DESCRIPTOR PETROLEUM ENGINEERING - PRODIGY IMPORTANT NOTE : 1. Descriptor provides more detail understanding on the definition of each Competency skills and the competency level. 2. Venue listed under each competency serves only as planning purposes. Actual knowledge or skills may be obtain at a different venue, depending on the task given to the participants.

Descriptor PRODIGY Petroleum Eng

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1. Descriptor provides more detail understanding on the definition of eachCompetency skills and the competency level.

2. Venue listed under each competency serves only as planning purposes.Actual knowledge or skills may be obtain at a different venue,depending on the task given to the participants.


Competence Awareness Knowledge

1 Fluid Characterization

Familiarity with:

1. Describing, analyzingand validatingreservoir fluidproperties, PVTbehaviorofoil andgas.

2. Planning and evaluatingreservoir fluidsampling

Be able to:

1. Recognize the terms that describereservoir fluid properties, theirsignificance together with thesignificance of PVTdata.

2. Explaintheir areasofapplication.

3. Describe the procedures commonlyused to sample and validate oil orgas

4. Distinguish the general propertiesand behavior of oil or gas.

Venue :SCs, Core Warehouse & PVT Lab

Under supervision be able to:

1. Validate or Re-validate PVTdata results to correct forerrors·

2. Estimating/Deriving fluidproperties from correlation

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

2 Rock Properties

In collaboration withreservoir geologists andpetrophysicists:

1. Understandthe geologicaland flow behaviourrelated data togetherwith associateduncertainties that canbeobtained fromconventional / sidewallcores.

Be able to:

1. List the key subsurfaceflowbehaviour related data &r e s e r v o i r d a t a obtainable fromcoredescription, routine andspecial core analysis.

2. Explain how the depositionalenvironment can be determinedfrom core

3. Understand the coring process(from site, lab, reporting)

4. Recognize the common errors incore data caused by drilling fluidproperties, coring and plugselection operations, field andlaboratory core handlingproceduresandcore testingprocedures

Venue : SCs (during drilling phase) &Core Warehouse

Explain the use of routine andspecial core analysis data toquantify petrophysical reservoirproperties and usage forreservoir and well performancestudies.

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

3 Reservoir Characterization

Understandtheintegration ofreservoir geophysicists,geologists and petrophysiciststo respectively define reservoirarchitecture and propertiestogether with the associateduncertainties.

Be able to:

1. Describe the geoscienceworkflow, outputs andassociated uncertainties todetermine the reservoirdescription.

2. Recognize the various geoscienceinput (eg porosity, permeability,cap pressure etc) required forintegrated reservoir studies.

3. Recognize the relationshipbetween permeability, porosityand water saturation and itscomplexity.

4. recognize the geological andpetrophysical input inconjunction with core data,pressure depth relationships,reservoir pressure productionperformance, transient/ tracerwell test results for consistency,particularly with reference toreservoir volumes, its distributionand hydraulic communication(correlations).

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

4 Oil & Gas ResourceEstimation

Understand the hostcountry reservesclassification system, how areserve is determined andtechniques used and datarequirement.

Be able to recognize :

1. Hostcountryreserves classificationsystems and reportingrequirements.

2. Variousreserveestimatingtechniques together with theirstrengths and weaknesses andtheir applicability at differentpoints in the reservoir life cycle:ByAnalogy,Volumetric, Decline CurveAnalysis, Material Balance,Reservoir Simulation

3. Data requirements together withtheir sources for each of theabovetechniques.

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

5 Reservoir PerformanceAnalysis

Familiarity with:

1. Evaluating reservoir andwell performance,estimatingoil,gasandcondensateinplace andreserves and generatingproduction forecasts(oil, condensate, gas andwater)using variousmethods (eg:volumetric, materialbalance, decline curveanalysis, numericalreservoir simulation etc)

2. Data required for theabovetechniquesanddata

Be able to:

1. Recognizeall thevariablesand thesourcesof data to calculate theoriginal oil and gas in placeusingthe various technique.

2. Explain the theory & assumptionsbehind the Material BalanceEquation (MBE).

3. Describe thedata requirements,types of reservoir simulation andits purpose.

Venue : PAC Office

Be able to:

1. Use various software(OFM, MBAL, ETC) tovalidate reservoir andwell performance

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledgequality/consistency

6 Depletion Strategy & DriveMechanism

Familiarity with:

1. Basiccharacteristicsof Primary,Secondary andEnhanced(Tertiary andImproved) Oiland GasRecoveryMechanisms.

2. Recognize the likelydrive mechanismbased on integratedgeological andpressure productionperformance

Be able to recognize:

1. Basic characteristics of Primary,Secondary and Enhanced (Tertiaryand Improved) Oil RecoveryMechanisms.

2. The different impact of drivemechanism on oil and gasreservoirs.

3. The importance of surveillanceprograms to determineprevailing drive mechanisms,drive indices and changes in thesewith depletion.

4. The importance of the reservoiroperatingstrategies compatiblewith the prevailing primary drivemechanisms

Competence Awareness Knowledgeinterpretation.

Venue : PAC Office

7 Well Performance Analysis

Familiarity with:

Recognizing productionbottlenecks and productionenhancement opportunitiestaking account of reservoir,wellboreandsurfaceconstraints.

Be able to:

Recognize the value of mutuallyoptimizing the reservoir, the wellboreand surface facilities on production andreserves optimization.

Venue : PAC Office

1. Predictingoil and gaswellproductioncapacity /well performance takinginto account the inflowand outflowperformance.

2. Recognize normal wellbehavior and anomalies

Venue : PAC Office

8 Well Testing & Interpretation

Familiarity with variousproduction testing survey (eg :DST, Static,pressure build-up,fall off etc)

Be able to recognize:

1. The objectives, theory in variousproduction testing survey todetermine reservoir pressure,skin, productivity index,completion efficiency and forreservoir characterization in oiland gas wells.

Venue : SCs (during drilling phase)

2. The procedure in conductingproduction survey

Venue : SCs (during production phase)

Under supervision will be ableto:

1. To do basicinterpretation usingsoftware

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

9 Production Operation

Familiarity with:

1. Upstream operationspecific technology(including oil & gasseparation, gasprocessing, wellmanagement and waterhandling process)

2. Well test operation(including productionsampling & analysis i.ewater analysis)

3. Productionallocation

Be able to recognize:

1. Is able to describe the mainprocess stages associated withthe upstream operation

2. To describe the trend in theproduction rate and understandthe behaviour of each producingwell

3. Is able to describe water handlingand distribution process forproduced water and waterinjection system

4. Different metering requirementsfrom well to custody transfer point.

5. State the function and applicationof wellhead and X-mas Trees

Be able to :

a) Understand PPGUA, itspurpose and therequirements

b) Validate production welltest conducted by offshore

c) Validate the monthly backallocation volumes

d) With senior RE, suggestactions necessary to correctwell or reservoirperformance that deviatefrom RMP

e) With senior RE, suggestactions necessary to meetproduction/injection target.

f) Use reservoir engineeringtools to validate well &reservoir performance.

g) Understand the need tomutually optimize wells andfacilities to optimizeproduction and reserves and

Competence Awareness Knowledge

4. Productionandinjection targetsetting.

5. GOR and Water Cutmanagement.



6. Identify and explain the basiccomponents of a wellhead and X-mas Trees assemblies

Venue :1. Production Platform (including

attachment at IOGTC)2. Visit to Wellhead company (1 day)

to ensure the approvedproduction plan is achieved.

Venue : PAC Office


Competence Awareness Knowledge

10 Sand Face Completion:Design the optimumdrainhole and sandfaceconfiguration forvertical/deviated/horizontalproduction or injection wellby taking intoconsideration reservoircharacteristics, geology andreservoir fluid content inorder to optimize wellperformance over its lifecycle to maximize Ultimate

1. Recognized the differentelements in a wellcompletion design.

2. Realised which information isrequired to design a wellcompletion and which toolsto be used.

3. Recognized what reservoir,geological and petrophysicalparameters affectsuccessful completiondesign.

1. Established the dataneeded for a well boreconfiguration design.

2. Selected suitabletechniques to simulate theflow performance of aproduction/injection welland define the appropriatewellbore configuration.

3. Integrate respective wellbore component (liners,packers, seals, production

Competence Awareness KnowledgeRecovery and NPV.

4. Recognized the steps in wellunloading procedure

Venue : SCs

equipment, etc) of the borehole configuration andjustify for selecting a finaldesign configuration.

Venue : SCs & PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

11 Tubing Design and WellCompletion Acc: Designand specify tubing andcompletion/DSTaccessories requiredincluding, taking intoconsideration fluidcharacterization, pressureand temperature operatingenvelope in order topreserve well integrity ,safety and optimumproduction management.

1. Recognized the different typeand functionality of wellcompletion/well testingaccessories

2. Recognized the importanceof reservoir and operatingparameters affecting design

3. Identified the variousaccessories required forcompletion design

Venue : SCs

1. Selected well completionaccessories in accordanceto API industryspecifications andrecommended practices

2. Conducted tubing designanalysis (sizing, materialselection, stress analysis)either for production,injection or well testing

3. Selected wellhead and X-mas Trees in accordance toAPI industry specificationsand recommendedpractices

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

12 Artificial Lift: Identifyrequirements for artificiallift. Select, design andtroubleshoot the proper liftmethod in order to ensureoptimum oil production andrecovery.

1. Identified the differentartificial lift methods thatare available.

2. Recognized the basicprinciples of thedifferent artificial lifttechnique.

3. Having knowledge of thevarious criteria used in theselection of best suitableartificial lift method for awell.

Venue : SCs

1. Described key criteria inthe selection ofappropriate artificial liftsystem.

2. Designed suitable gas liftsystems includingengineering requirementsto optimize productionusing appropriate tools.

3. Involved introubleshooting anddiagnosis of wellperformance with gas liftsystem and recommendmitigation options usingappropriate tools.

Venue : PAC Office

13 Sand Control Management:Predict potential sandproduction by taking intoconsideration related rockmechanic properties overthe field life cycle usingappropriate software andselect the optimum sandcontrol method in order tosafeguard well integrityand productivity.

1. Recognized the parametersto describe the rockstrength

2. Recognized the mainparameters thatcontribute to sand failure

3. Recognized the need forsand control and thevarious sand controlmethods

4. Described briefly the maincomponents of a gravelpack/frac-pack

Venue : SCs

Competence Awareness Knowledge

14 Perforation Design: Designthe optimum perforatinggun system andconveyance method takinginto account drainhole andcompletion configurationusing appropriatesoftwares for optimumwell performance.

1. Recognized different typesof perforating techniquesand when each is mostappropriate.

2. Recognized the effect ofpressure drop across theperforations on sand facecompletion

3. Recognized the impact ofoverbalance andunderbalance perforating

4. Appreciated the impact ofperforations density,phasing, penetration depthand length, entrance holediameter etc. on wellproductivity.

5. Recognized the importanceof depth correlation forcorrect gun placement

Venue : SCs

1. Identified suitable types ofcommon elements ofperforating tools assemblycomponents

2. Selected different typeof guns anddeployment fordifferent application

3. Designed differentperforating parameters foroptimum wellperformance (shot density,entrance hole diameter,charge type, phasing etc.)using nodal analysissensitivity studies andspecialized perforatingsoftware

Venue : SCs & PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

15 Well PerformanceModeling: Build andcalibrate steady state wellmodel using PVT data, wellcompletion configuration,reservoir characteristicsand nodal analysis for welldesign and wellperformanceoptimizations.

1. Recognized the importanceof factors affecting wellperformance; PVT data,reservoir inflow and outflowperformance

2. Familiarized with theconcepts of nodal analysisand the physics behind theprinciples

3. Recognized the importanceof well performancemodeling for productionenhancement, e.g.stimulation candidateselection, artificial liftcandidate selection in orderto maximize welldeliverability

4. Recognized the importanceof well performancemodeling in integratedproduction enhancement

Venue : PAC Office

1. Initiated the capability tocalibrate the wellperformance model.

2. Estimated wellperformance of the well lifecycle using nodal analysis.

3. To use well performancemodel to optimize the drainhole length andconfiguration.

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

16 Cased Holeand ProductionLogging: Identifyrequirements for cased holelogging (e.g. CBL/VDL, PLT, USIT,Caliper, etc.) to determinewell performance, zonalcontributions, contactsmovement, casing and tubingintegrity. Review and analysesthe results for remedialactions.

1. Identified the various types ofcased hole logging, their basicprinciples and objectives.

2. Recognized the importance ofcased hole logging todetermine porosity, zonalcontribution, oil-water-gassaturations, well integrity,contact movement and zonalisolation.

3. Recognized the importance ofcased hole logging insupporting remedial actions.

Venue : SCs

1. Interpreted/reinterpretedcased hole log results todetermine cement integrity,downhole inflow profile andtubing/casing integrity.

2. Utilized the results tomonitor and/or recommendremedial actions.

3. Applied the criteria forselecting wells for productionlogging.

4. Interpreted / reinterpretedcase hole data to determinewell performance andcontact movement.

Venue : SCs & PAC Office

17 Well InterventionTechniques: Identifyoptimum well interventiontechnique taking intoaccount the wellconfiguration and operatingenvironment. The objective isto re-enter the well forremedial purposes to restoreor increase production orinjection capacity at lowesttime and cost.

1. Identified the basic wellintervention techniques andits limitations.

2. Recognizedthevarious typesof rigs and their limitations.

3. Outlined the typical wellintervention and workoveractivities which could beanticipated over the well life.

4. Recognized the differencebetween “slickline” and“wireline” operations and the

Competence Awareness Knowledgemain applications of coiledtubing units and their maincharacteristics.

Venue : SCs

18 Formation Damage.Recognize differentformation damage andmethod to minimize andtechnique to removeformation.

1. Identified the differentformation damagemechanisms.

2. Recognized methods tominimize formationdamage to minimizedeferred production andreduce operating costs.

3. Distinguished betweendifferent techniques toremove formation damage

Venue : SCs & PAC Office

19 Acid Matrix Stimulation.Identify the different typeof acid matrix simulation,technique. Recognizing thebenefit of formationdamage removal.

1. Identified different matrixacidization techniques andits application for bothclastic and carbonatereservoir.

2. Recognized the benefits offormation damage removaland how this impacts wellproductivity.

3. Aware of typical fieldtreatment operations and

Competence Awareness Knowledgesoftware application relatedto removal of formationdamage.

Venue : SCs

20 Production & InjectionFluid Treatment:Conceptually specify,evaluate and optimize therequired equipment’s forproduction and injectionfluids treatment usinglaboratory and field data,in order to accomplish fluidquality specifications,comply environmentallegislations and optimizetreatment costs.

1. Familiarized with thephysical- chemical propertiesof produced/injected fluids.

2. Recognized typicaltreatments for produced orinjected fluids.

3. Realised of the importancevarious treatment processesfor produced or injectedfluids.

4. Familiarized with thequality specification forproduced and injectedfluids.

5. Identified the differentequipment and chemicaltreatments for producedand injected fluids.

Venue : SCs & PAC Office

21 Cementing: Recognizing thecement properties, the typeof cement additive, typicaltype of cement operationand it’s limitation.

1. Recognizes the importance ofproper cement design andfundamental limitations ofcement systems.

2. Recognized type of

Competence Awareness Knowledgecementing operation.

Venue : SCs (in completionphase)


Competence Awareness Knowledge

22 Geological Well Log Interpretationand Correlation

different types of wireline logs.

GR, SP, Density/Neutron, Sonic andResistivity logs and

Understanding of basic principal andapplications.

Able to recognize :

Geological applications ofwireline log data using GR,SP, Density/Neutron, sonic& resistivity logs

Venue : Core Warehouse

The use of wireline logs for:-

1 . L i t h o l o g y a n d f lu i d sd e t e r m in a t i o n a n d

2. Predict the reservoirquality and depositionenvironment.

Venue : Core Warehouse

23 Reservoir Mapping

Familiarity with theconcept,/methodology how toperform subsurface reservoir map andit applications.

Depth structure, structure features,reservoir thickness and property maps

i.e. gross thickness, N/G, porosity,Shc, net pay, EOC, EGC, facies.

Able to recognize :

Basic concept andapplications of geologicalmaps.

Venue : Classroom

Able to :

Generate map using software

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

24 Resources Assessment

Familiarity on concept/methodologyon how to estimate the HydrocarbonVolumes and classified on differencecategories of hydrocarbon resource.

Able to recognize :

Hydrocarbon resourcesclassification systems:


(2) Host country(PETRONAS).

Imperial & metric units.Terminology & definitions:in-place volumes &reserves (STOIIP, GIIP, UR,etc.).

Venue : Classroom

Able to explain on :-

How to estimate hydrocarbonvolume and

Classified on different categoriesof hydrocarbon resources.

Venue : PAC Office

25 Stratigraphy and depositionalenvironment

Familiarity on:-

Principle of stratigraphy and rockstrata.

Able to recognized :

Fundamental on thestratigraphic an dd ep os i t ion a len v i ron men t an dre la t e t o d i f f e ren cet yp es o f roc k .

Able to explain on:-

Depositional en v i ron men tan d re la t e t o d i f f e ren cet yp es o f rock .

Competence Awareness Knowledge

Depositional environment (physical,chemical and biological processes) fordifference types of rock.

Petroleum geochemistry ofdifferent types of rocks

Venue : Core Warehouse

Venue : PAC Office

26 Core description and interpretation

Familiarity on:-

Concept/methodology how to acquireand describe the core in order todemonstrate a difference types oflithology,sedimentary structures andconceptual depositional environment.

Able to recognized :

Basic steps in coreacquisition & description

Venue : Core Warehouse

Explain the use of routine andspecial core analysis data toquantify petrophysical reservoirproperties and usage forreservoir and well performancestudies.

Venue : PAC Office

27 Sedimentary petrology

Familiarity on:-

basic requirements for conductingsedimentary petrology & variousmicroscopic techniques pertinent toclastics: e.g. slides, stains point-counting, etc.

Able to recognized :

Basic requirement forconducting sedimentarypetrology and variousmicroscopic techniquespertinent to clastics: e.g.slides, stains point-counting, etc

Venue : PAC Office

Competence Awareness Knowledge

28 Subsurface fluids & pressures

Familiarity on:-

Difference type of fluids and theirphysical properties.

Basin- scale fluid flow and pressureregimes

Able to recognized :

Pressure-depth trends fordifferent fluid.

How overpressuredreservoir is generated andit’s causes

Venue : PAC Office

Able to explain :

How to determine fluid contactfrom pressure trend.

Venue : PAC Office

29 Structural Geology

Familiarity on:-

Principles of Rock Deformation whichrelated to difference stress regimes.

Difference types of geological structuresrelated to difference stress regimes(fault, fold and fracture).

Able to recognize :

Stress, strain & rockdeformation.

Origin of key geologicalstructures: faults, folds &fractures.

Venue : PAC Office

30 Reservoir quality prediction

Familiarity on:-

Depositional environment and relatedgeological processes, Ability to provide aprediction of reservoir qualitydistribution using available data

Able to recognize

The reservoir quality isrelated to the geologicalprocess.

Venue : PAC Office

31 Seismic Interpretation and Mapping Able to recognize :

Competence Awareness Knowledge

Familiarity on:-

Basic seismic acquisition, processingand interpretation and

Usage of the seismic data indeveloping a geological model forexploration and development drilling.

The fundamental andapplication of seismic data

1. to generatestructure map.

2. To recognize thepresent ofhydrocarbon

3. To differentiatedifferent type oflithology.

Venue : PAC Office

32 Petroleum Geochemistry

Familiarity on:-

The application of chemical andgeological principles to study the origin,generation, migration, accumulation,alteration and correlation ofHydrocarbon from source rocks.

Able to recognize

The origin, generation,migration, accumulation,alteration and correlationof Hydrocarbon fromsource rocks.

Venue : Classroom