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“song of lawino – song of ocol” Ring-worm sometimes eats up A little girl’s hair And this is terrible; But when hot porridge Is put on the head And a dance is held Under the sausage-fruit tree And the youths have sung

You, Ring-worm, Who is eating Duka’s hair, Here is your porridge, Then the girl’s hair Begins to grow again, And the girl is pleased.

Okot p’Bitek

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS – IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ............................................15

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ...............................................16

SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................17


INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................19

1. Superficial dermatomycoses ......................................................................................19 1.1 Tinea versicolor (synonym: Pityriasis versicolor) ................................................................................................. 19 1.2 Dermatophyte infections (synonym: Ringworm infections) .................................................................................. 22 1.2.1 Tinea capitis ........................................................................................................................................................ 22 1.2.2 Tinea corporis ..................................................................................................................................................... 24 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 Diagnosis............................................................................................................................................. 24 1.2.3 Tinea pedis .......................................................................................................................................................... 25 1.2.5 Tinea manuum .................................................................................................................................................... 26 1.2.6 Tinea unguium .................................................................................................................................................... 26

1.3 Scabies .......................................................................................................................27

2. Information about Triclosan .......................................................................................28 2.1 Properties ............................................................................................................................................................... 29 2.2 Triclosan-containing products currently in use in Africa....................................................................................... 32


1. Study Area....................................................................................................................33

2. Selection of Primary Schools .....................................................................................34

3. Screening Examinations .............................................................................................34

4. Admission to the Study...............................................................................................37 4.1 Inclusion Criteria ................................................................................................................................................... 37 4.2 Excludsion Criteria ................................................................................................................................................ 37

5. Case Definitions...........................................................................................................38

6. Degree of Infection ......................................................................................................40

7. Randomisation.............................................................................................................41

8. Follow-up Examinations..............................................................................................42

9. Evaluation of Effectiveness - Dermatomycoses .......................................................43 9.1 General................................................................................................................................................................... 43 9.2 Pruritus................................................................................................................................................................... 43 9.3 Clinical and Microscopic Resolution ..................................................................................................................... 44 9.4 Definition of Evaluation Categories at Second Follow-up .................................................................................... 44

10. Evaluation of Effectiveness - Scabies......................................................................46

11. Assessment of Soap Use (Compliance) ..................................................................46

12. Determination of Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC’s) of Placebo Soap and of Triclosan ......................................................................................................................48

13. Data Entry and Analysis............................................................................................49

14. Additional Information...............................................................................................50


1. GENERAL INFORMATION...........................................................................................51

2. EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SUPERFICIAL DERMATOMYCOSES .......................................51

2.1 Prevalence rates ........................................................................................................51

2.2 Prevalence rates and degree of infection according to sex...................................52 2.2.1 Tinea versicolor .................................................................................................................................................. 52 2.2.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections ...................................................................................................... 53

2.3 Prevalence rates and degree of infection according to age groups .....................54 2.3.1 Tinea versicolor .................................................................................................................................................. 54 2.3.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections ...................................................................................................... 54

3. ASSESSMENT OF THE EFFECT OF SOAP ................................................................55

3.1 Assessment of the efficacy of Triclosan in soap....................................................55 3.1.1 Tinea versicolor infections.................................................................................................................................. 59 3.1.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections: Tinea capitis, corporis and pedis infections ................................ 67 3.2 Determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC’s) of placebo soap and of Triclosan .......................... 76

4. SCABIES.......................................................................................................................81 4.1 Epidemiology and Study population...................................................................................................................... 81 4.2 Assessment of the effect of soap and the efficacy of Triclosan ............................................................................. 81

DISCUSSION: ...................................................................................................................85

1. Epidemiology of superficial dermatomycoses..........................................................85 1.1 Tinea versicolor ..................................................................................................................................................... 85 1.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections ......................................................................................................... 86

2. Assessment of the effect of soap and the efficacy of Triclosan in soap ................87 2.1 Superficial dermatomycoses .................................................................................................................................. 87

3. Scabies .........................................................................................................................94 3.1 Epidemiology of scabies ........................................................................................................................................ 94 3.2 Assessment of the effect of soap............................................................................................................................ 95

4. Strength and Limitations.............................................................................................96 4.1 Physical examinations and photographic images................................................................................................... 96 4.3 Sample-taking and microscopic examination ........................................................................................................ 97 4.4 Quality control of microscopy and additional cultivation of fungi in Zürich......................................................... 97 4.5 Results during the first follow-up .......................................................................................................................... 98 4.6 Characteristics of the study population .................................................................................................................. 98 4.7 Spontaneous resolution and climatic influences .................................................................................................... 98

5. Conclusions .................................................................................................................99

6. Implications................................................................................................................100

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................101

APPENDIX: CALCULATION OF THE SAMPLE SIZE AND ASSUMED PREVALENCE RATES.............................................................................................................................113


APPENDIX B: PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGES ....................................................................146

APPENDIX C: 1. QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH/KISWAHILI) ........................................161

Appendix D: 1. Informed Consent ................................................................................176

2. Information for the Parents – provided at school meeting ....................................178

3. Information for the Parents – about the skin diseases: Handouts for parents ....180

4. TREATMENT CARDS.................................................................................................184



List of abbreviations – in alphabetical order A Isolates from Bacteriological or Veterinary Institutes

AD Almuth Dinkela

AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

ATCC American Type Culture Collection

BBE Benzyl Benzoate Emulsion

BHI Brain Heard Infusion Agar

CI Confidence Interval

C.-G. Ciba Geigy

CITM Centre International de Distribution de Souches (Lausanne)

CM Charles Maswi

DEO District Educational Officer

DPT Dichlorodiphenyltrichlorethane

EKBB Ethik Komitee Beider Basel

ELM Epiluminescence Microscopy

FDA Food and Drug Administration

HHM Household Member

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

IHRDC Ifakara Health Research and Development Centre

JF Julia Ferié

KCMC Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre

KOH potassium hydroxide

M Mycophil Agar

M-H Müller-Hinton Agar

MIC Minimal Inhibitory Concentration

MM Marco Mbata

NA Nutrient Agar

N.A. non-applicable

NCIB National Collection of Industrial Bacteria (U.K.)

NCTC National Collection of Type Cultures (London)

PCP Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia

PAS Periodic Acid Schiff

SFDDH St. Francis Designated District Hospital

SMA Sabouraud Maltose Agar

STI Swiss Tropical Institute, Basel


Acknowledgements – in alphabetical order I would like to express my deepest appreciations and gratefulness to the following persons. Without

their tremendous support and assistance it would not have been possible to carry out the field study,

analyse the data and write this dissertation.

Werner Baschong

Leena Bruckner-Tuderman

Dominique Bourgau

Julia Ferié

Armin Gemperli

Christoph Hatz

Boniphace Idindili

Nada Juricevic

Erik Krause

Charles Maswi

Marco Mbata

Jürg Meyer

Veronika Mkope

Charles Mayombana

Hassan Mshinda

Dietmar Ochs

Antonie Roll

Amanda Ross

Markus Schiltknecht

Peter Schmid-Grendelmeier

Marcel Schnyder

Thomas Smith

Marcel Tanner

Adriana Tami

Honorathy Urassa

Penelope Vounatsou

Many thanks also to other staff at STI and the IHRDC and last but not least, the pupils and teachers

of Lihami and Michenga Primary School.


SUMMARY Background: The present placebo-controlled double-blind study was performed to assess the

clinical efficacy of Triclosan against selected superficial dermatomycoses and scabies. The overall

effect of regular soap use was also evaluated. Methods: 820 Tanzanian primary school children

were examined for the presence of skin disorders. The clinical presentation of the dermatoses was

documented. Samples of suspected dermatomycoses were examined microscopically using KOH.

Quality control and culture were performed, and the MIC’s of placebo soap and Triclosan against

Malassezia spp. were assessed in vitro. The children with superficial dermatomycoses or scabies

were selected for this trial. They received either bar soap containing Triclosan (active group) or

placebo soap during a period of 8 weeks. They were followed-up after 1 and 2 months. Results:

Among the 820 examined children, superficial dermatomycoses were the most common diagnoses,

with a total prevalence rate of 33.9%. The prevalence rates of tinea versicolor, tinea capitis, corporis

and pedis were 26.2%, 5.5%, 2.6%, 3.2% respectively. Triclosan soap was not significantly more

effective against any of the selected dermatoses. Overall cure rates of tinea versicolor, tinea capitis,

corporis and pedis were 28.4%, 61.1%, 56.3% and 36.8% respectively. In tinea versicolor soap use

improved the overall degree of infection significantly (p = 0.000). The proportion of negative

microscopic results increased from 19.0 to 51.6%. Neither the placebo nor Triclosan were

efficacious against Malassezia spp. in vitro at relevant concentrations. In tinea capitis the overall

degree of infection also improved significantly (p = 0.001). The addition of Triclosan yielded only

slightly, non-significantly superior results. In the Triclosan group, the proportion of negative tinea

capitis samples increased from 22% to 64%, whereas it decreased from 57% to 53% in the placebo

group. In tinea corporis the size of the largest lesion decreased from 2.2 cm to 1.0 cm in the active

group whereas it increased in the placebo group. In tinea pedis the cure rate was non-significantly

higher for active than for placebo soap (86% versus 56%). The prevalence of scabies was 1.5%. All

6 children included in this study showed an overall tendency towards improvement with either soap.

Conclusions: In tinea versicolor the lack of superior efficacy of Triclosan soap is consistent with

the lack of in vitro efficacy of Triclosan. The overall improvement may be due to unspecific effects

associated with soap use such as a reduction of the amount of superficial skin lipids. In other

dermatomycoses, the overall improvement can be explained by the elimination of infectious

pathogens from the integument. The in vitro activity against certain dermatophyte spp. explains the

slight beneficial effect of Triclosan versus placebo soap. The lack of significance may be due to the

mode of application and the common use of vaseline. The results therefore confirm the usefulness

of soap, but do not justify the addition of Triclosan to treat superficial skin mycoses and scabies.


ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Einleitung: In der vorliegenden Placebo-Kontrollierten Doppelblindstudie wurden die klinische

Effektivität von Triclosan und der Gesamteffekt regelmäßigen Seifengebrauchs gegen ausgewählte

Dermatomykosen und Skabies ermittelt. Methoden: 820 tansanische Grundschüler wurden

bezüglich des Vorhandenseins von Hautkrankheiten untersucht. Bei klinisch vermuteten

Dermatomykosen wurden Proben von den Läsionsorten entnommen und mittels KOH

mikroskopisch untersucht. Eine Qualitätskontrolle, kulturelle Anzüchtung sowie die Ermittlung der

Minimal inhibitorischen Konzentrationen von Placeboseife und Triclosan gegen Malassezia spp. in

vitro wurden durchgeführt. Die an oberflächlichen Dermatomykosen oder Skabies leidenden

Schüler wurden für diese klinische Studie ausgewählt. Sie erhielten wöchentlich für 8 Wochen

entweder eine Triclosanseife oder eine Placeboseife. Nachuntersuchungen erfolgten nach 1 und 2

Monaten. Resultate: Die Dermatomykosen T. versicolor, capitis, corporis, pedis mit Prävelenzen

von 26,2%, 5,5%, 2,6%, 3,2% (Gesamt-Prävalenz: 33,9%) insgesamt die häufigsten Diagnosen.

Triclosanseife war gegen keine der Dermatosen signifikant wirksamer als das Placebo. Die

Gesamtheilungsraten von T. versicolor, T. capitis, corporis und pedis betrugen 28.4%, 61.1%,

56.3% und 36.8%. Der Schweregrad von T. versicolor verbesserte sich durch den Seifengebrauch

(Triclosan- und Placebogruppe zusammengefasst) signifikant (p = 0.000). Der Anteil der negativen

mikroskopischen Resultate erhöhte sich von 19,0 auf 51,6%. In vitro waren weder Triclosan noch

Placeboseife in relevanten Konzentrationen gegen Malassezia spp. aktiv. Der Schweregrad von T.

capitis verbesserte sich durch Seifengebrauch ebenfalls signifikant (p = 0,001). In der

Triclosangruppe erhöhte sich der Anteil negativer mikroskopischer Resultate von 22% auf 64%,

während er sich in der Placebogruppe von 57% auf 53% verringerte. Die durchschnittliche Größe

der Läsionen bei T. corporis verringerte sich in der Triclosangruppe von 2.2 cm auf 1.0 cm,

wohingegen er sich in der Placebogruppe vergrößerte. In der Triclosangruppe war die Heilungsrate

von T. pedis höher als in der Placebogruppe, wenn auch nicht signifikant (86% versus 56%). Die

Prävalenz von Skabies betrug 1,5%. Alle 6 in die Studie aufgenommen Kinder zeigten eine

deutliche Verbesserung ihrer Infektionen. Schlussfolgerungen: Dass Triclosanseife bei der

Behandlung von T. versicolor dem Placebo nicht überlegen war, korrespondiert mit der fehlenden

in-vitro-Aktivität der Substanz. Die Gesamtverbesserung könnte auf die durch den vermehrten

Seifenkonsum verringerten Hautlipide zurückzuführen sein. Die erwiesene in-vitro-Aktivität gegen

Dermatophyten konnte in dieser klinischen Studie nicht signifikant bestätigt werden. Die fehlende

Signifikanz könnte durch die Applikationsart und häufigen Gebrauch von Vaseline begründet sein.

Die Elimination infektiöser Partikel vom Integument erklärt die Gesamtverbesserung. Die Resultate

bestätigen die Nützlichkeit intensiven Seifengebrauchs, rechtfertigen aber den Zusatz von Triclosan

nicht, um Dermatomykosen und Skabies zu behandeln.

Introduction 19

Introduction Dermatomycoses such as dermatophyte infections and tinea versicolor are among the most common

human infections in the developing world (Ayaya et al., 2001; Sunenshine, 1998). Dermatophytoses

as well as scabies are known to be among the “dermatoses of poverty” (Schmeller et al., 2001;

Stingl, 2001).

Easy availability and affordability of treatment alone do not seem to be sufficient to reduce the

prevalence rates of these dermatoses in children. It seems to be necessary that standards of living,

health education and hygiene improve alongside with the provision of cheap and effective treatment

schemes (Schmeller, 1998).

The present study was performed in order to assess whether the antimicrobial agent “Triclosan”

contained in bar soap is clinically efficacious against selected superficial dermatomycoses and


The overall effect of improved hygiene and regular soap use on signs and symptoms of these

diseases was also evaluated. A similar approach has, to this author’s knowledge, so far only been

reported from Nigeria, where a large proportion of fungal skin infections and scabies could be cured

through the application of soap (Alebiosu et al., 1994).

The availability of bar soap – medicated or non-medicated – proven to be clinically effective

against these common ailments would be a precious tool to treat and prevent the dermatoses that are

discussed in this study. This is true not only for the study participants, but also for those individuals

living in comparable settings, of which there are numerous throughout the world.

1. Superficial dermatomycoses

Fungal infections are usually divided into superficial mycoses located on the skin, hair, nails and

mucosal membranes, deep or subcutaneous mycoses affecting the subcutaneous tissues and

systemic mycoses primarily affecting internal organs (Svejgaard, 1986). The fungi causing

superficial mycoses belong to different parts of the taxonomic system: yeasts, dermatophytes and

moulds (Svejgaard, 1986).

Superficial fungal infections are a common diagnosis in everyday dermatological practice. They

constitute 10 – 20% of skin diseases treated in hospitals (Anezia, 1981), and are generally more

prevalent in developing than in developed countries (Canizares et al., 1993).

1.1 Tinea versicolor (synonym: Pityriasis versicolor)

This skin disorder is caused by Malassezia spp., which are human saprophytes. So far eleven

species have been described of which the majority are lipophilic (Gupta et al., 2003, Mirhendi et

al., 2005). Studies conducted within the past six years indicate that the pathogen most frequently

Introduction 20

associated with tinea versicolor may not be M. furfur but possibly M. globosa or M. sympodialis

(Gupta, 2002; Gupta et al., 2001, Nakabayashi et al., 2000).

Although tinea versicolor has a worldwide distribution, it is particularly common in hot and humid

tropical areas (Faergemann, 1994; Hay, 1996). Overall prevalence rates in tropical zones may reach

50% (Marples, 1950; Borelli, 1991). In contrast, only 0.5% of males and 0.3% of females were

found to suffer from tinea versicolor in the course of a population survey in Sweden (Hellgren et

al., 1983), and 1.9% of factory workers examined in central Turkey presented with tinea versicolor

lesions (Celik et al. 2003).

The majority of cases occur during adolescence. This may be because of hormonal changes and/or

increasing sebum production (Akpata et al., 1990). Among children tinea versicolor is generally

rare, although it may be found more commonly in this age group in tropical climates (Gupta, 2002;

Marples, 1950).

Studies have shown variable male to female ratios, but they appear to be nearly equal. In contrast to

dermatophyte infections, tinea versicolor is considered neither contagious nor is it due to poor

hygiene (Sunenshine, 1998). However, since this infection has been found to be associated with

malnutrition, the socio-economic status may indirectly play a role (Gupta, 2002).

The organism can be found in 90-100% of healthy subjects as part of the normal skin flora

(Canizares et al., 1993; Sunenshine, 1998; Schmidt, 1997; Leeming et al., 1989). Tinea versicolor

occurs when the yeast converts to its mycelial form due to certain predisposing factors, which can

be divided into endogenous and exogenous factors (Canizares et al., 1993). Endogenous factors

include malnutrition, use of oral contraceptives, use of systemic corticosteroids or

immunosuppressants, Cushing’s Syndrome, seborrhoeic dermatitis, or hyperhidrosis. According to

Sunenshine, hereditary factors might play a part since a positive family history in approximately

17% was confirmed by more than one study (Sunenshine, 1998; Burke, 1961). Hafez et al.

described a multifactorial inheritance, with a heridability of 22.2% in first-degree relatives (Hafez et

al., 1985). Immune deficiency disorders such as HIV/AIDS are believed to predispose to more

extensive infections, but Pityrosporum infections do otherwise not seem to differ from those in

HIV-negative subjects (Elmets, 1994; Schechtmann et al., 1995).

Exogenous factors include heat and moisture. Furthermore, lesions are most commonly found on

body areas covered by clothes which results in an altered pH range (Gupta, 20020; King et al.,

1978; Sunenshine, 1998). Exacerbation of the disease may also happen through the application of

creams or oils to the skin (Faergemann et al., 1982; Gupta, 2002).

The sites affected are usually those with the greatest density of sebaceous glands such as the upper

trunk, neck and face. Lesions on the face are more common in children than in adults (Gupta, 2002;

Sunenshine, 1998; aTerragni et al., 1991). Other common sites are the upper arms, but the disease

Introduction 21

may also occur on the scalp (Goncalves, 1963), the penis (Daneshvar et al. 1987), the neck and the

groin (Burkhart et al., 2000; Burke, 1961).

Apart from tinea versicolor, Pityrosporum yeasts may also cause pityrosporum folliculitis (Bäck, et

al., 1985). Besides, seborrhoeic dermatitis has been found to be associated with the colonization of

this yeast in sebum-rich areas (Gupta, 2002; McGinley et al., 1975).

Clinical diagnosis may be complicated due to the various forms of presentation. It is usually based

on the distribution, shape and appearance of the macules and patches. The furfuraceous scales can

be easily removed using the fingernails, which is called “fingernail test (Canizares et al., 1993).

Microscopic examination of skin scrapings obtained from the lesions is used to confirm the

diagnosis. The scales are usually placed on a microscopic slide, and 10-20% KOH solution is

applied to dissolve the keratin (Gupta, 2002). Staining with i.e. 1% methylene blue (Faergemann,

1994) or ink (Dominguez-Soto, 1994) may facilitate the diagnosis (Canizares et al., 1993).

Examination reveals round budding cells (spores) and hyphae or mycelia. This pattern is also

referred to as “spaghetti and meatballs” (Sunenshine, 1998). Additionally, the fungus may be

cultivated e.g. on Sabouraud’s agar rich in lipids. Bacterial growth and growth of moulds is

inhibited by addition of chloramphenicol and cycloheximide respectively (Gupta, 2002; Enweani,


The main complaint of the patient is cosmetic disturbance, but mild pruritus may be present (Gupta,

2002; Bélec, 1991).

Differential diagnosis includes vitiligo, leukoderma, chloasma, dermatophytoses, seborrhoeic

dermatitis, psoriasis pityriasis rosea, pityriasis alba, pityriasis rotunda, confluent and reticulate

papillomatosis of Gougerot-Carteaud, secondary syphilis, pinta, leprosy and erythrasma (Gupta,

2002; Sunenshine, 1998; Canizares, 1983).

Wood’s Light can help to distinguish tinea versicolor from dermatophytosis not caused by certain

fluorescing species such as Microsporum spp. or T. schoenleinii and from erythrasma, which

follows infection with Corynebacterium minutissimum (Cheesbrough, 1997). Ringworm lesions

caused by other Trichophyton spp., Epidermophyton spp. or few geophilic Microsporum spp.

generally do not fluoresce at all, and erythrasma would appear coral-red, whereas tinea versicolor

lesions show a yellow-green fluorescence (Gupta, 2002; Sunenshine, 1998).

There are various options to treat tinea versicolor, both topical or systemic variants may be

effective. Examples of topical agents are selenium sulfide, propylene glycol 50% in water

(Faergemann, 1994), ciclopiroxolamine or imidazoles (Gupta, 2002). Imidazoles are also effective

if administered orally, whereas terbinafine and griseofulvine are not (Gupta, 2002).

However, the treatment is associated with a relatively high rate of recurrence reaching 60 to 80%,

according to Arenas et al. (Arenas et al., 1982).

Introduction 22

1.2 Dermatophyte infections (synonym: Ringworm infections)

Dermatophyte infections are limited to the superficial layers of the epidermis and its appendices

such as the hair and nails (Shrum, 1994) and are able to invade these structures (Elewski, 1986).

They are classified according to genera, namely Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum

(Canizares, 1983; Hay, 1996), according to ecology (antropophilic, geophilic or zoophilic

dermatophytes) (Shrum, 1994) and according to anatomic locations of infection (Weitzman et al.,

1995). Infections caused by geophilic or zoophilic fungi are generally more severe than those

caused by anthropophilic fungi (Canizares, 1983).

The prevalence of dermatophyte infections is higher in developing than in industrialized countries

because of prevailing poverty, overcrowding, sharing of fomites, poor hygiene and new drug

resistant pathogens (Ayaya et al., 2001; Canizares et al., 1993). Increasing use of

immunosuppressive therapy, chemotherapy, antibiotics and the HIV/AIDS pandemic, which affects

particularly the poorest areas of the world, further contribute to the emergence of these infections

(Ayaya et al., 2001; Elmets, 1994; Elewski, 2000).

Patients with AIDS may present with clinically atypical or more extensive lesions, but the incidence

is not higher than among immunocompetent individuals (Hay, 1996).

1.2.1 Tinea capitis

In the developing world tinea capitis remains the predominant clinical type among children (Welsh

et al., 2002; Al-Sogair, 1991; Porter, 1980; Shrum, 1994; Canizares, 1983). The spectrum of

causative agents is variable depending on the setting of the studies. Prevalence at primary schools

ranges between 11.3% in Ivory Coast (Hervé et al., 2002) and 33.3% in Kenya (Ayaya et al., 2001).

Tinea capitis may present with different symptoms (Shrum, 1994). The clinical manifestations can

be divided into three groups (Canizares et al., 1993):

1. One comprises scaly, dry, non-inflammatory lesions sometimes presenting grey patches or

“black dots”, which appear when hairs break off close to the hair follicle. This type usually

does not produce permanent alopecia. It is often caused by anthropophilic species and can

be subdivided into a microsporic and a trichophytic variety.

2. Another presentation is the more acute, wet, and inflammatory type with possible

suppuration or kerion formation (Shrum, 1994). Kerion celsi are characterized by

erythematous nodules, swelling, and regional lymphadenitis (Hussain et al., 1999) and

represents a hypersensitivity, often self-limiting, reaction to the invading pathogens

(Hussain et al., 1999; Weitzman et al., 1995; Canizares, 1983).

Introduction 23

3. The third type is dry, crusted, occasionally inflammatory and suppurative, caused mainly by

T. schoenleinii and other faviform fungi. This clinical picture is also referred to as “favus”.

It is characterized by yellow crusts which are referred to as scutulae (Canizares et al., 1993;

Canizares, 1983) (cup-shaped areas of densely interwoven mycelium, scales, and debris).

They may become confluent and appear as mats of honeycomb-like areas (Shrum, 1994)

leading to permanent alopecia (Canizares et al., 1993).

Bacterial superinfection and cervical lymphadenopathy may be present, and the patient may

develop an id reaction (Shrum, 1994; Canizares, 1983). Sometimes the infection may also be

accompanied by fever and malaise (Weitzman et al., 1995).

The differential diagnosis includes other disorders involving scaling and/or hair loss such as

seborrhoeic dermatitis, scalp psoriasis, alopecia areata and trichotillomania (Shrum, 1994).

Tinea capitis should be treated systemically as topical treatment is much less effective and in many

cases useless (P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, personal communication). Usually, topical antifungal

agents are recommended only as adjuncts to systemic treatment because they cannot penetrate into

hair follicules sufficiently (Chan et al., 2004; Canizares et al., 1993; Weitzman et al., 1995;

Schmeller, 1998).

The systemic application of griseofulvin has revolutionised treatment, especially of endothrix

infections. However, the dosage needed to cure tinea capitis has been slowly increasing over the

years (Gupta et al., 2003). Due to rapid elimination, long duration of therapy is necessary, which

may reduce patient compliance (Gupta et al., 2003). Newer antifungal drugs like terbinafine,

itraconazole or fluconazole are comparable in efficacy (Chan et al., 2004) and have longer retention

periods in the affected tissues (Gupta et al., 2003). In theory Terbafine is now available as an oral

formulation, but not in the study setting that is described in the present study. The newer agents are

generally more expensive than griseofulvin, which is still the only FDA-approved drug and for the

treatment of tinea capitis (Gupta et al., 2003), but have much less side effects. Even though in

temperate climates the drugs of choice are nowadays terbinafine or itraconazole, griseofulvin or

ketoconazole remain the first choice in the tropics (Welsh et al., 2002; P. Schmid-Grendelmeier,

personal communication).

Whitfield’s Ointment (5% benzoic acid, 5% salicylic acid and basic cream), tolfnaftate, haloprogin

and clotrimazole have been recommended for topical treatment. Besides, the application of topical

or systemic antibiotics or prednisolone may become necessary (Canizares et al., 1993). Apart from

drug treatment, general sanitation measures have to be taken to prevent the disease from spreading

(Canizares et al., 1993; Weitzman et al., 1995).

Taking these conditions into consideration, it can be concluded that a realistic approach to prevent

and reduce ringworm infections appears to be a change in hygiene behaviour. This has been

Introduction 24

achieved for example in Sri Lanka where the custom of frequent head baths with soap and water is

likely to be responsible for the relatively low prevalence of tinea capitis in certain studied

communities (Attapattu, 1989). Alebiousu et al. from Nigeria were able to cure more than half of

their study population with either tinea capitis or corporis by applying a soap containing plant-

derived ingredients for several weeks (Alebiosu et al., 2003).

1.2.2 Tinea corporis

This term usually describes all dermatophyte infections that do not involve the scalp, ear, face,

beard, axillae, hands, feet and groin (Shrum, 1994). In the present study, facial lesions are described

as tinea corporis lesions as well. Tinea corporis is common in children, but can also be found

frequently among adolescents and adults (Soyinka, 1978; Weitzman et al., 1995). Prevalence rates

in tropical regions such as Gambia have been reported to range between 3% in the wet season and

0.7% in the dry season (Porter, 1980); prevalence rates among primary schoolchildren were found

to be 2.7% in rural Ethiopia (Figueroa et al., 1996) and 0.8% in Nigeria (Soyinka, 1978). Tinea

corporis involves glabellar skin and presents with single or multiple oval, scaly patches with central

clearing, sometimes delineated by versicular borders (Weitzman et al., 1995; Canizares, 1983).

Especially in the tropics the presentation may be polymorphic (Canizares et al., 1993; Shrum,

1994). In case of invasion, the formation of “Majocchi’s Granuloma” may occur, usually after

minor trauma (Shrum, 1994). A distinct clinical type is tinea imbricata showing a polycyclic pattern

of the scaly lesions (Canizares et al., 1993; Shrum, 1994; Hay, 1996). As for tinea capitis, topical

treatment may not be sufficient and must then be supplemented by griseofulvin or ketoconazole or

other systemic agents (Shrum, 1994; Weitzman et al., 1995). However, in single lesions topical

treatment is mostly effective (P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, personal communication).

1.2.1 and 1.2.2 Diagnosis

Diagnosis for tinea corporis and capitis is made by microscopic examination of skin scrapings and

hair clippings (in case of tinea capitis) with KOH solution or by fungal cultures. Spores can be seen

either in or outside the hair (endothrix or ectothrix infection), depending on the causative species.

Besides, hyphae and mycelia may be found. The diagnostic test with best specifity is fungal culture

on Sabouraud’s agar; additionally, Wood’s Lamp or biopsy followed by PAS or silver staining can

be used (Shrum, 1994). Differential diagnosis of tinea corporis should include nummular eczema,

psoriasis, drug eruptions, mycosis fungoides and pityriasis versicolor (Gupta, 2002; Shrum, 1994).

Introduction 25

1.2.3 Tinea pedis

This disease, also known as “athlete’s foot”, is a common diagnosis in white urban populations

(Shrum, 1994; Canizares, 1983; Canizares et al., 1993). According to Shrum et al. it is a rare

condition in African populations, as well as in populations of other tropical regions (Shrum, 1994).

However, Soyinka found that the incidence of tinea pedis among secondary school children in

Nigeria was higher than that of other dermatomycoses (Soyinka, 1978). Another school survey in

Nigeria yielded a prevalence of 1.5% among the pupils (Enweani, 1996). Generally it is more

common among the older age groups (Shrum, 1994; Canizares, 1983).

Clinically, there are three varieties of tinea pedis (Canizares et al., 1993).

1. The first is the intertriginous type, with interdigital maceration, accompanied by whitish

thickening of the web spaces of the feet. It may extend to both the toes and the soles (Masri-

Fridling, 1996), pruritus and foul odour may be present.

2. The second type is the dishydrotic type with acute vesicular, bullous or vesiculo-bullous

lesions with erythema and fissuring. This type is usually located on the mid-sole.

3. The third form is the hyperkeratotic moccasin type, which tends to be chronic and presents

with scaling of the plantar surface (Shrum, 1994). Vesiculation is usually absent.

Asymptomatic infection is common in tinea pedis (Masri-Fridling, 1996), but severe cases

involving mixed infection by dermatophytes, candida and bacteria may also occur (Weitzman et al.,

1995; Hay, 1996). Bacterial superinfection is mostly noted in the interdigital type (Masri-Fridling,

1996). This feature is then referred to as “dermatophytosis complex” (Canizares et al., 1993; Odom,

1993). Diagnosis is made using KOH preparations and culture, as described above for the other

dermatophyte infections. Differential diagnosis includes psoriasis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrosis

and pompholyx (Shrum, 1994; Canizares, 1983). Candidiasis, erythrasma, acrodermatitis contiua,

pyodermas and secondary syphilis should also be considered (Masri-Fridling, 1996). Treatment

with topical fungistatic or fungicidal agents may be successful. Antibacterial soaps are

recommended in cases of mixed bacterial and fungal interdigital infections. Severe cases may

require the addition of systemic agents such as itraconazole or terbinafine and oral antibiotics

(Masri-Fridling, 1996).

1.2.4 Tinea cruris

This term describes dermatophyte infections of the groin, perianal and perineal areas and the upper

thighs. The infection is most common in adult men (Weitzman et al., 1995). Lesions usually appear

as erythematous or brown scaling patches. Involvement of the groins can be bilateral, and lesions

may present as annular patches, with active margins showing vesiculation and crusting (Weitzman

Introduction 26

et al., 1995; Canizares et al., 1996). It is more common in hot and humid climates, especially if the

standard of hygiene is low (Anezia, 1981). Differential diagnosis between tinea cruris caused by

dermatophytes, Erythrasma caused by Corynebacterium minutissimum, intertrigo, which may be of

bacterial origin, and candidiasis may be difficult if no microscopic diagnosis or fungal culture are

performed (Canizares, 1975). Wood’s light is a helpful device to identifiy C. minutissimum (also

see 1.1.1).

In this study, it was not in all cases possible to examine the inguinal or genital area. Furthermore,

only few samples could be obtained as privacy or an investigator of the same sex as the examined

child could not always be guaranteed. Since differential diagnosis could thus not be made, inguinal

lesions are referred to as “intertrigo”, summarizing all the above mentioned differential diagnoses

affecting the inguinal area.

1.2.5 Tinea manuum

Tinea manuum usually presents as unilateral diffuse hyperkeratotic lesions, localised in the

interdigital spaces or the palms (Weitzman et al., 1995; Canizares et al., 1993). Simultaneous

involvement of the feet is common (Canizares et al., 1993).

1.2.6 Tinea unguium

Dermatophytes may also invade nails. This infection is called tinea unguium. Infection of the nail

by non-dermatophytic fungi is referred to as onychomycosis. The invasion can be subungual or

superficial, which is also known as leukonychia trichophytica (Weitzman et al., 1995). T. rubrum

and T. mentagrophytes are the most common dermatophytes causing this infection (Weitzman et al.,


The management of fungal nail infections has greatly improved with the introduction of systemic

agents as well as topical nail polishes containing ciclopirox and amorolfine (Gupta et al., 2003).

1.2.7 Dermatomycoses caused by non-dermatophytic fungi

Primary infections of the skin and nails may also be caused by fungi other than dermatophytes or

Malassezia and Candida yeasts. These are for example Exophiala werneckii, Piedra hortae,

Trichosporon belgii, which cause tinea nigra palmaris, black piedra and white piedra respectively.

Aspergillus, Acremonium spp. and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis often invade nails and thus produce

onychomycosis (English et al., 1994; Elewski et al., 1989).

Other species such as Hendersonula toruloidea and Scytalidium hyalinum are non-dermatophyte

saprophytic moulds found in soil, water, air and on fomites (Masri-Fridling, 1996; Elewski et al.,

1991). These facultative pathogens may cause dermatomycoses mimicking the clinical picture of

Introduction 27

certain ringworm infections. Pathogenic moulds should be suspected if the infection is resistant to

standard antifungal treatment, if standard cultures fail to grow and if KOH preparations are

nevertheless positive (Masri-Fridling, 1996). Since species identification was not possible in all

cases in the present study, dermatomycoses other than tinea versicolor will be referred to as “other

superficial dermatomycotic infections”.

1.3 Scabies

Scabies remains a major public health problem in developing countries, especially because of the

HIV/AIDS pandemic (Usha et al., 2000; Green, 1989). The prevalence of scabies has been found to

be associated with similar factors as that of dermatophytoses, such as poverty, crowding in

households and poor hygiene (Inanir et al., 2002). Several further factors such as population

movements, wars, misdiagnosis, inadequate treatment, and changes in the immune status of the

population have been suggested to affect the epidemiology of scabies (Green, 1989). In 1962

Schaller found that between 11 and 57% of schoolchildren in various Ethiopian provinces were

infected (Schaller, 1969). Since 1990 prevalence rates ranging between 1.7% and 17% have been

reported from Nigeria and Ethiopia (Enweani, 1996; Figueroa et al., 1996).

Scabies is a contagious diseases, and its transmission is being favoured by warm closeness

(Canizares et al., 1993), thus affecting most likely the whole familiy at the same time (Anezib,

1981; White, 1996).

The infection is caused by the itch mite, Sarcoptes scabiei. The female parasites deposit their eggs

and faeces into burrows in the stratum corneum of the skin and die 14 days after fertilization. The

male parasites die immediately after fertilization. Larvae hatch after three to four days (Anezib,

1981; White, 1996). The six-legged larva passes through a nymphal state and finally turns into an

eight-legged adult (Canizares, 1983; Canizares et al., 1993).

Three features are diagnostic of scabies (Canizares, 1983).

1. Itching, the most characteristic symptom, starts between three days and six weeks after the

first infection, due to an Type IV hypersensitivity reaction against the mites and their

products (Burkhart et al., 2000). In subsequent infections pruritus appears within a few days.

Typically, pruritus is most severe at night.

2. Observing scabies burrows between the fingers or at other typical sites is pathognomonic for

the infestation (Burkhart et al., 2000). However, in children they may be difficult to find

(White, 1996). When opening a burrow, the mite can be extracted with a sharp instrument

and examined directly or microscopically (Canizares, 1983). Superficial scrapings from

ulcers may contain mites, scybala or eggs (White, 1996).

Introduction 28

3. The distribution of the lesions is characteristic. Burrows are typically localized in the webs

and on the sides of the fingers, wrists and ulnar border of the hands, elbows, anterior axillary

folds, areola of the breasts, umbilicus, waist, external genitalia and perineum, natal cleft,

thighs, knees, ankles and the palms and soles (Anezib, 1981). The distribution of the

urticarial rash does not necessarily correspond with the infestated sites (White, 1996).

In tropical environments scabies has to be distinguished from insect bites, papular urticaria, and

pediculosis. In immunocompromised individuals, crusted scabies may be found, involving profuse

crusting of the skin and the formation of hyperkeratotic plaques (White, 1996). Asymptomatic cases

of scabies have been reported (Jiminez-Lucho et al., 1995); some may be heavily infestated with

millions of mites but not show no crusted lesions (Estes et al., 1993). Scabies in children is often

atypical in appearance making differential diagnosis difficult at times. Differential diagnosis

includes eczema, pyoderma, and in the tropics also onchocerciasis (White, 1996).

Although scabies may not represent a major disease per se, it can be associated with secondary

complications such as bacterial superinfection, eczematisation and poststreptococcal

glomerulonephritis (White, 1996).

Systemical treatment of scabies with Ivermectin is effective (Terri et al., 1995), but topical

treatment also yields good results. 5% permethrin cream (Canizares et al., 1993), 0.3% lindane

cream, topical ivermectin, benzyl benzoate emulsion, crotaminon and sulfur are used as topical

agents (Pruksachatkunakorn et al., 2002; Pönnighaus, 1995; Anezib, 1981; Victoria et al., 2001). At

the dispensaries in and around Ifakara, scabies is usually treated with BBE (Benzyl benzoate

emulsion (Dr. M. Mbata, personal communication).

2. Information about Triclosan

The broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent Triclosan has been used worldwide for skin care products

during the last 30 years. It is a nonionic, off-white, odorless and tasteless powder. The chemical

name is 2,4,4’-trichloro-2’-hydroxy-diphenyl-ether (C12H17Cl3O2) (Jones et al., 2000). Triclosan

was originally developed by Ciba-Geigy Company, Basel, Switzerland, and has been used in the

United States since the 1960s in under-arm deodorants and bar soaps. In 1972 it was for the first

time introduced into health care as a surgical scrub (Jones et al., 2000). In many countries Triclosan

can nowadays be found in a wide range of further products apart from deodorants and soaps, such

as shower gels, health care personal hand washes, lotions, creams, toothpastes etc (© Ciba Specialty

Chemicalsb, 1998).

The chemical is currently distributed as IRGASAN® DP 300 for skin applications and

IRGACARE® MP for oral applications (Jones et al., 2000).

Introduction 29

2.1 Properties

2.1.1 Safety

IRGASAN® DP 300 / IRGACARE® MP is not toxic in acute toxicity tests when used in

formulations, not irritating to skin and eyes, non-sensitizing, non-carcinogenic, non-mutagenic, not

toxic to reproduction, non-teratogenic, completely eliminated and does not accumulate in organs or

tissues. It is well tolerated in humans (© Ciba Specialty Chemicalsb, 1999). Based on the broad

safety package and the long-term experience using this antimicrobial, IRGASAN® DP 300 /

IRGACARE® MP is considered to be safe for humans when used in the recommended

concentrations (Bhargava, et al., 1996).

2.1.2 Anti-inflammatory effect and anti-irritative effects

Triclosan was proven to be an effective inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase and lipo-oxygenase, key

enzymes of the arachidonic acid metabolism, thus reducing the formation of pro-inflammatory

metabolites such as prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4 (Nissen et al., 1998). Triclosan is therefore

able to reduce inflammatory skin reactions and skin irritations (Kjaerheim et al., 1995; Skaare et al.,

1997; Barkvoll et al., 1994). Barkvoll and Rölla showed that Triclosan is capable of reducing skin

irritation caused by sodium lauryl sulphate (Barkvoll et al., 1994) as well as allergic reactions to

nickel in nickel sensitized patients (Barkvoll et al., 1995). In another study, Nissen and Ochs

demonstrated the concentration dependent anti-inflammatory efficacy on erythema caused by UV-

radiation (Nissen et al., 1998).

2.1.3 Broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity

Triclosan shows broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity against most gram-positive, gram-negative

bacteria, moulds and yeasts (Nissen et al., 1998). The antimicrobial spectrum and the speed of

activity of Triclosan have been documented both as various formulations and as an active ingredient

(Bhargava, et al., 1996; Larson, 1988; The Soap and Detergent Association and The Cosmetic,

Toiletry, and Fragrance Association, 1995; Jampani et al., 1998). These documentations include in

vivo as well as in vitro tests (The Soap and Detergent Association and The Cosmetic, Toiletry, and

Fragrance Association, 1995). Data collected in several in vitro tests with respect to the

antimicrobial efficacy against fungal pathogens are listed below (see Table 1).

Introduction 30Table 1: Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of IRGASAN®DP300 /IRGACARE®MP: Yeasts and Moulds (© Ciba Specialty Chemicalsa, 1998): Microorganism Strain Medium* MIC-value Aspergillus fumigatus ATCC 9197 SMA 10 ppm Aspergillus niger ATCC 6275 M 30 ppm Aspergillus repens ATCC 44409 M 5 ppm Blastomyces dermatitidis ATCC 10225 SMA 3 ppm Candida albicans A NA 3 ppm Candida albicans A NA 33 ppm Candida albicans ATCC 10259 M 3 ppm Candida albicans ATCC 10259 BHI 4 ppm Candida albicans ATCC 10231 BHI 4 ppm Candida albicans ATCC 11651 10 ppm Candida albicans A SMA 10 ppm Candida albicans A 10 ppm Candida albicans A K 75 10 ppm Candida guillermondii A K 334 10 ppm Candida guillermondii A SMA 33 ppm Candida krusei DSM 70075 M-H 10 ppm Candida lipolytica DSM 1345 M-H 1.0 ppm Candida parakrusei A SMA 4 ppm Candida parapsilosis A SMA 33 ppm Candida parapsilosis A K 332 30 ppm Candida pulcherrima A SMA 33 ppm Candida stellatoidea A SMA 10 ppm Candida tropicalis A SMA 10 ppm Candida tropicalis A K 644 10 ppm Candida tropicalis DSM 1346 M-H 10 ppm Candida utilis A SMA 33 ppm Chaetomium globosum ATCC 6205 SMA 10 ppm Cryptococcus neoformans A SMA 10 ppm Epidermophyton floccosum ATCC 10227 SMA 10 ppm Epidermophyton floccosum CBS 55384 M-H 2.5 ppm Hansenula anomala A SMA 10 ppm Keratinomyces ajelloi A SMA 10 ppm Malassezia furfur ATCC 14521 SMA >1000 ppm Malassezia furfur DSM 6171 SMA 500 ppm Microsporum canis ATCC 10214 M 3 ppm Microsporum canis ATCC 10214 SMA 1-10 ppm Microsporum cookei A SMA 33 ppm Microsporum cookei A K 406 M 3 ppm Microsporum gypseum A SMA 10 ppm Microsporum nanum A SMA 10 ppm Neurospora sitophilia A SMA 0.1 ppm Paecilomyces varioti ATCC 18502 SMA 10 ppm Penicillium egyptiacum A SMA 33 ppm Penicillium expansum DSM 1282 SMA 31.2 ppm Penicillium funiculosum ATCC 9645 SMA 10 ppm Pichia farinosa A SMA 33 ppm Piedraia hortai A SMA 10 ppm Rhodotorula mucilaginosa A SMA 33 ppm Saccaromyces cervisiae ATCC 2601 BHI 4 ppm

Introduction 31

Scopulariopsis brevicaulis ATCC 36840 M 15.6 ppm Schizosaccharomyces pombe A SMA 3 ppm Sporothrix schencki ATCC 10212 SMA 3-10 ppm Torulopsis dattila A SMA 10 ppm Torulopsis famata A SMA 10 ppm Trichoderma viride ATCC 18502 SMA 20 ppm Trichomonas foetus A 100 ppm Trichophyton concentricum A SMA 10 ppm Trichophyton cutaneum A SMA 10 ppm Trichophyton mentagrophytes ATCC 9533 M 3 ppm Trichophyton mentagrophytes ATCC 9533 SMA 1 ppm Trichophyton mentagrophytes ATCC 9533 M-H 1.25 ppm Trichophyton quinckeanum A SMA 10 ppm Trichophyton rubrum A K 351 M 3 ppm Trichophyton rubrum DSM 4167 M-H 0.63 ppm Trichophyton rubrum A SMA 10 ppm Trichophyton schoenleinii A SMA 3 ppm Trichophyton terrestre A SMA 10 ppm Trichophyton tonsurans A SMA 10 ppm * Media: NA = Nutrient Agar M = Mycophil Agar M-H = Müller-Hinton Agar SMA = Sabouraud Maltose Agar BHI= Brain Heard Infusion Agar Sources: ATCC = American Type Culture Collection NCTC = National Collection of Type Cultures (London) CITM = Centre Intern. de distribution de Souches (Lausanne) NCIB = National Collection of Industrial Bacteria (U.K.) C.-G. = Ciba Geigy A = Isolates from bacteriological or veterinary institutes

The formulation of the product may affect the antimicrobial efficacy due to differences in pH,

detergent base, emollients and humectants (a substance that promotes retention of moisture), ionic

nature of the formulation, and the type of surfactants used (Jones et al., 2000). In order to restore

the antimicrobial activity in surfactant-based solutions, the interaction between Triclosan and the

surfactant molecules forming micelles around the Triclosan molecules can be reduced by a

technique called de-blocking (Jones et al., 2000).

Triclosan has been used successfully to reduce the nosocomial outbreaks involving antibiotic-

resistant bacteria (Jones et al., 2000). In vivo studies have revealed that Triclosan in surgical scrubs

is effective against the transient bacterial flora (Jones et al., 2000; Larson, 1995). Triclosan’s effect

on the skin flora is persistent and cumulative (Bhargava, et al., 1996). A long-lasting activity on the

skin has been proven for products containing Irgasan DP 300. If applied as a rinse-off formulation,

the ingredient displays a protection against the growth of pathogens even after multiple washes with

a non-antimicrobial soap (© Ciba Specialty Chemicalsb (1998).

Introduction 32

Triclosan applied as a 1% formulation offers excellent immediate, broad-spectrum and persistent

antimicrobial activity combined with gentleness to the skin, even if applied frequently (Jones et al.,


2.1.4 Mechanism of action against dermatophytes, moulds and yeasts

The in vitro efficacy against many dermatophytes, moulds and yeasts can be explained by

interactions of the agent with the fungal cell membrane. Mainly unspecific effects such as

disorganization of the cytoplasmatic membrane and leakage of low molecular weight cellular

components as well as inhibition of nutrient uptake are considered to be important factors with

regard to the mode of action of Triclosan. The extent to which the inhibition of the enzyme enoyl

reductase, which is essential for synthesis of fatty acids and is an important target for Triclosan in

bacteria, particularly at low concentrations of Triclosan, plays a role in the activity against fungi is

not yet fully understood (Regös et al., 1974; D. Ochs, personal communication).

2.1.5 Concentrations currently in use

In cosmetic products Triclosan is usually available in concentrations ranging between 0.1 and 0.3%.

These products include under arm deodorants, deodorant bar and liquid soaps, liquid hand washes,

shower and bath products, lotions, creams, hair shampoos and shaving products.

If applied as a medical soap, the concentration of Triclosan has to be higher and reaches 1%. As a

rule, rinse-off formulations require higher concentrations than leave-on formulations.

2.2 Triclosan-containing products currently in use in Africa

There are several products currently available in East Africa, which contain Triclosan. Examples

are Protex® Antibacterial Soap (Colgate, Nairobi; Bodycare, Dar es Salaam), Lifebuoy®/Asespo®

Soap (Unilever Nairobi), Roberts® Antiseptic Soap (Cussons Nairobi), Familiy Medicated Soap®

(G&N Soap, Dar es Salaam), and Tropcial Deo® (Buyline, Nairobi).

Methods 33


1. Study Area

A placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial was carried out in Ifakara, Kilombero District,

Morogoro Region, in southern Tanzania, to assess the efficacy of Triclosan in soap against selected

dermatomycoses and scabies. The district is a rural area with an estimated population of

approximately 322,000 (United Republic of Tanzania, 2002). The district capital, Ifakara, is situated

in the river plain of Kilombero River, 270 m above sea level and 320 km southwest of Tanzania’s

largest city, Dar es Salaam. The estimated annual rainfall is 1350 mm/year. There are two rainy

seasons, from October to December and from February to May (Armstrong Schellenberg et al.,

2003). Ambient temperatures are highest in December and lowest in July (The management and

ecology of Tanzanian forests; 2001) (also see Table 1). Most inhabitants are subsistence farmers

who grow mainly rice, maize, cassava and bananas (aTanner et al., 1987). Other common

occupations are fishing and small-scale trading (Armstrong Schellenberg et al., 2002).

Figure 1: Tanzania (Source: SuperTravelNet.Com) Figure 2: Morogoro Region and Ifakara

© Acosta et al., 2001 Table 1: Overview of climatic conditions in Ifakara during the time of the study (Source: IPS Meteostar®)

Month Average High


Average Low


N° of days

with rain

April 30.6 25.0 11 Screening May 28.3 23.3 17 Follow-up 1 June 27.2 22.2 12

Exami- nation

Follow-up 2 July 26.2 21.6 12

The health situation in Kilombero District is still generally poor, prevalence rates of malnutrition

and communicable diseases are high, and availability of food, clean and safe water, and sound

environmental sanitation are limited. Common water sources are communal boreholes, natural

Methods 34

spring or river water, and hand-dug wells. The roads are unpaved and transport is difficult in the

rainy season. The public health in system is organized through dispensaries, health centres and

hospitals. Maternal and child health clinics are widely available (Armstrong Schellenberg et al.,

2002). The dermatologic outpatient department at Ifakara’s St. Francis Designated District Hospital

(SFDDH) with one dermatologist serves a population of over 600,000 of the whole diocese

(Kilombero and Ulanga District combined) (Kibatala, 2002).

According to the 1997 St. Francis Designated District Hospital’s (SFDDH) Annual Report, fungal,

parasitic and bacterial skin disorders in the rural population, are still highly prevalent among the

local population compared to the urban population (Kibatala, 1997).

2. Selection of Primary Schools

After the study protocol was approved by the ethical committees in Basel, Switzerland, (EKBB) and

in Tanzania (IHRDC), two primary schools (3 - 8 km from Ifakara town centre) were selected for

the study. This selection occurred in agreement between the local supervisor, Dr. B. Idindili, the

representative in charge of the District Medical Office and the District Educational Officer (DEO).

A written permission documenting this decision was obtained from the DEO. The field

investigators then introduced themselves to the teachers of the schools in order to explain the

concept and the procedures of the study and to present them the written permission. Both schools

agreed to take part in the study.

The screening examinations were started at Lihami Primary School and then continued at Michenga

Primary School until enough children could be recruited for the soap trial.

3. Screening Examinations

The screening examinations were performed at two primary schools (Lihami and Michenga Primary

Schools), 3 and 8 km from Ifakara town centre. All the physical examinations in the course of this

randomized, double-blind, prospective, placebo-controlled study were performed in Swahili by the

dermatologist of the local district hospital (SFDDH), Dr. M. Mbata (MM), a clinical officer, C.

Maswi (CM), and the medical students from the University Hospital Freiburg, Germany, Julia Ferié

(JF) and Almuth Dinkela (AD) (principal investigator of the soap trial). At Lihami Primary School

the interview and examination were carried out in two small rooms (each approximately 2.5 m2 x 2

m2) with two windows serving as light source. In Michenga, a larger room with a curtain generating

privacy was available. The first screening of each child consisted of four parts: (i) the examination

of the skin, (ii) written documentation of the history and clinical presentation of skin diseases

currently present, following standardized definitions and (iii) supported by digital photography, (iv)

Methods 35

sample-taking (skin scrapings and/or hair clippings) at the active borders of the lesions. These steps

were carried out as follows:

(i): The entire body surface, hairs and nails were examined. The examination of the genital region

was not possible in every child because privacy could not always be guaranteed depending on the

room in which the examinations were carried out. The largest diameter of the biggest lesion was


(ii): Several questions concerning the hygiene behaviour and living conditions were asked. These

questions were evaluated in another study (For details please see Ferié, 2005). If during the physical

examination a skin disease was discovered, the history-taking and description of the skin disease

was documented using a standardized questionnaire in Kiswahili. In case that several diagnoses

were present, the “principal diagnosis” was described in detail and characteristic signs and

symptoms of the disease were assessed. The findings related to the other diagnoses were also

documented. In the case of dermatomycoses and scabies the characteristic parameters were

summarized in a clinical score to assess the degree of infection (see “Patients, Approaches and

Methods: 6. Degree of infection”).

In case of the presence of several diagnoses of interest for soap trial, the “principal diagnosis” was

selected according to the priorities of this study:

- if several superficial fungal infections were present, the order was as follows:

1. Tinea capitis

2. Tinea corporis

3. Tinea versicolor

4. Tinea pedis

- scabies was always the main disease

(iii): For each skin disease identified the main skin lesion was documented by digital photography.

In order to identify the child in the picture a piece of paper displaying the seven digit identification

number number of the child was placed beside the skin lesion. The attempt was to take pictures of

the same lesion during each of the three examinations. All uncertain and various representative

cases, were cross-checked by the expert dermatologist, PD Dr. P. Schmid-Grendelmeier in Zürich, a

fully trained dermatologist, skilled with experience in tropical skin diseases.

(iv): If tinea corporis, tinea capitis or tinea versicolor infection was suspected, a sample was taken at

the active borders of the lesions as described by Weitzman et al., and Gupta et al. and Stein

(Weitzman et al., 1996; Gupta, 2002; Gupta et al., 2001; Stein, 1983). In the case of tinea capitis,

apart from the skin scrapings, hair clippings or scrapings from hair stumps were taken if possible.

The samples were taken by using sterile surgical blades (n° 15). The scales were placed on pieces of

white paper, which were then folded, closed with stapler pins and stored in plastic envelopes, which

Methods 36

are normally used by the local pharmacies to store the pills to be sold. A new plastic envelope was

used for each child. If several samples were taken of one child, the different body sites were

documented on the piece of paper on which the scales were placed.

In the case of clinically diagnosed scabies, samples were taken from suspicious lesions with a sterile

surgical blade (n° 15) using immersion oil. They were directly placed on a microscopic slide,

covered with a cover slip and then preserved with clear polish and stored in a plastic envelope. All

samples were brought to the laboratory at IHRDC for microscopic examination on the same day or

after a maximum of two days. The microscopic examination was performed by AD and JF. The

fungal scales were put on a microscopic slide on which 20% potassium hydroxide solution had been

applied, and covered with a cover slip. After 20 minutes the samples were examined using 10 and

40 fold magnification. The result was regarded as positive if hyphae and/or mycelia and/or large

amounts of spores were seen. No sample was taken from tinea pedis lesions.

The scabies samples were examined with 10 fold magnification. The result was regarded as positive

if mites, scybala or eggs could be discovered. Quality control was ensured by controls performed by

H. Urassa, microbiologist and research scientist at IHRDC (Ifakara Health Research and

Development Centre).

In all cases of suspected fungal infections, particularly if differential diagnosis between tinea

corporis and tinea versicolor infections was difficult, additional skin samples were taken after one,

two and approximately three months after the baseline examination, stored in the plastic envelopes

in the usual manner and then transported to Zürich via air courier services to the laboratory of

mycology at the University Hospital Zürich. Here three drops of Congo Red solution were used

instead of KOH solution for microscopic diagnosis, six to seven pieces of scales were added and

covered with a coverslip. Examination of the samples was performed using a 20 to 40 fold

magnification. The remaining scales were placed on three different agars for culture (see Table 2).

Table 2: Composition of different media used for microscopic examination and culture Composition of Congo Red solution: Composition of Dixon Agar: SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate) 5 g Bacto Malt Extract 5 mL Congo Red 0.5% in Ethanol 50% 5 mL Bacto oxygal 20 g Distilled water 1000 mL Bacto glycerol 2.5 mL Tween 40 10 mL

Distilled water 1000 mL Bacto Agar 15 g Chloramphenicol 50 mg Gentamycin 5 mg Cycloheximide + Aceton 0.4 g

Composition of Sabouraud Glucose Agar: Composition of Mycosel Agar (containing cycloheximide):

Glucose 40 g Mycosel Agar 54 g Neopeptone 10 g Distilled water 1500 ml Agar granulated 16 g Choramphenicol 50 mg Distilled water 1000 mL Gentamycin 5 mg Chloramphenicol 50 mg Gentamycin 5 mg

Methods 37

Dixon agar was used for cultivating Malassezia spp. Sabouraud Glucose Agar allows the growth of

dermatophytes, molds and yeasts apart from Malassezia spp. and contains chloramphenicol and

gentamycin to inhibit bacterial growth. Mycosel Agar is similar to the latter, but additionally

contains cyclohexmide to prevent the growth of molds. Cultures were left at about 20° C for 3 to 4

weeks. If Malassezia spp. cultivation on Dixon Agar was successful, a specimen of the culture was

stained using gram technique and observed under light microscope with a 100 fold magnification. If

dermatophytes were identified by colony morphology, two subcultures were prepared using Phenol

Red Agar and Potato Dextrose Agar. Specimens of cultures positive for dermatophytes were stained

with cotton blue and observed under a 40 fold magnification. A further identification technique was

that of the “hanging drop”.

4. Admission to the Study

4.1 Inclusion Criteria

The children were included in the study if they were diagnosed clinically at the screening

examination to suffer from tinea versicolor, tinea capitis, tinea corporis, tinea pedis or scabies.

The inclusion of cases of tinea cruris was not possible for two reasons. First, privacy and an

investigator of the same sex as the examined child could not be always guaranteed. Second, no

Wood Lamp was available, which would have facilitated the differential diagnosis between

erythrasma and tinea cruris. At both schools meetings were held during which the parents or

caretakers were informed about the procedures of the soap trial and were given the opportunity to

ask questions (see Appendix D 2.1 and 2.2). They were provided with information material

regarding the skin disorder their child was suffering from (see Appendix D 3.1.1 to 3.2.2). Besides,

they received a form sheet guaranteeing the access to free treatment for the skin disease which had

been the reason for admission to the study, if the study participant would not be cured after two

months of soap use or if he or she would suffer from any side-effects related to the soap use in the

course of the study (see Appendix D 4.1). At the end of these meetings the parents or caretakers

were asked to give their oral informed consent to let the child participate in the soap trial (see

Appendix D 1.1 and 1.2).

4.2 Excludsion Criteria

On admission children were excluded if the degree of their skin disorder was so severe they

required immediate treatment with either antifungal or antiscabietic drugs, which were then

administered directly after the screening examination. If the child explained in the course of the

Methods 38

history-taking that he or she had already been given any kind of standard treatment at other health

facilities participation in the present study was not possible.

During follow-up, study participants were excluded if they had decided they did not wish to

participate any longer; if they had received any of the above mentioned treatments other than the

soap since the first screening examination; if no more lesions were seen at the first soap

distribution; if they had received their soap less than four times or if they were not present at the

second follow-up examination. No child developed side-effects thus none had to be excluded for

this reason.

If the local dermatologist (Dr. M. Mbata) decided during the period of soap use that the infection

required urgent treatment, the children were excluded from the study and received a prescription for

free standard treatment (see 8. Follow-up Examinations) for their skin disorders from the


5. Case Definitions

Tinea versicolor:

The following criteria characterize the clinical picture of tinea versicolor.

Shape and appearance of the lesions (Canizares et al., 1993; Sunenshine, 1998; Piamphongsant,

1983; Gupta, 2002):

• Multiform macules or patches

• Lesions may coalesce and/or be perifollicular

• Hypo- or hyperpigmented

• Fine, adherent scales (may be absent after the use of Vaseline)

• Pruritus may be present.

Typical localizations (Canizares et al., 1993):

Areas with the greatest density of sebaceous glands such as the upper trunk, neck and face,

sometimes on upper arms and abdomen. Rarely on other body parts.

Other superficial dermatomycoses (tinea capitis, corporis and pedis):

Species identification could not be performed in all cases. Apart from dermatophytes, yeasts or

moulds may have been among the etiologic fungi. Therefore cases of tinea capitis, corporis and

pedis will be referred to as “other superficial dermatomycoses”.

Tinea capitis:

One of the three clinical pictures has to be present for diagnosis.

Shape and appearance of the lesions (Canizares et al., 1993; Shrum, 1994; Weitzman et al., 1996):

Methods 39

• Scaly, dry, non-inflammatory lesions sometimes presenting grey patches or “black


• Acute, wet, and inflammatory lesions with possible suppuration or kerion formation

• Dry, crusted, occasionally inflammatory and suppurative lesions, yellow crusts (also

called “favus”). Folliculitis, bacterial superinfection, alopecia and scarring may


Pruritus may be present. Positive microscopy confirms diagnosis but is not regarded as mandatory

in this study.

Tinea corporis:

The following criteria characterize the clinical picture of tinea corporis. Shape and appearance of

the lesions (Canizares et al., 1993):

• Sharply demarcated round or oval scaly patch(es)

• Active vesicular border and central clearing may be present. Occasionally pustular


Pruritus may be present. Typical localizations (Canizares et al., 1993):

• Glabrous (=hairless) skin including non-hairy parts of face, neck, trunk, limbs (not

axillae, groins, interdigital spaces of hands or feet, palms or soles)

The aspect of the lesions may in some cases resemble those of tinea versicolor, especially if

multiple lesions are present. In these cases, the final diagnosis was based on the culture performed

in Zürich.

Tinea pedis:

One of the three clinical pictures has to be present for diagnosis.

Shape and appearance of the lesions (Canizares et al., 1993; Masri-Fridling, 1996; Shrum, 1994):

• Interdigital type with maceration. It may extend to both the toes and the soles

• Dishydrotic type with acute versicular, bullous or vesiculo-bullous lesions with

erythema, fissuring and sometimes bacterial superinfection. Usually located on the


• Hyperkeratotic moccasin type; tends to be chronic and presents with scaling of the

plantar surface. No vesiculation.

Pruritus may be present.


Four features are diagnostic of scabies (Canizares et al., 1993; Canizares, 19983; Van Hees, 2001;

Anezib, 1981; Haas , 2001; Burkhart, et al., 2000):

• Itching (most severe at night)

• Typical rash (small blisters and papules)

Methods 40

• Scabies burrows

• Common localization: sides of the fingers and hands, flexor sides of the wrists,

anterior parts of elbows, on the genitals and buttocks etc.

A history of contact with infestated persons supports the diagnosis.

6. Degree of Infection

Based on several other studies the degree of infection was assessed by using a separate symptom

score for tinea versicolor, tinea capitis, corporis and pedis as well as for scabies infection (Hira et

al., 1986; Lange et al., 1998; Hickman, 1996; Hussain et al., 1999; Martinez-Roig et al., 1988;

Gupta et al., 1998) (see Tables 3a and 3b).

This score reflects the degree of certain clinical signs and symptoms typical of each of the four

types of fungal infections. In order to calculate this score the appropriate parameters were chosen,

and score values were given by the four examiners on examination for each parameter (see Tables

3a and 3b; also see Appendix C Part 1.3). These score values were then added to yield the total


Tables 3a and 3b: For each of these diseases the appropriate parameters were chosen, and separate score values were

added to a total score (based on Hira et al., 1986; Lange et al., 1998; Hickman, 1996; Hussain et al., 1999; Martinez-

Roig et al., 1988; Gupta et al., 1998). The score reflects the degree of certain clinical signs and symptoms typical of

each of the four types of fungal infections targeted for the study.

Table 3a: Score parameters and score values

Degree of pruritus

Number of lesions

Aspect of lesions

Size of largest lesion

Additional clinical signs


Possible range of partial score according to parameter Total score

T. versicolor 0 to 3 0 to 8 0 to 14 N.A. N.A. 0 to 25

T. capitis 0 to 3 0 to 8 0 to 18 0 to 6 0 to 6 0 to 41 T.

corporis 0 to 3 0 to 8 0 to 12 0 to 6 N.A. 0 to 29

T. pedis 0 to 3 0 to 8 0 to 4 0 to 6 N.A. 0 to 21 Scabies 0 to 3 0 to 6* 0 to 16 N.A. N.A. 0 to 27

* number of common localizations (Pinkerton et al., 2003; Anezia, 1981)

Methods 41Table 3b: Degree of infection according to possible total score values and classification of degree of infection

Degree of infection: Mild

Degree of infection: Moderate

Degree of infection: Important/

Severe Diagnosis Possible total score values and classification of degree of

infection T. versicolor 3 to 6 7 to 9 10 to 25

T. capitis 6 to 13 14 to 20 21 to 41 T. corporis 7 to 13 14 to 19 20 to 29

T. pedis 4 to 7 8 to 13 14 to 21 Scabies 4 6 to 11 12 to 27

7. Randomisation

Randomization of the study population was carried out before the onset of the clinical trial for 400

possible study units by attributing the letters A to U randomly to the serial numbers of 1 to 400

using EpiInfo. During the screening examination all the study participants living in one household

were identified and formed one unit. A unit could consist of one or more children. At both schools

the serial numbers assigned to the randomised letters were distributed in the order of the names on

the list of the study participants. The list had been created by the field investigator in the order in

which the children had been included in the study. The participants attending Lihami Primary

School were assigned the first serial numbers. They were given soap for the first time before the

screening in Michenga was completed, in order to allow a reasonable timing and coordination of the

soap distributions and follow-up examinations at both schools. In order to achieve an equal

distribution of the multi-HHM-units (household member = HHM) between the placebo and

Triclosan group, the one-HHM-units were attributed the first serial numbers, followed by the two-

HHM-units, then the three-HHM-units etc. The same procedure was employed to attribute the soap

letters at Michenga Primary School, beginning with the next higher serial number after the last child

at Lihami School. If children were identified to live in one household after the randomisation had

been completed but before receiving the soap for the first time, they were all assigned the serial

number of the HHM appearing in the list first. If children were identified to live in one household

after the randomisation had been completed and after having received the first piece of soap, they

remained with the same serial number and soap letter until the end of the study, but additional

instructions were given in order to emphasize the importance of never exchanging the soap with any

household member taking part in the study.

Methods 42Table 4: Composition of the placebo and active soaps

Placebo Soap: Active Soap: 0.2% Titanium Dioxide 0.2% Titanium Dioxide 0.023% Tetrasodium EDTA 0.023% Tetrasodium EDTA 3.0% Stearic Acid 3.0% Stearic Acid 0-5% Glycerine / Water 1:1 0-5% Glycerine / Water 1:1 q.s. Dye /Perfume q.s. Dye /Perfume ad 100.0% Soap Noodles* ad 100.0% Soap Noodles** 1.0% IRGASAN DP300 **Mettler Basic Soap:

80.0% Sodium tallowate 20.0% Sodium cocoate Through the attribution of the letter each child was assigned to receive his or her soap bar pieces

from one kind of box (labelled alphabetically, A to U) only. Each box contained 30 pieces of soap

(100g per piece). The letter printed on the boxes indicated if the soap contained Triclosan or not.

Until data entry and data cleaning was finished, all four field investigators were blind with regard to

who received Triclosan or the placebo (for composition of soap see Table 4). Considering the

possibility that the whole family would use the child’s soap, it was provided generously. The

prinicpal investigator (AD), assisted by MM, CM and JF, visited both schools weekly to distribute a

new soap bar per child.

8. Follow-up Examinations

Two follow-up examinations were performed, after the first and second month of soap use. Apart

from history-taking and questions concerning hygiene behaviour and living conditions, these

follow-up examinations involved the same steps as the first screening examination (also see Figure


(i) examination of the skin, (ii) documentation of the skin lesions by digital photography, (iii) only

at the second follow-up examination: sample-taking if a superficial fungal infection (not in

candidiasis, tinea pedis or cruris infections) was present. The sample-taking was not repeated in the

case of scabies infections.

Three additional questions were introduced: (i) whether the child had experienced any improvement

of the skin disorder due to the soap consumption; (ii) if specifically the pruritus had improved; (iii)

and in case of tinea capitis infection if new hair growth was visible.

When possible, pictures were taken of the same lesion during each of the three examinations for

evaluation of improvement or resolution of symptoms during the follow-up examinations. On

comparison special attention was paid to the aspect of the lesions at the first and second follow-up.

The following parameters were assessed and summarised by classifying the result of the

comparison into “improvement”, “same” or “deterioration”:

Methods 43

• size of the lesion

• number of lesions

• presence of “active” lesions (see 5. Case definitions)

• presence of only residual hypopigmentation (Weitzman et al., 1996; Sunenshine,

1998) or postinflammatory hyperpigmentation

• presence of superinfection (in case of dermatophyte or scabies infection)

• new hair growth visible (in case of tinea capitis infection)

If a child was cured at the time of the first follow-up, no picture was taken. Samples were taken

during the second follow-up at the site of the former lesions, even if no one were present at this

stage. All children who were not cured by the end of the soap trial were given a presription from the

dermatologist Dr. M. Mbata to receive free treatment at the SFDDH dispensary. Drugs prescribed

were oral ketoconazole for tinea versicolor, tinea capitis, corporis or pedis; griseofulvine for tinea

capitis, corporis and pedis; clotrimazole cream or Whitfield’s Ointment for minor cases of tinea

versicolor, tinea capitis, corporis, or pedis and BBE to treat scabies. Terbinafine was provided to the

children who were severely affected by tinea capitis at the end of the soap trial.

9. Evaluation of Effectiveness - Dermatomycoses

9.1 General

In order to assess the effectiveness of the soap containing Triclosan, several endpoints (clinical

signs and symptoms typical of the disease) were evaluated during all examinations. The relative risk

of having these symptoms if receiving placebo versus active soap was calculated for the screening

and follow-up 2.

9.2 Pruritus

In order to improve the reliability of the answers of the children, the examiners asked twice during

the history-taking if the child had pruritus. Not all the children gave coherent answers. Therefore

the results may be sometimes contradictory, e.g. when compared with the degrees of pruritus.

The calculation of the relative risk combines answers provided at the two different stages of the

history- taking. If one of the two questions was answered positively, it was considered that pruritus

had been present.

Methods 44

9.3 Clinical and Microscopic Resolution

In order to decide whether the study participants were cured at time of the second follow-up seven

(five in case of tinea pedis) evaluation categories were defined, which combined clinical signs and

symptoms and the result of the microscopic examination (only clinical signs in the case of tinea

pedis). The Chi2 test or the Fisher’s exact test were used to find out if the evaluation categories

were equally distributed between active and placebo groups.

9.4 Definition of Evaluation Categories at Second Follow-up

9.4.1 Tinea versicolor


Clinical and mycological resolution (based on Lange et al., 1998; Hickman, 1996):

1: clinical and microscopic resolution: score = 0, child cured

2: microscopic resolution: microscopy negative and few clinical symptoms:

Score < 4 (only if score had been > 4 at screening)

No resolution:

3: improvement: negative microscopic evidence with significant clinical

improvement: reduction of score to 5 or 6 & score at screening > 6

or reduction by 4 points & score at screening > 6

4: negative microscopic evidence with no significant clinical improvement

reduction of score to > 7

or reduction by < 4 points

or score at screening and at second follow-up = 4

5: positive microscopic evidence with significant clinical improvement:

reduction of score to 5 or 6 & score at screening > 6

or reduction by 4 points & score at screening > 6

6: lack of improvement: positive microscopy with a lack of significant clinical

improvement: score > 7 or reduction by < 4 points

7: deterioration: increased score

9.4.2 Tinea capitis


Clinical and mycological resolution (based on Hussain et al., 1999; Gupta et al., 1998):

1: clinical and microscopic resolution: score = 0, child cured

Methods 45

2: microscopic resolution: microscopy negative and few clinical symptoms:

Score < 6

No resolution:

3: improvement: negative microscopic evidence with significant clinical

improvement: reduction of score to < 14 or reduction by > 6 points

4: negative microscopic evidence with no significant clinical improvement:

reduction of score to > 14 or reduction by < 6 points

5: positive microscopic evidence and clinical resolution with significant

clinical improvement: reduction of score to < 14 or reduction by > 6 points

6: lack of improvement: positive microscopy with a lack of significant clinical

improvement: reduction of score to > 14 or reduction by < 6 points

7: deterioration: increased score

9.4.3 Tinea corporis


Clinical and mycological resolution: (based on Gooskens et al., 1994; Montero-Gei et al., 1992)

1: clinical and microscopic resolution: score = 0, child cured

2: microscopic resolution: microscopy negative and few clinical symptoms:

Score < 7

No resolution:

3: improvement: negative microscopic evidence with significant clinical

improvement: reduction of score to < 14 or reduction by > 6 points

4: negative microscopic evidence with no significant clinical improvement

reduction of score to > 14 or reduction by < 6 points

5: positive microscopic evidence and clinical resolution with significant

clinical improvement: reduction of score to < 14 or reduction by > 6 points

6: lack of improvement: positive microscopy with a lack of significant clinical

improvement: reduction of score to > 14 or reduction by < 6 points

7: deterioration: increased score

9.4.4 Tinea pedis


Clinical resolution (abbreviations: N.A.= non-applicable)

1: clinical resolution: score = 0, child cured

no resolution:

Methods 46

2: improvement : score was reduced

3: lack of improvement: score remained the same

4: no resolution: score was N.A. at screening, but child was not cured at

second follow-up

5: deterioration: increased score

10. Evaluation of Effectiveness - Scabies

In order to assess the effectiveness of the soap containing Triclosan, several endpoints (certain signs

and symptoms typical of the disease) were evaluated during all the examinations. No significance

tests could be performed because the sample sizes were too small (only two children in the active


Apart from the parameters used for the symptom score, the time of itching, involvement of other

family members, the localization of the lesions, and the result of the microscopic examination were

recorded. Burrows were hardly found during the baseline examination, which impaired the sample-

taking to a great extent. This procedure was therefore not repeated at the second follow-up.

11. Assessment of Soap Use (Compliance)

One piece of soap per week and child was distributed at the two schools. The availability of soap

was ensured for every study participant, by personal delivery through the field investigator, assisted

by MM, CM and JF at the two primary schools. The following additional tools for checking the use

of soaps were used:

1) Upon receipt of a new bar of soap, the remains of the former piece had to be returned.

2) If the child was not present in the school at the time of soap distribution, a student who

knew where the child lived was identified in order to deliver the soap to the child’s home, or

a teacher was given clearly labelled envelopes containing the soaps, which were then to be

delivered through him/her.

3) At each soap distribution a record was kept whether the child collected the soap him/herself

or who was selected as a courier instead.

4) If the child informed the investigator in advance that he/she would not be present for a

certain number of weeks, he or she received the appropriate number of soaps at the time

when the child was present.

5) During the second follow-up each child was asked if he/she received the soap the week

before and by whom.

Methods 47

6) After the last soap distribution, control visits lasting nine days in Lihami and seven days in

Michenga, were conducted by another field worker (professional nurse) at the homes of 10%

of the study participants who had been randomly selected. Before randomisation, two

clusters were independently formed at each school. One included children who had collected

the soap themselves at the last soap distribution while the other included children who had

been sent the soap by another person. The remaining pieces of soap had to be shown to the

field worker during her visit. This was done in order to check the presence of the study soap

pieces at the children’s homes. The field worker also questioned the child or the interviewed

household member about who had given the latest piece of soap to the child.

7) The field worker also asked how many pieces of soap the child had received in total and

how many people in the household had used the soap.

In the case of the 10% randomly selected study participants, this information was evaluated for

coherence. In case children had been delivered the soap at home, we calculated which proportion of

them could either show a piece of soap to the field worker or confirmed when asked in the course of

the second follow-up that they had received their piece of soap by someone else.

The tools employed to check the use of soaps proved that the measures taken to deliver the soaps

can be considered as reliable. Unlike originally planned, the children were given a new piece of

soap even if the remains of the former piece could not be returned, since most children had used the

whole piece or could not show it for other reasons. Their future soap consumption was regarded as

more likely if they were provided with a new piece of soap rather than being sent back home to

collect the old piece before obtaining the new one.

Results 48

12. Determination of Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations (MIC’s) of Placebo

Soap and of Triclosan

The field study in Ifakara were followed by an in vitro assessments of the MIC’s of placebo soap

and of pure Triclosan against M. sympodialis cultured from six different patients at the University

Hospital, Zürich. To assess the MIC of the soap, the following steps were performed:

Placebo soap:

1) Preparation of stock solution with placebo soap:

1 g of pre-diluted soap (2% and 0.2%) were given into 10 mL of sterile water, stirring at 35-40°C;

yielding a concentration of 100 mg/mL (10%)

2) Preparation of dilutions (each twice):

1 mL of stock solution were given in N° 1; in N° 2-11: 0.5 mL of the dilution successively, 0.5 mL

of N° 1 in N°2, 0.5 mL of N° 2 in N° 3 etc.; N° 12 control without soap, only sterile water; yielding

the following dilution series (Table 4a) (Conc.=concentration):

Table 4a: Dilution series of stock solution (Placebo soap) Concen- tration

(μg/mL) 100000 50000 25000 12500 6250 3125 1562.5 781.25 390.63 195.31 97.66 0

N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 123) Preparation of final concentrations (each twice):

0.3 mL of each dilution was added into 15 mL of agar yielding the following dilution series on

Dixon Agar (Table 4b) (Conc.=concentration):

Table 4b: Dilution series of stock solution on agar (Placebo soap) Concen- tration

(μg/mL) 2000 1000 500 250 125 62.5 31.25 15.63 17.81 3.91 1.95 0

N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4) Drying overnight at approximately 22 °C

5) Preparation of Malassezia Suspension:

5 mL NaCl (0.85%; pH 7.2) and 0.01% Triton X-100 were added onto 6 plates with 7 to 14 days

old agar, on which Malassezia spp. (from six patients) had been cultivated. Air mycelia and spores

were removed, and the suspension was filtered through sterile glass wool. The glass wool was

rinsed again with another 5 mL NaCl (0.85%; pH 7.2) and 0.01% Triton X-100. The filtered spores

Results 49

were diluted again with 5 mL NaCl (0.85%; pH 7.2) and 0.01% Triton X-100. The plates were

inoculated with 0.01 mL of this solution (10 μl) using a micropipette.

Triclosan Powder:

1) Preparation of stock solution with placebo soap:

500 mg are given into 10 mL absolute Ethanol; yielding a concentration of 50000 μg/mL (5%)

2) Preparation of dilutions:

1 mL of stock solution were given in N° 1; in N° 2-11: 0.75 mL of the dilution successively, 0.75

mL of N° 1 in N°2, 0.75 mL of N° 2 in N° 3 etc.; N° 12 control without Triclosan, only sterile

water; yielding the following dilution series (Table 4c) (Conc.=concentration):

Table 4c: Dilution series of stock solution (Triclosan powder) Concen- tration

(μg/mL) 50000 37500 28125 21093.75 15820.31 11865.23 8898.93 6674.19 5005.65 3754.2 2815.7 0

N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3) Preparation of final concentrations:

0.3 mL of each dilution was added into 15 mL of agar yielding the following dilution series on

Dixon Agar (Table 4d) (Conc.=concentration): Table 4d: Dilution series of stock solution on agar (Triclosan powder)

Concen- tration

(μg/mL) 1000 750 562.5 421.8 316.4 237.3 177.98 133.49 100.11 75.09 56.31 0

N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4) Drying overnight at approximately 22 °C

5) Preparation of Malassezia Suspension:

5 mL NaCl (0.85%; pH 7.2) and 0.01% Triton X-100 were added onto 6 plates with 7 to 14 days

old agar, on which Malassezia spp. (from six patients) had been cultivated. Air mycelia and spores

were removed, and the suspension is filtered through sterile glass wool. The glass wool was rinsed

again with another 5 mL NaCl (0.85%; pH 7.2) and 0.01% Triton X-100. The filtered spores were

diluted again with 5 mL NaCl (0.85%; pH 7.2) and 0.01% Triton X-100. The plates were inoculated

with 0.01 mL of this solution (10 μl) using a micropipette.

13. Data Entry and Analysis

The data were entered in FoxPro 2.6, and the evaluation was performed with STATA 8.2. Chi

Square and Fisher's exact test were used to calculate p-values for contingency tables. In order to

compare the diameter of the largest lesion in tinea capitis and corporis infections at the different

examinations, Wilcoxon's rank sum test was used. Symmetry tests were applied to compare

Results 50

separately the degree of pruritus, number of lesions and degree of infection at the three different

examinations for tinea versicolor and dermatophyte infections.

The symmetry of treatment benefits or deterioration was compared between the active and placebo

group by using contingency tables and testing these for difference of proportions using 95%

confidence intervals. For all three examinations, the relative risk of the placebo versus the active

group was calculated for different parameters.

In order to show the whole spectrum of clinical evolution of all the cases of tinea versicolor, tinea

capitis and corporis, a scatter plot presentation together with cubic splines was chosen. This

presentation displays the clinical score at screening (y-axis) and follow-up 2 (x-axis). The cubic

spline fit incorporates the score values of all subjects with the specific disease. Its position relative

to the reference line is discussed. The graphical presentations were made separately for active and

placebo groups, and, in the case of tinea versicolor and tinea capitis infections, according to the

positive or negative microscopic examination results during the second follow-up.

14. Additional Information

The findings which are not presented in the chapter “Results” can be found in the Appendix A.

Results 51


1. General information In the course of this study a total number of 820 primary school children were examined. The

distribution of sexes was balanced at both schools, with a total female versus male proportion of

48.2 (394/818) versus 51.8% (424/818). An almost even proportion of children belonged to the age

groups 6 to 10 years and 11 to 14 years, whereas the age group 15 to 19 years included only 16.1%

(131/812) of the children. The mean age was 11.6 years. In the oldest age group there were more

boys, whereas among the youngest age group the proportion of girls was higher (see Table 1).

These differences in proportions were significant (Chi2 test p-value = 0.049).

Table 1: Frequency distribution and relative frequency of age groups among all the children examined

Age groups: Number of children (percentage) *row percentage


6 to 10 years 11 to 14 years 15 to 19 years


Female 177 (52.5) 162 (47.1) 51 (38.9) 390 (48.0) Male 160 (47.5) 182 (52.9) 80 (61.1) 424 (52.0) Total 337 (41.5*) 344 (42.4*) 131 (16.1*) 812 (100.0)

Chi2 test p-value = 0.049 ** The information concerning sex and/or age is missing for eight children

2. Epidemiology of superficial dermatomycoses

2.1 Prevalence rates

Children suffering from one of the skin infections listed below (Table 2) were enrolled according to

the inclusion and exclusion criteria on admission (see “Patients, Materials and Methods: 4.

Admission to the Study”). Unless otherwise specified, cases of tinea capitis, corporis and pedis will

be referred to as “other superficial dermatomycoses” since culture could not be performed in all

cases, and yeasts or moulds may thus not be excluded as the etiologic fungi.

Tinea versicolor was the most common skin disorder, being prevalent in 26.2% (215/820) children.

5.5% (45/820) of the children had tinea capitis, and 2.6% (21/820) were suffering from tinea

corporis. Slightly more children had tinea pedis (3.2%; 26/820). Tinea versicolor infections

accounted for 70.0% of all fungal infections. Tinea capitis ranked second representing 14.7% of all

dermatomycoses. Tinea pedis was more common than tinea corporis, accounting for 8.5% versus

6.8% of all fungal infections found among these primary schoolchildren. There was one case of

clinically diagnosed candidiasis of the hand. It was not included in the study (Table 2).

Results 52Table 2: Prevalence rates of superficial fungal infections and scabies according to age groups and sex

Number of observations (Prevalence rates) Age groups (1 to 3) and sex (f or m): number of cases

1 (6 to 10 years): 337

2 (11 to 14 years):


3 (15 to 19



Total*: n= 812


f:177 m: 160 f: 162 m: 182 f: 51 m: 80 f: 390 m: 422 24 19 59 56 21 35 104 110Tinea

versicolor 13.6 11.9 36.4 30.8 41.2 43.8 26.6 26.1Total 43 (12.8) 115 (33.4) 56 (42.7) 214 (26.4)

12 14 7 11 0 1 19 26Tinea capitis 6.7 8.6 4.3 6.0 0.0 1.3 4.8 6.2Total 26 (7.7) 18 (5.2) 1 (0.7) 45 (5.5)

5 4 4 7 1 0 10 11Tinea corporis 2.8 2.5 2.5 3.8 1.9 0.0 2.6 2.6

Total 9 (2.7) 11 (3.2) 1 (0.7) 21 (2.6) 7 1 6 3 5 4 18 8Tinea

pedis 3.9 0.6 3.7 1.6 9.8 5.0 4.6 1.9Total 8 (2.1) 9 (2.6) 9 (6.9) 26 (3.2)

Total number of fungal infections 306 3 5 1 2 0 1 4 8Scabies 1.7 3.1 0.6 1.0. 0.0 1.3 1.0 1.9

Total 8 (2.4) 3 (0.9) 1 (0.8) 12 (1.5) ** The information concerning sex and/or age is missing for eight children.

2.2 Prevalence rates and degree of infection according to sex

2.2.1 Tinea versicolor

The prevalence was found to be slightly higher among girls: 26.7% (105/394) versus 25.9%

(110/424) (Chi2 test p-value = 0.819).

The degree of infection among the study participants with tinea versicolor (n=174) was assessed by

using a symptom score. Values at the screening examination ranged from 3 to 18. The score was

normally distributed with a mean score of 9.96. In 10 children the score was not calculated as the

essential information could not be gathered from the examination sheet.

More than half of the study participants had an important infection. Mild and moderate infections

were found to be almost equally frequent (see Table 3).

The degree of the infection among the study participants was not found to differ significantly

between the two sexes (Chi2 test p-value = 0.074). The proportion of important infections was only

slightly higher among boys (61.9% (m) versus 57.5% (f)). Two thirds of the children with mild

infections were boys, and two thirds of the children with moderate infections were girls. Important

infections were almost equally distributed between the sexes (see Appendix 2.2).

Results 53

Table 3: Tinea versicolor: Degree of infection: Number of observations and percentage

Range of score and resulting degree of infection 3 to 6:

Mild 7 to 9:

Moderate 10 to 25:

Important N.A. Total

Number of observations (Percentage)

32 (18.4)

34 (19.5)

98 (56.3)

10 (5.8)

174 (100.0)

2.2.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections

Among the fungal and parasitic skin infections of interest to this study, only tinea pedis prevalence

rates differed significantly between the two sexes. The prevalence rate was 1.9% (8/424) among

boys and 4.6% (18/394) among girls. The difference in prevalence rates was significant (Fisher’s

exact test p-value = 0.044). The prevalence rate of tinea capitis was slightly higher among boys

(6.1%; 26/424) than girls (4.8%; 19/394). This difference was not statistically significant (Fisher’s

exact test p-value = 0.412). The prevalence rate of tinea corporis was nearly equal for girls (2.5%;

n=7) and boys (2.6%; n=6) (see Appendix 2.2).

The degree of infection among the 76 study participants with tinea capitis, corporis or pedis was

assessed by using a symptom score (see Table 4).

Table 4: Degree of infection: Relative frequencies (number of observations) and frequency distribution


Number of observations (Percentage): Degree of infection* Diagnosis

Mild Moderate Severe NA Total

Tinea capitis 7 (17.5) 25 (62.5) 5 (12.5) 3 (7.5) 40 (100.0)

Tinea corporis 9 (60.0) 3 (20.0) 1 (6.7) 2 (13.3) 15 (100.0) Tinea pedis 0 (0.0) 2 (9.5) 5 (23.8) 14 (66.7) 21 (100.0)

Total 16 (21.0) 30 (39.5) 11 (14.5) 19 (25.0) 76 (100.0) *Score range

Mild 6 to 13 (Tinea capitis) 7 to 13 (Tinea corporis) 4 to 7 (Tinea pedis)

Moderate 14 to 20 (Tinea capitis) 14 to 19 (Tinea corporis)

8 to 13 (Tinea pedis)

Severe 21 to 41 (Tinea capitis) 20 to 29 (Tinea corporis) 14 to 21 (Tinea pedis)

At the first screening nearly two-thirds (25/40) of the cases of tinea capitis were moderate

infections. Mild and severe infection were almost equally frequent. Cases of tinea corporis were

found to be less frequently moderate (20.0%; 3/15) or severe (6.7%; 1/15), but mild infections

Results 54

accounted for 60% (9/15) of cases. The degree of the tinea capitis and corporis infection did not

differ significantly between the two sexes (Fisher’s exact test p-values > 0.05). No statement can be

made with regard to the whether the degree of tinea pedis infections depended on sex, since it the

score could only be calculated for one boy. For 14 out of 21 cases the score could not be calculated

(see Table 4). Only the interdigital, macerated type (see Background: Tinea pedis) was

discovered among the examined primary school children.

2.3 Prevalence rates and degree of infection according to age groups

There were significant differences between prevalence rates among the three age groups for tinea

versicolor, tinea capitis and tinea pedis infections (Fisher’s exact test p-values = 0.000, 0.04 and

0.033 (Chi2 test p-value), respectively). The prevalence rates of tinea versicolor and tinea pedis

were found to increase with age, whereas the prevalence rates of tinea capitis and tinea corporis

(Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.295) were found to decrease with age.

2.3.1 Tinea versicolor

The degree of infection among the study participants was found to be significantly different for the

three age groups. (Fisher’s exact test p-value = 0.000). The proportion of children with severe

infection (81.4% of infections in this age group) was found to be highest in age group 3 (15 to 19

years; n=43) and lowest (48.8%) in age group 1 (6 to 10 years; n=29). Moderate infection was

found to be most frequent (29.4%) among the 11 to 14 year-old children (n=92), whereas mild

infections were most frequent (41.4%) among the 6 to 10 year-old children (see Appendix 2.3).

2.3.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections

The degree of tinea capitis and corporis infections was assessed according to two age groups (6 to

10 years; n=32, and >10 years; n=24). The degree of infection was not significantly different for the

two age groups (Fisher’s exact test p-values > 0.05). Severe infection was almost equally frequent

in both groups (see Appendix 2.3). The degree of the infection did not depend on the age group

(Fisher’s exact test p-value = 0.429). However, this statement is not reliable since the degree of

infection could only be determined for one third of the children.

Results 55

3. Assessment of the effect of soap

3.1 Assessment of the efficacy of Triclosan in soap

Study participants and dropouts:

248 children were enrolled in the study based on the inclusion and exclusion admission criteria. 20

had to be excluded after admission during the follow-ups. Before and after excluding these, the

number of children belonging to the placebo and active group was balanced (see Figure 1 and Table


Among the 228 study participants 48.3% were female and 51.7% male. The age distribution was

different from that of the originally examined children. 28.1% (64/228) were 6 to 10 years old,

51.3% (117/228) to the 11 to 14 years old, and 20.6% (47/228) were adolescents aged 15 to 19

years. Some study participants had two or more skin infections at the time of the screening

examination. They were regarded as separate cases of infection when dealing with the individual

diseases. Table 5a: Relative frequencies and frequency distribution of study participants (cases of infection) receiving

placebo versus active soap according to individual diagnoses – all dropouts excluded

Number of cases (Percentage)

Diagnosis Placebo Active Total

Tinea versicolor 82 (47.1) 92 (52.9) 174 Tinea capitis 21 (52.5) 19 (47.5) 40

Tinea corporis 7 (46.7) 8 (53.3) 15 Tinea pedis 11 (52.4) 10 (47.6) 21

Scabies 4 (66.7) 2 (33.3) 6 Total 125 (48.8) 131 (51.2) 256

Among the study participants 11 children had simultaneous tinea versicolor infection and tinea

capitis or and 10 had simultaneous tinea versicolor and tinea pedis infection (see Appendix 3.1 for

Table 5b).

Evaluation of follow-ups:

The data collected at the first follow-up were analyzed, but are listed only in the Appendix. The

emphasis placed on these results shall be small, since only 163 out of the 228 study participants

were present.

Results 56

Figure 1: Study participants of soap trial

248 children enrolledin soap trial:

randomization for placebo and active group

Placebo group:120 children

Active group:128 children

820 children examined at baseline examination: • clinical examination • clinical diagnosis of tinea versicolor, other superficial fungal

infections and scabies • digital photography • microscopic examination of samples

First treatment cycle: placebo or active soap for one month

First Follow-up: • clinical re-examination • sample-taking for microscopy

and culture in Zürich for quality control

Second treatment cycle: placebo or active soap for one month

Second Follow-up: • clinical re-examination • digital photography • microscopic examination of samples l • sample-taking for microscopy

and culture in Zürich for quality control Exclusion of dropouts: 8 from placebo group, 14 from active group

For evaluation:Placebo group: 112 children

For evaluation:Active group 116 children

Results 57

Table 6a:Characteristic Endpoints: Proportions at Screening and Follow-up 2 Placebo (P) versus Active soap (A) Tinea versicolor Tinea capitis Tinea corporis

n Number of

observations (percentage of n)

n Number of

observations (percentage of n)

n Number of observations (percentage of n)

Endpoints (clinical signs and


Exami- nation


Screening 6 (7.9) 12 (14.0) 7 (100.0) 7 (100.0) 3 (25.0) 1 (20.0) Scaling Follow-up 2 76 86 3 (3.9) 3 (3.5) 7 7 5 (71.4) 4 (57.1) 7 6 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) Screening 34 (55.7) 41 (56.2) 9 (81.8) 7 (77.8) 4 (80.0) 3 (60.0) Pruritus Follow-up 2 61 73 25 (40.1) 28 (38.4) 11 9 4 (44.4) 4 (44.4) 5 5 1 (20.0) 1 (20.0)

Pruritus improved Follow-up 2 82 90 12 (85.4) 23 (74.4) 21 18 19 (90.5) 16 (88.9) 8 6 7 (83.3) 6 (100.0)

Subjective impression: improved

Follow-up 2 53 59 49 (92.6) 57 (89.9) 20 17 18 (90.0) 17 (100.0) 6 8 6 (100.0) 8 (100.0)

Screening 73 (96.1) 80 (93.0) Hypo- pigmen-

tation Follow-up 2 76 86 54 (74.1) 65 (75.6)

Screening 4 (5.2) 9 (10.5) Hyper-pigmen-

tation Follow-up 2 77 86 4 (5.2) 8 (9.3)

Tinea capitis: The proportion of children with

occipital adenopathy increased in the active group, whereas it decreased in the placebo group. Besides, the child

with kerion lesions was not cured through the use of the active soap.

Screening 10 (61.1) 11 (62.5) Alopecia Follow-up 2 18 16 4 (22.2) 5 (31.3) Screening 6 (33.3) 2 (12.5) Occ./post.

cervical adenopathy Follow-up 2 18 16 3 (16.7) 4 (25.0)

Screening 1 (5.9) 3 (17.7) Grey patches Follow-up 2 17 17 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)

Screening 3 (16.7) 5 (31.3) Black dots Follow-up 2 18 16 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)

Screening 0 (0.0) 1 (6.3) Kerion Follow-up 2 18 16 0 (0.0) 1 (6.3) Screening 1 (5.9) 3 (17.7) Super-

infection Follow-up 2

Tinea versicolor: The proportion of children presenting the individual

endpoints was reduced from the screening examination to the

second follow-up apart from the proportion of children in the

placebo group with hyperpigmented lesions.

17 17 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0)

Tinea versicolor, tinea capitis and corporis: More than three quarters of all children in each group stated that pruritus had improved and that their infection in

general had improved in the course of the soap trial.

Table 6b: Clinical parameters: Number of observations according to diagnosis from Screening (SCR) to Follow-up 2 (Fu2):

Results 58

Placebo (P) versus Active soap (A) The degree of pruritus and infection and the number of lesions were reduced in tinea versicolor, tinea capitis and corporis

infections. More than 50% of the children in all groups showed improvement of the lesions in the photographs from screening to the second follow-up.

Tinea versicolor Tinea capitis Tinea corporis

Clinical parameters

P A P A P A P A P A P A Degree

of pruritus 77 78 reduceda reduceda 18 17 reducedc reducedc 7 5 re-ducedc


Degree of infection 77 84 reduceda reduceda 19 17 reduceda reduceda 6 3 re-

ducedc re-


Number of lesions 76 85 reduceda reduceda 18 17 reducedc reducedc 7 6 re-

ducedc re-


58 (SCR)

68 (SCR) 19.0 17.7 23

(SCR) 16

(SCR) 57.1 22.2 10 (SCR)

3 (SCR) 28.6 16.7 Microscopy

negativeb 77 (Fu2)

76 (Fu2) 54.5 48.7 13

(Fu2) 18

(Fu2) 52.9 64.3 5 (Fu2)

9 (Fu2) 85.7 42.9

Photos: % with

improvement 48 57 54.1% 64.2% 14 10 71.4 60.0 7 6 85.7 66.7

a = significant reduction (Symmetry test p-value < 0.05); b = different total number of observations at screening and follow-up 2 (assessment of frequency distribution and relative frequencies); c=reduction not significant (Symmetry test p-value > 0.05)

Table 6c: Tinea pedis: Clinical parameters: Tendencies from Screening to

Follow-up 2 Placebo (P) versus Active soap (A) Due to the small number of cases of tinea pedis

infections only the degree of pruritus and infection and the size of the largest lesions could be evaluated.

Clinical parameters

Total number of observations Placebo Active

Degree of pruritus reduced reduced

Degree of infection reduced

Size of the largest lesion

(different total number of

observations at screening and follow-up 2) reduced reduced

Results 59

3.1.1 Tinea versicolor infections Signs and symptoms/effectiveness

In order to assess the effectiveness of the soap containing Triclosan, several endpoints (clinical

signs and symptoms typical of the disorder) were evaluated during all three examinations (see Table

6a to 6c). The proportions having these signs and symptoms were calculated for both examinations.

There was no significant difference found between placebo and active group for any parameter. The

relative risk of having these symptoms if receiving placebo versus active soap was calculated during

these three examinations. It was not found to be significantly different from 1 at any stage if using

placebo soap (see Appendix for Table 6e). For various endpoints the symmetry test showed

a significant improvement for active and placebo soap. However, there was no significant

difference in the symmetry regarding these parameters (see Appendix 3.1 for Table 6d). Degree of pruritus

It was found that the overall proportion of children without pruritus increased. The proportions of

children having mild and moderate pruritus decreased significantly from the screening to the second

follow-up if taking placebo and active groups (Symmetry test p-value<0.05) (Table 7a), and if

taking them separately (see Appendix for Figure 2b and Symmetry tables 7b and 7c).

Degree of pruritus: Both groups


Screening Follow-up 2




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Figure 2a: Degree of pruritus (n=155)

Both groups (Screening and follow-up 2)

Symmetry table: Number of children and degree of pruritus at screening and second follow-up:

Table 7a: BOTH GROUPS Degree of pruritus at follow-up 2 Degree of

pruritus at screening None Mild Moderate Total

None 62 10 0 72 Mild 40 24 2 66

Moderate 8 6 3 17 Total 11 40 5 155

Symmetry test p-value = 0.000

Results 60 Number of lesions

When summarizing the two groups, a reduction in the proportion of children with 1 or 2, 3 to 5 and

more than 5 lesions can be observed from the screening examination to the second follow-up (see

Figure 3a, and Appendix for Figure 3b). There is only a slight decrease in the proportion of

children with disseminated lesions.

Number of lesions: Both groups







Screening Follow-up 2




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disseminated> 5 but countable3 to 51 or 2none

Figure 3a: Number of lesions (n=161)

Both groups (Screening and follow-up 2)

The symmetry test reveals that the reduction in the number of lesions from screening to the second

follow-up was statistically significant if taking the children of both groups together (Symmetry test

p-value<0.05) and if taking them separately (see Table 8a and Appendix for Tables 8b and

8c). Symmetry table: Number of children and number of lesions at screening and second follow-up:

Table 8a: BOTH GROUPS Number of lesions at Follow-up 2 Number of

lesions at screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse- minated


None 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 or 2 9 9 4 4 2 28 3 to 5 6 1 1 6 3 17

>5 12 3 4 9 13 41 Disseminated 9 4 5 5 52 75

Total 36 17 14 24 70 161 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0000 Photographs

Pictures of the same lesion were taken during both examinations. The morphology visible in the

picture was compared. It was assessed whether improvement (“better”) had taken place, if the

morphology of the lesion remained the same (“same”) or if there was deterioration (“worse”).

Results 61

Approximately 60 % of the children presented with visibly improved lesions and only 11% with

deteriorated lesions (see Figure 5).

Example for

improved lesions

(Figure 4): There are

multiple, slightly

scaling confluent

macules on the chin at

the first screening

examination. At the

second follow-up the

child is cured, and only

few residual, non-

scaling macules

remain, which are not regarded as active lesions. (Please find further examples examples in

Appendix B).

Evaluation of Photographs (SCR to Fu2):Placebo versus active group







Placebo: n=61 Active: n=67



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worsesame better

Figure 5: Evaluation of photographs: Comparing pictures taken at screening (SCR)

and the second follow-up examination (Fu2) Microscopic examination of skin scrapings

The relative risk of positive microscopic evidence if receiving placebo versus active soap was

calculated at screening and the second follow-up. It was not significantly higher at any of the two

examinations if using placebo soap (Chi2 test p-values>0.05). The proportion of positive results

decreased strongly in the placebo group from 81.0% (47/58) to 45.5% (35/77) and in the active

group from 82.3% (55/68) to 51.3% (39/76).

´Figure 4: Pictures taken during: Screening Follow-up 2

Results 62Table 9a: Results of the microscopic examination at screening and second follow-up: Number of observation and

Relative risk of placebo versus active group

Number of observations (Percentage)

Placebo Active Examination

Positive Negative Positive Negative

Relative risk

Chi2 testp-value

Screening 47 (81.0) 11 (19.0) 55 (82.3) 13 (17.7) 1.00 0.849 Total

positive 102/126 (81.0%)

Total negative 24/126 (19.0%)

Follow-up 2 35 (45.5) 42 (54.5) 39 (51.3) 37 (48.7) 0.86 0.897 Total

positive 74/153 (48.4%)

Total negative 79/153 (51.6%)

The samples of 45 children taken during the screening examination could not be evaluated. At the

second follow-up examination the samples of 8 children could not be evaluated (see Table 9a and

Appendix Quality control of microscopy; cultures

Direct microscopy and cultures were conducted at the “Mycological laboratory of the Department

of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zürich” in all cases of uncertain diagnoses one, two and

three months after the screening. No cultures could be made of the samples taken after three

months. In most cases (88.2% (30/34) and 65.0% (26/40) respectively) the causative agent

identified by direct microscopy belonged to Malassezia spp. The frequency distribution of the thus

confirmed cases of tinea versicolor did not differ significantly between the placebo and the active

group (Fisher’s exact test p-values>0.05). 5.8% (follow-up 1) and 9.3% (follow-up 2) of the

samples were negative, the remaining proportions revealed either spores or filaments characteristic

of dermatophytes. On culture, only 35.3% (12/34) and 13.8% (4/29) of the samples were positive

for Malassezia spp. during the first and the second follow-up respectively.

Two cases of dermatophyte infection caused by T. tonsurans (identified by culture) coincided with

the identification of Malassezia spp. by direct microscopy indicating a potential co-infection (see

Tables 9b, Figures 6a to 6c, Appendix and Apendix B: Child 14).

Results 63Direct microscopy of Pityriasis versicolor (stained with Congo Red, original magnification: x40)

Pictures provided by the Mycological laboratory of the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zürich

Figure 6a: Abundant large, round thick-walled spores and mycelia, “spaghetti and meatballs pattern”

Figure 6b: Hyphae forming groups of mycelia

Figure 6c: Few spores and short septate hyphae penetrating epidermal cells

Results 64Table 9b: Culture results of cases with uncertain diagnosis, performed at the Mycological laboratory of the

Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zürich (note: at the second follow-up no culture was could be

performed in 11 cases)

Number of observations (Percentage among all samples taken) Pathogen

1 month 2 months Malassezia spec. 12 (35.3) 4 (13.8)

Mould 16 (47.1) 16 (55.2) S. brevicaulis 1 (2.9) 1 (3.5) T. tonsurans 2 (5.9) 1 (3.5) T. violaceum 1 (2.9) 0 (0.0)

T. mentagrophytes 0 (0.0) 1 (3.5) Malassezia spec. + T. tonsurans 0 (0.0) 1 (3.5)

Phoma spec. 0 (0.0) 1 (3.5) Ulocladium spec. 0 (0.0) 1 (3.5)

negative 2 (5.9) 3 (10.3) Total 34 (100.0) 29 (100.0) Subjective Impression (See Table 6a) Degree of infection

If summarizing the two groups, a slight decrease in the proportion of children with important

(60.3% to 47.8%) and moderate degree of infection (20.5% to 14.3%) could be observed from the

first screening examination to the second follow-up. (see Figure 7a, and Appendix for

Figure 7b).

Degree of infection: Both groups (n=161)






Screening Follow-up 2




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nonemild moderatesevere

Figure 7a: Degree of infection (n=161): Both groups (Screening follow-up 2)

The symmetry test confirms that the reduction in the degree of infection from screening to follow-

up 2 wass statistically significant if taking active and placebo group together and if assessing the

symmetry separately for the two groups (Symmetry test p-value<0.05) (see Table 10a and

Appendix for tables 10b and 10c).

Results 65Symmetry table: Number of children according to degrees of infection at screening (SCR) and follow-up 2(Fu2):

Table 10a: BOTH GROUPS Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of

infection at Screening None Mild Moderate Important Total

None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 10 14 3 4 31

Moderate 11 3 10 9 33 Important 14 9 10 64 97

Total 35 26 23 77 161 Symmetry test p-value = 0.000 Clinical improvement

Figure 8a Placebo: Microscopy positive Figure 8c Placebo: Microscopy negative

Figure 8b: Active: Microscopy positive

Figure 8d: Active: Microscopy negative

not evaluated for cubic spline curve

Figures 8a to 8d: Tinea versicolor: Score at screening (SCR) and follow-up 2 (Fu2), according to microscopic

result at follow-up 2






0 5 10 15 20Score Follow-up 2 Cubic spline fit Score

Reference line

S c o r e

S c r e e n i n g

0 5 10 15 20Score Follow-up 2 Cubic spline fit Score

Reference line








0 5 10 15 20Score Follow-up 2 Cubic spline fit Score

Reference line





S c o r e

S c r e e n i n g


0 5 10 15 20Score Follow-up 2 Cubic spline fit Score

Reference line






S c o r e

S c r e e n i n g

Results 66

The overall improvement and the lack of superiority of active soap, as described in the paragraphs to above, can be confirmed when presenting the clinical score of each individual

stratified according to active and placebo group by using a scatter plot presentation. Figures 8a to

8d display the score at screening (y-axis) and follow-up 2 (x-axis).

It becomes evident that there was a marked improvement until follow-up 2, since the estimated

cubic spline, lies mostly above the reference line. The decrease in the score was slightly more

pronounced in the cases showing negative microscopic results during the second follow-up. In the

placebo group with positive microscopic results, the end of the fitted cubic spline curve, which was

an ascending slope, lies below the reference line. This indicates that cases which were more severe

at screening rather had a tendency to deteriorate. In the cases of negative microscopic results, the

cases of deterioration had been mild infections during the screening examination. Clinical and microscopic resolution

Evaluation Categories at Follow-up2: Placebo versus active group



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Evaluation Categories



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* 1= resolution: child cured

2= microscopic resolution and only few clinical symptoms 3= improvement: negative microscopic evidence with significant clinical improvement

4= no significant clinical improvement but negative mycologic evidence 5= improvement: microscopy positive with significant clinical improvement 6= lack of improvement: positive mycologic evidence with no significant clinical improvement 7=

deterioration Figure 9: Proportions of children (placebo versus active soap) belonging to different evaluation categories (1 to

7) at the second follow-up examination (Fu2) after 2 months of soap use

There was no significant difference in the frequency distribution of the 7 evaluation categories

comprising the clinical signs and symptoms and the microscopic diagnosis between the placebo and

active group after 2 months. (Fisher’s exact test p-value= 0.194) (see Table 11 (Appendix

and Figure 9).

The proportion of children showing resolution (category 1 plus category 2) is nearly identical for

the placebo versus active group: 28.0% (23/82) versus 28.9% (24/83) (Chi2 test p-value=1.000).

The overall cure rate was of 28.4% (47/165) (see Table 12). The proportion of children belonging to

category 2 (microscopic resolution but no complete clinical resolution) was greater in the active

Results 67

group. A larger proportion of children belonging to the active group had a positive microscopic

result. Lack of significant clinical improvement (category 4 plus 6) and deterioration (category 7)

was more common in the placebo group.

Table 12: Relative frequencies and frequency distribution of children with and without resolution (placebo

versus active) Number of observations (Percentage) Clinical and

microscopic resolution Placebo Active Total

Yes 23 (28.0) 24 (28.9) 47 (28.4) No 59 (72.0) 59 (71.1) 118 (71.5)

Total 82 (100.0) 83 (100.0) 165 (100.0) Fisher's exact test p-value = 1.000

3.1.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections: Tinea capitis, corporis and pedis

infections Signs and symptoms/effectiveness

In order to assess the effectiveness of the soap containing Triclosan, several endpoints (clinical

signs and symptoms typical of the disease) were evaluated during all three examinations. The

proportions having these signs and symptoms were calculated for both examinations. There was no

significant difference found between placebo and active group for any parameter. The relative risk

of having these symptoms if receiving placebo versus active soap was calculated. It was not found

to be significantly different from 1 at any stage if using placebo soap (see Appendix For

various endpoints the symmetry test showed a significant improvement for active and placebo soap.

However, there was no significant difference in the symmetry regarding these parameters (see

Appendix 3.1 for Table 6d). Degree of pruritus

Tinea capitis, corporis and pedis infections

It was found that the proportion of children without pruritus increased, whereas the proportion of

children having mild, moderate or severe pruritus decreased significantly from the screening to the

second follow-up examination. This is if taking the two groups together (see Figure 10a) and if

taking placebo and active groups separately (see Appendix for Figure 10b). If looking at the

three diagnoses separately, the degree of pruritus decreased significantly only for tinea capitis

infections (Symmetry test p-value = 0.0098) if both groups are summarized (see Appendix

With regard to the other diagnoses the decrease was not significant.

Results 68

Degree of pruritus: Both groups (n=53)






Screening Follow-up 2




ge o

f chi




Figure 10a: Other superficial dermatomycoses: Degree of pruritus (n=53)

Both groups (Screening and follow-up 2)

Other superficial dermatomycoses:

Symmetry table: Number of children according to degrees of pruritus at screening and second follow-up:

Table 13a: BOTH GROUPS

Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe


None 12 1 0 0 13 Mild 18 7 0 1 26

Moderate 5 5 2 0 12 Severe 2 0 0 0 2 Total 37 13 2 1 53

Symmetry test p-value = 0.000 Size of the largest lesion and number of lesions

Size of the largest lesion - Tinea capitis

The average diameter of the largest lesion decreased to a similar extent in both groups from the

screening to the second follow-up (Wilcoxon rank sum test p-value =0.896) (see Table 14a). Table 14a: Tinea capitis: Number of observations and mean diameter of the largest lesion at screening (SCR)

and second follow-up (Fu2)

Number of observations Mean diameter (cm) Examination Placebo Active Placebo Active

Screening 15 13 2.6 2.9 Follow-up 2 6 8 1.9 2.4

Size of the largest lesion - Tinea corporis

The average diameter of the largest lesion decreased in the active group, whereas it increased in the

placebo group from the screening to the second follow-up. However, this was not significant

(Wilcoxon rank sum test p-value=0.339) (see Table 14b).

Results 69Table 14b: Tinea corporis: Number of observations and mean diameter of the largest lesion at screening (SCR)

and second follow-up (Fu2)

Number of observations Mean diameter (cm) Examination Placebo Active Placebo Active

Screening 7 5 2.1 2.2 Follow-up 2 4 7 3.1 1.0

Number of lesions - Tinea capitis

The symmetry test showed that there was a significant reduction in the number of lesions from

screening the second follow-up if taking the children of both groups together (Symmetry test p-

value = 0.0038), but not if taking the two groups separately (see Table 15a and Appendix for

Tables 15b and 15c).

Table 15a: BOTH GROUPS

Number of lesions at Follow-up 2 Number of lesions at Screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse-

minated Total

None 1 0 0 0 0 1 11 or 2 4 2 1 0 1 8 3 to 5 7 2 2 1 2 14

>5 6 0 0 0 2 8 Disseminated 2 1 0 0 1 4

Total 20 5 3 1 6 35 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0038

Number of lesions - Tinea corporis

The symmetry test reveals that there was a significant reduction in the number of lesions from

screening the second follow-up if taking the children of both groups together (Symmetry test p-

value 0.0460) but not if taking the two groups separately (see Table 15d and 15e and 15f


Table 15d: BOTH GROUPS Number of lesions Follow-up 2 Number of

lesions at Screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse- minated


None 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 or 2 5 3 0 0 0 8 3 to 5 0 1 0 0 0 1

>5 0 0 2 0 0 2 Disseminated 0 0 0 0 2 2

Total 5 4 2 0 2 13 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0460

Results 70 Photographs

Tinea capitis and Tinea corporis

The largest proportion of children showed improvement (tinea capitis: 66.7% (16/24) and tinea

corporis 76.9% (10/13)) of the lesions as compared to deterioration or unchanged lesions. This is

true for both groups in case of tinea capitis and corporis infections (see Figures 11,12 and 13).

Evaluation of photographs






T. capitisPlacebo:


T. capitisActive:n=41







e of





Figure 11: Evaluation of photographs: Comparing pictures taken at screening (SCR) and the second follow-up

examination (Fu2) (n=number of individuals)

Examples for improved lesions (Figures 12 and 13):

Figure 12: Pictures taken during

Screening Follow-up 2

Figure 12: The child was cured at the second follow-up: grey patches, alopecia and hair stumps are

no longer visible. There is new hair growth at all formerly affected sites. The whitish reflection of

the flash light is mimicking a grey patch and must not be mistaken for an active lesion. There is no

permanent alopecia, scarring or skin atrophy.

Results 71

Figure 13: Pictures taken during Screening Follow-up 1

Figure 13: At the first screening the child presents with a typical ringworm-like lesion,

characterised by a scaly patch with a sharply demarcated and slightly raised concentric margin.

There is some beginning central clearing and postinflammatory hyperpigmentation in the centre of

the lesion. At the first follow-up only very minor scaling at the upper border of the formerly active

lesion is present. Residual postinflammatory hyperpigmentation remains and minor skin atrophy are

still present at the follow-up. Microscopic examination of skin scrapings

Tinea capitis

Hyphae, mycelia and/or spores were found in 59.0% (21/39) of all children with tinea capitis at the

screening examination, whereas at the second follow-up this proportion had decreased to only

41.9% (13/31) (see Table 16a).

During the screening examination, the relative risk for the placebo group to yield a positive

microscopic diagnosis was 0.551 times that of the active group because the proportions of positive

and negative results had not been distributed equally during the screening examination despite

randomization. This was significant (Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.0492). However, this finding

has to be regarded to be due to chance because no intervention had taken place at that stage. On the

second follow-up the proportions the relative risk of yielding a positive result was not significantly

different from 1. However, the proportion of negative results increased only in the active group.

During the screening examination the samples of one child could not be evaluated. During the

second follow-up examination the samples of 11 children could not be evaluated.

Tinea corporis

Hyphae, mycelia and/or spores were found in 76.9% (10/13) of all children with tinea corporis at

the screening examination, whereas at the second follow-up this proportion had decreased to only

Results 72

35.7% (5/14) (see Table 16b). The relative risk of positive microscopic evidence if receiving

placebo versus active soap was not significantly different from 1 during the second follow-up

examination if using placebo soap. During the screening examination the samples of 2 children

could not be evaluated. During the second follow-up examination the samples of 5 children could

not be evaluated.

Direct microscopy and cultures were conducted in at “Mycological laboratory of the Department of

Dermatology, University Hospital of Zürich” in all cases of uncertain diagnoses at the first and/or

the second follow-up examinations. The dermatophyte species identified were T. tonsurans, T.

violaceum and T. mentagrophytes (see

Table16a: Tinea capitis: Results of the microscopic examination at screening and second follow-up: Number of

observation and Relative risk of placebo versus active group

Number of observations (#) (Percentage)

Placebo Active Examination

Positive Negative Positive Negative

Relative risk

Fisher’s exact test

p-value Screening 9 (42.9) 12 (57.1) 14 (77.8) 4 (22.2) 0.551 0.0492

Total positive 21/33 (59.0)

Total negative 18/33 (31.0)

Follow-up 2 8 (47.1) 9 (52.9) 5 (35.7) 9 (64.3) 1.318 0.3942 Total

positive 13/31 (41.9)

Total negative 18/31 (58.1)

Table 16b: Tinea corporis: Results of the microscopic examination at screening (SCR),

second follow-up (Fu2) (n=number of samples evaluated;

(#) difference in numbers because data could not be obtained or evaluated in some cases)

Number of observations (#) (Percentage)

Placebo Active Examination

Positive Negative Positive Negative

Relative risk

Fisher’s exact test

p-value Screening 5 (71.4) 2 (28.6) 5 (83.3) 1 (16.7) 0.857 1.000

Total positive 10/13 (76.9)

Total negative 3/13 (23.1)

Follow-up 2 1 (14.3) 6 (85.7) 4 (57.1) 3 (42.9) 0.25 0.133 Total

positive 5/14 (35.7)

Total negative 9/14 (64.3)

Results 73 Subjective impression (See Table 6b) Degree of infection (See Table 6b and Appendix for Tables 17a to 17c) Clinical improvement

The marked overall improvement after two months of soap use and the lack of superiority of active

soap can be confirmed when presenting the clinical score of each individual stratified according to

active and placebo group by using a scatter plot presentation. Figures 14a to 14d (tinea capitis) and

15a to 15b (tinea corporis; see Appendix display the score during screening (y-axis) and

follow-up 2 (x-axis). The improvement becomes evident, since the estimated cubic spline lies

mostly above the reference line.

Figure 14 a Placebo: Microscopy positive

Figure 14c Placebo: Microscopy negative

Figure 14b Active: Microscopy positive Figure 14d Active: Microscopy negative

Figures 14a to 14d: Clinical improvement of tinea capitis: Score at screening and follow-up 2, according to

microscopic result (M+ or M-) at follow-up 2

0 5 10 15 20Score Follow-up 2 Cubic spline fit


Reference line






S c o r e

S c r e e n i n g 0 5 10 15 20

Score Follow-up 2 Cubic spline fit

Score Reference line





S c o r e

S c r e e n i n g

0 5 10 15 20Score Follow-up 2 Cubic spline fit


Reference line






0 5 10 15 20Score Follow-up 2 Cubic spline fit Score

Reference line







S c o r e

S c r e e n i n g

S c o r e

S c r e e n i n g

Results 74

Tinea capitis

In both groups of positive microscopic cases, the end of the cubic spline curve lies below the

reference line. Only cases of moderate infection at screening had the tendency to deteriorate. In the

cases of negative microscopic results at screening there was no deterioration. In the cases of

negative microscopic results at the second follow-up the decrease of the score was more

pronounced. No difference can be observed between the placebo and active group: the fitted cubic

spline has a similar shape for both groups, even if the subjects with negative or positive microscopic

results at the second follow-up are taken separately (see Figure 14a to 14d):

Tinea corporis (See Appendix for Figure 15e, 15f and Table 18). Clinical and microscopic resolution

Tinea capitis

The proportion of children showing resolution (category 1 plus category 2) was higher for the

placebo (n=20) versus active group (n=16): 65.0% versus 56.2% (Fisher’s exact test p-value =

0.734), leading to an overall resolution rate of 61.1% (see Table 19a (Appendix, Table 19b

and Figure 16).

A positive microscopic result despite significant clinical improvement (category 5) as well as

deterioration (category 7) was found more frequently in the placebo group (Appendix for

Table 19a).

Evaluation categories at Follow-up 2: Placebo versus active group






1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Evaluation categories*



ge o

f ch


n PlaceboActive

* 1= resolution: child cured 2= microscopic resolution and only few clinical symptoms 3= improvement: negative mycologic evidence with significant clinical improvement

4= negative mycologic evidence with no significant clinical improvement 5= improvement: microscopy positive with significant clinical improvement 6= lack of improvement: positive mycologic evidence with no significant clinical improvement 7= deterioration

Figure 16: Tinea capitis: Proportions of children (placebo versus active soap) belonging to different evaluation

categories (1 to 7) at the second follow-up examination (Fu2) after 2 months of soap use

Results 75Table 19b: Tinea capitis: Relative frequencies (number of observations) and frequency distribution (percentage)

of children having received placebo versus active soap: resolution versus no resolution Number of observations (Percentage) Clinical and

microscopic resolution Placebo Active Total Yes 13 (65.0) 9 (56.2) 22 (61.1) No 7 (35.0) 7 (43.8) 14 (38.9)

Total 20 (100.0) 16 (100.0) 36 (100.0)

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.734

Tinea corporis

The proportion of children showing resolution (category 1 plus category 2) was nearly equal in the

placebo (n=9) versus active group (n=7): 55.6% versus 57.1% (Fisher’s exact test p-value = 1.000),

leading to an overall resolution rate of 56.3% (see Table 19d and Figure 17).

Deterioration only occurred in one case in the placebo group. A positive microscopic result despite

significant clinical improvement (category 5) was not found (see Appendix for Table 19c).

Evaluation categories at Follow-up 2: Placebo versus active group


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Evaluation categories



ge o

f ch


n Placebo


* 1= resolution: child cured 2= microscopic resolution and only few clinical symptoms 3= improvement: negative mycologic evidence with significant clinical improvement

4= negative mycologic evidence with no significant clinical improvement 5= improvement: microscopy positive with significant clinical improvement 6= lack of improvement: positive mycologic evidence with no significant clinical improvement 7= deterioration

Figure 17: Tinea corporis: Proportions of children (placebo versus active soap) belonging to different evaluation

categories (1 to 7) at the second follow-up examination (Fu2) after 2 months of soap use

Table 19d: Tinea corporis: Relative frequencies (number of observations) and frequency distribution

(percentage) of children having received placebo versus active soap: resolution versus no resolution Number of observations (Percentage) Clinical and

microscopic resolution Placebo Active Total Yes 5 (55.6) 4 (57.1) 9 (56.3) No 4 (44.4) 3 (42.9) 7 (43.7)

Total 9 (100.0) 7 (100.0) 16 (100.0) Fisher's exact test p-value = 1.000

Results 76

Tinea pedis

In order to decide whether the study participants were cured during the second follow-up

examination five categories were defined, which combined clinical signs and symptoms. There was

no significant difference in the frequencies of the categories between the two groups (see Table 19e

(Appendix) and Figure 18) (Fisher’s exact test p-value = 0.183).

The proportion of children showing complete resolution of symptoms was greater in the active

group (n=7) than in the placebo group (n=9) (85.7% versus 55.6%). However, this difference in

proportions was not significant (Fisher’s exact test p-value = 0.308) (see Table 19f).

Evaluation categories: Placebo versus active group



1 2 3 4 5

Evaluation Categories*



ge o

f ch




* 1= clinical resolution 2= improvement: score was reduced 3= lack of improvement: score remained the same

4= no resolution: score was non-applicable at screening, but child is not cured 5= deterioration: score increased

Figure 18: Tinea pedis: Proportions of children (placebo versus active soap) belonging to different evaluation

categories (1 to 5) at the second follow-up examination after 2 months of soap use

Table 19f: Tinea pedis infections: Relative frequencies (number of observations) and frequency distribution

(percentage) of children having received placebo versus active soap: resolution versus no resolution: Number of observations (Percentage) Clinical resolution Placebo Active Total

Yes 5 (55.6) 6 (85.7) 11 (68.7) No 4 (44.4) 1 (14.3) 5 (32.3)

Total 9 (100.0) 7 (100.0) 16 (100.0) Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.308

3.2 Determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC’s) of placebo soap and of Triclosan

There was abundant growth of the fungus of certain some isolates (e.g. N° 4 and 5), in others only

few or no colonies were found to grow after inoculation (e.g. N°2 and N°3). This is true for both

soap dilutions (0.2% and 2%) and for the whole dilution series. The control showed the same

isolate-dependent pattern of growth. For some sets of the same dilution, the results were

contradictory, i.e. abundant growth in one case, and no colony growth in the other. No

concentration-dependent inhibition of growth was observed in any of the Malassezia spp. isolates

Results 77

from the Department of Mycology, University of Zürich (see Table 20a and Appendix 3.2).

Therefore no MIC could be determined for placebo soap. For Triclosan an inhibition of growth was

only observed in the significant concentrations of 1000 to 562.5 μg/mL. In the successive dilutions,

no concentration dependent inhibition of growth could be found. As in placebo soap, the growth of

the fungus varied according to the isolate (see Table 20b).

Table20a: Growth of Malassezia spp. colonies on Dixon Agar inoculated with different concentrations of placebo

soap. Concentration of soap solution: 0.2%; for 2% soap solution see Appendix 3.2

Number of colony forming units (CFU) (### > 50 CFU) according to Malassezia spp. isolate (N°1 to 6)

Isolate 1

Isolate 2

Isolate 3

Isolate 4

Isolate 5

Isolate 6

Concentration of soap solution (0.2%) on agar (μg/mL) 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd


400 ### 3 ### 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### ### 1 200 2 1 0 0 ### 0 ### ### ### ### ### ### 100 5 1 2 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 0 0 50 10 2 0 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### ### 4 25 5 2 0 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 9 2

12.5 5 3 1 0 ### 0 ### ### ### ### 0 1 6.25 2 2 0 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### ### ### 3.13 1 0 0 5 0 0 ### ### ### ### 2 ### 1.56 2 ### 0 3 0 0 ### ### ### ### ### ### 0.78 1 4 0 1 1 0 ### ### ### ### ### ### 0.39 1 ### 0 0 2 1 ### ### ### ### ### 1

0 2 4 0 2 1 0 ### ### ### ### ### 0

Table 20b: Growth of Malassezia spp. colonies on Dixon Agar inoculated with different concentrations Triclosan

Number of colonies according to Malassezia spp. isolate (1 to 6) Dilution series of Triclosan: Concentrations of Triclosan

on agar (μg/mL) Isolate

1 Isolate

2 Isolate

3 Isolate

4 Isolate

5 Isolate

6 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 0 0 0 0 0 0

562.5 0 0 0 0 3 0 421.8 6 0 0 5 40 9 316.4 5 1 0 2 50 8 237.3 1 1 0 5 40 23

177.98 1 1 2 2 42 21 133.49 2 1 2 11 39 19 100.11 2 4 2 2 43 23 75.09 2 1 2 3 49 21 56.31 1 1 2 3 42 14

0 (only ethanol on agar) 4 2 2 2 40 19 Only agar 2 1 4 2 39 15

Results 81

4. Scabies

4.1 Epidemiology and Study population

Scabies infestation was a comparatively rare condition, with a prevalence of only 1.5% (12/820).

The prevalence was found to decrease with age, and boys were more often affected than girls.

Two of the 12 affected children were given Ivermectin because their infection was too severe to

take part in this study. Another two children were also not included because they had healing

scabies. One of them had already received BBE treatment.

The eight remaining study participants were pupils at Lihami Primary School. Two of them were

girls, six were boys. Seven children were between 6 and 10 years of age, one child was 13 years

old. The mean age was 9.25 years. After randomisation four children received placebo and four

children active soap.

4.2 Assessment of the effect of soap and the efficacy of Triclosan Case descriptions Active Group


Diagnosis was made clinically. In one case microscopic examination of a skin sample was

successful. All four boys, who were aged between 8,8,9 and 10 years, had moderate infections (the

score ranged between 6 and 11). Their skin eruptions presented as typical papular pruritic rashes or

the characteristic primary lesions (burrows) on their forearms, hands and the anterior axillary folds.

Other localisations found were the umbilical and pubic region, the gluteal region and the thighs.

Three children complained about moderate pruritus, the child with the most severe infection in this

group about severe pruritus. In all four cases the itching was more severe at night. Other family

members were affected in 2 out of these four children.

Follow-up 2:

The two study participants aged 8 years had to be excluded from the study. One was lost to follow-

up, and the other one only came once to pick up his soap during the whole study. Nevertheless, this

child was cured. Only post-inflammatory excoriated lesions could be observed. The remaining two

boys showed a contrary evolution of their scabies infection. In one of them the infection got

significantly worse. The score had increased from 6 to 14. Some lesions had become superinfected.

The skin was dry and in some areas atrophic. Both entire arms including wrists and hands were

affected, and the infestation had spread to both anterior and posterior lower legs and the genital

region. Eight common localisations were affected. In the other boy, the signs of infection had

Results 82

improved. The score was reduced to 4 points. Lesions were found at common localisation only.

There was no more superinfection. Both boys reported that pruritus had improved. Case descriptions Placebo Group


This group consisted of two girls, who were sisters and living together and of two boys, who were

brothers and also staying together in the same house. They were between 8 and 13 years of age.

Diagnosis was made clinically. No mites could be detected on microscopic examination of the skin

scrapings. Both girls had severe infection with score values of 13 and 19 respectively, whereas the

degree of infection of the two boys was moderate with score values of 6 and 9. Typical papular

pruritic rash on forearms, hands, knees and the umbilical region was observed. Besides, macules,

burrows, crusts and generalized lichenification could also be observed. In her sister some lesions

were excoriated, and most lesions were pink in colour. There was bacterial superinfection, which

was treated with a five day course of cloxacillin. The number of common localisations affected

varied between 1 and 5 in all four children. Bacterial superinfection was present in three of the four

children. The two boys complained about moderate pruritus. The child with the severest infection in

this group described her pruritus as only mild. Her sister had severe pruritus. In all four cases the

itching was more severe at night.

Follow-up 2

Both girls were completely cured, and the infestation of the boys had improved. The younger boy

was nearly cured, with only some residual signs and mild degree of infection (score=3). Most of the

lesions were now healing; active lesions were found in the genital region. Residual

postinflammatory hyperpigmentation was still found on the right anterior and posterior upper arm,

chest, abdomen and the genital region. Pruritus was no longer present. His brother had only

improved slightly. However, the score was reduced markedly to 11 because there was no more

bacterial superinfection or thick crusts. His skin showed generalized lichenification and was in

some areas atrophic. The lesions were not sharply demarcated and disseminated over nine common

localisations. Pruritus was now mild. In three children the improvement of the skin disease could be

confirmed by the photographs taken at the first screening examination and the second follow-up.

Deterioration of the lesions was seen in case of the 13 year-old boy from screening to the first


Results 83 Evaluation of effectiveness

There were no evident differences between the placebo and the active group. No significance tests

could be performed because the sample sizes were too small (only two children in the active group)

(see Appendix to 4 and Table 21). However, in both groups an overall tendency towards a

reduction in the proportion of children having these symptoms could be observed. Degree of pruritus

The difference in pruritus between the two groups cannot be assessed because the sample size was

too small. However, it can be stated that if summarizing the two groups the proportion of children

having mild pruritus increased from the screening to the second follow-up examination. No more

children had moderate or severe pruritus at the second follow-up, but two thirds had no pruritus (see

Figure 18 and for Appendix

Degree of pruritus


SCR: n=8 Fu1: n=4 Fu2: n=6




n of



n w



ies none




Figure 18: Degree of pruritus: Proportions of children at the three examinations (SCR, Fu1, Fu2) Degree of infection

Table 21: Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Number of observations Examination Degree of infection (score) Placebo Active Total

Mild (4) 0 0 0 Moderate (5 to 11) 2 4 6 Screening Severe (12 to 27) 2 0 2

Total 4 4 8 cured 2 0 2

Mild (4) 1 1 2 Moderate (5 to 11) 1 1 2 Follow-up 2

Severe (12 to 27) 0 0 0 Total 4 2 6

The degree of infection improved in both groups: Two out of six children still had moderate

infection at the second follow-up. Two children (both placebo group) were cured, and the remaining

two children had only residual mild infection. No difference can be discovered between the two

groups because the sample sizes were too small (see Table 21).

Discussion 85


1. Epidemiology of superficial dermatomycoses

1.1 Tinea versicolor

In the present study the prevalence of tinea versicolor was found to be 26.2% and accounted for

70% of all dermatomycoses. A proportion of tinea versicolor infections among primary

schoolchildren as high as in the present study, and therefore relatively low proportion of tinea

capitis infections (14.7%), has to this author’s knowledge not been reported so far from Tanzania or

another sub-Saharan African country (Satimia et al., 1998; Schmeller, 1998; Schmeller et al.,

2001). This pattern cannot be easily explained, and only few assumptions shall be presented here.

Tinea versicolor is not regarded as a contagious disease, and Malassezia yeasts were also isolated

from healthy individuals (Gupta, 2002; Faergemann, 1994; Schmidt, 1997; Leeming et al., 1989).

The growth conditions present among the individuals in Ifakara must therefore have been highly

favourable for Malassezia yeasts thus leading to a successive overgrowth and shift to the pathogenic

filamentous form. This might at the same time have inhibited the growth of dermatophytes


Certain predisposing factors for tinea versicolor infections might play an important role, e.g.

endogenous factors such as malnutrition, hyperhidrosis, a positive family history and

immunodeficiency possibly due to HIV infection. There is no information available with regard to

the actual rate of HIV positive children in Kilombero District, but in Ifakara 13.6% of the general

population are believed to be infected (Source: IHRDC, 2003). However, the proportion of HIV

positive children attending primary school may be relatively low. This is is due to the fact that those

infected during pregnancy, delivery or through breastfeeding usually die before reaching the school

age because of their increased susceptibility towards the effects of malnutrition and infectious

diseases like PCP or tuberculosis (Dr. B. Idindili, personal communication). The presence of any of

the above mentioned endogenous factors was not assessed in the course of this study.

Exogenous factors include heat, moisture and occlusion through clothes or vaseline, palm oil or

cocoa butter. Occlusion may increase CO2 production resulting in an altered microbiologic flora and

a change in the pH of the skin (Pontash et al., 1989; Dave et al., 1987; aTerragni et al., 2001; bTerragni et al., 2001; Bouassida et al., 1998). In the region where the present study was performed,

the application of vaseline – called “mafuta” is a very common procedure as shiny greasy skin is

looked at as being very attractive (P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, personal communication). During

history-taking and physical examination, this feature was not assessed in a systematic way, but our

observations confirmed the statement. Increased susceptibility of African in comparison to

Discussion 86

Caucasian children has also been discussed to play a part (bTerragni et al., 2001; Borelli, 1985). The

influence of the age distribution among the study population should not be neglected. 58.5% of the

children were older than 11 years. The group of adolescents was slightly over-represented thus

increasing the overall prevalence rate.

1.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections

In the Study Proposal of the present study, the prevalence rate of tinea capitis and/or tinea corporis

had been assumed to be approximately 15%. This assumption was based on studies conducted in

various comparable settings. In Ivory Coast 11.3% of the examined pupils (Hervé et al., 2002) had

tinea capitis infections whereas 16.9% (Melake et al., 1990) were in infected in north-west Ethiopia,

29% in south-west Ethiopia (Figueroa et al., 1997) and in Zimbabwe (Robertson, 1990) and another

study in even 33.3% (Ayaya et al., 2001) in Kenya. Figueroa et al. identified 24% of school

children as asymptomatic dermatophyte carriers (Figueroa et al., 1997). It is noteworthy that in the

present study samples were only taken from symptomatic children. The possibility that many

children were not identified to be infected with tinea capitis or corporis should be considered.

In the present study, 5.5% of the children showed clinical signs of tinea capitis infection, 3.2% of

tinea pedis and 2.6% of tinea corporis infections. The prevalence rate of 2.6% of tinea corporis was

similar to those described by Enweani et al. (1996) and Figueroa (1996) who discovered rates of

2.7% for Nigerian and Ethiopian schoolchildren respectively. It also coincides with the prevalence

described for children aged 6 to 14 years in various Tanzanian districts (approx. 1 to 4%) (KCMC,

unpublished data).

Tinea pedis infections were slightly more frequent in the pupils from Ifakara (3.2%) than in pupils

from Nigeria (1.5%) (Enweani, 1996) and from Turkey (0.5%) (Inanir et al., 2002). The prevalence

rate compares more closely to the average infection rate of 3.7% among British pupils as described

by English et al. (English et al. , 1959).

It remains uncertain whether hygiene conditions, health education and access to treatment were

better as compared to the other studies thus explaining the relatively low prevalence rate of tinea

capitis. Furthermore, it is possible though not very likely that the children attending the two primary

schools in Ifakara have less contact with animals, dust, contagious fomites or infected individuals.

The fact that all children attending standard 1 and 2 at any of the Ifakara Primary Schools had to

have short hair may protect them from tinea capitis infections.

Discussion 87

2. Assessment of the effect of soap and the efficacy of Triclosan in soap

Large proportions of cases of dermatomycoses were cured during two months of regular soap use.

Cure rates of tinea versicolor, tinea capitis, corporis and pedis were 28.4%, 61.1%, 56.3% and

36.8% respectively (overall cure rate for dermatomycoses: 36.0%).

2.1 Superficial dermatomycoses

2.1.1 Tinea versicolor infections

No significant differences were found between the active and placebo soap for any of the observed

parameters in any of the selected dermatoses. Some parameters were supportive of a slightly

superior effectiveness of Triclosan soap. It has to be concluded that Triclosan is not clinically

effective against Malassezia spp.

However, for both placebo and active soap significant tendencies towards improvement and

resolution could be identified (see Tables 6a and 6b). The fact that the proportion of children

presenting the following parameters: scaling, pruritus, and hypopigmentation; decreased from the

first examination to the second follow-up supports this statement. Severe extensive cases showed

less improvement than milder ones.

Triclosan as an inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase and lipo-oxygenase has an anti-inflammatory and anti-

irritative properties (Nissen et al., 1998). However, since there was no difference in pruritus

between the Triclosan and the placebo group, it has to be concluded that Triclosan alone was

probably not responsible for the overall decrease of the degree of pruritus over two months. The

lacking of the additional effect by Triclosan might be explained by the fact that in spite of the long-

lasting antimicrobial efficacy of all products containing Triclosan, the anti-inflammatory or anti-

irritative effect is not as strong in rinse-off-formulations as in leave-on-formulations (M. Schnyder,

personal communication). The leave-on time might therefore have been too short for a more

pronounced anti-irritative effect of Triclosan to become evident.

The decrease in the intensity of pruritus could be explained by the procedure of intense and regular

washing which was promoted in the course of this study. Controlled soap use per se thus seems to

have had a beneficial effect on the degree of pruritus. The soap consumption during the study

period has probably been higher than normally, leading to a reduction of dust and other irritative

particles on the skin surface. The decrease in the intensity of pruritus is also associated with the

decrease in the overall degree of infection. Climatic conditions may have influenced the degree of

pruritus indirectly, since, according to Faergemann (1993) it seems to depend on the degree of


Discussion 88

The overall proportion with disseminated lesions remained nearly the same. The soap might thus be

able to reduce the extension of the lesions, if lesions have not been disseminated before. In these

cases complete resolution may take longer to occur or may not at all be achieved by regular soap


Regular soap use has strongly reduced the overall proportion of positive microscopic results from

81.0% during the screening to 48.4% during the second follow-up examination (see Results for

Table 10a). There was no significant difference between active and placebo group. Early changes in

the aspects of the filaments that may have taken place due to the use of the soap may not have even

been visible by light microscopy. McDaniel et al. have shown that already shortly after the onset of

treatment, the fungal cells may appear wrinkled and disorganized. These changes might have been

visible using electronmicroscopic techniques thus underlining even more the effectiveness of the

soap (McDaniel et al., 1984; Gupta, 2002). On the other hand it has to be considered that a very

thorough and frequent mode of washing of the skin may obscure a microscopic diagnosis, thus

producing some false negative results on microscopic examination (Faergemann, et al., 1982). This

may be the case in the present study, but would affect both groups to a similar extent.

In the present in vivo study Triclosan was not found to be mycologically more effective against

Malassezia spp. than the placebo. This coincides with in vitro experiments, which have shown that

Triclosan is not effective against M. furfur (MIC>1000 ppm) (© Ciba Specialty Chemicalsa, 1998).

Even though no efficacy of Triclosan could be proven for M. furfur, it is important that this species

may represent only 1 to 10% of all the species isolated. According to Gupta et al. the epidemiology

of Malassezia yeasts depends on the geographic region (Gupta et al., 2003).

The results of the microscopic examination and cultivation of fungi performed for quality control at

the “Mycological laboratory of the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zürich”

revealed that, in nearly 90% of uncertain differential diagnoses between tinea versicolor and tinea

corporis, the lesions were caused by Malassezia spp. This implies that the clinical picture of tinea

versicolor shows a great variety of presentations. An over-diagnosis of tinea corporis may be the

consequence and should be considered as a possible source of bias.

In the placebo and active group the majority had experienced improvement at both follow-up

examinations. In conclusion, the subjective assessment shows that on a subjective level the soap use

was well-accepted and regarded as effective in reducing pruritus or the cosmetic disturbance, which

are the most relevant complaints of the children.

A significant improvement of the degree of infection could be achieved through the application of

both soaps (see Results for Figure 7a and 7b). There are several possible explanations for this.

First, the amount of oily or sebaceous substances on the skin surface might be reduced due to the

regular use of soap thus making the growth of the lipophilic yeasts more difficult.

Discussion 89

Second, less occlusion of skin through oily substances might provoke a decrease of CO2

concentration and an increase of the pH value on the skin surface.

Third, the change of season between the screening and the follow-up examinations, bringing less

heat and humidity than before (see Table 1, Patients, Approaches and Methods), also has to be

considered. These climatic factors are believed to contribute largely to the high prevalence in

tropical regions (Gupta, 2002; Taplin et al., 1965) by promoting the shift to the pathogenic mycelial

form. Miskeen et al. have described in India a marked increase in the number of cases during the

hot and humid summer months and a sudden decrease during the cooler and drier winter months

(Miskeen et al., 1984). Kamalam et al. found that the incidence of tinea versicolor in Madras was

highest in May (month of highest maximum temperatures) and October (month of most extensive

rainfalls) and lowest in January (month of lowest minimum temperatures) (Kamalam, et al., 1981).

In Venezuela a significantly higher prevalence rate of tinea versicolor was found in the semi-arid in

comparison to the sub-humid zone (Perez Blanco et al., 1990). Porter et al. also reported a markedly

higher prevalence during the rainy season from a Gambian village (Porter, 1979). According to him,

this decrease can be attributed to the higher hydration level of the stratum corneum associated with

the greater dispersal of sebum during the hot and humid season.

It is possible that in the present study vigorous scrubbing with soap and water, as recommended by

Canizares (1982) as an adjunct to further topical treatment, contributed to the overall improvement

seen. Spontaneous resolution is not believed to occur frequently (Canizares et al., 1993). However,

it is not possible to prove whether the improvement in the degree of infection in the present study,

representing a tendency towards resolution of the disorder over time, was due to the soap use or the

climatic conditions, as no control group could be included in the study for ethical reasons.

The scatter plot presentation (see Results for Figures 8a to 8d) allows the reader to visualize that a

large proportion of children showed improvement of their lesions. Important cases with positive

microscopy during the second follow-up rather had the tendency to deteriorate than cases that were

mild during the screening examination. This finding underlines that regular soap use was not

effective in more important cases particularly if spores and filaments could not be eliminated. These

cases would thus require other forms of topical or even systemic treatment.

Determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC’s) of placebo soap and of Triclosan

In order to further understand the possible mycological effectiveness of placebo soap against tinea

versicolor after all the analyses had been performed, it was attempted to assess the MIC’s of

placebo soap and of pure Triclosan against Malassezia species isolated in Zürich. For the Triclosan

dilution series, only the significant concentrations were able to inhibit growth. For relevant

concentrations (<10 (μg/mL) and for both dilution series of placebo soap, the growth of the fungus

Discussion 90

depended only on the properties of the isolate and was very irregular. The results provided no

explanation for the improvement found in vivo, since they do not allow any quantitative

conclusions. However, they support the hypothesis that the improvement seen is rather associated

with unspecific aspects related to regular soap use, and not a specific effectiveness of either the

soap or Triclosan against Malassezia spp. It has to be concluded that neither placebo soap nor

Triclosan soap inhibit the growth of Malassezia spp. at relevant concentrations.

2.1.2 Other superficial dermatophytic infections

There was an overall tendency towards improvement and resolution of the other dermatomycotic

infections during the two months of controlled soap use (see Results for Table 6a and 6b). The

proportion of children presenting the characteristic parameters decreased in both groups from the

screening to the second follow-up. It can be stated that Triclosan did not prove to be clinically

effective against tinea capitis, corporis or pedis infections, since both soaps seem to have had the

same overall curative effect (see Appendix

The degree of pruritus decreased significantly in both groups. In the case of tinea pedis infections

the decrease was very striking. Only mild pruritus was still present in only one fifth of the children.

Controlled soap use per se seemed to have a beneficial effect on the degree of pruritus. Possible

explanations are analogous to those discussed with regard to the degree of pruritus in case of tinea

versicolor infections.

Calculation of the average diameter of the largest lesion can be regarded as an important tool to

assess the clinical effectiveness of the active and placebo soaps. For tinea capitis there was a similar

decrease in both groups: in the active group from 2.9 cm to 2.4 cm, and in the placebo group from

2.6 cm to 1.6 cm (see Results for Table 14a). For tinea corporis in the active group the mean

diameter of the largest lesion decreased from the screening to the second follow-up from 2.2 cm to

1.0 cm, whereas it increased in the placebo group (see Results for Table 16b). This finding is one of

the few parameters in favour of the active soap even though the difference was not significant.

Nevertheless this finding may rather be due to unspecific variation than a better effectiveness of

active soap.

The importance of the number of lesions when assessing the degree of the skin disorder should not

be overemphasized, because these two features do not necessarily coincide, since in severe and

extensive cases multiple lesions may coalesce to form one large patch.

On interpretation of the series of photographs, visible deterioration of the morphology of the lesions

only occurred in the placebo group (see Results for Figure 10). Nevertheless, improvement of tinea

capitis as well as tinea corporis infections was also found more frequently in the placebo group than

in the active group. Triclosan soap might thus prevent deterioration better than placebo soap.

Discussion 91

However, these differences were not significant, and one has to keep in mind, that the number of

children for whom the pictures could be evaluated was unbalanced: altogether 18 children in the

active and 41 in the placebo group.

The mycological effectiveness of Triclosan against some dermatophyte pathogens has been proven

in vitro (© Ciba Specialty Chemicalsa, 1998) (see Background: Information about Triclosan), but

this finding could not be reliably confirmed in the present clinical trial, since the relative risk did

not differ significantly. Both soaps seemed to have a certain mycological effectiveness against

dermatophytes, which may be due to the alkaline pH of the soap (pH=10), which itself displays an

antimicrobial effect (D. Ochs, personal communication). The effectiveness of Triclosan may have

become more evident if the treatment period had been longer. It should also be considered that the

filaments that were seen during the second follow-up might have been dead hyphae in some cases

(Gooskens et al., 1994). In tinea capitis this decrease of positive results occurred only in the active

group, which may be considered as supportive of the findings made in vitro.

In the scatter plot presentation for tinea capitis the overall improvement is even more striking than

in the cases of tinea versicolor infections. Increases of score values occurred in seven cases and

only resulted in an increase in the degree of in infection in one case. In all cases with negative

microscopic results the clinical score was reduced. This confirms that the score used in this study is

useful in reflecting the clinical course of the infections.

Overall improvement of tinea capitis and corporis:

There are different possible explanantions for the overall improvement of the cases of tinea capitis

and corporis infections included in the study. First, this might be due to the elimination of the

pathogens from the lesion sites simply through the washing process, supported by the antimicrobial

properties of the soap. Figueroa et al. have suggested that the burden of the dermatophytes may

determine the clinical stages of tinea capitis infections among Ethiopian schoolchildren (Figueroa et

al., 1997). In the present study, elimination of the pathogens from the scalp and glabrous skin have

also have reduced the chance of spreading from asymptomatic sites, which may simply be

contaminated or sites of asymptomatic infection, as well as the chance of re-infection. A protective

as well a curative effect of soap use have been described by other authors. Attapattu has reported

from Sri Lanka, that the custom of daily head baths of young children with water and soap may

account for the low prevalence of tinea capitis in the community he observed in spite of poverty and

overcrowding (Attapattu, 1989). More than half of the study participants with fungal infections

were cured by using a soap containing certain plant derivates during a study conducted by Alebiosu

et al. in Nigeria (Alebiosu et al., 2003).

Second, many children might have shown spontaneous resolution (Schmeller, 1998; Weitzman et

al., 1996). Resolution of the infection occurs more rapidly due to cell-mediated immunity if a

Discussion 92

severe primary infection has taken place before, which is very likely for most children in this study

(Canizares, 1982). Neither the incidence nor the prevalence among untreated children was assessed

at the time of the second follow-up and no control group was included. Therefore it is not possible

to determine whether resolution occurred spontaneously.

Third, the change of season from the screening (hot, rainy season) to the second follow-up

examination (cooler and drier; see also Table 1, Patients, Approaches and Methods) might have

influenced the overall improvement of the degree of infection (Canizares, 1982). Porter et al.

reported an increase in the prevalence rates of tinea coporis from the wet to the dry season in a

Gambian village, whereas the prevalence of tinea capitis decreased significantly (Porter, 1979).

Abu-Elteen et al. found that in a hot, semi-arid region at the north-eastern part of the Jordanian

desert, tinea capitis and corporis infections occurred predominantly in the spring and winter months

(Abu-Elteen et al., 1999). However, other authors believe that the growth of dermatophytes is

generally favoured by heat and humidity (Abu-Elteen et al., 1999; Hay, 1996; Kamalam et al.,

1981). Investigations by Kamalam in Madras confirmed that tinea capitis and corporis infections

were correlated with minimum and maximum temperatures as well as rainfall (Kamalam et al.,

1981). It is not possible to draw conclusions as to whether the prevalence rates in Ifakara also

changed due to the change of the season, since no control group without any treatment was

examined and because the numbers of cases were very small in the case of tinea corporis infections.

The rates of clinical and microscopic resolution are comparable to the clinical success rates reported

by Alebiosu et al. from Nigeria (Alebiosu et al., 2003), who treated 446 individuals with fungal

infections and 64 subjects with scabies with either “Toto Soap”, “Toto Ointment”, soap and

ointment or sulphur ointment for five to twelve weeks. “Toto Soap” is comparable to the placebo

soap used in the present study. It contains palm oil (Butyrosporum paradoxum oils and Elaeis

guineesis) as a plant derivate that has acclaimed medical value and a chlorinated phenol, which

might also have acted as the active substance. Out of 107 patients with fungal infections treated

with Toto soap alone, 51.4% of the patients with dermatomycoses could be cured after a median

period of five weeks. All five patients with scabies receiving Toto soap were cured. The authors

emphasize that even better effectiveness could be achieved by combining the soap with the

ointment. Both studies strongly suggest that regular soap use may have an important effectiveness

against these dermatoses, which are common in tropical Africa.

Effectiveness of Triclosan:

Triclosan is known to show in vitro effectiveness against a wide range of dermatophyte species (©

Ciba Specialty Chemicalsa, 1998). Among the pathogens that could be identified through cultures in

Zürich, Triclosan has been proven to be effective against T. mentagrophytes and T. tonsurans, with

minium inhibitory concentrations ranging between 1 and 10 ppm. Because of these in vitro findings,

Discussion 93

one might have expected a more pronounced mycological effectiveness of the active soap against

these dermatophytes. It is possible that in the present study pathogens which were not identified

through culture in Zürich are more resistant to topical treatment with Triclosan. This might explain

the lack of superior efficacy in most cases.

The assumption that the leave-on time of the soap might have been too short to produce any effect

at all, cannot explain the findings. Triclosan displays a long-lasting antimicrobial efficacy, even if

applied as a rinse-off formulation (Ciba Specialty Chemicalsa, 1999). Active dermal concentrations

can be detected after 24 hours, and the substance accumulates on the skin after repeated use.

However, the mycological effectiveness of Triclosan against the dermatophyte species might have

been influenced by certain interactions with vaseline applied onto the skin. It was observed during

the trial that many children used vaseline regularly. Excessive application of this substance after the

soap use might have reduced the amount of Triclosan that could accumulate on the skin, since

Triclosan is a lipophilic molecule, which would therefore be deposited in vaseline to a great extent.

If vaseline was applied before washing, an emulsion might be formed during the washing process,

which would be easliy rinsed off, thus reducing the long-term efficacy (Dr. W. Baschong, M.

Schnyder, personal communication).

It should also be mentioned that in the tropics a large proportion of dermatomycoses may be caused

by yeasts such as Candida spp. or by moulds, against which Triclosan is not highly effective (e.g.

MIC of C. albicans is 33 ppm). These fungi might have been among the causative species

particularly in the cases in which the samples could be evaluated.

It is important that apart from one case of tinea corporis infection caused by T. mentagrophytes, all

pathogens cultivated in Zürich either from tinea corporis or capitis lesions were T. tonsurans or T.

violaceum, which cause endothrix infections (see Results for Tables 9b and 9c). It can be assumed

that they were the most common causative species among the schoolchildren in Ifakara. Topical

treatment of tinea capitis probably is probably not capable of eliminating hyphae in the deeper parts

of the follicle or penetrate hair shafts (Schmeller, 1998; Hussain et al., 1999; Chan et al., 2004).

Therefore many authors doubt whether topical treatment e.g. with Whitfield’s Ointment is effective,

especially in cases of endothrix infections (Ayaya et al., 2001; Gooskens et al., 1994; Canizares et

al., 1993).

Weitzman et al. recommend that topical agents may be used as adjuncts to eliminate viable material

from the lesions and thus prevent further spreading (Weitzman et al., 1996). In the future, an

effective antifungal soap available for the majority of the population might fulfill this purpose better

than any other sort of topical treatment, which would only be used by patients who are aware of

their disease. With this kind of soap, asymptomic carriers (Weitzman et al., 1996; Figueroa et al.,

1997) as well as non-infected individuals could be “treated” effectively at the same time.

Discussion 94

Tinea pedis: The proportion of children showing complete resolution of symptoms was greater in

the active than in the placebo group (85.7% versus 55.6%) (see Results for Tables 19e and 19f). For

all remaining uncured children in the active group there is no information concerning the degree of

infection at the screening examination. Active soap might therefore have been clinically more

effective, but this assumption cannot be reliably proven by significance tests.

The possibly superior efficacy of Triclosan may be explained by the pathomechanism particularly

common in interdigital tinea pedis infections, which was the only type discovered in the present

study population: After destruction of the barrier role of the stratum corneum by the dermatophyte,

bacterial overgrowth at the expense of the dermatophyte may occur, especially under favourable

conditions such as occlusion and humidity. Bacterial organisms commonly isolated from these

“dermatophytosis complex” lesions include gram-positive species such as S. aureus or C.

minutissimum, and gram-negative bacteria such as Pseudomonas and Proteus spp. (Masri-Fridling,

1996), against all of which Triclosan is effective, apart from Pseudomonas spp. (Ciba Specialty

Chemicalsa, 1998).

In the present study the total number of observations was very small, and for 13 children the clinical

score could not be evaluated at the second follow-up. An overall proportion of 36.8% showed

clinical resolution at the second follow-up. The possibilities that this has occurred spontaneously or

was due to the change of season cannot be ruled out. Reports which investigate the influence of

seasonal changes on the prevalence of tinea pedis infections are slightly contradictory in their

findings. A decrease of the incidence of tinea pedis among Korean children in the cooler season of

the year has been described by Jang et al. (Jang et al., 2000). However, Kamalam found the highest

incidence rates in the months of medium temperatures and lowest rainfalls. The incidence rate was

lowest in November, when humidity is highest and rainfalls are abundant (Kamalam et al., 1981).

Abu-Elteen et al. described the highest incidence of tinea pedis for the summer months (Abu-Elteen


3. Scabies

3.1 Epidemiology of scabies

In the Study Proposal of the present study, the prevalence rate of ectoparasitoses (scabies and/or

pediculosis) had been assumed to be 10%. This assumption was based on the reports by bTanner et

al. (1987), Henderson (1992), Schmeller (1998), Figueroa et al. (1996) and Heukelbach et al.

(2003). Surveys in various districts of Tanzania revealed overall prevalence rates between 4 and

30.4% among the general population (KCMC, unpublished data). According to Tanner et al.,

Discussion 95

between 1982 and 1984 scabies was the third most common reason to seek treatment at any level of

the health care delivery system in Kilombero District (bTanner et al., 1987).

Considering a drop-out-rate of 40%, the minimum sample size calculated in the Proposal was 127

children in order to observe significant differences between active and placebo group.

This aim could not be achieved since none of the 820 examined children were suffering from

pediculosis and only 1.5% had scabies. Therefore only a descriptive analysis of the eight cases was


3.2 Assessment of the effect of soap

3.2.1 Assessment of the efficacy of Triclosan in soap

The difference in pruritus between the two groups could not be assessed because the sample size

was too small. As in the case of fungal infections, the soap may be able to relieve pruritus since it

reduces the amount of dust and irritative substances on the skin, and also has antimicrobial

properties. This effect does not appear to be due to Triclosan, but the sample is too small to verify

this assumption (see Results for Figure 18).

Both soaps have displayed a curative effect on the signs and symptoms of scabies (see Results for

Table 21). With regard to complete resolution of scabies, it is surprising that it only occurred in the

placebo group. Since the number of cases was very small, possible explanations are speculative.

The children with severe infestations, even though otherwhise instructed by the principal

investigator, may have sought further medical help at local health facilities. It is also possible that

other affected family members had been provided with the necessary medication and had been

instructed to include the whole family in the treatment. However, the possibility that the soap has

been effective should not be neglected. Due to the antimicrobial properties of the soap base,

particularly bacterial superinfection may have been reduced. Alebiosu et al. were able to cure all

five patients with scabies whom they treated with “Toto Soap" (Alebiosu et al., 2003 ). It is not

clear whether the active ingredients (Butyrospermum paradoxum oils and Elaesis guineesis) are

responsible for the resolution of scabies or whether the soap base itself produced this effect.

Lesions may have improved or even resolved spontaneously. Seasonal variation of the incidence

has been discussed. Most authors indicate a higher incidence in fall and winter (Christophersen,

1978; Mimouni et al., 2003). However, Porter et al. found no difference in prevalence rates between

the wet and dry season in Gambia (Porter, 1979). Any possible association between climatic

conditions and point prevalence rates does not seem to be an appropriate explanation for the

decrease in the degree of infection in the present study, since the second follow-up was performed

during the drier and cooler period of the year.

Discussion 96

Due to the small number of cases, it is difficult to make any statements regarding the possible

superior efficacy of the active soap. However, Triclosan did not prove to be strongly effective

against scabies infestations, and regardless of possible minor benefits such as anti-inflammtory

effects and antibacterial effectiveness (Ciba Specialty Chemicalsa, 1998 ) it should not be used as

the only therapy of scabies, but possibly as an adjunct to standard treatments. In a study conducted

in central Tanzania, Henderson et al. have shown that the addition of soap and scabicidal ointment

to standard BBE treatment schemes led to a significant rise in cure rates (Henderson et al., 1992).

The soap may be beneficial in supporting the prevention of re-infections from untreated relatives

and improve the hygiene conditions in the children’s homes.

4. Strength and Limitations

4.1 Physical examinations and photographic images

Poor illumination therefore affected to a certain extent the physical examinations in the classrooms.

At Lihami Primary School the illumination of the examination room was better during the two

follow-ups, as it had been possible to shift to a larger classroom. Since the conditions were not

exactly the same at the different examinations, it is possible that minor lesions had not been visible

in their full extension during the first screening. Some pictures taken at the first screening could not

be evaluated. The illumination was better at Michenga Primary School since a brighter room with a

curtain generating privacy could be used during the whole trial.

A strength of the study of the study is the fact that all examinations were performed by the same

four investigators. Since the clinical experience of the two medical students (Almuth Dinkela and

Julia Ferié) was still limited at the beginning of the study, each finding was briefly presented to Dr.

M. Mbata, who is a fully trained local dermatologist (Assistant Medical Officer). At a later stage all

unclear findings were still discussed with him. Quality control of the diagnosis was furthermore

ensured by the assessment of the digital photographs by the expert dermatologist in Zürich.

4.2 Design of questionnaires

The documentation system used in the questionnaires only allowed the examiners to describe

lesions due to the defined principal diagnosis in full detail. Further skin disorders could only briefly

be recorded. Open questions might have yielded more reliable information with regard to the

subjective description of the symptoms by the study participants. However, an unstructured

interview would have exceeded the language skills of the European investigators (AD and JF).

Discussion 97

4.3 Sample-taking and microscopic examination

The paper, scalpel or envelope may have become contaminated in some cases, since there was no

possibilty to store them in clean places during the whole examination period. Many samples could

not be evaluated because not enough material had been taken.

It was not possible to cultivate the fungi at the laboratory facilities available at IHRDC in Ifakara

itself. The identification of all the pathogens by culture or other techniques might have contributed

to answering some of the questions which this study has raised. Maybe Triclosan would have

proven to be effective against certain species. Furthermore, mere microscopic examination did not

allow us to distinguish between dead and viable material, which might have been important since

the study period lasted only two months and effects might not have been so evident yet.

Tinea pedis infections were not confirmed by microscopic diagnosis since they were not one of the

diseases that were to be evaluated with priority in the soap trial. Only clinical improvement was

assessed. However, one should bear in mind that, apart from dermatophytes, the infections might be

caused by many different species such as Candida spp., S. brevicaulis, H. toruloidea and Fusarium

spp. (Masri-Fridling, 1996). The number of cases was very small, and reliable statements can only

be made to a very little extent.

Only in one case a mite was detected on microscopic examination and thus allowed the

confirmation of clinically diagnosed scabies. Eggs were not seen in any case. Detection of scybala

was complicated by dirt. The sample-collection may have failed because burrows were hardly found

due to scratch effects and superinfection. Sample-taking was therefore not performed at the follow-

up examinations and the diagnosis was thus based on clinical findings.

4.4 Quality control of microscopy and additional cultivation of fungi in Zürich

Quality control of the microscopic examinations performed in Ifakara was not possible in all cases.

In case of dermatophyte infections, species identification in all cases would have been desirable to

explain the lack of efficacy of Triclosan.

Isolation of Malassezia yeasts from human skin does not necessarily indicate tinea versicolor

infections there is also skin colonization by this fungus without resulting skin pathology (Gupta,

2002; Roberts, 1969). Gupta et al. therefore postulate that the characteristic micromorphology of

fungal elements in the skin is identified to confirm the diagnosis, which could not be done with the

means available in Ifakara (Gupta et al., 2001). However, as the skin samples were taken from

affected skin and no other fungal elements were cultured, Malassezia spp. seem to be responsible

for the observed skin lesions in our patients.

Discussion 98

4.5 Results during the first follow-up

The first follow-up fell into the period of school holidays when many children moved with their

family into the far away “shamba (field) house”. Only 136 children came to this examination and

few to the soap distributions, even though attendance and compliance were promoted with the help

of the local Balozi leaders.

Even though an overall improvement could be observed for all diagnoses (Tinea verisocolor, tinea

capitis, corporis and pedis, and scabies), some results at the first follow-up (see Appendix) do not

reflect this tendency. Maybe these observations are due to unspecific variance. Irritation or

exacerbation under treatment would be another possible explanation. Furthermore, the assessment

may not have been as exact as at the second follow-up.

4.6 Characteristics of the study population

As Lihami Primary School could not provide the examiners with complete and up – to – date class

lists, it was difficult to check which children had already been seen. It is possible that some children

were not examined at all and that other children who otherwise would not have attended school

preferred to come to school to be examined.

Information obtained from the younger children with regard to the subjective impression of the skin

disorder and the degree of pruritus might not have been reliable, since they might have felt

pressured to provide the answer they believe to be expected to give. This has maybe hampered the

assessment of any possibly existing difference between the two groups. One may assume that the

compliance during these two months of the soap trial was good. Nevertheless, a longer study period

and maybe even greater amounts of soap distributed per week would have been required to reduce

the chance that the soap was used for other purposes or exchanged, possibly even between the study


4.7 Spontaneous resolution and climatic influences

It is not possible to determine whether resolution of the dermatoses occurred spontaneously. Neither

the incidence nor the prevalence among untreated children was assessed during the second follow-

up. Besides, a control group would have allowed us to draw conclusions as to whether the

prevalence rates in Ifakara also changed due to the change of the season.

Discussion 99

5. Conclusions

• Among 820 children aged 6 to 19 years, 277 children (33.9%) presented with fungal

infections and only 12 (1.5%) with scabies.

• Among the 306 cases of dermatomycoses, 214 (70.0%) were due to tinea versicolor, proven

by microscopy in 81.0%, 45 (14.7%) were due to tinea capitis, 21 (6.8%) to tinea corporis

and 26 (8.5%) to tinea pedis.

• In tinea versicolor, controlled soap use has resulted in significant improvement of the degree

of infection as well as an increase of in the proportion with negative microscopic results

from 19.0% to 51.6%. 28.4% of all individuals were cured; however there was no additional

effect if Triclosan was added to the soap. This is consistent with the lack of efficacy in vitro

of Triclosan against Malassezia spp. reported in the literature (© Ciba Specialty Chemicalsa,

1998) and found at the “Mycological laboratory of the Department of Dermatology,

University Hospital of Zürich”.

• In tinea capitis, corporis and pedis, a significant improvement was also observed after

controlled soap use, with or without Triclosan. Cure rates ranged from 36.8% to 61.1%.

There was no significant difference between placebo and active group. However, a decrease

of the average lesion size in tinea corporis only occurred in the active group, whereas it

increased in the placebo group. In tinea capitis the proportion of negative microscopic

findings decreased only if Triclosan soap was used.

• The mild beneficial effect of Triclosan can be explained by its known in vitro activity

against dermatophytes such as T. rubrum or mentagrophytes. The lack of a stronger efficacy

of Triclosan could be explained by the used rinse-off application instead of leave-on and the

additional use of petrolatum (vaseline).

• The group of patients with scabies was too small to allow any statistical analysis. The use of

soap seemed to be beneficial regarding resolution and pruritus, but there was no difference

when the soap contained Triclosan.

• In summary, the controlled use of soap over two months showed a beneficial effect against

tinea versicolor, other superficial dermatomycotic infections and scabies. While there is no

additional effectiveness of Triclosan against tinea versicolor, Triclosan may be useful

against superficial dermatomycotic infections if other application modes are used.

Our results argue for the use of soap, but are not sufficient to support the addition of Triclosan to

treat superficial skin mycoses and scabies. However, the fact that Triclosan is highly effective

against bacterial infections - also playing an important role in a tropical setting -, and its putative

beneficial effects do not argue against the addition of this agent.

Discussion 100

6. Implications

In low-income countries such as Tanzania, treatment options for benign but very common skin

disorders such as fungal and parasitic skin infections are poor, since numerous life-threatening

conditions have higher priority.

Nevertheless, the provision of safe, effective and inexpensive treatment of common skin diseases is

essential for successful tropical primary health care, since those diseases may lead to severe

cosmetic disfigurement, permanent alopecia or secondary bacterial superinfection including

complications such as poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.

The prevention and treatment of the most relevant skin disorders should include the training of

paramedical personnel, care-takers, teachers and the children themselves, and also the availability

of cheap prevention measures and effective treatment options such as an effective topical agent

applied as bar soap.

More information is needed on the efficacy of Triclosan and improved hygiene compared to

established topical antifungals and antiscabietic drugs on a long-term basis. Control groups should

be included to assess the likelihood of spontaneous resolution or improvement due to seasonal

changes. However, it can be concluded from our findings that just the regular use of soap has lead

to a substantial improvement of superficial fungal infections of the skin, namely tinea versicolor,

tinea capitis, corporis and pedis among the study group in the investigated area of Tanzania.


© Photo: Cosmos Popperfoto

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Appendix: Calculation of the sample size and assumed prevalence rates (Excerpt from the Study Proposal) “We assume the prevalence rate of Tinea capitis to be 15% among the children, and of

ectoparasitoses to be 10%. The confidence interval is 95%, the power 80%. In order to proof the

effectiveness the prevalence of Tinea capitis within the group treated with the Triclosan-containing

soap has to be reduced from 100% to at least 40%, making a difference of at least 60% significant.

In the placebo group we expect the ordinary soap to reduce the prevalence from 100% to about

70%. When comparing the two groups after two months the superior efficacy of the Triclosan-

containing soap is proven if the prevalence rate is at least 30% smaller than in the group treated

with the placebo soap.

Both groups affected by Tinea capitis have to consist of 48 children each. Considering a drop-out-

rate of 40% during the study this sample size has to be at least 160 children (2*48+40%=160).

When comparing placebo and the verum group after two months the superior efficacy of the

Triclosan-containing soap on ectoparasitoses is significant if the prevalence rate is at least 30%

smaller than in the group treated with the placebo soap. The placebo and the verum group have to

consist of 38 children each. Considering the drop-out-rate of 40% this sample size has to consist of

at least 127 children (2*38+40%=126.6). Adding the two sample sizes, approx. 287 children will be

included in the study population.”

The prevalence rates assumed in the Study Proposal were 15% and 10% for dermatophytoses and

ectoparasitoses respectively.

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 114

Appendix A: Tables (*Number of observations, row percentages and column percentages), Symmetry Tables and Figures 2. Tinea versicolor and other superficial dermatomycotic infections 2.2. Prevalences and degree of infection according to sex 2.2.1 Tinea versicolor: Degree of infection according to sex*: Degree of infection: Number of observations: female male Total mild 12 20 32

37.50 62.50 100.00 15.00 23.81 19.51

moderate 22 12 34

64.71 35.29 100.00 27.50 14.29 20.73

important 46 52 98

46.94 53.06 100.00 57.50 61.90 59.76

Total 80 84 164

48.78 51.22 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Chi2 test p-value = 0.074 2.2.2 Tinea capitis: Degree of infection according to sex*: Degree of infection: Number of observations: female male Total mild 2 4 6

33.33 66.67 100.00 22.22 44.44 33.33

moderate 3 3 6

50.00 50.00 100.00 33.33 33.33 33.33

severe 4 2 6

66.67 33.33 100.00 44.44 22.22 33.33

Total 9 9 18

50.00 50.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-values = 0.835

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 115

Tinea corporis: Degree of infection according to sex*: Degree of infection: Number of observations: female male Total mild 5 4 9

55.56 44.44 100.00 71.43 66.67 69.23

moderate 1 2 3

33.33 66.67 100.00 14.29 33.33 23.08

severe 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 14.29 0.00 7.69

Total 7 6 13

53.85 46.15 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-values = 1.000 2.3 Prevalence rates and degree of infection according to age groups (in years=yrs) 2.3.1 Tinea versicolor: Degree of infection according to age group*: Degree of Number of observations: infection: 6 to 10 yrs 11 to 14 yrs 15 5o 19 yrs Total mild 12 16 4 32

37.50 50.00 12.50 100.00 41.38 17.39 9.30 19.51

moderate 3 27 4 34

8.82 79.41 11.76 100.00 10.34 29.35 9.30 20.73

severe 14 49 35 98

14.29 50.00 35.71 100.00 48.28 53.26 81.40 59.76

Total 29 92 43 164

17.68 56.10 26.22 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.000 2.3.2 Tinea capitis: Degree of infection according to age group*: Degree of Number of observations: infection: 6 to 10 years >10 years Total mild 1 6 7

14.29 85.71 100.00 8.33 24.00 18.92

moderate 10 15 25

40.00 60.00 100.00

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 116

83.33 60.00 67.57 severe 1 4 5

20.00 80.00 100.00 8.33 16.00 13.51

Total 12 25 37

32.43 67.57 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.491 Tinea corporis: Degree of infection according to age group*: Degree of Number of observations: infection: 6 to 10 years >10 years Total mild 5 4 9

55.56 44.44 100.00 71.43 66.67 69.23

moderate 1 2 3

33.33 66.67 100.00 14.29 33.33 23.08

severe 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 14.29 0.00 7.69

Total 7 6 13

53.85 46.15 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 1.000 Tinea pedis: Degree of infection according to age groups*: Degree of Number of observations: infection: 6 to 10 years 11 to 14 years 15 5o 19 years Total moderate 1 3 1 5

20.00 60.00 20.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 71.43

severe 1 0 1 2

50.00 0.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 50.00 28.57

Total 2 3 2 7

28.57 42.86 28.57 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.429

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 117

3. Assessment of the effect of soap 3.1 Assessment of the efficacy of Triclosan in soap Table 5b: Number of observations and percentage of study participants with more than one diagnosis

Diagnoses Number of

observations (out of 228)


Tinea versicolor and Tinea capitis 11 4.8 Tinea versicolor and Tinea pedis 10 4.4

Tinea capitis and Tinea pedis 4 1.7 Tinea versicolor and Tinea corporis 2 0.9

Tinea versicolor, Tinea capitis and Tinea pedis 1 0.4 Scabies and Tinea pedis 1 0.4

Scabies and Tinea capitis 1 0.4 Tinea capitis and Tinea corporis 0 0.0

Tinea versicolor, Tinea capitis and Tinea corporis 0 0.0 Table 6d: Comparison of the symmetry between the symmetry

of placebo and active soap: Confidence Intervals Diagnosis Clin. parameters CI (95%)

Degree of pruritus

[-0.5312, 0.1522].

Number of lesions [-0.2671, 0.1637]

Tinea versicolor

Degree of infection

[- 0.3851, 0.2417]

Tinea capitis, corporis, pedis

Degree of pruritus

[-0.8016, 0.6592]

Tinea capitis Number of lesions [-0.6999, 0.2304] 3.1.1 Tinea versicolor infections Signs and symptoms/effectiveness Table 6e: Relative risk of showing certain signs or symptoms when comparing placebo to active group at second follow-up

Parameter (clinical signs and


Total number of observations Relative risk

Chi2 test p-value

(* Fisher’s exact test p-


95% Confidence Interval

Scaling 162 1.1 1.000 [0.2353552; 5.44059] Pruritus 134 1.1 0.859 [0.7030138; 0.624001]

Pruritus not improved 172 0.6 0.089 [0.3048115; 1.075803]Hypopigmentation 162 0.9 0.594 [0.77963; 1.133553] Hyperpigmentation 163 0.6 0.379 [0.1750343; 1.781691]

Subjective impression: not improved 170 0.7 0.597 [0.2726817; 1.967757]

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 118 Degree of pruritus Tables for Figure 2a: Tinea versicolor: Degree of pruritus at screening* Degree of pruritus: Number of observations (and percentages): Placebo Active Total none 35 37 72 48.61 51.39 100.00 45.45 47.44 46.45 mild 37 29 66 56.06 43.94 100.00 48.05 37.18 42.58 moderate 5 12 17 29.41 70.59 100.00 6.49 15.38 10.97 Total 77 78 155 49.68 50.32 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.140 Tinea versicolor: Degree of pruritus at follow-up 2*: Degree of pruritus: Number of observations (and percentages): Placebo Active Total none 52 58 110 47.27 52.73 100.00 67.53 74.36 70.97 mild 22 18 40 55.00 45.00 100.00 28.57 23.08 25.81 moderate 3 2 5 60.00 40.00 100.00 3.90 2.56 3.23 Total 77 78 155 49.68 50.32 100.00

100.00 100.00 100.00 Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.626

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 119

Tinea versicolor: Symmetry table: Number of children according to degrees of pruritus at screening and second follow-up: Table 7b: PLACEBO GROUP

Degree of pruritus at follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at screening None Mild Moderate Total

None 29 6 0 35 Mild 21 15 1 37

Moderate 2 1 2 5 Total 52 22 3 77

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0159 Table 7c: ACTIVE GROUP

Degree of pruritus at follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at screening None Mild Moderate Total

None 33 4 0 37 Mild 19 9 1 29

Moderate 6 5 1 12 Total 58 18 2 78

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0004 Number of lesions and aspect of the lesions: Tables for Figure 3a: Tinea versicolor: Number of lesions at screening* Number of Lesions: Number of observations (and percentages): Placebo Active Total 1 or2 13 15 28 46.43 53.57 100.00 17.11 17.65 17.39 3 to 5 12 5 17 70.59 29.41 100.00 15.79 5.88 10.56 >5 17 24 41 41.46 58.54 100.00 22.37 28.24 25.47 disseminated 34 41 75 45.33 54.67 100.00 44.74 48.24 46.58 Total 76 85 161 47.20 52.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Chi2 test p-value = 0.223

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 120

Tinea versicolor: Number of lesions at follow-up 2*: Number of Lesions: Placebo Active Total none 20 16 36

55.56 44.44 100.00 26.32 18.82 22.36

1 or 2 5 12 17

29.41 70.59 100.00 6.58 14.12 10.56

3 to 5 4 10 14

28.57 71.43 100.00 5.26 11.76 8.70

>5 11 13 24

45.83 54.17 100.00 14.47 15.29 14.91

disseminated 36 34 70

51.43 48.57 100.00 47.37 40.00 43.48

Total 76 85 161

47.20 52.80 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Chi2 test p-value = 0.228 Tinea versicolor: Symmetry table: Number of children according to number of lesions at screening and first follow-up:

Table 8b: PLACEBO GROUP Number of lesions at Follow-up 2 Number of

lesions at screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse- minated


None 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 or 2 5 2 2 3 1 13 3 to 5 6 1 1 2 2 12

>5 6 1 0 4 6 17 Disseminated 3 1 1 2 27 34

Total 20 5 4 11 36 76 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0042 Table 8c: ACTIVE GROUP

Number of lesions at Follow-up 2 Number of lesions at screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse-

minated Total

None 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 or 2 4 7 2 1 1 15 3 to 5 0 0 0 4 1 5

>5 6 2 4 5 7 24 Disseminated 6 3 4 3 25 41

Total 16 12 10 13 34 85 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0068

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 121

Tinea versicolor: Morphology of lesions at screening*: a: 1= sharply deliniated (possibly with central healing)

2= grey patches 3= both

Aspect of Lesionsa: Number of observations (and percentages): Placebo Active Total None/ N.A. 62 57 119

52.10 47.90 100.00 67.39 69.51 68.39

1 17 15 32

53.13 46.88 100.00 18.48 18.29 18.39

2 10 8 18

55.56 44.44 100.00 10.87 9.76 10.34

3 3 2 5

60.00 40.00 100.00 3.26 2.44 2.87

Total 92 82 174

52.87 47.13 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value =0.990 Tinea versicolor: Aspect of lesions at follow-up 2*: a: 1= sharply deliniated (possibly with central healing)

2= grey patches 3= both

Aspect of lesionsa: Placebo Active Total None/ N.A. 77 75 152

50.66 49.34 100.00 82.80 88.24 85.39

1 9 3 12

75.00 25.00 100.00 9.68 3.53 6.74

2 2 3 5

40.00 60.00 100.00 2.15 3.53 2.81

3 5 4 9

55.56 44.44 100.00 5.38 4.71 5.06

Total 93 85 178

52.25 47.75 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value =0.377

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 122 Photographs: Tinea versicolor: Evaluation of photographs: Comparing pictures taken at screening and follow-up 1*: Comparison: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total better 15 12 27

55.56 44.44 100.00 42.86 26.09 33.33

same 14 31 45

31.11 68.89 100.00 40.00 67.39 55.56

worse 6 3 9

66.67 33.33 100.00 17.14 6.52 11.11

Total 35 46 81

43.21 56.79 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.036 Tinea versicolor: Evaluation of photographs: Comparing pictures taken at follow-up 1 and follow-up 2*: Comparison: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total better 14 15 29

48.28 51.72 100.00 36.84 35.71 36.25

same 17 24 41

41.46 58.54 100.00 44.74 57.14 51.25

worse 7 3 10

70.00 30.00 100.00 18.42 7.14 12.50

Total 38 42 80

47.50 52.50 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value =0.279 Table for Figure 5:Tinea versicolor: Evaluation of photographs: Comparing pictures taken at screening and follow-up 2* Comparison: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total better 33 43 76

43.42 56.58 100.00 54.10 64.18 59.38

same 18 20 38

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 123

47.37 52.63 100.00 29.51 29.85 29.69

worse 10 4 14

71.43 28.57 100.00 16.39 5.97 10.94

Total 61 67 128

47.66 52.34 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.158 Microscopic results (Quality control) Table 9c: Examinations performed at the Mycological laboratory of the Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Zürich

Number of observations (Percentage among all samples taken) Pathogen

1 month 2 and 3 months Malassezia spp. 30 (88.2) 26 (65.0)

Spores 2 (5.9) 8 (20.0) Mycelia 0 (0.0) 1 (2.5)

Not enough scales 0 (0.0) 2 (5.0) Negative 2 (5.9) 3 (7.5)

Total 34 (100.0) 40 (100.0) Degree of infection:

Degree of infection: Placebo versus active group







Placebo -SCR

Active - SCR Placebo - Fu2 Active - Fu2

Soap - Examination



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Figure 7b: Degree of infection (n (Placebo) =77 ; n (Active) = 84) Placebo versus active group (Screening (SCR) and follow-up 2 (Fu2)) Tables for Figure 7a and 7b: Tinea versicolor: Degree of infection at screening* Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total mild 15 16 31

48.39 51.61 100.00 19.48 19.05 19.25

moderate 18 15 33

54.55 45.45 100.00 23.38 17.86 20.50

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 124

severe 44 53 97 45.36 54.64 100.00 57.14 63.10 60.25

Total 77 84 161 47.83 52.17 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Chi2 test p-value = 0.658 Tinea versicolor: Degree of infection at follow-up 2* Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total resolution 20 15 35

57.14 42.86 100.00 25.97 17.86 21.74

mild 6 20 26

23.08 76.92 100.00 7.79 23.81 16.15

moderate 12 11 23

52.17 47.83 100.00 15.58 13.10 14.29

important 39 38 77

50.65 49.35 100.00 50.65 45.24 47.83

Total 77 84 161

47.83 52.17 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Chi2 test p-value = 0.046 Tinea versicolor: Symmetry table: Number of children according to degree of infection at screening (SCR) and second follow-up (Fu2): Table 10b: PLACEBO GROUP

Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of infection at Screening None Mild Moderate Important Total

None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 7 4 2 2 15

Moderate 6 1 5 6 18 Important 7 1 5 31 44

Total 20 6 12 39 77 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0020 Table 10c: ACTIVE GROUP

Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of infection at Screening None Mild Moderate Important Total

None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 3 10 1 2 16

Moderate 5 2 5 3 15

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 125

Important 7 8 5 33 53 Total 25 20 11 38 84

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0035 Clinical and microscopic resolution Table 11: Relative frequencies and frequency distribution of children having received placebo versus active soap, stratified according to evaluation categories

Placebo Active *Evaluation categories Number of

observations Percentage Number of observations Percentage

Total number of

observations (percentage)

1 21 25.6 18 21.7 39 (23.6)

Clinical and microscopic resolution

2 2 2.4 6 7.2 8 (4.8) Subtotal 23 28.0 24 28.9 47 (28.4)

3 6 7.3 8 9.6 14 (8.5) 4 13 15.9 10 12.1 23 (14.0) 5 3 3.6 10 13.3 13 (7.9) 6 17 20.7 19 22.9 36 (21.8)

No resolution

7 20 24.4 12 14.5 32 (19.4) Total 82 100.0 83 100.0 165 (100.0)

* 1= resolution: child cured 2= microscopic resolution and only few clinical symptoms 3= improvement: negative microscopic evidence with significant clinical improvement

4= no significant clinical improvement but negative mycologic evidence 5= improvement: microscopy positive with significant clinical improvement 6= lack of improvement: positive mycologic evidence with no significant clinical improvement 7= deterioration Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.194

3.1.2 Other superficial dermatomycotic infections Signs and symptoms/effectiveness Relative risk of showing certain signs or symptoms: comparing placebo to active group at the second follow-up (Fu2): Tinea capitis

Parameter (clinical signs and


Number of observations at follow-up 2

Relative risk Fisher’s exact

test p-value (2-sided)

95% Confidence Interval

Scaling 14 1.0 NA [0.5648063; 2.766435]Alopecia 34 0.7 0.703 [0.2298904; 2.19965]

Occipital/posterior cervical adenopathy 34 0.7 0.682 [0.1751029; 2.53819]

Grey patches 34 No cases NA NA Black dots 34 No cases NA NA

Kerion 34 0.0 0.471 NA Superinfection 34 NA NA NA

No new hair growth 39 1.3 1.000 [0.2408787; 6.86262] Pruritus 20 0.8 1.000 [0.2806726; 2.38506]

Pruritus not improved 39 0.9 1.000 [0.1339547; 5.48464] Subjective impression:

not improved 37 No cases in active group 0.490 NA

Tinea corporis: Relative risk of showing certain signs or symptoms: comparing placebo to active group at second follow-up

Parameter (clinical signs and


Number of observations at

follow-up 2 Relative risk

Fisher’s exact test p-

value (2-sided)

95% Confidence Interval

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 126

Scaling 9 NA NA NA Concentric lesions 13 0.9 1.000 [0.1681699; 4.368761]

Satellite lesions 13 0.85 1.000 [0.0670402; 10.959] Pruritus 10 1.0 1.000 [0.0838119; 11.93148]

Pruritus not improved 12 No cases in

active group 1.000 NA

Subjective impression: not

improved 13 No cases NA NA

T inea pedis: Relative risk of showing certain signs or symptoms: comparing placebo to active group at second follow-up

Parameter (clinical signs and


Number of observations Relative risk

Fisher’s exact test p-value (2-


95% Confidence Interval

Macerated, whitish lesions 7 1.6 1.000 [0.3739831; 6.845228]

Pruritus 6 No cases in active group 1.000 NA

Pruritus not improved 19 No cases NA NA

Subjective impression: not

improved 19 0.5 0.582 [0.048623; 4.164618] Degree of pruritus: Tinea capitis, corporis and pedis: Degree of pruritus at screening*: Degree of pruritus: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total none 6 7 13

46.15 53.85 100.00 20.00 30.43 24.53

mild 13 13 26

50.00 50.00 100.00 43.33 56.52 49.06

moderate 9 3 12

75.00 25.00 100.00 30.00 13.04 22.64

severe 2 0 2

100.00 0.00 100.00 6.67 0.00 3.77

Total 30 23 53

56.60 43.40 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.264 Tinea capitis, corporis and pedis: Degree of pruritus at follow-up 2*:

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 127

Degree of pruritus: Number of observations: Placebo Active Total

none 19 18 37 51.35 48.65 100.00 63.33 78.26 69.81

mild 9 4 13

69.23 30.77 100.00 30.00 17.39 24.53

moderate 2 0 2

100.00 0.00 100.00 6.67 0.00 3.77

severe 0 1 1

0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 4.35 1.89

Total 30 23 53

56.60 43.40 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.251 Tinea capitis, corporis and pedis: Symmetry table: Number of children according to degrees of pruritus at screening and second follow-up: Table 13b: PLACEBO GROUP

Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 5 1 0 0 6 Mild 8 5 0 0 13

Moderate 4 3 2 0 9 Severe 2 0 0 0 2 Total 19 9 2 0 30

Symmetry test p-value = 0.006 Table 13c: ACTIVE GROUP

Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 7 0 0 0 7 Mild 10 2 0 1 13

Moderate 1 2 0 0 3 Severe 0 0 0 0 0 Total 18 4 0 1 23

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0073

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 128

Degree of Pruritus: Both Groups







Placebo -SCR

Active -SCR

Placebo -Fu2

Active - Fu2



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Figure 10b: Other superficial dermatomycoses (n (Placebo) = 30; n (Active) = 23) Placebo versus active group (Screening (SCR) and follow-up 2 (Fu2)) Tinea capitis: Symmetry table: Number of children according to degrees of pruritus at screening and second follow-up: BOTH GROUPS:

Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe


None 10 1 0 0 11 Mild 11 4 1 0 16

Moderate 3 3 1 0 7 Severe 1 0 0 0 1 Total 25 8 2 0 35

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0098

PLACEBO GROUP: Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of

pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 4 1 0 0 5 Mild 5 3 0 0 8

Moderate 2 1 1 0 4 Severe 1 0 0 0 1 Total 12 5 1 0 18

Symmetry test p-value = 0.1546 ACTIVE GROUP:

Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 6 0 0 0 6 Mild 6 1 1 0 8

Moderate 1 2 0 0 3 Severe 0 0 0 0 0 Total 13 3 1 0 17

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0620

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 129

Tinea corporis: Symmetry table: Number of children according to degrees of pruritus at screening and second follow-up: BOTH GROUPS:

Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe


None 2 0 0 0 2 Mild 5 1 0 1 7

Moderate 1 1 1 0 3 Severe 0 0 0 0 0 Total 8 2 1 1 12

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0916 PLACEBO GROUP:

Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 1 0 0 0 1 Mild 3 0 0 0 3

Moderate 1 1 1 0 3 Severe 0 0 0 0 0 Total 5 1 1 0 7

Symmetry test p-value = 0.1718 ACTIVE GROUP:

Degree of pruritus at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 1 0 0 0 1 Mild 2 1 0 1 4

Moderate 0 0 0 0 0 Severe 0 0 0 0 0 Total 3 1 0 1 5

Symmetry test p-value = 0.2231

Tinea pedis: Symmetry table: Number of children according to degrees of pruritus at screening and second follow-up: BOTH GROUPS:

Degree of pruritus at* Follow-up 2

*Screening None Mild Moderate Severe


None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 1 2 0 0 3

Moderate 1 1 0 0 2 Severe 1 0 0 0 1 Total 3 3 0 0 6

Symmetry test p-value = 0.406

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 130 Size of the largest lesion and number of lesions: Tinea pedis: Size of the largest lesion at screening*: Size of the largest Number of observations: lesion: Placebo Active Total N.A. 0 1 1

0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 50.00 14.29

<1 cm 1 1 2

50.00 50.00 100.00 20.00 50.00 28.57

1 to 3 cm 4 0 4

100.00 0.00 100.00 80.00 0.00 57.14

Total 5 2 7

71.43 28.57 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.143 Tinea pedis: Size of the largest lesion at follow-up 1*: Size of the largest Number of observations: lesion: Placebo Active Total none 2 2 4

50.00 50.00 100.00 40.00 50.00 44.44

<1cm 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 20.00 0.00 11.11

1 to 3cm 2 2 4

50.00 50.00 100.00 40.00 50.00 44.44

Total 5 4 9

55.56 44.44 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 1.000 Tinea pedis: Size of the largest lesion at follow-up 2*: Size of the largest Number of observations: lesion: Placebo Active Total none 5 8 13

38.46 61.54 100.00 50.00 88.89 68.42

<1cm 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 10.00 0.00 5.26

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 131

1 to 3 cm 4 1 5

80.00 20.00 100.00 40.00 11.11 26.32

Total 10 9 19

52.63 47.37 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.211 Tinea capitis: Number of lesions at screening*: Number of Lesions: Number of observations (and percentages): Placebo Active Total N.A. 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 5.26 0.00 2.78

1 or 2 4 4 8

50.00 50.00 100.00 21.05 23.53 22.22

3 to 5 7 7 14

50.00 50.00 100.00 36.84 41.18 38.89

>5 6 3 9

66.67 33.33 100.00 31.58 17.65 25.00

disseminated 1 3 4

25.00 75.00 100.00 5.26 17.65 11.11

Total 19 17 36

52.78 47.22 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.606 Tinea capitis: Number of lesions at follow-up 2*: Number of Lesions: Placebo Active Total None/N.A. 12 9 21

57.14 42.86 100.00 63.16 52.94 58.33

1 or 2 1 4 5

20.00 80.00 100.00 5.26 23.53 13.89

3 to 5 2 1 3

66.67 33.33 100.00 10.53 5.88 8.33

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 132

>5 1 0 1 100.00 0.00 100.00 5.26 0.00 2.78

disseminated 3 3 6

50.00 50.00 100.00 15.79 17.65 16.67

Total 19 17 36

52.78 47.22 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.551 Tinea capitis: Symmetry table: Number of children according to number of lesions at screening and first follow-up: Table 15b: PLACEBO GROUP

Number of lesions Follow-up 2 Number of lesions at Screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse-

minated Total

None 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 or 2 2 0 1 0 1 4 3 to 5 4 0 1 1 1 7

>5 4 0 0 0 1 5 Disseminated 0 1 0 0 0 1

Total 11 1 2 1 3 18 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0818

Table 15c: ACTIVE GROUP Follow-up 2 Number of

lesions at Screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse- minated


None 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 or 2 2 2 0 0 0 4 3 to 5 3 2 1 0 1 7

>5 2 0 0 0 1 3 Disseminated 2 0 0 0 1 3

Total 9 4 1 0 3 17 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0721

Tinea corporis: Number of lesions at screening*: Number of Lesions: Number of observations (and percentages): Placebo Active Total 1 or 2 5 3 8

62.50 37.50 100.00 71.43 50.00 61.54

3 to 5 0 1 1

0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 16.67 7.69

>5 1 1 2

50.00 50.00 100.00

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 133

14.29 16.67 15.38 disseminated 1 1 2

50.00 50.00 100.00 14.29 16.67 15.38

Total 7 6 13

53.85 46.15 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.837 Tinea corporis:Number of lesions at follow-up 2*: Number of Lesions: Placebo Active Total none 4 1 5

80.00 20.00 100.00 57.14 16.67 38.46

1 or 2 1 3 4

25.00 75.00 100.00 14.29 50.00 30.77

3 to 5 1 1 2

50.00 50.00 100.00 14.29 16.67 15.38

disseminated 1 1 2

50.00 50.00 100.00 14.29 16.67 15.38

Total 7 6 13

53.85 46.15 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.627 Tinea capitis: Symmetry table: Number of children according to number of lesions at screening (SCR) and first follow-up (Fu2): Table 15e: PLACEBO GROUP

Number of lesions Follow-up 2 Number of lesions at Screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse-

minated Total

None 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 or 2 4 1 0 0 0 5 3 to 5 0 0 0 0 0 0

>5 0 0 1 0 0 1 Disseminated 0 0 0 0 1 1

Total 4 1 1 0 1 7 Symmetry test p-value = 0.0821

Table 15f: ACTIVE GROUP Number of lesions Follow-up 2 Number of

lesions at Screening None 1 or 2 3 to 5 >5 Disse- minated


Tables, symmetry tables and figures 134

None 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 or 2 1 2 0 0 0 3 3 to 5 0 1 0 0 0 1

>5 0 0 1 0 0 1 Disseminated 0 0 0 0 1 1

Total 1 3 1 0 1 6 Symmetry test p-value = 0.3916 Photographs: Tinea capitis: Evaluation of photographs : Comparing pictures taken at screening and follow-up 2*: Comparison: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total better 10 6 16

62.50 37.50 100.00 71.43 60.00 66.67

same 2 4 6

33.33 66.67 100.00 14.29 40.00 25.00

worse 2 0 2

100.00 0.00 100.00 14.29 0.00 8.33

Total 14 10 24

58.33 41.67 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.301 Tine corporis: Evaluation of photographs : Comparing pictures taken at screening and follow-up 2*: Comparison: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total better 6 4 10

60.00 40.00 100.00 85.71 66.67 76.92

same 0 2 2

0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 33.33 15.38

worse 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 14.29 0.00 7.69

Total 7 6 13

53.85 46.15 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.315

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 135 Degree of infection: If summarizing the two groups, a decrease in the proportion of children with severe (13.9% to 0.0%), moderate (67.6% to 33.3%) and mild degree of infection (19.4% to 8.3%) could be observed from the first screening examination to the second follow-up. The proportion of clinically cured children reached 61.5% at the second follow-up (see Appendix and Figures 11a and 11b).

Degree of infection: Both groups (n=36)






Screening Follow-up 2




ge o

f chi



Figure 12a: Tinea capitis: Degree of infection (n=36)

Both groups (Screening and follow-up 2) The symmetry test reveals that the reduction in the degree of infection from screening to follow-up 2 is statistically significant if summarizing active and placebo group and if assessing the symmetry separately for the two groups (Symmetry test p-value <0.05) (see Table 17a to 17c).

Tinea capitis: Symmetry table:Number of children according to degrees of infection at screening and follow-up 2

Table 17a: BOTH GROUPS Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of

infection at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe


None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 7 0 0 0 7

Moderate 12 3 9 0 24 Severe 2 0 3 0 5 Total 21 3 12 0 36

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0001 An improvement of the degree of infection could be achieved through the application of both soaps. It occurred in 73.7% (placebo group) versus 76.5% (active group).


Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 6 0 0 0 6

Moderate 5 0 5 0 10 Severe 1 0 2 0 3 Total 12 0 7 0 19

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0073

Table 17c: ACTIVE GROUP Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of

pruritus at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 0 0 0 0 0

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 136

Mild 1 0 0 0 1 Moderate 7 3 4 0 14

Severe 1 0 1 0 2 Total 9 3 5 0 17

Symmetry test p-value = 0.0234 Tinea capitis: Degree of infection at screening* Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total mild 6 1 7

85.71 14.29 100.00 31.58 5.88 19.44

moderate 10 14 24

41.67 58.33 100.00 52.63 82.35 66.67

severe 3 2 5

60.00 40.00 100.00 15.79 11.76 13.89

Total 19 17 36

52.78 47.22 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.122 Tinea capitis: Degree of infection at follow-up 2* Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total none 12 9 21

57.14 42.86 100.00 63.16 52.94 58.33

mild 0 3 3

0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 17.65 8.33

moderate 7 5 12

58.33 41.67 100.00 36.84 29.41 33.33

Total 19 17 36

52.78 47.22 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.242 Tinea corporis: Degree of infection at screening* Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total mild 3 2 5

60.00 40.00 100.00 50.00 66.67 55.56

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 137

moderate 2 1 3

66.67 33.33 100.00 33.33 33.33 33.33

severe 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 16.67 0.00 11.11

Total 6 3 9

66.67 33.33 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 1.000 Tinea corporis: Degree of infection at follow-up 2* Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total none 4 1 5

80.00 20.00 100.00 66.67 33.33 55.56

mild 0 1 1

0.00 100.00 100.00 0.00 33.33 11.11

moderate 1 1 2

50.00 50.00 100.00 16.67 33.33 22.22

severe 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 16.67 0.00 11.11

Total 6 3 9

66.67 33.33 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.762

Tinea corporis: Symmetry table: Number of children according to degrees of infection at screening and second follow-up: BOTH GROUPS:

Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of infection at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe


None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 4 1 0 0 5

Moderate 1 0 1 1 3 Severe 0 0 1 0 1 Total 5 1 2 1 9

Symmetry test p-value = 0.1718

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 138

PLACEBO GROUP: Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of

infection at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 3 0 0 0 3

Moderate 1 0 0 1 2 Severe 0 0 1 0 1 Total 3 0 1 1 6

Symmetry test p-value = 0.2615 ACTIVE GROUP:

Degree of infection at Follow-up 2 Degree of infection at Screening None Mild Moderate Severe Total

None 0 0 0 0 0 Mild 1 1 0 0 2

Moderate 0 0 1 0 1 Severe 0 0 0 0 0 Total 1 1 1 0 3

Symmetry test p-value = 0.3173 Tinea pedis: Degree of infection at screening*: Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total moderate 1 1 2 50.00 50.00 100.00 16.67 100.00 28.57 severe 5 0 5 100.00 0.00 100.00 83.33 0.00 71.43 Total 6 1 7 85.71 14.29 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.286 Tinea pedis: Degree of infection at follow-up 2*: Degree of infection: Number of observations:

Placebo Active Total none 2 1 3

66.67 33.33 100.00 33.33 100.00 42.86

moderate 3 0 3

100.00 0.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 42.86

severe 1 0 1

100.00 0.00 100.00 16.67 0.00 14.29

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 139

Total 6 1 7

85.71 14.29 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

Fisher's exact test p-value = 1.000 Clinical Improvement Tinea corporis: Score at screening (SCR) and follow-up 2 (Fu2)

Figure 13e: Placebo: Microscopy positive (M+)/ Microscopy negative (M-)

Figure 13f: Active: Microscopy positive (M+)/ Microscopy negative (M-)

Table 18: Clinical improvement of tinea corporis: Change of score (placebo versus active group) from screening to follow-up 2, according to positive (M. pos) or negative (M. neg.) microscopic result at the second follow-up. Score N.A.: No score value available for follow-up 2, but child not cured.

Number of children

Cured: Score at follow-up 2

= 0

Reduc-tion of score

In-creased score

Score N.A. Total

M. pos. 1 0 0 2 3 Placebo M. neg. 2 1 1 1 5 Subtotal Placebo 3 1 1 3 8

M. pos. 0 1 0 1 2 Active M. neg. 0 3 0 0 3 Subtotal Active 0 4 0 1 5

Grant Total 3 5 1 4 13 Clinical and microscopic resolution Table 19a: Tinea capitis: Relative frequencies (number of observations) and frequency distribution (percentage)

of children having received placebo versus active soap, stratifies according to evaluation Placebo Active

*Evaluation categories

Number of observations


Number of observations


Total number of

observations (percentage)

1 13 65.0 9 56.3 22 (61.1)

Clinical and

microscopic resolution

2 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 (0.0) Subtotal 14 65.0 10 56.3 22 (61.1)

3 1 5.0 4 25.0 5 (13.9) No resolution 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 (0.0)

0 5 10 15 20 25Score Fu2

Cubic spline fit

Score: M-Reference line







S c o r e


Score: M+

0 5 10 15 20 25

Score Fu2 Cubic spline fit

Score: M-

Reference line






25 S c o r e


Score: M+

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 140

5 3 15.0 1 6.3 4 (11.1) 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 (0.0)

7 3 15.0 2 12.4 5 (13.9) Total 20 100.0 16 100.0 36 (100.0)

* 1= resolution: child cured 2= microscopic resolution and only few clinical symptoms 3= improvement: negative mycologic evidence with significant clinical improvement

4= negative mycologic evidence with no significant clinical improvement 5= improvement: microscopy positive with significant clinical improvement 6= lack of improvement: positive mycologic evidence with no significant clinical improvement 7= deterioration

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.420

Table 19c: Tinea corporis: Relative frequencies (number of observations) and frequency distribution (percentage) of children having received placebo versus active soap, stratifies according to evaluation categories

Placebo Active *Evaluation categories

Number of observations


Number of observations


Total number of

observations (percentage)

1 4 44.8 2 28.6 6 (37.5)


and microscopic resolution

2 1 11.1 2 28.6 3 (18.8) Subtotal 5 55.9 4 57.2 9 (56.3)

3 1 11.1 1 14.3 2 (12.5 4 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 (0.0) 5 2 22.2 2 28.6 4 (25.0) 6 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 (0.0)

No resolution

7 1 11.1 0 0.0 1 (6.25) Total 9 100.0 7 100.0 16 (100.0)

Fisher's exact test p-value = 0.937

Table 19e: Tinea pedis: Relative frequencies (number of observations) and frequency distribution (percentage)

of children having received placebo versus active soap, stratifies according to evaluation categories Placebo Active

*Evaluation categories

Number of observations


Number of observations


Total number of

observations (percentage)

Clinical resolution

1 5 55.6 6 85.7 11 (68.8) 2 2 22.2 0 0.0 2 (12.5) 3 2 22.2 0 0.0 2 (12.5) 4 0 0.0 1 14.3 1 (6.2)

No resolution

5 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 (0.0) Total 9 100.0 7 100.0 16 (100.0)

* 1= clinical resolution 2= improvement: score was reduced 3= lack of improvement: score remained the same

4= no resolution: score was non-applicable at screening, but child is not cured 5= deterioration: score increased

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 141

3.2 Determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC’s) of placebo soap and of Triclosan Table 1: Growth of Malassezia spp. colonies on Dixon Agar inoculated with different concentrations of placebo soap. Concentration of soap solution: 2.0%

Number of colony forming units (CFU) (### > 50 CFU) according to Malassezia spp. isolate (N°1 to 6)

Isolate 1

Isolate 2

Isolate 3

Isolate 4

Isolate 5

Isolate 6

Concentration of soap solution (0.2%) on agar (μg/mL) 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd

series 1st

series 2nd


400 11 ### 4 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 5 ### 200 7 ### 0 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 2 ### 100 0 3 0 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 1 2 50 1 4 0 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 6 ### 25 1 1 1 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 0 0

12.5 1 0 1 0 0 0 ### 1 ### ### 0 0 6.25 0 2 0 3 0 0 ### ### ### ### 9 0 3.13 5 3 0 ### 0 0 ### ### ### ### 8 ### 1.56 4 1 2 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 0 ### 0.78 2 2 2 1 2 0 ### ### ### ### ### ### 0.39 2 6 4 1 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### 0

0 0 9 0 0 0 0 ### ### ### ### ### 0 Table 2: Growth of Malassezia spp. colonies on Dixon Agar inoculated with different concentrations of Triclosan (* colony growth visible, but number of colonies was not counted), after 7 and 14 days

Number of colony forming units (CFU) according to Malassezia spp. isolate (5 to 8) 7 days 14 days 7 days 14 days 7 days 14 days 7 days 14 days

Concentration of Triclosan in

stocking solution (μg/mL)

Concentration of Triclosan in

Dixon Agar (μg/mL)

Isolate 5

Isolate 6

Isolate 7

Isolate 8

1 50 000 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 25 000 500 0 7 1 2 7 11 1 34 3 12 500 250 30 29 9 6 24 34 50 55 4 6 250 125 23 34 7 8 24 40 60 38 5 3 125 62.5 19 25 5 9 28 40 56 44 6 1562.5 31.25 24 23 4 4 21 44 53 53 7 781.24 15.63 12 16 2 4 19 39 46 52 8 390.63 7.81 10 23 1 1 9 33 50 45 9 195.31 3.91 10 20 3 4 8 36 51 47

10 97.66 1.95 13 20 0 2 10 30 51 47 11 48.83 0.98 9 19 1 6 11 28 45 51 12 24.41 0.49 6 20 1 3 10 41 51 54 13 12.21 0.24 13 17 1 4 15 32 54 47 14 6.10 0.12 9 15 2 3 5 23 45 42 15 3.05 0.06 9 23 1 1 9 30 45 34 16 1.53 0.03 11 16 1 2 7 27 35 40 17 0.08 0.015 6 15 1 1 2 24 40 35 18 0.04 0.008 2 9 2 3 1 19 42 41 19 0.02 0.004 6 11 3 4 3 41 43 43

20 Control (only ethanol) * * * * * * * *

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 142

4. Scabies 4.2 Evaluation of effectiveness Scabies: Number of observations : Characteristic clinical parameters at screening (SCR: Placebo n=4, Active n=4), first (Fu1: Placebo n=4, Active n=0) and second (Fu2: Placebo n=4, Active n=2) follow-up : Parameter Exami- Number of observations nation Placebo Active Total (out of total number of observations made) pruritus SCR 4 4 8/8 Fu1 4 - 4/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6

more severe at night SCR 4 4 8/8 Fu1 3 - 3/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6

other family members affected SCR 4 2 6/8 Fu1 4 - 4/4 Fu2 1 2 3/6 rash SCR 3 3 6/8 Fu1 2 - 2/4 Fu2 0 1 1/6 Scabies: Number of observations : Site of lesions at screening (SCR: Placebo n=4, Active n=4), first (Fu1: Placebo n=4, Active n=0) and second (Fu2: Placebo n=4, Active n=2) follow-up: Common loca- Exami- Number of observations lisation nation Placebo Active Total ( out of total number of observations made) Hands: sides of the fingers SCR 4 3 7/8 Fu1 3 - 3/4 Fu2 1 2 3/6 wrists SCR 4 3 7/8 Fu1 4 - 4/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6 ulnar borders SCR 3 4 7/8 Fu1 3 - 3/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6 palms SCR 1 1 2/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 0 0 0/6

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 143

Other parts: anterior parts of elbows SCR 3 4 7/8 Fu1 2 - 2/4 Fu2 1 0 1/6 anterior axillary folds SCR 0 2 2/8 Fu1 2 - 2/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6 umbilical region SCR 1 2 3/8 Fu1 2 - 2/4 Fu2 2 1 3/6 external genitali, peri- neum, glans penis SCR 0 2 2/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 2 1 3/6 areloae SCR 0 0 0/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 0 1 1/6

gluteal region SCR 0 1 1/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 1 0 1/6 waist SCR 0 1 1/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 1 0 1/6 thighs SCR 0 1 1/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 0 0 0/6 knees SCR 1 0 1/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 0 1 1/6

ankles SCR 0 0 0/8 Fu1 3 - 3/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6 soles SCR 0 0 0/8 Fu1 3 - 3/4 Fu2 0 0 0/6 abdominal region SCR 1 1 2/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 0 1 1/6

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 144

others: SCR 4 4 8/8 . Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6 Scabies: Number of observations : Number of lesions at screening (SCR: Placebo n=4, Active n=4), first (Fu1: Placebo n=4, Active n=0) and second (Fu2: Placebo n=4, Active n=2) follow-up: Number of loca- Exami- Number of observations lisation nation Placebo Active Total ( out of total number of observations made) none SCR N.A. N.A. N.A.

Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 2 0 2/6 1 to 3 SCR 2 1 2/8 Fu1 2 - 2/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6 4 to 6 SCR 1 1 2/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 1 0 1/6 >6 SCR 1 0 5/8 Fu1 2 - 2/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6 Scabies: Number of observations : Aspect of lesions at screening (SCR: Placebo n=4, Active n=4), first (Fu1: Placebo n=4, Active n=0) and second (Fu2: Placebo n=4, Active n=2) follow-up: Aspect of lesions Exami- Number of observations nation Placebo Active Total ( out of total number of observations made) none SCR N.A. N.A. N.A. Fu1 0 - 0/4 Fu2 1 0 1/6 papules, macules, burrows SCR 3 4 7/8 Fu1 4 - 4/4 Fu2 1 2 3/6 crusts, generalized lichenification SCR 1 0 1/8 Fu1 4 - 4/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6

Tables, symmetry tables and figures 145

superinfection SCR 2 0 2/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 0 1 1/6 thick crusts SCR 0 0 0/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 0 0 0/6 Degree of pruritus: Scabies: Number of observations : Degree of pruritus at screening (SCR: Placebo n=4, Active n=4), first (Fu1: Placebo n=4, Active n=0) and second (Fu2: Placebo n=4, Active n=2) follow-up: Degree of Exami- Number of observations pruritus nation Placebo Active Total ( out of total number of observations made) none SCR 0 0 0/8 Fu1 0 - 0/4 Fu2 3 1 4/6 mild SCR 1 0 1/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 1 1 2/6 moderate SCR 1 3 4/8 Fu1 2 - 2/4 Fu2 0 0 0/6 severe SCR 2 1 3/8 Fu1 1 - 1/4 Fu2 0 0 0/6 pruritus improved Fu1 2 - 2/4 Fu2 0 0 0/6

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Appendix B: Photographic Images: 1. Tinea versicolor: 1.1 Improvement: Child 1: Screening:

Child 1: Continuous

improvement can be seen

from screening to both

follow-ups and between the

two follow-ups. At the first

follow-up the improvement

manifests as a reduction in

the number of lesions and

the size of the lesions.

Furthermore, the lesions

seem to be less scaly. No

statement can be made

about the difference in

pigmentary changes due to the different illumination conditions. At the second follow-up no more

lesions can be identified.

Child 1: Follow-up 1:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 1: Follow-up 2:

Child 2: Screening:

Child 2: Even though at all three

examinations multiple macules can be

seen, the aspect of the lesions changes

over time. At the follow-up examinations

they appear to be less scaly, less

hypopigmented and less sharply

demarcated from non-lesional skin.

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 2: Follow-up 1:

Child 2: Follow-up 2:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


1.2 No change:

Child 3: Screening:

Child 3: The aspect of the lesions

changes from that of dark scaly, fine and

wrinkled macules and patches with

clearly demarcated borders, to that of

hyperpigmented follicular bound

macules. However, the degree of

infection does not appear to become

more severe, since the distribution and

pattern of lesions at the observed site

(right infraclavicular region) remains

fairly similar.

Child 3: Follow-up 1:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 3: Follow-up 2:

Child 4: Screening:

Child 4: The number,

size and shape of the

hypopigmented macules

remain the same over the

period of three months. At

all three examinations the

lesions seem to be slightly


Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 4: Follow-up 1:

Child 4: Follow-up 2:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 5: Screening:

Child 5: The

number, size and shape of

the hypopigmented

macules remain the same

from the screening

examination to the second

follow-up. At the first

examination the macules

may be slightly less scaly

than at the other

examinatons. Nevertheless

improvement is not


Child 5: Follow-up 1:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 5: Follow-up 2:

1.3 Deterioration:

Child 6: Screening:

Child 6: The confluent

macules/ patches show a

marked increase in size.

Apart from this the aspect

of the lesions does not

change. Hypopigmentation

and scaling remain until

the second follow-up.

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 6: Follow-up 1:

Child 6: Follow-up 2:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 7: Screening:

Child 7: The

hyperpigmented follicular bound

macules and papules show a

marked increase in size.

Hyperpigmentation if more

pronounced the second follow-up.

Child 7: Follow-up 2:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 8: Screening:

Child 8: The confluent

macules/patches show a marked

increase in size, but the aspect

of the lesions does not change.

Hypopigmentation and scaling

appear to be more pronounced

at the first follow-up.

Child 8: Follow-up 1:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


2. Tinea capitis: 2.2 No change:

Child 9: Screening:

Child 11: Several large

slightly greyish patches with

“black dot pattern” are well

visible at the first screening and

the first follow-up. The aspect

of the lesion remains the same.

The non-affected sites between

the patches are shaved, so

alopecia resulting from the

dermatophyte infection cannot

be exactly compared between

the two examinations.

Child 9: Follow-up 1:

2.3 Deterioration:

Child 10: Screening:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


Child 12: The large scaly

grey patch increases markedly

in diameter from the screening

examination to the first follow-

up. Alopecia also becomes

more extensive. Besides,

crusting is more pronounced at

the first follow-up. The margins

of the lesions are no longer

clearly demarcated. The type of

lesions at the first follow-up can

be characterised as “kerion-


Child 10: Follow-up 1:

3. Tinea corporis: 3.2 No change:

Child 11: Screening:

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


At the screening and the second

follow-up, the lesions were

disseminated and slightly scaly. No

improvement took place. Interestingly,

no Malassezia yeasts, but only spores,

were identified on microscopic

examination of the skin samples of this

child. Therefore this case was

considered as a dermatophyte infection

caused by T. tonsurans (identified by

culture) despite the fact that the clinical

picture is very unusual for tinea faciei.

It strongly resembles tinea versicolor


Child 11: Follow-up 2:

A potential co-infection cannot be

ruled out, due to false negative results

for Malesszia spp. According to Kane

et al., the dermatophyte T. tonsurans

may persist for a long time in the

environment or on fomites such as

combs or headgear (Kane et al., 1988).

Some people may develop subclinical

scalp infections and shed the pathogen

for many years (Hay, 1996). This

might be the reason why in the present

study for two further children clinically

diagnosed to suffer from tinea

versicolor, T. tonsurans could be isolated from the same site without currently producing any

relevant skin disease.

Appendix B: Photographic Imags: Placebo//Active Soap


3.3 Deterioration:

Child 12: Screening:

Child 15: The slightly

scaly patch is not entirely

typical of a ringworm

lesion, since there is no

central healing. However,

direct microscopy was

positive at the first

screening. At the first

follow-up the patch has

markedly increased in size.

Child 12: Follow-up 1:

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


Appendix C: 1. Questionnaire (English/Kiswahili) 1.1 PART A : History and hygiene evaluation (only Screening):

ID Number of the child: □. □. □. □□□□ Date:___________ # Screening - # School - # Form – Serial number child Name of the child: Form: Sex: Age:

1 = YES 2= NO NA = Not applicable DNK = child does not know

1. Do you have any skin problem at present? yes □ no □ Una tatizo la ngozi yako?

2. If so, which of the following describes your problem? (only refers to question number one) Tatizo lako ni nini?

1. itching kuwashwa yes □ no □ 2. depigmetation kuwa na mabaka (patch) yes □ no □ 3. change in colour: black

inabadirika rangi: nyeusi yes □ no □ 4. change in colour: red

inabadirika rangi: nyekuindu yes □ no □ 5. change in colour: white inabadirika rangi: nyeupe yes □ no □ 6. rash vipele yes □ no □

7. sores vidonda (NO if it does not refer to the MAIN skin problem!) yes □ no □ 8. does it hurt je inauma yes □ no □ 9. is it numb? Unasikia ganzi yes □ no □ 3. Do you have any other skin problem (if the child presents with several significant skin

diseases, please comment in detail at the end of the questionnaire) Je una tatizo lingine la ngozi? yes □ no □

4. if yes kama ndiyo: Mention eleza: CATEGORIZE!

1. tinea versicolor Matangatanga 2. Ringworm Mapunje 3. NA 4. DNK 5. wounds vidonda 6. rash vipele 7. itching uwasho

8. Pustules which rupture leaving ulcers 9. Eczema 5. When did this skin problem start? (only refers to question number one)

Tatizo lako hili la ngozi lilianza lini? 1. < two weeks ago . chini ya mwiki mbili 2. 2-4 weeks zaidi ya wiki mbili na chini ya wiki nne

If 5.1/ 5.2 YES – please enter 9.5/6/7 = 3 (NA)

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


3. 2-6 months ago zaidi ya miwezi mibili na chini ya miwezi sita 4. <1 year ago mwaka 1 5. 2 years ago miaka 2 6. 3 years ago miaka 3 7. > years ago zaidi ya miaka mitatu

6. Where did this skin problem start? (only refers to question number one) Tatizo hili limeanzia wapi? 1. scalp ngozi ya kichwa yes □ no □ 2. face uso yes □ no □ 3. neck shingo yes □ no □ 4. chest kifua yes □ no □ 5. abdomen tumbo yes □ no □ 6. back mgongo yes □ no □ 7. axilla makwapa yes □ no □ 8. arms mkono yes □ no □ 9. hands viganjwa yes □ no □ 10. finger webs uwazi wa vidole yes □ no □ 11. genital region sehemu za siri yes □ no □ 12. thighs mapaja yes □ no □ 13. knees magoti yes □ no □ 14. lower leg miguu yes □ no □ 15. feet nyaao yes □ no □ 16. between the toes baina ya kidole cha miguu yes □ no □

7. Size Ukubwa:

1. Does it remain the same? Inabakia vilevile? 2. Is it increasing in size? Inaongezeka ukubwa?

3. Is it decreasing in size? Inapungua? 4. Is it varying in size? Inarudiarudia? 8. Does this skin disease itch (lesions described in question no. 1)? Je ugonjwa wako huu unawasha? yes □ no □ 9. When does it itch? Ni wakati gani unawasha zaidi? 1. in the hot sun jua kali yes □ no □ 2. in bed/sleeping kitandani/ unapolala yes □ no □

3. after bathing with hot water baada ya kuoga na maji joto yes □ no □ 4. after bathing with cold water maji baridi yes □ no □

IF Question No. 5.1/ 5.2 = YES: Please fill in 3 (NA) in Question No. 9.5/ 9.6/ 9.7 = 5. rainy season masika yes □ no □ 6. hot/dry season kiangazi yes □ no □ 7. cold season wakati wa baridi yes □ no □

13. Are there any others at home who have the same skin disease

or the same signs of the skin disease as you?

How many Taja wangapi: IF NO, PLEASE ENTER “0” □ 15. Apart from the skin problem(s) do you have another problem such as the following? Una tatizo lolote kati ya haya yafuatayo: 1. fever homa yes □ no □

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


2. fatigue kuchoka yes □ no □ 3. headache unaumwa kichwa yes □ no □ 4. nausea kichefuchefu yes □ no □ 5. vomiting kutapika yes □ no □ 6. joint pain maumivu ya viungo yes □ no □ 7. edema uvimbe yes □ no □ 8. diarrhoea kuharisha yes □ no □ 9. abdominal pain maumivu ya tumbo yes □ no □ 10. generalized pruritus uwashwa mwili mzina yes □ no □ 11. itchy scalp Kitchwa chako kina uwashwa? yes □ no □ 12. others: vitu vingine: CATEGORIZE! 1. coughing kuhoa 2. NO other complains

3. NA 4. DNK 5. wounds kidonda 6. abdominal problems tumbo 7. back hurts 8. pain in different body parts after

having played football/ shamba work etc. 9. eye problem 10. ear problem 11. itching 12. running nose

16. Have you received any treatment for your main skin problem? Je umetumia dawa yoyote kutibu tatizo hili? yes □ no □ 17. If yes: which kind of treatment? Kama ndiyo: ni dawa gani? 1. crème krimu yes □ no □

2. tablets vidonge yes □ no □ 3. injection sindano yes □ no □ 4. leaves majani yes □ no □ 5. roots mizizi yes □ no □ 6. charm kombe yes □ no □ 7. necklace hirizi yes □ no □ 8. Name of the drug: Jina la dawa: CATEGORIZE!

1. traditional medicine

2. NO name given 3. NA

4. DNK 5. Panadol 6. Aspirin 7. breaking fluid 8. mafuta (Vaseline/ Oil) 9. Gentian Violet 10. ointment

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


19. How long have you been taking this drug? 18. Umetumia dawa hii kwa muda gani? 1.< 1 week kidogo zaidi wiki moja 2.< 2 weeks kidogo zaidi wiki mbili 3.< 4 weeks kidogo zaidi wiki nne 4. 2-6 months miezi miwili hadi miezi sita 5.< 1 year kidogo zaidi mwaka mmoja

6.> 1 year zaidi ya mwaka mmoja 20. Has this drug helped? Je imekusaidia? yes □ no □ 19. 21. If several drugs have been used: which one has helped? Mention. CATEGORIZE! Kama umetumia madawa mabali – dawa gani imesaidia? 20. 0. NA 1. tablets

2. leaves from traditional healer 3. NA

4. DNK 5.

22. Have you ever been admitted to hospital?

Je, umewahi kulazwa hospitalini? yes □ no □ 21. 23. if yes kama ndiyo: 22.

How many times? Mara ngapi? □ Please enter number of admissions, if no admissions, write 0, if question 22: DNK, write 0 24. What were you suffering from? Ulikuwa unamwa nini? CATEGORIZE! 23. 1. malaria

2. abdominal problems tumbo 3. NA 4. DNK 5. abscess tambasi 6. headache/problems kichwa 7. fever homa 8. meningitis 9. fracture 10. seizures 11. asthma

12. wounds 13. pneumonia

25. Does any family member at home or any relative have asthma? Je nyumbani kuna mtu au ndugu mwenye pumu? yes □ no □ 24. 26. Does any family member at home or any relative have a skin disease different from the one 25. you have? Je nyumbani kuna mtu au ndugu mwenye ugonjwa wa ngozi mbali ya ugonjwa huu ?

yes □ no □

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


27. If yes kama ndiyo, 26. mention taja: CATEGORIZE!

1. tinea versicolor Matangatanga 2. ringworm Mapunje

3. NA 4. DNK 5. rash vipele 6. wounds vidonda 28. Apart from the drug for your (main) skin disease, do you take any other drugs? 27. Je unatumia dawa nyingine yoyote (mbali na dawa ya ugonjwa wa ngozi)?yes □ no □ 29. Which drugs? Dawa gani? CATEGORIZE! 28. 1. traditional medicine

2. NO other drug used 3. NA 4. DNK

4. Panadol 5. Aspirin 6. breaking fluid 7. mafuta (Vaseline/ Oil)

8. antiseptic solution 9. Panadol 10. leaves

32. What is your religion? 31. Dini yako ni ipi?

1. Christian Mkristo 2. Muslim Mwislamu 3. NA

4. DNK 5. No religion hamna

1.2 PART B : Physical Examination: (all children at Screening; Study participants at follow-up examinations) Lesions suspicious of skin diseases found on:

58. Scalp: □ 59. Face: □ 60. Gums □ 61. Tongue □

Neck: 62. anterior □ 63. posterior □

64. Chest: □ 65. Abdomen: □ 66. Back: □

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


Axillar region: 67. right □ 68. left □ Upper arm: 69. Right ant. □ 70. post. □

71. Left ant. □ 72. post. □ Forearm: 73.Right ant. □ 74.post. □

75.Left ant. □ 76.post. □ Wrist: 77.Right dorsal □ 78. volar □

79. Left dorsal □ 80. volar □ Hands: 81. Right dorsal □ 82.palm □

83. Left dorsal □ 84.palm □ Nails: 85. right hand □ 86. left hand □ 87. right foot □ 88. left foot □ Gluteal region: 89.Right □ 90. Left □

91. Perianal region: □ 92. Inguinal region: □ 93. Pubic region: □

Thighs: 94.Right ant. □ 95.post. □

96.Left ant. □ 97.post. □ Knee: 98. Right ant. □ 99. post. □

100. Left ant. □ 101. post. □ Lower leg: 102.Right ant. □ 103.post. □

104.Left ant. □ 105.post. □ Ankles: 106.Right med.□ 107. lat. □

108.Left med. □ 109. lat. □ Feet: 110.Right dorsal □ 111. Left dorsal □ 112. Right sole □ 113. Left sole □ IF SPACES ARE NOT SUFFICIENT, PLEASE USE FOLLOWING LOCALIZATIONS: 114: Right arm/wrist/ hand 115: Left arm/ wrist/ hand 116: Gluteal region 117: Right leg/ ankle/ foot 118: Left leg/ ankle/ foot Main Lesion: 114. Type of efflorescence: PLEASE MARK WITH “YES” OBSERVED EFFLORESCENCE! Primary lesions: Macule: non-elevated, less than 1 cm Patch: non-elevated, more than 1 cm Papule: elevated lesion less than 1 cm

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


Nodule: deeply-seated, indurated, larger than 1 cm Vesicle: with fluid less than 1 cm Bulla: with fluid, more than 1 cm Pustule: circumscribed with pus Vesiculo-pustules Wheal: edematous elevation of the skin of varying size and shape, pale pink in colour Tumour: circumscribed swelling larger than 2.5 cm in diameter Secondary lesions: scales, crust, plaque, fissure, excoriations, erosion, ulcer, atrophy, sclerosis Other: burrow, comedo, teleangiectasia, lichenification, cyst SKIN DRY/ WET/ SCALING? 115. Number of lesions: if lesions can be counted, please enter numbers if disseminated, please enter DISS, if numerous, enter NUM if extensive, enter EXT if none-aplicable, leave blank 116. Distribution: 1. localized

2. generalized on one part of the body 3. generalized on more than 1 part of the body

117. Colour: 0. NA 1. hypopigmented

2. hyperpigmented 3. NA 4. normopigmented 5. yellowish 6. pink 7. bluish 8. greyish 9. black 10. reddish 11. whitish

118. Shape: 0. NA 1. circular

2. polygonal = irregular 3. NA 4. cylindrical 5. linear 6. No special shape

119. Demarcation: 0. NA 1. sharply

2. not sharply 3. NA

120. Diameter/length: IN CM, ONE DECIMAL! If NA: leave blank

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


121. Configuration: 0. NA 1. single lesion/s

2. one group 3. NA 4. in groups 5. herpetiform 6. serpinginous 7. continuous 8. rosettes 9. disseminated 10. confluent macules 11. generalized 12. irregular

DIAGNOSES:_______________________________________________________________ 122. Do you think you are ill at the moment? yes □ no □ Unafikiri una umwa sasa? 123. If yes: What are you suffering from?_______________________________________ Kama ndiyo, una umwa na nini? 124. Diagnosis correct: Ugonjwa sahihi yes □ no □ Patient examined by

1. MM □ 2. CM □ 3. AD □ 4. JF □ Number of photos taken ___

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


1.3 PART C: Description of lesions of study participants (study participants at screening and follow-up examinations) All questions answered as (yes □ no □) (and score value) * to be asked at first and second follow-up Fungal infections: Tinea versicolor: Score range: 0 – 25: 126. Endpoints/Clinical parameters:

1. concentric lesions yes □ no □ 2. scaling in periphery yes □ no □ 3. scaling in concentric rings yes □ no □ 4. satellite lesions yes □ no □ 5. pruritus yes □ no □ 6. hypopigmentation yes □ no □

130. Description of pruritus: 1. no pruritus hamna kuwasha 0

2. it sometimes itches a little bit wakati wenngine inawasha kidogo 1 3. it is a real nuisance kweri inasumbua 2 4. patient cannot sleep because of pruritus 3

mgonjwa hawezi kulala kwa sababu ya kuwashwa/muwasho *5. Does it itch less than before? (subjective impression) yes □ no □

131. Number of lesions:

1. none 0 2. one or two 2 3. three to five 4 4. > five 6 5. disseminated 8

133. Aspect of lesions (several options at the same time possible): 1. none 0 2. hypopigmented/hyperpigmented lesions 2 3. scaling 2 4. grey patches 4 5. signs of bacterial superinfection 6

Tinea capitis: Score range: 0 – 41: 125. Endpoints/Clinical parameters:

1. scalp pruritus yes □ no □ 2. scaling yes □ no □ 3. diffuse or circumscribed alopecia yes □ no □ 4. occipital adenopathy yes □ no □ 5. black dots in the remaing hair follicle after loss of hair yes □ no □ 6. kerion (highly inflammatory lesions) yes □ no □ *7. New hair growth visible yes □ no □

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


130. Description of pruritus: 1. no pruritus hamna kuwasha 0

2. it sometimes itches a little bit wakati wengine inawasha kidogo 1 3. it is a real nuisance kweri inasumbua 2 4. patient cannot sleep because of pruritus 3

mgonjwa hawezi kulala kwa sababu ya kuwashwa/muwasho *5. Does it itch less than before? (Pruritus improved) yes □ no □ 131. Number of lesions:

1. none 0 2. one or two 2 3. three to five 4 4. > five but countable 6 5. disseminated 8

132. Size of largest lesions (diameter): 1. none 0

2. <1 cm 2 3. 1 to 3 4 4. > 3 cm 6

133. Aspect of lesions (several options at the same time possible): 1. none 0 2. sharply deliniated with central healing 2 3. grey patches 4 4. yellowish-white adhearent masses (scutulae) 6 5. signs of bacterial superinfection 6

134. Hair stumps, Baldness, Skin atrophy: 1. none 0 2. one 1 3. two 2 4. all three 3

135. Additional clinical signs (occipital adenopathy, scaling, kerion, black dots)

- none 0 - one 1 - two 2 - three or four 3

Tinea corporis: Score range: 0 – 29: 126. Endpoints/Clinical parameters:

1. concentric lesions yes □ no □ 2. scaling in periphery yes □ no □ 3. scaling in concentric rings yes □ no □ 4. satellite lesions yes □ no □ 5. pruritus yes □ no □ 6. hypopigmentation yes □ no □

130. Description of pruritus: 1. no pruritus hamna kuwasha 0

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


2. it sometimes itches a little bit wakati wengine inawasha kidogo 1 3. it is a real nuisance kweri inasumbua 2 4. patient cannot sleep because of pruritus 3

mgonjwa hawezi kulala kwa sababu ya kuwashwa/muwasho *5. Does it itch less than before? (Pruritus improved) yes □ no □ 131. Number of lesions:

1. none 0 2. one or two 2 3. three to five 4 4. > five but countable 6 5. disseminated 8

132. Size of largest lesions (diameter): 1. none 0

2. <1 cm 2 3. 1 to 3 4 4. > 3 cm 6

133. Aspect of lesions (several options at the same time possible): 1. none 0 2. sharply deliniated with central healing 2 3. scaling 4 4. signs of bacterial superinfection 6

Tinea pedis: Score range: 0 – 21: 130. Description of pruritus: 1. no pruritus hamna kuwasha 0

2. it sometimes itches a little bit wakati wengine inawasha kidogo 1 3. it is a real nuisance kweri inasumbua 2 4. patient cannot sleep because of pruritus 3

mgonjwa hawezi kulala kwa sababu ya kuwashwa/muwasho *5. Does it itch less than before? (Pruritus improved) yes □ no □ 131. Number of lesions:

1. none 0 2. one or two 2 3. three to five 4 4. > five but countable 6 5. disseminated 8

132. Size of largest lesions (diameter): 1. none 0

2. <1 cm 2 3. 1 to 3 4 4. > 3 cm 6

127. Aspect of lesions: 1. none 0 4. erythematous, macerated whitish scaling, athlete’s foot (interdigital) 4

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


Scabies: Clinical criteria: 136. itching yes □ no □ 137. itching more at night yes □ no □ 138. other family members also effected yes □ no □ 139. Characteristic lesions in the common sites:

1.a sides of the fingers yes □ no □ 1.b wrists yes □ no □ 1.c ulnar border of the hands yes □ no □ 1.d palms yes □ no □ 2. anterior parts of elbows yes □ no □

3. (anterior) axillary folds yes □ no □ 4. umbilicus yes □ no □ 5. external genitalia and perineum, glans penis yes □ no □ 6. areola of the breasts yes □ no □ 7. buttocks yes □ no □ 8. waist yes □ no □

9. thighs yes □ no □ 10. knees yes □ no □ 11. ankles yes □ no □ 12. soles yes □ no □ 13. abdomen yes □ no □ 14. other:____________________ yes □ no □

140. raised papules yes □ no □ 141. rash yes □ no □ Microscopic examination: 143. sample taken yes □ no □ 144. mites found on microscopic examination of scraping yes □ no □ All questions answered as (yes □ no □) (and score value) * to be asked at first and second follow-up Score range: 0-47 145. Description of pruritus: 1. no pruritus hamna kuwasha 0

2. it sometimes itches a little bit wakati mwingine inawasha kidogo 1 3. it is a real nuisance kweri inasumbua 2 4. patient cannot sleep because of pruritus mgonjwa hawezi kulala kwa sababu ya kuwashwa/muwasho 3

147. Type of lesions (several answers possible): 1. none 0 2. only papules, macules, burrow 2

3. crusts, generalized lichenification 4 4. superinfection 6 5. thick crusts 6 *Do you think the soap helped you? Unafikiri umepungua baada ya kutumia sabuni yes □ no □

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


2. Data Entry Sheet: Screening Spectrum of Skin Diseases among

Primary School Children

ID Number of the child: □. □. □. □□□□ Date:___________ # Screening - # School - # Form – Serial number child Name of the child: Form: Sex: Age: 1 = YES 2= NO NA = Not applicable DNK = child does not know 1 2 9.1 15.1 8 26 4 41.1 5 3 2.1 3 2 2 18.1 27 5 2 47 4

2 4 3 3 2 28 6 3 48 5 3 5 4 4 3 29 36 4 49 6 4 6 5 5 4 30 37 42 50 7 5 7 6 6 5 31 38 43 51.1 8 6 8 7 7 6 32.1 39.1 44.1 2 54.1 7 9 10.1 8 7 2 2 2 3 2 8 10 2 9 19.1 3 3 3 4 3 9 11 3 10 2 4 4 4 5 4

3 12 4 11 3 33.1 5 5 6 5 4 13 11.1 12 4 2 6 6 7 6 5.1 14 2 16 5 3 7 7 8 7

2 15 3 17.1 6 4 8 45.1 52.1 8 3 16 4 2 20 5 40.1 2 2 9 4 7.1 12 3 21 6 2 3 3 55.1 5 2 13 4 22 34 3 46.1 4 2 6 3 14.1 5 23 35.1 4 2 5 56.1 7 4 2 6 24 2 5 3 53.1 2

6.1 8 3 7 25 3 6 4 2 3 4._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15.12_____________________________________________________________________ 17.8.______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ 21._______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ 24.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 27._______________________________________________________________________ 29._______________________________________________________________________ 31.__________________________________

_____________________________________ _____________________________________ 33.6___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 34.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________35.6.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________36._______________________________________________________________________39.8.______________________________________________________________________44.7.______________________________________________________________________ 46.5.______________________________________________________________________

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets


_____________________________________ _ 4 63 87 111 4 3 5 2 4 6

57.1 64 88 112 5 4 6 3 147.1 161 2 65 89 113 6 133.1 7 4 2 162 3 66 90 114 127.1 2 8 5 3 163 4 67 91 115 2 3 9 PED 4 164 5 68 92 116 3 4 10 148.1 5 165.1 6 69 93 117 4 5 11 2 154.1 2 7 70 94 118 128.1 6 12 3 2 3 8 71 95 119 2 134.1 13 149 3 4 9 72 96 120 3 2 14 150.1 CLM DIAG

10 73 97 121 129.1 3 15 2 155 166 11 74 98 122 2 4 16 3 156.1 167 12 75 99 123 3 135.1 140 4 2 168 13 76 100 124 130.1 2 141 5 3 169 14 77 101 TIN 2 3 142 151.1 4 170 15 78 102 125.1 3 4 143 2 157 171 16 79 103 2 4 SCA 144 3 158 172 17 80 104 3 131.1 136 145.1 4 TUN 173 18 81 105 4 2 137 2 5 159 174

58 82 106 5 3 138 3 152.1 160.1 175 59 83 107 6 4 139.1 4 2 2 176 60 84 108 126.1 5 2 146.1 3 3 177 61 85 109 2 132.1 3 2 4 4 178 62 86 110 3 2 4 3 153.1 5 179.1


2 3 4 5

178 179 180 Diagnosis : 56.4.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________57.18.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________

123.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________139.16.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Comments :___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Appendix C: Questionnaires and Data Entry Sheets



ID Number of the child: □. □. □. □□□□ Date:___________ # Screening - # School - # Form – Serial number child Name of the child: Form: Sex: Age: 1 = YES 2= NO NA = Not applicable DNK = child does not know Tinea D-2-J D-13-E 3 4 141 151.1 D-1-A D-2-K D-13-F 4 135.1 142 2 D-1-B D-2-L D-13-G 130.1 2 145.1 3 D-1-C D-2-M D-13-H 2 3 2 4 D-1-D D-2-O D-13-I 3 4 3 5 D-1-E Scab D-13-J 4 136 S 4 152.1 D-1-F D-12-A D-13-K 5 137 5 2 D-1-G D-12-B D-13-L 131.1 3 138 146.1 3 D-1-H D-12-C D-13-M 2 139.1 2 4 D-1-I D-12-D D-13-O 3 2 3 5 D-1-J D-12-E 125.1 T 4 3 4 153.1 D-1-K D-12-F 2 5 4 147.1 2 D-1-L D-12-G 3 132.1 3 5 2 3 D-1-M D-12-H 4 2 6 3 4 D-1-O D-12-I 5 3 7 4 5 T. vers D-12-J 6 4 8 5 154.1 D-2-A D-12-K 7 133.1 9 148.1 P 2 D-2-B D-12-L 126.1 2 10 2 3 D-2-C D-12-M 2 3 11 3 179 D-2-D D-12-O 3 4 12 149 180 D-2-E Ped 4 5 13 150.1 D-2-F D-13-A 5 6 14 2 D-2-G D-13-B 6 134.1 15 3 D-2-H D-13-C 127.1 2 16 4 D-2-I D-13-D 2 3 140 5 114 - 121: 181 182 183 184 185 Subjec. Impres

Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 176

Appendix D: 1. Informed Consent 1.1 English version: Invitation for parents, addressed to Local Leaders (“Balozi”) Dear Balozi Leaders, My name is Almuth Dinkela, I am a medical student sent to Ifakara by the Swiss Tropical Institute in Basel (Switzerland). I am working for IHRDC here in Ifakara in order to do my Medical Doctor research project in Kilombero District. I am interested in two skin diseases that are a very common problem in this area: Ringworm and scabies. Together with the specialist of dermatology at St. Francis Designated District Hospital, SFDDH, Dr. M. Mbata, Dr. Charles Maswi and Julia Ferié, I examined all the children attending Lihami Primary School to find out which skin diseases they are suffering from. We have identified those who have fungal infections and scabies to take part in my study. On Monday, May 12th 2003, a meeting will we held at Lihami Primary School (Michenga Primary School). We would like to invite you and all the parents of these children to attend the meeting at -_____________. The parents will have the chance to ask questions about the study and will be asked for their permission to let their children participate. We would be very happy if you could inform the parents about this meeting. Thank you very much for your co-operation! Almuth Dinkela

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 177

Kiswahili versicon: Invitation for parents, addressed to Local Leaders (“Balozi”):

Ndugu balozi, Mimi naitwa Almuth Dinkela. Mimi ni daktari mwanafunzi, nimekuja Ifakara kwa niaba ya kituo cha utafiti wa magonjwa katika nchi za joto cha uswisi, kilichopo Basel uswisi. Kwa hapa Ifakara nafanya kazi kituo cha utafiti wa magonjwa ya binadamu (IHRDC) ikiwa ni utafiti katika kufanikisha shahada yangu ya udaktari. Ninaangalia magonjwa mawili ya ngozi ambayo yameenea sana katika eneo hili, nayo ni mapunye/matangatanga na upele. Kwa kushirikiana na mtaalamu wa magonjwa ya ngozi toka hospitali ya mtakatifu Francis, Dr M. Mbata, na Charles Maswi na Julia Ferie, tumewapima watoto wote wanaosoma shule ya msingi Lihami ili kuona ni ugonjwa gani wa ngozi wanooumwa. Tumewatambua wale wenye mapunye/matangatanga na upele ambao ndio watakaoshiriki kwenye utafiti wangu. Jumanne tarehe 13/05/2003 kutakuwa na mkutano Lihami shuleni. Tunapenda kuwaalika wazazi wa watoto hawa kuhudhuria mkutanoni saa ___________. Wazazi watapewa fursa yakuuliza maswali yanayohusiana na utafiti huu, na tatawataka ruhusa ili watoto wao waweze kushiriki. Itakuwa ni furaha yetu kubwa kama utawataarifu iliwaweze kuhudhuria mkutanoni. Tunashukuru sana kwa ushirikiano wako. Almuth Dinkela

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 178

2. Information for the Parents – provided at school meeting: 2.1 English version: Dear Parents, My name is Almuth Dinkela, I am a medical student sent to Ifakara by the Swiss Tropical Institute in Basel (Switzerland). I am working for IHRDC here in Ifakara in order to do my Medical Doctor research project in Kilombero District. I am interested in two skin diseases that are a very common problem in this area: Ringworm and scabies. Together with the specialist of dermatology at St. Francis Designated District Hospital, SFDDH, Dr. M. Mbata, Dr. Charles Maswi and Julia Ferié, I examined all the children attending Lihami Primary School. We found out that your child________________________________________________ is suffering from Ringworm/Scabies. Therefore he/she has been identified to take part in my study. What I am trying to find out: I would like to find out if regular body washing with soap can cure and prevent Fungal infetions/Scabies. There are two kinds of soap that I will be using. I would like to find out which of the two soap its more effective. One is a normal soap for washing the body, the other one contains an additional substance, called Triclosan. This drug has been used with great success in industrialised countries for more than 25 years to prevent and treat many skin diseases. The soap will contain it in the same concentration (1%) as soaps that are sold in the United States of America and Europe. What will happen during the study: The study will last for 2 months. During these 2 months your child will receive its soap for free. This soap has been produced in Switzerland for this study. Until the end of the 2 months you and I will not know which type of soap he/she has received because the two types of soap look the same. I will visit the school every week and distribute new soap bars. Your child can only receive a new bar, if he/she brings the remaining piece of the previous one back to school. If your child does not use the soap at least once per day, he/she will not receive any more bars. I will examine your child again after one month and after two months. If the skin disease of your child could not be cured by the soap, your child will receive free treatment of the skin disease at SFDDH. How your child has to use the soap: Your child has to use the soap every day. It must be used for washing the body only. All the body parts should be covered with foam, especially the parts where the skin is affected by the skin disease. The foam should be rinsed off with clear water afterwards. Eye contact with the soap or the foam should be avoided to prevent irritation. What is important for the child’s well-being:

• Triclosan has never had any severe or toxic side effects • If for some reason your child does not tolerate the soap, he/she does not have to use it any

longer and will be referred to SFDDH for treatment .Agreeing to participate in this study: It is entirely your choice whether you let the child participate in this study or not. A decision not to let him/her participate will not affect your rights to treatment at SFDDH. We will respect your decision. If you choose to let your child participate in the study, all the information collected in this study will remain confidential and will be used for research purposes only. Whenever you have questions about the study please contact any of the persons mentioned above or Dr. Boniphace Idindili from IHRDC.´ Thank you for your time and co-operation!

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 179

2.2 Kiswahili version: Taarifa kwa wazazi Wazazi wapendwa, Mimi naitwa Almuth Dinkela. Mimi ni daktari mwanafunzi, nimekuja Ifakara kwa niaba ya kituo cha utafiti wa magonjwa katika nchi za joto cha uswisi, kilichopo Basel uswisi.Kwa hapa Ifakara nafanya kazi kituo cha utafiti wa magonjwa ya binadamu (IHRDC) ikiwa ni utafiti katika kufanikisha shahada yangu ya udaktari. Ninaangalia magonjwa mawili ya ngoziambayo yameenea sana ktika eneo hili, nayo ni mapunye/matangatanga na upele. Kwa kushirikiana na mtaalamu wa magonjwa ya ngozi toka hospitali ya mtakatifu Francis, Dr M. Mbata, Charles Maswi na Julia Ferie , tumewapima watoto wote wanaosoma shule ya msingi Lihami. Tumegundua kuwa watoto _____________________________________________________ wanaumwa upele. Kwa hiyo atakuwa mshiriki katika mradi huu. Ninachokiangalia: Ninajaribu kuangalia kama kuoga mwili kwa sabuni wakati wote kunaweza kutibu na kukinga upele. Kuna aina mbili za sabuni nitakazotumia. Ninataka kuangalia ni aina ipi ya sabuni kati ya hizo inasaidia zaidi. Ya kwamza ni sabuni ya kawaida ya kuogea, na nyingine ni sabuni iliyoongezwa dawa maalum inayoitwa Triclosan. Dawa hii imekuwa ikitumiwa kwa mafanikio makubwa katika nchi zilizoendelea kwa zaidi ya miaka 25 kutibu na kukinga magonjwa ya ngozi. Sabuni hii ina kiwango sawa cha 1%, kama sabuni zinazotumika marekani na ulaya. Kitakachofanyika katika utafiti huu: Utafiti huu utadumu kwa miezi miwili. Katika miezi hiyo watoto watapewa sabuni bure. Sabuni hizi zimetoka Uswiwi kwa ajili ya utafiti huu. Mwishoni mwa miezi hii miwili wewe na mimi hatutakuwa tukijua mtoto amepata aina ipi ya sabuni kwa maana sabuni zote mbili zinafanana. Nitatembelea shuleni kila wiki na kugawa sabuni mpya. Mtoto atapata sabuni mpya pale atakapoleta kipande cha sabuni iliyoisha shuleni. Kama mtoto atakuwa hatumii sabuni angalau mara moja kila siku , hatapewa sabuni nyingine. Nitampima tena mtoto baada ya mwezi mmoja na miwili. Kama uganjwa wake wa ngozi haujapona kwa sabuni, atatibiwa ugonjwa huo hospitalini St Francis bure. Namna mtoto atakavyotumia sabuni: Mtoto antakiwa kutumia sabuni yake kila siku. Itatumika kwa kuogea tu. Mwili mzima unatakiwa kupakwa sabuni na zaidi sehemu yenye ugonjwa wa ngozi. Povu la sabuni lapashwa kuondolewa kwa kuoga maji safi. Inabidi kujihadhari povu la sabuni lisiingie machoni ili kuepuka kuwashwa. Mambo muhimu katika afya ya mtoto.

• Triclosan hijawahi kuonyesha madhara yoyote. • Kama kwa sababu yoyote ile mtoto akiwa hapatani na sabuni hiyo anatakiwa kuiacha na

atapelekwa hospitalini kwa matibabu. Kukubali kushiriki kwenye utafiti: Una hiari ya kumruhusu mtoto kushiriki katika utafiti huu au la. Uamuzi wa kutomruhusu kushiriki kwenye utafiti huu hautamnyima haki yake ya kutibiwa hospitalini. Kama utamruhusu mtoto kushiriki kwenye utafiti huu, habari zote zitakazopatikana kwenye utafiti huu zitabaki kuwa siri na zitatumika kwa ajili ya utafiti tu. Wakati wowote ukiwa na maswaliyahusuyo utafiti huu wasiliana na Dr. Boniface Idindili kutoka IHRDC.

Tunashukuru kwa ushirikiano wako! Almuth Dinkela

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 180

3. Information for the Parents – about the skin diseases: Handouts for parents 3.1.1 Ringworm: English version: Your child has been diagnosed to suffer from:


This skin disease appears as small rings of raised skin. Ringworm itches. It is most often: • on the head • between the toes • in the groin

CAUSES: Ringworm is caused by a kind of germ called a fungus. Ringworm is not caused by a worm. The disease spreads by touching or other contacts with the infected skin. Ringworm can spread if a healthy person

• uses the brush, comb or used clothing of an infected person, or sleeps in a bed with an infected person.

Ringworm • on the head makes patches of hair come out and the skin can itch • between the toes can cause much itching

TREATMENT: Washing helps stop the disease:

• wash itchy places with soap and water and dry the places very well • wash the head with soap especially thoroughly and dry well after washing • wash between the toes with soap and dry well after washing • wash in the groins with soap and dry well after washing

But most important is cleanliness: Wear clean clothes – dirty socks and shoes help the disease to spread! PREVENTION: Ringworm and other fungus infection spread quickly:

• do not let a person with fungus infection sleep with others • do not use a comb or clothing of a person who has fungus infection unless the comb or

clothing are washed very well

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 181

3.1.2 Kiswahili version: Habari kuhusu magonjwa ya ngozi kwa washiriki wa mafunzo: Mtoto wako amebainika anaumwa na:

Mapunye na Matangatanga:

Mabadiliko haya wa ngozi yanatokeza kama kiduara kwenye ngozi ambayo imevimba. Mapunye inawasha sana na inatokeza sana: • kichwani • katikati ya vidole vya miguu • kinenani

SABABU: Mapunye husababishwa na aina ya vijidudu ambavyo vinaitwa kuvu/fungus. Mapunye hayasababishwi na minyoo. Ugonjwa husambaa kwa kugusana au kwa mashirikiano mengine na ngozi ambayo imeambukizwa. Mapunye yanaweza kusambaa ikiwa mtu mwenye afya

• anatumia kitana au anatumia nguo za mtu ambaye ameambukizwa, au analala kitandani na mtu ambaye ameambukizwa

Mapunye • kichwani hufanya mabaka ya nywele ambazo zimetoka na ngozi inaweza kuwasha • katikati ya vidole vya miguu huweza kusababisha kuwasha kwingi

MATIBABU: Kuosha kunasaidia kuzuia ugonjwa:

• osha sehemu zenye kuwasha kwa sabuni na maji. Halafu safisha sehemu ziwe kavu sana • osha kichwa kizima kwa sabuni, halafu safisha kiwe kikavu • osha baina ya vidole vya miguu kwa sabuni, halafu safisha viwe vikavu • osha katika kinena kwa sabuni, halafu safisha kiwe kavu

Lakini muhimu zaidi ni usafi: Vaa nguo safi – soksi chafu na viatu husaidia ugonjwa kusambaa! KUJIKINGA: Mapunye na unyono husambaa haraka:

• Usimruhusu mtu mwenye maambukizo ya mapunye kulala na wengine • Usitumie kitana au nguo za mtu mwenye maambukizo ya mapunye mpaka kitana na nguo

kioshwe vizuri

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 182

3.2.1 Scabies: English version: Your child has been diagnosed to suffer from:

Scabies: This itchy skin disease appears as very small irritation or marks. It can be all over the body, but appears most often:

• between the fingers • on the wrists • around the waist • on the genitals • on the head

Children often get this skin disease. CAUSES: Scabies is caused by little insects under the skin, as these little germs (insects) are making their path under the skin, this causes itching on the skin and the person to scratch. It spreads by touching the diseased skin of a person with scabies, or by wearing clothes to sleeping in bedding used a person with scabies. TREATMENT: Hard washing (scrubbing) with soap and water will cure this skin problem.

• rub the skin hard with soap where there are marks and lumps • use a brush or a maize comb • do this every morning and evening • cut the child’s finger nails short • wash the clothes and bedding in hot water and hang it on a clothes line into the sun • wear every day clean clothing

NOTE: if the sores have a thick white yellow liquid in them, they are infected. Scabies, infected very badly, needs to be treated in the hospital. PREVENTION:

• keep clean • wash the whole body with soap and water every day • wear clean clothing • wash the bed sheets many times and and hang them on a clothes line into the sun Scabies can be prevented by cleanliness!

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 183

3.2.2 Kiswahili version: Habari kuhusu magonjwa ya ngozi kwa washiriki wa mafunzo: Mtoto wako amebainika anaumwa na:

Upele: Mabadiliko haya ya vipele vya ngozi yanatokeza kama kiwasho au alama ndogo. Vinaweza kuwa mwili mzima, lakini hutokeza mara nyingi:

• Katikati ya vidole (between the fingers) • Kwenye viwiko (on the wrists) • Karibu na kiumo (around the waist) • Katika sehemu za siri (on the genitals) • Kichwani (on the head)

Watoto mara nyingi hupata ugonjwa huu wa ngozi. SABABU: Vipele husababishwa na vijidudu vidogo chini ya ngozi. Ilivyokuwa vijidudu hivi hufanya njia chini ya ngozi, vinasababisha kuwasha na mtu hujikuna. Husambaa kwa kugusa ngozi ya mgonjwa wa vipele au kwa kuvaa nguo na kulalia sehemu ambazo zilitumiwa na mgonjwa wa vipele. MATIBABU: Kusugua kwa sabuni na maji kutibu matatizo ya ngozi.

• Sugua ngozi sana kwa sabuni sehemu zenye alama au • Tumia brashi au kibunzi cha muhindi • Fanya hivi kila asubuhi na jioni • Kata kucha ya ziwe fupi • Fua nguo na mashuka kwa maji ya moto halafu anika kwenye kamba juani • Vaa nguo safi kila siku!

Angalia: Ikiwa vidonda vina ute wa majimaji yenye rangi ya manjano laini, kwa hivyo vidonda hivyo vimeambukizwa. Vipele ambayo vimeambukizwa sana, vinahitaji matibabu hospitalini. KUJIKINGA:

• Kuwa msafi • Oga mwili mzima kwa sabuni na maji kila siku • Vaa nguo safi • Fua mashuka mara nyingi na anika kwenye kamba juani

Upele unaweza kuzuwiwa kwa kuwa msafi!

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 184

4. Treatment Cards: 4.1 Distributed to children at first soap distribution: IHRDC BOX 53 Ifakara This is to certify that the holder of this document NAME: ____________________________ ID-Number: ____________________________ has the right to receive free medical treatment at St. Francis Designated District Hospital for the skin disease mentioned below

• Tinea capitis • Tinea corporis • Tinea pedis • Tinea versicolor • Scabies

1) if the holder of this document has not been cured of these skin diseases after the Triclosan-

Soap study has officially been declared to be finished or if he/she cannot take part in the study any longer because of severe side effects

2) if the holder of this document shows any signs of intolerance towards the soap and requires

immediate treatment of these side effects All diagnoses have to be confirmed by Dr. M. Mbata before the treatment can be provided. This sheet has to be presented to prove the right to access free treatment for the conditions mentioned above. Dr. M. Mbata Charles Maswi Almuth Dinkela Julia Ferié

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 185

4.2 Distributed to children after the trial to receive free treatment at SFDDH pharmacy:

St. Francis Hospital


Issued on: Valid until: Name of the patient: ______________________________

ID-Number: Age: ____ Sex: ____ Diagnoses: 1)_____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Prescription: 1)_____________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Signature: Please collect and store this card in the blue folder labelled “TRICLOSAN SOAP STUDY” at the SFDDH Dispensary after handing out the drug. THANK YOU!

Appendix D: Information for the study participants and parents 186

5. ID card: Distributed to children at first soap distribution:

Date Present Soap returned Name

ID Age Sex Age Soap letter Serial N° Comments: