C.

A. Griswold.

d. Mrs. A. H.r.iinn. Miss

.ini,^ llandley.

II.iihIIv. Mrs.l>,lia llager.

Halloran, MrsMrs. Avery HHarding. Mrs. IlumpVgrove, Mi-mon. Mi—rington. \l

H. E. llai

Harris,. I..


Follis was confined lo an Mrsknitted several liunjrcil gar- Hailey. Mrs. Will T. Mil', ll

Katherine Hall. Mi- k,,i.

Mrs T. Grahani Hall M.-.

C. H. Hamilton, Mrs. Ed. Hamilton. Mrs. W. H. Hamptuidly. Miss Frances Handly. Mrs. Ross Handly. Mrs. R. S.

Hardisnn. Mrs. W. A. Hargis. Mrs. A. J. HaITa-,..^.. Mi- Kalll.aill.' ITnlan. M,-, riiall.- ITa



W .

M,i[. B. lla»kiii-. \ll- M.ll^ai.'l ll.iuki.i

Hayr-s. Ml- l\,i --, II., 1. 1. Ml- (.1.1.11 II. 11. 1. a-,. 11. Mr.s. J. T. I

Mr-, \. Il.nk.l. \li- I. mill. II. i, I. in. \li- U. \. Henrv, Mrs. .!

11.11-., II. Ml-- I 1,111..- II.1I..11. Ml- 1; II, 11, ili.a-t, Mrs. thoma- I

Ml- Main,- 11.11-.- Ml-, 1;, \l. 11.11^.-. Ml- Ben Herman. Mllibhett. -Mrs. .1. W. Hicks. Mrs. .\1. K. Hicks. Mrs. L S. IT, i.ll. Mi

Hill, Mrs. Hugh Hill. Miss Louise Hill. Miss Laura Hill. Mi- M.i.

HilL Miss Rosa Hill. Mrs. W. H. Hill, Mrs. Lena Hillniaii. Mi-Hirsch, Miss Elise Hirsch, Mrs. W. S. Hirsig. Mrs. A. HirslUar;

W. S. Kite, Mrs. J. S. Hite, Mrs. Jesse Hit

Rosa Holbach, Mrs. C. D. Holderman, Mrs.

Ml- M. J.

F. Hancock,Harding. IVDss Virginia

rgrnve. Miss Cecil Har-nni.n. Mi-s \a.,n,i Har-11, 1. .11. Ml-, S. \. Har-\li- Kii, II, nil-. Mrs.

I km I-,. 11. Ml-. W. M.Iki.Iinan. Miss Minah

Ml- ( . R. Hatch. Mrs.MM ilix.s. Miss Isabell

,,ii. Ml- J. O. Henley,I, ii-.,n. \li- William J.

. Ml- kiiiiki, llcrblin,

..1,1 II. -I. a-. Mr-. W. E.

11 F. Hill. .Miss Frances

II. >riss Mary DeMovilleHindman. Mrs. Natelle

. George M. Hite, Mrs.

Mrs. WUlis Hitsing, Miss Elizabeth Hough, Miss

/. J. Holeman, Mrs. Charles Holmes, Mrs. L. P.


DA I I DSO .\ C I A' T y If O M F. V / \ 7 // A H ( ' K I I) IT A R. 1914-1919

(,i;oi I' 111 KMi iim; i\-ii;i ( ini;v (n i m. \ \^ii\ n i i, mi \i'.

TEK. A. K. C... IJODlll A I line .VIA IK I AIK. i'JIT-IVi;;.

Those in the picture are: First row. left to right: .Mrs. E. W. Frye,

and .Mrs. Powell. Second row: .Mrs. Jesse H. Thomas (Belle Luttrell),

.Mrs. W. H. -Schuerman (Leonora Badger). Mrs. 1'. U. Houston (MargaretRobinson). .Standing in rear: .Miss Fannie O. Walton. -Mr^. I!\rnii Mariinand Miss Rebecca Jones were also members of this group, ind ilu ' uld-

est and youngest" knitters were also stationed at this bucili.

ilolm.>. Mr-. M.irv K. ll.dmes. Miss Sue Ilo'mcs. Mrs. E. L. Ilollan.l.

A. Ilolladav. Miss' Courln.-y ll.dlins. Miss Eli/.ah.-th llollins, Mr... E.'

llollingworth. Mrs. Furmaii II.H,|„r. Mi- liuv II, ...Im. Mr-. A. .1. Iln,

Mrs. Ada I.ou Hopkins. Mr-, JmIiii ll..|ikii,-. \l,- \l;nv l!.|l li.i|.ki

Mrs. .M. I. Horn. Miss Eon,-, ll,„„.i. \li-, W . (. ll,,o-l,..,. Mi-. \l.

Ih.uslon, .Miss Marv D. Holl^l^„. Mr.-. J.inu.- Ilu»ard. Mr-. l;.M,,,,n I

Miss Intv. Howe. Mrs. J. B. Ilow.ll. .Mrs. John T. Howell. Mi- \1 II

Howell. Mrs. R. B. C. Howell. Miss Ella Howse, Mrs. W. II ll..«-,.

Mrs. H. Kai Howse. Miss Virginia Hough. .Mrs. J. L. Huggit.-. \1,- ( .,,

Hudson. Mrs. E. 0. Huggin-. Mi- I!,, -a lli,,ili.-. Mr-. W . W . Ihi;/li.-. >

l.eland Hum.-. .Mrs. William llu„„. \1,- ( I,.,, I,- ll„„i. Mi- \,,n.,„ Ho.Mrs. James Hurl. .Mrs. I). ^. 1 1 iil, I,,-,,,,. Mi- Iran,,- llui, I,,-,.,,. \l,-

C. D. Hyde. .Mrs. Drake Ih.l,-. Mr-. K. II. IK, I,-. \1>-, l,,i, lU.I,. \

Mrs. H. Hvronemus, Mrs. T. .M. Ingram. Miss Mary Ingram. Mrs. W .

Iz.r. .Mrs. T. M. Irvine. Mrs. Evelvn Ruth Ivie. Mrs. Abigill Jacks,,,,.

Mrs. J. W. Jackson. .Mrs. T. J. Jackson. .Mrs. A. T. Jarvis. \riss Inn, I

.Mrs. .Sam Jenkins, Mrs. Buford Jennings. Miss I'auline Jinninp-. M,T. E. Jennings. Mrs. Alton Johns. Miss Virginia Johns. Mr- ( . A.

Johnson. .Mrs. J. K. John.<on. Mrs. Josephine Johnson. .Mrs, Mar> J,,l„


,k,-. \I,

, 111. Mi



Thev are: Mrs. PoweU and Miss Geneva Jones.

Mrs. C. D. Jones. Mrs. Davi.l Jone>. Mrs. E. B. J..nes. Miss Ella Jon,-. Miss Evelyn Jones,

Mrs. Gordon Jon.-.. \li- II. I, n .1 -. \li-- I. la \l. J..n. -. Mr-. Ira I'. ,|..n,-. Mr-. John A. Jones,

Miss Mary Cald».-ll Imm,.. \I,- \1,im IM, .,-.,, h- \..u.-. Mi-, \.i1 ->. Jm,,,-. \1,- Rebecca Jones,

Mrs. B. F. Jones. \li-. Kn-.r .Inn,-. \1,-. Wallr, .1 -. \li- ^n„M,a ,|,.ni.,i, ,1. Mr-. A. C. Jordan.

Miss Callie Jordan. Mr.-. G. C. Jordan. -Mr.-. Julia J,.rdaii. Mi- I mi lor.liii. M>- Walter Jordan,

Mrs. Z. T. Jordan, Mrs. Arthur Joseph, .Miss Delia J.-. |.li. Mi- Ia. hn. In-,,.!,. Mrs. Otto

Joslin, Mrs. Thomas C. Joy, Miss Bertie Kadel, Mrs. MarN kam. Mi-- \Mlh Kam. Mi-s Mar-

paret Kane. Mrs. Ruth Jones Kaufman. Miss Anna Kai-rl,. M,- I,,,,, Km-, II Mi-. F. W.Kelsey. Mi- A. C. Krllrv, Mr-. D. M, KrlK. M,-. J, C, k,Mii-,U. \l,- I V kinn.Mv. Mrs.

D. A. krl^l.M^. Ml-. J. II. krnlir,K. Ml- I'.ll/.llull, k.MMIM.,. Ml-, K. ( K.aMM,,. \I,-. S. S.

Kerr, Mr- W W , k.n. Mi- I, M. kiii^. Mi- \aiinir kiinl. -li. Mi-- Man ( iill.iiii kimbro,

Mrs ^lliial kiiP'. Mr-. J. \. kiiii;, Mr-, Cliail.- ,--. Kinkrad. Mi- Kiiiurr kinkrad. Mi-s AnneKinkead. Miss Bertlia Kinsey. Mrs. J. L. Kirby. Mrs. George Karseh. Mrs. Mary Porter Kirk-

man, Miss Frances Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Forrest Kirkpatrick. Mrs. J. S. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Leslie

Kirkpatrick. Miss Marv Kirkpatrick. Miss Sarah Lee Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Vernon Kirkpatrick,

Mrs. W. 0. Kirkw.,u,|. Mi-^ Ida kl. in. Mr-. •«'. N. Klnnz. Miss Frances Klvce. Miss Carrie

Kuhn. Mrs. F. E. kulm. \li-. A. (, 1 .uV.

.Mrs. O. T. Lampkin. Mi- I'm nl.ili I aia,

ence Landis. Mis- l.i.nl,. I.andi-. Mi- I

ham. Mrs. Frances 0. Lanier. Mrs. .Ma

Miss Eleanor Lavender. Mrs. W. H. Lav

1- \l, I, I al..ii. Ml- Ruth Lamb. Mrs. A. J. Lamar.Mr-, l;. \. I Mild. r. Mrs. John Landis. Miss Flor-

l..in;:l..ril. .Ml— I.Mdvn Langhani. Mrs. John Lang-

Lanier. Mrs. Harry LaSalle. Mrs. N. B. Lassiter.

;e. Miss Marie Lawrence. Mrs. A. J. Lawson. Miss

Frances Lazenby. Mrs. J. O. Leake. Mrs. W. R. Leathers. Mrs. J. W. N. Lee. Mrs >L S. Lebeck.

Airs. Sam Leftwdch, Mrs. Jolin Lellyett. Mrs. J. T. Lellyett. Miss Edna Lellyett. Miss Ella

Leonard, Mrs. Robert C. Leonard. Miss Carrie Lester. Miss Eleanor LeSueur. Mrs. E. F. Le-

Sueur, Mrs. S. A. LeSueur, Mrs. T. R. LeSueur. Mrs. S. Levy. Mrs. E. H. Lewis. Miss Fannie


O-f.l /D.SO.V COl XTY rOMEN / Y THE WORLD WAR. 1 >J 1 t-l 9 1


Letti>. Mr^. John S. l.t-wi^;. Miss Kalherino Lewis. Miss Mary Lewis. Mrs. \ciiur Moore Lewis,

-Miss Elise Liggelt. .Mrs. J. W. Liggett. .Mrs. Sam Liglitinan. .Mrs. S. S. Liglilinan. Mrs. MarkI.illard. .Mrs. Ben Lindauer. Mrs. Joe Lindaiier. Miss Maude Lindauer, .Mrs. H. C. Lindsay,

Miss Nfartha W . Lindsav. .Miss Dorothy Lindslev. .Mrs. K. A. Lindsi'v. Miss llenriella Lindslev,

Mrs. W. .S. Linton, Miss Louise G. Lindslev. Miss Aliee Hall Lindsey. .Mrs. George A. I ii>M„nii,.

Miss Lula Lipscomb. .Mrs. Van Lipscomb. Mr.s. Charles II. Lillerer. Mrs. Charles V.. I ml.. \li.-

Ethel Livingston. Miss Ethel Long, .Mrs. W. .';. Long. Miss Louise Loi.ghurst. Mrs. A. i;. 1.,.,,!.

Miss Eunice Lord, Mrs. Henrv \N . Lorde. .Miss Anne Gravson Love. .Mrs. lloopiT Love. Mrs.

.lames K. Love, .Mrs. A. J. Lovell. .Mrs. .S. D. Lovell. .Mrs. Lee Lovenlhal. .Mrs. Martin .•^. Loven-

thal. .Mrs. A. Loveman, Mrs. llenrv Loveman. .Mrs. Dave I.owenheim. Miss Eli/abelh Lowen-heim, Mrs. Florence Lowenstein. .Mrs. Sol Lowenstein. Mi- I'Miilin.- lo^rv. Mrs. B. I.ubin,

-Mrs. Emerson Lucas, Mrs. J. C. Lusky, .Miss Catherine lu^kx. Mr- N T. lu-kx. Mr-. E. F.

Lusky. .Miss Margaret Lvnch, .Mrs. W. W. Lyon. .Mrs. I'.n ^ I) \I.i,l,l,„, \1,- K s. \l.„ldox.

.Mrs. J. K. .Major. .Mrs. t. S. .Mallon. .Miss Eva Malone. \1.- I n M,,l,.,„ . \l,- Mm,,, Malone.

.Mrs. Thomas II. Malone. .Mrs. Thomas II. \l.il.„i. . .1,.. M,- II.,, ,v K. \l,,„ln, \1,- l.ucile

.Manbv. Mrs. A. W. .Manier. .Miss Marv l.i„,l,, M.,ni. ,. M,- I u. ^ M.,,i„,„^. \l,-. ( ,. \. M.,„they,

.Miss Annie .Manthorne, .Mrs. Harry .Ma.kl,. M,- M.l.i, I ..„ \l.,,k.,. M,-. .Inh,, M.,,, I,. Mrs.

Sig .Marks. .Miss Cornelia Marr, .\lrs. 1U,m„ M,,,i,„. \1,-. ik,,l,- •-. \l,,t,,i. M,- r,„,„-lia

Martin. Mrs. E. K. .Martin. .Miss Elizab.-il, M.,,i,„. M,-. I,il,„- M,„i,„. M,- I.,, M.„ti„. Mi-Louise .Martin. .Miss Margaret .Martin. M,~ \„.l,,» M.,,-h,,ll. M,-. ( \, M.,,-I,.,ll. M.-. Kll.„

C. Marshall, .Mrs. Frank .Marshall. Mrs. A„.l,,« M.,lll,r«-. M,- 11,—„ Maiili.u-. M,-. J. II.

.Matthews. Miss E. B. \!ntl.r-..n. M,<. K.ilh.,,,,,. \].n.-,. M,- k.iil,,,,,,.- I . , M,,v-. Mi- \i„.,

McAlfTrev. Mrs. Hill M,\l,-i, ,. \l,-. I, |i. M. \l,-i,,. M,- -~, \, \1. \l,-t,-,. M,- I!.— ,.- M, •

Bride, \iiss I rsula .Mc( :.„.,pl.. II. M,-. W . I. M. i ,„„,il„ II. M,-. li, i;. \l,i,,,il,\. M,-. II. P.

.McCarver, Mrs. llnerv Mr( I, ll.,„.|. M,-. I, .,,.,- M, (.:,.„.!. M,-. \. I, \I,(m„„,II. M,-. K. T.

Mr Hiiro. Mrs. Matthew \K(I„„-. \1,-. I' . (. Mr(n,,l \1,- l„,„:., M, (,,„„. \l,-, Lizzie

\l.< ..»o. Mr-. .l,,lin E. MrCre,-. Mi- \,),

.M.ll,,«,ll. M,-. K. K. McDowell. \l,- \l

McEaddin. Mi.^s Eugenia .McGraw. .\h.-. .1

\Ic(;ioihliM. Mrs. Dan .McGugin. .Miss l.u, .

McKav. .Mrs. F. 1'. .McKeel. Mrs. W. S. M.k,n,„k. Mi-. James McLauglili,,. M,Lean. .Mi.ss Bettie McLean, Miss Margar, I M. I ..,,.. M,- Bri-gs Mcl.em..,,. MLester, Miss Frances McLester. Mi- 1'.,,.,

Millin. Mrs. Jesse McNeece. Mi- \;:,„-

McNeelv. -Mrs. J. P. Mcl'herson. Mi- I

.McWhorter, Miss Eleanor Meaclumi. M,-delshon. Miss .Margaret Mer<-dilh. M,- \

Mrs. Irene Musbaum. Mrs. T. C. M.>ii„

Klizabeth Lee Miller. Miss Ellen \Iill.i.

Anne Louis.- Mills. Mr.-^. llenrv Mill-. M,.Mimm.s. .Miss Louise Minlnn. Mi- II. ii,.

Mrs. L. II. Montgomerv. .Mis. M. A. M..

Airs. B. E. Moore. .Miss Fannie B.lli M....,

•lerson .Moore, Mrs. J. II. Moore M,- I

head. Mrs. T. J. Moreland. Mis-^ I v , M..,

Frank Morgan. .Mrs. George A. M., ,,i

Anne Morris. Mrs. T. O. M.,rris. M,- ( (

Miss Elizabeth Morrow. Mi- ha,, Mm,,,,v

Corinne Morse. Mr.s. Jo,- M..,-.-. Mi- M, I!. \|,.,i.„,. M,-, ( ,(I, M M,

Mrs. .Sam Mosbv, Miss Tl,. I„ia M,.-.i. MJean Moss. Miss Marv I.oiii-.- M.-. M,-,

.Mrs. Uachel Neil Murr.v. Mr- II I' \

Mustaine. Miss Annie I.,-,- \h.i-. M>- >

Miss Mary Jones Napier. Mi- W W \

Myrtle N.-al, Mrs. T. B. \.,il. Mr-. M, l),,„i.l N. il-..„. M,- Louise NcC. Nelson. Mrs. Oscar N. !-..„. \l,-s („-rlrii,l.- N.i,;,„. Mi-, Charles NeNestor. Miss Nellie N.-vi.i-. Mi- Dor,, N.-»iii,,ii. Mr- W , It. N,-wman. Miss Arliii,- N,-

Miss Evelvn Newell, Mrs. .si,„iair Nil.-s. Mrs. Jones N„l,li„. Mr-, Edwin \,i.-l. Mi- E

Noel, Mrs. Leslie W. Noel. .Miss Marv Frank Noel. Mrs, Clara N,"l, Mi- M.,,^ >'. \",

Mrs. M. B. Northern. Mrs. B. L. Northern, Mrs. II. C. Norton. Mi- Kil, \m,mII Mr-

Nowlin. Mrs. Uo^coe Nunn, Miss Anni.- NunnelK. Mrs. Andr,-w ()l!i,.„, M,- M. I M'

Mi- Eula Ogilvie. Mrs. James Ogilvie. Mrs. W.' A, Ogd.-n. Mr- T 1, ()K..f.-. M,- Cllliv.-r, Mr-. II. B Oliv.-r. Miss Nell Olwill. Mrs. John Oriiia,,. Mi- \li.-,- ( >rr. Mr-, 1

f 210)

. 1 r,,,


Orr. Jr.. Mrs. Sam Orr, Miss llrlm ()-i;i.lK. Mrs. J. Porter Oslmni,-. Mi- i;.-l,a Osljurne.

Miss Idelle Oltarson, Mrs. W. A. On 'liN, -,„,. \1,-. W. A. Overall. \li- !• -r \1 llv:-rlo... Mrs.

Ethel Owen. Miss Mildred Owen. M— (..,,,,„, Owings, Miss Xm.in thsn,--. Mrs. Ha/el

Padgett, Miss Rebecca Padgett, .Mr-. Lli.al.rlli Frye Page, Mrs. Jam.- I'alin. i. Miss Martlia

Pardue, Mrs. R. L. Parham, Miss Kuth Parliam, Mrs. W. E. Park, .Miss Elizabeth Parkes,

Mrs. James H. Parkes, Mrs. Leonard Parkes, Mrs. A. E. Parkins, Mrs. George S. Parkes, Mrs.

I). C. Parks, Miss Evelyn Parks, Miss Edna Parks, Mrs. W. O. Parmer. Miss Alma Parrish.

Miss Ruth Paris, Mrs. W. W. ParMin-. Mi-. linlM-rt Parsons, Miss Evelyn Patterson. Mrs. Gibson

Patterson, Miss Helen Patton, Mrs. Hi...,. I;. r.iMi,-. Mrs. C. G. Pearcy, Mrs. M. K. Peck, Mrs.

Gcirge Pendleton. Mrs. Hilarv I'.i.iix. \li-. ilimtfr Perry, Miss Margaret Perry. Miss Jessie

1.1,., man. Mi-. Aillii.i- 1>,.|,., -n.i. Mi- Will r..|u.n. Mi- S. P, l',.vf.in. Mr-. K. M. Pnyton.

Ml- T, II l',-M,,.,. ,1,. Ml- C I'll, 1-1, 1.1 M.- .1 M l'liilli|.-. Ml- WiUiaii, l'li.'li|.-. Mrs.

11 (. riiil|.,,l. Ml-- I, .M n,.l|i..l. Ml-. I, \1 I'l.i.iii. Ml- /a.a l'..i... Mi- < ilH'll I'llili.-r.

Ml- Calli.-r.M,. li. I'll.li,.,. Ml-. I'..il..i I'lulli,.-. Ml-- liai,.,- I'iI.Ihi. Mi-. Minill ^. I'llili-T,

Mrs. A. .M. Pilcher, Mrs. J. A. Pillmaii. Mi- M,ii i.- I'.llman. .Mrs. J. A. Pitls. Mi-s P.arl Pitts.

Mrs. James K. Polk, Jr., Miss Pru.l.n, . I'.. Ik. Mi-. M.ushall Polk, Mrs. W. C. Pollar.l. Mrs.

\V. M. Pollard, Mrs. Mattie J. I'..iii.i..x. Mi- \unr W . I.ster Porter. Mrs. A. J. Porter. .Mrs

J. D. Porter, Mrs. L. H. Porter. .Mr-, li. i:. I'.'H.i. Mi-. E. .\. P..tter, Mrs. Edward IV.tter. Jr.

Mrs. John Potter, Mrs. Lamar P,.un,l. Mi- l,,.ui-,. !'..«, 11. Mrs. Mary Powell, .Miss Camille

Powers. Miss Grace Powers. Mrs. Cliarl.- I'lali. Mr-. E. .\. i'n. ... Miss Elizabeth A. Price, Miss

Marv Theresa Price. Mrs. N. J. Pril, li.ii.l. Mi-. E, >. I'n.-I. Mr-. .]. W. Pritcliett. Miss Adelaide

Pr...i..r Ml- EI. .111-.. Pr.i..l..r. Mi-, I II I'l... I... Mi- iil.i.n l'r....l..r. Mi- Eiii.ia l'r..« -iiil-zer.

\ii- ( E..11;.- Mr- Iw I'... k.ii. M.-- I. ...... II I'.a ;..ii. Ml- Ml— a r... k.ii. Ml- 1;. A.

J'un...ir Ml- \m A Einmli,.. Mi-- MaM niaul,- Mi- \ii,:i.,,.i (.liMnii. Mi- W . iV liad-

clrllc. Mr-. J. K. Karnes. M.s. .s. U. llalll-,.^. Mi-, E. ( . Han. 11... Mi- \,,. 1111,1 ll.imll.. Ml-, Jrihn

Uansum. .Mrs. Harry Rankin. .Mrs. W. H. Rayni.m.l. Mi-. It. K. I.'.inki.i.

Miss Elnora Reams, Mrs. J. T. Reece, Mrs. D. F. C, !;...\.-. Mi-, W , ,1

llegan, .Mrs. J. P. Revnolds. Mrs. B. H. Rice. Miss Sarali link.. II-. Mi- \.

Rich, Mrs. Herman Hi. I.. Mi- 1 ..iii-.. Ki.'li. Mi- "sLlki lli.h. Mi- ManJVUss Annie Richai-.l-. ill. M.- I r....-i i; .. I,,.. .1-.... M.- ' M K .. l.,.i .1-,... \

Mrs. F. R. Ridlev. M.- M,. \l<\\r^. M.-- ^. Kl.ll..^, M.- l;.,ili K./.

-, .,11 i;,.i.,.ii-. Ml- l,ll,.^ i;,.ii..ri. Ml-, I', .1.1 1:.

1,111-.. 11, Mrs. H. A. R.ihinson. Miss Sarali 1.,111-.

.1-, Miss Lillian Rogers. Miss Ora Ro-.i-, Mi-

..... Mrs. G. P. Rose. Mrs. V. D. Ros,.. Mr- I

1;,,.---. Mrs. S. R,.lli. Miss Marsraret R,.tli. Mi-,

en Ruddiman. Mr- ( II i;..-..|l. Mr-. 1 1, II. ...I

Mrs. T. H. .Sa.ll. ., M.- II 1' ^all..r. Mi-, ( k

lie .Sann.lers. Mi- I ^,, -,nil....l. Mi- E, 1.

Eli/al..lli <,na..,., \li- (..,.,-.- I, ^a>Mi,., Mi-Mr- 1; 1 -,,UM a, \l.- 11 ( -., .!..-. Ml-, I .11.. ^. k. Ik

.Mrs. Joe Re

T..„,|;kin-. Mi.s





M«5. NANiMt H.nvjE Al:(M.ilincia H

nniDsoy coimy ir()Mt:.\ i .\ r ii i: world ir.tR. I'lifi^jio

KB. TlIOMA* M. DUMOBS(Kli?4ib.-lh McK,.rl»ii.l)







!\IrS. J. W. SllU.s. Chairman

Mrs. Joliii Barn. Mr?. Ella Cline. Mrr^. Sli.-nnaii lin,,,.. Mrs. Josie Langforil. and Mr=. W. A.



Mrs. Or.\ L. P.\ttoiM. Chairman

Mrs. Porter Kev. Mrs. .^allie Kev. Mrs. Laura McGee, INOss .Mvra Palton. Mrs. L. D. Patlmi.

.Mrs. J. E. Polk, ami Mrs. W. E. Timmin.


!\Irs. ]. N. NoBLlN. Chairman

Mrs. Brooks B.itterworlli. Mrs. Delia Bvul. .Mrs. Jack Brav. Mrs. lioljert Cato. Mrs. Emmett

Craft. .Mrs. Will Hagey. Mrs. East Hvde. Mrs. Emmett Hyde. Mrs. J. L. Lewis. .Mrs. L. M.

Lewis. .Mrs. Jones N. Noblin, Mrs. .\. «. .Stephens. Miss Evelyn Stephens. Mrs. W. J. Thomp-

son, and Miss Jennie Torian.


Mrs. W. W. Cork. Chairman

Thirty membeis composed this auxiliary, and they knitted over 1.000 i)airs of socks.


Miss M.\ry Holt. Chairman

Miss Carrie Bush, Miss Berenice Holt. Miss Birdie Wilson, Miss Rose Schmidt, Miss Christine

Brockman. Miss Martha Cato. Miss Louise Grimm, Miss Trilby Jordan, Miss Sylvena Wilson,

Miss Reba Dews. Miss Blanche Reig. Miss Emma Lawrence. Miss Elsie Potts. .Miss Margaret

Cook. Ml" KruM ll,r,nr. \l,-~ M.iiA iAulrs. \1,- \la.A \l,l,lirll, \1,.. llrM^n CurU-v. Miss

Elizabeth l;.a-!.A. \li-. Wi-a l;..,i.l.M. \li- ll,.n.n, i ,,|„'in,|. Ml- |m-,.,,1ii,„. \\,,UI,. .Miss

Clara K..l.rii-Mii, \1... \l.i -. lunnll. \li- I r'a ( Mil, ,11. \1,- I',. Ill I ..iiun. Ml- Virginia

Thomas. Miss lieniiir (.i,„>lia«. Ml^^ Nnla (,ir.r. Ml- Man Ib.h, _\1,-. W. (I. Kirkuuud. and

Mrs. Zoda W illiams.


Mrs. L. Breyer, Mrs. Hyman Cohn, Mrs. Alex. Cohn. Mrs. Abe Epstein, Mrs. Morris Ellis.

Mrs. John P. Frank. Mrs. James M. Frank. Mrs. Jake Fishel, Mrs. L. Frankland, Mrs. Harrv

Freidman. Mi~, M. Firi.linan. Mi-, Snl Gordon, Mrs. Joe Gilbert, Mrs. .\. C.ldl,. il-. Mrs. -M.

Greif. Mi-, i;. n lh,ip,ni. \li- \JmI|,Ii Jonas, Mrs. Joseph LaPat, Mr-. I! I nhin. Mrs. Lee

Loventhal. \li-. i li.iil.- 1 ..v- mli.il. Mr-. Martin Loventhal, Mrs. L. Lowen-i. m. Mi-, "-.il Lowen-

stein, .Mr-. Jiiliii- l...u, ii-i,iii. Mr-. .l,,e Morse. .Mrs. 1. B. Morse. Mrs. .luliii- Marlin, Mrs. Leo

B. Martin, .Mrs. Hannah .Marks, -Mrs, Eli K.d.l-linmer. Mrs. Dave Bjisenfchl, .Mrs. HermanRich. Mrs. S. Roth, Mrs. M. Steiner, >h>, ll.inii ih ^iil/hacher, Mrs. Leo Schwartz, Mrs. .Mitchell

Sobel, Mrs. Victor Sobel, Mrs. Henry W . iiili.iuni. Mr^, Julius Weil. Mrs. N. D. Weise. Mrs.

A. S. Weinbaum, Mrs. Harry Weintrub. .Mi?> Stella Abrams. Miss Corinne Goldberg. Miss Bella

Goodman, Miss Elsie Hirsch, Miss Maude Lindauer. .Miss .Marie Loventhal. Miss Lena Marks,

Miss Maurice Rich, and Miss Stella Rich.

f 21,'5 )






Mrs. David T. McGill. Chainmm

\li-. \\. (. Alexander, Mrs. Jnlr, \\,A\. \l,~. \iil,in ( ,„m,\. \l,-. W. G. Ewiiig, Mrs. C.

CI, -UN. \l,- W. 1'. Gray, Mrs. A K.inlihk \lr(,,ll. \l,- v \\,,ti,.,- MrGill, Mrs. T. S. Fry,

Ml- II-,.,, W.iMkirch. Miss Ircnr ( h, ,i,,n-l,. \!,.-- I',.nliii.' (.,i,ii,l. \li- Annie McFadden, Miss

EiiA.lMili M, la.lden. Miss Martian I Nk.N.ill^. _\1,-. Unilia (.. i;aii,M„i, Miss Louiie Steel.

Miss Ahiji,. .Sprar. and Miss Marjiarel Wliile.


Mrs. Livingston Hadley. Clidiiiium

Mrs. C. B. Dismukes, Mrs. Annie E. Hadley. Mrs. Dillv Wade Ila,llev. Mrs. Martha L.

Turner. Mrs. Hallie C. Turner, Mrs. J. G. Turner. Mrs. Edward llrey. Miss Katlicrine Hatllcy.

Miss Leona Robinson, and Miss Beulah York.


Mrs. E. J. Adkisson. Cliainnan

Mv^. C-m'/ui Bn.wn. Mr>. \V. S. Coles. Mrs. C. E. Cox. Mr-. Anian.la (:i,,u,l,. \li-. FrankCnll,,,;,. \li-. C, T. ( iillnia,,. Mrs. John S. C. Davidson, Mrs. C. A. I),\l,,-. \li-. ,L W . DeMoss.Ml- l,,!,n II, I. h-, ,11. \l,- |i,„a Jordan. Mrs. H. R. Plumlee. Mi- (,,1 i;.,^a,, \l,- E. A.Sa\aL;.. Ml-, W a, 1,11 I'., ^L.aii. Mrs. C. S. Stephens. Mrs. Duncan M, 1,11,1.-. \li-. ^. .siewart,

.Mi.-. I;. 1,. .Mi,nu|,.|l,,u. .Ml.-, .lulia Wheeler. Miss Lucile Coles. Miss Willi, J. K.-iiiuMn. and MissLou Ella \Vullena.Mi.


Mrs. W. a. Core. Chairman

Mrs. W . S. (:lia|,p.ll, Mrs. J. H. Drake. Mrs. Henry Spann. Mrs. Flintoff Hunt, Mrs. MarthaJordan. .Mi- l;,-i. 1 l,ii-tian. Mrs. W. M. Hard, Mrs. Ella King, Mrs. Robert Cato. Mrs. WilliamSetters. Mi-. U. ^. \\,-l. Mrs. Clara Tarkington. Mrs. J. C. Burkhalter, Miss Marie Burkhalter,and Miss Lilhc L.t Buikhalter.


Mrs. Albert King. Chairman; Miss Maud Ballard. Secretary

Mrs. George Tenison. Treasurer

Mrs. W. B. Baird, Mrs. Donna Baird Beasley. Mrs. Richard Cook. Mrs. E. B. Ewing, Mrs.Forrest Graham. Mrs. B. F. Gregory, Mis. E. 0. Harris, Mrs. Ira Parker, Mrs. Charles Ransom.Mrs. W. A. Tenison. Mrs. Ernest M. Warner, Mrs. Howell E. Warner. Mrs. James B. Watson,Miss Mary Baker, Miss Lida Bouchard. Miss Murrie Bouchard, Miss Lucy Buttorff. Miss Pauline

Fisher, Miss Bessie Yarbrough, and Mrs. O. E. Stockell.


Mrs. G. M. Adams. Chairman

Mrs. O. J. Bloodwurth. Mrs. S. W. Bomar. Mrs. J. F. Corbitt, Mrs. W. H. Damon. Mrs. W. C.

Gillespie. .\rrs. A. Goodson. Mrs. T. J. Hobbs. Mrs. Charles Holmes. Mrs. E. F. Kidd. Mrs. G. L.

Maddux. Mrs. C. B. .Moodv. Mrs. P. E. Overton. Mrs. J. H. Webb. Mrs. A. E. Wiggs. and MrsH. J. Wiggs.

f 217)

null) S O .V C I WTY If OMF.S / A' 7'//^ WORLD WAR. 1 » I 1! 'i I 9

LI\T()\ \l \11.1 \KV

Miss. I.. I'. ,|,.^iin. ( hairma,,

Mrs. J. D. Allen. Mrs. S. Linlon. Mrs. A. M. Allis„i.. Mrs. C. D. BrccclU.vo. Mrs. RomeHannah. Mrs;. Marjorie Joslin. Mrs. O. A. Kinney. Mrs. lloop.r Linton. Mrs. W. 11. Linlon,

Mrs D E. McPlu-rson. Mrs. S. S. Morion. Mrs. Daisv I'inU.rlon. \rrs. C. L. Joslin. Mrs. J. 11.

i.inton. Miss Priscilla (;r.<or. Miss Helen Opetla. Mi- Mnrv l.n. Pinkerlon, Miss Sadie .Sclm(r-

nian. Miss Tilli.- SeluifTman. Miss Cora .Smith, an. I \li-~ Inuna Smith.


Mus. T. M. LAZKMiV. Chairnmn

Mrs. Katie AMmrne. Mr<. Oliver KrintilK,,,,. an,l Ah-. Kani,ie M.Cmry.


MiiS. IT (;. Cuowi.KV. Chairman

Mrs. W. V. llite. \lr>. L. S. Kan.iall. Mrs. Kiicli.l Sn.nv. \li>s Mai-arel Hraurhainp, \!i--

FJizaheth Brown. \li» Kmma L..imm. Brn,Mi. Mi- Kli/aheth .lim-ermat,. \li- Kli/al,eih \le-

Carver. Miss Mau.le \I,( :ar^,•r. Mi^- A.hli,- MeI.ean. \li- \laiv Ceeil \l,.,,i-,,n. aiul M-.Mary F. Talbot.

NOKLTON (1.1 i; \i \ii,i \i;y

Mks. iTTli; KiNM ^ Kl nh. ( haimian

Nfr.s. Frank Boensch. Jr.. Mrs. John Lellvell. M.-. WJohn Onstotl. Mr.s. Roger Smith. Mrs. Charles .St,l-..n. \li

Miss Anna Warner Tenison. Mi-s Marv Frane,- M.ii..,


i'i()\i;i:i: \i \ii i


.Mks. K. M. Di l.l.l.l. Chainnan: \1kv \.\.\

Mrs. .Maltie Adams. _\1.-. .1. 1. 11. „-,,„. \1,- Will,,,,,.

T. Bundv. Mrs. Reed Canilh.-,-. Mr-. .1. (). l l,.,k. \l,-, (

W. L. Freeman. Mrs. llenrv Fr.-neh. Mr-. M^mli.u (.,11 ,,

spoon llav.s. Mrs. D. R. Jarretl. Mrs. llarr^ I .. \l,- |..

Mrs. B. G. Ref-en. Mrs. J. M. Sander-. M,- II -.

Sloekell. \lr^. J. A. Tvner. Mrs. Jennie W ,n-I..„. M,~ II.

A. W. Sloekell. Mi-s kl.-anor Clark. \Ii-s l).,ia l',.ri-..ii.

Freeman. \li- \larv J. M.-Carv.-r. and Miss Kalh.rin,- >

C. A. \la

\li- l'..iii



Mrs. W. E. Beard and \Iks. llviii;', \ mmin. f:hain,i,;i

Mrs. A. B. Aii.lri~,.ii. \li.. I, ,|. Il.ik.i. \l,~. Walin lirar.l.n. \li-. Spiller Campbell, Mrs.

E M. Deaver. \li- ^|.. n, , i lakm. \li- WiMlmp Mill. \li-. >.ini \1. \1. (;raw. Mrs. P. Del'cirri,

Mrs. George KtT.i. \li-. IImuMmm ^, Mm,, \l,-. !,,« i.J S«ain. Mrs. W l,r,-l,-s Wade, Mrs. Roberta

Wallis, Mrs. Frank W.nuUwu.i. aji.l \li--,- .Naiimc U.vk.i.


Mrs. Thomas Calhoun and Mrs. Charles Wilkerson, Chairmen

Mrs. Kathleen Welsb Cliambers. Mrs. Robert Corhran. Mrs. John Gooflrich. Mrs. George

Jones. Nh-. H.-nrv I„n.--. M,-. A. I'. Mn-. Mr-. R, F. \h l'hfr-n,i. Mr- J. A. --h.-llon. .Mrs,

Amelia W.l-li --i„,ili. Mr- <)~. n 'In, l.rMllr. \1,. \rll W Vl-I, Tinirni,n<. Mi- Kaihl.r,, Welsh.

Miss N. -11 W.l-li Ml" MaiN r.iiiw I alliMiiii. M,-- \iiiii,. Wilk-i-mi. M i-- I Inlm:, Wilk.-rson.

Miss T.-nnir lurk. a. Mi- \iiirli,, W ,^l-li. Mi- Miiaiir C Ihiii. \Ii- Man.- (alli.ain. Miss

Lucy Bellr Wilkersnn. .Mi-s Am.lia W ilk.r-nn. .Mi^s .\,la Bn.wn. an, I Mi-s Mary l..-e l.oomis.


Mrs. J. G. Creveling. Jr.. Chairman

Mrs. Angus Chisholm. Mrs. Marv Currev. Mrs. Thomas Frensh-v. Mrs. Matlie Garland. Mrs

.Forrest Graham, Mrs. Carrie Grant. Mrs. W . K. C.raN. Mi-. Inlm Ciilhth. Mrs. Ben Herrin. Jr.

Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mrs. Humphrey Riiliar.l. Mr-. .\. .\. Walk. a. Miss Varina Scruggs, Mrs.

Carrie Grant. Miss Helen Gray, Miss ()li\,- (;ra\. Mi-- L.an-. h.uin.y. Miss Rachel Laslie.

Miss Annie Luton. Miss Bessie McDonald, and .Miss Tliehna Walker.

The Trinity Church turned in one hundred and lorty-six knitted garments in fou"

months, after which time they affiliated with the Suraica! Dressings Department of

the Red Cross and met at headquarters on Tuesday afternoons.


Miss Corin.^e CAyERX. Chairman: Mi!s. Harry EyANS. Organizer

Mrs. Ema[A S. Crapu. Secretary

Mrs. E. L. Ashford, Mrs. C. A. Manthey. Mrs. George Reyer, Miss Louise Cage. Miss Maria

Cage, Miss Anne Cavert. Miss Ida Cavert. Miss Elizabeth Dale, Miss Kate Garrett. Miss Bessie

Fried, IVUss Annie Gary Gosnell, Miss Laura Malone. Miss Cella Leonard, Miss Mary Napier.

Miss Marv Parham. Miss Clavtie Robinson. Miss Maagie Robinson, Miss Keeble Trimble, andMiss Olive W>st.


Mrs. John E. Potter. Chairman

.Mrs. Brown Buloid, .Mrs. John Carmichael. Mrs. Gus Demerich, Mrs. Dave Follis. .Mrs. JohnHopkins, Mrs. James Moore, Mrs. B. C. Shackelford. Mrs. John Steadwell, Mrs. J. S. Wherry,Miss .Addie Gaines, Miss Kate Hall, Miss Mary Belle Hopkins, Miss Elizabeth Thomas, andMiss Margaret Wherry.


Mrs. Count R. Boyd, Chairman

Mrs. A. P. Connell. Mrs. Florence J. Fontaine, Mrs. M. E. Fontaine, Mrs. Wallace Freeman.Mrs. 0. L. Grimes. Mrs. T. E. Hale. Mrs. Estelle Harris. Mrs. Uriah Hunter, Mrs. D. J. Johns.

Mrs. R. D. .Marshall. .Mrs. Allen Miller. .Mrs. J. W. Williams. NUss Eleanor Connell. Miss Ella

Connell. Miss Katherine Fontaine. Miss Edith Grimes. Miss Fredalee Grimes. Miss Elizabeth

Harris, and Miss Mattie Walker.


DAlinSON COINTY If M E y /A' THE IC K L U WAR. 1 9 HI 9 1 9


Mks. C. S. 1!k(i\\n. Chulnwm

Mrs. Kiclianl Barr. Mrs. Louis Baxter. Mrs. L. B. Kile. Mrs. W. C. Dixon. Mrs, W. 11.

llaj:<:ard. Mrs. Eustace Hail. Afrs. P. D. Houston. Mrs. Jolui Lellvell. Mrs. W. H. .-^cluiennan

Mrs. Jesse Thomas. Nfrs. W. H. Witt. Mrs. H. B. Carre. Mrs. James H. Kirklan.l. Mrs. (). N.

Brvan. Mrs. Frank Bass. Miss Jessie Smith, Mrs. Granbery Jackson, Miss Elizabeth Kirklaiul,

Mrs. B. T. Young. Mrs. G. M. Neelv. Mrs. Dan McGugin, Mrs. C. B. Wallace. Mrs. II. H H,.n,l.

Mrs. George E. Bennie. .Mrs. C. A. ^rarshall, Mrs. John P. Williams. Mrs. J. T. McGili. MrsKiehling Yost. .Mrs. William .MoCabe. Mr~. W. H. Baihv. Mrs. .1. T. Allman. Mrs. W. V . Vounf.-.

and Miss Agatha Brown.

Both Mrs. McConni.-o and Mr-. F.>rl uoike.l m- piivates as well a- olllre,- in ilie

Kiiittiiif: Dopartment of the Na.slivillc (:iia|ilri. and u.m tin- b.\e an<l .-Ireni nl'

cM-ry woman nicnlioiicd in this department llir..n'jli llii-ii uillinunrss i,, lend a lirlp-

intr hand. Thev lead with wisdom and al)ilil\.

prnrii\-i\(, wd sinrnxc miction. wsimi.i.K riivPTF.!!. \. i{. c.

\li;v .loHIMI I.IM.M IK. ( hainuun

Beginnin.ii uilli luh. I'llT. llir Na-lnillr Cliapln ..t ll,r \inr,i,,,n iird Cross

shipped five hniidn-d ami lilts ra-r- i ,,nl.iinin'j -nr-i( al di (--iiii^-. Ii(i-|iilal :arrncnts

and knitted artieh-s to liie Sonlhrni i)i\ i-iu,, I Iradipiar I,t-. at \llanla. (;a. I'licse

cases were all of the lepiilation -i/c. ')(i\_' I \_' I.

Approximately .SO.'i.OOO vardr- of nialdial u.tc r,,n-iiinrd l.\ llir \,iiioM> depart-

ments of the Nashville Chapter. A. R. C. Tlii-- inrhidrd ll..-,(iii s,,,d- of Mra, li.-l

twill. 200.000 yards of surfiieal jrauze. 1 16.00(1 s,n,l- ,.1 ,,nlinj iLnnnK. 1(1.2 Id \ard-

..f ahsorhent and non-ahsorl.ent eotlon. 3.i.:W(l said- ..I nnl.lr.irl,r,l ,nn-liri. and

12.000 pounds .,f uonl. All cntlinsr for the Nashville 1!,,! Ci,,-- Cliapirr ua- done

free irratis hv the Xiilimleir Manufacturing Compan\. llir \li

(!ompany and Roonev and Mason. All transferrins was dun

and Herriford transfer companies. These firms answered cm

Nashville Chapter. Red Cross, without compensation, and tin ii

apprc-iatcd hv Red Cro^s oni.ials. Tli,' cNp,-ndiliiics in al

Chapler for llic In-I vcar of its ,-\i-lcn. r u.i- ,in„in,l <2\\.mi\






lie center of the picture stands Mrs. John Goode (Dora Brew I,

To luT left. -Miss Rubie Simpkins. Secretary for the Chapt(

er worker, ftands at Mrs. Coode's right.

Chairman of the Depart-

r. Mrs. Horace Cauvin,


Mrs. John Coode. Chairman

The work of the Comfort Kits Committee of the

Nashville Chapter was organized in the fall of 191 7.

The committee was given generous help in its workby the Girls' Auxiliary, who completed two hun-

dred fifty of these bags. The Centennial Club gave

one hundred fifty; the Nashville College, fifty: and

private contributors, fifty.

Cash subscriptions through the Nashville Ten-

nessean, including one from Ward-Belmont College

for ninety dollars, amounted to six hundred thirty-

five dollars and forty-two cents. Private subscrip-

tions donated amounted to thirty-eight dollars and

fifty cents.

One thousand two liundred fifty comfort bags

were sent to tlie Suppiv House, at Atlanta, for dis-


n,tllDSO\' COl\Ty irOME.y /.V the world war. 19I4-I919

Iribulion at Christmas timi'. These bags, made in regulation size, contained Hand-kerchiefs. Menth-Alba. Adliesive Plaster, Cigarettes. Tobacco. .Mirrors, Buttons.

Thread. Assorted Needles. Pins. Scissors. Knives. Pencils. Tablets. Envelopes. Christ-

mas Cards. Testaments. Magazines. Games. Tooth Brushes. Tooth Paste. Soaj).

Chocolates, and Peanuts in tins.

Donations of Pencils. Tablets. Scissors. Chewing (uini. Pins, and McntliAlbara|) Books were made and contributed in large

(]uaiililies. and five hundred Games were se<:ured

throu^'h the eft'orts o

John Coo.irV.

The XV, Mk of the Ca \ahiabh- contribu

rsonal friend of Mrs.

I Kils Coinmillce was

)f the Americ

1 Cami). \i

M,-. r,,n,i,.


_ Ihei

IJed Cros

were alwf

\<\\\ \\\n\ |)f>K. \ \^ll\ II. I.


CIIM'TI K. \. I!. C,

:i. .hmI Mi;s. .1,

.ll;.. Clian-n,,;,

merce building. Aun-Msl I. 1017. \ -pciai .lr|,a, Imrnl u.i- Luini-d lu, lln~

of the service under ibc ^u|,riM-i,„, ,,1 \h-^ llrln, ll,il,.,,|. J,,,-. ir,l l.v Mi~^ 1

Withers])ooii. who wa^ l\\(i iilixc >ii nl.iix I.h .i -Ii.piI limr. aiul wlm .i-~i-li

the organization of the \.i-li\illr ('li.i|.lri. \',r,\ ( m^^.

Mi.ss Helen Bufor.l mtxt,] ,,- ,,. In,- ( I, .,,,,,,. in iirilil llir ~|.iii|.j of l')l;i

Mrs .John C. Thompson a.--»unicil ciiaigc ol ihc ili>k. Aniorrj llm-c ulio ;:av

lar service at the registration desk at some period througiioiii ihi' Wnilcl W'ai

Mr-. A. A. I)ick.Ts«ii, .Mrs. Pollard Caklwell. Mrs. Val Tavi,... M,- II I' llicm;

Tliomas .\.-«l>ill. .Mrs. John II. Moore. .Miss Lucian Emerson. \Ii- M.uili,, (..iiu-lii

Louis.- SaundiTs. .Miss Annie May l^ndcrwood, .Miss Margaret M «. Mi- \l,n-ar.l

.Mi>s .'^adii! Cauvin. .Miss Courtney Ilollins. and .Miss Ritchie Shallc j..s-

All registration of Woman's Work. \,i-l>\lli,' ChapKi. \. I!. C. .hhI ll,

of the girls who served as pages wen- dine i.-, I li.rm ilii- ,|i-ls umIiI l,iiiiiai\ I

at whicli time the registration of workn- in lli.' ,'^iii Liii .il Drr^-iiij- l>r|i,iilrni

transferred to that workroom.

In the workroom where huspital gaiim-iil making; uas rondiK hd li\ iIk

not oidy was the daily attendaiiie registi-icd. lail llie liour- i:i\(ii <liiiiiii; I



(222 )



In I lie center of picture, first row, is Miss Helen Buford, Chairman of the Desk. To her

riyht. Mrs. Thomas Newbill; to her left. Miss Margaret Morrow. Second row. left to right:

Miss Louise Saunders and Mrs. A. A. Dickerson. Third row: Mrs. Val Taylor (Sara Corbett).

Mrs. Pollard Caldwell (Gladys Gennings), and Mrs. Alec B. Stevenson (Elise Maney).

rards ciiiilaiiiinL: tlu' luiiiif uf each iiii-imImt of her unit. Tliis involved a large amount111 detail uiirk wliieh required the aliililv ol an experieneed elerk.

At the end oi each week and each month a report was made by the Registration

Chairman and turned in to Mrs. Robert F. Jackson, Director of Woman's Work.Workers in all other departments reported direct to the registration desk, where

their presence and hours of service were scored on individual attendance cards

Every member of this committee handled the job with the experience of experts,

and the volunteer workers recorded with this department deserve credit for their

efficient service so willinglv and creditably rendered.

During the first year of the Registration Desk's existence. 18.647 workers were

registered for service in the Woman's Work Department of the Nashville Chapter

A. R. C.

( 22.? )

DAlinSO\ COryTY lfO.ME.\ I .\ THE irORLI) WAR. 1^141919

To,,. \|,-

Miss Delia \I

i;i:m;iit i.\ i ihi \i\mi.\ i ( ommh ii;i:. \\^ii\ii,i,i; ciiMTii!. \. ii. c

Mi;-. \ \N I.I I!,- Kii;k\i\\. riiainiian

In Apiil. I')i;i. \li-. \.iii l,r,i kiiki

F.iili-ilaininciil CdiiiiiiiUcc dl' llic N.i>li\i

wrir In ~N|p( i\ I-.- .ill ciih-ilairinients given

h lit ul llic llrd ( :i<— . Ill |)a\i(Ison County,

-i-l llir (;ii.i|i|,i III ,u-in:^ fund-. The,1 Ml-, kilkmaii'- •.iriin.il r iiiII.t ucir:

r^\liv ,l..h„ li.ll K.,|.l.v Nil-. 1m., ,,l, \ {.,,n. \I,-. .Alrv

3 Cal.lu.ll. \1.-, i:.n.-l l',ll..u. \1,-, \.n„.| \1. ,,.,,- Ixwis,

\1,- ( l,i,nl. W.ill.i. \1.-, 11, .MX lA.in-. \li-. WaM.,- Kirk-< Mian. \1,-, W. P, llnll.in.l. \li-. I.u.iu- Hni.l,. \li-. M. S.

'^^^ l.|„, k. \1,- 1;,„Ih„ \1,IU. \1,. ll.-iin 1, ,il,.|,,,nin. .Mrs.

^B l.,.,.|ili W.iui.i. \1.-, I,.l«.n W.nii.,.. \1,-, I,,, Nhwarlz,^^^m Ml.. W \ I.i.iiiIhix. Mi~. \. l..v,,„.,n. Ml- lames S.

^^^^M 1 la/ri Ml- \ 1. I'mII.i Mi- 1' \. Mull. IN. Mrs. Henry

^^^^1 li.l/.'i. Ml-. W. 1>. lla-^anl. Mi- llinin.i- .|. Tvne. .Mrs^^^M ( hailr- |)i„llr. .1,,,,.-. Ml- 11,,,,,,, (,. 11,11. Mrs. Kollin P.

^B (.,,,,,1. Ml-, W, I,. n.Mi.l. Ml- I. \ 1 ,„,I-,N. Mrs. Frank C.

1 Malil.naii. .\l.,s. Kiaiii k ."-.an (,i,,,,, Mi- Bvn.ii Martin,'

' Mr-. (;ranl)erv Ja.kson. .Mr-, \l, x ll„„i,t. M,-. 1 ,-lie War-

V., \v-. iMi, KM.KM.V "'•'• '^•'s- lJ""'"'n Keni.er. M,-. \x,in 1I.,„.IIv. Mr-. A. G.

,k,,„ ii„„„...„i liran.lau. Mrs. II. B. Sclierniei l,.,i n. Mi-. W.ili. i k.illi. Mrs.

<:. C. (;liriM..pl.er. Mrs. Dan C. liunlin. .Mrs. James K. C.al.lwell. Mrs. Jnlin H. liansmn. Mrs. ]i. Kirk

Hankin. .Mrs. lii.llev Wills. .Mrs. I{. K. Porter. Mrs. lliimphrev Timolliv. .Mrs. Cralp .McFarlanrl,

Mrs. John T. Ilen/lers.in, Mrs. John Hill Kakin, Mrs. S. .S. Crmkell. Mrs. R. II. Lacey, Miss



Elizabeth Hill, Miss Martha DeBow, Mrs. W. 0. Parmer. Mrs. Robert Weakley, Miss Ellen

Stokes. Miss Evelyn Douglas, and Miss Mary Harding Buckner.

Numerous parlor entertainments, public amusements and pageants were given

to secure funds. The first of these entertainments was given by the students of

Hume-Fogg High School under the direction of Mrs.

B. L. Alder, at the Vendome Theater, in March, 1918.

In June of the same year three hundred students of

Peabody College for Teachers enacted on the steps of

the Social and Religious building "The Lights of Civili-

zation." a war masque, which was written and designed

hv Miss Elizabeth Binford. This pageant was well at-

Itnded and its patriotic value received favorable com-

ment from Red Cross oflScials as well as other organiza-


Under the direction of Miss Pauline Towiisend, sev-

eral pageants were given at Ward-Belmont College for

the Nashville Chapter Benefit Entertainment, and a per-

formance of Joan of Arc was presented by Miss Town- miss paiune sheh«oo[, toknsesd

fend, at the Vendome Theater, which was one of the

most beautiful and spectacular entertainments given during the war. The proceeds

from this entertainment were large and its educational value was far-reaching,

More than $2,000 was turned in to the treasurer of the Nashville Chapter byMrs. Kirkman from the various entertainments given.

D.HII>SO.\ (:Ol.\T) irOMEX /.Y r II F nORLD WAR. 1911191'

Ediu'alidiKil ('(miiniltt't' ;iii(l \iii-siiiii- Sitn ice,

Na>li\III.- i:ii;i|.I.T. \. K.C.

Ml>s 1,(U l-K \l. lIlNin. (.luiirman fr,.,,, July. l')17. In Jiinr. 191,'!

Mi;>. H. II. I.UAA. (luiirninn Irani Jiair. I'Jlfl. /,. close ,»/ ihc war

Til,- Edu.aliunal C.-Munitl.-.- ,.( \\u- Na-lnillr Cli.ipir,. \inrii,a„ l!,-,l Cross.

caiii<> into exist, lie,' Im-I',u,. liir Clia|ilri il~rll ua^ ..r.jaiii/.r.l. In ,\|nil. I')|7. the

Na-!,\ill.- Y. W. C. \. ua- aulli..ii/r,l \,^ \\u- \ali..nal T.oard oi tin- Ani.-iican Hed(ail-- I., loiin rdiicalional (dasses, and Miss

l.oui-.- M.ll.iux i,-ndMT .d' lhi> F-.duc-ational

( nuniiillrr nl ihr V W. C. \.. ua- appninf-d

( haiMiian ..I ll,,. umk. I p.,,. ll i-ani/ali.m

..I Ihr Nadixillr i;rd (an-- Cliaplri. lli,- V. W .

C. \. ua- irlainrd a- a Irarliur' ,rnlr,. uilj,

\li" I,,. HI-, MrliriMv a- Chainnan and Mi--

\iaiN I'lra-anl- I..,,,- a- \-i-lanl Cliaiirnan.

K.-i^i-lialion- r,„ < la-.- sswr ,nad,- al llir

>. W. C. \. an, I al iIh- lir,l (a..- \a-lnlllr

\li- I arinir (). W al

\id and llnnie

lllr -id.ir, I. ,d

1-iMv. an. I |)i,--l.i.an.'Mlaiv ih.i. •!,.. II. .n,.- \u,-,,p

I, !,.-. Tl,.- ni-lru.I.a- ..I lli.-.- ...n,-.- «,T.

al all Inn.- piofi'ssionals. Tli.- . ..ni -. ni lir-

\i.l ua- nn.l.T the direction ..I a pli\-i. lan ap

p.,n,l.,l \.^ 111,- Kxcailive l!..a,.l ..I lli.- \a-li

\MI.- (I, apt. a. an. I ih.- -.'...n.l ..a,,-.- u a- landil

U a II. .1 (1..- nin-,- app..u,h-.l l^ I!, '.I Cn.->

I)i -up.

Durinfr the World War ih.- I ;.ln.ali..nal C.annnllr,- and \,n>in.j S.axl..- ..I lli.'

Nashville Chapter hel.l .-.•.dil .la-.- in l'i,-l \id. uilli a ni.aniHa -hip ..f ..n.- Inni.h.'.l

and ei^ditv-nine: elcv.-n in II. .ni.^ Nni-iii'j. uilli a ni.aid.ia -hip ..T .m,' Inni.li.'.l anil

fortv-se\,-n; an.l ..n.- .la- in Di.l.li. -. uilli a nu inh.a -hip ..I lill.'.ai. Th.-.- . la-.-

were h.'hl in u.an.ar- .lid-. .Iini.h -... i.li.-. ..III..- hnihliir- an.l la.|..ii.- in \a-li-


The nali..nal .all l..i \ni.ai.an li.'.l (a..- nin-.- . an-.'.l ih.- iiil.a.-l in llii- d.-

the puldie to Ih.- la. I tli.il uill, lli,- li .-in.-n,l..ii- .hall ..I .1... ha- an.l niii-.- I.., niili-

enoilj.di to care- I. a .nilinaix .a-.-- .d illrn--. ,i- u.ll a- l.n a., i.l.iil- an.l inpiil.--.




Dr S S. Crockett was Chief of Medical Suff, and Mrs. S. S. Crockett, Chairman of Hospital.

From left to right, first row: Miss Bella Goodman. Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson (Nellie Ely), Mrs.

Harrv P Mnrrev (Lale Lester). Mrs. \[. (;. liurkner (Elizabeth Jackson). Mrs. .S. S. Crockett

iC.MTir Cl.nki. Mrs. L. R. Campl»-ll ijohni. \l,,, -hall i. Mr-, hini- II. JsiikLnol (

M.uv llrnder-

s..„i v,,,,„„| ,,,„-: Mrs. Richard ll.m i^ k,, kp..i 1 1. k i. .Mr- W . W . HiII.mi iMi-m- Wniiht),

Ml.- \l,.nr kulm. Mrs. A. J. DvMi i l.li/,,l.rih Ki. II, I, II I, \j,-. W. (.. Ilulrini,- K.iir Ikixter).

Mrs. Edward West Foster (Susie C..cknlli. liiird r..» : .Mrs. Jordon .stokes ( Marv WliiUvurthi.

Mrs. W. H. Witt (Ella Walsh). Mrs. J. T. McGiU (Elizabeth Allen).

struction davs. New classes were foniied from time to time and the Committee

planned to put this course in the public schools.

Dr. McPheeters Glasgow was the Instructor in First Aid Classes for this depart-

ment, and was assisted by Dr. William Sumpter. Dr. Harrington Marr and Dr. Sam

Cowan, each of whom instructed several classes.

Miss Nan Dorsey and Mrs. Willie F. Acree, professional nurses, were appointed

Supervisors and Instructors of the classes in Elementary Hygiene and Home Nurs-

ing. The conunittee having this work in charge was coinposed of Mrs. R. H. Lacev.

as" Chairman, and Mrs. Henry Teitlebaum, Mrs. Perkins Baxter, Mrs. John R.

Wheeler and Miss Matilda Porter, as assistants to Mrs. Lacey.

The need for help during the epidemic of influenza in the fall of 1918 brought

to the Home Nursing Committee of the Nashville Chapter. A. R. C. the first call for

active service, and the situation was desperate enough to put the strength and ef-

ficiency of the entire Committee to the severest test. Th response of the workers

was satisfactory proof of their sincerity and the adequacy of the Educational Courses

of this department. It is a matter of pride to the Educational Committee that when

instructions concerning the influenza epidemic were received from National Head-

quarters of the Red Cross they were identical with the methods already being pur-

sued bv the Nashville Chapter. The hearts of Davidson County's generous public

were so touched bv the distressing situation that gifts of money, bed clothing, food

and other comforts were daily received bv this committee, and large supplies of

every needed article were available at all times for distribution to the destitute



DAfinsoy coiyTY iro.ME\ i .\ the noRin war. 19111919

The Adniini^liative Board of the Nashville Chapter. A. R. C. ol ul,i, h Mi-. I'm v

D. .Maikliii was Chairman, appointed an Inflnenza Ki)ideniic Coniinillrc Im l),i\i(l-(in

County during this crisis, and the work of this lonunitlee was so ixuplioiial tiial

two letters of commendation were received by Mrs. Maddin from K. U. Black. .Man-

ager of the Soudiern Division. A. R. C. in which sjiecial mention was made of the

work of Mrs. Elizaheth Bowver. President of Middle Tennessee Nurses" Association,

of the Belle Meade Counlrv'Cluh. the Centc.mial Clul.. and the Nashville Chapter.

Re<l Cross Motor Corps. Mrs. Bowvr and Mrs. Willie F. Acree. olTicial representa-

tives of the Pul>li<- Health Servir.-. »,p.Minlendcd the «,uk of liic vohmtrrr nurses.


Throu;;h the .nu.lesv of the Belle Meade CoumHn Clul. an.l ihr Cciilmiiial Clul..

of \a^hvilh•. an Kmcrgency Kitchen was organized al ihr Crnlrninal Clul, nude ll,.

direction of Mrs. .Anna G. Conger. Mrs. O'Brvau \\ a-liin;jliui li.ul ihai'jr nl ihr

distribution of the delicacies, and one hundred and lunuv liv l.nuilir. .nl, km uilli

the (lisea,se were served daily by this conuuiltcf. Mi-. W i-liiiii:lc>u u.i- a>^i>lc(l l.v

volunteer workers from all parts of \a-li\illi-. Mi>~ Lillian lav lor gave her entire

time, assistinsr in the distribution, uliilc iIh- ipicLinn la-lcd.

Mrs. Marv Bright Thomas. Chaiiinan .,! llir Kinrr;.,-,,, v M,,Io, Co,,,-, fnr |l,r cpi-

relief work ,.1 ihi- roniuiillcc. .Mi-. Knhcil Clirrk. Caplain ,,l lli,' \a-li\ill,' CliapliT.

A. R. C. .Motor Corps, and her members gave nin,' hniuhcl an.l -.iM\-,,nc hm,,-. au,l

drove -1.172 mile.s during this public crisis.

The forces of all commiliees were augiiniilrd l.v lln- ad.lilii.n ol miIiiuIi'it work-

ers throughout the couulv. and among those i;i\inii IrcrK ,.f llicir linu' ami -I'l vices


Mrs. George F. Ula.ki,'. Mr>. .I„m-|,1i l.in.lau.-r. \li-. .|..lin 11. W li., I.r. \1,-. I!. Kiik li.mkin,

Mrs. Percy U. .Ma.l.liii. .Mrs. H. II. l.a.-.-v. Miss .MaliMa 1'..>I.,. \1.- l.illu.n Taxi..,, \li.~ Kllicl

White. .Miss .Nell Major. Miss Jane Harris, and Mrs. Ben I nul.iii. i.

.•\11 churches, moving picture houses and scho.il- ,.1 l)a\id-.in (!..iiul\ wen-

closed, so that many women were released from their regular cm|il.>\ nunl iiiil -jmc

their services to this cause. The city and <()iiiity teachers of tin- -rli,.,,U Muilncd

especial service to the committee. The follouiiig coinprix' the wmkiuj li.r.c ..I

volunteer nurses and inspectors of lhi~ ili|.arliiiinl :

Mrs. J. .>^. .Mien. Mrs. Darden .Ml.n. \1,-, I, M. \ii.|.i-..i,. \l,-. II. \l...,i,- \n.lr,«<. Mrs. I.

0. Bur}.'e. Mrs. W. I'. B.-ar.l.n. \I,-. .1. (I. Itint:.. jr.. \li~, (.i.-.n i!,iU.,n. Miss Hella C.o.lnian.

.\rrs. \V. \V. Dillon. Mr>. A .1 \h.;. \li-. 1). T \l.l,.ll. \li- lames II. Kirklan.i. \li-. .^. .S.

CroekeU. .Mrs. Lemuel ( ainpl.. II. Mi-. W . (.. I h.l. liiii-.,,,. \l,-, KielianI Harr. Mrs. Clar.-ne,-

Dixon. .Mrs. William Viiit. Mr-, \1. I'h. .i.i- (.la-..u. M.-. T, .1. liifif:,-.. Mrs. W . .1. U,.vkin.

Mr«. Rn-sell Brown. .Mrs. W . II. Biielianan. Mrs. .lam.s II. ( .inli.ll. Mr-. M. C. I!u. kn. r. Mr-.<:. D. <:lian,lli-r. Mrs. I.von Childress. Mrs. .|. I!. C.mi i. Mi-. I m. D.im-. Mi-, -i.a.ii lliix.r.

.Mrs. M. II. Kills. Mrs. Frank .S-arev Creen. Mrs. Waller Cn.n. \li-. K. W . I..-I.1. Mi- M. ,\.

(;rief. Mr-. (;. .\. (;walhniev. .Mrs. Thoina- llan,-..rk. Mi-. Km- ll.nnIK, \1,- I'..— ,. II.ua.v,

Mis- .Alma Oliver. Mrs. Wilherspoon Have-. Mi-. (I-.. 11 11.11. Mi-. M .,,,,,, 1 l|.ii,l.,-.,n lliil.lii-

son. .Mrs. Turner Johnson. .Mrs. Charles lill.i.i. Mi-, I, I, I ,i-kx. \1>-

I H I i,l..n. Mi- 1. II.

Marshall. Mrs. J. D. Nfarlin. Mrs. \V.-n.l,-ll M. F.,.l.l. n. Mi-, I, I , M. K..,,,, \|,. ||,,,,x I', Mnrrev.Mrs. Jack Norfolk. .Mrs. James Otiilvie. Mi-. II. F. (III... Mi-, ILilhin. ( 11..,, M,- \„„i,-

Owen. Mrs. .Mapci'- I'ellie. -Mrs. Blanche I'lall. .Mrs. .Moll,,- I,', I',. 11,,. \l,- Will r,„,i,„, Mr-.

Jordon .^lokes. Mrs. F. \. liamsev. .Mrs. John B. Hansom. Mi- W.ili.i l.'i.ll.x. Mi- Mil, Kii-i.

.Mr-. W. B. .Shelton. Mrs. V. .M. .S„hel. .Mrs. Thomas Spain. Mi-. I .lu.ii.i -lal.lin,,,,. Mi- C V.

Slephenson. .Mrs. Clav G. Slephens. Mrs. A. B. Tarplev. .Mrs. Charl.- Iliir.l. Mi-. I, I . III.. mas.

.Mrs. Ilumi-hrev Timolhv. Mrs. Charles Trahne. Mrs. t. K. Tnrr.nlin. . Mi- I inni, (I Walton.

Mr-. Georpe Williams. ' and Mrs. Fern York. Miss .Nelle Foster. Mi- \,|., \l,xa,„l,r. Miss



.\hi.lh:i l!,iiiiani. Mi- Kli/nlirtli P.r.i-IrN Mi^^ lillKin I!rnii,-lt. Mi-- •|1irn--,, H,,llin.., \li-^ JaneM.n l!..!i-. \li-- lli/,il,.ili |•M.^>. \1.-- y.UuA I'.u-k Ml-- \K,,,,, (,,,., \1,- Is, I, I ,,,,,. Miss^!,ll^ ( ,1-1,. Ml-- I ..<., I -,I \l,-- \n !,,.. Il.r.i- \l,-- I nil. I u,,,.j. Ml- I iIImi. I ,-!,.,. MisSLlNi.n, I irrinan. Mi- M,.IIm ( I|i,,-li,,r, Mi- luli.i (,,,,ii. Mi-- Miu (.u,,ll \. MissMartha llaiuilrx. M,-- I imI. ILiiLiimI \Ii-- I'lulm, IhiJ-.m Mi- l^.m.-lm, \..\r:-.m. MissElizabeth Ligp,-ii. \li- (.imlni, |,i.,[-,u. \|i-- I,,,.,,, M,,ln„,.. \1,- („,„.,i, \l,.,,ui. MissAnnie Frances \l'


Mi-- I mih-, MrMiILn,, Mi— |),,niili\ 11"( oniirll. Mi-- Will I'ftway.

Miss Amv Rirli. Mi- -^..i,, -^aiMlr,-. Mi- ( M,ihia >ru.iJ.n. Mi- Euiiir.- .^ha». Mi-.- Flora

Shelby, l^iiss Lmiise Smith. Mi-.s Elizabeth Tarpley. Miss "ttiU Ella Tatum. Miss Uuby Louise

Terry. Miss Ellen Trabn.-. Miss Flora Travis. Miss Lillian Warner, Miss Lillian Watt, MissDorotliy Williams, and Miss Ruble Simpkins.

The graduate nurses who rendered able assistance during this epidemic were:

Mrs. T. J. Biggers, Mrs. Lucile Harlan. Mrs. Willie F. Acree. Mrs. Neil Martin, Mrs. G. H.Williams. Mrs. F. E. York. Miss Elizabeth DeMayo, Miss Fern Draper, Miss Virginia Harris.

Miss Jean McKenzie, Miss Frances Simpkins. Miss May Buchanan, and Miss Tenney Woodson.

Certificates for service from the Nashville Chapter were received by the abovementioned women and all who did a service during this crisis. Mrs. R. H. Lacey,

the Chairman, was highly commended by officials of tlie Xashville Chapter, RedCross, for her capable management of this department atid the splendid results ob-

tained during her administration.

Mrs. Lacey paid a beautiful tribute to Miss Louise McHenry (deceased), whowas the pioneer organizer of this committee, in saying that Miss McHenrvs lovalty

and devotion to duty was at all times an inspiration to the Educational Committeeto "carry on."

The work carried on under the jurisdiction of Mrs. R. H. Lacey. who was chosen

to succeed Miss McHenry in this department, was at all times of an excellent char-

acter, Mrs. Lacey herself rendering untiring service.

DlllDSON COiyTY WOMES I .\ THE IT R L D IfAK. 19141919

Camp Activltif^s ('oiiiinittcc. Naslnille

Clia|)kT, A. 11. C.

Mi;<. Sii)m:v S. C'liocKKir. f.//

I nur,-il\. llir \\..r !)<-

.Irlit- (;;l,il|,; I),. >i,lllOV

Tlie «.<.k ol 111.' Cainp \rlixili,- 1 )r|Kn linrni ol llir \a-luillr Cliaphr. Kr,!

Cross, was limited 1.. ih..-,- ,.„nl.-i,- ulil.l, ,,.,,1,1 1.,- ,'xl,n,l,-,l 1,, ~,.l,li,-i^ and

sailors passing llirmigli \a-li\ill,-. an,! \\lii,li \-.,i,' |„i l,,i m,-,! l.\ lli,- I aii,'i .n,'v

Canlcpn Section of the Cuiiniillr,'. iiiilil ll,,' aiiliniin ,,1 I'M;:, wli.ai a Slii,|i-iil- \miv

Training Camp was ojiened at \ and, 1 1, ill I Mi\,i-il\ in \a-li\ille. \l Hi,- -u'ji^cs-

tion of Dr. James H. Kirkland. Cl.a,„.ll,., ..I \ an

partment appointed the followin;; Me.li. al Mall l,.i

^. Crockett. Medical Man: Dr. William A. Divan. r-

i;\e. Kar and Throat Specialist.

The first week during the pli\H,al rxaniinali,,n-. al lli,- iini\,-,-il\ ihc lnl!n,Miza

epidemic appeared among the -ln(l,ail- an, I ni;j,'nl n,,,--il\ l,,i li,,^|iilal ,i,,<,nnn(i-

dations immediately arose. Tli,' \|,-,li, .il --lall .i|,|Mal,-,l I,, Mr^. >. >. Ci,,,!.!! an,l

her Camp Activities Conunillee in llii- , ii-i-. N.m ,,nl\ lli,' |„r- ,1 ,,1 ll,,' laun-

mittee. hut the heads of all Fied Cro^- l),|,, nU ..I ll„- Na^liMll,' (I, a,, hi. .np-

phniiTited liv mililarv and iiniversil\ anlli,,i ili, -. unil,,! I,, a, I,, pi , i'j,n, \ nicas-

nres and hastily estahlished the Kissa.n Hall Kn,c,;j,'n,\ I |,,~|,il,,l. Tli,' , I, inc.!

r-ITorts of thesi- agencies were augmented hy innnin,'i al,l,' prixal,- , ,,nl i ilml i,>n-. I,\

personal work, hv money and hv hospital ricccssilio.

Diiririt.' the several uck- of tin- cpid.'ini^ llu- l.,l|,,uinu. u,,in,'n -,'i\,',l a~ lu'ads

of tlu- various -ul.-c.amnMlee.. in|,, ulii.l, llir rnana'j.'nunl ,,r ll,,- l„,H,ilal was


LFADEKS OK THE \Al!l()l s >^l I! ( OMMITTEES AND VOM Mill; \l i;>l-..'-


Left to right, first row. Mrs. M G Buckner, Mrs. James H. Kirkland, Mrs. Harry P. Mur-

ray. Mrs. S. S. Crockett. Chainiian of the Committee, .Mrs. T. Leiah Thompson, and Mrs. LemuelR. CampbeH. Second row. Miss \Lirie Kuhn. Miss Bella Goodman, Mrs. W. W. Dillon. MissAlma Oliver. Mis? Nellie 0'Bi% in Mi- Jordan Stokes. Mrs. G. W. Hulchinsnn. Mrs. \^illiam H.

^ilt and Mis. E.luard W. M 1 uMm

divided: Mrs. Sidney S. Crockett. Chairman: Mrs. James H. Kirkland, Vice-Chair-

man. and Mrs. Matthew G. Buckner. Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson. Mrs. Lemuel R.

Campbell, Mrs. Samuel H. Orr, Mrs. William C. Cherry and Mrs. Harry P. Murrey

were members of the Advisory Board.

Among the volunteers who served as nurses, aides, cooks, waitresses, and in

other needed capacities, as long as the epidemic, or thev individuallv. lasted, were:

Mrs. W. 11. -W-ill. Miv S. <. rrork.ii. Ml-, Rirliai^I Hai., Mr-. M C llii. kn.i . Mi-. .1. T.

McGill. \li- V. I \\ilkiii-M„. \l,- W . W . |iil|,,„ \1,- W (, lli.h liiii-ii \li- |m,,Im: v,,,i,, ..

Mrs. l,.-,nii,l i;. I ,,,,,,,1., II. \l,-. I. W Tl„„„.,- I,. \|,- \li,,,, (iln,, \li- Mill,' \m„-i -

Matthew-. \li- i;.!!.. (, Im.iii. \li- \ir-ini.i Inlm-. \li-- \rll,,' HT.m:,!!. Mr-. Inl,,, II. |),A\ill.

Mrs. Edward \^'. Foster. .Mrs. William Leftwich, Mrs. A. J. Dyer. .Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson. Mrs.

.Miss Effie MorganOr Miss Mar Miss LuliiBrown Buford. Mrs. J. Hiand Miss Susan Wilkes.

Miss Mary McGown, Mrs. J. H. Matthews and Miss Alma Oliver served as heads

of the Diet Kitchen. A number of graduate and Red Cross nurses were in charge of

patients during the epidemic, and members of the Executive Board and volunteers

for this service remained in the hospital overnight when needed. A group of faith-

ful workers served the patients with breakfasts, put patients and wards in order for

the day, during the entire time of the existence of the hospital. Miss Alma Oliver

served breakfast to the patients every morning for three weeks bginning at five o'clock.

Another group furnished the social end by establishing a convalescent room,writing letters for the boys and entertaining them.

A splendid service was rendered by Lieutenant McCutcheon. detailed by the

Commandant to Mrs. S. S. Crockett and her committee for hospital service, and the

K. P. orderlies placed by him at the disposal of the coimiiittee were greatly appre-

ciated by officials of the Nashville Red Cross Chapter. One hundred and ninety

cases of influenza were cared for, and though a large number of patients were verv

ill with pnrumiinia. only two cases proved fatal, due to tiie careful attention th 'v

received frum this committee.


Difins(>.\ roi STY iroME\ i\ the iroKLn war. ion.1919

During tliis dark period of llic connict of tlie army at home tlie symbol of the

Red Cross over the hospital door and on the uniforms of the Camp Activities Com-mittee and volunteer helpers repeated its historv of relief and comfort, and un-

doubtedly proved an important factor in assislinp the |)tivsicians and nurses in saviiiir

many lives of the country's soldicis in traiiiiui:.

Probably the most heroic and most self-sacrificins service rendered during the

World War by the women of Davidson County, both trained and untrained, were

those who volunteered as nurses during the influenza epidemic, which made its first

appearance in the county during the t^'orld War. Entire families were stricken at

one time, and while our boys were in the midst of battle in France dozens of rela-

tives, friends and acquaintances of Davidson (iountv residents at home were probablv

lying cold in death from this disease. It «as dillicult for the urulertakcrs of \a^li-

ville to accommodate the large number wUu died in Nashville, owing to llic ra( I

thai the erection of the Powder Plant almost douided the population of Da\ idson

M;ni.liii(;. from l.-ll I., ri^lil : MrMi-<s ll.lrn Buf..r.l, Mrs. K. (). Talr. Mrs. C. K. ( il.-mmts. \],.

MrrriU, Mrs. Samuel G. Dniiplas. Captain; Miss .Sadie Cainiii

( orl.ill. Mrs. Kllsworlli P. Stairs. Mrs. Charles llillman. Mrs, \!,.


\1,~. W. (). Tirrill. Cap

D.IVIDSON CO I' NT Y MK.\ IN Till-: KORI.n tt'AR. 1911-1919

County, and it was not unusual to see nieniliers of a family bury tlieir own. Several

dozen bodies sometimes lay at the undertaking establishments at one time, waiting

for caskets to be procured. Davidson County citizens arose to the emergency, and

hundreds of her women left their homes, if they were fortunate enough to escape

having the disease in their own families, and volunteered as nurses wherever their

services were needed in the city, county, or Powder Plant. Miss Ellen Foster, Miss

Will Petway. Mrs. J. H. Matthews, Mrs. Edine Armstrong Matthews and Mrs. R. E.

Porter spent weeks nursing influenza patients in North and East Nashville. Emer-

gency kitchens were in operation in every section of Nashville and at the PowderPlant, and delicacies were prepared and distributed to every needy person bv the

housewives of Davidson County.

Mrs. S. S. Crockett, who so ably organized the women of Davidson County for

many of the World War activities, rendered another splendid service by acting as

leader of the Vanderbilt Hospital Emergency Committee in the influenza epidemic.




oo!l R. Cole, Miss Annie DeMoviUe. Mrt.. Henn G. Manp\. Mrs. W. L. Ni.hul. Mrs. J„hn \^ . \I,M,r,-. Captain.

Mss Elsa McGill. Miss Katherine Bprr>. Miss Anna Blanton. Mi^s E^el^n D..upld.. Mr-. Alt-x \Ic( lain. Mrs. \lfrp.l


Kirk Rankin. Mrs. Mary Bripht Tliomas. Miss Mar> Erskin<- Uamage. Mrs. James T. Gvsatlimev, Mrs. Hesse

Sfeied in center, left to right: Mr-. Harry E\ans, Commandant, Mrs. Sirlne> S. Crockett, and Mrs. Bruce Douglas.


( 233 )

n^flDSOy CO (MY irOME,\ / V the world war. 1Q14I9I')

Eni(M-ij:encY CaiiltMMi Sci-xict' Coininlttee, Nashville

ChapliT. A. 1(. C.

Mi;s. Il\i;i;\ W . (.oniiiKintldiil

Till- Knici-eiuy Caiilccii S.-rvi.-.- C.

was orfraiiizfd 1)V Mrs. S. ^. (!ii"krll in

In IIk- rhuirf of Mrs. ila,,\ lA.ni- I

Sfrvicc. Mrs. Crockclt rlisplavcd rare

al.il it V <-..nil.inc(l uilli phvsi.al ...ui.irai

f 111.- \a<li\illr Chapl.-.. A. H. C

nl ll,- K

Ml-. i:\. Olll

Commandant of this l.ranrh of the \asluill, CI,,,,,!,-, un„ ||„

lional Il.-a.l(|uart(-is, at Washinplon. 1). C.. IJial ..f all llu- oil,.,-,- .,,,,1 i,.,,,,,- -riv,-<l

l.v the NasliviJIc linicrj.'fncv Canti-i-n and. n,o~l , (in,|din„-,il.i, \ ..I .ill. lli.il ..I licr

.•o-»oik.-is in thr .M-rvicr. all of whom n-,o^ni/.-d l„ , aliiliu ,,- a lr.„l,., ,,,„l u,„k,-|-.

Till- |Mr>omi.-i of Ih.- \a-hvilh- VuA C,,,>-. Kni.-i-.n, N Caiilrm mmil,,-,- uas as

hapiiilv and jiidirJalK -.-Ic-rh-d a. thai ,d ll„- Coniiiiandanl. ~o ll,a I„an,'h of die

I) All n S () .V C () I .\T Y r M E N / ,V TH E W O R L D WA R. 1914.1919


L.H In HLilii: Ml-, s,, Ml, 1,1 (,. Iiniiiila-. Ml-, .[.-pli K. \\r-i. Ml-. ,|„lin H. DeWitt. MissII. I. I, iHiln.J Ml- l|..,,M I,, M.ni.v. Ml- I. W. Mill.i. Ml-, W, W, ( 1,111. lall. Mrs. Harrv Evans.tiMiiiM.,,, 1,1.11,1. Ml-, („,iii,ii M,.i:,.ii,. Ml-, s, s. CpHk.ll. Ml-, W, It. Iniill. .Mrs. Harrv P. .Mur-

11. .Ir.. Miss Mary DeMoville.1 li. Co!e.

Wil^. .Mi>. W. .\h>. joM|,ii r

JNashville Chapter. Red Cross, was more skillfully or efTicieiitly ortranizecl than its

Emergency Canteen Department.

The organization of the Canteen Committee of the Nashville Chapter consisted of

a commandant, four captains, ten lieutenants, six teams for daily service and four

special committees. The duties of the Special Committees were the purchasing and

issuing of supplies, the furnishing of medical aid, ambulance and hospital service

for sick or injured soldiers and sailors, the selling of stamps and the mailing of

letters for the passing soldiers, the distributing of daily papers and magazines, the

providing of shower baths with soap and towels for every individual soldier, and the

providing of emergency hospital aid for sick or injured soldiers and sailors, or

their relatives, at all times.

Two of the four Canteen Captains. Mrs. W. 0. Tirrill and Mrs. Samuel Douglas,

served respectively as Secretary and Treasurer for this department, and the two others,

Mrs. C. A. Craig and Mrs. John W. Moore, were Captains of Train Service. TheLieutenants of the department and their teams provided the refreshmenst and enter-

tainment service for the soldiers. Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin served as the efficient Pub-

licity Chairman of the Committee.

The functions of the Emergency Canteen Service Conmiittee were to supplement

the efforts of the War Department and the railroads in providing comforts for troops

in transit and to render them such attention as the occasion demanded. The WarDepartment instructed railroads to inform the Commandant. Mrs. Evans, of the ap-

proach of troop trains, and she in turn informed her Captains, who assembled the

workers. This information was a secret in time of actual war and was entrusted

only to those whose honor and discretion were above reproach. No Nashville Red(aoss Canteen worker was ever known to betrav this trust.

PAiiDsoN roryrv iroMEX i .\ the world war. 19111919

THE iioM'irAi, OK iiii- i;\ii;i!(;i;N(A ( amkia skijmci:


^[rs. Garnet Morgan, Chairman. Mrs. Louis H. Sperr)' and Mrs. T.

Lfipli Thompson were ihe Hospital Conunittee. Thousands of troops

in transil were piven aid at this hospital.

Thf \a>l,\ill,- Cliapl.-iV K.-.i (:r,,.> Ktnci-rn.v ( iominillr,.--

»vas CKiiiiioM-il (iT:

Coiiiiiiuiulanl \li-. Il.iir\ \\ . 1a. in-.

Captains— Ml ~. C. \. Ci.iil^. Mi-. W . (). Tnnll. \li- J.. I.,,

Samuel Douglas. .\li.-. Dcuvla.-, IkuI ,i.li\r . li.iiL^r nl llir C.uil.

incnt of Mrs. Harry W. Evans as Cdiiiinanilanl.

The Lieutenants and the six teams loi (l.iiiv -cisiic uk liiclcil


Mrs. Avery Ilandly. Mrs. Thomas Park.-. \li-. II.-, ( ,.,l„ii, \li-.

Leigh Thompson, .Mrs. (larnet Morgan. Mr~. l.ilni II I). Will. \li- Kiiii.

K. West. .Mrs. T. Graham Hall. Mr-. l...in- n,„.,m. \I,- \I,x. M, ( l;ii

Mrs. 11. G. .Manev. .Mrs. I. W. \lill.i. \Ii-. W . W .( i.in.l.ill. \li- lln

P, Murrey, .Mrs. Briiee Douglas. I.. Mi- Inlm l.u,-. \l,- K WPhillips. .Mrs Paul II. DeWill. Mr- W ( (Imim. \Ii- li.n.k lliiii

.Mrs. Clarence Beasl.-v. Mrs. O. .\. Hnaii. \li-. \lli..l \l.iiiii. \li-. il

E. .Norvell. Mrs. Marshall 1 l<.I<-hkis>. Mrs. I- ii/;^, i.il.l Ih.ll, \l,-. K.Iu.li.I (

anil .Mrs. C. .S. Drown. Mi-s Annie IVM.mll. . Mi- II. l.u r,ul.ii.l. MiF.llen .Stokes. Miss Courtney llollins. .Mi- M,,l^ Ki-kiii.' WAm.vu-. Mi.Miss Anna Blanlon, .Miss Elizabeth Hail. Mi- s.Mi. i iumm Mi- M.,

Rehecca .Sedherry. Miss Virginia Nelson. \li- I I .i M.(.ill .m.l Mi-- I'

The following Lieutenants and ( iiiiiiinii. . - \xli.. -.im.I ..n

iii'tle.- u.-re: I'niled .States Mailin- I).|.,m I in. nl . \li- Wliil.l

Mian. Mrs. (;„|,> was a.ssisled l.\ Mi-. IIi.II.a Will-. Mi-, h

Mr-. C. IJuii.ic Clements, an.l Mi- \iiii., Dl.inh.n. I .i.nlm.inl-

The Supply Conw.iill..- uilli M,-. I. W . Mill.r. Cliaum.i

Kisworth P. Srales. Mr-, lanir- K.elin'.:. Mr-, laim- (iu.illini. '

lierrv. ^yvu^ Mrs. Miller-, as-i-lanl-.

The Ifospilal (:.,Miinill.-e. M,-. (.arnrll M.n-an CliairMian:

.l,.-,.l.ll \

W.l.li M

D I V ins ON COVNTY TOM EN IN THE n R I. I) IfA R. 1914-1919



Fir.-t Mrs. ssr Co (Marir En Miss Lv'alii

Rankin. SecondM,-. W. O. Tir-

,.| il,,. h,iii („.]i|.ilii- ..I III.' II. •,.,,, in.. Ml. Ml-, (...il-. Ilillin.iu i|;.--i. Miiii.Ai. Mrs.

I W. M.i.in- I \i in I'.ilLi. ..I lli.' I. .111 I i|ii.iin- ..I iIm- I i.|.,ii I im.iiI \Ii-- I a. Uii l»..nglas

ana Ml,. RiaiLN WilU iJc.Mc EIm. Tl.ii.l i...»: Mi>. .\I..'X M.;Claiii 1 KanL, Ki,l...i. Mrs.

John Lewis, Mrs. W. W. Ciandall (.Charlotte Lewis 1. .Mrs. W. L. Nichol (Katie Dean Hutchin-

son), Mrs. H. Louis Sperry (Amelia Sawriel. Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson (Nellie Ely), and Mrs.

Thomas Parkes (Idella Davis).


H. Speny and Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson. Tliis committee was known as "Angels

of Mercy."

The Magazine Coimnittee, Miss Alice Gertrude Smitii. Cliairman. Mrs. Bernard

Fensterwald. Miss Mary DeMoville Hill. Miss Lizinka Farrell and Miss Mary Porter

Kirkman, as Lieutenants, ably assisted with the duties of this cominittee.

Active work by the Nashville Emergency Canteen started in January, 1918, andbegan to take on large proportions immediately. The Terminal Company at Nash-

ville built a Hut on the track level at the LTnion Station for the Canteen Headquar-ters, and soon three large departments of this committee were put into operation.

The importance of the Canteen work soon became apparent, and in a short time it

was found necessary to keep the Hut open the whole of every day. A team was de-

tailed for daily service as a Bureau of Information and Attention, and the Com-mittee's experience in these constant contacts with the American soldiers supplied

ample justification for the operation of this branch of the service.

At the little Canteen Hut down at the station cheer, comfort, food, material aid

and often advice and help in personal troubles were given the thousands of soldiers

and sailors who passed through Nashville from all parts of America. The workers

spared themselves no effort, either of body or spirit, for the boys in khaki. Takingno thought of risk to themselves, the women of the Nashville Chapter EmergencvCanteen Service not only fed and entertained the hungry and wearv. but ministered

to the sick, not hesitating to come in contact widi various kinds of contagious dis-

ease- when the need arose. Now and then, in tragic cases, tliev helped a wrongdoer


I) n I II so \ (<)( v 71 If <> M h: V / v / // /: ir a k i. n ii ,i k. i >i i ti •> i >j

CAITMNS w IK \ \sii\ III i; ( II \i

:\nti:k\ i)i:r\i!r\ii \ t

Fiuni l.-ft tn iit:li:. tir-t n.» : Mis> Anna l!l:i

one uf llie four Captains of the Departmenl. iii^

ment of Mrs. Evans. Commandant; and .Mi-~ \l,i

(;. Manev (Florence Hlai-k I . Miss Marv L)e\I..Ml

T. Cwatliniev ( Macuie Lou Riddle).

ti( corrt'ct his fault or Ills sin. and nun

for the dead.

A .supply kilihcn was olaMi-linl

A. R. C. and while donations wen- n

nif'ii. women and merchants, as vmI! i-

ihe kitchen well supplied at all lini

Housewives ihrou^'hont Middle Tenneliovs when they did their own preserv

iii>hin<:s for ihe kiti hen and dininp-rt

time the food .supplies -.'rew to such

he imniedialely pre()ared for an entire

was charaelerislic of the Nashville KnThe record for one da\ ol llii~ i urn

of several coaches each, j.c.uin^ Inin.li

Canteen was carried over the land imt

country and often on the hattle front

Sixty-one shower halhs and all ne

tion with the Kmerfrencv Canteen in

and .Mrs. W. O. Tirrill'. the \ashvil

\\ oinarrs Service, and also Joseph Lini

|)any. and Hunter Davis. Supplier w

and as the "reati'^t need for IroooK j

1 (a...



the shower baths were termed "life savers" by the boys in kliaki. ulio always voted

for a bath instead of a hinch if there was not time for both. A balli altiMidaiil was

kept on duty by the Canteen Committee at all times.

In October, 1918, the first Hut became so inadequate that a new building with

a Hospital and Soldiers' Rest Room attached was erected on the same site. Through

the courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. these quarters were completely fitted

with comfortable and convenient furnishings, and the ablest doctors in Nashville

gave their time and services to the Canteen Hospital whenever they were needed.

First-aid outfits and simple remedies were issued tlie troops in transit each day, and

the Medical Aid Committee gave special attention to every sick soldier, sending

notification to Government Authorities and families of the patients, and often ac-.

companying them to their next destination if they were compelled to proceed im-


A war memorv of unforgetable lieauty is of this little Hut on Christmas Eve,

1918. with its immaculate whiteness, its soft light, its glowing Red Cross and its

shining Christmas tree, all set like a dream of home in the midst of the dust and

turmoil of the railway station, the handiwork of the Canteen members.

Spiritual as well as physical comforts were dispensed at the Canteen Headquar-

ters at all times, and numerous telegrams announcing the fact that "unto thee a

child is born" were sent to soldier fathers by the Nashville Canteen workers, and

they never failed to follow up the good news by caring for the mother and child,

if they were in need of assistance, sending information to the husband and father


The Red Cross on the Canteen door acted as an "open sesame" to the confidence

of tlie soldiers, and many domestic and financial diftirulties were solved l>y Nash-

ville Emergency Canteen members.

From February to July. 1918, this committee met one hundred and fiftv trains of

twelve coaches each and numerous detached coaches and detached soldiers, all of

whom were served by the Lieutenants of the Nashville Canteen and their teams.

The Mailing and Stamp Committee mailed thousands of letters and cards each

day, the only articles sold by the Nashville Canteen Committee being the United

States postal stamps.

The Magazine Committee collected the daily papers which were donated by the

Nashville Tennessean and the Nashville Bainier publishing companies. Magazineswere contributed by the Davidson County public and distributed through the troop

trains by the Canteen members.

The Bureau of Information was one of the most important branches of the Emer-gency Canteen Sei-vice.

Red Cross Canteen workers were under almost military discipline; thev wererequired to wear uniforms, and nothing but illness was an acceptable excuse for

absence from duty. Although tJie day's work normally lasted from eight o'clock

a.m. to nine o'clock p.m.. if troops arrived later than these hours they were alwavsmet and cared for by these patriotic women, led by Mrs. Harry W. Evans. Exactrecords of each department were kept and Government reports of Canteen activities

were made out on blanks furnished the officers of the troops in transit, so that the

information reaching the National Headquarters Committee, at Washington, camefrom the soldiers and officers, as well as from the Canteen Coimnandant.

The following report of the Supply Conmiittee, covering a period of six months.

reveals something of the vast amount of work accomplished by the Nashville Can-


DAI I n s o .V <: 1 \ry if o \i f. y / v t h t: it o h i. d R. I I II ') I<


I) i\ I I) SON C O ( ,V T ) If MEN / A' THE IT R L 1) ICA k. 19 11-10 19

The .\ashville Emergency Canteen Service received mucli va!iKil.l( aiil liom Dllicr

patriotic organizations in addition to being in daily receipt nl ddiialiun- Irnin iiidi-

vidualf and mercantile and grocery firms, and practically ever) ((Mirii\ iii Iciincs-

see. The children of Nashville save many entertainments and sa\r(l llnloil lo lir-

sold for the benefit of the Nashville Red Cross Canteen fund. The \alM.iial l..a:;ue

iif Woman's Service, the EUiston Unit of the Red Cross and the Girls" Auxiliary of

liie Nashville Chapter, A. R. C, gave generous donations of money.

After July. 1918, the Nashville Emergency Canteen was entirely self-sustaining

and did not again call on the Nashville Red Cross Chapter for the former allotment

of three hundred dollars a month. Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson, a member of the Can-

teen, served as Chairman of a Thanksgiving donation given the Canteen by the Army

Comfort League, of which Mrs. Percy Warner was leader. Several automobiles

were required to convey the articles collected by members of the League to the Can-

teen Headquarters.

One of the principal cau-i > (.1 tlu' financial success of the Nashville Canteen, m\\A\ as the interest shouii tlu.ai-in.iit the State, was the fact that Mrs. B. Kirk

Rankin. Publicity Chairman of this organization, worked so faithfullv and untiringly

to present its interests to the public. Hundreds of human-interest stories which

touched the hearts of the readers were recounted by Mrs. Rankin: and the receipt of

all donations to the Canteen was always promptly acknowledged by her through the

Nashville press, and the public grew to watch daily for Canteen needs.

When the Government orders for the conservation of gasoline were received in

•Nashville, tlie automobile of Mrs. Harry Evans, the Canteen Connnandant. was ex-

empted from the strict general rules, because the importance of serving the soldiers

in transit was paramount to every other issue.

The Motor Corps of the Nashville Chapter. A. R. C, rendered nnich valuable

aid to the Emergency Canteen workers, not only in answering eve v call made by

the Commandant for soldiers passing through Nashville. Init in transporting sup-

plies from the donors to the Canteen Headquarters.

So multifarious were the duties of the Nashville Emergency Canteen that a sum-

mary would fill this history. In recognition of their services the Government hung

a banner in the Home and Educational building at the Tennessee State Fair in

1018. where an exhibition of the nature of the Nashville Canteen work aroused muchinterest and was the inspiration of countless donations from out-of-town visitors to

the Fair.

After the departure of the troops for overseas, the work of the Nashville Chapter.

Red Cross, Canteen was changed to that of a "Welcome Home Committee," for the

wounded and sick very soon began to be sent back to this country. When the warended the Executive Committee of the Chamber of Commerce appointed Mrs. Harry

W. Evans Chairman of Serving for the home-coming festivities, which was a climax

to the splendid record she and her committee had established. Each member of the

Canteen served as a lieutenant on Mrs. Evans' committee.

In July. 1919. the need for active Canteen service being over, the \ash\illc Can-

teen workers were dismissed and put upon a reserve force to be called out innne-

diately in time of any great public disaster. Thirty-five certificates were given the

women of the Canteen Service by the Nashville Chapter of the Red Cross, and the

supplies on hand at the Canteen when it closed were distributed among twelve

charitable institutions of Davidson County.

Red Cross Canteen workers came into real touch with the boys in khaki and re-

( 241


DAI in SOS COLMY K M F \ / V THE If O R L D WAR. 19 141919

ceived the impelus of enthusiasm thai ,il\sa\- cunr^ Irom |iit-ciikiI cdnlai I. And

when the NashvilU- Hed Cross Emei-ni. \ Canlrm m'im,,- ua~ niii~lcr<-cl in .|iil\.

1919, one of the most supcrl. chaplci- nl llir Wmhl War uoik ,,l llir w,.inrn. ..I u,il

only Davidson County. Imi ..f ila- cniiir i,,nriii\. \\.i~ mdcd.

The memhers of l\u- \a~luillc K.-d (a,,- Cliapln ianniim, \ Canl.-m llii.mdi-

out the entire war, who also served as lieutenants at the banquets given ihe tlimi-

sands of soldiers at the home-eoming of the Tennessee hoys of the A. E. 1'.. were:

Mrs. .'\. .S. Brilt, Mrs. O. N. Bryan. Mrs. Claronre Boa.4<-y, Mrs. S. S. Crock.-ll, Mrs. Ituru i.-

Clements, Mrs. C. A. Craif. Mrs. Whitcfoord li. Cole. Mrs. Harry Evans. Mrs. I'aul DcWitI,

Mrs. George Dibrell. Mrs. Minus L. Fletcher. Mrs. J. T. Gwathmey. Mrs. Kil/.seralil Hall. Mrs.

Joe T. Howell. Jr., Mrs. T. Graham Hall. Mrs. C. S. Brown. Mrs. Brown Bnford. Mrs. William

A. Carter, Mrs. Hohert Cheek. Mrs. J. ll,.-. ( .„l.,it. Mi<. W. W. Cn.n.lnll. \h- W. C. Cherry,

Mrs. John H. DeWilt, Mrs. Bruce Dougla-. I,.. M.-- --.1 l)..„^l.,-. \1,- H.,„a,.l t


Afrs. Joseph A. (;ray, Mrs. Avery Han.llv. \l,- \l.n-l,.,ll l|..l.lik,-. \1.-, ti.nik 11.,,,,-. \I,-. Rob-

ert F. Jackson, Mrs. It. H. Laeev. Mrs. V.w. I). \l.„l.l,„. M,-. Ml, ..I l.. \l.,,in. \l,-. .l,.hn W..Moore. MrH. 1. W. Miller. Mrs. VV. E. Norvell. ,lr.. \l,-. 11,..,,,.,- I'.,,k.- \li- I l-»..rih 1>. Scales.

Mr.^. Louis II. .^pcrrv. Mrs. K.lwar.l O. Tale. Mrs. W .(> I,,, ,11. \1,- ll,.„,,i- \\.l,b. Mrs. Ridley

Will.s Miss Kalh.-rinr B.-rrv. Miss Saidee Cauvin. \1,- t,^.|^„ |1..,,,1,, Mi-- I II. ai Foster. Miss

Courtney llollins. Miss ICIsa McGill. Miss Marv Ka,„,,^c. Mis> AH.,- Can,,,!, Miiilli. Mrs. J. M.

Keclinjr. Mrs. John S. Lewis. Mrs. Henrv C. Manev. Mrs. Alex. MeClain. .Mrs. Harry I'. .Murrey,

Mr« W. L. Ni.hol. Mrs. William Phillips, Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin, Mrs. Kdward T. Seay, .Mrs.

Clay G. Stephens, Mrs. T. Leigh Thom,.son. Mrs. R. W. Turner. Jr.. Mrs. Joseph R. West. Mrs.

Percy Williams. Miss Helen Buford. Miss Annie DeMoville. Miss F^a/.inka Farrcll. Miss Marv

DcMovillc Hill, Miss Eli/jihelh Hail. Miss Mary Porter Kirkman. Miss Virginia Nelson. Miss

Rebecca .S.-dberry. Miss Pearl Saundi-rs. and Miss Kllen .Stokes.

( 242 )


Junior Membership Committee, Nashville

Chapter, A. R. C.

Mrs. Geohce F. Blackie. Chairman

The Junior Department of the Nashville Chapter, A. R. C, was never formally

organized as a department. However, there were two private schools, five county

schools and five neighborhood groups in Davidson County organized for Red Cross

work, with a total membersliip of 1.029 members.

Miss Annie Allison's Girls' Preparatory School and the Peabody College

Demonstration School did exceptional work for the Nashville Chapter. These

schools had weekly meetings which were kept up during the vacation months as well

as during the school term. Robertson Academy was the first county district school

to organize, and the Red Cross work was carried on until the need for such work no

longer existed. Walter Stokes. Read. Central High and Eastland Schools were

Davidson County district organizations that comprised a membership of five hundred


Layettes, refugee garments, dresses, chemises, boys' blouses, quilts, comfort kits,

propertv bags, gun covers, pillows, substitute handkerchiefs, and wash rags were

among the articles made by the junior organizations of the Nashville Chapter. TheGirls' Preparatory School made Red Cross hospital garments, flat muslin dressings

and bandages for first-aid packets.

While not a Junior Auxiliary. Wallace University School boys made 10.000 ap-

plicators for first-aid packets.

Before the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross, was organized two children's auxiliaries

were formed in Nashville with a membership of over two hundred. These groups

met each week in East Nashville and in the West End section of Nashville. Their

work consisted of making fracture pillows, wash rags and substitute handkerchiefs.

During tliis time the boys in the public schools of the county, under the direction

of tlie Director of Manual Training, met each week at Hume-Fogg High School and

made a number of boxes of needed articles for the Nashville Chapter. These boxes

w'ere made according to Red Cross specifications and were used for shipping the

output of the Surgical Dressings and Garment departments. These boys also madevarious kinds of splints. In the contest held by the Junior Red Cross Committee for

designs for furniture to be used in Red Cross Cantonments the first and third prizes

were won by the Hume-Fogg High School boys.

Miss Annie Allison's Girls' Preparatory School was the first school in Davidson

County to organize and begin work. In September, 1917, with appropriate exer-

cises, every girl in this school signed a pledge for Red Cross work, and gave a sub-

scription toward the Junior Red Cross Flag. Miss Josephine Farrell was Instructor

of the work, and funds to secure materials were raised at a bazaar, class plays and

by individual donations of the pupils of the school. This auxiliary gave ten dollars

to the Red Cross linen shower, and in addition to the work of the school, the girls

did knitting at home. The following girls were members of this unit:

Margaret Early. Frances Dickerson. Martha Baird, Frances Hill, Ann Humphreys Morton.

Frances Harris, Harriet Childers. Mary Belle Maddin. Frances Stahlman. Ann Bransford. MarvDudley Dake, Annie Laura Campbell Mildred Gray, Frances Gray, Victoria Ambrose. Julia

Blair, Virginia Brown. Sue CartwTight. Loiette Hampton. Helen Hooper, Marion Jones. Cornelia


/; . ( / / 1) s o A c o I v 7" ) ;r o m f. v / v r ii f. it or l u if a r. i9i *-/ 9 / 9

I'jrk. Marv I'ariii.T. .- ara I'urv.ar. Horriil Dii!..!.. Al;.e i)ao Dmr. Kli/al.rlli Kit.-, li.lna L.-llvctl.

I)..r..lliy Liiuls',-y. Mary Hunler Orr. Lucinda Trabiie. Dorllioa Tucker. Louise Bell. Caroline Buell.

Jane Lloyd Fleming. Mary Hajan. Sara Lipscomb. Cornelia Martin. Berllia Kansom. Louise

Sparrow. Mamie Craig \X ills. Harrielt Woolwino. Sara Cliamliers. Virginia Vioohvine. Klizabelli

Dibrell. Tra\ania Dudley. Emma Earlv. Avon Hail. Frances Hampton. Clarice Lipscomb. Marie

Murrey. Lola Norwood. Mary Frances Sr.rlon. Rebecca Padgett. Virginia Huryear. Madeline Sim-

mons. Clara Wrenne Sumpter. Marllia Via"er. Roberta Wallis. .lennie Wilkinson. Helen Baird.

(ornel.a Hall. Catherine Hall, and Frances Hcrl.erl.

The Peabodv College Deinonst. alien .School Auxiliary was oruaiii/cd Manli ?J).

101«. l-,y Mrs. Georse F. Blackie. Meetings \NC.e held each week al the s.hnol. Tlir

fust work of this organization was the making of partly-worn garnieiits itito < iotiiin^

for the Belgian children. Funds for expenses of the unit were contrihuted hv indi-

viduals and additional sums for the purchase of materials for making comfort hags.

pillow cases, hoys' shirts, gun cases, and other articles were raised throtigh the

efTorts of the members of this auxiliary. Elizabttli Fuller gave a doll at Christmas

time to be dressed and s.Tld by the girls, and a spleiuKd sum was lealized from a play

L'iven bv the voung girls of the school. In the sprins: of I91o an opera was pro-

duced bv the Demonstration School pupils under the di.ection of D. R. Gebhardt

and Miss McMurrav. the proceeds beina given to tlo- \;i-luille Chapl.T. lin.ior lie.l

Cross. Over two hundred dollars was conlribul. ,1 lo I!,.! C,,,- uo,k from (his

auxiliary, among whose members were:

Misses Ruth McMurrav. Lemon. Norton. Kellv. Armislea.l. I'm-. (.,..,„.,. ul„, »,-,, „,,•„, l.er^

of the facullv. and Mrs. Thomas Alexander and the followin.: piipiU: \m.l,., Ap,,!,!,,,,. XhnyAllan Tippetl. Marion .\hirphv. .Mildred Welch. Cornelia l.aiul.. lu ha /..in.in. Sara Kicketls,

Blanche I'hillips. Brucile I'liiliips. Jean .M. McKeand. Mary Oocketl. Khanor Brown. Fra,ices

Kirkpatrick. Catherine Cartwright, Shelby Cbadwick. .Margaret Chachvick. Dorolhv Fuqua. Louise

Hankin. Bessie Brown. Elinor Berger, .Mary Hire Anderson. Elizabeth Davis. Ellen Uion Cald-

V..I1. Irene Malone Cain. Sara Hardcastlc. Ruth Welch. .Marie Parrent. Elizabeth Fuller. Louise

llallowav. Wilma Wood. Eleanor Kirkman. Katherine Kirklarid. Car.dine Little. Evelyn Orr.

Elizabeth Schwartz, Frances Webb. Mary Lou Hart. Eveline Jones, and Louise Lowenstein.

The Robertson .Academy .Anxiliarv ua- .onip.w.d of .\.tv pnpl in the school

from tile first to the eiLdill. \ira<l.>. and liir umk .„, ,mi|d i-h,d \>s ihi- unil r,,n-i-!c.i

of the vounger in.-mbcrs .ullinu ra- mlu -mall |or, ,~ I,., romloM pHlou-. Tlu-

older girls' sewing was perfect. The JM.y- un,kr,| a- r -iK .,- ihc tiirl-. and llir

sjjirit of sacrifice was displayed by cai h ol lliim. Nnl ciid\ did llic'\ 'jim- ihcir

personal services, but in the "Earn and (.i\>-" drixf ihi- unil ronli ibulcd one liundicd

and ten dollars through their own elT.nl-.

A feature commendable in these cliildirn wa- dial wliilr llir lohil-im \c ,idini\

.juniors worked they sang the favorih- -muu- ,,I iIi,' -,,|diri-. Il u,i- a -oiinc ,A'

jiride to see lliem earnestly al umk. luralliiirj llir mm -|miiI ..I p.il i mi i-ni a- llicv

jiillows. five dozen projierty bags, and a Idvjr nuiulici u{ ua-h iul-. Tlirsc boys

and girls purchased several hundrerl d(dl.ii- iii Tin ill Slamp- and ai<lr(l in every

campaign for war work in their neigiiborli I.

The following pupils composed tli.' \asluill.- Cliaplcr. Junior lied (ao-- \uxil-

iary at Robr-rtson Academy:

NJargaret Hill. Geraldine Formosa. Nellie Klizabelh Ki..,,. Ida ( .illmun. MaiA \l< lie,-. l...„iM-

MrAbe.-. Frances Oden. Elizabeth Hogan. J.-an Nohlc. Mary llnrlon. Cladys (i.issell. Sarah

llarvi\. Olivia llvlen. Frances .Meadors. B<mnie Howard. Grace Jeni-lle. Emma Hindman. Ilatlic

llindman. Helen Thomas. Charles Trabue. Harrell .Meadors. Simpson Hill. George Calhoun.

Allen Mea.lor^. Henry Litton Gordon. Albert Noble. (;ran\ille ll..rl"n. Edgar Oakley. JohnTavbir. (;ranbery Jackson. John Jones. Fred Gilbert. Loflin i;,.|„,l-„n. On,, Ihl,,,. Chuh-Ma>(iel.l. Maxwell Williams. Th..mas .Moore. Billy rialhoun. |,,lin Th,,ni|.-,.M. liar., 1. 1 DimtcII.


Tliis was the first school in the county to organize,

campaign during the war. Mrs. I. J. Crutchfield. Princi]

picture was instructor of the Red Cross work, and Miss Kawas an ahle assistant.

orker in every

rear of the

teacher in the school.

Ben Sawyer. Ewing Clouse. Leon Sherry. Jolm Hindman. Henry Jenette. Howard Gossett. Robert

Mc.4bee. and Baxter Thomas.

Mrs. I. J. Crutchfield, the principal of the Robertson Academy School, was the

instructor for this unit, assisted by Miss Katherine Banks, one of the teachers.

The Junior Red Cross Auxiliary of the Walter Stokes School was organized on

March 30. 1918, with Miss Mary Buchanan as instructor. There were one hundred

and six members of this unit, whose work consisted of making comfort pillows.

The Reed School Junior Auxiliary was organized on February 2.5, 1918. with

one hundred and thirty-one members. This unit made comfort pillows, but much of

its activity was directed by the Seventh District County Woman's Committee of the

Council of National Defense, with Mrs. Charles C. Gilbert as Chairman.

The Junior Auxiliary of the Central High School was organized on May 6. 1918,

and its membership included one hundred pupils.

The Junior Red Cross Auxiliary of the Eastland School was organized on Sep-

tember 27, 1919. with a membership of five hundred pupils. The smaller children

cut the scraps for comfort pillows and the older girls did sewing and knitting for

the Red Cross.

The Antioch Junior Auxiliary was organized in May. 1918. with Mi-^ Lorena

Mitchell as Chairman. This unit made comfort pillows and did knittin". while

( 2-15 I

IDSO\ COVSTY UOME\ / .V THE W O R I. I) AR. 1914-1919

some of the members worked with the Tiist iiliim Aiixiliarv on surgical dressings for

the Nasliville Clmpter.

The Sylvan Park Junior Auxiliary worke<l under tli.- direetion of Miss Joahanna(".. Kankin in every branch of Junior Red Cross wmk. Tlic\ iMi-ed llic hind- to

purchase their own materials and made two generous doiiaiion- lo ilic luiiior l)i-

partment of tlie Nashville Chapt(>r. A. R. C.

The Junior workers of West \a-lnill,- ;^a' plav h


llu- Red (;ro.->. \a>luillr Chaplcr.

Every citizen of Davidson County reads this re-

port with pride. With the jjatriotism shown during

the war by the children mentioned above. Davidson

County is safe for democracy many generations

hence. A wise choice was made in the selection of

Alls. George F. Blackie as leader of this work.

\\ ithout the untiring aid of the public school teach-

ri- this anu)Uiit of work coidd not have been ac-

...mplisiied. l)a\id-on Cn.n.U ua- JumIn jMnud of

.1 tin

Diothi'r'A work .11 tlif Nashville Chapter

Heailquartem A. R. C. nf which tin.

Maddin served as the woman leader. a "war Orpl^

flict. as the

the \a.shville Chajiter Headquarters rcqiiii.-.

However. !\larv Belle amused herself b\ ' rl

in h.-r R.-d Cross regalia, as shown in ihc|

lowed lb.- privilege of doing be, •bit."

the l.alriolir -pilil .ll-plax r,| U lllr rlnhbrl, ol llir

schools. Tllr \\..il,l \\a, .,. liMllr. ot ll„- rlnl.lirn

of Davids,, ri (:,a,,,l\ lank.-,! Iii-I m f,-n,„-MV. an,


>|„., iai ni,a,li,.n «a- n,a,l,- ,.l iIi.m u.uk in ll„- Na-

ti,,iial i,|.,.>l al l|,'a,l,iuail,-i-. W a-liini:l,,n. U. C.

Maiv ii,-ll,- \!a,|,li,i. Ilir lu,- \,Mi ,.|,l .laii.JihT

of Mr. and Mi-. I',m v D. \la,l,n,,. ua- |„a,li,allv

\\v al



[iiformation Desk, Nashville Chapter. A. R. C.

Mrs. E. O. Tate. Chairman

The General Administrative Departments of Red Cross Chapters were instructed

to maintain an information desk at their local headquarters by the Division office

of the National Red Cross. This desk furnished

information for the benefit of visitors and prospec-

tive workers; was responsible for the sale of RedCross books, badges, novelties and supplies for all

departments and auxiliaries of the Chapter; en-

rolled the different classes of members and filed

the records; renewed magazine subscriptions, andcorrected irregularities of all departments.

The Chairman of this desk and her committee

handled a large amount of petty cash and received

most of the cash donations and receipts from bene-

fit entertainments for the first several months of the

Nashville Chapter's activities, and up to April.

1918, at which time Mrs. Van Lee Kirkman wasmade Chairman of a Benefit Entertainment Committee to relieve the Information Desk of this m»- ti)n»Bn n. t»ie

branch of service, which, by that time, had grown **''"" '*"'"""

to such large proportions. Fees were received and accounts rendered at this desk

for the Educational and Nursing Service Committee, for classes in First Aid, HomeNursing and Elementary Hygiene, Dietetics, and for lessons in Surgical Dressings

in the Woman's Work Department of the Chapter.

I\eceipts were turned in each week to a cashier ap-

pointed by the Nashville Chapter Accounting Depart-

ment and the records showed amounts varying fromone cent to three hundred dollars. Cash, itemized

receipts were turned in by the Cashier every month to

the Treasurer of the Chapter. Mrs. H. H. Corson

served as Cashier for the organization until January,

1918, at which time a Finance Committee was formed,

who took charge of the work.

An information desk was maintained at the Ten-

nessee State Fair in 1917 by the Nashville Chapter,

Red Cross, and was of great benefit in giving infor-

mation to the throngs of Tennesseans from everv

county in the State who sought knowledge of the

Mrs William \ CarterWOrk of the Red CrOSS.

(Annie Bruce) After Juue. 1918. the work of the Information Deskwas much simplified and all its activities were carried

on bv one member of the Committee in charge. The following women were members of the Committee who served at the Information Desk of the Nashville Chapter

Red Cross, during the war:

Mrs. E. O. Tate. Chairman: Mrs. William Carter. Mrs. J. M. Anderson. Mrs. Val Taylor.

Mrs. Charles Davitt. Mrs. John Kreig. Mrs. H. P. Thomas. Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald. Mrs. Claude


DAI 1 1) S I) V C O I V /• ) ir M E V / V r II A- 11 O R L I) IT.t R. 191 II 9 1 9

i:. (:l.risl..pli.r. M.>. J. C. Thompson. Mr.-. L. B. Ilall-xk. \li-. K. 1. M.Conniro. Miss Loiii«-

SauM.l.rs. Miss llilm Buforil. Miss Keba Osl.orn.-. Miss N.ll \l,,i..i. Mi- IVrminv I'ri.l.-. Miss

Airni.- Mai I ii.l.iwoo.l. Miss Kose C.ootlwin. Miss Pnulriui- I'nlk. \li-. Ma.v Brifihl Thomas, ami

Miss Mar^ar.-t Biiforil.

Mrs. \\illi;i.u A. CarliT u;is a U<\n\ \v,..k.-i in lliis ,lr|.arlmcnl. L^ivin.L' s.-vcal davs

t-a.-li KiM'k 1„ K.hI Cio-s u,.ik. Mrs. Tat.--s u,,ik ua:- at all liin.-s ,4 ..Mvllrnl rlKir-

Hcfu-ve Ganiu'iit Drives. Nashvill<' Cliaplcr. A. I{. C.

Mks. W. (;. i:\viN(,. Cliainwui. lirsl Drirr

Mlis. Gf.oi!i,i; I'. r>l.\( kii: and Mus. i'liWK HlNC. Chuiniifii. Second Drive

IrJ.T tin- ans|.ir,~ ,.f tii.- Nashvili,- Ciiapt.r d \\w Vrnriiran !!.•<! Cross. Mrs.

W. (;. Kwin.L'. who •.mthulcd ill.- Iirsl ..1.1 .i.-lh. s .!,ix,'. Liav.- nn„ 1, inl.-lliu.Mil .'H.-rl

lo her or^'uni/alion. and as lliis was a jiion.'.r ni.i\ .rii.nl in war work, the puhli.-

had to he very strongly appealed to in ..id.r llial lli.\ might see the need for co-

.iperatioii. F.verv woman's organization in \ash\ill.- lliat engaged in war work

was .all.-.l ..n U Mrs. Ewins; to help uiv.' puMi. ilv lo ih.' .Iiiv.' an.l I., .......perale

vvilh h.-r in ...n.-.-lin.. the hundles wlii.li «.-r,' v.rv •..•nn ,,nsl v .lonal.'.l l.v .'V.-rv

h.ius.'hold that hear.l the nniqiie app.-al.

White (lairs were hnnir .m p,„vlws and in uindous i,, M.jnilv ihal a l.nndle was

waiting within, and in a f.-w da\s- tini.- an .n.,rm.ms am..unl ..f ,i..thing was as-

-. tni.led at headquarters. The work of s<.rting and packin- this seeond-hand cloth-

ing was not an easv one. hut Mrs. Ewing. with the aid of efTieient assistants, aeeom-

plished tlie most splendid results, and huge hoxos of useful irarments were distriliuted

hv them to the stricken countries of Kurope.

In the se<ond drive for second-hand .hilliini;. M,~. I lank W . King an.l Mrs

(;.•.. rL'e F. RIackie were chairmen, and thcv ni.l uilli ill.' -aiii.- . ..-npn alio,, anil a.--

complished even greater r. -iiIn llian lli.- Iii-I . ,ill. ,i- lli- pnllir li.iil l.iTimir .•ilm alcd

to the importance of tin- work. \li-. Kiii'j in.l \li-, Hl.nkir \sr\r ,i|il\ a~~i-li(l li\

everv unit and anxiliarv. a- v,.'ll as lli,- nlh,,T~ an.l i;\.-,uli\,' l'...ar.l of the Nash-

vili. • Chapl.-r of ll„- l!,.,l (;r.,ss an.l ..lli.T palri.^li.- .H-ain/ali.m~.


Motor Corps Department, Nashville Chapter, A. R. C,

Mks. Jicssii M. 0\i:kton. Chairnum

Mrs. RoBEliT S. Ciikkk. (jiplai'i iml Lmdcr <>i ihc Adirilies

Tlie Motor Corps I)ep;irtineiit <.f llic \^whvillr Chaplci

ganized August 3, 1918, by Commander Ten Eyck Harringt

Corps Service of the Southern Division. Mrs. Jesse M.Chairman, with Mrs. Robert S. Cheek as Captain. Miss

Percie Warner as First Lieutenant, and Miss Sarah Slian-

non as Second Lieutenant.

The purpose of the Motor Corps was to furnish trained

motor car drivers for Government work. State or Na-

tional, on request of proper authorities, and to assist in

any local trouble or disaster. Members were to fiirnis'i

their own equipment, uniforms, cars and gasoline, to

agree to hold themselves ready to respond to the call

of the regularly appointed officers at all times, except

when on leave of absence or furlough, and to agree that

this work was to take precedence over any other work

or pleasure.

Army regulations were to govern in all cases where

they were applicable. A certificate from a physician v.'as

required by each member of tiie Motor Corps showing

that she was physically able to do the work; two letters

of recommendation from reliable persons were also neces-

sary for an applicant, and these were to be present

with the application for membershi|j.

Aside from the officers, the following women weic

members of the \ashville Red Cross Motor Corps Depart-


Mrs. Vance Alexander, Mrs. binis P. Brown. Mrs. BernanlFensterwald, Miss Frances Bennie, Miss Louise Benedict. MissJean Bradford. Miss Billie Harper, Miss Lillian .loy. Miss Marion,I..^. Mis- L.ah Belle Levy, Miss Catherine Lusky, Miss Reginali^liiiiKMi. Miss Carrie Rich, Miss Elizabeth Sharpe. Miss MarirsM, liM.i,.,,,. \liss Margaret Tolmie, Miss Ellen Trabue, and MissEll.-,, St..k.-s.

On August 15. 1918, an auxiliary to the Nashville

Chapter Motor Corps, under the chairmanship of Mrs.

Emmett Cooper, was formed. The members of this

Emergency Committee were:

Mrs. Henderson Baker, Mrs. H. 0. Blackwood. Mrs. FishnColes, Mrs. Andy Griffin. Mrs. Tanner Hendrick. Miss FrancesHerbert, Mrs. Edward Potter, Jr., Mrs. Tillman Cavert, Mrs.Green Benton, Mrs. L. G. Durr. Mrs. Charles Gilbert, .Mrs. JamesReed, Mrs. C. A. Shelton. and Mrs. H. S. Wherry.

The work of this auxiliarv consisted in helping the

Red Cross Motor Corps supply the E\ecuti\e Secretary

( 240 I


•s |)1\ I'-InN^ \ \s||\ II

\. II

Left to right: Mrs. Jesse W. Overlun. Cliairmaii. Mrs. Kuberl Clieek. Captain ami leader of

this Di%ision. Mrs. Innis P. Brown. Lieutenant. .Miss Marion Joy, Lieutenant, Miss MargaretTolmie, Lieutenant, .Miss Willie ("Uillie") Harper, .Sergeant, .Miss Lillian Jov, .Sergeant. MissF:iiz;il)elli .Sharpc, Sergeant, Miss Ellen Trabue, Coqmral, and Miss M.iiie Si,l,l,oilniii, O.rporal.

Kaili 111 llu-se offirers and ""Non-Gims." appear in their oflicial uniform wnni uliili- ..n ilulv.

of tl..- Civilian It, I).

auxiliary ^.ru nnl l„a,n.i l.s am ,,Mi;

I!.<1 rr..» M (:..i|.-.

f)ii Se|)teiiil)p!- 1. IMl!!. I.ipiilciiaiil

I.it'Uteiiant .Sara Shannon was pronmh

was (oniinissioncd .Scconcl Lieutciiaril.

foot firills was required of those win

Vinhiihince Division. Work was bejiiir

I). Snmpter. who jiave the course will

liiTs successfully passed their exaniii

thews, head mechanic of the Stockell

I hanics, entirely without charge, and 1^

I.'5, 191 a. foot drills started, and later

Anderson and E. T, Caniplteii, assii;n

forms were issued by the Captain to In

after faithful and eflieient scrviic lli

l)i. W I


Mi-. Lil

Ann 'w .irnr

an Jov, Miss Marion Jmv. \I

•rs, \Ii.. Aiir.- Hall I.MoU.\.

Mi-s Mari;ar,l (M-rralv, Mi^..

, \li~. A\ll" l-A.-l

\ki\r Dun


PAlll) S (} \ <: (II .\ 7 ) II O M A \ / A / // /. ir () H I. I) If I R. 10 I t-i :) ! 9

In llie rear c.f the pklurr i^ llie amlnilarur purtliaM-il Inr llii> 1). |.arliii<-iil lis 1

Ilramli ..f llir National ].razuv for Woniairs SiMvi<<> Mrml)crs of llir Molor Corps. slaiKliii}:.

left to riiilil. first row: Lieut. I.ollie I'roivn. Cii). Kllen Trabue. Captain Helen PicLslay Cheek.

Lieul. Mar^-aret 'lolniie anil .S;;!. •Biliic" Harper, .'^econd row: Lieut. Marian Jov, Corporal

Klizahelh .'^l.arpe .lul .So;!. Lillian Joy.

Ir, Ihe <,rr.,u\. .,r 'li^i ,-


m rial inii !)il\,.,-. u, iv: Mi-.-s I..,,,!-,- l!ri,e,jl,l. Calii-

.•rl.lr l.ii-kN. <.irah llupkn,-. Caiiie Itirli. Kc.iria l.i.Jnina,,. .|r,„-U,- MoitMri. Mr<.

.I.Jiri Nuei. Mr.. JaiiM- Mahli.iari. \ii-. William V. Slna. an, I \li-. Sam ( hiKIsI,.-,,.

Tl„-- ulm ^,>^r ll„ir I.me a~ ..11,.,,- ,.1 ll„- ,l.,v ai„l .I!,! ,„. ,l,ivl„;j u,T.':

Mi-M- Kalhleei, (,an.ll. \L,is V. Cliiam. M.ii,!i„ I. Wall, ,11 a,i,l H,,pr Clark.

Forlv-lour cats were availaM,' al all lii,,,-. uill, a l.,lal pas-eiiize, eapaeilv ..f ..lie

hmuired atul sixtv-ei.L'lil

In I-Vl.ruarv. I'JI'J. ll|.' \l„l,a (:..i|,- ..I lli.- 11, -,1 (a..- a~>i-h'.l in ui\lni; lli,' ehil-

li.-n .f the huluslrial <.!,.„, I an ..iilinu. |.ali,'„K u.i.' -lill h.ii," ..ini.,1 I.. l!ie

Cilv. \aii(lerl.ilt and jnl.- ,, ill,.-!- I l..~|.il,il-. .,r„l ll,. ,.'j„lai i.ailin,- u..,k ..! ill,-

Cliai.t.T kept t'oin-. W li.n ill,- IMlli \1 „ liin.- ( am Hill , I i,,n. Illlli I i.-M \illll,-rv.

I l.ith Field Arlill,a\ an, I I ITlli Inlanlix , am,' llin.nvl, \a-l,\,ll.' ,11 I'M'), ill,- M,,l,.r

C,)rps members -la\-,l <.n ,l,,l\ ILim .aih in ll,. in..i,,,i,u 1,1,1, 1 Lit.' al niulil. 'rii,-

amlmlaiice wa.s k( pi n-ady al all linn- l,.i .-m.-i ;j.-ii. 1.-. ..III.,,- a,,, I ,1,1,, \\r\r lians-

p,irle<l. messages carried, foed lak. 1, a,,. I -. r\.-,l I,, lli,- :i,ia,,l- l,-tl ,.,, iIm- li.iin-.

In the Red Cross Hefiif;e,- (.a,„„„l Dmv,- ll,r .,inl,iilai„ , . a- u,ll a- ,.ll,.a lars.

was ealled into .servire to as-i-l in ...ll.,l,n-. Hi,- l,i,„,ll,-.

Durinjr llie Vielorv Loan 1,1 I'M') ll„- \l .ap- ,ii,,iil„-,- -,,l,l ii,an\ l.,„i,l-

and al the re(pies| „f ||,e Men'- ( ..inimll.-.- 1 1 ,iii-p.., I, ,1 ll„- l;,-l--i.ii, ,,ll„,-,- an,! \.r..

Corps, who eame |,, a-isi in pnl.li. iu. I,, lli,- n.ii„,i,- pla. .- ul„„ ll„-v „,a.l,- piil.li,


Fn All-.'lisl. \')\<). as Ihei-,- was lli,-n pia,li,all\ n,. i,.-,-,l f,., lie- amlailan, ,-. and

llie Civilian Relief Cemmillee was v, rv miirh in 1 d ol a , ar. lie- \n„U ,,l ll„- iin-

,\ C (> I :\ T 1 ,1/ !: .V / .V T H I: \ U. I <) I I-

First row. left lo ri

Miss Willie Harper. .S

Joy an.l Mrs. Innis P


ft 10 right: Miss Elizabeth Sliarpe, Miss Margaret Tn!mi h-. r.nlM-rt Cheek,

Mis.. Ellen Tral.ue. \li-s Lillian

|)illovvs and first-aid

biilaiRC was ifiiiovtd. a touring car body put in its place,

over to that committee. The ambulance body, litters, blankr

packages were stored away so that if an emersiem \ an-i- the Nashville Chapter,

Red Cross, can again have the ambulance complelc. Diniim ten months of service

approximately 3,800 hours of service were given b\ the members of the Motor

Corps and 18,000 miles covered.

Although the work of this department required strict regulaticns and was often

heavy in its exactions, it was characterized by a spirit of harmony and helpfulness

which made it a very potent factor in the war work of Davidson County women and

a pride to local Red Cross officials. The unquestioned obedience to superior officers

and the intelligent method of <airviii,Li out (Mimmands made the Motor Corps an

efficient machine for service wiiirh was imt surpassed iiy any other body of local

war workers.

On August 13. 1917. headquarters were established at 226 Sixth Avenue, North,

and thereafter an officer of the day was on duty from 9 o'clock in the morning to

5 in the afternoon, to receive and assign calls and to make out and sign instruction

slips. When instructions had been carried out the drixer made report of time and

mileage, and the information was filed.

Between the date of organization and January 1, 1919, Mrs. Howell Warnerbecame a member of the First Division and Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald, Miss Percie

Warner, Miss Frances Bennie, Mrs. Vance Alexander, Miss Ellen Stokes, and Miss

Regina Lightman resigned. Mrs. Innis Brown was commissioned First Lieutenant

December 11, 1918, and Miss Margaret Tolmie. Second Lieutenant. January 7, 1919.

In September, 1918, Mrs. Innis Brown and Miss Frances Bennie drove through

from Detroit a completely equipped Ford andiulance, the gift of the Xashville or-

f 253)

I). 1 1 I nsoy corM y M A \ / V 7 // F l< L I) \1 I H. I " I II " I


an iiii'stimalilc

il cars were liuiii.-lifj lo the

(liinand became greater ten

Corps often assisted

irrietl snpplie?. and the

h ii(i\('it\ anil sii-kness


sanizalion of the National League for Vt'omairs Service, uhicii

asset tt> the Red Cross Motor Corps.

The emergency work of the Motor Corps

highly commended by Government auliioritie-..

health ofllcers and city nurses each day, and \\

and twelve cars were in daily use. The mcnilir

in nursing and feeding the stricken families in

experiences of these young girls upnn lln-ir lii-

were touching and broadening.

Owing to the thousands of stricken pco|)lc (hiring; this epidemic, llic regular

members of the Motor Corps had to be sup|)lemi'nlc(i by volunteers. Mrs. FrankHarris was chairman of a volunteer committee, \\hich was composed of:

Mrs. Frank Carl Stahlman. Mrs. Heiirv E. Collon. Mrs. Charles Davitt. Mrs. Joseph E.Uwell, .Mrs. G. B. Kirkpatrick. Mrs. NX. H. Buchanan, ^^rs. Green Benton. Mrs. W , T. Hale, Jr.,

Mrs. Rosier .Smith. Mrs. Robert Caldwell. Mrs. Sam MrKay. Mrs. A. G. Brandau. Mrs. Hugh S.Davis, Mrs. John Coode, Mrs. Edwin Murray. Mrs. Lou Lusky. Mrs. Thomas Herbert. Jr., Mrs.Charles Dudley Jones. Mrs. George Brandau. .Mrs. \ernon Tupper, Mrs. Spencer McHenry,Angus McGannon. .Mrs. J. W. N. Lee. .Mrs. Morton B. Howell. IH, Mrs. J. W. Howard, Mrs.

ul Stuinb, .Mrs. .Maddin R.djerts. Mr>. 1

Brown. .Mrs. Carev Kolk. M.- "-.ira 11,1,1,.,

-Miss Elsie .Mai Bradley. M.-~ Wilhr lluih I

Mrs. P. D. Houston. Slr>. I ,.,ini W ,lli,„,i-

Cowden. Mrs. 0. N. Bryan. .Mr>. J. (). W hite

I. .\. (;ull,enk. Mrs. Tillman Cay,-rl

.k. Mrs. John Thomp-..r,. li., \1,~-

l,ni,l-..n. Mrs. .Sim Wilk,-.. \1,-. W .

Ml- Klizabelh Hill. M,-. W -1 1. In

.\li>s Evelyn Douglas. .Mi

Mrs. Do

Kathleen Garrett, Mi.ss Percie Warner, Miss Harriet Woolwine. Mrs. RI'oster. Nfrs. Bernard Fensierwald. Miss Corinne Craig. Miss Theresa McC.Craig. >rrs. Oaig MeFarland. ^rrs. West Morton. Miss Mary Harding Bu.kMills.

The nnifiunis cf the M(.tor Corps girls gavr tlic ui.iiiim tlir .i|

olTicials and si.ldics. and they were always an a-rl al c\(i\ . nnl.

in the comity to jiromote war work.

Captain Helen Pickslay Cheek gav.- as courag ,- an,l nnli.

counlrv as anv captain in the United Slal.s \rmv. and .in-uiird c .

that recpiiri'd as much patriotism to fulldl lur diil\. Slic u.i- .il

p<irli-il b\ her lieutenants, sergeants and pii\,il(- in llir i.ink^.





Linen Shower Committee, Nashville Chapter, A. R.C.

Mrs. VA^ Lkkk Kikkman. Chairman

The call made by llie \ashville Chapter „f tilt- Red Cr..ss in November, 1918,

for linen to be used for the American wounded in French hospitals held a magic

appeal. Davidson County went far beyond her quota in response. Mrs. Van Leer

Kirkman served as Chairman, Mrs. William E. Beard and Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin

served as Press Chairmen for the drive.

The following chairmen were appointed by .Mrs. Kirkman to solicit and receive

donations of the various articles, each chairman selecting her own committee:


Mrs. Duncan Kenner. Cliairman, assisted by Mrs. William T. Allen, Mrs. Claud C. Cliris-

lopher, Mrs. Harry Batclielor. Mrs. Andrew Price, Mrs. L. G. Durr. .Mrs. Albert File, Mrs. Rich-

ard Wilson, Mrs. Bruce Douglas, Mrs. Byron .Martin. Mrs. Eugene Harris, Mrs. Jolin W. Thomas,Mrs. W. P. Rutland, and Mrs. Granbery Jackson.

H.\ND Towels

Mrs. James S. Frazer, Chairman, assisted by Mrs. A. G. Brandau, .Mrs. James B. Ezzell,

Mrs. Thomas Herbert, Jr., Mrs. L. B. Fite. Mrs. Charles Hunt. Mrs. Walter Jones, Mrs. P. D.

Houston, Mrs. Norman Kirkman. Mrs. R. E Pnrter, \Tr^ E. *'. Wright, Mrs. Alex. Irving, Mrs.

R. A. Griffin, Mrs. J. 0. White, Mrs. J. k. K.iin-. Mr- \.in..n Sharp. Mrs. Dan McGugin, Mrs.

Carey Folk, Mrs. West H. .Morton. Mr-. \l,l.- Will,,,.,,-. \l.-. Horace G. Hill. Mrs. H. LouisSperry, Mrs. W. H. Schuerman, Mrs. It.uli. ii Mill-. \li-, .j.uii.-s H. Kirkland. Miss Ellen Fon-

taine, Mrs. George Frazer, Mrs. John Henrv .^niilli. Mrs, W. 0. Parmer, Mrs. A. E. Potter,

Mrs. Henry M. Teitlebaum, Mrs. Ferdinand Kuhn, Mrs. Harry .^udekum. Mrs. Craig McFarland,and Mrs. Percy Williams.

Bath Towels

Mrs. Frank Carl Stahlman. Chairman, assisted by .Mrs. John Burroughs, Mrs. Johnson Brans-

iord, .Mrs. E. .S. Gardner. Mrs. Daisy Hoffman. Mrs. Pat E^tes. Mrs. Walter Keith. Miss Eliza-

beth Evr. Ml-. Kirliard Dake. Mrs. Jnlm M. (,i.n. Mr-. XUha \UvAa Tlin,,,,,-. M,>. FrankSearcy Ci. .,!. Mi- l.ilm W. Thomas. Jr.. Mi-. M. ^. Irli.rk. \li- l,i. k I'.iiriMiiLili-, Mr-. LyonChildren-. Ml-. AIIhii Fite. Miss Marv ,>~k.Hiiiul"ii. Mi-. Sjiii In.. \h- .Kmr ^k-H,iiL:lnn. .Mrs.

Claude Wallci. Mr.. Jusrph Warner. Mrs. l,.v-li.> Waiiui. .Mr,-. (.,. M. -Ncel>.


Mrs. Edwin Warner, Chairman, assisted by .Mrs. Idabelle Wilson. Mrs. J. O. White, Mrs.

Percy Warner. Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson. Mrs. Perkins Baxter, Mrs. Johnson Bransford, .Mrs.

C. A. Marshall, and Miss Lillian Joy.

The Soliciting Committee from the Emergency Canteen Workers of Nashville

Chapter, with Mrs. Lucius Burch as Chairman, was composed of:

Mrs. Harry Evans, Mrs. Dan C. Buntin. Mrs. Avery Handly. Mrs. Samuel H. Orr, Mrs.Ridley Wills, Mrs. Arthur Evans. Mrs. W. O. Tirrill, and Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson.

Mrs. Robert Cheek and members of the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross MotorCorps, had charge of collecting the donated articles.

Mrs. Ernest Pillow was Chairman of the committee which received the articles.

Mrs. Pillow was assisted by:

Mrs. George W. Fall. Mrs. E. ^tt'. Foster. Mrs. John W. Thomas. Mrs. William Nelson. .Mrs.

Jesse H. Thomas. Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne. Mrs. Charles Whitw.irth. and !\Iiss Elizabeth Eve.


/; .11/ /) S O Y C Ol .\TY ro.l/A-.V / V THE IT K I. I) ir.l K. I o I II " I o

Mrs. J..s.>|)l. Lindau.T direrted ill.- |.a.kin,;; and ^liippin- ..f tlu- lin.n. asssted by:

Mrs. Iti.ll.y \\ill>. \li>. K.Muir Cl.-nui.ls. aii.l Mrs. .loMpli II. TI,nmp>,.M.

He.\dql .\KTERS Com mittice

Mrs. W. 1.. Cranlu-rv. Chairman, aiul llu- followiiif-: Mrs. (W-or;:.- 1". lila.kir. Mrs. Idin

Tlmmps,.,.. Jr.. Mr-. Jamrs L. CaUlv.-ll. .Ir.. Mrs. G.kmII.,,. C.Kkrill. Mrs. 11,-nry Kra/.-r. Mrs.

iii.lloN Wills. Mrs. .1. I). RlaiUuM. Mrs Rr.nvn Buf.,r,l. Mrs. I'rank S,ar>y Crr.n. Mrs. Briice

|l,.U"las. Mrs. A. B. B.iR-di.t. Mrs. E. S. ('.ar.ln,r. Mrs. K. T. II. .Dins, Miss l...uis,- I.iii.Wcy,

Mrs. W. I). Ila!:::ar.l. Mrs. Granlurv .lackson. .Mrs. .|.,l,n R. Uansotii. Mrs. Bnuv I'ayn.-. Mrs.

WVsl 11. .M,.rl..n; .Mrs. J.,Iim II. i;..-\.s. Mrs. J.,sr,,li A. Cray. .Mrs. .I.ilm li.-ll kt-.l.l.'. Miss

'..rii.m- Craip;. Mrs. Sam .MrKav. Mrs. William N.l<nn. Miss Sarah Shannon. Miss KvUn 1)....^-

las. an.l Miss Lillian Warn.r.

The F.xeculive Board of the Le Bien-Ktn- du Bl.'ssr- «ere me.nhers ..f th.- S.di.it-

iri;_' Committee, and the eoiintv distri< t- mrr -.rr\.,l hy Mr-. l!ol>.Mt W . Ni.hol.

Cliairman. Coiinlv ^ .iinan's Comiiullci'. and [\\r Inllnuinj \a-li\illi' (.ha|)liM ..iiiiitv

auxiliaries: \nt'i..<h. Mrs. I. W . Sirlr- !!, Il,\i,u. \li-. \. S. \yhr: Hr.riilan.l.

Miss Ora I'att.n: I'.nrd.aiix. M,>. ,|..n.- \,.Mii.: |)..,H-U,n. M,-, (aai. M.j-arlaM.l:

Dom^lson \MNiliary. \ir-. !). >. .-pa.n: i h : niil, ,.:,. \h-. John T. li.„,l,T-..ri : .|or-

donia. Mr.-. J. H. Drak.-: l.in.ir:,. Mr-. C. S. .|..-lin: 1,.mu-1 I;,,,,!. Mr-. T. \. i.a/r,d.v:

Madison. .Mrs. K. R. Donlilll,-: Ml. \i,«. Mr-. I!. 1'. lin.krr: \r« lin|,r. M,-

.\manda M..rj:an: Od.-i.v. Mr-. Mar-hall I'Jk: Tu- ulu,n. Mr-. Th.m.as Calh,,,,,,


and White's Creek. .Mrs. Co.nil Boy, I.

Maiiv donatiiMis yvere received fnnii clillrr(iil . jijli- .md oi u.iiii/.ilHPii-. I in- hai

Not Cir.de of the King's Daughters gay,- a 1m, ll ,.1 -hr,-li„^. ! !h- l.adi.-s ..I Charily

i-oiitrihuled si.v dozen toyyels and a <h.(iue. 'I'lic Army Cc.intorl i.rauiir L:a\r mir

hundred ih)nars and also individual eontrihutions.

The following organizations mad.' lar-e donali..n-: <nii-.l i'.nk Cliil.. Mr-.

Harry \ aughn. President: the B.dmmil T,a ra. , I ml. M,-. K. 11. I'm .n,-r..r,l. I'r.-i-

d.-nl: the Beividere Unit. Mrs. Th..ma- DrM,-. i'M-„lrnl: ll„- ( I,m-I Cluir,!, I oil.

Mrs. J..s.-|jh (Jihson. Pr.-sident: and ihr \lhu-a Clul,. \li- Julia lliiului.ni. I'rrsj.

d.-nt. The LilurlV Girls of ihr Siylh Di-lri.l gay ,, l.ir;.,- d..n,.l...„ ami m.nlr a

l.anner r.-ror.l in .•.,lle<-li<,ns. In ad.lilion lo ihr ahoxr. M,-. \ ,n. !,.•, Kirki.ian

lurii.-.l ..v.-r .s2.()()(l .-.dl.Tl.-d (r,,ii |1, • yari.Mi- |ialriolic' .u-jarii/alioii- and in.li-


Th. .-oil., lions for th- Nashville Chaplrr. \. H. C. lin.-n -hn„,r urr,-: Mrs.

i)un.-an K.nner. Chairman, and Cnnnilh r. I.ll,;; -li,-,l- .nid >I'»L>.(I(I in ra-li : M-,

Frank C. Stahlman. Chairman, and C.nnnillrr. i'. ,;,.-, halh h.url- and sll(,.i)n i,,

.•ash: .Mrs. Jam.s S. Fra/cr. Chairman, and lin ( ;,„n,nillrr. l.l^li;: h.nid Inurj- an,


.^11.60 in eash: .Mrs. F.luin \\\unvv. Chairm.m. an, I ( aanniilhv. 1 .2 1 1 napkin-. .'..Ki;

handk.r.hiefs an.l .SlM.nil in , a-h.

This amount alm.ist lr<d,l,-,l lli,' r,,|niri,l ipnla fca llu- ,lri\,'. ulii,li ua- ,lKn-

aelerislir of .verv response ma,!,- I.\ llu- u( ni-n inrni i,.r„M n, llii- ,l,i\,' !, all ,all-

f..r Vi'orld War service.

DAVIDSON COINTY KOMEN / A ////•, II () R I. I) WAR. 19 144 919

Christmas Parcels for A. E. F., 1917. Nashville

Chapter, A. R. C.

Mrs. W. L. Gkanbkry. Cluilniiiin

Mrs. Walter Stokes. Jr.. I'icc-C.liainnan

Christmas, 1917, was celtlnatrd liv Amelia with a li(a\ \ licart. for her thoughts

and prayers were across the sta> uitli llic -oMIits who ucn- liiihtiim the battles of

civilization in France.

In order to show these far-away heroes that the loyal hearts back home were

mindful of them at this yearly festival, and to avoid congestion of the mails with

parcels that would not be wisely selected for such long transportation, the RedCross selected a Christmas Parcels Committee, whose duties would be to issue in-

structions as to acceptable packages, to furnish transportation boxes and to wrap,

address and mail them for the thousands of families and friends of the soldiers in

Davidson County.

Mrs. William L. Granberv. Chairman, and Mrs. Walter Stokes. Jr.. \ i.e-Chair-

man, opened headquarters at the Tulane Hotel, and their committees worked con-

stantly for six weeks from 9 to 5:30 o'clock in the day and from 7 to 10 o'clock

in the evening in order to accommodate the enormous number of applicants.

Each box had to be given out with exact instructions as to what contents wouldbe acceptable, a receipt taken for same and. when returned, the box was weighed,

inspected, wrapped and addressed with an overseas label, on which appeared the

name of the sender and that of the inspector, stamped, counted and placed in the

mail bags for the parcel postman, who was compelled to come twice each dav to

relieve the congestion. Three thousand eight hundred fifty-eight of these Christmasparcels were mailed from the Tulane Headquarters, and as twentv-five of them filled

one mail bag. several hundred bags were filled.

Mrs. Joseph Lindauer served as purchasing agent for supplies, Mrs. W. E. Beardand Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin. Publicity, and Mrs. George Hillman, Cashier. Assistant

cashiers were: Mrs. William Orr. Mrs. J. Knox Polk. Mrs. Lou Rascoe. Mrs. H. H.Corson, Mrs. E. W. Foster, Miss Lucy Roberts. Miss Prudence Polk, and Miss Lillian


A large committee was necessary day and night to assist Mrs. Granberv andMrs. Stokes in starting the boxes on their long journey. In addition to those alreadymentioned tliere were the following assistants;

Mrs. RicharJ Barr. Mr^. nnl..ii Rrainuin. \Ir~. liruui, 1!„Im,,|, \1,-. \, .,,,..„ Tupper, Mrs.Van Leer Kirkman. Mrv l\n,i (hil.lir.-. \|,-, \l,.,,Jiil, i,il,l»,ll. \|,-. |w,,,„ ^rarlin. Mrs.Joseph Palmer. Mrs. J. Kn,.\ I',, Ik. Ii . \Ii- h-, pi, II |,.,m,. \|,- 1;,,,,,. |i,,„::L,-. Mrs. ArthurF. Evans. Mrs. W. G. Ewait:. M.-. (.r,.,^, W , l\,ll. \l,-. I, I,.,, In-i.,. \1,>. .NkPheeters Glas-gow. Mrs. Joseph Warner. Mrs. ['.•ir^ W ,,,„.,. \l,-. Wall., (i W ,,,-i,a,l. Mrs. John M. Grav,Mrs. Spencer McHenrj-, Mrs. Gra,,li.n la, k-,,,,. \I,-, ,!,-.,. \1 (iiniuii. Mrs. W. O. Tirril'l,

Mrs. Frank Searcy Green. Mrs. Mai., II. W ,l-..„. \1|.. (,.,„.,. l;.,,,,,,., Mrs. Walter Jones, Mrs.'Walter Keith. Mrs. John Bell K,. 1,1. . \1>-. Ilaii ( :. Bunlin. Mr-, l.iirms Burch. Mrs CharlesCaldwell. Mrs. Samuel Orr. Mr>. 'IM., i all,..,,,,. Mrs. \^hitef(„,nl t!. C.le Mr- Janie- WeaklevMrs. J. G. Creveling. Jr.. Mrs. Fia„k ( .u I ^lahlnum. Mr<. Frank .\v.-nt. Mrs. Thnma- J TvneAfrs. R. A. Henrv. Mrs. Fiehling (;,„,|,„,. M,-. |;,,lli„ p. Grant. Mrs. Fount Williams Mr. lohnW. Thomas. Mrs. M. E. Derryhcrry. Miss Evelyn Douglas. Miss Frances Riilley. Miss Frances


D Al I l) S O .V C O I V 7 ) no M K \ I V 7 // A If O R I. I) If A H. 1 " I l-l '/ / 9

I'll.lur. Mi-s Mars W.-I.b. Miss Eli/alx-lli Ks.-, Mrs. Saiulv 0«.-m, Mrs. J. ll,s«. Corbolt MrsA. W. .Shipp. Mrs. Hiimphr.v Tim.illiv. Mrs. W . W. Crandall. Mrs. K. M. Cl.m.iits. .Mrs. Wil-liam -V. Carer. Mrs. W . B. C.ok. .Mrs. Tl...mas N.-wbill. Mrs. I'aiil M. Davis. Mrs. J. B. Danirl.Mrs. C. A. Marshall. Mrs. Jol.n Earlv. Mrs. Kirlding Vosl. .Mrs. \V. T. Yount:. Mrs. J. M. Wliil-sitt. Mrs. H.-nry K. Collon. Mrs. .Sim \\..ohvim-. Mrs. K. K. l'„rl,r. Mrs. BuisI Richanls,.n.Mrs. J. K. Kains. Mrs. C.unl Buvd. .Miss Marv U. Smith. \!i-. lluhi^ l-.,rl. Miss Mamie- Biirk,Miss Elizab.-lli Hill. Miss Sarah .Shanm.n. Miss F.IK-n Sl..k. -. Mi- \nni,. Mai I nderwood. Mrs.!>.irl.-r Phillips. Mrs. .M. 11. Dohson. Mrs. Kdward .Scni;:;^-. \1.^. \l.iani Tillman. Mrs. Verm-rMoore L.-wis. .Mrs. Watkiiis Crook.-ll. Mrs. 11. Tavlor Caiiiph.ll. Miss Kvrlvn Crutchcr. Mrs. J.

A. Dale. Mrs. P. D. Houston. Mrs. .Sam Douglas. Mrs. K. K. Domiell. .Mrs. L. B. File. Mrs.C. C. Youiit:. Mrs. John P. Williamson. Mrs. C;ei>r!;.- Washington. .Mrs. Joseph Werthan. Mrs.Alex. Perry. Mrs. C. P. Pxose. Mrs. Craig MeFarland. Mrs. M. E. Fontaine. Mrs. Marv Washing,ton Frazer. Miss Aliee G. Smith. Mrs. J. W. HIaek. Mrs. Frank A. Berrv. Mrs. J. T. Altman. Mrs.W. S. Bransford. Mrs. (). N. Brvan. Mrs. J,.hn W . Moshv. Mrs. Carev A. Folk. Mrs. .Sam MeKav.Mrs. Henrv NeuhofT. Mrs. Bas.omh W. .Monlgomrrx . Mrs. J.dm A. MrKwen. Mrs. Fe.-,|i„a„,|

E. Kuhn. Sirs. W. 11. Baihv. Miss Alma Oliver. Mr^! B. B. Allen, Mrs. kalhervii T. Allen. Mrs.l.ee II. Farris. Mr-. W . \. KennecK. Mrs. K. C. \l,„,rr. Ir.. \1,- \ K Poller Mrs CharlesDndlev Jones. Mr-. Mar-arel W ad.- ' Tli..,n| ,. an.l Mi-. C.il i Paller-.n.

Coiniiiiiiiic;ili\f ScrNicc. .\;isli\ill(' CJiaptcr. .\. Ii. C.

Mks. C. !!. \\M.i.v.K. Chairman

In Octohcf. 1917. the \,l-llMllr Ch.lldrr. ll,,l Cln-. unilr, iliMTlinll- llnin \.l

tional Headtiuartcrs. ..i i:,iiii/.-.l ,i -rnirr ,d ...iiiinuiiiral mn In, \iiirM.,iii |iii-..n,i-

of war in the encnn (nniilii.-. .ni,| .,!-,, | -Hlrni- uilliin llir ( :li.i|,lrr's jiiii-,ii,-

tion who had I'lii'iiil- and n-lalive- In llic-i' rciinlric-.

The result nl -in h sri\i(i- meant iniinea-iii.iMe n.nilnil In ijin-e in need nl' il. andthe patience and eaniestiics- \sitli uliirh tin- ilr|i,irlnieiil nl tlic \,i-li\illr ('.lia|i|ei

fulfilh-a its obli-ratioris iiiai<e- a lieaiilirni Iratnre in tli.' lull -t.n\ u{ \\u- unik nf

the Communicative Service.

Mrs. C. H. Wallare. a- Clianin.n. ol ll,i- ,|r|,ai linrnt. had llir i.A.d -ii|.|...,l , d'

Mrs. Percy D. M.iddin. \ i. e-Cliaii man .d ili,- (;li,i|il,-, and Cli.iiim.m .d ihr \,lmm-i.strative Board: Mr-. l!.d,eit I . lark-.m. \ i. r ( ;li,iii ni.in .d llir I'maid and Chaiiman

l'oman"s Vt'ork. and all -nl.-r,,mmillrc- ,d llir \,

Every ])ha.se of unrk imdnlakin l.\ llir N.i-luillr (:lia|ilri p,,—r-rd tlir iicartv

support of everv man and unman uli.>-r n.imr ,> mnilionrd in ( nmirdi.iii uilli .iiiv

department of il- ui.rk. and a!-.. rvriA ..i jani/.ilion. ( Inl. and iiidi\idii,il .d David-son Countv.

DAI IPSO \' C 01 STY \l E V / V THE IT O R E I) I <l I fl 9 I 9

Children's Auxiliary, Nashville Chapter, A. R. C.


The Children's Auxiliarv of the .Nashville Chapter of the A. H. C. was organized

upon the suggestion of Miss Louise McHenry. The organization meeting was held at

the Centennial Club on June 22, 1917, when the following charter menihers were

elected officers: Miss Louise McHenry, Honor-

ary Chairman; Mrs. Spencer McHenry, Chair-

man; Mrs. E. A. Price, Vice-Chairman; Mrs.

John S. Lewis, Chairman Hospital Supplies and

Working Units; Mrs. A. G. Brandau. Secretary.

and Miss Annie Allison, Treasurer.

Sponsors of the organizations were: Dr.

and Mrs. George W. Hale, Mrs. T. Garland

Tinsley, Miss Geneva Jones, Mrs. Johnson

Bransford. Mrs. J. S. McHenry, Miss Theo

Scruggs, Mrs. L. H. Davis, Mrs. George Parkes,

Mrs. O'Bryan Washington. Miss Louise Mc-

Henry, Mrs. Alex. Porter, Miss Annie Allison.

Mrs. Thomas Clarkson. and Mrs. J. H. Zarecor.

This organization contributed four hundred

and fifty dollars to the Nashville Chapter, RedCross. The first working group met at the

Parthenon in Centennial Park on July 17, 1917,

under the direction of Mrs. John Lewis, Chair-

man. Nothing has ever exemplified the spirit

of "Young America" more than the earnestness

with which these children worked each week for

a period of six months, during which time tiiey \b- i.m>- -hn.ik M.ii.Mn

completed twenty-four dozen fracture pillows,

six dozen knitted wash rags, eight dozen handkerchiefs, and three dozen bandages.

The officers of this group were: Mrs. John S. Lewis. General Supervisor; Mrs.

W. W. Crandall. Miss Annie Allison. Treasurer: Mrs. Charles Davitt, Mrs. MarvM. Hotchkiss. and Mrs. Lewis M. Mullins. Secretary.

A memorial fund was established by this committee in lovins memory of the

following children who had passed on: Caroline McHenrv. Allism Porter, and

Johnson Bransford. Jr.

The following children composed the membership of this unit:

Marie Parrent, Virginia White, Lawrence 0'Br\an Trabue. Mary Belle Maddin. Eleanor

Kirkman, Mildred Bausel, Frances Stokes. Anna Parrent. Martha Emily Washington. O'BryanWashington. Jr.. Vasso Panangiotippulas. Marv Frances Morton. Hermes Panangiotopulas. AnneHiimphrevs Morton. John W \ Mm,!,,,.. III. W.-i MmH,.,!. Jr. i;..l,.,t Brandau. Kinnard Mc-Conaico. Margaret Davi.!-..,,. \,,^n,,,, Will,.,-, n ( li,,,l.- i;,i-.ll. ( h.nles Buntin. Jr.. RachelDuntin, Helen Baird. Clu..'.- Ilili. I, tmiK IIjII. Ii.r, \l. (a,,,. IL B. Cain. Jr.. MargaretCook, Harvey Alexander. Ki.lur.l Barr. lui-ell Nil.-. Aliiir lidri. Katlierine Daniel Murphy.Carolyn Lusk. Betsey Lusk. Adelaide Douglas. Alton ^^ai Johns. George R. Knox. Martha('iements. Terrv Hart. Mary Witherspoon. Milbrey Warner. Emily Warner, Shade Murrav. Eliza-

beth Hart. Ellen Ryan Caldwell. Laura Donelson Wade. Elizabeth Coles. Mary Dudley Dake.Campbell Pilcher, Jr.. Mary Lipscomb. Edwin Frost, Betty Carey Orr. Betty Weaver. SarahHardcastle, Cornelia Albers. Miriam Hotchkiss. Harriet Batchelor. Pamela Batchelor. EdwinPrice, Jr., George Price. H. Miss Annie Cavert. Margaret Bruce Warren. Mary Bruce Calhoun,

f 259 1

DAIIDSON COIMY ITO M E y /\ / // / II n H I n II I K. !' I I I" I'

\\(n;ki:K> IN (.1111 im;i \ - \i \ii

center is Miss Louise McHcnn-, organizer

After her death Mrs. Spencer McHenry di

Maria l.ealh (:al!i..nn. Seawell Braiidan. Alice TralMie.

Eleanora Allen, Catlx-rine Hardy D(irri>. i;ii/,ahelli lilcnkci

Wilherspoon. Dorothy Vernon Walton, \\.l<^ 1 ainli- W illun

Courtney Christoplier, Kebecca Porter. MiMi.M I'..ii.t. -'ii.

Hampton. Frances Hill. Geneva Jone>. Illl.ll.^ ]"-. Kill

Gay Parkes. Peggy Alexander. Tyler Calli.iun. i ,11. .In.. I .

Jean Haggard, Gertrude Grizyjird, Eleanor lir.iun. \ ,1.1 \1.

paret Jackson, Margaret Crockett. Evelyn Jon.-. Imn W

Sarah Pnor. Enuiiett Prvor. Edna I.ewin. Ilaiii.i I liil.li.

William Crandall. Estelle Crandall. 11. -n, , .11.1 l.u,- \ 1, ^.

Ellen Buckner. Lady Frances Hamill..ii. \l...v I li/,J..ili W

Margaret Gallagher, Harriet Ingram. K.iili.iin. \I,i\.. 1 M.i

Ida Calhoun. William Calhoun. Margar. i I' W illi.u.i-. Inn

Washington. Nancy Berry, Albert Si... k. II. I ..m-. '-iniih

Sylvan Meyer. Lewis Phillips. Marion M.l'li.ul 1... k n,,

Anna Wbe.der Cox. George Edward Mailin. I .lu.n.l ( ,,,,

Crockett Webb. Corrinne Webb. Ewing Keilli. An.li.n K. iili. I II.


Ada Grace Frierson. Mary Elizabeth Godwin. ( ,,il.i..n -null. I 11.

Godwin, George Calhoun. Mildred Bond. Dora ( I. \l.^^ Wlniu.

Elizabeth Dibrell. Elizabeth Parkes. Sarah Hia.m,. (Ii.uI.- Ili.nl

Thuss. Heba Dean, Norma Meyer. Mr-. M ( I. in. 11I-. I \.l\n Hiii.

Pound. McTyiere Yarbrough. Berni. . VHlii..u^l.. I ..ui-. ^i.v.

Milbrev Wright. Cemmie Byington. Eli/al..ili D.ik. W il-..n, \1,im

Ann Mc(;ugin. Katherine Kirkland. Annie lli..»n. \.in..ri 1 iii.i.c-.

liam.son. Elsworth P. Scales. Elizabi-lh Bryan. Enuna B.rry Br>a

Olterson. Mrs. A. M. Wheeler, Evelyn Meyer. Louise Phillips. Elizt

Elizabeth M. Davis. Coleman Harwell. Dandridge Cal.lwell. Jr.. I.ill

Mary Gould. B.lli.- Thomas Br..wn. Margan-I Howe. Franc-s llardi

h.. 1 iil.i \lull.l^.

Mk.-ii-.li)|.. kalluTine

li.iin,- Cox. William-miih. Lula Estelle

n... Doak. La I'na

I,. II. \Iarv Lin.l-.n-.

., Ii.il, 1... k-..n. \1,H--

11. . I li/,il.. ill \\,.lt-.

I'..lk. Klla I....1 Cluck, .\lailha G.

( ..Inn Williams. Claude Grizzard,

,^. Ethel Denton, H.-len Phillips,

W.-lib. Dwight Webb. Jr.. Georgei;il.„ 1!.,.!.- T.Ll.-. M.ir-ar.t Oman.

1 li,.,-..,i s,|„| i;„ili 11, mi-. N.-ll

II. lU.

H- \hinaN. (..org,- Wil-

iden Hamilton. Idabelle

Sharp, .Mice Yarbrough,right. J.anelte Caldwell,

l-lor.'nc- Sawri.-, D..rotby

Fn William-. Ann Bryan. W . A. Br


Committee on Awards, Nashville Chapter, A. R. C.

Mrs. P'ka^jk W. Ring. CJimnnan

Awarded Davidson County women whorendered faithful and self-sacrificing

service in the Nashville Chapter. RedCross.

On February 1. 1919, a message came from the Division Headquarters, at At-

lanta, Ga., that Service Badges would be given faithful and self-sacrificing workers

of the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross. While only those who were fortunate enoughto be able to give the required hours could obtain a badge, officials of the Nashville

Chapter felt that the hundreds of women who were unable to leave their homes for

the length of time required to secure a badge were none the less patriotic, and that

their services were none the less appreciated.

Upon instructions from National Headquarters, at Washington. D. C. a Cduunit-

tee on Awards was ap|ic>intcd In the Executive Board of the Nashville Chapter,

( 261 )

i),tfii)S(>\ (01 \ry i!()Mi-:.\ /v rut: jfoHLD ir t H. nnii-n'

\{,'d Cross. Tlu.s,- s. I.. I,-

Chairman. Mrs. Siilnrv -

Mrs. Jo B. Morgan. M,>.

T. M.Connu-...

Iron-dad rules for s.-

was the desire of Nation

that the re(i|)ients had r

the .\nieri(an Red Cross.

The iiiininnini

eouhl he given was eight

entered war, utitil the tl

iSo recognition was grant

with a minimum of .i.ht

hhie rihbon. One slii|ir

a minimum of I .f>lll) Imu

service, with a niiriinii'Mi

counted, hut h'liiitli <>( ~i'

The conwnitlri- mlrdshould hand in ihiii run

selves, and on llii~ Im-I-

.\uthority w,i~ 'jiv 'n I

done on three .^[jii i.il ( ],,

The list of M.dal W ii

- f.

DAVID S () A (. (I I .\ T y If () M E .V / ,V 7 // /. H () R L I) It ,1 H.

Mr.-, llarviv llo^n iiUOliniii-

Miss Mary UeMuville Hill «17 limn-

Mrs. Ross Handly 924 l.nu,

Mrs. T. Graham Hall 1.208 I i-

Mrs. Robert F. .lackson 2,68.S Ihhii-

Mrs. A. Tillman Jones 830 Ii.mii-

Mi.ss Lula Johnson 812 l.ni,,-

Mr.^. W. \. K.-ni.e,lv f'..SI) li..ni^

Mi- M.iM I'mln Kiikman IDH limii-

Mi- I. (. Kiik|Mll.rk id:, hi. Ill-

Ml-. Kir, I W KrI-rN ."."111 li..ni-

Mi-, M.niin l,..vfnthal I-". li..ni-

Mi- \li.-.. Hall Lindsey --'() I1..111-

Mi-. I'.„ l.in.lauer : iUI l...n,-

Mrs. J..hii L,»:s 1.22: li..'i,-

Mrs. Thomas LeSueur 972 I1..111-

Mrs. John Lellyett 820 li..ui-

Mrs. Joseph Lindauer 2.444 ln.ui-

Mrs. R. H. Lacey 2.024 hours

Miss Elizabeth McDonald 1.000 hours

Mrs. Charles \. Manthey 1.6,S4 hours

Mrs. K. T. McConnico 1.853 h.iurs

Mrs. David T. McGill 1,610 h..,i.-

Mrs. Percy D. Maddin 3 300 h.mi-

Miss Effie Mortsan 2.87.S h...n-

Mr-. J.. P.. M..r;;an . 2.40(1 li..ur-

Mi-. W. W, \1, N.'ilK 2..;(Ml I1..M1-

.\Ii-. II.MiN I", \lu^^•^ , 2.272 ii..or-

Mi- Li.iii-.. .M.llenry i .l.-r,-as,-.l I . faniil)

awarded .Special Service Badge.

Mrs. Garnett Morgan 1.750 hours

Mrs. I. W. Miller 1.719 hours

Mi- M.A'cil. \iii-.-. Special .Service Badge.

Ml-. .I..lin Miiikin 800 hours

Ml- l.h/alNil, \l,.ii..« 1,044 hours

Mr-. M. \. \1.. 111..;.. Ml. TV 802 hours

Mrs. Craig McEarland . 918 hours

Miss Mary Linda Manier 908 hours

Mrs. Henry G. Maney 940 hours

Mrs. Thomas Newbill 1.885 hours

Mrs. Jesse M. Overton, Special Service Badge.Mrs. Andrew O'Brien 816 hours

Mrs. .loliM \. Oniiaii 1.088 hours

\li-. .'-am (III 893 hours

\li- W. \. iiii;lii,i-..ii 2,602 hours

\li- Kiniu l',iiii-li 800 hours

Ml-. II la- I'aik.-. 818 hours

\li-. II. C. I'aii.Mii 8,52 hours

Mi- Sal\u- l',M..ii 1.186 hours

Ml- li.l.cc.a l'..rl.T 840 hours

Ml- M.iiilda I'oit.i 1.162 hours

Ml-. .I..I111 \. I'iti- 3,978 hour?

Mr-. \n.lif« I'ri..- 1.724 hours

Mr.-, Frank King 3 225 hours

Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin 1.950 hours

Mrs. Mary Rust 400 hours

Mrs. Anne P. Rankin. Exceptional Service

r.a.l.,- 472 hours

\ii-..I. .1.1.111 Si.. k,- 804 hours

\li., i:iiarlr- St,l-..ii 1458 hours

Ml-. I...iii- II. Sp.riA 1.119 hours

\li- \li.c (;. Smith 1.294 hours

\li- r.M,l Sli.-lt..n 1.344 hours

Mr-. \. .1. Shflion 894 hours

Miss .Sarah Shannon 901 hours

Mrs. W. H. Schuerman 890 hours

.Mrs. D. F. C. Reeves 940 hours

Mrs. \. H. Robinson 900 hours

Mr-, I iili.- •-!. •»•!, 1.658, hours

Ml- II. .I.I,.- .^iiiiili 1.608 hours

Ml-- i;iil.\ Siiiipkin- 2.816 hours

\li-. I. .111! W. III.. ma-. Sp.aial .Service Badge.

Ml-. T. I..i^:k, T:i..mp-..ii .. 1,051 hours

Mr-, W, l„ lalliA . .. 914 hours

\li-s \iinie Mai rml.Tw.i.id 1 839 hours

Mrs, S. J. Underwood 872 hours

Miss Ethel White 1 382 hours

Mrs. A. R. Whiteman 1.324 hours

Mrs. W. H. Witt 826 hours

Mrs. J. H. Woodard 922 hours

Mrs. O'Brien Washington. Special Service Cer-


Mrs. W. A. Welsh 890 hours

Mrs. E. G. Welsh 890 hours

Miss Mary Webb 820 hours

Miss Vivian Watkins 1.300 hours

Mrs. Oscar Waldkirch 1.266 hours

DiiiPsoy cor v t y w o m f. \ i v / // /. ifo R 1 1> u 1 1<. i " i ii " 1 9

Tennessee and Davidson County Division, National

League for Woman's Service

"For God— for Home for l.ounlr\"

Mrs. Jessk \I. Onkkion. l'n-si,l,;<i

DAI I DSU A' (. O i MY K U M EN IN T II E H () H LI) if A R. I 9 I I- 1 9 I 9

Mrs. Edward Buford and Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne, V ice-Chairmen; Mrs. John C.

Gilmore, Secretary and Press Chairman; Mrs. A. Loveman, Treasurer; Mrs. Dwight

Montague, Chairman for Chattanooga: Mrs. Daniel Grant, Chairman for Memphis:Mrs. L. D. Tyson, Chairman for Knoxville, Mrs. John T. Wooten, Chairman for

Columbia; Mrs. Neil Wright, Chairman for Huntingdon; Mrs. F. G. Smith, Chair-

man for Newport; Miss Mary Lewis, Chairman for Paris; Mrs. Stanton Dibrell.

Chairman for Sparta; Mrs. Richard Harwoud. Chairman for Pulasl<i:. and Mrs.

Rogers Caldwell, State Chairman, Girls' Patri-

otic League, the Service League's junior divisio

The Davidson County organization of tl

Service League was perfected at a mass nieelii

of women called together at the Centennial t'h

on May 27. 1917. The county organization uas

led by the following offiters, who were ;i|i-

pointed by Mrs. Overton at this meetin;^: Mi>

C. S. Brown, Chairman; Mrs. Bruce l),H,,iila>.

First Vice-Chairman; Mrs. M. S. Lebeck. S.-cond

Vice-Chairman: Mrs. H. B. Schermerhorn. Sec-

retary; and Mrs. A. Loveman, Treasurer.

The Davidson County Executive Board com-

prised the following women: Mrs. G. M. Ned v.

Mrs. George W. Fall, Mrs. Edward Buford. Mi<.

A. Loveman, Mrs. John G. Gilmore, Mrs. (iran-

bery Jackson, Mrs. Dudley Gale and Mrs.

Thomas J. Tyne, with Mrs. Jesse M. Overton .is


Mrs. Alex. Caldwell was appointed Chair-

man of Registration by Mrs. Overton, and MrsGranbery Jackson succeeded Mrs. Schermerhorn

as Secretary in March, 1918. Mrs. A. Loveman ^'"*-



served as Treasurer for the state and countv.

The principal work of the Tennessee and Davidson County National League for

Woman's Service, when first organized, consisted in fitting out the enlisted soldiers

with necessary comforts, and the membership was kept busy raising funds for the

purpose of purchasing wool for socks, sweaters and other knitted garments.

On February 5. 1918, a benefit card party was given by the Nashville organiza-

tion at the home of Mrs. Daniel C. Buntin, with several hundred guests present.

Three hundred dollars was realized by this means, and a sock machine was pur-

chased with the proceeds from this party, two machines already being in operation

bv the Service League. Mrs. Al. W. Harris, Mrs. Samuel H. Orr, Mrs. Joseph T.

Howell, Mrs. John Thompson, Jr., Mrs. Henry E. Colton and Mrs. C. S. Browi hadcharge of the instructions on these machines, and under their direction several dozenpairs of socks were knitted.

The Service League held the exclusive agency f<ir the -ale of service flags in

Middle Tennessee and Davidson County. Mrs. Joini Th(;nipsoii. Jr.. was Chairmanfor the sale of flags in Middle Tennessee and Mrs. Edward Buford for Davidson

County. Mrs. Buford was assisted in this work by Mrs. M. S. Lel)eck, Mrs. W. A.

Ogden and Mrs. Sinclair Niles. D. Loveman, Berger and Teitlebaum donated a

cedar chest for the safe-keeping of the League's service flass. and these flacs were

n.u I u s () .\ c o I .V TV no m e ,y / .v r // k ir o r l n « a r. i » i ti 9 1 <>

siolil ill CMMV i)lhi'e l)uil(lirij; ami iii~tilulioii in l)a\iiiMiii

out of lown. several ihoiisaiul ilip|lai> liein^ rcali/.eii li

Tliree luiiuired dollars was eiveii l)v the Daviti-on (!

-air nf >ervice liajis.

1 \ ire l.tamie toward

DiiriMf; th.- Hiuin

Cross decided Ihal

have its i>wii motor corps. Iikisiihk h as the Ser

League and the Nashvill.- (:hai)ter of the Red Cwere workinji in the closest co-operatimi. the Dason County National league of .Ser\ in- \|,.i,.i ( ,

was merged with the Nashville Chapln. K. <| (

Motor Corps, on August 1. 101!!. uiili Mi

M. Overton as Chairmanlance was |)urcha.sed li\ ihr i)a\ id-on Couiitv Sii\

ice League and prt-cntd i,, tli.' \a~hville Chapl.-,.

Red Cros.s. The Im„K ,,| thi- .irnl.iilan.r ua- -till

being used \n ll,r Heme Scvi,,- Sell..,, ,,! ll„.

Na.shville Red (an- uh,-n llil- vnlinnr u,„t i,, pre-.

At the reqiic-l of the Dasid-,.,, CoimtN F.md

Administration. Mi-. ,|c-e \1. ()\ril,,n app.Mrilcl a

S. Caldwell, to vi-it gro..-r- and n|l,c, I I di-t,

del Ml-. Char

v^eek and icp


ol III

ilul.'s w( u\ur


ulu'tluT „r M,.t jicv.-rnin.-nt ir,i;ulali,„i> in n-ar.l l„ |,rir,- an.l A,

and sugar were being observed. Tliis c.inniiltee. a.-Mste.l b\ Mrs. Eiluard I

ilid an effective secret service work during the entire World War period.

Under the able chairmanship of Mrs. Joseph A. Gray, an expert in hi

several demonstrations in the use of wheat and flou

tiip Centennial Club by the Service League. Thev

were largely attended and the results were far-reach-

ing. Government experts spoke at these meetings

and carefully prepared and economical recipes were

given out. The services of Miss Alberta Cooper, a

graduate demonstrator, were secured, and the recipes

were published each day in the Nashville news-

papers. A booklet of war recipes was published

by the Davidson County Service League, and morethan five hundred of these were sold over Tennessee,

thereby adding a neat sum In the jjcague's treasurv.

and also aiding the Governnient in the conservation

of foods.

On April 29, 1918, the Service League joined

with several other patriotic organizations in a bene-

fit ball given at the Belle Meade Club for the ex- mr*. \. ioveman

tension of war work. The chairmen for this ball"""'"" '"""'

from the Service League were: Mrs. C. S. Brown,Mrs. H. B. Schermerhorn, Mrs. Granbery Jackson and Mrs. Nathan Crockett. Thesewomen canvassed homes and business houses for donations of novelties and deli-

cacies and by the sale of these at a handsomelydecorated booth several hundred dollars was raised

work among the soldiers.

At the War Savings Stamp Carnival on Capitol

Boulevard, in Nashville, April. 1918. the Service

League had one of the most effective and lavishly

decorated booths exhibited at the Carnival. MissSarah Shannon, dressed as a gvpsv. told fortunes,

for which she charged a fee of a Thrift Stamp, andMrs. H. B. Shermerhorn was in charge of the musi-

cal program, which included many of Nashville's

leading musicians. Other members assisting at the

booth were:

Mrs. Granbery Jackson, Mrs. John Thompson.Jr.. Mrs. Bruce Douglas, Mrs. John Lellyett, Mrs. C.

j^jS. Brown, Mrs. Frank Searcv Green, Mrs. J. A.Dale, Mrs. H. B. Bond. Mrs. Henry E. Colton. Mrs.

Ellis C. Huggins, Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne. Mrs. Frank A. Berrv.Mrs. A. Loveman, and Mrs. W. A. Ogden.

Francis Markoe, Chairman of the Italy-American Society for the celebration of

the third anniversary of Italy's entrance into the World War. requested Mrs. Jesse

M. Overton. State Chairman of the Service League, to act as Chairman for Nash-ville and to assume the initiative for the Service League in co-ooeratins in the ob-servance of this celebration. Mrs. Overton appointed Mrs. Dudlev Gale as Chair-


(Mela Jackson)

Sinclair Niles, Mrs.

DAflDSOy COIMY II M K \ I .\ THE ttORLD 9 A R. 10 111919

^rwnr and Colonial Dames.


Liberty Loan Campaif;!!. of win. Ii \li-

inaii. bv the National Leatim- l"i \\

This was the first attempt lo -ell l.mi

World War, and proved so suee.-ssfiil iliai li.r ,,l.,n u.,- a.lo,.I,d in e

campaign for war relief work ibereafli i.

Mrs. Bruce Doujilas served as Chainiiin (;.„,, .il ,,l tl„. I! Ii >al.-. (

mitlee. Miss Elizabeth Klli..lt. Si-crelaiv. ,,ii.l Mr-. Chail.- Arnlrr-..,, u.i

diilv dailv as bond solicitor. SlOO.Ddll.llll ,,f l.ib.TU l!„n.l> was ,nll,-cl,-,

Ih.- wnm.-n of Ihi- ,-..,nnii!r,..

mail (,f 111,- (la>. Mrs. Cnl.-

tribute boutonnieics ai |hjI

Italian colors. whi( li unc i

miltfe were iirslruiiii nl.il in

the Italians of \a-li\illi'. u

appointed Mi-. .)..-r|,li W .,

Mrs. Ropers Cal.hv.-ll lo as-

flrcds of raJiers were recci

.Amoiifr the callers were se\i

On llie liisi „f M;,v. I';l

for Wnnian-s Service was -i

p|.,.iMl.'.l nieinlwr- nl llic (.ni-' I'.ihiul,, |.c,,.,nr I,,

ir |,|.„r- i„ \, 1-1, Mil, .llnj In ,l,-|,l;,\ llnuc- ,,|

nll.llcl l,\ \,,-IimII,. II,.M-I-. Ml-. („llr ,111,1 Im'I ,

I,, |,l,,l„„n„,-,l ll„- ,I.,X ., Hi,-, ..I.I, . \l,-. (

ri,-.. \l,-. (,i,,nl„M 1,1, k-,„, \1,-. .1. W. i;i;„k. .uhI

-I !.,•, uill, ll„- ,r,,|,l„,n I,,, ||.,K |).,^. ,,| ul,i,l, lni,<

J.-Mnc-c,- .iriil i),ni,l-.,ii C.iiiilx \,ili,,n.,i Lea-aiC

nse of a -l,u,'l -, In \a-l,MM,. |,„ aid at 226

DAVIDSON coil NT Y WOMEN IN THE If O l< I. D If t K. I 'i I f-l 9 I 9

Sixth Avenue. North, which was converted into a rest room for soldiers, sailors and

marines, with Mrs. Granbery Jackson in charge of the hostesses and Mrs. Thomas

J. Tvne as Chairman-General of the rest room. This building was obtained through

the generosity of Vaulx Cowan, and contributions of furnishings and comforts for

the rest room were made by the following members:

Coal by Mrs. Jesse M. Overton; Overbrook Spring Water by Mrs. J. W. Black

and Mrs. Joseph Warner; and Ice by Mrs. Fielding Gordon. Mrs. Mary Bright

Thomas and Mrs. George William Fall were Chairmen of furnishings for the

room. Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne served as Chairman-General for the rest room through-

out its existence and Mrs. Granbery Jackson as Chairman of hostesses, which was

eighteen months.

Through Mrs. Jackson's committee many attractive musical programs and other

forms of entertainment were offered the soldiers passing through Nashville, and

the room was always kept in an attractive manner. A victrola was secured by Mrs.

George W. Fall and a piano from "'a friend." which gave the transient soldiers manycheerful moments. Through an arrangement with the Nashville Y. M. C. A., the

Service League paid for a number of meals to be served to the soldiers who were

without funds. Stationery and post cards were kept at the rest room headquarters

at all times for the soldiers, and automobile rides through Nashville and surround-

ing country were planned for them. An abundance of flowers for the rest roomwere donated by Nashville florists and from private gardens of the members. Onthe register kept by the Service League at the soldiers, sailors and marines' rest

room appeared the names of the famous "Blue Devils" and the Alpines, who visited

Nashville in the interest of war work. The register also showed the names of sev-

eral hundred soldiers who were benefited by the rest room, many of whom were

cared for bv League members during illness.

iitiii)s<>\ ((II \i) II () \n: \ i\ I II K iioRi.n ii i n. iuiii'<i9


I) I riDsoN CO I .V y i -1/ E \ I \ r II /: ;/ o i< 1. 1>


Left to right, sitting: Mrs. Frank McGavock (Theresa Perkins). Mrs.John I.ellvett (Alma Onstott). Mrs. W. A. Ogden (Louise Allen 1 . Standing.Mrs. Krnhen Seav (Ruble Phelan).

at the rest room, together with delicacies of all kinds, which gladdened the heartsof many soldiers passing through Nashville at ihi- lime.

One of the most successful benefit entei l.iiiiiiicnt^ tiiven in Davidson Countyduring the World War was a Pal Poudre ball i;i\(ii \>\ the Countv Service Leagueat the Belle Meade Club on July 19. 1918. Mrs. Rollin P. Grant served as the

Service League's General Chairman of the ball. This affair was arranged by Mrs.Grant for the purchase of an ambulance for the Motor Corps Department of the

DM ID S O S COl .\ T 1 IT O M H \ I .X T H E W O R L I) If .1 H. I ') 1 II <> /'

S.-rvic- l.,.auue. an.l inul.r li.-r ,.

Ihi- pr.ured* of llu- l.all. Mrs. Cchairmen and coniniitteps:

Mrs. Jesse M. Overton. \ i.e.(

Serving! «ilh Mi>. N.vlv unv M,~. J.--

Walk,: luluaMl- ua> ClKiiiMKn, nl Krii


/) /; iDsoN cot ^l ) ii o \i i: \ i\ i ii i- it hki.h it i ir i"i ir

\ (,ROl P OH Ml Ml

(OKI'S l)l\ 1^

lis ol nil \ \ I ION \l I I \(.M I ol, \\o\l \\ s sFK\|( F \ioloR)\ W MO I Ns-^l II HOIII I III r.K I L\K \\l> MELHANK AL

I \ \\ll\ \lloNs

Seated, secoiul to the left, in oBicial uniforms worn wliili- on duty, are Captain Percie Warner,

and. second to the right. Lieutenant Sarah Shannon.

Second row, left to right, attired as civilians, are: Lieutenant Blanche Lindauer Fensterwald,

Lieutenant Alice Gertrude Smith and Sergeants Jean Bradford and Ethel Livingston.

Standing in rear, left to right, are: Sergeant Dorothy Loventhal. Sergeant Lillian .Ipy,

.Sergeant Martha Barham. and Sergeant Ruth Morgan Gordon (Mrs. Fielding), who was later

cnnnnifsioned Lieutenant.

Other in.mil. IS ulm sii. .tssf iillv passed the examinations were: Mrs. Thomas L Webb C\lice

I!. Smilhi. Mr-. Allr.-.l \\illi;iiiis ( Elise Lipscomb). Miss Reba Wilson Gray. Miss Malindallamiit.m. Miss Si. Ha Al.rams. Miss Regina Lightman, Miss Sarah Belle Levy, Mrs. VanceAle.vand,-r (Hazel Brock), and Miss Carrie Rich.

Henry E. Colton. representing -Coknnlna Calls Her W.inien." was the central lipure

of the tableau.

Appearing on lli,- mtisi, al pr.iiiram lor th.' Iiall uere Mrs. I{,,lliii W (Uanl. Mrs.

T. Graham Hall. .Mrs. Richard T. WiIm..). Mrs. Tlnmias Mai.ine. ,|r.. and Doiiulas

W ri-hl. with Mrs. W. D. Haggard at the pian,,.

W hen tilt- Y. M. C. A. conducted its campaign for funds to establish hostess

iionses in the army camps the Davidson County Service League appointed a com-mittee to assist in raising subscriptions, and more than $3,000 was secured by mem-iiers of this organization, which was one-fourth of the entire amount raised in the

cinintv in tlii' campaign.

( 273 )

DAlinSOy COl.STY lfO.ME\ l\ THE U () R I. I) WAR. 1 Q 1 f-I Q 1 n

III io-oper;ilii>ii with llie Y. M. (-. A. and War Camp Conimimilv Seniic. the

Service League inenihers were active in S. A. T. C. work at the universities and col-

leges in Nashville. During the epidemic i)f influenza amoni;' these college students

many gallons of soup and special (li-hc~ weir fiiini-hrd ilu' \u,\~ |i\ ihi- Service

League memhers, several of whom \ uhniirn ,,] a- niir-r- Im ihr -hI. The Service

Leauuc memhers sivured several Imndi.-d ni\ ilal i..ii~ liorn |)a\i.Uon Cunntv re<i-

(Irlit- l(.| SiinJa\ ,lniiir|. I,„ llir -lii.lrnl >,,|.

home li


unlkcl rHlrlrMl! gn and


I ih ua^


Man h. I'M

in all succeeding

\ Liherlv Bell

Ih and was rung

uhirl, ua^ la,-

M-akri~ ur,r ni-

of the hooth. The volume

every Service League inrm

In the numerou- paiK

purpo-,- in til,- \aTiou~ u,

The Ira.lrl- nl lllr K.MUlll

hers. .\h>. .|r>>e M. (Kelt,

Chairman for this canipaig

led all captains of Zone .'!

her of the I.ca.jue. h.i \).n

,„l , -nl. •Man, I, irnl- l,rl,l in Xa^hNillr t.a |M,Mi,il\

n|,al'jn~. iIm- >rn i, , l.ravnr ua~ aluav^ |.,n,„n„.nl.

In Loan ssr>r ,l,aun a -I ,-nl,,rK jiom il^ n,,',,,-

rMd.nl ol ll,r ^r,M,,- \, :,.,>,: ua- |)a\i.l-on Counlv

,1 \li-. (,,an|.rM lark-on. Sr,,rl,,,\ ol ll„- League,

I- ..,,n|.aii.n. Ml-. ,|o-r|,l, W ,,,,„,. a -lannrl, mem-Co, n, Is I,, ll,r nnnil.r, ol h.I,-, , ,,,! ,o„- roll, .led.

\1 tl„- \\,,nian^ W .,, \\,.,k Ia|„,-,I

\')\::. Ill,- >,-,vi,,- \.r.r,ur .,lli.„l,-,l ui,l

r,-li,-. fi,,m (;,-in,aii\. I laii,,- ,,i,,l lai'jl

di-plav ,,f \\,„l,l Wai nil, -- -l„.u„ mRogers Caldwell served as |,,inl ,l,,,Mn

Service League and the hill, i ll,,- f.ii

served as Chairnum-CJeiieral ,,1 lli,- Ini

were elfe.live and elal„,ral,-. an,l \l,

Jackson. :.> c,,-. haii im-ii ,,f lli,- li,,-!,—,'



Mrs. Frank Searcy Green, Mrs. Granbery Jackson, Mrs. J. W. Howard, Mrs. Morton B.

Howell. Ill, Mrs. Sinclair Niles, Mrs. John B. Ransom, Jr., Mrs. Caleb Motz, Mrs. J. W. Bur-

roughs. Mrs. C. S. Brown, Mrs. Dudley Gale, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Mrs. Nathan Crockett,

Mrs. George W. Fall, Mrs. Douglas Baxter, Mrs. Mary Bright Thomas, Mrs. Reuben Seay.

Nfrs. Thomas J. Tyne, Mrs. W. A. Ogden, Mrs. John C. Brown, Mrs. Eugene Shannon, Mrs.

W. H. S. Armistead, Mrs. John Lellyett. Mrs. James E. Caldwell, Jr.. Mrs. W. H. Witt, Mrs,

Robert Braiuian. Mr^ b.^eph Palmer, Mrs. J. A. Dale, Mrs. Bruce Douglas. Mrs. J. W. Black,Mrs. Frank ( .u I -iMi'ina,., Mrs. H. B. Bond, Mrs. W. T.

Allman. \li- (..,,,-, I Itrnnie, Mrs. Frank A. Berry, Mrs.

Daniel (.'. liiiiiiiii. \li--. Leland Rankin, Mrs. Joseph A.

Gray. Mrs. William T. Hale. Jr., Mrs. Walter Stokes, Jr..

Miss Lillian Warner. Miss Evelyn Douglas, Miss MargaretEarly, and Miss Ellen Stokes.

The Service League was one of the three organi-

zations which comprised the War Salvage Store.

Mrs. G. M. Neely, Chairman of Salvage for the

League, was appointed hy the Executive Board as

Supervisor of the store, and Mrs. Jesse M. Overton.

President, was a member of the Executive Board.

Handsome flags were presented to the Executive

Board of the War Savings Organization by the

Davidson County Service League. These flags were

offered as trophies to the W. S. S. club securing the

largest number of thrift pledges, and also to the

organization securing the largest amount of sub-

scriptions. Mrs. Dempsey Weaver, President of the Fatherless Children of France.

and Mrs. Sam Kessler were the winners of these trophies.

When the Tennessee soldiers of the A. E. F. returned home, in April. 1')1Q. open

house was kt'|)t bv the Ser\ ice League at its rest room under the chairmanship of

Mrs. Joseph Warner, who, with the assistance of

members of the League, served light refreshments,

donated by the organization's members.

The Davidson County National League for

Woman's Service sponsored two Davidson County

heroes for the Memorial for which the Kiwanis Club

of Nashville was raising funds in 1919. This or-

ganization has the distinction of being the first one

in Davidson County to spread the glad news of the

imminence of the signing of the Armistice. The

news came at the time of the League's regular

monthly meeting. The moment the glad tidings

were received a committee of the Service League's

members, led by Mrs. Granbery Jackson. Mrs. John

G. Gilmore, Mrs. Frank Searcy Green, Mrs. Nathan

Crockett, and Mrs. Charles Anderson, made their

way to the various department stores and public'"""'"" '"'"''

buildings of Nashville, and in less than an hour's

ime were leading a parade several miles long, urging every person in sight to fall

Those who were responsible for the splendid work (i

.Oman's Service in Davidson County, which was one of

ons in the county to cease activities, were the following


le National League for

last patriotic organiza-

ive members:

/' ' '. 1 1) > o v ( III \ r ) no M A, v / v r ii /. ir o h i. d ir i h. I'H i-i<i I'

W,-. A. (;. A.lan.s. Mr^. J..s.p:i Ackl.-n. .\li>. \ uiur Alcxaii.l.r . \Ii>. W . 1.

A. H. An.l.-r>.m. Mrs. Cl.arlrs An<l,-rs.,n. .Mrs. W . .S. H. Armisl,-a.l. Mrs. i;.,l„-,l I

Di.iifilas rSaxUr. Mrs. W. K. Bcar.l. .Mrs. (;,-ort;e E. Bcimir. .Mrs. Frank A. li.riA.

Bcrrv. Mrs. G.-org.- F. Blackic. .Mrs. IVrkins Baxt.'r. Mrs. J.ilins.m Braiis.nr.l.

Bransf..r<l. .Mrs. J. W. Black. .Mrs. C. S. Brown. Mrs. Jchn C. Brown. Mrs. i',r. x

Edwar.l Buford. .Mrs. Daniel C. Buntin. Mrs. .Imni,- Hnnlin. Mr^. (Iiarl.s H„„,,

(,al.lw,-ll. .Mrs. Cliarl.-s Caldwrll. .Mrs. Jamrs F. ( .iMu.ll. I,,. \1,-, K.-,,- ( ,,l,l«,-

Callioiin. Mrs. A. M. Carroll. Mrs. William C. (Ii.,m. \I,-. \\ru,^ I.. ( ..li,,„.

Crork.-ll. .Mrs. Euf!.-n.- Crulcli.-r. Mrs. William ( . Ii.ik.. \1.- 1 1 Hil.nM. Mi-, \1,

Mrs. Bichard Dak.-. .Mrs. (;uilford DikII.n. \ii- I I, |iu,,,ii. \|,-, |,,l,„ |., li„„,

Fvans. Mrs. W. (;. Ewinf.'. Mrs. Gcorg,- W . I. ill, \Ii- II. mmpI I .,,-!.,„ .,1,1. \|,.,,

.Mrs. Dudlrv (;al.-. .Mrs. J.din G. (iiln \1.- r^l.n \1, l.i.ix h, M,-. H. --,.

.Mrs. ,Jos.-;.h A. (;rav. .Mrs. William I.. C.ml.. , ^ , \l,- l,,,nk ~..,,>v (..,,„, M,~ i;

Mr.. W. D. Ila?f;ar.i. Mrs. W. T. Hal.-. .1,,, \l,-, \l W , II, mm-. Mi- W , i M,ii,i-m,,

(;. Hill. Mrs I). T. Hill. Mrs. A. B. Hill. Mi-. I W II. .„,,,,!, Mi- M,,,-I,.ill IIm„.,i

Ilouslon. Mrs. Morion B. H..k,-11. HI. ,\Irv II, \, II. .u,, M,- \, \ II. ,«.!!, \li- i;

Mis. .losrnl. T. Howrll. Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. .|,., M,- i:, I, 11,,.,^, n-. Mi- K..-

Mrs. Granhery Jack.«on. Mrs. E. J. Johnson. .Mr>. Iillin.,,. I -. Mi-. W ;,ll, i K. il

Kreip. .Mrs. James H. Kirkland. Mrs. N.irman Kukiiian. Mi- \ao 1... KHkni.ii

leake. .Mrs. .M. .x. |,e!„--k. Mrs. Edward \, l.in.l-.\. Mi- \, I ..x.in.in, Mi- \l,. .

Miss Mariha I, in.!-. a. \1,-, •|li..Mia- \l.il..ii.. Mi- rih.iii.,- M.,l..n., Ii , M,- |i,,

Mrs. Frank V. M.(.av...k. Mi- TIll-.i \|.(,.u... k. Mi- ll,iii M.(.i,:,iii, Mi-, <

,\Irs. Will MeNrilK. M,-, B.i, M, ,,„... M,-, I, T, M.(,,IL Mi-, W I, M.,rii-..n. M,-,

Mrs. J. .\. Miller. M,-. I, W, Mil!,-,. M,-, W , I, \,. I,..l. M,-, (i-, .u \,„ I. I,,. Mi-\oel. Mrs. W. F, \..,x.|l. Ml-, sin.l.iir \i!.-, M.-, W, A, Uf^l.-u. Mi-, s.arnii.1

Jo-eph I'almer. Mi-. Mm..- II, PaMi.-. Mi-, J.nii. - K, I'.. IV. J,,. Mr-. K.|»,.t.l A.

( 276 I

II. \h-.

III. Ml-.

W. W.W. >.

n. Ml-.

-. Ale.\

>. Tyler



. Harry

-. John-. J. O.





I. Ml-,

1) A I J 1) S <) V C () I V T y IT () M E V / V THE If O !< L I) If I R. I '> I t-l '< I

<ip TheNalional League for Woman's Service 1^




•Th,- first Gein:an W urlil War relirs in

l/AV /V THK WORLD WAR. I '> 1 41 ^ I o

Raymond, >Dss Percie Warner. Miss Martha Barliam. Miss Corinne (Irait:. Mi-~ AtuiIi- Ho-

moville. Miss Katherine Dibrell. Mjss Theresa McGavock. Miss Cornelia l)i-niukr-. \li~- Mar-

garet Vance. Miss Ruth Vance. Miss Henry Ewinj: .ami Miss Lnulie Ewirij:.

Mr«. Jesse M. Overton. President, reeeiv.-d .1 minil..T ..I Irli, r- ,i| roiiuialiilaticii

from National authorities, commendinj; the wmk m lln- ni,in\ iliixi- in whirli tin-

League took part throughout Tennessc.-. ms u.ll .1- i).i\ici-..ii C.uiilv. ilir i\trtiiicl\

harmonious spirit manifested at all linn- l.\ ilic imrnhii- ul lln- N.iiinnai League

for Woman's .^^erviee was encouragiiiii and 1 ..mnirndalilc ami llir i^.iillcni— id' the

President. Mrs. Overlon. rni.plrd u,ll, lin Ar-u,- U, I, -ad inMr.nl ,d , mnniand. af-

ford.-d in^|.i^alln^ t.. llu' u.nkr,- ,,1 llii- m-.nn/aln.ri ihnmdmnl i|s rxi-lrn, r.

- I'M i;i(ii ic II \(d I . II \i(ii; Id; \\( ii. \ \ 1 1(».\ \i. i i \

\\()\i w-^ >i i;\ K 1:

MliS. !{()(. KliS Cauduki.I.. Sltilr and Dmiihan l.(mnl\ I'nsidciil

The (dil-- l'alii,,li,- 1.,-aLMi.- uas a juni-r hran. I, ..I llir --lair and Canilv Na-

tional League for Woman's .^crxi.,-. .ind ua- or^^ani/.d JanNai\ \1. I'dl'.. al a mass

meeting at the Centennial (dni.. lln- im-clini! liad a lai-n allindarn,- lli.m any

other mass meeting held at llii- 1 liiN dnrini.' lln- uai. Mi-. IImlti- CaMudl lave

the arldress of weleom.- al lln- inrrhni: and \h-. \ nn,-, \l • l.rui-. M,-. \irl,

Trawiekand Mrs. Jesse M. ()\,alnn. -lair CI, an, nan ,,l ll,r W nn,a.,-- Sr,Ni,,- l.ra.nr.

also made addresses.

More than .5.0()t( girls in l)a\id-(.n (:..i,i,l\ In-, anir i,,rnilic,- ,.1 \\u- iVnW Pa-

triotic League, which large iiicridM-i-l,i|i ii,adc llic m L!,n,i/,ili(i,, \al,ia|pli' and d-

< 27K I


Caldwell extended her organization

thousand women and jiirls wasfieient in all phases of service. Mrs. Roger

throughout the state, and a membership of several

ctfetted in the various counties of Tennessee.

,Mi>> Lillian Warner, Chairman of Finances for the Girls' League, made a splen-

did rcKird ill that capacity, and by various public entertainments kept a surplus in

the treasury, which was at all times ready to be expended

for any necessary cause.

Other officers of the Davidson County Girls' League

appointed by Mrs. Rogers Caldwell were: Miss Ruth

\ ance. Miss Corinne Craig and Miss Percie Warner,

V ice-Chairmen, and Mrs. John B. Ransom, Jr., Secretary

and Treasurer. Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis served as

Publicity Chairman for the first six months, and upon

her resignation Mrs. John G. Gilmore served as State

and County Press Chairman until the close of the war.

Miss Mary Smith was Chairman for North Nashville for

llie League, and Miss Katherine Morris, Chairman for

the Nashville Y. W. C. A. and Industrial Centers. Miss

Morris and her Industrial Conmiittee were active at all

times and responded to every call made by the Service

League's Junior Branch.

The Girls' Patriotic League as an organization was large

active part taken in all war activities by the girls of the eiili

largest membership of any organization in America.

The Davidson Countv Girls' Patriotic League had an effect

Day parade on July 14, 1918. designed by Miss Elizabeth Sher

in uniform, representing various lines of service made vacant \y

Miss Helen Hooper, ar

\f float in the French

ev. Twentv-four girls

soldiers, were shown,

ive member of the League, served as Chairman of the

Girls" Committee. The County Girls' Patriotic Leaguesold several hundred dollars in Thrift Stamps from au-

tomobiles in the first W. S. S. drive in Nashville, andu as active in every other drive and campaign engaged

ill by Davidson County.

In the work for the registration of nurses in August.

M18, the Girls' Patriotic League was the banner or-

i^anization, registering more nurses during

than any other organization in Davidson CcChairmen for the registration were:

Ml- KIi/.iImiI, Sl,r,l,.\. \ri- \1,. , Ih.ll LnnUrN.



The most noteworthy service of the Girls' Patriotic

League was the construction of a Gold Star Service Flagtor Davidsuii County, which was designed and made possible bv the members of this

League. A reproduction of this flag is shown in the illustration introducing the

Gold Star Records of this volume. Whenever the Gold Star Service Flag was car-

ried in any deiiioiistiatioii for \^'orld \^'ar work iiioiiex \vas aluavs showered into it

by spectators, tlii' (loiiatioii- liciii^; u-cd hv tlii> League to fiiilluT tlu-ir activities.

i> II ID so \ <()i\ry iroME\ i\ rut: ifOKi.i) war. i'>i4i<)I"

A', tin- 'IVmu-sjifc Slate Fair in lOlf!. an attiaclivc hootli was ananm-rl. witli

Mrs. KoiiiMS Caldwell. ..f the (".ills' Patriotir Lca-ue. and Mrs. .lohn G. Gilm..ic. of

the Scrviif Lcasiue. seiving as joint tliaiinien. Kach day nivnilx'vs ol llie twn

leasues .served as hostesses at the hoolh. Miss Lillian Viainei and a . ,unniitl.e

roniposed of n.enii.eis of the Girls" l.'-a-i.e sold l.ox lunehes. the .onlr,,!.- h.ini:

donated hy the nienihers. Over one hnndred twentv-five dollars was n-alize.l hv the

sale of Innihes. which anionnt was nsed to assist in ixueluisinji the Davidson Coniitx

Gold .'^tar Service Klau. The follow in;: L'irls were nuMuhers of the coinniillee which

served at the fair and assisted Mrs. Hoiiers Caldwell and Miss Lillian W amer with

the sale of the l-ox Inndu's:

Mi^s Kv.-Ki. Pm.^las. \li>^ Marjiani KarK. \li>s KLaii.., Ww. \\\-- Ai^allui Br..«n. Mi^s

Louise Smilli. Miss i:ii/al..-lli .•^lurl.v. Mi» IJ.illi \ a.,, r. Ml>. Kli/alM-th Hill aii.l Miss .Nirall


The irirls were assisted liy the fidlowinji vounj; matrons, who wc^c also nipmlier>

of the Leairne:

Mrs. James E. Cal.iwrll. Jr.. Mrs Cliarlrs Cal.lu.ll. Jr.. Mrs. Urn..- Dnu^la-. Jr.. Mrs. F.-lix

ClK-atliam. Mrs. llrnrv K. C.li,,,!. Mrs. J„!mi 1^ IJan-..,,. Jr.. \1,-. M.r.-.iilh ( aM«. II. Mrs.

Jofeph I'ahm-r. and l.y ihr ImM, ..: i'„. \\,„„an-- >.-rN i,,- L,-am,r. «h„-,- nam.- ar,- ^iv, i, i,i

rile Service Lea?u.' Cliapl.r

Mrs. Meredith Caldwell and Mr-. J„-,.|,ii I'ainicr were the Chairmen of the l.an-

ner dav Inr the Ciri-- l.ca:.ur. innrr n,n„r\ h ,„.• Iak,-n in ,ind,-r llu-i, ,lircclor-hio

than on any ,,llicr.iav. Mr-. J . W . I'd. m k. •.,,.,„!. null, r: ,,l \l ,- W ,,, .„, . w a- an aid.'

assistant \u lliis work, -crxin- ca. h daN ,.- (Inn man ..I |,:,.kn,.. Il.r hmrl,,-

Whcn the Tennessee sohliers of the A. K. V. r.'lur 1 In Na-li\illc lor llic -ilninr.

comin-." in Xprii. I')l'). tiic Girls" I'alrioli,' l,ca,i:n,. ua- ^v,^ |M,.nnnrnl u, lln-

celehiali..n- in llicir liom.r. Durini: llic thr.-r -Ircrl parade- L^ivm I.n iIm- ditl.'r.'ni

deiiionslralion. ululr m.nilM-r- ..I lli,. Giil-' r.ilrinii, 1,-a.jnc ucrr -l,ili.,n,-d .d-.nj llic

line of march uill, Inn, died- .,! l,a-kel- ,.1 11, .ue,-. Ir,.m wlii, I, lli,'\ -In.uer,.! 11. .w-

ers on the rclnr ii',! l,.-r.,.-.

The ll„u,-r (..,n,n„ll,-e 1.,, ll„-,- |,a,a,l,- ua- ,n„l,-r ll,.- -n|„-,w-..,n ,.! Mr-.

RoL'er- Cal.lu.ll. Ml-. |.,l,n ( .. I.ilin.,i.- .iml Mi-. Ion.,- |),,n^l,.-. ji.. a- , ,,-, h.iirm.-n.

ass'islcl \.^ Ml- Lillian W.irn.i. Mi- Lm'Im, l)..n.J.,-. Mi- 1 I i/.il..'lli Mill. Mr-. L.liii

I!, IL.n-..n,, Ji.. and Mi-. ( li.iil,- Cd.lu.-li. Ji.

\ r..-l,-r ,,f III,' in,'inl,.'i-lii|, ,,l tl„- (;i.l-" l'.ilri,,li, L.M.i^n,' u,,nl,l .dm,, -I lUI llii-

hook. as this oi-ani/ation included ap|.r,,\iiiial,U v^r,^ u,,iiian an, I ,^iil .,1 l^ai

nessee. The Leafiue's motive in kee|)in,i; up lln- nn.r.d,- ,.! lli,- liiil- ,.1 \.n,M, .i li.id

an influence similar to that of the fmhlini; I.,,. .-. I I,,- -piiil .,1 ,l.ni.,. i.i. \ ua- lli.>

..ntslandin;: fcaliii,- ,,f llii- ,,ri.ani/ali,,n. a- l'iiI- ,,I all ualks ,,1 Ml,' u,-i,- .,— „ ial,-,l

t,,i;cllicr 1., a-i-l in lie- u.„k ..I uMiniir.i u.nl.l lr,-e,l,,m.


War Salvage Association

\ll!>. C. M. \VAA.\. Supri

The War Salvage Association was organized at the headquarters of the National

League for Woman's Service, June 4, 1918, and was composed of the following or-

ganizations: Davidson County National League for Woman's Service. Davidson

County Society of Colonial Dames. Kiwanis Club, with W. H. Lambeth and Joe

Werthan as Chairmen: Vanderbilt Aid Society, and the Davidson County Men's

Committee, Council of National Defense, of which Lockart Doak was the Chairman.

Mrs. G. M. Neely. who was Chairman of Salvage for the National League for

Woman's Service, was elected Chairman of the Executive Board of the War Salvage

Association and Supervisor of the Store by the heads of these organizations.

Other members of the Executive Board were: Mrs. Jesse M. Overton. Mrs. JamesH. Kirkland. \^'. H. Lambeth. Joe \^'erthan. Lockart Doak. Percv Warner and Percv

D. Maddin.

DAVIDSON COISTY If t) U !: \ / V THK «() R 1. D A R. Id I /./ » 1

X-KM \l W \H >\I,\\.,K >Hi|iK <»\ ul'KMM. I)A'>. .M)\ K

Mrs. (;. \1. Nc-ely was Supervisor of the store: -Mrs. R. A. Cullieiik.

Mrs. Fr.ink .^i-arry Green, t'loonvalker. and Miss Elizabeth Eve. General

\^ illinj: f..r ..Id ruMur in .lunr.

ol \ii!-li\illc pill on a two weeki^" drive for old aiiloinohilc

G. .M. .Ncfly. (".hairnian of Salvage for the Service League,

of this drive hy Mr.s. Jesse M. Overton. President of llii

Neelv and Mr-. Overton arranged a mass nu-rtiiii: of f\r

in Nasli\ill,-. lo I.e lie!,! at liea<!,|ua, In - ,,l the \\.„. ^ "

Avenue, \orti,. and in a.l,lili,m to ll,r nirinl.n- ..I ihr k,

Doak"s Committee of tin- C.uun. ,1 ,,1 |),|rn-r. ll„- nnml.,-, -I,

and the Colonial Dani.~ u,rr a.liNr ,„,, li. ,|..n,l- ,n lln-

A telephone comMiilli-r \\av .i|i|Miintrd lii.ni llir \,iiioii

and every fainiK in l)a\iiUon (',(iuiit\ civ\nin'j .iiilcpninKiic-

telephone by




Mrs. Overtoil and I\lrs. KirklancI were active in assisting Mrs. iSeely with the

organization of volunteer salesladies each day for the various departments and in

the soliciting of donations. The Executive Board selected department heads from

the membership of the League for Woman's Service, the Colonial Dames and the

\anderbilt Aid Society. The Kiwanis Club members gave the management of the

store the same splendid assistance they rendered in the drive for old tires.

For several weeks previous to the opening of the War Salvage Store Mrs. Neely

and Mrs. Gulbenk worked untiringly, putting the store in order, receiving and sort-

ing the thousands of donations

and arranging them in such

manner that the place resembl

a modern department store

opening day. Each departnu

of this enterprise was conduct

in so businesslike a manner tl

the management received favi

able comment from many of I

business firms of Nashville amfrom their department slm

"competitors." Mrs. G. MNeely personally directed eai I

department, and Mrs. SmitI

Tenison, Mrs. Frank C. Stall

man and Mrs. J. A. Dale, c<n

verted their private automobilt^

into service trucks to gather u

the articles donated by the fani

lies of Davidson County.

In addition to these three vn

unteers, those assisting in a-

sembling the stocks for the stun

were: Ed. Polk, who furnishei

trucks, the Tennessean Publi

ing Company, and R. A. Gulbenk Engraving Company.

Mrs. R. A. Griffin. Chairman^,^ ^.

of the Rummage Sales for the i.\i,i,i„,i \i,t,,iii

War Salvage Store, conductedtliree very successful sales in different parts of Nashville. Assisting Mrs. Griffin in

this work were: Mrs. G. M. Neelv, Mrs. R. A. Gulbenk. Miss Elizabeth Eve. Mrs.F. Searcy Green, Mrs. J. A. Dale, Mrs. H. B. Bond, and Mrs. Jesse H. Thomas. Thelatter three also served as Chairmen of telephone committees to solicit offerings

for the Store.

On November 15. 1918, the Store «a- I'nimallv opened to the public, and due to

the extensive advertising campaign wliicli had been conducted for several weekspreviously, crowds lined the sidewalks in front of the building long before the time

for opening. A band furnished music on opening day, and SI.000 was the result

of the first day"s sales. The proceeds were given to the United War Work Campaignwhich was beinn conducted in Davidson Countv at the same time.

I) 1 1 1 1) s n v (. () I \r ) If I) M E v / V r ii t: ir o r i. n iri k. i" nioio

A^ this wa- 111.' fust v.-iilure of this kind t-vi-r attiMii|.tr(l l>\ woiirn in Na-luill

ill!' i)i«pl)lfin> of inaiiaut'iiifiit of such a larjit- tliparlini-iil -Imc u.rc cMr rn. Iv <li

li.iill. I.iit th." -u.c'ss of the Salvafic Store was assured fiorii ill,- In -I I.n iIi,- raiiir-

1. - ,,r i|. niana-.Ts an.l head s:.l.sladies and bv llu- l.Usinr^-likr ,n iIi-mI- , inplov.

I.N 111, in. Mis. Hoia.v G. Hill, who had <h:.ige of the .l,|,ai tni,'nl |,,i in n- .m

l.o>"> .lolhinj:. had ihe most p.-iph-xin- prohlrni of llw >nliie , riln |„ i-,-. I,,,,.,

ovrirouK- all diflK-ulli.s. hou,v,i ,^nat. M,-. frank Sran'\ (;r.vn. llu- lino, ualk,'

aclid as a •nnxier" f,,i a mm

I.T Slok.-s. Jr.. M,-. (;.-„rf:,- W a-l,,i,;:l..i,. \1,

An.ln-w Z.-itl.T. Mr-. M.il„ll,- W ,l-u,i. \1,-, 11

Kirk Kankiii.

Mi:n"s \M) I!.

,.at. uhi.h i.-sulu-d in

dial,' dis|,o>al lo tin-

illi ,.lli

r for a

!,• W.ir


r, alizrd

\an,l,.l,,ll i ml. ,,l „ln,li

u,.- 1,M,I,>, \- ll„- ll.JllinL'

M.- I!,l,.r |ln„j:l,,.. -~„|„.,x,-,„;

ll-. M«lll \\;lllir,, \-H-I.llll >ll|.r,-

I-...: \ll-~ l.^rlv,, |»n„oh,-. I|r,,,|

,,I.-I,,.K: ,,.i.l \-,M.i„l .s.,l,-l.ul„-

».,.: \l.-. l>- T. Ihnniris. Mrs. Will

K,,kl, ,,!!. \l,-, \.,ii l.cer Kirkman,\l,^, W, \. s|„li.,„, Mrs. ,I.,sr|.li I'al-

„i.-,. M.- I .lix ( l,.-,ll,,,„,. Mr.. Wal.Smi,.-.-. I,. \l,- III,,, s,,,t.,.,. \l,,.

\\,U..i,. M,- \„„ i;,,„k,,i. .,,,.1 \l,-, Ii.

Mrs. Il.,rar.- (,. Hill, .su,„.rN i-,.r : Mi-- Kl,/.,l.r, I, 11, II. II, .,,1

Wiiinair.H Home. Assislaiit .Supi-rN i-o, - : ;,,,,! I ,,,,,,,,n, , ,,! s,i|,.-|

CvoTpr f:alh..un. .Mrs. Sam Canipl,.!!. Mi- l'..„ ( I, ,1.1,.--. \l,

K.-rulri.k Hard.asllr. Mrs. J.,lin II.,..,,, r M,- II ( i',,,,.„r \1

M.M.rr I-.-wis. Mrs. Tli.mias I'ark.-^. Mi- l.ll r„ll. „. \l,- II

W.-l,!,. Mrs. ,\ll.-ii WVIl.urn. Mrs. W. I) \\,il,.,-| „. Mi- M,Mis, Carri.- Ki.h. an.l Mrs. Frank .Sran % (.,..„. \l..,|, I

<l,l„, ,„. Mr-.

M,-. \.,„.',

n A\ I D S ON CO V N T Y IT M E V / V T H E ff O K L I) IfA R. 1 '> I 1. 1 9 i y


Girls' Patriotic League's I'l.-hl.nl, \1,-. I'oj^r,. I il.lu.ll. .su|.rr v i-... : Mi-. Chark-s Aiulur-

son. Assistant Supervisor: Mi-s Lillian Wanin. Ilra.l -al.-lail'. : ami >alr.|a.li. - raili ilav were:

:\Irs. nuufilas Baxter. Mrs. liicliar.l Dake. Mrs. Unnml I-, n-i. i »al.l. \l,-. K. < . M.M.r,-. Mrs.

L.luii, Cardincr. Mrs. W. C. Hoffman. Mrs. EcKvai.l v|„,,i,.,. \l,.^ \i,,,i,mi I;, lln„,ll III. Mrs.

lain,- K. Polk. Jr.. Mrs. Orrin T. Higgins. Mr.s. K,l. >-.vu. \1,-. I.lal., !!, W il-,,n. M,-. .I„I,m O.

Whitr. Miss Frances Cornelius. Miss Katlileeii (;arnll. Mi-. Ani.lia Jnlni-. Mi- Lilna L.-lKcll,

Ml-- MaiA Tliere>a I'rio-. Mi- Kraii.e- lin'l.-x. Mi- Kli/al,.|h .Slinl.x. Miss Louis,- >nHtli,

Ml- Kli/ali,-lli S,,ullii:al,-. Mi-s LI, -an,,! Tmi.'. an. I Mi- l',i,i,- W am, r.

Art Dei'autment

Mrs. Cranlierv Jackson. Supervis,ir ; Mrs. Nathan Crockett. Assistant .Supervisor: Miss

I'll '.'' !'w ll.a.l Saleslady: and Da\ Salesladies were: .Mrs. j. .\. Dal,'. Mrs. II. B. Bonil.

< -,!:

- 1 I- : ..n. Jr., Mrs. Frank .Searcy Green, Mrs. li. -\. i;iill„nk. Mr- \\.rv llamllv.

Mil I: ,11-. Mrs. John Earlv. Mrs. Bruce R. Payne. M.-. W . II. Will. Mi-. C. S. Younj;.

\l, \': Iviilv. and .Mrs. C. S. Pv-own.

Iliis vs. Is ill,' lianiiiT rdiimiitli'c ,,1 lln- eiitirr sliue. haviiio raiji'd iiiiHe muiiev


Toy Dep.^rtment


V (. () I \T Y If a M E V / V r H A IT O R }. I) IT t K. I » I II <3 / 9

.Mr*, n. B. B..n.i. Mrs. F.-lix Clicalham. Mrs. Claiul.- W


Search Green. Nfrs. KdwarJ W. Foster. Mrs. James 11, K

Charles I.illerer, .Mrs. Dan McGufiiii. .Mrs. Sinclair Nil

Wallace. .Mrs. J. A. Witlierspooii. Miss Cornelia Disnuik. >.

\ii-. li. \r. ( ..,1,11. \ii

n.l. \l,~, li..- Ilu.|.|l,~l

Ol- Wall., --I..k.>~. \l,

.\li» IVIla („„„linaii.

MrsicAi. Instuimknts

Mrs. W. I). Happard. Supervisor: Mrs. .\. G. Brandau. Assistant Supervisor: .Mrs. S. A.

Cliampion. Head .*^alesladv: and Day Salesladies were: Mrs. C. S. Brown, .Mrs. Robert Caldwell,

Mrs. A. B. Anderson. Mrs. P. M. Estes. Mrs. Thomas Herbert. Mrs. 1.. L. Gamble, Mrs. W. C.

Hoffman. Mrs. \|. s. lelw.k. Mr-. Thomas .Malone, Jr., .Mrs.

1!. C. M.M.,,-. Ml- I. (. N...1. \1,- Frank Hollowell, Miss

.\,la .^»:iii. Ml- \I.iiv Willi. I. mil. Miss -Sadie Weil, -Miss

1 ,-iila \1.( .mii.li.ll. an. I Mi- Martha Carroll.

M,-. 1,,„ 1!. Kii.. >„:..

a„t --upe,Ms.,r: Mr-. (

Dax Sale-la. lie- «,t,-:

Br..vMi. Mr-. .1. \l. l)u

-..1, I'all.r-..,,. Mr-, li.

- i:ii/al,.lli Claik. Mr-

DAI' IDS ON COLNTY M E .\ I .\ THE noRl.l) If i K. I ') I II >/ 1 9

Laurie Ddii/l.

Mrs. W. E. Hoover, Mrs. C. .S. Lewis. Mrs. J. S. Reeves. Mrs. Carter Reeves, Mrs. J. W. Howard,

Mrs James S. Frazer. Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald, Mrs. Fielding Gordan. Mrs. Carey E. Morgan,

Mrs. Humphrey Timothy, Mrs. A. H. Roberts, Mrs. L. B. Fite, Mrs. Miles Williams. Mrs. Mc-

Pheeters Glasgow. Mrs. Verner Moore Lewi.s. Mrs. Frank Searcy Green, Mrs. Lyon Childress,

\rrs. Th..ma> N.wbill, Mrs. W. H. Buchanan, Mrs. R. D. Ezell, Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin,, Mrs.

W. i;. Mam. I. Mrs. Guilford Dudley, Mrs. Bruce Douglas. Mrs. W. G. Ewing, Mrs. Ed Baxter

ONrrinn, Mr-. Kicliard T. Wilson, Mrs. Foster Hume, Mrs. Ed Hicks, Mrs. M. T. Lusky, Mrs.

Adolpli Luveniaii, Mrs. Lee Loventhal, Mrs. Hill xMcAlister. Mrs.

Joe Palmer, Mrs. Sam Levy, Mrs. Charles Levy, Mrs. M. A.

Grief, Mrs. Harry .Solinsky, Mrs. Philip Cole, Mrs. Fount Wil-

liams. Mrs. Leo Schwartz, Mrs. Joe Werthan, Mrs. N. Martin.

Mrs. L Madison. Mrs. Rollin P. Grant, Mrs. Thomas J. '\\w.Mrs. S. Cohn, Mrs. H. Zander, Mrs. Sam Berger, Mrs. A. >.

Weinbaum, Mrs. Jne Lindauer. Mrs. A. B. Benedict, Mrs. Jiilliis

Lowenstein. Mrs. I...,, I,„.ls^. M,-^ San. F.l.lnian. Mrs. J. Earle

Collier. Mrs. Will..,, Il,.,~l„,„, M,- s,,| |),^|„., Mrs. Ridley

Wills, Mrs. Jack 1!„, ..„jil,-. \l,.. \. (...1,11,,,;:. \l,s. J. Goldner,Mrs. Isadore Abrai,,-. Mi-. .I..-..1.I1 .\l.,a,„-. Mrs. R. E. Fori,

Mrs. John M. Gray, Mrs. Lee Bissinger, ,\Irs. Clarence Bernstein.

Mrs. Alex. Cohen, Mrs. H. A. Cohen, Mrs. Lewis Pope. Mrs.

Reuben Cohen. Mrs. May French Noel, Mrs. Adolph Greenspan.Mi< 1!,.1„ rt CI,,

, ti. Mrs, Runcie Clements, Col. Thomas B.

«,.!,, I.. M,~ II. „ II.Moan, Mrs. M. A. Cohen, Mrs. J. M.J.I. ..!.,,-. M,-, ^a,i, ihiMJi. Mrs. Aaron Johnson. Mrs. R. A.ll.,,iN. Ml-. 1: W. F..-t,T. Mrs. M. S. Lebeck. Mrs. A. Jonas,

Mrs. Jake Lefkovitz, .Mrs. l{. Kamin, Mrs. Byron Martin, Mrs.

R. M. Dudley, Mrs. Lou Kornman, Mrs. Arthur Joseph, Mrs. L. Jonas, Mrs. Lou Lebeck, Mrs.Paul Harvill, Mrs. W. H. Schuerman. Mrs. Henry Teitlebaum. Mrs. N. B. Shyer, Mrs. Louis

Sperry, Mrs. Buist Richardson, Mrs. Dempsey Weav,r. Mrs. K. T. M, C.iiiii. ... Mrs. Leslie War-ner. Mrs. Julius Martin. Mrs. Ben Lindauer, Mrs. K..„,,l W ,ll,a„,-. Mi" l',a,„.s I'ilcher. Miss

Lillian Warner, Miss Lucile Landis, Miss Gladys Clark. Mi- Tl,.-.. .s.r,, ;:;:-. M,-- Amelia Johns,

Miss Adele Raymond, .Mi,- Maij,..ne Spirrr. .Miss Ellen Stokes.

Miss Alice Hall Lindsey. and Miss Percie Warner.

The patronesses for the War Salvage Store included

the following women, who all served on the telephone

lommittees, the duties of which were to solicit and to

donate articles to be sold, as well as to call individuals

on the telephone:

Mrs. C. C. Dixon, Mrs. Will T. Allen, Mrs. A. H. Roberts,

Mrs. W. n. Haggard, Mrs. Vance Alexander, Mrs. Jesse M.Ov, rt.,n, Mrs. lam.-s H. Kirklnnd. Mrs. John R. Aust. Mrs. B. F.

\\,l-..,,. M,- II \, I'.ai.l,.!..,. Mr-. Robert Brannan, Mrs. W. W.I!;,,,,l. \l,- I.. I,,, li,,,k-.l.,l.'. Mr-. C. S. Brown. Mrs. W. E.

11.-.,,. I. Ml-. (;...r;i.- K. r.. ii,,i,-. Mrs. A. B. Benedict. Mrs. GeorgeF. I!ia. k,,'. Mrs. It. C. Moore. Mrs. J. D. Blanton. Mrs. John C.

Br,.«n. .Mrs. J. H. Zarecor. Mrs. Neil Jones. Mrs. Edward Buford.

M„s. w „,.,.>, II. \\„, .\h>. Alex. Caldwell. Mrs. Idabelle Wilson. Mrs. Charles Cald-iKiu \v.,i.i,, well. Mrs. 0. N. Brvan. Mrs. S. S. Crockett. Mr-. James E.

Caldwell, Mrs. Andrew Price. Mrs. W. S. I!ra„-I..,.l. Mi-. Leslie

Warner. Mrs. James E. Caldwell, Jr.. Mrs. Lemuel Campbell, Mrs. James I ,%,. M,- K. ii.lrick

Hardcastle, Mrs. W. C. Bilbro, Mrs. Robert Cheek. Mrs. Lyon Childress, Mr-. ( . ( ( I,, ,-t.,pher.

Miss Amanda Gaut, Miss Mayme Burke, Mrs. J. T. Altman, Mrs. Nathan Craig. Miss Ellen

Nance, Mrs. Eugene Crutcher. Mrs. W. H. S. Armistead, Mrs. Edward Craig. Mrs. Richard

Dake. Mrs. W. C. Covington, Mrs. Tyler Calhoun, Mrs. W. C. Dake. Mrs. Paul DeWitt, Mrs.

Eugene Shannon, Mrs. C. A. Craig. Mrs. Bettie M. Donelson, Mrs. A. J. Dyer. Mrs. C. R.

Clinunts. Mrs. Nathaniel Baxter. Mrs. Walker Edwards. Mrs. Arthur Evans. Mrs. E. B. Cayce,

Mrs. W. W. Berry. Mrs. Duncan Eve. Jr.. Mrs. Frank A. Berry, Mrs. George W. Fall, Mrs. W.C. Cherry. Mrs. Philip Cole. Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald. .Mrs. Albert Fite. Mrs. R. Boyd Bogle.

Mrs. Huglies Darden. Mrs. Reau Folk. Mrs. Edgar M. Foster. Mrs. M. E. Derryberry. Mrs.


niiiiiso:\ coi.MY noMEy i\ r H t: uohi.d ir i r. i'iii-i»i<i

Janus Fray.r. Mrs. Marc-llus Krosl. Mrs. W. L. Granbi-n. Mrs. 1". \l. 1 -i, .. \Ii-. W . ( . Hill.ro,

Jr.. Mrs. Uolliii 1'. Cram. Mrs. Green B.-nlon. Mrs. J.is,|,l, A. Cr.u. \li- W I. Il.d.. J,.. Mrs.

T. Graham Hall. Mi.ss Frames Bennie. Mrs. Marv Briplil Tl.om.i-. \li- I!.uiliIi..m \\,.„!«iiu..

Mrs. J.,e T. Howell. .Mrs. Foster Hume. Mrs. MePJueters Glasjiow. Mrs. K.iwar.l .sen,;;-. Mrs.

KolM^rl F Jae'is,,,,.. Mrs. Walter Jones. Mrs. Frank M. Bass. Mrs. Van Leer Kirknian. .Mrs. Jolm

Bell Keel.le. Mrs. Fer.linan.l Kul.n. Mrs. H. II. Luee> . Mrs. Ilamillon l.ove. .Mrs. Veriur Moorel.ruis. Mrs. A. I.ov.man. Mrs Lee Loventlial. Mr.s. Harry

I'. MuneN. Mrs. IVrev I). Ma.lclin. Mrs. .S. K. Harwell. Mrs.

\1 C. MeGanm.ii. Mrs. Thomas .Mah.ne. .Mrs. J. T. .MeGill.

\li>. Thomas .Malone. Jr.. Mrs. K. .M. Hall. Mrs. Julius

\l,,ilin. Mrs. Hunter .MeDonahl. .Mrs. Keuhen Mills, M,..

I'. 1). Houston. .Mrs. John A. MeKwen. Mrs. Sp. n. . , \!,


l|.„.v. Mrs. W A. Murray. .Mrs. Osear Noel. \1,-. I. W .

Il,.»ar.l. Mrs. Holierl W Niehol. Mrs. W. L. Noia,!!. \1,~.

\liv V. N..,l. Mr-, li. L. IV.rter. Mrs. J,)hn Hooper. Mrs.

W \. ();:.lr„. \1,-. \. K. Potter. .Mrs. F. A. Priee.' Mrs.

Frank McCrvrk. Mr-. J. K. Kains. Mrs. John B. Uansom.

Miss Alma ()ll^e^. Miss Tli.Tesa MrCiivoek. Mr-. W . 0.

Parmer. Mrs. John B. Hansom. Jr.. Mr- II ( .Parrent.

Mrs. Lou Rascoe. Mrs. Hush Haw.-. Mr- I II lieeves.

Mr-. Carter Hee%.-s Mrs. Thomas K.-.l,,,::. \1,-, K. J. Ham-ilt„rr Mr- 1!..^ K.r-. „, . Mr-. 1..-., .^.iiu.irl/. \1.-. \lrv.\,ru

s,..n \1,-. ( h,,rl.- II Mr-. \.r,.,.„ s|,,„ ,,. \1,-. P A.

si„-ll.„i. Mr-. W. (.. .>nri.n..„-. Mr-. K.lu.rr.l -h.-rlr^. Mr-.

\errron Tripper. Mr-. John ll.-rrrv .--.rrilh. Mr-. J....l,.r, ^P.k.-.

Viis. iK.sK A. !Ki.in Ir Mr- \i\ian Tnppi-r. Mrs. Ihimphrev Trrir..lh\. Mr-.(Kli„,.r K.-,l»a>) |„|,„ % Tlrnma^. Mrs. Jolrrr W. Thomas. Jr.. M,-. K. T.

Mrs. Abram Tillman. Mrs. Charles l)n,ll,^ Jr.n,-. Mr-. T. l..-i^h Tho,np-..r,. Mr-. \r.l,

\li-Trawiek. Mrs. Waller Keith. .Mrs. .si.ln.N T..

Mrs. Henry Frazer. Mrs. Q-Brien Washnr^io,,. Mr- W

Wilson. Mrs. Sam Wool»i,„-. Mrs. Hr.l.r, I \\,.,kl.,. M

John Kr,-,;;. \I>-. l>.•rnp-.^ W.avrr. Mr-. IM„, \\,-t. \

Frank WIn.I,,. Mi- \II..J W illi.r.n-. Mr-, Mil.- \\,n..M

Mrs. W. II. Will. Ml-. I, \ llalr, Mr-, J..-,p|i U. W ,

Miss NLiM Km::, ,,n.: Mr-, ,1, W , \, l,.e.

The \r,ni-ln,- ..l,-l., alirrn ..„,: ulul,- tin- W

Salvage Mor.- u a- -lill i„ .ipevalirnr. a,,.! |r,r.|i,rl

m. ..lluT «ar u,,rk .l..i.,- irr l),,vi,l-..,i Crniiitx u

!)< n-iiieml)fliMl .- |,l,M-.riil In ..r a rl..-.a Ir.in,!

Chli, ue nur- tin- rr.'dil \',,v inn. Ir r.l llr.' -ii. r .—

this VNork. aiKJ lli.- Udrmri i.-.rurierl in llii- . li.r|.

will aiwavs urlm,,,,- a.. ,,|,|M„l,„i,|y 1. a-i-l I

Ki\vanis Clulr.

Thix rlril, u.r- llrr- frr-l , a ...rrri/.r! „.n rr, \ i-'i-

Nille I., irraui^inalr- llrr- HMUrnrrril lo ,-l.,l.|r-lr ,, n,.-, ,

fali.-ir h.T.M-. Wlnar ill,' urarirn W.irl,! W ai unrk.r- .

ii.--,|i-(l a "lira. I Iricn.l." .ill llial ua- iic.(--ar\ ua- I.. -I, I

M,l-i,rr C.i

kiuarii- I


Christening of the Battleship Tennessee

Miss Helen Roberts as she appeared christening

"The Battleship Tennessee." the largest ship

in the V. S. Na\T to date.

On April 30. 1919. the super-dreadnaught "Teniiessee"' was launched from tl

ways in New York in the presence of an assembly of over .50.000 spectators. Mi:

Helen Roberts, daughter of Governor and Mrs. Albert H. Roberts, of Tennesse

christened the gigantic fighting craft with possibly the last bottle of champagnethat will ever be used in a formal christening in our Navy. Governor Roberts. MissHelen Roberts and her party were guests of honor on this occasion. Acting Secre-

tary of the Navy Franklin Roosevelt presided over the ceremonies.

It was a marked tribute to the grand old Volunteer State, which has always

sponded so readily to the needs of her country in war times, that the mightiest

fighting ship ever constructed by the American Navy should bear the name of Tennessee.

Miss Roberts selected her maids from various sections of the State, and was the

recipient of numerous congratulations from every countv in Tennessee and frommany European countries.


U .1' \\




Mrs. Idabelle Wilson

of Advisory Council of tli Hi St 01

The illustration on the opposite page, "Columbia Calls Her Women," is a reproduction of the

handsome white satin banner designed and presented to the Tennessee Division, Woman's Com-

mittee. Council of National Defense, by Mrs. Idabelle Wilson, State Chairman of Educational

Propaganda and Patriotic Meetings, This banner answered a two-fold purpose: It was efifec-

tively shown at every large patriotic gathering in Davidson County during the World Warperiod in order to present to the public the correct propaganda in regard to the purpose of

the Woman's Committee, and was later presented by Mrs. Idahelle Wilson and her Executive

Board to the State of Tennessee to be used in the Tennessee Memorial Hall, when completed.

The sword pictured on the banner is a reproduction of the gold sword presented to Ten-

nessee's and the South's greatest hero. General Andrew Jackson, by the people of his State in

recognition of his heroic services in the battle of New Orleans, which fact givs the banner a

double significance^ historically.

The page was made possible for this History by Mrs. Idabelle Wilson in memory of every

woman war worker of Tennessee.

(291 )

f'AllDSuy COIMY If O M f:\ I\ I II E iroKI.I) II A K. ;<u ;/"/'

Tennessee l)Ivisi()n. Wdinaii's (Commit l-e, (^.ouiicil

of National Defense

Mlis. (;k.)I!.;i: W. Dknnv. <./ Knnxnilr. Trnn.. Chairman

MliS. I.KSl-lK V\ak\i:h. ] i'c-('.hainiuin-(il-l.<iri:c

W 0,1,1 Wa, u.uk

•rnriifnt of tlif Liiilfd M.i

L'anizalion. Ijpinp iindi'i lli

l)()(ly that caiiip into cxi-ic

was charf-'pcl. and cvcrv p

sidcrcd a mcnili<T.

Sompone has said:

"It is no mere pallanlt

ihe war emergency, as in

,l„,i„,, ll„. \\,,il,l Wa, in uln.l, „

of ...x. l.,il an a.kiioul

11 Ihr criM-s of .,11, l,i-l


nothing finer in spirit or effeit than the service whicli tlie women oi" the United

States rendered during the World War. In her very nature woman is an instrument

of sacrifice. By circumstance and hahit. and perhaps also by nature, women are

accustomed to self-effacement. As a rule her chief thought is the thing to be ac-

complished; her least thought is her own welfare. Tiie greatest factor of success

in war is sacrifice—not the sacrifice of burnt offering but the sacrifirp of comfort,

of well-being, and, if need be. of self.

"Hence it is that woman entered the war already trained in the psvchologv of

war as it governs or influences personal conduct. It is not her privilege to engage

in the adventures of war, to perform the thrilling feats on land and sea and in the

air which make war appeal to the mind of man as a great emprise, and which in

some degree compensate him for his sufferings and sacrifices.

"Woman's service was none the less vital, and assuredly not the lesser part of

the big task which was undertaken to save our republic, and to save freedom in the


The Tennessee Division of this powerful organization was perfected in July,

1917, at a mass meeting at the Tennessee State Capitol, with representatives fromevery county and every woman's organization in the state. Miss Louise G. Lindsley

presided over this conference as Temporary Chairman, and Mrs. George W. Denny,of Knoxville, was elected State Chairman by this body of women. Mrs. Leslie

Warner was elected State Vice-Chairman-at-large. An Executive Board, consisting

of a vice-chairman from each section of the state, was formed, and Miss LouiseGrundy Lindsley was chosen Vice-Chairman from Middle Tennessee.

Other officers elected who resided in Davidson County were: Mrs. Alex. S.

Caldwell, Food Conservation; Mrs. Leo Schwartz. Social Service; Mrs. EugeneCrutcher, Child Welfare; Miss Delia Dortch. Home and Foreign Relief; Mrs.Claude D. Sullivan. Hygiene and Sanitation; Mrs. Idabelle Wilson, EducationalPropaganda and Patriotic Meetings; Mrs. Guilford Dudley, Liberty Loans; Mrs.John M. Kenny, Publicity; Mrs. B. F. Wilson. Chairman of State Advisory Board;and Mrs. Margaret Erwin Ford. Treasurer.

Mrs. B. F. Wilson selected a large committee for her state board, drawn fromevery section of Tennessee. Members chosen by her from Davidson Countv wereMrs. E. W. Cole and Mrs. Jesse M. Overton. Mrs. Wilson also served as Chair-man of the organization's State Headquarters, which were opened by the officials

on Sixth Avenue, North, Nashville. Tenn. The building was donated through the

efforts of Mrs. Idabelle Wilson, who, with Mrs. B. F. Wilson and Mrs. John M.Kenny, contributed a large amount of the furnishings. At all times a completestate organization was maintained at this headquarters. The Publicity Departmentissued monthly bulletins to every county in Tennessee, which served to co-ordinate

every department of the state work. Mrs. John M. Kenny, Chairman of this work,was assisted in the editing and publishing of the bulletins by Mrs. H. H. Corson.Chairman of Publicity for the Nashville Chapter of American Red Cross. Mrs.B. F. Wilson, as. Chairman, kept a coterie of workers at the State Headquarterseach day. whose duties were to receive all World War soldiers and sailors passingthrough Nashville and to render whatever assistance and comfort was necessary.

Her committee also served as a bureau of information for the state department.

A number of beautifully planned receptions for transient soldiers were given at

the State Council of National Defense Headquarters of the Woman's Committee dur-ing the World War. Each state officer had her individual desk, and the entire state


DM 1 1) 5 o s cor .V r y ir o \i f: v / v / // a iron i. d .1 H. I 01 -I 1019

work was carried on from (he \a>li\illi- lliai

the iireater part of her lime in NaslivilK-.

Mrs. Idahelle Wilson. State Cl.aiunin ,,1

-Meetings of this organization, at tin- iti|iir>

enee of all the coiiii'ties of Tennesse.^ on Apri

Capitol. She also s.-rv.-d as C.hai:niaii of An

1-. \h>. CeoiL-e |)e -p:-M


aiian.la and !

iais. ealh'd a

il llu- •r,-nne>-.ee Sl;i

Ci.ntrivii.v. and u


ahly assisted hv ..lilecrs .,r tli.' ^lalc

For several weeks prim to this idtil*

kept 1)MSV workinj: np inlcn-l and ;jc

women of TennesM-e. uhi.h u,.rk i,-

wunien of tlie entire war pniml. I

loutitv over the state in allin<lani i-.

State Capilol. presided over hy Mrs.

vention was opened hy an address

Chairman-General of Arranjiements. ,

heard from dcletiates from ever\ -lal

State ollieials who pave addn--!

Warner. \ iee-Chairman-atdar-:!-: Mi-

I) A V I D .S O 'V C. O (' NTY « () M EN IN T HE U ORE I) IfA R. 19 14-1919

Leo Schwartz. iMis. ,I„lm M. K.mhiv. Miss D.lla Dorlih. Mrs. P:ugene Crutcher, Mrs.

Charles Ford, ami Miss l.duisf (.. \Am\-\r\. uli.. pn-sid.d dvcr the last session of

the conference.

The outstanding feature of the convention was a mass meeting at the Ryman Audi-

torium on the night of April 5, at which Dr. Anna Shaw, National Chairman of

the Woman's Committee, delivered the |)rincipal address. Mrs. Christine Miller

Clcmson. Crand Opera Star, gave a repertoire of the songs which she had sung at

Mrs. B. F. Wilson(Saidee Morris)

practically all of the soldiers' encampments throughout the country. Mrs. Clemsonwas accompanied by Mrs. W. D. Haggard, through whose friendship the artist ap-

peared in Nashville.

Mrs. George W. Denny, State Chairman, presided at the mass meeting, and Mrs.Leslie Warner, Vice-Chairman-at-Large, gave the introduction to Dr. Shaw and ad-

dress of welcome. The invocation was offered by Mrs. Guilford Dudley. Mrs. JohnM. Gray, Jr., served as Chairman of Auditorium Arrangements, and the decora-

tions were under the supervision of Mrs. Eugene Crutcher and her connnittee.

Mrs. B. F. Wilson complimented the Slate Advisory Board, the State ExecutiveBoard and the national officers of the Woman's Committee on the first day of the

conference with a luncheon at the Hotel Hermitage, bringing together for the first

time the two State Boards who were visiting in the city to attend the War Confer-ence. This luncheon was the first social event in connection with the conference.

0.(l/C>'O.V COIM) II () \l E \ l\ THE 11 O R I. I) MAR. 1 ') ] II 9 I 9

\ iiii(l(l;i\ limclieon was •;iveii at ihe liislorit- oltl Hermitajic. Andrew Jackson's

h..ni.-. l.v Mi>. 15. F. Vtilson. at which time Dr. Anna Howard' Shaw. Mrs. Clemson

and the Slate OHicers were gue.sts. A \ iitorv Luniiie(ni at the Hold Hcrinihvije. ar-

ranged hv ^^rs. Idabelle Wilson, in addition lo i.eing the piin. i|,.,l -.ri.il le^ilinv

of the eonferenee. served also as an educational demonstration 1.. the himdrciU of

women who attended. Tiie menu wa- |ir.-|K.rcil in -Iri.l ac,o,,i uilli l|ril„i| \\u..\

er's I-'ood Reuulalion^. and ua- a rc\clalion of ll,r ,lclirion-nc-. ,,r ,, |,r,lr,lK

Hooverized re|.a>t.

Mrs. Joseph A. C.ax u.i- Cliairm.n. nf ihr Innrhron. .nid \1,-. K„l,a..l WiUnnand Mrs. (;eor.;:c W a-hm.^lnn «.-,r JomI lio.lc--r-. hax ni. .haiL^r nl ihr Lil.lc and

dinin-r-room decoi.ihnn-. Mi- \iri:ini.i \iooic. an cxpcil foo.l ciinvl,.!. arlci .i~

loastmistress. and Mi-. Chri-linc Miller Clcni-on. uitli Mi-. W . D. ll.i^ii.ird .il llic

piano, sang several p.iliiolir -on:;--.

The convention luou.i^ht lo Na-lnill.- al.oiil lour hnn.licl ,l,-lc;:atc- f,n,n dilfer-

ent parts of the Slate, and ;:a\e iiuirli in-.pirati..n and r.lnr.il ion.il \,duc I.. Tennes-

see womanhood.

Davidson County women responsible for the success of tlie confereni e. and wlmwere appointed by Mrs. Idabelle Wilson. Chairman-General, were:

Mrs. MrPhcHcrs Glasgow, Chairman ol Hospitalil) ; Mrs, A. E. Poller. CliairiiKin ol 1 i-

nances: Mrs. W. D. Haggard. .Music; .Miss Delia Dortch. Program; Mrs. W. (). Tirrill. Print-

ing; Mr<. Josc|ili A. Cray. Victory- Luncheon; Mrs. George Washington, Mrs. XCrncr MooreLewis and Mrs. Richard T. Wilson. Hostesses, assisted by .State Officers of the Woman's Com-iiiitlee and Nashville and County executive boards of the Woman's Committee; .Mrs. John .\L

Kenny. Chairman of Publicity; Mrs. L. C. Durr, Information and Kegistralion; Mrs. John T.

Niili-n. Mrs. Avery llandly and Mrs. Mary Bright Thomas served as co-chairmen of .Stale Capitol

Arrangements; Nlrs. George Weeks Hale and .Mrs. Randall Cnrrcll. Anditoriiini Arr:inL'cnicnts:

\lr>. John M. Gray. Jr., Platform for Delegates at Audiln,iu„i; Mi- IMm Cr.n .ni.l \Ii-^

Annie Laurie Campbell. Pages and Ushers for Conference: \li-- \I.im Ii|i.. \iiliiiiiiihili- lor

Delegates; Mrs. Bruce R. Payne, .Mrs. Claude Waller and Mi- M.irN l...u (. luni, Seh,,„ls

and Colleges; Mrs. Harry Sudekum. Feature Publicity; .Mrs. Frank Carl Stahlman and Mrs.

Louise Bransford Kirkman. Hotel Arrangements; Mrs. John Kreig and Mrs. Lvon Childress,

Badges for Delegates; Mrs. Charles Baker and Mrs. Kendrick Hardcastle. Literature; Mrs.

James H. Kirkland. Colonial Dames; Mrs. Ferdinand Kuhn, Council of Catholic Women: Mrs.

K.iwin A. Price. D. A. R.'s; Mrs. W. P. Bang. W. C. T. M.'s; Mrs. Harry W. Evans. NaN\ (..m-

forls Conimitlce; .Mrs. John C. Brown. Slate U. D. C.'s; Mrs. Lee Loventhal. Council of l.-ni-h

Women; Mrs. Rogers Caldwell. Girls' Patriotic League; Mrs. George F. Blackie and \h-. \r,h

Trawick. V. W. C. A.; Mrs. Jesse M. Overt..,, ao.l Mr- ( !,,,, I.- S. |{r.,»n. Woman's Service

league; .Mrs. P. A. Murray and Mrs. F. .1. M.( irihv K„,rl,i- ..I ( ,.I„,„Ihis; .Mrs. Pcrcv D.

Mad.lin and Mrs. Robert F. Jackson. Na-I,v,ll. I l,;,|.|.r. 11. . II ,..-: Mr-. Dempsi-v Weaver,

Fatherless t:hil.lren ..f France Soeielv: an. I \l,- l'.-..x \\,,i,i.,. \,un ( .i„,l..rl I ,-ML-n.-.

Several hundn-<l , I., liar- ua- tal-e,l l.v Mr-. A. K. l',.||ri .omI lin Im.ni.,- , ,1

lee. whi.h amount rnlitcU rove,,-d lin- expcti-,- of 111,- ,,,nl, ,,„.,-. On M,-. \ I .

r..||ei"- coiimiillee lo secure funds were:

Mr-, Mil.- Williams. Mrs. Beltie M. Donelson. Mi-. .1. II I .,i„|.|,.H, M,- \ .,„..- A l.-\,iri.l,r.

M,-, ()«,->, \\il-..„. .Mrs. Porter Philips. Mrs. Frank Wl,..!.,, M,-. |.„.l,it, Sl..k.-, ,lr,, Mr-, l..lin

ller.rv ,Nmitli. Mrs. J. M. I'hillips. Mr-, Clan. I.- D, Soljiva,,, M,-. I..lu;,,,l T, i..u.-, Mr-, lai.i.-s

S. Iiea-.lev. Mrs. K. K. Hardison. Mi-, \l, K, \hu^\,.n^. Mr-. W ,\ I l^.l,,,. Mr-, \, \,

.Sir.et anri Mr-. Averv Handly.

Mrs. M.i'heeters Glasgow, as Chairnian „f l|.,-pilaliu, ...inplcL-U ...piippd a

rest room at Stale Headquarters for lli.- ,1.1. lmI,- I., lin- . ..ii\ , 1110.11, \-i-lcd bv

lier able commillee. she .secured more lliaii I. .111 liiin.li .-il li..iii.-- I..1 llic ,nlci l.iinnicnl

of ihe county delegates. On Mrs. Glas:.M,u- , .inniillr,- ucic:

Mrs. William Guplon. Mrs. James S. Fra/.i, Mi- W . -1 II M. .,!..„, Mr- Char!.- W, liiker,

Mr-. Unl.ert Wharton Nichoj. Mrs. James K, ban,-. Mi-, lli.hai.l liari. Mr-, \ ernrr ,\I„o.e


\IltS. El:...K>L OlLTClIKK

(Annie Long)

And the distinguished medal received in recognition of valuable service

she rendered the Government in Child Welfare and Parent-Teacher Work.Tennessee led the South in this work and Mrs. Crutcher. served as the able

State Chairman for both organizations.

Lewis. Mrs. Reuben M. Mills. Mrs. John J. Vertrecs. Mrs. Frank Stockell. Mrs. Bruce Douglas,\rr< I fl ( ampbell, Mrs. Percv D. Maddin. Mrs. R. H. Lacev. Mrs. Perkins Baxter. xMrs.

l.lalHllr \\,l-,.„. Mrs. John M. Kenny. Mrs. B. F. Wilson, Miss Louise Lindsley. Miss LizzieF.iii. \1,- ( iiirr Reeves. Mrs. Rufus Fort. Mrs. T. Dwight Webb, Mrs. Walter Keith, Mrs.Ilrinlii-,,11 llak.r. Mrs. John Hill Eakin, Mrs. James E. Caldwell. Jr.. Mrs. Vernon Sharp, Mrs.E. C. \\ right. Mrs. R. E. Porter. Mrs. William T. Hale, Jr., Mrs. Samuel Dougla,, Mrs. HermanMcRae. Mrs. Arthur B. Ransom, .Mrs. Andrew Price, Mrs. S. S. Crockett, Mrs. John Moore.Mrs. Arthur Timmons. Mrs. Samuel Orr, Mrs. E. W. Cole. Mrs. J. A. Bell, Mrs. George Ingram,Mrs. H. H. Corson, Mrs. W. E. Beard, Mrs. Reau E. Folk, Mrs. Vernon Tupper, Mrs. LeoSchwartz, Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne, Mrs. George E. Blake, Mrs. W. A. Overall. Mrs. 0. N. Brvan,Mrs. Thomas Newbill, Mrs. J. L. McWhorter, Mrs. William C. Hoffman, Mrs. R. W. Griz/ard.

( 297 )

/) All I) S V (. () I .V r 1 11 \l F. V / V 7 HE r ORL I) If A K. I " I l-l 'I I <>

\lr>. K. 1!. >i luimaclu-r. Mrs. Smitli Tonison. Mrs. John Cood.-. Mrs. Daiulrid-:.' Caldwell. Mrs.

Il.iiry Kra/.r. Mrs. Clarence Lewis. Mrs. J. .N. Brodks, Mrs. Walter Stokes. Jr., .Mrs. Kandall

::.irrell. Mrs. Ferdinand E. Kul.n. Mrs. James \i. K/.zell.

Mrs. Bruee K. I'avne. Mrs. Brantley Smith. Mr<. Can-

^dJe P. Kose. Mrs. .\. Edward Poller. .Mr.. J 1. \1.

(.ill. .Mrs. Fieldinj; Yost. Mrs. Jack r.e.v,-. \I... Dan

\K-(;u!:in. Mrs. llun.,.ln,A TiinmhN. \l,v li M. \.-.-ly.

Mrs. Humphrey 11,u.I,-..m. Miv W .s. |1 \,„,,M.ad.

Mrs. Katherine IV \\..uhL \1.-, IMu.n.l \, I noUry.

Mrs. Thomas 1. W.I.L. M.-^ J"!", li.n k-.i.il.-. Mrs.

lames Cayce. .Mr-. M, ^. 1 I" . k. \1,-. K.l»a.d T.

Lnwe. Mrs. Dave i;.,-,„l,l,i. Mi-^ I. 1- Walkin-. Mr-.

Will Wa-l,iM-t..i.. Ml-. W. \. O.'A.u. M.-. Cnrji,-

i;,,„ll,^^ M,-. .1. \. ^l.a.lu.ll. Ml-. .I..-.,. I, I'.llMlrl.

\1,- l.'nlnit ( .il.l^.U. Ml-. 11. .1. M.( aillu, Mi-1 ,lil„. Mmi,,,u. Mi- M.iilha l.iii..-. Ml- I am.- "-iiii-.

\1,- Mnlll,. ( k,ll„.|nr. Ml- I IIIUIM W ,1111.1. Mi-Kalhlr.n (.,.11,11. Ml- I "III, I, K.illi. Ml-. Kol.ell

CaMu.-ll. Ml- l.ll/al.<-lli llilk Ml- .l.iiiii.- W.r'Un.i.T.

Ml- I rank llollowrll. and Mis. I.i.ium- M.llriiiv.

1(1 Mr.s. Eugene Crutcher and her roiiiinilli r

, re.lil i> due for the ehil.<.iate deeoralion- .,t ihr

\-i-iiirj Ml-, t:

.km ,si,,k.-, Ii .


.,.,. i,„ - „,, C. M. K 11. Ml-.

.>.ln,., h,.„ki Ml-. Ilalliiin C II.

Al.'x. liMi.;:. Ml-. i:.l

Mr-. 1. 11. Campbell. Mr-. 1. 11. HurlrM.ii. Mr-. TniNi- lUaii.

|.,v. .Mrs. J. C. Walk.-r. Mr-. 1.. A. i;n...h. Mr-. .\i. Iiil.al.l A

Mrs. K. .'V. Griffin.

Miss Louise (;. Lin(i>ley. \ iceC.liair man nl llii- (Ui

see. liad practically every county in her sertimi ..luiii

of the State Conference, and was congratulalnl ii|

records reported l>y anv section of Tenness.r. Mi-

pointed hv the Nalinii.il HiiriMii ..I S|iiak.T- a- ,i

. Mr-. J II.

lil/inn. Mr-.

\li.-.- Ck.vil.

li- I \ M. MI 1 ..».. Ml-. UMm,i I\iI1. Mi-.

ak. Ml-. W. II. -

speaker for the Smill

N,-u life- «a- in-1

„„-nl- III ll,.- Wimiar

W.irM W;

Ml. I. II.

..rk ..

-I.a.- ..111.

der her jurisdirli.m iii

in manv place- llin

phases a.i.l |il,ui- l.ir ll

niittee. f:.i. Ii

duritifi the World War. and th.' .nlii.

state ..(hcers of the Woman's Commil

the Welcome-Home Committee, when

soldiers returned home, yvith .Mrs. li.

(ihairmaii-Cieneral for the women of


all 11. li

41 I I) SON coil NT Y WOMEN IN THE WORLD WAR. / 9 ; /./ o / 9

Tug of the most influential committees in Tennessee were formed as a result of

the inspiration received from the Woman's Committee Convention, namely, the Giles

County Woman's Committee and the Montgomery County Committee. Mrs. Willa

Blake (Edward E.I Eslick. of Pulaski. Tenn., was Chairman for Giles County, and

Mrs. Moore Dickson, of Clarksville, Tenn., was Chairman for Montgomery County.

The work of these two county committees received Certificates of Commendation

from National Headquarters, at Washington, D. C.

When Mrs. George W. Dennv, State Chairman of this organization, received her

appointment for overseas duty, Mrs. Leslie Warner, State Vice-Chairman-at-Large.

directed the entire state work until the close of the war period. Mrs. Leslie Warner,

one of the most convincing speakers in Tennessee, visited every county and spoke

throughout the state on every phase of World War activities. Mrs. John M. Kennywas awarded a Distinguished Service Certificate by Congress in recognition of her

World War services rendered in this organization. Mrs. Alex. Caldwell originated

food conservation ideas long in advance of Herbert Hoover, and her work along

this line gained national recognition.

Mrs. Idabelle Wilson organized in the Nashville colleges the first Victory

Chorus in the state and served as Chairman for the West End section of Nashville

for the Student Nurses' Drive, War Sufferers' Campaign and the several Liberty

Loan campaigns, always with success. She spent the first few months of the WorldWar period in New York, where her work with the Emergency Canteen. Red Crossand Liberty Loan campaigns gave her a larger scope for ideas to serve in the relief

drives at home. After her return to Nashville she worked in every relief drive in

Davidson County, and. as a member of the Advisory Council of this volume, raised

an immense sum for the pulilication of the records as Chairman-Genera! of tlie 192.'?

Mardi Gras Ball.


i).iiii)S().\ cixyry if(>Mt:\ i\ the iroKi.D k -t r. iqiii'H"


This Roat was designed and decorated l)y Mrs. R V. W i

St artistic and elaborate of the large number of organizatioo-

ited in the Parade.

;i:n(;ii imiki'f.ndknck day

.Mrs. Matirar.-t Kru it, Fnnl I Mrs. Charles Ford). Tre

i/.ati(iii. rendered valiiaMi- ~rT\iii- ,i- a \(iliirilccr iiiii~r dii

at General Hospital 11. ,il I..1I ( l^l,-lli,„ |.r. („... ulin,- 1

diers in traininj; were -tiirkcii uilli llir riial.uK. \li-. I

in all W. S. S. and Liberty Bond sales diirin;: the u 11.

Kacli slate oflicer of this organization rendered xiliiall

of World War u.,rk in.derlaken in l)avi(ls,,n C.ounlv. Im,

the jir.'al (..nllid inilil llir reliiin ..f llir 1m,n- Iruiii ..Mt-,

worked a~ |,ii\,,lr- i„ ll„. ,,,„k- ,iihI .m, I, ,.l ihnn unrHureai. f.., ,,ll .Invr- and . ar,i|Mrj r,^ In, ua, r.lirl uoil

Ml-. 1;. !•. WiUnn «a- Ihr .,„N u..n,an .lh..,-„ I,, -rn

for Ihi- ••l|..,iM--,n,ill,|./' nl Ihr \. I!. I' . I a.ll Male nllh

niillee as.iM.-<l « ilh the enlerlaiiiiri.Mil. Ml-. 11. K. WiN.a•renr-n.us sujiporlers of the county in ill \\...|,| \\.,i u

in addition to other In.nors duiinj; the u.n. u.i- lln- In-l \

to serve on the National Hoard of ll,r lalliril,-- CluM,Miss Delia Dorleh worked efTedi^ K i„ ,\,,v l.il.ii

Cross canipai'in in Davidson (^ount\. and ua- oim- i.l iIh-

.1 llie W an - C

w. ->.

,1,- -nr


county. As State Chairman of Belgian Relief she personally directed a campaign

which resulted in securing $60,000 for that cause. In recognition of this service

Miss Dortch received personal congratulations from the Minister of Belgium. She

was one of the inspirers of the splendid patriotic service rendered by the school

teachers of Nashville and Davidson County, and Miss Dortch s?:-ved as Chairman

of the Nashville Equal Suffrage Association for the first Red Cross campaign.

Mrs. Eugene Crutcher. State Chairman of Child Welfare for Woman's Commit-

tee. Council of National Defense, and State Chairman for Parent-Teacher Associa-

tion, was awarded the Children's Year Medal bv the Child Conservation Section of

the Field Division of the United States Council of National Defense and the Chil-

dren's Bureau of the United States Department of Labor, a reproduction of which

is shown in an illustration with Mrs. Crutcher's picture.

Mrs. Leo Schwartz answered every call, alwavs performing her dulv with ef-

ficiency. She worked untiringly, both as an official and private, and as the WarPresident of the Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. Schwartz furnished a large numberof capable workers for every campaign. She inspired to a large degree the large

amount of work accomplished by the women of her committee.

Ki-wanis Club, Book Campaign

Mrs. James S. Frazer. Chairman

Mrs. Jordan Stokes. Jr.. Chairman of HeadquurteTs

The Kiwanis Club of Nashville, which did notable work in every movement anddrive during the war, put on a book drive for the soldiers in November, 1917, with

Mrs. James S. Frazer serving as Chairman-General. Mrs. Frazer and her commit-

tee used the telephone system in soliciting books, so that every family in Davidson

Countv who had a telephone was reached and asked for donations. More than

10.000 volumes were collected by Mrs. Frazer's workers, who called for the booksin automobiles and assembled them in the office of Brandau. Craig. Dickerson Com-pany, on Fifth Avenue.

This firm not only gave space for the immense amount of books. Jnit kept a manto receive and store them. The large number of Ixioks donated overflowed the

huge establishment of this generous firm.

Mrs. Jordan Stokes, Jr., acted as chauffeur for several days in collecting the

books. Other assistants were Mrs. Frazer's Executive Board of the NashvilleWoman's Committee. Mrs. Vernon Sharp. Sectional Chairman of East Nashville,

who had one of the most complete ward organizations in the citv. served as Chair-

man of the Telephone Committee for the drive, assisted by the members of the Fast

Nashville organization.

Mrs. Walter Jones. Airs. West H. Morton and Mrs. Lyon Childress assisted the

Kiwanis Club members in assorting the volumes. From the numerous expressions

of appreciation received by the Kiwani Club of Nashville from the soldiers andarmy officials in the camps, no other war work done in the county proved a greater

personal benefit to the thousands of boys in khaki than the book campaign.

(301 )

nil ID SOX coiyTY roi/AV i .\ the iroHr.n irin. nuii'ji'

Dii\i(U()n C )iiiilv ( )ri:- iiii '.;iti m. Woman's Cjmmittee

Council of \;itional I Jcl'cnse

Mlis. HoiiKin WllviilnN Ni, M,u., I ha,rm,u!

C, nilt.-i-. CoMiiril nl N.ilinna111.- Diivi.lson Couiitv Omanization. W .

IVlViiM'. ua> oi-ani/.Ml in \u-uA. I'M 7. a

vill.v A «i>,- rhui.-,- ua- iiKuIr ul>,'„ \1,- Wlia.lo,, \i


(Mamie Kebecca Kidliv i

MrmlHT ..f A.lviscrv Counril „f llii-

elected \n tin- . oiints «nin.-n a> lli.-u . hi.-l ,-\,Tuli\r.

selected Ii.m a> ChainMa.. Inr the caintv. \li~. kalhn

Vice-Chairmari i)v this i)()dy, Mrs. (^-orpe 11. Williain-

H. Morton as Treasurer.

On October 1. 1917, Mrs. Nichol. assisl.-d l,s Mi-.

the women residents of Davidson County distri( t> il li

Committee. Cr)uncil of National Defense, on Eifililli \\

inp suh-chairmen for the county districts were appmiit


,rj aii.-a:

M,-. W.

\,„il,. .,

Mis. Ni


After registration clay, which followed this meeting by one week, over 2.500

names were recorded as active members, and an organization of all the districts

of Davidson County was completed. From then until peace was declared the David-

son County Woman's Committee measured up tn the hiL'hi'st slamlaril- in ethics.

efforts and results, and its members were nunilierrd amcuii; llic tiici^t |)alii(itic and

libertv-loving women of Tennessee.

The following women composed the personnel of the officers of the Davidson

Countv organization of the Council of National Defense, proving one hundred per

cent perfect in everv war movement: Mrs. Rachel Jackson Lawrence. Honorary

Chairman; Mrs. Robert Wharton Nichol, Active Chairman; Mrs. Katherine P.

\\ right. Vice-Chairman: Mrs. West Humphreys Morton. Treasurer; and Mrs. George

H. Williams, Secretary.

Sub-chairmen appointed by Mrs. Nicliol. who were also niendiers of the Ad-

visory Board, were:

Mrs. Lemuel R. Campbell. Mrs. Sadie M. Corson, Mrs. James C. Bradford, Mrs. Charles W.Baker, .Mrs. W. W. Dillon, Mrs. Adair Lyon Childress, Mrs. Richard T. Wilson. Mrs. Carey A.

Folk. -Mrs. James B. Totten, .Mrs. Alloway Gray. Mrs. Ellen Marshall. Mrs. Willie F. Acree. Mrs.

Carey E. Morgan. Miss Mary Lewis, Miss Mollie .\I. Claiborne, and Miss Julia Green.

The fourteen District Chairmen of the organization were:

Mrs. William C. Weaver. Second District; Mrs. H. Craig McFarland. Third District; .Mrs.

Frank D. Fuller and Mrs. Edward Craig, Jr.. Fourth District; Mrs. Thomas Calhoun, Fifth

District; .Mrs. James K. Rains, Sixth District; Mrs. Charles C. Gilbert, Seventh District; Mrs.

James A. McHatton. Eighth District; Mrs. James B. Ezzell, Ninth District; Mrs. J. B. Thomp-son. Tenth District: Mrs, C. M. Russell. Eleventh District, with Mrs. E. R. Doolittle ai;d Mrs.Henrv B. Chadwi-ll ;i^ Sub-Chairmen for Madison and Neely's Bend; Mrs. Frank Horn, TwelfthDistrict: Misj. Alyn.- Jordan. Thirteenth District; and Mrs. Count Boyd, Fourteenth District,

with Mrs. Lizzie Paltnn as Sub-Chairman.

Miss Margaret Early was appointed by Mrs. Nichol Chairman of the children's

work of Davidson County, and the work accomplished bv her and her conmiittee

was very pleasing to officials.

Reports of Mrs. West Humphreys Morton, the County Organization's Treasurer,

show that .86.000 was raised by the county districts by means of various campaignsfor funds and through personal gifts, and that all expenses of headquarters, at 171

Eighth Avenue. North, were borne by the executives of the Nashville and Davidson

County Board of the Woman's Conmiittee.

A sale of the Southern Woman's Magazine on December 1, 1917, by the CountyOrganization, assisted by the Boy Scouts and children of the county throughout each

district, resulted in a generous sum for the treasury. Every member of the organi-

zation also actively supported this cause.

On January 1, 1918. a New Year's reception was given at the home of Mrs. .\dair

Lyon Childress, sponsored by the County Woman's Committee, and a substantial

sum was realized in the nature of a free-will offering from the guests.

A brilliant Patriotic Musical was given on March 4. 1918. at the residence of Mrs.Frank Carl Stahlman for the benefit of the "Wool Fund." Mrs. Stahlman served

as Chairman of the Musical, with Mrs. Harry W. Evans as Vice-Chairman and Mrs.William C. Hoffman as Chairman of Program. Selections were rendered bv Mrs.Thomas H. Malone. Jr., Charles Stratton, Mrs. Milton Cook and Mrs. W. C. Hoff-

man. Several hundred tickets were sold by Mrs. Stahlman and her committee, andthe largest donation received by this organization throughout the war was the result

of this musical. Many new patriotic songs were heard in Nashville for the first

time at this entertainment.


/) til I) S O Y C () I .V T y ft O M E V / V THE IIO K I. II II -I H. I " I II ^ I ^

On Aiifiust 12. Vnn. a l.vtiir.- l.\ an In.li.in < lii.-f. lllii~lr;il..l l.\ Mi..\i„.j pic-

tiirt-s. \va^ liven at the Knickerhock.M riicalcr. al \a-li\ill.'. and a tier. v\ ill ollciin-r

for ihe purchase of wool for knittinj; for the Mildi.i- «a- lak.ii, a lari:i- -uni lia\-

in": been realized and splendid puhlicity jriveii the iniMic icLiaidinu llic iiii<l-- nl ihi-

-oldiers who were training in the arinv iani|)-.

On August 24. 1918. the Cmnlv \\,.n,a,.^ C uuHr,- hrld a Tai: \).n In, the

Wnol Fund and for the first linir in Na^lniilr llir i.irnd,.-,-- ,,| ll„- ll..inr D.-IViim^

i.,M"Ur t.M.k an aM,\,- |M,1 in ll„- u.nk ,.1 lai.-

UIL^ luiuk 1.^ |M,|,ln M,l.~,M,.hon In, W , „ I d

u,'!,- '„,u|Mr,l l',s ll,r V irn dniin^ the dav.

,,,hI at M\ ,,M,.,k in ll.r ,-\r„i„.j 111,- .aplain-^

,,l llir ll.mir Drtrn-e l.r.v^u.: u illl their eotn-

,es. met Col. Charles 1.. Ki.ilev at the Ki-hth

\venue Head<iuarters of the Council of \a-

lional Defen-e. and were assi^-ned p..st. of dutv.

ulice Ihes -.rxrd .n.lil ten oMnrk. The.,-

Mnall'r..n,~ irrriv,.! uill, thr d,, nation-, ul.i.h

,r,|„nr,l I, on,- ,.r uo,k.

Tlir I.mIm-' ll.'inntaij,' \".Miatl,ui ruu-

iMJinlrd l.iu.1,,1 the |Mn. !,,,-, nl a -.1,1 ,na. liinr.

,,,,d |i,Mt\ In, thr l.rnrllt ,,l tllr Wool In,,,! ol

thr ( ,,unt\ Woman'- C.niliiittee. al tin- iv-i-

driir, ol Ml-, \itluir H. Hansom. Mi» i'.-lhcr

\i,h..l ua- l',,-nlrnl ,,f the Cotillion CInh .uhI

\li>s Sarah Shaninm. Tira-nrn. M,-. I'anl !!%.

served as Chairman ..I ihr raid paitv. and M,-.

Hichard T. Wilson as Chairman ,d I'at.onr-,-.

A large percentage of Davidson Ct)unl\ - VMimcri

were inspired to take up war work al lliis iiath-

ering. Gifts of wool were received hv ihi'^ or-jani/ation from the Tennes<e.- W oman's

Committee. the Hoard of Home and Foi.ijn K.lirf. uilli Mi- Delia Don, h a- Chair-

man, and from the Henlon Avenue Ci\ i, (luli. uh,,-,- ni,rnli,i- wrvf.

Mrs. li. Huplics W.irkc. Chairman: .Mrs. S. A. ( ..n-. Mi-. I I M, W ! i- Mi- I .lOilin,.

Hr-II. Mrs. A. L. M.M.rc. Mrs. John T. Laiulis. an,! \li- i;,.!.. n \\l,.,,i,.n \i. I„.t.

The Palace Hotel Orphans' Fund, of H.d r„iilinj"^i

Hutler. an ahle r,,nr,lv uo,k.-r of the Flevinlli Di-tii, 1.

Mrs. S. C. Hridv,u.,i,.,. ,,1 Dixon .Springs. , ,,nlMl,iil,',l

comforts, whi.il tin- Connl\ Organization lat,'i -,nt 1,. I

•I,- HirnT-;ire dii I'dc- .- ,,1' uhirh M,-. i;,.l.,it \i.li,.l

man. ami als., assist.'.] uilh it- .,i lm.,,/,,! i, ,n.

Th. «indo«- ..r Ih.' I„a,l,pi,,it,-i- ,.11 liL^lilli \Mnii.-

and educali.,nal. D, rii,.i,-ti atn.ii- t., ai.l iii I!. •_ i-ti .il ion.

Stales Carden Wo.k. \„t,nN (,ai.l.n-. .1,.. u.n- attia, I

were also shown fr.im time to lime arrangemenis ol . ..ii

supplies, convalescent supplies and other edu.alion p

the windows had on d=s[)lay the famous "Hainh.iw S., k

h Mr-. L.'wi


from the Rainbow Division, on recruiting duty through the South, eonipliniented

both the workmanship and design of the socks and also the patriotism of the

county women, during their stay in Nashville.

A group of soldiers en route to a northern camp was entirely fitted out with

woolen comforts by the County Organization. Frequent calls from the Nashville

Chapter Emergency Red Cross Canteen for woolen articles were received and were

always furnished at a moment's notice. Sweaters, socks and helmets were sent to

the Home Defense League Headquarters to be used by the members during their

services in guarding Nashville. The entire Battalion of the 114th Machine GunCompany was supplied with complete knitted outfits, and while they were encampedin Nashville the soldiers of this I3attalion were supplied with toilet articles. \\Titing

materials and delicacies prepared in the liomes of the mend)ers of the county com-

The County \^Oman's Conunittee made donations to the

State Expense Fund, the Emergency Canteen Red Cross Fund.

Oman's Committee

d tn the American

(Emma Harrison Gales)

n It I i>s<).\ c o t \ r Y If o m e v / .n' t ii f. h o k i. n ir ,i h. i'h ti >io

M.-m..rial Hospital in l->.uur. aiul ^^a^ sponsor for 1{,.1„m1 \,M,.i,l. a Davi.lM,,,

Ci.uiitv ('.(111 Stai liiio. in tin- l>aviil-.iin CmnlN Mi'iiiDiial Inrul.

Tliis iMiiaiii/atioii ilt-sigiieil and linaiiifd one nf llic inn-l -uiti— Inl war ii..>li-i-

of llw \i.lor\ Loan, in uhiih the various war atti\ilH~ ol ihr uonni, ..I i)i\i(N..n

County «t'rc lealurr,!. an, I uliirli i,'.,i\r,l nali,,nal

,m tin- \n>-\rv:

Kll I' I Mill W nil (11 II IH'V

lM,x,>of ,!,.li,ari.- ur

articles. Iiandkc. liirN

hundred pound- !! "Id lirn-n

were also sent.

Books, niafia/irir-. \mIiii1

the American llau i rnhc-> .1

Y. W. C. \. at Soulli in ran

vidua! soldio <allin.. al h,

The Connlx Oriianual i.a,

A i.> ih.

Ill) S O N C O U \'Ty IT () U E V / V T H E W O R I. I) WA H. 19 1 11 'U 9

rk; \li-- Daisv Black. Kl


,1 I'l,

Garfinkle, Watkin

Rebecca Dudley I'aik.

Mrs. Nii-h.il lia.l a s,

(•liairiiKinslii|i. si'iil over Tennessee and to llic \^

llfi \Miik \sa> liiscri national recopnilion.

DaviiLson County and the Nashville Conniiittee co-ojjerateJ

the Patriotic Pageant at Centennial Park on July 4, 1918, whiil

spectacular ever given in the county, with Mrs. Celia

Grady Ready and Miss Elizabeth Binford directing.

The officers of the Home Defense League and Boy Scouts

acted as a Guard of Honor, and Mrs. Nichol was an ex-

officio member of all committees.

Mrs. Katherine P. Wright, Vice-Chairmaii of the

County Connnittee, maintained a soup kettle in the fac-

li>r\ ilistri( Is for the benefit of children and adults dur-

iiii: ihr wiiilci of 1918. The expense of the maintenance

of tills c(jnifort was borne entirely by Mrs. Wrigl

the results were far-reaching.

The County Organization distributed outlines foi

Sunday .School work in the city, county and state, andit was largely due to the efforts of the children of this

^i,^, m,„,;aket kabuconnnittee that the war work of the organization wassuch a success. Mrs. Ellen Marshall, of the Second District, arranged the outlines

that were sent by request to many sections of Teimessee, and which are still in use

in a number of towns.

The Eighth District workers of the county co-operated with Mrs. John P. Franks"Baby Gown Committee in making garments for needy mothers, and in civic relief

work for the blind, as well as all other campaigns.

In the patriotic parades given by the City Council

of Defense, every district of Davidson Countv was rep-

1, srrilcl. Mrs. Thomas B. Murray, of the Tenth District,

liriiij General Marshal of the parades, and Miss Evelvnl)..u,iilas and Mrs. Rogers Caldwell, Marshals of the

Si\lli l)i-lii( I. and Miss Margaret Early for the Eleventhi)i~liii I. I iuals were driven by various county membersnf ilic Ciiunril <)f Defense, one of the most effective bein_i

I lia\ wagon drawn by four large mules and driven by\li-. Ciaig McFarland, costumed in an outfit of overalls

and ^uldJonnet, which was characteristic of the sacrifice

Mrs. McFarland gladly made in all war work. A Frenchfloat representing "LaFayette, We Are Here," imperso-

nated by Miss Elizabeth Binford, Miss Martha DeBow,Mv and Miss Mildred Gray, was especially admired. The float

anc fd by the County Committee as World War propaganda,

men successfully represented phases of the countv"s war work

Miss Alice Hall 1.

was designed and

The following

in these parades:

.Mrs. West H. MMrs. Granville P. R(

Mrs. C. M. Russell.

n. Mrs. Roller

.Mrs. \V. B. C

.Nicliol. MrMiss Melinc

^ Charles W. Baker, Mrs. ,1.

la Timmniis. Miss .\lberta Do

l>llll)SO\ COiMY llOME\ /.V THh WORLD UAK. I " I II <H 9

and Mrs. Andrew Jackson, whose picture appears in llie upper richl-lian<l corner.

"Liltlc Rachel." who appears in ihc center, is .Mrs. liachel Jackson Lawrence. Honoi

of the County Woman's Conimillce and a prcal comfort in Geneni! l.uk'ioii''; Im

Ilermitas-c is Kicaled in the communities of the .Second. Third. Fomili .in. Iliflli .1

county and was the inspiration of much of the splendid work accompli-h. .1 li\ ili. ( ..

Committee in this section.


D A III) S O N C <) I N T y «• () M E N I A' T II F. W () A' /. I) HI H. I '> I I- 1 91 9

1,\ \li~. WVmall


In every street celebration in Nasliville, from liu' Innliliulil |]riiii--si(in I'di

William G. McAdoo, during the Second Liherty Loan, lo llic iin\iilinji ol tin- (;ol(

Star Flag, at the Tennessee State Capitol, Noveniliii.

1918. the County Organization was actively represented.

Lectures on every phase of World War and iivi(

work were given under the auspices of the Coniits

Woman's Committee. These were delivered at >i liool-

houses, churches and comnmnity meetings. Anioni: the

lecturers were:

Miss Louise G. Lindsley. Vice-Chairnuin l,,i \l„l,ll,. IVnnes-

see. State Woman's Committc..: Mrs. ];..l..n \\li,,it..„ Ni,-|,„l.

Mrs. James C. BnHlfn,,!. \I,-, K;,il„,,„, I', Wnjii. \li~. II. II.

Cii.rsi.n. Mrs. .Iain.-- K I;:mii- \Ii- ( Iim I. - W i;,,;,,. Mrs. C.

II. Williams. Mr-. W.-i II Mm,i,,,i \1i- I vm, I lil

Jam.- B. Tollen. Mi-. Crai- M.larljiMl. Mi- Mull

an,! .Mr^. Granville P. Rose.

Another educational feature of the work of the^i^.^ ^^,^^^ ^^^^^^^

County Woman's Committee was the organization of

'"Community Sings" at all public gatherings in the counlv and in the \ashville parks.

under the direction of Mrs. Robert W. Nichol and iiei hoard, iiotaldv those of the

Powder Plant, upon request of the Official Recreation Committee of the Powder

Plant, and those of the Tennessee State Fairs of 1917 and 191o.

Corn and pig clubs were organized for the county boys and tomato and canning

clubs were started for the girls by the County Council, and ihis work proved a

great benefit to the youth of Davidson Countv in

reconstruction work.

The ]iulilic -I hool teachers of Davidson County

\scie amoiiu the most efficient supporters of this

oiganizdtion. always being willing to co-operate in

an\ measuie and helping materiallv in the forma-

tion of Thrift Stamp and W. S. S'. Clubs and all

(;ther patiiotic movements. They aided the County

Oiganization bv reporting destitute cases among the

cchool children, for whom the district committee

furnished books and clothing wherever necessary.

\o child was allowed to remain out of school for

want of proper clothing if reported to this organi-

zation, whose able district committees were at all

times ready for all war emergencies.

After the signing of the Armistice the Davidson

County Woman's Committee reorganized for WorldW^ar memorial work, and the officers, board, and district chairmen of this organiza-

tion constituted the Davidson County Woman's Association for perpetuating the

memory of the deeds of the heroic boys in service during the World War.

District Chairmen and workers who made possible the splendid record of the

County Woman's Committee were:

Second District—Mrs. \^illiam C. \^'eaver. Chairman. Her Suli-Chairmen were:


P I I I l>S() \ C O IMY ir OM E .V / \ 7 // A II (> H I. I) If .1 K. I <> I 41 ') I <)

Mr-. Janu-;^ Morrow, Coiichvill.-: Mr^. W . M.Cl.ri.lnn. Sinill. S|Min^: \li~. 1!. K. IIII.ImII.

M..,M.i Vifw: Miss Roberta Brilry. A..li..(l.; ami Mi>s Jan.' Tinn„n. Arlinfilcr. ( hutvh.

\^'orkers in lliis disliiit who aiiswcrrcl every eall were:

Mrs. Elk-ii Marshhall, Mrs. W. C. .\iuU-rson. Mrs. F. L. Smith. Mi>. 1.. It. < am|.l.,ll. \1,>.

l),iiipM-v \\,a%.r. Mrs \\ra%rr Harris. Mrs. Thomas Weaver. Mr-. Will i;,,ii-..ni. Mrs. .|o

lir.r.l. \li-. .\. II. Ilar-li. Mr-. .Ml.erta Douglas. Mrs. I'aul Flemin;;. \li- M.iiv I .inning, \li-.

Klizaheth I?.i!:le. Mrs. W. G. Bogle. \li-. ,1. I ,Tinnon, \li>. C.


A. Killviiifiton. Mrs. l.vtle Brown. \1.-. \1. \1. MeLaoi^hliii.


Mrs. Andrew .MeLaii^lilin. Mr-. .la-ii. - W.,lkr,. \li-, K.l Hill.^ Mrs. llarrv Graham. Mi-. I. II. Mill.,. M,-. II. F. .-^wr.nev.

^^ Mrs. Fmmett l>rv..r. Mi-. W . K. Ni.l,..!-..,,. M,-. (Hli,- Graham.

^^B Mrs. llarrv F.iil.ank-. M.-. .^. .1. MmmK. M,-. ( . K. G..!!-. Mr-.V \. --. M, \lali.m. \l,-. U,,i K,„^. Ml- \KuIhII, W.ilkri. aiolW Ml- -„-„. MiM.M.* //„/,/ I),.inn Mr-. 11. Crai'^ \l. Farlaii.l servd a-

llir ,,Mr Ch.nnnali. lie, SnI .-( ;Ik,m mh„ urn-

Mi-, \1. M. ( iM.k.ii. M,-, \>il,in I .l».n^l-. Ml- Will Gris-

,(..1,1. Ml-. II ll.,i-li. Ml- »., \ IJ.Il. Ml-. W. \. Hart^i-. Mr-.

W K.l l.ini.r. Ml-. I.i. IM.ill,,.-. .1, . Ml- K. II. r..lk. M.-. Sam^^^ ,s^^,.,ll,•^. Mi-. Will Sulll;:lr^. Mi-. D.i,,,.-,^ W.av.i. Mr-.

^^ lam.- WlnlUMith. Mi- Xhu-.ii.-l liii,kl.\. Mi- N.ll I'nw.ll.

Onuar urir Mr-. M. I .nLiiul .hmI lirr .

amoii-i the pioneer wnrk.-r- ,,l llir ,,,unl\ in llnl (an- ,,ii,l u.-rr .i,

paiL-ns throufihiiiil iIh^ \\nrl,l W ,,r


Joe Phillips. .1... iIm.uJi one nt llir vnunL'esI -,,M„-,- in llie , niin

Fourth Dislnrl Ml-. K.ulirl ,1.1. k-un l.auirn.r. Il,„i,.,ai\ (

{••rank D. Fuller. Mi-. I.lu.n.l (a.ii.. |i.. .i.nl Mi-, .loin. T. Ihiuli

•lliri, .-iil.-Cliairineii. all ..I ulioni u,,ik,'.l inilinntiU

Ml-, ( l..,il.- \. HiHiliii. Ml-. Anna ^iiiilli. Mi-. W. Winiiin-li.iln. Mi-. Will I)mI,-,,,i, Mr-, Kil.l I'.ak.l. Ml-, Inhii I,

n.|.l-n„, M,-, („-.,i^,. |,.,|„,. Ml-. M.ii^.inl l|,inl,i-..i,

ll.lll-n„. Ml- Ka.hrl ,s„iilli. Ml- K.il.- (,l,av.-. Ml- I,,, 1,1

iRith. .Miss Lena (nut;, II. Ml- KMaiImiI, Fiiil.i. .in.l Mi-na Williamson.

The faet thai ihi- -li-lrid \

n.-s,.,.-.< heloved Inn. ol lli.-

women war worker- i.l llii- r

Third and Fmirlli Di-linl-. I.

of nalriiili-ni. The u..,k a.

.n-.lit lo (,rnei,il \ihImu ,1

whi.h h.- loidd haw jiislK I.

/'////( Distrirl—Counts W .

l.v Mr-. Th.'in.-.s Calln.iin ,,- ( Ji.iim.i.iii. al-

leader and worker in .ill \\.\i ilii\(- nl lln- n,

in iiiakiri<r this di-lii'I nwr nl lln- iminu'- In-

.Mrs. H„l„.ri Uril.v. Mi-, („.,„^,. ,| -, Mi- ||, ,,

Ml I'lierMm. -Mrs. A. J. Shell. m. ami Mr-. D.la lin

.Mrs. Calhoun also eo-o|)erated wilh I he wi

the drives and campaigns during the uar.

( .-510 )

h.ilnl., 1-. M.

O A i 1 1) S N C 01 N T 1 WOVEN IN THE W R 1. 1) W A R. I'll 4-1 ') 1•



Mr James Keeble Rains. Chainiian of this district in all its many war activities is seated in

the center <if the picture on the first row. To the right, is Mrs. West H. Morton and to the

left, Mrs. W. B. Cook. Standing, left to right are: Mrs. R. K. Landis (Olive Turrentine), MissAlberta Douglas, Miss Malinda Timmons. Mrs. Marshall Polk (Annie Sperry Hill), and MissAline Harsh. Mrs. Polk was the pioneer organizer of Red Cross work in this district.

IS. Chairman, and Mrs. West Humphreysiili-Chairmen appointed by Mrs. Rains were:

\1.~. \Ln-hall Polk. .Mrs. A. E. Douglas, Miss1-. W.

\\r>. \l. WMrs. J. M. Prit.

hitvrlt. \li-- \1

Sixth />!s/r;r/—Mrs. James K. Rt

Morton, Seecretary and Treasurer. The

Mrs. A. B. Chapman, Mrs. Carlos liu. I

Jennie Oglesby Turrentine. .Mrs. W. B. ( .i.

W. H. Tanksley, Mrs. R. K. Landis. Mr-. Cmons, and Miss Alberta Douglas.

Social centers were: Rains Schonl. Tiiiiier Schcxil and (Antral llii^h S. hnoL

The following women of the Sixth District made a record of lOd per cent in all

war relief work, starting with the first call for service and never failing in their ef-

forts until the need for same no longer existed:

Mrs. D. Carlos Buell. .Mrs. 0. E. Douglas, Mrs. J. M. W hii-iii. M,-. W . II. T.nik.l.x. Mrs.R. K. .Landis, Mrs.. W. B. Cook, Mrs. Holland Tigert. Mr-. I.. J. (:al.l«,ll. Mr- A. L. Mn.Mrs. W. O. Miller. Mrs. M. F. Clements. Mrs. S. J. Best. Mr-. Ani.lia W.-l-li. M,-. ( :. K. Smith..Mrs. R. N. Williams. Mrs. E. D. Wheeler, ^trs. W. H. Stump. Mr-. llr„,N la. k-.n. Mr-. |n!mBoll Whitsett. Jr., Mrs. George D. Waller, Mrs. S. W. Abbev. Mr-. Inliii ilnli. Mr-. \. HBayer, .Airs. John Allison, IVlrs. Jack Anderson. Mrs. Berry Miilir..,,. Mr-. \an Millir..ii. Mrs.

(311 )

4 1 1 1) SO v c <> I \ T y r o m f. v / v r h /: ir o r i. d ir t h. i " i imo

ili-lrirl. To tl.r l.-fl. Mr>Mrs. H. Harsh ( L...1 llu,

-Nannie ( Kmnia Davidwm

(;. B. (:ha|)man. \Ir~. W ilr^ Sim-. Mr-. Jam.-s Naiini.'. Mi-. .1 (, r.-inMifl.m. Mi- I- |..rr„c,.

liusswurni. Mrs. II. Ilar-h. Mr-. Mallir >n,n,-.- .\ln...n.l. Mi-, \l,,„r,., V.:n,,. \|i- \| u-mh-I

SIlUl.-. Mis.^ J.-nnir lull. Mil,,.-. \li-> li„rli,ll,- 1(11,11. M,- ll,/,,!..!', I.,i,.-I,v. \I,- l',,„lrm-,-

I'l.lk. Miss .Marv Kraiwvs M,.rl,,i,. Mis- \nn.- I lum|,l,ivv - M„rl..ii. Mi- M.ilin I., I iinii,..,,-. Mi-.AIlM-rla Di.uplas', Miss Saniniir \aiini.-. Miss .Sa.li.- Ilurd. Mis- .\i|.-,i, ll.i,-h \1,- U,,-.- .|,,-lii,.

Mi-s Kalli.-rinr Bow/.-r. Mi- Minn.. I'arn.^. Miss .Vimir I.rr .la. k-..,i. Mi- --,,-i, ( ,ill,-i.i,-.

Mi- Marian TaiiksUn. Mi- II, In, l)i,kiii-nn. Mi- Marllia Di.k.n-,.,,. ,,n,l M,- \l,.,- M, •


This u;is one nl' ill.- I.anner di.slricts of llir Cmmu ()i-aiii/,ilion. \ JaiLM-r

anioiinl of money lor war |)iir|)OSP.s was collrrli-,! li\ ihi- ,li-liiil lliaii ua- i.illrrlcd

of ihi- (!o\vti-loutl .scclioiis ol \a-li\illi-. ulinli u, ,|.iii

This (lislrift also won .several honors in ihr \.iii..ii- ,1mm-. Mi-, l.inic - k. IJain-

provetl an able h-a<ler and worker eaeh dav nl ih, \\,.,l,l War. \li-. K.iin-- |,il„ilv

fiirls."" an orjiinii/ation of this distrirt. was an ascsl |,> ih niliir muiilv.

Srv,;uh Dislrirl^Wrs. Charh-s C. C;ill)erl was llir al.lr lra,l,r. and al-,. an ef-

D .4 I I DSU .\ C (> I .\T Y ir <> M E A / A' T H K Kl.l) H I H. I'll II

t~ A. \1. HiiruN

Mrs. James H. Bainl. Mrs. \Mlliani Carr. Mrs. Sam Buchanan. Mrs

Cunwav Ilu-li.-s. Mrs. J. M.mroe Haves. Mrs. Carev A. F..lk. Mrs. Clare

!\IelMtMe. Mr.. I.ercv .McGregor. Mrs. William Ogden. Mrs. Plielps Smi


DiHllev Gale. Mrs.

re Luek. Mrs. Will

. ana Mrs. Dnnal.l

voik amoiiL'This was one of the largest of the districts and the most suicessfiil

the schools in the county was led by Mrs. Gilbert in this district.

Eighth District—Mrs. James McHatton. Chairman: Mrs. A. H. Harvey, First

Vice-Chairman ; Mrs. S. W. Schlater, Second V ice-Chairman: Mrs. Travis Stroud.

Secretary; and Mrs. Walter Riddle, Treasurer.

Mrs. McHatton and her Eighth District Committee wen- one hundred per cent

in all campaigns during the war. and also did Red Cross work.

Mrs. McHatton"s Sub-Chairmen were:

Mrs. W. L. Arnold, Mrs. Joseph Gilliland. .Mrs. Jf.hn Rankin. Mrs. E. A. Savage. Mrs.

W. J. Dozier. Mrs. P. S. Sexton. Mrs. J. H. Putnam. Mrs. G. D. Hudson. Mrs. E. J. Adkinson,

Mrs. W. I. Bell, Mrs. Theodore Sloan, Mrs. Warren B. Sloan. Mrs. Sam Jordan. Mrs. C. Hob-son Smith, Mrs. J. W. Thompson. Miss Louise Bell. Mivs Ruth Bell. Miss Helen Ma.l.l.ix. MissBrownie Turner, Miss Martha Althauser, Miss Janie ^n.illi. Mi-- 1,1a Bell Wright. Mis, MayTritchier and Miss Susie File Turner.

^Irs. W; Id this the lUimln

I) II I US (I \ <<H\T) l!()MF.\ I .\ THE WORLD lliht. I " I I! <> I'

\,nth Dislrul wa> al.lv l.d l.v Mi>. James H. F./.ll a- (hainnan. aiu] ih,- T.'i

Dislnrt. .M,>. J. 15. Tli.>m|is,M. >.TV,-,1 as Cliairnian. an.l M,.- Maiiiai.-I riioinp-

\ iic-Cliairmaii. These tun di-tiin- -ir\,cl ji.irilK.

The f.-llowinj.' women u..,k,-,l ,n ,\e,A , a,n|.ai,i^,i an, I ,lri\, tlnnudioul ih,- v

petin.l. (..verins; the ler.it... v .,t the Ninth ami Tenth Di-I.j. I-

Mi>. 1!. 1'. Hull. .11. \l.v 11. l;. Will, ,,,„-. Ml-. \.

l!r,.«M. \lr<. Sum Kvmiil:. \Ii- M.iu.I \ru~..in. \li->

(;..«,T. Mis Ma I..',- t;..... \ll~- S.nllr llrlll,,. Ml-. I.

Ih..,M|,-nll. \li,v OUl M,|. I'mII-. \1i-- (,.,.,ul,. M.(..|

\lr>. Wall.-r i;..liii.-..i.. \li-. (. 1 . .|..-li,i, M,-- M,,.-

.l.r-..i,. \!i-- \Ia.i-ii. .l.-liii. Mi- li.ll!. Ml.". M.-. .1.

Mill-. anJ Ml- MaM I ,.,, I 'i„k.-. Ion.

Mi- Mai.ai.l Th,.m|.-,.n sn,,,-~fulh h-,1

.li~!ii.t in s,.\eial iah.Tlv l.i.an .•ain|,aiL.n-. ,

Mis- Sa(li<- Heirin «a- al-.. an ani.-nl u..rk,i

llrrriilh Dlslrirl

. an.l Ml-, i:. C

. II.M1\ 11. Cll.l.l

„, III .v.i\ .Im\

D A I' I DSO N C O t ,V T 5 If (> M F. N IN THE W O K I. D W A R. 191 i-1 9 I 9

(Mary Boy

J. Funlaiiu". Mr?.

Mrs. Allen Milli-r.

Catherine Fontaine

Fourteenth District—Mrs. Count Boyd. Chairman, who also organized the first

Red Cross unit in this district.

Mrs. Boyd was also Chairman for other campaigns for war relief in this district.

winning laurels for her district and the county at large.

Her Sub-Chairmen, to whom she gives credit for much of the success achieved

bv this distirct, consisted of:

Mrs. W. L. Earthman. Mrs. A. B. Graves. Mrs. E. A. McCord. Mrs. F.

F. J. Graves. Mrs. A. P. McConnell. Mrs. 0. L. Grimes. Mrs. Georae Hunter.

Miss Nell Earthman. Mrs. M. E. Fontaine. Mi-ss Courtney Fontaine. Miss (

Miss Maggie Hunter. Miss Edith Grimes, and Mrs. F. Lee Grimes.

Mrs. O. L. Grimes was one of the most faithful workers of the countv and tlie

Misses Fontaine were loyal workers in several drives of the W. S. S. and Red Cross


The Davidson Countv \^'oman"s Committee. Council of National Defense, which

was the pioneer county World War organization, participated throughout the entire

war in all Liberty Loan campaigns, W. S. S. drives. Red Cross and otlrer war relief

campaigns, ably led bv its chairman. Mrs. Robert Wharton Nichol. The countv

women worked under difficulties that the city women did not experience, inasmuch

as thev often had to go over miles of territory to canvass for various campaigns.

Yet they never fell short of their city sisters in results obtained.

Mrs. Charles W. Baker, an official of the Countv W^onian's Committee, was the

only woman member in Tennessee of a national organization of writer

voted the entire products of their pens during the war td puMiiiU w

World W^ar activities only. She was appointed to this |iii-itiiiii

Townie. national official. K number of Mrs. Baker "s articles wt

various periodicals of the country.

The late Mrs. Sarah Catlierine Miller, mother of Mrs. Lucy Mtville. was one of the staunchest patriots and ablest workers of the women WorldWar workers for Davidson County. She knitted for the Confederate soldiers and spent

who de-

ivork alona

Charles H.

.f \;i

most of her time knitting for the DavidNational Defense, for the soldiers of the

curred on the thirtieth of October. 191

Countv Woman's Committee. Council of

rid War. Before her death, which oc-

le finished one hundred one pairs of

( 315 )

D,iiii)S()\ coiyiY no \i 1-: \ i\ r n h. ironi.i) war. ]" 111919

LiiiKinv (;iKi,s til- >i\rii dimkk 1 \\ti\i \\^ ( (i\i\ii in 1; 1 M)i;ii

THK SI PKKMSION OK \IK>. .1 Wll^ KII.IM I i;\l\^

Sealed in fnmt. left to ri{;llt. Miss Ro.Ihii, I;,,,!. \l,-~ M.dnMl.i I i.ni i-,

and Miss Kalherine Bowden. Standin;:. \li^~ i;,.-,, ,|m-I,,i .iii,I \1.-- ,^ii~i,-

Gillespie. Miss Timmons served as vice-, Iwiunan ,.| lli, ai-ljul l,.i llu-

War Savin;;s Work.

socks. Tl... 1


^^^^H ' ^P

nil 1 1) s () \ c () I .V T ) II (> M A v / 1 / // r. n o r l i> n a r. i <> i ii 9 ,


REED-HILLS130R0 SCHOOL. TK\< HI i;s WD I'l I'll n. >ri,IM.. I'M;

This school, which was located in the S.v, nil, |I,-im. l .ni,l l,,l |,^ \l,-. Cliarlr.

Cliairnian of Couiitv Woman's Coimiiltlcc. did ,\i .iiln.iial \Miik in all »a[ iclici dri\

tl.r Junior n.-partni.-nl. Nashville Chapter A. K. C.

n A V I nSON COUNT Y r O M E N in the If ok LI) WAR. 1914-1919

Nashville Division, Woman's Committee, Conncil

of National Defense

Mrs. James S. Frazkk. (Jiu

Mrs. John W. Thomas. Chuir

nan Irnn, July. 1917. I„ .Ipril. 191,",

,n Innn ipril. 191 !!. iinlil cl.Kse oj n

On Jiil\ 20. 1917. Mrs. James S. Frazer, Tei)i|)oraiy Chairman of the Nashville

Division of the W oniairs Committee, called a mass meeting of women at the Ten-

nessee State Capitol to effect a permanent organization for the citv of Xashville.

The Nashville organization comprised the twenty-four vvaids ol the ciu. and was

operated as a separate and distinct body from

the county organization of the Woman's Com-

mittee, which comprised the fourteen districts.

Each of these organizations reported through

the State Committee. The meeting at the Slal<'

Capitol, which was presided over by Mrs. Janic-

S. Frazer. resulted in the following permanent

organization of the Nashville Woman's Com-


Honorary Chairman—Mrs. E. W. Cole.

Acting Chairman—Mrs. James S. Frazer.

Vice-Chairman—Mrs. Henry Teitlehaum.

Secretary—Miss Mary Ratterman.

Treasurer—Mrs. Alexander Fall.

Correspondins Secretarv—Mrs. R. L. Ken


The Sectional Chairmen elected were: Norlli

Nashville. Mrs. R. E. Porter: East Nashville.

Mrs. Vernon Sharp. South Nashville, Mrs. E. C.

Wright, and West Nashville. Mrs. Verner Moore


Committee Chairmen, appointed by Mr>.

Frazer. were: Registration. Mrs. John R. Ausf ^'"

V\ni'ir l!«.Vi'


Food Production and Conservation. Mrs. Charles

Caldwell: Home and Allied Relief. Mrs. John W. Thomas; Finance, Mrs. Horace

G. Hill: Educational Propaganda. Mrs. Kendrick Hardcastle; Child Welfare, Miss

Cornelia Barksdale; Social Service, Mrs. David Rosenfeld: Conservation of WouT^nLabor, Miss Katherine Morris; Health and Sanitation, Mrs. Walter L. Jones: Pub-

licity, Mrs. Reuben M. Mills; Conservation of Moral and Spiritual Resources. Mrs.

Arth TraW'ick; Bureau of Speakers, Mrs. Ittie Kinney Reno: and Courses of Instruc-

tion for Women, Miss Mary Pleasants Jones.

On the evening of September 24. 1917. the Nashville Woman's Committee and

the Davidson County Woman's Committee invited the citizens of Nashville to join

them in a mass meeting in honor of the Tennessee soldiers who were encamped at

Nashville at that time, and who had been ordered to a Southern camp. The meeting

was held at the Rynian Auditorium with appropriate exercises, and several thousand


I) 11 I I) so V C O I V T y If O M F. V / V THE W OR I. I) ir A K. n> I II " I<

peo|.U- ranu- lo M,l llu- >..l.li.TS farewell and (iud >\h;;\. V.^<,^ I)avi<ls<.n Countv

soldier was |)ri>int(J witii a eoniplete comfort kil. wliirli ( ..nl.nned inaiiv useful

articles, l.v the \a-luillr W o.nairs Cununitte.'.

riii- ua- the ln>l l.iii u,.,k uiul,-,lakr„ 1,n liie

\a>luille ..,,;;atii/ali..t..

\1,-. .|..1,„ 11. \nM ua- a|.|M.inlr,l \,^ \\v<.

,1 ,|n..la u.

.iainr. -. 1 ,

n.4VIDS0^' co^^'Ty somen in the world riK. i" 14-19 19

Floats, representing every known occupation, were featured. This parade was sev-

eral miles in length, in which not a man appeared. This extraordinary demonstra-

tion created great interest in registration and also in war activities engaged in later.

Registration Day was held on October 13, 1917. which resulted in pledges from

12.236 women of Davidson County ready to assist the Government in case of need.

On October 28, 1917, under the general chairmanship of Mrs. Horace G. Hill,

Finance Chairman of this organization, and Mrs. Reuben Mill-. Pulijii itv Chairman,

the members of the Nashville Woman's Committee sold the Smula\ tilition of the

Nashville Tennessean on the streets, which was a patriotic donation from the news-

paper management. A section of this paper was devoted to the historic and current

events of the National, State and Local Woman's Committees of the Council of

National Defense. Miss Madge Hall served as editor of the paper, and Mrs. ReubenMills furnished all data. Mrs. Horace G. Hill and her committee of girl newsies

sold 10.000 copies of this paper, netting over S2.500 to the treasury. Through the

courtesy of B. C. Edgar and the Railway and Light Company, the girls were permitted

to sell papers on all Nashville street cars without fare charges. The chairmen of the

sales forces appointed by Mrs. Horace G. Hill and their committees were:

Chairman for West End section of Nashville. Mrs. W. W. Crandall: Committee:

Mrs. Henderson Baker, Mrs. P. A. Murray, Mrs. Jeff PuUen, Mrs. J. T. Altman. Mrs. Edwin-Murray, Mrs. Ferdinand Kuhn, Mrs. John Henry Smith. Mrs. Johnson Brandsford. and Mrs.Robert Bratton.

Chairman for North Nashville, Miss Marv Smith: Committee:

Mrs. Henry P. Fritz. Mrs. M. M. Ginn, Miss Flora Porter, Mrs. J. C. Lusky. Mrs. R. E.

Porter. Mrs. Andrew .Mackenzie, Miss Ethel Moxley. and Miss Alice Edwards.


nAiinsoy cointy if omen in the noRiD war. i9ii-i919

Chairman for East Nashville, Mrs. Harry Murphy: Committee:

Mr:^. Ira P. Clark. Mrs. Charles S. Ficher. Mrs. H. B. Parrish. Mrs. llarvev llnli.rt, Mrs.Cla<lv< M. Cliamberlain. Miss .\nna Reid Dicks, Mt<. J. F.. Kstis Miss Onrotliy Clark, ami MissPauline Cave.

Cliairniaii for SoutJi .Nashville. Mrs. J. \. SIcuiIvmII : (.ininiillri-:

Mrs. .\rllmr Cm.n.v. Mrs. Paul Rviiian. Mrs. Willis llil/.int:. .Mrs. George Dean. .Mrs. Alex.Irvin-. Mrs. H. A. CriniTi. \lr~. K..l„rt LongliursI, Mrs. \V. C. Phillips. .Miss Jennie Mai Mc-

Uuidily. .Miss Apnes Kuhn, and Miss .Mary J^teadwell.

(^Iiiiirnicii for Central Nashvilli' and Husiiiess

Smioii. Mrs. James S. Fra/er an.l Mi^, KruI.en

Mill-: Cnin.nillee:

\ll-. W. W. l)lll..,i. \1,.. l)ui;;lll WrI.l,. Ml., K. 15.

I ..11-. \li-. TliMin.i- I'.iikr.. Ml-. Ia,,„ ( Iii1,Ii,— . Mrs.

I.l,il..ll.- \\il-..n. \1,.. ilainill..ii l,..v,. Mi- KruhenMill-. Ml-. llioiiKi- I. \\,-l,l,. M,-. I!. A. Kill.,.-. Mrs.

W. i;. ^..l^,ll. M,-. i;„l„.rt Brannan, .Mrs. KIlis C.

llui^-in-. Ml-. M.iiili.w (;. Buckner. .Mrs. Hill Mc-\li-iri. Ml- |),ii-x (,u.in. Mrs. W. G. Waldo. .Mrs.

lii.nll.v W.ilk.i. \!i- Marian Toney. .Miss Louise( 1. 11.111. M,- IJuih \,,nee, -Miss Elizabeth Hill. MissM,n ( .1 .intl.iii.l. Ml-- 11.11 liara Kuhn, .Miss Agnes Kuhn,Ml- I 1.111.- (,1.1111. \l,-> Annie Calvert. Miss Lillian

TaNl.ir. and the piihlie .school teachers.

Sub-Chairmen of the Business Se<lion:

Miss Margaret Karly, .Section 1; Miss .lulia Hind-

man and members of the Altrusa Cluh. Section 2;

Mrs. W. F. Bang and members of the W. C. T. U.,

Section ,3; Miss Mary Halterman and members of the

(lirls" Auxiliary, Nashville Chapter, Red Cross, Section

4: .Miss Esther Nichol and members of the Girls" Co-lillion Cluh, .'Section .5; .Mrs. Leo Schwartz and mem-bers of the Ji-wish Council. Section 6: Mrs. Charles

Brengleman. Section 7: Miss Arline N.'w.ll. S.-c i 8;

Mrs. Will Carr. S,-clinn 9: an.l Mi- Marv Nelson.

Section If).

<i'i;\Ki i;

„-,hairn.anslii|. ol Mrs. |iu K,

/.e<l l.y th<- Nashville Won.air^

(ampaign. war drive, theal.i.

the eouiitv during the entire u

.\frs. Guilford Dudley. Mrs. Leslie Warner, Mrs. Dempsey Weaver, .Mrs. Percy Warner. Mrs..\rch Trawick, .Mrs. Leo .Schwartz. Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis. Mrs. Eugene Crutcher. Mrs.

b.seph T. Howell, .Mrs. John M. Kenny, Mrs. John W. Thomas, Mrs. Alex. S. Caldwell, Mrs.lames II. Kirkland, Mrs. Charles Caldwell, Mrs. Idabelle Wilson, Mrs. James C. Bradford. Mrs.

< barl.-s W. Haker. .Mrs. George F. Blackie. Mr.s. George E. Blake. Mrs. W. E. Norvcll, Mrs.l;. ub.n .\Iill>. Mrs. Robert W. Niehol. Mrs. Ilty Kinney Reno, Mrs. John Hill Eakin. Mrs. S. S.

( rockeu. Mrs. li. IL Lacev and Mrs. Waller L. Jones. Miss Marv Lipe, Miss Cornelia Barksdale,

Miss Louise G. Lind.sley. Sli- D.lla n..rtch. Miss Marv L..uisr (i.^Llwin. Mi- Kalh.iin,- Morris

and Miss Lizzie Bloomstein.



Mrs. \i I! MooUK LkwIv (:iuiin,iaii-(,r,iri,il

Tlif (irganizatioii and work of the West End section of the Nashville Woman's

Conunittee was under the management of Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis, the Chairman,

who perfected the organization of this section of the Nashville branch of the

Woman's Committee at a mass meeting of womenlield at the Broadway Presbyterian Church in July.

1917. A program of four-minute speakers and pa-

triotic music was a great inspiration to the large

gathering of women at this organization meeting,

which was presided over by Mrs. Lewis, and chair-

man and committees for the West End section weic

elected. This section included the Eighth. Ninth.

Tenth. Eleventh. Twentv-first. Twenty'-fourth and

Twenty-fifth Wards, and Richland Addition.

The personnel of the Chairmen and DepaitmenI

Chairmen of Mrs. Lewis' organization inchidiMl


Eighth WahdMiss Florence Adams. General Chairman; Departmenta

Chairmen: Mrs. J. T. J.mnard. Mrs, W. G. Miller, an,

Mrs. James Moore.

Ninth W.a.rd

Mrs. John S. Lewis, General Chairman; Departmental Chairmen: Mrs. Gibson Patterson.

Mrs. .Arthur 1'. Coonev. Mrs. Albert E. Hill, Mrs. Luther S. Pully, Mrs. C. C. Waggoner, Mrs.

S. M. Ward. Mrs. Henry Morgan. Mrs, Lee Cantrell, .Mrs. P. A.

Nfurray, Miss Margaret Wilson, Miss Katherine Lewis. Miss Ellen

Wallace, and Miss Mary DeMoville Hill.

Tenth W^rd

Mrs E L Morn-- General Chairman Departmental f hair

1 ^1 tr 111 111 Mrs Harrs Hedrick Conser\ation of Food.

( K I II \ Educational Propaganda and Patriotic Meet

Nil ( uiin N H.dhns Red Cross Mrs John Potter Allied

\l, Mu^ar.t Brazelton MmIi, al S, rMc. Mrs Paul

1, ( l„l I W II ,, \I, nil II W illiiin I'l.lili UN Miss

1 1 III 1 ll ll

i)A\ I n s o v (. o I .\T y « o m k v / v r h k w o k i. i> ij a h. i«i ii y ; 9

Miss I.la CaviTl: Health i

>avai»f; Consenatioii of W i

John A. Witherspomi.


'.iMu-ral: Drpartmciital ital Cli.iitrM.ii: lu'jii-lralinii. Mrs. A. G.M.V. WW. Cra.ulall: K.liirali.M.al l'n.|,a-

.• Mrrli,,",. \I,>. \..in.an l-'anvll; \lli,-,l

a> II. \lal,.,„.. .Ir.: \I,-,li,al SriAi,-,-. Mrs.

Iiil.i W,-ll,Mr. Mis. \umr \ll,-..n: I'uh-

....r.l K. (...I,-; ( ,.„.,l^,,lh„, .,1 \|,,ral and-. \li- Maiih.u (, i;,„k.,.,: s|.,-akere'

-•n.- .-^Iia, ,; l„sl,u,l,.„, ( L.-si-s for

I. A. kin,; lloallli aii.l .^al,aal„.M. Mrs.: Social Service. .Mrs. Paul Koherls; Con-uis Labor, .^rrs. John T. Leilvetl; andarl.-s Diullcy Jon.-s.

\Mi \|.|IIII(.N

\h-. \. riiir Ml l.cMis. served as Chairman; Dcparl-

iiH Mill ( liairnieii: Kegislration. .Mrs. W. \V. Lyon; Food( ..ii~. M,iii,„i. .Mrs. W'. G. Stewart; Finance. .Mrs. Jolin

II.. iM ^niiih; Kdurational I'roi.afianda a.,d I'atn.ilic Meet-n.^., \li-. H. F. Moore: Ke.l (,,.-- \1,-, W. I \l. Mister;Mlie.l Krlief. .Mrs. .lolin Kre,- \l..l„,il s, ,,;,,, \|,,, Dave

I nu.iilirini: Child Welfare. \l,-s Num. .1,1 N.I-m„: C.nser-vali,... of Moral and Spiritual Kesouues, \l,s. II. V. Blank-0. Tirrill; Training Classes for Women. Mrs. Lee Ziliart;

Health and Sanitation, .Miss Claire Glenn; .Social Service. .Mrs. James D. Porter; Conservation of

Woman's Labor. Mrs. Thomas B. Sco^jiins: and Comforts. Mrs. James II. Campbell.

cnship; Speakers' Bureau, .Mr

.Mrs. J. A. Vounf;. (;eneral Chairm.iii; H.,,.,

McCullough; Food Conservation. .Mrs. W K ki

Cros.s. Mrs. C. B. Jones; Home and Alli.,1 IMi,

Owens; .Social Service. Mrs. T. I'. To. k. 1 : ..

Spiritual Resource-. \h-. W. W. Wv.ili.

This ward .li.l . ,,„u„rM,l;iMe Ix.rn,' r,-l

curinjr clothiiii: l..r ,,vr, I, mm linn,lrr,l r.d

th.- SlMM-Lird Oil Inr in W ,-1 \.i-IimIIc in

\li-. W. W.

\\l w

Mrs. Lit Malonc. Chairman-General: Departnunlal Cli.iiniie

Registration. Mrs. Vivian Toltv Jones; Puhlieilv, \li~. \l\r

R. Weaver; Allied Relief. Miss Lucile C.de: Child Welfare. MMay Auld Hooper; Red Cross. Mr- Mamie Harris CockriFipod Conservation. Mrs. Sallii- Neu-.,ni II. ...per; Liberty LoanMrs. Mary Lane Malone; and Fiiian. .-. \l,-. li.— ie Gross Brattoi

These chairnicn were ably assisted |i\ a < iniiriiilte

composed of the followiiij.'' wonit'ii


Mrs. Ida Drak.- Apphbv. Mr-. Lena 1)../.. r Ml.n. Mr-. Sosi,

.Scott IJa.ss. Mrs. J.-ssi.- ( .,\ (;.....l«ni. \l,-, I. ..!. Dillon Farris. Mi-Mrs. Annie Alexander Mill.r. Mr-. Man Mallliews Schlater. Mi-,

Fmma B. Wor.dwar.l. Mis- In.-- il....nii. M,-. Sallie Arncdd Laslil,^.

Mrs. Matlie Green Kenne.lv. .Mrs. Per. v K.n-. Mr-. W. (;. Hal,-. MMartin Whiltaker. Mrs. E.iine Armstn>nf: Mallli.w-. Mi- I 1.. il. Ila

\illa Corley. an.l Miss Mamie Jakes.

( 324 I

-- Wll"l,l, \li-s

M,-. N.ll

I.'. Mi" I

nil 1 1) s o N c o I ^TY if n m e .v / v r H E ir o r i n ita r. i')i ii 9 1 o

\\. khat scattered in popu-

lies so ?uccessfull\

InqiiireiV Cliih.':

(I l.fidO vict

A. ll,,>l,-~




Th,' Tunilv-loiMlh aiMl TurnU-I.H

laliun. liinran,! ,„r,.N un,. ,, nJ I

Mrs. Lit Malone wa^ a..i>ted in all .1

of progressive women of West Naslnillc

The West End Section of the WoniaiiV ( loiriinill.v plaril

A -iini "f sl.OOO was secured by this section lor the Y. W . (

f,,r uliii li > I.'..()()() was raised in a few days' time.

Mr-. Ncniri Moore Lewis. Chairman of the West

laid Sr( iliin. Woman's Committee, served as chair-

iiiaii nl liic (hive, and w^as assisted by her ward

rhairoKn and their committees. This section also

raised S2,50() for the Milk and Ice Fund. The

Tenth Ward, under Mrs. Edward L. Morris, and the

Richland Addition, with Mrs. V. M. Lewis as chair-

man, were one hundred per cent perfect in the sign-

ing of food pledges, every housewife in the ward

and district signing the cards. The Tenth Wardwas the banner ward of Nashville in the collection

of' books: the Twenty-first Ward, with Mrs. Hill Mc-

Alister as chairman, was the banner ward of the

citv in registration; and Richland Addition was the

banner district for the second Red Cross Christmas^^ ^

^ ^

Roll Call. Mrs. John M. Gray serving as chairman.


Mrs. Vernon Hibbett Sharp. Sectional Chairman


. Vernon Hibbett Sharp completed the organization of the East Nashville

m August 2, 1917. She followed the exact plan outlined by the National

organization of the Woman's Committee, and sta-

tistical reports show that her East Nashville organi-

zation furnished more women for World War ac-

tivities than did anv other section of the city, and

has a record unsurpassed by many larger organiza-

tions. Mrs. Sharp selected the following women to

ser\e as general chairmen for the various branches

of the work in the East Nashville Section:

Mrs. J. R. BdSh. Registration; Mr-. ,1. Il.im Murphy,

Finance; Mrs. E. O. Brooker. Food Cm,-, , ^,ll ,m,,:

^\v<. A.

E Fisher. Child Welfare: Mrs. C. M. i;,i-.ll, -,",..1 .Serv-

ire: Mr- B. D Bell. Red Cross; Mr.-. \Ld'-j.s .\1. Foster,

\llied Relief: Mrs. Walter L. Jone.s, Publicity; Mrs. E.

^ Fit/hiii;h. Bureau of Speakers; .Miss Norma King. Con-

men and departmental chai

The Se\

tieth and TEast \ash\i



Seventeenth Ward

n"-. Labor; and Miss Vera King, Courses

for Women's Work.

nteenth. Eighteenth. Nineteenth, Twen-

ent\ -third Wards were included in the

iton tlie fol

Jr.. General Cha

nes N. Hurt. Food

rman; Departmental Chairmen: MrConservation; Mrs. John A. Jones. Fi

lowinc cnan


N. D.

DAIIDSOy COIMY 11 O \t E \ I .\ THE WORLD It.lK. 1 > I II > I 'i

Rose, Social Scniie. Mr*. Samuel G. Douglas. Allied Kelief; Mrs. James Newman. Health am!Sanilalion; .Mrs. .\. J. I'earre. .Medical Service: Mrs. F. J. McCoiiiiico. .Moral and Spiritual Re-sources; Mrs. W. H. Binns. Speakers' Bureau; Mrs. C. A. Craig. Courses of Instruction forWomen; .Mrs. George S. Stubblefield, Comforts: Miss Keeblc Trimble. Educational Propaganda:Miss Haltie Cotton, Child Welfare: .Miss Pauline Cave. Consenation of Woman's Labor: and.Miss Alice Orr. Red Cross.

Mrs. T. W. Carpenter and "

n: .Mrs. Gus A. Davis, fnod

EitniTicENTii WMil)



The first Christmas Roll Call for the Red Cro.-> in(lu<l.

Nashville Section of the Womairs Committee, and iIk' m

1.600 names. Eight hundred dollars was realized IKiiii lli

to this section by merchants of Nashville for the Hcd CB'.iford College realized seven hundred dollars at a lauii

the Belvidere Unit raised thirty-five dollars, and llic

graduating class from Ross Grammar School voted the

money they were accustomed to spending on a class pin

to the Red Cross Fund. This school's eighth grade

class also bought a Liberty Bond, adopted a French

orphan and purchased sixty dollars in Thrift Stamps.

In Allied Relief Work, with Mrs. Edgar M. Foster

as leader, the East Nashville women contributed S12.700and a number of French orphans were adopted.

This section made a survey of all existing social serv-

ice agencies to gain information as to their facilities for

special wra- work: cared for many children of absent

soldiers; supplied sixty children of destitute families

with lunches at school; established a night school at the

Caldwell School building to teach English to the foreign


n.llll>S<)\ COIXTY nOME.\ l\ THE If O K f. 1) K ,t K. I '> I 11 ',}


fil.'Oll' OF OI'IICI \l - (>l I III I \^l \ \-l|\

\\U\IAN> CO.MMiril.l.


DAVIDSON cor NT Y IT M E N IN T H F. « O R I. 1)

DAiiDso.\ <:oi yrv iroME.\ i .\ the koki.d ir t h. i 0111919

MfDow.-ll. Mrs. Loui.- E. McElruv. Mrs. I!,.-,, Il.un,n..n \1, ll,,.x. M,- W . \1. \1.(.,,-. \1,-. D.

McKav. Mrs. Samuel McKav. Mrs. F. V. \I.K.,I, \lt-. .1. W \l. Mn.i.u. \li- I H \1. \lu.lr^.

Mrs. Slatlif V. McRov. Mrs. G. Mrrl.-ns. Mr- V. 11 \lill.i. Mi- 1 ( Miinni-. \li- .1. W


Miller. Mrs. A. H. M„ur,: Mrs. J. B. M..,.,.-. \1,-. .lul,„ W ,,-l,,„o,,,n \1. .,„,.. \1,-. J,,. 11, \l„ore.

.Mrs. W. A. M.,ffilt. .Mrs. B. W. M„i.ls:n,n.i ^ . M.-. Ink.- M ^.^,w^^. \1,- W W \lM,,.l.,.ad.

Mrs. J. C. .Morclook. Mrs. H. T. M..rri-..„. \1,-. I,,, 1. \1, „.•,,„. M,- 1 11 \1..-, I. ^ Mrs.

I'ercv .Mvalt. .Mrs. J. D. Naiv,-. Mr-. W . T. Nau,-. Mrs. li.n.l Ni. k-. Mi- I.um.h,,- .Nicliold.

.Mrs.' J. L. Niles. .Mrs. !i. ,1. N.vill.-. Mrs. Georfie .N.-iaml. \li- K W N.irttoo.l. .Mrs.

J. K. Opilvie. Mrs. H. 1.. Dln.v. Mr-. .{..In. Onstolt. Mrs. An.lr.u (llSn.n. \li-. W. S. Orr,

Mrs. J. K. Oslx.rne. Mrs. J. W . ()»mm. Mrs. Marparrl I'afic, Mrs. W . W . r.miiii.l.i , ^rrs. Jessie

Patterson. Mrs. J. C. Patterson. Mrs. K. M I'ail, -..„. Mrs. O. C. I'arn.an. Mi- 1 W . Patrick,

Mrs. O. W. Patton. Mrs. .\nne E. Pavne. \1.- 1 K I'-imi.-. .Mrs. Felix Pea. Ii. \li- T \ I'.ach.

.Mrs. John Perrv. Mrs. Daniel Webster I'hill.i-. \1.-. William Phillips. \li- \1. 11 I'lummer.

Mrs. Ewing Pollard. Mrs. Edward Polk. .Mrs. H. II. I'Poole, Mrs. George I'lRe. Mi-. T. F.

Proctor. Mrs. N. E. Puckelt. Mrs. C. F. Purcell, .Mrs. James Pritchett. Mrs. John E. Queener.

.Mrs. Guv Kainev, Mrs. (luv Hainev. Jr.. .Mrs. T. J. Hansdell. Mrs. C. E. Katcliffe. .Mrs. I . S.

Kaymer.'Mrs. Ilarrv liankin, Mrs.' William Kedford. .Mrs. W. A. Rawls, Mrs. I!. I.. l{,-dford.

Mrs. T. W. Kemv. Mrs. Edward Recce. Mrs. Charles Rhea. .Mrs. W. E. HaM...!,!-. \li-. Paul

Riddle. Mrs. Charles Ridge. Mrs. J. W. Ripgins. Mrs. II. A. Robinson. \I.- 1> W Koland.

Mrs. E. B. Rundle. Mrs. M. C. Russell. Mrs. J. E. Saunders. Mrs. D. P. -n.inl.i- \1,- Kate

Sanders, Mrs. Page Sanders. Mrs. Kent Dandridge. Mrs. (ieorge Sawrie. Mi- 11 \I. --.lurie.

Mrs. Robert Sawrie. Mrs. Charles M. Schneider. Mrs. A. C. .Scuddav. Mi- lli.^il. - inl.l.u. Mr-.

George Sevmore. Mrs. John Dempsev Sharp. Mrs. W. G. ShafTer, Mr- W II -lu Iim,,. \1i- lliil„rl

Simpkins, '.Xfrs. E. M. Shepher,!, Mrs. W. T. Simmons. Mrs. Brantl.N .^iiulli. \li-. W . 11, --hrrMll,

.Afrs. F. M. Shurer. Mi-. W. 11. Smiil,. Mi-. Ii. E. <,iiall. Mr-, IMu.ipI -nuil.^al., \li-, ll.-nrv

W. Spicer. .Mrs. (..m^, -,„,,,-, \li- \, W . S|i,. k.ir.l. Mi- 1:, II, -iMi.i Mi

Mrs. Pitt Stiles. Mr-, ,1mI,„ ,si, .„,,,,. \Ii,, .1. 11 -,1,1,.,. \1,- II 1V,,,, ,,,,,._ \

.Mrs T. E. Stralti.n. Mr-. 11.

Talbot. Mrs. .\. R. Tallman. Mr-. W 11

Taylor. -\Ir.s. Ernest H. Thompson. M-Mrs. E. Travis. Mrs. Paul Tr.-anoi

G. Tucker. Mrs. John Ti.rnrr. \lr-

II. P. Van Arsdell. Mrs. ,1 W \.,

Wain. Mrs. Paul Wain. Mi- MmnWatts. Mrs. F. L. Wag-mui, Mr-Ward, Mrs. Joseph Warren. Mr-. Frank W . a , \li-, k.,1.- \\..,lli.i-. \1,- ,1 W , W l.ii.. Mr-, \nii

Ki-sling While. Mrs. James White. Mr-. I. .In, W Inl. I„ ...I, Mi-, \ i. t..i WiIImi.i-, \1.-, r. P.

Wilson. Mrs. R. H. Wilson. Mrs. S. T,. \\il-..n. Mi- \, I, Wii-.m. \li-, ,1, 1, \\..M,.,,I, Mrs.

Charles T. Wright. Mrs. (;eorgia W.i.le, \li-, •-, (, W.ilk.i. Mi-, C 1 W.ilkin-. \li-, K. II.

Welburn. Afrs. M. R. Weltereau. Mi-, (..ilm.l. \\,i.lin::,i. Mi- 1 li/.il.. 1 1. -I, .inn..,, W.-l. .Mrs.

Frank Wheeler. Mrs. Ilarrv Whil. . \li- W.ili.i II W Im. ,\Ii-, II, W il. -, Mi-, P.i.v Williams,

Mrs. H. F. Williams. Mrs.' R„v F. Willi.n,,- \li- 11, W, W..,n.,.k, Mi- \..ln.-. W Inn;;. Mrs.

F. C. W^oods, Mrs. C. T. WillLini-. \li- M 1 , W I«,,i.l. \1.-, \l,,iu.,i.i W r,::lii. Mrs. W. H.Vales. Afrs. William C. YailiM.i.^li, M,-, I , I , 'i.m^iI.a, Mi-, |..l.n \.a,.j,u. Mi-, W. T. Yeargin,

Mrs. T. H. Young, Mrs. J. 1, \..un'^. Mi-, I , M, 'l.iiin-. Mi-, Mau I, ^nu,v-. \lr>. J. C Young,Miss Catherine Allen. Mi- \.ll \l-n|.. Mi- MaNl..ll.- \n.lr.u-. Mi- l,l,/:il..lli Bang. Miss

Laura Bang. Mj.ss Bessie .Mai Real, Miss Elizabeth Bell, Miss 1,1,. H. II. Mi- Malli.- H.-.ir.l.

Miss Dora Benson. Miss Marv Laura Benson, Miss Virginia Benl..ii, Mi- \nt,.iii.li. H.nil.N.

Miss Pearl Bledsoe. Miss Elizabeth Bimd. Miss AFarv Brand..!.. Mi- U.i/.l Hrai..l..ii. \Ii-

Dorothv Brandon. Miss Pauline Brent. Mi- H..si Br.w.r. Mi- I i.,....- Uiilli.iii, Mi- Ian..

Brooks. Miss .Mabel Buford. Miss Manii.- lliiik.. Mi- i;, 1,. (.il.Us.ll. Mi- Cl.ni, l.il.lu.ll.

Miss (;i.-nn Carl.-r. Miss Rosa Calhonn. Mi- li.lii. ( .1II1..1111. \Ii- Miiiiii.- Clni-il.^, Mi-Mildred Campbell. .Miss Louise Churrl,. Mi- rim-ini, Ch.ik, Mi- ll..i..llu ( l,,ik. \li- Mail,-

Clark, .Miss Gladvs Clark. Miss Maitie I...- ( li.iili.in,. iii- ll.iin.^ ( ..ii..n. Mi- \iiiiiiii.i 1 ....k.

.Miss Margaret Cooper. Miss Mabel C..».iii. Mi- \l../.ll. I 1-.... \li- j.-.m ( i.iuL.r.l. Mi-Evelvn Crutcher, Miss Willie Rntl, r)avi.l-..ii. Mi- ( .ni U..11.. Mi- II. I. n D.iinx. Mi- Marv

Frances Dickerson, Miss Marv Glenn l)ill..ii. Mi- M lu l»..l.l.-. Mi- k.,ilil,.M |l..,iul.. ilx

Miss Kate Dorris. Miss Adelaide Dougia-. Mi- M.imIki l)..iiHa-. Mi- M.iin.' l)iirli,,iii. Mi-s

Claire Edwards, Miss Margaret Edwards. Mi- M.nv lalu.ii.l-. Mi- ( ..m.li.i l,i«iii. \li- k.il.'

Esles, Miss Zula Evans. Miss Carrie Ewiii^. Mi- M.in i:»in^. Mi- Mil. In. I laiin.r. Mi-Alberta Fite. .Miss Eunice FIv. Miss Edna (.air,.-. Mi- ^11. (.ill,.il. Mi- Ia.i (.1II1..111. Mi-I'earl (;illiam. Miss Alice (;ower. Miss Emmaline (,,..n. Mi- \iii,i Ii. II.- Cm. 11. Mi- M ilti.-

Griggs, Miss Margaret llailey. .Miss Lucile Ilailey. Mi- li.-i.- Hall 11. M:- ^.i.li.- 1 lall..».ll.

< ,3.30 )

1. II. Ml- 1,

DAI IDSON cot \ry a OMEN IN THE IfO K L l> WAR. I <) I 4-1 Q I 'J

\\u\.. \1,~-

I. M,-- r,,,,,.,. ii,,i„,i. Ml- [„.^ ii.,i,ii„.

,,, i.„k-..ii. Ml- i;.ii. |m|i„.,„,. \i,- Ia.Kmh- M.iiii.- kiii^. Ml-- \,in k.ihlii.k Mi-tt lul, l,,n,l-.-). Ml- Din,. 1,,,,-,M,„I,. \1,-

'.abeth Love, Miss Alice Lowe. Mis> Blan.li,;

Miss Mary Belle Marshall, Miss Jennie K.

rn. Miss Marv Jane McCarver. Mi-s Mau.le

III M.Dunal.l. Mi- Fran..'^ M. Kr.-. Miss

M.iMi- Ml-- M. Ill, .11 Mniplu Ml- lli/.ili.lli MuiiiIk. Mi- lillian \.|,lrll. Mi-- ^,m,,1i \ees.

Ml- I h-,il Lining. Ml-- M.is (l,,-h,ll. Ml- l;,,lil,, I'lliMk. Ml- 11.1,11 l: Mi>>


,. Ml- 11,1,

/).(///).NOV coiwry itomex /.v the world har. i^uii'iio

Mrs. H. p. Fritz and Mrs. .\ndr.-w Mackenzie acle.l a- jnim ,l.ai,ni

North Nashville section to seiure funds and clothin;.' win. Ii . n.il.l, ,1 tin

two hundred children of <lestitute families to the five dillcrcnl >, lu.oU li

tion. The North Nashville Iniprox ciiicnt League collected the clothing, a

Mrs. Charles Steiner. Mrs. Edward\h>. Mm- I{n>en Mr>. James Smith.

(luar,! I'ov.

Il,r \i,|,,lN C.n.lr,, \-.nrialio>l

irni M,-. i;. i:. I',. Mr,. Mr>. (;,

Mr-. W illiaiM !)iinii li

Mr uulk 111, 11 ll,i~ .1",.,

li- uoik ua-

Noith \.l-llNi


The Association had in rnJIivatio

an.i two hundn-.i hflv a. r,- in \,

The first CanniuL' Cliil. m D.i

ville Section of the W onianV ( ..ininiilh-

merit House. This was kiiouii a- I Ik \1

to which, through the generosil\ .,1 lln

was donated. A ..inner u.i- .I..m,iI.(I Ii\ \Ii-

Duir to the Bncia \l-la N I an. I ...i.^ ua-al-., |,

vidcd for the nc.LM.. -. 1 1. \-l II. la \l,-.

Porter. Several cans of vc;:.

preserved hv these centers. I In \\

Clul) of the section winnitiL- li

from ninety-five to one h

time. All canning wa- .La

rules, and the Carden ( ...iiiniill.-r ,,l lln- -..li..ii .li

trihuted all vegetahh- \ , .anni. n.l.il.l.- I.mInm- .

this work hy the Norlli Na-luMI.' W.^iian'- (..mini

lee was the presenlalion ..I

al.sent soldiers" famili.-, lli.- .an- iM-ini: ,li-liil.i

from the Warinl.i :

r>,ll IDSON COl'NTY KOMEN IN THE IT R L D WAR, 1.0 14-1919

DAiiDsox CO I wry komex /.v rut: it or id war. /o/;/,,.

Mrs. J. C. I,u-k\. ChairnKH,



The club was under the supervision of Mrs. R. E. Porter, Sectional Chair-

man for North Nashville Woman's Committee.

Those in the group are. left to right, Mrs. Nettip Earls. Miss Mary Barnes,

Mrs. Joe Odom (Ethel Joyce). Miss Flora I'..ii.r, Mr-, Collins, Mrs. Mary

Mills. Mrs. Fanny Baldwin. Mrs. J. A. Porln. \li- C.iriic Goldtrap. Mrs.

R. E. Porter. Chairman. Miss Josephine Bcifilaii.l, \li-, James Brown, and

Mrs. George Reed.

rkrnoms were

, n( Wcrk.MS.

li, 1, linni-hed

rtivilie'.. lluui

women who composed the night classes of the Red Cross Tiilano w(

drawn from this ward, which came second in the citv in n-iiislratiii

The Seventh Ward was the home of nine large apartment hiiildiiiLis. u

more women volunteers for house-to-house canvassing and general

any other ward of Nashville.

The Woman's Committee of the North Nashville Section proved t

dred per cent in every drive and campaign for war relief work,

those already mentioned, the following women served as chairmen of si

this section during the war period:

Mrs. M. M. Van Tien, Mrs. Harvill Hite, Mrs. J. W. Van Tien. Mrs. M. M. Harvill, Mrs.

George M. Hite. Miss Margaret White, Miss Margaret Hawkins. Miss Cassie Mai Overall, Miss

Marian Dempsey. Miss Madeline Fritz. Miss Virginia Mackenzie, Miss Bessie Mackenzie, Miss

Ethel Moxley, Miss Nellie Mau Edgar. Mi.ss Beatrice Edgar. Miss Aderine Hawkins and Miss

Gertrude White.

Mrs. R. E. Porter, Chairman, was highly commended by state and Nashville

officials of the Woman's Cotnmittee for the efficient service she rendered at all

times in all forms of World War work in the North Nashville Section. Mrs. Porter

as an official worked with the same ability as a private.

„ 1„. one hun-

In ad<lition to

work of


Mrs. E. C. Wfught. Sectional Chairman

The South Nashville Division of the Woman's Committee was organized in

October, 1917, with Mrs. E. C. Wright as Sectional Chairman. Mrs. Wright held

mass meetings in each of her respective wards, at which organizations were per-

( 3Z^ )


fected for the Twelftli, Thirteenth. FourtiH-iilli. Fiflcfiith and Tueiity-setond Wards,

which were under her jurisdiction. Tin- pt-rsonni'l of Mrs. Vi'right's organization

is as follows:

Ceiicral Chairman. .Mrs.

Frank Davis. .Mrs. W . W . Kii

M. I'riii-: D.-parlMK-Mlal CIki

-Mrs. .VIbert Alitclu-ll, anil MrMrs. I-r

s Kubin^

ik Conk. Mrs.

Mr>. W. 11. Taiiksliv: L)i|Mrtrm-i.lal Chairnirn: .\lr>. .lan.rs Campbell,

\lr>. Charles Brin<;l<-inan. Mrs. Paul llarvill. .Mrs. J. T. Allen. .Mrs. 11. H.

Newell. .Mrs. W. C. Dickson. Dr. Cecelia Rich, Miss Cora Ilager,

Miss Elhel Carroll. Miss Edna Smytlie. and .Miss Lavinia -Mur-


Minlo(;,iu-ral Cliairniai.. \li- I!.-.,.- Alirii; Drparlni.-iUal Chair-

men: \1.-. l..hn Crillin. \1,-. ,|..,- MmUom. .Mrs. E. A. Dodd,Mrs. Ella Cuinn. M.-. .l..l„i limit. Mrs. Emma Alley. Mrs. N. D.

All.n. \li-. -.mi I am-. Ml- J...- Wiiiinn. Miss Sophia and .Miss


al Chairman;Mrs. V. K. :\


Mhs. v.. c. WnicnT Mr-. I!. A. GriHin. General Chairman; Departmental Chair-iK.iHi Kin,l,ro„si,> „„.„: \i,.. Alex. Irving. Mrs. W. C. Phillips, Mrs. J. W. Fin-

n.\. Mr-. Ambrose Plumlee. Mrs. Robert L. Lonphurst. Mrs. ,1.

K. Johnson, Mrs. L. A. Miller, Mrs. F. L. McMurray. Mrs. C. C. Youn?. Mrs. L. A. Mc.Murray,

Miss .Mannie Irving, Mrs. Ollic Williams. Miss Cleo Bell, and Miss Nettie .McMurray.

This ward surpassed all others in the city in Parent-Teacher. Garden and Child

Welfare work. Mrs. R. A. Griffin was Xashville's most sncc<--sfiil leader in rnm-

mage sales. Mrs. Alex. Irving was acli\i- in r\c>\ caniiiai^jn ami (lii\i' lhiou>;lioiit

the war. always goinsr "over the top.

TWKNTV-.'^KCOM) \\ \l!l>

Mrs. W. A. Oughterson, General Chairman; Deparlmeiilal (

Mrs. A. N. Hollabaugh. Mrs. Robert Gentry, Mrs. K.nn.lhCharles .Stetson, Mrs. C. W. Willard. .Mrs. Robert Jav. Mrs. N...

and -Mrs. llallum Goodloe, Miss Sammie Estill, .Miss Ruth CEugenia Fields. Miss Alice Cullom. and Miss Myrtle Gillintim

This ward was noted for their success in the Lihei

paigns. Mrs. Oughterson served as captain in inanv i

of the Rutledge Magazine Cluh were ahli- a-si-iaiil-- ii

South Nashville Woman's Committee, and uin- laipiK

organization perfected by Mrs. Wright.

n: Mr-. ,1. \. Sten

Ml- I'.nil llanill.

1, \li- W.ihnii \1,\

Nil- 1 .na Hi.iill.A.



Till' .ii-iiiiizatiiiii <!( the Nashville Wuiiian's Committee was in rliar-t- nf the

Second Liberty Loan campaign. Mrs. Joseph Warner served as Chan inaii(;eneral

of this Loan, which was conducted at tiie Nashville Woman's Committee Headquar-

ters on Eighth .\venue. Mrs. Warner used the organization of the Nashville Woman's

Committee, assisted by the county, and $419,950 was raised her and her sub-

A detailed ,f this ill beihairinan in the Third Liberty Loan,

found with the Liberty Loan chapter.

During the fall seasons of 1917 and 1918, $1,000 ^

of Allied Relief buttons by the Nashville committee, and

were sent to soldiers in the army camps for Thanks-

giving. Nineteen washing machines with personal greet-

ings were also sent them at Christmas time in 1917.

The Nashville Woman's Committee conducted the sale

of Red Cross Seals in December, 1917, and §2.000 wasrealized from the sales.

Under the chairmanship of Mrs. David Rosenfeld.

of the Social Service Department more than one thou-

sand dollars was raised to be used in the relief of suf-

fering babies w^hose soldier fathers were in the armyand whose mothers were left destitute.

Miss Delia Dortch. State Chairman of Home andForeign Relief Work for the Woman's Committee, con-

ducted a button sale for the Belgium Relief Fund at

ihe Tennessee State Fair in 1917. assisted by a coniniit-

lee from the State and City Woman's Committees. Sev-

eral hundred dollars was realized by this means, the buttons


Miss Dortch formed a Junior Branch of Belgium Relief Work through the Nash-ville Committee, with the following officers: President, Miss Lucile Wait: First Vice-

President. Miss Lenora Kenny: Second Vice-President. Miss Ethel Weinberg: Secre-

tary. Miss Hilda Bruce; Recording Secretary, Miss Virginia Billings; Treasurer,Miss Adele Bach: Chairman of Ways and Means, Miss Eloise McCarthy: Chairmanof Program. Miss Catherine Nichols; and Chairman of Publicitv. Miss KatherineBarksdale.

Miss Dortch's Committee held a Tag Day on December 1 I. 1917. for the pur-pose of giving Christmas cheer to the invalid children of Belgium, and over Sl.JiOO

'( fund as a result. The following children and cliaperones

sellin- f,

is added to the reli

iere workers:

Fifth Avenue and Ciilrch Street

Mrs. P. A. Murray, Chaperone; Workers: Miss Lucile Wait, Miss Lena May Rowland. MissMaude Howell. Miss Ethel Smith. Miss Anne Warner, Miss Dorothy Fuqua. Miss Ruby Kadel,Miss Louise Smith, Miss Rebecca Way. Miss Elizabeth Breen. Miss Mary Rice Anderson, andMiss Bessie Louise Archibald.

Sixth Avenue and Church

Miss Lenore Kenny, Mrs. John M. Kenny, Mrs. Miles Williams and Mrs. William Billings.Chaperones; Workers: Miss Helen Burns, Miss Jane Davis Smith. Miss Dorothy Sanders. MissEthel Nance, Miss Mary Melbourne Clements. Miss Ida Belle Mitchell. Miss Gladys Mitchell.Miss Virginia Billings. Miss Mary Elizabeth Waddey. Miss Mary Frances Blair. Miss EleanorBerger. and Miss Lucy Ann McGugin.

(337 )

i>iiins()\ coiwT) roMF\ /.v r


h hdkld war. i»iti'n9

Skvkntu Avem'k AM) Chikcm

Miss Kale Bark-..lalr. Cliairmaii. an,l Mrs. Lvon Childrrss. Miss (:„ri..lia Rarks.lalr an,l Mrs.F. Vi. ll.M.|.,-r, ChaprroiH-s; W i.rk.-rs. Miss Ilarri.-I Cl.iMr,-.. Mi-- \i,-,„i., \\iil„,-| n Mi-sCalli.Tiiu- \Vitlu-rsp,M.n. Miss Julia Va\ Norw,,.,,!. Miss Km. 11. (i,in.|.,ll \1,- l,,„i..- Il.ni..ii

Miss Julia Mill Wm.lwinr. Miss llrl.n .S.linsk\. Mis, Marlli.i ( ..I.- \1,- i,.„i-. I'n,, Im, \li<s

Klizal«-lli llo,.p,-r. Miss Klizabftli Au-lin. Mi-- Kraiu .- 11,11, \li- \lil,l,,-,l Au-lm, an.l Miss.Madrlinr Sinumms.

KlCHTII \\ (111 UCII

Miss Lillian TavN.r, (:liap,-r,.n,-: \\,.rk<r-; \li- Ia.Im, \h.r-. Mi-s K.-l.,T<-a I. .litis,,,,. Millaltie Ellis, Miss Calli.-rii... Harris, an, I \lis« K.-aKi, MaMin.

I'll III \\

\Vi,rk.-rs: Miss Kluise .\li( ;ai lln . \li- i.i.li,- (lll,-,-..ii. \li- \li,„- l)ii„.,i,i, \li- Kx.-hni,nps„n. Mi-s Kiaiio.s Sh,k,-. Mi- l iiiti- ^n.ll. \li- l.l,/,il..ili l!,,,un. Mi- I ..„,-, Br.iwn,

\li- ^.ii.il. \,-i.„. \1,- (.ith.iMi.- \\,l-,,„. \li- Catherine• lii.l.n. Nil- M.iiLiii -^k.T;^-, \1,- i:iiAil..ll, Harris, and\Ii- .S„-,,„ r.uii,^. uill, \1,- .|mi,L„, -.1,1,-. I,,. Cliapenine.

\\..rk.,- \n-- I ,,lli,M,,.' \„ 1„.U. \1,- I 1-1, I'll, 1-1,

Nil- i'.ilii,- \l.,l,.n,', \1,- \l,,,ih,i I-., -I,',. Ml- lli/,,l,..

Km,..,. Ml- \l,.,::,..,i \..,l.,u-, \1.- |.,,,...i., K..,L. ...!. \l,

!;..-. s.U.i-l.-..., \!.- \,l,l,,.,l,- l'i,„i,.i, \l.- \hu i;.i

(.,,-;j,,rv. \li- \lil,l,,,l \..,l,-r-„i,, \li- K-,,- \\.n l!..,.k.

,.11.1 Ml- |),..,.ll.^ \lll.ll.l-, uilll Mr., l!.,-s 11,11, .IIn ;

Mr-. (;.-., re,- William-. CiMirm,Mm. Foslfr collfcli-d the larj

(lurini: rhi- WorM War.

\li- Klli.l W.-i.il.,-,-. CliaiiMiaii; Mr-. Ki.'.l C.KIn.T,

(:liap,T„ii,-; \\„rk.r-: Mi- l.,ali l.u-kv. \li- I, ,..,• ( ;,.l.l..,i . \li- 11. .rl, ,.-, C.Mii.t. Miss

Harri.-lt \\„„l«i,u-. a,i,l Mi- Maiiii,- Kr.i.l.iian.

Kii.iiTii \\i;m I \Mi MiiuM.

Miss IJorothy Tliompsi.n an.l Miss Kll.„ l.,»,-. ( I,.,.. ii„ ,i: \\„ik.i-: \li- Kli/al..lli ll.i.iis.

James Ward. James Swindell. Jack DeW ill. \ll.„ ( ..II.., I. \l,- M.,,v \;i..,- \'.,^<u. \l.- \I,..ll,a

I'ayne. Harris Inpram. Miss Dorothy I),,-, an.l \l.- Il./.il.. ll. |l..-. uill, \li-- I l./.il..lh l!i..l....l.


I'oi liTII \\KM i; AM) ( Jll Kill

.Miss Dorothy Frank an.l Mi- Kv.Nn \1,-\,t-. ( liainiwii : \\,..k,-.-: Mi- ll.l,-., Fi-lipall,

.\liss Didla Bloomslcin, .Miss Marv l.,„i Martin. Mi- Kv,-Imi 1,.-.|.I.. \Ii- M.ui.iii >«,,., I,|l. \lis.

Elhcl Bre.-n. Miss Dorothy Frank. Mi- l),.r„llu Fi-li:;all. an.l \li- l),„i,ll.. W ..iiil,,iii„,. .miI,

Mrs. Keuhen .Mills as Chaper..n,-.

( .338 )


Miss Rosalie Dalsheim served as Chanllie Junior Branch on this day was si'iil li\

The sale of Belgium Kelief JMitlori^.

State Fair grounds and contiiuicd Im a l<

ville, and throughout the state, ncllij iIh-

On Septeniher 20, 1917, another huiioi

of Mrs. Edgar M. Foster, East Nashville i

the proceeds of this day's sale went to llir

Mrs. Foster's committee raised the sum of

a few days' time.

In the Third Liberty Loan Campaign, which was under the supervision of the

Nashville Woman's Committee, Mrs. Adair Lyon Childress was appointed by Mrs.

James S. Frazer as Chairman for Nashville. Mrs. Childress was assisted by the Boardof the Nashville Woman's Committee, supplemented by other patriotic organizations.

The total amount raised by Mrs. Childress and her assistants in this loan was $1,18.5,-

100. She used the headquarters of the Woman's Committee, on Eighth Avenue, for

Loan Headquarters. A detailed report of this loan also may be found with the

Liberty Loan Chapter.

lari 111 liadges and the money raised by

\li~- Ddrtcli to the Belgium minister.

hie h wa'; iiiaiigtirated at the Tennessee

jr, |i,ii.Hl n\,T the entire city of Nash-

inn ..I SdO.dUU.

(Ia\ was observed under the supervision

lairuKin of the Allied Relief Work, andilleiini; women and children of Belgium.<).<>::, from the sale of Allied buttons in


Mrs. Charles S. Caldwei.i., Gfi

Mrs. Walter L. Jones. Chainua

ral Chairman

ol ('.(im'Xiiiin

Mrs. Charles Caldwell. Chairman of Food Conser

Woman's Cominitt.c. an ording to Government demand:niittee educate the h(iuM\\i\es of Nashville in

the most correct methods to conserve md 1 1 on

(imize in the preparation of foods, and \il r.ni

deprive the "special dish" of its nutriliiu'- \ dmTo Mrs. Caldwell and her committee i>- dm lIu

fiL^t observance in Tennessee of wheatles-,. nit il

less and sugarless days. Mrs. Charles Caldwi II

personally visited every school, church -,o(iit\

club and patriotic gathering in Davidson Counl\during the first few' months of the existent e of hei

organization, in an effort to impress the ])ublii

of the necessity of this new economy so foieiMi

to American people. She was instrumental in

carrying her cause to the colored populilnmalso, with splendid results. Mrs. Caldwtll u i-

ably assisted in this work by the mernhi i- ul

the Nashville Housewives' League, of whidi -he

was president. Mrs. J. W. Black, a valued mem-ber of the League, gave die first demonstrationsof eggless cakes in the county and a number of

other economizing dishes.

In October and November of 1917 a cam-jiaigii for food conservation, at the request of

Herbert Hoover, took the form of a house-to-


lion for thi

requested th


her com-

hAIIDSOy COIWTY II M H .\ / V THK «() K I. U \l A li. I '> I II '> I 7

house canvass with fowl pledge (.ikN iliai tin- lion-cw i\ i-- wcic a^kcd tn -\'^u. 1 In-

greatest good from this canipaifin w.i- ihc cdu. ,iti..n,il irii|ii u\ mifril that n-iilli-d

in bringing the needs of the Govcriimtiit h. i\<r\ Hoijh- in ilir r,.iiiii\

Mrs. Charles Caldwell appointed Mrs. Walter L. j.nn- ( .m, i al- ( liaiinian of

the Food Pledge Campaign of Davidson Countv. S.> -in , ,^-l iillv u(ir ihr wards

organized by Mrs. Jones that out of the 2{).()()() cardN all,. it, -.1 \a~li\ill,'. 2!5.1f)9

pledges were secured by the following ward chairmen. a|)p,iiiil,,l 1,\ Mi-. .1,>mis,

who each appointed the personnel of their committee-:

fiioT W m;i.

Miss BrssU- Rran.l. Cliairmaii: C.nuuill,-,-: \1.-. K. \1. I),-,m|.-,a. Mr-. J, L. La»uM„L-. .Mrs

Alice Steiner. .\li-s Fl„ra l>..rt. r. Mi- Mamar.t lla»kn.-. aiul Mi- lla/.-l CK.p.T.

SkcoM) AM) TllIKIl \\.\K1>S

Mrs. H. K. I'..rt,r, Cliairman. ai.,1 N„rtli .Na-luill,. Woman's ( :„nin.ill,-,. S,Mti„n.

KoiKTii. l-n Mi \Nn .^!\Mi W Mii.s

.Mrs. J. C. I.usky. Chairman.

Sl\kmii \\ .\i;i)

Mrs. Avery Handly. Chairman: Committer: Mrs. Riclrard Dak,. Mi- ^.ini I'lii.li.ii. Mrs.

John Roesch. Nfrs. Reuben Seay. Mrs. John Nolen. Mrs. Gn- ls..Mii„an. Mi- HaM, r M ,-,

Mrs. Frank Stahhnan. .Mrs. Will Raymon.l. Mrs. Lewis Anders,.,. M,- •-!, v. I , ii.han. ,\h.-. Lnu

Luskv. Mrs. Isaac Miller, Mrs. 1). T. Kinhr,in!;h. .Mrs. John ll„.l-..„ \1,- Joe Zanone. Mrs.

Victoria Roach. Mrs. George Tompkins. Mrs. laijiene Johns. Mi- W I \ Id. Mrs. Frank

McGavock. .Mrs. E. .S. (Jardner. Mrs. Morris Wilson. Mrs. I!,.- llaihlU. .,,..1 Mr-. 1'. M. Tamhle,

Miss Ellen Nance. .Mi— - "-arah. Martha and Fran,,- (..n.,liii-. Mi- lilli.,i> Taslor, .Miss

Theresa .McGavock, .Mi- M.ii.M.. I'..ri,-r. Miss .Marpar,t ll..-.-. Mi- (.i.i.,- IJ,.-. . Mi- Catherine

Eichbaum. Miss Elizal..il. I v. , M.- lu-becca Porter. Mi- I .ili. .I..n, -. Mi- Kli/aL.tl. Binford,

Miss Lonise Tompkins, and .Mi- Aiiiil,,- Thron.-.

lai.iiiii W \Kl)

.Miss Florene,- A.lams. Chairman: ( ..niin.ii. . : Mi-. J. T. J,.iiiiar,l. Mr-. W . I,. N,-lson. and

Mrs. I. N. llvd,-.


Mrs. T. J. Nance, Chairman; Conuiuii.. : M.-. \^.u,^ ( .man. Mi-. J. Karl,- Collier. Mrs.

Lyon Childress. Mrs. Henry Morgan, Mi- i l.ii.i.. • W m-i... .. M.- II. J. M,Sw,en,-v. Mr-. A.

E. Hill, .Mrs. W. A. Daniel, and Mrs. \\ill..iin M,.,i...

Tkmii W Mil)

Mrs. C. K. Colley. Chairman: Comi.nll,.-: Mi-. Mum- Fl,l.l„i. Mi-. W. C, Wal,l... Mrs.

John Barksdalc, Mrs. E. I'. Blair, Mrs. j, i;. ri...i„|.-..i,. Mi-. W . It, ( ,i,i,|.|„ll. Mi-, J, \: ( l.iik,-.

.Miss Laurelte Wallace. Miss Marpar.-l M. k, i.-i. , \I.- Ma.i.l l!.ill,,,.l. Mi- K.ii.> li.ii k-.l,il. . Mi-s

lone Blair, and .Miss Cornelia Barksdal, .


Mrs. Charles Kinkead, Chairman:Mrs. J. Knox I'olk. .Mrs. F'aul DeW i

Frances Ilillman. and Miss Louise San,


Thirteenth Ward

^rls. lariir> II. Ciini.l.rll. ( liairman; Committee: Mrs, Slrvr Diiv.r. \li>. II. F. Bruilsliaw.

i\[rs. l.„ri r;uik.-l.-\. .\li.s. Jam..;. DeWees, Mrs. R. J. Geiger. .\lr=^. William Alloway. Mi-> Lain. la

Murphy. Miss -Louise Murphy, Miss Elizabeth Allen, Miss Amy Rich. Miss Nannie DoiUl. .Miss

Ressic Drifoos. Miss Carrie Tanksley, Miss Louise Bass, Miss Edna Ba.ss, Miss Mary Coles, and

Miss Mary Hawks.

Fourteenth Ward

Miss Sophie Dale. Chairman: Committee: Mrs. John Griffin. .Mrs. Bessie Allrn. Mrs. Irene

McElroy. Mrs. Amy Clendennin;:. and Mrs. Bessie Alford.

FiFTEK.NTIl ^'a1!D

Mrs. F. E. Alford, Chairman; Committee: Mrs. Frank Carr. Mrs. L. A. Tanksley. Mrs. DanBurleson. Mrs. Will Jacobs, Mrs. Rowena Kleizer, Mrs. Charles Brengleman. Miss Laura .Seawell,

Miss Ethel Harrington, and Miss Gladys Wilson.

Mr.s. Russell Lnnulun-l. ( luiirmaii; Committee: Mrs. W. A. Beasley, Mrs. William Mo-Murray. Mrs. W. ( I'liilhp- Ml-. W G. Mallory, Mrs. Charles Thomas, Mrs. Hugh D. Brien.

Mrs. J. R. Bazell. Mi-- l;.— i. I'Mi.it, Miss Laura Bosworth, Miss Irene Westbrook, Miss Hatlie

Fallen and Miss Mai^i.iin I alln.

Seve.nteenth WaKI)

Mrs. H. W. Hurt. Chairman; Committee: Mrs, Alex. Barthell. Mrs. Sam Douglas. Mrs. FrankMaddux. Mrs. John A. Jones. Mrs. E. N. Brown. .Mrs. J. N. Itose. Mrs. George Price, Mrs.

Charles Averitt. and Mrs. Robert Orr, Jr.

Eighteenth W.\rd

Mrs. G. A. Davis. Chairman: Ccmmiltee: Mrs. H. W. Spicer. Mrs. R. D. Wilson. Mrs. HoraceSmith. Mrs. Ilellen C.iaN,-. Mi-, I. H. Malone. .Mrs. Green Benton. Mrs. OInev Davies. Mrs.

Hubert Sawrie. Mi- Mar\ Mall, and Mi-- Gladys White.

Nineteenth WardMrs. John n. Slmrpe. Chairman; Committee: Mrs. J. W. Dillard, Mrs. Clay Faulkner. Mrs.

' " Parrish. Mrs. Robert Whitsitt. Mrs. F. M. Elam, Miss Winifred Hughes, and Miss MaryEubanks.

T\vf,.\tietii WaI',1

Mrs. R. L. Sawver. Chairman: Committee: Mrs. J. J. Mar-hall. M.-. ( liarU- Kiddie. Mrs.F. J. Hudson. Mrs. J. A. Marshall, Mrs. J. F. Corbett, Mrs. K. C. ,|nl,n-nn. Mr-. T, ,|. Smith.Mrs. Fred J. Ehrhart, Mrs. W. A. Rawls. Mrs. C. R. Curran. Mi-. I'm .^iil.-. \li- K. S. lln.Jies.

Mrs. J. L. Hopkins. Mrs. W. T. Estes. Mrs. Richard MackaN. Mr-. K. 11. Kunn. II. and Mr-. .Sam


Twenty-first WardMrs. A. J. Dyer. Chairnian: Mr-. T. Leigh Thompson, Assistant Chairman: C.nnmitlee:

Mrs. Frank Bass. Mrs. Housl.m DihII.v. Mrs. John Hooper. Mrs. Fred Young, Mrs. Will Erwin.-Mrs. E. W. Foster, Mrs. Haimli.m I ,.^r. Mrs. John Lellyett. Mrs. C. B. Dodd. Mrs. Alfred Merritt.

Mrs. A. S. Wilson, Mrs. W illnir lln-luim. Mrs. C. H. Crawford. Mrs. Charles D. lorn-s. Mrs.L. S. McPhail, Mrs. Charles Lovenlhal. Mrs. J. L. Brvant. Mrs. John Hawkin^on. Mr-. NathanAnderson, Mrs. Van Coles. Mrs. Duncan Davis, Mr- CrMi^r ( larkr. Mr-. W . T. Y..iinij. Mrs.W. H. Witt, Mrs. Stuart Pilcher. Mrs. Fielding Gonlmi. \l,- I W s,.^,,.||. \i,, \. I. lintli.-rtord.

Mrs. Lee Cantrell, Mrs. C. E. Skinner, Mrs. C. C. I)abn.\. Mr-. Walt.r (lark.-. Mr-, li. (;. Cox.Mrs. J. H. Buist, Mrs. Gillespie Sykes. Mrs. J. D. Goodpasture. Mrs. J. J. Greer. Mrs. .\1. M.Cullom. Mrs. J. A. Manley. Mrs. Clifford Sinclair, Mrs. Martin Loventhal. Miss Elizabeth Smith,MisE Mary Dyer, Miss Stella Vaughn, Miss Sadie Frank, and Miss Vivian Owen.


D It I nso V C O I \ I Y n O 1/ F. a / A 7 // A' K O K I. D 11 1 K. I 'I I tl > I Q

Olh.-l- ill ill,- pi.niR- .U.-: \1.- \x.,A 1I,,„,IK. \1,- Ml.r V,,,,,,,,,, \|,,_ C. K. C.llrN. \l,s.

Krnn.-ll, (:,.^c.•. \ll-. l;u~>,-ll 1;, l..„^l:„,-l. \1,-. K. I. N.^^^^,. \1,-.^ .|,,|„, 1 1^ .^ll.ir,..-. \li>.

Alex. .1. n.ulli.n. Mr-. \. .1. jams. Airs. A. .\. Hullali;ui;;li. \li-. \l, \1. \l..\l,v. \lis. K. ().

Craner. \li~ I,, K. I ii-k\. Mrs. Charles Brensleman. .Mrs. (;. A. DaM-. Mi-. IImiu.' C.li.-ii. MissAimer M.nk-. ,,,,.1 \l,- Mars K. Smith.

T\\KNT^-s|.,.nM. W \l;h

.Mrs. Krnn.-lh CaN..-. Chairman; C..niniill.-.- ; \li-. II. .».,,. I \n-l,N. Mi-. (,i,„K I'.iilian.. Mis.Curtis F{. llalK. \li-. \..ali W . C.Miper. Mrs. ,|. I. l,U,,n,l-. \li- \. I',. \„k.n. Mi-. T. I).

Lainpkiu. Mr.s. .1. W . HiMin^iinii. .Mrs. E. E. IVar-.m. \li- W . I,s,,,!,,,. \i,, \\ \ ( iii-hi, i-mi.

Mrs. Nathan Mailm. Mi-. L.laiid Hume. .Mrs. |;..Im,i M.K.u. Mi-. Il.ni^ (.»ii,i,,i. Mi-. I lal

Wood. Mrs. Arthur (.....iirN. Mrs. T. J. l!os,.. Mi- M.,|„| (,„«aii. Mi- M.imi, Duik. and Mi-sAda Fiehls of I'.aho.K and her elass in ll..„„. K, ,,,,..1,11, >.

RiClll.VM. \lil.|TI..N

Mrs. W. (). Tirrill. Chairman: Commitl.r: Mi-. Idal.rll, W iI-mm. Mi- W . ||. IJi, liaid-..ii.

-Mrs. K. \an S.diaaek. .Mrs. Benjamin F. M....i,.. Mi-. |;. (. K. ,n..ii. Mi-, Will KiikKnhl Mi-.

Jam.-s D. Porter. Mrs. Krnc-st Williams. M,-. 1),,,,. | ,,,«,. 1,-1,11.. Mi-. ,|„li„ II, nn s,,„i||,, ,j,„|

Mrs. K. .S. |iruf;h.

T\\l:^T^•mll!l) WMti)

Mrs. K. I. Mortian. fdiairnian; (loinniill. , : Mi- Willi.iin lii.iinu.ll. Mi-. V I <!,. |,l„i ,1.

.Mrs. E. T. Hall. .Mrs. W. 1. Harris. Mr- I 1 I-1, -. Mi- -. 1 \l, \ll,.^. M,- I „k. M,,i,i

iiomery. Mrs. Jesse J. Hitt. Mrs. John Ni.IimU. \1i- li.mk Iiii1i.mII, \1,. l,.ui.,i.. \i,l„.l-.

Mrs. W. .M. (;oodlett. Mrs. C. A. Horn.i. \li- \,ii„,i, •s|,.,,|, M,- | \\ ,,- i,,,, \1 M,-.Louise Tavlor. Mi.-- .'^ue Ou,-onor. Mi- I', .ii I Kiii^. an, I Mi- II. I. 11 D.niu.

.Mrs. K. K. Kinimon-. rhairnian: ( ..inniill. ,: Mi-. J. \. V.iin^. Mi-. W . Ii. M.Ciilh.ii.jli.

Mrs. W. N. Thompwm. \li-. .1. M. Ill,, a. Mr-. I. Ii. \..m,-^. Mi-. W . W . Il»,n- Mr- I. WDrumwri-iht. and Mrs. Will W. W^all.

W Mil.

Alvin Lashley. Mrs. Lit Malone. Mrs. J. D. (;ood«in. Mi- Ii. ( Wii^lii Mi- 1.1, 1 M,.Mrs. Ooodloe Coekrill. Mrs. Neil Jones. Mrs. .Susie Bass. Mi- |,.hi, lii.iii,,,,. Mi- I W II....

Mrs. J. V. Bradley. .Mrs. B. J. Younp. Miss Charlie May F. I1-. an. I Mi- l.v.i Wmi;IiI.



CoLNcii. OF Jkwish Women

Mrs. Iirul»-ii \lilU. Clia.riium; < ..niinillrr : Mrs. Eph. Luskv. \li>. .In,- Sinion. Mrs. J. B.

Weil. .Mr>. Aaron .|..lin.ni,. Mr-. M. \. Li-lilrnan. Mrs. Louis I.o,-l,. Mrs. .^ain CuIm-h. .Mrs. Ler-

Bissiiificr. Mr-. Ilaiman C.hrn. Mrs. .1. W. St.-in. Miss Eli/,ab.-lh Blcomstcin, Miss Amy Rich,

and Miss B.llir C.lni.


Till.' Nash\illf \ ictory Garden Association came into existence March 1, 1918,

in connection with the Nashville Woman's Committee work, at a mass meeting of

representatives of all war organizations and clubs of Davidson County. The meet-

ing was called by Mrs. Alex. Caldwell, State Food Chairman of the Woman's Com-mittee. Council of National Defense, at the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Charles

S. Caldwell was elected President of the Davidson County Garden Association at

this meeting. Other officers were: Mrs. James C. Bradford and Mrs. Alex. Cald-

well, Advisory Board; Miss Emma McGowan, Secretary, and Miss Alma Oliver.

Chairman for Central Nashville.

The official message had been received from Washington that the South mustnot only feed herself, but raise a supply of food for the soldiers, necessitating the

cultivation of every back yard and vacant lot in Davidson County. The erection in

Davidson Countv of the tremendous Powder Plant, which was the largest in the

world and which greatly increased the population of the county, made this phaseof work more important tlian any other county in the South. A stupendous workwas done by the ward and district chairmen of the Woman's Committee, in securing

the privilege from the ow^lers of all vacant property in the city. As a result, over18.()()() back yard gardens, and over eight hundred acres of ground were put in cul-

tivation throughout the county.

Prior to the formation of the Garden Association a similar work had been car-

ried on through the Parent-Teacher garden movement, under the supervision ofMrs. James C. Bradford and Miss Alma Oliver, Chairman for Central Nashville.

A successful tag day was held by this committee for the purpose of purchasinggarden seeds for those not able to buy them. Over eight hundred dollars was real-

ized from the day's proceeds. Mrs. Bradford and the officers representing thegrammar schools of the Parent-Teacher garden movement were chairmen of theday. They were:

Glenn. Mrs. L. A. Enoch: Trimble. Mrs. W. A. Fox: Whorton. Mrs. M. M. Moxlev: Hill,Mrs. Lou Lusky; .Schwal). Mrs. J. C. Brock; Head. Mrs. T. H. Burleson and Mrs. J. C. Walker:Caldwell. Mrs. W. W. Johnson; Elliott, Mrs. C. F. Stiner; Knox. Mrs. Ed Ridley; CentennialPark Mothers" Club. Mrs. King Sparks.

Miss Mary Welch had charge of tags. Mrs. Alex Irvine was general assistant forthe day in the organization of workers.

Miss Alma Oliver, Chairman for Central Nashville, gave manv demonstrationsof the "army in the furrows" by supervising the planting of numerous gardens,with the assistance of the grammar school students. A special demonstration ofihe products after the garden had matured was given by Miss Oliver, and was highlvcommended by a government official who was in Nashville at the time.

DAVID S O V ( O I V 7 1 IT O M F. \ I .Y T H F /f () K I. I) IT I R. I < / 7 / " /

\\()I!K or Till \\>ll\ll.l.i: WOMWS COMMITTHK\li;v J..1IN W. Tllo\lv>. („;,r,„l Cluiirmun

On Apiil 12. 1'H;1. Mrs. Jain.s S. Kia/ci n-ii:rir,l .,- \a~li\ill.- Cli.nini.in

\V,.matr> Cnminitl.v. ami Mi<. .luhii W . riu.riia- ua- unar.irn,.i,-.|\ ,l,rlr,l

liuin-Ct'iu-ral l.v the Exetutiv.- Heard. Mr-. ll.riiA T.il l.lMiirn. \ i, ,• ( li ainiiai

sided over llie meeting.

Mrs. Thomas assumed her diilii-^ iriiriH di.iliN .md ii-laiiiid llir -,iriii- Immhthe ex.ei.tion of M.s. Neillfl \ln.„r l.ru,-. ul -v^urA In ru^^.v^r in ollir,

.uu\ Ml- C.inrli,, i;,,ikMl,ilr. uhu I, ,1,1 ,,,.r

lionia- U.I- . ho-,- II Ml-, i.u,---. niir

I, Tin a- Cli.iiiiM.in ..| ||,r \\ ,-| I nd -^r,h..i,. an

l,\nn Clllldir-- u.l- ,.|.|Hnnl.,l ( Inld Wrll.ur

man |,. Iill Mi-- I ',,,, k-d,. Ir- |iLi,r. \l,-.

.-r,| ,,| Ml-. Id.ihrllr W il-,,i,. ^id.Cliaiiinaii

I. Id.llld \<ldlhnn.

I Ml-.



\1.-, I\li-. W, (I,

\Ii-. j.nii.. ( ,n,i|.lMll. \l,~, II, ,i,l,,-M„ li.ik.i. \l

:i,i.il,l ll.iii, \li-. .1. Il.iin II, i».. \||-. \. i: l',ill

\)A\r 1 ,,«,nl„ini. \li-. I'. I ( l,MH. \li-. \, \lil,l.

l.uii.'- II. Ki.kl.iii,!. \li-. \ . I-. \,'i \li- M. T... Mr-. J,,hii \. \l. I,», .1. \1.- (..,„i:,- I . lil.i.ki,'. \li

"\v''l\l K,.»"'" Hal.-, .jr.. \1,>. .|,.lin M. k,i,.„x. \1.- \ , i n, , \l

Mrs. Val Taylor, an, I \li-, \l, lu, ,, i;,,n-..ni.

.Mrs. Thomas" first u,,rk ua- the weijihilifr and in,'a-iinii.j ..f ImM.-. uhi.

pla.-e the week l)e^iniiinii Ma\ L'7. I')]!!. Mr<. V.xvivur (aiilrhr,. M.Uc Cli

of Child Welfare, ua- , r,|,i,-lr,| U llir Nali,aial ( .aiiiinlirr h, a-i-l in r,,i,

a eam])aijrn throuuhoiil lVniii--(T in .i--i-l in -a\ iiil! iIh' li\r- ,.1 .'>( II l.( HID ,

in .America. Mr-. Jnlm W . 1 Imnia- ,,nd In-, \,,-I,m|I,. \\,,nMn-- ( :,,inni,ll,.

li.shed stations ill \. II i. .11- -r. li, .11- ,.r ihr , il\ ,liii nrj llii- , ,iin|.,irjii t,.i urrjiu

mea.surin? hal,,.-. M,-. rii,.ni.i- .i|.|...inh-,l M,-. I.s,.n CliiM,.-- \,i-linllr

man of the M.iI.n Diur. ,ii„l Mi- Imm.. W 1m .,i ->idiK.in ,i- -r, i,i,,ix. I

the efforts of Mi-. l.,.iii-r 1 ,. i;i,ni,l,.i, lli,- C.i-I nn -K n,,|| l)i\ („„„1- (:,.ni|,

tahlished a lli,.in„,l,K r,|,ii|.|.,-,l ,|,ni, l,.i ihr u,-rjliinu .in, I inr.i-niiir. ,.

hal.ies. Illi> l.eill.. Ill,- ,.nU irl.lll - ,, - I, I,, .Mrll.l llll- r,,lM|r-v

Govermnrnl. Tlli- l.r,ld(|n,ll In -. I.rnr, ,,|,I,,,IK I,., ,,l,,l. llir L.d.ir- nl .ill

alities in l.olli r,.i,nU and . lU um- Inn,,.,!,! I,, llii- , Inn, .

Mrs. Lv„M Cliihhr- U.I- ,i-i-lr,| \.^ M,-. .1. i;. T,.llr,i. C il\ Cli.mi

the Woman's ( ;,.niniillr,-. Inr iIh- ucii^liiiiL' and nir.i-min.j ,,l l.al.i,- .in,



\U<. Cliarl,- W. Bak.r. Mr-. Car.-s K. K.,lk. Mi- \\,,,^,l II. in,-. Mi-, t Knik II,.

Kalli.-riiu- I'. Wri^dil. .Mr-. T. /\. .|,.r,laii. Mi-, I>,,imI,I M, I ,il,l. Mi- I ..nr M, t.nl.i,

W.-si II. \I„rl.,M. Mr-. Ii..l„rl W. M, li,.l. Mi-. .1 K. K.nn-. Mi-. ( . M. Kii-.ll. Mi-.

.^harp. Mrs. William \\,-.u,i. Mr-. W . H. ( ,.,.k. Mi- M.ilin.l.i i nm ,-. Mi-. (.. I'. W

.Mrs. .N,-il Jon.-s.

Mrs. Lf.nise E. Ii,,in.l,,n k.-|,l ll Hi, ,al rr,,,rd nf llir u,rk. Mr-. WAerec and Miss \aii l)nr-e\ . |,r.d,— i,,n.il niir-c- .md f,,imd,-i- ,.! llir u,,ik ii

ville. supervised -.-vrial hahs -lalimi- and 'j.iNr imliliniiU of lllrii -,-i\i,r-

l.ahv week.




Seated from left to right, first row: Mrs R. E. Porter, Mrs. Walter L. Jones, Mrs. Reuben-Mills, Mrs. .'Mexander Fall, Mrs. John W. Thomas, Chairman, Mrs. H. M. Teitlebaum, and Mrs.

lltie Kinney Reno. Second row. Miss Mary Pleasants Jones, Mrs. Horace G. Hill. Mrs. JosephWarner, Mrs. E. C. Wright, Mrs. David Rosenfeld and Mrs. Mary Bright Thomas. Third row.

Mrs. Vernon Sharp and Miss Katherine Morris.

Dr. W. K. Hibbett. of the Nashville City Board of Health, Drs. Richard Dake.

Ojin West. George H. Price and Celia Rich, who are among; Nashville's most able

|>livsicians. gave their sei-vices and lectured each day of the drive to hundreds of

mothers who otherwise coukl not have had the instructions. On one of the lecture

davs over three hundred mothers were present. Durinji the week several hundred

babies were weighed and measured.

The assistants at the various clinics throughout the campaign were: Mrs. DaveRosenfeld. Mrs. J. B. Totten, Mrs. Walter Jones, Mrs. Robert Nichoh Mrs. Charles

S. Caldwell. Mrs. John W. Thomas. Chairman-General, and Miss Mary Allen Thomp-son, who was Chairman of the exhibit held at the Chamber of Connnerce.

To Mrs. J. B. Totten. Mrs. West H. Morton, Mrs. C. M. Russell. Mrs. J. K.

Rains. Mrs. W. B. Cook, Mrs. H. Craig McFarland, and Mrs. Count lioyd. . redit is

due for the large number of district babies that were registered at the various

clinics. These women made a house-to-house canvass of the county districts andconveyed to the stations mothers and babies who could not go otherwise.

Mrs. John W. Thomas, Chairman of this organization, also served as Chairman of

the Patriotic Pageant given at Centennial Park on July 4, 1919, in which Mrs.Robert W. Nichol was associated. The pageant was produced with a cast of onehundred and fifty participants in strict accordance with government regulations for

the celebration. Miss Elizabeth Binford and Mrs. Celia Grady Reddy were the

supervisors of the production. This was one of the most spectacular and one ofthe largest attended affairs in Nashville during the war period.

Mrs. Thomas continued the work of giving a complete service kit to everv en-

listed soldier of Davidson County. This benevolence was begun at the organization

of the Nashville Committee and continued throughout the war.

On July 14, 191S, Mrs. Thomas and her committee joined in the French Inde-

pendence Day celebration, wliiili was celebrated with a spectacular street paradein Nashville, uith Mrs. Ncimi M(j(ire Lewis serving as Chairman-General. Floats


DAVID S () S cm .V TV ft' O M E .V / V T H K If R I. D If A R. I " i II 'i 1 9

were decorated by Mrs. Thomas and her board to r.|iri-(iil hi-lcuir.il -c iius liomIiolh Freiu-li and American history.

In July. 19U>. the important drive for student iiui-<- to (ill llu- \:i, jin li- in tlie

professional ranks of nurses was inaugurated bv Mrs. Tlioiiui- .nul liri \a~li\ille

Woman's Committee. Headquarters on Eiglitli Avenue were bn-v loi \mi k- \siih

the intensive preparation of the applicants who were recniltiil luim \ olimircis

from everv section of the coimtv. \ iiniqiir Iraluic ,,1 llu- ,hi\r ^va^ llic licnrh

. .IcM^ricI aiul Jniialcl \,^ \li-. J,,l,n W . Tlminas.

a i.Tiiiltinii I ill an, I place! on tlapitol llnulcxaid

iicadipi.ir III ~ ihiiiiiL: the drive. The hut attrac'ted

ill cnmincnl rimii -Iranirers passing through \ash-

Ic. anil prii\cil a iliawing card in everv dri\e there-

\a~l. villi- Chaiiter. Red Cn,-- I lca,l,,uai Ic -. at \li-^ \a.i

)ni.,\^ ull.ce in the Docti.,-' I'.i, iMiirj. in ihr \..ail,-.

I Ihr \a~liMllc Y. W. C. \. anil at llic Tinn I, Hill nn

a|iil..| r„„il,xai,l. The l..||,,u,nL' umiicn liuin llir Xa-li-

illc XiiiM.- \~~,,cial,.,ii lirailipiailc a^-i-icl \i,s.

Thoina- ami li.a b.Miil in ihc u,,ik ,.! llu- ic i-l i al n.n of

nur>c- \li~. i;ii/alMlli llnvci. \||.. Willn- Vwr. Mis<

Woolen, ami Mi^. Ilainc^ ..I I'ralioiK.

u-tnen of the Nashville W i.nian^ ( ..mniillcr f,,, the \ui-e>'

\an Dorscv. Miss Ni

Other ei.niniitlce

A-~iiii ill-: \liv


ni I..

eil i>


Ih I.

Mr>. lliMlN -leill

Mrs. Alexa.ul.T Fall. InlMnnai,..,

L. Jones. Headquarlei-: \li- \

D.Toraliim <if Bnntlis: \l.- Km Ik

Miss Kalli.Mi.ie M..nis. \li,-i, : ,,

I»ubli.itv booths uere o,

and. while the ca.npai.^n was ci.mhn Ic

was the banner county of the state, iml

dred and ninetv-fonr Davidson Coiiiil\ \m

In October. 191!!. during the In

Woman's Committee. Council of N.iiinn.il nden-eThomas served as Chairman nl all l)a\iil-on ( '<

minute speaker for the loan.

Mrs. John W. Thomas ua- the In -I ami ..nh

the Red Cross Chri-lnia- llnll Call in the s,,,,,!,,.,

members onl\ anil rml Im nmriev. .iml the lulal

12.000 in thi- ihiM-. M,-. Till,mas „sei| he, enl

Woman's Conimitlee lor this i ainpaign.

The following" <hairnien. ; inlcj bv M,-. 1

and the r-ounly districts:

Miss Kmnia Wlu-al .Sullivan. Cli.iiniKiii f..i OiilKin^i

Vernon Sharp. KasI .Na.sliville: .Mrs. \Iaiv l!.i;:lil Tlimn.,

S,„n\i Naslnill.-: Mrs. K. K. Porter. .Nnrll. .Nasluille; \l,-

Teiliel.anm. Women's ()r<!anizalions: Mrs. (iuilfoni Dii.

Kinney lieno. .Speakers' Bureau: Mrs. Waller 1.. Imir- ,,n

\larv Louise (;o».lwin an.l Mrs. Alexander Fall. -. I-:

Pleasants Jones, bi.luslries: Mrs. Charles .S. Calilurll .,i„l

Mil- M.

: Ml-, II

iril... N,„.,,krl-- I'.III.MIi:

^IH.ik.i-: Ml- \\,iller

Ml- Ih.lll.- ( .ll.iuell.

-ee. |)a\


War Mi"iffin Al.

0. Ti

h Wan.nth Vi

-. IV C. Houser. First Wai.l; \li-. \1. \1. Ilarvill.

.,>.l; Mrs. J. C. Liisky ami M , -. I ..„ I.u-k^. Inurtl,.

I,,,,l, S,-venth Ward; Mis^ Kl ii. , \,\m»-. Kijihlli

\l,-^ i;,l. L. Morris. T,-nll. War.l: Mr-. I harlr- S.

ill. Twelfth Ward; Miss Edna Smytho, Thirtefnili

Mrs. J. Paul Harvill, Fifteenth Ward; Mr.s. R. A.

rd: Mrs. Robert Orr. Jr.. Seventeenth Ward: Mrs.

I) r (' riiintin. Tucntv first Ward: Mrs. W. ,\.

M.lul, C 11.11 .ind Mrs.' Cla.K- \1. Cluiml.erlai.,.

llnrace H. .Smith. Eiphternlh Ward: Mi-. DCtiif-diterson, Twenty-second Ward: Mi- M.m.Twenty-third Ward: Mrs. J. C. >..iiii-. I w.

Mrs. Lit Malone and Mrs. Neil .S. .|,.n.-. Iw.nU lillli War.l:

and .Mrs. Idabelle Wilson. Richland Addition.

Mis. Wilson's committee was composed of:

Mrs. John M. Gray. Miss Mildred Gray. Mrs. W. 0. Tirrill.

Mrs. John M. Kenney. Mrs. E. S. Brugh. Mrs. J. B. Totten. .Mrs.

James Campbell. Mrs. Henderson Baker. Mrs. Fitzgerald Hall.

Mrs. J. Harry Howe. Mrs. E. A. Potter. Mrs. Lou Luskv. Mrs.

Dave Lowenheim. Mrs. P. J. Clearv, Mrs. A. Mitchell. Mrs.

James H. Kirkland. Mrs. E. F. Benton. Mrs. M. T. Lusky. MissDelia Drew. Mrs. John A. McEwen. Mrs. George F. Blackie.

Mrs. Will T. Hale. Jr.. Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis. Mrs. Val Tay-lor. Mrs. McEwen Ransom, and Mrs. Miles Williams.

District Chairmen:

.Mrs. William ^W .'aver. Third District: Mrs. Craig .McFarhind.

K..urlli Di-lri.l: Mrs. ( luirl.'s Huntiii. Fifth Di-lri.l: Mrs.Th..nui- ( alli..iin. s,uh Di-ln<t: Mrs. W.-l H. M..rl..n and \'"'- >""> " '«"

Mrs. Charl,- C. t;,ll.,rt. S.x.nlh Di-lrict: Mr-. J..I111 .M. Gray."*"''' *''"'"'

Jr.. Ki;:l,tli l)i-lri,l: Mrs. Robert M. Ander,soii. Ninth District; Mrs. James B. Ez/.ell. TenthDistrirt: Mrs. N,.|is McCasland. Eleventh District; Mrs. Haskell Rightor. Twelfth District; Mrs.Thomas II. Jo\. Jr.. Thirteenth District; and Mrs. W. W. Core and Mrs. E. K. McCord. Four-

iVIrs. Joiui M. Gray and her committee of the Eighth District raised the largest

amount that was secured in any Red Cross drive during the war in a single district.

.^mong tliose assisting Mrs. Gray were:

Miss Mildred Gray. Miss Cornelia Barksdale. Mrs. John M. Kennv. Mrs. Idabelle Wilson.Mrs. John Barksdale. Mrs. A. E. Potter. Mrs. Joseph Palmer. Mrs. Richard T. Wilson, and Mrs.\ ance Alexander.

Booths were opened by Mrs. Thomas at the various department stores with MissMildred Gray serving as Chairman, assisted by the following:

>Uss Corinne Craig. Miss Kllen Stokes. Miss T,„riV Holman. "Miss Virginia Benton MissAnnie Warner Tenison. Miss i:i,/:i|,.ili In,.. Mi- D.— 1. IInl:!..-. Mi- ll.nn.ll |lill,.n. MissMary Lee Crockett. Miss K-lli.i \i. li..!. Mi-- r.li/,il,..||i ( iin„.ri. Mi- M.,m \,l-,.n. \1,- SueHolmes, Miss Elizabeth Burkn.r. Mi- .\li,.. Hall lin.ls.A. Mi-s Lillian Warii.r. Mi- Olivia

Trabue. Miss Lundy File, and Miss Elizabeth Hill.

Others who serv'ed as chairmen of various committees during this drive were:

Miss Margaret Creighton. Miss Dorothy Brandon. Miss Barbara Kuhn. Miss Virginia Benton.Miss Ellen Stokes. Miss Marian Joy, Miss. Henrietta Lindsley, Miss Martha Barham. Miss .\nnie

.Mai Underwood. Miss Percie Warner. Miss Ruth Vance. Mrs. Felix Cheatham. Mrs. Fieldingf.ordon. Mrs. Felix Dodd, and Mrs. Frank Wilson.

Mrs. James S. Frazer, who served as Chairman of the business districts, andher committee made a complete canvass of the city and distributed flags to busi-

ness houses whose employers had become one hundred per cent Red Cross members.

In 1918 Mrs. John W. Thomas served as Chairman of the movement to have the

National Anthem sung on Thanksgiving Day. and a very impressive feature of the

celebration on this day was that the .\nthem was sung by millions of voices over

America at the same hour.

( 347)

D Ai II) s


.\ c o I \T y ir o m i-: .\ i \ r ii t: « o k 1. 1> ir a r. i'u t-rw)

Mrs. Thomas also served as Cliairmaii nl tlic ui

acted as jreneral cliairinaii on the oeiasioii nt the m;

France Committee at the Rynian Auditoriiun in Dncii

was brought to Nashville to give U'cture> on -i.. i.il

supervision. Dr. DeFort made a series nf l.ilk^ al

leges in \ashvilh'. and addressed the women al a ii

Chii). The Girls" Patriotic League assisted in lli. |,

ing. and Mrs. Rogers Caldwell gave the addn— ,,l

Mrs. Thomas and the Nashville W'omanV (-onimill

bralion of the home-coming of the Tennessee soldit

of \^orld \^"ar relief work undertaken in Davidson


ing for t

1<). Dr.

- Mlhir,

an relief,

he Devast

Louise De

M,-. Tim

•Nun'oin I. Kill I'. \ I I III iKiNii I

TKNM-.xsKK .sol.hll.l;- III' II

This feature was (iesig,»-.l U \l,v |,.l,„ W , TlmnK.-..

(Chairman of the Nashville W (.111.111- I nilii-.- ami »as

slaved on the steps of her liiinn-. I he ;;nMi|i pii-s.-iiled an

inspiring and allraclivc tableau, wiiich rcccivrd pidhinni-d

applause from the larpe number of spi'ctators. Slanding

to the rit;hl. rcpresenlinf: "X iciorv." Is Miss Martha Dt-How,

In Ihr .rnl.r. r.-pn-.-nlinc •.hisli,-,-." Mrs. A.lair l.von

ChiMns-. T.. Ill,- l.-fi, ,,-pn-.,-nllTi.^ -Pracr." Miss Kliza-

brlli Hill.


Middle Tennessee and Davidson County Committee

Fatherless Children of France Society

Mrs. I)kmi'sk\ W kwkk. Chuiniuiit

Mrs. Demp^ev \Vea\ eh

I Anna Russell Colei

i>f Aclvisiin- Council of this Histi

The Fatherless Children of France Society was a national organization, having

district coniniitees and sub-committees in two hundred American cities. The Ameri-can headquarters of tlie relief work were in New York, and the French headquarters

office in Paris. France. The object of this organization was to aid French war or-

phans, thirty-six dollars and fifty cents a year being required for the support of one

child. By contributing this amount the donor was put into individual touch with the

adopted child.

There were sixty-four societies in France which co-operated with the Fatherless

Children of France Society, reporting the names of the orphans who were in needof assistance. Catholic. Protestant and Jewish orphans received aid from this organi-

zation, and representatives of the three faiths were on the Administrative Committee


DAiii)So.\ coi \TY iroMKy i\ rut-: iroHi.D iitn. i'iiH9i9

WM^wrrmtrr"iiii; \i!t)\i; I'icii i!i; w \s i \kk\ -in action." \ r iiiK iiistokk; home ok

\li;s. K. W. COLK

on ilie Murfrce.*l)iiri> jiik. . n..ii \a-liville, during the visit of Miss Margaret Wooilrow Wilson,ilie (iaugliter of tlu- lirl..\..l Wi.iM War President, Woodrow Wilson, to Nashville in the interest

<,f war work in Mav. IVIT. \lr~. K. W. Cole, hostess, ai.pears in the pietnr,- at the left of the

top row. To her left appea.> Mis- \Iar;;areI W.h.,I,,,« \\iU,„, and he. dau;;lihT. Mr-. I)en,p-ey

Weaver. President of the Mid.lle Tennes-.'e and DaMd-. ..i.nu >..,„iv. iMilir, I,-. ( luldn-n

Weaver. .I r.. and Anna Ki.ssell Cole W eav,-r. I ;:rand '. hildiri, ,,| Mr-. K. W . C,,!,- ,,„d' d.ii'mhir, ,„m1

son of Mrs. Denip-ey Weaverl, and Klizaheth (dasfiow. .Mary Weaver Harris, an.l W ill.ai]. Weaver. ,Ir.

in Paris. More than 2()().()()() (rrphMii- wet<- .nro.l lor l>v \hr varioii- , omniille.- of th.-

Fatherless Children of Kram r S.m iri\.

Miss Eleanor Fell and Mi^- ll..,,-,,. , >rnlli,-l,l. V.wji-h unni.-ii uh,, un,- nirnilrrs

of the Exeeutive Board and uh,, ,ImI m-Ii.I u,,iIs in I i.ui,,-. ^^vn ^r, \„„-iir,, l,v

the Paris committee in Jiin,-. I'»|7. I li,-~r u,,nirn ,,i •jani/nl ili,' \,i-li\ille (:i,in-

inillee. which was later nirr^'e,! ml,, lli,- ( :,,iririiillr,- I,,, \ii,l,ll,> I riiii,--r,-.

The \a-h\ilh- ,,irMer- .h,,Mn l.,r llu- , ,,1^.1111/, U i, ,n ».-,,•; \|,-, |)rin|,-,-\ \\,-.,\.-r.

Ch.iiiiii.ni: \li-. 1,,-lir W.iMHi. \ i,,--(:h.iiiiii,n,: \li- li.ii,,,- I'lhhn. ^,, ,,|,nv:

.-aniiirl 11. On. iMM^iire, |,„ \l i,MI,- I ,„n,—e,-. ,n,d Mi- M.im ^Ii,„ k,l I ,,, ,1. I, ,ms-

lirer I,, I \,i4i\ille and \-M-laiil Mi.hll,- jrniM— ,,I 1 ea-iii ,1 .

In .lune. \')\l\. Ihr u,„k I,,hI LM,,un I., -n, I |,.,ilh,M- ihal Hm' l,,ll,,uin,u ad.

ditional oliicers were a|i|i(,inl,-.l <,m iIm- \li,l,il,' T,nn,— ,r ,in,l l).iMd-,,n (:,,inil\ or-

ganization: Mrs. T. !)wi,-hi \\,l,l,. \ I,,- ( li.iMin.ni: Mi-. .|,.-,|,li T. ll,,urll. \ ire-

Chairman; and .Miss Kiniiia W hail, ,11. \~-i-l,inl >r, i.laM.

The .New V,,rk ,,(h,r a|,|„,inl.-,l lli,- X.i-hvilh- I 1 u-l Company an, I iN (.nn-ral

-Manajrer. Saimi.-I 11. (»ii. Ti,,i-m,-f l,,i Mi,hll,' Imnessee. Every |Mnii\ ,,l iIk;

money donated t,, tin- nlirl u,,ik ,,l llo- Mi.hHr Trnncss,-.- and l)a\i,l-.,ii C.iintv

Coinniiltee was sent due, | t,. ill,- I' h-ii, li .hM,li,n. .1- .ill nail,. 11. il ,ii„l |,„al .NiMa,-,--

were met In a .sepai.it,- liin,l. Th,- \a-li\ill,- ( ...iiiniitt,,'. uitli Mi-. l),iii|,-,\ \\,M\,r

( 3.>0 >

.( ( / 1) S () N C OINTY ir M EN IN TH E If O R I. I) IT A K. I I t-l <> I

as Chairman, was divided into tm liMrn-. \\lii(li (;m\,i>~ril llic liii^inf— rum


women's organizations, schools and . Imn In- nl \a-li\illr I" Mimi- In-hi p

for these orphans. The result ..f llu' rampai^n «a- llial \Ur \a-.|i\ ill.- ( ;,,iii

aided 2,5-16 orphans, five hundred of whom were ad<)|>l(il in llir lollnuinu \

Tennessee towns: Winchester, with Miss Ora Chattin a- (hainnaii: ^|iiiii;.

1.(1 by Mrs. Neil Glenn, Chairman: Columbia, by

Mis. George McKennon and Mrs. C. A. Parker, as

(d-Chairmen: Clarksville had Mrs. Austin Peay as

Chairman: Fayetteville had Mrs. J. B. Rutledge as

Chairman; Shelbyville was led by Mrs. Bain Stew-

art, Chairman; Murfreesboro had Miss Sarah

Spence as Chairman; and Bell Buckle was led by

Mrs. W. R. Webb as Chairman.

Through the efforts of Mrs. Dempsey Weaver

notable speakers from France came to Nashville to

j)resent the cause of the French orphans to the pub-

lic. M. Stephane Lanzanne, editor of Le Matin,

the -real Paris daily, and a member of the French

National Committee to America, spoke at tlie Ven-

dome Theater in October, 1917. There was shown

in connection with his talk a moving picture film mbs. t. d^i.hi wn.i,

especially prepared by the French Government to 'c..r, c,,., k. .d

aid in publicity for the Fatherless Children of

France Society; Mrs. Walter Brewster, of Chicago, who had spent a large j)art of

the winter doing relief work in France, spoke in Nashville in May. 191 'J. and Can-

Cabanel. French priest, who served during the World War as chaplain for the

"Blue Devils," spoke in November, 1919, at the

Centennial Club, at the Knights of Columbus Hall,

and at St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville.

The Davidson County members of the Fatherless

Children of France Society entertained the '"Blue

Devils" of France at the Centennial Club when they

visited Nashville in the interest of the Red Cross

campaign. These French soldiers were presented

with tri-colored folders containing a statement of the

Nashville and Middle Tennessee committees and a

reproduction of the invitation extended to Lafayette

by the citizens of Nashville in 182.5. Mrs. DempseyWeaver also presented a handsome silk flag to the

Alpine soldiers, who came to Nashville in the Fifth

Liberty Loan on behalf of the Middle Tennessee or-

ganization of the Fatherless Children of France.

Mrs. Leslie Warner served from 1917 to 1918 on

his organization, which was composed of thirty directors(he National Board of

chosen from all parts of the country,

tional Board from June. 1918. until th

ary. 1921.

Mrs. Weaver was also chosen as a

tee, whose headquarters were in Chic;

Mrs. Dempsev Weaver served on the Na-

close of the National Headquarters. Janu-

niember of the Nati

n„. The Junior B,

V Comniit-


DAVID > O Y CO I V r ) fl O U E V / \ T II A' /f O A' /. P I '>i II <;'>

Chililreii of France wclcoint'd the Teiiiiess<-e soldier* of the A. E. F. at the "Hoiiie-

coniinf; Parade" on the lawn of Mrs. \^ hitefoord R. ColeV residence. The pirls

were dressetl in the efTettive costumes of Alsace Lorraine. 'I'hi- feature was orijri-

nated and the costumes made and desigiuil li\ Mr>. Idilirll,- W il-,.ii ClKiirinan of

Features of the Home-coming; Parade.

As a token of appreciation for the conmicndahli- work doni' \>\ liic two iiuiidrcd

American cities and their suii-coininittecs. the French (iovernnient prcscriti-d a uold

nicial t<. th.- llcado.Kirtcrs Cmnnitlcc in N.u York.

l)avid-„n (



riie picture shows the grr

s awarded Chairmen of tl

1 (in the -lpp« "f till' liMil.'Tinial Club on the day handsome flags

\li,l,|l, Irnnr-^,. s,„ irii. - « ho Were on the Honor Roll.

Those who appear in the pi.iui.'. I.li i,. iii:lii :ii. liMih.m row: Mrs. Fielding Yost (Eunice

Fite), Samuel H. Orr. Treasun.i ..I ilir MmMIc Lnn.-r. Organization; Mrs. Dempsey Weaver.

Chairman of the Middle Tennessee and Davidson County Organization; Miss Sarah Spence,

Chairman for Rutherford County; Mrs. Bain Stewart. Chairman for Shelbyville: Mrs. W. K.

Webb, Jr., Chairman for Bell Buckle, who received one of the honors conferred.

Second r,.»: \li" Fr.in, .- I'll.h,-,. \l,-. B.-^r,l\ MrKinn.x. ( l,,u,n,,,n lo, l.rl.an.H,; Miss

Ada Swann. Mr-. .I.i - krrl.lr Kain-, \li- \l.ll^ ^h.i. kl.l.,i .1, il.. .iM. .in.l lirl,.\..,l \-H-lant

Treasurer ol lli.- Mid,!!.' '[mur-.rr s,„ i,-I\ .in. I I iva-mr, Im \,,-l,Mllr; \l,-- I- „,„,., \\l,,,ii..n,

Mrs. T. Dwiglil Webb, \icc rrcMdciU; Mr... J. li. .\KLcn.ui.-, Mi>. Ldua.d IJ. (lai;; i Mamie

Crockett), and Mrs. W. H. Williamson (jMary Ready Weaver).

Third row: Mrs. Morton B. Howell, 111. Mrs. Robert Wharton Nichol. Mrs. Jennie Bunlin.

.Mrs. Thomas D. Craighead and Mrs. Gales Adams (Edith Cheatham).

Fourth row: Miss Lillian Taylor. Mrs. J. B. Blackmore. Chairman for Sumner County, Mrs.

Bessie Dupont Schuyler and Mrs. Ellis C. Huggins (Lena Tate).

Fifth row: Mrs. E. W. Cole, Mrs. James S. Frazer, Mrs. Weaver Harris, Miss Frances

McLester, Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne, Mrs. Joseph T. Howell, Jr. (Mamye Craig). Mrs. H. C. Derivaik

and Mrs. George Williams.

Witt, Mrs. Fielding Yost. Miss Annie DeMoville, Miss Mary DeMoville. Miss Mary Ewing. Miss

Mr>' Louise Goodwin, Miss Lucile Landis. Miss Frances MeLester, Miss ,\da Swan, and Miss

.Margaret Warren.

The Junior members who participated in the celebration at the home-coming of

the soldiers were:

Miss Margaret Clark, Miss Martha Estes, Miss Estelle Hampton. Miss Clara Wrenne Sumpter.

Miss Frances Hill. Miss Lucia Higgins, Miss Mary Landis. Miss Dorothy Lipscomb, Miss Mar-

garet Martin, Miss Betty Orr, Miss Emily Warner. Miss Milbry Warner, Miss Virginia White,

and Miss Margaret Warren.

Mrs. Dempsey Weaver received a handsome French certificate from the French

Government in appreciation of the splendid work which she accomplished as leader

of the Middle Tennessee and Davidson County committees of the Fatlierless Chil-

dren of France Society. Mrs. Weaver worked as a private as well as an official, andwas greatlv beloved bv the members of this organization, who feel that the results

gained in the work were largely due to the insjiiration received from the earnest

efforts of their President.

DAI I n S () .\ C 1 WTY WO M F. .\ I \ T H E if R L I ) II I H. 1 a 1 I] 'W

Tennessee iJisision ;iii(l l);i\i(ls(in Couiily Lihertv

Loan ( )i'iiaiii/,;iti()ns

Mks. GllI.KOKI) DlDl.KV. State Chdinmiii

Member uf Ad

In tJic formation of the Liberty Loan organization, women for the first timein the history of the world's greatest democracy were recognized as potential factors

in influencing public ojjinion. and were empowered to give aid to their Governmentthrough united effort.

On May 7, 1917. the Sciclarv of the JrcaMnv nl \\u- I nil.d Slates called a

woman representative to a (-onfercnce in Washirigloii Fkuii cvciv sccli(jn of the

country, the purpose of the conference being to form a \:iiiorKil Wdman's Liberty

Loan Committee. Mrs. Guilford Dudley represented llic S..111I1 ;ii ihis meeting.

A national woman's organization for the sale of b(>n<is llnoiighout the coimtrywas instituted at this conference under the direction of an Executive Committee in

Washington, with Mrs. William G. McAdoo as National Chairman. Headquarters



were opened in the Treasiuy buildinjj;. where a large clerical force was immediately


On May 9, 1917, tlie first meeting of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Com-

mittee was held in the Treasury building and a plan of organization was determined

upon. Inasmuch as the work was under the National Treasury Department, it was

decided to organize along government finanrial lines. Twelve women were appointed

Mrs. John

(Daisv Oliver)

as chairmen for the Federal Reserve Districts of the United States, with the state as a

unit. For every state in the Union a chairman was to be appointed, who, in turn,

would appoint sub-chairmen in every county and district. The state chairman wasto assume entire responsibility for the work of her sub-chairmen throughout the


An arrangement by the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee was madewitli the National Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense wherebyeach state chairman for Liberty Loan work would become a member of the Boardof the State Council of National Defense organization, where one existed in thestate, thus facilitating the Liberty Loan work through the advantage of an organiza-tion which was already in smooth and efficient working order.


D.tiiDsoy CO I wry iroMf:y i .\ the hori.i) ir.-ih. i<>iii'ii9

Mis. Guilford Dudley served »ii the Nalit)nal Hoard of tlie Liberty Loan or-

ganization during the entire war period, was State Chairman for tlie First. Secondand Third Lilierly Loan lanipaigns in Tennessee and National Publicity Chairmanof tJie Fourth and Fifth Liberty Loans. Siie conducted Tennessee's First Liiierty

Loan campaign in May. 1917. through the Federated Clubs, as the Woman's Com-mittee of the Council of National Defense had not been organized in Tennessee at

that time, and gave her assistance at all times in organizing the state and speaking

in the interest of the loans throughout Tennessee. She was also a vcmv important

factor in putting over the loans in Davidson CourilN.

The ."Second and Third Loan campaigns wcic ( iniiliiriid in D.ixiiUnji (^lujuly

under the auspices of the X^diiKin'-; (!(iiiuiiilli'c ol llu- ('oiirnil i,| N.iliuii.il Ddrrwr.

The Fourth and Fifth l.nan-. Iiuur\,r. unv |,ul ll il'Ii in,lr|,ri„l,-„| K |,\ i|„. I.,!,.

erty Loan organization. ulii(li |i\ llial lime IkuI limun In l.c nm- nl llir iiin-l ]mi\v(|-

ful organizations, not only in Davidson (ioiinlN. Iml in lriinc--(i'.

The Woman's organization for Liberlv i,i>,in~ in l)a\iJ-on (;ounl\ umkid In

such an extent that its achievements were uiiMiipi— .-d |.\ an\ oilin in ilir irilii<>

country. National authorities have acknowledged ,niil ir.niclrd tlial llic (Muniii

of Tennessee raised more money with less expendilim ihin llic wnnicn nl an\ nihir

stale in the Union.

The following extract i~ taken fi..jn llu- r(|p(.il ..I ihc Sc<rclarv of llic Ticasurv,

at Washington. D. C. in icgard h. u,.rnrn in l.il.nU Loan uoik:'

-One nf the Mio-I nnlalii.- lacloi- in llic -iii , i-- ,,| |.il.,'il\ l.oari^ lia- l.rrn ih,-

u..,k of Ihr u.,MM-n. When llic I nil,',! Slalo cnhar.l ll,,- \\,,rl,l War llir |.NMnr.>

of bond selling was a lield so new to women llial all u,.,k uilinn il lia^ brrn ltiiii-

ine pioneering. It was with the belief thai llir uniiicn nl llir nalimi \\nul(l ( ..n-limic

a powerful moral force in war finance llial llic Naiiniial WiCommittee was created. They have not nnl\ ac r..ni|ili-li( d ili

having become an essential element in the ai Inal labm- nl|

constitutes one of the most interesting cliaplci- in liiv|ni\ in llir lin.inrinLJ nl il

World War. To the women, with their energv. iImii /ral. linn riiilin-ia-in. ai

their wisdom, is due a great part of the success of iIm I ibriu I.nan- ihi nujlmm ||

country. iNo mere recital of results achieved i an -Imu llir i \irnl nl ihc -,i\ii

which women have given to the nation ihrniiLili pailic i)ialinii in w.ii linann-. jli

hundreds of thousands of women assumed ihc I.ukIiii nl a ww kind nl labni li

their countrv is one of the most striking' .irid rliai a. in i-i i. la.l- in irlalinii In ll

VNnni.Tl nl Arnciira llial lli.- uai lia- ,lr\ rln|,r,l.-

\ii-. Jnlin i;. \ii-l -rixr,! ,i. Cliaiiinan Im \l,

Third and lourlli Loan., an, I vs,,- -^lal,- CI,,

Mrs. Alexander S. Caldurll. I'lr-iilmi <

Tennessee during the war. ua- .i|i|i..inli i| |,\

Davidson County for the First LibnU In, ini|>.

Chairman for tin; Second Libertv j.n.in: \li-. \i

.Nashville for the Third Loan, and \l,~. b .-, \l.

County Districts. Mrs. .Jes.se M. Overton u,,- I..

Chairman for the Fourth Liberty Loan, ami Mi-. I

paign in the county and city for the Fiflii. m 'N i

,'\ detailed -.•port ..f llic Hi.-ro- ,,r llic u,,nr

I)aigti.-. in Davidson CmmU foll.iu-:

( ,3.')6 )

I,. Ml,- 1,-nn,--,.,. Inr lli,

n A V ID SON C O V N T Y IT' O M E N 1 .V T H f: l( <) K I. I) « A H. I ') 1 t-l 1 1 9


Mks. A[.kx\M)ki! S. Cm.dwell. Chuiniid

As tlu- u„ik of llu- First I.ilMTlv !.,,;.„ ..i-ani/ali,,,,

work to the women. Mrs. .\U-k. CaMu.-ll us.-.l ill,- .m-

County Federated (^lul)s as lier siili-diairnian and woikr

campaion in Davidson County. This organization col

1 new line of

the Davidson

linp the First

Ihaii .SUi.OOO

during tliis campaign, whieh proved of great edueational value to women later.

An account of this loan ajipears in the Federated Club Chapter, of which Mrs. Cald-

well was President.


Mrs. Joseph Warner. Chairman

Mrs. Guilford Dudley, State Chairman of the Tennessee Liberty Loan campaign,appointed Mrs. Joseph Warner as Chairman of Davidson County for the Secondcampaign, which was launched in October, 1917. Mrs. Warner used the organiza-tions of the Nashville and Davidson County Woman's Committees, Council of De-

O At I DSD.\ COl.\TV ;f(M//.V / V 7 // A WORLD « A R. 1911-101')

fense. as iiistnimfiits tor pniniciliiii; tlir cmmm' nl llic Second cainpaiiiii. Tin- I'dIIow-

ing Sub-Chairmen were aiipoirilid |,\ Mr-. Wariiir to a— i-l ullli llii' \oluinc of

work of this campaign:

First Ward. Mrs. H. 1'. Vi,U: -^..,.,,.1 W.n.l. \l.-. \ii,l,.u \1, K.n/ir; Tliira Wai.l. Mi->

Kthel Moxifv; Kmirlli. Fifth ;in.l >.mIi W.ii.U. M,-. I r.mls ( .,, I -M.ihlrM.ui; S.-v.-ntli Ward. Mrs.

Richard Dak.-: Kighth Ward. \Ii~- I- I. ...,„. \,l.ii„~; Nnul, W.iid. Mrs. Joseph T. Hmvell


Tenth Ward. .Mrs. W. P. Hullaii.l: l:l.^,„lll \\,.id. \liv \. I', I.iim-; Thlrtreiitli Ward. Mrs.

W. II. Tankslev; Fourteenth Ward. Mi- II. -,. \ll.„: I ,Ii,,miI, \\,,nl. \l,-s I.aiua Sewell:

Sixteenth Ward. Mrs. William <;upt..ii; -.a. m. , nih \\.„.\. Mr- i;..l„,i (i,i, .Ir.: Kijihteenth

Ward, Mrs. T. H. Carpenter: Mnete.-.ilh W ..,<!. M.-, M.in l.ul,,nik-: Tu.ml.ih Ward, MrK.

1). S. Allen: Twenty-first Ward. .Mrs. John Hoop,.; Tu. nu -. . ..n.l W.u.l M,- W. A Oiighter-

son; Twenty-third Ward. Mrs. G. C. Chandjerlain; TweniN l..u,il, W.nA. W,- In \l..l..ne and

Mrs. Neil S. Jones; Twenty-fifth Ward. Mrs. Charles Hurl,,,,,.,,,; |;„M,„.I \.l,l,i„.„. M,-. L. B.

Fite; Nashville Chapter N... 1. V. D. C. Mrs. Thomas Nr«l,ill: r.M....K « .A\..-r. Mi- Bruce R.

Payne; Belmont Mapa/.ir,.- ( lul,. Mi- J. .In, II. Davitt; Colonial Dam.-. Mr-. Jam.s H. Kirkland.

Mis. Adair Lvnn (liildr.-- -. i\.il .i- Chairman of Xejiro Vi'omciiV Section, and

Mrs. Robert W. M.liol. uilli li. > Woiniin's Committee, as Chairman of Davidson

Coimty. Mrs. R. E. Porter. M,- \.,,i.-, M,,..r.- i.eui-. Mi-. !.. C. Wright, and Mrs.

\'ernon Sharp. Se<-tionaI Cli.iiiin.n ..I ili.- \,i-li\illi \\..ii,,in- Committee, and their

organizations, were able assi-l.nil- 1., Mr-. I.,-. |ili Wiiini. ( haimiaii of the Loan.

Mrs. Warner also ap|i..lrrle,l llr.- Irdlouiii;: uorn.'ri as li,iiis,..|,,.|i,,iis,. ranvassers

for this Loan


Miss Cornelia Uark.-dal,-. .Mr-. K.„.lT,.k I l.nd, a>ll.-. .Mr.-. ldal»-lle W il.son. .Mr.s. \auU Co»rn,

Mrs. Frank Bass. Mrs. Frame- ll„.|,ll. -i..„. Mrs. Frank Carl Stahlman. Mrs. J. II. Campbell,

Mrs. Felix Cheatham. Mrs. Ilarrv s,,,|, ^^i,,,, \]^^ Frank .Searcy Green, Mrs. Vernon Tiipper,

Mrs. Owen Wilson, Mrs. Sinclair Nrl,-, Mr- A. U. Hill. Mrs. John S. Lewis. Mrs. Ed Morris,

Mrs. Charles Davitt, Mrs. Henry .Morc.rrr. Mi-, 11. A. i;ri(1„r. Mr-. Kielrar.l Dak.-. Mrs. J..lrn

\olen. Mrs. I'anl Hunter. Mrs. Reul.ei, MrlU. Mr-. I ..rria D..rrnl,. r l^ . Mr-, J.,l,n-..rr liran-f..r.l.

Mrs. Herman 0. Blackwoo.l. Mrs. Jam.- I; I!,-. Mr- .1. M. t..-r. k. Mr- J II. V.lkrn- Mr-

( X^H )

1-. \\'..l 11^ \1..,

I> ill I) S <) V C l> I \ T y «' O M F. V / A T II F. If K I. I) If t K. I <> I t ' 9 I



\li;v \l.\li; luiN ( lllll.Kl». Chairman jor \aslnilh'.

MliS. Jr.s.sK -M. ()\Klil(iN. Cliuiniian lor Daiidscn Coiiii/y

(aiilfon) Diullov


nl \a~l.v

DAVIDSON C O U NTY T O M E N I N T H E U O R L I) If. I R. 191 1-1 9 1 9



Mrs. John Barks(Eliza Lanjfor,

V COl.MY IIOMK\ I .\ THE II O H I. I) If.lR. 19141919

Mrs. Childress" Advisory Hoard ua> t„ii.|..».-.l of lu.-.nl.. r- ,.l lli,- 15o.u

-Nashville Vi'omairs Coniniiltee. Council of Di-fiiix-. .iiul lici i;\i(iiii\c Vu

composed of the following women:Mrs. Lfsli,- Warner. Mrs. B. F. Vi ilson. Mrs. A. E. I'otter. .Mrs. \ anc- Alcxamlt-r. M

H. Hansom. Mrs. K. B. Cavce. .Mrs. Cliarlos Odom. Mrs. Eugene Crutcher. .Nfrs. JosephMrs. T. Dwight Webb. Nirs. I'ercy Warner. .Mrs. Robert Wharton Niehol, .Mrs. Hill

Mrs. James II. Kirkland. Mrand Mrs. .Sol Lowenstein.

.Mrs. John G. Gilinore

district loans.

The orgaiiizalicms wlii

raised by tliem. iiiulci lli

Jesse .M. Overton, were:

The Davidson Coiinlv

Douglas. Chairman, and

11. .Mo Mrs. Idabelle

rs. .Vrlliur

r. Howell.


Mrs. llen.lerson Baker,

d as press cli i.olli Nashvillr

rk.'.l In tin


Third \.>K

d Mr-. \i

ilh M,-. J;

man. work.-d joinlK and -^

erected in the coinitv for

Mrs. W. A. Overall as Pre;

Third Loan for the League.

T. Hale. Jr.. as Chairman.W

,U Auu.unln,- tn S.-.ll.r.dd. f,,„n liie

\v~: Ihr Woman's K.pial Suflrage l.e;

nd \l,-. Claude D. Sullivan as Chairn

rner, .Mrs. W. B. Shelton and Mi-liu- Davidson County King's Dauiihli

and Chairman for the Loan, .S2..iU().

At a patriotic ball held at the Bell.- Mof several war charities. .Sl.'iy.2.i() v

(ihildress' organization. One booth.

Mrs. Adair Lyon Childress, sold .Sf)7,2.50

member of Mrs. Childress' Executive Bbonds. Other orgajiizations were:

.McKendre*- Missionary Society, ^

Clav (;. Stephens as President. 's(d

Mr. Join, liaskerville. Mr-. Mark Bi.

Mr-. W. II. Ilu.l,:,na„. Mr-. b.l,„ M


D A V I D S ON CO UN T Y IT' O M E N I N THE IT O H I. I) If A R. 1 9 1 4-1 'J I 9

M. Mills as Chairman and

nountinu to Si lo.OOO. Th.'v

Lialzsky, Mrs. Beltie Colin. Mrs. Charles

A.iiheim, Mrs. Julius Martin, Mrs. J. B.

».ive Rosenfelrf, Mrs. Victor Sobel, Mrs.

The Coumil of Jewish Women, with Mrs. Rtiil)(

Mrs. Sol, Lowenstein as Head Salesman, sold honds

were assisted by the following committee:

Mrs. I.r„ Srliu.ui/.. Ml- .lu-r|,I, \I„ain^, Ml

Cohn, Ml- -,nn llii-. Ii, Ml- I I..1,,-. Ml- I

Morse, \li- Mi K.Mi i-iinin. i.

I>i. i . il Km Ii. Mi- Dave

Henry T.ill. Iiaiiin. Mi>. 11. D. W . i..l.au,n, _Mi-. .1- W.in-

slein. and .Mrs. Harry \^'eintrub.

The Nashville Woman's Committee, Council of

National Defense, with Mrs, M. E. Newell as Chair-

man, sold $1,500 worth of bonds. Serving on Mrs.

Newell's committee were:

Mrs, C, K. Colley, Mrs. D. K. Denton, Mrs. Al. W. Har-

ris, Mrs. R. A. Henry, and Mrs. John Barksdale.

Mrs. John L. Nolen's committee for the Seventh

Ward raised $27,200 in bonds. Serving with Mrs.

Nolen as solicitors were:

Mrs. Avery Handly, Mrs. Thomas C. Rye. Mrs. ReubenSeay, Mrs. Hallum Goodloe, Mrs. Leslie Warner. Miss

Elizabeth Eve, Miss Elizabeth Binford. Mrs. J. W. Black,

Mrs. William Hartupee. Mrs. T. B. Holt, Miss AmiI.e

Throne, Mrs. William C. Dake. Miss Mary Skeffinglon,

Miss Jan,- >k.-llin^l„„. \1,-. ,|,.l,ii Tl,..nia-nn. M,.s JimmieMcE«,-„. \llv Mavlrl Miinn. Ml- M,ii,ai.l Morrow. Miss "l^X"'^!^""Marv Kr,i,. Mi- Klla (anh.ll. Mi- l,.i, l.,„kv. Miss


Catherine ERhbauin. Mi>. K. A. (., liiiau. .Mis» Ftlicia Porter, Mrs. Willie Bettie Newman,Miss Lutie Jones. Mrs. Ora L. Harris. .Miss .Nellie Cecil, Miss Matilda Porter, Mrs. Morris

Wilson, and Miss Ruth Cowden.

Miss Elizabeth P. Clark. Chairman of tlie Ninth Ward, raised $44,400, Mem-bers of her committee, who canvassed the ward, were:

Mrs. Wharton Allen, Mrs. William Burnett, Mrs. Charles Davitl. Mrs. Chauncey C. Foster.

Mrs. A. B. Hill. Mrs. A. E. Hill, Mrs. John .S. Lewis, Mrs. James L. Nestor, Mrs. J. '^. Pente-

cost, Mrs. Eldon B. Stevenson, Miss Minnie Wilson, and Miss Floy Lewis.

The Tenth Ward, with Mrs. Robert B, Brannan as Chairman, raised $5,700:

the Twelfth Ward, with Mrs. J. H, Campbell, assisted by the Woman's Federation

of South Nashville, $5,350: Th< Fourteenth Ward, with Miss Bessie Allen as leader,

$1,500; the Seventeenth Ward, with Miss Hazel Brandon as Chairman, $750: the

Eighteenth Ward, with Mrs, Horace Smith as Chairman, 851,850: the Twentieth

Ward, with Mrs, D, F, Allen as leader, $850; the Twenty-second Ward, with Mrs,

M, E, Newell as leader of Woman's Committee. $16,450: the Twenty-third Ward,

with Mrs. Jesse J. Jitt as Chairman, $1,050: the Twenty-fifth Ward, of which Mrs.

Lit Malone served as Chairman, $1,859: Eastern Star No. 168. with Mrs. Neil S.

Jones as Chairman, $1,000; W, C, T, U„ with Mrs, R, Lee Kennedy as President and

Chairman of Loan, $650; McCann Parent-Teacher Association, with Mrs, J. B.

Bradley as Chairman, $200; Junior Inquirers' Club, with Miss Lou Ella Wolfenden

as President and Chairman, $150: and Richland Addition, with Mrs. Henderson

Baker as leader, $1,250, Mrs, Childress was highly commended for the effective

organization of this Loan and the women who worked so untiringly.

Total raised from Nashville wards, under Mrs. Adair Lyon Childress, Chair-

man, for the Third Liberty Loan, was $1,185,100. and the total raised from the

county districts, under Mrs, Jesse M. Overton, amounted to $564,500. The ma-

jority of county subscribers of this Loan came to the tent on Ca]iitol Boulevard.

( 363 }

DAiinsoy t:oi .\TY n o m t: \ i\ the hori.d ir t k. nniioi"


Mks. Jessk M. Ovkkto.n. Chairman

Preliminary work on the Fourth Liberty Loan l)e<;an in August. 1918. Active

work for the drive began September '2i'> and continued to October 19. 1918. Mrs.

Sam Phillips, of Memphis. Tenn.. State Chairman of this Loan. appoint<-(l the fol-

lowing Davidson County women on her State Executive Board: Mi-. Ciiillord

Dudlev. National oHicer of the Libertv Loan Committee. Chairnuiii nl ilu- St.ih-

Executive Board: Mrs. John R. Aust. Chairman of Middle Tennes>r,- i,., \.,-lnillr

Zone!: Mrs. John (;. Cihnorr. Chainnan of Pn-^ ;,n(l S|..'akr,V I'.uirau <,( Mid.ll.

Tennessee (or Na-livilb- /..n.-i: and Mi>. Jr-.- M. Ox.M.m. |).,\i,l-oM C.unls


Due to her splendid work throughout llie Slat.- of Tennes.see in the Third Liberty

Loan. Mrs. .Sam Phillips was re<-omini-Mili(l Fur appointment to State Chairmanof this Loan by Mrs. Guilford Dudl.-N. National Committee Woman of Libertv

Loan Work.

Headquarters for Middle T.-MMc-ee and l)avids,,n CoiintN I ouilli Loan Com-mittees were opened at 221 Fourth Avenue. North, at Nashville. In pn-paring for

the drive. Mrs. John R. Aust. Zone Chairman, called an all-day conference of the

twenty-three counties in the Nashville Zone, which were under her jurisdiction, at

the Chamber of Commerce on September !!. 1918. at which meeting instructions

were given the various county chairmen who were delegates to the confereme. Mrs.

Aust presided over the conference and outlined plans for the work, and Mrs. I,eo

Schwartz gave the address of welcome. Mrs. Sam Phillips and Mr^. Guilford Dud-

ley also made address<'s in the interc^^t of the work.

Mrs. Jesse M. Overton perfected her Davidson County organization at a nui.->

meeting at the Chamber of Commerce on September II. 1918. the plan of the

county organization being the same as the zone system adopted bv the state. Fourzones were created in the county by Mrs. Overton, each imder the leadership of

a field marshal, who. in turn, ajjpointed seven captains. F„i(li captain appoinlcil

first and second lieutenants and several .sergeants.

Mrs. Overton appointed lb.- following women on h.r Da\i(ls.,n Counlv K\r, ntive


Mr-, ,1am.- II. Kirklan.l, \ l,r.( .hairman an. I ( J.ali .nan ..I \1.,-

Jr.. .Sp,-ak.-r.-' Hur.-au: Mrs. (;.M,rge William Fall. Il..-|.iial,ix ;

Mr-. (;raiil)ir> Jackson. Entertainment; Mrs. John W . Tli.ini.i- (

Aui.im..l.il.-s: '.Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne, Decorations; \Ii- J..-. |ili'

.Mrs. Frank .^L-arcv (Jrccn. Registration; .Mrs. f'harli- .\nil.r-.in. 1

Icy Gale. Districts'; Mrs. A. G. Brandau and .Mrs. W. D. Haggard.I'r.ss; y.Us. Walter Jones, Field Marshal of the First Zone; Mrs. W. G. Ewing, Field Marshalof the .'second Zone; Mrs. Joseph Warner. Field Marshal of the Third Zone; and Mrs. James S.

Frazer. Field Marshal of the Fourth Z..n,-: Miss Klizal.eth Elliott served as .Secretary; Mrs.Nforton B. Howell. III. an.l Mrs, Frank Fl.-ishman s,rv,-d as Assistants of Publicity for Davi.l-

-on (bounty.

Many noted si)eakers were brought lo \asli\

ibeir first appearance in Davidson Counl\ .i- pnl

Liberty Loan campaign. The famous (;ip-\ ^niilli

was entertained at a limcheon which ua- prc-iil.il

Chairman, at the Hotel Hermitage.

Pledges of suppott bv the follow iut: u,,rn.-n a-

li<,ns w.-re offcr.-d al tin- lun. l„-,,n, ulu.b -c,a,,I

tb.- L.,an:

- \l.-.t




Officials of the Woman's Liberty Loan Committee of Davi.Kcn Coiinlv willi Alr^ T>-'«e M.Overton the Loan Chairman as Chairman of Arrangement^ -a\. ili. Mpm.' --.iMi, i~ ,i lurakfast

at the Belle Meade Club and members of the Canteen < ii., ~,i\,,l ,i- u.nii.--.-. Loanofficials wlio appear in the picture are: Mrs. Guilford Uuillri. N.iIm.h.iI i illi, . i ; \li- |.,hn R.

\ii-t, /..,„. Cli.iHman; Mr^. j.-.,- M. Overton, Davidsui, C.nnlv (.hanin..i,: \li~ W.llcr L.

i..„.-^ I 1,1,1 \l.n-li,il. 1-1 /,,-!.; \1(-. W. i;. Fttiiit:. Field Mar-hal. 2n.i /m,,-; \1,-. |,,-,|,l, Warner,

Ki,l,l \l,n-l,,,l. '.i,! /,,>!,: \1.-. I.uiir- >. Frazcr. Fi.-I,l Mar-lial. -1th /un.-: \l,-, Wilha,,, T. Hale,

Chaiimau ,.,1 .-pcak.i^s \li.. L.-lic Warner, Chairman of Sch.M.ls. and \h-. j,,hn W. Thumas,

Chairman of Churches; Mrs. George William Fall, Chairman of Hospitality; Dwight Webb. Chair-

man of Men's Committee, Davidson County; Thomas G. Garrett. Chairman of Men's Committee.

Nashville zone; Mrs. Robert Cheek. Chairman of Nashville Chapter A. R. C. Motor Corps, andmembers of the Motor Corps who conveyed the Alpine troops to and from the club.

Mrs. NL S. Lebeck, Army Comfort League: Mi- l.-ii,- Warner. State Committee, Council

of National Defense; Mrs. James H. Kirkland. (,,l,iiiijl liam,-: Mrs. William T. Hale, Jr.,

Centennial Club; Mrs. B. F. Wilson, Ladies' Herniiia-, \--,„ iaii.,n: Mrs. Leo Schwartz, Council

of Jewish Women; Mrs. Eugene Crutcher, Parent- TeacluM A--,,riatinn ; Mr~. Granbery Jackson,

National League for Woman's Service: Mrs. Dempsey Wia\,i. Fatli.il,— I l,ililren of FranceSociety; Mrs. John C. Brown, State and County U. D. C.'-; \li-. I.,- |,li Wani.r. Le Bien-Etre

du Blesse organization; Mrs. Edward W. Foster, State and Cuuni) D. A. li.V; Mr^. W. A. Overall.

Equal Suffrage League; Mrs. John W. Thomas, Woman's Committee for Nashville; Mrs. RobertWharton Nichol, Woman's Committee for County; Mrs. Gibson Patterson. King's Daughters;Mrs. George F. Blackie, Nashville Chapter. Red Cross: Mrs. Percy Warner. County Liberty Loan;and Mrs. Alex. Caldwell, Federation of Women's Clubs.

In appreciation of the fact tliat Davidson County was the banner county for

Tennessee in the Fourth Liberty Loan. Mrs. Sam Phillips. State Chairman, gave a

banquet at the close of the campaign to the seven hundred women workers for this

Loan, at the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. George W. Fall gave the address of

welcome at this banquet, and Mrs. Phillips announced with pride that, although

Davidson County's quota wa,s «4.000,000. $6,565,000 had been subscribed. Mrs.Phillips appointed Mrs. John G. Gilmore as Chairman-General of the banquet.

She was assisted by the following Chairmen, who served at all the numerousfunctions staged to arouse interest in the sale of bonds through<nit the Fourth Loancampaign


Mrs. George W. Fall. Hospitality; Mrs. Joseph A. Gray. Menu; .Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne. Deco-rations; Mrs. Frank Searcy Green. Registration; .Miss Elizabeth Eve. Seating of Guests; Mrs.Granbery Jackson, Program; Mrs. Nathan Crockett, Tickets for Banquet; and Mrs. A. G.Brandau and Mrs. William D. Haggard. Music.

One especially impressive feature of this banquet was the gracious manner in

which Mrs. Jesse M. Overton, Chairman for the Fourth Loan, presided, although her

nil in so.\ cm .\TY iroMFy i\ the world tar. 19111919

IHE Bt)()TII OF Mi;>. 1)\\ U.I

HOI l.KNAlii) 1)1 I

The larj;csl number of bmuls were sold by llie oommitlee ;il this booth of any in the entire

Loan. Standing, to the left is Mrs. James Krazer, Fiehl Marslial of the Fourth Zone. Center,

Mrs. Richard Barr, Lieutenant, and right, Mrs. Dan McGugin (Virginia File), Lieutenant in

charge of the booth sales, for the day.

son. Lieutenant John Overton, had been killed in action in France <>iiK a i'lu

weeks previous to this time. The entire audience arose and stood for a nidiiinil in

silence in respect to tlie memory of Lieutenant John WiliaiiLS Overton and llic liiidir

work done in the Loan by his mother, Mrs. Saidee Williams Ovcrloii. Ollirials of

the men's Liberty Loan Committee were guests of the banquet aJMi.

) soldiers. Sergeants Bromley and Sciicia Pierce.

cic ill military training at Fort Oglethorpe, Oa..

•I k> Id sing in the interest of bond selling. Mrs.

leaker at the banquet. .Short talks were given

Walter Jones. Mrs. W. G. Ewing, Mrs. James(ihairman of Zone Three, who led all field

old. Mrs. Warrici-. animnii, ,-iii.-iil uas rcce^ivd




Patriotic songs were sung by t

noted musicians of Chicago. wIkp

and who were released for a few

Sam Phillips was the prim i|ial

by the four Field Mai-li,.l-. Mi

Frazer, and Mrs. Joscpli W.iiin

marshals in the number of bonds

with prolonged cheers by both men and women worki

Dudley, National oflicer. announced that Tennessee li,

Liberty Loans and that in ihc Fciiilli Loan >h.- luul

That Davidson County bail led llir riiiiiilic>- ol' Tciii

John R. Aust, Chairman ul tl... \a-l,vill«. /one.

During the intensive drive of the Fourth Loan the induenza epidemic was at its

worst stage, necessitating the closing of all schools, churches and places of public

patherings throughout Davidson Couiitv. Because of this fact, all meetings held

in the interest of the Fourth Loan bad In In I nf-doors. Never in the history of

ivii flistiii I lirrn kiiiiwii to take on the apj)earance of a

lir'unnim uoikri-. i;,.',|l|/ui.,,'- .lalioii,.,! „i, all tin-

I l..lnlr iMil. I Ill Ur,r ~|.rakri-. IllllM.. VaudrMll,-

Fail, captain and Iwi I iiiilrnaiiN al-n a. Ir,l .|. x.uidc-

I- -air nl lal.riU r.onds.

Nashville has th

augurated and managedown-town street connperformances and tabl


ville directors. Auction sales of pigs, hams, registei

of \arioiis kinds were sold, which inspired intcres

f 366)





Mrs. Blackwood, who was one of the Captains of Zone

1 is standing to the left supervising the signing of a bond,

which Mrs. T. A. Clarkson. Lieutenant, who is sealed inside

the Booth has sold to the customer standing at the win-


Tony Rose and the men of his orchestra generously gave their services during the

entire Loan, and all other musicians in Nashville donated their services when called

upon by the captains, which added impetus to each day's work.

The celebrated Alpines visited Nashville during the Fourth Loan, and they madea picturesque sight parading through the streets in their native costumes. TheDavidson County Woman's Committee met the Alpine soldiers at the Nashville

Union Station and entertained them at breakfast at the Belle Meade Club, with Mrs.Jesse M. Overton, Chairman of the Loan, presiding. The Italians of Nashville gavetliem an elaborate banquet in the evening at the Chamber of Commerce, at whichtalks were made by the Alpine army captains in charge, interpreted by the Nashville

Italians. Officials of the Woman's Loan Committee were guests of the evening.

An impressive and powerful appeal for the cause of the Fourth Liberty Loanwas made in the form of a mammoth street parade, held under the auspices of the

Woman's Liberty Loan Committee of Davidson County, in Nashville, on October 6,

1918, in which all of the seven hundred women participants and the officials of themen's committee walked. Mrs. James H. Kirkland served as Chairman-General ofthe parade, which was one of the most gigantic undertakings directed by a womanduring the entire war. Mrs. Kirkland was allowed onlv three davs in which to ar-

range this parade, and no riding or float was permitted.


D,llll)SO.\ COiMY nOME.X I .\ THE WORLD S A R. I » I 1-1 <> I•

sl'KCI \(:i LAK

low (.ii\i\iniKi:.

Mr.. Ja,.,.-,-. 11. Kirklaml ^cn.il a.s (;liainuai,-(,.„,ial „l tl,e I'aiacU-. aiul a.i.lc fium e>ery

])alriolic ami civic organization and club of Davidson Counly being rfprescnteil in llie Parade,.Mrs. Kirkland and her committee corralled seven hundred Liberty Loan workers, who marchedthrough the principal streets of Nashville on foot. The Service Flag of Davidson County, madepossible by the Girls' Patriotic League, is .shown in the picture, carried by four .S. A. T. C. boys

and .Misses .Martha and Helen Dickinson and .Miss .Margaret Early, which headed the parade.

Several dollars were tossed in the Flag along the line of march, this being the firs! showing after

its compleliim.

riic |)arli( ipaiit.- in llic |)ara(l(' wcic: The seven IiihkIii

ki-is. who marched in zone and team p:rou|)s: .\ationa

n Committee: r.-pre.sentatives from the R. O. T. C. of V;

hody Coih-e; students from War(l-H<-lmont Colh-e. FisI

idson County Mori's Lilierty Loan Coiiiiiiiltee: Gold Sla

s and sisters of men in sei-\iee: various divisions of the

ss: Girl SeouU; I3ov Scouts: Confederate Veterans: hi

tier Vlant workers: tin- I'mnlh Teimessee Regimenl l'.,iii

•e Leafiue, and colon il uiiimn Loan workers.

,ed by each di\i-ioii ahinj: tin- line ol' manh. which wn

Is of' Nashville In Ihr Capilnl l!.,iil.-\ai.l. l.-aii ,.||i,ial

( .368 )


and \h



s of th


•harrv r


>itv andolh-es:


.-,. Ii,.,l


D A ]' 1 1) s X c r N T y r o m e v / A' r ii e

Loiiiitv iiij^aiiizatioiis ma,ssfd before the Caniiaek Aleinorial .Monument in the Capitol

grounds, where a giant Gold Star Flag was unveiled in memory of Davidson County's

iallen heroes up to that time. This flag was presented the state by the Girls' Patriotic

League, a junior branch of the National League for Woman's Service, and was

carried in the parade by Misses Martha and Helen Dickinson and Miss Margaret

Early, assisted by four soldiers. More than one hundred dollars was tossed into

the flag along the line of march. Dr. James L Vance presented the Gold Star Flag

on behalf of the Girls' Patriotic League, and Governor Thomas Rye accepted it for

the State of Tennessee. Mrs. John R. Aust presided at the ceremonial, and national

anthems were played during the exercises. Mrs. James H. Kirkland was highly

commended by national, state and county oflicers for lier magnificent managementof the parade.

Speakers appointed for the entire duration of the Fourth Loan by Mrs. \^ illiam

T. Hale, Jr., Chairman of Speakers' Bureau, were:

Mrs. Jesse M. Overton. Mrs. Lesll,- Wariur. A^i^^ LoiiIm- G. Liiidsley, Mrs. George E. Blake,

Mrs. Percy Warner, Mrs. Guilf..r,l D.i.II.n. Mr-, lam.. (. r.Ki.ll,.r<l. Mrs. Alex. S. Caldwell,

Mrs. John Henry Smith. Mrs. ll.n,!. , -,„, I'.A.,. \1,- („,,,.,• V. BLukie. Mrs. Irvine Chase,Mrs. Eugene Crutcher. Mrs. Frank ^.mm^ (...,,,, \1,- |,,-, |il, T. How.-jl. Mrs. Claud D. Sulli-

van, Mrs. John Hill Eakin, Mrs. \rincr Mchuv I.u,-. \I,- ll,/al»tl, Frve Page. Mrs. ArchTrawick, Mrs. Ittie Kinney Reno. Mrs. Vernon Sli,n|i. \li-. I.m ^.1i«,iii/. \Ii-. Wali.r Jones,

Mrs. John M. Kennv, Mrs. W. E. Norvell, Mrs. Jam.- ^ l;.,,-l.^ \li- li.lla |),„i,li. \li- MaryLouise Goodwin, Mrs. Kathryn P. Wright. Miss Li//i.- l;i -i.m. \li-. i;.,l.,ii W . NhIm.I. Mrs.Louis H. Sperry. Mrs. Adair Lyon Childress,- Mrs. t:harles Baker. .Mrs. A. B. Benedict, Mrs.Reuhen .Mills. Mrs. Ferdinand Kuhn. Mrs. Fred W. Kelsey, Mrs. D. T. Kimbrough, Mrs. Humph-rey Timothy, and Atrs. P. A. Murray.

The following is a list of the women of the four Davidson Countv zones, eachzone having worked in teams under the direction of the Field Marshals:

.« 1 ,|,|i..,„l,.l a- a-l.

DAI 1 1) s o A c o I .V r y ir o .»/ k .v / v the ir o k l d it a h. i " i i-i - /


>rrs. Sam K.-s;.1,t. Caplain; Mrs. Hi-iuv N.uli..ll. l,,-i I „ „i, ,,.,,,1 ; Mi- I!.,;Im., K.-l,-r.

Second Lieutenant; Sergeants: Mrs. B. K. II1I.I..11. \li-. II,.,, n,.- Wills.- Il,...p,i. \li-. i;. T.

Lusky. Mrs. Ilarrv Markle. Mrs. William ,M..i-h. Mr-. |,ilu, \l,(.,.iu. Mi-. n,,|„..x \\ .,-,, mkiti.

Mr.^. \X. \. W..„K.,k. Mi- liull. Fri Kin. Ml- 1 .li., (...I.l,n.,n. Mi- h.-.H- (...l.li.KU,. \ll-M,ir\ .N.il llil,l.,-ii. Mi- 11,1.11 N.-uli..ll. Ml- M.im i'.iili.iiii. .m,! Mi- N,il.-ll,- \lli,-il.

/<.m: I. Tl \\i 7

Mrs. J.iseph WVinstein. Captain: Mi-. ^,1111 s,K,., |„.|,|. | ,,,, | ,i,.,,i,.|i.,,ii. .1,1, 1 M,-, M,.iri^

Forges. Seeoml Lieutenant: Sergeaiil-: Mi-. I,— .- \ll.,ii. Mi-. M.nm,-! |-,aiik. \li- l'i,-.| C. Li-

ner. .Mrs. J. Haiihael. Mrs. ..\anm l!..lli, hil.l. Mi-. Il,ii„aii Spii/. M,-. L..u Lu-k\. Mi- Miimi.-Harlman. ami Mi- Haiti.- Mav SiU.-i ti.1,1.

/OM. 2

Mi;v W. (.. i:\MM.. /„•/,/ Marshal

/um: _'. li.vM I

-Mrs. (;ranl)ery Jarkson. l.i|,I,,iii; \li-. \,uh.,n ( 1,,. L.ii. Iii-i li.ui.ii.uil: Mi- i:..;i.i- Cal.l-

well. .Second Lieutenant, ami Mi-. Ii.uik -,.ll,^ (,i.,ii ( li.m m.in ,.! I'lil.li, 11 v ; -.i;;,,iiil- \lr-.

Bruce R. Payne. .Mrs. J. T. Miiii.u,. Mi-. ( li.ul.- \n.i.i-,i„. \li- (,.„i.^,. I.. i;,i,„,.. Mi-. ( ., >.

Brown. .Mrs. John Karlv. Mi- (. (. ( In i-i,,|.li,i . Mi-. Kun, i,- < l,in,nl-. M,-. \l. W ll.iiri-.

Mrs. -Weaver Harris. Mr-. William C. Il.,llm.in. Mi-. .\. li. It.M.-.li.l. Mr-. Ilaii.ill..n l...v.-, .Mr.-.

W. K. Norvell. .Mrs. rii..m.,- I'.irk.-. Mr-. j.lF I'lill.ii. Mr-. I. ( :. \,nnv'. Mi- K.liia I.IU.ll. amiMi-s Nfarparet EarK.

Thi- wa< Ihr Ikimii.t l.-.im ..I /..ii,- 2. rai-iiin llie lai-.-l ainm, I am lean, 111 tl.,- /,.m-.

/<.NK 1. T.;\M 2

Mrs. Loui- H. Sp.Trv. (.ipLiin: Mi-. TIm.i,,.,- I. Il.il„ii. h . In-i I 1,m. „,,i,i : Mi- Hi. .masC:. Keelinp. Second), iriil, 11. ml: ^.i::..ii,i- Mi- \ I'. \i,.|,i-,,n Mi- \,l.ini \„li,,l. Mi-. II. n-derson Baker. .Mr-. Mill. .11 ( ..,,k. Mi- Wilhim I II, .11, mm, \I,- W ( l>,\,,i, Mi- |,.-,|,l, BDeeds. .Mrs. K. K. Srlmmarl„i. Mi-. II i;, („|.l,;,,.h. M,- k I M, I .„,i,„ ,. Mi- li.mk lloll...

well. .Mjss Callierinr- LeSu.-ui, Mi- Ma.lli.i (an..!!. Mi- I i-iil,i M. (,1 h.ll, ,111. i Mi-> Cv.rgia


Zom: 2. Ti:\M :;

Atrs. W. II. .S-liuerman. ( .iplaiii: Mr-. I'. II. 1 1. .11-1, .11. Ii,-| I .I,„i,ikmiI : \li-. W.

\. ( l^den.Second Lieutenant; .Serfieaiil-: Mr-. W . II. >. \imi-i,a.l. Mi- K.l-.ii \\ |-,.-i..,. \|,-. Haiuillnn



Mrs. Wpicture, fi


Junes hIio strvtd as Field Marshal of the zone is seated in the center of the

. Second to the right is Mrs. Sam Kessler (Theresa Goldstein), leader of sales;

Mrs. Frank H. Wheeler (Mary Herberts Mrs. R. L. Sawyer, Mrs. Charles D. Campbell (Hannahfor this zone were pooled at Mrs.

vh Street each evening. Next to

W. Meredith G Ilell. Mrs. J. E.

,u, Spitz (Helene Fr.-iiseoi-f » , Mrs.

.. Herman Hitt (Nee\ie Frey) andlod (Josie Bellamy i . was also a

Stanley) . Mrs. Percy Willia

Willi.lIU-' r,..,,ll, .,1 thr ...1

Ml- Willi Mil- 1- Ml- I..-

DIIIDSOS COISTY lll)\li:.\ I .\ rUE UORI.I) II tK. 19 1419 19

Ko^ltr. Mrs. James E. CaMwcU. Mrs. I'.oorgt- A. \Vasliin<:loii, .Mrs. \ crnoii TupiK-r, .Mrs. Rogers

Caldwell. .Mrs. l.lab.-lle \Nilsoii. Mrs. C. C. Clirislopher, Mrs. Richard Dake. .Mrs. Kdward A.

Lindsi-y, Mrs. Tliomas Mallisoii. Mrs. Jolin A. Hawkinson. Mr.s. .\.' B. Hansom. .Mrs. .McEwen Ran-

som \irs. W t'.. Simmons. Mrs. Waller Stokes, Jr.. Mrs. John J. \ erirees. Jr.. .Mrs. Eilwin Warner.

Mrs. Hooper Love. Mrs. \ ivian Tupper. .Mrs. Alfred Wil-

liams. Mrs. Andrew Zeiller, .Miss Fermine I'ride. Mrs. Field

ing Yost. Miss -\lire C.ertrude Smith. .Mrs. Dan McGugin,

Miss Ellen Stokes. Mrs. Kichar.l T. \\ils,.n. .Mrs. Bvron .Mar-

tin, .Mrs. Frank A. Berrv, .Mrs. W ill Allen. .Mrs. John Kreig,

Miss .Marv Kreig. Mrs. Henderson Bak.r. Miss Frank Hol-

l.,»c-ll. and .Mrs. Charles Hunt.

/o.MC 3, Te.\.m 2

Captain; .Miss 1

DAVID SON COUNTY WOMEN IN T II K If O l< L 1) It A R. 19111919

MKb \ HiW \l II I IIII I hs BOOTH IN \(:TI0\-


Mrs Potter «li,i

left suiunp. up a hi

\Iis Mnuis Flel.h

t Ml- Poliei s Lj

I his hn„th «as hKami \rtadp

Taptain stands to tlie

_i ntleman to the right.

I 11 Henry Smith, two111 d inside the bootli.

iiiti of Fourth Avenue

Mary Bright Thomas, Mrs. William C. Hoffman, Mrs. Louise Bransford Kirkman, Mrs. Van LeerKirkman, Mrs. Ernest Pillow, Mrs. Felix Schwab, Mrs. Richard Dake, Mrs. Charles Whitworth,Mrs. H. S. Whitworth, Mrs. Johnson Bransford, Mrs. Margaret S. Williams. Mrs. Idahelle Wilson,Mrs. W. S. Bransford, Mrs. A. B. Benedict, Mrs. C. A. Marshall. Mrs. George Schwab, Mrs. J. 0.Hendley, Mrs. Foster Hume, and Mrs. West H. Morton.

Zone 3, Team 6

Mrs. L. B. Fite. Captain; Mrs. Owen Wilson, First Lieutenant; Mrs. Sinclair G. Niles. SecondLieutenant; Sergeants: Mrs. Walter Cain, jNIrs. James E. Caldwell, Mrs. M. H. Dobson. Mrs.Felix Dodd, Mrs. James Ford, Mrs. Fielding Yost, Mrs. R. W. Grizzard. Mrs. Ross Huddleston,]\Irs. William Hume, Mrs. John Kreig. Miss Agatha Brown. Mrs. Charles H. Litterer, Mrs. Dan


£>((//) NOV COI.STY I10ME\ / .Y '////; BOA'/./) KiR. I » I 41 » I>

McGuiiiii. Mrs. 1). G. llarl, .Mrs. J. L. McW horlt-r, .Mrs. I'aul Kolurls. .Mrs. iii..iiki> m.cI,-. Mrs.

1. J. Van Nes.s. Mrs. C. B. \Vallace. Mrs. J. O. H,-n<lley. Mrs. Joseph Gil,s,.n. Mrs. Tl„„nas

\Ialon.-. Mrs. Jesse H. Tlionias. Mrs. Hainill..n Love, and Mrs. Thomas Parkes.

.Mrs. Josrph Wan.er-s /one h-.l all olh.rs in tli,- niiml»-r of l„.n,|s .uM.

Mi;v j


\i: I. I

- -'Miilh.

K. I,rl,l \hnshal

.|..hi. T. 1,11

. \Ii- W.illn-

Ir,. .1,,. \l|v.

\li-. |..lin !;.

iini..lln. \li-s

,- Itl.ni. \li-s

\||- \L:nr- -'niilli. I ii-l I o nl.uanl ; \li- lirl

\li-, \l. l:. |t.ir\l,.,M, \l,- \lnui. .1, li.hlirr.

\,It. Mr-. \\liilrl,,Mi,l l;. ( ..I, . \1,-. .!,.„ |,|i In(>. I'arin.r. \li-. .L \1. I'hillips. Mi-. K.lu.u

Kulirii !. J,i,k-..„. M,-. I ,a,.k Mont^..„„.,x

I'otlrr. Mr-. .1..!,,, II.„m --.oilli. Mr-. Iluin|.l

l,o,iis.- v.. I.io.l-I.A. M,- Xii^inia Hrolon. Mi-

Jiilia Ulair. M.-. (li.ni.- I•ll.ll.^ h.n. -. \l,-. .|..l,n W ( 1,.-|.-,

Mrs. .Mil.-- W.lli.n,,- M.-. I,-^ I'll, II, |.-. Ml-, r II, ll..u-i,,n. Mi-

W. 11. Seliu.inia.i. Mi- l..iint Willi.u,,-. \l , -. W .11i.iii. \.(.iil.lnn.

Mr-. I.lah.ll. \\il-..ii. Ml- \!ai% N. I>ol,. \1i.-.- I'laiu.- I'lMi.-i.

Ml- Kli.i-r TiiM..iln I Ml- J.aiirlte .Sloan.

Mr- I'c.ii.r- I Ill h,l iIk' /nil,- in sales made at llir ho.iili

ii, ,„i.- .lav Slll.VllOd l..iM;i III.- -ale for the day. Mi- \-..e-

Nnull, -.-lliii" SHT.IKId in ..M,- .lav al llii- I tli.' Mr-. Minus

/.<.M I. T

; Ml-, ^.

-ki. Mr-. 1

i„v T.-ill.-l.aiini. 1

nil M.iaiii-. Ml-.

Mrs. K. K. r...i.,. M.-. I'. MWrifilit. Ml- N.ll llMl...,-. Ml

I.ivini:-!...,. an. I Mi- \m^ III. I

Ml-, h - |..v.,ill,al. K,r-I l.i.-iil.-iiaiil: Mr-. \.-ii...i

Ml- Mill.a, I i.iiik. Mr-. \. Cn.-f, Mr-. I...U l.il-k\

I,-. Ml-. l.,l,n It.nk-.lal.-. Ml-. Siiiilli T,-i.i-..ii. M,-. K. (

liMii" Mr-. \li.. < I..X.I. Ml-. K. \. (;iilliii. Mi- Kili--

Miss .Mary Kallerman. Captain: Mr.-. Mml..-

Cornelius. Second Lieutenant; .Sergeants: Mi

Harry Kcne Lee. Mrs. Wheeless Gambill. Ji .N

Jr.. -Mrs. J. N. W. Lee. Mrs. Ksmond Ewinj: ^

Helen llntehinson. Miss Barbara II. Kiiliii. Mi

Canvin. Miss Kraii.e- Hiifhin-.n. an. I Mi- W .

Kir-t Li. III. nam: Miss Frances

. M,-. (..-..i;:.- ( i.iwford. Mr-.- nii.kii. 1. Ml-. W. K. Norvell,

I. ,1k. Ml- M.iM Wilson, Mi-Miss Man.- Kiiliii. Mi-s Sa.li.-

\.l,,ih.. \1i. i;..l..-rl Hrannan. .Mr-. Lli

K.. -I:.- k ll,,.l-..-il.-. .Mrs. W. II. W.I

\1>- I .luard Craip. Jr.. \lln,..:,ii VII- I .1 warn i.raip. .ir.. vii-, .|..-. im w.-i. m- >v .. -

W..r,.,. Ml- Maude Waller. Mrs. ( arl.-r K.-.-v,-. Mi- (.l.i.lv- W

Hill. Mi- Martha Kill.-I.rew. Mrs. Jos,-,,h Howell. Jr.. an. I Mi- ll-.i

This was the banner team of the five Loans, selli

and more than was ever sidd by any ti'am ihereafli

( 374 )


DAVID S .V C O [ \T Y W M E Y / V T H E « O R L D IT. I R. I >> 11-191'






Mrs. W. G. Ewing was Field Marshal of this zone. Mrs. Sperr>-"s booth was located in the

McKendree church yard, and was one of the most attractive of all booths. Those in the picture,

first row. left to right are: Mrs. Thomas L. Herbert. Jr. (Julia Robardl. Mrs. E. R. Schumacher(Gertrude Richards), Mrs. W. C. Dixon (Lelia Dortcht. Mrs. Robert Caldwell (Ellen Rion),

Mrs. William C. Hoffman (Daisy Lenehan). and Mrs. Kinnard T. McConnico (Nina Ferriss).

Second row. Miss Catheiine Ee Sueur. Mrs. Thonia> C. Keelint: (Bessie Lee Sperr^ I . Mrs.

William Wintn I.^..., iM,il..l M.n.kr.. \I,-. H. I ..ui- ->|..-.n i \.ii.li.i -^.nMi. i. Cii.tain ..( the

Booth; Mrs. A.Ldi, (. \mI„,1 .|;,,ih,, ( li.. k >. ,,,mI \1i- \1iIim, L i|:.,,i,i.. W ,ll,,u,i- ' . ,.ii,l

standing in tlu- ir.,i, \li- I Iimmm- M.iI.i,,.. Ii •W.,,. Im,,,.I,., (.,h- \li, \. i; \ihI.i-..u

(Lillian Gary). \li-. Jn„-,,l, |I,,,J. iI- n.n. .- K, ,^. ,-,,„ i

, .,,,,1 \l,-. (li;i>.n, W .i-liiiitlnn i \lailha

Scruggs), were also Lieutenants at this Bui.lli during the Loan.

Zone 4. Te.^m 6

\lr-. «ill SMl-.

Mrs. Tliomas J. Tviir. Cai

Second Lieutenant: Srrr'ani-

Brown, Mrs. Laurent Bi i«ii.'

Sam Campbell. Mrs. Arlliur ( i

Frank McGavock, Mrs. R. AGavock. Mrs. Thomas Newbill, Mrs. L. A. McMurrav. MEsther Nichol, Miss Louise Simpkins. Mrs. Alex. Ir^il

and Mrs. Charles Hurd.

Zone 4. TEA^r 7

Mrs. Eugene Crutcher. Captain; Mrs. R. A. Griffin. First

Lieutenant; Mrs. J. C. Walker. Second Lieutenant: Ser-

geants: Mrs. T. H. Burleson, Mrs. R. L. Camp. Mrs. L..,.

Lusky, Mrs. T. J. Christman, Mrs. Ira B. Clark. Mrs. Alid-

Cloyd. Mrs. L. A. Enoch, Mrs. William A. Gupton. \li-.

E. C. Cox, Mrs. W. A. Goodrich. Mrs. Forrest Graliain

Mrs. J. Harold Green. Miss Annie Hall. Mi>- Maix I

Harris. Mrs. John Barksdale. Mrs. Alex. Irvint:. Mr-. K. < .

McDaniel. Mrs. L. A. Miller, Mrs. T. B. Rawi.s. \1,>. II. II.

Stretch, .Mrs. George Tenison. Mrs. J. B. Totteii. Mr,-. G.

M. Whittemore. Miss Annie Gary Gosnell. Miss Nina Gage.and Miss Nell Joy.

Sli.lt. .n. First Lieutenant: Mrs. W. L. NichoL\i,.l.i-.iM. Mrs. W. S. Bransford. Mrs. John C.

- (...,!-, W Fall Mrs. Ross Handlv. Mrs. W. A. Buntin. Mrs.u^. M,-. Cux N.Aiii-. .Mrs.

Griffin. Miss Theresa M.


I) III!) s <> y c o I \T y IT o u /: v / v r ii /: ;r ori. d ir ,t H. 111 ii 9 1<

<;K()IP ok KOlKTll I.IUEKTY LOAN WOKKF.I!^ \l mil llh KolO, I'liWDI.H I'l.WT.

Among them are Mjf. K. CIctis Moore (Angle I.nn^i. \1,- M.nili:, D.ui- Ku.^ II. Mrs. Wilbur

Haley (Dorothy Clark), .Miss Annie Mai Kennedy. Mi- H. iih.i KIm- v. an.l Mi^- Maii.le Ballard.

Zonk 1. Tr\M !!

Mr-. W. A. Oughlerson, Captain; M.-. K. i.n. ili (.n... In-i l.i.nlriK.nl ; Mi-. (Ii.iilr- H.

Sletsnn. Sr<-nn,l Lieutenant; .Sfrp,-anl- ; Mi-, (I..., I.- I!n«,„an. M,-. l.al W ..,,.1. M,-, Kirliard

Genlrv. Mrs. K. C. W ri;:l.I. Mrs. W ,,llr, M. \l,-l,r. Mr-. Ilallun. C II..,-. Mi-. |;,.I.,-,I .lax. .Mrs.

Norman Kirkman. Mi- IJ.ilh ( ,.ll..,„. Mi- I .iia Hia.ll.v. Mi- Kii^i.iiia Ki.l.l-. an.l Mi- Alice



.S|\Ti: DlsTliKT

Mr-. W.-l 11. \l..rl..ii. Caplaiii: S.i ;.. .ml- : Mi-. .I.iiin - K K.iin-. Mi- (.i.muiII. I', K.ise.

Mr-. 1). C. Hu.-ll. Mrs. l!..lM-rt Cal.lu. II, M,-. Il.,li.iii.l Tm.ii. Mi-, W , I!, ( ....k. Mi-, Mai-liall

I'l.lk. Mrs. K.-n.lrirk llar.l. a-tl.-. Mi-. .1, II H.in.i. Mi-, la.k \ii.l.r-.ii,. \l.-. Ii.ink :-.arcv

(;r,-en. Mr.s. Rog.-r- (al.lu.ll. Mi-, I ..in- I'.i.ni-L.i.l Kiikiii.iii. Mi-, I. .In, \lli-..n, \1,-. W ilrv

."^ims. .Mrs. Berrv Millin.n, \1,-, i i,,i^ M, I ,„ l.in.l. Mi- \ ,in Milln,,,,. Mi- M.-liii.Li T,,i,in,,n-.

.Miss Magpie .'^hut,-. M,-- M.iM l,a„..- \|.., \l,- \i,n llninl.ln.A- \l..ll..i,. Ml- I ,1 W.I

Mams, an.l Mrs. .l„lni T. Il.n,l,i-,.n.

.^KVi:- )lsi

.Mrs. K. K. Ilar.lison. Captain; S.-ri:,anl- ; \li-. .|..l,ii \U

Irank \V. Ring. .Mrs. IVrrv Sharpr. Mr-, Ink liin n.ii^li-. Mi

Mrs. Walter .•^Iokes. Jr.. .Mrs. l'err^ Waiii.i. Mi-, K..nnl Willi.i

.Miss C..rni-lia liark-.lale. Captain: Srrg.anl-: Mr-. W arr.ii H. .s|..an. Mr-. .|,.,- II. l.a.key.

Chairman of Sylvan Park l)i-triel; .S.rg.anis; Mrs. (;,orge A. Cook. Mr-. W . II. Ilall..n. Mrs.

George Hid, Mr. Mrs. II. K. .s-niilh. and Mrs. J. II. Svkes.

Mi-s I.ora faillom. Cliaii

nit. anrl .Mrs. W. H. Mai

CocKriii.i. Addition

rgcani-: Mi-, .lam.- C.x. Mr-. (;,„„ll..,- (:,„krill. Mr-.

D A V I DSON C n U N T Y IT () M E .\ I A' T H E H I. II II I K. 19 14-1919

Charlotte and Bi;lle\ik\\ 1!(

Chairman; Sergeants: Mrs. Joe A.lkm-.M

irdan, Mrs. Maud McAlister, Mrs. Iluni. i

). KIkin-. \li-. Virgil

(I Mrs. K. A. Savage.

iViNTII Dl.sriilcl'

Miss Margaret Tli.,m|is(iii, Captain; Sergeants: Mrs. James B. Ez/.ell. Mrs. jolui T. Landis,

Mrs. G. A. Furyear, Mrs. I'ercy Sliarpe, and Miss Sadie Herrin.

Miss Thompson's work was highly commended by officials of i)oth the men s and

women's committees.

Goodlettsville had Mrs. "Vi. ii. Mvcrs as C:iiairiiiaii. Mrs. Myers led this little

town in each of the five Lilier „an drives ill the

.(.Id I.y


W. S. S. work.

The total sum raised bv the \\<ii

Liberty Loan was $9,.5.5.5iJ0(). Amfield marshals and their officers. \i<

and non-coms.," for the zones were:

Zone 1, Mrs. Walter L. Jones. Pleld Marshal. $1.-

395,500; Zone 2, Mrs. W. G. Ewing. Field Marshal.

$1,808,500; Zone 3, Mrs. Joseph Warner, Field Marshal.

$L995,000 (which was the largest amoinit collected bythe zones) ; and Zone 4, Mrs. James S. Frazer. Field

Marshal, $L500.300.

Mrs. T. Dwight Webb, who served as a Captain in

Zone 4. led all other captains of the Davidson Countyzones in individual sales. She and her team raised

$432,750, which exceeded the amounts cdllected

period in bond sales.

Other captains who led their zones were: Mrs. Sam Kessler, Zone 1. Her sales

amounted to .S197.!!.S(): Airs. Granbery Jackson. Zone 2. .1389,3.50. She also camesecond of all captains in the amount raised; and Mrs.Joseph A. Gray, Zone 3. whose sales were .$395,500.

Miss Corinne Craig, Captain of Zone 2, had the larg-

est number of purchasers, and in Zone 4 the colored

women raised .1i;26,050. Mrs. James Frazer was Chair-

man of the colored women's organization work. Mrs.W. G. Ewing, Field Marshal for Zone 2. sold to the

ill other teams during the wai

largest nund)er of purchasers, which were 3,014 people.

The total number of purchasers through all the women'sbooths in the Fourth Loan was 8.647 individuals.

The captains ranking according to the number of

their subscribers in the Fourth Liberty Loan were: MissCorinne Craig, who sold to 975 purchasers of bonds;

Miss Kathleen Garrett, to 398; Miss Marv Ratterman.

to 208; Mrs. T. Dwight Webb, to 606; Mrs. Louis H.

Sperrv, to 485; Mrs. Granbery Jackson, to 479 (Mrs. Jackson also sold one bond

at .§50,000 to an out-of-town purchaser) ; Mrs. Reuben Mills, to 382; Mrs. Percy

Williams, to 376; Mrs. Sam Kessler, to 363; Mrs. Wilbur Florsheim, to 332; Mrs.

Thomas J. Tyne, to 325: Mrs. W. H. Schuerman. to 325: Mrs. Robert L. Sawyer,

to 324; Mrs. Joe Weinstein. to 287: Mrs. C. D. Campbell, to 263: Mrs. Heiirv


DAVID s \ c at yrv it o m a' v / v r he n o r i. d ;r •/ r. i»i 4-1919

Teitlel.aum. to 2(.l : Mrs. Joseph Palm.T. to 260 t\l,-. I'ahnr, aUo m,I.I -,x,.,,,I

Iar<:t- bonds in Zone ol : Mrs. L. B. File, to 252: Mr-. J.-, |,li \. (,,a\. lo L' !.". i Mr-.

Grav led her zone and sold two S3n.()0l) l„.ndsi: Mi-. W . \. Oiii:hl(i-.m -,,l,l lo

229': Mrs. H. 0. BhicUood. to 226: Mi-. D.ur K,.-. ,il,l,l. l,. 2\l'.: Mi-, ih.ia.e

Smith, to 296: Mrs. F.. A. Potter, to 2'Xl i \li-. i',,ll,i -nl,l ,mr Ml,-..(l(ill Im.ihI in one

davl: Mrs. Frank Wheeler. -..Id lo 17.;: Mr-. Kirjenr Crulrlier. I.. 1 ."i 1 : Mr-. Frank

Car! Stahln.an. lu K.,",: and Mr-. l)nu.i:la^ liaxlrr. t.. 1(12.

1 Mill i.ii!i i;t^ i.()\n. ()1! -x k 1(u;^ low"

Mk-. ji.llN i;. \l -1. Sinir I l„„ni,nn

Mlis. ,|\Mi;- S. l-KX/li:. Daiuhou (ninih Chainiiai,

\|.mI uork nl

lal Ke-.iNr l)i-lii.|. uilh head(iuarl.'i- al \l-

ani.i. I'lil ill llir 1 illli Campaifin the -laic ua-

„|r,l. Ihr \lrni|.l.l> Zone « as ad.lrd In llir

ladilli leil.aal |)i-Iii.t. uilh M. I...1.1- a- li.-a.l-

in-. \li-. -an, I'liilli,,- -,i^,',l a- SlaU^

Chairnian ..I ilir lajilli Federal Dislri.l. Mr-.

,|(ilin li. \ii-l ua- (h.isen as State Cliaiiman nl

Si\lli Irdiial District, havinj; nmlrr lin

jurisdi.lion 111,' \a-li\ille. Knowille and Clial-

.Mrs. "^'Mr-I n|„air,l TeniH-rr 1 I r.., 1,, ,ia I I r I - in

the lnde|i.-ndenl lilr l.nild.nu. al Na-luille.

o.n uhieh ollirr -!„ diHl.'.l llir .,i,i,|,aiL'n.

1.1 sh,. app.nnlrd a- a-i-lani- in lli.- -tale u..rk

, follouini: .Ar, iilur In,.,.:

\l,-. (;il,-,,n l'alh,-oii. Mai,. \ „ . ( li,,i, man,ulin al-,, -.'ix,,! a- (:lia,,,i,aii ,,l i'.iill.lii,- l.ir

III,- M,-ir- Cnninnll,-,-, ; \1,- !),„,, lli^ Clark.

(;,.,i,-ial - Mix: Mi-. l.,,.na,,l (,ill„,l. Ia-

,, iiliM- -,-, Miaix : Ml-. ,1,,!,,, (.. I.iln,,,,,-. I'r,—

(:l,.,,,,„,,i,: \li-. 1 ,,ii„aii ll,„,p,-i. l)i-li,lMilinii

nl 1 il.ial,,,, : a,„l Mi-. ,l.,ii„- -. F,a/,a. HaM.l-

I,- \a-l,Mll,-/,.i„ua-,,,ll,.i \^^ M,-. \n-l. nM,,n-

,„i \pi,l in. T„lan,- II, ,1,1. in \a-li\ill,-.

,n,n ill,- \.,-1imII,- ll,,„l,|,ia,l,i- ai„l all u n"-

s,i,. |.i,-,.„l. \ Inn, li, -nil ua- -,,n,M I,, ll„- \,-il-

in;: deie^ah- l,v lli,- I).im,1-,,ii C.unU l,,.a„ ,.i .aii,/al ,.„i ,il tl„- Tnl.ni,- Ih.h^l, M,-.

(;il.s.,n l'all.-rs..n «a.- Chain,, an ,.1 lli,- u,,n„„'- pail in lli,' , ,-,,i„,. a,„l al ll„'

luneheon. .Mrs. Samnel Lnnipkin. \.il„„,al ,,lli,,-i ,,„,l ( l,a,i,i,a„ ,,l W an'- C,,,,-

iniltee of the Sixth Federal i;,-,-r\.- Di-lii.l. ii,a,l, li,,' p,,i,, ,p,il .,,l,li,-- ,,l lli,'

hin,h,-on f,,r th.' VtomanV Cnnnnll,-,-. an, I (.^:^r \. II. i;,.l.,il- l,„ ll„' n„„.

Ml-, (inillnr,! I)i„ll,-v. a ni,-nil„-, ,.l ill,- \.,li,.nal li,,a,,l a,i,l \ali,,iial j'nFlMiU

<:l, airman. ,,nllin.-,l ll,.- m.'llm,!- ,,l a, K , a I ,-,„,:: ill,- l.,.an. \1,-. ,|,.l,,, I!. \n-l I, .1.1

( 378 )

\ . ,.nl.


il„- M

DAIIDSON CO[\Tr IT' O M E \ /V THE n D R L I) W A H. lUij-iQlO

uf her plan of organizing the counties for the uonien and announced the appoint-

ment of the Davidson County organization for the Woman's Victory Loan Commit-

tee, with Mrs. James S. Frazer as Chairman and Mrs. A. H. Roberts, wife of Ten-

nessee's Governor at that time, as Himorarv Chaintian.


.All.-. James S. Frazer appointed an Fxecutive Board for the coimtv caminiig

consisting of the following members: Miss Elizabeth E\('. Chairman of Head()u;

ters; Mrs. W. W. Geraldton, Executive Secretary and

General Assistant; Mrs. John G. Gilmore, Pres-

Chairman; Mrs. Louis H. Sperry, Entertainment and

Mass Meetings; Mrs. Charles F. Anderson, Booths:

Mrs. Edward W. Foster, Industrial Committee: Mrs.

P. A. Murray and Mrs. Humphrey Timothy, Councof Catholic Women: Mrs. Horace Smith. Powiler

Plant: Mrs. Frank Searcy Green. Registration of

Workers; Mrs. Granbery Jackson, Banquets: Mrs.

Thomas J. Tyne, Decorations; Mrs. Robert Cheek,

Automobiles ( serving with her were the members of

the iVashville Chapter, Red Cross Motor Corps) :

Mrs. R. M. Mills, Chairman of Feature Advertising:

and Mrs. George William Fall, Hospitality.

Those composing the district organization chair-

men were: Mrs. Gibson Patterson, Mrs. WestHumphreys Morton, Mrs. Craig McFarland. Mrs. ,^|"^,, \,,f„,.

Katheryn P. Wright, and Mrs. Granville P. Rose.

The N.; C. & St. L. Railroad Shops were in charge of :\Irs. Harry W. E\

Cross Canteen workers.

Mrs. Frazer appointed the foil

Mrs. Je^sf M. Overton. Chairman

id Red

ing on her Advisory Committee:

Mr?. Guiifnnl nmll..y. Mr?. James H Kirkland. Mrs.

'harlts \,„l,. ,.„,,. M,-. M,,|„.ll,. \\ ,K,„, \1,-. I.-li.^ 'ftariNi. Mi-. 11. M. Mill-, Mi-. John G.

(.,1 ,,. \1,- !• \. Mnn.u. Ml-. I- W. K.i-i.i. Mi-. W. W.I KHplail Ml- (.i.nilirn l,,.k-ii. Ml-. \.mi.i Mm,,,,- Lewis,

Mr.-. Fiaiik Carl .-^lalllluau. .Mr-. W . H. >li.lln„. Mr-. A. E.

fuller, .Miss Louise Lindsley, and .Mrs. "ftest H. Morton.

Mrs. Charles Anderson was Chairman of the Booth

Committee. Those composing her committee were:

Tulane Hotel, Miss Ellen Stokes. Chairman: Maxwell

House. Mrs. Robert Cheek, Chairman, assisted by tlie

Motor Corps Girls of tlie Nashville Chapter. Red Cross;

Capitol Boulevard, Miss Frances Bennie, Chairman;

Sixth and Church Street. Miss Evelyn Douglas. Chair-

man: Fifth Avenue and Arcade. Miss Ruth Vance. Chair-

man: Hermitage Hotel and Public Square. Mrs. P. A.

.Murray. Chairman: Entrance Joe Morse & Company's

Store. Mrs. Lou Lusky, Jr.. Chairman: Arcade andMrs. klohince wu.kes HooptR Fourtli Avenue, Miss Alice Hall Lindsey. Chairman;

Fourth and First National Bank. Mrs. Herman Lusky,

Chairman: and Fifth .Avenue and Church Street. Miss Elsie Mai Bradley and ]\1iss

Amelia Joims. Chairmen.

DAI 1 1) soy coiyry /ro.i/AV /\ ///a iroRLH ir i k. i"ii-i'ii"

Pollinjr places for regislralion for bonds were oi)imu'(I in c\ii\ \\a\i\ i<\ iIic r

and every dislrict of the county on registration flay for tln' I illli i.o.in. Ihr lolU

ins women sened vohmtarilv' at the polls, repislerinu the sde of l.oiul-. and ll

_ al-o made liouse.to.hoiise .anvasse- of their re~p

A,' uard> and di-lri.!-:


Mrs. Il.urv N,.iil...(r. ChaMl-. .1. I). I.awn-iu-.-. .\ssisl;

\liv \1. M

„k-. \-i-l:i

C. K. Wlul.lkr,


Mrs. W illiam Ma

\li-. .1. If. Ha--. \1.-.

\li-, Sam K.—In. ( haiiiiiaii; Mr-. .^hIi

Mr-. Ilanv W.inhul.. \li-, K. K.-lilman. Mrs„,. K.—l,-,. \ri- \ai.llr \ll,.Tt. Mi.ss Irene

the largest arm

Fifth Waii

Mrs. John .M. Kerinv. Chairman; Mrs. I) t I

Wrenne, Mrs. John Barksdale, Mrs. B. F. W il-mi

th(- hanner warri iif the Loan, winning orii- nl ili, i

l.v offirials.

Plbi.h: Sot \1!i:

Mr-, r. .\. Mrirrav. Chairnian; Mr- \i.r,i.- \lirrr

.Marrr Krihn. Mi- Man.l Ahem. .Miss .\1ai\ |)...r-l.r

.Marv livan. Miss Li-n..re Kennv. Miss ilm-, T I

Kaf Barksrial.-. Miss I.ucile Mooney. Mi- l..n,-,

.\[iss .N.-ll M.K.nev. Miss Katherine Gri.ri.-. \1,- l>..ln

ray. Miss Katie B>-lle Gregory, .Mi- Mar^ ( .,,1 M„,,,

Agnes Bevington. Miss Barbara Kulin. \I,- ll.l.,, \, „l

Katherine Spore. Miss .^nnie M.in. N. n.in. \li—Ncnon. .Miss Annie Mai Kennedy. .Mr- Aliiir Iiiih.I

Katheryn Gilmore. Miss Felicia Roach. Mr- Marv T.

Miss katherine Neuhoff. -Miss Genevievi- \r..it:.iii MGlare Bre.-n. Miss Cornelia Coode. and Mi- \I1m,i,


Sixth \X \ki.

Mrs. I.oii I.uskv. Chairnrarr: Mrs. Al.-x Irving. Mrs. .J,,-,-,

Weinstein, Mr-. Ali..- Ch.vrl. Mrs. .I„hn Hark-dale. Mrs. \,

Luskv. .Ir.. and Mr-. Davr- l.ownhrim. Assistants.

1KVI wMiss Khzalieth Binford. Chairman: Mrs. Frank \|.i;au,.L Mr-. ,|..hrr IrlK.n. Mr-, Ki.d.Mng

Yost. Miss Agatha Brown. Mrs. Dan Mr-Giigin. Mr-. ,I..l,,i Kni^. Mr-. I!. A. i) hnan. Miss

Amilec Throne. Miss Lulie Jones. Mr-. I!.ril..ii S,av. Mi- Mi/alMlh Va.: Mi- \hiiy Kr.ig. Mrs.

Avery Handly. Mjss Theresa Me(;a^..,•k, Mi- i:il.-rr Nan,,-. Mr-. K.ni,- M. Cardn.-r. anri Miss

Nellie Cecil, Assistants,

DAVIDSU \ C U N T Y if M E .V / .V 7' H E II K L U II A H. 1914-1919

Mrs. W. ,[.

y\vs. Harry NtChairman:ml Mrs. J.

Ninth W \i;n

\h-. Tluniphr.v Tim. .tin. ClKiirmMii: Mr-. K. K. Kulm. Mr.^. J. I

.\1,- Willi. nil \1.( al... Ml-. W. I\ ,^.111,1.1-. \li-. .1. J. Bevington. .M

Mm, ,,1,11111- \li-- I ,nil, 1111. Winiii.i. Ml-. I'. \. Murray.

.Mr-. Il.iri\ \.l-..ii. Ml-. ( hii- l'..«ir-. Mi» V.Wia Winnia,

Mrs. W. W. Geralilton. .Mr>. Charles McCabe. Mrs. Wither-

spoon Hayes, Mrs. Henry CInnan. and .Mrs. Arthur Suther-

land, Assistants.

TeiNth Ward

Mrs. Keaii K. F..lk. Chairman; Mrs. John Wil>..n. Mrs

Horace G. II. II. Mrs. George Ingram. .Mrs. Robert \V.j..ds

Mrs. P:. I'hihx.l, and Mrs. Ernest Pillow. Assistants.

Eleve.nth W.\rd

Mrs. Joseph Abrams, Chairman; Mrs. I. B. Morse, Mrs.

Sol Dryfus. Mrs. Ophelia Hecht, Mrs. L. Bogatsky, ami

members of the Council of Jewish Women, Assistants.

Twelfth W.\rd

Mrs. William Geraldton. Chairman: Mrs. John O'Con-

nell, Mrs. Charles Hoffman. .Mrs. William J. Spire. Mrs.

James Rodd, Mrs. B. F. Allen, and Mrs. B. Frank Fields.


Thirteenth Ward

Mrs. James Slowev, Chairman; Mr.s. Charles McKav.Price, Mrs. Robert Goodlett. Mrs. Charles Hunt, Miss EvMiss Madeline Emmeking. Assistants.

Mrs. Frank Wheeler, Mrs. ChaFlannigan, Miss Ethel McKay,

Fourteenth Ward

Mrs. W. T. Young. Chairman; Members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy; Mrs.Mark Harrison, Mrs. R. B. Beal. Mrs. Colin Baker, Mrs. Percy King, Mrs. Ross Handly, Mrs.R. S. Crutcher, Mis. James McHatton, Mrs. Russell Hart. Miss Elizabeth Frost. Miss EvelynCrutcher. Miss .\lberta File, Miss Cora Hager, Miss Margorie Spurr. Miss Nellie Wood, andMisses Eliza and Virginia Clayhrookc. Assistants.

Fifteenth Ward

Mrs. Th.,mas Xewbill. Chairman; Mrs. John Leiper. Mrs. W. B. Shelton. Mrs. L. F. Beaty.

Miss Elizabeth .Morrow. Mrs. Charles Hurd. Mrs. J. W. Warner. .Mrs. Thomas Appleton, Mrs.Jesse Sparks. Mrs. Meredith Flautt. Miss Evelyn Crutcher. Miss Edith Pope, Miss ElizabethHancock, Miss Margaret Simpson, iMiss Jennie Mai McQuiddy, Miss Cynthia Frierson, and MissJessie .Sparks. .Assistants.

Sixteenth WardMrs. M. T. 11

.Mrs. L. B. Smith.

Mrs. William F. Bass. Mrs. Harry Lee. Mrs. Robert PowelbE. Norman. Assistants.

Seventeenth Ward

Mrs. John A. Jones. Chairman: Miss Betlie Hooper Turner. MrM. Donelson. .Mrs. E. S. Fisher. Mrs. R. D. Ezell, Mrs. \^'. H. BuehMrs. John Sharpe. .Assistants.

nk M. See. Mrs. Bettie

Mrs. «'. G. Dalby. and

D.tiinsoy (:or\ry iroME.\ i .\ the iroHi.n niK. i'>i4i"i9

Eighteenth Wahd

Mrs. llonrv Spicor. Chairman: Mrs. Craig McFarlaiul. M.-. I!. D. lirll, .Mr-^. Join, Fisher.

Mrs. L. F. Hoatv. Mrs. T. H. K^ics. Mrs. Randolf Hugli.-s. Mrs. Lula Dougli.rly. .Mrs. Greene

Benton. Mrs. \V.' F. Crciglilon. and Mrs. W. E. Norman, .Assistants.


Mrs. T. M. Mills. Chairman: Mrs. R. T. Mo.rJM.n, Mrs. .1. H. .Matthews. Mrs. F. 1'. McKeel.

Miss Bessie Miller, Miss Isailore Smith, and Miss Dorothy Clark. .Assistants.


Mrs. Eugene Cruteher, Chairman: Mrs. Lou Lu^kv. Mrs. II. H. Stretch. Mrs. Alex. TrvinK,

Mrs. J. C. Walker. Mrs. .Mire Cloyd. .Mr>. K. S. Iln<:he-. Mrs. I.. A. Fnorh. and Mrs. T. W.

Ihirleson, Assistants.

Tui;m> iiK-T \\\uu

Mr- li.-ul.en Mill-. Chairman; Mr-. Will \ll.„. \I,-. A. .1. Dn.i. \Ii-. K. \. l.irid-,\. Mr-.

Lngene .shannon. Mr^. J ph l.indau.r. M,-, h.ni.l i;.,-,.„l.ld. Mr-. A. l,..v.nK.M. M,-. .Inlin-

.Marlin. .Mrs. .Morris Ellis. Mr-. I'mtrr I'lidl.p-. Mr-. >..| l.o«,ii-l,in. Mi-. Il.•n^^ I ..N.inan. and

Mrs. Charlton Rogers, A— i-iani-.

T\\ENT\-SK( (IM) W Mill

Mr-. C. C. Wacgoner. Chairman: Mr-. Thnma- l!i ..,!,,„ k. \1>-. Dalla- \ illi.ie-. Mrs. .1. A.

Cnllom. Mr-. Herman l.nhin. Mi- Al.da W,,;:;:..,„, . .i,nl Mi-. Il.inv .^udrkiun. \-i-lanl-.

Mr- l; I. .SauN.-r Chairman; Mr-. K. I. Kliiliait, \li-. \. M. (nil. Mr. Mi-. ( . I). C.imphell.

.Mi- Kall.r.rliu- \lli-n. Mr-. II. J. Klirl.aidl. Mr-. T. II. K-P-. and Mi-. M. T. (,nl,hl,-. \-i-lanl-,

T\\KM^ -InlPTII W Mih

Mr-. I.. A. MiMiiiraN and Mr-. Ih-rman M. lla-. n,.iii iii.ii ; Mi-. 11. (,. Cr..«lrv. Mi-. W . .1.

.Spir.-. Mrs. llarrv N. l-nn. Mr-. l...i,i- M.Carv. Mr-. 1. W , M ill-paii;:li. Mi-. A. K. .sianlor.l. and

Mr<. K. K. Stanford. A-i-la,.t-.

.Mrs. Lit Malone. Chairman; .Mr-. .|.„- llo,,p,-,. Mi-. N,il n. .1..,,,-. Mr-, (..m^,- Applrhv, M,

Gnodloe Cockrill. Mr-. B. C. W ri^lil. Mr-. (...i„ad Mill.-,. Mi- K^.i W rit;lil. an. I Mr-. W illia

U'caver, Assistants.

coiAn I)I-ii;i(;t.s

Mr-. W. S. Ilar-h. Cliairinan; Mr-. W . ,u, i ll.uii-. Mi- .Mm.- Il,ii-li. \li-. I.. K. .Scolt. Miss

Roh.-rla Brih-y. and Mr-. 1!. K. I.an.li-. A-,-lanl-.

ThII!!) DisTlilcr

Mrs. Craig MrFarland. Chairman, a-i-t.-.l U li.-r CoiiiiIn l!..ar.l ..I ill.- ( ..iin.il ..I National


Foi ifiM Disiiti

Mrs. John T. Ilrn.ler-on. ChairmNational Defense.

D A V IDSON C f A' T Y W M E .\ I N T II E If <) R L I) If,I H. I 9 I l-l 9 I 9

Fifth Distkict

Mrs. Thomas Calhoun, Chairman. Mrs. Calhoun hail her conimillee of tho County Council

of National Defense supplenieiUed by Mrs. E. C. Harland, Mrs. A. J. Shellon, Mr^. Uolx-rt

Briley, and Mrs. Tyler Calhoun.

Sixth District

Mrs. Wi-I II. \I..,|,„,. ( li.ciMiKin: \li-. MoII.,,hI ii^i,,!. \lis. \\ . 11. Cook, Mr-. U. K. l.andis,

Mrs. J. K. K.iMi-. \li-. loll,, Tl ,|,-M„. I, . \l,- (:,,,i,v,ll,- I' K..-,.. \l,- I'lao.r- \|m,im„. Mrs.

J. A. Pri, ^1.,,,. \li,. \l.,,-l,,ill I'olk. \li-. \. I,. I)m„J.,-. \I,-- Aiiii M.oton, All-, KugeneShannon, .\li>- .\lait;aiel Miule, Mis^ Jinm Walker, ,\li.-, louiil William,, llir Mi„c= .Milliron,

Miss Mary Phillips, Mrs. Rogers Caldwell, and .Miss Alberta Douglas, Assistants.

Seventh District

Afrs. Granbery Jackson, Chairman; Mrs. Henry E. Colton, Mrs. W. W. Berry, Mrs. GeorgeWinton. .Mr>. John Thompson. Jr.. Mrs. Miles O'Connor. Mrs. Douglas Wright, Mrs. Tyler Cabhoun. Mr-, li.iiik -^..iHA (.,,,,,. \l,-. i;M:;e,- ( .iMurll, \li-. (,„le,„, W.ole, Ml-. (Iiaile- Andcr-

son, .Mr-. M.iI.el!.- Wil-,,ii \li- I I \l,(,ill. \l,-. Itiouii Hiilo,,!. \l,-. \,iili,n, i lo, km. Mrs,

A. B. Ben.ih.l. \l,-. I,,, k i;,,,,,.,,^li-. \l,-. W. II, Will, \li-. .1, I, Miiiuni, \li-, W, II. ,->ehuer-

man, .Mr,. Jame- L. (,abl»ell. Mi-, K. (., Iluggin-. .\li- lleiin Kuing. .Mr-, Kobe, I liiannan

Mrs, W. E. Norvell. Mrs. Ben Cbilders. and Misses Helen and .Margaret Buford, Assistants.

Eighth District

Mrs. Waller Ki.ldle. Chairman: Mrs. James A. McHatton, Mrs. W. B. Harvey. .Miss EmmaSloan, Mrs. J. H. Lackej. .Mrs. Warren B. Sloan, and Misses Eva and Louise Bell, Assistants.

Ninth District

Miss Margaret Thompson, Chairman: Mrs. James B. Ezzell, Miss .Mary Carter^ Miss SadieHerrin, and Miss Mary Anderson, Assistants.

Tenth District

Mrs. W. B. .Myers. Chairman: Mrs. S. H. Wilboite. Mrs. J. W. Harris. .Mrs. .M. A. Fontaine,

and .Mrs. E. E. Elara, Assistants.

Eleventh District

Mrs. Henry Chadwell, Chairman; ^^^s. Lewis Butler, Mrs. William Freeman. .Mrs. David Rice.

Mrs. Witherspoon Hayes, Mrs. Roy Williams. Mrs. E. R. Doolittle, Mrs. W. A. Core, Mrs. OraPatterson, Miss Jessie Brown, and Miss Ethel Omar. Assistants.

Twelfth District

Mrs. Thomas C. Joy. Jr.. Chairman: Mrs. Frank Horn, .Mrs. D. B. Evans, and Mrs. J. F.

Horn, Assistants.

Thirteenth District

Miss Aline Jordan. Chairman: .Mrs. H. E. Drake. Mrs. Alvin Scott, .Miss Edith Carney, andMiss Maggie Walton, Assistants.


Mrs. J. D. Campbell. 'Chairman: Mrs. James Fite and Mrs. 0. D. Foster, Assistants.


nil in s o x i: o i .\t y ir o u f. v / .v r ii /: ;r o k


n /r . / «. 1 9 / /-; 9



INDlSTIxl \l. COMMITIli; Ol l)\\ll»-(»\ (Ol M^:^ I II Til OK•MCTOK'I idW'

Mks. Kdwakd Wkst Fostkk. Cluiirman-Genenr!.

Mus. I'ouTKR Phillips. Secretary and Gevieral Assistant

Mrs. F«i>ti-r a|i|>iiinli(l llic lollnuinj; uoiiifii. who lanvassed every (le|i,iitineiit

store and factory of the rouiily. TIicn \m i<-:

Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis. Captain. Mi-. W . W . CKiii.lall. Mr~. Wm Ciiilders,

Mrs. T. Uwight Weld), and Mrs. Hora. .• C. 11,11. I.i.nlmanl^.

Mrs. James Weakley. Captain. Mr^. Waiir, 1.. Jom,-. Mi>. Join, LrlK.il. and

Mrs. Robert Kenyon. Lieutenai,!-.

Mrs. Esmond Ewin-. Caj.tain: M,-. llnd, Maiuo.il,. and Mi-~ Kiank llollourll.


Mrs. Vance AlcNan.ic. Captain: \i,-. \\.u^ i;,luiil Ti,o,nas. M,>. Frank Ca,I

Stahlman. Mrs. Will Alien. M,~. F.Juin M„,,aN. M,-. \lf,c,l W illiain-. and M,-.

W . H. Levine. Lieutenants.

Mrs. Miles Williams. Captain: M,^. Oph.^lla II, .1,1. M,v .1. \. C,,, tu , i.d,t. and

Miss Alma Oliver. I,ienlc„a„t<.

Mrs. Richard Dakr. Cipta,,,: \1,~. Irl.x Ci„-all,,,,„. M,-. I ,.,nk Cail M,,l,ln,an.

Mrs. Johnson Bra„-lo,d. M,- K,a„k llojiourli. a,„l M.^. \\,llia„. C. l'oll.,,,l. Li.a,-


.Mr.s. A. J. 1)n,-,. Capla,,,: M,-. W . W . |),llon. M,.. K. W . T„, ,,.-,. J,.. Mrs.

Fisher C.les. .Mi>. \\alk,-r Fduards. a,„l M,-. Fduard \!rCaitl,\. Li,„t.„ants.

Mr-. .Samuel C. Wilkes. Captain: Mr-. F,ank (.illrtt,'. M,-. lol„, •shau. M,-. M i,k

i.illard. Mrs. Roy Ras<-oe. Mrs. 0. A. II.,, , invito,,. \l,-. Fi.ink Wheel,-,. .,,,,1 M,-.

II. (). lliackwood. Lieutenants.

M,-. L. Franklin. Capt,,i„: \1,-. (i.o,,,- Hot!,. \1,-. W ill.,ir I I,.,-!,,,,,,. \l,-. Jo,.

Wcitlian. .Mrs. Heuhen Mill-. \1,-. l.,-o ."srhua,!/. \l,-. Jo,- W rin-l.-in. .,ii,l M,-. l.,-e

l,ov,-nlhal. I,i,-,it,-naiit-.

Mrs. i;. C. \l ,-. Captain: \1,-. K,,k ll.,,t. \l,-. J,,,i,r- W . \n-t,n. M,-. Martin

Flanni,LMn. Mr-. W . II. I)..l.-,„i. .,„.! Mi- M.i,i,l Hallanl. I ,,r„l,-„.,„t-.

Ml--. |-;duai,l Sli.-rl,-\. Caplai,,: Mi-. O. I'. .•-!., it!,. Mi-. ( l,ii,-ii.(- C. W oo,l, ork.

.Mr-, Jo-,-ph \\,-t. Ml- Fli/al.,-tl, - Ir..-,,I,-. Mi- I I ,/.,l.,tl, ^li,,l,-x. \l,-. llar,A

.Manl.v. Ml-. A. (,. i!..-ii, k. ai„l M,-- XLim F. i;„,kr. I ,„-i,t.„.,nt-.

Mrs. ilo.a.,- s„,,th C.ipl,, I F.,u,l,-, I'lant.

.Mrs. ilarr> F\ aiis. C.ipl.iiii : Mc„,1h-,-o| \,,-I,mII,- ( liapl., . \. II.C. I a,,.-, v.-nrv

Canteen Committee, Chair, ,,,-n ui \. C. \ St. 1.. i;.,ilu.,\ >liop-.

Over .S100,000 was ,-,.lle,|rd i,v Mr-. F. W . 1 o-t,-i and ii„-ii,l.,-,- ui i„-r in.lns.

trial Committee after all other . .,ii\a--,-i - li.,,l ,ii,,t ll,.- h. 1,1. 11,,- i,ul,, -trial force

were not called into li„- Im-I,! until ili,- la-t 1,-u ,l.,\- ol il„- A<nr. Th,- -ii,-,-,-ss

achieved hy the.se women ,,-,,-i\,-<l -p,-, iai in, -,,11011 liom l,,,ai, ,.11,. iai-.

Mrs. Horace .Smith and Alr.s. C. C. Waji^ioncr -,-,\ed a- j.ilnt rl,.,l,„„-„ of a

-pccial sales committee for the men's division of ll,,- I iltl, l,oa,i alle, thi- \so,,ien"s

orfiani/ation had (iin.slK-d. The men did not lake th,- (,i-lil ,,,,til ll,, lath-, p.,,t ,)f

the campaign, and the puhlicity given larl, l.ilnitv Loan In ll,,- «o,,i,-,, ol l)a\iil-o,.

County proved of great value to the Mi-n- Coininitt,,-. uhi, I, .,nl\ «o,ki'il in tin-

DA] 1 1) SON COIMY irOMEN / V T H I-: tt () K I. t) WAR. 19141919

down-lovvn disUicls. ;.iul cnlv MViiied tlir liu-c ainoiinl>. 'Yhr u.,.ncn sh.aildered

the burden of collrcliii- and (a]ivas>inL; Un- the >iiiall ainciiril^ in rww campaiirn

during the war.

The evening prior to die opening of the polls for registration for honds on April

29. 1919. a banquet was given the Davidson County women workers in the Fifth

Loan at the Chamber of Commerce. Mrs. Granbery Jackson served as Chairman

of the banquet, and Mrs. James Frazer presided and outlined the plans of the one

day's campaign, requesting every Davidson County citizen to go to the polls and

register for one or more bonds.

Those on the program who gave addresses in the interest of the work were:

Mrs. John G. Gilmore, who welcomed the guests: Colonel Luke Lea. Colonel Harry

Berry, Mrs. Samuel Lumpkin. Woman Chainnan of the Sixth Federal Reserve Dis-

trict; Mrs. John R. Aust. State tlhairnian. and Mrs. Guilford Dudh-y. National Pub-

licity Chairman.

Mrs. George William Fall sei-ved as Chairman of Hospitality for the banquet;

Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne had charge of the elaborate decorations; Mrs. Nathan Crockett

was Chairman of Tickets; Mrs. Louis H. Sperry. Chairman of Music: Mrs. Frank

Searcy Green, was Chairman of Registration of Workers and Miss Elizalieth E\e,

Chairman for Seating of Workers.

Mrs. John G. Gilmore, was assisted with the Davidson County publicity by Mrs.

Morton B. Howell. HI, and Mrs. Jordan Stokes. Jr. A column appeared every day

in each of the daily papers of Nashville in the interest of the Fifth Loan.

A large platform was erected on Capitol Boulevard, and each evening a program

of music, four-minute speeches and vaudeville was offered under the supervision of

Mrs. Louis H. Sperry, Chairman of this feature. Returned soldiers of the A. E. F.

assisted Mrs. Sperry's cormnittee each evening by telling of their experiences with the

Huns, and inspired the passers-by to buy many bonds.

Other publicity features which put the purpose of the Fifth Loan before the pub-

lic were: The presentation of a motion picture, entitled "The Price of Peace." at

the Vendome Theater; several street parades; exhibitions of army tanks and aero-

planes, and the display of World War relics in various windows of Nashville stores.

The Gold Star Flag, which had just been completed by the Girls' Patriotic

League, of which Mrs. Rogers Caldwell was Chairman, was dedicated at a massmeeting on Capitol Boulevard, at Nashville. Governor A. H. Roberts delivering the

address for the state. The flag was put on display afterwards in the window of

Castner's department store by Mrs. James Frazer, Chairman of the Loan.

A number of German helmets were exhibited in the windows of the Davidson("ounty Fifth Liberty Loan Headquarters, on Fourth Avenue. North. These helmets

were used as trophies by Loan officials and were distributed to the workers makingthe largest number of bond sales during the campaign.

Still another publicity feature of interest was that of the Belgium soldiers andtheir dogs, who paid a visit to Nashville and gave a street ])arade in the interest of

the Victory Loan.

Miss Margaret Early, the fourteen-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JohnEarly, and niece of Mrs. Granbery Jackson, all of Nashville, contributed a poster to

the publicity department of the Victory Loan, which she designed, painted and pre-

sented to officials of the Loan. This poster created most favorable comment fromstate and national Loan authorities, and was accepted by the National Publicity Com-mittee to he used to inspire interest in the Loan in other states.

( 38.'5


D H ID S O V (, O I V 7 ) If O M £• V / .\ 7 // 7. I(() H I. 1)

The NalioiKil Comniillfc for ihe \ iclory Loan ofTeml i.ir.lal-. -liii.k timn ca])-

luifd German laiinons to the most etierpetic and siuccessliil \iitui\ J.imii \uirkt'rs.

through Mrs. John R. Aust. Slate Chairman. Amoni; thoM- i<m-.m\ iiij; tlu^s.- medals


Mr^. Jam.-* Kra/i-r. y\i>. I'.mI.t l'liilli|.>. Mr-. IMwanI W . lo>t,r. Mrs. .\. K. I'nil.r. Mr-,

liarrv Evans. Mrs. Kohrrt .Mrlml. .Mrs. Granlurv Jackson. .Mrs. J<.l.n .M. Kt-nnv. \1.- 1 ..ui- 11.

Sperrv. Mrs. .\lex. Fall. Mrs. I'. A. .Murray. Mrs. I.labollo Wilson. .Mrs. Gibson I'atl. i-,.n. \li-

\\,-st II. Morton. Mrs. Cl.-lis K. Moor.-. Mrs. Cl.arl.s .And.rson. Mrs. Henry Clia.hvrll, \li-. .1,

.M. Ovt-rlon. .Mrs. Thomas C. Jov. Mrs. Jor.lan .^lok.-s. Jr.. Mrs. Frank Scarcv (Irrrn. \h>. Mor-

ton B. Howell. III. -Mrs. Leonard Gilbert, .Mrs. A. G. Brandau. .Mrs. George William Fall, .Mrs.

J. C. Walker, Mrs. Floreiue Wilkes Hooper. .Mjs. W . J. Morrison, .Mrs. Horace Smith. Mrs.

James H. Kirkland. Mrs. .Miles Williams. .\Ij-.s. Kichartl Dake. .Mrs. William B. Shellon; Miss

Klizabelh Binfor.l. .Mrs. \erner .Moore Lewis. .Mrs. James T. Weaklev, Mrs. Bettie M. Donclson,

.Mr^. Bob.-rt Kenvon. .Mrs. W . H. Schuerma.i, .Mrs. \ ance .Alexander, .Mrs. Waller L. Jones, Mrs.

Lit .Malone. Mr>.' E. A. Lindsev. .Mrs. Dudley Gale. .Mrs. K. F. I'urler, .Mrs. Granville P. Kose,

.Mrs. Lou Luskv, .Mrs. \ ernon .Sharp. Mrs. A. J. Dvi. Mi-. Henry Teitlebaum. .Mrs. EdwardSherlev, .Mrs. W. W. t;eraldlon. Mrs. .Samuel C. W.lk.- \1>- William C. Weaver. Mrs. HenrySpicer, .Mrs. Jos<-ph T. Howell. .Mrs. Henry Neuboll, \li- I.., 1. Iluwell. Jr., .Mrs. .M. ^\. llarvill.

.Mrs. Kogers (jldwell. .Mrs. .Samuel Doupla.s. Mr-. ( .- Hn.u,,. Mr-. Thomas .Newbill. Mrs.

J. W. Warner. Mrs. J. K. Kains. Mrs. H. Harsh, .Mrs. {.,.„ \1, h a, l.i.ul. \h-. Tli..,„a- Callmun.

.\Uss Louise G. Liiidsley, .Mrs. Charles Ford. .Mrs. Smith 1. „,-..,.. \1,-. I ,lun, ( ,aiii. J... Mi-Edwin A. Murray. Mrs. Steven Driver. Mrs. John A. Ila»k, „.,.„. \1,- \l„, („,i,„.lr -mill,.

.Mrs. M. H. Dobson. .Mrs. Charles C. Gilhert. \hw. Th.una- II.-, I,., i. ,1,.. .\1,-. Joh,i liark-dale,

.Mrs. .Mary Bright Thomas, .Mrs. J.,s<-pli W.-i. \1,-. Il,i;:li.- \\n,kr. Miss Lillian Joy, .Miss

.Marv Shackelford, Miss Emma Louise .^ln.,,,. \li- lohi, II. \1 , \h-. John C. Brown. -Mrs.

George William Fall, .Mrs. C. A. Manlli.x. \1,- \\,lli.,,„ \ O^;,!, „. Mrs. John Lcllyett. .Mrs,

C. A. Marshall, .Mrs. Sandy E. Owen. \l,- ( II... (...k,,ll. Mr-. H. E. I'orler, .Miss .Ma

Smith, .Mrs. Granville P. Hose, .Mrs. I)a^,. I i;.i-.

.._.--..Mrs. Charles Stetson. .Mrs. C. W. Dean. \1,- I'.

C. Gillespie. Mrs. Thomas C. Garrett. M,- Wil

John Henrv Smith. .Mrs. .Minus Fletcher. \I,- II

.Mrs. Sam McKay. .Mrs. Gladys M. Chaml.. , l,i,„. \1,-.

Charles Brengleman. .Mr.-. Joseph H. Th y-

W, B. Cook, .Mrs. J,dni T. Ilender.s,.n. \1,- Kii-li ll.iu.-. \I,-. W . II. II.,,,,-.. n \1,-. \\,ll,,i,i,

T. Hale. Jr.. .Miss Elizabeth Hail. .Mrs. \\,,li.r -i..k.-. .1, . \1,-, I..-. |,l, l\,l,„.,, \1,-. 11,11 \l.

Alister, .Mrs. W. W. Crandall. Mrs. John .s. l..»,-. \1,-. .1. W . II. .«.,.. I. \lt-. J. I,. K-i.-. M.-.

H. Tavlor Campbell. .Mrs. A. E. Cudworlh. Mi- K^.lw, ( ,,il.l„r. Mr-. T. G.al.a,,, ll.dl. M,-John W. Black. Mrs. H. C. Moore. Jr.. .Mr-. O. L. (;rimes. Miss .Sara llilchcoek, Mrs. A. UAnderson. .Mrs. Charles Hunt, .Mrs. Edgar .\L Foster, .Miss Delia Dorlch, .Mrs. George E. Blako,

Miss Elizabeth L. Bloomslein, Miss Eli/.abelh Elliott, Mrs. M. E. Derryberry. .Mrs. Lee IL

Farris. .Mrs. Henry NeuholT. .Miss Daisy .M. Gunn. .Miss Lillian Tavlor. Miss Mary E. Burke,

Mrs. Clarence C. Woodcock. .Mrs. J. B. Daniel. Mrs. Charles Hurd. Mrs, D, G. Hart, Mrs. C. C.

Young, .Mrs. H, B. Bonil, Mrs. I'aul Treanor, Mrs. W. F. Young. ^Hss Kalhcrinc T. Allen, Mrs,

W. 0. Parmer, Mrs. Carey E, Morgan, .Mrs. Charles Fisher. Mrs. W. W. Dillon, Mrs. Fisher

Coles, .Mrs. R. W. Turner. Jr., Mrs. B. F. Wilson, Mrs. H.„iv K Cili..,,. Mr- Fi.,„k \. Berry,

Mrs. William E. .Nnrvell. Mrs. H. D. Ezcll, Mrs. Gideon Wi.l. \I.- I..I1,, II .[.-..ri. ,lr.. Mrs.

Vance Alexander, Mrs. Ellis C. Hupgins, .Mrs. Nathan (,.. k.ii Mi- I \ li,,l.. \1,-. Fount

Williams. .Mrs. Frank Y. McGavock. Mrs. John O. White. M,- Tl,. ,.-,, \1. (;..^... k. M,- Mildred

Gray, Mrs. Tyler Calhoun, Mrs. Brown Buford. Mrs. A. H. Benedict. .Mrs. John Burroughs.

^^^s. William Freeman, Mrs. Witherspoon Hayes. .Mrs. Bvron Martin. Mrs. Roy Williams. Mrs.

Frank Horn. .Mrs. Count Bov<l, .Mrs. Robert Brannan. Mrs. Charles Odom. .Mrs. Warren B.

Sloan, Mrs. Neil S. Jones. Mrs. James A. .McHatton, Mrs. Walter Kiddle, Mrs. Mark Harrison,

Miss Marv Krcig. Mjss Mary Webb, Mrs, Alex. Caldwell. Mrs. James E. Caldwell, Jr., Mrs.

Ennis P. Brown, .Mrs. R. G. Crowley, Mrs. Aris Brown. Mrs. Alic- Wilson Cloyd. Miss MarthaHan.llev. Mrs. S. E. Dickey. Miss Madge Hall. Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin. Mrs. Bruce Douglas. Mrs.

Richard T. Wilson. Mrs. George A. Washington. Mrs. Bruce R. Payn,'. Mrs. R. A. Gulbenk.^riss Ellen Cockrill Foster. Mrs. John Trolwoo.l Moore. Mrs. W. O. Tirrill. Mrs. Horace G. Hill.

Mrs. Marv Washington Frazer. Mrs. Charles Dudley Jones, Mrs. May French Noel, Mrs. JohnHill Eakin. Mrs. R. IL Lacey, Mrs. John A. M<;Ewcn, .Mrs. J. O. Hendlcy, Mrs. E.line Arm-strong .Matlhew.s, .Mrs. John W. Mosby. Mrs. Foster Hume. \trs. Sam Kessler, Mrs. Joe Ford,

Miss Lulie Jones, Mrs, C, C. Waggoner, Mrs. Harry Sudekum, Mrs. Henderson Baker. Mrs.

Robert Cheek. Miss Alma Oliver, Miss Margaret Thompson. Mrs. Henry ChadwcU. Mrs. E. R.


.1 Ml-. i:.l«.,ril Scnig.;-

DAI'IDSON cotMY ro M F. N / .V THE WORLD WAR. 1 ') 1 t-l 9 I 9

Doolittle, Mrs. Laurent Brown. Miss Maud Ballard, Mrs. E. P. Bl;

Mrs. W. L. Tallev. Mrs. Wilbur Florsheim, .Sam Berger. Mrs. W. G.

tin. .Mrs. Joe Werthan. Mrs. Walter Riddle, Mrs. Keau E. Folk. MrsT. Hale. Jr., Mrs. W. B. Myers. Mr.s. Henry Chadwell. \I,., ,I..c..,,h Al.i

Mrs. James Slowey. Mrs. J. D. Campbell, Mrs. (..ihk I!mmI. \Ii- lb

Irving. .Mrs. Mary Bright Thomas, Mrs. W. T. Youn^ \li- I Iimhm- \r

Mrs. Thomas J. Tvne. Mrs. Demp>.-v Weaver. Mi-. I^n^ \\,,,i„,.

n,,,,!,-- -^l.l-,,,,. M,-. Fi.mk r,,,l v|,.lil„,,M,. Ml- \>l,ni I^M„ ( InM


I) u I uso .V c ( A- T y n o .»/1" v /

A' r ii e « ohlp ha k. i'> 141919

i5.\i!iKs H()i;\ wiiiii: Mil 11; ^(11 dim; i \iiiii;^ wiki oMit^ivsIK. Ill l\(. rOK \\(tl!l,l» IKIIDOM

Mjii.-v Willij


S'.n of Shirirr Uraprr anil Annir Nril Dauiiliur n( Mnj. an.l Mm. Wnlt.^r Hor-Itihannan. Lt. Bohnnnsn « on«* n{ Daviil- Inn Hytif. jAn<* wan bnrn on |])i> ilntc ofon C'liiniy** Cold Slur H*Tor», Jicr fal)ier*B rnibarkalion ovrmcn*.

DAVIDSON CO I ,V T Y If M E \ I V T H E IF O R I. D IVA R. 19141919

liETTlE liA.VSO.M KyEDaughter of Lt. I'aul and Marsarn

Ransnn, Rye.


hiiiii>(i\ coiyry no u r. \ i\ r ii i- kokid kir. it 1419 19

Tennessee and MaNidson ('oiiiity ( )ri;aiiizati()n

Le Bien-Etre ilii lllcsse

MkS. HlCllAlil) T. Wll.SCN. ChKiiinuin

\Ins. KicHAiii) T. W n.>.

(Kate Kansoni i

M,-n.l„r of Advisory Council of

Le BictiEln- (111 lllfsse was a I'l.i

kitchrns tlirouj-'houl the war /ones (it I

nished tlif; convalescent soldiers. Iiolli

nourishinfr foods which the army could i

were in charge of the kitchens and distri

.'.nd fifty hospitals overseas.

Tlie necessity for nutritious foo(l> fm

he^'inning of the World War. espe<iall\

troubles. So closely were the Anici ic

common interest and sympathy in thi> u'


tot afT<

...ted d

In l>l



women should ask the co-operation of their American sisters in caring for their

woimded. Mrs. Richard T. Wilson was appointed by Mrs. George Maxwell, Na-

tional Field Director for both France and America, as State Chairman for Tennes-

see, in January, 1918. Mrs. Wilson also ser\-ed as Chairman for the Davidson

County organization, and appointed the following officers on h(>r F.xct utive Board:

Mrs. George A. Washington, Vice-Chairman: Mrs. Gcoiuc \^>i'ks Hair. Sccic-

tary, Mrs. William D. Haggard. Entertainment:

and Mrs. Robert Wharton Nichol and Miss

Madge Hall, Press and Publicity. In addition

to the officers, a General Committee was ap-

pointed, upon which Mrs. Wilson called in emt r-

gency, and which always responded freely.

They were:

Mrs. Joseph X^-arner. Mrs. E,Usin \\ani.r. Mrs.

Ornn T. Ih^uiiw. \h-. Cm^,. s. I'.uk.-. \l,-. J.isepli

A. i.i.u. \li., KmIIiii r. (.,,,.,1. \li-. ^,11,1 I'lilchett.

Mi-. I'liil II. .Mr. \l,-. \:u •. W.uii. ,. \l.-. Marry A.Bakhclur, Mrs. Uuiicau KLiuicr, .Mrs. Walker LUwards,Mrs. John C. Brown, Mrs. Jolrn W. Thomas. Mrs.Harry Evans, Mrs. John B. Ransom, Jr., Mrs. HenryFrazer, Mrs. Josepli Pahnt-v. Mrs. John M. Gray. Mrs.A. n. r.ai,-..i,i. Miv Xr.Fur,, Ilai, -..,„. Mi-. CI,,,,-!.-

l'ill..«. \li^. C, ,.,-, William Kail. \li-. \u;s II.hmIK

Mrs. Frank A. Berrj-, Mrs. Daniel C. Buntin, Mrs.Johnson Bransford, Mrs. John A. Bell, Mrs. EdwardA. Lindsey. Mrs. M. C. McOannnn. Mrs. Van LeerKirkman. Mr.^. Cranlirrv Jark^..n. \Ir=. Leslie Warner,Ml-. Ci.l.-..,, W,,.l,'. M,-. (;u,ll..,,l liinlley, Mrs. Ida-

l.rll,- \\il-,,n. \l,-. .Inlin \. lla«kiii~on. Mrs. E. S.

Canh,.'.. \l,-, i;..l,.>i I ii-k. \li- \illuir Evans, Mrs.\\- I.. ^i,n„,..n-. Ml- \lil.l.,'.i (,,,u. Ml-. Lillian

W: las, Mrs Geouce a. Washington(Queenie Woods)Ml-. I

-.. I'm. Ii.n. Ml- Mihii.l.i ll,iiii|.i,.i,. MiN.lla I'all, r-un. Mi>. .su.-au lia.xlcr. .M.,.- Lsth.r .Nichol.

Miss Annie Laurie Campbell, Mrs. B. F. Wilson. Mrs. Duncan Keniier. Mrs. Walter Keith, Mrs.Dandridge Caldwell, and Mrs. John Arnold Bell.

The first entertainment given for the benefit of Le Bien-Etre du Blesse organi-

zation in Nashville was a womanless wedding in March, 1918. Mrs. Andrew Zeitler

and Mrs. Henry Frazer were joint chairmen of arrangements for this event, whichwas given at the Hermitage Club, and was cleverly and artistically planned. Asupper was served on the roof of the club house and several gifts were sent the bridal

couple, which were auctioned and added to the funds of the organization. Booths

of candy, flowers and smokes were arranged for sale, also. Mrs. Richard T. Wilsonserving as an ex-officio member of all committees for the wedding. Mrs. W. D. Hag-gard had charge of the musical program, on which some of Nashville's best musicians

appeared. Mrs. Haggard served as Chairman of Music of this organization at all

functions, and the service rendered by her was of inestimable value.

On April 3, 1918, the Le Bien-Etre du Blesse organization united with nine others

in giving a patriotic ball at the Belle Meade Club. Mrs. Richard T. Wilson. Mrs.

Robert Lusk and Mrs. Joseph Warner were joint chairmen of the entire affair, andMrs. Frank A. Berry served as chairman of tickets. War organizations secured

space from the General Committee booths, each booth selling various articles which

f 391 )

/) I I / I) > ( » A CO I V T > « O W ^: .V /A T H F. If O li I. I) II A R. I 9 I 41 « /"

VMT.- s..li.il.-(l l.v coiumillee* of women I'roiii .arli ..r,i:;iMi/;aion ulii.li icrriMd 111.

hen.-fil from llie sal.-s of thrir respective booths. Tli.v were:

Le Bien-Etre d.i Blesse. with Mrs. Riehard 1. Wil-.m as (lunriHan. M,-. Wii-.a,

ami eommittee eoMeeted the largest amount of fiiiid-- re(.l\.(l al llie liall. Olh. r

orL-anizalions represented were:

Roherlsoii C.iinlv W, .man's C.nnuillee. Conned ..I Dclm-,-. Mi-. („-n|.jr \.

\\a<hin^Ion. Ciiairnian: \rn.v C.ndorl Leaiin,-. Ir,- (nan, I'ail..,. \1,-. I'.mn War-

ner: Can.K ,,nd C.ikr i; I,-. Mi-. John C;.

(;ilinore ,omI M,-. Thnnia- J. Ixnr: Ked Cross.

Mrs. \ernr, \l,,.„r Irui-i Naliun.d l.eaLMie for

Wnina,,-- :>r,M,r. \l,-. ( liatlr- >. Hinun. Mr-.

II. i;. NImmh. n and M,-. (o.nd.r.v ,lark-

-..,, Fall:. air-- (Inldirn ..I Vv. . Mr-.

|)r,M|.M\ Wr.nr, .nni Ml- iiai..,-- IM.Ii,-, :

War .^aM,,.- ,.nd 11, nil -l,„ii|,-. Mi-. Iai„r- H.

k,,kland ,.„,l Ml-. Cl.iudr W.illr, . 11,, id l.il,-

,il\ L.Kiii. Ml-. \d,iii I. v.. 11 CI,,ldM-. Chair-

man lo, \a-liMllr ..I dir i.nai, : Ml-. \ anr,.

\ie\an.ha ,iiid Mi-. T. jtui'jlil W rl.h. Chair-

man of d,r hnolh: \a-l,Mllr W uni.nr- Can-

mittro. Conn,, I nl Drlni-r. Mr-. la - S.

Fra/ia: and I),im,I-.„i C..i,i,In W .anai,'- C.om-

n.lllrr ua- Ir.l U Ml-. KoImiI W, \, .!,,.!. Ml-.

Wr-I II. M „ ,,„d M,-. C,,i,': M.l.irl.iad.

.S, riahuial.l and rM , ,„,i ,Iii,,,m unr ihe

arranjienienl- ..I dn- hall llial il ua- all.aidr.l

hv several l,niid,e,l |,rn|dr. Il.irli or^'ani/al ion

netted a -|dr,i,lld -uin Iron, llir |Mo,r,-d- rr-


ri„- l,r r,i,.M-i;ii.- <!,, i;i.-,- .n-ani/alio,,

d. .1,1,1 uhi.h ua-

1-. M,-. i;„l,ai,l

„!,- \l..ii.,v,. -u,„l»i.li,

. -nil .iilnk-: Mr-. Ank,-l-: \!,-, .|,.li„ \1. (a

: .,n,l \li- \ I! li.i,,-.

which ,^rv^\\^\u^, u

given as ••T.-mic-sceV Patrioli,- Fonrth Bcn.-liF- l,n 1

Wilson appointed as chairmen:

Mrs. Walker E.l«ar.l>. menu: Mi-. .|..-.|.l, l'.il,ii,i. |,i,-; Mi

\rrs. Genre,- .A. \Vasliincl,.n. ham a,„l ,lii. k,i,-; Mr-. II, nnf:onc,T. c.fr.-,-; Mr-. .I„-.,-pli A. Caav. >ala,l-: Mr-. \i,liiir Kv.i,

movies; Mr-. .1 i,li \\arn,-r. ham ,laii,-,-: M.-. W . D. Ihi^;:ai.l.


^^rs. Walker Edwards' General C. iiill,,- ua- , ,,i,iiM,-,-,| u\


Mrs. Arthur Dv.-r. Mrs. John C. Brown. Mi-, i:, -. (..n.lii.,, \l,- i:,l»,ii,l \, l.ln.l-.-v. Mi-.

Henry Fraz.-r. Mr.-. Ca-orpe William Fall. .Mi-. M ' - M.(...i, ,.. Mi- (.,.l.-..„ I', W.i.l,-. M,-.

John Arnohl Bell, and Mrs. Frank A. B.rrv.

Airs. Joseph Palmer's eommittee in, liali-d:

Mrs. G.-orne S. I'arkes. Mrs. M.T,-,lllh (;al.^^.ll. Mi- i;..;i,i- < .il,l«,ll. M,-. Ilariv li.il. I„l,.i


Mrs. Andrew Zeitl.-r. .Mr.. John .1. \,rO,,-. Jr.. Mi-. Ihiirv li.i/.i. Mr-. I)a„.lri,l^,- (;al,lw,ll.

Mrs. Dunc-an Kenm-r. Mrs. \Vall,T s,,,!,,... jr., a.i.l Mi-. I.l.ili.l!,- W il-.m.

Mrs. Charles Morrow's Connnittee .omprised:

Mrs. (). T. lliBBJns. Mrs. K.lgar M. Fo-i.r. Mrs. A. B. l!aii-,.,ii Mi- i;..l.,ii 1 .i-k. Mr-.

Harrv W. Evan-. Mrs. John B. Ransom. Mr-. ,|ohn.-on Bransfor.i. Mi- Ivluii, W ari„r. \1r-

McEwen Ransom, an.l Nfrs. Horaro G. Hill.



her assistants:

Mrs. Margaret L. Hicks, MrMrs. George A. Washington appointed

Mrs. Van Leer Kirkman. Mrs. Robert W. Nicliol, Mrs. Margaret L. Hicks, Mrs. Bruce Doug-

las, Mrs. Philip Hovte. Mrs. Ale.x. Hunter. Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne. Mrs. Sam Pritchett. Mrs. W. G.

Simmons, Mrs. Avery Handly. Mrs. Edward Lindsey. Mrs. John \^". Thcmas, Mrs. James Trimble,

Mrs. John Arnold Bell. Mrs. Leslie Warner, .Mrs. J. A. llawkin,-on. and Mrs. W. O. Parmer.

Mrs. Henry Frazer selected on her committee;

Miss Evelyn Douglas, Miss Cathleen Garrett, Miss .Mary Nelson, Miss Sarah Shannon, Miss

Ester Nichol, Mrs. Frank A. Berry, Miss Mildred Gray, Miss Cornelia Keeble, Miss EmmieKeith, Miss Kathryn Craig, Miss Eleanor Tyne, and Miss Jeannette Sloan.

The duties of each of these women were to solicit donations in their line and to

assist in serving the hundreds of people who attended the picnic . Scvnal luindied

dollars was the proceeds received for the soldiers

from the "Patriotic Fourth" of 191t!.

From time to time musicals were given at the

Belle Meade Club by Mrs. Richard T. Wilson".'^

Musical Committee of Le Bien-Etre du Blesse. of

which Mrs. W. D. Haggard was Chairman, the

proceeds being sent direct to the diet kitchens of

France. Mrs. Haggard always included in hei

numhers such patriotic songs as "Keep the HomeFires Burning," "Over There." "The Long, LongTrail." and a immber of other songs that becameso dear to the home people, and her musicals were

looked forward to as one of the "bright spots" for

the people at home who had loved ones in service.

They were largely attended and very profitable


In September, 1918, Mrs. George T. Maxwell

national leader, came from Paris in the intere^^

of this organization, and was entertained duriii

her stay in Nashville at the home of Mrs. Richari

T. Wilson, State President. Mrs. Maxwell spoke

to a large mass meeting of women of the various

patriotic organizations and clubs of DavidsonCounty at the Centennial Club, and also at a large

tea given by Mrs. Wilson at the Belle Meade Club,

which was presided over by Mrs. John W. Thomas.A letter from French authorities was received

in Nashville by Mayor William Gupton in Sep-

tember, 1918, and translated by Mrs. George E. Blake, in which they expressed the

wish to confer an honor upon Mrs. Richard T. Wilson. State President, in recog-

nition of the valuable service she had rendered the French Government.

A lag day was held on September 29. which swelled the treasury of this organi-

zation. Mrs. Richard Wilson served as General Chairman, Mrs. Walker Edwardsas \ ice-Chairman, and a larger amount of funds was collected on this day than

on any other of the numerous tag days that were held during the World War. Mrs.

Edgar M. Foster collected tlie largest amount at her corner of any chairman of

corners during the entire war period. Over S3,000 was the amount collected on

ihis day. surpassing manv of the previous campaigns of several weeks' duration, and

a significant fact about this ainount was that no large contributions were received.

Mrs. Richard T. Wilson received the handsome silver jnedal and diploma from

the French Go\ernment. for which she had been recommended, in recognition of the

' 393 1


BY MRS. RICHAKD T. WILSONn the French Government in recognition

her service rendered the disabled French

erans through the Le Bien-Etrc du

sse orEaniz.-.tion. of which Mrs, Wilson

/' t i I I)S .V (. I .\ T J II (> M f. A / V THE V R L I) If A H. 19 1 II ') 1 9

splendid service slie rendered liolli {\u- Innt li ami \riii rir.iri -ulilii r- in l'cl>i ikm\ .

1«)20. The diploma, which is shi.un in liu- illuMialion. l..-.ir- llic -i;jn,ilnrc ,,f A.

Miilerand. the French Minister ol Allan-, and ar, onipanx inv ll„- ni.-.lal ua- a l.il.i

liearing the si-:natnre of the Cm-nlCcncral nl Franc- an, I nlliia I'rcn.li ,,ili,ial>.

It is translated as follows:

"Madame. I have the honor to annunn, r in \nn llial i>n llic |iin|in-al ..!' llii- Min-

ister of Foreign .Affairs, the President nt llir i!r|ii]Mh .<.nlri> npon \nn llu- ~il\cr

medal of the Re<-onnaissance Franraisc I am lia|i|>\ In n.ni-nill !. \nu llu- (liplnnia

of this decoration, which you lia\i' -.. ahU nn-iilid 1>\ \<inr (liaillal>lc and um-

erous activities. Please a<-cei)t. Madann-. llic linniai;r <<\ ni\ ir-pirl.

iSi;jn.'di i.r Con-nl ( H'licral of France."

The last of the nunici„n> hcnclil cntci taiinn.nl- ;.i\rn Us ihi- organization was a

(;,'orf.'e Washington Fete at the Belle Mcadc CInl.. an,l ll,r pm, reds added a large

amount to the funds already in the treasury.

Mrs. Richard T. Wilson and her Executive li.Kir.l ha,l rhaii^c ,d' lli.- aiiange-

ni.nts. Other committees included: Tickets. Mr-. .1. \. Ilaukin-on. \I,-. Frank \.

IVrrv and Mrs. Bruce Douglas. Joint C.liaiinMn. TIua uc a-i-lr,l U llic (,1,1--

Patriotic league, with Mrs. Rogers Cal.lucll. \li-. Inlni C (.ilni..,,- and \ii-- l.il

Man Warner as Joint Chairmen, and li\ llu- (^>lillinn ('InK. willi Mi-- 1 -ilin NkImIs.

President. This committee sold tickets In n\. i -i\ linndicd pcnpic al a dnlLii cac li.

(!ard lahles were arranged in everv ax.illaMc plaic l'\ \li-. .|n-ipli \. (,ia\. (Iialr-

man of this feature, and prizes un,- in riiarii,- nl M.-, (»i lin T. iiiL'vni- an,l Mi-.

A. B. Ransom. Coffee and sandui,!,,- unr -c, nn',1 j.v Mi-. .|n-rph I'ahn.a and

Mrs. Henry Frazer. wlu. scivcl a- Jniiil CliairnMai. an. I Mi-. MiKucn llan-uni -cixrd

as Chairman to m'cimc caiidN and -innki-. \--i-liiiL: in -ci\iii-j lli,' -i'\iial Inindird

guests were:

Mr--. Walk.i K.iis.inl-. Mrs. K.lj-ar M Foslrr. Mi- 1 M \, I i.nl-.x. \1,-. \l,,,.i,lh ( .iMw.-ll.

Mr-. Clinl \lk;M-. Mi-. I'.i.il Kve. Mr«. Brucr Doiij:!.,- \1,-- I Ii/,,|m ili II:,, I. \l.-. I ^.,>, ( ImM,.--.

Mrs. li. F. \\>l-,.n. Ml-. Il..uar,l Frost. Mrs. Hill \I. \h-M, M,- I \. Il.,»k,„-n„, \1,- U . T.

Hale. Jr., Mrs. Fiai.k ^...l,^ C.r.-.-n. Mr-. Llalull,. \\,l-.„,. \1,-, (.,,,„^.,^ I,,. k-,.„. \l,- (..-..rf;.-

W. Hale. -Mrs. Fi,-I,lii>:i ^.-l. Mr-. 11,. .„i.,- 1, W .1,1.. Mi-. ,|..l,n 11. i;,,n ,. Ii.. M,- M,l.lr,-.l

Cray, Miss .Sadie Cm,,,. Mi- .\.,„,.- I..„iii.- ( .,„,|,1,. II. M,- M.im \. !-..„. \1,- -,,,,,1, -l,.,„m.n.

Miss Fram-es Du.ll.-x. M— Kli/,,l..tl, ^l,.,l,^. M,- I „„.l.. In.. M,- I ill,.,„ W.nn.i. M.- I.st.'r

Ni(-li.,l. \li-s Marv llariliiif: iiiirkn.-r. Mi-s Fran..- t.l.,^. Mi- I ,i. i.i IIil.;j,,,-, Mi- .Ann,- liratis-

f..r,l. Mi- Km, ma Scliwali. Mi-s C.rinn,- Crai;:. Mi- Fi.i,,..- ll.,,i,-. \1,- ll.iiri.-l \V..olwinc,

\ri- Kll.-ri Sink.-. Mi-s Virginia W.M.lwin,-. Miss \l.„,-,,i.i ^,i„i,i..i.-. Mi- \l,..- Hall I.indsey,

.Miss F^.lina K.-nnrr. .Miss IVrcic Warner. Miss .\.l,,., ~-l..k. -. Mi- I . ii.i Cimiiuins. Mis.s

Fvelyii Dou^'las. .Miss .Mary Lee Crockett, Miss K.nU.,,, i.,,,,.ii. M,- ll,/;il,.ili Hill. Mi

.I.annelle .Sloan. Mrs. Byrnn Martin. Mrs. Georjie \ W , ,-!,,,, ^Imi, M,-

Harrv Balrhelor. Mrs. Alex Ihintcr. Mrs. F.flwar.l I.,„.I-.n. \I,- \1.,,iI,.i I

Hall.' Miss Kallirvn Craif.'. Miss Eleanor Tvne. Miss Kll.-n ( ... knll l.-i.,. '

\trs. Dan MeC.ipin. Mrs. Harrv Surlekum'. Atrs. Fount Will,.,,,,-. M,- M.i.l.iKii -in,,,!,

Martraret Karlv. .Miss I.nrv .Ann MeGupin. .Mrs. W. O. Tiinli. Mi- \\l,,l,l.

I)e,n|is.-v Weaver. Mrs. Eufiene .Shannon. Mrs. Eupene Hani-. Mi- I i.mk \

Ilerrv. Sirs. Henrv E. Colton. Mrs. Lucius Robinson. Mr-. i;..llii, 1'. (.i.inl. Mi

Mrs.' Marcaret Henderson Hutchinson. Mrs. Jack \\iil,.i-i n. Mr-. W.ili.r

\r. Overton. Mrs. Thomas J. Tvne. Mrs. Richard C. H.ik. \1,- 1 lank H..II.

W. Foster.

The I.e Bicn-F.tre du Bless.- oroani/ali.,n rai-cl in \a-li\illc n\rr sT.dHIl ni -ix

nx.nlhs" time, this entire anioiml licintj cllnlrd l,\ dnilar l.iaiilil mlrrlaininrnts.

The cnlrilditinns of this organization were so gcncmii- mil u.h- -.nl -.. i.-jiilailv

l.> the convale><-ent soldiers that in ajipreciation of llii- w.iik a kil. Inn. kiM.un as

ihe "Xashville Kitchen."' was estahlished in Slrausshin-. ami (unlinm-d Inr -cvcral

( .394 )



D AV I D S ON CO [I N TY WOMEN IN THE JT' O R L D IT t K. 19111919

months after tlie Armistice was signed. As far as is known, Nashville was the only

city in America which was paid so high a compliment, which speaks creditably for

Mrs. Richard T. Wilson and her committee, whose slogan was, "Faith without works

is dead."

Credit for this report is due almost entirely to Mrs. Richard T. Wilson, ("hair-

man, whose splendid executive ability, coupled with her artistic arrangement of

these many benefit entertainments—all of which were personally supervised by her

to the remotest detail—brought forth these happy results. Her committee responded

to her call whole-heartedly, and the organization was carried on in a competent

and businesslike manner, with an auditor to check up all amounts before being

forwarded to France. This was the last patriotic body of women to form during

the World War. It has the distinction of raising more money than any other in the

county, although it was in existence less than half as long as some others, a report

of which every woman recorded in this volume feels a pride.

War Work Council, Southern Presbyterian Church

Miss Margaret Vance. Executive Secretary

Tiae "^^'ar Work Council of the Presbyterian Church in the United States I South-

ern ) was appointed in August. 1917. by the Moderator of the General Assembly,

Rev. John M. Wells, organized formally in October, 1917, with Rev. James I. Vance,

D.D.. as Chairman, with headquarters in Nashville, and Rev. C. G. Gunn as Execu-

tive Secretary. Upon the resignation of the Executive Secretary, Miss Margaret

Vance was chosen Office Secretary, and also served as Treasurer the last year.

The work of the War Work Council was the appointment and placing of fifteen

camp pastors in the various camps and cantonments in this country, to assist the

churches in the communitv in rendering service to the soldiers, to do personal workin the camps, and to minister to the sick, all with the sanction of the regular armychaplains, in raising funds in the Southern Presbyterian Church for the support of

these men, to furnish them with cars, and for all branches of war work undertaken

bv the church. They also organized local councils in communities contiguous to

cantonments for the purpose of mobilizing welfare forces in these communities to

labor in connection with the Camp Pastor in their efforts to serve the soldiers.

This work provided each regular army chaplain from the denomination with a

contingent fund of S200, a Corona typewriter, and field and hospital communionsets, and to gather, by means of questionnaires sent to pastors and churches, the

war statistics of the church, which have been bound in six volumes and presented to

Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va.

Since the end of the World War the name of the committee has been changed to

the Committee on French and Belgian Relief, an interesting feature of its work being

the raising of a fund to rebuild the Protestant church at Compeigne, France, as a

memorial to Southern Presbyterian soldiers who lost their lives in the war.

In addition to the above, the committee assisted in the support of four ministers

who were working among the ex-service men, and made a grant of S.iOO to each of the

Southern Presbyterian Chaplains in active military service, this sum wa- used in workfor the ex-service men.

DAVID 5 O A' COV A' T Y W O M E S I A 7 // A. « O A' /. I) IT A K. 1 () I II •) I 9

i);i\i(ls(iii County and Nashxillc Divisions ol' War

Savings Stanij) and Thi'ill Stamp Work

Mks. John l\. Ai sr. Counh CItnuimu,

MliS, JVMKS II. KiKKI.WI). \ashvillr Chuirnuu,

War Saviiiiis Sl.im|> aiid Tliiill Marnp umk l.cuan a(ll\(l\ in l)a\Hknn C.iinlx

in I-Vl.n.aiy. ]')};;. ulirn Slair Diir.l.,, T. It. Vw^Um ai.pninlr,! Mrs. Jnln, II. \nMas Chairman for the ciainlN. I|r.iili|ii.ii in - wen- n|iriir,| in llir D.nlui^ ilnildirnj.

the counlv was perfectcil. \li-. \n-l a|.|ioinl,-,l \li-. (,il,-,,n l'allri-,.n ,i- Xi.cCliaii-

man of the county organization: \li-. Krnl.. n Mill-. I'n— Chairman: Mi- .Inmit-

Waggoner. Secretary, and the rnll.iwinu lounU di-tiiii ihairmcn:

Fir>t District, \ash\ille. uln. I, ua- ...n,,..,-, d ,,l lurnU-Inn, ua,d-. \l,>. lainr-

II. Ki.khnnl. ClKiirman- Sc,on,l |)iM,i,|. \|,-, I!.,],,,!,, \\^^\r^. CI,,,,, n,,.n : Tl,iid

|)i-l,„ I. \!,-. II. C,a|.j \h I'ailand. ( iha,, n,,,n : I n,<,d, |),-l,,: I. \l,-. I..l,„ I lr,„l,-, -,.„.

Ciiai,n,a„: l,ld, Di-lii.l. .\h>. Thonia- C,,ll,n,,„. ( I,,, ,,„,.,„ : ^iMJ, |),-t,„l. M,~.

,lan,r- K. l;,,i,,-. ( li.i,rman: .Seventli l),-l,i, I. \l,-. I)i,dl,'\ (..ilr. CI,,,,, ,ii.i,i : l.iLdilh

l)i-l,i. I. \l,-. W ,,,,,„ IS. Sloan. Chai.n,.,,,: \,nll, l),-l,„l. \l,- \lai",i,r| II ,|wnn

and .Ml.-.- Sadi,- Ih-nin. Co-Chairmen : T.„|l, |)i-l,„l. \l,-. W . H. Msn-. CI,,,,,,,,.,,,:

Kleventh District. Mrs. Edward Snlln, l,,„,l. CI,,,,, ,„,,„ : Tucllil, |),-i,i, i. M,-. I. I ,,,nk

Horn. Chairman: Thirteenth Di-I,i,l. M,- \linr |n,,l;,„. ( ,l,ai, ,„,,„ : .,n,l I,,,,, I, •,•,,11,

Di-Irict. Mrs. A. K. M,C,u-<l. Chairman.

jl,r Na-hvillr .,n,l l)a\nls,,n County organi/.ilinn- ,,1 ll„^ W .,, S.,si„;- umk «cn>

amiii,ii ll,c 11,1.-1 I ipiiiplclc wnmen's organization- i,, 'iC,,i,i'--ci'. ,i- ln,,,d,cd- ,it umncncould' he corralled hy the Distiln Ci,al,,„an in ,, -mulr .lav. Tl„^ „U ,11-1, irl

organizations covered several mil,- ..! ^•,,il..i\ i,, ih.^ d,i,-.l\ |h.|.,,I,i1i^.I ili-i,icl-,

.nnd the following chairmen and ,..,,,,,,, II,,- l,,i,idl(>d lln- di-l,i. I- vMfh ll,c .,l.ilil\ ,,l.'


Skcom. Di-tkkt

.Miss li.,l«Tla Hrilrv. Clialnnan. \\,r S„l,.n,,,,ii„,,„ «.t.^: \1,- WilliM,,, \\.:^^,y. \li.-

A.lrlai.le Batll.- an. I Mr-. C. I'.. C.ll..,

Tiiiim Di-iKi. I

Mr-, II. Ciai^ MrKarla,,.!. (:i,a,r„ia„. II. i -iili i li.ni „,. i, u.i.: \1,-. K.ljia, K.^.^lhii;, Ml-.

I(. Ilai-h. Mi.- |{,^-i,^ li,.N,i. Mr-. W. 1!. (....k. ,,„.l \I,-. I';.l,„.^ \ a„^l„i,

FoiHTii Disiin.T

Mrs. Jolm T. HcmiI.tsoii. Cliairmaii. Hc-r .Suli-Cliairm.i. »., \l,- l..l,„ l)..„,,l.l-..„ M,-.

I'.-arl .Stf.-lc. Mrs. Charlos Biintin. Mrs. W. W. Cunninchan,. \l,- I II ( ,,,,r. .1, \l,- M,,, -.,,.•!

ll,-n<lcrs„a Iliilol.ison. Mrs. Janifs Johnson. Mrs. W. C. l)..!,-,.,,, \I,-, \all,;,„ |)..l.-..,., \1,-

Kal.- Cl.Mv.-. Miss Anni.- Fii.,na. Mr-. Grorj:.- Till.^ll. an.l Mi-, llnil.'x \\,lliM,„-.

Mrs. Thomas Calhoun. Chairman. S.-rvinfi as l„r s„|,,( 1,.,,, „„„ «,•,,•; \1,- l!,.l..^,-|a Uril.^v.

Mrs. Cus .Shellon, Mrs. W. G. W.-lrl,. Mrs. C. (;. Ii„,k,n. M,-. W . C. r„„k.n. \1,- i:.l«a,.l .1.

Holland, and Mrs. Ernest Holland.



Sixth DrsTKicT

Mrs. .lainr-. KrA>W Kain^. Chan, nan. Iln Snl.a Juunnm «r,r; \liv William D. Kose. Mrs.

Marshall I'olk. _M,-. W .•>! II. M.ninn. \li~. W . I!. (:....k. \li-. (.lauMllr V. linM-. .Mrs. Berry

Milliron. Mr., K. L. W rifjliL \h>. JnM-pl. W . H.,lmaii, and Miss .Majigie .Sluil..-.

The J. K. Rains School in this district was the banner school of the county, and

a flag was presented to Mrs. James K. Rains by the War Savings officials for one

hundred per cent efficiency in this work. Mrs. Rains' splendid work was recognized

throughout the state.

Seveath District

Mrs. Dudley Gale, Chairman. .Mrs. Gale's Suh-Chairmen wii

Claud Waller. Mrs. Percy Warner, Mrs. Vernon Tupper, Mrs. VeNfu-I. Mrs. Mary French Noel. Mrs. Norman Kirkman, Mrs.I'm \ '^Ikiiiii Mrs. George F. Blackie. Mrs. Thomas J. Tvne.\l.-, W n

I inill, Mrs. John M. Gray, Mrs. Fielding Yost. Mrs.

Mali. II, \\ils„„. Mrs. Carey A. Folk, Mrs, Tillman Cavert, Mrs.

Thomas Ahilon.-. Mrs. J.,spph Cil.<,,n. Mi-s Kittie Berry, and

Mrs. A. E. Potter.

Mrs, Gale's district was [he banner district of the

entire county. Her sub-chairmen and their committees

in the Second War Savings Campaign raised more than

$200,000,00, the full amount being in small purchases,

necessitatins a volume of work in collecting and record-

.\lr>. \\all,-r .Stokes, Mrs.M,.,>i,- L.wis. Mrs. L. G,

11 a<.

Eighth District

Mrs, Warren B. Sloan. Chairman. Her .Sub-Chairmen were:Mrs. R. P. Reasnnover, Miss Eva Bell, Miss Louise Bell. Mrs.T, M, Schlater. Mrs. E. J. Adkisson. .Miss Emma Sloan. Mrs.George C. Brown, Mrs. Walter Rid, lie. an, I Mrs. ,1. H. Lackey.

Mrs. Sloan made a fine record in thrift \v,,rk, as '

World War relief.

Ninth District

Miss Margaret Thompson, Chairman: Miss Sadie Herrin, Vice-Cliairnian; Mrs. ,

and Mrs. James B. Ezzell, Sub-Chairmen.

Miss Thompson and Miss Herrin were two of Davidson County's in,

and successful workers in Libertv Loans and thrift work.

Tenth District

Mrs, W. B. Myers, Chairman, Her Sub-Chairmen were: Mrs. Maggie Link. Chairman ,

White's Creek Pike: Mrs. L J. Shivers, Mrs. Nellie McCasland. Mrs. .Myrtle McKee. and MiVirginia Marshall, Sub-Chairmen of precincts.

Eleventh District

Mrs. Edward Sutherland, Chairman. Her Sub-Chairmen were: Mrs. AlbertGertrude Smith, Miss Lucy Ellis, Miss Eleanor Collier, Miss Ophelia Bixler. Mrswell, Mrs. E, R. Doolittle, Mrs. Robert Orr, Jr., Mrs. Douglas Anderson, and Miss


Twelfth District

Mrs. J. F.

Tamble. Mrs.

I\Trs. Hoi

lomas C. Joy. Jr.. Mrs.

led successfully maY.' .Sl,',an.'"Imr.Mr''s'.

D.HIDSOy COi.XTY If O M E \ / ;V THE if R L D WAR. I 9 I 41 « I 9

Thirteenth District

Miss Aliiu- Jonlaii. Cliairman. Her SubChairnu-ii wen-: \Ir>. Cliarl.s II., It. \li~. \lal»-l

Kletcher. Miss Elizabeth Flelclier. Miss Maggie Walton. Miss Fannv O. Walton. Miss Margaret

Drake, Miss Kaelu-1 Dale. Mi» l!ull. 11>1,'. an.l Miss Kililh Carney.

Miss Jordan's work was hijilily commeiulcd liy ofRcials.

Foi ktee.ntii District

Mrs. A. E. MeCord. Chairman. Her Sub-Chairmen wen-: Mrs, Miirrav Kilnionilson, Mrs.

\I. Ke.lding. \Ir>. A. D. Bi.lwell. Mrs. A. B. Graves, and Mrs. J. B. Campbell

Altliough each of these district women was compelled to cover several miles of

territory, they succeeded in selling thousands of dollars worth of stamps.

While only the sub-chairmen of the precincts are mentioned, each of these formed

a committee of canvassers who sold from twenty-five cents to five dollars in stamps

in their respe<iive districts, and no real esliniatc can he made of the value of their


NASllMLl.i: W. S. .>^. AM) TIIKll T STWii' !)i\l>l()\

.Mi;>. James 11. 1vii;ki.\m.. Chalnnan

Mrs. Jaities 11. Kirkiaiid. Chainnat, of Na-liMJi.-. , ailr,! a ina-- nic'tini; ,,f all

women's organi/alious iu tiic city at tiie Cetilrmiial Clnji on Fehniarv 7. 191!1. whenplans for tlie work were fornmlaled and conunittees were appointed. Mis. Kiikiand

made the principal address at the meeting. Vice-Chairmen chosen li\ Mr>. Kirklanc!


.^[rs. E. W. Cole, Mrs. Jesse M. Overton, Mrs. Leslie Warner, Mrs. Alex. Caldwell, Mrs. LeoSchwartz, Mrs. Idabelle Wilson. Mrs. Percy Warner. Mrs. Eugene Crutcher, Mrs. Robert F.

Jackson, Mrs. James S. Frazer, Mrs. A. E. Potter. .Mrs. John Hill Eakin. Mrs. Verner MooreLewis, .Mrs. Edward Buford. .Mrs. S. S. Crockett. .Mrs. Demp^.v Wr.ner. \lr>. B. F. Wil>on. andMrs. C. B. Wallace.

Mrs. Kirkland appointed a Speakers" Bureau, which was organized willi Mrs.

Josepli T. Howell, Chairman, and Miss Frances Pilcher as V'ice-Chairman. Mrs.

Howell and Miss Pilcher appointed the following members of the Bureau:

Mrs. (luilford Dndlev. Mrs. Perrv Warner. Mrs. James H. Kirkland, Miss Julia Green, MissLillian Taylor, .Mrs. K. H. Lacey. \1.- II.m l.r-.„, Baker, .Mrs. E. B. Cayce. .Mrs. Charles Cald-

well, Mrs. A. B. Benedict, .Mrs. Du.ll. . (. il. Mi-^ IClizabeth Binford, Mrs. James K. Rains, Mrs.C. B. Wallace. Mrs. Claud Walhi. \1, 1.1,1.1], Wilson. Miss Delia Dortch, Mrs. GranberyJark-^on. Mi" Louis.;- G. Lindsley, Mi>. 111,. K,i,.i.a It.-n... Mr-. MeN. Cal.lw.-II, Mr«. Lou Lusky,Mi-. \l,iM I,,.,ii-e Goodwin. Mrs. Frank .S,,,,.^ (.,,.„, \1,- ,|„lia llii.,ln,.,n. \li-. Kallnrvn P.

Wn^l.t, \1,- Matilda Porter, Mrs, Gib>.,r, I', ,11.,-,,,,, \li-. Il.,llu,„ (. II,,.-. \li-. K.r.linand

KmIii,. \rr-. I ImiI.-, Baker. Mrs. James C. l;,.i,ll,„,L \l,-. Ai.l, •r,;,^,.!.. \l,- 1'. A. Murray,.Mr-. i;..l,.ri W. N,.l„,l. M,-. I.li/ubcth Frye Page. \l,- (....,<•. I'. Kla.k,. \li- |,.-.pli Warner,M.-. \.r,i..„ -l,.,r|,. \l,-. I.,,,,;:,. K. Blake, Mrs. i;. ,,l„ ., M,ll- M,- I W , 1 .-i.-r. .Mrs. B. F.

W, :-..„. M,- h.,„|,-... \\,,,v.,. Mrs. W. B. Cook, Ml- \.L,,, l^,,ll i l,,l, \1,-. W. B. Shel-

i.jn. .Mi-. \.rn.r .M„„i. 1.. »i.-. Mr.s. West H. Mortoji. .Mi-. I1..KU, (,. Ihll. \U>. \u\m W. Thomas,-Mrs. Waller L. Jones, Mrs. A. E. Potter. Mrs, Eugene Crutcher, Mrs. Jesse AL Overton, Mrs.G. P. Rose, Mrs. John K. Aust, Mrs. Charles Caldwell, Mrs. Thomas Newbill, .Mrs. W. J.

Morrison, Mrs. E. P. Blair, Mrs. Porter Phillips, and Mrs. S. E. Dickey.

These women went before every club, church, school and public gathering of

any kind held in Davidson County during the three War Savings Stamp drives, and

created a sentiment which proved of great educational value in this new line of work.

Mrs. A. v.. Poller, who was appoinl.-d a mcnd)cr of llic Ccnlral Coiiniil l.v Mrs.

James H. Kirkland f.,r ihrifl woik from the l.cgimiiiig in l)a\id-.,n C.uinlv. was


DAVID SON cor NT y WOMEN IN THE ir O H I. D WAR. n) 1 1-1 9 1 9

also appointed by her to l)e Chairman of thi

dred-DoUar Clubs, and Mrs. A. E. Pottei

serve with her:

Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. Mrs. Arthur Evans, Mr.s. Jesse M. OvMrs. Harry Evans, Mrs. Vernon Tapper, Mrs. Idahelle Wilson.

Walter 0. Parmer, Mrs. Horace G. Hill, Mrs. Lucius Burch, Mrs.

Jones, Mrs. John Lellvett. Mrs. Thomas Herbert, Jr.. Mrs. J. II

Thousand. Five Hinidred and One Hun-

appointed the following: connnittee to


. Mrs.Iter L.


Mhs LiniM,i, \ I'.iirtR

(Eftie June Smith)

Memher nf \dMsory Council of this History.

Smith, Mrs. Whitefoord R. Cole, Mrs. Henry Morgan, Mrs. W. 0. TirriU, Mrs. Lee Loventhal,

Mrs. Frank Carl Stahlman, Mrs. Miles Williams. Mrs. Granbery Jackson, Mrs. Percy Warner,Mrs. West H. Morton, Mrs. Henry Teitlebaum, Miss Louise G. Lindsley, Mrs. May French Noel,

Miss Frances Pilcher, and Miss Agnes Smith.

Mrs. Potter, whose ability for making sales was noted at all times, with this

committee sold $.50,000 in stamps, practically all the amount being in Thrift Stamps.

Mrs. Potter served as Chairman for the house-to-house campaign for the sale of

stamps, in June, 1918, and, assisted by representatives selected by her from the

twenty-three women's organizations of the city, sold •$174.,302 in stamps. Mrs. Potter

was accorded the highest commendation from national, state, county and city officials


I) III I) S O \ C L .V 71 K O M K V / .^• THE W ORL /> WA R. I 'H I- 1 <• I ')

lor her ftTtttive work as leader of these two committees, wiiieli was exceplioiial.

She also served as Chairman with the tiks at their liooth at the Hipjiodronie in July.

1918. at which time hundreds of dollars in stamps were sold.

The first concerted action for the sale of Thrift ."Stamps in larj;i" amounts oc-

^iirreil in March, lyif!. when a two weeks' cam|)aii:n was carried on from hooths

erected on the down-town streets of Nashville. Mrs. Jame^ II. Kirkland aj-poinlcd

Mi~. I.rmurl r.. Kile Ch.unn.m of doun-town

iMmth. I,M Ihc ,hi\.-. Mrs. I'il.- -cl.Mle,! li,-r

v,..,kc,> c.irh da\ trni

,un/ali..i,~ ,,|- \,,-iuill.-. Tiic In-I ueek-;;il i„ -l.nup^ ua- ^nl,l. M»\ Ml-. I'.uuene

, V ,1



Mrs. Harry W. Evans, Chairman

Mrs. Frank A. Berry. I ice-Chairman

A spectacular demonstration of the tlirift \vork in Davidson County was the

"Thrift Stamp Carnival," held on Capitol Boulevard, in Nashville, March 23. 1918,

the day set apart by President Woodrow Wilson as National Thrift Day.

Mrs. James H. Kirkland appointed Mrs. Harry W. Evans as Chairman of tlie

Carnival and Mrs. Frank A. Berry as Vice-Chairman. Mrs. Evans and Mrs. Berry

were ably assisted by a committee from the Elks' Club, with Mrs. W. L. Jordan as

Chairman, and Mrs. Kirkland. Mrs. Aust and the fourteen district chairmen of the

W. S. S. organization, and special representatives from every woman's and man's

organization in Davidson County. The rivalry among the organizations as to which

should offer tlie most alluring free entertainment made the Boulevard take on a

holiday appearance that reminded one of tlie Southern Mardi Gras celebrations, and

the publicity resulting from such gorgeous display of lavish decorations and amus-

ing talent stimulated the sale of stamps throughout the entire year. Mrs. Kirkland

and Mrs. Aust worked as privates as well as officers in this movement.

The Carnival, which was attended by throngs of people during the day andevening, was opened with a mammoth street parade under tJie direction of Mrs.

Randal Currell and Eugene Shannon, Nashville's Postmaster at that time. Admis-sion to the Boulevard and the staged attractions was by Thrift Stamps only, andmore than thirty thousand dollars in stamps was sold and fifteen thousand new thrift

cards pledged as the result of this demonstration. The carnival was one of the

most successful undertakings given during the war period. Mrs. Harry Evans andMrs. Frank A. Berry were highly conmiended for the ingeniousness of their plans.

The various organizations which operated concessions and strove to win first

place by the originality of their attractions at the carnival were:

Centennial CIuId—Mrs. Bruce Douglas. Mrs. George W. Fall and Mrs. W. T.

Hale, Jr., Co-Chairmen.

Army Comfort League—Mrs. John G. Gilmore. Mrs. T. Leigh Thompson andMrs. Thomas J. Tyne, Co-Chairmen.

Victory Gardens—Mrs. Charles S. Caldwell and Miss Alma Oliver. Co-Chairmen.

Fatherless Children of France Societv—Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. Mrs. DempsevWeaver and Mrs. T. Dwight Webb, Co-Chairmen.

County Woman's Committee—Mrs. Craig McFarland. Mrs. Robert Nichol andMrs. West H. Morton, Co-Chairmen.

Ladies of Charity—Mrs. Ferdinand Kuhn. Mrs. P. A. !\lurrav and Mrs. Humph-rev Timothv. Co-Chairmen.

' Nashville Chapter of U. D. C.'s—Mrs. Thomas Newbill and Mrs. Mark Harrison,Co-Chairmen.

Red Cross, Nashville Chapter—Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. Mrs. R. H. Lacey, Mrs.Robert F. Jackson, and Mrs. George F. Blackie. Co-Chairmen.

National League for Woman's Service—Mrs. Granbery Jackson, Mrs. C. S.

BrouTi. and Mrs. H. B. Schermerhorn. Co-Chairmen.Nashville Chapters of D. A. R.'s—Mrs. Edward W. Foster, Mrs. C. A. Marshall

and Mrs. Foster Hume. Co-Chairmen.Colonial Dames—Mrs. L. B. File. Mrs. C. B. Wallace and Mrs. Claude Waller.



D.U 1 1) S O V (. O I y 7 1 rOME.\ /:V THE «ORl.D TAR. I ol 4-1 9 1 9

Womairs Slal.' C.iniiiilt.f. Couik il ..I' National Defense— Mi>. IdalM-ll,- W il-.ii.

Mi>. B. F. Wils..n arul Mi-. John M, Kennv. Co-Chairnien.

Tennessee Capitol Association—.\li>. I{ol>eil WCaklev. Mis. .lam.- 1'.. l-.//rli and

Mrs. John Hill Kakin. Co-Chairmen.

Parent-Teacher Association—Mrs. Lvoii Cluhhr-.-. Mi~. Kiipcnc CiutdiiT. Mrs.

Alex. Irvinj: and Mrs. Alice Clovd. Co-Ciuiirnicn.

Nashville Kqnal Snffrage League— Mi-. l,.-lir Wannr. Mis. W . \. Overall and

Mi^s Matilda Porter. CoChairmen.

(;irls- Comniillee of \rniv Comfort League- Mr-. William 1!. Shrlinn ami Mrs.

John (). White. Co-Chainiien.

Cnim.il of Jeuish Women— Mrs. l.cc 1 ,o\ ciillial. Mis. l.co Sriiuail/ ami Mrs.

Kriil.rn MilU. Co-Chairmrn.

Nin-.-- \"orialioii Mi- Nan l)ni-.c\ and .Mi-- lianu- of Pcal.o.h. Co-Chair-

l'r,-s and Aiilhoi-" Cl.ih \h-. Kl i/al.rll, I ivc P.i.c Mi-- I.il.hir \lui,„u. Mis-

ilor.'nce W il-on aii.l Mrs. Cluu Ic- IJakrr. Co-Cliairm.-ii.

Si.xth l)i-lrirl W. S. S. <)r;;aiii/alioii Mr-. Jamc- k. I!ain- and -l.il.. rl\ CiiTs."^


House^^ivcs League— .Mrs. John W. lilark. Chaiiman.

^eventh District W. S. S. Organi/alion— Mrs. Pen v SIum |m- ,,im1 Mi- Di.dlrv

Gale. Co-Chairnien.

.Ninth District W. S. S. Organization— Mis- Maigajrl fli |.-nii and Mi- Sadie

Herrin. (a)-('hairmen.

Second District W. S. S. Or-ani/ation- Mi-. Wca\iT llai rl-. ( Jiairnian.

Pioneer Knilliir. liiil -Mi-, l.eui- llnllci and M,-. IJnl,,,! M. Dmil,-,. Co-


Daughter- of America- Mi-. W. 's. Hilc. Cliauinan.

Kastern Star Mrs. Pat M. Oiiiiilev ami Mi-. II. I'. W cnc (;,.-( ;iiairincii.

Lnitcl Coinnicirial TraNcl.i"- Mi-. John Orman and Mr-, \lhcrl King. Co-


LaKue Club—Mrs. G. M. ,\dani-. Chairman.

College Women's Association Mr-. I!. :>. Madd..\ and Mr-. \. P. P.mrdi. I.


\\hile-> Cre,-k W. S. S. (h-ani/alion -Mrs. Com, I I!. \U•^^. Ch.inm.in.

Peal.o.lv Dam.- Mrs. F. H. Dr.-^ler. Chairman.

.Second' Lihertv Loan (lampaign -Mr.. J,,-,-|ih W .iimr ,.iid M,-. Fi.mk Carl

.Stahlman. Co-Chairmen.

\V. C. T. U.-s—Mrs. p. I., k.am.'.lv an.l \l,-. W. I., lalh. C,,-Cliainma,.

Canning Centers— Mi-, llail.v M.illli.u- ,.n,l Mi-. Mil.- W illi.ims. (;,,-( ;i,airm.-n.

Public School Tea.h.i-- \-o,,.,l,n.i M,-. P. M. I amid,'. Mrs. I.,,i, l!a-,'o,'.

MFss Marv Louise Goodum an.l Mi- I. ill. an L.^l..!. ( ... ( :1m,i m.ii.

Blind Soldiers' and Sailors" Oigani/ali,.i, Mr-. W . W. Dill.m .iii.l M,-. Kalh-

erine I'. Wright. (^o-Chairnien.

Ladies' Hermitage Associali..n— Mi -. P.. I. Wil-..n ami Mi-. P..il.a l'liilli|,-.


Iminirers- Club -Mrs. (;oodloe C.,.krill. M,-. N.il S. J..n,- ami Mrs. Lit Mai. me.


Ea.st .Side Civic Clul>—Mrs. Wall.r J..n.-. Mi-. F. V. Fil/liii..h. Mi-. II. M.

Thomas and Mrs. J. E. Estes, Co-Chairmen.


U.^l IDSOy cm NTY rOMEX IN THE WORLD 1 9 I 4-1 9 I>

North Nashville Improvement League—Mrs. George M. Hite. Mrs. M. M. Giiin

and Mrs. R. E. Porter, Co-Chairmen.

Friday Morning Club—Mrs. George E. Blake. Chairman.

County W. S. S. Organization—Mrs. John R. Aust and Mrs. Giljson Patterson.


Charlotte Road Home-makers" Clul.—Miss Lucile Coles and Mi-s Lm, Klla Wol-

fenden, Co-Chairmen.

Third District War Savings Organization—Mrs. H. Craig _M. Fariaiul. Chairman.

Seventh Ward W. S. S. Organization—Miss Eliza-

beth Binford, Chairman.

The Nashville Woman's Committee, Council of Na-

tional Defense, with Mrs. James S. Frazer as Chairman,

with their sale of donated articles from the Manufac-

turers' Association, defrayed the entire expenses of the

Carnival. Mr had

Mrs. W.

assisting her:

V. Geraldton. Mrs. Reuben..rare G. Hill. Mrs. JamesMrs. Randal Curell. Mrs.

M. Mrs. John Barksdale.

J..nes. Mrs. A. E. Potter.

wis. Mrs. Miles Williams.

(Mary Weakley)

Mrs. John W. ThMills, Mrs. W. «'. r, an. kill.

B. Ezzell, Mrs. \.,,„, M,.,a,

Vernon Sharp. \li- ILim.! I

Mrs. Henry Teill. Imihh. \Ii-,

Mrs. Lyon Childress. .Mrs. Ju

and Mrs. .Alexander Fall.

These ladies visited the plants of every manufactur-

ing association in the city and solicited donations, which

they sold at their booth, in addition to Thrift Stamps.

Mrs. Frank A. Berry secured a large representation from the following schools

and colleges to participate in the Carnival parade:

Hume-Fogg High School, Ward-Belmont, Peabodv College. Buford College. Nash-

ville College' for Young Ladies. Vanderbilt University. Howard Public School, and

St. Bernard Academy.

Through Mrs. James H. Kiikland. Nashville Chair-

man, the Tennessee Industrial School orchestra and

Tony Rose's band gave their services for the Carnival.

Miss Marie Ready and Mrs. A. B. Way had charge of

training and producing the dancing attractions. The fol-

iciwing young women and matrons sei-ved as models in

liie fashion show, which was given in the Orpheum Thea-

ter in the evening as a part of the festival, a Thrift

Stamp being the entrance fee. This feature was under

the direction of Mrs. Bruce Douglas and Mrs. Felix



Mrs. Frank Mayfield. ^fiss Frances Ridley. Mrs. Marvin' Holderness. Miss Mary Lee Crockett. Mrs. Panl Rye. Miss

Mrs. J. Pjul Hunter Kathleen Garrett, Miss Evelyn Douglas. Mrs. Harry Blum. Mrs.

(Mary Bate) Rofrers Caldwell. Mrs. John J. Vertrees. Miss Jeanette Sloan.

Miss Esther Nichol. Mrs. Meredith Caldwell. Miss Percie War-r.er, Mrs. H. B. Schermerhorn. Miss Annie Laurie Campbell, Mrs. Fitzgerald Hall. Miss Frances

Bennie, Miss Lillian Warner, Miss Frances Dudley. Mrs. Charles Anderson, Miss Ellen Stokes.

Miss Sarah Shannon, Miss Malinda Brown, Miss Anne Jenkins, and Miss Annie Hoyte Hicks.

Mrs. Charles Anderson served as Chairman of the costumes featured in the

fashion show. This feature was produced by the Centennial Club Connnittee, of

which Mrs. George William Fall was Chairman.

( 403 t

iDsoy coi .\r) iroMt:.\ i .\ the world war. 19141919

All inlt'n<i\.- Tliiill Stamp (.iiii|)ai,;;ii u.i> laiin. lied in Max. I')|;;. ami. nuiiiu

to the absence ..f .M.>. H.-ul.en Mills from llu- ,il\. Mr-. ,|,,hn (;. (;iim<)n-. assisted

l.y Mis. Morton B. Howell, 111. served sis Publicity Ciiairnian for botii Nashville

and county men's and women's coniniillees. Registration Day, June 28, 1918, was

a feature originated by the Tennessee Division of the War Savings Organization,

which proved to be of such value that it ( ical.d national favor, and was adopted

by other states. The polls were open in i .u li di-tricl and ward and volunteers from

both men's and women's committees sened as registrars. Mrs. John W. Thomaswas ciiosen as Chairman, assisted by her Nashville Woman's Committee, Council of

Defen.se, and supplemented by the War Savings Organization and women's clubs of

Nashville. Mrs. Thomas had complete charge of

the polling places for women. Mrs. James H. Kirk-

land organized forces throughout the citv. am! Mrs.

John H. Aust throughout llic r,.iml\ ili-lrii I-. to

1 <t take charge of the enornmn- ai ml ..I u,,ik that

L^ ''i^i.^^-aflB. >l"ll ;l registration entailed. I liadi|uai In ~ une rr-

f^ -..^^M moved from tin' l)n,|m-' I'Mnld.,,. In 2:? I hmrlli^^ ^^H^^V Axcim,.. \n,lli. and lin,- llir Iriiral uork inrid,-nl

*TW l^^m to r.-ui>t.alion «a^ .Inm,.,! U \\^~. loin, K. \n-t.

rr _^!^^I

Mns. Len B. File seiMn. a~ ( lianman lo M-rnre \..l-

unteer workers, and \li-. Knkland -u|,civi>inu the

Chamber of Commn,,. and W a, d i!rln.,ml renters.

earl, lani'i'ls' in ll,.' rounlx. il p,,s>ilde. I,, pledge

som.- amoMiil. hour\,-i Mnall. I., the War Savings

Organization, uhirli i,-nllr,l in Davidson County

thai Mr>. Jam.- 11. kiikland -nprrvised a force ol \olunlrr, hrlpr,- al llir Cham-her of Conuiienc. a>>i~lf(i b\ K. \\. Heal, several hnn<lird \\,,mrn irpoilinL' each dav

for the checking of pledges made. Mrs. L. R. File, al llie W . S. S. Headquarters/

had volunteers from everv woman's organization in \a-li\illc to serve in tlie same

capacity with her. The services of Wanl-H.-lmont Coll, ^r -indents were also siven

to check up the pledge-, \ol.ddc a-i-Lmcr ua- oblainnl and nio~l cIIk irni work

accomplished by the \a-li\illr puldir -i Im.d Irailui- dnrinu lln- \.ilnn I work.

Adding machines were in-l.ilird al ihr W . S. S. I liadc|nai |ii -. ulnili wire under the

entire supervision of .Mi>. (,ili-on rallri-on and \li-. |i>lni \. Join- Mrs. Patterson

and Mrs. Jones started in tlii~ uoik a- amalcnr-. Iml lnvanie cxiinN. their accuracy

receiving comniendali.jn from -tali' and oonnh ollir iaU ol both nun- and women's


Ably assisting Mrs. I'atter.-on and Mrs. Joiio wi'ic:

Mies Jennie WaKgon.-r. Mi- Kli/alM-lli Sh.-rl.y. Mi- llallir Coil,,,,. Mr>. Cliarl,- I'ri,-,-. an,t

Mrs. Cliarles Fisher.

Among those who served dailv as worker- al lii'ail,|nar |,'i< llirom^li llic I'lilin-

campaign weeks were:

.\rrs. Len B. File, Mrs. J,jlin K. .\ust. Miss Ilalli,. (.>ul„n. \1,- I. i,„i, Wa-coiirr. .Mi-s

I'auline Cave, .Mrs. EdwanI .Slierley. .Mrs. Kallierine I'. Wriplit. .Mi- I illiiii W.i.ii,,. Mrs. KiankOnrlcy, .Mrs. Cib.%on I'alterson, Mrs. John A. Jones, Miss Elizahclh --li.il.v. .iini Mis-i Klizabelh


I 404 >



In October, 1918, another drive for the sale of stamps on the streets of Nash-

ville from booths was directed by Mrs. Horace Smith, Chairman of street sales.

The following organizations and tlieir representatives for this drive were:

East Nashville Woman's Committee, Mrs. Vernon Sharp, Chairman; West End,

Mrs. Vernon Moore Lewis, Chairman; North Nashville, Mrs. R. E. Porter, Chair-

man; South Nashville, Mrs. E. C. Wright, Chairman; Colonial Dames, Mrs. Len B.

File and Mrs. Niles Dismukes, Co-Chairmen; Y. W. C. A., Mrs. Edward Buford,

Chairman; King's Daughters, Mrs. Gibson Patterson and Mrs. W. H. Buch-

anan, Co-Chairman; Catholic Women. Mrs. Humphrey Timothy, Mrs. Ferdinand

Kuhn and Mrs. P. A. Murray, Co-Chairmen; Council of Jewish Women, Mrs. Lee

Loventhal. Chairman; Peabodv Club, Mrs. James E. Caldwell. Chairman; Van-

derbilt Aid. Mrs. G. M. Neelv, Chairman: Vanderbilt Woman's Club, Mrs. J. T.

McGill, Chairman; D. A. R.'s,'Mrs. E. W. Foster and Mrs. Foster Hume, Co-Chair-

men; Friday Morning Club, Mrs. John Wilson, Chairman; LI. D. C.'s, Mrs. ThomasNewbill. Chairman; Centennial Club, Mrs. R. H. Lacey and Mrs. W. T. Hale, Jr.,

Co-Chairmen: A. J. Harris Circle, Independent Daughters of Confederacy, Miss

Martha Handley, Chairman: Vendredi Club, Miss Margaret Vance, Chairman. This

club broke all records for the drive in a single day, and the workers were added

to the honor roll. The Council of Jewish Women broke the record for the week's

sale of stamps and received special notice. Mrs. J. C. Lusky, of the North Nash-ville Women's Committee, made the largest number of sales in one day of anywoman in Davidson County, her amount being $12,000.00. Mrs. Horace Smith

alone sold more stamps than anv other woman in the South, as far as is known byW. S. S. state ofiBcials.

The children of Nashville played an im|)ortant part in thrift work. Societies

were formed in all the schools and colleges, and the results were one liundred per

cent in efficiency in every organization.

The children of the public schools held mass meetings under the auspices of

the postal authorities, and patriotic programs were presented which stirred interest.

Mrs. J. K. Rains did exceptional work among the schools in her district, making it

the banner district of the county for thrift work in the schools.

Postoffice receipts for the sale of Thrift Stamps show that Davidson Countvexceeded her quota of $3,200,000 by more than $50,000. which gave Nashville first

place among Southern cities and seventh place in America for the year 1918. This

result was possible because of the fact that thrift clubs were formed in nearly

every home, factory, school, business house, puldic and private institutions in the

city and county.

Over five hundred War Savings Societies existed in Davidson County, and muchof the work of organizing the societies was accomplished by Mrs. Gibson Patterson,

Chairman of the Organization Committee for thrift clubs. Mrs. West H. Mortonwas also an efficient worker in organizing societies. Mrs. Patterson was ably as-

sisted in her work by the members of the Davidson County King's Daughters, of

which she was President. Regular monthly meetings Avere held at the CommercialClub throughout the war to hear reports of the War Savings work. Mrs. John Austwas in charge of the meetings, which were attended by county officials of bothmen's and women's committees and the secretaries of each club. Prizes whichwere offered for the banner clubs were presented at the gatherings, and always the

greatest enthusiasm was showTi and friendly rivalry of clubs existed. The woman'sorganization of the W. S. S. was greatly indebted to Eugene Shannon, Nashville's

Postmaster during the war. who rendered everv possible assistance to them and did

valuable work along this line, and also to Lee Loventhal, Edgar M. Foster, Vernon

f 405 )

D II I II s<)\ <.()i.\T) ro.wA.v /.v r II t: ifOHi.n ir i k. I9i4i<>i<

rk «a> aluavs

•loth. Percy Sluu p.-. 1!. W . I.arul-ln.l. aiul W . II. l.ainlMlli. \>lu)se

me hundred per eenl. as well as lliiir erilliiisia-ni.

In N..\.iiilier. 1<>];!. Mrs. John Ausl was elected State Chairniaji In, W ai --.ninjis

work in Tennessee, and she appdinl.cl Mi- limaci-

Nuilh to I.e her siRvssor as Chainn.,,, ,.l DaxidMin

:.mr,l\. \li-. Sniilli ,,pp,.inlr,l \l,-. ( . C. \\a-;jioncr

,- \,i-liMllr ClKnii.KHi. \li-, ^luill, .omI \lrs. Waj;

W I v^

.1- Ih. .-CIk

Wmi i'- Con,k,--iirl,


Walker Wibb)

.lohn K. AmsI

and removed

Life Biiildinu. In r.-o

appoinh-d M,. (;d,-

Secrelarx W. I.

rector. .Mrs. C. C. Wag-oner. Davidson (..nnl

County Fuhlicity Chairman, and Mi-, llo,,..,-

Held Airents.

\ unique feature of the work ot ihi- ni\v

ll.in was the formation of Baby Tluifl Clnli-

llorace Smith, which proved so succes-liil lli.il

uas ado|ited l>y other states.

I)a\i<ls..n C.onnlv kept lirst place. ulii,|i

hitherto allained in thrift work, an.l Tcnnc- .-

-tales in the Sixth Tederal Reserve Distri. t. Ik

nundier of cluhs formed and in the amounts ra

redeemed (iledfies. Tennes.see led also in economi/in". ir

llie e.vpense of its headquarters, all workers scr\ inp a

\nlunleers. except the Secretary and Field AucnI-

Mrs. .Fohn R. .Aust. State Chairman, received manv Id

Icrs from national authorities and from oIIk iai- l!

out the South commending her for the -plrudid rc-ull-

a(compli>he(l in evcrv countv in Tenni--cc m llii^ work.

and f..r ihc ccnomical niclhod. used in .lefraxini; ihe e

Ml-. K.ill

111 lol liol

;il.-on I'a



oke-. ,|l

DAVIDSON CO V NT V WOMEN IN THE W () R L D r A K. mi 4-1 9 1 9

Canning Centers

After Davidi^ua Count) had completed the work oi the army in the In

became necessary to devise some plan to conserve the products tliat 1

raised in the thousands of back-yard and vacant-lot gardens of the county,

to the shortage of labor in the canning factories,

Herbert Hoover, National Food Director, sent out an

urgent appeal to the women all over the country to

volunteer as instructors and to teach the art of tan-

ning and preserving in the homes.

Nashville was the first city in the state to estab-

lish canning agencies. Headquarters for instruct in,^

classes were opened at the Chamljer of Commerci'building, with Miss Mary B. McGowan, a governmentdemonstrator, in charge, assisted by Miss Bessie Par-

tee, a Davidson County demonstrator. Only those

who were willing to endure hardships volunteerec

for this service, inasmuch as it had to be done duringthe extreme heat of the summer months when hot

stoves were not enticing. Twenty Davidson Countywomen volunteered for the first course, the following

fourteen winning government certificates, whichmade them official instructors in all forms of cannin;

state. They were:

Miss Alma Oliver, Mrs. Miles William-;. Mrs. W. J. M,thews (Mrs. Harley). Mrs. J. H. Matthews. Mi>. W. H l.c\ i

Abrams, Mrs. J. L. Blantl. Mrs. J. E. Brock. Mrs. S. Vi . B

d been


ina- th

\h-. Eel \rmstrong Mat-ht. Mrs. Joseph

.-en. Miss Lillie

lis center by Mi

D. Witherspoon. Mi— \.iih a I .i-iii.r. Mi-s Vernon Kirk-

patrick. Mrs. Cliarlt;,- S. Cal.lurll. ,,ii.J Mrs. R. E. Porter.

Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Caldwell worked under

the Woman's Committee, Council of Defense, of

which they were officers, while all the others reported

to .Miss \ irginia Moore, State Demonstration Agent,

appoiiitrd by Herbert Hoover. Realizing that con-

st-rvation of food w'as one of the most important

lai'tors in winning the war, these women held them-

selves subject to call at all times to hold demonstra-

lions at any of the homes or canning centers

throughout the entire war period.

The first canning station to be opened, after re-

reiving government certificates, was that of the Mc-Kendree Church kitchen by Miss Alma Oliver andMrs. Miles Williams, graduate instructors. Thefirst demonstrations in the canning of meats and in

sugar conservation in Davidson County were held

Oliver and Mrs. Williams. Requests for repetitions of the

meat-canning demonstrations were received from different parts of the county andstate, and Mrs. Williams and Miss Oliver spent as much time in complying to these

calls as their work at the center would allow. They each nave numerous demon-

/) III n s o \ i: 1 .\ T) IT o m e a- / :V th /: /r o h i. n .{ K. I " I II I <)

strations (luriiiu llic i-nlin' >imiiiiri iiiiinlli~ al I

Wesley House ami the Martha Oliiie,, 11, mu-. .

Their work in a booth ereeled at the Stale laii i

was espeeially conimeiuled by state and national

established canning centers were:

Mrs. Willie I).' Steele o|u- i a kit. lien at Tl

one at Wot Kn.l Mcth,Mli>t Chi.,. I,; M,>. ()|,lieli

Jeui.lone at the Jeui^h Selllenienl 11. ,U:

a miniber of home demonstrations;

on<- at Ashcroft School: and Mrs

and Miss l.illie Witherspoon held

a lUinilMT nf p,i\ale h,.nie< in %a

\li~. Inline \nn-

-. W . 1


e. and 1

Mrs. .1.

. W. J.



'2 eanninu,

irl,,rs who

. Levine

Abrams,Iso madeE. Brock,


,1-1, on:: Matthews (Mis. llaih^v >

kihhen in the base.n.-nl ..f ih,'

llinilist Church innnedialeh alli-i

her certificate. She also gave a numberi-t rations in ])rivate homes throughout the

received several premiums at the Tennes-

- l-airs in 1017 and 19f8 on her canned

Mrs. Matthews purchased a cainiery to

inalile her to do better service in her immediate

neii:hborho<.d. and with the assiMan, e ,,1 Mi.- Mar\

McCowan. established the diet kil. her, uln.li ua-

used for the in(l.ien/a patients at ki.-.iin li.ill. \ an-

Miv. Mallheu. aNo opened a canning cen-

\,i-li\ille. where ilail\ demonstrations were

vj III,' enliM' lall and uinl.T months of lOlf!.

I.N luT. and ill,- inlln,-n,e n-nlliiej Inuii 1,-

\\,-l \..-l,M


. M,


derbilt University, in the fall of T)|;

ter over Wright's Pharmacy in Vie-

given residents of this community dmSeveral thousand cans were preserve,

sons in conservation of foods at t\u> , ,'iil,'i ua~ lell lln ,iii;jli,iiil lln- iiilin-

Mrs. J. H. Matthews, who condii,l.-,l tli,- .anninv ,,nl,i- al \\,,in,r >, li

Neillv Dav H,.ni,- .ni,l ,il ih,- T,-iiii,-m.,- Stal,- fail. aUo ,li,l -yr, lal li.mi,-

stration work. Mi~. \l.illli,-u~ i,-,,-i\,-,l loiiil,-,-n pi,iniiin,- L.r Iht ,aiiiiiiig ex-

hibitions at the >tati- I'.iii in I'M.';, wlii.li u,'i,- r,.i pi, ..In. I- r.ii.,-,1 In li.i in li.-r

own back-vard gardi'ii. Sli,- wa- ,i~-i-l,,l in iMnn,-i,.i]~ ,l,in.in~lralioii~ ll iijlioiil

the summer and fall monili- bv Mi-. Opli, li.i II,-. 1,1. Mi-. I. I.. I'.lan.l .ii„l \li-. .1. C.

Brock, who were also e\]>ert instni.loi-.

A splendid service was rendered b\ llii- ban, I ,,! i-\p,-rii-ii, .-.I \\,.iii<-ii dniiiVL; lli,-

influenza epidemic by donating tlieii , an- ,,1 -imp ini\lni,- an, I ,i|Ih-i I,i,iiI- to ih,-

stricken communities.

Mi.'^s Alma Oliver -iip,-i \ i-,-,1 lli.- -.-ixiie: ,,r bn-akfa-l .il \ an.l.-ibill I iiix,-i-il\

to over one hundred and fifty pati,-iil.-. begiuning at li\i- o'eloi k each morning and

serving the entire three weeks of the epidemic. Mrs. Edine Armstrong Matthews,

with her cannery over Wright's Pharmacy, was of valuable a.ssistance to the stricken

community in which her kitchen was e<tablished during the epidemic. Practically

every woman in this organization v.iliinl,-,i, ,1 a- nurses or cooks during the crisis.

and bv their experience in food deiii,,ii-li.ili,.ii- proved of valuable assistance to

the thousands of patient-^ in Na-lnill,- an.! .1 ill,- Old Hickorv P,.w,ler Plant.


Tennessee and Davidson County Division, American

Memorial Hospital, Rheims, France

Miss. llni'.Kirr Wiiakton NiciioL. Slalc Chii'miKin

]\riss Ann HrMl'iiiii:vs Mokton. Slair Clialnnan <»/ (hildrr ]f ork


The purpose of the American Memorial Hospital, one of the first American hos-

pitals to be constructed in Rheims, France, was intended for a national memorial to

the American soldiers who gave their lives in the World War. Every state in the

Union was represented by one or more memorial beds.

Each bed had a tablet bearing the name of the state,

city or individual contributing -SG.OOO as a permanent


Major Rutledge Smith appointed Mrs. Robert Whar-

ton Nichol as State Chairman for the Tennessee Division

of this organization. The Executive Committee, with

Mrs. Robert W. Nichol as State Chairman, was composed

of the following members, appointed by Mrs. Nichol:

Mrs. Albert H. Roberts and Mrs. William Gupton,

Honorary Chairmen: Mrs. W. W. Dillon, Nashville

Chairman; Miss Ann Humphreys Morton, State Chair-

man of Children's Auxiliary: and T. Graham Hall,

Treasurer. ""' *"' "

Mrs. Nichol appointed for Nashville and Davidson County the foil


Major Rutledge Smith. E. Lockart Doak, Dr. Olin West, Edgar M. Foster, of the Rotary

Club; Alton Johns, of the Kiwanis Club; Mrs. Deinpsey Weaver, Mrs. Harry Evans. Mrs. WestTI. Morton. Miss Sarah Berrv. Mrs. B. F. Wilson. Mrs. T. Graham Hall. Mrs. Carev A. Folk,

Mrs. iaM,.llr Wil-,.„. Mrv 1, K, Klin-. Mr- Ki. Iianl T, Wil-.n, Mr-, l.-li,- W.un. r. Mrs. ReauE. Folk. M.- !ii,M- r ( ,,Mu,H. \I,. ]..\,u r.rit K-.M, \li- J.-, \I Ox,,!,.,,. \l,-- I ,,uise G.

Lindsli'v. Ml- K. II H^k--. \li- I, int.- I Hi.iJImi,!. \1,- I- W K'n,::. \l,- l.im,.. v, Frazer.

Dr. W. K, llil.lirlt. Mr-, W. K. It.anl. Mi-- Ma.l^r Mall. \li- l.illian Wain, a. Mi-. II. II. Corson,

Mrs. W. W. Dillon, Miss ^fargaret Early. Mrs. George \^ashington. .Mrs. Frank Carl Stahlman,Mrs. P. H. Timothy, Mrs. John B. Ransom. Mrs. Humphrey Timothy. Mrs. William k. Gupton,Mrs. Vernon Tupper. Mrs. Leo Schwartz. Mrs. Edgar Foster. Miss Elizabeth Bloomstein, Mrs.Lytton Hickman, Mrs. Lee Loventlial, Miss Marie M. Ready. Miss Ella Haiman. and Miss AnneHumphreys Morton.

Mrs. Nichol appointed the following to serve as Chairmen in the counties of



Nashville, Mrs. W. W. Dillon; Columbia, Col. E. Foster Graham; McMinnville,

Joe Brown Cummings; Springfield, Mrs. Neil Glenn: Murfreesboro, Mrs. Frederick

Smith; Estill Springs. Miss Mav Waggoner: Shelbvville. Mrs. Frances Frierson; Bell

Buckle, Mrs. W. R. Webb: Johnson Citv, Mrs. S.' G. Gilbreath; Newport, Mrs. W.0. Mimms: Clarksville, Mrs. Dancey Fort; Ripley, Halls, Henning, Orysa, Edith

Gates; Durhamville, Mrs. Colin McKinney; Jamestown, Mrs. J. A. Allred: Carthage.Mrs. James I. Cox; Jackson, Mrs. Ewing Griffin; Celina, Mrs. W. N. Grav: Sparta,

Dr. Cliff C. Marchbanks and Mrs. Minnie Allison Welch. State Chairman of W. C.

T. U.; Lewisburg, Miss Natalie Ogilvie; Lebanon, Mrs. A. J. Casev; Tazewell. Mrs.

W. C. Parkey; and Chattanooga, Mrs. Willard Steele.


1 r


Davidson County Musicians Who Served During

the World War

i\o other group of women in Davidson County did more patriotic or excellent

work than the musicians who so freely and cheerfully gave of their talents on every

occasion to soften the heartaches of war, or to arouse the enthusiasm necessary to

i-arrving on its hardships. They were among the first to be drafted into service and

the last to be discharged, and, while some of them had loved ones in the front of

battle, they sacrificed their own personal feelings and responded day and night

to the manifold calls upon them.

While no accurate record has been kept by them of their services, we give the

ensuing list of those who most frequently were asked to aid in the great cause, and

who always responded, regardless of sacrifice:

Mrs. A. B. Anderson. Mrs. WilJiam C. Hoffman. Mrs. L. G. Moel. Mrs. W. D. Haggard, Mr^.

Thomas Malone. Jr.. Mrs. E. R. Scluimaclier. Mrs. Thomas L. Hcrh.rt. Jr.. Mrs. K. T. McCon-nic... \l,-. T, Cali.mi Hall. Mr-. ( lain,,,. S„ll„a l.in.i. \1|.- Saia 1 1 ,l.li, ,"k, \l,-, i;,.l„al (aid-

Ml- i;,ii..,i k.i,^,,,,. \i,- i'a„i i;>, ,,,,,. \i,-. ii,/,ii.rii.

n.iiiDsoy coiMY iroMh.y i\ r ii i-: iioki.i) ir a h. mi 419 19

Mrs. HiNRV Lous Sr.Kiiv Mns. T. Cba

(Amelia Scwrie)

TiioM>. I.. HiKBtni, Jii

(Frnncc. Fcreit.on)


Miss S»rah Hr

Marv White Cl MbS. D. R. CEBHiRI


l> A I I l)S().\ <t\r) ITOMKy I .\ THE nORI.D t K. 1 " I tl 9 I 9

The \ ictrola Drivo

Mus. H(

!\tiss Fi(\NK H(.i ;i.l.. (.I\(i\rinan ol llcddijii

Tl.e drive f.u vi, lr,.l.

was roiulucteil in D.nid-

Miccess. !\Irs. \\u\.,y\ CaMurll. 1

d> t'nr thr >,

DAI If) SOX CO I wry WOMEM in the world war. I'tl4-I919

riic int'inlKMs of the Vendredi Club acted as a committee for publicity, and the

litbcr iiriianizations which co-operated as a whole with Mrs. Caldwell were

the CtntPiiiiial Club, Mrs. M. C. McGannon, Chairman: Rotary. Kiwanis and Com-

mercial Clubs. Mrs. Gibson Patterson served as Chairman for the women's organi-

zations which participated in the drive.

Miss Frank HollowelFs music class collected several hundred records, and Miss

Hollowell also served as Chairman of the Inisiness section of Nashville, assisted

by Miss MarUia Carroll.

Mrs. Henderson Baker, Mrs. Richard Dake, Miss Mary Kreig. Mrs. Robert Cald-

well. Mrs. Hooper Love and Mrs. Lucius Burch formed a commitee that kept a force

at headquarters each day during the campaign and assisted with the packing and

-hipjiing of the .'i.OOO records donated bv citizens of Davidson County.

Vendredi ClubMrs. Robert Caldwell, President

Mrs. a. B. Anderson, Secretary

The Vendredi Musical Club, organized for the serious study of music, responded

generously to every call for war work in Davidson County, and a roster of its mem-bers and their activities follows:

Mrs. Lillian Gary Anderson I Mrs. A. B.). Liberty Loan dri^'es. knitting, civilian

relief work, volunteer nurse in influenza epidemic, and music; Mrs. Ellen Rion

Caldwell I Mrs. Robert I . instructor in Red Cross surgical dressings. Liberty Loanworker. Chairman of victroia drive, music: Mrs. Beatrice Williams Cook (Mrs.

Milton), Liberty Loan drives, knitting for Red Cross and music; Mrs. Lelia Dortch

Dixon (Mrs. W. C.I, instructor in surgical dressings and Liberty Loans; Mrs.

Corinne Tabler Gamble (Mrs. L. L. I , Liberty Loan work, victroia drive and music;

Mrs. Marguerite Winstead Greene (Mrs. Harold), Liberty Loan drives and music:

Mrs. Amanda Gaut Hardcastle (Mrs. Kendrick), civilian relief, united war workcampaign and Liberty Loans: Mrs. Julia Robards Herbert (Mrs. Thomas. Jr.), Lib-

ertv Loan drives. Red Cross and music; Mrs. Mary Cornelia Gibson Malone (Mrs.

Thomas I. Red Cross, Liberty Loan drives. Service League and music; Mrs. NinaFerriss McConnico (Mrs. K. T.), knitting instructor. Liberty Loan drives, surgical

dressings, volunteer nurse in influenza epidemic, and music; Mrs. Bertha CheekNichol (Mrs. Adam), Liberty Loan drives and music; Mrs. Hazel Coate Rose. RedCross w^ork and music; Mrs. Amelia Sawrie Sperry (Mrs. Louis H.), canteen, sur-

gical dressings. Red Cross, four-minute speaker. Liberty Loans and music: Mrs.

Lillian Street (Mrs. Claud P.). surgical dressings. Red Cross, knitting and Liberty

Loans; Mrs. Martha Scruggs Washington (Mrs. O'Bryan I , knitting, surgical dress-

ings. Red Cross and Chairman of Centennial Club kitchen in influenza epidemic;

Miss Martha Carroll, music; Miss Frank Hollowell, Liberty Loan drives. Red Cross

and music; Miss Ursula McCampbell, surgical dressings. Red Cross and music;

Miss Daisy Sartain, music.

Every member of the Vendredi Club is included in the list of Nashville musicians

who gave so freely and untiringly of their time to help in everv patriotic entertain-

ment for war purposes, and they each "kept the home fires burning" with both sonp

and activity.


PAiinsoy cot yry iroME.y /.v r ii k iroKi.D war. i'iiti<)i9

Tennessee State Library and Davidson (bounty

Library W.. 1-1,1 War Work

\ll~- M\ia >KKMIN(.T(.\. (.hairwan

Ml-N 1.1 111; (jiKUlNNi: JoM.s. / Icr-Cluiiniian jor Sliih-

M\-> M\K(.AliKT Kkuciiks AL. C liairiiiiiii h'r l)<ni(h(ifi (oiiitlv

Mis- Ma.v >k.lliMt:t..n ua< appoinl.-.l Stat.- rul-lirliv l)i,,-,|o,- and DiMi il.ulins

Agent of Library Work for Tennessee !)> tlie Nali.ui.il lilnaiv \ssociation al Wash-

inirton. D. C. and Miss Lutie (^orrinne Jones was ina.lr \--i-taiit Chairman. These

women distriimted Government posters, propaganda anil panipiiiels, cooking recipes,

and other bulletins of public service among the various libraries of vlie State, re-

quiring several hours each day of volunteer service, aside from their regular routine

duties. They also served as a bureau of information for the huL'c number of conntv

libraries in regard to World War propaganda.

Miss Margaret Kercheval. Chief Librarian nl tlic Cainri:!,- l,il„aiN at Na-luillc.

was appointed Chairman fcir I)a\i(lM,n Couritv loi tlir hI,', ti,>n dl l.,M,ks for llic

libraries which th.- War Dcpaitmrnt .Mabli^H,! al llir M.|,lir,>- , ant,.nmrn|. n^,v iUr


Miss Kercheval opened headquarters in On, ,!„,. I'»|7. in tlir 1mm- nt nf th.-

main building of the Carnegie Liiirarv. an, I uitl, ll„- a-iMan, ,- ,.l h.-i u,,i liluarx

committee, cih^.-led 1.000 vohimes „f b.H.k- an, I lO.dno ina--a/in.-- in a l.-u .lavs.

These b.i..k~ u.r.- ,.f th.- vnv 1..--I lit.-ralni.-. -In.uini^ auaiii that Davi.k,,,, C.nntv did

sessions, .\li.-^ kcrclu-\al had .-.-rsing uilh lu-r:

Miss Lutie C. Jones. .Mjss Mary SkcfTinjit.in and Miss Jane .Sk.-flinclon, of tlie State Library;.Miss Lizzie Bloomstein anil .Miss Jennie Lauderdale, of Peabody Collefre Library, and the fol-

lowing emplovees of the Carnepie Library: Mrs. Lillian B, Kl.-niini;. Miss Felicia G. Porter,

.Miss Nellie W. Cecil. Miss Lillian ll....|Mr. \li-- Will Kll;i •|,,t..ni. \li- Morgiana Johnson. MissCarrie M. \^'alers. Miss Flayel Wilkin. \li- N..,»,lla \ .n„ , . \1,- I l-„ l.^.lch. Miss Eula Nunn,.Miss Ethel Iryin. Miss Elizabeth IlaniM.n. an,l \h-. Ii..l„it W li.ii Ni,hol. Secretary of the

Tennessee Art Association, th,- ll,a.l,|liarl,^^ ,,1 »lii,li i- ].., al,-,i in lli,-('arn.-,;ie Library build-

ing. Mrs. James C. Bradf.ir.l. Slat.- I'roi.l.-nt of lli,- \rl \",„ iali,,M. «a> al>,. an nbl.- -upporter

of ;his work.


United War Work Campaign

Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. Davidson Couniy Clmirman

At a conference of seven welfare organizations held at the Tennessee State

Capitol on October 24, 1918, four hundred delegates were present and plans were

formulated for a drive for war funds from November 1 to 16, the funds to be used

by these oiganizations for welfare work among the soldiers in the World War.

Mrs. Arch Trawick was appointed State Director of the Woman's Division of

the work; Miss Mary Stahlman. State Press Chairman: Mrs. Verner Moore Lewis,

Director for Middle Tennessee: Mrs. Joseph T. Howell, Davidson County Chai;-

man; and Mrs. George F. Blackie, Chairman of the State Advisory Board.

Mrs. Blackii- rlm-i- ilir following members on her State Committee:

Mrs. A. H. llnluiN \li-, \l,x. Caldwell, Mrs. Jesse M. Overton. Mrs. James H. Kirkland,

Mrs. Miles Williani-. \li^ \ \. Price. Mrs, J. C. Lusky. Mrs. Lou Li.sky. ^frs. Lee Loventhal,

.Mrs. Le.. nI.u.mi/. \I,- \I.x. Iimul:. Mr-. .In.,,, I, Tl,,,.,,,,-,,,,. \1,-. h.,„„.,. J. Tyne. Mrs.Ferdinaiiil kiiliii. \ii- |,,hii (,„,,!,. \li- lilm \l. ( Im, \lr- (...n^,' W illi.ini-. Mrs. SpencerMcHenrv. Mi-. Kiiti.n, ( . m, l„i . \li-, 1,-ii,- W i. \1,- \^^x Imm,,;:. \i,-. I i,,bert F. Weak-ley, Mrs. W. L. .\ur\ill. \li>. W. K liaiit;. .\li.-» Eli/.il,..lli Lu:, .M.>. Ui mp^cv Weaver, Mrs.

A. B. Smith. Mrs. John Hill Eakin. Mrs. John U. Ausl. Mrs. John Wheeler, .Mrs. R. S. Maddox,Mrs. John Moore, Mrs. Percy D. Maddin, Mrs. Garnett Morgan, Mrs. Frank Searcy Green,

Mrs. Edward Buford, Miss Delia Dortch, and Miss Margaret Kercheval.

Miss Mary Stahlman, who served as .State Press Chairman, was active in the

Davidson County organization also.

Mis. J. C. Lusky served as State Chairman for the Council of Jewish Women;Miss Margaret Kercheval as Library Chairman of Davidson County, and Miss MarySkefEngton of the state. Mrs. Ferdinand Kuhn was Chairman-General of the

Woman's Division of the Knights of Columbus, and in two days' time the quota of

$25,000 was far exceeded by her. the total sum raised by Mrs. Kuhn being .§42,795.

Mrs. Kuhn was assisted in this notable work by members of the Council of Catholic

Women, who were the most able workers in the county in every war activity.

Miss Adele Stamp had charge of the work for the campaign at the iXashville

Powder Plant, and working with Miss Stamp were:

Mrs. J. W. Elms, Mrs. ^\ C. Lord. Mrs. William Russell. .Mrs. J. T. Wendelken. Miss InezHooten, Miss Elizabeth Dean, Miss Margaret King, Miss Virginia Swan, and Miss MarianWoodard.

At Ward Belmont College the chief workers were Miss Louise Lucas and MissLouise Rapp. The contiibution from the girls of this college was the largest and

most spontaneous ever donated to any cause in the South during the World War.The Centennial Club Chairman for the United War Work drive were:

Mrs. W. T. Hale, Jr.. Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. Mrs. R. H. Lacey. Mrs. M. J. Smith, Mrs.Dempsey Weaver. Mrs. Thomas I. Webb, Mrs. Martin Gilmore. and Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne.

A strong bureau of speakers was organized throughout the state and county byNashville women. Mrs. Clay G. Stephens and Mrs. Joseph T. Howell seived as

State Directors, and Mrs. Kendrick Hardcastle served as Davidson County Directorof the Speakers' Bureau.

Many noted speakers came to Nashville during this drive, among them beingMrs. Josephus Daniels, who had three sons in the service. Mrs. Daniels spoke at

luncheon at the Nashville Y. W. C. A. Association, and lectured at the CentennialClub and Ward-Belmont Colleae in the interest of the work. Mrs. Georse F. Blackie

n.4t 1 1) s o \ c o I WTY no m e .y / s r n k it o h i. n ir a k. i» i t-i » i o

served a^ Chairman of Arranpemenls lor ImiiIi dl lln-f nutlini;-. Mi>. Uhn kir In-iwz

the Nashville Y. W. C. A. President at tint lime.

Nashville women who spoke throughout Tenness^-e were:

Mrs. G.-orpf F. Blacki.-. Mrs. Clav G. St.-phens. Mrs. Guilford Dii.llev. Mrs. V.-rncr MnorcLewis, Mrs. Jo.-H^^ph f. Howell. Mrs. .Alex. Cal.lwell. Mrs. George E. Blake. Mrs. Heilheii Mills.

Mrs. \V. E. Howell. .Mrs. Arch Trawick. Miss Delia Dortcli. Mrs. l.e^lie Warner. Miss .MaryLouise Goodwill, Miss Louise G. Liiulsley. .Miss Katlierine .Morris. \li~. J..I111 (nu.li-. ;iiul Mr-.

Humphrey Timothy.

Members of the Nashville Rurenu of Speakers serviiij; uilli Mr-. J.i--t|iii T.

Howell and Mrs. Kendrick Hardcastle were:

.Mrs. Leslie Warner, Mrs. I'ercv Warner. Mrs. l...ni> II. .S,„.rr^. Mr-. II, n. I, ,-,.„ I!.,k,r. Mrs.

Keuben Mills, Mrs. Edward Buf..rd. Mrs. James T. \\e.,kl.\. Mr- 1,,-,, S,l.»,irl/, \h>. Gianheryla.k-nn. .\Ir>. .\l.-\. ( ,:,l,l»,ll. \1,-. Iv,,n CluLlrv-. MissMar\ Sketlinfil.Mi. Mr-, I.--. \l, ()^,ll..ll. \li-, Walter(lark,-. Mr-, l.er l...v.nil,,il. Mr-, r.iliirk Cl.arv. Mrs. Ida-

l.rllr Wil-un. \li-. Ilnia.v C. Hill. \lr>. John Coode. Mrs.Il.nl^ K^.ni-. Mr-. V.u-^.m- ( rut.li.r. .Mrs. Claude Waller,

Mr-. .\. 1:. I'..lt.r. \h-. llli.- Kninry Reno, Mrs. H. J.

(.riDir-. \li- l.i//,,. llln,.in-i.Hi. Mr-. Frank S.-arrv (Jreen.

\li-. Cil.-MM r.iil.i-Mn. Ml-, \\..ll.,- M.Cill. Mr-. W r-l II.

Mm,|m„. \|,. !,,„„- II KiiklanJ, \li- K.nlin.in.l Kniin.

\!.-. ,|m1,„ \1, K,„,n. M,-. I l,/,,|„d, I M. 1'.,^,-. \1,-. I'. .\.

\lilir,n, \ll-, \l \1, ^.iri.l.i-. \I,., l;,,l„,l W . .Mill,,!. \\l>.

\\.,it,r ,1.,,,-. \|i- I,,,,,-, C, l,„,l-l,,. \l,- Uelia Brew,\li-. N.il --. I>.„.-. \I,- \iin,. li.,MM\.ll.. Miss Elizabeth

i;inl..i.l. \li- \l.nv llrrnnMl!,.. \l,- 11,11,1 Dorlch. Mrs.( 1,111,1 I). .Sullivan. .Miss .Susie E.lwards. .Miss n,lia .Smith.

M,-s Mary Louise Goodwin, Miss Ajines Kuhn. Mi>- Tl.,-,..

,l"r,- .Scrupgs, and Mrs. James Bcasley.

McitiluMS of the Nashville Y. W. C. A. wh,i held

,ilii,,- In 111,- ,-.niihai..;ri. l.r-id.-- llni-,' alr.MiK iiien-

Mr-. I.

the Stat.- ,in,l ( Ji.iirriiaM ,.1 lli,- Karn aii<

servinj: with Mi>. \\ li,-,l, 1 \\,-r,-:

Miss Katlierine M,mi1-. Cli.ni mmii ,.I In

State Chairman of Slml, ni-' \\,iik: Mi-Miss Mary Pleasants ,i,iii,--, S,vrci,ii\ l,,i

licity Director: Miss Jcniiie .Sparks. S, , m-I

Secietarv for .*^tate: Miss Loreiia Kcl. \

Clarke, Chairman of Teiephini.- C.iniiilile

The woman's orpaiii/alinn was aliK i

campaign. Edpar M. Insln. l-.il. C. I aii

B. W. Landstreet and Lee I,oventhal. u,ll

able workers and leaders of this, a- u,ll

The United Wat Work Campai.L'n n-ull,,l

iNashville for pair i,.li, piir im,-,-^ ,lur irr- lli,

warded, sifrncd l'\ I ,I'.mi \1. l,,-i,-i. IriM

tional C<Hiiniill,-,-. I In- , In-, k r ,|ir i-,ril,-i

^^h,,l, fiirr.i. ul,i,h vva- -SI.,-,2.-,.n( III. ||„- ,p„

'lire mean- |,\ uhiilr ipril,- a l.rr-,- p.rr

the.salr of tafis at d..urrt.,urr I llr- lor I

Mrs, Joseph T. How. 1 1. Mr-. \,-,rr,r M.

Kendrick Hardcastle.


.1/ E N IN TH E It (I R E I) K A R. I <) I t-1 9 I 9

The following women served as captains and salesladies in the booths:

Mrs. Ferdinand Kuhn, Captain; Salesladies: Membership of the Council of Catholic Women,a roster of which appears witli that organization elsewhere in this volume.

Mrs. John M. Kenny, Captain; Salesladies: Mrs. B. F. Wilson. .Mrs. H. J. Crimes, Mrs.D. T. Kimbrough. Mrs. J. H. Campbell, Mrs. Lou Lusky, and Miss .Mattie .Inrdaii.

Mrs. Albert Britt, Captain; Salesladies: Miss Bessie McDonald, Mi>- l)nr..tlu I.i-itzerler,

Miss Mary Pleasants Jones, and Mrs. George F. Blackie.

Mrs. Julius Martin, Captain; Salesladies: Members of the Jewish Council.

Miss Mary Powers, Captain; Salesladies: Mrs. W. W. Crandall. Mrs. Thomas Brod.-rick. andMiss Flora Gordon.

Mrs. W. J. M,„M-n„. f:,,|,iai„; '<,,!, .l.„Ii,.: Mrs. .\rch Trawick. Mrs. H. C. Tolman, Mrs.Charles \;n,v'\,-,u.n,. \1,-. .Inl,,, \.>,u.n .iinl Mrs. R. L. Sawyer.

Mr-. Mil.- Will,:,,,,-. ( api.iin: ^., I. -I,m I ,. - : Mrs. A. E. Potter, Mrs. Idabelle Wilson, Mrs.A. A. I)..,,k. Ml-. r,,in. M, |i.,M. l-M,,. mhI Mi- Alma Oliver. Mrs. Idabelle Wilson secured the

largest w„u\,rr ,.\ -ul,-. ,,|,h.,,.- ,J ll,,- . Mn,ni,lt.-e.

Mis- Ml.' II..I111,-. ( ,i|.i, --.ll. -Lull. -: Ml- Jane Culbert, Miss Willie Ruth Davidson, Mrs.

R. C. M...,r.-. .Mr-. \l. II. II,. I.-., 11. ,111,1 Ml- Catherine Nelson.

Miss Barbara Kuhn, Captain; Salesladies: Miss Sadie Cauvin, Miss Mary Ratterman, MissAgnes Kuhn, and Mrs. P. A. Murray.

Miss Carrie Wessler, Captain: Salesladies: Miss Corrinne Goldberg, Miss Elizabeth Buckner,Miss Corrine Rich, and Miss Addie Fuller.

Miss Delia Brew, Captain; Salesladies: Miss Corinne Craig, Miss Elizabeth Hill, Miss Kath-leen Garrett. Miss Frances Ridley, and Miss Mary Harding Buckner.

Mrs. nii,l!,\ Gal,-. Captain: S..l,.-I.„li, -: Mr-. V. ^^. !,,•»!-. Mr-. W. T. Hale, Jr., Mrs. Gran-bery Ja. k-..i, Mi-. 1 li.ni,- \ii,|,,-..i,. Mi-, j.-., M. (iwai..i,. M,-. .|.,-,.-ph Jacobus, Mrs. A. E.Potter. Mr-. W . II. v, |,,i,.i hmm. Mi-. I!mi. .

I ^la-. \li- K. ^,al.^ ( I r.-en, Mrs. Arthur Joseph,Mrs. Thi.iiia- .1. T>ii,.. Mr-. All, ,11 \\a,l,'. Mi- Marx \,l-..n. an, I Mr-. A. Loveman.

Miss Frances Dudley, Captain; Salesladies: Mrs. Horace G. Hill, Miss Lillian Warner, Girls

of Patriotic League.

Mrs. Robert Caldwell. Captain: Salesladies: Mrs. Richard Barr, Mrs. W. C. Dixon, Mrs. L. L.

Gamble. Mr-. (). \. l;r^an. Mr- J..,- Wallace, Jr., Mrs. Claude P. Street, Mrs. Thomas Herbert,Jr., Mr-. W (

. M..lliiian. Ml- l,i. k W itherspoon, Mrs. A. B. Anderson, Mrs. E. R. Schumacher,Miss Fr.iiik II. . II. .u. 11. an, I Mi- liai-\ Sartain.

Mrs. DaM.I 1;.,-. Ill, 1.1. ( ai.Min: s,, |„.kTlie. : Mr.. Henrv Morgan. Mrs. Charles Eastman, Mrs.John .Mai-h. Ml- l;,.|la (. luin. \li- \ |..N,i„,,n. ,111. 1 Mr-, lieuhen Mills.

Mrs. K-iii,.ii,l Kuiii.j. (.ipia.n; --a 1,-1,,.11.- Mr-. -.,.i„ M,iin,.|l, Mrs. John Berry, Mrs. Mor-

ton B. II,.K,-II, III. Mr-. .1. li. \\ai-,.ii. Mr-. Il,.,i|„r \.<,\r. Mi-s .Sara Ewing, and Miss VirginiaMartin.

The following women served as Captains of the Industrial Conmiittee, their

duty being the canvassing of all large department stores in Nashville, all manufac-turing |)l;iiit.s in Davicl-oii CduiiU and ntlicr lari:.' in-litiilimis to secure funds:

Mr-. \.ni,-r \I v N-ui-. Mi- k,,il„iMi„ M,,,,,-. Mi- I; i M „. Mrs. John R. Aust, Mrs.Frank S,ai, x Cn-.ii. Mi-, \. .1. |)^,l Mi- l,„ li. til,. Mi- W . W . Crandali. Mrs. George F.Blacki,-. Mr-. Dan M.tiu^m. .Mr-. Jam,- Ca^,,. Mr.-. Jauic,- \\,akl,^. Mr-. A. Frank. Mrs. BuistSchwab. Mrs. S,j1 C.nlon. .Mrs. Fl,.r.-nc,.- Wilkes Hooper, Mrs. W , I. ^|.ii,. Mr- ^ai,, \\-„olwine,

Mrs. John Bevington. Mrs. Charles Anderson. Mrs. Granbery Ja, k-..ii. Mi-. \. n ^harp. Mrs.Charles Dudley Jones. Mrs. Frank Gill.-ttr. Mrs. R. A. Henrv. Mi-. Ilill M. \li-i,i. Mrs. BenChilders, Mrs. W. W. Dillon. Mr-. T. D^i^lu W.l.li. Mr-. I,,-,, ^.h»,iii/. Mi- i;..|.,ri Cheek,Mrs. Henry Gillespl,-. Mrs. Tin,ma- \,ul.ill. M,-. W. W ( i.ni.l.ill. Mi- 1. W Milki. Mrs. Her-man Stelzer. Mrs. Paul Hiinl.-r. Mr-. .l..-,|.li \l.r,iin-. Mr-. I ,.i, In-k^, Mi- l).iii|.-.x Weaver,Mrs. William T. Hal,-. Jr.. Mrs. WV-i II. \l,,rt,.ii. Mr-. ,|,.liii Hark-,!.,!,-. Mi-. IMgar M. Foster,

Mrs. Robert Kenyon. Mrs. Vance Alexander. Mrs. "ft'. \'. Kennedy, Mrs. P. A. Murray, Mrs.Edward Sherley, Mrs. Lou Rascoe. Miss Elizabeth Binford, Mrs. Humplurey Timothy. Mrs. SamC. Wilkes. Mrs. Paul Cohen. Mrs. Alex. Irving. Mrs. Idabelle Wilson. Mrs. Joseph T. Howell,Mrs. L. Franklin. Mrs. Edwin Miirrnv, Mr-. Wa]\.-r .I„n,-. Mrs. Frank Carl Stahlman. Mrs.Richard Dake, Mrs. Lyon ChiMr,— . Mr-. IMu.u,! M,r,iiln. Mi-, b.lm K. Wheeler. Mrs. JoeO'Bryan, Mrs. Joseph A. Grav. Mi-, ^ani k.— I. r. Mi- I ..-t, i Muni,'. Mr-. L.-iih Warner. Mrs.Henderson Baker. Mrs. Neil S. .|,.ii,-. Mr-. W. (I. rirrill. Mr-. K. W. K,,-t,r. Mrs. A. E. Potter,IVIrs. Frank Y. McGavock, Mrs. C. C. Waggoner. Mi-s Marv \^'elili. Airs. Horace Smith. Mrs. W. GEwing. and Mrs. William B. Shelton.

D.-tiiDso.x i:oi'\Ty iroMK.\ i .\ the noRin ifAH. i')iii^>i9

One of the most entliiisiastir celebrations e\.r held in Na-luilh- \sa- the one

held by these captains when they made their final ir|iuii-. imiiliri vmiIi ihc otlier

teams of this or^ranization. at a banquet given at ihc Cihanibci ul (;<Jiiuiierce in

Nashville. The amount secured by these women far exceeded any other drive for

funds during the entire war. A friendly rivalry existed among the teams of the

Industrial Committee, each of which had the same nundier of men accompanyingthe women on their canvasses. Edgar M. Foster, B. W. Laiidstreet. Lee Loventhal,

\'ernon Tupper. W. H. Lambeth and E. C. Faircloth. General Chairmen for the

various sections of Nashville and Davidson Count \. were [ircscnt at the banquet.

They engaged in their usual differences as to \sliii Ii uim- nf tlic liarns secured the

largest amount of money, and. as usual. Edgai \1. lu-lci. \\liii liecanie noted

throughout the World War as an "expert mathematician. "' succeeded in ( din im iiig

tlie other teams, much against their wills, that his team led by a big inajdriix. this

majority always being figured by l\lr. Foster or members of his team.

In the midst of some of our intense war drives one was reminded that "scrap-

ping"' was not confined to the batth^ front alone: but an armistice was alwayssigned by those engaging in the fracas at the end of each cam|)aign. and probably

in the next drive the workers M-r\cil -idc |,\ ~i.l,- uitli llic •|iii-ii(llv rncniN" of the

last drive.

Mrs. George F. Blackic. lV>ia,nt ,.l ih, \a-li\ill,- ^ . W , C. A.: Mr.-. Ai.h Tra-

wick. Slate Director of the United W u W.iik ( ampaiiiii. Mi-. \ erner Moore Lewis,

Middle Tennessee Director: Miss Mai\ Malilmaii. Mile ami (lountv Press Chair-

man, who so ably put the cause bi iou- llu- piilili< . and Mis. Joseph T. Howell,

who has the distinction of being the leader of one of the most successful wardrives of the county among the women, each were the recipients of "honorable men-tion"' in the national organization"s report for the cfliciciit service ihcv each ren-

dered in organizing the Tennessee and l)i\id-..n ('.hiiiIn Initrd War W.iik Cam-paign, and the splendid results of tlii- (lii\r an- lai^iN dnr l<. ihcii ill oris, ably

assisted bv the Director. Edsar M. In-ln. ami llir >i'.li..iial ( liairiiun. \ enion

Tupper. W. 11. Lambeth. F.duard C. Fain Iml,. 1',. \\ . I,and-lir,|. and I.e.- 1 ,,.Miill,al


POLK MEMORIAL FOUNTAINCenter of Home and Educational Department, Ten-

nessee State Fair, During Woman's World War

Work Expositions, 1917 ,1918, 1919

Mrs. Robert Wharton Nicliol, Director of the Department, was the originator

and promoter of the Exposition, the only one of its kind in the South.

He of President P.

Inscription on Fountain

'A Man and a Woman Whose Lives W ere Constructive Forces


Love—Law and Service

The Home, the State, the Nation"

DAlll)SO.\ COIWTY ffOME.\ /.V THE If O K I. D ir A K. I " 1 l-l 9 I 9

\\ninair> Wnrl.l \\;ii- W ml Ivxpcsitlnus. Ilciii.' and

Educational I )t'[)ai'liiicid. 'I'ciiiicsscc Slate

Fairs, l'.)17. JDIS and I'.H!)

Ml!S. UOHKKI W IIVKK.X \l( llMl. D,,,.,.^,

Mr>. H<,lHMt WIkuK.m Mil.nl. l)i,r,t,„- ,.f tl„. II, „n,- arul K,iMr:,|i,„K,l l).-,Kut-

nient of ih.- T.-mi. •->.•.- Stat.- Fair. «a- liic ln>l umnan ,,1 tlu- Smilli aii.l. a^ lar as

is known, even oi the entire country, to conceive llir iilra <'\ |Mi-iiiliirj an c\|ii,-i-

tion of war activities of the women and ciiildren ol llu -lair, al a ^lah- I aii \lr-.

jN'ichol ofTered imoths in the Home and Kdiicalioiial I ). par imcni in lln' WOinansBuilding, of which slie was iliiiTim. lo tin- war .u Ljani/alion- of Teimessee andDavidson County, where every \\ai i'ii\ii\ i (.iiM j.i laaiinalK demonstrated: whereeducational i)ro|)aj;anda could Kr i-ncd lu ih,. lli..ii-an(l- ,,\ \ isitor> to the State

Fair, and where luiid- cciuld Ik- ral-cil lor -pre ill, uai |iiii|mim-- Ii\ \oluiitar\ ron-

trihutions and ollu i mian-.

For several urck> pii„r to tiic upcniiit; of tlie Slate Fair in 1917. Mi>. Mrl„,|.

Director, kept a force of workers busy arranging elaLorale decorations in llir laiild-

ing. which were an inspiration for patriotic service. Flags of all nation-, iiaiiioiir

music, historic cahinets. relics and scenes from the World War. together uilli di--

abled and H. O. T. (]. -oldiers. produced a \i\id and ia-lini: iin|ire>-iori M|Min liie

throngs of \i-ili,r- Ironi all parts of Tenne^-l•e.

The propaganda elfected during the pioneer days of I'M 7 and llir far| ilial llic

various phases of war organizations were presented in the ilonir ami Idue alional

Department of the \^'oman's Building, at the Tennessee Mair I aii. ir-nliid in llii'

organization of many war activities llirouulioiit the -lair, and -ri\r,| lo cnliiililen

the puldic to the necessity of an 'aini\ al liomr."

In the fall of 1918 the War Expo-ili.ai ol ll.r unni,-ii al lii,- Trnnr-,e Slair Fail

•\va.s one of tlie greatest in tin- inliir iminlix. Xaiimi- arii\iiir-. inrlu.lin:' iIim-,-

of international, national, stair. r,,iiiii\ .umI , ii\ imii-. vm i,- ir|ii,-rniri| anil ilrin..n-

strated each dav. The first cslnj.il ,,1 W.ald War irii,- in Tninr-rr ua- -Imuii

at this Fair.

In 1919 the principal fealnrr nj liir IF.mr and Fdi.ralional Drparlnirnl diirin,i;

the Tennessee Slate Fair w.rk v\,i- llir •'Frarr jnl.ilrr." I.i'jrlliri willi inipurlanl

reconstruction work in Ihallli. Mnld WrIlair. i;r(iraii,,M ami Mnm.iial-. wliirh

were augmented hv .Mr-. I.'.il.ni Whail..,, \irl,ul. Dnr I hr li,-i ,la\ ua- ..iiNrii

over lo llir- Ameriraii l,rLji..n \ii\iliaM ..I l)a\i(l-..ii (,..iiiil\. uiih M,-. |,— r M.Overl..n and Mr-. Join, ( .. (.ilniorr a- Cliairnim. ulii. I. oi .jani/al imi ua- a ilrwlop.

ment of llir Woild War.

The war work of the lloiiir and Fdiic al i. aial DrparhnrnI ,.l ihr Trnn,--rr Slair

Fair was distinctive in ihal il pir-rntrd llir mih r\po-i|i,,,i ..I W ui Id War activities of the women of iIk- "~

Ii ami. a- lai a- i- kiioun. r\,n in \iiirii, a.

Mrs. H.d.ert Wharl.m \irli,,| ua- r|„,-r Inm n,aii\ \\,.,l,l Wai n,o\rnirn|..

hut the most far-readim- -n \ i, r imdrird |,\ lirr ua- llial ..I oi rj mal inii and di-

rectinir the Woman's W..,M War W,.,k I Ap<.-ili..ii. a- llial u,,ik ua- iii-lriiinrnlal

to the coml.ining of llir a. l.irv ,-nir„|- ,,| ihr xariou- ar|i\ilir- larja^rd m l.\ iIh-

women of l)a\ id-oi, CainU iliiiin- llir mliir uar prri.id. ami llir rr-on-l i iirl i,,n


I 422 )


The personnel of the Work! War administration of tlic Home an<l F.ducallonal

Department of the Tennessee State Fair included


Mrs. Robert Wharton Nichol, Director (throughout tin- war I: Miss Marv R.

Lewis, Assistant Director: and Mrs. J. L. Brandon, Mrs. James C. Bradford and

Miss Adah Miles, Assistant Directors I for one year each I


Secretaries during the World War period were: Miss Mary Lewis, Miss Louise

Howell, Miss Martha Howell, Miss Eva Hagan, Miss

Mary DeMoville Hill and Miss Elizabeth Eve.

Those composing the Advisory Committee of Mrs.

Nichol's department were: Mrs. James F. Caldwell.

Mrs. James Cayce, Mrs. Emmett Cooper, Mrs. Horace

G. Hill, and Mrs. A. H. Roberts, Honorary Chairman.

General Chairmen and the organizations they repre-

sented in the Exposition were:

Woman's Committee, Council of National Defense.

Tennessee Division—Mrs. George W. Denny. State Chaii -

man of the organization, and Mrs. Leslie Warner, Vice-

Chairman-at-large; Miss Delia Dortch, Mrs. B. F. Wil-

son, Mrs. John M. Kenny and Mrs. Idabelle Wilson,

State Officers, were Chairmen at various periods of the

three years' work. \iiss mahv ii«i^

Davidson County Division. CimukII of National De-

fense—Mrs. Robert W. Nichol. Chairman; Mrs. Charles W. Baker, Mrs. Wi H.

Craig McFarland

Red Cr

Morton, Mrs. Henderson Baker, Mrs. James B. Totten, and Mrwere Chairmen of the State Fair Committee.

Nashville Division. Council of National Defense—Mrs. Vernon Sharp. Mrs.

James S. Frazer, Mrs. John W. Thomas. Mrs. Walter L. Jones and Mrs. Reuben

Mills, Co-Chairmen.

Nashville Chapter—Mrs. Percy D. Maddin, Mrs. Robert F. Jackson,

Mrs. Frank W. Ring. Mrs. George F. Blackie and Mrs.

E. O. Tate served as Chairmen of the various depart-

ments of the work.

Navv Comfort Committee—Mrs. Harrv Evans. Mrs.

I. W. Miller and Mrs. Andrew Price, Co-Chairmen.

Armv Comfort League—Mrs. Percy Warner and Mrs.

\^ illiam B. Shelton, Co-Chairmen.

The National League for Woman's Service—Mrs.

Jesse M. Overton and Mrs. C. S. Brown, Co-Chairmen.

Mrs. John G. Gilmore, Mrs. Granbery Jackson and Mrs.

Frank Searcv Green served as Chairmen of the Service

League booth for 1918, and Mrs. Ellis C. Huggins as

Chairman of decorations and furnishings for the bootli.

M,ss Louise Howeli. The Girls' PatHotic Lcague—Mrs. Rogers Caldwell

and Miss Lillian Warner, Co-Chairmen.

Girls' Auxiliary, Nashville Chapter, A. R. C.—Miss Annie Mae Underwood, Miss

Willie Ruth Davidson, Miss Sadie Cauvin, Miss Mary Ratterman and Miss Margaret

Buford, Co-Chairmen.

Children's Auxiliary. Nashville Chapter, Red Cross—Mrs. James Spencer Mc-

Henry and Mrs. John S. Lewis. Co-Chairmen.

(423 )

Dtlll)SO\ (:Ol\Ty irOME.\ l.\ the world war. 19141919

Nashville Chapter. Red Cross Emergency Canteen Servii-e—Mrs. W. (). Tirrill.

Mrs. C. A. Craig. .Xfrs. Jolin Moore and Mrs. Samuel Douglas. ChaimuMi.

.Nashville Chapter. Red Cross Motor Corps— Airs. Robert S. Cli.ck. Caplaiii. ami

members of the Motor Corps. Co-Chairmeii.

Home and Foreign Relief—Miss Delia Dorti Ii. Slair Ch.iirrnaii. ami Mi>. Mile-

\^illiams. Mrs. .\ris Browi. and Miss Marv Louise Cooduin. Chairmen.

W. C. T. U. (State. Citv. County and National I— Mrs. .lohn Welsh. .State Chair-

man: Mrs. Marv P. Ban;;' and Mrs. R. I,. Kennedy. Davidson County Chairmen;

and Mrs. W. 1.. Tallev. AJrv Hoh.-rl 1.. Jeimini^s ami Mrs. R. <;. Cruwlev. Co-Chair-


American, Bel^'ian. French and Urill^li Hliiid \--^(i(ialiiin. Nasli\ illc Coniniitlci'—Mrs. John P. Frank, .Mrs. .lanic- Frank. M,-. kalluMi P. Wridil and M,>. W . W.Dillom Co-Chairmen.

Fatherless Children of France Society— Mi-- Mai\ Sliai kiUord. Mrs. DempsevWeaver and Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. Co-Chairrn,n.

Le Bien-Etre du Bless(--Mrs. Richard T. Wilson. M,-. C, •,„;:, \. Washington.

Mrs. W. D. Haggard and Mrs. Joseph Warner. Cot h.unn.n.

American Memorial Hospital. Hlicims. Fran.e. I'm-.I \,.. (, ; M,-. \. H. |{„|,c,l-.

-Mrs. W. W. Dillon, Mrs. Kol.ert W liarl,>n Mrhol and Mi- Ann lluniplirrN> Morion.


War Salvage Association- Mr-. <,. M. N.clv. Mrs. |;. A. Cull.cnk. Mrs. Frank

Searcy Green and Miss Fli/al.clh K\.>. Co-Cliairni.ii.

U.' S. School Gardens- Mrs. James C. r.radf.^rd. President, scrv.-.l as Chairmanfor Exposition.

Victory Gardens—Mrs. H. K. Po,i,-,. M,-. CIkmIc- S. CaMurlJ .uu\ Mi- AhnaOliver. Co-Chairmen.

Parent-Teacher Ilotn.- and SI I Cn.Irn- M,-. Jam.'- C, r.i.uHoid. M,-. LouLu.skv. Mrs. T. II. l'.iMl.-..n. Mr-, i;. \. (,rilhn. Mr-. \l,-x. Iryim;. Mr-. J. C. Walker,

and Mrs. Alice Wil-nn CInvd. C, ,-( J,.,,, ,n,,..

Child Welfare— .Mrs. Fugene Crutdier and Mrs. Adair Lvon Childress. Chairmen.

(A large miniher of hahies from all parts of the state \yere \veiglied and meas-

ured by this committee, which had the most allradive booth at the 1917 Fair. Theywere a.ssisted by all ])arent-teachers of i il\ and iiinnl\.i

Sunday School and Religious Wi>rk w.i- led |p\ Mr-, l-an >(\\,ll. Chaiim.in.

Recreation—Mrs. Kol.ert W. Nich.d. I)lrr,|,„: M,-. Crlia C.i.K l!,,l,lv. Mrs.

Lou Luskv. -Mrs. 1!. \. Ciillin. Mi- Kl i/abelh I'-inl,.,,! aiul \l,-. \lrx. hying. Co-


Dietetics—.Mrs. .Mire W il.-on CIon.I. Chairman.

School Lunches—Mrs. G. M. Whittemore. Chairman.

Study Courses—Miss Willie Williams, Chairman.

Weighing and Measuring of Babies for County Connnitl.-. Mrs. J. Ii. Toll.n.

Mrs. Carey A. Folk. Mi-s Julia Gr,-eu. Mr-. (;e,,r:;e W ill iams and Mrs. J. C. Walker.

( !liairnien.

Awarding .d Orlifi.ate- |,, One Hundred Per Cent Babies of Temiessee—Mrs.Albert II. R.d.eit- luite ,,1 llie I e„ne-ee Covemor at that limel. Mrs. FugeneCrutcher. Mrs. Kobe, I W . \i,|„,l. M,- \|e\. IrviuL'. Mrs. W. W. Dillon. Mrs. Alice

Wilson Clovd. Mrs. K. A. (,rilini. M,-. \d,iir I.Nnn riiibbe-. Mi- \,nie L. Gal-

lagher. Dr.W. E. Hibbelt. CitN llealll, Olh.e, ,,| \., -I, Mile. ( ;, ,-( ;i,a i I fl M'n


American-.Made Toys—Mrs. I.e-I„. ||i,-e^ .nid \l,-. \in,, I,. P.iill.iin. Chairmen.




Lindsley. State: Mrs. Jol

d Mii^s Alma Oliver.

n W. Black. Mrs.

Co-Chairmen of

Housewives' League—Miss Louise G.

Charles Caldwell. Mrs. Miles Williams

Davidson County League.

Sewing. Quilting and Patching—Mrs. Van Leer Kirkmau. Mrs. William L. Gran-

bery and Mrs. Norman Kirkman, Co-Chairmen.

Spinning and Weaving—Mrs. L. Buchanan, Chairman.

Knitting. Nashville Chapter, A. R. C—Mrs. R. E. Fort and Mrs. K. T. McCon-

nico, Mrs. B. Frank Fields and Miss Elizabeth Morrow,Chairmen. «»

(The oldest and youngest knitters of DavidsonCounty, aged eighty-four and nine years, were stationed

in this booth, making a picturesque sight and demon-strating the fact that women of all ages were doing their

"bit" in Davidson County.


War Savings and Thrift Stamp Organizations of the

Exposition were led by Mrs. James H. Kirkland, Mrs.

John R. Aust and Mrs. A. E. Potter.

King's Daughters—Mrs. W. E. Norvell, Mrs. W. H.Buchanan, Mrs. R. D. Ezell and Mrs. Gibson Patterson,


Council of Jewish Women—Mrs. Leo Schwartz.Mrs. David Rosenfeld, Mrs. Lee Loventhal. Mrs. J. C. ^'"^ ""'" *"^"

Lusky and Mrs. Reuben Mills. Co-Chairmen.

Banners for "Columbia Calls Her Women"—Mrs. Idahelle Wilson, originator.

owner and designer.

U. D. C.'s—State. Mrs. John C. Brown and Mrs. B. D. Bell, Chairmen; County,

Mrs. Thomas Newbill, Mrs. Charles Hurd and Miss

Evelvn Crutcher, Co-Chairmen.

D. A. R.'s. Davidson County Chapter—Mrs. CA. Marshall. Mrs. E. W. Foster, Mrs. Byron Martin.

Mrs. Foster Hume, Mrs. Bruce R. Payne and Miss

-Mary Webb, Co-Chairmen.

Colonial Dames—Mrs. C. B. Wallace, Mrs.

Claud Waller. Mrs. James H. Kirkland, Mrs. L. B.

File and Mrs. Fielding Yost, Chairmen.

Children of Confederacy—Mrs. W. L. Talley

and Miss Lucile Talley, Chairmen.

National League for Service Motor Corps, 1917—Miss Percie Warner, Captain, and Mrs. BernardFensterwald and Mrs. Fielding Gordon, First andSecond Lieutenants, served as Co-Chairmen.

Miss elizabfth tiE Ladies' Hermitage Association—Mrs. B. F. Wil-

son and Mrs. Bettie M. Donelson, Regents, Chair-

men of 1917, 1918, and Mrs. Mary C. Dorris, Secretary, and Mrs. Margaret L.

Hicks, Treasurer, Co-Chairmen of 1919.

Patriotic Pageantry—Mrs. Celia Grady Reddy, Miss Elizabeth Binford and Miss

Pauline Sherwood Townsend, all of whom did spectacular work along this line dur-

ing the war period, served as Co-Chairmen.

Liberty Loans—Mrs. Guilford Dudley and Mrs. Joseph Warner, Chairmen.

nAfin.'<o\ CO I y TV /ro.uA'.v /.v rut: roRiD uak. i»ii-i')I9

\ll!> .1. II. \1 MIIIKW.s l\ IIKIi I'MlildllC IKKilll \l ill


Mrs. Mallhews is shown with the fourteen prerniiini-- -1m- i,,.nf.l ..

eaniu-d j;oo<ls. the products of which were raised liy hi i in h.r li.ii k

fiarden under the \ ictor\- (;arden Association work, of uliich Mrs. CCaldwell served as Chairman.

l\.lrinli, Mu-i.al I'roi:,,,,!!- Mr-. Willi, nn C. ilnlFiiMii .iri,! Mi-. K. 1!

rnadirr. .Iniiil ClKiiiiiien.

War l'.,-lr,- M,-. \,,irn.,n Liiirll. ( h.ii, n,,.ri.

.\ali..ii.,l Kiillrliii- ,,„ I I-. Ilr.ilth. i;,, irali,.,,. C.imI.h^. n, . Mi- I.n

Lindsl.-v. Ml-. \lcx. :>. CM.Iu.ll :,i„| \|,-. |;,,l„,| \\ . \„ l„,|, ( ;l,,iii in,n.

War !•I l)ciM.>n-.li.ilinn- Mi-. JHllir l,\lr \\il-n„ aii.l Ml-. !. W. I!la,

„f u!,n„, wn- <.X|„Tl.s ill Ihen -,„,,,,! 1,1,,-.

.Slate |-:(lii(ali.,Mal lliil hiiii- Mi-. I,lal.,ll,- \\,l-,,„ a,„l Mi- \irijiiiia


Tennessee Slal,- Capil.d \-n,iali,,ii Mi-. I!nl„-il T. \\,akl.\. Mr-. .|,,l

Eakin. \Iiss Marv .Alien Tli, a, ,,,-,,„ .,,,,1 M,-. |,,„„- 11. Iv/rll. ( :,, ( ;i,ai, „„ ,i

Centennial Clul)- M.-. J. I,,, 11,1! I ,,ki,,. M,-. I. W . Milln. M,-. \\,l

Hale. Jr.. Mrs. S. S. (an,k,ll. \1,-. I.,„,„.l I,'. (:.,„,|.|.,-ll ,,,„! M,-. !!.


Craft- Mi-s Sarah Caul. Mr-. Kallirriiie !'. Wiivlil. Mi- l.n.ii-,. I

Mrs. H. H. Williani-. C.-Cliainnr,,.

Mrs. James C. Bra,ll.a,l. l',,-„l,i,i ,,l il„ \.,-I,mII,- \,i \-,„iali,,

models for war nienna i.,1- .ii,,l imm, ,• ,,,,., ,i,i,i,ni- .i,iil W o, M W a, irli, - h

torieal Se<-tion of the I .iii in I'M::. Inai, ill pail- .it \i,,i-ii,.i.

Women arli-l- uh., , .nili ihiilnl liinr ami lal,,,] ,li,,i,itj ih,' uai lo uai

and other art a.Uerli-ir,;; were; \i,~. I ia,,k \unl. .Misb IVari Saini.le

f 426 I


Bertha Calvert. Mi- Mliiiiic (iallin-r, . \li>. Willi.' I'.rlli,. \r«inaii. .\li>s Louise Allen,

MissMyraTh i-.m. \l,.~i:.l,il, M. I H-Imm. \I,~. V. K. \|.\,rK. \l,-. Ella S. Herge-

sheimer. Miss Alariiard Karlv ilniiilrcn \cai- ..I a.t:.-. il.-iiiiird a l.ihcity Loan poster

which received national comment), Cornelius Hankins. Mrs. Edward Potter, Jr., Mrs.

Sarah Ward Connely, Miss Mary L. Macomher and Miss Lillian Genth.

Federated Clubs—Mrs. Alex. Caldwell, State; Mrs. Walter Jones. Mrs. George

E. Blake, Mrs. Claud Waller and Mrs. James E. Caldwell, Co-Chairnien; Tennes.<ee

Childien's Home Finding Society, Mrs. Claud D. Sullivan; Old Woman's HomeAuxiliary, Mrs. Walter Keith and Mrs. Horace G. Hill; United Commercial Travel-

ers, Mrs. John Oman, Chairman; Equal Suffrage Association, Mrs. W. A. Overall,

Chairman; and Daughters of America, Mrs. Pat Quigley, Chairman.

Each organization mentioned in this chapter entered into a friendly rivalry to

see which could make the most lavish display and tlie most helpful demonstration

at their respective booths. Characteristic of Davidson County's womanhood, the

results of the efforts of the women at the various booths at the Woman's WorldWar Work Exposition received nation-wide comment. Mrs. Robert W. Nichol, Di-

rector, received numerous communications from Eastern and Western states con-

gratulating her original ideas and commenting upon the wonderful display of

Davidson County women's talents and willing sacrifices made by them for their

boys in service. Each patriotic organization was not only given an opportunity to

demonstrate its achievements at the Exposition, but was enabled to add a consid-

erable amount of funds to its treasury. The funds for the Gold Star Service Flag

of Davidson County were secured at a booth at the Exposition by the Girls' Patriotic

League, of which Mrs. Rogers Caldwell was State President. The work at the Ten-

nessee State Fair by the women during the reconstructive period was extensive and

profitable, and work along these lines was still being carried on under the direction

of Mrs. Robert Nichol when this volume went to press.

nt\ii>s()\ coi.MY ir()Mh:.\ i\ the iiokld ir a r. i'>iii')i9

IJavidson County Chnplcrs. |)aiigliters ol Ihe

Anicricnii licNoliition

Mus. Kdwin a. I'liiCK. Regent of Tennessee

Mks. 1m)\\ Mil) \\ i:sT FosTKli. Chairman of World War .irtiiitics

The r)aii,::lit.T> of tlir \„uTiran lirxolulinn ju-lil.r.l tlu-iv iiilinilaM.-.-s as de-

SK-endaiits of llu- niakris of Aiiii-rica li\ llic hfar!\ if>|)un>c llicy aiioKlcil their couii-

(rv in the ( leat i ri-is of the \\ oiKl War. In every phase of war work. Iiowever^ (lilii( lilt, the three Nashville chapters, Cumherland.

Cam|)hell and McCrory. were foremost in the ranks

of workers, and their record is entirely worthv of

the hlood of their distincuished ancestors.

Mrs. Pldwin A. Price. State Repent of the I). A.

R.'s. appointed Mrs. Edward W. Foster Chairmanof War Activities for Davidson County, and Mrs.

Foster received cfllrient coopcralion of cvci v nicni-


The oldest .hapter estahlished in \a-h\illc is

liu- Cumherland. of whi.h Mrs. llaiiy Kvans was

Repent durinji the World War. Other officers were:

Mrs. Louis Henry Sperry. First \ ice-Repent ; Mrs.

.Tames R. Totten. Se<ond Vice-Repent: Mrs. James 0.A. 11- Ilendlcy. Recording Secretary: Mrs. R. A. Henry.

Correspondinsr .Secretarv: Miss Gene Bradford.

rcl l.in.Mcv Hovie llir'k-^. Tr.Msurcr. an.l Mi-< 'VTartha lames.

din lainili


Repislrar: Mrs. MfHistorian.

The icon! of ihisChapIc, ^hou~lhal ni,

volunteered for service, and practicalK .ill

sons were mend)ers of the A. F. F. and -au aili\r ~(i\iic.

The Cumherland Chapter exccedcl ll~ ,,n,,la of ih,- LilM-,h r„,n,|. iv.pMMed

l.v the National Society and in c\ri\ oihci ( am|)aipn in the connlv. At the Thrift

fiarnival on Cajiitol Boulevard, in \|piil. I'M!'.. th<- Repent of Cumherland Chapter.

Mrs. Harry Evans, was General (lliaiirnar) ol liu- Carnival, and llic cha|)lcr mendx-rs

maintained a hooth for tin- -ah- ol -lairip~ ilmiirj llic ( ainixal. ('innherland Chap-

ter. D. A. R.. adopted a Firndi mphan. nia.lc a IiI"i..I . , ,,,1 m|„iI i,,n to the French

villau'e of Tillolov. spon-ond ,, ..old -l.u hrio in llir Sl.,lr \l,-niorial for fallen

hero,-, and look a s.hohu-hip in 1

War period.

No con.erted effort for fund-

tempted durinp the war wilhonl -oi

resentative. and the chapter as a uli

affairs to raise funds to aid the (iphlinp lor(c^

In the influenza eiddemic. Octoher, I'Jl!!

(aimherland Chapter's memhership. and the i

( 428)

n Mi'inori the World

irr home or foreipn r<dief work was at-

ilicr of (aind)erland ('hapter heinp a rep-

k |>art in many entertainments and public




Seated, left to right are: Mrs. Margaret Lindsley Hoyte Hicks, War Treasurer and Treasurer

when this volume went to press, and Mrs. James B. Totten, Second Vice' Regent during the war.

Standing, left to right, ]Mrs. J. O. Hendley (Tinie Clare Parks) , World War Recording Secretary

of the Chapter. Mrs. Harry W. Evans, Worid War Regent of the Chapter, and Miss MarthaJames, Historian of the Chapter.

zation in Xiishville. the Navy Coniforts Committee, was Mrs. Harry Evans. Regent

of this chapter.

The Red Cross roll call of members and workers included approximateely every

member of Cumberland Chapter. D. A. R.. while the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross

Motor Corps and Canteen obtained many recruits from this chapter.

The members of the Cumberland Chapter, D. A. R.. during the World War were:

Mrs. A. B. Anderson. .Mrs. W\ B. Armistead, .Mrs. W. S. H. Armistead. Mrs. W. S. Ashworth,

Tilrs. Nathani.l Baxif-r. Jr., Mrs. C. B. Benedict, Mrs. F. H. Benjamin. Mrs. J. C. Bennett. .Mrs.

W. S. i;ian-l..i.l. Mrs. William Bradford, .Airs. W. A. Buntin, Mrs. J. H. Campbell. Mrs. John

Camphell. Mi-. Tliomas Cassettv. .Mrs. John W. Clavton. Mrs. Thomas D. Craighead, Mrs.

\^'illla Oakr. Mr=. Til n.-M.Eugene Crutch, r. _M

Duncan R. Dorris, Mr- 1 . M Hm;,.-,

F. Eve. Mrs. R. E. Dnnr. !l. \1>-. I! WMrs. Edwin S. Gardn,,. \l,-. K. ^. L.i

J. 0. Hendley, Mrs. R. A. Henn. Mr-.

Hitchcock, Mrs. J. F. Jarmon. Mrs. J

Landis. Mrs. C. H. LeSueur. Mrs. Amiiiico, Mrs. Fred W. Millspaugh. Mrs. MMurray, Mrs. M. E. Newell. Mrs. Ed«m \m, I.

W. A. Ogden. Mrs. David S. Page. Mi- W I

Russell. :Mrs. George Ruth. Mrs. C. C. >.nai;r

H. P. Stubblefield. Mrs. J. B. Totten. Mrs. J

Vance. Mrs. John J. Vertrees. Jr.. Mrs. C. B. Wilson. Mrs. Joel J. WlMiss Louise Benedict, Miss Annie V. Benjamin, Miss Jean Bradf

\. M

Mrs. W. L. Dismukes, MrII, r.-h,i,ii,. Mr-. B. A. Enloe. Mrs. Paul(..,,,„ \\,ll,,,,n fall. Mrs. W. W. Gambill,

l.iMiHu-A l!,,Mli-nn. Mrs. O. B. Heidt. Mrs.

h k-. \li- ImIm, \. Hitchcock, Mrs. J. Glenn\li-, I ,a,,-, llian-ford Kirkraan, Mrs. AbbMl-, I. l'.M..i. Martin, Mrs. K. T. McCon-

i.iv. .Mrj. J. W at-hington Moore. Mrs. Edwin. Oscar Noel. Jr., Mrs. W. E. Norvell, Mrs.

.kin. Mrs. Charles Ridley. Jr.. Mrs. Hillard

. H. Louis Sperrv. Mrs. M. A. Spurr. Mrs.

Trabue, Mrs. Marv \. T.i.k. .. Mrs. E. R.



Cason, Miss Maria Judson Ferriss. jSDss Julia Gannawav. Miss Elizal..ili llaii. Miss Martha

File James. Miss Alice K. Leftwich. Miss Louise Grundv Lindsley. -ALiss .Mary H. Meyers. Miss

Ariine Newell, Miss Meta Orr. Miss Carrie Sims, an.l Miss Willie Williams.

/>(! //)>O.V CO I .\ TV !rOMK\ I .\ THE « O R L l) IT A R. I " I II < 1 9

Wll'llll.l. (II \1 I). \^

w ere


Tlu- oIIr-.ts of tlu- Caini.lM-il Chai.lrr. D. \. K.. .Iiiiirii; iIh- \\..iI,I W ai

Mrs. John C. Brown, Honorary Kcgcnt for life; Mrs. James S. Pitcher, Founder and life

iMcmber of Board; Mrs. Edward Wesl Foster, Regent; Mrs. Duncan Eve. First V'ice-Kegent;

yUi. John L. Dismukes. Second Vice-Regent; Mrs. John W. .Moshy. Treasurer; Mrs. Porter

Phillips. .Secretary; .Mrs. Samuel II. Orr, Corres|)on<ling Secril;ir> : \lr- I. J. \ an .Ness, R(>'islrar.

and Mrs. C. A. .Marshall, Historian.

The members of the Advisory Board of Cainphcll ('ha|il(i wen':

Mrs. William C. Cherry. Mrs. Charles Caldwrll. Mi- I (. i i.;rlnii:. Mr-. W . W . H.trv.

Mrs. James E. Caldwell and .Mrs. Robert Rhodes.

lmm<-(liat<-lv upon Ameriras entraii.p in llir \\..il,j W .1, Caiiiplifll ChaiMcr.

I>. \. 1; . -ttr,,,! ,,.-,,|Ma.,lin„ i„ v^ry^ ua, a.liMlv. I„ A|ii,l. l'M7.' a \avv Coni-

iMit^ Ca.iniillrr u,i- a|p|M,iiilr(l. uliiili uas c-,,m-

|M,~r,l .,f:

Mrs. E. A. LeSueur. Chairman, and the folio

I. I- a- members: Mrs. C. A. Marshall. Mrs. PnMl-. Duncan Eve. Mr-^. Robert K.-nvon and

wing Daugh-rter Phillips.

Mi-- Kllen




D.U ll)SO.\ COl WTY irOMKy li\ THE UORLD W A R. I 9 I 4-1 <.' 1 9

Caldwell received food pledges from <\ir\ iiunilur ,A' llii- (li.ipli i. mikI iiuinv

garden and seed pledges were signed jiv tlic nii-mlicrs.

Campbell Chapter eontrihuted its quota of one hundred dollars recpiested hv

the .National Society for the purchase of Liberty Bonds, gave twenty-five dollars

to the state memorial for fallen heroes, and fifty cents per capita for the restoration

of the French village. Tilloloy.

At tlie Thrift Carnival on'Capitol 15,,i,l,\ ,n ,1. in \|uil. I'H::. M,~. I ,lua,,l W .

Foster and Mrs. Edwin A. Price niaintaincil a IhicjIIi lor llu- Canipli.ll Cliaplci.

and several hundred dollars in stamps were sold.

Volunteer nurses for the influenza epidemic from this orsaiiization were: Mrs.

Edward W. Foster. Mrs. W. C. Cherry and Mrs. Sam.i.l '(),,. uh,, nursed lli.-

stricken members of the R. O. T. C. at \anderbilt l"niversit\. ,ni,| Mi~- I. lien l'<i~ti r.

who gave her entire time for several weeks to children in Nmlh \a-li\illc. Mi>.

E. W. Foster worked heroically every night for two weeks at the \ anderhilt Hos-

pital. One member. ]\!iss Fannie Walton, served with thc^ \ aiiderbilt I nit in France.

This chapter sponsored two French orphans, and tlie nicmlicrs iiidividuallv

adopted eiuhteen. The Frencli Orphan Comniiltc.. ua- conipoM-,1 ,,t Miss Frances

Pilcher and .Mrs. C. S. Brown.

xMembers of the W. S. .S. Comiuiltcc unr: Mr-. Jnl,,, M. \|n„ic. Chainnan:

Mrs. C. A. Marshall. .Mrs. Robert Kenyon. Mi^. lame- W. Kz/ell and Miss Frances

Pilcher. Stamps amounting to S1,21.S were -'!,! in iIh' ( liapler.

Christmas. 1918. the Regent and several metnbeis of this chapter served with

Mrs. W. L. Granbery on the Overseas Package ("ommittee of the Red Cross, and

maiiv comfort kits were bought by inemliers through Mrs. C. A. Marshall. Chairman.

The committee for recording the names of soldiers fidui families of the eliapter



Mr>. Inl.n C. Br..«n. Cliairman: Mr-. C. A. M.u-liall. \1.>. Dnmcim I-a.-. \Ii,. ,|. C. Cr.-velin^-.

Mrs. C. .S. Brown. Mr-. S.ini l)..,i::la-. Mr-. Iinl„rl K. •,.%..... Mr-. I',.rlrr I'liillii.- an. I Mi-Fraiic-s I'ilcher.

Mrs. C. S. Brown and .Mrs. P.,rter Phillips were in-lrn.tors in knilling of the

Red Cross and .Navy League.

Every Liberty Bond issue lonn.l nieniber> ..f llii- rh.ipler .iinong liie .n..>t dili-

crent workers. The Service Flaii ol liii> ciiapler eonlaiinil iiiiiel \ -iwo -lai-. (nie nf

which was turned to gold, thai of Dandridge Cai.iuelj. -,,n nf \h>. lann- K. Cahl-

well, the Gold Star Mother of Campliell Chai)ter.

.Members of the Campbell Chapter who stood ready to ser\e tiieir cnunlry at

all times in the World War were:

.\Ir.«. W. Y. .Mini. Mrs. T. K. 1'. Allison. Mrs. G.-orpc K. B<-nni.-. Mrs. I). IJ. li.ll. Mrs.

Horatio Berrv, Mrs. J. D. Blaiiton. Mrs. (ieorpr Bod.lic. .Mrs. C. S. Brown. Mrs. C.-or-,- Bul-II.

.Mrs. J. S. Buford. Mrs. J. P. W. Brown. .Mrs. Danii-I C. Bunlin. Mrs. .lames IC. Caldwell. Mrs.

Charles .S. Caldwell. .Mrs. Leslie Cheek, .Mrs. W. A. Cunninfiliam. Mrs. S. II. Chester. .Mrs.

J. G. Crevelint'. Mrs. W. C. Cherry, Mrs. Edwin Davis. .Mrs. Joseph Davidson. Mrs. .John L.

Dismiikes. Mrs. Samuel Douplas. Mrs. \V. M. Drane. Mrs. J. T. Dieks. Mrs. I'aiil DeWitt, Mrs.

I'rudence .^inipson Dresser, .Mrs. G. P. Kdwards. Mrs. I'al M. Esles. Mrs. Duncan Eve, Mrs.

James B. Ezzell. .Mrs. L. B. File. Mrs. EdwanI W. Foster, Mrs. Caniplii-ll Grav. Mrs. Joseph A.

f;rav. Mrs. W. A. Guild. .Mrs. .Neil .S. Glenn. Mrs. Edward Graham. .Mrs. ].. E. Ilillman, Mrs.li. .M. Ilord. Mrs. Joseph T. Howell. .Mr.s. lioberl Howell. .Mrs. I,,!and Hume. .Mrs. LunsfordHollin-. Mr-. I!. M. Hall. Mrs. .S. I'. Jones. Mrs. Jarms H. Rirkland. Mrs. Norman Kirkman. Mrs.liohert F. Kenton. Mrs. Waller K.-ilh. Mrs. James Eipscond>. Mrs. ilor.nre I.urton. Mrs. John A.

.McEweii. Mrs. James MeLaunldin. Mrs. Dan Me(;u(;in. Mrs. I{,d,erl L. Morris. Mrs. John W.A'oshy, Mrs. Ara Incals .Morcan. .Mrs. J.din M. Marshall. Mrs. John M. Moore. Mr.s. C. A.

Nfarshall. NJrs. B. L. Moore. Mrs. fiharles Morpan. Mrs. William McDonald. Mrs. G. M. Ncelv.

Mrs. T. B. Neal. Mrs. David R. Neil. Mrs. Thomas N.whill. .Mrs. .Sinclair G. Niles, Mrs. .Samuel


DA I I nsn \ CO I \ T


M E \ I .\ r H E If () R L I) R. 19 1 l-l 9 I 9

Orr. Mrs. I'ortrr I'Inllii... Mr-. W . K. I'lullii,-. \li-. .lam,- S. l',l, lur. Wv-. Ki.luird Plater,

.Mrs. Alex. Port.-r. .Mrs. Jam,-.- H. F,.|.,-. Mr-. Ki.ln-rl Kli,.,!,-. Mr^. J..lin (). KuM. .Mrs. GeorgeP>ever, Mrs. Bert Roper. .Mrs. Eugene Sliannoii, Mrs. Edward .Seay, Mrs. Smith Tenison, .Mrs.

Beimont Tiffany. Mrs. H. C. Tolman, Mrs. L. J. Trousdale, Mrs. James Trimble, Mrs. I. J. VanNess, ^frs. George C. Waters. Mrs. J. W. Weatherlv. Mrs. Hamilton Wonlwine. Mrs. Leslie

Warner, Mrs. J. W. Warner, Mrs. .Nfan- Sim-^ Wil.„n. Mr^. FirLlin- Y,i-t. \\r<. W. T. Y,.nnsr.

Miss Valera Allen, Miss Anna Blaiil..n. \l,- lili.l („,,i.. \l,- M.nilui C. l),-n,.ik. -. Mi>:,

Florence Puryear. Miss Ellen Foster. Mi-- \.Mi. I ull.i. \li- ( ,ii,i.- I|..IIim-. \Ii- l.!i/ali,tli

McDonald, Miss Frances Pilclier. .Mi- IVinr,- ll„,„ |'l,,l,i. Mi- M.tt.l.la l',.rl,r, Mi- l.ucy

Tabb Van Ness. .Miss Mary Lou \\liil,- an,l .\li-> Fanni,- (hv,'ii Walton.


The officers of tlie Mc Cmry Chapter dining the \\\n\A War were:

Regent Mi- Bni< ( R Rimk Hi -l Vice Resent Mrs. Alex. S. Caldwell: Second\ite Resent Mr« 1 o-tt i Huiiu Retoiding ^f(retar\, Miss Agatha Brown; Corre-

-l)ondnig S((i(tary, Mrs. Ridley Wills: Treas-

^_ J iiiei Mi- F1 ilium Goodloe; Registrar, Miss

^K^ j/t^ " \lii\Uel)l) )n<l Historian. Miss Lizzie Elliott.

^^^^f"^ 4if ,SH|[^|K^^^ ^h\- (lic>|)tti met for Red Cross work in

^^HP^ '^L- "^^^P^^^l^l ^LJiJiKal Die—nigs each week. The members

W^t #^!^ ^^Si^tl^^^Hti )iiticipattd in the Liberty Loan sales, in the

h iii-( to hou-e ( anvass for Thrift Stamps, in

iht leiii-tiation for nurses, and in every other

ph i-e of \^orld War work in Davidson Coiintv

I mm April. 1917, to June, 1919.

The officers of the chapter served as of-

li.vrs of a W. S. S. Club. A contribution of

>.-)0.fl() was made to the Liberty Loan Fund of

tile National D. A. R. Association. A French()r|)han was adopted by the chapter, and a gen-

erous contribution was made by the membersto th(> fund for the restoration of the Frenchvillage of Tillolov.

Thirty-five members served in Surgical

Dressings: eleven, in Civilian Relief: three,

in Motor Corps; thirty-one, in Thrift work;twenty-six. in French Orphan Association;

\iK- i;b, .F i; I'AVNE two. in Nurse Registration; four, in Food

M.iMh.r of \,ivisorv''coiincn of tiii- Hi-i..rv. Plcdgc Carcls Campaign; three, in the

Woman's Land Army of America; twenty-one,

in garment making; eight, in Canteen service; thirty-two, in Liberty Loan drives;

fourteen, in the influenza epidemic: twenty-two, in the National Council of De-

fense; five, in the War \^'ork Registration: three, in the Red Cross drive; and six,

in the Belgian and French Relief.

Miss Sara Berry served as Chairman of all five Liberty Loan drives in her dis-

trict; Chairman of War Savings Stamps; Secretary and Treasurer of the Henderson-

ville Auxiliary to the Red Cross, and President of the Girls' Canning Club.

Mrs. Georgia-Knox Berry served in Red Cross Canteen work in Washington,

drove for the Motor Corps, and was Vice-President of the Army Comfort Leagueromposed of hundred women.


DAimsoy coiMY aoM KX i.\ the world war. 1914-1019

Miss \Sillic Biiklle taught classes in Home Hygiene and the care of tlie sick in

Maurv County. -Miss Elizabeth Binfoid served as Chairman of all drives for the

Seventli Vi'ard. Council of Defense, ami wrote and produced a pageant on IVahody

College Campus for the benefit of the Red Cross. Mrs. James C. Bradford served

as a lecturer on gardening under the United States School Garden Organization, of

which she was Tennessee Chairman, ^liss Agatha Brown was State Chairman of

Civics for the Federation of Women's ("lidis. tli<' ('n>t orgaiii/alioii to jic-in woik in

food conservation.

Mrs. .Alex. Caldwell was Chairman of Hci.M>tiali,.M lo, tlic I..Mgii.- ot W.^inan"*

Service: State Chairman of Woman's Committee for the production and conserva-

tion of food: State Chairman, ^^oman's Land Army of America: State President of

llie Federation of Women's Clubs, and one of the foremost speakers of the state in

all campaigns.

Miss Lizzie Elliott, in additinii i,, licr K-ulai occ upatimi. tli.il ,.1 t.-acliiiii; iii

the Nashville public schools, did ,1, ,!,,, I «o,k i„ cmn.vti,,,, ullli ll.c making out

of questionnaires, for two years, and uorkcd in ih.- ollicc of the Vo,n\ Adiiiinisliation

during the summer months.

Miss Virginia Nelson served t<'n months in Canteen work in France. Mrs. Bruce

R. Payne was Secretary for the Educational Director and his four inspectors of the

S. A. T. C. for the Division of Tennessee. Kentucky. .Mabama. Mississippi and

Louisiana, the headquarters for this Division being located in Nashville. Mrs. W.(). Tirrill served as Captain and Treasurer of tlie Red Cross Canteen and donated

liberally toward its equipment, and was active in every campaign and drive. Miss

Mary Webb was an instructor and su])crvisin in Smuiral Drosings. and taught

one of tiie largest classes in Red Cross.

Three husbands of members of this chai)tcr scixcd uilli llic Y. \1. C. A. iivcrscas,

and eleven sons of McCmrv (;ha|il.M mothers mma.-.I in \atious branches ..f the

Lnited States Army.

Davidson Countv homicm uIk. were nicml>ci> of .Mc(h(ir\ Chapter and prac-

ti.allv all of ^Nhnm wen- <.ne huiulrnl pci cent in every activity of the World War.


.Mrs. ll.ri.l.r^,,, liak.,. \I,-. (;eor(;ia-K.nox Berry. Miss Sara Berry, Miss Kli/.alM-tli Biiiford.

Mrs. W. K i;.,u,lni,n. \1.- I.m.s C. Bradford. Miss Apatlia Brown, Mrs. Duiu-au Buttcrtield,

Mrs. Al.\ - I J.lu.ll. M.- N,ra Ward Conlcy. Mrs. J. Hesse Corbett, .Mrs. John H. DeWitt,

Miss Li//i. rn,t..li. 1,1 Mil, ,11. Mrs. Reau E. Folk, Mrs. Halhi... (i.m.llne. Mrs. T. Graham Hall,

Mrs. Frank Harris, Mrs. 1). (;. Hart. .Miss Ella H.rt:,-li, iiu, r. \!i-. 1 ,,si,.r Hume, Mrs, GeorgeM. Ingram. Mrs. John Krcig, ,Mrs, W. H, Lamlidli. \1,- W ilhun W ini.r Lyon, Mrs. .\. M..McClain, .Mrs. Briggs .McLcniore, .Miss Libbie .Morr,,«. \li-~ 1 ,,ni^, .N, l-,,ii. .\Ijss Virginia Nelson,Mrs. Bruce 1{. Payne, .Miss Fermine Pride. Mrs. Tlioiiia^ .No(;t;iai,, S\r^. A. L. Sharber, MissEllen Stokes, .Mrs. Jesse H. Thomas, Mrs. A. .M. Tillman, Mrs. W. O. Tirrill, Mrs. Charles C.

Trabue, .Miss Mary Webb, Mrs. W. Ridley Wills, Mrs. Morris Wilson, and .Mrs. Douglas Wright.


World War Work of the United Daughters of the

Confederacy of Davidson County

Mrs. Thomas Newbii.l. Chdirntnu

The Tfiinessff Division nt the United Daii^'hter.-; of tlie Confederacy ranked

second in the United States of all V. D. C. divisions in World War activities.

The Nashville chapters were organized for service at a meeting on June 20. 1017,

called hy Mrs. W. A. Bryan and Mrs. E. W.Foster, Chairmen for the Colonial Dames' workfor the Red Cross. An auxiliary to the Colonial

Dames' work of the American Red Cross wasformed at tliis meeting, which was presided over

by Mrs. W. A. Bryan. Mrs. Thomas Newbill

was chosen Chairman and Secretary of this unit,

and Mrs. Charles S. Caldwell, Treasurer. Thefollowing members of the Nashville chapters

were charter members of the new war organiza-

tion of the U. D. C.'s:

Nashville Chapter. U. D. C.

Mrs. Thomas Newbill, Chairman; Mrs. AlexanderFall, Mrs. W. T. Young, Miss Elizabeth Campbell, MissVirginia Claybrooke, Miss Meta Orr. and Miss Mar-garet Simpson.

Kate Litton Hickman Chapter, U. D. C.

Mrs. L. A. McMurray, Chairman; Mrs. R. G. Crow-ley. Mrs. L. A. McCarver. Mrs. W. J. Spire, Mrs. T.

A. Vaughn, and Mrs. F. B. Young.

William B. Bate Chapter, U. D. C.

Mrs. W. T. Davis. Chairman; Mrs. Carey A. Folk,Mrs. E. T. Hall. Mrs. Robert Kenyon, Mrs. Robert Orr.and Mrs. Frank Wheeler.

Mary Frances Hughes Chapter, U. D. C.

Mrs. Mark Harrison, Chairman; Mrs. F. A. Cheatham, Mr- M S Combs. iVIrs A. 0. Ford,and Mrs. J. T. McCreery.

Members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy who were Chairmen of

activities in the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross, were:

Mrs. H. H. Corson, Mrs. Mary Bright Thomas. Mrs. Thomas Newbill, Mrs. M. A. Montgomery,Mrs. R. 0. McLean. Mrs. John H. Moore, and Miss Elizabeth Morrow.

Activities of the Nashville Chapter. United Daughters of the Confederacy, withMrs. Thomas Newbill as Chairman of World War Activities, were:

"Doughnut Day" for the Salvation Army Building Fund, which was led by Mrs.W. T. Young. Mrs. Young and her committee secured one hundred forty-eight dollars

and eighty cents for this work, and Miss Margaret Simpson, Captain of the U. D. C.work, and her committee secured two hundred sixteen dollars and fifty cents.

Miss Simpson was also Chairman on Tag Day for the U. D. C.'s. to collect funds for

(Amelia Hanc^

V COIMY iro.\lf:.\ /.V the world war. I'>14loit,

tlif Teniie.-^see bed for the Anieriean Memoiiiil Hospital. Kheiiiis, France. Twoliuiidred fifty dollars was raised by her and the Nashville U. D. C."s. The Affiliated

(.Chapters of the Iriited Daughters of Confederacy of Nashville gave eighty-seven

dollars and sixty cents to the fund raised by the United Confederate \ eterans for

the \anderbilt Unit "S"' in France. Mrs. Harrv Rene Lee ser\ed as Chairman for

the drive. Nashville U. D. C.^s contributed to llnv m liolar-l.ips al Tennessee uni-

versities for ret^irned soldiers of the World \\ ai.

The Nashville Chapter. U. D. C. menii.cr> uho ,,Tci\,-,l ihc Anicriran Red Cr.ws

."^enice Badge were:

Mrs. Brown Biif..ra. \lr>. II. II. (:,.r-,.n. Mr., li,..- ll.in,IK. \h--. \^,m^ C. Ma.uN. Mrs.

.M. A. .MniilpiimTv. Mr-. Ka«ar.l W rM K,„trr. \Ii-s i;ii/al..ll, \l,.rruw. Mrs. llu.mas N.wliill.

Mrs. Frank W . KiiiL'. Mrs. W . O. Tirrill. Mrs. T. Loigli Tliomps.,.! ami Miss Rcb.-cca I'nrtcr.

In tiic First. Secoiul and Tliiid l.iberlv Uoan drives in Davidson County, nieni-

b.rs of ihc Na-li\ill,- Chapler. I. 1). C.. purchased S50.000 in bonds, and S27.00O

Will ill uas purchased by meniliers of this cha|)ter during

llir I .iinlli Liberty Loan Campaign. In the Fifth Lib-

iv\\ l.u.in Campaign, Mrs. F. VC. Fosii-r served as Ccn-

cral Cli.iirnian of the Indu-lii.il ( unuii.llcc lor tli,' l.nan.

.•-he and her workers m.M <|(in.(ini) in Im„uI-. Other

incmb.-rs of the Nashville Chapter. I . I). C. ulin unrkrd

in the Fifth Loan Campaign and receiv.-d ni.dal-

awarded efficient workers for their services were:

M,-. W. T. Young. .Mrs. Thomas Niwl.ill. .Mrs. Mark llar-

11-... I Mi-. .John C. Brown. Mrs. John Lrip.-r. .Mrs. I.. .\. Mr-

MulI.,^. Mrs. l{„l„.ri W. Nirhoj. Mrs. K. T. Hall. .Mr-. W . F.

i;,,-. M,-. WVsl Humphreys Morton anil Mrs. Herman .M.liac.

Ml-. W. G. Ewing, a mend)er of the Nashville Chap-ter. Chairman for the First Refugee Garment Drive,

was also Chairman for the Scrmid Z.>n.> in the Fourlh

Loan. In this Loan lirr cnnnitt,-,' -old tn tlir lari^c-t

Davidson Countv.number of subscril

The mend.ers of the Nashville Chapter. U. I). (

books to the book campaiirns. and gave fiflv dollars in cash and s.vnal ntn I,- ,,l

linen to the Nashville Chapter. Red Cross Linen Drive, in Novenilnr. I'M.';

Mrs. Georce F. Blackie and Mr-. Frank W . Kin'^ u.rr Cl.aiunrn l.n llir ^rrmdDrive for Refugee Garmenl.s of the \a-li\illr ( I,,,,,!,,. K,-,! C,,.-. ni \|..il. I'M-",.

and a liberal conlribulion for tlii- ,aii-c ua- oblain.d li.mi tlic Mliliatnl Chan-ters. U. I), c.

Mrs. W. T. Y..ung. Chairman foi the \a-lnille Chapter, l. 1). C. s,., „re,l seven

hun.lred dollars for the Allied Orphans" Fnn.l. an, I ,arl, .hapl.r of the \ . 1). C.

;ifIiliation adopted a French and a Belgian (jrplian.

Additional members of the Nashville Chaptn. I . I). ( .. ulm u,-,e one Innnlr.'.l

per cent in all phases of »ar «ork. and who rc-pnndr,l u linlrlira, tr,IK tn rvery

war relief call, were:

Mrs. H.-nry .Sl.-in. .Mrs. J. W . W arn.r. Mr-. Ir..l W l.ill.in...... Mi-. K. W . In-I.i. Mi- .1.

Malt Williams. .Mrs. W. T. Y.arcin. .Mrs. C. C. Yoiinc Mr.s. William B. SI,. Ii..n. Mi- MarvFll.n Brhnf, Miss Elizab.-lli Campbell. Miss Virpinia Claybrooke. Miss K\,1m. I .,i',l,.i. Mis-

Flizabnh Frost. Miss Louise Co.lwin. Miss .Martha Goorli. Miss Cora Ila^,,. Mi- Fli/al„.|h

llam-ork. Miss Elizabeth Ilalfirl.l. Miss Marv B.-lle llopkin-. Miss .\.l,li,- M, ( l,-,.i,. Mi- ,1, iini,-

Mai .McQuidflv, Miss Jennie Morrisscv. Mi.ss Edilh roj..-. Mi- Marjori,- Spun. Mi- MahrvTalbot, an.l .Missrs .Nannie an.l N.-llir Wood.


DAI I DSO ^ C O V N T Y If M EN IN Til E R L I) » ( R. I '/ / /./ 9 I 9

Roster of nieml)er» of the Kate Lyttoii Hickniun Cliapter ^vllo did creditable

war work is as follows:

Officers: Miss Mabry Talln^. l',,.M,l,„t : Mr-. J. T. ( ;lia,l»,-ll. \i,.-.|'

Threlkeld, Recording Secretary; Mrs. 1{. V,. (Iniwli-y, CcirroiHiniliiii; Src

Selph, Treasurer; Mrs. Beulah Russell. Historian; Custodian of Flajr. \li--

trar, Mrs. C. C. Young; Director of Children of tlie Con-federacy Auxiliary. Mrs. L. A. McMurray; Chaplain, Miss Lizzie -


Members: Mrs, ,s, M, Allrn, Mrs. .|.,hn L. B.nlrv. Mr-.

Count R, Boyd, Mrs, W, A. Carter, .Mrs. I. K. Chase. \li-. .lames

L, Cooper, Mrs, J. A. Cra^^'fo^d, Mrs, J, A, Cullom, .Mrs. GeorgeDavis. Mrs, J, S, Dunbar, Mrs, Edgar ^L Foster, Mrs. W. W.Gambill, Mrs, M, M, Gee, .Mrs, Smith Gee, Mrs, Lvman Gunn,Mrs, W, S, Hite, Mrs, W, V, Jarrett, Mrs, J. T. .leiikins. MrsMartha Lanier, Mrs, Roscoe Matthews. Mrs. T. II Mnm-. Mr-Lewis McCary, Mrs. M. M. McMurry, Mrs. Ila-k.ll Kniliini.

Mrs. C. B. Rucker. Mrs. W. B. Slu-lton. Mrs. Kii. Inl v,h,„_ \i,,

John T. Smith. Mr-. A. F. Si:,nf..r,l. Mi-. 1. K l.,,i.l.^. \l,-

Thomas A. N.i.iulin. \h- \l W \\,|,li. \l,- |i.,,-i (. 'i ,n

brough. Mrs. W K. ji.ui-. \li-. (l,,,,;,.- ||:,|[. \1,- Mnr l,.r

Mrs. Alma I'iIiii.mi. \1i-. \,,im Immm ^-l-.m. \li-- Mm VimLlmi,.

Miss Lena CaMu.lL \li- \l,iii;,M,t |i,«. \li-. \,l,.|,' (h,,,!,,,!.

Miss Coralee (.iI.-m,,. M,-- r,,.-,,- h,,, ,|.iu,n . \li-- \.iiir llui.li-

inson. Miss Anm, I, W, .,,,-. \li- Willi,' 11. Mr I'jnliir. \li-s

Marth.T I'anlii.'. \li- \l,l|,,^'

Elizali.lli 'ril|i..t. Ml-- \l,ii..|,-

.Marv W illi.iin-. \li- |).,i-n (.mham. .Ml- S.ir.ih Kli/al.rtli I ),i

; Mrs. Harry

Mrs. Fannie


:,ll,..l. Missllci'Iirr Turner, Miss Jennie Whitsitt, MissMi— Marv O'Donnell, Miss Eva Cunning-

Tallinl.I Mi-

Members of the Nashville Chapter who engaged in World War activities were

Andrews, Mrs, Thomas H, Appleton, Miss Mary ElizabethMrs, F, F. P. Allison. Mrs. M.Allen, Mrs. Robert Abernathy. MrsBinns, Mrs. Brown Buford, Mrs. W

MvRK Habri*..-

W. H. S. Armistead. Mrs. Robert Armstead, Mrs. ThomasA. Buntin. Miss Jean Bradford. Mrs. Stanley Coonev, Mrs.

Walter Clark. Miss Lizize Lee Bloomstein, Mrs. L. F. Beaty.

Miss Margaret Boisseau, Miss Eliza Claybrooke, Miss Virginia

Claybrooke, Mrs, Sheffield Clark, Mrs, Charles Cooney, Mrs.

H, H, Corson, Mrs, Thomas Craighead, Mrs, Thomas P. Cal-

houn, Miss Janie Cockrill, Mrs, H. T, Campbell, Miss Evelyn

Crutcher. Mrs, James T, Dougherty, Miss Gladys McClain

Clark, Mrs. Thomas J. Dougherty, Mrs, M, E. K. Doak, Mrs.

Charles Eastman. Mrs. \^'. G. Ewins. Mrs. F. M. Erwin. Miss

Henry Ewing. Mrs. G, W, Fall, Mrs, Alexander Fall, Mrs, E, W.Foster. Mrs. C. C. Gilbert, Miss Cora Hager, Miss Medora Hill,

Miss Martha Hill. Mrs. C. F. Kurd. Mrs, W, W, Hargrave,

Miss Elizabeth Hanrork, Mrs. S. K. Harwell. Mrs. A. B. Hill,

Mrs. John Hollin-. Mr-. William Hume. Mrs, C. Ross Handly,

Mrs, Horace C. IIMI. Mi-. K. Randolph Hughes, Mrs. Russell

Hart. Mrs. Amelia Han. oc k. Miss Dorothv Hill. Miss Catherine

Hill. Mrs. R. W. Jennings. Mrs. T. B. Johnson. Miss Louise G.

Lindsley, Mrs. M. A. Montgomery, Mrs, W. L. McKay, Mrs.

W. J. McMurray. Mrs. S. A. McAlister. Mrs. James McHatton.

Mr Caleb C. Motz. Mrs. R. 0. Melrow, Mrs, F, W, Millspaugh, Mrs, Thr.iiKi- \. v>

Nichol, Mrs, Jesse M. Overton. Mrs. Nancy Baxter Overton, Miss M.l.i ihi.

Porter, Miss Rebecca Porter, Mrs. A. H, Pardue, Mrs, G. A. Puryear. .Miss

George Price, Mrs, R. E. L. Parman. Mrs. John B. Ransom. Mrs. T. M. St.

Stein, Miss Carrie Simms. Miss Marjorie Spurr. Mrs. M. A. Spurr, Mrs. John

W. O. Tirrill, Mrs. Leslie Warner. Mrs. J. W. Warner. Mrs, Idabelle Wilson.

White, Miss W, W, Wilkinson, Miss Glenna Wilkinson, and Mrs. W, T. Young.


Mr-. Eli M,

/) (I I l)SO.\ (IMK\ /.V THE nORI.I)

The fi)lIowinf.' were active in all \\ar ai'ti\ilie~ fnnii the Annie lluni|)hrevs Mor-

ton Chapter:

Okfickks: Nrrs. We^t llu.nplireys \l..rl,.n. I'roideiit : Mrs. Will Bass. Vice-l'rcsid.-iit; MissOlivia Clark. Recording Sccrelary: Mrs. Tliomas J. Christman, Corrcspondino: Secretary; .Mrs.

Claude C. Sullivan, Treasurer; Mrs. Harry Kene Lee. Historian; Mrs. William H. Slieppcrson,

Flag Custodian; and Sliss Virginia Clark. Registrar.

Memiieks: Mrs. Robert I'ottell. Mrs. William A. Norman, Mrs. Minerva Yource Smith, Mrs.S. B. Sli.aron. Mrs. Tessie Harris. Mrs. J. H. Chan.ller. Mrs. Mattie .\lmond. .Mrs. O. B. Hof-

stetler. Mrs. A. Leathers. .Mrs. Mary Farrar Crutchfield.

P^Miss Georgie Brown. Miss Willie Brown. Miss Julia Mc-Crearv. Miss >[ary Traylor. Miss Mary Clia.ull.r. Miss Nell

Powell, and Miss Elizabeth Powell


1 Mill) l)\l CIITKKS OF COM I i)ii;\(;v

In .^eptenii.er, 1917, the AlViliatea Chapt.Ts .,1

ihr r. D. C. rontrihnted two hundred and fifty dol-

lars for a Red Cross ainhulance in Franee. and en-

dou.d several hospital beds. Eijiht hinidred andri'jlilv-seven dollars was eontiihnted to the fund for

III.- Xandeihilt T'nit "S" hv the chapters, and Miss

\lai;:a,el Si„,|,Mm. Chainnan for Tac Dav for the

\n,rii,,,M lln^iMlal at HIieiuK. Fran.e sr.uir.l luo

luiM.lre.l and fiflv dollars.

^Eib 'sopM.'H'wki,:.')The U. D. C. Chapt.-rs eo-operat,-d uill. the War

Savings Organization from the befriiniini!, and dininfr

one week's drive at a local department store. Miss Elizabeth Clayhrooke and her

(oiniuiltec sold S1.07,S.OO in stamps. In ilir W . S. S. Campaifrii in April, 1918, the

Nashville Chapter sold SIO.80.3 in stani|.^. and lli.- Mliliated Chapters in May sold a

total of Sl.200,00. and secured five Imndird dollars from members of the One-

Ilundred-Dollar Club.

A lar-ie number of the members of llie Alldialrd Cliaplrr-. 1'. 1). C. uere mem-bers of the Girls' Patrioti(' League: many signed and dislribulcl Ho,,\(r pledge

cards under Mrs. \^'alter L. Jones, Food Pledge Chairman for \.i-li\ illc and ollieis

served as registrars for the Woman's Committee, Council ol X.ilional Dcfen-.-. on

Registration Dav, One hundred U. 1). C.'s u.-re inrnibc,- ol il„- Vimv Comlorl

League, of which Mrs. Percy Warner was Chairman and Mi~. W llllan, I'.. SI,rl|o„.

a faithful Daughter, was .Secretary.

On the Woman's Committee, Coimcil of \,illnn.il Ddrn-r. ih,- Chaplers of the

Davidson Counlv Lnited Daughters of the ('..nl, ,1, , ... \ u,-,,- i, presented bv Mrs,

Alexander Fall,' who was Treasurer of the Na^luillr Woman-- Committee': Mrs.

lame- Mrllallon, Eighth District Chairman of the CoirnU Woman"- CmmitI,'.-:

Mr-. i;..|„-,t W. .Nichol. Countv Chairman of Woman's Connnillr,-: and Mr-. W c-|

linn, pin. A- \I.,rlon. Coimlv Tn'asnrer of the W.mian's C nill,-.'. \li-. I.l.di.'ll.'

Wil-..n an. I Mi-. L.-li-- Wain.T li.-ld i.r..mincnl -lal.- ..111.,-- ,,n lli.- W ..in.m'- Com-

.Membcis ..f Ih.' Alldial.'d Chaplers. V. 1). C.. «..,k..l in ll,.' .anipaiLM, l,„ ih,

Nurses" H.-serve in August, 191fi: and during the inlln.ii/,, .'|.i.l. nii. in O.h.b.T

191{J. a number of them gave their time to the work ..I nni-iri'j al \an.l. ilnll Uni

versity, at the School for the Blind, and in N.,rlh an. I >..iilli \.i-li\ ill.-.

In the first drive for refug..- . I..lliin-, M>-. 1,. \. M.Mnrrav -..x.-.l a> Cliai.ni.n

of the Aniliated Chapler.s, with M,-. \l,nk llau,-.,n .r- S.vMla.s. Mrs. llain-.n

( V.iB I

D .11 1 1) so ,V C U NT Y W O MEN I N T H E 11 (J R L I) W A K. 19 1 4-1 9 1 9

tlic United Daudueis of the C( dur


also served as a state ofTit(

the war.

Miss Virginia Claybrooke. Dinvtcir of tlic Felix Grundy Porter Children's Aux-

iliary, formed a Nashville Chapter, Red Cross knitting unit from a coterie of girls

from the Auxiliary, with the following girls serving as ofEcers: Miss Edith Rob-

erts, Miss Virginia Puryear. Miss Amelia Appleton, Miss Martha Warner and Miss

Martha Rawls.

This unit knitted several complete kits for tlie s<ildiers, and in addition to the

knitting, purchased Liberty Bonds in each of the five Liberty Loan ( ampaigns. TheAuxiliary as a whole adopted a French orphan and

maintained a Christmas market, the proceeds of which

were sent to the children of France. In memory of her

daughter, Mrs. Felix Grundy I deceased I , for whom the

Auxiliary was named, Mrs. Thomas Steger gave a lib-

eral contribution to the fund, which was a great help to

the children in financing their cause.

Miss Evelyn Crutcher, a loyal U. D. C, workedthree days each week in the Surgical Dressings Depart-

ment of the Nashville Chapter, Red Cross, throughout

the entire war, often serving as instructor at her table.

This splendid record is surpassed by only a few other

women in the county.

The following women were efficient workers in the^,1^^.

three Refugee Garment drives for the Red Cross, in the

five Liberty Loan campaigns, the several W. S. S. campaigns, th^

books, and each was registered for work in some one of the de

Chapter. Red Cross Headquarters:

Mrs. Thomas Appleton. Mrs. Robert L. Abernathy, Mrs. W. B. Ballanl, Mrs. Collins Baker,

Miss Maud Ballard, Mrs. R. B. Beal. Mrs. L. F. Beaty, Mrs. N. M. K. Bryan, Mrs. William Carr,

Mrs. W. N. Carter. Mrs. J. T. Chadwick, Mrs. F. A. Cheatham, Mrs. R. G. Crowley, Mrs. J. A.

Daugherty, Mrs. Meredith Flautt. Mrs. Smith Gee, Mrs. Nathaniel Gooch. Mrs. Nathaniel Gooch,

Jr., Mrs. Lyman Gunn, Mrs. W. W. Hargrave. Mrs. J. B. Harper. Mrs. Rush Hawes. Mrs. Harvey

Hogg, Mrs. William Hume, Mrs. Charles Hunt, Mrs, L, M, Hurst. Mrs. Ella Hussey. Mrs. Dorris

Kelly, Mrs. R. C. Kenyon, Mrs. Percy King, Mrs. Harr>' Lee, Mrs, James R. Love. Mrs. L. A.

McCarver, Mrs. Lewis McCary. Mrs. Fred W. Millspaugb. Mrs, A, H. Mizell, INIrs. Eugene

Morris, Mrs. W. H. Randall. Mrs. M. B. ^fortnn, Mrs, West Humphreys Morton, Mrs. Allen

O'Dell, Mrs. R. E. L. Parman. Mrs. Harold Pattrrson. Mrs. J. B. Pope. Mrs. J. V. Smith. Mrs.

Jesse Sparks, Mrs. A. F. Stanford, Mrs. Maude Sidlivan, Mrs. Vivian Tiipper, and Mrs, T. A.


Davidson County did not possess a more patriotic and efficient war worker than

Mrs. Thomas Newbill. She was a credit to her county and to the Daughters of the

Confederacy of the entire state. Nashville Daughters made no mistake when they

chose Mrs. Newbill as tlieir Chairman for Davidson County's World War activities,

as it was tlirough her efforts the County U. D. C. work gained national recognition.

Mrs. Bennett D. Bell was Chairman for East Nashville for the Nashville Chap-

ter, Red Cross. Mrs. L. F. Beaty, State Historian of tlie United Daughters of the

Confederacy, served as a Red Cross worker throughout tlie war. and also assisted

in other war work. Mrs. Mark Harrison, a state officer in the United Daughters of

the Confederacy during the war. was an able instructor in the Surgical Dressings

Department of the Red Cross, Mrs, John C. Brown, for several years a prominent

( 439 )


ments at Nashville

/> (1/ 1> s O \ C. I STY ir O M E V / \ T H E If O H I. I) IT A K. 1 ^> I II ') 1 9

leader in I". I). C. work, assisted in all i.ilMits Loan .liiv,- i„ \\u- , n„„tv an,l uas

active in many patriotic organizations.

In October. 1918. the Confederal.- Nclcaiw ,.( \a~liMllr. i,,i„tl\ uill, the I nited

Daujihlers of the Confederacy i27i frn,„ t,,ii, , l,,i|.l., -. ^,.1,1 the Kvening Tenncs-

scan, donated In the nianageiiienl. uii lli.- -Iic.|~ ,,l N,i-li\ill,-. lu-ttinfr over eight

hundred eijrhty-seven dollars and ihirUon, ccnl>. l!ii,::aJii i (iciieral Harry ReneLee. a veteran of the Civil V^'ar. exchanged that sum for French francs and forwardedforeign exchange to the X'anderhilt Medical Unit I Hi>spital I'nit "S"). at Nevers.

France. F^ach of the nurses (161 and privates (il i received eiuditv-four franco as

a Christmas present from the Confederate \ciri,iri~ nl liic Tnuir-^ii- l)i\i~ii.ii. --ta-

tioned at Nashville. Brigadier-General Lee lu.KU ih,- iiMlividu.d ir, i|,i,„l^ iccipt.

.\ Confederate battle flag (6x0 i . dnnatcl I,, lli,- \ and,: hill Mr.li.al I nil h\ Mrs.

Harry Rene Lee. was displaye.l in \\u- lln-,.ilal I rnl •.^- duiiii;^ ih,- uli.,|,- pri i,.d

of its foreign service. The flag i~ ik.u in |i,.--,-,-i,,n ,,1 \. .1. Haiid.

Miss Martha Warner, daughter ,,1 Miv ,1. W . W.iinci. .i -l.iun.ii l. I). C. ,i,rinh.-r

of the Nashville Chapter, did ev rpt i,.,Kil u,.,k m ih,- l.ihnlv l,,,,i,i-. W . S. ^. drives

and tag davs durint: the ^^ar. >h,- ,.U.. a--i-tr,| ,,, v.iii-.u- ar|i\itir~ nt th,- \a>h-

ville Chapter. R.-d Cm,-. TIu- W.iinr, l.niiiU u,i- .lUu udl n-pi ,M-nlr,l ,„i„„il' the

lightintr forces. Mi- \ni, I liniiplii .w \l,.it..n. ,i l;i .iinhLiirJilc, .,1 the \cii,'i,,M.-

.Ann Humphrev> M..,|,,n. to, uh..,,, ih.il rh.ipln u,i- nanicl. u,,~ aii..ihrr ai.l.-nl

war ^^nrker am. mi: ih.- -iiU. a- ua~ Mi- \m.-lia \ppli-t..M. ni.'. . .,f Mi>. 'rh,.Mias

N.-whill. Ciiairn.aii ..f W ..r \\.,rk ..f tli,- I . D. C.V (..r l)a\l.l-..M (:..iint\.

Fi'cncli 1ii(1('|)(Mh](mic(' Day Parade

Mi;-^. \lliM.li Mci.iKl, I.IUI-. (:h,iuman-(,rnr,al

On ,|ii1n M. \<>\:;. N..>luill.- ..•l.'i>rat.'.l Fi.'n.li In.i.-p.'ii.i.'n. , l)a\ uilli a -p.-c

laciilar street |)arade to conmiemoral.' ih.- tail .il tin- I'la-lih-. Mi-. \ . rii.a M.i.ir.'

Lewis was a])poinled Chairman-General ..( ll,.' paia.l.-. iM\ a-i-l.-.l \n Mi-. I pli

T. Howell and Miss Annie Dem.Aill.-.

Fverv patrioli. ami .i\i. ..ivaiii/ati..ii in Davi.lson C,.mit\ u.i- i .pi .-.iil.-.l l.\

historical floats an.! in.liM.lii.il imp.i -..n,il..i - .oriimenioraliiiii -..in.' imp.. it, ml .x.-nt

of French or .Ani.ai.,in lii-l..i\. tli.- p.n.i.l.- .vtiMidinu f..r s.'x.i.il mil.- in l.-mMli.

The laru'.'st .r.,u,l that ...itli.-i ..I in N.i-IimII.- nnlil lli.^ i.-liiin ..I ll,.- Icnn.-ssec

s.ddiers of the A. r:. F. a-.mil.|..l I.. In.i In- I i.ai. Ii n,iti..n,.l h.,l,.I..N.

On.- of Ih,- Mi.,-t attia.liv.- II.., it- in lli.' p.n.nl.' u.i- lli.il ..I s..ni.'U li.-iv in

Fian.-.-.- .l.-ii^M.-d \,^ Mr-. .|.,-.'pli T. Il..u,-ll L.i ll„- I .iiIhiI.-- CIiiI.Im-i, ..I Fian..-

of whiih is shown with that organi/ali..ii : iln- X.iln.n.il l...ijn. I.n W.. man's Service.

Nashville Chapter. A. 1!. C.. 'Til.' (nval.-l M..1I1.1. ^ \imx (:..inl...l l,.'a.jiie. War.Savings Organizati.m. \a-lnill.- anil C.mitN W.miair- < :..mniitt.v. C. iiii.il „{ Na-

ti.,nal Defense, tli.' (-irl-' l'al,i..ti. L.aL'ii,-. an.l tli.' \i.t..r\ Ganl.n \-.,. iati.m.



D.llinsoy COlMY lfO\lF.\ /V THE WORLD WAR. 10141919

Cdlllicil i )l Jew l>ll W ( UllCII

Mits. Ua, Si.llWAlil/. » ,.//,/ (/ „r I'rrsulrnl

Miis. Hkihkn Mills. I'nsi.lrni. l')2:!

Ill cid.liti,.!. I., maintaining tiie l^.Mtha |- rn-^teru al.l S,.. iai Ce.it.T an, I it- |.ie-

si-ril.e,l a.tivilie.-. liu- Couniil of Jewish Wnnuu. , ,.ni|>oM-.l nf several Inin.lre.l mem-

bers, gave instant and hearty co-operation in i\ir\ |iha>c ol orjiani/ed ellmt in

Davidson County made necessary by ^^altiml ( inKlilinn-.

One hundred knitted articles were made and dcmaliil ii\ tlic mcmliri> I,, the

Navv Comforts Committee in April. 1917: and heft,,,- ll„ f,,Tmalinn nl ih, \,i-li-

ville Chapter. Red Cr.iss. two jiroups of women fn,m lli,- C.ini. il - i\,- lu.. ,lavs

each week to jhe work of the Red Cro-. ari,l a- a rcMill l.Mill , ,.rii|il,l,J aili.h's

were turned in to the Nash\ille Chapl,-i lli',iili|ii,ii 1,1 - ii|M.ri il- ..1 uaiii/aliiiii.

Two hundred and forty-six Council m.rnJMi- |oin,,l lii,- Na-liMll,- Chapt,-, . U, d

Cross, during the first mendiership campaign in Max. I'MT. aii,i ,luiin;^ th,- \tir-

of 1917 and 191!! the sum of 83,111.50 was , ,,ntril.iil,',l t,, lli,- l!e,l Ci,,-- |,v th,'


' Twelve niendters of this organization -,i\,-,l ,1- n-ji-liai- on Registration T)av

in Ocloiier. 1917. and. under the direction ol \li-. I!,iil.,ri MilU. the members real-

ized the sum of one hundred ninety-one ,lollai> tioin lli,- -a!,' ol llii' special editions

of the Tennesseaii for the IVashville Woman- ( oiriinilhc ol wliicli Mr-. Mills

sened as the Publicitv Chairman, and much ol llu- -m , ,-- ol lli.il 01 ani/.ilion

was due to her capable manner of pre-i,'ntiri'.: lli,' , in-,'.

The Jewish Council also serv,,l uilh lii,- \a-l.\ill.- W onianV ( ;,innnilt,',-. C.nncil

of National Defense, in the Chii-ima- I!,,! (ao- Koll Call of I'll;;. ,,1 uhi. h Mrs.

John W. Thomas served as Chairman.

In response to the Nashville Chaplir. l!,,! (a,— ,all lor IIm.m- iIh l,ui-h

Council donated thirty-nine dozen handk, 1, lii,l-. loini,, n il,,/, n la,,' louel-. tuilv,'

dozen bath towels, ten napkins, sixteen -Im',i- an, I -i\l\ ilollar- in ,a-li.

Thirty-five mendiers of the Couniil l.pok llu- ,oiji-i- in ,li(tcli( -. arnl , la--,'- in

canning and home economi,s were orL'ani/,,! al ih,- ( ouinil- ^o, iai ( iii!,r. <>ar-

dening also received 71111, li alt,'iition liorn [In- iiurii

In Libertv Loan work tin- .1,-ui-li C. ini.il nuinl

the First Campaign: -SI H ).()()() in thc^>,, ,ai,l ; and ••

I'ourlh and Fifth Loan campaigns mor,- than on,' liii

salesmen. .Mrs. Sam Kessler. a Captain in tli,' I ,

sold more bonds than any other captain in /on,- I.

The Council contributed twentv-fiv,- , I. .11, 11- lo lli,

of National Defense, for the pun-'hasc ,.1 kit- lor ill.

ing offerings of jam. jellies ami pi, kl,-- 1.. -..I,lii-i-

C. in 1917. for the ll.Hth and I I Ilk Ma, bin,- (an,

11.1th F. A. Regim.-nts. So g,-n,-,..„- ua- ll,,- ..II, 11,

ceived'bv M,-. I.,-.. -.I,ua,l/. I"r.-„l,-nl. I,..„, ih,- -

In the ^ariou- ,lr,N,- ih,- Co,,,,,,! n,.-,,,!,,,- ,l,.„a

handkerchiefs to tl„- Na-hvillc Chapter. Re.l (a..-.

and 2..i()0 magazin, - ii, tl,,- book campaigns, laiilil



DAI 1 1) S O \ C O A A' T Y If' O M E N I N T H E I K. I 'I 1 4-19 19



\li-. s,, k.-l, \li-.Thev arc left to rii:lii. Ii

Leo Schwartz iSelnia hKinki. \\..iM \\,,i I'.r-Hl.ni nl il„. ( ,„,,„ ,1.

Belle Reisman). and \li-. Ji.lni- \1,min, ',|r.,„riir l.nM. >,vm,hI

(Tessie Blum), jMrs. Muiu.s Elli, ( Liia GoUII.eis). and \li^. I..-,-

Third row. Mrs. Louis Aach (Emma Bloomstein), Mrs. David l!n-

and Mrs. M. A. Grief (Theresa Katz). Mrs. Reuben M. MilUCounoiTs President in 1923. was one of the most able and untiri

tiounty. Her publicity work received state and national recofinili

U.I,- M(,^;s).


i^jii was t^ie

by the Council, and a contribution of one hundred seventy-two dollar? was madeto the milk and ice fund by. this organization in 1918.

Members of the Jewish Council- assisted ilu- \a»liville Woman's Committee with

the registration of student nurses in Aul!ii-I. I'M.';, and baby gowiis were made bymembers and distributed to peedy motliei^ ibroui^hdut Nashville by nurses of the

Civilian Relief of the Nashville Chapter. Ked Cros<

The service rendered by the Council of Jewish Women in Americanization workwas so successful that it was still being carried on by them when this v'^olume went

to press. During the war ninety-nine foreign-born adults of Nashville were taught

to read and, to vnite English Ijy members of this organization, and" twenty-nine

students were induced to attend the Nashville night schools, and eight additional

pupils were added to the classes at the Watkins Night School. In many cases

foreign-born mothers were taught to correspond in English with their sons whowere in service."^ No other organizatitfn in the stat^ did a more creditable or far-

reaching work along this line than this one.

The following members qf this organization served as executive officers of the

Jewish Council Organization during the World War:Mrs. Leo Schwartz. President; Mrs. Dave Rosenfeld, First Vice-President; Mrs. Dave Lowen-

heim. Second Vice-President; Mrs. Lee Lovenlhal. Treasurer; Mrs. Louis .\ach. Secretary; Mrs.Julius Martin and Mrs; Joe Cronbach. Corresponding .Secretaries; Mrs. Lou Frank and Mrs.Max Bloomstein. .Auditors.

( 443 )

DIIIDSoy (01 STY ttnMF:\ l\ THE ttORI.n IT AH. I » HI 9 1 9

Special Cliainnen for ^\>r\d War aitivilie* in tht- C.imu il of Jewish W i>men


Mr-. J. W. Stein. Km.kI (:..ii>,Tv;.li,.n. W ;ir Car.l.n- arul Cnll.cliHt: of H„..k> f..r Sol.liers:

Mrs. I'aul Ci-lin. .'^e.-..n.l Call for Books for Sol.liers: .Mrs. H.ul.ei. Mills, Kirsi and .Second

Liberty Loans; Mrs. .Sol Lowenslein. Third Liberty Loan; Mrs. Ben Lindauer. First EmergencyWar Work: .\[rs. Morris Ellis. Secon.l Einerpency War Work; Mrs. Joseph Weinstein. Ameri-canization: Mrs. Lee Loyentbal, War Sayings Stamps: Red Cross. Mrs. Ben Lindauer. Mrs. Davel!os.-nfeld. Nfrs. Henry Teitlebaum. Mrs.Mos.- Creif. Mrs. Eli l{,deUl,ein,.r. mm. I Mi-- Sadie

Krank, .Newspaper Sales. Pageantry and Exhil)iliiin> for War WOrk.

Afenibers of the Council who held important positions in other paliiolic or-

jranizations were:

.Mrs. Bernard Fensterwald. Red Cross Canle.n. Red Cross Motor Corps ari.l C'nW .\ii\illar* :

Mrs. .\L S. Lebeck._ Vice-I>resident of .^rmy Comfort League an.! \ic<-l'resideul of the National

league for Woman's .Seryice, and Chairman of Automobiles in Fourth Liberty Loan; Mrs. A.I.oyeman, State and Dayidson County Treasurer of National League for Woman's .Seryice; Mrs.

Joseph Lindauer, Chairman Nashyille Chapter. Red Cross .Shipping Department; .Mrs. ReubenMills. Publicity Chairman of Woman's Committee for Nashyille, Council of National Defense,

and Publicity Chairman for Woman's Committee in First and Second Liberty Loans and 1918

Red Cross Christmas Roll Call: .Mrs. Leo Schwartz. President of the Council, seryed on the

-Americanization Committee's State Board, and was Chairman of .Social Service Agencies. Ten-nes.*ee Division of Woman's Committee; Mrs. Henry Teitlebaum. Vice-Chairman for Nashyille,

Woman's Committee. Council of National Defense; .Miss .Sadie Frank, Psychologist for Kecon-siruetion Medical Aid (also st-rved overst-as with American Reliefl after the Armistice: Mrs.

Sol Lowenstein. Tliir<l Liberty Loan; Mrs. J. C. Lusky. Stale Chairman i>f Jewish Council for

I niti-d War Work Campaign; and Mrs. Sam Kessler, Captain in K..nrtli l.ilierlv Loan ami

Chairman of War Activities for Equal Suffrage .Association.

Memhers of the Council purchii-sed and sold S10.181..HO in \X ai ."^axiMjis Slan)|i-

during one week of the Second ^'. S. S. Campaign in January, I'MIl,

In .April. 1018. the Council of Jewish Women was in charjre ol a I tli fm liir

sale of stamps, from which thev realized .?22.0()(). Mis. j. C. l,u-k\ -ol.i the

iar.L'est amount of stamps that was sold li\ aii\ unni.ir' in l).i\i(l-..M CuiiiU iii ..ric

dav dtirinjr the entire |)eriod of the w.ii. uliilr Mi-. I.ei- !,.i\ ciiilial. ( ii.iii rn.iii i.l

W. S. S.. held the l.est record of ,>al,- n,,.,lr ,„ ,,.n |,.ili,n|„ ,„_, „,i/,, 1 1,,,, ,,l tl„-

county. Mrs. I.ou l.u-kv ua- ,,nc ol llir ,n..-i anhul umkn- in .,11 \.,- .lav- In,

war relief work.

Amonp those in the (!(i,iiiril whip woikiil i,i r\ri\ |ili,,-.> ol w.i, .,(ll\il\ ue,c:

.Mrs. Louis Aach. Mrs. 1,-a.lor,- Mm.iIk,,,,-, \1i-. IuImi- Mu.ili.nn-. \1,-. I.—.. Ml.., I. Mr>.

Joseph Abrams, Mrs. Sam Albert. \1,- M ^. \i.,l.u. h. M,-, I, 1'..,. h. M,- I.,,,,.- It.,,i-iein.

Mrs. Lee Bissinger, Mrs. Julius HI... I.. \l,-. \l,i\ HI....,,,-,, i.,, M,-, S.„i, lil....„i-l.,,i. \1,-- llarrv

Blum. Mrs. Jo.^-jih Blum. Mrs. L. Blum. Mr-. U. 1). Blum. Mr-. I). l(ogal>kv. Mr-. I.. liocat>kv.

Mrs, Prrrv Bromberg. .Mrs. II. Brown. .Mrs. .Max Burkr. Mrs. KIlis Cahn. Mrs. L. (aplaii. Mr-.

S.,1. Clim-. Mrs. 11. A. C.dicn. Mr.*. Jacob Cohen. Mr>. Louis Cohen. Mrs. M. I). Coh.-n. Mrs.

Nathan Cohn. .Mrs. Sol. Carnswet. Mrs. S. Cronslein. .Mrs. Charles C..l,n, M,-. S..I. C.li,,. Mrs.

Joseph Cronbach. Mrs. H. Dalsheimer. .Mrs. A. Davis. Mrs. Julia Davis. M,- I ,,„,- l(.,,,„„„d,

.Mrs. .Sol Do'fus. Mrs. M. Dickerman. Mrs. Joseph Khrenwahl. Mrs. I. Elli-. \l.- M....- llli-

Mrs. S. N. Epstein, Mrs. Alex. Eskin.l. Mrs. J..seph Eskin.l. Mrs. Oscar K-k,n,l. \1,-, I.. 1,1,1-

man. Mrs. M. Feldman. Mrs. .Sam F.-l.lm.-,n. Mr-, li.rnnr.l F.-nsterwald. M,-. \1..\ 1 ,,,-li,ie.

ilrs. Sidney Firestine. Mrs. Adolph Fish. M,- l,,ls. 1 i-li. I \1,- l..-cpl> Fisher. Mr^. J. Fisher.

Mrs. .Sam Fishman, Mrs. Frank Fleisma,,. \l,- \l 1 1. i-,„,iii. Mr-. Wilbur Florsheim. Mrs.

J. H. Foreman, Mrs. Ab,- Frank. Mrs. H,„ I ,.,.,k. Mr-, l,„i.,„„.'l Frank. Mrs. Jamrs Frank.Mrs. John v. Frank. Mrs. Lou Frank. Mrs, Millr,,, F,a„k. Mr-, Sol, Franklan.l. Mr-. l,.,.p.>ld

Franklin. .Mrs. J. Fri.-d, \h>. B. Fri,-,bnan. Mis. Morilz Fr,idn,an. Mrs. M. Frri,l„,a„. Mr-.

S,mr.n Cherlncr. Mrs. E. (;ii,k. Mrs. J.,-pi, (Mick. Mrs. A. I.. (;ohll„-rg. Mrs. A. 1.. C.Libera.

Jr.. Mrs. Paul Goldb,-rg. Mrs. Sam Coldberg. .Mrs. .Sam Coldhn.-. Mrs. ,Mvi„ C.ol.lo.-r. \1,-. F.

Coldner. Mrs. B. Goldner, Mrs. Fred Coldner, Mrs. J. (;..l.l>..r. M,-. 1 C.l.lo.r. Mr- \1.

Cnldncr. ,Mrs. Max Goldstein, Mrs. Walter Giddstein, Mr- ^..1.., i (. I,,..,,., M,-. -..iil

Gordon, Nfrs. Adolph Greenspan, Mrs. L. Greenspan. Mrs, \l..-. (.,.,1, \1,- |),,„, G,..-, M,-.

Al,x, llaa-. Mr-. J, llab.r. Mrs. Ella Haiman. Mrs. Hatti.- II.,,. /xk. Mr- W, K. Ilarr,-, Mr-.

i,.-..„ Ib-.lit, Mrs, Ophelia Ib-rht. Mrs. Abe. Henning. Mr-, H.„. Il.,„,;,,i, \1,-, I,. Ib'rshknvil^.

Mr-, I, II, ll,rt/ka. Mr-, M, llirsch. Mrs, Sam Hirs<-h. M,- \l.. Ili> -hi... -, Mr-, Cliarle-

f 444)

cot NT y II OMEN IN r II K 'HI. I) II I K. I'll II 'II <

^^ K^

II. L,N.ml. Mi.-, l;. L.nn.ll

Herbert Levy, Mrs. Isailuri'

111! Levy, Mrs. L Lewintlial.

Mr-. Jo:^,-pli Li-htman. Mr-.-, ll.Mi. r in.l.iu.i. Ml-. T -

lUrslibrr;:. .Mr-, l-aar Hir-lilu-rf:. Mr-. Jakr II ir-lihrrn;, Mr'^. S. O. Hncli*. Mr-. .1. B. llvman,

Mrs. r. llMii.n, Ml-. N.iiImii IKiiKin. Mr-. S,.l lUman. Mr-. K. ,|,ir..li-. Mr- l..-.-|ili |m,„|,ii-,

Mrs. In 1,1,1,11 Ml- V.nnn jnl, „-,,„. M,-. \,lnl|,h ,|,„i;,-. Ml-. I.. ,|..i,.,-, M,-, Villiin |.,-, |,li,

Mrs. ll.iiM Im-, ill,. Ml- M, In-rph. Ml-, ll.lll^ Kl.iiiiiaii. Mi- I, K,,|,l.ii;. Mi-, ^.m, K1--I.1 Ml-.

A. Kir-I,,iri. Ml- I

V Kl. III. M,

Kornman. Jr.. Mi-, hviiiu K..iiinia

Mrs. Gus. Kiiliii. Mr-, I,. W . k„lii

Harry Lefkovii/. M.-. .Kik. 1,,1Is,,m

Mrs. Jake Ltibnviiz. .\h>. .M. I • ,

Mrs. Abe. Levy. Mr.s. Cbarlc- I .

Mrs. M. J. Levy. Mrs. R. Z. I • v

Mrs. Dave Li{;ht.nan. Mrs. ManxMorri- r.iL^lilnian. M,-. M, A. I ,.l

Loeb. M,- l"-,|il, I ii,,l,,,,r,, M,- I, I ,,l,l,,,l,Ml^, M,- \ Im.,,,,,,.ii, Mi-,

Henrv I M^. ,„,,,,. \l,-, ( i,,,,!- -I mv,iii1i.,L \I,-, IKm,,- I ,,., ,,ii,,,l. \l,-.

Lee Linrnlli.,!, M,- M,,,|,., |.,\r,iilial. Mi-. M.ii\ I uxriitli.il. Mi-, ll.nr

Lowenheiiu, Mr-, I'.. ],,,„, 11-1, in. Mrs. L Luwenstein. Mrs. Julius l.nwm-stein, Mrs. Sol. I,,,».ii-irin. XFrs. B. Lubin. Mrs. Herman Lubiu. Mrs.

J. C. Luskv. Ml-. K. I'. I,ii-kv. Mrs. Lou Luskv. Mrs. Maurire Lu-kx.

Mrs. Flnirr Ma,,-. Mr-, \, wman Mainion. \rr-. Hnrrv \fnrklr. Mr .

Haiinali Muk-, \l>- ^1^ \Kiik-, Mi- Inlm- M,,,iin, Mi-. I,-,, \l,,,i,,,.

Mrs. N, M,i,i,,,, M,- l-.i.l-,,- \kil, -,,,,. M,-, Mmnnirr M.u. Mi-, \, II,

Mever. Mr-. Il.nrx Mill-, M,- i;.,il„,, M. \l,li-, M,-, M, M..r,i-. Mi-Sam ^b.rris. ^[rs. \)J^. M...-. . M,- bi-,,,!, Mm,-, M,- I, i;. \]. .,-..

Mrs. Sam Moskovitz. \l,- l-.i.n Mmi-. Mi- I, \,««miiIi. M,- I;, S.

Paplanus. Mrs. E. L I'ai.li,,,,-. \li- I, I'll-k M,- II'mIi,,,,, M,- \ W .

Miss Mavbellf .\brams

Powers. Mrs. M. For-.-. Mi-. J. Kaph.i,!. .Mi-. K. luMcl-luuiirr. .Mr.-.

Hannah Reisman. Dr. Ctlia Rich. Mrs. Herman Rich. Mrs. Julius Rich, Mrs. B. Rittenberg. Mrs.

G. P. Rose. Jr., Mrs. H. Rosen. Mrs. D. Rosenfeld, Mrs. Ben. Rosenfeld, Mrs. L. Rosenheim, Mrs..M. Ro-enthal. >rrs. A. Roth. ^[rs. Aaron Rothehilrl. !\Irs. J. P. Rosenthal. Mrs. R. S. Salzkotter,

.Mrs. S,Mi;,,iir ,<ainii,l-. Mr-. l..-,|.]i 'i.iii.l.r-on. ^Ti -. Snlnn„,i, ^.,u^,.r. Mr-, T. Sl,.,n.-n. Mrs.

W. Sb.iihii, Ml-, s,,,,, V,, 1,1^1^,,. M,-, li ^, l,,,li,,.,,,. Ml- -, --. I,,il„,,,,,. Ml-, II, -, l,u.,ii/. Mrs.

Leo Srln,,iii/. Ml- II,, ,^ S,l,^„,,ii,. Ml-, \|,., ^I.Mi, M,- li.ivr ^, l,ii,,,l,.v ,i/. Ml- I,,,, vi,,,.,-.

Mrs. .\. r.. .--liMr. Ml-. -,1111 sin,.,. Ml-. •-.Mil ,SiK, rh.'M. Mr-. \ll,.rl --iK, -101.111. Mr-, lake

Silverman, Mrs. Ma.x Silverschatz, Mrs. Charles Simon, Mrs. H. D. Simon, .Mrs. J. Simon, .Mrs.

Annie Simons, Mrs. L. Small, Mrs. Sam Small, Mrs. M. N. Sobel. Mrs. V. S. Sobel, Mrs. D.Solinsky, Mrs. Harris Solinsky. Mrs. P. Solomon. Mrs. Herman Spitz. Mrs. Jake Starr. Mrs. B.

Stein, Mrs. Joseph Stein. Mrs. M. <t, in Mr-. <am '^tein. Mr- ^r, Steiner. Mr=. H. «t.lzer. Mrs.



J. Stelzer. Mrs. M. S. Stern. Mi- Will,,,,,, In,drich, Mrs. A. Ulovitz. Mrs. B. W ,1--, , inm, M,- I

Mrs. A. S. Weinbaum, Mrs. H. Ik \\,,,,l,. \

Joseph B. Weinstein. Mrs. I. W , ,,,-|, ,,,. M,-.

Weise. Mrs. Joseph Werthan. Mr-. M \\,,il,^,,,

Nathan Weiner. Mrs. S. H. \\,l-,„,. M,-. Mn.lMrs. H. Zander. Mr=. H. Zibaii Mi- I,, /il,,,i

Miss S,,,,lik, l;,i,:,,l.i. Mi-- Kli/.,l„ili l!l, „,„,-[,

Dorotlix ( ,,,ii-i,-,,i. Ml-- I ,,iii,- h, ,,,,,, I, I, M,-- s

Garfink!.'. Mi- i;,'b,, , .1 (,li,k. Mi- ( ,„,„,„ (;,,l

man. Miss Natalie llir-, li. \li- l),,ia llii-.liber

Delia Joseph, :\riss B.aln,.- K..ii,r. Mi-- France;

ston. Miss Lena Nlark-. Mi- liilia l;,,l, l-li,iner.

Rosenfeld. Miss Sylvia Rosenfeld. Miss Llla Roth

Miss Minna Weiner, Miss Frances Wolf.

Among the junior workers of tlie .Iiuish Cdiiinil were:

Miss Natelle Albert, Miss Salli,- HIa, li. Mi- Mal„l Coin,. Mi-Cohen. Miss Florence Cronstein. Mi— K'o-.ili, |)al-l,,iiii, 1. Mi-- II, I,


man. .Mi-s Leah Fleishman. Mi- II. I. n Ki.inkk.n.l. Mi- < ,1,.. C.l,!,,,

Miss Aik.'i, G,,MI„'ri:. Mi- Miii.i I l.n Ini.in. \li- l;.,il,,.,' K.-l.-r. MCathen,,.' l,)-kx. Mi- M, I, I, 111,,' lll-k^. M,- b,^,,,,. Ii^lii,,,,,,,, M,-(Raph.i,-I. M,- I

•„!,-, Ill, I,. M,-- kill, I

s,I, u, ,,!/„, ,,,,. Ml- \k,.l, I,,.,-

Small. Ml..- Caioliu,- .-kin. .Mi.- Je-aiuin, St,.iii. .\Ii = . Lillian WeiZander.



I. Tugen-Weiman,

-er. Mrs.r-. A. L.

ner. Mrs.II, Zager,




Fanny Henlein. Miss Lily Iser, Miss

Lerman, Miss Ida Lipsic, Miss Ethel Living-

Miss Amy Rich. Dr. Celia Rich, Miss Mollie

Miss R. Stravinsky, Miss Elizabeth Suchman,

D,ilII)S()\ <:Ol\Ty I10MF\ /.Y THE WORLD WAR. 19 14-1919

Tlic Latlio" I It riiiilage Assorinlioii

Mks. H. V. Wii.M.N ail, I Mk>. Hkmii: M. Donki.son. II orl,I liar Rrsenls

Th.- l.adi.-/ Hermitage A;^

whose purpose is the preser

h)cated in Davidson Countv,

from thi


iation. a patriotic organization of Tennessee womenion of tlie historic liome of Gen. Andrew Jackson,

craged actively in every phase of World War work>f tlie soldiers from France,

tioii the first year of America's

)ii was elected Regent.

...1 \i,e-Kc.jcMl. Other

\>s,.rialion .liiiiri.^ the

e very first call for sen'ice unii

B. F. \^'ilson served as Regeiil n\ ihr \-

and until Mav. 19].'!. when Mr-, il.llv \i. Doi

aii.l Mr-. I!. I . WiN,Mll,r,.,> of 111,- l,a,li,-'

\\,.il,l War u,T,':

Ml-- l.,>uise G. Lindsley. Second \ ice-Regent: Mrs.

Mai\ ( iirrey Dorris, Secretary; Mrs. Margaret Lindsley

I,- iii,ks. Treasurer: and Mrs. Harrv W. Evans.

\h-. I'orter Phillips. Mr-. I>'. \. ll,Mir\ aii.lM.-. i;,luanl

T. T.owe. nire,t,.r-.

When the Navy Conilurl- Coumiitt,',- is.-ucd a call

r.>r comfort kits for the men of the Gunboat Nasliville

,111,1 the Cruiser Tennessee. Mrs. B. F. Wilson, the

Kcgent. appointed Mrs. Porter Phillips as Chairman and

Mrs. McFwen Ransom as Vice-Chairman of the Navy(Comforts Committee to solicit subscriptions and to or-

^'"~ ''


iH" - ganize an army of workers among the Association's

members to knit comforts for the soldiers. Mrs. Wilson

also headed this li.-t uith a large donation for the wool fund, which enabled imme-

diate action. From fifty to one hundred member- cif till- bodv joiiicl in llii' i-fT,irt-

of the connnittee and weekly meetings were bel.l. uilli Mi-. I'..il,'i i'lillll|i- aii,l Mr-.

McEweii Ransom, who also served as iiistru, l,>i- in kiiillini;.

On April 11. 1917. Miss Margaret Wilson, daughter of the beloved President.

Woodrov. \^ ilson. visited Nashville and gave a concert to raise funds for welfare

work among the soldiers. Mrs. B. F. Wilson, tlie .Association's Regent, tendered

Mi-s Margaret Wilson a luncheon at llu- lii-l.ui. Hermitage, home of General

.\ndrew Jackson, during her stay in \a-li\illc. ,,ii uhich occasion there were pres-

ent, in addition to the honoree. who li,r-ilt ua- a Pre-ident"s daughter, represen-

tatives from the families of two of Tennessee's distinguished Pre-idenls. AndrewJackson and James K. Polk. The luncheon was served in the hi-lori,- old kitchen,

and -Mrs. Rachel Jack.^on Lawrence, granddaughter of "Old lli,k<,rv."" ih,- sev,'nlli

President, shared th«; honors with the daughter of President W ,),>drow Wtwenty-eighth President of the United States. Other guests at the lun. In

the following ofTicers and members of ihi- L

Mrs. Bettv M. noncl-,,ti. Mi-. \. M. Sh

Mrs. K. T. Lowe. Mrs. Marv C. I)..iii-. Mi-

Mrs. D. T. Kimbrough. Mr.-. A. 11. Sl.ua, I. Mi

Mi-s Louise G. Lindsley, Miss Virginia N, I-,

ftoss. Miss Margaret Wilson's accom|iaiii-l Im lni ,ipiii,il imii.

Tlie menil.er-liip of |h.- Ladie-' Hermitage Association wa- oiw liiinilrcd p,-r

cent in the pioii,-,-i u,.ik ,ii llic lii-l Liberty Loan Campaign in \a-li\ill,-. April.


.-" Ib-rmilai

D (I I l>SO\ ( 01 yTY If' OM EN IN THE « R I. I) IF A R. 10 I 4-1919


1>IIII)><).\ COl.MY ir<)Ml-:.\ I .\ THE nOHLI) ff.-IA". I') I 11 9 1


Leslie \^ aiiier. and Mrs. John M. Kennv. slate niruers of tlie WOiiianV Comniille.".

National Coiiniil of Defense.

Mrs. Leslie Warner gave a [onM at the haiKniet. after uliicli -lie lianilr,! llie

gold sword of General Jackson to Secretary MeAdoo. with nhi.h \n ( iil an aili-tic

cake, designed in patriotic colors l.y Mrs. Bettie Lyle Wilson for the .„,...,,.„ I h.-

cake Avas later packed h\ Mrs. R. F. \^ilson. the Recent, and sent 1.. \li~. William

McAdoo. al Washington.' Kho uas National Cliairrnan of llic Woman- lahcvlv l.nan


.Secretary McAdoo was jjreseiited uilli a ;:a\<l liv ollii crs d' lln- Association madeof hickory from the Hermitage estate. During his visit al the Hermitage he per-

sonally signed the certificate which made tlie Ladies" Hermitage Association a legal

agent of the United States Treasury Department for the sale of War Savimis Stamps.

Mrs. Porter Phillips. Chairman of thi- work lor the A>mi. iaii.m. al>,, signed the

certificate with Secretary McAdoo.On Octoher 17. 191}!. at a general me<-ling of the l.a.lic-' llnnnlaL;,' \<soria-

tion. Mrs. Sam Phillips. State Chairman of the Fourth Loan, and \li-. I r-lir War-

ner. State Vice-Chairnian-at-large of the Woman's Committee, madr .i.l.li'--r- in

ihe interest of the Second Liliertv Loan, and the mendicrs of the l.i.li.-' Ilnniilagi'

.Association suliscrihed for S2.').(KI(t In liomk al llic nici'iiri'j.

The memhers of tliis hody ucic ai li\r |iar liripanl- in r\vi\ foiin of war work

for home and foreign relief, and look pail in r\,-[\ pnMii rrlcln alion ihiriicj ilic

war period. The following mcmlMr- li.'M imporlani >lal.- and (-..nnlv oil,,-,-, m ill.'

various patriotic organizations:

Mrs. B. K. \Vils,,n. Mrs. Eugmc (aiiulin. \li>. \ .ni l.,,r Kiiknia].. M.>. W.illn Sluk<>. Mr.-,

.lolm T. Henderson. Mr^. Craip McFarland. Mrs. Join. O. Wl.il.-. Mrs. Kiubin .Mills. Miss Delia

Dorlcli. Mrs. W. J. Morrison. Mrs. .Mex. CaUlwrll. Mrs. Jesse M. Overlon. Mrs. W. G. Ewing.

Afrs. K. E. Fort, Mrs. John K. .\ust. Mrs. Marv C Dorris. Mrs. Ilarrv \V. Evans. Mrs. Edward.A. Poller. Mrs. Lvon Childress. .Mrs. James S. Fra/.r. Mr-. J,.1,h M. K.nnv. Mr-. Holurl Vi'.

Niehoj. .Mrs. \ern.>n .Sharp. Mrs. W. L. Granherv. \li-. Mil.- W iIImim-, \Ii- LLiImII,- W il-.n.

Mrs. Percy Warner. Mrs. Leslie Warner. Mrs. E,l«ar,l Ml.i, LIihI-.n. \1i- I m,,-,- (;. I.i„,l-I,.v.

Mrs. Perev 1). Maddin. Mrs. Joseph Warner. Mr-. (;inlt..r.l l)i..ll.v. Mr-. K W . F.-I.i. Mr-.

Itirhard T. Wilson, .Mrs. George .\. Wa.sliincl..,,. \l,- I luii. - W. R.ker. and .Mrs. James H. Ezzell.

The Jackson Day celehration. held aniinalK ..n the 8th of January, was changedfrom the usual ball' to a patriotic lea L.r lli.- \. ar- lOlD and 1910. and tiie moneyobtained was turned o\cr I., -i-x.'ial p.iliioli. .n ",iiii/alion- L.i lli.- pnr.lia-e ol \\..o|

for the making of garni, nl- l.u tli. 1. mii.--c.- Iiii\- in lian. .. \li-. I.iliii ll.ni\

Smith .served as Chairman ..I lli. |.aliioli. . . I. I.i ,ili..ii i... I'M;:, an. I -li.' an. I h.a

oinmittec arranged an artisli.- . .I.Im .ili.m. a- well a- a -ii.i.--tnl .mi-.

For the parade for the Fnn. Ii In.l. p.n.l.n. c l).i\ . . I. I.i ,il i..ii in \a-li\illi-. on

July IL 1918. the Ladies" ll,-i inilaL:.- \-... i.ili .piippi-.l a 11. .al. ulii. Ii ua- origi-

nated and designed hv Mi-. I'.. I . W il-on. .in.l v.ln.li .i.mI.'.I inu. Ii lavoraM.- em-inent along the line of niai.li lor il- aili-li. ai i aiiL..'iiiiail ami rrali-li.' inipii -o;ia-

tions of great men in hi.-loi\.

Kxpressions of confidence ami pii.l.- in our 'riiiiir--ii' Ihi\- wnr .all.il .i\i i-cas

to General Tyson by the RegcnI. \li-. I'-.-lli,' M. |)om-l-.,ii. uln. Ii u.r,- arkm.u l.-dged

by him in terms of the warmc-t appin iaii..ii. ()ii Mai. Ii

ncssee boys of the A. K. F. came home lln- mcml.. i- ..I ili

welcomed the returned heroes in a li...l\ liom lIu Imn .

residence on Broadway. Mrs. B. F. W il-oii ua- i|.| ..ml..l

as Chairman of the Home-<-oming (amimill. ., iml Mi- I.I

(Miairrnan of Features for the magnilHi nl ii.iiad.-.

In May. 1918. Mrs. B. F. Wilson, ih.- Regent, in the nameAssociation, presented a copy of the Farle jiorlrait of Ginllie Dreadnaught Tennessee, the largest battleship afloat in


l'l|'». ul


DAI 1 1) S O .V C O I' NTY IT O M E N I iV 7' // E If H L I) It A R. 19 11-19 19

Throughout the entire period of tiie war the members of the Ladies' Hermitage

Associatdoii, as an organization and as individuals, served their country as if ani-

mated by the spirit of the great hero whose memory they preserve and re^ere: and

the Hermitage Home was the scene of many patriotic gatherings for World Waractivities. One of the first Red Cross auxiliaries in the county was formed at the

Hermitage estate, of which Mrs. John T. Henderson and Mrs. Craig McFarland

were the organizers; and the splendid results achieved by the women of the Second,

Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Districts of Davidson County, which are located in

the Hermitage community, were an honor to the memory of the former distin-

guished resident of the Hermitage Home. Mrs. B. F. Wilson, Regent for 1917, and

till the latter part of May. 1918, was one of the most generous supporters of the

county to all World War relief work, and assisted materially with the work of the

preservation of the World War records of the women of Davidson County.

The death of Mrs. Rachel Jackson Lawrence, the nearest relation of General

Jackson, occurred as tliis volume went to press. Her funeral was held in the

Hermitage Home, where as a child she was a great comfort to General Jackson,

and was known as "Little Rachel."' Mrs. Lawrence was active and a loyal sup-

porter of every World War activity.

Tag Day for the Salvation ArmyMrs. Horace Sjiith and Mrs. C. C. Waggoner. Chairmen

The work of the Salvation Army in the war was so much appreciated by the

women in Davidson County that they held a public tag day for the benefit of this

organization in March, 1919. One hundred women stood on the streets of Nashville

all day to receive donations. Mrs. Horace Smith served as Chairman of the day,

and Mrs. C. C. Waggoner, Assistant Chairman. The following women were sta-

tioned on the prominent corners of the down-town district:

Mrs. Henry Gillespie, Mrs. Herman Lubin. Mrs. Paul Hunter, Miss Regina Lightman, Mrs.Gerald Sanderson, Mrs. J. W. Pentecost. Mrs. R. B. Bennett. Mrs. James Hutchison, Mrs. EwingPollard, Miss Sarah Hii. Ii. ,„ k. Mi-^ E.iiih Kmn.it, Mi- Flcnu, B.nnrii. Miss Camile Mc-Pherson, Mrs. W. C. Ciw,. \l,-, M,,,,,,,, ( ,,,1, ,„ k. Mi-, ,1. \l \ikiii-. \li-. i.r,,rge Moore, Mrs.Claud Sullivan, Mrs. Frank -^..n. \1,-- n,,,,,tli\ l;i,iii.l..ii. \li-- (..,,,^1., \li/,||. Mrs. Harry Sude-kum, Mrs. Charles LeS.ui. \li-. II, I', lla,ll,^. \li-, \I,a ( ..Im. \li-, Inliu- Rich, Mrs. GibsonPatterson, Miss Albert Roth. \li-, \.iMiii .|..lin-..ii Mi-- i.I.kKs C. Chamberlain. Mrs. HenrySpicer, Miss Lillie Iser, Mrs. I'.iul ( nlm. Mi— MiMk^I \n-iin. Salvation Army Lassies, Mrs.George H. Williams. Mrs. John M. k. niu. Mi- l.niia (..II. Mi^s Jennie Buckner, Miss NannieHartley, Miss Dorothy Clark. Mis=. t,la.K> Llaike. Mis.- Maitlia Gooch, Mrs. Ira B. Clark, MissMarie Clarke. Miss Helen Patton. Mrs. Alex Irving, Mrs. J. C. Walker, Mrs. William H. Buch-anan, Mrs. Sam Kessler. Mrs. Lou Lusky. Mrs. Harry Weintrub, Mrs. Harry Markle, Mrs. E. F.

I.usky, Mrs. Maurice Steiner. Mrs. Jnhn A. Jones. Mrs. Jake Starr. Mrs. Sidnev Freidman,Miss Ethel Hicks. Miss Natelle Allnit. Mr^. W. H. Buchanan. Miss Celia Goldner. Miss CeUaPaplanus, Mrs. Mary Harris. Mr-, W . -1 M.,ii,,n. Mrs. Neil Jones. Mrs. Charles Schobern, Mrs.

Marv T. Hubbs. Mrs. George r.iini„ui.,ii. Miss Ruth Sellev. Mrs. Kathryn P. Wright, MissElizabeth Garner, Miss Mary Kin-. Mr-s Neville Hubbs, Mrs. Lyon Childress, Mrs. R. C. .Moore,

Mrs. Kirk Hart, Mrs. Colin Baker. Mrs. Bert Woodard, Mrs. Percy Williams. Mrs. Martin Flan-

nigan, Mrs. James Austin, Mrs. W. C. Hobson. Miss Edith Benton. Mrs. Searcy Green, MissKatherine Nelson, Miss Maud Ballard. Mrs. J. H. Grimes. Mrs. John Coode. Mrs. Charles Cald-

well, Mrs. Delia Brew. Mrs. John Stunib. Mrs. H. Cauvin. Mrs. John Van Tien, Miss Allie

Grewar. Mrs. Verner Moore Le\\'is, and Miss Lizzie Mooney.

The amount of 11,800 was realized by this committee for work of the Salvation

Army, which won the love and respect of every soldier in the American Army for

their heroic work at the front.


nninsoy coiyrr iroME.\ /.v t ii t: world war. i'>iti'>i9

TciiiR'ssri' and DavitUoii County ( )i'i:aiii/.alions

l*^(|iial Snl'lVaii'c Association

.MliS. Lkm.h; W vi;nki;. Sla/r and "l ictor^- I'resiilrnI

Mrs. William A. ()\kh\ll. Ddiidsan Cinuity I'residcn/

Other ofik-ers <.f tlu- IVnnessee Equal Sufl'ra.m- \--.h iaiio,, >\unu- llu- \\ay\d

War period who served during Mrs. Leslie Warner"- adniiiii-lrMtion \\r\<-:

Mrs. OwiL'ht P. Monta'jue. First Vice-Presidrni : \1,-. In. a \\in~|..u. \,cr-P,,-si-

d.-iil. Ka^t T.-nn.>-,-e: Mrs. Robert Beallie. \ i.c l'n-i,lr,il. W r^ Imur^-rr: \\,>.

Pru(len.-e Siiri|-..,i I),,--.,. \ i. r l',,-M(lrnl. Mi. Idle

m, •>-,,•: Mi.- (:ai.>line Williams. Keeor.linL' .Sei-

ir\: Ml- I'alU Keadv WV^t. Corresponding See-

.i\: and Mi- Mal..-I Chnnddev. Treasurer.

Ml-. W. \. ()\r,all ua- llir Woild War President

llir \a-liMllr Icpial ^-nllia^r \-n,ialioM. Mr-.

Ii,- Wainri a|,|H,inlrd llir lnl|,,uiii^ uonien as

ChairnK-n ioi lli. \aiion- , ninniillrr- ,,1' tli,- •IVnnes-

see oniaiii/aliiin :

Legislalion. Mr-. A. C. Bnrkn.r: Pic-. M.>.

MaiL^airl liuin lord I Mrs. Charl.-s I : Speakers'

an. Mi-. Illie Kiiniev Reno: Finance. Mrs.

ClKuIr- W. r..,kri: Oi-anizalion. .Miss Matilda Por-

ter; Lileialnir. M,-. C, -e F. Blak.-. and P.ulletins.

.Mrs. Charl.- llakn. Mis. (Juilford Diidlev served

as Third \i,r.pi,-idrnl ,,r the Xalional SnITraue""'

ik"""' H n"\'"" Assoeiation durin.t; ll..- W.njd War. an. I Mr-. l,..n

Lusky. as Chairman ..I u.ii ,i.li\iti.- L.i lli.- \a-li-

ville organization. Miss Matilda Porter served as ( liaimian I..1 wai w.nk L.i ill.'

Tennessee orgaiii/ation.

Immediatelv n[,.,n lli.' .nlian.,- ..f lli,- Inll.'.l Stal.- inh. lli.- W..1I.I War. a l.d,--

gram was sent by .Mrs. Feslii- W.iin.i. ^lal.- I'r.'-i.l.nl ..f lli.- i:i|ual Snll'rai;e A-.i-

ciation. to President Woodrou Wil-.>n. ..ILiiirj lln- -.'i\i..- ..f lli.' T.-niiessee Asso-

eiation in any cajiaeity need.-.l I..1 W.mI.I Wai u..rk.

The wide experience of the nifmliiM> of this organizalion in ]iiil)lic -i-rx i. . I'n-

ahled them to assume the \X'orld War (hili<\s thrust upon them with an iiini-nal .I.'-

gree of ediciency. Miss Matilda Porter. State Organizer, was appointed Slal.- War(Chairman of the Association, and a class in Surgical Dressings wa- al-.> -iip.r\ i~i'.l

hy her everv Wednesday al the Tidane workroom in Nashville.

The work of the State Suffrage Organizalion ..f Tennes^,^,. ...n-i-ied prin.ipally

in the raising of funds for the overseas h.i-pilal-. Tli. -. Im-pilals. four in num-ber, were entirely controlled and financed li\ lln- \.ili..iiil '^iilTrage Association.

The entire hospital staffs, including surgeons, dm l.ir.-. iiuims. ambulance drivers,

pliimiiers. cooks, electricians and all oilier a.ssistants. were eom])osed of women,and the quality of work rendered bv the women in charge of these hospitals was of

such excellent eharaelcr ihal the Fren.h GovernnienI n-qni-^lcd thai on.' ..f it- h..-

pitals be given over enlii.-l\ I., lli.- iiiana'j.'iii.-nl ..f lln- \ni.il..in Wmiimh"- lOpi.il

.Suffrage Association.

DAI' ID SON cm NTY !fO M E N l\ THE ITORLD WAR, I 9 1 l-l 9 1 9

Tennessee's quota of the hospital fund for the two years of tlie war period was

$1,000, but a sum of $3,000 was subscribed, which was characteristic of the womenof Tennessee who comprised this organization in every phase of war work. Ten-

nessee women alone contributed one-half of the amount raised throughout the

South for the hospital work.

A notable event of December 2. I'Jl!!. was the visit to Nashville <if Mrs. Charles

Tiffany, of New York, a member of the National Board of the Equal Suffrage As-

sociation. Mrs. Tiffany came at tlie request of Mrs. Leslie Warner, State President

of the Tennessee Association, to speak in the interest of the overseas hos|)itals, and

during the two days of her visit she gave talks at various educational institutions,

including Ward-Belmont and Peabody Colleges. The principal feature of Mrs.

Tiffany's stay was a banquet given in her honor at the Hotel Hermitage, which

was attended by four hundred guests, representing leagues from every section of

the state. Mrs. Tiffany and Mrs. Leslie Warner were the principal speakers of the

banquet, which was presided over by Mrs. Warner, who served as toastmistress.

The personnel of the committee appointed by Mrs. Leslie Warner, who served

as Chairman of Arrangements for the banquet, was:

General Chairmen, Mrs. Reau E. Folk and Mrs. Joseph A. Gray: Hospitality,

Mrs. Robert F. Weakley and Mrs. John Hill Eakin: Program. Miss Matilda Porter:

Tickets, Mrs. Foster Hume; Music, Mrs. A. G. Brandau; Publicity, Mrs. FrankCarl Stahlman; Seating of Guests. Mrs. John G. Gilmore: Menu, Mrs. J. L. Mc-Whorter: Organizations, Miss Cornelia Barksdale and Miss Katherine Allen: andDecorations, Mrs. Richard T. Wilson.

A number of Nashville's men "suffragettes" were seated at the speakers' table,

among them being Major E. B. Stahlman.

Elaborate and artistic decorations were secured by Mrs. Richard T. Wilson andher committee, which was composed of: Mrs. John M. Gray, Jr., Mrs. Joseph A.

Gray, Mrs. Orrin T. Higgiiis. Mrs. Idabelle Wilson, Mrs. Eugene Shannon andMiss Mildred Gray.

Oher courtesies extended die national officer while in Nasliville were a luncheon

at the Belle Meade Club, of which Mrs. Leslie Warner, as State President, washostess, and a breakfast at the same club by Mrs. Joseph A. Washington. Tlie

Chairmen for the banquet, who are mentioned at the beginning of the chapter, sup-

plemented by Mrs. Joseph Washington. Mrs. Guilford Dudley and Mrs. E. E. Eslick.

of Pulaski, Tennessee, who were each prominent in the state suffrage work, were

guests at Mrs. Leslie Warner's luncheon for the national officer.

Mrs. Warner and the members of her Tennessee State Board who were residents

of Davidson County assisted in all forms of World War work undertaken in David-

son County, as well as the state at large. Officers and members of the Nashville

Equal Suffrage Association were numbered among workers in every war drive,

and w^ere among the most patriotic women of the county, and held some of the mostimportant offices in the state and county patriotic organizations.

Mrs. W. A. Overall, President of the Nashville Association, who offered her

organization in every war campaign, appointed Mrs. Charles W. Baker as Publicity

Chairman and Mrs. Lou Lusky as Chairman of War Savings Stamps and Tag Days.

Mrs. James B. Ezzell. an ardent suffragist worker, served as Chairman of her dis-

trict in practically all war campaigns. Mrs. Ira P. Jones and Mrs. R. L. Sawver.

two local members, directed a sewing unit in the Garment Department at Red Cross

Headquarters each week throughout the war.

D.tiiDsoy coiyrv ii()Me\ /.v the iiokld ir a k. 10111919

In the first Red Cross Campaign f,u fmid.. Mi>s l),-lla I)..rt. h. CNashville Equal Suffrage League for tin- (lri\<-. ^iiuj licr i (.iiimitlci

sum of .S2.700.

One of the most ini|ii)rl;mt fvcnl~ in llir w.u uoik .! iIh- \;i-li\i

frage League was the ""Mg feeil" giv.n l.\ ilu in to the l)a\i<l-oii (

who were in training at Camps Jack-mi .nul kiikl.ind. ,ii \.i~li\ illi\

their departure for a Southern cani|i. Tlir l.a-l u,i- -.i mJ ..h i:,i|i

with Mrs. I). T. Kimhrough as Cencral Ciluiinnan .d Ai rangcuKiU-.

local ollicers and niemhers id I

acted as a committee to assist MMrs. John M. Keimy served a.

the Serving Comnnttee. Tahles

on both sides of the Boulevard, i

led onlv l.v that nivcn the

in <.f the

cted the

lllr \

DAI IDS (I.\ (.01 M) KOMES I .\ T II K W(il<l.l> If I K. I') I 4-1919

Ut-. Julm Barks.lal,-. Mr-. Jam,-, S. F,a/,r. Mi>. Miles Williams, Miss Daisy Gunn, Miss

KatherM. Mlm. \1,- ( ,,,,i,lu, r,.nk-M.il.. \li- KU/.ili.ili Binfurd, Mrs. John Kreig, Miss Fer-

mine rinl-. \li- \I.a. Iimh^. \W-. I inik 1 ,,,l -i,,M„ian, Mrs. R. A. Henry, Mrs. W. J. Mor-rison. \li- 1;. nil. II Mill . \li- hii. K ^ i;.ii". \li,- Madge Hall. Mrs. Jordon Stokes, Jr.,

Mrs. Elizalirlh Ki->r l'at;r. ami Mi- Lulir < ...iilMi.- J. .,„>.

Each member of the Nashville Equal Suffrage Association, led by Mrs. William

A. Overall, took a prominent part in all public demonstrations for war purposes,

and in the Carnival in March, 1918, for the sale of Thrift Stamps, the League

maintained an attractive booth, of which Mrs. Charles W. Baker served as Chair-

man, assisted by a committee of local members. Mrs. Lou Lusky sei-ved as treasurer

for the booth.

At the Automobile Show, in June. 1918. Miss Mary Lipe had charge of the sale

of Thrift Stamps, and S850 worth was sold at the suffrage booth.

In April, 1919, presidential and municipal suffrage was granted to women of

Tennessee, the work being under the leadership of the State President, Mrs. Leslie

Warner, and this culmination of success was largely due to the efficient manner in

which the enormous volume of w^ar work had been conducted, and the result of the

ability shown by Mrs. Warner and members of her Legislative Committee, wlio had

worked so earnestly and intelligently to bring about this result.

Tennessee's vote on the suffrage amendment was the controlling factor in the

passage of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, a fitting

climax to the banner record of the women of the grand old Volunteer State in every

call for service during the greatest war in history.

Mrs. Leslie Warner. War President of the Tennessee Association, was appointed

by Governor A. H. Roberts as Chairman of the Democratic Ratification Committee

in Tennessee. Mrs. Warner also served as State Vice-Chairman-at-large for the

Woman's Committee. Council of National Defense, and was one of the first Southern

women chosen on the National Board of the Fatherless Children of France Com-mittee. She was one of the most impressive and eloquent women speakers in Ten-

nessee during the World War, and personallv visited practically every county in

the state, addressing large gatherings in the interest of some one of the many phases

of World War activity. Later, at the State Convention of the Suffrage Association,

Mrs. Warner was unanimouslv voted as the "Victory" President of the Equal Suf-

frage Association. Mrs. Warner is a descendant of a prominent Davidson Countyfamily, who were distinguished for their service rendered in other wars, and she

is an active worker in the LT. D. C. and D. A. R. organizations of the state. Shewas one of the four women leaders of America who was chosen as a member of

the International Relations Committee of the National Organization of the Daugh-ters of American Revolution, this honor having been conferred upon Mrs. Warnerby the National D. A. R. President. Mrs. \^'ayne Anthony Cooke, just as this volumewent to press. May. 1923.

I[)S0\ COISTY aOME\ / .V THE WORLD WAR. 1 9 1 fl <J 1


l)a\i(ls(»ii Coiiiitv W (iiiifii Who StM'Ncd ()\t'i>


.Ml!S. AnnkTTK BuocK BamKK anixcd in France in Jnl\. I'M;'., anil inniinlialtlv

)rt<'ii fi.r .Intv at tlx' C.anlei-n of liarl.- Dm-, one ,<i llu- tdiiMnost cunlccns near

the front line tient-hcs. Mrs. Baxter was transferred to tlie ""Y"" iliit at tlie famous

Jetty Casino at Mce. where she was regarded as one of the most popular and ef-

ficient workers in the overseas service, and was the first Davidson County womanto witness actual fiphtintr at the front.

.Miss Cornelia Elizabeth Bahksdai.e was accepted for M-rvicc uiiii ihc \nicn-

can Red Cross in the summer of 191}!. She wa- laic liansferr.-.l to tlu- ^ . M. (.. A.

Canteen Service and sailed for France in Janii.ir\. I'M'*,

She served at Brt)hl-Ans. Reihn. Germans. «ilh llic lOlst Fniiineers. and was

one of llie few canteen workers who were reassigned fur duty after the .signing of

the .Armistice. Miss Barksdale was assigned canteen duty in the .'\rniy of Occupa-

tion, which was a very coveted field of service hy the overseas girls.

Miss Barksdale servc<l in llic canteen at Telegraph Barracks. Cohlenz, Germany,until Septcinher. I'JI'X ami \\a~ auain reassigned as dire<-tor of activities for the

Second Battalion. Mth Inlanlrv. ll.,-pital Barrack- No. I'>. where she was stationed

until April 10. 1920.

She was included in the -mall nunilicr of Anii-iican giil> gi\en ihc |ni\ilege

of decoratins: the grave- ol Frciu h and \nierican soldiers in (icrnianx on Decem-

ber 11. 191'i.

In June. 1919. she witnessed the removal of Ameriian troops to llic ncnlral /one.

after tlie Germans had signed the ircalv ol |ic;icc.

One of IVIiss Barksdale"s dulic- ua- lli,' -c,\n,i: ol ualilc- al llie hoslc-- liou-e

every afternoon, and these pro\cil -m li a delii:lil lo the box- ol ihc \. 1'. I', llial

she was given the name of 'Tennessee'" |p\ the liundrcil- of liox- uho were loilnnale

enough to enjoy them.

Miss Barksdale married Captain Nndivw /cih,- uliilc lliev wrc holh -erving

with the Army of Occupation.

Mlss Roherta Tahplev served in France Ironi \o\enilMr. I'll,",, until \n^n-l.

1919. Miss Tarpley was stationed at llic Kd Cn— licccalio,, llul in . onnection

with Base Hospital .No. 9, at Chateamcmx. hidn-. I i an.c.

Mlss Catherine WaLL.VCE Hall was a meinhcr of the canteen workers of llu-

American Red Cross and served in France from November, 191!!. inilil June. 1919.

.Miss Hall was stationed at Red Cross L. 0. C, care Montparnasse. Paris.

Mlss Virginia Cannon served with the Y. M. C. \. . aniccn uoiker- from De-

cember. 191.'!. until September. 1919. The first luo irionili- ,,( her -cr\icc Miss

Cannon remained in France, after which she was Ir.in-lciiccl lo llic I ii-l Fngineers

of the First Division, on the Rhine at Cohlenz. and at Fngers.

Miss \ ir(.inia Nelson sailed for France in October. 19i;!. and served ten nionlhs

with the American Expeditionary Forces, stationed at Mont Dore and Moiile Carlo.

Miss Nelson wa,s a canteen and leave area worker nnlil Jiinc. I'll'), \\lien she was

reas.signed and transferred to the Record Departnieiil of llic ^. \| .( . \. in Paris,

in which position she assisted with the historv of the war woik ol llie > . \I. C. A.

Mlss Cornelia Dismi ki>. a- a mcml.c, ,,f ihe ^. M. C. \. IjUch iliiiiicru Coi;,-.

served in England, Scotland and FiaiKi- liom |,inii.ii\. I'M'', inilil luh. I'M'». Mi—

( VA I

DAI 1 1) S U .\ (. (I ( A / ) If U .1/ E iV / A' T It E II <) R L I) IJ A R. 19 1 l-l y / 9

Disnuikes gave performances at many of the huts in Enulaiid and SeothincI before

going to Versailles and Chateau Thierr\. She aUo \ i-ited the largest S. O. S. Area

at Le-Mans.

Miss Alice Anderson left -\e\\ York in UeLemher, I'Jlf!. and was stationed at

the Business Headquarters of the Y. M. C. A. in Paris, where she served unlil Mav,1920.

Miss Lucy Bonner Cooper served in France from November, 1918. until July,

1919. Miss Cooper was assigned to the Base Hospital No. 8, at Savenay, France,

and transferred to Base Hospital No. 69. She was a member of the Department of

Reconstruction as an Aid in the U. S. Army Medical Department.

Miss Katherine Lewis served at the Embarkation Camp at St. Nazaire. France,

from January. 1919, to July, 1919. Miss Lewis was a member of the Y. M. C. A.

canteen organization.

Miss Susanna Webb served in England and France from September. 1918. until

July, 1919. Miss Webb spent the first two months at a U. S. Military Hospital at,

Tottenham, England, after which she went as a nurse aid to St. Denis, France. Shewas transferred to the Canteen Service and assisted in organizing the line of Com-munication Canteens, her assignment being No. 2, Gare-de-Lyon, Paris.

Miss Mary Steadwell went to France in January, 1919, for a course of inten-

sive training. Miss Steadwell was in the Y. M. C. A. Canteen Service at Vals Les

Bains, from w'hich place she went to Marseilles. After being honorably discharged

from the service at Paris, she volunteered for hospital senice and was assigned to

the Military Hospital at Belfort. France, as chief dietitian.

Miss Alice Carroll sailed for France in January. 1919, where she served as

a Y. M. C. A. canteen worker in the Le Mans Area of the American Embarkation

Centre. Miss Carroll was stationed at Chemire-le-Gauden and La-Fleche, at which

place she opened and closed a hut. She has the distinction of being the first Ameri-

can girl to go into this town. Miss Carroll served for a period of six months.

Miss Ellen Duffey. as a canteen worker for the Y. M. C. A., sei-ved in tlio

Brittany leave area at San Malo for a period of five months.

Miss M.argaret Glenn served from February 1 to July 1, 1919, at Grenoble,

France, in the leave area of the Y. M. C. A.

Miss Ruth Hunter joined the Y. M. C. A. corps of entertainers, and after

working with the Southeastern Division for several months, sailed for France on

February 2, 1919. where she visited every camp of the American Army of Occupa-

tion and did an important work in helping maintain the morale of the boys with

her beautiful voice and charming manner.

Miss Ruby Minor, a graduate of the Woman's Hospital in Nashville, joined

the Red Cross Nursing Corps in May, 1918, and after serving some time at the

Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, D. C, was transferred to overseas service

with the Memphis Hospital Unit.

DAiinsoy (:oi\TY iroME\ i\ the iroRi.n jtar. 10141019

i)\\iit^()\ (;()l\T^ \\(»\ii\ w 110 r>i,i;\ I i) o\ i;ksi;\^

Miss Rodibta Ta

fj 42*

TZMiM* I.Ltv Bo>>r,n Coorcn

DAI 1 1) S A' C I ' A' TY If O M E A' / N T H E II (> J{ J. I) WAR. 1 9 I l-l <> I 9


.\Ii5S Ellen Dlt

Miss CoB^F.LlA Fl

Miss Mabcsret Glenn

<i I \ r Y iro M r. \ i \ t h a- if o h l n ii ah. n i ii o i.

Davidson County Nurses in llic \\ Orld W ;ir

\,-M t.. the (l-.iij;lil...v in tli.- \\..rl,l War . .uii,- llir -uiiai ,li.ui anLi,'!-.- as tli.-

h.-n-in ie<-..i.led arc ind.-l.t.-fl to |)i. William M.Cal..-. ulio mtv,,1 „v,TM-a- uilli tin-

\ atuit-rl.ilt Lull "S." f<.r this spl.-ncli.I .r, ,,,,1.

St. Thomas nurses who served ciurinj; llie W.uhl War were:

Miss Annie Porter— filtered British service in 191.S. and served with the Duchess

of Marlborough's Unit. Latter part of 1917 transferred to the U. S. Nurse Corps.

Nursed wounded from the front at U. S. Base Hospital No. 2. Paris.

The V'anderbilt I'nit "S"' entered service November 12. 1917. \\itli rlcscu St.

Thomas nurses assigned: Miss Catherine Glynn Sinnott. Ciiid \iir~c: Miss

Bertha Grunwell. Misses Lula and Mav Shanahan. Miss Jennie Denson. Miss Kliza-

belh Beal. Miss Kate Jones. Miss Jcanncltc Conrv. Miss Alberta Mills. Mrs. LenaWakefield, and Mrs. Anna Smith Easthnul. Proceeded at once to. KIlis Island. N.^'.. Nurses" Embarkation Camp. Sailed from New York January 15. 191P.. andlanded Glasgow. Scotland. Proceeded to France via London. Reached France>

Icbruary 1. 1918. Assigned to Base Hospital 17. Dijon. France. Unit ordered

to Camp Hospital 281. Nevers. Fraiin-. l,a\ inj -r\iri niir-i-. llic Si. Thomasnurses left were: Miss Jennie Dens,,,,. \li-- Mhrii,, \lilU. Mi-~ l.nla Shanahan

and Mrs. Anna Smith Ea.stland. Base ll„.-pilal 17 had l^.l.'-H beds. Nursing force.

70. Camp Hospital. 2(}.2.i0 beds, nursing force 11. Reached France in time to

care for first American wounded and remained to care for returning prisoners, both

American and British, from Germany after signing of the Armistice. Miss Beal

served as a surgical team under LieulenaMl-Cdl 1 liii liaid \. Ban at the I rout

during the summer and fall of 1918.

The unit returned April. 1919. Miss Sinnott remained in I i.iini. .irid was :i|i.

pointed second chief nurse of the Savaway Hos])ital Cenln-. \li-- bi-cpliine Piarl-

lelt served at Camp Logan. Houston. Texas, and went lAcr-ea- v. illi lli-r llovplial

67. Stationed at the Mevic Ilo-pilal Cenhe. Fran,,-, Mi- \larv Ja„e \ n.^1,. srnvd

at the Mars Hospital Centre. I'l.iiMr. \\\\\i \',,i-,- llo-|pil,il ti2.

.Mrs. Annie .McDaniels. Mis- \ i..la (.lull. Ml-- (,la,K- L.ake. Mi- VruM-lila

Cherry serv'ed overseas.

Miss Robbie Lee Bennett servd at Alexan.liia. I.,,nl-lana. Ml- I.esli,' G. Free-

man served at Fort Oglethor|)e. Ga.. Camp Meade. Mar%lan<l. and W.ih.-i K.m-,1

Hospital. Washington. I). C. Miss Gallic Downing serv.-d in New York. \. > .

Miss ^L^y Phillips and Miss Lueile Landers mad<- the "supreme sacrilir, a- lli.

result of the influenza epidemic. .Miss Phillips and Miss Landers noImuIim i i-d l.ir

duty at the Powder Plant and contracted the disea.se. Bolli relu-ed In I.mm lli.ii

|)osts until it was too late. Miss Phillips died October 2(>. I'M;;.

The following were located in Paris the enlin- tim.-: Mi- 1 id,, llcnd. Mi-Minna Cherrv. Mrs. Annie McDanid a„d Mi- I ..iii,- M„i,„.

Mi.ss Elizabeth Beal «as with the Xandnl.ill 1 ml ,,l \rv,-,-. I laorr. u illi l!,-

exception of four months at the front. Miss Ka (.rogan w.i- allarli. d i.i lla-i- lln-

pital 17 at Dijon. France. Miss Eflle May Buchanan was \silli llie iinil .il \r\ir-

until about three months before leaving for home, when -lie iiid Ml— M.i\ Mef..r two m.uill,-. Willi,- Ml- biuil.'

rnnh.lrl,-,! ,Mr„l„,l|l-. an,l a- M.n„ as

Merritt were transfered 1

DAVIDSON COVNTY IT O M E N IN THE H /, I) ir A R. l>) I l-l V / 9

•i" ^^9


Effie MayGrunwell,Miss Annit

Beulah TayWakefield.

1 the picture are: Miss Catherine Sinnot. Miss Elizahetli 1%-al. Miss \

Buchanan, Miss Jennie Conry. Miss Jennie Denson. Miss Mattie 1).

Miss Beniice Hall. Miss Sue Henley, Miss Maynie Merritt. Mi—^ Joyner, Miss May Shanahan, Miss LuJa Shanahan, Miss K.iih.mlor. Miss Fannie O. Walton. Miss Alberta Mills. Mrs. Anna Ka-iLnn

Brnoan. Miss

\li^s Bertha

ili'iiiif Jones,

Nu.iuer, Miss11.1 Mrs. Lena

Miss Jennie Denson was attaclied to Base Hospital 17 at Dijon, and returned

to the United States w-itli that organization. Miss Mattie Dew was with the Unit

"S" at Nevers. but was transferred to Base Hospital 8, and sent home soon after-

wards. Mrs. Annie Eastland was with Base Hospital 17 until her transfer to Unit

"S," in order to return to the United States with them.

Miss Bertha Grunwell was with unit "S" at Camp Hospital 28, Nevers,

France, all during her service. Miss Bernfce Hall was with Unit ""S," except for

four months spent at the front with a surgical team composed of two nurses, twoofficers and two enlisted men. Miss Sue Henley was with Unit "S" at Nevers.

Miss Katherine Jones was at Nevers the entire time. She did not return home with

the unit, but volunteered for further service, as also did Miss Henley and Miss

Annie Jovner. These returned to the United States some time in the summer of


Miss Mavme Merritt was with Unit '"S" except for about two months spent on a

hospital train with Miss Buchanan. Miss Alberta Mills was with Base Hospital 17

at Dijon. France. Miss Mary Shanahan was at Nevers with the unit at Camp Hns-


Pii ii)so\ coi \Ty iro.\u:\ /.v 7-//^: noRiD war. loii-rno

(;Hori' OK ()\i;i{SKAs m ksks with \ andkkhilt imt -s-

L.fi to ri-lil. Mi.-s J.niii,- Dii.Mm. Mi>» B.ulal. Tavlor. MUs MatUcDew ami Miss Fannv O. Viall.u..

pital 28. Mi*s Lula Shanalian was with Bax- Hospital 17 loi >,,n

finally transferred to Camp Hospital 2?) at \f\ii-.

Miss Catherine Siiinolt was Chief Nurse of I nil "S." and slal

tlic entire lime. Miss Katherine Swager was with iJase Hospital

home with Unit "S." Miss Beulah Taylor was with Unit "S" at \i'

W akefield was at Camp Hospital 2P. until transferred to Base Tlosp

Miss Fannie O. Walton was at Dijon with Base lln-piial 17. j

-Nevers to return to the United State«; with Unit "S." >lir u,i-

nurse, being in charge of the nurses from tlie lime llu\ Irll \i\c

turned to New York.

The following nurses went oxcixas willi I nil "S." oi llic \ and

Miss Call.orine Sinm.tl. Clii.-f Nu.>,-: Mi- r.li/..l„lli B.^al. Miss Iva Bin;.,

Buchanan. Miss Jennie Cnnry, Miss Jrnni.- D.nx.ii. Miss Mallie Dew. Mrs. \;

Bcrdia Grunwell. Miss Bernice Hall. Miss Su.- Ilmlev. Miss Katherine Jones.

Miss Mavme .Merrill, Miss Alberta Mills. Miss May .Shanahan. Miss I.iil

Katherine Swager, .Miss Beulah Taylor. Mrs. Lena Wakefield, and Miss Fann

The following were sent with a Memphis unit:

Miss Amelie Cherry. Miss Lottie .Min„r. Miss Lula Beard. Mrs. Annie M,

hut was



,-. I.rna

,t Dijon,

sent to

rv chief

ri.ih I

.1. \li-~

!.-- \iin

, >l,.uial

I- (). \Va


ds iffe


The following were sent from Nasin

l>oing sent overseas:

Miss Llra.ior Al.rrnalhv, Mi^s K„l,lii.- L. B.

lelt. Miss .\L„il,a l!.„,|.r.„au. Mi- Helen Bnlai

Martha CI. •^.l,ln.l. Mi- Kr.,-li.- Cral)lr,-e. Mis> .Sadi,- II

Treeman, Mi,.-, Viula CUM. Mi-s Laura Hamilton. Mi.-Miss Bird!.! Hunler. Miss (Madvs Leake. Miss Edna LNterrow. Miss Gladys Parham. Miss Helen O. Rcilly, Miss Coral.e] Grime?

I erry. Miss Florence Watson, ^^iss Lottie Williamson. an<l Miss Virpinia WSeveral nurses joined the Regular Army. Among these were:

Miss Kathleen Rives. Fort Onlelln.rpe. Ga.. and Miss Enla Jennings. I„,

.lii,,.- Barl-

..-.V. Miss


k^. Mi-Fairie Lo ic. Mi-

Miss .'<i(


The Hostess House at Camp Sheridan

Mrs. H. B. Carre and Miss Ellen Wallace. Co-Chaimwn

Every important branch of World War work that could be accomplished by

women found some representative of Davidson County womanhood ready and able

to undertake its accomplishment.

Mrs. Henry Beach Carre and Miss Ellen Wallace, of Nashville, were called to

take charge of an Army Camp Hostess House at Camp Sheridan. Alabama, and fromApril, 1918, when they opened this house, until April, 1919, when it was no longer

needed, Mrs. Carre and Miss Wallace fulfilled their duties there with the highest

efficiency and the most inspired patriotism. Mrs. Carre was hostess in charge, andMiss Wallace directed the Cafeteria: and the acceptable manner of their service en-

deared them to the thousands of soldiers and their families and loved ones with

whom they came into such close personal relation.

Each of die 35,000 soldiers at the camp registered at this Hostess House, and an

Information Hostess spent her entire time locating the men for the various relatives

and friends who were constantly seeking them. The Hostess Houses during the

World War were almost as great makers of democracy as the army itself. Aroundtheir fireside sat officers and enlisted men as one. and under their roof the extremes


This picture was made "in action." Mrs. H. B. Carre ( Mary Vaughan i . whose picture ap-

pears in the upper left-hand corner, was in charge of the Hostess House. Miss Ellen Wallace,whose picture a])pears in the upper right-hand corner, served as chairman of Cafeteria.


/ ^ 7 ) K (> M E \ / \ 7 H A 11 () H 1. 1) If A K. I» I II " I 9

of life met on equal terms, cac li uilli liis ur lici

comic, more often tra"ic, Idit al\\a\> tliiDliliiiii; \

The Hostess House at Camp Slieridan under Mrs. Carre's tactful direction ani])ly

met the need for which it was intended—a place for rest and refreshments, of as-

sistance and protection to the hundreds of women win

at the same time a Mecca for the thousands of soldlc

atmosphere and its welcome variation from the drah r.

\isiled 1

- uhn aj


Council of Catholic WomenMks. Fkkdinamd E. Klhn. Pioneer President

Mrs. p. a. Murray. President. ]923

The Nashville Cliapter of the Council of Catholic Women is one of the mostactive and influential women's organization in Davidson County, and was the out-

growth of World War activities. The rhapter was organized in March. 1919. with a

\lK>. P. A. Mii;k\v

(Agnes Clare McDonald)of Advisoi-y Council of this Histor\\

membership of 1.100. Mrs. Ferdinand E. Kuhn was chosen as the pioneer Presi-

dent, and served in this capacity from 1919 till 1920.

Mrs. M. M. Sanders was President in 1921: Mrs. Humphrey Timothy, in 1922,

and Mrs. P. A. Murray was elected as leader of the Council in 1923. Each of these

officers was chosen for executive ability developed during the World War. and all

have creditable records in everv phase of war work.

The purpose of this organization is given in the preamble of the by-laws, whichreads as follows:

(463 )

Ptlll>SO.\ COIMY ir()MK.\ I .\ THE KO H 1. 1) If A R. I')lf-I')l9

"Vie. Catholic women, sincerely believing that a closer frii'iul^liip. a iiicatcr

unity of thought and purpose, and a nobler acconiplisiinient \s\\\ h-miIi iKim a

widespread organization, do. therefore, bind ourselves together in a uriinn dl umk-ers to further the best and highest interest of IninianitN in tielil~ nl !iiliL'i<uis.

Philanthropic, and Educational endeavor."

The first work of this organization, after th<- nienibersliip canipaiL'ii. u.i- llic

collection of a library to be used as a ineuiorial to Lieutenant Simmon- Tinmiln.

in recognition of his able and devout leadershi|). and the fact that he \va> ilu' tii-l

World War odicer in Tennessee to pay the supreme sacrifice.

Their second undertaking was the establishment of a Settlement Home for (Mt-ek.

Assyrian. Italian and other needy children of the coninumitv.

The slogan of the organization, wlilrli i~ i liaiac liTi~li( ,,[' llii- IkkK nf women.is: "In Essentials—Unity: in Non-Es>.nlial- l.il.cilv: an.l In Ml llnnL:- Charitv."

While the Catholic Council members were arli\i' in v\i-\\ l.ilnitv Loan andW. S. S. drive, and on tag days, and were represmlrd w, r\r{\ |ialiioii( oiyani/a-

tion in Davidson Countv during the war. their pioiiin u,,ik in lli. \a-li\illi- (lliaj)-

ter, Red Cross, was probably the mo>t farreacbing. \ ,,ro,,l ol lln~ uo,k follows:


Mn>. Ill MIMIIilN W. llMuiin. (Juunmm

This unit was organi/.d liefon- lli,. \a-h\illc Ciiaplcr. lied Cross.

Mr<. .Siunlev K. Teachoul. Mr^ ( li.nl.- \1 M.C.il.e. Mrs. T. L Webb. Mrs. Ed. Duvant. Mrs.

J. F. Murray. Mrs. James Reapan. \1,- IJ. v Mnunnp. Mrs. Cbarltoii Milam. Mrs. J. J. Beving-inn. Mrs. T. B. Tavlc.r. Mrs. F. /. W ,1-..,,, \I,-. J,.l,n C.-lluiUM-n. Mrs. Tb..mas W'vnnr. Mrs. JohnE. Campion. Mrs. T. J. \,ui. . , \!r-. ImIh, Imu,,v. \I,-. CI,.,,!,-. M.Ti^u.-. Mr-. I'. \. Murray.Mrs. Baxter Mo..tv. \Ii-, II. ,im ( uii.ni. Mi- M,,m i \Im-..mi. \Ii-, I i.ni, i- I mi. 11,1. \li~, Joseph

."^cheffer. Mrs. F. .1, \l.(.nili^. \1,- 1.,,,,.- ( ..,ll,,,.|., , . \l,- ll,„iv IoImh;:. \I,. ,| I -ullivan,

.Mrs. FeriiinamI K. Kiilin. \li-. Willi.iiii I'm.i-I.a. \I,-, k 1 t,i||,,„. Mi- Nl.i.v K.IK. \1,-. ||. N.IViibnins.-l. \!r-. K. II. W.I.I.. \Ii- lii^.n. -inilli. \liv I.. ( l.,ll^. \li-. V. I. \\..ll.r. Mrs.

.I..I1.1 ( ,i,n. Mr-. I!. W. I.nHl-lo.l. M,-. I. \. Killiii. .Ir.. \Il-. T. W . Wi.nii,-. .1,., \l,v 11, ..1,1,,-

Durr.ll, Mrs. 111..ma- F. ^x I-. Mi-. \l. I!. I...u.'. \li- W.n-. I'.iu.r .1.-. . ,i-,.l 1 . Mi- \l.iu

llan.-rn.an. Mi- l),.l.,r.-- Muii.iv, Mi- .N.-ll \l....ii,v. Mi- .\(;i„- Kuliii. Mi- Marie Haves,\li- l!..u.-na M..1.M11. Miss (;,.,le^i,•^,• .\l„;;an. \li.s .Alii,- (;rewar. \li- K.lilli Sleadwell, Miss\...la llarl.i-..ii. Mi- Marie Kiilm, Mi- Barbara Kiibii. Mrs. I'ai Kx.,,,. Mi- I i//ie T. 0-Brien.Mis- l),-lia Cain. Miss Margaret (;ienn. .\nss Marv Thomas Aliearii 1 .Si-t. r M.irv John). MissMaude .'Vhearn. Miss Mary .Abeam. Miss Mary Dolores [{yan. Miss ."^adie ( .imiii. \li-s Delia

S. Brew. Miss Mayme Kean. Miss Nell Kean, Miss Susie Landers. Miss Fillian Wall-, Mis-Mary Margaret Bevinpton. and Miss .Apnes Bevinplon.

ST. I'\ti!I(:k< 1 Ml >si km;i(:\i. |)ul<:-i\(;s

Mks. J. !'. M.i.wi.v Chaiini.ni. ua- aili\c in all r.iin|,aiL' n-. scrNing a- Chair

man of her ward.

Mrs. C. A. .Asmus. Afrs. |..l,ii Hmi,,-. Mr-. Cliaih- M. \b( .il.,-. Mi-. K. \. o.liu,,. \li-. L. T.

-locker. Mrs. Charles Yu^. Mr-. I'.. W I-. Mi-, j. On,,. Mi- \.sa Fl,ii,it;.ui. Mr-. MavmeHurke. Miss Kale Breen. .Miss Mary Jane lir.'.-n. Miss l,ad> llupli,-. Mi- Aiini,- Cerraly. MissKale (;,rraly. Miss Marparel Gerraly. Miss Kalh<Tine Breen, and Mi— Anna l!re,n.


Mlis. M. I'. I!(h,m:^. ClunniKin

Mrs. M. V. Kooncv n-.eivc,l honorable nin

D A V ID SO V C O I V T Y If () 1/ K N IN THE W O R 1. 1) If A K. ]<> 1 11919

(.lail I' 1)1 \ll Ml M,^ III III I I I U I Ihi\ . uM\ll I I M I 111 nil (IIM N HOI sh"

WllK.H W \- kl n l)\^ \M)I\1M\(, \l nil kMi.lll^ OF ( on \Il!l s

HALL ON WLM LNU WHMl- W^HMLLt i)l KlNCr IHF HOMEco\HNt, OF iHL ^^^^Ls^LL rROOP'? of thl \ f f

Hundreds of returned heroes were served dainty refreshments. Musical programs and other

forms of entertainment were given at the Hall in their honor.

M.I. ,1,1. Ml- F

All- ( ,n.i.- I .

Drr.n. \li^

Miss Katherine C. Rooney,11 Miss Elizabeth Campion,I,ii\ Jones. .Miss Margaret



Mrs. R. F. Strobel, Mrs. John Weis, Mrs. A. Weis, Mrs. Beaty. Mrs. J. Bringwright, Mrs.

J. Ballinger. Mrs. J. Pentecost, Mrs. Ed. Lawrence, Mrs. B. Freeman, Miss Mary Stritch, MissHelen Neuhoff, Miss Catherine Neuhoff, Miss Julia Rohter, Miss Kate Decker. Miss Lena Free-

man, Miss Nora Mclnerney, Miss Mary Strobel, Miss Margaret Strobel, and Miss Katherine Weis.


Mrs. A. N. Raymer. Mrs. C. A. Harrison. Mrs. N. W. Johnson. Mrs. H. F. Steining. Mrs.

Johnson Vaughn. Mrs. James Vaughn. Mrs. E. H. Olwill. Mrs. Jake Tamble. Mrs. Ira Ensminser.Mrs. Frank Wilk. Mrs. Frank Pentecost. Mrs. Bannett. Mrs. O. B. Hoffstetter. Mrs. J. W.0-Connell. Mrs. J. W. Longhurst. .Mrs. Henry Brady. Mrs. Charles Krebs. Mrs. J. S. Moran.


IJ All I) >• () Y C 01 STY WO M E A / V 7 H E WORLD tt A R.

Mrs. Charles Murpliy. Mrs. Oscar Baur. .Miss tisi,- W ini.ia, .Miss Sadie Barnes. Mi( oiupton, anil .Miss Kallierine (^omplon.

Mrs. Ferdinand Kulin. the Chairman,

hers, broke ail records in the I'niti'd Vi


less than two days.

As a member of the Piil.licilv Cmmnierine Powers rendered valuable service in every campaign and drive.

At the home-coming of the Tennessee soldiers of the A. E. F., the Knights of

Columbus' Hall on West End A\ciuii-. in Nashville, was the scene of a brilliant recep-

with the assistance of tlie Council mem-rd W iirk Drive by doubling the quota in

Ml-- Kalh


DAI ID so N cor A- TV IT O 1/ /; A' / V T H E « O H I. D « A R. I >' I 41 1 9

Christenino; of the U. S. S. S. Davidson County

V Wahnli

U. S. S.

as slie appeared cliri;

. Davidson County

At Newark Bay Shipyard, Newark, N. J., May 27, 1919, just at twilight, the

U. S. S. S. Davidson County was launched at Ways 9 and 13. Miss Lillian Warner,of Nashville, Tenn., whose war work in all drives and campaigns was highly com-mended, was chosen as sponsor for the ship. The fact that Davidson County ex-

ceeded its quota in all Liberty Loans won for it the honor of having its name givento a Victory ship.

Miss Lillian Warner selected five maids of honor, who accompanied her to

Newark and who shared in a large number of the entertainments tendered MissWarner as honoree. They were: Miss Martha Lindsey, Miss Mary Wilkes Mc-Kinney, Miss Rachel Littleton. Miss Elizabeth Chrystie and Miss Anne Hoyte Hicks,of New York City, but a native of Davidson County.

Mrs. Joseph Warner, Miss Lillian Warner's mother, served as Chairman of Nash-ville for the second Liberty Loan and won first honors of the four zones' FieldMarshals in the Fourth Liberty Loan. Mrs. Warner accompanied her daughter to

Newark Bay, and shared the honors.


nuii'Sdx (:<>i\T) iroMHy i .\ r ii k iroKi.n i ft. / "/ /; 1 <)

MEMBKUS OK KtAU NOT (IIKIK (H kl\(.- I) \l( .IITIK- WP\TK10TIC WOKK l\ l)\\lll-^o^ ( (il \ I'l |)I1;IN(, nil \\i w \i;.

BLiii 1. Mr.-, i;. 1). K/rll (Cailu-riiic-

111 W. Urattun (Ethel IJaiiks). andFirst row. left to rijilil. Mr>. l.iirU.ii (,„.,Jpa.-linv

AUxaiidcr*. Mrs. John A. Junes (Minnie Price), .M

Mrs. J. I.. Bnan (Nena Bnllinpton).

Second row. Mrs. Lewis F. Butler (Jessie Durham I. Mrs. Vi . H. Buchanan (Mamie Lester)Mis. E. P. Blair (.Sarah Williamson I and Mrs. E. B. Pennin;;ton (Elizaheth Markliam 1


Davidson County Circle of King's Dauij;]it('r

\1k^. (;ii',miN I'MTKKm.n. I'nsidvnl

The l)a\i.l-nn Cnunlv ( )i,^,iiii/alic„i ,,1 King's Daufrhteis is m l.r.ui. Ii of ih,. T,-n-

iic^s.-.- ami liilernalinMalOlder ami Cinl,- ,,r King's Daughters, ll.e ..|.i<'' 1 "I ihis

non-scct.Triaii ortler licing to serve the slate, county and coniinuiiil\ in e\(i\ \in<-

sihle wav in lime of trouble, either as a whole or as individuals.

The David.son County olhceis of t.1ie King's DaugliL-is during the World Waruere: .Mrs. Gibson Patterson. President: Mr-, \nn.i 1. Hail. First \ ice-President


Mrs. E. \. Booth. Seeond Vice-i'r<Md.iil : Mi-. II. W. ( li.idui'll. Heeording Secretary;

Mrs. ,\. B. Hill. Corresponding .-scrrrlais: and Mr-. N. I). I{..se. Treasurer.

In .August. 1917. the Oavid-son County King's Daughters estaldi-licd a niiil il

the Nashville Chapter. Red Cross Headquarters, and were among the fii-l lo -l.iil

in hospital garment work. .\n average allendance of eighteen nnnilici- uoikideverv Fridav thriniudioul llie Cliaphr- cxi-len.,. under Mr-. (;ili-on l'allci-on. Ceii-

eral Chairman, who wa- ,i-i-lrd |,v ll,r lollounrj Capl.iin-:

Mrs. H. B.'Chadwell. Mr-. J. Ilc-i,,,,. Mr-, .lolui \. Jone-. M,-. Flo.en.e l{o|,-

inson. and .Mrs. William F. \or\rll.

Fn October. 1917. the .six l)aM<l-on Coiinls Cii, Ic- ,,| Kinii- I ),,n,i:liler- iinilcd in

folle<ting several barrels of didicacies. \\lii(|i ucn- -enl lo ihc -olrliii- .ii CampSevier for a Thanksgiving offering. I.elleis ,,f .i|i|iic< i.iiion liom iln- |i.,\- ueie

numerous and laudatory. Mrs. Gibson l',illci-on -,i\c,| ,i- ( Iiimiimh oI ih,' -lio\\ci

and Mrs. John .A. Jones, Chairman of p.o king and -liippim:. \-i-lm'j Mi-, loncs

a.s Chairmen from the various Circles were:

Mrs. J. Herslein. General Assistant, and Mrs. I!. I). K/ell. \1.-. W . II. liii. Ionian. \li-. II. B.

Chadwell. ^frs. Frank Crasseh. Mrv A. B. Hill. Mr- C. \ J..-. ,,li. .„„1 Mis. Florence l!ol,in-on

Under the chairmanshifi .,f Mr-, r;ib-on Paller-on. lli<" different Circles of the

county donated Sl.50.00 and nian\ aili< le- of limn to llie Bed Cross Linen Shower


DAVIDSON COVNTY if' M E N IN THE It O R I. D 11 A K. I '»! l-l 9 I 9


First row, left to right. Mrs. J. Herstein (.\va Evans). Mrs. Jennie HuntKirby, and Mrs. R. G. Crowley (Emma Brown). Second row. Miss Etta

Gifford. Miss Minnie Shafter and Miss ."Mice Kerlin.

campaign in November, 1918. and co-operated in all campaigns for war relief workundertaken in the county, many of the members serving as chairmen and speakers

for the various drives. At the War Savings Carnival, on Capitol Boulevard, in June.

1917, the King's Daughters operated a soft drink stand under the chairmanship of

Mrs. John A. Jones, who was assisted by metnbers from the Elks' Club of Nashville

and committees from each Circle of King's Daughters of the county. Five hundred

dollars in W. S. S. was sold in one evening by this conunittee, and total for the

week amounted to $4,000.

A booth was established at the Market House during the week of April 11. 1918,

bv the countv King's Daus;hters. with the followins Chairmen: Mrs. H. B. Chad-well. Mrs. W. E. Nor\'ell, Mrs. C. E. Skinner and Mrs. J. Herstein.

The committee on the Emergency Working Girls' Fund of this organization

solicited at factories, department stores and mills, and sold several thousand dollars

in War Savings Stamps. The members who were solicitors were:

Mrs. Gibson Patterson. Chairman; Mrs. "W. H. Buchanan. Mrs. R. D. Ezell. Mrs. Fred Her-stein. Mrs. C. A. Joseph. Mrs. John A. Jones, Mrs. E. P. Blair. Miss Janie Outlaw, and MissLaurette Wallace.

War Savings societies were organized in the Fear Not and Golden Rule Circles

of this body, and in the Third Liberty Loan the King's Daughters as a whole sold

•S2.300.00 in bonds. Mrs. Gibson Patterson was Chairman of the work in Liberty

Loans, and in the Fourth Loan she had charge of issuing liuUetins for both men's


DA I I nso\ 1 .\T) ro.UA.V l\ THE If OKI. n IfAK. I " 1 II 9 I 9

and Koinen's coniniitteti;. Other nieinbers who served in every phase of \sar work

from the beginning of war activities initil the return of the soldiers, were:

Mr-. E. P. Blair, Mrs. K. W. Braltoii, Mrs. L. F. Butler. Mrs. Lurloii Goodpasturf. Mrs.

E. B. Penninpton. Mrs. \V. A. Core, .Mrs. E. H. Doolittle, Mi-.. William Franklin, Mrs. Harry

Lee. .Mrs Tililen O'Kane. .Mrs. T. O. .Morris. Mrs. T. M. Shields. Mrs. F. B. Arnev. Mrs. Clifford

Bales. .\rrs. W. N. Billings. Mrs. Earl Collier. Mrs. Drake Hvde. Ntrs. Phillips Harding, Mrs.

OrWll Kirk, Miss Effie Drake. .Mrs. A. G. Moore, Mis. R. E. Okell, Mrs. Sam File. Mrs. Felix

Peach. Nfrs. W. G. Reyer, .Mrs. Charles Russell, ^riss Lillian Reyer, Miss Lolli.- Spire, Miss

I annie Battle, and Miss B<'ssie Herstein.

The nienihers of the Davidson County King's Daughters were of great assistance

in the influenza epidemic, hotli in nursing and th(! preparation of food. Mrs. W.H. Buchanan served through tlie entire epidemic as an eniergencv motor corps

driver, while committees from each Circle rcndi-rcd assistance as nurses. \o more

patriotic or ardent wprker could be found in Tennessee than the I'rcsideiit of tins

organization. Mrs. Gibson Pailer^on.


The Interdenominational I nion >>{ \\ i

Presbyterian Church at Nashville in I il

for the obser\ance of noon prayer for (

Mrs. William E. Norvell. member of ll

Council and former State President of the King's

Daughters, was the first to suggest the idea of the

noon prayer meetings, and she addressed the mass

mreling. explaining the ne<essitv for sncti an ob-


Mrs. Georse Nti.kols also >pok-

sion. Mrs. Norvell. Mrs. \uckolsdrick Hardcastle were elected Chainthe prayer observances by the large body of womenpresent. The County Chairmen were:

Mrs. W. H. Bruce. North: Mrs. T. J. Bumpas. South:

Mrs. Charles S. Martin. West End: Mrs. David Gordon.K.lmoni: Mrs. George .Mack. Eastland: and Mi-s Su>i.'

Edward^. Downtown.

Several hundred Davidson C')tinl;v women met

at McKendree Church and inatiguralcd tlir rarn-

paign for patriotic prayers. .•\ll seclimi- ol \,i-ln

exception of \^'est Nashville workers, who a~-iinldi-

odist Church, and the East Nashville wotkers. wl

Street Methodist Church. The catn|)aign workers sta;

canvassed everv house and faclorv in the citv limits,

war. ail the r hurdi bells atid farlorv ulii-lli- calli-d

M, Ihis ocra-

d Mis. Ken-

'ii-General of

\illc M.

DAiinso\ cor.VT-y if omen /,v the iroRi.D war. 19 141919

Parent-Teacher Association

Mrs. Eugene Crutcher, State President

Mrs. Alice Wilson Cloyd and Mrs. Alex. Ikvine. World tear Presidents

of Central Council

From the nature of its organization the Parent-Teacher Association was ahle

from the very first call to arms to take an important place in World Vi'ar work.

Mrs. Eugene Crutcher was State President of the Association and from her wide

experience in child welfare work, she was appointed

State Chairman for Child Welfare in the Tennes-

^ClAt ^'*s Orcanization. \^'oman"s Committee. Council of

^^Hn|^ National D.^fense.

mKS^ -S^mB '^^'®" ^^^^^ Wilson Cloyd was President of the

^Br^ ^^^^R Central Council of the Parent-Teacher Association

"r JB at the beginning of World War activities, and un-

r ^jjj^^ JP^ ^B; ''''^ ^^^ direction the organization did effective w'ork


"" '^ -i^^ IF" in registration, food conservation, organizing for

* - Red Cross and other work in which schools and

their conuiiunities rendered such valuable aid in

every movement for the welfare of the countv at

war. During Mrs. Cloyd's administration, besides

the important work of organizing the Association

in every war campaign, a linen drive for the Red

\iR- \L,. t wiLs. N ( L..-,D Cross was held, with Mrs. Eugene Crutcher as Chair-

man of the Association, and the sum of S144 was

raised, together with other donations of towels and handkerchiefs, which were col-

lected from the various units of the Parent-Teacher Association in Nashville.

In the spring of 1918, Mrs. Alex. Irvine was elected President of the Central

Council, and in this year Thrift Clubs were organized by her, and the sum of

S7,000 was reported sold in Thrift Stamps through Mrs. Irvine's efforts. Other

war activities under Mrs. Irvine's leadership consisted in raising funds for the

Y. W. C. A., French orphans. Belgian relief. Knights of Columbus, Liberty Bonds

and Thrift campaigns, and the establishment of three thousand nine hundred regis-

tered \ ictorv gardens. Mrs. Irvine had an educational booth at the State Fair that

caused state-wide comment. She was assisted by Mrs. Alice Wilson Cloyd. former

President, who had charge of decorations of the booth and the child-weighing work.

Mrs. James C. Bradford, a member of the National School Garden Committee,

assisted Mrs. Irvine, Mrs. Cloyd and the Central Council in all work pertaining to

school gardens. Mrs. Alex. Irvine. President, and Mrs. Lou Lusky held a tag day

for the garden work of the Central Council. Parent-Teacher Association, and a

large sum was realized. Mrs. Lyon Childress served as Chairman for Liberty Loan

and thrift work for the Parent-Teacher Association of Nashville.

In the spring of 1919, Mrs. T. B. Agerton was elected President of the Central

Council, and during the reconstruction the various war activities, w^hich had been so

successfully organized and carried on under Mrs. Cloyd and Mrs. Irvine, were con-

tinued with splendid results until their culmination in the participation of the

Parent-Teacher Association in the honie-comina of the Tennessee soldiers of the

A. E. F.

(471 )

[)ninso\ coixry ifOME\ /.v riih: world ir a r. i'nii»i9

A rnininendalilc rcaluif of the Paietit-Teatlier Association iiiulcr Mrs. Cloyd's

ailiiiinistration was the carinp: for hahit's l>orn to overseas sohliers. hiyettes and

niedieal attention hein-; furnished liie wives and hahies of tlie fijihtin^ forees thronjjli

the Parent-Teaeher school c linii >.

The foilowinj: mend.ers of the \a>hvilh> AsM.cialion rank anionj; the HsI of

Teailier war work:

Mis. Tnm J..V. Mrs. I.,... I.uskv. Mrs. .1. (.. < nA.-hn;;. .Ii.. \li-. I :. IV !',-. k. t~..„. Mrs. Imii,

jcv. Jr.. Mrs. Will ll.irn. .Mrs. T. B. ,\i:,tI..i,. Mr- Ml»rl II. I!. .lull-. Mr-. \. ( . |-..\. \li- I . U

i'rrm-h. Mrs. Jaiiu-s B. T.-ll.-.i. Mrs. John I'. Will.ain-. \l.-. W.. Ii. N .. l,..l-..„. \l,- K \. Cillm.

.Mrs. I.. .\. Miller. .Mrs. John K. Tank-l.-%. \l,>. \1.a. Iiaiu.-. M,- (i. \1 W lun.„i..,,-. \1,-. lia

(>ark.T. .Mrs. L. A. Enochs. Mrs. Ii. C. B.-nafih. Mrs. Kinn. v ll.uin,.,,. \1,-, .|.,l,„ W . II „,.

.Mrs. M. J. Ilalloran, .Mr.s. George Koth. .Mrs. Mill Mar.shall,

Mrs. 11. II. .•^ireich. .Mrs. William Dunn. Mrs. W. C. W il

liams. .Mrs. K. O. Brookrr. Mrs. J„hn Sharp,-.. Mrs. T. II.

Kurhwon. Mr-. M. .M. MonI.v. Mr>. I. J. Hill. Mr-. I. K.

lir.M-k. Mr-. W. J. Holm,-. Mr-. J. ( :. \l.l.,;li.. Mr-. W . 1!.

.M,(.iill,..if:h. .Mrs. W . .\. l-o\. Mr-. .\. C. li.ril.v. Mr-. W il

liani Hurfi.s.s. Mrs. J. W . Hall. Mrs. Kdwar,! lir,ll,\. Mr-C. S. Su-iixrr. Mrs. Paul Cohen. .Mrs. David Shirr,-. M r-

Ellir Mclvcr. .Mrs. King S|.arks. .Mrs. .\aron Ii,.ll„ IriM,

.Mrs. r„-orgr Stem. .Mrs. Charles Curran. Mrs. K,,-.! ^ .ninii

.Mrs. J. C. Walker. Mrs. K. S. Hughes. .Mr- W I ll.rMn.

.Mrs. W. U. Johnson. .Mrs. KoU-rt Jennirrg-. Mr- I. Wrll-

.Mrs. William Redford. Mrs. M. C. TaNl..t Mr- I \

Lane. Mrs. C. A. Asmus Mr-. H. I '. I".n. I. Mr- M.fl....

Frank. Mrs. W. C. Dale. Mr- W . -I II, M ii. \!r-, W.r,

ren B. Sloan. .Mrs. W. C. Il.n,l„r,. M,-, \l^,, W ,llr..i,r-.

Mrs. .M. A. Henderson. Mr-. ( luirl,- Will.rr.l, Mr-. .1. 1.

Slaughter. Mrs. B. F. Wilson. Mr-. .|,.„i, - K, l;,,r„-. Mr-.

KrnrsI Fisher. .Mrs. Tillman CaK.rt. Mr- \ M |.«,-.

Mrs. KoI.erl Powell. Mr.s. Craig M, I ,n l.,>..l. Mr-. I l.,rrl,-

Oilh.-rl. Mrs. William .MeKellar. .Mi.-. Chail.-.- Coh.-ir. .Mr-.

J. Willis. Mr>. W. P. Fritz. .Mrs. A. B. Newell, Mrs. xN. C.

I'hilpot. Mrs. Charles Buchanan. Mrs. Count Boyd, Mrs. l,N,.r

Mrs. Alhr-rl Williams. Mrs. Walter Jones. Afrs. J. Harlev MrA. B. B.-n,-dirl, Mrs. Mark Sloan. Mr-. \-,ri,..ri Slrarp. Mr-, N

Mrs. II. T. Woo.l, Mrs. W. F. S,-ll.,-. Mi-, I ,i \\.,\..u.-. M,

Miss Pearl Gilliam. Miss Cornelia I'm, k-.l.,l. \l,- Wrlh. W ,

Julia Green. Miss Ethel Moxlev. Mr- M.rrx III,,, |..,ii.,,,„

.los,-phin.- Berghound. Miss Marv Euhairk. Mi- I . r,., (..u^ill. M,- ll,.r.i ^h.ll.N, Mi- l,rr,il,-

IVnnison. Miss Miriam Irving. Miss Iral N,-|.il, Mi- M.im IIuim-. .in. I Mr- \. II l.-v.

The following women were cho-.-ir Imni llr,- C-Mlr.i! C.uriril \<s Mr-. I u.j.-ii.-

Crutcher. State President, to represent ihe ranril- IVai h,-i \ss,i,-iali,,n in lln- Ihnni'-

eorninjr Parade for the overseas sohhei-:

Mrs. T. B. Aperlon, Chairman: Mrs. M. J. Ilalloran. Mr-. \l,-\. Ir^irr,. Mr-, A B. N,-uell.

.Mrs. J. C. Walker, Mrs. J. \ Mill,-,. Mr-. Tillman Calverl. .Mrs. Ira l"ark,-r. Mrs. P. J. Slaiigh-

t.-r, Mrs. Charles Willanl. Mi- 1' \ Miirrav, Mrs. G. M. Whillemore. Mrs. I.ou I.uskv. Mrs.

W. I'. Fritz. Mrs. E. C. |-..x. Mr- W illr.- Williams. Miss Mniic DnfT. Miss Jrilia Crrcn. Mrs.

Alic; Wilson Ch.vd. Mrs. AllH-rl II. Hol„-rts. Mrs. N. C. PIrilp,.!. Mr-. J. B. T„ll,-rr. Mrs. A.

Bothehil.l. .Miss ^iarv Euhanks. Mrs. Charles Buchanan. Mis. I.rr, il,- l),-rrrri-„rr. Mr-. CorrrrI Bov.l.

Mrs. T. II, Burleson. Nfrs. John P. Williams. Mrs. M. D. Iloliir.-. Mr- I ,-,- l.rr,.,lr. Mr-. C. A.

McFarlan.l, .Mrs. Ilemhrv. Mr-. Jo,- Tall.ol. Mrs. All.,-rl W illiar.r-. Mr- i;..l.,-rl J.-niring-. arr,l

Mrs. W. D. Johnson.

Much interest was nr,iirile-.|i-(l in (-o-operatin^' with ihe ileaii-u|i laiiipaiiMi for

the Hoine-coniinfr Connnilli-e. and the |iosli-rs and slii ki-r- wen- di-h ilirilr-d ii\ ineni-

hers of the Parent-Tcachi-r As-...iali.,n"s C-nhal Coimril ( .,.rr,rr.ill,-(- in ev.-rv sec

tion of the city.

(472 I

-. Mr-,

I) t I 1 1) .S (I A' C O i: A' r Y ir O M E N l N T 11 E U ORLD ir A H. 1 9 1 4-1 'J 1 9

Mrs. Alice Cloyd established lunch rooms in several \ashville schools, where

she feci hundreds of children the daintiest and most nutritious food, as well as se-

curing clotliinp: for the destitute ones. l\o Davidson County soldier's child failed to

he well cared for while the father was in the service if Mrs. (Hoyd or any memberof the Davidson Countv or Central Council Parent Teacher Association were in-

formed of their needs.

War. Sufferers' Campaign

\fc:p,N(.N S. TLiM>i:ii. KiK^Aii .M. Fostkis. Chmrwcu

On November 2.5. 1918, the active work in the War Sufferers' CanipaiL'n was con-

ducted in Nashville and Davidson County by Vernon Tupper, E. C. Faircloth, Lee

Loventhal and Edgar M. Foster, who appointed Mrs. Demjjsey Weaver, Mrs. Verner

Moore Lewis, Mrs. John R. Aust, and Mrs. Leo Schwartz as Field Marshals for the

Woman's Division of the campaign. The county was divided into four sections and

each field marshal was assisted by a large organization of captains and workers whothoroughly canvassed their section of the county, and raised the large amount of

SlOO.lbo,' exceeding the Davidson County quota by 85,000.

Mrs. Horace Smith and Mrs. C. C. Waggoner, Chairmen-Generals of a tag dav and

kettle contributions committee, conducted a campaign for small donations un the

street corners of Nashville for two days, with tlie result that over S2.847.42 ivas

raised. Mrs. Smith's and Mrs. Waggoner's workers who stood on the streets and did

not allow anyone to pass the kettles without a donation were:

Mrs. Gibson Patterson. Mrs. Henderson Baker. Mrs. Richaril Dake. Mrs. E. Y. Fitzhugh, Mrs.

Duncan Potter. Mrs. John Potter. Mrs. Furman Hooper. Mrs. Paul Hunter, Mrs. R. L. Redford,

^rrs. Henry Gillespie. Mr^. Ion I uskv. Mrs. W. C. Pollard. Mrs. Marv 1. llnrris. Mrs. ThomasB. .Scoggins. Miss Beatri. ,• /,,,.. I.,. \l,<. S. Firestcin. Mrs. Alex iMinr \I,- liilius Rich. Mrs.

Herman Lubin. Mrs. Wilh.im i: ^h. Iton, Mrs. Romans Haile\ . Mi- IM^ n M. Foster. Mrs.

Eph Luskv. Mrs. Mil.- Wiii.iin- Mr-. R. C. Moore, Miss CuIm,,,,, \, |.,,n. Mrs. G. W.Hutchin-..,,. Miv T^n„ I iMhii.--. \li- S;,n! Kr.-lrr. ^Tr-. \. C l.„k.^. \1,- Wmxs Sl,^,•„-.

Mrs. Kiik II.Mi Ml- liiMv \l,n,l.>. \l,-, r, uik \l,i„u.,.k. \li- \l,,i • Will,..-,-.

Miss I!.-;:.,,,. I ILll.l. .,,..,. \1,- I ...,,-r l;„l,, M,- (,,,,,1,,.,. ,^I,.,,.. \1,- \1,,.„H- I ,.U,.,,-I,',„.

Miss M,Mi..l M, ,.-!.,, 11. Ml- l,l»,,,,l l,,,,l-.^. \li- IIm,,.,,,. I mu,...-i, .... \l,-- \l,.\ ll„i,i,.r.

Miss i;,i-,n,. ( mI„.,.. \I,-- I,.-,,. -,,.,,, \|,-I ,||,,,„ \\,.,,,|,,.,n,.. M.- \l.,l„-| Gnvan, Mrs.

Byron M,,ii... M,- \l,,,,,l M,( .,^,,. M,- I I..I.,,,. I'.iim M.-- \l,,l.,.| \l,,.-hall. Mrs. VivianTupper. \l.- l;r.il:., M,,. K.,.-.A. M.-- i II.. Ila. ,.,,,... Ml- i;.,ii,i,, k.--l.i. Mi-s Blanche Korn-man. M,-. \.,,„, M,,,,,. I.u,-. M,- .NaU-le Alberl. .\li>. ^ell lam. .\Ur., Ruth Fain. Mrs.

W. «'.( ,,,,.,1,11. \1,- I..,,,-. I',,,..,„^i„n, Miss Maude Ballard. Miss Louise Thompkins. Miss

Floreni,' IJ.iIhi i -,,,,. M,-- |] ll.^ ( !,,rk. Donna Mai Womack, Miss Mildred Brant, Miss MarthaRussell H.iM-. a,,, I M,- l-a,l,,lr --,iiilli.

On December 7, 1918, at the close of this few days' intense working campaign,

a banquet was held at the Chamber of Commerce for the several hundred workers,

and the final reports from each division were turned in. Mrs. Dempsey Weaver waspresented a flag for the best report from the field marshals, and Mrs. Horace Smith

and Mrs. Sam Kessler won the two flags that were off^ered for the most successful

workers. E. C. Faircloth made the presentation speeches.

Edgar M. Foster, Vernon Tupper, Lee Loventhal, Mrs. John R. Aust and Mrs.

Verner Moore Lew-is paid beautiful tributes to their workers in the campaign, whoeach deserved much praise for the sacrifices they gladly made to bring the campaignto a successful conclusion in so short a time.

/) ( r / /) > (M ( (> I \ T ) ir (I \i r \ i v / // a ii n h i n ir •( A'. ; « ; 4i <> i p

Ol-Fl I 'KM)KM i\l GHTKliS OKi;\(;v.

Top row, left to riglit, Mrs. S E. Dickey. Historian; Miss Annie Handley, Publicity Ciiairman;

Mrs. K. B. Briti, Registrar; Mrs. W. R. Perlcins. Recording Secretary; .Mrs. S. P. Gibson, .Second

Vice President; Mrs. B. J. Hodge, Flag Custodian.

Bottom row. left to right, Mrs. R. E. Minton, Treasurer; Mrs. W. A. Crutcher. Third \ice

President; .Mrs. J.-ffie Allien Dickerson Ashworth (.Mrs. W. .S.), First \ icePresidenl : and Miss

.Martha Handl.v. Prisid.nt of the A. J. Harris Circle.

A. j. ll.iiTis Circl(% Inclopeiidont Daiiiihters

of Confederacy

Miss .Mvktii\ 1I\M)I,i:v. /'rrsnlmt

TIm- a. .1. Hani- <;ha|.trr. liulrpriHlrnl D.ui'Jilr,-. „( ( Innlr,!,-, a.N

|„„ta..t i-aM in ihr t'l-Ml v.,lu,nr nl' ua, uork iIkU was a.r„>n|,li-hr,l

of Davidson County.

.Miss Martha Hanfll.-\. P,.-M,lcnl nf the Clia^l.T. >,l^r,\ a- S„l.-

Ihe \avy Comforl.s Commitlef. tht- l!..nk Driv,- in <).l..l„r. I')i7. Kcl

Loan and thrift work, and every local diivc in llic (inirilv. hi i\(i\

work she had the fullest co-operation linrii llu- rli i|ilri niciiilnrs. \-

orfranizalion she inspired the foliciwirij ii|iiirl:

The A. J. Harris Chapter niadr iil,„li,„,- 1,, |l,r |-all,r,lr-

l-'ranee. Helpian Relief Fund, i k- I.., ll,r -nl,l„-,-. ll.r -rvnal ..1,1 . I..I

Ajnerican Hosi)ital at \ue.illy. Fran.,, ll,.' CI.mv.- -su..;,! Iiirh!. all

drives. United War Work CampaifMi. an. I lli.- ^..I.li.a-' M.i iai I nn

ler as a whole houfrhl one hundred ,l.,llai- «..illi ,.! Tlirill ^lanip-

Liberty Bonds.

.Ml the memliers of the A. J. Ham- Chapl.T u,rr v.rv a. liv in sr

and in Re<l Cross ^voik. Mrs. S. F. l)i,k<-v was .,>nspirn,.Ms tlu,,n;:h

work she aeconipiislied for the soldiers while thev were encaniped at

f;rounds and at Camj) Jaek.son. Linens and eleeirie fans for the hos

tained ihroufrh Mrs. Dickey's efforts: and. with Cidonel Hervv's co

cured a French lea<-her, Mi.ss Marjrarct I'.nMssean. to L'ivc iii-lrn. li.m

all of whom were especially anxious t<> a\ail liicniscKcs ,,1 iJie .,|i;.,,rl

,..k an


il we



the French language. Mrs. S. E. Dickey served as volunteer nurse at the AndrewJackson Camp, and her services were so much appreciated by the soldiers at the

camp that on the evening before the boys departed for a Southern camp she wasserenaded by the full regimental band. Mrs. Dickey served as Chairman of the

camp for this chapter.

The A. J. Harris Chapter contributed over three hundred cakes to the home-coming dinner of the soldiers. Several young ladies and the old Confederate Vet-

erans presented a striking tableau on the line of march of the returned heroes.

The following women were members of the A. J. Harris Chapter during the war,

and were responsible for this excellent report:

Mrs. W. R. Perkins, Mrs. S. P. Gibson, Mrs. Edward W. Seaton, Mrs. W. A. Crutclier, Mrs.

V. I. Jones, Mrs. Walter Tyer, ^rrs. R. B. Britt. Mrs. E. M. Patterson. Mrs. tl, Higginbotham,Mrs. R. E. Minton, Mrs. James A. Il..ii^,lr\, \li-. 15. .1. Ilmlnr. \lr^. I'.uil Ti.aiior, Mrs. LenaBranson, Mrs. E. T. Lee, Mrs. Amu. II, Mm, I-. \li-, i; I, \I,imi-mii \1i- \ irginia Sibert,

Mrs. Lee Smith. Mrs. J. D. Tbonia-. \1,-. I .Ina Hal,, \h-, \\,IIm,,i \ -. \li-. .li-mmie Kelley,

Mrs. Marv Snee,!.

PAI ll)S()\ (.01 wry ttOMEN l.\ THE irORI.D WAR. I » I 4-1 9 1


Davidson County \\Oman's Christian

Tenij)i'ranr(' I nion

Mks. R i.. kiNM.D'i. I'rrsnirni

The onkiMS of llie Davklson Coiinlv W miuinV Cliristian Tcni|KManc.' Inion (lin-

ing Ihe Worhl War were: Mrs. Marv F. Hang. Honorary President: Mrs. K. L.

Keniiedv. Acting President: Mrs. Noah Cooper. \ ice-President: Mrs. B. T. Yonng,

Treasurer: Mrs. Aris Brown. Recording Secrelarv: and Mrs. J. O. Priest. Corre-

sjionding Secetary.

The Wonian-s Christian Teniiierance Ini^.n was a.hniial.h a.ia|,l.,! I,, do uar

work, owing to the fact that for fortv veais liiis organi/alioii iui^ had a dcpai Inicnt

for sohliers and saiU)rs. through whicli |iii\-ical rc.inl.nt~ and ninval |ndlcclion

were extended the United States Regular Ainiv and \a\\ jirliuc ihc dcrlaiatinii of

the Viorld War.

The Davidson Counlv \^'. C. T. I., with Mrs. W . I.. Tallrv a- il> Sup.i uitendent

of Soldiers' and Saih)rs' Welfare, made on,- l.und., d rn,nr..il kil~ Im s .hiicrs and

supjilied a Bilde and temperance lecture in eacii kit. Tliev lurnished a nnnihcr of

night shirts to the local Y. M. C. A. for the us.- of transient soldiers. ga\c Hvcntv-

four sheets to the Red Cross linen shower ami purchased the domestic and mad.' a

number of bandages and presented to the Red Cio--.

Three hundred books and twenty-foui .oim|.,|- ,.nd l.Linkrl- ucic fiiini-hcd

Camps Jackson and Kirkland bv this orgaui/alimi. while luiok- and inaga/iiics \vcr<^

collected l)y the W. C. T. U. members for Fort Oglethorpe and contributions were

given toward the purchase of a stereomotograph for Camp (iord ,u. electric fans

for Fort Bliss. Texas and a field kitchen and motor and)ulaiue f,M l!i.' !>altlefields

of France.

Four French orphans ucc adopted bs ni:-mb.-,- .,1 ibe C.oMrih W . C. 1.1.. and

this organization sent telegrams to (.oti'jrc-- a-kini; l^r wailimc piolubillnn and

moral protection for the soldiers. Imili al li«.irie ;in<i o\er--ea~.

Hoover food pledge cards were sijnei I b\ all b.ai-iw i\e~ nt iIm- riieuiliei ~liip of tiie

Davidson Countv W. C. T. V .. and nurneini.. ranriin- an, I ,lnin- .Aliibil ion- ancl

food substitute jectnn- u,-,,- h,'l,l Mn,l,-r lb,- au-pi, e. ,,1' ll„- dm,T,nl uniN.

In adilition to man\ ,-.:inlo;t kil-. I. ".(HI luri. Im- u,ti- -uppli,-,! In lli,- b.p\- ub;-n

they dei)arted for the Southern camp-.

One dav each week was given b\ lb,' ni,iiii"i- nl llie W .( ,. 1. I . I,i si-wing at

Red Cross Headquarters and Surgi, al Dr,— In--, uilli Mi- W . 1.. T:>\\r^ a- Sup,T-

vix.r and Instructor.

The W. C. T. r. m,-mbersbip -,,1,1 n,-u-pap,-i- ,m lli,- \.,-li\ill,- -h,',-l- I,, raise

funds for Alli,-,1 War W,,rk. an.l ibi- ,,r.jarn/al„,n ba,l ,ha,i^,- ,,f a I b al ibe

Automobile Slh.u 1.,, Ih,- -al,' ,.f W.o >a\,n- an, I Tin ill Ma -. an,l ,-,,|l,',|,.l

three hundred an, I -i\l\ ,l,,liai- in -l.unp-.

The names of the most indefatigable workers in lb,- l)aM,l-,.ii C.unIx W. C.

T. U. in all war activities conducted in Davidson Counlv ai, a- LilL-u-:

Mr,.. W. I.. Tall.-v. Mrs. Havi,] T. MrCill. Mrs. E.twar.l Can,, Mi- \n„,, (.„,ii,. M,-. I. N.

Ilvde. Mrs. J. H.Tslein. Mrs. \V. S. McGill. Mrs. J. W. MrChn,-. Mi- Mi,. Il.,l,i. M,- W. ('

AJf^xandnr. Mrs. R. K. Bolliiic Mrs. J. L'. Rust. Mrs. C. E, C.x. M.-. \ II ' -v. Mr- >mIIi,-

l.oS<-ur. Mrs. D. Y. Johnson. Mrs. E. N. Johnson. Mrs. J. K. j,.l,ii-.m. \1,- I. H. Ui.t,.-. \!,-

f 476)

n.iiinsox <:()t.\T) if' o v k n i .\ the iron in ii i h. I'uini'j


Olev Hill

11 I.. Tall.

Mrs. W. F.

1 . ( hairman

(inU.lli. •-.,I ,,.», Ml- KmImiI

Daw-- 1. .\Ii>. Julm .\L W-Mi i MumMrs. Lem Gilbreath, Mrs. W . i;. I Kill

Third row, Mrs. B. F. Y.iuni; i\ill,i (

(Emma Brown), Mrs. Capitnla W.ll-

Miss Lucile E. Tally. Mrs. C. H. U,lt

Mrs. J. S. Hopkins (Mai-y Kennardi(Lula Ford).

I. K.

). Mrs.

n (Salli

\. K.


ev (\laiT

.Mrs Edv


l')|;;. l'J23,


., <:r.,wley

I p row,



ard Ridley

.la .McDaniels. .Mrs. Gregg Baker. Mrs. 1. K. Luton, Mrs. Lucile Steele,

Mrs. J. T. O-Barr. Mrs. J. S. Hopkins. Mrs. B. T. Young, .Mrs. J. E.

arter, Mrs. J. C. Walker, Mrs. W. O. Shivers. Mrs. Robert L. Jennings,

he President. Mrs. J. M. Swann. Mrs. J. Dave Follis. Mrs. Lit Malone,Harry Vaughn. Mrs. W. F. Bang. Honorar\ President. :\Irs. W. R. Hall,

-. n. Hli„plf..l.l. Mr-. K. V. Sin.l.ni. \h'-. O-,.,, .'^I.a,,,-. M,-, W. H.i,^. \l,-. \1, ^ Wiili.n,,-. Ml-. \m- r.M.un. Ml-. II.imK I ..prKui.l. Mrs.1)1, A lliil-r. \1>-, IMuanl Knll.^. Mi- \l,,iii, 1|, ,»,,,, I. Mi- \lattie

llu«.. \I,>. ()|;„- l',!i-. Mr-, \niii,- Wilkr-, M,-. \. I;, s.iuii,.. .Mrs.

Wertie Cartttxiglit, Mrs. Edward Reece, Mrs. C. C. Talley. .Mrs. .Mary

Dora Barton. Mrs. CapMrs. George «•. IVan.

Draughn. \lr-. ( \ niliia

Mrs. R. L... Kr, h.

Mrs. Har.lir llli-. Mi-Mrs. G. C. I ..rkh.nt. \

Tandy, .Mr-, K. (.. ( mEmma IJi-mI.mi.I. \1i-

Gleaves. Mr-. .Mn,- MAddie Minter, Mr:Bending, Mrs. Susan Robinson, Mrs. A. K. Carney. Mrs. C. H. Oden. Miss Alice Wilkerson,

Miss Georgia Wade, Miss Pauline Jennings, and Miss Lucile TaUey.

Every member of the Davidson County W. C. T. U. Units knitted for the soldiers,

preserved and sent delicacies to the boys, in addition to letters, postal cards and

prayer cards. One member. Mrs. J. D. Follis, knitted over one hundred garmentsfor the Nashville Chapter. Red Cross.

The county sustained a great loss and valuable leader in the death of Mrs. NoahCooper, its Vice-President, whose picture appears on the memorial page for womenwar workers. An ardent member of the West End W. C. T. U., whose untimely death

was an irreparable loss to the entire countv organization, was that of Miss Paidine

.Jennings, daughter of Mrs. Robert L. Jennings, one of Davidson Countv's staunch-

est W. C. T. U."s and World War workers. Mrs. William L. Talley. Chairman of

Davidson County W. C. T. U. war activities, performed her duties in such an able

manner that she reflected credit on this organization, not only in Davidson County.

but throughout the state.


D.4\II)S0.\ COiyry IIUME\ /.V the rORl.D war. I9I4-1919

rciiiifssct' ;iii(l l);i\i(ls()n ('oiiiily IMiiul Soldiers'

and Sailors' Oriraiiizatioii

Ml 1'. Fkxnk. Chuiniian

llu- ViA .Natii>nal Oij;aiii<!alioii was luiiiicd (hiiiiij;

assistiiigr the hliiui soldiers and sailors of Ainc

Davidson County followed the rule of assisting in every

a state blind soldiers" and sailors" organization wasformed in Nashville, the officers sen-ing as oflTicfi-

of the Davidson County organization also. 'Jlir\


-Nfrs. E. W. Cole, Honorary ChainiKin : Mt-. ,|..lin I'

Frank, Acting Chairman; Mrs. W . W. Dilli.ii. \ ii .• ( h.cii

man: Mrs. James Frank. Treasurer; and Mrs. Katliryn

P. Wright, Secretary. The Advisory Board was cnniposi-d

of: .Mrs. Humphrey Timothy, Chairman; Mrs. Hoherl W


Nichol. Mrs. James S. Frazer, Mrs. Dempsey Weaver. Mrs.

Edward Buford, Mrs. William C. Weaver. Mrs. H.nrvWilliamson, .Mrs. Lvon Childress, Mrs. P. A. Murrav. Mr-.

Joseph Stein, Mrs. '.Max Bh.omslein. Mrs. Fer.linand' Kulm,and Miss Sue While.

A committee for i (illiviinns \\:i-- i(.iii|in-ri| i.l

Mrs. James M. Frank anil Mrs. ll.rniaii Itirh. C,Chairmen, assisted by ten .Nashville business men.

Mrs. Katherine P. Wrisht and Miss Sue While were

tv for


the slal

Mr-. II



Chairnien for I'liblii

County. M,-. W . Wthe citv . Iiiin hr-.

A committee for the disi

Sailors' Organization was co

Loeb, Mrs. Adolph Jonas and Mrs. ('harles Lovciitha

A flower sale was conducted at all tin- Iradiii'j \u

ville to raise funds for the organ!/

of the sale, assisted bv the followin

ion of collcti

e<l of Mrs. \U




- in Nash-

ui-( General

Mrs. Lou Lusky, Miss Dalla Bloonistein. .Mrs. Keulun Mill-. \Ii-- ll.-len Frank, .Mrs. JohnP. Frank, Miss Goldic Hirsch, Miss Mahel Cohen. Miss N.ii. II.- Ilir-.l,. Miss Louise Rich, MJssFlorence Lowenslein, Miss Corrine Rich. Miss Corrine CdMlM-r;:. \Ii— Alice Hall Lindsey, Mis9Margaret Lowcnthal, Miss Katherine Lusky. Mi.ss Regina Liglilnian. Miss Mary Harding Buckner,.Miss Sue Holmes, Miss Lena Marks. Miss Minna Lowenstcin, Miss Frances Dudley. Aliss Lillian

Warner. Miss Lundy File, and Miss Elizabeth Hill.

A number of benefit entertainments were given to raise funds, and no organiza-

tion formed throughout the war ])eriod was more far-reaching in its benefits than

this one. the Board and ofTicers at all times Inking the lead and working untirinsly

for all benefit affairs. Several thou-an.l .L.ll.ii- u.i- iai-r,l in llil- ni.ninn.

This organization .sold article

.State Fair in 1917. 191.'! and 101


served as chairmen of the boolli

Frank in 19].'; and 1919.

Ml .1 Ml-. W. W.i.nik .111,1 M,-.

D A I ID SON COUNTY W M EN IN THE U ORLI) If A R, 19 1 l-l 9 I 9

Armistice Day Celebrations in Nashville, November

7th and nth, 1918

The pent-up feelings of the citizens of Davidson County found full and free ex-

pression on November 7, 1918, when the first news was flashed over the wire that

the Armistice was signed. Although this proved to he a false alarm, the celebration

that spontaneously burst forth with cheering and rejoicing did not abate on that

account, but kept up in spasmodic outbursts until Novemlter 11. when the official

notification was received in Nashville.

Just imagine a whole community gone mad with joy and one may have a picture

of tlie streets of Nashville on November 7 and 11, 1918; and the women who had

worked so patiently and prayed so fervently for each of the boys in service sud-

denly became as little children at Christmas time. A poem by Miss Will Allen

Dromgoole describes in singular beauty the feelings of the populace of Davidson

County when the news was received, "The war is over."


By Will Allen Dromgoole

It crackled in flames down the aisles of the


It flowed in a current of light.

It boomed in a trumpet-voice over the world.

It sang like a bird in the night.

The great, good news of the victory won.

The triumph of Freedom, the fall of the Hun.

And the heart of the tense world stood to hear.

And its great throat opened, to cheer—and


Over the sea in a crackle of fire.

It leapt through the land like a flame;

It waved like a torch in the noon of the night.

It challenged in thunder to fame.

And the great North shouted the good news on.

The West caught the word in the fire-flash


And down through the South, over river and


It slirilled like a bugle—"Awake! Awake!"

The grey dawn broke on old Nashville town.

Enrobed on her sturdy rock throne.

And the town that had mourned her own brave


Made the great news all her own.

"Rejoice! Rejoice!" Rolled the glad refrain;

"The dead, our dead, have not died in vain.

Rejoice! Rejoice! We have settled the score.

The dead are avenged: the struggle is o'er."

And the old church bell at the corner of Fifth,

Lifted its iron tongue,

.\nd it rang, and rang, as only one bell

Since God made the world has rung;

"WON! WON!" pealed the old church bell,

"Great Freedom has triumphed! All's well!

All's weU!

Peace on the land. Peace on the sea.

A tyrant has fallen, the people are free!"

Over the seas where the sliips keep watch.

The jubilant, proud news sped;

In thundering joy from the living tliroat.

In the soundless voice of the dead.

And the old beU echoed the vibrant joy,

"We have settled the score for each absent boy.

WON! WON! From your far seas come;

America calls—'Come home! Come home!'"

On the grime-greyed walls of the dusty street.

How the flags came rippling out

Red, wliite and blue in a glad-mad flow

To answer the glad-mad shout.

And the joy of a million souls was voiced.

For even the dead in their graves rejoiced.

"Rejoiced! Rejoiced!" O. the old bell knewThat the darling dead loved their country, too.

DAllDSO.y COl MY If O M E .\ /A' THE roRLD WAR. 10141919

Tlu- liiimin? car ami llie soare-irow horse

Side by side in the mad ranks drew,

l).arin<: the fla? »f the ioimlr\- high.

Helping the great news throuali.

And the great throngs jostled, and roared and


And over the noise the church bell rang—"ViON! \^0N!" 0, the nu-Uowswect boom,

"Peace shall abound, the wilderness bloom."

The startled children forsook their books.

The workman his sturdy tools.

And nobody spoke of the task forgot.

N.ir thought of the broken rules:

\\ bile all through the town, tears, laughter and

gunAll published the downfall of the Hun.

.\nd ever the solemn old iron bell

Kept lolling and tolling -"God lives! All's


The gaunt, grey capilol on the hill.

.Ml solemn and stem and old.

To its heart of stone felt the human thrill

In the message the old bell tolled.

.\nd the shades of the great who had mustered


.\ phantom line, thronged the thoroughfare.

For each reveler swore, as he marched along

The soul of Old Hi.kon- Id the throng.

Down the lanes where the wo

With the golden autumn's breath,

Ciune the thundering noise of hurrying feet.

With the muffled joy beneath;

.\s men, eagerly answered the old bell's call;

"Freedom has triumphed. Come one! Come all!

Come on! Come ! Come!" Pealed the great

church bell,

'•God reigns on the earth. All's well! All's well!"

O, it flashed round the world in a circle of fire.

It swept in a river of song;

The voice of a God to the listening world

How the Right had triumphed o'er X^'rong.

I p from the half tilled Southern fields,

The plowman came on the great news' heels;

And the church bell boomed, a jubilant strain,

"Rejoice! The world shall blossom again."

And I think that forever and ever will glow

In the heart of thai Southern town

The glory of joy that was born that night

\^'hen Freedom proclaimed her own.

And that men will go with a softer tread.

Proud of their living, proud of their dead;

Nor forget the message—"God lives, all's well."

That the old l„ II -oMnd.-il God'- bell. Gn.l's bell.

DAI I D S O A' C I NTY HO M E N IN T H E H <) /{ L D If A R, t 'J I 4-1 9 I 9

Gleaves Sword Contributors

No other county in America contributed men who won greater laurels in mili-

tary circles than did Davidson County. Among these was Vice-Admiral Albert

Gleaves, who proved to be "master of the sea." In appreciation of Admiral Gleaves'

ability to safeguard our boys on their ocean voyages during the World War, tlie

folks at home were eager to extend to him some worthy honor, and decided uponthe presentation of a gold sword. The sword was to be secured by means of vol-

untary contributions from Davidson County citizens in memory of a relative or

friend in some branch of the army, navy or aviation corps. The name of each

contributor and that of the sponsored soldier, sailor or aviator and his regiment or

organization were recorded in a very artistically designed book, which was pre-

sented to Mrs. Gleaves in commemoration of Davidson County's boys in service.

Jesse M. Overton served as Chairman of the Gleaves Sword Fund Committee,William E. Beard, Secretary, and Douglas Wright, Treasurer. The sword, one of

the handsomest that could be obtained, was presented to Admiral Gleaves at a

mass meeting at the Rynian Auditorium at Nashville in April, 1919. WhitefoordR; Cole made the presentation speech, and Jesse M. Overton presided over the


The Gleaves Sword Committee compiled their list of contributors in the midst

of the intense campaign of the Fifth or Victory Liberty Loan, and practically every

man and woman in the county who had relatives and friends among the fighting

forces w'as actively engaged in securing Davidson County's quota for the Loan.

Therefore, a great number of people who would have considered it a privilege to

donate to the Gleaves Sword Fund in memory of their loved ones in service allowedthe required time to expire before they were aware of it. The records of several

soldiers of the county were sent to the compiler of this volume voluntarily throughorganizations herein represented, and as no effort was being made to publish the

records of the splendid soldiers of Davidson County who served in the World Warat the time this history went to press, we gladly make mention of those we haveto hand. The names are arranged in the same order as that of the contributors to

the Gleaves Sword Fund. We regret that lack of space and funds prevents us fromrecording every Davidson County man who wore the Idiaki. as we feel a source ofpride in the fact tliat the county can sincerely boast that she had in service notonly her best, but the best in the world.

The contributors to the Gleaves Sword Fund and those in whose memorv con-

tributions were made were:

Mrs. Jesse M. Overton, in memory Lieutenant Jolin W. Overton. 6th Marines. A. E. F. (goldstar hero), son; Mrs. Bruce Douglas, in honor of Captain Bruce Douglas. 114th M. G. Battalion,A. E. F., son; Mrs. Amanda Mayo Hudson, in memory of Sergeant Harvey Lee Hudson, 1stRegiment, Motor Mechanics. A. E. F., son (gold star hero) ; Mrs. Nancy Baxter Overton, inhonor of Lieutenant Edmund B. Overton, 56th Infantry; Cadet Perkins Baxter Overton, S. A.T. C; Lieutenant Robert L. Overton, Observer. 317th F. A., and Cadet John H. Overton. SignalCorps Reserves, sons; Mrs. W. H. Schuerman. Felix Ewing Criddle, War Department; WilliamSmith Criddle, San Diego Naval Training Station, and Charles Barrington Criddle. 312th F. A.,sons; Mrs. Dave Levy, Sergeant Major Ernest Levy, son; Mrs. Ida Silverstein, Joe Levy, U. S.N., brother; Mrs. Elizabeth Mahonev, R. E. Mahoney. Veterinary, Mobile Hospital No. 1; JamesMahoney, 215th F. A., sons; Mrs. T. J. Carlton. T. L Carlton, 114th F. A., A. E. F., son; Mrs.Smith Tenison. Lieutenant A. N. Tenison. 309th F. A., son; Mrs. Morgan Brown. Robert L.Burch, Jr.. Cadet Marine. Aviation Corps, and Hill Burch, S. A. T. C. nephews; Mrs. JamesL Vance, Captain Currell Vance. 318th F. A., and Corporal Charles Vance. S. A. T. C, sons;

(481 )

nAiinsoy <:oi\Ty irn.ME\' in the world uar. i')i4i9i9

Slanains: by the Uil)!e lioldin;: llie swor.l is \(liuiial (;k'avrs. who is one of Davidson t;i>unly's

heroes of the Navy. To his left is Whitefoonl R. Cole who made the presentation speech at the

mass meeting. Next to Mr. Cole stands Jesse M. Overton, who was chairman of the Cleaves

Sword Fund, and who presided over the ceremonies. Next to Mr. Overton is Gov. \. H.

Roberts who spoke at the mass meeting on behalf of the State. Next to Gov. Roberts is Judge

Joseph C. Higgins, next to him Gen. John P. Hickman and Hon. Hamilton Parkes, each of

whom were mcml>ers of the Reception Committee for the several entertainments given Admiral

Cleaves and parly during their visit to Nashville.

Mrs. Effi.- \lclvrr. liain-i-% \r. Ivrr. Marin.- Avialion. ni-phew; Mrs. M. S. Li-li.rk, Cl.in-nr.'

Lcbeck. mill K. A. .\. K. I".. s..n; Mrs. Maud K.-»I.T, Sidney Levy, 322nd InfaiiliN. l,i..ih,-, ;

Mrs. Thomas ilu;:h.-. Iraiik llugli.-s, 1st Kor.strv Battalion. 20th Engineers, and J..hM llu^li.s,

802nd Truck Compaiiv, s..ii>: Mrs. E. E. Kuhn. Edward lleffernan. H.-ilh V. A.. A. E. K., friend;

Mrs. S. W. Bomar. Wrr-niu- Bomar. IJ. S. M. C. son: .Mrs. John Mill Eakin. Viee-Admiral Albert

Cleaves, U. .S. N.. fri.nd; Mrs. Robert Wliarlon Nichol. Charles Lewis Ridley Nichol, Acting

Regimental Sergeant Major. 10th Infantry. Hth Division, .son; Mrs. Robert F. Weakley, Albert

Cleaves, friend; Mrs. John C. Brown. Brown Burch, S. A. T. C, grandson; Mrs. James W.Carroll. Lieutenant flolin C. Carroll. Bomber Aviation Corps, son; Mrs. M. J. Rogers. Lieutenant

Colin C. Carroll. Bomber Aviation Corps, grandson; Nfrs. Tyler Calhoun. Lieutenant Hilary ReedFrazier, llTlh Infantry, A. E. F., nephew (gold sl.ar herol; Lieutenant-Colonel W. E. \Vinl.in.

Headquarters Army Artillery; Captain George Winton. 18tli F. A.; Lieutenant Janii> E. Bailey,



sons-in-law. and Captain U. T. Fra/.ier. Jr.. Enf;in.-.r-. nr|.li.-« : Mr-. \(. s. [..vnillial. I'aul Simon,

Q. M. C. and Milton Simon. 264th Aero Siiua. !...„. I.n.ili,,.: \1,~. Ilair^ W .-il. Simon Weil,

1st Shop Regiment, son: Joe Morse. Sergeant Eilu.iid -iil/li.i. h. , . ilrJnuh.- h. inrtment. brother;

Mrs. Claude Leon Daughtry. Major Claude l.m,, Daii^ln, ^ .Iiu-I.-hhI: \1,- W . A. Allen, Ser-

geant William Simmons Allen. M. G. Ti.ii.iin:: -.I I. -.„; \1,,. W .

(i (,I,h,-i,,. r.„,iain W.O. Glouster. Engineer School, France. Iiii-ImhJ : Mi -. Vnm. (i|,. ti. li.nn. ( .r.,!-, i il.. im li.un. 311th

Infantry, son: Mrs. Ollie Williams. S,,,.,.,.i (il,^,, W.il, :,„,-. -".ih I. \. -,.n; \l,-. G. G.

Winnia. Lieutenant-Colonel Charles C. W iiiiii.l. IIim-i..,, Iii-.|i.rtnr. 2.';ili lhM-,..i, ,,n,| Captain

Gilbert G. Winnia. Jr.. 7th Engineers, sons; Mrs. J. Martin Miller. Lieui. „ ,„i WiMin-, W \lill.r.

Ordnance Department, son: Mrs. Earl Van Horn, Earl Van Horn, hu^hanl: Mi- Mmim- Imlil-

man, Alfred Lightman. 327th Infantry, son; Mrs. Seymour Samuels. Bi-ii I.mhIii.i. ImmkI: \1is.

M. M. Hamilton, Robert J. Hamilton, 115th F. A., A. E. F.. and Jo.-eph llei.h-r Udia.lion,

American P. O.. France, sons; Mrs. Alfred M. Hagan. Lieutenant Frank E. Hagan. 60th In-

fantry, and Alfred M. Hagan, Jr.. 149th F. A., sons; Mrs. Arthur Cooney. Sergeant WilliamVictor Cooney, 115th F. A.. X. E. F., son: Mrs. George E. Cooper. Sergeant George E. Cooper,

306th Engineer?, -..n: Mi-. 11. D. Simon, Harry Livingsion. Air S.im,,-, nephew; Mrs. A. Love-

man, Ensign Mmiii- l(i\.iii,in. U. S. N.. son; Mrs. Cluil'- h Imm. -, Lieutenant Madison P.

Jones. 55th Inf.min. in. I llirliard W. Jones, U. S. M. (.. -mh-: \Ii- i;,,bert B. Jones, R. Mur-rey Jones, Hospital Lnil. ,-un; Mrs. Lemuel R. Campbell. William B. Campbell. 1st Naval Rail-

way Battery; Lieutenant Matt M. Campbell, A. R. C. and Lieutenant Francis Russell Campbell,F. A. R. C. sons: Mrs. Julia Houston. Lieutenant Raymond Houston. 47th Infantry, and OscarM. Houston, 166th Depot Brigade, sons; Mrs. John F. Campbell. John Charles Campbell. Of-

ficers' Training School, son; Mrs. J. N. Gant. Captain H. P. Gant. Ordnance Department; Ser-

geant Norwood J. Gant, 58th Spruce Division, and Andrew M. Gant. U. S. N.. sons; Mrs. JohnThompson. Captain Joseph R. Thompson. 6th F. A., son; Mrs. J. D. Andrews. Lieutenant-

Colonel Frank M. Andrews, Air Service: Lieutenant James D. Andrews. Jr., 306th Engineers,and Lieutenant William V. Andrews. School of Aerial Photography, sons; Mrs. E. L. Gleaves,

Richard D. Gleaves. Aerial Observer, son; Mrs. John D. Cummins. William Taylor Cochran,52nd Infantry, son; Mrs. Reginald Stonestreet. Lieutenant Martin B. Stonestreet. V. S. N.. son;

Mrs. J. J. Ferguson, Ben T. Ferguson, 302d Mechanical Transport Corps, son. and Robert L.

Green, 117th Engineers, A. E. F.. friend; Mrs. Ella G. Pride. Harvey Pride. Gas Defense Di-

vision, son; Mrs. James Morelock. Lieutenant William Jerried Tichener. Camp Hospital 28. son,

and Lieutenant Winson G. TruJock. Base Hospital. Unit 8. son-in-law: Mrs. C. B. Wallace. Cap-tain John S. Ri.\ey. 307th Infantry, nephew, and daughter. Miss Ellen Wallace. Y. M. C. A.Hostess. Montgomery. Ala.; Mrs. N. J. Pearre. How.-ll \. Pearre. 166th Ammunition Company, andBuford Pearre. 115th F. A.. A. E. F.. sons; Mrs. 'S'. I.. Fleming. Captain David French Bovd,U. S. N.. brother; Mrs. J. S. Reeves. Jesse C. Patrick. L". S. \.. grand-nephew: Major WilliamBattle Malone. Hospital Tnit. nephew, and Floyd Barnes. 801st Pioneer Infantrv. friend: Mrs.J. P. Harvill. Robert Harvill. U. S. N.. son; Mrs. R. F. Jones. Ralph Jones. 114th F. A.. A. E. F.,

son; Mrs. H. K. Hind. H. K. Hind. 115th F. A.. A. E. F.. husband: Mrs. J. T. .\l!en, John T.Allen, 105th Supply Train, son: Mrs. W. W. Williams. Lieutenant John Williams. Medical Corps,26th Division, son; Mrs. W. H. Balthrop. Percy Balthrop. Aviation Corps, son: Mrs. Pink M..Ezell. Harry Ezell. Officers' Training School and Luther Ezell. 113th F. A.. A. E. F., sons;

Mrs. H. Z. Gardner, Sergeant W. H. Gardner. 114th F. A.. A. E. F.. son: Mrs. W. L. Murphy,Harry Murphy, U. S. N.. and James Archie Murphy. 302d Guard and Fire Company, sons;

Mrs. C. F. McGregor. Charles McGregor. Coxswain. U. S. N.. son; Mrs. Matt McMurray. Lieuten-

ant George Seeman. Battalion 11. M. O. T. G.. son; Mrs. C. T. Cook. Gilbert Cook. 349th AeroSquadron, son; Mrs. E. G. Eastman. Eldridge Eastman. 114th F. A.. A. E. P.. nephew: Mrs. T. B.

Hooper, Hugh B. Hooper. 115th F. A.. A. E. F.. son; Mrs. Emma Godwin. Paul Godwin. 321st

F. A., son: Mrs. A. N. Kirkland. Sergeant Bernal Kirkland. 321st F. A., son: Mrs. WilliamNelson. Lieutenant Charles Nelson. 114th F. A.. A. E. F.. son; Mrs. S. E. Rose. LieutenantCommander Solon E. Rose. U. S. N.. son; Mrs. John T. Landis. Lieutenant Robert Landis. M. G.,

unassigned, son, and Frederick Jenkins. Aviation Corps, nephew; Mrs. F. ^L Atchley. W. B.

Atchley. LI S. M. C, son: Mrs. Olev Hulse. Gray L. Hulse. 658th Aero Squadron; Lieutenant

Guy E. Dillard. 13th Cavalry, nephews, and .\Lss Slarv Dillard. K. of C. Canteen Worker, niece;

Mrs. B. F. Wilson. Robert Henry Gardner. Aviation Corps. A. E. F.. friend: Mrs. Idabelle Wil-

son, Captain Meade Frierson. 125th Infantry. A. E. F. (gold star heroK frieii'd of her niece,

AOss Reba Wilson Gray; Mrs. Margaret Campbell Pilcher. William Bowen Campbell. 1st N.

S. Naval R. R. Battalion: Matthew McClung Campbell, U. S. Coast Artillen-. and Francis

Russell Campbell. U. S. Training Camp, nephews; Mrs. S. H. Chester. Lieutenant Martin S.

Chester. Camp Meade, Md.: Lieutenant Samuel H. Chester, Jr., Aerial Observer. Fort Sill. Okla.,

and Lieutenant Emerson Chester. Ellington Field Aerial ( Pilot I . Houston. Texas, sons; Mrs.

Lou Lusky, Miss Cornelia Barksdale. Army of Occupation. Coblenz. Germany. A. E. F.. friend;


DAiii)so\ (:(H\r) ir o \i h. \ i\ r ii F. no rid ii a h. i'>u-i9i9

Mrs. Uuiidrid^e lialiiwt-ll, Duiidridge Caldwell, Officers' Training Scliool, Camp Taylor, Louis-

ville, Ky., husband tpold star lierol; Mrs. E. Vonowine, .^^lanley Yonowine, 114th F. A., A. E.

F., siin; .Mrs. G. V. Darden, Corporal Waller Bents Darden. 115th F. A., and Sergeant RoyDarden, 115th .M. G. Battalion, A. E. F., sons; .Mrs. W. H. Klyce, Lieutenant Paul Rlyce, 54th

C. A. C, and W. H. Klyce, Jr.. Aviation Corps, sons; .Mrs. Carey A. Folk, Robert (lates Folk,

Aviation Corps, son; .Mrs. W. B. Pirkard. .\lfred E. I'ickard, 159tli Aero Squadron, son; Mrs.

Sigmund .Marks, Sergeant Aaron Sulbacher. 106th F. A., brother; Mrs. Lou Frank. .Sergeant

L. J. Sulzbacher, Q. .M. C, brother; .Mrs. Henr)' Teitlebaum, Corporal Harold Cohn, 151st

Depot Brigade, nephew; .Mrs. Reuben Gentry, Sergeant John 1'. Gentry, 110th Engineers, andSergeant Reuben Boone Gentry, U. S. .NL C, sons; Mrs. J. O. Cummins, Lloyd Cummins, Phar-

macist, First Class, Li. S. N., son; Mrs. J. .\. Brandon, Charles A. Brandon, 115th F. A., andGeorge B. Brandon. U. S. N., sons; Mrs. G. W. McElroy, Green .McElroy, Army Field Clerk.

=on; .Mrs. A. F. McConnell, Lieutenant Frank .McConnell. L. S. .N.. son; .Mrs. John E. Dunn,Clark Dunn, 115th F. A., A. E. F.. and John E. Dunn, Y. M. C. A., sons; Mrs. J. P. Huiitcr.

Eugene Hunter, Chief Yeoman, U. S. N., son; Mrs. Lou Rascoe, Lieutenant Bailey Rascoe, 318tli

F. A. son; Mrs. E. S. Gardner, Vice-Admiral Gleaves. U. S. N., friend; .Mrs. K. C. Moore.Joseph P. .\roore. 105th Supplv Train, son; Mrs. R. L. Alexander. Robert Alexander. S. A.

T. C, son; .Mrs. J. J. Matlock, J. J. ilatlock, 114th F. A.. A. E. F., son; Mrs. J. B. Totten. Lieuten-

ant J. E. Totten, 1st Pioneer Infantry, son; Mrs. Leslie Wanier, in honor of Colonel Lucius Burch.

Medical Corps, brother, and five nephews who were in service; .Mrs. \Iary B. SchifT, Lieutenant

Charles Burch Scliifl, Transportation Department, son; Mrs. Joscjih Murray. Edward T. .\I«r-

ray, 3rd Air Service Regiment, son; .Mrs. C. A. Jm-. |ili. I i. ui. nani I'.i. T.iinM.- Joseph, CampJackson, son; Mrs. John Coode, James Brew Cood. . ^.il - i ii--n\ 1 nil ;' -.in; Mrs. JamesBrew, Captain James Brew. Jr., Base Hospital ]<•''-

; Mi- hilm In lun: William AndrewTrebing, 117th F. A., A. E. F.. .son; Mis. Thomas lil,.a^. •-.,-,,, m |,,h,i | I'.i.i.K. 12lh Infantry,

and Frank A. Brady, 120th Infantry', sons; Mrs. Norali Rilev. Sergeant Dan liilev, 114th F. A..

A. E. F., son; .Mrs. James T. Dicks; Corporal John Bradley 'Dicks, 115 F. A., A. E. F., and Cor-

poral Benjamine Dicks. 115th F. A., A. E. F.. sons; Mrs. M. J. Galligan, Fred M. Galligan.

114th F. A., A. E. F., son; .Mrs. Alexander Caldwell. Winston Caldwell. 156th F. A.; Lieutenant

Will Dake Caldwell, 117th Infantry, A. E. F., and Lieutenant Harold P. Caldwell. 114th M. G.

Battalion. A. E. F., sons; Mrs. Morgan Brown. Sergeant Ivo Burns McAlister. 107th SupplvTrain, and Sergeant Harry Hill McAlister. Q. M. C, nephews: .Mrs. Lou l.usky. Lou I.usky, Jr.,

Camp Dix. son; .Mrs. Lee Loventhal. Ensign Ralph Fensterwald. 1'. S. \ . m |ili. u ; Wiilun Cohn,

G)rporal Harold Cohn, 151st Depot Brigade, son; Mrs. Charles Cilm I h ni. ini I .|Ji Koscn-

thal. Q. M. C, Finance Division, friend: Mrs. Henry S. Frazer. s.,,, ,,„t -;,„,i„ I I K. iih. Jr.,

114th F. A., A. E. F., brother; Mrs. F. E. Kuhn. Lieutenant F. \. Ki.lm. litTil. |)im~i..,i. CampSherman; F. E. Kuhn, Jr.. Camp Gordon, and Oliver Kuhn. 47th Training Battalion. Camp Tay-

lor, sons; Mrs. Boiling II. Rice. Lieutenant Grantland Rice. 11.5th F. A.. A. E. F., son; Mrs.

A. V. Jones, Lieutenant Palmer Jones. 321st F. A., son; Mrs. R. II. Worke. Robert II. Worke,Jr., Vanderbilt Unit "S." A. E. F., son; .Mrs. Charles S. Brown. Lieutenant Foskett Brown,Signal Service Corps. Aeronautic Division, son; Lieutenant Noble Byrd Schumpcrt. 140th In

fantry. friend; John Holman. 346th Infantry. fricn<l. and Corporal Charles Brown Tulcy. 384th

Infantry, nephew; Mrs. W. N. Tippons. Lieutenant .Albert II. Tippens. S. O. S., son; Mrs. Otis

Dres.«ler, Captain Otis Dressier. 115th F. A.. A. E. F.. husband; Mrs. Richard Ilager. Lieutenant

Richard Hager. 115th F. A.. A. E. F.. husband; Mrs. Ross Ilandlv. Ensign James C. Handly,

Paymaster's Corps. U. S. N.. and Sergeant Charles C. Handly. Vanderbilt Unit "S." A. E. F.,

sons; Mrs. Lulie H. Rhodes, Vice-Admiral Gleaves. cousin; Mrs. J. F. Tinnon. Sergeant James.Maxwell Tinnon. 105th Engineers, son; Mrs. E. B. Chappell, Lieutenant P. B. Chappell. Jr..

Observer. 83rd C. A. C son: Mrs. Eli Redelsheimcr. Corporal .Jonas Rcdclsheimer. 4.35th Depot

Detachment. Engineers, son; Mrs. .Addie K. Hayes. Lieutenant Martin Hayes. .SOlh Aero Squad-

ron, son: Mrs. E. M. Mime. Clyde Hinie. Q. M. C. and Harry Hime. Ordnance Department, sons;

Mrs. M. N. Nannio and Mrs. Thomas Nannie. Thomas Nannie. 114th F. A.. A. E. F.. son andhusband; Mrs. George II. Price. Lieutenant Louis II. Sperry. Jr.. Peach Mission Courier,

nephew; Mrs. Mary F. Baird. Lieutenant L. F. Baird. Marine Aviation, and Kenneth Baird.

S. A. T. C, sons; Mrs. Charles W. Baker. Lieutenant Robert Baker, 123d Infantry, brother-

in-law: Mrs. N. B. Colsher. L. E. Colsh.-r, 115th F. A., A. E. F., son; Mrs. R. M. Webb. Clif-

ford W. Webb. 114th F. A., son; Mrs. C. A. Marshall, Charles Rembert Marshall. U.

S. Infantry, Unattached, son: Mrs. W. H. Goodloe. Ossie Walsh Goodloe, Officers' Training Camp,son; Mrs. Ellen C. Milam, in memory Carter Milam. U. S. N. fpold star hero); Maj'or Robert

Milam, 115th F.A., A. E. F., and Major James H. Milam. llSlh F. A.. A. E. F., sons; Mrs.

George B. Winlon. Lieutenant Colonel W. F. Winlon, Army Artillery Headquarters, and Captain

G. P. Winton, 18th F. A., sons; Mrs Greg Baker, J. Harris Baker. Q. M. C, son: Mrs. H. A.

Pride, II. Warfl Pride. 23rd Engineers, son; Mrs. W. A. Bunlin, Lieutenant Stanford Owen,


I) 11 1 DSi

DAVID S O V (Ol V 7 1 WO M E V / Y T H F ir O R 1. D If i K. I ') 1 41 >> 1 9

Mrs. A. B. Hill. SiTgeanl Adolph Hill. Jr.. I2:2iul F. A., and Licuknaiil JoM-pli Hill, Cimp Joseph

E. JiilinMon. sons; .Mrs. Andrew Koberlson. Lieutenant Atlioll Stuart Koberl.son. Headquarters,

2nd Brigade. Canadian F. A., son; Mrs. (1 M. Harden, Eldred Reaney, I'. S. M. C. brother;

Mrs. J. W. Drumwright, Enloe Drumwriglit. 330ili Infantry, son: .Mrs. C. K.. Colley. William

Cidlcy. Headquarters Corps, and Crutcher McClure. S. A. T. C, John Hopkins Unit, son; .Mrs.

H. Kai Howse. Lieutenant Atlioll Stuart Robertson. Headquarters. 2nd Brigade, Canadian F. A.,

friend; Mrs. John H. DeVi'itt, X^'ard De\^ itt. Seaman Guard. Great Lakes Training Station, son;

Mrs. C. V. Coonev, Serjeant Robert Grizzard Coonev, 19lh Training Battalion. Camp Gordon,

son: Mrs. John .\iarshail Ewing. Dr. Martin Bonelson. U. S. N., .Medical Corps, friend; Mrs.

.Morgan W. Brown. Vice-.Admiral Cleaves, friend; Mrs. .Martin Kane. Lieutenant Edward T.

Kane, Q. ^^. C, and Robert Kane. U. S. M. C. sons; Mrs. Joseph II. Thompson. Lieutenant

Joseph Roarh, .Aviation Corps, Unassigned, friend; Mrs. T. C Ragsdale, Charleton LeRoyRagsdale. 167lh Infantry, son; Mrs. B. S. Williams, Sergeant Waller Williams, Aviation Corps,

son; Afrs. I psliaw Bucliner. Henry K. Buckner. Vanderbilt Unit "S,"' A. E. F.. son; Mrs. Wil-

liam Gordon Daslieill. William Manson Hager, Pharmacist, U. S. .\., and Samuel E. Hager,

S. A. T. C. grandsons; .Mrs. Laura E. Berry, Joseph Lawrence Berry. U. S. .M. C. son; Col.

and .Mrs. Thomas W. Wrenne. Joseph P. Burns. I30th Infantry, nephew; Mrs. William D.

Sumpter, Jos<-pli P. Burns, 130tli Infantry, cousin; Mrs. Frances Keesee. Joseph P. Burris, 130th

Inf«ntrv, nephew; .Miss Virginia .McFerrin Pope. Colonel William Rivers Pope. 113th Infantry,

A. E. F., father; .Mrs. R. E. Porter. Richard .M. Porter. U. S. M. C. son: Mrs. John A. Wither-

spoon. John A. Witherspoon. Jr.. S. A. T. C. .son: Mrs. W. P. Sinilli, Ernest Smith. 3(Wlh In.

fantry, brother; .Mrs. George Dutlinger, John E. Dutlinger, 316th F. A., son; .Mrs. F. 1.. Blume.Lieutenant Hillary Reed Frazier, 117th Infantrv, A. E. F., nephew (gold star herol; Mrs. MayFrench Noel. Lieutenant Edwin T. Noel. 113th'M. G. Battalion, son; Mrs. W. D. Trabue, Lieu-

tenant George Trabue, 142d F. A., son; .Mrs. John Wheeler, Durward Wheeler. 114th F. A.,

A. E. F., son; Miss Carrie Lester. Allen James Lester, U. .S. N., nephew; Mrs. Eugene Crutcher,

Eugene Long Crutcher. U. S. N". R.. son; .Mrs. Elizabeth Sudekum, Ensign Robert II. Sudekum,U. S. N., son; .Mrs. .Mary C. Dorris, Sergeant Andrew Jackson (great-grandson of General An-drew Jackson I. Headquarters LSTtli F. A. Brigade, kinsman; .Mrs. W. E. Oakley, Corporal

(Juintus L. Oakley, 114th F. A., A. E. F., son. and Lieutenant W. Bradley Stone. 362d Infantry,

nephew; Miss Carrie Patterson Hatcher, Preistley E. Wherry. .S.Sth F. A., cousin; .Mrs. A. J.

Ilargrave, .Sergeant A. J. llargrave, 324th Infantry, son; Mrs. John A. Green, Corporal JohnCrutcher Green. 20th Engineers, son; .Mrs. T. F. Proctor, Albert W. Proctor. Vanderbilt Unit

"S," A. E. F., and Thomas H. Proctor, Vanderbilt Uhiit "S." A. E. F., sons; Mrs. J. ,VI. Cham-bers. Lieutenant John Milton Chambers, 62nd C. A. C. husband; Mrs. J. .S. Walker. Lieutenant-

Colonel Richard W. Walker. 73rd F. A., son. and Commander Arthur Rice. Jr.. U. S. N.. nephew;Mrs. A. Tillman Jones, Lieutenant Ira Payne Jones, 31.Sth Heavy Field Arlillcrv. .m.l \. Tillman

Jones, Jr., Vanderbilt Unit "S." sons; Mrs. Martha Cornelius Hall, Lieul.-nanl ( .„„,li„< Hall,

33.5th M. G. Battalion, son; .Mrs. W. A. Ogden. William Allen Ogden. Jr.. I .

-- N I!, son;

Mrs. .Sara Ward Conley. Lieutenant John CliafTe. American Red Cross, rnpluu ; \li-. C. E.

Skinner. Chaplain T. A. Wi-'ini,.M. \run V \I. ('„ A., friend; Mrs. Elizabeth Bradshaw. PerryD. Bradshaw. U. .S. N.. (;r.i,i.l-..iK Mr.. J. A. Vowcll. Frank Stone, U. S. N., and Robert

Hendrix. Radio Operator, n.;h, u-: \li-. J..liri (;. Gilmore. Captain Mitchell Long. 114th F. A..

A. E. F.. and Corporal .Mahion II. Long. (Jrdnance Department. Camp Zacharv Taylor, brothers,

and \irgil .Moore, U. S. .Marine. Paris Island. S. C. nei)hew: Mrs. John R. Aust. Corporal

John H. Aust. Jr.. 114th F. A., A. E. F.. son; .Mrs. W. H. Washington. Lieutenant H. L. Wash-ington. U. .S. N. R.. son; Mrs. Carrie Estes. Lieutenant William I!. Estes. 121st F. A., son;

Mrs R. W. Jennings. Vice-Admiral Cleaves. U. S. N.. kinsman; Mrs. M. J. Gillem. Sergeant

L. P. Gillem. Ilth Infantry, son; .Afrs. Harding A. Jackson. Captain Harding A. Jackson. Field

Remount S(|uadron, husband; Mrs. W. T. Huggins. Lieutenant William P. Huggins. Camp Tay-

lor; Hooper P. Huggins. 114th F. A.. A. E. F.; David S. Huggins, V. S. N., and Allen C. Hug-

gins, Q. .M. C.. sons; .Mrs. J. W. Owen. Corporal Sandy Owen. Supply Train. 2n(l Army, son;

Mrs. Lula Douglierty. Lieutenant Paul Dougherty. 322nd Detachment Engineers. Camp Beaure-

gar<l; Gordon B. Dougherty, Camp Humphrey, and Lieutenant Lew Dougherty, Dental Corps,

sons; Mrs. Charles B. .Moore, C. Barney Moore. U. S. N., son; Mrs. Beltie Moore. Julius B.

Moore. 80th F. A., son; .Mrs. Andrew Hooper Mizcll, Sergeant Robert Orr .Mizell. 114th F. A..

A. E. F.. son; Mrs. J. D. McAlister, J. D. .McAlister. Jr., 49th C. A. C. .son; Miss Ethel Living-

ston, Sam Livingston. .50th Infantry, brother; .Miss Mildred .Marshall, Edward R. .Marshall. Past

Assistant Surgeon. Marine Hospital, France. A. E. F.; .Miss Medora Hill, .Murray Ewing Hill,

Y. .M. C. A.; Miss Natelle Ilirsch. Corporal Gilbert Fox. .50th Infantry, affianced; Miss

Mabel Cohn, Lieutenant Joseph Rosenthal. .M. C. Financial Division, affianced; Miss .Minnie

(.urlcy. Roy Stribling, 30.3rd Supply Train, Q. M. C, friend; Miss Lucy Eastman. Lieulenani

Lewis Eastman Ford, Air .Service, Signal Corps, cousin; Miss Fannie II. Cleaves, Eldridge (',.


DAlIDSnN COl'NTY if O M F. IS IN THE llORLD 11' A H. I » I 4-1 <n 9

EastiiKiM. null F.

E. F.. I.lnlhr,. \1|..

Miss S.mI,.- ll.iilm.M

Rean,^. t . -, \1,

'•s;- \ I r -.-1-

Miss l,M„,,,, J

Gav.»k. I ,i|iMin I

Luk,- Ir,,, II nil I

U. S. InfanliA. i;,.i

Canadian Arnn. n

F. A., A. E. F.. M.,

IHth F. A.. A. 1-;.

anil Lieutenant HEli Melvin Tisdale

K. G.l.;. in m,mn,

AthlrlH \

F. (Jooper. 35 all Infantry,


L'phew; Mrs. riiert'si. .\k

lulerson. 114th F. A., A. E. F., nepliew; Mrs. Overton Lea. CF. F.. s(,n; Mrs. J„hn L. Dismnkes. Jolni L. Dismnke>. Jr..

i.hMi, \. F. v.. mainUun: \\v~. Walter Keith, Tlionia- \l.il.„„

di- I .ll^.,l,l W I-.. -I',. I I,,, I, n, lilt Robert Coleni.in Fm-i. i

1 Li~ Xruliiil. -,i;:.,,iii l.iiM, li Clifton Hancock. I!.-i,ii. mmI

»: \li-. W. I, \ .. ( .i|.lain Hancock, Y. M. C. A.. \,iuii-i,i

N. |„lallll^ srlinnl ,,l Anus, Ga., cousins: Mrs. Eli \1.Imii Ti

lailn- i;,;jnii.iiL Wir.ili Engineers, A. E. F., husl.an.l: W lul.

N. C. an.l M. F. IFnlmad emplovs who lost thn, ln.~ in

Km Ill-

Officials of ll

mander of tin

Chandler CarMedical Corpj

zard, Roy C. Grizzard. 312th F. A., s

A. E. F.. friend: Mrs. Elise Maneyliams, 319th F. A.. 82nd Division. BaRobert Overall, U. S. Infantry. N. 'l

Engineer Depot Department. Ciinii 1

J. Keith. 114th F. A.. A. E. F.. -...,. ..

lor. Kv.. son-in-Fnv ia«\>\ ^tar lumi ;

and .^an, \Fn.r KirLiuin. Il,-.ll, F. A

Officn-.- ll. 11^ -. I. \.i;;ii-.la.

Lipsc.inl,. F.a^. lln.|,ilaL Imt W,,il

rill, Jr.. and Lieutenant \\ . ( . ' <n

tenant John C. Miller, A. E. F. an

Mosby. Lieutenant Henrv M' i l Ma-

W. G. Ewing, Captain Henr^ hirki

ton, and Captain J. \1. Dickin-Mii. ,

Benjamin William Dirks, ll.illi F.

Buford, Jr.. Avialimi .•>rrti„ii. Sifiiial

ter Burt, ALirin.- r -. |'a,i- Man,Base Hospilal- I'miii \|, i I, ll.iml.

Officer. U. .'s. - -Mnih li.ik.iii. -

Mrs. J. W. Wain,,. |;h Ii.inI I;mIIiii

Vandcrlnll: v,.,,, ,mi \1,iim, W illi.an

Jr.. .SlHl, I ^. Inl.inliv. ,M |,li, U-: \l

LieutriMiii lo-r|il, V. |;„],„,l. 1, . \^

Corm•llU^ 11. lilltMiJ, Inl, Mil;. 11. .I



Hicks. Weslun 11.111, < ..nn f

liam Fall, Fir-i I i. i,ir,i,i,ii i;,,!,, , i 1


A. E. F., gr

lemorate the i

i-nant Irby Rii

II oniniill. r. ill honor of Major

\ i-iM,,. \, ]•;. ]'.. friend; Mrs. Ja

I- -ai: \li<. Joseph H. Ackl.

,1 Kohrri F. I.aiidis, M. C, I na

\1. S. I'llrli, r. Firiii.i

am- iMr-. FniiiiH, F


(.111 Fi

knl.v, \. iM V,. „. I I,], I,, ,., Il.alrliment.

am. (ml,., l.iunn,, ll.mlk. (,». \1, C. friend;

., ,1, i.il W ill,. nil K. Smith, Com-I,- W ( .i,,,,ll. Lieutenant Colin

I. ll. Ill, null riiomas H. Brown.Mj:n,-,l. ^.,ns-inlaw; H. H. Griz-

ini James T. Kelly, 114th F. A..

-I Fi.utenant Fount Wade Wil-

ili,,n 11. A. F. F.. I,n-I,aii,l; Mr-. W. T. Yoimg. Lieutenant( a,ii,\ ni.i.k,,. I

.^ \ ,,,1,1 Edmund Turnley Martin.

,11,1, k. (..I. -Ill-: \li- Wili.r Keith, Corporal SamuelI 1 1.111,1, iiIl!,- I .,lik,.ilL (111,, ,1- Training Camp. Camp Tay-

h-. \,iMuaii Kukmaii. .|..lin Kiikman. Camp Merritt, N. J..

A. i:. F.. sons: Mrs. J. F. I ami,-. i;,,|„rt Edward Landis.

1.. -,.ii: Mrs. J. T. Lip-, .,i,,l,. I hum, ant John Marshall

T, \,i-. son: :\Irs. E. W . I,, -in. Fi, niniant B. F. Cock-

iill. ( .ii,i|. (~.,n,l,,n. ii,|ili,u-: Mrs. J. D. Blanton, Lieu-

I ,,-k,,, I nil, II. \M,iim,i. ( .iiiip Dix, nephews; Mrs. John1 1. IV III-,,,, Villi I

^ liil.iiiii\, A. E. F., nephew; Mrs.

,.11. ^|.rni, I'm,' DiM-mn. \.,ii,,.uv,T Barracks. Washing-. ll'Mli F. A.. A. E. F.. ii,|.li,u-; Ml- l.im,- L. Dicks.

.. A. F. F.. son: Mrs. F,lua,il l;iil,,i,l. I .,|,i.iiii Edward

..r].-. A. E. F.. son: Mrs. ( :. \. Mai-li,ill. Fi,iil,nant Wal-nephew: .Mrs. Charles Caldwell, (aptain Jerry Caldwell,

la., and Commander Turner Foster Caldwell. Executive

Mrs. W. T. Youiig. Leslie Carney, 114th F. A., cousin;

114th F. A.. A. E. F.; Robert L. Boiling, S. A. T. C,alward Boiling. 114th F. A., A. E. F,. and Jeflf D. Boiling,

. Joe Buford, Richard H. Brown. Camp Lee. Va.. nephew;lion Corps. A. E. F.. Technical Department, and Sergeant

lm,-nt. H..ii-t,m. Texa-. -,.ii-: Mr-. Mai-jan-t I in,l-!ev Hoyte111, hivi-nai F„:ii,i,, ,-. \ F F. In, „,l: Ml- (.,„rge Wil-

li (.,,1,1,1, ,. \vi,ii I ,,,|,- ^i,iii,,i, Jn,l \,,l h.'iiartment,

W illiani 1 , \ll, II. I . >. M.iii,,,-. ii.,|.li,,» : \|i-. F. T. Seay,.• A. E. F.: Captain Thomas K. Barrv. Ainl.iilaiic- Corps,

A. E. P.. brothers, and Lieutenant-Colonel John A. Barry, Camp ^leade. .Md.. half-lin.tln-i


Mrs. J. D. Blanton. Miss Anna Treadwell Blanton. Y. M. C. A., France, daughter; >rr-. J. W.Warner. Lieutenant Chades Boiling Warner, A. S. M. A.. Barron Field. Fort \^'..rth. Texas;Lieutenant James William Warner, Jr.. A. S. A.. Langley Field, Va., and Robert J. Warner,S. A. T. C, Company D. Nashville, sons; Mrs. Eugene Shannon. Lieutenant Fount Williams,

319th F. A., A. E. F., brother; Mrs. J. P. W. Brown, James Webster, Aviation, Fort Worth,

Texas; Robert Webster, Aviation, Miami, Fla.. and William Webster. Aviation, Okla.. nephews;

iMrs. C. A. Marshall. Charles Rembert Marshall, U. S. Infantry, son; Mrs. J. G. Creveling,

Donald McDonald, S. A. T. C. Mo., nephew; Mrs. John A. McEwen. Donald McEwen. U. S.

N., Air Service, A. E. F.. son; Mrs. Robert L. Morris. Major Robert L. Morris. Jr.. 6th Engineers,

and Walter K. Morris. Flag Officer. U. S. Navy, Flagship, sons; Mrs. W. G. Ewing, Lieutenant



Major Richard Barr.

i>Afii>s()\ CO I MY no M i: y i\ rut: ir o k !. n ir a r. i'>ii-i9i9

Kd Baxter Uvirlon, A. K. F.; Licuu-iiam Juliii M. Ovcrti.n. 6lh I . S. Mariiiuj. A. E. F., andl.ieuleiiaiil Kt.lx-rt 1,. Overton. Air Serviee. Detroit, nepliews: Mrs. Edward Bufnrd. Colonel

Louis Karrell. A. 1'. O.. 714tli A. E. F.. nephew; .Mrs. .•^anluel H. Orr, Captain Joseph 11. Thomp-son. 37th F. .\.. Camp Lewis, brother; .Mrs. 1. J. \ an Ness, Lieutenant Allan E. Van Ness. BaseHospital 8'). M. K. C. A. E. F.; Edwin B. Nan Ness. S. A. T. C, Nashville; Noble Van Ness,

Lifiht Tank Corps. A. E. F.. and Lieutenant Stephen A. Van Ness, 10th Training Battalion, Of-

ficers" Training ."School. Camp Taylor. Ky., sons; \rrs. C. P. Edwards and Mrs. K. H. Howell,Morton Jiser. Camp Taylor. Louisville, and Stewart Garner Jiser. S. .\. T. C, Louisville, nephews;.Mrs. Porter Philips, in honor of .Miss Fannie O. Walton, \anderbilt I nit "S." A. E. F.. aunt;.Mrs. C. M. Hughes, First Lieutenant Shelby Gleason Huglie.s. 43rd and ,S4th Coast Artillery,

A. E. F.. son; Mrs. Robert Emmett Cooper. First Petty Officer Robert Emmett Cooper, Jr.,

L'. S. A. .Navy, New London, son; .Mrs. Paul Sloan, Second Lieutenant Paul Lowe Sloan, Jr.,

.\ir Service, Lnattached, and Captain Arthur Sloan, Ammunition Train, Second Division, In-

fantry, sons; Mrs. Smith Tenison, Second Lieutenant Alonzo Marion Tenison, Batlerv E. 114lh

F. A.. A. E. F., son: .Mrs. William Wesley Dillon. First-Class Private Viillinn W ,-i, v Dillon,

Jr.. r. .S. N.. K. F.. son: Mrs. James J. .Mason. Don Douglas Mason, Priv.ii. I ii-i ( l.i--. tl6th

F. A.. 81sl Division, son; Mrs. Jacob .Andrew Cartwright. Jacob .\ndrew ( n in r i-lii. In",ili En-

gineers, son; .Mrs. G. A. Harding, Corporal .Medicus Ransom Harding. Fiil.l li. niunni S(]uad-

ron, son; Mrs. Robert W. Nichol, in honor of cousin. Captain Ridley McLean. V. S. N.. Com.Officer of U. S. S. Columbia, which became the flagship of Rear Admiral Wilson. CaptainMcLean was (;hief of .SiafT, Battleship Force One. consisting of twenty-four battleships of pre-

dreadnaught type, (ioniniander of V. S. .S. New Hampshire. On ocean escort duty with the

convoys until .Armi.stice. Then on transport duly repatriating the A. E. F. until July. 1919,

He was awarded a \'ictorv medal and Navv Ooss. Captain McLean was the only son of .Mrs.

Sallie Caruthers Ridley McLean and Thornton McLean: Mrs. Robert Wharton Nichol. in honorof Robert Wharton Nichol. Jr.. who volunlei-red at the outbreak of war. but was delayed onaccount of serious illness, eldest son, and Bromfield Bradford Nichol, who was the youngestmember of the Home Defense League, of which Colonel Charles Lewis Ridley was in command,third son; Mrs. James Washington Blackard. Second Lieutenant Charles Galloway Blackard.

9th Aero Squadron, A. E. F.. son; .Mrs. E. P. Blair. Cadet Robert Lee Overton, 89th AeroSquadron, 2nd Army Corps, A. E. F.. friend; Mrs. A. E. Poller. .Second Lieutenant Justin Potter,

Instructor, Aviation Corps, son; .Mrs. Victoria J. Roach, Second Lieutenant Joseph Conley Roach,Aviation Corps, son; .Mrs. Eloise Gordon McDonald (Vfrs. Hunter*. First Lieutenant HunterMcDonald, Jr.. IS.Sth Aero Squadron. A. E. F.. son: Mrs. James Knox Polk. First LieutenantLawrence Norton Polk. 2.Sth Aero Squadron. A. E. F.. son; Mrs. Ad.lie K. Haves, CaptainMartin A. Hayes. C. A. C. Company .SO. 24th Aero Squadron. 2n(l Division. A. E. F.. son;

Mrs. John C. Bennett, First Lieutenant John C. Bennett. 139th Aero Squadron, A. E. F.. son;

Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Cleaves. Second Lieutenant Richard Doudas Cleaves. 89th Squadron. 2ndArmy Corps, A. E. F., son: Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Blair. Second Lieutenant Frank Blair. Aviation

Corps, son; Mrs. Lula Bobbins Hampton I Edward Lee I. First Lieutenant Stanlee BobbinsHampton. Instructor in School for Pilots. .\ir Service, son; Miss Mary Louise Tyler, CaptainBenjamin Harrison Tyler. Company A. 113th Machine Gun Battalion. 30th Division. A. E. F..

father; Jane Horton Hyde. Major Horton Hyde. 113tli Machine Gun Battalion. A. E. F.. .30lli

Division, father; John W. Filson. Jr.. Private John W. Filson. Conipany H, .STlh Pioneer Infan-

try, A. E. F., father: Shirley Draper Bohannan, Jr.. Lieutenant Draper Boliannan. 120lh In-

fantry. A. E. F.. father: Mrs! David Y. Johnson. Captain David Morris.ui Jolins,.n. Uh Ammu-nition Train. A. E. F.. son: Mrs. J,„. War,,-,,. Phn;,!,- RoIhtI \\;,rn-n. Il.-.lli Kirld Artillerv.

A. E. F.. son

Mrs. Sadie McGuire Corson, in memory of son, Harry Herbert Corson, Jr.. who enrolled as

Yeoman 3rd Class in (J. .S. N. R. F.. on .Sth of June. 1917. for duty on Special Board of Patrol

\'essels. New York City, as linguist. .Sailed with Commander J. B. Patton an<l staff to Bordeaux.France, to prepare naval bases, port offices and air stations. Acteil as inlerpreirr and com-munication agent hetwi-en the V. S. Naval Base and Naval Toil Oflii r. Pauillac. and the fol-

lowing French headcpiarters: The General commanding llie IHili Anin Corps: tin- Riar Ad-miral, and Commandant of the Navy at Pauillac.

Promoted lo f!hief Yeoman and recommcniled for commission. Transferred to ArmamentOfficers' Training .Schord. I'. .S. Naval Air Station, Moutchic-Lacanau, France. Graduale<l alter

training in hydroplane from the Armament Officers' .School. Ordered to report to London to


DAiiDSoy cor \ TV iroMFy i .\ the itorlp itar, 10141919

Home-CominjT; Parade of tlie Tennessee Soldiers

of the A. E. F., April 1, 1919

Coi.ONKi. TiiuMAs \\ . W lii nm;. Chdirmnn

Mrs. B. F. Wilson. I'ice-Cliainnun

The preservation ..f llir r.|,r..(lurli(.n ..I llir \itlnr\ \ir|i (,ri llic ..pposite page,

which was erecl.-d cii Capilnl UmiiIin ar .1 in Na-li\illc in linii,n nl llic home-coming

of "our hoys." «a. nia.lc p..sHhh- \n Mi-. I!. V. W iUon. \ ic,-( haii n.an-C.'n.ial

of the Parade, in in<inorv of cvcrv Tcnnc--,,- 1,.,% uho \u<v<- ihc khaki.

..Ill cs

DAI IDSO\ COIXTY IT O M E .\' / .V THE ttOKLD If A R. 1914-1919


The picture was taken "in action" at the N. C. and St. L. Railroad Shops nearCentennial Park, where the families and friends of the returned heroes assembled to

greet the boys.

DAiin^o.x cor.MY rouAV is r ii y. iroHLD jtar. i<)iii'>i9

The St. Bernard Academy joined with the scliools in reproducing several strik-

ing: tableaux on the Broadway Cathedral lawn. Mi;;* Aileen Timothy impersonated

'"Liberty" and "\ ictory" was represented by Miss Mary Elizabeth Gleason. tin-

young daughter of Col. James A. Gleason. of Knoxville. who, as Lii-ulenaiill'iilnnc!

of the J.44th Field .Artillery, was among the returned heroes.

The iiiost-})retentiOus feature of the parade was staged on the lawn «>f McKendreeMethodist Church by the Nashville .American Red Cross Chapter, under the direc-

tion of Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. Red Cross workers in every department of the

chapter, were massed on tiers of seats to make a background for '"The Greatest

Mother in the World." which was impersonated by Miss EIFie Morgan. Thr Ked

Cross Motor Corps, supervised by Mrs. Robert Cheek, was stationed in rrniil in

full uniform, with tlicir aniluilamc readv for aiiv cmiMiicncv.

Mrs. MaddinV a.-.>i>Ianls for llic Nashville ( -luipl.T. lied Cross, features were:

Mri.. Robert K. Jackscn. Mrs. i;e.)rf:e K. Bla.kie. .Mrs. K. 11. l..nc.v. Mrs. J,.-,pl. I.indaiicr.

Mrs. Frank W. Riiif:. .Mrs. E. O. Tate. .Mrs. Harry W. Evans. Mrs. llarrv 1'. \I»rr,v. Mrs.

Arthur F. Evans, Mrs. K. T. McConnico. Mrs. Robert ,S. Cheek. .Mrs. S. S. Crockett. Mrs. Sadie

M, Corson, .Mrs. R. E. Fort. Miss Ruble Simpkins, Mrs. Jo K. Morcan. Mrs. Car.iet Moraan,

and Mrs. Joseph H. Thompson.

The Junior Red Cross was assembbd fm the parad.^ ,.„ ti,r lawt, of Mrs. Percv

D. Maddin's home on West End Avemie.

The Junior League of the Fatherless Children of France Soricix. dii-~((l in

Alsace-Lorraine peasant costumes, formed a beautiful group on lln- Ln\ri u\ Mi-.

Uliitefoord R. Cole's residence on \^V>t Fiid Avenue. Tliis fealnrc wa- (.rijinalrd

by Airs. Idabelle Wilson, Chairman of llic I'aiadr F.-alnrrs. aiid llir r.,-\mu,-

were designed and made by her.

Tlie Y. W. C. A., under the direction of Mrs. .Spencer .Mrlli-nrv. had an ,11, dive

exhibition on the lawn of Mrs. McHenry's home on West End .'\vetni<-. <)\ci live

hundred girls dressed in white and blue formed a chonis in wiiicli llic icllris

"Y. W. C. A." were made by the girls in Mnr will, lln..,- in ulnlr f.n a i.a.k-

ground. Mrs. Weaver Harris was Chairman ol Mn~ii Im ihc "V jiiU. ami on a

vacant lot next to the McHenry residence a iiinii.ilnn- !lo>l(-- House, uilli ils l.iiniliar

blue triangle, was erected on a jilatform. at the base of which was a large group of

Girl Scouts in uniform.

Mrs, McHenry was assisted in arranging this exhibition 1>\ :

Mrs. John R. Wheeler, Mrs. William T. Hale, Jr., Mrs. Georpe V. lihuki.-. M,~. W . W . ( r«n

dall, .Mrs. H. C. Tolman, Mr.s. Richard Cox, Mrs. Edward Buford. Mr-. .1. I.. \h \\l„,M.r. .Mr-.

Charles Eastman, Mrs. John McClure, Mrs. .Miles Williams, Mrs. Feliv D.mI.I. \li- \ .-riirr

Moore Lewis, Miss .Susie McWhirtcr. Miss Adelaide LawTence, .Mrs. Horace C llill. \1i-- Bciiji.t

Childs, Miss Rebecca Porter, Miss Mary Pleasants Jones. Miss Kalherine Mmn-. \li- A.Mie

Fuller, and Miss Jennie .Sparks.

The Knights of Columbus ere, te,| a reprodn, li,,ii of one ,d their ,,ver-eas hnl-

on the lawn of the club house on West End Aveinie. Iiearinii llie sloiian. "I.verv liodv

Welcome; Everything Free," the doors of wliiili were ihioun open h. llie bov>.

Mrs. P. A. Murray, Mrs. John Coode, Mrs, II. .1. (inine^ and \l,-. I erdninid kulni.

together with a coterie of Council of Catholic women and \onng uiils. weie lio--

tesses of the day. The Council of Catholic Women formed a reception < (uniiiille.-

on the lawn of Mrs. John Coode's residence during the |)assing of the parade.

At the West End Triangle the Salvation Annv la-e- ,li-pen-,-.l ,lo„,i;lnnits and

pies to the boys as they passed: an.l the W . C. T. \ .. uilli Mi-. W . 1.. Tallev «•




Staged on tlie stt-ps of the Teniiessee State Capitol under the (lirectioh of Miss PaulineShenvooil Townsenil of Vtara-Belmont Colle<.e.

Chairman, gave tliem the white ribbon salute as they passed the steps of tlie WestEnd Methodist Church.

The Affiliated Chapters of the United Daughters of Confederacy occujaied the

lawn of Major Foster's home on West End. while the Felicia Grundy Children's

Auxiliary was in position on the steps of the Immanuel Baptist Church.

Mrs. John W. Thomas, Chairman of the Nashville Woman's Committee. Council

of National Defense, presented a beautiful tableau of ""World Freedom." Mrs.

Adair Lyon Childress impersonated "Justice." Miss Martha DeBow. "Victory," andMiss Elizabeth Hill, "•Liberty."

Mrs. Robert Wharton Nicliol and Mrs. West Humphreys Morton arranged the

County District women on the steps of the Court House in special costumes for the


The Army Comfort League, of which Mrs. Percy Warner was President, wel-

comed the boys from the lawn of the Cornelius Undertaking establishment, onEighth Avenue, North, where Mrs. Thomas J. Tyne, who had charge of this feature,

had a handsomely decorated platform erected and provided bouquets of flowers to

shower on the returned soldiers.

The nurses of St. Thomas Hospital, in uniform, were grouped on the lawn of

Mrs. Bruce R. Payne's residence on West End Avenue, and a committee of these

nurses chaperoned the children of St. Mary's Orphanage, giving these little ones

the privilege of viewing the returning heroes.

The Nashville and state officers of the Equal Suffrage League were stationed

on the veranda of Mrs. Leslie Warner's ( the State President I home on Eighth

Avenue, and the Colonial Dames formed a striking tableau on the lawn of Mrs.

Edward W. Foster on West End Avenue.

The Eastern Star, Daughters of America, and W. C. T. U.'s had prominent

places along the line of march.

The National League for Women's .Service, with Mrs. Joseph Warner as Chair-

man, assisted by Mrs. Jesse M. Overton. State President, and Mrs. Granbery Jack-

DAimSOy cot STY irOMF.y l.\ the world W AR. I914IQ19

This Tableau and the coslumes for ^^amc were originated ami (lesi!;iie(l entirely under the

supenision of Mrs. Idabelle Wilson, general chairman of features for the Honie-Conung Parade.

In the center of the picture is Miss Clara Wrennc Sumpter, granddaujiliter of Col. Thomas W.Wrenne. Chairman-General of the Piiriidr Mi<-; SumpterOthers taking part, many of wlicin ,n.- i. jn. -. nl.-d

Miss Helen Baird. Miss Elizali.ili |i,h. II \1,-- I

I.ucilo Trahue, Miss Clarice Lip-...,,,!,, \l,- (arc

Palmer Wade, Miss Virginia Purvear. Ml-- ( nrnil

Frances Morton, Miss Roehetle Buell. Miss l)..rotln l.in.l-l.A. \I,- T..u.,,

Higgins, ^Lss Frances Hill, Miss Elean..ra \11.„. \li- \l.,.l. Kn -inm.Mn

Miss Emilv Warner. .\Ijss Ann Bryan. Miss I.uia Kslellr Ham,.!..,,. M,Dorothv I.ipseoml.. Miss Louise Thompkins. Miss Martha Fsles and .Miss .

the lending f.^

the picturi' w-u-

Norwood, Ml-Buell. Ml- \l

\Il.^.l^, Ml- I

- 1

in the tableau,

therine Jones,

Ogden, MissI, Miss Mary1. Mi-s Mary\

. M i-s LuciaII \ Warner,..uidls. Misslell.

son. Set-retary, together with nieniberH of the LeagiK-. kept open lioii-r I.m iIh- iinvs

at their Soldiers' and Sailors' Rest Room Headquarters on Sixtli \\riiuc. Ndilli.

The Parent-Teacher Association was represented by an efTeeti\c talile.m on llie

stone coping of the Hume-Fogg High School wall on Eighth Avenue, where a group

of five women formed llie tableau. "Welcome" was represented bv Mrs. Ira Parker;

"The Home" by Mrs. Alex. Irvine: "Tlu- School" In- Mrs. Kiigen.. Crutrher: "The

Church" by Mrs. R. D. Murray, and ^Tli.' <Uii." l.v \li>. 1.

hers of the Association gathered on ihr lavMi nf iln' old


The Ladies' Hermitage Assoriation formed a ;jr

on Broadway, with Mrs. Bettie M. Donelson. Kegiiii

Chapter also greeted the boys from a gaily decoia

The Junior Belgian Relief Society was dres>c<l

lumes and was statif)ned fin Capilol Boulevard.

The Vanderbilt Aid Soci.-tv and the \Mn.lc,|.il

the University campus, where ihcy were idiiHil |i\


\. Mi

ip a! iIh

,1 1 il,

D A V I D S N COUNTY JT O ,1/ E iV IN T II E U OKED If A K, I 9 I fl <J 1 9

Peabodv Univcrsitie.s. Mrs. James H. Kirklaiul. Mrs. J. T. M<(;ill. Mrs. Claude

Waller,' Mrs. W. H. Schuerman, Mrs. G. M. Neely, Mrs. W. H. Will, and Mrs. C. S.

Brown arrajiged the University features.

Members of the Girls' Patriotic League scattered flowers in frciiil of the herops

along the line of march for the four different regiments.

Ward-Belmont gave a representation of "Old Glory," foniied iiv si\ hundredgirls on the steps of the State Capitol, and Miss Pauline Sherwood Townsend di-

rected a short pageant at the foot of the Carniack statue on the Capitol grounds.

St. Cecelia and St. Bernard Academies, under the direction of Mrs. Celia GradyReddy, gave a demonstration of the "Poppies in Flanders Fields" in a vacant lot onWest End Avenue, the poppies being represented bv girl students from those in-


The Girls' Preparatory School, of which Miss Annie Allison is director, hadmost of its girls in the victory group on Capitol Boulevard.

The children of the public schools, 18,000 in number, had prominent places

on Mrs. Wilson's committee and sang and cheered the soldiers, thus displayingtheir joy and appreciation.

Mrs. B. F. Wilson received many letters of commendation for her part in the

work from both soldiers and civilians, who were impressed by the magnificently

arranged features of the parade.

DAllDSoy COlMY ir n \l F. \ I\ T ll F world war. lOi-i-IQIi

The Cake Drive for tlie Hoine-Comiiiii' DaiHiuets

Tennessee Soldiers, A. E. F.

Miis. Betty I.yi.i: Wilson. Chainimn

Mis. H.-tlv Lvlc WilMin. whose Millie a> an .•xpril mak.T of <ak,'s is known

tllioU,;;lioiil llic I iiitcd Stales, received llie appoinlnienl a- eliairnuin ol' the eake

drive for the home-comiiijr dinner for 'i"ennes*ee .-ioldier-.

A competent committee from everv section of Middle Teuno-ic -ei\ed with

Mrs. Wilson, and contributions of 10.000 cakes were received throuiih tli.'ir (Uort>.

Miss Emma Wheat Sullivan was the Puhlicity Chair-

man for the drive, and her mother. Mrs. J. 0. Sul

livan. was the oldest contributor. Miss Sullivan

used moving pictures and every other available

iijeans to put the cause before the pui)lic.

Mrs. Wilson's committee included tin- follow


.lam- II, Kiikl

UU.T. Mk, AlHl

;. AuM. \1.~. I>u

ulive Coniuiill



Ml-. I.o ^,li»,iii/. .Icwi^li Council; Mrs. John L. Kain,

n,l Ml- I . rilin.iiHl Kiihn. Catholic organizations; Mrs.

.. II. |),iM.i-oM an. I Mr-. K. L. Redford. Northeast Nash-

illi;; Mrs. Lyman Gunn. .\ffiliated Chapters, U. D. C;M»5. w. H. WiLso.v Miss Martha Handley. A. J. Harris Circle; Mrs. George

(n.uy i.yi,) 'Williams, West End Section of Nashville, Mrs. Alex. Irvine,

Falls .School (tliis school donated sixty-five cakes, which

corresponded with the number of stars in their .service flag); Mrs. J. K. Rains, Sixth District;

and Mrs. John A. Jones, King's Daughters. Mrs. John II. Black ser^•ed as Emergency Chair-

man. Nfiss Mildred Gray as special solicilor.

Out-of-town Chairmen were:

Mrs. Horatio Berry, Hender>unv ill.-; .Mr-. M..I1I.- J..lni~..ii. (:litl..ii: .Mrs. A. A. Woinack,

Manchester; Mrs. H. B. Chadwrll, Madison; Mr>. tieorgr Cowan. I'ranklin; .Mrs. G. W. Ewing,

Gallatin; .Mrs. W. B. Myers. Goodletlsville; Mrs. Alma T. Hill, Anlioch and Nolensville; and

H. C. -Moore, Jr., Miirfrcisborn, Smyrna, Lascasas and Halls Hill.

Mrs. John W. Black was also chosen as custodian of the cakes for the second

dinner, which occurred a week after the first contingent wa- ^erxid. and bv her own

original method she kept the donated cakes as fresh as ulnrr llii \ wcii' ri'i cived.

Th(^ largest number of cakes for the diimer was solicited by Mrs. I\. I), b'edford.

Chairman of the Northeast Nashville Committee, and the .second largest < .mli ibulion

was turned in bv Mrs. James K. Rains, the Chairman for the Sixth Di-tii. I. ami

Mrs. West H. Morton assisted Mrs. Rains as ViccCbairman. Miss Margaicl Sbute

also did exceptional work on this connnittee.

Mrs. Hugh C. Moore. Jr.. of Mnrfreesboro. m„I lb,- largr.>t r-r.nlribution of

cakes that was received from the oirl-of-town i liairnien. II. -r (lonalioiis were also

unusual in design and beauiv.

( 4'« I

.1/ E \ I ^ T II E l< 1. 1) I! A H. I <J I l-l 9 I 9

Of tlie I ().()()() cakes received by the Cake Conimiltee, 7.000 were without the

donors' names, but they were no less deh-ctalde bc.ause they were nameU'ss. Thewomen of Tennessee were determined that the boys should have cakes "like mother



used to make" at their first formal meal. There never was seen in David:

such a superb display and lavish use of flour and sugar

as at that time, as though Herbert Hoover and his

Hooverizing had never existed.

Although the Cake Committee had requested that

the cakes be devoid of decorations, the hearts of our

cake makers were so full of thanksgiving over the

fact of having the boys back home, that they just

had to find some means of expressing tlieir thanks-

fulness, and as a result fifty of the cakes sent were

veritable poems. These cakes were used only as table


Among tlie decorated cakes was a memorial cakesent in by a mother whose boy gave his life to helpbreak the Hindenberg Line. The decoration of the

cake pictured the American soldiers' victory over ''"' '^'"" ^'"'^" shj-han

the Huns, and was most ingenious and remarkable.W. O Tirrill presented this cake to Col Carey E. Spence on behalf of the gold

d the Cake Comittee The bov in question was a member of Col.

^pen(e"'< legiment.

Vnother decorated cake was presented by\\\- J K Rains and the women of the Sixth

Di'-tiKt Committee. This cake was more than

t\\(> feet square and was ornamented with a com-|)lilc \erM' of Flanders Field in blue letters ona \\hite background.

The women of Murfreesboro and Rutherford

County sent an original and extraordinarily de-

signed cake, baked in semblance of a pyramid.

The three tiers of the cake were surmounted bya miniature castle representing the castle of the

German Kaiser.

Six hundred cakes were packed and shipped

to Fort Oglethorpe. Ga., for the Tennessee boys

who were too disabled to return home with their

comrades, and several hundred of the cakes

were sent to the colored Y. M. C. A. for dis-

tribution among the colored troops.

A large number were also sent to the Nash-

ville Chapter. Red Cross Emergency Canteen

Committee, to be served to the soldiers as they

were leaving Nashville, and the remainder of

(T.m„.s,,"w..,„iM„[ LXi ^^^ hundreds of cakes were distributed amongthe Knights of Columbus, the Salvation Army,

and all civic and charitable institutions of Nashville and Davidson County.

Additional honor was added to Mrs. Betty Lyle Wilson's national and inter-

national fame as a cake maker in appreciation of her services in the work of the


1/AV l\ Till-: WORLD TAR. n) 1 II ') 1


Cake Conimittee at the lumie-ioniin;; of the soldiers. She and eaili menil>er of tliis

orgaiiizalion. a* well as each individual who conlriiiuted to tlie Cake Drive, will

long be remembered by tiie thousands of "sweet" hungry soldiers, who were given

a bountiful >U|>|»ly of a food of which they had been deprived for many months.

Mrs. John W. Black. Emergency Chairman of the Cake Conuuitlee. also has an

extensive reputation as an expert cak.- maker, cook and demonstrator of tin- |)repara-

tion of foods. Mrs. Black ha~ llir .liMirnli,,,, ,,| l,a\ ii.,^ ,l,-,nn„Mralr,l ll„- In-l cL-gk-s

cake and the first Hour suh-iiluh- m |)a\i(l-on ( ohiiIn cliiiiiiii llic u.ii. >lic has

long been identified with the hjuii1\ > lud-l pi ..l' ii--i\ i- wnmni. .iiid x\a- a daily

worker throughout the war period in every u n uliil clri\r i oikIik l( il in llic i miiity.

Mrs. Black has been an able supporter in tin- hi mi-li m linn u.uk nl llir \iiici icaii

Legion .\uxiiiary of Davidson County Post Nn. (i.

Waitress€>s for Banquets of the RetiirniiiG; Heroes

11 1th and 115th Fichl Artilleries and 117th In-

faiitr\.atthe\ash\ine Hippodrome, Aj)ril. h*!*)

MlO. llAliin W. i:\A.NS. ColonrI


CllAPTKI!. A. It. C. (jiplaius mid l.iciilriKinIs

On the occasion of llir three n-M |iaii,|iirt~ ihal uciv -m rd ihr lliicc Tennessee

Regiments as thcv pa-nl llimui^li \a-lnillr I., tin- ,lrni,.l.il i/al i,,n . .i.iip^. \li>. Ilarrv

W. Kvans. Col ! ..I ih,- >r,\iii- Cunniilll.-r. an,l lir, Canl.Ti, I,.,,,- a^ Capl.iin^

and Lieutenant-, handl,-,! ll.r .iliaii- uill. all llir nian.iL^rniml and -kill nf real ,iicn-

erals. The feasts were spread at the large Hipp.idroinr ..„ W r-l f n,l Vmhiic at

Nashville, which was gaily decorated with flags and flower-. .inA I. mi hunilicl \MiiiHn.

led bv the Canteen Captains, augmented by the LienlenanI- .iinl \ (liinliii- Imni all

the women's organizations in Davidson Coniil\. -nxid ,i- uailics-cs. l.onu tallies.

decorated with spring flowers and laden "illi e\rM di li.i, \ imaginable, filled the

entire floor space, and the menu consisted ol e\ii\ a\.iilali|r liiunecooked delicaey

that could be ])rocured in the state. Tin- ilini- li,.iii ih.- ninrned -nMiei- ,i- ilie\

attacked their first Davidson Countv iiiral nraiK lili,,l ilir mol ,,| ihe nl,l u Imbuilding: and never were waitressc- -c. ;.mILiii|I\ lie.ilid ..i -.. -niilinj in llieii

service as those who were in attendance al llie lallr-. 'I w^ llinii-.nnl ii;jlii\ men

in khaki were seated at one time, the first |.an(|iiei l.eiiii' nn Mninlax Ici llie I I llli

Field Artillerv. commanded bv Col. Luke Lea: llie - nl ..n -^aliinlas. I,,, llie I i:,lli

Kiel, I \rliller\. eonnnaiuleil l,\ Cnl. Ilanv I'.eiM: ami llie la-l nn,' ua- ,.ii Snmhn .

f.ii llie I ITll, Inrantrv. .nmanded |,x (,eiie,al I.. D. Iv-on ami Cnl. (:ai<-\ K. Spen. e.

iii.ock Dwci;After the bolinteon- feci llie -ildlii- uei,- iii\il.-,l I,, ., Mink danee near llie

Hipp.Hlrome. arranf...'d in lliei, l„,nn, I,n Mi-. ( ;. \. (aaiii and Mi-. W . O. Tiiiill.

two of the Lmcrgencv Canle<-n (:aplain> .,1 lli,' \a-li\ille ( li.iplei. Ked Cm.-. uIm.

fer\ed as Chairmen for the block dance.

( ,iOO I

DAVID 5 A' CO I .V T Y If M F. ^ I \ Til F Jf () R I. D II A R. I >i I tl 9 I 9



From this arch ice cream was served to the Tennessee soldiers of the A. E. F.. upon their

arrival in Nashville. The Canteen members standing under the arch, left to right, are: Mrs.

Paul DeWitt (Jennie Peebles). Mrs. Avery Handly (Nell Fall I. Mrs. W. 0. Tirrill (Alfhra

Eve), Mrs. Harry P. Murrey ( Lale Lester), .\Dss Alice Gertrude Smith, Mrs. Brown Buford(Elizabeth Black), .Mrs. Harry W. Evans (.Marie Horton), Commandant, Nashville ChapterEmergency Canteen Service, A. R. C; Mrs. George Dibrell (Bessie Murrey I. Mrs. L W. Miller

(Minna Muth). Miss Lizinka Farrell, Miss Helen Buford, and Mrs. W. L. Nichol (Katie DeanHutchinson )


A platform was erected from one block to the other of one of the West Endstreets, and the floor covered with sawdust. The wives, mothers and sweethearts of

the returned heroes were admitted to the block platform by badge, and the soldier's

uniform served as a passport for the men. This was the first entertainment of its

kind in the South, and was much appreciated by the soldiers, as well as families,

and especially "sweethearts." who had an occasion to have a word with the boysaway from the tlirongs of people that filled the city.

Every citizen in Tennessee seemed anxious for the privilege of contributing goodthings for a feast for the boys, consequently the matter of securing large and ap-

petizing amounts of food was no trouble, but it was a colossal task to properly as-

semble and serve the food contributed. However, the women in charge provedthemselves capable and worthy managers.

D.ii inso.\ coi .\TV iroMi-:.\ /v the itorld ir a r. imt-i'^i'

The following is a list of capal.lc waitresses at the Welcome-Home Banquetswho were appointed liy Mrs. Harry W. Evans. Colonel and (".eneral Hostess:

Miss .\nnie Demoville. Captain. Miss Demoville appointed tiic following' lieu

tenants, who eaeh appointed workers: Mrs. Harrv 1'. Muirev. \li^. Paul l)r\\ ill

Mrs. T. Leidi Thompson. Mrs. Thomas I'arke-. Mr-. W . 1.. \i,hnl. .uid Mrs. J,.-rni

R. West.

Lieutenant Mrs. \\ . L. Mchol's assistants were:

Mrs. Lou Frank. Mrs. II. J. McSwc.-nev. .Mrs. L. (;. Dun. Mi>. 1!. \- . Jack-un. Mr-. W illian

Slii-lton, .Mrs. O. .N. Brvaii. .Miss Lillian K.-ver. Mi- KmImi l),„i^las. Miss Marfiar.-i liiifonl

Miss Vance Talbol an.l SlLss Elisc .Maniiinp.

Lieutenant Mrs. Harrv P. Murrev's assistants were:

Mrs. Dave Lmvcnslcin. Mrs. J„l

D II I I) S O N C U N T V If () M E ,V / V T II E » () I< 1. 1) It ,1 R. I 9 I l-l 'i I 9

Lieutenant Miss Couitncy HoUiiis" assistants were:

Mrs. W. E. Beard, Mrs. .Spencer McHciirv, Mrs. James Gwatlimey, Miss Jane Culbi^rt, MissBeulah Dyer, Miss Elizabeth Hollins, Miss Mary Wilson, Miss Helen Buford, Miss Elizal.ctli

Fite, Mrs. A. A. Dickerson, Muss Frances Harris, Miss Maria Ferriss, Miss Jessamine .Sicin andMiss Jennette Sloan.

Lieutenant Mrs. Whitefoord R. Cole's assistants were:

Mrs, Lucius Burch, Mrs. John 0. White, Mrs. Daniel C. Buntin. Mrs. Charles Trahiie, Mrs.Frank A. H.-rrv. Mr-. Jo-rph T. Howell, Mrs. Foster Hume, Mrs. Enoch Brown, Mrs. WheelessGandilr Ml- MiImII \\ il-uii. Mrs. William C. Hoffman, Mrs. Georgia Knox Berry, .Miss AnnieMari.- \. I \li- Mi iii|i-cv Weaver, Miss Percie Warner, Miss Elsie Winnia, Miss EstelJe

Captain Mrs. W. 0. Tirrill appointed the following Lieutenants:

Mrs. Avery Handly, Mrs. W. H. Schuerman, Mrs. Dempsey Weaver, Mrs. John DeWilt. Mrs.Joseph T. Howell, Jr., Mrs. Ellis C. Huggins, Mrs. Henry Maney, Mrs. Robert Brannan. Mrs.Thomas I. Webb and Miss Katherine Berry.

Lieutenant Mrs. Avery Handly's assistants were:

IMrs. John B. Ransom. Jr.. Mrs. Dudley Gale. Mrs. Alex Hunter. Mrs. Edward A. Lindsey.Mrs. Walker Edwards. Mrs. Mike T. Halloran. Mrs. Alex McClain. Mrs. George W. Fall, Mrs.v. Lusky, Mrs. Lou Lusky, Mrs. Esmond Ewing. Miss Elizabeth Hollins, Miss Olivia Trabueand Miss Cornelia Witherspoon.

Lieutenant Mrs. John H. DeWitt's assistajits were:

Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. Mrs. John McClure. Mrs. Duncan Kenner, Mrs. A. B. Benedict, Mrs.Marshall Hotchkiss. Miss Elizabeth Price. Miss Mamie E. Burke, Miss Mary Stahlman. Miss.Margaret Loventhal. Miss Annie May Crockett. Miss Elizabeth Hill and Miss Margaret Cain.

Lieutenant Mrs. Joseph T. Howell, Jr.'s, assistants were:

Mrs. Richard T. Wilson, Mrs. John A. Hawkinson. Mrs. Vance Alexander. Mrs. Joseph A.Gray, Mrs. John Bell Keeble, Mrs. Morton B. Howell, IH, Mrs. Georgia A. Washington. Mrs.Hesse Corbitt. Miss Annie Gerraty. Miss Juanita Long. Miss Pattie Ready West. Miss AmeliaJohns, Miss Alice Adamson, Miss Annie Mai Underwood, Miss Alice Hall Lindsey and MissCorinne Craig.

Lieutenant Mrs. Henry Maney's assistants were:

Mrs. K. T. McConnico, Mrs. George F. Blackie, Mrs. Joe Morse, Mrs. Vernon Tupper. Mrs.David R. Wade, Mrs. Will Allen. Mrs. C. F. Stevens. Mrs. John A. Hawkinson. Miss Ellen

Stokes, Miss Mary Tarpley, Miss Sadie Mai Sutherland. Miss Kathryn Craig. Miss Helen Hutchi-

son and Mrs. Henderson Baker.

Lieutenant Miss Katherine Berry's assistants were:

Mrs. Henry Cain. Mrs. A. B. Benedict. Mrs. E. F. Nenon, Miss Libbie Morrow, Mrs. WilliamNelson, Mrs. Dave Rosenfeld, Mrs. Brown Buford. Miss Lillian Jov. Miss Marion Joy, MissMartha Rawls, Miss Lillian Reyer. Miss Willie Ruth Davidson. Miss Emily Schwab and MissLouise Thompkins.

Lieutenant Mrs. Thomas L Webb's assistants were:

Mi-- M.irv W.lib. Mrs. T. Graham Hall, Mrs. Randall Currell, Mrs. Charles Morrow. Mrs.

E. M. S.in.l. I-. Ml-. H. J. Grimes, Mrs. Martin Loventhal, Mrs. Ellsworth P. Scales, Miss MarieKuhn. Ml-. KItaiinre Tyne, Miss Anne Warner Tenison and Miss Louise Rich.

Captain Mrs. Jolin M. Moore appointed the following as her Lieutenants:

Mrs. Louis H. Sperry. Mrs. Runcie Clements, Mrs. Ridley Wills, Mrs. Garnetl Morgan. Mts.

T. Leigh Thompson. Miss Mary DeMoville Hill and Miss Mary Ramage.

Lieutenant Mrs. Louis Sperry's assistants were:

Mrs. R. E. Donnell. Mrs. Thomas Scoggins. Mrs. Albert Britt, Mrs. Lanier Peebles. Mrs.Vivian Tupper, Mrs. John Early. Mr<:. John T. Hnnderson. Mrs. Thomas L. Herbert, Jr., Mrs.Bernard Fensterwald. Mrs. J.i, IV Iir.d-. Mi-- l"i;inces Hiilman. ^liss Georgia SawTie. MissSara Chambers. Mrs. Sheffi.l.l i l.nk. Mi-. liaiiMlinn Love. Mrs. A. B. Anderson. Miss PaulineFisher. Miss Delia Martin. Mi- M.iini,. Str. i, h. Miss Marie Loventhal and jNOss Ellen Cockrill



l>tllliS()\ (OlMY ir(>MI-:.\ I\ THE WORLD WAR. 19 141919

LiciitiMiaiit .Mr,-. HaiiU'tt .Morsiairs assistants were:

Mrs. II. II. Corson. Mrs. B. Kirk Rankin. Mrs. C. .\. Marshall. Mrs. Julius W.il.v. Mrs.

Walt.r Morjian. Miss Marv Linda Manior, Mrs. J. O. Ilendl.-v. Mrs. Brno.- Douj-las. Mr>. John

MiU.-r. Mrs. Hill Mc.Mister. Miss Roberta Kirkpalrick. Miss Manila I.in.ls,-v. >riss K.ll.n Trabue.

.Miss H.-alri.-.- Zanclrr. Miss Effio Morjran and .Miss Bcrllia Sand.rs.

Lieutenant Mrs. Runcie Clements" assistants were:

Mrs. .X.lolph Hill. Jr.. Afrs. B. Kirk Rankin. Mr.s. William I'liillips. Mrs. Thomas Parker,

Mr-. J.sse II. Thomas, .Mrs. Carter Reeves. Mr.s. John Coode. Mrs. .>^. Marks. .Mrs. Porter Phillips.

Mrs. Charles M.CaI.e. Mrs. Lvon Childress. Mrs. William I.itl.rer. Mr.s. \\ . W. Crandall, Mrs.

Ren Childers. Mrs. James Trimble. .Mrs. John .'^. Lewis. Mjss Cornelia Coo.le. Miss Ruth

Cowden and Miss Jean Bradford.

Lieutenant Mrs. Ridley Wills' assistants were:

.\rrs. C. Goldberp. Mrs. Frank .S-arcv Cre.n. .Mrs. Thomas J. Tvnr, Mrs. C. ,\. Adams.Mrs. Ja.ne- S. I'aikes. Mrs. William S. Bransford. Mrs. George W. Fall. Mi- Marv l.,e Cmekett,

Mrv li..h.,! I. .\bernathv. Miss Elizabeth Binford. Miss France- Du.llev. \li-s Margaret

( t.i^l,i..n. Mi- Esther Nichol and Miss Mamye Craig Wills.

Ijt'titeiiant .Miss Mary Ramage's assistants were:

Mrs. Jidiii- Martin. Mrs. J. J. Sidlivan. Mrs. Frank W . Kin;;. Mrs. J. W . Thomas. Miss

Jean Ramage. Mr-. Percv Williams. .Miss Katherine Morris. Mi- Lillian Jov. Mi-s Jessie ,>^parks,

Miss Mildred Woolvvine. Miss Nellie O'Brien and Miss Sallie Riehard-on.

Lieutenant Miss Mary Demoville Hill's a.«sistants were:

Mrs. Edwin Craig. Jr.. Mrs. Tillman .\. Jones. Mrs. H. Cauvin. Mr-. A. H Hill. Mr^. AndrewPrice Mrs. W. L. Granberv, Mi- K li/.d.. tl, T.i,|.l.x. Mi- \irnii,i,, l!,nl,.n. Mi- -n. llnhnes,

.Mrs. Walter .-^lokes. Jr.. Mi- M.un I'..iI.i KiikiiKin, Mi- \Iniv ll..t.li.,^ Ilu, k.i.,. Mi- Klise

Mae Bradley, .Miss Am.-lia l-lm-. \1,- II, /,,!., ll, I'.n.kn... \li- Hull. \aii.., \1,-- --arah

Shannon. Mrs. Ropers Cahlw.ll. \Ii- l;^.^ll ll..,,,!,,-, \1,.. ( IlhI,- \, U„n. \li- I ...m.- I', I, her

and Miss Catherine Dury.

Xuinerous felepranis. letters and i'\ei\ niliri lunii id .i|i|ii(t i.ilicm vxcrc ureiM-d

by the Colonel, Captains and Liciiti-iiaiil- In ( liariir nf lli.' llinc larL'c iian(]iM'ts.

Several hands were setured to furnish niusic at the, llippiKlroiiie (hirinj; ihi- nical,

and welcome-home and patriotic addresses were made hy oflicials of the comniil-

tees in charpe of the home-cominfr features, Tennessee state and county odjcials and

oflirers in cliar''e of the three Recinients.

DAI ID so \' COINTY WOMEN IS THE IfO l< 1. 1) If 1 H. I ') I l-l <> 1 9

Davidson County American Legion Auxiliary

Post No. 6

Mrs. Henry Dickinson. Organizer

The American Legion Auxiliary is an organization which had its origin in the

World War. and is composed of mothers, wives and sisters of men who were in somebranch of service of the World War and who later became members of the Ameri-

can Legion. Davidson County has the distinction of being the home of the first

body in the South to perfect an American Legion Auxiliary and third in the entire


The Davidson County Organization was formed at the Chamber of Conunerce,

at Nashville, on April 6. 1920. in response to a call to all women eligible to mem-bership, sent out by Mrs. Henry Dickinson (Ida Thompson), who served as Or-

ganizer and Temporary Chairman. The meeting was attended by a large numberof Davidson County women, and was presided over by Mrs. Dickinson, who was in

charge of the election of officers for a permanent organization.

The following were chosen as officers: Mrs. Jesse M. Overton, President; Mrs.

M. S. Lebeck and Mrs. Humphrey Timothy, Vice-Presidents; Miss Jennette Sloan,

Secretary: and Mrs. Walter Stokes, Jr., Treasurer.

The Executive Board was composed of: Mrs. Henry Dickinson, Mrs. GeorgiaKnox-Berry, Mrs. Percy D. Maddin. Mrs. Bruce Douglas, Mrs. Jo B. Morgan, Mrs.

Robert F. Jackson, Mrs. Mary Bright Thomas, Mrs. Arthur Evans and Mrs. RobertWebster. Mrs. John G. Gilmore was chosen as Publicity Chairman: Mrs. BruceDouglas, Chairman-General of the Membership Committee, which consisted of:

Mrs. James S. Frazer, Chairman for Nashville; Mrs. R. A. Henry, Chairman for

County Districts, and Mrs. Mary Bright Thomas, Chairman of Eligibility.

The Educational Committee had Mrs. Alex. S. Caldwell as Chairman.

The Davidson County American Legion Auxiliary had been in existence twoyears before the National Organization was perfected, and had proven to be oneof the most powerful agencies in the county in reconstruction work. In accordancewith the by-laws the Auxiliary's officers were elected to serve onlv one term, andMrs. Georgia Knox-Berry was chosen as the Auxiliary's President for 1921, to suc-

ceed Mrs. Overton. Mrs. Jesse M. Overton, the first President, and Mrs. Georgia

Knox-Berry, the second President of the Davidson County Organization, each

made their reports to the State Committee of the American Legion, as there was noState Department of the Auxiliary the first two years of its existence.


In the fall of 1921 a national organization of the American Legion was formedat Kansas City, Mo., each of the charters issued up to that time having been only

temporary. In November. 1921. immediately after the reunion of the 30th (OldHickory) Division at Nashville, where the American Legion Auxiliarv of DavidsonCounty had successfully led some of the most important committees on arrange-

ments for the members of the Division. Jere Cooper, of Dyersburg, Tennessee, State

Commander of the American Legion of Tennessee, at that time, appointed Mrs. Jesse

M. Overton as Tennessee temporary Chairman, and IMrs. John G. Gilmore as

Tennessee temporary Secretary, to organize a State Department of the AmericanLegion Auxiliary. These appointments were ratified by Mrs. Lowell F. Hobart.National President, and Miss Pauline Curnick. National Secretary of the American

( 505 )

ntiii)So\ coi \ry ifOMhy i.\ rut: horld war. 1914-1919

I.i'uion Auxiliary, with heaclquarters at Indianapoli*. liui. l>uiiivj a ( iiiil'iTeiuf of

Male Adjutants al .Nashville, in Deteinlier. 1921. presided o\n li\ ^lalr Cdiiiniaiulcr

lire Cooper. National Commander of the American Legion. 1 laniard Mi N.-idi r and

National Se<retary of llie Auxiliary, .Miss Pauline Curnick. were jiuesls of the Dav-

idson Counlv I'osl No. 6. American Legion, and the State Department. The pur-

pose of the conference was to authorize the Adjutants of the American Legion from

ihe various counties over the state to appoint temporary chairmen in each county,

who in turn would perfect an organization of Legion .Auxiliaries in the various posts

of the state. The a()pointment of Mrs. Overton and Mrs. Gilmore hv State Com-

mander Cooper was approved at the coiiIchmuc hv the dcligalcs present while in


.\ luncheon was given the visiting delegates and the national ollicers al the

Chamber of Commerce, at which inspiring addresses were made by the National

American Legion Commander. Hanford McNeider. National Legion Auxiliary Sec-

retarv. Miss Pauline Curnick. and Tennes-;ee"s American Legion ('ornniaiider. Jere


In tiie evening of the same dav the mcnihcs ..f the David-on Co.intN Legion

.\uxiliary were hostesses of a brilliant banquet at the Belle .Me

honor of the National and State olFicers of the American Legi

delegates who were in attendance at the conference.

Mrs. Overton and Mrs. Gilnior.- undril,,,! the ..igani/.ilio,

diately after this conference. On Apiil d. I'»22. Mi>. 0\cil>

dent, called a conference of the various county organizations

Hermitage Hotel, at Nashville, when the State Department >

Lowell F. Hobart. National Chairman of the American Legion

ent at this conference and presided ovci ihe clotion of ofliccr>. ulicn all of liie tiMn-

porary ollicers appointed by Mrs. ()\iilon loi iln- lrrn|>oiai\ org.ini/alion weic

unanimously elected.

Two other I)axi,l-on Conntv w,,n,en uin, u.t,- .b^.M^n a- ollirr,- ,,! ihr Slalc I),-

parlment were Mr-. W illiani 1'. Co,, per. TrcaMii.T an,l Mi-. H,.l„ il F. .|a,k<,,n. Chair-

man of Legislation.

After the organization of ibe Slalc Dcparlnicnl llir binpoiarv , hail. a-, wliicb

had been issued to the several innnlv an\iliaiics ,,1 Tcnnr— ,-,•. w, a,- ,\, lum.i:,ii for

permanent ones, which were signed 1,\ l>,,lb lli,- .\ali,,nal and Slate Department

Presidents and Secretaries. Bv thi- m, an- all ni,nil"i- ,,f , ,)unty organizations

were automatically made members ,,! lli.- -in,- ami naii,,n.il ,,rganizations and a

record of their enrollment was ke|)l l,\ lln- liia,li|Mai l, i - ,,1 ,a, li (li'|iailnii-nl.

Mrs. Luke I^a (Percie Warned ua- ,•!,, I, ,1 l'r,-M,l,nl ..f lla- Daxi.U.a, (:,,unlN

Auxiliary of the .American Legion. l',,-l No. (,. I,,r l''22. ami ,|nrini: In r ailmini--

tration a permanent charter was granted ihc Davidson County body. si'jn,-,l bv lli,

National and the Tennessee Presidents and Secretaries, which gave Mi-. Ira lli,'

distinction of being the first President under ihc pcrnianiMil charier of lb,' Nali,,iial

Auxiliarv. Mrs. W. H. Schuerman was el,', l,,l rr,-i,l,nl .il ih,' |)a\iil-,ai C.nnlv

Legion Auxiliary. Post No. 6, of 192.'?. an,l ua- -axin'j m ibal ,a|,a, ils ulha, llii-

voiume went to press. More than four linmli,',l v\ n. uli,, un,' i,lall\,'- ,.r ex-

service men of the World War. gave lli,-n name- a- , liail,a in, nil,, a- ,,l lli,- l)a\i,boii

County Legion Auxiliary at the organi/al I„, liiiL^ ,all,-,l l,\ Mi-. Ibaiiv l)i,kiii-on.

the pioneer organizer, and lo wlioni cn-ilil i- iliic I, a lIu' loiinali,,n ol lli,- I 'a\ i,l-,in

Countv American Legi,,ri \n\iliaiv. I',,-1 N,,. (,.

d.- C.unliv Cli

„ ami lb,- \,li

DA I I iiso .\ CO I \ r y 1/ /•; A / v •/• // /•; A' /. n ir t K. I <) I hi 'J 1





First row, left to right: Mrs. Eugene Price, Mrs. I. B. Scott. Mrs. J. C. Napier. Mrs. P. R.

Burrus, Mrs. Julia WiUiams, Mrs. Carrie E. Lewis, Mrs. G. H. Hall. Second row: Mrs. Pauline

Cliadwell, Miss Eva Daniels. Mrs. Maggie E. Napier, Mrs. Josephine Demington, Mrs. H. L. Wat-

kins, Mrs. T. M. Brumfield. Mrs. H. L. Scott. Mrs. L. H. Goodloe and Mrs. Lettie Jackson.

World War Work of Colored Women of

Davidson County

The same spirit of patriotism that was displayed by the coKired troops in the

United States Army in France animated the work of the colored women at home,

and no great war necessity arose without a .*hare in it being borne by the colored

war workers, with efficiency and ability.

Mrs. James S. Frazer. Chairman of the Nashville Woman's Committee. Council

of National Defense, organized the first Colored Woman's Chapter, Council of De-

fense, witli Dr. Mattie Coleman as Chairman. Dr. Coleman perfected a splendid or-

ganization which gave assistance in every campaign and drive and every depart-

ment of the Woman's Committee, both city and county.

In May, 1917, Mrs. John R. Aust. County Chairman of War Savings StampsOrganization, called a meeting of the colored women of Davidson County to perfect

a War Savings Organization. Mrs. J. C. Napier was elected as Chairman of the

organization, and Mrs. J. A. Lester was selected to do field work. She was assisted

by Christine Mebane and Dorothy Owens, of Walden University, and Miss NaomiTorrence, of Meharry Medical College. Hundreds of pledge cards for Thrift

Stamps were turned in by this committee; and on June 28, 1917. National Thrift

Day, Mrs. Lester served as Chairman of Registration for the Fourteenth Ward,which turned in S4,000 in signed pledges from the colored people of her ward.

Mrs. Lester formed a W. S. S. Club, called the Bishop Tyree W. S. S. Club, andthe membership of this club was composed of: Mrs. J. A. Lester. Chairman: Dr.

Carrie Wilson, and Mrs. F. E. Dawson, Miss Alice Blake. Mrs. H. L. Scott. Mrs.Harriett Thompson, and Miss Anna R. Dunlap. This club collected the amountsdue on the thrift pledges each week when one hundred per cent of the pledges wereredeemed. Mrs. Lester was made an autliorized government agent for the sale of

W. S. Stamps in Davidson County.


DA \ I U S O V C O I \ T ) tt O 1/ E \ I Y 7 // A" II <> R L I) i «. 1 '» I II 9 I 9

Tile reioul of the Fourteenth Vi'ard for the hirgest amount of stamps sold wasrewarded willi a silk banner and a shield bearing the inseription. "100 Per Cent."Tiie presentation exereises took plate in the auditorium of Meharrv College beforethe student body and many visitors.

In Liberlv Loan work Mrs. J. A. Lester seive.l a> (li.nnnan. aiul llir Mrl,.n,\ I nil

of Meharrv College, with the assistance ,,f Mrs. H. I., N ,,ll an,! Mi- A. K. Dinilap.

sold the largest amount of bonds for tlie rolore.l uurkri- in llie Fourlh Loan andreceived certificates.

Mrs. Lester's Committee |)arlicipated in uniform

1 the Fifth Liberty Loan Campaign. She and sev-

llMi per crnl ,^thr]cur^ i„ ihc loan.

Th.Tob,,,..! uorko pailiripal.-.i in the riean-up

movements inaugurated bv tin- (!i\ilian liciiif. anci

held several tag days foi tin- iicin-lil of colored

soldiers and other war funds.

The Home-coming Conunittee of the colored

women which licl|)ed serve the luncheon and wel-

come their xildiers back to Tennessee, was com-

Mrs. J. A. Lester. Cliairmaii l);ni.l-i.M County Color.nl

Women. W. .S. S. Organization; Mrs. Sallic Tlionii)Son.

Chairman of Publicity; Miss Lottie Havgood, Cliairnian of.M,.,. J. A. !.£,«„

Districts; Mrs. Julia Taylor. .Schools; Miss Nellie King.

Industries; Mrs. F. E. Dawson. City Chairman: and

th.. following women: Mrs. W. H. McGavock, Mr-, ^ii-l.- ( nl.i. Mr., I .n.i Krii.lii.k. Mi-,

J, R. Crowder, Mrs. Maltie Perkins. Mrs. Exie Ml^,.^. \1,. \\,ll,,„„ \\,,il..l.l \li- l„ .\.

Taylor, Mrs. Rachel McCuUough, Mrs. Mary Cann,,,,. M,-, Nu,x, II,, 11,1,1;.,, \1,- I ..nnic

Morgan, Miss .\manda Perkins. Miss Sara Jones. Mi— I ,.ii, lla ,|,,liii~,.n, ,im,I \1i-- I:,I,Ii. < ,innc|

State officials of the Woman's Commillec. Couik il of Nali..n.il Dilcn-i'. ilic

W. S. S. Organizati(m. the Liberty Loans, and tin- l\cil Cn.— an- anllmrils f.n tlic

fact that the colored women antl men secured results in war acli\ilii'- nri-iirpa~>cd

by any other county in Tennessee, and that the faculty and sludinl- id I lie lliiee

large <olleges for the colored race in Nashville, namely, Fisk rni\ii>il\. Mcharry

and Roger Williams, rendered exceptional war service in all cam|)aigns. The Col-

ored Y. ]\L C. A., the Colored Branch of the Carnegie Library, and the Red Cross

work of colored women, was also a credit to the worker^ and leaders selected for

the campaigns.

The colored wdiiien of Na>lnille we^rc ortj.uii/

Ceorge F. Blackie, Chairman of the Exten>i..ri \)<-

Icr, Red Cross, under the name of the Unit \n\il

(iolored Branch of the Carnegie Library. (!liaiii-i

Mrs. J. C. Napier. Mrs. A. N. Johnson. Mi- M CIHurrus. Mrs. Julia Williams. Mrs. H. T. N,..l. Mi-. I I. .n

S. 11. Crosswaitc. ami Dr. Josic Wells.

Bethlehem House was .selected as hcadqii.ii hi-

Red Cross, and Mrs. P. R. Burrus mivcI a- .^ii|

were established in diff-Mcnl part- of the .il\. uilli

Flla W. Brown, of Fi-k FniscrMlN. ^u^u,^<~..l



D A V I D SO N C O II N T Y F M E ;V / ;V 7' // /: If (I R A /; // / A'. I ') I 1-1 ') I 9



Those in the group are: Misses Abigail Jackson, Chairman, Instructor in Mathematics,Felina G. Blaine, Velda T. Brown. Lucy Brewer, Helen M. Burrell, Grace B. Broyles, Mabel E.

Campbell, Emmie F. Drake Tommie Sue A. Fosta, Pearl C. Hayes, Flay M. Henderson, Arah L,

Horton, Florence B. Jackson, Clara W. Johnson, Clara L. Langrum, Ada B. Lewis, Ferris W,Lewis, Andrades S. Lindsay, Alma A. Oakes, Manila L. Owens, Roselyn L. Purdy, Nellie ARandolph, Altamese C. Roberts, Ruth L Rowan, Valda E. Sanders. Margaret A. Slater, Moirselles M. Stewart. Ethelynde J. Sutton, Alice M. Thomas, Isabel B. Walden, Annie G. Quick, MrsTlla W. Brown, Dean of Women, and Mrs. M. L. Crosthwait, Registrar.

Mitchell, Supervisor; Fireside School, Miss Gushing. Leader; New Idea Club, Mrs.

J. C. Napier, Leader; and Walden University, Mrs. F. E. Dawson as Leader.

Knitting and crocheting were done at Fisk LTniversity and the Fireside School,

and the two other units made hospital garments and bed shirts.

More than one hundred dollars was raised by the women of this Auxiliary to

purchase wool for knitting. Four hundred and fifty bed shirts and one hundredknitted articles were turned in to the Nashville Headquarters by this unit.

Tal)l(' of Contents


TIr- iiaim-s of more than 35,000 uomen an- r<-cor<lnl lu-rcin liuii(lrr,l> of ili,>,- oft.-ii re-

peatod— lliercforf it i?^ only natural for a few unavoidaMe errors to occur in llie publication of a

volume of tliis size, where the services of a preat many peopli> are necc~~arily nipiiri'cl. The

following is a list of corrections of known mistakes:

On page 54, Mrs. Joseph Lindauer should read Mrs. Hen l.lndancr.

On page 80, underneath picture. Miss Allien should read \Ii-- K.itlilr.n TiilnKin.

On page 84, underneath picture (in the second linci. Ii.Ihic

name, should read ".Standinji to her right." In third line hiforc I,

name should read "Sitting to the right."

On page 201. und.-rneath picture. Miss BiNl.r Ollui shotdd na

On page 223. just after Mrs. Pollard Caldwell's name. sh...d.l r

On page 2.37. ju-l after Mrs. W. O. Tirriirs name. \Ir~. Ccr^- llillniao shnnl.l nad Mi

George Dihrell.

Through typographical error. Mrs. .\hx. Irvine's name often appears as Mrs. .\h\. Irving.



Title Page

Advisory Council

Foreword - 4-5

Frontispiece 6

The "Scrap of Paper"— (Feature Pagel 7

An Ai.pnriati..,, 3-10

Gratrfiil A.kiinul,-,l;iinr,it lo K. K. s, l,„n,arl„M. W . C. Thu--. an. I Marvin W. Wiles, Plii.-

l..giaii|,.i- . ._ 11

Dedication l'aL:r 12

Roster of G..I.I s,.,, |i,. ,,| |k,m,Uu„ ( ..uiilv 13

Gold Star R.r.., ,U 14-53

Memorial for W,.ni.n War W.irk.r- i llhi-lrations) _ 54-55

Tributes by Colonels Luke Lea and Harry S. Berry 56

Tennessee and Davidson County Surgical Dressings Committee 57-59

Davidson Countv French Red Cross Unit 60Query Cli.b ' 61-63

Tenni-—rr aTi. I lla\i.l-nii ( uinil\ '>oiirt\ ..I ( olmiial Dames 64-70

Vandrrlnll I ml 71-73

Tennt— .r ami llaM.I-on I miuHj .Na\) Coniforia Committee 74-82

Moth.i- Willi ^.xrial ^..,1- in Service 82-8'J

Youiif; Woman- ( liii-iiin \~Nociation 90-95Cenlrniiial I liili lllii-ii n ._ 96-100

Tenn. Urn,-. uim~ I.:,.,„ 100

Tenii. Hi. I MimJ < Miinty Federation of Women's Clubs 101-110

War Wink ,,| \li-- Will Mill, Dromgoole Ill

Army Cmnlori l.a-ii. Ki aliire Page—Tribute by Mrs. Percy Warner, President 112-122

Press Committee 123-124

United States Food Administration—Mrs. Edward A. Lindsey ^ 125Postmistresses at Jacksonville 125

Nashville Chapter, American Red Cross—"The Greatest Mother in the World" (Feature

Pagel—Tribute by Mrs. Percy D. Maddin, Vice-Chairman of Chapter and Chairmanof Administrative Board 126-129

Organization of Nashville Chapter. A R C 13(1135

Membership Committee. Nashville Chapter \ R C 1 i6

Extension Committee, Nashville Chaptti \ R C 137 16/

Nashville Auxiliaries 139 155

Davidson County District Auxiliaries 155 16'

Home Service Section. Nashville Chapter V R ( 168 170

Publicity Committee, Nashville Chapter. \ R ( 17117!Department of Woman's Work, Nashville Chapter \ R C 173 221

Surgical Dressings Department. ISashvdle Chapter A R ( 174 19!

Packing Committee 180Business Women's Records in the Surgical Dressings Department Na-lndli (hap

ter. A. R. C. Tulane Workrooms 189 19!

Hospital Garments Department. Nash\dle Chapter ARC 192201Knitting Department, Nashville Chaptt r \ R C 202 220Purchasing and Shipping .Section Sa-ludle Chapter ARC 220

Comfort Kits Committee. Nashville Chapter \ R C 22] 22'.

Registration Desk. Nashville Chapt, r A R C __'_' 22 1

Benefit Entertainment Comiruttee Na-li\iHe Chapter ARC _ __'


Educational Committee and Nursing SerM<e Nashville Oiapter \ R C 2<'22i

Camp Activities Committee. Nashville Chapter ARC 2iii2-.l

Emergency Canteen Service Committee. NT-hville Chapter \ R C 2H24!Junior Membership Committee. Nashville Chapter ARC 243 246

Information Desk. Nashville Chapter. \ R C 247 2 WRefugee Garment Drives. Nashville Chapter ARC 24«Motor Corps Department. Nashville Chapter \ R C 24^ 25


Linen Shower Committee. Nashville Chapter \ R C 255 256Christmas Parcels for A. E. F.. 1917. NasliMlle Chapter ARC 257258Communicative Service. Nashville Chapter \ R C 258Children's Auxiliary. Nashville Chapter V R C 259 260Committee on Awards. Nashville Chapter. A. R. C 261-263


Tonnessec and DaviilxMi i:<niiit\ l)i\i-inii.

C;irls- Patriotic L.-asiiie. Jui.in, I ra.i.li. N,

War Salvage Assdiialimi

Cliri^teiiiiig of tlir Batlli^liiii riiiii.— r.-

Teniu'ssec Division. Woiiuiii- ( ..uuiiillii-.

PagetKivvaiiis Clul), Book CampaignDavidson County Organization. Woman's C

inilagf. General Andrew Jackson's lion

Nashville Divisi,.n. Woman's Con.mille.-. C.

West Knd Section of the Woman- ( ...nri

East .Nashville Division of the N,,-1.mII.

North Nashville Division of lli, Na-lu,!

South Nashville Division ,.f the \\..,n.i,

Food Cons«-rvation

Work of the Nash^ilh• W ..man- < ..„„„,

Middle Tennessee and DaM.U.,,, (:..,ulI^ ( :.


First l.a.rit> l...aM CampaignSecojul LilMilv Loan CampaignThird Liberty Loan CampaignFourth Liberty Loan ( ampaign

Fifth Libertv Loan, or \iilnr\ loan"

Babies Born Wiiile Their >..|.li. i Falli.i- \

Tennessee and Davidson ( n„,,K dru.nn/ati

War Work Council. Soulh.r.i I'l.-liM. , ,an

Davidson Countv and .NasliMllr |Iim-i..ii~ oI

Nashville W.' S. S. and Tlir,lt >iamp DCanning Centers

Tennessee and Davidson ( iainl\ Dm-icin.

Davidson County Mnsldan- Who S.ivr.l I)

The Victrola Dri\.

Vendredi Clul.

Tennessee State l.ilirai\ am! I)a\iil-un (.cai

Lnited \^ar Work CampaignWoman's World War Work Expo-iiinnv II

Fairs. 1917. 1918 and 1919- P.. Ik \!. n.

Davidson County Chapters. Dauglilir- i.l li

World War Work of the I niled Dangliters

French Independence Day Parade

Council of Jewish WomenThe Ladies' Hetmilau-- \--.MialinM

Tag Day for the "-akilimi \nn\

Tennessee and DaiMl-m ( miiiu ( ii;;jrii/.ii

Davidson Counn U..,n.n W h.. -,T%.-.i H'

Davidson County Nnrs.s in the W.tI.I WarThe Hostess House at Camp Sheridan

Council of Catholic WomenChristening of the V. S. S. S. David-on Ci

Davidson County Circle of King's Daught.

Parent-Teacher Asj-ociatimi

War Sufferers' CampaignA. J. Harris Circle. Independenl Dauglite.

Davidsfin County Woman's Christian Tiini

Tennessee and Davidson County Blind Sol.

.\rmislice Day Celebrations in Na-luille.

Cleaves Sword Contribntor-

Home-Coming Parade of ili'- leiuir—r.

PageThe Cake Drive for the llome-Coming lia,

Waitresses for Bancpu-ts of the Kelnrning II

Infanlrv. at tin- Nashville Hippo. Ir.ime.

Davidson Conntv American L.gion Anxilia

World War Work .,f Colored Women of

Overseas Fighting fi

I.e Bien-Etre du BIr


































no 119











181 -4«9


