General Directory of the Town and County Newcastle-Upon

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T H E P O P U L AT I O N R E T U R N S F O R 1 8 4 1 .









MARCH , 1847 .

THE PUBLISHERS beg leave to tender thei r m ost s in cere thanks to then um er ou s Subscribers who hav e so l iberally patroni sed the pr esen tv olume ; and to assu r e them that n ei ther l abou r nor expen se has b eefiWi thheld, in order to r ender the work as complete an d free from errors asi s compatible wi th su ch a publication . H av ing at the requ es t of v ariou sMerchants an d Tradesmen

,added a few more places than were origin ally

intended, thou gh i t has cau sed some delay in the time o f publicati on ,they h 0pe the work wi ll be mu ch more complete an d u sefu l .


‘ield, Mafeh l g th, 1847.

INDEX OF P L AC ES , & c .

Mar ked a r e i n Du r ham ,an d the r est i n Nor thum ber l an d , un less other wise specified .

Ba rnard Castle, 525*B ishop Auckland, 533

Bishopwearm ou th see

Su n defl an d

B lackwel l,56 1

Blyth, 308‘Bo l den E ast , 489

*Bo l don West , 490*Bu rdon , 485

Byher , see N ewcastle*Car r

sH i l l see Gateshead

*0hester -le -S tr eet, 540

Chi r ton , 306

N ewcastl e‘ Cleadon, 493‘ C’ocker ton , 562

Cu l ler coates,306

Dar l ing ton , 543Carri ers,559

Coaches , 559Mag str tes., & c .,

56 1

P lace s of Worsh ip,56 1

P ost Office, 560l y . Con vevan ce,559

‘Deptfor d, 485

Distan ce Table, 6 15*Durham ,


Car ri ers, 5 14 .

Coaches,5 13

Corporati on , 5 17D i o cese

,5 18

Mag i stra tes , 5 17Members of P arliament , 5 17

P laces o f Worship,523

P o s t O ffice , 5 16P ublic Bl dn gs.

,St e.


P ubli c O ffices,&c .,

5 19

School s, 52 1 2

Univ ersi ty, 519E r r ata, 6 16*Fel l , High <5} L ow,

seeGatesheadFor d or S ou th Hy l ton486

Fa lwel l , 488

Gateshead , 252

Carri ers, 274

Corporati on,275

Gen . Alphabet,254

L i s t o f S tr eets , &c .,



Member o f P arl i ament, 275

P ost O ffice , 273Trades L i st, 266“H ar t l epool , 563“Hoghtn - l e-Sprng .


*H y l ton N or th, 488 Q

J esm ar a’

, see N ewcastl e

P ost O ffice, 30 1

l v. Con veyanc e,

300“Nor ton , 598“P a l l ion,486

P r eston , 308“Ry/rope, 487*Seaham ,

490*S eaham H arbour , 49 1“S her if H I. see Gates .head“Si lkswor th, 488

*S ou th S hields, 3 14

Appendix,6 14

C arri ers, 337Mag str ts .

, & c ., 339

Member of P arli amen t


P l ace s of Worsh ip,340

P os t O ffice , 338l y . Conv ey . 337“S ou thwickH igh, 488“Sou thw ic/e L ow,

489*Spi ta l Tongues, seeNewcastl e“Stockton on Tees, 579

*S zm der land 341

Appendix, 6 13Carriers,478

Coach es,478

Corporati on,479

Cu stom Hou se, 480Get} . Alphab e t , 344H arbou r 85 Nav igation, 481

L i s t of S treets, & c .


Magis trates,480

Members o f P arli ament , 479

P l ace s of Worship,483

P ost Office, 477l y. Conv ey. 478

Trades L i st, 440*Tu nsta l l , 488

Tynem ou th 303

Westoe, seeShields

*Whitbu r n , 493Whi tley, 308Yarm , (Yorke ), 608

Sou th

600fil onhseaton , 307“Monhwearmou l h, see

Sunderl andMa r ten .307

Newcast le 5

Appendix, 6 10Carriers from the

Inn s, 249Carri er s by Rail s,


Coaches, 247Corporation , 242Cou rts,243

Cu stom Hou se,244

Gen . Alphabet, 1 2L i st ofCol i rys., 25 1

L i stfof S treets ,& c 5

Magistrate s, 243Members of P arl i ament

, 242

P ost O ffice, 246P l aces of Worship,250

P ubli c Bl dn gs., Sec.244

l y . Con . 247

S team P ackets, &c .


S tree t Dr c try., 209Trades L i st, 153Water Conv ey. 248

Nor th Shiel ds, 276Appendix, 6 14Carriers & c ., 300

Coaches, 299Mag str tes . &c .


Member o f P arli amen t, 302

P laces of Worship,303



IN 16 10 .

Allhallows Key (The) P an don YateAlmese Hou ses King’s L odgings P andon Hal lAlmese Hou se King’s Man ner Sandgate YateB l ack Fri ars Ma l sen D i eu S t. J ohn ’sClose G ate Manner (The) S t . N i chol as


C rammer— Schol e Newgate S co ttish InneH igh Castle Newe Hou se


Wi th r ef er ences to thei r r espective situations.

Abin g er stree t , Bu ckin gham st reetAddy’s en try


Adel aide pl ace , Arthu r’s hil lAdelaid e pl ace,N ew Bridge street

A del aide terrace , New bridgeAdrianopl e, Arthu r ’s hi l lAlbert’s cou r t, P ain ter heu ghAlbion pl ace

,6, Albion stree tAlbion r ow, Figh ting Cocks r owAlb i on stree t, 1 10, P ercy stree tAlderson ’ s cou rt, Man or chareAm en corner, St. N ichol as Chu rchyard

Anchor en try, SandgateAnderson’s yar’d, P u dd in g chareAnderson’s y ‘ard

, Manor chareAn gas

s cou rt,35, B ig g marketAngu s’s yard , 42, P ercy streetArcade

, 45, P i l grim stree tArgyle street, New Bri dge streetArgyl e terrace, Ar gyle s treetArthu r’s hi ll, Wes tgate hi llAtkin’s en try, SandgateAtkinson ’

s yard,59

,N ewgate street

Back lan e,head of Gal l owgate

Back row, Qu een streetBack w alls, N ewgate s tre etBai l iff gate , Qu een streetBai rd



en try, S andgateB all ast hi ll s east, O u sebu rnB ankside , Castl e garth stairsBarker street, foo t of Shi eld streetBarrick ro ad, head of Gal l owgateBar rick squ are, Barrick roadBarras bridge, h ead of P ercy streetBarrow’s cou rt, 17 , Newgate str eet

Bath l ane, W estgateBath r ow,

W estgateBed ford s tree t, 3, B l agdon stree tB el l s treet, Arthu r's hillB el l’s cou r t, .90

, N ewgate streetBel l ’s cou rt, 65, P i lgrim streetB el l’s en try, S t . Mary ’

s cou rtBen ton road , San dyford l aneB igg marke t, 1 2, U nion s treetBi rd in Bu sh yard, 24, P ilgrim streetBl ack Bu l l yard, 24, Hi gh bridgeB l ack gate

,King stree t

Black h ou se en try, P il grim streetBlackett p l ace, 14, B lacket t street



B l acke tt street, l Ol , P i lgrim stree tB lagdon street, 46, Gibson streetB lagdon street, (l i tl e,) 43 , Gibson st.B l and ford street, W'estgateB l andford street, (West,) Westm or

land streetB l enheim street, W estgateB l enkin SOp

s yard, 2 1 , Newgate s t.

B lu e Anchor chare, 66, Qu ay sideB lu e B ell en try


B lyth nook, CowgateB ol ton’s yard , Sou th streetB randling pl ace

,N orth road

B ran dl ing v il lage,back of Brand

ling pl aceB rewery bank, Ou sebu rnB rewery s treet , Byker barB ridge end , Sandhil lB road chare

,25, Qu ay side

B road garth , 43, Qu ay sideBrou gh ’s bu i ldings, B yker barB rown’s yard , 14, P ilgrim s treetB ru ce’s bu ildings, S t. Ann ’s s treetB r um el l

s yard , P u dding chareBrunsw ick place, 70, N orthumberland stree tB u ckingh am street, Bath laneB u ll park, N orth roadBu r den pl ace ,West JesmondBu rn bank, 17 , Quay sid eB u rn t hou se en try, SideB u rrel l ’s en try, 64, Si deBu tch er bank, 25, S ideB u tcher’s market, Grainger st r ee tBu tler’s entry, San dgateB uxton street (high ,) L ow Buxton stBu xton street, ( l ow ,) 36, Gibson st .

Byker, B allast hil l sByker bank, Byker barByker b ar, O u sebu rn bridgeByker bu i ldings, Byker barB yker chare , l l , Qu ay sideByker h ill, head of Byker barByker lane, Byker hil lByron street, Camden stree tGalbreath's yard , W estgateCamden stree t . Shiel d stree tCar l iol place , Car l iol squ areC ar l i o l squ are, Manors placeC ar l i o l S treet, 5 , N ew Bridge streetCarl isl e road ,Wes t tu rnpikeC arl ton pl ace, Jesm on d roadC arlton street

,Wesl ey terrace

Ca rl ton terrace, Jesmond road

C arpenter ’s tower, Sallyport g ateCastle garth , B lack gateCastl e garth s tairs, 3 C loseCastl e squ are, Castle s treetCas tle street , Castl e garthCas tle yard , C astle stree t

Catteri ck’s bu i ldings, Byker barCat tl e marke t, Forth pl aceC au seway bank, end of N ew roadCemetery, E ast ballast h i ll sCemetery , Jesmond roadCem etery , VVes tg ate hillChambers cou rt, 64, N ewgate stree tChapel lane, SandgateChapel lane,W estm or l an d stree tChapel stree t, S t. P eter’s qu ayCharlo tte squ are, Fenkl e str eetChatham pl ace, G ibson stree tChatham str eet

,Red Barn s

Chatham terrace, Red BarnsChimney mill s, U pper Claremon tChu rchhil l stree t, B lenheim stree tChu rch stairs, S t .N ichol as chu rch ydCircu s l ane


Claremon t pl ace, (high,) L ow Claremont pl aceClaremon t plac e, (l ow,) 64, Eldon st.C l aremon t pl ace, (Upper,) L eaz esClarence place, Cro ft s treetCl ark’ s en try

, SandgateClark’s yard, 10, P ercy stree tClav ering place, foot of Westgate

Clayton ’s cou rt , 9 , P i lgrim st ree tC layton street, 1 1 , N ewgate stree tC l ayton street, Red Barn sClayton s tree t west


, Clayton st.Close, Tyne bridge en dClo th market, Mosley s treetCob u rgh place, S tock bridgeCock and Anchor ch are

, SandgateCook

s chare,6,Qu ay side

Colv in ’s chare, 59 , Qu ay sideCollier’s en try, 25 CloseCollingwood stree t, St. N i cholas sq.

Common chare, S t. Ann ’s stree tConcord cou rt

, Manor chareCond u i t head, P andon bankCook ’s en try, SandgateCo ttingham s tree t, Arthu r’s hil lCou rts, (No . 1 8c P ru dhoe placeCowan ’s entry, P ercy streetCowgate, foot of Dog bankCowgate, P ontel and roadCowh i l l

, Town m 0 u r


Cox’ s bu i ldings,Wall knollC ox’ s en try, SandgateC ox’s l ane , SandgateC radle w el l , Benton roadC rescen t place, 50, L eaz es l aneC ro f t co u rt, 8, Cro ft stree tC ro ft stairs, 5 , Manor chareC ro ft stree t

,7, N ew B ridge s treet

C ross Keys en try, SideC ross s tree t, Fen kl e streetC rown cou rt, 93, S i deC u t (The) O u seburn bridgeC umberl and r ow ,

W estg ate

D ark chare, 7 1, Qu ay sideD arn crook, 55, N ewgate s tree tD av i son’s l ane

,St. Mary’ s street

D awson’ s cou r t, 73,W estgate s tree tD ean cou rt, P ain ter heu ghD ean street, -

1 , Grey stree tD ean yard , 16, H igh bridgeD enton chare, St. N i chol as squ areDen ton’s yard , 38, B igg MarketD en t ’s hole , S t. Peter’ s qu ayD erw ent pl ace

,C attl e marke t

D i ana stree t, B u ckingham stree tD ickinson ’s en try , 62, SideD i spensary squ are

,85 lane

,8, l ow

Fri ar s treetD ixon’s bu i ldings

,D ian a stree t

D ixon’ s bu i lding s , Ga l l owgate

D obson ’s cou rt,178

,P i lgrim stree t

D ock hou se en try,S andgate

Dog bank, head o f Bu tch er bankDog en try , C loseD og l e ap s tairs, 87 , S ideD olphin yard , CloseD av es cou rt, 2 , Northumberland s t.Dawie

s entry, C astle garthDa

wn i e’

s entry , S t. Ann’ s stree tD rum entry, 60 , CloseD ru ry l ane, 2 , Clo th marketD uke stree t, Westmorland streetDuxfiel d’

s c ou rt,73

, N orthumberland stree tE arl G rey’s monumen t

,Head o f

Grey stree tE ddy ’s en try


Eddy’s en try, SandgateEdward stree t, Arthu r’s hillEgyp t squ are

,N ew road

E ldon lan e, (East) 1 6 , Bl ackett st.

E ldon l ane , (W est) 14, P ercy streetE ldon place

,53, P ercy street

El don r ow, 57, P ercy stree t

Eldon squ are,16

,B l ackett street

Eldon street, 25, Eldon place

Eldon street, B ack, Bar r asb r idge

E ll i o tt’s cou rt,B i gg market

Ell i son pl ace,Sev i lle plac e

E lli son’ ter race, P i cton placeE lswi ck cou rt

, 64, N orthumberl ands tree tElswick grove , E l sw i ckE l swi ck l ane , Wes tgate hi l lElswick

, ( l ow) We st o f C loseE l swic lb r ow, Rye hillE lswi ck street, Rye hillE l swick te rrace, Scotc hwood roadEl sw i ck ter r ac e, (h i gh) Rye hil lEl swick v illas, E lswick terraceE l swick lane , Arthu r’ s hil lEm b l eton

s bu ildings,Forth banks

Eri ck stre e t, 3 , N ew bridge stree tFactory yard, Gal l owgateFarring ton ’s c ou rt, B igg marke tFen kl e street, 6 7 , Clayton s tree tFenw ick’s entry, 48, Quay sid eFi gh ting co cks r c w, E as t ballas t hi llsFigh tin g cocks yard, 37, Bi gg marke tFi sh market


F l ag en try, SandgateFl eece cou rt, Gal l owgate

Fle tch er’s entry, 58, Gr eat marketFolly, San dgateFolly lane , Sandga teFolly s tai rs, N orth shoreForman ’s cou rt

,O rchard . stree t

Forster’s stree t, P andon-“bank

ster’e yard , 2 , Fenkl e st reetster’e yar d, 2 1 , P i lgrim stree tForsyth’s c ou rt, 82, P i lgrim stree tForth,N ev i lle s tree tFor th banks, Wes t en d of CloseForth grov e, ForthForth 1ane ,42, Westga te s tree tForth plac e, Thornton stree tForth r ow, Forth banksForth squ are


For th stree t, O rchard stree tForth terrace, Forth bankForth wall s

,Forth lane

Fox ’s bu i lding s , S al lyport gateFr an kl in g stree t, Shield s t reeFriars , Charlo tte squ areFriars green , Fri ar sFriar lane

, (high) 107, C layton st .

Fri ar s treet, (high) 35 , Gr a in ge r st .Friar street, ( l ow) 70,Newg a ted

s tres t


Fr ost’s cou r t, 2 , N ewgate streetGallon ’s cou rt, P ainter heu ghGa l l owg ate, 1 14, P ercy stree tG arnett’e entry , 1 , S id eG arret’s yard

, B igg marke tGarth head ’s, Keelman’s hospita lGarth’s en try, B igg marke tG eorge s tairs, Bu tcher hankG eorge s tree t east

, S av i l l e placeGeorge s tree t, Scotchwood roadG ibson street, New bridge street

G lass hou se bridge, O u sebu rnG lassmakers’ stre et, St. P e te r’s qu ayGol dbu r n

s cou rt, 95, Newgate s t.Golden L i on yard , 40, B igg marketGood l ad

s c ou rt, 10, Westgate streetG osforth s tree t, Shi eld st reetGresham place, P i cton placeG rainger s tree t, B igg marke tGravesend walk, P udding chareG reen cou rt, 40, N ewgate s tree tGreen cou rt, 173, P ilgrim streetGreenfield place, Westg ateGreen tree entry

,1 75, P ilgrim street

G reen v i lle terr ace, Gren v ille s treetG renv i ll e s tree t,Red barn s

Grey street, 32, D ean streetGrey stree t, St . Pe ter’ s qu ayGrin ding chare, 70 , Qu ay side

G rea t market, 47, B igg m arketG ro v e’s entry,Close

Gu thrie ’s yard , B igg marketHalf Moon en try,S andgate

H a l l ’s cou r t, 28, N ewg ate s treetH an dyside

s yard, 52 , S id eHanov er Squ are, Clav ering placeH anov er street

,C lo se

H a rdcastl e’

s cou rt, B igg marketH arper’s cou rt, 25 , Newgate s tree tH ay market, P ercy s treetH aywood ’s yard, 15 , Cloth marketH eado t

the s ide , St. N icholas squareH eath’s yard,1 2 , P i l grim s tree t

Heaton terrace,New Bridge stree t

H eadley place, B lenheim stree tH ead l ey terrace, Oyster shell lane

H eron s tree t,Darn crook

H ewe tson’

s yard , Head o f S ideH ewison

s yard , Ga l l owg a te

H ewi ts cou rt, P ain te r heughH ay es yard , Qu een s tree tH igh bridge

,Cloth marke t

H igham place , N ew B ridg e s tr ee tH il l ’s court, 47, Close

Hill’s place, 76 , P i lg r im str eetH ill ’s stree t, head o f Gal l owg a teHinde street, Scotchwood roadHogg’s cou rt, 53, CloseHood s tree t, 49 , Grey stree tHopper ’s en try, S i deHornsby ’s chare , 57, Quay sideHoward street, 35 , G i bson stree tHoward stree t, Byker barHu nter’s lane, SandgateH u tton’s co u rt, 79 , P i lgrim s tree tIn fant school entry , Castle garthIrongate entry , Castl e s tree tJackson ’s entry, 4, N ewgate stree tJam ieson

s en try, 43, P i lgrim streetJames’s cou rt, 130, P i lgrim stree tJavi l group,“63, CloseJesmond , J esmond roadJesmond h l gh ter race, S t. Thomas ’sterraceJesmond place, JesmondJesmond road, S t. Mary's terraceJesmond terrace, B arras bridgeJesmond v ale, JesmondJ esmond v i ll as, Jesrn on d roadJesmond west, N orth roadJessamineplace,33 ,Bran dling pl aceJob l in g

s en try, 54, S i deJ ohn s treet , Arthu r’s hi llJohnson’s en try . S andgateJo in er ’s ch are , SandgateJoin t S tock en try , S ideKeel lane

, SandgateKen t s tree t, Shield str ee tKing stree t, S ideKyle’s yard , C l oseL ambton place, 28, P ru dhoe stre e tL an g stafi’s cou rt , C l avering placeL awson ’s en try, 56 , S id eL awson stree t

,Byker bar

L axe ’ s bu ildings , B arri ck roadL ax ’s cou rt

,6 1

, P ercy streetL eazes

,head of Ga l l owg ate

L eazes crescen t, Terrace placeL eaz es lane


, P ercy s tre etL eazes place

,L eazes l ane

L eaz es terrace , S t. James’s s treetL evan entry , Sandg ateL ibrary place

,66, IVes tg a te stre e t

L iddl es c ou r t, 24, High bridgeL im e s tree t, O u sebu rn o

L i sle s tree t, 7, N orthumberl and s t.L iverpool place, L i verpool stree tL iverpool s treet, 87 , P ercy s t ree t


L loyd ’s cou rt, 126 , P i l grim s tre etL on g s tai rs , l 8 , CloseL on g statf

s c t ., foo t o f Wes tgate s t .L ovain e c ou rt, Barras brid g eL ov ai n e place , 6 , L ov ain a r ow

L o r ain e r ow , Bar r as bri dg eL ev ain s terrace , 19 , L o r ain e pl aceL o v aina terr ace E ast . L o r aine te r.L ov e lane , 4, Qu ay sideL ow bridge , 15 , Dean streetL u ck l ey

s en try , 38, G r eat marke tMack for d

s entry, 58, N orthumber_ lan d stree tMackfor d

s en try, foot of W estgateMalco l m ’s chare, San dg ateMan gi n

s en try , San dgateManor chare, foo t of Manor stree tManor pl ace , Man orsManor stree t, 37 , P i lg rim streetManors , foo t o f ArcadeMansfiel d street

,Arthu r’s hill

Market lan e , 129 , P i lgrim s tree tMarke t s treet , 5 1 , G r ainge r stree tMarkham

s chare, SandgateMa rlborou gh crescen t, C attl e m kt.Marlborou gh p l ace , Cattle marketMarlborou gh stree t ,Scotchwood ro adMarshall’s cou rt

, 75, N ewgate s t.Mar shal l

's en try. S andgate

Mat fo rd’

s entry, P an don bankMav i n g

s en try, 84, P ilgrim stree tMayor’s l an e

, 52 , CloseM eeting hou se yard , 45 , G r eat m kt

Melbou rn e stree t,26 , B uxton s tree t

M i ddle G l as s hou ses, O u sebu rnM i lk market San dgateMill en try , San dga teMi l l en try, 50 , S ideM i ller's hi l l , Tyne s treetM inden street, New bridge stree tMinori es Jesmon d roadMorri son s cou r t , 48,

Groat m arke tMortimer’s cou rt 38

, Newgate stree tMosl ey stree t, C l o th marketMonk street, 12 , L ow Fr i ar s tree tMou ntain ’s cou r t , 81 , P i l grim streetMu sh r oom ,


N or th shoreN ag ’s Head en t r y, SandgateN e l son stree t , 28, Grainger stree tN el son stree t

, N orth shoreN el son street, 30 , Trafalgar st r ee tN ev i l l e stree t

, For thN ew bri dge , foo t o f New brid g e s tN ew bridg e street, l 00 , P il g r im st


s en try, 40, N ewgate streetNew cou rt, 38, Westgate stree tN ew Do l phin yard , C l oseNewgate cou rt, 92, N ewg ate s t re etN ewgate street, 1 , Bi gg m arke tNew markets , Grainge r st ree tNew mill s, B arrick squ areNew P andon stree t, P andon bankNew qu ay, foot o f Qu ay sideNew road

, No rth o f SandgateNim m o

s en try, S andgateNixon sYr eet, S andy f'ord laneN ixon ’s yard , :74, P ercy stree tN oah ’s ar k ya r d , Gal l owgate

North po l e , Chimney millsNorth road , Barras b ridgeN orth shore , East an d of Qu ay sid eNorthumberl and c t. I3 , B l acket t s tN orthumberland pl . l . N o rthumber ,l and stree t

Northumberl and st. 1 , B l ackett st ’

Nu n sgate , I, N ewga te stree tN un sm oor

, P on tel and roadNuns stree t, 10 , Grainger s tree tOakes plac e, We s t s tree tO l d George yard, 2 , Union stree tO rchard cou rt

, P osternOrchard s treet, P osternOu se stree t, Ou sebu rn bri dg eOu sebu rn , E as t of S t. Ann ’

s streetOu sebu rn b ridge

, O u sebu rnOx ford s tree t, N ew bridge stree tOxford street, (back ,) Ox ford streetOxford stree t, E ast an d of Qu avOyster shel l l an e

, Bath laneP ain ter heu gh , 7 , Dean stree tPa l l ister

s chare, 6 1 , Qu ay sid eP an don , S tock bridg ePandon bank, S tock bridgeP andon ga te

, S tock bridgePandon stree t, P an don bankParade , o r Haym a rke t, P e r cv s tree tP aradi se r ow

, P os te rnPark place , 3 , P rudhoe streetP atterson ’s cou rt , 89 , P ercy streetPau l stree t

, Blenheim stree tP au l s tree t

, Ou seb u rnPaw ton dean terr ace

, Shie l dfiel dP eacock ch are , 42 , Q u ay sid ePearson ’s cou rt,“fes tg a te s tr e e tPee l st r ee t, Temple stree tPeppe r corn chare , 63, \Qu ay s ide,P er c v cou r t, 90 , P ercy stree tPerc y place, 20, P ercy s tre et


P ercy, stree t,54, N ewgate stree t

P ercy street, S t. P eter’s quayP etrie’s entry, SandgateP ic ton place, N ew bridge s treetP i c ton terrace, N ew bridge s tree tP i lgrim stree t, 68, Blackett s tree tP in m aker

s en try, SandgateP iper’s yard , 38, N ewgate streetP i tman ’s r ow,

For th bankP i tt steeet, head of Gal l owgate

P leasan t r ow , Shiel dfiel dP lummer chare, 53, Qu ay sideP lummer street, Scotchwood roadP ontelan d road , B arrick roadP ortland place, New bridge stree tP ostern , 79, W estgate\s treetP ostern gate , P osternP ostern l ane , head of SideP othou se l ane, SandgateP rince ’s street, 3, Sav i ll e r owP rov iden ce pl ace, Thorn ton streetP ru dhoe cou rt, 28, P rudhoe stree tP ru dhoe place, 6 , P rudhoe stree tP ru dhoe street, 27, P ercy s tree tP udding chare , 47 , Bigg marketQu al i ty r ow, East ballas t hi llsQu ay side, 1 , Sand hillQu een squ are, 4, Sav i lle r owQu een s tree t, King stree tRace ground , Town moorR acke t cou rt, 93 , N ewgate s treetRailway bank, Car l iol squ areRai lway stree t, Scotchwood roadRailway terrace, Scotchwood roadR alph yard , Qu een streetRankin’s cou rt, 84, N ewgate stree tRav ensworth place, Jessamine pl aceRav ensworth ter race, W estgate hi llRed barns, O u sebu rnRegent s treet

, Forth terraceRegen t terrace, N ew Bridge streetR en n i son

s en try, San dga te

Ren n el d son’

s cou rt, 62 , N ewgate stB ewc astle chare, 28, Quay sideR i chardson ’s cou rt, 2 , P i lgrim stree tR ichm ond place

,Chatham plac e

Richmond stree t, 25, Gibson stree tRidley cou r t,

G r eat marke tR i dley place

,2 1 ,N or thumberland s tRidley terrace, 1 , Gibson stree tRidley v ill as

, N ew Bridge stree tR ipi n g l i am street, Byker barR obin Hood en try

,C lose

Robson ’s cou rt, 18, P i lgr im s treet

Robson ’s en try,Sandgate

Rosemary lane , 35, P udding c l i ar eRosemary terrace , Ros emary laneRu sse l l ’s cou rt, Hanover squ areRye hill , Elswi ck laneSallyport cou r t, C arpen ter ’ s towerSallyport gate,W al l knol lSal t en try, 7 1 , C lo seSand gate

,Milk marke t

S and gate bank, N ew road en dSand hill , 1 16, S ideSandyford l ane, Barras bridgeSandyford pl ace, Sandyford laneSandy ford pl . foo t of Sandyford InSavi l le cou rt, 5, Sav i ll e 1 OWSav i l l e place , 5 . Sav ill e r owSav i ll e r ow,1 1 , N orthumberland stScai fe

s cou rt, 133, P ilgrim stree tS co tch arms yard , B igg marketSco tch wood road , Marlboro ’ streetSco tt’s cou r t, Sou th s tree tSel l ers’ entry


Shakespar e street, Grey streetSheep head al ley, Bank sideSherwoods’ cou r t, 1 1 , B igg marketShi el dfiel d , N ew Bridge st ree tShield street, Shi el dfiel dShip entry

,Clo th m arke t

S i de,S t. N ichol as squ are

Si lv er street, 5, P i l grim streetS impson ’s entry, SandgateSkinner bu rn, ‘Wes t en d of Clo seSmile ’s co u r t, Thorn ton s tree tSmi th ’s cou rt

,36 , P ercy stree t

Smith’s yard, 72 , P ercy streetSmith's yard , Qu een st r eetSum m er v i l l

s entry,Sandgate

Sou th street, For th stree tSpencer ’s en try, SandgateSpence ’s en try, Si lv er stree tSpicer lane , 25, Quay sideSp ital

,W estgate street

Spi tal orchard , 62 ,Westgate streetSpi tal pl ace

,W estgate stree t

Spi tal ton g u es ,West ofChim n eymillsSpi tal walls, Spi tal placeSpring g arden terrace , Gal l owga te

Spring garden lane , Barrick roadS t . Andrew ’s cou r t , 88, P ilg r im stS t . An n ’s r ow

, N ew roadS t. Ann ’s s tree t, SandgateS t. Anthony ’s

, S t. P e ter ’s qu ayS t . James’s lane

,P andon ban k

St. James’s place, Barras b r idg e


S t. James’s s treet, 8, S trawberry plS t. James’s terrace, 13 , St. James’s s tSt. John’s lane

,33, B igg m arket

S t. L awren ce, N orth shoreSt. L awrence stree t, N orth shoreSt.Mar tin

s cou r t, 9 1 , N ewgate s treetSt. Mary’s place, head of Nor thum

berland stree tSt. Mary’s s treet , SandgateS t.Mary’s terrace,6 , Jesmond terraceSt . N i cholas squ are, foo t of Gr eat

m arketSt. N i cholas chu rch yard , S t. N i chol as squ are

St. P eter’s qu ay, N orth shoreS t. Thomas ’ s place, N orth roadSt. Thomas’s stree t and squ are, 81P ercy street

S t . Thomas’s terrace, N orth roadSt. Thomas’s terrace , St. Thomas st .S tam fordham pl ace, 97 , P ercy stree tS tati on hou se squ are , ManorsStephn ey b ank,East end of Stephn eyS tephn ey fi elds, Union terraceS tephn ey lan e, head of Gibson s t.Stephn ey stree t, Ridley v i llasStephn ey terrace, Red barn sStephn ey v i l l as, Stephn ey l aneStephenson’s place, foo t ofWestgateSti r on

s en try, SandgateStock bridge, foo t of Manor ch areS toke’s cou r t, FriarsS tou t’s yard, O rchard streetS towel l squ are, S towell s treetS tow el l street, Dar n crookStrawberry lane, 7, Albion streetS trawberry place, 7, Albion streetSu ffiel d street, Red barnsSum m erb el l

s entry, SandgateSummerhill, Westgate hi llSummerhill grove,W estgateSummerhill ter race, W estgateSunderland street, Waterloo s tree tSu ssex s tree t, For th streetSu ssex yard , Su ssex stree tSwin b ou r n e pl ace, (high) WestgateSwin b ou r n e place, (l ow) We stgateSwir l e


Taylor’s cou rt, 20, N ewgate stree tTaylor’s yard,70, Wes tgate stree tTemple s tree t

,P i t t stree t

Temple street,Sunderland s tree t

Terrace pl ace,14, St. James’s place

Thomas’s cou r t, Forth s tree t

Thompson’ s entry, Groat marketThornton street, WestgateThree Indi an Kings cou rt, 34, QuaysideThree tuns entry, S t. Mary’s s tree tTindal s treet, Arthu r’s hi l lTinman ’s entry, St. Ann ’s stree tTodd ’s cou rt, 5 1 , Groat marketTodd’s cou r t, 40, N ewgate stree tTodd ’s nook, Barrick roadTown moor, N orth r oadTrafalgar stree t, N ew bridge stree tTrafalgar N ew b ridge s t .Trafalgar terrace, (back,) Trafal garstree tTrin i ty chare

,40, Qu ay sid e

Trotter’s entry, 25, C lo seTu thil l s tai rs, 32, CloseTyne bridge end, 46, Sand hil lTyne stree t, N ew road

Un i on street, head of Clo th marketUnion terrace,Ridley v i ll as

Ure’s en try,Sandgate

Vic tori a bazaar and marke t,32

,Gib .

son stree tVi c tori a place , Cl av ering placeVictori a terrace, Carl ton pl aceVi ll a pl ace, (high) W estgateV il l a place, (l ow ) WestgateVine cou rt, 90, P ilgrim stree tVine l ane, 23, N orthumberland st .Vint’s b u i l d in g s,West en d

,New roadWalker cou rt, 82, Newgate stree tW al l knoll, P andonWall ace qu ay, N orth shoreW allace yard, 3 1 , P udding char eWarw ick place, N orth roadW ater gate


Waterloo stree t, Derwen t pl aceWat son’s en try, 1 07, Si deWatson’s en tr y, 1 20, S i deWatson ’s yard

,Bigg marke t

Weav er’ s entry,Sandgate

W el l entry, 35, Clo seWellington pl ace


, P i lgrim stree tWell ington st . Back lane Gallow g tWesl ey stree t, W esl ey te r raceWesley terrace, Sh i el dfiel dW estmorland lane, L ow E l swi ckW estmorland st.,Marlboro ’ crescen tWestmorland ter., Westmorland st.West street, Arthu r’s hil lWest stree t

,Back l ane

West Wall s, Westgate


W est wall cottages,W est wal l s W ide open

, SandgateW estgate, 6, Clayton stree t Wilk in son ’s bu i ldings , P andon bankW estgate cou rt,W estgate Wi lli am stree t

,Arthu r's hil l

W estgate h i l l,C umberland r ow Wi ll i am s tree t

,S t.

, P eter’s qu ayW es tgate street

, 26, Coll ingwood s t W i lson ’s cou r t,37 , G roat marke t

Whi te Bear en try , Sandgate Wood entry, S t., Ann ’s stree t

Whi te ’s en try, S t., Mary’s street Wr an gham

s en try , SandgateWhi te Hart yard

,6,Clo th marke t York street

,Glass hou se bridge

Whi te Horse yard 45 , Groat marke t York s tree t, Shield streetW hi te Hou se yard

,86 , P ilgrim st Young ’s en try, Close

W hi t e Swan yard,17 C lo th m arke t Young’s entry, Sandgate

Widdr in g ton’

s yard,13, Clo th mkt Zion Chapel y ard, W es tgate stree t




W I T H TH E S U B U R B S .

ABBOT Job n , plumber and brass founder ; h . 2 Ell i son placeAbbs Cooper, solici to r, 56 Westgate stree tAcaster S tephen , ship agen t and v ictu aller, P lou gh , Spicer laneAdams D av id, trav elling tea dealer, 15 S towell s tree tAdams James

,trav elling d raper

,17 S towel l s tree t

Adams John,v ictu aller, Oak Tree , S t. L awrence

Adamson Charle s M. sol ici tor ; h . Craig H all,Jesmond

Adams Robert,baker, The Cu t

Adamson Andrew, trav elling tea dealer, 13 S towel l s treetAdamson George and Sons, soli ci tors, 44Westgate stree tAdamson John , secretary, N ewcastle and Carlisl e Railway Co. ;

h. 44

W estgate s treetAdamson Robert , trav elling tea dealer, 12 Stowell stree tAdamson Wi lliam Francis, tobacconi st, 1 1 Rov al Arcade ; h . 19 N un s

Addison Mr . Dav id, B lenheim str eet

Addison John, shopkeeper, l l Mar lborough st ree t


Addison Wi l l iam, l odgings, 13 Blenheim streetAt


fleck D uncan, M. D ., 4 L eaz es terraceAfli eck James

,shopkeeper, Byker hil l

Afll eck Margare t,hai r d resser, 1 63 P ilgrim s t. ; h . 14 P ru dhoe street

Ainsley an d Aydon, wholesale grocers an d tea dealers, 7 Grainger stree tAinsley John, grocer and tea deal er ; h. 5 E lswick Terr aceAinsley Joseph, smith, Sou th streetAin sworth Mary Ann, l odgings, 53 Gr ainger S tree tAirey Mr s. Jane , 1 8, H igh C laremont placeAi rey Robert, gen tl eman, Jesmond v il lasAisb i tt Joseph, tai lor an d dr aper, 2, Argyl e s treetAisbi tt Matthew, v i ctu al l er , Bee h ive, 34 Sand hillAi sb i tt Thom as O rren, ship broker, King James s tree t ; h . G atesheadAi tchi son John C o. v ic tu all ers, Edinbu rgh hou se, 19 C lay ton street ,

an d Ol d Market ho tel, O l d Marke t laneAitken James, shop keeper ,W estmoreland streetAi tkin Wi l l iam ,

tai lo r, 9 P ercy placeAken head Dav i d, gen tl eman , 1 St. Thom as ter r ace,Nor th r oadAken head John and Robert, booksel lers, prin ters, 8c s ta tion ers, 3 1 San dh i ll ; h . H igh street


A l der Dunn Co.,l inen an d woollen d raper s, 13 Marke t street

Al der Joshu a, gen t l eman , 1 Raven sworth ter r aceAlder Mark, c owkeeper, Spi tal ton guesA l derson Jan e, pawnbroke r, P o s ternAlderson Margare t , shopkeeper , SandgateAlderson Mary, m idwife, 7 Cro ft s tree tA lderson Richard, chimn ey Sweep, 28 CloseAlderson Thom as, painter and glazier, 1 Trafalga r s tree tAlderson Thomas, u pholster er, 20 S t. John’s laneAlexander James, M. D. an d su rgeon , 12 Nor thumber l an d s tre etAlexander Ralph , cabinet maker and j o iner, cou rt 24 H i gh bridgeAl l Sain ts Chu rch, foot of P i lgr im streetAll Saints Chapel of Base, BykerAll Saints B oys’ Chari ty Scho ol, S tation Hou se square, John Brewi sAll Sain ts G i rls’ Chari ty Schoo l , Jesu s H ospi tal, Manor chare, AnnP escod mistress

Al lan Al exander, clothes dealer, Dog leap stairsAl l an Andrew, dyer, 4 P ic ton terraceAllan Andrew, shopkeeper, 36 L ow Fri ar stree tAllan George, soap maker, N ew roadAllan George, shoemaker, Bu ckingham stree tAl lan Mr s. Mary, New roadAllan Michael, soli ci to r ; h . Bl enheim stree tAll an Michael, hosier and chandler, 48 Sandhill ; h . 106 B lenheim s tree tAllan Robert Mu nro , an d M i chael, solici tors, 54 Dean stree tAl lan Thom as, tim e keeper, 24 L eaz es crescen t


Allan Wi lliam , bru sh manu factu rer, Thompson ’s entry ; h . Qu een streetAllan John and Co., chemical works, H ewar th , office, 46 Sandhill ; h .

Jackson street, GatesheadAl l an John


,cou rt, 58 N ewgate stree t

Al lan Mary, teacher of mu sic, 12 Sunderlan d stree tAl l er dyce John Crosby, bookbinder, paper ru ler, accou nt book manufactu rer, & c . H ewi tson

s cou r tAl l hu sen Christi an, general bonding w .

, 32 L ov e l ane ; h . E l swi ck Hal lAllison Catherine, Berl in warehou se, 7 1 Grey stree tAl l i son George, pain ter, g l ai z er , sten cel l er , & c ., 74 P i lgrim stree tAlli son George, pol ice su b -i nspec tor

, P ru dhoe stationAl li son H enry P enri th

,su rgeon


' Richmond streetAlli son John

, v i ctu all er and saddler, Hope Anchor,head of Byker bar

Alli son R al ph , v ic tu al l er , Wheat Sheaf, shopkeeper, L ime st . Ou sebu rnAllison Thomas

,l odgings

,5 B l enheim street

Alli son Thomas, flou r dealer and shopkeeper, 13 Bu tcher bankAllon Ri chard , foreman, 6 , Bl ackett placeAllon W illi am , tallow chandler, SandgateAlport Martha, milliner an d dress maker, 1 2 , Col lingwoo d stree tAmers John, shopkeeper, S t. L awrence street, N orth shoreAmery G eorge, j oiner and cabine t maker, 10, P i lgrim s t. h . P i c ton placeAmos Francis, shopkeeper, 6, B u tcher bankAnderson Ann , s tay maker, 32, B lacket t stree tAnderson Anthony, carpenter and j oiner, 16, N orthumberl and stree t, h .103, Clayton streetAnderson Archibald, cattl e sal esman , 1 9 , B l enhe im streetAnderson Alice, dress maker, 15 N elson s tree tAnderson Charl e s G eorge

,coach bu i lder and har n ees make r, 8, Nor

thum b er l an d placeAnderson E leanor, school mi stress, Westmorel and laneAnderson George, gentleman , 5 Charlo tte squ areAnderson Mr s. Hannah

,J esm ond H ouse

Anderson Jacob, shopkeeper, Skin n erbu r nAnderson and Innes, cabinet makers and j oiners, H igh Fri ar laneAnderson James, cabin et maker, & c . h . 22 Nu n ’s stree tAnderson James, corn miller and flou r dealer, Gal l owgate, 62 Graingerstreet, and grocer, O u seb u r n e

Anderson James, merchant , h . 3 L ovain e placeAnderson James, v i c t. Coach 8: Horses, B l enh eim streetAnderson James, pain ter and gl azier, 15 Low Fri ar s treetAnderson John, po tato e merchan t, Ru ssell cou rt, Hanov er squ areAnderson John , E sq. banker

, Cox lodge Ha l l

Anderson John , gen tleman , l L eazes crescen tAnderson John , grocer and te a deale r, 39 Dean stree t ; h . Forth hou seAnderson John , commission merch ant, ship and insu rance broker, 3 1 ,Qu ay side ; h . 23, Oxford stree t


Anderson John, secretary to th e L iberal P remium ,the Tyne HOpe,

and the General Ou tfit Associations,” 1 , Broad chare ; h . Mol ed in e

terrace, GatesheadAnderson Joseph, sol i ci tor,W estgate stree t h . Benwel l TowerAnderson Margaret, con fec tioner, l l , N u n ’s streetAnderson Mary Elizabeth, l adie s seminary, N orthumberland stree tAnderson Matthew, general merchan t, 57, Close ; h . Jesmond cottageAnderson Robert, E sq. sub -agen t, branch Bank of En gland 13, Gr ey stAnderson Robert, schoolmaster, W estmorlan d l aneAnderson Robert, coalfitter, 29, Qu ay sid eAnderson Sarah , Mary, E liz . and H . G . dres s m akers, 32, B l ackett s treetAnderson W i lli am , j unior, coalfitter, coke m anu factu rer, agen t fo r Whi tl ey lime works, and Heddon Iron Bu ck Cc ., 33 Qu ay side ; h . l

L ovain e terraceAn derson W i ll i am

,cabinet m kr . fu rn i tu re bkr . 6 1 N orthumberland st.

Anderson Mr . W i l li am , Bu ckingham stree tAnderson Willi am

,merchan t


Andrew John , carrier, 1 2 Stam fo r dham placeAndrews Ann , l odging s, 10 Terrace ~

pl aceAn dr ews James, arti s t, 3 Royal Arcade ; h . 1 2 Br andl ing placeAndrews Robert

, cheese and bacon factor, 98 C l ayton streetAngas John L in dsay, gen tleman , 3 Raven sworth terraceAngas Mr . Joseph, Arthu r’ s hi l lAngu s Abraham Cooper, flou r an d prov is i on dealer, 36 G ibson stree t ;h . 10 S tepn ey terraceAngu s George , cu rrier, h . Barrington place , B ensham, GatesheadAngu s G. 8: T . C .

,cu rriers and leather cu tters, 72 C lose

Angu s H enry, cabinet maker an d u phol s terer, 42 Clayton s treetAngu s Henry, tanner, Chambers c ou rt ; h . Windmill h il l , GatesheadAngu s H enry, coach bu i lder and harness maker, Angu s c ou rt, Biggm arke t ; h . 9 Rye hillAngu s an d Wil son

, woollen drapers, 74 Grey stre etAngu s James

,glass, chin a and earthenware dealer, 57 an d 58 Grainger

stree t,85 flin t gl ass manu factu rer, Carr’s hi ll, Gateshead ; h . 175Nu n

’s stAngu s J ohn

,brewer, maltster and Spiri t merchan t, 94 ; h . 39 P ercy street

Angu s Jonathan, wool len draper ; h . 4 L ow Swin b ou rn e place

Angu s John,commercial coffee hou se, 9 Market s tree t

Angu s Joseph, agent, L ower E l swi ckAngu s Margare t E ll i o tt

,m illin er an d dressmaker, 58 Grainger street

Angu s Teasdale, shopkeeper, Su nderland street ; h . High v i l la placeAngu s Thos . C , and C o. h ide.

m er chan ts, agen ts to the P ro tes tan ts,Di ssentents, St e. Fire and L i fe Insu rance , Co . 6 and 72 Close ; h . Unioncottages, Windmi l l hil lAnnandale Andrew,

paper hanging manu fac tu rer ; h . 37 Westgate stree tAnnandal e John and Sons , paper manu factu rer s, Thorn ton stree t ; works ,Shotley grov e


Ann andal e Thomas, su rgeon ,62 N orthumb erland stree t

Antil l P hilip James, v i c tu al ler, w ine and spi ri t merchan t, Duke o f

N orthumberland , 102 Clayton s treetAppleby Ann , shopkeeper, S i lv er streetAppleby James, grocer an d flou r dealer, P andon bankAppleby Wi l li am and Co . qu arry men, Bel l s treet qu arryAppleby W i lli am, bu tcher, 165 New market ; h . 25 W es t C layton streetAppleby Will i am, shopkeeper, El swick streetApple ton John Reed

,clerk, 1 Melbou rn e stree t

Archbold James,gentleman , Ga l l owgate

Archbol d S arah, crape an d blond dyer and d r esser, 123 P ilgrim streetArchbold W i ll iam, v ictu aller, Qu een ’s Head ho tel

,and posting hou se, 37

and 38 P i lgrim str ee t an d 7 1 Grey s tree tArchibald George, shopkeeper, Temple s treetArcher and Harrison , sai l makers, 7 Quay si deArcher John

,sail maker ; h . Shiel d stree t

Archer Thomas, printer, 39 P rudhoe streetAr ckl ess Su sannah, milliner and d ress maker, 48 Bl acket t streetArkle Isabella

,v ic tu aller, Blu e Bel l ,W estgate

Arkl ey John , bu tcher, 1 69 New mkt., 8: Rewcastl e char e ; h . 1 2 Car l iol st

Arman Mr . Thomas,32 B randling pl ace

Armi tage Edward, v ic tu aller, Smi ths’ Arms , 6 P ru dhoe streetArmorer W atson, chemi st and dru ggist, I7 N ewgate s treet ; h . 26 Cum

berland r owArmory Thomas, tailor, 37 L ow Vi ll a placeArmou r Thomas, fu rni tu re broker, 22 B lacke tt stree tArmstrong Ann

,in fant school for chi ldren of the upper classes, 41 C lay

ton streetArmstron g E lizabe th, mil liner an d s traw h at maker, L loyd ’s cou r tArmstrong George

,grocer and tea dealer

,76 Cl ayton street

Armstrong Hu gh Cl ayton, timbe r merchan t, & c . ; h . N orthumber land stArmstrong James , wholesale and re tai l wool len draper an d tailor


Mosley street ; h . 14 L ovain e placeArmstrong James, baker and flou r deal er , 1 0 L ow Buxton streetArmstrong Mr s. Jane , 23 E l sw i ck r ow

Armstrong John, v ic tu al ler, B lu e Man , 1 El swi ck l aneArmstrong J ohn , green grocer, 243, N ew marke t ; h. New r oadArmstrong John , comb m anu factu rer, SandgateArmstrong John

,shopman, Wellington stree t

Armstr ong John, shoemaker, 1 6 Dow Friar s tree tArmstrong John , shopkeeper, 2 Hil l stree tArmstron g Joseph , prin ter and publi sher ; h . 4 H igham pl aceArmstron g Matthew

,agen t, 6 Wesl ey street

Arm strong Robert,cu stom hou se o fficer, 18 L ow Vil la pl ace

Arms tron g Robert, clerk, 17 E lswi ck r ow


Atkinson H annah , milliner and dressmaker , 1 Blacke tt streetAtkinson Henry, dyer, 26, N ewgate str ee t ; h . 6 D arn C rookAtkinson James, ship and insu rance broker ; h . 5 Trafalgar stree tAtkinson James, v ic t. Charles XII . and brewer , 2 Tyne bridge en d

Atkinson John Garnett, Esq. 14 N or thum b er l an d stree tA tkin son John , shopkeeper, John stree tAtkinson John , shoemaker, Chapel l an eAtkinson John , bu tcher, 1 30 P ilgrim stree tAtkinson Joseph, bu tcher, 149 N ew market, and B randl ingAtkinson Joseph , plumber, g l azier, and shopkeeper, 7, H i gh Friar stree tA tkinson Mr s . Mary, High cross hou se, E lswi ck laneAtkinson Mi ss Mary, 3 ,Waterloo s tree tAtkin son Rev . M atthew , 2 1 L ow Vil la pl aceAtkin son and Phi lipson , coach, harness, and r ai lway carriage m an u fac

tu r er s,93

,P i lgrim stree t

Atkinson Ralph and Co . grocers an d tea deal ers, 10, Tyne bridge end ; h .

9, Howard stree t

Atkinson Ralph , farmer, Sou th Gosfor thAtkinson Ralph

, v i c t. Join er ’

s Arms, 28, P ercy s tree tAtkinson Sarah

,s traw h at maker, Manor chare

Atkinson S ibella,l odgings

, Sav i l le r owAtkin son Thomas, linen 8r woollen draper, silk mercer, & c . 19 , Mark t. stAtkin son Thomas 8; Co. merchan ts, coalfitter s, ship and in su ranc e brokers

,Three Indian Kings cou r t ; h . E lli son street

,G ateshead

Atkinson Thomas, watch and c lock maker, 5 , B igg market, and 67

Grainger stree tAtkin son Thomas, commission agen t, 14, Sav ill e r owAtkinson Thomas, agent, 30 Brandling pl aceAtkinson W i ll i am

,v ic t. Cowgate, P onteland road

Attey W illi am and D av i son Andrew, prov i sion deal ers, 1 72, P ilgrim st.and 35, N ewgate s tree tAu ckl andW i ll iam,

glass , china , and earthenwar e deal er, 106 New marke t ;h . 1 3

,Bu ckingham stree t

Av ery John,carver an d g ilder, Forsyth ’ s cou rt

Aydon E liz abeth,wholesale grocer and tea dealer

,3 Side ; h. 108 Clay ton

Aydon Jane and D eborah , board and l odgings, 4 1 B l acke tt stree tAydon John , grocer an d tea dealer ; h . N u rsery Cottage, Elswi ck l aneAynsley Ann , shopkeeper, P i t t streetAynsley John L u m sdon , foreman , 3 Spring Gar den terraceAyre James

,hair dresser, 36 Br oad ch are ; h . 30 H oward stree t

Ayre John,v i c tu all er, Golden L ion , 7 Broad chare

Ayre Richard,v ictu al ler

,G rapes In n , 25 Si d e

Ayton Isaac an d Sons, corn factors, 36 SandhillAyton John Featherston , corn factor ; h . 2 George s treet eastB aas Elizabeth W atson , Matron Domestic Gu ardian Insti tu tion for ser

v an ts, 1 1 1 P ilgrim stree t


Babbage George F.,glover an d l aceman ; h . P ercy street

B acon John Adam, agen t, 6 H ind e streetB adger Thomas, translater (old sho es) , Castle stai rsBagn all G eorge , pro fessor of and dealer in mu si c, m u sical instrumen ts


pi ano fortes, &c .,50 Grainger stree t

Bagnal l Robert, v ictu al ler, S team P acket,Folly whar fBailes An then y, jein er an d cabin et maker

,B igg market ; h . Westgate st .

B ailes M r s. and M i ss, ladi es seminary, 7 Westgate s treetBailey Andrew ,

tide wai t er, N ew r ead

B ail ey Joseph , booksel ler 38 C layton streetBai ley Thomas, basket maker, 54 New market ; h . 6 Stepney laneBain Thom as, baske t maker, cou r t, 187 P i lgrim s treetBainbridge Emerson Mu schamp, draper, si lk mercer h. Shi eldfieldBainbridge John , mattress maker, 1 1 Bu tcher bankBainbridge John , foreman, W est B land ford str ee tBainbridge and Mu schamp, l inen an d woollen draper s, si lk merc ers &c.

,Albert hou se, 1 1 and 12 Market s treetB ainbridge Ralph, v ic tu aller, Cumberl and Hou se, Queen streetB ainbridge Samu el, whi tesmith, P os tern ; h. cou rt, 38 Westgate stre etBainbridge W i lliam , barri ster at l aw, 70 Grey stre e t ; h . Walls en dB ains Alexander, hair dresser and n ews agen t, 30 H igh bridgeBaird Mr s. Mary L ewes, 3 E ldon squ areBaird Thom as, v i c tu aller, N ew H awk, E ast Ballast hillsBai ster Jane, l odgings, l l S tepney te rrac eB aker Benj amin, commiss i on agen t, 20 Terr ace placeBaker Geo rge W i l l i am , foreman , D isp ensary l aneBaker James, c lerk of works, Royal engineer Idepar tm en t, Barr acks ; h .

10 Spring gar den ter raceBaker Thomas, offici al assignee, 57 Grey street ; h . 7 Carlton plac eBaker W i ll i am G air, v i c tu all er, SaddlersWell s, 10 L ow Fri ar s tree tB akers an d brewers Hall, FriarsBall Frederi ck, su rgeon den tist, 36 Car l iol str eetBal l John , beerhou se, N ew millsBallas t hills bu rial g r oun d , Eas t bal last hills, T hom as Gibson sex tonBall s Thom as

, cheesemonger, 41 Great market ; h . 24 N ewgate stree tBalmer Fr ede ri ck, shoemaker, West Blandford stree tB ai ley Mary, mil l iner and dress maker, 73 B landford stree tBai ly Thomas, baske t maker, 54 N ew market ; h. S tepney terraceBally Adol phe and Co .

, merchants, 35 Broad chare ; h. 10 Shield stree tBal ly Anne, dress maker, 44 B l acke tt s tree tBal m b r a John, Vic t., wheat sheaf &. commercial Inn

,3 8r 4 C lo th market

Bal mer Adam , cabine t maker and j oiner, 15 P rinces s tree tBalmer G eorg e , tai l or, 24 Cloth marke tBam b r ou gh Matthew,fil e m fr Figh ting cocks yard h . 19 Bland ford s t .Banks D av id, tai l or and drap e r, 49 Grey street ; h. 1 3


Sav i l le cou r tBanks John , v i ct., B u rn thou se

, 29 Side


B anks Rev . Robert, (Bapti st) 8 L eazes cresen tBaptis t Chapel , Barras bri dgeBap ti s t Chapel, Forth Fi eldsBaptist Chapel , 9 Marlborou gh cresen tBapti s t Chapel , N ew bridge s tree tB ap tist Chapel, ct . 38 W es tgate s tree tBapti st Chapel , Tu thil l s tairsB ap ti st G eorge, cu tler an d su rgi cal i n strument maker , 15 C l o th marke tB arber Daniel , v ic t., Hodgson’s Arms, an d flint glass manu f.,W es t stree tB arber an d P allister , flin t glass m frs., P hoenix fl int glass works, Oakes pl .Bar dgett Thomas, tailo r, 13 B runswick pl aceB ar g ate George and Co ., tanners, Darn Crook h . 3 S t. James stree tB arkas E liz abeth, shopkeeper, 70 N ewgate s tree tBarkas Robert, cu s tom hou se o fficer, 69 N ewgate streetB arkas Thomas P alli ster, bookseller an d stati oner, 26 Grainger s treet, h .

20 P rudhoe stree tBarkas Wi ll i am, carver and gilder, 26 H i gh Friar s tree tB arker James, j o in er and bu i lder, Barker stree t, h . 1 Camden s tree tB arker James, foreman , Byker barB arker John , gardener and seedsman, green grocer &c .,

C ross hou se ,Ga ll owgate, and 224 N ew marke t

Barker John, j oiner and cabine t maker,Vine l ane, h . P awton dean terraceB arku s John , coalfitter, an d commission agen t, 1 9 Quay side ; h . S t.

John’s P lace,Gateshead

B arlow Joseph , printer, bookseller, and stationer, 27 Nel son streetBarlowWill i am ,

fru i terer, 13 N el son street and 192 N ew marke t

B ar n ascon i Fr ancisco,barometer

,th ermometer, glass hydrometer, an d

saccharometer manu fac tu rer, H igh bridge ; h . 2 , L ow bridgeB arnes and Forster, Copperas manu factu rers,Wi n com b l eeB arnes John, tai lor and shopkeeper, East Bal las t hillsB arne s Robert, coal agen t, 2 Ridley v il l asB arnes W illi am

,shoe maker

, 27 S i deB arnett I sabel l a, shopkeeper, 5 Bland ford streetB ar n father George, grocer, tea and Br i ti sh wine dealer, 3 N un

’s stree t ;h . 3 Sunderl and street

B arracks, P onteland road, John Hay barrack masterBarras Charles, engrav er, & c . ; h . 1 1 S tepn ev terraceB arras Mr s. Jane, Jesmond v aleB ar ras Miss Mary, 4 Summer hil l grov eB ar rie James, beerhou se, 83 N ewgate s tree tB arron Dav id , bu tcher, 22 Groat market ; h . Temple stree tB arron Dav id, v i c tu al ler, Whi te Swan , Castl e streetB arron Frances

,lodging s, P os tern

B arron Henry, v i ctualle r , Grey Horse, Mi lk marke tBar ron Matthew and Joseph, l in en drapers, hosiers . and h aberdashers, 18Clo th marke t


B arron Thomas, b u tcher, 100 N ew market ; h . 64 E ldon s tree tB arron W i l liam ,

v ic tualler, Cattle m arke t inn , Forth placeB ar row Mr s . E liz abeth, W estmoreland stree tBarrow Roger, painter and g laz ier, 6 H igh Friar s tree t ; h . 2 L ow C l arem ont place

B artlet t Wi ll iam ,tai lor, 20 H i l l street

Barton Samu el , t ai lor and draper, 57 P ilgrim stree tBarw ick M r s. E l izabeth, 22 Spring garden terraceB asket t M r s. Jane, Argyle s tree tBaske tt John , cu stom hou se ofli cer , l l P icton placeB asket and Rosen bohm ,

corn merchants,5 1 Quay Si de

B ass G eorge, horsekeeper, 44 P u dding chareB ate John

,tai lo r

, 25 Melbou rne s tree tBateman Mary, fu rn i tu re broker, 1 89 P i lgrim streetBates and D ees, solici tors an d agen ts to the Farm ers’ Fire an d L i fe In

su rance Co .,cou rt 54 P i lgrim stree t

Bate s G eorge, solici to r ; h . HeddonB ates Jane, cowkeeper, P on tel and roadBates John Mo ore, M.D .

,5 1 Wes tgate street

B atey John , wood tu rner, S i lv er stree t ; h . cou rt 173 P i lgrim stree tBatey John , lodgings, 7 N orthumberland cou r tB aths (public ,) eas t end of Ridley plac e, N or thumber land s tree tBatson Mr s. Isabel la, 16 S t . Mary ‘ s placeBattie Mr . Andrew, 3 Elswi ck terr aceB at ty Robert, chin a, glass, and earthenware deal er, 60 C layton str eet ; 111 0 Blenheim stree t

B each J . tai lo r, Todds cou rt, 5 1 Groat marketB earup and D onkin, whitesmi ths, bell han ger s, ,scal e beam, and weighingmachine makers

,28 H i gh Fri ar street

Bearup Mr s. Isabel l a, 41 Nor thumberland streetB earup W i ll i am, j o iner and bu i lder, 55 ; h . 57 P ercy stree tB ear up Wi l l i am , j u n io r , join er , & c.

,56 P ercy s tree t

B eason Wi l li am, l odgings, 93 B lenheim stree tB eat ti e Willi am , sub -poli ce in spector

, Westgate stati onBeaumon t W i lliam, l ead merchant, 14 N orthu m berl and stree tBeaumon tWi ll i am , gentleman, 4 High Swin bou rn e placeB eck Edwand , slate merchant ; h . WestgateB eckington Charles, sol i ci tor, 5 Marke t s treetBecki n ton John an d Son

, corn mil lers, O usebu rn,and flou r dealers 33

B igg market, 2 Fol ly , an d 15 Clo se ; h . Rid l ey v i llasB eckington John j unio r, corn miller an d merchan t ; h . 3 Sh iel dfiel dBeckwi th George W oole r, ship and insu rance broker, coalfitter, an d

general commission agent,Three Indian Kings, cou rt ; h . 4 Car l t0 n pl.Beckwi th M r s. Mary, 29 Eldon streetBeckwi tk M r s, 4 L ov ai n e r ow

Bedlington Iron Company ’

s office,26 Wes tgate stree t


B eech Rev . John Hugh , (Wesleyan) 34 Cumberland r owB eet E lizabeth , shopkeeper, S i lv er s tree tB eile s John and Cc ., cu rri ers and leather cu tters, l Bigg market ; h . 7

W es tgate streetB eile s M i ch ael

,v ic tu aller

,Sun In n , 37 G ibson stree t

B eldon George, j unior, ship and insu rance broker, coalfit ter, and comm i ssi on agen t, 29 Quay side , h . 58 E ldon stree t

B el l An drew,tailor and draper

,9 Collingwood stree t

B ell Ann , board and lodging hou se, 40 Bl ackett streetBel l An th ony, pou l terer and game deal er, 3 Bl ackett s treetB ell Anthony Frederi ck

,ship and insu rance broker and commi ssi on

agent,32 Qu ay side

B el l B arbara , dress maker, Mansfield stree t4

B el l Ben j amin , coal owner, Indi an Kings co urt ; h . 3 Greenfield placeB ell Mr . Charles B rown , 1 2 Richmond stree tBel l Chri stopher S lan d su rv eyor & c . ; h . 1 6 Cumberland r owB el l D av ison, corn mi ll er, Cowgate , P ontelandB el l Edward, prov i sion dealer, 18 B igg marketB ell Mr . Edward, 32 Tra falgar stree tB el l G eorge, j oiner and bu i lder, Fenkl e s tree t ; h. 17 ShieldfieldB ell G eorge, cheese and bacon factor, 6 Tyne bridge end ; h . L amptonterrace

B el l G eorge, m arine store dealer, C astle yar dB ell George, bu tcher, 175, N ew market ; h . L ow Fri ar s treetB ell G eorge, cu stom h ou se o fficer, B l enheim stree tBel l Rev . George, (U nitarian), 3 B randling placeB ell Henry, wine and spiri t merchan t, 2 1 an d 22 St. John's l ane ; h . 2

Cumberland r owB ell Isaac, i ron merchan t, &c . ; h . Ben tonB el l Isaac, agen t, S t. Ann ’s rowBell James, whi tesmi th h . Chu rch walk


Bel l Jane and Frances, Bell’s commercial and family ho tel, 6 Grey streetB el l Mr s. Jane , 15 Brandl ing placeB el l J ane, v i c tu al ler, Foresters’ Arms, B ack l aneB ell John , vi c tu all er, Crow’ s N est Inn , 66 P er cy stree tB el l John A., shoemaker, B ack r ow , Q ue en stree tBel l John Thomas W i lliam,

civ i l engineer an d land sur veyor , 20 Sandh ill ; h. 4 Shield stree t

B ell John, P rinter, 99 Clay ton stree tB el l John, assi stan t draper, 25 B l acket t s tree tB el l John , day school , Regen t s treet , Forth terrace ; h . Forth stree tB ell J . and M .

,con fec tioners , 72 P il grim street

B ell John W i lliam, con fec tioner ; h . 6 N orthumberland placeBell John , shoemaker, 34 S towel l s tree tBell Mr . J ohn , 5 N ixon stree tB el l Joseph, master marin er, 89 Blandford stree t


B ell Joseph , dru ggi s t ; h . 8 Richmond streetB ell J oseph, shopkeeper, 29 P u dd ing chareBe l l Joseph , railway clerk, (goods department) , 7 L i sl e s tre etB e l l Joseph, cattl e deal er, cou rt 74 P ercy s tree tBell Joseph W ill i am

,soda w ater and lemonade manu fac tu rer, 7 1 P ilgrim

stre et ; h. 1 1 Albion placeBel l M arti n Brown , v i ctu aller

,Grey Horse, brewer, win e and spiri t

merchant,65 Qu ay si d e

Bel l Mary Ann ,con fec ti oner, 5 1 Grey stree t

B el l Mr s. Mary , 2 Cumber l and r owB el l Mr s ., P i c ton placeB el l M . and A., school, 13 Summerhil l terraceBel l M i ss Mary, Shiel d s treetB el l Ralph

,cu stom h ou se officer, 1 West stree t, Arthu r’s h i ll

B el l Robert, spi ri t merchan t, & c . ; h . Fen ham hallB el l Rober t, grocer an d te a deal er, 5 1 D ean stree t ; 11 . 1 2 E ldon placeB ell Robert, gr ocer, tea dealer, and seedsman, 64 Grainger stree t, an dsack an d can v ass manu factu rer, 22 Sand hi ll ; h. Wesley te rrace

Bell Rober t P axton , fru i terer and game deal er, 9 1 Side, and 68 Blacket t st .B ell Sarah and D oro thy, straw hat makers, cou r t 189 P i lgrim stree tB ell Thomas, grocer and flou r dealer, 1 Marlborough crescen t

earthenware m anu fac tu rers, S tepney po tte ry ; h .

C rescentBell Thomas

,i ron merchan t ; h. Byker

B el l Thomas Sons, l and su rv eyors, valu ers, an d agts., 35 Gr eat marke tBe l l Thomas

,l and ag en t ; h . 1 6 Cumberland r ow

Bell Thomas, shopm an, 35 Jessamin e pl aceB ell Thomas G eo rge, l and v alu er, &c . ; h . 10 El swi ck r ow

Bel l Thomas, v i ctu aller, N orthumberland Arms, Heron streetB el l Thomas


,D enton chare

Bell and Tu rnbu l l,whi te smiths, & c ., P ostern

Bel l W i lli am, cheesemonger an d grocer, 24 Sandh i l l h . S te v enson placeB el l W ill i am , master marin er, 8 L ow Vill a placeB el l Wil l i am

,grocer and dru ggi st, 150 P ilgrim stree t ; h . 32 Trafalgar s t

Bel l W i ll iam , fu rn i tu re broker an d cabinet maker, 192 P i lgrim stree tB el l Wm . 8: John, booksel l ers , stationers, bookbinders, agent s for the A r t

U nion of L ondon , St e. 5 and 6 Col lingwood street ; 11 . 2 Westgate hi l lB el l W i ll i am,

bu tcher, Well ington streetB el l W il li am , cu s tom hou se o fficer, 83 B landford s treetBel l W i ll i am , shopkeeper, Jesmond v al eBel l e Grove H ouse, ( luna ti c asylum,) P onteland road, W i l liam Maga l lsuperintenden tBells, Robson, and Cc .

, brewers, mal ts ters, and spiri t merchants, Tynebrew ery, New qu ayBellerby John , join er , &c .

, Nev i ll e street ; h . Orchard streetBel ough Mary, dressmaker, Stepn ey terrace


B el t George, eating hou se, seedsman, sai lcl o th, sacking, twine , & c .

m anu factu rer,53 Groat marke t

B enard Freres ,merchan t, coalfitter, & c .,5 1 Qu ay side ; h . 45 L eaz e s ter .

B engal i Edward, master mariner, N ew roadBenn and D ixon , co al owners ; o ffice, 28 Qu ay srde

B enn Matthew, Esq., Coal owner ; h . Wol sing ton

Benne tt Charle s W atson, banker ’s clerk, 8 P ic ton pl aceBennett John , shopkeeper, 103, P ercy stree tB ensham Main Coll iery Office, 1 1 Qu ay side , Wi lliam Ru ssell , Esq.

owner ; h . B ran dsbe th castl e , Thomas Wi l li am Bou rnfit terBenson John , general stock and sharebroker, and agen t to the S tar Fi reand L ife Assu rance Office , 1 8 Royal arcade ; h . 4 Sh iel dfiel d

Benson Mary, straw hat m aker, 186 P i lgrim stree tBenson Mi chae l , prin te r, & c .

,3 D ean s treet ; 11 . 1 8 St. N i cholas c h . yd .

B ergu a John Bap ti s t, jewe l l er n barometer, thermometer maker, &c .,20

S t. N i cholas chu rch yardB erkley John, corn merch an t and coal owner, 2 Bu tcher bank, coalo ffice, 59 Qu ay side h . 12 S t. Mary’s terrace

B erkley W i lli am, ship and in su rance broker,coalfitter, & c .

,59 Qu ay

side ; h . Shi el dfiel dB erry John , brewer, New r ead ; h . Scotswood roadB erry M r . John , High Vill a placeB ertram Alexander, cheesemonger, bacon,&e. factor, 12 Union stree tB ertram Charles, merchant ; h . 12 West stree t, GatesheadB er tram and P arkin son , merchants, 7 1 Qu ay sideB ertram Robert, shopkeeper, Forth stree tB es t Andrew, tail o r, 27 P r udho e stree tB es t J ohn , t ailor and draper, 3 1 B lacket t streetB es t Thomas, merchan ts cl erk, N ew P andon s tree tB est Mr . Thomas, 3 Edward stree tBever idg Thomas, brewer and beer hou se, Ou sebu rn bankB everidge John, schoo l master, P lum bers Hall, West wal lsB ev eridge Thomas, shoe maker, 33 Blandford st r ee tBewi ck Abraham,

shopkeeper and flou r dealer, Greenv i l le terraceB ez el l y Joseph, car t owner, N ew r oadB ianchi Charle s, umbrella maker ostrich feather digesser , 1 14 P i lgrim s t.B igge Matthew Robert, Esq.,

banker, 3 1 Marke t streetB igger Benj amin , bacon factor and pro v i s ion dealer, 65 C l ose ; h . 47

L eaz es terraceB il ton Edward and Co., merchants, 42 Sand hil lB i l ton Edward, Spanish, P ortu gu ese, Si c ili an, and Braz ili an v i ce consu l ;h . W estgate h i l l

B ilton Fran k,coachman

, 7 Northumberland placeB inks P ru den ce , hos ier, 64 Head of the S i d eB inks Sarah

,v i c tual ler

,Cock Inn

,Denton chare

B inns Stephen , blacking m an u fr ., 22 New market ; h . 101 C lay ton stree t


B l en kin sop W i lli am, bu tch er, 138 N ew market ; h . 18 Melbou rne stree tBl en kin sop W i lli am ,

keel owner,3 Forth bank

B lower W i lli am, chimney sweep , Gal l owgateB oag Thomas, grocer and marine store an d flou r dealer, S t. Mary ’s s treetB odger Henry, painter and glazi er ; h . 1 3 Carl ton street, ShieldfieldBodger Matthew , exci se ofli c er , Howard street, Byker barBoe George, hosi er, 1 Rav ensworth terraceBee W i lli am, boo t and shoemaker, 17 Collingwood stree t ; h . 1 Rav ensworth terrace

B o l am George,baker, 18 H igh Friar s tree t

B olam Mary Ann,fu rn i tu re broker, 185 P ilgrim street

Bol dem an n , Ber r ies, and Co .,gener al merchants, coalfitters, ship and

in su rance agen ts,5 Qu ay side

Bol dem an n Frederick,merchant

,85 0 h . 9 St. Mary ’s terrace

Bol l am George, l and agen t, 46Wes tgate s treetBol l am W illi am

,l and agent, 46 ‘

Wes tgate s treetB ol ton Edward


, Stock bridgeB ol ton G eorge, solici tor, 22 Grey street h . 23 E ldon placeBol ton George Fros t


,ship chandler, oil, pain t, and colou r dealer,

13 Quay si de ; h. W alkerB ol ton Josepb , c orn mil ler, D ean mill ; h . 7 L ovain e terraceBolton L ionel, M ilk marketBo l ton W i ll i am

,shoemaker, Ou sebu rn bridge, and shopkeeper, Thomp

son streetB on e Jam i eson , hosi er, haberdasher, and straw h at maker, 94 Clayton s t .B ones El izabeth , milliner an d dress maker, Scai fes cou r tBones Fr anci s

,bail iff, L ow Vill a pl ace

Ber r ies Theodore, merchant, & c . ; h . 4 Warwi ck pl aceBoo th Al exan der, v ic tu aller, an d Sco tch l inen dealer, L ord Col l ingwood,103 Clay ton stree t

Booth George, shoe maker, cou rt 25 Bu tch er bankBoo tim an Mi chael, v i c tu aller, High Dyke Tav ern , 20 Broad chareBoarding Cu thbert, cabinet 'maker, Sallypor t gateB orl and John , boo t and shoemaker, SandgateB orou gh pri son, Car l iol squ are, S amu el Thompson gov ernorB orthwick St Co.

,merchants, ship brokers, and commission agents , 20

Sand hi llBosom wor th Thomas, hai r dresser, 2 Manor chareBostl e W i l liam , flou r and prov i si on deal er, L ime stree tB oston Richard , shoemaker, 20 S towell s treetBoston Rober t, tin an d i ron plate worker , brazier, &c .

,68 P ercy stree t


andW estgateBotcherby J ohn , gentleman , S t. Thomas terraceBou rn Thomas W i ll i am , coalfitter , 1 1 Qu ay side ; h. WallsendB ou rne John , l and agent and su rveyor, 7 Hood streetB Ogu e John , hair d r esser , Queen s tr eet


Bowes James, rai lway inspector, 5 S tepney terrac eBowes Will i am Alexander, grocer, 28 N ewgate stree tBowling green s, Bath lane and W est wal l sBowmaker James, v ic tu aller, Admiral Duncan , and baker, CowgateBowmaker, N i cholas Forster, Son , tai lors and drapers, 7 Nu n

’s stree tBowmaker James, tai l or and draper , h . 24 Marlborough stree tB owman Edmund

,en gineer and su rv eyor, 1 7 Arcade ; h. 1 2 Sa ville cou rt

B owman Hannah, dres s maker, 42 G ibson stree tB owman Jane, mi lliner and dress maker , 58 P ilgrim streetB owman Mi s s Mary, 40 C umberl and r owBowman S tewart, hair dresser, & c. 39 Collingwood -s tree tBowman Thomas, rope maker, B arras bridge ; h . 47 P ercy str eetBown as George, attorney, 8 Sandhill h . Spi t ta lBowness John , cheese and bacon factor , 42 N ewgate stree tB owness M i ss Margare t, 4 Adelaide terraceBoyd George, cu rrier, St e Dog le ap stai rs ; h . W es t stree t, Ga te sheadBoyd George, hair dresser, Tyne streetBoyd John , l e tter carrier, 6 P rankling s tree tB oyd Thomas, tailor, Hogg’s en try, Si d eBoyd W i lli am,

su rgeon , 5 Marlborou gh crescen tBoyd Mr . W ill iam, 9 L ow Vill a p laceBr acken /Dav i d, boo t an d shoe maker, 92 C lay ton street ; h . 42 Villa placeBracken John , shoemaker, 6 Wi ll iam stree tBradbu rn John , silk an d wool len dyer, 7 N un’s s treet ; h. 1 0 George stBradley Ralph , assi s tan t warehou seman , Sal ly port cou r tBradley W ill iam ,

tail or, 13 Trafalgar s treetB radi ck John , tai l or, Mac fo r th

s yard, W estgate stree tB radshaw and Anderson, m erchants, ship an d insu rance brokers, andcommission agents, Fenwi ck ’s entry

,48 Qu ay side

B radshaw Benj amin Colhoun, secre tary to the Marine an d T yne Associ ation ; h . 3 L ov ain e place

Brady Mr s. E liz abe th, 2 1 Ox ford stree tBragg and Br um el l

,woollen and linen drapers

,an d tai lo rs, 2 1 Dean stree t

B ragg Charle s and Co .,drapers, silk mercers , hosiers, and carp et ware~

hou se,55 P ilgrim stree t ; h . Summer hi l l

B raid Robert, beer hou se, Gal l owgate

B r amham John G., watch glass manu factu rer, cou rt, 178 P i lgrim stree tBranch Bank of England, 12 Grey stree t, Jo seph Grote, Esq.,


Robert Anderson , E sq.,sub -agen t

B randWil liam ,grocer and draper, 141 P i lgrim stree t

B randlingW i lli am,Esq.

, 15 E ldon squ are, and L ow Gosf orth Ha l l

B r an kston George, bu tcher, 73 N ew Market ; h . Shearwood’

s cou rtB r an kston Richard, fellmonger, 8 Marlborou gh stree tB r az en dal e Mr s. Frances, 2 P ercy placeBr eez or Mi s sMary, 9 Sav ill e cou rtB rennan Hugh , periodical bookseller, 40 Grainger st . h . Hewi tson

s c t .


Brewi s Edward, beer retai ler, 29 Shield stree tBrewi s G eorge, sol i ci tor and agen t to the L aw Fi re an d L i fe Insu r an ceCompany

, 2 1 Grey stree t ; h Melbou rn e stree tB rewi s James Collin s, tailor and d raper, 76 Nor thum b er l an d s tree tBrewi s M r . James

,Back Oxford stree t

Brew i s John , bu tcher, 44 Qu ay side ; h . 1 9 Richmond s treetB rewi s John , schoolmaster, (All Saints), S tation ho u se squ areB rew i s J ohn, car t owner, 5 S towel l s tree tB rew i s Robert, cart owner, Ken t stree tB rewi s Robert, v i ctu aller,Wheat Sheaf In n , Ga l l owgate

B rew is Thomas, shopkeeper, baker, & c . S tock bridgeBr ew i s Wi l l i am,

cart owner,20 Melbou rne street

B r iddon Margaret, fru i terer, 5 N or thum b er l an d stree tB ridger Wi ll i am , lodgings, 13 Marlborou gh cresc en tBriggs Henry, tai lor and draper, 22 Grainger s tree tBriggs Rebecca, day school, 1 8 Marlborou gh stree tB riggs Mr . Robert, 4 L ovain e t erraceBri gh t Joseph , fu rn i tu re broker, The Cu tB r igh twen Charles, gr ocer an d tea dealer, 12 Marke t streetBr i gn a l John An thony, au c tioneer, apprai ser, an d commissi on agent, 14Upper Buxton s tree t

Bril ey Eliz abeth , l odging hou se, 6 Angu s cou rtBrinsley E sther, s tay maker, Forth stree tB ri ti sh School

,Bath lane

,Ann Atkinson , mistress

B ri ttain Georg e , shopkeeper, 2 Sandy ford pl aceBroadhead E lizabe th , ready made an d baby linen warbs. 102 P ilgrim s tB rocket t Mr s. I sabella, 14 Albion placeBrocket tW i lli am Edward, sol ic i tor, and agen t to the legal and commissionl i fe assu rance company, 50 Dean stree t ; 11 . Wi ckham hou se

Brocket t Wi lli am H enry, manag ing di rector of the N ewcastl e u pon Tynemarin e in su rance company

,and av erage stater , 33 Qu ay side ; h . King

James’s s tree t, GatesheadBrogdon Matthew, green grocer, Stock bridgeB rooks Edward , ha t manu factu rer, h . 90 N ewgate stree tB rooks and Shepherd , hat manu factu rers , 6 N ewgate stree tB rookes W il l iam Alex. civ i l engineer, Gu ildhal l ; h . E lswi ck v ill asB room Rev . Andrew,

46 Car l iol s tree tB rough Charles, au cti oneer, apprai ser, academy of arts, general and Com .

m i ssion agen t,52 B l acke tt street ; h . 65 E ldon stree t

Brown Mr s. Ann , 3 1 P ru dhoe stree tB rown Mr s . Ann , 7 Ridley pl aceB rown Ann

,umbrell a and parasol maker and toy dealer

,2 Mosley street

B rown Ann , dress maker, 1 12 P ercy s treetBrown Archibald

,bu tcher, 69 N ew market ; h . Rosemary l ane

B rownCh r istOph er , b u tcher , 182 N ew mkt h . Halbert’s c t.,P ain ter heu ghBrown Cu thbert , shopkeeper, Forth stree t


Brown C u thber t, brewer for Tyne Brewery Co . N ew r ead

Brown Edward Bel l , com m er c i a l cl erk, New r ead

B rown El iz abeth , shopkeeper, St. P eters Qu ayB rown E lizabeth, Vict . O l d P l ou gh , 9 B i gg marketBrown Euphiu s, vic t. Bee H i ve, 43 L ow Vil l a P lac eB rown Flo rence D . hair seating manu factu rer, Clav ering p l aceBrown George, hosier, haberdasher, glover, &c. 45 P ilgrim s tree t ; h . 4

L ow Villa placeB rown George, grocer, C astl e stree tB rown G eorge, i r on foun der , &c . ; h . Forth str ee tBrown George , bu tcher, 56 Quay si de ; h . Red barn sB rown George , horse and gig letter, 1 9 St. John ’s l aneB rown George, grocer, flou r deale r, an d baker, 24 B lenheim stree tB rown H enry , bu tcher, 5 Bu tcher ban k ; h . 2 E lli son terrace


B rown James H u gh,manager, 44 Richmond street

B rown James , bu tcher,M i lk marke tBrown J ames, cooper, B road ch are ; h . 30 Mel bou rn e s t r ee tB rown James

,clerk, 10 Bath r ow

B rown J av in,shopkeeper, P i t t s treet

Brown John , sol i ci tor , agen t to the Sheffield , Rotherh am ,and Chesterfield Fi re and L i fe Insu rance C ompany, 23 S i de ; h . 8 E l l i son p l ace

Brown John and Son , su rgi cal in strument makers, optici ans, cu t l ers, & c .

68 Grey stree t 1

B rown John, draper, 85 0 h . 46 El don s tree tB rown John, clerk, 5 Rosemary laneBrown John, tripe d resser, 81 N ew marke t ; h .WestgateBrown J ohn draper ; h . El swi ck cottageBrown John , shoemaker, Castle garthBrown John H enr y, shoemaker, bu tter an d egg deal er, 98 N ew marke t ;h . 1 2 B l enheim stree t

B rown John,shopkeer and flou r dealer, S tepney bank

B rown Joseph , bu tcher, 147, N ew market ; h WestgateB rown Joseph , bu tcher, 145 N ew market ; h . 34 Trafalgar s tree tB rown Jo seph an d Isaac, bu tch ers, 127 N ew market h s.WestgateB rown Margaret, shopkeeper, 5 P ru dhoe stree tB rown Margaret, lodgings. Thomas’ s cou rt, Forth streetBrown Mary, straw hat and dress m aker, 9 Rosemary lan eBrown N ichol as, timber merchan t, Hexham h . 34, Bl and ford stree tB rown Rebecca, con fec ti oner , 234 New marke t ; h .

‘Wes t B l and ford s tree tBrown Robert, mill er, Skin n erb u r n steam mill ; h . 105 B lenheim stree tB rown Robert Bol ton , hatter an d furrier, 104 Si de ; h . 79 C l ayton s treetrown Thomas, sol ici to r, cl erk to the board o f gu ardi an s, and super intenden t registrar, Clav ering place h . P awton d ean terracerown Thomas and Son , hair seating m anu factu rers, C l av e r ing placerown Thomas, cu rrier an d tanner, C rown yard h . 3 Bath r owrown Thomas

,fishm on ger , 64 Bl acke tt street


B rown Mr . Thomas, 10 P icton terraceB rown Thomas

,cu stom hou se ofli cer , 3 Warwi ck pl ace

B rown Thomas, commercial trav ell er, W esley s tree tB rown W i lli am

,v i ct., Tu rf Ho tel , 35 and 36 C o l l ingwood st . re freshmen t

rooms,Railway stati on , Gateshead, and G rand stand , Race cou rse

B rown W i lli am , pro fessor of mu sic , and pian o forte tu ner , 2 Albion s tree tB rown W i ll i am , trunk and portm an teau maker, 5 B reado h . C amden st .Brown Wil li am , clerk , El sw i ck st ree tB rown W i ll i am , ch emis t and dru ggi s t, Ou sebu rn b r idge ; h . S t. Ann ’s r owB rown W i lliam J ohn , clerk , 1 W es tmorel and stree tB rownW il l i am ,

baker and flou r dealer, Gal l owgate

Browne Joseph , cashier, Branch Bank o f Eng l and , 18‘

B randl ing placeB rowne W illiam Joseph , sol i ci tor ; h . 9 Brunsw ick street

, GatesheadB rowning Rev . Dav i d C unningham ,

52 L eaz es terraceB r own l ess Absalom , prin ter and bookbinder, 8 P ercy str ee tB ru ce Edward and Thomas, booksellers, s tati oners and bookbinders, 6 1Grey stree t

,hou ses 10 St. Mary’s place, and 95 Bl enheim stree t

B ru ce John C .,day and boarding academy, 80 P ercy st ree t

B ru ggerMatthew and L awrence, German clock makers, and pork bu tchers,26 N un

’s stree tB r um el l George , woollen draper, & c . ; h . 30 E ldon stree tB r um el l Henry Pear i th , su rgeon , 16 B lacke tt s tree tB r um el l John , j oiner, &c . , 15 SideB run ski l g W i ll i am ,

agen t, 3 Stepneyfield, WestB run swi ck Wesleyan Chapel , B runsw i ck placeB run ting Mr s. E l iz abeth , 50 L eaze s terraceB run ting Rich ard , glov er and breeches maker , 34 Bi gg marke tB rydon El iz abeth , Jane and Al i ce, dress makers, 18 Trafalgar stree tB rydon James, co al agent, 37 Qu ay side ; h . H i gh Wes t s treet

,G ateshead

B ryson Thomas , corporation foreman , 24 Terrace pl aceB ryson W i l l i am ,

v i ctu al ler and brewer, Farmers Rest, 52 P ercy streetB u chanan Jan e, shopkeeper, Monk streetBu ch anan John , con fec tioner, P ercy stree tBu ckham Andrew, h ai r dresser, W aterloo st . ; h . St. N icholas chu rch vd .

B u ckham Mr s . Ann , Bath laneB u ckh am Ann , cowkeeper, B ath l aneB u ckham Edward , bu tche r, 20 N ew market and Westgate ; h . 12 L ow

V ill a pl aceB u ckham George, hosier, gl ov er, St e h . 142 P i lgrim streetB u ckham George , bricklayer an d bu i lder, Hedley plac eB u ckham and Grey, hosiers, glov ers, l acemen , & c ., 5 1 P i lgrim stree tB u ckham John, sai l maker, 50 Quay side ; h . 8 S tepney terraceB u ckham Mr s ., cowkeeper, Back laneBu ckton Joseph , v i ctu aller, B l ack Bu ll, Todd ’s nookB u dden W i ll i am H umphrey, manager, 2 L ow Swin b ou r n e placeBu ddle G eorge, grocer and tea dea l er , 42 Col l in gwood st. ; h . 16 Albion pl.


B u lkel ey P eter, shopkeeper and qu i ll dress er, 32 High Fri ar streetBu lkeley Richard, exci se o fficer, 1 6 Melbou rne stree tBu ll P ete r M. , professor of mu si c, 40 Car l iol stree tB u lloch J ames, tai lor ; an d Margare t, straw hat maker, 7 Bigg marketB u llock Mary, S t. Andrew s pari sh school, 14 P ercy stree tBu ll ock Sarah, s traw hat maker, 2 N u n ’s stre e tB u llock Wal ter, cork cu tter, 14 P ercy stree tBu l lock W i ll i am ,

bacon cheese factor,1 15 N ew market ; h . 2 N un’s s t.

Bu llock W i lli am,v ictu aller, Grapes and t ea gardens, Carli sl e road

Bu lman Mr s. Ann,9 Ell i son plac e

B u lman Ann , shopkeeper, Forth bankB u lman Darnel, M .D. , 10 Market streetB u lman F. W., plaster of P ari s and Roman cement manu fac tu rer

, 16

Sand hill, work s, S t. An thony ’sBu lman George, ironmonger, & c . ; h . 23 L eaz es terraceBu lman H ez el r igg , sho emaker and clothes deal er, Dog bankBu lman John and George , i ronmongers, & c . ,

41 Mo sl ey s tree tBu lman John, i ronmonger, &c h . 28 Eldon s treetBu lman John , solici tor, Royal Arcade ; h . 9 Elli son placeBu lman J ob James, secretary of chamber of commerce , 29 , Sand hil l ;h . 9 C arl ton terrac e

B u l man Mrs . Mary, 5 Albion pl aceBu lmer Sr, Co ., Tyne iron works , o ffice Tyne bridge en dB u lmer Thomas and Wi ll i am, v i ctu allers, Ordnance Arms, Gal l owgateB unn Richard Topham , agen t, 23 Brandling pl aceB unn Rober t Thomas, watch g l ass,& c . manu factu rer ; h .29 L eazes terraceB unney Thomas, clothes dealer, Castl e stairsBu rdikin Sarah , shopkeeper, 6 Argyle stree tBu rdi s G eorge , banker, 2 1 E ldon placeB u rdi s W i ll iam, day school , Clav er i ng place ; h . Blandford s tree tBu rdi s W i ll iam, fo reman , Tyne streetB u rden Cu thber t, cabine t maker an d fu rni tu re broker, 2 3 P i lgrim streetBu r den H en ry, shopman, 3 E l lison terraceBu rden W i l l iam Wha r ton , gen tleman , 9 E ldon placeB u rkett G eorge, shopkeeper, East ball ast h illsB u rn Bryan , v ic tu aller, White Horse

,45 G r ea t market

B u rn D av id, c ast i ron , 850 . manu factu re r ; h . Regen t terraceB u rn George, boo t and shoemaker, Reyn ol dson

's cou rt

Bu rn James, carter, 6 Thomas’s cou rt, Forth s tree tB u rn John , bu tcher, 2 1 P i lgrim street, and 70 N orthumberland stree t ;h . 7 B runswick place

B u rn John , chemist and dru ggis t, 53 N or thumberland stree tB u rn John , v i c tu all er, Ship Tavern , York s tree tB u rn Joseph, bank porter, B l enheim stree tB u rn Martin James, engineer, 30 B landford stree tBurn Thomas, farmer, Sco ttswood road


Bu rn Thom as, coal dealer, Blagden stree tB u rn s Jam es, shopkeeper an d prov ision dealer, 43 head of S i d e ; h . S t

N i cholas chu rch yardBu rnand Rich ard, g un maker, 1 1 1 P i lgrim stree tB u rnand Robert, tai lor, 10 1 P i lgrim stree tB u rnet Robert, shoe maker, 13 Trafa l gar s tree tB urnet Thomas, gentleman , 3 Summerhil l terraceB u rnett B rothers, eng in eers, 1 1 Spring garden terraceB urnet t G eorge, l ead manu factu rer, h . 13 Clayton stree t

, wes tBu rn ett James, engineer, h. 1 1 Spring garden terraceB u rnet t James , clerk, 43 P ru dhoe stree tB u rne tt P e ter, fru i terer, seedsman,an d game dealer, 66 Clayton streetBu rnett Robert, coalfit ter,Wylam coll i ery office , 7 Qu ay side ; h . 1 3

C l ay ton stree t, wes tBu r n ip An thony, shoemaker , D i spen sary l aneB u rnu p Mr s. Ann

,6 Jesmon d terrace

Bu rnu p C u thber t, bu ilder and timber merchan ts, h . 6 Jesm en d terraceBu rnup John and Henry, coach bu ilders and harness m akers, cou r t 64,N orthum berland street ; h . 6 Jesmond terrace

B u r n np John , bu i lder, & c . ; h . 3 Derwen t p l aceB u rn u p Thom as , sol i ci to r, and agen t for the lVest of Englandfire andl i fe in su rance com pany, 154, P ilgrim stree t ; h . 6 Jesmond terrace

B a r n up W i lliam and C u thbert, timber merchan ts, hou se carpenters andb u i l ders , Barras bridg e saw m i l l s

B e rn np Wi ll i am an d Sons, bu i lders, brick makers, & c . N evi ll e stree tBu r n ap W i ll i am , timber merchan t, & c h . 4 E l don placeB o rn up W i l l i am , bu ild er, 8: ” h . 9 Derwen t pl aceB u rr el l Isabella, eating hou se, Man or stree tBu r r

-el l J ehn , manu factu ring chemi st, and whol esale dru ggi st, 5 1 Sand

h i l l ; h . 25 B l enheim stree tB u r rel l John and Isaac, i ron founders, & c .

, Sou th streetBu r rell Mr s. J . Smith , L ovain e terraceB a rt Joseph , corn miller and flou r dealer

, 4 Thorn ton s tree tB u rton En o ch , fan cy shell and p aten t medi c in e dealer, 141 P i lgrim stree th . El sw i ck terrace

B u rton John , con fec ti on er , 23 Cl ayton street, westBu r ton Mark , v i c tu aller , Green Tree Inn , Eas t ballas t hil l sB u r tchby George, fru i terer, 17 Nu n’s s tree tB u stin G eorge, chemist and dru ggis t ; h . 2 Sav i lle cou rtB u tler H enry , town mission, The Cu tB u tterw i ck George, pain ter an d gl az ier, 26 L ow Buxton stree tB yers E leanor, mil l i ner, 1 Nel son s tree tByers George, cabinet maker,W’ el lington stree tB yers Jam es, clogger an d deal er in shoes, Castl e garth stair sByker sel f supportin g di spen sary, Byker barBywater Ann, cowkeeper, P ostern


Gargey Mrs . E l iz abeth 85 Misses, l adies seminary, 1 L ow Swin bou r n e pl .Cargill, H eadlam and Co.

, merchants, commission agents, and coalfitters ,29g Quay sideC argi ll J ohn


4 El don squ areC argil l John

,gen tl eman, 7 E ll i son place

Cargi ll,Mou n cey , and Co., Iron merchan ts , 29 Qu ay side

Cargi ll W i ll iam , merchan t, 8 Char l otte squ are , and Shotley bridgeCar l iol Tower, N ew bridgeCarl i sle John Fenwi ck, grocer an d p rov ision dealer, Eas t Bal l ast hill sCarlton E liza, ccn fec tion er and fru i terer, 54 P ercy s treetC armichael Robert, w atch and cl ock maker, 4Marlborough stree tCarmichael W i lli am , shipwrigh t, 36 Howard streetCarm en H . J . B .

,v i ctu aller

,George Inn Commerc i al Hotel an d posting

hou se,139 P i lgrim s tree t

C arnaby John,cabin et maker and u phol sterer, 22 L ow Fri ar stree t


v i c tu all er, Qu een ’s Head , Ga l l owgate

Carnaby Robert,marine s tore dealer, 1 7 W il li am street

C arnaby W i l l i am ,marin e store dealer , 1 Templ e st r ee t

C arnaby W illi am , cowkeeper, Gal l owga te

C arpenter Ann,mill iner and —dress maker, S tepney s tree t

C arr An drew,clerk , 13 Sunderland street

Carr and Co . timber merchan ts and saw mills ; hemp,fiax ,ta l low, &c .

importers and merchants, ship and in su rance brokers, and commi ssi onagents, 25 Broad ch are and CloseC arr Ann and Jane

,Mi lline r s and dre ssmakers, 66 Clayton street

C arr Cu thbert, keel owner, B l agdon s treetC arr E leanor

,mill iner and hosi er, 74 C l ay ton s tree t

C arr Fan n y , mistress St . John ’s infan t sch ool h . 99 B land ford stree tC arr Francis Robinson, w in e an d spi ri t merchan t, 42 Groat marketCarr G eorge, v i c tu aller, Golden L i on, 4 1, B i gg marketC arr G eorge , i ronmonger, manu factu rer and repairer of saws,files, edgetool s

,cu tlery, Sec . 25 N u n ’s street

Carr Miss I sabel la, 3 1 Eldon stree tC arr J ames, perfumer and hair dresser, 1 1 S ide ; h . 4 L i sl e streetC arr James N . cabine t maker and fu rn i tu re broker, 62 P i lgrim stree tC arr John

,Esq. coal owner, 38 Qu ay sid e ; h . Roseworth Cottage

C arr John and Co . coke andfir e brick manu fac tu rers, Three Indi anKings ’ cou rtCarr John W . R . clerk

,9 Bl enheim stree t

Carr J ohn Thom as,Ru ssi an v i ce consu l , 25 B road char e ; h . Stell a Hou se

C arr John,v ic tu aller, B rown Ju g , S tepney bank

C arr Mr . John,High Vi lla place

Carr John,cru cible man u fac tu rer, Scotchwood road ; h . Hi gh Villa place

Carr John shopkeeper, Grey stree t S t. P eter ’s qu ayC arr John , tai lo r, The Cu tC arr Joseph , clerk, Spi tal tower


Carr Joseph , v i c tu all er, Ship , St . P e ter ’s qu ayC ar r L ancelot S tob ar t, wharfin g er , ship broker, and comm is sion agen t,34 Br oad chare ; h . 15 Shield s tree t

Carr Mr st Margare t, 3 1 B l enheim stree tCarr Mark

,cowkeep er, Gal l owgate

C arr Mr s. Mary, 46 Howar d s tre e tearthenware manu fac tu rers, Phoenix P ottery, Ou sebu rn ,

and N orth Shield sC arr Ri chard

,clothes deal er,Dog bank

Carr P e te r,clerk, 1 6 L ow Vil la place

C arr Richard,chemist and dru ggi s t, 30 Market s tre e t ; h . 45 P ercy stree t

C arr Robert,shopkeeper, 24 P u dding chare

C arr Robert, e ating hou se, 48 H igh bridgeCarr Rober t

,cl erk

,E lswick t errace

Carr Mr s. Ru th, S t. James’s hou se, Barras bridge

Carr Samu el,tobacco an d cigar dealer, 95 Si de

C arr Su san , g reen grocer, 23 1 New m arket ; h . Low Friar chareCarr Thomas

,banker’s cl erk

,High Vill a place

C arr Thomas,v i c tu aller , Jein er s’ Arm s , Arthu r’s h i ll

C arr W illi am,su rgeon, 9 N ewgate street

C arr W i ll iam, carpen ter and j oiner , 16 High Fri ar s tree t ; h . Argyle ter.Carri ck Thomas, bu tch er, King s treetCarru thers Richard

,t ailor

,36 Bl andford s tree t

C arson D av id , draper, (trav el ling) 18 Su nderl and stree tCarson James


, (tr avell ing) 17 Car l i ol stree tC arter Ann , dressm aker, Sallyport cou rtC arter Jehn ,

foreman,an d Isabella, straw hat maker, St. P eter ’s quay

Car ter Mary, shopkeeper, York streetCarter Rober t, bookbinder, news agent, booksel ler, and stationer, 64Grainger s treetC arter W alter Rober t, l aw s tation er and agen t to the Yorkshire Fi re andL ife Assu ran ce Co .

,Royal Arcade ; h . G eorge street

,Sco ttswood road

Carv er,Chaplin 8: Co., general carriers, 4 Manor street

Casl as Frederi ck , peri odi cal sel ler, 10 S t. John ’s l aneCatch eside Mr s. Ca therine, 1 8 Summerhill te rraceCatch eside John an d Dav id , book and pri n t sellers , s tationers, bookbinders

, an d circu l ating l ibrary, 26 Mosl ey'

s tr eet ; h . 13 Summerhill terraceCatchesideRobert and G eorge, grocers and tea dealers, 6 1 Grainger streeth . 15 S t. James street and Benwell

Cath r a l l Thomas N ield,prin ter and pu bli sher ; h . 1 4 B l enheim street

Cath r al l John,grocer and flou r deal er

,44 Gibson street

C atholi c chu rch , C lay ton stree t, Wes tCatholi c chapel

,73 P i lgrim street

Cath oli c school , Car l iol squ are , Thom as Coleman an d Mary Hodg in ,m aster and mistressC attle ma rket

,Scotchwood road


C atton John, grocer an d tea deal er, 2 1 Mosl ey stree t ; h . Higham pl aceCaver h i l l George, beer hou se, Cau seway bankCemetery, Arthu r’s hill , Daniel C lark superin tenden t and sextonC emetery, Jesmond n ew road, John Atkinson , sextonCentral Exchange news rooms , 35 G rey st . ; John Dunn superin tenden tC en tral Exchange co ffee rooms

,35 Grey st ., Mr s. L ou gh, superin tenden t

Chal l en er Edward W i l son , dru ggi st, o il, col ou r merch an t, and commissionagent, 56 Grey stree t ; h . 6 George stree t, eas t

Chal l en er John,chie f agent

,N ewc astle and Carli sle Rai lway Company,

George stree t,eas t

Chal l en er John , bu tcher, 17 1 N ew market ; h .W e l l ington stree tChambers Mr s. Ann

, 27 L eazes terraceChambers Catherine

,shopkeeper, N el son street, N orth shore

Chambers H enry,agen t, 25 Ox ford s tree t

Cham bers P earson Thomas, su rgeon, 75 N ewgate s treetC hambers Rober t, grocer and tea dealer ; h . 26 Clayton streetCham bers Robert


,B ack r ow,

Qu een s tree tChambers W i l l i am

,tai lor

,Ca stle garth

Chantler John , inspector, N ewcastl e and C arl i sle Railway, 1 Bland ford st .Chapman Mr s. Ann, 1 8 Albion placeChapman Anthony

,gentl eman , 10 Summ erhill terrace

Chapman E dward, hair dresser, 5 CloseChapman H enry , commerci al travell er, C am d en s tree tChapman Mr s . Mary, 25 Terrace placeChapman Mr s. W i l fred

,35 E ldon stree t

C hapman Willi am ,E sq.

,general di r ector of the Union Banking Co.


Mosley street ; h . 4 Sav i l le p l aceCharl eton Mr s. E lizabeth, 13 L ow C laremont placeCharle ton John

,painter and glazi er, 108 P ercy stree t

Charl ton Aaron,shopman , 7 L ow Villa place

Charl ton Edwar d,M.D ., 7 E ldon squ are

Charlton Edward, s tationer, bookbinder, & c . 85 0 h . 13 C umberland r owCharl ton Edward, bu tcher, 128 N ew marke t, and shopkeeper, 58 Nor

thum b er l an d stree tCharlton E lizabeth , lodgings, 8 Sunderland streetCharl ton George

,bu tcher

,67 B l acke tt stree t, and East Ballast hill s ; h . 4

N orthumber land p l aceCharl ton H enry, ti de wai ter, Bu ckingham streetCharl ton James

,bu tcher

,19 U nion street ; h . Vill a pl ace

Charl ton John, fu rn i tu re broker and cabinet maker, 188 P ilgrim street

Charl ton John,au c tioneer and appra i s er, 1 3 N orthumberland cou rt

Char l ton John,fiin t manu factu rer, Ou sebu rn

Charl ton John,shopkeeper

,l l S tam fordham place

Charl ton Mr s. Margaret, 24 B randling pl aceCharl ton Mary Ann

,boarding and day school

,22 Westmoreland stree t

Charl ton Rober t, commerci al travel l er, 6 Erick stree t


Charl ton and McPhie, cabinet an d chair m akers, cou r t, 48 Groat marke tCharl ton Thomas, cabin et maker, 46 H igh bridgeCharlton W i ll i am, corn merchant, and commi ssion agen t, 69 Qu ay sideh .

14 E ldon placeCharl ton Wi lli am , r afi'merchant, 8 Elli son pl aceCharnleyEmerson


,stati oner, & c ., 45 B i gg market

Chater Thomas and Wi l li am , so li ci tors, 2 1 Mosley s treet ; h s. 1 2 Carl tonpl ace

,and 9 Summerhill terrace

Char tres W ill i am , so l i c i tor, 74 Grey stree t h . 1 G reenfiel d pl aceCheesm on d Rober t, v i c tu al ler, Joiners Arms, 3 Gibson stree tChild Anthony


er , Bu ckingham streetChipchase George Johnson , l emonade, soda water, and ginger bee r manufactu rer

,4 N el son stre et

Ch ipchase James, cabinet maker, 850 11 . 38Wes tgate stree tChisholm Jane

,v i ctu al ler, Swan Inn, 94 N ewgate stree t

Chi sholm Thomas, shopkeeper, Dog bankChisholm W i ll i am, Joiner, 59 E lswi ck streetChri sp James

,au ctioneer and apprai ser, 7 Forth lane

Chri s ti ansen,Schier Co.

,general merchan ts , 39 Qu ay side

Chri sti ansen George Charles Emilias, merchan t ; h . 6 E ldon placeChri s tie John

,prin ter

,booksel ler, bookbin der, stationer, engrav er, li tho

graphic and copper plate printer,paper ru ler, &c .

,3 N el son street

Chr i stopher son Rev . Henry, 50 B l acke t t stree tChr on ic le Ofice, 2 1 Union s treet, Thomas and James HodgsonChubb John , cooper, Thompson streetChu bb John , c abinet maker and paten t n ai l agen t, 7 1 Clo seChubb W i l n am

,c abinet maker 85 u pholsterer , N ew road h . 33 G ibson st

C lark G eorge N oble , su rgeon , 10 N ewgate stree tC lark George , cabine t maker, Forsyth ’s yard h . 29 Terrace placeClark H arr i e t

,straw hat m aker

C lark James, v i c tu aller, Cookson Arms, Arthu r’s hil lCl ark James, marine store dealer, 9 W ill iam stree tC l ark J ohn

,boot, shoe, clog and pa tten maker, 86 Side ; 11 . 4 B lenheim st.

C lark John , corn and flou r factor, 3 S ide ; h . 7 Trafalgar stree tClark John, v ic tu aller, Marqu i s of C ornwalli s, 24 B i gg marke tClark John , o il cloth manu fac tu rer, 126 P i lgrim stree tC lark John and Mary , w in e 8: Spi r i t m er ch an ts, S t. N ichol as chu rch yardClark John , S t. John’s school, Bu ckingham stree tC la rk Mr . J oseph

,5 B ell stree t

C lark Mr s. Margaret, 1 2 E ll i son placeClark N athan i el, gentleman , 59 L eaz es terrac eC lark Robert, bu tcher, 1 79 New market, 55 P ercy st. ; h . 1 9 L o r ain e pl .Clark Robert, clerk, 7 Albion placeClark Thomas an d George, cu rriers an d l eather cu tters, 14, Sid eClark Thom as, cu tl er and su rgi cal in strument m aker, 33 Mos l ey street ;h . 16 Mar l b r ough crescen t


Clark Thomas H ind , prin ter, bookseller and stationer ; h . 6 N ewgate st.Clark Thomas

,tai lor

,5 Thornton s treet

C lark Wil liam, au c tioneer, apprai ser, accountant and general c ommissi onagent, 3 S ide ; h . 7 Trafalgar stree tC lark Wil liam , cabinet maker and u phol s terer, 78 P ilgrim s tree tClarke an d Dunn, wharfin ger s, 76 Qu ay sideC larke Ann, l inen manu fac tu rer and hosier, 16 Bi gg market ; h . 68

Grainger s treetC l arke E l izabeth, l ad ies school , 35 C umberland r owClarke E lizabe th , l ad ies school, New r oadC larke John , wharfin ger ; h . 76 Qu ay sideC larke John

,printer an d bookbinder

,27 S t. N i cholas chu rch yard h . 8

P i c ton terrac eC l arke John

,shoemaker and clogger

, 75 Side h . Sco ttswood r oadClarke John , bu tcher, 143 New market ; h . 50 Car l iol s treetC l arke Joseph

,shoem oker

,Forth terrace

C larke M i ss Margaret, 10 E lli son pl aceC larke, P lumm er 8L Co.

,spinners of l in t and tow yarns , Ou sebu rn mills

C larke Robert,bricklayer and bu i lder, N ew ro ad

C l arke Wi lli am James,foreman

,16 Richmond stree t

C larkson Joseph , clerk, Trafalgar stree tC lav ering J ohn

,solici tor

,37 Mosl ey street ; h . S t. Thomas S treet

C l av ering place Chapel, (Uni ted Secession ,) Clav ering plac e

C laxton John Marshall,schoolmas ter

,5 1 N or thumberland s tree t

C lay Robert, merchan t ; h . S t. Mary ’s moun t, JesmondC lay Robert, ship owner, 3 L ow Claremont placeC layton and Armstrong

,timber merchants, saw m i lls, lime bu rners an d

coke manu fac tu rers,Skinner bu rn

Cl ayton Mi ss Deborah , 46 Wes tgate s treetClaytons and D unn

,sol icitors, Gu ild h all , Sand hil l

Cl ayton George,accountant and au c tioneer, Royal Arcade ; h . Walls end

Cl ayton John,sol ici tor and town clerk, Gu i l dha l l , San dhi l l ; h . Fenkl e s t

Clayton Matthew,solic i tor ; h . Fenkl e street

C layton Rev. Richard,M. A . incumbent of S t. Thomas ’s Chu rch , 14

N or thum b er l an d stree tC lear E liz abe th , shopkeeper, 9 P ilgrim s tree tC leghorn Joseph, mail coachman , 4 Minden streetC lell and Hugh , shopkeeper, 42 Head of sideC l en n el l Thomas, master mariner, S t. P eters Qu ayClement L ou i s, comm i ssi on agent, 34 Qu ay s id e ; h . 4 Sav ille r owClementson George

,gentleman , 24 L eaz es ter race

C lemen tson Margaret, v i c tualler, Gate Tav ern, N ew quayClementson Thomas

,shopkeeper, Byker hill

C l em i tson Wi l liam,primi ti v e methodist preacher, 39 Howard street

Clemmy Thomas,tailor and v i c tu a l l ar

,Yarmou th Arms

,Grey str eet, St.

P eter’s quay


C l epham Joseph , agen t to Yorkshire Fire and L i fe office, 1 4 Sand h ill ;h . 2 Sedgwick place, GatesheadC lerk o f the peace, omoe, W estgate,W i ll i am D i ckin son , E sq.,

cl erk, JohnE l lio t assi stan tCleugh Frances, dressmaker, 2 Buxton stree tCleu gh M r s . Jane

,Jesmond p l ace

C l ose Mr . George,37 Shield s tree t

C linton Mr . Mi chael and Hannah , stay straw hat maker, 6 1 Newgate st

C lyde W il li am,shoemaker, Westmorel and s tree t

Coates Taylor, wood tu rner, cou rt 166 and fu rni tu re broker, 88 P i lgrim st.Coatsworth P e ter, v ic tu al ler, Rose and Crown , Eas t Ballast hill sCochrane Adam, h at manu fac tu rer, 1 1 Grainger stree t ; h . 4 El swi ck st.Cochrane Franci s, cl erk, Well ington str eetCochran e W i ll i am, l iv ery stable keeper, cou rt 75 Newgate stree tCodling Jo seph

,bu tcher, 13 1 N ew m arke t ; h . 2 High Friar s tree t

C ohen Dav i d, op ti ci an and mathematic al instrumen t maker, 76 Greystreet ; h . 9 1 Clayton s treetCohen L ewi s and Soloman , b atter s, fu rri ers and m i l l tary captu r er s, 77 Clayton stree tCole Elizabeth , Nati onal schoolmistr ess, 13 Sav i l l e cou rtCole John

, v i c tu aller, E lephant and C astl e, 12 L ow Friar streetCole W i l li am , brewer, 1 1 L ow Fri ar s tree tColeman

,Thomas, catholic school m aster, 14 Carl ton street

Colhoun Mi ss Ann , 1 1 2 B lenheim streetColhoun Robert, tobacco an d sn ufl

'manufac tu rer, 17 Side ; h. 9 Rav en sworth terraceC oll en Jane

,dress maker, 9 Bath r ow

C oll ing Joseph , share broker, 32 Marke t street ; h . 20 Bl enheim streetCollings John

,foreman , O l d Mansi on hou se, Close

Collinson Henry, hai r dresser perfumer,75 Quay side ; h . 18 Buxton s t

Col li son Mi chael, marine store dealer, Tyne streetC ollinson Thomas, v i ctu aller, Mason ’s Arms, The Cu tColquhoun D av id , clerk,W estmorel and s treetColquhoun Wi lli am ,

grocer an d tea dealer, 8 Tyne bri dge en d h . 12

Rav ensworth terrace, GatesheadCol pi tt Isabel l a, cowkeeper, Monk streetCol tman John Feren s, grocer, Tyne s tree tCol tman Thomas, free school, Byker ; h . Cattr i cks bu i ldingsColv i ll e Edwin Dodd , coal agen t, (Sou th

P el an colliery,) 7 1 Qu ay sid eC ommins George Hobson

,draper an d hosi er, W es tgate

C onnel l John,v ic tu aller, B l enheim hous e, 25 Mar l b r ou gh stree t

C onolly Edward , v ic tu all er, Dock H ou se, N orth shoreCook Mi ss Ann

,Tyne stree t

Cook Charles,E sq.

, B enwel l hal lCook Edward , v i c tuall er, Bay H orse, Arthu r’s h i llCook Godfrey

, clerk, 4 Waterloo stree t


Cook John , working Si lv ersmi th, cou rt 93 Newgate stree tCook John

,l odgings, 8 E l sw i ck r ow

Cook John and Thomas . chemi cal works, S t. Anthony’s ; h s. Wes t hou seand BentonCook Mi ss Margaret, 5 1 H oward s treetC ook Robert


,East Ballas t hil l s

Cook W i lli am , au c tioneer , apprai se r, commission agen t and sheriff’sofficer for the Coun ty of N orthumberland , 89 S i deCook W i l l am , au ctioneer, apprai ser and fu rni tu re broker. 5 Cloth marke tCook W i lli am ,

v ic tu aller,Coach and Horses, 1 2 Bi gg marke t

C ook W i lliam ,flou r dealer and confec ti oner, 22 L ow Buxton street

C ookson and Cou l thar d, b ottl e manu fac tu rers,B i l l qu ay, office 46 Sandhi l lCookson and C u thbert, merchants, w estend of the C loseCookson D av id , solici tor , 48 P ilgrim str ee tC ookson I saac Thomas, i ron fou nder ; h . N ewb iggen hou seCookson John , bottl e manu factu rer ; h . Whi te hi l lCookson Thomas, stee l manu fac tu rer, D erwen t co te, N ew steel yardCookson Thomas 85 Son , i ron founders, Close gate foundry ; h . Swin

bu rn e castleCookson W il liam, colou r manu factu rer, westend of the C lo seC ooper James, cooper, Broad chare ; h . Melbou rn stree tC ooper John Cc .

,ship and insu rance brokers, commission agents, an d

agents to the Chartered Gaslight and Coke Company of L ondon ; 33Qu ay side ; h . Regen t terraceCooper Robert, bru sh manu factu rer, 62 H ead of th e SideCOOper Thomas, tai lor and draper, 6 1 P ilgrim street ; h . 5 P i c ton placeCooper Thomas

,sh ip captain, 1 5 Terr ace place

Cooper W i l l i am,attorney’ s cl erk

,5 Spring garden terrace

Copelan d Mi ss E .,2 E ldon place

Copeland George,day school, 87 Blandford street

Copeland Thomas, wholesale dru ggist, 20 Si de ; h . 30 Buxton stree t

C opeland W il l i am,grocer

,tea an d flou r deale r, 26 Bu ckingham stree t

Copel and W il liam, chemist and druggist, 30 L ow street, grocer and teadealer

, 29 Melbou rne stree tCoppock Mr s. Ann

,7 L ovain e place

C orbe t W il li am , cu stom hou s e officer, 5 Stepney laneCorbett Ann

,lodgin gs, 4 L isle street

Corbett Joseph, hosier, glov er, haberdasher an d l aceman , 1 Mosley and1 47 P ilgrim stree tCorbett Joseph 85 Co., hosiers, haberdashers, glov ers , and Berl in depo t, 2Grey stree tC ordwainers’ hall s, Fri ars and N el son streetCorley James, cl o th es dealer, Castl e gar thCorn Exchange, Cloth m arket, and Groa t marke tCorporation school

,Castl e

,John Smith, master

Coste l lo Jam es, deal er in old clo thes, St. Mary ’s stree t


Coxon James, wholesale and retai l draper h . 1 Bu rdon placeCoxon Mr . Ralph , 40 Jessamine placeCoxon Mr . W ill iam, Bu ckingham streetCraggs Robert, marble mason and scu lp tor, 72 P ercy s tr ee tCraig Ann , v i c tu all er, Sun , S t. Ann ’s st reetCraig Charles I .

, shoemaker, Forth s treetCraig Fr an c i s, j oin er cb t. m kr .

,Fletcher s en try ; h . 2 1 W . Clayton st.

Crai g George, sho emaker, Dog l eap s tair s ; h . Robson ’s cou r tCraig Isabell a, dressmaker, S tev enson p l aceCraig John


,D enton ’s yd . 135 N ew mk t . ; h . 19 S towell st

Craig L uke, saddler an d harness maker, 3 N ewgate s tree tCraigs E liz ., trip e dresser, 57 N ew marke t ; h . S t. Mary’s gateC raigs W i l l i am

,tripe d resser

,85 N ew market ; h . Sandgate

C r aigg s George, green grocer, 1 96 N ew marke t ; h . L ow Fri ar s tree tCraigi e James, green grocer, S tock bridgeCrake John

,police sub -inspector

,The Manors

Crake Thomas,polic e inspec tor

,The Manors

Cram M r s . M .,3, Carl ton terrace

Cram Geo . Wm .

,sol i ci tor

, 2 1 D ean s tree t ; h . 41 E ldon streetCrane Thomas, au cti oneer an d appraiser, CowgateCranston Jos eph , old bookseller, 97 N ew mkt . ; h . Og l eg ate ln ., GatesheadCranston Roh .,

cabine t maker & u pholsterer , 103 P ilgrim st . ; h . Argyle s tCrav en Thomas an d Christopher, pawnbrokers, 16 P u dding ch are, andclo thes d ealers, Cast l eg ar thC rawford Ann, paper maker, 12 Dean stree t ; works, War den fl i ed

Craw ford G eorge, tanner, 3 Bath r owCrawford George, shopkeeper, Temple stree tCrawford Mr . James S ., 2 High El swick terraceCrawford John

,i r on fou n der , Railway bridge fou ndry, Ou sebu rn h .

Byker bu il dingsCrawford Matthew, shopkeeper, 6 Clayton stree tC raw ford Thomas, v ic tu aller, L ov ain e Arms , O u sebu rnCrawford Wi lli am , c attle commissi on salesman , 3 P ortland placeCraw ford W ill iam, c abinet maker and j oiner, P ercy cou r t ; h . Temple s t .Craw ford W i l l i am , tai lor, 1 1 Bath r ow

Craw ford W i l l iam , j oin er and c abine t maker, cou rt, 90 P ercy streetC rawhall Joseph 8: Sons, merchants rope m fc ts.

,St. Ann ’s s t. h . N ew r.Cree Thomas

,shopkeeper, Argyle stree t

Creigh B enj amin , cartwright, j oiner, and bl acksmith , B ath l aneCreigh ton Margaret, con fec tioner and fru i terer, 23 Cloth marke tC reighton Wi l l am , sol ici tor and agen t to the Manchester Fi re and L ifeInsu rance O ffice ; h . 1 Adelaid e terrac eCripps Rich ard, commerci al traveller, S t. Thomas stree tC r ewther Thomas, shoemaker, 67 Elsw i ck stree tC rookes E l izabeth , v ic tu aller, Cock and Anchor, 79 P e rcy streetC rookes Mr . George, 39 L ow Vill a place


Crosi er Edward , tailor 45 P ru dhoe s tree tCrosi er Jane

,shopkeeper, 7 Fenkl e stree t

C ro thers Robert,news agen t, 4 N elson stree t

C r ou dace John Rowe, M. D . High E lswi ck terrace , Rye H i llC r oudace Wi lli am,

co alfitter, 28-3 Qu ay side ; h . 2 Carl ton placeCrow John

,boo t and shoe maker, 30 Terrace pl ace

Crow Mary, shopkeeper , 15 P ercy stree tCrow Rober t, l inen and wool len draper, 15 Grainger stree tC row ther Frances, dress maker, 6 Green cou r tC row ther Mr s. Susan Rosenha, 13 Ri dley v i lLasCroz i er Jame s, agen t, Denton chareCroz ier Sarah , farmer, BykerCru ikshanks Ralph, ostri ch feather d resser and dyer, Den ton chareC u l l en Rev . J oseph, Catholi c P riest, 73 P i lgrim stree tCumberland Dav i d, su rv eyor of taxes, 38W estgate s tr ee tC ummins James, cowkeeper, 76 P ercy stree tCummins Robert, bu tcher, Ou se street ; h . S t. Ann ’s r owCunningham D av id, su rgeon and druggis t, Bai l iff gateCunn ingham Thomas, tailor an d clo thes dealer, Castle garthCunningham W ill i am ,

ship bu i lder, S t. L awrenceCu rri e 8:Bu stin, chemists, dru ggi sts, d l r s . in Bri ti sh win es, 1 9 Sand hi l lCu rri e G eorge, dru ggi st, l ead mert. and manu fac tu rer ; h . 1 1 Carl ton tr.Cu rri e James, agricu l tu ral machin e and pump maker, millwri gh t,43 P ercy stree tCu rrie John , ea ting an d beer hou se, 17 C l ayton stree tCu rri e John, Esq.

,s ecre tary to the Trini ty hou se ; h . C arl ton terrace

Cu rri e Robert 85 Co., booksellers, stationers, binders and prin t sellers, 15

Grey stree t ; h . 1 ] Carlton terraceCu rri e Wi ll iam , colou rer and st encill er, 19 S t. John’s l aneCu rry C al eb, cheesemonger, bacon fac tor and flou r dealer, 33 Graingers tree t ; h . 18 Terrace placeCur ryE liz abeth, mill in er and dress maker, 4 Newgate stre e tCu rry G eorge, bu tcher, 29 New marke t ; h . 1 Waterloo s treetCu rry M r s. I sabell a, 20 H igh C l aremon t placeCu rry John , saddler, Todd ’s cou rt, 5 1 Groat marke tCu rry John , coal agent, Coxlodge and Gos forth coal depotCu rry John G . bu tcher, 43 New marke t ; h . Spring garden lan eCu rry Mark, shopkeeper and mar ine store dealer, S t. Mary’s s tree tCu rry Robert, v ic tu al ler, Sunderland and Ipswi ch H ou se, 27 Qu ay sid eCu rry Rober t, join er and cb t. m aker, grocer fl ou r dlr., Chu rch hill s t.Cu rry Robert, c artwrigh t, L awson streetCu rry W ill iam , E sq., b anker, N orth E lswick co ttageC u rry W illi am R ., bu tcher, 35 New marke t and D ixon ’s bu ildingsCu rry Wi ll i am

,clerk, D ixon ’s bu ild ings

Cu rson Robert, sail maker, L ov e lane ; h . 27 Howard stree tC u rtic e Robert, reporter, Chr on ic le 55 Eld on s tree t


C u rti s W i ll i am , v i c tu al le r Bricklayers Arms, S tepney bankCu s tan ce Thomas, master marin er, 7 H oward stree tCu stl e Wi l l i am, shopkeeper, 18 P u dding chareC u s tom hou se , 40 Qu ay side, Si r C u thbert Sharp colle ctor, James SparrowE sq., comptroller

Cu tb er t S tewart, glass maker, 4 For th bankC u tforth, M r s. E l iz abeth

, 1 Forth laneCu thbertson Geo r ge, sh ipsmi th , Tyne s treetCu thbertson Joseph Whi tby

,upholstere r

,1 1 L isle s t ree t

Cu thbertsonW i ll iam 85 Co., l amp black manu fac tu rers, pain t, varni sh an d

colou r merchan ts,39 Grainger stree t

C u tter An thony, flax dresser, S tepn eyfield sCu t ter J ohn , bu tcher, 41 N ew market ; h . 62 B lan d ford stree tD

Acosta Mons. F. , professor and teacher of l angu ages , 49 Howard stree tDagg Margaret, glass, china, and earthenware dealer, 38 Qu ay side and 77N ew m arket ; h . Rewcastl e chare

Dag l i sh I smay, chemists, wholesale dru ggi sts, 85 drysal ters , 33 Sandhi llDag l i sh Mary, drug gi st and drysal ter ; h . East end of N ew bridgeD ahl , H ou en, St Co.

, merchan ts, sh ip St in su rance brokers, 28 Qu ay sideD ale M i sses Dorothy, Maria an d Ann , 25 E ldon squareDa l e J ames, ship &c. b roker ; h 48 C umberland r ow

D al e L aban, hair dresser an d perfum er, 108 P i lgrim str ee tD ale P eter, ship broker, 33 Qu ay side ; h . N orth shieldsD al z i el Ann and E leanor, dress makers, 10 1 C layton stree tD alzie l E l izabe th, lodgings, 102 Bl enheim stree tD alzie l W il liam, fu rni tu re broker, 1 40 N ew marke t, 85 pain ter,2 Bath r .

Danby B enj amin , bu tcher, 9 B u tcher bankD anby John , bu tcher, 62 N ew market ; h . 7 S tam fordham placeDanby M i chael , bu tcher, 30 N ew market ; h .W el lington s tree tD aniels D ani el, paper h anging manu factu rer, 87 Clayton stree tD aniel s James

,l odgings

,98 B lenheim street

D aniel s W i lli am, edi tor of Bl inor s ’Advoca te, Castle s tree t

D anson S imeon , harbou r master, 29 Qu ay side ; h . 3 S t . Ann ’s r owD arley M r s. E l iz abe th , 1 1 Brandling placeD arton Mr s. Mary, S tepney bankD av id son E dwar d, gard ener, MinoriesD av idson E lizabeth and Mary, eating hou se, 35 Groat marketD av i dson George, pawnbroker , L ime s treetDav idson John , corn mil ler, Un i on mi ll , S tepneyfieldsD av i dson John ,fir e brick manu factu rer, O u sebu rn ; h . Regen t ter r aceD av i d son Joseph

,gem and seal engrav er

,22 Collingwood street

D av id son P eter,bank manager

,5 John ’s place

,G ateshead

Dav idson Richard,corn and flou r warehou se

,3 1 , Gr eat market ; h .

H eatheryshan k farmD av i dson Thomas A tki n son , c l erk to th e Magistrates, The Manors Stati onDavidson Thomas Feathers ton , v i c t ., Sun In n ,

59 Qu ay side


Dav id son T . S i ronm on ger r 20 22 Mosley s tree t ; 11 . Argyle terraceD av i dson Thomas, shopkeeper, S t . Mary ’

s stree t, SandgateDav i dson Wi lliam ,

gro cer 8: te a dealer, 50 G reat mkt. h . 5 Elswi ck row

D av ies ReV . Henry, (Wesleyan ,) 8 Bru nsw i ck plac eDav ies Richard , scu lp tor, stone and marble mason , 98 P i lgrim streetD av ies Miss C atherin e, lad ies boarding school , 34 L eazes terraceDav i s Dav id, vi ctu aller, Duke of W ell ington , North shoreDavi s J ames, clo thes de aler, C as tle garthD av i s John Thomas, organ bu i lder, 15 Clayton stree tD av i s Joseph , pro fessor of mu si c, New Bri dge s tree tD av i s Su sannah, grocer, con fec tioner, 8c flou r\ , Sac. dealer, N ew Bri dge s t.Davi son Frances, green grocer, S t. Ann's stree tDav i son G eorge, grocer, Ou se s tree tDav i son G eorge, whi tesmi th 8: chain m kr ., ct., 20 Newgate s t. h . Qu een S tD av i son George


,Manor chare

D av i son George, tai lo r and d raper, 29 Blacket t streetD av i son Ge orge


,15 P ru dhoe street

D av i son James,j oin er

, & c . Whi te Swan cou rt ; h . S t. John ’s laneDav i son James, bricklayer and bu i lde r, Argyle terraceD av i son John, spiri t merchan t, Forth s tree tD av i son John, borou gh rate collec to r, 22 E l swi ck r ow

D av i son John, watch glass maker and shopkeeper, S i lver s tree t

Dav i son J ohn,shopkeeper, S t. Ann ’s s tr ee t

D av i son John , v ic tu aller, Skinner’s Arms, 8 D arn crookD av i son Mr s., 27 Cumberland rowDav i son Mr s. Ma ry, 2 P ru dhoe streetD av i son Mary , register o ffice, 1 1 P rudhoe stree tDav i son Ralph

,farmer, Chapel hou se, and 4 1 C umbe rl and r ow

Dav i son Thomas,pain ter and glaz i er

,Walker ; h . 32 Howard street

Dav ison Sam u el, maste r marin e r, Tyn e stree tD av i son Thomas Arthu r C o . l inen woollen d rapers, 26 Grey s treet ;h . 49 Cumberland r ow

Dav i son Thomas,hat maker

,E ast ballast hil l s

D avi son Thomas, lodgings, 18W estmoreland s t r ee tDavi son W i l l iam gunmaker, 1 13 P ilgrim stree t ; 11 . 2 1 WestgateDav i son Wi l l iam , shopkeeper , 3 Car l iol s tree tD avi son ’s Hospi tal

,Manor chare

D awson Abraham, soli ci tor, 8 Rosemary lan eD awson James, hou se agen t an d su b post o ffice, 63 P ercy streetDawson James , bu tcher, 152 New marketD awson John H u ntington , soli ci tor, 13 P rince ’s stree tDawson Joseph , foreman j oiner an d l dg s., 1 1 George st., Sco ttswood roadDawson Mr s. Margare t

, 5 G reenfield pl aceDawson Richard, stay maker, 18 Newgate stree tDawson S impson S ep timu s

,clerk and collec to r for Gas Company ; 11 . 2

West Bl and ford street


D awson Thomas, superintenden t o f water works , 10 C r o ft stree tDaw son W i lli am , su rgeon , 1 Eldon squ areDawson W i lli am , bu tcher, 1 76 N ew marke t and L ow Sw in b ou r n e pl aceD awson W illi am , banker’s clerk, 7 L eaz es crescen tD ay James, scu lp tor and marbl e m ason , 46 G rey s treetD ean Abrah am and Jo seph , hosi ers, Sac h . 1 1 Bl enheim streetD ean Jam es , si lk and woollen dyer, 24 N un s streetDean W i lli am , Matthew and Cc .,

hosi ers and worsted manu factu rers, 46D ean stree t and Du rham

D eas Adam , v i c tu aller, P l ough Inn , Manor chareD eas James , plumber and gasfitter , Fi ghting Cocks v d, ; h . 2 An gu s c t .D ees E lizabeth

,lodging s, For th terrace

D ees Robert Richardson , soli ci tor and clerk to th e castl e ward union h .

S t. Mary ’s pl aceD ees Robert, l anding su rveyor, Cu stoms, 5 S t. Mary ’s placeD e El vas Au gu s tu s, pro fessor of l angu ages, 22 E ldon pl aceDeighton Frances, pain ter, gl azie r, and grain er, 22 L ow Fr i ar street ; h:33 S towel s tree t

D el amain Mr . Henry F., 6 St. Mary ’s plac eDel avel George, sail m aker, Qu ay side ; h . D en ton ch areD ee John , lodgings, 4 W aterloo stree tDenham Thomas, grocer, &c ., C astl e s tree tD enholm Rob er t

, joi n er an d .pr ov i si on dealer, Sand gateD enning Al exander, bu tl er, 16 Spring garden terr ac eD en t Eleanor, pain ter an d g l azier , Ol d Geor ge yard , Union streetD en t Roger, bookseller, prin ter, &c .

,1 12 P i lgrim s t . ; h . 2 L ow Vil l a pl .

Den ton Wi ll iam,shopkeeper, Qu een stree t

D eveney Thomas,en gin ewri gh t, 68 Bl and ford street

Des Ar son ier es Mi ss Emily , 6 Brandling pl aceDesch al z o L u i ga, shopkeep er and dealer in drugs, St. Ann ’s streetDevan por t Mark, c owkeeper, Ga l l owgate

D evl in James,shopkeeper

,S il v er stree t

D ewar El i zabeth,black and shipsmi th , S t. L awren ce

D ew ar Frederi ck, chemi st and d r u gg i s t, 5 C layton streetDewar H enry

,\ i c tu al l er

,Grap es In n ,Jesmond g ar den s

D ewar James,cl erk, 1 2 George s tree t, Scottswood road

D ewar J ohn , coffee roaster , Figh ting co cks v ai d ; h . N ewb i tt cou r tD ewar Joseph

,hai r d r esser, 13 1 P i lgrim street

D ewar Margaret, l odgings, 4 N ew Bridge s t r eetD ewar P eter, sadd l e and harn ess maker , 24 Gr eat m kt h . 4 U nion st.D ewar Rober t, con fec tioner, 130 P i lg r im streetD ewar Thomas , m u stard m n fr .

,7 P u dd ing chare ; h . P i c ton pl ace

Di ckinson,Fa l kou s, 6: Cc .

, paten t g as mete r rn fr s . an dfit ters : c omp l eteappa r atu sfit u p fo r l i gh ting v i l lages, ch u r ches, gen tlemen ’s hou ses


an d rai l way s tatio ns,7 4 C lay ton s tr ee t

D ickin son Jacob , b u tch er , 80 N ew mar ket ; h . Oak p l ace


D i ckinson John , cart owner, S allyport cou rtD i ckinson John , commissi on agen t , N ew Bridg e stree tD i ckin son John , t ai l or, 38 L ow Villa placeD ickin son Joseph , bu tcher, 155 N ew marke t ; h . Cox lodgeD ickinson Marv shopkeeper, W estgate streetD i ckinson M r s . Margare t , 20 C umberland r owD i ckin son Thomas, bu tcher , 73 E l swi ck streetD i ckinson Thomas Friend 8: Cc .

,stock and sh are brokers, 24 D ean

s tree t ; h . 20 C umberland r owD i ckinson U tr ick W al ton , share broker , an d agen t to the Alli an ce Insu ran ce O ffice, 8 Sand h i l l ; h . 2 Adel aide\ ter r ace

D i ckinson Wi lli am Ogle, tobacco and sn afi'm fr corn and flou r factor,

62 head of Side ; h . 12 Clayton stree t,West

D ickson James,v i c t.

,B u tchers Arms, 4 N un ’s s treet

D ickson Robert,tail or

, 74 B land ford s treetD i ll on Wi l liam P atri ck, French Con su l, 23 Sandhill ; h . Ravensworth te rD inn ing Mary


,S t. Ann ’s stree t

D inning S tephen , eng ineering su rv eyor, & c . ; h . Ryehi llD in sd ale Ann

,s traw hat maker, 38 Trafalgar s tree t

D in sdale C u thbert, denti st, 15 N elson streetD i shman Mat thew , wai ter, 15 S tam fordham plac eD i spensari es, 82 Clayton s tree t, 9 N elson stree t, and Byker b arD i s tric t Cou r t of Bankruptcy Office, Royal Arcade, N athaniel Ell i son ,E sq. Commissioner

D ixon Mis s Ann , 4 Arg y le streetD ixon Dixon

,E sq. coal owner, 1 8Westgate stree t

D ixon G eorge, bridge toll colle cto r, 1 Tyn e bridge en dD ixon George


, P andon bankD ixon H enry, tai lor , 3 E l swi ck r owD ixon I sabel la , grocer, P andon bankD ixon I sabel l a, grocer and flou r dealer, 43 G ibson streetD ixon James

,tailo r, 99 New market ; h . 2 Bran dling

D ixon James W i lliam,clerk

, 22 Sunderlan d stree tD ixon John S tephen

,shopkpr .

, 183 P i lgrim s t l,

b rkr .,l 6 H i gh Fri ar st

D i xon John,pain ter an d glazi er, Tyne s treet ; h . 7 H eaton terrace

D ix on Joseph , tailor, Cas tl e gar th ; h . O r chard st r ee tD ixon Joseph

,bu tcher

,180 n ew m arke t

,and Tyne stree t

D ixon Mary,lodg ings, C hu rchhi ll s tr eet

D ixon Rachel , v i c t ., U nicorn , 40 B igg marketD ixon M r . Robert

,1 1 S tepney terrace

D ixon Robert , v i c t ., R ed Bu l l , Byker hi l lD ixon Sam u el , straw h at maker, an d L adies sh oe warehou se, 63 G rey s tD ixon S im on

, co rk c u tter, 96 Si de ; h . Wes tg ate s tr eet

D ixon Thom as, brewer , 63 Qu ay s id e ; h . l l Summ e rhill ter raceDixon Th om as , j u n atto rn ey, n otary pu b l ic , an d agen t to the Fi re In

su ranc e C o . o f Sco tlan d,29 Sandh i ll ; h . Summerhi l l terrace


D ixon Thomas,v i c t., B lack Swan Inn , 16 Clay ton stree t

D ixon Thomas, brewer, 10 S tepney terraceD ixon Thom as

,b u tcher , the Cu t

D ixon Mr s. Ursu l a J ane, 96 B lenheim streetD obson Mi ss Ann , 2 Wi lli am stree tD obson Ann, marin e s tore deale r . 9 CloseDobson Ann , day school , Blenheim stree tDobson Catherine, straw hat m aker, 3 Grainger s tree tDobson John , archi tec t and su rveyor ,N ew Bridge stree tDobson L eonard, beer hou se and bu tcher, 178 P i lgrim streetDobson Thomas, grocer and te a dealer, 28 Bi gg marke t ; h . 50 E ldon st.D obson Thomas, boo t an d shoe maker, 65 head of S i deDobson Wi ll i am,

bu tcher,16 N ew marke t ; h . S t. Martin ’s cou rt

Dobson W il li am, foreman , 58 N ewgate stree tD odd Mr s. Ann , 5 Brandling placeD odd Cc .,

general merchants, 19 Broad ch areDodd Edward , H anov erian con su l , Dani sh and Han seati c v i ce con su l


19 Broad chare ; h . Rye hi l lDodd G eorge, agent, Howard s tree t, Byker barD odd John George Co N or thum b er l an d fl int glass works, Forth bankDodd John G eorge, O ldenberg Consu l, 19 Broad chare ; h . Rye hi llD odd Mr . John

,W e l ling ton stree t

D od d Matthew, v i c tuall er, G lengarry Arms, Folly wharfDodd Thomas, corn factor, 14 Sand hi ll ; h . 17 Woodb ine tr. GatesheadDodd Rev . W illiam , su rrogate, i ncumben t o f S t. Andrews, 109 P ercy st.D odd Willi am ,

shopkeeper an d toll col lector,head of S tepney street

D odds Chri s topher, tailo r, Castle garthD odds George, temperance ho tel and Congre v e match m fr ., 19 Bigg mkt.Dodds H annah , pou l terer, 5 H igh bri dgeD odds James, twine m anu factu rer, 6 John stree tDodds John , l amp black m fr .

,Sou th Howdon works ; in. 26 Oxford street

D odd s John , shopkeeper, Qu een streetD odds John , pain ter and glazier, cou rt 5 C l o th marketD odds Matthew S tephen son , prin ter, stationer, book an d chart sel ler, andbookbinder

, 33 and 34 Qu ay side ; h . N ew roadD odds Ralph , plasterer, 32 P ru dhoe s tree tD odds Robert, chemist and druggi st, 3 Folly ; h . 4 Richmond s tree tD odds Robert, lodgings, 4 Sav il le c ou rtD odds Thomas, corn mill er and flou r dealer, 52 Groat market and Ou sebu rn s team mill

D odds Rodger, cu stom hou se officer, C arl ton stree tD odds Thomas, prin ter, & c ., 6 1 Grey stree tD odds Thomas

,bu tche r, 1 14 N ewmarket ; h . 6 N orth umberl and cou r t

D odds Thomas, blacksmi th and farr ier, S tepne y bankD odds W illiam

, shoemaker, 39 L ow Fri ar stree tDoddswor th Mr . George

,Forth terrace


D ougl ass G eorge, beer hou se, 64 N ewgate stree tD ougl ass Isabella, schoolmis tress, 9 St. N i chol as Chu rch yardDou glass J ames, rop e an d twin e maker, N ew mil ls ; h . Spi tal tongu esD ouglass James, agent, 5 Carl ton streetDou glass James and W i l liam

,trav el ling drapers, 12 Albi on stree t

Dou glass John, glass and alkali merchan t, 5 9 Clo se ; h . 40 Westgate s t.D ou glass John , corn m ill er, Chimney m i ll sDou glass J ohn

,le t ter carri er

, 26 L ow Friar s tree tD ou glass Joseph

,railw ay gu ard, and lodging hou se, 5 Angu s st reet

D ouglass Joseph 85 Co.,rope

,twin e

, 8L herring net m ftr s., Spi tal tongu esDou gl ass Mary, glove es tabli shmen t, 40 W estgate stree tDou glass Mary, shopkeeper, C astle garthD ou glass Mi chael, tran slater, (old shoes) Ga l l owgateDov e George

,plumber and brass founder, 2 N or thumberland place

Do ve Mi ss, 2 Warwick place

D ove Thomas,sol i ci tor

, 2 Nor thum ber l an d place ; h . 1 Warwi ck p l aceD o v e Thomas


,Argyle terrace

D ov er Carl ton,bu tcher

,Ou sebu rn bridge ; h . S t . Ann ’s terrace

D ov er Margare t,flou r dealer

,P ercy street

,St. P eter’ s Qu ay

D ow Ann,pawnbroker

,N ew road

Dow W i lli am, shopkeeper, S t .Mary ’s street, SandgateD awey John

,le tter carri er an d shoe maker, 4 Angu s cou r t

Dowley James,beer sell er

,28 Sunderl and s tree t

Downie John,grocer and flou r dealer, St. Ann’s stree t

D own ie W i l li am , baker ,Dav i es en try, Castl e garthD owning Edward , su rgeon den tist, 9 N or th um b er l an d s treetD owning John , grocer and tea deal er, 78 Close ; h . 75 Bl and ford s tree tD owning Richard, su rgeon den ti s t, 17 E ldon squ areDow se G eorge , bu tcher, 25 N ew marke t ; h . Blenheim streetDowse Thomas, bu t ch er, 22 N ew marke t ; h . cou rt 28 Newgate s tree tD rake Franci s, cler k, Branch Bank of England

, 2 Carl ton terraceDr an sfiel d John , tail or, 9 L eaze s crescen tD rewry and Richard son , share brokers, 92 S i deD rewry Jonathan , share broker ; h . 8 Summerhi ll grov eD rummond Robert, sub poli c e in spector, Villa pl aceD ru ry John , hosier, &c . ; h . c t. 28 Dean streetDry John , baker and flou r dealer, l CowgateD ryden B enj amin , com m i ssidn agen t, 1 6 B randl ing ’s placeD ryden H enry, t al l ow chan dler, 83 Clayton stree tD ryden John , commissi on agent, 23 S t. John ’s l aneD ryden W i ll i am, fu rni tu re broker and general dealer, 4 P i lgrim streetD rysdale Robert, shopkeeper, W aterloo stree tD u Chemin Francis Edward, schoolmaste r, 1 H i gh Fri ar stre e tDu ffy James, clo thes broker, Dog l eap stai rsDuncan J ames, trav elling draper, 1 2 Marlborou gh crescen tD uncan Margare t

,l odgings, 12 Westm oreland stree t


D uncan Robert, h air dresser, Mi lk marketDu ncan Robert, an imal preserver and boot maker, St. Andrew’s cou r tDuncan W i ll i am ,

hai r dresser ,W es tgateD un ford Thomas, commerci al trav eller, 16 A lbi on streetDunlop George, cooper , 24 C lose ; h . 8 W est George streetD unlop John , fu rni tu re broker ; h . James cou rtD unlop W i ll i am St John , cb t . makers and fu rni tu re bkr s ., 33 P i lgrim st.D unlop Wi l l i am ,

general merchan t, 43 Sand hi l l ; h . S trawberry hou seDunn Andrew,

shopkeeper,29 S tow el s tree t


D unn Mr s. Ann, 6 Sav ille cou rtDunn Charl es, wh arfin g er ; h . Wa terloo terrace, Gate sheadD unn Mi sses C . H . and M .

,15 E ldon place

D unn Cu thbert, pain ter and glazi er 7 Sunderland streetD u nn Mi ss E lizabe th , 23 E ldon squ areDunn G eorge Thomas, w in e m erchant ; h . Bath hou seDunn H enry, pain ter an d glazi er, Market lane ; h . 8 L ov aina terraceD unn Jan e, shopkeeper, 53 Gibson stree tDunn John , v i c tu aller, Black Boy , 54 Gr eat marke tD unn John , superin tenden t cen tral exchan ge, 8 Stamfordham plac eDu nn Joseph, v ic tu all er, Rose and Crown , 30 Bi gg marke tD u nn L awson ; rope m fr 4 Bro ad chare, m an u fac tu ry and hou se, BykerD unn Marg . , S t. J ohn ’s N ati onal school ,W aterloo st . ; h . 10 B lenheim st .D unn Martin , barri ster at l aw, 18 Royal Arcade ; h . 36 L eazes terr aceDunn Mr s. Mary , Dean cottage, New B ri dge stree tDunn Mr s.

,1 3 St . M ary’s terrace

Dunn N athaniel , v i ctu aller an d farmer, Canteen, B arracksDunn Rober t, bu tcher, 1 9 N ew marke t ; h . B len heim s treetD unn Thomas, shopkeeper, Hanov er streetDunn Thomas, j oiner, & c .

, Forth stree t ; h . Wilson ’s cou rtD unn W i lliam Alder, l inen and w ooll en draper, silk m ercer

, &c . ; h . 3

Vi c toria terraceDunn W i ll i am L aid ler, sol ic i tor ; h . Gl or chester hou seD unn W i ll iam C . bu tcher

,160 N ew market ; h . Wes tmorel and stree t

D unn Wi l l i am , joi n er and bu i l der , head of S tepney streee tD unn W i l li am , sol i ci tor ; h . B ath hou seDu rh am Edmund, banker ’s clerk, 1 1 Oxford streetDu t ton Mr s . Eliz abe th , 6 L ovain e r ow

D u t ton Mr . John, 26 Shield stree tD uxfie l d Hannah and Mary, s traw hat makers, 72 N or thum b er l an d st.D uxfiel d Ralph , j oiner and cabinet maker, 72 N orthumberl and stree tE as ton Jas ., furni tu re broker cab t. m kr .

, Dog bank ; h . back Ox ford st.E aston John , tai lor, Scai fe’

s cou r tE astwood Wi lli am, marine store de al er, E ast B all ast h ill sEbdon W i lli am,

beer seller, 2 B l enheim stree t

Echte Chri stopher,m ar in e store deal er

,Tyne street

Eden Benj amin,chin a earthenware dealer, 109 New m kt h . Nuns st


Eden Jam es, glass , china and earthenware dealer, l 23 N ew marke tE dgar J am es, fu rni tu re broker and cabinet maker, 18 1 P ilgrim streetE dgar W i l l i am , j oi n er , Ou sebu rnEdgcom e James, su rgeon , 94 P i lgrim streetEdg com e Mr s. Jane

,34 N or thum berland s tree t

Edg com e John T r eev e,soli ci tor, 6 1 Grey stree t ; h . 5 Queen squ are

Edmond Adam, v i c tu aller, D uke o f Wel lington, Car l io l squ are

Edmundson Ralph , v i c t. , Bay Horse Inn , gror. 85 b lkg . m fr . Byker barEdwards Ann , shopkeeper , S towell squ areE dwards James, con fec ti oner, 14 Royal Arcade ; h . E ri ck stree tEgleston Jonah , sailcl o th an d canv as m fr . c t. 13 S i de ; h. 23 Melbou rn e stE lder Henry, black and whi tesmith , For th stree tE lder Thomas , ship chandle r ; h . 1 8 L eaze s terraceE lder Wm . grocer and tea dealer, au c ti oneer 8c apprai ser, 1 Bu tcher bank ;h . Orchard stree t

El li o t Robert, draper ; h . For thE lli o t an d Mu rray, wooll en drapers , 23 De an streetE l l io t Robert, M. D .

,35 N orthumberland stree t

E l li o t W i ll i am , M. D 3 1 N ewgate stree tEll i o t Wi lliam ,

junior, su rgeon , 3 1 N ewg ate s tree tE lli o tt Mr s. Ann , York str ee tE l lio t t Edward, plumber, copper smi th , brass founder, andfini sher 7P u dding chare

E lliot t George, plumber , Forth bankE llio t t G eorge, shoemaker, 92 Clayton s tree tE llio tt H enry, fli n t manu factu rer , O u sebu rn ; h . JesmondE ll i o tt Mr s. I sabel la, E llio tt ’ s cou rtE l lio t t James, v i ct., D uke of N orthumberland , Car l iol squ ar eE l lio t t James , tai lor , Todd ’s cou rt, 5 1 Groat marketEll i o t t James, soda w ater, l emon ade , and ginger beer m fr ., 150 P i lgrim s t.E l lio t t John and Robert, whi tesmi ths, bellhangers, weighing m achine andscal e beam man u factu rers , 9 L ow Fri ar stree t

E llio tt John , cabinet maker, 5 Melbou rne s teeetE lli o tt John , whi tesmi th , bel lhanger , 850 h . 17 Cumberl and r owE l liot t John , assi stan t cle rk o f the peace, 49 Wes tgate st. ; h . 7 Cum

berland r owE ll io tt John , j un ior , ship , Sac . broker ; h . 43 P ru dhoe stre e tE ll io tt John , cabine t maker, Heath ’s cou rt ; h . 2 1 Gib son stree tE lli o tt John, banker’s c lerk, 5 1 L eazes terraceElliot t John , boo t and shoemaker, 8 U nion s tree tE ll io tt Mr . John , 5 Camden stree tE l li ott Joseph, coll i ery agent, B road ch are ; h . N orthu m berland stree tE ll i o tt Mr s. Mary ,Wi ll i am stree tEllio tt P eter, L ow Swin b ou rn e placeEl li o tt Robert, green grocer, 199 New market ; h . S t. An n ’s stree tE ll iott Robert

,whi tesmith , bel l hanger, &.c h . 39 E ldon street


E l lio tt Robinson, portrai t pain ter, 40 Grainger street ; h . Sou th Shi el d sE llio tt Thomas St John, bu i lders, 3 Forth st. ; h s. P i c ton pl . St Forth st.E ll io tt Thomas, bricklayer, Heaton terraceE l liot t Thomas, cartwrigh t, Byker barE ll iott Wi lli am , clerk, 2 L ow Swin b ou r n e placeE ll i o tt W i lliam , tailor, 2 1 Bigg marke tE l li o tt W i lliam ,

v i c tu aller, Ol d Qu een’s Head, 157 P i lgrim streetE ll i o t t Wi ll i am , baker,W estmorland laneE lli s Agnes, l ad ie s seminary, 7 Higham placeE ll i s an d H enderson, plumbers, brass fou rfier s, coppersmi ths, an d gasfitters, Eri ck stree tE ll i s H enry, plumber, brass fou nder, &c h . 8 Erick stree tE ll i s Thomas, bu tcher, S t. Ann’s stree tEl li son George, lodgings, 3 L i sl e s tree tE lli son Ismay, carv er and gi lder, 46 H igh bridgeE l l i son John 8: W i lli am , tin p late workers , 158 P i l grim stree tE ll i son Mi ss Margaret, 3 Sav ill e plac eElli son Matilda, straw hat maker, 1 1 1 P ilgrim stree tE lli son Mi le s , shoemaker, Forth placeE ll i son N athaniel , E sq., Morton hou se, Fence hou sesEll i son P eregrine G eorge, solic i tor, Royal Arcade ; h . 84 P ercy s tree tE lli son Thos ., animal preserv er, cigar tobacco dlr.

, 16 Shakespeare st.E lphinston e James, flou r dealer an d b aker, Gal l owgate

E l sdon Robert, cooper and cowkeeper ,W ater l oo stree tEmbleton Ann , sh opkeeper, 7 P ilgrim streetEmbleton D enni s, M . D . 12 Bl ackett s tree tEmerson Mar y Ann , m i ll iner, 33 Car l iol streetEmley Thomas, banker ’ s clerk

, 13 Brandling placeEmmerson George, timber merchan t, Forth pl . ; h . George s t. Sco t tswood r .Emmerson Joseph , clerk , 44 H oward s tree tEmmerson Sarah Cooper, v ic tu aller, P heasant Inn, N ew roadEmmet John, v i ctu all er, Bl ack Boy, Byker b arEmmetW i ll iam ,

whol esal e and retailfishm on ger an d generalfisherman,

22 Nu ns str eet andfish marke tEmmett W illi am, bu tcher, Scotchwood roadEmmott Abraham , shopman, W ellington stree tEmsli eMi sses Hannah, Jane an d Catherine, l adi es semin ary, 2 5 L eaz es trEngli sh Abraham , sho e maker, L ime stree tEngli sh Eliz abeth , cowkeeper, 66 P ercy streetEnglish Matthew, l odg ings, 4 Blenheim streetEngli sh Margare t

,but cher 85 v ic t ., D uke of Bu ckin gham ,

Bu ckingham stEn o E l izabeth


,3 Barrick squ are

E rrington L ancelot,poli ce sub inspec tor, P ru dhoe station

Esku che Christian Fr ederi ck,general merchan t

,commission agent


Mecklenbu rg consu l , 19 Qu ay side ; h . l E lswi ck terraceE tche s Charl es , wine and spiri t merchant, 74 Close


E tches Joseph, Spiri t merchant, 10 Carl ton terraceE therington Wi l l i am, corn miller ; h . Byker barEver att Al fred , news agen t, 72 N ewgate s treetEv ere t t Thomas, new s agent, and hair dresser, 19 C lo th marketEv ere tt Richard, hai r d resser, 12 Sandhil l h . Nowgate streetEwar t G eorge, au cti oneer an d g eneral commission ag en t, 43 Grey street ;h . 41 L eaz es terrace

Ewart Thomas, tailor, Sou th s treetEwart, Winder Co.

,W ine merchants, 24 Mosl ey street

Ewart W illi am ,w ine merchan t ; h . 14 Cumberland r ow

Ewbank Michael , coalfitter, ship and insu rance br oker, Three In d ianKings cou rt ; h . 8 Sav i lle stree t

Exci se O ffice , Royal ar cade, Jam es Thomson Esq. , col lectorEye Infirmary, 3 Sav i ll e r ow, E lizabeth Carter matr onEyon s Mr s. Isabella , 101 Bl enheim streetEyr e v ery Rev . Charles, (cathol ic ,) 7 Charlo tte squ areEzekiel Mose s, watch make r and j ewel ler, 1 Market s treetFai l Robert, carriers agent, Bi rd i n B u sh yard , Manor chareFai r Robert, v i ctu aller, N ags He ad , S t . Ann’s s treetFairbairn Mi ss Jane, 78 Blenheim stree tFairbairn John , w ine and spiri t merchant ; h . 40 Nor thum b er l an d st r eetFairb airn S tephen , cowkeeper, E ldon street backFai rb r idge W i ll i am ,

grocer,81 N ewg ate stre e t

Fairbu rn W ill iam ,baker

,Ralph yard , Qu een stree t

F aire Rober t Son , boo t and shoemakers, 40 D ean stree t, an d le athercu tters, 46 St. N i chol as square ; h . 2 1 H oward stree t

Fairl and Chris topher, shopman , High Villa pl aceFairless Joseph , coal mer t, Forth bank ; h . B len heim cottage, GatesheadFairl ess Mr s. Mary, 24 Ridley placeFairs Joseph , chemist Sc dru ggist, 25 Bigg market ; h . 5 Ravensworth tr.Fairweather Al exander , clerk, S t. P e ter’s qu ayFai rweather John , chemist an d dru ggist, 69 P i lgrim s treetFairweather Thomas, schoolmaster, 42 Wes t gate stree tFairweather Tu rnbu ll , watchmaker an d cu tle r, 66 Qu ay s ide ; h. 135

H i gh stree t , GatesheadFal con ar J ohn Brun ton , publisher ; h . Rye hillFal ene Allen , hai r d resser, 14 Collingwood st., 85 fru i terer, 90 Pi l grim st.Fa l cu s John , cl og and patten maker, Castle gar thFal kou s John ,

gas metre , & c ., manu factu rer ; h . Sunder l an d s tre e tFall ow John , town cri er, Cross Keys yard , head of the S ideFallow Joseph , clock and watch m aker, 3 1 L ow Friar s tr eetFallow W i ll i am ,

flou r dl r., 34 P ilgr im s t. ; h . W indmil l hill s, GatesheadFa l l owfiel d W i ll iam L . tai lor, 6 Hill stree tFarb r idge Wi l li am ,

mou lder, 8 Howard stree tFarley Henry, v i ctu all er, 0 ld Dolphin, 38 C loseFarmer J ames, messenger cou r t of bankruptcy ; h . 26 W es tmorel and tr .


Farm er s_cl ub room ,

W estgate s tre e tFarrage W i ll iam ,fishing tackle maker, 129 P i l grim s tre et ; and cheesem onger, 2 15 N ew market

Farren John, booksel ler & c .,8 Mosl ey stree t ; h . 9 P icton terrace

P arridge James, maste r marin er 3 1 Howard streetFarri e r L awrence, carpen ter, N ew r oadFau l der Jeffry, su pervi sor o f excis e, 46 Bl acke tt st reetFawc ett Benj amin, chemist and druggist, 9 1 P i lgrim streetFawce t t Joseph, grocer and tallow ch andler,24 S ideFawcu s Anthony an d Carnaby Robert, bu tchers, 55 N ew market ; h s .

Gal l owgate

Fawdon H enry, boot 5; shoe maker, 49 D ean st. ; h . 34 Low Villa pl aceFear g r i eve Hen ry, t ai l or and draper, 59 G roat marke t ; h . Bath l an eFear n ey Ann , l inen draper, 8 ; h . 109 P ercy stree tFear n ey N i cholas, braz ie r, tinner and hardware man , 63 B lacke tt street ;11 . El li son te rrace

P earseW i ll i am,tai lor, Fenkl e s tr eet

Featherston a n d El der , prov i si on merchants , shi p chandlers, an d bondeds tore dealers, 5 1 Quay side

Featherstone Mr s. Jane, 12 L ow C l aremon t pl aceFeatherston John, ship chandler ; h . H aydon bridgeFeather s ton h au gh H enry, su rgeon , 3 N ew br idge streetFeather stonhaugh Wm ., coll i ery agen t, 7 Qu ay sid e ; h . 10 Ridley v i ll a sFell Mi sses E li z abeth and Sarah , cou rt 6 1 P ercy street

h. S t. L awrence—Fe11R obert

, gen tl eman , 23 Cumberl and r owFe l l Mr s. Sar ah, S t. L awrence

matronFenton Archbold, a ssis tan t engin eer, High Vi l l a placeFenton John , carpet m n fr . warehou se, 2 2 Mosl ey s t h . 16 Elswick r owFenwi ck Andrew, gl a ss cu tter, O rchard stree tFenw ick Alexander, shopkeeper, 29 P ercy stree tFenwick Barbara, shopkeeper, Argyle st ree tFenwick Chri stopher an d Henry W i lliam , sol ici tors, Farring ton cou rtFenw ick Geor ge, Esq., banker, Benwell lodgeFenwi ck G eorge John , Esq. banker, 2 1 E ld on squ areFenw ick Mr s. Hannah an d M r . John

, 1 L ow Villa placeFenw ick H enry W illi am, sol i ci tor and c l e rk to the commis sion ers of l andan d assessed taxes, steward of the Manor of Whickham ,

clerk to th eTru stees of P onteland, N ewc astl e, and C arli sl e tu rnpike ro ads ; an dsubdiv i si on clerk for Castl eward

, Farrington ’s c t. ; h . S tand hou seFenwi ck James, garden er and vic tu al ler

,Jesmond Fi eld hou se

Fenwi ck J ohn , sol i ci tor , s teward o f the Barony o f Wark,and o f th e

Manors belonging to Greenw i ch hospi tal, in N orthumberland,38

C lay ton street ; h . 1 1 E l li son place


Fenwi ck John, dyer, 82 P i lgrim str eetFenwick John, agent, 1 6 B lenheim stree tFenwi ck John, dyer, 1 6 Westgate streetFenw ick John, l e t ter carrier, Byker barFenwi ck Joseph , l in en an d wooll en draper, silk mercer,&c . 27 Grey str eet,h . 6 El swick cou r t

Fenwick Joseph, post office clerk, 16 Oxford stree tFenwi ck L ancelo t, g l ass cu t ter and dealer, 77 P i l g run s t. h . Orchard stFenwi ck Mr s. P er c l , 16 H igh C laremont placeFenwi ck Sarah, l odgings, 7 S trawberr y plac eFenwick Thomas E sq.

, banker h . S ou th h i ll,County D u rh am

Fenwi ck W il li am,v ic tu al ler, Apple Tree, an d Gard ener, Jesm ond

Fergu son D aniel,stone mason and bu i lder, 1 1 Su nderl and street

Fergu son Franci s, tai lo r, 27 Sunderland s treetFergu son Geo., tr ip e dresser, 6 1 New market ; h . Rabbi t bank, GatesheadFergu son James

,painter and g l ai z er , P ru dhoe stree t ; h . R aven swor thpl .

Fergu son Jane, l odgings, 20 B lackett streetFergu son James, gardener and v i c tu al ler , Appl e tree, J esmondFergu son Ru th an dMargaret, lodgings, 1 1 P rinces’s s treetFerry Bai ley, shopkeeper, Bu ckingham streetFielding Wi ll iam , u phol sterer, B l ackhou se yardFi fe G eorge , M. D . 7 Sav ill e r owF i fe Si r John and Son s, su rgeons, Hood stree tFife Mr . T . K ., Clav ering placeFi fe Wi ll i am Henry, su rgeon ,

h . 6 E ll i son pl aceFindley John , schoolmaster, and regi strar o f births and deaths for Bykerdis tr i c t , Stephn eyfield s

Findley W il liam, clerk of S t John ’s, an d regi strar of births and deaths

for St. N ichol as’

s dis tric t, 4 Forth lane

Finl ay an d Char l ton , booksel lers, stationers, bookbinders, mu si c sellers,an d general news agen ts

,46 P i lgrim stree t

Fin l ay James, stationer, bookbinder & c . &c . ; h . 12 Summerhill te rraceFinlay George, w i ne mer chant, and agent for Gu inness Co ’s.Dublin stou t47 B igg marke t ; h . 1 1 L ow C laremon t place

Finl ay W il li am, cart owner, Sandyford l aneFinney Samu el , nu rsery and seedsman ; h . H i gh stree t, GatesheadFinnigan James, shopkeeper and l inen dealer, 37 S id eFinnigan Owen, tail or and clo thes dealer, D og bankFi sh Edmu nd , chimney sweep, P andonFi sh Market, San dhil lFi sher I saac, shopkeeper, Cau seway bankFi sher James, v ic tu all er, Chancel lor’ s Head Inn , 38 N ewgate s tree tFi sher John , shoe maker, Cro ft cou r tFi sher John , potatoe dealer, 57 S t. N ichol as squ areFi sher Samu el, chimney sweep , Qu een s treetFish l y Will i am Mason, cu stom hou se officer, Mansfiel d stree t


Forster H enry, cart owner, Chapel laneForster ari d H olmes, ship and insu rance brokers, Three In di an Kings ctForster James, cl erk, I8 El swi ck r owForster James, ship broker, coalfitter, an d general commissi on agen t:Three In dian Kings cou rt

Forster Mr . John , 8 Westmoreland st reetForster John , ship carpen ter,34Howard streetFors ter John, bu tcher, 1 32 N ewm arket h . 3 Brunswick placeForster John, p awnbroker, 29 Broad chare ; h . Newb r idge s treetForster John , w atch an d cl o ck maker

,37 Bro ad chare

Fors ter John , boot and shoe maker, 19 P ercy streetForster John, bu tcher,W i ll iams stree t, S t P eter’s qu ayForster Jonathan L angstad’

, solici tor h . 15 L ow Clar emon t placeForsterMr . Joseph , JesmondForster Matthew, and Jonathan L an gstafl’

, soli cito rs, 80 Gr ey str eetFor s ter Matthew, sol ic i to r ; h . 10 S t. James’s s tr ee tFors ter Matthew , police inspector, 23 S towel l s treetFors ter Mary Ann, v i c tu al ler, Hiberni an Tavern , King s treetForster Mr s. Mary, 45 Jesam in e pl aceFor s ter Mr s. Mary, l Vesl ey terr aceForster Michael, v ictu aller, Grace Dar l ing, 2 G ibson str eetForster Sarah, dress maker , 4 Spring Garden terraceForster Su sannah , mill iner and dr ess maker, 28 Blenheim s tr eetForster Thomas, St. Andrew’s par i sh school , 14 P er cy st. h . Brandl ingForster Thomas, tailor, S t. Andrew’s cou rtForster Thomas, tailor, James ’s cou r t, P i l gr im str eetForster Wm ., wholesal e sta tioner 8e hop mer t. 26 S ide h St. Thomas ter .

Forster Wm ., cab t. maker fu rni tur e bkr ., 32 P ilgrim st. h . Car l iol s t.Forster W i l l iam Esq.,

4 Greenfield place and Tynemou thForster W illi am Char l ton , painter, 27 Bigg mkt. h . c t. 59 N ewgate st.For sr er W i l l iam , tanner ’s for eman, Darn CrookForsy th Mr s. Alic e, Forsyth ’s cou r tForsyth L ew i s, slater , Forsy th ’s cou r t : h . 1 Byron str ee tFoss E leanor, shopkeeper, 7 Sunderland streetFoster Andrew, v ic tu al l er, P ercy Arms, 87 P ercy stree tFoster Edward, cowkeeper, Gal l owg ate

Fos ter John,al kal i manu factu rer, H igh Elswick terrace

Foster Robert,cart owner, For th street

Foster W i ll iam,boo t and shoe maker, Castl e garth

Fost er W i ll iam,shoemaker, Den ton chare

Fowke Mr . John , 1 1 N orthumberland cou rtFox Al fred

, fu rrier, 1 5 S t. John ’s l an eFox Thomas

,pictu re dealer, Railway bank

Foyer W al ter, hat manu fac tu rer, 1 Grey streetFram Mr s. E liz abeth, New roadFrame James, chimney sweep, Castle s tree t


Frame Robert, beer h ou se, Si lv er streetFrance P eter 8: Co.,

booksellers an d news agen ts , 8 S ideFrankl am George, ship St in su rance broker ; h .E l l i son street, Gate sheadFraser H ugh, boot an d shoe m aker, 4 1 Col l ingwood s t h . 12 El swick r owFraser Margaret, green g rocer, 2 17 New marke t ; h . 18 C lay ton s tr eetFrater Mark, agen t, 57 E ldon stree tFrazer John, railway inspector , back Ox ford stree tFrazer Robert, carv er and gilder and C harlo tte, dress mkt ., L loyd ’s ct.Frederick G eorge H enry, pork bu tcher, 46 B igg marketFreeman Ann , shopkeeper, B randlingFreeman George, bank cashi er, 5 L ow Claremont placeFreeman Isaac, grocer and draper, L ime streetFreeman Robert, flou r fac tor, 80 B l and ford streetFreeman Mi sses Sarah and Ann , 1 10 Blenheim stree tFr eemason ’s L odge , 4 N elson s tree tFr eem en

s H ospi tal Westgate s tree tFrench Ann B ree , l odgings, 6 Ox ford s treetFrench Edward, eating hou se, 37 Groat marketFriends’ Meeting hou se, P ilgrim streetFrizel l W i lli am , cow keeper, B ack l aneFrost Samu el Mer ryn e, su rgeon , 27 Oxfor d str eetFrou d George , agent, 8 B randling placeFrou d Thomas W il son, ship broker and commissi on agen t, Rewcastl echare ; h . 17 E l swi ck terrace

Fryer Charles Ralph, soli ci to r, 52 W es tgate stre etFryer Jane , green gcr . St garden seeds dlr., 233 N ewm kt h. 1 L am p ton p lFul l ar ton A. 8c Co.

, publi shers, 35 Wes tmore l and terraceFu l ton Robert, ship bu i l der ; h . L ime streetFu rness Thomas Allison , su rgeon , l ] P ercy s tree tFyfe W i ll iam ,

gl ass stainer,W ellington stree tGallen and P arker, wholesale paper dealers, rag an d commission mer ~chan ts, and marine store dealers, 7 and 7 1 CloseG allen Chri stopher N oble, merchant, &c . h . 3 N ixon st. Sandyford lan eGal l yn Cu thber t, painter and glaz i er, Carl ton s tree tG al lon J ames

,omnibu s propri e tor

,cou r t, 10 Wes tgate stree t

Gal lon John , c art owner, Fenwick’s en try, 48 Qu ay sideGall on John, watch gl ass m n fr . 8: ch ina


,& c . dealer,20 Westgate st.

Gallon John , boo t and shoe maker, WestgateG allon Wi ll iam , corn mil ler and shopkeeper, New millsGallon Wi ll i am, blacksmi th , Thom pson stree tG all oway John

,nai l maker

,3 Westgate s tree t ; h . 54 L eazes ter race

G’alloway Thomas, fu rn i tu re b roker, 25 Coll ingwood stre e tG al lowayW ill iam and Co.

, N or thumberland cu t and wrough t n ai l works,37 Forth street ; h . 4 E l swi ck terrace

Gam sby George, gentleman , Wi ll iam stree tG arbu t t W i ll iam, attorn ey ’

s cl erk,Moun tain ’s cou rt

NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY.Gardner Andrew, ammonia an d washing powder manu factu rer, WestgateG ardner Edward, beer seller, and lodgings, P osternGardner Mr s. E leanor, 1 3 El swi ck te rraceG ardner Joseph , shopkeeper , B randl ingGardner Mark, v i c t., E lephant and Fish , 3 Sandhil lGardnerW i lliam , coal v i ewer, Spi tal Tongu e’s Coll i eryGarnett Joseph , chemi st and dru ggis t, 1 S i d eGarret John, pawnbroker and dealer in si lv er p l ate, Nu n’s gateGarretWi lliam, bookseller, b inder, stati oner, 85 prin t sel ler, 39 Mosley st.G arthwai te W i l li am , paper merchan t, 10 1 S i deG as W orks, Manors, and S t. Ann’s s tree t

, Sandgate, Jph . Dav i e managerGateshead and Tyne Shipping Co.’s o ffice

,1 1 3 S i de, HenryW alker agen t

G au l John , l e ather cu t ter an d grinder, Qu een s tree tGedd i e John , l odgings, 40 Car l i ol s tree tGeddy Dav id, ship bu ilder, Tyne main h . 22 Upper Buxton streetG ee El iz abeth, grocer and flou r dealer, 2 1 Marlb orough streetGee John , shopkeeper, The ManorsGee Rich ard H sol i ci tor, 18 P ercy streetG ee Mr . Robert, 2 B randling placeG ee Robert, agent, 2 George street, Scotchwood roadGee Thomas, agen t, 33 Westmorel and terraceGee Sarah, v ic t., Cri cketer ’s Arms, P andon D eanG eer W ill i am, cowkeeper, FriarsGel dar d John R .

,win e 85 sp iri t mer t., 1 Manor st . h . Sou th Benwell Hou seG eneral S team N avi gation Company’s Office, 50 Qu ay side ; P arker andShield agentsG erlach Henry Edward, merchant’s cl erk, 39 B lacke tt stree tGerv in John, teacher, 1 W i ll i am stree tGeth in g Mr . Samu el, 3 1 W e stmorel and terraceG ibb Eliz abeth, con fecti oner and fru i terer, 4 Sand hillG ibb Jo seph

,su rgeon , Tyne bridge

G ibbs John, bu tcher, Fen kl e s tree tGibb eson John , bu tcher, P osternG ibb i son Matthew, v i ctu all er, T anker vi l l e Arms, Diana stree tG ibbon Ebenez er


, 78 P ercy s treetG ibbon Mary


, 26 B lackett s tree tG ibson Andrew, foreman , Qu arry co ttageG ibson Mr s. Ann , S t. Thomas stree tG ibson Ann, earthenware dealer, 66 New market h . N orth shoreG ibson Charle s Sep timu s, dru ggi st, & c . ; h . 2 Bu rdon plac eG ibson Charles

,su rgeon

,2 D erwent place

G ibson Dav i d, g r c r & tea dlr, 39 85 40 Sandhi l l ; h . 1 High Swinbou r n e plGib son Mr s. Doro thy, 45 E l don streetG ibson Emerson and Son , boot an d shoe makers , 37 Dean stree t, andleather cu t ters

,4 Folly

Gibson Mr . George, Geor g e s t reet, Scotchwood road


Gibson George,soli ci to r, 27 Marke t st . ; h . 7 St. Mary’s pl ace

Gibson George Tallen ti re, soli ci tor, Bank bu i ldings, S t. N icholas squ areh .

~P an don H ou seG ibson George

,painter, Bailiff gate

G ibson George, shopkeeper, 25 Shield stree tG ibson George, boot and shoe maker, 3 85 5 Castl e stai rsGibson George

,cowkeeper, Gal l owgate

Gibson James,mason and bu ilder, 4 S tephn ey Fi eld , wes t

G ibson James,shopkeeper

,30 C l ose

Gibson James, foreman , 4 Minden stree tG ibson James

,tinplate worker, 22 C lo se

Gibson J ames,farmer, Elswi ck lane

G ibson Jane, v i c t., Blu e P osts, 152 P ilgrim street

G ibson John,hosier

,gl ov er, l acem an

, 8t c., 30 Grey st h. 5 Higham placeG ibson John

,pain ter and glaz i e r, 53 N ewgate stree t

G ibson Mr . John,42 Car l i o l s treetG ibson John

,draper ; h . 9 S t. James ’s stree t

Gibson John,Gallery of Arts, glass stainer, painter, imi tator of morocco

leather,embossed paper, an d decorator in general, 89 C layton street ;

h ; 1 L eazes t erraceG ibson J ohn , fu rni tu re broker and o l d book seller, Den ton chareGibson John C.

,bu tcher, 44New market,Marlborou gh s t. 85 Scotchwood r d

Gibson John , shoemaker, H edley placeG ibson Jos eph B .,

ship and insu ran ce broker h . N or th S hiel ds

Gibson Joseph, cabine t maker, W estgateG ibson L eonard , hosie r, haberd asher, glov er, &c., 37 Grey stree tG ibson Mark H all

,engraver, copperplate, an d l i thographic printer, 15

B igg market ; h . 2 Bu rdon placeGibson Mary Ann, s traw hat maker, 1 13 P ercy stree t3 ibson N icholas, shopkeeper, 7 Nor thum b er l an d stree tGibson Mr . P hilip, 15 L ow Vill a placeGibson Robert,manager of the N ewbu sy Cottage iron works , 9 Ri chmond s tG ibson Robert, j oiner, 8t a , Chu rch i l l cottages h . 2

0George streetGibson Sarah

,l odgings, 6 El don squ are

Gibson Thomas, archi tec t, 27 Market street ; h . 104 B len heim stree tG ibson Thomas C . 85 Co., merchants, ship and insu rance brokers, coalfitters

,and commissi on agen ts, Three Indian Kings cou rt

G ibson Thomas,bu tcher, Byker hill

G ibson Wal ter, j oiner an d shopkeeper, 173 P ilgrim stree tG ibson Wal ter, j oiner and cabinet maker, c t. I5 Cloth mkt. ; h . 22 N un

’s stG ibson W i l l i am Sidney, regi strar, Cou rt of Bankruptcy h . George stree tG ibson W i ll iam , s tonemaso n , P ru dhoe street ; h . 3 M inden s tree tGibson W i ll i am , corn miller and flou r dealer, 39 Bu tcher bank ; h . andmill, Gateshe ad

G ibson William,bu tcher, New marke t ; h . Fri ars

G i lbert Thomas, v ic t., N apoleon l e Grand, 85 e ating h . , 32 Bu tcher bank


Gilchrist and Ash ford, ship and in su rance brokers, Bu rn bankGilchrist George P entland , broker, &0 h . 2 1 B randling placeGilchrist George

,su rgeon , 1 N orthumberland place

Gilchri st James, v ic t ., Fight ing Cock, The Cu tG ilchri st John, sai l maker, 39 Qu ay side ; h . Shiel dfiel dGilchri st John , shopkeeper an d fl ou r dealer, 33 B l enheim stree tG i lchrist Mr s. Margare t, Shiel dfie l dG i l l Joshu a, cabin et maker and j oiner, 84 C l ay ton streetG il l W i ll iam , l inen draper and hosi er, 82 Clayton str ee tG illey John

,tai lor, 73 B land ford street

G ill i e Jam es,b 1acksm i th , 9 1 P ercy stree t

G ilpin 85 Co . al e and porter merchan ts and cork cu tters, 52 P ilgrim str ee tG ilpin James

,chemist, druggi st, and soda w ater m n fr .

,53 P i lgrim street

Gilroy James,marin e s tore dealer, Cook’

s chare, Qu ay sideGilroy John , shoemaker, 9 Edward streetGilroy Thomas

,agen t

,24 S tephn ey terrace

Gi l roy Timothy, leather pipe and bel t maker, Haye’s yd ., Qu een s tree t

G irvin Joseph , paper h anging manu factu rer, 25 Market stree tGi sb u rn e Robert, bksel l er 85 stationer, 68 Qu ay side ; h . 3 1 Cumberland rG l ahol m E dward, tal low chandler, cou r t 70 Westgate stree t, an d C hu rchstre et, Gateshead

G l aho l m James, plumber, brass founder, 85 copper smi th , Manor ch areh . 32 Melbou rn e s treet

G l ahol m John , corn mil ler, 85C. h .Melbou rn stree t, G ate sh eadG l ahol m Thomas 85 Son , corn mil lers, Bri dge end steam mill ; h .Mu lgrav eterrace


G lasper N ew ton,shopkeeper

,Ou sebu rn

G l edson Wi l liam , hai r d resser, 73 N orthumberland s t. ; h . 2 Vine laneG l edston E liz ., green grocer, 207 New marke t ; h. N ew P andon stree tGlen Margaret, v i c t., L ord N elson, 37 Trafalgar stree tG l endinning James, t ai l or, Hewi tson

s cou rt , S ideG lendinn ing John , tai lor and draper, l 85 2 Blac k gt h . Vic tori a placeGlendinning Mary, in i l l i n er , 1 6 P ercy streetG lendinning Thomas, cattl e dealer, Mansfield streetG l en ton Frederi ck, w in e and spiri t merchan t, 10 Close ; h . B en shamG l en ton Pau l , su rgeon , 50 P ilgrim streetGlov er G eorge , shoemaker, Chapel lan eG lo ver I sabella


, 34 B lenheim stree tG lov er Rober tMortimore, M. D 12 N orthumberland stree tG lynn Edward , sol i c i tor ; h . 1 S t. Ann’s r owGlynn Mr . Henry, St. Ann ’

s r ow

Goldie Thomas,tinner and braz ier , S t. Ann ’s stree t

Goli ghtly Mary an d S tani forth Ann , m i lliners and straw bonn et makers,92 P i lgrim stree t ; h . 5 W esley s treetG omb ert Adrian Joseph , pro fesso r of languages, 5 P r inces streetG ood J ames, plasterer, 39 B lan dford street


Goodall Alfred,banker ’s clerk, 1 1 Ox ford s tr eet

Goodal l John , chemis t and dr u ggi s t, 3 S to ck bridge h . Red BarnsGoodbar n John , glov er an d breeches maker, 4 High bridgeGoodbu r n James , bu tcher, 93 New market an d P ru d hoe streetGood l ad Rd. 85 Co., paper hanging manu factu rers, Thorn ton streetGoodyer Mr s. Margaret

, 3 John stree tG oods W ar ehou se for N ewcastle and Shield s Rai lway, ManorsG oolden Geor ge, b oot 85 shoe m kt .

,67 Side h . Marlborou gh C rescen t

Gordon An n , S traw hat maker , Temple streetGordon John , mar ine store dealer, P andon bankGordon Richard

,grocer, Bai l i ff gate

Gordon Rob er t, b u tch er , SandgateGor don Robert


,Scotchwood road

Gorn el l E llen,shopkeeper, W estmorel and lane

Gorringe Thomas,v ic t., Shakespeare Tav ern, Shakespeare str eet

Gou ghMr . James, P awton Dean terraceGou lden George


,S id e h . 4 Marlborou gh crescen t

Gou lden James,ink manu factu rer, Cou rt 9 B i gg market

Gou n d ry R1., r eady-made linen , stay, 85 sho e w arehou se , 8 Collingwood stGou rley W ill i am

,wood tu rner , Cou r t 159 P ilgrim street

Gow James, sh opkeeper, The C u tGow Margare t

,s traw h at maker, Byker b ar

Gowl and Charl es,p l ane m nfr ., Cou rt 9 B igg market h . c t . 3 N ewgate s t .

Gowl and Joseph, l inen 85 wool l en draper, 2 1 Sandhill h . 131 P leasan tr ow


G owland Robert,chemist and dru ggi st

,27 C lay ton stree t

Grace Edward N . , ship owner , Byker hillG raham Ann

,con fec ti oner and fru i terer, 59 W estgate stree t

G r aham D onald,boot and shoe maker

, 22 Marke t stree tGraham Emili a


, 34 C ar l iol s tree tGraham E liz abeth

,sh opkeeper

,88 P e rcy s treet

Graham James,whi tesmi th 85 bellhanger, Forth bank ; h . 4 Sunderland st

Graham James,shopkeeper, S t. L awrence

Graham James,master mar iner

,33 Low Friar street

Graham Jane,lodgings

,Regen t s treet, Forth terrace

Graham John,shopkeeper

, 82 Westgate streetGraham John

,shopman , W el lington street

G raham Joseph , join er and cabine t maker, 1 1 1 P ercy streetGraham Mary


, P ain ter heughG raham Mr s. Margaret , 36 E ldon stree tGraham Thomas

, work ing engineer, 24 H oward streetGraham W il liam, l odgings, Spi tal placeGr aham sl ey G eorge, contracto r, bu i ld er, 85 0 h . L aver i ck hal lG r aham sl ey James, tailo r, 85 c .,

Castl e garth h . H i l l str eetGr aham sl ey and Reed, j oiners, bu i l ders, contractors, brick and draintile manu fac tu re rs, West B l and ford street


Grainge r Rd ., arch i tec t and bu ilder, 9 C l ayton st. ; h . 5 C layton st.,West

Granee John, gentleman, 1 Victoria terraceG ran t Hy.

, hat and cap m n fr . and farri er,95 C layton st. ; h . 15 N ewgate st

Grant James, j oiner and cabine t maker, S tev enson placeG ran t James, tai lor and clo thes deal er, Castl e garthGran t James Frederi ck, accountan t, 22 Melbou rn e stree tGran t Jane


,25 Close

Gran t Jane R ., tea dealer an d c ircu l ating l ibrary, 38 Wes tgate stree t

Grant John , fu rni tu re broker, 184 P i lgrim streetG ran t Mary Ann , s tati oner, circu l ating library, 85 toy dlr ., 85 P i lgrim s tGran t Thomas, bill iard rooms, 7 Shakespeare s tree tG rassi and R ampol d i , general factors an d importers of Fren ch andGerman toys

,22 Grey street

Gray A dam, tailor, 44 Car l i ol stree tG ray Alexander George, merchan t, 85 P i lgrim st. ; h . 4 H igh Jesmond terGray Andrew

,merchant, 8 S ide ; h . 2 H igh Jesmond terrace

G ray Chri stopher, bu tcher, Mi lk market ; h . Sandg ateGray D av id, t ailor and draper, 5 Sh akespeare stree t ; h . BrandlingG ray D av i d , sch oolmaster, Fri ars greenGray George , ship broker, and agent to the Tyne Marine Insu ranceCompany, Three Indian Kings cou rt ; h . 6 S t. James’s s tree tG ray George

,gardener and seedsman

,229 N ew market

Gray Geo rge, v ictu aller, P rince of Orange, 9 SideGray G eorge

,milk seller, 40 Close

Gray George, assi stan t ov erseer, Sal ly portra Qgpr ge, ear thenm gfimw w gerfiw ui e‘gu r n e ;fh . Byker bu i ldingsGray John

,baske t maker, 89 N ew market ; h . P ilgrim street

Gray John,shoemaker, 86 C l ayton stree t

G ray John,v i ctu aller, Sun In n , S t. L awrence street , N orth shore

G ray John,vic tu aller, Grav esend Inn, 10 Rosemary l ane , 85 coach agen t

34 Col lingwood stree tG ray Margaret, v ic tu all er, Ship, SandgateGray Mr s. Mary, 6 L eazes terraceG ray Mr . N i cholas, 98 B landford s tree tGray Thomas

,tobacco manu factu rer

,59 Grey stree t

G ray Wm . and Co.,whsl . and rtl. wl l n . drapers

,tai lors, 85 c ., 36 Mosl ey st

Gray W i lliam,cu tler, su rgical instrument, and tru ss m aker, 28 Market

s treet ; h . 2 1 Carl ton s treetGray W i ll iam John , ship and insu rance b rkr h . Sedgw i ck pl . GatesheadG ray W i l l i am , cowkeeper, Gal l owg ate

Gray W i lliam ,shoe grindery dealer

,37 N ewgate s treet

Grayson James, sol i c i tor, 24 St . N i cholas’ ch . yd h . L ow Sw in b ou r n e plGreaves John , grocer and tea dealer, 4 C layt on stree tG reav es Richard , su b-pol ic e inspector, W estgate s tationGreaves Robert, cabin et maker and j oiner, Forth l ane ; h . 5 Edward S tGreav es W i lliam

,rope and twin e manu factu rer ; h . Spi t al tongu es


Grey Jacob, draper, 85 c ., 8 B l enheim st. ; shop , 1 Bridge st., Gateshead

Grey John,clerk, cu s toms , 6 E l swi ck r ow

Grey Joseph , bu i lder an d b r i ck maker, 10 P ercy s tree t ; h . E l swi ck v illasGrey Ral ph , hosi er, glove r, 85 0 . h . 142 P i lgrim stree tG r ey Wm . John and Son , m r chn ts , coa l f tr s.

,and shi p b rkr s.

, 75 Quay sdGribbin Franci s, v ic tu aller, Brandy B u tt,


l 3 Si deGri erson Rob ert, fr tr . and green grocer

, 198 N ew market ; h . C astl e sqG r i ffin Thom as, beer hou se, 17 Broad chareG r i ffith an d Crigh ton , sol ici tors, Royal arcadeGri ffith C harles, solicitor, h . 27 E ldon squ areGri ffi ths Edward, gen t., 14 Brandling placeGri ffiths Edwa r d , j u n ., soli ci tor, 143 P i lgr im str ee t ; h . 1 4 Brandl ing plGroat Market Chapel, 12 P udding chareGrote Joseph, Esqr .

, agen t, B ranch Ban k of England, 13 Grey s treet

Grov es Edward , hair dresser , S t. P e ter ’s qu ayGrubb Ann , ladies’ day school and l odgings, 15 Westmor eland stree tGrubb Hannah, board ing and lodging hou se, 6 Derwen t placeGrundon Thomas, v ic t., Hope an d Anchor, S t. L awrence st., N orth shoreGrundon W i ll i am ,

v i c tu aller, L amb Inn, Tyne streetGrundy An thony ,

tripe d resser, 84 N ew market,and baker , 4 Bedford s t

G rundy Mr . Thomas,13 Bl enheim stree t

Guar dian Office , 37 Grainger stree t, Mac l iv er and Cather al l pu bl i shersG u i ldhall Town Cou rt, SandhillG u i se M r s. Maria, 17 Summerhi ll terraceG u stard Ralph , shopkeeper, Byker barGu sthar t James

,blacksmi th

,28 Bu tcher bank

G u thrie Andrew , shopman , 4 Carl ton stree tG u thri e Alexander , gen t ., 35 Richm ond stre e tGu thrie Dav id , gent. , 1 9 Su m m erhi ll terraceGu thri e G eo . Douglas

,potatoe and m m . s tr. dlr., 25 Quay sd . ; h . Spi cer l n

Gu thri e M r s . Jane, 67 N orthumber l and s treetGu thri e Robert

,v i ctu all er, S team B oat

,Qu al i ty r ow

Hackworth Ann , v i c tu aller, Ridley Arm s, 1 6 P ilg rim s tree tH ackwor th P ru dence , v i c tu all er, Grey Bu ll , and brewer, C owgateH ackworth Thomas, agent, CowgateH ackworth Thomas

,v ic tu all er, B eeswing, P os tern

Hackworth Thomas , cowkeeper, Clavering pla ceH adaway Edward Ma tthew , grocer and tea dealer, 9 Grainger s tree tH addo ck George , fu rni tu re broker, 1 80 P i lgrim stree tH adley Mar y , shopkeeper, 37 CloseH ager Thomas , agent, 17 Ox ford stree tB aggie Robert Hood and C o .

, paten t rope m n fr s . an d gu rl . merchants,W i lling ton ropery, an d 14 Broad chare ; h . W i lling ton v i l .

H aig An drew , board and lodging hou se , 7 Derwen t placeH ai ls G eorge

,beer hou se, 104 Clayton stree t

H a i l s Wm .

,coach , l i very, lace fr inge , 85 t assel m aker, 3 1 Grainger stree t


H ails W ill i am flou r deal e r , B ath l aneH ai nsworth Wi l li am ,

s choo l m aster; B u ckingham stree tHair Charle s Holden 85 Co., l ampblack , coke, coal tar, coal oi l, 85 varni shmanu fac tu rers

,Scotchwood, an d 55 Qu ay side

H ai r Mr s. J ane , 2 S tephn eyfie ld wes tH air John 85 Joseph, ship b l d r s .,

tim b er merts . , and saw mills, S t. P eter’squ ay, 85 coalfitters, 2 1 Quay side ; h s. Rye hi l l , 85 16 Rid ley v i llasH air Joseph

, v i c tu aller, Ship Inn , Spicer l ane, Qu ay sideHair Mr . Thomas, 5 L i sl e s tree tH albert George, grocer, flou r, ear then ware, 85\ general dealer, St. L awr ences treet

,N orth shore

Halden George,trav el ler

,15 B lenheim s treet

H aley John,boo t and shoe make r , 7 L ow bridge

H al l Alexander,cabin e t maker 85 fu rn i tu re broker, Tyne street

Hal l Mr . Al fred, 3 Forth l aneH all Ann 85 Son , blacksmi ths, 6 Thornton streetH all An thony, inspec ting engineer, N ewcastl e an d Carlisle rai lway ; h.

9 George stree t, S cotchwood roadHall Ben tham 85 Son , carvers , gilders, 85 l ooking glass m frs., 75 P i lgrim st“Hal l Bri dget, shopkeeper, 52 H i gh bridgeH all Catherine, l odgings, 1 3 B l acke t t s treetH al l Rev . Carter, cu rat e of S t. Thomas’s, L ovain e terraceH al l E . 85 C. fan cy repos i tory , 23 Grain ger s treetH al l Edward , sol i ci tor ; h . 2 S t . Mary’ s ter r ac eHal l Mr s. E l iz abeth

, 24 Cumberland r owH all Edward, le t ter c arri er, 15 S towell squ areHal l Mi ss Dorothy

,5 Jesmond terrace

Hal l Edward, shoemaker, Scotchwood roadH all Franci s W r igh t, oi l and colou r m fr . ; h . 17 B landford s tree tH all G eorge,fir e brick manu factu rer ; h . Bel ls clos eH al l George, jo in er , grocer, and flou r dealer , 2 Forth s tree tHall G eorge, horse an d gig le tter, cou r t 58 N ewg ate s t. h . E ldon squareH all George Anderson, agent, Regen t terrac eH al l George

,bui lder, 8t c ., B ensham h . S tepn eyVi l l as

Hal l George, hair d resser, 66 N or thum b e r l an d s t. ; h . 5 Brunswick pl aceHal l G eorge, ship bu i lder ; h . N elson stree t, N orth shoreHall Grace and P .

, dressmakers, 6 Thorn ton s tree tH all H en r v 85 Co., ship brokers, B u rn bank

,Qu ay side

Hal l H enry, clerk, 7 S tephn ey l aneH all H enry, bricklayer and bu i l der, Bath l aneH all , H i l l s, an d Fu l ton, sh ip bu ilders, N elso n street, N orth shoreHal l I sabella an d Jane, shopkeepers, Temple stree tH al l Jam es,pain t and colou r d ealer, Thornton st1'ee t, and 53 New m arke tH al l James, v ic t., B lack Bu ll

, 30 High bridge and Union s tree tH al l Jane, schoolm i stress, Cou rt 178 P i lgrim stree tH all J ane, lodg in gs, 30 N ewgate s tre e t


Hall Mr . John, 15 John stree tH all John , corn merchant and maltster, 8 Sandhill h . 18 Cumberland r.H all John 85 Co., ship 85 in su rance bkr s. 85 commission agts ., 1 1 Qu ay sd

Hall Mr . John , 26 Brandling pl aceH all John , cowkeeper, Back l aneH al l John, cabinet maker, Byker barHall Joseph, green grocer 85 fru i terer, 22 1 85 222 New mkt . ; h . C layton stH al l Joseph, shopkeeper, Bu ckingham stree tH al l Margaret, straw hat maker, l 23 P i lgrim stree tHall Menzies, l inen and woollen draper, ou tfitter, 8t a , 42 Qu ay side ;6 Melbou rn e s tree t

H all Mi ss, St. Anthony’s hall

H al l Rachael , midwi fe, 3 S t. John’s lan e1

Hal l Ralph, tailor, King s treet ; h . Hogg’s entry, Si de

H all 85 Ridley , sol i c i tors, 85 agen ts to the L aw Fi re and L i fe Insu r an ceCompany

,45 P i lgrim street

H all Rob ert, bu tcher , Tyne st ree tHal l Robert, agent, Gosforth s treetH all 85 Shephard, paint, colou r, an d v arni sh m an u fac tr s ., 5 Thornto n st .H al l Thomas, comm i ssi on agent, 1 13 S ide ; h . 7 Oxford stree tH all Thomas Young, Esq.

,33 Grainger stree t

H all Thomas, woollen draper and tailor, 64 Grey s tree tH all Thomas, shopkeeper, Blagdon stre e tHall Thomas

,fu rni tu re br oker and cabinet maker, 156 P i lgrim str ee t

H al l Thomas, cowkeeper, Cou r t, 74 P ercy stree tHal l W il l i am

,v i c t., W aggon In n ,

andfire b ri ck m n fr ., 42 C los e

Hall W i lli am,gr ocer 85 flou r dealer

,15 Marlbo rough s t., and 6 1 C l ose

Hal l W il l i am,bo okse l ler

,6 Clo th marke t

Hall W ill iam ,v i c t.

,Goat Inn , ct. 13 Cloth marke t

H al l W i ll i am,wood tu rner, Rankin’s cou rt ; h . 58 N ewgate stree t

Hall W il liam, whi te smi th , cou rt 2 Wes tgate stree t ; h . Friars

H all W i l l i am , tailo r, 29 Bu tch e r bankHall W i lli am

,beer hou se, B lagdon s tree t

H all W ill iam,assi stant draper

,4 1 Jessamine pl ace

Hall and John, v i ct. and eating hou se , Whi tby Arms, 28 B road chareHalli day George

,v ic tu aller

,N ag’s Head

,20 N u n ’s street

H al lid ay Georg e, saddler and harness maker, 38 Col lingwood s treet ; I} .Clav ering plac eHall iday John

,j oiner, 85c .

,\Ves t W a ll co t tage s ; h . 1 8 Bl and ford stre et

Hallow ell John, mal tster, Hornsby’s char e ; h . 1 2 Ridley v il lasHamb r o an d Cc .,

merchants and comm ission agents, 7 1 Qu ay si deHambro Edward Isaac

,merchan t ; h . 20 L e azes ter race

H am b u r gh Steam P acket O ffic e, St. L awren ce s tree t, Nor th shore, JohnO rm ston agen t

H ami lton Ann , dressmaker, Gal l owgate

H amil ton Isaac, hosier an d haberd asher, 59 P i lgrim st. ; h . 5 . Car l iol st .


Hami lton John , hair dresser, 40 B igg market ; h . Newgate s tree tHamilton W ill i am, gen tleman , 40 L eazes terraceHam mond Charles Frederi ck, ship broker, 85 c .

, 1 13 Si de ; h . L ovain e ter lH ammond Edward , clerk, 14 Shi eld streetH ancock Albany, floor cloth m an u fr . ; h . S t . Mary’ s laneHancock Mr s. Jane

,4 S t. Mary ’s terrace

Hancock Thomas and John , i ronmongers and saddlers, 50 Sandhill ;15 Mol en d in e terrace , Gateshead , and St. Mary ’s terrace

H an dysi de Jan e, shopkeeper, S tephn ey bank\H an dysi de W i ll i am Robinson , v i c t., Bu rn s Tav ern , Spicer l aneH an dyside W i lli am,

marine store dealer,B u ckingham stree t

H an kin Daniel, cowkeeper, Ga l l owgate

H annah Robert,tea dealer, ( trav elling,) 36 B lenheim stree t

H annington W i l liam,s t raw hat manu factu rer, E ast B al l as t hil ls

H ansen , Jobson, 85 Cc ., merchan ts an d ship brokers, 17 Qu ay si deH an sen P eter, j un .

,merchant , general c ommission agen t, ship and i n

su rance broker, 48 Quay si de ; h . Upper C laremon t p l ace

H anson Samu el, permi t w ri ter, 8 Union terraceH arbottle An thony, grocer and tea deal er, 19 De an st. ; h . 8 Shield s t.H arb ottl e John, woollen and l inen draper, ou tfitter, &c ., 70 Quay sideH arbou r- tower, W estwall co ttagesH arbou r-master’s Office, 29 Qu ay side, Simon Danson masterHar dcastl es and Han cock, floor cloth manu factu re rs , 32 B i gg marke tH ardcastl e W i lli am and B enj amin, floor c l o th m frs. ; h . 1 1 St. Joh n ’s ln .

H ardcastle W ill i am,su rgeon , 45 Westgate s tree t

H ard ing James,gen tleman

,39 Cumberl and r ow

H arding John,v i c t. and bre wer, P ortl and Arms, Mi lk market

H arding W illi am ,cabine t maker and sal esman , 44 Gibson street

H ardman L awrence,merchan t

,commissi on agent

,8cc .

, 29 Qu ay side ; h .

E l swi ck v il lasH ardy Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, P i c ton terraceH ardy George, tim ber mert., saw mill s , 85c .

,S teph n eyfields, New bridge st

H ardy James, corn merchan t, 22 Marlborough s tree tHardy James

,carv er, gilder, and pic tu re dealer, 34 Grainger stree t

H ardy P eter and Dav id , timber merch ants,Railway B ank ; h . P ru dhoe c tH ardy Wi ll i am

,hou se carpen ter , S tephn ey terr ace ; h . Melbou rne stree t

H ardy Wi l li am,v i c t.

,G eneral S i r John Moore, 12 Spring G arden terrace

H arford Clark,tai lor

, 85 c .,N ew ro ad

Harford George, sai l clo th, sack, and tarp au l in g m an fr .,Mi dd l esb r o

’ on .

Tees,warehou se, New road h . Regen t terrace

H argrav e Will i am Harle,hair seating and cu rled hai r manu factu rer

, 26

Marke t st., m an u factu ry, Ou sebu rn ; h . 2 West stree t , GatesheadHarkness Jean

,milli ner a n d dress maker

,E l swick ter rac e

B arku s Wi lli am,grocer

,6 Bu ckingham stree t

Harl and John , timber merchan t, Waterl oo streetHarl e Mr s. Ann

,4 L ow Claremont place


Harle Geor ge, g rocer an d tea deal er, 45 S t. N i cholas squ areH arl e G eorge, c l erk, 8 George str ee t, Scotchwood roadH arle John and Son , commis si on merchants , shi p and insu rance brokers,

an d coalfitters, 8 Qu ay side ; h . 1 Queen squ areH arl e J oseph , mer chan t ; h . 1 Queen squ areH arl e W illiam, an d Co., timber merch ants, 38 Qu ay side , S t. L awrencepaten t fl ooring and saw mills, S t. L awrence ; h . Spi tal

Harl eWi lli am L ockey, solr., c lerk to the magistrates fo r Ea s t D iv isi on of

Chester ward , Gateshead , an d agt. to the L i censed Vi c tu allers Assu r anc eCompan y, 1 Butcher bank ; h . West str ee t, Gateshead

H arle Wi l liam , sol i ci tor, and agen t for the A tl as Fi re an d L i fe Office ; 11 .

2 Sav il le r ow

H ar per Benjamin, shopkeeper, Spital tongu esH arper Henry, agent, 10 Grey streetH arper Thomas, l andscape pain ter , 10 1 Blenheim stree tH arper W il l iam Al exander, bricklayer and bu i lder, 8 For th streetHarris Rev. George, (Uni ta rian ,) Hanover squ areH arr i s Isabella, con fectioner, 49 Groat mkt. ; h . Marlborough cr escen tH arri s Will iam, fu r rier, 6 1 Clayton stree tH ar ris Wil liam, bu tcher, 5 L ow Friar stree tHarri o t Rev . George, 20 Oxford stree tH arrison , A . P . merchan t ; h . BenshamH arrison Bownes . cabine t maker, WestgateHarri so n Catherine, dress maker, Westmoreland stree tHarri son , Carr, 85 Co merchan ts, 85 shi p in su rance bker s .

, 32 Br oad char eH arrison Cu thber t, w ooll en drpr . 8: tailor, 62 Grey s t. ; h . 13 Blenheim stH ar r ison Dorothy, bu tcher, 9 Green cou rt, and 150 New m arke tHarr i son E l izabeth , shopkeeper, St. L awrenceH ar rison I sabella, l odging s, 33 Blacket t streetH arr ison J ames, clogger, Castl e stai rsH arrison John and H enry, brush an d baske t m frs. 3 1 Dean st he. 15

H igh s tree t, GatesheadH ar


r i son John , ship an d in su rance broker ; h. 5 Shi eld stree tH arrison John , shopkeeper, 14 Manor str eetHarrison John, sai lmaker ; h . 1 1 S t. Ann ’s stree tHar r i son John Jefferson, c lerk, 14 Summerhill terraceH ar r i son John , shopkeeper, 14 L eazes crescen tHarrison Joseph, ship and insu rance broker, French inter preter, 34 Qu ay

si de ; a. 1 Forth bankH ar r i son Joseph, cooper, New qu ay ; h. New r oadH ar rison Mr s. Margaret, 35 L ow v i lla placeH arrison Margare t, shopkeeper , 14 P rudhoe s tree tH arri son Mr s. Mary, 24 Eldon plac eH arrison Robert, tanner 8: j apanner, S tephn ey bk ; h . 20 R id l ey vi l lasH arr ison Samu el, tu scan , s traw plait bonnet, and ri bbon warehouse, 2 1

Graing er stree t


Har r i son Sarah, con fection er , 9 Cloth marke tH arr i son Thomas, shopkeeper , S t.Mary’s s treet, San dgateH arrison Thomas, v i c t., P hoenix Inn, 23 Newgate stree tHarri son T. E .,

civ i l eng in eer , 56 P ilgrim s treet ; h . Whi t tonH arri son Thomas, inspector of police, The Cu tH ar ri son Wi ll iam Jefferson, farmer , 3 H i gh Friar streetH ar r i son W i l li am

,baske t m kr 22 S ide, 49 85 92 N ew mkt h . 18 Nel son at

Har r i son W i ll i am , pi lot an d fu rn i tu re broker, New r oadHarri son W il l i am

,bu tcher, O u seb ur n, and Hi gh stree t, Gateshead

Harri son Wi ll i am, master m ar iner, Shiel d s treetHarring ton N athan i el, tran slator, Cas tl e stai rsH ar t Thomas , gardener an d shopkeeper, Jesmon dH ar vey Mr s. An n , 1 Bath r owHarvey George

,w ire worker , 5 Moun tai n ’

s cou rtHarv ey H enry, su rgeon , 30 N ewgate stree tHar vey John an d James Samu el, tobacco m fr s ., 39 Head of S ide ; h .

10 L eaz es te r r aceHarv ey James, tobacco m anu factu r er ; h . 5 Ell ison ter raceH ar vey Mr s. Margare t, Strawb erry placeH asker Mr . Thomas

,7 Sav i lle cou r t

H aslam L u ke,c ler k, 1 West B lan dfor d str eet

H astie W i l l iam, tea deale r, ( trav e l ling,) 67 B l and ford str eet

Has ti ngs Mary, v i ct., Orange Tree, North shor eH astwell Robert, wholesale tea an d coffee deal er , grocer , Al l oa al e an d

porter m erchan t, 1 Nun’s st ., and 22 Clayton st.H aswel l Hannah , mill iner an d dress maker, 3 Market str eetH aswel l W i lli am S ., ship and insu rance broker ; h . Union r ., GatesheadH awkes Robert and C o . mahogany merchan ts an d commissi on agen ts,H ondu ras wharf, North shore ; h . 3 T rafalgar s treet

H awks L ady Hannah, P . H C lavering placeH awks Thos. El l i son , coalfitter,39 Quay sd h . 12 Cl ar em on t pl .Gatephd .

H awksby Fr ancis, bu tcher, 1 24 New market ; h . Buckin gham str eet

Hawksby Sarah , shopkeeper , 16 H i gh bridgeHawksb yW i l l i am ,

bu tcher, 24 New market ; h . 43 Cumberl and r ow

H aw thorn D aniel , engineer, B l and for d stree tH awthorn Mr s. Eliz abeth, 14 L ow Villa placeH aw thor n Jane , mu sic teacher, 7 Car l iol stree tHawthorn Robert 85 Wi l liam ,

s team engine bu i lders, civ i l en gineers, an dmillwrigh ts, Forth bank ; h s. E lswi ck L odge an d Benwel l Co ttage

Hawthorn John , su rgeon, 7 P ortl and placeH awxwel l Robert, vic t., C ross Keys, SandgateHay Dav id, c onfec tion er, fru i terer, an d game dealer, 66 Bl acke tt streetshopkeeper and v i c t., New Bridge In n , Argyle stree t

Hay John , carver and gilder, 54 Grainger st. ; h . 9 Ridley placeHay Cap t. John , b arrack m aster, 22 L eazes terraceHay Thomas, forem an , 17 High Friar stree t


H ay Wm . Darl ing,sh i p bi scu i t baker 8c flou r dlr., 18 8c 53 Qu ay side

Hayes James, working j ewel l er, Haye’s yard , Qu een stree tHayes John ,Railway cl erk, 18 Upper Buxton streetHayes Thomas

,paper ru ler, Whi te Hart yard, C lo th marke t

H ayle Thomas, M . D 3 Jesmond terraceHays George, beer hou se , 4 Bu tch er bankHaywood James , w l n . cl oth 8: bl anke t wh sm an . 8c m fr .,

c t. 15 Cl o th mkth . c t . 2 Union street

H ead John , draper, hosi er, 8cc.,28 Grainger st. ; h . 24 Rav ensworth ter.

Headlam Charles, merchant ; h . N orthumberland s t. 8: Jesmond deanHeadl am M i ss I sabella, 3 E l li son pl aceH eadlam Thomas Emerson ,M .D .,

15 N orthumberland st. 85 Jesmond deanH eads John, v e terin ary su rgeon and shoeing smi th , 33 P u dding ch areHeald Jph .,

coalfit ter,ship an d insu r ance broker, and managing dire ctor

of the N ewcastle C ommerci al Marine In su rance Company, 37 8c 3?Qu ay si de ; h . 13 L eazes terrace

H eath Mr s Elizabeth , Jesmond placeHeath H enry G eorge, su rgeon s, l l Bigg marketH eath erington Matth ew, tailor,- 42 Gal l owgate

H eaton Mi ss Rose, 107 Bl enheim streetHeaton Wm ., bksl r stati on er, 8c prin ter, 15 Sandhill ; h . 39 Nor thm b d . s tH eb din John ,fir e brick maker ; h . P orter’s hill, O u sebu rnHebron Joseph

,clerk, post o ffice, 1 E l sw i ck r ow

Hebron Thoma s,secre tary to G as L igh t Company, B ensham ,

GatesheadH edley Anthony, tripe dresser, 83 New marke t ; h . SandgateH edley Barnabas, rai lway superintenden t, 27 Trafalgar streetH ed l ev Bu lmer, com sn . m er ch t., ship 85 in su rance broker, 67 Qu ay sideh . 37 N or thu m b er l an d s tree t

H edley Mr s . E lean or, 37 Jesmond placeH edley Mr s. E liz ., 2 Marlborou gh crescentHedley E li z abeth, v i c t., Thre e Bu ll s’ H eads, 95 P ercy stree tH edl ey Mi ss Fanny, 1 3 P ercy streetH edley Henry Benson , chemi st and druggis t, WestgateH edley James, merch an t, 32 Broad ch are ; h . 8 P ortland placeH edley J ane, lodgings, 1 1 Ox ford stree tH edley John

,v i c t ., Goat Inn , l l B ell street

H edley J ohn, carpen ter, The Cu tHedley Joseph , grocer, 8cc 60 Head of Sid eH edley Mabel , lodgings, 9 We s l ey stree tHedley Margaret


,16 W i lli am street

Hedley Robert, commercial traveller, 50 H igh Vi lla pl aceH edley Samu el , Esq.

, managing d irec tor N orth of England Join t S tockBank ; h . Coxlodge CottageH edley Thomas, mine agen t an d mineral v i ewer, 1 9 D ean stree t ; h . 37

N orthumberland s treetHedley Tho s. 8: Bro thers, co al owners,fitting o ffice, Three Indi an Kings c t

74 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY:H enn H enry, master mariner, 42 Gibson streetH enry Thomas, cabinet maker, Den ton chareH onzell Charles Ru therford, su rgeon , 81 P ercy stree tB en z ol l E lizabeth , dres s m ake r, Castle s tree tH en z el l Gertrude, lodgings, 9 Sunderl and streetHonzel l Isaac, portrai t and animal pa in ter, S tephn ey v i ll asB en z ol l Jane, shopkeeper, 56 Gibson streetHonzell Mi ss Mary, 3 L ovain e r ow

H en z el l W illi am H enry,com sl . clerk, 9 Richmond stree t

Hen z el l Wi lli am, cabinet maker, cou rt 9 B igg Marke tHepple John, beer hou se, 1 New g ate s treetHepple Thomas

,shoemaker, 2 P ru dhoe s tree t

H epple W i lli am , bu tcher, 1 84 New marke t ; h . 8 Grainger s treetH eppel l Mr s Alice, 29 C’

umberl and r owHeppel l An n , milliner and straw hat maker, 55 Grainger s tree tH eppel l 8: Co.

, corn merchants, 1 L ove lan eHeppel l Mr . George, cou rt 182 P i lgrim streetHeppel l John , l iv ery s table keeper, 43 C layton stree tH eppel l John Todd , corn merchan t ; b . 12 Ridley plac eHeppel l Thomas , timber merchan t, N orth shore ; h . 24 Gibson stree tH eppell W i lli am H enry, corn merchant ; h. 4 S t. Mary’s pl ac eH epper Joseph

,foreman engineer

, 24 Sunderland stree tH epper W i lliam , beer hou se, 43 P udding chareH epworth Thomas, clerk, 5 Richmond stree tH erdman Edward, cork cu t ter and mop maker, 37 Mosley s tree tHern am an John, publisher of the Jou rna l N ewspaper , 19 Grey stree t ; h .

17 L ovain e placeH eron M i sses An n and Margaret, Gal l owgate co ttageH eron Edward, corn miller, Byker h i l lH eron Mi sses Fanny an d Charl o tte, 52 Nor thum b er l an d stree tHeron George and Son , engin e bu i lders, 81 0 . Sou th s treet ; h . Orchard s t.H eron Mar y Ann , eating hou se and fu rnitu re broker, 3 Den ton chareH eron Richard, v ict ., Three Bu ll s H eads , M i lk marke tH eron W i ll iam , grocer and tea d ealer, 36 B igg marke tHeron W i lli am , shopkeeper, S t. P eter’s qu ayHerring John , merchant, ship and insu rance broker, co alfitter, and commission agent, 58 Qu ay si d e ; h . 10 L ovain e terrace

H erron Roger, v ic t., Fighting Cocks, 37 B igg marketH eslop Andrew, j oiner, 8 m. S t. Ann ’s s tree t

, SandgateH eslop Chri stopher, commi ssion agen t, S ide ; h . 6 El swick terraceH eslop Joseph, rel i ev ing officer fo r theW estern D is tri c t, C lavering placeH eslop Margare t, milliner and dress maker, San dyford l aneHeslop Wi ll iam,

v ic t., Golden Tiger, c t. 143 P i lgrim stree tH eth erington Chr i stopher , hat manu factu rer, 20 Union stree tH e ther ington Hen ri etta, prov i sion deal er, 52 S t. N i cholas squareH etherington John, hatter, 126 P i lgrim street


H etherin gton John , braz i er, tin an d i r on plateworker , an d i ronmon ger,67 h. 62 Grain ger s treet

H e therington W i ll i am , shopkeeper, Ou sebu rn bankH ewart Mr . J ohn , 20 U pper Buxton s tree tHewetson Richard , pain ter 8c g l z r .New Road, 87: shopkpr . 24W esley st .H ewe tt John , tail o r, P en k l e streetH ewrson Charlotte Ju l i a, l ad i es sem inary, L ovain e terraceHewison Dorothy and Margare t, day school , 20 E l sw i ck r owH ewi son Ions, soli ci tor, 77 Grey s tree t'; h . Heaton Dean hou seH ewi son L awrence, corn fetr., 8c com sn . agt. 38 Sand hill ; h .W ingrov e h sH ew i son Robert, v i c t. P eacock hotel, Trini ty chare, Qay sideH ewison Thomas, cl erk, 4 W esl ey stree tH ewi tW i l l iam , join er , 41 L ow Vill a placeH ewi tson John , opti ci an and mathemati c al in strumen t maker, 20 Greystree t

,and 16 Qu ay side ; h . 3 N ew Bridge stree t

H ew i tson John , cheese and bacon factor, 95 S i de ; h . 1 1 Cumberland r owH ewi t t James, clerk, Westmoreland stree tH ew i t t Mary, green grocer, 209 ‘

New Marke t ; b . E aston's cou rt, GtshdH ew i tt Th omas, linen and wool l en ~d r aper , 7 Dean st. ; h .H un ter ’s hil lH ewson Jon athan Wardl e, c attl e sale sman, 81 El swi ck stree tH ewson Mary W. bu tcher

,36 , N ew marke t ; h . 9 B el l ’s c t. P il grim st

H ewson Mary, trip e d resser, 59 N ew market ; h. Gal l owgate

H i cks M r s. E l izabeth, 2 S tephn ey terrace

H igh Bridge chapel, H igh BridgeH i ll Bridget Isabella

,milliners and dressmakers


,B lackett s t

H i l l Dennis and Co . hosi ers and haberdashers, 16 Grainger streetH ill D enni s, w oollen draper, t ailor, 8 m. 11 . N or th S hiel ds

H ill 85 Dru ry, hosi ers, and haberdashers, 4, Dean streetH i l l George , schoolmaster, Scotchwood roadH ill 8: Hodge , l inen and wo l len drape rs , tai l ors and ou tfit ters, 1 6, Dean stH i l l James, draper, (trav elling,) John stree tH ill James

,v i c t . Whi te swan , S t. Mary ’s stree t , Sandgate

H il l John , braz ier and tin plate worker, 172 , P i lgrim s t. 85 1 12, Newm rkt

H i l l s Christopher, corn and flou r dealer, h .


79 ,W estgate stH i ll s Chri stopher

,clerk , 5 1 , B lan d ford street

H ills 8: Co . tea and coffee merchant s , and grocers, 6 , Grainger stree tH i ll s 86 Dav i dson , corn and flou r dealers, 79,W estgate s treetH i ll s Edward Sept., tea an d coffee merchan t“; h . S t. Thomas terraceH i lls Thomas

,ship bu ilder, h . Byker bar

H i l ton Rev . John, (Me thodist n ew conn exion ,) 4, P icton pl ace

Hind Mary An n , str aw hat maker ; 8: Is abell a, dress maker, Ga l l owgate

Hindb au gh Ann 85 Mary, dress and straw hat makers, 6 Rosemary lan eH indb augh J ohn , grocer, tea dealer, cheesemonger, and seedsman , 22Cloth market

H indb augh John , shopkeeper, 6 Rosemary laneH indbaugh , Joseph, co ach gu ard, 96 Bland ford stree t


H indb au gh Na th l coal agent, au di to r to the Marqu i s of L on don der r v,25 Quay sd . ; 8c timber mert, Ou sebu rn ; h . l Jesmond High terrace

H indmarsh John, v i ct., Tyne Bridge Tavern, 5 Tyne b ridge endH indmarsh Mr s. Elizabeth , 1 Wi l liam streetH indmarsh Thomas, car t owner, W est streetH indson John E lli o tt, cab t. m kr .

,flou r 8: prov i sion dealer, Byker bar

H indson Mat thew,draper and tai l or, The Cu t

H indson Rober t, tail or, Byker hi llH in es Henry B ridge , banker’s clerk, 18 Albion stree tH i slop James, cu stom hou se o ffic er, Westmoreland stree tHobbs G eorge

,commercial trav eller

,5 L eaz es cre scen t

H oberg Ch arles, agen t, 6 Ox ford stree tHobkirk Charles

,green grocer 8c ol d bksl r .

, 2 19 New mkt. ; h . Nun’s ln .

H obki rk Mr . Charles, Nu n ’s gateHobkirk Ed . Codrington , t in 8: i ron pi t. wkr ., 23 Newg t . st . ; h . l Nu n ’s gtH obkirk James, farmer, JesmondH ob son Robson , fu rn i tu re broker, D enton chareH odge Mr s. Catherine W hi te, B randling placeHodge G eo . Wm .

,sol ic i tor, 23 Grey st ; h . 5 S t. James’s s treet

Hodge George, t ailor, 8cc ., 19 S t. N ichol as chu rch yardH odge Rowl and, ship owner, 5 S t. James ’s stree tH odge Wm . wool len draper, tai lor, 8t e. ; h . 16 Dean stree tH odgson H . civ i l engineer, 56 P i lgrim stree t ; h . Summerhill terraceH odgson John, t ailor, 23 B lenheim stree tH odgson Joseph , commercial trav eller, 25 E ldon placeH odgson and N el son , ship an d insu rance brokers, ship owners, and coalfitters, 33 Qu ay sideH odgson Rachael , cow keeper , Gal l owgate

Hodgson Rd . Wellington , ship owner, 8cc . ; h .Walker ter. GatesheadH odgson Rober t, grocer and prov i sion dealer, King stree tH odgson Rober t, civ i l engineer, 4 Summerhi ll terraceH odgson Thomas and James, prin ters and publ i shers of th e Newcast le

Chr on ic l e, 2 1 U nion street, and 24 Groat Market s tree t ; h s. 5 Albionstreet

,and 32 E l don stree t

H odgson Thomas, gro cer and tea deal er, 38 B igg marke tH odgson Thomas. pain ter and glaz i er, 14 and 15 Westgate s tree tH odgson W illi am Hun t, green grocer, 2 14 N ew Marke t ; h . c t . S towel l st.H ogarth Thomas, grocer, 164 P i lgrim s tree tHogarth Thomas, hair dresser, 37 Bigg marketH ogarth W i l l iam , green grocer, 235 N ew market ; h . P ru dhoe streetH oggar th Thomas Cambell, engrav er and copper pl ate and li thographi cprin ter

, pr i n tsel l er , 85c . 42 Grey streetH ogg Adam

,nu rsery and seedsman ,

Scotchwood r oadHogg Mr s. Ann , 7 Summerh ill terraceHogg G eorge, v i c t., Bridge Inn , 10 Quay si deH ogg George, bu tcher, 187 New marke t, h . Raven sworth place


Hogg John , fu rnitu re broker an d u phol s terer, 167 P ilgrim stree tH ogg John , accoun tan t, Mansfield streetH ogg John , master m ariner, 37 H oward s tree tH ogg Mari a, l odgings, l L i sl e streetH ogg Mi chael and James, pewte r 8: t in p l ate w rkr s. 68

, Side ; h . Forth st .H ogg Robert, prov i si on dealer, Back r ow

,Qu een street

H Ogg Thomas, l in en dpr. an d si lk m ercer, 1 1 Grey s t . ; b . l Summerh ill ter .H ogg Thomas, ju n . draper, & c . h . 8 Summerh i l l terraceH ogg Wm . v i c t. Tu rk s H ead In n , com r c l . and posting hou se

, 25 Grey st .H oggW ill iam ,

hat manu factu re r,22 Bi gg ma\ rket ; h . 1 St . John ’

s l aneH oggett Thom as en gineer, L ow Swin b ou r n e placeH oggett W i lli am , coal agen t, 39, Qu ay si de ; h . Sw inb ou rn e pl aceH odgin Mary, catholi c schoo l , Car l io l squ areH oggin s James, bookseller, stati oner, au ctionee r, and gen eral news agen t ,Royal Arcade h Chimney mills

Hol mes John , i ron fou nder, stov e grate and fender m fr . 30, C layton s treet,and Fighting Cock’s yard

H olmes J ohn , shoemaker, Forth bankH olmes John , foreman , Gal l owgate lead worksHolmes Mary Ann dress maker, 62, E l swi ck stree tH olmes S tephen , bu tcher, 154, New m arke t ; h . Derwen t plac eHolmes Thomas , gen tleman , 2 , Albi on pl aceH o lmes W i l li am,

agen t , Forth ; h . 8, Rye h illH om aopath i c D i spen sar y, 30, G rainger streetH oneyman Jan e, lodgings, 97 , Blenheim stree tHoneyman Joseph, grocer, tea and flou r dealer, 40, G roat market ; h .

D i ckham placeH ood An thony 8: Cc ., sh ip and in su rance brokers, ship owners , and timber m erchan ts, 2 1 , Broad ch are

H ood John , tide waiter, cu stoms, 1 1 , Brunswick p l aceH ope Thomas Mu r ray, trav ell in g draper , 10, Fen kl e streetH opper Ambrose , sen r . ship bu ild er, N elson stree t, North sh ore ; h. 29Richmond stree t

Hopper John , tobacconi st, te a and Bri ti sh wm e deal er, 47, P i lgrim stree t ,

h , 9 , Elli son terrac eHopper John Wren , cooper, b . 37 , Bu tcher bankH epper Joseph , corn miller, Swi r l e steam mill ; h . O rchard hou seH epper Ralph and Son , coopers, and salmon p icklers, 37 Bu tcher bankand 10 S i de

H opper Ri chard , sh ip bu i lder, Ty ne. street ; h . 6, H eaton terraceH opper Thomas Harri son , prov i si on deal er , 93 , Clayton streetH opps Wi lli am ,

boo t and shoe maker, P andon bank

H orn Thomas, book and m u sic sel ler, stati oner, organ bu i lder, deale r inP ian ofor es , an d e v ery descrip ti on of mu sic al in s truments

, 32, Greystree t ; h . 42, Cumberland r ow

H orner John , v ic t., C l arendon H o tel , (com l . 8: family) 32 Grainger stree t1 1


H ornby Mary, sh opkeeper, Qu een s tree tH orn sby E liz abeth , shopkeeper, Qu een streetH ornsby John , cl erk, Temple streetHornsby Wi lli am , bu tch er , 42 P udding chareHor sfiel d Alex. T ., grocer, flou r dealer an d prov ision mer t., Jesmon d val eH orsley Al ice S elby, l odgings, 5 Bath r owHorsl ey Mr s. Doro thy , 64 P ercy streetH orslev Rober t, cabine t maker, c t . 20 N ewg ate st h . 64 P ercy str eetH orwan Thomas, con fectione r, 2 1 N ewgate streetH ospi tal , (teaver) B ath lane, Wm . 8: Mary Cou tl ege master 8c matronH otham W i l l iam Su tton , agen t, 4 Rye h illH o tham Wi ll i am , grocer 8: tea dealer , 3 Qu ay side ; h . 7 Rye hil lH ou en A . C merchan t ; h . B lacke tt s tree tH ou sem an John , M. D .

,su rgeon, 60 P ercy stree t

H oward John , cu rri er and leather cu t ter , 1 P u dding chareHoward Thomas, bu i l der, 8 m h . B landford s treetH oward Wi l li am ,

receiv ing inspec tor of t axes, 2 Rye hi llHowe George, j oin er and bu i lde r , 5; B l enheim stree t h . Vi l l a cot tageHowe John , tailor, 12 Nuns streetH owe Thomas, beer hou se, E rick stree tH owe W i lliam , v i ctu aller, S team Engine, Orchard stree tH owe W i lli am 8: Co., shopkeepers, Bu ckingham stree tHowey Mr s. Ann , S t. Thomas stree tHowey Thomas 8: Cc .

,general carr i ers, B ird in Bu sh yd ., Man or ch are

Hoyl e John T .,soli ci to r

, 72 , Grey stree t ; h . 17 L eazes t err aceH oyle Richar d, lampb l ack 8: coke m fr .

, gn l . com sn . agt., 8: agt. to theRoyal Exchange In su ranc e o ffice, 14 San d hil l ; h . D en ton hal l

Hoyl e Robson 8: Cc ., seed cru shers , tar an d tu rpen tine disti ller s, pain t 8:colou r manu factu rer s, 65 C lose

H ubb u ck Jane , con fecti on er and r egi ster office, 90 C l ayton streetH u dd George Young, su rgeon , 3 1 Westgate s tr eetHu dson and C c ., tanners and cu rriers, S tephn ey tan yd h . 14 Shiel dfiel dH udson Edward , trav eller, High v i ll a placeH u dson George, v ic t ., Wheat Sheaf, 6 B igg marke tHu dson Grace, v ict ., Nor thu m b er l an d arm s

,48 P ru dhoe street

H udson Isabell a, rag and bone dealer , 56 N ewgate stree tH ud son James, marine store dealer, N ew roadH u dson James , boot and shoe maker, 108 P ilgrim st. h . 2 Sunderl an d stH u dson John , shoe maker, 24 High bridgeH u dson John, marine sto r e dealer, 66 S id e ; h . Vic toria laneH u dson Mr s. Margaret, 9 S tam fordham placeHu dson Rd . , gror . and tea dlr., 7 Tyne b r . end ; h . El l ison st., GatesheadH u dson Thom as , glass engraver, 45 B lackett stree tHu dson Thomas Smith , glass cu t ter and d ealer h . 45 B lackett streetH u d son W i ll iam Cotton

,assi stan t draper

,33 Brandling place

H udspeth George and Son , j o iners an d cabinet makers, 17 P ilg rim stree t


H ud speth Mat thew , v ict ., Gosfor th Inn , and bri cklayer, Gosforth stree tH u dspeth Thom as, Wood tu rn er, S i lv er st reetH udspeth Rachael , cabin et maker and fu rni tu re b roker, Dog bankHu dspi th W i ll iam , commercial boarding an d lodging hou se, 5 Derwen t plH u ghes James, l odgings, Queen streetH ughes P atr i ck, shoemaker , C as tl e garthH u l l and Berwi ck, s team packe t wharf, S t. L awren ce street, N orth shoreH u l sen bos Henry C ., mer chant ; h . 42 L eazes te r rac eH u l senb os, Harrison , an d Cc ., gn r l . m r chn ts. an d coal ftr s., 3 Broad chH umble Charles , fru i terer, 8cc .,

16 C lo th marketH umble Chris tiann e, straw hat maker and mil liner ; 65 C layton s tree tH umble Edward , bu tcher, 141 New market ; h . 65 C l ayton streetHumbl e George, beerhou se, 84 N ewgate streetH umble J oseph Wrigh t

,wool s tapl er , Bird - l n -Bu sh yard ; h . Jesm on d pl

H umble Mary An n ,dres s m aker , 92 C l ay ton street

Humble Mary , lodgings, 35 B lacket t stree tH um ble S tephen , portrai t pain ter, 4 Brunswick pl aceH umble Thomas, baske t maker , 13 Union street ; h . 32 Gro at marketHumble Thomas, v inegar manu factu rer, Westgat eHume and Chipchase , jo iner s an d cabine t makers, 38Westgate s tree tH ume C ampbell, c abinet maker ; h . 23 B l and ford stree tHum e El iz abe th, fru i terer, 26 Nor thum b er l an d streetH ume Franc i s W i ll i am ,

su rgeon , 2 Green cou rtH ume Mr s . Mary , 6 S tam fordham placeH ume Matthew ,

t ail or and draper , 4 G r ainger street‘

R unh am Fenwick, cheese monger, 850 . 19 , Si deH unsworth Wm . H enry, milli nery an d l acem an, 107, P i l gr im str ee tH un t H enry, tail or, 155, P ilgrim s treetH u nt H enry, i ron man u factu rer, 7 1 , Qu ay si de ; h . B ir tley hal lH un ter Abraham , sol ici to r, ct. 38, Westgate streetH un ter Mi sse s C atherine and Jane, S t. Thomas squ areHunter Cu thbert, copperas m an fr . Ou sebu rn , Copperas works , 85 WalkerH unter Edward

,cart owner

, Orchard streetHun ter G eorge, fu rni tu re broker, 90 , N ew market ; h . 3 W estgate h i l lH un ter G eorge 85 C o . cheese mongers and bacon fac tors, 5, Grainger st.and 1 17 , S ide ; h . 48, L eazes TerraceH un ter James, blacksmi th 85 farri er, N ev i ll e st. ; h. Ellio tt's ct. Newgt. s tH unter Jam es , blacksmi th , Byker hil lH unter John , Depu ty maste r o f the Trin i ty hou seH u n ter Mary , s traw ha t maker, 26 , L ow Fri ar s tree tH unter Robert, c abine t maker and fu rn i tu re broker , 19 , Bu tcher bankH unter Robert, si lk dyer, 46 , High bridgeH un te r Mr s. S u sannah , Sandyford laneH unter Thomas

,v i c t. Qu een ’s head

,58, C lo se

Hunter Wi lliam , coalfit te r, Three Indian Kings cou rt ; 11 . l L o r aine r owH un ter Wi lliam, straw hat maker, 37 , P i l grim street


Hun ter Wi lliam Ru therford , ship, broker, h . 19 , West st. , GatesheadH unter Wi lli am ,

j oiner and cabinet maker,P ainter heugh

Huntley H annah,lodgings


,C ar l io l stree t

H untley John , wholesal e st ati oner and paper merchan t, 17 , S i de ; h . 2 1L eaz es crescen t

Huntley Rober t E ll i o tt, w in e and spi r i t merchan t, 6, Market s treetHu ntley Thomas, booksel ler an d news agen t, 13, Dean streetH unton Charles, excise officer,Wel lington stree tH u chcr oft Jane, v i c t. Jack Tar, New Qu ayH u tchin s Rober t, cooper, W esley stree tHu tchi son G eorge, grocer an d provisi on dealer, 120, P i lgrim s tree tH u tchinson Ann

,green gro cer

, 220, N ew marke t ; h . 12, Waterloo stree tH u tchinson E liz . milliner and dressmaker , 3 , N el son s treet, Trafalgar s tH u tchin son E leanor, dress maker , 56, B land for d streetH u tch inson Edward, ship owner, 1 , S tephn eyfield , WestH u tchinson G eorge, foreman , 9, Trafalgar stree tHu tch i nson James, v i c t. Marqu i s of B l and ford,W estgateHu tchinson James, shopkeeper, 12 , Bu tcher bankH u tchinson Mi ss Jan e , 52 , L eazes terraceH u tchinson Jane, gr een grocer , 208 N ew m kt. h . Nor thu m ber l an d s t.Hu tchin son John , lodging hou se and porter, 2 S t. John ’s laneHu tch inson John ,mathematical in strument m kr ., 3 N el son st. Tra fal g ar stHu tchinson Mark, tai lor, Fri arsH u tchinson Mary 8: Isabell a, bu tchers, 79 New mkt. ; h . S trawberry pl.H u tch inson Mary Ann , lodgings , 9 Car l iol s tree tH u tchinson Matthew ,

tallow chandler, 7 S t. N i cholas Ch u rch yardH u tchinson Robert, cooper, Carlton streetH u tchinson Sarah, lodgings, 9 E ri ck streetH u tch inson Mi s s Sarah Ann , Wesley terraceH u tchinson Thomas, chai r maker, N ew road ; h . Union terraceH u tchinson Thomas, shopkeeper , 13 Spring garden terraceH u tchinson W i l l i am

,b u tcher , 174 N ew market and Spi tal t ongu es

H u tchinson W i lliam , engineer 8cc . , Sou th streetH u tchinsonW i lli am J ohn , ship and insu rance broker 8:c . ; h . Bath laneH u tton An drew,

hair dresser 85 perfumer , 38 N ewgate s t. ; h . Grosvenor s tH u t tbn George, smi th and farrier, cou r t , 79 P i lgrim stree tH u tton John , wool len draper and tailor ; h . High West s t.


H u tton Mr s.,53 Eldon s tree t

H u t ton and Bhin d , woollen drapers and tailors , 12 Wes tgate s tree tH u tton Wm ., mast, block , 85 pump m kr .

, North shore ; h . 5 Heaton ter.Hym er s Joseph

,ship 8: insu ran c e broker h . Windmill h i ll Gateshead

I'An son 85 Fin ney nu rsery 8: seedsmen , 46 Groat mkt., 8: H igh st., Gatshd .

I'An son Charles , nu rsery an d seedsman h. High stree t, Gateshead


An son Wil l iam Andrew , su rgeon , Arthu rs hi llI lderton S anderson Esq., 4 E lli son placeIndependen t Chapel, corner of B lackett s tree t


Jackson Rev . S amu el , (Wesleyan,) 33 L eaz es terraceJackson Smi th , v ict ., L ord H il l , 1 Spring garden terraceJackson Sarah , shopkeeper, Gosfor th stree tJackson Thomas, farmer, Todd’s nookJackson Thomas, con fectioner and ginger bee r m n fr .

, 89 C layton s tJ ackson Thomas, car ter, 2 P ru dhoe pl aceJ ackson Wi l l i am

,boo t and shoe wr hs., 29 Market st. h . 50 Blandford st

Jackson W i l l i am,pain ter and glaz ier, 4 Newgate st . ; h . 2 S t. Mary’s p l

Jagger John, mudi n baker, 12 High Friar streetJames Ar thu r ,pa in t, colou r, v arni sh, and wi ndow glass m anu factu rer, 4Market s tree t ; h . 1 7 E ldon placeJames Charles, tea dealer, 8 G r ey stree t ; h. 4 Ravensworth terraceJames and Cc ., white and re d lead manu factu rers, Ou sebu rn lead worksJames Edward Esq. ; h . Wyl am hallJames E l izabeth, commercial boardin g hou se, 132 Pi lgrim s tree tJames Charles John

,cabine t maker, 15 Ox ford street

J ames Edwd . D ec im an , gor . 8: tea d l r .,62 Blecke t s t ; h . 4 L eazes cre scen t

James Frances,dress maker, 20 Richmond stre et

J ames John,0abin et maker and uphols terer, 80 P ilgrim s treet

J ames Jchn Walker, accoun tant, 53 H oward streetJ am eson D ub ord

,cl erk

,14 Richmond stree t

Jameson E l iz abeth, day school . E l sw i ck stree tJ ameson George, l inen and wool len d raper, 23 G rey stree tJameson John , bu tcher, Spi cer l ane, 85 37 N ew market h . 1 1 Eldon pl .Jameson John

, S t. J ohn ’s N ational school Sunderland s t ; h . Arthu rs hi l lJ ameson Joseph

,v i c t. Nags Head In n , Bu tcher bank

Jameson Robert,i ronmonger 35 Dean stree t

Jameson Thomas,bu tcher, 144 N ew market, and 53 P ercy street

Jam ieson Alexander, l inen draper , 4 Car l iol s tree tJ equ es George, shopkeeper, 5 1 P ercy streetJaqu es Isaac Abr aham 85 Cc ., su rgeons , 19 Car l i o l s tree tJequ es Thomas

,foundry man , Rav ensw or th pl ace

J arrow Colli ery office, 12 Qu ay sid e, Thos. D r ewe t Br own owner ; h .

Jarrow Hall, W i ll i am Row, agen tJ efferson H enry, grocer an d te a dealer , 8 Grainger st. ; h . 60 El don s tJefferson Mr s. Margaret

,3 Char lo tte square

Jefferson Mr s.,4 Ridley plac e

Jefi'ery Alexander, tai lo r and draper, 9 1 C l ayton stree tJeffrey Alexander, v ic t., L ondon Tav ern , 63 G ibson st reetJeffrey E l iz abeth , board and lodging hou se, 92 P i lgrim stree tJeffrey Joshu a, shopkeeper, Chu rchi ll s treetJenkins H enry

,con fec ti oner, 20 Dean s tree t

Jenkins Thomas,dyer , Ga l l owga te

Jenkins Wi ll i am , engraver, l i thographer, prin ter , publi sher, and ori ginalmanu fac tu rer of varni shed pi c tu res o f ev ery descript ion , 14 Albion s t .Jenkin son Joseph, sail clo th manu factu rer, Byker chare


Jesu s Hosp i tal, Mano r chareJewi sh Synagogu e, Temple s treet, Joseph C aro, readerJobey Benj amin , cowkeeper, Bath l an eJobey Joseph , silk dyer an d feather dresser, 51 G ibson s tree tJ obling John , ship and i nsu ran ce broker, co alfitter, an d general com sn .

agen t, 19 Qu ay side ; h . 10 Carl ton placeJob l ing Margare t, hosier , &o.

,3 Si de

Jobling Mark L ambert, soli ci tor, 35 Mosley st. ; h . 6 1 P ercy stree tJobling W i l l iam, nai l maker, 26 Me l b ou r nestreet

Jobling Will i am , shopkeeper, P andonJobson Ann, straw hat maker, Tyne stree tJobson Ebenez er S eptimu s, merchan t and ship broker ; h . ElswickJobson Mr . For ster, Shield s tree tJobson George

,carver and gi lder, 3 Roya l Arcad e

Jobson Mary, cowkeeper, N u rsery C o ttage, El sw i ck laneJobson Samu el M .

,cart owner , 69 Qu ay side ; h . E l swick

Jobson Wi lli am,bu tcher , 107 N ew marke t ; h. Bu tcher’s hall, Friars

Johnson Mi ss Alice, BykerJohnson Aaron Wood , watch maker, G os for th streetJohnson Ann , hackney coach proprie tor, O r chard s treetJohnson Mr s. Ann , 8 De rwen t placeJ ohnson Co . w ine and spiri t merchants, 5 Dean stree tJohnson Catherine

,hosier, 85 P ercy stree t

Johnson Daniel, manager for N athaniel H in dhaugh, Ou sebu r nJohnson Edward , shopkeeper, Bai liff gateJohnson Edward

,wine merchant h . Deanery, Chester u l e street

John son E l iz abeth, mi ll iner and d ress maker, 6 L i sl e streetJohnson E lizabeth

,cook shop

, 70 C loseJohnson Franci s , wine merchant ; h . L ower N ewton, an d 2 Charl o tte sq .

John son George , v ict., Sun Inn , East Bal las t h ill sJohn son George

, gun maker, 7 C layton s tree t ; h . 6 Brunswick placeJohnson Mr s. Hannah, 50 Richmond streetJ ohnson Hu gh, assi stan t draper , l Westgate hil lJohnson J ames, b tch r . 108 N ew m kt. L ow Swin b our n e pl. 85 P ercy st.J ohnson James, fl in t gl ass manu factu rer ; h . Wel l ington s tree tJohnson James, shopkeeper, 25 L ow Vill a pl aceJohnson John, spiri t merchan t, ct. 24 P i lgrim stree t ; h. 2 P i c ton placeJohnson John,W. fu rni tu re bkr . St uphol str ., 108 P ilgrim st. ; h. Do ves c t.J ohnson John, beer hou se, 8 P u dding chareJohnson John, v i c t.,Col l in gwood Arms, and mu stard m an u fc tr .,Brand l ingJohnson John, shoemaker, C owgate , P on tel and roadJohnson John , r ope maker, S t. P e ter’s QuayJohnson Margare t, shopkeeper, Sou th stree tJohn son Mary Ann , hosi e r, & c .

,l Cot tenham street

J ohnson Mr s. Mary Ann,H igh Villa pl ace

Johnson Robert, gen tleman, Villa de St . George, P ercy street


Johnson Robert 81 Cc . , gr o cers, tea dealers, and spic e merchants, 24 C lo thmarke t ; h . Scotchwood roadJohnson Robe r t

,grocer and te a dealer

,135 P ilgrim stree t

Johnson Robert, l i v ery stabl e keeper , 34 L ow Fri ar stree tJohnson Rober t

,trav elling tea dealer

,P ercy cou r t

J ohn son Thomas , boo t and shoe make r, 5 , N ewgate st . ; h . 5 B ell’s ct .Johnson Thomas

,l an d su rv eyor, P arad i se r ow

Johnson Wi ll i am,i ronmonger, 26 L ow Vill a place

J ohnson W i l liam Co .,brew ers, S tockbridge ; h . 8 Carl ton pl ac e

Johnson W i lli am,sail maker

,1 Qu ay side ; h . 3 Richmond stree t

J ohnson W illi am,master mariner, 55 G ibson stree t

Johnson Wi lli am,trav elli ng draper, 22 S towell s treet

Johnson W i l li am,v i c t .

,S tag Inn , 40 P ercy s tree t 1

Johnston Franc i s, join er and b u i lder, 20 Cro ft s tree t ; h . 65 Blacke tt st .

Johnston Jane, straw hat maker, 65 Blacke tt stree tJohnston John C o . te a and coffee d l r s, 1 9 N un ’s st. ; h . 59 N ewgate st.Johnston W i lli am

, so l i c tr . Bankru p t In solven t agt., 1 Collingwood st.J ohnston Wi lli am

,blacksmith and farrier

,B ack lan e

Joi cey Mr . George, 23 Westmoreland terraceJo i cey James, coalfit ter, 29 Qu ay side ; h . 23 W estmorelan d terraceJoiners Hall

,1 High Fri ar stree t

Jones Ann , beer ho u se, N ew P andon stree tJon es George

, upholsterer, and French polisher, 7 , S t. Andrews c tJones Elizabeth

,l odgings

, 26 , Cumberl and r owJones John


,18, Marlb orou gh s tree t

Jones R ev . R . W . L . cu rate o f St . Ni chol as’s 45 , Northumberland streetJone s Thomas , hatte r, 18, Grainger s treetJone s Thomas , saddl e maker, 4, Marlborou gh crescen tJones Wi ll i am , bacon and cheese fac tor, 9 , Sand h ill ; h . P andon bankJoplin Thomas

,tin plate worker, 104, P ercy stree t

J oplin E liz abeth,s traw hat maker

, 60, Grainger s tree tJoplin Francis T ., bu tcher, King st. 16 1 , N ew m kt. ; h . Hewetson

s c tJoplin John , su rg eon , 33, C umberland r owJordan Thomas, beer hou se, L ov e l ane, Qu ay sid eJordon Sarah

,flou r dealer , 168, P i lgrim stree t

Joseph B . 8: Co., wool le n drapers and ou tfitters, 78, Grey S tr eet

Jour na l Ofiice, 19 , Grey street, John H er n am an ,publi sher

Joyce Richard,tai lor , B land ford stree t

Joyce Robert,cartwrigh t, L i t tl e B l agdon stree t

Joyce W i lli am,v i c t. Half Moon , 3 , Bigg market, seedsman, & c. G tshd

Jubey B enj amin,cowkeeper, Bath l ane

Ju de Jane,shopkeeper


,P ercy street

Ju de Martin,v i c t. Su n Inn , 80 , S ide

Ju de Thomas , engin eer, New roadJ ubilee S chool

, (gi rls,) Cro ft s treet, Mary Wake mistressJ ub i l ee School

, (clergy ,) Car l i ol sq. John Mary Findley mast. mists .


Jus tice John, livery stable s, horse and gig l e tter , 5 l , P ru dhoe stree tJu sti ce Thomas

,saddler an d harness maker, 20, B igg market

Kaber ry L eonard, hackney coach pr i tr . P rin cess st. h . 15,Brunswick plKain James

,cl o thes dealer, 26 , Bu tcher b ank

Kay Edward Jackson,i ron m n fr .

,Dunstan ; h . 29 Westmorelan d te rrace

Kay Mr s.Margery, 44Jessam ine placeKay Thomas, shopkeeper , Si lv er s tree tKaye W i ll i am

,prin ter

,bookseller, bookbinder, sta tioner, pr i n tsel l er , cir

cu l atin g l ibrary, arti s ts ’ colou rman and musi c dealer, 5 Blacke tt s tree tKearney P eter

,shopkeeper , Bai l ifl



Keel m en’

s H ospi tal,N ew road

Keen l yside and Harle, sol ici tors, 16 Westgate s tree tKeen l yside Thomas Wi l li am ,

sol i c i tor ; h . Carl ton terraceKelk W i ll i am

,agen t

, 1 1 Royal arcade ; h . 120 P i lgrim stree tKell Ri chard Cc .,

grind and mi ll stone manu factu rers , Fel l ing shorewharf, and 33 Qu ay side

Ke l ly Hugh , transla to r,Castl e st airs

Kel ly James,bookbinder an d pocket book maker ; h . 15 B lenheim st.

Kelly Cap t. John , 4 S t . Jam es’

s s tree tKelly P atr i ck, fu rn i tu re broker, N ew r oadKelly and Waters, bookbin ders, pocket book makers, &c ., 40 Grain ger s tKelso Samu el, travel ling tea dealer, 3 P r u dhoe placeKemp Mi s s El ean or

,10 L ovain e place

Kendle John,china

,glass and ear thenware d ealer, 4 No r thum berl and st.

Kennady Wi ll iam,pain ter and glazi er

,Scai fes c t . ; h . Adelai de place

Kennedy Dav i d,tailo r

,Scai fes cou rt

Kennedy John, cart owner , Steven son plac eKennedy John


,Tyne stree t

Kennedy Thomas,dyer, 134 P i lgrim street

Kent John Hall,hatter and army contrac tor

,18 Mosl ey st . h . Westgate

Kent Joseph , grocer and tea deale r, 32 Dean s tree tKen t N ewb igg in , solic ito r, 57 Westgate stree tKen t Robert, hatter, 40 Coll ingwood s treet ; h 57 W estga te s tree tKenyon Wi lli am , le tter carrier, 5 P ic ton ter raceKerr John , hair dresser, 187 P il grim stree tKerr Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 16 Bu tcher bankKettle Jas.

, ln .St wl n . dpr., tailor ou tfitter, 20 Qu ay s . h 43 Richmond s tKidd J ohn , boo t an d shoe maker, Cau sey bank ; h . Sal l y port co u rtKid d Joseph H enry , old clo thes dealer, 19 L owe bridgeKidd Mr s . Maria

, 3 Eldon p laceKi dman P eter

,master o f S t. L awrence school , St shopkeeper , Bykor bar

Kilgou r Sarah , shopkeeper, 9 1 Blenheim stree tKimber W i l liam

,shoemaker, 22 Howard street

K im pster John 85 Joseph , grocers, te a deal ers St share brokers, 35 Sandhi ll ; h . West street and Sedgwi ck placeKing H ugh

,shoe maker

,4 B lagdon s tree t


King James, engrav er and copperpla te prin ter, 2 Bell’s ct., N ewgate st

King John , cabine t maker, c t., 179 P ilgrim s tree tKing Margaretta

,v i c t. ,W i lliam IV, L owe Swin bou r n e place

King Thomas, v e terinary su rgeon ; h . 28 We stgate stree tKing Wi lli am , cu rato r o f the mu seum , 30 C ollingwood s tree tKinnear Andrew and Co .,cab i n et makers an d uphol sterens, 8Bigg market;h . 12 Bu ckingham stree tKirk Barbara

,l odgin g hou se, 12 Rosemary lane

Kirk James, shopman , 1 Blackett place

Kirk Ri chard and Co ., grocers and tea d eal ers, 88 Side h . 1 H igham pl .Kirkley Mr s. Anna Maria, 5 Rye hillKirkley Edward , b rw r . and m l st r . Westmoreland ln . ; h . 6 El swi ck ter .Kirkley E l iz abe th

,v i c t Three Bu l ls H eads, C astl e g arth

Kirkley J ames,ale and po rter merchan t

,3 Manor st. ; h . S ou th Shi elds

Kirkley Mi ss Mary , 1 1 J ohn streetKirkpa tri ck James S. portrai t painte r, 40 Grainger st. ; h . 6 Camden s tKi rkup L aun cel et Smi th, Forth s t r eetKi rksop Edw. Fors ter, grocer and tea dealer, 6 Dean st reetKi rkSOp Mi ss Mary, 32 Northumberland s treetK irkSOp Mary

,shopkeeper, 3 Pe rcy stree t

Ki rton Ge orge,shopkeeper, Fo rth bank

Kirton John , bricklayer , 2 L i sl e streetKirton W i lli am

,v ic t. L ocomotiv e engin e, Rai l way street

Kirton W i lliam,w atch c lock m kr , 14 Collingwood s t h . 3 Hanove r sq

Kitchen W i l liam , flou r dealer, 121 P i lgrim stKnigh t James

,v ic t. Gardener’s arms, 7 High bridge

Knig ht Robert, chimney sweep , 90 P ercy stree tKnox Mr s. Agnes Elsw i ck VillasKnox E lenor

,straw hat maker, 7 Dog b an k

Knox John,t ai lo r and draper, 59 Grainger s treet

Knox Mary, v i c t. Geo r ge 8: Dragon Inn , Forth bankKyles W i l l iam , carv er and g i lder, 9 1 Clay ton stree tL acy J ohn James

,baker, O u sebu rn bank

L adz i r e John, coal agen t , Bu ckingham s tre e tL aid law Robert, bru sh manu factu rer, c t. 48 P ilgrim st h . 9 Oxfo rd st.L aidler Dav id , su rgeon , 35 L e azes terr aceL aidler Geor g e, b anker ’

s cl erk, 5 L ow Villa placeL aidler George, grocer and tea dealer , 48 S t. N icholas squ areL aidle r H ammond , commerci al clerk , 12 G ibson stree tL aidler John , bu tcher, 10 1 N ew marke t and 14 Bu tcher bankL ai dler John , beerhou se, L eaz es laneL aidler John

,shopkeeper, West stree t

L aidler Mr s. Mar ger er , Carli sl e ro adL aidler W i lliam ,

lodgings, 26 S t. John ’s l aneL aidler W il l i am C . , grocer, Forth s treetL aidler Wi lliam,

pain ter an d glazi er, 1 1 Westgate stree t


L aidm an Margare t,con fec tioner, I H igh br idge

L aing Tho s. Heron , com sn . m er c t., coalfitter and ship broker, 6 Broadchare ; h . 2 John’s place


L aing W i lli am ,commission agen t, Thorn ton s treet

L aland Anders,ship broker and commission agen t, Byker chare h . St.

J ame s’s s tai rsL amb Eliz abeth , fu rni tu re b roker, Dog bank‘

L amb Fred . H olme s,w in e and spiri t merot. 15 Sid e ; h . Sheriff hill lodge

L amb Joph . Co . (Nor thu m ber l an d glass Cofl or th bk. wks., L eamingtonL amb Joseph Co. coal owners, 25 an d 37 Qu ay sid e, and El sw ickColliery ; h . Axwell park

L amb Margare t, straw hat maker, N el son stree t, N orth shoreL amb Rober t, v i c t. Grainger Hotel an d Commerci al Inn , 51 Grainger st

L ambert and Co.,win e and spiri t merchan ts, 30 Dean s tree t

L ambert Cu thbert, v i ct . H exham hou se, and cattle salesman , Cat tle m tkt

L ambert G eorge, grocer and te a dealer, 35 Mo sley s t. ; h. 7, Ad el aide te‘


L ambert G eorge An thony, solr. 19 Dean street ; h . 1 1 Shi el dfiel dL ambert Mark, engrav e r, bookbinder, & c . h . Goldsp ink hallL ambert Mark St Mark W il li am, prin ters, bookbinder s, engrav er s, an d

l i thographers , 69 Grey stree tL ambert Mark W i ll iam , l i thographer, prin te r, & c . h . Tynem ou th

L ambert N athani el Grace, wine spiri t m er ch t . ; h . S t. Thomas p l . N th. r

L amber t Ri char d , solici tor, Roya l Arcade ; h . St. Mary’s terraceL ambert Richard , farmer, E l swi ck laneL amber t W i lli am cowkeeper, P i tt s treetL amon t Ann , dressmaker, Ca stle streetL amb ton George , agen t to th e Gu ardianfir e an d l i fe ofii ce, Trafal gar stL ambton W . H . Co . ban kers, 52 Dean stree t“L andell s James P ringle , master mariner, 41, H oward s tree tL andell s James, baker an d prov i sion dealer, Castle yardL an g John, su rgeon , 100 P erc y s treetL ange Bro thers, merchants, gener al commissi on agn ts .,

ship insu ran cebrokers, Three Indi an Kings cou rt

L ange C arl , mer chan t ; h . 28 L eazes terraceL an ge Dan ie l Adolphu s, merchant ; h . H ood’s Villa

,Win dm i l hi l l s, GtshdL ange W i l l iam James Montagu e, m erchan t and N e th erlands consu l ,Three Indi an Kings cou rt ; 11 . H ood s v i l l a, Windmi ll hi l l s,Gateshead

L an t Wi lli am , Fren ch pol i sher , Clayton ’s cou rt ; h Manor chareL ar by J am es, tem perance ho tel , 5 Nu n ’s stree tL arkin Charl es, su rgeon, 22 W estmoreland terraceL ar m en t Mark ,wh i tesm i th 8: engine repairer,H eath s c t . ; h . 182 P i lgrim stL asce l l es E liz abeth H .

, green grocer, 232 New market h . N un’

s s tree tL ascel les James, gardene r and seedsm an , 230 N ew mkt. ; h . 22 Nu n ’s stL ascelle s Joseph H ., green grocer, 228 New marke t h . H igh Friar s t.L atimer Andrew, sh ip and insu rance broker, coalfitter and commissi onagent , 5 Qu ay side h . 2 1 Ridley place


L atimer Edmund , colli ery owner ; h . 1 B randling placeL atimer Jane, U nitarian schoo l h . 3 L eaz es pl aceL at imer Jane, shopkeeper, Wel l ington stree tL atimer John , agent , 2 L eaz es terraceL awes John , shopkeeper , Sandyford laneL aw ren ce John Ju n .

, ship and insu rance broker , coalfit ter and generalcommi ssi on agen t

,Bu rn bank ; h . Wilkinson's bu i ldings

L awri e Ann, eating hou se , 14 C lo seL aw James, tailor, S t. AnthonysL aws and Glynn , soli ci tors, 64 G rey stree tL aws Cu thb er t ‘

U m fr ev i l l e, solic i tor ; h . Tynemou thL aws Edward , gardener , JesmondL aw s John, gentl eman , 4 Derwen t placeL aws Ralph , m i l l wr igh t,Gal l owgate

L awson Edward , v i c tu alle r, Fox and H ounds, Jesmond val eL aw son G eorge, farmer, Min oriesL awson James , milk selle r, Orchard stree tL awson Mr s. Mary, 4 N ixon stree tL awson Robert Ild erton , j oin er and cartwright, Ou sebu rnL aw son Rober t Son , pain ters glaz iers, 42 8c 57 Nor thum b er l an d st.

L aw son Robert ju n ., painte r and gl az i er ; h . 33 P ercy s tree tL awson Robert, clerk , 4 Cumberland rowL aw son Thos . sod a water and lemonade m fr . ct . 17 Cl oth mkt h . 6

Spring Garden terraceL awther John , commerci al c l erk , 42 Howard streetL ax H ann ah, bu tcher, 186 N ew market h . Vine l aneL ax W i ll i am, cowkeeper , N orth roadL aycock Joseph Co.

, i ron and steel m er c ts . 65 C lose ; i ron founders,

waggon bu ilders, &c . , S tella ; h . W inla tonL aycou r t Mr . Ralph , 16 Upper Buxton streetL ayfiel d Thomas, co achman , 64 Bl and ford streetL azaru s Israel , v i c t. Angel Inn , 3 Bu tch er bankL each John , shoemaker , 2 Bland ford stree tL eadbetter Edward, w rkn g . j ewel ler Sr. denti st

, Dean cou r t, P ainter heu gh

L eadbi tter Robert, solici tor, Westmorel and hou se, l Vestgate s t. ; h . RytonL eathar t James, cl erk, El swi ck r ow

L e carpen tier Ai sb i tt Co . ship and in su rance brokers, and coalfit ters,Three Indian King’ s cou rt

L ecarpen ti er Eu gene , ship and insu rance b rokr . ; h . Bl acke tt stree tL ee Mr s. Jane , 22 L ow Villa placeL ee Mr s . Jane

,9 L ow C l ar emon t p l ace

L ee John Co . m an u factrn g . chemi sts, 10 Grey street , Fellin g worksL ee John , bu tcher, 177 , New marke t h . 9 Trafal gar s treetL ee John , bookbinder 8: paper ru ler, 5 S t. John ’ s l ane ; h . 6 Blenheim stL ee John , florist, 236 N ew marke t, N u rsery ; and h. 22 Vi lla placeL ee Joseph , bookbinder and stationer, 108 P er c v street


L i ddle John Shepherd , professor o f m u sic , 43 Car l iol s tree tL i ddle Matthew, Esq.

, coal owner, B enton GrangeL i ddle Thomas, blacking, 8:c manu fac tu rer ; h . S tephn ey squ areL eigh ton Robert, tanner, B lagdon st. ; h . 85 B lenheim stree tL i ghtfoot Robert Twen tym an , su rgeon , 1 Oxford streetL igh t foot Thomas , linen draper, Byker barL il ley E llen , l odgings, 9 N orthumberland cou rtL iley Thomas, bu t ter an d egg dealer, 133 N ew mkt . h . 15 H i gh Fri ar stL imb Dav i d

,v i c tu aller

, P lumbers Arms, Ou se s tree tL indsay M r . Mi chael , Byker barL indsay Thomas, clerk, 23 Sunderland stree tL i s ter 8c Sons, watchm ker s, jewe l l er s, gold and si lversmi ths, 16 17

Mosley stree t ; 11 . 4 St. Thomas terrace, N orth roadL i ster J ohn , smith and farrier, 52 P ercy stree t ; h . Seaham stree tL i ster John , shopkeeper, West s tree tL i terary and P hi losophical So ci e ty,W es tgat e s tree tL i thgow Mary, l odgings, 5 P ercy placeL i ttl e Ann Jane, hosi er an d register office, 23 Blackett streetL i t tle Ann , sand dealer, Fri arsL i ttl e James, cashier, N orth of England Join t Stock Bank

, 8 Bl enh eim st.L i t tl e James, baker , cou rt 2 P ru dhoe p laceL i ttl e John , cl ogger, Castle stairsL i ttl e Ralph , polic e inspec tor, Westgate stationL i t tl eMr s. S arah, Tindal s treetL i ttl e W il l iam , bu tter an d egg dealer, 13 Thorn ton stree tL i t tl ewood John , En dfiel d Hou se, E lsw i ck l aneL iv esey J ohn , l odgings, 7 S t. John ’s l an eL iv ingston L ewi s James, agen t, 1 High E l swi ck ter., Rye hi llL loyd Wi ll i am King, l anding su rv eyor, cu stoms, 1 9 Ox ford s tree tL oades W i ll iam

,cl erk

,59 Bl andford street

L ock Mr s. Ann , Jessamine pl aceL ocke , Blackett, 8c Co.

,whi te an d red lead , p aten t sho t l i tharge, genu in e

white pain t , 8t c . manu factu rers, Gal l owga te lead worksL ockey George , pro fessional reporter, (J ou rn a l ,) St. Thomas squ areL ockey John , car ter, 20 High Fr iar


L ockey P e ter, j oiner, B randl ingL ocki e Allison , shopkeeper, SandgateL ocki e Robert, baker and flou r dealer, 10 C layton stree tL ockwood J ames, foreman , pl ate glass works ; h .5 Wes tmoreland st.L o ftu sW illiam K. coach proprietor, Collingwood st. h . 7 P icton placeL ogan Dav id, tinner, i ronm n g r ., and j apanner, 96 S i de, 8t 126 N ew m rkt

L ogan Mal col m , japan n er , an d clo ck d i al m an fr .,c t . 15 C lo th market

L ondon S team P acket Office, Qu ay sideL ong E liz abeth, fu rn i tu re broker, 32 W estgate stree tL ongridge James A ., c iv i l engineer, 24 Westgate str eetL ongridge Mi chael , Esq.

, 24Westgate street, and Bedlington


L ongridge Rober t B. 86 Co . engine bu ilders, 26 W estgate streetL ongstaff Mi ss Catherine, Clav ering placeL on g stafi‘ Henry, shopkeeper, The Mano r sL oraine Mi sses Ann , E liz abe th , and H ., 17 Rid l ey placeL orain e M iss Carol ine , 1 1 L ov ai n e placeL oraine Fenwi ck, pr n tr ., bksl r .

, s tatu r., 23 Mosl ey st. ; h .Thorn ton st .L oraineJohn L ambton, Esq., postmas ter, 12 El don squ areL oraine Mary Ann , s traw h at maker and milliner, 66 Grainger s tree tL oraine M i sses, 3 Ell i son p l aceL oraine W i lli am , coalfitter , 28 Qu ay sid e ; h . 4 Sav i ll e r owL osh Jam es, barrister at l aw,

50 Westgate stree tL o sh W il li am, P ru ssi an, Swedish, and N orweg i an Vic e Consu l , 37 Quayside ; h. Walker

L osh W i lson and Bell, i ron man u factu rers, mer chants, an d foun ders ;manu factu rers of malleabl e iron whee l s for railways , general coalfit ters, 8t c . ; Works, Walker ; Omoe

,37, Qu ay side, and S to ck Bridge

L oth er in g ton John S tol e , barri ster at l aw, 22 Eldon squ areL oten John

,school, Cro ft s tree t ; h . 33 Shield stree t

L ou gh Ann , Central Exchange coffee r ooms, 35 Grey stree tL ou gh J ohn, sergean t at mace, 19 1 P ilgrim s tree tL ou ghran W ill iam,

clo thes dealer, Castl e garthL owden Wm . shoe maker

,an d Jane

,dress maker , 6 Fenk l e s treet

L owe Henry an d Co., boo t an d shoe bazaar, 13 Grainger stree tL owenberg Joseph Daniel

,professor of l an gu ages, 35 Blackett stree t

L owes Edward,ma ster mariner

,12 P ercy place

L owes John , commission agent, Shiel d stree tL owes John , bacon , bu tter, and egg dealer, 107 Clayton stree tL owes Mr . Ralph, 49 Nor thu m b er l an d s tree tL owes Thomas, v i c t., Thorn ton Arms, Thorn ton s treetL owes W i ll i am, shopkeeper, 98 P ercy stree tL owi s Thos., h sr . 8c l cm n .

,29 C l ay

fton st. ; h . 10 George s t Scotchwd . r d

L ownds Mr s . Barbara Catherine, 3 Rid ley place

L owrey James, baker, N ew roadL owrey S tephen, tm b r . mer. 8c ship own r ., Ou sebu rn ; h . Sh iel dfiel d hou seL owrey Thomas, gentleman , 5 L ovain e placeL owrey Thomas , keel owner, S t. Mary ’s stree t

, SandgateL owth i n Jane

,straw hat m aker

,Den ton chare

L u cas John,tai lor

,6 Albi on street

L u ckl ey George, b u tcher , 173 N ew m rkt. ; h . 5 George st . Scotchwood rdL u gton Alexander, w i ne, spiri t, al e, and por ter merchan t, 69 lVestgate s t. ;h . 3 Marlborou gh cres cent

L um ley Ann , stay and corse t maker, milliner, 8to.,16 Collingwoo d stree t

L umley Phi lip , clerk, 23 W es tmo rel and s tree tL u m l ey Thomas, chimney sweep , Castle yardL umsden Mr s. Ann , 6 P rinces stree tL umsden James, fl ou r dealer, 17 Un ion stree t ; h . 4 B l enheim street


L um sdon John B el ou gh , gror. 8c tea dl r 1 7 Union st h . 4 Blenheim st

L um sdon John and Co . brewers, C ro ft s treet ; h . 37 Car l i ol streetL u m sdon Joseph , bl acksmi th , Castl e garth ; h . 7, P i tt stree tL unatic Asylum ,

Bath lane, Donald Macin tosh, M. D . su perintenden tL undi Fr edr i co,figu re maker, N ew B ridge stree tL undy Franc i s, cart owner, N ew roadL unn James, ship and insu rance broker, &C.,

Three Indian Kings’ cou rt ;h . W ilkin son ’s bu i ld ings

L u nn John , v i ct. Tu rk ’s head,an d ship owner

,14 Qu ay side

L u nn Wm . Robson , grocer 8c tea dealer, 1 9 -Mosl ey st. h . 14'Qu ay side

L u p ton Hy. B ani ster, pawnbroker, 5 ; an d h . 8 P i l g rim stree tL u pton Wil li am ,

hai r dresser and per fumer,30 S i d e

L u tw i che Henry, exci se o ffice r, 15 M elbou rn e stree tL yne Hy.

preacher n ew Jeru salem chapel, 8c sch l . m str . ; h . 7 Bl en hiem st

L ying-in hospi tal , N ew Bridge streetL ynn John , v i ct . Two Bu ll ’s heads

, B lackgateL v n n Thomas, agen t, 23 W i l l i am stree tMo Allam Janet, v i c t. Burn’s Tav ern , 40 H ead of S ideMo Alli s ter Robert, j oin er and bu il der, Car l io l squ areMc Allum Duncan L iv ingston e

,regi strar of bi rth s an d deaths for St.

Andrew ’s distri c t , 16 S t. James’s s treet ; h . 2 L eazes cre scen tMc Allum Mr s. 16 S t. James’s s tre etMo A l u n an Bernard, v ic t . N ewcastle Arms, Car l iol squ ar eMo Bri de Mr . P e ter, Hedley plac eM c Bryde James, draper, (trav elling,) 85 B land ford stree tMo Cabe Thos. h ardware dealer , 30 Mosley stree tMc Ca r tney W i ll iam , cart owner, 30 C l o seMe Casl i n W i ll iam


,1 2 Si de ; h . O rchard stree t

Mo Ol aru Dav i d , baker, 17 L ow bridgeMo Cormick John

,hair and fl ock mattress m aker, 1 1 Dog bank

Mo Cormick John,tailor, Cas tle garth

Mc Cree Marg t. tr i pe preparer, 82 N ew market ; h . 37 L ow Fri ar streetMc Cree Thomas 85 Andrew,

tea dealers, grocers, and tallow chan dlers,3 1 B l acke tt street ; hs . H i lls st . 8c 37 L ow Fri ar stree t

Mc Donald Alexander, con fec tion er and coffee roaste r, ~l 5 Clo th marke tMc Donald James, tai lor 8c d rpr .

, 22 C ollingwood st. ; h . 2 P udd ing chareMc D onald James, gent., 3 Red B arnsMc Donald John, master mariner, 14 Blenheim s treetM c Donal d John , boot and shoe m aker, 6 L ow bridgeM0 Donald P ri sc ill a, v i c t Fox and H ounds, 35 P udding char eMc Dou gal Hu gh

,shoemaker, 1 2 Trafalgar s treet

M c Dougald Mary, con fec ti oner, 22 N el son stree tMe Ewen W i ll i am ,

tailor and clo thes dealer, Dog bankMo Gee W i lli am . shoemaker, 5 Marlborough stree tMc Gill P e ter, marin e store dealer, Ou sebu r n bridgeMc Gregor Alexander, watch gl ass m anu factu re r, 5 Union str eet


Me Gregor Duncan, wholesale rag and general merchan t, marine s toredealer

,and china

,gl ass

,& 0 . warehou se, 1 N ew Quay ; h. Wal l knoll

Mc G r eevy Henry, coal dealer , St. Ann ’s stree tMo Harg Anthony, draper, ( trav elling,) 92 Bland ford s treetMc Innes Duncan , coffee roaster, c t. 2 Westgate s t. h. 4 Thos . ct.,Forth stMo In tosh Da v id, grocer, Bailiff gateMc In tosh John , shoemaker, L eazes laneMc Iver John , shoemaker, 57 S t . N icholas squ areMc Kenna Micha el, plasterer, 26 Upper Bu xton streetMc Kenzi e Charle s, tinplate worker 8c brazier, 69 N or thum b er l an d s t ree t‘Mc Kenzie Kenneth, town missi on, 1 3 W i ll i am streetMo Kenzi e Rober t, shopkeeper, S t. P eter’ s Qu ayMo Ken z i e W i lliam,

shopkeeper, 8 Northumberland stree tMc Kie John, shoemaker, 10 W i lliam streetMo Kie Thomas, shopkeeper, W el l ington stree tMo Kie W i lliam, l emonade, m an fr ., D i spensary squ areMc L ain e John , shoemaker, M i lk market ; h . Castle bankMc L ean Mary, board and lodg ings, 3 P i c ton placeMo L eod Andrew, ship bu i ld er, 2 Hyarn placeMe L eo d El iz . Su san , day school , 84 Bl enheim stree tMo L eod I sabella, beer hou se, 3 P ru dhoe stree tMo L eown an M . 8; M.

, baby linen warehou se, 7 Mo sley streetMc L eroth Mr s., 6 L eazes crescentMo N ab Mr s. Ann , 7 El swick row

Mc Nab Collen, transl ater, S t Mary ’s s treetMo N air Mary, dress m aker, 62 El sw i ck stree tMo Nay Thomas Fo thergill, su rgeon, 9 Gibson s tree tMc N icol John , baker, Blyth’s nookMo P herson Ann 8: Margare t, dress m akers, 8 Northumberland streetMc P herson James, pol iceman, 26 Richmond stree tMc P herson John , permi t wri ter, 8 Nor thu m b er l an d s treetMc Pherson W i ll i am, wh l . 8c retail w in e 8: spiri t mert., 39 High bridgeMc P hi e Archibald, cabinet maker, &c . h . 20 L ow Friar stree tM0 Qu een Robert

,cu tler 8c su rgical instrumen t maker , 45 Grainger stree t

Mo Veen John, tobacco deal er, Bath lan eMacadam John , commerci al cl erk, N ew roadMacadam Samu el , travelling tea dealer, 5 Forth laneMaoar thy Eu gene, cir cu l ating l ibrary, 8 Shakespeare stree tMachen George, shopkeeper, Waterloo stree tMackall Mr . James, 34 L ow Fri ar s tree tMackean d Alexander, trav ell ing draper, 18 L ow Fri ar stree tMackean d Andrew, trav elling draper, 7 Green cou rtMackel v in Gav in, clerk, 4 West B land ford s tree tMackenz ie Daniel , v i c tu all er, Masons Arms, 5 1 N ewgate streetMackey Mr . B ar tholomew, B l agdon stree tMackey John, vi ctual l er, Red Barns, 4 Melbou rn e stree t

1 2


Mackey Smi th , wholesale re tai l wooll en l inen d rps . , 67 Quay sideMackey Wi lliam , l in en and woo l l en draper ; h . E l swi ck v i llasMackin tosh Allan Greig, shipbroker, 39 Richmond stree tMack into sh D onald ,M . D. superin tenden t

,Bath lane asylum

Mac l iv er St C ath r a l l , printe r s 8c pu bli shers of the N ewcast l e Gu ardian ,general l et ter press prin ters, l i thographers engravers , 37 Grainger s t .

Mac l i v er P eter, prin ter and publi sher ; h . 7 P ic ton terraceMackr eth Robert, gen tl eman , 3 High Swin b ou r n e pl aceMac Venn John


,Bath lane

M addison John , uphols terer, 2 Spi tal placeMagal l \Vi l l i am ,

superin tenden t lun atic asylum ,B el l e Grov e hou s e

Main Dav i d D arl ing, secretary to the N or thumber l and Dock Company,8 Grey s tree t

Ma l tl and Al ic e,v i c t., Qu een Victoria, 1 08 B l enheim stree t

Mafhan Franci s,tail or

,20 S tam fordham place

Maj orMar tha, Vi c t., P unch B ow l Mi noriesMaj or Rich ard , v i c t., D un Cow , Eldon stree t backMarley H ill Coal Coking Companies Office , 3 1 Qu ay side,Wm . Hen r yScai fefitter ; h . Raven swo r th

Maling John Co.,

h . 15 Ridley v i l l as

M aling Wi lli am,chemi s t and dru ggi st

,42 Grey st. ; h . er cott age

Manchester Capt. Ra tc l ifl'e Thomas

,1 E lli son place

Man chester George,clerk

,3 West stree t

,Arthu r’s hi l l

Mann Matth ew,shopkeep er

,Wall knoll

Mann Robert,assi stan t druggi s t, W i lkinson bu ildin gs

Manners Mr s. Bridget,56 E ldon street

Manners Mat thew,v ict.

,Corn Exchange H otel , 10 Cloth marke t

Manors Coal Depot,The Manors, Robert Reay agent

Mark Isabella,l odgings

,Blenheim stree t

Markham Henry,su rgeon , 42 Car l io l street

Marl ey and E therington, corn mi l l ers, O u sebu rn b r i dgeM arl ey John

,corn mil ler ; h . L awson stree t

Marley John , gentl eman , 19 High Claremon t placeMarley J ohn

,gen tleman

,4 Jesmond terrace

Marr Ralph , green grocer, 205 N ew marke t ; h . Blagdon stree tMarr Wi l li am, v i c t., Crown and Thistl e, SandgateMarsden Thomas

,general commissi on agt. 7 Market st . h . 5Warwick pl .

Marshall Andrew,boo t and shoe maker

,28 Sandhi ll ; h . N ew P andon st.

Marshal l G eorge, foreman , 9 Westmorel an d s tree t

Marshall George,cl erk, 25 W estgate s treet

Marshall John,v i ct ., E arl of D u rham In n

,and bu il der, and sculp tu re

1 1 Marlborough crescen tMarshall Jane, dress maker, 16 Marlborou gh s tr eetMarshall Joseph

,foreman , 14 S underland stree t

MarshallMr s . Mary,34 Westm orel and terrace


Marshal l Mr s. Mary, 14 L ow Friar s tree tMarshal l R atcl ifl


,chimney sweep , N ew r ead

Marshall Richard Anthy . com meen . agen t,42, Sandhill ; h . H i gham pl .

Marshall Robert, v i c t ., Bri tannia , Chu rchh i ll stree tMarshall Roger , corn merchant, 42 Sandh i l l ; h . 2 H igham placeMarshal l Thomas, beadle, St. N i cholas Chu rch yardMarshall Thomas , grocer and tea deal er, 100 C l ay ton st. h . S tow ell s t.Marshall W i ll iam Christi e, grocer, whol esal e tea, cofi'ee, an d spi ce war ehou se , 4 Tyne bridge end h . 1 W e sley stree t

Marshal l Wm . Tindell , v i c t . and b u tcherf f hr ee Tuns, S t. Mary ’s st .Marsten Joseph , booksel ler and stati on er, 9 Mosley stree tMartin Mr . B enj amin , 90 B lenheim stree tMartin G eorge, j oiner and fu rn i tu re broker, New r ead

Martin Jame s, pl asterer 8 Howard stree tMartin James, painter and shopkeeper, 2 Erick s tree tMarti n John , ch emi st and dru ggi st, 79 C layton s t. ; h . 26 Upper Buxton st .Martin W i l l i am , join er , c t. 2 N orthumberland stree tMartinson Robert, bankers’ clerk, 55 L eaz es terraceMar tin son W illi am , commiss ion merchant , 35 B road chareMar tyn Charl e s Thomas , gent . 42 Grey s tree tMason John Bywe ll , Esq. 13 E lli son placeMason Mr s. Margre t, 13 Terrace plac eMason Thomas

,poli ce sub d n spec tor , P otter’s bank

Mason Wi l liam ,brewery trav eller, M i l l h ou se

Mastag l io 85 Mal ten i , L ondon, Birmingham, an d Sheffield warehou se,

24 and 25 Grainger stree tMasterton Geo . Mi tchell

,ac tu ary, Sav ing’s bank h .W indmill hill

, Gtsh d

Matfin Mary, ear thenware d ealer, 74 N ew market ; h . SandgateMatfin El e anor, green g rocer 8c fru i ter, 1 94 New marke t ; h . North shoreMatfin El iz . green grocer, 242, N ew marke t h . N ew r ead

Matfin Wi lliam , green grocer , & c . 188 and 190 New market ; h . Newr oad

Mather Edward, sol i ci tor, 76 Grey street ; h . 9 L ovain e placeMather E liz abeth, lodg ing s, 39 Car l iol s treetMather H annah , milli ner and dress maker, 109 B lenheim str ee tMather I sabella, m i l l iner and dress maker, 33, N ewgate s tree tMather Jane, v i c t. George IV. Car l iol squ areMather John, s t ove, stove gr ate, and cooking apparatus m an ta ,

blackan d whitesmith , fu rni sh ing ironmonger, marble chimney piece, andpl ated goods warehou se ; 1 3 and 14 D ean st h . 58, P ercy stree t

Mather Joseph , bank manage r, Summer hillMather Mary, lodgings, Spi tal placeMather Mr s . Sarah

,1 1 Terrace place

Mather Thomas, post office clerk, 7 W i ll iam streetMather Wi l liam , Esq.

, 5 Eldon squ areMathi son John, agent, S t. Ann’s r owMathwin Misses E. J. an d M., ladi es’ sem inary, St. Thomas terr ace


Matteson Joh n and C o . Ou sebu rn chemical works, O u seburnMatthew Charles, ship bkr . 8: com sn . agt ., 32 B road chare ; h . 1 1 Car l iol st.Matthews Dav id, tinner, 18 Stephn ey terraceMatthews Dav id , commerci al trav el ler, l Ridley terraceMatthews Jane , v i ct.,W i l liam l V,

B ell s cou r t, P ilgrim stree tMatthews Thomas, foreman , Sou th s tree tMatthewson and Clay, ship and insu ran ce brokers, coalfit ters, an d

commissi on agents, 32 Qu ay sid eMat thewson Robert, boo t and shoe maker, 82 C layton stree tMatthewson Wi lliam, bu tcher, 14 Victori a Bazaar ; h . E rick streetMatthison Thomas, transl ator, (old shoes) Castl e s tai rsMau de Rev. Francis H .,

cu rate o f S t. John ’s 17 Westgate s treetMau dling Ann , shopkeeper, 50 Gibson stree tMau ghan John, shopkeeper, 7 1 N or thum b er l an d streetMaughan Joseph , bookkeep er, 6 Richmond stree tMaughan Margare t, milliner, dress 8c straw hat maker, 25 Sunderlan d stMaughan N i cholas , shoemaker, 1 9 L ow Fri ar s treetMau ghan N i cholas, mason , Croft c ou rtMaughan Ralph, boot 8: sho e make r, 4 Wes tgate st . ; h . Skin n er b u rn

Mau ghan Robert, commission agent , 2 1 Oxford stree tMau ghan M r . Samu el P .

,1 B lenheim street

Maughan Wi ll iam , bu tcher, 8 N ew marke t ; h . W i lkinson ’s bu i ldingsMau l e John Dixon, hair dresser, 10 Dar n cr ook ; h . 49 S towell streetMawson John, d ruggis t and hom aopathi c chemist, 13 Mosley st. ; h . 15

Sav i ll e r owMaxwell James Bu t terwick, shoemaker, Buckingham streetM axwel l John, bu t ter, cheese, an d egg dealer, 2 Clay ton streetMaxwel l Mr . John , 7 W i ll iam stre e tMaxw el l Robert Thompson


,63 P ilgrim stree t

Maxwell Sarah, milliner and dress maker, 70 Bland ford s treetMayer Kasper, german clock maker, 9 1 N ewgate stree tMechanics ’ in s ti tu tion library

,63 Blacke tt s t Mark Fr ater, l ibrar i an

Meek Thomas, fu rni tu re broker, Den ton chareMegar an Robe rt, shpkr .

, 8: Margaret, dress 8: s traw h at m kr ., 3 CowgateMeier Ru dolph, ship broker, & 0 . h . 3 Ox ford s tree tMegson Mr . Thomas, P lummer stree tMeldrum Thomas, bu ilder and contr actor h . 2 1 Terrace placeM ellar Mr . John , 2 Qu een squ areMel l on D ennis, ol d cl o thes dealer, 18 L ow bridgeMelrose James, l ock8r. smi th i n general, bellhanger, scale beam 85 ki tchengrate manu fac tu rer, 73 Nor thum ber l an d st.; h . N orthumberl and c t.

Messenger John, bu tter 8: egg dealer, 137 N ew mkt. ; h . 25 St. John’

s l n .

M elvi ll e W i lli am , mu stard manu factu re r h . Carlton st., Sh iel dfiel dMelv in Hannah , clo thes dealer, 9 ] N ew mar ke t ; h . 14 S towell streetMelv in John , fu rnitu re bkr . 8c cab t. m kr ., 7 Dog bank ; h . Burn thouseydMen z ie Agnu s, shopkeeper, 3 H i l l stree t


Mi ller John , old bo ok se ller , 238 N ew market ; h . 34 B l andford streetM i ller John , shopkeeper, 32 Bl and ford s tree tM iller John, clerk of St. Andrews, 44 P ru dhoe s tree tM i ller Joseph , shopkeeper and flou r deal e r, 25 Marlborou gh stree tM i l l er Joseph , accoun tant, 1 9 D ean street h . 9 S t. M arv ’s placeMi ller Margaret, in fant school mi stress, 14 P ercy stree tMi l l er W illiam , brewer and porter m reh t.

,c t. 54 P ilg r im st. h . Red Barns

M i ller W i lli am , cl erk, Ga l l ow gate

M i ller W i ll i am, v i c t., White H art Inn , 7 Cloth marke tMi l l i ghin John , tailor and clo thes b roker, Dog l eap stai rsMi ll s John , brass founder and plumber ; h . 14 Forth stree tMi ll s John

,t ailo r

,Eldon lan e

Mi ll s Mr s. Margaret, 30 S towell s tree tM ills Robert, school master, cowgate, P onteland roadM i l l s W i lli am,

oi l clo th painter an d glaz i er, 1 10 P ercy streetM iln er Adam,

cu rrier, Westgate cou r tM ilner George, attorney ’ s cl erk , Spi tal Tongu esM i lner James, ci v i l engineer and archi tec t, 94 B landford s tree tMilner Charles, i ronmonger , 8cc . ; h . Summ erhi ll gro v eM i l ner George, bu tcher, 18 N ew marke t ; h . Bigg marke tM i lner John , cu rrier and leather cu tter, 3 Bl enhi em stree tMi lner Joseph , de aler in B i rmingham and Shefli e l d goods, and hardwarem an

,40 Grey stree t ; h . S t. Thomas s tree t

M i lner Thomas and S ons, i ronmongers, i ron merchants, i ron and s teelm anu fac tu rers, 3 Mosley street, works Bl aydon

M i l va in James, trav elling drap er, 8 Green cou rtMi l vain John , travelling draper, 4 Green cou rtM i l vain Henry, merchan t and ship owner, 59 Newgate streetM in to John

,v i c tu aller

,O l d Tu rk ’s H ead , 5 N orthumberl and stre e t

M in to Robert, v i c tu aller, B lu e B ell , BykerM inikin Jane, v i ctu al ler, B l ack Bu l l Inn , Skin n erb u r nMi tchel l Henry Armstrong, coke an d l ampblack manu factu rer

, 62 Greystree t ; h . 52 Eldon stree t

Mi tchell I sabell a, dress maker, Oyster shell l aneMi tchell Jane, l adi es school , 3 P ic ton terraceMi tch e l l Mr . John

,66 P ilgrim street

M i tchel l John , jun ., soli citor, 66 P ilgrim stree t

M i tchel l Sarah , v i c tu al l er, Sh iel dfiel d Inn, Shield streetMi tcheson Joseph , v ic tu aller, Mechanics’ H all, Temple stree tM i tchin son Ebenez e r , bu tcher, Gosforth stree t an d S t. P e ter’s qu ayM i tchi son John , v i c tu aller, Hare 8c Hounds, P ercy s t. , S t. P eter ’s quayM i tch ison W i l l iam ,

whi tesmi th , S co tch Arms yard ; h . 13 P ru dhoe stree tM oat George Thomas, v ic tu aller, O ak L eaf, 67 Northumberland stree tMoat George, gardener and seedsman , 5 P ercy st. and High Clarem on t p lMoat H enr y, cowkeeper, Ga l l owgate

Moat Margare t, milliner an d dress maker, 23 L eazes crescent


Moffat Alexander, tailor and shopkeeper, 1 6 Manor streetMoffat Rev . Robert, classical teacher, 4 Melbou r ne streetMoffatt Dav id and W ill iam , trav elling drapers, Cross stree tMofi’att Thomas an d Robert, travel ling drapers , 58 W estgate streetM ofl


ett John , prov i si on dlr., 10 Westgate st ., 45, 46, 8c 142 New marketMofii tt James, tail or, Castle stree tMofii tt Mary, v i ctu aller, King’s Head Inn, 1 P er cy s t. 23 B lackett st .Mofli tt Matthew,

shopkeeper, 36 N ewgate stree tMoi se s Mi sses, E lswi ck terraceMole John Henry, portrai t p ainter, 14 Bl ackett s treetMol ten i Alexander, barometer, therm ometer, looki ng glass, & 0 . maker


4 P ilgrim streetMonkhou se, Anderson , 8: Fairbu rn , w in e and spiri t merchan ts, 6 S i deMonkhou se W ill iam ,

con fec ti oner, 9 Qu ay sideMonroeW i ll i am ,

tripe dresser, 58 N ew market ; h . Ou sebu rnMonroeW i lli am , wh ip maker, 44 B igg market ; h . P ipewel l gate

Montgomery Jame s, travell ing draper , 8 Marlborou gh crescen t;Montgomery Thomas, trav elling dr aper, 103 B l enheim streetMonumen t E arl Grey , Head of Grey stree tMoody Dan i el Gorwood , fru i t merchant,77 Qu ay side ; h . Adelaide pl .Moody Robert, E . grocer and tea dealer , 36 P i lg rim streetMoor Geo ., cabinet m aker 8: u pholsterer, 3 1 Mosl ey st. ; h . 3 1 Dru ry l nMoo r John , join er , S tephn ey stree tMoor Rober t Charl ton , v i c tu aller, S te am B oat

, St. Mary’s s treetMoore George, shoemaker, N ew r ead

Moore James, bu tcher, 1 81 N ew marke t ; h . Vints bu ildingsMoore John , b r u sh maker, 1 6 L ow Buxton streetMoore John , v i c tu all er, George an d D ragon , S t. Anthony’sMoore Merrington John, v i c tu al ler, Grey B u ll

,Wes tmoreland stree t

Moore Mi chael , beer seller, Close ; h . 32 Terrace placeMoore Mi ss es, 6 Carl ton terr aceMor al ee Mile s Ismay, boo t and shoe maker, 2 L ow Buxton stree tMor al l ee John, wai ter, 14 Brunswi ck placeMoran Thomas, rag and bon e dealer, 4 L ow Friar s tree tMorgan Thomas, schoo lmaster, Scotchwood roadMork H ans P eter, merchant, 59 Qu ay side ; h . 20 Car l iol stree tMorl and James, shopkeeper, 26 P u dding chareMorland Thomas, cheesemonger, 98 Sid eMorland Thos . G iles 8c Co.,m u si c and mu si cal ins trum en t sellers, dealersin j ewell ery, & c .

,29 Collingwood stree t ; h . P i c ton place

Morl ey Mr s. Jane,1 2 Howard stree t

[Morley John W ilberforce , i ron mer t. , 55 Qu ay sid e h . P opl ar C o ttageMorpeth W i l l iam , join er , Bath l ane ; h . W estgateMorri s Solomon , watch maker, 24 S t . John ’ s l aneiMor r i son Mr . George

,5 P ru dhoe s tree t

Morri son James, coal own er, 32 Quay side ; h . l Gresham plac e


Morri son John, transparen t plaster manu fac tu rer, 50 Cr escent pl aceMorri son Robert, tr av eller, 1 9 Collingwood stree tMor ri son Robert, shopkeeper, B ai liff gateMorri son W al ter, hosi ery m fr . and general dealer, 1 an d 2 Grain ger st.h . 6 Warwi ck place

Morrison W i lli am , coal agen t, Spi tal Tongu es col l iery ; h . 2 Brandling plMorrow Francis, cowkeeper, Gal l owgate

Morrow Mark, pattern maker , 1 5 Marlbor ou gh crescen tMorrow Robt. John , g er . 8: tea dlr., 10 1 S i de ; h . 3 Union r ow,

GatesheadMorton Mr s. Ann , 18 S t. James’s s treetMorton Mr s. Mary , 8 Ridley placeMorton Michael , shopkeeper, 35 S towel l s tree tMorton Ral ph, bu tcher, P andon , and 5 N ew m arke t h . Cr o ft streetMorton Mi sses Sarah and Ann , 12 Albion s treetMoscrop I saac , boo t an d shoe maker, 7 1 Si de ; h . D ian a streetMoss W i lli am, cooper, Back l aneMossman Dav id , prin ter, bookseller, s tati oner , and binder, 2 1 Gr ey streetMossman Ralph , master marin er, 50 Howard stre e tMou at G eorge, travelling draper, Reyn ol dson

s cou rtMou at P e ter 8: Co., tea dealers, 20 Market s tree tMou ld E lizabeth Ann, shopkeeper , C r oss s treetMou l ter Ann, seminary, 1 P rinces stree tMoun tain Mr s. Margare t, 3 S t.Mary’s terraceMountain W i ll i am 85 Son s, wi re worker s 8c m frs. of brass, copper, 8L ironwov e w i re, si ev es,fir e gu ard s, w indow blinds, 8cc., 81 P ilgrim stree t

Mountain Wi ll iam, sen r ., gen tleman, 1 Summerhill grov eMowbray C raster Mi chael, i ron m g r ., &c .

,49 Qu ay side h . Summ erhill

Mowbray George, tailor, Manor char eMowbray Joseph, shopkeeper, 10 B u tcher bankMowbray Margare t, seminary, 2 Trafalgar streetMowbray Mr s. Margare t, 8 Cum b er l en d r ow

Mu i r James, potatoe and prov i si on dealer, Qu een str eetMu i r Wal ter, trav elling draper, Thornton stree tMu l caster J ohn P eter , b ar r i ster -at-l aw,

41 Mosley st. h. B laydon H ou seMu ll in Andrew, v i c t., H ole in the Wall, S tock Bri dgeMu ll in P eter, v ic t., Jol ly Brewer, St. Mary ’s street

, SandgateMu nro Ann Isabella, l odgings, 10 B lacke t t str eetMunro George, s traw hat and s tay maker, 83 C layton streetMunro John, chareman , 4 S t. Andrew’s cou rtMu nro Margaret, dress maker, Westmoreland s treetMu ras G eorge, sub l ibrari an , Eben ger streetMu rdock George, rope and twin e maker, 20 P ercy stree tMu rdock Robert

,h emp and flax merchant

,69 Qu ay s ide ; h . 20 P ercy st.

Mu res W i lli am L awson, agent for the N ewcastle an d Shields s teamer s, 2B read chare h . 1 Stephn ey terrace

Mu rr ay Adam, hosier, haberdasher, an d l aceman, 145 P i lgrim street


N ewcastl e Br ead and C rown Glass Co .,Ou sebu rn

N ew castle an d Carli sl e Rai lway Co . ; ofli ces, Forth ; John Adamson , SecN ewcastle an d C arlisle Railway S ta tion , L ower E l sw ickN ewcastle D i s til l ery, P eaco ck chare, Quay side ; John ToddN ewcastle Commerci al B anking Cc . ,

56 Dean st. ; P eter Dav i dson m an gr

N ew castl e and Gateshead Union Gas L igh t Cc . ; ofii ce, Royal Arcade ;Thomas Hebron secretaryN ewcastle, Edinbu rgh , and direc t Glasgow Junction Railway Co’

s ofii ce,1 1 E ldon squ are ; James P o tts , Esq. sec re tary

N ewc astle ,Berwick, 8c N orth Shields bran ch Rai lway Stat ion, Car l iol sq.

B arnabas H eadly su pe r in tendentN ewcastl e D i strc t C t. o f Bnkrpy .

, Royal Ar ; N thn i l . E l l ison ,Esq. comms .

N ewcas tle Join t S tock Banking Co., St. N ichol as’ squ are, and Mosl eystree t ; Henry B lackly, manager

N ewc astl e and Shi elds S te am N av igation Company's o ffice, 2 Breadchare ; Wm . L aw son Mu res agen t

N ew castle Stock Exchange, Royal ArcadeN ew castl e Subptn . W ater Co .’s o ffice, Royal Ar . ; W . G . Arm strong, sec .

N ewlan ds John , bu tcher, 60 CloseN ew l an ds Thomas, bookbinder, 42 Collin gwood street ; h . C ottenham st.N ewm ar ch N athan iel , cu rri er, boot 8x. shoe maker , 70 S ide h . Swin ~

bu rn place, GatesheadN ew Market, Grainger stree t and C l ayton stree tN ew ton E liz abeth Greav es , mill iner and dress maker , 1 15


P i l g r im streetN ew ton G eorge, boo t and shoe maker, 58 Grey stree tN ew ton H enry, nu rsery and seed sman , N orth road , and 120 P i l grim st.N ew ton James Charles, cl o thes dealer, Castle garthN ew ton James, t ailor, P o sternN ew ton John , saddler, b ru s ., trunk, 85 portmanteau m kr ., 14 G rainger s t.N ew ton Mr . John , 3 W i lliam streetN ew ton John , v i c t. D olphin , and brewer, 41 Cl oseN ew ton Mary , l odgings, 81 Bl enheim stree tN ewton Ru th , lodgin gs, 2 Car l iol s tree tN ew ton W i lli am ,

su rgeon,1 34 P i lgrim stree t

N ew ton W illiam ,tai lor

,1 15 P ilgrim stree t

N ew ton W i ll i am ,hair dresser, 58 G ibson stree t

N i chol An thony , broad and crown glass m fr . h . 5 H igh Jesmond terraceN ichol Anthony 8: Co . ship and in su r . b rokr s . 8t coa lfitter s

, 35 B roadCh are h . Rye hill

N ichol Ahthon y, chemi st, druggi st 8c ship chu dl r . 22 Quay side h . Sh l fd

N i chol John , bu tcher, 178 New market ; h . Oyster shel l l aneNi chol John , con fecti oner, 10 ) S i d e ; h . 47 C umberland r owN i cho l , L u dlow ,

85 Co .,wharfin ger s, ship owners, & c . W atergate

, San d h lN i chol P eter, dealer in Foreign and B ri ti sh b irds , 26 N elson streetN i ch ol Thomas, v i c t. Hodgson Arm s, S cotchwood roadN i cholson Baxter 81:W i l li am,

trav ellin g drapers, 2 Forth l an e


N icho l son Eli z abeth , milliner, Ga l l owgate

N icho lson Francis, j oiner 8c bldr ., Crown yd .,W estg t. s t. h . 7 E lswi ck trN i chol son George

,plumber and bra ss fou nder, 13 Manor stree t

N i chol s on J ames, organ bu il der, L ibrary pl ., Westgate stree tN i chol son I saac , engrav er , and copperplate printer, S t. N i cholas chu rchyard ; h . 35 Howard stree t

N i cholson John , v ic t . Royal Sov ere i gn , The Cu tN i cholson Mary, shopkeep er, 3 1 L ow Friar stree tN i cholson Mary


, 25 N or thu m bfil an d stree tN ichol son Sar ah , l adies seminary, 4 Cha rlo tte squ areN icholson Ralph , v ic t. Flying horse , 36 Groat mar ke tN i chol son Richard , v i c t. Golden L i on, Tyne stree tN i chol son Robert

,civ i l engineer

,12 Royal A rc ade ; 11 . George s t. , East

NiCho l son Thomas Edward, engrav er, copperplate an d l ithographicprin ting, 22 Mosl ey street h . Barras bridge

N i cholson Thomas, bu tcher, 40 N ew market ; h . 44 Shield s tree tN ic holson W il li am an d Rober t, bru sh and mop makers, c t. 2 1 P i lgrimstree t ; h s. 6 Car l iol s tr ee t, and 44 Shiel d s tree t

N igh tingale Daniel, su rgeon denti s t, 7 New r i d'ge s treetN i sh George , shoemaker, Gal l owgate

N ixon Charles, master mariner, 37 Collingwood streetN ixon Dav id, bricklayer and shopkeeper, 29 P rudhoe stree tN ixon Mr s. Doro thy, 3 S t. Mary’s placeN ixon I saac , cooper , S t. L aw ren ce stree t, N orth shore ; h . S t. An n

’s st .N ixon Mr s . Jan d, 23 L ow Villa placeN ixon John , hairdresser, 15 Union s treetN ixon John, cooper, Fo l ly wharf ; h . S t. Ann ’s r owN ixon Mary, v i c t. , Brown Ju g , Forth hankN ixon Wi lliam Towns, j oin er an d bu i lde r, 13 P erc y pl h. 22 P ercy st .N ixon Wi lliam , tai lor, 6 Bath r owNe ad John , boot tree an d las t maker, 34 Side ; h . Chu rch h il lN oble Mi ss C ., 6 P ic ton p l aceN oble Joseph, sh ip broker, Quay side ; h . 2 E l swi ck r owN oble Joseph, coa lfitte r, Spicer l ane ; h. 37 C umberland r owN oble Joseph , pou l terer, 27 High bridgeN oble Robert, gardener and v i c t. , Cradle Well, MinoriesN orris W i ll i am , v i c t.,Wi l liam IV, S t . P e ter’ s qu ayN orth of England J o in t S to ck Banking C om pany , Royal Arcade ;Samu el Hedley, Esq. manager

N orth o f Engl and Soci e ty for the P rom otion of th e Fin e Arts,and School

of Design , 27 Marke t street ; W i lli am B . Sco tt masterNor thern Asylum fo r the B lind, Dea f and D umb, Wel lington pl aceMi ss J . Verty mat ron

N orthern Coa l Mining Co ., Thomas Wi lli ams , Esq. manager, 62 Qu aysid e ; h . 9 Eldon squ ar e

No r thern Counties C lub hou se, 13 8: 14 Eldon sq. ,W. Ru ther ford, stewa rd


N orthumberland Dock O ffice, 8 Grey st., Dav id Darling Main , secr etaryN orthumberland and Du rham D i stri c t Banki ng Cc ., 48 8: 49 Grey st.N otm an Wi ll iam ,

cabinet maker and u phol sterer , 49 Grainge r stree tN u gen t John , shoemaker, Cas tle garthOates Isaac , bacon fetr. 8: genl . c om sn . agent, 12 Sandhi ll h . GatesheadOates I sabell a , v ic tu all er, Rising Sun , 54 Quay sideOgilv i e John C ., arti st, 9 Hood str ee tOgi lv ie Robe r t, beer hou se, 4 1 H igh bridgeOgle Charles, au c ti oneer and apprai ser, 93 Clayton str ee tOgle Thomas, master mariner and ship owner, 2 Union t erraceOgle W i ll iam ,

tai lor and clo thes dealer, Dog bankO

Har a James,beer hou se and shopkeeper, 80 Westgate s tree t


H ar e John , mattre ss maker, Dog l eap stairsO l d Castle, Cas tle s tree tO ldfield John , saddler, 32 H i gh bridge ; h .Wetsga te

O ldfield Mary, l ad ies school , 37 E ldon streetO l ey Chri s topher, ship 8c. in su ran cegb r oker , 8L com sn . agen t


chare h . 15 Elswi ck terraceO ley Chris topher, clerk, 2 Westmoreland stree tO l iv er Adam, archi tec t and su rv eyor, 17 Howard s tree tO liv er Andrew , ach i tc t. 8L sr veyr . ,37 Coll ingwood st h . 20 L ow Vil l a p1O l iv er Dani el sen r ., gen tleman , 1 1 Union stree tO l iv er Dan i e l , ju n ., grocer , te a dealer 8c seedsman, 1 1 Union st h. Ben

well Fi sheryO l iver G eorge, agen t, N ew bridge stree tO liv er John D . bu tcher, 28 N ew market ; h . Thor ri ton stree tO l iv er John , v i c t. H or se fer ry, Den t’s holeO l iver Mr . Robert, 4 High E lswi ck terraceO l i v er Robert, v i c t. Mason ’s arms , Tyne bridgeO l iv er Timothy, grocer 81 tea dealer, 7 Union s t. ; h . 1 1 W es tmorelan d s tO liv er Thomas, owner o f the Ann and Margaret s team packet, Granv i lle trO liver Thomas, archi tec t and su rv eyor, 3 , P i c ton placeO liv er Thomas, bu tche r, 33 N ew market ; h . N ew r ead

O l iv er W ill iam ,corn miller and flou r dealer

,14 Gibson stree t

O l iv er W i lli am , bu tcher, Thorn ton stree tO

Nei l e B ernard, clo thes de ale r , Castl e s tai rsOr ange Mary, dress maker an d milliner ,N ew r ead

O r d Thomas, grocer and tea deal er, 4 Grainger stree tOr d W i lli am ,

w ine 8c spiri t m r c t. 18 Shakespear e st . ; h . 37Wes tm or l n d . trOr igon i John, gn r l . fac tor, 8L im por tr . of French St German toy s,34 Dean s tO rm ston Jane, v i c t. Duke of York, P andonOrm ston Jane S . shopkeeper, P andonO rm ston John

,wh arfin ger , shipping 8: com sn . agen t, ship 8: insu rance

broker, 58 Qu ay side h . 46 Cumberl and r ow

Orm ston P au l, wharfin ger , ship 85 i n sr s. broker, shipp ing 8: com sn . agn t.

58 Quay side h . 10 Ox ford stree t


P arkin Wi l li am, t imber merchan t and wood m an ger , Shotfactory QuayE lswick and farmer

,Cow clo se , Rav en sworth

P arkins Andrew, earthenware dealer, 75 New market ; h . Nun ’s stree tP arkinson Joseph Thos ., chemist dru ggist, oi l 8: colou r dealer, 3 C loseP arkinson Joshu a, cabine t maker, N ew roadP arkinson Richard, con fecti oner and fru i terer, 24 N ewgate streetP arkinson W i lli am ,

merchant,h . Sedgw i ck place

,G atesh ead

P arkinson Mr . W ill iam ,9 U nion terrac e

P arr John Barton , sol ici tor, 4 St. James’ s terr ac eP ar ratt Mary Ann , v i c t ., Rose Inn , 30 P u dding chareP arry Joseph , j oiner, &c .,

Shear wood’

s cou rt, 12 Bi gg marke tP arson s E li as, perfumer and hair dresser, 10 Mo sl ey stree tP arti s Thomas, cart dwn er , P andon bankP atrick Richard , engineer, 92 Bl enheim stree tP atrick W i ll i am , bu tcher, 1 48 N ew market ; h. Tyne stree tP atrickW i l liam

,tr anslato r

, Castle s tairsP atrick W i lli am

,shoe maker and clo thes broker

,Dog leap stairs

P atterson E l iz abeth , cowkeeper, Bu ckingham streetP atterson Henry

,agen t ; h . 7 L eazes terrace

P a tterson Mr . James , 17 S t. Mary ’s pl aceP atterson James, eatin g hou se, 34 High bridgeP atterson John Dean, bu tcher, 2 1 Victo r i a bazaar ; h . 8 Melbourn st.P atterson John

,l inen manu fac tu rer, c t. 80 P ilgrim stree t

P atterson John , tinplate worker, Dog leap s tai rsP atterson John , car t owner, 8 Spring Garden terraceP atterson John , bu tcher, 14 Terrace placeP atterson Matthew, grocer and flou r dealer

,49 Percy street

P atterson Matth ew, ti de wai ter, C u stoms, 2 1 B lackett stree tP atterson Mary, shopkeeper, Qu ali ty r owP atterson Robert, m i l l wg t.,millstone bu i lder, 8: machine m kr ., 89 Percy s tP atterson R ob er t

, b u tch er , 146 8: 1 83 N ew market ; h . L eazes terraceP at terson Robert, j un .

,millwrigh t, & c .

, 7 Terrace placeP attinson Isaac, hosie r 8: haberdasher, 6 N un’s st. h . 9 L eazes crescen tP attinson John , cooper, Fleece c t. ,Gal l owg ate ; h . 22 B lackett streetP attin son Robert 86 Son , tanners morocco le ather dressers

,Ga l l owgate ;

h . 79 B lenheim stree tP attinson Robt ., j u n ., tanner m or r occo le ather dresser ; h . l El swick terP attinson Thomas 81: Cc .

, co alfitters, i ron and com sn . merchan ts, Th r eeIndi an Kings ct. h . 79 , B lenheim stree t

P at tison Fran cis Ar chbald , ship owner, W i lkinson ’s bu i l dingsP attison George, flou r dealer, 5 L i sl e stree tP attison John , pain ter and v ic t. Bu tcher’s Arm s, 6 Waterloo stree tP at ti son Henry, cashier, 7 L eaz es terraceP atti son Joseph , cart owne r, 5 Forth stree tP atti son Mi ss Mary, 89 N ewgate stree tP a ttison Robert, v i c t . S team b oat In n , 2 Qu ay sid‘e


P atti son S ar ah, lodgings, 42 Shi eld s tree tP at ti son Su san, shopkeeper, 3 L ow Fri ar streetP atti son Thomas, grocer, cheese monger, seed , corn , 8: gu ano m er ct., 42

B igg marke t ; h . L ow Swin bou r n e placeP atti son Thomas , clerk, 9 Forth streetP atti son Thomas, v ic t. Col onel Tarl ton , j o in er and cabinet maker , St.L awrance s treet, N orth shore

P atton John ,ear ther nware manu fac tu rer ; h . Ou sebu rn

P atton Wi l l i am, boot an d shoe m aker, 78 S ideP axton Henry, pain ter, Cast leP axton Mary , v ic t. Shipwright’s Arms, Ou se s tree tP ayneWm .

,j o iner

,bl dr. bri ck m kr . slate m er ct . L ezes l n h . 98 P ercy st

P eace Rober t, gen tl eman , 15 Cumberland r owP eacock M r . John, 9 Shakespeare stree tP eacock Robert, v i c t. , Ship In n , Cloth marke tP e acock Thomas, v ict. Globe Tav .& mng r. Uni on brewery L ow Gibson st.

P earson Mi ss An n,34 L eazes terrace

P earson Mr s. Ann, N ew roadP earson Ann , l odgings, 2 Northumberland placeP earson C aroline, milliner an d dress maker, 5 Shield str eetP earson Charles, gro cer, flou r, bacon , and cheese factor, 2 Ridley terP ear son Dor othy, hosi er an d wors ted dealer, 32 Newgate s treetP ear son Mr s. E l iz abeth H i lda, 6 Ridley placeP earson George, M. D . 47 Blackett str eetP earson H enry , wool stapl er 8L fellmonger, 7 Gibson stree tP earson Mr s. Isabella , 5 J esmond terraceP earson John Brooksbank , sen . coalfitter

,32 Qu ay si de ; h . 10 Albion pl

P earson J ohn B ro oksbank, ju n . solici to r , 55 Grey stree tP earson John , v i c t. Ameri can Coffee hou se, 22 Gibson stree tP earson J ohn , fel l mon ger, 2 N orthumberland placeP earson John ,

shoemaker 85 E li zabe th , straw h at maker, 2 B l agdon stP earson Joseph , pari sh c l erk, an d regi s tr ar of bir th s and deaths for Al lSain ts di stri c t, 49 Car l iol stree t

P ear son L azenby, cu rrier & leather cu tter , 73 74 S i de ; h . Co ttenham stP earson Mi s s Mary

,8 S t. James ’s stree t

P earson Mr s. Mary, 3 L eaze s crescen tP earson Mr s. JesmondP earson Robert, coalfitter, 28 Qu ay side h . 43 L eazes terraceP earson Wi ll iam

,marble and stone mason

,B lagdon street, G ib son st .

P earson W i l li am, cashier, 2 1 C umberl and r owP earson W. Hy .

,i ronpl ate worker , n ai l chain m fr .

,Sou th st. h . Forth st

P earson Wm . Thos. dru ggi st,porte r mert.

,Sr. soda water mkr .

, S t. Mary ’s sP eary James, v ic t., P lou gh, Byker barP eary Mary , v i c t., Dog , Wil li ams stree t, S t. P e ter’s Qu ayP ease John , bu tl er, 5 Spring garden te r raceP eck Robert Cc .

, grocers, tea and Bri ti sh wine de al er s, 17 Grainger st .


P eck Thomas, cheese and bacon fac tor, 58 B l ackett stree tP eel Edward, clerk, Mountain ’s cou rtP eel Mr s. Mary An n , George s treet, Scotchwood roadP eel W i l liam , hat manu factu rer, 2 Dean s treetP enman Margaret, shopkeeper, 107 P ercy streetP enman Thomas, prin ter, 13 Albion streetP enman W i l l i am ,

cu stom hou se officer, P osternP enman W i lliam , j o iner, Angu s yard, P ercy stree tP enney G eorge, v ic t., Royal S tandard , Byker hil lP ennington XVi l l iam ,

tea cher of n av igation, 2 1 Melbou rn e stree tP en r ich Robert, cooper, P ercy s tree tP en tland Mr s. Ann , 2 S tephn ey laneP en t l and Jas., v i c t., E ldon Arms, au c tr ., appr.. 8: com s. ag t., 54 Black ett s tP entl and Thomas, pain ter, 2 S tephn ey l aneP ercy Robert, manager, S t. L awren ceP ercy Wi ll i am, v i c tu al l er ,Whea t Sheaf, S t. P e ter’s QuayP ermi t O ffice, Manor stre e tP erry Edward, shopkeeper, S t. P e ter's Qu ayP erry Fran ci s, molasses m fc tr ., Su ssex st. ; h . 2 York st .P erry Jas . 8: Co. , g rocer s tea d l r s .

,23 Grainger s t , h . 39 Jessamine pl .

P erry Mr . John, 3 Richmond stree tP erry Martha, c lo thes deal er, Castl e garthP erry Samu el, v ic tu aller, Bay Horse , Gal l owgate

P erry W i l li am,grocer and te a dealer ; h . 1 E l sw i ck terrac e

P escod Ann , school mistress, (Al l Sain ts) Jesu s H ospital , Manor chareP escod John

,shoemaker and beer hou se, Cau sey bank

P e tch John A .,tailor

,Manor s tree t

P etch Ralph,tailor & c .

,6 L ow Bu xton stree t

P e tch Thomas,tai lo r

,cou r t 74 P ercy stree t

P eters Mi ss I sabell a, 47 Westgate s treetP etre Wi l liam , t ailo r and draper, 1 1 Collin gwood s tree tP ev erel l Ge orge, gr ocer, 10 Car l io l stree tP everel l John, clerk, 66 Bland ford stree tP eve r el l Richard , grocer and tea dealer, w in e and spi ri t merchan t, rec .t i fyi n g dis til ler, 8 m 1 4 B igg market ; h . Westgate

Phelan Mary , v i ctu al le r, S un , SandgateP hi l ipon Ralph P ark, sol i ci tor, 18 Sandhil l ; h . 2 L ov a in e r ow

P hillips John , t imber merchant ; h . Rodsley hou se, Ga te shead

P hillip son George Hare, coach harness , 8cc .,m fc tr .

,93 P i lgrim stree t

P ickering Ann,v ictu aller , B lu e Bell , G rinding chare, Quay side

P ickering Ri chard,l odgings

,24 Eldon squ are

P i ckering Thomas,cheesemonger, 16 S id e ; h . Woodbine ter ., Gateshe ad

P ickersgi ll Ann,periodi cal bookseller and lodgings

, 2 P rinces stree tP i ckford 8L Co. , gu l . carriers, the Manors 8: B ird in Bu sh yd ., Manor ch .

P igdon M i ss Margare t, 4 Howard stree t

P igg Adam, tailor and draper, 65 G rainger s tree t


P o tts George, boo t , shoe , clog 8c patten make r, 76 S id eP ot ts Mi ss J ane, 6 1 E ldon s tree tP o tts Jan e, l odgings, 24 Bland fo rd stree tP o tts John , temperan ce coffee ho u se, 1 Angus cou rtP otts John , merchan t’s clerk, 17 Terrace pl aceP o tts John , pain ter and glaz ier, 25 Clayton stree t, WestP o tts John , blacksmith , L eazes l aneP o tts Mark , pro fessor o f mu sic, 1 6 Brunsw ick pl aceP o tts Robert, shopkeeper, 40 Gal l owgate

P otts Sarah , con fe c tioner, 8c Bri ti sh w in e d eal er, 27 Grainger s tree tP o tts Thos ., l inen 8c. woolen draper, s ilk mercer, & c .

, 17 8c 18 Marke t s t.P o tts Thomas, chemi st an d dru ggist, 33 Dean stree tP otts Thomas , ship chandler, S t. L awrence s t., N orth shore h . Pandon bkP ot ts Thom as , blacksmi th and v i c tu aller, George IV, S t . AnthonysP o t ts Wm . Mowbray, grocer 8: tea d l r ., 41 San dh1. ; h . 27 We s tmoreland s tP o tts W i ll i am ,

clerk,41 Shi eld street

Pow John Kent, accountant, general agen t 85 share broker , 6 1 G rey st.h . Ridley Cottage

P owel l Capt. Henry , 1 2 S t. Mary’s placeP owell Margare t, lodgings , 14 Marlborou gh s treetP ow er Wi l li am, agen t, 2 Byron s treetP rat t Robert 8c Co., ship and insu rance brokers, coalfitters and generalcommission agents, R ewc astl e chare ; h . 1 Wa l ker terrace

,Gat e sh ead

P r i estm an Robert,chai r maker

,17 High bridge

P reston and B rowne , sol i citors, 27 Dean s t r ee tP reston Mr s. E l iz abe th

,Chimney mills

P r eston James, hemp and flax merchan t, 36 Sid e ; h. Sunderland s tree tP reston John H ughes , solici to r, 8c com missioner for taking acknowl edgem en ts of deeds by married w omen ; 85 also for taking bail in theinsolv en t cou rt : h . Greenfield Hou se

P reston Roger, fl ax dresser, 38 S i de h . H igh v i ll a placeP res tonWi lli am Collin son , su rgeon , 5 N ew bridge streetP ric e and H u dson , cu t glass m an u factu rers, 1 10 P i l grim streetP ri ce Thomas , c u t glass m anu factu rer ; h . 1 10 P ilgrim stre e tP r i estm an Jonathan , tanner, leather dr esser 8c glu e boi ler, D ispensarylane ; h . Summer hill

P rimi tiv e Me thodist Chape l , 6 N elson stree tP r imi tive Me thodist Chapel , C u seb u r n bankP ringl e Charles John , agent , 94 Blenheim stree tP ri n gle George , green grocer, 2 1 1 85 2 12 N ew market ; h . ct. 1 S towel l st .P ringle G eorge, tailo r and v ic tu aller , Th ree Tuns, 1 1 Manor streetP ringle Isabell a and Eleanor, dress makers, 1 6 Brun swi ck placeP ringle James , potatoe merchan t , 6 1 G r ey stre e tP ringle James jun ., s traw hat m an u tac tu r er

,57 Grey street

P ring l e James, tobacco m n fr ., 47 Groat M arket ; h . Carr hi llP ring le Rev. James

, (united secession,) Clavering place


P r ingle James, shopkeeper, PandonP ringl e Joshu a, c abinet maker, H i gh Fri ar l ane ; h . 32 Richmond st.P ringle Thomas, agent, 32 Richm ond streetP ringle P eter, ston e m ason and bu ilder, Arthu r’s hi l lP r in g l e kThom as, j oiner and bu i lder, Tra falgar h . B el l’s c t. P ilgrim st

P rin gl e Thomas, tailo r, 82 B l and ford stree tP ringle W alter Shields , bookseller, stati oner, and mu sic d ealer, 3 C ol l ingw ood stree t ; h . 24 W estmorelan d terrace

P rior Jonathan Charles, coal merchan t, 35 B road char eP roctor An ‘n , con fection er, 2 6 St. N i chol as’ chu rch yardP roctor Matthew ,

hou se agen t, 15 N orthumberland cou rtP roc tor Mi chael , painte r, glaz ier, and co l l ector of P oo r Rates for S t .Andrews

,27 Marke t street

P ro c tor Thomas , i r on m g r . bath m fr . brazier 8c. ship s tov e m kt ., 105 Si deP roctor W i ll iam , chemi s t and dru ggi st, 6 Grey street h . E l sw i ck v il lasP roctor Wi lliam , flax and seed merchan t, sail clo th &c . manu factu rer, 17Sand hi ll h . Rye hil l

P roctor W i l liam ,assi stan t dru ggist

,14 Stephn ey terrace

P rosser Robert, assi s tant draper , 12 L eazes crescen tP rou d Benj amin , coffee roas ter, c t . 2 Westgate stre et ; h . Barras bri dgeP rou d Jane Margare t, hosi er , 2 B lacke tt s treetP rou d John , sten ci l ler, c t. 3 W estga te stree tP rou d and Mei er, ship brokers, B road chareP rou d W i lli am , painter and sten c i ller, Bath l an eP row i tt, M i sses, 8 S t. Andrew’ s cou rtP ryn n Wi lliam ,

tide su rv eyor, Arthu r’s hi llP ryor John , flax dresser and shopkeeper, Ou sebu rnP uncheon N athaniel , cowkeeper, c t. 74 P ercy stree tP un shon M r s . El iz abe th

,20 L eazes terrace

P un sh on L uke , hosi er and haberdasher, 57 Gibson streetP u rv es Eleanor, pawnbroker, 1 ] Gibson stree tP u rv es John

,m aster mariner

, N ew roadP u rv i s Aaron , sh opkeeper, 50 G ibson stree tP u rv i s Arch ibald , grocer and tea d ealer, 10 Nun ’s st . ; h . Derwen t p l aceP u rv i s John , v i ct S i r W i ll i am Wal lace Arms

, 42 S towel l streetP u rv i s John , beerhou se, 1 1 N elson stree tP urv i s John , mason , 37 Shield streetPybu rn James, schoolmaster , 13 Melbou rne stree tP ybu s M r . J ames, 28 Ridley placeP ybu s John , soli ci tor, 55 Westgate s tree tP ye John , cowkeeper, West Bland ford stree tQu im Arthu r


, 16 Low bridgeQu in Edward , v i c t Corn Marke t Tav ern , 53 S t. N i cholas squ areRace Mr . Joseph

,1 N ixon s tree t

Race W i lliam,farmer

,San dy ford lane

Radd for d Jam es , soli ci tor, 80 Grey s t . ; h . 8 L o r aine place


Rai l ston George Thos ., tanner,W estgate h . 8 L eaz es terraceRai l ston Matthew, gentl eman , 4 S trawberry placeRail ton Thomas , shopkeeper, Qu een stree tRaine Rev . Charle s Al fred, i n cum . of St. P eter’s, 41 Northumberland st.

Rain e Margare t, shopkeeper, 2 Marlborou gh streetRaine Sarah , marine store dealer, 54 CloseRalph Daniel , shopkeer , Back r ow

Ralph John , boo t and shoe maker, 77 S ide h . Back r owRamage George, tailor an d draper, 1 5 N ewgate streetRamsay John

, v i c t ., Shepherd s Inn , 10 Marlborou gh cre scentRamsay Dav id

,l etter carrier, B lenheim stree t

Ramsay George H eppel , coal owner, coke m fr .,fir e brick and tile m aker,bone cru sher, and maltste r , 39 Qu ay sid e ; h . Derwent placeRamsay Margaret , straw hat maker, 82 Bl enheim stree tRamsey Mr s. Sarah , nu rse , 97 P ercy streetRamsay Robert, baker, 27 Bu tcher bankRamsay Thomas

,beer sel ler

,8 1 Wes tgate stree t

Ramsay Wi l liam, v ic t ., Crooked B ill e t, Scotchwood roadRamsden John , v i c t., L ord Stowell Tavern , 26 N elson stre e tRankin E liz abeth , baker, Stephn ey bankRansom C atherine , lodgings, Back Trafalgar s tree tRaper John


,E as t ballast h il l s

R atc l ifl'Thomas, shopkeeper and flou r dealer , 60 Gibson stree t

R atcl ifl‘

e George , bu tcher, 166 N ew market h . 3 Thornton stree tRatc l ifl

e John , boot and shoe maker, 2 C astle s tai rsRatc l ifi'e John, cowkeeper, c t. 46 S towel l stree tR atcl ifl

e John , gentl eman , 14 L ow C l aremon t pl aceRatcl i ffe Margar e t, cowkeepe r , Gal l owgate

Ratc l ifi'e W i ll i am , bu tcher, 70 N ew market ; h . L ow Fri ar stree tRathbon e George , shoemaker, Fen kl e stree tRayne an d Bu rn , cast i ron 8: rai lway carriage manu factu rers, Ousebu rn ,

coalfitters and coke manu factu rers, Broad chareRayne Charles 85 Co.

,seed cru shers 8: oil merts 17 Close ; h . Carv ille hal l

Rayne John , coalfitter , 15 ; h . 97 Qu ay sideRayne Robert, iron manu factu rer, & c . ; h . Shi el dfie l dRayne S ep tim u s W i l li am, su rgeon, 1 8 B lacket t stree tRayner John Robert, cu s tom hou se officer, 1 Cumberland r owRea George


, 23 Clayton s treetRea James

,teacher and lodgings, 6 S t Mary’s terrace

Reader Charles,v i c tu aller,Westgate Tavern , 6 1 Clay ton stree t

Reav ely Ann , l odgin g hou se, 2 1 S tephn ey terraceReavely Thomas, corn merchan t, Cowgate ; h . 8 Sav i l le r owReay Hann ah

,day school , High v i lla plac e

Reay John Fenwick, agen t, S t. Thomas squ areReay John , v ic t., Rav ensworth Arms, S t. Ann’s stree tReay Jon athan

, v i c tu aller , Brown Kiln In n , Ou sebu rn


Reed Wi l l i am , clerk, 35 L ow Friar s tree tReid Rev . Alexander, (In dpt.) 1 5 Summerhi ll terraceRei d Andrew

,engrav er and li thographer

,1 17 P i lgrim street

Reid Chri sti an Bru ce, m l str . 8c b rwr ., L eazes b r ewry, Upper C l aremonth . 9 Sav i l l e r owReid Sons, goldsmith s and jewel l er sby“appoin tmen t to the Qu een, si lversmiths, platers, chronome ter, an d watch makers, 14 Grey str ee tReid C . J. goldsmi th, j ewel l er, 8t c h . 2 S t. Thomas streetReid Dav id, gol dsmi th, j ewel ler, 8t o. h . 1 4 Grey s tree tReid E lizabeth, shopkeeper, 34 P ru dhoe s tree tReid Mi ss C . R. 8: J. ladies seminary, St. Thomas stree tReid James

,coalfitter, h . Shi el dfiel d

Reid Jane,stay maker and ho si er, 15 Dean stree t

Reid J ohn , v i c t., Kembl e Inn , 8 Marke t stree tRei d W i lliam James, con fec ti oner, 1 76 P i lgrim stree tReid s and H u tchinson

,coalfitters, ship and insu ran ce bks., 2 1 Qu ay side

Rei ly John,clothes broker, dog leap stairs

Rennie W illiam, v i c t., C ookson ’ s Arms,H anov er s tree t

Ren n i son H enry , bu tch er, 170 N ew marke t, and 8 Temple s tree tRen n i son Stephen , corn miller and mal tster, Jesmond ValeB ennison W i l li am , watch maker, S t. Ann ’s streetRen n el dson Thomas Ru therford, ship owner, 9 P i c ton pl aceRen shaw,

Wm .,v i c t., Swan w i th Two N ecks , P ain terheugh

Renwi ck James , green grocer, 197 New marke t ; h . L ower wayRenw ick John N ixon, cabinet m kr . and u pholsterer 25 ; h . 79 P i lg rim s t.Renwick James, v i ct.,O l d D uke of Cumberl and, 1 1 C loseRenwi ck Matthew, assistan t draper, 15 Stephn ey terraceRenwick Robert, cabinet maker and u phol ster er, 79 P ilgrim streetReynoldson Richard, corn and flou r dealer , 62 N ewgate s t. h . 70 P ercy stRi vel y Wi l l i am an d Co.,

grocers and tea deal ers, 60 G r oat marke t ; h .

Westm or el and terraceRevenu e Omoe, Gu il dhall, John Jefferson Harri son, clerkB ew castle James, bookseller and printer, 1 1 D ean streetRewcastl e Mg t . and S arah , confec tioners, 1 1 D ean stree tB hind Alexander

,woollen draper an d tailor h . 1 2 W estgate stree t

Richard Christoph er,shopkeeper

, 40 S tow ell stree tRichardson Ann, Jan e, and Maria, lad ies seminary, 4 Portl and placeRichardson Anthony, au ctioneer, 41 Car l i ol s tree tRichardson St Caxon , wholesale an d re tai l wool len clo th and generaldrapery war ehou se, si l k mercers, & c .

,28 Grey stree t 85 13 Marke t s t

Ri chardson , Cu rri e, 8t Cc ., l ead merts . m n fr s., Bl aydon 8c 20 Sandhill

Richardson D . T . lead merchant 8c manu factu rer ; h . 5 P ortl and pl aceRichardson Mr s. Deborah , 3 Summer hi l l grov eRichardson E dward, tanner, &c h . 6 Summerhil l grov eRichardson E dward, landsc ape pain ter, 53 B1 ackett streetRichardson E l izabeth, l odgings, 14 Oxford stree t


Richardson George, sen ., deposi tory for the bible soci ety, 4 Un ion st h .

9 Albion st reetR ichardson Geor ge, j u n ., l eather seller, 2 Union s t h . 9 Albion sto

Ri chardson George, colou rer 8c s ten ci ll er, Gol dbu rn entryRichardson George, gen tleman , 9 Albion stree tR ichardson H enry Bu rdon , l andscape painte r, 53 B lacke t t s treetR i chardson H enry, grocer 8: tea d lr., 4 Union st h . 5 Summerhi ll groveRichardson James, farmer, 45 P ercy streetRichardson James


,Dowi e

s en trv , Castl egar th

R ichardson Jasper,grocer, tea dlr., w in e 8c spi r i t m r t., 46 8c 47 Newgate s t

Richardson Joh n 8: Edward, tanners an d glew m n fr s.,66 Newgate s t.

Richardson John , tan n er , 8cc . h . El swi ck l an eRichardson Mr . John, 17 H i gh Friar streetRichardson John, painter 8c gl z r ., 14 S t . N icholas Ch. yd. ; h 50 Dean stR ichardson John , shoemaker, 5 Clayton streetRichardson John , shoemaker, Todd’s nookRichardson John, stenc i l l er and colou rer, 77 P ercy streetR ichardson John Hu n ter 8c

,Co.,fir eb r ick m kr s., D en t’s hole 8: Gateshead

R i chardson Joseph,boot an d shoe maker, 14 H igh Fri ar s tr ee t

Richardson Joseph , chair m anu fac tu rer, Gateshead ; h . 5 H inde streetRichardson Joseph

,marine store deal er

,P ercy street

R i chard son Moses Aaron, prin ter, publisher, bookseller, stati oner, bookbinder, prin t an d mu sic sel ler, pi c tu re frame maker , &0 . 44 Grey stree t

R ichard son Mansfield, lodgings, 1 6 S t. John ’s l aneRi chardson Mansfield, jun .

,tai lo r

, 3 1 St. J ohn ’s l aneR ichard son Mary Ann , v i c t., King’s Head, 1 Marlborou gh stree tR ichardson Mary, cowkeeper, 10 S tam fordham placeRichard son P hi lip , schoolmaster, P ercy cou r tRichar dson Robert

,j oiner an d fu rni tu re broker, Mi lk marke t bank

Richardson S tephen , boo t an d shoe maker, 66 P ercy streetRichardson Thomas

,share broker , 8r c h . 17 Albion place

Richardson Thomas, M. D .

,5 P or tland place

Richardson Thomas, wholesale and retai l dr aper h . 3 Carl ton terraceRichardson Thomas Miles , landscape painter, 53 Bl ackett s tree tR i chardson Thomas, c owkeeper, Gal l owgate

Richardson Thomas, hair dresser, 77 Nor thum b er l an d s tree tRichardson Mr .W i ll iam, 2 Mar lborou gh s tree tRichardson Wm . 8

~Co.,com m i ssion merchan ts and agen ts , 20 Sandhi l l

Richardson Wm . jun ., paper hanging m fr . 1 14 P i lgrim st. h . 46 Sandhi l l

Richardson Wm ., commission merchant an d agent ; h . Chimney mills

Richardson W i lli am,c arver and gilder

,46 Sandhi l l

Richardson Wm . R ., day school, P aradise r ow ; 11 . 23 B l and ford s tree tRichmond Robert, soli ci tor, l Bu tcher bankRickel ton Robert

,bu tc her, 168 N ew market and 9 Westgate stree t

Ri cke l ton W i l liam , sawyer and timber mert., Spi tal place ; h . George stRiddel l Righ t Rev . Dr . Wm .

, Cathol i c Bi shop , 7 Charlo tte square


R iddel l Robert, compositor, (Com-ant office,) 18 Richmond stree tRiddel l Thomas, grocer an d tea dealer,32 Mosl ey st h . Rosemary l aneRiddell Thomas, clerk, 17 Brunswi ck p l aceRidley Brothers, glass bottle and alkal i manu fac tu rers, St. P e ter ’s Qu ayRidley an d Dun n , soli ci tors, 24 Grey s treetRidley Ebenez er Redshaw , alkali and glass bo ttle m n fr . ; h. New roadRidley George, clerk, 1 6 E l swick terraceRidley H enry, chemist and dru ggi st, 54 Newgate s t h. 13 P ercy c t.R id ley John, sol i citor ; h . 13 Sav i ll e r owRidley John, ship and insu rance broker, ship own er, coalfit ter

, com sn .

agen t,8c agt. for the Argu s l ife Assu r. Cc .,34 Qu ay sd . ; b .

‘16 L ovain e pl

R idley John Fras. Wm . 8c Cc ., El swi ck copperas works ; hou ses, 1 6L ovain e terraceRidley John , ship and insu ran ce broker ; h . S t. Thomas ter . Nor th r d

R idley John , cooper, 50 H i gh bridge ; h . 29 Br andling p l aceR idley J ohn, tailor, Castl e garthR idley Joseph , v i c t. Earl of Wes tmoreland,Westmoreland streetR i dl ey Mr s. Margaret, L ow Swin bou r n e placeR idley N icholas, bu tcher, 86 New market ; h . Reyn ol dson

s c t. N ewg t. st

R idley Samu el, wine 8: spi ri t merchant ; h . 6 Shi el dfiel dRidley 8c Temperley, cheese, bacon , 8c prov i sion d l r s 73 8c 76 C lo seRidley 86 Thompson , wi ne and spiri t m er cts., L ov e ln .,

Qu ay sideRidley Thomas

,glass bottle m fr . S t. P eter ’s qu ay ; h . N ew r oad

Ridley Thomas,sol ici tor, h . 2 Jesmond terrace

Ridley Thomas, chemi st 8c dru ggist, 20 Col lingwood st ; h . Blenh eim st

Ridley Thom as,accoun tant , 9 Stephn ey terrace

R idley W illi am, banker’s clerk, L ow Swin bou r n e placeR idley W i lli am, cheese monger , bacon fac to r, 8cc . h . For th bankRidley W i ll iam ,

v ic t . Me ter’s arms, S t. Ann’s stree tRidley W i ll i am , shopkeeper, 10 Waterloo streetRigg Mi s s Mary, 6 Sav i l l e r ow

Ril ey Margare t 8: Ann, dress, stay, 85 straw hat makers, 32 Blackett s t.h . 19 Hill streetRil ey Mr s . Mary, 29 B lackett s tree tRimington S tephen , flou r dl r., Mi l k .

m kt., &Bu ck in ghm . st. ; h . 2 West s

Ripley Ezeki el, v i c t. Crown In n , Manor chareRi tch ie James, green grocer, 2 10 N ew marke t ; h . WestgateRobb Joseph

,agen t, L ovain e terrac e

Roberts John,shopkeeper, 27 N orthumberland st

Robertson Alice, v i ct. L eaz es Tav ern, 29 L eazes crescen tRobertson Mr s. Ann, 6 Albion streetRobertson Ann

,in fan t school, Castle garth ; h . W estgate

Robertson James, assi stan t grocer, 2 1 Richmond stree tR obertson James, w eav er, 2 1 Spring garden terraceP ob er tson John , saddler, 74 Newgate stree t ; h . 4 Bell ’s c tRobertson J ohn, earthenware deal er, 64 New marke t


R obson Mr s. E liz abeth , Regen t stree t, Forth terraceRobson E l iz abeth

,v i c t.

,Mason’s Arms

,Arthu r’s hil l

R obson Mr s. E li z abeth, 17 P rinces ’s s tree tRobson Frances, dress maker, 8 Waterloo streetRobson George, share b roker, and agen t to th e Yorkshire Fi r e and L i feInsu rance Company, 34 Mosl ey stree t ; h . 8 Carl ton terrac eRobson George, shopkeeper, S t. Mary ’s s treet

, SandgateRobson George, b tch r ., 39 N ew mkt.

,8: Victori a Bz r . ; 11 . 28 Richm ond st

Robson I—Ien ry , shoemaker , E ldon laneRobson James, fu rni tu re broker and cabinet maker, 6 P i l grim streetRobson James, w ine 8L spiri t merchant, 40 High bridge ; h . Sandyford plRobson James

,l ace d ealer, 15 Mosl ey street

Robson Jane, cowkeeper, 75 P ercy str e e tRobson John

,bu tcher

, 163 New mkt.& 7 Marlborou gh st ; h . Skinner bu rnRobson John

,ma t in e store dealer, Forth st1 ee t

R obson John, g c r . 8c tea dlr., 68 Northumberland st. ; h . 1 3Stamfordham plRobson John

,corn miller and flou r dealer

,74 P ilgrim s tree t

R obson Mr . John , 14 P rinces’s stree tR obson John, cabinet maker, Mar r i son

s c t. ; h . 9 St. John ’s lan eR obson John, bu tcher, Skin n erb u rn , and 163 N ew marketRobson John

,silk dyer and cal enderer

,20 Close

Robson John, shopkeeper, P andon bankRobson John , corn mil ler, BykerRobson John , bri cklayer and bui lder, 4 Union terraceR obson Jo seph , assi stan t ov erseer, 1 16 B lenheim s tree tRobson Joseph , clerk, 5 Red barn sRobson L ancelo t, master mariner, 39 Gibson stree tR obson Mabel, dress maker , 6 B lenheimRobson Mark

,green grocer, Back r ow

,Qu een street

Robson Mr s . Mary E liz . French millinery, sho e and corset e stabli shment

,15 Mosley s tree t

Robson Mary, v ic t ., Haymarket Ho tel , 74 P ercy stree tRobson Mary Ann , ladies’ seminary, 1 5 Ridley plac eRobson Mth .,

v ict ., B el l’s Arms, 5 High Friar st. 8: j oiner,N or thum b r l d . st

Robson Mat thew, grocer 85c . Castl e gar th ; h . In fan t School entryRobson Robert, plaster of P aris manu factu rer , pl asterer, an d dealer inRoman cement

,2 L ow Fri ar street ; h . 93 B l enheim stree t

R ob son Richard, shoe maker and green grocer, Qu een s treetR obson Riddle, bu il der, W aterloo s tree t ; h . W al tonRobson Robert

,hosier, haberdasher, 8cc . h . 2 Gray s tree t

R obson Robert, cabinet maker, 64 N orthumberl and stree tR obson Robert, bookseller 8c stationer, 1 1 6 P i lgrim s t h . 1 C layton s tR obson Rob er t

,b r az ier 8: tin pla te worker

,1 24 P i lgrim st h . L loy d’s c t

Robson Rober t,clerk, E l swick terrace

Robson Robert,beerhou se

,Tyne stree t

Robson Robert, blacksmith and wheelwright, Erick s t. h . W i deopen


Robson Mr s. Sarah,8 Carlton t errac e

Robson Sarah , shopkeeper, St. Mary’s stree t, SandgateRobson Sco tt



, 8: floor cloth m an u fc tr ., 47 P u dding chareRobson Thomas

,free porter

,Fenwi ck’s en try ; h . P ercy street

Robson Thomas,boo t 8: shoe m aker, 77 S ide

Robson Thomas,cowkeeper, 76 P ercy street

Robson W i l li am,w in e 8: spi ri t merchant, h . Fawdon hou se

Robson Wi ll i am,seed cru sher

,tar 8: tu rpen tine d i stl r . & c . ; h . P aradise rw

Robson Wil l iam,linen 8c woollen draper, 1 5 Dean street

Robson Wi lliam,mason 8c bu ilder

,E ri ck s t h . 1 2 _

_P andon bank

Robson W ill iam, hackney coach proprietor , 38 B l acke t t stree tRobson Wi lli am

,bu tcher , 12 N ew market, 85 7 B u ckingham stree t

Robson W i l l iam E dward , watch an d cl ock maker, 8 C lo th marke tRobson W illiam

,ship owner, High crane office , Quay side ; h . New road

Robson Cap t. Wil liam , 20 Ox ford stree tRobson Wm .

,j ap anr.

,pain ter

,8c c l k. di al m fr .,

6 Dru ry ln . h . B i gg mk tRobson Wm . Young , prov i si on dealer, 34 Groat marketRobson W i lliam , shoe maker, N ew roadR obson Wi lliam,

bu tcher,East ballas t h i ll s

Roche John , eatin g hou se, 85 register o ffice , 20 N elson s tree tRocket W i l son, v i c t. Jolly Sailor, Palli ster shar e, 6 1 Qu ay sideRodham Thomas

,ale and porter merchant

,& shopkeeper , 2 l H i gh bridgeRodger George M.

, co ach maker, 65 Grainger stree tRodgers John , gl ass stainer, W el l ington streetRogers Rev . James Gu inness, (In dpt.) W es tmorel and terr aceRogerson Edward, v ic t . Crown 8L Thi s tle, 56 Groat marke tRogerson Mr s . Isabella, 16 E ldon placeRogerson John , 10 dg in gs, 40 Collingwood streetRogerson John , hay, straw, and coal dealer, P andon h . C au sey bankRogerson Thomas

,cart owner, B ack Ox ford street

Rooke Mi ss Sarah, 36 Westmoreland terraceRou se Rev . N athan

, (Wesl eyan .) 1 0 Upper Buxton stree tRosen bohm Wm . corn m er ct . h . C amden s tree tRoss Alexander, shoe maker, 3 Blagdon s tree tRoss Alexander, m athemati cal , n au tical , an d philosophi cal instrumen tmaker, 30 Mosl e y stree t ; 11. 49 Cumberland stree tRoss Frances L umley , shopkeeper, H edon stree tRoss Mr s. Hannah

,49 Cumberland r ow

Ross James, prov i sion dealer , 4 Templ e stree tRoss Jane

,shopkeeper, Brewery s tree t

Ross John, printe r, stationer, 8c paten t medi c ine dlr. 10 Royal Arcade ; h .

Argyle stree tRoss John , commercial trav ell er, 1 Strawberry placeRoss Me tcal f, prin ter, c t 48 P i lgrim s treet ; h . 33 L ow Vill a placeRoss Mr . Wi ll iam

,Forth s tree t

Rou tl edge Christopher,painter and gl azier, 37 Collingwood stree t


Rou tl edge John , registrar of marriages, Sandyford placeRou tledge Robert, mason and bu i l der, P i c ton placeRow W i ll i am ,

coalfitter, 12 Qu ay sideRowch ester Edw. v ict. Tanner’s Arms, head of S tephn ey s tree tRowe Mr s. Catherine

,10 S t . Mary ’ s terrace

Rowe Mr s. Mary,1 1 L eazes terrace

Rowe Robert, boo t shoe maker, 84 8c 90 S i d eRowel l Mis s Ann , 3 S tam fordham placeRowel l G eorge , shopkeep er, and marine store dealer, St. Ann’s stree tRowell John, wood tu rn er, cou rt 13 S i deRowell John Anderson , ship broker, 6 S tephn ey terraceRowell Joseph , grocer and flou r dealer, 95 ; h . 90 P i lgrim st ree tR owell Mi ss Margare t, 12 P ercy streetRowel l Mi sses Mary and Sarah, 3 W i lli am s treetR owell Samu el, ship sm i th an d chain maker, S t. L awr ence street, N orthshore , ; h . l Tyne stree tRowell Rober t, bu i lder, 23 Shie ld s tree tRowel l Samu el

,pawnbroker, 74 N or thu mb er l an d s treet

Rowell Thomas, rel iev ing officer for the N orthern distric t, Back l aneR owl ands John, bu tter, egg, &c .

,dlr . 104New mkt . ; h . Bu ckingham st.

Rowntree Ann , straw hat maker, 9 Chu rchhil l stre etRoxby Robert

,gentleman , L ow Swin b our n e place

Royal Vic tori a Asylum for the blind, 50Nor thum b l n d . st .J as. Stoddart mgRumford G eorge Coop er , master to ar in er , 3 H oward stree tRu shton George, looking glass silv erer, 13,

S ideRu ssel l Mr s . Ann , P aradise r owRu ssel l Frederick, v ic t. Railway In n

,S tephn ey v i llas, and stone ware

manu fac tu rer, O u sebu rnRu ssel l H enry, chemist an d druggis t ; h. 28 Coll ingwood streetRu ssell H enry, v ic t. Rose Crown , N ew roadRu ssel l Rt. Cc ., chsts 8: dru ggi sts, 57 Groat mkt h. 14Marlborou gh crRu ssel l J ohn, v ic t. Ship, S t . P eter’s qu ayRu therford Charles , cu rri er, leather c u tter, boo t tree an d l ast maker, 2N ewgate stree tRu therford James, v i c tu aller, Comm odore N ap i er, 59 Quay sideRu therford Mr . James, 5 Byker bu i ldingsRu therford Mr s. Jane, 99 P i lgrim stree tRu therford John, shoemaker and shopkeep er , 5 H i l l stree tRu therford Mary St. Sarah, milliners s traw hat makers, 2 1 Market stree tRu therford Mary, lodgings , B lenheim stree tRu therford S tephen , v i c tu aller, Fl eece In n , 1 8c 2 Derwent p l aceRu therford Thomas, grocer 8g flou r dealer, 4 Stock B ridge ; h . Shiel dfiel dRu therford Thomas, cu rri er an d leather cu tter, The Cu tRu therford Thomas H en z el l , painter and gl az i er , N ew roadRu therford Thomas H en z el l , sen ., schoolmaster, L awson s treetRu therford Wi lli am

,s teward of the N orthern Coun tie s C lub , 13 Eldon sq.


Sav ings Bank, 1 Royal arcade, G . M . Masterton , ac tu arySawyer James, tai lor, 16 H i gh Friar stree tS awyer Wi ll i am , foreman , 1 3 Richmond stree tSayer James, v i c t., Whi te H ou se, hack horses le tte r, 86 P i lgr im st.S ayer Thomas, per fum eq an d fancy boo t an d shoe depot

,39 Grey s treet

Scai fe G eorge, c l erk, 2 1 El sw ick r owS caife John, soli ci tor, and agen t to the L ondon L ife Insu rance Cc .,

35 P i lgrim stree t ; 11 . BenshamS caife John, shoemaker, B ack Trafalgar street ; h . P ic ton placeScaife John , c l erk, 1 9 L eazes cres cen tScaife Wi ll i am H enry, coalfitter, 31 Qu ay side ; h . Rav en sworthS carl e t George and Son , tai l ors and drapers, 3 1 Collingwoo d stree tScarth J ames

, j un ., merchant, ship and insa r. broker, and agen t for the

Sco ttish Union In su rance Com py., 43 Sand hi ll ; h . 2 L eaz es terraceSchi er H. J merchan t ; h . 5 L ovain e r ow

Scheele Wm .,general merot., Watergate, San dh i l l ; h . 5 L eazes terrace

S chm idtSor en an d Cc ., ship and insu rance brokers, an d commissi on agents,Bu rn bank ; h . D erwen t pl ace

Scholli ck John, bu tter, egg, 95 New m rkt. ; h . 4 H i gh Fri ar stS corfiel d James, translator, C astle s tairsSco tch Chapel, P u dding chare, Groat m arketS co tch Chu rch, Blackett s tree tS co tt An dr ew

,b u tcher , 15 1 N ew market ; h . 7 S tam for dham place

S cott Ann , register omoe,1 Bl ackett stree t

Scot t an d Beck,slate merchants

, Gal l owgate

Sco tt Edward, v e terinary su rgeon 85 shoe ing forge , and inspector o f ca ttl efor the Agricu ltu ral Insu rance C ompany, Manor chare

S cot t E le anor, lodgings, 90 Bl an dford stree tS co tt Eliz abeth

,dress maker, 6 P ercy place

S co tt Mr s . E l iz abeth, 42 L ow v i lla pl aceSco t t James, ship broker, coalfit ter commission merchant, 69 Quay side ;h . 27 Eldon s tree t

Sco tt James, pawnbroker, 1 1 S t. N i cholas chu rch yardS co tt J ames, v ic tu aller, Sco tch Arms, 7 Qu ay s1deS cot t James

,pain ter and glazier, 2 D arn Crook

Scott James, baker, S t. Andrew’s cou rtS co tt James, cowkeeper, Gal l owgate

Scot t J ames, sb oem aker, Tyne st ree t

S cott Jane, coffee roaster, O rchard s treetSco tt J ane, lodging hou se, 23 S tephn ey terraceS co t t John,fir e clay manu fac tu rer , 1 Blackett s treetS co t t J ohn, hair dresser, 140 P i lgrim streetS co tt John, tail or and draper, 48 Grainger s tree tS co t t John

, fru i t an d potatoe merchan t, 62 Quay sideSco tt John

, sub -inspector of pol i ce, N ew roadSco tt John

,blacksm i th an d v ic tualler, Albion Inn, New road


ScottMr . John, 3 1 Brandling placeSco t t John

,tailo r

,Temple street

Sco tt John,officer of exci se, 20 Stephn ey terr ace

Scot t John,gen t.

,3 H eaton terrace

S cott Mi ss Margaret 5 B lenheim streetSco tt Mr s. Marg are t, 8 Trafalgar s treetSco ttMi s s Margaret

,1 2 Oxford stree t

Sco tt Mi s s Margaret,S t. Thomas terrace

S co t t N i cholas, bu i lder, join er, and cabinet rnaker , 3 Sav i lle cou r tS co tt Mr s. R . 27 E ldon stree tScott Robert, exci se officer, 2 H eaton terraceScott Robert Sadler

, carver and gilder, Fightin g Cock’

s en trySco t t Robert, tailor, c t. 3 N ewgate s treetSco tt Robert, foreman an d lodgings, 1 6 Westmoreland str eetS co t t Robert

,cowkeeper, Gal l owgate

Sco tt Robert,bu tch er, S t. P e ter’s qu ay

Scott Sarah, dress maker, 33 H igh Fri ar streetScott Thomas, shopkeeper, 4 Edwar d streetScott Thomas, cartwright ; h . Thornton streetScott Thomas, vic t., Sco tch Arms, 27 B igg Marke tScott Thomas, shopkeeper, Buckingham stree tSco tt W al ter, v ic t. H i ghl ander, P andonS co tt W i ll iam, whi tesmith an d bel l hanger , C oncord ct h . GatesheadSco tt W i lliam H opkin s

,v i c t. B lack Bu l l, Westgate

Scott W i l li am,bu tch er

,7 New market 5 h . 2 Waterl oo street

S cott Wi lliam,shopkeeper

, Orch ar d stree tScott W i lli am , baker, & c .

, 3 S t. N ichol as chu rch yardScott W i lli am, bri ck maker, St . L awrence ; h . Bank top, Ou sebu rnScot tWm . B ., m aster of the schoo l of design, 27 Market s t h . 4Wesley trSelki rk J ane 8: B ell D iana, hosiers, 90 C layton st h . 2 1 B lenheim st

Selki rk John, prin ter, 74 Grey stree t ; h . 4 P ru dhoe str ee tSelk irk John ,

shoe maker, Dog l eap stairs ; h . 27 Pr u dhoe str ee tSeni or E liz abeth , shopkeeper, New m i l l sSeth Jane, v ic t. Marqu i s o f Granby, Dog bankSe th Robert, cooper, Fl etcher ’s en try ; h . Dog bankSewel l m frs .

,St. Anthony’s

Sewel l He

Sewel l Mr . John , St. Anthony’s po tterySewel l Joseph , broad 81; crown glass m n fr h . Heaton

Sewel l Robert, tin 85 i ron p l ate worker, 14 Cloth marketSewel l Wm . 8: Son , tail ors, u ndertakers, 8c funeral fu rn ish ers, 9 P ercy s t.Sewel l Wm . Jas . boo t shoe maker, James ct . P i lgrim stSeymou r Francis, soli ci to r, Royal Arcade ; h . 1 S t. J ame s’s terraceSeymou r Thomas

,shipwri gh t, 46 Richmond stree t

Seymou r Thomas,boo t an d shoe maker

,85 C layton s tree t

Shadforth and Di nning , engineering su rveyors, Royal Arcade


Shadforth George, jun . engineering su rv eyor ; h . 10 Bl ackett stree tShadfor d Mr s. Margare t, 8 Albion streetShaftoe Dorothy, straw hat maker, 10 Marlborou gh s tree tShaftoe Mr s. Eliz abeth , 1 1 St. Mary’s pl aceShaftoe W i l liam, green groc er, 2 18 N ew marke t ; h . N ew P andon s treetShanks Tho s. 8c Robt. coach mks. 8c l iv ery stable kpr s.,

c t. M H igh bridgeShaper Thomas , j oiner and bldr Figh ting Co cks yd h . Whi te Swan ydSharer James and P hil ip , l inen and wool len drapers , 16 Grey stree tSharp Si r Cu thbert, coll ector o f cu stoms, 64 N orthumberl and st reetSharp Mi ss Mary, 36 Cumberland r ow

Sharp Thomas, v i c t ., L ow C rane Hou se, 43 Quay sid eSharp Thom as, cl erk, Thornton stre e tSharp W illi am, bu i lder , 8 Bath r ow

Shaw Margaret, shopkeeper, 2 1 P ercy streetShearer James, shopman , 9 Shi eld s tree tShearer Sarah, lodgings, 46 L eazes terraceShei l Ann , shopkeeper, 186 P i lgrim stree tShephar d Chpr .

,col r . of B or ou gh rate s, 85 Ann , straw hat mkr . 87 P l gm . s t

Shephard George, reporter, 1 8 Ox ford s treetShepherd Jane, hat manu fac tu rer 5 h . c t. 9 1 N ewgate stree tShepherd John H enderson, v i c t., Bakers 8L Brew ers Arms, 9 Stowel l sq.Shepherd Thomas, saw maker, Fighting Cocks yard ; h . 1 St. John ’s laneShepherd Joseph, pain t, colou r, 8cc . manu factu rer ; h . 86 P i l grim stree tSher i dan W i l l i am ,

shoe maker, Dog l eap stairsSherwood Wm ., comb m fr ., Fi gh ting Co cks yd . 5 h . 5 N orthumberlan d c t.Shiel d Mr s. E l l en, 1 9 Ridley p l aceShield Mr s. E lizab eth , Jesmond v i ll asShield Frederi ck, merchan t, 8cc .

,6 Rye hill

Shi el d G eorge Robertson, wool len draper, 73 Grey streetShi eld and Tam er , pr in tsel l er s, pub l i sh er s, b ooksel l er s, and reposi tory ofthe F ine Ar ts, 72 Grey street

S h i eld Isaac, tinner, SummerhillShield Jas. 8: Co . w ine 8: Spiri t mrts ., 79 Grey st. ; h . 1 7 H i gh C l aremon t pShield John and Cc .

, whol esale grocers, Mar het l ane ; h . S totts Ha l l

Shi eld Joseph, Son , 85 Cc ., ship and insu ran ce brokers and coalfitters,33 Qu ay side ; h . Jesmond v i ll as

Shield Joseph , clerk, 56 Blandford steeetShield Wm .


,publisher, h . 7 L ow C l aremont place

Shields Constan tine, shoemaker, 1 W estgate stree tShi eld s Margaret, sh opkeeper, 50 S towel l s treetShields Thomas, piano forte maker, L i sle s t. h . 54 N or tb um b er l an d st.Shield s Wm .,

i r on foun der , chain cabl e and anchor m fr ., S t . P e ter’s qu ay

h . 14 Ridl ey v i ll asShiell Adam ,

corn miller, Ou sebu rn , 8: baker, Mi l k mkt. ; h . N ew r ead

Shi el l W i l liam Robson , su rgeon, 1 Reg en t terraceShepl ey W i ll iam , corn an d flour dealer, 43 Bi gg market


S in gers Hew, v inegar manu facturer, h .


8 L eazes terrac eS inton Francis, clerk of cattle market, Cattl e Market lodgeSin ton George , v i ctu all er , Green Tree, 17 P ru dhoe stree tS in ton Jane, flou r deale r, 38 Gr eat market ; h . 12 Cumberland r owS in ton John , miller 8c flou r dlr., 57 St . N i cholas sq. ; h . 86 mill ElswickS in ton Margaret, dress maker, 28 Terrace placeSkel ton Ann , 85 H u tton Isabella

,s traw hat makers, 1 6 P ru dhoe stree t

Skinner James , tailor and draper, C astle garthSkinners an d Glov ers H a ll, FriarsS lack Mr . Thomas

,4 S tephn ey terrac e

S l ater Benj amin , mi l ler , ( oatmeal ,) Su ssex stree tSl ater Charlotte , lodgings, 14 Sav i lle r owS l ater Henry , bu tcher, Vic toria baz aar ; h . I S tephn ey l aneS la ter John,mill er, (o atmeal,) Forth streetSl ater Robert, shoemaker, 4 John stree tSle e Matthew, bu t ter, egg, chees e, and bacon factor, 10 N elson stree tS low P hi lip, grocer and flou r dealer, B lagdon streetS l owan D av id and W eir T homas, academy, 10 Sav i lle r owSmaile s Robert, tailor and draper, 70 W estgate s treet ; h . Vine laneSmal l Thomas O swald, hosier and worsted m n fr .,

3 Tyne Bridge end ; h .

1 9 Ridley v i llasSmall Mi s s Mary E l iza, 8 El swi ck terraceSmart Rd . D av ey, tai lor and draper, and sole inventor of the Subcl av iansec tor

,34 Grey stree t ; h . 22 Market s tree t

SmartW i l l iam ,shopkeeper, N ew r ead

Smiles Mr s. Doro thy, 56 N or thumberland stree tSmil es James, u pholsterer, L i v erpool stree tSmill ie James, gardener, Camden stree tSmill ie John , gar dener, JesmondSmirk Thomas, grocer and confec ti on er, Tyne stree tSmith Mr s. Ann , 2 E ldon squ areSm i th Ann , lodgings, 1 4 Car l iol streetSmi th Anthony, shopkeeper an d beer hou se, Back Trafalgar stree tSmi th Barbara, eating and beer hou se, 1 6 N elson stree t.Smi th Barthol omew, trav ell ing tea dealer, 9 Oxford streetSmith and Bodger, painters and glaziers, 40 N ewgate s tree tSmi th an d B owness, l adies academy, 13 S t. Mary ’s placeSmith Mi ss C atherine, 19 High bridgeSmi th Charles Son , ship and insu rance brokers, sh ip owners , an d shipb u ilders, 1 Br ead chare and W ell ington qu ay ; h . 12 Sav i lle r ow

Smith Edwar d , l odg in g hou se, 14 S t. John ’s laneSmith Edwi n E ., tailor, 2 B lenheim stree tSmi th Mr s. E l izabeth, 3 L ow Vill a placeSmi th M r s. Esther, 62 Eldon stree tSmith George, hair dresser, 24 Blackett stree tSmi th George Foster, hosi er and haberdasher ; h . 26 L eazes terr ace


Smith G eorge, gl ass, ch ina, an d earthenware dealer, 76 New m arket ; h .

6 . Bu ckingham streetSmi th George, bu tcher, 164 N ew market ; h . 2 P ru dhoe placeSmi th H annah , v i ct ., B acchu s, 49 N ewg ate stree tSmi th James, l inen and woollen draper ; h . Gateshead, L ow fel lSmi th James, v i c t. and bu t cher, L ord N elson , Qu ali ty r owSmith James and Sons, brace and bel t makers, Byker Bu i ld ingsSmith Mr s . Jane , 5 E ldon plac eSmith John and Co ., g l ass bot tl e manu factu rers, S t. L awrenceSmith John Gr eav son , painter and g l az ier ; h . 2 1 Bigg marke tSmi th John , smith 8c millwrigh t, Figh ting Cocks yard ; h . 1 2 P ru dhoe s tSmi th M r . John

,17 T r a falgar stree t

S m i th John , teach er, C orporation S choo l , (Castl e) ; h . Bland ford str eetSmith John , v i c t. Railw ay Tav ern , 1 George s t. S cotchwood roadSm i th John, tob apcon i st and cigar importer, 41 Grey street ; h . 1 2 B lenhe im s tree t

Smith John , eating an d beer hou se, 1 1 Clayton stree tSmith John C. , ol d c lo thes dealer, 9 S t. N icholas’ Chu rch yardSmith John , shopkeeper, Forth bankSmi th John Young

,coal agen t, N ew Bridge s tree t

Smi th John, ju n .,

coalfitter,29 Quay side ; h . W i lkinson’s bu i ld ings

Smi th John, cabinet maker, 28 Clayton stree t,WestSmith John, agen t to th e L ondon C orporation Fi re an d L i fe Assu rance,1 B read chare ; h . 1 2 Sav i l l e r ow

Smi th John , c owkeepker , 6 Marlborou gh stree tSmi th John , co al agent, N ew B ri dge stree tSmith John Frederick, fancy bazaar an d au c tion er , 9 Grey stree tSmith John , trav el l ing draper, 30 Westgate stree tSmi th John , v i ct. , Shipwrigh ts Arms, St. L awrenceSmi th Joseph 85 Co. engine bu i lders and i ron founders, E lswick ironworks ; h . E l swick Vil las

Smi th L uke, green grocer, 227 New market ; h . 4 B land ford streetSmi th Mi ss Mary E l i z abeth, 34 Westgate s tree tSmi th Mr s. Mary, 43 Shiel d stree tSmith Mi ss, 1 1 S t. James stree tSmith Ma t thew

,cl erk Back Vill a place

Smith N oel Thomas, M. D . 48 Wes tgate streetSmith P atrick M i ller, v ic t., Dog Inn , 64 CloseSmith P e ter, Esq.

, ship bu ilder, S t. P e ter’s qu ay ; 11 . H igh Gosf or th H a l l

Smi th Rober t, l inen an d woollen draper, 64 Clayton s tree t

Smith Robert, straw hat m aker, and Sar ah, milliner, 106 P i lgrim s tree tSmi th Robert, chemist and d ru ggi s t, 32 Col l ingwood stree tSmi th and Rymer, hosiers and haberdashers, 2 1 S ideSmi th Thomas an d l Vi l l iam , ship b u i lders, S t. P e ter’s qu ay, and ropem an frs., S t. L awren ce ’s ropery, 2 B r ead chare , 8c 78 Cor n hill, L ondon

Smith Thomas, ship bu i lder, 5 h . High Gosf or th H ouse


Smi th Thomas, pil o t master, ship and insu rance broker, and agent toN or th B ri tish In su rance Com py.,

14 Sandhill ; h. 5 S t. Mary’s terr aceSmith Thomas, green grocer, 225 N ew marke t ; h . 20 Clayton stree tSmi th Thomas, flou r dealer, Manor chare ; h . 14 P andon bankSm i th Thomas, sh opkeeper, 39 N ewgate stree tSmith Thomas, chai rman , Chambers cou r tSmi th Thomas, prin ter, Carlton s treetSmi th Thomas, v i c t. Ol d Robin H ood , 28 P i lgrim streetSmith Walter, corn miller, and flou r dealer, 43 N ewg ate s t. 85 New millsSmith W il l i am ,

grocer 8: tea deal er,1 C lo th marke t

Smith W illi am , ship bu i l der , 8 m h . Ben ton House

Smith W i ll i am , baske t maker, 52 New market ; h . Monk stre etSmi th W i lliam,

v i c t. Golden Anchor, Grinding chare, Quay sideSmi th Wi l li am Sanderson , general agen t, 9 E ldon squ ar eSmi th W i l l i am

,gen tleman , 47 E ld on place

Snai th J oseph , shoemaker, 2 16 N ew market ; h . Sheriff ’ s hil lSnape James

,grammar school , master, For thhou se ; h . 1 1 El swick t er

Snowball Isabella, lodgings , 3 B lenh eim streetSnowball Ralph , cl erk, 18 B l enheim s tr ee tSnowden Anthony, tailo r, Tyne s tree tSnowden H en r v , tailo r and draper, 4 Bl ackett st. ; h . Shield stree tSnowden Isabell a

,l odgings

,7 Bl enheim stree t

Snowden James,shopkeeper, Ski n n erb u r n

Snowden John , gror. cheese m g r . 8c ship chn d l r .,60 Quay side ; h . Gtshd

Snowden Thomas,gro cer

,cheese mngr. 8c ship chud l r .,

6 Qu ay sid e ; h .

7 Ridley Vil lasSnowden W illi am Walker, su rgeon and druggi st, 44 Head of S ide ; h .

Sal twel l Vi lla, Ben shamSnowden W i l li am , lin en draper, 4 Blacke tt s tree tSnowden W i lliam ,

grocer,108 P ercy street ; h . 1 L ambton plac e

Sobers Charles, shoe maker, Manor ch areSolomon Thomas, v i c t., Aberdeen Arms, 27 Broad chareSomervi ll e Francis, assay master, Dean c t . , P ain ters heu gh ; h . Forth trSomerv ille J ames, cork cu tter, 4 D ru ry lane ; h . Forth terraceSomerv i ll e W i lliam ,

cork cu tter, Forth terraceSopwi th Mr s. Mary, L ova in e terraceSopw i th Thos . and John , cabinet makers an d upholster ers, 29 Grey stree t ,mahogany merts .

,S an d v fo rd l an e ; h s . 1 S t. Mary ’s ter. L ovain e ter

Sou l sby John , v i ct. , N ag’s head, 19 Clo th marketSou l sby John , tailo r , L i ttl e Blagdon s tree tSou ter John Booterm an

,Sol i c i tor

,12 B igg market ; h . Car l i ol s tree t

S ou ter W i l li am B . trav elling tea dealer, 10 Union terraceSou th Tyne Crown ’ Glass Compy., (l ate R. Shor tridge 85 Co .) 39 G reystree t

,W i ll i am Reed , agen t

Sou ther an W illiam ,ship and insu rance broker

, coalfitter, and commissionagen t

, Broad chare ; h . 15 Richmond stree t


S tafford Geo. 85 Frances, m str . m str s. S t. Ann ’s N ati onal schoo l , New r

S tafford James , boo t and shoe maker, 8 N ewgate stree tS tafford Robert, v i c t. Coun tess o f Cov entry, Kings meadowsS tafford Robert, boo t and shoe maker , l 7 -P ercy streetS tafford Will i am , cu rri er, Orchard streetS tafford W il li am , tail or, Thornton stree tS tagg Dav i d L ., gen tleman , Jesmond v illasS tamp ofii ce, R oya l ar cade, Henry Reed Esq., dis tribu torS tanhope M r . Robert Ship ton , 9 B randl ing placeS tan i ford an d E ll i o t t, com sn . m erchants

,sh ip brokers, 35 Broad sh are

S tani ford Fras ., merchant, 43 E ldon streetS tandon Rev . James, Cathol ic P ri est , 73 P i lgrim streetS tanley Thomas, warehou seman ; h . 4 Vic tori a terraceS tanton John , gen tleman, 22 Cumberland r owS tan ton P hilip H olmes, soli ci tor, 23 Sandhi l l ; h . 7 Summerhil l gr ov eS tappar d Joseph , v i c t ., Ol d George, 2 Union stree tS t ark James, tobaccon i st , 24 C l ay ton stree t ; h . 2 Wil l i am streetS tark W i l li am ,

draper and tailor,1 Sandhill

S tarling James, bu tter and egg dealer, 1 10 N ew marketS teel E li zabeth , shopkeeper , 17 1 P ilgrim streetS teel Charles Symes, fru i terer, and dealer in earth enware, 124 P il grim stS teel John , w ine, spiri t, and porter merchant, 8W estg ate streetS tephens John , su perin tenden t of polic e , 95 P ilgrim streetS tephen son Alexander, green g cr ., 204 N ew mkt. h . 2 1 Marlborough s tS tephen son Barbara, milliner, 7 1 P ercy stree tS tephenson Charles , cowkeeper an d gardener, 67 P ercy s tr ee tS tephenson C lement, blacksmi th and ve terinary su rgeon , Sco tc h Arms ydStephen son Edward, fu rni tu re and c l o thes broker, Dog bankS tephenson E lizabeth , v i c t.,B lu e B el l In n , 47 St N i chol as squ areS tephenson James , beerhou se, 34 P u dding chareS tephen son Jane, shopkeeper, L ow Swin b ou r n e placeS tephen son John , bu tcher, 158 N ew mkt

,7 1 P ercy st h . 17 St. James st

S tephenson John , man ager, St. Anthony ’s potteryS tephenson Matthew,

seedsman and flori s t, 237 New marke t ; h . P ercy stS tephenson Ralph , g cr . and tea dlr.

,bacon , bu tter, cheese fctr .


S tephenson Rober t and Cc .,engin e bu i lders, millwrigh ts , brass and iron

fou nders, st ree tS tephenson Thos ., j o iner 8c cab t . m kr ., c t. 20 N ewgate st h . Bland ford s tS tephenson Thos., coach maker, and E liz . dress m aker, 1 9 P r u dhoe stS tephenson W i lliam ,

shopkeeper, 105 Clayton stree tS tephen son W i ll i am ,

shopman , 4 Bell s tree tS tephenson \Vi l l iam , v e terin ar y su rgeon , and shoeing smith, Fi gh tingcocks yard ; h . C layton s tree t

S terling Andr ew,gen tleman , 25 Cumberland r ow

S terling James, shopkeeper, 49 S tow ell s tree tS terl ing John , beer re tai l er,Westgate


S teven James, hat manu fac tu rer, 67 Grey s tree t ; h . 42 H i gh bri dgeS tev ens Catherine , tai lor and drap er , Castl e garthS tev enson George, shopkeeper, Bu ckingham streetS tev enson Gr ace, l odg in g s, 7 B l enheim stree tS tev enson Jan e, shopkeeper, 12 L ow Fri ar stree tS teven son John

,whi tesmi th , engineer and mach ine m aker, 5 Union s t

and 35 H i gh bridgeStev en son Richard , whi tesmi th, engin eer ah machine maker ; h . Hal ls

cou rt N ewgate s treetS tewart Alexander, bu tcher, New r oacl

S tewart Charl es, cowkeeper, L eazes l aneS tewart G eorge, t ai lor, &c .

, Mo sley street ; h . 83 Blenheim stree tS tewart John , painter an d glaz i er , P udding chare h . Ridley cou r tS tewart Mary, shopkeeper, SandgateS tewart Robert, bu tcher, 2 Marlborou gh crescen tS tewart Thomas , cowkeeper, 93 P ercy streetS tewart W il li am, sai l maker, P al l is ter ’s chare ; h . 30 Richmond stree tS tewar t Wm .

,hair d r sr . 85 pamphlet seller, 41 H ead of Si de ; h . Westg t. st

Stiks James, glass s tainer , 1 3 L ow v i l la placeS tobbs W i l li am, tu rn er and carv er, 2 D ean cou r t

,P ainter heu gh h . 6

B lackett pl aceS tobbsWil l i am , tal low chan dler, grocer St circu l ating library ,Nw. roadS toddar t James, manager, bl ind asylum , 50 Nor thum ber l an d streetStoker Jane, lodgings, 99 B lenheim streetS toker Joseph , cowkeeper, 46 Stow ell s treetS toker Mi ss Rosamond , 17 L ow v i ll a pl aceS toker Wi lliam , sol ici to r 85 c oron er, 50 P i lgrim st . h . 37 L eaes terraceS tokes H enry Collen, su rgeon den ti st, 5 1 B l ackett street ; h .


65 Eld on stStokoe Co., wine and spiri t merchants, 45 G r ey streetS tokoe Mr s. E l iz abeth, Gos forth streetS tokoe George, w ine and sp iri t m erchant ; h . H i gh W est st., GatesheadS tokoe Mary, v i c tu aller, L i on , S t. L awrenc eStokoe Samu el, w ine spi ri t merchan t, C lose ; 11 . 1 L ow Claremon t placeS tokoeMr . Samu el , 13 Car l iol stree tS tokoe Thomas, agen t and manager, O u sebu rnS tokoe W i lli am , j oiner and bu ilder, 3 Argyle s tree tStonebank Jas., booksell er, s tati oner, & c .

,22 Col lingwood st h . Vill a pl .

Stonebank Rober t, v i c tu aller, Blu e B ell, Byker h i llS torey Ann , clo thes dealer, C as tl e s tairsS torey Edward , bu tcher, 1 6 1 P i lgrim st. ; 11 . Groat marke tS torey Isabel la, shopkeeper, 3 Chu rch hi l l s tree tS torey James, v i c t . The Ship , and sh opkeeper, Forth streetS torey James, marine store dealer , Castl e stree tS torey J ames, shopkeeper, 23 Spring G arden terraceS torey John , tripe dresser, 60 N ew marke t ; h . Ga l l owgate

S tor ey John , whi tesmi th , c t . 20, shopkeeper,48 Newgate stree t


S torey John , lodgings, 7 1 C l ay ton stree tS torey John , day and board ing school, 1 St. Mary ’s placeS torey John W atson , beerhou se, L awson streetS torey Jonathan , shopkeeper, 1 22 P ilgrim st h . 6 H i l l’s placeS to rey Jonathan, paper stainer, High Villa pl aceS torey L ieu t. James, R. N ., 46 N orthumberland stree tStorey Robert, whar fn g r ., ship owner, shipping and steam packet agent,Fenw i ck’s en try ; h . Mol l en d in e terrace, Gaseshead

S tory Edward 8; Son , j oiners and bu i lders , Fri ar’s green h . Elswick v i l laS tory Edward , cu stom hou se officer, 89 B lenheim stree tStory H enry, sol i ci tor, and agent to the Union Fi re and Albion L i feAssu rance ofii ces, Shakespeare s t h . S t. Thom as squ are

S tory Robert, j oiner St bu ilder ; h . B lenheim stree tS tory Rober t, bu tcher, 87 8c 88 N ew mkt. Spicer l ane ; h . 1 4 C l ay ton stS tory Robert, brewer, & c.

,h . 27 B l enheim stree t

S tory Wi lli am,v i c t. Gar r i ck

s head, 24 C lo th market

S to t t Sons, sheep cattle salesm en, and agri cu l tu ral commi ssion agu ts85 B lenheim street

S tou t Mr s., O rchard stree tS trachan Ann , v i ct. Barras bridge H o tel, 1 Jesmond terraceS trachan John , brewer, maltster, w ine spi ri t an d porte r merchant, Barrasbridge brewery, S andyford lane ; h . Jesmond Villas

S trachan John , pawnbroker, 7 Rosemary lane, ship broker commissionagent

,33 Broad chare

S trachan, Story 85 Son , brewers an d sp iri t merchants , deal ers i n L ondonporter

,black beer

,& c .

,Chu rch hill s tree t

S trachan W illi am James , tailors, 49 Crescent placeS trachan W i ll iam , shopkeeper, P eel s tree tS tr afl

ord John , hosier, 179 P i lgrim streetS tr afi'on Henry, l odgings, B l enh eim s tree tS traker G eorge , shoemaker, 1 Darn CrookS traker Henry Smith, master of th e Trini ty hou se, Eld on stree tS treaker John , gen tleman , 8 E ldon squ areS traker John Joseph , merchants, hou ses

, Nor th S hie lds

S tr aker s (it L ove , m erchants and coalfitters, Rewc astl e chare’f} Quay side

S tr a tfiel d Maj or Sidney Robert, banker, Jesmond G roveStringer Thom as, hair dresser, S to ck bridgeStrong W i ll i am , tai lo r, 45 Ca r l io l stree tStro ther Joseph , con fec tion er, 99 Cl ayton s tree tS trothe r Robert, grocer flo u r dealer

, Spital tongu esS tru thers John , t ailo r, 53 Grainger s tree tStru thers Robert, shopkeeper, 62 CloseS tuart George, tu rre t clo ck, watch , and mathematical in strumen t maker ,and organis t of Hanover Square Chapel

,17 C l ay ton st. ; h . 15 Nun ’s st

S tu art James , shopkeeper, Ga l l owgate

S tu art Mary , shopkeeper, H i ll s tree t


Sweet W i lliam , mu stard manu factu rer ; h . 19 Shiel d stree tSwin b ou r n e E lizabe th , hosier, 59 W es tgate s tree tSw in b ou r n e Rt.W al ter Co .

,plate gl ass m frs . Forth bk h . Sou th Shi el ds

Sword Robert, tai l o r and draper, 17 Si deSword Wi ll i am , green grocer, 22 Vic tori a B azaarSyer John, master mariner, 38 Howard stree tTai t Jemima and E l eanor

,day school

, 2 Sun derland stree tTai t John

, Sou th stree tTai t Wi lliam , tea dealer, ( trav ell ing) 88 B landford stree tTalbo t John , bu tcher. 16 Howard stree tTal l in tin e Mark


, Bu ckingham stree tTal l in ton John

,fu rni tu re broker

,35 H igh bridge

Talmadge Arthu r H i ll, su rgeon , 63 N orthumberland s treetTappenden Fred . Wm ., so l ici tor,W ellington pl ace h . 1 3 L ov ain e placeT ar el l i Anton io, Op tici an, barometer, & c ., m n fr . 85 toy wh s. 4 1 D e an s tTate E lizabeth, shopkeeper, Hanover st . 8: green grocer, 226 New marketTate Fanny, dress maker,


5 N or thumberl an d placeTate George

,tob acco man u factu rer, 7 Sand hil l ; h . 12 Albion plac e

Tate G eorge,shopkeeper, Tyne stree t

Tate John,l and agen t, Spital pl ace

Tate John,ston e merchan t, 15 Rosemary lane

Tate Mary, day school, 44 L ow Vi l l apl aceTate Mary , v i c t. Ship , N elson stree t, N orth shoreTate P e ter, civ i l engine er, Scotchwood roadT ate Thomas

,co al v iewer, N orth E lswick coll iery

Tax Office, 38 Westgate stree t, D avi d C umberland , su rv eyorT ayl er son Rt. sh ip in sr e.bkr . coalfit ter ,32 Qu ay sd . h . 18 Ravenwh . t

Taylor Andrew,sai l maker

,9 Qu ay si de, St ln . dpr. hab dher . 30 Gibson 5

Taylor Andrew, tai lor, Den ton chareTaylor Ann


,and l odgings, 5 St. John’s l ane

Tay l or Cu thbert, tu rner, King stree tTaylor Dav i d, attorney’s clerk

, 19 Spring Garden terrac eTaylor E l iz abeth , l ad i es seminary, 6 Qu een squ areTaylor Emanu el , sh ip owner, I S t. James stree tTaylor Fr ances, l odgings, 3 Oxford st ree tTayl or Franci s, agent, 3 Adelaide terraceTaylor George

,shopkeeper and flou r dealer , 7 Bu tcher bank

Taylor G eorge,agen t

,1 E lli son terrace

Taylor George, master mariner, Sandyford laneTaylor G ibson 8c Cc .

,chemists, wh l sl . d r gsts. d ry sal ters, 15 Bigg mkt.

Taylor Isabel l a,dress maker, Grey st reet, S t P eter ’s Quay

Taylor James,v i c t. and j oin er, Egypt co t tage, N ew road

Taylor James,merchan t, Bu rdon place

Tayl or John,brew er

,porter merchant, l emonade and soda water m anu

factu rer, 37 High Friar street h . 28 C umberl and r owTaylo r John, grocer tea dealer, 27 Sand hil l ; h . 28 Cum berl and r ow


Taylor John,corn mil ler, P andon ; 85 flou r dlr. 84 Newgate st. 85 47 Sand h

Taylor John,cu rrier 85 l e ather cu t ter, 75 Clo se ; 85 shoe m kr ., 1 Castle str s

Taylor John, c ashier, 2 L ov ai n e placeTaylor John

,boo t an d shoe m aker, 1 Castle s tairs

Taylor John, shopkeeper and flou r dealer, 23 Marlborou gh s tree tTaylor John

,coll i ery agen t, 2 L ov ain e place

Taylor John,shopkeeper, Bu ckingham stree t

Taylor Joseph,c lerk , 3 Ox ford stree t

Taylor Joshu a, agen t, 4 Ridley v i llasTaylor Mark, v ic t ., Qu een C atherine, Ou sebu rnTaylor Mar g t., earthenware d ealer, 65 New mkt h . Forth bankTaylor Margare t, l odgin gs, 46 Jessamine p l aceTaylor Reed

,shopkeeper 85 colle ctor of the Corporation tol l

, 70 C l ayton stTaylor Rober t R .

, bu tcher, 15 ,N ew market ; h . WestgateT aylor Sarah , lodgings, 23 Ox ford stree tTayl or Mr s. Sar ah, 2 Sav ill e pl aceTaylor T . P . w ine 85 Spiri t mert ., 32 Bigg m kt h. 8 An gu s cou rtTaylor Thomas

,b eer sel l er and shopkeeper, 74 El sworth s treet

Taylor Thomas,grocer and tea dealer , 37 Sandhill ; h . 15 H oward stree t

Taylor Thomas,clerk, 3 1 Terrace plac e

TaylorW i lli am,chemis t an d druggis t ; h . 2 1 Nor thum b er l an d stree t

TaylorW i lliam,v i ct ., H alfMoon ,Mosley st., 85 au ctioneer 8c commission

agent, Royal ArcadeTaylorWm .

, cb t. m kr .,fu rni tu re bkr .

,85 dl r . in feathers

,9 1 85 15 P ilgrim s

T ayl or Wm . sh ip 85 i n su r anc e broker,Rewcastl e chare ; h . 4 Ox ford st.Tayl or Mr . William , 1 1 G ibson streetTaylor Mr . W i l l iam,

8 Strawberry placeTeasdale An n , shopkeeper, Wes tgateTeasdale Anthony , porter agent, &c .

, 69 Qu ay sid e ; h . New bridge st.Teasdal e John, cabinet maker, D en ton ’s yard ; h . C lay ton streetTeasdal e John Edmu nd, hair dresser, 24 Market st. ; h . C l ayton stree tTeasdale Robert and N i cho l as, trav elling drapers, 41 Wes tgate stree tTeasdal e Teasdale L ee, gent., 6 L ovain e terraceTeasdal e Thomas, t ailor and draper, 106 ; h . 4 C layton stree tTeasdaleWi lliam , v i c tu all er, Du n Cow, Dark entry, Quay sideTel fer Adam

,flou r and prov i sion dealer, Wes tgate

Telford 81; Son , bru sh makers Morri son's c t. h . 3 Wes twall co ttagesTemperley Joseph , cheesemonger, bacon fac tor, 85 c . ; h .H igham placeTemple An n , tripe dresser, 59 New market ; h . Gal l owg ate

Temple Isaac, bookseller an d paper dealer, 8 Bu tcher bankTennan tHenry Edward 85 Cc .

,engravers 85 l i thographers, 46 St. N i cholas

squ are and 36 Broad chareTerry J. watchmaker, 85c ., 103 Sid eT essim on d E sther, grocer, flou r deal er, an d lodgings, 1 14Bl enheim s tree tThackray Mary Ann, grocer and flou r dealer, Scotchwood roadTheaker Whi twell , master mariner, 43 H oward street


Theatre Royal , 52 Grey streetThew Benj amin , gen tleman , 18 N orthumberl and stree tThew Edward, bu tcher, King st. , 85 125 N ew marke t ; h . 3 St. Martin’s c tThew George P ringl e, gentleman , 44 Cumberland r owT hi rki l l Isabella, milliner 85 s traw hat maker, 76 P i lgrim str eetTh i rkwal l John , bl acksmi th, Forth ; h . 69 Bland ford str e e tTholen L ambert

,v ic t . B l ack Boy, Spi tal tongu es

Thom Isabell a, milliner 85 dress maker, 30 Gra inger stree tThomas Bi shop

,cl erk, 14 G ibson stree t

Thomlinson Mark, master marin er, Byker barThompson Mr s. Ann , 32 B lenheim streetThompson Ann, earthenware dealer, 78 New marke t ; h . North shoreThompson Ann, lodgings, 7 S t. Mary ’s pl aceThompson Ann , s tay maker 8t millin er, 8 Blacke tt stree tThompson 85 Atkinson , ship 85 in su rance br okers, coalfit ter s, an d com sn .

agen ts,52 Qu ay side

Thompson Mi ss Catherine,Adrianople

Thompson Frederick 85 Co. , com sn . m er cts. 85 ship brokers, L ov e lane ;h . 19 Tr afal gar streetThompson G eorge, ship owner, 1 H igham placeThompson George, merchan t ; h. 10 B randling placeThompson G eorge, grocer 85 flou r dealer , 25 Gibson s tThompson 85 Harrison , flin t manu fac tu rers, Ou sebu rnThompson H onou r, shopkeeper, Den ton chareThompson Mi ss H ., 33 N orthumberl an d s tree tThompson James, perfumer, 1 0 Grey stree t ; h . Chimney mil lsThompson James, Esq.

, coll ec tor of exci se , 7 C arlton t erraceThompson J ames

,tailo r and draper, 20 Bl ackett street

Thompson James,bru sh maker , P ain ter heu gh

Thompson James, clerk , W esley streetThompson Mr s. Jane , 14 Melbou rne stree tThompson Mr . John , 10 Elswi ck terraceThompson Mr . John , 84 B land ford stree tThompson John


,8 B l and ford str eet

Thompson John,painter and gl az i er

,N ew road

Thompson John,bu tcher, 3 N ew market h . 36 B l acke tt street

Thompson John,eating hou se, 19 P u dding chare

Thompson John,shoemaker, Byker hill

Thompson John , hair dresser, 8 m. 4 Co l lin gwood st. ; h . Upper Buxton s tThompson John

,shopkeeper, 54 Gibson street

Thompson John,master mariner, 29 H owa rd street

Thompson John,gen t.

,4 H eaton terrace

Thompson John J . , shopkeeper, Byker BarThompson John , tailor, Oyster shell lan eThompson Joseph 85 Cc .

, mu stard m fc tr s N ev ill e st. ; h . 3 1 Shields stThom pson M r s. Mary, 4 B randl ing p l ace


Timm G eorge T ., dru ggis t and su rgeon den ti st , 77 Grey street ; 11 . Der

wen t plac eT imm Robert, v i ctu aller, Barley Mow , SandgateT inwell John , trav eller, 33 Trafalgar stree tTinwel l Margare t, l odgings, 12 B land ford stree tTi plady Mat th ew,

v ic tu all er, Grey H ound, P i t t s treetTodd Al fred A., timber merchant ; h . P i ck ton hou seTodd Ann

,cart own er, Clav ering place

Todd 85 Cc .,Close gate bottl e w orks

Todd Frederi ck Swan , timber merchan t ; h . P i cton hou seTodd Mr . George , 15 Union streetTodd Mr . George, 7 Darn crookTodd Henry

, cooper, 5 1 New market and Wes tgateTodd Horati a W ellington , timber merchan t ; h . P ict on hou seTodd James

,shopkeeper, Qu een stree t

Todd John Humble, h air dresser and peri odic al n ews agen t, 33 Groa tm arke t ; h . P ark placeTodd John , foreman , 29 Brandling placeTodd John

,cu rrier and l eather cu tter, Todd ’s c t., 5 1 Groat m arket

Todd John,N ew castl e dis til l ery, P eacock chare ; h .Belle v ue, Gateshead

Todd John,shoemaker, 20 Howard street

Todd Joseph , hat m anu factu rer, Todd ’s c t 5 1 Groat marketTodd Joseph

,beer hou se, Fen kl e s tree t

Todd Robt. 85 Cc ., timber merchan ts, sk i n n er b u r n h . P i c ton hous eTomlinson Ralph , o fficer of exci se, 24 Richmond stree tTopham Fanny, lodg ings, 12 Sav i ll e cou r tTopping 85 Cc ., m frs. of w atch 85 timepiece glasses, spring, skele ton , an dclock mov ements, 85 watch 85 clock makers too l s, 85 c .

,1 9 Broad chare

Tou sey Mary, Carl ton placeToward M r s. Debora, 15 G ibson stree tToward H en ry, painter, gl azier, and paper h anger, 3 G ibson stree tToward John , i ron fou nder ; h . 34 Richmond s treetTow ard Mr s. Rebecca, 1 3 Gibson stree tToward Thomas, boi ler bu i lder, S t . P e ter’s qu ay ; h . Sou th Shi el dsToward W i lli am 85 Son , i ron fou nders, engine 85 boil er m kr s . Ou sebu rn ;h . 23 Richmond streetTowers George, travelling tea dealer, 2 Hin de stree tTown and Qu ay du es Office , G u i ldhall , D . H . W ilson collec torTown Clerk’s O ffice , Gu i l dha l l , John C layton , cl erkTown Engineer’s Office, G u i ldhal l , W ill i am Alexander B rooks, engineerTown Su rveyor’s O ffice , G u ildhall, Robert Wallace, su rveyorTown ’ s Chamber, Gu ildhall , W i lli am Armstrong , treasu rerTown s George , baker and groce r, Castle yardTown s Isabella, grind ery deal er , Castl e streetTowns John , bu tch er, 3 Manor chare , an d 32 New marketTowns Joseph , shopkeeper an d flou r deale r, St. Mary’s street


Towns Robert, beer and eating hou se, 13 N u n’s stree t

Town s Thos al e, porter, 85 w ine mert . , B ird i n Bu sh yd h . 3 Car l iol s tTownsend Mary , glass , china, and earthenware dlr. 67 P i lgrim s tree tTown send Phinea s G .

,prin ter, 29 Bl and ford s tree t

Train Edward,landscape painter, 46 Grainger stree t

Train Thomas,master mariner, 49 Gibson stree t

Trenor Franci s,hawker, 5 L ow bri dge

Trini ty Ho u se, 20 Broad chare , Henry S . S traker maste rTrotter M r s. 1 sabella Agnu s, 54 Eldon s tree tTr otter C ap t. J ohn W i lli am . R. N . ,

Blenheim stree tTro tter Mr . John , 4 Elsw i ck l an eTrotter Thomas Robinson, p awnbroker, 17 S id e ; h . 8 Ox ford stre etT ro tter W il li am

, u phol sterer, Whi te Hart yardTru eman M r s. El iz abeth , 32 Cumberland r owTru eman G r ifl‘i n Craine , clerk, 5 B l acket t placeTu cker Henry H ether l y, teacher of l angu ages, S t. James’s placeTu cker Robert , clerk, S t. J ames’s placeTu l ip L ancelot, v i c t., Tiger, CloseTu llock B enj amin, su rgeon , New Bri dge s tree tTu llock Ele anor, shopkeeper, Qu een streetTu rnbu l l Edward , bu tcher, 3 1 N ew marke t ; h . 4 B ell ’s c t., N ewgate s t .Tu rnbu l l Edward, boo t 85 shoe m kr ., 4 C oll ingwood st. ; h . 17 L eaz e s c r stTu rnbu l l M r s . E liz abeth , Regen t terraceTu rnbu l l G eorge

,cl erk

,7 Westmorel and street

Tu rnbu l l G eorge Richard , agent , 43 S towell stree tTurnbu l l James, whi tesmi th, 8cc . ; h . O rchar d s treetTu rnbu l l J ohn P ringl e 85 Co ., wholesal e grocers, flou r, corn , and commission agents, 28 Mosley stree t ; h . 5 Ridley v i llasTu rnbu l l John , prin ter, booksel ler, station er, 85c .

,38 Bu tch er bank


commerci al boarding hou se,55 Grey stree t

Tu rnbu l l John , j oiner and cabin e t maker, 23 P ercy streetTu rnbu ll John, commercial bo arding hou se, 55 Grainger stree tTu rnbu l l Joseph , baker, P ercy street, S t. P eter’s qu ayTu rnbu l l Mr s . Margare t, 9 Terrace placeTu rnbu l l Mary, dress maker, 1 2 Nu n ’s s treetTu rnbu l l Jon th .

,tai lor and H annah , straw h at maker, Di spensary l an e

Tu rnbu l l and P incher, pain ters and glaziers, 169 P i lgrim streetTu rnbu l l Richard, saddler, 69 N ewgate stree tT u rnbu l l Robert, con fec tioner and bo arding hou se, 59 Grainger s treetTu rnbu ll Robert, shoem aker, c t. 7 4 Percy stree tTu rnbu ll Thomas, shoemaker, Fri ar sTurnbu l l Wi l li am , hatter, 24 Grey stree t ; h . 9 P rincess stree tTu rnbu l l Wi l li am, v i c tu aller, B l ack Hou se Inn , 70 P i lgrim stree tTu rnbu l l Wi ll i am , lodgings, 1 1 B lenheim stree tTu rnbu l l W i ll i am , pain ter and glazier ; h . 2 Nel son street, P icton terraceTu rnbu l l W i l l i am, shoemake r ,W est walls


Tu rner H enr y, land agen t, su rveyor, and v al u er, col l iery owner, brickdraining ti le, andfir e brick manu factu rer, L ow Heaton HaughTu rner H an n ah

,l odg in g s, 107 P ilgrim stree t

Tu rner James, v i ct., B l acke tt Arms, 17 N els on stree tTu rner Jane , grocer, 13 No r thum b er l an d stree tTu rn er John, printer, 20 High bridgeTu rner James, coalfit ter, ship an d insu rance broker

,and g eneral com

mission ag en t, Three Indi an Kings c t. h . 1 Lo r aine terraceTu rner Margare t, shopkeeper, 38 Trafalgar s tree tTu rner Rober t, book and prin t seller, publi sher, 85 0 h . 6 Albi on streetTu rner Mr s. Sarah E liz abeth , L ov ain e ter raceTu rner Thomas, shopman , 3 N or thum ber l an d cou rtT urn er W il l i am, brewer and spi ri t merchan t ; hf N ew bridge stree tTu rner W il l i am, chemist and d ru ggist, Westgate an d 22 P i lgrim str ee tTu rn er Will i am,

shopkeeper, 2 1 Bl and ford streetTu rner W ill i am, su rgeon , 10 1 P ercy stree tTweddel l James

,bu tcher, 14 New marke t

Twaddell Jane, straw hat maker, P ercy stree t, S t. P eter’s quayTweddel John, chemi st and druggist, 12 Grainger st. ; h . Summerh il l ter.Tweddl e Robert C astl e, com m er c ia l trav el ler

,49 L eaz es terrace

Tweedd l e Mr s. Sarah, 6 Summerhil l terraceTweedd l e Thomas, merchan t’s cl erk, 1 1 L ea zes crescen tTweedy Ann, shopkeeper and flou r deal er, King streetTweedy Martin , bru sh maker, 12 P i lgrim stre e tTw eedy Thomas R. carver 85 gi lder, Fletcher’s en try ; h . B ack P ic ton tr.Tweedy W i lli am , watch an d clock maker, King st h . 17 Trafalg ar st.Tyzack Mi ss Jane, 49 El don stree tTyz ack Mr . John , 10 L ow Claremon t placeUnion B anking Cc ., N ewcastle, Shiel ds, and Sunderland, 2 Mosl ey street,Wm . Chapman , Esq. General D irectorUnion Workhou se

,E lswi ck, Robt. 85 Mr s. Sal mon , master and matron

Union Subscription B rewery , S tephn ey bank, Thomas P eacock, manager ;h . Buxton stree tUni tari an Chapel , Hanov er s treetUni tarian school, Hanover sq.

,Thos . Young and Jane L atimer

Uni ted secession chapels,near Hanover squ are an d Car l iol street

Uni t t Wi ll i am,glass cu tter, 18 Richmond s treet

Unthank Mr s. Sy ble, 27 Ridley placeUrwin Frances, v ic tual le r, B lack Bu ll, 8Wate rl oo stree tUrw in M r s. Isabella, 17 Westgate stree tUrw in John , vic tu aller, O l d Duke o f C um berl and, Qu een streetUrwin John , clo thes dealer, Castle stai rsUrw in John , china, glass, 85 er thwr e . dl r., 122 New mkt h . P ru dhoe s t.U rw in Joseph, prov i si on dealer, 46 G ibson stree tUrwin Robert, bu tcher, 63 New mkt.,85 9 B road chare ; h . N ew Bridge s t

Urwin Wm .,v ict W eaver’s Arms, and coach pain ter, New P an don st.


W ake W i lli am , watch glass man u fac tu rer, 27 SideW akin shaw Alexander, s traw plai t w arehou se, 6 Marke t s treet”

Wakin shaw James, i ron merchant, gen eral c om missi on agent, an d agentto the E conomic L i fe Insu rance

,B road chare ; h . Byker H ou se

Wakin shaw John , manager of Cookal l i ron works, 2 1 Upper Buxton st.

W akely James, official assignee , 1 1 1 P i lgrim st ree tW aller Mr . John , 2 Forth bankW alker Alkali C ompany

,37 Qu ay sid e

W alker George,i ron fou n der , 82 P ercy stree t

W alker Ann , shopkeeper, S t. Mary’s st reet,Sandgate

Walker Edward,ship an d in su ran ce broker, an d general com sn . ag ent,

Quay side ; h . B lenhe im stree tW alker Mr . George, 1 P ic ton placeWalker George

,archi tec t and su rv eyor ; h . 82 P ercy stree t

W alker Henry, agen t to th e G ate shead an d Tyne Shipping Company, 1 13S ide ; h . Claremon t place


W alker James,su rgeon, 82 P ilgrim stre e t

W alker James, v i c t., B lu e B ell, S t. M ary ’s streetW alker John, Esq.

, coal owner, 30 Quay side ; h . P r estwick L odg e

Walker John,l inen 85 wol n . draper, s i lk mercer, 85 fu rrier, 4 85 5 Grey s t

W alker John 85 Son , boot and shoe makers, 142 P i lg rim stree tW alker John

,brickl ayer and bu i lder, 22 Stephn ey terrace

W al ker John,baker

,Cou r t 2 1 P i lgrim stree t

W alker John,grocer and herring mert.

, St. Ann ’s st h . N ew r oadW alker John C .


,6 Higham place

W alker Mi chael, wood tu rner and cooper, Eri ck st h . Marke t l an eW alker

, P arker, W alker, 85 Cc . , lead manu fac tu rers, 85 c ., L ower E lswickW alker Thomas


, 85c .,broker ; h . Shield street

W al ker Thomas, grocer and tea dealer , 23 Bigg marke t ; h . N ewgate st.W alker Thomas, grocer and te a deal er, Qu een stree tW alker Wi lli am,

bank managin g d i recto r, 5 Walker’s terrace , GatesheadW alker W i ll iam Hagu e, i ron fou nd er, stov e grate, fender, 85c . m an u factr .

whi tesmi th,85 b el l hg r .

,P ercyWks., 83 P ercy st h . 8 L ow C l ar em on tpl

W alkerW illiam B eckw i th,ch emist 85 druggi st, 97 P ercy st. h . 1 L eaz es pl

W alker W i lliam,commission agent

,47 Howard stree t

W alker W illiam,cl erk

,B lenheim stree t

W alker W ill iam , coal agent, Three Indian Kings cou rt ; h . Blenh eim st .W alker W i lliam,

shopkeeper,B u ckingham stree t

W allace Ann , v i c tu alle r, Crown Inn , WestgateWal lace M i ss Augu sta, 1 Carl ton terraceW allace Catherine, shopkeeper, 4 Manor chare“Wg al l ace Jam e

‘sg q f 'M Ma r s” N ewcastl eh . 86 Blenheim stree t I A L“ I

Wallace James,v i ctual ler

,N ewmarket Ho tel

,4 Nelson st., and bu i lder


High Fri ar s treetWal l ace Jam es, brickl ayer, 1 6 Un ion stree t

We For hbt ank


W all ace John , shoemaker, 3 Thornton s treetW allace Robert, boot and shoe maker, 30 B l ackett stree tWal el ac Ro e

. t. s ssm e l

Wal l aceRob er t, town su rveyor, Gu i ldhall h.St. Thomas terraceW allace Thomas

, weighin g machine 85 patent mangl e m n fr . 3 1 Cl ayton st.

Wall ace W i l l i am,accou n tant, 9 Green cou rt

W allace W i ll iam,green grocer, 240 New market ; h . Arthu r’s hi l l

Walsh John, agent,Wesley terraceW al ters George, cu stom hou se o ffi c er, 5 Strawberry pl aceW alters Ralph, soli ci tor, 8 Mosl ey stree t ; h . 16 Shiel dfiel dW al ters Robert, l and agent, 3 Charlot te squ ar eWaltersW il l iam Clayton, barri ster at l aw ,Wes tmoreland hs.Westg ate s th . S tel la H al l

Wal ton Alice and Agnes, dress and straw hat maker s, 9 Nun s stW alton Mr s. Anna

,4 Carl ton terrace

Wal ton Mr s. E liz abeth , l odgings, 22 Nor thum b er l an d s tr eet

Wal ton M i s s E liz abeth , 3 1 S towel l s treetl Val ton Jas saddler 85 harness m kr ., 31 Bigg m kt h . 9 Cumber lan d r owWal ton John , bu tcher, 9 N ew market ; h . 16 Terrace placeW al ton John , gol d and si lv er smi th, P ainter heu gh h . B ar r ing ton placeWal ton John , sho e maker, 20 L ow br idgeWalton John

,tea dealer , 3 Cumberland r ow

Walton Joseph,v i c tu aller, Earl of Du rham

,175 P i lgrim s treet

Wal ton Margaret, v ic tu aller, Royal Exchange Ho tel, 47 Grey streetWalton Mr s. Margare t, 47 N or thum b er l an d streetWal ton Mary, sch ool m i str ess,Bar r ack squ areW alton N icholas, soli c i tor, 4 C arl ton terraceW alton Thomas, cork cu tter, Dru ry lane ; h . 100 Bl enheim streetWalton Thomas

,tai lo r, Todd ’s nook

Wanless Wm . solici tor,and in the Insolv en t Deb to rs Cou r t., com sn r . for

taking affidav i ts in the Qu een ’

s Bench , L ondon , and C ou rt of CommonP l eas, Du rham , 2 Sandhil l ; h . 2 E lswick lane

Wanley Mr . Richard , Pawton Dean terrac eWarbu r ton James N ew ton , v ic t., Royal Hotel Cofl'ee Rooms, 15Melbou rnestree t

,and brewer , Sav i lle cou r t ; h . 6 E ll i son terrace

Warbu rton Mary Ann,shopkeeper, Gosforth stree t

Warbu rton Wm . 85 Co., grocers, tea 85 B r i tish wine d l r s., 10 1 Clay ton s t.Warbu r ton W i l liam

,linen draper an d hosi er

, Stephn ey bankWarbu rtonW i l li am

,hosier , Westg ate street

IVar d Benj amin , hackney coach keeper, 20 B land ford stree tWard B enj amin, chemist and druggi st, 45 N ewgate stree tW ard Edward, shopkeeper, 25 Newgate stree tW ard Edward, shopkeeper, 16 S towel l squ areWard Frances, fu rni tu re broker, 1 P i lgrim stree tWard John , grocer and tea dealer, 45 Dean s t h . 18 Ridley placeWard John Bateman, v i ct., Duke of Wellington , ct. 1 C loth market


Ward John, beerhou se, 5 1 H igh bridgeWa rd Robert

,prin ter and station er

, 24 St. N i cholas chu rch yardW ard Thomas E lli o tt, tobacco manu factu rer, 6 Uni on streetW arden G eorge Cockbu rn , plate glass manu factu rer ; h . 41 B lackett st.W ardle an d Walker, archi tec ts and su rveyors, 32 Marke t stree tWardle John , architec t and su rveyor ; h. 19 Chimney m i llsWardl e John , tai lor, 3 Vine l aneW ardl e Joseph

,cowkeeper,Gal l owgate

Wardle J oseph,cowkeeper

,Jesmond v al e

Wardl e Mr s. Mary,34 Jessamine pl ace

W ardle Mary, cowkeeper, Gal l owgate

W ardle Ri chard, v i c t., Three Tu n s, 7 l N ewgate st. and E lswick cottageW ardl e Rich ard, v i c t ., Blu e B ell, Jesmond v aleWardle W i lli am ,

c arver and gilder, l l Rosemary laneW ardle W i lliam , gardener, Jesmond v al eW arh am Rd ship bkr . com sn . agent, 32 Qu ay side h. 26 Ridley pl.W aters B enj amin coalfitter, commission mer t., an d ship broker, ThreeInd ian Kings cou rt ; h . 39 Car l iol street

Waters E liz abe th , twine maker and flax dresser, Castle stairsW aters G eorge , shopman , 38 Shiel d streetWaters Jane, v i c t., Fox and L amb, 162 P ilgrim stree tW aters Thomas Waterton , bookbinder ; h . 5 H anov er squ areW atkins Mr . John , 25 S tephn ey terraceW atson Andrew,

clerk,9 John stree t

W atson Mi s s Ann, 57 P ercy streetWatson Barbara, l odgings, 20 Car l iol stree tW atson D orothy, shopkeeper, 25 P ercy s tree tW atson George, shopkeeper and beerhou se, 1 Croft stree tWatson Mr s. H annah , 40 L ow Vill a pl aceWatson H enry, v i c t., Fi gh ting Cocks, Fighting Cocks r owWatson Henry, plumber, brass founder, gasfitter,m i l l wri gh t, 8c engineer,1 9 High bridge ; h . Adel ai de terrace

.Watson James, old book seller, & c .,103 New market

Watson James, commercial and mathematic al acad emy, 1 4 Blackett st. ;h . 94 El swick stree t

W atson James, pocket book and su rgi cal case maker, 6 H i gh Friar stree tWatson James, assi stan t draper, 6 Cumberland r owW atson Jane, bu tcher, 2 1 N ew marke t ; h . 4 Clo th marketW atson John , wholesale tea deale r, 15 Bigg market ; h . 59 P ercy st.Watsoa ohn ,

grocer 8: te a dl r., 1 70 P ilgrim s . ; h . Edward st Arthu r’s h i llWatson John , green grocer, 1 9 1 N ew market ; h . P i lgrim streetW atson John , trav ellin g draper, 3 L ovain e terraceWatson John , cl erk, 22 Edward stree tW atson John


,4 E llison terrace

W atson Joseph,sol ici tor, 25 St. N i cholas Chu rch yd h . 6 E l sw ick ter.

W atson Joshu a, jun .,paper hanging m an u fr .

, 63 N ewgate h . Bensham


Weddell and Macdonald , carvers and gi lders, N ewgate s tree tW eddel l Thos ., map Sc plan mounter pocke t book maker

,18 Nun ’s st .

W eddel l George,regi s ter o ffice, 102 P ercy s tree t

W eddel l Wi lli am,c arver and gild er ; h . 34 Shield s tree t

Weddle James, l etter carri er, 1 S towel streetWeddle N athani el

,rai lway gu ard

,14 B lenheim street

Weddle Mr . N ew ton , 4 1 S towell s treetWeddle Thomas , mathematical teacher, Cottenham s tree tWegham Richard , fu rni tu re broker, Dog bankWei r George


, 8 L i sl e str ee tW eir Jacob , joiner, cab t. m kr . Sc uph l str ., 6 Bel l ’s c t. Newg t. s h . Barras ctWeir James Anthony, chemis t an d dru ggist, 1 Union st. ; h . 3 Grey st .W e ir W i l li am


,Ru ssell cou rt, Hanov er squ are

W eir W i l li am, boot and shoe maker, 3 Grey stree tW eisz Au gu stu s, ship broker an d com sn . agen t, 1 13 Sid e h . Elswi ck hs .

W elch Mr s. Alice,5 Oxford street

W elch H enry, c iv i l engineer and county bridge“surveyor for Nor thum

berland, 6 Ravensworth terrace, Westgate hi l lW elch George, shoemaker and cl o thes dealer, Dog bankW eldon Wi lli am . timber merchant, 10 Forth stree tWel ford W. H .

,ironmonger and hardware dealer

,37 Mosl ey s treet

W el ford Wm brewer, mal ts ter, 8r. hop m r t., Bu rn bk h. 1 R idley v i l l asWel ls John Henry

,accountant, 14 E lswi ck r ow

W ells O liv er,beerhou se, 2 1 C layton stree t wes t

W elsh Robert H . chemis t& druggi st, 15 High bridge ; h . 17 B ran dling p lIVel ton W i lliam , timber merchant, 141 P i lgrim s treet, and saw mills ,Hebburn qu ay ; h . 52 Cumberl and r ow

Werge John , engrav er, copperplate, an d l i thographic prin ter, 30 Mos l eystree t ; h . 4 Gibson stree t

W esleyan Me thod is t Chapel, B lenheim stree t

W esleyan Me thodist Day School , Chapel l a‘ne,John H arlan d an d Anna

Mari a I’Vatson master and mistressW esleyan Me thodi st Chapel, (cent enary,) S t . L awren ceW est Robt. John , grocer an d tea dealer, 26 Dean s t ; h . 34 Car l iol s t.W es t C ap tain , Jesmond placeW estgar th Mr s . S u sannah , 6 P ercy stree tWestmoreland Mi ss Sarah , 10 L i sle stree tW estw ick Mary, s traw hat maker, Bu ckingham stree tW harton Mr s. Ann , 30 C loseWheatley M. Co.

, i ron merts . 81; m n fr s.,S tock bridge 35 Sandgate forge

W heatley Matthew , i ron merchan t ; h. Shi el dfiel dWheatl ey Robert, cart own er, Ru ssell cou rt, Hanov er squ areWheldon John, ship smith chain m kr .,W ide open, S andgate 11 . New rd .Wheldon Joseph, bu tcher, 94 New market an d Chu rch hil l streetW hi chel l o Jane, lodgings, Forth terraceWhi l l an ce Michael, j oin er an d shopkeeper, New road


Wh infiel d George H enry, grocer and tea deal er ; h . 3 Sh i eld stree tWh in gfiel d John Wi ddrington , grocer tea dealer

,22 Grainger s treet

h . 17 Albion streetWhinfiel d R. C. Cc .

,grocers, tea dealers , and tallow chandlers, 2 1

Grainger s tree t ; h . 1 8 Shield s treetWh infiel d W illi am Anthony, grocer and tea deal er ; h . 4 S t. Thomas ter .Whin n em W i ll i am ,

clo thes dealer,Castle garth h . Orch ard stree t

VVhi n ship Thomas, farmer, Wes t JesmondWhite Alexander

,peri odi cal bookseller, S towell street

Wh i te Dan i el,shoemaker

, 38 N ewgate stree tWh i te D av i d B l ai r

,M.D .

,6 P ortl and place

Whi te George,l iv ery stable kpr . hackney coach proprietor, New bdg . st .

Whi te G eorge,su pervi sor of exc ise, 1 2 Upper Bu xton stree t

Whi te Mr s. Jane,New road

Whi te N i cholas,fu rn i ture bkr . genl . dlr 2 N el son st. ; h . 2 Minden st .

Whi te Robert, old clo thes deal er, Fr i arsWhi te Thomas

,hosier h aberdasher

,importer of Berlin wool s, patterns,

si lks, worsteds, canv as wi re works 85 fringe manu factu rer, 38 D ean st .

h . H anov er squ areWhi te Th eophilu s, c l erk, Branch Bank o f England

,20 Brand ling pl ace

White Thomas, shoemaker, cou r t 73 N orthumber land stree tWhi te Thomas

,exc i se clerk , 1 6 Shi eld stree t

Whi te Wi ll i am , excise o fficer , York streetWhi tehead Charles, eatin g an d beer h ou se, 24 N el son stree tWh i telaw Frances

,confecti oner and fru i terer, Car l iol squ are

Wh i tfield Edward , coal agen t, 7 1 Qu ay sid e ; h . E l swi ck Vill aWh i tfiel d Mr s . E l iz abeth

, 1 P i cton terraceWhi tfield Mr s . Emma

,24 L ow Vill a pl ace

Whi tfield Jane , clo thes broker, 68 N ewga te streetWhi tfield John , tailor, Qu een stree tWhi tfield Joseph , shopkeep er and flou r dealer , l l Forth stree tWhi tfield Mark, beer sell er and shopkeeper, E l swi ck terraceW hi tfield Mi ss

,15 Forth stree t

Whi tfield Mary Ann , stay maker, 2 Blagdon streetWhi tfield Roger , v i ct., Shades Inn , Manor stree tWhi tfield Thomas, fu rni tu re broker, 8 L ow Buxton streetWhi tfield l Vi l l iam S torey

,bu tcher, 1 Car l iol st., and 1 1 New mar ke t

Whi tnell James,clock and watch m aker, 50 P ercy stree t

Whi tnell Thomas, watch and c l ock maker, Gal l owga te

Whi tworth Adam , b asket m kr . marine stor e dlr S t. L awr ence st., N . S .

W iddrington Mi ch ael , clerk, 4 1 Richmond stre e tWigh t Rev . W ., cu rate, B.A Coll ingwood s treetW ightman Charles,M. D ., 23 N orthumberl and stree tW i gley Jan e

,dagu erreotype portrai t gallery

,Royal Arcade h . 1 9 Mel

bou rne stree tWi l cke Thomas

,commerci al and temperan ce h o te l , 4 Royal Arcade


W i ld e George, hai r dresser, 56 C l oseW i lde Thomas, v ic t., Clayton Arms, 43 C l ay ton stree tWil e John , t ai lor, 4 1 Gibson stree tW i l ford Joseph , tanner, 28 L ow Friar street ; h . 12 St. James’s s tre etW ilkie John , ho sier and haberdasher, 19 Dean st. ; h . 10 Gibson s t.Wi lkie Thomas, shopkeeper, S t. Ann ’s stree tW i lkin Benj amin , tailor, 10 Hil l stree tW ilkin Charlo tte, l odgings, 4 P rinces stree tWi lkin J am es, m aster marin er, Jesmond placeW i l kin Thomas, flou r dealer, 1 Close ; h . Melbou rn e streetW i lkin son M r s. Ann , 13 Thorn ton stree tW ilkinson Ann , dress maker, P ark pl aceW i lkin son Ann , milliner, 1 9 St am fordham placeW i lkinson Anthony, shoemaker, 10 Vine l aneW i lkin son E dward , v ic t ., L ocomotiv e Engine , 37 Bl enheim streetW i lkin son Edward, boo t and shoe maker , King stree tW i l kinson Elizabeth , con fec ti on er, Gal l owgateW i lkinson George, v i c t., Vi ctoria H otel, 76 N ewgate st. 85 brewer,Westg t

W i lkin son George, bu tcher, 1 30 N ew marke t ; h . Tyne str eetW i lkinson George, beer seller, Chu rchil l s tree tW i lkinson James , collector of borou gh toll, 33 W estgate s tree tW i lkinson John , draper, & c . ; h . 1 Albion placeWi lk inson John , w arehou seman ; h . 40 Eldon stree tW i lkinson John , sh opkeepeer , Byker barW i lkin son John , shopkeeper , S t. Ann’s streetW ilkin son John , baker and shopkeeper, S t. L aw rence s tree t, North shoreW i lkin son Joseph , cu rri er 8c l thr . sl r ., 8 Dog bank ; h . P awton Dean ter.W i lkinson Joseph Wi l liam, shipbu i lder, S t. Anthony’ sW i lkin son Joseph , farmer, BykerW ilkinson Margare t, shopkeeper, baker, 81; flou r dlr., 39 Groat marke tWi lkin son Mr s. Mary, 39 L eaz es terraceW i lkinson Robson, shopkeeper, S tephn eyfieldsWilkin son 8: S tanley, wholesal e warehou semen, dealers in s traw plai t,l inen and woollen drapers, 15 Shakespear e street

W i lkinson Sarah, shopkeeper, St. P eter ’ s qu ayW i lkin son S tephen 8c Son s, warehou semen and bone bu t ton makers, 58Grey stree t

,and 9 H igh bridge

Wi lkinson Thomas E tr idge, secretary and superin tendent subscriptionnews rooms, Tyne bridge en d

W i lkin son W . B ., plasterer, archi tec tu ral modell er, m n fr . of plaster of

P aris, ar tifici al stone, chimney tops, v ases, and dea l er in laths, hair,cements

,& c .,

43 P ru dhoe street ; h . S t. P eter’sW i lkin son W i l liam, bu tcher, Byker bar, Ou sebu rnWi l l an George, shopkeeper, 3 Marlborou gh crescen tW i ll i ams John

,engrav er, Robson ’s cou rt

W i ll i ams John ,wai ter,Well ington street


W i lson Mr s. Marth a, New bridge stree t

W ilson Mi ss Mary Ann, 9 B land ford stree t

I’Vi l son Mary, pawnbroker,Wal l kn ol ll Vi l son Mary Ellen , hosier and haberdashe r, 2 1 Groat m kt ; h . Car l iol st

Wil son Mary, shopkeeper, SummerhillW i lson Matthew, shoemaker, 4 Thorn ton stree tW i lson M i ch1., St. N ichol as’s Nati onal Sch l Castle st. ; h . ct

, 27 Bi gg mktWi l son 8: P ax ton , painters and gl aziers, 25 S t. John ’s l aneWi lson Ralph 8c Cc .

,woollen drapers

,66 Grey st h . 2 Victoria terrace

W il son Robert, bu i lder, j oiner, and carpenter, New roadW i l son Robert


,Wal l Knoll

W i l son Robert, wool len drape r, and tail or, 55 Grey st. h . 1 0 Rye hilll Vi l son Robert, 8c Son , hat and cap m frs . 70 Grey s t . 8c 1 1 Marke t stW il son R. 8cCo., cheese mu gs ., 8t b cn . fc tr s.

,1 05 S i de ; h . 8 Rav en sworth tr

l Vi l son Robert,beer h ou se

,Qu een s tree t

W il son Rob er t, b aker , Baili ff gateW ilson Robert

,engine bu i lde r

, Forth stree tWi lso obert, earthenware m fr . e 1 pbqtter 8t Fol l wharfW i lson Thom as

,W W an d m fr. ;

i s“i

W ilson Thomas, woollen d raper h . 3 L ow Swinb ou rn e placeW i lson Thomas, t ransl ator, Castle stai rsW i l son Thomas, v i c t. L ord Co l l ingwood, 18 H igh bridgeW i l son Thomas, v ic t. J ubilee Inn , 14 L ow Buxton stree tW i l son Thomas, shopman , 7 Union te rraceW il son W i lli am

,hat m anu factu rer , h . 15 St. Mary’s place

W il son Wm . W al l s,watch maker

,13 D ean stree t

W i l son W i lliam,plumber and brass founder ,Di spensary ln . h . Friars

W i l son W i l li am , pawnbroker , 104 P ilgrim streetW il son W illiam

,hosi er 8c worsted dealer, 7 N ewgate stree t

W i lson W i ll i am ,bu tcher

,1 18 New marke t ; h . 20 Ox ford street

W i l son Willi am,woollen draper, 8cc .

,Grey stree t ; h . 19 E l sw i ck r ow

W i ls on W il li am,cooper

, H ornsby’ s chare,and bu tch er

,1 7 Bu tcher bank

W il son W ill iam,lodgings , 14 W estmoreland str ee t

W il son W i ll i am,rel iev ing o fficer, 13 S tephn ey terrace

W il son Wi lli am,trav ellin g draper

,7 Albion str ee t

Wi l son W i ll iam,shoemaker

,Oakes pl ace

W ind Wi ll i am,weav er, ct. 13 S id e ; h . 9 Clayton ’s c t. , Eldon street

Winder W i l li am ,win e and Sp iri t merchan t h . 14 Cumberl and r ow

Wi n gard , Hans, 8c Cc ., ship 8L insu rance brokers , merchants, 8cc ., Three

Indi an Kings cou r t ; h 17 Ridley v i l lasW ingate Mary, l odgings, 104 Bl enheim streetW ingate R i ch ard Ru tl edge, animal preserv er, 9 Spring garden terrace1Winn James, clerk, 8 Elsw i ck terrac eW inship John , c u r r ier , 8t c .

,Fle tcher’ s en try ; h . 3 High Fri ar str eet

W in ship Robert,blacksmi th an d farrier, Byker bar

Win ship W illiam, su rgeon , ~7 P ercy street


W in ship W i lli am ,v ictu aller

, Bu l l an d Mon th, 57 N ewgate streetl Vin ski l l Mary, midwi fe, Castle yardWin ski l l Robert, transl ator old shoes, Castle stai rsW in stan ley Isabella, con fecti oner, 18 P ercy stree tWin ter Ann , l odgings, 2 Ox ford stree t‘Vin ter John , b u tter and egg deale r , c o u rt 5 Wes tgate stree tWinter John ,

v ictu a l l er , C umberland hou se, 1 Thorn ton stree tW i se James, master mariner, 26 Howard streetlVi shar t John , shoemaker , Rosemary terraceW i shar t Sarah

,green grocer

,202 N ew marke t ; h . Back r ow

Wodson Wi ll i am Fletcher, clerk, 99 C l ayton s treetW old H enry Walten, cu stom hou se o fficer, 7 Brandling p l aceW ood Agnes, mill in er, 108 P i lg rim stree tWood Mi ss Bridg e t, 5 L ovain e terraceWood M i ss E llen , 6 L ovaina placeWood George, agent, E l sw i ck v i ll asW ood Mr . G . A. F.

,2 L ovain e terrace

Wood Jacob, l inen and woollen draper h. 17 Grey stree t

W ood Jam es,cab in et maker, 16 Trafalgar s tree t

W'ood Joseph, trav elling tea dealer, John stree t1 1 d and 1.1 er s


l m en an d wool l en dr apers , 17 G r ey\Vood Mary , l odgings, P ostern

"N M 1,

W ood N icholas, coalfitter, 12 Qu ay side ; 11 . KillingworthWood Stephdn , boat bu i lder , North shore h . 8 Upper Buxton stree tWood Thomas, tai lor ; c t. 28 N ewgate stree tW ood Thomas

,tide w ai te r

, 1 Barker s tree tWoo dger John , v ic t ., P lough , 18 Union stree tWoodger W i l l i am ,

fishm on g er and game deale r, 29 Wes tgate stre e tWoodman James, piano forte tuner, 1 P ru dho e placeW oodm an Mary An n , school , D ixon ’s b u i ld ingsW ood m ass Robt., hat manu factu rer, 1 1 1 Sid e, S andhil l ; h . HexhamW oods John An thony, merchan t ; h . 18 L ovain e placeW ood s Wm ., secre tary for the Newcastl e Fi re Office Co. & c ., 6 Side h19 Eldon squ are

Wool l et t Mr s. Do ro th y , 27 Brandling placeW orkman James, tai lor an d clo thes dealer, 2 Dog bankVVor sl ey Matthew, shoe maker, P andon bankW orthy Rob er t, jo in er , P ark placeWorthington Charles Franci s, gen tleman , 4 Queen ’s squ areW ren Wi lli am , tu scan straw plai t an d bonne t war eho u se , 58 G rainger s t.‘Wrigh t , B ro thers , flin t gl ass manu fac tu rers, Regen t s t., Forth terraceW righ t and Br own , i ron fou n ders , 8cc . Regen t stree t

, For th terraceW righ t Geor ge , jo in er , 8t e., Dean cou rt, P a i n terheughW right G eorge, lodgings, 2 Portland placeW right Rev . Henry Wm .


, su rrogate, i ncumben t of S t. John ’


Wes tgate stree t


W right J ames, l e tter carrier, Heath’s cou rtW right John, workin g j eweller, 16 Royal Arcade ; h . Gateshead fel lW righ t John, v i c t., The Battery, Forth streetW righ t Joseph , shopkeeper, Chu rch hil l s tre e tW righ t Mi ss Mary, 2 High Swinb ou r n e pl aceW ri gh t Mr s. Mary, 10 L ow Vill a p l aceW righ t Mi les, wood tu rner, Den ton ’s yard ; h . Go l den L ion yardW righ t P eter, travel ling draper, P ercy cou r tW right Richard Marr, bu tcher, 17 N ew market ; h . 10 L eazes crescen tW ri ght Samu el , hatter, Castl egar thW r igh t Mr . Thomas, ct . 6 1 P ercy stree tW right W il li am ,

i ron fou nder, 81 0 . h . For th terraceWyl am Mr s. E liz a, 1 George stree t, E astVVyl am 8: G reene, corn m r chn ts.,

ship b rkr s., 8c com sn . agn ts., 1 Sand h l


yl am Ralph Co., w ine spi r i t mrts ., 5 Sand hill ; h . 2 1 West st Gtshd

Wylam Mr . Thomas, 1 6 Car l iol stree tW y l am W i ll i am , corn merchan t, &c . h . C ramer Dykes hs. Gtshd .

Wyl ie Rober t, shopkeeper, 1 P rov i den ce placeW yllie Andrew , drau ghtsman , B l enheim streetWynn Mr s Margaret, 9 S t. Mary ’s placeWynne W i lli am, attorney ’s clerk

,6 Oxford stree t

Yardley W i ll i am , shoe maker, 46 Crescen t pl aceYa1 r ow Mr s . Jane

,42 J essamine place

Yates Joseph,ru l e maker, 27 Side

Yel l ow l ey Mr s . E lizabeth , Oxford stree tY e l l ow l ey Jacob, fru i terer and seedsman , 29 Grainger stree tYel l ow l ey T . 8: N wholesale grocers

,44 Sand hill ; h . 2 Cl aremon t pl

You l e W i lliam , cowkeeper, 4 1 Ga l l owgate

You ll Henry , primi tiv e methodis t preacher, Carlton s tree tYou l l Matthew Morl ey , shopman , 22 Shield stree tYou ng Andrew ,

shopman, 75 B l andford stree t

Young Dav id , v ic t . Royal Oak, E l don stree t, backYo ung Edward , beer hou se , 34 N ewgate stree tYo ung Edward Morri son , pu b l i c notary, 9 1 S id e ; h .

7 Eldon pl aceY oung Edward, shopkeeper, and cabinet maker, 27 Bu tcher bankYo ung G eorge, v i c tu aller, Union Vau l ts, Dog L eap stai rsYo ung George , V i c tu aller, Whi te Swan , cou rt 16 Cloth marke tYoung George Thomas , grocer 85 tea dlr., 35 Bi gg mkt h . 9 Blenheim stYoung George, hai r dresser , Wes tgateYoung George , tailo r, 3 P u dding chareYou ng George , baker, Wall KnollYoung G eorge, cart owner, 33 Bland ford stree tYoung Jacob , cart owner, 26 Sunderland stree tYoung James, draper, 7 Royal Arcade ; h . 48 Car l iol s tree tYoung James , shopkeeper, 2 W estgate streetYoung J ohn, hatter, fu rrier and marine store deal er, 94 S id e


Gray Dav id, Fri ars greenGreen Charl o tte, 22 Terrace placeG reen I sabella,ct. 179 P i lgrim st.

Greenwell Thom as, 7 Thorn ton st.G rubb Ann , 15 Westmorel an d s t.H arland Ju o . (Wesleyan ) Chapel ln .

Hel l ewel l D . Mar g r t., 20 El swi ck rH ewison Charlo tte J ., L ov ain e terH il l G eorge , Scotchwood r oadInfan t S choo ls, Ann Armst rong, 41Clayton stree t ; Ann Robertson ,

C astl e garth ; Fanny C arr, B athIn ; G . S in c l ai r , Cau seway bank ;Margare t Mi ller, P ercy s treet

Jubi lee, (Clergy,) C ar l io l sq. Johnan d Mary FindleyJubi lee, Cro ft s tree t, Martha W akeJameson E l i z abeth , E l sw i ck s tKidman P e ter, S t . L aw ren ceL ee Robert, 19 N orthumberland s tL yne Henry, 7 Bl enheim stree tL o ten Joh n , C r o ft stree tMc . L eod E . S .

,84 Blenhe im s t

‘ Ma thwi n E . J . M . S t. Thomas terMill s Robert, P on tel and roadM i tch el l Jan e, 3 P i c ton terrace*Mofi'at Rev . Robert, (c l assic al pr i

v ate tu to r,) 4 Melbou rn e streetMorgan Thomas, Scotchwood roadMou l ter Ann , P rinces’s s tr ee tMowb r ay Margaret, 2 Trafalgar s tNationa l School s.

S t . Ann’

s , N ew rd . J. 85 F. S tafi’o r dS t. J ohn

s,W aterloo s tr eet, J ohnJameson 8: Mar g t. Dunn

St. John ’

s,E l swi ck lane, M A . Rope

S t . N icholas’

s,Castl e s tree t, Mi chael

W i l son an d Mary DonkinS t. Thomas

s,Vine ln .

, Henry P age,an d El iz abe th Col e

a“N i cho l son S arah , 4 Charlo tte sqO ldfield Mary , 37 E ld on s tree tP en nington Wm . (Navigati on,) 2 1Melbou rne street

P ybu rn Jas . Melbou rn e stree tReay Hannah , High Vill a placeRei d C . R . 81 J . , S t. Thomas stree t*Richardson A . J .&M. 4 P or t l n d . plRi chard son P hi lip, P ercy ctRichardson W . R. , Paradi se r owRobin s Margare t , 1 Albi on stree t‘ Robin son John , 32 Westgate*Robson Mary An n ,

15 Ridley plRoyal J ubilee School, Chas. Fred .Springman , N ew road


Ru therford T. H., L awson st

Schoo l of Design , 27 Market street,W . B . Scott

S t. Andr ew’

s, (P ari sh sch ool ,) 14

P ercy st. T. Foster, M . Bu llockS t. J ohn

s, ( P ari sh school ,) Bu ckingham street,J ohn Clark

S t. John’

s, (In fan t school ,) Bath l nFanny Carr

S l owan l Vei r,10 Sav i ll e r ow

*Smi th Bowness, 13 S t.Mary’

s plSmi th J CastleSmi th Mary, 1 1 Brunswi ck p l aceSnape James, (grammar,) For th*S torey John , 1 St. Mary ’s placeS torey M. I . M .,

1 S t. Mary’s plTa i t Jemima E., 2 Sunderland st

Tate Mary,44 L ow Vi l la place

*Taylor E liz abe th , 6 Qu een squ ar eThompson Mary, 9 Brun sw i ck pl*Tidy Catherine, 5 Sav i lle r owUn itar ian , Thomas Young as; Jan eL atimer, Hanov er squ are

Watson AnnaM Chapel l nWatson Jas . 14 N orthumberland c tWatson Mary, Barri ck squ areWhi te Dani el, 38 N ewgate stree tW i l lin s W i ll i am , 35 Ca r l iol v

str eet*W i lson Ann

,10 Cumberland r ow

W i l son Jane Ann, New bridge st

Woodman My . Ann, D ixon s bldgeYoung O l i ver

,Forth bank

A c cou n tan t s.

Cla i k Wi ll i am ,3 S ide

C l ayton George,Roy al Arcade

M i ller Joseph, 19 D ean stree tP ow John Kent , 6 1 Grey stree tWallace Wi l liam ,

9 G reen cou rtWell s John Henry, 14 E l swi ck r ow

A ccou n t Book M ak er s .

Al l erdyce Jno . C ., H ewetson

s cou rtCarter Robert

,63 Grainger st

Robinson R t.,3 1 8c 32 Sd . 8c P osternA gen t s.

Mrkd. ar egenera l comm ission agen ts.

(See a lso ship and insur ance br okers ,and m er chants.)

*Arm str on g 8: Co., C owgateAtkinson Thomas,14 S av ill e r ow‘

Bacon John Adam ,

'H in de street*Barku s J ohn , 19 Quay side


‘ Beckwi th G .W. Three In dn . kgs . c t‘ Beldon Geo. , jun ., 29 Qu ay side*Bel l Anthony Fred., 32 Qu ay sdB orthwi ck 8e Co .,

20 SandhillBradshaw 81; Anderson , 48 Quay sd‘ B rign all John , 14 Upper Buxton st‘ Brou gh Charl es , 52 Blacke tt s treetBrydon James, (coal) 37 Qu ay side*Car g i l l ,H ead l am , 81; C o . 2912 Qy . sd‘ Carr 85 Co., Clo se*Carr L ancelo t S 34 Broad ch areChal l on er Edw.W ., 56 G rey stree t“Chambers Henry, 25 Ox ford s tree t*Charl ton W i lli am , 69 Quay sid e*Clark lVi l l i am

,3 S i d e

‘ Clemen t L ou i s,34 Qu ay side

*Cook W i lli am ,89 Sid e

‘ Cooper John 8: Co ., 33 Qu ay side‘ Cou rtney James C . , 97 S ide*Coward Robert Shum , 32 Qu ay sd .

*Craw fordWm ., (cattle) 3 Por t l d . pl

D awson James, (hou se) Percy s t*Dickin son John , N ew Bridge st*Don D av id , 58 Qu ay sideD ou ghty Robt., H . 33 Richmon d st‘ B rydon John , 23 S t. John ’s l aneE ll i o t t Joseph

,Bro ad chare

‘ Esku ch Ch tn . Fred ., 19 Qu ay sid e‘ Ew art Geo rge , 43 Grey stree tFrou d ThomasWi lson .Rewcas tl e ch‘ Forster James, Three Indn . Kgs. c tGee R t., 2 George st . Scotchwood rdG ee Thomas

,33 W estmorel and te r

‘ Gibson Thomas 85 Co.,Three In .

dian Kings cou r t*G r een how T hos . E .

,32Broad char e

G regory Jas., 35 Westmoreland terGray John

,34 Collingwood stree t

‘ Greenw ell Wm . N .,28% Qu ay side


*Grey Wm . Jn o . 8c. Son , Quay sid e‘ Hall John 8c Co., 1 1 Qu ay sid e*Ha l l Thomas

, 1 13 S id eHambro 8c Co .

,7 1 Qu ay side

*Hansen P eter , j un ., 48 Quay side

*Hawkes Robt. 8: Co N orth shore*Hedley B u lmer

,67 Qu ay sid e

H ed ley Thomas, (mine) 19 Dean s t‘ Henderson Charles, 2 Camd en st*Herring John , 58 Qu ay sideH ewi son L aw rence , 38 Sandhi llH eslop Chri stopher, S id eHogg John

, Mansfield s tree tH olmes Wi ll i am , ForthH otham Wm . Su tton , 4 Rye h i l l*H oyl e Richard, 14 Sandhi ll

* Ingo John , 26 Quay si de*Job l in g John, 19 Qu ay si deKelk W i l l i am , Royal Arcade*L aing W i lli am ,

Thorn ton s treet*L al and Anders, Byker ch are*L ange Bro thers,~ 3 Indi an Kings c t*L atimer Andrew,

5 Broad chare*L awrence John , jun ., 165Quay sdL aw s John , 4 Derwen t pl aceL i v ingston L . J . ,

1 High E l sw i ck tr*Marsden Thomas, 7 Marke t streetMarshall RTAn thon y, 42 Sand hil l

*Matthew Charl es, 32 B r oad chare*Matthewson 8c Clay, 32 Qu ay s id e‘ Mer el i e J ohn , 8 Clayton street*Mil ler 85 B l ack, 7 Qu ay si deMu re s W . L ., (s tm . pkt.) 2 Br ead chN ewby Rich ard , (hou se,) cou rt 40N ewgate s tree tOates Isaac, 12 San d h i l lO liver J ohn , N ew Bri dge st*O rm ston John ,

58 Qu ay side*O rm ston P au l , 58 Qu ay sideO tley Chpr . , B ewc astle chare*P arker 8: Shield, 50 Qu ay si de

*P en tl an d James, 54 B l ackett s t.*P i et ts Edw .,

57 Qu ay sid e*P lummer Mattw . 8c Co.

,39 Qu ay s

*P ow John Ken t, 6 1 Grey stP ratt Robt. 8: Co .

,28% Quay side

*P ringle C . John , 94 B lenheim stP rocter M. (h .) 15 Nor thu m ber l d . c t“Redhead Hy. 8c Stpn .

,13 Sand hi ll

*Ri chardson Wm .,20 Sand hil l

=“Ridl ey J ohn , 34 Qu ay si d eRobertson Wm . (coal) 38 Quay side*Schimid t Sor en 86 C o . 165Qu ay sd*Scott James Jackson , 69 Qu ay sid e*Smi th John Yo ung, N ew Bri dge s t*Sou thern W i lli am , B road chareSto tt 8: Sons, 185 B l enheim stS trachan John

, 33 Broad chareSwanston Wi lli am,

47 Qu ay sid eThompson G . R.

,43 S towel l s treet

Thorman Jph ., sen r . ,

10 Ell i son ter*Tu rnbu l l J . C . 8c Co .

,28 Mosl ey s t

*Tu rner Jas ., Three Indian Kings c t*Waken shaw Jas . , 14 B road chare*W alker Edw 16 12 Qu ay side*Warham R i chd .

, 32 Qu ay side*Watson Robert, 3 E l swi ck tr*Wei sz Au gu stu s, 1 13 S i deW i l son George , 19 S t. John ’s lane*W il son Hy. Vipond , 69 Qu ay sideWyl am 8c Green , 1 Sand hil l


A l k a l i M an u fac tu r er s .

All en John 8c Cc ., 46 Sand hillB u rrel l John , 56 Sand hil lCook John 85 Thos., S t. Anthony ’sDougla s John , 59 Clo seGardner Andrew , Wes tgateL ee John 85 Co. , [0 Grey stMatteson John 8: Co., O u sebu rnRidley Eb n z r . Redshaw , S t . P eter'sl Va l ker Alkali Co ., 37 Quay si deA n ch or Et

Ean u f’

actu r er s .

Robson 86 Co.,N elson s t 8c. Tyne s t

Shields W i l li am , S t. P eter’s qu ayA n im a l a n d Bi r d P r eser v er s .

D uncan Robert, 6 S t . Andrew’s ctRyo t t James R . , 2 Brunsw i ck placel Vatson Edward , Friar s greenW ingate Rd . R .

,9 Spr ing garden ter

A r ch i tec ts an d Su r veyor s .

Dobson John , N ew bridg e stree tG ib son Thomas , 27 Marke t streetG rainger Ri chard , 9 Clay ton st r ee tGreen John 85 B enj .

,Ro y a l A r cade

G reen J . j u n .,32 W e stmoreland tr

J ohnson Thomas, P aradi se r owMilne J ames, 94 Blandford streetO l i v er Adam , 17 H oward s treetO li v er Andrew, 37 C ol ling w ood stO liv er Thomas

,3 P i c ton place

W allace W ill iam , Gu i ldhal lW allace Robert , G u i ldhallW ardle 8: W alker , 32 Marke t s tree t

A r t i sts .

Andrew s James , 3 Ro y al ArcadeE llio t t Robinson, 40 Grainger stree tFl in to ff Thomas, 25 N elson s tree tH arper Thomas , 10 1 B l enheim s tH en z el l Isaac, S teph n ey v i llasH umble S tephen , 4 Bru nsw i ck plKirkpatri ck Jas. S .

,40 G rainger s t

Mol e J ohn Henry , 14 B l acke t t stO gilv i e J ohn C . ,

9 Hood streetReed J ohn , 9 L eazes terraceRi chardson Edward , 53 Bl ackett stRi chard son Hy . B ., 53 B lacke tt s t .R ichar dson Thomas, 53 Bl ackett stRyo tt J am es R .

,2 B ru nsw i ck place

S chool of Design , 27 Market stree t,W . B . S co tt master

Short Thomas,15 L eazes cresen t


Su rtees John 46 , Grainger streetTrain Edward

,46 Grain ger s tr e e t

A t tor n eys .

Abbs Cooper,56 Wes tgate s tree t

Adamson Geo . 8c S ons, 44 Westg t. st

Allan R . M . 85 M 54 Dean streetAnderson Joseph, 60 Wes tgate s tBate s and D ees , 54 P i lgrim stBeckington Chas .

,5 Market st

Blakelock Jph . 64, S t. N icholas ch .yBol ton Geo . 22 G rey stBowne s George, 8 Sandhi l lBrewi s George, 2 1 Grey stBrocke tt Wm . Edw . 50 Dean stB rown John

,23 S ide

Brown Thomas , C lav ering placeB u lman John , Royal ArcadeChartresWm . 74 Grey stChate r Thos . Wm . 2 1 Mosley stClavering John

,37 Mosley st

Clayton s and D unn,G u i ldhal l

Cookson Daniel,48 P i lgrim st

Cram Geo . Wm ., 2 1 Dean st

Dawson Abraham, 8 Rosemary In

Dixon T hom as, j un . 29 Sandhi llDolphin J as . P ., 2 1 Collingwood stDonkin , S table, and Arm strong, 1 1Royal ArcadeDo v e Thomas, 2 Northumberland s tEdg c om e John T r eev e , 6 1 G rey s tE l l i son P . G Roya l ArcadeFenwi ck C hri s topher Henry Wmc t . 8 Bi gg marke t

Fenw i ck John,38 Clayton st

Forster George, 23 Grey s t

Fors ter Matthew 8L Jonath an L 80

Grey stree tFryer C harles R ., 52 Westgate s tG ee R. H .

,1 8 P ercy s t

G ibson Geo rge , 27 Marke t s tG ibson George T . , S t . N i cholas sqrG rayson Jas . , 24, S t . N i cholas ch ydG ri ffith 85 Crighton , 17 Royal ArodG ri ffiths E dward

,143 P ilgrim st

Hall 85 Ridley , 45 P ilgrim stHarle W. L ockey, l Bu tcher bankH ew i son Ions, 77 Grey stHodge G eorge W i lli am , 23 Grey stHoyle John T ., 72 G rey stH u nter Ab m . , c t. 38 Westgate s tIngledew Henry

,55 Dean s t

J ob l i n g Mark L . ,35 Mosley st

Johnston Wi l li am . I Collingwood s tKeen l v side 8L H arle , 16 Wes tg t . st


‘ Robinson Henry, Car l io l placeSadler John , Newby’s en trySco t t J ames, S t Andrews c tS co tt Wil l iam,

3 St. N i cholas ch ydShiell Adam ,

milk marke tSpencer Tho s.,

WestgateSu therl and Thos ., 27 Hi l l s tTowns George , C astle yardTu rnbu ll J P ercy st. S t . P eter’s sq‘ Walke r John , ct. 2 1 P i lgrim s tW att John , Sandg ateWeather son Thos . 63 Head of S ideW eather ston \Vm . 5 S ideW il son Robt. Bai l ifi'gateW ilkinson John , S t . L awrence s tW ilkin son Mar g t. 39 Groat marke tYoung Georg e, Wall Knoll

Ban k s .

12 G rey s tJph . Grote, Esq.

, Robt .Anderson

,Esq., sub agent

L ambton W . H . 8: Co., 52 Dean s t(draw on Barclay, B evan , Co,)J ames W i lson, man ag er

N ewcas tle C ommercial Banking Co .56 Dean st. (draw on Union bank)P ete r Dav idson , manager

N ewcastl e u pon Tyne Joint Sto ckBankin g Company , S t. N i cholas’squ are ; (draw on L ondon andW estm n str . H .B l eckl ey,mgr

N orth of England Join t S tockBanking Comp . , 2 Royal Arcade ;(draw on L ondon 85 Wes tminsterBanking Saml. Hedley,Esq.,

managing di rec torN or thumberlan d 85 Du rham Di stri c tBank , 48 8: 49 G rey stree t ; (d r awon Barclay 8L Co . ,

an d Glyn Co .)U nion Banking Co .,

2 Mo sley street ;(draw on Barne tt, Ho ares 85\V.Chapman , E sq. g en r l . direto r.

Sav ings Bank, Royal Arcade ; openSat . from 12 to l n oon , 8 to 9ev en g . ; tre asu rer Cha s. H . CookeE sq.

,ac tu ary, G . M. Masterton

Bar om et er T h er m om eter

M ak er s D ea l er s .

Bar n asc on i Fran cisco , High bridgeMa s tag l io Ma l ten i ,24 G rainger s tO r i gon i John , 34 Dean stree tTarel l i An ton i o, 42 Dean s treet

B l ack i n g M an u fa c tu r er s.

Binns S tephen , 22 N ew MarketEdmundson R alph , Byker B ar

Hobkirk Edwd . , U . 23 N ewgate s tL iddle Sc Dodds , S tephn ey bank

B ar r i s ter s a t L aw .

Askew Rd . C . 49 Westgate s tree tBainbridge Wm . 70 Grey stree tDunn Martin , Royal A r c adeL o sh Jam es, 50 Westgate s treetL other in g ton John S . 22 E ld on sqMu l caste r J ohn P e te r, 4 1 MosleyWal ters Wm . C .

, 60 Westgate s tBask et M ak er s .

(See Cooper s a l so.)

Bain Thomas , 75 Clayton s tBai ley Thomas , 54 N ew marke tC rai g John , Den ton ’s y ard

, l 5

N ew marke tG ray John , 89 New MarketHarri son Ju o . and Hy. , 3 1 Dean s tHarrison 22 Side , 49 8c 92 N m kt

H umbl e Thomas, 13 U n ion s t

Smith W i lli am , 52 N ew Marke tTodd H .

, Wes tgate, 5 1 N ew MktWhi tworth Adam

, S t. L awrence st

B l ack sm i th s .

C reigh Benj amin , Bath_ l ane

Dewar E lizabe th , S t. L aw renceDodd s Thomas, S tephn ey bankElder Hen ry , Forth s tGal lon W i ll i am , T hompson s tGi lli e James, 9 1 P ercy s tG raham James

, Forth bankGu sthar t J ames, 28 Bu tcher bankHall Ann 85 Son , 6 Thornton stHeads John , 33 P u dding chareHun ter James, Byker hi l lH u nter James, c t 84 N ewgate stH u tton G eorge

,c t . 79 P i lgrim s t

Johnston W i lli am,Back l ane

L i ster John , 53 P ercy stL umsden Joseph

,Qu een s t

Mather John , 13 8c 14 D ean s tP lu es and King

, 28 W estgate s tP otts J ohn

, L eaze s l aneRobson Robert, Erick stree t

S cot t Edwa rd , Manor chareSco tt John , N ew roadS tephenson Cl em en l ,Scotch Arms ydSm i th John , Fighting Cocks entry


S tev inson Wm .

, Fighting Cocks enS torey J ohn , Tailors cou rtThirl wal l John , B ack o f For thW il li amson John , SandgateW inship Robert

,Byker bar

B l ock M a st an d P um pM ak er s .

Armstrong W i l li am,W est wal l co t .

C u rrie James,43 P ercy street

H u tton W i lli am , North shoreReed James

,74 Qu ay side

B oar d in g L od g i n g H ou ses .

Angu s John ,9 Market stB lakey Mary, 7 P rudhoe s tGrubb Hannah , 6 Derwen t p lH aig Andrew, 7 Derw en t plH u dspi th W i l l i am , 5 Derwen t pl.James Elizabeth , 132 P i lgrim stS impson Henry, 27 G rainge r stTu rn bu l l John , 55 Grey s tTu rnbu l l John , 55 Grainger s tTu rnbu ll Robert, 59 Grainger st

Boi l er Bu i l d er s.

( S ee a l so M i l lwm'gkts <3E ng ineer s

Sinclai r Du ncan , Ou sebu rnTowar d Thomas , S t . P e ter’s Qu ayToward Wm . Son , Ou sebu rn

Bon e C r u sh er s .

Ramsay Geo. Heppell, 39 Quay sdRayne Charles 85 Co.

,17 C l ose

Bookb in d er s .

(See a l so Booksel l er s

Al l er dyce Jn o . C ., Hewi tson’

s cou rtB ell Wm . Ju o. , 5 St 6 Co l l in gwd . sBru ce Edw. Thos .

,6 1 Grey st

Carter Robert, 63 G rainger st .

Catchesi dge Ju o . Dd ., 26 Mosl ey stChri sti e John , 3 N elson s t

C l arke J ohn , 27 St. N i cholas’ ch . ydC owan Robert, cou r t 10 Westgate stCu rrie Robt. Co., 15 Grey s tD odd s Matthew S . 33 8; 34 Qu ay sdFinlay Charl ton , 46 P i lgrim stGarre t Wil liam

,39 Mo sley s t

Kaye W i lli am, 5 B lacke tt stKelly Waters , 40 Grainger s tL ambert M. 8c M . W .

,69 G rey st

L ee John . 5 S t . John ’ s laneL ee Joseph, 108 P ercy st


Book sel l er s (ol d .)

C ran ston Joseph,97 N ew market

G ibson John , Den ton chareHobkirk Charles

,2 19 N ew market

Mi l ler J ohn , 238 New marketMu rry P eter, New marke t

L orai ne Fenw i ck, 23 Mosl ey stM ossman Dav i d , 2 1 Grey stN ewland s Thomas, 42 Col l in gwd . st

P aradi se W i lliam ,99 P ercy st

Richardson M. A 44 Grey st

Book sel l er s an d S tat ion er s.

Mar /red a r e P r in ter s a lso.

Aken head Ju o. Robt ., 3 1 Sandhi l l

Bailey Joseph , 38 Clayton s tBarkas Thos . P . ,

26 Grainger stBell Wm . J u o.,5 ti Co l l i n gwd st

B ru ce Edw . & Thos., 6 1 Grey s tCarter Robert, 63 Grainge r s tCatches ide John Dd .

, 26Mosley stCharnley Emerson , 45 Bigg m kt*Chri sti e John , 3 N elson st*Clark Thos . Hind , 1 1 N ewgate s tC u rrie Robert 8c Co . , 15 Grey s t*Den t Roger , 1 12 P i lgrim st“Dodds Matthew , 33 Qu ay sid eDodswor th F. 8; W . 33 Co l l in gwd. stDonk in Robert, 16 Nuns s tFarren J ohn , 8 Mo sley stFinl ay and Charl ton , 46 P i lgrim st

France P eter 8; Cu . , 8 S id e‘ Garre t W i lliam, 39 Mosley s tGi sb u r n e Robert, 68 Qu ay si deHall Wi l li am ,

6 Cloth marketH eaton W i ll i am ,

15 SandhillHoggins James

,Royal Arcade

Hern Thomas, 32 8c 33 Grey stHuntley Thomas, 13 Dean st*KayeW illi am

,5 Blackett st

*L oraine Fenwi ck , 23 Mosley stMars ton Joseph , 9 Mosley s tMi ll er Hannah

,68 P i lgrim st

*Mossman D av id , 2 1 G rey stP aradi se W i l li am ,

99 P ercy stP ringle Wal ter S .

, 3 Collingwood s t*Rewcastl e James, 1 1 Dean s t*Richard son M. A 44 Grey s tRobinson Robert

,1 16 P ilgrim st

*Shield St Tu rner, 72 Grey stSton eb an ks James, 23 Co l l in gwd . s tTemple Isaac, 8 Bu tcher bankTu rnbu l l John , 38 Bu tcher bank


Ru tl and George, 102 N ew marketWatson James, 103 New marke t

Boot an d Sh oe m ak er s .

All an G eorge, Bu ckingham s tAllen John,ct. 58 N ewgate s t

Armstrong John,1 6 L ow Friar s t

Atk in Dav i d , Castle stairsAtkin Thomas , Castle stai rsBel l J ohn , 34 S towel l stree tB l ake Robert, c t . 15 High Friar s tB lakey John , 87 S i deBoe Wi lliam ,

1 7 Col l ingwood s tBol ton W i lliam , Ou sebu rn bridgeB oo th George, 25 Bu tch er bankBoston Richard , Stowel l squ areBracken D av id, 92 Clayton s tBracken John , 6 Wil li am stBrown John , Castle garthB rown John H ., 12 B lenheim stB u rn George, c t 62 N ewgate stB u r n i p Anthony, D i spensary laneCampbell W il l i am , 53 D ean s tClark John , 86 Sid eC larke John , 75 Si deC owan John , 76 N or thumber land stCraig G eorge , Dog l eap stairsC row John , 30 Terrace plD arlin g John , 28 Groat m ktD ixon Samu el , 63 Grey s tD obson Thos ., 65 Head o f the sideD odds W i ll iam , 39 L ow Friar stE l l i o tt George , 92 Cl ayton s tE ll i o tt J ohn ,

8 Union s t.E ll io tt P e ter, L ow Swin bour n e plE lli son M iles, Forth plEn gl i sh Abraham , L ime s tFaire Robert, 40 D ean stFawden Henry, 49 D ean stFors ter John , 1 9 P ercy s tFoster W i lli am , C astle garthFrazer H u gh

,41 Collingwood st

Gal l on d John ,W estgate

Gibson George, 3 8c 5 Castl e stairsG ibson Emerson 85 Son , 37 Dean stGibson John , Hedl ey pl aceGou lden G eorge, 67 Si d eGraham Don al d , 22 Market stG ray John

,86 Clayton st

H aley John , 7 L ow bridgeH edl ey Thos. F .,80 Grey s t

H edleyW i lli am ,B lenheim st

H epple Thom as, 2 P ru dhoe stH opps W i ll i am , P an don bankH u dson Jame s

,108 P ilgrim st

Hu dson John , 24 H i gh bridgeHu ghes P atri ck, Castl e garthJ ackson W i l liam , 29 Market s tJ ohnson John , P on teland roadJ ohn son Thomas, 5 N ewgate stKerr Thomas

, 1 6 Bu tcher bankKidd J ohn; Cau seway bankKimber W i lli am , 22 H ow ard s tKing Hu gh , 4 B lagdon stL owden Wi ll i am , 6 Fen k l e stL ow e H en ry 85 Co ., 13 Grainger stMc D on ald John

,6 L ow bridge

Mc In to sh John , L eazes l an eMc Kie J ohn , 1 0 Wi lliam stMc L aine John , M i lk marke tM arshal l Andrew

,28 Sandhill

Matthews Robert, 82 C layton stMau ghan N i cholas

,1 9 L ow Friar st

Maughan Ralph , 4 Westgate s tMaxwel l J . B .

,B u ckingham st

Mi lbu rn John,72 Sid e

Mi lbu rn Joseph , 55 St. N icholas sq.

and 69 S ideMoore G eorge

,N ew road

Mor a l ee Mi le s I 2 L ow Buxton stMoscr Op Isaac , 7 1 Si d eMu rray John

,7 Bath r ow

N aylor T . 1 5 Spr ing garden terN esbi t W i lli am

,2 P ru dhoe s t

Newm ar ch N athani el , 70 Si d eN ew ton G eorge , 58 G r ey s tN i sh George, Gal l owg ate

N ixon John, B ed ford st

Nu gen t J ohn , Castl egar thP ape Andrew

,Barrick sq

P ark John , 66 P ilgrim st

P atton Wi ll i am , 78 S ideP earson John , 2 B lagdon stP escod John , Cau seway bankP otts George , 76 Sid eP ow ton W il l iam , 28 L ow Fri ar s tRalph John

, 77 S i deRaper John , East Ball as t hill sRatcliffe J ohn,2 Castl e stai rs

Rathbone G eorge , Fen kl e stReed John , P i t t s tRi ch ardson John , Todds nookRi char dson John , 5 Clayton stRi ch ardson Jph 14 High Fri ar stRichardson Stephen , 66 P ercy s tRobinson John

,132 P ilgrim st

Robson Henry, E ldon l aneRobson Ri chard,Qu een st

Robson Thomas,77 S ide

Ross Alexander, 3 Bl agdon st


Harding John , Mi lk mkt Robson W i ll i am,Erick st

Johnson Wm . 86 Co . , S tock bridge W alker John,22 Stephn ey te r

*Kirkley Edward ,W estmoreland ln Wa l lace James, 16 U nion stL u m sdon John 8: Co .

, C ro ft s tree tM i l ler Wil liam

,54 P i lgrim st

N aters Ralph , SandyfordN ew ton John , 41 Side*Reid Christian E .

,Upper Claremont

* S trachan John , Sandyford laneS trach an S tory 8c Son , Chu rhh l . s tT aylor J ohn , 37 H i gh Fri ar stTu rner W i lli am ,

B u rn bankU ni on Subscrip ti on Brewery, Stephbank

,Thomas P eacock, manager

Warbu rton James N ew ton , Sav i ll e c tWel ford W i lli am ,

B u rn bankW i l kinson George , W estgateB r i ck an d T i l e M ak er s .

Afa r /s ar e F i r e B r ickMaker s.

*Bl acklo ck 8c Hall , B ell s clo seB u rnu p Wm . 8: S ons, L ow B enshamCai l Richard, P ercy st.Cal vert Anthony, Spi tal tongu es*C arr J . 86 Co. , Three Ind . Kings ct*D av idson John , Ou sebu rnForster, Dale, 8: Co ., W in com b l eeG raham sl ey 8: Reed, W est B l n fd . s tG rey Joshu a, Byker and E lswi ck=l l‘M i l n er Thos . 8: Sons, 5 Mosley s t Bu i l d er s .

*Ramsay Geo . Heppel , 39 Qu ay side*Richard son J . H . 8: Co .

,Dents holeSco tt W i ll i am , S t. L aw rence‘ Sum m er v i l l 8: H ebd in , St. P tt ’s . qyTu rner Hy.

, L ow H eaton hau ghW eatherhead 8c Mel drum, L eazes l n

B r i ck l ayer s .

(S ee a lso Ar chi tects, Bu i lder s, Joiners,and S tone Masons .)

Bu ckham George , Hedley pl aceB u rnu p W il l iam 8c Sons, Forth s tC larke Robert

,N ew road

D av idson James, Argyle terE llio t t Thomas, Heaton terG ibson James, S tephn eyfiel dG rey Joseph

,10 P ercy st

Hall Henry,Bath lane

H arper Wm . A lexander 8 Forth stH u dspeth M.

,Gosfor th s t

Kirton John , 2 L i sl e s tP a l mer George, Byker barP ayne W i l l i am, L eazes lan eRobson John

,Un i on terrac e

B r i t i sh W i n e d ea l er s

Bar n father George,3 N uns st

Camer on Wm . 35 8c 36 Grainge r stCu rri e and Bu s tin , 19 S andhillFalene Allen , 90 P i lgrim st

Gardner Mark,3 Sandhi ll

Henderson John , 84 P i lgrim stHopper John

,47 P ilgrim s t

Irwi n Charle s, 17 Rosemary lnP eck Robt . 8c Co . 17 Grainger stPo tts S arah , 27 Grainger s tW arbu r ton W . 85 Co . 10 1 C l ayton st

B r u sh M ak er s .

Allan W i ll i am,Haywood ’s yard

B l ackh al l 8c Sco tt, 12 Mosley stCooper Robert, Di ckin son ’s en tryHarri son John 8: Henry, 3 1 Dean stL aidlaw Robert, ct. 48 P ilgrim s t

Moor John , L ow B uxton streetN i cholson W . 8t R . c t. 2 1 P i lgrim st

Tel ford 8c Son , Morrison ’s c tThompson Jas . P ain te r heu ghTweedy Martin

,12 P i l grim stree t

See a lso A r chi tects, J oi ner s, Ma

sons, an d B r i cklayer s.

Bearu p Wm . 55 P ercy stree tBel l G eorge

, Fenkl e stree tBu rn up Wm . 8t Cu thbert, Barrasbridge ,Bu rnu p Wm . 81 Son s ,

N ev i l l e stree tCail R i chd . 36 N orthumberland s t81; 54 P ercy stree t

Elli ott Thos . 8: J ohn , 3 Forth s tr eetGr aham sl ey 8; Reed, We st B landford stree tGrainger Ri chard, 9 C l ayton streetG reav es Wm . Fo rth laneGrey Joseph , 10 P ercy stree tHall G eorge

,S tephn ey v illas

Harper Wm . Al exander, 8 Forth stMarshall John , 1 1 Mar lbo rough c rMi lbu rn Geo . 15 B lackett stN ixon Dav id , 29 P ru dhoe stN ixon Wm . Towns, 13 P ercy placeP ayne W i l li am

,L eazes l ane

Robson Riddle,W ate rloo s t

Robson Robert,Erick s t


Robson W i l l i am,E ri ck st

B O11 tl edg e R t., P i cton placeSharpe W i ll i am, 8 Bath r owSpoo r Amor, C lav ering placeS tory Edw. 8L Son , Friars greenW alker John, 22 S tephn ey terraceW allace James

, H igh Fri ar s tree tW eatherhead 81 Meldrum , 92 P ercystree t and L eazes laneWi lson Robert,N ew road

Bu t ch er s .

Marked are P orkButchers .

Appleby W ill i am , 165 N ew marke tArkl ey, J 169 N ew market, andRewcastl e chareArrington Christiana, 1 17 New mktAr rowsmi th John, 15 Vic tori a Baz aar and Cu tAtkinson John

,130 P ilgrim st

Atkinson J oseph,1 49 New market

Barron Dav id , 22 Groat mktB arron Thomas, 100 N ew mktB ell George

,1 75 N ew mkt

Be l l Wi l l i am,W el lington s t

B l agbu rn Rober t, 69 Qu ay sideB l en kin sop M .

,13 N ew market, and

22 N ewgate s tBl enkin sopWm .

,138 New mkt

Bran kston George, 73 N ew m kt

B rewi s John , 44 Qu ay sid eB rown Archiba ld, 69 N ew mktB rown Chri stopher, 182 New mktBrown George, 56 Qu ay sideBrown Henry, 5 Bu tcher b ankB rown James, Mi lk marke tB rown Joseph

,145 N ew mkt

B rown Joseph 8L Isaac, 127 N ew mktBrown Joseph

,147 New m kt

‘ Bru ggerM . 81; L ., 26 N uns st

B u ckham E dw.,Westgate, and 20

N ew marke tBu rn John, 2 1 P i lgrim st. an d 70N or thumber l and st

C airn s J ames,13 Trafalgar s t

arrick Thomas,King st

Chal l on er John , 17 ] New mktharl ton Edward, 128 N ew market,an d N orthumberl and s tC harlton G . 67 Blacket t s . 8: Bal . hl sCharl ton J ames

,19 U nion st

C lark Robert,179 New mkt. and 55

P ercy stC larke John,143 New marke t

Codling Joseph , 13 1 N ew m kt

Cu rry George, 29 N ew m kt

Cu rry John G 43 N ew m kt

Cu rry John,41 N ew mkt

Cu rry Wm . R ., Dixon ’s bu i ldingsCu tter John

,41 N ew mkt

D anby Benj amin , 9 Bu tcher bankDanby John

,62 N ew mkt

Danby Mi chael,30 New mkt

Dawson J ames, 152 New mktDawson W . L ow Sw inb ou rn e place ,and 1 76 N ew marketD i ckinson Jacob

,80 N ew mkt

D ic kinson Joseph,105 N ew mkt

Di ckin son Thomas, 73 Elsw ick s tD ixon Joseph, 180 New market, andTyne s tD ixon Thomas

,The Cu t

Dob son L eon ar d,17 1 P ilgrim st

D obson W i lliam,16 N ew mkt

Dodds Thos . 1 14 N ew mktDo v er C arl ton

, Ou sebu rn bridgeDowse George

,25 N ew marke t

D owse Thomas, 22 New market

D unn Robert,19 New market

D unn W . C . W estmoreland s treetand 160 N ew m arke t

E lli s Thomas, S t. Ann’s s tr ee t

Emmet t W i lli am, Scotchwood r oad

Engl i sh Mg t. , Bu ck ingham stree tFawcu s 8c Carn aby, 55 New marke tFenw i ck G .

,c t. 62

, N ewgate s t. an d162 N ew market

Fogg in James, SandgateFogg in Thomas, SandgateFors ter George, 172 N ew mar ke t 8527 P ercy s tree t

Fors ter John,132 N ew marke t

Forster John,S t. P eter’s qu ay

*Fred erick G . H . 46 Bigg marke tG ibb eson John , P o sternG ibbs John , Fen kl e s tree tG ibson J. C . Marlborou gh stree t, 8544 N ew marke tG ibson Thomas

,Byker hi ll

Goodb u r n J . 47 P ru dhoe s treet 8c 93N ew marke tGorden George , SandgateGray Chpr . Milk marketG resham Thos .

,159 N ew market

Hall Robert,Tyne s tree t

H arr i s W i lli am ,5 L ow Friar s tree t

Harri son Doro thy, 150 New marketHarrison Wm . Ou sebu rnHawksby Franc is, 124 N ew markt


H awksby Wm . 43 C umberland r owan d 24 N ew marketHenderson Jas . 156 New marke tH epple W . B. 184 New marketH ew son Mary W . 36 New marketH ogg G eorge, 187 N ew marketH olmes S tephen , 154 N ew marketH ornsby Wm . 42 P u dding chareH umble Edw. 14 1 N ew marke tHu tchin son My . 8: I sab l ., 79 N . m kt

H u tchin son Wm .,1 74 New mkt

Jameson J 37 N . mkt. 8c Spicer lnJam eson Thos., 1 44 N ew m kt. 8c 53

P ercy stree tJoplin F. T . King st. St 16 1 New m kt

Jobson W il l i am ,107 New mk t

Johnson J as .,85 P ercy st. L ow

Swin b ou r n e pl ace, 8; 108 N . MktL aidler J 14 Bu tcher bank an d 10 1N ew market

L ax Hannah , 186 New marke tL ee John , 177 N ew mktL ee Robt Qu ay sid e 8: 34 N ew m kt

L u ckl ey George , 173 N ew mktMarshall Wi lliam ,

S t. Mary ’s s tMatthewson Wm ., 14 Victoria bazr.Mau ghan W i ll i am, 8 N ew m kt

Me tcal f John, 1 14 Percy s tMi lner G eorge, 18 New mktM i tcheson E ., S t. P eter’s qu ayMoore J am es, 1 81 N ew mktM orton Ralph, P andon 8c 5 New mktMu r ton Edward, 55 N ewgate s tN ewl ands John , 60 CloseN ichol John , 1 78 N ew mktN i chol son Thomas, 40 N ew mktO liver John D .

, 28 N ew m kt

O li v er Thomas, 33 N ew mktO l i ver Wi ll i am , Thorn ton stO rwin John , 48 Gibson stP arker T Arthu r’s h . 8t Bu ckhm . s tP atrick Wi lli am, 148 N ew mktP atterson John D ., 2 1 Vic tori a bazrP at ter son Robt., 146 8: 183 NewmktP i t l ow Gideon , M i lk mktRatcli ffe George, 166 N ew mktRatcli ffe l Vi l l i arn , 70 N ew m kt

R eckel ton Robert, 168 N ew mktB enn ison G., Temple s t. 85 70 N mRidley N i chol as, 86 N ew m k t

Robinson Jacob,W estmore l and st

Robinson J . 28Wes tg t . 8. 8x. 157 N . mRob inson John

, SandgateRobson G . Victoria bazr. 87:39 N . mRobson John

, 163 New marke t

Robson W. 7 Bckn ghm . st.& 12 N . m

Robson W . E as t ballast h i llsSampson Dav id , S t. Mary ’s stScott Andrew, 15 1 N ew marke tScott Robert, S t. P eter’ s qu ayS co t t Wi lliam

, 7 N ew marketSimpson Joseph , 26 New marke tSlater Henry, Victori a bazaarSmi th George, 164 New mktSmith James, Qu ali ty r ow

S tephenson J. 158 N ew mkt. and 71P ercy stree t

S tewar t Alexander, N ew roadS tewart Robert, 2 Marlborough c r stS torey Edward

, 16 1 P i lgrim stS tory R. Spicer lane , 87 8c 88 N m kt

Su therl and John , 42 New mk t

Swan Richard,6 St 38 N ew m kt

Swan W i l li am, 56 N ew mktTaylo r Robert R .

, 15 N ew mktThew Edw.King st. 125 New mktThompson John, 3 New mktThompson Robert

,10 New mkt

Towns J. 3 Manor ch r. 32 N mktTu rnbu l l Edward , 3 1 N ew mktTweddell James, 14 New m k t

Urwin R t., 9 Qu ay sd . 8: 63 N . mktUsher John

,Abinger s t

Vi tch Henry, 1 Hill s tW al ton John

, 9 New mkt

Watson Jane,2 1 N ew m kt

Wheldon Joseph, Chu rch hil l st.,and 94 New mktWhi tfield Wm .

S 1 Car l i ol st ., and1 1 N ew mkt

W ilkinson George , 130 New m kt

Wi lkinson John , Byker barWi lli amson Thomas , 153 New mktW illi s Chris topher , 185 New m kt

Wi l son George, 3 Green stW i lson George 8:Mary, 27 N ew mktW i l son Wi l l iam, 1 18 N ew m k t

W i lson Wi lli am,17 Bu tcher b ank

Wr ight Richard M .,17 New mkt

Bu t t er an d Egg D ea l er s .

Brown John H .,98 N ew mkt

Campbell C harl otte,129 N ew m kt

L eighton Wm . B . , 12 1 New mktL i ley Thomas, 133 N ew mktL i t tl e W i lliam , 13 Thornton s tL owes John , 107 Clayton stMaxwell John , 2 Clayton st

Messenger John , 137 New mkt

P arker Ann, 134 New mkt


Joyce Robert,L i ttl e B l agdon s t

Kennedy John , S tev enson placeL und y Fras. , N ew ro adMc Cartney Wm . 30 CloseMe Cree T . 85 An dw,

75 Qu ay sideO rm ston Wal ter, W estmoreland stP arti s Thomas, P andon bankP atterson John , 8 Spring garden trP atti son J oseph

,5 Forth s treet

R ayen son Tho s., Back Ox ford stre etRobinson W . 9 P ru dhoe streetS impson John, 10 Blagdon s tree tTelfe r Adam ,

W es tgateTodd Ann

,Cl av ering place

Young G eorge, 33 B l and ford s tY oung Jacob, 26 Sunderlan d street

Gar tw r i gh t s .

Creigh Benj amin , B ath laneCu rry Rober t, Byker barE ll io tt Thos . Byker barFors ter Cu thbert, W est Bl andfordL awson Rob t . J . Ou sebu rnRobson Robt . Erick s tree tScott Thom as

, O rchar d s tree t Gh em l s ts an d D r u gg l sts .

Ma rked ar e Whol esa le.

C a r v er s G i l d er s .

Av ery John,Forsyths ct

Barkas W i ll i am , 26 High Fri ar s tE l li son Ismay, 46 High bridgeH al l B . Son , 75 P i lgrim streetH ardy James, 34 Grainger stree tH ay John , 54 Grainger s tJobson George, 3 Ro y al ArcadeKyles Wi lli am ,

9 1 Clayton s tR i chardson Wm . , sen . 46 Sand hillSco tt R . Sadler, Figh tin g cocks entrySpen cer Robert, Morri son ’s cou rtTw eedy Thos. R Fle tcher’s e ntryW ardle W i lliam

,1 1 Rosemary bank

Weddell Macdon ald , N ewgate stC h a i n C a b l e M a n u fa c tu r er s .

L aycock R . J . 85 R. W inlatonP earson Wi lliam H, Sou th stRobson Co .

, N el son s t .

, Tyne s tRowel l Sam u el , N orth shoreh ield W il l i am

,S t. P eters Quav

Spoors George, Byker chareWheldon John , N orth _ shore

Gh ee sem on ger s .

B all s Thomas,41 Groat m kt

Bell Wi l liam ,24 Sand hi l l

Bertram Alexander , 12 Union st

Cowan George, 58 St . N i cholas sqCowan Geo . Wm . 81 8c 82 S ideCu rry Caleb , 33 Grainger stFarrage W i l l i am ,

2 15 N ew mktHetherington H .,

52 S t . N i c holas sqHew i tson John , 95 S ideHindb au gh John , 22 Cloth mktH un n am Fenwi ck , 1 9 Si deH unter G . Co .

,5 Grainger street,and 1 17 S ide

Morland Thomas, 98 S i deMu r thwai te W i ll iam ,

WestgateP atti son Thomas, 42 B igg m k tP eck Thomas, 58 Blacke tt stP i ckering Thomas , 16 S ideRidley Temperl ey

,73 8c 76 Close

Robin son John, 48 D ean stSnowdon John 60 Qu ay sideSnowdon Thomas , 6 Qu ay si deWal ters H enry, 92 S i deWatson and Son ,

109 Sid eW i lson Robert and Co,, 104 S id e

Am or er Watson , 1 7 N ewgate s tB ell W i l li am , 150 P i lgrim stBrown W il li am ,

O u sebu rn bridgeBu rn John , 53 Nor thumberl and st*Bu rrell John, 5 1 S and hil lC arr Ri chard

, 30 Market s t*Ch al l on er Edw ard W . ,

56 Grey st*Copland Thomas

,20 Si de

Copland Wm . ,30 L ow Buxton s


C u rri e Sr. Bu stin , 19 Sand hill*Dag l i sh and Ismay, 33 Sand hi'l lD ewar Frederi ck , 5 C layton s tDodds Robert, 3 Fol lyFai rweather J ohn , 69 P i lgrim stFawce t t B enj amin , 9 1 P i l g rim stFairs Joseph, 25 B igg marketGarnett Joseph , 1 Si deGi lpin James, 53 P i lgrim stGoodall John , 3 S tock bridgeGowland Rober t , 27 Clayton stree tHed l ey Henry B .,

W es tgateL ee M .

, 40 , Mosley s treet and 13 S t.N i cholas chu rch yard

Mal ing W i l l i am 42 Grey s tMart in John , ‘

79 Clayton stMawson John , (an d HomeopathicChemist

,) 13 Mo sley stMv er s Chri s topher 8: John ,Spi tal p l


N aylor Wi ll iam ,96 P ilgrim s t

N i chol Anthy.,22 Qu ay S i de

P arkinson J oseph Thomas, 3 C l oseP earson Wm . Thos ., St. Mary’s s tP o tts Thomas, 33 Dean s tP roc tor W i ll i am , 6 Grey stReed L auncelot, 55 Quay S i deRidley Henry

,54 N ewgate s t

Ridley Thomas, 20 Col l ingwood stRu ssell Robert Co. , 57 Gro at m kt

Smi th Robert, 32 Coll ingwood stSnowden Wm .W 44 H ead of the sd

P hi lip . Bailiff gtSwan Walker, 49 P ilgrim s tTaylor G ibson Cc .,

15 Bigg m ktT inn Geo . T .

, 74 Grey stTu rnerWm .W est gt . 85 22 P i lgr im stTweddel John , 1 2 Grainger stW alker Wm . B. , 97 P er cy s tW alsh Rt. H .,

15 High BridgeW ard Benj amin , 45 N ewgate s tW eir Jas. Anthy.

,1 Union s t

Wi l son Henry, 62 Gibson s tC h im n ey Sw eeps .

Alderson Rich ard, 28 Close

B l owerWi lli am , Ga l l owgate

Fi sh Edmund , P andonFi sher Samu el , Qu een s tFrame James, Castl e yardKnigh t Robert

,90 P ercy st

L umley Thomas , Castl e yardMarshall Ratcli ffe , N ew roa dC h in a , G l a ss , Ear th enw ar e

3 8 a l e1's

Angu s James , 57 and 58 Grainger s tAu ckland Wi lli am , 106 N ew mktB atty Robert

,60 Clayton st

Bu rton Enock, 14 1 P ilgrim s tColson George , 64 Quay S id eD agg Mg t., 38 Qu ay sd {St 77 N . m kt

Eden B enj amin , 109 N ew mktEden Jam es

, 123 N ew mktGallon J ohn

,19 Wes tgate st

l Gibson Ann , 66 N ew marke tHalber t Geo .,

S t. L awren ce s t. N . S .

l Kendle John, 4 N orthumberland st

{ L i ddell Henry , 23 H i gh bridgeMc Gregor Duncan , 1 New Qu ayMatfin Mary

, 74 N ew marke tP arkin s Andrew , 75 N ew marketlReed Hanh .

, 2 Market s tree tlRober tson John

,64 New market

1 67

C l ock D ia l M ak er s .

L ogan Malcolm , Haywood’s yardRobson Wi l li am,6 D ru ry l an e

C l og an d P a t ten M ak er s .

Byers James , Castl e stai rsC lark John

,75 S ide

Fal cu s John,Castl e garth

Harri son Jas . 4 Castl e s tai rsL i t tl e John , Castl e stairsMi lbu rn Jos eph

,69 S ide

P o tts G eorge, 76 S id e

C l oth es Dea l er s .

Marked ar e Ta i lor s a lso.

Ru t ter Mar tha,7 Bl acket t s tree t

Smi th G eorge, 76 N ew marketS teel Charles Symes , 124 P i lgr im stTaylor Mar g t ., 65 New m arke tThompson Ann

,78 N ew m arke t

Townsend Mary , 67 P i lgrim stre e tU rwin John

,1 22 N ew marke t

Wi l son Dav i d,67 8: 68 N ew market

Allen Alex . Dog le ap stairsBunney Thos . C astl e stairsC orley Jas . Castle garthCostel l ow Jas . S t . Mary's s tC rav en Thos .

,B l ack gate

*C unningham Thos. Castle garthDou d James, Cast le garthDav i s J ames, Cas tle gar thDu ffy James, Dog leap stairs*Finigan Owen , Dog bankFl ag an Rodger, 2 P i lgrim streetHal l Ralph , King st r ee tKain James , 26 Bu tcher bankL ou ghran Wm ., Castle garthL evy Alex. 2 S t. N icho l as squ areMelv in Hannah, 9 1 N ew marketMi l l igh in John , Dog leap s ta i r s*N ew ton Jas . Chas ., Cas tle garthOnei l B ernard , C as tle s tai rsP atrick Wm . Dog leap s tai rsP erry Matthew , Castl e garthReed W i l l iam

,50 N ew m arke t

Rei l y John,Dog l eap st airs

Smith Jn o . C . 9 S t. N i cho l as’

s ch . ydS torey Ann , C astl e stai rs*Spencer Edward, Castl e gar thU rw in John , C astle stai r s*Wh i n n an Wm . Castle gar thWhi tfield Jane , 68 N ewgate s tree t


C oach B u i l d er s .

(Ill a r kea’

ar e H ar ness Ill a lrers.)

*Anderson C . G 8 Nor thu m b er l d . pl*Angu s, Hy.,

Angas c t,35 Bigg mkt“Atkin son 85 P h il ipson , 93 P l gm . st

*Bu rnu p John Henry , El sw i ck ctShanks T . Rb t.

,c t 24 High b r dg .

C oach P r opr i et or s.

Marked ar e H ackn ey Coach .“G allon James, Good l ad’

s c tJohnson Ann

,O rchard s t

0 Kab er ry L eonard , P rinces s tL o ftu sWm . Kennett, Coll ingwood st‘ Robson W i ll i am , 38 Bl ackett s t‘ Whi te Geo rge, New Bridge st

C oa l F i t ter s .

Marked a r e Coa l Owners

Anderson Robert, 29 Qu ay sideAnderson Wm . jun . 33 Quay side

Atkin son T . Co 3 Indi an Kgs . c tBarku s John , 19 Qu ay sid eB eldon George, jun . , 29 Quay sid eB ell Benj . , Three Indian Kings c tB eckwi th G .

, Three Indian Kings c tBenard Freres, 5 1 Qu ay sid e*Benn and D ixon , 28 Qu ay side‘ Berkley John , 59 Qu ay sid eB erkley Wi lliam ,

59 Qu ay sideBol dem an n , Bo rri s, 8; Co.

,5 Qu ay s

B ou rn Thomas Wm ., l l Quay sid e

1"Brown Thomas D ., 12 Qu ay sideBu rne t t -Robert, 7 Qu ay sideC argi ll


,& Cc .

, 29 Quay s‘ Carr John , 38 Qu ay sideCol v i l l e Edwin Do dd, 7 1 Qu ay sid e“Cox L odge G osforth

,coal depo t

N orth road, J. C u rrey managerC r ou dace W i l liam ,

28% Qu ay sid eDoughty Robt H .

, (Tyne m ai n colli ery), 39 Qu ay sid e

Ewbank M.,Three Indian Kings c t

Fai rless Joseph , Forth bankFo r ster Jas., Three Indn . Kings c tFrou d Thos . W i l son , Qu ay side*Gibson Thomas C ummings 8: Cc .

,Three Indian Kings c t., GeorgeBu rn ett

,agen t

G rey Wm . Jn o. Son , 75 Qu ay sd

Hair John 86 Joseph , 2 1 Quay sideHar le John Son

,8 Qu ay side


Heald Joseph , 37 Sr. 39 Quay side*Hedley Thos . , Three Indian Kings

c t. ,W i ll iam Walker , agen tHerring John , 58 Qu ay sideHodgson 81; N elson , 33 Qu ay sid eHoggett W illi am , 39 Qu ay sideH u l sen b os, Har ri son , Co . 3 Bd ch

Hunter Wm Three Indn . Kings c tH u tchinson Wm . John , 39 Qu ay sd

Ingo,Doeg , Haswell

,26 Qu ay sd

*Hu nt Henry 7 1 Qu ay sideJackson Collingwood F.

,37 Qu ay sd

Joi cey James, 29 Qu ay sideJob l in g John , 19 Qu ay side*L amb Jph . 85 Co., 25 8c 37 Qu ay sd

N athaniel Hindb a ugh , agen tL aing Thos . H eron , 6 Bro ad chareL atimer Andrew,

5 B road chareL awrence John , j un . , 16% Quay sdL ecarpen tier , Aisb i tt, 85 Co . ThreeIndi an Kings cou rtL o sh ,W i l son , Bell, 37 Qu ay sideMc Cre e T . Andrew,

3 1 Bl acke tt sMa ‘ thewson St Clay, 32 Qu ay sid eMil ler Bl ack, 7 Qu ay side*Morrison James, 32 Qu ay sideN esbi t Matthew, Spicer ln ., Quay sd

N i chol Anthony 85 Cc ., 35 Broad chNoble Joseph , 24 Quay side“P arker and Shield , 50 Qu ay sid eP at tinson T. Co 3 Indian Kings ctP earson John B 32 Qu ay sid eP earson Robert, 28 Qu ay sideP l e tts Edward , 57 Qu ay sid eP lummer Ma tthw . 85 Co . 39 Qu ay sd*P orter and L atimer, 5 Broad chareP ot ter A . L .

, 7 Qu ay sid eP ratt Robert 8: Co ., 285Qu ay sideP rio r J onathan Chas., 35 Broad ch .

*Ramsay Geo. Hepple, 39 Qu ay sideRayne an d Bu rn

,Broad chare

Rayne John , 15 Qu ay sideReids and H u tchinson, 2 1 Qu ay sdRidley John,34 Qu ay side

Robson William , 38 Blackett stree tRow W i lliam

, 12 Qu ay side*Ru ssel l Wi lliam , 1 1 Qu ay sid eScai fe Wm . Hen ry ( to Marley Hi l lCoal and Coking Co .) 3 1 Qu ay sd

Sco tt James Jackson,69 Quay side

Shield Jo seph,Son , 85 Cc .

, 33 Qy. sd

Smith J ohn , j un 29 Qu ay sid eSou ther an W i ll iam,

B road chareSowerby Thomas, 39 Qu ay sid e*Spencer Wm . Co . N orth El swick

170 NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY.L osh Wm . (P ru ssi an , Swedi sh , andN orwegian ,) 37 Qu ay side

P lummerMatthew ,(U n i ted S tates ofAmerica

,) 39 Qu ay sideC ooper s .

B l enk in sop John , 18 Clo seB l en kin sop Thos . 24 Union stree tBrown James, Broad chareChubb John , Byker barD onaldson Dav id , S to ck bri dgeD unlop George , 24 Clo seE l sdan Robt. Waterloo stree tForster Charles, 2 1 N u n ’ s s tG ibbon Ebenezer, 78 P ercy streetH arrison Joseph , N ew Qu ayH u tchinson Robt. C arl ton stree tHopper R. 8: Son , 37 Bu tcher bank

a nd 10 S ideMoss W ill iam,

Back l aneN ixon I saac, S t. L aw rence stree tN ixon John , Folly wharfOxnard John , Forth streetP atti n son John , Fleece c tP en d r i ck Robert, P ercy stree tRid l ey John , 50 High bridgeS eth Robert, Fle tcher’s en tryTodd H en ry, Westgate, N . m .

Walker Rober t, Eri ck stree tW i lson Wm . Hornsby’s chareC opper as M an u fac tu r er s .

B arnes and Fors ter,W i n com b l eeHu nter C u thbert, O u sebu rnJ ackson C .

,D ents hoel , 8c 37 Qy. sd .

Ridley J ohn , Fr as .Wm . and Co ., 30

Qu ay S i deU sher Robert, S t. Anthony ’s

C opper sm i th s .

Atkinson Joseph , 7 High Fri ar s tE l lio tt Edward , P udding chareEl li s and H enderson , E ri ck stG l aho l m James, Manor chareP lummer Benj amin , S t . P e ter’s Qu ayW atson Rober t, 19 High Bri dge

C or k C u t ter s .

B u l lock Wal ter, 1 4 P ercy s tD ixon Simon , 96 S i deG i l pin 8c Cc . , 52 P i lgrim stH erdman Edward , 37 Mosley stL i ddell H en ry, 12 Sandhi llS omerv il le J ames

,D ru ry l ane

W al ton Thomas, Dru ry lane

C or n M er ch an t s Fac tor s .

Armstrong and Co . CowgateAyton Isaac and S ons

,36 Sandhill

Baskett 8c Rosen b ohm, 5 1 Qu ay sd

Berkl ey John , 2 Bu tcher bankCharl ton W ill i am

,69 Qu ay si de

Clark John,3 S i d e

D odds Thomas,14 Sand hill

Hall John, 1 1 Sand hillHardy James

, 22 Marlborou gh s tHeppell and Co . 1 L ov e laneHewi son L awrence

,38 Sand hil l

L i ddel l Hy . 85 Edw .,50 Qu ay S ide

Marshall Roger,42 Sand hi l l

N airn Hy. 85 P hilip, 24 Clo th mktP at ti son Thomas , 42 B i gg mktP o l lard Joseph 8c C c ., Forster s tP ollard Thomas

,L ov e lane

Reav ely Thomas,Cowgate

Redhead Hy . 8c S tpn ., 13 Sand hil lRobson Chpr .

,1 16 S i de

Swan Ri chd . j u n . , 16 Sand hi llWylam 85 G reen, 1 Sand hil lC or n an d F l ou r B ea l er s .

(S ee a lso Baker s and Fl ou r Dea ler s. )

Anderson J .,62 Gr n gr . s t

,8L l g t


Becki ngton John 8c Son , 15 C l oseand FollyBell An thony , 3 Blacket t s tB u rt Joseph , 4 Thornton s tDav idson Richard , 3 1 Groat mktD i ckinson Wm . Ogle, 62 H ead of sdDodds Thomas, 52 G roat mktFallow W i lliam , 34 P i lgrim stFreeman Robert , B l and ford stG ibbon W i lli am ,

39 Bu tch er bankG ibson N . 7 N orthumberland s tHal l Wm .,Marlborou gh st 85 6 1 ClsH il l s 8: Dav i d son , 79 Westgate s tHo n eyman Jo seph , 40 Groat mktL u m sdon James, 17 Union s tO l i v er W i l liam , 18 Gibson s tP o r ter James , 6 B lackett s tReed Edward T ., 20 N ewgate s tReynoldson Richard , 62 N ewgate s tRimi ngton S .,milk mt. 8L Bkn gm . s tRobson John

, 74 P i l grim s tShip ley W i lli am , 43 B i gg m ktSiddel l Cath .

, 53 N orthumberland s tS in ton Jane , 38 Gro at mktS in ton John , 57 S t. N i cholas sqSmi th W al ter

, 43 N ewgate s tTaylor J ., 47 Sand hill 8c. 88 Ng t. st


Tu rnbu l l J . P . 86 Co.,28 Mosley st

W ai t Cath erine , 23 Collingwood s tW at t J.

,1 15 P l g rm s t 81 34Wstg t s t

W ilkinson Thomas, 1 CloseYoun ghu sb an d

-B ., 1 12 P i lgrim stC or n M i l l er s .

Anderson James , Ga l l owgate

B eckington John 8: Son , Ou sebu rnB ell Dav i son , P on tel and roadBol ton Joseph , P andon DeanBrown Robert , Ski n n erb u r nB u rt Joseph , 4 Thornton stree tD av idson John , S tephn eyfiel dD odds Thomas, Ou sebu rnD ou gl ass John , Chimney mil l sGallon W i ll i am ,

New mi ll sG l ah ol m Thos . Son ,

Bridge endHeron E dward, Byker h illH opper Joseph , Swi r l e s team mi llMarley 8: E therington , Ou sebn . b dg

N airn Henry 8: P h i l i p,W ar en mil lsO liv er Wm . B ed for d stree tReed James

,Chimney mill s

Ren n ol dson S tephen , Jesmond v aleRobson John

,B road chare

Robson John , Byker l an eShiell Adam , Ou sebu rn n ew mil lS in ton John, E lsw i ck mil lS later Su ssex s tS later John , (oatmeal ,) Forth streetSmi th Wal ter, N ew millsTaylor J ohn , P andon millYou n g Ri ch ard, Spi tal Ton gu es

C ow k eeper s .

Alder Mark, Spi tal tongu esAr thu r Joseph , 23 Eldon placeAtkin Richard, Ga l l owga te

Bates Jan e, P ontel and roadB lackett Francis, Back laneBu ckham Ann , Bath l aneBywater Ann , P osternGalbreath Robert, 44 P ercy stCarnaby W i l l iam

, Ga l l owgateCarr Mark , Gal l owga te

Col pi t t Isabel la, Monk s tCummings James, 76 P ercy s tD ev an por t Mark , Gal l owgate

Donkin B rian ,Back l ane

Donki n John , Back lan eElsdon Robert, W aterloo s tEngli sh Eliz abeth , 66 P ercy stFairbairn Stephen , Back E ld on s t

Foggin Charles, Hewi son’

s yardFogg i n E liz abeth , 38 S towell s tForster E dw ard, Gal l owg ate

Friz el l W i ll i am ,Back lane

Geer W i lli am ,Friars

Gibson G eorge, Gal l owgateGrayW i l li am ,Gal l owgateHackworth Thomas, C l aver in g plHall J oseph , B ack lan eHal l Th omas, ct 74 P ercy stHankin Dani el , Gal l owg ate

H obkirk James , JesmondHodgson Rachael , Howi son ’s yardJackson Thomas, Todd ’s n ookJobey B en j amin , Bath lan eJobson Mary, E lswi ck l anebert W i lli am , P i tt s tL awson George, Min ori e sL ax W illi am , N orth roadL ee Rober t, Ga l l owgate

L ee Thomas, Ga l l owgate

Mason W i l li am,Mi ll hou se

Mi lbu rn Henry , 7 Shiel d stMoate Henry , Gal l owgate

Morrow Francis, Gal l owgate

Mu sgrov e G eorge, Carli sl e rdMyers Thomas , Back lan eP a tterson E liz abeth , B u ckingham stP enman Wm ., Angu s c t , P ercy stP uncheon N athaniel , ct 74 P ercy stPye John , W es t B land ford stRace W i ll i am, San dyford laneRatc l ifl

'John,c t 46 S towel l st

Ratcl i ffe Margare t, Ga l l owgateRichardson J ames, 45 P ercy s tRichardson Mary, 10 S tm fr dhm . plRichardson Thomas, Gal l owga teRobson Edward , B ack laneR obson Jane, 75 P ercy stRobson Thomas , 76 P ercy stSandwi th J oseph , Sallyport gateScott James, H ewi son

s yardSco tt Robert, Gal l owg ate

Smi th John , 6 Marlborou gh s tStephenson Charles, 67 P ercy s tS tewart Charles, L eazes laneS tewart Thomas, 93 P ercy stS toker Joseph , 46 S towell s tSu therl and Jane , 8 P r inces ’ s s tThompson Thos ., 7 Spring g r dn . ten

Wal ton John , S towell squ areWardle Joseph , Ga l l owgate

W ardle Joseph , Jesmond v al eW i n ship Thomas, West JesmondYou l e W i lli am, 41 Gal l owgate

1 72

C ar r ier s & I .ea th er C u t ter s.

Angu s G . 85 T. C . 72 Clo seB eile s J . 8: Co ., 1 B i gg marketB oyd George

, Dog l eap stai rsBrown Thos.

,Crown Inn yd . Wstg tClark Thomas 85 Geo ., 14 Si de

Dou gh ty Jas. Den ton ch areFai re R. 85 Son , 46 St. N icholas sqFl in tofi“Eliz . O rchard stre e tFl i tch J. J . 40 S tow ell s t 8c Westg t

Fors ter El eanor,36 High Bridge

G au l John,Qu een street

Gibson 4 FollyHow ard John

, 1 P u dding chareHu dson 85 Co. , Stephn ey tan yardMi lner J ohn , W estg ate c tN ewm ar ch N a th l . 70 Si deOwen Son

,23 High bridge

P earson L azenby,73 Sid e

R ic h ardson G . ju n . (ou tr.) 2 C l o th mRu therford C harles , 27 N ewgate stRu ther ford Thos . T he C u tSi l l i ck James

,15 1 P i lgrim stree t

Su therland Benj . 8c Son ,6 N orthumberland s treetTaylo r J ohn

,75 Close

Todd John,T odd


c t. Groat marketW i lkinson Joseph

, 8 Dog bankW inship John , Fle tcher’s entryC u t l er s , S u r g i ca l In st r um en t

an d T r u ss M ak er s.

Bapti st G eorge,15 C l oth mkt

Brown John 8: Son,68 Grey s t

Carr George , 25 Nu n ’s stCl ark Thomas

,33 Mosley s t

Fairweather Tu rnbu ll, 66 Qu ay sideGray W i ll iam, 28 Marke t st

Mo Queen Robert,45 Grainger s t

D an c in g Bl ast er s .

Fl in tofi'Thomas, 25 N elson stS in clair James

,12 N el son st

D i st i l l er s an d R ec t ifier s .

Recti fyi n g Company, Sou th s tTodd John , P eacock chr ., Qu ay sdDyer s .

(S i l ls, Cotton , and Wol len .)

Allen Andrew , 4 P ic ton plArchbold Sarah , 123 P i lgrim stAtkin son H enry, 26 N ewgate st


Ear th enw ar e D eal er s .

S eeChina , Glass, 8m. Dealer s.

Ear th enw ar e M an u fac tu r er s.

En g i n e Bu i l d er s .

Bu rnet t Bro thers, 1 1 Sprin g g r dn . tr

Bradbu rn John , 7 Nun ’s s tCru ikshanks Ralph , Den ton char eDean Jas . 24 Nu n

’s stree tFenwi ck John

,82 P ilgrim street

Fenwi ck John , 16 Westgate streetFoggi n John , 79 P i lg rim stree tH unter Robert

,46 H i gh bridge

Jenkins Thomas, Gal l owgateJobey Joseph

, 5 1 Gibson streetKennedy Thos., 134 P ilgrim str ee tMc Caslin Wm . 12 SideRobson John , 20 Close

Bell Thos. 85 Co . S tephn ey potteryCarr 85 Patton , O u sebu rnCharl ton J ohn , Ou sebu rnFell Thos. 8c Co . S t P et er’s qu ayGray George, Ou sebu rnMaling John 8L Cc ., Ou sebu rnMaling Robt. O u sebu rn bridgeS ew ell 8c D onkin, St . Anthony ’sW all ace Jas. 8L Cc .

, Forth bankW i lson Rt. Chpr .

,Tyne Main P try

Eat in g H ou ses .

Bel t G eorge, 53 G roat mktBu rril l Isabella ,Manor stCarr Robert

,48 High Bri dge

Cowell G eo r ge S 25 Union s tCu rri e John , 17 Clayton s tDav id son Eliz . 8cMy ., 33 Groat mktFrench E dward, 37 Groat mktHeron My . An n ,

3 Den ton cb ar e

Jackson Ann,12 Clayton s t

Johnson E l iz abeth , 70 Clo seL awrie Ann , 14 CloseMi ll er E l iz abeth, 13 C loseP atterson James , 34 H i gh B r idgeRoche John , 20 N elson stSimpson John

,20 P udding chare

Smi th Barbara, 1 6 N el son stSm i th John , 1 1 Clayton s t

0Thompson John, 19 P udding chareTowns Robert

,13 N u n ’s s t

Wales Thomas,82 N ewgate st

Wil son G eorge, 48 Qu ay side.Whi tehead Charles

,24 N elson st

1 74

L eeds and Yorkshire, John D rewry92 S i d e

L iberal P remium Associati on,John

0Anderson , secret ary, l Broad chL l


sed Vi ctu allers , Wm . L ockeyHarle, 1 B u tcher bank

L ondon Corporati on , John Smith , 1B road chare

L ondon, (L i fe) J . Scai fe , 35 P l gm s t

L ondon Assu r ance Corporation,W

P arkinson , 7 1 Qu ay sid eL ondon U nion , G . A . B r um el l , 2 ]

D ean stMan chester, Wm . Crighton . 17 AredMarin e and Tyne Insu r ance

,B . C .

B radshaw , sec ., Fenw i ck’s entryMin erva, (L i fe) Wm . Crighton , 17Royal ArcadeN ati on al Endowmen t Assu ranceSoci e ty

,G . H . VVi l son , 29 Sand h l

N ew castle Commerci alMar in e,Jph .

H eald , m ag n g . d r c tr ., 37 Qu ay sd

N ew cas tl e, Wm . W oods , sec . , 6 S ideN ew castl e on -Tyne Marine Ins . Co .


Wm . Hy . Brockett, managing direc tor, 33 Quay si d e

N orth Bri ti sh , (Fi re) F. W . Tappenden

,W ellington pl

N or th Bri tish , T . Smi th 14 San d hlN orw ich U n i on

, (Fi r e) Wm . Hu tton ,64 Grey s t

P el i can , (L i fe) and P hoenix , (Fi re)F. W . Bu lman

,16 Sand hill

P rote stan t D i ssen ters,T . C . Angu s

an d Co ., 6 CloseP ro v iden t Assu ran ce Soci e ty, RoyalArcade

,G . Sheppard , sec .Royal Exchange

,R i chd . Hoyle, 14

Sand hil lS cotl and

, (Fi re) Jph . B lacklock 36

S t. N i cho l as’

s chu rch yardSco tti sh In su rance Company, Thos .D ixon , j un .

,29 Sand h ill

Sco tti sh Union and Marine, S andhi ll ; James Scar th ,jun .

,and 74

Grey st Wm . Char tresSco tti sh W i dow s , (L i te) SVm . P ar

kinson , 7 1 Qu ay sideShe ffield ,Rothe r h am , 8L ChesterfieldJohn Brown , 23 Sid eShipw recked Fi shermen 8c Marin ersB ene v olen t Socie ty, G . W. Cram ,

(hon orary) . 2 1 Dean stS tarr

,John B enson , Ro y al Arcade

Sun,Carr Cc .

,25 Br oad chare


F i shm on g er s .

Brown Thomas , 64 B lacket t s tEmme t W .

,22 N un ’s s t 85 Fi sh mkt

S tu art Matthew , 3 1 High bridgeWoodg er Wm .,

29 W estgate s tF l ax D r esser s .

Colhoun Robert, 17 Si d eP reston Roger , 38 Sid eP ryor John

, O u sebu rnF l ax M an u fa c tu r er s .

P ro ctor W i ll i am B 1 7 Sand hi l lW aters E l iz abeth, Castl e stairsF l ax H em p M er ch an ts .

Carr and Co .,Close

M u rdock Robert, 69 Qu ay si d eP res ton James

,34 Si d e

P roc tor W i lli am B .,17 Sand hill

F l ax Spi n n er s .

Cla rke, P lummer, Co . O u sebu rn

mi lls,T . S tokoe, agt . manager

P ro c tor Wm . B ., 17 Sand hi l lF l i n t M an u fac tu r er s .

Charl ton John,Ou sebu rn

E l lio t t Henry , O u sebu rnThompson Har rison, Ou seb u

Su n , R . Wal ters, 5 Mo sley s tTyne and H ope Asso ciati on,John

Anderson , sec ., 1 Broad chareTyne Marine In su rance

, Geo . Gray,Three Indian King s ct

U nion , (Fire) Hy . S tory,Shkspr e . st

W es t of England,I” . F. Di ckinson


24 D ean stYorkshire, W . R. Carter

,Ryl . Arod .

Yorkshi re , Geo. Robson,18 Dean st

Yorkshire, Jph . C l eph am,14 Sand h l

F l oor C l oth M an u fa c tu r er s .

Cl ark J ohn , 1 26 P i l grim st

H ar dcastl es St H andcock, 32 Bg .m k

Reed Edw ard T .,20 N ewgate st

Robson Sco t t,47 Rosemary ln

F l ou r a n d P r ov is ion ~D ea l er s .

S ee a lso Gr ocer s Baker s, Cor n , and

and Fl ou r Dea lers.

Al li son Thomas , 13 Bu tcher bankAndrews Rober t, 98 C l ayton s t


An gu s Abm . Cooper , 36 Gibson s tArmstrong W ill i am , 1 Tindal s tB eckington John , 33 Bigg marketB ell Edward , 18 B ig g marketB l acklock J ohn , 1 8 Gibson s tBostl e W illiam , L ime s tB rown G eorge, 24 B lenheim stC arli sl e John F .

,Eas t Ballast hill s

Cather h a l l John , 44 Gibson stC ook W ill i am , 22 L ow B ux ton s tC u rry Robert, 1 6 Bl enheim stC ou r tney James C .

, 97 S ideC owan George , 58 S t . N i chol as sqC opeland Wm .

,26 B u ckingham s t

D av i s Su sannah, N ew B ridge stD ownie John , S t. Ann ’s stE lphinston e James , Ga l l owg ateGee E lizabeth , 2 1 Marlborou gh s tG ibbon Wm ., 39 Bu tcher b ankG ilch ri st John

, 33 B lenheim stGregson J ane , 3 1 P e r cy stH ai ls Henry , Bath l aneH in dson J . E ., East Bal l as t hi ll sH u tchinson George

,120 P i lgrim st

Kidman P eter, Byker barKi tchen Wi l l i am , 1 2 1 P i lgrim s tL umsden James

,17 Un ion s t

Mi ller Joseph,25 Marlborough s t

Pa rke r Mat thew , San dgateP o tter George

,1 17 B l enheim s t.

Ratc l ifi'T hom as,60 Gibson s t

Robson Wm . Young , 34 G r ea t mktS impson W i l liam ,

l sVes tg a te

S low P h i lip, B lagdon st r ee tSm i th Thomas, Man or chareS tu ar t W i lli am , 35 P ercy stree tT aylor George

, 7 Bu tcher bankT essim on d Esther

,1 14 Blenheim st

ThackrayMary An n , Sco tchwood rdW ai te Thom as M .

, C l l l l l’

Ch hill s tWatson George

,1 Cro ft s t r ee t

Whitfield Joseph,1 ! Fo r th stree t

F r en ch P o l i sh er s .

Jones George, 7 S t . Andrew's cou r tL ant Wi l l i am , c t. 9 P i lgrim s tree tS tobbs Will i am , N ew road

F r u i t er e r s .

S ee a l so Gr u . Grocer s tS' Corgfi’c l z'oncr s

Barlow W i l l iam ,13 N elson s tree t

Bell Robert P ax ton , 9 1 S id e and 68Blacke tt s tree t

Bridon Mr g t., 5 N o r thumberland s tBurnet t P eter

, 66 Clayton stree t

Bu r tchby George, 17 N un’s s tree tC arl ton E liza

,54 P ercy stree t

C am eron Wm 35 8: 36 Grainger s tFalen e Allen , 90 P i lgrim stree tFord Mary , 27 N un’s stree tHay Dav id , 66 Bl acket t st r ee tHenderson John , 84 P i lg r im s treetHenderson Sa r ah , 1 0 C ollin gwood s tu m ble Charl es, 16 C lo th marketum e E l i z ., 26 N orthu m berland stMo at George , -5 P ercy stree tMonkho u s e W i ll i am , 9 Qu ay sid eMoody Dan iel, G . 77 Qu ay sid eP arkinson Richard , 2 1 Newgate stRobson Edward

,6 4 Qu ay sid e

Ru tte r Margare t, 1 44 P ilgrim s tree tSco tt John , 62 Quay si deS tee l Chas ., Symes, 1 24 P i lgrim stS tephenson M. 53 N or thu m b r l n d . s tYel l ow l ey Jacob, 29 Grainger s t

F u r n i tu r e B r ok er s .

(Af a r /zed ar e a l so Cabin et fil a lt er s.)

*Anderson Wm .,6 1 N or th u m b er l d s t

Arm ou r Thomas , 22 Bl acke t t s tBateman Mary, 1 89 P i lg rim s t*Bell Wi l l iam , 19 1 P i l g r im s t

Bolam M y . Ann , 185 P i lg rim s t*B u r don


Cu thb er t, 23 P i l g rim s t*Cai rns G eorge, 16 5 P i lg rim s t*Carr James N . , 62 P i lg rim s t

Coates Taylor , 88 P i lg r im s t

*Charl ton John , 188 P i l g r im stCook W i ll i am ,5 Cloth ma rke t

Dalziel Wi ll i am, 140 New m arket*D ryden ,

W i l liam,4 P ilgrim st

* Du n l op W . 8: J 33 P i lg rim s t*Easten James , Dog ban k*Edgar Jam es , 18 1 P i lg rim s t

Fl i tch John Jacob , W es tga teForster Edward , D og ban k*Fo r s te r Wi ll i am

,32 P i lg r im s t

Galloway Thos ., 25 Collingwood s tG ibson John . Den ton chareGran t John , 184 P ilg rim s tHaddo ck George, 180 P i lg r im s t1=Hal l Alexande r

,Tyn e s t

* H all Thom as,156 P ilg r im s t

Har r i son Wi l l i am , N ew r e ad

Hobson Robert , Den ton chareHog g John , 167 P i lg r im s t*Hu dspe th Rachae l , Dog bankH un ter Georg e, 90 N ew m ar ke t* l—Iun ter Robert

, 19 B u tcher bank


‘ IsaacsAb r aham ,3 P ilgrim st

I saacs Maria, 5 P ilgrim stJ ohnson Ju o. Weddell

,108 P i l gm . st

Kelly P atri ck, New road

L amb E lizabe th,Dog bank

L ong Elizabeth, 32 W es tgate s t

M artin George, N ew ro ad

*Melv in John , 7 Dog bankRich ardson Robt. , m i lk m kt. bank‘ Robson J ames

,6 P ilgrim st

S av age Edward,3 Den ton chare

S tephen son Edw ard,Dog bank

T a l l an ti r e John,35 H igh bridge

*TaylorW i ll i am , 15 P ilgrim stTu rnbu ll John, 23 P ercy st

*Vin ycom b Andrew ,1 9 P il grim st

Ward Frances, l P i lgrim stWegham Richard , Dog bankWhi te N i cholas , 2 N elson s tWhi tfield Thomas

,8 L ow Buxton

Fu r r ier s .

See a l so Ha l ter s.

B rown Rt. B o l ton , 104 SideCohen L . 8: S . , 77 Clay ton st

FOX Al fred , 15 S t. John ’s l an e G l u e M an u fa c tu r er s .

Harri s W i lli am , 63 Clayton s tL ewi s Thomas

, 28 Clayton st Ar u n dal e Joseph , Scotchwood roadW all er John , 5 G rey s t P r ies tm an J on th D i spen sary lan eYoung John

, 94 S i de Richardson Ju o . Edw. 66 Newg t stG am e D ea l er s .

S ee a lso P ou l ter er s.

B el l Anthony , 3 B lackett stree tBel l R . P . ,

9 1 S ide 8c. 68 B lacket t stB u rnet t P e ter

,66 Clayton s tree t

C ameron Wm ., 35 St. 36 G rainger st

Emmet Wm . , 22 N u n ’s stree tG reen Isabel l a

, 23 N un ’s streetH ay D av i d , 66 B lackett s treetH enderson J ohn , 84 P i lgrim streetP ape James, 27 Collingwood s treetWoodger W i lli am, 29 Wes tgate s t

G ar den er s .

S ee N u rsery and Seedsm en .

Gas M e te r M an u fa c t u r er s .

Dickin son, Fa lkou s , and Co 74

Clayton st. and 24 L ow Fr i ar s t

P r i ce 8: H udson , 1 10 P ilgrim stree t

G l ass M an u fac tu r er s .

M err /red ar efil er chan ts.

Angu s James, (flin t) Carrs hill,G ateshead , and 57 Gr ai n ger


Barber 8: P a l li ster, (fl in t,) Oakes plDodd John Geo . 85 C c . , N orthumberland Flin t Gl assWks. Er th . bk

‘ Dou glas J ohn , 59 Clo seJackson 86 J ohnson , (fl in t,) New m l s*James Arthur

,4 an d 5 Marke t s t

L amb J o seph St Co . Forth bankNewc astl e broad 8c crown g lass Co .,

Ou sebu rnSou th Tyn e


c r own glass Co (lateR. Shortridge , Co .) Wm . Reed ,agent

,39 Gr ey street

Swinbu rn e R. W . 85 Co . p l ate glasswork s, Forth bankWright bro thers, (Flint) Regen t st

G l ov e M aker s .

Bruntin g R i chd . 34 B igg m arketDou glas Mary, 40 W estgate stree tG oodbar n John , 4 High bridge

Gol d,S i l v er Sm i th s, an d

J ew el l er s .

JIarked ar ej ewel l er s on ly.

S ee a l so watchm aker s,

*Bergu a John S t. N i chol as’


Chu rch y ard=l“Ez eki e l Moses

,1 Marke t s treet

L ev y Alex. 2 S t . N i cholas ’ squ areL ewi s Geo . Sam ] . 3 Mosl ey s t* L eadbetter Edw . (working ) Dean c tL i s ter S ons , 16 8c 17 Mo sle y stRei d Son s, 14 Gre y stree tS ewel l Thos ., 106 Sid eWal ton John , P ain te r heugh

G r een Gr ocer s .

Armstrong John , 243 N ew marke tArmstron g Su sannah , 239 N . marke tBarker J ohn , 224 New m arke tBarlow W . 192 N ew marke t, and 13N elson stree t

Bl ackbu rn Mar g t. 1 93 New m arke tB lackbu rn Thos .

, 223 New marke t


Gee Eliz . 2 1 Marlborou gh stree tG ibson Dav i d , 39 «St 40 S and hil lG ordon Ri ch ard , Bai l i ffgate

Greav es John , 4 C l ay ton stree tG reen Wi ll iam , Low Swin b ou rn e plHadaway Edw. Matt . 9 Grainger s tH ail s Hen ry, B ath l aneHalber t Geo . , S t . L awrence s t N . sH all George

,2 Forth street

H all VVm .,1 5 Marlborou gh s treet, 8:

6 1 CloseH arbot tle An thon y , 19 Dean streetHarku s W

'm . Bu ckingham stree t

H arle George, 45 S t. N i chol as sqH astwel l R . l N un ’s st&.22C l ay tn stHedley Jph .

, Head of the S ideHenderson S . R. 14 Ma rket s tH eron W i lli am , 36 B i gg marke tH ills 85 Co. 6 Grainger s tree tHindbau gh John , 22 Cloth marke tH odgson Robert, King stree tH ogarth Thomas, 164 P i lgrim s t.Honeyman Joseph

,40 Groat m kt.

H or sfiel d Alex . Taylor,Jesmond v ]

Hotham Wi lliam , 3 Qu ay si deH u dson Robert, 7 Tyne bridge endl ons Gateshi l l , 7 1 Westgate s t.Irwin Charles, 17 S t. John ’s lan eJames Edward D . , 62 B lacke tt st.Je fferson Henry, 8 Grainger stree tJ ohnson R . Co.

,24 Clo th mkt.

Johnson Robert , 135 P ilgrim st.Ken t Joseph , 32 Dean streetK im ster Jn o. Jph . , 35 Sand hil lKirk Richard Co .

, 88 S id eK i r sop Edward 6 Dean s tree tL aidl er George , 48 S t. N i cholas sqL aidler Wm . C . Forth stree tL ambert George , 35 Mosl ey stree tL u m sdon John B .

, 17 U ni on st .L unn W i l li am R. 19 Mosl ey st.Mo Cree T . 85 An dw .,

3 1 B lacke tt s tBIC In to sh Dav i d , Bai l ifi' gateMarsh al l Thomas , 100 Clayton st.Marsha l l W . C . 1 1 4 Tyne b dg . e dl i l idd l em as Thomas , 13 Cloth m kt.Mood y Robert E ., 36 P i lgr im st.Morrow Robert John , 10 1 S ideMo r ton George , 2 Bigg marketO l i v er D ani el , ju n . , 1 1 Un i on st.O li v er Timo thy, 7 U nion s tree t0 r d Thomas, 4 Grainger s treetP arke r Mat thew , Sand gateP a tterson Mat thew

,49 P ercy st.

P at t i son Thomas, 42 B igg market

P earson Charles, 2 Ridley terraceP eck Robert 85 Co.,

1 7 Grainger s t.P erry James 85 Co .


23 Grainger s t .P ever i l l Richard , 14 B igg marke tP ot te r George , W estgateP ot ts Wm . Mowbray, 4 1 Sand hi l lP u rv i s Ar chb d .

,10 Nun ’ s s tree t

Reed , Chambers, Co . 26 Cl ay ton sRev el ey W i ll iam C c . , Cloth mkt .Ri chardson Henry, 4 Uni on stree tRichard son Jasper

,46 N ewgate st.

Riddel l Thomas, 32 Mosley stree tRobinson J . Son

, 2 Col lingw ood stRobson John,68 N orthumberl and s t

Row el l Joseph,95 P ilgrim street

Ru therfor d Thomas, 4 S tock bridgeSanderson 85 Thompson

, (whl .) 1 1and 1 2 P u dding chareShi eld J . 8: Co.

, (wh l .) Marke t laneSimpson W i l li am ,

Wes tgateSmith Wi ll iam , 1 C lo th m arketSnowdon John , 60 Qu ay sid eSnow don Thomas, 6 Qu ay siden owdon W il li am , 108 P ercy st.S tewart Wi lliam, 35 P ercy s treetS tobbs W i l li am ,

New roadS tro ther Robert, Spi tal tongu esTayl or John

, 23 Marlborough s t.Taylor John , 27 Sand hil lTaylor Thomas, 37 Sand hillT essim on d Esther, 1 14 Bl enheim st

Thackray Mary Ann , Scotchw ood r d

Thompson G eorge, 25 G ibson st .

Thw ai tes H annah , Castl e s tTown s George, Cas tle yar dTu rnbu l l J . P . 8: Co (whole ), 28Mosl ey s tTu rn er Jane, 13 N orth u m berl and stVi cer s John , ( whole ) , 1 1 1 Sid eW ai te Thomas M . , Chu rch hil l s tWalker J ohn

,S t. Ann ’ s st

Wa l ker Thom as,Qu een s t

W’ alker Thom as , 23 Bigg mktWa rbu rton Wm . Co ., 10 1 Clyth stW ard John , 45 Dean s t\Va tson Margare t, 43 Grey stW atson Thomas 10 Bigg mktWest Rb t. John , 26 D ean s tWhinfiel d R . C . Co .

,2 1 Grn g r . st

Whinfie l d John , W. , 2 2 Grainger s tYe l l ow l ey T . and W. , 44 Sand hil lYoung Geo rge Thom as , 35 B i ggmarke tYoung John , 25 Cl ayton s t

Younger Wm .

, St. L awren ce


Gu n M ak er s. Vardy W i lli am,Qu een s t

W t N d f rd stBu rn and Rich ard, 1 1 1 P i lgrim st Wfiigfé egg e’w C lose

an 0

D av i son Wi lli am ,1 13 P ilgrim s t *W


l on Ben '

am in 7 B i mktJohnson G eorge, 7 Clayton s t1 S J gg

Wilson J ohn, 2 Westgate s tW

H ai r B r esser s é’z P er fum er s .

You ng Geo‘ ge’ es i t ate

(Marked ar e P erf um er s.)H a i r seat in g M an u fac tu r er s

Brown Thos. 85 Son , Clav ering plH ar g r eav eWm . Harle, 26 Market stworks

, Ou sebu rnAfieck Margare t, 1 63 P i lgrim stAyre James, 35 Broad chareBa in s Alexander , 30 High bridgeBinn s Thomas, 23 N elson s t H ar dw ar e D ea l er s .

Bl ack W illi am , Car l io l sqBogu e John , Qu een stBowman Stewart, 39 Col lingwood St Fear n ey N i cholas

,63 B lacket t s t

S ee a lso I r onm onger s.

B oyd G eor ge Tyne St Halber t Geo,St. L aw ren ce s t. N . S

Ench am Andrew , Waterloo s t Mc C abe Thomas,30 Mosl ey s tCarr James , H S l ae Mastag l io an d Mal ten i , 24 8: 25

Chapham Edward , 5 Close G rainger st0 0 11111 5 0 3 H enry, Qu ay S t Mi lner Joseph , .40

\Grey st

D ale L aban , 108 P i lgr im St VVel t

'or d W . H .

, 37 Mosley stD ewar Joseph , 13 1 P i lgrim stDuncan Rober t, Folly wharf H at M an u fact u r er s .

Duncan Wi l l iam W estgateEv er att Richard,


12 Sandhil l M‘” M ar e dea l t ” on’y

Ever att Thomas , 19 Clo th m arke tBalca s A l len, 14 Collingwood stG l edson Wm .

, 73 N or thum b er l d s tG rov es Edw ard , S t. P e ter’s qu ayH all Geo .

,66 N orthumberland s t

H ami l ton John , 40 Bigg marketH ogarth Thomas, 37 Bi gg m arketH u t ton And rew , 38 N ewgate s tKerr John

, 187 P i lgr im stL u pton Willi am,

30 Sid eMau l e John D ., 10 Darn CrookN ayl or Thomas , 6 1 Qu ay sid eN ew tonW i lli am ,

58 Gib son s tN ixon John

,15 Uni on s t

OxnardThomas , Mar l borou gh st

P arsons E li as , 10 Mosl ey s t s

‘ Richardson Thos 77 N thm b r l n d sRobertson l Vi l l iam , S t. An n ’s s t“Sayer Thomas, 39 Grey s tSco tt J ohn

, 1 40 P i lgrim stS impson W il li am

,Cau seway bank

Smi th George, 24 B l acket t st

S tewart Wm . 4 1 Head of the S id eStringer Thomas

, S tock bridgeTeasdal e John E ., 24 Marke t s t

*Thompson James,10 Grey st

*Thompson John,4 Collingwood s t

Thompson Ralph , 9 P erc y s t H em p M er ch an t s.

Todd John H ., 33 G roat mkt See Fl ax JlIerchan ts.

Brooks Sc Shepherd , 6 , N ewgate s tBrown Robert Bol ton

,104 S i d e

*Cochrane Adam , 1 1 Grainger s t.Cohen L . 8: S ., 77 C lay ton stree tFoyer W alter, 1 G rey stree tG rant Henry , 95 C layton street an d15 N ewgate stree tHenderson John , 81 Grey streetHe th erington Chpr ., 20 Union s tH etherington John , 1 26 P ilg rim s tHogg W i ll i am

,22 Bigg market

Ingham Charle s King s treetJones Thomas,1 8 Grainger stree t

*Ken t John H all,18 Mo sley st

*Ken t Robert, 40 C ollingw ood stL ei shman P eter Cc ., 36 G r ey s tPeel Wi l l iam ,

2 Dean streetS tev en James , 67 Grey stree tTodd Jph . , Todd ’s c t. , G r oat mkt.Tu rnb u l l W il l iam , 24 G rey stree tW i lson Rober t Son , 70 Grey s t .and 1 1 Marke t stree t.VVoodm ass Robert, 1 1 Sand hill*Wright S am u el , Castl e gar th*Young John , 94 Side


H id e M er ch an t s.

Angu s T. C . 81 Co .,6 8c 72 Clo se

H op M er ch a n t s .

Forster W i l l i am , 26 Si de\Yel ford Wi lli am ,

Bu rn bank

H osi er s, H ab er d a sh er s, an d

G l ov er s .

Allan Mi ch ael , 48 Sand H il l H ot e l s, In n s , Gom m er c i al an d

B arron Math . 85 J . 18 Cloth mkt P os ti n g H ou ses

Binks P ru dence , 64 Head o f the S ideBoe George, 1 Raven sworth terraceB one Jamieson , 94 Cl ayton streetB rown George, 45 P ilgrim stree tB u ckham and G rey, 5 1 P i lgrim stClarke A.

,16 B i gg market

,and 68

G rainger streetCommins George H . , WestgateC orbett J oseph an d Co .

, 2 Grey st.Corbe tt Joseph , 1 Mosley st .


147 P i lgrim stree tC ou l thard Mary , 23 Union stree tC owper and B abbage, 65 Grey s t.D ean Wm ., Math . and Cc .

, 46 Deanstreet,and D u rham

Fear n ey Ann , 8 P ercy stree tG ibson John , 30 Grey stree tG ibson L eonard

,37 Grey street

H amilton I saac. 59 P i l grim streetH ead John , 28 Grainger stree tH enderson Rd .

, 36 D ean stree tH i ll and Dru ry , 4 Dean stH i l l Denni s St C c .,

16 G rainger stJ ob l in g Marg are t, 4 S ideJohnson Catherine , 85 P ercy stJohnson Mary Anna

,1 Cottenham s

L i ttl e A . J ., 23 Bl ackett s t

L ow i s Thomas , 28, Cl ay ton s t

M iddle ton Margaret, Wes tgateM ilbu rn M . H . 15 Collingwood stMorri son Wal te r , 1 81 2 G rainger stMu rray Adam,

145 P ilgrim st

P atti son Isaac, 6 Nun ’s s tP earson Dorothy, 32 N ewgate s tP rou d Jan e, 2 Blacke t t s tP u n shon L uke , 57 Gib son stRe id J an e, 1 Dean s tR obi son Mary

, 4 N or thum berland stRobson W i lliam,1 5 De an st

Rym er Ri chard,85 S id e

Selkirk 8c Bell , 90 C layton s tSm all Thos . O .

,Tyn e b r idge end

Sm i th Rymer , 2 1 S ideS tafford John , 179 P ilgrim stSwinbu rne Eli z abe th 59 Westgate stTaylor Andrew

,30 Gibson st

W arbu r ton W i l li am ,l Ves tga te s t

Warbu rton W i lliam , S tephn ey bankWhi te Thomas , 38 Dean stW i lkie John

, 19 D ean s tWi l son Mary E llen

, 2 ! Gr eat mktW il son W ill i am

, 7 N ewgate st

Bel l s’ Commercial 85 Family H o tel ,J . 8: F. Bell,6 Grey st

Central Exchange Coffee Room s,Ann L ou gh, 35 Grey stClarendon Family Hotel , J . H orn et,

32 Grainger stG eorge Inn

,H . J . B . Carm en

, 139

P ilgrim s t

Qu eens H ead Hotel,Wm . Archbold


37 8c 38 P i lgrim s t. Grey s t

Royal Exchange Ho tel , M. Walton ,48 G rey s tTu rf Hotel

,W . Brown , 36 C l n wd . s t

T u rks Head Inn,Wi lliam H ogg, 25

Grey s tIn n s an d T av er n s .

Aberdeen Arms, Thos . Soloman , 27Broad ohare

Adm i ral D uncan, Jas . Bowmaker,CowgateAlbion H o tel ,J . L awson , 67 C l atn . sAlb i on Inn

,John Sco tt, N ew road

Albion Inn , Rd Greenwel l, 93 Ng t s tAmeric an Coffee Hou se, Ju o. P ear

son,22 G ibson s t

Anchor,Harry Hendry

, S andgateAngel , I srael L azaru s , 3 B tch r b nkApple Tree,W m . Fen w i ck ,Jesm on d

Appl e Tree , J . Fergu son , JesmondB acchu s

,Hannah Sm i th . 49 N g t . s t

Bakers and Brewers’ Arms,John H .

S hepherd , S towell sqBarley Mow Tavern

,Daniel Su ther~

land,N ew road

Bar ley Mow,Rob t. Tinn

,S andgate

Barras Bri dg e H otel ,An n S trachan ,1 Jesmond te r

Ba ttery , John W ri ght, Forth stBay H o rse, R. Edm ondson

, Bkr . b r

Bay Horse, Sm ] . P er ry , Ga l l owg a te


Crown Inn , Ann W al l ace, W es tgateC rown , Ez eki el Ripley, Man or c hC umberlan d Hou se , R . Bainbridge,Qu een stree tC umberland Hou se , John W in ter1 Thornton s treet

Dock Hou se Edw. Connelly, N ew qy

Dog In n ,P atrick Mi ller, 64 Close

Dog , Mary P eary , St . P e te r ’s qu ayD olphin , John N ew ton , 41 CloseDu c r ow Inn , Wm . Atkin s, Shakespear s treet

D uke o f Ar gyle , H . Wat t , Argyle s tDuke o f Bu ckingh am ,

M. EnglishBu ckingham stree t

Duke o f N orthumberland , P hi lipJam es An till , 102 Clayton stree tDuke o f N orthu m berland , JamesE ll iott , Car l io l squ are

D uke o f ‘Welling ton , Adam EdmondC a r l i ol squ ar e

Du ke o f W ellington , Dav id D av i s,N ew qu ay

Du ke o f Wel l in g ton ,John BatemanVJar d , C lo th ma ket

D uke o f York , J . O rm ston ,P andon

D uke o f York, G . Reed , East b h l sDu n Cow ,

W . Teasdale , c . 7 1 Qu ay sD u rham Ox , Fr as . C oxon For th plE ar l o f Du r h am ,

Joh n M ar sh all, 1 1Marlborou gh crescent

E a r l o f Du rham , Joseph W al ton175 P ilgrim st

Earl o f W estmore land , Jos . Ridley,X’Ve s tm or e l an d st

E d inbu r gh Hou se, Jo hn Aitchi sonan d Co 19 Clayton s t

Egyp t Cottag e, Jas . Taylor, N ew rdE ldon Arms , James P en tland , 54B lacke t t s t

E lephan t an d Cas tl e , John Cole, 12L ow Fria r stree t

Elephan t and Fi sh , Mark . Gardner3 Sandhi l l

Farm ers R es t ,W . B ryson , 5 2 P ercy 8Fi gh tin g C o ck , J . G i lchris t, T he C u tFi gh t ing Cocks, Wm . H er r on , 37B i gg m a rke t

F igh ting Co cks, He n ry W atsonFig h ting Co cks r ow

Fleec e Inn , S teph en Ru therford , 1an d 2 Derw ent place

Fl yin g Horse,Ralph N ich ol son , 36

Groa t m ar ke tFo r r es texs A rm s

,Jan e Be l l , Bk. in

Forth Hou se, John Oxnard , Forth s

Fox 85 L amb, J .Wa ters, 162 P i l gm 3

Fox Hounds, E . L aw son, Jsm d . v 1

Fox and Hounds, P . Mc Don ald,

35 P udding chareGard eners’ Arms

,Jam es Knigh t


High bridgeGar r iok

s H ead , W i lli am S torey, 24Cloth ma rke tG ate T ave r n ,M . Clemen tson , N ew qGeorge St Dragon ,M . Kn ox , Fr th bkGeorg e 8: Dragon , John Moore, S t.Anth ony ’sGeorge IV. Jane Mather, Ca r l iol sqGeorge IV. E l iz . Fors te r , 34 CloseG eorge IV. T homas B . P otts, S t .Anthony’sGlass Makers’ Arms

,Rt. N esham


S t. P eter ’s Qu ayGlengarry Arms, M. Dodd, Fol ly W fGlobe Tav ern

,T . P eaco ck ,Me l b r n . s

Goat,Wm . H all , 13 C l o th marke tG oat

,John Hedley. 1 1 Bell s t

Go l d en Anchor, Wm . Sm i th,Grind

ing ch areGolden L i o n , G . Carr , 41 Bi gg mk tGold en Li on ,Rd . N ioho l son

,Tyn e s tG olden L i on , J . Ayre

, 7 Bro ad chareGolden Tiger, W i lli am H eslop, 143P i lg rim stree tG osforth Inn , M‘

. Hu d spe th, Gosfh s

Grace Darlin g, Mi chael Fors ter, 2Gibson s tree tGran ger Ho tel , Robert L amb , 5 1G ranger s t

Grapes, Ri chard Ayre , 25 SideGrapes , Henry D ewar, JesmondG rapes , W'm . Bu l lock , Car li sl e roadGrav e send Inn , J . Gray, 10 Rosemary laneGre en Tree , M. B u rton , East B al . h l

Green T r ee,G . S in ton , 17 P ru dhoe sG r een T r ee

,T . Helmsley, S ethd . r d

G r e y B u ll , M . J . Moor ,VVes tm l d . s tGrey B u ll

, P H ackw orth , CowgateGrey Ho r se

,H . Bar ron

, M i lk mktGrey H orse,M . B r own Bell

,65 Qy sd

G r evhou n d , Ma t . Tiplady, P i t t s tH a l f Moon ,W . T ayl o r , 34 Mo sl ey 8

Hal f Moon, N ich olasW atson Tink

l er,Sw i r l e

H al f Moon,Wm . Joyce , 3 B igg mk tH a l f Moon

,T . Greener

,Byker bar

Hare an d Hounds, J . Mi tchi son,

P ercy s t.,S t. P e ter ’s Qu ay


H ay Mar ke t H otel , Mary Robson74 P ercy stree t

H exham Hou se , Cu thbert L ambertCattle marketH iberni a Tav ern, My . Ann Fors terKing street

H i gh Dyke Tav ern , M . Bootim an,

20 B road chareHighl and er, ”Wal ter Sco tt, PandonH odgson Arms

,D . Barber

,W es t st

Hodgson Arms , James Ca l v r eathL iv erpool stree t

H odgson Arms, T, N i ch rfl , Sethd . rdHole i n W all , An d . Mu l lin , S tock b gHope An cho r , J .A11i son , Byk r . h lHope and An chor

,Thos . Gru ndon ,

S t. L aw rence stree tH ope an d Anch or, C ath . Spr aggon

15 Forth streetH orse Ferry

,J . O liv er, Den t’s hole

J ack Tar,Jane Hu tchcro ft, N ew Qy

J esmond Field Hou se,Jas. Fenw ick

J esmondJoiners’ Arms

,R. Cheesm on d, 35Gibson street

Joiners’ Arms,Ralph Atkinson , 28

P ercy stree tJoiners’ Arms

,T . Carr

,Arthu r’s hill

Jol ly Brewers , P . Mu ll en , SandgateJ olly Sailo r,W .Rockett, P allis ter chJubil ee Inn , T . Wi l son , L . Buxton sKemble Inn , John Reid , 8Mkt. s tKing’s H ead Inn , Mary Mo ffitt, 1P er cy st. , and 23 B l acke tt stKing’s Head

,Mary Ann Richardson1 Marlborou gh s tree t

L amb, Robert Grundon , Tyne s tL eazes Tav ern, A l ic e Robertson, 29L eazes crescen t

L ow Crane Tav ern , Thomas Sharp43 Qu ay side

L ion , Mary Stokoe , S t. L awren ceL ion St. L amb, M . You ng, 44 N g t. s tL ocomo tiv e Engi n e, E . Wi lkinson37 B l enheim stree t

L ocomo ti v e Engin e, Wm . KirtonRailw ay s treet

L ondon Tavern , Alex. Jeffery, N . rd

L oraine Arms,T . Craw ford

,Ou sebu

L ord Collin gwood , Alex . Boo th , 103Clay ton stL ord Col l ingwood

,T . W

'i l son,18

High bri dgeL ord Hill , S . Jackson , Spr ing gar. trL ord N el son

,A1ex. Sim pson ,San d gt


L ord N elson , M. G len , 37 T r fl g r . stL ord N el son

,Jas . Smith , Qu ali ty rw

L ord S towe ll,J . Rm sdn

,26 l n . s t

Masons’ Arms, D . Mackenz ie 5 1

N ewgate s tMasons’ A rms

,Rt. O l iv er, Tyne st

Mason s’

A rm s, R. N elson , B u ckingham str ee t

Mason sLArm s, T . Coll in son , the Cu tMasons’ Arms , E l iz abe th RobsonArthu r’s hi l lMarqu i s o f Bl an d fo r d ,Jas . Hu tchinson

,W estgate

Marqu i s o f Cornwalli s, J . Clark, 24

Bi gg marke tMq. o f Granby, J . Seth , Dog bankMechani cs Hall, James M i tcheson ,Temple s tMeters’ Arm s

,W . Ridley , S t. Anns s t

Mil e ston e ,J . Henderson , Carli sl e rdMi ll H ou se, J . Jackson , Spi tal tng sN ags H ead Inn , Joseph Jameson ,Bu tcher bank

N ags H ead , J . Sou l sb y, 1 9 C l th . mktN ags Head ,Rob er t Fair, S t .Anns s tNags H ead ,G . Halliday, 20 N u n ’s s tNapol ion ,T . Gilbert, 32 Bu tcher bkN ew Bri dge Inn , Dav id Hay, N ew

B ri d ge stNewcastle Arms,W i lli am Robin son ,L ime stree t

N ew castle Arms, B . Mo A l een an,

Car l io l squ ar eN ewcas tle Tav ern , John P ipkin , 34Bu tche r bank

New Hawk, T . Bai rd , EastBl st . h i l l sN ew Marke t Hotel

,James Wallace


4 N elson stNew Road Tav ern

,T . Midd l em ist,

New roadN orthumberl and Ar m s

,G r ace Hu d

son,48 P ru dhoe st

Northumberland Arms, Iebi a. W i lson,l l IVi l l iam st

Nor thu m ber l an dArm s,Th om asBel l

H eron s tO ak L ea f, G . Moat , 67 N r thm b l d st

OakTree, John Adams, S t. Lw r n c . stO l d Dolphin , Hy. Farley , 38 CloseO l d D uke of Cumberland , JamesRenw i ck , 1 1 CloseO l d D uke o f C umberland

,J ohn

Urw in , Qu een stree tO l d Geo 'g e, J . S tappar d , 3 Union s tO l d H awk, A . Hawk, Ou sebu rn bdg


O l d Market Hotel , John Aitch isonan d Co .

, O l d Marke t l aneO l d Qu een’s H ead , W . Ell io t t, 159P ilgrim str ee t

O l d Robin Hood , Thomas Smith , 28P i lgrim stree t

Orange Tree ,M. Hasting s, N . ShoreOrdnan ce Arms , T . 8: W . Bu lmer


Gal l owgate

P ack Horse , Adam Thwai tes, 160P i lgrim stree t

P eacock R. H ew i son , Trini ty chareP ercy A rms, A Foster, 87 P ercy stP in e Appl e , J . P arker, 14 N un ’s stP heasant , Sarah C . Emmerson , N . rdP hten ix , T . Harri son , 23 N ewg t. s tP hoenix Tav ern , J ohn W agstafl



B rewery stP lou gh , James P eary , Byker barP lo ugh , Adam Deas , Manor chareP lou gh, El i z . B r own

,c t. 9 B igg m k t

P lou gh , S tephen Acaster, Spicer ln .

P lou gh , John Woodger , 18 Union stP lumber’s Arms ,Dvd . L inn , Ou se s tP ortland Ar m s

,J . Harding, Mi lk m

P rince of Orange, Geo . G ray, 9 SideP rince of W ales, J HendersonW ellington street

P ru dhoe C astl e, Wm . Mi lbou rn , 18Car l io l str eet

P ru ssian Arms , T . D ixon , 63 Qu ay sP unch Bow l ,Ma r th a Maj or,MinorsQu een C ath .

,M. Tay l or, S tepney bkQu een Vic tori a, Alic e Mai llard, 108

B l enheim str eetQu een ’s H ead , J . Carnaby ,Gal l owg tQu een ’s H ead

,Thomas H unter, 58

CloseRai lway Inn , F. Ru ssell , S tepn y. v l s

Railway Tav ern, J . Smi th , 1 Geo. s tRailway Tav ern, Robert ThompsonP andon bank

Rav enswor th Arms , John Reay, S tAnn ’s stree tRed Barns Tav ern , J . Mackey, 4Melbou rne s treetRed Bu ll

,Robert Dixon , Byker hill

R idley Arms , Ann H ackworth, 16

P ilgrim stree tRising S un , I sab l . Oates, 54 Qu ay sd

Rop ers Arms , Richard Donald sonN el son stree tRose C rown , J . Dunn , 30 Bi g . m t

Rose 85 Crown, P e ter Coatsworth ,

East Ballast hill s


Rose Crown,H . Ru ssell

,N ew rd .

Rose Crown , Mary An n P arratt,

30 P udding chareRoyal Ho tel Cofl‘

ee Rooms, J ames

W arbu rton,15 Melbou rn e s tree t

Royal Oak, Robert Thomas Atkin,

Bai l i fl'

g ateRoyal Oak,D av i d Young, Back

Eldon st r ee tRoyal So vereign

,J . N i chol son

,The Cu tRoyal S tandard , G . P enny , Bkr . h l

Sadd lers W ells, W. G . Baker , 10 LwFri ar stree t

S co tch Arms,T. Scot t, 27 Bigg mk t

Sco tch Arms,James Sco t t

,7 Qu ay 8

S ev en S tars,J . O u thwai te , P andon

Shades T av . R. Whitfield , Manor stShakespeare Tav ern , T . Gor r ing e ,Shakespeare st. Grey stree t

Shepherds Inn,John Ram say

, 10

Marlborou gh crescentSh iel dfiel d In n

,S .M i tch e l l ,S l rie l d st

Ship, Margare t G ray , S andgate

Ship,Jph Hair , Spi cer In , 25 Qy sd

Ship,J . Su m m er v i l l , St. Anthony ’s

Ship,Robt . P eacock, Clo th m k t

Ship , Joseph Carr, S t. P eter’s qu ayShip , John Spence, Mi lk mktShip , John Ru ssell , S t. P e ter’s qu ayShip, J . Bu r n ,York s t., Glass hs . bdgShip

,James Storey, Forth st

Ship, Mary Tate, N el son st

Shipwrights ’ Arms, J . Smith, S t. LwShipwrights’ Arms, Mary P ax ton ,Ou se s t

S i r John Moore, Wm . Hardy,1 2

Spring garden terSkin n er s

A rm s,J . Dav i son, 8 D r u ck

Smiths’Arms,E . Armi tage , 6 P r dh s t

S tag Inn,W . John son

,40 P ercy st

S tar Garter, J . Ion s,13 C l y tn s t

S te am Boat, R . P a t ti son,2 Qu ay sd

S team Boa t , Robt . Moor, SandgateS team Bo at, R. Gu thri e , Qu al i ty r wS team Boat

,R . Bagnal l , Milk mkt

S team En g ine,W Howe, Orchard s tS te am Engine

,J . Craw ford, Glasshou se s t

S tone Cellars,Jas . Bland, Ou sebu rn

Su n,Thos. F. Dav idson , 59 Qu ay sd

Su n,Mi chael Beiles, 37 G ibson s t

Su n , G . Johnson,East Ballast hi ll s

Sun Inn,Martin Ju de, 80 Side

Su n , Mary P helan, Sa n dga te

1 86

W ales Thomas, 82 N ewgate s tWarbu r ton James, 20 C l yaton s tW atson George , 1 Cro ft s tW ells Ol iver, 2 1 C l ayton '

st., WestW i l kinson George , Chu rch h ill s t”Wilson Thomas

,Qu een s t

Wh i tehead Char l e s,24 N el son s t

Whitfiel d Mark , E lswick terraceYoung E dward, 34 N ewgate s tIm por t er s .

Carr 8: Co ., (hemp ,flax , 8: tal l ow) Cl s

Don D (Sco tch whiskey) 58 Qy. sd

Grassi Rampol d i, ( fancy toys) 22Grey s tH enderson Ju o ., (cigar) 84 P l g rm s tH opper John

, (cigar) 47 Pilgrim stMastag l io and Ma l ten i

, (fancy toys)24 Grainger st

Maw son J ., (German ys t) 1 3 Msl y st

Sanderson 8: Thompson , (fru i t andcigar) 1 1 and 1 2 P u dding chareWhi te Thos ., (Berl in wools, & c .) 38Dean st

I r on Fou n d er s .

See a lso Brass Founder s.

Bu rrel l John 85 Isaac , Sou th s tCookson T . 85 Son ,C l sg t . Fou ndryCraw fo r d John , O u sebu rn

H olmes John , Figh ting Co cks en tryL aycock Joseph 8: Co ., S tell aL osh , W i lson , 85 B ell , 37 Qu ay sideRayne an d Bu rn, Ou sebu rnShields W i l liam

, St. P e ter’s qu ayS in clair Duncan

,Ou sebu rn

Smi th J . 85 Co .,E lsw ick i ron works

S tephenson Robt. 8r. Co.,Sou th s t

Toward W i lliam 85 Son , O u sebu rnW alker Wm . Hagu e, 83 P ercy stW ar d John

,5 1 High bridge

W righ t and Brown , Regen t s tIr on M er ch an t s .

Bedlington Iron Cc .,26 Westgate st

Cargil l, Mounsey, 85 Co ., 29 Qy. sd .

L aycock J . 8: Co., (8c s teel) 65 Cls .

L o sh , W i lson , and Bells, 37 Qu ayside and 2 S tock bridgeMi lner Thos. 8: Sons , 5 Mosley s tMorley John W. ,

55 Qu ay side


Sanderson F., and J. H . 8: Cc ., 35and 36 Bu tcher bankSin cl air Duncan , O u sebu rnW aki n shaw James , _

14 Broad ch areWheatley M . Co.

,S tock bridge

Ir on m on g er s .

Japan n er s .

L ogan Dav id , 96 S id eL ogan Mal colm ,

Haywood ’s yardP roctor Thomas , 105 S id eRobson Wi l l iam

,6 Dru ry lan e

J ew el l er s .

S ee Gol dsm iths, do.

J oi n er s an d Bu i l d er s .

See a l so B u i l der s, Cabinet Ili a/rem ,

Anderson A.,I6 Northum ber l and s t

P attinson T. 85 Co.,Three Indian Atkin Wi ll i am

,Bath lane

Kings c tRayne 8; Burn, Ou sebu rn 8c Br d ch

Barker James, Barker s t

Bearup W i lli am, 55 P ercy s t

B u lman John 85 Geo . , 4 1 Mo sley stC arr G eorge, 25 N u n ’s s tDav id son T . S . , 2 2 Mosl ey s tHan cock T . 86 John , 50 Sand hil lHethe r ington J ohn , 67 Grainger stJameson Rober t . 35 Dean s tJohn s on W i lliam , 26 L ow Vi lla plL ogan Dav i d , 96 S ideMc Kenzie C .

,69 N orthumberland s t

Mather John , 13 and 14 Dean stM i lbu rn Jo seph , 10 Union s tMil le r John

,56 Grainge r st

Mi lner Thomas 85 Sons,5 Mosl ey s t

Mob r ay Craster Mi chl ., 49 Qu ay sd

Mowbray C . M .,29 Qu ay sid e

P roctor Thomas 105 S id eWel ford XV. H 37 Mosley st

I r on M an u fa c tu r er s .

Bu lmer Sr. Co,Tyne Iron Works,and 9 Tyne bridge en d

Hu n t H enry , (B i rt l ey Iron Works)and 7 1 Qu ay sideKay Edward Jackson

, DunstanL osh ,W i lson , 8c Bell, 37 Qu ay sid eMi ln er Thos. 8c Sons

,Blaydon Wks

Rayne 8c B u rn , New Bu sy C o ttageIron Works

,O u sebu rn

S in clai r Duncan , N ewc astl e IronW orks, O u seburn

Wheatley M . 85 Co ., Sandgate forge


Be l l George, Fenkl e stBe l lerby John , O rchard stB rumwell John , 15 SideB u rnu p W ., C u thb ert

, Bar sb gd .

C ai l Ri chard , 54 P ercy stC arr W i lli am,16 High Fri ar s t

C owel l John , Fle ece c tCowell Joseph , Fl eece ctDenholm Robert, SandgateDunn Thomas, Fo rth stDunn W ., Head of S tephn ey bankEdgar Wi lli am , Ou sebu rnFors ter C u thbert,West B l and ford stG ibson Robert, Chu rch ill Co ttagesG r aham s l ey 8; Reed , Ws t. B l n fd . s tG rainger Richard , 9 Clayton stGrey Joseph , 10 P ercy s tHall George, 2 Forth s tH al li day J .,

Wes t Wall s co ttagesH ard y W i lli am , St ephn ey terrac eH eslop Andrew

,S t. Ann ’s s t

Hew i t t Wi lli am , 4 1 L ow Villa plHow George, Bl enheim s tH ume 8c Chi pchase, 38 W es tgate s tJames John , ct. 9 1 N ewgate s tJohnston Francis

, 20 C ro ft s tL aw son Robert J O u sebu rnMo A l li s ter Robert, Ca r l i o l sqMartin Geo rge, N ew roadMartin W . , ct. 2 N orthumberl an d s tMorpe th W i ll i am , Bath l aneN ewby John , c t. 40, N ewgate s tN icholson Fr an c i s

,W estg ate s t

N ixon W illiam , Towns , 13 P ercy plP arry J oseph , Sherwood ’s cou rtP ayne W i l li am , L eazes lan eP ringle Thos B el l ’ s c t. P i l grim stReed Matthew , N orthumberland st.

n ear P ubli c BathsRichard son Rober t, Mi lk mkt. bankS co tt N icholas

,3 Sav i ll e c t

Sha rper Thos. , Fi ghting Cocks en trySpoo r Amor, Clav erin g plS tokoe W illi am , 3 Argyle s tS tory Edwar d 8: Son , Fri ars green\Vai te and Howar d , El swic k laneW allace J ames , High Fri ar l ane‘Weatherhead 8c Meldrum , 92 P er cyst. and L eaz es lane

W ilson Rober t, N ew ro ad

Wrigh t George, Dean cou r t

L a c e D ea l er s .

Corbett Joseph, 1 Mosley s t. 8a 147P i lgrim st


C owper an d Babbage, 65 Grey stGibson John , 30 Grey s tG ib son L eonard , 37 Grey stH ain sworthWm . Hy. 107 P ilgrim s tL ewi s Thomas, 28 C l ayton s tMu rray Adam,

145 P i lgrim st

Robson James,15 Mo sl ey s t

L am p B l ack M an u fac tu r er s .

Cu thberts onW. Co . 39 Grainger s tHaire Chas . H . St. Cc .,

55 Qu ay si deHoyl e Richard , 14 Sand h i l lDodds John , Sou th Howdon W orksMi tchell H enry A.

,62 Grey st

L ow

L aw S t a t ion er s .

Carter l Va l ter Robert, Royal Arc adeL eng Thomas, 74 Grey s t

L an d an d Bu i l d in g A gen t s an d

Su r veyor s .

Bell John Tho s . Wm .,20 Sandhil l

Bel l Thomas 8c Son s, 35 G roat mktBl acket t Thos . O swald , Forth terB o l l am George, 46 W es tgate s tB ol l am W i lli am , 46 Westga te stBou rne John , 7 Hood s tBowman Edmund , 1 7 Royal ArcadeShad for th 8c D inning, (en g ineering)Royal Arcad eTate John

, Spi tal pl aceTu rner Henry, (and v al u eH eaton haugh

W al ters Robert, 3 Charl otte squ areWeatherby N i chol as, 23 Bl acket t st

L ead M an u fac tu r er s an d

hker ch an t s .

Beau m on t Wm . 14 N or thu m b r l d . stJames 8: Co . Ou sebu rn L ead WorksL ocke

,Bl ackett

, 8; Co. Ga l l owg ateRichardson , Cu r ri e, 85 Co . 20 San dhl

Walker, P arker, W alker, and C o .E lswi ck L ead Works

L ib r a r i es .

Catcheside John 85 Dd . 26 Mo sl ey stChapel (l iber.) Bru nsw i ck placeC lerical C l ub ,J . P rou d, 2 Bl ackett s tG r an t J ane R ., 38 W es tgate s tG ran t Mary Ann , 83 P i lgrim stKay e W i lliam ,

5 B l acke t t s tL i terary and P hilosophical Socie ty ,and Mu seum ,

l Vestga te s t., Joh nThornhill,l ibrari an


L orain e Fenwick , 23 Mosley s tMaoar thy Ugin e, 8 Shakespeare stMarston Joseph , 9 Mo sl ey stMechan ics, 63 Blacke tt stree t,MarkFrater, lib rari an

Med ical , Jas . A l efou n der , Mu seumW estgate s t

N ewcastl e 86 Ga teshd . Religi ou s Bk.

Depo t, E . T . B ru ce, 6 1 Grey stP arad i se W il li am , 99 P ercy s tRi chard son M . A., 44 Grey s tStobbs W i lli am , New roadYoung John , 25 C layton st

L im e Bu r n er s .

Cai l Ri chard , P ercy stC layton 8c Armstron g , Skinner bu rnWhi tley L ime Works, 33 Qu ay side,Wm . Al derson, j un . agen tL i n en M an u fac t u r er s .

C larke Ann,16 B igg m arke t

N ewby Richard , c t . 40 N ewg ate s t D r aper s, T r av el l i n g.

P atterson J ohn , c t. 80 P i lgrim stRobinson 8:Wil son,ct. 79 P i lg rim st

L in en an d W ool l en D r aper s,

S i l k M er c er s , & c .

(See a lso Woo l l en D raper s.)

Alder Dunn , 82: Co .,13 Mar ke t s t

Atkinson Thos . 1 9 Market s tree tB ainbridge 8c M u schamp, 1 1 8c 12Marke t stree t

Barron M thw . 8c Jph ., 1 8 Clo th m k tB ragg 8c B r um el l

, 2 1 Dean stree tB ragg Chas . 81. Co . 55 P i lgrim stree tC aldwell J ames, 2 C loth marke tC ommins G . H . W estgateC row Robert, 15 G rainge r s tree tD av i son T . Arthu r 8c Co . 26 Grey stFear n ey Ann, 8 P ercy s tGill Wi lli am , 82 C lay ton stG owl an d Joseph , 2 1 Sand hi llH all Menzi es

,42 Qu ay side

H arbo ttle John , 70 Qu ay sid eH ead John, 28 Grainger s tH ewe tt Thomas

, 7 Dean stHill and Hodge, 16 Dean s tH ogg Thomas, 1 1 Grey s tH u dson John 8: Baker, 1 10 S i deJameson George

,23 Grey st

Kettl e James, 20 Qu ay side

L i ght foot Thomas,Byker bar


Mackey and Smi th , 67 Quay sideMi lbu rn J oseph , 30 Sandhil lP o tts Thomas, 17 Market s tRich ardson and Coxon

, (and whol e .)28 G r ey st . and 13 Market s tRobson E . 8: Co ., 29 Mosley stRobson W i ll i am ,

15 Dean s t

Sharer James 85 P hi lip , 16 Grey s tSmith Robert

,64 Clayton s t

Spencer,B rown , 85 C apper, 74 Qy sdSnowden W il l i am , 4 Blackett stSword Robert, 18 S ideTaylo r Andrew , 30 G ibson stTrew i ck Joseph

, 27 Grey s tWaller John , 5 Grey s tWarbu rton, Wi l liam , S tephn ey b ank

W i lkinson 86 S tanley, 15 Shkspr e s tW ilkinson S tpn . 8: Sons, 58 Grey s tilson Thomas

,20 Market s t

0 0 d and Kim pste r s, 17 Grey stYoung James, 7 Ro yal Arcade

Adams Dav id , 15 Stowell s tAdams James , 17 S towell s tCarson D av id , 18 Sun derland s tC arson James, 17 Car l io l s tDou gl as Jas. 8c Wm .

,12 Albion st

Duncan James, 12 Marlborough cresHill James,17 John st

Hope Thomas M., 10 Fen kl e stIrving James, Forth laneJ am i eson Alexander, 4 Car l iol stJohnson W i lliam , 22 S towel l s tM c B ryde James, 85 B l and ford stMc Harg Anthy.,

92 Bland ford s tMackean d Alex.

,18 L ow Fri ar st

Mackean d Andrew , 7 Green c tMel vain James, 8 Green c tMe l v a in J ohn

,4 Green c t

Mofi’at t Dav id and Wm ., 2 Cro ss st

Mofi'att T . and Rb t.,58 W estgate s t

Montgomery J ., 8 Marlboro ugh crs.

Mon tgomery Thos . , 103 Blenheim st

Mou at George, c t 62 N ewgate stMu i r W alter, Thorn ton stN i chol son B . 8c W.,

2 Forth lan eSmith John

,30 Westgate s t

Teasdal e R. 8LN i ch s. , 4 1 Westgate stThorbu rn D av id, 6 Blenheim stThorbu rn John , 10 Albion stW i l son Dav id, 4 P ercy stWil son W i lli am

,7 Albion s t

Wright P eter, P ercy c t

1 90

Atkinson Thos . 8: Co . 3 Indn . Kgs ctB ally Adolph e 8c Co . 35 B road chB ell Tho s . F. 8: Co . , 1 13 Sid eBernard Freres , 5 1 Qu ay sid eBer tram 8c P arkin son , 7 1 Qu ay sid eB i l ton Edw ard 8: Co .,

42 Sandhi llB lach Henry Ferdinand , Quay si deB ol dem an n , Borri es , 81 Co . 6 Qu ay sB orthw i ck 8L Co . , 20 S andhil lBrocke t t W . H .

, 33 Qu ay sid eB radshaw 85 Anderson , 48 Qu ay sd

Caldwell John , 29 Sand hi l lCargil l,Headlam

,8: Co . 29—éQy. sd

Carr an d Co .,Clo se

Christi ansen Schi er 8: C c . , 39 Qy. sd

Cookson s an d Cu thber t, CloseC oward Rober t Shum , 32 Qu ay sid eC rawhal l J . 86 Sons , S t. Ann ’s stD ah l , H ou en , 8c Co .

, 28 Quay sd

D odd and Co ., 19 B road ch areD unlop W i ll i am ,

43 Sand hillE sku ch e Ch ti an . Fred 1 9 Qu ay sd

Gall en and P arker,7 8c 7 1 Close

G ibson T . C . and Cc .,Three Indi an

Kings c tG ray Alexander G ., 85 P ilgrim stG ray Andrew

,8 S i de

G rey Wi lli am and S on, 75 Qu ay sd

B aggie R. Hood 8: Cc .

, 14 B ro ad chH ambro and Co ., 7 1 Qu ay sid eH ansen Jobson 8: Cc .

,17 Qu ay sd

H ansen P e ter, j un 48Quay sid eH ardman L awrence, 29 Qu ay sid eH arl e John and Son ,

8 Qu ay sideH arri son Carr and Co.

,32 B road ch

H edley B u lmer, 67 Qu ay sid eH edley Jam es, 32 Broad chareH erring John , 58 Quay sideH u l sen b os, Harri son 85 C c .

,3 B rd 0

J ack son Coll ingw ood , 37 Qu ay sid eJ ackson George , 35 B road chareL aing T . Heron , 6 Bro ad chareL ange B ro th ers, Thre e IndianK in g's c t.

L eidem an A . 85 Co .,64 Qu ay side

L osh , lVi l son , 8L Bell , 37 Qu ay sideMc Gregor D un can , 1 N ew qu ayM art in son Wi lli am ,

35 B road chareM i l v ain Henry, 59 N ewg ate s tM ork H an s P e ter, 59 Qu ay sideP alm er G . and C . M. Three IndianKin g’s c t

P arker and Shield , 50 Quay sideP at tin son Thomas and Co.

, ThreeIndian Ki n g ’s c t.


Redhead H . 8c S ., 13 Sand hillRichardson W . 8: Co . 2 0 Sand hil lSanderson and Thompson

, 1 2 P u d

ding ch areScarth James , j un . , 43 Sand hi llSch eeleWm . W a tergate

,S and hill

Sco t t James Jackson,96 Quay side

S tani ford E lli o t t, 35 Bro ad chareS trachan John , 33 B road ch areS traker s and L ov e

,f28% Qu ay si de

Swan Ri chard , ju n , 16 San d hil lSwanson W illiam

,47 Qu ay side

Thompson Fred . 8: Co , , 3 Quay sd

Van H aan sb er g en W . J . 58 Qu ay sdWal ters 1ndi an King ’s c tW eatherly John J . , 4 S and hil lWei sz Au gu stu s , SideW i lson George Henry, 29 Sand hil lWin gaar d , Hans, and Cc .,

ThreeIndian King’s c t

M i dW i v eS o

Hall Rachael,3 S t. John ’s l ane

Mc Kenzie F. 69 N orthumberl and s tVVin ski l l Mary

,Castl e yard

M i l l in er s D r ess M ak er s .

Anderson Alice,15 N un

’s stAnderson S . M . E. 8c H . G ., 32

B l acke tt s tAngu s Margare t E . 58 Grainger stAr ckl ess S us . 48 B lacke tt s tA rnet t Jane , 60 Gibson s tAtkin son Han nah , 1 Bl ackett s tBail ey Mary, 73 Bl and ford stBal l Anne

, 44 B l acket t s tBel ou gh Mary , S tephn ey terBone E lizabeth

, S ca i fe’

s c tBowman Hann ah , 42 Gibson stBowman Jane

,58 P i l grim st

B rown Ann . 1 12 P ercy s tBrown M a ry

,9 Rosemary ln

B rydon E . J. 8: A ., 18 Tra falgar s tByers E leanor, 1 N elson s tCampbell My . An n

,5 Grainger s t

Carpen ter Ann, S tephn ey s tCarr A. and J 66 Clayton stCarr E lean or

,74 Clayton st

C leu gh Frances, 2 Upper B uxton stC ol len Jane

,9 Bath r ow

Cowan Mary,45 L ow Vi ll a pl

Crow ther Fr ances , 6 Green c tCu ol ahan Jane, 46 P ru dhoe stCu r ry Elizabe th , 4 N ewg ate s tDalziel A. & E . 10 1 Clayton s t


D onal d M. A.,I4Northumberland c t

Emerson M . A . 33 Car l io l s tForster Sarah , 4 Spring Garden terForster Su sannah , 28 B l enheim stG ibson John , 34 High Fri ar s tG lendinning M. 16 P ercy s tG oligh tley 8c S tani fo r th , 9 2 P l gm . s tG reenw ell Marg . 22 H igh bridgeH all G . 85 P .

,6 Thornton st

Hamil ton Ann,Ga l l ow g ate

H ardy E liz abeth , P i c ton terH arkness Jan e , E lsw i ck terH arri son Cath . Westmorland stH aswell Han nah

,3 Ma rke t s t

H edley Marg are t, 16 W i l li am s tH enderson Mary

,Manor ch are

H en z el l E lizabeth , Castle stH eppell An n

,55 Grainger s t

H e slop Margaret, Sandyford lnH il l B . J . 49 B lackett s tH ind Isabe l l a, Ga l l owg a te

H ind b au gh A . 85 M . 6 Rosemary InH umble C . 65 Cl ay ton s tH umble M. A 92 Clayton s tH u tchin son E l iz a, 3 N elson stH u tchinson El ean or

,56 Bl and ford s

James Fran ces, 20 Richmond s tJohnson E liz .,6 L i sl e street

L amon t An n , C astle s tree tL eyb ou rn F. 8t D .

,8 1 P ilgrim st

L orain e M . A 66 G rain ger streetL owd en Jane

,6 Fou kl e s tree t

L um l ey An ne , 1 6 C ollingw ood s tMc P herson A. 85 M .

,8 N orthum .

berland stree tMarsha l l Jane

, 16 Malborou gh st M OTOCCO L ea th er M a n u faet r s

Mather Hannah,109 Bl enheim s t

Mather I sabella 33 N ewgate stree tMaughan Mar g t. , 95 S underl and St P attin son Robt . 86 Son , Ga l l owg ateMaxwell Sarah , 70 Bland ford S t P r iestm an Jonathan , Dispen sary lnMesor an Marsar e t , 9 Cowg ate Ri chardson J . a E .

,66 N ewg ate s t

Milbu rn M . 8: H 15 C ollingw ood stMoat Margare t, 23 L eazes crescen t Eri u s i c M U S i c a l In s t r um enfiMi tchell Isab . Oyster shell lan e D ea l e r s .

N CW tOH Eliz a G l 15 P i l grim St Marked a: dea l in M usic on ly ,

N i chol son E liz abeth, Ga l l owg ate

N orval Jane , Thornton s tO range Mary

,N ew road

P earson Carol ine,5 Shield s tree t

P orter Mary , Ken t s treetP ringl e I sab. 8L E. 16 B r unsw i ck plRiley M . 81. A .

,S 3 Bl acke t t st r ee t

Richardson My .& Eliz ., 16Eldon sqRobson M . E . , 15 Mos l ey s tree tRobson Frances

,8 Waterloo st

S ee a l so Ca r r ier s, Tann er s

Robson Mabel , 6 Blenhe im streetRu therford M . St. S ., 2 1 Market stS cot t E l iz abeth , 6 P ercy placeS co t t Sarah , 33 H i gh Fri ar stree tS ibson 8c Hetherin g ton , 62 G r ainge r stree t

Simpson E liz .,106 C layton st

Si n ton Margar e t , 28 Terrace p l ac emi th S\arah , 106 P ilgrim s tree t

tephen son Barbara , 7 1 P ercy stS tephen son El iz ., 1 9 P ru dhoe stTate Fanny , 5 N orthumberl and plTh i rk i l l Isabella, 76 P i lgrim s tThom Isabell a, 30 G rainger s tree tThompson Ann

,8 B lacket t s tree t

Tu rnbu l l Mary, 12 N u n ’s s tr ee tWal ton A . 8L A .

,9 Nu n ’s s treet

Wilkinson Ann , 19 S tam fordham plW i llins Margaret , 10 B land ford stWi lson H . Maria, 12 P rinces’s s tWood A gnes , 108 P i lgrim stYo ung Margaret, Eldon l an eM i l l w r i gh t s En g i n eer s .

Bu rn e tt B ro the rs , 1 1 Spring g rdn t rC u rrie James , 43 P ercy stH aw thorn Rb t. 8c Wm .

, Forth bankL aw s Ral ph

,Ga l l owg ate

P atterson Robert, 89 P ercy stRayne and Bu rn,O u seb u rn

Smi th J . , Figh t. cocks e .,37 B ig mt

S tephen son Robt. 8: Cc . , Sou th s tS teV r n son John , 5 U nion stWa tson

H en ry , 19 H i gh bridg e

Bagnall George,50 G raing er s t

*Cu rrie Robt. 8L Co .,15 G rey s t

*Finlay Char l ton,46 P il g r im s t

Horn Thomas, 32 an d 33 G rey s t

Kaye W illi am,5 Bl acke tt st

L iddell Matthew ,109 P i l grim s t

Morland T . G . 8c Co . 29 Co l l in gwd stP r ingle W a l ter S .

,3 Coll ingwood st

Richardson M. A 44 Grey st


M u s i c P r ofessor s .

Allen Mar y , 12 Sunderland s tB agnall George, 50 Grainger stB r own W i l li am , 2 Albion st

B u l l P e ter, 40 Car l iol s tD av i s Joseph

,N ew B ridge st

H aw th orn Jane, 7 Car l io l s tH em y Henry, 12 B runswick p lH em y H y . Frederick

, 1 Eldon plIon s Thomas,10 Ridley pl

L eybou rne Frances, 7 E l l ison terL i ddell Margaret

,XVesl ey ter

L iddel l Matthew, 109 P ilgrim stL i ddl e John S .

,43 Car l io l s t

Morl and T . , G . 29 Col lingwood stP o tts Mark, 16 Bru n sw i ck placeW’eddell G . 8: J . H 102 P ercy s tW i l l oughby, R t. , 34 Bl ackett s tM u star d M an u fac tu r er s .

D ewar Thomas,7 P udding chareJohnson J ohn,Brandling

Sw eet Saml . 8: Co .

, N ew P andon s tSanderson 8: Thompson

,Hano ver sqN a i l M ak er s .

B l ackwel l Benj . 7 1 CloseB u lman John & Geo . , 4 1 Mosl ey s tG al loway John , 3 Westgate streetG alloway Wm . 8: Co .

, Forth stree tJob l i n g Wm . 26 , Me l bou rne stL aycock R. J . 8: R .

, (and H inge)W inl aton

M i ller John , 56 Grainger s tP earson W i l l iam H en ry, Sou th s tW atson George

, 1 C r a ft s t

N ew s A gen t s .

C arter Rober t, 63 Grainger s tC ro thers Robert, 4 N elson s tB ain s Alexander, 30 High bridgeE ver a tt A l fred, 72 N ewgate s tE ver at t Thomas, 19 Clo th marketFinl ay and Charl ton, 46 P i lgrimFrance P eter, 8 SideH oggin s James. Royal ArcadeHorn Thomas, 32 8c 33 Grey s tHu ntl ey Thomas, 13 Dean stT u rnbu l l John , 38 Bu tcher bank

N ew spaper P u b l i sh er s .

Adver ti ser , (Tu esday) Joseph Armstrong, 54 Pil grim st


N ew s R oom s .

Assem bly N ews Rooms, n t. stCen tral Exchange N ews Rooms,

1 G rey s t .,Grainger st., 8c Mkt. st

Exchange N ews Rooms, G u i l dhallN otar i es , P u b l i c .

Dixon Thomas, j u n ., 29 Sand hillGrey Benj . , 75 Qu ay sid eIngledew Henry , 55 D ean stYoung Edward M.,9 1 Side

N u r ser y , S eed sm en , an d

G ar d en er s .

al l ar ked ar e Gardener s on ly .

Chr on ic l e, (Friday ) Thos. 8: JamesHodgson , 2 1 U nion s tCour an t, (Frid ay) John B lackwel land Cc .

, 54 P ilgrim s tGuar dian, (Satu rd ay) Mc L i v er andC ath r a l l , 37 Grainger st

J our na l , (Satu rday) Ju o . H ern am an,

1 9 Grev st

Dav i dson Edward, Minori esDewa r Henry, J esmondFenw i ck James, Jesmond Fd . hs

Fenwi ck Wi ll i am,Jesmond

Fergu son James,Jesmond

Hogg Adam , Scotchwood roadI

An son Finney,46 Groat Mkt.,and Gateshead

* L aw s E i wa rd , JesmondMoat Geo.,5 P ercy st . C l arem t. plNew ton Henry

,120 P i lgrim st. and

N orth roadN oble Robert


*Smillie James, Camden stSmil l i e John , Jesmond*S tephen son Charles , 67 P ercy st*W ardle W i l liam , Jesmond vale

Ofii c i a l A ss ign ees .

Baker Thomas,57 G rey st

Wakley Jam es,1 1 1 P i l grim s t

OH C ol ou r m en .

B ol ton G eo . Frost , 13 Qu ay sideCha l l on er Edward W .

, 56 Grey 8

C u thbertson W . Co . 39 Gr n ger sHall Shephard , 5 Thornton stMv er s Chris topher 8:John , Spi tal p


P at en t Fl oor i n g M i l l s .

Harle W i ll i am St. Cc . , S t. L awrenceP at en t Sh ot M an u fac tu r er s .

L o cke, B l ackett , Co . , Gal l owg a te

W alkers, P arker, Walker, 86 Cc .,

L ow E lswickP aw n b r ok er s.

Alderson Jan e,P os tern

C rav en Thomas , 16 P u ddin g ch areD av i son G eorge

,L ime s t

Dav i son George, Manor chareDow An n , N ew roadForster John , 29 B road chareG a r re t John , N u n ’s gateH end e r son Jph .

,1 2 Mar lborou gh st

L upton Henry B ., 5 8c 6 P ilgrim st

Maxw ell Robert T . 63 P i lgrim s tMordu e Charl es

,O u se st

P u rv es Eleanor, l l B lagdon s tRow ell Sam l . ,74N or thum b er l an d stS cott J . , 1 1 S t. N i cho l as Ch u rch ydSpencer John , 35 N ewgate s tree tS t r achan John , 7 Rosemary laneT hompson Thomas, 30 P ru dhoe s tTro t ter Thos. Robson , 17 S ideVi ckers John , 17 L ow Friar stree tVipond John , Qu een s treetW'i ls on Mary, l Ve l l KnollW i l son W ill iam

,104 P i lgrim s t

P er i od i c a l A g en t s .

Brennan H ugh , 40 Grainger s tree tG rego ry Jas ., 35 W es tmoreland terL oraine Fenwi ck , 23 Mosl ey stree tP ickersgil l Ann , 2 P rinces ’ s streetTodd Jn o . H . , 33 Groat m arke tWhi te Alexander S towel l s t

P h ys i c ian s .

B ate s John M .,5 1 W estgate st

B u lm an Da rnel , 10 Marke t stCargil l John,4 E l don squ are

C harlton Edwd . ,7 Eldon squ are

C r owdace J . R . , High El sw ick terE ll i o tt Rob t 35 N orthumberland stE llio t t l Vi l l i am , 3 1 N ewgate s tEmbleton Den n i s, 12 B l ackett s tFi fe Geo rge

,7 S av i ll e r ow

G lov er Rt. M .,12 No r thum b e r l d . s t

Hayle Thomas, 3 Jesmond terrace

Headlam T .E., 15 N or thu m b er l n d st

NEWCASTLE DIRECTORY.Hou seman John , 60 P ercy st

P earson George, 47 Blackett s tRichardson Thomas

,5 P ortl and pl

Robin son G eo ., 12 Collingw ood st

Smi th N oel T hom as, 48r Westgate stWhite D. B .

,6 P ortland place

W ightman C . , 23 Nor thumberland stP ian o For t e M an u fa c tu r er .

Shield s Thomas, 54 N orth umberl and street

,and L i sle s tr ee t

P i c tu r efie al e r s .

Hardy James,34 Grainger s t

Fox Thomas, Rai lw ay bankJenkins Wm . , (m an fr.) 14 Albion stKaye W il liam,5 Bl ackett s t

Mossman Dav id , 2 1 Grey s tP l an e PI ak er s .

Gowland Charles,c t. 9 Bi gg mkt

Mi ller John,56 Grainger s t

P l aster er s.

Dodd s Ralph 32 P rudhoe s tMc Kenna M i chl . , 26 U p. Buxton s tMartin J ames

,8 How ard st

Robson Bob er t, 2 L ow Fri ar s tSimpson W i lli am , 106 Cl ay ton stSpence Dav idWhi taker ,pub l i c bathsW i lkinson , W. B.

,43 P ru dhoe s t

P l a st er of P a r i s R om an

C em en t M an u fac t u r er s .

Bu lman F. W ., 16 Qu ay side an dS t. An th ony’sRobson Robert, 2 L ow Fri ar stW i lkinson W. B .

,43 P rudhoe s t

P l um b er s .

Atkin son Joseph , 7 High Friar s t.D eas James, Fi gh ting Cocks en tryo v e George, 2 N or thumberland s t

E lli o t t Edwa rd , P u dding chareEl li o tt George , Forth bankEl li s and Henderson

,Eri ck st

G l ahol m J ames, Manor chareGrainger Richard

,9 Clay ton s t

Mi lbou rn e l Vi l l iam , Hil l ’s placeIons J ohn, Spi tal place

Mi ll s John,1 For th s t

Ni chol son George , 13 Manor stOxley James, 5 Cross s t


Watson H en ry, 19High bridgeW il sonWi lli am,

Di spensary l aneP ock et Book

-M an u fac tu r er s .

Kel ley and Waters , 40 Grain ger stW atson James, 6 High Fri ar stWeddel l Thomas, 1 8 Nuns st

P or ter M er ch an t s.

Marked ar e A le a lso.

Anth i l l P hilip James, 102 Clayton s tFinlay George, (agen t fo r Gu innessCo.’s Dubl in stou t,) 47 Bi gg m ktGilpin and C c .

,52 P i lgrim st

H astwel l Rt. (Allo a al e ,) 1 N u ns stKi rkley James , 3 Manor s tL eng Thomas, 43 Grainger s tL u gton Alexander, 69 Westgate s tM i ll er Wi ll i am , 54 P i lgrim s tP earson Wm . Thos . , S t . Mary’s st‘ Rodham Thomas

,2 1 High bridge

*Steele John , 8 WestgateStrach an J . , Sandy fd . ln . bk . beer)S trachan S to ry Son , Chu rchhi ll st‘ Taylor John

,37 High Friar s t

Teasdale An thony, (agt.) 69 Qu ay sdTowns Thomas, B i rd in Bu sh yard

P otatoe D eal er s .

Anderson J ., Ru ssell c t. H ano v er sqGu thrie G eorge D . 25 Qu ay sid eMu i r James

,Qu een s t

P ringle J ames,6 1 Grey st

Sc ott John,62 Qu ay sid e

Youn ghu sb an d John, 120 New mktP ou l ter er s .

B ell Anthony,3 Blacke tt s t

Bu rnet t P eter,66 Clay ton st

Dodds Hannah, 5 High bridgeGreen Isabella, 23 N uns s tN oble Joseph , 27 High bridg eWeddell Thomas

,18 N uns s t

P r i n t S el l er s .

Catcheside John St Dd . 26 Mosley stCu rrie Robert Co .

, 15 G rey s tFinlay 85 Charl ton

,46 P ilgrim s t

Garrett W i lliam,39 Mosley s t

Hogarth Thomas C ., 42 Grey stL oraine Fenw ick

, 23 Mosl ey s tRichardson M . A.,44 Grey s t

Shiel d and T u i n er , 72 Grey st

P r i n ter s , (L e t ter P r ess.)

Aken head John Robt. 3 l Sandhi l lBarlow Joseph , 27 Nel son s tBenson Mi chae l , 3 Dean stBl ackwel l John 85 Co . 54 P ilgrim st

Brownlees Absalom ,8 P ercy s tC lark Thomas H .

, 1 1 N ewgate s tC larke John, 27 S t . Ni ch l s. ch . yd

Den t Roger, 1 12 P ilg rim st

Dodds M at thew S. , 33 Qu ay sideDodds Thomas, 6 1 Grey stG reen George

,99 S ide

H eaton W i l l iam,15 Sandhil l

Her n am an John , 19 Grey stHodgson Thos . 8L J as .

, 2 1 Union s t

L eighton W il l iam B ., 7 Grainger stMac l i ver Ca th r a l l , 37 Grainger stRewcast l e James

,1 1 D ean st

Ross John,10 Royal Arcade

Ross Metcal f, c t. 48 P i lgrim st

Selkirk John , 74 Grey s tWard Rob t.

,24 St. N ichol as ch . yd

P r i n ter s P u b l i sh er s.

B l ackwell John Co . 54 P i l gm . s tFu l l arton A . 85 Co. 35 Westm r l d . t erH er n am an John , 1 9 Grey stHodgson Thomas and James, 2 1

Union st . 24 Groat marke tMac l i v er 8B Cath r a l l , 37 G r ainger stRichardson M . A.,

44 Grey stShi eld and Tu rn er, 72 Grey st

P r ov i si on D ea l er s .

Al li son Ralph , L im e s tA ttey and Dav i son , 1 72 P il grim st.and 35 Newgate stBi gger Benj amin , 65 CloseBu l l ock W illi am ,

1 19 N ew marketDenholm Robert, SandgateFogg i n Timothy, 92 N ewgate stHall G eorge

,2 Forth st

Hodg son Robert, King stH opper Thomas H .

,93 C lay ton stJohnson Edward , Baili ff gateKirton George

,Forth b ank

Mod'e l t J . 10 W es tgate st. 8: 46 N .mtMu i r James, Qu een stP atterson Matthew ,

49 P ercy s tRoss James

,4 Temple s t

Tel fer Adam ,W es tgate

T hompson W il li am,Qu een st

Tu rner Jane, 1 3 N orthumberlan d stUrw in Jo seph,46 Gibson st

1 96

P um p M ak er s .

See B lock,Mast, and P ump Makers.

Qu i l l D r esser s .

Bu ckl ey P e ter, 32 High Friar s tDonkin Robe 1 t, 16 N uns st

B ag an d Bon e M e r ch an ts .

Cowan George, SandgateGallon and P arker, 7 and 7 1 CloseH u dson Isabel la, 56 N ewgate stMc G regor Duncan , 1 New qu ayMoran Thomas, 4 L ow Friar stRed fearn Joseph , Ga l l owgateRobin son Rober t, 3 1 and 32 S i deR eg ister Ofic es for Ser v an ts .

Baas Eliz . (Domesti c G u ardi an Insti tu tion ,) 1 1 1 P ilgrim stC allender Isabella, 2 H i ll’ s place

D av i son Mary , 1 ] P ru dhoe s tHu bbu ck Jan e , 90 Clayton s tL i ddle Is abella, 77 W estgate stL i t tl e A . J .

, 23 B lackett s tL ou thin Jan e, Den ton chareMi ddle ton Margaret, WestgateRoche J ohn , 20 N elson s tS cott An n , 1 B l acket t stSmi th B arbara , 16 N el son stSpens Thomas, 8 Grainger s tW eddell G eorge, 102 P ercy st

R ape an d Tw in e M aker s .

Bel l Robert, 22 SandhillB el t G eorge, 53 Groat marketB owman Thomas, B arras bridgeCrowhal l Josepb _{St Sons, St. Ann’s s tDodd s James, John st.

,Arthu r’s hi l l

Dou glass Abraham , D i ana stD ou glass James, New m i ll sD ou glass Jph . 85 Cc . , Spi tal tongu e sDunn L awson , 4 Broad ch . BykerH agg i e

tRob t. Hood (St Co . 1 4 Bd . chJohnson John , St. P eter’s qu ayMu rdock G eorge, 20 P ercy stSmi th Thos . Wm .

,S t. L awren ce

Ru l e M aker .

Yates Joseph, 27 Sid eS a d d l er s an d H ar n ess M aker s .

Al l i son John , Byker h illC raig L uke, 3 N ewgate s t


Sa i l M ake r s .

m Sa i l C l oth M an u fac tu r er s .

Bel l Robert, 22 Sandhil lBel t G eorge , 53 Groat mktBu ckham John , Qu ay sideEggl eston Jon ah , c t. 13 Si deHarford G eorge

,N ew road

Jenkin son J oseph,Byker ch are

Proc tor Wi lliam B P an don bankSaw M aker s .

Carr George,25 Nun s st

Shepherd Thos.,Figh ting Cocks enSaw M i l l s .

S c a l e Beam W eig h in g M ach i n e

Bearu p Donkin , 28 High Fri ar stE l lio t t John 8: Robt. 9 L ow Fri ar sMelrose James, c t. 73 Nor thb r l d . s t

Wall ace Thomas,31 C layton st

Cu rry John , Todd’s -c t Groat m ktDewar P e ter, 24 Groat mktHall id ay G eorge , 39 Col l in gwd . st

Han cock Thos. 8: Ju o . 50 Sandhil lJu sti ce Thomas, 20 B i gg marketMew W i lli am,

136 P il grim stN ewton John , 1 4 Grainger s tO ldfield John , 32 High bridgeRobertson John , 74 Newg ate st

Sco tt John , 3 1 Grey stTu rnbu l l J ohn, 55 Grainger stTu rnbu l l Ri chard, 69 N ewgate stWalton J ames, 3 1 Bi gg mkt

Archer and H arri son , 7 Quay sid eBu ckham John , 50 Quay si deCu rson Robert

, L ov e laneDa l av al George

,Den ton chare

Gilchris t John , 39 Qu ay sideJohn son Wi ll i am , 1 Qu ay sideS tewartW i lli am

, P al l ister’s chare

Taylor Andrew,9 Qu ay side

Young Mich ael,Grinding chare

Bu rn u p W . Cu thbert,Barras b rdgCarr and Cc ., CloseClayton Armstrong

,Skin n erb u r n

Hair John Joseph , S t. P eter’s qyHardy G eorge H ., S teph n eyfieldHarl e Wm . and Co.,37 Qu ay side

Wel ton Wi lli am , H ebborn Qu ay, 8c141 P i lgrim s t


Mackin tosh A . G., 39 Richmond stMatthew Charles, 32 B road chareMat thew son Clay, 32 Qu ay sideM i ddleton John , 35 Broad chareM i ll er an d Bl ack, 7 Quay sideN i chol Au ty . 8c Co.

,35 B road chare

O ley Chri stopher, Rewcastl e chareO rm ston John , 58 Qu ay sid eO rm ston P au l, 58 Qu ay sid eP almer G eorge and Charle s MarkThree Indi an Kings cou rt

P arker and Shi eld , 50 Qu ay sideP i e tts Edward , 57 Qu ay sideP lummer Matthew 85 C o . 39 Qu ay sP or teu s Thomas, 16—5 Qu ay sid eP opplewell 8: G ibson , 30 Broad chP ra t t Robert 86 Co .

,285 Qu ay side

P rou d and Mei er , Broad chareRedshaw an d Ridley, 15 Qu ay si deReids Hu tch inson , 2 1 Qu ay sid eRidl ey John , 34 Quay sideRowe l l J ohn A.

,6 Stephn ey ter

Scarth Jam es, j u n .,43 S an d hil l

S chimid t S . 8: Co . 165Qu ay sideSco tt James Jackson , 69 Qu ay sideShield J oseph , Son , 8: Co . 33 Qu ay sSmi th Charles Son , 1 Broad chareSmi th Thomas , 14 Sand hi llSou ther on W i ll i am ,

B road ch areSt ani ford and E ll iot t , 35 Broad chS torey John , ct . 20 N ewgate s tStrachan John , 33 B road ch areSwanston Wi ll i am , 47 Quay sid eTa y l e r son Rober t, 32 Qu ay sideTaylor Will iam

, Rewcastl e chareThompson Frederi ck, 3 Qu ay sideThompson Atkin son

,52 Qu ay sd

Tu rner James, Three Indian Kgs. c tW'alker Edward

,165Qu ay side

l Va l ker Henry, 1 13 S ideW arh am Richard, 32 Qu ay S i deWa ters Benj amin , 3 Indian Kings c tW eatherley John J .

,4 Sand hill

W e i sz Angu stu s, 1 13 S ideW hite N i cho l as, N el son stWi l son Henry Vipond, 69 Qu ay sdW in g aar d Han s 85 Co . 3 Ind . Kgs . ctVVv l am an d Green , 1 Sand hil l

Sh i p Ow n er s .

Caldw el l Robert, 29 San d hi l lGatesh ead and Tyne Shipping Co .


1 13 Side, HenryWalker, ma nagerG race Edward , Byker h i l lG ray Geo r ge, Three Ind ian Kgs . c t


Sh ip Sm i th s .

C u thbertson George,Tyne stree t

Dewar E l iz . S t. L awrenceRobson 85 Co . , N el son s t Tyn e s tRowel l Samu el , N orth shoreSpoors George

,Byker chare

Wheldon John, N orth shore

Hair John 8: Joseph, 2 1 Qu ay sideHodge Rowland, 5 St. James’s stHodgson Ri chard W 33 Qu ay sid eHood Arthu r Co ., 2 1 Broad chareHunter John , 20 E ldon p l aceHu tchin son Edw., S tephn ey fd . westL owrey S tephen , O u sebu rnL unn John , 14 Qu ay sid eMi l v ai n Henry , 59 N ewgate s tNel son H enry, 33 Qu ay sideN ichol , L u dlow, 85 Co.,

WatergateOgl e Thomas, Uni on terraceO liv er Thomas , Greenv i ll e terraceP atti son Franci s A.

,Wi lkin son ’s bgs

Ren n ol d son T . R., 9 P i cton placeRidley John , 34 Qu ay sideRobson W i lli am

, H igh Cran e, Qy. sSmi th Charles Son , 1 B r ead chareStorey Robert

, 2 Fenwi ck’

s entryTaylor Emanu el, 1 S t. J ames’s stThompson George, 1 Higham placeWi lson James

,3 1 Richmond s t

Sh opk eeper s .

A ll i son Ralph, L ime stAlli son Thomas , 13 Bu tcher bank

Addi son John, 1 1 Marlborough stAfil eck James, Byker hi l lAi tkin James , W estmoreland stAtk in son John . John st, Arthu r’s h lAlderson Jacob, Skin n erb u rnAlderson Margaret

, SandgateAllan Andrew , 36 L ow Fri ar s tAmers John , St . L aw rence s tAngu s Abraham C .

, 36 G ibson stAngu s Teasdale, Sunderl and s tAppleby Ann,Si lv er st

Appleby W i lli am , E l sw i ck s tArchbold George, Temple s tArmstrong John , 2 H il l s tArmstrong Wi l li am, 1 Tindal l s tAtkin son John , Brandlin gAtkinson Joseph

, 7 High Friar stAttey 8c Dav i son , 172 P ilgrim st

Aynsley Ann , P i tt: s tBarnet t I sabella, 5 Bland ford st


Barkas Elizabeth , 70 N ewgate stB arnes John , East Ballast hill sBeat E l iz abeth , S ilv er s tBell J oseph , 29 P u dding chareB ell Robert, New P an don stB el l Thomas

,1 Marlborou gh cr s

B ell Thomas, Denton chareB ell W i lliam , Jesmon d val eBenne tt John , 103 P ercy stB ewi ck Abraham , Greenv i ll e terBinns Thomas, 88 P i lgrim stB l aickl ock Thomas, E l swi ck s tBl aickl ock W i l liam, 36 P ercy st

Blakley Mary , Ou sebu rnB ol ton Edward, S tock bridgeB ol ton Wi lliam ,

Thompson stBrand W i lliam

,141 P i lgrim st

Brewi s Thomas, S tock bridge

Bri ttain George, San dyford pl

B rown Cu thbert, Forth s tBrown Eliz abeth , S t. P e ter’s qu ayBrown Jav in, P i t t s tB rown John , S tephn ey bankBrown Margare t, 5 P ru dhoe st

B u chanan Jan e,Monk st

Bu ckley Peter, 32 H igh Fri ar stB u lman Ann , Forth bankBu rd i kin Sarah , 6 Argyle s tBurkett G eorge , Eas t Ballas t h i llsBu rns James, 43 Head of S i de“C ampbell James

,S andgate

C arr John , Grey st. St. P eter’s qu ayC arr Robert‘24 P udding chare

Carter Mary, Yor k stChambers Catherine , Nelson stChambers Robert, Back r ow

Char l ton Edw.,58Nor thu m ber l d . st

Charl ton J ohn , 1 1 S tam fordham plChi ld An thony, Buckingham s tChi sholm Thomas , Dog bankC lear Eliz abeth

,9 P i lgrim s t

C lel lan d H u gh , 42 Head o f the sideC lementson Thom as,Byker hill

C ook Wi l li am , 5 Clo th m arke tC ou l son Mary, 73 Percy stree tC ou l thard Thomas

, PosternC oxon Daniel C ., 77 P ercy stC rawford G eorge,Temple stree t

C rawford Matthew, 6 Clayton s tC ree Thomas , Argyle s tree tC row Mary, 15 P ercy stCu stl e Wm . 18 P u dding chareDavi son John , S t. Ann ’s stDav ison John

, Si lver stDav i son Thomas

, San dgate

Dav ison W illi am ,3 Car l iol s t

Denholm Robert, S t. Ann ’s s tDenton W i ll i am

,Qu een st

Deschal z o L u iga , SandgateDev l in James

,S i lv er st

D inning Mary,S t. Ann’s st

Dixon John S .,183 P i lgrim s t

Dodd Wi ll i am , S tephn ey s tDodds John

,Qu een s t

Dou glass Mary, Castl e garthDrysd a l e Robert, Waterl oo s tDun n Andrew, 20 Stowel l s tDunn Jane

,53 G ibson st

Dunn Nathaniel , BarracksDunn Thomas

,1 Hanov er s t

Edward s Ann, S towel l sq

Embleton Ann,7 P ilgrim st

En o E lizabeth , B arrack sqFai rb r idge W i lli am,

8 l N ewgate s tFenwi ck Alexander, 29 P ercy s tFen w i ck Barbara, Argyl e stFerry Bail ey, Bu ckingham stFin i gan James, 37 S ideFi sher I saac

,C au seway bank“

Forres t H enry, 50 N ewgate s tForres t Rober t, Castl e yardForster A., P e r cy st S t. P eter ’s qForster H enry, 22 P u dding chareFoss E l eanor, 7 Su n derland s tFreeman Ann , Brandl ingFreeman I saac, L ime s tGal lon W ill i am , New millsGardener Joseph , B randlingGee John ,ManorsGeekie Al exan der , l L


ow Fri ar s tGibbon Mary, 26 B lacke tt s tGibson George

,25 Sh i eld st

G ibson James, 30 CloseG ibson N ., 7 N orthumberl and s tGibson Wal ter, 173 P il grim s tG i lchri st John

, 33 Blenheim s tG l assper N ewton , Ou sebu rnGordon Robert, Scotchwood roadGor n el l E llen , lVestm or el an d l an eGow James, The Cu t and Byker br .Graham E liz abe th , 88 P ercy s tGraham James , S t. L awren ceGraham John

,82 Westgate s t

Graham Mary, P ainter heu ghGran t Jan e,25 Close

G reen John , 35 C loseGregson Jane , 3 1 P ercy s tG r eives Robert, 2 L ow Fri a r s tG u stard Ralph , Byker b arHadley Mary, 37 C lose


H ai l s Wi l li am , Bath l aneH al l Bridget, 52 High bridgeHall Isabell a and Jane, Tem ple s tH all J oseph , Bu ckingham stHal l Thomas , B lagdon stHan dysi de Jane, S tephn ey bankHarper Benj amin , Spital tongu esHarrison El izabe th , S t. L awr en ceH arrison John , 14 L eaz es crescen tH arri son John ,

14 Manor s tH arri son Margaret, 14 P rudhoe stH arri son Thomas , SandgateH art J . Thomas , JesmondH awksby Sarah , 16 High bridgeH ay D av id

,N ew Bri dge st

H edley W i l l i am,S tephn ey bankHenderson Isabella, Cau seway bk

H enderson John, 20 Westm r l n d . stH enderson Matth ew, Byker hillHen derson Thomas,W estgate s tH en z el l Jane, 56 Gibson stH eron W i l li am , S t. P e ter ’s qu ayHetherington Wi lliam , O u sebu rnHewetson Ri chard , 34 Carlton s tH en dhau gh John , 6 Rosemary ln .

H ogg Robert , Back r owH ornsby E lizabeth , Qu een s tH owe Wm . C c .,

Bu ckingham s tH u tchinson G eorge, 120 P i lgrim stH u tchinson James, 12 Bu tcher buk.

H u tchin son T 13 Sprin g garden trIrel and Samu el , Scotchwood roadJackson Sarah, Gosforth stJaqu es G eorge, 5 1 P ercy stJeffrey Joshu a, Chu rch hill s tJob l in g W il liam , P andonJohnson J ames , 25 L ow Villa pl aceJord an Sarah , 168 P i lgrim stJones John

, 18 Marlborou gh s tJu de Jane,86 P ercy st

Kay Thomas,S i lver s tree t

Kearney P e ter, Bai l ifi'ga teKennedy John, Tyne stKidman P eter, Byker barKilgou r Sarah , 9 1 B l enheim stK i rksopMary , 3 P ercy s tKirton George, Forth bankL aidler John

,We st st

L andel s J ames , Castle yardL at imer Jane , Wel l ington s tL i ste r J ohn ,“fest stL ocki e All i son , SandgateL on g stafi‘ Hen ry, ManorsL owes John , Sandyford lan eL owes Wi lli am, 98 P ercy s t

Mc G regor Alexander, St. Ann ’s stMo Ken z ie Robert, S t. P eter’s qu ayMc Kie Thomas ,W e l lington s tMachen George ,W aterloo stMac Venn John , Bath laneMann Matthew , Wall knollMarr W il l iam , SandgateMark Isabella

,B lenheim s t

Martin James, 2 Eri ck stMau dl ing Ann , 50 Gibson stMau ghan J. 7 1 N orthumberland stMegoran Robert, 3 CowgateMenzi e Agn es, 3 H il l s tMewers Thomas, St. Ann ’s stM i lbu rn Jph .

, L ow Swin bou rne plMil ler Edward, Sand gateMi l ler J ames , P ee l s tM i ll er Jane

,Monk st

Mi ller John , B l andford stMi ll er Joseph , 25 Marlborough stMofi'at t Alexander, 16 Manor s tMoffitt Matthew

,36 N ewgate st

Morl and James, 26 P udding chare

Morri son Robert, Bai l ifl ‘ gateMorton Mi chael , 35 S towell s tMou ld E l iz abe th , 6 Cr ss s tMowbray Joseph

,10 Bu tcher bk

Mu rton John , 30 Trafalgar s tMu sgrov e John , P i tt s tN ess James, P andonN i chol son Mary

,25 N thm b r l n d . s t

N i cholson Mary , 3 1 L ow Fri ar s tN ixon Dav i d , 29 P r ud ly e stO'

H ar a James, 80 Wes tgate s tOrm s ton Jane S .

, P andonOrri ck Dav id

, SandgateP arker Thos ., 3 N orthum berl and s tPa tterson Mary, Qu ali ty r owP a t ti son Su san

,3 L ow Friar s t

P enman Margare t, 107 P ercy stP erry Edward , S t . P e ters Qu ayP i l son Samu el

,Ga l l owgate

P owell Marg t., 141 Marlborough st

P ringl e James, P andonP ryor John , O u sebu rnP ur v i s Aaron , 52 Gibson stRa tc l ifi'Thomas, 60 Gibson stRailton Thomas

,Qu een st

Reay Mary , S t. Ann ’s s tReed Ann, East Ballast hill sReid E lizabeth, 38 P ru dhoe stRalph Daniel

, Back r owRickard C hri stopher, 40 S towell s tRid l ey Wi lli am, 10 Waterloo s tRoberts John

, 27 Nor thum ber l d . st


Robson Andrew,1 Water loo street

S co tt 8: Beck, Ga l l owgate

Shev i l l Thomas, L i v erpool s treetSoap M an u fac t u r er s .

Allan George,N ew r ead

Greene John,8; Co . New road

S od a W a ter , L em on ad e, an d

G in ger Beer M an u fac tu r er s .

B el l Joseph Wm .

,7 1 P il grim stree t

Chipch ase Georg e J . 4 N elson stE llio tt James

,150 P i lgrim stree t

Gi l pin James, 53 P i lgrim streetI rwin Mary , 35 High Friar s treetJackson Thomas,89 Clayton street

Kirkley James,3 Manor s tree t

L awson Thomas, c t. 1 7 Clo th m ktMc Kie W i lliam

,D i spensary squ are

P earson Wm . Thos . S t. Mary’s stTaylor J ohn

,37 High Friar street

Towns Thomas, B ird - i n Bu sh yardS t ar ch M an u fac tu r er s ,

Robson Cc . ,19 Sr. 20 Grainger s t

S t at ion er s , (W h ol esa l e.)

Fors ter W i lliam , 26 SideG al len 85 P arker, 7 8c 7 1 CloseGarthwai te Wi l li am ,

10 1 S ideH un tl ey John , 17 S ideRobinson Robert

, 3 1 8r 32 Sid eS impson Thomas 85 Son , 2 S id eS tay an d C or set M ak er s .

Anderson Ann , 32 Blacket t streetB rin sley Esther, Forth stree tCl in ton Hannah

,6 1 N ewgate s treet

D awson Richard , 18 N ewgate stree tG reav es Hannah , 6 Grainger s treetL umley Anne, 1 6 Coll ingwood stMunro George , 83 Clayton s tree tR eid Jane , 1 Dean s tree tRil ey M . 85 A . 32 B lackett s tree tRobson M . E . 15 Mosl ey streetTh i rk i l l Isabel la, 76 P i lgrim s treetThompson Ann

,8 Bl ackett street

Whi tfield Marv Ann , 2 Bl aydon stS t eel M an u fac tu r er s .

NEWCASTLE DIRECTORYJSpen cer John Son , Newbu rn andSu ssex stree t

S ten c iu er s .

Al l in son George , c t 74 P i lgrim stCu rri e W i ll i am,19 S t. John’s lane

Messenger Joseph , 20 Groat m ktP rou d W i lli am ,

Bath l an eRichardson John , 77 P ercy s tS tock an d Sh ar e B r ok er s .

S ton e an d M ar b l e M a son s .

S ee a l so Bu i lders and S cu lptors.

S ton e M er ch an t s .


Appleby Wm . Cc .,Bel l st quarry

Tate J ohn , (fir e stone) 15 Rsm ry. l n

S tov e an d S tov e Gr at e M an u

fac t u r er s .

S ee a l so B l ack and Whi te Sm iths .

Holmes John , 30 Clayton stMather John

,13 and 14 Dean st

Cookson Thos., Derwent cote, N ew Mel rose J ames,c t 73 N r thm b r ln d st

steel yard,Close Pro c tor Thomas, 105 S i de

Mi lner Thos Sons, Bl aydon w rks Walker Wi lli am Hagu e, 83 P ercy s t

Atkinson An thony,47 Grainger st

Ben son John , Royal ArcadeCoi l in g Joseph , 32 Marke t s tDickin son T . F. 85 Co .

, 24 D ean s tDi ckinson U tr i ck Wal ton , 8 Su d h lDrewry and Rich ardson

, 92 Sid eFordyce W ., Cen tral Excn g , Mkt stHarrison , Carr, Co .,

32 Broad chKim pster Jn o. Jph .

,35 Sand hill

P arker Wi ll i am,27 Market s t

P ow John Kent, 6 1 Grey stRobson George, 34 Mosl ey stS impson R. C c .

,74 Grey s t

Craggs Robert, 72 P ercy s tDav ies Richard

,98 P i lgrim st

Day James, 46 G rey stG ibson W i l li am

, P rudhoe stGreen George, 96 P i lg r im s tMather J (marble ch imney piece)13 and 1 4 D ean s t

P earson W i ll i am , Blagdon s tP ringle P e ter, Arthu r’s hil l


S t r aw H at M ak er s . S t r aw P l a i t T u scan M er c ts .

Atkinson Sarah,Manor chare Harri son Samu e1, 2 l G rainger s t

B el l s . an d D ., c t 189 P ilgrim st Jopl in g E l izabeth, 60 Grainger s tBenson Mary , 186 P i lgrim st W aken shaw

‘ Alex .,6 Market s t

B one J . , 94 C layton st W i lkin son 8c S tanley, 15 Shkspr . stB rown Mary, 9 Rosemary l ane Wren W i lli am , 58 Grainger s tBu llock Sarah , 2 N un ’s s tC lin ton Hannah , 6 1 N ewgate stCuol ahan Jane, 46 P ru dhoe s tD ixon Samu e l , 63 Grey stD obson C atherine, 3 Grainger s tD uxfiel d H 8: M.

,72 N orthumber“l and stree t

E lli son Matilda, 1 1 1 P ilgrim stGibson M . A 1 13 P ercy stG ol ightley 8c S tan i forth , 92 P l gm . stH al l Margare t, l 23 P ilgrim s tH anniu gton Wm ., Eas t Bal l asthi l l s

Harr i son Samu e l , 2 1 Grainger s tH eppell Ann , 55 Grainger s tH in d Mary An n , Gal l owgate

H indb au gh A . 85 M.,6 Rosemary ln

H umble C .,65 Clayton s tree t

Hunter Mary, 26 L ow f ri ar s tHunter W i lli am,

37 P ilgr im s tJobson Ann

,Tyn e s t

Johnston Jane, 65 Bl ackett s t

Joplin g E liz abeth ,60 Grainger s tKnok Eleanor, 7 Dog bankL amb Margaret, N el son s tL ayb ou rn F. 8: D 81 P i lgrim stL oraine M . A 66 Grainger s tL owthin Jane, Denton chareMau ghan Mar g t,. 2 5 Su nderland stMi l bu rn Martha , 55 Gibson stMunro G eorge , 83 Clayton stP earson El izabeth , 2 B l agdon stP ringle J am es

, ju n io r . , 57 G rey stRamsay Marg aret, 82 Blenheim st

Riley M . 85 A.,32 B lackett s t

Rowntree An n ,C hu rchhill s t

Ru therfo rd M. St S . , 2 1 Market stSadler Isab .

, 2Nor thum b er l an d c tSha ftoe Doro thy, 10 Mal borou gh stShephard An n ,

87 P i lgrim stSkel ton 8c H u t ton , 16 P ru dhoe stSmi th Sarah , 106 P i lgrim stT hi rki l l I sabel l a, 76 P i lgrim s tTu rnb u l l H annah , D i spensary laneVarty An n ,

13 Rosemary laneW alton A . 85 A.

,9 Nun ’s s t

Wes twick,Mary, B u ckingham s t

W ren Wi l l i am , 58 Grainger s tYoung Margaret, Eldon lane

S u r geon s .

Alexander Jas., 12 N r thm b r l n d . s t

Al l i sb n Henry P 1 Richmond stAn n an dal e


T hos .,62 N thm b r l n d . st

B lackbird Franci s, 1 1 Blackett s tBoyd Wm .

,5 Marlborou gh C rescen t

B r um el l Hy . P ., 1 6 B lackett s tCar r W i ll iam ,9 N ewg ate s tChambers P earson Thos . , 75 Ng t. s tClark George N oble, 1 0 N ewgate st

Dawson W i ll i am ,1 Eldon squ are

Dinsdale C u thbert, 15 N el son stEdgcom e James, 94 P i lgrim stE ll io t Wi l l iam , j un .

,3 1 Newg a test

Feather ston ehau gh Henry, 3 New

B ridge streetFi fe S i r John , W . H . 85 J .B. Hood stFros t Samu el M 27 Oxfard stFu rness Thomas A .

,1 1 P er cy st

Gibbs Joseph,Tyne st

G ibson Charle s , 2 Derwen t placeG i lchrist Geo.,1 N orthumberland pl

G l en ton Pau l , 50 P i lgrim stG reen J . S .,1 N orthumberland st

G regson Thos . L .

, 13 W'estgate s t

G reenhow Thos .Michl ., 17 B l ckt. s tHardcastl e W i ll i am , 45 Westgate s tHarv ey H enry, 30 N ewgate s tH aw thorne John , 7 P ortland plac eHeath Henry 85 G eo .

,1 1 Bigg mk t

H en z el l Charles R .,8 1 P ercy s t

Hou seman John , 60 P ercy stHu dd G eo . Y 3 1 Westgate s tHume Fr s. Wi lli am,

2 Green c tI

An son Wm . Andrew, Arthu rs hi llJacqu es J . A. 85 Co.,19 Car l i ol st

Jop l ing John , 33 Cumberland s tL ang John

, 100 P ercy s tL arkin Chas . 22 Westmorland terL eighton Thomas , 6 Westgate s tL iddell John , 100 P ilgrim s tL i gh t foo t Rt. T .

,1 Ox ford s t

M c N ay Thos . F 9 Gibson s tMarkham Henry, 42 Car l io l s tMil ler J ames, 53 l Vestgate s tN esh am W i ll i am

,104 P i lgrim st

Newton W i lliam, 134 P i lgrim s t


P age t and Iron s, 1 Sav i ll e r owP o tter Hy. G . ,

3 Jesmond high terP reston W . C .

, 5 N ew bridge stRayne Sept . Wm ., 1 8 Blackett s tRobinson Thomas, 24 Wi lliam stSang J ohn , Charl otte sqShiell Wm . Robson

,1 Regent ter

Snowdon W i l l iam Walker, 44 Heado f the Sid eTalmadge Arth . H .

, 63 N r thb r l n d stThompson P eter John , 19 T r fa l g r . s tTu l lock Benj amin , N ew Bridge s tTu rner Wi lli am , 10 1 P ercy stWalker J ames

,82 P ilgrim st

W inship Wi lli am,7 P ercy s t

S u r geon D en t i st s.

Bal l Fredrick, 36 C ar l iol stD own ing Me ssrs ., 17 E ldon sq. and9 N orthumberland st

L eadbe tter Edward , Dean c tN igh tingale Dan i el , 7 N ew Edg . stS tokes Henry C 5 1 B lacket t s tTinn George T .

,74 Grey st

S u r g i ca l i n s t r um en t M ak er s .

See Cat ler s, do

c. 80.

T a i l or s an d D r aper s .

A i sb i tt Joseph , 2 Argyl e stArm strong James, 38 Mosley s tB almer G eorge, 24 Clo th marketB anks Dav i d, 49 Grey s tBa r dgett Thomas , 13 Brun swi ck plB arnes John , East Ballas t hi l lsB artlet tW i ll iam,

20 Hi ll s tB arton Samu el , 57 P ilgrim stBate John , 25 Melbou rn e s tB each J . Todd’s c t . , Groat marke tBell Andrew,

9 Collingwood stBes t Andrew , 27 P rudhoe s tB est John , 3 1 Bl acke tt s tBinns W illi am ,

9 B runswi ck plBlair George, Castle garthB lai r W i ll i am, 4 E ri ck s tB owmaker N . F. 8c Son

, 7 N un’s stBradley W i lli am , 13 Trafalgar stB ragg and B r um el l , 2 1 Dean s tB sew is James C . , 76 Nor thm b l d . s tB riggs Henry, 22 Grainger s tBu l loch J ames, 7 B igg marke tB u rnand Robert, 10 1 P ilgrim stByers W i lli am


Cairncross John , 1 12 P ilgrim st

Campbell Mord i ck, 19 Stephn ey terCampbell T hom as , Wes t l Va l l s co tC arru thers R i ch ard , 36 Bland ford stChambers W i l l iam , Cas tl eg ar thC lark Thomas, 5 Thornton s tClemmy Thos.,Grey st. S t. P ete r’s qyC 0 0 per Thomas, 6 1 P i lgrim stCowan N i chol as, 3 8c 4 B lackgateCraw ford W i ll iam , 1 1 Bath r owCrosier Edward , 45 P ru dhoe s tCunningham Thomas , Castl eg ar thDav i son G eorge, 29 Bl acket t s tD ickinson John , 38 L ow V ill a plDixon James

,99 New marke t ; h .

2 BrandlingD ixon Joseph , Castl egar thDodd s Chri stopher

,Cast l eg ar th

Dou gl ass W illi am ,O u sebu rn

E aston John , Scai f’s cou r tE ll i o tt James , Todd ’s c t., Groat mktEllio t t W i lli am ,

2 1 B i gg marketFa l l owfiel d W ; L .

,6 H i ll s t

Fear g r eav e Henry, 59 Gr eat m k tForster Thomas, S t. Andrew’s c tForster T hom as, Jam es cou rtG lendinning James

,H ewetson

s c tG lendinnin g John , 1 8c 2 BlackgateG r aham s l ey James, Castl egar thGray Adam , 44 Car l io l stree tGray D av id , 5 Shakespeare stG ray W il li am 81 Co.

,36 Mosley st

H all Ral ph , King stree tHall Wi l liam, 29 Bu tcher bank

H al l Thomas, 64 Grey s tHar ford C l ark,N ew r ead

Harri son C u thbert, 62 Grey s tH eatherington Matthew,

42 Ga l l wgt

H enderson James, 3 1 Clayton s tHenderson John ,Manor chareHenderson W i ll iam ,

3 B lackett plHewe tt John

, Fen k l e s tHi ll 85 Hodge,16 Dean st

H indson Matthew ,The Cu t

Hin dson Robert, Byker h i ll

H owe John , 12 N un ’s s tHume Mat thew

,4 Grainger st

Hun t Hen ry , 155 P ilgrim s tHu tchinson Mark, Fri arsHu tton Rh in d

,12 W es tgate s t

Inness Wm . 1 8c 2 King s tree tJeffe r ey Al ex . 9 1 Clay ton stree tKen nady Dav id

,Scai f

s cou r tKettle James, 20 Qu ay sid eKnox John

,60 G r ainge r s tree t

L aw James,S t. Anthony's


Robson 8: Co ., 19 Sr 20 G rainger s t

Watson John , 15 Bigg marke tl Va l ton John, 3 Cumberland r owW hinfiel d R. C . 8: Co .,2 l G r ai n g r . stYoung Mary Ann , 40 Grey stree tT eaD ea l er s , (T r avel l in gul

Adams Dav i d , 15 S towel l s tree tAdamson Andrew , 13 S towell s tAdamson Robert, 1 2 S towel l s tree tH ann ah Robert, 36 B lenheim streetH asti e Wi l li am ,

67 Blandford streetJohnson Robert, P ercy cou rtKelso Sam u el , 3 P ru dhoe placeMacadum Saml. 3 Forth l an eSmith Bartholomew,

9 Oxford stree tSou ter W il li am , Union terraceTowers George, 2 Hinde stree tWood Joseph, John s t., Arthu r’s hlT each er s P r ofessor s of

L an gu ages .

B rown l Vi l l i am , 2 Albion s tree tDe Fi vas Augu stu s, 22 Eldon placeG ombert Adrien Jph . 5 Princess s tL owen berg Jph . D. 35 B lackett s tTu cker Henry H S t . James’s pl

T em per an ce H ot el s .T ob ac con ists .

Dodds G eorge, 19 Bigg marketL a rby James, 5 Nuns stP otts John , 1 Angu s cou r tS impson Henry, 27 Grainger s tTu rnbu ll John , 55 Grainger stW il cke Thomas 4 Royal Arcade

T im b er M er ch an t s .

Marked ar eMahogany Mer chan ts

Armstrong Hu gh C .,Skinner bu rn

Bell G eorge , Fen kl e stBu rnu p Wm . Cu thbert, Errs. bdgCarr 8c. Cc .

, Clo seC aldwell Robert, 29 Sandhi l l‘ Clay ton Armstrong, Skin n erbu rn‘ Cowan Dav id , New roadEmmerson G eorge, Fo r th placeG raham Joseph

,Albion st T r l pe D r esser s.

Greenhow Thos. Em r sn . , 32 B rd . ch Brown John,81 New market

H air Ju o. 8c Jph ., S t. P eter’s Qu ay Craigs Eliz abeth , 57 New marke t

H ardy George H . , S tephn eyfiel d Craigs W i lli am,85 New marke t

Hardy P e ter 8: Dav id , Railway bnk Fu rgu son George, 6 1 New marke tH arland John , Waterloo s t Grundy Anthony

, 84 New marke t

Harl e W i ll iam Cc ., N orth shoreO ffice 37 Qu ay sid e

Hawkes Robert, an d Cc ., H ondu ras

Wharf, N orth shoreHeppell Thomas, N orth shoreH indb au gh Nathan iel Ou seburn,Ofli ce 25 Qu ay sid eHood Anthy. Se Cc .

, 2 1 Broad chareL awrence John j u n ., 16

—12Quay si de

L owrey S tephen , Ou sebu rnN ichol Anthony 8: Co .

, 35 Broad chParkin l ., Shot Fctry Qy. El swk

Bicklet on Wi ll i am , Spital pal ace*Sopwi th T . Sr. J Sandy ford l nSowerby St P hillip s, B road chareThompson Robert,ManorsTodd Robert Co .

,Skin n erb u r n

WeldonW i l l i am,9 Forth st

Wel ton Will i am,141 P i lgrim st

T ob ac co Sn ufi'M an n fac tr s .

Colhoun Robert, 17 Sid eDi ckinson Wm . Ogle

,6 2 Hd . of sd

Gray Thomas, 59 Grey stH arv ey Ju o. 8c Jas . Sm l 39 H . of sd

P ringl e James,47 Groat mktSpencer Michael, 2 Sandhi l lTate George, 7 SandhillWard Thomas E .

,6 Union s t

Adamson Wm . Fras., 1 1 Royal Ar cdCarr Samu el, 95 S i deEll i son Thomas

, 16 Shakespeare s tHopper John, 47 P il gr im s tMc Cre e Thos.& Adw , 3 ] B lacke t t 8Smi th John ,4 l Grey s tS tark James

, 24 Clayton s tT oy Deal er s .

Bergu a J. B ., 20 St. N ichol as ch . yd

Brown Ann , 2 Mosley stG rassi 85 Ram po l d i , 22 Grey stMastag l io 8: Mol ten i

, 24 Grainger stO r igon i John , 34 Dean stSmith J ohn F., 9 Grey stFarel li Antonio , 42 Dean st


Hedley Anthony , 83 New market V in egar M an ufac tu r er .

Hewson Mary, 59 N ew marketMc C ree Marg are t, 37 L ow Fri ar s t,and 82 New marketMunro Wi ll i am , 58 New m arketS tory John , 60 N ew marketTemple Ann , 59 New marke t

Humble Thomas,We stgate

T r u n k P or tm an teau M ak r s

B rown Wi ll iam, 5 Royal ArcadeMew Wi lli am

, 136 P i lgrim stN ew ton John

, 14 Grainger s tSco t t John

,3 1 Grey st

T r u ss M aker s .

See Cu tler s (Sr S u rgica l I nstrum en t and

T u r n er s i n W ood .

Batey John , S i lv er stC oates Taylor, c t. 166 P i l grim stGou rle y lVi l l i am

, 159 P i lgrim stH all W il li am,ct . 84 N ewgate st

H u dspeth Thomas, Silv er s tIrwin John , Pain ter -heughRowel l J ohn , c t. 13 S id eSpen cer Robert,Morri son’s c tS tobbsW i lliam, 2 Dean c tTaylor Cu thbert , King stW righ t Mi l es, D en ton ’s yar d

Umb r el l a M aker s .

B ianchi Charl es, 1 14 P i lgrim s tB rown Ann

,2 Mosley s t

U ph ol ster er s .

S ee Cabinet m akers 5} Upholsterer s.

V ar n i sh M aker s.

Blagbu rn Thomas , 9 Qu ay sideCu thbertson Wm . Co. 39 Gr n g r . s tJames Arthu r, 4 and 5 Market s tHall St. Sheph ard

,5 Thornton s t

V eter i n ar y S u r geon s.

H eads John , 33 P u ddin g chareHu tton G eorge, c t . 79 P i lgrim stP lu es 8c King, 28 Westgate s tSco tt Edw ard , Manor chareS tephen son C l em en t ,ScotchArm s ydS te v enson Wm ., Fighting Cocks yd

W atch C l ock M aker s .

Atkinson Thomas , 5 Bi gg marke tBruggerM. 26a . st

Carmich ael Robert,4Marlborou gh 8

Donald James, 80 Grey s tEzekiel Moses, 1 Market s tFai rwai ther l

Tu rn b u l l , 66 Qu ay sideFallow Joseph , c t . 3 1 L ow Fri ar stForster John

,37 Broad ch are

G reenwel l G eorge, 22 H igh bridgeJackson H enry, 52 Qu ay sid eKirton Wi l l i am ,14 Col lingwood st

L ewi s George Samu el, 3 Mosley s tL evy Alexander, 2 S t. N i cholas sqL i ster and Sons, 16 8: 17 Mosley st

Mayer K 9 1 N ewgate stMorri s Sol oman , 24 St. John ’s l an eReid Sons , 14 Grey s tRen n ison W i l li am,

S t. Ann ’s s tRobinson Thomas,Wes tgateRobson Wm . Edward, 8 Clo th mktSewel l Thomas, 106 SideS tu ar t George, 1 7 Clay ton stTerry J 103 Si d eT inkler N icholas Watson , Swi r l eTweedy W i ll i am, King s tWhi tnel l Thomas

, Ga l l owgate

Wi l son W i lli am Wal ls, 13 Dean stYoung Mary, 13 B i gg marke t

W at ch G l ass M an u fac tu r er s.

Bramham John G . ct ., 178 Pi l grm . s tBunn Robert, B road chareDav i d son John , S i lv er s tFogg in Wi ll i am , Concord cou rtGallon John , 19 W estgate s tMc Gregor Alexander, c t . 5 Union stPo tts Edward , 28 Blacke tt s tTopping 85 Co . (and timepiece,) 19Broad chare

Vau ghan James, c t. 12 B igg m k t

W h arfin g er s .

Carr L auncelo t S tob ar t, 34 B r d . ch

Clarke and Dunn , 76 Qu ay sid eN i chol, L u dlow, 8: Co .

,W atergate

O rm ston John , 59 Qu ay si d eOrm ston P au l , 58 Qu ay sid eParker an d Shield , 50 Qu ay sideS to r ey Rober t 48 Quay sid e


W h ip M ak er s.

B lyth Joseph, c t 9 1 N ewgate stMonro W i lliam , 44 Bigg mktTi fl

‘in Robert, 2 Grainger stW h i t e L ead M an u fac tu r er s .

James Co.,Ou sebu rn L e ad works

L ocke , Blackett, Co., Ga l l owgate

W alkers, P arker,Walker, Co . L owE l swi ckW h i t in g M an u fac tu r er .

Watts D ., St. P eter’s qy.,

97 S i deW h i tesm i th s 84 Be l l H an ger s .

Bainbridge Samu el , P o sternB earup 85 Donkin , 28 H i gh Fr i ar s tB ell and Tu rnbu ll , P os ternDav i son G eorge, c t . 20 N ewgate stE lder Henry, Forth stE ll io t t Ju o . Rb t., 9 L ow Fri ar s tG raham James, Forth bankH all W i lli am ,

c t 2 Westgate stJackson Robert, c t 70 l Vestgate stL arm en t Mark, c t l l P i lgrim s tM ather John , 13 and 14 Dean s t

Melrose J ., c t 73 N orthumberland stM i tchi son W i l li am , S cotch Arms ydTu rnbu l l James O rchard stSco tt Wi l l i am , Concord c tS tev en son John , 5 Union s tS to rey John , c t 20 N ewgate s tTaylor T . P .,

32 Bi gg mktW alker Wm . Hagu e, 83 P ercy stW i lson George, Oakes plW i n e an d Spi r i t M er ch an ts.

Angu s John , 94 P ercy s tAn til l P hilip Jas , 102 C l ayton stB el l H enry, 2 1 8c 22 St. John ’

s l an e

B ell Martin Brown , 65 Qu ay sid eBells, Robson , Sr. Co.

,N ew qu ay

Carr Franci s Robson ,42 Groat mkt

C lark J . 85 M S t. N icholas ch . ydD av i son John , For th s tE tches Charles, 74 Clo seEwart,W inder, Cc .

, 24 Mo sl ey stD on Dav id , 59 Qu ay sideFinl ay George, 47 B i gg mktGel dard John R .,

1 Manor s tG l en ton Frederi ck, 10 CloseG ray Alex. Geo ., 85 P ilgrim stHuntley R. E l l i o tt, 6 Marke t s tree tJohn son Sr. Co., 5 D ean stree tJohnson John , c t. 24 P i lgrim streetL amb Frederick Holmes, 15 sideL amber t Co.

,30 D ean s tree t

L en g Thomas, 43 Grainger stree t

L i ddell Thomas, 14 Union str eetL u gton Alex ., 69 Westgate s treetMc P hersonW i lliam,

39 H igh b r idgeMon khou se,Andersons,& Fairbairn ,6 S i de

N ater s Ralph , Sandyfordord Wil l iam , 18 Shakespeare stree tP ev erel l Richard , 14 Bigg marke tReed Charle s John, 2 3 SideRichardson Jasper, 46 N ewgate stRidley Thompson, L o v e l aneRobinson Jas. Son , 2 Col l in gwd. s

Robson James , 40 H i gh bri dgeShield J ames C o . 79 G r ey st

S tee l e John , 8 W estgate stS tokoe 85 Co., 45 Grey st

S tokoe Samu el, CloseS trachan John , Sandyford l an eS trachan S tory 85 Son , Chu rchhill s tSu r tees Co., 1 4 Sandhi llTown s Thos. (wine)Bi rd-in-Bu sh ydWylam Ralph Co.,

5 San d hil lW i r e W or k er s.

Foggin 8: Sign ey, 38 High bridgeMountai n Wm . 81:Son s, 81 P i l g rm st

W ool l en D r aper s .

Angu s and W i l son,74 Grey st

Armstrong James, 38 Mosl ey s tBragg and Brumwell

, 2 1 Dean s tEll i o t and Mu rray

, 23 Dean st

Gray W ill i am 85 C o . (wholesal e andr e tail,) 36 Mo sl ey st

H arbottl e John, 70 Qu ay sideHu t ton an d t ind, 12 Wes tgate stJoseph B. Co., 78 Grey s tMackey Smith, 67 Qu ay sid eReed Francis

,1 2 Collingw ood s t

Rich ardson Coxon wholesale,)

28 Grey stree tShield George R ., 73 Grey stSpence Thos . H enry

,9 B lacket t s t

Spencer, Brown, St Capper, 74 Qy. sd

Timperley N i chol as , 1 Sand hil lW i lkin son 8: S tan l ey, 15 Shkspr e s tW i l son Ralph and Co., 66 G rey stWi l son Robert

,55 Grey st

W oo l stapl er s .

Humble J.Wrigh t,B ird -in -Bu sh ydP earson H enry, 7 Gibson stWil son James

, Fl eece cou rtW or sted M an u fa c t u r er s .

Dean W i l l i am Matthew 8; Co 46

D ean st. and Du rhamSmall T . O swal d, 3 Tyne bdg . en d


A r g y l e St r eet .

2 Neisb i tt Joseph3 St r koe W i l li am4 D ixon An n5 W atson W i l l iam6 Bu r d i kin SarahCree ThomasRoss JohnFenw ick BarbaraD uke of Argyle Inn

A r th u r’s H i l l .

B ay HorseGreen W il li amS t. P au l ’s ChapelP ryn n W i lliamJoin ers ArmsAngu s JosephAtkinson AP arker ThomasI

An son W i lliamMason s ArmsClementson JosephI

An son JohnCookson ArmsMu sgrav e G eorgeBrown JohnL aidler M r s. Margare tS in ton John


Bat h L an e .

H ail s W ill iamP rou d“Ti l l iamBri ti sh SchoolIn fants S choo lFev er H ospi talB owl ing G reenAsylumM c Veen JohnB u ckham Mr s . AnnJubey Benj am inAtkin W i l l iamFea rg r iev e HenryC reigh B enj aminHal l HenryD unn Geo . Tho s. EsqW

'i ll ey ThomasP almer Robert

B a th R ow .

1 H arvey Mr s. Ann2 Dalzi el Wi l liam3 Brown ThomasCraw ford G eorge

4 Cou l son Mary5 Horsl ey Mi ss A . S.

6 N ixon W i lli am7 Mu rray John8 Sharp W i ll i am9 Col l in Jan e

10 B rown James1 1 Craw ford W i ll iam12 Waterloo In n

Be l l St r eet .

2 Salmon Rober t S .

4 St ephen son W i l liam5 Cl ark Joseph6 Young Thomas7 Mi ddlemas Thomas8 Call ender Mr s. A .

1 1 Goat InnAppleby W i l l i am 81 C0 .

B i g g M ar ke t .

1 Beiles John 8: Co.2 Mu r ton George3 Hal f Moon H o tel4 Nesham Wi ll i am5 Atkin son Thomas6 Wheat Shea f7 Bu llock JamesW il son Ben j am in

8 Kinnear Adw. Co.Fenwi ck C . H .W .

9 O l d P lou gh In n10 Watson Thomas H .

1 1 Heath H . George1 2 Vau ghen JamesCoach and H orse s

13 Young Mary14 P ev er ell Ri chard15 T ay l o r ,G ib son CoW atson JohnGib son Mark Hal l

16 Clarke Ann1 8 B el l Edw ard19 Dodds George20 Ju stic e Thomas2 1 E l lio tt W il l iam

Smi th John2 2 Hogg W il li am23 Walker Thomas24 Mq. o f Cornwal li s25 Fairs J o seph27 Scotch Arms28 Dobson Thomas29 Ell i o tt Isabella30 Rose and Crown

3 1 Walker James32 Tayl or T . P .

Hardcastle H an

cockArmstrong Thom as

33 Beckington John34 B run ting Richard35 Young Geo . ThomasAngu s Hen ry

36 Heron W i l li am37 Hogarth Thomas

Fighting Cocks38 Hodgson Thomas40 Unicorn InnH amil ton John

4 1 Gold en L i on42 P atti son Thomas43 Shipley Wi ll i am44 Mon r o W illi am45 Charnley Emerson46 Fred ri ck Geo. Hy.

47 Finlay GeorgeB l ac ke t t St r eet .

1 Sco t t JohnA tkin son H ann ah

2 P rou d Jane3 Bell Anthony4 Sn owd on HenrySnow don W i ll i am

5 Kaye W i lliam6 P orter James7 Ru t ter Ma rth a8 Thompson Ann9 Spen ce Thos.H en ry10 Munro Mr . A . I .1 1 G rey Mr s . France sB l ackbird Fr anci s

12 Embleton D .M -D.

13 H al l M r s . Cath .Sco tch Chu rch14 W atson J ames13 Swan W i lli am14 Mole John Hen ry15 Mi l lbu rn George16 B r um e l l Henry P .

17 Greenhow T. M .

18 Rayne Sept. Wm .

20 Fergu son Jan eThompson James

2 1 P atterson Ma t th .

22 Armea r ThomasP attinson John

23 L i ttl e Ann JaneVi

ea ther l y N i ch l s .


2 1 Sm i th George25

Bel l John26 G ibbon Ma ry28 Po tts Edward29 Ri ley Mr s . MaryDav i son George

30 Usher Mr s. SarahWalli s Robert

3 1 Bes t JohnMc C ree T . 85 And

32 And erson M i ssesRiley Mg t. An n B l an d for d S t . W es t

33 Harrison Isabella34 Wi ll oughby Robert35 Humble Ma ry

L owenberg J .


36 Thompson Robert37 Irel and Mary38 Robson W il li am39 Gerlach Hy. Edwd .

40 Bell Mi ss An n4 1 Aydon Jane D.

44 Ball Anne45 H udson Thomas46 Fou lder Jeffery47 P earson G eorge B 2,

48 Ar ckl ess Sa su b .

13 h or n Str eet

49 Hi l l Bridget 85 I.50 Green W i lli am5 1 S tokes Hy . Collen5 2 Brou gh Thomas53 Rich ardson T . M.

5 1 Eldon Arm s.

58 P eck T homas60 Green G eorg e62 James Edward D.

63 Fear n ey Ni cholas64 Brown T nom as65 J ohnston Fran ci s66 H ay Dav i d67 Cha r l to n Geo rge68 Be l l Rt. Pax tonB l an d for d S tr eet .

2 Watson N athanJ oyce Ri chard5 Barne tt I sabe llaThompson J ohn

9 Wi l son Mary An n

10 W i llin s G eo r g e12 Tinwe l l Marg aret14 Atkinson George16 Bu rdis Wil l iam17 Hall Fras. Wrigh t18 Hal l i day J ohn

19 Bam b r ough Matth.

20 Ward Benj am in2 1 Tu rn er Wi ll i am23 Rich ardson Wm . R24 P otts Jan e25 Red shaw Joseph28 Hudspi th G eorge29 Town send P . G .

30 Bu rn Martin James3 1 Spencer Es ther32 Thompson Mary33 Mi ller JohnYoung G eorg eBeveridge Thom as

34 Brown N icholas35 Greav es Barbara36 C arru thers Richard39 Good Jam esWatson P eterSm i th JohnHoward Thom as50 Jackson John5 1 H i ll Christopher52 Watson John56 Shei ld Joseph59 L oadesW i ll i am1 Chantl e r John2 L each JohnHaw thorn Dani e l56 Hall Wi ll iamH u tchin son Eleanor

57 Robinson Jam esS tephenson '

l homas6 2 C u tter John64 L ayfiel d Thomas65 Wai les G eorg e6 6 P e v erell John67 Hasti e W'ill iam68 Devoring Thomas6 9 Thirlwa l l John70 Maxwel l Sarah73 Bail ey MaryGi lley John

74 Di ckson Robert75 You ng And r ew D .

76 Sim pson George79 Smi th John80 Freeman Rober t8 1 Waile s Wi l l iam82 P ringle Thomas83 Bell Wi l liam84 Thom pson John85 Mc B ryde James87 Copeland G eorg e88 Tai t Wi l liam

89 Bel l Jo seph90 S co tt E le anor9 1 Cowan George92 Mc Harg Anthony94 Mi lner James95 Arthu r Eliz abeth96 Hindb au gh Joseph97 Su rtee s Thomas98 Gray N i chol as99 Simpson Wi lli am


Gr ah am sl ey and Reed1 B asi aw L uke2 Dawson S. S .

3 Rob in son George4 Brown Rebecca5 Madke l v in Gav in6 Banb r i dge J ohn7 Balm er Fenw i ckFl i n tofi'El izabe thPye J ohn

H u tch in son HenryFors ter C atherine

l Mau ghan Samu el P .

2 Sm i th Edwar d B .

3 Sn owbal l Isabell a4 C lark John5 Alli son Thomas6 Robson Mabe l7 S teven son G race8 Grey Jacob9 Young Geo . Thomas10 S tu art John1 1 Fl eck Jane E li z .

12 Martinson Wi lli am13

,Harri son C u thbert

14 Macdonald John15 Halden G eo rge16 C u r r y Robert17 P att inson Jesse T.

Wa l ker Wi l l iam78 Fairbai rn J ane79 P a ttinson Rober t80 Mu se Ma r g aret81 N ew ton Ma ry82 Ramsay Margar e t83 P a rker JohnSteward G eorg e

84 Mo L eod , E112 . Su s.

85 Sco tt and S ons56 Wall Jam es

2 12

87 Atkinson JohnHenderson Robert88 Smith W i l li am89 S tory Edward90 Martin B en j amin9 1 Kilgou r Sarah92 P atrick Richard93 B en son W ill iamRobson Robert

94 P r ingle Chas. John95 Bru ce Thomas96 D ixon Ursu l a J .

97 H ar veym an Jane98 Daniel s James99 S toker Jan e100 W al ton Thomas10 1 Eyon s Isabella

H arper Thom as102 Dalziel Eliz abeth103 Mon tgomery Thos.1 04Wingate Mary105 Brown Robert1 06 Allan Mi chael107 Heaton Rose1 08 Queen Victori a Inn109 Mather H annah1 10 Freeman S arah1 12 Colhoun AnnAddi son D a v i d

Ridley ThomasC ampbel l J ohnB e l l G eorge1 14 T essim on d Es therI15 Carr John1 16 Robson Joseph1 17 P o tter G eorge2 E ldon W i ll i am3 Milner John4 L um sdon James5 S cott Margare t5 . How George6 Thorbu rn Dav i d7 L yn e Henry8 Robson Wm . Young9 P arker Thomas10 Batty Jam es1 1 W i llou ghby Ar abD ean Abm . Joseph12 G rundy Thom as13 N aylor G eorge14 Weddle N athaniel1 2 W atson MaryS t r afi‘on HenryWyll i e AndrewMark I sabella


14 Cathr al l Thos. NDobson AnnTro t ter John Wm

17 Bow Joseph18 Robinson JohnW esl eyan ChapelRu therford Mary20 Colling Joseph2 1 C u rri e Marg are t22 S i l ki rk B el l23 Hodgson JohnRobinson Jacob37 L ocomotiv e En . In n

36 Hannah Robert35 Derwen t Joseph

34 Glov er Isabella33 Gilchri st John32 ThompsonMrs.Ann3 1 Carr Mr s.Margare t30 Harrison Wi l l i am28 Fors ter Su sannah27 S tory Robert24 B rown GeorgeCoach and Horses InnBu nn J o seph19 Anderson Ar chb l d18 Snowball Ral ph13 Addison W i l li am12 Brown John Henry1 1 Tu rnbu l l W i lli amShortridge John

10 Hedley Wil liam9 Clark John

,W . R.

8 L i tt le James7 Snowden Isabell a6 Young Mary5 N ev in s J ane4 English Matthew3 Young RobertB r an d l i n g p l ac e o

l L atimer Edmund2 Gee Mr . Robert3 Bel l Rev . George4 Thompson Mi ssMy .

5 Dodd Mr s . Ann6 Ar son i er es M i ss E .

7 World Henry W8 Frou d Georg e9 S tanhope Robert10 Thompson George1 1 Dar ley Mr s . E l i z12 Hodge Mr s . C . W13 Emley Thomas14 Griffiths Edward

B r oad Ch ar a .

14 Gri ffith s Edw .

“ju n

15 Belle Mr s. Jane16 D ryden Benj amin17 Welsh H18 Brown Joseph19 Watson Mr s

20 Whi te Theophil as2 1 Gilchri st G eorge P22 W i l son Edward J23 Bunn Richard T24 Charl ton Mr s. Mg t25 Thompson Mark26 Hal l John27 Wol i e tt Mr s . D

28 N aisb i t Mi sses29 Todd JohnRid ley John

30 Atkin son Thomas3 1 Sco tt M r . John32 Arman 'Mr . Thomas33 Hu dson W illiam C

1 Smith Chas . Son

Anderson JohnSm i th J ohn

2 N ewcast le 81 ShieldsS team P acket o fficeThompson Mat thew

3 H u l sen b os H arris .

son and Co4

_Dunn L awson


P orter and LatimerL atimer Andrew

6 L aing T homas H7 Gold en L i on InnFrou d Me ierMei e r Ru dolphSou ther an Wi lli amRobson John8 Rayne and B u rn9 Urwin RobertSu r tees, Aubou e Co.Brown JamesSowerby 8L P hil lipsWakin shaw James14 Hagg l e R. H .& Co.17 Gri ffin Thomas19 Dodd and Compan yDodd EdwardDodd JohnTopping 56 CO .

20 H igh Dyke In nTrini ty H o u se .

21 Hood An thonys]; Cb


D uke ofW el l ingtonFi elding WilliamC atholi c SchoolN ewcastl e ArmsSpearman JohnW eather i t J amesD awson ThomasJackson W i l l i amB orou gh P ri sonG eorge IV InnRailway S tati onJubilee SchoolC ar l iol S tr eet.

1 Whi tfiel d W i ll i am S2 New ton Ru th3 D av i son W il li amTowns Thomas

4 Jamieson Alexander5 Hami l ton Isaac6 N icholson W ill i am7 Hawthorn J an e9 Hu tchinson My. A10 P ev erel l George1 1 Mat thew Charle s1 2 Arkley John13 S toko e S amu el14 Smi th Ann1 5 Shorter Maria17 Carson J ames1 8 P rudhoe C astle1 9 Jaqu es I . A . 86 C o20 Mork H an s P eterWatson Barbara

33 Emmerson My . Ann34 Grah am Emelia35 W illin s“* i ll i am36 Ball Frederi ck37 Lu m sden John38 L i ddell D ani el39 Mather El iz abe th

Don Dav i dWaters Benj amin

S ecession Ch apel40 Geddie JohnBu ll P eter

4 1 O u ter ston Eliz abe thRi chardson An thn y

42 Gibson JohnMarkham Henry

43 L i ddle JohnL i dd le John S

45 S trong Wi ll i am46 Do ugh ty JohnBroom Rev . An dw

47 Inn ess G eorge48 You ng James49 P earson Joseph50 H un tl ey Hannah

C a r l ton P l ac e .

C l ar em on t P l a ce

(H i gh )

16 Fenw i ck Mr s. P

17 Shi eld James18 Airey M r s. Jane19 Marley John20 Cu rry M r s. IsabelMoat George

C l ar em on t P l . (U pr )

Hansen Pe ter, j unSpence W i l li am WSpence Wi lli am ReidReid Chris tian BC l av er i ng P l ace.

Hawks L ady H . P

Fi fe Mr . T . K

Brown Thomas 8: SonTodd AnnUni tarian Chapel

1 Bl acke tt John2 Cr ou d ace W i l li am3 Cram M rs . M4 Beckwi th G eorge W6 Weatherley John7 Baker Thomas8 Johnson W il li amTowsey MaryJoblin g JohnC a r l ton Te r r ac e .

Keen l yside Thos. Wm .

1 Wal l ace Mi ss A2 Drake Franci s3 Richardson Thomas4 W al ton Mi ss An na6 Moore M i ss7 Thompson James8 Robson Mr s. SarahRobson G eorge

9 Bu lman Job James10 E tches Joseph12 Chater Thomas1 1 Cu rrie G eorgeC h ar l ot te Squ ar e .

1 Sang John2 Johnson Franci s3 Jefferson Mr s. MWal ters Robert

4 N i chol son Miss S5 Anderson George6 Cookson Thomas7 Riddell Righ t Rev.

D r .Wi l l iamEyre Very Rev . C .

C h u r ch i l l S t r eet .

1 H all W i l liam2 Hamber W i lli am3 S torey Isabel laN oad John

4 Taylor Jo seph5 Pai sl ey Thomas6 Brown John E .

7 Mas terton W ill iamS trachan ,

S tory, Son

8 Su the rn Abraham

9 Rowntree AnnWhel don J osephWaite Thoma s MH ardy Wi ll i amJ effrey Joshu a18 W i lson W i lli amWilkinson GeorgeC u rry RobertParr AnnRamsay JohnBri tann i a In nDixon Mary15 Reed Thomas

C l ar em on t P l .flaw .)

l S tokoe Samue l2 Barrow Roger3 Clay Rober t4 Harle Mr s. An n

5 Freeman George6 S i l l i ck Jame s7 Can t Mr s . MaryShi eld W i ll iam

8 Walker Wm . Hagu e9 L ee Mr s . Jan e10 Tyz ack J ohn1 I Finl ay G eorge12 Feathers ton Mr s

13 C harl ton Mr s. E

14 Ratc l ifi'e John15 Fors ter Jonathan


P ringle Rev . JamesBu rdis W i ll i amH alliday G eorgeSpoor AmorHeslop JosephB rown ThomasH ackworth ThomasL on gstafl

'Mis s C

C l ayton S t r eet .

1 Robinson Robert C l ose .

2 Maxwel l John3 Middlem as Thomas4 G reav es J ohn5 Richardson JohnDewar Frederi ck

6 Craw ford Matthew7 John son G eorge8 Mer el ie J ohn9 Grainger Richard10 L ockie Robe r t1 1 Smith J ohn1 2 Jackson Ann1 3 S tar and Garter Inn1 5 Dav i s John Thom as1 6 B lack Swan Inn17 Cu rri e JohnStu art G eorge

19 Edinbu rgh Hou se20 Wa rbu rton James22 Has twell Robert23 Rea G eorge24 S tark James25 Young John26 Reed

,Chamber s,and Co

27 Gowland Robert28 L ow i s Thomas30 Holmes John3 1 Wallace ThomasHenderson James

38 Bai l ey Rev . JosephFenwi ck John

4 1 Armstr ong Mr s. A42 Angu s H enry43 Clay ton ArmsH eppl e J ohn

60 Batty Robert6 1 W estgate Tav ern63 H arri s Wi l li am6 4 Smi th Robert65 Humble Chri stiana C l ayton S t r eet ,W est66 Carr Ann St JaneBu rnett Peter 5 Grainger Rich ard

67 Albion In n 12 Dickinson“Mn . 0

70 Taylor Reed7 1 Storey J ohn74 Dickinson

, Fal kou s,and Co75 Bain Thomas76 Armst rong George77 Cohen L ew i s 8c Son79 Marti n John82 Gill W i lli amMatthews Rober tDi spensary

83 Munro GeorgeDryden Henry

84 G i l l Joshu a85 S eymou r Thomas86 Gray JohnRedshaw Joseph

87 Dan i el s Dan i el88 Black Fri ars Inn89 Gibson JohnJackson Thomas

90 Selkirk and Bel lHubb u ck Jan e

9 1 Je ffery AlexanderCohen Dav i dSykes W i lli am

92 Humble My. AnnE ll i o tt GeorgeBracken Dav id

93 Ogle CharlesHopper Thomas H

94 Bone J amieson95 Grant H enry98 Andrews Robert99 S tro ther JosephBel l J ohnWod son W i l li am F

100 Marshall Thomas10 1 Warbu rtonW. 86 CoBinns S tephenDalz i el Ann 85 E

102 Duke o f N orthumberl and Inn

103 L ord Coll ingw ood104 Hails G eorge105 S tephen son Wm .

106 S impson Wi lli amTeasdale Thomas

107 L owes John108 Aydon Mr s . Eliz .

1 3 Bu rnett G eorge14 Cou l son John2 1 Wells O l iver22 You ng Joseph23 Bu rton John25 °P o tt s John26 J ackson Richard28 Smi th JohnCatho lic Chu rch

1 W i lkin Thomas3 Parkin son Jph . T4 Swanson Robert5 Chapman Edward6 Angu s Thomas 8: Co7 G allen 8: P arker9 Dobson Ann10 G l en ton Frederick1 1 Duke C umberl and13 Mi ller El iz abe th14 L awri e Ann1 5 B ecking ton J 85 Son17 Rayn e Chas . 8: Co18 B l en kin sop John20 Robson John22 Gibson JamesD unl op G eorge

25 G ran t J an e28 Alderson Richard30 Gibson JamesWharton AnnMc Cartney Wm

34 George IVGreen Joseph

35 Green John37 Hadley Mary38 O l d Dolphin40 Grey George4 1 Dolphin In n42 Waggon In nCookson 8c C u thbertTiger InnTodd 8t CoTodd Robert 8: CoCookson T . Son

Cookson ThomasC arr 85 Co54 Raine S arah55 L aycock Jph . 8: Co56 W i ld G eorge57 Anderson Matthew44 Pari sh Joseph58 Qu een s H ead


59 Douglas John60 N ewlan d John6 1 Hall Wil liam62 Su rtee s Robert63 Cannon In n64 Dog Inn65 H oyl e Robson 8c C o

B igger Benj aminWeather son Hanh

66 L ocke,B1acket t8cCo70 Johnson Eli zabeth7 1 Bl ackwel l Benj . B72 Angu s G . 8: T . C73 Ridley St Tempe rley74 E tches Charles75 Taylor John77 Gl aho l m Thos 81 Son78 Downing John

C l oth M ar ket .

1 Smi th Wi l liamDuke of Wellington

2 Caldwel l James3 Wheat Sheaf5 Cook Wi lliam6 Hall W i lli am7 Whi te H art8 Robson Wi l li am9 H arri son Sarah10 C orn Ex chg . Hotel13 Middlemas ThomasGoat In n

14 S ewell Robert15 Mc Donal Alex.L ogon Malcolm

c t Haywoo d JamesBaptist G eorge

16 Humble CharlesWhi te Swan18 Barrow Matth ew19 Evere tt ThomasN ag’s Head22 Hindb au gh John23 Crei ghton Margare t24 N airn Hy. 85 PhilipCarson JamesBalmer GeorgeGar r i ck

s HeadJohnson Rt. 81 Co

Co l l in gw ood S t r ee t .

1 Johnston W i lliam2 Robin son Jas . 8L Son3 P r ingle Walter S4 Thompson John

4 Tu rnbu l l Edward5 Bell Wm . 85 John7 Goun d ry Rachael9 Bell Andrew10 Henderson S arah1 1 P etre W i lli am12 Reed Fran ci s12 Alpo rt Martha1 2 Robin son G eo .M. D

14 Kirton W i lli amFal cu s Allan

1 5 Milbu rn My .& Han

16 L umley An n1 7 Boe Wi lli am19 Morrison Robert20 Ridley Thomas2 1 Dolphin John P2 2 Macdonald James

S toweb an ks James23 Ward Catherin eDav i d son Joseph

24 El li o tt Edward25 Galloway Thomas26 Cou l son John27 P ape James29 Morland T. G . Co30 King W i lli am3 1 Scarl e t t Geo . 81 Son32 Smith Rober t33 Dodsworth F. 85 W34 Gray John35 Tu rfHo tel , co . o ffice36 Tu rf Ho te l37 O liv e r AndrewN ixon Charl esRou tledge Chpr

38 Hall iday George39 Bowman S tu ar t40 Rogerson JohnKent Robert

41 Frazer H ugh42 N ewlan d s Thomas

Bu ddle GeorgeC r oss St r eet .

2 Mofl'att Dvd . Wm

5 Oxley James6 Mou ld Eliz abethCum b er l an d R ow .

1 Rayner John Robert2 Bel l Mr s . M. Sc Hy.

3 Wal ton John4 L awson Robert5 Fors ter G eorge


am C r ook .

6 Watson J am esEl lio tt John

8 Mowbray Mr s. Mg t9 Walton James10 W i lson Mr s . Ann1 1 H ew i tson John12 Sin ton Jane13 Charl ton Edward14 W inder W i l liam15 P eace Robert16 B ell Thomas17 El li o tt John18 Hall J ohn20 Di ckin son Thos. F.

2 1 P earson W i l l i am22 S tan ton John23 Fel l Robert24 Hal l M r s . Eli zabeth25 S terling Andrew26 Jones Mr s. Eliz .27 Dav i son W i lli am28 Taylor John29 Heppel l Mr s. Ali ce30 Short John3 1 Gib u r n e Robert32 Tru eman Mr s. Eliz33 Jopl in John3 1 Beech ReV . John H .

35 Clarke Mr s. El i z .

36 Sharp Mi ss Mary37 Noble Joseph39 Harding J ames40 Bowman Mi ss Mary4 1 Dav idson Mr s .

42 Horn Thomas43 Hawksley Wi l l i am44 Thew Geo . P ringle45 L eu thwai te Mr s. A .

46 O rm s ton John47 N i ch ol John48 Dale James49 Ross Mr s. H annah50 Blagbu rn Robert5 1 Irwin Charl es

1 Straker G eorge2 Sc o tt James3 Robson Thomas4 L i ddel l Cu thb t. St J6 Atkinson Henry7 Todd Mr . George8 Skinner’s Arms10 Mau le John Dixon

2 18

44 Stable Geo . Wau gh46 Brown John48 Dod sworth F. 8cWm

50 Dobson Thomas52 Mi tchel l H enry54 Trotter Mr s. I . A.

56 Manners Mr s. B

58 Beldon George60 Jeffer son Henry6 2 Smith M r s. Es ther64 Barrow ThomasWatson Rober t65 Bro ugh C harl e s6 3 Swan Jam es6 1 Potts Mi s s Jane59 Robinson Jph . Wm

57 Fr ater Mark55 C u rti s Robert53 H u t ton Mr s

5 1 B lackwood Rev . W49 Tyzack Mi ss An n47 Smi th W i lli am45 Gibson Mr s Doro thy43 Stani ford Francis41 Cram George Wm

39 E llio tt Robert37 O ldfield Mi ss Mary35 Chapman Mr s. W.

33 Watson Mr s. 8c Tho s3 1 C arr Mi ss Isabella29 Beckwi th Mr s. My27 Sco tt James J

E l l ison P l ac e .

1 Manchester CaptR T2 Abbo t John3 L oraine M i sse s4 Ilderton S . Esq5 Headlam M i ss I sab6 Fi fe Wm . Henry7 Cargi ll John8 Brown John9 Bu lman Mr s. AnnBu lman John

10 Clarke Mi ss Mg t1 1 Fen wick John1 2 C larke Mr s . Mg t13 Mason John B . Esq14 Bl ackwell JohnE l l ison T er r ac e .

1 Forsyth Thomas2 Redhead JohnFea r n ey N i cholas1 Taylor George


E l sw ick R ow .

E l sw ick T er . (H i gh )

E l sw i ck S t r eet .

Brown Wi lli amWat son Wi l l i am

2 Spraggon An n

3 Bu rdon H enry4 W atson John5 Harv ey Jam es6 Warb u rton Jas . N7 L eybou rne Fran ces8 Charlton Will i am9 Hopper John10 Thorman Jph . sen t

E l sw i c k L an e.

1 B lu e Man In n

2 Wanless Wi l li am4 Trotter JohnJobson Mar yJobson EdwardG ibson JamesChar l ton Thom asRichardson JohnHawthorne RobertE lswick C ol li e ryWei sz Augu stu sL ambert Ri ch ardAtkin son M aryL i ttl ewood John

1 Ebron Joseph2 Noble Edward P3 D ixon Henry4 Robertson Wil l i am5 Dav i d son Wi l li am6 Grey John7 Mc N ab An n

8 Cook John9 Cowan W i ll iam10 Bell Thomas1 1 I v i son John12 Fraz er Hu gh14 Wells John Henry15 L eathar t James16 Fenton John17 Armstrong Rober t18 Forster John19 Wi lson l Vi l l iam20 Hew i son Doro thy2 1 Scai fe Georg e22 Davi son J ohn23 Armstrong J aneT u rner Ru benThompson Catherine

59 Chisholm Wi l liam R

62 Holmes Mary An n63 Mc Nai r Mary67 C row ther Thomas70 Wail es Thomas72 Wail es Mary73 D i ckinson Thomas74 Taylor T homas75 C ou l son Elizabe th81 Hew son JonathanAppleby W i ll i am9 1 L awson ThomasJameson E lizabethC ochrane AdamE l sw i ck T er r ace.

2 Carte r John3 W atson Robert4 Hedley Thomas5 B l akeman John6 Ki rkl ey Edward7 Wall i s Robert8 W inn James9 L ow thain Thomas10 Thompson John1 1 Snape James12 Spencer John13 Gardner E leanor15 O l ey Chris topher16 Ridley George17 Frou d Thos. Wi l sonHackne ss JaneWhi tfield Mark

35 Ki rkup Edward36 Newbiggin EdwardCarr RobertRobson Rober tBu rton EnochInness W i l l iamFi tte s JohnRobson Sco ttS to ry EdwardArthu r Robert

Forste r JohnHai r JohnMu schamp Ju o. Be l lDou bleday ThomasDodd John GeorgeC r ou d ace J . R .


Bl ach Henry FN i chol An thon y4 Ol iv er Robert


2 Crawford James SI

L i v in gston e L ewi sE l sw ic k V i l l as .

Grey JosephP r octor W i ll i amW hi tfield EdwardKnox Mr s. Agnu sB rooks AlexanderWatson JosephH ardm an L aw ren ceE sku che C . Fred erickMackeyW i llimP lu es MathewSmi th JosephD ou gl as JamesW ood GeorgeP enw ic k

’s En t ry.

Gallons JohnL ondon, L ei th ,Hu l l & c

P acke t O fficeH an sen P eter, JunB radshaw An dersonRobson Thomas

Fen k l e S tr eet .

Cl ayton John , EsqL owden W i lli amC ro sier JaneH op e Thomas Mu r r av

H enderson JamesSproat MaryG ibbs JohnTodd JosephBel l G eorgeR athbone GeorgeH ewe tt John

For th L an e .

1 Cu tforth Mr s . E

2 N i chol son B . 8: W3 H a l l Al f r ed4 Findley Will i am5 Macadam Sam u el6 Irwin James7 Chrisp Jam esGreav es Wi lliam

For th P l ac e .

D u rh am Ox

E l li son Mi l e sC attl e Market In nH exh am H ou se

For th St r ee t .

1 Mil l s John2 H al l G eorge

2 19

3 E lli ott Thomas St JKi r kup L an celo tBertram RobertBel l JohnW il son Rober tHenderson JamesElder HenryDunn Thom asS torey JamesRoss W i l l i am13 Hogg Mi ch ael14 Miles J ohn15 Whi tfield Mi ss5 P atti son Joseph6 Jackson Robert7 P earson Wm . H enry8 HarperWm . Alex9 P at ti son Thom as10 Weldon W i ll i amForth Hou se Inn1 1 Wh i tfield Joseph12 Orwin W i lliam13 B rown G eorge14 Weather son James15 Hope Anchor InnLaidler Wm . CFo r s ter RobertBrin sley E s th erCou l son MarySlater JohnDav i son JohnWaggott EdwardWaile s ThomasBattery InnCraig Charles IBrown Cu thbert37 Galloway l . 85 CoRobson J ohnVial l s O thoFr ia r S t r eet , Hig h .

1 Chu r ch Sch ool2 C odlin g Joseph3 Harrison W i ll iam5 B el l’s Arms6 Barrow RodgerWatson James

7 Atkin son Joseph12 Jagger John14 Richardson Joseph15 B lake Rober tSawyer James

16 D ixon JohnCarr W illi am

17 Richardson John

17 Hay Thomas1 8 Bolam G eorg e20 L ockey John2 1 Su rtees Mary23 Richardson Joseph26 Barkas W i ll iam28 B earup and Donki n32 Bu ckley P e ter33 Sco tt Sar ah34 W ai te John35 Irwi n Mary37 Taylor JohnFr iar S t r eet , Low .

1 Geekie Alexander2 Robson Rober tG r ei ves Robert

3 P atti son S u san4 Moran Thomas5 Harri s W i ll iam9 E llio t t John Rt10 Saddler’s Well s1 1 C ole W i lli am12 Elephan t and Castl e13 Steven son JaneSpencer Frederi ck

14 Marshall Mary15 Anderson James16 Armstrong J ohn17 Vickers John18 Mackean d Alex19 Mau ghan N ichol as20 Mc P hie Archibald22 Carnaby JohnDeig hton Fran ci s

26 Sher r aton E li zHunter Mary

27 W il ford Jo sephThomas Ann M

28 L eadbi tter JohnP owton W i lli am

3 1 Fall ow JosephN i ch ols on Mary

33 Graham Cap t . Jas34 Mackal l JamesJohnson Robert

35 Reed \Vi l l iam36 A l lan Andrew37 Mc Cree Margare t39 DoddsW il l iam

Ga l l ow Ga te . i s},

Elphin stone JamesN i ch olson El izRed fearn JosephBraid Robert


Taylor JohnN i sh GeorgeCairns W i l li amS inclair AlexanderBrown W i lliamB lowerWil li amScott St BeckArchbold JamesMoat HenryC arr MarkSco t t Rober tOrdnan ce ArmsBu lm er Thomas 8: Wm

Usher JohnW heat SheafW i lkinson E lizabethH amilton An n40 P o t ts Rober t4 1 1 ou l e W i ll i am42 H eatherington MH eron Mi sse s A . ML aw s RalphAnderson Jam e sH ind Mary AnnMyers W i l li amBay H orseWhi tnel l ThomasQu een’s HeadC arn aby Wi lli amS tuart JamesFawcu s AnthonyRidl ey JohnP eelMatthewH olmes JohnL ocke, B l ackett, 8c CoP attinson Robt. Son

Jenkins ThomasWardle MaryD ouglass Michael

Geor g e S t r ee t .

1 Railway Tav ern2 Gee Rober t4 S t. Pau l H enry5 L u ohl ey George6 P eel Mary Ann8 Dunlop George9 Hall Anthony10 Bradbu rn John1 1 D awson Joseph1 2 D ewar James1 0 L ow i s Thomas8 H arle George7 Millb u rn Em anu elP earson W i l liam

S ingleton JohnGibson GeorgeEmmerson GeorgeGeor g e S t r ee t , East .

1 Wyl am M r s. Eliza2 Ayton John F3 N i cholson Robert5 Gibson Wm . S idney6 Chal l on er Edw. W7 Chal l on er JohnG ib son S t r eet .

3 Toward Henry5 Thompson W i ll iam7 P earson Henry0 Mc Nay Thomas1 1 Tayi or Wi ll i am13 Toward Rebecca15 Toward Deborah25 Thompson George33 Chubb W i ll iam35 Joiners Arm s37 Sun Inn39 Robson L ancelo t4 1 Wil e John43 Dixon Isabell a45 Thompson Mary47 Urpeth Robert49 Irane Thomas5 1 Jobey Joseph53 Dunn Jane55 Milbu rn Mar th aJohnson W i ll i am

57 P un shon L uke59 H enderson W i l l i am62 Wi l son H enry60 Ratc l ifi'ThomasAr n et tJan e

58 N ew ton W i l li am56 Hon zell Jan e54 Thom pson JohnG rundy Anthony

52 P u rv i s Aar onHoggin Thomas

50 Mau dlin g Ann48 Orwin John46 U r v in Joseph44 Cather a l l JohnH arding W i ll iam

42 Bowm an HannahHenn H enry

G ibson S tree t Chapel36 An gu s Abraham32 W ardlow Jam es30 Taylor Andrew

24 Heppel l Thomas22 American Cofi‘ee He20 P re ston W i lli am18 Blacklock John14 O liv er W i ll iamThomas Bi shop

12 L aidler HammondYoung Michael

10 W i lson John2 Grace Dar l ing InnGr ain g er St r eet .

1 Morrison Wal ter2 Tifli n Robert3 Dobson Catherine4 H ume MatthewO r d Thomas

5 Campbell W i lliamH u n ter George Co

6 Greav es W il li amH i ll s and Company

7 L eigh ton Wm . B

Ain sley and Aydon8 Spens ThomasJefferson H enry9 Hadaway Edwd . M1 1 Cochrane Edward12 Twedde l John1 3 L ow Henry C o1 4 N ew ton John15 Crow Robert1 6 H i l l D enn i s Co17 P eck Rober t 8c Co18 Jones Thomas19 St. 20 Robson 85 Co2 1 Harr i son Samu elWh infiel d R C 85 Co

22 Wh infiel d JohnB rigg s Henry

23 P erry Jam es 8: Co .Hal l E . 8: C

24 8c. 25 Mastagl io andMolten i

26 Barkas Thomas P27 Simpson H enryP o tts Sarah

28 Head John29 Ye l l owl ey Jacob30 H om aopathi c D i spy3 1 H ail s Wi lli am32 C larendon Hotel33 Cu rry C alebHal l Thomas Youn g

34 Hardy James35 8: 36 C ameron Wm


80 Don ald I .81 Hen derson JohnG r oat M ar k et .

33 Todd J ohn H .

34 Robson Wm . You'ng35 D avi dson E . 85 My.

36 Flying H orse37 French Edward38 Sinton Jane39 W i lk inson Margaret40 H oneyman Joseph41 Ball s Thomas42 Ca rr Fras. Robson45 Whi te H orse46 I

An son Finney47 P ringl e J ame s49 Harri s I sabel la50 Dav id son W i lli am52 Dodds Thomas53 Bel t George54 B l a ck Boy55 Fi ttes John56 Crown and This tl e57 Ru ssell Robt. 85 C o .59 Fear gr ieve Hen ry60 B evoly C o .24 Dewar P e ter22 Barron Dav i d2 1 Wi lson Mary30 Messenger J oseph25 Bel l Thomas 8: Son s28 Darl ing JohnH an ov er Squ a r e .

Whi te Thomas2 Cowan N i cholas3 Kirton W illi am4 Harri s R ev . George5 Waters Thomas W.

Fl etche r Robert 8c,

C o .

Spoor Ambrose 8c Rb t .Sanderson ThompsonU nitarian SchoolYoung ThomasH an ov er S t r eet .

Spoor EdwardSpoor Wm . GeorgeDennison Fred .Dunn ThomasTate E li z abethCookson ’s Arms


H eaton T er r ace.

1 Hall Mrs. Fran cesI 2 Scot t Robert3 Sco tt John

3 1 Dav i dson Richa rd 4 Thompson John5 Hu t ton W i ll i am6 Hopper Richard7 D ixon JohnMason W i ll i am8 E llio tt Thomas

1 L aidm an

Margar e t4 Go odb ar n Jo‘


5 Do dds H an nah7 Gardeners’ Arms14 G riev es Thomas15 Wel sh Robert H.

16 Hawksbyr Sa rah

17 P r iestm an Robert1 8 Lord Collingwood19 Watson HenrySmi th Mi ss C ath .

Tu rner John20 N ixon John2 1 Rodham Thoma s22 Greenw ell George23 L i ddell H enry24 H uds on John27 N oble Joesph30 B lack Bu l lBains Al exander

3 1 S tu art Matthew32 O ldfiel d John34 P atterson James35 T al l in ti r e John36 Forster E le anor37 S tev en son John38 Fog gin 8L S i gn

ey39 Mc P herson Wm

40 Robson James4 1 Ogi lv i e Robe r t42 S te ven James46 Hun te r Robert

E l li son I smayCharl ton Thomas

48 Carr Robert50 Ridley J ohn5 1 W

'ard John52 Hal l Bridget

H i g h am P l ac e .

Fi fe S i r John 3c Son7 Bou rn e J ohn9 Ogi lv ie John '

C .

10 Dal e L abanS alem Chapel

1 Thom pson George2 Mc L eod An drew1 Kirk Richard

2 Marshal l Roger

3 Tem perl ey Joseph4 Armstrong Joseph5 Ca tt on John6 Walker J ohn C .

7 Bui s AgnesH i l l S tr eet .

1 Vi tch H enry2 Arms trong John3 Menz ie Agnes4 Fors ter Chris tophe r5 Ru therford John6 T a l l owfiel d W. L .

W i l ki n Benj amin20 Bartl e t t W i lli am27 S uth er l and Th omasS tu ar t MaryH ood S tr eet .

H ow ar d S t r eet.

3 Rum ford G eorge5 Wake G eorge7 Cu stan ce Thomas9 Atkins on Ralphl l Morrow13 Hend erson G il bert15 Taylor Thomas17 Ol i v er A.

33 Ingo Wi l l iam2 1 Fai r e ~Rob er t

37 B ennet t Rober t25 Dodgson Samu el27 C u rson Robert29 Thom pson


3 1 Farrage James33 L ee Wi l l i am35 N ichol son I saac37 Hogg John39 Cl em i tson Wi lli am4 1 L andell s James


43 Theake rW hi twell45 Thompson Henry47 Wa lker W i ll i am49 D Acosta F .

5 1 Cook Ma rg ar e t53 Jam es John4 P igdon

'Margar et


6 Bl enkin sop E leanor L eaz es L an e8 Farb r idg e Wi l liamMartin James

10 Don ald G eo rgeP i tl ow Gideon

12 Morl ey Jane1 6 Talbot John1 8 Sampson Dav i d20 Todd John22 Kimber W i l li amD oeg Thomas

24 Graham Thomas26 Wi s e James28 Smith J”011 3 L eaz es T er r ace.

30 Ayre Jam es32 Dav i son Thomas34 Forster John36 Carmichel Wil l i am38 Syer John40 Cowan George42 L ow ther John44 Emm erson Jo seph46 Carr Mary48 Alexander Geo .50 Mossman RalphJesm on d Ter r ace .

1 B arras B ri dg e H o tel2 Ridley Thomas3 Hayl e Thomas , M.D.

4 Marley John , Esq.

5 P earson Mr s. I sab l .

Hall Mi ss Doro thy6 Bu rnup Mr s . A .

B u rnu p Thom asB u rnup John Hy .

Bu rnu p Wm . C u th .

J esm on d T or . (h igh )

1 H in dhau gh Na th l .

2 G rey Andrew3 P otter Henry G .

4 Gray Alexand er G5 Ni chol AnthonyJ e sm on d V i l l as.

1 Airey RobertReed Mr s . Mary AnnShield Mrs . El iz .Shi eld Jo sephS tag Dav i d L .

S trachan John1

3 e s sam i n e P l a c e .

34“Ward 1e Mr s. Mary

35 Bell Thomas36 Ashford Ri chard37 H edley Mr s. E .

38 L ock Mr s. An n

39 P e rry Jam es40 Coxon Mr . Ralph4 1 H al l Wi l li am42 Yarrow M rs . Ja n e43 Cantley G eorge44 Kay Mr s. Margery45 Fors ter Mary46 Taylo r Margret

Joh n S t r ee t .

2 Ford Wi lli am3 Goodg er Marg t.

4 S l ater Robert6 Dodds James9 Watson Andrew1 1 Kirkley Mary15 Hal l John17 Thompson GeorgeWatson ThomasH i l l JamesAtkinson JohnWood JosephWi l l i s G eorgeL eaz es Gr esc en t.

1 Anderson John2 Mc Allum Dun can3 P earson M r s. Mar v4 James Edward D5 Hobbs G eorge6 Mc L er o th M r s .

7 Dawson W i lliam8 Banks Rev . Robert9 Dran sfiel d John10 lVr ig ht Richa r d M.

1 1 Tweed ale Thomas12 P re sser Rob er tP arker Thomas

13 Fergu son Andrew14 H arri son John15 Short Thomas16 P atterson Mr s . E .M .

17 Tu rnbu l l Edwa rd19 S cai fe Mr s . J an e20 P u n shon Mr s. E li z.2 1 Hun tley John22 Jackson Ma ry23 Moat Margare t24 Al l an Thomas28 S tokoe John29 L eazes Tav ern

Payne W ill iamP o tts JohnS tewart CharlesWeatherhead and Mel

drumMc In tosh JohnL aidler JohnWalker Wi lli am BL atim er JohnFog g i n Wi lli amWi l li am son Thomas

1 Gibson John2 Scarth James3 Dodson Wil l i am4 Afieck D . , M.D.

5 Scheele W ill iam6 Gray Mr s. MaryP atti son Henry

8 S ingers Hew

7 Spence r Jam es8 Rai l s ton Geo . Thos9 Reed Mr s . My. An n

10 H ardy John1 1 Rowe M r s. Mary13 Heald Joseph15 Van H au sb ergenYV. J

17 Hoyl e John T18 E l der Thomas19 P inkney Rober t20 Hambro Edw . I saac2 1 Ar u n da l e M r s . I22 Hay Capt. John23 B u lman G eorge24 C lem m tson George25 Emsli e Mi sses26 Sm i th George27 Chambers Mr s. An n

28 L ange Carn29 Bu rn Rober t33 Jackson Rev . S am l .34 Dav i s Mi ss C ath35 L a idler D av i d34 P earson Mi ss A35 Po llock John36 Dunn Marti n37 S toker“Wi l l i am39 W i lkin son Mr s. M40 Ham i l ton Wi ll iam4 1 Ewa r t G eo rge42 H u l sen b os H . C


43 P earson Robert 15 P al mer Chas . Mark44 Sanderson F. 8: J . H 16 Ridley John45 Benard Frere s 17 H ern am an John46 Spencer Mr s . Sarah 18 Woods John - A

47 B i gger B enj amin 1 9 C lark Robert48 Hun ter George49 Tweedd l e Robt. c L ov am e R ow

50 Brun ting Mr s . E liz 1 Hun ter W i l li am5'E1110“J 0h n 2 P hi llipson R . P

52 Hu tchison Mr s . J 3 Hen z el l Mi ss MaryBrown i ng Rev . D . C 4 Beckw i th Mr s

54 Galloway John 5 S chier H ,

’ J55 Martin son Rober t 6 tt M E l


58 Sanderson Al fredDu on rs l z

59 Clark NathanielL im e S t r eet .

Alli son Ral phN ew castl e ArmsFreeman IsaacD av id son GeorgeEngli sh Abrah amBos tl e W i ll iam

L i sl e S t r eet .

1 H ogg Mary2 Kirton John3 Ell ison G eorge4 Corbett AnnCarr James

5 Hair ThomasPatti son G eorgeSh i eld s Thomas

6 J ohnson Eliz abeth7 Bel l Joseph L ov e L an e'

8 Wei r G eorge Thompson F. Co9 Irwin John H eppell C o10 Westmoreland S ah . Bailey Thomas1 1 Cu thbertson J . W Cu rson Rober t

R i d l e St ThompsonL ov a i n e P l ace' P ol l ar

yd Joseph 8: Co1 Spencer W i lli am2 Taylor John4 Innes Mrs .Ann5 L owery Thomas6 Wood Mi ss E ll en7 Coppock Mr s. Ann8 Rad t

o r d Mr s. Jane9 Mather Edward10 Kemp Mi ss Elean orI 1 L orain e Mi ss C ar.1 2 Henderson Thos . H M ar k et S t r eet

13 Tappenden F. W 1 Ezekiel Mo ses1 4 Arm s trong Jam es 2 Reed H annah

L ov ai n e T er r ac e.

1 Tu rner James2 Wood Mr . G . A . F.

3 W atson John4 Briggs Rober t5 Wood Mi ss B . A .

6 Teasdale T . L ee

7 B olton Jo seph8 Dunn H enry10 H errin g JohnH ammond Chas . FredHew i son Mr s . C . J .

Anderson Wm . jun

H all Rev . Carte r M. ABu rrel l Mr s. J . S

Robb JosephSopwi th JohnTu rner Mr s . Sarah ESopw i th Mr s. Mary

L ow B r i d ge .

2 Bar n ascon i F

5 Trenor Franci s6 Mc Don ald John7 Haley John8 Thompson Thomas15 L odge Rach ael16 Qu in Arthu r17 Mc Ol aru Dav id18 Mellon Denn i s19 Kidd Joseph Henry20 XVa l ton John

M an or s .

Pol i ce S tati onDav idson T homasACoal Depo tL on gstafl

Hen ryGee JohnThompson Rober tP ick ford 8e CoM an or Gh ar e .

2 Bosom wor th Thos3 Towns John4Wallace CatherineC rown InnSmith ThomasJesu s’s HospitalSco tt EdwardL an tW i l liamP ick ford St. CoHowey Co

P l ou gh InnHenderson JohnMowbray G eorgeS obers CharlesG l ah o l m JamesAtkin son SarahDav i dson Georg eHendersonUsher RobertAnderson JamesM an or S t r eet.

1 Gel dar d John3 Kirkley J ames4 Carv er Chapl in 81 C oBu rr ell I s abel l a8 Shades InnP ermi t O ffice1 1 Three Tuns Inn13 N icho l son G eorg e14 Harri son J ohn15 P e tch J ohn A.

16 Mofi'at t Alexan derM an sfiel d S t reet .Fi shl ey W i l li amGlendinning ThomasDixon Jo ‘


Bel l BarbaraHogg John_Wallace Will i am


1 7 Cowan Dav id1 9 L unn Wm . Robson2 1 Chater Wm .

Ca tton John23 L oraine Fenwick27 Armstron g W . 8: Co29 Robson E . Co .3 1 Moor George33 Clark Thomas35 Jobling Mark L .

L ambert G eorge37 W el ford W . H .

Cl av ering JohnH erdman Edward

39 Garre t W illi am4 1 Mu l caster J . P .

B u lman John 85 Geo2 Union B anking Co .Brown Ann

5 Farren JohnW alters Ralph

1 0 P arsons E l i as1 2 Bl ackb all and Scott1 6 L i ster and S on s1 8 Ken t John Hall22 N i cholson Thos. E.

Fenton JohnDav i dson T . S.

24 Ewar t,Win d er ,& Co26 Catch es ide J . 85 D .

28 Turnbu l l P . 81 C o .30 W erga JohnRoss AlexanderMc Cabe Thomas

32 Riddell Thomas4 Hal f Moon Inn36 Gray Wm . C o .38 Armstrong James40 L ee Mat thewN ewcastle Join t S tkB anking Co .G ibson G eo r ge T .

Todd Robert Sr. Co .Reed S tephenN el son S t r eet .

2 Whi t e N icho las3 Chri sti e J ohn4 N ew Marke t H o te l5 Mu sic H al l6 P rim . Me th . Chapel9 P ublic Dispensary10 Slee Mat thew1 l P u r v is John1 2 Sin c lai r Jam es


13 BarlowW illiam26 N i chol P e ter15 D in sdale C u thbertAnde rson Al ice

1 6 Smith B arbar a17 Blacket t Arms18 Watson ThomasH arr i son Wi l l iam

20 Roche John22 Macdon al d Mary23 Binns ThomasWhi tehead Thomas

25 Fl in tofl'Thomas

4 Ch ipchase Geo. JFree Masons’ L odgeC ro thers R ober t

26 L ord Stowell Tav .

S impson Ralph27 Barlow JosephN ew B r i dge S t .

1 N esham W i ll i am2 P igg Roger St JohnL undi Frederico3 Feather ston eh augh

Henry4 Dewar Margaret5 P reston Will i am C .

6 Weatherley J . D .

O l i v er G eorgeSmi th J ohnHew i tson J ohnBap ti st ChapelTeasdale Anthon yTu l lock Benj aminDobson JohnS cott ThomasWhi te G eorgeN ew gate S t r eet .

1 Heppl e J ohn3 Craig L uke4 Jackson W i ll iamC u r ry E i z ab eth

5 John son Thomas6 Clark Thos . HindB rooks Shepperd

7 Wil son W i l li am8 S tafford James9 Carr Wi l li am10 Cl ark N oble1 1 Clark Thos . H ind15 G rant HenryRamage G eorge

1 6 Adelai de Hotel17 ArmorerWatson18 Dawson Richard20 Reed Edw. Taylo r2 1 H orwan ThomasCou rage Robert

22 Bl en kin sop Mi chl .23 H obkirk Edwd . CP hoenix Inn

24 P arkinson Richard25 Ward Edward26 Atkinson H enry27 Ru therford Charl es28 Bowes Wi l l i am A.

30 Harvey H enryH all Mr s. Jane

3 1 El l i o t Wm . M. D.

3 1 El li o t Wm ., j un .

32 P earson Doro thy32 Mather Isabella34 Young Edward35 Bev eri dge IohnSpencer JohnA ttey and Davi son

36 Mofli ttMatthew37 G ray W i l l iam38 Hu tton AndrewChancel l or’s HeadWhi te Daniel

39 Smi th Thomas40 Smi th Bodger4 1 W aite W i lli am42 Bowness John43 Smith W al ter44 L i on L amb45 W ard Benj amin46 Richard son Jasper48 S torey John4 ) Bac chu s Inn50 Forres t H enry5 1 Masons Arm s52 Swanson Darwi ck

53 G ibson John54 Ridley HenryS t. Andrews C hu rch55 Mu rton Edward56 H u dson Isabel la57 Bu ll 8: Mon th

58 Dobson W i lli am59 M i l vai n Hen ry60 L iddel l C u th . J.

6 1 Clinton M i chael62 Reynoldson Rd .6 3 \Va tson Joshu a, j un64 Dougl a s G eo rge

NEWCASTLE STREET65 Simpson John66 Richardson J . 8: E .

67 C ampbell John68 Wh i tfiel d Jan e69 Tu rnbu l l Richard

Barkas Robert70 Barkas E l iz abeth7 1 Three Tuns72 Eve ratt Al fred73 Sal mon Robert S .

74 Robertson J ohnCochrane W i lli am

75 Chambers P . T .

76 Victori a Hotel81 Fai rb r i dge Wi l li am82 Wales Thomas83 Barri e James84 Humble G eorge88 Taylor John89 P atti son Mi ss Mary9 1 Mayer Kasper92 Fogg in Timothy93 Albion Inn94 Sun InnN ew M ar k et .

S ee L ist cf Bu tcher s.

N ew R oad .

Sco tt JohnL undy FrancesSu therl and D ani elMarshall Ratc l ifl

L owrey JamesSmi th Mary An n

Bez el by J osephHar ford ClarkSm art 1Vi l l i amBerry John 'Albion InnMetho lis t Chap elWhi te Mr s . J aneBai ley AndrewG r eene JohnH edley ThomasBen ga l l Edwa r dD odds M. S .

H arri son W i lli amWalker JohnO range MaryP earson AnnClarke E liz abethI sm ay John

Fram Eliz abethP ark Joseph


12 Cam eron James13 Charl ton John1 4 Donald Mary Ann15 P roc tor Matthew

Sowter JohnRobson Wi ll iamAllan G eorgeW e ldon JohnB rown EdwardMacadam JohnAllan MaryP u rv es JohnRobson W i l liamHarri son JosephDow An n

RobertsonBoown C u thber tDonald MaryRose and C rownClou gh EdwardW i l sher SarahS t. Ann’s SchoolW i l son RobertChu bb W i lliamJu de Thom asEgypt Co ttage InnMartin G eorgeWh i l l an ce GeorgeHu tchinson ThomasPheasan t In nP arkinson JosephRidley ThomasCowan Dav i dThompson JohnMoore GeorgeL ondon Tav ernS tobbs W i l liamN ew Road Tav ernHu dson J amesKel ly Catr ickShiel l AdamS tew art AlexanderHarford GeorgeRidley E. Red shawHedley ThomasJub i l ee SchoolKeelman ’s Hospi talN or th um b r l n d . Gt .

2 S adler I sabe l l a3 Tu rn er Thomas4 Melro se James5 Sherwood Wi l li am6 Dodds Thomas7 Batey John8 Sum m erhe l l Thos.9 L i l ley El len10 Powke John1 1 Robson Matthew

N or th um b er l n d . P I

1 Gilchrist G eorge2 P earson Ann4 Charl ton G eorge5 Tate Fanny6 B ell J ohn W illi am7 B i l ton Frank8 An derson Chas. G .

N or th um b er l n d . St

1 Green J er eves Sep t2 Dov e GeorgeDov e Thomas

3 P arker Thomas4 Kendle JohnRobison Mary

5 O l d Tu rks HeadB ridon Margare t

6 Su therl and B . Son

7 Gibson N i cholas8 Mo P herson JohnMc Kenzie W ill iam

9 D awning E dward10 Coward Mi ss E liz1 1 Ande r son My. E liz12 Al exander JamesG lov er R . M., M.D

13 Campbell Mr s. HTu rner Jane

14 Atkinson J. G .,Esq

L ead O ffice15 Headlam T. E .

, M.D

16 Ander son An thonyClayton Rev . Rd

17 Robin son Mary18 Thew Benj amin19 L ee Robe r t2 1 Gib son W i ll i am22 l Va l ton E liz abeth23 Weigh tman Chs.MD

24 Bay Horse25 N icholson Mary6 Hume E lizabe th27 Rob erts J ohn3 1 Armstrong Hugh C32 Ki r sop Mi ss Mary33 Thompson Mi ss H3 4 Ed g c om e M r s. J ane35 Ell io t Robert, M.D.

36 Cail Richard

228 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY;37 H ed l ey Thomas38 Wake E liz . 85 Mg t39 Heaton W i ll i am40 Fairbai rn John4 1 Bearup Mr s . I sab42 L awson R. Son

43 P igg Thomas44 Cai l Mr s . Mary45 Jones R ev . R . W . L

46 S torey L i eu t. J as47 Walton Mr s. Mg t48 E ll i o t t Joseph49 L owes Ralph50 Blind Asylum5 1 Claxton John M52 Heron M isses F. C53 S i ddel l CatherineS tephen son Ma ttBu rn John

54 Shield s Thomas55 Green Rev . Robert55 Green Rev . Thomas56 Smailes Mr s . D57 L aw son Robert58 Charl ton Edward59 W i lson Abraham6 1 Anderson W ill i am62 Annandale Thomas63 Talmadge Arthu r H64 Robson Rober tSharp S i r Cu thbert

65 Sin clai r W i l liam66 Hal l George67 G u thri e Mr s. Ja i eO ak L eaf Inn

68 Robson JohnFordyce Thomas

69 Mc Kenzi e Charles70 Bu rn John7 1 Mau ghan J ohn72 Duxfie l d H an . M73 G l ed son W i ll iam74 Rowell Samu el75 Nai rn John76 Brew i s James CCowan John

77 Richard son ThomasN u n s S tr ee t .

1 Hastwell Robert2 Bu l l ock Sarah3 Barn fa ther George4 Ba tch rs Arms5 L ar b y J a n os

6 Pa tt in so n Isaac

O r ch ar d S t r eet .

O x for d S t r eet .

7 Bradbu rn JohnB owmaker N . F. an d


8 Forbe s Robert9 Wal ton A l ic e A10 P u rv i s Archibald1 1 Anderson Margar et1 2 How e J ohnTu rnbu ll Mary

13 Town Robert14 P in e Apple Inn17 Bu r tchby George16 Donkin Robert18 W eddell Thomas19 Johnston John 8: C o20 Halliday Geo rge2 1 Forster Charles22 Em met W i lli am23 Gr een I sabel la24 Dean James25 Car r George26 B rugger Matt . 8: L27 Ford Mary

Sco tt Y‘ Vi l l i amDixon J osephSco tt JaneS te am Engine In nElder W i lli amH unter EdwardBellahy JohnDon n i son Fr s. 8c Thos .John son AnnSco t t ThomasTu rnbu l l J amesMc Casli n W i ll i amL aw son JamesFl in tofi'Eliz abe thS tafford W i ll iamFenw i ck AndrewFenwi ck L ancelo tFenw ick RobertWh in n em Willi am

L igh t foo t Rober tVi cars Maj or Rt. SW inte r AnnTaylor FrancesTayl or Wi ll i amW elch AliceFrench Ann Bl n n e

i l l iam

6 H obe rg Charles7 Hal l Thomas8 Tro tter Thom as



9 L aidlaw Robert ‘

Smi th B artholomew10 O rm ston Pau l

1 1 Hedley JaneDu rham Edm undGoodall Alfred

12 Sco tt Margar et14 Richard son E liz15 James Charles John16 Fen w i ck J oseph17 Hagen Thomas1 8 Shephard Georg e19 L l oyd Wm . K20 H arrio t Rev . Geo .2 1 Maugh an Robert20 Robson W i ll iamWi l son W i ll i am

2 1 Brady Eliz abeth23 Taylor SarahAnderson John

Swanston JohnYel l ow l ey E li z25 Chambers Henry26 Dodds John27 Frost Samu e l M

P er cy P l ace .

2 Br az en dal e Mr s . F

5 L i thgow Mary6 Scott E liz abeth9 Ai tken W il liam1 1 P aley J ane12 L owes Edward13 Ri dley H enryN ixon Wm . TownsP er cy S t r eet .

1 King ’s H ead In n3 Kir sop Mary4 W i lson Dav i d5 Moat Ge orge6 W estgarth Mr s. S

7 W in ship Wi lli am8 Br own l ess Ahsl m

Fear n ey An n

9 Thompson Ral phS ewell Wm . 8: Son

10 G rey Joseph1 1 Fu rness Thomas12 Row ell Mi s s Mar g t

13 Hedley Mi ss Fanny


32 ForsterW i lli am33 D unlop W. 8: J.3 4 Fallow Wi l li am35 Scaife John36 Moody Robert37 H un ter Wi ll iam45 H all Rid leyBrown George

Fri ends Meeting H s.

46 Finlay Charlton47 Hopper John48 Cookson DanielRoss Me tcal fL aidlow Rober t

49 Swan W alker50 S toker Wil li am50 Gl en ton P au l5 1 Buckham 8t Grey52 Gilpin C0 .

53 Gilpin JamesBates Dees

Mi ller William54 Cou ran t O ffice55 Bragg Chas. St Co .56 N ewcastl e B er

w ick Railway O ffice57 Barton Samu el58 Bowman Jane59 H amil ton Isaac6 1 Cail JohnC ooper Thomas

6 2 Carr James N .

63 Maxwel l Rob ert T .

66 Mi tchell JohnP ark JohnMi tchel l John jun .

67 Townsend MaryC t. T appen denFr ed . WBlind Asylum

68 M il ler Hannah69 Fairweather John70 B lack H ou se In n7 1 Bel l Jos. Wm .

72 Bel l J . 8: M.

73 Catholic ChapelS tand en Rev . Jas.Cu l len Rev . Joseph

74 Robson John75 Hal l B. 81 Son

7 6 Th i rk i l l I sabella77 Do tchin Thomas

Fenwi ck L ancelo t78 Clark W i lli amC t. H u t ton Geo rge79 Robinson 8: W i l so n

79 Foggin JohnRenw i ck Rober t80 James JohnC t. Patterson John8 1 Moun tai n W & Son sL eyb on r n F. D .

82 Wal ker J amesFenw ick John

83 Grant Mary84 Henderson John85 Gray Alex. George

Simpson Robert86 Whi te Hou se In n87 Shephard Cphr .

88 Coates Tay l o r90 Fal cu s Allen9 1 Tayl orW i l l i amFawce tt B enj amin

92 Jeffrey E li zabethIon s GeorgeG olig h tley S tan ifo r th

93Atkin son8cP h i l l ipson

94 Edg com e James95 S tephens JohnRow el l Joseph

96 Green George98 Dav i e s Richard99 Ru therford Jane100 L iddell John10 1 B ernand Rob er t102 B ro adhead E liz .103 C ranston Robert104 W i l son W i lli am106 Smi th Robert107 Hain sworth W . H .

Tu rner Hann ah108 Wood Agnu sJohnson JohnHu dson James

109 L iddell Matth ew1 10 Price an d Hu dsonl l l Ell i son Matild a

Bass El iz abeth1 1 1 W akley James

Bu rnand Ri chard1 12 You n ghu sb an d B .

D en t RogerCairncross John

1 13 Dav i s i n W i lli am1 14 Bianchi CharlesRichard son Wm .

1 15 N ew ton Wi l l i amlVa t t John

1 16 Robinson Rober t

1 17 Reid Andrew120 N ewton Hen ry

Hu tchin son Geo.

12 1 Kitchen Wi lliam122 S to ry Jen athan124 S teel Charles S .

123 Archb old Sar ahHall Margare t

124 Robson Rober t126 C lark John

He therington J.129 Far rage Wi lli am1 39 D ewar RobertAtkinson John

13 1 Dewar Joseph132 Robinson JohnJames El izabeth

134 N ew ton Wi ll iamKennady Thomas

135 Johnson Rober t136 Mew Wi l liam137 Qu een ’s H ead Hotl

139 Georg e H o te l1 40 Sco tt John141 Whel ton Wi l liamB rand Wi ll iamBu rton Enoch

142 W alker Jno. 85 SonBu ckham 81 Grey

143 Gri ffith s EdwardG olden Tiger

144 Ru tter Margar e t1 45 Mu r ray Adam147 Corbet t J oseph150 Ell io t t JamesBell W ill iam

15 1 S i l l i ck JamesB lu e P o s ts Inn

154 Swan Bu rnup155 Hunt Henry156 Hall Thomas158 El l i son John 8: W .

159 O l d Qu een ’ s H ead160 O l d P ack Horse16 1 S torey Edward16 2 Fox L amb Inn163 Afii eck Margaret164 Hogarth Thomas165 C airn s G eorge166 Young J ohn167 Hogg John168 Jordan Sarah169 T u r n b u l l &P in cher

170 W atson J ohn17 1 S teel E liz abeth


172 Attey D av isonH i l l John

173 Gibson Wal ter175 E arl of Du rh am1 76 Re i d Wm James1 78 Dobson L eon ard1 79 S tafi‘o rd Jehn180 Haddock Georg e181 Edga r James182 L arm en t Mark183 D ix on John S.

184 Gr an t John185 Bo l am Mary Ann186 Shei l AnnBen son Mary

1 87 Kee r John188 Charl ton John1 89 Bateman Mary1 9 1 Bell W i ll iam

L oug h J'ohnP or tl an d P l ace.

2 Wr i ght George’

3 Craw ford Wi lli am4 Richard son Mi sses5 Richa rdson Thos .

6 Whi te D . B .,M. D .

7 H aw thorne John8 H edley James9 B rown Jacob11 D oubleday Wi lli amP r in ces ’

s S tr eet .

I Mou l ter Ann2 P i ckers gil l An n3 A rthu r E lizabe th4 Wilkin Charlotte5 Gombert Adrien J .

6 L um sd en Mr s. Ann7 P eal Jo seph8 S u therland Jane9 Tu rnbu l l W i l liam1 1 Fergu son Ru th M1 2 Wil son Hannah M1 3 D awson John14 Robson John15 Balmer Adam16 Su ttonMary1 7 Robson E lizabethKaber ry L eonardP r u dhoe S t r eet .

1 Robinson W i l liam2 N esbi t Wi l l i am

1 1 Sanderson Thomp2 H epple Thom as27 Best An d rew

Selkirk John29 Nixon D av i d30 Thompson Thomas3 1 B rown An n

32 Dodds RalphYou ng Thomas

34 Watson W i l liam38 Rei d E liz abeth39 Archer Thomas41 Sanderson Wi lli am42 Elli o tt John43 W i lkin son W . B

Bu rne t t James44 M i l ler John45 Crosier Edward46 Cu o l han Jane47 S in clai r Alexander

Goodb u r n James48 N or thum b r l d . Arms5 1 Ju sti ce Jo hnP ol ice S tati on2 Dav i son E li z abeth3 Mc L eod I sabella4 Selkirk John5 Morrison Georg eB rown Margare t

6 Smith s Arms7 B lakey Mr s. Mary9 Robin son Wi lliam10 Robs on Deborah1 1 D av i son Ma ry12 Smi th J ohn13 Thompson W i l liam14 Harri son Margare t15 Afil eck MargaretDav i son George

16 Skel ton Ann17 Green Tree19 S tephen son Thos .20 Barkas Thomas2 1 Joiner’s ArmsP u d d in g S h ar e .

1 Howard John2 Mc Donald James3 Young Georg e4 W ard John B.

5 W au gh Thomas6 S tafford E lizabeth7 E lli o t t EdwardS impson Wi ll i am

8 Johnston J ohnVirgin Mary ’

s H ospi tal

16 Craven Thos. St Chp17 W i lson An n18 Cas tle Wi l l i am19 Thompson John20 Simpson John22 Forster HenryCarr Rober t

26 Morl and James27 Simp son Thomas29 Bell Joseph30 Rose Inn3 1 St ewart John33 Heads John34 S tephenson Jane35 Fox Hounds Inn42 Hornsby W i l l i am43 Hopper W i lliam44 B ass G eorge47 Robson Sco t t

Qu ay S i d e

1 Johnson Wi ll iam2 S team Boat In n3 Hotham Wi l li am5 Bol dem an n

, Borri esan d Co .

6 Snowden Thomas7 Bu rne tt Rober tArcher Harri sonMill er 8c B lackTownley, Co l ry . oficSco tch Arms Inn

8 Harle John9 B lagbu rn ThomasTay l or AndrewMonkhou se Wm .

10 Bridge Inn11 Bou rn Thos . Wm .

Harle John Co .1 2 Wood N i cholasJ arrow Col ry. O ffice

13 Bo l ton George F.

14 Tu rk’s H ead15 Redshaw RidleyHarton Whi tburnC olli ery o ffice

16 Hewi tson John17 H ansen

,Jobson and

Co.18 H ay Will i am19 Esxu che C . F.

Joblin JohnBarkus John


20 Kettl e James2 1 Reid 85 H u tchinsonH ai r John 6c Joseph

22 N icholson Anthony25 G u thrie G eorge D.

L amb Joseph Co .H indb augh N athl .

26 Ingo , Doeg Has

wel l27 Atchi son AndrewSunderland and Ipsw ich Hou se

28 L orain e W i l l i amDahl

,H owen C o .

Benn 8: Dixon29 Smi th John

Smith John , junr.Joesey JamesCargill

,Mou nsey,C o

29 Cargill , B edlam,Co .Beldon George jun .

Anderson RobertBlackbird H un ter

30 Walker J ohn Esq.

Swan Robert Wm .

3 1 Scai fe Wm . Henry32 Anderson JohnMorri son JamesWarham RichardBel l Anthy . d .

Tayl or son RobertC ow ard Robert 8 .

P earson John B .

Mat thew son Clay33 Dal e P eterAnderson Wm . j un .

Shield J . Son Co .34 Harri son Joseph3 3 Cooper J ohn 85 Co .34 Clemen t L owi sRidley J . F. W . 8: Co

33 Hodgson N elsonKell Richard 85 Co .N . Castle marin . in s .Cd .W .H . Bro ckett

34 Dodds Matthew S .

37 Jackson C . F.

H arle“7m . Co.L amb Joseph at C0 .

38 Thorpe AcasterCarr JohnRob ertson W i lli amDagg Margare t


39 Dou gh ty Robt. H .

39 H eald JosephGi lchri s t JohnH u tchin son Wm . J .

Ramsay George H .

Ch r tsti an sen S . 85 Co37 L osh ,Wi l son 8: Bell

L o sh W i lli amW alker Alkali Co

39 Hoggett W i ll i amP lumber Mthw. CoS owerby Th omas

40 C u s tom Hou sec t Todd John42 Hall Menz ies43 L ow C rane44 Brew i s John45 Cai l John47 Swanston W illi am48 Wi l son G eorge49 Mowbr ay C . M.

50 P arker ShieldL iddel l H enry E.

Bu ckham John5 1 Baskett and RosenbohmB enard Frere sFe atherston Elder

52 Thompson 8c AtkinsonJackson H enry

53 Hay“William D.

54 Rising S u n55 Caley Wi lli am , EsqHai r Charles 8: CoMorley John W .

Reed L ancelo t56 B rown Geo rge57 Thompson Mark57 P l etts Edward58 O rm ston P au l

O rm s ton JohnVan Haan sber genW i lli am JohnDon RichardHerrin g John

59 S u n InnBerkley JohnMork Hans P ete r

60 Snowdon John6 1 Nay lor AndrewJol ly Sai lo r62 W ill iams ThomasSco tt John

63 D ixon Thom as

64 L eidem an A 8t CoColson G eorgeRobson Edward

65 Grey H orse Inn66 Fairw eather I67 Mackey 8: Smi thHedley Bu lmer

68 Jobson S amu el MG i sb u rn e Rober t

69 Teasdal e An thonySco t t James JM u rd ock RobertW i lson Hy . Vipon dCharl ton Wi lli amBl agbu rn Robert

70 Harbottl e JohnDun Cow InnGold en Anchor In n7 1 Hunt Hen r yWhi tfield EdwardColv i l le E . D.

7 1 Hambro St CoBertram 8c P arkinson

74 Spen cer Brown andCapper

75 Mc C ree Thomas 8:AndrewGrey Wm . J . 85 Son

Grey Benj aminCollinson Henry

76 Moody D aniel G .

77 Clarke St Dunn

Qu een Squ ar e.

1 Harle John2 Mell ar3 Reed S teph en4 Worthington C . F.

5 Edg ecom e John T .

6 Taylor E liz abethQu een S t r eet .

O l d Duke of Cum b r l n dW i lson Boher t

Mu i r JamesW alker ThomasThompson W i lliamDenton W i l liamC umberlan d Hou seFi sher Samu elHornsby E lizabe thTodd JamesL umsden JosephH ughes James


S t . Jam es’s S t r eet .

1 Tayl or Emanu el3 Bargata George4 Kelly Capt. John5 HodgeRow l an d

6 G ray G eo rge7 P aige Rev . L ew s8 P earson Mi ss M.

9 Gibson John10 For ster Mat thew1 1 Smi th Mi sse s12 W i l ford Joseph13 Sanderson M i sses14 Thu r sfiel d Mr s . M.

15 Catchesi de Rober t16 Mc Allum Mr s.

17 S tephenson John1 8 Morton Mr s. An n

19 Mi ch ael JohnS t . Jam es

’s T er .

1 Seymou r Franci s3 Sans Mi ss An n4 P arr John B artonS t . Joh n

’s L an e .

1 Shepherd Thomas2 H u tchin son John3 H all Rachael4 Thompson Wi ll i am5 L ee JohnTaylor Ann

6 Easton Jane7 L ivesey J ohn8 Beswick Charles9 Robson John10 Casl as Frederi ck1 1 H ardcastle Wi ll i am12 L even ston Mi ch ael13 Vau se Dean ah

1 4 Smith Edward15 Fox Al fred16 Richard son M.

17 Irwin Charle s18 Brown George19 C u rrie W i l l i amW i lson George

20 Alderson Thomas2 1 Bel l H enry23 Dryden John24 Morri s Solomon25 Wil son and P axtonWood J oseph

26 L aidler W i l liam3 1 Richardson M., jun .


S t . N i ch o l as Ch . Yd .

3 Scott W i lli amClark Jph . and Mary7H u tchinson Math .

9 Dou gl ass IsabellaSmi th John C .

10 P otts Arnold1 1 S cott J ames14 Richardson John13 Marshall Thomas17 Robinson18 Benson Mich ael19 Hodge George20 Bergu a John24 G rayson Tam as

Ward Rober t25 Watson JosephMilbu rn John

26 P roc tor Ann27 Clarke John26 Blacklock JosephN i cho l son IsaacS t . N i ch ol as Sq.

L ev y Alexander

S t . M ar y’s P l ace .

1 S torey John2 J ackson Wi lliam3 N ixon Mr s. Dor oth

4 Hepple Wm . H enry5 Dees Robert6 Del amain Hen ry F.

7 Thompson Ann8 Dunn Mathi as9 W inn Mr s. Mar g t.

10 Bru c e Edward1 1 Sha ftoe Mr s. E liz .1 2 P owel l Capt . Henry13 Smi th Bowness15 W i lson Wi ll i am1 6 Ba tson Mr s . I sabel


17 P atterson M r. Jas .S t . M ar y

’s T er r ace

1 Sopwi th T homas2 Hall Edward3 Moun tain Mr s . M .

4 Hancock M r s. Jane5 Smi th Thoma s6 Rea James9 B n l dem an n Fr edk.

10 Rowe Mr s . Cath .

12 Berkley John13 Dunn Mr s .

45 Harl e G eorge ,

Fai r Rob t. SpuTennan t Hy‘

. Edwd .

47 B lu e Bel l In n48 L aidler G eorge52 Hetherington H.

53 Corn Marke t Tavern55 Mi l lbu rn JosephBl en k in sop John57 Sinton JohnS t .


N i cho l as Chu rchMc I v er JohnFi sher John58 Cowan G eorgeS t : T h os . S t . Sq.

Capper Willi am J .

5 Don ald son HenryS to r y H'en ryL o ckey GeorgeC ripps RichardClav ering JohnHun ter Mi sses, C . 85 J .

Reay John F.

8 P orter RobertMiln er JosephG ibson Mr s , AnnHowey Mr s . An n

Reid C hri stian J .

Rei d Mi sses C . R. St J.

S t . T h om a s’s T er .

H i l l s Edward S ept.Wa llace Rober tBotch erhy JohnMathw in Mi ssesS co tt Mi ss Mar g t.

Whinfiel d Wm . Ant.Forster W i lli amS t . T h om a s

’s T er .


or th Road.

1 Aken head Dav id2 Ridley John3 Vicars Hed ley4 L i ster W i l li am5 L amber t Nathl .

S an dh i l l

1 Wylam GreeneTimperley N i cl .S tark W i lli am

2 Spencer Mi chaelWanless W i lli amL eidem am A. 86 Co .


2 Str aker s 81. L ov e3 Elephant 85 Fi sh4 Gibb Eliz abe thVVeather by John

5 Wylam Ralph 8: Co6 Thompson Robert7 Tate George8 Di ckinson U . W .

Bown as GeorgeH al l John

9 Jones W i lliam1 2 L i ddel l H enry1 1 Woodm ass Robert1 2 Oates IsaacE v ere tt Richard

1 3 Redhead Hen ry1 4 S u rtees 8: Co .Ho y l e Rich ardC lapham JosephSm i thfl

hom as

Dodd Thomas15 H eaton W i ll iam16 Swan Richard1 7 P roctor Wi lliam18 P hil ipson R. P .

19 Cu rrie 81 B u stin20 Borthwick 8c Co .Richard son

,C u rri e

and Co .Bell John Thos . Wm .

2 1 Gowl and Joseph22 Bell Rober tDill on Wm . P .

23 S tanton P hi l ip H.

24 Bel l W il liam26 H u n ter

'Geo . 85 Co.

27 Taylor John28 Marshall Andrew29 C aldwell Rober tCaldwell J ohnS inclare DanielW i l son G eo . Henr y

D ixon T hom as, j un .

Bu lman Job J as.30 Milbu rn Joseph3 1 Aken head J. 85 R.

32 Can t Jon th . Hil ton33 Dag l ish 8L I smay34 Bee Hive35 Kim ps ter Jn o.& Jph

36 Ayton Isaac 8L Sons37 Tayl or Thomas38 Hewi son L awrence39 Gibson Dav i d4 1 P ot ts Wi lliam

42 B i l ton Edw . 8c Co.Marshall RogerMarshall Richard

43 Sc arth James, j un .

Hedley Bu lm erDunlop W ill i am

44 Ye l l ow l ey T.“V.

46 Richardson W.,sen .

Richardson W., jun .

Cookson 8c C ou lthardAllen John 81: C o.

47 Taylor John48 Allen M i chael49 Wi lkinson Thos. E .

50 Hancock Thos , 8c J.

5 1 Bu rrell John

S av i l l e P l ace .

1 P oll ard Joseph2 Taylo r Mr s. Sarah3 E l li son Mi ss Mg t4 Chapman Wm .

, Esq5 O rm ston Robert7 Su rtees Aubon e

San d efor d L an e .

L awes JohnVickers JonathanRace Wi ll i amCOWper

~Jam es

Taylor G eorgeFinlay W i ll i amSanderson JohnHeslop Margare tS trachan JohnCraig ThomasBri t tain GeorgeThompson XV.

Sopwi th T . 85 J.

S av i l l e Cou r t .

2 Bu stin G eorge3 Sco tt N i cholas4 Dodds Rober tWar bu rton Jas. N .

5 Reed Mr s. H annah6 Dunn Mr s. H ann ah7 Hasker Thomas8 Ewbank Michael1 1 Green Mary An n12 Topham Fanny13 Banks Dav i dCole Eli z abeth

Sav i l l e Row.

1 P aget and Iron s2 H arle W i l l i am3 Eye Infirma ry4 Atkinson S ibella5 T idy Catherine6 Rigg M i s s Mary7 Fi fe George

, M.D8 Reavely Thomas9 Reid Chris ti an B10 S l owan an d Wei r“;1 1 Henderson Mi ss E12 Smith Charles13 Ridley John14 Atkinson ThomasS later Charl o tte

15 Mawson JohnAlexander JamesS c otchw ood R oad .

Tate P e terThackray Mary An nG ibson John CIrel and SamuelH odgson ’s Arms In nGreen Tree In nHogg AdamAl l hu son Chr i stn .

,EsqCrooked Bi l let

Ar un dal e JosephGordon RobertEmmett Wi l liamMorgan ThomasHi ll G eorgeH all EdwardBu rn ThomasS tafford RobertRidley Ju o . F.W . 83 CoSh ak espear e S tr eet

Shakespeare Tav er n5 G ray D av i d6 Atkinson Edw. B

7 Gran t ThomasReed H annah

9 P eacock John8 Maoar thy UgineD u cr ow In n

15 Wi lkinson 8: S tan l ay16 E ll i son Thomas18 0 rd Wi ll iam1 9 Story Henry

Sh i el dfiel d .

l L iddell Mr s. My .A.

236 NEWCASTLE STREET DIRECTORY.2 H enderson M r s. E Shiel d Fi eld In n3 Beckington Jn o .j un Bell Mis s Mary4 Benson John P roc tor Mary5 Harrison John Snowdon H enry6 Ridley Samu e l Harri son W i l liamN i chol An thony L owes J ohnRayne RobertW heatley Matthew1 1 L ambert G eorge1 2 Rei d James13 Greenwel l Wm .N

14 Hu dson Mrs . E . A15 Coward Mr s. J ane16 Wal ters Ralph1 7 Bell GeorgeG ilchri st M r s. Mg tP almer GeorgeB ainbridge E

Sh i el d S t r eet .

2 Thompson Mr . R d

3 Wh infiel d Geo. Hy4 Bel l John T. W5 P earson C arolin e7 Mi lbu rn Henry8 H arbottl e An thony9 Spencer James10 Bal l y A1 2 Mi lbu rn Roger1 3 P otts Edward14 H ammond E dward15 Carr L ancelo t16 Whi te Thomas17 Bu rr Thomas1 8 Wh infie l d Rd . C1 9 Swee t W il liam22 You ll Matthew M23 Rowel l Robert24 Robinson M r . John25 Gibson George26 Du tton John29 Brew i s Edward30 W i l son John R3 1 Thompson Joseph34 Weddell W i lli am35 O swald M i ssesJobson Forster36 Archer John37 Close G eorge

P u rv i s John38 Waters George41 P o t ts Wil l i am42 P atti son Sarah43 Smi th Mr s. Mary44 N i cholson Rober t

S i d e.

1 G arne tt Joseph2

&S impson T. 8: Son

3 Clark W i lli amClark JohnAydon E l izabeth

4 Jobling Margare t5 W eather ston Wm

6 Monkhou se An dsnWoods W i lliam

8 France P eter 8: C oG ray Andrew

9 P rince of O range1 1 C arr James12 Mc Caslin W i ll i am13 Ru shton GeorgeBrandy Bu t tRowell JohnW in d W i lli amEggleston Jon ah

14 Clark Thos . 85 Geo15 L amb Fred . H15 Brumwell John16 P ickering Thomas17 Hun tley JohnColhou n Rober tTrotter Thomas R

18 Sword Ro bert19 Hu n n am Fenwi ck20 Copland Thomas2 1 Smith 85 Rymer22 Harri son Willi am23 Reed Charles John

Brown John24 Fawce t t Joseph25 Grapes Inn26 Forster W i lliam27 Yates JosephW ake W i lli am

Barnes W i lliam28 P ari sh Josiah29 B u rnt Hou se30 L u p ton W i lli am32 Robinson Rober t33 He l we John34 Noad JohnP reston James37 Fi nigan James

38 P reston Roger39 Harv ey John 85 J. S

40 Bu rn s Tavern41 S tewartW i lli am42 Cleland Hu gh43 Bu rns James44 Snowdon“7m . W60 Head ley Joseph62 D i ckinson W . Ogle63 Weather son Tho s64 B inks P ru den ce65 Dobson Thomas66 Hu d son John67 Gou ld en G eorge68 Hogg M i chl. & Jas.69 Mi l hou rn e Joseph70 Newm ar ch N th l .

7 1 Moscr op Isaac72 Mi lbu rn John73 P earson L azenby75 Clarke John76 P otts G eorge77 Robson ThomasRalph John

78 P atton Wi lliam80 Sun Inn81 Cowan Geor ge84 Row e Robert85 Rymer Richard86 Clarke John87 Bl akey John88 Kirk Richard 8: Co89 Cook W i lli am90 Rowe Rober t9 1 B e l l Robert P axtonYoung Ed ward M.

92 Drewry RichardsonW al ters Henry

94 You ng John95 Hewitson JohnCar r Samu e l

96 L ogan Dav i dD ixon S imon

97 Cou rtnay James C .

Watts D av i d98 Moreland Thomas99 Green George100 Ni chol John10 1 Morrow R. John

Garthwai te Wm .

103 Terry J.104 B rown R . Bol ton104 W i lson Rob t . 8L C o .105 P rocto r Thomas


22 JohnsonW i lli am2 3 Forster Matthew29 Dunn Andrew30 Mi ll s Margaret3 1 Wal ton El izabeth33 Deigh t on Fran ci s34 Bel l John35 Morton Mi chael38 Foggin El izabeth40 Fli tch John JacobRichar d Chri stopher

4 1 W eddle N ew ton42 Si rW .Wallace Arms43 Tu rn bull George Rd46 Stoker JosephRatc l ifi'e John

49 Mau l e John D ixonSti r ling Jam es

50 Shields Margare tSt r aw b er r y Ln . P l .

1 Ross John2 Jackson Francis3 Simpson M r s

4 Rai l s ton Matthew5 Wal ters G eorge6 Hu tchin son Isab7 Fenw

'ck Sarah

8 Tayl or W i ll i amD unl op W i lliamH arvey Mr s. Margaret

Sum m erh i l l .

B i l ton EdwardMather JosephMowbray C .MW i lson MaryP r iestm an JonathanS u therland JosephSu m m er h i l l Gr ov e .

1 Moun tain Mr . Wm

2 Mi lner Thom as3 Richardson M r s. D

4 Barras Mis s Mary5 Rich ardson H en r y6 Richardson Edward7 S tan ton Phi l ip8 Drewry Jonathan9 Robinson RobertS um m er h i l l T er r ac e .

1 Hogg Thomas s en r2 Fl in tod

Mr s. El iz


Su n d er l an d St r eet .

1 Tate W i ll i am2 French Thomas3 Dunn George4 Graham James7 Fo ss Elean or28 Dowley James27 Fergu son Fiavei s26 Young Jacob25 Mau ghan Mar g t

24 Hepper Joseph23 L indsay Thomas22 Dixon James2 Tai t J . 8c E

3 Barn fath er George18 Carson Dav i dAngu s Teasdal e15 lVi l son James14 Marshall Joseph13 Carr Andrew12 All en Mary1 1 Fergu son Dani el10 Fackn er John9 Hen ye l l G8 Charl ton E liz abeth7 Dunn Catherine

T er r ac e P l ac e .

Sw in b ou r n e P l . H ig h .

1 Gibson Dav id2 W r igh t Mi ss Mary3 Mackr eth Robert4 Beaumon t W ill i am

T h or n ton S t r eet .

1 Cumberland House2 Foggin Rob ert

Sw in b ou r n e P l . L ow .

0Johnson Jam e sWil liam IV

3 Bu rne tt Thomas4 Hodgson Robert5 B l eckl ey H enry6 Tweedd l e Mr s. Sar7 Hogg Mr s. Ann8 Hogg Thomas j un .

9 Chator W i ll i am10 Chapman An thon y1 1 D ixonW i ll i am12 Finlay James13 Bell Mi s ses M. 8L A14 Harri son John J15 Reid Rev . Alex16 Swanson W i lli am17 G u i se Mr s. Mari a18 Ca tcheside Mr s. C19 G u thrie Dav i d

P reston John HElli o tt P eterRoxby RobertI Gargey Mr s . 8: Mi ss2 Budden W i lli am H3 W i l son Thomas4 Angu s Jon athan5 Usher RobertPatt i son ThomasGreen Will i amDawson W i l li amH ogge tt ThomasGrayson Jam esRid l ey Mr s Margare tRidl ey W i lli amS tephen son JaneRyle G eorgeMi lbu rn Joseph

7 P atterson Robert8 Sang W i l liam9 Tu rnbu l l M r s. M10 Andrew s Mi ss A1 1 Mather Mr s . Sarah12 Fli tch John J .

, j un13 Mason Mr s . Mar g t

14 Patterson John15 Cooper Thomas1 6 Wal ton John17 Potts John18 C u rry C al eb“19 Wi lkin son W i lliamL um sdon W i ll i am

20 Baker Benj am in2 ] Meldrum Thomas22 Green Mi ss Char .23 G u th rie G eorge24 Bryson Thomas25 Chapman M r s Mary26 S incl air John27 L owery George

Body John“28 Sin ton Mi ss Mar y29 Clark G eorge30 Crow John3 1 Tayl or Thomas32 Moore Michae l33 Ross James34 In gham Joseph


3 Ratcl ifl’ George 5 P attin son Joseph

4 Bu rt Joseph5 H al l 85 Shepherd7 H all Ann 8: SonHall G race 8c P

7~ Greenwell Thomas13 W ilkin son An nL i ttl e W illi am

5 Clark Thomas4 W i lson Matthew3 Wallace John2 Forster Thomas1 Wy l i e RobertTate JohnS tafford W illi amScott ThomasGood l ad Rd . 85 C oAnnandale J . 8c Son sMu i r WalterSharp ThomasN orval JaneThornton ArmsO liv e rW i lli amL oraine Fenwi ckTh r ee In di an K in g s Ct

L ecarpen ti er ,Ai sb i tt 8:U n ion St r eet .

CoHunterWi ll i amP al mer Geo. 8c Chas.MC arr John 8: CoL unn J amesThree Indian KingsW in gaar d Han s 8c C oL ange BrothersL an ge W. J . MFor ster and HolmesP attinson Thos . C 8c CoG ray G eorgeEwbank Mi chae lH edley Bro thersWalker W i lli amGibson Thos. 8: CoTu rner JamesBeckwi th G eorge WWaters BenjaminAtkinson Thos. 8c CoForste r JamesT i n d al S tr eet .

1 Armstrong Wi lli am2 L i ttl e Sarah T yn e S t r eet .

3 .Cou 1son Edwar d G olden L i on4 Farrar John Carr E lizabe th


T r afa l g ar S t r eet .

1 Anderson ThomasB ell and Malcolm

2 Mowbray Margare t3 H awkes Robert4 Wai les John5 Spencer Robert6 Mi lbu rn H en r v F

7 Clark John8 Sco tt Margare t9 Hu tchin son GeorgeL ee John

Red ford Dinah1 1 Yel l owl ey H enry1 2 Thompson Robert13 Cairns James14 Parker Mary15 Ryles Margare tW i lson H enry

16 Wood James17 Tweedy W i ll i amSmi th JohnL i ster G eorge

18 Bry don Elizabe th19 Thompson P e ter JThompson W i lli am

24 Carey Dav id27 Ridley Barnabas30 Mu rton John32 Bel l Edward33 Tinwell John37 L ord Nelso n38 Tu rner MargaretDin sdal e AnnTyn e B r i d g e En d .

1 Dixon G eorge2 Charl es X1 1 .

3 Small Hannah5 Tyne Bridge In n6 Bell George7 Hu dson Richard8 Co l quhou n W i l li am9 Bu lmer 8: Co10 A tkinson Rph . 85 C o1 1 Marshal l Wm . CN i chol Lu dlow 85 CoScheel e W i l l i am

S cott Wal terRobson RobertSco t t JamesSummerson W il li amDav i son S amu elC ol tman J ohn FGibson AnnBu rdi s W i lli amL amb InnEch te ChristopherTate G eorgeSmirk ThomasDixon JosephHal l AlexanderC ol lin son Mi chaelSnowdon AnthonyMason s ArmsG ibbs JosephHal l RobertBoyd GeorgeKennedy JohnCu thbertson G eorgeCook Mi ss AnnSewell HenryDixon John

1 Weir Jas. Anthony2 Richardson G., jun3 O l d George In n

4 Richardson HenryRichardson George

5 Mc Gregor Alex6 W ard Thos. El li o t t7 O li v er Thomas8 El li ott John10 Milbu rn Joseph1 1 O liv er Dani elO l iv er Dani el , jun

12 Ber tram Alex13 Humble Thomas14 L iddel l Robert15 Todd G eorgeN ixon John

16 Wallace Jam es17 L amedon JamesL um sdon John

18 P lou gh Inn19 Charl ton James20 Hetherington Cap t2 1 Chronicl e Office23 Cou thard Mary24 Bl en kin sop Thomas25 Cowell George S


V ic tor ia P l ac e .

Glen dinn ing JohnSpoor RobertBelkW ill iamKennedy JohnCraig Isabel laGrant JohnB uckham JohnV ic tor ia Ter r ac e .

1 Grind John2 Wi l son Ralph3 Dunn Wm . Alder4 S tan ley ThomasV i l l a P l ac e , H ig h .

Angu s TeasdaleFairland ChristopherH u dson EdwardS torey An thonyCarr ThomasReay H annahCarr JohnBerry JohnP reston RogerC arr JohnFen ton Archibal dJohns on Mary An nH edley RobertWeatherhead G eo rgeC arr JohnV i l l a.P l ace , Low .

1 Fenwick Mr s. H

2 Den t Roge r3 Smith Mr s. Eliz4 Brown George5 L aidler George6 Redhead L ancel o t7 Charlton Aaron8 BellWi ll iam9 Boyd Wi l l i am10 W right Mr s. Mary1 1 Stonehou se JHowe Geo rge

12 Bu ckham George13 S ti cks James14 Haw thorn Mr s.


15 Gibson P hilip1 6 Carr P eter17 S toker Mi ss R18 Armstrong Robert1 9 Reed Charl es L20 Ol iver Andrew

2 1 Atkinson Rev . M22 L ee Mr s Jane23 N i xon Mr s. Jane24 Whi tfield Mr s. Em

25 Johnson James26 John son W i lliam30 Donkin Mr s. Eliz33 Ross Me tcal f34 Fawdon H enry35 Harri son Mr s. Mgt36 Forbes John37 Armory ThomasBones Franci s38 D i ckinson John39 C rooks George40 Watson Hannah41 H ewi t W il l i am42 S co tt El izabeth43 Bee H ive44 Tate Mary45 Cowan Mary46 Forbes MaryW ar w i ck P l ace.

1 Dove Thomas2 Dove Mi ss3 Brown Thomas4 L esl i e Dav id5 Marsden Thomas6 Morri son WalterW ater l oo S tr eet .

1 Wheat Sheaf2 Spencer Thomas3 P or ter JohnAtkinson Mary

4 Dee J ohn5 Armstr ongW i l l iam6 Bu tchers Arms8 B lack Bu llDun n Margare tEl sdon RobertRobson RidleyEn cham AndrewHarland JohnDrysdale Robe rtMachen George1 1 Bel l J ohn15 Jeffrey Thom pson1 4 Wal sm l ey Thomas1 3 P arkin son George12 Hu tchinson Ann10 RidleyW illiam9 P atri ck Wi l liam

8 Robson Fran ces6 ThompsonMr s

5 Grearson James4 Cook Godfrey3 Co ‘

wan Wi ll iam2 Kirkley Mary1 Carry G eorg eW el l in gton S tr eet

Wake ThomasBel l Wi lli amMc Kie ThomasByers GeorgeP owell RichardP rince o f Wal esGibson Mat thewDodd JohnGraham JohnDanby MichaelHunter CharlesArmstron g JohnWi l liam s JohnRodgers JohnJohn son JamesCochran e FrancisFyi

eW i ll iamEmmott AbrahamWi lson AndrewWatson S tephen

Tu rn erW il liamCrown In nH arr ison Bown esBrown ThomasYoung G eorgeBoar s H ead InnDuncan W i lli amTodd H enryBu ckham EdwardSpencer ThomasB lack Bu llSco tt and BeckBlu e Bel lRobinson ThomasGardner AndrewGibson JosephHumble ThomasWaddell I sabellaTeasdale AnnFl i tch J ohn JacobMu r thwai te Wi lliamDalziel Wi l li amBos ton Rober t


34 Marshal l35 Fu llarton A .& Co.Gregory J ames

36 Rooke Sarah37 O rd Wil liamW i l l iam St r eet .

1 H indmarsh Mr s. E.

2 S tark James


Wi l li am O rd and John Hodgson H ind , Esqr s .









James H odgson, Esq.

Thomas Dunn , Esq.

Joseph L amb,Esq.

An thony N i chol, Esq.

James Losh,Esq.

John Carr,Esq.

John Brandling, Esq.


James Si l l ick, Esq.

Thomas Emerson H eadlam ,Esq.

W il l iam B rownsword P ro c to r, EsqG eorge Thomas Dunn , EsqArmorer D onkin, Esq.

S ir John Fi feAddi son L anghorn P o tter, Esq.


St. Nz'

chol as Wa r d .

Mr. Rober t RobinsonM r . S amu el S tokoeMr . Henry IngledewMr . John N icholM r . W ill i am GibsonMr . Wi lli am L ockey H arle

St. J olm’

s War d .

Mr . Isaac B urrellM r . W i l li am BrownMr . John C arrMr . John H u ghes P restonMr . Samu el P arkerM r . John Bu rnup

A l l Sa z'

n ts’ West War d .

Mr . James Dal eMr .W i ll iam Henry Bro cket tMr . Anthony P arkerMr . J ohn O rm ston

Mr . George L ambertMr . John Thomas CarrA l l Sa in ts

East W'

ar d .

Mr . W illi am Tu rnerM r . Dav id Bu rnMr. John RidleyMr . John H unterMr . S tephen L owreyMr. Joseph Crawhall

3 N ewton John6 Bracken J ohn7 Maxwell John9 C l ark James10 Mc Kie John16 Hedley Margare t17 Carnaby RobertGam sby GeorgeEllio tt Mr s. Mary

23 L ynn T homas2 4 Robinson ThomasWaddom Thomas13 Macki n z ie Kenneth1 1 No r th um b er l d . Arms1 0 G il roy t n B .

7 Mather Thomas3 Rowell Mary Sah .

1 Gerv in John


St. An dr ew’s Sou th War d .

Mr James Shi eldM r . Ral ph P . Ph i l i pson

M1‘ 0 11 3 1 19 53 3?n e Mr . Thomas Wi lli am Keen l yside

Mr . Franci s Taylo rMr . A lexander G eo rge G rayMr . James Den t Weatherl ey Mr . G or B tMr . Mark L . Jobling e ge arga e

M r . Robert Haw thornMr . Fr an m s Sanderson Mr . Jam es Fi n l avSt. An dr ew

’s Nor th War d. Jesm on d Wa r d .

Mr . John B l ackwel l Mr . H enry Tu rnerMr . Ralph Dodds Mr . Wil l iam ArmstrongMr. James Archbold M r . Nathani el G race L amber t


or WARDS .

St. N ichola s’ Ward, . S ir John-

Fi fe.S t . John ’s H odgson , Esq.

Al l Sain ts’ West Ward,

. . John Carr, Esq.

All Sain ts’ Eas t Ward , .Anthony N i chol, Esq.

St. And rew ’s Sou th Ward, . .John Brandling, Esq.

St. Andrew’ s North Ward, . . Thomas Emerson Headl am ,EsqWestgate Ward , . George Thomas Dunn


Jesmond Ward , .Armorer D onkin, Esq.

Days on which the Quarterly Meetings of the Council are appointed tobe holden for the Year 1847 z—Wednesday, Febr u ary 3,Wednesday, May

5,Wednesday, Augu s t 4.


J ames Archbold , Esq. , (Mayor,) T. E . H eadlam, Si r John Fi fe,Anthony N i chol , G . T. D unn ,

W i lli am L orain e,Robert P lummer, A . L .

P otter, John L amb, R . P . P hilipson , James Archbold , John Brandling,W i lli am Chapman , James Crawhall, Edward James, Rober t Ai r ey, GeorgeC layton Atki n son , J ohn Bu lman , J ohn Carr, Esqr s., and Cap t. West


R. N —Thomas Atkinson Dav id son , C l erk.


NewcastleDistr ict Cou r t of Bankr uptcy, Roya l Ar cade— N ath ani el Ell isonEsqi,

C om nz tssl oner , W illiam Sidney G ib son, Reg istrar , Thomas B arkerand James W akley, Oflieial Assignees, James Farmer, Messenger , an d

Job ReeveS,\Usher .John Clayton, Town Cl erk, S tephen Reed , Coroner for the Coun ty of

Nor thum ber land ,W il l iam S toker, Cor oner f or the Bor ough,W i ll iam D ickinson , Cl erk of t/re P eace,and John E llio tt,Assistan t, Matthew Robert B r i gge,S her lfl ,

W i l liam Cook, Sher if s Oficer , Dav i d Cumberland , S u r veyor ofTaxes, D av i d Hami l ton W il sqn , Quay and Town Due Col lector , W i l liamAlexander Brooks, Corpor ation

E ng ineer , Robert Wallace, Town S u r veyor ,Samu el Thompson , Governor of Borough P r ison Edward Redhead, Iaspector of Weights andMeasu r es and High Constable ; John Jefferson Har

rison , C lerkof the Comm ittee of Revenue and Expendi ture.


S ur rogates—Rev . Rob t. Green , Rev .Wm . Dodd

,Rev . H .W . W righ t.

Assay Qfii ce, Dean Cou r t, P ain ter’

s heugh, Francis Somerv i lle,Mast-

er .

S tamp Ofiice,Roya l Ar cade.— Henry Reed , Esq.,Distr ibutor .

E xcise Ofiiee, R oya l Ar cade.— James Thompson , Esq., Col lector .

S uper visor s , Jeffrey Fa u l d er , 1 st , and George ‘Whi te,2md D istri cts ;

Thomas S tanley, Gateshead D istr ict .P erm it Ofi‘ice, Manor Street— John Fai l es, John Mc. P her son; and

Samu el Hanson , Wr i ter s


QUARTER SEssroNS .—Ou the W ednesday in the Sessions week.

The Bu rgess Cou rt of Record,in which the bu rge sses o r th e town can

alone be su ed , i s h eld ev ery Monday before the Recorder or h i s D epu ty,in the G u i ldh all

,except su ch Monday happens to be a Sain t’s day .

The N on bu rgess's Cou r t of Record, i n which N on -bu rg esses are su edi s h eld ev ery Wednesday and Frid ay before the Recorder or hi s D epu ty,in the G u i ldhal l .The Coun ty C ou rt i s held ev ery fou rth Wednesday throu ghou t the yearbefore the Under-Sheriff, in the Gu i ldhall.The Cou rt of Conscience

,for the recov ery of debts under for ty shi l l ing s,

i s hel d on the l ast ’

Tu esday of ev ery mon th , be fore the Commi ssioners inthe Gu i ldhall. —Dav i d Carey. 24 Trafal gar str ee t, i s the beadle of th is cou rtThe ju ri sdic tion of the Bu rgess an d N on -Bu rgess Cou rts, and theCou r t of Conscience

,has recen tly

, by order of the P ri vy Council, been extended to th e borou gh o f Gateshead .The Mayor and Magi strates si t ev ery d ay for the transacti on of bu siness at the P oli ce-office in the Manors

,and parochi al bu siness every


Col lector , S i r Cu thbert Sharp, Comptr ol l er , James Sparrow, Esq., C lerks

in the L ong Room , Thomas Sco tt, Thomas Brown,W illi am Tinwell, JohnGrey, Cu thbert Carr, A . Shield

,and J . E. England , L anding Su rveyor s

Rober t D ees, and W i lli am King L l oyd , L anding Wa iter s, Rob et t Armstrong, John Baskett, an d Wi lson S t ory, S ear cher s. Henry Ferri ere , JohnR. Rayner, E . L W il son , D. L . Mc . Allum , R . S . B ell

,and E C


Sau nders , J erquer , H . W . W orld, War ehouse-keeper , John Young , Tide

S u r veyor ,W ill i am P r ym , Assistant , M . P roc tor, C l erks for gener a l Business,

E . S tory, John B ru ce, and John D ees , House-keeper , John Gardiner.TRIN ITY HOUSE , 20, BROAD CHARE .

E lder B r ethr en , Henry Smi th S traker,Master ; John Hunter, Depu ty

John Rayne , Rober t Airey, John Thomas C arr , Cu thbert S . Fenwi ck,Rober t Shipton S tanhope , T . C . G ibson

,F. A. P attison , Simon Danson ,

Thomas E l der, and George Thompson , Chapl ain , Rev . R. Green, Master

to the P i l ots,Thomas Smi th

, Secr etary, John Cu rrie .Nor thum ber l and Dock Ofice, 8, Gr ey S tr eet. -Gc orge H u dson , Esq.M.P .

Cha irman ; Richard Spoor, Esq.,D epu ty ; George Bu rdis, Esq.,

- Trea

sur er and Dav idl

Dar l in g Main , S ecr eta r y.


M ai l an d S tage Goach es .

To ALNwrcx, The Ta l ly-ho, from the Sun In n , N ewgate str eet, at 4 afternoon dai ly, (Sundays excep ted)To BARNARD CASTLE, The Tr ue B r i ta in , from the Half Moon ,B igg marke t,d aily (Sundays excepted) at 4 afternoonTo BEDL INGTON

,The Defence, Tu . an d Sat. from the Gar r ick

s h ead, clo thmarket, at 4 afternoonTo BERWICK, v ia. Weldon Bridge an d Wooler, i n connection wi th theN orth B ri ti sh Rai lway, The Quick S i l ver , from the Queen’s H ead an dTu rf Hotel ofl‘l ces at 10 morning daily, (Sundays excep ted.)

To BERWICK, v i a. Morpeth an d Alnwick, The Un ion, from the Turf Ho telofli ce, at 8 morning, dai ly, (Sundays excep ted) i n conn ection wi th theN orth Bri ti sh RailwayTo BERW1 CK, & c. The H ighflyer , from the Tu rf H otel o ffice, at 9 ev ening,the same rou te as the Qu ick S i l verTo BERWICK and EDINBURGH ,

The Royal Mai l , fr om the Queen ’s Heado ffice

,at 1 0 morning, d aily

To B ISHOP AUCKLAND, The Tru e B r i tain , from the Half Moon, Bigg

marke t, at 4 afternoon, daily, (Sundays excepted .)To BLY'I‘H

,The Victor ia, from the H al f Moon, B igg market, Tu . an d Sat.

at 4 afternoonTo DURHAM, The Qu ick Si l ver , from the Coach and H orses, B igg market ,at 8 morn ing

,dai l y

To DURHAM, The Tr ue B r itten , from the H al f Moon, Bigg market, at 4a fternoon


, (Sundays excepted)To EDINBURGH , The Roya l Mai l , from the Qu een ’s H ead office, at 10morning

,dai ly

To EDINBURGH , TheMagnetMai l , from the Qu een ’s H ead office,at qu ar ter

pas t 1 1 n ight,daily

To EDINBURGH,v i a. Horsl ey, Jedbu r gh , D ryb u rgh ,Melrose , Abbo tsford ,

& c ., The Chevy Chase, from the Tu rf Hotel and Qu een ’s Head o ffices ,at 8 morning, dai ly, (Sunday ’s excepted)To EDINBURGH , v ia BERWIOK, & c .

,from the Qu een’s H ead Ofli ce, daily,

The Roya l W i l l iam,at h al f-past one (Sundays excep ted)

To MORPETH, New P hoenix, from the Rose Crown , B igg market, a tfivea fternoon daily

To MORPETH , The Ta l ly-ho, from the Su n In n , N ewgate street, at 4 afte r

n oon daily (Sundays excep ted )To SHOTLEY BRIDGE , The Safety, from the Crown 8: Thi stl e, Groat mkt .,at 4 a fternoon , and Omnibu s at 8 morning, dailyTo WOOLER, The N ew P hoen ix, from the Rose Crown , Bigg m arke t


3 afternoon,Tu esdays

R a i l w ay C on v eyan ce.


Car l iol squ are) ev ery hal f hou r from 8 morning , ti ll hal f-p ast 8 nigh tan extra t rain on Satu rday ni ght at 9


N ewcast le and Car l isl e Rai lway— Train s l eav e fo r Carl i sle at 6

,9 (mai l )

l l and 2 , 4, 8e 6 , 45 p.m ., through the week ; and a t 9 , e .m ., an d

(mail) 5 p.m . , on SundaysOm n ibuses — L eav e the G eorge Inn

,Qu een ’ s Head Inn

,T u rk's H ead

In n , and Tu rf Ho tel, for Carli s l e and G ateshead S tati ons, 20 minu tesbefore th e dep arture of each train.

N ewcast le, Dar l ing ton, York, 5c , Ra i lway—See end of Gatshd . Di rec tory.

S team P ack et s .

To B erwi ck,the ECLIPSE , Wed

n esd ay morning, at 8, from th eN orth Shore . o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 .

To Dundee, T HE L OCH RYAN ,

W ednesday mornin g, from the N orthShore .To Hu ll , THE NEPTUNE , Tu esd ay

m orning at 8, from 2 , Broad Char s .

To L ei th , the VESTA, Monday andFri day from Shi eld and P arker’s”

Wharf, 50 Qu ay S i de.T O L ei th , the ECL IPSE, Wedn es

d ay mo rning at 8 from the N orthS hore .To L ondon, the L ONDON MER


'edne ‘sday,and the CITY or

H AMBUBGH ,S a tu rday , f r om Shield

and P arker’s Wharf, 50 Qu ay S ide.To Shields, ten or twel ve timesper day

,from the Qu ay Srde, L aw

son Mu res, agent, 2 Broad ChareTo \Vhi tby and H u l l , th e STREAN

SHALL, Wednesday morning from R.

S torey ’

s , Fenw i ck ’s en try. To BERWICKW a t er C on v eyan ce , L on d on

Adelaidea n d. oth er T r ad er s . To A BERDEEN.


Sco tti sh Mai d . s o . 0 o 0 Q . B l ‘ u ce

S hip. Master .Tr iumph Mason

B arefo ot . .

H alcyon . . Tu rpio Gen er a} Gar n er's

I sabella Sarah . . O l i v erL ondon . Dav i s'l ev io t . P urv i sTo An t/1. A ichol 6

'S on , Dowgate

t arj , L ondon.


A l len .

B r i t tain .Reedl zl l iar r u

Master .

Hu dgi l l ClarkMarsden Do t chinMi ln er ToddTo A n ih. N icho l <5

» S on , Dowgate

Wh a rf ; L on don .


Bean fro’nt H opp’l‘

Albion . . CobbyC umberland Fai rbu rnEl sw i ck Ca r r i l iol

Jane Bu rnMeldon SykesTham s MandersonTimes P o l sonTyne Ki rkupH al lMerchan t . SwanTo Todds R ed L ion and Thr ee Cr anes

Wharf , L ondon .


R ob insonWhel da l e

. C ooperRob inson

By Rai lway (S’ W’

aggon to a l l pa r ts.

Carver, C haplin , Co . 4 Manorstree t , and 1 St 2 Railway Station ,Ga tesh ead

,JOhn Main

,agen t.

Howey Thomas Co .,B i rd - in

Bu sh yard , Mn r . Ch Rt. Fail , ag t.P ick ford Co ., B i rd - in -B u sh yd .,

Manor Chare,and Railway S tati on

,Gateshead, Thomas Irv ine, agent.


20 H i l ton , Ryl l s, ta .

5 H orton , Mi ll s, sat .6 Howdon

,P an s

,Robt. Archer, tu

an d sat.4 H umsh au gh, Wm . Wilkinsonw ed . an d thu r.

23 Jedbu rgh , J . Boi ston , thu r.16 Jedbu rgh , Whal ey , th u r.3 Kelso Thos. H owey 86 Co. m on dWed . and fr i .

1 9 Killin gwo r th , P eacock, tu . th 8c s t

23 Killingworth, Fenwi ck, tu . th 8c st265Ki rkwh el l pin g ton ,

l v . Dodds , s t3 L auder , Thos . Howey 8c C o . m o

w ed . and fri d ,20 L ong r ow

,W i lki n son , sat .

I7 Mat fen , Edward Mi lbu rn , sat.3 Melrose , Thos. H owey 8c Co .m on d .

w ed . and frid .

2 1 Mi ddleton , Thos . Rodgers, sat .3 M idfield , T ho s . Howey 8: Com o n d . w ed . and frid .

9 Monkseaton , D u tfiel d , sat .“27 Morpeth ,Edward Edley, dai l y

8 N etherton , D ixon , thu r.*23 Newb igg in , F. Rochester , sat.l O N ewbo l d , Robt. S tephenson tu

Il l l l l‘

. an d sat .

1 5 N ewbrou g'h , Am o s, thu r .

6 Newb u rn ,H enry C allender, andJohn Thu r l away , th u r. an d sat .

17 N ewl ands , Har ri son , sat.28 N ew ton , M i ch l . Bell, sat.8 N ew ton ,

Eas ton , thu r.27 N in eban ks, Bosh l ey , thu r .

3 O tterbu rn , Andrew Robi nsonthu r. an d sat .23 O tterbu rn , J . B oiston ,


O v in gham ,Matthew E l l io t t, sat

I7 O d n g ton , John Owen ,sa t .

28 P ru dhoe, Geo, Rob son , satR othbu ry ,

T . 85 Bansay, tuan d frid .

36 Roth ley, Edw . L am pton , thu r.20 Sh ield s , Mankin , dai ly1 7 Shi lbo ttl e, Mark T owm an thur.20 Shi ldon ,

-Vi ckers , wed .

28 Sho tl ey bdg . ,J . L iddell, tu . th . 8; st28 Sho tley Bridg e , John L iddle, tu .

th . an d sa t.

1 4 Shotley Bdg. B rown , m n .w.& s t1 5 Sl aley ,- S w a110w , th u r .1 6 S tag shawb ank, Joh r


1 Burns, ti l u r15 S tam fo r dham ,

-Ell i o t t, sat25 S tem fordham ,

-Denham, sat.

13 Stam for dham,Jm s. H arri son , sat.

16 S tam fordham,Andrew E llio tt, th

17 S tan n er sb u r n , John Min to , th .

20 S tock ton , S tokley, an d Briggs,tu . - and fr i .

29 S underland,— L ayb ou rn ,thu r.

20 Sunderlan d,— S her ifi‘ 8c Thm psn .

tu . thu r . and sat.20 Swa lwel l,— Sanders and Oxley


tu . an d sat.

4 Wal l , J . Wi lkin son , wed. an d th .

17 W ark,Wm . Dixon

, 81. J . T u l ip, th24 W arkworth

,Tho s. Robinson


17 W arkworth , Rober t Ell i o tt, thu r .27 Whi tfield, Bear ty, Thu rsday3 Whittingham , Thomas Howey 85Co .


, w ednesd ay , 8c frid .

25 VVhi ttin g ton , Rb t., Gr an i ck,sat.


tu esday, thu r sd av , and satu rday20 W’

i nl aton , H ew i tson an d Ten chtu esd ay , thu r sday , an d satu rday4 W i tton, (Ne the r ) W . Spoat, sat35 WVood bum , N esb i t 8c W e i r , th u rs3 Wooler

,Thomas H owey 8: Co .


m onday,wednesday

,and friday

8 Wooler, L orym oor , th u rsd ay2 ] W oom ack, Jph . Wal ton , s at .28 EVy l am , Georg e W'elsh , satu r day

P i e ces o f W or sh .p.

A l l S a in ts Chu r ch , foo t o f P ilgrimstreet,Rev . Robert G reen , M. A.


P erpe tu al Cu rate .A l l Sain ts Chapel of E ase, Byker,

Rev . Thos . R. G reen , Incumb en t .S t . A ndr ew

s Chu rc h, N ewg ate s t.Rev . Wm . Dodd ,M.A.

,Incumben t.

S t. A nn’

s Chapel of E ase, N ew

Road, Rev . Geor ge H eri o t . 11

S t . J ohn’

s Chu r ch,W estgate street,Re v . Henry W i l liam Wr ight, M.A.

,Incumben t .S t. N icho las Chu r ch, S t. N i cholassqu are, Rev . Rd . Chas. Coxe, A.M.,

Vi car.St. Thomas

s Chu r ch, h ead of Nor

thum ber l an d s tree t, Rev . R. Cl ayton , Incumben t.S t . P au l

s Chapel , Arthu r’s hill,Rev. Fran ci s H . Mau de , C u rate.St. P eter

s Chapel , Ox ford s tree t,Rev . C harles Al fred Raine, In cm b t.Ca thol ic C hu rch, Clay ton s treet,

west, Right Rev. Dr . Wm . Riddell,


B i shop , an d Very Rev . Chas. Eyre ,P ri est.Ca thol ic Chape l , P i l g r im street,

Rev . James S tanden 8c Rev. JosephC u l l en , P r iests .Baptist Chapel , Fo rthfields.Baptist Chapel , N ew B ri dge street.B aptist Chapel , Tu thi l l stai r s .B apt ist Chapel , Marlborou gh cres .

Baptist Chapel , Bar ras b ridge .

Bapt ist Chapel , New c t .Westg t . st.C a l edon ian Chapel , Argyle street.C ast le Gar th Chapel , C a stl e Garth .

F r iends hf eetiag H ouse, P i lgrim st.High B r idg e Chapel , High bridge .I nclepen cl ent Chapel , Blacket t st.M ethodist Chapel , B l acke tt stree t.hf ethodist Chapel , Gibson street..Me l hocl i st Chape l , B lenheim st.JlI ethodist Chapel , (Cen tenary ,) S t

L aw rence.N ew Con nex ion Chapel , Hood s t..New Jer usa lem Temp l e, P ercy st.P o ster n Chapel , P os tern .

P r im itiveMeth. Chapel , N elson st.P u bl ic Jlr

ethoa'ist Chapel , N ew ro ad

Arbou r Hou se , B eamish, B elmon t,Cassop,CassopMoor ,Castl eEden ,

S cotch Chur ch, Bl acket t s tree t.S cotch Chapel , P u dding chare.

U n ita r ian Chapel , Hanov er squ areCar l io l s t .

l,near H an



An drew ’s hou se,Backworth

, Ben

w el l , B l ayd on , Bu rradon , an d

\Vi deopeii , C har l aw,Cox l odg e ,C r amli n g ton

,Cragh ead , Derwen t,

Main ,E as t H olyw el l

,Edm on d s

l ey , El swick, Far n ac r es, FawdonFel lin g

, Fenham , Framwe l lgateMoor ,Gosfor th ,G r een C ro ft,H ea~

ton , H ebbu rn,H eddon M ain ,

H eworth,H oly Well

,Hotspu r,

Au ckl and S t.

Crow T r ees,Elve t, Garmondsway

Moor,H aswel l

,H e tton , Hetton

Sou th,H e tton N orth , Keepi er ,

Ke l lo e, L ambton , L umley,Mon kwear rn ou th , P en sh er , Shiel d Row ,

Sh i n c l ifl e,Sou th Moor, Shotton ,Thornley

,Trimdon ,W ashing ton ,

YVh i twel l , Wingate Grang eTEES .

Helen ’s, Au cklan d“l es t,B lack Boy , B rancepeth,

Byers Green , C lar ence H et ton ,Coxh oe,Copy Crooks, Cragg

wood,Dean ery P ease’s, D eanery

B rown ’s E l don E ther l ey , E ven

wood, H unw i ck , L easi n g thor n e,N orwoorl ,Wes ter ton

,West Hetton ,

Whi tworth , W i ll ington , Wi t tonP ark, VVoodhou se Close.

The Jl fa r /r ets are hel d on Tu e sday, Thu rsday, and Satu rday, and aren umerou s l y a ttended by farmers

, g r a i z er s, corn merchan ts , an d trade smeno f the su r rounding count ry , especially those on Tu esday and Satu rday ,both of wh i ch ar e corn , an d the former c attle .The Fa i r s are hel d March 26

,Aug u s t 12 , O c tober, 29, and the l ast“fedn esd ay in Nov ember.

P opu lat ion o/ the Bor ough, accor ding to the censu s taken Jun 3 7 th, 1 841 ,m oun ted toFor other P ublic Insti tu t ions

,Bu i l dings, P l aces of Am u semen t, 8t e..

see A lphabetica l Directory .

Jarrow,K i bb l eswor th , Ki l ling s

worth , L ow Moor, L anchester 8cMedomsley, Manor Wallsend


Marley Hi ll , M i ckley, Monksea

ton , Moun t Moor, N orth El swi ck,O akwe l l g ate, Oxc l ose P el awMain , I’e l ton , P e rcy Main , Sacris ton , S ea ton B u rn

,Seaton Del

av a l , Seghi l l , Sher i ff H i ll , Spi talTongues , Spring wel l, Sou th Tanfiel d,So u th P elaw

,S torm ont


T anfiel d L ea 8c Ga r esfiel d , Tanfiel d Moor,Team

,Tyne Main 8c

l Voodsi de,Urpeth , Waldridge


W‘alker, Wa l bo tt l e, Wall send


W est Townl ey and S tel la, W es tCramlington ,W es t S tanl ey , W'

i l

l ingtou,Wyl am .


Barrington Main,Bed l ington


pen , H artley, N etherton,West

Cow'pen .


L IST or STREETS, L ANES, COURTS, a c . IN 1 846,

Wi th rej eren ces to their r espective situa tions.

Abbo t’s yard, High stree tAken head

s yard, H i gh streetAlmon d ’s cou rt, H i l l gateBail ey chare, High s tree tBan kwel l passage, P ipewel l gateBarras’s cou rt, High stree tBarrington place, Windmi l l hillsBeckin g ton

s yard , High stree tB ell’s yard , Oakwel l gateB ensham ,W indm i l l hil lsB ird- i n -Bu sh en try

,Bottle bank

B lind J ohn ’s en try,H i gh stree t

B lu e B ell entry, P ipewel l gateB olivar p l ace , East s tree tBo ttle bank , Bridge stree tB ridge s tree t, Tyne bridgeBrown ’s yard , Chu rch stree tBru ce ’s yard , Cannon streetB runsw i ck stree t, High s treetB runswi ck terrace, Barn closeCannon street

,Chu rch street

Carr’s hi ll , Du rh am old RoadChapel street, Melbou rn s treetChapman ’s cou rt

,H i l l gateCharle s s tree t, High stree tCharlotte place

,W est stree t

Charl ton ’s yard , High stree tChu rch stairs, Chu rch stree tChu rch street,B ridge stree t

Chu rch walk, Chu rch stree tClaremon t place , Sedgwick placeCook’s lane, H i gh s tree tC oward ’s yard , H i gh streetC ranston’s en try, High stree tC ross Keys en try , P ipewel l gateC rown 8c Thistle yard, P ipewel l gateD ag l ish

’s entry, H igh s tree t

D eckham place, Du rham old RoadD obson ’s cou rt, Bri dge stree tDob son’s yard , High stree tEast Bailey chare, H igh stree t

East street,Oakwel l gate l ane

Easton cou rt , High str ee tEaston ’ s en try, H igh stree tEaston pl ace, East s treetEaston s treet , Eas t stree tEldon place , East streetEllison place, Ell i son s treetE lli son street, H igh streetElli son terrace, Bar n closeElysium lane , B en sh amEr r in g ton

s yard, High stree tEr r in g ton

s yard , P ipewel l g ateFai rweather

s yard , High stree tFar nwel l

s en try , High stree tFountain yard , P ipewe l l gateFreeman ’s entry, High stree tFreeman ’s terrace

,W indmill hi ll s

Friars Goose, Sou th shoreG arden cou rt, 182 High stree tGard en stree t, O akwel l gateG l eg horn

s entry, High streetG r aham s l ey s tree t, H igh stree tGreen ’s yard

,P ipewel l gate

Grosv en or street , Hal f Moon laneHalf Moon lan e , High streetHardy’s yard , H i gh s treetHarrison’s yard

,High stree t

Hawk en try , bot tl e bankHigh Fel l , Sheri ff hillHigh street , Head o f Chu rch streetH i l l g ate , Bridge stree tHood ’s Bu i ld ings, W indmi l l hi ll sHow ick place, W es t s tree tHym er

s squ are , High streetHym er

s yard , High stree tInness yard,High stree t

J ackson s treet,High street

Jobey’s entry, High stree tJohn ’s place,Wes t s treet

King James’s s tree t,Brunswick st.

King Wi l l iam ’

s street, Wes t stree t



Abbo t Eliz ., Royal Oak, Garden s tAbbot John 85 Co.,i ron and brass

founders, chain, cable, anchor, Sec .

manu factu rers , Gateshead parkAdams James, v ic t., Hawks ArmsEast stAirey Chas ., shoemaker, Chu rch s tAisb i tt Thos. O ., m ch t.,King Jas . s tAken h ead O l iver A .,


Deckham plAllan Andrew, dyer, 39 Bottl e bankAllan John, smi th , Bottl e bankAl l an John

,shopkpr, Pipewel l gtAllen J ohn , alkali m fr . ; h . High

W est stAllen Wm . N ., grocer , 18Bo ttl e b nkAl l hu sen C . 85 Co. , Tyne Soap andAlkal i W orks . Sou th shoreAl li son M r s

, 26 Elli son s tAllport James,manager

,N ewcastle ,Darlington , York, Sec . Railway ,G reen ’sfieldAnderson J .

, agt., l 7 Mo l en d in e terAnderson Sc Mi ller

,hat m an u fc tr s.

15 Bridge stAnderson Robert

,hat m fr . ; h . 1 9

Rav ensworth terAnderson W i lli am

,v i ol in maker


G r aham sl ey s tAndrew N i cholas, gen t., high W est sAndrewW i lli am,coal owner, 8 high

W es t stAndrew s T .,

ag t., 20 Claremon t plAngu s M r s . E liz .

, P opl ar co ttageAngu s G .,cu rri er ; h . Barrington pl

Angu s G . 85 T . C ., cu rri ers, U nion lnAngu s Hy., tan r . ; h . Woodbine co tAngu s J as., gl ass m fr .

, Carr’s hil lAngu s John

,cu rrier, 7 Sedgwi ck plAngu s W i lliam,v i c t., L ow Fel l

Apedai l e T . H .,solr b . 17Wes t st


Apeddi l e Mi s s Ann, Brun swi ck stArchbold Thos ., shopkr P ipewel l gtArcher Rd . H ., clerk , 2 l Rvn swth . trArcher Mr s. S arah , 5 Rvn swr th . terArkle Ed .,

r ich , Wm . IV B enshamArmstrong John , clk 32 Mel b r n . s tArmstrongW .

,cashi er, 8 Rvn wth. tr

Ar n ison Jph .,shoem kr .

,7 Jackson st

Arno tt James , assi stant Town Clerk ,Gu i l dhall , N ewcastle ; h . 5 Grosv en or streetArthu r J ames, grocer ; h . 9 Rav ensworth terraceAtchi son An dw. , baker, 9 Bridge s tAtkinson Geo. T . , dyer, 22 Chu rch stAtkinson Isab , l odgs., 15 Me l b r n . st

Atkinson John , grocer, 28 High stAtkinson John , gent., l Ravn swth . trAtkin son Mr s. Margare t, S tu art plAtkinson Sarah

,v i c t., 20 Elli son s t

Atkinson Thos ., brewer, 3 Ell ison s tAtkinson Thomas, grocer, 1 8Bridges teet ; h . 6 Sedgew ick placeAtkinson Wm . con fec ti oner,H igh s tAtkin son Wm ., bu tcher, 2 Bottl e bkAtkinson , R ev . Wm .

,B . A . Rec ty.

High Fel lAu das Wm .

,tinner, Brunswi ck ter.Ayre Mr s . Mar g t, L adies seminary,

1 Union placeBacon Cath . Brown J ug , Carr ’s hillBacon Mary, shopkeeper, Carr’s hlB ain P e ter, Basket m kr .

,Chu rch st

Bainbridge John , Charles s tBainbridge John , smi th , P ipewel l g tBainbridge Thomas, gen t. B enshamBainbridge Thos., wh itesmi th , be l lhanger and wi re worker

, Dixon 85Ru ssel l’s yd . ; h . Oakw el l gateBarku s B enj amin

,M.D., su rg eon,l John ’s place


Barku s John,agen t

, 3 John ’s p lBarku s W’

m ., coal v i ewer, L ow Fel l

Barku s William , j un ., coal v i ewer,Eighton lodge

B arnard Mr s. Mary Ann , 10 Woodbine terBarnett Fras., su rgeon, 180 High stBarras James

,bu tch er, 33 High st ;h . l Swin bou r n e pl

B arras John , brewer, Wes t st ; hFar n acr es

Barras Mg t ., l dgn s.,30 Mel b r n . st

Barras G eo ., shopkpr ., L ow Fell

Barras Samu e l , agt., Brun swick st

Barret t Jph .,tobacconi st, 4 Edg . s t

B eckington J . Son ,millers and

flou r deal ers, 1 98 High s tB ell Cath ., con fection er, Charl es s tBell Edward, whi tesmi th and bellh an ger

,1 6 H igh st. ; h . Su n yd

B ell George, grocer, 24 Chu rch s tB el l G.

, cheesm n g r .,7 L ambton ter

Bel l John , gen t, B arrington plB el l J land su rv eyor, 105 H i gh stB el l J ohn, beerhou se, High s tBell Jph ., druggi st, B o ttle bankB ell Joshu a, b eer h s., C annon stBel l Mr s., v i c t.

’Magpi e, B en shamB ell Rd .

,H an sel l ,m er t.,Deckh am h

Bel l R t., Cro ss Keys, 35 Bridge s tBell Thos . , shoemaker, Carr ’s hi l lBennett Mi sses Jane 85 E liz ., l adiesseminary, Romu lu s te rB ennet t Rev .Wm .

,Romu lus ter

Benne t Wm ., school, Chu rch yard ;h . Romu lu s te rBenson John , shopkeeper H i gh stBerry Mi ss E leanor, 24 E l li son s tB ertram C ., fu el manu fac tu rer ; h10 West st

Berwick R t,E l l i ott, en gr., 8"W est s tB inks Chris , eXper im en ta l m fr .

chemi st, Friars G oo se H ou se .

B irney Wm . T ., com . agt. h .Wind

m il l hil lsB ertley John , bu i lder,W i ll i am stB l agbu rn J ., watch maker, H igh stB l agbu rn Wm ., bu tcher, B r idge sth Ell i son st

Blagden Rb t., v i c t ., Grey H orse, 85Au c tioneer, 43 H i gh stB l ai r Mr s. Mary

,16 Grosv enor st

B lakey Jas ., tailor, W indmil l hi llsB lankly Jsphq shoemaker, Brunswick ter

B l aydon Main Co al D epo t, H alf

Moon l ane, John Fletcher, agen tBl aylock M i ss Mary, L ow FellBoggon Isab el l a , v i c t., L ow Fel lBolam H enry


, 27 High stBotcher l ey Jas., tai lor, 34 High stBow l t E . Cock 8: Anchor

, Cannon stBow l t Mr . J oseph, 2 Melbou rne stBowl t Wm . cab t . m kr

, 192 H igh 31;Boyd G eo ., cu rrier, 12 West s tB rack G eo ., Farmer, Carr’s hil lB rady Henry, su rgeon, 203 H i gh s tB ramwel l Thomas

, E sq., Fi eld h s

B rass m ., v i c t., Odd Fel lows Armsand cork m an fr ., Carr ’s hil lB reckn el l Wm . Hy.

, grocer, 5 P ip ewel l gate

Brenn an Jas., tail or, 17 1 H i gh stB re tt John Frederick

, tai lor, 2 18

H i gh st. h . Windmil l h i ll sB rewi s Frances

, shopkr ., Sher ifl'hi l l

B rew i s Wm ., baker, P ipewel l gat e

Bridge My ., shopkeeper, P ipewg tB ridge Thos ., shopkeeper, P ipewg tBridon Wm ., b lacksmi th , L ow Fel lBriggs Mr s . Margare t

, 4 Jackson stB ri ghton Jas., nai l m kr .

, Bo ttle b kBrin ton Geo., v ic t ., B lack Bu ll


High stBr i ti sh Schoo l , Grosven or st., JohnP arker, Mas ter

Bri tton John , v i c t., Oakwel l gateBrocke t t . Hy. mer t.King Jas. s tBr ooks John , ear thenw r . d lr. High sBrown C ap t. Alex ., 9 B ru nswi ck s tB rown B . E . mill iners

, Oakwel l gtBrown Edw.

, tai lor dpr., 18 Edg . s

Brown E l eanor, fru i te rer, 3 High s tBrown Chu rch 3Brown Hy. bu tcher ; h . P ollock s tBrown Hy.

, cooper, Hal f Moon i nBrown R ., shopkeeper ; 85 H dressmaker , Charle s stree t

Brown R.,v ict.,Fountain , P ipew l . g t

Brown Thos ., coal dl r., P ipewel l gtBrown Thos . exci se officer

, O cean trBrownWm .

, m er chan t ; h . Union InBrown Wm ., brass fou nder ; h . 25W es t street

B ru ce Edw., bu i lder, 34 E l l i son s t

Bru ce John , cu stoms , 23 Mel b rn . stBryden Jas ., agen t , 6 H ighW es t stBryson Thos shopkeeper

, BenshamBa lcrai g M . J .

, straw hat mker ,Garden cou rt

256 GATESHEADBu l cr aig Thom as

, en gine and boil erbu i lder, millwrigh t, & c. H il l gateh . 19 Claremon t placeBu l lock Hy., blacksmith, H i gh st

B u lmer Chas. i ron m r t. ; h . P ark hallBu rd i kin Geo. m an g r ., Sal tm eadows

Bu r dikin 8: Harrison , mi llw rightsan d engineers , S al t Meadow s

Bu r d ikin Jn o., en g ineer ; h. Salt Ms

Bu rton Isaac, sh opkr ., P ipewe l l gtBu tterfiel d J ., tailor, c t. 76 H i gh stC ai rns El i z ., shopkr ., B runsw ick st

Call oway Henry,school , Garden s t

C aley Wm ., Esq. , Saltwell h al lCameron Mose s, toy deal er ,H igh stC ampbell John

,v i ct. , Union , Hill g t

Campbell O l d N ag’s H ead, ct.25 High s tCargill G .

, shopkr . , 36 Grosv enor stC argi ll Moun sey Cc ., i ron m er

chan ts, D erw en t w hs. Sou th shoreC arli sl e J . miller , l l Sw inbu rne plC arl i sle Jane, corn mi ll er, Tyneste am mill 8c fl ou r d r ., 68 H igh stCarli sle Barker, gl ass m an u fr s.


N orth B ri ti sh Glass W orks,

P ipewe l l gtC arr Cu thbert, cu stoms , Carr’s hillC arr Mr . John , Ben shamCarr Rev . John Rodham, B . A.,C arr’s hill

Carr John , bu il der, Sal t mead owsCarr Robert, gen t., 7 Clarem on t plC arr Thos., v i c t., Sheri ff hi l lGarrett Dav id, V i c t. Ship , High stGarro tt H v i c t.,U n i on , P ipewel l gtC arter Mr .Wi ll i am , 15 l Voodb in e terCarter l v .


, 20 Grosv enor stCass An drew , pain ter, ct . l 99 H i gh stCassan J ohn , hair dresser, 73 Highst h . Rabbi t bankCaw thorne John , v ic t., BenshamChambers Jas., news agn t, 57 H igh sCharl ton E ., sol ic .,

1 7 Melbou rne stCharlt on S ., agen t, 14Woodbin e terChi sholm Geo., tai lor, Sou th shoreChi cken Thos., b l ock 85 mast m kr


H i l l gate ; h . Grosv enor s tC lark Hy.

,com sn . agen t ; h . Mu l

grav e terraceC lark John , sweep , Chu rch stC lark Thos., manager, 7 West stClark Wi ll i am , clerk, B en shamClarkson Jas .

,shoemaker , U nion i n

Clement Rt., sheriff’s ofl'r ., L ow Fell


Cl emen t Wi ll iam, dru ggi s t, 40 Highst. ; h . Fe l l

C l ephan Jas., edi tor, (Observ er) 19Melbou rn e st

C l eph an Jph ., clerk, Sedgw ick plC l ifford W illi am,school master, 40

Elli son s tCockerton Geo .

, tai lor,Mel bou rne stCollard Wm ., gent , 5 Rav en sw th . ter

Col l in Mi ss Jan e, 16 Mol en d in e ter

Coi l in g M r s. Ann , 4 Waterloo te rColl in son Rev . Richard , L ow Fel lC olman John ,whol . chemist 8c dru ggi s t

,5 Br idge st h 2 Wa terloo te r

Colv ill e Mr. Ju o. B. 26 Melbou rn e stC olquhoun H u gh ,

b l cksm .,Bot t l e bk

Colqu hou n W illiam, grocer ; h . I2

Rav en sworth terColv in D.

, rope High stCook Ann , shopkeeper, P ipewel l g tCook Capt. John , L ow FellCook B lu eB ell

,29 Edg . st

8: fl in t glass m n fr ., P ipewe l l ga teCooke Richard , com . tv r .

,S tu art pl

Cookson Wm . J . 8: Co., v en eti an re dan d copperas m n fr s.,

New S ton rbridge ; h . B enw ellCooper John 4 H i l l g tCooper Wm .

,master m r . L ambton tr

Corb i tt Hy .,twin e m kr ., L i s ter’s ydCormack Geo . glass m kr . d 1. h l s

Cou l son Forste r, b tch r ., 230 High 8Cou lson Mr . Geo.

,2 1 King Wm . st

Cou l son My.Queen’

s Head , Stu art pCou l thard M r s. Ann . 16 West s tCou l th ard John 8: Ralph , engineers,Qu arryfield ; hs . E ast stree t an dFreeman ’s te r race

Cou t t Eleanor,sh Opkpr . , L ow Fel lCox Thomas

,brazier, brass founder ,and in spector o f wei ghts and mea

su res, 2 l 6 H igh stree tCranston John , con fec r .40Bo ttl e bkCraw ford John , cork m n fr .,

I7 Bd

Craw shaw Geo ., anchor m n fr . hW estgate s treetCrimson John, bu tcher, 41 H igh st

Cromwel l Sar ah, shopkr ., P ipewl . gCross Charles, agen t, 25 El l i sonC row Mr s. An n , 10 L ambton terCrow J ohn,boot & shoe m kr ., Ch. 5

Cr ew



Fenwick Mi ss Isabel la, 3 L ambton tFenwick Jph .

, v ic t., P lou gh, D eckham place

Fenw i ck Thomas, pipe maker, Oakwell g ate ch .

Fergu son Geo., tripe dres.Rabbi t bkFergu son Thos ., bank clk., L ow FellFerry Wm .,

par i sh c l k., 20Vine r ow

Fife Mr . Thos . Kirkby, 4 E l lison stFinney Samu el , nu rseryman , &c .

h . H igh stree tFi rbank John, pain ter h . 4 W oodbine terrace

Fi ttes 8; Cc .,grocers 8: tea d l r s., 10

H i gh st. Groat mkt., N ewcastl eFle tcher Edw .

,cu gu r. , Freeman ’s tr

Fle tcher John , agen t, L ow Fel lFletcher John , c lerk , 6 King Wm . sForeman Rhart, assistan t ov erseer19 W oodbine terrac e

Forste r Mi ss Ann, High stree tForster Jane, pawnbroker, East s tForster John , join er , 16 High stForster John, shopkr .,Mu lgrav e terForster Margare t, school , High Fel lForsterMatth . agt., 10 Rav en swth . trFors ter S tephen Cc ., chain m frs.,i ron foun dr s.

,& c .,N ew Chatham

h . 8 Melbou rne stree tFors ter Wm ., clerk, 8 Grosvenor stFreeman A., farmer,Windmill hil l sFreeman E lizabeth, v i ct., Union InFreeman Ralph , corn miller Sc flou rdealer, H ood ’s bu i ldingsFrench Mary,

l odg in gs, 29 Mel b n . s tFryerW illi am Brown , pape r m an fr .

Bl ackwall ; h . RytonFu l ton Ann, v ic t Wheat Sheaf, 7H igh s tree t

Gadess John , clog m kr . Grosv enor s tGaddy L amb , ship b l der s., P aten tSlipway, Tyne MainG arbu tt Co rneli ou s, chemist Sr. dru ggi st

, 2 1 B ridg e st. ; h . S tu art plG ard iner Ra l ph, grocer, 33 B ridge sG ardner Thos., shopkpr ., L ow FellG arlic k Rd.

,cheese bacon fac tor,

2 Bridge st. ; h . 18Melbou rne s tG arthwai te Mr s. Frances, ladies sem in ar y , 6 Union r owGarthwai teWm . stationer, 6 Union rGas Works

, P ipewel l gateGateshead Observ er office, 14H igh st;W i lli am D ougl ass , publi sherGatis Wm . v i c t., H awk, Bo ttle bk

Gibbon Wm ., corn mi l l er 8c flour (l i t24 H igh st. W indmill hi l lsGibbs John , shoemaker, L ow FellGibson E .

, shopman, 14 Mel bn . s tG ibson John , shm kr .

, Rvn sw th . ter

Gibson Hanh ., stay m kr Chu rch stGibson Jph . shopkpr .,169 High st

Gibson Thos., m n ag r ., H ighWes t stGi l l en der R t . , flou r dlr., Oakwel l gtG l aho l m Edw., gcr . Chand . Orch . s

G l ahol m J mill er ; h . 4Mel br n . st

Gl ahol m Thomas,miller ; h. Mu l

grav e terraceG l en ton Fr eder ick,

’L u natic Asylum ,

B ensham

G l en ton M r s. Mary, BenshamGoli ghtly Adam

,en g r ., 3 Jackson st

Golightly John , engr., E lli son ter

Goligh tly Rd ., baker, 99 High stGoodbar n G ., hair dr esr .,

Chu rch s tGoodchi ld Samu el, r ailway gu ard ,Mu l grav e te rGordon W .

, pawnbroker, Oakwel l gtGowl and Jph .


, 13 1 High s tGraham An n ,

v i ct., ship, De ckham pGraham Edmu nd E sq., Cu tfie l d h sGraham Mary, str aw h at maker, 1

E ll i son stGraham Rt shoemaker

, L ow FellGraham T ., trav . te a dlr., Sou th shrG ranger Wm .,v i c t., L ow FellG rav e Joseph B., 3 Bru nswi ck ter

Gray C atherin e , v i c t., Chu rch s tGray E ll en,shopkr ., P ipewel l gtGray Wm John

,merchan t ; h . 8

Sedgwi ck plGreason Geo ., shopkeeper L ow Fel lGreene Geo ., tanner, Windmill hillsG reene Jno ., grocer ; h . P rospect cotG reene Joshu a, grocer ; h . 5 H igh s tGreene Jas.

, j un .,merchant ; h . 1

Claremont plGreene Mi ch] , grocer ; h . 23 Wes t stG reene 8: Sons , grocers, spi ri t m er

chants,& c ., 4 High s tG reenwel l R t., carter, 6 E ll i son st

G regson Cap t . John,132 H igh s t

Grey G eo., sh ip bu i lder. ; h . Fri arsG oo seGrey Jacob


,& c .,

1 Bri dge 8Grey John, j oiner, High s t

Grey John,tailor

,High st

Gr i ev son Mr . George, Brunswi ck s tGr ifli n 8: H ood, rope makers.


H igh st


G r imn T .,r Ope m kr h . 55 H i gh s

Gu stard Wm i; hosier, 23 Bridge s t ;h . H igh stHadaway Dixon , baker, P ipewel l gtB aggie Brother s, r oun d& flat p aten trope 8e ch ain m frs., Sou th shore

B aggi e Dav id gent ., Mu lgrav e terH ag gie D av id, j un ., rope m fr . ; h .

Mi l lfiel d c rescen tH ag g ie F. ,

rop e m fr . ; h . 202 H igh sH al l Mi sses A. T . , 6Woodb in e tr

H all George, bu ilder, BenshamH al l George , clerk, 3 Union pl aceH all Isaac , n ai 1 maker, Cannon s tH all S tephn .,

shpkr ., Oakwel l gt. lnH all Mr . Thomas, 34 Oakwel l gateH al l W i ll iam , boo t shoe maker,1 2 Bridge stHalliday Thos., con fec.,

35 Ell i son 3H ami l ton Chas. hair dres ., Chu rch stHancockT .

,h r dwr m n ., 15 Jackson s

H arbo tt le Sam u el ,pain ter , Sheriff hlHardy James, school , Mu lgrav e terHardy Robert, tai l or , L ow Fel lHargrav e Wm . Harle , hair seatin g85 cu rled hai r m fr . ; h . H igh west sHarle Wm . L ocky, sol r. , 6 Wes t stH arri son Adolphu s, merchan t ; hBensham hou se

H arrison Andrew,agt., 14 Jackson 5Harrison An thony Co.,

chemicalw orks

,Fri ars Goose

H arrison Hy. , cooper, baske t maker,and w i llow merchant,15 High st

H arrison Jno . , whiting m fr . Ppw l . gtH arri son ‘

s. straw hat m kr . B ottl e bkH arri son Robert, engineer, 850 h .

S t. P eter’s qu ay,N . C .

H arri son W i lliam,bu tche r

, H igh stH arr i son Wm ., sh opkpr . P ipewel l gtH art John


,7 E l l i son s t

H arvey Wm . , grocer, 175 H igh stH aswell Wi l liam S. ,

ship broker ; hUnion r ow

H awks, C r awshay , Sons,chain

anchor m frs ., i ron Sc brass fn d r s.

& c ., Sou th shoreH awks George


,& c .

, m fr . ;h . Redheu gh

H awks Mr . John, Freeman’s ter

H awks Thos. E .,agt. 1 2 Clarmon t pl

H ead Mr . J ohn,24 Rav en swth . ter

H ebron T ., sec., gas Co. , Bensham

H edley G eo . , gent., 6 Walker terHedley John , su rgeon , l l Ell ison s t


Hedl ey Jph ., green gcr ., 62 H igh stHedley Thos., shopkpr ., Bensham

H enderson Ann ,shopkpr ., H igh


H enderson Ben j. , gen t., 18 Woodbine terH enderson Chas . D.

, sr gn ., Shr f. h l

H enderson Mr s. E liz ., 3 Gr osvn r . s tH en derson M . 8: I ., m i l in er s , 59High s tHen derson Ralph, b r z r ., 59 High stH enderson Rb t., bu i lder, L ow FellHenderson Thos b tch r .

,Bo ttle bn k

Hender son Wm ., b r az r .

,10 B t l e. bk

Hen z el l Jph . hosier,173 High st

Heppell Joséph , gent. , BenshamH eppellWm . C c .

, i ron fou nders,Redheugh ; h . 4 King W i lliam st

Heslop Mg t ., d r essm aker , Easton c tHetherington Jane A. mlu r. L ow FlHe therington Jno. shpk r . Oakwe l l g tHethe rington Rt., schoolmaster,FellH ewi son Matthew,

cu stoms , U nion 1Hew i t t Jas ., fu rni t. bkr .

,45 High s t

H il l Robert, smith, Easton s tH in dm ar ch Jane, v i c t. , Charle s s tH ine Rev . Hy. (Wsl y.) 15 E ll i son s tH obkirk Dav id , agen t, Cross h ou seHodgson Rd. W .

,m erchan t ; h . 4

Walker terHogg An n , milliner, Oakwel l gt. chHogg Robt beerhou se, Blackw allHogg Robt ., shopkeeper, P ollock stHobson Mch l v i c t. ,W indmill hi l l sHodgson Jph ., shopkpr . , Chapel s tH olmes W i lliam ,

v i c t. , L ow FellH oneyman J .

, gen t , 10 Claremon t p lH oneyman J ., g er . ; h . D e ckham plHood John . tw in e m kt . ,

L i ster’s ydH ood James, v ic t., B erwick hs. , 179High stH ood R t., smi th , W indmill hil lsHood Wi l l m .

,beerhou se, 7 1 High stHope John , police insp . 36 Bri dge s t

Hopper Hy., ship screw and crampm kr . Sou th shore ; h .G r osv en o r s t

H opper John , grocer, 103 H i gh s tHopper M r . John,24 Jackson s t

Hopper Thos ., farmer, High teamHopper W i ll i am , ship screw , cramp ,tallow chandlers , bookbinders &c .

press maker, foo t of Hill g t. ; h .

Melbou rn e s tH ornsby Wm ., bu tcher, 67 High s tH ow e John Allgood , grocer, 83H i gh st ; h . 48 Melbou rne st


H owe Joseph , shopkpr ., B lu e qu arH owe Wm ., tinner, 96 H igh s tH owham John , bl acksmith , High stH udson J as.


,Barrington v i lla

H u dson Jh ., shoem kr . , H igh W est sHu dson Rd ., grocer ; h 3 1 E ll i son s tH u d spe th G . Son

,cabn t. makers

H igh s tH udspeth John , join er ,High stH udspeth My. Ann , shopkr . Hill gtH umble W., pain ter ; h . 12 Woodbin e ter

H umble Wm ., rag dl r., P i pewel l gtH ume Joseph , clerk, Easton ctH ume P eter, tai lor, 25 Melbou rne stH umphreyW. shepkr .Sal tMeadowsH u nsworth Mi ss Ellen , Hood ’s bldsH unter Jn o . ,

so l ic i tor 8: agen t to theAtlas Fi re L i fe Office, 8 Bridgest ; h . Sou th shore

H u nter M r . John , Sou th shor eH un ter Michl . , t ai lor,G r ah am sl ey 5

H u nter Mr . R t ., 35 Melbou rne stH un ter Sam . cashi er, Raven swth . terH unter W .

,v i c t., Swan, 1 5 P a rk st

H u n ter Wm R .,ship broker ; h

19 Wes t stH u tchin son Wm .

,grocer, 9 , andhou se 109 , H igh st

H u tton M r s. E liz .,23 Rav en swth . teH u tton John , tai l or ; h . H ighWst . sH ym er s James

,brewer, Oakwe l l gt

v ers Jph . Abbott, i ron fou n der ,& c .

, 25 High st ; h . Mi l lfiel d terHym er s Jph .,

gen t., W indmi l l hillsv ers Wm .

,v i c t .

,Albion, 1 74

H igh st

H ym er s W2, i r on fder .,2 W alker ter


An son Finney , nu rsery an d

seedsmen , High s t


An son Chas., nu rseryman hH igh st .

I n depend ent Chapel , Barn C lo seI n fan t School , H igh st . ,M th a. CarrIn fan t S chool, Melbou rn e st ., E

MayorIngham D., shopkr .

,W indmil l h ills

Ingham Jph ., shOpkr ., 86 High stIng l es John , v ict., New ChathamIou n Fred P e te r, draper, 2 1 1 High 8I redale L ance lo t, 5 L ambton t erI rv ine 8: Co . mu s tard m frs ., Okw l . gtI rv ing Mr s. Mary ,-28El li son s tI rv ing Wm . , shopkeepe r , Chu rch s tI rwin Fairs

,ship b l dr s., Fr iars gs

Jackson John , mason , Easton ctJackson Matthew, beerhou se, Hill g tJ ameson Mr s . Ann , BenshamJameson John

,agt. , 4 Oakwel l g tJami son John , bu tcher , 87 H igh stJamison John , blacksmi th , P ark s t

Job l in g Geo ., tu rner , 33 Mel b r n . s tJobling J ohn , tr av l r . 30 E lli son s tJohnson John , tailo r, 2 1 Bottle b nkJohnson John , clerk , E aston c tJohnson Mg t ., b eer h s.

,H alf Mn . i n

Johnson Thos ., cu rrier, 3 Bo t tle bkJohnson W clr. taxes,38E ll i son s t

Johnson Mr . W illi am , L ow Fel lJolli eW M .D .

,su rgeon

,202 High 5

Jopling Wm .,gen . smi th, Sheriff h lJordan John

,c lerk, Windmil l hi ll s

JoyceWm .,n u r serym an , 1 10 H igh 8Kell Sc Apedai l e, solrs . , 39 High stKel l Jph ., clerk, 1 1 Rav en sw or th trKel l W il l i am

,solici to r town cl k. ;h . 17 W es t s treet

Kelly Hy.,pr in ter ; h . Brunswi ck trKelly Robt., cu rrier, 77 H igh st h .

C annon streetKendel Matthew 8c Walker

to the m agi strates,2 Bridge st . ;h . Claremon t h s.

Kenmir Wm .,brew er

,Mu lgr av e ter

Ken t John,le t ter c arrier, Eas ton c tKent Saml ., L unatic Asy lum , G ateshead Fel l

Kerss Wm .,shopkeeper, Redheu ghKidd G eo .


,P ollock s t

Kim pster Ju o, grocer ; h . 24West s tKim pster , Jph .

,grocer ; h . 5 Sedg

w i ck plKirkley G eo ., farmer, G reencro ft v1.Kirkley Jon th . , shoemaker , High s tKirkup Jas., shopkeeper , Chapel stL ab ou rn M r s . E liz . , 37 E llison s tL amb Fred , coal v iewer, Sheri ff hillL amb Jph.,

coal owner,Sheri ff h i l l

L amb L ew i s, ship bldr Tyne MainL amb Ralph , pawnbroke r , Oakw el lgt . chare ; h . 7 Rav ensworth terL amma‘s James , Esq Felling lodgeL aing James, merchan t, 2 John ’s p lL ang Rd ., i ron fou nder, P ipewe l l g tL ange Wm . James Mon tagu e andDaniel Adolphu s, merch a nt s ; h .

Hood ’s v i ll aL arkin Edw. mu s tard m fr . 2 0 kw l . g t


Newal l Robert S terling, wi re ropem n fr . ; h . Bensham

N ewcastle, D arlington, York, Sac ,Rai lway s tation,Head o f Hal f

Moon lane, Jas. Allport, man agerN ewcombe Frd .,

c ar. agt., l E lli sonN ew ton Jas., shopkpr ., 95 High s tN ew ton John

,pi pe m kr ., Hill gate

N ew ton Thos., cart owner,H i l l gtN i chol son Emmerson

,painter an d

glaz ier,H i l l gate

N i chol son John,coal dlr. , High st

N i chol son M.v i c t, S te am Boat,H i l g tN ixon John , hosi er, 80 H i gh st

Oates Isaac,mert. , h . Barrington pl

O liv er N i cholas,v i c t ., B lu e qu arry

O rm ston E l i z .

, fl ou r d l r ., 46 H igh s t

O rm ston N el son,pain ter, High st

O r ton Robert,gen t., 16 W oodbine tr

O sborne Robert Harrison Mth ahosiers, Edg . s t

Ou thett Jon ., c i v . engr., Mu lgrav e tr

Ou thett Mi sses I. M ., ladie s semin ary

,Mu lgrav e ter

Oxford Jph ., E ., agt.,Windmill hi l lsP almer R . m r n . sto re dlr., Oakwel l gP arker An th .

,m er ch t ; h . 1 15 W est s

W W HIgrocer, 48 H igh stP arkinson Mr s. Eliz .

,6 Claremon t p

P arkin son R t., beerhou se, Sou th s’


P arkinsonW.fu e1m fr . ; h .Ben sham

P arkin son W . merch .,1 Sedgwi ck p

P arr Garv i s,exc . offr.

,Melbou r ne st

P atterson D .,m r n . store dlr.

,High 8

P atterson E liz v i c t., Sheriff hil lP atterson I .

,sh opk.

, Sheri ff hil lP atterson John , v i ct . , Sheri ff hillP atterson M .

, shopk r . , 29 Gr os vr . s tP at tersonP earson Chas . J .

,bu il der, H igh st.

P earson H . l dg s . , 36 Melbou rne s tP earson J bld r., 28 Melbou rne s tP earson Samu el Elli son , High stP emberton E l iz . , m idw ife,W est stP emberton Mary, stay m aker, 25Jackson stP erkin s Jas ., bu tcher, 26 H igh s t ;h . W indmil l hi ll s

P escodWm .,Clerk

, 24 Grosvenor s tP etch Rd .

, v ic t., Earl Grey , 224H i gh s t

P everel l Geo., agen t, Grosvenor st



P everell Jackson , carri er s, Rai lway stati on

P hillips John , Esq., Rodsley h sP i ckering Thos ., cheesemonger, 5Woodbine ter

P i dcock Geo ., v ic t., Geo. Dragon ,B ridge st .

P illing S idn ey, spiri t merch an t, 4 1B ottl e bank ; h . l lVa l ker ter

P lummer Matthew, m erchan t ; h .

Sher ifi'h i l l hou seP lumpton J ., pn tr . 8: gla., C annon 8P olice Station ,

head o f H a l fMoon In

W . Hy . S cho r ey, su pe r in tendent,and John H ope inspec torP ollock Jas.,Esq. B ensham Co t tageP orteu s James , tai l or ,0 akwel l g t. chP ost O ffi c e, head of Hal f Moon ln . ,Thomas D ouglas, postmasterP o tts Mr s. An n , Carr’s hi l lP o tts John, w in e spi ri t m ert., 14High s t. h . W indmil l hi ll sP otts Thomas, F., assi stan t draper,1 4 Claremon t pl

P owell James , shopkeeper, High s tP ratt R t ., shi p b rkr . h . 9 Elli son stP rimi tive Methodi st Chapel, West sr esbyter i an Chapel , Elli son terP ri ce Jph ., glass m fr . Du rham glassworks, Pipewel l gt. 5 h . 54 High 8

P ringle George, prin ter, 2 LH igh stP ringle Jas. tobacconi st h . C arr ’s h lP ring l e Thos., c l rk. 37 Mel b ou n e s tP r ockter B ryan John, tanner glu em fr ., P ipew e l l gate ; h . Union r

P rocter Jn o.,shOpm an , l 9 G r osv r . s t

P ro cto r Tho s . I sm ey, sai l clo th m fr .

Mu l g r ave terP rou d Joseph , shopkeeper, C arr’s hlP rou d Jph . , engine bldr., C annon s tP ubli c school , l ibrary , and l ectu rerooms

,L ow Fel l

P u n sheon Geo . con fec ., 24 Bo ttle bkRai lway S tati on , (Carli sl e ,) Redheu gh,Su rtees Irw in , s tati on m str

Ran kin Mr . Dd .

,25 Rav en sworth tr

Rankin J ames, school , Easton stRanson John , smith , High fel lRawling Thos.,c ow keper, BenshamRed Elizabeth , grocer, 1 72 High stReay Fras., bu tcher, O akwel l gtReay John

,hair dresser

,Chu rch s t

Redshaw Em an l . , tai lor, 79 High stRedshaw M ., pr ofr . of m u si c , 79High s t


Red su l l Thos., exci se officer , 5 KingW il li am stReed Hy. R ., i ron mgr. ; h . El li son stReed Jacob , Red L i on , S alt MdowsReed Jph .,

shoemaker,Chapel s t

B enni son J . ,tobacco m fr . , 12 Edg . s

Ren n i son ,Wm .,v ict., N ep tune Sal t

M eadowsRenw ick John , smi th, High s tReve l ey J ohn , baker, P ipewel l gtRev el ey M r . Thos.,W in dmil l hill sRewcastl e Mr s. Jane , 10 W est s tB ew castle John , coperas m an fr . ; h

107 High stRi chardson I sab ., l odgs.

, Union InRichardson J bu t cher,W in t l m l . hlsRichardson Jph .

, chain anchorm fr .

,N ew S tou rbr idge ; h . H inde

s t., N . C .

Richard son P au l ., v i c t., E ast 8Richardson S ., shoemaker , Sheri ff h lRichmond J . , shoemaker , Blu e qyRichmond Mr s. Ru th, Freeman ’ s terRi ckabyWm .

, ear then wa r e dealer, 1High stRidley Jas . , lodgings, 20 Mel b r n . stRidley Thos . , agent,Wes t s tRidley T .

,rag pape r d i r ., P ipw l g tRippon Chas . , P . b tch r .,

28 Edg . s tRobertson John , corn m i l l er (St flou rdealer

, 13 Jackson stRober tson Rev . John,L ow Fel l

R obinson M r .J Romu lu s terRobinson Jno . Wal ter, cheesem n g r .


15 Bo ttl e bank ; h . 2 1 Vine r owRobinson Jh . H ., cl erk, Cl ar em n t. plRob in son Mi ss Mary, L ow Fel lRobinson W ill i am

,glass m n fr .


Claremont plRobson Mr s. Barbara, 8W oodbine trRobson Baron , v ic t ., Sheri ff hil lRobson Dn l .

,farmer 86 h6r se deal er

Sh ipcoteRobson M r . Easton , High stRobsonGeo .

,pai n ter , Ste. 2 Ell i son s

Robson H enry , mason , L ow Fe l lRobson John , su rgeon , B en shamRobson J .

,hat m fr ., Ch . st. h . H1. gt

Robson Jn o. an d Wm drapers, 13High st ; h . 2 Uni on plRobson Jonathan , ta l l o l w chand l er

l 9 High stRobson Jon th engineer and boilerbu ilder , Sou th shore ; h . H i gh s tRobson Joseph , farmer, Park


Robson Jph .,en gine boiler b u i l dr

and mi llwright, Chu rch bankRobson Mg t., l odgings, 55 High stRobsonM r s.Mar g r ey, B runswi ck trRobson R t ., dyer, Windmi l l hil l sRobson Thos., horse dlr. , S altwel lRobson Thos., sadd l er , 6 High st h1 2 Melbou rne stRobson Thos ., tailor, Sheri ff hillRobson T . , shoem k.,

W indmil l hill sRobson W .

,Flying Horse, Oakwl g tRodge

\rs Mr s. Jane

,S tu art pl

Rosen b ohm Geo ., pawnbroker, Ch . s t

Rowe Jeremiah , shopkpr . , H igh st

Rown treeWm ., m l s tr .,sup regi strar ,

86 cl erk to the union , Mu lgrav e trRu dd Chas. Cl ifford , sheriff ’s officer,W ake ’s en try, 1 1 H igh s tRu sh B i ehd foreman , 23 Ell i son stRu ssel l Jn o , draper ; h . l Watr l o. tr

Ru ther ford Mi ss, C arr’s hil lRu therford Rb t . , shopkr , Qu arry fdRu therford T . J . sch l m st r .

, Elli son stRu tter John , b eer hs., Half Moon InRymer Jn o,paper m fr . ; h . Union rw

S t . John ’s chu r ch , High Fel l , Rev .

Wm . Atkin son , B.A., In cum b en t

S t. Mary’s chu rch , High str ee t,Rev .

John Dav i es , D.D . , Rec torSad ler Fred ., clerk, 4 1 Mel bou rne stSanders Ewd .

,shoemaker, L ow Fel l

S anderson Geo . G ., agt., Sou th shoreSandwi th Sarah , cowk r .

,96 High s t

Scai fe John, solr h . B enshamScho l efiel d H enry , m anager, N orthBri ti sh glass W orks ; h . Union rw

Scho r ey Wm . Hy ., super in ten den t ofpoli ce, head o f Hal f Moon InS co tland Mr s. El iz .

, Barr ington plS co tt Dav i d , draper, 8 Cl aremon t plSco t t E . 81; E .

,m l n r s .

, Hood’ s blds .Sco t t Mi ss H annah , 63 High stSco t t Mr s. Jan e

, 4 Claremon t placeSco tt Jas. v i ct .

, Hal f Moon , B rdg . s tSco tt M r . Ralph , H igh stree tSco tt Thos . cu stoms , 16 Claremon t plScot t Thos. A.

,b eer hs .Hal f Moon 111

Sco tt Wm ., w n i tesm i th ; h . H igh stSelkirk Mr s.,

W indm i l l hillsShear er Geo.

, d raper ; h 2 9 Elli son sSharp My . s tr w. hat m kr . 223 H igh sShaw John, cashier, New G reenwi chShaw Thos. , flou r dealer , 64 High s tShepherd \Vm ., b lksm i th , Garden c tShield Mi chl ., c stm s .,

3 S edgwick p l


Shipley Ann , shopkeeper, B o ttl e bkShotten Ann

,grocer, 170 High s t

S iddel l Wm .,t r av l r . , W

’ indmil l hill sS i ll G eorge, reliev in g o fficer, andr g str r . o f b r th s. D th s. , C arr’s h l

Si ll John and Co . l amp black m n fi s

H eworth shoreS il l John , aga t. chm c l . wks. Kr tn . gtS il l Thomas. grocer, 38 H i gh s tSimkin Robert

,j oin er

,Windmill hls

Simm John,co rn mill er

,bone m n r e.

and charcoal m an fc tr er ., N u n ’s ln

S imm John , Cross keys, P ipewel l gtSingers H ew C o . vn g r . m kr s .

sprt. m r chn ts., h l . gt .Skel ton John , cl erk, W indmi ll hil l sS later Mr s . Is abell a, 20 Woodbn e. trSmart Rober t, v i c tu aller, L ow FellSmith Chas . Hy. agn t .

,4 L m b tn . t r

Smi th H anh .,fishm g r 1 2 Bo ttl e bk

Smith H y ., ch se. mngr., 34 Bdg . st

h . 22 West s tSmi th James, draper ; h . L ow FellSmi th John, shopkeeper, P ipeWe l l gtSmi th Mr g r t., v i c t. Vl cn . Qu arry f l dSmith Phil ip , sh v l . m kr ., 17 B ttl e. bkSmi th Ralph, shoemaker, High stS nai th Jph .


, Sheri ff hillSnowbal l James, grocer, 208 H i gh

st . ; h . 13 Melbou rn e s tSnowbal l My., shpkpr .


2 Ml b rn . stSnowdon John , g r c r .

,h .7 W l kr . ter

Snowdon Thomas, miller, Blu e qu arSo ftley Jph ., beerhou se, Carr’s hillSo ftly Sm l ., stu . msn ., 1 Oakwel l gtSowerby John

, Nw. Strb r dge. GlassManu factory ; h . Shipco te hs.

Sowerby Thos .,mert.

,Sal twell v ale

Spark Jph .,book binder, Sheri ff hill

Speck Rev . Thomas, 4 John ’s plSpence H y., asst. d rpr ., 20 d n e. trSpen ce Th os., shm kr ., 29 Gr s vn r . stSpencer Thomas

,tai l or

, H igh FellSpencer Wm .

,agt. 6 Rav enswor th tr

Springman Chas . F.,school , Union r

S tamp O ffice, 35 Bo ttl e bank, Geo

Watson , di stribu torS tamper John

,corn m i l r .,Redheu gh

S tanley M r s., Sal twel lS tan ley Thos . super v sr ., 108 High sS teel I sabella

,shopkeeper, L ow Fell

S tee l T .,mason bldr. , 16 Oakw l g tS teel W i lliam


,H i l l g ate

S tephenson C ., shopkr .

,102 H igh st

S tephenson Geo .,bu tcher, L ow Fell

S tephenson Mr s .Mary,4 L ambton trS tephenson Rt ., stu . mert. Sheriff h lS tephen son Wm ., bu tcher, Sher i ff hlS tirling Thos . shopman , 6 L am b tn . tS tobbs 8: Co . grocers,&c . 227 High sS tobbs John, bu tcher, 100 H igh st

S tobbs J ohn , grocer, H ood’s b l dgsS tob ar t George , school, High s tStokoe G . ,

sprt. mert. ; h. 7 H . west 8Storey Robert, wharfinger h. 19

Mol en d in e terraceS to tt George, su rgeon , 60 H i gh st

S traker Geo ., ship owner, H . w est stSu rtees J . W milliner, L ow Fel lSu therl and Jph .

,shopkr . ,

H i ll g tSwalwell B enj .

,shoem k., Sheriff h l

Swan W alker, chemi s t, Mi l l fd . cre sSwanson Jno., glass ctr.,Br un swk. trSw inbu rn Geo ., shopkr .

, P ipewel l gtSwi nbu rn Mr .Jph .Wm .,Wes t s tSwinbu rne Mr s . Catherine ,West stTal bot Wm .

,jo in er ,Windmil l hi ll sTarran t Seymou r, tail or, Low Fel lTaylor Jph ., stone mer t., 22 Vine r owTaylor Rd .

,v ic t., Sun , H i l l g ateTaylorR t., co al own r . l 8Ravn sw th t r

TaylorWm cart own r . , c t . 94 H igh sTeam Coal Depot, Hal f Moon lane,Thomas N el son,agen t

Teasdale John,cooper, Chu rch stTempes t Chas .

, gor .,Kin g Jain es st

T hi rki l l Jhn . S. l dgn g s . 4M l b rn e. st

Thompson Andrew, cabinet m aker,c t. 30 H igh stThompson B enj . Jas. , agt. , Sou th shThompson Cphr .

, shpk.,Half m n . 1.

Thompson D i ana, shpkpr ., H igh stThompson I saac and Cc ., carriers ,Rai lway stati on h . P ollock stThompson Okw l l . gt. l nThom psomJohn , bu tcher, Sheri ff h lThompson John

,shm kr ., Charles s tThompson—v i c t., L ow Fel l

Thompson Jph . , spkpr .,2 l M l b r n . stThompson Cpt.Mark Melbou rn e stThompsonW .

,shpkpr ., Okw l l . gt. l nThornhi l l George


, L ow FellThornhil l J ohn , L ib r n Ml g r ve. ter

Th y n n G eo shpkpr ., Oakwel l gtThyn n My ., v i c t ., Bu sh , Oakwe l l gtTindal e John

,agen t

,12 Jackson st

Todd J ohn , di sti l l er ; h . L ow Fel lTom l inson John

,Clerk , Bensham

Trini ty Chapel, H igh stTucker Isaac, brass fon d r ., P ipwl . gt


W i l son Saml ., su rgeon, Di spensaryW i l son Thos.

,merchan t

,Fel l Hou se

W i l son Thos. Vi c t.,W aggon , H igh 5W i l son Thos. jun .

, m er t. 133 H igh sW i l son W i ll iam ,

v i c t ., Dun Cow, 3 1

H igh s tWood Geo. shoemaker, P ipewel l gtWood L u cey, shopkpr ., 225 ; h. 1 1H i gh stree t

W oo f P e ter, ch ain m kr ., E lli o tt’s ydW ool s ton John , shopkpr . Chu rch bkW righ t John

, Silv ersmith, L ow Fel lW right Jph. ,

coach prop . Br u n swk . t




A cad em ies .

Ayre Mrs.Margaret, 1 Uni on plBenne t tW illiam ,

Chu rch wal kB ennet tMi sses Jane and Elizabe th ,Rom u l u s te rB ri ti sh Sch l .,G r sv en r . st ., J . P arkerCalloway H en ry,Gar den s tDan el y Wi l liam ,

L ow Fel lDuke Sarah , Charles stGarthwai te Mr s. F. 6 Union r owH arvey James, Mu lgrave terInfan t School s,High st Martha Carr

an d Melbou rne st., E . MayorN ationa l School , W i l l iam st., Wm . 86

Jane CliffordOu thett Misses I . 85 M Mu l grav e trP ar ochia l S choo ls, High Fell , Robt.Hetherington 8c Margare t Fo ster ,85 Fri ars Goo se, Alex . Mc Donal

P ubl ic S chool , L ow Fell,Geo . Thornh i l lRankin James , Easton stRu th erford Thos . J .

,22 Mu lgrav e tr

S tob ar t George , High s tW almsley Eli z a, Melbou rne plW ilson Hugh , Romu lu s terA l k a l i S od a M an u fr s .

Al l hu sen C. 8r.Oc .Tyn e wks. Sou th shH arrison Au th . 85 Cc .,

Friars Goose

A n ch or C h a i n Gab l e Mk r s

Abbo t John 8: Co .,P ark Works

Fors ter S tephen 8: Cc . ,N . ChathamH agg ie Bro thers, (chain ,) Sou th sh rH awks ,C r awsh ay , 8c Sons , Sou th shRichardson Jph .

, New S tou rbridgeA t tor n ey s .

Hunter John,8 B ridge s t

Kell 8c Apedai l e, 39 High s tKenmir Geo . Johnson, 2 B ridge s t

A u c t ion eer s an d Appr a i ser s .

Bl agbu rn Rober t, 43 High s tB r eckn el l Wm . H y. , 5 P ipewe l l g t

Makepeace Gabriel, Mu lgrav e terBak er s an d F l ou r Dea l er s .

.Mar /ced ar e Baker s on ly.

Atchi son Andrew,9 Bridge st

*Brewi s W i l l i am , P ipewe l l gtDodds W i lli am , 1 C annon s t‘ Drummond George , ct . Bot tle bankGoligh tly Richard

,99 High s t

Hadaway Dixon , P ipewel l gate*Man dling G eorge

, Oakwe l l gateRie v ley J ohn, P ipew e l l gate

Shiel l Adam ,78 High s t

Wyatt Robert, gent., 9 Claremon t plWylam 8t Co . steam fu el wks. S l tm d s

Wylam Ralph , spt . m r t. ; h . 2 1 Wst s

Wylam W i ll i am,fu el m an u fc r . ; h .

Cramer dykesYe l l ow l ey W i l l i am , grocer ; h . 2

C l er em on t p l aceYoung Geo.

, hair d r essr . Oakwel l gtYoung J., straw hat m kr .

, Mel b rn . sYou ng J as ., gro cer, 200 High stree tYou ng John , bu tcher, L ow Fel lYoung J . , C rown 8c Thi stle, P ipw l gtYoung Mr s .,

39 Ell i son s t

Young R. 8: R . C .,join er s, cb t . m kr s .

Uph l st r s.,8t u ndertakers 8West 8

Young Thomas,hai r d resser

, t s t


Basket M aker s . Henderson W i l l iam , 10 Bottle b ankBain P eter, 19 Chu rch s t Howe Wi l l i am,

97 H igh s tH arrison Henry, ‘ 15 H igh st M i l ler W i l l i am, P ipel wel gate

B l ack sm i th s .B r ew er s .

All an John , c t. Bot tl e bank Atkinson Thomas, 3 E llison s tBainbridge J ohn, c t. P ipewel l g t Barras J0 11 11 .W es t stree tB ri don W il liam, L ow Fell Hymers James, Oakwel l gateBu llock Henry, High stColquhoun H .

,ct. Bo t tle ban k

Crow Ralph , W est s tH own an John , (and farrier) H igh stJamison John , 10 P ark stJoplingW i l l i am , Sheriff hi l lL i ddle Thomas, L ow FellMu rdy James, S tu art plRanson John , High Fel lRenwi ck John , H igh stShepherd Wi l li am , L ister’s yardW atson W i lli am

,Eldon pl

W i l li ams James , Hal fMoon laneW i l son Bates, High s tW arner John , (ship) H i ll gateBook sel l er s S t a t ion er s .

D ixon James M.,Chu rch st

Watson George, 35 Bottle b ankBoot Sh oe M aker s .

Akin head O l i ver A.,Deckham pl

B el l Thomas, C arr’s hillB lankley Joseph , Brunswi ck teC lark son James

,Union lane

Crow John,5 Chu rch s t

E lli o ttW illiam,234 High st:

G ibbs John , L ow Fel lGibson J ohn, 16 Ravensworth terG owl and Thos., c t. 2 H i gh s t

H all Wi l l iam,12 Bri dge st

L i ll ie Richard, 3 1 Grosv enor s t

Mau ghan Matthew, 182 High stMiddleton George

,3 E ll ison s t

Richmond John , B lu e qu arriesRichmond S tephen , Sher i ff hil lRobson Thomas,Windmill hil ls

Sanders Edward , L ow Fel lSnai th Joseph , Sheriff h il lSpenc e Thomas , 29 G ro svenor stVirtu e J ohn , 8 Easton cou r tWalwel l Benj amin

,L ow Fell

Br az ier s T inpl at e e r s .

Au das W il l iam , Brunsw ick terC ox Thomas, 2 16 H igh s t

H en derson Ralph, 59 H igh st

B r i ck M ak er s .

Pearson Charles John , High stRichardson J . 85 Thos. (fir e) Rb t. bkRob ih §>n Mary, (fi r e,) Kell ’sfield

Bu i l d er s .

Bru ce Edward , Ship yard, H igh st

C arr John , Fri ars GooseL iddell Thomas , L ow Fel lL i ster J ohn ,Mi l lfiel d crescen tP earson Charle s John , High stWalker Forster, W es t s tWelch John

, j un .,8 L ambton p lac e

W il son John , 26 West s tYoung R. 8c. R . C. ,8 Wes t s t

Bu t ch er s .

Atkinson W i lliam , B o ttle bankBarra s James, 33 H i gh s tree tB lagbu rn Wil li am , 25 Bridge s tCou l son For s ter

, 230 High stCrimson J ohn , 41 H igh s tDav i dson George , L ow Fel lDobson Robert

, 26 Bridge s tDobson W i lli am, 226 High stEngli sh John

, Sal t meadowsFai rs Joseph , 1 85 H igh s tHarrison W illi am , High s tHenderson Thomas , 26 Bottl e bankH ornsby Wi ll iam , 67 H igh s tHumphrey Wi ll i am

,Sal t meadows

Jamison John, 87 H igh stMau ghan George

,1 Melbou rn e st

Maughan Joseph , 5 Bo ttle bankP erkins J ames

, 26 High stP etch Richard, 224 H igh stReay Franci s

, Oakwe l l gateRichardson J ohn

,Windmill hi l l s

Rippon Chas . P . , 28 B rid ge stSmith P hilip , 17 B o t t l e bankS tephenson C lemen t , 10 1 H igh s t

S tephenson G eorge, L ow Fe l lS tephenson W i l li am , Sheriff hil lS tobbs John , 100 H igh s tThompson John , Sheriff hil lTu rn bu l l W ill iam, 34 H igh st


Urwin Robert, 207 H igh stree tW eddle John , 1 Bo ttle bankWheatley P ermell e, 30 Bridge s tYoung John , L ow Fel l

C a r tw r igh t s

L i dd le Thomas , L ow FellRobson Dani el 8c George, L ow FellW ardle Thomas, Sheri ff hil lWi lli ams James, Half Moon l an eWi l son John , W est st

C h em i s t s D r u gg i st s.

B el l Joseph , Chu rch st. 8; Bo ttle bkColman John

,5 Bridge s t

C lemen t Watson , 40 High stFawcett John, H igh s tG arbu tt C orneliu s, 2 1 Bridge stMunro Hy. L igh tfoo t, 20 High stMu rray Thomas, 2 17 H i gh s tC h ees em gr s . 8c Bacon Fac tor s

Garl ick Richard, 2 Bridge s tRobinson J .W . , 15 Bottle bkSmith H enry, 34 Bridge s t

C oa l Ow n er s.

Blaydon Main Depo t, Hal f Moon InEaston Messrs ., Oakwel l gt. colli eryL amb Joseph , Cc ., H i gh Fel lTeam Coal Depot, H al f Moon lane

C on fec t ion er s .

Atchin son And rew , 9 B ri dge stAtkin son Wil li am ,H igh st

Cranston John,40 B ottl e bank

P u n shon George, 24 Bottl e bankShotton An n ,

170 H igh stC ooper s.

Brown Henry, Hal f Moon lan eDou gal James, P ipew el l gateH arrison Henry, 15 High s tTeesdale John

,1 Chu rch st

C opper sm i th s .

Abbo t John 8: Cc .,P ark works

E l l iott Geor ge, 16 High stC or k C u t ter s .

Brass W i ll i am ,C arr's hi ll

C raw ford John , 17 Bridge stC or n M i l l er s an d F l ou r Dea l er s .

Marked ar e Fl our Dea l er s on ly,

Beck ington John 8: Son , 198 H igh 5


C a r r i er s L ea th er C u t t er s .

Angu s Geo . 8c Thos. C ., Union lan eJohnson Thomas,3 Bo ttle bank

Kelly Robert , 77 High s t

Ea r th enw ar e M an u fr s .

Kendell 8c Walker, Carr’s hil lP arker Benj amin , Carr’ s hi l lPatterson Thomas , Sher ifihil l Q

Wi lson Robert C . Fr i ars Goose

Fu r n i tu r e Br oker s.

B l agbu rn John , High st.Hew i tt James

,45 High st

Hu d speth George 8c Son , High st

G l ass Ii‘

Zan u factu r er s .

Angu s James, Carr ’s hil lC arl isle and Baker, -(N orth B r i tis hGlass Works), P ipewel l gateCook W i l li am, P ipewel l gate

Carl i sl e Jan e, Tyne S team Mi l lDav id son John , Chu rch s t*Ewart Wm . 8c Son , 29 High stFreem an Ralph , Hood’s millGibbon Wm Wn dm i l . h l s. 8t H i gh 5Meek Thomas , B orou gh m i ll*N esbi tt Charles , High st*O rm ston Elizabe th , 46 High stRobertson John , 13 Jackson stShaw Thom as

,64 H i gh st

Snowdon Thomas , Blu e qu arri esSimm John , N un ’s laneStamper John , Redheu gh Mi l l

Dyer s .

Allan Andrew,39 Bo ttl e bank

Atkin son Geo. Thompson , Chu rchEar th enw ar e D ea l er s .

Brooks John , H igh stPow ell J ames, Hi gh s tRickaby W i l l i am , 1 H igh s t

En g in eer s M i l lw r igh t s.

Mar ked ar e Boil er Bu i lder s a lso.

*Abb ott John 8c Cc ., P ark Works*Bal craig Thomas , H i l l g a teBu rd iki n 8: H arri son , Sal t mead ow sCou l th ard John 8: Co., Quarry fl d*Hawks Cr awshay 8c Sons, Sou th shProu d Joshu a, Cannon st*Robson Jonathan , Sou th shore*Robson Joseph , Chu rch hank


Grey Horse ,Rt. Blagbu rn ,43 H igh 8H al f Moon ,

Ma r th a Mu rry , High stH al f Moon , James Sco t t , Bridge stH awk's Arms

,T . Monkhou se, 24

B ridge s tHawk ’s Arms, Jas. Adams, East stH awk , W i ll i am Gati s , 25 Bottle bkH oneysu ckle

, Eliz abeth Freeman,

Woodbine terMagpie

, M r s. Bel l, Ben sham

Mason s Arms, Isabell a Wi ggins, 2Jackson s tMou lders Arms

,Isabella B ogger


L ow FellMou ld ers Arms, J ohnBri tton , Oakwel l gate

N ags Head , Eleanor W akefield, 94High st

N ags Head (o l d ) , George Campbell,H ym er s yard

N eptune Ta v ern , Wm . Ren n ison,

Sal t meadow sOdd Fel l ow s Arms, W i ll i am Brass

,Carr’s hillP lou gh , Pau l Richardson , East s tRed L ion ,Jacob Reed, Sal t meadowsR oyal Oak , E liz . Abbot, Garden stQu een Adel aide , J . P ax ron L ow FellQueen ’s Head , P eter James Main ,230 High st

Qu een'sHead , M. Cou l son , S tu art plQu een ’

s H ead , Joo .P a tter son , Sh f. h

Shepherd an d Shepherdess, N i chl .O liv er, Blu e qu r

Spade 8c Sho v el ,Rt . Smart, L ow FellShip, An n Graham ,

Deckam plShip , Dav i d Garre tt, High s tSpeed the P lou gh , Joseph Fenwi ck,D eckham place

S team B o at, Mi chael N i chol son,Hi l l gate

Sun . Richard Taylor, H i ll gateSun , John W atson , High stS un ,

Edward Gardn er, L ow Fel lSwan , W i lli am H unter, 1 5 P ark s tThree Tuns, Baron Robson, Shr ff. h lThree Tuns, My . Dav i son , P ipew l g tTu rk’s Head ,W . Mou ld, 20 1 High 5Union

,John Campbell

,H i l l gate

U nion , He n ry Garro tt , P ipewel l gtVi c tori a

,George B rown , Ch u rch st

Vu l can , Margare t Smith , Quarr y fdW aggon , Thomas W i l s on , Hi gh stWheat Sheaf, Ann Fu l ton , 7 High sWheat Shea f, Thos . C arr, Sheri fl ‘ h i l l


Whi te Bear,Wm . Mi tch el l, Sl tm dws

Whi te Swan , Thos . W ardle , Shrfl'. hW i lliam IV. J ohn Eden , H igh st

Wi ll i am IV., Edw . Arkl e , Ben sham

W i lli am IV., John Mill er, H i gh s t

W ine Vau l ts , Cath . Gray,C hu rch 8

W indmill, Jane H in dm ar ch,Ch as . 8

Beer H ou ses .

B el l John, Hi gh street

Bel l Joshu a, Cannon stree tCooper John Goodha l l

, H i l l gateEngli sh John , W indmil l h illsHog g Robert, B l ackw allHood Wil li am

,7 1 H igh stJackson Matthew

, H 1 l l gateJohn son Margaret

, Bai ley chareMorgan Charles

,B ai ley chare

Mu rray Thomas, Fr i ars Goose

P arkin son Robert, Sou th shoreR u tter John , B ai ley chare

So ftley Joseph , C arr’s hil lThompson James, Oakwel l g t. l nTu rpin Joseph

, 1 12 H igh st

In su r an ce Ofi‘ic es (F i r e L i fe )Atlas, John H un ter, 8 B ridge stDi ssenters, T . C . Angu s , Union InIr on B r a ss Fou n d er s.

Abbott John 8: Cc ., P arkWorksCox Thomas,2 16 High stCou l thard John 8L Cc .,

Qu arryfieldDowning Is aac

, 16 H igh fi

st*E lli o tt G eorge

,1 6 High st

Fors ter Stpn . 8c Cc ., N ew Chatham

Hawks, C rawshaw 8: S on s, Sou th shHeppell Wm . 8r Co.

,Redheu gh

Hym er s Jph . Abbo tt, 25 High stL and Richard

, P ipewel l gate*Tu cker Isaac , c t . P ipewel l ga te

I r on M er ch an t s .

Abbott John Co P ark W orksCargi ll ,Mou nsey 8: Cc ., Sou th shoreH awks, Crawshaw 8: Son s, Sou th sh

Ir on m on ger s .

Mar shall Robert, 16 Bo ttle bankMather Reed, 19 Bri dge stJoi n er s an d C ab i n et M ak er s .

Marked a r e Joiner s on ly.

Bow l t W i ll i am ,192 H i gh st

Dunn Martin,Chu rch walk


Forster J ohn , 16 High s tHudspeth John , 16 Hi gh st

L iddle Thomas, L ow FellL i ster Robert, 1 1 J ackson st* P earson Charles John , West st‘ Robson Dan iel 8: George, L ow Fel lThompson Andrew

,c t. 30 High st

Walker Forste r , West s tWilson John , 26 West stYoung R. 8c R. C ., 8Wes t st

L am p B l ac kM an u fa c tu r er s .

Mc Innis Jas . 85 Cc ., P ipewe l l gate

S i ll J ohn 8: Cc .,H eworth shore

L im e Bu r n e r s .

Hym er s Jph . Abbo t, Sou th sh oreP earson Chas. John , H igh stL in en an d W ool l en D r aper s an d

S i l k M er c er s .

D ixon 8: Ru ssell, (whol .) 27 8c 28Bo t tl e bank

G rey Jacob , 1 B ridge stJ onn . Fred. Poter , 2 l l High s tN e ilson Edward, 16 Bri dge stN ei l son Thomas, 36 Bridge s tRobson John 81 Wm .

,13 H igh st

M a l t s ter s .

Ba r ras John ,W es t s tP i ll ing S i dn ey, 4 1 Bottle bankRown tree W i l l i am ,Mu lg rave ter

M ar in e st or e Dea l er s .

Humb l e W il li am , P ipewel l gateP alm er Robert, Oakwe l l gateP atterson Doro thy, High s tR id l ev Thom as , 3 P ipewe l l gateWhi twor th W i l li am , H igh s t

Wright Robert, Hil l gateM i l l in er s an d D r ess M aker s .

B rown B. 8L E Oakwe l l gateCou l son Ann , 2 King Wi lli am st

E l li ott Eliz abeth , 30 West stHenderson Mg t. 8c Isab .

, 59, H igh s tH eslop Marg ar et, 2 Eas ton ctH e therington J ane Ann , L ow FellHogg Ann , Oakwe l l ga te charoSco tt E . 8c E. , Hoods bu ild ing sSu rtees J . W . , Low FellTurner Ali ce, High streetM u s i cal In st r um en t S e l l er s .

Anderson W i l l i am , (v iolin maker,)Gr aham sl ey street

Wa tson George, 35 Bottl e bank

27 1

N a i l M an u fac tu r er s .

Brigh t on James, c t. Bottle bankHal l Isaac, c t. B ottl e bankMc Lewr in James

,ct. Bo ttle bank

Mather 8: Reed,19 B ridge stree t

N ew spaper P u b l i sh er .

G ateshead Ohser v er, (Satu rday,) 14High stre et, Wm . DouglasN u r ser y . S eed sm en , & c .


An son Fin ney , High stree tJoyce,\Wi l l iam , 1 10, High s tree t

P aper M aker s .

Fryar W i l liam, Bl ackwal lHarvey Wm . (d l r .) 176, H igh s t.

Vin t Jam es 85 Cc ., Redheug h

P aw n b r ok er s

Forster Jane,East s tree t

G ordon Wi l l i am,-Oakwe l l g a


L am b Ralph , Oakwe l l gate chareRosen bohm Geo 20

,C hu rch s t.

P r i n ter s , (L et ter -pr essC row 85 Kelly

,8,Bridge s t .

Douglas Wm . 14, High s tree tP ring l e Geo rge

,2 1

, H igh str eetFl um b er s .

Abbo t John 8c Co . P ark worksElli ot t G eorge

, 16 Hi gh stree t

Sh opk eeper s .

Allan John, P ipewe l l g a teArnold Thomas, c t P ipewel l gate

P a in ter s an d G l az ie r s .

C ummin s Firbank, 2 15, High stDixon John, L ow Fel lHarbo t tle Samu e l

, Sher ifi' hil lHumble W i lli am

,4,Chu rch s t

N icholson Emmerson, H i l l g ate

Ormiston N elson, H igh stree tP l um b ton James C ann on st

Robson Geo . 2 , El li son st

R ape an d T w in e M ak er s .

Colv in Dav i d, 167 High stree tGri ffin Hood,551 H i gh stree t

Heggie Bro thers, (Paten t,) Sou th sh

Sa d d l er s H a r n e ss m aker s .

Bo lam Hen ry, 27 High stree tRobson Thomas, 6 High street



Atkin son John , 28 High str ee tBacon Mary, Carri’s hillBarrass Geor g e r L ow fel lB en son John,Hi gh stree tB enson John , P ipewel l g ateB erwick France s, Sheriff hillB ridge Mary , P i pewe l l gateB ridge Thomas, P ipewel l g ateB rown Ralph , Charles streetB ryson Thomas , B enshamBu rd ikin John , Salt MeadowsBurton Jane, P ipewel l gateC airn s E lizabeth, Brunswi ck str ee tCarg ill Ge orge , 36 Grosvenor stree tCarl i sle Jan e, ,

68%H ig h streetCook An n , P ipewel l gate

Cou t t E leanor, Low fellDal kin John , 25 Bo ttl e bankD av id son Eliz abeth, 3 Chu rch stD av idson George, L ow fel lD av idson Hannah , L ow fellD awson Jane , Sher ifl'hillEmmott Abm . 37 Bo ttle bankFors ter John, Mu l grave terraceGardener Thos. L ow fel lG ibson Joseph , 169 H igh stree tG ray El len , P ipewel l gateGi l l en der Robert, O akwel l gateG l ah o l m :Edward, Chu rch stree tG ordon Wi lli am , Oakwel l gateHa l l St ephen , Oakwe l l gate l aneH arri son W i l l iam , ,

P ipewe l l gateH edley Thomas , B enshamH enderson Ann , Hi gh s tree tHodgson Joseph , Chapel s tree tH ogg Robert, W i l liam stree tHowe Jo seph , B lu e qu arri esH u dspe th Mary Ann , H ill gateH umphrey W i l li am , S al t meadowsIngham D av id, Wi ndmil l hillIngham Joseph , 86 H i gh stree tIrv ing W ill i am,Chu rch stree tKerss W i ll iam,

Redheu ghKidd George, P o llock streetKi rkup James, Chapel streetL umley, Joseph , High stree tMo Dou gal James, Stu art placeMakepeace Gabriel , Mu lgrave ter.Mau gham Geo. 49 Melbou rne stree tMau ghan Joseph , 34 Bottle bankMeek E liz . L ow fellMi ller J ames, 12 High streetMoor Joseph , Unio‘ n laneMor el ie Ann

,Sedgwick s tree t

Mundhi l l Barbara, 76 H igh stree t

Soap M an u factu r er s .

A l l hu sen C . 85 Cc .,Tyne works,

sou th shore

S t on e M ason s.

Henders on R t., L ow Fel lSo ftly Samu el , Oakwel l gateS teel Thomas , 16 , Oakwel l gate.Robson , Hy . L ow Fel l

Su r g eon s .

Barku s Benj ., M.D l , John ’s pl .Bennet t Francis, 180, High st re e tBrady H en ry, 203, High str eetDixon G eo . Seymou r, 2 1, Chu rch st

Eltringham Wm . H igh stree t

N ew ton James, 95 High s treetP atterson Isab. Sher ifi'hillP atterson Martha, 29 G r osvenor stP owel l J ames, H igh streetP rou d Joseph, Carr’s hi l lRedshaw Emanu el , 79 H igh stree tRowe Jeremi ah , H igh stree tRu therford Robert,Qu arry fd .

Snowball Mary,42 Melbou rne stree t

S teel I sabella, L ow FellS teel W il li am , H ill gateS tephens on C lemen t, 10 1 , H igh st .Su therland Joseph , Hi l l g ateSwinbu rne Geo. P ipewel l gateTempes t Chas. King James’ stree tThompson Chri stopher,Bailey chT hompson D i ana, High stree tThompson Jos. , 2 l , Melbou rn e stThompson Wm . Oakwel l g ate laneThyn n George, Oakwel l gateTu rnbul l J ohn , 26 , Bo ttle BankUsher I sab . Charle s s t ree tWatson Dan i el

, Sher ifl’ hil l


Weatherby Martha, L ow Fel lWe s t Ann

, Windmi ll h i ll sWi lkin son John , Easton streetW i lks Thomas, High streetc od L u cy , Wake ’s entryoo l ston J ohn , Chu rch bank

S t r aw H at M ak er s. _

Bu l c r aig

My. _Jane , Garden c t.G raham Mary, 1 , E l li son stree tHarri son Sarah , 38, B o ttle bankSharp Ma ry, 223 , High stree tT u rnb u ll Mary , 17 , H i gh stree tWatson Catharin e , Char les s tree tYoung Jane , 34,Melbou rne st


from Sunderlan d and Sou th Shield s, at 9 10 A. M. 2 40 P . M. and 9 10 P. M .

;and from N orth Shield s, at 10 20 A. M. 3 10 P. M., and 10 45 P. M .

L etter s ar e D isyvatched to Ed in gb u r gh and the North, at 10 5 A. M . andI I 5 P . M . to Carli sl e , Brampton , & c . 10 45 A. M . , to Lond on, and the

S ou th , 3 10 P . M . and 10 45 P . M . ; to N ewcastl e, 10 5 A. M . and 1 1 5 P. M . ;

to Sunderland and Sou th Shields, 5 25 A. M. an d 3 55 P . M. , to N orthShields, 5 25 A. M . and 3 20 P. M .

Money Or ders wi ll be gran ted and pai d be tween the hou rs of 9 and 10A . M . from 1 1 A. M . to 2 30 P. M. and from 3 30 unti l 6 P . M .

Newca s tl e and Dar l ing ton J unction Rai lway, from the S tati on, G reen ’sField , to Sou th S hields, Sunderland , Du rham, Darlington , York, L ondon ,Sac. sev eral tim es dai ly. Omnibu ses l eav e the v ariou s Inns, in N ew

cas tl e, abou t 20 minu tes before the departu re o f each train .

The Mon thly Time Table published by the Company, may be had atthe S tation .

Car l i lse and N or th S hields Ra i lways, see end of N ewcas tle Dir e c to ry .

G en er a l Ga r r i er s b y R ai l w ay .

To a l l par ts of the K ingdom .

Carver 5c Co., John Main,agen t

P ev er al l St. Jackson , (Du rham an d

C oxhoe)P i ck ford C o . Thos . Irvi ne, agen tThompson Co .W i l son An n 8: Son , George Su ttonagen tYork and N ewcastle Railw ay Co .

Charles H enry Sm i th,agen t

C a r r i er s fr om th e In n s .

Thefigu r es on the l ef t of the Inns

cor respond w ith thefigur es a ttached to

the l ist q”

p laces.

1 B lack Bu l l , H i gh stree tB randling Arms

,Oakwel l gate

Du n Cow, High streetE arl G rey, High stree tH al f Moon , High s tree tQu een ’s Head , High streetSun , H i gh s tree tTu rk’s Head , High stree tW i lliam IV.

,High stree t







An n ifiel d,H enderson , mon . wed

and fr i .Barnard Cas tle, John Wi l l an sH

n—i Bem i sh , Andrew Mole , sat.7 Bonfiel d, J. Fa i rb r idge, tu . Sr. sat5 Castl e Side

,Edw.Cargill, tu . th .

an d sat.



7 Chapel , Geo . H eads, Wed .

8 Chester-l e-S tree t,Metcal f

, tu . andsat.

6 Conside, Carnaby, tu . th. and sat.l C rook,Wm . Mi ller , thu r.l D ipton , M. Cheeseman, th . sat.

8 Du rham ,Me tcalf, tn .

5 Easington L ane , Benj . Tennan t,tu . th . and sat.

l Evenwood , Thos . W i l l an s, fr i.1 Fatfiel d ,Geo . H en der son , tu . 8c sat

8 Fatfiel d, H amil ton , tu . sat.1 Haswell, Ralph Dov e , tu . 85 sat.

3 H aswell, S tephen Simpson, tn . 8:

Hetton , Benj. Tennan t, tu . th. 8:

sat.He tton , Ed . Mason

,tu . th . sat.

H i l ton , Thos. Jackson , thu r.Hou gh tom l e-Spring, B . Robson,sat .Howden , Al x .N owl ey, tu . th . St. sat

Iveston , H arper Shearer,sat.

L ancaster,Geo . Mu l caster , sat.

L ancaster, Rt. Toward , sat.L eadgate, Matth . Brown , tu . th .

and sat.L um ley, Thos. Hood , thu r.Middl eton

,John W i l l an s, wed .

Modom sl ey, Wheatley, sat .P el ton, Makepeace , tu . and sat.Rain ton , Tho s .D ixon , tu . th. 8! satSeaham , G . Keen l ysi de, thu r.Shield Row, Mch l . Brown, sat.


Shield Row, W i lkinson , sat.Shiney Row ,T hos. L i ster

,tu sat

Sho tl ey Bri dge, Wm . Chees eman ,tu . th . and sa t .Stanhope, Wm . Heads, thu r,Stanhope , John Bu rn , thu r.Tanfiel d , Wm . Henderson , sa t.T anfiel d , Smith

, tu . and sat.Tan toby, Forster





Thomas Revel y, Esq.,MAYOR — Mt . W i lli am Kell , Town C l erk.

Wil l i am Wylam ,Esq.

,Tr easurer .



Thomas l Vi l son , Esq.

James P ol lock, Esq.

Thom as Reve l y, Esq.

Eas t Wa r d .

Mr . W i lli am BrownMr . John L i s ter, sen .

Mr . James Hym er s

Mr . W i ll i am CookMr . John L i s te r,ju n .


The Mayor, James P ollock, George Hawks , W . H . Bro cke tt,Ralph

Wake,John Barras,W illiam Hym er s , Charl es Bertram ,

an d John Grace,

jun . Esqr s. George Johnson Kenmir, C l erk.

Cour t Days, the Ju stices of the B orou gh hold their Meetings at theP olice O ffice

,Town H all

,every Tu esday an d Friday.

The Ju sti ces for the Coun ty hold their Meetings at the Goat Inn ,Bo ttle Bank, every ”

Wednesday ; W. L . Harl e , C l er k.

P ol ice Sta tion , near the Rai l way S tati on , head of Half Moon L ane,

Wi lli am Henry Schor ey, Superintenden t ; an d John Hope , Inspec tor .S tamp Ofice, Bo ttle. B ank, George Wa tson , di s tribu to r.E xc ise Ofice, Cou rt 24, Chu rch S treet, Thom as S tanley, Supervi sor.Coroner f or Chester War d, J . M . Favell


Un ion Wor khou se,Union lane

,W indmill hi l ls, Opened 184 1 , wi l l ac

c ommoda te 240 P aupers , average n um ber Mr . John and Mr s .

Usher, Master and Matron ; Mr . Wi ll i am Rowntree, clerk and super in

Teasdale,John Wi l l an s, wed .

Thornley,Ralph Walker, tu . sa t

Washington,John Wi l li amson ,

tu . and sat.W ear d ale, Thos. Rodhamsley,wedWol singham , John Wharton , thu rWolsingham, John Bu rn , m om.

and thu r.

4 Wi ll i am H en ry Brockett, Esq.

5 Robert Dav i s,Esq.

(Mayor) 6 W i l liam Kenmi r, Esq.

COUN C IEL ORfi.West War d . Sou th Wa r d .

7 Mr . Joseph Robson 13 Mr . John Angu s8 Mr . J ohn Ru ssel l 14 Mr . R . C .You n g ,j un9 Mr . Thos . C ummins 15 Mr . John Robson10 Mr . Fred . G l en ton

'16 Mr . Chs . J . P earson

l l Mr . Char l es Bertram 17 Mr . James Smith12 M r . B. J. P roc ter 18 Mr . John Edward


ten d en t registrar, Ofice, Oakwel l gate. Reliev ing o fficers, and registrarso f Bi rths and D eaths, John Patti son , Gateshead D i s tri c t, George S i ll ,Heworth Di s tr i c t ; W i lli am O z wal d, Whickham D i stric t ; and JohnHenderson , Win l ayton Di stri c t ; Robert Foreman , Assis tant O versee r.P opu l ation , acco rd ing to the censu s taken June 7 th, 184 1, amoun ted


For Chu r ches , Chapels, and other P ubl ic Bui l dings, I nstitu tions, c3'c , see

Alphabetical D i rec to ry.


L ist of S treets, Cou r ts , L anes, Squar es, Quays, (Se ,i n 1 8 16.

Albion st,Head o f B ed ford st

B eacon st,38 Charlotte s t

Beal l s c t, Camden l aneB ed ford lan e, 27 Bed ford s t

Bed ford st , Wooden bridgeBed ford st, (L i ttle) 1 Wellington stBed ford te r , Bed fo rd s tBel l s t, L iddell s tBel l’ s ter, Bed ford stB i rd st, 38 Charl o tte s tB l ackbu rn ’s qu ay, L ow stB lackcock qu ay, C l iv e s tBroad qu ay , Cli v e stB run swi ck pl, Mi llbou rne plBu ckham ln , Dor twick s tBu ll rin g, Duke stC amden In

,Chu rch wayCamden In , (L ower) 9 Chu r ch wayCamden st

,Union st

C amden te r, Camden InCamp ter , P reston lnCeci l st

,52 W est P ercy st

Charlo tte st, 50 Chu rch st

Chu rch In , 1 1 U n i on s t

Chu rch st, 50 Tyne s tChu rch way, 9 Union stCl iv e st,W ooden b dgCoble dean , L ime Kiln shoreCobu rg pl, Tynemou th road

Collingwood st, Bu l l ringCooper’s r ow, P i t lnC u stom Hou se qu ay, L idde l l s t

Dal e’s te r, Tynemou th road .

Dockw r ay sq, 44 Tyne s tDockwr ay st , Dockw r ay sqD or tw i ck st, Col lingwood st .

Du ke st , Marke t plD ver s en try, L i ddel l st ,

East st,Mi llbou rne p lElder’s qu ay , Cli v e stG eorge st

,80 Chu r ch st

George ter, 34 George s tG i l l ow. pl, 42 Ni l e s tG reenman ’ s bank, L i ddell stG reen ’ s bu i ldings, Duke s tG re y Horse qu ay , Bu ll ring.

Hal f Moon b an k, l Bed ford stHoward st, 2 Tyne stHu dson st, B ird s tKe ttl e bank, Bel l s tKing George’s In , Tyne stKing st

,1 7 Charlotte st

L ibrary bank, Foot of Howard s tL i ddel l s t,Wood en b dgL ighthou s e b an k,B el l st

L ime Kiln shore, Dor tw ick st

L in ski l l s t, 42 Tyne stL ishm an

s qu ay, Cliv e stL ow l igh ts, U nion r oadMagn esia bank, 22 Union st .

Mai tl an d’

s In ,Bell s t

Marke t pl , N ew quayMeetin g Hou se In , Duke stMiddle s t, Mi l lbou rne plMi llbou rn e pl

,Dor twi ck s t

Mo tl ey’s qu ay,Bu ll ring

Mou nt p l easan t, S team Mi ll InN el son s t, 44 W est P erc y st

N ewc astl e s t,Albion st

N ew Qu ay, I Cli v e s tN i l e s t , L i ttl e B ed ford stN orfolk st , 1 1 Tyne s tNorth st

,Mi lbou rne pl

N orthumberland pl, 80 Chu rc hN orthumberland sq, Camden s t .

N orthum berl and st, B i rd st


Bu rrell Joseph , Au stri an v ice consu l , S t. C u thbert’s terC alv ert Andrew , foreman, 70 Ch . stCam pbell Coll in, ti de wai ter


Walker plCampbell James C oll i e r,foreman

Mount pl easantCampb ell Mr . John

,43 Chu rch st

Cam pbel l Mr s. Mg t . , 48 Chur ch stCarrCarr Thos. Fo ster, clerk, l Albi on sGipping John , l e tter carri er, c t I7

S tephenson st

C l ose Rd ., astn t. g c r .

, 30 Chu rch stC ol l ey George,clerk

,1 16 Bed ford s

C oll ey Robert, clerk, 34 Sidney stConley James, engine bu i lder ; h

12 Nel son st

COppin Mr s. Mary, 3 N r thb r l n d . plC orn forth Mr s. Mary , I Ceci l s tC orn forth Mr s. Mary, 10 George stC orn forth Mr s. Mary Ann

,Qu een 8

C raw ford Mr s. Ann , 97 Chu rch wayC rawford Mr s. Sar ah , l N r thb r l d . plCr ighton Alexander 81. Edwin , spi ri tmoh l s, &c . ; hs. 6 Nor thb r l n d sq.

C r udd'

as Geo., gent., 4 N r thb r l d . sqC r uddas Mr . W i lliam

, L i n ski l l s tCunningham Mr s. Ann, 30 Si dney 3Cu rry J ohn

,ship c arpen ter, 1 18

Bed ford s tDaleH y ., sol r h. 3 1 Dockwr ay sqDal e Shal l at t John

,solici to r ; h . 2

Dockwr ay sqDal g l i esh Mr . Wi l li am

, 1 1 Nelson s tDan i el Mr . Robert, 22 N orfolk stDav idson M rs. G race, 75 Bedford stDav id son John, assistan t draper, 17N elson st

Dav i dson Robert, col lec tor of poorrates,I Welling ton st

Dav i son John , foreman , Reed stDat i son Robe rt

,le tter carrier


L in ski l l stDaw son Thomas, j oiner, 18 Toll sqDay Richard , l ight hou se keeper,Dockwr ay sq

De tchon O swald , gen t., 4 Walker plDewar Mr s. 1 Nelson s tDixon Cph r . , foreman ,Mount pl sn t .Dob in son Thomas

,S tore r


& c . m fr . ; h . King s t.Dodd Dr . James Philip, 74

Church st

Douglass An n , co al dl r., 42 Liddel stDonkin Mr s. El l en , 12 East P ercy stDowns Rob t., farmer , 18 S ou th s t

Dru ry Mr s. Mar g t., 36 West P ercy stDunn J ., clerk, 38 L i t tl e Bed ford stEav es L ieu t . John , 4 Cobu rg placeEden Mr s. Jane, 10 Spring terEll i o t Mr s. Jan e, Albion streetE ll i o t t Mr s. Ann

, 2 Spring terraceElphin stone W. pru tt . h. 35 Tyne sE lwes Mr . W. H . 24 S idney s treetEmbleton Mr . T .,

1 14 Bedford stFawc u s John , anchor, Sec. m fctr .

h . 27 Toll squ areFawcu s Mr s. M.

,anchor, 85 0 . m ftr .

h . 15 Spring terraceFenw i ck N i cholas, g ent., 7 Dockwray squ are

Fenwi ck T . Esq.

, Sou th P reston IdgFen wi ck Thomas, spi ri t m erchant ;h . 4 Nor th umb er l an d pl ace

Fergu son Wi lliam , le tter carr ier,S tephenson street

Forsyth Mr s. Jane, 27 Dockwr ay sqFortune Mr s. Ann

,20 Chu rch st

Foster Robert, bank cashier,“10H oward s tree t

Fo thergil l Robert Swan . gen t., 16

Tol l squ areFow l es Rober t, L loyd ’s su rv eyor ,h. 50 Camden streetFreeman Mr s. 44 S tephenson streetFrench James, ac ting tide surv eyor ,18 Walker place

French Jph .

,ligh t keeper, L ow ligh ts

Fr ench Mi ss, 2 1 Dockwr ay squ areFrost Mr . Joseph, 54 Camden streetG ibson Josi ah Batchelor, merchant,h. Bed ford stree tGibsonMr s.Mary, 60 Camden stree tGi l l ow Rev . Richar d, (C atholic,)Bedfo r d street

Gi l l ow Rev . Thos . (Catholic,) Bedford streetG oldberg Samu el, l et ter car rier ,Beacon streetG reen Mi ss Doro thy, 26 L in ski l l stGri ffith Rev . W i ll iam, (Wesleyan,)2 1 Howard streetG u stu s Br okovski

,ship broker ; h.

16 Dockwr ay squ areH all Mr s. Jane

, I Albi on st reetHal l John, boatman Cu stom s, 92S tepheson stree t

Hardm anWi l liam, farme r, Alb i on st ;


H are JOhn h b ookse l l er , &c .

,h . 7

Tyne streetH arri o t P eter, m as ter gu nner, Cli fford ’s for t

Harri son Jas. R. regi strar of seamen ,N ew qu ay h . 17 N i le stree t

Harri son W i l l i am ,r eg i str ar of bi rth sand d eath s , 20 Do ckw r ay squ are

H aswell Mr . Geo .,1 W est P ercy st

Hay s J .,gent. , 10 Nor th um b er l n d sq

H ebron H en ry, P . M. preacher , 27N i le s tree t

H enderson Rev . Mi ch ael , (Inapt.)1 3 Si dney stree t

H en z’

el l Mr s . Mary,15 King stree t

H ew son Mi ss Fanny , I8 Dockwr aysqu areH indb au gh Mr s . Jane , L in ski l l stHog g Mr s . Mary, 82 S tephen son stH olli day Samu el , clerk, 13 N i le stH oneyman W i l li am, gen t. 7 Nor

thum ber l an d squ areHo r n sl y Mi ss Ma rg t. 4 Sav i ll e stH o r s l ey Mr . John

,32 S idney st

H u ghes George,land agen t

,H il ton

co ttageH u l die Thos., cu stom hou se Officer8


L ow er P earson stree tH ume John 85 Co.

, impor ters of

l eeches,C amden street

H un ter James Ri chardson , cu stomhou se officer, 2 1 Hu dson gate

Hunter Thos. clerk, 17 Collingwoodstree tH u tchinson Mi ss Mary , 2 1 Tal l sqI ron s Mr s. An n , 39 Sidney stree tI rv in Mr . Thomas, Al bion stree tI rw in Wil li am


,2 1 N i le st

Jack Rev . Archibald, (Ind .) 1 Bedford terrace

J efferson Mr . Jas. 20 Coll ingwood stJoel L evy , trav el l er, 20 L in ski l l stJohn son Mr s. E leanor, 39 Qu een stJones Mr s . Ann

, 30 N i le streetKe lley Richd , pr in tr . ; h . 18 Nel sonstree t

Ken l i sh Robert, pilo t, 53 B ell s tree tKidd Robert, spi ri t merot., h19 Dockw r ay sqKirby Mr . Thomas, 47 Camden stKno tt L eadbi tter, rope mak er ; h .

Tyne stre e tKnott Thomas

,rope maker ; h . 8

Chu rch stree tKoll er W illi am, cl erk , 78 Chu rch s t

L aing Charl e s, clerk, 2 walker plL aing John , Sec . to water Co. ; h . 2

W alker p l aceL aing Mr . Joseph , 2 Walker plL amb Mr . Geo. Hy . S teph enson st

L andell s Mr . John , Dor tw i ck stL atimer Rev . Geo .

,.1 9 Dockw r ay sq

L ei tch B arbara Ann, L i n ski l l s t

L ei tch Rober t, l anding wai ter, cu stom s h P restonL emon J ohn , clerk, 94 Chu rch wayen n ox Dav i d , coast in g c lerk, cu s

toms\ 7 N i l e streetL essli e Jam es, rigger, B road qu ayL in ski l l W . E sq. , Tynemou th lodgeL odg e Mr s. Eliz abeth

, 17 N el son st

L owe s Mr s . My . An n, 17 S i dney st

L ow ray Mr s. , 17 Toll sqL upton Mr . Thomas, 27 S idn ey st

Lyon Mr s . Jane,4 Dockw r ay sq

Mc Cou ll G eorge,trav elling draper,

93 Chu rch wayMc Kechin ee C olin C .

, P . M. prob t .,23 Sidney st

Mal colm P e ter, gr dn r ., 18 Ru ssel l st

Mann Mr s. Mary, 1 Sidney s tMarr Mr s. E liz abe th

,George st

Mar tin G eorge, assistan t draper , 3 1N il e stMe t’calf George

, Ship bu i l der h . 8

Nor thum b er l an d sq.,

Mat ti son W i lli am,sal t m fr h . 26

N orth s tMatthews E dwar d

,rope m aker ; 11 .Ropery bank

Matthews Mr . P eter, Ropery bankMatthews Mr s. Ann , George stMiddle ton Mr s. Cath . , 13 King stMe tcalf Mr s.Margare t, 16 Albi on stMi lbu rn Rb t.

,bk. agt., 16 HOWar d s t

Mayson John Wal ker, soli ci tor, 72Chu rch stMi l ler Mr s . Eliz ., 1 1 ] Bed ford stMil l s H enry, c l o thes cleaner, 20

Chu rch wayMi tchel l Mr. Jas.

,9 Ru ssell st

Moore P e te r, pr in cipal o fficer, Custom h ou se ; h . 24 Toll sqMorri son W i ll i am Dav i son , sheri ffs

Officer , 29 Sav il le s tMorton Mi chael , blo ck mast m kr ;h . 99 Chu rch wayMou ld J .,

exc i sepfii cer 12 L in ski l l stMu rray James

,gen t., Northumberland pl ace


N i chol son Mi ss E liz abeth, 13, Norfolk stre'et

N ixon Mr s . Mary, 14, Tol l s qN ixon P atton , 24, N i l e stree tOgilv i e Joseph , wholesale druggi s th . 3 Camp terr aceOgilv i e Joseph , jun . wholesale d ru ggi st ; h . 1 N orthumberl and sq

Oliver W i lli am , foreman , lowerP earson street

Oppenheim S. B . cap m anu factu rer2 Ru ssell s treet

O rd Ellen , midwi fe, l ow L i gh tsO rm ston Mr s . E l n r 9 1 Chu rch wayOwen h. 3 N or

thum b er l an d sqOwen Stepn ., ca r r ier , 76 Ch . w ayOxley Thomas, par i sh clerk, 10 1Chu rch wayP atterson Jos eph , foreman ,King stP eacockMr s. Barbara , 66 Chu rch s tP earson Isaac, gen t, 17 Walker plP ear t rd oseph , post mast. I3 Tyne stP hi lipson Mr s. Jane, 108 Bedford stP hil ips on Jn o. distri bu to r of stamps7 Tyne st

P hilipson John and Joseph , draper sh . 16 Tyne s tP i cker ing Thomas ; h . L iddell s tPollock Jas. Kel li e, prn tr . Dale’s terP ool Mi ss Barbara, 1 3 East P ercy stP opplewel lMthw. L l oyds su rveyor ,h. Rosella plP opplewell Rt. mer t. h . Rosel la p lPow Rober t, anchor 8 m. m an u fac

tu rer ; h . 17 Dockwr ay sq.

P ringl e H arrop , gent. King stP ringle Mr s . Jane

,Chu rch way

P ye James, sexton , P reston l aneP yle Joseph , clerk’ railway good sdepartmen t ; h . 74 Camden s tReich enberg M r s. Alice, 28 Toll sqReid W illiam

,ri v er pol i ce inspector


Ram shay's qu ay

Reid Mr s. Mary, 39 Dockw r ay sqRev ely Mr s. Jane, 5 W alker pl aceReynolds Mr s. Jane, Nor thm b l d . s tRichar dson John , boatman cu stom sQu een stree tRichardson Mr s. Mary, 5 Ceci l s tRidl ey Thomas

,Attorney’s c lerk

L in ski l l s treetRippon G eorge

, Esq. Water v i llaRobb Thos. tide wai ter, 16 N il e stRobinson Chpr .

,clerk, 98Bed ford st


Robson Ann , farmer, Col l in gwd . st

Robson Miss Fr an ces , 3Newcastl e st

Robson Jas .,bu i lder h . 80 Chur ch

w ayRobson Matt ., bld r. 11 . W es t P r cy. s

Rogerson J oseph , cu stom h ou seO fficer, Chu rch wayRoss Mr . John , 5 George streetRown tree Jas . , miller, 39 C amden stRu ssell Mr . Thomas,3 N i le s t

Ru tter John,j nr. h . 55 Chch . st

Sco t t Capt. John , 99 Bed ford streetSco t t Mr s. Frances , 2 Sydney stS co t t Mr s. Mary , 19 Ru ssell s tSco tt Thos .

,u ni on m s tr .

,P res ton ln

ScottWm . engine bld r. ; b . 29 N i l e s tShepherd Edw ard , cu stom h ou se

Officer, 16 Wa lker plS impsonMr s . H arriet , 17 Spring terS impson Robt. , shpm n . 14 Nelson stS impson Mi ss Sarah

,15 W alker pl

Skipsey Geo. j oiner ; h . 15 George st

Smart Mr Thomas, 94 Chu rch waySmi th Mr s. Jane, 9 Wes t P er cy stSmi th Mr . S ., 1 Spring terSmith Wm .,

tide wai ter,14 N il e st

Spee d Jas. coal dealer, Skipsey qu aySpence H enry, shopman , I5 N i le s tSpence John F. draper h . 1 1

H oward stree tSpen ce Joseph

,draper ; h . 25 How

ard s tree tSpence Mr s. Mary, 52 Chu rch waySpen ce Rb t ., bank m g r ., Rosell a plSpencer John

,s tai thman , Whi te

H i ll pointStephenson John , r ope maker ; h .

Ropery bankStephen s Mr s .Mary

,15 D ckwr ay . sq

S tonehou se M i ss Margaret , 48WestP ercy s tree t

S traker John , merchant, Rosella plS traker Joseph , mer Sou th P res tonS trong Wm . railway sta tion mas ter,43 N i le street

Su rry Ann , fu rri er, 3 1 Camden stSu therlan d Soloman , ironmonger ;h . 43 S idney stree tTaylor Wm . gent, S tephenson stTaylor Wm .,pr in ter , & c . ; h . N il e s tTel fer John , tobaccon ist, 3 1 L i ttleB ed for d streetThompson Jane

,reporter to the coal

Exchge. L ondon ,9 1 S tephenson stT hornpson Mr . Wm ., 25 Sydney st


A gen t s .

S ee a lso Ship and Insu r ance Broker s.

B arker H enry , (Comm i ssion) -I2

N orfolk st., h . How ard stBl agdon John 85 C o B el l stB u lmer Jph . 1 H oward st. h . P r e

Clarke Henry, 24 Dockwr ay sqColley G eorge, 1 16 Bed ford stCr ai ster Wm .

, and coll ec tor for GasCo., 41 , L iddel l s t

D unn John , 38 L i ttl e B edford stD u dgeon Thos.Wm . 39 George stH arri son Wm ., (Comm ie ) 20 D ockw ray sq

H adawa Dixon , Bel l’

s terMarshal George, 19 Spring terMi lbu rn G eorge , 8 East P ercy stL otin ga Saml . Mo ses, 2 Bedford stMetc al fe Thomas

, 4 Cecil s tP eart Rober t , (L loyds,) Howard st,h . 1 W alker placeRevel y Wm (hou se) 2 Ru s sel l stR oxby Mary

,1 1 N i le s t

Tate W i lli am,Gardener

,5 Nor fk st

W hi ttl e Richard, Sav i lle s t

An c hor an d C h a in Gab l e M an uéfac tu r e r s .

P ow 8: Faw cus , D uke st and Bel l stTyzack, Dob i n son , Co., L ow

L igh ts

A r t i st s.

E rrington I sab el l a , 2 1 N orfolk stMc Gee Robt. Harri s , 78 Chu rchwayReay John, 22 W ellington st

A t tom i es .

Barker Jas . L amb, clerk to boardo f G u ardi ans, and su perint enden tRegi strar

,Town hall , Sav i lle s t

Barker s Sc Fenw ick, and Clerks toMagistrates, N orfolk s t

D al e H enry 85 S hal l att J ohn, 44Dockw r ay sq

Fenwi ck J ohn Wm . 12 Tyne st., hS ou th P reston L odge

H arri son Stephen Wrigh t, 20 D ockw ray sq

L aing Joseph , 1 Camden s tL aw s C u thbert U .,

Manor Office , 4Market pl ace, h . Tynemou th

L i etch Thos. Car r,10 Tyn e st., 11 .

5 Camp terMedcal f Richard, Nor folk st, h . 2

B ed ford terReed Thomas, Dockwr ay st, h . 2 5

Dockwr ay sqTinley J . St J. T. B ., Beacon stTyz ack Benj . Tyn e s t . , h . 2 C amp trWheldon Rober t, and Comm i sr . fortaking acknowledgment s of m ar

ried women , 20 HoWar d st

Tate Wm . Ga rdener, 5 N or folk st

Taylor John , 45 Chu r ch st

Towers Jph . st

B aker s an d F l our B ea l ers.

Marked ar e Baker s on ly.

Armstrong W i ll i am, 16 Union stBol ton James

,34 Stephen son st

B ol ton Robert, 4 Bird s tCampbel l G eorge

,94 Bedford st

*Charlton Wi l l iam,57 Chu rch st

i"Cor n er George,B ell s t

Cov en try Andrew , 53 Bed ford stCowel l Thomas, 76 Bel l s tD i ck W i ll i am ,

16 Bu l l ringDixon Jno , 1 L iddel l s t. h . SCeci l st

D unn Ju di th , King s t*E l l i son

Cu thber t, 43 Midd le st*Ford Thos., O l d P i t r owFord Thos ., c t 36 Tyne s t

*Hadaway Mar g t . c t 7 L in ski l l stL essli e James, C l iv e s t, h . Spring terMc Don ald Mark

,Duke st

*Mav in Thomas , Skipsey’

s Quay ;h . Ropery bankMi llbu rn Geo . Wm ., 36 L iddel l stMo r ton Wil liam

, 35 S tephenson st*P i le James

,48 N orth st

Sco tt James, 18 Bell s tSco t t John , 14 L iddell s tTen n et Joseph , 4 W ood en bridgeTrotter I saac, Beacon stW atson W i l l i am , Brunswick plWardle Whi te, 92 Bell s tWhi tfield John

,23 Chu rch way

W ilson George , 16 Ol i ve st*Winn Jane , P i t l aneWood Will iam, L ow Camden l ane



sBan k s .

Newcastl e , Shields, 85 SunderlandUnion Bankin g Cc 10 H owardst., (draw on Barnett, HoareCo .) Rober t Spence, Manager

N orth o f England Join t S to ck Banking Co.

,1 6 H oward st . (draw on

L ondon and W estminster B ank)Robert Mi lbu rn , agentN or thum b er l and Du rham D istric tBank, 1 C amden st . (draw onB arclay 8c Co . (Jph . L aing, agen tav in g

s Bank, 'Townhall, Sav i l les t .

,open from 12 to 1 , noon , and

7 to 8,evening, Satu rday, Saml .

James Tibbs , SecretaryBa sk et M ak er s.

Maxwell Hy .,ct. 36 Tyne st

Wal ters J ohn , B ed ford st.B l ack sm i th s .

B u lmer Thomas, Mou n t pleasantCarr W i lli am, L ow ligh ts

Dixon B enj amin, Tyne st. g h . 68

S tephen son s t

Fenwick Saml . 8; Thos . , L ow l ightsG allon P eter, Col lingwood s tGol dbor ou gh Wm . Son , 55 B ed

ford stG olightly Ralph, 40 L iddell st

«Graham J ohn, Ropery bankH edley An thony, B eacon stRu t ter Matthew , P i t l aneWeatherhead G eorg e, E l ders qu ay

B oat Bu i l d er s .

Anderson Thomas , L ow li gh tsB ell Andrew , L ime Kiln shoreD ow ey James, E lders qu ay ; h . 1

Sou th stH umphrey Joseph , L ow l igh tsP l etts John , L ime k iln Shore ; hW est P ercy st

Sander son George, L ime kiln shoreS tokel Wi ll i am , L ime kiln shoreW ardle Wm . Sr. Whi te Alex., 92

Bel l st

Book b in d er s .

S ee a l so Booksel ler s.

D i tchbu rn Gawin , C amden laneH enderson Robert, 5 Chu rch wayRoddam James, Marke t place

Book sel l er s, P r i n ter s, an d

S ta t i on er s .

M'ar /red ar e Bookbinders.

*Beau vai s H udson , and engr .,


Tyne stH arrison Robert, 44 Tyne stree tOrange W’ i lli am , 4 Bed ford s t*Phi lipson and Hare , 7 Tyne stTaylor 85 E lphinston e, 35 Union st

Temple Robert, Tyne st*Walker George , 1 2 Tyne stWatscn W i lliam , 47 Clive s tBoot and Sh oe M ak er s .

Marked ar e C l oggers a lso.

Adams George, 3 Marke t plAird John, Cliv e stBlack Joseph, P earson ’s r owBol ton Edward , 44 S tephenson. stB radl ey James

,D uke s t

Bu lman James, 13 Chu rch wayCampbell Bernard, 29 L iddel l s tCooke N icholas, 48 Tyne s tCou l te r Thomas, 17 Bed ford stC owey John , 1 9 L iddell stCu rran P eter, 1 1 Duke stD ixon Davi d, 20 C ollin gwood stDixon El i sha, 7 B edfor d s t“Do uglass Jas. , 3 C ollingwood s tDou thwai te George , 2 Union st

Drysd ale G eorge , Du ke s tDu fl


y John , 2 Bed ford s tFl at Dav id , 40 Bed ford stFothergi l l Thomas, Beacon s tFrame L ancelo t Charlo tte s tG amble John , Cl iv e s tG rant John , 25 Camden stGu stard“T., 16 Duke st. 8: 7 C l i ve s tHall George, 22 Union stHall John, 38 Camden s tHu dson J ohn , 1 Hu dson s t


Jackson Robert,14 Albion s t

Johnston Ralph , 3 1 Dor twi ck stL essl ie Robert, P earson ’s r owLu cas W i l li am, Duke s tMc Gu ire James, 28 L i ddell s tN i cholson Joseph ,Wood en b dgNott S tephen , 9 L ower P earson stP orteou s L awrence, 36 Chu rch wayP otter John , Cl iv e s tRidley John, 17 L i t tl e Bed ford s tRobson Mat thew, 15 Bu l l ringRodgerson Jph .

,9 L i ttle Bed ford s t

Roper Geoxge, Clive s t


Rown tree Michael,L ime Kiln shore

Ru therford Thomas , 24 Sou th stS carth James

,Smi th ’s Dock yard

S corfie l d Wi l l i am, 28 Tyn e st

Smi th An thony, 40 Tyne street

S tephen son George, B runsw i ck pl*Stephenson G eorge

, L ow L igh tsS to rey W ill i am

,6 1 Chu rch wayThompson Henry, 1 George s tree tThompson Joseph, Clive s tree t

W'ardle John

,1 Camden stree t

Wi lkinson W. H . 5 Collingwood stB r ass Fou n d er s .

Charl ton W i ll iam G eorge,Beacon s

M i lbu rn Wi ll i am ,Mou nt P l easan t

P aw Fawcu s,Duke s t B ell s t

B r az ier s an d T in P l at e W or ker s

.Mar lzed ar e P lum ber s a lso.

Gordon J ohn, 8 Wellington st

H edley John , 5 B el l s tI l ey Ralph , 6 1 Cliv e s t*Jordeson Geo . Wm ., 33 Union st

M i ll s James , Bed ford stRober tson Wi ll i am

,5 Bu l l ring

*S toker Thos ., (and compass maker)2 1 Ol ive st. ; h . 1 4 L i t tl e Bdfr d. st

*Todd Edward, Duke st*Todd Thomas, 14 Bu l l ring*Tu rner Robert, 2 Tyne st* Twiz ell J ohn Son Gasfitters)5 1 C liv e s tree t

Whi tfield Wi l l i am , 24 Chu rch wayB r ew er s an d M a l tster s .

B ar tl em an Cr igh ton s, Bu ll RingWhar f 81 Northumberland b rew ry

Fenwi ck Kidd, N orth ShieldsB rewery, L i ddel l st

H arbu t t T hos., Cen tu r ion Brewery ,Bu l l r ing ; h . 76 Chu rch s t

H arr i son John , H i gh B reweryD uke st. 5 h . Sou th P reston

P atton John St Cc ., L ow l igh ts

R i chardson Thos ., P ercy B rewer v

D uke st . ; h . 13 Spring terThompson

,Duncan & C c .,18 C l ive s


asco George, c t., 1 B el l st . ; h64 Chu rch s t

Bu i l d er s.

S ee a l so J oiner s and Bu il ders.

A l l en James, L in ski l l stA rnet t Emanu el , 105 Bedford st

Beall Wm ., 52 Chu rch way ; h . 48

Camden stP lace Joseph , 3 Nelson stRobson Jas . 81 Math , 80 Chu rch wySangster Thomas

,King st

Shot ton Jas ., 1 16 Bed ford stS tewar t Thomas D ., 8 N or folk st

Tu rnbu ll James, L in sk i l l stYounger J .

,King st. ; h . Tynemou thBu t ch er s .

Apple ton H orace, 7 L ower P r sn . s tAtkinson Robert

,40 Ol iv e s t

Ayn es l ey George , 30 Duke s tree tBain Andrew, 10 Dor tw ick st

Ben g al l John , 17 Bu ll ringBu llo ck Thom as, 41 C amd en stBu rn R.

, 22 Duke st.,and 7 N orth 8

Bu rn Thomas, Hu dson s tCarrW illi am , L ow l ightsCharl ton James, 2 1 Dor tw i ck s tCou l son Thos . Wm .

,64 Bed ford st

Cu thbertson G eorge , 52 L i n skil l st

Dav i son W il liam ,10 L iddel l st

Dawson E rrington , 27 Tyn e stDawson Thomas, Charlotte s tForster W'm 9 Cliv e s t ; h . N ew qyGibbs Wm . H enry, 44 Chu rch wayG ibson James

,43 Tyne st ., and 63Cliv e s t

G l ahol m Thom as, Duke s tH adaway Thos. D ixon , 47 Tyne stHal l Matthew, j un ., 20 Clive s tHall Roger, Cli v e s tHay Richard , 48 L iddle s tHedley E lizabeth

,Charl o tte st

Hi n dm ar ch Ann , Duke stHumble John, Cliv e stKno tt W i l li am, 7 Chu rch wayL essl i e Thomas, B ird stMc L el l an


J ohn,54 Bel l st

Mo tley Thomas, 42 Duke s t. ; h . 10

L i ttle Bed fo rd stP u rv es Geo . Brown, 36 Tyne s tRamsay Thomas

,B u l l R ing

Ramsey Robert , 10 Charlo tte s tRogers John

,10 Bed for d st

S tobbs Joseph, 70 Cli v e s tS torey Robert

, 25 Union stSto th ard J ohn Barkes, 1 12 Bd frd . s

Swan J ohn Son , 35 Cli ve stThompson G eo . S elby, 32 U ni on stThorn ton Wm ., 28 West P ercy s t,an d 26 S tephenson st


Cor n M i l l er s .

B rown Wm . Sons,Clive st ; h . 9

Dockw r ay sqL i lli e John , Coble DeanRu ssel l Alexander 85 Son , Coll ingw ood st. S te am M ill 85 Fl a twor thMi ll s

Soppet Jas. Gray, L ow L igh ts S te amM i l l ; h . 5 Eas t P ercy stC u r r ier s an d L eath er Cu t ter s .

Adams G eorge,3 Marke t pl ace

Heron Thomas, 15 Sav i lle s tOwen Son , 19 Union stS toddar t John , 22 C ollingwood stC u t l er s an d Su r g i c a l In str um en t

M ak e r s .

H ibberd Thomas, 72 C l iv e stM il ler Charles

,58 Ol i ve s t

Dyer s an d Sc ou r er s .

Coll i er B enj . Geo 7 S tephenson stFoster E liz abeth , 1 9 Bed ford stGriev es Archibald , 60 S tephenson sRu tl edge Ju o. Bowes, c t Dor tw i ck sEar th enw ar e M an u fa c tu r er s .

C arr 85 P at ten,L ow l igh tsFishm on g e r an d Oyster D ea l er .

8 .Ea t i n g H ou seEskdale James, 5 L in sk i l l 813

B rown John , 42 Cliv e stFranci s Matthew, Cliv e st F l ou r Dea l er s .

Gel hespi e E liz abeth, C l ive St See a lso Bakers and Gr ocer s .

G lov er J ohn 8 Cli v e stL aw Robert,

4 L in ski l l st 1111111


9 J




gfffim d S t

Rain ford W i l l i am , Duke s t ay or O n, yup


W au gh Maria, 96 Bedford stEn g i n e B u i l d er s 84 M i l l w r i g h ts .

Almond John , King s t . and U nionroad,h . 5 Toll squ are

Conley Scott, 30 Duke stH arri son Juniu s , Dor twi ck s tW ai t J as. and John, S te am Mill ln ,hs. M i lbu rn pl . Dockw r ay sqFi r e an d L i fe In su r an c es .

Bri tanni a (L i fe) Robt. W heldon, 20H oward s tr ee tC aledon ian , Thos.Reed , Dockwy. s tCounty, Robt. Templ e, Tyne s tCrown (Life) Barkers and FenwickN orfolk st

D ecen ters, Dixon H adaway, Bel l ’s t

Farmers, an d General Hai l S to rm ,

J . T. B. Tinl ey, Beacon st

Freemason ’s an d General (L i fe)Al fred Hy. Dewar, 4 How ard stImperial, (Fi re) Philipson and Hare,7 Tyne st

L eed s and Yorkshire, Rt. Mi llbu rn ,1 6 Howard s t

L egal and General (L ife) Arthu rTinley, B eacon s tL oan Annu i ty , A . H . Dewar


H oward s tManchester, Barkers and Fenwi ck ,N orfolk st

National Mercantile, Wm . B rown ,Hud son s tN orwi ch U nion , C . U . L aw s, 4M arket pl

P el i can (L i fe) B arkers Fenw i ck ,Norfolk st. and Joseph Laing, 1Camden st

Royal Exchan ge , Rob t. P opplewel lN ew qu ay

S tandard (L i fe) Philipson and Hare,7'Tyne s t

Sco tl and (Fire) Wm . H . Atkinson60 Bedford s t

Su n (Fi re) Jph . Bu lmer, H oward stYorkshire

,Geo .H . C lark, 35 Tyne st

Fr u i t er er s.

Marked a re Gam e Dea ler s a lso.

Blyton Joh’n , 34 U ni on st

Morri son Marga ret,26 Tyne st

O l iv er Edwar d , Marke t pl‘ P ringl e and P atterson , 29 Tyne stSpinks Jane 8L

_I sab 38 Tyne st


Fu r n i t u r e Br ok er s .

Mar ked ar e Cabinet Maker s.

Barron Edward , 1 Union stCo fton John,30 B edford s t

Dav i dson Ann , 42 Bed ford stKirkby E lizabeth, 56 B edford st

L yall George, 1 1 Wel l ington st., an d

16 Chu rch way*Moore J oseph



66 Bedford st., andDockwr ay stree t


Motl ey Jane, W ell ington s t‘ Sco tt Dav id, 6 Chu rch way‘ Straker James, 41 Tyne s t., and 16Bed ford s t

S tr othar d Hann ah , 14 B ed ford stTalbo t I sabell a, 23 Sav i l l e s tThompson John, 3 Union stGar d en er s , N u r ser y, an d

S eed sm an .

Ar e Gar deners on ly.

B 1yton John , 34 Un i on s t*Dobson Alexander, Albion st‘ Smi th Thom as , P res ton lan e*Grey Joseph , Sou th P res ton‘ L yal Hec tor, Reed stG l ass , C h i n a , Ear th enw ar e

D ea l er s .

B ryan Rich ard, Duke stC ou l son David, 10 Bel l st. ; h . 84

L ow L i gh tsD agg Margare t , 68 C l iv e stDennison W i ll i am , 40 Camden st

I rv in John , 8 Duke stJacks Andrew

, 67 Bel l s tL ambert C aroline A .

,2 Cliv e st

Mu llin G eo . c t. Bel l stP rofit Elizabeth, 3 L in ski l l s tWesen cra ft Joseph, 19 Bu l l rin g

Gr een G r ocer s .

Bowmaker Ann , 35 Dor twi ck stB roady Ann

,C e s t

H enderson Ja 0 , O l i ve st

L ord Isabella, Be l l s t

Martin Henry, Cliv e stN ew ton Robt. Dor twick st

Read E lizabe th,Cliv e st

Robson Ann,3 L iddel l st

Sharp Jan e, .Dor t.wi ck street

S in clai r Ma rgare t, C live s tSmart El iz abeth

,4 Dor twi ck s t

Tay lor Jane, 8 Bu l l r ingG r ocer s an d T ea Deal er s.

Afil eck W illi am, 52 N orth st. ; h . 2Sou th st

Arkell John , 18 Mi ddl e s tAynsley H enry,5 Sav i ll e st

Barras An n , 8 Uni on street,h . 63

Chu rch wayBayn es G eo. Co. (whole. re tail)5 Bedfor d st. h . P reston v i lle

Bowness Sarah , 1 Charl o tte st’Briggs Henry St Co . 15 Tyne s tBrown John

, 13 Oli ve stCharl ton Ann , 36 Tyne stCoates l ., 23 B el l st . ; h . Toll sqC row Thomas

,39 Dor tw i ck s t

Denni son Robert, 54 S tephenson stDoub l day Frances, C l ive s tDunn W i l l i am ,

4 L ower P earson stDunn , Wm ., 5 Howard s t.Eding ton Jam es, Charlo tte s tEll i s Joseph , 80 B el l stEwer t Rd . , 3 1 Tyne st ; h . 6 S te .

phen son st“Fi tt l s James, C liv e st. h . P restonGibson Thomas

, 2 Marke t plHadaway Isabe l l a, 13 'Camden stHall Armstrong Ri tchie, 50 Tyne stH all G eorge, 18 Bu ll ring ; h . 2

N ewcastl e stHarr i son H enry, 40 Duke stJames W ill i am

, 1 4 Tyne stKennedy Alexander , 43 Tyne stKennedy Isabel la, 49 N o rth s tL u cas D i an a, 59 Cliv e s tMease Soloman, l l Tyne stMi llbu rn Geo . and Wm . 36 L iddel ls t. Geo. h . East P ercy s t

Mi l ler Wi ll i am, 38 Bel l s tMu rray Mary Ann , 100 Chu rch wayO li v er Edw . E therington , 37 Tyne 5O liv erWi ll i am , Duke stree tP inkney Thomas, 4 1 Bed ford stP u rv i s Samu el , 6 Collingwood stRaynes George, 5 Bedford stRei d W i ll iam , 29 Union st

Reid Wm . Co . (tea) 3 Tyne s tRi ch ardson Wm . Graham , Cliv e stRobson Frances, 2 Coll ingwood sth . 3 N ew c astle s tRoddam John , 12 Cliv e stRowntree John

,4 Ol ive st. ; h . Cam

den s tShearerW i l li am,

28 Camden stSkipsey George, 1 1 Ru ssell s tSmi th John , Tyne s tSmith John , Charlo tte s tS toddart John , 16 Midd l e stStorey Jane, 2 1 Camden s tree tTaylor Emanu el

,10 Tyne s t

Tu rnbu l l Ralph , 36 Gi l l ow plVickersonWm . Fenwi ck, 41 Cli ve s tWatson Mi ch ael , 1 1 Union stWhi ttle Richard , Sav i ll e s tWrigh t G eorge , Charl o tte st


H ab er da sh er s an d H os i er s .

Cay Barbara, 44 Camden s tD earness Jane , Tyne stDr u ry Edw. Wm ., ( l ace) 1 9 T vn e

st. ; h . Chu rch s tH ill Denn is Co., 8 Howard stJamieson Henry

,6 Eas t st

P ringle Richard, 14 Union st h .

45 Sidney s tRoddam John , 1 2 C live stSkelton H annah , 49 Tyne stThompson E liz abeth, 49 Chur ch wy

H a i r D r esser s .

Bowman Edward , Clive s tC odling Ralph,13 Duke st., and 43

N i le s tD av i son P ercy, 43 Tyne stE llio t t W ill i am , Cli v e stFothergi ll H enry , Market plGraham Joseph , 3 Chu rch st

G raham L ancelot, Savi lle stG raham Wi ll iam , 6 1 Bedford st

H unton John , 1 1 Dor twi ck st

Mu cke l Andrew ,45 Bedford st

S tubbs John , 34 Bel l stS u therl an d Wi l liam, 1 1 Bedford s tH a t M an u fac t u r er s D l r s .

Bates N ewman , Union l aneFoyer Wal ter, 34 Chu rch way h

Chu rch stairsP earson Thomas, 9 Bedford stTou lmin J ohn , 6 Tyne s tVVi n g r ave W il liam , 36 Union s tl Voodm ess Robert, 7 Union st

H otel s , In n s, an d T av er n s.

Albion, Rd . Robson S torey, N rfik. sA l nw i ck C astle, James Sproat, 22Chu rch wayAnchor T av ., Jas. Smith, 1 8 Duke sBay H orse, E l iz . Harri son, Duke stB ay H orse, Thos. W i lson, Cliv e stBee H iv e, Mary Whale, 12 Dr twk. s

B i rd, James Tu rnbu l l, C l ive s tB lack Bu ll,Wm . Graham, L iddell sB l ack L i on , Mary D awson , Cliv e stBlu e B ell , Chas . M i ll s,“l ater v i llaB o ard, Robert Tu rpin , 34 Tyne s tB oard

,Joseph Grey, Sou th P re ston

Borou gh-Arms, W i lliam L on gstafl“,

6 1 Camden s tB u ll Ring, E liz . Bel l , Bu ll RingB urdon Main, Rb t.Reay, Dr twck. s

Cen tu ri on , Thos. Sayer, Col in gwd. s

Cock , Thos. Cockbu rn , Cliv e stCoble,John Ru therford, 33 Bel l s tCol lingwood Tav .

,l . Cou l thard,

1 B ell s tColonel L in skel l , Rober t Dag l i sh,Charlotte stCommerci al H otel, John Dal ton,H oward stCo ttage of Indu stry, John C lark,Coble D eanGrane H ou se ,Dvd . Cooper, 44 Bk. 3

Crescent Tav ern, Rb t. Usher C l ark,

Hud son s tCrown, Edward Brown , C liv e stC rown and Sceptre, Geo. W i l l iamH unter, 29 Stephenson stC rown and Thistle, Robert Chri s tie,Duke stCumberland H ou se, Joseph H ogg ,27 L iddell stCu s tom Hou se Tav .

,Rwd. L atimer,

Union r d .,L ow L igh ts

Do ck Hou se, Wi lliam Adamson , 16L iddell s t

Dock Inn , Jn o . W i l son , 7 Bu l l RingDock, An th . W right, 23 L i ddell stDuke of Su ssex, Thos. Thompson ,80 Chu rch s t

Duke ofBedford,An n ab el l aShotton1 15 Bed ford st

Duke of W el lington, John Mackintosh,and plumber, 55 Chu rch wy

Duke of Yor k, J. N i cholson , Kng. 8Eagle Tav .

,Mi c. Wi l son , B l and sq

Eagle, John Ru le, Skipsey’

s qu ayEarl G rey, James Oliver, Hudson 5

Earl Grey, Wm . Green , 53 L u skl . sElephan t and Castle, HenryYoung,


1 9 Camden stEssex Arms, Jas. S impson , 2 Dk. st

Freemasons Arms, Geo . Wheatley,3 B el l s t

Friendly T av ern, JamesWalker, 10Chu rch wayFu tu re Admiral, (The) Wm . G r ey,l Vel l in g ton s t

Gar r ick’

s Head, H enry Kingston ,25 S av i ll e s tG eorge T av ., Thos. Sayer, King stGolden Fl eece, Thos. Robson ,Mkt. pGolden L ion

,A . Tu rnbu l l, 12 U n . s

Granby Hotel,John Scott, 1 Ch. stGreen Man

,Thomas P ickering , 15

L iddel l st


Shou l der of Mu tton, Geo . S tewart,Cliv e stree tSpi r i t and Dublin P orter Vau l ts,P atri ck Du ffy, 42 Ni le st

S tai th Hou se, Wm . Bengal] , Whi teh i l l poin t

S tai th H ou se, An dw. P enman, L ow

l i gh ts3


S tai th Hou se,Wm .Mordu e, L ow l ts

S tar 8: Garter, M. B . Tu l loch, C l v . s t

S tar , Rd . Robinson , 4 Wel lington stS tarling Inn , Hy. Dowey, 1 East stS team Boat, Rob t. Bai ley, 28 Bke. stS team Ferry H ou se

,Geo . Hunter


Market plS team Mi ll, Rt. Denn ison, S teamMi l l l ane

Su n Inn , Mary Ann Robson , 13N orth s t

S underl and Bridge, Wm . Mi tch

eson , C l iv e s t.Su ssex Arm s, Wm . H ammond , 32Duke stThree Tuns,W. Graham

, 1 ,W’ooden

bridgeTu rk's Head , My . Gordon

, Duke s tTu rk’s Head , E l iz abeth For ster , 10IAl DSki l l S t

Tyne In n , T. Taylor, 43 Camden st

Tynemou th Cas tl e, Jno . E ll i o t, 42Chu rch st

Vi ctori a, Mary An n Mu rray, 100Chu rch wayVictori a, H annah Charl ton , Cli v e stVu l c an's Arms

,Rd . D iXOn , 24 Dort

w i ck stW aggon , James L idde l l, P i t laneWaterloo Inn , Em anu e l Arne tt,105 Bed ford s t

W aterl oo Inn , G . Wi l son,16 Cli ve 8

Wheat Sheaf, T. E lli o tt, L ime kilnshore

Whi te Heart, Wm . Gol dbor ou gh,95 Bed ford st

W ool sington H ou se , Tho s. Bu lmer,Mount pleasantYarmou th Arms

,Thos. H olbu rn

65 Bel l stBeer H ou ses .

Aird John,C l iv e st

E v ans James, 58 S teph enson s tH addon George, 52 S tephenson stHarri s Charles, L i ddell s t

L o vej oy Mark, C live s t

Maxwel l Jacob, Cobl e Dean bankP earson Thomas , 9 B ed ford s tSmith Thomas

, 49 N i l e s t

Ir onm on g er s .

Ell i s Ri chard, 20 Bu ll ringJor deson Geo . Wm .

, 33 Un i on st.,h . N orfolk stMi l ler Charles , 58 C l ive stTurner Rt., 2 Tyne st . ; h . H u dson sTwizell John 85 Son , 5 1 Cliv e st

Ir on Fou n d er s.

Harri son Jun iu s, H i gh Foundry

h . C olli ngwood stMi lbu rn Wm .

, Moun t p l easan t ; h .

Dor twick stP ow and Fawcu s

, Duke stTyz ack, Dobi n son 8: Co .

,L ow l igh ts

W alker Wm . Son ,Collingwood

st. 5 h . 9 Milbou rn e pl

Join er s an d Bu i l d er s.

S ee a lso Bu i lder s.

Beal l W i l liam,52 Chu rch way

E ll io t t T . , Mount pl sn t h . Sou th 8Robson Jas. Matt. , 80 Chur ch wyTu rner W i lli am , Hudson st

Wright and Allon, King stJoi n er s C ab in et M aker s .

Anderson J.Ropery b nk.; h .Dales trApp l eby Robert, Ropery banksBu ckham John , S av i l le st. ; h . 29

Camden s tCharl ton Thos., 99 Camden st.5 h.3 Albion st

Daniel Robert, 22 Tyn e stDav i dson John, 2 1 Wellington stDawson Thomas, Toll sqE ll io t t John , 9 Dor twi ck st

Brama s John , Ropery bankGraham John,5 1 Bed ford st

Hal l G ., N fl k. st. ; h . 30 Camd en s

H ornsby Thos ., Charlo tte st., h . 6

L i ttle B ed ford stJohnson H en ry, S teph en son stKennedy John

,Sav i lle street

L andells John , jun ., 14 Camden stMi ll s John Wm ., 1 2 Bedford stMi tcheson W ill i am , Cliv e stP earson W i lli am , Bu ckham laneP ringl e Wm ., 40 S tephenson stRu tter and Town s , Union laneSpence R t.

, Sav i lle st. ; h. L in ski l l s

TRADES ANDSkipsey 85 Ru therford, Church waySmi th Jackson , 17 Howard stTynemou th John . S 59 Bed ford stU sher John, B ed ford l aneYoung Robert,34 Chu rch way

L ib r ar i es.

L i terary 8: P hilosophi cal, H owards t., John Robson , l ibrarian ; h4 Albion s t

H enderson Robert, 5 Chu rch wayMechanics, Town H all , Savill e st.,C ath . Talbo t, l ibrari anWalker G eorge, 12 Tyne s t

L in en an d W ool l en D r aper s.

Atkinson Mi chael, 6 Howard stFrost John , Tyne st. h . King stCollinson Joseph

,39 Tyne st

C ollinson Simpson, 28 U nion stH il l Denni s Co .

,26 Union st., 8,

an d h . 24 H oward stH eu gh an Rober t, Al bion st

H edley John, 7 Howard stGreen J oseph, 5 Union stFo thergil l G eorge, 9 Ty n e st ; h .

3 N orfolk stMu er s Matthew,

1 2 Howard stP hilip son John 8: Co. 16 Tyne stSpence John , 7 Collingwood stSpence Rober t 81 Co . 9 H oward st

L odg i n g H ou ses .

Charl ton My . E liz . 46 H oward stC ru twel l I sabella, 59 Camden stFenw i ck Jane, 6 Chu rch stH arri son Mary, 38 L i t tle B edford stH owe Jan e, 48 Howard stH u tchinson Francis, 3 Sav i l l e stMather Ell en, 2 Sm i th’ s plMorgan Barbara, Camden st

Morri son Ann , 3 King stN i cholson J ane, 12 Tol l sqRidley E liz abeth R Cobu rg plR oddam Mary , 30 N i l e stRodgers Mary, 17 N i l e stS co tt E l izabeth , 80 Chu r ch wayS incl ai r I sabella , 43 L in ski l l atSmi th Eliz abeth , Smith ’s p lSmith Robert, Cliv e s tSmi th Sarah , 33West P ercy stS tephenson An n , 50 C amden s t

S tephenson Margare t, 12 Spring terWade Mary, 76 Bedfor d st


M ast er M ar in er s.

An der son Robert , 43 N orfolk streetAndrew s Joseph, N orthumberland 5Armstrong Joseph , 18 L in ski l l stAtk in sWm ., 24 L in ski l l stBarker J . T . 6 N ewcastle streetBarker Robert, 13 L i t tl e B ed ford stBell G eorge , 58 Chu rch streetB el l G eorge, 55 C amden stree tBell G eorge , 6 Mi ddl e stree tBell John , 40 Norfolk s tree tBenney Alexander, S tephenson stBocock S tephen , Dale ’s terraceBorthwick Jas., 6 L ower P earson st

B rahan Wi l li am ,27 Chu rch stree t

Brodrick J ohn, 23 L i n sk i l l s tree tBrown H en ry, 19 S idney s tree tBrown Thomas, 59 L in ski l l s tree tB rown Wi lliam , L in skill s tree tBru ce L uke, L in ski l l s tree tB ru ce Thomas, 47 Chu rch wayB ru ce Thomas, 46 C amden stree tBru ce W i l liam ,

58 L i n ski l l stree tCar r i l in e Soloman , l l L t] . Bed fd . s tChambers Wi ll i am , 2 1 L in ski l l s t

M ar in e S tor e Dea l er s.

Alnwick Thomas, L ow L i ghtsAn thony Ann , Grey Horse qu ayBrown George, 40 Dor twick st

Guym er W i ll i am , Clive st

Irv in John , 8 Duke streetKingston H enry, Charlo tte stL eek John , L ime Kiln shoreMoses L yons, Bel l stReay John , 2 1 L i ddel l stRobin son Richard

,17 Bell st

Rob somW i l l i am C o . 41 Bell stRu therfor d Thos ., L ime Kiln shor eSharp H en ry; 26 Dor twick stSinclair P eter, 7 1 Bel l stS tephen son an d Matthews, Duke st

Towns John, Mai tl an d’

s l aneM ast , B l ock , P um p M k r s .Charl ton , Jn ., Bell st . ; h . 1 Qu e en 8B arcu ss John , cu s tom hou se qu ay ;h . 29 S tephenson st

Heppell L i onel, C l iv e st. ; h . W e stP ercy st

Mc Kel l op Robt., L ime Ki ln shore ;h . 20 Sou th s tMorton J. 39 Bell st. ; h . 2 Cobu rg plTav ener John & Cc . Skipsey

s quay ;h . 24 S idney st


Chambers W i ll i am , 2 1 Camden s tChater John, 5 1 N orfolk s treetChic ken George, 10 West P ercy stChu r n side Thos. 4 Smi th ’ s placeC lark James, 82 S tephen son streetC lark Thomas, H udson stree tC oal John Henry, 6 Toll squ areCobb John , 13 L i t tle Bed ford stC ockerill W i lli am , Hudson s treetCooper George Bowey

, 14 S idney s tCookson Thomas, 8 Tol l squ areCopeland Frank

,25 Wes t P ercy st

Corn forth J ohn, Camden laneCou l son W i l li am, 100 Bed ford stC ox Thomas, 26 N orfo l k stree tCoxon L ambton , 86 S tephen son st

C rain George, 5 Walker placeCrowell W i lli am, 81 S tephenson stC u thbe rtson James , Stephenson stDav ey Benj amin, 46 L i n ski l l s treetD awson Dav id Smith , Albion stree tD ixon Chris topher, 33 N orfolk stD ixon W i ll i am , 25 Camden streetD odds Ralph , 27 N orfolk streetD onaldson Thomas, (mate) 57 Camden stree tD onkin John , 7 Toll squ areD oubleday Wi ll i am,

5 Chu rch stD ownie Robert, 88 S tephenson stDunn Robert, 14 Dockwr ay squ areEdding ton George, 72 Camden stE llio tt,— 29 N orfolk s tr ee tE lli s Robert, 7 Camden stree tFin l ay George , 18 Camden streetFlemin g Alexander, 10 Tol l squ areForrest Thomas, 4 N elson stree tFortune Wi l li am , 90 S tephenson s tFoster W i lliam, 37 N i le streetFowler Thomas, 29 L in ski l l s treetFrazer W i l l iam , 1 0 Well ington stFro st Robert, 26 N i le streetGarri ck Robert, 10 King streetGascoin e Edward , 34 Chu rch streetGibson James, 29 S tephenson str ee tG ibson Joseph, 8 Camden stree tG ibson Thomas, 43 _ H oward streetG ibson , -25 B ird s treetG ib son Wi l li am,

3 George streetG rah am Wi lliam, 9 George s treetG rahamW . B ru ce, 59 S tephenson stGray W i ll i am, 5 S idney streetGreen Wi l l i am , L in ski l l s treetGu thri e John , 23 Camden streetHall Thomas

,12 L i ttle B edford st

H all Thomas, (mate) 15 Nelson s t

Hal l W illiam , 1 2 N i l e streetHancock Edmund, 12 George stHarri son Abm . Collingwood s tHarrison G eorge, L in ski l l stHarrison Thomas, 36 George stHindb au gh George , 6 1 L in ski l l stHumble William

,9 N elson s treet

Hun n am George, N orfolk stH un ter John,35 N il e s tree t

Hunter John , 1 Smi th ’s placeHu tchinson George, 47 Chu rch stHu tchinson Thomas, 20 Toll sqIrv in George, 24 S tephenson stree tIsb ester John, 6 N elson stree tJewi t t Abraham , 31 Church streetJobling Thomas

,28 Sidney street

John D av i d, 3 1 L i n ski l l s treetJohnson John,40 N i le s treet

Johnson John, 95 S tephenson stJohnson Thomas, 52 Camden stree tJohnson W i lli am , 55 H oward stJones Thomas, 28 L in ski l l streetJord i son Christopher, 68 Walker plKeay James

,West P ercy street

Kirby Thomas, 46 Camden streetL aing John

,13 Walker place

L esen to P hilip, 46 Camden streetL indsey Thomas, 76 Chu rch streetL igh tfoot Joseph , 14 Spring streetL odge Matthew ,

68 C amden s tree tMc Kenzie Thos. 7 L i t tl e Bed ford stMc L ean Dan iel, 23 Qu een streetMel d r am George, Charlo tte s treetMi ller Dav i d , 1 13 Bed ford streetMi l ler J ames, 2 1 Sidney s tre etModd r el James, 47 Howar d streetMorri s Charles

,22 L i n ski l l st

Morris J ohn,2 N i le stree t

Mowat James, 36 Chu rch s treetMu re Andrew, 79 Stephen son streetN ewton James, 29 Qu een s treetN ewb ol d W i lli am ,

1 N i l e streetN i cholson John , 52 Chu rch wayN i cho l son Wi lli am , 33 Chu rch stN oble George, 12 L i ttle Bedford stNott Matthew, L in ski l l stNox John, 40 Chu rch stO r d Thomas, 52 West P ercy st

Oxley John,30 L in ski l l stree t

P ark George, 38 W est P ercy streetP ark Robert, 7 L i ttle Bedford streetP atterson G eorge, Dale’s terraceP atterson John , 17 Sav i ll e streetP atterson W i ll iam , 16 N i l e stree tPatterson W illiam, 2 1 Qu een street


Wou l dhav e Jane , 17 Middle stYeel es Jan e, Gi l l ow place

M u s i c P r ofessor s .

Graham Wm . 6 1 Bed ford stG reenw el l W i lli am j un .

, 3Dal e terJ am son James, 24 Sav ille s t

M i l l w r igh t s .

See E ng in e Bu i l der s.

N a i l M aker s.

B l ack John , B eacon s tD ixon Rd .

,hinge) 1 Do r tw i ck st

D ixon Rd L ow L ts . ; h . 10 Sou th stE l l i s Joseph Co . Bell s tH olmes Thos .

,Union In 5 h . C am

den stP arker Harv ey, Bru n sw i ck plW alker Wm ., Whi te H ill p oin t

N o ta r i es , P u b l i c .

B arker Rich ard , Norfolk stFenw i ck John , 25 Tyne stL ie tch Thomas C arr

,10 Tyne st

Reed Thomas,Dockw r ay st

O r gan B l d r . P i an o-for t e tu r .

G raham W il l i am,6 1 Bedford st

dutfit t er s .

Ande r son Fras. Edw . 22 Cliv e stBrown Andrew , 22 Coll ingwood stMorrison Thos W iddrington

,Cliv e s

Spence John , 7 Collingwood stS tewart James

,Cli v e st

P a i n t er s an d G l az i er s .

Anderson John , 17 Charlo t te stB el l W i ll i am , 1 5 U nion stC lark C u thbert, Dockwr ay stCoates Joseph , Brunswi ck plD av idson Henry, 3 1 Dor tw i ck s tD riv er Wi l li am , 2 Bell s tH as tings Matthew , Camden stH edley John , 24 Tyne stH olb urn Thom as

,65 B ell st

H unter John , 30 Tyn e stL i lbu rn Thomas , 19 Bed ford stMain ger N i cholas , 14 Dor tw i ck stMou ld John , c t. B ell s tO r n sb y Wm . C . B l ackbu rn ’s qu ayP ark John ,

18 Cli v e stRobson R ichard

,1 13 - Bed fo r d s t

R obson Robert, 10 N ile s t

Robson W i lli am,C o l l ingwood st


S tev en John , Toll squ areS tobbs Jn . Union s t . ; h .L t.Bd fr d . stStoke’r Robert

,Sav il le st

Taylor Al l an , Duke stWatts James P ollock

,George st

P aw n b r ok er s .

Carr Ann Hann ah,3 N th bl n d . at

Gibson Thomas,54

, Bedford st.Gregson John

,8 L in ski l l s t

H ume,J ., 2 Cam den ln . h . Cam dn . st

H un ter Jesse , Chu rch stRu therford Robt., 2 1 Sav i ll e stWeath er ston Ju o . , 2 L i t tl e B ed fd . stWhi te Robert, 3 Chu rch way

P h ys i c ian s .

Fenwick S amu el, 7 Dockw r ay sqG reenhow Edw . 2 3 Dockw r ay sqMegge t Archibald , 25 Toll squ are

P or t er M er ch an t s .

Bar tl em an 61 Cr i gh ton s

Du ffy Edinb u rgh al e)42 N il e stree t

Harbu t t Thos . , Cen tu ri on brew eryH unter G eorge W . 29 S tephenson s tP eart Joseph

,13 Tyne stree t

P r i n ter s .

See Booksel ler s, é


P r ov i s i on Dea l er s .

Afli eck W i lliam , 53 N orth streetFawcu s D av i son , (8c wh ole sal e ,)B el l s treet

Mi l ler W il l i am , 38 Bell stMoore Rober t, 2 1 Union stOl iv e r Edward, Market pl aceFri ar John , 23 Union streat and 56Cl iv e s tree tWann Edward

,W ooden bridge

R ope T w i n e M an u fac t r s .

Brad shaw W . B . Al bi on stree tHansell R . Sons , Chirton roperyHogg George , L ow Ch i rtonKnott J ohn Son , Tyne stree tS tephenson St Ma tth ews , Ropery bkSa d d l er s H a r n essM ak er s .

Engl i sh W i lli am ,H oward stree t

Irw in Arch ibald, Nor folk stree t

L u ck l ey Thomas, 16 Collingwood stS a i l M ak er s .

Ay r e. J ohn,C u stom hou se Qu ay ; h .

5 Spring terrace


Gu i l t’

ord Geor ge, Grey horseh . 7 N ewcastl e s tree tH ansell R t . 8: Son s , Chirton roperyKelso John , Ma i tl and lane ; h . 8

Sprin g terr aceP opplewel l 8c Gibson , N ew Qu ayRobinson Mark

,Bl ack Cock Qu ay ;h. C l iv e street

S tephenson E l iz a, B e l l s treet ; h6, L in ski l l stree tTayl o r Wm . Shipl ey

,Cu stom hou se

Qu ay ; h . 45 C hu rch stree tTowns Robert, B ell street ; h .

E as t P ercy s tr eet10

S a i l S l oth M an u fact u r er s .

Brown Wm ., Cliv e stree t ; h . 9 Dock

w ray squ areL on g stafl

’ Wi ll iam,6 1 Camden st

Rowntree John, 4 Clive stree tS a l t M an u fa c tu r er s .

Matti son J. St W. L imek i ln shoreOgi lv ie Son

, Low L i gh ts, (85 magn esi a

,) Collingwood stree tRichardson James, (85 magn esi a,)

Wh itehill point,Chirton

Sher i ff“O ffi cer .

Towers Jph .

, Robin son , 4 Tyne s t

Sh ip A ssu r anc e A s soc i at ion s

Aberdeen Marine,Jas. L . Barker

,sec. , Town Hal lBri ti sh Insu rance on P O l l CV GeorgeS tou t

,se c ., 33 Union s t

Bri ti sh Friendly Freigh t& Ou tfit,John Taylor

,s ec 4 Cam den st

Equ i table Frei ght, Thos. Atkinsonsec . , 60 Bed ford s tE ligible, Cph r .H u n ten , sec .8 Tyne sFriend l y, J. Tay l or

, sec ,4 Camden sFri endly Fr eight Ou tfit, JosephBu lmer, agen t, Howar d s t

General P remium, Joseph Bu lmeragen t, 1 Howard stG ood Design , J . Fraser, sec ., King sHope Cargo Freigh t

,Cphr . H un

ten , 8 Tyne stL on don Shipwrecked Fi shermen StMariners ’ Benev olen t Socie ty

,Ralph Tu rnbu ll, Honorary Agen t36

, G i l l ow placeMarin e , Thos. Carr L ietch , sec ., 10Tyne st


Sh ip Bu i l d er s .

Smith Thos . 85 Wm ., N orth Shi e ldsD ock yd . 78

, Cornhi ll , L ondonStorey Jos. E l sdon , Bel l st. ; h . 18

King stYoung Thos . Son .,

L iddel l stSh ip C a r pen t er s .

El l i o tt Thos . L ime Ki ln shoreP i ckering An der son , .Be l l s tYoung Wm ., (Grid iron s) 67 Bell s t

Master Marines Asylum O ffice , 42Dockwr ay sq., Poppel wel l andG ibson , treasu rers

Mu tu al , Cphr .H un ten,sec“. 8 Tyne s

Neptune, Ship , C argo , Frei ght, andO u tfit, Rt., Wei r, sec . 35 Tyne st

Ocean , Wm . H . Atkinson , sec ., 60B ed fo rd s t

Ship Owners P r otect ion,Cphr . Hu n

ten , see 8 Tyne s tSeaman ’ s L oyal S tandard , (Benefi t)Geo .

\ In n es, sec ., Hu dson st h .

20 W est Perc y stThames Mu tual P ro tec ti on


Tu rnbu ll, sec ., 36 G i l l ow plUnion Shi pping Star Cargo , (for ’

To tal L oss) John Armstrong,sec., 12 Tyne st. ; h . 68 Chu rch 3

Sh ip C h an d l er s.

Bl aydon Ju o . Cc .,Bel l st. ; h . 59

Chu r ch st.Downie W i ll iam , 26 Du ke stEwer t Ri chard

, 3 ] Tyne stGord on John , G rey Ho rse qu ayMichael L , Bell s tRobson Wm . C c .

, 41 Bel l s tS eaborn Edmund , G rey Horse qu aySi ncl ai r P e ter , 7 1 Bel l s tSmi th , Wm .

, C u stom hou se qu ay ;h . Bed ford stS tu rrock Alexander , Black Cock qySyb en ga J . H ., Cli v e s tree tTaven or John St Co.,


s qy

Sh ip Go In su r an c e B r ok er s .

Cl ark Geo. Hy . Cc ., 35 Tyne s t.;h . Dockwr ay sqDale P e ter Sr. Co., H oward st. ; h .

S tephenson stHarrison Wm ., 20 Dockw r ay sqP eart R. Howard st. ; h . 1 Walker pPoppel wel l 8: G ibson , New qu ay


Sh ipow n er s.

Arthu r Edwd . Robson , 2 1 Howard sAtkinson M. Hall, 3 1 lVest P ercy sAv ery G eorge, 70 Camden stB arker Thomas, Rosella Hal lB el l Thomas, Fi el d hou seBlagdon John , 59 Chu rch s tBou r l ey Robert, 6 Walke r placeB owi e Jane, King streetB rown H enry, 4 S idney stB rown ~Henry , 2 N el son stBrown James , 2 N orthumberl andBrown Wm . Sons, Cliv e s tBu rrel l Jph., S t. C u thbert’s terB u rton Wm .

,1 17 Bed ford s t

Carnaby Mr s. Eliz . , 22 Spring terC lark John , 4 1 Do ckwr ay sqC onn ick P hi l ip, 77 Chu rch wayCoxon George,5 N i l e st

C oxon Thomas, 1 1 Dockwr ay sqD ale John , 36 Dockwr ay sqD ale P e te r, S te v enson s tDav i dson Robert, 24 King s tD av i son George, 44 W es t P ercy stD av i son Will iam , 10 L iddell s tD ay Richard , Dockwr ay sqD ixon John , 3 Ceci l stD ob in son Thomas , King stD onkin James, 28 King stDown ie W i lli am, 26 D uke s tD ryden John , Camp terDryden Mary, 2 Northumberland sqEden Thomas, 2 Sav ill e s treetE ll i o t E sther, 6 N i le s tE llio t Robert, Camden s tE l li o tt W i ll i am , 1 1 Toll sqFawcet t John

,3 Sp r ing ter

Fawcu s Rober t F. L in ski l l s tFenw ick John , Camp v al eFenw ick Richard, 34 Dockw r ay sqFenwick Thos., Sou th P reston l odgFleming J ames, 15 E ast P ercy stFro st R lph . Shipley, 1 9 Ws t . P er cy 8

Gibson Thomas , 54 Bed ford stG r ay James, 63 Chu rch s tG reen Thomas , L in ski l l s tG u i ld ford George, 7 N ewcastl e stH ansel l Rob t Sons

,Mu rton hou se

H arrison John , Duke st. ; h . Sou thP res ton

H all G eorge Wi lliam , 9 Ru ssel l s tH ewson S na l l att, 3 Dockwr ay sqH olmes Thos, Camden stH u tchinson Chas., 8 Dockw r ay sqIngo Henry, 70 Bed ford st

Johnson G eorge , 6 George stKel so John , 8 Spring terraceL eishman Christopher, 16 Spring terL esli e L awrence

, L in ski l l s tL essli e Adam , 6 Cecil s tL essl i e James

,18 Spring terrace

L odge George, 53 Chu rch wayL other in g ton B enj . 7 Spring terMe tcalfe G cc .

, 8 N orthumberlan d sqMi ller James, 40 W es t P ercy s t

Moore W illi am , 3 Bed ford terMotley Joseph , 53 C amden s tN i chol son John , 30 Dockwr ay sqOxley John , 14 Ru ssel l s tP atterson James

, 25 Chu rch way

P eart Rober t, 1 Walker plReay W i ll i am , 1 3 Dockwr ay sqRi chardson John , 13 Toll sqRichardson Thomas, 13 Spring terRi chardson Thos .

,Grey horse quay

h . P restonRichmond Wm .

, 37 Dockwr ay sqRown tree John , 66 Camden s tRu ssell Al ex . Son , Fl atwor th h s.

Sco t t Alexander, 6 W est P ercy s tSco tt J ohn

,1 1 Spring ter

Sadler Rb t., (keel ) c t. 86 B el l stShotton George , 9 Nor thum b r l d . sqSpence John

,Whi te h i ll poin t

Stephin son Wi ll iam ,58 Camden s t

S tewart Robert, 6 East P ercy s tS tewar t Thomas

, Howard s tS torer Charles

,5 Wellington st

S traker John , Rosel la p lSwan John , 35 Clive stTaylor John , 20 N i le s tW ai t John

,8 Dockwr ay sq

W atson Samu el Ogden , 1 c stl . s tWheatley W i ll iam

,6 Dockw r ay sq

W ingrav e Wi lliam,36 Union st

Wright Mr s. Chris ti an a, Sou th P r stn

Wright John , 96 Chu rch wayYoung Emanu el , 5 N r thb r l n d . sqYoung P h il ip

,95 Chu rch way

Sh ipsm i th s .

Marked ar e Cha in Ma lt er s a lso.

Black Jn o., U h . r d ., 26 Beacon st

*Coats P eter, L id l . st ; h . 23 N rfl k. 8

*Dixon Ri chard, 1 Do r twi ck s t*E llio tt Thomas

, L ime Kiln shore*E l l i s Joseph Co .,

Bell s t. ; h. 2Albion st*H eaton Tho s.

,33 L i ddell s t h .

Camden st


S team Boat Ow n er s . Ingh am Thomas, 23 Howard streetB el l Samu e l , 3 Ru ssell s t Mackinlay Dav id

, 26 Sav ille s tree tB rown Andrew , 22 Collingwo od st MasonW illiam , (di spn sry.) 44 Ch . s tChisholm Stephen son , E lder’s qu ay Marr Marmaduke

,Cli v e s tree t

Chi sholm Wi lliam,E lder ’s qu ay O r n sby R . Oswell

,46 L i ddell s t reet

C lementson Chas ., Grey Horse qu ay Owen John 59 Camden stree tC rosthwai te Jo seph , 25 Chu rch way S tephen s Thomas,28 S av i ll e street

D aie l James,O l d Fou l d Taylor W al ter

,Union stree t

D aw son Robert , O l d Fou l dH all Joseph, 25 Camden st

H unter George,Market place

Matti son W illi am , 26 North s tRenw i ck Dav id

, 24 N orth s tRoyston James, 45 N orth stSmi th James

,L ime Kiln shore

S trong Mary , 49 Tyne s tTaws W i lli am ,4 L i t tl e B ed ford s t

Ston e M a son s .

S ee a l so Bu i lder s and B r icklayer s .

Beall W i ll i am , 52 Ch u rch wayJackson Al exan d er , ‘ l 2 S idney stP lace Joseph , 3 N elson streetRobson James Matthew , (Sc mer .

ch an ts ,) 80 Chu r ch w ayS angster Thomas , 23 King streetShotton James , (and scu lptor,) l 16B ed ford streetYounger John , King stree t

S t r aw H at M ak er s.

B l ack E l i zabeth , 55 S teph enson stC crpel an d Jane, 65 C amden streetD ixon J ane, 3 Charl ot te stree tE ll ison Carolin e , 14 N orfolk str ee tFortune Ann

,20 Chu rch st

H addon Hannah , 52 S tephenson s tKane E lizabeth , 49 Bed ford s tN esbi tt Eliz abe th, 43 N orth s tRi ch ard son An n , Qu een s tShi eld Abigai l , 5 Dor tw i ck s tSke l ton H annah , 49 Tyne stSmith E l izabeth , 7 Bi rd stS tewart Mari a H . ,

48 Bell stW ingrav e Mary, 36 U ni on s tYo ung Ann , 47 Chu rch st

S u r g eon s .

Bramwell Wm .

,5 Dockw r ay sqCoward Hen ry, 19 Howard st

D uncan W i ll i am , 1 Cobu r g p l aceFenw i ck Saml .M. D . 7 Dockw r ay sq

Emme r son W i ll iam ,4 Bed ford tr

G reen how B ed l am C .,l Dockwr ay

squ are ; h . Tynemo u th pl aceH art William ,42 Chu r ch way

T a i l or s an d D r aper s .

Marked ar e Clothes dea l er s.

Anderson Fras . Edw . 22 Ol iv e s tBou l tl an d Henry, P earson ’s r owBrown Andrew , 22 Collin gwood s tBrown John

,C liv e s tree t

Bu rnett John , 27 Camden stCharl ton W i ll i am, 1 N orfolk s tComer Bartholomew, 32 L i ddel l stC onner John , 26 L i ddell s t

*Dav ison W'i lli am , 66 Chu rch wayDixon Robert, 6 B edford stGarland Franci s, 45 Dockwr ay sqGarr ard John Maddi son , 58 Bd fr d. sGeld ar t George , 3 Camden stGel dart W i ll iam

, 1 Bed ford st*Graham Wm . 33 Dor tw ick stree tGraham W il li am

,43 D uke st r ee t

Gray Ralph , 36 D or tw i ck stre etHall Rober t, P res ton l aneHedl ey Robert , Camden laneHenderson Thomas , Union r oadHesl op G eorge

,28 S tephenson st

Heu gh an Robert, Albion stree tJackson Thomas , 66 Camden stL i l l ey Thos . 16 L i n ski l l stMarks Benj amin , 6 Ru ssel l stree tMofi'oot Alex.

,1 6 Nor folk st

Mofl'ootW . , sho e 42 Tyne s t

Morrison Tho s . W .,Cl ive s t ; h . 7

Chu rch stN obl e W i ll i am ,

65 B ed ford s tO l i v er W’ i lli am

,Beacon st

P au l J am es, 12 Qu een s tPearson Benj amin, Mi dd le stP l en der Jame s , 10 S tephenson s tRi chardson John , Qu een stRiddl e Thom as, 65 Bed ford s tRobinson Thomas, 1 N orfolk s tScor r er Edmund , 50 Chu rch s tSimpson H u gh , 24

5West P ercy s t

*S tephenson J an e,24 Duke s t

Stephenson John , Coble Dean bkWheatl ey George, 3 Bel l s tWi ley James

,7 Do r twi ck s t

Wi l son Arthu r , 45 L idde l l s t


T a l l ow C h an d l er s.

Baynes George Cc., 5 Bed ford stP u rv i s Samu el , 6 Collingwood stRochest er J ., Cliv e st. ; h . Cobur g plVickersonWm . Fenwi ck, 4 1 Cliv e st

T an n er .

P roct or John Richardson, L ow L g ts

T im b er M er ch an t s .

Smi th T. 85 W ., N th . Shl d s. Dk. ydBeall Alexander, ship breakers)Mount P l easan t

Thompson Robert,Howard st

Tyzack,Dob in son , Co., L ow L g ts

T ob ac c o 85 Sn ufi‘M an u fac tu r er s .

B enni son John , C l iv e st. ; h . 12

Dockw r ay sqSpencer Mchl ., C live st h . Rsl a. pl

T ob ac co P ipe M ak er s .

C rossthwa i te John , U ni on ctGallon Thomlinson , N ew qy. , h . 4

Ru ssel l s tJackson J ohn

,3 1 L i dd ell s t

H in dshaw J . L ibrary bk. h . N fk. s tP rat t John, Magnesia bk

T oy Deal er s .

Dav i son P ercy, 43 Tyn e stGuym er Wm .

, (65 Cliv e s tW ea therhead Jane, 18 Tyne st

T r ipe Dr esser s .

H al l Matthew, 38 Cli v e stTaylor John,58 Cliv e stW ardle Eliz abeth , Uni on In

U ph ol s ter er s P aper H n g r s

S ee 0 139 Cabinet fli cker s.

Dob in son Jame s, 15 Sav i ll e s tG reenwel l W al te r, 1 ] Tyn e st

S tewart James, 3 Albion st


V eter in ar y Su r geon s .

Gol db or ou gh VVm .& Son, 95 Bed fd . s

O r d Richard , Tyne street

W h arfin ger .

Su rtees Rt., N thm b r l n d .w f. ; New qy

W h i t esm i th s B el l h an ger s .

Dixon Richard,1 Dor tw i ck s t

Smi th Wi lliam , Magnesia bankTu rner Rober t,2 Tyne s t

W h i t i n g M an u fa c tu r e r s .

Clark John, Coble deanTyz ack, Dob in son , Cc ., L ow l g ts


Fr om theA l bion Inn , Noryolk Str eet, to Blyth, 20 past 9 morning , andhal f past 4 afte rn on ,

daily .

W a t ch an d C l ock M aker s .

Marked ar e l r 3 . 6” S l vr sm tl z s. a lso.

*Bl ackwood W . 8: J . T 5 Tyne s tBrown W i lliam, 47 L i ddell s tE lli s Richard

, 20 Bu l l RingG ibson George

,9 Chu rch st

Hogarth John , 16 S tephenson stH u r st

\ Edwar d,24 U nion st. ; h .

27 W es t Percy s tPyle Andrew, 26 Chu rch s t*Ren n i son Wm . Son

,Tyn e s t

Snowdon James,9 S tephenson s t

W i n e Spi r i t M er ch an t s .

D ea l er s .

Marked ar e Dea ler s.

Atkinson Ju o. , C l v . st. ; h . 17 A l bn . sBar tl em an Chr i g h tons,B1. Rg .w t


*Chapman W i lli am,25 L i dd ell s t

*Clark Wm . N orth 81 Cc . , 1 d . bg*D ufl


y P atrick, 42 N i le stDunn Anthony, 5 Union stFenwi ck Kidd

, L iddell stH arri son John , Dk. s t. Sc 18 C l ive s t*L amb H enry , 33 Clive s tMathwin Fergu s Forste r, 63 Bell s tP eart Joseph

, 13 Tyne st* P u rv i s Samu el , 6 Coll ingwood s tWhi ttl e Richard

,Savi ll e s t







Mor n ing Morn in g 12

Afternoon 6,7, 8l After noon 45 5 , 53,



Morni ng—8 , l oll , Mor n i ng—8a 9, 951 , 10Afternoon—l , 2 , 4 , 5l 55 3, 65, Afwrn oon


8, 62, 7, 8?


Mor n in g—8

,9, 10 , 01 l . n g—81 ,

After n oon 8,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 85. con—1 , 7g,

33"A Special T rain l eaves Shiel ds ear l y every Tuesday Mor n ing , for the accomm o

dation of par ties attendi ng the Newcastl eCattl e Market .JAMES ALLPORT , Manager ,

WILLIAM STRONG, Stati on Master

Vesse ls to L ondon once a week, fromthe N or thu m ber l an d wharf, New

qu ay, Rober t Su rtees, wharfin ger .

S teamer s, Aberdeen , Berwi ck , H u l l ,Scarbro ’, L ei th, Sac . ev ery week,from the New qu ay

S team P ackets to N ewcastle, 10 or 12times per day, from the New qu ay ,W illi am Gav i n


Nor th and Sou th S hields S team Fer ryBoa t for Horses, Carri ages, P assen ger s, & 0 . e v ery qu r tr . hou r ,from 7 A. M . til l du sk ; after whichtime ev ery half hou r ; S tationN ew quay . John L ow ther

, su

per in ten den t ; John Tinl ey andHenry Anderson , clerks .


To Newcastl e, N ewcas tl e an d N orthShie l ds Railway Compy. JosephP yle , agen t

To N ewcastl e, Ralph Mankin , Dortwick street, dai ly

Fr om the Go lden L ion , Un ion str eet.

Ackl ing ton , John Egdal e, FridayB edl ing ton , Sarah Arku s, Thu rsdayGuyson , John Bei l , Tu esdayH or s ley, (L ang)wm . Bell, S atu rdayRothbu ry, James Kidd, Thu rsdayFr om the Thr ee Tans, Wooden Br idg e.

B lyth, Wal ter B es t, Thu rsdayGl en ton , Walter Ridley, Tu esdayH a r t ley, Ralph B rady, dailyH or s ley, (L ong) Mich .W i lki e, Tu es.Warkwor th,Wm .E llio tt,Wednesd ay




Henry Mi tca l fe,Esq.


George Rippon, Esq.

H enry Mi tc al fe, E sq. M . P .

Joseph Harrison Fryer, Esq.

M. J . F.,

Sidney, Esq.

J ohn Fenwi ck, E sq.

Barkers and Fenw i ck,C lerks.

C lerks to N or th Shiel ds and Tyne

m ou th Impr ovem en t Comm issioner s,J ohn Tinley and Richard Med ca l fe

Sher if’

s Ofii cerf or N or thum ber landand Durham , Joseph R.

'l owers

, 4Tyne stree tC u thbert L aws

,bail iff

o f the libert ty steward o fthe Manor em ou th , o ffice ,N ew quayL loyd

s S u r veyor s Ofiee, 77 Bed

fb r d str eet, P opplewell an d Fowl e s,su rv eyors ; and Robt. P eart, agen tand rece iv er of Adm iral ty Dro i ts ,Howard s t

Cu stom H ouse, N ew Quay , P eterMoore, principal o fficer ; Dav idL ennox, coasting cl erk ; RobertL ei tch

,l an d i n g wai ter ; John Wm .

Amery, lockerCoa l Tu r n N ight Ofice,N ew Quay,

P a tri ck H art,superin tendent ; JohnArm s trong and C harle s P earson,cl e rks

Town Ha l l , S a vi l le st. , bu i l t 1844 ,conta ins S aving s bank, Al ec/l ambs Ins i tu l e

,[Museum and the P ol ice S tat ion ,

G eorg e Barron,superin tenden t o f

police ; L . Heppel and W illi amArms tron g,serg eants

Tynem ou th L i ter ary m id P hi loso

phica l I nsti tu tion , Howard str e et,John Robson



a r ikS hiel ds Gas 0 0 " L ow L ights,George S. Thompson,sec .

Bor ough of Tynem ou th Gas Co .,

L ow L ights, Wm . H . Atkin son, sec .

N or th S hiel ds Water Works Co.;

Town Ha l l . John L aing, sec .

R iver P ol ice Station , R am shay'g

Quay, J. S tephens, superintenden t ;Wm . Reid

,inspec tor .

E xcise Of ice, 14 S avi l l e str eet,Joseph W il son,John Mou ld , and

Samu el Du t ton,o fficers

Har bou r Master a nd Wa ter B ai l ifi‘sQfii ce, B el l str eet, Wm . Wake, mas terand bailiffTide Su r veyor

s ofii ce, L ow'

L ights,James French,acting su rv eyor

Light H ouse, Dockw r ay squa r e,Richard Day, superin tendentL ow L ight House, James French,superintenden t.Comm er cia l N ews R oom ,

4 Tyne stTyne News Room ,

42 Dockwr aysqu are, George Henry L amb, sec .


Tyn em ou tt n ion Workhouse,P r es

ton lane, wi ll accommodate 290,av erage number 230

,Thomas and

Margaret Sco tt, master an d m a t

r on , John Tinley. E sq.,chairman

,Cu thbert Hunter, Esq., v i ce , James

L amb Barker, Esq.,Clerk

,su per

i n ten den t regi strar and regi strar o fMarri ages ; Samu el James Tibbs


r eli ev ing ofii cer fo r Tynemou th,and regi stra r of bi rths and deaths

fo r N orth Shields di stric ts ; JohnFa l cu s ,

r el iev in g o fficer for Wall sen d

, and L ong B enton di stric t ;S tephen Ayn s l eyér el iev in g offic erand registrar o f b irth s and deathsfo r Earsdon di stric t ; W il l i am Harri son , regi s trar of bi rths and deathsfor Tynemou t h di stri c t.Clfior d ’

s For t, L ow L ights, P eterHarri o t, mas ter gunner, O fficer inchargeN or th Shiel ds and Tyn em ou th D is

pensary, 44 Chu r ch st.,Pa tr on


G race the Duke o f N orthumberland,K . G .

,P r esiden ts

,W illi am L in ski l l


E sq.,and Rev . Chri stopher Reed

,Vi car, Tr easur er s, Union Join t S to ckB anking Co., Apothecary, Will iamMasonTr in ity A lmshouses, n ear C l ifirr d’


For t, L ow L ights , for 5 aged Captain sCem etery, S ou th P r eston



Victor ia S oupK i tchen , Wel l ing ton 3

Theatr e Roya l Un ion st




Compr ising the Nam es and Address of the Inhabi tan ts not ar ranged under the

sc lassification of Tr ades and P r rj essions .

Marked l are in Al landal e p l ace,2 B ath terrace, 3 Cross street , 4

Dawson ’s squ are,5 Fron t str eet

,6 Hol l i dav p l ace, 7 Huntingdon plac e ,

P l ac es of W or sh ip .

Chr ist’

s Chu r ch, A l bion str eet, Re v.

Chri stopher Reed,v i car

Tr in i ty Chu r ch. Col l ingwood st, Rev

J ohn Boak, Cu r ate

Ca tho l ic Chur ch, Bedford str eet, Rev .

Thomas G i l l ow 65 Rev . RichardG i l l ow

, P rie stsS cotch N ationa l Chu r ch, Howard si .,Rev . George John Duncan

Sco tch Secession Chu r ch, Norfol k st.,Rev . Fr azer

Independen t Chapel , Cam den si ., Rev .

Archibald JackBaptist Chapel , Howard st

Baptist Chapel , ( old) S tephen son si .,

u sed n ow as S unday Schoo lB ethel Chapels, Du lce st., and RoperyBanks

’Wesleyan Methodist Chapel , Howard 3

Methodist N ew Conn exion Chapels,M i lbour n P l ace, and L inski l l st

P r im i tive Methodist Chapel , Un ion st

F r iends Meet ing house, S tephenson st

Market held on S’afur day, in the

Marke t p l ace. or n ew qu ayFair s, l ast Friday in Apri l , andfirs tFriday in N o vembe r

P opu l a tion of the Bor ough of Tyné.

m ou th, according to the censu staken 1841, and of the

P arish,


8 Middle s tr ee t, 9 N ew castle stree t, 10 Newcastl e terrace, 1 1 P ercy s tree t ,12 P ercy terrace, 13 Sea banks , 14 Spi tal h ill , 15 Tynemou th place .P ost Ofice at M r . Ralph P i gg’s, Front stree t

Askew Richard Craster, barri ster,Tynemou th h al l15 Barnes Mr s. Hann ah5 Bar t l em an Alex . Spiri t merchan tB aths

,The H av en , Jn o . H

umch in son

su perintenden t5 B ell I sabella, u phol sterer1 ] Bell Wi lliam , painterB lackl o ck“7m . farm er, Monk h sC l ou tson Joseph , assi s t . l igh t h s. kpr1 2 Cou l son Thos . cooper15 Cumberland Dav id, su rveyor of

taxe s5 Cunningham John , gent.1 1 Dal e Mr . Wil l iam5 Down i e Thomas, barrack m aster5 D ru ry Mi sse s, M. A . St E


10 Dun can Rev . George John5 Fenw i ck John , j un . soli ci to r1 5 Fenw i ck John , master mariner6 Fenwick T hos . b l acksm i th

5 Fo ster Wi lli am John , gen t.I5 Greenhow B edlam C . su rgeon5 Haigh Mi ss Fran ces S .

1 1 Hal l Wi lli am , mason1 2 Hal l Mr . John1 2 Hamilton C apt. John7 Har ri son Adolphu s P . m er ct

5 Hay John , schoolmaste r5 H u dson Thomas, bl acksmi th andfarrier5 H umble Mr s. E.

l Hume Ann I . milliner5 H u tton Wi lli am , agen t1 1 Irv in Wm . mas‘ ter m ariner15 Jackson Thomas, gentL aws Cu th. U . sol r, Manor h s.L in ski l l Wm . Esq. Tynemou th ldg5 L owes Joseph , cartwrigh t1 3 L u pton Ma r y, r efr eshm en t hou se

l l N e l l ess Christopher, farmerN el l ess Geo . mille r5 P erciv a l N . bil liard tabl e keeperRabu rn James, farmer, Spi tal dean8 Reed W il l iam, hai r d r esser

Bak er s.

8 Rol l Margare t

12 Richard son J . master marinerRobb James, gov ernor, Correc tion h5 Robson Wi lli am

,pain te r

S co t t Thomas,farmer

,Fi eld hou se

5 Share Thos . Coast gu ard o fficer6 Smi th Thomas , assis tan t draper13 Som er v i l l Charles, gen t14 Spencer Jo hn , master m arinerl l S tephen son Thomas

,cart owner

6 S torey Wm . master mariner10 Su r tee s Mr s. A . A .

10 Su rtees L i onel M.

,C u s toms

5 Taylor John, farmer

5 Taylo r Rt. A . Venetian red m fr5 Thirlwell John , Temperan ce hotl12 Thompson Mr s. Eliz abe th8 Wal lace Wi ll i am , farm er4 Wei r Joseph Rome, rai lway su rvWesenc r aft Samu el

,l igh t hs . keepe r

W in ter George , farmer , L ink hou se12 Young John , pro fesso r of mu si c2 Younger John , bu i lde r

In n s an d T av er n s .

5 Bath ho tel , James Anderson5 C umberland Arms, Geo . Rogers14 Dolphin , Jane Raburn5 Gibral tar Rock, T . S co tt Thorpe12 Nor thum ber l an d Arms, SarahWhi tfield

Orange Tree , Jas . Hogg, P r es tn . l n

Ordnance Arms. W . W. Robson,Barracks5 P ercy Arms

,Arthu r Ni chol son

Refreshmen t Room s, railway station1 1 Rose o f All andal e

,R t . N i cholson

5 Salu tation,Ti tu s Howe t t

1 1 Sev en S tars George G airl l Shipwr igh ts Arms

,Eliz . Riddel l

5 S tar and Garter Ho tel , F. and E .

Archbold5 Tu rk’s H ead , Alexander G rayTynemou th L odge

, E liz . E aster,

Shield s roadl l Uni on Tavern , E l l Z . L aidler

Boot Sh oe M k r s .

1 3 Fergu son James3 Beal Jo seph

12 Thompson Dun can 1 1 Embleton Thomas1 ] Me Cal l Alexan der1 1 Mc C o l l ah Thomas


Independen t Chapel , P r im i tive Methodist MethodistC u l l er coats Chapel , the Allo tment Whi tleyMethodist Chapel , M ethodist Chapel ,

Monk Seaton N ew York

C H I R T O N T O W N S H I P ,

One m i le West of Tynemou th.

Marhed l r eside at Bil ly Mi l ls, 2 E ast Howden, and the other s in Chir ton .

S ee a lsoN or th Shiel ds Di r ectory.

Adams John , master mariner Robson John Son , b l d r s.,Moor hs

Coxon John, scho ol m aster Tu rnbu l l Charles, draper1 Dobson John, cartwrigh t Urwin Geo., farm bailiff, Hay H al lG ol dsmi th John

,master mariner

H oneyman John , bu i lde r,Moor hs2 H untley G eorge, su rgeonKin d r i d John , sand dealer2 Knott Isaac , rope makerMaddi son Wi l liam, yeomanOate s James, master marin erP enfold Will i am ,

master marinerRee d Rev . Chpr .

,v i car , Chi r ton hs

1 Reed Joseph, corn millerl Robson Jas. Matth .

, qu arry menBl ack sm i th s . Si ster son E dward

D av i son Rober tW


1 L aw s Joseph G r c r s . T ea D l r s.

H all Jame sBu t ch er s .

S impson Edwar dH i ndmar sh JohnR b Sm i th James

Kay 0 6“ Taylo r Wi l li amF ar m er s.

Bel l G eorge Ga r d en er s. T ai l or s .

Fo rrest John Charlton J ames Anderson ThomasG ibson Roger Jameson Dav i d Forres t JohnGray John L ilbu rn John Jameson Andrew

C U L L E R C O A T S T O W N S H I P ,

l ém i les N or th on nem ou th.

Armstrong N ichol as, metr. mariner Taylor G eorge , masonGreenwel l Daniel , sh i p owner W oo d Rev . JohnHodgson Geor g e , gen tM i tchell Mr s. Elizabeth In n s an d T av er n s .

Moffatt Wm .,school master N ewcas tl e A rms ,Wm .W . Atkinson

N e ter s Mr s. Dorothy Qu een ’s Head , Wm . ThompsonRobson Mr . Thomas Ship , John D ixon BathsSimms Mr . James Ship, John H enderson

In n s T av er n s.

2 B oard, Robert Thompson2 Board

,Rober t Goli ghtly

2 Bo ard,James P orteu s

C ollingwood Arms, Edw. Sisterson

Dn n Cow,W i lli am Wallace

Hopew ell Pi t, George Di tchbu rn2 P ercy H otel

,John El l i o tt

P in e Apple, James Charl tonRobin Hood, P atrick Thompson1 Hal l John JosephHu d sonRobinson RalphRobson JohnTate JamesWatson Rob t., Chirtondean2 Weldon Anthony


Boot Sh oe M k r s. Gr ocer s. Mi tcal fe RobertB el l G eorge O liver Robert


gy Thfim as

Brown Ann Son P ratt John0 u rn en ry Ru therford RichardBu t ch er s

L odg in gs .Taylor E l i zabeth

Alexander E 85 MT a i l or s

Bai ley Henry Clark HumphreyB u l lock W i ll i am D ixon Isabella Crawford Thos. CB enni son Will i am Jem son Mary Mofi‘att Thomas


Thr ee M i l es N . by W . of N or th Shields.

Arm stron g .Rob t., shoemakerB l ake John


Bowman Ralph,saddler

Dav idson Geo blacksmithD av i son James

,cartwrigh t

D av i son Wm . , brewer sh ip ownerIn n s an d T av er n s .

B l ack H orse, Henry Whi tfieldCrown 8: Thi stl e, George MaughanL amb ,Wm . Tweddal l

Ship, An n Ar thu rThree H orse Shoes, Mg t. L owrey

Far m er s .

Aynsl ey Fenwi ckD unn Henry

,an d Ship owner

M U R T O N T O W N S H I P ,

Two m i l es N . N . W . ofN or th Shields.

Marked I r eside at the A l lotm en t, 2 New York, and the other s in Ma r ten .

l Barrow Al ex., land steward2 Clarke Cu thbert


1 C raig Robert,su rgeon

l Darling Henry,schoolma ster

2 Dawson John,Shoem aker Shop

keep erDixon Joseph, grocer and Flou rdealer

2 Dixon Wm . school masterDu ffiel d Joseph , shopkeeperD unn L ewi s , blacksmi th an d beerhou se2 Harbottl e Joseph

,c ar twr ig l l t andgro cer

H ansel l Rob t. . shipown er,Mu rton

hou se

Dunn Jph .,B u tcher Fellmonger

H all Thos . and Cu thbertN ixon , JosephS co tt ThomasThompson Robt. Hill H eadWhi te Barbara

Sh opk eeper s .

Dunn Mari aHall MargaretMi ll er RobertSmi th SarahJones Frederick, D.

, M.D.,su rgeon

L essl i e Thom as,bu tcher

N icholson G eorge,shoemaker

Ramsey Willi am,draper

Thompson Mr s . An n

Mason L uke , shopkeeper2 Mid ford Martin , trav . drape r2 Mi ller John , groc e rMoody Edward , sho em aker

Pru dhoe Rt . R.,shopkeepe r

Robinson Ralph, Esq., P rospect hil lIn n s an d T av er n s .

2 Du n Cow,Wm . W. L i l bu rn


bu tch erN orthumberl and Arms Inn , G eorgeC all

, 85 brewer,Allo tmen t brewery2 P lough , Mat thew Car rRobin Hood, P e ter Tod d

Fa r m er s .

Gibson Samu el


H edley L ancelo t l Whi tfield John,and bu tcher

2 S toker George Wr igh t John

P R E S T O N T O W N S H I P ,

One m i le N . of Nor th Shields.

Bu lmer Joseph,agen t T u rner J ames P ringle, gardenerC raig Thomas

,gardener Watson M r s. Isabell a

D av i dson Robert,blacksmith W eir Robert

,i n s. agen t

Du tton Samu el,excise officer Young Mr s .

Fenwi ck John , gent .Fi tte s James

,grocer In n s an d. T av er n s .

Hav i s Thomas, shoemaker Bambu rgh Castle , Joseph ReedHu n ter Robert, mason Fox Hunter , Stephen Hou seKing James, groc er Sportsman

,Ephm . N i chol s on

L aws Thomas, blacksmi th Spread Eagl e,Samu el B el l

L ei tch Robert,o ffic er i n cu stoms

Mu ckl e P eter , masonN oble Isabel la


P eacock John , c artwrigh tP eppel wel l Mr s. AmeliaReav ely Dani el , bakerRi chardson Thomas, ship ownerRu tter James ,j o in er cabine t m krSmith Mi ss Mary

W H I T L E Y T O W N SH I P ,

2—21 M

'i les N . of N or th S hiel ds.

Alexander Robert, cowkeeper Harrison Chas . Anderson , qu arryAnderson Joseph,farmer, Mardan agen t

,and colli ery v iewer

farm Hu n ter Taylor,shopke eper

Anderson John , t ai lor Mi tcal fe Henry, E sq.

,M . P .

,Whi t

Brown Ri chard , farme r l ey Hal lC leasby W i lliam , farmer N elson R . A. Co ., colli ery an d

Cru das Thomas, colli ery agen t l imestone qu arry ownersE l t is James


Fenwi ck John , b l acksmi th In n s an d T aver n s.

Fryer Joseph,Esq.

,Whi tl ey hou se Fat Ox ,

Robert Smi thG arre t John , grocer Ship

,John E l li o t t

H arper John Son , grocers Whi tley P ark, Wi l l iam S tu dd y


P ost Cyl ce, N orthumberland street, Mr s . Hann ah Sher r aton , post mistre ss ; Sou th Mai l arriv es at é-past 12 noon , and despatche d at i past 6ev ening ; N or th Mai l arriv es at 4 afternoon , and despatched at 8 morn

Far m er s .

Dav i dson El iz .Fenw ick J ohnFenwi ck Thomas and SonL i lbu rn J amesL owther RobertP o tts H enry and SonsRamsey George


Wood Geo., harbou r mast , L ow qyWood John Jabb, trav . tea dealerL ow qu ayWrigh t James, timber slate merchan t, Bridge st

A c ad em i es.

Charl ton W i l l i am, Shiney r owCroz ier John, Cowpen qu ay

Duxfiel d Timothy, Chu rch stL iddell Mary, N orthumberland st

Temple Edward , Cro ftonWi lls James

, (commercial academy,an d private French te acher ) B lythhi ll ; h . Cowpen qu ay

Wother spoon John , WaterlooA t tor n i es.

B arker Ri chard,W aggon h i ll

S i dney M . W . J ., Bath r owBak er s F l ou r Dea l er s.

Mar /red are Fl ou r Dea lers on ly.

D av i son John , B l agdon stE lder CharlesJObling Jas. Robt . , Su ssex st*L ee E lizabe th

, Blagdon stMa tthewson Ann , Su ssex stN ewman John

,Waggon hil l

*Venu s Ralph, Nor thum ber l an d s t

B l ack an d. Sh ipsm i th s.

D oddsWill i am,Cowpen qu ay

Gair John,Bri dge s t

Hu tton J ohn, QuaySm ou l t James, Qu ayW il son Thomas

, L ow qu ayB l ock M ast M ak er s.

Heppell Thomas, Qu ayS tephenson W i l liam

,Qu ay

Book se l l er s, P r i n t er s, an d

S ta t ion er s .

P rou de Joseph , B l agdon s tRobinson John SL Su ssex s tSm i thson Thos ., (l i thg . prin ter only)Su ssex s tBoot an d Sh oe M aker s.

Alder John Charl ton,Waggon h i ll

C ummings George , W aggon hi l lDarling Ralph , Qu ayD av idson W illiam , QuayFenwick W i l li am, Qu ay

Forster Wm ., Nor thum ber l and st

Robson W il l iam,Cowpen qu ay

Smith W i lliam W at t,B l agdon at

h . Chu rch stSou l sby Geo ., N orthumberl and stSou thern P hilip

,Blagdon st

Tynemou th Robert, L ow qu ayWall ace John

,Su ssex st

W i l son Rob er t,Qu ay

Wrigh tson George, L ow qu ayBu tch er s .

Aynsley G eo .,N orthumberland st

Colpi tts Joseph , Cowpen quayCowans Wm ., S tai th s ; h. Cro fton

Dixon John , Waterl ooD obson John

,Su ssex s t

G l edston GilbertH eron Edward , Su ssex stHumble Thomas, Cowpen qu ayMi l b u r n G eo .

,N or thum b er l an d st

Sou l sby John , Cowpen qu ayTown s John , B lagdon stWatson James

,Ridley ter

C oa l Ow n er s <9; F i t ter s.

Barrington Mainfitting office , Cowpen qu ay, Bolton Stafford ,fitter

Bedlington Coal Company’ s Office,Dav i son We s t H ar tley coals,L ow qu ay, Robert El sdon,fit ter.h . W aterlooCowpen C oal Comp .

’s Offic e, Benj amin Dryden,fitter

,h . W aterloo

N etherton Co al Comp .

’s Office, Ridley’s Thos . Gibson ,fitter, h.Bri dge st .

C on fec t ion er s

Dav idson Ann , N orthumberland stForster Ann . toy dlr.)Wagn . hil lSheel Ali ce, B l agdon s t

C or n M i l l er s,

Dav i son John , Blagdon s tGi l hespi e Will i am , Bu ck ’s h i l lHodg son Joseph, Cro fton Mi l l sMackenz ie Wi ll i am, Cowpen Mi l l

D r u ggi st s, & o .

Briggs Robert Ray, Waggon h il lMat thewson James, Cowpen qu ayW i lkinson Thomas, Bridge s t

Ea r th enw a r e D ea l er s .

D ign i n W i l li am ,Waggon mi l

Embleton Joh n , Quay


F i r e an d L i fe O ffices.Mari ners and G eneral (L i fe) JosephHodgson , C rofton millsS tar,Wm . C lou gh , l Bl agdon stTemperence P rov i den t (L i fe), W .

G . P at terson , W aggon hil lYorkshire, Jn o. Robinson, Su ssex sGar d en er s .

Bel l John , Waggon h illH edley Thomas , Cowpen qu ayL amb Stephen, (8: Seedsman) L inkhou ses

G r een G r ocer s.

Armstrong Doro thy, Su ssex stD uxfiel d Joseph , Su ssex stW ann Margare t, Su ssex stG r ocer s an d T ea E ea l er s.

S ee a l so Shopkeeper s.

Anderson Jas. Marshall, Qu ayB ird Thomas, Cowpen qu ayB rown H . M. C .

,Waggon hill

Bu llock Thomas, Crofton m i ll sD ixon Matthew , C owpen qu ayGray Betsy Ann , Ridley ter.Gray Matthew 8c Son , Su ssex stGregory Ralph, C owpen qu ayH eppell Frances, B l agdon stH indmarsh Sarah Cowpen qu ayMackenzi e Thomas, Cowpen qu ayMatthewson Mary, Waggon hi llN ewman John, Waggon hil lSimpson John, Cowpen qu ayTemple Nathaniel , Nor thum bl n d . sThompson Mark, Cow pen qu ayTowns Edward, Cowpen qu ayWatts Andrew H odgson , Nor thum

berland s tWelch Mary, Bl agdon stW i lkie James

,Su s sex s t

H a i r D r esser s .

Ru ddock Wm .,N orthumberl and st

Shanks R t.,N or thu m b er l an d s tH ot el s , In n s, an d T av er n s .

B ear, Rd . Wheatl ey , H igh pansBlack Bu ll

,Ann Matthewson Su s

sex s tCommerci al

,James Todd

, WaterlooD u n Cow ,

Ann N ortho ver, L ow qyFox Hound s

,Jas . Sample, Cowpen qu ay

Globe, Mar garet Jobling hWater l oo

Grey Horse,R. Wi l son , Cowpen qyHalf Moon, S tephen L amb, L inkhou ses.

King’ s Arms,Jph . B rown , Cowpenqu ay

King’s Head, E lizabeth Tayl or,Nor thum b er l an d s t

Lord N elson,Wm . Dav ison

,Qu ay

N ag’s Head , Wm , Cockeri ll, N or

thum b er l an d s tN orthum berland Arms, Isabell aReadhead, Cowpen qu ay

Odd Fe l l ows’

Arm s,Jn 0 . Richar dson

N or thum b er l an d stt n ix

,John T u ll ey, Nor thb l n d . s t

Qu een ’ s Head, Philip Talley, Cowpen qu ayRidley Arms, Robt. Gr u n son , Nor .

thum b er l an d stSev en S tars, Rd . Short, N orth Blyt hShip, John Cummins, C ro ftonS tar and G arter, Wm . Ward

, Nor

thum b er l an d s tSun Inn, John Gr u n son , L ow qu aySu n

,An n Bowman , Cowpen qu ayVic toria, E liz . Thobu rn , Cowpen qy

Waterloo Hotel ,Wm . D i ck,Waterlo o

Whi te Swan ,Cath . Wallace, t oo.

Beer H ou ses.

Gatti s Ann, Fol ley

Hossi ck John,C rofton

Ir onm on ger s .

Bl akey Jas., Nor thum b er l an d stSmithson Thomas, Su ssex stWhi tehead Wm B lagdon stJoi n er s C ab in et M ak er s.

Fenw i ck John, Qu ayFenw i ck Thomas , Qu ayGregory Ralph

,Cowpen qu ay

H eppell Tristram, Qu ayMarshal l G eorge (and cartwrigh t )Waggon hi l l

Maxwell W illi am,Bl agdon st

Tu l ley John , N orthumberland stTu lley P hi lip, Cowpen qu ayWin ship W i ll i am, Cowpen qu ayL i n en an d W oo l l en D r aper s .

Chrisp Jas ., (hosier) Blagdon s tGray Matthew 8: Son , Su ssex s t

S tee l Robert , 4 Blagdon stWall ace C lou gh , l Blagdon stW ilkie Jam es, Su ssex s t


M i l l in er s D r ess M ak er s .

El l io t t E l iz abe th , Cowpen qu ayHamil ton Ann , Cowpen qu ayH eppell E lizabeth , Waterlo oTu l ly Isabell a, N elson placeP a i n t er s , G l az i er s, an d P aper

h an ger s .

Aynsley John , L ow qu ayE llio t t Edward (St portrai t) Cowpenqu ayP at tersonWm . Gow l an d ,Wagn . hil lHome an d T w in e M ak er s .

Smith Wm ., (85 chain maker) N or

thum b er l an d stW right Jas . 85 Son

,N or thu m b l n d. s t

Sad d l er .

Whi tehead W i l liam,B lagdon s t

Sa i l M ak er s .

B rown John , N orthumberlan d stW right Jas. Son

,N or thum b l n d . st

Sh ip B u i l d er s .

Bowman Drummond,Cowpen qy

R eadhead only) Cowpn . qRobinson Geo ., Cowpen qu ay ; h .

B ri dge stStov el d Wm . John, Dock qu av

Sh ip C h an d l er s .

B ird Thomas, Cowpen qu ayEmbleton John

,Qu ay

H en z el l Michael,Qu ay

Smithson Thomas, Su ssex stW atts Andrew H .

, L ow qu aySh ip Ow n er s M a s t er s .

Marked 1 a re Own er s, 2 Own er s and

Masters, and 3 Master s on ly .

A tkinson Jph ., (keel) Cowpen qu ay3 Bergen Geo . Colley

, Waterloo3 B ergen S t ephen , C owpen qu ay2 Appleby John , Cowpen qu ayl Bowman 85 Drummond , Cowpn . ql Bri ggs W i l l i am ,Waterloo1 Brown James


3 Bu rn W i lliam , Ridley terrace1 Coppin Wm . ju n Waterloo3 Cou sin s Thomas

,WaterlooDarling Ralph

,Cowpen quay

2 Dav i s P hil ip, Water loo

1 Dav i s Edward , Waterloo1 D en t John , Ridley plac e3 D ent W i lli am, N elson pl ace3 D ick Andrew, Cowpen qu ay3 D obson George , Cowpen qu a yl Dobson John

,Su ssex s t

3 Dodds P h i l ip , W aterloo3 Downie C ollin , Chu rch s t3 Du nn Thomas

,Cowpen qu ay

3 Du rfiel d Henry, Chu rch s t1 Fai r foot Edward , Cowpen qu ay3 Farrow N icholas, Bath r ow

3 Foreman John , W aterloo3 Forster Edward, Cowpen qu ay3 Fox C u thbert, Cowpen qu ay3 Gib son John, Cowpen qu ay1 Gibson John , sen .

,Cowpen qu a y

3 Gibb Edward , W aterloo1 Gray Ma t th . St Son , Bridge s t1 Harkl ess John G eo .

,Bridge s t

3 H eatley James, COWpen qu ay1 H eron James, Bath r ow

2 H in dm ar ch Thos.,Cowpen qu ay

1 Hodgson Joseph, Cro fton Mi l ls2 Kel l Robert, Bath r ow2 Knight Thomas, Bath r ow

1 L awson George , High pans3 L ee Thomas, Waterloo3 L ou gh John , Cowpen qu ay1 L ou gh Richard

,W aterloo ,

3 Mackenzi e Edward, Cowpen qy .

l Mackenz ie W i l liam , Cowpen qy .

3 Manner s John, Waterl oo3 Mi tch ell James, Chu rch s t3 N ewman Henry, Cowpen qu ay3 P otts John , COWpen qu ay3 Ramsey Thomas, Cowpen qu ay3 Robinson John , N r thm b r l n d . s t

2 Robinson W il li am, N elson pl1 Ruddock Richard , Waterloo3 Sampl e John , Cowpen qu ay3 Short Ralph , Waterloo1 Smith G eorge , 4 Bl agdon st1 Smith John, Waggon hil l2 Smith Thomas, N el son p l1 Sou l sby Robert, Cowpen qu ay3 S toker Joseph , Chu rch s t3 Tate James, Cowpen qu ay3 Taylor Joseph, Waterloo1 Taylor H enry,W aterloo3 Tother ick John , Chu rch st1 Towns John

,Bl agdon s t

1 Tu rner Wi ll i am ,Waterloo

3 Tynemou th Robert, Waterloo3 Wallace James, Waterloo

3 14

P i lot Ofi‘ice, L ow qu ay, W i lli amSwan ,master.H ar bou r Master

s Ofii ce, L ow

qu ay, George Wood , master.Baths

,P ubl ic,Bath Row, N ichol as


P l ac es of W or sh i p

Chapel of E ase, Rev .

Greenwood, cu rate.Robert


P r esbyter ian Chapel , (E ng l ish)Chu rch st ., Rev . Wm . O . JohnstonWesl eyan Chapel , Bly th H i ll .New Connexion ,Methodist,Wtr l oo .

Un i ted Cecession Chapel , WaterlooRev . Daniel C armichael .P r im iti veM ethodist, Cowpen qu ayP opu l ati on , according to the cen

su s taken 184 l ,— 4238.


L ist of Str eets, Cour ts, L anes, Squar es, Quays, &c., in 1846 .

Academy st 8c hill , 81 East HolbornAlbert terrace, Mount terAlb on stairs, 69 Wapping stAlbion street, Heron stAlbion terrace,Fowl e r s t

Alderson street,Mi le end road

Alum Hou se Ham l anding qu ay,C ookson s t

Anderson ’s lane, 37 Thrift stAnderson stre e t , Catharine stArcher’s hill ,W est p an s tBalcon stairs, 29 Shadwell s tBarrington stree t, S t. Hilda’s l aneBath s tree t, M i l e end ro adBel l’s l ane, 81 East H olbornB lack L i on quay

, 41 Wapping s tBlumer’s terrace, Green’s p lac eB ottle h ill , 7 1 E ast H olbor nB read l ane

, 74 East HolbornB rew ery lane, foot of Coronati on stBroad land ing, 20 Thri ft s tB ru nsw ick s t.

, L aygate l aneB ryson’s l ane

,23 Shadwel l st

C arpenter’s stree t,54 East Holborn

C atherine street , Fowl er s tChapel hi ll, 83 E ast HolbornChapter r ow,37, Market pl aceChu rch r ow

,1 Market pl ace

Cl apath l ane, Head of Ferry s tC lark’s qu ay,56 Wapping st

C oble l anding, P ilo t stComical corner,33 Wapping s t

Commerci al road,East Holborn

Cone stree t,Commercial road

Cook ’s quay, 1 Shadwel l s tCookson street,5 Dean s t

C ookson’s qu ay, Cookson st

Cordwainers lane,64W apping .st

Corn Walli s squ are, Commercial rdCorn Walli s s tree t, Barrington stC oronation street,9 Waterloo v al e

Corstorphin e Town, Roper yd an eCu stom H ou se qu ay, 6 Shadwell s tCu thber t s treet, Green streetDairy lane, Heron stree tD ean stree t, Market placeDeer’s lane, 5 Thri ft s tDock lane 1 1 Thrift s tDockw r ay 8 bank and lane, _63 EastH olborn

Dog l eap stairs, 95 Wapping stDov e cou r t, 24 Oyston stEast Holborn

, Foot o f Cor on ation sEast s tree t, 24 Market placeFairless qu ay, 29 L ong r owFairl ess stairs

, Her on s tFerry B oat l anding

,53 Wapp ing s

Ferry stree t, 6 Dean stForster street, Thames s tFowl er street, 43 East Kin g stFrederi ck street, L ayga te laneGarden lane , 3 1 Waterloo valeG ingling gate, head of Fowler s tG reen stree t, L aygate l an eGreen terrace, Mi li tary roadG r een ’s place

,G reen terrace

Hal f Moon qu ay, 24 Wapping stHancock’s l ane,45 Thri ft stree t

Harding ’s bank,Thri ft s t

H arri son ’s cou rt,Hill st

Har t stairs, 6 1 E ast Holborn

H enderson l ane, 81 West HolbornHende r son street,Catharine s t

Heron stree t,Wapping st


H eugh stree t -,K

P al atin e stH igh Crane , 40 W es t H olbornH i ll s treet

,84Wes t Holborn

H i l l stree t s tai rs, H ill s tH olborn landing, 45 East HolbornH apper

s qu ay, 46 Wapping stH ospi tal qu ay, l l Shadwell stH ou e’s qu ay, 7 Shadwel l s tIngham stree t, Catharine stJohn stree t, Henderson stJohnson ’s Hill , H i l l s tJohn son ’

s stree t, 76 We s t H ol bornKeppel lane,Waterloo v aleKeppel stree t, Fowl er s tKeppel st., (West) 24 Waterloo valeKing street, 32 Market placeKing street, (East) 65 King streetKirby’s lane

,3 1 Thrift stree t

Kirton ’s qu ay, 26 Wapping stL awe,(The) L awe CottagesL awe Cottages, B lumer’s terL aygate cou rt, 1 1 L ayga te s tL aygate l ane, C ommerc ial r oadL aygate stree t, 69 W est Hol b or n

L ong bank, 60 Wapping stL ong r ow , 24 Thrift stL ookham s tair s, 67 Shadwe l l s tL owden ’s cou rt, Academy h i l lMarke t place, D ean stMarshal l’s qu ay , 50 Wapping stMason ’s l ane, Albion stMaster Mariners Cottages

,W ellin gton terrace

Meetin g hou se l ane, 84 Shadwel l st

M i ddl e l anding, 57 Wapping s tMi l e end r oad, 42 East King stM i l i tary road

, L ong bankM i ll dam

, Brewery laneM i tre stree t, P alatine s tMoun t terrace

,Garden lane

N elson ’s hi ll,C ommerci al road

N el son stree t, 1 1 Barrington stN i le stree t, 59 East HolbornN or th street, 18 King stO cean street, 43 Eas t King stOgle terrace, Albion terO l d Ferry B oat landing

, 58Wapping s tO l i ver s tree t, P ark stOyston cou rt, Oyston stOyston stree t , 3 l Waterloo valeP ain t L ane , Union al leyP alatine s tree t, Heron stP an Ash , 10 Wapping stP ark street, 22Wa terloo v al e

P enny P i e stairs , 1 5West HolbornP i lo t stairs, 58 Shadwel l stP i lo t street , 58 Shadwel l stP ontop Shields stairs, 29 L ong rwP rice stree t, Forster stQu een ’s place

, 1 15 Wapping stQu een stree t,Mi le end roadRekin Dyke lane, Commerc ial r oadRoper’s cou rt, 6 N i le s tRopery lane,41 W est H olbor n

Ropery stairs, 64 Shadwel l stRu ssel lh tr eet, 58 Eas t King stSt. H i lda’s l an e, 37 Marke t plSalem stree t, 29 E ast King s tSal mon’s qu ay, 29 Shadwell stS av i ll e stree t , 5 Fowl er stShadwell s tree t,“Tapping st

Shepher dson’

s place, Hill stSmithy street, Waterloo valeSou th terrace, Heu gh stSpr in g l n ., Alum Hou se Ham l n dngS tanhope street, M il e en d r oadS te am Ferry Boat 1n dn g ., Cookson sS tobb ’s l ane, 65 Wapping stS tu dley bank , L ower Thames stSubscrip ti onBrewer ywr f.,Brwry. In

Su get’

s lane, 40 W apping stSwan hill, 70 W est HolbornTemple Town , Cors torphine townThames lan e

,39 Thri ft s t

Thames stree t, Salem s tThames str eet , (L ow ) Th ames stThr ift stree t, 1 7 Market plTyne street,1 6 Marke t pl

Tyne street,88 Eas t Holbo rn

Union alley, 24 Market p lUnion lane,67 W apping st

Victoria place,C atherine s t

Wallace qu ay , 27 Shadwell stWall ace s tree t, 12 Barrington stWapping stree t, 16 L ong r owWaterloo lane

,17 Coronation s t

Waterloo v al e, 65 King s tW awu ’s cou rt, 2 1 E ast H olbornWellington street, Heron stWell ington terrace

, Ogl e terW est H olborn

,49 E as t H olborn

Westoe, 1 mile S by EWestoe lane

, H ead of Fowl er s tWes t P an place, 52 West H olbornWes t P an stre e t, 49 Wes t Hol b or n

West stree t, 4 Marke t placeWinchester s tree t, Fowl er stWindmil l cou rt, 62 West H o l bornWindmill hill, 67 Wes t H o lborn



Compr ising the Addr esses of Gen try , Cl ergy , P ar tner s in Fi rms, and others

n ot ar ranged under the Cl assification of Tr ades and P r of essions.

Aaron Mr s. E liz .,4 W in che ster s t

Adams Thomas,secretary to th e ship

owners socie ty, 17 Market placeh . 9 Albion terrace

Allen Alexander,boo t maker ; h . 7

S tanhope stAnderson James

,secretary to Gas

C o . Barrington s t. h . B en t hou seAnderson Joseph

,Anchor m an u fr .

h . 59 East King s tAnderson N athaniel

,sh ip carpenter

Green terraceAnderson Wm . E sq., B ent h ou seAnderson h . The D ean sArmstrong Robert


,5 M i le

end roadAskwor th Samu el

,engineer and su r

v eyor , 63 Wes t HolbornAyton Frances,su b distribu tor of

stamps, 62 East King stB ainbridge Chri stopher, sol i c i tr . and

super in ten den t r eg i str a r o f B i rths,D eath s, and Marriages, East sth . 3 Chapter r ow

B arker James L amb , soli c i tor andclerk to Magi strates, h . 35 Eas tKing s t

B ell Mr s. Eli z. 9 Keppel s tBel l an d Marshal l

,merchan ts


D ean stBel l Thomas

,dru ggi st ; h . Jar r ow

B ingham George, saw maker, 1 03

W apping stB i rkett J . fu rrier

,1 6 Catharine st

B lai r Jas. pi lot, 34 Blumer ’s terB lai r Mary, lodgings , 1 8 Heron stB l ai r Rober t

,pilo t, 3 Green ’s place

B lenkensop John , fm r,Temple Town

B lu es Mary, l dg s.

,55 E ast King st

Bone John ,pi l o t, I8 Blumer’s ter

B one Robert, pilo t, 32 B lumer ’s terB owman Mr s . E liz .

,2 Corn Walli s s

B ranston Mrs. Ann, 35W ell ington sBriggs Wm .

,gen t., W inchester s t

B rown Mr . J ames, Westoe

B rown M r s Jane, 3 Vic tori a pl

B rown M r s. Mary,1 9 Sav ill e s t


Bru ce John George,stai thman

, 1 1W e l lington st

Bu ckland James, cl erk, 3 Com r c l . rdBu g l ass James, superin tenden t ofpolice

,W aterloo v ale

Bu l lo ck Al fred, stai thman , W es tHolbornBu rn Jacob, pilo t, 17 L awe ctgs.Bu rn John , pilot, 17 B lumer’s terBu rn Ralph, pilo t, L awe cottagesC alv ert Jno ., exci se officer, 3 Mu t. tC arr Mr s. E l iz ., 25 Sav i ll e stC arr Rev . James , A.M., incumben t

of St. Hilda’s, 1 Ogl e te rCarr Mi ss Mary, 7 West Keppel s tC arr Wm . Fras., grocer, Green stChambers Joseph, pi lo t, 4 Green terChambers Rb t.,pilo t

,22 B lumer’s tr

Chambers Wm .,pilo t, 36 B lumer’s t ‘Clark Thomas

,cl erk

, G reen s tCoats James, pi lo t, 1 1 Green terCoe Am brose, steam boat owner,Holborn landingC ooke Rev . Robert, (Wesl eyan) 9Ch apter r owCor r igal l Mr s. Eliz .

,12 Winch . st

Cou per Samu el, g r c r h . 4 Mkt. plC oward Rev . W i l liam , Westoe

Craig Mr . John , 10 Freder ick stCu lly Wm .,pilot

,8 L awe co t tages

Cummings Mr . Jam es, Westoe

Dav i dson Mr s. Jane, 1 1 Cath r n . s tDaw son Mr s. An ni e

,lodgings, 1

Mount ter.Day John , P r im i ti veMeth . preacher


5 Henderson s tDeane Joseph

,po l i ce sergean t

,5 1

King stDixon Rev . Thomas

,in cumben t of

Trini ty Chu rch , 12 Frederick s tDodg in Mr . G ideon , 1 Ingham stDownie Mr s. Sarah, 4 Mi l e en d rd.Du nn L aw son

,balla s t master, 1

Winchester s tEden Thos., sail m kr . ; h . Ogle te rE l l i ot L au n cel ot, asst. h arbou r m str

2 2 Master Mariners Co ttages


Mathi son Jam es,join er ,mil e en d r dMau ghan Isab e l l a , farm er Westoe

Miatt Joseph W i lli am , r egi strar ofmarriages for the U nion , East s th . 14 Win chester s t

M i dd le ton Mr s. Hanh ., 4 P alatine s tM i l lbu rn Jn o.

, pi l ot, 7 L awe c tg sM i l l b u r n Rober t, pilo t, 4 Green ’s plMofi’a tt Alex .

, superv i sor of exc ise6 Chapter r ow

Moi r Rev . D av id, (Ind .) 9 ,Alber t terMoore Andrew , pilo t, 7 Green terMo rri son J .

, glass m k r .,9 Green st

Morrison Ju o. , pilo t, 34, Blumer’s trMou ld Robert, co l r . of rates for imp rovement, 44 Eas t King st

Mu sgrav e Cc ., weav ers of paper

machin e w i res, an d w i re worker sin general,32 Eas t King st

N eale R ev . Fran ci s, (Wesl eyan)10 Chapter r ow

N el son Henry, ship broker, 13

Frederi ck stN elson Jas ., smi th ; h . S t. Hild a lnN i cholson Francis, shipwright, 19B runswick s t

N ixon Mr s . Ann,1 6 Frederick s t

Oates Mr s . Sarah, Green stO l iv er Jph . Jordan, cpr., 2 Ingham sO l iver Sept . , assi s t. d rpr .

, l l Saville sOyston Thomas, gen t., W’


P earson Chas. , pilo t, 6 L awe ctg s.P earson Wi lli am , pilot m aster ,Cobl el anding ; h . 37 Eas t King stree tP hili ps Robert, pilo t , 1 5 B l um r s tP hilipson Todd , d rpr .

,h . 29 Mkt. pl

P hi llips Hy. ,agt.

,L owe r Thames st

P hillip s Ralph , pilo t, 17 ,Bl um er’

s tr

P o tter Mr s. Mary, 10 Smi thy stP u rvi s An dw.

,pilo t, 1 6 L awe c tg s

P u r v i s Andrew ,pilot , Blumer’s ter

P urvi s Mr s. Margare t, Com m r c l . rd .P u rv i s Robt ., p ilo t, 22 Blumer’s terRai l ton M r s . Sarah, 29 Waterloo v 1.Ramsey James , sex ton ,Bar r i n g ton s tRamsey John

,pilo t, 33 B lumer’s trReay Richard

,grocer, h . 15 Mkt . pl

Reed James , j oiner, Mi l e -end roadReed John,b u tcher, h . West Boldon

Reed Thos., bu tcher, h . 23 Sat i l l e s tRich ardson Emery


,West dks

Richardson John,Town Mi ssion

Green stRidley/ Rd . Ben tley

, r eg ist. of birth sand death s, for Shi elds, Chu rch s t


Rippon G eo., foreman , Smithy st

Rippon Mr s. Jane,Westoe

Robson Aaron , u nion m str .,Ocean s tRobson G cc ., block m kr ., h . 6 Tyne 9Eas t H olbornRobson Hy., pilot, 10 L awe c tgsRobson James

,su rgeon , h . 50, EastKing st

Robson Matthew,block m aker, 15

H eron stRobson P eter , bu t ter and cheesed ealer, S t. Hild a’s Cottage

Salmon Mr s. Mary, Westoe

Sanderson Robt., smi th ; h . John sgSandersonWm .

,manager gas works


S t. Hi ld a’s laneSco t t Joseph , gl ass manu factu re r ,h . 8 Albion t erScott Thos ., bank cash ier, 1 8 King sSharpe Mr s. Ann

,10 Albion ter

Shortridge Richard, gent., 5 Chapter r ow

Smith G eo ., ship carpen ter, Alumhou se, Ham qu ay, 11. Queen s tSmith John , carrier’s agen t, 2 1 EastHolbornSmith Mi ss Mary, 1 2 Keppel s tSmith O swald , manager, ballastwharf, h . C l aypath l an e

Sneath Rev . James, (Baptist) 13

Albert terSpou r Bartholomew Robson m u sician , 1 6 Coron ati on st

Small Dav i d, bath p ropr ietor, TheL aw e

Smi th Jo seph,pi lot, 5 Green at

S tafford An tn y ., c l erk, 2 Al der son s tS tain ton Matthew, i ron an d brassfounder, h . 8 Frederick s t

S tainton Thos . , i ron brass founder , h . 14 Heron s t

Stephenson Henry, pi lo t, 14 Bl u

mer ’s te rS tephenson Jas ., pi lo t, 35 Bl m r

s . tr

S tephenson James, pi lo t, 2 1 Mil itary roadS tephenson John , pi lot, 10 Green stS tephenson , M isse s I. 8c M., 13

W ellington stStimson Chas., pro fessor of mu sic ,13 Keppel s t

S tobb ar d Jane , l odgings, 10 Albe rt tS toke l l M r s. E liz . , 2 Win chester s tStot t Charles

,pilo t

,3 Green ter

Stratford Mr . Wm .,20 H eron st


St oreyGeor ge, farmer. Bent h sS tori e Rev . John , 13 W incheste r stS u therl and Mr s. Ch ri st., 1 Cathr n . sS u th erland J ohn , i nspec tor of

w eights and measu res, 1 Cathn . s tSwinbu rn e Rob t. Wal ter, glass ma

n u fac tu rer , h ,C l eadon co ttage

Swinbu rne Thos. Jas. , glass m anufac tu rer, h. 8 Ogl e ter

T aylo r Mr s . E lizabeth, 26 Waterloo v ale

T homas Cornel iu s, r ailway agen t,9 S tan hOpe s t

T homson Mr s .C . M . , 16 Mi l e-end rdT hompson John , 10 N elson hil lThompson Joseph L ., merchan t ;h . 8 W el l ington s t

T hompson Wm . Thos ., frm r .

, Westoe

Thornton John,col l iery agen t, S t.

H i ld a Col l i ery , C lay path InTodd Charles,carv er ; h . 8 Mou nt t

Todd Jam es, carv er an d gilder ; h .

25 East King s tT r o t ter B aker, gen t. , 7 Moun t terVin t Mr s D oro thy, 9 Sav i lle s tW ake W i l l i am, cl erk, Albion stW alker Mr . George , Westoe

W allace Wi lliam , Esq. , Westoe‘Wal ton Mr . Jonathan , 5 Mount terW atson James, gardener, W estoe

W atson T .,tide w ai ter

,13 L awe ctgs

W atson Mr s. Mary, 20 Master mariners co ttagesWawn

, Gph . gen t. , 3 Albion terraceWawn Edward Twi z al l , ship & c .,broker ; h .Wes t BoldonWelch Jph .

,boatm an , Commerci al r

Whi te Mr s. Mary, 1 1 Ogle terraceWhi te Ralph, b rass Sc i ron fou nder,1 1 Frederick street

Whi te Mr . Wi ll i am , 36 Market plW i l son Geo. gen t. , 2 Fred eri ck stWi lson G eorge H enry, postmas ter,63 East Ki ng s treet

W i l son John , P rimi ti v e Me thod i stpreacher, 6 Hender son st

Wi l son Wood, j oin er , 13 Keppel st

W inney B . 85 C c .

,merchan ts, M illd am wh arf ; h . King s tree t

Win terbot tom Thomas Masterman,

M. D ., Westoe

W ood Mr s. Hannah Mary, Westoe

W righ t J ames,pilo t

,20 Blumers ter

Wright John and Henry, pil o ts, 15B lumer’s terraceYou ng D av id

,pi lo t

,3 Green terrace

Young H enry, pi lo t, 3 G re en’s plYoung Thomas, pi lot, 1 5 L awe c tgsYoun g Thos .,agent

,Commerci al r d

Young W i ll i am,pilo t, 1 1 G reen ter

lYou n g Wi lli am, pilo t, 10 Green pl



A cad em i es.

Ayn sl ey Thomas , A lbion streetCha ri ty, John C umm ings AnnThompson

,Tyne s tree t

C ooper George, Rekin Dyke lan eC ou l s on John

,41 W ell ing ton stree tC raig Thomas Du ncan

, Barringtonstree t ; h . 7 West Keppel s tree tC raw ford E ll en

,9 Ingham stree t

D ryden Thom as, Brewery lane ; h .

Academy h i l lEbege E liz ., 1 6 Catharin e streetFai r l es E l iz abeth , 9 Mo un t terraceFassum P leasan t E. , 42 EastK in g stForbe s Pe ter, Fow l er stree tForrest Fran ces, East Holborn

G unn George, (w ri ting) 2 1 Qu een s t

Harper John , 1 0 Heu gh stree tHodge E le anor , 6 P ala tin e s tree tJar r ow Chem ica l 0 0 33Windmill hi ll ,John W righ t, masterL eek Mi s s

,4 Albert terrace

Mc Don ald Jemima,Queen stree t

Mason Ann Isabella , John stree tNationa l , (U n i on ) Gar den lane, Jph .

Fenwi ck Isabel la Mc D onaldTr in i ty , Commerci al road , W i lli amHope

,master ; h . 33 Green stree t

Wes toe, Catherine st.,Fras . Mr s.

Mason , master an d m i s tress ; h .3 Savi ll e s tree t

Nevi son J ohn , 30 Waterl oo v ale


N ixon Mary J an e, 1 6 Frederi ck s tP arker Ja n e Sarah , 33 Sav i l le stRobson Jam es, Corn Wal l i s s tree tSm i th E l e anor, 7 B ath s tree tSmi th Rober t Hy. W es t HolbornS to rey Edward , 23 Eas t streetS trachan J ohn

,28 East stree t

S trong Isabell a,29 Qu een str e et

Taylor Mary St. Jane , 2 Ru ssel l s t‘

Wheatm an Ann , 7 Fowler s tree tW i l son Robert

,Keppel l ane ; h . 1 1

Albion terraceW il son l ., M i le end r tl . ; h . 28

E ast King stWoodr ofie Jane

,10 W inchester st

Yeaman Emma,8 Fowler s t

Young James,1 Oys ton s tA gen t s .

Brumby Jph ., (com sn .) Gomerel . rdC arr Wil liam, 74 King s tD enham G eorge

, (com sn .) 9 d . s tGu g in s Jas . C onstan t , 17 Sav i ll e s tJones Joseph, 7 Savi l le s tree tL u ca s Abraham

, (coal) Com r c l . rdRichardson Emery

,6 Albert ter

S trachan John, E ast s tree t

S toddart Andrew,King s treet

S torey Edward , col r . of ren ts debts23 East str eet

You n ghu sban d Joseph , 4 Albion t rA l ka l i M an u fac tu r er s.

B el l Thomas , Don works, (85 Mag

mesia,) Oyston stre e t ; h . Jar r ow

Jarrow Alkali Co ., Templ e Town ,J.

S tephen son ,managing par tner h .

L aygate hou seSwi nbu rne R . W . 81. Co . C l aypath lnA n ch or an d C h a i n M an u fa c

t u r er s .

Anderson Sr.W i l son , N ew P hoenixI ron wks.

, P ark s t . Cooksons qyA t t or n i es.

Anderson Hy.,12 King st h .Wsl o

Anderson Jph .,W tr l o. v l . ; h . Wsto

B ainbridge Barker , clerks to boardo f Gu ardian s to Magis trates o fthe Eas t D ivi si on of Castl e WardEast s t

B el l Errington,58 Eas t King st ; h

13 Ogle terraceBrown Wi ll iam, 56 East King st

S alm on perpe tu al com sn r

u nder the ac t for the aboli tion o f

Fin es 8c. Reco ve ri es,an d m as ter

extraordinary i n the Cou rt o t

Chancery,37 Market pl

SnowballHy. , l Va l l i s s t . h . Qu een stThompson P aget

,46 Thri ft st ; h

26W el ling ton s tWawn Chri stopher Aken head , 15

Barrington s t ; h . 9 Ogle terW i lson James, 29 E ast King s tWrigh t Ju o ., 5 Kng . s t.; h . 1 2 Ogle tA u c t i on eer s A ppr a i ser s .

Barnes G eo . W alker,Thri ft st ., h .

8 Albert terH all Thos .

, 7 Nel son’s s tStrachan John , 28 E ast st.

,h . 38

East King stTowers Jph . Robinson , 17 King s t

Bak er s an d F l ou r D eal er s .

M arked ar e Baker s on ly .

Ai sb i tt Matthew, 6 Thri ft s tAmory Thomas

,1 9 L ong r ow

Beadnell Thomas, 78Wappin g st*Bogu e Mary

,B read lane

*B lack James,Hardings bank

Brown Thomas,76 Wapping st

B rewi s E l len,78 W est H olbo r n

Calder J ames,37 Thri ft s t

C ouper Rober t Son , 4 Market plDon n l ey Isabel la, 122 l Vappin g st

Dowling Jo seph , 22 Shadwell s tHal l S tephen

,3 1 Wapping s t

Hepbu rn Dav i d,L aygate l aneHes10p J ames , Dockwr ay

s bankJolly Robert

, 37 W es t H olbor nL igh tford W i lli am , 67 W es t H olbornP earson Thomas, E ast H olbornReavely Jonathan, 46 EastHolbornReay John

, H al f Moon qu ay*Ru therford Robt. , Coronati on s tSco tt Ann 85 Son , 26 W est H olborn*Sco t t John

, Bo ttle hi ll, h . Eas tH olborn

*Thompson Thos. , 28 Br u nswick stTrobe W i ll iam , 64 Shadwell s tWeath er b u r n Jane

,82 East H olbor n

Wrigh t L eon ar d, l Dean st

B an k s .

N orth of England Joint S tock, 35Market -place

, (draw on L ondon85 W estmin ster Bank) John Ridley

,agen t


Wear Robert,Brunsw i ck stW i lli s John , Heron stW ood John , 74 Shadw el l stWood Thomas, 77 King s t h . 25 Green s tBr az ier s T in P l ate W k r s.

.Marked ar e P lum ber s a lso.

A tkin son Wm . , Dockw r ay’

s bankC l ark Robert , 38 Thrift s tC l ark Thomas , 5 1 Wapping s tH al l John, 20 Thrift stH indmarsh Thompson , 8 Wes t stJohnson Wm . Shields, 4 Dean stHu sband Richard, 1 13 W apping stP ol lock 8e S co tt, 80 King stRu dd John , 59 East HolbornW ebster P eter, 64West HolbornW hi tingh am Thos., 2 1 L ong r owW indas Wi ll iam, Fowl er st

B r ew er s .

B el l Robert Son, Tyne s tC l ay J ., East H olborn h .E . Boldon

H arbu t t Thomas, Oyston stH ogar th Mary ,W est H olbornJackson Ju o ., King st ; h . 2 Ocean stKi rkley Swin bou r n edz.Cc ., Spring ln

B r i ck an d T i l e M ak er s .

Alderson Wi ll i am , Ocean s tFairless C onrad , Ocean s tSwinbu rne R.W. 8: Co., Oyston ln

Bu i l d

AldersonW il li am,Oc ean st

H arrison G eo. H il l stH eppel l Jn o. D vd .

,Waterloo v ale

P l ace John, P ark st

Tu rnbu ll John , 30 Qu een stBu t ch er s .

B ati e Th omas, Hil l stB lagbu rn Thos ., 69 W est HolbornBrown An thony, 28Waterl oo valeB rown W ill i am

,Keppel lan e

B rown W illiam , Commerci al roadCh ipchase John , Thames stC orner Thomas

,1 Hill s t

C uby Joseph , 17 Thri ft s tC u rry John , 4 L aygate stD akers Mary, 33 Wappin g s tD av id son John

,15 King st

D av ison Matth ew,7 1 Wes t Holborn

B ou thwai te E liz 50 T h r i ft s tDou thwai te G eo rg e, 44 Wapping st

Gibbon James, 29h . Brun swi ck s tGreenwel l W ill i am

, B ottle h i ll ;Academy h il lHarri son Wm . Anderson

, Tmpl . Tn .

Henderson John,42 E ast H olborn

H enderson W i lli am , 5 Wal li s stH obson W il l iam , H eron s tH oggett John , Temp le TownHolli day John , 80 W es t Hol bornJob l in g Henry, 78 Eas t HolbornJohnson Chri stopher, Temple TownKay E l i

,81 E ast Holborn

L ascel l s Thomas, Commercial rdL awson Will i am , 1 6 Green s tL iddle G eorge

,46 West H olbor n

L i ddl e Matthew, Cu thbert s tSanders James, 10 U nion AlleyS later John , Union AlleyL owrey John , 55 W es t Holbo rnMoore Freder i ck, 69 Shadwell s tMorrison Robert, j un .

,16 Thri ft s t ;h . 16 Mi tre st

Ol iv er G eorge, 12 Coronation stO sborne Samu el

,30 East H olbor n

Fosgate J ames, 6 L ong r ow ; h .

L ower Thames stratt Wi ll i am, 77 East H olb ornP u rv i s Jacob , 83 Shadwell stRaw John , 87 East HolbornReay Francis

,26 L ong r ow

Reay Thomas , 52 Commercial rdReed John 8: Son , 13 Market plReed John , 3 1 H eron s tRobson Joseph,1 7 W apping s t

S ibbald James, 29 Thri ft stSmi th Thames l aneS teel G eorge, Cor storphine TownSwan E lizabeth , 10 L ong r owSwan James, 3 Thri ft s tThom pson Anthony, 69 Eas t H l b rn .

Thompson John Car l en,4 Fowl er

st. ; h . 7 Keppel stThompson Robert, L ayga te l an eUsher Rober t, 7 S al em stW ardle John

,63 Wes t H olborn

W eathe ril l W i lli am , 20 Shadwel l s tWe ther el

. John,15 Waterloo v al e

Whi te Thom as,26 Wapp ing st


Whi tehead George, 67 Wapping stW i lkinson John , Thames stYoun g John , 44 Thri ft s tC ab in et M aker s 84 U ph ol ster er s .

Marked ar e P aper H angers a lso.

*Carnaby John ,8 King st

*Sanderson John , Fowl er stS hephe r d Wm . Thos., Union AlleySmith Wm .,

L ower Thames stC a r t Ow n er s .

Anderson Jonathan ,M i le end ro ad

B el l Thom as , 1 Smi th st

Maddison G eorg e , Oyston stVei tch John,Commerci al r d

Gar tw r igh t s.

C arnaby Ralph , Westoe

Thom pson Wm ., C oron ation st. ; h

5 Dean stC a r v er s an d G i l d er s .

Anderson Thos.,Carpenter st

Sma ll Thomas , Thames l an eTodd 8: Son , 25 East King stC h em ists an d D r u g g i sts .

Marked ar e Tea D ea lers a lso.

*Bell dc Mays , 3 Market pl ace“Carr W . Franci s,53 West H olborn

Cummings George J ohn, 72 East

H olborn ; h . 4 King st*Daniel John , 1 Chu rch r owD ay Thomas, 52 Thri ft s t*Dixon Thomas , 75 Wes t H olbornD ouglas John, 9 1 W apping s tE lli o tt


John P ear son Cc ., 30

Marke t pl aceH e slop J ohn

,22 East King st

*H udson George, 76 W est Hol born

Hu dson Thomas, 23 L ong r ow*Ru ssell Thomas, 5 E ast H olbornh . 10 Catharine st‘ Thompson Ralph

,17 Marke t pl . ;

h . P al atine s t*Tu ll ey James Emery

, 10 Kin g'


h . 9 L awe bu ildings‘Walker John Robin son , 5 Thrift stCh in a , G l ass , an d Ear th enw ar e

Dea l e r s .

Deavey W i ll i am , 27 West H olborn C or n M i l l er .

John son E liz abeth , 27 Thrift st Brown Charles, H ar den ’s Mi l l ,O l iver An n , 3 Ferry st Thames st

Thompson Joseph , 3 1 Thri ft stYates Sam u el

,\Vest H olborn

Young Robert,17 L ong r ow

C l oth es D eal er s O u tfit ter soAllen Andrew , 8 Wes t H olbornBel l John , 96 Wapping stBu rdon John , 108 Wapping s tBrogd al e Wi lli am , 38 East H olbornCorsie H u gh , 30 Thri ft s tHun tress Rober t, 5 1 East Holbor nJacobfl saac , 9 Long r owJameson Jas . Ross, 7 E ast H olbo rnJew i t t Robert

,42 VVappin g st

Mc L in Charles . Uni on alleyMan sfor th P hilli s , 17 Tyne stP u rv i s El ean or, 109 , ‘vVappin g stYoung James

,54 Thrift st

Goal F i t ter s a er s .

Brandling John R.W ., St. Hild a'sCol li ery

, C l aypath l an eMarqu i s of L on don der ry

sfit tingo ffice , 29 L ong r ow, Rob t. An derson

,agen t

P on top S ou th Shields fit tin go ffice, 16 L ong r ow,Robt. Ga l l i l eeagent

P ontop Sou th Shiel ds Depo t,Qu een st G eo . Sanderson , agen tC on fec t ion er s .

Atkinson John , l l Fowler stCairns W i l l i am , 1 L ong r owHogg John \V 8 U nion alleyHorner Thos . Wm ., 7 1 King stL aws Thos. Wm .,

20 We s t H olbornMartin J oseph

,53 Eas t King st

P u rv i s An thony, 64 E ast H olbornWeatherbu rn Ann, 22 L on g r ow

C ooper s .

H odgson Ralph , 62 West H olbornL awson Margare t, 34 Thrift st. ; h .

Savi ll e s t.M i ll er Rober t, 54 E ast H olbornO l iv er John , N i le s tOsborn W i ll iam , 68 Wappin g s tP e ttigrew E l izabe th , East H olbornW ake Wi ll i am, 102 W apping s tWalker D av id ,Wes t Holbo rn


C u r rier s an d L eath e r C u tter s .

B u lmer Thomas , Commercial roadMoffett Thomas , 30 C oronation st,and 18 L ong r owS toddart John , 48 Thr i ft s t

Dyer s .

Coll i er Ann,lVa ter l oo v ale

Cou l son Mary,Thames s t

C ou l son Thomas, 22 East 'stEar th enw ar e M an u fac tu r er s

Armstrong Ju o. C c ., Oyston l an e,h . 35 Green st

Eat in g H ou ses .

Bell Mat thew , 5 Chu rch r owBoll en Mary, 3 Union alleyCook W i l li am

,Wapping s t

N ewton W i ll i am ,40 Thri ft s t

Sc onter L eon ard, 9 Market pl aceS tobbs Ann , 29 L ong r owThompson Margare t, 39Wapp i ng s tW atson Johan n ah

,7 Union al ley

En g in eer s an d M i l lw r ig h ts .

M arshall T. Dunn , 50 W apping s tRen n ol dson James, 37Wapping s th . 4 P alatine s t

F i r e an d L i fe Om oos .

Alfred, (L ife) J .W . L amb , 70 King sC aledoni an, Wm . Brown, 56 Eas tKing st

Crown , (L i fe) Rober t D awson, 14

Barrington stG u ardi an

,Cph r . B , Mackay,East s

Imperi al (Fi re) C. A .Wawn , 15 Barrington s tree tL awn , (L i fe) Hy. Snowball ,Walli s sManchester, (Fi re) J . W. Mai tt

E as t stree tN ati onal P rov i dent, (L i fe) ThomasSalmon, 37 Market placeN ewcastle, (Fire) Robert Dawson , 14B arrington s tree t

N orwich Equ i table, Hy. H ewi son,53 Thri ft street

P el ican , (L i fe) J. W . Mai tt, East s tRoyal Exchange, R . M. Kelly, 2Market placeRoyal Insu rance Co . of L iv erpool,P aget Thompson , 46 Thri ft s t

Scotti sh Union , T . Glov er, 10 Mkt, pSheffield , Rotherham ,

and Chesterfield , John S trachan , 28 East s t


Standard , (L i fe) C . A. Wawn,1 5

Barrington stS tarr

, (L i fe) John P . Ell i o tt , 30Marke t pl

Su n,Andrew S toddart

,72 King s t

Uni ted Kingdom ,John Ridley

, 35

Market place

F r u i ter er s.

Gar d en e r s .

Al derson Richar d , Westoe

Oates Thomas, 52 East King s t

Gr ocer s an d T ea Deal er s

Marked ar e Bonded S tor e Dea lers.

Ai sbett Mat thew, 6 Thrift st

F l ou r Dea l er s .

Beckington John , 45 Thri ft s tBrown Chas . , 75 Wapping stM i tchelson Arch ibald

, BarringtonNox Mary , 60 East King stRaw G eorge

,13 E ast Holborn

Ren ol dson James, 7 1 Wapping st

Wi l son John,83 E ast H olborn

Vincen t Wm . E lvey, 15 King stWallace James

,14 L aygate s t

Fu r n i tu r e B r oke r s ;

Marked ar e CabinetMaker s a l so.

Allon Mary , 81 West HolbornBarron Edward, Barrington st

H enderson James , Coronation st‘ L earm oun t John , 66 King s tMi tchel l I sabel la, 2 1 Waterloo v aleMoore D aniel, 42 Thrift st*O r n sby Fras. Cornforth, Tyne st.,E ast H olborn

*Shepherd Wm . Thos ., Union alley

G l ass M an u fac tu r er s .

Cookson,C u thbert Co., (bottle)

E ast H olborn , Jn o.Mar tin , agen t

Sou th Tyne Glass Company , C om .

m er c i al road , Jph . S co tt, managing partner ; h . Albion te rSwi nbu rn e R. W . Cc .

, (P late an dCrown ) Ferry stG r een Gr ocer s

Easton George , 32 Wapping stG ibson John , 8Wappin g s tRi chardson Thomas, 53Wapping st


Bam b rou gh Castle,Wm . New ton, 40Thri ft s tBanks of the Tyne

, I sabella S torey ,4 W est Holborn

B ee H i v e, -E liz abe th Bowman , 6W el lington s t

Berwick Arms, Joseph Carnaby, 14L ong r ow

B lack the G rey, Mary Cub ey, 2 1Uni on alleyB lack B u ll , El izabeth D av i son


Shadwel l s tBla ck Horse, James Watson, 59Wes t H olborn

B l ack H orse, George H enderson ,Cookson ’s qu ay

Black L i on,J . H ind

,B lack L i on qy

B lacksm i th s Arms , George S u rtees,40Wf st Holborn

B lack Sivan , Thomas Thomas, 32Thri ft s tBoa rd 77 East H olbornB oard , John Bes t, 1 2 Thri ft s tB oar d John Bri scoe, Anderson’s lnBoard Fras . Hen derson , Tham es s tB oard , Roger Job l in g , 75 E . H l b rn

Board , E l i Kay, 81 E ast H o l bornBoard , Wm . Anderson , C u thbert s tBo ttle H ou se Tavern , D vd . W i lkinson

, 23 East HolbornB rew Hou se

,Grace B r owel l Spr g ln

Bridge Inn,J ohn H u tchinson , 3 1

East King stB ri tannia, A l exander Fraser, 66

Eas t HolbornB ri tanni a

,J . G i ll i e s

,84 Shadwel l s t

B ri ti sh Qu een ,J . Taylor H enderson

88 W apping stBrunsw i ck Inn , Thomas Wheldon ,Brunswi ck s tC oach 8: Horses, John P ickering,64 East King s tC oble

,Thom asin Bon e, 58 Shadw l . s

Coble, Sarah Swan ston, Cobl e L ndgCommercial Ho te l , Ann S tobbs, 29

L on g r owCook’s Ho te l,W. Cook,Wappi n g s tC ooksons Arm s

,Rt. Cors torphine,

C orstorphine TownCrane H ou se, Margare t Charl ton ,Shadwell stC rane Hou se , (High) John Jobson ,High Cran e Wha rfC ross Keys, l Vi l l iam G i l rye,West H o l born

1 21



Crosswel l , Jane Jackson , P i lo t stCrown , Mary Hart, The L awsCrown, Robert Thompson, Westoe

C rown , Alice Blench , W . HolbornCrown An chor ;An n J . Robson ,C r own C annon, Geor ge Sm i thson ,13 L aygate s tCrown G lassWks . Inn,“7. C opelandC ommerc ial roadC rown 85 Scep tre,Comical cornerCrown 8c This tl e, Chpr . Sanderson,Kirton’ s Qu ayCrown 8: Th'i stle , W i l liam O liver,54 Wapping stCumberland Arms, Robert C l ark, 45 ,East Holborn

Dean Mou th In n,John Gray


Joseph P o tts ,

Dock Tav ern,

L ong r owDog and D u ck, James Blench, 39W es t H olborn

Duke o f York , F. F. Mathw i n,25

Shadwell s tDundee Tav ern

,Thomas Kel lick


1 05 Wappin g s tDu rham Arms

, Edward Young 24Market pl

Du rham OX, Mary Charlton , 52Wes t Holborn

Ecl ipse, John James, 2 Shadw el l s tForesters Arms, Sarah J obling 78E ast King s t

Founta in,Jane Mi ll er, 14E .H lb rn ,

Foresters Arms,Sarah Job l ing

East Hol bor n

Foun tain Tav ern , Edw. Armstrong,

48 Wes t H olbornFox L amb , W i lliam Newb eg i n ,47 Wapping st

George, George Heslop , 24 Waterl oo valeG l ob e , Jph . Talbo t

, 23 L aygate s tG olden L i on Hotel , Jph . R . Towers,17 King s tGrey Hors e,Robert T u rnbu ll, Tem

Mary S ou thern 9

Ha l f Moon , Ral ph Whea t ley, 32Shadwell s tH al f Moon

,Cu thbert Thompson ,

E ast HolbornHal f Moon , E lizabeth Henderson,Shadwell st


Hal fMoon , T. Main , 24 Wappin g sHat 8c Feather,J . Brunton 19 Mkt.pH ermi tage In n , Isabella Dav i dson ,1 17 Wapping s t

H op P ole, John C . C ollier, 1 2 EastH o lborn

H ope Tav .,Roger B aker,W l n g tn . s

L ambton Arms, Archibald M i tchelson

,8 1 Kin g st

L ife Boat, John Shot ton , 9 Chch . rw

L ord Byron,Wm . Chri sti e, 56 WestH olborn

L ow Vau l ts, Richard Jennings, 84W apping s t

Mariner s Arms,John Ritch i e


Anderson stMariners Arms

,Thomas Roddam

East HolbornMariners Arms, Fran ces H arrison27 Market pl

Marqu i s of Cornwall is, Jno. Barrow,Corn Wall i s sqMechani cs Tav ern , Thomas B atie,H i ll street

Merchant Taylo r’s Arms, H enryHewi son , 7 Ferry stree t

Mi l e En d Tav er n , Jon athan Anderson , Mil e an d road

N apoleon , P . Armstrong,96 Wapping stree t

N ep tun e Tav ern,Mary Johnson , 3

D e an streetN eptune, An n Brown , 65 King stN o ah ’s Ark, Eliz abeth H ay, 58“l apping stree tNorfolk and Su ffol k Arms, JaneVen n al l , 14 Marke t place

O l d G reenland Fi shery, R. Ramsey,41 Th i r ft s treet

O l d H all ,Wm .Gibson , 24West aO l d Highlander, F. F. Mathwin , l l

Newb egin ,

Qu een Victor i a, George Chand l er,C one stree tRail road Inn , R. Reed

,22 L ong rw

Rai lway Inn , Mary Hogarth, 15

Wes t H olbornRailway Inn , John P o tts, 3 1 Coron ati on s tree tRailway Tav ern

,E dward Smi thson

29 East HolbornRailway Tav ern , Sarah Newbegen8 L ong r ow

Red L i on , H enry H enderson , Eas tH olbornRising Sun , Jane Weatherb ur n , 81E ast HolbornRose 8c C rown H o tel , Esther P otter,25 Marke t placeRose Crown , John D evl ing, 53E ast HolbornRose 85 Crown , El izabeth Campbel l,Shadwell s tRose & \ Thistle, James L augh ton ,Dockwr ay

s l an eRoyal Oak, W i lliam Castl es, 60

East HolbornRoyal Oak, James O liver, Albi on stScarbro ’ Arms, Ralph Hodgson , 5 1W est H olborn

Scarbro ’ Arms, R. Johnson , 1 Wes tH o l born

Scarbro’ Bridge,W i lli am Wi l son, 85East Holborn

Scarbro’ Castle,Wi ll i am P orteu s, 36E ast Holborn

Scarbro’ Spa,W . Dou g l as, 9 Kin g st

Shakespeare Tav ern, Mary Dowel],19 H e ron s tree t

Sh ip , J . Tu rnbu ll, ] East H olbornShip, Margaret Thom pson , 15 Wes tH olborn

Ship, Jeremi ah Cook, 60Wappin g stShip

,Jane Cam pbel l , Shadwel l st

Ship,Thomas Guy, 60Wes t Hol bn .

Ship, Joseph B riggs, 44 Thri ft st ,

Ship, Mary Rodham , West Docks

Ship L au nch , E liz abeth P osgate,Broad L anding

Ship L au nch ,Margery C airns, 33H eron stree t

Ship Earl St. Vincen t, John Turnbu ll , East H ol born

Shipwrigh t’s Arms, John Su rtees,W es t stree t

Shipwrigh t’ s Arms, Thomas H enryDonkin , Cu s tom Hou se qu ay

Sil en t Woman , J. Bell , 35 Thri ft stSpotted Bu l l, Wi l l iam Moscr op, 12Tyne stree tS tai th H ou se, An n Bi llingham


West H olbornS tai th Hou se , (O l d) Frances Snowden

,24 E as t Holborn

S tanhope 8: Tyne Tav e rn , JamesS imm , P on top 8: Shie l ds stairs

S team Ferry Hotel, Eleanor Wake,Cookson street


Sun In n , Ru th Mc L ean , 6 WestH olborn

Sun Tavern , H ann ah Towns, P al atine st reetThree H orse Shoes, P eter Mc C all ,17 L aygate streetThree Indi an Kings, Ursu l a Ren n ison , 14 Marke t place,Three Mariners, .Mg t . B ell , Westoe

Three Tuns, El iz . P u rv i s, P an AshTrimmer’s Arm s,Margare t L aing,

P on top 85 Shields stairsTrimmer’s Arms, Matthew E lli o tt,6 1 Eas t HolbornTu rk’s Head, Eliz . Young, 17 M i lit ary roadTu rk’s H ead, Margaret George, 5 1Thri ft s tTyne Dock In n

,Thomas Turner,

Un ion Tav ern, Jane Mary Sproat,26 Thrift s t

W aggon , W illi am H arkes, Comm er c ial road

W aterloo Tav ern,H enry Swar m, 26Coronati on s tW estoe Tav ern, W . Easton, Westoe

Wheat Sheaf, John B i rd,C omical

cornerWheat Sheaf, E lizabeth Jameson ,Fowler st

Whi te Swan , Rob ert Melv i ll e, 25

Eas t H olbornWhi te Swan , George Dav i son , 70We st HolbornYarmou th Arms

,W ill i am Ingl i s,

45 W apping stY orkshire Tav ern , George B rown,99 Wapping stYorkshire Tav ern , Thomas B rews ter, 100Wapping st

Bee r H ou ses .‘

Barrow Margare t, Corn W alli s sqB ol len Mary, 3 Un ion all eyB rown Robert, 35 Coronation st

B r em ar Isi ah, 5 Union al leyCharl ton Wi lli am , Brunswick st

Coxon John , 1 1 L ong r owC r osswood Mary Ann , 120 Wapping stC rawford Robert, Garden lan eG ate Thomas , Temple TownGraham H enry, Commerc ial roadH all John

,G reen s t

Heron_ Geo rge, Ocean st

Ingram Robert , L ong bankMetcal fe W i l li am , Ocean stP o tts C atherin e, 9 N i le s tP u rv i s George, Rekin Dyke laneP u rv i s Mary Ann

, 22 C atharin e stSpou r Barth] . Robson, 16 Coronation s tS torey Mary, H eron st

Todd L uke , L aygate l aneTynemou th W i l li am, E ast H o l bornTaylor John, Wapping stThompson John

,14 M i tre s t

Watson Jchennah , 7 Union alleyWoodhou se Margare t, Thames s t

Ir on an d B r ass Foun d er s .

Anderson St W i l son , New PhoenixIron Works

,P ar k st, an d - Cook

son’s qu ayStain ton T . M. W apping st., andW est H olborn , I ron WorksRobson Jas , Hig h Dock Foundry

Ir onm on g er s an d H ar dwar e D l r s .

Johnson Wm . Shi elds, 4 Dean st. ;

h . 1 1 Albert terP atti son Edward , 2 Thrift st. ; h .


P ollock James , 8: Scott Jam es, 80King s tRu dd John, 59 East HolbornSu therland Soloman , 20 Market plTweddal l Mar sh al l ,36W apping st . 5h . 30 Well ington st

J o in er s an d Bu i l d e r s .

Alderson W i lli am”

, 2 O cean stDockwr ay Edwd ., D ockwr ay

s laneGreenfield W ill i am ,

Thames stHall Geo . D av i son

, (8c appraiser)6 Queen s t

H arrison G eo . Thos ., H i l l s tH eppel J . 8c D av id ,W aterlo o v al eH unter John , L ower Thames stRail ton Thoma s , 29 Waterlo o valeSpoor Joh n , 24 Coronation stSpou r Bartholomew Robson, WestKepple stJ oin er s an d C ab in et M aker s .

Anderson Edw ., C l aypath l ane ; h.

26 Green stArrowsmi th Robert, N orth stBu lmer Thomas,33 Well ington stCraigMark, Fe . s. ; h . 7 In gham s


Fryer Rob t., Cook ’s qy. ,Bath st

Gibson W i lli am , W es t H olborn , 11Johnson s tHopper W i l liam , Hopper’s qu ayL ee 8: Robson , B rewery l aneO l iver G eorge , 43 W apping s tR obson John , P on top and ShieldsS tai rs

,h . High Thames st

R ob son M atth ew Son , 14 Wap~ping st .,h . 15 Heron s t

M a st er M ar i n er s .

Allen W illi am , 3 1 S av i lle. stree tAmos Samu el , H olborn l andingArmst rong James, 1 1 Keppel streetAtkinson T homas, 1 John stree tAyton John , 5 Bath stree tB ainb r idge Henry , 4 Ru ssell streetB aines R. 1 Master Mariner ’ s cotgBaker Rober t

,Thames stree t

B aker“1 . 13 Maste r Mariner ’s cotgB am b o r ou g h Geo . 9 Coronation stB ell John , 5 Keppel streetB ell T hom as , 10 Hen derson stree tB ell IVi l l i am , Stanhope stree tB erwi ck John , 10 Green streetB ird Geo r g e, 1 9 Mi l i tary roadB l en kin sop Wm . 3 Ingham stree tBlu es W i lliam , Cath arine stree tBonfiel d Edwin , 4 G reen stree tB r adley J ohn , 32 Wel l in g ton


str ee t

B r adl ev Rich a rd , Kirton ’s qu ayB rod i e O swald , 6 Alderson s tree tB r own Dav id , 5 Green stree tB rown Dav id , 9 Garden stree tBrown Georg e, Garden laneB rown George, ‘

1 2 Wellington stB rown James , 17 H eu gh streetB r own James, W ellington stree tB r own John , 28 Heu gh streetB rown ‘Wi lliam ,

4 Catharin e stree tB r u ce John

,37 Green stree t

B runsw ick Geo . P ear son , Queen s tB u rdon Robert, 20 Heu gh stree tB u rfiel d John , 27 Heu gh s tree tC ass Thomas

,30 Heu gh stree tChapman G eorge , 9 W a te r loo v al e

Ch ipch ase Robert, Fow ler streetC lark Rober t, 24 M i li tary r oadClayton P hilip , 5 Green terraceCloak W illi am, 7 In gham str ee tC lou gh W i l l i am ,

7 Catharine s tree tCoats Wi l l i am

,9 He ugh stree t

C ockbu rn Edward , 1 7 Ca ther ine s tColledge W ill i am , 5 Ca th ar in e st

C ook John , 2 Green ’s placeCook Matthew , Commercial roadCOOper James, 2 1 Heugh stree tCowl e G eorge , 18 Green stree tCri sp Joseph , 17 M i tre stree tC unningham James , Kir ton ’ s qu ayCu rr Dav id , Commer cial roadDav ison Mi chael , 2 Green terraceDe Redder W i lliam , Fow ler st ree tD ixon James , 1 Mi li tary roadDixon Thomas, Keppel stree t“Dodds Wm . B rown , Mi l e en d l oadDol ling Charles

,3 N orth stree t

Donkin George , 4 Qu een stDow sl in g John , Commercial ro adDowsl in g Jehn , 9 Wes t HolbornDumble Thomas

,Kirton ’s qu ay

D uncan George, Mil e end roadElli o t t G eorge, 6 Bath s tr ee tEmbleton John , Commercial roadE v erson John , 12 Albert tefFairbank John , 2 John streetFai r l am Robert, 8 Mas ter mar. c o t.Fergu son John , 10 Cathar in e stFord“Wi lli am , 20 Brunswi ck terForeman Georg e, 41 Green stree tForeman George, Commercial ro adForrest W i lli am , 29 G reen s tree tFortune W i l l i am, Thames s tr ee tGardiner Thomas, 7 Green terrac eGibbon John , 1 2 Sav i lle stre e tGibbon John , 29 Sav i lle s tG ib son Georg e, 1 1 Hil l s tG l ed ston Robert, 20 G reen stGolightley J ohn , 5 Alber t terGoaym er John , Green stGraham John , 1 1 H en derson st

Graham Robert, 1 1 W ellin gton stGray Edward , 2 1 Sav ille s tG ray George , 1 Fred erick stGray Jo seph , 30 G reen stGreen John , 9 We l lin gton stHal l W il liam , Corn Wall i s s tHamil ton John , 15 Master Mar . co t.Harbo ttle John

,32 Sav i ll e s t

H arrison Thomas,6 Heu gh s t

H arri son W i l li am, G reen st

H edwi th John , Green stHenderson John H ales, 32 Green stH enry J ames

,S tanhope st

Hesl op John,7 Victoria pl

H e therington W i lli am,Fow ler s t

H i l lery Ralph,Qu een s t

Hil ton G eorge,Garden lan e

H odgson W i lli am , 22 Qu een s t


H ol mes John , 12 Bath s tH opper Wm ., 1 6 Master Mars . c otHu dson W i lliam , 4 Barrington s tH un ter George, 13 Chapter r owHu tchinson John

,6 Mi l i tary ro ad

Jacks W il liam, 3 Fowler stJ ob l in g James, 12 East stJob l in g John, 4 Ingham s tJ ohnson Thomas, WellingtonJohnson Wi ll iam , 18 SaV i l l e stJ ob l ey W i lli am , 28 Green stJoss Wal ter , 6 Master Mariners cot.L aidler Geo.

,10 Master Mars . co t.

L aw l an Alexander, 4 Keppel s tL azenby John, 20 Qu een stL eask H enry, Kirton’s qu ayL eighton James, 4 Barrington stL ov e George , 9 Coronation stM c Kenzie P 8 Keppel s tMackey Alex., 1 9 Master Mars . co t .Mackey Jefferson , 17 Ms tr .Mar . co t.Main Alexand e r, Academy stM i l fo rd James, Commerci al rdMofi'att James, 1 1 Vic toria plMu i rhead James , 47 W ellington stN ewton Matthew,

8 N el son ’s hi llN i cholson James H . , 4 Sav i l le stN ichols on John, 6 Keppel s tN ichol son John Riby, Fowler s tN icholson Robert, 2 G reen’s plP arker Cu thbert, 36 Green s tP arkin James,W ellington stP earson J ames, 3 1 B lumer ’

s ter

P earson John , Green stP earson Thomas, 7 Hend erson s tP earson W ill i am ,

10 John stP u rv i s George, Qu een s tP u rv i s Samu e l

,10 Stanhope st

P u rv is Thomas, Kirton ’s qyPu rv i s Thomas, 9 Salem s tRames Christopher

,2 Mil i tary rd

Ramsey Robert, 4 1 Thri ft s tReav eley'Ralph , 6 Wes t Keppel stReed George, 6 Green terRitchie Jam es H ., 22 Sav il le stRobinson Charles , Henderson st

Robinson John , 13 Bath stRobinson Robert, 17 Alderson stRobson C lemen t, 44 W el lington stRobson D av i d , 9 Master Mar . cotg sRobson Edward, 8 Alderson stRogers John , 15 Thri ft stRomley James, 18 Catharine stRowell Robert, Commercial roadSan derson Jam es

,Salem st

Sco tland George , 34 Wellington stS co ttW i lli am

,3 Waterloo v a l e

Shepherd Thomas,Wel lington s t

Sherman 15 Catharine s tS ibbald J am es

,25 C atharine s t

S in clair Basel,24 Catharine st

S incl air Robert, 9 N elson's h i l lSkeoch Robert, 2 Anderson stS l ater George

,1 1 L ayg ate st

Sm i th\ Al exan der , 98 Wapping stSmi th Henry, 18 Brunsw i ck s tSmith Rober t, 1 9 Qu een s tSou l sby Thomas 4 Fowl er s tSpence r Thomas , 3 Keppel s tS teel John , Commercial roadS tewar t Wi l l i am ,

5 Ingham stS tephens 3 Master Mar . Co tgs .

S tephenson James, 1 Mi li tary roadS to rey John, 26 B runswi ck terStorey Robe r t,Well ing ton stS to v e Dav id , 3 H eugh stS tratfo r d J ohn , Victori a pl aceStu tchb u r g Rober t,W ell ington stTate Joseph , 2 M i l e end ro adTaylor B enj amin , 2 Ru ssel l s tTaylor Joseph, Ru ssell s tTay lorW i l liam, 1 Que en st

Thompson Isaac, Commerc i al roadThompson John , 6 P alatin e s tTh orn ton Wm ., 25 B runswick terTil l ey W illi am

, 10 Monk te rT i l l ock Thomas, Fowl er s tTinn Wi l li am, 20 C atherine s tTu ck George

,Thames s t

Vasey Thom as, 5 Alderson s tVenu s John, 12 Corn Wall i s stVint Th omas

,9 Sav i ll e s t

Wardle John, 6 Moun t terWallace Frederick , 29 Qu een s tWall s Thomas, 12 Master Mar . Co t.Wea therbu r n Rd.

,8 Hender son s t

Weatherhead G eorge,John s t

Wheatm an James, Commercial rdWheldon John , 7 Master Mar . Cot .Whi tehead Mo ses W ., Bath stW i lson John , 8 West Keppel s tWin ter Commercial roadWood Robert , Thames stWoo l er ton Edmund , 4 Alderson stWor thing ton Jph .

, Comm ercial roadW righ t John , 15 Sav ille s tWrigh t Ju o. Jph . , 10 S av ille stYea r ston Ralph, 10 N i l e s tYor ston P eter, 17 Qu een stYounes John, 10 Hen derson st


M a th em at i ca l an d N au t i ca l Mabane Ralph , 6 ] Eas t King s tIn st r u m en t M ak er ,

Robertson W i l l i am , 10 K ing stSimon L CWIS, [ 1 Marke t place Smallman J . Hart , 86 East Holborn

To se Hannah , Comm erci al roadM i l l in er s D r ess M ak er s . Walker Barbara, 2 Thames stC arter Maria , Alderson st.83miiiE


Eft-ffisiiffpf‘ti tifa .

Fen wi ck Mi chael , M il e end roadri ne s t Metcal fe Wm .

,O cean s t

H arle Marv , 25 Heron s t Parnel l Franci s , L ong r owL awson Eli z . , M i l e-end road Tho bu rn James

,6 L ong r ow

L aw son An n ,G r een s t Yell owly W i ll i am ,

54 Thri ft s tP au l Barbara , 12 Corn W al l i s s tS i gswor th I sabella , 4, Corn Walli s stS carfe Verily , 85 Wapping stThompson Ann

, 13 Barrington stVei tch My. Eleanor, Com m er c l . rdW hi tehead J ane F. , 2 Bath st“( i l son Sarah , 57 Wapping st

M i l l w r igh t s .

S ee E ng ineer s and M i l lwr ights.

N ota r ies , P u b l i c .

Bainbridge Cph r .,E ast s t

L amb John W alker, 70 Kin g s tP otts George , 16 , 8: h . 68 Kin g stW awn Cph r . A . ,

15 Barrington stWright J ohn , King st

P a i n t er s G l a z i er s .

Amory Dav id , ju n . ,47 W est H o l bn .

B rock Alexan der, 44 W es t Ho l bornB rown Barnabas, 1 15 Wapping s tB rown J ohn , 36 Thri ft s tFarrady Joseph , D eer l aneFraser James, 122“Tappin g stG arbu tt James, 9 Thri ft stH eddell Magnas

,1 8 Coronati on st

H u dson James, Heron stJameson W i lli am , Fow l er s tN ev i son Charles, 88 East HolbornP ark Matthew, Cookson st. 5 h .

Marke t plP oad Franci s, 19 Thri ft s tS toker Robert, 30 Heron stVasey John

,Well ington st

P otatoe D ea l e r s

P ou l te r er s .

Oates Thomas , 52 E ast Kin g stRobinson John, 65 Wapping s tThompson Jn o. Carlen, 4 Fowler st

P a i n t M an u fac t u r er s .

S imons Robert , W est HolbornTwedd el l Marshall, 36 Wa pping stP aw n b r oker s . Sa i l C l oth M an u fac tu r e r s ,

Friar James,2 Wes t Holborn Bradley George, B rew ery lan e

Greav es Thomas, 2 Union alley L ou gh ton Sco tt, Waterloo va le

P r in ter s .

Dobby Robert, 2 Thri ft st h . 13

Eas t stHewi son H en ry, 53 Thri ft s tKelly Rd . Mewb u r n

,P at. Med .

dlr .) 2 Market plKidd W illi am Atkinson , 25 Thri ft sL ackland Jam es , 37 East HolbornMc

Col l H u gh , 5 King s tMi att Jph . Wm .

,14 W in chester st

Sharp B enj . Geo., 2 Dean st h . 20

Mas ter Mariners C ottagesTate George , 16 Marke t placeYorke Henry, 8 Dean st

P r ov i s ion Dea l er s .

Corner Thomas , 1 H i ll stGu est P ev er i l l , Thames s tJob l i n g Roger, 75 East Holbo rnL ear m on t Mary, 75 King s tMi tch i l son Ar ch iba l d

,B ar r in g ton st

Watt J ohn, 4 Union all eyWhite Geo .

, (whol e) Corn Wal lis s tW il son James, I U nion al leyWil son J ohn , 83 E as t Holborn

R ope M an u fa c tu r er s .

Bu l mer Richard , L ayg ate roperyDaw son Robert Co ., 14 Barr ington s t . ; h . Westoe

W awn Chas N ewby, (P aten t andCom .) Fowl er s t. ; h . 5 Albion ter

Sad d l er .

Engl i sh ‘Vi l l iam ,13 King s t


Crawford Robert, 28 Blumers terD av i dson Thomas , L ayga te l aneD awson Robert, Westoe

D ay Thomas, 1 Sav i lle stD ixon Alexand er, 3 W inchester stEden John , 4 Ogle - torE ll iot t Arthu r, 27 Catharine s tEmery James, 50 Eas t King stE s tel l e G eorge , 1 1 Moun t terForsy th Thomas, 1 W el lington terGallon lVi l l iam , 7 W el lington s tG arre tt W i lli am

,14 S av i l le st

G ibbon John,29 Sav i lle s t

H all Anthony, 4 Ferry s tH all James

, 23 West HolbornH al l John , 20 Thri ft s tH arbo ttl e John,32 Sav ill e st

H arper Wil liam , 14 L aw e cott agesH arrison Mg t. , 7 Winchester s tH art Ralph , 8 W in chester s tH i ers Mary , 1 1 Winchester stH odge John

,1 0 W el lin gton s t

H olborn W i lli am ,3 Frederick s t

Jackson Thos ., 36 Wellington s tJefl

'er son Franci s, 5 We l lington s tJefferson Thomas , Horsl ey H il lJohnson J ames, 6 Green ’s plKidman Jas .

, l l Mstr . MarinersCtg sKay E l i , 81 E ast HolbornL awson Hy . j un 2 Wellington stL awson James , L aygate l aneL ee Henry, 24 Sav i l le stM c Donald , E liz ., 34 Sav ill e stMal l abu r n Wm .,

8 Ca tharin e stMarsh all John , 14 A lb i on terMetcal f Thos. Son ,

16 Market pl ;h . West Bo l don

M offett Thomas , 30 C oronation s t Sh ipsm l th s.

M 0 14 15 0 11 Robert, 43 East King S t Mar ked ar e Cha in Makers a lso.

Morrison R t ., j un 16 Mi tre s tN elson Mary, l l 'N el son

s hi llN ess John , 20 Eas t King s tN ess Rob ert, King stN ewb eg in Wil l i am ,

47 Wapping s tN ewb eg i n Wm . ,

1 2 L awe co ttagesN ichol son John , 6 Keppel l s tN i cholson Jas. H ar r ison , 4 Sav i l le sN icholson John R iby, Fow ler s tP axton J oh n , 9 Corn \Valli s s tP earson Rob er t, 7 Green’s plP ippet John , Thames stReay John

,W ellington st

Reay John Geo., Wel lin gton st

R eed John 85 Son , 13 Market plRitchi e Jas. H . 22 Savi l l e st

Robin son J ohn , 48 East King stRobson Jane, 28 Wel lington s tRoxby J as . W ardle

,3 Ogle te r

Selki rk W i ll iam, Westoe

Skee Isabel la, 40 King s tSkee Shepherd , 5 W inchester s tSmallman John Hart

,86 E . H l b r n

Snowdon John , 29 H eu gh stS tain ton Thomas

,Heron st

S tephenson Fle tch er, 73 King stStrau ghan Alexander , 12 N i le s tS traughan Ann , 6 W inches ter s tTate Thomas

,6 Sav i ll e s t

Thew Thomas, C ommercial rdThompson Alex ., P alatine s tThompson E . D .,13 Albion ter

Thompson J . L ogan , 8 W l n gtn . s tThompson Ralph , P alatine stTindl e Thom as, 27 Sav i lle s tTrotter W i l liam

,27 We l l ington st

Tynemou th Wm East HolbornWalli s Thomas , L aw e hou seW ardle John 6 Mount terW awn Cph r . A.

, 9 Ogle terWawn Chas . N ewby

,5 Albion ter

W inney B ostock , 30 Eas t King stWhi te Geo. N i cholson

,12 Albion tr

Whi te John,1 1 Ogle ter

Whi te Thomas, 5 Ogle terW i l son Henry , 10 Albert terraceWright Geo . Youn d , 13 Sav i lle s tW r i gh t John , 9 Mi tre s tWright W il l i am ,

14 Frederi ck stYoung James

, 14 Ogl e terYoung Thos. sen .,3 East Holborn

Dain B enj amin , Shadwel l stDaw son Thomas , P i lo t s tEl l io tt John

,1 06 Wapping st

*L awso n George,Shadwe l l st., 11 .

A lder s t*Mar ohban k John , Alum Hou se,Ham quay, h . 20 Sav i l le st*Mayors H enry, High crane*Melv i ll e Rober t, 25 Eas t H olbornMofli tt Thomas

,Tyne st

N el son Sanderson , 1 2 ] Wapn g . s tS tainton T . 8: M .

,W'apping st. an d

W es t HolbornS t rau ghan Frans., 2 Wapping stWi lson Henry, Kirton's qu ay


Sh opkeeper s ‘

Al len George,Commerci al rd

Allen Ursu l a, 58 Eas t HolbornAmory Dav id , 47 W es t H olbornApple ton Mary, Oyston stAtkinson John, 14 Fowler s tBarron Isabell a, Fowler s tB arlow J ohn, 1 1 N orth s t

Bell E lizabeth , C ommercial rdBel l Matthew,

5 Chu rch r ow

B ell Matild a, 18 Thrift s tB ell Thomas, 10 W apping s tBettl eson S tephenson , 22 L ayg t . sB rown Richard

,Tyne s t

C alder William ,39 Thri ft s t

Charl ton George,73 Wapp ing st

Cl ark Margaret, Fowl er s tC oates G eo .H unter , 70 Shadwel l s tC ooper Margaret, 65 W est H olbornCoxon John,B runswick st

C roft Co ats,18Mi l i tary road

D av i son Robert, 7 1 Shadwell s tD ixon George, 4 Sal em s tD onkin James, 35 Wapping s tD rake W i ll i am ,

Commercial roadE l stob Doro thy, B arrington s tE dmondson Geo ., 68 East HolbornForrest George, 70 E ast H olbornFoster Thomas , East s tree tFraser Alexander, 67 E ast Holbo rnG ate Thomas

,Temple TownGraham George , Commercial roadGrey John

,45 E ast King s t

G ummer Thomas,3 L aygate stG u es t P ever i l

,Brunsw i ck st

H al l S tephen , 3 1 Wapping stH arb ettl e Jph .

,L ower Thames s t

H as tee Margar e t, 95 Wapping stH edl ey Isabella, 3 Corn Wallis s tH eron Ann

, M i le end roadH oggett Margaret

,Temple TownHope Chri stopher

,46 Wes t H olborn

H u dson Hu dson , 75 W es t HolboImrie John, 17 E ast H olbornJohn son Mary Ann , Fowl er s t

K el l Margaret, 88 Eas t HolbornKirby Martha, 9 1 Shadwel l s tL awson Thomas

,87 Shadwel l st

Marshal l W il li am ,Union al l ey

M idd leton Barbara , 7 Shadwell s tM iddle ton E liz .

,54West Holborn

M ill s Mary, 10 Mi l i tary rdN api er James, 81 E a st HolbornN icholson James , W’es t Holbo r nN i chol son Michael

,14 Thri ft s t

h . P rice s t


S oap M an u fa c tu r er .

Allon Wm . , 27 Coron at i on s t ; h . 6

Albion terS t on e M a son s B r i ck l ayer s .

Alderson R ich ard, 42 G r een s t

N u ttl e James , H eron s tOakes Thomas, Temp le TownP at ti son Thomas, 27 Heron s tP eacock Thomas , 7 W est HolbornP escod Joseph , Hill stP i l m ou r George , East HolbornP l ace E s ther, B runswi ck s tP o tts J ohn

,44 W es t H olborn

P u rv i s W i lli am,62 Eas t H olborn

P yle Edward,8 Water loo vale

Ran son Sam u el , Heron stRedhead El igab eth ,Shadwel l s tReed John

, 3 1 Heron s t

Robertson W i l l i am ,W est P an s tRichards Ann,23 Waterloo v ale

Robson Jane, 28 W ellington stRu t ter W i lli am , Rekin Dyke l aneSco tt John , 14 Eas t stSelkirk John , ” Coronation stShepherd W i lliam , Cu thbert stShil ton James , Westoe

Shore Ali ce, 8 Barrington stSpoor John , 24 Coronati on s tSl ater John,


l 2 Union alleySmith Alexander , 98 W appin g ‘


Stee l Margare t, 5 Ru ssel l s tTaylor Rob er t, Thames s tTaylor Sarah , Comme rci al roadThompson Ann , 72 Wapp i n g s tThompson Jane, 3 Salem stTodd John , 47 G reen s tTowns Joseph , Commerci al roadTrobe W'il liam ,

64 Shadw ell stTrotter John , 62 Wapping stTrotter C harlotte, 38 Wapping stTyz ack Joseph , Commercial r oadW ard John , P ark stWa tson I sabel la, P rice s tWatson Mary Ann

,6 C atharine st

Weatherb u r n Ann, 22 L ong r ow

Weatherb u r n Jane,82 East H o l bn

Wetherel l John,15 Water l oo val e

Whi te Margaret , 52 Wapping stWi l son Thos.

,6 Coronati on s t

W in ch Mary, 1 Shadwel l s tW i n spear Ann , 15 Queen stWrigh t Isabell a, 4 We ll ington st

Young Robert,17 L ong r ow


H enderson Thomas, Mil e end roadJob l in g Joseph , 1 Keppel s tRippon Robert, 14 Smithy s tShotton John , 9 Chu rch r owT u rnbu ll Wi ll i am , 5 Fowler s tWi lson James , 2 Mount te r

S t r aw H at M ak er s .

Addison B., 2 Mile end roadAppleton Jan e , Commerc i al road

Arrowsmi th Mary An n,Salem s t

Barker Ann , Thames s tC assel s C . S ., 27 Green s tChapman Sarah , 10 Waterloo val eCou l son Sarah , U nion laneDuncan I sabella , Mi le end roadH opper Mary Ann , Thames stJackson Waller, 3 Fowl er s tL ee Mary Ann, 19 West Ho l bornL iddle E l iz abeth , Commercial roadM i ller Ann , L ower Tham es s tRobertson Margare t , Commerci al rdRou tledge I sabella , 34 Coronati on sShepherd El iz abeth , 1 1 Mi tre s tSou l sby Isabella , 1 1 M i tre stW i lki e An n ,

10 Salem s tWingrave Mary , 4 Thrift s t

S u r geon s .

B arron James, Fowler stB owlby H enry, 36 East K ing stB r aid l ey John, 5 Salem stC all ender Edmund, 46 East King sC lemen t Jph ., (Di spensary) 59 EastKing s tCoward W i lliam

,6 Dean s t

D enham Jacob Sanderson , 2 Kingst. ; h . 9 Frederi ck st

Eddowes James , Ru ssell s tE ddowes Wm . King

,69 King st

Emery Robson, 50 Eas t King s t

Fr i ar Joseph , 2 West HolbornG ibson Andrew ,

East HolbornHeslop J ohn , 22 East K ing s tKen nedy John F. ,

19 East King stL ee C u thb t. Marshall , 16 Heron s t0 N eil Constan tin e, L ayga te lnRidley Ri chard Baty, 2 Chu rch r owToshach John , 1 8 Marke t pll Val l i s R t., 26 East st . ; h . Chptr . r w

W i ll iamson Jas ., 26 Eas t King st

Young Thomas, 3 E ast HolbornT a i l or s.

Marked a r e Dr aper s a lso.

‘ Allen Andrew, 8West Holborn

Allen Robert, 8 Chu rch r owAtkinson John

,Heugh s t

AtkinsonW i lliam , 3 Cone stBru ster Thomas , 100 Wapping st*Bu rdon John , 108 Wapping s tBollen John , 2 Walli s s tBo l ton Robert , Templ e TownBou rdon Thomas, East HolbornCai z l ey L ancel o t , Green stC ald er Wi l l iam , 39 Thri ft s tCarr Jas . Wm ., 54West HolbornCorney lVi l l iam , 14 West HolbornCo u sin s W i l l iam

,28 L ong Row

Craggs John , Heron s tDav i s Wi lliam , 22 U nion alleyDobson Rt. Wm .

,13 Catharine st

Doccah John,6 Corn Walli s st

D unn W i lli am, 65 Wes t HolbornEmmerson John , 20 Waterloo v al eEwbank Anthony, 27 Qu een stFergu son John , 8 Chu rch r owG ibson George

,Ingham st

Gray W ill i am, U ni on alley

Grey Robert, Albion st

Henderson James , C oronation s tHun tl ey Robert

, 29 Thrift s tH u rs t Christopher,Wel lington s t

*Jac l . son Ralph P res ton , Heron stJobson Robert, 2 East HolbornJohnson W. H arl e , 47 East Ho lborn

*Jou er s Andrew, 1 ] Thri ft s t

L i ddl e Thomas,Albion s t

*L ockey Thomas,3 Wes t Ho lb orn

Mackey Matthew,67 King st

Main Thomas, 24 Wapping s tMarshall J ames

, L ower Thames stMarshall Wm .

,Commerci a l road

Matthew s W i lli am, Fowler s t

Maxwel l Dav id,H eron st

*May W il l i am ,Com merc i al road

Morton Joseph,52 Eas t H ol born

O rm s ton Thomas,1 2 Barrington st

P o tts John,62 Wes t Holborn

Prou d Anthony, 2 Heu gh s tReed Joseph, Marke t place, and 28Thri ft s t

Rippon Thomas, 27East King stRose W i lli am , M i le-end roadSanderson Cph r ., Kirton ’s qu ay*Sanderson Rober t

,3 Barrington st

Skee John, Thames stSmith Jam es, P al atine s tSm i thJ ohn

,35 Wapping s t

*Sm i thwhi te Wi lliam, Comm ercialr oad



John Twiz ell Wawn Esq.


Richard Shortridge, Esq.

John T. Wawn , Esq., M .P .

S i r H . W i lliamson , Bart.Joseph S impson , E sq.

Richard Spoor, Esq

Robert Anderson, Esq.

James W . Roxby,E sq.

W i l l iam An der son , E sq.

Richard H . B ell, Esq.

W eekly P etty Sessi ons, held on Wednesday at l ] , and a Magi stratesi ts ev ery o ther day at th e P oli ce S tation , at 10 morn ing, Bainbridge andBarker, c l erks.

C l erk to Comm issi oner s"

under Im

provem en t Act, Thomas Salmon

P ol ice Station,Waterloo val e, Jas.

B ugl ass, super in tenden t, Jph . Deane,

subi nspector

S her if’

s Qfii c‘er , J.J R. Towers

,1 7

King stS tamp Ofii ce, 62 King st ., FrancesAyton

,sub distr ibu tor

L if e Boat House, Coble l and ing,P il o t st., Jacob Harrison , GeorgeSmi th, and Wm . Tynemou th

, m ngr s.

GasWorks, St?H i lda’s l ane, Ofice,Barrington s treet, James Anderson ,secr eta ry, an d W i lli am Sanderson


super intendent.

Water Wor ks, Cl aypath and Wes

to e lanes,George Rippon

,Esq. ,pro

E xcise Ofii ce, 6 East s t, Alexander pr ietor .

Mofl'att, super v isor , Thomas G i lbertand John C alv ert

,Ofii cer s

H ar bou r Master’

s ofii ce, AlumHou se , Ham qu ay, L ancelo t E ll io tt,assistan t m aster

P i lot Of ice, Coble landin g, P ilo ts t., W i ll iam P earson, m aster , andJohn H arri son

,depu ty

P i lots Wa tch Tower , The L awe,James B lai r,keeper

N ews Room , Town Ha l l , Marke tplace

, John P axton, secr etary.

L i ter ary , S c ien tific, and M eckan ics’

Insti tu tion and L ibr ary, Fow ler st.,James Robson , l ibr ar ian .

Sou th S hields and Westoe D iSpen

sary, 59 East King s tre e t, JosephClem en t, bouse su rgeon .

M’aster M’

ar iner’

s Asy lum and Annu i ty S ociety, established Feb rqary,1839 ; patr on , The Righ t Rev . the L ord B i shop of Du rh am ; v ice-pa

tr ons, Robt. Ingham ,Esq., Richard Shortridge, Esq.

,J . P .,

T . M . W in

ter b o t tom , Esq., M .D ., Jas . Young, Esq.,

and Mas ter of the Trin i tyH ou se, N ewcastle. Tr ustees, Robt . Anderson , E sq.,

James You n g , E sq.,

Richard H . Bell,E sq.

, Errington B ell , Esq.,and George P o tts, Esq.

Tr easu r er , Joseph H argrav e, Esq. S ecr etary , Mr . Robert Finley.The obj ec t of thi s Soc ie ty i s to prov ide a fu nd for paying annu i tiesto aged, infirm , and poor Master Mariners, thei r W idows and Orphans ,and to bu i ld Asylums for their occu pation .

There are al ready 22 Co ttages,n ear W el l ington Terrace, bu i l t at the

pri vate expense of Thomas Masterman W in terbo ttom ,Esq.

,M.D .


Un ion Wor khouse, Ocean street,opened Au gu st, 1838, w i ll aecomm odate 200 , av erage number abou t1 60 ; Mr . Aaron and Mr s. Robson ,m as ter and m atron , Ri chard Shortridge , E sq.

, cha ir m an ; BainbridgeBarker , E sqs . , c l er hs ; Jam es L ackl and , r el iev ing ofii cer , for Shi eld s ;Clark Johnson , r el -eving oficer and

r eg istr a r of bir ths an d dea ths, for

W estoe ; Richard B . Ridley , r eg istr ar of bir ths and deaths, for Shields ;and Mr. Rich ard Bainbridge


in tenden t r eg istr ar of bi r ths , deaths,and m ar r iages ; J oseph Wm . Ma i t t


r eg istra r of m ar r iages f or the Un ion ;W i lliam Jameson , col l ector of poorr ates fo r Shie l ds, J ohn Shad fo rd


for Westoe.P l ac es of W or sh ip .

S t. H i l da's Chu r ch, Market pl ace ,

R ev . James Carr,A . M i n cum ben t

Tr in i ty Chu r ch, Comm erci al ro ad ,Rev . Thomas D ixon , in cum ben tS t. S tephen

s Chu r ch, M i l e en d rdChapel of E ase,W esto e l an e, Rev .

W i l li am Cowa r d , incum ben t


P r im it ive M ethodist Chapel s, CornWalli s st ., and Temp l e Town .

Marhet hel d on Satu rday, Fair s,June 24, Sep tember 1 , and N ov ember 1 1 .

P opu l ation according to th e censu s taken June 184 l ,

S tfl f ohn's S cotch Chu r ch, Sav i llestreet ; Rev . John S tori e

S cotch Chapel , Heu gh stScotch Secession Chapel , East s tBapt ist Chapel , Barrington street,

Rev . James SneathB aptist Chapel , (Par ticu l ar ) Mi l eend roadCong r ega tiona l Chapel , ( Indepen

den t) Rev . Dav id Moi rGener a l Hom e M ission

,C u thbert s t

Wesleyan Chapel , (S a l em ) Qu een 5Wesleyan Chapel , W el ling ton stWesl eyan Chapel , Chapter r owM ethodist .New Conn exion , Johnson ’s hill


Dunn ing stree t, 58 High st. b wDu n n ’s entry, 130 High st. 5Du rham road , L ow r ow, b WEast street, 40 Moor s t. b WEast s tree t, Hat case , sEast Cross street, 137 High st., b WEas t Moor stree t

, N or thMoor st., sEt trick place

,8 Grey st., 8

Exchange bu i ldings, 198 H i gh s i ., s

Farring ton r ow , H opper st., b WFawcett stree t, 228 High s i .

,b W

Fawce tt st., (Back), 232 High st. b wFerry Boat lan din gs, 13 L ow s t. 8 8:Wear st . on W S

Fi sherman s r ow, East Moor st. b wFi t ters r ow, Hat case sFl ag lane

,24 High s t . s

Fl ag lane, (L ow), 62 High st . s

Flee t stree t, foo t of Wall st . b WFol ly en d, foot of Wear s t . m w sFord (The), 29 H igh s t. b WFord stree t, H endon rd . b wFoyl e stree t, 43 Frederi ck st. b WFr ederi ck r oad , 2 l O H igh st . b WFrederick stree t, John st. b wFu l l wel l l an e, B ro ad st . m WGarden street

,14 Charle s st. b W

George street,9 High st . 8

George street,Thomas st. m W

G erald stree t, Ballast H i lls b wGolden alley,3 1 High st. s

Grange (Th e) , Sto ckton rd . b WGray ’s b u i l dings

, L ow r ow b wGreen , L ow r ow b WGreen stree t, 86 H igh s t. b wG reen terrace

,G reen

,b W

Grey street, 29 H igh s t sH alf Moon lane , 140 L ow s t 3

Hal l g ar th squ are, Chu rch s t 11 1 WH amil ton str ee”

t, Chu r ch st. m W 8

H anov er place, Ayres qy . b wH anov er street

,B allast hi lls b w

Ha r d castl e’

s s l ip,L ow qy . s

H ardy ’s passage , 50 L ow st. 5H arley stree t

,3 Qu een st. b W

H at case, S i l v e r s t . 3H edwor th pl ac e, N ewcastle rd . m wHedworth stree t

, Fore st. b wHedworth stree t,W ear s t. m w s

H edworth terrace,Borou gh rd . b w

Hendon l ane,29 H endon rd . b W

H endon road,Coron ation st . b W

H endon street, 36 Hendon rd . b w

H endon terrace,Flee t st. b W

Hetton stai th,near Ayres qy. b w

Hetton street, Railway r ow, b wHigh r ow, L ow r ow,b W

H i gh street, Warren st. 5,to L ow

r ow b WHil l stree t, H endon rd . b WHind stree t, Chu rch bank b WHodgkin stree t, 62 High st . 8Hodgson ’s bu i ld ing s, New Town b wHolmes lane, 202 High st. 8Holmes wharf, 26 L ow s t. 8H Ope s treet, Chester rd . b wH epper stree t, N ew Town b WHorn ’s l ane, 20 High st. 5H ow i ck stree t, Fore s t. b wH ow i ck stree t, North Edg . st. m w s

Hu ddle ston street, Wear st. m w S

Hu dson’s bu i ldings , H i ll s t. b wH yl ton road , N ew Town b wInfirmary r ow, Chester rd . b wJames stree t, Ann st. b WJohn street, 2 17 High st . b wJohn street, 79 High st. 5John S tree t, B road st. m WJohn stree t, B allast hil l s b WJohnson stree t, T r ew i t t’s b l dg s. b WKerr ’s en try, 96 High st. 8King stree t, 259 High st. b WL amb ’s en try , 122 L ow st . 8L ambton stree t, 123 High st. b w

L ammas’ entry, 94 High st. SL awrence stree t, 13 Hendon rd . b wL awrence S t. (Back) Hendon rd. b WL i ddell stree t, 14 D undas st. m W e

L i ddel l terrace, L iddell st. m w sL i ttle gate, Green b WL ombard street, 35 High st. 8L ong bank, 12 1 High st . SL ow qu ay, L ow st. SL ow r ow

,324 H igh st. b W

L ow stree t, foo t of Ru ssell s t . sMal in g

s ri g, 4 John st. sManor place , 43 Fr ederi ck st . b wMari time place, C r ow tr ee rd . b wMark qu ay . 37 L ow st. 8Matlock s treet, Bridge st. b WMau d ’s cou r t, 147 High st. b wMau d ’s l ane, 25 H igh st. 3Mau d ’s open

,207 H igh st. 8

Meabu rn street, 5 1 Tatham st. b wMeeting hill , Yorke st . m W 3

Middle s tree t, 50 Union st. b WMi l lfiel d co ttages, Hilton road b WMi l i b i l l , S tamps lane, sMil l place, S tobb lane 3Mil l s treet, 7 1 H igh st 5


M i l l stree t, Hil ton rd . b wM inorca , 14 Chu rch st sMoor s tree t

,Coronati on s t . b w

Moor terrac e,Adelaide pl . b w

Moorgate s treet, E ast st . SMoss lane

,149 , H igh s t. S

Mu r ton street, Borou gh rd . b w

N eel ’s passage , 145 , H i gh s t. 5N elson ’ s squ are , C hu rch st. m W sN eshem place , John st. sN esham squ are ,Maling’e rig, sN ewcastle road , No rth Bge st. m w sN ew C ov en t Garden st . Cros s pl . sN ew Grey s treet, Grey st. sN ew Market, Arcade, sN ew Town , Hylton road b wN ichol so n stree t, Smyrna pl . b wN i l e s tr eet, 186 High st . b wN i le stree t b ck, L i ttl e Vill iers st. b WN oble ’s qu ay, 44 L ow st. SN orfolk street, 8 Sun n i side, b wN orth D u rham s t. Coronation st . b wN orth qu ay

,W ear st. on W s

N orth Moor stree t , 109 High st. sN orth sho re

, Strand st . m w 8

N orth S treet,Qu een s t. b w

N orthumberl and plac e, Mi l l hill , sN orthumberland s t. 36 Union st. b WN umbers garth , 159 H i gh s t. b wO ak s treet

,Wal l st . b w

O l d Fi sh landing, 70 L ow st. sO live street, S tockton rd . b WP an bank top, B ridge crescen t, b wP an l an e, 9 5 High st . b WP emberton s tree t, 26 H endon rd b wP enri th Chu rch st . 8P emberton ’

sfield , Matlock s t. b wP ie r qu ay, Rai lway Wharf , 8P l ummer’s al ley

,10 S i l v er st. S

P ortobell o l ane , B road st . m W

P ottery bank,109 High st. s

P rince street, 244 High st. b wP rospec t r ow, Ropery walk, sQu een stree t, 39 High st. sQu een street , 67 High st. b wR ai lway r ow

,Si lksworth r ow

Rav ensworth terrace York s t. m w 3

Rai lway street, foo t o fW ear s t. b wRailway Whar f

, L ow qu ay ,s

Rendlesham st., Barclay s t. m w sRobinson ’ s lane , 68 H ig h s t . sRoker

, z{ m . N . o f Sn d l n d P ie r m w sRopery lane

,75 H igh st. s

Ropery wa l k, C hu r ch w alk , 8Ru ssel l s t r eet, 2 10 Hi gh s t . s

Sailors’ al l ey , 7 1 High s t. 8Salem cot tage, Tatham s t. b wS ans close, Borou gh road , b wSans s treet , 1 High s t. sS ans s tree t, (upper) Sans s t. b wSheep fo ld , Bri dg e en d , m W S

Shi elds road , 1 N orthBridge st . m w sS i lksworth r ow , N ew Tow n

,b w

S ilv er s tree t, 9 1 High s t. sSmyrna place , Borou gh rd . b wSou th al l ey , 12 Si l v er s t. sSou thgate Ch u rch l an e , b wS ou th stree t , 44 Union s t. b wSou th Du rham st., Smyrna pl . 17 w’

Sou th Johnson s t., Johnson s t . b WSpen cer’s lane, 167 , High st. sSpring Garden L ane, 13 High s t. s

S tamp ’s l ane,64 High st . 8

S tob lane, l 9 l High s t. 5S to ckton road , Vine pl ., b wS toddart’ s en try, 80 High st . sS tory ’s bu i ld ings,VVatr wr ks. r d . b wS trand s t. Fol ly end , m w 8

Sunderland s t. [ 24 H igh s t . b wSu n n i si de , 177 H igh st. b wSu n n iside b l din gs ., 178 High st . b wSu ssex s t. 105 Coronation s t. b wSwan cou rt, L ow r ow, b wTatham st., Borough r oad, b wTav i stock pl . W el lington st . b wThomas s treet, Town Moor, sThomas s t., N orth bridge st . m w s

Thornbi ll ’s wharf, L ow qu ay, sThornton place , N ew Town , b wTopl ifi'e st., C hu rch st . ‘m w 3

Town Moor, C hu rch walk, sTra falgar st. VVh i tb u r n st. m w sT r ewh i tts bu i ld in gs, H ind s t. b WTrimdon stree t, N ew Town , b WTunstall l ane , H igh r ow

,b w

Union lane,49 H igh st. s

Union place, Newcastle road ,m w

Uni on squ are , Sou th s t. b wUnion street,236 H igh st. b w

Vi l l iers street, High s t. b WVi lli ers s t

,(Back) L i ttl e Vi l l r s . s t 1) wVi ll i ers s t. , (L i t tle) 52 Sans s t. b wVine place

,Borou gh r d ., 1) wVine s tree t

,82 High s t.


Wal l stree t,Railway s t . b w

Walton l ane, 33 High st. 8Walton place , 24 Coronati on st. b WWalworth stree t , 264 H igh s t . b wW arren s tree t, 99 High st. sWater l ane, 163 High s t . 3


W ater stree t,W ater W orks rd . b wW ater Works road, Hope st. b wW aterl oo place, Borou gh rd . b WWat erloo place ,Whi tbu rn st. m w S

Waterloo st., W i ll i amson ter. m w S

W atson ’s lane, 57 H igh st. 8Wear s tree t, 22 H endon rd . b wW ear st., Ferry B oat l and ing, m w sW ear stree t , (West) Bridge s t. b wW ear st., (Back) 24 H endon rd . b wW ellington l ane, 1 16 High st. b wW ell ington l an e, Ayres qu ay, b wWel l ingt on stree t, B orou gh rd . b WWes t street 277 H igh stree t, b wWetherel d

s garth, W al ton pl . b wW

‘ hi ckham str ee t, Chu rch st. m w s

Whitbu rn street,Wear s tr eet, m w 3

W il liam street, 13 1 H igh str eet, b w





*s" The in i tia ls b . w.,

m . W.,m . W. S., and S.

,denote that the r espective str eets

a r e si tuated in B ishopwearmouth, Mon kwearm outh, Monkwearm ou thShor e, or S under land.

Abbay John,gen tleman , 55 Frederi ck s t., 1) w

Abbey Wm . Richard , ship bu ilder, Ayre’s qu ay, h . 55 Frederi ck s t. b WAbraham Mr s. Alice , 12 Nesham squ are, 3Adamson Cumberland , boo t and shoemaker, 5 S ilksw orth row, b wAdamson Edw ard , bu tcher, N el son square ; h . Wa terloo place, m W s

‘Adamson James,bu tcher, 274 High st. b w

Adamson John St Co.,coms . agen ts, 140 High st. ; h . 15 C l i ve st. b w

Adamson John,boo t and shoemaker,Wear s t. 111 w s

Adamson John , engin e wright, Chu rch st, m w sAdamson Kenne th, shopkeeper, 3 Cumberlan d st. b wAdamson Kenne th , marine store d ealer, East s t. SAdamson Robert

,blacksmi th , 39 Qu een st. s. ; h . 56 L awrence st. b w

Adamson Robert,master mariner, 4 L ambton st. b w

Adamson Robert, baker an d fl ou r dealer, 129 L ow s t.

Wi l liam son street, Chu rch st. m w sW i lli amson ter. , Waterloo pl m w sW i l son ’s en try

,1 18 L ow st. S

Wood lane, L ow r ow,b w

Woodbine st . 12 P emberton st.h w

Woodbine street, (East) 28Woodbin e st. b wW oodb ine terrace, Railway st. b wWood l ane

,3 ] L ow st. b w

Wood stree t, 73 H i gh stree t, 8W reath’s qy., West Si de Bdg . m w S

Wright’s en try, 1 16 Low s t. 3York stree t, 252 H igh stree t, b wYorke s tree t, Barclay st. m w s

Yon l l’

s passage , 134 H igh st . sYoung’s en try, 28 L ow s t. sZion s treet, 3 H endon rd . b w

Zion s tree t, (Back) H endon rd . b w


Allen Wi lliam, stone mason , 10 Qu een s t, b wA l l in son John , j oiner, cabinet maker, and funeral fu rn i sher, 130 Coronati on st. b W

Al l in son W i lli am, cabin e t maker

,j oiner, and funeral fu rnisher, 12 1

C oronation st. b wAlli son Cu thber t

,gentl eman

,3 11 H i gh st . 1) w

Alli son J ames, brewer, mal ts ter, wine, and spi ri t merchan t, N or th qu ay,m w s ; h . B road st . m w

Alli son Rober t,prov i si on dealer, 41 C rescen t r ow,

b wAlli son W i ll iam

,sol i ci tor

, 1 3 B arcl ay st. m w S h . 24 Cr owtr ee rd . b WAllison W illi am

,shopkeeper, 95 Coronation st. b W

Almond John,Spiri t merchan t and brewer’s agen t ; 28 L awrence s t . b w

Almshou ses, (Rectory) Green , b wAlsop John

,mas ter mariner

,9 L awrence st. b w

Amou r John,N ational School

,Numbers G arth ; h . 20 E ast Cross st. b w

Anderson Alexander, fu rni tu re broker, Chu rch bank, b WAnderson An thony, runn ingfitter, 48 Wear s t . b wAnderson George, cooper 8: win e refiner, N r th qu ay ; h . Barclay st. m WAnderson Henry French, master m arin er, 2 Barclay s t. m W sAnderson Jane

,v ic t. Ship Bu rlinson

,16 Vine st. s

Anderson James,master mariner

,15 Sou th Du rham s t. b W

An derson John, master mariner, 40 Chu rch s t . sAnderson Martha, dress maker, 27 Union s t. b wAnderson Mary Ann

,shopkeep er

,W i lliamson s t. m W S

Anderson Peter, mariner, 33 No r thum b er l an d s t. b wAnderson P e ter, green grocer, Dock st . b wAnderson Thomas

,master mariner

,and ship own er, 1 1 Cou sin st. b w

Anderson W i lliam,master m ariner

,42 L awrence s t. b w

Anderson Wal ter,master m ariner

, 26 Barcl ay st. m w sAnderson Wi ll i am

,master mariner, 28 C r ow tr ee road , b w

And ers on W il li am,v i c t .

,Wheat Shea f, 7 Sans s t. s

Anderson W il li am,rai lway clerk , 1 3 Zion st . b w

Andrews James 8: Co .,ship and insu rance brokers, L i ttl e Vil liers st h .

33 Zion st . b wAndrew s John , grocer ; h . 57 Frederick s t. b wAndrews Joseph 85 Son , grocers an d te a dealers, 177 High st . 8Andrews Thomas

,timber, and general merchan t, 2 1 U nion st . b w

Angas S il as,master mariner

,an d Mary Ann , day school, 14 N i l e st. b w

Angu s Ralph , warehou seman , (railway) P ortobello lane, m w

An n i son James, beerhou se , 47 Bu rleigh s t. sAntill , Fairman, St Co ., wholesale an d re tai l wine, spiri t and por termerchan ts

,The Shades, 24 High st. 8

Appl eb ey Young, commander R. N 68 Tatham st. b wAppleby J ames P eacock, ship owner, 17 Clive s t . b wAppleton H .


, G range School , S tockton road , b wApple ton Richard


,flou r, bacon, and cheese fac tor, 46 High st. 3


Appleton Sarah , eatin g hou se, 1 14 L ow st. sArchbold Alice

,green grocer

, 200 New mkt. ; h . Mil l hi l l, sArchbold John, r ailway guard, Oak st. b wArcher Thomas, boat bu i lder ; h . Ropery l ane , sArcher W ill iam ,

gardener and seedsman, 87 Hendon road , b wArkel Joseph, v i ct.,Walworth Castl e, 13 Walworth st. b WArmstrong Benj amin, i ronmonger, 4 H owi ck stree t, b wArmstrong Chri stopher, con fec ti oner and tailor , 233 H i gh stree t

,b W

Armstrong George,tea dealer

, 260 High str ee t, b W;

Armstrong H enry, bank manager, 1 Villi ers st. b WArmstrong James, ru nn ingfit ter, 19 Chu rch stree t, sArmstrong Jehn , grocer and prov i sion dealer, Chu rch st. m W sArmstrong John

,farmer, S tockton r oad, b W

Armstrong Rober t Broderick, sai l maker ; h 1 D ’

Ar cy ter. b wArmstrong Thomas, grocer, 16 Warren s treet, sArmstrong Thomas

,ship owner and inspector

,5 1 Tatham stree t

,b w

Armstrong Thomas, j oiner bu i lder,John st ., s h 6 Sans st Upper, b w

Armstrong Thomas,v i c t. and lath renderer, Gardener’s tavern, 69 Crow .

tr ee road , b wArmstrong Wi lli am, grocer, tea, and prov i sion dealer, 67 H igh s t. 3

Armstrong Wi l l iam,schoolmaster ; h . Chester road, b w

Ar n i son George Nathan , paint er, back o fWi l l i am stree t,b W

Arn ott Catherine, lodgings, 35 Wear street, b WAshford Timothy, m ariner, 38 Du nning street, b WAtcheson Thomas

, confec ti oner and fr u i terer, 1 92 H i gh street, b wAthenaeum reading room ,

Exchange B u i ldings, sAthy John

,grocer and prov i sion dealer, George stree t, m w

Atkin John,vi c t., 157 H igh stree t, s

Atkin Robert,master m ariner, 3 1 San s stree t, b w

Atkinson Franci s, bu tch er, 2 Walworth s t h . 36 Nor th um ber l an d s t. b wAtkinson Gale s, i ronmonger, and n ai l maker, Chu rch street, m w sAtkinson G eorge

, M. D . 5 Sun n i side, b wAtkinson George

, jun ., su rgeon , 5 Sun n iside, bWAtkinson George T imo thy, v i ct., Alnwick Castl e, 15 L ombard st. sAtkin son George, j o iner bu ilder, N orth Du rham st. h . Hedwor th st b w

Atkinson H enry John , lodgings, 7 Sunderland st. b wAtkinson James, v i ct., Bri tanni a, George s t., m w

Atkinson John , j oiner and cabine t maker, 6 , and h . 25 N esham squ are,s

Atkinson Janet, B ri ti sh school mistress, 12 Hendon rd . b wAtkin son John , bel lman an d con stable, 9 Sou thgate, b WAtkinson John , wood tu rner , 38 Cumberl and st h . 6 1 Brou gham st. b WAtkinson John , shoemaker, H udson ’s bu i ld ings, b wAtkinson John, master mariner, 18 P emberton st. b wAtkinson Joseph , master mariner, 5 Wal ton place, b wAtkinson Mary, china, glass and earthenware dealer, 1 83 High st. b WAtki nson Matthew booksel ler, prin te r 8cc . ,

S tamp Office, Chu rch s t. m w s


Atkinson N ewark, tailor, 1 2 East C ross s t . b wAtkinson Ralph , ship owner, 1 B rou gham st. , b wAtkinson Robert, day school, Green h. 34 Chester road

,b W

Atkinson Robert, day school , 30 C resent r ow 1 1 John st. b WAtkin son Sam u el

, join er , 4 1 Hedworth s treet , b wAtkinson Thomas, pain ter, 1 2 High str eet , b W

Atk in son Mr . Thomas,Tatham stree t

,b W

Atkinson Thomas, master mariner, Moor s treet, b WAtkinson Mr . Wi lli am

,134 H igh stree t, b w

Atkin son W i lli am ,v i c t P au l P ry, 8 S i lver stree t, s

Atkin son W i l liam,farmer

,Chester road

, b w

Attey Wm . , pai n ter , glaz i er, an d gilder, 50 Sans s t h . 3 Mu r ton st . b WAttwood Edward, glass manu factu rer ; h . 3 1 Vill i ers st. b wAu stin John , v i c t Sun In n Thomas stree t, m w

Au stin John , brewer, Dixon 5 squ are , m W 3

Au stin Mr . P e ter, D ixon ’s Sq. m w 8

Au stin Sm l . P eter, ship bldr., Bp. VVearm th . pan s h . 3 N th . Edg . st. m w 3

Au stin Will i am, ship owner, 19 N i le st. b WAynsley Mr . Edward, 4 N esham sq . sAyre James

, Oooper, 87 L ow s t. ship owner, Sans clo se b wAyre Jon athan ,m ar in e store d ealer, 2 Cr ow tr ee rd . b w h, Si lv er s t. 3Ayre Robert

,dock m aster ,N or th shore, m w s

Ayre s George,ship carpenter

, 26 L awrence s t. b wA yres qu ay G lass Bo ttle Compan y, Ayres qy. Bridge Bottl eWks. b wBackhou se Edward Esq. banker, A shburn , b wB ackhou se John, master mariner, 78 Wear s t. b WBackhou se John, master mariner, 40 Vine st. 8Backhou se Thomas James, Esq., 23 Faw cett st . b wBackhou se W il li am, master mariner, 54 Sou th Durham st. b WBagg Dav id, master mariner, 49 H endon road, b wBag l ee W i l li am ,

nai l maker, L ong bank, 8Bayley Joseph , nai l maker, 109 Hendon road , b wBahar ie Alexander, nau tical teacher, 7 L awrence s t. b WBailes John , police inspec tor, Chu rch s t . m W

Bail e s W i ll i am ,cl erk

,27 Brougham st. b W

Bailey Edward, shopkeeper, Hanov er place, b WBailey Mary Ann, day school , 28 Villiers s t. b WB aill ie Mr s. Ann , 58 Vine stree t, sBa i l l i e an d H u ll, shopkeepers, 22 H i gh st. 8

Baill i e Thomas, clog, patten an d l as t maker, Bod l ewel l l ane, 9B ainbridge Thomas, v i c t., Jolly Sailor, 123 L ow st. sB aines John , shopkeeper, East s t. 5Baldw i n Matthew, pain ter, 17 East Cross st. b WB alk Mary Ann , grocer, Thorn ton pl ace, b WBallantine John, hosi er and haberdasher, 285 H igh s t. b WB al mb ra James , earthenwar e dealer, 108New Marke t , 5


Batty John , clerk, 8 L ambton street , b wBawey Wi lliam, ear thenware dlr. 125 New Market 9 h . Moor st. b WB axter Joseph , master marin er, Moor ter. sBaxter W i l l iam , join er , 25 L awrence s t. b WB axterW i lli am , master mariner, 24 N esham sq . sB aynesW i ll i am , grocer te a d eale r, W ear s t. m W sB eadnell John , cartman , 25 Charle s st. b WBearpark Mr . John

,Whi tbu rn st. m w S

B eatti e J ames, assi stan t draper, 1 1 Sans s t. u pper b wBeavan s Ar thu r

,shipsmith & chain m k r .

,Folly end ; h . P almers hl .m w s

B eck Robert, pain te r and g l ai z er , l N esham sq . S

B eckwi th Mr s. Ann , 20 N orfolk s t. b wB eckwi th J ames, p ainter and g l ai z er , 26 Dun das s t. m w S

Bed ford John Clayton , gor .,p r o vi sion

,al e porter dlr., 44Wear st . b W

B edlington Mr s. E liz ab eth, 25 N il e s t. b wB ell Dav id , master mariner, Back Zion s t. b WB el l E lizabeth , pawnbroker, 5 S i l v er s t. sB ell Mr s . Emil ia, 52 L aw rence st. b WB ell G eorge, hai r dresser, 3 Chu rch st . 3B el l George, shoemaker, B ack Z i on st. b WB ell H annah, lodgings, 9 N i l e s t . b w‘

B ell James , master marin er, 45 L aw r ence st. b wB el l John Thomas, manager of Wear Iron Works, Chu rch st . m w 5

B ell John, beerhou se , S tock ton rd . b WBell J ohn, baker and prov i sion dealer, 88 High st. SB ell John

,Ship owner

,Ches ter rd . b w

B ell John , coalfit ter ; h . 133 H i gh st. b wB el l Margare t Ann , milliner and dress maker, 7 East Woodb ine s t. b wB ell Mary, midwi fe, 35 Chu rch st. 5B ell Mary Ann, spiri t, ale, an d porter dealer, 23 Sunderland s t. b wBel l Robert, tailor, Trimdon s t. b wB el l Thomas, master mariner, 20 Brou gham st. b wB el l Wm . Thos. Co . coalfitter s

,133 High st. b w ; h . For d House

B el l W i l liam , mariner , 18 W oodbine st. b WB el l ass W i lliam, v ic t. Regale tav ern , O ak s t. b WB ennett John , cart owner , Rendlesham st. m w sBenne tt Mr s . Doro thy, 17 1Voodb in e st. b wB enne tt Jesse , sai l clo th manu fac tu rer and shpkr . 6 Sunderl and st. b wB ennett J ohn , green grocer, Hanov er place , b WB ennet t Mi ch ael Dixon , master mariner , 55 B rougham st. b wB ennett Sophia, straw hat maker , 6 Sunderl and st. b WB enson Mi les, master marine r , 26 C umberland st. b WB enson Robert, bu tcher, Whi tbu rn st. m w sBenson W i l li am , b u tcher , Chu rch st. m w sB entley Joseph

,grocer and prov ision dealer

,Whi tbu rn s t. m W s


Berkl e y George, pain ter, gild er , glazier, and pictu re frame m aker, 45

Spring Garden l n . s ; h . 6 How i ck s t . b wB erry Eliz abeth , mill iner and baby l in en w arehou se, 185 High st. b wB erry Joseph, m aster m ariner, 185 , H ig”h st. b WB erry Mary

,v ict. Shee t Anchor, 24 Du ndas st. 111 w 8

Berry P e te r, mariner, and E l izabeth , straw hat maker , 33 Union s t. b wBest James 85 Son , timber measu rers and agen ts, N orth shore, m w s ;

h . 6 W i ll i am st . b wBes t James, clerk,

10 How ick st . b WB est John , chemist and druggi s t, Thorn ton pl . b WB est Robinson , shopkeeper, 10 W arren st . sBesw i ck Chri s. pro fessor of mu si c and piano forte whs . 228 H i gh s t. b WBesw i ck James, fu rni tu re broker, L i tt le Villi ers s t. b WB e the] Chapel , (Independent,) Villi ers st . b wB ethel


Chape1, (S cam en’

s)W ear s tree t , m W sB ethesda Free Chapel, Tatham street , b WBertram Watson , v i c t. , Wes t Coun try Arms, 3 Mark qu ay, SBeu go Alexander, spiri t merchant, 12 North bridge street , m w S

B e v an Thomas, hair dresse r, George stree t, m W

B ew i ck Thomas, v ic t., H a l f Moon Inn , 1 99 H i gh street, 8B ew s John , v i c t., Fri endly Tav ern , 1 5 N eshem squ ar e, 8B ingham Capt. P arker, Du ckw o r th , commanding coast gu ard Officer, 1

Manor place, b wB inks Thomas, soda water manu factu rer, 4 Su ssex s treet, b wB inns Charles , blacking m aker , Back Zion s tree t , b WBinns Henry, l inen draper, hosi er, & c .,

173 High street,b w

B inns Wm . and Watson, tai lors and w ool l en drapers, 196 H igh stree t, 5 hTatham street

,b w

B i rd M r s . Isabell a, 15 D ’

Ar cy terrace , b wB i rd J ohn G oodw in , Ship and insu rance broker ; h . 27 Che ster rd b WBi rd Ri chard , shopkeeper, 20 J ohnson street, b wB ird W i lli am , ch emist and druggist, N el son squ are , on w sBi rkin shaw Emiline, in fant s school, 19 Grdn . st . h . 29 Hedworth s t b WB irkin shaw Sarah , milliner, 9 Coronati on stree t, b wBi rkl ey Alli son , v i c t., Daniel O ’

Con n el l,Wi lli amson st ., m W s

Bi r l i son John , baker and groc er, Chu rch stree t , m w sB i shop Wearm ou th Water Works O ffic e, 8 N ile st b W Thomas Coatessu perin tenden t and secre tary .

B i shop Wea rm ou th Chu rch , 316 High street, b WB i sh op Wearm ou th and Sunderl and Infirmary and Di spensary, Chesterroad

,b w Sm eth am L ee, apo thy. and sec .

Bl ack J . G . an d Co .,Wharfin ger s , Bridge Wharf ; h . Ches ter rd . b W

B lack Jane , shopkeeper, 39 H igh st., b W

B l ackbu rn Thomas , m aster marin er, 37 Dundas st., 111 W s

Blackett G eorg e, cl erk, 1 13 High stree t, SBlacket t Thom as, shoemaker, 19 Wi lliam st. b w


BlackettW i ll i am, lin en woollen draper, 242 Hi gh st b wB lacki t John , cab inet maker 8: fu rni tu re b r oker, 28 Grey st . SB lackit John , jo iner 8: cabinet m aker, 18 H endon road , b wBlacki t Thomas Edward, bu tch er, Railway st., b w ; h . 28 Grey st. 3Bl acki e Thomas, master mariner, 32 Woodbine st . b wB lacklerWi ll i am , master mariner, 29 Zion str eet, b wB l ackl ock;Jo

hn, l ocker i n cu stoms , H edworth st. b w

B lacklock John , mariner, 30 N i l e stree t, b WB lacklock Robert, pawnbroker, 19 Bedford s t. b wB l agsh aw Aaron, master mariner, Hal l gar th squ are , m W S

B l air Thomas, master marine r, 9 Mu rton stree t,b w

B l ackett Matth ew , ship owner, 4 Foyle s tree t, b wB l ake J ohn,fil e m an u fr .

, 38 Cumberl and st h ; 57 Brou gham st . b wB l akeb u r n Mary Ann, v i c t Bri tannia, 4 M ark qu ay, sB lakelock James, ship owner, 38 Wear stree t, b wBlakel ock John, earthenware m an u fr . h. 81 Dundas st. m w sB l akey George, millwrigh t 8: engineer, Mofl


s c t.,Colli e r r ow,

b wB lakey John , milk-sell er, 32 W oodbine st. b WB l akey Robert, schoolmaster, 53 Dundas s treet, m w sB l akey Thomas , 8: Son , Ship -smi ths 8r. chain-makers Folly end ; h . 5 1

Barclay s t. m w sB l akey W i lli am , ship-smi th, N orth qu ay, m w s

Bl akey W i lli am John , whi tesmi th, W ear st . m W sB land James, grocer prov i s i on dealer, 38 Chester road , b wBland Robert, shoemaker, 82 New Marke t, ; h . 17 N esham sq . sBl and W illiam , shipwrigh t, 39 L ow r ow

,b W

B lyth W i l li am , sen r . ship owner, 1 N i cho lson stree t, b wB lyth W i lli am ,

ship owner, 8 Hendon road , b WB ly th W i l l i am Robson, m aster mariner, 57 Wear st. b wBolam John , cabine t maker, au cti on eer apprais er

, 5 Mi dd le st . b wBol dem an

,Borri e s Co., commi ssion agen ts 152 High st. 3

Bol ton Commins, tailo r, 27 Grey street, sBol ton James Kennedy, clerk , exci se o ffice, 9 Villiers st. b wBol ton Mary, shopkeeper, 27 Si lv e r stree t , sB ol ton Richard, v i c t., Mariners Tav ern, Moor gate st. sBond Thomas, shipsmi th an d chain maker

,L ow s t . S

B one Robert, grocer and flou r dealer, 6 L iddell st. m W 8

B one Will i am , bu tcher, L i ddell t errace, m w sB oo th G eorge , rop e maker, 36 Cr owtr ee road, b wBooth G eorge Robert, Ship 8: insu rance broker, 8: sec to Sunderl and Joint

S tock P remium Aassoc i ation , 1 Ru ssel l s tree t, s h . John st. b WB ooth John , master mariner, 1 L awrence street, b wB ooth John Alli son,master mariner, 35 B arclay st. m W sB ooth Joseph , master mariner, Wall s treet, b WBooth Ralph , shi p carp enter, 125 Coronation s t. b wB oo th Richard , gu n maker, 200 H i gh street, s


B riggs Hannah , pawnbroker, 3 1 Wes t W ear s tree t, b WB r i ggs M r s . Mary, 55 N or thumberl and stre e t, b wB riggs W i ll i am Co. ,

ship brokers,an d timber m erchan ts, Exchange

bu il d ings, S ; h . 38 Fawce tt s treet , b wB riggs Wi ll i am

,sh opkeeper

, 3 Oak s tree t, b wB ri ti sh School , N i chol son street , b w Rober t Cameron , master, and Jan e t

tkin son,mistress

B r i tton James, v i ct. B lack Swan , and rigger, 3 1 Matlock street, b wB roderick Wi lli am H arri son , master mariner , 7 Bedford s treet, b WB rodie Robert, exci se officer , Fore s treet , b WBrooks B enj amin , perfumer, hai r cu tter, and L ondon boo t shoe wh r s .,

1 76 Hi gh stree t ; h . 58 Vill ers s treet,b w

B rou gh Robert,master mariner

,and Ship owner

,65 Dundas s t . m w s

B r owel l Dav id, cabin et maker , fu rni tu re broker, 1 1 L ombard s t. 8B rowel l Edwar d , town sergean t, 22 Wi lli am st. b WB r owel l John , join er an d undertaker, 1 1 Sou th Du rh am st. b WB rown Ann El izabeth , straw hat m aker, 2 Eas t Cross s t . b WB r own and Archer, boat bu i lders, B ank st . 5B rown Archibald, shopkeeper, 3 S i lksworth r ow, b wB rown Benj amin

,v ic t .

,Cro ss Keys

,N orth qu ay , m w s

B rown Col in , master mariner, 1 2 D er w en t st. b WB rown Franci s

,tai lor

,323 High st . b w

B r own Edward, v ic t., Roker B aths Hotel,n ear th e terminu s of th e N ew

castle and Darlington Railway, B oh r , m W

B rown Edw ard , shopkeeper, L ow qu ay, SB rown Edward , boat bu i lder ; h . L ong bank, sB r own George, master mariner, East Woodbine. s t . b wBrown G eorge Tu rnbu l l , mas ter mar in er, Cochrane pl . b wB rown Henry, master marin er, 50 L awrence s t . b wB rown James S anderson

,master m ariner

, 26 Sou th Du rham st. b wB rown John


,Hetton Coal S tai ths, b W

B rown John, fru i terer and green grocer, 52 H igh st. ; h . 18 Nesham sq. s

B rown John , clerk, S tock ton road , b WB rown John , master mariner, 16 Grey s t . 8B rown John , master mariner,W al l st . b wB r own Joseph , fru i t and potatoe merchan t ; h . 85 l Vear st. b wBrown Joseph, M . D ., 13 1 H igh s t . b wB rown J o seph , fu rni tu re broker, 9 Grey st. 5B rown Joseph , m aster mar iner, Chu r ch s t . m w S

B r own M r s . Margare t , 19 Cliv e st . b WB r own Ogden , manag er , L andsal e coal depot, N ew Town ; h . Chester rd.B rown R obin son , t ai lor, 12 Sou th Du rham st. b wB r own P hi lli s, boot an d shoe warehou se , 42 Sans st. b wB r own Robert

,sol ici tor, secretary to the ship owners socie ty , Wear

m u tu al soc i e ty, sol ici to r to the Sun derland j oint s tock banking Coan d agen t to the Sco tti sh equ i table l i fe assu r an ce so ciety, 57 Vill i erss t h . 30 Fawce tt sr.

,10 W


Brown R. James 8: Co.,timb er merchants and coalfitters, 140 H igh s t.

h. 5 Foyl e st. b wBrown Ralph , shopkeeper, Green , 1) wB rown Robert, cb n t mkr u ph ols tere r

,1 12 H i gh t st. ; h. 53 N i l e s t . b w

Brown Robert,cooper

,1 13 L ow st . s ; h . 4 Sans st. b w

B rown Rober t, rai lway cl erk, Thomas st. m w

B rown Robt, bu tcher ship owner, 103 L ow s t. s ; h . 6 N i cho l son st. b wBrown Ru ssell, gen t., H al l gar th sq . m w S


B rown Sarah, ci rcu l ating library and r egis ter office, 1 2 L ambton st . b wB rown Stephen , shopman , 26 Grey st . sB r own Thomas

,bank managing d i rec tor h . 10 Su ssex st. b w

B rown Thomas,master mariner, Chu rch st. m w s

B rown Thomas, shoemaker, 4 H owi ck st. m w sBrown W i lliam ,

su perin tenden t of pol ic e and high constable for theborou gh , 1 6 Eas t C ro ss s t. b w

B rown W i lliam , m aste r marin er, 10 D ’

Ar cy ter. b WB rown W i lli am , sai l maker and sec. sav rn g s ban k,W ear st . m w S

B rown Wi ll i am,braz ier and tinplate worker

, 1 N orth D u rham st. b wBrown W i lli am


,L ow st. 8 ; h . 4 Sans st., Upper b w

B rown Wi ll iam ,ship owner, Whi tbu rn st. 111 w S

B rown W i ll iam , j u n . , master mariner, Whi tburn st. m w sB rowne Mr . Robert, 26 Mu rton st. b wB ru ce John , grocer, tea dealer, and tal low ch andler, 6 1 H i gh st. sBru ce Joseph , master mariner, Hedworth st. b wB ru ce Rober t S tuart, tobacco pip e maker, 15 Union l ane, s ; h . 1 1 Woodbine s t. b w

B r umweli Jph Cown l ey, chemi st 85 dru ggis t, Chu rch s t. m w sBrun ton John , (L l oyd s) su rv eyor ; h . 12 Mu rton st. b wB runton Thomas, solici tor 8c town clerk, Sun n iside b u il dings h . 5

Fawce tt s t. b wB ryars James, smi th farr ier

,1 6 Bedford st. b w

B rydon W i ll iam , u phol sterer, H ow i ck st. b WB ryson John , chimney sweep , 2 Numbers’ garth

,b w

Bu chanan Ann , v i c t., O l d Green Dragon, P an bank top, DWB uchanan B erry

,tai lo r, 1 1 Walw orth st. b w

B u chanan 8c Gibson,ship bu i lders

,Ayre ’s qu ay, b w

B u chanan Joseph , sail maker, c t. l 1Wes tWear st, ; 11 . 1 3 Fredri ck st. b WBu ckley Joseph, block mas t maker ; h . N orth qu ay, m w sBu ckley 8: Ramsey, block 86 mas t makers, N or th qu ay, m W sBu ddle Mr . George, 40Woodbine st. b wBuddle Ralph , shopkeeper, Wi l l i amson s t. m W S

Bug l assAlexander, shoemaker, 2 Chu rch st. sBu l l W i l li am ,

v i c t. , Golden Anchor, 105 High st. sB u llock Edward , canv as twine m fr ., 22 Qu een st. ; h . 29 Dunning st.h WB u lman Willi am , Surgeon ; h. 48 Villi ers st . b wBu lmer W i lli am , v ict. tai lor, Waterman ’s tavern , N orth Moor st. s


B u lm er 1Vi 11iam ,green grocer

,97 High st. 8

B u rdes Edward, master m ariner 8: Ship own er,Thomas st . m w

B u rdes John,ship owner , Chu rch st. m w S

B a rdes Thomas, master mariner, Wate r lo o pl ace , m w S

B ardes W i l l iam ,l im e bu rner h . 20 N orth B ridge st . m w s

B u rdon Franci s, bu tch er, 47 High s t.,b w

B u rdon Henrietta, l odgings , 4 L awrence st.,h WB u rdon James, shoemaker, 14 Lombar d st. sB urgon James , v i c t. Highlan der, W ear s t. m w sB u rke t E dward , master marin er, 30 L aw rence s t . b wB u rlin son Ann , hosier and shoe dealer , 32 Coronation s t. SBu rl in son 85 Co . engine bu i ld ers, 8 m. 4 Bed for d st. b WB u rlin son Frederick Thomas, engin e bu ilder, & c . ; h . 6 Bed ford s t. b wBu rlin son Jane, v i c t. L i v e 86 L et L i v e , 6 Gerald s t. b WB u rl inson Mr s. Mary, 28 N orth umberland s t. b wB u rlinson W i ll i am D avi e, engine b u i l der, 8cc h . 1 4 Freder i ck st. b WB u rn James, mas ter m ariner, 89 Hendon road, b wB u rn John , cl erk, Broad st . m -


B u rn John , mas ter mariner , ,9 D

Ar cy ter. b WB u rn John , master marin er, 5 P ember ton s t . b wB u rn Jonathan , master marin er, 34 Woodbine s t. b wB u rn Richard , u pholsterer, 5 Green , b WB u rn T homas, grocer and pr ov r sl on deal er , 284 High St. b wB urn Thomas, j unr ., sol i ci tor and no tary p ubli c, Hornes lane, 3 ; h .

Cumberl an d terrace , b wB u rn Wi ll iam S edley, M. D . 8 N orfolk st. b wB u rn W i l l i am , in su rance broker, and secre tary to the Equ i tabl e Marin e

P remi um Insu rance Associ ation,Hornes lane

,s ; h . B lu e hou se

,b W

Bu rn s James, shoe deal er , 17 1 N ew market s ; h . 26 P an lane b wB u r n c l e John , mas ter mariner, 1 W ear s t. b wB u rn ett M i ss Ann , B orou gh roa’d , b wB u rnet t George , prin ter, booksel ler, bookb inder , s tationer and circu l ating library, 2 10 H igh st. b W

Bu rnet t James , hosi e r and glo ver, 1 18 High st. b wB u rnet t Whi tfield, ship owner, an d agen t to the Char ter shaugh col l i ery,

147 High st ; h . 28 Mu rton st. b wB u r n op John, shipsmi th , chain and anchor m aker

, Folly end ; h . 50

D undas st ,m w sB u rn op E . an d M .

,millin ers 8: dress m akers, 50 D undas s t. m w s

B u rn si de John , glass, chin a 82 earthenware dealer , 8 H igh s t . b wB u rrell Barbara, i ron founder, Bridge Foundry, Sheep Fold m W sB u rre l l G eorge , bu tcher , 9 Ayr es qu ay road , b wB u r ton Dav id , v i c t., Angel Inn , 1 14 L ow st. 8B u rton Jane, con fectioner, 23 Hendon road b wB u rton Richard


,Whi tbu rn st . m W s

B urton Wi l l i am , v i c t ., Crown Inn, N orth qu ay m w s


Carr James, shoe dealer, 169 N ew Market ; 11 . Grey street , sC arr John C . merchan t and b roker ; h . 6 Derwen t s treet

,b W

Carr James,master mariner, North Moor s tree t, s

Carr John Henderson,baker

,Mauds open


Carr John , master mariner, 15 D’

Ar cy terrace, b wCar r John

,excise o fficer, Hendon s tree t, b w

Carr Margare t, shopkeeper, 104 High street, 5C arr Ral ph , Esq.

,1 7 Fawce tt stree t

,b w

Carr Thomas, prin ter and publi sh er, Herald o ffice ; 11 . 1 1 N i le st. b wCarr Thomas

,master mari ner, 37 H edwor th street, b w

Carr W i lli am and Cc .,merchants and brokers

, 1 Bed fo r d street ; h . 2 16

H igh stree t, b wCarr Wi lliam , master mariner, 12 Rope w alk, 5Carrol l P eter , v i c t . Hiberni a tav ern , 36 Robinson ’s l ane


C a r ru thers E l izabe th,dyer, and Ann , dress maker, 24 Queen stre et, s

Carru th ers John , master m ariner, 35 B arcl ay s treet, m w 5

C arter James,master mariner

,14 Moor s tree t, b w

Carter John O r d,v ic t. B u tcher’s Arms

,54 Coronation s t. 5

C arter John,bu tcher, 54 H igh street ; h . 13 King s treet

,b w

Carter John , master mariner, Wi l li amson terrace, m w sC arter Robert

,v i c t. Golden Anchor

,9 1 L ow s tree t


Carter Thomas,l ope maker, 2 1 San s street, 5

C arver Cc .,railw ay c arriers

,22 S underl and s treet, b w

C ase W ill i am , blacksmi th and farrier, 7 Qu een stree t, b wC asey M r s. Margaret, l odgings , 2 W al ton place , b wCash E li z abeth , clothes deal e r, 154 N ew market

,s ; h . 20 P emb tn . st. b w

C assup W i ll iam , shopkeeper, Chu rch s tree t, m w sC astle s Joh n , smi th, 5 Mi l lfie l d co ttages, b wC atchsid e John , beerhou se, Ayre ’s qu ay, b wCa tchasides James, grocer, te a d ealer, ch eese an d bacon fac tor

,gene r al

com sn . agent, agen t for Wor sdel l’

s v ege tab l e pills, W ear st . m w sC atchpol e W i ll i am , master marin er, 28 Barc l ay s tr eet, m w sCatholi c Chu rch , B ridge stree t, b wC atholi c School . b ack of Bridge stree t

,b w

Ca t t Jam es, master mariner, 7 Chu rch st . sGaward N i cholas m aster mariner, 5 Yorke st . m w s

Ceme tery, New '1 own , Bish op Wearm ou th

Chalcro ft L ennox ,master mar iner, 20 Woodbine st. b wC halk W i l l i am ,

green grocer, 1 26 H igh st. 8Chambers James M .

,school master, 1 7 Mu rton st. b W

Chambers Thom as,v i c t . , W ear Tav ern , 63 High s t. 8

Chapel W il liam , c l erk, 22 Cumberland st. 1) wChaplin I

h om as,shoemaker

,Tatham st. b w

Chapman Brai thwaite , v ict., Forge Tavern, Ayres quay, b wChapman Abe l , gen t l eman , 2 12 High st. b WChapm an Brown , f r u i t and potatoe merchan ts, 25 L ow st. s


Chapman E liz abeth , beerhou se , Ay re ’s qu ay, b wChapman Chri sti an , li censed shipping maste r 134 L ow s t h .Wall st . sChapman Henry , shopkeeper, 2 S i lkworth r ow,

b wChapman Isaac , green grocer, 108 Coron ati on s t. b wChapman Jam es

,fru i t and potatoe m erchan t : h . 10 Zion st. b w

Chapman John,shopkeeper , 38 Vine st. s

C hapman J oh n son Sc Cc ., importers and wholesal e dealers in forei gn

w i nes and spiri ts, 5 John st . bwChapman Thos . E dw., tea, coffee, Win e 8: spiri t merchan t, 1 1 Hi gh s t. ;

h . B ridge st . b wChapman W il li am , bookseller and stati oner, 65 N ile st., school maste r

Back Villi ers s t. b wCharl eton J . an d R . , m erchants , brokers coalfitters

,2 Sun n isid e b w

Charl eton John , merchan t , broker, h . 2 S un n i si de b wCharleton Richard, merchan t, broker, & c . ; h . 2 1 Eas t C ross st. b mCharl ton Andrew, mas ter mariner, L i ddel l ter . m W 5

Charl ton Edward , painter , 2“Test st. b wCharl ton George, groom ,

35 N orthum ber l and s t. b wChar l ton John

,sawye r, Waterl oo p l ace m w s

Charl ton John Ayr ey , schoolmaster, 26 Si lver s t. 8C harl ton Margar et, green gro cer, 206 N ew mar ket ; h . Minorca

, 8

Ch arl ton Mi chael P reston, v i c t ., P aten t Sli p Inn , S trand st. m w 8

Charl ton Robert,shoemaker, 36 Cov en t Gard en s t. 8

Charl ton W i l l i am ,join er bu i lder, Barclay st. ; h . Roker m w sCh a ter John Hu dson , pain ter g l ai z er , 48 Sans st ; h . 15 Z ion st . b wChater Robert


,B ack S un n iside, b W

Chater l Vi l l iam,cabine t maker u phol s terer

, 47 Sans st. b wChatt L eonard, mas ter m ar in er, 33 So u th D u rham s t. b wChed l ey George, m aster mariner, Hedwor th st . b wChilds George

,ship carpen ter, 1 1 Yorke st . m w s

‘Chil ton W i l son , sh ip bu i l der, North Sou thwi ck ; h . 50 Brou gham st . b wCh ipchase John , saw m i l l s, N ew H opper s t ; h . 4 High r ow b WChisholm Mr s. Mary, Vt’ar d terrac e b wChisman Martha, dress m aker, 12 Charl es s t . b wChisman Thom as, m aster mariner, 14 Vine place b wCh r i shope Ann , hosier, Waterloo place m W sC hri sti e Mr s. Jan e, Chu rch s tree t, m w 8

C hris ti e John , master m ariner. 10 Moor terrace , sChri sti e Robert , pol ice inspector , 147 C oronati on st . b wChu rch , (N ew) Fu lwell l ane , m w

Cibbu r n Thomas, master mariner, W ear s tree t , b wC l an n y W . Reid , M. D . 1 Bridg e street, b wC l apor th H en ry, master mariner , 85 Hendon road , b wClare W i lli am , master mariner, 1 1 Alber t street, b wClark Ann


,92 Hendon ro ad

,b w

Clark Charles, baker, 1 1 Wi l l i am stree t, 1) w


Clark George engineer, & c . ; h . 8 Derwen t s tree t, b w

Clark Dar id , draper, 1 5 1 H igh stree t, sClark George , v i c t. Ship , P ortobello l an e, m w

Clark Isabel la, shopkeeper, 18 Farrington r ow, b wClark Hen ry, master mariner , 20 Su ssex s treet, b wC lark John , v i c t. Brandling H o tel , Broad st . m w

Clark Mary, tann er, 7 High r ow,b w

C lark Mary,ou tfitter and hosi e r

,176 High street, s

C lark Ral ph , join er and bu i lder, 7 Howick stree t, b wClark Thomas Harri son, shopman , Back N orfolk stree t, b wClark Mr . W i ll i am, 24 King stree t, b wClark W i lli am

,blacksmi th and chain maker

,1 9 Go lden alley , s

C lark W illi am,master mariner, 13 L awrence s tree t, b w

Cl ark W i ll i am ,baker an d flou r dealer, S tamp ’s lan e, s

Clark Wi ll i am ,schoolmaster

,Whi tbu rn st. m w s

C lark R ev . Geo. (methodist) 4 H owi ck stree t, b wClarke Du n c an , join er , Su n n i si de, b wClarke Isaac

,shopkeeper, 153 High stree t, s

Clarke Margare t, shopkeeper, 32 Bains 1an e , 5C l arke Mary

,v i c t . Fox Goose Inn

,17 1 H igh stree t, 5

C larke Thomas, grocer and baker, 73 High s treet, sClarke W i lli am ,

v i c t. and brewer, Red L ion Inn, 44 High st . 3C larkson G eorge, accou ntan t, 23 L awrence str eet, b wClarkson John

,baker and g r ocer ,Wear s treet

,m w s

C lay John,i ron 8: c opper merchan t ; h . 62 John stree t

,b w

Cl ayton Robert , o ld bookseller, 189 N ew marke t ; h . Chu rch street, sC lement John , baker, 90 High stree t, b wClibu rn R i char d , j oin er cabine t maker, Sunderl and stree t, b wCl ibu rn Sudd i ck, joi n er s and cabinet, makers, Sunderland s t . b wCoat es James, tai lo r, 27 L awrence s t . b wCoates Matthew,

u pholsterer paper hanger,Borou gh r tl ., b w

Coates Richard , shoemaker shopkeeper,P rospect r ow,

sCoates Robert, con fec tioner, 106 L ow s t. 8C oates Thomas , w in e 8: Spiri t merchant, 14 B ri dge s t. 81: sec . to Bp.

mou th Water Com py . ; h . T ath am st. b wC oatsworth George, master mariner, Railway st. b wCochran E l iz abe th , con fec tione r, 83 Moor s t. b wCockbu rn Ann , hatter fu rri er, 35 High st h . 1 Lomba rd st. sCockbu rn Joseph , bu tcher, 54 N ew Marke t ; h . Ra i lwav st. 5Cockbu rn Thomas, tai lo r, 38 Nor thum b er l an d st. b wCockerill Anthony, boo t 8r. shoe maker, 77 H igh st. 8Cockeri ll John , boo t shoe maker, 5 Jo hn st. sCockeri l l W i ll i am Madgshon , ship owner, 3 O l iv e st. b wCockfiel d Edward, gardener, 25 W alworth st. b w

Codling El isha, marine stor e deal er, North qu av h .Hedworth st. m w


Cooper John , run ningfitter, 17 Grey s t. sC ooper John Ibbetson , ship owner, M iddl e H endon , b W

Cooper Rd .,an d Fras . Spink, i ronmongers , ti n n er s .b r az ier s, coppersmi ths,

and paten t v en tilator m n fc tr s.,194 High st. ; h . 59 Tatham st. b W

Cooper W i lli am,master m ariner, 1 8 Yo rke st. m W 3

C o oper W i lliam Thomas,bu tche r, 66 N i le st. ; h . W

'hi te hou se , b wCopel an d Eliz abeth , shoemaker, 67 Moor s t. b WCop l and James

,clothes dlr., 156 N ew marke t ; h . 4 Union l ane, s

C opper W i ll i am,marin er

,45 Coronation st. 8

Cormack Mr s. Eli zabeth, 13 Sans st. upper , b W

Cormack Josi ah , ship broker, George s t. 5 h . 1 3 San s st . uppe r b wCorner James, m aster mariner, 40 Dundas st. m w 3

Corner Watson , j n r . c abinet m k r ., Ropery 1n e. h . 2 1 N thm b r l n d . p1. s

Corney Matthew, master mariner, Deptfor d a'oad , b W

Corn forth Mr . W i lli am ,16 D erwen t st. b w

Corn forth Wil liam ,b r z r . tin pl te. w rkr ., 28 L ow st. 8 h 9 Edward st 1) W

Corni sh E l e an or, shopkeeper, 40 Hopper st. b wCorni sh John , sh oemaker, 4 Bain es l an e , sCotton Elmer, master mariner, 6 Wear s t . b wCoudon Ralph , v i c t. General Wol fe , 1 65 High st. sCou l son N i cholas, shoemaker, N or th qu ay, m W sCou l thard Joseph, clerk, 18 P an l ane , b wCoundon Thomas , tai l r r, Hendon road , b wC ou rtn ey T . teacher, Grange school , Stockton road , b wCowan Andrew ,

bird and an im al preserv er,7 Moor terrace


Cowan Benjamin , trav elling draper, 79 W ear stree t, b WCowan Francis, beer hou se , 3 1 Trimdon street, b wCowan John , reporte r for th e Sunderland Times, D ’

Ar cy ter. b wCowans Franci s , beer hou se, Trimdon street, b WCowan s John W .


,Fi sherman ’s r ow,

sGowel W i l li am

,garden er, 45 Hendon road , b w

Cowell W i lli am ,v i ct. Glass Hou se Tav ern

,Ay r e’s qu ay, b w

Cowl ing George, farmer, Thomas street, m w

Cox John,grocer an d su rveyor

,308 H i gh street, b w

Coxon H annah , l adies school, 5 1 Sou th Du rham street b wCoxon John

,master marin er, 36 Sou th Du rham s t. b w

Coxon John,con fec tioner

,and beer hou se, 10 Charles street, b w

Coxon Michael , secre tary to Su n derland Dock C ompany, 12 Sun n iside ;h . 44 Frederick stree t, h w

Coxon Wi lli am , secre tary to the N orth D urh am re form regi stration so

c i ety, 1 93 H igh street ; h. 47 Tatham stree t, b wCoxon W i l li am ,

shopkeeper, N orth qu ay , m W sCoxon W i l l i am,

t ripe dresser, Anderson ’s s tairs, sC raggs George, v ic t. Crown Sceptre, Mau d’s l ane , 5Craggs Matthew,

master mariner, 4 1 U nion stree t, b wC raggs Rober t

,v ic t. Fox 8; Hounds, 99 High street, s


C raig W il l i am,shopkeeper

,81 Cr owtr ee road

,b w

Craig Wi l li am , master mariner , 16 L awren ce stree t, b wC r aig g Charl ton , m aster marin er, 44 Sou th Du rham st. b wCrake Mi chael

,v i c t. Robin Hood , W ear street , m w s

C ranmer l Vi l l iam,m aster mariner, 4 N orthumberland stree t, b W

C ranston Hudson,con fe c tioner

,18 1 H igh st. 8

Cranston Wi l l i am,con fec tioner

,17 3, Hi gh st . 8

C rass Richard,master mariner

,1 How i ck s t.\ h w

Craw ford John,cabinet maker and fu rn i tu re broker

,18 G rey st. 3

Crawford John , clerk , 1 1 Yorke st . m w sC raw ford John Johnston attorney’s clerk, 6 Derw en t st. b wC raw ford Margaret, shopkeeper, 120 Coron ati on st . b wCrawford R obert, sail mak er, Holm es’s wharf, 27 L OW st. 8Craw ford W i l l iam ,

sai l maker,Hendon s t. b W

C raw ford Mr s. W . A.,66 Tatham st . b w

Crellen J ohn,c arrier, 19 King s t. b w

Crick Ann , pawnbroker, 7 East Woodb ine st . b wCrick John , master marin er, 7 East Woodbine st. b wC r in son Eleanor, v i c t . , Railway Tavern , B road st . or WCri sp E l izabe th

,corn mil ler

,H i l ton road, b w

Cri sp Rober t,b u tcher, 24 S i lksworth r ow, b W

Cro ft Rober t Dry den , mas ter mariner, 5 Woodbine st . b wC r on for th Margaret, hosier , 156 High st. sC r opton St Crosier

,l inen wool len drapers , carpet wh s., 86 0 . 25 Hi gh st s

Cropton Mr s. Doro thy,1 D erwen t st. b w

C ropton John , d r aper, & c . ; h . 25 High st . 8C rop ton John , sh ip owner , 55 a cett st. b wCrosby Georg e, shopkeeper, 5 George s t . 8Crosby James, shi p insu rance broker , sh ip owner, agen t for L l oyds,

an d to th e G u ardian Fi re L i fe O ffice, 6 N i l e st. b wCrosby Jam es 86 Cc .

,grocers, tallow chandlers, & c .

, 1 19 L ow st . 8 ; h .

4 Cou sin s t. b wC r osby John , clerk, 1 3 Chu r ch st. sC rosby Ralph

,m aster mariner, 45 Barclay st. m w s

C rosby S tephen,v i c t ., S te am Ship, 1 66 H i gh st . 5

Crosby W i l li am , ship owner, 5 N i le s t. b wCrosi er W il l i am


,& c . h . 25 High s t. s

Cro sl ey James, book agent , W es t Wear s t . b wCr ou d ace John , agen t, 2 N orfo l k s t . b WCrow Robert, u phol s terer, cabine t maker, au c ti oneer, e state, l and an dhou se ag en t , 1 23 H i gh s t. b w

Crowe John,v i ct., Wheat Sheaf Inn , Thomas s t. m w

C r owe John , whit esmi th bel l hanger,Ru ssel l st . 3 ; h . 36 Vi l l i ers st . b w

Crowe John , m as ter m arin e r , D ’

Ar cy ter. b wCrow e Joseph , ship whi tesmi th , Dean's yard , 8; hardware dealer, 1 33

N ew m arket ; 11 . 36 Qu een s t 5


Crown L uke , ship inspector, Hal l gar th squ are, m w sCrow ther George, bu tcher, 25 N ew market

,3 ; h . 12 Bed ford stree t

,1) W

Cro z i er John , sh ip owner , 26 Derwent s treet , b wC rozier John , ship owner, 20 O li v e s treet, b wCrozier Thomas, ship owner, 2 D undas street

,m w s

C umm i ngs W i lli am , who l . re tail te a an d co ffee d ealer,4 N ile s t . b w

Cu i tt Henry, cl erk co al n igh t o ffice , 20 Qu een s tree t , b wC u i t t W ill i am Henry , chemis t and dru ggist , 7 1 H igh s tree t, sC u l l en An n ,

b oo t and sho e m aker,1 14 High stre e t

,b W

Cu ll i ford Joseph, block, mas t, an d pump maker, an d sh ip owner, Thornh ill’s Wharf

,5 h . 6 Mu rton stree t

,b w

C umm ings Mark , j oin er , 18 C r ow tr ee road , I) wC um m ings Thomas , v i c t . C al adon ion tav ern , 18 L ow s t. 3C ummings W i l liam , who l esal e retail tea 8: co ffee d ealer , 4 N i l e s t. b WC ummins Ralph , hair d resse r, 1 1 M atlo ck s treet , b WC ummins Robert, boot sh o emaker , 6 Ma tlock s treet, b wCunningham He thering ton , timber merchan ts and boat bu i lders, 25

L am bton stree t, b wCunningham Rober t Fu lker, timber m erchan t, h . 29 N ew Grev st . sC u rry Anne , v i c t. Qu een ho tel , 14 Hendon road , b wCu rry Margare t, v ic t. S hakespear tavern , 1 Spring garden lane, 5Cu rry Richard , master mar iner , 27 Barclay s tree t, m w 3

Cu rry Thom as, v i c t . S cotch arms, Chu rch s treet, m w sCu rry W i ll i am ,

shoemak‘ er, Mau d ’s l ane, 8C u rry W il li am , bu tcher, N ew m arket, 5 ; h . 3 1 Tatham stree t

,b w

Cu r th s J . V., ship broker, 81 commi ssion ag en t, and agen t to th e medicalin v ali d and general li fe assu rance society , and to the H ambu rghcabin e t maker’ s soci e ty ; teacher in terptr . of the German , Fren ch,D ani sh , Du tch, and Span ish l angu ag es , 27 H i gh stree t

,b w

Cu r tis Jane, school mistress, 1 2 San s s tree t Upper, b w

C u rti s Ric hard, mariner , 7 S underl and s treet, b WC u r ti s Thomas Smi th , 38 C astle s tree t, b wCu rti s W i lli am , m aster marine r, back of E as t C ro ss street

,b w

C u thbert E li z abeth ,day school

,H edworth stree t

,b w

C u thb er ston John , master mariner, 23 Yorke s tree t, m w sCu t ty John, master m ariner, 22 Vine s treet, sD ag l ish Antho ny, brewer’s ag en t, [ 12 High stree t, sD ale G eorge, master mariner, 24 Sou th Du rham st. b wD al e John , t in -pl ate worker, 2 Bu rleigh st. 3D al e P eter, au c tioneer apprai ser, Vill iers st. b wD ale Thomas, linen w oollen draper h . 1 84 High s t. b wD al i l ee John , tailo r draper, 13 Green st . b WDalz iel Alexander, dyer, 66 High st. b wD alz iel J ohn , green grocer, 5 1 High st. b WD annatt James, plumber, brass founder, coppersmi th, gas an d generalou tfitter and tinners stores, 1 Nor folk st. b w


D awson Thomas, bacon deal er, 37 N ew Market ; h . 13 Vine st. 5D awson Wi l l i am, ship owner, 9 S ans st. u pper , b wD awson Wi lli am , tailor and draper, 30 San s st . b wDay James, scu lp tor, 38 Qu een s t . b wD ean W i ll i am ,

j oiner, Chu rch st. s ; h . 6 Hendon r oad , b wDean s Charl es Ranson , shoemaker, S ou th Du rham s t. b wD efty Robert, v i c t, Robin Hood , 1 22 High st . 8D e L acy Charle s, bookbinder, s tationer, paper ru l er an d accou n t book

m aker, 1 2 San s st. sD enn iston John , merchan t, coalfitter, ship broker and owner, 53 Sanss t ; h . 48 Frederi ck st. b w

D enn i ston John , rope maker ; h . 47 Woodb in e st. b wD enniston Son , rope m akers , Hendon ro ad, b wD enni ston Wi lli am , rope manu factu rer h . Hendon st. b wD en t James, sawyer, 28 Cumberl and st. b wD en ton John, v ic t. 19 1 High st . and brewer l Val ton 'l ane


D enton Thomas, tai l or, 10 Sou th Du rham st . b WD enton Wi l li am , timber merch an t, Su ssex st . b WD en ton W i lli am , ship owner, 54 L awren ce s t b wD e tchon Thomas, tailor, 4 Zion s t. b wD ewar Jane E lizabeth , ladi es’ b oar din g school , 26 Green st. b wDi c ke son Ri ch ar d , b u tcher , 3 1 Sans st. b wD i ckinson John , bu tche r, Union place, m w sD ickinson John , corn factor, 60 J ohn s t. b wD i ckinson Thomas , ol d book -sel ler, 53 Coronation st. sD i ckinson Thomas, schoolmaster , 23 Baine s lane, 3D i ckman son , m thm tc l . nau ti cal instrumen t m kr s N orth qy . m w sD i ggins John , master mariner, 4 Yorke st . m w sD inning Thomas, v i c t., Commerci al Tav ern , Folly en d , m W sD i ston Wil l iam , boot shoe maker, 96 High st.

,b w h . Coronati on s t s

D i tchbu rn Joseph N i gh tingale, beerhou se , 3 B edford st. b wD i tchbu rn Ri chd . N i gh tin gale , v i ct ., Dog P heasan t, 13 Cr n atn . s t. b wD ixon Charles, master mariner, 1 1 Grey s t. b wD ixon Dav i d Waters, master mariner, 8 L ambton st. b wD ixon D oro thy , shopkeeper , 27 Qu een st. 5D ixon an d Fall a, slaters and bri ck makers, 18 Cumberland st . b wD ixon E liz abe th , day school , 2 E as t W oodbine st. b WD ixon Grace, l odgings , Thomas s t. m w

D ixon H enry John , booksel ler , bookbinder, stati on er, prin ter, and agen tto the Royal Exchange Fi re and L i fe Insu rance Company

,2 17 High

st. ; h . 2 1 Mu rton st . b wD ixon Henry, ship owner and merch an t ; h . Fi el d Hou se

,b w

Dixon Hu gh , ship owner and secre tary to the Albion Cargo and Freigh tInsu rance Association , Fiel d Hou se, b w

Dixon John , chemis t, druggist, and agen t to th e D i ssen ters Fire and L i feInsu ran ce Company, 37 High s t. s ; b . 6 Frederick s t. b w


Dixon John , master mariner, 64 N or thu m ber l an d st. b wD ixon Margare t, marine s tore dealer, 2 Si lver s t. sD ixon Mr s . Mary, 6 1 Tatham s t. b WD ixon, P hilips Cc .

,earthenware manu factu rers, Sun derlan d P ot t ery,

foo t of High st. sD ixon Ralph , ostl er, L i ttl e Vi ll iers s t. b wD ix on Robert, ear thenware manu factu rer ; h. 35 N i le st . b WD ixon Robert, su rg eon, 10 N ic holson st. b w\D ixon Robert, mas ter marine r, 44 N il e s t. b WD ixon Su sannah, but cher, Chu rch st. m W sD ixon Thomas, earthenware m fr . and ship owner ; h . 9 Norfolk st . b WDixon Thomas

,cork cu tter, 57 N i l e st. b W

D ixon Thomas , river poli ceman , 28 Walworth s t . b wD ixon Tob i as , join er and cabinet maker, 140 H igh st . b wD ixon W i lli am, dru ggi st and grocer ; h . 4 ! Woodbin e st. b wD ixon W i lliam, su rgeon , 68 John s t. b WD ixon W i lli am Henry, v i c t., N oah ’s Ark

,1 3 Mal in g

’s rig


D obbin John,canv as weav er , Borou gh road, b w

D obbin John,jun r., sai l cl o th m fr .

, P rospect r ow ; h . 22 Vine st. sD obbin Cc .

,hat manu factu rers an d fu rr iers, 1 69 170 H igh s t . s

D obbin Robert,hatter

, 13 Grey st. sD obbing Thomas, shoem aker, 2 Cro ss place , sD ob in son W i lliam , chemist an d druggis t, 239 High st. b WD obson E dward, ship owner, Hendon street, b wDobson Edward, shipwright, 1 9 Chu rch stree t, 8D obson George , bu tcher, 232 H igh stree t h . Union stree t, b wD obson John , pawnbroker and shopkeeper, Thomas stree t, 111 WD obson Jos eph , v ic t. Hetton col liery, P ier qu ay, sD obson Mr s . 1 24 H igh stree t

,b w

D obson Mr s. Ma ry, 3 1 Brougham s t. b WD obson Richard, master mariner, 13 Zion street, b wD obson Rober t, basket maker, 3 1 Chu rch street, sD obson Robert, baske t maker, 5 New market, 8 ; h . back of Su ssex st b wD ock office, N orth shore, m W s Rob t. Ayre, m str .

,B enj . Rickaby, c irk

Dodd Benj amin, ship owner, 16 D’

Ar cy terrace, b wD odd Jo seph Hu nter, master mariner, 30 H end on ln. b wDodd P arkin , ship rigger, 26 Nor thum b er l an d stree t, b wDodd Thomas, beerhou se, Ayre’s qu ay, b wD odd Wi ll i am , shoemaker , 7 Albert street, b WD odds Adam, tailor, 3 18 H igh stree t b wD odds John , block and mast maker, 3 West Wear stree t, b wD odds John , watch 8: nau tic a l instrument maker, 4 Bod l ewel l ln . sDodds Joseph , v i c t. Victori a Inn, B road stree t, m W

Dodds P e ter D ixon, master m ariner, 39 We ar s tree t, b wD odds Thomas , grocer, W ear street , m W sD odds Thomas, v ic t. Hope Tavern, 1 1 Chu rch stree t, s


D odds Wi lliam , marin er, 2 1 B ed ford s tree t, b wD odds Wi lliam, rag and bon e dealer , 132 High stre e t, 3Dodshon Edw.

, whol esale chemis t and dru ggist, soda water, 8m. m fr .,

33 Bridge street,b w

D odsworth E lizabeth; v i c t. Union Tavern, Vine stree t, s ,

D odswor th H enry, beerhou se and grocer, 70 Moor stree t, b wDodsworth John, grocer and beerhou se, 5 1 Woodbine stree t, b wD onald son Mr s . Ann

,back N i l e s tree t, b w

D onald son Mr s. Jane, 2 Derwen t street, b wD onaldson Joseph , ship chandler, an d ship owner, 26 L ow s tree t, s ; h . 7


Ar cy terrace, b wDonald son Thos ., hair dresser, 1 10 L ow st., 8 ; h ; Sou th Du rham ,

st. b wD onkin Charles, runningfitter, Woodbine terrace, b wD onkin James, v i c t. Bridge H o tel , and posting hou se, 124 H igh stree t,and 24 Sunderland street, b w

Donkin W ill i am, comm ercial trav eller, Vine l odge, b wD on n i son School , Chu rch walk, s ; El iz abeth Pu rvi s, mistressD ormand George

,bu tcher

, &c . ; h . 1 6 Edward street, sD ox ford Joseph, timber merch an t, 41 W alworth st ; h . 8 Bed ford st. b w .

D oubleday Mr s. school, 1 3 Sou th Du rham st . b wD oughty W i ll i am , master mariner, l O P emberton street, b wD ou glas Chri stopher, schoolmaster, Dundas st. ; h . 29 B arclay s t. m w sDou glas James, baker, Spencer’s lane, sD ou glas John , merchant , & c . ; h . 38 Union street

,b w

Dou glas John , i r on fou n der , & c . ; h . Ayre’ s qu ay,b w

D ouglas Mark, grocer te a dealer, 33 High stree t, 8 h . 34 Zion st. h w

D ou glas Robert, clogger, 74 N ew market, sD ou glass G eorge, marine store deal er, N orth qu ay, m w sD ou glas s James, master mariner, c t, 199 High st . 3Dou glass James, v i c t King W i lliam IV.

,17 Qu een st. s

Dou glass John , merchan t, 38 Union st. b wD ou glass Martin, rope m an fc tr .

, Hendon, and coll iery agent, 1 2 Tav i stock place,b w

D ou gl ass P au l son, master marine r, East Woodbine s t. b wD ouglass Capt. Samu el, 62 B rou gham s t. b wD ou glass Thomas, sh ip owner, 33 Vill i ers st. b wD ouglass W i l l iam , j oin er , 4 Brougham st. b wB ou thwai te Jas ., bu tcher, 3 1 High st. 7 N ew Market

,h . 38 Grey st. s

D ov e James,leather seller, 2 Qu een st. 5

D ov e W i ll iam ,v i c t., Bu sh Tavern , 27 Bu rleigh st . 8

D owel l George, master mariner, Fore st. b wDowell Jam es

, join er and c abinet maker, 46 George s t. 8D owel l Michael, master mariner, 68 Moor st. b wD owney James, v i c t., P hoenix Tavern , 26 L ombard st. sD owney Mr s ., 25 C r owtr ee road, b wDoxford John , grocer, tea -dealer, and w in e merch ant, 98 High st. b w


El l en or W i ll i am ,master mariner , 24 Barcl ay st. m w s

El l ey George , block mast pump maker, L ow qu ay, s h W ear st. b wE lly Joseph , whi tesmi th , 27 Coronation s t. b wE l l idge John , watch m aker , jewel l er , 196 H i gh st. b wE llio t J ohn , ov erman , Monkwearmou th Colliery, Sou thwick ln . m w

E llio t Thomas, merch ant, coalfitter, broker ship owner, 5 1 S ans s t ;h . 9 Frederick st. b w

Ell io t Thos., merchant 8c ship owner, 2 Norfolk st. b w ; h . P enshaw,b w

E ll io t t An thony, gardener, 32 Tatham st. b wE llio t t Anthony, v i c t., Tynemou th Castl e , E ast st. 8E ll iot t Chri s topher

, wh i tesmi th and bel l hanger, 28 Eas t Cross s t. , 11 .7 N il e st. b w

E ll iott G eorge,painter and glazier

,2 1 B rou gham st. b W

E ll io tt James, master mariner, 28 N i l e st. b wE ll io t t J ohn

,v i c t., Rai lway Tavern , Moorgate s t . s

E ll io t t P atti son,v ic t ., Gardeners Tavern, 22, an d agen t to the Marqu i s o f

L on don der ry ,Exch an ge bu i ldin gs, High st . sE l li o tt Thomas R .

,hat 8: cap manu fac tu rer

,19 High st . 8 ; h . 55 Sou th

Du rham street, b wE l sdon Henry, grocer and flou r dealer, W ear st ree t, m w sEl s tob Jane

,con fecti oner

,9 High street

,b w

E l s tob Thomas, master mariner, 13 Su nderlan d s tree t, b wE lsto b Wi lli am H odgson , ship owner, 13 Su nderland stree t, b wE l ter in gham S tephen , grocer and ship owner, B road stree t, m W

E lwi n Robert,Esq., col le ctor of exci se, 40 Frederi ck st. b w

Embleton Cu thbert C ol l ingwood , su rgeon , 10 Chu rch street, sEmbleton H annah , dress and straw h at maker, 5 Cr owtr ee road , b wEmble ton Isaac, master mariner, 50 B arclay street, m w sEmbleton John , master mariner, 1 1 East Cross s treet, b wEmbleton Robert Baki ston , su rgeon , 24 L awrence stre et, b wEmbleton W i lli am, m aster m ariner, 3 D ’

Ar cy terrace, b wEmble ton W ill i am, master mar iner, 33 Zion stree t, b wEmmerson Elizabe th, v i c t., Bu l l Dog , 42 H igh st . sEmmerson George, hair dresser, 69 Coronation st. b wEmmerson John , mariner, 38 Dunning s t. b wEmmerson Robert, v i c t O ak Tree

,3 1 B i shop Wearm ou th pans

Engli sh Joseph , c lo thes cl eaner, 44 U nion s t. b wEpiscopal Chapel of ease, Spring G arden lane sEr rington John , tran sl ator, 94 L ow s t. sE rrington Richard, brass founder,W est Wear st, b wE rrington Soloman , tai lor, 47 Middle s t. b wE rrington Thomas, brass founder, W es t W ear s t. b wE rskin Ann , shopkeeper, 25 Bu rleigh st. sE spl in g John , master mariner, 1 1 Waterloo s t. m w sEttri ck Mr . Wal te r

,Union place, m w

E uen s Jo hn, master mariner, George s t. m w


Evans Mary, beerhou se , Back Zion st. b wEvans Richar d, t ai lo r, 53 Barcl ay st . m w sE vans John , su rgeon , 20 N i cholson st. b wEv ans Samu el, sai l clo th manu fac tu rer, sai l m aker and ship owner ,

W ear st. ; h . 68 Dundas st . 111 w sEvans Thomas

,bu tcher, N orth qu ay m w s

E v es Charles, shoemaker, 18 Harley st . b wE ver att Robert , master mariner , Eas t Woodbine s t. b wEwart John, au c tioneer, com m i sion agen t,& c h . Wi lliamson ter . m w sEwar t John , groc er and baker, 66 H i gh s t. sEwart John

,gardener, 1 98 New marke t s h . H endon l ane b w

Ewart Rou tl edge,au ctioneers

,apprai sers general commission agents ,

Will iamson ter. m w sExchange N ews Ro om , 197 H igh st. 3Exci se O ffic e , 9 Villiers s t. b w , Robert E lwin Esq.

,coll ec to r

Eyre George, master mariner, 47 Sou th Du rham st . b wFair Robert

,gardener an d shopkeeper

,Borou gh road b w

Fairbairn Alexander,shopkeeper beer re tail er, 26 H i gh st . b w

Fairbairn Barbara, marine store dealer, Mo ss lane h . 24 L ombard st. sFai rb r idge Mr s. E l eanor, 1 1 Wal ton pl ace, b WFai r br i dge Mr s. E liz abeth, Sou th Du rham st. b wFai rb r idge Thom as

,tai l or , Cu s tom hou se entran ce

Fairclough Robert,stonemason , and bu i lder ,\ 17 Bed ford st . b w

Fai r l am b G eorge, tal low ch an dl er, bu tch er , and trip e dresser, 2 Grey st . sFai r l am b Rt . Geo.

,ha t manu fac tu rers St fu rr i ers, Bod l ewel l ln . s h .

58 Frederick s t. b wFairless Capt. J ohn R. N .

, 25 Derwen t street, 1) wFairley Barker, ship owner, 158 High stree t, b w

Fairley John C lark, m asten m ar in er , 28 O l ive stree t, b wFairley Rober t, chemi st dru ggi st, 158 H igh stree t, b wFairman Charl es, Wine and spi ri t merchan t ; h . 24 H i gh street, sFal l der John

,v ic t. and marine store deal er, N ep tune Tav ern , 39 L ow s t. s

Fall a Thomas, sl ater an d brick maker ; h . 60 Northumberland s t . b wFarrar John H udson , chemi st, dru ggi st grocer ; h . 6 1 John str ee t

,b W

Farrow Henry, blo ck, mast and pump m ake r,70 L ow s treet

,s ; h . 28

Woodbine terrace , b wFarrow John H udson , chemist and druggi s t ; h . 6 1 John street, b wFarrow W i lliam ,

master mariner an d ship owner, H endon s tree t, b wFarrowW i l liam, garden er, Tunstal l lane, b wi Fawcett Elizabeth , dress maker, 48 Brougham st. b wi Fawce tt John , baili ff, 5 Grey street , sl Fawcett Thomas, su rv eyor o f s tamps an d t axes, for Chester and E asin g.

ton wards, (Du rham,) 34 Vill iers stree t, b w

Feetham Matthew,v i c t.Mechan ic’s L odge , 4 S ilv er street, 5

lFel l Chas. R i chd . solici t or and c l erk to Sou th Shields turnpike road , 56Frederick street, b w


Fells Joseph , v i c t . Qu een ’s head, and organ bu i lder, 22 Johnson st. b wFenwick Mr s. Ann , H a l l

,Borough road, b w

Fenw i ck Chri s topher, bacon dlr., 209 N ew marke t ; h . 7 Wood st. 8Fenw ick John , mas ter mariner, 18 Brougham stree t, b wFen w ick John , bu tcher , Wear s tr ee t ; h . W i ll iamson stree t, m w sFenw i ck John , master mariner, 49 L awrence s tree t, b wFenwi ck Robert, seh r. j unr., glass bo t tle manu factu rers, B i shop Wearmou th P ans ; h . Green

,b w

Fenwi ck Robert, cabinet maker, 69 H igh s tree t b wFenwi ck Robert, master mariner, 46 N orthumberland street, b wFenwi ck Rober t, v i c t. G rey L innet, Farringdon r ow, b wFenwi ck M r . W il li am

,9 N i chol son stree t, b w

Fergu son John L amont, v i c t. Mountain Daisy, Hi lton road , b wFergu son Charles, su rgeon, 4 Sun n i side, b w

Fergu son Hen ry, ship owner, 3 Fc yle s tree t, b wFergu son John , shoemaker, 35 Si lver stree t, sFergu son John , foreman , North stree t, sFergu son W illiam Bramwel l , su rgeon, t i tb u r n s t . m w sFergu sson John , ol d bookseller, 9 Qu een stree t, sFerrand Edward , tobacconi s t, 32 H igh street , sFi eld J ames, master mariner, 47 D undas s treet, m w sFinch Joseph , master man n er, 7 Grey s treet, sFinkl e John , t ailor, 5 1 N i l e street , b wFinkle Robert

,tail or, Moor street, b w

Finlay Hen ry Halli day, pain ter, glaz ier, paper h anger, 16 N ile s t. b w

Finl ay M . 8: J . milliners,l l Wear s tree t

,b w

Fin l ason W i ll i am, tai lor 29 1 High stree t, b wFinlay George, tail or, 5 Cumberland str ee t, b wFin l yson Mary, dressmaker, 22 San s stree t U pper, b wFi shbou rn e Anthony, cu tler and grinder, 23 Green terrace, b wFi sher Rev . John, (P resbyteri an ,) 15 Barclay stree t, m w 8

Fi sher John , ship owner, 1 York s tree t , b wFi sher John , u phols terer, 15 Dun das street

,m w s

Fi tzgeral d W i ll i am Robert, bank clerk, 43 L awrenc e s t . b wFl anagan Michael, v i c t. ship owner

,Waterloo hou se , 8 Warren st . s

Flatt W i lliam , master mariner , 5 S u ssex street, b wFleming Daniel, master ma riner, 29 Woodb in e stree t, b wFleming J ohn , grocer and baker, 6 E astc ross street, b wFleming John , master mariner, 36 Grey stree t, sFleming Joseph , m aster mariner, 27 Grey stree t, 3Fleming Rober t, hai r dresser, 30 High street ; h . P a l l ister

s ya rd,b w

Fleming Robert, fru i terer and potato e dealer , W ear s tree t, m w sFleming W i lli am , baker , W ear stree t, m w sFle tcher Jane, beer seller, 83 Hendon ro ad , b wFle tche r Rober t

,t ai lor

, 2 1 G rey street, sFle tcher Thom as, paper manu factu rer ; h . 13 John street, b w


Frazier Mr s. Ann,H u dso n ’s bu i ldings , b w

Freeman Joseph, pain ter and gl azi er, N or th qu ay, m w sFreemason s Hall

,Queen s t. open , 3

French Alice, old clo thes dealer, 1 3 1 H i gh st ., and 159 N ew market,5

French Isabell a, m i l liner an d dress maker, W aterloo place, m w sFrench John, cl erk, 1 East W oodbine s t. b wFren ch Robert

,sh ip owner, 30 Frederick s t. b w

French W i l l iam,wharfin ger and genera l commission agen t, Wyl am 's“

Wharf, 8 L ow s t. s ; h . 58 Tatham st. b wFriends Mee ting H ou se , 3 1 N i le s t. b wFriend Mi ss Sarah , 262 High st . b wFrost Edward

,master mariner

,7 Nor thu m b er l and st . b w

Frost John,cooper 8r ship owner, 74 L ow s t. s ; h . 8 Sou th D rhm . s t . b W

Frost John , master mariner, 4 S u ssex st. b wFrost Robert sail maker

,Ferry B oat L anding ; h . 48 Dundas st. m w s

Frou d H annah,l odgings

,8 O l iv e s t. b w

Fu l ler Charl es Edward, v i ct ., Geor ge Commercial H otel, 29 High st . 8Fu ller Mary, v ic t.,W hi te L i on, 48 H igh s t. 8Fu l lerton Alexander

,master mariner, 33 B arcl ay s t. m w s

Fu l ton James,marine store dealer, Chu rch s t.

,m w s

Gain s Thomas,master mariner

,13 East C ros s s t. b w

Gal e W i l li am, master mariner, 9 W aterloo st. m w sG al len C atherine

,v ic t . Sev en S tars, 43 L ow s t. s

G allen El iz abeth,shopkeeper

, 120 H i gh st. 5Galley Wi ll i am

,col le ctor of poor and borou gh rates

,41 Villiers s t. b w

Gallon Thomas,brewer, Qu een st. B rewery ; h . 4 Derwen t st . b w

Gam m ack W ill i am Henry,shopkeeper

, 17 H endon r o ad, b wG arbu tt Mr s. Jane Ann, 2 Stockton road , b wGarbu t t George, bookseller, s tationer, ci rcu lating l ibrary , an d agen t fo r

Howqu as te as, 190 High street, b wGarbu tt John

,confec tioner

,85 Coronation st. b w

Garbu t t John Wi lson , accountant, 16 King stree t, b wGarbu tt John , join er cabinet maker

, 23 Fl ag lan e, 5Garbu t t M r s. Mary

,4 N orfolk stree t, b W

Gardiner Jane,lodgings

, Sans clo se, b wGardner M ichael, master mariner, 1 8 L awren ce s treet, b wGarry Francis

,v i c t . Dock Tav ern ,W reath ’s qu ay, m w s

Garth Thos . v i c t . Magpies,20 Chu rch street


Garthwai te John L am b,v i c t. Rowlan d Bu rdon Arms,Bridge crescen t , b w

Gascoin N athan iel, master marin er, 15 P emberton s treet, b wG att James

,runningfitter, 46 Brou gham street, b w

Gatt Wi lliam ,tail or, 53 N ile stree t , b w

Gau ntl e t G eorge, master mariner , 2 D ’

Ar cy terrace , b wGau ntl e tW i lli am , master mariner, 3 D ’

Ar cy terrace, b wGe e John

,shoemaker an d shipowner, l l P emberton st ree t, b w


Gehrel s Gerhard A . B .,ship broker, and general c ommissi on agen t, 206

‘ High stree t,s

Gibbon Robert, farmer, Roker House, m wG ibbon Thomas, gen tleman, L i ddel l terrace , m w 3

Gibson Ann,shopkeeper, 50 S ilv er stree t, 5

G ibson Dav id, nu rsery 85 seedsman h . 1 High street,b w

Gibson Edward , marin e store dealer, 40 L ow street, sG ibsonGeorge, shopkeeper, 24 S i lv er st. sGibson H . Son ,

nu rsery 85 seedsmen, 1 H i gh st.§c Tu nstal l ane, b wGibson H enry, nu rsery 85 seedsman h. Tun stal lane, b wGibson H enry, bl acksmith, Grey st. s ; h . 8 Su nderl and st . b wGibson Jacob

,gardener seedsman

,Middle H endon, b w

Gibson James,v i c t B l ack L i on , 32 Chu rch st. s

Gibson James, grocer,Wear s t . m w sG ibson John , woollen draper, hatter hosiery ; 2 N i chol son s t. b w

Gibson John , tai ]or , 9 L ombard st . sG ibson John , b l ack shipsmi th

,P i er qu ay, s ; h . 38Wear s t . b w

G ib son Margaret, bu tcher , 19 New Marke t h . 1 1 Union ln . sG ibson P e ter, ship bu i lder, Ayre’s qu ay h . 32 Chester road , b wGibson Redman s, Alms Hou ses, Chu rch lane, b wGibson Robert, keelman , 47 Barclay st . m w sG ibson 81 Stokoe, wool len drapers, hatters hosi ers

,184 High st. 3

Gibson Thomas 8: Co . fru i terers, seedsmen .,pou l try, and game dealers ,

1 13 High st h . 8 Vine pl . b wGibson Thomas, wharfinger and farmer ; h . 1 Chester road

,b w

Gibson Thomas, grocer shoemaker,Ayre ’s qu ay

,b w

Gib son W illi am , v ic t. P em berton Arms, Sou thwi ck ln . m w

Gibson William ,v i c t. Royal Oak, N orth qu ay, m w 5

Gibson W i l liam,shoemaker

,46 M iddle s t . b w

G ibson W i l iam , b u tch er , 80 H i gh st. b wG ibson W il liam , t ailor, 1 7 Ma l in g

s ri g,s

G ilber t Rev . Anthony, (Me thodist,) 2 1 D’

Ar cy ter r ace , b wGi l bert John, master mariner , 7 Grey st. sGi lbert Saml. Thos .,French poli sher, 5 W alworth s t. b wGilby Chri stopher, master mariner, Back L awrence s t. b wGilchrist Mr . W illiam ,

67 L awrence st . b wG i l hespy Mary, lodgings , 17 N orth Bridge s t. m w sGill Thomas , cooper 8c v i ct . Jolly Sailor, North qu ay , m w sGilli es Job n

, tai l or , 52 Sou th D u rham st. b wGillmore George, ro ad su rv eyor, 53 Wear st . b wGilroy Mary, b acon deal er, 32 New Market ; h . Mi ll hi ll, sG i v ens Isabel la , l odgings , Roker , m w

Giv ens W i ll iam , agen t. Manor O ffice , Wear st h . l Du ndas st. m w sGl ahol m Wm . John ,b rass fou n der s dcfinish ers, plumbers coppersmi th sbraz iers, tinplate and zinc workers, gasfitters andmanu factu rers ingen eral , 8 East C ross st . 8: Wear Brass Fn d ry .

, B ridge. Crescent , b w


Glasgow P eter, saddler , 4 Nor th Du rham stree t,b w

Glav es Mr . Thomas, 1 0 O l ive s tree t, b wGledstone G eorge

,b aker, 24 Spring garden lane, b w

Glenn John , m aster m ariner, 20 L ombard street , sG l en den en Doro thy, shopkeeper, 5 Cross street, b wGlendenning John , v i ct . Commercial Tav ern , 39 Chu rch s tree t, 8Glendinning E ll en , dress maker, L iddell street , m w sGod for dson Thomas, painter, 2 Etter i ck p l ace, 5Godley John , manager, B i shop Wearm ou th i ron works, H i lton road , b wGolightly Joseph , green gro cer, George s tree t, m w

Goligh tl ey Robert, master marin er, 43 Sou th D u rham st b wGoodall John , portrai t p ain ter, 1 2 H edwor th s tree t, b wGoodch ild Geor gem aster mariner, 49 L awrenc e s t. b wGoodchil d John , at torney’s clerk , 8 York stree t, b wGoodchild Joseph , master mariner , 36 N orthumberl and stree t, b wGoodchil d Mary, l odgings, 35 N orthumberl and s t. b wGoodman James, v i c t. Board , 1 9 Robinson’s l ane , 3Goodwel l James, v ic t. Globe Tav ern , H u dd l eston e stree t

,m w s

Gordan Robert, tailor and draper, 143 Coronation street, b wGordon Dav i d, tai lor, 23 Grey s treet, sGordon W i lli am ,

v ic t . Jem Crow, and ru nn ingfit ter, 1 32 L ow st. sGoub l e James, cl erk, 15 Mu rt on str eet

, b w

Gou in l ockMary, shopkeeper, 22 San s st . 5Gou rley John You ng, ship owner, 43 Tatham street , b wGou thwai te Mr s. Jane, 2 Mu rton street

,b w

Gou tr ey W i lli am, cl erk, 35 Sans stree t, b wGowland C lemen t, watch and clock maker, j ewel ler Si lv ersmi th


High stree t , b wGowl and Dani el, boat owner, 47 Vine s treet, sG owland George, v i c t. and ship owner, 1 30 High stree t, sG owl and George, watch an d clo ck m aker , jewe l l er , & c . ; h . 8 High st. 3Gowland Jane, v i c t. Cross Keys, 9 1 High stree t, sGowl and Wm . 85 Son ,watch and clock makers, j ewel lers, s i l v er sm i ths,& c .

8 H igh street, 3

Graham Mr s. Anne, 47 Frederick s tree t, b wGraham George

,shoemaker, Ayre ’s qu ay, b w

Graham Isaac,v i c t P lough Inn, 45 L ow r ow, b w

Graham James,mariner, 13 G reen s t . b w

Graham John , v i c t., Coach Horses, master mariner, 68 High s t . b wGraham John , boo t and shoemaker, 157 H i gh st. b wGraham John , gardener, 12 V ine place , b wGraham John , v i c t., S tar and G arter, 23 C umberland s t . b wGraham R ev . Joseph, Bap ti st schoolmaster, Ha l l gar th sq. m w sGraham Margaret, shopkeeper, 29 W arren st. 3Graham Ralph , boot and shoemaker, 172 H igh st. sG raham Thomas, beerhou se, Shields road, m w


Gregory W i ll i am Grayson , su rgeon , Whi tbu rn s tree t, m w sG regson Isabella

,grocer and tea de al er, 2 High st. 8

Gregson Rain, book binder, 3 Middle s tree t, b W

Greig W i lliam, hai r dresser, and Mary, school , Chu rch stree t, m w sG r ei v es J .,

whi tesmi th , L ow qu ay, 8c v i c t. Exchan ge Tav ern , 20 1 H igh st. 3Gresham Mr s. E liz abeth , 2 Du ndas s t reet, m w sGriev esWi l l iam ,

tai l or , 8c clothes dealer, 144 N ew marke t ; h . 10 Grey s t 5Grimes Robert, v ic t. and j oiner, B ath Hotel , 74 Moor street, b wGrimshaw John 8: Cc ., paten t rope manu factu rers , M iddle street , b wGrimsh aw John

,grocer, tea and fl ou r de aler, 58 8c 59 High st . b w

Grimshaw W ill i am , grocer, tea dea ler, t allow chandler, and re tailer of

porter, 86 H igh stree t, 8c 1 1 Silksworth r ow ; h . 33 Frederick st. b wGrov es Charles

,chimney sweep , 3 U n ion lan e , 8

Groves Thomas , tai lor, 2 Qu een st. b wGroombridge Wi l l i am , master mariner, 9 H owi ck s t. b WGr oz i er Gow cn , maste r mariner, Chu rch st. 11 1 W sG r oz i er Richard, master m ariner, 34 Woodbine st . b wGr oz i er W’

m . and Yeal Wm ., bl ock and mast makers, L ow s t. s. ; h s. 30

Vin e st . s , an d 2 1 L awrence s t. b WG u thrie Mr s . E l iz abeth Doro thy, 3 Chester road , b WGwi l l i am John , shopkeeper, 88 Coronati on s t. b wH addock 8c Clay, i ron and copper merchan ts , chain and n ail makers,general smi ths, brass founders, and coppersmi ths , 2 Qu een s t. s

H addock Rich ard,ship broker ; h . 23 Bridge s t. b w

H addock Robert, glass cu tter and dealer, 7 1 L ow s t, sH addock Wm . 8c John , fu rnishing 8: general i r on m n g r s, 179 H igh st sH addock W i lliam

,agen t

,5 L amb ton st. b w

H a l c r o Mr s . El izabeth , 56 Vi lli ers st. b wB aloro John , co alfitter, B eam ish Sou th Moorfit ting o ffice , N orth qu ay,m w s ; h . John st. b w

H a l c r o Richard 8: John , merchants and ship brokers, 56 Vi lli ers st. b wH al c r o Richard , merch ant and ship broker h . 18 N il e s t. b wH al l Andrew,

stai thman,Dock stree t, b w

H all Ann , con fectioner, 1 54 High st. 8H all Anthony, grocer and baker, 13 G eorge s t. sH all Charles, blacksmi th , L ow r ow, b wH al l Charles Sm i th , jo in er , 15 N umber s garth , b wH al l E liz abeth , beerhou se, 38 L ow r ow, b wH al l George W i lkin , ship bu i lder,Wet Dock , ‘West side o f Bridge

,an d

Floating Dock, N orth qu ay ; h . N elson sq. m w sHall G eorge

,master mariner, Woodbine ter. b W

H al l George , bl acksmi th , Du rham road , b WHal l James

,baker and shopkeepe r, 103 High st. 5

H all James, ship bu i lder, N orth qu ay ; h . H owi ck s t. m w sH al l James, lodgings, 13 West W ear st. b WH al l Mr . James

“,1 7 D

Ar cy ter . b w


Hall John,bee r re tailer and confec tioner, 88 and 89 H igh st. b w

Hal l John,confec tioner

,14 York s t. b w

Hal l John,master mariner, 9 W i ll iam st. b w

H all John Harrington , flou r deale r , 5 Smyrn a place b WH all John, j oin er 8c cabinet maker, 1 5 Bed ford st . b wH all John , master mariner, 17 Qu een st. b wH all John

,master man n er, 40 W oodbin e s t. b W

H all John Cummings, dyer, 8 Chu rch s t . 3H al l J ohn, master mariner, H endon s t . b WH al l John , bu tcher, 3 15 High st. b wH al l Mary, shopkeeper, 2 Charles st . b wH al l Mary 85 Eliz ., dress 8c s traw hat makers , 13 West Wear s t. b WH al l Mary, shopkeeper, Storey’s bu i ldings, b wH all Ransom,

master mariner, 50 -Woodb ine st. b WH all Robert

,chimney sweep , Mau de’s open s

H all Samu el , m aster mariner, 25 Sans st. b wH al l Mr s. Sarah, 56 Barclay st. m w sH al l Sn aton , att orney’s clerk, D ’

Ar cy ter. b wH all Thom as , v i c t., The Bri ti sh Qu een , 34 N um bers garth

,b w

Hall Mr . Thomas,2 P emberton s t. b w

H all W ill i am, beerhou se, 44 Dundas st. m w sH al l W i ll i am , carpen ter, 43 Matlock st. b wHall iday John ,master mariner , 4 P ember ton s t. b wH alliday John , th ird h arbou r mas ter, N or th Moo r s t. m w sH all iday Thomas, v i c t., Ship W i lliam, Rai lway wharf, 5H amilton Rev . George Hans

,B . A.

, cu rate , Cou sin st . b wHamil ton James, marine store dealer, W all st ., 13 wH amil ton John, manager , N ew Gas W orks , Ayre ’s qu ay , b WH amilton John , shoe maker , 3 17 High s t. b wH ami l ton Wi ll i am , j oiner, 4 S ilksworth r ow , b wHammond Robert, bu tcher, Ayre’s qu ay, b w

H and ford Frederick, master mariner, Flee t s t. b wHannington Jam es

,v i c t., Ship Inn , ship broker, 8: coalfitte r , 1 High

street,and 1 San s street

, 8

H anson 8c Thompson , ship brokers, commission agents,6 Ru ssel l st . 5

H anson Thomas, ship broker, & c . ; h . Cou s in st. b wHarbottle Mary, dress m aker , 34 U nion street, b WHardcastle G eorge, au ctioneer, apprai ser and general comm i ssion agen t,

3 N orfolk street, b wH ardcastl e I sabella, tobacconis t, tea and coffee dealer, 150 High s t. 5

Hardcastle Mi ss M. A . 2 Green street,b w

Hardy P e ter, marine store de aler, Wood s tre e t, 3Hardy Richard , ship carpen ter , 6 1 N orthumberl an d s tree t, b wHardy Thomas, clo thes dealer, 42 L ow street, sHardy W i lli am, master mariner, 37 N ile street , b wHardy Wi l liam , shoemaker, back Wear stree t, b W


H are I saac C orney, regi strar o f births and deaths for Monk Wearm ou th

dis tric t , 4 N or th bridge s tree t, m w sH are M r s . Sarah, 3 D erwen t s tree t, b WH arkas Geo . 8:Wm . b l ck. 8c mast m kr s.,Nor th qu ay ; h s. Barclay s t. t n.H arkass Wi lli am , ship bu ild er, N orth shore ; h . 49 Dundas st . m w s

H arker Ralph , v ic t. W earm ou th Bridge,Thomas st. m w

H arl and E li zabeth , straw h at make r, 9 Sou th D u rh am st. b wHarper Mr . J o shu a, Hil ton road , b WHarri son Andrew , ship owner, 8 Mu rton st. b wHarri son Mr s. Ann , 5 East C ross st.h wH arrison Mi ss E liz abeth , 25 Green terrace , b wH arri son Mr s. E lizabeth

,W i lli am , plumbers foreman, 8 Sun n i side, b w ’

H arrison George , ship owner, 7 W i l li am st. b WHarri son George ju n . ship owner

, 28 Frederick st . b wHarri son Mr s. Jane

,4 Green b w

H arrison John, master mariner , 8 Barcl ay st. m w sH arri son John

,v i c t. 8L spi ri t dealer

,90 C oron ation st. b w

Harrison John, pai n ter and glaz i er, Howi ck stree t, b WH arri son John , shopkeeper, 15 West Wear s treet , b wHarri son John , v ic t. Golden L i on, 38 High stre e t, sH arrison Mr . John , H al l g ar th squ are, 11) w sH arr i son John , master mariner, 19 W oodbin e street, b WH arrison Margaret 8c E liz abeth, dressmakers, 1 1 Coronation street , lo wHarri son Marshall, ship owner, 38 W es t Wear stree t, b WHarri so n Ri chard Whi te , ch emis t an d dru ggist, 300 High s tr eet.b W

H arrison Robert O v ington,solici tor

,8r c . ; - h . Fawce tt s treet, b w

H arri son Mr s. Sarah , ship owner, 74 D undas s tree t,m w s

H arri son 8: Scott, co al merchan ts, and rai lway waggon bu i lde rs, Moorsand sal e coal Depo t, Town m oor, s

H arri son Robert , master m ariner, Woodbine terr ace, b wH arri son Thomas, ship owner, W i ll iam stree t ; h . 26 Fawcett s t r eet, b WH arrison Thomas, master mariner, 45 L awren ce st . b wH arri son Thomas, coal merchan t, h . 18 Cou sin st. b wHarri son Thomas, shoemaker, Zion st. b wHarrison Mr. Thomas, 15 Green , b WH arri son W i lli am ,

master mariner,23 E as t C ross st. 1) w

H arrison W il li am ,green grocer

, 207 N ew m arket ; 11 . M i ll hill,a

H arrop John ,m arke t garden er, 14 High st. b w

H ar tfor th Mr s . Mary, sub -distribu tor o f stam ps,46 Vill i ers st. b W

Hartley Mr s. Elizabe th , 69 Tatham st. b WHartley James St Co. crown , shee t, and p l ate glass m anu fac tu rers,WearGlass works, New Town h . 17 Green , b W

Hartl ey James, crown glass cu tter, 238 High st. b wHartley M r s. Margare t, 23 Frederick s t . b wHarty W il l i am ,

coalfitter and timber m erchant, N orth quay ; h . 34

Barclay st. in W s


H ed ley Edward , foreman , 1 1 High r ow,b W

H edley John, bu tcher, 76 Coronation s t . ; h . 14 L awrence st. b WHedley John , master m ariner, Hedworth st. b WH edleyM r . Joseph , 42 Woodbine st. b WH eemskerk John Adrian , coal agen t, ( foreign ), 35 Fr ederi ck st . b WHemsley Ali ce, sh ip owner , 1 8 Dundas s t . m W sHemsley M r s . Barbara, W h i tbu rn st . m W S

Hemsley James , mast, block pump maker ; h . 59 W ear st . b wHemsley John , sai l maker, Wear s t h . Whi tbu rn s t. m w sH emsley Ralph , master mariner , 20 S ans s t . 8H emsley W i lliam , sai l maker, S tran d st h . 14 Yorke s t . m w 5

H enderson A lexander Sr. Co., hat 8; cap manu factu rers, 20 Hig h st . s

Henderson Fr an c is , b u tch er , W hi tbu rn st. in W sH enderso n Hannah , pawnbroker, 2 L awren ce s t . b WHend erson J ames S co t t, tai lor Sc draper, 8 Sans s t. upper, b WHenderson John Banes, ship owner, 38 Sans s t. b WHenderson M r . John , 88 H endon road , b WH enderson John , brick maker, 2 1 Johnson st . b WHenderson John Mankin , mason , 18 Low r ow

,b W

H enderson Mar gar e t, pawn b r oker , 23 S i lv er st. 8Henderson Margare t, straw hat maker, 40 So u th s t . b WH enderson Ralph , master mariner, 17 Wes t W ear s t. b WHenderson Robert, shopkeeper, 19 Charles s t . b WH enderson Wil l iam ,

runningfitter,5 1 Wear st. b w

H enderson Wi lli am ,l in en Sc w ool l en draper ha tter, 87 H igh s t.h W

Henderson W i lli am,master mariner , 19 Wes t s t. b W

Hendon l and,sale coal D epot, Oc tagon Co ttage Town Moor ; Office

B orou gh road , John Ray 8: Cc .,merchan ts fitt ter s

Hen z e l l Adam,tailor

,1 2 iVes t Wear s t . 1) W

Heppell Ri chd . B ryan ,b r oke r , Cstm . hou se entrance h . 10 Norfolk st. b W

H eppell S arah Ann,m i l i i n er s St dressmakers, 24 Hendon road , b W

H erbert M r . Guy, 60 We ar s tr eet, b WHerbert H en ry , join e r an d cabinet maker

, 7 G reen s t. b WH erber t Ralph , mas ter mariner

,24 Yorke street

,11 1 W s

H err in g Andrew ,gro cer, 27 1 High st. b W

Herring Jam es Craggs, block Sc mas t m kr . Fol l y en d h . Dundas st. m w sH erring John , t ailor, 58 N i le street, b WH err ing John , j u n r . tailor and shopkeeper, Fore s tree t, 1) wH erring L ancelo t, v i c t. Whi te H art , 18 Qu een s tree t, b wHerring Sarah , dress make r , 5 1 B rougham str eet, b W

H erring W i ll i am, tailo r, 49 N i le s treet, b wH e r ron T hom as

,bookbinder, 29 Spring Garden l ane, 5

H eslop G eorge, v i c t . H orns , 164 H igh s tree t, 8l i eSIOp Geo rg e , boo t and shoe maker , 75 High s tr eet, b W

l l e l p Rober t, master m ariner, 1 2 L amb ton st . b WH eslop Thom as , ship wh i tesm i th an d bel lhan ger, 9 San s stree t, s


Hesm an Henry , merchan t, 10 1 L ow s t. 3H estwel l Jam es , bu tter dealer, 16 Bed ford st. b WH e therington Henry, car t owner, Thomas st. m W

H etherington John , shopkeeper, Hedworth st. in W 5

Hetherington Joseph,timber merchan t , h . L ambton s t. b W

Hetherington Margare t, shopkeeper, Hami l ton s t. m w sH etherington Thomas, shopkeeper, Rendlesham st . m W sH etherington Wi ll iam cooper and ship owner, B onner ’sfield , m W 3

H etton Coal Company s O ffice , B ridge st . b WHetton Coal S tai th , N ew Town

,John Broe ,

managerHe tton L and Sal e Coal Depo t, New Town

,O gdea r own , m anager

H ewhan Jane and Harv ey Ann, ladi es’ school , 23 L ambton s t. b wHeward B enj amin , shi p and insu rance broker, commissi on and sh ippin gagen t

,au ctioneer and apprai ser, 10 N ile st. ; h . 2 W ard ter. b W

H eward Thomas Greenway, commission agen t, 4 D’

Ar cy ter. b WHeward W i ll i am N elson, ship an d in su rance broker

,general commission

agen t and ship su rveyor, L i t tle Vi l li ers st. ; h . 1 2 Ol ive st . b WHew art John

,fru i terer, 76 Wear st . b W

Hewar t Hobert, fr u i terer, Arcade, sH ewi tson John , pa inter and glazier, 8 S ilksworth r ow

,b W

Hibber t R ev . Charles, (Me thodis t,) 49 W oodb i n e s t . b WHicks Margare t, in fant school , 26 Spring Garden lane , 5Hickson Jane

,dress maker, 73 H igh st . b W

Hickson W i ll i am,shoemaker, 30 Grey st. 5

H i gginson Rebecca, school , 1 Fawcett s t. b wH i l l Denn is , ou tfit ter and h aberdasher ; h . 49 Fr ederick st . b WHill Joseph , master m ariner, 1 9 W oodbine s t. b WHil l John George , haberdasher, & c . ; h . 49 Frederi ck stree t, b WHi l l J oseph , m aster mariner, 19 Woodb in e s treet , b WH i l l W i lli am ,

gen t.,2 Alb i on place , b W

Hi l ls 8: Allason , s to ck and share brokers , 236 H igh s t. 8: 1 U nion s t. b WH i lls 85 Gray, ou tfitters and haberdashers, 187 High st . sH il l s James, fu rnish ing i ronmonger, and stock and share b roker,

H igh st. ; h . 1 U nion s t. b WHi l l s John

,te a dealer

,26 High s t. s ; h . 45 Frederi ck s t. b W

H i l l s Thomas , shopkeeper, 30 Zion s t. b WH i l ton Mr s . Rosamond

,54 Frederi ck st

,b w

H ind M r . John , sen .,6 Eas t Woodbine st. b w

Hind Joseph , shopkeeper, 39 Woodb ine s t. b wHind Ol i v er , ta il or , Chu rch s t. in w sHind W i l l i am , tai l or and flou r deal er , hu r ch s t. m w sH ind John , v i c t., l Va ter rn en ’

s Tav e r n,Hat case , s

H ines Charles H enry , sol i ci tor, 48 N i l e s t. b WHines John , j un .

, soli ci tor, 7 Vi ll iers s t . b WH in dm ar ch E . M . S . S . M . , brewers, 1 1 1 H igh s t . 5 ; h . Fov l e st. b WH in dm ar ch Georg e, ta i lor, 9 1 High s t. b . w


Hirs t Jam es, tr avel l er , 29 Du n Cow‘

st. b WHobbs John

,mas ter mariner , 25 Sans st. b W

Hobson Ann , l odgings, 5 W i l li am s t . b WH odge Thomas , prin ter and chart seller, 206 High st . sHodgson Eliz abeth, fan cy reposi tory, 1 81 H igh st. b WH odgson G eo ., brewer v i c t., B l ack Swan Inn , 2 H odgson ’s bu i ldings , b WHodgson G ilbert, timber merch ant , Dep t ford h . 65 Brou gham st . b WHodgson James, v ic t. Whi te Swan , 29 L ow r ow, b w“;Hodgson John , soda water, l m n de . gn g r . beer m an fr . 5 D unning st . b WHodgson John

,ston e mason 85 bu i l de r , D ock s t . m W s

Hodgson Mr . Joseph , 3 Sans st . u pper, b WHodgson Mo ses , boat bu il der , L ow qu ay, s ; h . 40 Wear s t . b wHodgson Mr s. 32 Wear st, b WH odgson N i cholas , v i c t., Tu rf Ho tel , 4 1 Wes t Wear st . 1) WHodgson Sarah , pawnbroker, Back Vill i ers st . b WHodgson Sim pson , timber m erchan t, 1 2 , an d v i c t ., L am b ton Arms, 19

C r ow tr ee road , b WH odgson S impson Spr aggon ,

agen t i n L loyd ’s o ffice, 2 N i le st . b WHodgson W i ll i am

,j oiner and bu i lder, 3 W i ll i am s t. , and haberdasher 1 1

High st. b WHodgson W i lli am , ship owner, 28 Cou sin s t . b WHodgson W i lli am N elson

,master mariner, B ack L aw r ence st . b W

HodgsonWm ., grocer and ship owner, 1 02 L OW st . 3 h . 28 Cou sin st. b WHodgson W ill iam , master mariner, 6 1 Du n d as st. m W sH odson Joseph , master man ner, 26 Woodbine st. b WH odson Thomas , master marine r, 24 Woodbin e s t . b WHogarth Anthony, gen t ., 20 Tav i sto ck place , b WHogg Doro thy, lodgings, 46 N orthumberland s t . b WHogg Margaret , v i c t . , Sunderland Dock, 13 Vin e s t. 3Hoggett L ydi a, shopkeeper, 9 Moo r st . b wHolbu rn Isabella , l odgings, 1 9 L awren ce s t. b WHol den Isaac , master mariner, 9 Woodbin e st . b wH ol d for th Rober t, boo t and shoemake r, 29 L ow st . sH ol i day Chri stopher, carri er, 1 7 N orthumberland s tree t, b W

H olliday E leanor, hosi er, 70 Wear st . b WHollis Wi lliam

,prin te r an d stati on er

,136 Hig h st. , an d v i c t .

,Du rham

Hou se , 33 S i l ver st. sH olmes B enj amin , su b - in spector o f poli ce

,26 Wes t Wear s t . b w

Holmes Henry , m as ter mariner, Ha l l gar th sq . m w sHolme s Mi ss Mary A n n ,

55 Tatham st. b WH olmes Robert, grocer and baker, 84 L ow st. sHolmes W i lli am

,bu tcher, 47 High s t. 8

H ol sg rov e Dav id , chain , cable & anchor m n fr ., i r on founder, &c ., B i shopwearm ou th pans, and shipsmith , P emberton ’sfield ; h . 13 Der .

w en t s t. b wHoope Thomas

,catholic sch ool master ; h . 27 N or thumberland st. b W


H u dson 8: Sons, cu stom hou se agents, and D ani sh v i ce - consu ls , C u stomH ou se Entrance, 5

H u dson Mr . Thomas,H ill st. b w

Hu dson M r s. Wel thin,18 Frederick st . b W

H udspi th Mr . Edward, 1 2 Woodbine st . b WE n ga l l Mr . Edward

,54 Wear st. b w

Hu gal l George, ship inspector, 2 1 N i l e s t. b WHu gal l Robert Du nn, boo t and shoemaker, 39 N orthumberland s t. b WH u g al l Thomas, l and su rv eyor, 4 W oodbine st . b WH u ghes J ohn , engine bu i lder, m i llwright, an d general mach ine maker


B ack Sun n i side si de ; h . 15 Sunderlan d st. b WHugill Ri chard

,tai lor, 5 Cross st. b w

H u ison Robert,statione r and paper d ealer, 106 Coron ati on st . b W

Hu ll John , bu tcher, Qu een st h . 3 14 High st. b WH u l l Richard

,mas ter mariner, 30 Qu een s t. b w

Hu l l Thomas,shoemaker

,6 1 Hendon ro ad , b W

Hu l se Mons . Jn o .,pr ofsr . of the French l angu age, 5 Sou th Du rh am st. b WHumble Ch arles Isaac

,ship broker

,136 High st h . 26 Bridge st. b W

H umble John,cart owner, Thomas s t. m W

Humbl e Margaret,dress m aker, 30 U nion st. b w

H umble Mr s. Margare t, 26 Bridge s t. b w

H umble Ri chard,master mariner

,Hendon s t . b w

Hum phrey An thony, j oin er, 42 Barclay st. m w sHumphrey George


, P or tob el l a l ane , m W

H umphrey J ames,sh opman

,8 D

Ar cy ter race , b wH umphrey John

,master mariner

,37 Grey s t. s

Humphrey J oseph,grocer an d tea deal er

,1 82 H i gh st. 8

Humphrey Thos .,wool len l inen d r aper ,h atter , & c . ; h . 148 High s t . b W

H umphrey Rober t John,master mariner

,E as t s t . b W

Humphreys George,shoemaker

,N orth qu ay, m W s

H un t Francis, v i c t ., King’ s Arms , Ann st . b W

H u n t W i lli am,fru i terer , and prov i sion dealer, 80 High s t. s

H unter Ann,l odgings , Moor terrace, b w

H un ter Mr s . C atherine, 4 1 Barclay s t. m w sH un ter Mr s. Isabell a, 2 O l iv e s t . b WH unter John

,beerhou se

,43 Crescen t r ow, b w

Hun ter John,prov i sion and flou r dealer, 92 High s t. b w

H u nter Joseph,sla ter

, N orthumberl and s t . b wH unter Michael , French polisher, 15 Sans st. sH unter Robert

,blacksmi th and farrier, Sou thwick L ane end , m W

H u nter Rober ts, gardener, S to ckton road , b WHunter Thomas

,bu tcher ship owner

,50 High st. s ; h . Fawcett st. b W

H un ter Thomas,v i ct .

,Commercial H otel , 1 94 High st . s

H unter Thomas 85 Co . ,tea dealers an d gr ocers, Wholesale and re tail , 55

and 56 H i gh st . b WHu n ter Thomas

, m aster mariner, and ship owner, 10 Cou sin st . b W


Hun ter Thomas, cl e rk, 25 Cou sin st . b WH u nter Thomas, shoemaker, 7 G eorge s t. 8Hun ter Watson , j oiner, g l ass and earthenware deal er, 15 H igh st. b WHunter W i lliam ,

bu tcher, 1 19 Hi gh s t. 3H un ter Wi lli am, sexton , Mofl



s C ou r t, Colli er r ow, b WH unter Wi lli am

,bri cklayer, 37 B rou gham st. b W

Hunter W i lliam,master mariner

,16 P emberton s t. b W

H untley D aniel, blo ck maker, 24 P emberton s t . b WH unt l ey Joseph , bookseller , prin ter, stationer, and ci rcu l ating l ibrary ,

282 , High st. b WH untley Mr s. Isabel l a, 42 Frederick s t. b WH untl ey S tephen Sons

,block and mast makers

, 27 Hendon ro ad , b WHuntley Thomas, booksel ler, stationer, general news agen t ci rcu latingl ibrary

,1 1 High st. 8

H un tley Thomas,v i c t ., Field H ou se, B orou gh road, b w

Hun tley Jeptha, b l ock, 81 0 . maker h . 19 P emberton st. b WH u r dm an Jacob


,Back Zion st . b W

Hu rrel l H en ry, shoemaker, S ilksworth r ow ; h . Greenhill Co t tage,b w

H u rry Franc is , gen t ., Vin e pl ac e , b WH u sdel l Isabel l a Maria

,v ic t .


,Wh i tbu rn s t. m w s

H u sdel l Jacob , coalfitte r, ship and insu rance broker, an d general merchant

,Wear st. ; h . 5 Dundas st. m w s

H u son John, bu tcher, Wear st . m W sHu tch inson Cu thbert

,watch and clock maker, Chu rch st. m w s

Hu tch inson D ixon , cabine t maker, j oiner, fu rni tu re broker, and funeralfu rnisher, 29 Mal in g

s r ig , sH u tchin son Edward, shopkeeper, 73 Coronation st . b WHu tch inson Edward , c ooper, Nor th qu ay ; h . Chu rch s t. m w sH u tchinson Edward Ramsay, master mariner, 153 H i gh s t. sH u tch inson Edward , bu tcher , 39 New Market ; h . 42 Qu een s t. 3Hu tchin son E liz abeth , lodgings, 28 Vi lli ers s t . b WHu tchinson George , grocer and tea dealer, 6 H igh s t. b wH u tchinson George, ship owner, 78 Tatham st. b wH u tchinson 8c G ill, gro cers, Eas t C ross street, bH u tchinson James, agen t, 10 Wear s t. b wH u tchinson Jam es, grocer ; h . E as t C ross st. b wH u tchin son John , ship bu i lder, and owner, B i shopwearmou th P an s ; h .

Sunderland st. b W, and L eechm er e House

H u tchin son John , bu tcher, 27 N ew Marke t ; h . 5 Moor ter. sH u tchi nson John , carrier, 6 Cross place , sH u tch inson John , bu tcher, 50 New Market, s ; h . 50 L awren ce st . b wHu tchin son John ,

m aster m ariner,68 L awrence st. b W

Hu tchinson L ewi s , brazier and tin -plate work er , 99 L ow st. ; 11 . l l Moo t

terrace, sH u tchinson L u ke

,b aker

, 290 High st . b WHu tchin son Mr s . Mary ,30 Woodbine s t. b W


Hu tchin son Nob l s., clo thes deale r, 6 1 New Mrkt; , s ; h . 28 Chester r d . b w

H u tch in son N i cholas, clerk, 28 Cheste r ro ad, b WH u tchin son Ralph , ship bu i ld er, tim ber merchan t, ship broker, and shipowner, Three Cran es Wharf ; h . 1 9 N orth Bridge s t . m W

Hu tchinson Ralph Wm ., ship bu i ld ers, Bi shopwearmou th P an s

Hu tchin son Thomas , agent, 13? High st. b WHu tchinson Ri chard , v i c t., Whi tby Abbey , S trand s t. m w sHu tchin son Thomas, v i c t., Freemason ’s Tav ern

,Thomas st . m W

H u tchin son Thos.,b u tcher , 59 N ew Marke t, s h . 5 1 L awrence st . b W

H u tchinson W illi am,ship bu i lde r ; h . 2 Foyle s t. b W

H u tchinson Wi lliam Tho s. rel iev ing o fficer, 9 Bed fo r d st. b wHu tchinson Wi l l i am ,

bu tch er, 28 High st. b WH u tton , Fl e tcher, 8c Cc .

, paper m anu factu rers , C lax l raugh M i l l sH u tton Frederi ck, rope m aker, Hendon road , b WH u tton John Reuben , sol i ci tor, 5 Villi ers st. b WHu tton Rich ard, l ock smi th , 4 Cross s t . b WH i l l Rev . Fr ederi ck, D .D .

, H ead Mas ter G ran ge Boarding Scho o l , Stockton road, b w

Indep enden t Chape l , Dundas st. m W sI rv in e W i lliam ,

tai lo r , 14 Moor s t. b WI rwin Jane, sch ool , B road st . 111 wI sda l e Hen ry, shopkeeper, 48 Baines’ l ane , sIv eson Joseph , bacon deal er, 33 New Marke t ; h . Union l an e, sJackson An n ,

straw h at m aker, 1 7 Harl ey street, b WJackson Andrew, marin e store deal er, Dark en tr v , sJackson J ames, m aster mariner, 73 H endon ro ad , b WJackson John L i gh t foot

,v i c t., Qu een ’s Head , 3 Qu een st . s

Jackson Mi chael, master marin e r , 72 Hendon road, b WJackson Myas, glaz i er, 20 Bu rleigh st. sJackson Jo seph , m aster m ariner , 1 1 Hedworth s t. b WJackson Mary An n , school , 6 Mi l lfiel d Co ttages, b WJackson P eter, master m ariner, Back L awrence s t. b WJ ackson Ralph, m aster mariner, 27 U nion st . 1) WJackson Ralph

,car r ier

,55 Vine st. s

Jackson Robert,m aster mariner, 6 Hedwor th st. b W

Jackson Sarah , beer re tail er, 22 Union st. b WJackson Thomas

,marin e store dealer , 6 Charles st ; h . 8 W i l l i am

Jackson Thomas, shoemaker, Eas t s t. b wJackson Thomas, smi th , 9 Gard en st. b WJackson W il li am

,h ai r d r esser and perfumer 122 Coronation st. b w

Jackson W i l l i am , mil lwright and en gineer, 7 Dunn ing st. b WJacqu e s Thomas, marine store dealer, Whi tbu rn st . m W sJakes Edward , green groc er, Ayre’s Qu ay road , b WJames Mi ss An n , Si lv er s t. sJames D av id

,master m ariner, 2 Smy rna pl ace, b w

Jameson John , pain ter and glazier, 23 West s t. b W


Jones Doro thy, fancy kni tter, 38 Cor onat i on st. 3Jones Mr s. El iz abe th , 19 Chu rch s t. 8

Jones James, schoolmaster, 4 King st. b WJones Thomas Rock Smith , sol i ci tor, 134 H i gh st. ; h . 26 G r een ter. b WJoplin Thomas, v i ct., B lack L i on , 144 H i gh st . 8J opl in g James, wool len draper and hosi er ; h . 26 Frederick st . ”b wJopl ing John , wool len draper, t ailor 8: hatter, 195 High st . 3Jopl in g Thos. 8: Son , i ron founders and wh itesmith s, 34 Walworth s t. h wJcpl in g and Tu er, woollen drapers and hosiers, 184 H igh s t. 3Jord i son George, bu tcher, 44 N ew marke t h . Golden alley, sJordon W il l i am ,

v i c t., Crown 8: Anchor, 73 L ow st. 5J o seph D av i d, j ewel ler an d watch maker, H owi ck st . b WJ oseph Dav id, shopman , 52 N i le st. h wJoseph Hyam, watch and clock maker, 2 John st. 3J oseph J acob

,S i lversmi th and hardwareman , 204 High st. 8

Joseph Tobias, j ewel ler , 81 W ear s treet, b wJoseph L yonel

,p awnbr oker and engrav er, 1 62 H i gh st. 8

Joseph Nesham , clock and watch maker , 145 H igh st . ; h . 2 John st. sJoyce Charles, tailo r and draper, 14 San s street u pper , b WKay M ichael, ship carpenter, 6 Dundas st. m W 8

Kay Thomas, v ic t.,Qu een ’s Head

,14 W arren st . 5

Kean James, engineer and millwright, Sal t Grass Dock ; h . 39 Cresc en tr ow, b W

Kearney R ev . Philip , senior, C athol ic pri es t, 27 Bridge st. b WKearney Matthew, win e an d spiri t m erchant, and malts ter, 3 1 Green st.

h . 24 Fawcett ‘ s t. b WKearsl ey Mr s. Mary, 24 Cumberland st. b WKeenan P eter , v i c t Good Inten t, 18 Warren st . 8Keel l er Richard , transl ator, 173 New M arket, 95 L ow s t. 3Keir John

,j o iner, 4 York st. b W

Kell Mr s . Margaret, 5 D erwen t s t. b WKelley John

,mariner, 24 Union st. b W

Kelly James, master mariner, 8 P emberton s t. b WKemp John

,master mariner, 26 Barclay st. m W s

Kennedy Ann,hosier, &c.,

57 Dundas st. m w sKennedy W i lli am , master mariner, Moor st . b WKenni co tt Rev. B enj ., incumbent of Monkwearmou th Chu rch , N orth

B ri dge st. m w sKenn i co tt Rev . B enj . C ., incumbent of All Sain ts, R oker , m W

Kenny Mary, dress maker, 56 Sou th Du rham st. b wK en t James, shipsmi th , and chain maker, N orth qu ay, m w 3

Kent Joseph D ixon , shoemaker, 7 1 L awrence st . b WKerr Charles

,shoemaker, 5 Grey st. 5

Kerss Wi ll iam,ship smith

,and ship owner, L ong Bank ; h . 97 High st. 5

Keys James,v i c t.

,Earl of Du rham , 69 L ow s treet, 5

Kidd Eliz abeth, dress maker, 8 Sou th Du rham st. b w


Kidd P earson Ward, m aster marin er, H i l l st. b WKidn ey Henry , runningfitter, 25 W ear s t. b wK idson John , solici tor, cl erk to the Magi strates and River Wear Watch ,

15 East Cross st h . 36 Frederi ck st. b wKidson John , shopkeeper, 3 Si lver s t. sKidson Mi ss Mary, 1 1 Frederick stree t, b WKil e James

,master mariner, 27 Cumberl and st. b W

Kimpster Mrs. E l len , 14 W es t Wear st. b WK impster W i l liam Edward, beerhou se, 2 Bee d st. b WKim son Thomas, l ath riv er, East s treet, b WKing John ,

grocer, W i lliamson street, m w sKing Wi l li am Henry, baker an d shopkeeper, 107 Coronati on s t. b WKirby George Smith

,shoemaker , 15 Sou th s t. b W

Kirk Wm . Co., coalfitters brokers , 136 H igh st. ; h . Tatham st. b w

K i rkal dy Robert, plumber an d glazi er,Wear st. 111 w sKirkbr ide Andrew, co al agent, L i ddel l terrace, m w sKi rkbri de G eorge, v i c t., George IV., Ayre ’s qu ay, b wKirkbride James, tailo r an d shopkeeper, Whi tbu rn st. m w sKirkbride W i lli am, t ail or an d d raper, D ock st. m w sKi rkbride Wi lli am , cooper, N orth qu ay, m w sKirkby John, grocer, prov i sion , and fl ou r deal er, 5 H i gh st. b WKirkby John, sh ip carpen ter, Back of Sunderl and st . b wKirko p George, pain ter, h . H amil ton s t. m w

Ki rkup Hannah , l odgings, 1 7 N orfolk st. b wKi rkup J ames, beer hou se, Back Ni le st. b WK i rkwood W i l l iam , ship chandler, N orth qu ay ; h . 52 Dundas st. m w sKir tl ey Mr . John , 23 Johnson st. b WKirtl ey John , runningfitter, 13 Grey st . sKi rtley Johh, marine store dealer, N orth qu ay ; h . 2 Barclay st. m w sKi r tley Robert, en gineer an d hardware d ealer, L iddell ter . m w sKirton Mr s. Eliz abeth , Chu rch st. m w sKirton Joseph , v i c t., C oble, 7 Warren s t. sKirton Ralph , ship owner, Thomas st. m wKirton Wi11iam , brazier and tin -plate worker, Chu rch s t. m W s

Kish Thomas, v i c t.,Wh i twel l Colli ery, 7 L ow qu ay, 8Ki tchen John, green grocer, 75 C oronation st. b WKn eebon Rev . John, (Bap tist) 65 L awrence st. b WKn i fton Charles, bailiff, Whi tbu rn st. m w sKu ss, Amand, 85 Co., German clock makers

, 10 Coronati on st. b WKyle Wi lliam, tailo r an d draper, 29 Cou sin st. b WL ackenby Thomas H enry, cu rrier le ather cu tter, 5 1 N orthumberland

st., b w ; sale shop, Grey st. sL ackenby Will iam, cur rier and leather sel ler, 45 H igh s t. b WL ackland Margaret, pawnbroker, straw hat maker, and plai t deale r, 14

Brougham st. b wL aidler Andrew, tailor and draper, 146 H igh st. b W


L aidler John , master mariner, 36 Zion st. b WL aidler W ill iam

,boo t and shoemaker, 145 High st . b W

L aing James,shoemaker

,45 Robinson's lane , 9

L aing James , master mariner, 14 Barcl ay st. m w sL aing P hilip , glass bo ttl e manu factu rer ; h . Dep tford H ou se, b WL akel and Jo seph Stanhope, clerk, 4 Chester road, b wL amb Christopher, shoemaker, N elson squ are , m w sL amb E l izabe th , st raw hat maker, 43 Sou th D u rham st. 1) WL amb G eorge, boat bu i ld e r, and marin e store deal er, L ow st. 5L amb H en ry, master mariner, 14 East Cross st. b wL amb James, plumber and brazier, c t . 199 High st. sL amb Jan e

,l odg in gs, 43 L aw rence s t. b w

L amb Matthew ,master mariner, 2 N orth B ridge s t . m w 3

L amb Mar g t., fr u i ter er ,pou l terer , game dealer, & c . ; h . 1 B ed ford s t. b WL amb Robert

,timber measu rer, 38 Brougham st. b W

L amb Robert,shipsmi th , H ud l es ton st. m W 8

L amb Thomas, ju n .,shipsmi th

,and chain m aker, Whi tbu rn s t. m w 3

L amb W i ll iam ,master mariner, 16 Sunderl and s t. h W

L amber t Fran cis,bu tcher bacon dlr., 40 N ew mkt. ; h . 14W ood all e r , s

L amber t Hen ry , ship owner , 10 East C ross st . b WL ambert John Morrel , master mariner, 29 N i le s t. b wL amber t John , ship owner, 44 Tatham st. b WL ambert W i lliam W ind u s

,win e and spiri t merchan t

,Arcade , s an d v ic t. ,

Wheat Shea f Inn , 4 Moor s t. b WL ambton Coalfit ting ofii ce, Dock st. b w ,

John Todd , agen tL ambton L and Sale coal d epo t , H i l ton ro ad , b w,

John Vi ckers, agen tL ambton P eter , ship owner, 12 Sunderland st. b WL ambton W. H . dc Cc .


,5 4 Villi ers st. b W ; J . S . Robinson , agen t

L ambton Wi lliam ,m aster marin er

,4 Wi lli am st. b w

L an caster Isabel la, fu rni tu re broker, 19 Coronati on st. b WL ang ford F. K.

,teache r Gran ge school ; h . H igh s t. b w

L anglands Sarah An n , d ress m aker, 30 Charles st. b wL an g ton John , beer retai l er, 49 High st . b wL angton Wi lli am , cab ine t maker , 1 7 Alber t s t. b WL arm e n t John

,beerhou se an d shopkeeper

,E ast Woodbine st. b w

L atham Mi chael , v i c t. , Borough Tav ern , 15 Yo rke st . m W 5

L awrence John , mariner, Elizabeth , dress maker, 6 Walworth st. 1) W

L aws Ann , lodgings, Broad st. W

L aws George, shoemaker, 29 Vine st. 8L aw s W i ll iam , shoemaker , 42 Qu een st. 8L awson An thony, cabinet maker, 5 Dunning s t. e WL awson Christopher, shoe dealer, 138 N ew mkt h . L ombard st. 3L awson Dav id , shoemaker, Wh i tbu rn st . m W 3

L awson Mr s . E liz abeth , pawnbroker, 4 Charle s st. b WL awson H ugh , clo thes deale r, 105 N ew mkt h . L ong bank, sL awson John, paten t y east deale r, 5 San s st. s


L iddel l An n , grocer, 27 Dundas st. m w s

L iddell Ann,shopkeeper

,35 Ch u rch st . 3

L i ddell George,carpenter, 25 B i shopwea rmou th pans

L iddel l Mark, tai lo r and draper, 5 Dunning st . b wL i ddell Robert, ship owner , 2 B ridge s t. b wL i ddle Henry, cabine t maker an d fu rnitu re broke r , 6 Crowtree road, b w

L iddle Isabella,baker

,4 C umberland st. 1) w

L iddle John,v ic t. , Carpen ters ’ Arms, Chu rch st . 111 w s

L iddl e Robert,v ic t ., P eacock, 1 10 High st. 3

L iddle Robert, master mariner , 72 L awrence st. b wL iddle W i l li am

,v i c t., Earl Gr ey, Nor th qu ay , m w s

L igh tly Edward, v i ct., Mason s Arms, 50 Union st. b w

L i lbu rn W i ll i am,baker an d flo u r dealer, 125 H ig h st. s

L indsay George,agen t glass w orks

,Ayre ’s qu ay , b w

L in dsay John , carver and gil der 13 B r i dge st. b wL in ski l l John , m il ler, 46 Qu een s t. b WL in d sl ay W i l l iam,

earthenware dealer, 1 1 1 New marke t,s

L insley G eorge,horse clipper, 126 Coronati on s treet , b w

L i ste r George , master mariner, 1 35 High st . 8L i terary and Phil o sophic al Socie ty , 27 Fawcett s t. b w , J . G . G r an t an dJohn E van s

,se cre tari e s

L l oyd James , E sq.

,collec tor of cu stoms, 42 Fawce tt s t. b W

L l oyd Jane, v i c t Royal Tent, 320 High st. b wL l oyd L ew i s, tailor, Hanov er place, b wL loyd Thomas, master m ariner, 37 Wes t Wear st . b wL l ovds Regi ster O ffice, 2 N i l e st. b w ; John Brunton 8: Thom as Boyes

Sim ey, su rv eyorsL oane Mr s. El len Blake

,1 Albion place

,b w

L ockey G eorge H umbl e,tai lor and draper

,40 Charle s s t. b W

L ockey Henry,tailor

,37 Vin e st. s

L ockie John , brewer, Ayre's qu ay , b wL ocki e P e ter, v i ct Grey Horse, 203 H i gh st . 8L ogan Mr s. J ane, 5 Ches ter road , b WL ongford Thomas

,master marin er, 36 W ear s t. b w

L ongley John,mariner

,5 N orthumberland st . b w

L ongmi re Thomas,shoemaker

,E ast Moor s t. 3

L ongridge Thos. B .

,pai n ter and glaz ier, 34 Charle s st . b w

L on g stafi'Geo r ge , sen .,b u tcher and tall ow ch andl er, 70 High s t. 8

L on g staEGeor ge, Ju n .,b u tcher, 68 High s t. 5 ; h . 4 N icholson s t. b w

L on gstafi'Henry, bu tcher, 43 High st. sL on g stafl

'Henry,ship owner , 3 4 Sou th Du rham st . b w

L on g stafi"Thos.,bu tcher 8: ship owner, 59 High st . 3 ; h , 15 Vi l liers st. b W

L on g stafl'Thomas

,schoolm aster, 10 N orfolk s t. b w

L on gstafi'Wi l l i am ,grocer

,17 Bridge st . b w

L oni e Mi ss Ell en , 24 C ou sin s t. b wL onie Isabel la, shopkeeper, 3 C oron at i on s t. b w


L onie Martin , ship broker, Exch ange B u i ld in g s , s ; h . 2 1 Frederick st. b wL onsdal e Ali ce , dress make r , 1 1 Sou thgate , b wL ord George, parish clerk , and regi strar of bi rth s and deaths, for the Eas t

D is tri c t,Chu rch walk, 3

L ord Geo rge , ju n .,organi s t, Ch u rch walk, 9

L ord John , fu rni tu re broker, 57 Coronation s t . 8L oss P . R. St Co .

,genera l m erchants

,ship brokers, and coalfil ters , S un

n i side Bu i ldings, b wL oss Pe ter Rowl and , merchan t, ship broker, h . 17 Norfol k s t . b wL ough ton George , sail cloth , St c . m an u fac tufir ; h . East Woodb i n e st . b wL ou gh ton 85 Sco tt, sail c lo th , tar pau l in g, Sec . m an u fc tu r s , Ropery lan e , SL o therin g ton M i sses, Sou th Moor, S tockton road , b WL ou t it t Thompson , tailor, 25 North D u rham st . b wL ow George 8: Matthew , shoem akers, 25 Woodbi n e stree t, b WL ow James

,hai r d resse r

,1 17 High street


L owe R ober t, eating hou se, Wear s treet, m W sL owes Charle s Wi lson , tobacconi st, 38 High stree t, 3L owes George, shoem aker, back C hu rch street, m w sL owes John , boot and shoemaker, N el son squ are, m w sL owes R. brewer

,Robinson ’

s lane , Sc v i c t. Hones t L awyer , l l 3 Low st.

L owi s Ri chard, foreman , 9 Grey st . 8L ow ther C atherine, shopkeeper, 2 1 N e sham squ are, sL owthi an I saac, tai lo r, 27 Nort h Du rham stree t

,b W

L u ckl ey S tamp, master mar in er, 5 L awrence stree t , b WL u lman Charles

,permit wri ter

,9 Vi l l i ers street

,b w

Lu m sdon 85 Byers , sh ip an d insu ran ce brokers, 4 Ru ssel l s treet , 3L um sdon Edward

,chain anchor m fr . S trand st. ; 11 . l N r th Bdg . s t. m w s

L um sdon Joseph, ship insu ran ce broker ; h . l Tav i s tock pl . b WL um sdon Mary , v i c t. Sm i th’s Arms, Chu rch stree t, m w sL umsden Roger , v ic t. Grapes H o tel, an d ship owner

,33 Dundas s t. m w s

L um sdon Wi l l i am,master marin er and ship owner

,6 Cou srn street

,b w

L u ttie Alexander, maste r m ariner, 6 Moor st ree t, b wL yg h tl y Anthony, dagu er eotype por tr a i te establi shmen t, 2 Su ssex s t. b wL ynn Robert, green grocer , 2 2 L ow s tree t, 8Mc Cain Christopher, t ide wai ter, 19 Thomas stree t, sMc Cain James, v ic t. Brewery Arm s, 93 H i gh s tree t , 3Mc C lement Thomas

,t ailo r

, 33 Chu rch stree t, 8Mc Cree Robert, shopkeeper, Ayre’s qu ay, b wMc Dermon t James, prin ter, 16 Qu een stree t , b WMc Donald George, scu lptor 85 marble mason , Nor th Bridge st. 111 w 5

Mc Don ald Adam , mariner, 29 Union stree t , b wMc Donald Al exander, ailor, 26 Flag l ane, 8

Mc Donald Corn eliu s, master mariner, 18 B ed ford street, b wMc Donald James, v i c t. Friendly Tav ern , 22 Yorke s t. m w 5

Mc Donald Moses, grocer and prov i sion dealer, 94 High st. 8Mc Donald Thomas, master marin er, 18 East C ross stree t, b w


Mc Donald Wi ll i am, mas ter marin er, 25 East Cross s tree t , b wMc Dou gi e Anthony, pain ter and glaz i er, 41 Sou th Du rham stree t

,1) W

Mc Dou gi e John , t ai lor , Whi tbu rn stree t, m w 8

Mc Dowel l John, exci se o fficer, 5 Vine p l ace, b wMc Harg Robert, trav elling tea dealer, Back L awrence s t . b wMc In tosh G eorge, shopkeeper, 149 Highe t . sMc Kenna John

,hat manu fac tu rer, 2 1 Chu rch st . s

Mc Kenz ie Alexander, master R. N 5 Frederi ck s t. 11 WMc Kenzie Alexander

,d r aper ,& c h . Sun n i side, b w

Mc Kenzi e Jam es, cab in et maker and j oiner, 26 4 High st. b w

Mc Kenzie Jame s, mar in e r, Back N i l e s t. b wMc Kenzie St Wi l son, linen and woollen drapers , Sun n i side bu i l dings, b wMc L aren Thom as, master marin er, 24 Yorke s t . m w sMc L au ch l an John , straw hat maker, 205 H igh st.“sMe L ou ghl in Mark , tra nslato r, 29 L ow st . 3Mc Master L , teacher, Grange School , S to ckton ro ad , b wMc Pherson Donald, shoemaker, 37 George st . sMc Pherson W i ll i am , plumber and gasfitter, Back of Bridge st. 11 . Wes t

Wear s t . b WMc Rae Thomas, 8 N or thumberl and st. b WMackb eth Sarah , beerhou se, B rewery bank, m W sMaccaw P e ter, marin e store dealer , 7 Si lksworth r ow, b wMacdonal d Alexander , grocer , Chu rch s t. m w sMacdonald Wi l l iam, master mariner, 47 Woodbine s t. b wMacki e Robert, u pholsterer, 3 Sans street u pper , b wMackl am John , shopkeepe r, H in d st. b WMaclean Fanny , dress m aker, King st. b wMaclain Wi l liam


, 50 H igh st h . 20 Walworth st. b wMadder Ele an or, shopkeeper, 12 Matlock st. b wMaddison An n , Spinal an d French stay, tru ss, and su rgi cal bel t maker,elasti c lace stockings, ankle socks, knee caps and wr i s t bands madeto measu re , 15 Vill i ers st . b W

Maddison John, v i c t ., Board, 29 Robinson ’s lane, sMaddi son P hilip, j oiner, cabinet maker, an d fu rni tu re broker, 1 15 Coron ation st . b W

Maddison Richar d, v ic t. Cu stom H ou se Tav ern , 1 Thomas s treet, sMadgwick Thomas, master mariner, Wall st. b wMagee H enry, sh ip owner, Bridge stree t , b wMaighin Rose, v ic t . Rising Sun , L ow Flag lane , 5Mal ing Edward, su r geon, l Sun n i side, b wMal ing Mi sses, day school, 25 Mu rton s treet, b wMaling Wi ll i am

,shoemaker, H edworth s tr ee t, m W s

Mal l ab u r n Wi lliam, pilo t, 6 L ambton street, b WManning John , master mariner, 47 W ear s tr ee t, b WMarch Charles

,master mariner, 38 Dundas stree t, m w 8

Marin e Alms Houses,Mar i time pl ace, b w; Mr s , Barbar a Shield s, matr on

398 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORY;Matteson John , crown glass manu fac turer ; h . 34 Fawcett at b wMatthew Edward , bu tcher, Chu rch st. ; 11 . N ewcastl e ro ad , m W 5

Matthew Edward, chemi st and dru ggist, Hud l eston s t . m W 8

Matthew George, ship owner, Tatham st . b wM atthews John , g en t., Shield s road , 111 WMatti son Ann, shopkeeper, 39 Charles st.“h wMattison Ann , ol d cl o th es deal er , 4 Grey st . 3Mau ghan Matthew, shipsmi th , Mo ss l an e ; h . 95 H i gh st . 8Maughan Wi ll iam

,blacksmith an d nail maker, B l ack Bu l l qu ay, s

Maxfiel d Benjamin,shopkeeper and j oiner, 16 Coronation st. b W

Maxw ell Thomas,beerhou se, 13 Waterl oo s t. m W s

Maynard W illi am, groom , 9 Back Fawcett s t. h wMayor’s Chamber, 15 East C ross st . b wMead l ey Mi sses Alice and Catherine, 56 Faw cett st. h wMead l ey W i ll i am ,

v i c t., Cu stom Hou se Hotel , 137 H i gh st. 5Mears 85 Co.

, fru i terers, pou l terers, game, Bri ti sh W i ne, c i gar, ch ina, glass,& c. dealers. 224 Hi gh st. h w

MearsW i l li am 8: Son ,hardware an d fancy toy wrhs., 1 17 H igh st. h W

Medd Thomas, fu rrier, 47 Qu een st. h W

Meek Thomas, en gineer of r iv er Wear, Sou th P i er, 3Meldrum Alexander George, chemist and dru ggis t, 269 H igh st. b wMeldrum John , master m ar in er, Moor ter . sMeldrum Robert

, boot and shoe m aker, 8 Moor ter. sMelv in Joseph

,green grocer and oys ter dealer, 2 Bod l ewel l lan e, s

Men ham George, master m ariner, 28 Zion s t. h wMen m ier W i l l iam, school master, H i l l st. h . 1 3 Cou sin st. h wMesnard Edward , merchan t an d coalfitter ; h . 17 N orfol k st. b wMesnard Sr. H u dson , merchan ts and coalfitters, 134 High st. h wMe tcal f George, tai lor, Hamilton st. m w sMetcalf Jan e, schoo l , 3 1 Grey st. 8Metcal f Rober t , master m ar in er, Back L aw rence s t. h wMe tcal f Thos ., cabin e t maker an d fu rni tu re, b roker, 86 Coronati on st. h wMe tcalfe Thomas , travell ing tea dealer, 43 Sou th st. b wMethodi st New Connexion Chapel

, S tafford st. 8Mi ckl am 85 Carr, timber merchan ts , ship brokers, &o.

,Wreath ’s qy. m w sMick l am M r s. L ydia, 56 Dundas st. m w sMiddlemi ss G eorge Andrew,

archi tec t,su rv eyor, au cti oneer, apprai ser,

22 Bed ford stree t, b WMiddle ton Edward , master marin er, 7 Wear s t. b wMi ddleton George, block, mast, and pump maker, Dean ’s yard, 8 ; h .

4 Woodbine st. b wM iddle ton J ohn , sai l maker and ship owner, 88 L ow st. s ; h . 24 Kingstree t

,b w

Mi ddle ton P atrick, master mariner, 59 N i l e st. 15WMiddleton Thom as, shoem aker , 23 Vin e st. 8


Middleton Wi l li am, mast, block, an d p ump maker, Nor th shore ; h. 5

Dock st. m w sMi lbu rn Thomas, grocer, Broad st. m WMi lbu rn Usher

,rope m aker s, H endon road, h w

Mi lbu rn W i ll iam, rop e maker ; h . 1 Adelaide place,b W

M ilbu rn W i ll iam,master mariner, Di xon ’s squ are, 111 W s

Mi l l bou r n Thomas, bu tcher, Charles st. h . 22 Bed ford st. b WMi l lbou rne W i lli am 8; Co ., stock. and shar e brokers, 174 H igh st. ; h . 5

Su ssex st. b WMi llar Smart, l inen and wooll en drapers, 179 H i gh s t.“b WMi llar Wi l l i am Don n i son , d raper, h . 179 H igh s t. b WM iller George, boo t and shoe maker, 256 High st. b WMi l l er G eorge , m aster mariner, 1 1 Grey st. 8M ill er Mr . J ames, 16 P emberton st. b wMi l ler Jane

, v i c t., Artichoke, Midd le H endon , h wM ill er John an d E liz abeth, l inen and wool len drapers

, si lk mer cer smilliners

,& c .,

Sun n iside Bu i l d ings,b w

Mi ller John, laceman, 83 and 84, H igh st. b wMi ller John, bri ckl ayer, 46 H endon road, b WM i ll er John , mas ter mariner, 49 W ear s t. h wMi ller Margare t Ann 85 Co., shopkeepers, 13 1 Coronation st. b WMi ller Mary, mill iner an d dress maker, 83 and 84 H igh st. 1) WMi ller Mary, day school , 22 Ol ive st; b WMi ller Wi lli am, boo t and shoe m aker, 25 East Cro ss st. b WMi l le r W i l liam , shopkeeper, 83 C oron ation st. b wM iller W i lli am, marine store d ealer, 147 L ow st. sM i ll s John , shoemaker, 23 Qu een st. 3Mi ll s Mary, v i c t ., C aledonian Arms, Wear s t. m 'W sMi ll s P eter, sh ip owner an d surveyor, 49 Vi lli ers st. b WMi l l s Robert, master mariner, 23 Yorke st. or W sMill s Sampson, ship broker, 1 1 bridge s t. b wM i ll s Wi ll iam, ship smith, 41 Charles s t. b wMi lls Thomas, m aster mariner, 38 Brou gham st. h W

Mi ln e Alexander, merchant, 58 Fawcett st. b wMi lne T . A. lad i es seminary, 58 Fawcet t s t. b WMilne James , seam en

s missi onary, 7 Frederick s treet, b wM i lner Rev. Jas ., cu rat e of Monkwrm th . Chu rch, 77 Dundas st. m W sMiln er Joseph, v ic t., North Star, N orth shore, m W sMi lner Thomas, foreman , 1 Su ssex st. b wMi ln er Ralph , gen t G reen ter. b wMil ton Robert , v i c t., Joiners Arms, Golden alleyMinikin Mr s. Mary, 28 Woodbin e st. b wMi tcal fe Richard, master mariner, 2 Tatham st. b wM i tchell G eorge, boat bu i lder, 79 L ow st. s ; h . 75 L awrence s t. b wM i tchell G eorge , v ic t., Red L i on, 7 1 Crowtree r o ad, b wMi tchell Geo., watch Sc clock maker 8: smal l war e deal er, 62 H igh st. b w


M i tchel l Jas ., coalfitter and merchant, Chu r ch s t. m w sMi tchel l John , watch and clock maker, an d jewel l er , Mau de ’s cou r t, sM i tchell Robert, clock and watch maker, 18 Sans st. 8Mi tch el l Thos ., b oot and shoemaker, 141 L ow s t. sMi tchel l Thos ., m aster mariner, 6 W ear st. h wMi tch el l Thos. M .

, clerk cu stoms, 48 Tath am st. b wM i tcheson Charles Thos ., master mariner, Back Z i on st . b wM i tch eson Martin , grocer , 3 12 H igh st. b WM i tch i eson J an e, v i ct., 143 H igh st. 3Mi tch in son Robert, sh i p own er , 3 Frederick st. h wM i tch in son Thomas, tailor, 39 S an s st. b WMoti’at Alexander, grocer St flou r d ealer, 19 Hi gh st . b WMofi'at W illiam ‘

sVar r en, pain ter and g l azier, 53 High st. b w

Moti att E lizabeth, national schoo l , N umbers Garth ; h . 17 Green st. h W

Mofi’att George , master marin er, 14 G rey st. 8Monkwearmou th Chu rch , Chu rch s tree t, m W

Monkwearmou th Coal and Coke D epo ts, P ortobel lo l an e, 111 W, DawsonRanson, agen t

Monro Andrew, su rgeon dc accou ch er, Back L awrence st. b WMonro Robt organist, professor of m u si c 6: arti st

,Back L awren ce s t . b w

Moody Andrew,v i c t., Golden Anchor, 1 28 L ow s t. s

Moody El len, shopkeeper, 25 N orthumberl and st . b wMoody John , join er an d b u i lder, 8 High r ow,

b WMoon Alexander, ship owner, 16 Tav i s tock pl ace, b WM oon Ann, vi c t ., Wear Tav ern, L ong bank, sM oon Charles , bankers cl erk, 26 Villiers st. b WM0 0 11 Mr s . E lizabeth , 26 Villiers s tree t, b WMoon H en r y Alexander, ship ou n er , Ex chan ge bu ildin g s, s ; h . 16

Tav is tock place, b W 5Moor Eliz abeth , sh opkeeper, 56 Bu rl eigh st. sMoor John , ship owner, 23 N i le st. b wMoor Joh n ,m aster m arin er, 8 Dock s t . m W sMoor John, bl acksmi th , 3 Cr ow tr ee road, b WMoor Mr . Thomas 2 Tav i s tock pl ace, b WMoore, A . J . 8: M. soli ci tors to the Sunderl and Water C o. 7 Bridge st. b wMoore An thony John , soli ci tor, and steward to th e an c ien t Manor of

Sunderl and h . B u i ldin g hill, b WMoore Barbara, Shopkeeper, 8 George s t. 5Moore and Co.,

m erchan ts and coalfitter s, 53 Sans st. b wMoore Edwar d , grocer and prov i si on dealer, Mi ll s t . b wMoore George,gr ocer, cheese an d bacon fac tor, 244 H ige st. b WMoore G eorge S to r ey, earthenware m au u fr -h . 16 N orth Edg . s t. 111 W 5

M oore John , agent, 10 Bedford st . b WMoore J ohn G eorge , bu tch e r , 72 H igh s t . b WMoore John , blacksmi th, 1 M iddle s t. b WMoore L eonard , shoemaker, 17 Middle st . b w


Mu rray Charl es, j oiner and bu ilder , Villiers st. ; h . 4 Tatham st . b wMu rray Edward, organi s t, 54 N i le st . b WMu rray Henry, gardener, 194 New Market, s. ; h . Them e hi ll

,b W

Mu rray Isabel la , con fec ti oner, H amilton st. m W sMu rray James, ship bu i l der h . Dundas st . m W sMu rray John , ship chandler, ship owner, and sai l clo th m anu factu rer,

104 L ow st . sMu rray John , James , 85 Philip , ship bu il ders , N orth Dock, m W sMu rray John Co.

, ship and insu rance brokers, 9 H igh st. 5Mu rray John , v ic t ., Marke t Hotel , 55 Co ronation st . 3Mu rray John , gardener, Tunstall lane, b wMu rray Michael , v i c t.


,36 George st . 5

Mu rray P hi l ip , ship bu ilder ; h . Dept/for d


Mu rray Walter, painter and glaz 1 er, 22 Sans street u pper ; h . 8 Chesterr oad

,b W

Mu rray Robert Robson,waterman , Tunstal l l an e, h w

Mu schamp 8c Weighi l l , l inen and woollen drapers , carpet warehou se, 8 m.

16 High stree t, 8Mu schamp W i ll i am , draper, &c . ; h . 3 S tockton road

,b W

Mu ster Hall 85 Sai lors Chapel , 62 Coronati on st. s Cath . Reed , hou sekprMyers James , m ar iner, 1 2 P ember ton st. b WMyers Matthew

,commission agent , 10 High r ow, b w

N ai sby Francis, tai lor, 16 Walworth st . b WN ashe t Thomas, master mariner, 40 N i le st . b wN ation al School , L ow r ow , b w ,

Wm . Armstrong 8: Margare t ThompsonN ation al School

, (P arochial,) 2 Vine street, s . W i ll i am Henry Edney, andDorothy Ann Col e

N attan Dav id,trav ellin g j eweller , 42 Vine s t . s

N attress Charles,su rgeon , 6 Vil l i ers st . h W

N aylor Mi ss Catherine, 23 East C ross s tree t, b WN aylor Robert , cl erk , 1 Smyrna pl ace , b wN aylor W i liam ,

master m ariner,22 O l i v e stree t, b W

N eagl e N icholas,j oiner, cabin et maker, fu rni tu re broker, and funeral

fu rni sher 10 L ombard street, 8N eal Adam ,

boo t 8c shoe maker, 77 Coronation street, b wN ea l John , hair d resser and pe rfumer, 2 S ans s t. sN eel John


,75 New market, s an d 6 P emberton st. b W

N ei l Mary, day school , 13 Green , b WN el son James, cabine t maker, 10 S ans street , s h . 5 Wes t wear s t. b wN elson John , chimney sweep , 41 Baines lane , 5N elson John

,bu tcher, 48 Vine st. s ; h . Hendon l ane b W

N e l son Robert, mast er m ariner, Moorgate st. sN e sbi t John ,

v i c t ., East Hou se , N orth shore, m w sN esbi ttM ary Ann ,m arine store dealer , 4 Cross st. bN e sbi tt T . 85 R. C .

,w in e and spir i t merchants , 5 1 High st . 8

N esh em Thom as,m aster mariner, 5 Thomas s t . s


N ess John , gent., 138 H igh st., b wN e ttleship Jane, lodgings, 24 W i lli am st . b wN ewcast le


,and Sunderland Uni on Join t S tock Bankin g Com

pany, 2 Vill iers st. b w ; draw on Messrs. B arn et, H oare, 85 Co .,

L ondon Henry Armstrong, managerN ewman John

,master mariner

,6 1 W ear s t. b W

N ew s Room, 13 Barclay st. m w s, Matthew Atkinson , secre tary

N ew r i ck James, grocer, tea dealer, prov i sion and porter merchant, 52H igh st . ; h . foo t o f Qu een st. b W

N ewt on Anthony, timber merchant, 33 Sans st. b w_


N ewton and Armstrong, sai l makers, Dark entry, 19 L ow st. 8N ew ton Edward , sail maker ; h . 1 D

Ar cy te r. b WN ew ton John

,v ic t.

,N ewcastl e Arms, 19 Sund erland st. b W

N ewton John , ship carpenter, 65 N orthumberlan d st. b WN ew ton Margaret, milk seller, 75 Crowtr ee road, b WN ew ton Matthew ,

carri er, 30 George st. 8

N ew ton Matthi as, braz ier an d tinp l ate worker, 120 L ow s t. s h . 41

Fred erick s t. b wN ewton Thomas, tailor, 19 Cov ent garden st. b WN ew ton L ieu t. Robert, Broad st. m WN ew ton Thomas, translator, 72 New market, and 98 L ow st. sN ewton Wi l liam


,Hanov er pl ace

,h w

N ichol John , v ic t. , Angel Inn , 85 block St mast maker, N orth qy. m W sN ichol Thomas, b l ock maker, 17 Yorke s t. m W sN icholson Obadiah , carpenter and cartwright, Sheep Fold, 11 1 W sNicholson Thomas

,ship owner 8: timber merchant ; h . 1 9 Mu r ton st. b W

N icholson Thomas, master m ariner, 5 How ick s t. m W sN i cholson Thomas, master mariner, 25 L awren ce st. b WN icholson W. 8c Sons, anchor, chain , and Win dlass m anu fac tu rers, i ron

foun ders and engine bu i lders,W ellington Iron Works, 1 14 and 1 15

Hi gh st. 8 ; h. 27 L ambton st. h wN ick l ess Mary, flou r deal er, 16 High st. b WN ixon John , master mariner, 5 Su ssex st. b wN ixon L uke, bu tcher,W ear st. m W sN ixon Thomas , bu tcher, 59 Dundas st . as W sN ixon Thomas, fu rnish ing ironmonger and nail maker, 169 Hi gh st. 11 WN ixon Timothy, m aster mariner, 54 Brou gham st. b wN ixon W ill i am , grocer, tea, and prov i si on deal er, 95 Hi gh st. sN oble Elizabeth , dress maker, 4 Brou gham st. b WN oble T homas, funeral fu rnisher and u ndertaker, 10 Chu rch st. sN obl e '1 homas, ship owner andfir e bri ck maker, 24 Derwen t st. b WN orm an Isabell a, shopkeeper, 35 Grey st . b WN orri s Andrew Robert, shopkeeper and shoemaker, 36 Sou th stree t, and

10 Walworth street, b WN orth o f England Join t S tock Banking Co.

,1 60 High str eet, b W,

draw on

L ondon 85 Wes tminster Banking Co Edward Forster Bu rditt, agent


N orth Charl es , shoemaker, Railway s t. b WN orth Charles, shoemaker, 6 5 New Market, 8 ; h . Woodbine st. b WN orthern Tea Company, Wi ll i am Read , manager, Arcade, H igh st . 8N orthumb erl and and Du rham Di stric t Banking Company

,1 71 High st.

b w ., draw on Barclay, Beavan, and Co.

,H . Thompson, manager

N orton E liz abeth , lodgings, 65 Tatham st. b WN owell Mr . W i lli am , 5 Mu rton s t. b w.O ates Geor g e, m aster mariner

,81 Wear st. b w

O ates Johnson , bu i lder 8: brick maker, 7 Chester road b wO ates Robert, v i ct., Ru ssell Tavern , 6 L ow st. 8t brewer, 1 L ombard st. 3Ogden H enry, M. D .,Dunning st. b WOgden John Mau de, sol ic i tor, 7 Bridge st. ; h . Mi ddle H en don , b w

Ogle 8: Dou glas, i r on fou n der s, millwrigh ts, &c ., Ayres qu ay , b WOgle G eorge, i r on fou n der ,&C. ; h . Ayres qu ay, b WOgle Thomas, tailor, 5 Grey st. 3Ol iv er Charles, master mariner, 8 Zion st. b WO l iver Mi ss Dorothy Eliz abeth , 47 Vi ll iers st. h WO liv er Mr . Franci s, H a l l gar th sq. m w 8

O l iv er Matthew, v i c t., Ol iv e Branch , Back Zion st. b wO liv er Richard , ship owner, 52 Frederi ck st. b WO l iv er Thompson , ship owner, 7 Dundas st . m W 8

O l iv er Wi lli am,v ic t.

,Uni on Flag, 130 L ow st. 3

O liver W i lliam , su rgeon , 247 High st. b WO liv e r W i lliam

,v i ct.

,Hetton Brewery, 41 Hi gh s t. s

Om and Chri sti ana, hosier 8c worsted dealer , 1 1 N eshem sq. sOram Maria 8L Jane

,straw hat makers 8c milliners, 243 High st. b w

O r d B enj amin , v i c t ., Dun Cow,Ayres Qu ay road, b w

O rd Mi sses C . H . H . Chu rch s t . 111 w sOr d Edward , l inen 8L wool len d raper, hatter, 8t c. h . 148 H igh st. b wO r d 8c Humphrey

,w ool len 8c linen drapers, si lk mercers 8: b atter s , 148

High st. b wO rd Errington B ell, merchan t 8: ship owner ; h . 1 9 Tav i s tock p1. b WO rd Jacob , landing su rv eyor cu s toms , 57 Tatham st. b WO rd Jane , lodgings, 15 N icholson st. b WOr d John , chemi st, dru ggi st, and agen t to the N orth B ri ti sh Fi re 8c L i feAssu rance O ffice , 1 93 High s t. ; h . 57 Tatham st. b W

O rd Mary, v i c t., Gl ob e ~T avern , 34 Coronation st. 5Or d Ral ph , shoemaker, 4 Nesham sq . sO r d Robert

,v eterinary su rgeon 8c v i ct., Nu twi th Inn , 135 Coronation st.

and smi th , 24 Sans s t. b wO r d Thomas Bell , merchan t ship owner ; h . 22 Tav i stock p] . b wO r d W i lliam'

8: Co .,merchants 8c ship owners , 4 Sunderland st h . 8

Fawcett s t. b WO rd W i lli am ,

shoemaker, 22 C rowtree road , b W

O rd Will i am ,tax collec tor, 80 Wear s t. b w

Orm an dey John, boot and shoemaker, Bi shop Wearm ou th pan s


P arkinson RobertW ., schoolmaster,W i l l i am st. h . 28Walwor th st. bw‘P arton Rosan n a, ea r then war e d lr., 1 27 N ew Market ; h . Bu rleigh st . sP arton W i l l i am ,

fu rni tu re broker , 14 Cov ent Garden s t. 3P atterson R ev . John T D .D ., 20 Frederi ck st. b WP atterson John , grocer and baker, 5 Fl ag l ane , 5P atterson Ralph , master mariner, 1 2 L awren ce s t. b WP atterson Robert, master m arine r, 26 L awrence st. b WP attinson VV

oodb er t, j oiner, 16 W est s t. b WP atti son Cu thbert, ship own er , Whi tbu rn s t. m w sP atti son John , v i c t., L ond onderry Arms and Commercial H ote l , 287

High st. b WP at tison John, j oiner and bu ilder, 299 H igh st. b W

P a t ti son Mark, shoemaker, Moorgate s t . sP atti son Thomas , commissi on agen t, 19 Bridge st. b WP atti son W i lli am , tobacc o pipe maker, W ood s t. SP atton Robert, agent, 47 Woodbine st . b WP awson Robert, master mariner, 16 Grey st. 8

P axton Robert , gr ocer and prov isi on dealer, B road s t. m W

P axton W ake, v i c t ., Crown Inn , and B oo t and shoemaker , 3 1 Queen st. 8P eace Franci s , w ai ter, Exchange B u i ldings


P eace John , shi p carpenter, 125 Coronati on s t. b WP eacock , Bro thers, ship and insu rance brokers, an d commission agents,

N il e s t. ; 11 . Green hil l h ou se , b WP eacock John , sen .,

gent ., Green hil l hou se, b WP eacock John 85 W i ll i am ,

booksellers and engravers, 186 H igh st. ; hGreenhill hou se , b w

P eacock John , corn m i ller h . 1 0 Mu rton s t. b WP eacock W illiam ,

ship an d in su ranc e broker, 12 N il e s t . b WP eacock W i lli am

,fishm on ger , N ew Market ; h . Robin son ’s lane, 8

P earce Thackray,timber merchants

,W re ath ’s qu ay , m w s

P earce Thom as, timber merchan t ; h . 15 Bridge st. b wP ear sl ey Mr s . Mary , 19 N esham squ are, sP earson Edward , shoemaker, 55 Sou th Du rham st. b wP earson Franci s, sen hosier, 160 H igh st. 8P earson Franci s, hosier an d hab er dasher, 153 H igh st h . Boroughroad , b w

P e arson Mar tin , master mariner , 28 Grey st. 3P earson Robert, coal deal er, H u d l eston s t. 111 W 3

P earson W i l l i am H enry , ship bu i lder an d owner, Ayre’s qu ay ; h . 10

L ambton s t . b WP egg Joseph , ship owner, 4 Dundas s t. m W s

P emberton Messrs. Co., colli ery owners, Monkwearmou th Coll ie ry,Sou thw i ck lane Martin Dou gl ass, ju n . , ag en t .

P emberton Mi ss Eliz abeth , 40 Fawc ett st. b WP enman H enry, i ronmonger, anchor, ch ain , and nail manu fac tu rer, an dship owner

,1 12 H igh st. 8 h . 22 N orfolk st. b w


P enm an Mr s . I sabella,sh ip owner, 3 Bri dge st. b W

P enman John , ship owner, 16 N orfolk st . b WP enman Joseph , su rgeon , 62 Fawcet t s t. b WP enn E l eano r, school, 44 N or thumberl and st. b WP enn ock Jonathan , grocer and baker, 45 San s st . b WP enri th M r s. Eleanor 100 H i gh s t. 8

P erkin s James, tailo r, 1 7 W illiam st . b WP erks W i ll iam , gl ass manu factu rer h G reen ,

b WP ettey W i lli am


, 26 Sans st. b WP eters Robert, shopkeeper, Chu rch s t. m w 3

P eter son Alexander, master mariner , 2 Hedwo rth st . b WP etl ey John , master marin er, 51 W ear st. b WP ettm an John , tail or, 3 L iddel l st. m W sP e tri e Arthur , shoemaker, W ear st. m w sP e ttigrew Rev . I . F.

,cu rate of Sund erland, Rectory , Chu rch st.

P ev er l y Robin son , master marin er, 63 Wear s t. b e W

P hal p Fl i z ab eth , shopkeeper, East s t. 5P hillip Albert, broker’s clerk, 16 L aw rence st. b WP hi l lips Al exn dr , earth enware m an u fr . ship owner ; h . 12 Cou sin st. b wP hillips Jame s , shoemaker , 18 Spring G arden lane, b wP hillip s John , rel ieving officer ,Whi tb u rn st . h . 9 Yorke st . m W sP hill ip s John , pawnb roker, 8 W ear st. b WP i ckard John , grocer,Whi tbu rn st. m W sP ickard Wi l liam ,

groce r an d flou r dealer, H an ov er place, b wP ickering 1Vi l l iam ,

tai lor, 296 -High st. b wP i ckford Co., ca rriers, 6 George s t. 8: Railway station , m W s E dw ard

W i l son , agen tP il e Joseph , master mariner , 73 Hen d on r oad , b w

P ile W illiam & John, ship bu i lders. North Shore h s. 20 Dundas street ,an d 4 L idd el l stree t, m W s

P i ttre An n , v i c t., Arcade Tav ern , L ow Flag l ane, 3P l ace G eorge , shoemaker , S tamp ’s l ane , sP l ace Mr s. Margare t, 18W alworth st . b w

P l addi e Joseph , tai l or, 148 New Marke t ; h . Sou th alley,s

P lews W illiam , cl erk, 28‘ A l bert s tre et, b WP ol i ce S tation , Borough and Riv er , 27 Wes t W ear street, b W“* l l l i am

B rown , su perintenden t.P ol i ce S tation , Chu rch street , m w s ; John Bai ls, in spectorP om fret Ralph H . St John

,si lk, co tton wool len dyers , 54 Vi lliers s t . b w

P orret t Robert, grocer tall ow chandler h . 1 19 L ow st. sP orteou s Gi lbert, see. to Sunderl and Corpor a tn . Gas Co . 6 1 Fawcet t st. b wP orteou s, John , grocer an d tea d l r ., 67 Coron ation st. s ; h . Co u sin s t . h w

P orteou s W i l li am , school m aster , Su ssex st h . Sou th Du rham st. b wP o rter Benj amin P eacock , cl erk, 8 Albert st. b WP orter Mr s . Margare t, 10 Frederick st . b WP orter Rober t

,tai lor, 43 Brou gham st. b w


P ost office, 30 Bridge st., Mr s. A. Robin son , postmistr essP o st Omoe B ranch, 35 H igh st. s ; Ann Cockbu rnP ost o ffice br anch , Whi tbu rn st. m W s

,John Reed

P o tter Thomas , master marin er, 17 P ember ton st. b wP o tter Will iam , boa t bu ilder, N or th qu ay, m W sP otts Andrew,

boat bu i l der andfish cu rer ; h . Rav en sworth ter . in W sP o tts Chris topher Thomas, soli ci tor and agent to the P hoenix Fi r e andCrown L i fe offices , secre tary to the commissi on ers o f pilo tage


to Marin e In su rance Association, & c ., 1 and 2 Sunderland s t. ; h .

1 43 High st. b WP otts Cu thbert and Brothers, boat bu i lders andfish cu rers, N orth shoreh . 30 Barcl ay st. 11 1 W s

P o t ts Edward, gen t. , 17 Sans s t. u pper, b WP otts Edward, ship bu i lder , N or th qu ay, m W s ; h . 34 Grey st . sP o t ts Guy, runn ingfitter, 59 Moor st . b WP otts Guy,firs t h arbou r master, N or th Moor s t. 5P otts Hu tton

,ship bu ilder, h . John st. 1) W

P otts James , v i c t ., Qu een ’s H ead Inn, 25 L ow r ow ,

b WP o tt s John, su rgeon, 139 High st and New Town , b wP o t ts John , boat bu i lder an dfish cu rer ; h . 8 Yorke s t. m W sP o tts John , v i c t., Hetton S tai th , Ayre’s qu ay road, b WP ot ts John . i ronmonger , 183 H igh s t. sP o tts John , master mariner, 6 Yorke s t. m W sP o tts John C l ark , master mariner, Chu rch st. m W sP otts Joseph, ston e mason and bu ilder, 32 Freder i ck st. b wP o tts L ipton Hu tton , ship bu i lder, &c h . 22 Mu rton s t. b WP otts Margaret,fish monger, N ew mkt . ; h . P i er


P o tts Margaret, hosier, 7 Waterl o o st. m W sP otts Matthew

,sh oemaker, Thomas st. m W

P o tts R. H . and Bro th ers, ship bu ilders and owners, 4 L ow st . sP o tts Robert Hu t ton, ship bu il der , 85 0 . h . W ard ter. b wP o tts Taylor , timber merchan t and sh ip broker ; h . 13 O l i v e s t. b WP o tts Thomas, shoemaker, Ayre’s qu ay, b wP o tts Thomas, runningfitter, 10 W es t W ear st. b wP o tts W i l l iam ,

ship bu i lder ; h . 66 John st. b WP otts W i l li am ,

t ai l or,25 G rey s t. 8

P oun den Matthew , shoemaker, 9 1 New mkt. ; h . 1 1 Chu rch st . sP ow ell Edward , m as ter mariner, 84 Wear st. b WP ratt Thomas, archi tect and bu i l der, 3 1 Union s t. b WP ratt W i lli am, master marin er, Chu rch st. m W sP rest George , coachman , and Isabell a, dress maker, 280 H i gh st. b WP reston George, timber merchan t, 5 Coronati on st. b WP reston John

,sl ate merchant, 9 L ambton st . b W

P reston Wi lli am,brickl ayer an d bu ilder

, Back N i le st . b WP rev entativ e S tation , O l d Battery, Town Moor, s , Capt . P . D. B ingh am ,

c ommander


Qu el ch Mr s. H annah. 24 Ol iv e st . b WQu inn C atherine

,clo thes dealer

,155 New m arket ; h . Union ln . s

Rackley S tephen White,master mariner

,66 Wear st. b W

Ra fer ty John , v i c t ., Forresters Arms, 32 Spring Garden ln . sRahn Andrew God frey


, 27 Sou th st. b wRahn Franci s Henry, merchant 85 ship broker, Su n n iside Bu i l dings ; h .

27 Sou th s t. b WRailway S tation

,N ewcastl e


,& c ., Broad s t. m W

Railway Wharf Co.,Railway Wharf

,5 ; John Ray, managing partner

Raine Mr . Joseph , Sou th Du rham st. b WRaine Mary An n , day school , Sou th Du rham st. b WRaine Robert, v i c t ., Marin ers Retu rn , 143 L ow st. sRaine Thomas, hai r dresser, 74 H igh st. sRamsay H enry, eating ho u se , 202 H i gh s treet, 8Ramsay Mr s . I sabella

, 20 Bridge s treet, b wRamsay Robert

,bu tcher

,10 N ew marke t ; i t . Cov en t garden, 8

R amsay Robert, bu tcher, 1 1 0 Coronation stree t, b WRamsay Thomas, master mariner, D’

Ar cy terrace, b WR amsey Franc es , v ic t. Royal W i ll iam, Dock st. b WRamsey John , block and mast maker ; h . Yo rkestree t

,m W s

Ran kl ey John 8: Co.,fish mongers and gam e dealers

, 2 Fawce tt st . b wRanson Daw son

, Derwent 8c Char l aw Collieryfitn g . offic., 9 Dock st. 111 w sRanson George Smi th , sol i ci to r agent to the Yorkshire Fire and L i feInsu rance office

,2 15 H igh street, b W

Ranson John,v i c t. Grapes, 69 High stree t, 8

Ranson John,ship owner

,29 Frederick street, b W

Ranson Mr s. Mary, 44 N i le s tree t, b WRav en W i lli am P ickworth , commission agent, 16 Ol ive s tree t, b WRawes Henry

, forge for shoeing horses and farrier, 3 East C ross s t. b WRawl ing Arthu r


,40 Union street

,b W

Rawling Margare t An n,straw hat and dress maker, 43 H igh st. b W

Raw l ing Richard,tailor

,37 Union s treet, b w

Rawson W il liam,mariner

,l Tatham street, b W

Ray Arthu r , i ron forger, Ayre’s qu ay, b WRay Ralph

,boo t and shoe m aker, 3 Eas t Woodbine stree t, b W

R ay Wi l l l iam ,ship owner

, 2 1 San s stree t, u pper, b WRay W i ll i am

,v i c t . bath propri etor, and ship owner, Nep tune Bath s Hotel

5 Eas t Woodbine str eet, b WRay W right

,i ron forgers

,Ayre ’s qu ay , b W

Rayne W i l l iam,v i c t. Grace Darl ing, 17 C oronation st. b w

Rayson John,con fec tioner

,186 New Market ; h . l Stafford stree t, 3

Rea Mr s . Hannah , Chu rch street, m W sRea Robert

,master mariner, 36 N orthumberland street, b W

Reach Thomas,lodgings , 73 Dundas street

,m w s

Reay Gabe],ship carpenter

,50 N il e street, b W

Reay Thomas Jowsey, cashier, 4 Nor folk stree t, b W


Redford George , fu rni tu re broker, 30 Coronati on s tree t, b wRed fordW i l l i am ,

fu rn i tu re broker, 27 Char l es street , b WRedhead Joseph, marine store deal er, N orth qu ay, m W sRedman W il li am, master mariner, 8 Howick stree t, b wRedpath Geor ge

,tailor, Min orca, s

R eed Alexander, eating hou se, Thornton pl ace, b WReed Alexander

,v ic t. Mason’s Arms

,37 Dunning stree t, b W

Reed Mr s . An n , 1 2 Grey stree t, sReed Dav i d, master mariner, Hendon street, b\ wReed George , printer, agent for admiral ty charts, and ship owner h . 1

Mu rto 'n s treet, b WReed George

,block and mast maker, 39 Vine s t. 3

Reed George,master marin er and ship owner, 12 Frederi ck st . b W

Reed James,merch an t, coalfitter, Bel gian Consu l an d C onsu l ar agent

for France , 1 93 High st. ; h. 30 Tatham st. b WReed Mr s. Jane, Thor nhi l l , b WReed John and Henry, bu tchers, 78 and 79 H igh s t. b WReed John

,tai l or an d draper, 10 N i le st . b W

Reed J ohn and W i lliam , tai lo rs, 18 Spring garden lane, sReed Colonel John , 41 Fawcett str eet, b wReed John jun .

, bu tcher, 283 High st . b WReed John

,l e tter carri er, Branch P ost O ffice,Whitbu rn st. m w s

Reed John,shopkeeper, 6 Albert s t . b w

Reed Margare t, ship owner, 12 Frederick st . b wR eed Mary , canv ass manu factu rer, 1 0 Bridge st . b wReed N i cholas Corner, sol ici tor and superin tenden t regi strar ; h . 64,

Faw ce t t s tr eet, b wReed an d P arker,soli ci tors , 2 Back Fawce tt st. b WReed Robert, sol i ci tor, 37 Vi ll iers st. b WReed Mr . Robert, 137 High st. b WReed Thomas 85 Co.

, prin ters, booksellers, stati oners , agents for adm i r

al ty charts,ship owners , 185 High st . s . ; h . 1 1 John st. b W

Reed Thomas, brewer , Mark Qu ay B rewery , 100 L ow s t . and spiri t merchan t

,Bee H ive l ane, s. ; h . 1 1 N ichol son st . b W

Reed Thom as, bu tcher, 23 N ew Marke t ; h . Qu een s t . sReed W i lliam ,

v ic t ., Joiners Arms , and stone mason , The Ford , b WR eed W i lli am , slater , 2 1 Walworth street, b WReed W illi am , j o iner, 32 Walworth st . b WRees Rev . Arthu r Au gu stu s, 18 Tav i stock place, b wRees P eter

,master mariner

, Fore st . h WR egistrar Office, 1 16 High st., B >W . N i cholas Corner Reed

, srper in ten

den t Regi s trarRenney James, master mariner, 2 1 Woodbine stree t, b wRenney Robert , corn in spector, 23 Cr owtr ee ro ad, b wRenner Mr s . Mary

,41 N i le s t . b W

Renney H en ry, shoemaker , 42 Nor thum b er l an d st. b W

412 SUNDERLAND DIRECTORYRenney H enry, m ason , ’ 1 8 King s t . b wR enney John, shopkeeper, P rospe ct r ow, 8

Renney W i lliam , bu tcher, 67 H i gh st. ; h . 4 York st. b wB enni son Mr s. E l izabeth

,22 Grey st. 8

B ennison G eorge Hu gal l , pawnbroker, 3 Sans st . sB enni son James , chemist and dru ggi st, 99 H igh street, 3Ben ton James, Ogilv i e, master mariner, 2 1 L awrence s treet, b WRentou l John, shoemaker, 79 N ew market ; h . Chapel street, 8B ewcastle James, ship carpen ter, 62 Nor thum b er l an d st . b WReynolds Mr s. E l eanor, ship owner, 38 Vill i ers s treet, b WReynolds Robert, cl erk, 139 Coron ation stree t, b WReynolds Robert, merchant’s clerk, 14 Mu rton s treet

,b w

Reynoldson John , farmer, Tu nstal l lane, b WRichan Wi lli am , shoemaker, back Vill iers street, b wRichardson C aleb Wi l l i am , corn millers and tanners, 1 2 H i gh r ow ;

C aleb, h . West L odge,b W

Richardson Dav id, ship carpenter, 23 N orthumberl and st. b wRichardson Edward, Esq.

, coal owner, Cr esswel l House, b WRichardson E liz abeth


,36 Sans stree t

,b W

Richardson George 85 Cu thbert, ship and insu ranc e brokers , 13 Barclay st111 W s ; h s, Ta tham street, b W 13 N orth Bridge s t. 111 w s

Richardson George,ship owner

,45 Tatham street, b W

R ichardson Mr s. Grace Whi te, 15 Green street, b wRichardson James, l inen an d wool len drape r ; h . 5 1 Villiers st. b wRichardson James

,eating hou se, 1 17 L ow street, s

Richardson John,grocer

, 74 H i gh stree t, b WRichardson John

,v i ct. Earl of Du rham , 30 L ow s treet, 3

Richard son John, whitesm i th, 1 10 Hendon road ; h . Chu rch l ane, b wRichardson John

,clerk , Railway wharf, s

Richardson J ohnW i l son , grocer, 197 High st. b wRichardson Joseph, ship carpenter, 126 Coronation st. b wRichardson Mr s . Margare t, 39 Frederick st. b wRichardson Ralph, tailo r an d clothes cl eaner, 15 1 New Market, s . ; h.

18 Hedworth street, b WRichardson Richard

,master mariner

, 23 Bar c l av st. m W sRichardson Rob er tson , l i n en 85 woollen drapers, 8: carpet warehou se,

167 High stree t, b WRichardson Mr . Rober t, 76 Olive s t. b wRichardson Robson , sai l maker, sai l clo th merchan t, and sh ip owner, ‘


L ow s t. s. h. 8 N ichol son st. b wRichardson Sam u el , jo in er , 87 Coronation st . b WRichardson Thomas, Esq.

, West H endon Hou se, b wRichardson Thomas and James, grocers and tea deal ers, 1 86 H igh s treet,s,and 2 1 Woodbine s t . b W

Richardson Thomas,ship owner, 7 N i cholson st . 1) W

R ichardson W ill iam , sh ip chandler, 8: Sh ip owner, 44 Low s t. 5


R obin son Mr s. Jan e, 17 N icholson st. h w

Robin son John , fu rni tu re broker, 52 Coronation st. b wR obinson John , pro v i si on dealer , 190 High st. 3R obinson John , v i c t Kings Head , 15 Warren st . 9Robinson John , ship owner, 15 John street, b wRobin son Mr . John , Nelson squ are, 111 W 8

Robin son Mr s. Mary , 5 N orth Bridge st . m W 8

Robinson Raisbeck Thomas, v i c t., Napoleon , 14 Mal in g’

s rig,s

R obinson Ralph , master mariner, Wear s t. b WRobinson Ralph Johnson

,agen t, 1 1 L ambton s t. b w

Robinson Richard, ship owner, 34 Dundas s t. 111 w 3

Robinson Robert, glass and china deale r, 155 High st . 13 wRobinson Robert

,c anvas m an fr . an d green grocer, 4 Matlock st. b w

Robinson Robert, master mariner, 15 Brougham st. b wRobinson Thom as H untley, l an d and hou se agen t, West Wear s t. b wRobinson Thomas

,ti de waiter, 16 Woodbine s t. b W

Robinson Thomas, gen t 26 O l ive s t. b WRobinson Thomas Temple

, cu stom hou se b rkr ., cu stom Hou se en trance, sRobinson Mr . Thomas

,Moor terrace, 3

Robinson W i l liam,pain ter an d glaz ier. 299 H igh st. b W

Robin son W i lliam,firs t cl erk, L ong Room , Cu stoms, H endon L odge, b w

Robinson W il li am,bu tcher

,Ayre’s qu ay

,b w

Robinson W i lli am , blacksmith, Qu een s t. 5 ; h . 3 P em berton st . b wRobinson W i ll iam

,pawnbroker, Back N i le s t h . 6 Vill iers s t . b w

Robison Anthony, parish clerk, 3 Dock st. m w sRobson Anthony, v ict. N ag’s H ead, Whi tbu rn st. 111 W sRobson 85 Co . te a merchants and grocers

, 28 H i gh s t. sRobson Dearman , gen tl eman , 7 Mu rton st . b WRobson Edward , shopkeeper, 41 Grey ’s bu i ld in gs

,b w

Robson Edward Capper,corn mill er h . 37 Frederick s t. b w

Robson Mr s . E lizabe th, 64 John st. b W

Robson Mr . George,57 Sou th Du rham st . b w

Robson Geor ge, join er , cab in et maker, an d tu rner, 6 L iddel l s t. m w s

Robson George,master mariner

,53 S ou th Du rham st. b w

Robson M r . George, 22 Numbers gar th , b WRobson Hall

,master mainer

,84 Wear s t. b w

Robson James,boo t and shoemaker, N orth quay, m w s

Robson James Sep tim u s,soli ci to r and clerk to commissi oners of Ri ver

Wear,54 Vill iers st. ; h . H un ters Ha l l , b W

Rob sonJ am es,master mariner , Chu rch st . m w s

Robson James,shoemaker

,Whi tbu rn s t. m w s

Robson John,grocer and tea dealer, 60 H i gh st, 5

R ob son John,cartwright and j oiner, 17 W alwo r th st . b w

Robson John,master mariner, North Moor s t. 8

Robson John,v i c t .

,Artichoke , Chu rch s t. m w s

Robson_John , sail make r, 67 Dundas s t. m w s


Robson John , painter, 10, and v ict ., Crown , 8 L ow qu ay, sRobson John , Shopkeeper , George st. m W

Robson John , master mariner,Wil l iam son ter r ace, m w sRobson John , car t owner, Back W ear st. b wRobson John

,m aster mariner , Thomas st. m w

Robson Joseph , bu tcher, 9 N ew Market ; h . Ropery lane, 5Robson Mary, con fectioner, 33 Chu rch stree t, 8Robson Matthew,

ship owner, Broad street, m w

Robson Michael 85 Matthew, boat bu i lders, S tran d s t ; h .Barclay s t. m w sRobson P eacock, corn millers, 46 Qu een street, b WRobson Ralph , shopkeeper, 40 Johnson s t. b WRobson Richard, nail maker, H a t case, sRobson Mr . Richard, 33 N il e st r eet , b WRobson Robert , v i c t. Wear stree t Ho tel , 69 Wear s treet, b WRobson Robert, bu tcher and ship owner, 76 High street, 5Robson Rober t , sheriff’s officer, 1 East Cross street, b wRobson Robert

,cowkeeper, 2 1 George street, b w

Robson Thomas 8: Son , engrav ers , copper plate 8c li thographic prin ters,1 2 Bridge street , b w

Robson Mr . Thomas, 6 L i ddell s treet, in W sRobson Thomas, t ailor, 18 Johnson street, b WRobson W i l liam Wea l an d s

, timber Sec. merchant, North Bridge st. m w s’

h . 128 High stree t, b wRobson Wi l l iam , overseer, col lec tor of poor rates

,and general ag


P ortobel lo l ane, 111 WRobson W i lli am James, engrav e r, &c h . 1 2 Bridge stree t

,b w

Robson W i lli am Wilson , agent , bri ck works, 19 Yorke stree t, m W s

Robson Wi l li am, shopkeeper, 37 Hopper stree t, b wRobson Wil l i am , nai l maker, Walton lane , sRobson W ill iam , green grocer, 29 C oronation street, b wRobson W i lli am G eorge, nav al school , 17 N il e s treet, b wRobson Willi am, grocer and prov i sion dealer, 37 Hopper st. b wRochester G eorge , stone mason ,Wal l s treet, b '


Rochester George, draper, 202 H i gh st.,and tailor, Sun n i side, b w

Rochester Mr s. Margare t, 10 Sun n i side, b wRochester W i ll iam , master m ariner, 40 Hedworth stree t, b WRodd John , master mariner, 66 Wear s tree t, b WRodick Mr . W i lli am , 1 Stockton road, b WRodgers Chri stopher, v i ct. Market Tav ern , 29 Chu rch stree t, sRodgers John, master mariner, 53 L awrence stree t, b WRodgers John, ironmonger, 34 L ombard stree t, sRoe James, shipsmith , B rewery bank, m W 8

Rogers W i ll iam , bacon dealer, 41 New Marke t ; h . Union l ane,s

Rom yn C o. merchants, shipbrokers, 85 coalfitters, Su n n i side b l dgs.b w

Ron tr ee John, brazier , and tin plate worker , Bod l ewel l l ane, 8Rooke Mi s s Jane, 6 Sans street, upper, b W


Rose Mr . James, 3 1 Dundas street,m w s

Roseberr y James, j oiner cabine t m kr . N orth qy ; h . W aterloo pl . m w s

Roseberry Mr s. Margare t, 9 Walwo r th stree t, b w

Roseberry Robert Al l in son,sec . to th e Gas Company

, D’

Ar cy terrace , b wReseb er ry Thomas, s tone mason an d bu ilder

, 36 Qu een s tree t, b wRoseby Mr . John, 4Wes t Wear stree t, b w

IRoss Arch ibald Hi l son,phi l osophi cal , mathematical , and nau tical in str u

men t maker, working op tici an , & c . 138 H i gh stree t,s

Ross G eorge, V ic t. Waterman’s Arms, 8 Grey street , sRoss John, g rbcer and ship owner , Chu rch street, m w 8

Ross Robert, pain ter, gl azier , and tobacconis t, 128 High stree t, sRou n thwai te H enry, timber merchant, C umberland s tree t ; h . 7 L ambtonstree t

,b w

Rou tl edge James, au c tioneer, and sheri ff ’ s officer ; h . Waterloo st. m w sR owel l H enry, runningfitter, Dean ’s yard


Rowntree Ann, v i c t. B ri tish Oak, 33 High street, 3R owntree Eliz abeth , v i ct. Board , Barrack street, 8Rowntree George, m aster m ar in er , Chu rch s tree t, m w sRown tree W i lliam , m aster mariner, 37 Wear street, b wRowntree Edward

,runningfitter , 58 Bro ugham street , b w

Rowntree Thomas, ship bu i lder, N orth shore, m w s ; h . 33 High st. 3Ro y al Ann , v ict. Crown Sc Scep tre , l l Mi l lfie l d c ottages, b wRu tledge John, tailor 85 draper, 38 N i le stree t , b wRudd Thomas Bertram ,

gen t., Real ly House, Fu lwell l an e , m w

Ru dd W illiam ,farmer

, L ow land House, Fu l we l l l an e, m w

Ru dol ph i L eopold, merchan t, 26 High st. s. ; h . 26 C ou sin st . b wRu sh Dav id

,beerhou se an d shopkeeper, 39 Walworth st. b w

Ru ssel l John Brody, mast and clo ck maker, Nor th qu ay h . N orthum~

berland s t. m W 8

Ru ssel l James, shoemaker, 72 New market ; h . 23 Baines l ane, sRu ssel l W i ll iam , tailor and draper, 3 Vil li ers st. b WRu ther ford E l len , milliner, dress maker, and general registe r office, 1 1

Sans st. sRu therford Jam es, book agen t, 1 1 Sans st . 3R u therford W i ll iam , tai lo r, 1 2 Walworth s t . b wRu therford Wi l l iam , joi n er and cab ine t maker, 5 Grey st. 8Ru t ter John, shopkeeper, 267 H i gh st . b wRu tter John , ship carpenter, 5 Bro ugham st. b WRy der James, flou r deale r, Chu rch st . m W sRymer George, assistant draper ,Wi l l i amson terrace, m W sS t. George’s Chapel, (Sco tch) 20 Vi l liers st . b WS t. John’s Chapel of Ease, Chapel st. sS t. John’ s Chapel , Sunday Schoo l , H at case , sS t. John ’s Chapel In fant Schoo l , r cpe walk, s ; Jane Bu rn , mi stressS t . Thomas’s Chu rch , John st. h w

Sacker Bailey, merchant, 141 High st h . 8 Frederick st . b w


S c o tt John,chemist dru ggi st, Wh i tbu rn st . rn W s

Sco tt John,H ar r i son Fl in to t

t, g r ocer, 277 High st . sS cott John , m aster mariner, 27 Woodb ine s t. b WSco tt Joseph , green grocer, 16 1 High st. 8S co tt Ol i ver, mas ter mariner, 20 Yorke st. m W 8

Sco tt P eter, ship owner , 3 1 Frederick st . b WS co tt Robe r t, shoemaker , 80 New mkt. , and 26 Sans st. b wScott Thomas Kidson ,

clerk c u stom s, 19 Frederick st. b wScott Thomas, pain ter an d glazier , 1 1 H edwor th st. 1) wS cot t W al ter ,join er and bu i lder, 3 Vt’ear st. 1) WS co tt W il liam , shoem aker, 1 1 Hedworth st . b WScott W i lli am ,

coal merchan t & c . h . 5 D'Arcy t err ace

,b w

S cott W i lli am,shoemaker

,85 Neer m kt . ; h . 26 San s st. 1) W

S cu rfiel d George , sol i ci tor , 3 W i ll iam st . b wS cu rfiel d ship owner, 4 Wi ll i am st . h . 126 H igh st . b wSou r W il fred, bu tcher, Ma l in g

's rig


Sedgew ick John , fru i terer, pou l terer, game , Sac . dealer h . 224 High st. bSedgwick Thomas, shoemaker, 48 Sou th Du rham st. b wS elec t L ibrary, 14 Sans st . s Thomas Brown l ibrarianSellars Geo rge

,master mariner , 34 N i le st . b W

Se r v i ce Charles , hair dr esser, 259 H i gh st. ; 11 . 2 King st . b wS er v i ce Joseph , hair dresser, 2 1 H i gh st.s ; h . Du rham st. b wServ i ce Wi lli am ,

h ai r dresser, 135 High st . sSewel l Mich ae l , tailor, 14 Fl ag lane sShadforth John

,boot 8: shoemaker, 48 Dundas st . m w s

Shadforth Wi l liam ,boo t 8: shoemaker

,Wear st. m W s

Shaftoe John , mattress m ak er, 44 San s st. b WS har aton Mi ss Isabell a, Back N i le s t . b wSharer J ames 8: P hilip , lin en Sc w oollen drapers, 27 High st . 5Sharer Philip, draper ; h . 17 Frederick s t. b WSherm an George 85 Mark, g r ocers, 1 Sou th Du rham st . b wSharp Barn ab as , gen t, 4 S tockton road b WSharp Edwar d, master mariner, 20 Thomas st . sSharp Jane , shopkeeper, 4 John street , sSharp Richard, master mariner 8: sh ip own er, 32 Cou sin st . b wShaw An gu s , corn fac tor, 42 N ile st . b WShaw Ann, s traw hat m aker, 92 Hendon road b wShaw John, cabinet maker 8: furn i tu r e broker, 50 Coron ati on st. 5Shaw Jonathan , su rgeon , Ayre ’s qu ay v ill a

,b w

Shaw Ralph , grocer 85 tea deal er,“New st. 111 W 8

S haw Willi am,master mariner, 2 Mi l lfiel d co ttages b w

Sheldon Robert,shopkeep er, Ayre’s qu ay b w

Shepherd Robert,m aster mariner, 23 Ne shem sq. s

Sheraton John,brewers travel ler, 2 1 Yorke st . m w s

Sheraton R ichard,d r aper tai lo r, 227 H i gh st. h . 50 Vi l liers st . b w

Sheridan W i l li am, m aster m arin er , D’

Ar cy ter . b w


Sheri ff Benj . , l ib r ar i an l i terary ph i losophical s oci ety, 27 Fawcett st . b wShe r i ff Dav i d , com m i ssion agen t, 18 Mu r ton s t . b WSher ifi'Robert , tai lor, 72 Coron ation st . b wSher ifi'Wi lli am ,

carrier, J ohn st . m W

S hev i l l Mr s . An n ,ship owner, 20 Mu rton st. b W

Sher i l l J ohn Heppell , agent, 20 Mu rton s t. b wShev il l Wm . Heppe l l , linen W oollen draper ; h . 10 H igh st. 9.Shie l d Geo r g e, post o ffice clerk , 1 9 Union st. b WShiel d s W i lli am ,

slater, Hedwort h st . b WShield s John James, master m ariner ship owner,


22 Cou sin st . b WShields John , j oin er , bu ilder cabinet m aker .Wh i tb u r n st. m W sSh i eld s John , master mariner , W i lliam son ter . m W sSh ield s Mary, con fec ti on er, l l H endon road , b WShi elds Robert, shopkeeper 8: beer sel l er, ‘

Whi tbu rn st. m w sShimwal i Benj amin , primi tiv e methodi s t preacher, Whi ckham st. m W e

S hippen Wi lliam Stephen boo t make r , 266 High st . ; h . 17 King s t. b WShort Edward, v i ct . E agle Tav ern , 19 Farrington r ow ,

b wShort John , clo th es dealer, and. agen t for Jam es Dunn ’s shipping office


12 1 L ow st. 8Short W i l l i am , shopkeeper, B orough road , 1) WShortl and Benj amin Hensl ey

,v i c t. Albion Ho tel, 9 East Cross st . corner

of Charle s st. b WShot ten Robert


,8 Walworth s t . b w

ShottenW i lliam,master mariner, 47 L awrence s t. b w

S ibbal d Hannah,lodg ings, Sou th Du rham st . b W

S i gswor th Joseph, master m ariner , 13 How i ck st . b WSim P e ter

,master m ariner

,Whi tbu rn st . m w s

S im ey Mr s. An n , 4 Frederick st . b wS im ey Thomas Boyes, L loyds, su rveyor h . Frederick st. b WS im mons Jane

,milk seller, L i ttl e Villi ers st. b w

S impson Mr s . Alice, 10 N or th Bridge st. m w 3

S impson Mi ss Eliz abe th,17 Green st. b w

Sim pson Humphrey,coach bu ilder

, 29 Green s t. h . 12 Wa l wr th . st. b wS im pson Robert, shopman , 9 Moor terrace, 3S impson Robert

,mas ter marin er

,1 8 D

Ar cy ter race , b wS impson W il li am , coach make r h . Sunderl an d st. b wSimpson W i lli am

,gen t . Shields road

,m w

S i n clair Wi l l i am ,m aster mariner

,Moorgate st . 8

SinclairWilli am , master mariner, 6 Barc l ay st. in w sSkead George

,baker, L i t tl ega te, b w

Skel b eck Thomas, cart owner, 15 Brou gham s t . b wSkel ton Joseph , grocer and pro v i sion dealer, 263 H igh st. b wSkinn er Ri chard , v ic t . Whi te Swan , 1 28 H i gh st. 8Skipsea Benj . shpwr gh t. 8: Margar e t straw h a t maker, 288 H igh s t. b wSkipsey Rev . Rch rd .

,A.R . in cm bn t. of S t. Thom as’s Chu rch

,8 John

st. b W



S lack Rev . B enj amin, (Wesl eyan) 1 1 D undas st. m W s

Small Joseph , v i c t. Cottage Tavern , Fl ee t st . b wSma l l Thomas, boot 8: shoemaker, N or th Quay, m w 3

Smart G . teacher Grange School,St ockton road, b W

Smart Robert, sol i ci tor , 8c notary publi c , 1 N i le st . h . 187 H igh st. b wSmart Thomas, l inen 8c wool len drap er ; h . 44 Villiers s t . b WSmart Thomas, shopkeep er, S trand st . m w 5

Sm art W illi am,master mar iner

,1 9 Sou th Du rham s t . b W

Sm etham Miss Margare t, 57 Fawcet t s t. b WSm i le s Thomas , corn mil ler, 9 Wes t s t . b wSm irk N i chol a s 8c son , sai l makers 8c 0 an vas merchan ts, 88 L ow st., s

h . 18 Sou th Du rham st . b wSmi th Andrew

,tai lor

,13 York st . b W

Smi th Ann , shopkeeper, 45 Union s t. b wSmith Cu thbert, manager, Railway St ati on , Union pl . m w

Smith D oro thy,day school

,9 Hind st. b w

Smi th Edward, stati oner, bookseller, 8c printer, 188 H igh st . 3 h. 5 Tavi stock pl . b w

Sm i th Cap t. E dward , R . N . 4 D erwen t st. b wSmith E liz abeth Jane

,stay maker , 23 1 H i gh st . b w

Smith El izabe th, shopkeeper, Farrington r ow,b W

Smith Ferrer, cabinet maker 86 u phols terer, 293 H igh st. b WSmith Foster


, 20 N orth Du rham s t. b wSmith George

,painter glaz ier, N orth Quay ,m W s

Smi th G eorge, fru i terer, 245 H igh s t. b WSm i th H enry, shipsmi th ,N orth Shore ; h . Hedwor th st . 111 W sSmi th James, hair dresser Wear s t. m w sSm i th Mr s. Jane

,6 Grey st. s

Smi th James, master mariner, 3 N i cholson s t. b WSm i th James, su rgeon, Whitbu rn st . m W sSmith James Hodson , su rgeon , 1 Ayre ’s qu ay rd . b wSmith James, saddler , brac e 85 bel t maker, W ear st. m w sSmi th Jane, clo thes deal er, 141 N ew Market h L ombard st . sSmith James, master mar in er, 30 Union st. b WSmith Mr s. Jan e, Ch\

u r ch st. m w sSmi th John, chain 8: anchor m an u fr . 8c m er cht. h . 12 Norfolk st . b WSmi th J ohn , banker’s clerk , Sans close , b WSm ith John, Marine s tore dealer, 10 L ow qu ay ; h . 12 Minorca pl . 5Smi th John Ron tr ee, stone 8: marbl e mason, John s t. m w h . 79

Dundas street, m w sSmith John , mariner, 28, Union s t. b wSmith John N ew ton, tailor, Johnson st. b wSmith John, master mariner, 96 H endon road, b wSmith John, shoe maker , 20, West s t. b WSmith John

,baker 8c flou r dealer, 1 39 High st. s

Smi th John,butcher, 22 Coronation st . b w


Snowdon Will i am , master mariner, 14 W i ll iam st . b wSnowdon W i lliam,

boo t and shoemaker, 37 Coronation st. 5Softly Mary, pawnbroker, 14 1 High st. 8Soppi t Mr s. Jane, 2 1 Woodbine s t. b wSoppi t Mr . Jonathan

, 24 Ki n g s t. b wSorsb ie Benj amin , agent to Hetton Coal Company, 22 Bridge s t. ; h . 25

Fawcett st, b WSou ter Richard , master mariner , 13 H ow ick st . b wSou ter W i l liam

,master mariner

,48 Woodbine st. b w

Spain Thomas,v i c t. Rose an d Thistle, N orth qu ay, m W s

Spain Wi ll i am,block and mast maker, North qu ay ; h . 1 8 Barclay st .m w 8

Spark George, ship owner, 79 Tatham s t. b wSpark James, v ic t. Crown and Thistl e Inn, an d organi st,Monkwearmou thchu rch , 208 H i gh st. 3

Speci al l Joseph , schoolmaster, 30 Vil liers st . b wSpeed Mr . John

, 28Union st . b wSpeed John

,t ai l or, 24 N or th D u rham st . b w

Speeding Thomas, sail c lo th manu factu rer, sai l maker, an d ship owner,Ferry Boat landing

,m w s h . Thomas st. m W

Spence David , master marin er, 45 Woodb ine stree t, b wSpence M r s . E l izabe th , 2 1 N orfolk street, b wSpence Mi sses Jane and Emma

, 6 Fawcett street, b wSpence Jel f, al e and porter merchan t , B ed ford s t ; h . King stree t, b wSpence N icholas

,marine store deale r

, N orth qu ay , m w sSpence Wil liam, master mariner, 17 L awrence s treet, b wSpencer Rev . Wi ll iam , B . A. mathematical mas ter

,Grange School ; h .

3 High street, b wspencer W i ll i am Collingwood , chain cab l e and anchor m anu fac tu rer ,ship sm ith

,8cc. 17 Union lane, s ; h . 13 N i cholson st . b w

Spoor John 8: Co. , woollen drapers and hatter s, 192 8: 193 High st. s ; h .

Borough road, b WSpoor Ri chard

,fir e bri ck maker, N orth shore , m w s

Spr aggon Gawen , grocer 8: tea d eal er, 68 Coronation st ; h . 12 Zion st. b WSpu rs Thomas, master marin er, 25 Yorke stre et, m W 8

Spu rs W illi am ,sail make r , N orth qu ay, m w s

S tabler Mr s. Margaret, 2 1 Union street, b WS tafford An thony, beer ho u se , North Moor s treet , 5S tafford Ford, master mariner, 36 Wes t Wear stree t, b wS tafford George, ru nningfitter, 1 12 High st. sS tafford John

,second harbou r mas te r , Rendlesham st . m w s

S tafford John Collin ,fiou r dealer, 148 High st. 3 ; h . Hen don st. b wS tafford Mi ss 33 L awrence s tree t, b wS tafford Ralph , master mariner, D’

Ar cy terrace, b wS tafford Richard , shoem aker, 2 Z ion s t reet, b wS tafford Robert, master marin er , B road street , m w

Stafford Thom as, join er 8c cabine t make r , Moor st ; h . 22 D’

Ar cy t er. b W


S tafi'or d W i ll iam ,bu tcher, 12 New market h . Minorca pl ace , s

S talker John, shopm an, 3 Hendon road , 1) WStamp Office , 46 Vill iers street, b w Mary Har tfor th , sub -distribu torS taples Francis , baker, 20 E ast Cross stree t , b wS teab l er Timo thy, bu tcher, 64 Moor s tree t , b wS team George, green grocer, 22 High s treet , b w

‘ S teel G eorge, master mariner, 12 Wate r loo s treet, m w 3

S teel Jonathan , t ai lor 8L draper, 22 N il e stree t, b wS teer Edward , v i c t; Su ssex Arms, 35 L ow s tre\ et, 8S teph en James, pain ter, 2 1 Qu een street , 5S tephenson Elizabeth , school of indu stry, Waterl oo place, m w sS tephenson Mr s. E lizabeth

,40 Villi ers s treet

,b W

S tephenson George, potatoe deal er, 34 High st., 8: Ferry Boat L anding, sS tephenson John, clerk, 45 George s t. 8Stephen SUn Mr s. Margaret, 25 Ol iv e s t. b wStephenson Robert, j oiner 8L c artwright , 30 H endon ro ad , b WStephenson Robert

,ship owner, 6 Tatham st . b w

Stephenson Smith,master mariner, 1 19 Coronati on st. b w

S tephenson Thomas , v ic t., Ship, H amil ton st. m w sS tephenson Thomas D ixon

,pain ter 8c glaz ier, 16 Sans st. 8

S tephenson Thomas , beerhou se , H il ton road, b wStephenson Wi lli am , pain ter 8c glaz ier, 26 N orth D u rham st. b WS tephenson W i lliam , shopkeeper,Hamil ton st. m w sS tevenson Elizabeth


, 33 Dun Cow s t. b WS tevenson Henry, ch ain 8c anchor m an fr . 8c mert. ; h . Mu rton st. b WS tev enson Rev . Humphr ey, (Wesleyan) , 4 Mu rton s t . b WS tev enson J ane 8: Isabell a, milliners, 2 16 High st. b WStevenson John

,tinn er 8c brazier

,62 Hendon road , b w

Steven son Ri chd .

,sh ip 8; in su rance bkr ., 9 High st. s h . 2 Wear st . b w

S tevensonW ill iam , con fec ti oner, 3 High s t . sSteward Robert , master mariner, 1 1 Bed ford s t . b wS tewart Duncan

,brazier 8: tin plat e worker, 3 1 L ow st. 5

S tewart John , master mariner, 48 L awrence st. b WStewart Jonathan , keel owner, 36 N i le st . b wS tewar t Mr s. Margare t

,Ward ter. b w

S tewart Rob t., v i ct . 8c ship bkr .,Commercial In n , Ferry bo at landing , s

S tewar t Robert, master mariner, Dock s t. m w sS tewart Thomas, mariner, 30Wes t Wear st. b wS tewart W il liam,

runningfitter,c t. 1 10 H igh st. s

S tewar tW i lli am ,master mariner, Howick st. b w

S tewart W i lliam John , Esq.,comptrol ler cu stom s, John st. b w

Stobar t John, ship bldr., 8c ship owner, Ayres qy. ; h . 53 Brou gham st. b wS tockl e Roadhead , foreman , New Ropery

,m W 3

S todart John, mas ter mariner, 5 1 San s st. b wStoddart James, b r az ier 8c tinner, 23 Spr ing Garden ln . b wS toker N icholas, join er , 23 Union lane, s


S toker W ., teacher, Grange School , S tock ton road, b wS tokes Sarah 85 E leanor, millin ers , 25 B r i dge s t. b wS tokes Thomas, shoemaker, 1 0 Moor st . b wS tokoe James, draper, 8t c . h . 13 N orfolk s t . 1) WSto rer s George, shoemaker, Hopper st . b wStorey Doro thy 85 Ann , straw hat makers, 56 Brou gham st. b WS torey John, Monkwearmou th Improv ed P atent Rope manu fac turer,sai l maker 8c. ship owner,Monkwearmou th hou se

S torey John, master mariner, 9 L awren ce st. b wS torey John , shopkeeperfBon n er ’sfield, i n w 8

S torey Richard, v i c t., Albi on Vau l ts, 2 L ow quay, sStorey Thomas, fu rn i tu re broker, 17 Cov en t Garden st. b WS torey W illiam, v i ct., B i rd, N orth qu ay, m W sS torr Doro thy, shopkeeper and regi ster o ffice, 24 N i l e st . b wS tor r ow Mr s. Mary, D ’

Ar cy ter. b wS tory Sarah 85 Son , pn tr s. 8L g l z r s., 3 Bd l wl l . l ane, s ; h . 19 Cousin st. b wS tory Thomas, saddle and harness maker , 7 Bridge st . b wS tory Wil li am ,

brewer 8L malts ter,Moor s treet, b wS to thard James, painter 8c glaz ier, 5 Sou th Durham st . b WS to thard James, master mariner , 6 Dock st. m W sS to thard Mary, v ict. Mariners Tav ern , 88 L ow s t. 8S toth ard Wi ll iam , master mariner, Hendon st . b wS to thard W ill iam ,

v i c t. Odd Fellows Arms, 44 Barclay s t. m w sStrathmore W i lliam , commission agen t ,7 Charles st. b wStraton Wal ter, saddler and harness maker, 208 H igh st. b WStr au gh ton Mr s . Elizabeth , 39 Hedworth st. b WS tringer B enj amin , tailo r 8c draper, 86 H i gh st . 3S tringer Robert, shoemaker, 39 S i lv er st. 3S trong John, cart owner, E as t s t. b wS trong Thomas, master mariner, 82 Wear s t . b wS tubbs P hilip, tinner 8c brazi er, 33 L ow st. 5S tubbs Thomas, umbrell a maker, 37 George st. b wSuddi ck J ohn, j o iner 8c cabinet maker h . Railway s t. b wSum by Jane, green grocer, 1 97 N ew market ; h . 3 Chu rch st sSummers W i ll iam ,

master mariner, 24 Zion st. b WSunderland Chu rch , Chu rch st. 8Sunderland Dock o ffice , 12 Sun n iside, b w,Michael C oxen , SecretarySunderland Eye Infirmary,40 Numbers Gar th b w ; E. H .Maling surgeon

Mr s A tkin, Matron .

Sunderland Corporation , Gas Companies Office, 6 1 Fawcet t s tree t b wG i lbert P or te cu s, secretary.

Sunderland Subscrip tion Gas works, Ru ssel l st . s ; R. H .Roseberry,sec .

Sunder l and Join t S to ck Banking C ompany, 188 H igh st. b w ; draw on

Gl yn ,8c Co . Thomas Brown 8c H il l P arker, managing Direc tors .

Sunderland (Por t of) P ublic Testing Machine , for prov ing chain cables,1 8 Bi shop wearm ou th pan s,John Thompson , manager


Tate George, ship carv er and gilder, 1 1 Brough am st. b wTate John , baker, 35 High st. b WTate W i lli am , timber m r chn t. 85 m sr r ., H edworth ter . h . Hedworth st. b wTaylor A ship chandler, L ong bank, sTaylor Ann

,earthenware deal er, 123 N ew market ; h . Bu rleigh st. 3

Taylor Ann, v i ct. White Bear, 5 Robinson’s l ane , sTaylor Arnold, b erwer and m l str ., H ornes lane b rwy . s ; h . 63 John st. b wTaylor Barbara

,dress maker, 4 Sou th Du rham st . b w

Taylor Charles, solici to r , 69, h . 63 John st. b WTaylor Charles

,coalfitter and ship owner

,L ow st. 8 ; h . 29 Fawce tt st. b w

Tayl or Edward , master mariner, 3 1 Zion st. b wTaylor George

,v i ct. Odd Fallow s’ Arms, 4 Bu rleigh st . 8

Taylor G eorge,mariner

,42 Union st. b w

Taylor George, marin er, 1 8 Union st. b wTaylor George


,1 33 High st. 8

Taylor Georga Rodn ey, clock and watch maker, 89 Coronation st. b WTaylor Mr s. Hannah , 6 D ’

Ar cy ter. b wTaylor Henry Bu rdon

,reliev in g office r and assi stant overseer, Chu rch

w alk, s ; h . 5 N i chol son st . b wTaylor H enry Hylton , su rgeon, 16 York st. b WTaylor H enry, grocer and tea dealer, 13 H igh st. sTaylor James, baker, Hendon l ane, b WTaylor James, baker, 81 Coronation st . b wTaylor James, clock an d w atch maker

,1 5 C oronati on st. b w

Taylor Job, ship owner, Hendon s t. b wTaylor John, com m sn . agen t, Cu stom H ou se en tran ce , 3 h . Moor s t . b wTaylor John , draper, 54 Sou th Du rham st. b wTaylor John , j oiner, 33 Charles st. b wTaylor John

,ru nningfitter , Dock s t . b w

Taylor John , sail maker, Hu dl eston st . ; h . 72 Dundas st. m w sTaylor John , shopkeeper, 25 Warren st. 8Taylor John, superv i so r of excise, 56 Tatham st. b wTayl or Joseph , master mariner, 13 H edworth st. b WTaylor Mari a ,brewer and mal tster, Horns l ane Brewery, s ; h . 63 Johnst. b w

Taylor Mr s. Mary, 29 Cumberland st. b wTaylor Mr s., 63 John s t . b WTaylor Mary Ann, milliner, 32 Cumberland st. b wTaylor Robert Thompson , commerc ial temperance ho tel 85 family boarding hou se, 1 4 Chu rch st. 8

Taylor Robert,v i ct. Sons of the W ear, 4 Qu een st. b w

Taylor Thos., b l ock,m ast, 85 pump m kr .,Ru ssel l s t. 3 h . 23 Garden st. b W

T aylor Wm ., join er 85 bu i lder, Dock st. m w s

Taylor Mr .W i ll i am , 5 San s s t. u pper, b wTaylor Wm . shopkeeper 85 tailor, 32 Nor thum ber l and st. 1) w

Taylor Wm .,paten t yeast dealer, 48 Bu rleigh st. 3


T aylor Wm .,marine store dealer, 20 L ow st . s

T ayl or son R ichar d , con fection er ,89 H igh s t. 8

T ayl or son Thomas, bu tcher, George st . m wTeasdale Mr . John , 64 Tatham st. b wT easdale Mary, hosi er 81; shoe deal er,Whitbu rn st . m w sT heatre Royal , Dru ry l ane , sTel ford G eorge, master mariner, 3 N e sham sq. 8

Temp l e Thomas, police sergean t, 33 Castle s t. 1) wTerry Edward, watch 85 c lock m aker, 3 John st . sThackray W i l li am,

timber merchan t, h . H endon rd ‘ b wTheaston e Wm .,

pawnbroker 85 tailor, 3 Ettri ck place, sThew Thomas, braz i er 85 tin n er , 2 l L ow st. ; h . 17 Grey st. sThi rkel l Thomas

,com m i ssm n agent

, 6 E ast Woodbine st. b WThi r l b eck Mi chael, runningfitter, 49 Wear st . b WThomas Dav id

,sai l maker, Ol dfish l anding, s h . 1 1 Walworth st. b W

Thomas Mi sse s Jane 81; Mary, 39 Union st. b wThomas John, chin a, glass, 85 earthenware dealer, 53 H i gh street, 8t 120

N ew Market, sT homas Mr . Robert, 56 Brou gham st. b wThomas Su san


,46 Tatham st. b W

Thompson Alexander,s tone mason , East Moor st. s

T hompson Ann, trip e dresser , 16 New m arket ; h . Sailor’s al ley,s

Thompson Ann,dress maker, 35 Union s t. b w

Thompson Mr s. An n,38 Woodbine s t. b w

Thompson Mr s. Catherine, ship owner , Broad stree t, m W

Thompson C aleb, mason 85 bu i lder, H edworth terrace , b WT hompson Francis D ecimu s, su rgeon , 48 Coronation street, s h . 10

N ich ol son stree t, b WThompson George, ship broker, 85 com sn . agen t ; h . 1 Cou sin street

,b W

Thompson George,tailor, 50 L awrence street, b w

Thompson George, rag and bone dealer, 40 C oron ation stree t, b wThompson George

,ship owner, 193 H igh s tree t ; h . 37 Fawcett s tree t

,b W

Thompson George,shopkeeper, H edworth street, b w

Thompson H arri son , chemi st and druggi s t, 8 Moor stree t,Thompson H aswell

,farri er, Cumberland stree t, b w

Thompson Henry,bank manager , 17 1 , High st b W

Thompson Henry, pro fessor of mu sic, p iano -forte tuner, 85 organ i st, Sunder l an d chu rch , 1 9 Sans st . u pper, b w

Thompson Henry, su rgeon 85 dru ggi st, 3 George st . sThompson Jackson , carrier, 25 King s t. b wThompson James, m aster mariner, 42 Sou t h st. b wThompson John , rope maker and ship owner, H endon road ; h . 27 Frederi ck st. bw

Thompson John 85 Jph ., timber 85 stone m r chn ts, Cou sin s t. saw mills, b w

Thompson John, l inen 85 wooll en draper , 2 1 1 High st. sThompson John, fu rn i tu re broker, 28 Qu een st. 3


Thompson John, manager of testing machine, h . 18 G reen , b WThompson John son , join er 85 cabinet maker , 6 King s t. b WThompson Joseph W i l son, i ron founder, 52 Barclay st . m W sThompson Joseph , clo thes dlr . 145 N ew Market ; h . 28 Uni on lane , 3Thompson Mr s. Margaret, 1 Cou sin st. b WThompson Mr s . Margaret, Sto ckton road , b wThompson Margare t, schoolmi s tress, h . 7 Green , b WThompson Mark, general agent, 6 Sun n i side, b WThompson Mark, master mariner, 27 Sou th Du rham st . b WThompson Mark, master mariner, 14 Sou th Du rham s t. b WThompson Mark

,tai lor ,W aterloo place, m W s

Thompson Mr s .Mary Margaret,255 H igh st. b W

Thompson Mary, clo thes dealer, 146 New market ; h . Free hou ses,3

Thompson Mary, bath propri e tor, H endon , b WThompson Matthew, rope m an u fr .

, Chu rch st h . 13 Dundas st. 111 W s

Thompson Matthew, ship owner, 8 Nor th B ri dge st . m W sT hompson Ma tthew, master m ariner, Back Wear st. b WThompson P eter

,ship owner

,58 Frederick s t. b W

Thom pson Rachael,W aterl oo baths, 34 L awrence st. b WThompson Richard , ship rigger, Rendlesham st . m W sThompson Robert 8: Sons, ship bu ilders, N orth Shore ; h . Wi ll i amson ’


terrace,m W s

Thom pson Rob er t, jun ., ship bu i ld er ; h . Yorke s t. 111 w sThompson Robert, t rav el ling tea dealer, 23 Harley st. b WThompson Rober t, foreman , 6 Yorke st. m W sThompson Robert , bu tcher, 281 High st. b WThompson Robert Chater, rope manu factu rer, Chu rch s t h . 78 Dundasst . m W s

Thompson Thomas, sol i ci tor, 53 Villiers st h . Ward ter. b WThompson Thomas, master mariner , Hedwor th st. ; b WThompson T . B ., ship broker, 85 c . ; h . 2 Mu t ton st. b wThom pson Tu rner, ship owner, 32 Villi ers st . b WThompson W i ll i am , co al owner 85fitter, N orth Du rhamfitting office,

Wear st. ; h . 12 Dundas st . m W sThom psonW i lliam, j oiner 85 bu i lder, 17 Cou sin st. b WThompson Wm .

,chemist 85 druggi st, 87 High st. s ; h . 40 L awrence st b W

Thompson W i ll i am M.,l etter carrier, 20 Co v en t G arden st. s

Thompson W i ll iam ,shoemaker , 26 Cov ent G arden st. b W

Thorbu rn Mary, day school , 6 Green , b WThornton Mr s. H annah , 26 Brougham st. b WThornton Robert

,tailor, 32 San s st . b W

Thu r l b eck Mi chael, runningfitter, N orth Moor st . sT hu r l b eck George , tide wai ter, 16 Bed ford st. b WThu r l b eck John , runningfitter , N orth Moor st . 8Thu r l b eck Robert, steam boat owner, N orth Moor st . sThu r l beck W i ll i am, m aster mariner, 32 Silver s t. 5


Tu lip Mr . John , 1 16 High s t. 8Tu lloch L awrence, shopkeeper,H amil ton st . 111 W 8

Tu lly, Collingwood , 85 Cc .,coms. agts. and ship brokers, 136 H igh s t

h . 14 N i le s t. b WTu lly John, sail maker, North qu ay h . 77 D undas st. m w sTu rnbu ll Mr . Andrew, 40W estW ear st . b WTu rnbu ll M r . John , 2 Coronation st. b WTu rnbu l l John P or ter, pu ter. dz glazier, L on g Bank 5 ; h . 38 Sans st. b WTu rnbu l l John , master mariner, Hal l g ar th squ are , m W sTu rnbu l l Mary,m i l l in er and dress maker, Woodb in e ter r ace, b WTu rnbu l l Robert, j oiner dz bu i lder, 22 N orthumberland st. b WTu rnbu l l Robert

,mariner, 39 West W ear s t. b W

Tu rnbu l l Mr . Rober t,27 Cumber l and s t . b W

Tu rnbu ll Wi lli am,master mariner

,Woodbine. terrace , b W

Tu rnbu l l W ill i am,pain ter

,29 Chester road, b W

Tu rner Mi ss C atherin e,15 Frederi ck st . b w

Tu rner G eorge,bricklaye r and bu i lder

,2 1 King st . b W

T u rner John,master mariner

,17 W oodbine st. b W

Tu r ner John , pain ter and glaz i er, 1 6 B rougham st. b WTu rner Rev . Samu el

, (Independent,) 3 1 N ile s t . b WTu rner Thomas

,m aster m ariner, 5 L iddell s t. m W s

T u rn er William,master mariner

, 24 N esham squ are , 5Tweddel l Su sannah


, 35 Qu een st. 3Tynemou th W i lli am

,ship owner

,6 Hendon terrace , b W

Tynemou th W il li am,master mariner

,L i dde l l s t. m W 3

Tyson Jane,dress maker

, 35 Vin e st. 8Tyzack An n , grocer, 58 D undas s t. W sT y z ack Samu el , corn m i l ler, Hendon road , b WUnion Chapel

, (Scotch) , Coron ation s t . 1) WUnion Workhou se, 34 High st . b W ,

Alex . 85 E li z . Bai tey, m str . 85 matr onUrw in Geo .Wm ., grocer, te a dealer, flou r 85 bacon fac tor, We ar st . ; 11 .

Hedworth pl . m W sUrwin Mr . W i l l i am

,17 Zion st. b W

U sher Edw . Harv ey,coach bu i lder 85 harness maker, 2 1 Dunning st . b W

Usher James 85 Son , boot 85 shoemakers , 3 East C ross st . b WUsher W ill i am

,v i c t., Drop Tavern, \Vear st . 11 1 W s

Usher W i ll i am,rope m aker ; h . 3 ] Hedworth st . b W

Valentine W ill i am,clo th es dealer

,152 N ew marke t ; h . 2 S tafford st . s

Varty John,beerhou se

,Shields road , m W

Vau ghan S tephen , master mariner, 7 1 Moor s t. b WVau x B arbara

,boarding 85 lodging hou se, 32 Bridge st. b W

Vaux Cu thbert, brew er, m al tster, and agent for Mi ll er 85 Co ’s . L ondonporter

,9 85 10 Union st. b W

Vaux Cu thbert,ship owner , 42 Tatham st. b W

Vaux Mr s. Hannah , [4 King st . b WVaux Mr s. Mary, 18 Sans st. upper, b W


rs John , coal agen t, M i l lfiel d co ttages, 1) Wrs John , shopkeeper, 14 Johnson st . b Wrs Joseph , shopkeeper, Farringdon r ow, b wAnn

,vic t. , Dock Hou se , Bi shop Wear m ou th pans

R. 85 Carr, publi shers o f the Sunderland 85 D u rham County H e

ald, (Friday) , general prin ters, wholesale 85 retai l stat i oners, book

*ellers , an d d ealers in charts, nau tical instruments , stamps a nd paent medicines

,175 H i gh st. b W

Fa rrar, chemists, dru ggi sts 85 grocers , 147 H i gh st . h W

Robert, printer 85 publisher Heral d Omce ; h . [1 Tav i stock pl . b WVipond Mr . John , 7 Zion s t . b WVipon d Richard, stone mason , 7 N or th Du rham s t. b WWaddell John

,cu tler 85 su rgical instrument maker

,6 Bridge st . ; h . 1 2

Wes t Wear st . b WWadde l l Thomas. master m ariner, 35 Dundas st . m W sW addle Thomas P age, v i c t., Friendly Tav ern , 1 1 1 H igh s t . 3Wade W illiam


,harness 85 trunk maker

,220 High st . b W

W ake Isabella,fishm on ger , N ew marke t ; h . L ow qu ay,s

W ake Mr s . Jane , 5 Tatham st. b WW ake John Harri son, linen and woollen draper, 12 H igh st . s ; h . 53

Frederi ck st. b WVl

'ake Mr s. Margare t, ship owner, 2 N orth B ridge st . m w 3

Wake Mary, grocer , and Jane , schoolmistress , 76 H igh st . sWake N el son

,boat b u i l der

,S trand street, m W s

W—ake Thomas 85 Son , boat bu i lders and ship owners , H ardcastl e’

s sliph . Bank stree t, s

Wake Wil liam Morgan , boat bu i lder, N orth Shore ; h . D ock street,m w s

Waki n sh aw J am es 85 Co .

,i ron manu factu rers and rollers

,Wear I ron

W orks,Bonn er ’ sfield , m W s

VVal dan Thomas, m arine store dealer, Whi tbu rn s t. m W sWales Thomas 85 W i ll i am , boile r makers, W aterworks road , b WWalker Crosby

,shoemaker , 22 Chu rch s treet, 3

Walker Dav i d , j oi n er , 10 Yorke stree t, m w sW alker Mr s. E lizabeth , 3 Vine pl ace, b WWalker E li z abeth, shopkeeper, George stree t, as WW al ker George

,v ic t. Three Crowns, 94 High street b W

Walker Feather ston hau gh , glass bo ttl e m fc tr ., Ayre s Qu ay and Dept ford

B ottle Work s, b W ; John W i lson P hil lip s, agen tWalker J ames, bu t cher, 4 Sans stree t, and 1 19 H igh street, sWalker James A i rd, bu tcher, Moor stree t ; h . l Woodbin e street, b WWalker John , grocer and beerhou s e, 58 Hendon road , b WW alker John , basket maker, 46 H i gh st. h . 63 Brou gham st . DWW alker John Heppel , master mariner, Whitbu rn st. m w sW alker Mary Ann , school , 1 4 Green s t . b WWalker Matth ew,

shoemaker, 19 Su ssex st . b w


W alker Mr . Richard , 32 Barclay st. m W sW alker Robert, earthenware manu factu rer ; h . 8 Thomas st . 3W alker Thomas

,ship b r oker an d gen eral merchan t, Wear st . h . 54

D undas st. 111 W sW alker Thomas

,ship own er

, 1 1 N orth Bridge s t . m W sW alker Thomas, wood tu rner, c t . 202 High s t . 5l Val ker Wm .,

Wharfin ger , Holmes’ sWharf, 27 L ow st. s ; h . 20 Cou sinstreet

,b W

l Val l ace 85 Do rmand,bu tchers and cattle dealers , 3 H igh s t . 5

W allace John , coa l trimmer, 3 Brougham s t . b WWallace M r s. Mary

,farm er, Tunstall l an e, 1) W

W allace Mr . Robert,Fore st . b w

Wallace W i l li am,bu tcher 85 0 . h . 16 Edward s t . s

W alls Thomas, b u tcher, 134 Coronation s t . ; h . Covent G ardens,b W

Walsh W i l l iam , day school, 17 N icholson s t . b WWal shaw M ichael , sawyer, 6 Union st. b WW a l shaw Rober t

,master mariner

, 9 Sou th s t. b wWal ton Ann , straw hat maker, 42 H igh st . b WWal ton George, master mariner, 32 Sans st . b WWal ton James

,pav iou r, 69 Wear s t. b W

Wal ton Ralph, dispensing chemist, 26 1 High st. h . 28 King st. b WW al ton W i lli am, master _m ariner , 3 Woodbine st. b WWandless Bob er t , v i ct . Aberdeen Arms , W ear st . m W s\Van d1essWi lliam ,

gardener,seedsman 85 fru i ter er

,24 Coronation st. b W

Wang L orens Thiodor,merchan t

,ship owner, Swedish and N orwegian

consu l, 8 Vill i ers st . b WWan l es Sim on

, j oin er , 22 Woodbine st. b WWanless Heath

,clo thes dealer. 1 36 New market , 85 2 Mark qu ay, s

Wanless John,yeast maker, 13 S i lksworth r ow, b W

Wanless W i lli am,shopkeeper

, 7 S i lver s t . 8W arbu rton Mr s . 32 Green st . b WW ard E ll e n

,straw hat maker, 32 Grey s t. 5

Ward John 85 Son , su rgeon s, 5 Chu rch st. 8W ard Mary, tobacconist and worsted deal er, 49 High st. sWard Thomas, shoemaker, S tamp’s l ane


W ard W i lliam,cabine t maker 8t j oi n er , 25 Sans st. b w ; h . 37 George s t. 3

W ardell Ma tthew, jn r Wear st. 85 v i c t . L ight Hou se , N o r th qu ay, 111 W sWarden Edward, master mariner, 42 L awrence st . b WW ardl e Charles, shoemaker , 45 Castl e s t. b WW a r dle James , bu tcher , Hamilton st. m w sWardle John , v i c t. Canteen , B arracks , sWar d r opper Anthony , stone mason 85 bu i lder, 23 Wi lliam st . b WWar dr opper Mr . John

,1 8 Dunning st. b W

War dm pper John Ken d ray, master ma1 iner, 1 8 Dunning st . b wWar d r opper Margare t, green grocer, 85 ear thenware d ealer, 95 High s t. ;

h . 18 Dunn ing st. b W


W augh Ann , shopkeeper, 13 H igh r ow , 13 WW ayman George, master mariner, 9 Wear s t. b WW ayman John, runningfitter, 30 L aw rence st. b WWayman Mr . Watson , 15 Cou sin st. b WW eatherb u r n James, v i c t., Ar gou r Frigate, 8 W est Wear st. b WWeatherby Robert, master mariner, 1 6 Green st. b WW ebb Rev . William ,

B . A., Rector o f Sunderl and , 10 John st . b W

Webster George, shoemaker, Wear st. m W sW ebster Thomas, translator, 1 70 N ew marke t

,and 36 L ow st. 5

Weddal l W i lli am , carv er and gilder, 26 East Cross s t. b WWeddle Franc i s, coop er, 72 L ow s t . sW eighel l Bartholomew,

v i c t. , Crown 85 S ceptre In n , pos t horse 85 hackneycoach proprie tor, 235 , High st . b w

Wei gh i l l John , p ai nter 85 glaz i er, 145 High st. sW ei gh i l l Thomas, draper, 85c . ; h . 16 H igh s t . sW ei ghi l l Thomas, ship owner, 10 Sans st . u pper, b WW eir Thos ., blo ck 85 mast m kr .

, Ferry Boat ln‘dg. ; h . 9 Barclay st . m W sW e ir W illi am , master mariner, 6 Barclay s t. m w sWelands Thomas, bu tcher , Bod l ewel l ln . 85 1 8K2 N ew market 5 ; h . 25

S ou th Du rham st . b WW el sh Edward, v i c t ., Globe,W ear s t. m w 3

Wel sh John Robson , grocer,Wear s t . m W sW elsh P attison, ship owner, 4 Dock st . m W sW elsh Ralph

,v i c t ., Mount P leasant, H ud l eston s t. m W 5

W elsh Thomas, runningfitter, 37 Chu rch st . 3‘

Welden George, green grocer , 74 High st . 5

W eldon Stephen , green grocer, 14 S i lv er st. 8W el l b u ry Mary Ann E leanor, dress maker , 26 Qu een s t. 8

W’ ells Wil l iam 8: Co .

,m arine s tore dealers

,1 1 1 L ow st. 8

W esleyan Chapel, 163 High st . b WWesleyan Chapel , 85 High st . 8W esleyan Chapel, 59 Fawcet t st . b WW esleyan Sou th Du rham st. b WW esleyan Chapel ,Wh i tbu r n s t . m W sWesl eyan Chapel , Zion s t. b wW esleyan Chapel

, (Be thel) , Assem bly garth , sW e therald Mary


,1 1 1 Coronation st b W

VVether al d Wal ton , bookbinder, 2 1 Su ssex st. b wXVe ther e l l John Anthony, cab ine t maker, 29 Bridge st . b WW etherill W i lliam ,

tail or,42 Wear st. b W

W elsh George,p ilot

,40 Barcl ay st. m W s

W estland Charles, master mariner, 40 W ear st. b WWettl e Thomas, master m ariner, 70 Wear st . b WWharton Thomas

,master mariner, 4 W ear s t . b W

W heatl ey Ralph,tailor

, 14 Dun Cow s t . b WWhin ham W i l liam ,

brewer, 1 3 N esham sq. s


Whi taker Benjamin , w ool len d raper 85 rag merchant, 38 Flag l ane , sWhite Amada, schoo l , 2 Dock st. m W sWhite Mr s. Frances, 20 King st . b WWhite Mr s. Isabella , 59 N i le st . b WWhi te J ames , mas ter mariner, 30 Qu een st. b WWhite Jam es,

sh oem aker , Hendon road , b wWhite James

,shopkeeper, 54 Si lv er st . 8

Whi te Jane, baker, Hanov er place , b WWhi te John , tailor, Whi tbu r n st. 111 W sWhi te Michael

,master mariner

,Rendlesham s t . m W s

White Richard,merchan t and coalfitter , 1 Wi ll i am S i f ; h . Thorney

C lo se,b W

Wh i te Thomas B l ai r, agent , 55W ear st . b WWhi te W i ll i am ,

i ron founder h . 3 1 L awrence st. b W”

White W i lliam,solici tor

,234, High st. b W

Whi tehead Henry, master mariner, H edworth st. b WWhitehead Wi ll i am , master m ariner, 1 27 Coronation st. b wWh i telaw John, hai r dresser, per fumer, and agent to P r ice 85 Co ., per fu

mers, L ondon , 207 H i gh st . sWhi tfield Alli son , sail maker and ship owner, 3 L awrence st. b WWhitfield Ann, dre ss maker, 12 Bedford st . b WWhi tfield George 85


W ill i am, hou se agen ts, 72 Cr owtr ee road ; Geo . h . 1

H igh r ow ,b W

Wh i tfield Mrs . I sabella, 12 Bedford st. b WW hitfield Isabella, v ic t., B lack Bu ll, 309 High s t. b WWhi tfield Mark, 0 0 0per, L ow s t. 8 ; h . 4 H endon r oad

,b W

Whi tfield W ill iam, painter and glaz i er, 72 Cr owtr ee r oad , b WWhi tfiel d W il liam ,

v ict King ’s H ead 4 Spring Garden l ane,s

Whi ttl e I saac, shoemaker , 3 Hodgson s bu i ldings, b WW iddrington Thomas, boot and shoemaker, 147 Hi gh s t . 3W igham George, wood tu rner, and ship Wheel maker, 37 Charles st h .

1 9 W i ll iam st. b WW igh t Rober t 85 Son , cast i ron 85 brass founders, iron merchants, Whol esal e and r etai l i ronmongers, and m anu fac tu rers of ship ’s hearths,p aten t pumps, timber Wi nches, Windlass w ork, chain cable


85c ., 83 H igh st.,s an d Seaham Iron Works

Wigh t Robert, i ron an d brass founder, i ron m er chan t, 850 h . Seaham.

H ar bour

W igh t Wi lli am , i ron founder , 850 h . Tatham st. 1) WW i lbu rn Isabell a, l odgings, an d Eliz ., schoo l , 7 1 Wear st. b WW i l bur n e, Matthew, ship owner, 64 D undas st. 111 W s

Wi lds Charl es, v i c t., Marine Tav ern, 108 L ow s t. sW i lkie Jane, schoo l , 23 P emberton st. b WW ilkin George, r ope manu factu rer ; h . Broad st. 111 WW ilkin Joseph , marine store dealer, 135 Low st r s

Wi lkin Rober t, bu tcher , Hendon r oad,b w


W i lkin Robt., bu tcher, 18 New market, s , 85 H endon, b w ; h . Chu rch st. sW ilkinson E l iz abeth , shopkeeper, 13 Bed ford st. b WW ilkinson George, coal v i ewer, Monkwearmou th Coll i eryWi lkin son George , shopkeeper and dru ggis t, 76 Hendon road, b wW i lkinson George, v i c t., 20 N i l e st and brew er, Walworth st. b wW i lkinson Isabella

,shopkeeper, 7 Walworth s t. b W

W i lkinson John , tailor, 12 C umberl and st. b wW ilkin son John , v ict., Bees Wing Tav ern , 37 N umbers garth

,b W

W ilkin son John, groce r and tea dealer, 275 H i gh s t. b WW i lkinson John , ship owner, Waterloo place, b wW i lkinson John

,clerk, 12 Dunn ing st. b w

W i lkinson John,master mariner

,10 Zion st. b W

W'i lkinson John , v i c t., Dray Cart , 6 Chu rch st . sXVi l kin son Joseph , join er and cabinet maker, 4 1 S i lv er st. 3W ilkin son Moses, jun .

, chemist and dr uggist, 167 H i gh st. 8 ; h . South

wick L odge

W i lkin son P ratt,master mariner, 12 Cumberland str eet, b w

W ilkin son Robert Thomas, soli ci to r, and cl erk to the tru ste es of Du rhamand Sunderl and tu rnpike roads, and agen t to the L ondonfir e andli fe in su rance company , Sun n i side bu i ldings ; h . S cotch house

W i lkinson S imon, master mariner, 81 Hendon r o,

ad ,'

b w

Wi lkinson Thomas Bartholemew,grocer an d tea dealer

, 30 H i gh street , 3W i lkinson Thomas

,shoemaker, 3 1 D unning stree t, b w

W i lkinson W i lli am,v ic t. and tai lor

, Social Tav ern , N el son squ are, m w s

Wi l ky Alexander, master mariner, 20 W oodbin e stree t, b wW i l l er ton Robert

,merchant and ship owner

, 12 John str eet, b w

W i lley George,engineer and millwright, 5 Howick stree t, m w s

W i lley Mi chael, ship owner, 32 L awr en ce‘

str eet, b wW illey Moses

,m arin e store de aler

,23 L ow s tree t, 8

W i lli ams Benj amin,shoe maker, 13 Back Fawce tt street, b w

W i ll i ams Charles,cu rrier, l eather seller, boot tree an d ~ l ast maker, 42

George s tree t ; h . 9 Su ssex street, b WW ill i am s I saac, master mariner, 4 Yorke stree t, m w sW i lliams James, stati one r and news agent, 9 Br idge street, b wW il li ams John

,master m ariner

,45 Sou th Du r ham ,

stree t, b wW il l i ams L ighten , pain ter, 4 Howick stree t, m w sW illi ams 85 Morri son , printers , 9 Bridge street, b WW i lli ams Thomas, boot and shoe maker, H ow i ck str eet, m w 3

W i l liams Rev . W ill i am , (We sleyan ,) 22 Frederick street, b wW ill i amson Mr s . E l iz abeth , 72 Moor s tree t, b WW il l i amson Si r Hedworth, Bart., Manor office, Wear stree t, m w s ; h.

Whi tburn H allW i lli amson John Wm . Esq. coalfitter,Man or office, W ear s treet, m w s

W i ll i s Edward, v eterinary su rgeon , and smith, 39 George street, 3W il li s W ill i am

,bu tcher, 58 New m arke t ; h . Stafi‘ord street, s

W i ll s Dav id, master mariner, 37 N ile street, b w


W in ter sg i l l W i lli am ,v i c t., B ri ti sh Flag, P rospect r ow , 3

W in tr ope George, tailor, 27 B i shopw earmou th P ansW iseman John , cooper, 124 H igh st . 5

Wi seman Skipsey Thomas, g ardener and seedsman , L i ttl e Vi lliers s t. b wWiskin s James, master mariner, 1 0 L awrence st . b wW ol fe James , tail or, 20 Sunderland st. b WWVol fe James, brazi er and tin-plate worker, 33 High st. b wW ood Ann , v i c t Friendly Tav ern , Cov en t G ar den st. sW ood Charles, master mariner , Dock st. 11 1 W 8

Wood Edward, tin-plate worker, N orth qu ay , m w s

W ood Mr s. Frances, 262 High st. b wW ood George

,ship broker

,general agent

,clerk to Commissioners of im

prov emen t ac t,an d agen t to the P hoenix Fi re In su rance, 14 Villi ers

stree t, b WW ood George, shipsmi th, North qu ay, m w s

W ood I sabella,v i c t., Mowbray Arms, B orou gh r oad , b w

W ood John,v i c t., Green D ragon , H anov er place, b w

W ood Mr s. Mary Ann, 76 L awrence st . b wW ood Mr s.Mary Ann, 1 1 Bedford st. b WW ood Ri chard

,master mari ner

,Hedworth s t. b w

Wood Rober t,j oiner, and Mary, school, 17 Wes t st.h W

W ood Thomas, sai l maker, 13 ,

L ow st . 5, 85 ship owner, 54 Fawce tt s t . b WWood W i lliam , shoemaker, Ayre ’s Qu ay road, b wW ood W illi am


,Back Vill i ers st. b w

W ood W illi am , shoemaker , 69 New Market ; h . 23 Cov en t Garden st. 5

W ood W illi am ,bu tcher

,Hanov er pl ace

,b w

W ood Will i am, master mariner, 13 Hendon road, b WW oods, Spence,85 Cc .

,general merchants

,136 High st. b w

W oodifiel d Frederi ck John, clerk, 38 Wear st. b WW ood ifiel d Mr s. Margaret, 38Wear s t. b WWoodifiel d Wi ll i am Joseph , m erch an t ; h . 22 Derwen t st . b wW oodifiel dW i ll i am, boo t an d shoemaker, 36 Chu rch st., and 64 New

market, sW oodland James, shopkeeper, 49 Vine st. sW oodman Mi ss Isabella, 26 Crowtree road, b wWoodr ufieW i l li am, master mariner, 32 Hendon r oad , b WW oodwi th John , master m ariner, 9 D ’

Ar cy terrace, b WW ol sten hol m John , grocer and tea dealer, 90 High st . sWool aych Rev . H umphrey Fi tzroy , B . A., cu rate,We ar st . b wW orley James, v i c t., Three Admirals, 2 1 B i shopwearm ou th P an sW orl ey Robert , shopkeeper, 109 High s t. sW orthington Mary, eating hou se, 19 L ow st. 8

W ray G eorge, tide wai ter, 6 Thomas s t. sW ray John, tide su rv eyor, 9 Hedworth s t. b wWright Abigail , l odgings, 18 N orthumberlan d st. b WW righ t Charl es, hat manu facturer an d furr i er ; h . 169 H igh s t. 5


Wright Dor othy, shopkeeper, 5 Ettr ick place, sW righ t GeorgeWalton , sol ici tor ; h . H igh s t. b WWrigh t George, master marin er,East st. b wWr ight H enry, grocer an d v ict., H endon Hotel , 36 Hen don road, an d l

H endon st . b WW righ t J. 85 G . W.,

soli ci tors , 19 H igh st. 8

W right John,iron forger ; h. Ayr e’s quay, b W

Wright John, clo thes and m arine store deal er, 147 New market ; h . 93

L ow st. sW right Joseph John, solicitor ; h . 18 Fawcett st. b wWright Robert

,grocer and ship chandl er, W ear st.mw s

Wright Thomas,pro fessor ofmu si c, mu sic dealer , an d organi s t ofBi shop

wearm ou th Chu rch, 4 Fawcett s t . b wW righ tson Ralph , master mariner, L iddel l terrace , m w sWrigh tson Rob ert, grocer, tea dealer , an d baker, 62 High st . sWrightson Robert, master mariner, 46 Barcl ay st. m w sW rightson S tephen Thomas, b aker and grocer,W il liamson s t. m, w sWynn Anthony, bacon dealer, 8 New marke t ; h . Bu rleigh st . sWynn Matthew,

timb er merchan t,Walton place ; h . H edworth st. b wWynn Richard, mast, block, an d pump maker, L ow qu ay ; h . 34 Edwards tree t, b w

Yal l owl ey John, bookseller , stationer, 85 news agent, 57 H i gh st. bYeal James, master mariner, Back L awrence st. b WYou l donJohn, master marin er, Wal l st . b WYou l l P eter, corn miller, Bonnersfield steam mill, m w 3

Young Andrew,master mariner

,Howi ck st. b w

Young Ann , v ic t . ship , 31 P an l ane, b wYoung Ann, v ic t. Three Crowns, 40 Uni on l ane, sYoung Grace , ho si er, 37 Dundas st. m w sYoung George Moor, bu i lder 85 general m ason , 32 N i l e s t. b WYou ng H annah, v ic t. B r i ti sh Tar, 25 Mal in g

s rig,s

Youn g 85 H arri son , soli ci tors, 85 agents to the Alfred life 85L awfir e Assnr ance Companies, 2 Wi ll i am st. b w

Young Janes, master mariner, 46 Barclay st. 111 w sYoung Jane, shopkeeper, 5 Moor s t. b WYoung John , master mariner, 20 D’

Ar cy terrace, b wYoung John , mason, 34 Cr owtr ee r oad

,b w


Young John , bu tcher, 45 New market , 8 h . Coronation st. b wYou ng John , chem is t 85 druggist, 209 H igh s t. 8Young Joseph , sol ic i tor, 85 c . h . E den H ouse, b WYoung Mark, p ainter 85 glazier , Borou gh road , b W ; h . Mark qu ay, 5Young 85 P roud, l inen and woollen drapers, 125 H igh st. b WYoung Thomas Brown , merchant, ship broker, an d sai l maker, 5 Ru ssel ls treet, 8 ; h . 3 N i le st. b w

Young Thomas, sear cher, Cu stoms, 72 Wear st. b WYoung W il l i am, wool len draper an d hatter, 125 High st. b w


YoungWi lli am , master marin er, 46 Wear st. b wYounger A li ce, v ic t., Wheat Sheaf, Johnson st. b wYounger Margaret, s traw hat maker, and register o ffice, 13 Sans st. 8Yu le Mi ss Jane, 7 Fawcett st. b wYu le P eter, shoemaker, H amilton st . 111 w s .



A cad em ies.

Marked tahe Boarder s.

Angas Mary Ann , 14 N i le st. b wAtkinson Robt., Green , b WAtkinson Robt., 30 Crescen t row, i ) w

B ahar ie Alex., 7 L awrence s t. b wBailey Mary Ann, 28 Villi ers st . b wBlakey Robt., 53 Dundas st. m w sB r itish, N i cholson s t . b w, RobertC ameron 85 Janet Atkin sonCampbell John

,24 L ambton st. b w

Ca thol ic , B ack Bridge st ., ThomasH 0 0p and Mr s. DacyChambers Jas. M.

,17 Mu rton st. h w

Chapman Wm Back Vill i ers st. b wCharl ton J ohn Ayr ey, 26 S ilv er st. 8Clark Thomas, Chapel s t. 5Clark Wm Whi tbu rn s t. m w sC ook J ohn , 55 Bu r l eigh ‘

s t. sCoxon H annah , 5 1 Sou th Du rh amstreet

,I) w

Cu rtis J ane, 12 Upper San s st. b WCu thber t E l iz . , H edworth st. b W“Dewar Jane Eliz . , 26 Green st. b wD ickinson Thos ., 23 Baines lane , sD ixon Eliz ., 2 EastWoodb in e st.h W

Donn ison’

s Char ity, Chu rch Walk, 8,E liz . P u rv i s

D oubleday Mr s.,13 Sou th Du rham

stree t, b wDouglas Cphr ., Dundas st. m w 8

G raham Rev . Joseph, Hal l gar th

squ are, m w s*Grange Boarding S chool , S tocktonroad

,b w . Rev . F. I l ifi', D .D .


head master

Greig Mary,Hal l gar th sq. m W 8

Harvey Mar g t., 23 L ambton st. b wH eemskerk

,John A. 35 Frederick

st. b WHengban 85 H arv ey

,23 L ambton

stree t, b w*H igginson Rebecca, I Fawc t. st. b wHom er Joseph, 9 Zion st. 1) WH owe Ali ce, 3 Mi l lfiel d Cotg s. b wHowse Ri chd ., Whi tbu rn s t. m W 5

Infant S chools, S t. John ’

s, Ropew alk

,8, Jane Bu rns ; Garden st.b w

,E . Bi rkin shaw ; P an lane,b W

,E liz . Carr ; and Spring Garden lane

, s ,Margar et HicksIrwin Jane , Broad st. 111 wJackson Mary An n , 6 Mi l lfiel dCottages, 1) WJolly Robert

, 34W ear st . b WJones James,4 Kin g st. b w

*L ee John , 30 Green st. h WL on gstafi'Thos . , l o N orfol k s t. b WMartin John , 22 L ambton s t. b wMart indal e John, Hedworth ter . b wMenmu ir Willi am , H i ll s t. b WMill ar Mary, 22 Ol i v e s t. b w“Mi ln e T . A.,

58 Fawcett s t. b WN ational S chools, L ow r ow ,b W,

Wm .

Armstrong ; and Numbers garth,b w , J ohn Armou r an d ElizabethMofi'att

P ar ochia l , 2 Vine st. s ,Wm . H enryEdney, and Dorothy An n Cole

Nei l Mar y, 13 Green , h wO v ering John , 1 16 High st . 8Owen P eter, 24 Golden Alley , sP arkinson Rob t.W .

,W illi am st.b W


A r t i st s .

Goodal l John,1 2 H edworth s t. b W

G ran t Jas. G . ,9 Tav i s tock pl . b w

L i gh tly An thony, 2 Su ssex s t. b WA t t or n eys .

Alcock Thos . Cr owhal l , 1 N i l e st. b wA l lison Wm .,13 Barcl ay st. m w s

B owlby Ru ssell, Howi ck st. 11 1 w sB rown Robert, 57 Vil li ers st. b WBrun ton Thos ., (Town Clerk) Sun

n i si de,b w

Bu rn Thos., 20 High st . 8Cooper John M ., 207 High st . b WD av idson Robt. , 4Villi ers st . b wEggl eston Hy.

,3 1 Barclay st. m W s

Fel l Chas. R d ., 56 Frederi ck s t. b wHayton Wm ., 1 Coronati on st. b wHines Chas. Hy.

,48 N i le st. b W

H ines John , jun . ,7 Vi lliers st. b W

H u tton John R .,5 Vi l liers s t . b w

Jones Thos . Rock Smith, 134 Highstreet, b wKidson John , 15 East Cross st. b wMoore A . J . 85 W . 7 Bridge st. b WOgden John Mau de , 7 B r i dge st. b wP otts Chpr . Thos ., 1 85 2 Sunderl and st . b WRanson Geo . S . , 2 l 5 High st. b wReed 85 P arker, 2 Back Fawcetts treet, b WRobson Wm . W., 25 B ridge s t . h wRobinson James Sep ts ., 54 Vi l l i ersstree t, b w

Scu rfiel d Geo., 3 W i lliam st. b WSmar t Robert

,1 N i le st. b W

Snowbal l Wm .,1 Charles s t . b w

Taylor Charles,69 John st. b W

Thompson Thos ., 53 Villi ers st. b wW hi te Wil l i am

, 234 High s t. b wW i lkin son Rt. Thos ., Sun n iside, b wW il son Robert, 1 42 H i gh st. b wWrigh t J . J. and G . W .

, 19 Highstre et , sYoung 85 Harrison , 2W i ll i am st . b wA u c t i on eer s Appr ai ser s .

Allason John , 9 Fawce tt s t. b wBarker W. I . 5 Bridge s t. b WCrow Robert

, 123 High st . b WD al e P e ter

,Villiers st. b W

D unn Jas., 10 L ow qu ay , sEwar t 85 Rou tledge, W i ll iamsonterrace , m w 5

Flower Matthew, 65 High st. b w


H ardcastle George, 3 N orfolk st.h wHeward Benj . , 10 N ile s t . b wJameson Wm . bu tler

,4 West st . b w

Middlemi ss G eo . A.,22 Bed ford

street,b w

Bab y L i n en W a r eh ou ses.

Berry E liz abeth,185 High st. b w

Dav i e 85 Thompson,55 Vill iers

s treet,b w

Ba con Fac tor s , soc .

( See P r ovision Dea l er s.)

Bak er s F l ou r Deal er s .

Marked 1 are Bakers on ly, and 2

F l ou r Dea ler s on ly.

Adamson Robt . , 129 L ow s t. 5Bell John , 88 H igh st. 8Bi r l i son John , Chu rch st. 111 w s2 Bu tterfin t" Mary, 23 Coronationstreet

,b W

1 Cameron John, Topli ffe s t. m w s1 Carr John H .,

Mau des open , 82 Catchasides Jas . W ear s t. m w s1 Cl ark Charles, 1 1 W i ll i am st . b WC lark W i lli am , Stamp ’s lane, 3C larke Thos.

,73 H igh st. sC larkson John,Wear st . 111 w s

Clemen t John , 90 H igh s t . b wDav id son Wm .,

34 Union lane,5

Dav i son John L ., 2 Matlock st . b w

Dawson H enry, 63 Moor st. b w1 Dou glas Jas ., Spencer’s lane, sFl eming John

,6 East C ross st . h w

Fl eming Wm .,Wear s t. m w s

Fow ler Alexander Wear s t. m W sFox Anderson I 15 Cov en t Gardenstreet


Gledstone G eorge,24 Spring Garden

lane,b w

Graig Robert, George st. m W

Hall Anthony,13 George st. s

Hall Jas . , 103 H ig h st. 82 Hall John H ., Smyrna pl . b wHarvey Geo .

,1 18 L ow s t. s

Hind Wm ., Chu rch st. m w s

H o lmes Robt 84 L ow s t. sH u tch in son L uke, 290 High st. b WKing Wm . Henry

,107 Coronation

stree t, b w2 L eybu rn Thos ., 45 Coronati onstree t

, 8

1 L i ddl e Isabella,4 Cumberland

street,b w


L i lbu rn Wm .

,125 High st. 3

M aclain l .,50 High st. b W

2 N ickless Mary , 1 6 Hi gh st. b wP atterson John ,

5 Flag l ane , sP en n ock Jon th .,

45 San s s t . b WRiseborou gh Thos. , 158 H igh s t . 32 Ryder Jas.

,Chu r ch s t. m W 8

S cot t Alexander, 24 W arren st, 8l Skead George, L i ttl egate, b wSmith John , 139 High st. 82 S tafford John Collin , 148 H ighstree t , 8Tate John , 35 High st. b w

1 Taylor Geo.,133 High st . 8

1 Taylor Jas .,81 Coron ation st . b W

1 Tay lor Jas ., Hendon lane, b W1 W h i te Jane, Hanov er place , b w1 Wi l son W i ll i am , 7 Union lane, 3W righ tson Rob t. , 6 2 High st . 3‘Wrightson S. T .

,Wi l liamson st

111 W sBan k s .

L ambton W . H . 85 C c .,54 Vill i ers

st . b w, (draw on Barcl ay, B evanSt Co .) J . 8. Robinson , agent

N ewcastle, Shields, and SunderlandUnion J oin t S tock Banking Co.,

2 Villi ers st . b w . (draw on Messrs .Barnett 85 Co .) Henry Armstrong ,manager

N o r th o f Engl an d Joint S tock Banking Co ., 160 H igh st. b w , (drawon L ondon and Westmins ter ,)Edward Forster , agen t

N or thumberland and Du rham Di s

t r i c t Banking Cc ., 17 1 H igh s t.b w, (draw on ‘ Barclay, B evan , 85Co .) H . Thompson , manager

Sunderland Join t S tock Bank , 188

High s t. b w , (d raw on Glynn 85Co .) H . P arker and Thos . Brown,

m anag ing directorsSav ing s B ank , Commercial bu ildi n gs

,Barclay st. m w 5

, (open onSa t. fr om 12 to l o

C l ock noon,and 7 to 8 e v ening ,) Wm . Brown

sec .Ba sk et M ak er s .

Dobson Robt ., 5 New m arket,8

Scar th J ohn , 38 Qu een s t. 8Walker John

,46 H igh st . b WBath s .

Brown Edward , Roker Ba ths


Ray Wm . , N eptune Baths, 5 Eas tW oodbin e st. b wThompson Mary

,Hendon , b w

Thompson Rache l,Waterloo Bath s ,

34 L awrence st. b W

B l ock an d M a st M aker s .

S ee Master B lock and P ump M'a lcer s .

Boar d an d L od g in g H ou se s .

J ohnson John , 246 H igh st . b wTayl or Robt . Thompson

,14 Chu rch

s tree t,3

Tipson M rs., 52 Villiers st. b wVau x Barbara 32 B ridg e s t . b w

B l ack sm i th s .

See a l so Wbi te and Shipsm iths.

Adamson Robt., 39 Qu een st. sB ryars James, 16 Bed ford st. b WCase Wi lliam ,

7 Qu een st . b WC l ark Wi lliam ,

19 Golden alley, 3Cook Thomas, 39 Flag l ane, s

Easton James, (85 edge tool maker),Ayre ’s qu ay,b W

Gibson Henry, Grey s t. sGibson John , Sunderland P ierG ray Thomas, 13 Matlock st. b WHall Charles

,44 L ow r ow ,

b wHall George, Du rham road , b wHu nter Robert, Sou thw i ck lane

en d , m W

Mau ghan“7m ” B l ack Bu l l qu ay,s

Moore John , 1 Midd le s t . b WOgl e Sc Dou glas

,Ayres qu ay

,b w

O rd Robert, 24 Sans st . b WRober tson Wi lliam ,

1 6 Qu een 811. sRawes Henry, 3 East Cross st. b WThwai tes T

\hos., Bonner’sfiel d ,m w s

T r ew i tt Robert,19 L ow r ow,

b wWi ll i s Edward , 39 George s t. sW i l son Thos ., 43 W est Wear s t . b w

Boa t Bu i l d er s .

Brown an d Archer, Bank s t. 3C unningham an d Hethering ton , 25

L ambton st . b WHodgson Moses, L ow quay , sHu ddleston J u o. , No r th shore, m w 8

L amb Georg e, 89 L ow s t. sMi tchell Georg e , 79 L ow s t . sPotter Wi ll iam , Nor th qu ay , m w sP o tts C u thbert and B ro thers

, Northsho r e, m w s


P roctor an d Mor ri son , Sheep Foldm w sRobson M. 8: W .

,S trand s t. m w 8

Wake N elson , Stran d st. m W sWake Thos. 8: Son , H ar dcastl e


slip , sW ake Wm . Morgan , N orth shorem w s

W i lson Dav i d, Matlock st . b WBookb in der s .

Barnes Wm . Barnes, 18 L ombardstreet


Bu rnett Geo ., 2 10 H igh st . b WComins Thos .,5 Zion st . b w

De L acy Ch arles, 12 Sans st . 3D ixon Hy. John , 2 17 High st. b WG regson Rain , 3 Mi ddl e s t. b wH erron Thos., 29 Spring Gardenlane


Book sel l er s, S tat ion er s , & c .

Atkinson M . Chu rch st. m w sB u rne tt Geo ., 2 10 High st. b wC hapman Wm ., 65 N i l e st. b WD ixon Henry Ju o., 2 17 High st. b wGarbu tt Geo ., 190 High s t. b wG raydon Robt.,Wear st. m W sHoll i sW il l iam , 136 H igh st . sH u i son R t . , 106 Coronation st. b wH untl ey Joseph , 282 High st. b wHun tley Thos . , 1 1 Hi gh st . sP eacock John 8: Wm .

,186 H igh

stree t,b W

Reed Thos . 81 Cc . , 185 High st. 8Robson Thos. Son , 1 2 Bridgestreet

,b w

Smi th Edward , 188 High st. sTarh i t Wm .,Chu rch st, m W s

Vin t R. 8c Carr, 175 High st. b WW i ll i ams J as., 9 Bridge st . b WYal l ow l ey John , 57 High st . b W

Book sel l er s , (O l d )

Clayton Robt .,189 New market, 8

D ickinson Thos 53 Coronat i on st. sFergu son John , 9 Qu een s t. sRobert son Edw. B . E ., 183 New


Boot an d. Sh oem ak er s .

Marked ar e Tr anslator s.

Adam son C .,5 Si lkswo r th r ow, b wAdamson John

,W ear s t. ,m W 8

Atkinson John,Hu dson ’s b l dgs. b w


Barkes James, 249 Hi gh st . 1) w

Barkes James, jun . 7‘Union s t. b W

Barne tt Robe1 t, Chu rch st. m W 8

Bell George,9 Back Zi on s t. b w

Bl ackett Thomas, 19 Wi ll i am st. b WBland Robert , 82 N ew Market, 8Brown Phill i s, 42 Sans st. b wBrown Thomas, 4 Howi ck s t. m W sBug l ass Alexander, 2 Chu rch st. 5Bu rdon James , 14 L ombard st. 8Cam sey Robert, Topl ifi'e st. m w sChaplain Thomas, Tatham st. b wCharlton R t., 36 Cov en t Garden st.s

Coates Ri chard, P rospec t r ow ,s

Cockeril l Anthony, 77 High st . sCockerill John,5 John st. 3

Collingwood Jph .,81 Cr w tr ee. rd . b w

Colv in Ben j amin , 56 N il e st. b wCopeland E lizabeth , 67Moor s t . b wCornish John,4 Baines lane , s

Cou lson N icholas ,N orth qu ay, m w sCowans Jon th .

, Fi sherman’s r ow, 5

Cu l len Ann , 1 14 High st . b wCum m er scn George, E ttrick place, sC ummins Rober t, 6 Matlock st. b wDav i son John , 37 Grey s t. 5Dawson Joseph, 52 Sans st. b wDeans Chas. R .

, Sth . Du rham st. b wB i ston W i l liam , 96 High st. b wDobbing Thomas, Cross pl ace . 3Dodd Wi ll i am , 7 Alber t st. b wEdmundson G., L iddell ter. m w s*E rrington John , 94 L ow st. sEv es Charles

,18 Harley st. b w

Gee John 1 1 P emberton st. b WGibson Jph . Ayre’s qu ay, b wGibson Wm ., 46 Middle s t. b wG r aham George, Ayre ’s qu ay, b WGraham John

,157 High s t. b W

Graham Ralph , 172 High st. sG ray Rober t,84 Moor s t. b w

Hamil ton John , 3 17 High st. b wHardy Will i am , B ack Wear st. b wHarri son Thomas, Zion s t. b wHasti e George, Hil l st. b WHastie John, 150 High st. sHastie James, H endon s t. b wHastio Wi l son

,1 2 W ear st. b w

Heslop G eorge, 75 High st. b wHickson W i l li am, 30 Grey st. s

Ho l d for th Robert, 29 L ow s t. 8

Bu gal l Rt . D . ,39 Nor thum ber l an d

street , b WHumphreys Geo ., N orth qy. m W

Hunter Thomas, 7 George s t. b W


B r az ier s T in P l at e e r s .

JIarfied are coppersm iths a lso .BrownWm ., 1 North Du rham st. b WCalv ert Wm . 8c Son , 177 New mkt. s*Cogdon John, 27 East Cross st. b W*Cooper Rd . 8: Fras. S ., 194High st .b wCo rn forth Wm ., 28 L ow st. s*Dannatt Jas., l N orfolk st. b w*Gl ahol m Wm . 8c Ju o., 8 East Crossst. b WFrai l Jo shu a, Brewery bank, m W sH u tchinson L ewi s , 99 L ow s t. sL amb James, c t. 200 H igh st. 8K i rkal dy Robert. Wear s t. 11 1 W sKirton W illi am , Chu rch st. m w sN ewton Matthi as, 1 20 L ow st. sOgle 8c Douglass, Ayre’s qu ay, b wRon tr ee John , Bod l ewel l l ane


Salkeld Alexander, 9 L ow quay, sSmith Rawling, 3 1 High st. b WSm i th Stephenson,Wear s t. 111 W s* Smi th Wm . Venu s ,H anover st. b wSmi th Wil liam, 135 N ew market

, 8

S tevenson J . D ., 62 Hendon rd . b wS tewart D uncan , 3 1 L ow s t. sS toddar t J .

, 23 Spring Gard. ln . b w

S tubbs P hilip , 33 L ow s t. 8Taylor Willi am, 20 L ow st. 8*Thew Thomas , 2 1 L ow st . 5Todd Ralph , W ear st. m W s‘Nol fe James, 33 H i gh s t. b wWood Edward , N orth qu ay, m w s

B r ew er s .

Mar /red a re Ma l tsters a l so.

Alli son James,North qu ay

,m W s

Au stin John , D ixon ’s sq. m w s“Brown Samu el , 23 Qu een st. 8Clarke W i lliam , 44 H igh st. sD en ton John ,W alton lane, s*Fenw i ck Rt. 86 Co.

,17 L ow s t. 8

Gallon Thomas, Qu een st. Brewery42 Matlock s t. b wHindmarsh E .M. 85 S . S ., I l l Highst . 8

Hodgson Geo., Hodgson b l dg s. b W

L ockie John,Ayres qu ay, b W

L owes Robert,Robinson ’s ln . s

O ates Robert,L ombard st.

O ver ina o . Dinn ing 1 16 High st . 8Rayne W il li am , Spring Garden ln . s*Reed Thos.

, Mark Quay Brewery,100 L ow st. 8


*S tory Will i am , Moor st. b W*Taylor Mari a

,Horn s lane Br ew

ery , s*Tr ewh i teFrancis, H ind st . b WVaux Cu thbert , 9 Union s t. b WWhinham W illi am ,

13 N esham sq. sWi lkinson George,Walworth st. b W

See S toneMasons, tire.

Br i t i sh W in e Dea l er s .

Atcheson Thos., 1 92 High st. b WJohnstone John , 246 High st. b WMears 85 Co . 224 High st . b wOr d John W 1 93 H igh st. b WP ark E l iz ., 209 H igh st. bWRitson John 82 Sons, 4 High s t . 8

B r i ckm ak er s .

Bramwell Chpr ., H endon , b WClou ghton John , D eptfordDixon 8: Fallow, 18 Cumberland st.b WHartley Jas. 85 Co., New Town , b WHenderson John , 2 1 Johnson st. b wN oble Thos ., 24 Derwen t s t . b WOates Johnson , 7 Chester r oad, b W

Spoor Ri chard , North Dock , m w s

Tu rner Geo ., 2 1 King s t. b w

B r ok er s A gen t s.

Marked 1 ar e S hip Br oker s 5 and 2,S hip and Insu r an ce Br oker s.

See a lso Agen ts 8s Mer chants .

l A lcock Charl es, 54 Sans s t. b w2 Andrews Jas. 8: Co.

,L i ttl e Vil liers

stree t,b W

BarkerW . I. (coms.) 5 Bridge st. b wBol dem an ,

Borries, 8: Co., (gen r l .

com sn .) 152 High st. b W2 Booth George Robert, 1 Ru ssel lstreet, 81 Bradley 8L P otts, N orth qy .

,m W s

1 B riggs Willi am 8c Co.,Exchange

bu i ldings , s2 Bu rn W i lliam , 20 H igh s t. 51 Candli sh John

,34 Bridge st. b w

2 Carr Wm . 8c Co ., l Bedford st. b W2 Charleton J . 85 R . 2 Sun n i sid e, b WCormack J osiah , George st . s2 Grossby James

,6 N i le s t. b W

Cu r th s J. V. (81: coms.) 127 H ighstreet,b W

TRADES ANDDav i son Thos., 4 Sun der l rn d st. b wl Dennis ton John , 53 San s st. b wl Ellio tt Thomas, 5 1 San s s t. b W1 G‘ ehrel s G erhard

,A . B . 206 H igh

st ree t, 5l Ha l cro Rd. 86 John , 56 Villiers st.b W1 H annington James, 1 H igh st. 31 Hanson Thompson , 6 Ru ssells treet , s1 Hay James, Exchan g e b l dgs. s1 Heppell Rd . Bryan , Cu stom hou seentrance , s2 Heward Benj . , 10 N i le s t. b w2 Heward Wm . N ., L i ttl e Vil li ersstreet

,b w

1 Hu dson 85 Haddock,Cu stom

Hou se en trance , 81 Humble Chas . I .

, 136 H igh s t. b wHu sdel l Jacob , W ear s t. m W s2 Kirk Wm . 8c Cc . , High st . b WL ee Thomas , 45 Vi l l i ers s t. b W1 L idde l l John , Chu rch st. 111 W s1 L onie Mar tin , Exchange b l dn gs. s1 L os P . R. 8c Co Sun n i side, b w2 L um sdon 8c Byers , 4 Ru ssel , st . s2 Marwood 8c B i rd , 53 Sans st . b W1 Mi ckl am 8c Carr, Wreath ’s qu ay,m W s

1 Mi ll s Sampson , 1 ] Bridge st ., b w1 Munro John

,O l d Fi sh landing , s

2 Mu rray John 85 Co ., 9 High st , s1 P arkin Joseph , 195 High st. s2 P eacock“Brothers , 67 N il e st. b wP eacock Wi lli am

,12 N il e st . b w

l Rahn Franci s Hy ., Sun n iside,b W

2 Reed Jas., 193 High st. b W2 Richardson G . 85 C .

,13 Barcl ay

street, m w s1 Rom yn 8: Co. , Sun n iside, b W1 Ru dol phi 8: Co., 26 High st . 8Robinson Thos. Temple

,Cu stom

Hou se entrance,s

1 Sav i lle Jas .,Exchange b l dn gs., s

1 Scorer H enry, 10 Wal ton pl . b W1 Scott Jas., 37 Woodbine st. b W2 S tephehson Ri chd ., 9 H igh st .1 S tewar t Rob t.,Fer ryBoat l an dg . sTayl or John , Cu stom H ou se en .

trance, 3Thompson Mark, 6 Sun n iside, b WTu ll y C . 85 Co., 136 H igh st. b w1 W alker Thos .,Wear s t. 111 W s2Watson W . H . 8: G.

, Sunn iside,b W


1Wood George, 14 Villi ers s t. b w1 Youn g Thos. Brown, 5 Ru ssel lstree t, 3

Bu i l d er s.

S ee a lso J oiner s and Bu i lder s.

Charl ton Wm ., B arcl ay st. m W sDrysdal e Wm ., 8 Su ssex st. b WOates Johnson , 7 Chester road, b wP ratt Thos ., 3 1 Union st. b WRoseb efiy Thos., 36 Qu een st. b wThompson Wm .,

17 Cou sin st. b WTone John Carr, 23 Olive s t. b WTone Wm .

, 17 D erwen t st . b wWi lson Rob t 1 San s s t. u pper

,b W

Young Geo . Moor, 32 N i le st. b WBu t ch er s.

Adam son E dward, N el son sq. 111 W sAdamson James, 274 High st. b wAdie Michael, 127 H igh st . sAtkinson F. 2 Walworth st . b WBarker Jacob , 14 N ew Market, sBarnes George, 18Coronati on s t. b wBarron John Saml ., 42 High st. 8Barwi ckRober t, 18 H i gh s t. b WBarwick Wm .,

14 Coron ati on st.h wBenson Robert,Whi tbu rn st. m W sBenson W i lliam, Chu rch st. m W sBlacki t Thos. Edw., Railway st. b WBoneWi ll i am , L idde l l ter. 111 W sBrabant Wm . 55 N ew Market

, 8

Brewi s J ames, 237 H igh st. b WBrewi s Robert, 40 High st. 3Brown Robert, 103 L ow st . 8Bu rdon Fran cis, 47 Hi gh st.‘ b WBu rrell George, Ayre's Qu ay rd. b wBu tl er C u thbert , 13 New Market, 5Carter John, 54 H igh st. b WCockb um Jph . 54 New Market, 8Crisp Robert, 24 Silksworth r ow,

b WCrowther George, 25 New Market


Cu rry W i lli am , New Market,s

Di ckeson Richard, 3 1 Sans st. b WD i ckison John , Union place, 11 1 W sD ixon Su sannah, Chu rch s t. m W sDobson George, 232 H igh st. b wDowthwai te James, 3 1 High st. an d6 New Market , s

Dunn W i ll i am ,6 Sans st. 8

Ev ans Thomas, North qu ay , m w sFai r l am George , 2 Grey st. sFenwick J ohn, Wear s t. m W 8

Gibson Margaret, 19 New Marke t, 3Gibson Wil liam , 80 H igh st. b w


Greenfield Thos., 38 New Market,3

G reenfield Wm .

, 36 New Market,8

Greenwell Edwr d .,N elson sq. m W s

Greenw ell Josepb , 5 High st. sHall John , Qu een st. b WHall John , 3 15 High st. b WH ammond Robert,Ayre’s Qu ay,b wH av el ockWi lliam , 35NewMarket, 3Hay W ill i am,

47 New Market , sH edley John , 76 Coron ati on st . b WH en derson Fras .Whi tb urn s t. m W sH olmes W i l li am , 47 High st. 8H orsman John , 16 Hendon rd. b wH u dson Rt. H ., 5 1 N ew Market . 8H unter Thos ., 50 High st . b wH unter W i lli am , 1 19 High st. 8Hu son J ohn,Wear st . m W sH u tchin son Edw., 39 New Mkt. sH u tchin son John, 27 New Mkt. b WH u tchin son John

,50 N ew Mkt. s

Hu tchinson Thos., 59 N ew Mkt. sHu tchinsonW i lli am 28 High st. b WJor d ison George, 44N ew Market


L ambert Franci s, 40 N ew Mkt. sL on gstafi'Geo ., sen ., 70 H igh st. 5L on gstafi‘ Geo . jun ., 68High s t. sL on gstafi'Henry, 43 H igh s t. sL on gstafl

‘ Thos . 59 High st. sL owson Wm 6 Mal in g

s rig,s

Matthew Edward, Chu rch _st. m W s

Millbu rn Thomas, 7 Charles st. b wMoore M. 8: T . P ., 92 L ow st. 8Moore John Geo ., 72 High st. b wMorrell W i lli am,

22 Hendon r d . b W8: 52 NewMarke t


N elson John, 48 Vine st. sN ixon L uke, Whi tbu rn st . 111 W sN ixon Thos., 59 Dundas st. 111 w sP roctor Robert, 84 High st. 8P uncheon Wm . , 46 New Marke t


Ramsay Robert, 10 N ew Marke t, 8Ramsay R t., 1 10 Coron ation st . b W

Reed Jn o. 8cHy .78 8t 79High st. b WReed John , j un .

, 283 High st. b wReed Thomas,23 New Market

, 3Renney Wm .,67 High st. b w

Ridley Thomas, Chu rch st . m w s .

Rippon Thomas, 24 H igh st. b w

R obinsonW illiam ,Ayre’s qu ay , b WRobson Joseph

,9 New Market, 3

Robson Robert, 76 High st. 3

Salkeld Robert, 3 1 New Market, 5Scu r r Wi lfred , 5 Mal in gs rig, sSmi th John , 22 Coronati on st. b WSnowdon Thos . 59 N ew Market, 8


Stafford W il li am , 12 New Market, sS teel l er Hen ry

,64 Moo r st. b W

Swan Isaac, 43 New Market, sSwan Thomas, 56 New Market, 3Swan William, East st. sSwainson Geo., 48 New Market, sSwain son W i lliam

,53 NewMkt. s

and 22 Moor st. b WTayl or son Thos ., George s t. m w

Thompson Rob t., 281 H igh st . b WThompson T . W Thomas st. m W

Thwai tes Hy., 81 Coronati on st. h w

Walker J ames,4 Sans st . s

W alker James Aird,Moor st. b W

W allace Dormand , 3 High s t. 5Wall s Thos., 134 Coronation st . h w

Wardl e James,H am i l ton st . 11 1 W 3

Watson George,304 High st. b W

W atson Robt., 105 Cor on atin . st. 1) WWatson Sarah , 265 High st . b wW elands Thomas

, Bod l ewel l l ane, 5W i lkin Robert, H endon road, b wand 18 New Market


Wi l ls Wi lliam,58 New Maket, s

Wood W illiam , Hanov er place, b,W

Young John, 45 N ew Mar ke t, 8C ab in et M ak er s an d U phol

st or er s ._


**S ee a lso Joi ners, dc.

Alcock St Son , 64 N ile st. b wBrown Robert, 1 12 H igh st. b wChater Wm .

,47 and 8 San s st. b W

C1 ow Robert, 123 High st . b WFenwick Robert, 69 High st. b wN elson James, 10 Sans s t. 3Smith Ferrer

,293 8c 294 H igh st. b w

Taylor Robert, 4 Qu een st . b w

W etherell John A.,29 Bridge st. b WWi lson Robert

,8 Sans st. 8

C ar tw r igh ts.

Robson John , 17 Walworth st. b WSmu rthwai te Robt., 20 L ow r ow, b wStephen son Rt. 30 H endon rd. b WTr ewi tt Wm . 27 Low r ow, b W

C ar v er s G i l d er s.

Mar ked ar e Ship S ign Maker s;

Alcock 8: Son ,64 N i l e s t. b w

*Bri dge W. Hy. North qu ay , m w sL ind say John , 13 Bridge st. b W_

*Marshall John , Villi ers st. b W*Marshal l Jh .

,Back Villiers st 1) w


P emberton Messrs . 8: Co., Monk .

w earm ou th Colliery, m w ; Martin Douglas,agen t

Reed James, 193 H igh st. h WRom yn 85 Cc . , Sun n i side, b WWhi twell Colli ery Fi tting O ffice


1 W i l l iam st. Rd .Whi te,fit ter

WVi l l i am son Jno .W.,Wear jst. m W sC oa l Depots , (L an d S a l e.)

H arri son 8: Sco tt, Town Moo r, sH endon , Town moor,Wm . H Opper ,m anaging partn er

H etton , N ew Town, Ogden B rownmanag er

L ambton , Hyl ton Road , b w ; J. GB lack 8: Co .

Monkwearmou th L and Sale Depot,

P ortobello lane, m W, DawsonRanson , agen tC ofl ee R oaster s .

Brai thwaite William , S tob lane , 3Gordon Donald , Chapel s t , 3Redmond Jas ., Back Vil l i ers st. b WThompson Thos ., Cr owtr ee rd . b W

C on fec t i on er s .

Armstrong Chpr ., 233 H igh st. b w

Atcheson Thos., 1 92 Hig h st.,b W

Bai l l i e 8c Hu ll, 22 H igh st. 8Cochran El izabeth , 83 Moo

r st,b W

Coxon John , 10 Charles s t. b wCranston Hew son, 181 H igh st. 5Cranston Wi ll i am , 173 H i gh st . 8E l stob Jane, 9 H igh st. b wGarbu t t John, 85 Coronation st. h wJohnston John , (wholesale 8: re tai l)246 High st. b W

Marl ey Richard , H ill st. b WMowat t Robt., 29 High st. b WMowatt Wm ., 155 High st. 8Mu rray I sab l a .

,Hamil ton st. 111 W s

P ark Eliz ., 209 High st. h WP u lman Richard , 7 Bridge s t. b WShield s Mary, 1 1 Hendon Road, b WS tev enson Wm .

,3 High st. 5

Tay l or son Richard , 89 High s t. sTomlin son Geo . H ., New marke t,s

W i l son Geo ., 1 13 Coronation st . b WC on su l s .

Thus are Vice-consu l s, and 1 Consu

su lar Agen ts.

Ameri can , Robt. Sm art, 187 H ighstree t, b W


Bel gi an ,Jas.Reed , 1*Danish , R. H udsontom Hou se entran

fFr an ce, Jas.Reed,1

street, b wP ru ssi an , Geo . R. Booth

, 1 Ru ssel lstree t,b W

Swedi sh 8: N orwegian, L . T. Wang,

8 Villiers st. b W

C or n M er chan ts .

D i ckinson John , 60 John st. b WRobson 8: P eacock , 46 Qu een s t. b WShaw Angu s, 42 N i l e s t. b w

C u r r i er s L eath er C u t ter s .

Adamson Thos .,6 L ombard st. 8

Dov e James, 2 Qu een st. 8Fl in tofi'Thomas, 175 H igh st. s

C ooper s.

An der son Geo” North quay, m w sAyre James ,87 L ow s t. 8Brown Wi lli am, Low s t. 8Drysdale Geo ., ct. 33 L ow st. sForester John , N orth qu ay, m w sFrost John

,74 L ow s t. s ’

Gill Thos ., North qu ay, m W sH etherington Wm .

,Bonner’sfield ,m W s

H u tchinson Edward, N orth qu ay,m W sJohnson Geo . , 48 Walworth st. b wKirkbride , Wm ., N orth qu ay , m W sL aw son Wm .,

W ear s t . 11 1 w sSmith S teven son ,

Wear - s t. m W sWalker John , 46 High st, b WW addle Franci s, 72 L ow st. sWhi tfield Mark , L ow s t. 8Wi l son Wm N orth qu ay, m W sWi seman John

,124 H igh st . s

C or n M i l l er s Fl ou r D ea l r s .

Bowmaker Edwd. ,Hendon rd . b w

Cri sp Eliz abeth , Mi l lfiel d , b wDunn John , Hind s t. h WRichardson C . 8cW .

,Du rham r d . bw

Robs on 8; P eacock,46 Qu een st. h w

Smiles Thos., 9 West st . b WTyzack Samu el, Hendon road , b WYou l l P eter,Bonner’sfield, m W s


L agken by Thos. Hy .,5 1 Nor thum

berland s t. b W ; and Sal e Shop ,Grey st. sL ackenby Wi lli am , 45 H i gh st. b wMarshal l Andrew, 93 Coronationstr eet, b w

Wi ll i am s Chas.,43 George st. s

C u t l er s .

Marked ar e Tr uss and S urg ica l

Instr um en t Maker s.

Ridgeway Henry, 206 High st. b W*Waddl e John

,6 Bri dge st. b W

Den t i st.Cafi'er ata Jas. L ewi s, 2 1 Edge . st. b w

Dyer s .

Barker Jas,W aterl oo place , m w s

Car ru thers E liz ., 24 Qu een st. 8D alziel Co .,

66 H igh st ., b WFos ter Jos. , P estle and Mortar DyeW orks, 15 N ile s t. b w

Foster Ann , 54 N i l e st. b W"H al l John C . , 8 Chu rch st . sP omfre t R. H . 81. J . 54 Villi ers stb w

Ea r th enw ar e M an u fac tu r er s.

D ixon , Phi ll ips, 8c Co SunderlandP o ttery, foot \

of H igh st. 8Marr Sarah , N or th qu ay, m W sMoore Saml . 8L Cc .

, Bridge 85 WearP o tteries, m w s, an d L ow Sou thW ickRickaby 8c B l akelock , Sheep FoldP ottery, m W 8

Sco tt, Bro ther s, 85 Cc ., Sou thwickP o ttery

Ea t in g H ou ses.

Dodds Joseph , B road s t. 11 1 wH udson John , 17 High st . sL ow e Robert,Wear st. m W sRamsey Henry, 202 High st. sReid Alexander, Thornton pl . b wRichardson James , 1 17 L ow s t. sS eymou r Thomas, 1 14 L ow s t. sTodd Ralph , Wear st. m W sTrotter Robt. P ostick, 122 L ow s t. sWorthington Mary, 19 L ow st. 8

En g in eer s .

S ee M i l lwr ig l zts,

45 1

En g r av er s an d Copperpl ate

P r i n ter s .

Marked ar e L i thographers a lso.

Joseph L i onel , 162 H i gh st. s*P eacock J , 8cW.

, 186 Hi gh st.b w*Robson Thos. 8c Son , 12 Bridge

s tree t, b WF i l e M an u fac tu r er s .

Bl ake John , 38 Cumberland st. b wMorton Joel , 39 H i gh s t. b W

Fi r e an d L i fe Ofii c es .

Albi on C argo an d. Freigh t, (ShipAss.) H ugh D ixon, Fi e l d H ou se,b W

Albion P remium, Alcock 8: Smi th ,54 Sans st. b wAlfred , (L i fe) Harri son 8: Young


2 W i ll iam st. b WAtlas, Ed . Forster, 160 H igh st. b W,

8: M. Atkinson , Chu rch st. m w sBri ti sh an d Foreign ,W. I . Barker


5 B ridge st. k WCrown , (L i fe) C . T . P ot ts, 1 Su ndarl and s t . b wD i ssen ters, John D ixon

, 37 H ighstree t, 8Equ i tabl e Marin e P remi um

,Wm .

Bu rn , sec ., 20 High s t. sGuardian , J . Crosby, 6 N i le st. b WImperi al (Fire) Geo. P almer, Sou thDu rham st. b W a

L aw (Fi re) Harri son 85 Youn g, 2

W ill i am st . b WL eeds 85 Yorkshi re, John Scott, jun . ,

18 Matlock st. b WL ondon , Robt . Thos. Wi lkinson ,Sun n i si de, b w

Manchester (Fir e) 8c P el ican (L ife)John Mu rray , 9 H igh st. 8Marine

,C . T . P o tts

,1 Sunderland

stree t, b WMariners (L i fe) J . M. Cooper

, 207H igh st. b W

Medi cal Inval id , and General (L i fe)J . V. Cu r th s, 127 High st. b WN au tical L aw 85 Fund

, (L i fe) Thos .Bu rn , 20 High s t. s

North Bri ti sh, J. W . O r d, 193 H ighstree t, b w

N orwi ch Un ion, Hu gh P anton, 140

H igh s t. b WOcean Mu tu al,W. J . Smith

, 54 Sansstreet,b w


P hoenix (Fi r e) Geo . Wood, 14 Vill iers s t. 8: C . T . P otts, 1 Sund er .l and st . b WR oyal Exchange, H . J. D ixon , 2 17H igh st. b w

Scottish Union, T. C .Al cock, l N i l estr eet,b W street , b W

Yorkshi re, G . S . Ranson , 2 15 H ighst. an d Thos. P arker, 2 BackFawcett s t, b w

Fi shm on ger s .

B l ankley John 8c C o 2 Fawce tts treet , b w

Mason Eliz . , New Market, 8

P eacockWm . , New Market , sP otts Margaret, N ew Market, sWake El i z ab ett cw Market, s

Fr en ch P ol i sh er s .

Gilber t Saml . T . 5 Walwor th s t. bH unter M i chael, 15 Sans st. 3

F l ou r Dea l er s.

S ee Baker s and Flbi ur Dea lers.

F r u i t er er s .

Atcheson Thos., 1 92 High s t. b WB rown John

,52 H i gh st . 8

Chapman 8: B rown , 25 L ow s t. 8Fl eming Robert, W ear st . m W sG ibson Thos. 85 Cc .,

1 13 High st . b WH ewart John , 76 W ear st. b WH ewart Rob t., Arcade, sH unt Wm ., 80 H i gh st. 3L ynn Robt.

,22 L ow st. 8

Mears 8: Co., 224 High st. b w

P ardo John,192 New Marke t


Sm i th George, 245 H igh st. b wWandl ess Wm .

, 24 Cor on atn . st. 1) wF un er a l Fu r n i sh er s .

See J oiners an d Cabinet .Ma lzers.

Fu r n i tu r e B r ok er s .

Ma rked a r e Cabinet M aker s a l so.

Anderson Al ex . , Chu rch bank, b WB l acket John, 28 Grey st. s*B r owel l Dav id , 1 1 L ombard s t. 8B rown Joseph

,9 Grey st. 8

*Craw ford J ohn , 18 Grey st. 8E agle Ann, Minorca, sE arle Al ex. S. ,128 Coronation st. b w*Heap John, 51 Vine st. 8: 5Mal in gs

r i g , s

*Shaw John , 50 Coronati on st . sSoftl ey John , 129 H i gh st. 8S torey Thomas, 17 Coven t G ar dens tree t , b WSu therland Wm ., 27 8B28 Sans st . b W*Sw inbu rn W i ll i am , 44 Si lv er s t. sThompson John

, 28 Qu een st . sRobert,Chu rch st. m W s

Tomlinson Ann , 66 Nor thumber l an ci

street, b WFu r r i er s .

S ee H atters, 8’s .

Gar d en er s Seed sm en .

Archer Wm . , 87 H endon rd . b WBradford Ths . , Back Tatham s t. b WCairnes Thos., 26 H endon rd . b wCairn s Thos .

, 1 P emb e r ton st . b WCockfiel d Edw .

,25 W alwor th st. b W

Gowel Wi lliam, 45 Hendon r d . b wDav i son Andrew,

37 H igh s t . b w

Ellio tt Anthony,32 Tatham st. 1) W

Fair Robert, Borough rd . b WFarrow Wm . , Tunstall lane , b WGibson H . 85 Son , 1 H i gh st . an d

Tunstal l l ane,b w

Gibson J acob,Middle H endon , b W

Harrop John , 14 High st . b WHay John 8: S on , Fore s t. b WHunte r Roberts, S tockton r d . b w

Mu rray Hy., 194 N ew Market

,b W

Mu rray John,Tu n stal l l ane

,b W

Smi th G eorge , 245 High st. b WSmi th John

, 208 N ew Market, 3Smith Thomas, Tunstall 1ane , b WWandlessWm .

, 24 Coronation st. h WW i seman S. T . L i ttle Vi ll iers st. b WG l ass, C h in a , Ear th enw ar e

D ea l er s .

Atkinson Mary, 183 H igh st. b w


D ox ford John , 98 H igh st. h wD unn John , 2 1 Si lksworth r ow ,

b WE lsdon H enry,Wear s t. m w sE l tr in gh an S tphn .

, Ge orge st . 111 WEwar t John , 66 High st. sFleming John , 6 E ast C ross st. b wForster 8: D ixon , 163 High st. 8Fox Geo . L .,

85 High st. 8Gibson James, Wear s t . m W 8

Gibson Joseph , Ayre ’s quay, b WGreen George,226 High st. b W

Gregson Isabell a , 2 High st. sG r imshaw John , 68 High st. b wGrimshaw Wm ., 86 H igh st . 1) w 8c

1 1 S ilksworth r owHal l Anthony, 13 George st. 8H aswell John , Bonner’ sfield, m W sH erring An d r ew , 27 l H i gh s t. b WH ill s John , 26 High st. sH odgson Wi lli am , 102 L ow


st. 8H olmes Robert, 84 L ow s t.Howa1 d Bth1. ,2 5 Coronation


st . b wH umphrey Jph .

, 182 High st. 8H unter Thos . 8L Co., 55 8c 56 Highst. b W

Hu tchinson Geo. , 6 Hi gh st. b wH u tchinson 8c Gi ll, 29 East Crossst. b WJar re tt Wm .

, Chu rch st. 8:Wear st111 W sJohnson Thomas, 38 Chu rch st. 8Kin g John , Wi lli amson st . m W 8

Kirkby John , 5 High st. b wL iddell Ann , 27 Dundas st . m w s

L on g stafi‘ W i ll iam, 17 Bridge st. b WMc Donal d Moses, 94 High st . 8Macdonald Alex . , Chu rch st. m W sM i llbu rn Thos. , Broad st. m WM it ch eson Mar tin , 3 12 High st . b wMofiat Alex ., 1 9 High st. b W

Geo.,244 High s t. b W

Morgan N icholas, 3 Ravensworthter. m w sMoyes James

,75 H igh st. s

N ewr i ck James,52 High st . b W

N ixon W i l li am,95 High st . 8

P atterson John,5 Flag lane , 8

P axton Robert,Broad st . m W

P ennock Jon th ., 95 San s st. b W

P ickard John ,W hi tbu r n st . 111 W sP i ckard Wm ., H anov er pl . b WP orteou s John , 67 Coronation st b wP rou d Margaret

, 168 H igh st. sRi chardson John W.

,179 H igh

street, b w

Gu n M ak er .

Booth Richard , 200 H igh st . s

Richardson T . J . , 186 H igh s t. SRoberts John, 65 H igh st. 8Robson John , 60 H igh st. 8Ross John

,Chu rch s t. m W 8

Sco tt Alexander , 24Warren st ., sScott John H . F 277 High street ,b W, 8: Arcade sSharman G . M.,

l Sou th Du rhamstr eet, b W

Shaw Ralph ,W ear st., 11 1 w sSkelton Jph ., 263 High st. b WSpraggon Gawen, 68 Coronationstreet

,b W

Sw inbu rn Mi chael , Chu rch st. 111 W sTayl or H enry, 1 3 H i gh s t. 8TaylorW i l li am , Dock st. 111 W sT indel l John

, 142 High st . 3Todd Wm . 85 H igh st . b WTomlin son Ann

,67 N orthumber

l and st . b WT r ewi tt Wm . 27 L ow r ow , b WTyzack Ann

,58 Dundas st . m W s

Urw in G . Wm . Wear s t. m W sVin t 8c. Farrar, M7 High st. b WW ake Mary ,76 High st. sW alker John

,58 Hendon r d . b W

W elch J 0h n R .,W ear st . 0 1 W s

W i lkin son John,275 H igh st . b W

W ilkin son Thos. B ., 30 High st. 5W i lson Geo ., 1 13 Coren ation st. b WWi lson Joshu a and Brothers, 174H igh st. s

W i l son Wm .,Chu r ch st. 111 W sVVol sten hol m e John , 90 H igh st. 8\Vr igh t Henry, 36 Hendon rd . b WW righ t Robt .,W e ar st . m W sW rightson Robert

,62 High s t . 5

Wr ightson S . T ., Wi l m son . s t. m W S

H ai r Dr esser s.

Mar ked a re P erfum er s.

Barkes Wi lli am ,6 John st. 5

Bell G eorge, 3 Chu rch s t. 3Bev an Charles, Georg e s t . m W

Bowey Matthi as,44 H igh st. b W

*Brooks Benj ., 176 High st. b WCollin John , Wear st. 111 W sCummins Ralph

,l l Matlock st. b W

D av i s John, 97 High st. b W

Daw sey G eorge , Grey ’s b l dn gs . b w‘Donaldson Thos. , 1 10 L OW s t. 8 J


Emm erson G eo., 69 Gorontu . st .h W

Flemin g Robt., 30 Hig h s t . b WG reig Wm ., Chu r ch st. m W 3

Hazard Thos., 48 George st. 8*Jackson William, 122 Coronati ons treet

,b W

L ei gh th ead Andrew ,W ear st. 111 w s

L ow J ames , 1 17 High st. 8Mu ckle J ohn , Hat case, 8“N eal John , 2 San s s t. sP arkinson Geo . , 26 Wi l li am st. b WP rice John 85 Son ,

34 L ow st. 8P ri ce John, j un ., 1 1 6 L ow st . sRaine Thos ., 74 High st. 8Robinson Bygate, 78 Coronationstree t

,P W

Scal es Edward, 10 H i gh st. b WServ i ce J oseph , 2 ] High st. 8S erv i ce Wm .

,1 35 High st. 8

Smith Jam es , Wear st . m W sSmith John , 2 1 H i gh st. b W*Whi telaw John , 207 High st . 5W i l son Thos. , 9 S ilksworth, r ow, b W

H ar dw a r e Dea l er s.

Joseph Jacob , 204 H i gh st. sMarks Ab rm . I ., | 09 L ow st. 8Morton Joel , 39 Hi gh st. b WRidgeway H enry

, 206 High st. b WH at ter s an d Fu r r i er s ,

M arked ar e H at Manuf actu r ers.

Cockbu rn Ann,35 Hi gh st. 8

Cropton C roiser, 25 High st . 8‘ Dobb in g tic Co., l 69 170 High st. 8Ell io tt Thos. R .

,19 High st. 8

*Fai r l am b R. G .,Bod l ewel l ln. s

*FoyerWalter , 6 High st. 3G ibson S tokoe , 184 High st. 8Henderson A lex . Co.

,20High s t . sH opwood John , 46 Robinson ’s ln . sMo Kenna John , 2 ] Chu rch st. 3,

*Ri tson Isaac , 28 Wear st . b WSpoor John 8: Co.

,1 93 H igh s t. 8

H osi er s H ab er d ash er s.

Ball antine John , 285 H igh st. b WBu rl i son Ann , 32 Coronation st. sBu rnett James, 1 18 High st. b WCalv ert Wm . Son

,36 H igh s t. 8

Chr isop An n ,Waterloo pl ace, 111 W sC lark Mary , 176 High street, 8Cornforth Margaret, l 56 H i gh st. 8

H i ll D. & J . G . 85 Gray, 187 H ighstree t, 8

Hodgson W i l l i am, 1 1 H igh st. b WJameson Mar g t . 86 Ann, 278 H ighs treet , b w

Mason Jane , 44 Coronation street, 3M i ller J . , (laceman) 84High st. b WMoore Wm . Thos 225 H igh st. b WP earson Franci s, 160 High st. b WP earson P . j an 153 High st . h W

P o tts Margare t ,7 Waterloo st. m W 8

Sanderson John , 150 High st. b WTeasda l exMary, Whi tbu rn st. m W 8

W etherald My .,1 1 1 Cor otn . st. b W

Wi l son George; Broad st . 11 1 WYoung Grace, 37 Dundas st. 111 W s

H otel s, In n s, an d T av er n s .

Ab erdeen Arms, Robert Wan d l ass,

W ear st . m W sAlbi on H otel , Benjam m H . Shor t .

l and , 9 Eas t Cross s t. an d Charl e ss t. b WAl bion H o tel , Jas . Sco tt, 37 Wood~bine st . b WAlb ion Vau l ts, Richard S torey, 2L OW qu ay , sAlnw i ck C as tl e

,Geo . T . Atkinson


15 L ombard st. sAngel Inn

,Thomas Sevm ou r , l il

4 .

L ow st. sAngel In n , John N i chol, W ear s t.m W sArcade Spiri t Vau l ts,Wm . W . L am .

bert,Arcade, sArcade Tavern, An n P i ttr e, L OW

Flag lane, sArgo Frigate, James VVeatherbu rn ,

8 West Wear st. 1) WArti choke, John Robson, Chu rchs t . U) W sArti choke, JaneMi ller,Middle H en

don , b WBath H otel , Robt. Grim es

, 74 Moorst . b WBee H iv e, Thos. Reed, Bee H ivelane


Bees W ing , John W i lkinson, 37

Numbers garth,b w

Bl ack Bu l l, I sabella Wh i tfield, 309High st . b WBl ack Horse, W il li am Jeffer s on, 8Sou th gate, b w

Bl ack L i on , Thos. Joplin, 144 Highstree t,s

B lack L i on , James Gibson, .32

Chu rch st. s


Bl ack Swan , James B r i tton , 3 l Ma t

lock st . b WB lack Swan Inn , G . Hodgson , 2Hodgson ’s b l dn g s,N ew Town

,b w

B oard, John Swan, 4 High st. b WBoard

,Jan e Swal wel l ,43 N i le st . b WB oard , G . W i lkinson , 20 N i le st. b WBoard , Jas . Moyes, 75 Hi gh s t . sBoard , John Atkin , 157 High st . sB oard

,John Denton

,1 9 1 H i gh st. s

Board , John Harri son, 90 Coronati on st . b WBoard , I . M. H usdel l , Whi tbu rn s t

111 W sB oard , Wm . L awson ,Wear st. 11 1 W sB oard , Eliz . Rown tree, Barrack st . sBoard , Jam es Goodman , 19 Robinson’s l an e , sB oard, George Thompson Gowl and130 High st. 8

Board , Johnson Dav i son, W ear s tm w 3

B oard , Jane Mi tch ieson , 143 Highst. b WBoar ’s Head, Thos . Campbell, 134H i gh st. 8

B orou gh Tav ern , Mi chael L atham15 Yorke st . m W s

B rand l ing Ho tel , Ju o . C lark,Broad

street , m W

B rewer’s Arms , James Mc . C ain,93

High st. sBridge Ho tel , (Coml .) Jas . Donkin ,1 44 High st . an d 24 Sunderlandst. b w

B ri dg e Inn , Doro thy A insli e , 27a g l ane, s

B r i tish Flag,Wm .Win ter sg il l , P r ospec t r ow , s

B r i ti sh Qu een ,Thos. Hall , 15 N um

be r s garth , b WBrit i sh Tar, Hannah Young, 25

Ma l in gs rig , sB r i tanni a, James Atkinson , Georgestree t

,m W

B r i tanni a, Mary Ann B l akeb u r n

4 Mark qu ay , 5B ri ti sh Oak, Ann Rowntree, 33

High st. 8

Bu l l 8: Dog , E liz . Emm erson , 42H igh st . 8

B u ll Dog , John Addy, Wear stm w 3

Bu rns Arms , Wm . Rober tson , 70Coronation st. b W


Bu sh Tav ern , P eter Dove, 27 Bu rl eigh s t . 3Bu tcher ’s Arms, John Or d Carter,54 Cor onation s t. sCaledoni an Tav ern , Thomas Cumm ings, 18 L ow st. sCaledoni a Arms, Mary Mills, WearSts m W S

Can teen , John W ardl e , B arrack s, sCarpenter’s Arms,John L idde’ll ,

Chu rch st . m W sC i ty o fEdinbu r gh S team P acket

,J. D . Fr aser, Hardcastle ’s sl ip, sCoach 8c Ho 1 ses, John Graham ,68

H igh s t. b WCoble

,Joseph Kirton , 7 Warren st. s

Commerci al Hotel,Thomas H unter,

195 High st. 8Comm erci al Inn , Robert S tewart,Ferry Boat landing , sCommerci al Tav ern

,John Glenden


ning, 39 Chu rch st. sCommerci al Tav ern

,Alex . H ooper,

83 L ow st . 5

Commer ci al Tav ern ,Thos.D inning,Wear s t . m W sCo ttage Tav ern

,Joseph Small , Flee t

str ee t,b w

Co ttage Tav ern,Fr anci s Dav i son ,

Hendon road,b W

Cross Keys, J an e Gowl and, 9 1 H ighstree t , sCross Keys

,B. Brown , N orth qu ay,

m W 3

Crown Inn , W'il iam Smith, Tathamstreet , b WCrown In n , Wake P axton , 3 1 Qu eenstreet, sCrown , E leanor Fors ter, 257 H ighstreet,b w

C rown,John Robson , 8 L ow qu ay, 8Crown Wm . Bu r ton, N orth qu ay ,m w 3

Crown 8: Anchor, Ann Gordon , 73L ow s treet , sCrown 8: Ancho r , I sabe ll a Sco tt, 36Ma l in g

s rig , sCrown and Sceptre Inn , B ar thw.

Wei ghel l , 235 High st. b WCrown 8c S cep tre,George C raggs,

Mau d ’

s lane , sCrown 8c Sceptre , Ann Royal, 1 1Mi l lfie l d Co ttage s , b WCrown 8: Thi stle Inn , Jas. Spark,208 H igh st. 8


Green Dragon, John Wood , H an .

ov er place , b WGreyHorse,John Tongs, 17Bishopwearm ou th pansGrey H orse

, P e te r L ocki e, 203

H i gh st ; 8G rey L inn et, Rob t. Fenwi ck, Farrington r ow,

b wH al t Moon In n , Thos. Bewick, 199H igh st. 8

H endon Hotel , H enry Wrigh t, 36H endon road, 8: 1 Hendon st. b w

Hetton B rewery, W illiam O l iver, 41H igh st. 8

H et ton Colliery Tav ern,Joseph

Dobson , P ier qu ay, sHetton S tai ths, John P o tts, Ayre’squ ay road , b wH ibernia Tav ern

, P e ter Car r al l , 36Robinson ’s l ane,s

H ighlander, James Bu rgon, Wearst. m W sH ighlander, John Campbell, 58

H igh st. sH oly Island Castl e, Thos. Wi lson20 Coronation st. 1) W

H ones t L awyer,Robt. L owes, 1 1 2

Low st, sH ope 8c Anchor

, Abraham Wi l son,N orth qu ay, m w s

H Ope Ta v ern , Thomas Dodds, 1 1Chu rch st. sH orns Tavern , Geo. Heslop, 164High st. 8Jim Ce , Richard Jord an, 132

L ow s tree t, sJoin er 's Arms, Robert Mi l ton , G0 1.

d en all ey, sJ oin er

s Arms, Geo. H eaton , L ombard st. 8Joiner’ s Arms , Wm . Reid , Ford , b wJolly Sai lo r, Thos. Gi l l ,Nor th qu ay


111 W sJol ly Sailors, Thom as Bainbridge,123 L ow st. 5


s Head, Will i am Whi tfield4 Spring Garden lane, 8King’s Arms

, Fras. Hunt, Ann st.b wKing’s Head , John Rob inson , 15

Warren st. 8King W i lliam IV.

,James Douglass,

17 Qu een st. 8L ambton Arms , S impson H odgson ,19 Cr owtree Road, b W


L ive and let L ive, Sarah Boo th, 38L ow s t . 8

L iv e and le t L i ve, Jane Bu rlin son ,6 Gerald st. b w

L ondonderry Arms, Jt hn P attison,287 H igh st . b W

L ord Byron, Wm . L awson,50 Vin e

st . sM agpie, Thos .Garth, 20 Chu rch st. 8Mar in er

s Retu rn, Robert Raine,143 L ow s t. s

Mariner’s Tavern, Richard B ol ton ,Moorgate st. 8

Marine Tav ern, Mary Sto thard, 88L ow st . s

Marine Tavern, CharlesW i lds, 108L ow s t. s

Marqu i s of Granby, Wm . Thu rlbeck, North Moor st. 8

Market H o tel, John Mu rray, 55Cor onation st. 8Market Tav ern, Chpr . Rodgers. 29Chu rch st. 5Mason’s Arms, Edward L ightly, 50Union s t. b WMason ’s Arms, Alexander Reed, 37Dunning st. b W

Me chanics ’ L odge, Matthew Fee

tham, 4 Si lv er st. 8Mechani cs’ Tav ern , Jph .Marshal l


Back Villi ers s t. b WMou nt P l easan t, Ralph Welch


Huddleston st. m w 5

Mountain Dai sey,Ju o. L . Fergu son,Hyl ton road

,b W

Mowbray Arms, Isabella W ood,Bo rough road, b W

Nag’s Head, Anthony Robson,Whi tbu rn st. m w s

Nag’ s H ead, Robert Gray , 139 Dowst. 8Nau tical Tavern, Mary Watson ,B lack B u l l qu ay, s

N apoleon , R . TT . Robinson, 14 Ma.

l ing’s rig, sNeptune, Jas . Gray, 9 Dunning st .b W

N eptune Bath H o tel , W i lliam5 East W oodbin e st. 1) w

Neptune Tavern, John Fal l der ,L ow s t. s

N ewcastl e Arms, John N ewton,Su nderland st. b W

Noah ’s Ark, Wm . Hy. Dixon,Mal in g

s ri g, s




N orth P ier L i ghthou se, MatthewWardel l

, North qu ay, m w sN ort h Star, Joseph Mi lner, Northshore

,m W s

Nor thumb er l an d Arms . Thos . Dav ison , 34 H igh st. s

Nu twi th Inn,Robt . O rd, 135 Coronation st. and 23 Sans st. apr . b w

Oak Tree,Isabell a Swan, N orth

Br idge st. m w 8

Oak Tree, Robert Emmerson, 3 1B i shopwearmou th pan s

Odd Fellow s ’ Arm s,Wm . S to thard,

44 Barclay st. m w sOdd Fellow s’ Arms, George Taylor,4 Bu rleigh st. s

Ol iv e Branch,Matthew Oliv er

Back Z i on st . b wP aten t Slip ,M. P . Charl ton , StrandSt . 111 W s

P au l P ry, Wm . Atkinson , 8 Silv erst. sP eacock Tav ern, Robert L iddell,1 10 H igh st. s

P emberton Arms, W i ll iam G ibsonSou thwi ck l ane, m w

P hoenix Tav ern , James Down ey,26 L ombard st. s

P lou gh, Isaac Graham, 45 L ow r ow

b wQu een’s H ead Inn

,James P ot ts,

25 L ow r ow,b w

Qu een’s Head, John L . Jackson , 3Qu een st . 5Qu een’s Head, Thos. Kay, 14War

ren st , 8Qu eeg

s Head, James P otts, L owr ow , b wQueen’ s Head

,Jph . Fel l s, 22 Johnson st . b w

Qu een H otel , Anne Cu r ry, 14 Hen

don r oad , b w

Railway Tavern,Eleanor Cr in ton ,

Broad st . m w

Railway Tav ern,John Ellio tt, Rope

walk, 8Railway Taver n,Thos. Bays, 1 L owqu ay


R ed L i on , George Robinson , Johnst . m w

Red L ion In n ,Wm . Clarke, 44 HighRed L i on, I . John son ,Wear st. m w sR ed L i on GeorgeMi tchell

,7 1 Crow

tree road , b w



Regal e Tav ern, Wi ll iam Bel l ass,Oak s t. b WRising Sun , Rose Maighin , L ow

Flag lane, 3

Robin H ood , M. C rake, Wear st.111 w 8

Robin Hood ,Rob t. De i ty , 122 H i ghst. 8Roker Baths H otel

,Edward Br own ,

Bol l en”Rose 8s Crown , W. Jolly, 40 H ighst. b w

Rose 8: Th i s tl e, Thomas Spain ,N orth qu ay, on W s

Rowl and Burdon Arms, Jno . Garthwai te , Bridge C re s., b WRoyal Ar cade

,Thos. C ook, 22 L om .

bar'd st. sRoyal Oak, P eter Snai th, 38 Num

bers garth,b W

Royal Oak,Wm . Gibson, Wear st.m w s

Royal Oak, Geo. P u sey, Maude’scou rt, b WRoyal Tent

,Jane L loyd, 320 H ighstree t , b WRoyal W il li am , Franci s Ramsey,

Dock st. b WRu ssel l Tavern

,Robt. Oates, 6 L owst. 3

Ryhope Ox, Geo . H astie, 151 H ighstree t, 8Saddl e Inn , Geo. Daw son , 17 Highstreet, 3Scotch Arms, Thos. Cu rry , Chu rchst . m w sSev en Stars, C . Gal l en , 43 L ow s t. sShakespear e jl

av er n,Mgt. Cu r r v , 1

Spring Garden l ane’, 8Shades , Anti ll , Fairman , 8c Cc ., 24High st. 8Shamrock, Mi ch ael Mu rray, 36

George st . sSheet Anchor

,Mary Berry, 24

Dundas st. m W sShip Albion

,George Ridley, 3 1

N esham sq.,s

Shi p B u rlinson , Jane Anderson , 16Vi ne s t. 8

Ship, George C lark, P ortob ell olane, m w

Ship Carlisle, Ann Young, 3 1 Panlane , b WShip Friends, Sarah Watt, Strandst. 111 W s


Ship In n , Jas. Hannington, I Highstreet, 5Ship , Thos. S tephenson, Hamiltonstreet, m ‘

w 8

Ship I si s, H artley Campbell, 14Si lksworth r ow, b w

Ship L oyalty, Geor ge P arkinson,

46 S ilv er s t . sSh ip W i ll i am , Thomas H al l iday,Railway Wharf, sShipwrights Arms , Jn than . W i l son


2 L ow st. sSmi ths Arms,My. L um sdon , Chu rchst. m w 8

Social Tav ern ,W illi am Wi lkin son ,N elson squ are, m w s

So cial Tav ern,Robert Graydon, 138L ow st. 8

Sons of the W ear, Robert Taylor, 4Qu een st . b wSou ldier In n , Jn . Scaling, 33 Bainesl ane, sSou th Dock, Rickaby, 31 War

r en s t. 5S tar 8: Garter

,John Grah am, 23

Cumberland st. b WSteam Ship

, Stephen Cr osby, H i ghstree t, 8

Sun In n , John Au stin , Thomasstree t, m w

Sunderland Dock, Margaret Hogg,1 3 Vine st. s

Sunder l and P i er, W il l iam Watson ,

S trand st. 111 w sSu ssex Arms

,Edwd. Steer, 35 Lows treet 8

Three Admiral s,Jas. W orley, 2 1

B i shopwearmou th pansThree Crowns

,Geo. W alker, 94

High st. b WThree Crowns,AnnYoung,40Unionlane, sTu rf Ho tel, N ichol as H odgson, 41W es tWear s t. b wTu rk’s H ead

,W i ll iam Ov er ing, 1 16

H igh st. sTynemou th Castle,An th ony El l io tt,East s t. sUnion Flag , Wi ll i am Ol iv er, 130L ow st. 8Union Fl ag, Rt. L ay,Wear st . m W sUnion Tavern , E l i z b th . Dodsworth,Vin e st. s

Vi c tori a Inn, Joseph Dodds, Br oadst. 111 W


Vine Co ttage, Frances Waters, Borou gh rd . b WWalworth Castle, Joseph Arkel , 13W alworth st. b W

Waterloo Hou se In n ,Michael Flanagan , 8Warren st. sWaterman’s Arms

, Geerge Ross, 8Grey st. 3Waterman ’s Tav ern , Wm . Bu lmer,18 North Moor st. 8

Waterm am’

s Tav ern , John Hind,Hat Case,8

Waterman’s Hotel , Roger Ton gS, 23Bu rleigh st. 8

Wear Inn, F. P r oc tor ,Wear st. m W s .

Wearm ou th Bridge, Ral ph H arker,Thomas s t. 111 wW ear S treet H otel, Rober t Robson,69 Wear st. bwWear Tav ern

,An n Moon , L ong

Bank, 8Wear Tav ern

,Thomas Chambers,

63 H igh st. 8Wes t Country Arms

,W atson Bert

ram,3 Mark qu ay

,heat Sheaf In n ,Wm .W. L ambert ,4 Moore st . b wWheat Sheaf 1 11 11

,John Crowe , Tho

m as s t. m w

Wheat Sheaf Inn , H annah Wilson ,1 Horne ’s l ane , s

Wheat Sheaf, Wi ll iam Alderson, 7 ‘

Sans st. sWheat Shea f, Al ice Younger, 42

Johnson st. b WWhi tby Abbey

,Rd . H u tchinson,

Strand st . m w sWhi te B ear, Ann Taylor, 5Robinson ’s l an e


Whi te H art, L ancelo t H erring, 18Qu een st. b wWhi te L i on

, Mary Fu ller, 48 H ighst. sWhi te Swan , James Hodgson , 29L ow r ow , b W

Whi te Swan, Richard Skinner, 128H igh st. 8

Whitwell Coll i ery, Thomas Ki rk, 7L ow qu ay, s

Wi lliamson ’s Arms, John Marshall,Chu rch st. m W 3

Beer H ou ses.

Addy Wi ll i am, D ixon ’s squ are , m WAn n ison James, 47 Bu rleigh st. s


P attin son John , 299 H i gh st . b WScott Walter, 3 W ear st. b WShields John , W'hi tbu rn st. In W sTaylo r Wm . , Dock st .

, m W sThompson Wm ., Cou sin st., b WTu rnbu ll Robert, 22 Nor thum b erl and st. b WW an l es Simon, 22 Woodbine st. b WW i lson R t . , 8 Sans st. 8W ilson Robinson , 18 Olive st. b WJoin er s C ab in et M ak er s .

Marked ar e Funera l Fu r n ishers a l so.

*Al l in son J ., 130 Coronation st. b W*Al l in son Wm . 12 1 C oronation st. bWAtkinson John , 6 N esham sq. sB lacki t John , 18 Hendon rd . b WBl ackit John , 28 Grey st. sB ol am John

,5 Middle st. b W

*Browel l Dav id,1 1 L ombard st . 8

Clibu rn Su dd i ck, Su der l n d st . b WCook Dav id, Whitbu rn st . m W 5

Corner W atson , Ropery bank, 8*Crawford John , 18 Grey st. sCummingsMk.

,18 Cr ow tr ee rd . b W

D i tchbu rn Rd. N 133 Coronationstreet, b W

D ixon Tobias , 140 High st, b WD ou gl ass Wm ., 4 Brou gham st. b WE dmundson Wm

, L i ddell ter. m W sE ggers J ohn , 28 Brou gham st . b WForeman Hy . , Su ssex st. b WG raydon G.,

46 Dundas s t. m W s*Heap John , 5 1 Vine s t. and 5 Ma

ling’s rig, sH erbert H enry, 7 Green st . b W*Hu tchinson D ., 29 Ma l in g

s rig, sHun terW atson , 15 H i gh st. b WL ax George, Golden alley, sL ewi s W i l liam, 9 Hendon road, b WMackenzie Jas., 264 High st. b W*Maddison P hp.

, l 15 Coron tn . st. b WMaxfiel d Benj amin , Fl ag l ane, sMoor L eonard H ., Ru ssell s t. 8Mowat t Robt. John , Wal ton pl . b WMunro Thos . Middle s t. b W*N eagle N ichol as , 10 L ombard ‘st. 5Richardson S 87 Coron atn . st. b WRobson Geo ., 6 L iddell s t. m W sRoseberry Jas.

,Waterloo pl . m W s

Ru ther ford William ,5 Grey st. 8

Shields John , Whi tbu rn st. '

m W sSmi th Wm ., H al l gar th sq. 11 1 W sStoker N i cholas

, 23 Union lane, 8Stafi’or d Thomas,Moor st, b W


Swinbu rn W i ll i am , Silv er st. 8Thompson Johnson ,“6 King st. b WWardW illiam, 25 Sans st . b WWardel l Matthew , W ear st. m w sWilkinson Joseph

,4 1 S i lv er st. 8

L an d Su r v eyor s .

Cox John , 308 High st. b wB u gal l Thos., 4 Woodbin e st. 1) WL ast an d Boot T r ee M aker .

Williams Chas ., 43 George st. 3b a th R en d er .

Armstrong Thos 69 Cr owtr ee rd . b W

L im e Bu r n er s .

Bowes l . Son s ,H igh S ou thwick

Bu r desEd . Co., High S ou thwi ck

W i l liamson Si r Hedw orth,Bart.,

Fa lw el l , an d N or th qu ay, office,Wear s t. m W s

L i b r ar i es

Atkinson M. Chu rch s t. m W sBu rnett Geo 2 10 High s t. b wBrown Sarah, 1 2 L ambton st. b WG arbu t t Geoz, 1 90 High st. b WH untley Joseph, 282 Hi gh s t. b wHun tley Thos., l l High st. sPhi l osot


ca l ,B enj . Sheriff, 27 Fawcett s treet, b w

S ubscr iption , Select, 14 Sans s t. I .

B rown , librarianSunder land Subscr iption , Geo. Garbu t t, 19 1 H igh st. b W

L i n en W ool l en D r aper s .

Alderson Sh ev i l l, 10 H igh st. 8

Binn s Hy ., 1 73 High st. h wB lackett Wm ., 242 High st. b wBradley Robinson

,180 High st. s

C larke Dv d . Co 15 1 H igh st. b WCropton Croiser, 25 High st. 3Eggleston John ,Chu r ch s t . m w sGibson 85 S tokoe

,184 H igh st. 8

Henderson Wm ., 87 High st. b WJoplin Tu er, 184 High st. 3L ee & Ainsley, 7 Hi gh st. 8Mc Kenzie W i l son ,Sun n i side, b wMi ll ar 85 Smar t , 179 High st. b WMi ll e r J ohn E liz . , Sun n iside, b WMoore Wm . Thos. , 225 H igh st. b WMu schamp Weighi l l , 16 H i gh st. 8Or d Humphrey, 148 H igh st. b W


Richardson Robertson, 1 67 H igh W ell s Wi l liam Cc .,

l l l L ow st. 3st. b w Whi taker Benj amin, 38 Flag ln. sRickab

y Dal e, 184 H igh st. b w W ilkin Joseph , 1 35 L ow st. 8Rochester Geo

. , 203 H i gh st. b W W i lley Moses, 23 L ow st . 8Sharer Jas. & P hilip ,27 High st . 5 Wr ight John , 93 L ow st. sSheraton Rd ., 227 H i gh s t . b wSmith Joseph, Wear st. m W sSpoor John 85 Co.,

193 Hi gh st. 8Thompson John

,2 1 1 High st. s

W ake John H arri son , 12 High st. sWhi taker Benj amin , 38 Fl ag ln . sW ilson Thos.Reed , 222 H igh st. b WYoung P rou d, 125 High st. b w

M ar b l e M ason s.

S ee Scu lptor s (3’ MarbleMasons .

M ar in e S tor e D ea l er s .

Adamson Ken neth, East st. 8Adamson Thomas, Barrack s t. 8Ayre Jon athan , 2 C r owtr ee rd . b wBam b or ou gh Mary,Wear st. m W sC odling El i sha, N orth qu ay, m W 3

Cook Thomas,32 L ow s t. 8

D ixon Margare t, 2 Silv er st . SDoddsW i ll i am,

132 High st. sDon aldson Joseph , 26 L ow st . 8D ou glass Geo ., N orth qu ay, m W s

Fairbairn Barbara, Moss l ane, sFal l der John , 39 L ow st. 8Fu lton James, Chu rch st. m W sG ibson Edward , 40 L ow s t . sG raham John

, 3 Dunning st. b WG reatr ex Robt.,5 Cumberland st. b wHardy P eter, L ong bank, 5H arvey George, 1 18 L ow st. sJ ackson Andrew, D ark entry, 5Jackson Thomas, 6 Charles st . b wKirtley John , N or th qu ay, m W 5

L am b George, 4 1 L ow st. sL ennox John, 12 L ow st . 8Mackaw P eter , 7 Silksworth r ow, b WMarshall George, 86 L ow st . sMarsh allW i l l iam , 58 Si lv er s t. 3Moore John , 1 Mi ddle st. b wMi ller W i lliam, 147 L ow st. 8Munro John, L ow st. sN esbi tt Ann, 4 C r oss st. b wReadhead Jph ., North qu ay, m W sR ippon John, Wi lli amson st. m W sS aunders Jno. Hy.,Ayre’s qu ay, b wSmith John , 10 L ow qu ay, sSpence N icholas ,N orth qu ay, m w sThompson Geo ., 40 Cor n t ion . st. b wWaldon Thos.

,Whitburn st. m w s

M ast ,B l ock , P um pM ak er s.

Barry 8: Hemsley, Hr dcstl e’

s. slip, 8Bu ckley Ramsey, N orth qy. m W sByers Thomas , S trand st. m w sCu l l i forEhJoseph, Thorn el l

s Wharf, SDodds John, 3


Wes t Wear st. b WEi l l ey John , L ow qu ay, sFarrow Henry , 70 L ow st, 8Gr oz i er 8s Yeal , L ow st. 3B arkas George and Wi l l iam ,

Nor th

qu ay, m w sH erring Jas. C . , Folly en d, m W sHuntley S tephen 8c Sons , Sunder.l and BlockMi l l , 1 7 H n dn . rd . b WJoblingW i l li’am ,N orth Dock , m w s

Mi ddleton George , Dean’s yd . sMiddleton W . N orth shore , m W sN ichol John , N orth qu ay, 111 W sReed George

,39 Vine st. s

Ru ssel l John B ., N orth qu ay, 111 W s

Smith 81. S tev en son ,Wear s t. m W 8

Spain W i l liam , N orth qu ay, m W sTaylor Thomas,Ru ssel l st. sWei r Thos .,Ferry B t.1an din g ,m W 9

Wynn Richard, L ow qu ay, sM aster M ar in er s,

S ee A lphabetica l Di r ectory.

M er ch an t s.

Andrews Thomas, 2 1 Union st. b wCarr Wm . 85 Cc ., 1 B ed ford st . b WCharleton J . 8: R., 2 Sun n iside, b WDenni ston John , 53 Sans st. b WD ixon Hy. 85 Co. , 1 W i lli am st. b WE ll i o t Thos ., 5 1 Sans st. b WEl l io t Thomas, 2 N orfolk s t. b WEv an s Samu el ,Wear st. 11 1 w sGreenwel l Richard, 3 Villiers s t . b WH al c r o Rd . 8: Jno., 56Vi l l iers s t.h WHarty W i lli am ,

N orth qu ay, m W sHay Will i am, 16 Bridge st. b WHesm an Henry, 10 1 L ow s t. sHeward Benj amin, 10 Nile st. b wHu sdel l Jacob ,Wear st. m w sJon assohn Dvd .,Exchan ge b l dg s., sKirtley John, North qu ay, in W sL os P . R . 8: Co.

,Sun n i side, b W

Mesn ard 8cHudson, 1 34H igh st. b W


Milne Alexander, 58 Fawce tt st. b WMoore 8: Co. , 53 S ans st . b WM i tchel l James, Chu rch st. m W sNicholson Wm . 8: Sons, (copper) 1 15High s t. 5

O rd Wm . Cc .,4 Sn dr l an d . st. b W

Rahn Fras. Hy .,Su n n i side, b W

R eed James, 193 High st. b WRobson Wm .W . N r th . Edg . st. m w sR om yn Co.

,Su n n isid e , b W

R ou n thwai te H y . , 7 Lm b ton . st. b WSacker Bai ley , 141 H igh st . b wSmi th 8: S tev enson , Wear s t. m W sWalker Thomas , W ear st. m W sWang L orans Thiodor , 8 Villierss tree t

,b W

W assermann 8: Co ., 4 Ru ssell st . sW atson W. H 8c G .

, S u n n is ide ,b W‘

Wi l l er ton Robert, 12 John st . b WWoods

, Spence 81 Co .,1 36 High

stree t , b WYoung Thos . B rown

,Ru ssel l s t. 5

M i l l i n er s an d D r ess M ak er s .

.War lred ar e S traw H atQM'

kr s” a lso.

Anderson Martha , 27 Union st . b WB el l Mg t. Ann , 7 East Woodbinestree t, b w

B erry E liz . 185 High st. b WB i rkin shaw Sarah , 9 Cor n tn . st. b w*Bradbu ry L ydi a, 141 High st. b WB u rn opE .& M .

, 50 Dundas st. 111 w sBywater Isabella, 16 S u ssex st . b WCai rnes An n , 23 Bed ford st . b WCairns M. 8: J ., 3 Sou th D u rhamstree t , b wCarru thers Ann , 24 Qu een st . 8Ch sman Martha , 1 2 Charles st . b WCook A . 8: E., 6 1 Sou th D u rhamstreet. b wCu rry E . H . 81. M. A .

,3 1 Tatham

street , b WD av i s Mary Ann , 97 High st. b wD av i son Mary An n , 2 18 H igh st. b wD av i son Mar g t. , 324 High st . b WE aston Isabe lla, 6 Wes tWear s t. b W*Embleton Han . , 5 C r ow tr ee rd . b wFaw cett E l iz ., 48 Brou gham st. b wFinlay M . 85 J 1 1 Wear st . b wFinlayson Mary, 22 Up . San s s t. b WGlendinning Ellen , L iddell st. m W 8

French Isabell a, W aterl oo pl . m w sG ray Ann

,92 H igh st . s

*Hall M y . and E l iz 13 West Wears tree t

,b W


M i l l wr ig h ts an d En g in eer s .

Bl akey G eorge, Mofl’

a t’

s cou r t , b WB u rlinson 8c Co .

,3 8c 4 Bed fd . s t. h W

Duxfiel d J os., 10 Cu m b r l n d . st . b w

Hu ghes Jn o.,Back of Sun n i sd e, b WJackson Wm ., 7 Dunning st. b W

Kean J ames , Salt Grass Dock ,b W

Ni cholson Wm . 8c Sons, WellingtonIron Works,1 15 High st . 8

Ogle 8: Dou glas,Ayre ’s qu ay

,b w

M u si c Deal er s P r ec ept or s .

Beswi ck Chpr ., 228 High st. b W

Munro Robt .,Back L awr n ce. st. b W

Harbottle Mary, 34 Union st. i} WHarrison M. and E .,

1 1 Cor on ationstreet,b w

Haswel l E liza, 27 San s st. b WHeppel l S . 85 A .

, 26 Hendon rd . b WHerring Sarah , 5 1 Brou gham st. b WHickson Jane, 73 High st . b WHumble Marg t. , 30 Union st. b WJameson M . 8: A., 278 High st. b WKenny My .

,56 S th. Du rham st. b W

Kidd E l iz ., 8 Sou th Du rham st . b WL an glands Sarah Ann

, 30 Charlesstree t

, b W

L awren ce E liz ., 6 Walworth st. b WL equ afe Frances , 140 High st. 3L ewes Mar g t., 3 Brougham st. b WL ongsdale Ali ce, 1 1 Sou thgate, b WMack l ean Fanny, 22 King st. b WMi ller Mary , 84 High st. 1) WMu n ro Jane, 48 Brou gham st. b wNoble El i zabeth, 4 Br ou ghm . st . b WOram Mari a Jn e.

, 243 H igh st. b WP res t Isab el la, 280 High s t. b WRu therford E llen , 1 1 San s st . 3S te v en son Eliz abeth

, 32 Du n Cowstreet

,b W

S teven son J . 81 I 2 16 H igh st . b WS tokes Sarah 85 E . 25 Bri dge st. b WSu rtees El iz . 8c Jane

,39 N i le st . b W

Su therland Mg t .

, 15 B r ghm . st . b WTaylor B.

, 4 Sou th Du rhm . st. b WTaylor Mary Ann

, 32 Cumber l ands treet, b wThompson Ann , 35 Union st . 1) W

Tu rnbu ll Mary ,Woodb in e ter. b WTyson Jane, 35 Vine st. 5Waters Eliz ., 17 Union st . b WWel l b u ry Mary Ann E . 26 Qu eens tree t

, 8

Whi tfie l d An n , 1 2 Bed ford st . b W


Jewi tt Margare t, 26 Chu rch st . 8Joseph Lyonel, 162 H igh s t. 8L ackland Mg t 14 B r oughan st. b WL aw son Eliz ., 4 Charles st. b WL e tb ey James, 7 N icholson st . b WMason George , 2 1 Qu een st. b WP hi llips John, 8 Wear st. b WR en n ison Geo . H ., 3 Sans st. 8Robinson Wm .

, Back N i l e st . b WRobin son 85 W ood , 20 Union ln . s

Saunders An n,4 Green st. b W

So ftley Mary, 141 H igh st. 8Theaston e Wm ., Ettri ck pl . s

P hys ic ian s

A tkin son Geo . sen 5 Sunn i side, b w

B rown Joseph, 13 1 High s t. b WB u rn Wi ll i am S .

,8 Norfolk st. b W

C l an n y W . R ., 1 Bridge st. b wCollingwood James W., 3 1 Fawce tts treet

,b W

C ollingwood Robt. G . A., 14 Der

wen t st. b WOgden Henry, Dunning st. b WP l um b er s . C opper sm i th s , an d

Gas F i t ter s .

Cogdon John, 27 Eas t Cross s t. b WDannat t James , 1 Norfolk st. b WGl ahol m Wm . 85 John, 8 East C rossstree t

,and 35 Charl es st. b W

Ki rkal dy Robert, Wear st. m W 8

Mc . Pherson W i lli am, Back B ridgestree t, b W

P or ter M er ch an t s

Alderson Geo ., 13 Nor thb l n d. st. b WAnti ll , Fai rman , Co .

, 24 Hi gh st. 8B edford Ju o . C . , 44 Wear st. b wB el l Mary A .

, 23 Sunderland st . 1) WCa tchasides James, Wear st. m W 8

Chapman Thos. Edwd ., 2 1 1 Highs treet , b WG reenerW i lli am , Railway Wharf, 8

N ewr i ck James, 52 High st. b WSpence Jel f, Bed ford st. b WVaux Cu thbert, 9 Union st. b WW right Henry , 1 Hendon st. b W

P ou l ter er s an d Dea l er s in

Gam e. R eg i ster O ffices for Ser van ts .

Gibson Thos. Co . , 1 1 3High st.h W Boyes E liz ., 4 up. Sans st. b wMeat s 8c. Co.,

224 High st. b W Brown Sarah, 12 Lambton st. b'


P r i n ter s (L et ter -pr ess.)

Atkinson M., Chu rch st. m W s

Barnes G., 196 High st . 8Bu rnett G eo ., 2 10 H igh st. b WD ixon Hy . John , 2 17 H igh st . b wGraydon Robt.,W ear st. m w s

Hodge Thomas, 206 High st. 8Holli s Wi ll i am , 136 H igh st. 8Huntley Joseph, 282 High st. b WHuntley Thomas

,1 1 High st. 8

Reed Thomas 8: Co 185 H igh st. 8Smi th Edward , 188 High st. 8Vint R. 8c Carr, 175 Hi gh st. b WWi lliams St.Morri son, 9 Edg e. s t. b w

P r ov i si on Dea l er s

Appl eton Richard,44 High st. 3

Armstrong W i lli am , 67 High st . 9

Bainbr idge John, 86 High st. sBarber An thony, Wear st. m W 3

B ed ford John C ., 44Wear s t. b WBell John

,88 High st. s

Bu rn Thomas, 284 High s t. b wCatchas ides James

,W ear st. m W 8

Cook J ohn ,Whi tb u rn s t. 111 W s

Dawson Thos ., 37 N ew Market, 8Fenwi ck Chpr ., 2 19 New Marke t, 9Fox Geo . L ., 85 High st. 8Gilroy Mary, 32 N ew Marke t


Greenhow Wm . , 7 1 New Market,3

Hav elo ck Jacob, 34 New Market,9

Hu n tWi ll i am , 80 High st. 8H unter John , 92 H i gh st. 8I veson Joseph , 33 NewMkt ., sJar r att Wi l liam ,

Chu rch s t. m W 3

Kirkley John,5 High st. b W

Moore George, 244 Hig h st. b WMc Donald Moses , 94 High st. 8N ewr ick James

,52 High s t. b W

N ixon Wm . , 95 High st. 8Paxton Robert , B road s t . m WRoberts John , 65 High st . 8Rob inson John , 1 90 High st. 8Rogers W i ll iam , 41 New Mkt. 8Sco tt John H. F 275 High st. b WSkel ton Jph . , 263 Hi gh st . b WUrwin Geo . Wm . , Wear st. m W sP i ckard Wm . , Hanov er P l ace, b WW i l son W i lliam

,Chu rch st . m w s

Wynn Anthony, 8 New Mkt ., s


Ru ther ford Ellen , 1 1 San s st. 8Storr Dorothy, 24 N i le st. b WYounger Margaret, 13 Sans st. 8

R ope M an u fac tu r er s .

Barrow John ,Hendon road , b wB oo th George, 36 Cr owtree rd . b WByers Mi chael , Chu rch st. m W 8

Carter Thomas, 2 1 Sans st. 8D enni ston Son , Hendon rd . b WD ouglass Martin , Middle HendonG rimshaw John Co .,Mi ddle s t. b WH ay Jam es, Chu r ch st. m W sHay John , B ri dge Ropery, m W sH orn Allan , Mi l lfiel d Ropery, b WH u tton Frdr i ck. E .

, Hendon rd. b WJohnson John, Blyth Town MoorRopery , sMi lburn 8c Usher, Hendon rd . b WS torey John , Mn kwerm th . Ropery


Fu lwell ln . m WSu rtees Wilkin , Chu rch st. m W sThompson John , H endon rd. b WThompson Matth. , Chu rch st. m W sThompson Rt. Chater,Ob rh. s t. m W s

R u n n i ng Fi t ter s .

Anderson An thy.,48 Wear s t. b w

Arm s trong James, 19 Chu rch st. 8C am pbel l Robert, 27 Nesham sq. s

Campbell Thomas, Fl ee t st. b WCooper John , 17 Grey st . souhin Chas., Woodbin e ter. b WGatt James, 46 Brou gham s t. b WH aw Wi l liam , C t. 1 10 High st. 8H enderson W i lli am , 5 1 Wear s t. b wB u rdman Jacob ,Back Z ion st. b WJohnson John, 16 Su ssex st . b WJordan Richard , 132 L ow st. sKidney Hy., 25 Wear st. b WKirtley John , 13 Grey st. 8Marshal l Thomas, 1 13 H igh st. 8P o tts G uy, 59 Moor s t. b wP o tts Thomas, 10 WestW ear st.h WRowel l Henry

, Deans yd . sRowntree Edw., 58 Brou gham st. b WS tafford George, 1 12 High st. sTaylor John , Dock st. b WThi r l beck Michael , 49 Wear st. b WThu r l beck John , N orth Moor st. sT hu r l beckMehl North Moor st. 8Waym an John , 30 L awrence s t. b wWelch Thomas

,37 Chu rch st. 8

Wi l son Jonathan, 2 Low st. 8

Sad d l er s H ar n ess M ak er s.

Du ffiel d Sylves ter, Shield s rd . m WGlasgow P tr ., 4 N r th . D rhm . st . b WSmith James , Wear s t . m W 8

S tory Thomas, 7 Bridge st. b WS traton Wal ter, 208 High st. b WWade W i lliam, 220 H igh st . b wSai l C l oth M an u fac tu r er s.

Barrow John , Hendon road , b WBenne tt Jesse, 6 Sunderland st . b WBul l ock


Edw., 29 Dunning st. b WDobb ing John , ,

P r ospec t r ow, sEvans Samu el , Wear s t. m W sL ou ghton Sc Sco tt, Ropery bankMu rray John , 104 L ow st . 8Reed Mary, 10 B ridge st . b WRobinson Robt ., 4Matlock st. b WSmi th S tevenson , Wear s t. 11 1 W 8

Speeding T .,Ferry Bt. lndg . m w s

S ai l M ak er s

B r own W i lli am ,We ar st. m W 8

Bu channan Jph . ,We s t ‘Vear st. b wCrawford Rob t. , Holmes ’s Wharf, 8Craw fordWm .

, Hendon st. b WEvans Samu el , Wear st. m w 8

Frost Robert, Ferry B t. 1n dn g . m W s

Hemsley John , Wear st. m W sHem sley Wi lliam , S trand st. m W s

L awson Wi lli am , 1 12 L ow st. 5Martin John

,4 Mark qu ay


Mi ddle ton John, 88 L ow st. 8N ewton Armstrong , Dark en try,Richardson Robson , 79 L ow st . s.Ri chardson Wi lli am , Mo ss lane , 3Sm irk N i cholas Son , 88 L ow s t . 8Smi th S tev enson , W ear st . m W sSpeeding Thos Ferry Boat landing , m W 8

Spu rs Wi ll iam , North qu ay, m w 8

S torey John , Fu lwell lane , m W

Taylor Jodn , Hu dd l eston s t . b WThomas Dav id, O l d Fish landing, sTu lly John , N or th qu ay, m w sWhi tfield Al l i son ,3 L awrence s t. b WWood Thomas , 13 L ow s t. 3Young Thomas B rown, L ow s t. 5

S aw M ak er

Ridgeway H enry, 206 High s t. b wS c u l pt or s M ar b l e M ason s .

Day James, 38 Qu een s t. b WMc . D on ald Geo., North Br idgestree t, m W s


Roseberry Thos. , 36 Queen s t. b WSmi th John R ., John st. m W

Sh er i ff Ofii cer s .

Robson Robert, 1 East Cross s t . b WRou tledge Jas ., Waterloo st . m W sSh ip an d In su r an ce B r ok er s

(S ee B rokers.)

Sh ip Bu i l d er s .

Abbey Wm . R ichd Ayre’s qy. b WAlcock John Thos., 1 L ow s t . 8Au stin 81 Mi l l s , L ow Sou thw i ckAu stin S . P .,Bi shopwearmou th p ansB arkes John , Wreath’s qu ay, m W sB uchanan G ibson ,Ayre’s qy. b WByers Will iam 8: Bro thers, S trandstreet, in W sCandli sh John , Low S ou thwickChil ton Wi lson , L ow Sou thwtc/cCrown John , L ow S ou thwickCrown Dox ford, L ow S outhwickH al l G eo . XVi l kin , Wet Dock, w estside o f B ridge , 85 Fl oating DockN orth qu ay, m w s

H all James, N orth qu ay, m W sH ardy C l arke , L ow S ou thwickH arkass Wm .

, North shore , m W sH u tchinson Ju o.,B i shopwm th . pan sH u tchinson R. 85 W.,

B ishopwear

m ou th pansH u tch inson Ralph , N orth qy. m w sL aing Thos., Dept/0 r d

L ei thead James , P a l l ionM earns John , Deptj ord

Mu rray John, James, and P hilip,N orth Dock, m W 5

P earson Wm . Hy., Ayre’s qu ay, b w

P etrie Wm . L ow S outhw ick

P ile Wm . Jn o. ,Nor th Shor e ,m W sP otts Edward , N orth quay , on W sP otts R. H . 8c Bro the r s, 4 L ow s t . 8

Ridley John , 10 Barclay st. m w 3

Robin son John, Deptf ordRobinson Wm .

,L ow S ou thwick

Rowntree Thos. ,N orth shore , m w

Sanderson , P ever l ey, 8e WallaceWreath ’s qu ay, m W s

S tob a r t John , Ayre ’s qu ay, b WS ton ehou se, Thos ., L ow S outhwickThompson Robert a Sons, N orthshore , m w s

T i ffin Thomas,Wreath’s qy. m W sWang W . T. Dept/0 rd

W a tson John , P a lh'oflWi lkinson Ri chard

, P a l l iorzWi lkin son Wi lli am , DeptfordWorthy George

,L ow Sou thwick

Sh i p Ghafid l er s .S ee Mar ine Stor e Dea ler s a l so.

Donaldson Joseph, 26 L ow st . 5

H esm an Henry, 10 1 L ow s t. sKirkwood Wm .

, North qu ay , m W 8

Marks Abraham Isaac, 109 L ow s t . 8Munro John , O l d Fi sh l anding , sMu r ray John , 104 L ow s t. 3Richardson Wm .

, 44 L ow s t. s

Taylor A . , L ong bank, 8Wright Rober t

,Wear st . m W s

Sh i p Ow n er s

Adamson John,15 O li v e st . b W

Alcock John Thos . , I L ow s t . sAlcock S am u el , 24 Norfolk st . b WAlcock Thos. C .

,78 Tatham st. b W

A l l ason J ohn,9 Fawcett st . b W

Alli son James , N orth qu ay, m W s

Appleby Jas . F., 17 0 l i v e st. b W

A rmstrong Thos ., 5 1 Tatham st. b WAtkinson Ralph , 1 Brou gham st. b WAt tey Wi lli am , 50 Sans st. b WAu stin S . P . , 3 Bridge road, (D WAu stin W i lli am , 19 N i l e s t . b WAy re Jam es, Sans close, b WBarry John , 17 Tav i sto ck pl . b wBell John , Chester road, b WB lackett Matthew, 4 Foyle st. b WB lakelock Jas.

, 38 W ear s t. b WB lai r Thomas

,9 M urton st. b W

Blyth 1 N i chol son st. b WBlyth W i lli am

,8 Hendon road , b W

B riggs \Vm . , Exchange bu ildings, 8Brough Robt., 65 Dundas st. m w s

Brown Joseph , Chu rch st. 111 W sB r own Robert, 6 N icholson s t. b WBrown Thomas , 10 Su ssex s t. b wBrown W i l li am , Whitbu rn st. m W sBrun ton W i ll iam, Sun n i side, b wBuchannan , Jospeh, 13 Frederick

s treet, b WBu rdes Edward , Thom as st. 111 WB u r d es Jo hn , Chu rch s t. m W sBu rton W'i lliam ,

Nor th qu ay, m w s

Byers \Vm .,9 No r th Edge. s t. 111 W s

Calver t Rob ert, 7 1 Dundas s t. m w s

Carling W i ll iam,3 Tav i s tock pl. b W

Cockeri l l l ’ m . M .,3 Olive st . b W


M u rr ay Jobn , 55 Coronation st. sN asb et Thos. , 40 N i le st. b WN ewton Matthias, 41 Fr ed rk. st. b wN i cholson Thos 19 Mu r ton s t. b WN oble Thos., 24 D erwen t s t. b wO liv er R ichd 52 Frederi ck st. b wO l iv er Thompson, 7 D undas street

in W sOr d Robt., jun ., 1 3 Sun dr l n d . st. b wO rd Wm . Co. , 4 Sunderland st. b wP arker Benj . , 29 Villi ers st., b wP alli s ter Wm ., 5 O liv e s t. b WP at ti son Cu thb t.

,Whi tbu rn st. m w s

P earson W . Hy.,10 L ambton st. b W

P egg Joseph , 4 Dundas st . m W sP enman Hy.

, 22 Norfolk s t. 8P enman Isabella, 3 B ridge st. b wP enman John , 16 Norfolk st. b wP hillips Alex .

,Cou sin st. b W

P otts R. H . 8: Bro thers, 4 L ow st . 5P rou d John , 19 D ’

Ar cy terrace, b wR ahn A . G ., 27 Sou th st. b wRanson John

,29 Frederick st. b w

Ray Wm ., 5 East Woodbin e s t. b wRay Wm .

, 2 1 Upper Sans st. b WR eed Geo., 12 Frederick st. b WReed Mary

, 1 2 Frederi ck st. b WReed Thos . dc Co.,185 High st. s

Rei d Thos., l l N i cholson s t. b WReynolds E l eanor

,38Vi l l iers st. b W

R i chardson Geo., 45 -Tatham st. b wRichardson Robson

,8 N ichol son

stree t, b wR i chardson Thomas

,7 N icholson

street, b wRichardson Wm ., 44 L ow st. 8Richardson Wm ., Moss l ane , 3Rickaby Thos . , 19 N ich olson st. b wRobinson John , I5 John st, b WRobinson Rd 34 Dundas st. m w s

Robson Matthew , Broad st. m WRoss John,Chu rch st. m W 3

S cott P eter, 3 ] Frederick st. b WSharp Richard , 32 Cou sin st. b wShevi l l Ann, 20 Mu rton st. b wS im ey Thos ., Frederi ck st. b WSmirk N icholas Son , Sou th Du rham street

,b w

Smi th S tev enson,Wear st. m W 3

Spark Geo ., 79 Tatham st. b WSpeeding Thos ., Thomas st. m w

S tephenson Robt., 67 Tatham st. b WS tobar t John , 53 Brougham st. b WS torey John,Monkwearmou th ; hs.

Broad st. m w

Su rtees Robert, 14 North Bridgestree t, m W s

Su r tee s Wm ., B road st. 111 WSwinhoe John

,18 P r ospect r ow


Tanner H enry, 4 W i ll i am st . b WTaylor Chas. 29 Fawce tt s t. b WTaylo r Job , Hendon st. b wThackray Wi lli am, Hendon rd . b wThompson George

,193 High st. b w

Thompson Ju o.

, 27 Frederick st. b wThompson P tr .,58 Frede r i ck st. b w

Thompson Tu rner , 32 Vi l l r s. s t . b wThompson Wm ., 12 Dundas st. m w e

T i fli n Thos.,4 Tav i stock pl . b W

Tilley James , 55 N i le s t. b wTodd John

, 26 Qu een st. b WTu l ly Coll ingwood, 136 H i gh st. h WTu l l ey John , 77 Dundas st. 111 w sTynemou th Wm . , 6 Hendon ter. b WVaux Cu thbert, 42 Tatham st. b wWake M r s. Mar g t., 2 North Bridgestree t, m w sWake Thos. Son , 8 Bank st. 8Wang L orens Th i odor e, 8 Villiersstree t, b WWatson John

, 25 Frederi ck st. b wW atson W . H . 85 G . Sun n iside, b wWei gh i l l Thomas, 10 Up. Sans st . bwWelch P atti son , 4 Dock st. m W sWhi te Wm .

, 234 H igh st. b WWhitfield Alli son

,3 L awrence s t. bW

Whitfield Bu rnett, 28Mu rton s t. b wW i l bu r n e Mat ., 64 Dundas st. m w sW i lkinson J ohn Waterloo pl . b wW i l l er ton Robt., 1 2 John st. b WWi lley Mi chael , 32 L awrence s t. b wWi l son Joseph N 34 Frederickstree t, b W

W i l son Joshu a 85 Brothers, 174

High s t. 8

W ilson L ancel ot, 29 L awrence st. b WWood Thos . , 54 Fawce tt st. b WW ood Mary Ann , 1 1 Bedford st . b WWright Robt.

,W ear s t. m W 8

Young John, 20 D

Ar cy ter. b WYoung Thos. B rown , 3 N ile st. b WSh ipsm i th S .

Marked are Chain Maker s a lso.“Barker James, Ru ssell st. 3*Beav en s Arthu r, Folly en d

,m W 9

*Bl akey T . 85 Son , Folly end, m W sBlakey Wm ., North qu ay, m W s*Bond Thomas, L ow st. 8*Boo th Thomas, Folly end, m W 8


Brass Matthew, L ow st . s*Bu rnup John , Fol l y end , m w sC rowe J ohn , Ru sse ll s t. 3Crowe Joseph, Dean ’s yard

, 8

D rydon St S co tt, 75 L ow s t. 8E llio tt Cphr .

, 28 East Cross st. b WGibson John, P ier qu ay, s

Gr eiv es John , L ow quay, s*H addock C l ay

,2 Qu een st. 5

H a l sg r ov e D., P embe r ton ’s fd . b WH eslop Thomas, 9 Sans s t. 8*Kent James, N orth qu ay, m W sKerss XVi l l iam , L ong bank, sL amb Robert, Huddleston s t. m W 3

*L amb T . ju n Whitbu rn st. m '

w sL um sdon Edwd . , S trand st. 111 w s*L um sdon Mary, T 0p1i ti'e st. m W 3

Mason Geo ., B i shopwearmou th pan s*Mau ghan Matthew , Moss lane, 8P enman Henry

,“2 High st. 8

Roe James, Brewery Bank, 111 w sSmith Henry

,N orth shore

,m W s

Smi th S teven son,Wear st . m W s

*Spencer Wm . C . , 17 U nion lane, 8Wood George, N orth quay, m w s

Shopkeeper s .

Adamson Bennett,36 Cumberland

street, b WAld er Robt., 50 Sou th ‘

Drhm . st. b wAllan Jane. 15 Moor st. b wA lli son Robt.

, 41 Crescent r ow ,b w

Alli son Wm . ,95 Coronation st. b W

Anderson Mary A., Wi ll i amson

stree t,m w s

Bailey Bawd Hanov er place,b W

Baines J ohn , East st. sB alk Jane, Thornton place, b wBalk Mary Ann , Thorn ton pl . b WBennet t Jesse, 6 Sunderland st . b WB est Robinson

, 10 Warren st. 8B i rd Ri chard

, 20 Johnson st . b WB land James

, 30 L ow r ow,b W

Bo l ton Mary, 27 S i lver st. 8Bo tch erb y Margery, 42 Corn tn . st. 8Bowman Robt., 145 Corn tn . st . b wB r i gg s Wm .

,3 Oak st. 8

B rown Edward , L ow qu ay, sBrown Arch 3 Si lksworth r ow

,b w

B rown Ralph , Green , b WB ran tingham , Wi lliam , Whi tburnstreet, in w sB uddl e Ral ph ,W i lli amson st. m W sCairnes Jan e, Ay re ’s qu ay , b wCairnes Thos., 26 H endon r oad, b w


Carr Margare t, 104 H igh st. 3

Cassap Wi lli am ,Chu rch st. m W s

Chapman Hy ., 2 Si lksworth r ow,b wChapman John , 38 Vine st . 8C lark Ann , 92 Hendon road, b WClark Isaac, 153 H igh st. 8Clark Ishl a ., 18 Farrington row, b WC lake Margaret, 32 Baines l ane, sCoates Richard

, P rospec t r ow,3

Cookson\Wm ., N orth qu ay, m w sColson Ann , 272 High st . b wCorni sh El eano r, 40 Hopper st. b W

Craw ford Mg t . , 120 Cor onatn . st . b WCrosby S tephen

,5 George st. 3

Dav i son F.,W i lliamson st. m W s

Dav i son Wi ll i am ,W ear s t . m W 8

Dixon Dorothy, 27 Qu een s t. sDobson John , Thomas st. m W

Dobson Rober t, 18 Hopper st. b WDodsworth H enry, 70 Moor st. b WDrummond Wm ., Hendon st . b WErskin Ann

,25 Bu rleigh st. 8

Fair Robert,Borou gh road , b WFairbai rn Alex., 26 H igh st. b WFothergil l Jas.

,27 C rescent r ow , b W

Fowl er Mary, Whi tbu rn st. m W sG allen E lizabeth, 120 High st . 8Gam ack W. H y.

,17 Hen don rd. b W

Gibson Ann,50 S i lv er st. s

Gibson Geor ge, 24 S ilver s t. 8

Gl en den en Dor othy, 5 Cr oss s t. b WGou in l ock Mary, 22 Sans st. 3Graham Margare t, 29 W arren st. 3Gray Wm ., 26 S ilksworth r ow , b WGreenwood Samu el ,Deptford rd . b WGwi l l iam John , 88 Coron ation st. b WHal l James, 103 High st. sHall John ,88 High st. b WHal l Mary, Water st. b wHall Mary

,2 Charles st. b W

Harrison John,15W es tWear st. b w

Hasti e George , Hill s t. b wHenderson Robt., 19 Charl es st. b WHerring John , Fore st. b WHetherington J Hedworth st. 111 w s

Hetherin gton Margare t, Hamiltonstree t,m w s

Hetherington Thomas,Rendlesham

street, m w sHi ll s Thomas, 30 Zion st. b WHind J oseph , 39 Woodbine st. b WHodgson James

,29 L ow row , b W

H oggett Lydia, 9 Moor s t. b WHornsby Mary, 1 18 High st. 5H owe El iz abeth, 137 L ow st. s


Hu tchin son Ed ., 73 Gorontu . s t. b WH u tchinson H .

,32 N r thb l n d . s t. b W

I sdal e Henry, 48 Baines lane , 8Kidson John , 3 S i lv er st. 8King Wm . Hy .

,l 07 Cor on tn . st. b W

L arm en t John , E . W oodbine st. b wL eaman Samu el, 38 Castle st. b wL ewi s Wi lli am , 9 Hendon rd . b WL iddell Ann , 35 Chu rch st. 8L onie Isab ., 3 Coronation s t . b WL ow ther Cath .

, 2 1 N esh am sq . 3

Mc Cree Robert, Ayres qu ay, b WMc In tosh George , 149 H igh st. 8Mackl am John , H ind st. b wMadder El eanor, 12 Matlock st. h wMaxfiel d Benj . , 16 Coronation st. b wMi l ler Mg t . A . Cc .

,13 1 Corona

tion st . b WMi l ler Wm .

,83 Coronation st. b W

M oody El len , 25 Northumberlandst. b W

Moor Eliz .

,56 Bu rleigh st. 3

M oore Edward, Mil l s t. b WMoore Barbara

,8 George st. 8

Martin Wm .,5 Adel aide pl . b W

N orman Isabella , 35 Grey st. 8N orris Andrew R t .

,Sou th st . b W

P e ters Robert, Chu rch st. m w sP hal p El iz abe th , E ast st. sP robert Barbara

,Water st. b w

P rou d foo t John, Mi l l s t. b wP rou d foo t James, 32 B ishop W earmou th pansP un shon Jan e,Whi tb u rn s t. in w sReed John ,6 Albert st. b wRenney John

, P r ospect r ow , sRichardson John, 74 High s t. b wRobson Edw.

,4 1 L ow r ow,

b WRobson John

,George st. [ 0 w

Robson Ralph, 40 Johnson st. b WRobson Wm .,Hopper st. b w

Ru sh Dav id,38 Sou th s t. b W

Ru tter John, 267 H igh st. b w

Sanderson Rph ., 26 Cor on tn . st. h w

Sharp Jane , 4 John st. sSheldon Robt .

,Ayre’s quay, b w

Shields Robt .,Whi tbu rn s t. m W s

Short W i ll i am, Borou gh road , b W

Smart Thos.,S trand st. m w s

Smith E liz ., Farrington r ow,

b WSmi th Wi lliam

, 12 Qu een s t. b wS tephenson W Hamil ton st. m w 3

S torey John,Bonner’sfield

,m w s

S torr Doro thy,24 N i le st. b W

Sun l ay John , L ow r ow,b w


S l a ter s .

Dixon 8: Fall a, l 8 Cu m b er l d . st . b WPreston John , 9 L ambton“st . b WSpin a l , Fr en ch S t ay , T ru ss an d

Su r g ic a l Be l t M aker .

Maddison Ann,15 Villiers st. b w

Sod a.W a ter 84 Lem on ad e M u i r s .

B inks Thomas, 34 Su ssex st. b wDod shon Edw ., 33 Bri dge st. b WHodgson John

,5 Dunning st. b W

stay M aker s ,

C alv ert John 85 Son , 23 High st. sDixon Margaret, 140 H igh s t. b WJennings Mary, 105 L ow st. b wSmith E l iz . Jane, 23 1 High st. b w

Steam Saw M i l l s .

Chipchase Jn o ., N ew Hopper st. b WHaswell Jph ., 20 Cum b er l n d . s t . b WThompson John 8: Joseph, Cou sinstreet

,b w

Stock an d Sh ar e B r oker s .

Barker W . I .,5 Bridge st. b W

Hills Sc Allason , 236 High st. 80» 1Union st. b WMi lbourneW.St Co., 174H igh st. b W

Taylor John ,25 Warren st. 5

Taylor Robt. T . , 14 Chu rch st. sTaylor Wm .

,3 1 N or thm b r l d . st. b W

Thompson Geo. , Hedwor th st. b WTu l loch L wr n ce, Hamil ton st. m w sTweddl e Su sannah,35 Qu een st . 5

Vickers John , 14 Johnson at . b wVi ckers Joseph , Farrington r ow,

b W

Walker El izabeth,Geo rge st. m w

Wal shaw Wm ., 29 Matlock s t. b w

Wandless Wm .,7 S i lver s t. s

W atson Alex.,7 East Cross st. b W

Watt James,Waterl oo pl . m w s

Wau gh Ann , 1 3 H igh r ow,b W

Whi te Jam es,54 S ilv er s t. 3

W i lkin son E l iz . , 13 Bed ford st. b wW i lkinson Geo ., 76 Hendon rd . b wWi lkinson I . Walworth st . b WW ilson Caleb, 77 W ear s t. b WWil son James

, 25 Dundas s t. 111 w sW i l son Robert

,32 Vin e s t. 5

Woodland James,49 Vine st. 3

Worley Robert,109 High st. s

Wrigh t Dorothy, E ttrick pl . 8You ng Jane, 5 Moor st. b w


B rown Fras. , 323 H i gh st. b wBrown R 12 Sou th Du r ham st . b WBu channan B .,

1 1 W alworth s t. b w“Cai rns Wm .,146 Coronati on s t. b W

*Chater Rt., Back Sun n i side, b wCoate s J as 2 7 L aw rence s t. b WCockbu rn Fhos, 38 N thm b r l d . st . h WCooper G eo ., Railway st. b w“Cooper Robert, 9 N ile s t. b wCoundon Th os . , Hendon r d . b WDa l i l ee John , 13 Green st. b w‘ Dawson Wm .

, 30 Sans st. b WDetchon Thos .

,4 Zion st. b w

Den ton Thos ., 10 S. Du rham st. b '


Dodds Adam , 3 18 High st. b wEv an s Richard , 53 Barclay st. m W sFai rb r idge Thomas, Cu s tom H ou seen tran ce

, 8

Finkle John , 5 1 N i l e s t. b wFinkle Robert, Moor s t. b WFin l ason Wm .

, 29 1 High st . b WFi n lay Geo ., 5 Cum b er l n d . st. b WFletcher Robt.

, 2 1 Grey st. 8Foster Joseph, 15 1N orfolk st. b wG att Wi ll iam,

53 N i le st. b WGibson John , 9 L ombard st. 8Gibson Wm . , 17 Maling’a ri g, sGordon Dav id

, 23 Grey s t. 8“Gordon Robt., 143 Goron tu . st. b WGraham T .

, 3 Sou th Drhm . st. b WGrieves Wm ., 10 Grey st. 8G ro v es Thomas, 2 Qu een s t. b w‘ Hazard John , 1 6 Vill iers s t. b w*H enderson James Sco tt, 8 UpperSans st . 1) W

H en z el l Adam , 12WestW ear st. h w‘ Herring John , 58 N i le st. b wH erring John , j un .

,Fore at . b W

I'H er r in g W i l l i am . 49 N i le s t. b WHind O liv er

,Chu rch st. m W 8

H indW i l l iam , Chu rch st ., m w s

H indmarsh George . 9 1 High s t. b w*Ho r sefie l d Jas., 180 Hi gh st. b WH ou ghton Wm .

, 36 Dunning s t. b w‘ Hu dson Robin son, 24 Bed fd . st . b wIrv in e Wm .

,14 Moor st. b W

*Jopling John , 195 High st. 8*J efl

'r ey George, 3 1 Union st. b w

‘ Joyce Chas., 14 U p. Sans st. b wKi rkb r idge Jas .,

Whi tbu rn st. m w s'Ki rkb r idge Wm ., Dock s t. 111 W 8

Kyle Wm .,29 Cou sin st . b W

L aidle r Andrew, 146 High st . b wL aw son John , 32 Qu een st. 3L ead i l l Wm ., Whi tburn st. m W a

L i ddell Mark,5 Dunning at. b w

L l oyd L ewi s , Hanov er place , b wL ockey G eo . H umble

,40 Char l es

stree t, b WL ou ti tt Thompson, 25 N orth D u r

ham st . b WL owth i an I. , 27 North Dr hm . st.h w

Mc . C l em en t Thos .

,33 Chu rch st. s

Mc . Dona ld Alex .,26 Flag l ane , 3

Mo. Dong le J . ,Whi tbu rn s t . 11 1 W 3

Martin Charles, 1 Nesham sq. sMe tcal f Geo . , Hamil ton st. m W sMi tch i n son Thos ., 39 San s st . b wMorgan John , 20 Su ssex st. b wNew ton Thomas, 19 Cov ent Gard enstree t, b wP erkin s James, 17 W i l li am st. b wPettm an John , 3 L i ddell st. 111 W 3

P orter Robt , , 43 Brougham st. b wP o tts Wm ., 25 Grey st. 8* Pries tley Jon th .

, 1 1 D’

Ar cy ter. b WRawl ing A r thu r, 40 Union st. b WRaw lin g Richard,37 Union st. b w

Redpath George, Minorca, 8Reed John, 10 N i le st . b WRichardson Ralph

,Coronation st. 3

Ridley Thomas, 7 North Bridgestreet

,m w s

*Rocheste r Geo .

,1 1 Sun n isi de, b W

*Ru ssel l Wi lli am ,3 Vi ll ie rs st. b w

Ru therfor d Rt I2 Walworth st. h w‘ Ru tl edge John , 38 N i l e st. b wSawkil l J . ,

Wi lli amson ter. m w s

Scales Wi lliam ,305 High st. b W

Sewel l Mi chael , 14 Fl ag lane, sSheriff Robt., 72 Co ron ation st. b wSmi th Andrew ,

13 York st. b w*Snai th John

,10 Vi lli ers st. b W

Snowbal l Wm ., 29 Zion st. b wSpeed John , 24 N o r th Drhm . s t. b W‘Steel Jonath an , 22 Ni le s t. b WSwinbu rne Cu tb .,

l 47 High st. b WSt rin ger Benj amin , 86 High st . 8Taylor Wm ., 3 1 Nor thb l n d . s t. b WTheaston e Wm .

, Ettri ck place, sThompson G .

,50 L awrence st. b W

Thompson Mark,Wa ter l oo pl . m W 5

Thompson Ma thw.,8 North Bridge

stree t,m W s

Thornton Robt 32 Sans st. b w*Todd Ralph , 5 Bod l ewe l l l an e, 8Treanor Hu tchinson , 37 L ow st. 3

Walker T . , 1 1 North Bd ge. st. m w s

Warwick J ohn , 6 Walworth st. b wWetheril l Wi lli am, 42 Wear st . b w


Whi te John ,Whi tbu rn st , m W sW i lkinson J .

,12 Cu m b er l n d . st . b w

W i l kinson Wm ., N e l son sq., m W S

W i l son G eo . , Broad st. m w

W in tr opeG eo ., 27 Bp. W rm th . pans‘Wolfe Jas. 20 Sunderland st. b W

T a l l ow C h an d l er s .

Bru ce John , 6 1 H igh st . 5C r os sby Jas . 19 L ow s t. 3D an son Ralph , 14 H igh st. 5D av i son Dav i d , Stamp’s lane, 8Fai r l am Geo ., 2 Grey st . 3L on gs tafi'Geo .

,sen .

,70 High st . 8

Wilson Joshu a tir. Bro thers, 174Highs tree t, 8

T an n er s.

C l ark Mary,7 Hig h r ow , b WRichar dson Caleb Wm .,

12 H ighr ow, b W

T ea Deal er s .

S ee a lso Grocers and Tea Dealer s.

Armstrong George, 260 High st. b wChapm an T . Edw., 2 1 1 H igh st . b WCumm ings Wi ll i am , 4 N i le s t. b WH i l l s John , 26 High st . 8Northern Tea Cc .,

Arcade , 8 ; Wm .

Reed , managerR obson 8e Cc .

,28 High st. 8

T ea D ea l er s D r aper s , (T vg )

WIarked l are Draper's, an d 2 Tea

on ly.

1 Cowan Benj amin , 79 Wear s t. b W2 Mo Harg


Robert, 32 Back L awrence s t . b w

2 Metcal fe Tho s., 43 Sou th st. b W2 Thompson Robt.,23 Harley st. b w

T im b er M er ch an t s.

Marked have S aw Mal l s.‘

Andrews Thos . , 2 1 Union st. b wB est J . 8: Son , (agts.) North shore,m w 8

Bradley Potts, N o r th qu ay , m w sBrown R. Jam es Co .

, 140 H ighstreet, b WCharleton J. St R .

,2 Su n n i side

,b w

C unn ingham Hether ing ton, 25L am b ton s t. b W

D en ton Willi am , Su ssex st. b W


T i npl a t e W or k er s.

See B r az ier s and Tinplate Worker s.

T ob ac co M an u fac t u r er s .

Wil son Jo shu a B rothers,174

H igh s t. s

T oy Deal er s.

CalvertWm . Son , 36 High st . 5Dox ford J0pl i ., 4 1 Walworth s t. b w Maars Wm . Son , 1 17 H igh st, 1) w

Doxford W ill i am , 2 1 North B r idges treet

,m W s

Greenwell Rd ., 3 Villiers st. b W*Haswell Jph .

, 20 Cu m b l n d . s t. b wHaswel l Wm .

, Bonner's fd . m w sHay Wi lli am , 16 Br idge st . b wHodgson G.

,65 Brou gham st . b w

Hodgson S ., 13 Cr ow tr ee r oad

,b W

Hu tch inson Ralph, Three CranesWharf, m W sickl an

\& Carr

,Wreath ’s qy .m w 5

Newton Anthony , 33 Sans st. b wP earse Thackray

,Wreath’s qu ay

,m W 8

P reston Geo .,5 Coronation st. b W

Robson Wm . W ., North Bridge s t.to W s

Roun thwai te Hy.,Cum b l n d . st . b w

Tate Wm . , Hedworth ter r a ce , b w

Wi l son Josh. &\Bro thers

,1 74 High

s treet,8

Thompson John J oseph, Cou sins tree t, b wWynn Matthew, Wal ton place, b w

T ob accon i st s.

Bru ce Robt . S U nion l ane,s

Ferrand Edward , 32 Hi gh st. 3Hardcastle Isabella, 150 High st. 3

L owes Chas , W .,38 High st. 8

Ross Robert , 129 High s t. sSu therland Joyce , 25 H igh st . b WWard Mary, 49 H igh st. 8

T ob ac co P ipe M ak er s .

Bru ce Robert, 15 Union lane, 3Crosby Jas ., Sc Cc . , 1 19 L ow s t. s

Dryden Edward , 14 1 L ow st . 8Dryden John , Will iamson st. 111 w s

Pattison Wi ll i am,W ood st . 8

Wi lson John , Topl ifi‘e st. m W sWi l son Joshu a& Bro thers, 174Highs tree t



T r u n k M ak er s .

L ev er John , 2 10 New Market, 3

S tra ton Wal ter , 208 H igh s t . b WWade Wm ., 220 H i gh st. b W

T u r n er s i n W ood .

Atkinson John , 38 Cum b r l n d . st . b WEdmundson Wm . , L i ddel l ter. m w sMarshall Jph ., Back Villiers st. b wMarshal l John , Villi ers st. b WRobertson Wm .

, 7 1 Goron tu . st. b WRobson George, 6 L iddell s t. m W sW alker Thos., c t. , 202 H igh st . sW igham Geo., 19 Charles s t. b W

U ph ol ste r er s an d. P aper

H an ger s .

See a l so Cabinet Jll a lzers.

Alcock Son,64 N i le st. b w

Coates Matthew ,Borough road, b w

Crow Robt . , 122 123 High st. b WD av ison Ca th ., 2 18 High st. b WFi sher John , 15 Dundas st . to w sMackie Robt., 3 Upper Sans s t. b W

V eter i n ar y Su r geon s.

O rd Robt., 135 Coronati on st. b WW i lli s Edward , 39 George st. 3W in ter John, N or th Bridge st. 111 W s

V i t r iol M an u fac tu r er .

Tu lly C .,N orth shore, m w 3

W a t ch an d C l ock M ak er s .

M arked are Gold é‘ S i l versm i ths.

Airey M r s., 279 H igh st. b WAirey Robt 1 14 Hig h st. b WAirey Smi th , 1 18 Cor on atn . st. b WD odds John , 4 Bod l ewel l l ane, 8*E l l i dge John , 196 High st. b W*Gowland C l ement, 178 Hi gh st. b w*Gowland Wm . Son , 8 High st . 8H u tchinson C . Chu rch st. m W sJoseph Hyam ,

John st . 3Joseph N esham , 145 H i gh st. 8Ku ss Amand St Co.

, (German) 10Coronation st. b w*Marshal l John

, 2 10 Hi gh st. sMi tchell George

,62 High st. b W

*Mi tchell John , Mau de’s ct . b wP ringle Thos ., 33 N esham squ are, sP r ing le Wi l liam, 128 L ow st. s

Taylor G . R .,Tayl or Jas., 1 5 Cor on

Ter ry Edward, John st . sW h arfin ger s .

Bl ack J . G . 8: Co., Bridge Wharf,

Matlock s t. b WFrench W i lliam

,Wyl am

s Wharf,8 L ow st . 8RailwayWharf Co.,

Rai l way Wharf,John Ray,managing partner

Walker W i lliam,Holmes ’s Wharf


27 L OW s t. 5Wi lli amson Si r Hedworth, (Ballast)N orth qu ay, 111 W sW h i t esm i th s Bel l H an ger s.

B lakey Wm . John , Wear st. W s

Crowe John ,Ru ssel l s t. 8Cook Thomas, 39 Flag lane, 8Bi lley J oseph , 27 Coronati on st. in WE lli o tt Gph .

, 28 Eas t Cross st. b WGreav es John

,L ong bank, 8Heslop Thos .

,9 Sans st. s

Jopling Thos. Son , 34 Wal worthstreet, b WRichar dson J ., 1 10 H endon r d . b WW i n e an d Spi r i t M er ch an ts

Alli son James , N orth qu ay, m W 8

Antill, Fai rman ,& Co., 24 H igh s t. 3Barker W . I .

,5 Bridge st . b W

Bell Mary A 23 Sunderland st. b wBeug sAlex. , (Spiri t) 12 N or th Edg .

s treet, 11] W s

Bowron John Son , (Win e) 198High st. 5Bramwell C ph r ., 12 Chu rch st. 8


Chapman , Johnson, a Co .,5 John

stree t, b WChapman Thos. E., 2 1 1 High st. b WCoates Thomas, Bri dge st. b WDen ton John 1 9 1 High st. 8

Doxford J (win e only} , 98 H ighstreet

,b W

Fenwick Robt. Co., (spir i t) 17 L owstreet, 3Kearney Matthew, 3 ] Green st. b W

L ambert W i ll iam,Arcade , s

N esbi tt T. R. C 5 1 High st. 3P u n shon W i lli am

, 12 L OW s t. 3Reed Thomas,Bee Hiv e lane , 3

Scor er John, 39 High st. 8

Swan John, 4 H igh st. b W


C oach es .

D urham , The Bri ti sh Qu een , 8m orning and 4 aftern oon

,daily ; andhalf past 6 Sunday ev ening


the Gardener’s Tav ern,High st. s

S eaham , John Dav i son’s omnibu s,1 0 morning and if to 7 even i ng, daily,S unday excep ted , from the GreyHorse, H igh st. 8

R a i l w ay C on v eyan ce.

York and N ewcast le Railway S tation , (Sunderland Branch) Broad stm w

,C u thbert Smith, manager.

Sunder l and and Durham Rai lwayStati on

,Town Moor, s.

For par ticu l ars see the monthlytime tables

,publi shed by the Cos ,and may be had at the S tations .


Barnar d Castl e, Chri stopher Holid ay, 17 Nor th umb er l an d st. b W:Tu esday ; Ann Allason , 34 Sans st .

,b w, Tu esday ; John Crellen , 19

King st. b W, Tu esday ; Qu een's Head, 3 Qu een st ., 3 . Wil li am Wrigh tson,

Thu rsday ; Hal f Moon Inn, 199 H igh st., s. ; Rd . Alderson,Thu rsday .

Bishop Au ckla nd, Christopher H oliday, 17 Northumb erland s t. b W ,

Tu esday ; Hal f Moon Inn, 1 99 H igh st. 8 , Rd. Alderson , Thu rsday .

Cas tle E den , Half Moon , 1 99 H igh st. s, Sarah Clark, Satu rday.

Durham ,Christopher H olid ay, 17 N orthumberlan d st. b w ,

Tu esday ;Ann Allason

,34 San s st . b w,

Tu esday ; H a l f Moon Inn , 199 H igh s t. 8,Rd . Alderson

,Thu rsd ay.

E asing ton, Gardener ’s Tav ern , H igh st . 3, George Robin son, Thu rsdayan d Satu rday.Gr eatham ,

Qu een’s Head,W i ll iam Sco tt, S atu rday.

Gr eat H etton , Gardener’s Tavern, High st. 8. Wm . P atti son,Tu esday

and Friday .

H ar tl epool , Saddle In n ,H igh st. 8 . John Summers , dai l y.Houghton l o

-Spr ing , Hal f Moon In n , 199 H igh st. 8 . Joseph Dav i son ,Monday,Wedne sday, an d Friday ; an d J ohn Hewi tt, Tu esday, Thu rsd ay, and Satu rday.

Hy l ton ,Grey H orse, 203 H igh st . 8. Geo. Walker, daily ; General

l Vo l fe, 1 165 H igh s t. 8. H . Thompson , Satu rday .

N ewbottle and L um l ey, Half Moon In n , 199 H igh st. 8. Wm . Featnb y ,

Tuesday an d Friday.

C ar r ier s b y R ai l w ay,To a l l par ts of theK ingdom .

Carv er 8: Co. , 22 Sunderl and st.

b W, and Railway S tat i on,

11) w,

Mat thew Col tman,agent

P ickford St Co .,6 George st . s , andRailway S tation, m w

, Rwd . Wi lson ,agen tYor k and N ewcast l e Rai lway Co. ,

Broad st. m w, C u thbert Smi th ,manager .W a t er C on veyan c e.

Vessels weekly to London ,fiom the

j ol lowing Wharf s

Holmes’ Wharf, L ow stree t, 8 .

Wm . Walker,agen t.

The Rai lway Whar f, L ow quay,s, John Ray , agen tWyl am Wharf, Ferry Boat l and

i n g , s , the General S team N av igati on Company ’s S teamer,Willi am

French, agent .


Newcast le, Jackson Thompson , 25 Kin g st. b W, Tuesday, Thu rsday,and Satu rday.P hi ladelphia , Black Bu ll, H igh st. b W,

M. Me l l abu r n , Satu rday.

P itting ton , Hal f Moon In n , 199 High st. 3 . W il liam Ram e , Tu esdayand Friday .

S eaham , S te am Ship , 166 H i gh st. 8. Keen l i side, daily Gen eralWol fe , 165 High st. 3 . M. Hobson , daily ; Hornes In n , 164 High st . 9 .An drew Kerr

,daily .

S hiney Row, Gardener’s Tavern , H igh st. s\ . George Carr, W ednesdayand Satu rday.S taindr op,

Christoph er H olid ay , 17 Nor thum ber l an d st. b W, Tu e sday ;Grey H orse

, 203 High st. 8. Robert H oliday, Thu rsday.

Stanhope, Hal f Moon Inn , 199 Hi gh st. s, Wm . Mi ll e r, Tu esday.S tockton ,

John Hu tchinson , 6 Cross pl ace, 9 . Tu esday Queen ’s Head ,Qu een st. 8 .W illi am Scott, Satu rday ; Half Moon In n , 199 H igh st. s.

Thomas Sedgwi ck,Tu esd ay and Fri day.

Wolsingham ,Grey Horse, 203 H i gh st . 3 . John Brown, Fri day.




QUARTERLY MEETINGS —First Wednesday in Feb r ua1 y, May, an d Augu st, at1 1 o c l ock in the forenoon ; an d on the 9th of Novem ber (the day appoin ted by Act ofPar l iam en t), at 12 o c l ock n oon . z

WATCH COMMITTEE MEETINGS—Fortn igh tl y, on the Tuesday even in gs, atseven o

cl ock.



East War dMr Richar d Spoor

Thom as Reed .

S un der l an d Wa r d .

M r Edwar d Bowm aker

John Croptons hopwear m ou th War d .

Mr An thony John Moor e

Joseph Br own ,M D.

B r i dg e War d .

Mr Wi l l iam Gr egory~

John H u tch in son

S t. M i chael‘

s War d .

Mr . Richar d WhiteAn drew Whi teWest Wa r d .

Mr Bar n abas SharpHen ry Morton

Monkwear m ou th War d .

Mr . Jam es A l l ison

GeorgeWil kin Hal l

COUNC IL LORS.E ast Wa r d .

Mr Wil l iam Ni chol sonJohn Bar r yW i l l iam Fr en chRober t Wigh t

. Thom a s ReedHen r y Tayl orS un der l an d War d .

Mr . John Mu r r ayWi l l iam Car l in gRober t Br ownSander son John Howe

Joh n DixonThom as Th om pson

B i shopwea r m ou th War d .

Mr Joh n RayT hom as B r own

Wi l l i am Or d

Sam uel Al cockRichar d H al cro

Rober t Vin tB r tdge War d .

Mr W i l l iam Thom as Bel lWi l l iam Mu scham p

Mr Rober t Fren chJohn L in dsayWi l l iam Mor deyWi l l iam Di xonS t Mechael s War d .

Mr . Jam es H i l l sW i l l l am Dob in sonFr an cis Mar shal lG. S . Ran son

Thom as P r attWhi tfiel d Bu r n ettWest War d .

Mr Jam es Richar dsonMatthew Kear n eyJam es H ar tl eyJoseph S im psonW Feather stonh aughJohn H i l l s

M onkwea r m ou th Wm 11

M1 . Wi l l iam Ba r desWil l iam Bayn es

John ScottS i r H . W i l l iam son , Bar t .r. Wi l l iam Mor gan Wake

John Ewar tMr Thom as Br un ton , Town Clerk ; M r . Thom as Coates. Treasu rer Mr . Hepbu r n

Thom pson , an d Mr . H en r y Arm stron g, Audi tors ; Wi l liam Brown, Super in tenden t c fP ol ice

,and High Constabl e.



TheJustices hold their m eeti ngs at the Pol ice Court , 27 West Wear str eet, b w , on Mon

day and Thur sday, at 12 o’

clock, an d on Tu esday, Wedn esday, Fr i day, an d Satur day, at1 1 o

clock. Coun ty bu sin ess every Saturday, at l o’

cl ock .

S ir H . Wil l iamson , Bart. Edward Backhouse, Esq.; Richar d Wh ite, Esq.

An d rewWhite, Esq. Wi l l iam Bel l , E sq. Nathan Hor n,Esq.

Richard Spoor , Esq, W. Feath er stonhaugh, Esq. Geor ge Hu dson , Esq.

Joseph Brown ,Esq. Ral ph Car r , Esq. P hilip Lain g , Esq.

Joseph Simpson , Esq Jam es H ar tl ey, Esq. John Scott, Esq.

J . Eidson , Clerk to the Magis tr ates.


Coll ector, -JAMES ABBOTT L LOYD , Esq.

Com ptr ol ler,—W . J . STEWART , Eso

1 st Cl erk, Long Room ,—Wm . Rob in son

2n d Clerk, Lon g Room ,—T . M . Mitchel l

3r d C l erk, Lon g Room ,— I . K Scott

4th Cl erk, Lon g Room ,—Jam es Gob l e

L an din g Su rveyor. -Jacob Or d

Lan ding an d Coast Waiter s ,—Thom as

Youn g, Ri char d Addison , an d Joseph

Tide Sur veyor ,—John W r ayWeighi ng P or ter s ,- John Blacklock an d

W i l l iam Dixon

Door Keeper an d Messenger,—Will iamWTY

H our s— In -door officers fr om 10 in the

Un ion Workhouse, 34 High st. b w, Opened 1838 w il l accomodate 300 ,av erage number 200, Alexander El izabe th Rai tsy, master m atronMessrs Reed 85 Brunton , c lerks ; N . C . Read

,super in tendent r eg istrar ; Pi e

g istrar s of Mar r iages,Wm . A l l i son Wm . Richardson ; R el ieving Ofii cers,H . B. Taylor, Sunderland Dis tri ct ; W. T. H u tchinson ,

Bi shopwearmou thD is tri c t ; John P hillips, Monkwearmou th D i s tri c t. Registrars of Bir ths

and Deaths, Thomas Swan, Sou th D i stri c t ; Jonathan Dunn ,North Di str i ct ; l saac Hare, Monkwearmou th D istr i c t ; George L ord, SunderlandD i stric t .S under l and <3B ishopwearm ou th Infirm ary c} Dispensary, Corner of Chester

r oad, 6w ; P atr on , The L ord B i shop of Du rham , P r esi dents, H i s Grace theDuke of Clev el and , The Mo st N oble the Marqu i s of L ondonde rry, TheRight H on . L ord Rav ensworth , The L ord W i ll iam P owl ett, The Hon . dc

Rev . G .V. Wellesley, D. D .,Sir Hedworth Wil liamson Bart. and W i lli am

Ru ssel l , Esq. P r opr ietary Tr ustees, The Most N oble The Marqu i s of

L ondonderry , Andrew Whi te, Rev . Wi lliam Webb, R. B . C ay, Esq.


Edward Backhou se, j un .,Esq. Acting Tr ustees, The H onou rable Rev .

G . V.Wellesley, D. D.,Si r H edworthW i l li amson 81 Bern ard Ogden Esq.;

Tr easur er , Rev. Richard Skipsey, A. B. ; Consu l ting P hysic ian , Dr . Gl enny,Physicians, Dr . Brown 85 D r . Bu rn ; Consu l ting S urgeons, D r . Atkin son 8:C. Fergu son Esq. ; Sur geons,Wi lliam Mor dey, E . H . Mal ing, Wm . D ixonan d T . P . P arker, Esqs. Apotheca ry 6

‘ Secretary, Mr . Sm etham L ee.

Eye Infirm a ry, 40 N umber s garth,b w, Patr on s, The Mos t Noble The

Marqu i s of L ondonder ry, Sr. the Righ t Honourable the Earl of Du rham,

m orn ing un til 4 in the after n oon ; ou t

door officer s from 8 to 6 i n sum m er, an dfr om 8 to 45 in win ter .

Hol i days kept at the Cu stom H ouse

Chr istm as Day, Good Friday, an d the

Birth Day of H er Majesty.

EX O I S E,O P P I C B ,

No. 9,V i l l i ers str eet .

Coll ector ,—Robert El win , Esq.

C l er k,—Mr . Bol ton

S upervi sor ,—M . John Tayl or

P er m itW ri ter , —Mr . C. E . Lu l m an

Officer s ,—Mr . Geor geWatson , Mr John

Car r , Mr . Ri char d H owse, Mr . Rober t

Brod ie, Mr . Joh n M ’c

,Dowel l , Mr . John

Towse .



Thi s L igh t-hou se i s si tu ated at the east end o f the North P i er . The

L igh t i s stationary, 73 fee t in height above the high water mark , an d can

b e seen 6 l e ag u es d is tan t at sea. In addi tion to this brigh t l ight, therei s a red-co l oured or di stingu i shing light 18 feet below. Bo th are ex

h ib i ted from sunse t to sunrise throu ghou t the year .Carte ’s Rockets for sav ing li fe are kep t in readiness on the P i er.


This L ight, si tu ated on the eas t end of the Sou th P i er, i s exhibi ted fromh al f flood tofirst qu ar ter ebb

,or whi le the wind and tid e are fav ou rable

for en tering the harbou r. W i th a westerly win d i t i s pu t ou t at highwater.In the day time a Flag i s hoi sted hal f-mast high when there i s 8 feet

water on the bar. When there is 10 feet wi th a smooth sea, i t i s hoistedto the mast head

,and continu ed ti ll high water in a westerly wind ; and

w i th the w ind from S.S.E . to N .N .E . i t i s kept up one hou r an d a hal fa fter high wate r.D u ring the nigh t

,when stormy and dangerou s to en ter, B lu e L i ghts

are let off ev ery qu arter of an hou r ; also , du ring foggy weather, a Bel lw i ll be rung

,fo r t he gu i dance o f v essel s, at in terv als of a quarter of an

h ou r, du ring the time the L ights are exhibi ted, or th e Fl ag hoi sted .

D ennett’s Rockets for saving life are al ways kep t in readiness at theL ight-hou se.


The standard G u age, indicating high water, (spring tides) asfixed b vRenn i e, in 18 19 , i s on the wal l o f the N orth Dock Bason , at the steps.O ther Gu ages, to the same level, arefixed at di fferen t places in the b arbou r and riv er.On the floating Gu ages

,at the. -Mark Quay an d N or th Ferry-boat

L anding, the Red Figu res shew the height o f the s tandard P ier Gu agethe Whi te Figu res the depth of water on the bar ; correc ted monthly.

These two Gau ges are lighted throu ghou t the n igh t.The T i de Table

,ou ts ide t he Engineer ’s O ffice, indicates the depth of

w ater on the'

b ar , taken from ac tu al observation, from the m orning tideo f each day ; w i th the direction of the w ind at the time of high waterAl tered dai ly a t noon .


The Whi te Shell Rocks, at the en trance of Sunderl and H arbou r, have“been deepened to 5 ft. 6 in . or l ow w ater spring tides, or the same depthbelow Zero on the harbou r Tide G u ages.A Bu oy, painted black, has been l aid down 500 fee t due east of the

Sou th P i er fl ag - staff, and 20 feet to the northward of the remaining highest part of the rock , in 5 ft. 4 in . w ater at l ow water spring ti des, an dbearing S.E . by S. from the North P ier L igh t-hou se.All vessel s, en tering or leav ing the harbou r, to keep to the n or thwar d

of thi s Bu oy.


The deep water Channel of thi s harbou r, be tween the P iers, lies abou t40 feet distan t from and nearly paral lel to the line of the N orth P ier, an dr unn ing ou t to sea in an easterly direction .

The depth of water on the bar v aries from 4ft. to 5ft. 6 in . at averagel ow water spring ti des, and from 18 ft. to 2 1 ft. 6 in . at average highwaterspring ti des.Vessel s drawing“16 fee t wat er hav e en tered the harbou r at neap tides.


Three H arbou r Masters are appointed for the whole ri ver b u t for

gen eral convenience the river i s div ided in to three districts,each under

the especi al superin ten dence o f a distinc t Harbou r Master, v i z

No. 1 — From the P i ers to the Ferry boat L anding.John Hallid ay

, No . 18, North Moor s treet, Sun derl and.Boatman to do .— Ralph Thornton , Mau de's L ane, do

No. 2 .— From the Ferry-boat


L an d in g to the Bridge.Guy P otts, No. 7

,North Moor-street


Boatman to do . Wil li am Sco tt, 14, North Moor . stree t, do.

No. 3.-From the Bridge upwards .

John Stafford , Rendlesham-stree t, Monkwearmou th .

Boatman to do.— Robt. Harri son , 9 1, Si lver-st., Sunder l and .TIDE TABLES.

TIDE TABLES, compi l ed from Documents in the Engineer’s Office atSunder l and P i er, and shewing the time of high water and dep th of watera t the bar dai ly, are publi shed ann u ally by Messrs . Thomas Reed 8; Co .185

,H igh- street, Sunderland, by Au thori ty of the Commissioners of the


Residen t E ng ineer to the Comm i sswner s.

L arge and comm odious Docks ar e n ow in cou rse of erec tion,on the

Sou th side of the Sou th P ier, Sunderland .

P l ace s of W or sh ip .

Sund er land Chu r ch, (H oly Trini ty)C hur ch st . , Rev . Wm .Webb, B.A.

Rector , and Rev . I . F. P e ttigrew,

Cu rate

S t . John’

s Chapel of Ease, Chapel

streel , sEpiscopa l Chapel of Ease, Spr ingGarden lane, s

l B is/wpwearm ou th Chu r ch, (St. Michae l ),H iyh st. , The Honou rabl eand Rev . G . V. W ell esley, D.D.


Rector , Rev I . E. L ee fe , and Rev .

Dav id Aken head, M. A., Cu rates

S t. Thom as’

s Chu rch, John st. 6 w

Re v . Rd . Skipsey, A . B.

,In cum bt.

Ill onkwearm ou th Chur ch, (S t. P e

ters), Chu rch st., Rev . Benj . Ken .

in co t t, In cum ben t, and Rev . JamesMi ln er , Cu r a te

A l l S a in ts Chapel of E ase, B r oad st.,to be conver ted in to a school , a

n ew one n ow in cou rse of er ec t ionin Fa lwel l lane, m w, Rev . Ben

j amin C . Kennico tt , Incumben tDeplfor rl Chu rch, (St. And rews),Rev . Wm . Hy. Balmer, Incumbent


For d (High) or S outh Hy l ton

Chu r ch , b w , Rev . Joseph L aw,

B . A. In cum ben t

Sou thw ick (H igh) Chu r ch, m w , (H o

l y Trini ty), Rev . F. J . JamesIncum ben t

Ryhope Chapel of E ase, Rev.Wm .

W i l son , In cum ben tCathol ic Chu r ch, (St. Mary’s), Br idg estr eet, b w , Rev . P hilip Kearneyand Rev . John Bamber, P r iests

Baptist Chapel , Barclay st. 111 w sBaptist Chapel ,Hallgarth sq.m w sBaptist Meeting H ouse, 4 Dunning st. b w

Bethel Chapel , Vi l r s st. h WI ndependen t Chapel , High st. sIndependent or Congr egationa l Cha


pel , Dundas st. m W sMethodist Chapel ,H igh S ou thwich

P r im i tive Methodist Chapel , Waterloo place, m w sP r im itive Methodist Chapel , New ,Hopper s t . b wP r im i tive Methodist Chapel , Fl aglane, 8P r im i tive Methodist Chapel , L ow

S ou thwick

P r im itive Methodist Chapel , S outh

Quaker sMeeting House,N i le s t. b wS t. George

s Chapel , (Sco tch), Villi ers st. b wScotch Chur ch,Nor th Edg st . m w sS eam an

s Bethel Chapel , (Method ist,)foo t of Coron ation st. s

S eaman’

s Bethel Chapel , (Metho'

d i s t), Ferry Boat l anding, m w sS myrna Chapel , (Scotch), Smyrn aplace

,b w


To tal 56607The Borough . 53335

For o ther P ubl ic Bui ldings, Insti

tu tions, &c., see Alphibeti cal Dir ectory.

Tabern acle Chapel , (Wesl eyan Associ ati on) , Sou th Du rham st. h w

Tabernac le Chapel , (Wesleyan Associ ati on), Brou gham st . b wTaber nac l e Chapel , L ow

Sou thw i ckTaber nac le Chapel , (M Sou thH ylton

Un ion Chapel , (Scotch Sec ession ),C oronati on st. b wUni tar ian Chapel ,Bridge st. h wUn ited S ecession Chape l , (Scotch),Hamil ton st. m w sWesleyan Chapel , H igh s t. b wWesl eyan Chapel , San s st. b WWesleyan Chapel , Fawcett st. b wWesl eyan Chapel , Brougham st. h w

W es leyan Chapel , Hope st. b wWesl eyan Chapel , High st. sWesleyan Chapel , Z ion st. b wWes l eyan Chapel ,DeptfordWesleyan 4 ssociation Chapel ,Deptford

Market h el d on Satu rday, Fai rsMay 13th . 8: 14th . St Oc tober 12th .

and 13 th .

P opu lation retu rn according tothe Census, 1 841

B i shopwearmou thMon kwearm ou th

Sunderl and


L aing P hilip, Esq.

L ight foot Thomas,ship bu il der

Mearns John , ship bu ilderMichael Anthony


Moore Co ., timber merchants

Myers James Kir tley, m as t, b l ock,and pump maker

,and saw mills

N esbi tt Thos . Mu rray,ship carps .

Ogden . Bro thers,copperas m an fr s .

Ogle G eorge , i ron founderP ennock Stephen

,corn miller


saw mill sReed George

,a g en tReed John Mofl'a t t, shipw righ t

Robinson John , ship bu i lder,and

ship ownerRobson An n , N ati onal schoo l m i str s .

Robson Wm manager, Glass w orksSt. Andrew ’s Chu rch , Rev . Wi lliamH enry Bu lmer , Incumbent

Shev l i n P eter, v ic t., Shou lder ofMu tton

S inclai r Ebenez er,schoolm aster

Snowdon Fred ., b r i ck tile manufactu r er, Diamond HallTodd James

,keel owner

Todd John , keel ownerW alker John

,schoolmas ter

Wang W . S ., ship bu i ld erW ebster C . M. Co .

, patent hempand w ire rope manu factu rersW esleyan ChapelW esleyan Chapel , (Associ ation)W i l kinson Mr . MosesW ilkin son Wm .

,ship bu i lder and

sh ip ownerW i ll i ams Thomas

,tai lor

W ood Jacob,bu tcher

W oods Spen ce 85 Cc ., timber merts .Young Ben tley



m i les N . W. by W. of Su nder land .

Kirtl ey Ralph , farmerL ei thead James, ship bu il derShort G eorge , shipwrigh tSimpson Joseph , v i c t. , Ship L aunchThompson Mr . George , H i l l H ou seW a lker Richa rd , cart ownerW atson John

,ship bu i lder

l Veb ster Chpr . Ma l ing, rope m n fr .

HallWilkin son Ri chard, ship bu ilder



3 Ill i les W. of S under land.

P ost Qfice, atMr . Bridger Ron tr ee’

s;l e tters arri ve at hal f past 12 noon,and are despatched at hal f-pas t8 a . m .

Ainsworth Mar tin , beerhou seAinsworth Mi chl v ic t., Jol ly P ottersBarnes John

,su rgeon

Barnes Mr s ., sch oolmistressBel l W i ll i am , Esq.

, Ford Hou seBr ayfiel d Thomas, schoolm asterBrown El eanor

,v i c t . ,Vi c tor ia H otel

Byers J ames,green grocer

Carr Hyl ton . ship bu i lderCarr Wi l li am

,ship bu i lder

Chapel o f Ease,Rev . J . L aw, B.A.,in cumben t

Collins John, foo t po stman

Dawson John Cc .,earthenwar e

man u factu rersDi ckeson John , bu tcherForge Joseph , shoemakerGales Mr s. Ann , Ford L odgeGales John Frederi ck, shipowner,Ford L odgeGal es John Mowbray

,Ford L odge

Gales L awson,ship bu i lder

, FordVill aG ales Thomas

,ship bu ilde r


CottageGu est Wm . John, v ic t. , CommercialHote lHenderson Thos. , v i c t., BoardHodgson Benj amin , shoemakerHodgson G eorge, farmer, FordHodgson John


Hodgson Mary , grocerHopeJohn

,farmer, Rock Co ttage

H u tchin son L auncel o t, farmerHu tch in son Thos . , fa rmer, L ow Fd .

H u tton , Fle tcher Cc .,paper m frs.

Ford Mi l lHu tton Robert, paper m an u fctr h

C l axheu gh grov eJackson W i l l i am , bu tcherJolly Mathew,tai lor and draper

Ki rkley Ralph , v ic t. Wheat Sheaf ,

L aw Rev . J oseph , B. A. incumbentL awson Ralph


,High Ford

L ee Clark,engine boiler bu l d rs

L ee W i l li am,bu tcher,

L i ster Ralph,Vic t. George Dragon


Mather Wi lliam ,grocer

M i l ner Joseph , b u tche rMoir Joseph , j oin e r ,Moir Matthew , baker 8c flou r d l r .

N aiz by W i l l i am ,ship bu il d er

Ou tter s ide James , g r ocer , fl ou r deal e t , tai lo r and draper

P rimi ti v e methodis t chapelP arkin G eo rge , boat bu i lde rP rou d foo t Wm . farmer, N orth FordReay Robert , tailorR edhead Robert

,tailor 8L draper

Revell W i ll iam,su rgeon

Rewcastl e John , copperas m an u fc tr

R i chardson Caleb , farmer, FordRodham John 8L Joseph , ship b l dr sR odgerson John , ship bu i lderRodham Joshu a, grocer 8c farmerRon tree Bridger, grocer 8c fl our dlrRon t r ee Hen ry, bu tcherRon tr ee Wi lli am , tailorRu therford Thomas , shipwr ightRyles Eph r aim , grocerS co tt W i ll iam , farmer , FordShort G eorge, v ict. , L eopardShort Robert, grocer, flour deal er

,c artwrigh t . an d join erSmi th An d r w. J .

,v i ct . , Hylton Arms

Spen cer John , su rgeonSpower Wm 81. Co . , ship bu i ldersS tewart Jane , schoolmistressS to ckdale Wm v i c t., Gibraltar rockTabernacle ( Ihapel , (Wesley an)Tw izell Rob ti

,d ruggis t and g rocer

\Va l ker Thos., farme r , FordWhi tfield Robt .

,v i ct.

,Ship Vic toria

Fer ry Boat, fo r passen g er s, car riages ,horses, & c .

, to N or th Hyl tonEdward W i ls on , manag e rThomas J ackson , carri er to New

cas tle , mon . , tu es., wed .,and fr 1d

an d D u rham,sat.


35Mi les S ou th of Sunder land.

P ost Ofii ce , at Thos . Stagg’s , l e tter sarriv e a t 6 p . m .,and are des .

patched at 1 noonAbbs J Esq., farmer landowne rBarron John Sam l ., farmer, Hollyke r sides

Bel l Arthu r, farmerBell Edwat d , farmerBenson Thomas


B owman Joseph , farmer, Ox C loseBowm an Joseph

,gentl eman

Bowman Thos ., farmer, Red Hou seBowman Thomas, tarm er

Chape l o f Ease, Rev . Wm . W i lson

,Incumben tChapman Wi lliam , shoemakerCraig John , Railway S tation keeperFinl ay John

,tailo r

Foster Joh n , cartwrigh t and j oinerG rundon Rober t , potato e dealerHal l Wi l l iam , j u n ., farmerHall Wi lli am

,po tatoe d ealer

Hi l l Capt .W i l l i am ,c ashi er to River

Wear CommissionersHu tchinson John

,ship bu i lder ; h .

Field H ou seL ee H annah

, fa rmerMa l lam Geo . , farm er, Blu e Hou se”

GrangeMal lam Wm . ju n . , farme r , CottageMall am Wm . sen .,

farm er,Grang e

Mankin Mr s.

Mann M r s . Eliz abe thMaughan Jane , v ic t ., Ship InnMerriman George

,blacksmi th

Merriman .Henry , farme rNorman Mr . RichardRobinson J o seph

, farm erRobson Mr . AnthonyRobson John

, farm erRobson Rob t. , tailor and poor ratecollec torRobson Stephen, farmerSmart John

,corn miller

Smi th John,farmer

Smith John , Sboem aker

Snowdon John , farmerS taggs Thomas


Stai n sby John, v ict . and farmer ,Hendon InnStoke l d Isabella , v i c t. , Railway In nSu rtees Eliz abeth , shopkeeperThompson Margare t


Thompson Mi ss MaryThompson Thom as, farm er, Half

ay Hou seTindal] Mr . W i lliamT rewhi tt L uke , co rn millerWai te James , farm er, G rangeWal l ace Mi ss ElizabethWatson John , V i ct. , cartwrigh t, andj oiner

,Salu tation In n

Whea tm an Wi l l iam ,fa rm er

Wi lkinson Cl en n el l , gent.


Wilson Ralph , blacksmi thW il son Robert, grocerW i lson Rev .Wm ., IncumbentYeoward Frances

,ladies school


Si M i les S . W. Qf Sunder land .

Beckwi th L ieu t. Col. Wm ., Si lksworth H ou se

Bl ain Ann 8c Jane, farmers, N orthMoor

Botcherby Wm .,farmer , Mi ll H ill

Brack Jno., farmer ,Ferrington HallEale s Miss I sabella, priv ate Asyl um for Females, Grindon H all

E rrington G eo ., farmer, MoorE rrin g t on Wm .

,farmer, Sou thMoor

H al l Thos. , farmer, P l ainsHaswel l N i ch .


,S ou th Moor

H enderson John , brick 81. t i le makerL ee Matth farmer

,High N ewport

L eigh ton John,farmer, Grindon

Mi ller Wm v ic t. and miller, Grindon M i llRobinson Robt.


, H igh Fer .

ringtonRobinson Thos., farmer, L ow N ew

portRobinson W i ll i am , Esq.

,H all

W hi te Ri chard,Esq. ,Thorn ey Close

W in ter G eo .


,Ferr ington

H all


3 M i les S. by W. of Sunder land.

C l eg r am Ralph , farmerC l eg r am W i l li am ,

farmer, H i ll sC raggs Robert,blacksmith

Dawson W i lli am ,farmer

Gen t W i ll i am , farmerH untley Mr s. Charlo tteH un tley John , farm er

P atti son Mary 8c James, farmersThompson Wi lli am, farmerW aller Wm .

, farmer, E l stob Hou seW i lkinson Thomas, farmer, H i lls


‘ M onkwearm ou th

S hor e Townships , inc luded w ith

S under land D ir ectory .


15M i les N . N . E . of Sunder land.

Abbs Jeremiah , farmerBrown Thos., v i ct., B lu e Bel lCockbu rn Fu lwell InnDon Chs., ship owner, Wes t H ou seGibbon Robert , farmerHeslop Edwd .


,Whi te H ou seKn ifton Wm ., manager lime worksRu dd Mr s . Margaret


Thompson Margare t, farmerTu rn er Jame s, bu tcherW i lson Mr . GeorgeWood Ralph, corn m i l ler 8r farm erHYLTON (NORTH) TOWNSHI P.

3 m i l es W. N . W. of Sunder land .

Brown Edward , ship bu i l derDent J ohn

,farmer, Hyl ton place

Dodds James, corn mi llerHarri son W i l l i am , farmerHin dm ar ch Abraham, farmer,WoodIl ou se

Hodgson Benj . 85 Co ., ship bu i lders

L i ster 85 Bar tram,ship bu i lders

Mc L aren Henry, farmer , CastleMarshall Franci s, chemical worksMason Joseph, v i c t. , BoardMerriman John

,v i c t. 85 blacksmi th,Three H orse Shoes

Reay Margare t, ship bu i ld erRen n ol dson Thomas, farmer, DeanIl onse

Ren n ol dson Thos . 8: Geo ., farmers,Red Hou seRobinson Marmaduke, farmer, P arkH ou se

Smiles N icholas, farmer, MoorSnowdon Robt. , farmer, Cow S tandSprag gon R t farmer,N orth MoorSpr ag gon Rd . , farmer,Whi te H ou se

S tafi’or d Fras. , farmer, Hyl ton Edg.

Todd 81. Brown , ship bu i lder sWi lson Robert, v i ct., Baron’s QuayIIou se


131; m i les N . W. of Su nder land.


P ost Ofice, at Mr s. Mary G riev esBlakelock Robt., v ic t., N or th S tarBowes Wm . 8L Son , corn mill ers


H edley W i lliam ,bu tcher

H odgson W i lliam,corn miller

H umble Elizabe th , dress makerHun ter Rober t,shoemaker

H u tchin son P eter, farm erIrwin John, farmerI rwin Thomas , farmer

Johnson Robert,gardener

Ju ggins James,gardener

Merriman Geo ., v ic t. 8L blacksmith ,Grey HorseMe tcalf Thomas, farmerN ewbu rn Thomas , bu tc her 8c shopkeeperP arochial ChapelP o tts Farmer

,B iddick

P o tts W i ll iam ,s tati on keeper

,C lea

don l aneReed John , farmerReedW i lli am


Robinson James, j oinerRobson Ralph Edw.,v ic t., Black

B u l lSaw'yer Geo . Edw .

,farmer 85 bri ck

makerS toth ard Edw . H ew i son , corn mil ler and flou r d ealerTodd Wil liam , shoemakerWheatl ey W i lliam , farmer an d farrier

, L ow H ou seW ilson Mr . ThomasW indle Thomas Barras , tail orYe l l ow l ey

r Jph . Elstob, farmer andl and ownerBOLDON (WEST) TOWNSHIP .

m i les N . W'. of Sunder land.

P ost Ofice, at Mr . John Hood ’sAdamson John, boot 85 shoe makerAtkinson John , tai lorAtkinson W i l liam , gen tAyre Margaret, v i c t. an d bu tcherWheat Sheaf In n

B aty John , car tmanB oo th Mr s .Mary SEAHAMCodling N i cholas, skinn er 5 m i les S . of Sunder land.Codling Rt., cartwrigh t & j o inerCollinson Rev . John

, M. A .,Rector L ondonderry Righ t H onou rable

Craggs John,farmer Marqu i s of, Seaham Hal lCrass Edw., farmer, Down H i l l Atkin son Geo .

,farmer, Hall Farm

Dallas H ugh , agen t B rou gh John , corn miller , SeahamDob bi n son E l izabeth , school S team M i l lEdwards Rev. John George, B. A Jones W i l l i am , gardenerCu rate L amber t Rev . Joseph


Hal l Thos ., farmer, B i ddick N orthP astu resHardy Wm ., farmer , Biddick N orthP astures

Heaton R t., grocer, pain ter 85 glaz ierHenderson Mr s. Ali ceHol m es farmer,West P astu resHood John

,grocer, P ost O ffice

L edge r John,t ai lor

Merriman J ohn,v ic t. , Black Horse

Merriman John Edw.,b l acksm i th 85

farri erMethodi s t ChapelMetcal f Th os.

,gen t. W est Hou se

N elson G eo ., gent ., Iv y CottagePybu s John

,Boarding School,HallReed G eorge , saddlerReed John


Rowe John,farmer

,Glebe Farm

St . N i cholas Chu rch , Rev . JohnCo l linson

, M . A., Rec torShaw Mch l .

,v i c t. Rai l way Tav ern

Shev el l Mr s.

Simpson Rt. , cartwright 85 j oinerSmithson R t., farmer, N orth Hou seSnowdon John

,farmer,West Hou se

Stapleton Mr s. L eonoraS tokoe Jonathan , farmer,H ardenSwan Mr . Mat thewTate Rober t S tark

,su rgeon

Train Mr s. Down Hi l l Hou seWalker John

, sch l m s tr . 85 parsh . c l k

Wawn Edward Tw izel , ship ownerWawn John Tw iz el

,Esq. M. P .

Whi te farmerW ilkinson Thomas

, gen t . Scotch H s

W ilson Jon athn , boo t 85 shoe makerWyn yar John , dril lmanYoung James


The B l ack H or se Inn has been kept byfou r su ccessive John Mer r im an

's, for thelast 148 year s , and each of them were black

sm iths the pr esent occupier has a son John ,

who has al so a son Joh n .


O l iver Rd .,farm bailiff, Carr HOu se

P ickering John , farmer,Mi l l H ou seRobson S tephen , farmerS t. Mary’s Chu rch, Rev . J. L ambertVi car

Smi th John , farmer, GrangeW allace Ralph , v i ct. Seaham Mill


7 m il es S. of Sunder land .

P ost ofii ce,North terrace , P . H en

z ell,post master, letters ar r iv e fromthe Sou th, 1 1 A . M .

,from Sunder

land an d the N orth , 7 P . M ., andare d i spatched to all parts at 12N oon and 2 10 P . MAdamson Matthew,

v i ct. Odd Fell ows Arms , Back terraceArmstrong Thomas Swan , j oinerChu rch streetArmstrong \V. S taithman , North terA tkinson W i l l i am , grocer, prov i siondealer

,and ship chandler, Sou thterrace

Ayre James, grocer, Sou th c rescen tB axter El iz abeth , school , Chu rch stBethune Rev . Angu s,M.A.

, In cumben t of St. John ’s , North terraceB l ai r Thos ., shoemaker, North ter.B ond Thos master mar., North ter.Bowmaker John, sailmaker , Sou thcrescen tBrown Thos ., pil o t, North terraceB u rn Rd .

,paten t r ope m an u fac tr er .,

Sou th terr aceBu rwood I sabella

,v i c t.

, L ord Wel

l ingtou , Railway s t .Campbell John

,sho emaker , Rail

w ay stre e tC ar ter G eo .,watch and clo ck maker

Railway stChi l ton Thos .

,v ic t., Br addyl l Arms ,

Sou th terraceChri stie John , su rgeon , R. N .,

Railway streetColeman L i eu t. John

,chief o fficer

of coast gu ard, Chu rch st .C ooper Saml ., master mar., Vane ter .

Cumming Thos., sub compt. cu s tm s.

h . Sou th sideDav i e Thos., shipwrigh t, Sou th ter.D in n is Jas., shoemaker, Rai l way st.Dodd Margaret, grocer, Rai lway st .

Dodds Jph .,shoemaker , John st.

E l l m or John , school , Railway st .Engli sh John , garden er, Railway s tEngl ish Rd ., c orn miller , Sou th ter .airless Wi ll i am , public baths 8:li ght hou se keeperFenton Geo ., shoem aker ,Sou th ter

Fewster Mr s Mary, Sou th ter.Fer n i eD vd .

,tl or . & d rpr .

, Sou th terFern i e Dvd ., beer seller, John st .French John , bu tcher, North ter.Fu l ler John , m str . m r n r .

, Chu rch s t.Gardiner R t., grocer, Railway st.G ibson Foresters ArmsRailway st.Gordon R.

,mast , block, &c. , m aker

N orth ter.Graham John , sub -col lector cu s

toms ; h . Dean s t.Gran t Thos., shoem kr ., Railway st.Gray Wm .,

m str . m r n r .,P i lo t ter .

Green Doro thy, v ic t.,Vane Arms,

S ou th Crescen tH all Cor n l ., tl o r . d rpr ., N or th terHarkess Wm ., shopkpr ., N orth ter.Ha swel l Thos., bu tcher, Back ter .

H enderson My.,s traw hat maker,

N orth ter.Hen sal e Wm .,

ship bldr.,Sou th ter.

H en z el l P eregrin e, coal ag en t ; h.N orth ter.Hindson James, tailor, Back ter .Hobson Mch l . , grocer, Railway st.H ollin shead Rt., china, glass, & c .

dealer, N orth ter.H ou gh Al fred S . D .

, ag t.,Tmpst. pl .Hun ter Edw. , shopkpr ., Railway stHu tchin son Dickson , pain ters Scmarine store d l r s.

,Sou th crescen t

Infirmary, Tempest place, Mr s . J .

Maddy, matronJameson T .,blacksmi th , Chu rch s t.Jarret t Thos., ship whi tesm i th,

Back .ter.Johnson Jn o ship chan N orth terKeen l eyside Gb sn .

, g r c r ., Railway s tKidd Thos ., shoemaker, Railway st.L ambert John , grocer, Railway st .L aver i ck Thos. , sm i th , Railway st.L az an by Edw.,

Shoem kr . N orth ter.Marley John , school , Back ter .

Marqu i s of L on don der ry’

s CoalFi tting O ffice, N orth ter ., P . Hen

z el l ,fitterMesnard Hudson, merts ., N. ter.


Mofi'ett Geo., shepkpr ., Railway st.

Morri s R .,mas ter m r in r Rai lway st

N ati onal School, Chu rch s tN eel Jph .,

shoemaker,Railway st.

N e il Benj .,h air d resser

,Back ter .

N i cholson Wm . Hu n ter , coalfitter,Danish 81 Fren ch v i c e consu lN orth ter. ; h . Chu rch s t.

N icholsonW. , jn er . bldr. Ch r ch s tN ixon Wm . , cooper, Railway s t.Noble George, v i c t.

,L ord Seaham

N orth ter.N orth Hetton Grange Coal Co ’s .Fi t ting O ffice

,W. H . N i cholson ,fitter

P au l l Bn l . , b tch r . shpk., Back ter

P allister Mg t., draper, N or th ter.P atti son Jas . , m s tr . m r n r .

,Vane ter .

P atti son Wm . , shoem kr ., Ra l l way st

P atton Matthew ,v i ct . and b r ewer.

L ondonderry Arm s, Sou th c r esn t

P ratt Jph . , ship sm i th, Chu r ch st.Reay H anh .

,straw hat m kr ., N . ter.

Redshaw Wm ., b l cksm h N orth ter.Reed Geo ., v ic t. St bu tcher, GoldenL i on , Railway s t.Reed John

,v ic t.,Wheat sheaf, Rail

way st.Rev el y Thos., dept. harbou r mas ter,N orth ter.Rodham Wm .


Ru ther ford R t. , draper, North ter.Ru therford Thos. H .,druggi st and

grocer, N orth ter .St. John ’s Chu rch

,Chu rch st., RevA . Bethune, M. A .,Incumben t

SandersonMr. Jacob,Railway st ,

Sco tt Hy., upl s tr . 81 shpk. Rai lway stSelby J as., b u tcher , Back ter.Selby Thos. A.

,v i c t.

,Kings Arms


N orth ter.Smith Hy.Wall

,chem i st, dru ggist

proprietor of Gas Works,N . ter .

Smi th Jas .,su rgeon , North ter.

Smi th Jph .

,shoem kr .

,Rai lway s t.

Smi th W i l son,shpkr .

,Railway st.

Sou th He tton Coal Fi tting Office ,Sou th ter.

, Hy . Schol efie l d,agen t

Speed Rt. S torey Co ., ship St in s .bkr s.

,cmsn . tern

h . Dean st.Stafford Benjamin

, farmer, DattonFi eld Hou se

S tephenson James , chi ef boatmancoast guard,Rai lway st

Stobbs Cu th .,w str . m r n r . Henry st.

S tokel d Dorothy, v ic t N oah’s ArkRailway st.

S tonehou se Wm ., sail m kr . l y. st.

Storey John , gror. b tch r ., l y. s tS tr an ghai r Geo Shoem kr . Sou th terThompson Rd .

, baker, N orth ter .Thompson R t., tailor, Railway st.Thornton P arkin, v i c t. and mason,

Mason s Arms , Railway st.Tinkl er John , bu tcher , Chu rch st.Todd Thos., mason , Henry st.Todd Henry stTu rnbu ll Mr . J .

,Chu rch st.

Usher L i eu t. Wm . A.,harbou r mas .

ter , Tempest placeWaller S tephen , school, Back ter.Waller Tho s. , trimmer, Chu rch s t.Wandless Robt trimmer, Chu rch s tWatson Chas., hai r dsr.,Railway s t.Watson John , pain ter g l z r .

, Ch . s t.Watson Rt . , tailor dpr .,N orth ter.W ebb John

,archi tec t, Henry st .

Webster Matth ., green grocer, Railw ay stree tWesleyan Chapel , Tempest pl aceW esleyan Assoc iatn . Chapel

,Ch . s t.

We therill N ath .

,b ooksl r .

, S’

ou th ter .

Wheel er Wm .,baker a shopkeeper


Back Rai lway st.Wigh t R. 8; Son , chain and anchorm frs .

,i ron b rass founders,

Seaham i r on works, Su nderlandW i l son Jas., braz ier, & c ., Sou th cres .W i l son Wm . , Rai l wy. s t.Wood Anthony

,bu tcher, Chu rch st.

Wood O rd , farmer, Dean Hou seW ood Taylor, cofi'ee h s.

,Railway st.

Woodifiel d T . R .,school

,N orth ter.

Om n ibus from the Golden L i on,at 4 afternoon

,dai ly.

Car r ier s to Sunderland,dai ly

,G .

Keen l yside, Railway AndrewKerr, from the' Vane Arms ; an d

Michael Hobson , from the L ondon .

derry Arms.Custom House, N orth ter r ace,JohnGraham , sub-co l l ector , and JohnCumming , sub-comptr o l ler .

Coas t Guard S tation , oppositeSou th te r rac e

,L i eu t. J ohn Coleman ,

pr incipa l oficer , Jas . Stephenson,chief boatman.


Ainsley George, gardenerBainbridge George , farmerBatyWm ., farmer,West Hou se ErmBoo th Wi ll i am , master marin erBu rdon John , farmerB u rdon Thomas, farmerBowlby Ru ssell , soli ci tor, MeadowsCharlton Mi ss SarahCoxon George, shopkeeperD ee Geor ge , ju n ., join erDee George

, farmerDee Wi lliam , shopkeeperGibbon Thomas , farmer, H illsH olmes Ann , farmerH ud son Matthew, farmerH unter Robert

,cartwright, &c

Mer r iman Mary, Vict., Ship In n

Merriman Thos . Meth .,b lksm tb s.

Merriman Wm ., farmer , bu tche r,

an d v ict B ri tanni a InnMetcal f Isabella


Middlewood Joseph,shoemaker

P a t ti son Edwd .,farmer, Sun n iside

Mil l FarmReay John , corn mill erRobin son Marmaduke , potatoe (ihScott W i l li am , H indS tephenson Wi lli am , potatoe dealerSwinbu rne R. W ., g l ass m n fr . ; h .

Co ttageTayl or Mr s . I sabella ScottW ood Matthew


Wood Rober t, farmer, Sun n i side


L ist of Streets, Lanes, é’CLf in 1847 .

Al er gate, 36 C rossgateBack l ane , 1 C l aypathBow lan e , North Bai leyChu rch lan e, H a l l gar th st.

Chu rch lane , 165 Gi les gateChu rch stree t, 45 New E lv etC l ark ’s yard , 1 S i lv er st.C l aypath , 1 Market placeCou rt l ane , 25 New Elve tCrossgate

, Fr amwel l gate bridgeDarlington road , Head o f Chu rch stDun Cow lane , 29 N orth B ai leyE lv et B ridge, 7 Sadler s t.E l v e t (New), 27 E lve t bridgeE lv e t (O l d) , 27 E lv e t bridgeFl eshergate, general ly called Sadlerstree t

,10 Marke t place

Framwellgate, 7 Mi l l b u r n gateFramwellgate b ridge, 22 S i l v er st.Gi l esga te, 64 Cl aypa th

G i l esgate moor, l l 2 G i l esgateGolden L i on yard, 66 Sadler st.Grape l an e, 1 1 Crossgate





Compr ising the Addr esses of Gen try, Clergy, Par tner s in Finns,and others,

n ot ar r anged under the c lassg‘ica tion of Tr ades and P r of essions.

Adamson Mr . Thos., Hal l gar th st. Angas Mi sses H arri e t and Mary,Addison Mr s. Mary, 9 Crossgate 55 So u th s t.Alli son John

,ban kmanager, 6 Mar Angas S i las, bank manager ; h . 81

ket p l ace New Elve t

Hal l gar th stree t, 43 New ElvetKing stree t

, I Mi l l bu rn gateL eazes l ane, Gi l esgateL eaz es place

, 69 C l aypath

Market place,1 Cl aypath

Mi l l bu r n gate , Framwellgate bdg .

Moatside l ane , 6 Si lver s t.Nevi l l stree t, New North r oadN ew N orth Road ,King st.North Bail ey , 50 Sadler st.Oswald cou rt, 18 Chu rch s t.P alace green , Queen st.

P aradise lane, 104 C l aypathP rov iden ce r ow ,

Wanl ess l aneQu een street , 50 Sad l er s t.Rai lway lane

,44 Gi l esgate

Sadler street, l O Marke t placeS idega te , 64 FramwellgateS i lv er s tree t, 1 9 Marke t placeSou th B ai ley , 29 N or th BaileySou th street , Framwellgate bdg .

Wan l ess l ane , 33 C l aypathW ater l ane, 6 1 New E lve t


Airey Rev . J. L umb, B . A.,m athe

m a tical teacher, G r ammar School,20 Sou th stree tAtkinson Dorothy, l odg in gs, 41 C laypathB agl ey Mr . Aaron, 2 10 Gi l esgateBagley Thos., carpet manu factu rer ;h . 2 10 Gi l esgate

B ainbridge Mr s. S ., 39 N th . Bailey

Bailes Michael, boo t maker ; h. 76C l aypath

Barnes Robt., superv i sor of exci se,N ew N orth road

B arnes Mr s. Jane, 23 Ha l l gar th st

B arnes Wm ., agen t, [ 9 Sou th st.Barry James, Esq., 32 C l aypath

B el l Mr s Jane, 195 Gi l esgateBel l coal v iewer, Findon C tge.Ben tham John , brewer y agent, 74N ew E lve t

Biggin s Georg e Farrow, at torney’sclerk,53 Sou th s t.

B l acket Jph ,, manager, gas works11 . 1 10 Framwellgate

Bl ackbu rn Mi ss Jane, 5 S th . B ai leyB l acket M r . C ., 1 10 FramwellgateB l akey Wm ., clerk stamp office , 46Sadler st. h . 52 Crossgate

Bonomi Agn atiu s, arch i tec t ; h . 6

N orth BaileyBooth John , E sq.

, Sherbu rn G r angeBooth Robt., head tu rnkey, gaol,Cou r t l aneB ou et Mons., Jph .,

S . V. F. teacher(Fren ch langu age) 27 O l d E lv e t

Bowlby Mr s . Sar ah , 14 O l d E lv e tB owlby Mi sses Mary St. C atherine,24 N orth B ai ley

Bramwell John, sol r., master extry.

i n Chancery, com sn r . for taking

ackn l edgm n ts . of married women,1 0 Mkt. pl . ; h .

'l l l Framwellgate

B r aysh ay Jane, lodgings, 12 L eaz es pl ace

B r i gn al Mr s . Ann , Nev ille st.B rooksbank J . Esq., 23 N orth Bl y.

Brown Mr s. Johannah , 105 Gi l esg t.Brown Mthw .,

chori ster, 99 G i l esg tB rown Thos. gen t., 2 Gi l esgateB rown Thos., chorister, 53 Cl aypathB u ddle Mr . Thos., 56 Hal l gar th st.B ungey Cap t. John , 56 Gi l esgateB ungey Thos. J ohn, railway stationmas ter

, G i l esg ate

Bu rlinson Mr . Wm ., 45 New E lv e t

i ronmonge r ; h.

Bu rl inson George, mi l lwr i gh t, 180Gi l esgate

Bu rrell Mi sses, P al ace green

Bu rrel l John , proctor, no tary publ ic, com sr ., for taking acknow“l edgm en ts of married women,m aster extr . i n Chancery, r egstr .to the pecu liar of Nor thal l er ton

sh ir e,depu ty regi strar to the Archdeacon of Nor thum ber l and , an d

r egi strar to the Archdeacon of

D u rham, 1 1 N orth Bail ey ; h .

Bow laneCal dc l eu gh Geo.,

68 New‘

E lv e tCal dc l eugh Jane, l odgings, 81 New

E lvetCal dc l eu gh John, i ronmonger h .

I Silv er s treetCal dc l eugh Wm .,

post master, an dhigh constable for Durham Ward,39 Silver stree t

Car tl ifi'Thos. lodgings, as O l d Elv e tChambers John , 1 12 Framwellg ateharl ton Mr s. Ann, 41 Sou th st .harl ton John

,cl erk

,Back lan e

Cartwright Rev. John ,M . A., minorcanon and preceptor, 46 Sou th s t. ,Chaytor Wm . Chas. Esq.

, registrarto the Dean and Chap ter,Clois

ters h . 1 2 Sou th Bai l eyChaytor Mi ss Ju li a, 43 N orth BaileyChild Mr . Wm .

, 133 G i l esga teCipl in g Mr s. Mary , 70 Gi l esgateClamp Thos., regi strar of births an ddeaths, for S t. O swal d di stri ct,marriages for the Uni ted di s tri c tof Du rham and L anchester


Sou th s t.C lark Wm ., w atchman, (Universi ty)5 1 N orth Bail eyClarke Mr s. El izabeth

,Qu een st.

Cli fton John, gent 59 O l d E lv e tColl ing Mi ss Eliz abeth, 39 Sadler st.Clayton Thos., union master, C r sg t.Co l pi tts Jas., coachman , N ev i l le st.Cory John A.

,archi tec t ; h. 48 O l d

E lv e tCo tter James Mc . Namora, excise

ofii cer , CrossgateCou lson Rd . sexton , (St. Giles’s)58 Gi l esg ateCou l son Mr . W i lliam , 43 Gi l esgateCandill Rev . John

,M . A. , in cum b t.

of St. Margaret’s,41 Nth. Bail ey


Hardinge Mr s. E .,9 O l d Elv et

H argreav es John George, sol r., bCrossgateH arle George, Esq.

, 173 G i l esgate

H arri son M i ss El iz . , 13 Chu rch st.H arri son Jas . pos tboy, 15 Ol d Elv e tH arri sonMr s. My. Jane

,56 C r ossg t.

H arri son Rober t,excise cfii cer , 71

Gi l esgate

H artl ey Wm .,v erger

, (Cathedral)35 Dun Cow l ane

H awley W . H . T . E sq.,assi stan t

poor l aw commissioner, M oun t

Oswa ld .

Hays Mi ss Ju di th , Qu een st.H el m er ow Mr s. Jane

,53 C rossgate

H enderson John , carpt. m fr . ; h .

L eazes hs.

H enderson Wm ., c arpet m fr . h

16 Sou th Bai leyH erb er t E.

, um b r l . rpr . 6 Mi l b u rn g t.H i l l Benj., chain maker , 8: in specto r of w eights and measu res

, 5

O l d Elv e tH ines Mi ss Eliz ., 4 Chu rch s t.H ogg Wm ., gentl eman , El v et Vi l l aH oggett R t., gen t, 2 ] I Gi l esgateH ogget t Thos., gent, 209 Gi l esgateH opton Abner, dep t. gov erno r goalCou r t l aneHorn Mr s . Doro thy, 20 O l d E lve tH ornsby Robt., yeoman , Back ln .

H ubb er thor n Mr s. Anne I sab ., 16CrossgateH u dson M r s. Marg t., 18 Chu rch St ;H u ghb ankMi ss Ellen , CrossgateH un ter Mr . Thos., 6 Saddler s t.H u tchinson Jas.

,cart owner, G ilesgate Moor

I rv in G eo ., straw hat m aker ; h . 6

Saddler st.Ingham Mr s. Sarah , N ew N orth rd .Jackson’ Ann

,hat m fr . ; h . 7 Mkt . pl

Jackson Ann , lo dgings, 39 Sou th st .Jackson M r s. E l eanor, 37 C l aypa thJackson Mr . James, 50 C l aypathJack son Mr s . Jane, 6 C rossgateJ acksonWm ., carri er ; h . 24Mkt. pl .Jackson Mark, hatter, 22 Fr amwel lgateJohnson Mi ss E liz . 27 N or th BaileyJohnson F. D . Esq.

,Aykl eyhead sJohnston Jas . F., professor of chem

i stry , 50 Cl aypathJopl ing t .,l odgs., 3 1 O l d Elve t

J oplin g Mr . Thos., 5 l H al l gar th s t.Kel l y Mr s. Mary,41 C rossgate

King Rev . Wm . C lark , Incumben tof S t.Mary-l a Bowes, 10 O l d Ev t .

Kinnear John , sweep , 38 Fr am w l g t.L adler Mr s. Margaret

,66 Saddler st

L aingMr . W i ll i am, O l d E lv e t

L ambert James,l ayv i car , 64 Gi l esg t

L iddle Joseph , poli ce super in tenden t, 36 O l d Elv etL i ster Mr s. Ann , 41 N ew E lv e tL i ster Mi ss Ann

, 65 Gi l esg ate

L i s terWm P rim . Meth . preach er,2 L eazes pl

L ov e Joseph,coal owner h . 1 67

G i l esgate

L owe Rev . John L owe , 43 Sou th st .L owes Mr . Geo ., 93 FramwellgateL u car Alex .,figu re maker scu lptor

,55 Saddler st.

Mc Ew en Daniel , supe r in tendentCoun ty P olice, 33 Chu rch st .Magi s tr isE l iz . , lodgings, 52 Sou th s tMaine Jas . , wool sorter, N ev ille st .Marshall Hy. John



m aster extraordin ary in chancery ; h . 48 C l aypath

Marshall John Edwin, so li ci tor h

24 FramwellgateMarshall Mr s. Mary, 48 C l aypathMartin Wm . James, chori ster, 12H al l gar th st.

Mason Sarah , l dgn g s., 31 Chu rch s t

Mat ti son John , clerk, 69 G i l esgateMaynard Thos. Chpr ., sol i ci tor andc oroner for Easington Ward ; h49 N orth Bailey

Meyn al l Mi ss H anh . , 33 O l d Elv e tMiddle ton Robt. Fras., sol ici tor ; h29 O l d E lv et

Mi l l b an ke L ady E liz ., 34 Ol d Elve tM iller M i ss Mary, Shin c l ifi'eMi tchel l Gregor Mc Greg or, cl erk,N orth road

Mi tch in son Mr s. L ou i sa, 56 Sou th s tMorgan Rev . L ewi s, M . A., chapl inUniversi tyMoor John

,v erger, (Cathedral), P al ace green

Mostyn Righ t ReV . Fras.,Catholic

Bishop , 19 O l d ElvetMu rray Wm .

, old bookselle r, andqu i l l dresser, 79 C l aypathN agg s George, gen t, 1 1 A l ergateN elson Mr s. Eliz ., 9 Gi l esgate



N ewcom b Wm .,j oiner

, 153 Gi l esg t.

Nor b u r n R t., excise ofii cer , Hall .gar th s tN ori e Geo ., l odgings , 52 Sou th stN orth Road Tower , the property ofW . L . Wharton Esq., N ew N . r d .

O v ington Anne, 1 52 G i l esgateO v ington Mr s. Eli z ., 1 94 Gi l esgateP arkin Ann , milliner ; h . 6 Sadler s tP atti son Mg t . , l odgs. 13 O l d E lv e tP axton Thomas, car town er , 9 Framwel l g ate

P earson Mr s. Ann,Shin c l ifi'e

P ear son Mr . Mchl ., 45 Hal l gar th st.P earse Richard, chief constable forthe Ci ty and Bor ough, 27 Mar

ket placeP eele Ed choris ter

,44 Hal l g th . st .

P eel e Hy.Anthy.,assi stan t ov erseer


H a l l g ar th s t.Peel e Wm . ,

clerk, 37 Sou th s tP eele Wm ., j un ., clerk, 38 Sou th st.Penson Rev . P eter, M.A.

, v i car of

S t. O swald s, Chu rch st .P everal l Geo., carri er ; h. 22 Mar

ket placeP i ckering Wm ., mason , 35 Sou th s t .P limmer Rachael , green grocer, 60New E lv e t

P orter James C., bank clerk, New

N orth roadP otts Mr s. Ann , 1 9 N ew E lvetP ra tt John , gen t., Mount O swal dCo ttageP rice Captn . John , R. N., Shin c l ifi'eHall

P rocter Wm .,animal and bird pre

server, Mu seumRaine Mr . Geo., 77 Gi l esgateRain e Rev . Jas ., M.A.

, rec tor St.Mary’s, Crook Hal lRamshaw G., cl erk goal , Cou r t laneRamshaw W i lli am , b ank agen t ; h .

Shepperd‘ s Co ttageReed Charles, librarian , an d newsroom keeper

,50 Saddler s t.

Robinson Mis se s Jane Isab ., Mg t.and C., 32 O l d El v e tRobinson Wm .

, uphol str ., N ev i l l st .Robinson R. P ole, porter, Gi l esgateRobson Mr . Geo ., Shin c l ifi'eRobson Jane,lodgings, 18 Al er gateRobson Rt., cabinet maker, &c. h .

62 O l d E l v etRobson \V.

,uphol sterer, 26 O l d E l v t


Row landson Samu el , Esq., depu tytreasu rer to Dean and Chap ter,N ew Ex chequ er CollegeRu th erford Mr s . An n , 175 Gi l esgate

Salt Geo ., gen t., 4 O l d Elv e tSalv in Gerard , Esq.,

Croxdale Hal lSalv in M . C . Esq., Bu rn H allSanderson Mi ss E liz ., 33 O l d Elve tSanglier Mr s. Sarah , N ew Nor th rd .Sewell Mi ss, 7 Chu rch s t.Seymou r Mi s s


Mary, 13 Gi l esgateShadforth Mi ss E sther

,13 Sou th

BaileyShadforth Mr s. H anh ., 6 L eazes pl .Shadforth L i eu t. General Hy,. 25N orth Bailey

Shafto Robt. Ingram, solr. ; h . 1 0

Chu rch st.Shields Mr s. Eleanor

,10 Sth .B ai l ey

Shipper d son Ed .,Esq.

,9 8 th . Bailey

S immonds Saml . , por ter, Castl eS impson Rev . Bolton , B .A.,



S impson Wm ., bill iard tab l e keeper,1 Sadler s t.

Sken e L ieu t. Andrew Mo ty, R . N .

Co ttage, E lv et Bri dgeSmith Mr s. Ann , 16 Gi l esgateSmi th John , chori ster , 17 Al ergateSmi th Mr s. L ou i sa, 6 Chu rch st.SmithMar g t., stay m kr 42 Sadler st.Smith M i ss Sophia, 67 Gi l esgateSmi th Wm .

,r ailway engineer, 68

Gi l esgate

Smu r thwai te Mr s. El iz ., 13 Al er gateSou thern Mr s . Mary

,22 N ew E lv e t

Sowerby Mr s . E l iz ., 19 1 G i l esgateSpedd in g New N th . rd .Spink Mr . John, Sideg ateStaypl ton H enry Esq.


Recorder of the C i ty of Du rham,20 N orth Bai ley

S tafford Mr s . Sarah, Gi l esgateStephenson Rev . Joseph,M.A., 28

N orth BaileyS tephenson Rebecca, l odgings , Ne

v i lle stree tS toker Rev . H enry, B .A., secondmaster grammar school, 14 Sou thB ail ey

Stoker Wm .,su rgeon , 50 O l d Elv e t

Stone Fracs . hat m fr ., h . 7 . Mkt. p l .

S tot t Mary,matron , B i shop ’s AlmsH ou ses, Qu een s t .

Stu art Mis s E liz .,7 Sou th Baile y


Stubbs Wm .,asst. draper, New N . r d

Summersi de Mi ss Jane, 6 1 Gi l esg t.Su therland Margare t, lodg ings, 33Ol d E lve t

Su th er st L awrence,Cou rt laneSwan Mr s. Ann

,106 Framwellgate

Tate James,porter, Gi l esgate

warder gaol,

Tayl or Henry, . gen t.,H ol l in side

CottageTennan t Wm ., carri er ’s agent, 96C l aypathThompson Rev. Franci s

,M .A .

, in

cumbent of St. Gi l es’

s,195 Giles

gateThompson H enry H unter, reporter,(Adv erti ser) 81 FramwellgateThompson Mr . John , 1 1 Chu r ch st.

Thompson John,s aw y er, N ev i ll e st .Thompson John,

c ab t. m kr . ; h . 1

H al l gar th s t.Thompson P eter, cart owner, 86C l aypath

Thompson Wm ., druggist h . 7 1

S adler s t.Thorp M i s s J ane, 26 N orth Bai leyThw ai tes Thos ., engin e bu i ld er2 M i llbu rn gateT indale Mr s . Mary, 16 O l d ElvetTiplady John

,solr. ; b . O l d E lve t

Tiplady R t., cu rri er, & c . ; h . P rov id ence r owTipl ady John soli ci tor, master ext r aor din ary in chancery , 81; Townc lerk, 44 N ew Bailey ; h . 38 O l d

E lv e tTr u eman W i ll iam

,dru ggi st ;

L eaz es plac eT r ustham Mr s. Ann , 52 CrossgateTu cker Rev . Joseph, (Me th .) 3 L eazes placeTu er Thos., clerk, 103 Fr amwel l g t .Usher Mr . Geo ., G i l esga te MoorVei tch Jane

,matron union , Cr ossgt.

W ai te Rev . J oph.,107 Framwellgate

W alton Mr . Geo ., 58 Framwellgat eW alker W illi am, rai lway gu ard, 68Gi l esg ate

W alker John,old bksl r Cou rt lane

Ward Mr . John, 1 1 H a l l gar th st.

b . 9


W ard John , sol r b .

54 O l d El ve tWard W illi am , coach proprieto r,Sprin gwell Cott age

Wardell John , gen t., CrossgateW arnell Wm . Hy., cook , S. Bai leyWatson John , clerk, New North rd .Weldon Mi ss Elean or

, 65 Gi l esgateWest Mr . Robt 23 Sou th st.Wether al l Jph ., clerk to the assi stan t poor l aw commissioner

, 10

N ew Bu ildings, H a l l gar th s t.Wetherell Chas ., attorney’s clerk,28 Gi l esga te

Wemyss Maj or James, chief constable county poli ce, 22 N th. Bai ley

Wharton Francis, ban k clerk, 8

CrossgateWharton Mr . Thos 3 Chu rch st .

Wharton W. L . Esq., Dryb u rn

Wheatley 5: Cc .,iron merchants


N ew North road, Geo. Speddin g ,agentWheler Rev . Chas . G .

, ehapl in gao l ,29 O l d E l ve t

Whi te Jas . , gen t., 48 Crossgat eWhi te Mr . Geo ., 7 CrossgateWhi te John , travel . tea deal er, 174Gi l eSg ate

Whi te 'I'. share broker , 1} N . roadWhi te Mr . Wm .,

59 Gi l esgate

Whi tley Rev . Chas . Thos38 N orth Bail'ey

Wheldon J ohn , gent., 47 Sou th s t.W i lkin son A.

,Esq. , 5 1 O l d E lv e t

W i lkin son Mr . Jph ., 24H al l gar th s t.

Wi lkin son Mary, grocer ; h . 8 Si l

v er streetW i lkin s on Thos Esq.,

52 O l dElv etW est Jas. A. Esq. W este rn L odgeWi l l iams Mis s P hi llis, 19 Fr am well =gate p l aceW i lson Mr s. Ann , 2 Sou th BaileyWin ter Mr .Wm 136 Gi l esgate

Wood Mr . Wm . , 26 Framwellg ateWood ifie l d Math . Esq ., l S . BaileyWoodroo f Jonathan, groom, 34 DunsCow l ane

Worthy J. cab t. m kr h . 29 Sou th stYoung Mr s . J ane, 1 S ilv er stYoung Robert, cl erk, Cou rt lan e


Thompson Richard,76 Sadler stree t,h . 22 O l d E lv et

W ard John, 8c depu ty pro thono taryof the cou rt of P l eas at Durham ,

Exchequ er, P alace green ; h . 8

N ew Elve tWard Gran v i ll e,44 Sadler stree t ; h .

199 Gi l esgate

Ward 8: S tory, 8: masters extrac tdin ary in Chancery, 44 Sadler s t

Wi lkinson John , 1 Qu een street ; h .

O swald hou seWooler Wm . Emerson, master extr aor d in ary i n Chancery, 3 NorthBai l ey

A u c t ion eer s an d Appr ai ser s.

Ell iot t John Wm ., P aradi se l ane

P al ey Thomas, 45 C l aypathSu therland Robert

, and County inspector of stamps and taxes, 2 1S i lv er st ; h . 48 So u th s t

W alker George, 56 O l d E lve t

W etherel l W i lliam , 20 New Elv etWhi te W i l l iam

, 1 1 New E lvet ; h.

Swiss C ottageBaker s an d F l ou r Deal er s.

B rown Robert, 6 1 CrossgateFenwi ck George, 66 N ew Elv etFoster Wi lliam, 154 Gi l esgate

H edley James, 42 New E lve tL i ster John

,6 O l d E lvet

L on gstafi'Isab ., 64 C l aypathL on g stafi'Wm . Abhm ., 28 C l aypath

M i lner Eliz Framwellgate BridgeMi lner George, 35 S i lv er stRi cker by John , 56 New E lv etS haw James, 32 FramwellgateWall ace John , 89 C l aypathWel l s John

,34 Gi l esgate

Bank s.

Backhou se Jonathan 85 Cc ., 6 Mkt.place

, (draw on Barcl ay, Bevan8c John Alli son , manager

N ewcastle , Shields and SunderlandJoint Stock, 1 1 E lv e t Edg ., (drawon Barne tt

, Hoare 8: Wm

Ramshaw , agen tNor thum ber l an d Du rham D is

t r i ct Bank, 39 Sadleron Glyn 8: P erci v al For sterm anager

Bookb in d er s .

Brown Foster, 32 Chu rch st.Hopper George, l 0 Sou th s t.H u tton Thomas, 52 Sadler st.

North of England Joint Stock Banking Co . 45 Sadler st., (draw o nL ondon and W estminster), S i lasAngas

,agen t

Sav ings Bank, Town H all, 27 Mar

ket pi ., open ev ery Satu rday aftern oon , from 2 til l 3 , Perciv al Forster, Actu ary

Ba ske t M ak er s .

Dobson Thos., 82 C l aypathMaddi son Edw., 22 C l aypath

Marshall Wm . S ., 29 Market pl.

Bl ack sm ifl mS .

Adamson Wm . , 94 E lv et BridgeBam l et John , 1 1 Gi lesg ateBell Thomas, Shin c l i fl’


Campbel l Wm ., 63 Framwel lgateDodds Rober t, Cour t l an eFrench Wm . , Sh incliffeMohun John , 9 1 5 h . 3 1 C l ay path

Richardson J ames, 20 C l aypath

Book sel l er s, S t at ion er s, sac .

Marked ar e B inder s‘

a lso.

Ainsley Wm ., l Sadler st .*Andrews Geo., 8; mu si c sel ler, 64Sadler s tCoward Geo .

,58 Cl aypath

* P roc tor George , 8 Market pl.*Vei tch John H . , 5 Market plSpink Jane, 93 E lv et BridgeWalker Geo ., ju n .

, 46 S adler st.Robson Mg t., (B ible Trac t Depot)9 El vet Bridge

Su therland Rebecca, 2 1 Si lver st.Boot Sh oe M ak er s .

Marked ar e C l og 6‘ P atten

m akers a l soAnderson Geo .

, 14 Elv et B ridgeAtkinson John , 166 Gi l esg ateAtkinson Thomas , -Shin c l ifi'eAtkinson Wm ., 45 Gi l esgate

Bai les Geo . So n , 29 Sad ler s t.Blagdon Wm . , 13 Framwel lgateBland John

, 109 G i l esgate

Boyd Georg e, 50 Nor th Bai l ey


Brown Wm 42 Hal l ga r th s t. *Malcolm T. 8: W . A . 10 El v et BdgBrown Wm .,58 Cro ssgate Wortley John , 23 Cl aypathEu—l m

er John , Gi l esg a teC ai rns Thos., 3 Mi l l bu rn g ateCh'ambers Jam es, 2 C l aypathDouglass James, Shincl i ffeEales Matthew , 32 Gi l esgate

E thering to n Thos ., 47 N ew Elv etGreathead Geo ., 78 Framwellga teG u i re Jane , 42 FramwellgateH a ll Rd ., Framw ellgate MoorHall Thos ., 204 Gi l esgateHarri son Robert, 12 North roadH enderson Si lv er s t.H eppell G eo ., 20 Elv et B ridg e B r i ck l ayer s .

H i ckson Thos., 3 O l d E l ve t 566 S tone Masons.

H indWm ., 75 C l aypath

Hope G eorge,6 1 Crossgate


Bu i l d er s .

Hou s ton Wm ., G i l esgate Moor as See Stone rWasons.

Hut chinson Wm . 8L G.,78 Sadler st.

L ascel s Wm .

,44 C rossgate

L owe L awrence , 6 Sou th stMariner Robert, 12 C l aypathMathe r James, 82 Gi le sg a teMoody Richard, 27 C l aypathO swald Chas. 8c Cu mmins Fras ., 66S i lver s t. ; hs . C rossgate

O swald Rober t, 10 N ew Elvet ; hGi l esgate MoorRi ppon Joseph , 40 Sou th st.Robson John , 64 Sou th s t.Robson Wm .

,14 S i lv er st .

Sewel l Mi ch ael , 37 New Elve tSmith Ralph , 12 1 Framwellgate*Thompson John , 30 C l aypathThwai tes Richard, 27 N ew Elv et* l Vai l es Geor ge, c t. , 1 Si l ver s t.W au gh Thos . , Framwellgate MoorWau gh Thom as , Shin c l i fl'eW ears John , Darlington roadWell ands Ann , 33 Sadler s t.Wi ll s Thos.

, 172 Gi l esgate

Wi l son John S . ,96 Framwellgate

W ortl ey Geo rge, G i l esgateWrigh t George

,New North road

Br ai z er s T in P l a t e e r s

Marked ar e Gas Fi tters a lso.

B iggin s Chas ., 12 Si lv er stCal dc l eugh 6: Son , 1 Si lv er stCummins Jas.

,5 1 G i l esgate

Deanham Geo . , 127 Mi l bu rn gate C ab in et M ak er s .

Gleason Geo ., 78 C l aypath Atkinson John N . 20 Gi l esgateI lder ton Charles, 62 New Elvet Brass Charles

,122 Mi l lb u r n gate

B r ew er s .

Beckwi th Emmerson , 1 19 Frm wl g t.Du rham B rewery Cc ., 74 N ew El

v et,John B entham manager

Forster Jane , 60 New Elv etJackson Water lane ; h .

25 Hal l g ar th s t.Peacock Jph . Son ., 80 Gi l esga te

Shafto Edw. 8: Cc .

,84 N ew E l vet

Vei tch J . H ., 5 Marke t pl.

Bu t ch er s.

Bell G eorge, 79 Sadler s t. h . P ara

di se lan eB l en ki n sop Thomas , 1 12 Gi l esgateCow an s Mi chael

,70 Sadler st

Cowans Mi chael , j un ., 6 S i lv er s tCowle George, 23, h . 74 C l aypathCromwel l Wm .

,3 New E lv et

Dixon G eo. Clark, 75 Sad ler s tDixon Robt., 80 Sad l er st. h . 29

Market placeDix on W m .

, I3 Framw el lgateFrench Robt., Shincli ffeHardman N athani el

, 2 15 Gi l eSgateHarri son Henry,36 New E lv et

Hickson Cph r ., H a l l gar th s tHowe Geo ., 1 New Elv etL owe John

,Sh in c l ifl


Metcal f Thomas, 42 New Elve tMonkhou se Sm l ., 1 Mi l b u rn gateMowbray John , FramwellgateMoorOl i ver John , New E lve t ; h . 14

Ha l l gar th stPhillips John , 130 Mi l l bu rn gateh . 43 C rossgatePhillip s Mary, 23 Market pl aceRobinson Wm .

, Gi l esga te MoorRollin Wi ll i am

, 70 Gi l esgate

Sum m erbe l l Geo 3 C l aypathYoung John,54 C l aypathYoung Robert, 3 ] C l aypath


B rammer George Ogi lvi e W il liam74 New E lv e t ; hs. Chapel passage

,O l d Elv e t

B u rdon G eorge, 13 C l aypathCl ark 85 Robson , 62 O l d E lvetE lder James , 53 New El v etO nei l Thomas, 34 S ilv er stree tP eele Thomas, 7 1 N ew Elv etRobinson Ralph , 85 New Elv e tS ewell John , 23 New Elv etShadfor th Wm .,

9 S il v er stSmith John , 4, an d h . New Bu i ldings

,Hal l gar th stThompson Matthew,

7 S i lver st . h .

New North roadThompson Wm . Hall, 9 New E lv et,h . Sadler s tThompson Worthy , 34 Chu rch stW estgarth Thomas, 57 Cl aypath

Car pet M an u fac tu r er s.

H enderson 8. Cc ., Back lane

C ar v er s an d G i l der s .

P eele Thomas, 7 1 New E lv etRu shworth Timothy, 47, h . 56 Sad

l er st .C h em i st s D r u ggi sts .

Marked are Gr ocer s a lso

*Benson John , 5 N ew E lv et*Br ayshay

James,10 Market pl .

Bu rdon John , 14 C l aypath ; h . 220

Gi l esgateHarper Jas .,5 Sadler st.

*J er r em s J ohn , 2 Sou th st.L ei ghton John , 1 2 E lv e t Bridge‘ Robson G eorge , 4 Sadler st .Scaw in James , 19 Market pl .Tru eman Thompson

,7 1 Sadler st

W ebster Wm .,Market place ; h . 10

G i l esgate

Ch eesem on ger s an d. Bacon

F ac t or s.

Galloway G eorge B ell , Fr am wel lgate bridge

H edley Mary Ann 85 El i z .,106 C l ay

pathH i ll Benj amin , 88 Elv e t BridgeRait t John

,77 Saddler st .

Shafto W illi am ,6 King s t

S teele Jane 8: Cc .,100 C l aypath


C ooper s.

Bray John, 61 CrossgateGr i ev eson Wm .

,4 Gi l esg a te

Herring Gc orge , 17 Si lv er stMarshall Wm . S . , (and riddle an dsi ev e maker,) 29 Mar ke t placeWright Mar y, 23 S i lv er st

Blagdon John , 4 Cl aypath .

C l oth es Br ok er s .

H arper Archibald , 87 C l aypathMc N amara Robert, 34 C l aypathMariner Robert, 1 2 C l aypath

C oach Bu i l d er s .

Carnes John , 80 N ew E lvetHodgson John, 34New E lv et

C oal Ow n er s

Bell , B ackhou se Cc .,Shi n cl ifi'e

Coll i eryCraw ford Thos ., E lv et Coll i eryNorthern Coal Mining Co.


wel l gate Moor C oll i ery, ThomasHun ter, agentThwai tes Dixon , Kepi er C ol l ieryC on fec t i on er s F r u i ter ers.Ackroyd Rob t. G., 29 N orthBai ley

Bainbridge Geo 80 Framwel lg ateBl and Jane , 23 E lv et bridgeCairn s Thomas, 3 Mi l l b u r n gateClarke J ane , 34 Sadler stHodgson Wm ., 60 Sadler stJohnson Mary , 3 Sou th stMilner E liz ., Fr am wel l gate bridgeMi lner G eorge , 35 S i lv er stMu rray Wm .,

8 H al l gar th st

Reece Eaven , 40 Gi l esgateSmi th John , 32 Si lv er stSpink John , 3 1 Silver stS teele Jane 8c Co.

,100 Cl aypath

C or n M i l l er s an d Fl eu r

Dea l er s .

Blakey Andrew D .,New Du rham

Galloway G . B. Framwellgate bdge .

Gibson Thos ., Kepi er Mi l lL ov e Joseph , Shin c l ifi‘eRobson John

,N ew N orth road,

Market P l ac eMi l ls


Macknight Eliz ., 72 Sadler s t. Finch Willi am ,New Du rh am

Mackn i gh t Jas. Son ,69 Sadler st. Ron tr ee John, 19 Crossgate

F l ou r Dea l er s Sh opk eeper s . Gam e D ea l er s .

Ainsley El e anor, 22 S ilv er st. C larke Jane, 34 S adler st.

Bal m b orou gh-R t.

, 30 Framwellgate Hodgson George, 73 Sadler st.B lackbu rn Jane

,Gi l esgate Moor Macknight James, 68 Sadler st.

B rown Thomas, Sh in c l ifl'eB rown Wm 42 H al l gar th st.Bu rn Wm ., 7 Mi l l bu r n gateCherry Obadi ah , 2 CrossgateCarr George

, 94 FramwellgateClark Wm .,1 King st .

C oates Ralph C., 6 Ha l l gar th st.Corn forth Geo ., 13 1 Mi l l b u r n gate

C r ossl in g J. Walker,29 N ew Elv e t

C row e Wm ., 36 C l aypath

Dunning Ann,2 17 Gi l esgate

Fenwi ck Ann, 1 H al l gar th st.Gray John , Framwellgate Moor

H arbo ttle El izabeth , 46 N ew E lv etH erbert Joseph

,58 Ol d E lv e t

H eron S tephen , 36 CrossgateH eslop Jane

,Framwellgate moor

H odgson Thomas,Sh in c l ifl


H olbu rn James,65 N ew E lv e t

L aykin W il li am , Gi l esgate moorL ewins John

, Framwel lgate moorL i ddle Thomas

, 8 Fr am wel l gate Gl ass, Ch in a , Ear thenw ar e

Maddison W i lli am, 3 1 N ew Elvet D ea l er s.

Mowbray Thomas, Gi l esgate H opper Mark, 2 2 El v et bridge

Og l eby James , 93 Gi l esgate Malcolm T . 5; W . A.,

E lve t bdgO l iv er John , 7 1 FramwellgateO liv er Mary

,41 Framwellgate

Ron tr ee John, 19 Crossgate

Shafto W i lliam,6 King st.

Smith John,16 N ew E lv et

Smi th Robert, Shin c l iffeThompson Mary, 47 CrossgateThorp Isaac, 84 FramwellgateToward James

,H a l l gar th st.

Vasey Ann, Framwellgate moor

W allace Robert, 106 Gi l esgateW ells John, 34 G i l esg a teW inter John, 13Hal l gar th st.

F r u i t er er s Gr een Gr oc er s .

Gettin s W i lli am , 33 C l aypath

H obkirk Joseph, 25 Gi l esg ateL ar gey Thomas, 2 1 C l aypathMacknight James, 68 Saddler s t.Robinson Jane

,18 Marke t place

Fu r n i tu r e Br ok er s .

Burdon George, 13 Cl aypath

Gar d en er s N r sr y. S eedsm n .

B ray John , 1 2 New N orth roadDawson Anthony, Sh i n c l ifi'eAnderson James

,52 Sou th s t .

Hancock John 8: Son , 2 18 Gi l esg t.

Herbert John , 2 1 Sou th s t.H erbert W i lli am ,

1 Al er gateHorsley Job, N ew North rd.

Hu tton George, Shin c l ifi'eL aycock Thomas . New N orth rd.Mau ghan El iz . Gi l esgate moorRidl ey George H ., Chu rch st.Robinson Jonathan , o l d Du rhamScott Rober t, L eaz es laneShankley J ohn , Sh in c l ifi'eS ime John , P aradise l aneS toddart John , Sou th s t.Thompson John

,Margery lane

Thorp Isaac,84 Fr amwel l gate

G l over s.

Barron H annah , Gi l esga te moorNoddal Thomas, 6 New Elv e t

Gr ocer s T ea Dea l er s .

Bl ackett Wm . 78 New Elv etland Jane ; 23 E lvet bridgel en kin son Thomas, Gi l esgate moor

Booth Su sanna, l Sadler s tree tChapman John Brewster, 16Marketplace ; h . 65 C l aypathCooke Robert, 108 Ma rket place

Dawson Joseph , 54 Gi l esgateFenw ick H enry, 2 1 E lv et bridgeFer en s J . 85 R. 83 84 C l aypath

Fow ler James, 88 C l aypathGallow ay G . B ell , Fr am wel l g t. bdgHall Will i am ,

1 03 C l aypath

H edley Mar y An n dc E lizabeth, 106C l aypath

H i l l B enj amin , 88 Elv e t bridgeH olmes Joseph,19 Elv et bridge


L igh tfoo t Will i am , 63 Gi l esgate

L on gstafi'Wm . Abra.,28 C l aypth.

Macknight Eliz abeth, 72 Sadler stMaddi son Robert, 201 Gi l esgateMa crs John Al len, N ew D u rhamP eacock J oseph 8: Son ,

80 Gi l esg tReece Eav en , 40 Gi l esgateRobson 8: Cc .,3 Sadler street

Shal l J ames, 2 l Market placeShields John , 12 8c 13 Market placeS teel e Jane Co . , 100 C l aypathThompson Henry, 5 Sou th stree tThwai tes Thomas, 2 Mi l l bu r n gateW allace Jane , 99 C l aypathWan stal l Henry 85 Co . 76 Sadler s tWharton John , 1 Chu rch streetW i lkin son Geo . Co . 8 S il ver st . h .

22 1 Gi l esgate

Gu n M ak er s .

B ooth Robert, 35 Sadler stree tTeasdal e Joseph, 20 Si lver stree t ; h .

FramwellgateH a i r D r esser s P er fum er s.

Marked ar e P erfum em .

*Brewster J ohn , 51 Sadler stree t*Broadley Willi am, 43 Sadler s tBu ston Thomas, 4 New E lvetBu ston Thos. j unr. 64 New E lv etCastel ow E sther, 1 C l aypathFewster P hilip, 24 Elv et bridgeForster Thomas, 34 C l aypathGray James

,and inv en tor of a r es

tor ativ e for the hair, 185 Gi l esg tH all P eter , 92 C l aypathH erbert Robert, 37 S i lv er stree tL i ttl efai r Franci s, 62 Crossgate*Robson W i lli am ,

7 S i l v er str ee tStephenson J . B land , 30 Sadler stWalker Franci s, 57 New El vetH a r d an d Sm al l w a r e Deal er s .

Day Edward, 5 S ilver streetFinch W il l i am , New Du rhamMooreMary,Birmingham,

Sheffield,and L ondon wholesale an d retailw arehouse , 43 h . 73 C l aypath


Nei l l Thomas, 2 Si lv er s treetH at t er s.

Broadl eyW i lli am , 43 Sadler stree tGr i ev eson Matthew ,

125 Mi l l bu r n g tJ ackson St S tone, 7 Market pl aceN icholson Thomas

,96 Fr amwel l gt


0 rd John , 28 Sil ver s tree tWaddingham E . 8: Co . 18 E lv et bdgH osi er s , H ab er d ash er s, & c .

Atkinson Martha, 62 Cl aypath

El l io t t Eliz abeth, 93 C l aypathKear ton John , 26 C l aypathShields John , 12 Market placeTorr L awrence, 16 Elvet bridge ; h .

47 C l aypath

H otel s , In n s , T aver n s.

Angel , Wm . Scrafton, 39 CrossgateAngel,James Smi th

,107 C l aypathArti choke , Mary Sou thern

,10 ]

FramwellgateBay Horse, George Bam l et, W estSherbu rn

Bee Hiv e, Ralph S tobb ar t, 9 C laypathBl ack Boy, George Wi kin son ,Moorhou sesBlack Horse, John Win ter, 59 NewE lv et

Bl ack L i on, J. Morrow,38 S l v r . st.

B l ack Swan , Geo . Brown , 92 C l pth .

Boar d, Jon . Robinson , O l d Du rhamBoard ,Thos . L aycock, New N . roadBoard,Math . Mcu rs , N ew D u rhamBoard

, 104 C l aypth .

Bo ard, Geo l Hu tchinson , 3 Sou th s tBoa rd , John Addison , Gi l esg t MoorBoard,Wm . Usher

, Gi l esgate MoorB owes Arms

,Matthew Thornton


Marke t placeBowes Arms, Franci s Bu rrell 3 ]CrossgateBri tannia, An n Usher, 85 Gi l esgateBu ck ,


m . W i lson , 90 Fr am we l l g t.Bu ffalo ’s H ead, W i lliam Marshall,59 Sadler st

Bu l l Dog , Ann Renney, 39 G i lesgateC ity Tav ern , J . H . Vei tch , 5 Mkt. pl .Coach Horses, Gerard H ickson ,14 Chu rch stCommerce Hou se, l Vi l l iam N elson ,41 Sadler s tCock

,Wm . O l iv er

,12 N ew Elv e t

Cordwainer’s Arms, Jas. Mather, 82Gi l esgateCrown, Wm . Gray, 37 O l d Elve tCrown 85 Thistle, John Ell io t t, 17 1Gi l esgate


Duke of York, Christopher Bly th63 C l aypath

D un Cow, Jas. Reynolds, Gi l esgateMoor

Du rham Ox , Ri chd . Dun gate, Fairwel l Hall

E l m Tree, Jane Talbo t, 1 2 Cr ossg t.Fighting Cocks, John Robson, 3Sou th st

Fleece. Geo . Cummings, 7 Silv er stFou r Alls , Rd . Fort, 96 Gi l esgateFox and P artridg e, Matthew Eales32 Gi l esgate

Freemason ’s Arms,Wm .W ilkinson5 1 N ew E lv e tGeorge St. Dragon , Isabella H opper,N ew Du rhamGoat, John L on gstafi', 30 S i lv er st.G oat

,E liz . Cummins , 24 Marke t pl .

Granby Inn , John L ewins, Framwe l l gate MoorGrand Junction, John Moore, 44G i l esgateGrapes

, Cphr . Jamison , 16 C l aypathGreen Tree, Hornby H amil ton, 25Market placeG reyhound, Jno . Jennings, 95 ClaypathGreyhou nd , John P ennington, 64

H a l l gar th st.Gri ffin ,Wm . Farmery, 1 Mkt. pl .HalfMoon Commerci al In n ,Wm

P e tch, 86 New Elv e tHare and Hounds, John Gowland54 New Elvet

Hat an d Feather, Judi th Brown, 3Market place

H ats o f Gold,John Grainger, 2 1

C hu rch stH aunch of Veni son

,Ellen Ferguson , 29 Si lv er s t

Hope 8: Anchor, Wm . Borrowdale8 C l aypath

H orns, Jane Cowans , 1 28Millbu rngateH ole in the W all , Sarah Br ewi s, 19Silv er s t.Joiner’s Arms, W i l liam Dunn , 53Gi l esgateJoiner’s Arms, Thomas Jackson10 Hal l g ar th st.

J olly Bu tcher, Catherine VVor tl ev2 2 Marke t pl acel olly Bu tcher, John L i ddle, Framwel l g ate moor




Jolly W aggoner,John Brotherton,

9 Sou th stKing’s Arms In n

,Rober t Tu art,

105 C l aypathKing’s H cad,Jno.H u tton , Sh in c l ifl


L ondonderry Arms,John Kidd


Gi l esgate MoorMal tsm an

, Rd. P almer, 29 Cl aypathMason ’s Arms

,Thomas Watson


C l aypath

Mason ’s Arms, Thomas Robinson,Shi n c l ifi'e

Mi ll Inn,Charles Brass, 1 22 Mi l l

b u r n gate

Nag’s Head , El iz abeth B lakey, 205Gi l esgate

N ew cas tle Arms, I sabella H olbu rn ,73 N ew E lv e t

N ewcastle Hou se, Thomas Holbu rn,C l aypath

New Inn,George H u tton Ridley ,

Chu rch s tN orth o f Engl and Railway Hote l ,Thomas D arling, 6 C l aypathOak Tree

,John Dunn

,Sh in c l ifl


Orange Tree,Anthony Dawson


Sh in c l ifieP in e Apple , Jonathan Robinson,O l d Du rhamQu een ’s Head

,Wm . L edger, Fram

we l l g ate moorP uncheon , John Colpi tts,Fr amwe l l



gate bridgeQu een ’s Head, John Don n ahey,Gi l esgate moorRaby Castle

,James Theakston , 83

N ew Elve tRailway Coach , Jan e Brown , Gilesgate moorRailway Tav ern ,

Wi ll i am Atkinson,45 G i l esgateRailway Tav ern

,N icholas Johnson ,

G i l esgate moorRai lway Tav ern, Thomas Ross,Sh in c l ifi'eRailway Taver n ,John Tewar t,WestSherbur n

Red L i on Inn , (New)Wm . H erring,18 Si l v er stRed L ion, (Ol d) Wi ll i am H all, 26S i lv er s tRed I.ion ,Wi l l iam Wheatl ey, Shincli ffsRising Sun

,lVi l l iam L isgo, N ew

Du rham


Thompson Thos . Chu rch st. ; h . 45

N orth Bail eyTweedie Wm .

, G olden L i on yd . hGrapes laneWebster John , 35 C l aypathL an d A gen t s Su r veyor s .

Dav i son Thomas, and agent to theD ean Chapter, and the Bishopof Du rham , 7 N orth Bailey

Forster P erciv al Son , Exchequ erP alace greenTu rn er John, scu r. 46 Cl aypathTu rner John , jun . 39 N ew Elv e tW all George Young, Qu een st.Wri ghtson Rober t, 40 Crossgate

L ib r a r i es.

H agen Jane , 48 Sadler st.Mechan ics, 29 Mkt . P l ace, J . Farrow

an d J . Usher, L ibrari an sS ubscr iption , Qu een st. Chas. Reed,L ibrarian

L in en M an u fac tu r er s

H owe Isabella 8: Sons 54H al l g th . st

L in en W ool l en D r aper s,S i lkMer cer s do.

Cooke Robert,108 Market place

D ixon Rd . 65 Sadler st. ; h . 2 19

Gi l esg ate

Forens J . J . 85 R. 83 8c 84 Cl aypath

H olmes Thos . Rt. 4 Market placeQMarley Willi am, 29 Si l v er s tM artyn Charl es, 25 C l aypathRaine Thomas, 10 1 C l aypathShi elds John , 12 8c 13 Market placeWaddingham Edward 8: Co.

,18 E 1

v et bridge

L iver y S tab l e K eeper s , an d

H or se Gi g L et ter s .

B rown Ju di th , 3 Marke t placeC r ossl in g John W.

,29 N ew E lv et

Emmer son George , 17 Market placeFinley Cph r .

,ct. 66 Saddler s t

P etch Will i am ,86 N ew E lv e t

Thwai tes John , 6 1 Ol d E lvetTu ar t Robert, 105 C l aypathVi ’akcm an John, Cou rt laneW ard Elizabeth , 60 O l d E lv e tWard Wi ll iam

,Marke t pl ace

M u star d M an u fac tu r er .

Ainsley Eleanor, 22 Si lver s tr eet

M ar in e S tor e Deal e r s.

Bateman Margare t, Elv e t bridgeEmerson Matthew C ., 28 Markt. pl .Scarth G eorge, 17 Gi l esgate

M a l t ster s .

Beckw i th E .,1 19 Framw el l gate

Dennison Wm . E ., 49 Cro ssgateD u rham B rewery Cc .,

74New Elv e tMaine Mary dz Co .

, 30 Cl aypath

P eacock Joseph 8L Son , 80 Gi l esg t.

Shafto Edward 8: Cc ., 84 New E lve tM i l l in er s an d D r ess M aker s .

Adamson Jane , 65 C l aypathAlder son Eliz abe th, 2 N orth BaileyBr ayshay Ann , 89 El vet BridgeBrown Jane L ou i sa, 105 Gi l esgateBu rlinson Jane 8c Fran ces, 180

Gi l esgateChapman E l izabeth , 6 New E lve tCocki l l El iz abeth , 72 C l aypathCooper C atharine, Oswald c t.Dav i son Margaret, 8 O l d E lve tDon n ison Isabella, Cou rt l aneEllio tt Eliz abeth , 93 C l aypathFeaton b yr Eliz ., 38 Sadler s tGo ldie An ne, 17 Ol d Elv etHare Ann

,72 Cl aypath

H el m erow Margare t, 53 CrossgateHopper Mari a, 9 1 Elve t B ridgeMa l l abar Elizabeth , 29 G i l esgateMariner Martha, 12 C l aypathMi ddleton Jane Eliz ., 10 El vet bdge.P arkin 85 Co.,

6 Sadler stRobson Margare t , 9 Elv e t BridgeSp ink L ou isa, S ideg ateSmith Mary Ann and Jane , 13 New

El v etTolbat Elizabeth , 12 CrossgateTorr L awrence, E lvet b dg ; h. 47

C l aypath

W i lli s E leanor, 75 Gi l esg ate

M u sic T each er s .

Ashton Charles 2 14 Gi l esgateHenshawWm ., (and orga nist Cathedral ) 13 Bow laneTaylor George , 57 Gi l esga teWetherel l An thony , New N orth rd .

We therell Henry , (and dancing) 40N orth Bailey


Nai l M an u fact u r er s.

Al l en John , 51 FramwellgateBoyd John , jun . 9 1 C l aypath

Br id i ck Joseph, 10 E lv e t bridgeO l iv er John

, 2 Market placeThorp Thomas, Elv e t bdg . h . Framwel l gate

Wou l dha ve John, 69 Cl aypathN ew spaper s.

Du rham Chroni cal, (Frid ay,) JohnHardinge Veitch , 5 Market placeD urham County Adv er tiz er, (Frid ay)Franci s Hom b l e 8: Son , 47 Sad

d l er street ;'

h . 42 CrossgateN ew s R oom s .

Subscripti on , 12 Elvet bridge, Mr .

John Forster, secretaryS ubscrip ti on , Qu een s treet, CharlesRead


P a i n ter s,G i l d er s, G l az i er s .

Best James, 3 H a l l gar th streetG rey John, 1 1 Si l ver stree t ; h . Ol d

Elve tDou glas H enry, 106 Cl aypath ; h .

86 Fr am wel l gate

Farrow John , O swald cou r tHodgson Wi lli am , 35 Cl aypath ; h .

Chu rch stree tH opper Mark, 22 Elvet bridgeJohnson George

,13 N ew Elv e t

Meggeson Tu rner, 37 Sadler streetRimington Rich ard , 52 C l aypathSmu rthwai te Thomas , 2 1 Si l v er s tThompson Ridley, E lv e t bdg . endh . 77 New E lvet

W ood John , Framwellgate bridgeYoung James, 49 New E lve tP aw n b r ok er s .

B ou thwai te Anthony, 10 Al er gateRaine Wi lliam,6 Gi l esgate

P hysi c i an s

Fenwi ck J ohn Ral ph, 19 NorthBaileyTrotter John, 53 Ol d Elv e tWatkin Thomas, 44 Ol d E lv et

P l a ster er s.

C oxon George,and scu lp tor

, New

N orth roadRobson Robert

, Back lane

P or ter M er ch an t s.

Cal dc l ou gh George, 17 New Elve tP eacock Joseph 8: Son , 80 Gi l esg tRobson James , 19 C l aypathShafto Edward 81. C c .

,84New E lvet

P r in ter s , (L et ter pr ess. )

Ainsley W i lli am , 1 Sadler s tree tP roctor George, 8 Market pl aceVei tch John H . 5 Marke t pl aceWalke r George

, j un . 85 copper plate,46 Sadd l er s treet

R eg i ster O ffices for Ser van t s.Brewster John, 51 Sadler s t.Ci ty 85 County

,Mr s. Rebecca Su th

erland, 2 1 Si l ver s t.

S ad d l er s H ar n ess M ak er s .

Ayre John , 7 C l aypa thHun ter Thos., 6 1 Sadl er st.Johnson Wm . Vasey, 2 N ew E lve tS todar t John , 146 Gi l esgateScawin Thomas, 20 Marke t pl . ; 11 .New N orth road

Sh er i ff’s Ofii c er s .

Ell iott John Wm . , P aradise l an eSu therland R t., 2 1 Si lver st.

P l um b er s .fif arked ar e Gasfitters a lso.

Dickinson Thomas, 12 Silver street ;h . N ew N orth road*Heron Emmerson

, 24 Cl aypath

L aid l er Ralph, El v et bridge end ; h.Cou r t lane“Newby Chri stopher, 36 Queen st. ;h . 3 6 Duncow lane

R opeM ak er s.

Al l an John, 5 1 Framwel l ga teDouglass G eorge, 85 dealer in ol diron , m t l . brass, rop e, 8cc .

,Chu rch

stree tDouglass Joseph, Sou th st .Dougl ass Wm . 8c Thos.

,14 Sou th s

Ebdy Charles, G i l esgate MoorEbdy Edmund,Gi l esgateMoorEddy John , Back of G i l esgateGraham Joseph , 19 C l aypathHopper Geo ., j un 1 2 Sou th s t.Robson Thos., c t. 24 C l aypath


S l ater s .

D ixon Maj or,N ew N orth road

Kel l ettEm an u el , 24 Gi l esgateRu l e Roger,176 Gi l esgate

S tock an d Sh ar e B r ok er s .

Robson 8c Whi te, 25 Si lv er s t.Su therland Robert

, 2 1 Si lv er st.S ton e M ason s an d Br i ck l yr s .

Bl akey John T .,208 Gi l esg ateCalv ert Jon athan , 67 Gi l esgate Boyd gfiizgtlsr s .9Chapm an

ttohn ,Wafin l ess l ane Jackson W i ll i am

, 27 S i lv er st.D i ckons omas, 1 C l aypath Sheldon John , 42 Gi l esg a teE ll i o tt John , 17 1 G i l esg ate

E lli ott Joseph , Gi l esgate Moor Su tc l i fl‘

e Ri chard,6 Crossgate

E llio tt W i lliam,Gi l esgate

Foster John , N ew N orth roadGain ford John

,62 Sadler s t.

Jackson E leanor, 8c brick maker,94 C l aypathJopl in g Mark, New N orth road

O l i ver Robert, 6 1 Framw ellgateO liver Thomas, 12 FramwellgateOliv er Thomas, 64 FramwellgateP al mer Thomas, 12 1 FramwellgateP un shon Thomas, Chapel passage,O l d E lv et

Smith John , 2 Al er gateW in ter John, 13 H al l gar th s t

S tr aw H at M ak er s .

B r ayshay Ann, 89 Elv e t bridgeB rown E l izabeth

,44 H al l gar th st.

B rown Mary, 58 Crossgateav i son Eliz abe th 8 O l d Elve tDobson Jane M 82 C l aypath

Eb dy Ann , S i lv e r st. ; h . Gi l esgate

E l li ot t E lizabeth , 16 H al l gar th st.Gou ld Alice , 1 23 Mi l l bu r n gateMaddison Jane , 58 N ew E lv e tMariner Margaret, 12 Cl aypathM ohun Jane, 31 Cl aypathP arkin 8c Cc . , 6 S adl er st .Ru therford B . H . 80 N ew Elve tScott Be tsy , 14 Sou th s t.Simpson Mary, 15 S ilv er s t.S tephenson E l iz abeth

,72 Cl aypath

W inder J ane, 95 Gi l esgateSu r geon s.

Alexander Charles , 1 Sou th st.Boyd W illi am , 1 L eaz es placeDodd Hy. W i lkinson , 1 N th . BaileyGreen Wi l liam

,55 O l d E lvet

Hepple Matthew , 42 O l d Elv etHop ton George O .,40 O l d Elve t

Jepson Edw . Can e,4 North Bai l ey

Ol iver N icholas, 10 L eazes p l aceMaltby John W i lli am

, (Infirmary)3 Al er gateRobson Rt. N esb i t, 5 N orth Bailey

Shaw George,82 N ew E lv e t

Taylor Edward, 7 O l d E lvet

T ai l or s Dr aper s .

Atkinson Rober t, 184 Gi l esgateBaker John

,45 Crossgate

Bi rd John , 122 Gi l esgateBradford W i lli am , 18 C l aypath

Bu rn W il l i am , 1 26 Mi l l bu rn gateCai rnsWm .,5 Mi l l b u r n g ate

Cal dcl eu gh P eter, 79 N ew E lve tCal dc l eu gh Thomas, 35 Cl aypathCarr George , 94 Fr am wel l gateC arr John , 4 Gi l esgateChris ty Henry, 45 New E lvetCoxon Thomas

,5 l Sou th st.

Dale L incoln , 60 N ew Elve tDav i son Thomas, 1 Qu een s t.Duncan Jonathan , 148 Gi l esgateEdgar John, 4 Silv e r s t.Gi l her ston Thos ., Fr am wel l g t. moorGrey William , 6 Sadler st.Harper John , 5 Sadler st.Heaton John

,66 Gi l esg ate

Heavyside Thomas, 188 Gi l esgateHin dm ar ch George , Shin c l ifi'eH odgson John , 4 CrossgateHodgson Thomas, Sh in c l ifi’eHow e Joseph

,1 3 New Elv et

L iddle Thomas,8 Framwel lgate

Maddi son John L eybu rn John ,55 N ew Elvet

Maddi son Wm .,N ew Du rham

Mowbray Wm N ew N ort h roadN ewby John , 48-N orth BaileyP lace W ill i am

,23 Gi l esgateRamshaw E dward , 45 N ew E lvet

Robinson Fras. C .,ct. 20 Marke t pl.

Robson John,67 H al l g ar th st.

Robson P hilip, ShincliffeRu ssell Peter, 30 O l d E lve t

Smith Thomas, 90 E lve t bridge


N ewcastl e, The Tru e Bri ton, from the Waterloo Hotel, Ol d El vet, at10 A. M. Dai ly, Sunday excepted, and the Qu icksilver, fr om the Rai lwayHotel, Cl aypath , at 4 30 P . M. Daily, S unday excepted.Shotley B ridge Coach, from the C i ty Tavern, Market pl ., at 10 A‘

. MMonday ,Wednesday Satu rday.

S tanhope— from the Kings Arms, C l aypath, at 3 P . M. Dai l y Sunday

excepted .

Sunderlan d, The B ri ti sh Qu een , from the Gri ffin, Market pl ., 10 30A.M. 6 30 P . M. Daily.

York, N ewcastle, 6a , Rai lway S tation , Gi l esgate, Thomas John Bungeystation master, for particu lars see Mon thly Time Table, published by theCompany, Wi lliam W ard ’s Omnibu ses meet ev ery train to an d fromDurham <3 Sunder land Rai lway S tation , Shin cl ifle.


Carver, Chap l in Cc ., 22 Market pl ., P ever al l 85 Jackson, 22 Marketpl ., P i ckford Cc .

,96 Cl aypath, Wi lkinson Tennant, agen t for Pi ckford

Co .


Barnard Csat le, Chri stopher Halliday, from the Gri ffin , Market pl .Tu esday, Henry Sawyer, from the Rose 8: Crown , Market Tu esday .

Bishop Au ckland, Wi ll i am Hu ll , from the Goat In n ,Marke t pl ., Weds

Chri stopher Hallid ay, from the Gr ifiin , Market pl ., Tu esday.

Br ough, John Robinson Andrew Bell,from the Goat Inn, Markot

pl .,Wednesday.Cassap, George Batey, from the H ope Anchor, Cl aypath, Satu rday.Castl e E den , Thomas L ong, from th e Bee H ive , C l aypath , Satu rday.

Chester - le-street, Wm . Hartl ey , fromthe Goat In n , Mkt pl ., Satu r day.Coc lgfel d,

—H odgson, from the Rose Crown, Fri day.Dar l ing ton , Thos . S tockley , from W il li am IV., King st.,Wed . and Sat.E as ing ton lane, J. Marshall , from the S even S tars C l aypath, Satu rdayand Thomas L ong, from the Bee Hiv e, Cl aypath , Satu rday.E venwood, Thomas Wi l l an , from the Goat Inn , Mar ket pl ., Satu rday.

H am ster l ey, T .W i ll i ams, from the Goat Inn , Market pl ., Satu rday.

H artlepool , J . Wilkinson , from the Sev en S tars , C l aypath ,Wed . Sat.

Hetton ,—P attison , from the Angel , C l aypath , Satu rd ay .

H oughton -l e-spring , Joseph D av i son , from the B l ack Swan, Cl aypath,.Satu rday, and Hel bu rn , from the Bee H ive, C l aypath , Thu r. 8: S at .Hyl ton Fer ry , Thos. Jackson, fr om the Shou lder of Mu t ton , Cl aypath:

Satu rday.Kenda l l , P ever al l Jackson,Marke t pl ., Dai l y.L anchester ,

—H all , S i lv er st., Satu rday.L udwor th, George Mer r el l y, from the Hope Anchor, C l aypath, Sat.L um ley, H enry Bell, from the Shoulder of Mu tton , Cl aypath , Satu rday

DURHAM nm xcr oar . eta

Middl eton Teesda le, John Wi l l an ,from the Goat In n , Mkt. pl ., Thu r.

Newcastl e, Joseph Dagg, New N orth road , Tu es., Thu r. 8: Fr i ., Thos.Sto ckley, from Wi ll i am IV King st.,Monday 86 Thu r sday.R oma ldkirk, Wi ll i am Wrightson, from the Goat In n Market pl ., Sat.Sedg fg


el d,Wm . C lark, fr om the Bowes Arms,Mkt. pl ., Tuesday, Thurs

da y and Satu rday.Sherbur n Hi l l , Thomas Shipley, from the Shou lder of Mu tton, C laypath , Satu rday.S hi ldon ,—Vickers, from the O l d Red L ion ,S i l ver st., Thursday.S taindr op, Robert Richardson , from the Goat Inn, Market pl ., Sat.,

Robert H allid ay, from the Griffin , Market pl , Satu rdayS tani wpe, Wi lli am Mi ller , from the G oat Inn , Marke t pl ., Frid ay .

S tanhope (S‘ Weardale,Geor ge Raine, from the Goat In n ,Mkt. pl , Thr s.

S under land, John Carter, from the Bee H ive,Cl aypath , Thu r sday ,

Chri stopher H all iday,from the Griffin, Market pl ., Thu rsday, Rober t

Hal l iday, from the Griffin, Market pl ., Thu rsday, H enry Sawyer, fromthe Rose 85 Crown, Market pl ., Thu rsdayThom l ey, from the Wheat Sheaf, C l aypath, -P i ckford

, Sa tu rday,Jas .WestrOp, from the Bee H iv e, C l aypath , Satu rday, Richard H ood


the Shou lder of Mu tton, C l aypath , Satu rdayTr im don , John Hunt , from the Sev en S tars, Cl aypath , Satu rday.

West Auckland, George S toke r, from the Goat In n ,Market pl ., Sa t.Wingate, Thom as L ong, from the Bee H ive, C l aypath, Satu rday.Wolsingflam Brown, from the Hat Feather, Market pl ., Wed. and

Wren , from the G oat Inn , Market pi ., Thu rsday.Wr ecking ten, Thomas P eacock, from the G r iffin, Market pl ., Thu rsday.


D iocese of Du r h am .

The Righ t Rev. Edward Maltby, D. D .,F. R S ., A. s. 1836.

Ar chdeacon of DurhamTheVen . Charle s Thorp

, D.D. 183]

Ar chdeacon ofNor thum ber land

The Ven .W. F. Raymond,M . A.,

1 842

Ar chdeacon of L indisfar n eThe Ven . Geo . B land,M. A .,1844

Oficia l of the Ar chdeacon of Durham

The Rev . J. D . Eade, M. A.

Cha ncel l or of the DioceseThe Worshipfu l Rev . Jas . Baker,

Secr etary to the Bi shopJ. Bu rder, Esq., 27 P arli ament s t,M. A.,1818.

Westm i nster.P r in cipa l Su r rogate P r ovincia l S ecr etaryThe Rev. James Raine, M. A. Jo seph D av i son, Esq.

, Du rham


DEAN— The Very Reverend George Waddington,D . D. 1840


The Rev .Dav id Burr el l ,D .D . 1801 The Ven erable Archd . Thorp, D .DT he Lord Bi shop O f Chester , D D 1 820 The L ord Bishop of Exeter, D .D .

The Rev . John Savi l l e Ogl e, D 1820 Th e Rev. Hen ry Dou gl as,M . A.

The Rev . Geor ge Town sen d , D .D 1825 The Rev . H en r y Jenkyn s, D .D .

The Rev . W . S . Gil l y,D.D 1 826 The Rev . John Edwar ds,M .A . .

TheRev. G . V. Wel l esl ey, D .D . 1827 The Ven . Archd . Raym on d ,M.A .

H onor ary Canons.

Rev . T . L . S tr ong , B .D. 1844 t H on . an d Rev .R. Vi scoun tRev . J. Col l in son ,


Elev . H 0 J O Mal tby ’M OA O 0 Q Q 0 O O 1844 Rev . T . Cheval l ier,B GD . 0 0 O O 0 O C . Q Q C


Rev . J. Car twright , M .A. , Pr ecen tor 1834 S . Templ e, MRev -Wo H abeS , Bv o o o o M i l l er , D .D . o o o o o o o o o o o o o

Rev . Thos Eb don , B .A., Sacristan . . 1812

Rev. P . Pen son , 1816

Or gan i st—Wi l l iam H en shaw,Esq.

Ash ton Char l es, 1 14Gi l esgate Mar ti n W 1 2 Hal l gar th st

B r own Matthew, 199 Gi l esgate Peel eEdwar d , 44 H al l gar th st

Br own Thom as , 53 Cl aypath Sm ith John , 17 A l l er gate

Fr eem an tl eW. L . , North Road Lam ber t Jam es, 132 Gil esgate

L i ngar d Fr eder i ck, 81 New El vetVer ger s.

—Wil l iam Har tley an d John Moor .

R eg istrar

Hon . 8c Rev . L . J . Bar ring ton,M. A .

Depu ty Reg istrarJoseph Dav i son, Esq.

Bishop's Chaplains

Ven . Ar c . Raymond, M. A.

Ven . Ar chd . B land, M. A.

Rev . H . J . Mal tby,M. A .

Rev . John Stan d l y,M. A .

Rev . Hu gh Hodgson , M. A.

Rev . L eonard Jenyn s,M. A.


P u b l ic Ofli c es , & c .

Oficer s of the Bi shopr i c. Exam i n er—Hen ry Gr eenwel l

Receiver-gen er al—Edward Mal tby Cou n sel — R . C . Askew,Thos . Purvis , T. e .

C l erk of the H an aper—T , Gr i ffith G r ai n ger, Jam es Losh , H edl ey Vi car s ,Depu ty—P ercival For ster Esqr s.

Au di tor—R. A. Doug l as Gr esleyDepu ty

—Hen r y Gr eenwel l

P or ter—Isaac H al se

Keeper of Fr ankl an d Park—the Rev .

Edwar d John DeeringOficer s of the Dean an d Chapter .

Steward of theMan or Cou r ts—W . Gr ayReg i str ar—W. Charl es Chaytor , officeC l oi ster s

Depu ty Tr easu rer—S . Rowlan dson , office,New Exchequer, Col l ege

Depu ty Recei ver—Wm . P eel e, office, NewExchequ er , Col l ege

Lan d Stewar d w T . Davison , office, NorthBail ey

Official to the Dean and Chapter- C .

Depu ty Regi str ar~ John Bu r r ellKeepers of the Woods—John Forster, an dWitton Gi l ber t

Clerk of theWorks—Geo. P ickering , NorthBail ey

Por ter -An thony Tyl erE ccl esiasti ca l Cour t .

Lord Bishop of the Diocese, TheRightRevEdwar d Mal tby ,D .D .

Chan cel l or an d Official Pr in cipa l ,Rev . Jas

Baker , M .A.

R egistrar—Hon . an d Rev . Lowther JohnBar r ington

Depu ty an d P rov in cial Secr etar y to the

B ishop of Du rh am—Joseph DavisonP r in cipal Su r r ogate—J . Rai n e, M .A.

P r octor s—R . Bu r rel l , Thos . Marsden , an dJohn Bu r rel l

Appar itor—~Robert Ber kel eyDepu ty

—J0 11 11 L ight Ot Cor oner s

Registrar to the Ar chdeacon of Du rham ,

J . Bu r rel lRegi str ar to theArchdeacon s of Nor thumb er l an d and L indisfarne, Rob t . Bu r rel l .Depu ty—J . Burrel l

Cou r t of C han cery .

Chancel l or - R . T . Kin dersley, Esq.

Regi str ar—Wal ter Scru tonCursitor—Joseph Davison

U n iv er s i ty of Du r h am

Foun ded and In corpor ated by Royal Charter 1833.

Vi si tor . S u b Wa r den .

TheLord Bishop of Du rham , D .D . The Rev . John Edwards, M .A .

Govern or s . S en ate.

The Dean and Chapter Of Durham TheW arden ,The Professors of Divin ity,

Wa r den . Greek an d Mathem ati cs , The P r octors,TheVenerable Char les Thorp,D.D., F.R.S . and the Rev . S . A. Pears, B .D.

Cou r t of P l eas .

Ju dges—the Ju dges of Assiz e, and others

n am ed in the Com m ission

r othon otar y—Rev . Edwd . Sou th Thurl ow

Depu ty—John Ward , 8 New E l vet\ Ha lm ote Cou r ts

Steward—Alex . Atherton P arkDepu ty ~ Thom as Gr iffithC l erk- Sam u el P r i ce

Depu ty— Thom as Gr i ffithStewar d of Bed l ing ton shi r e, Al ex . A. ParkDepu ty—Thom as Gr i ffithS teward of Howden sh ir e—Lord HowdenStewa

rid of Al l er ton sh ir e Ear l of Har e


Oficer s of the Coun ty .

Sher iff—Ral ph Stephen P em berton , Uswor th Hou se , n ear Gateshead

U n der-Sher iff , Wi l l iam Em er son Wool er,Nor th Bar l ey

Clerk of the Peace, Gerard Bl isson WhartonDepu ty C l erk of the P eace, W. Scr uton ,

offices, Exchequer, an d North Bai l ey,Durham

Clerk of the gen eral m eetin gs of L ieute

n an cy,W . Tr otter , Bishop Au ckl andCou n ty Tr easu r er , Geor ge Dal e Tr otter,Bishop Mi dd l eham

Coun ty Br idge Su r veyor , Ignatius Bonom i,Arch itect, Nor th Bai l ey

Bridge In spector , J . Simpson ,H eighington

Chief Constab l e of Ru r al Pol ice, MajorWem yss, 22 Nor th Barl ey

H igh Constab l e for Du rham Ward , W.

Cal dc l eugh, 39 Sil ver str eet

Chester War d, J . M . Favel l, Eighton Cottage, GatesheadDepu ty, W . H udson , Surgeon , Chester b l e

StreetDar l in gton Ward, W Tr otter, BishopAu ckl an d

epu ty—Mr . Hodgson ,

Bishop Au ckl andasin gton War d , Thom as Ch r istopherMayn ard , Du rham

Depu ty Rb t . Mi ddl eton , Sol icitor, DurhamStockton Ward , T . H . Faber , Stockton

Depu ty, John Settle, Stockton


P r of essor of Div ini ty an d Ecc lesiasti ca l Joseph Waite , B .A.

H i stor y . The Rev . C . T . Er skine,B .A.

The Rev .H en r y Jsuki n s, D .D . George E . Green , B .A.

P r of essor of Gr eek dr C la ssi ca l L i ter atur e.

The Rev . John Edwards,M .A.

P r of essor of Mathema ti cs aAstr on omy.

The Rev . Tem pl e Cheval lier, B .D .

E R . Ast . S .

P r octor s .

The Rev . Charles Thom as Whitley,M .A.

The Rev . Davi d Mel v il l e, M.A.

P r o-P r octor s .

The Rev . S . A. P ear s, B .D.

The Rev .W . G . Hen derson ,M .A.

Reader i n L aw .

Wil ham Gr ay, M .A.

Reader i n H eb r ew .

The Rev . Tem pl e Cheval l ier, B .D .

Reader in H istory an d P ol i te L i ter a tu r eThom as Gr eenwood ,M .A.

Reader in Natu r a l P hi l osophy .

The Rev . Char l es Thom as Whi t l ey, M .A.

L ectu r er in Chem i str y .

James F . W . John son . M .A.

E R . SS .

, L . 81 13 .

L ectu r er in Moder n L anguages . BISHOP HATFIELD'S HALL .

P r i n c ipa l .

The Rev . D. Mel vi l l e,M .A.

The Rev . Templ e Cheval l ier, B .D .Chap l i n an d Cen sor .

L i br ar i an .

The Rev . B. Tayl or , B .A.

The Rev . Charles Thom asWhi tl ey,M.A.

S ub-L i br ar ian .

The Rev . Wi l li am Gr eenwell,M.A.

Obser v er .

The Rev . R . Thompson .

Tr easu r er .

W . C . Chaytor , Esq.

Fel l ows .

TheRev . Thom as Garn ett ,M.A.

The Rev . John Gibson ,M .A.

Thom as Char l es Thom pson ,M .A.

The H on . Wm . Geor geGr ey, M.A.

The Rev . H u gh Ev an s, M.A.

The Rev . -W . Feather stonh au ah ,M .A.

The Rev . Jam es Skin n er,M .A.

The Rev . Cyr i l W.Wood, M .A .

Ar thu r Bean l an ds , B .A.

The Rev . Rober t Tayl or B .A.

The Rev . Geor ge R . Kewl ey, B.A.

The Rev . H opkin s Badnal l , B .A.

John Pedder, B .A.


Fel lowships Schohtrships.

There are TWENTY-FOUR FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIPS, of whi ch two orthree arefilled up every year from a l ist of B . A. candidates. They aretenab l e by Clergym en for ten years, and by L aymen for eight year s.


Master .

TheVen erab l e Ar ch deacon Thorp,D.D.,

Warden of the U n iversity.

7 206 Mas ter .

The Rev . Char l es Thom asWhi tley,M.A.

Tu tor s .

The Rev . C . T . Whi tl ey,M .A.

The Rev . Dav id Mel v i l l e, M .A.

The Rev . 8 . A . P ear s , B .D .

The Rev . W . G. H en der son ,M .A.

Bu r ser .

TheRev . Wil l iam Gr eenwell ,M .A.

Chap la in s .

The Rev .W . Greenwel l ,M .A.

The Rev . Lewis Morgan ,M .A.

P em ber ton Fel l ow .

The Rev .Wi ll iam Greenwel l ,M .A.


Epiphany Term begin s.

Convocation .

Epiphan y Term en ds .

Easter Day .

Easter Term beg in s .

Convocation for con fer r ingDegr eesExam in ati on for the Degr ee of

B A. an d M . A. b egin s.

Theol ogical Exam in ation begins.

Convocation .

Easter Term en ds .

M ichael m as Term b egins .

Fir st an d Secon d year exam inati onof Stu den ts in Ar ts and En

g in eer S tu den ts beg in s .

Con vocation for adm ittin g Pr octor s to their Offices .

El ection of Fel l ows.

Michae lm as Term en ds .

Chr i stm as Day .


On e Scholarship at Emmanu el College,Cambri dge

, Of £ 16 . a year , forwhich a pre ferenc e i s giv en to Du rham and N ewcastle Schools.On e Exhibi ti on O f £ 40. a year

,founded by Ralph L indsay


, an d

tenable at the U niv ersi ty of Du rham by nati ves of the D i ocese , who shallhav e been educated for three years at Du rham School .

Du r h am D ioc esan T r a i n in g Sch oo l .

ESTABLISHED OCTOBER, 1841 .Cha irm an of Committee.

The Dean O f Du rham .

Di r ector .—The Rev . John Cun di l l

,M. A.

— Tr easur er .— J . F. Ell i o t Esq

S ecr etary.— The Rev . J. D . Ead e

,M. A.

Gener a l Master .—Mr . Finlay.—Master of Model Schoo l —Mr . Gou n dry.

Sing ing Master .—Mr . Freemantle.

H ouse S uper in tendent .— Mr . T. Tu er.

Candidates being at the age Of six teen years and upwards, and m em

bers Of the Chu rch of England,are admi tted at M i chaelmas , Whi tsuntide

an d Christmas,on the produ c tion of certificates Of char ac ter signed by the

M ini ster O f thei r respectiv e Parishes,of bap tism and of heal th

,after pass

ing the admissi on examination .

Application to be made to the Rev . J. Cun di l l , D irec tor, or to Mr . T .

Tu er, H ou se Superin tendent.The paymen t requ i red from the p upil s i s a t th e rate Of £ 14. a year


able i n adv an ce, at the commencement of each term . For this they ar e

fu rn i shed w i th edu cati on , board , l odging, the u se o f books and stati onary,medical attendan ce and washing. Certain re tu rn s are made to thosewho hav e resided a year wi th good con du c t , and pass the annual examination w i th credi t.The pupi l s are lodged and boarded togeth er u nder a stric t sy stem of

domesti c discipline.

P ub l i c Bu i l d in g s , O ffices, In st i t u t i on s , & c .

Assembly Rooms, 40, North Bai ley—Mr . W e therell , P roprietor.

B ille t Master—Matthew Emmerson , 28, Marke t placeBi ll i ard and Bagatelle Tables , 1 , Sadler street—Mr . W . Simpson, owner.C atholi c Free School , 8, H al l g ar th-s tree tChri stian Knowledge Socie ty Depot, 8 1 , C l aypath .

C i ty of Du rham ,Conservativ e Association Rooms

, 12 Elv e t Bri dgeCoun ty Constabu lary Offices, 22 N orth Bai ley— Maj or Wemyss, Chi efConstable .County Gaol , Head of O l d Elv et— Mr . W . Green

,Gov ern or.

Excise Office, Wate r loo Ho tel Mr . R. Barnes, Superv isor.

G as Company’s Works are abou t to u ndergo considerable im provement,Tempory O ffices, 2 1, Market place '


In fan t School, head o f Chu r ch st reet.In fant School , 100 Framwellgate.Infirmary 3 and 4 A l er gate.

L ord Crewe’s Chari ty fo r puttin g ou t P oor Chi ldren Apprenti ces,E. P eele ,Clerk, 44, H a l l gar th s tree t.Lying - ih Chari ty—s Miss C . Salv in, Treasu r er and Secretary.

Mechanics’ Insti tu te , 29, Market place—J . Farrow, and J . Usher, L ibrari

an s ; John C lark, Treasu rer ; W. H. En g l edew, Secretary.

P ublic Sale an d Exhibi ti on Room ,49 Sadler -s tree t—F. Humble P roprietor,

P arochial School s, Head of Chu rch-street.P olice S tation , 27 Marke t place— Richard P earse, chief Constable for theC i ty and Borough, J. L iddle, Superintenden t.

Stamp O ffice, Sadler stree t, Hon. G . L iddel l, Dis tribu tor.

Subscripti on L ibrary and News Room , Qu een -stree t— C.Reed, L ibrar ianTheatre , 6 1, Sadler-street S. Roxby, L essee.

Town Hall , 27 ,Market place.T ru s t and B ible Depot, 9 , Elvet bridge .T raining School

, P elaw L eazes.Uni ted B lu e Coat dz Sunday Schools, 81 C l aypath—G. Goun dry , Master.Un ion Workhouse, Crossgate, opened N ovember 25, 1828, wil l accom m o

date 125, av erage 100, Thomas Clayton, master, St Jan e Vei tch, matron 5Thomas Craw ford E sq., chairm an Henry Bel l Esq.

,v i c e ; Thomas

C lamp , relieving o ffic er and registrar of births and deaths for S t. O swaldd isi r i c t, and marriages for the u ni ted distri c t of Du rham an d L anchester

;and John Dobson, reliev ing officer and registrar Of births and deaths forS t. Gil es D i stri c t.


Un iver si ty Mu seum , near th e College, W. P roc ter , sub - cu rator.Water Wor ks are abou t to be erected on an exten sive scale

, ,bya Join t

S tock Company, for the su pply of the Ci ty St S ubu rbs ; i t i s proposedthat the Water shall be pumped from the Riv er abov e Shin c l ifl'e Bridge,an d forced into a copi ou s Reser vo i 1 at the top of Mountj oy H i ll

,a lo fty

eminence at the Sou th side of the Ci tv ; Temporary Office, 2 1 Market p l

P l aces o f W or sh ip.

The Cathedr a l S t. Jlf argar et’

s, Crossgate, Rev .John

Cun d r l l , M . A ., Cu ra te and Rev .J . L . L ow , B . A . Sub cu rate

St. Ma ry’

3 , N or th Ba i l ey, Rev . Wm .

The Ga l l ilee Clar k King, M. A., R ector

Servic e from Easte r to Mi chaelmas , SL






gg s

flqbfilt i i lflpJ’ Rev. Jas .

zpfisun day even l n gs, com m en cesS t .N icholas

3 , M a r /( ct pl . Rev . Edw.

Dav i son , M. A.,C u rate

P a r i Sh C h u r ch-esc S t. Oswa ld’

s, Chu r ch st ., Rev. P e terS t. Gi l es

s, Gi lesgate, Rev . Franci s P enson , M. A.,

VicarThompson , M. A.

, Cu rate Rev . Cathol ic Chapel , 0 1dE l vet, Rev . l .

L ewi s Morgan,M.A.,Sub -cu rate Fletcher, Pries t

Serv i ce performed twi ce ev ery day,

Morning at 10,afternoon at 4


Independen t Chapel , 3 1 C l aypath.Rev Methodist N ew 0m m Chapel , 15Samu el Go odal l Ol d E l vet

P r im itiveMethodi st Chapel , Back ln .

Wesleyan Chapel , 57 Old E lvet Fr iendsMeeting H ouse, 80 Claypath

Dur h am H ack n ey Coach Far es.

WITHIN THE TOWN.Not exceeding two person s, 1 3.— For each person extra

,6d .

Ou t of the Town . Not exceeding a mile, 2 3 .

— Each mil e extra, Is.For ev ery P asseng er abov e fou r, an addi tion of one-fou rth of the who l efare.

For every stoppage (after thefirst far e) , to take up each on e addi ti onal, 6d .

Where th e fare amoun ts to fou r shi llings,the person hi ring may detain

the Co ach not exceeding one hou r an d retur n again for hal f fare.The dri ver at l iberty to charge ei ther by time or di stance. P e r son s hir ing to pay tol l s. A child u nder sev en years of age n o t to coun t, b u t twoto coun t as on e person. For every qu arter-hou r w ai ting, after being sen tfor , 6d . NO deten ti on beyond 15m ., u n l ess the fare amounts to 48.

W here a Coach shall take up a fare after 12 O’

C l ock at N ight to be enti tl ed to dou ble far e— Thi s ru l e no t to apply to fares the same Coach hastaken . Sending for a Coach and not u sing i t

, l s.

Market is held on S atu rday, an d i s numerou sly atten ded by Farmer s 8;Corn Merchants .Fai r s are held March 3 l st. for Horses, Tu esday in P en tecos t week,

S eptember 15th ., and Satur day before Mar tinm as Day for Cattle.P opu lation of the Ci ty, according to the Censu s taken June 7 th, 1841.

amounted to 14151 .


L amb Mi sses Ann Martha, BankL awson John , l and agent, King s tL on gstafi‘ John Charles, shoemaker’sthread manu factu rer ; h . Grov eL on gstafi’ Owen , shoem aker’s threadman u factu rer ; h . N ewgate s tMc George Mr . Thos ., G algateMatthews M r s .

,N ewgate s t

Metc al fe L eonard , attorney’s cl erkKing st

M i ddle t on G eo . , rel i ev ing ofli cerr egi s trar of bir ths and deathsQu een s t

Middle ton Mr s . Mary , N ewgate stM i ddl eton R t. , horse breaker, Gal g t.

M onkhou se Jeremi ah R t., carpe tmanu factu rer ; h . GalgateMonkho u se Joshu a , carpe t m anufactu rer ; h . Market pl

Monkhou se Joshu a Coke , carpe tm anu factu rer ; h . N ewgate s t

N esbi t t John,farmer


P eacock John , at torney ’s cl erkN ewgate s t

Raine Edwd ., carpe t m fr ., Bdgg t.

R ai lton Mr . John , G al gateRayson Mr. H en ry , GalgateR obinson M i s s Fran ci s

,B r idgegate

Robinson Wm ., m a l ts ter

,N ewg t. st.





Acad em i es .

H opper John , Hal l s t .H u tchinson J onathan , Chapel yardI nfan t S choo l , D emesne, Margare tD ou gall

N ational , (Boys) , Chu rch yard ,Wm .

H u tton, (G i rls) , Chapel yd ., Mg t.

EwbankSu therlan d John , DemesneTh i rkel l Joseph , c t. Market plTimms E l i z . Mary , Kin g stU l l athor n E liz a, Galgate

A t tor n i es.

B arnes Kirby , Horse MarketCharl ton John, GalgateCou l thar d Ra l ph, N ewgate st. ; h .

King st.

H u t chin son Wm . Johnson , GroveL amb John

, Bank ; h . GalgateRi chardson Thompson

,and clerk

to Magistrates,Hall s t. ; h . Ga l g t.

Watson W. 8: W ., N ewgate st.

Wheldon Thomas , Galgate

A u c t i on eer s Appr a i ser s.

Ben tl ey Thom as,Qu een st.

Cro ft Robert,King st.

L ax John,Galgate

Bak er s F l ou r Dea l er s.

Anderson James,Bank

Raine Ann, T ho r n g ate

Teasdale Wm .

,Br idgegate

Rou tl edge Thos., farmer, GalgateSanderson Mi chael , w eav er, BankShaw Jacob. farmer, GalgateShield Fras ., g r dn r ., Bal io l

s TowerSimpson Charles, sergeant maj or ofthe Du rham Mi l i ti a

,King s t.

Sim pg m Chpr .,farmer, K ing s t

Slader Geo ., su rgeon ; h . GalgateSoftly Mr s. Mary

,Chu rch yard

Sparrow Geo ., car town er , B r idgeg t.

S teele J ., cu rri er, & c h . Chapel yd

S teele M r . Richard , King stS tubbs James farmer, GalgateSwee ten Mr s. Sarah , King st.Thorn ton Mr . J ohn

,King s t.

Thwai tes Mr. Thomas,Qu een st .

U l l athor n Mr s. Barbara, GalgateW inpenny Mr s . Hannah , G algateWalker Jas. , m r n e store dlr.,Mkt plWatson M is s Mary , GalgateW atson Mr s. Sarah H orse MarketWatson Wm . , so l r h . N ewgate s t.W atson W . j u n .

, solr. ; h . Horse MktW eav er Elizabe th , stay m kr s. Bdgg t.

Whi te G eo ., carri er, N ewgate s t.Wi lley Wm ., manager, Ga s W orksW in skil l H en ry , c ar r i er ,GalgateYoung Stephen, farmer, N ewgate st.


Bank s .

Backhou se 8: Cc ., Market pi . , (drawon Barclay

,Be van Joshu a

Monkhou se, agentDarlington Dis t r i c t Banking Co . ,

Market place , (draw on Barcl ay ,B evan 8: Thom as C aldwell

,agen t.N ation al P rov in cial Bank O f En gl and , Ma rket pl . , (draw on L on

don Westminster) , Geo . P ippet,m anager

Sav ings Bank,Marke t p l ace , open

W ednesday from 12 to i past, andSatu rday , from 2 til l 3 , JoshuaMonkhou se, treasu rer , 8: Thompson Richardson

,ac tuary

Bask e t M ak er s.

M err /red a r e Dea l er s on ly,

*Simpson Elizabe th,Bank

*S impson Thom as, Horse Marke tTabbn or John , Br idg eg a te

B l a ck sm i th s .

H edley Rob e r t ,‘

Ban k

Hedley Wi l li am,Galgate

Smi th Wi l l iam, Marke t pl .Book se l l er s , P r in t er s, an d.

S tat ion er s .

Atkinson H enry , Marke t p l aceAtkin son John

,Marke t place

B r ow n George,clerk to the union ,

and su perin tendent registrar O f

birth s , deaths , 8: m arriages, Mar

ket place ; 11 . G algate‘

C l i fton Thomas, Market placeBoot an d Sh oe M ak er s.

Arrowsm i th W i lliam ,Bank

Bainbridge John , Chapel yardBayles W i lli am , N ewga te s tB rass John ,Wear s tree tB rown Joseph , Market placeC arter John


Chape l ow W i l l i am , Hall s tCli v er Thomas , B r idg eg ate

D av i s Thomas,

'1 hor n gate

B ou thwai te Thom as,Market pl ace

H a ll Joseph, Horse marketJ ohnson Jonathan

,T horngate

L on g s tafi'Joseph . Hall s tL yon Rober t

, Br i dgegate

Middlewood Rober t,Bank


Moor George , BahkP arkin Thomas , Bridge endRaper G eorge , N ewg ateRape r Thomas


Stephen son Joseph, 8: p arish cl erk,Ban k

B r a s ier s an d T inpl ate W k r s .

Cu s t Isaac , Market placeP eel W i ll iam

,B r idg egateRaine W i lliam,Horse marketRain e Wi ll i am,Bank

Br ew er an d M a l t ster .

Mi lbu r n Hu m phrey Wm ., Br idgeg t.

Bu t ch er s .

Arrowsmi th Rober t,B r idgegate

Bradley George, Bank

B r adley John , N ewgate s tDa l ston Geo rge

,Horse marke t

How son Thomas,Br i dgeg ate

P eat Wi lli am,Horse m arket

C ab in et M aker s .

S ee Join er s.

C ar pet M an u fac t u r er s .

Dunn Rd .,B r idgeg a te ; h . Bdg . en d

Mon khou se Joshu a Sons, Th r n g t.P ratt, Son , 85 Co.

,Br i dgegate

C l og an d P a t ten M ak er s .

Carn ell James,Bank

Carnell W i l li am , BankHarker Ralph , Marke t placeThompson Jo hn


Thompson J oseph,Br idgegate

C oach M ak er s.

Atkinson Thomas,King st

Bell John,Qu een s t

C offee H ou ses .

Dobson Thomas , B r i dgegateVasey Thomas,Horse Market

C on fec tion er s .

Marked ar e Tea D ea ler s al so.

How son Robert, Bank*Rai l ton H u gh , Horse Marke t*Wal ton Jane

,Market place

Wea ther i l t Dorothy, Chu rch yard


C ooper s. Gr oc e r s an d T ea’

B ea l er s .

Fen w i ckThom as, BankSi rnpson Thom as, Horse MarketYoung J oh n , N ewgate s t.

C or n M er ch an t s .

Chi sman J ohn , and flou r deal erH ors e MarketRaine Henry

, B r idg egate

C or n M i l l e r s Fl ou r D ea l er s

.Mar ked ar e F l ou r Dea l er s on ly.

Ainsley H enry, Deepdal e*Bou sfiel d John , BankH arri son Robert, L endings M i l l 8:Bank

L odge Robert , B ri dge end‘Vaite Edward, Demesne Mi l lS tr in ger Tob i as C , Bank 8: Thor n g tC ur r i er s L eath er C u t t er s

C oles Henry, BankR ab l ah John S te ele ,Br i dgegateS te ele Anthony John , N ewgate st.

D r u g g is ts .

Badcock John , Market pl . H a l r D r esser s

Gibson Benj amin W B ank Go fton Geo rge Spencer, Market plG raham Thomas, Bank Gn n son Mat thew , BankP ro cto r Harrison , Marke t pl . Hall Jonathan

,Thor n gate

Raine Henry , B r idgega teS tevenson Thomas

,Horse marke t

Weather i l t Thomas, B r idgegateDyer .

Grose Dan i el, GalgateFi re an d L i fe Ofic es .

C leri cal 8LMedic al (L i fe), G . P ippet

Marke t pl .Royal Exchange, Ab rhm . Thom pson , BankRoyal Farmers , G . P ippet,Mkt. pl .S tar (L i te), H y . Atkin son

,Mkt . pl .

Yorksh ire , J . Mon khou se,Mkt .pl .

H om ers .

P l ax D r esser s .

Alderson John , T horn gateU l l athor n L on g stafl

's, Hall st. Wm ski l l James

,N ewgate

Gar d en er s , N u r se ry S eed sm en

B rown W i ll i am ,N ewgate s t.

Hoggett George , N ewgate st.Warwi ck Rober t


G l as s , Ch in a an d Ear t h enw ar e

D ea l er s .

H ar r ison W i lli am,Qu een st.

Simpson E liz abeth , BankSimpson Ralph

, H orse market

Gu n M ake r s .

Hesketh John,engrav er

, Mkt. plRown tree W i l l i am,Bank

Arrow smi th Wi lli am, Bank

Badcock John ,Market pl .Brass George


Daw son Jonathan, Marke t pl .

Dixon Jeremiah , Horse MarketGibson Benj amin W BankG raham T homas, BankGregson Thomas, BankHall Jona than , Ho r se marketHall Wm ta ll ow chu d l r ., Ga l g t.

Harri son Richard,N ewgate s t.

Hil to n Abraham,Galgate

Howson Robert, Bank

P r at t John ,B r idgegate

P roc ter H arri son, Marke t placeRaine Ann , T hor n gateRain e Henry , Br idgegateRogers John , Bank

Sanderson W i ll i am, N ewgate st

H at ter s .


arked are Manufacturer s.

Cather i ck John,Bank

Dixon Joseph , Horse market*J ackson Benj amin

, BankPatton Ri ch a rd , a rket p l aceP u lman Thomas , Market place*So ftly Samu el , BankWea th er i l t 8: Marshall , Market pl

H ote l s , In n s , an d T av ern s .

Angel , P arker Grossby, Marke t plBay Horse l n n ,

Robt. Brothe rton ,Horse market

Bl ack Horse,JaneWi lkin son ,New

gate s tree tB lu e Bel l , Geo . Thompson ,

’Bdgeg t.

Board , John Dav i son , Marke t placeBoar’s H ead

,John Thompson,

Thor n gate


P a in ter s an d G i l d er s. P ee l Rich ard , B r idgegateAppl eby Joseph , Br idgegate Teasdale Wi ll iam , Br i dgegateCook John , Market pl ace Wade Saml . John , Br idg egateCooper Thomas,Galgate Th i rkel l Joseph , King st

Ferrie r Henry , Bank Wr athal l John,Horse market

Raine Smith,Market place

P awn b r oker s ,

H eslop Chris topher , BankMankin James, Bank

P hys i c ian .

Edger Thomas S tamp, King s tP l um b er s an d G l a z i er s .

Armstrong Daniel, B r idgegateCu st Isaac , Market placeRaine W illiam , Ho r se marke t

Raine Willi am,Bank

P or ter M er c h an ts .

Cro ft Robert, King s tJefl’

er sou Richard, GalgateP r ov i s ion D ea l er s

Brad l ey Thos.,Thor n gate w ind

B ankErrington John

,Marke t place

R ope an d Tw in e M ak er s.

B rass George ,Market placeDa l kin Thomas, Horse marke tH odgson John , GalgateMetcalfe Wi lli am

, BankS ad d l er s H a r n ess M ak er s .

Bel l Martin,Galgate

B l ackburn Thomas,New gate s t

P owell J ohn Kipling,Market p lW i lson George, GalgateSh oe T h r ead M an u fa c tu r er s .

U l l athor n e L on g staffs, Br idge endSh opk eeper s .

Arrowsmi th George , Bridge en dAr rowsmi th Robert,Br idg egate

B l am i r e I saac , T horn gate windD alston Thomas , H orse marke tD an al dson John

,Galg ate

E therington John,Horse market

G raham W i lli am,Kin g st

H eap John,B r idg eg a te

L odge Robert, Bridge en d T an n er s

Metcal f Cornel i u s , Galgate Rah l ah John S teele, B r idgegate .

P atti son George , B r i dg egate S teele Anthony and John, N ewgate

S t on e M ason s B r i ck l ayer s .

Bo r rowdale Thomas, Bridge g tBrown Harkless , Qu een s tCarter G eorge, G algateDalston Thomas, Horse marke tGraham W il li am , King stJohnson James , Br idge en dJones James , George stKim ps ter W i lli am , Hall stTemple Henry , King s t

S t r aw H at M ak er s.

Brai thwai te Ann , B r i dgegateBrecken Hannah , Br i dgegateGreen Martha, George stHarr i son Margaret , Galg a teJohnson P hi li s , B r idg egateMetcal f Margaret, BankRi chardson Rebecca, GalgateS tubbs J

,Horse marketS u r geon s .

Benning Sc S lader, BankCu st Isaac, GalgateKipling Thomas , Horse marketKipling Wi lliam , N ewgate st

T a i l or s D r aper-s

Bainbridge George, galgateBland Matthew


Brown John , BankBrown l ess Ralph

,Newgate st

Foster W i lli am , Br idgegate

Gu n son Thomas, BankHeslop Chri stop her, BankHu dson Willi am


Jackson John , Newgate stL ee Joseph , Ch u rch yardMetcal fWi lliam


Riddle W'il l iam , Horse marketSan d er son


John ,Horse market

Wes twood Thomas,Galgate

W el ford John , Horse marketWhi te W i ll i am , King stW i ld Joseph

, Newgate s tYoung Thomas H all st


T ea Deal er s , T r avel l in g .

D ixon Edward , Qu een at

H erbert Christopher and Thomas,T horn gate windTu rnbu l l Gov in e, BroadgateT im b er M er ch an t s .

Bayl es Wil liam , Market pl aceL adder da l e John , Horse market

T oy D ea l er s.

G anson Thomas , BankRailton Hu gh , Horse marketRowntree W i l liam


T u r n er i n W ood .

Kirtley S tephen , BankW at ch an d C l ock M ak er s .

Humphreys Thomas, Market p laceRaper Thomas

,B r idgegateThwai tes Robert, Bank

W il son Thomas, Market pl aceW h eel ‘w r igh t S .

C l ark Thomas, Bridge endH edley John , Newgate s tHu tchin son J onathan , N ewgate stH u tchinson John , George stThompson Wi l l i am, GalgateW h i tesm i th s Be l l h an ger s.

Bell Thomas, N ewg ate s tKi lbu rn John , Gal gateRu tter Thomas, Bridge endWar e

George, Market placeW in e Spi r i t M er ch an t s.

D en t P eter, BankH i l ton Abraham, Gal gateJ efferson Rchd (spi ri t on l y) Gal g t.Taylor Robert, Marke t pl ace

C oach es .

To Dar l ington , from the Ol d Shipan d Shou lder o f Mu tton Inn s,Bank,a t 6 a .m . dai l y , Sunday excepted ;from the King’s Head

,the Nonpe

r i el , at l 15 p.m . daily , Sunday excepted ; the Royal Mai l at 2 p.m .

daily, and an Omnibu sthu rs . , and Sat., at hal f-pas t 6 Morn .

Du rham , v ia Bi shop Au ckland, fromthe Rose and Crown Inn , at 6 a.m .,

d aily .

P enr rth, from the King ’s H ead,the Rov al Mail, at l l a.m .


P etty Sessions are held the las tWed . i n ev ery month . ThompsonRichardson , cl erk to Mag i stra tes.P ol ice Oflice, H all street,Wi lliam

E lli o t t, sergeant.


B r ough, from the Angel, JamesDen t, Wed. Red L i on , Rt. Hylton ,Wed .

C'ockfie l d, from the Tu rk’s H ead,George Hodgson , Wed .

Dar l ing ton , George Bainbridge ,Ga l gat

e,\ T hom as Harrison


gate stree t,dai ly ; George Whi te,

N ewgate st., dai ly .

E venwood, from the , Red L i on ,James Welford ,Wednesday .

Kenda l , Geo rg e Whi te, N ewgates treet

,daily .

Newcast le, George Whi te, New

gate street, dailyP en r ith, from the Angel , Thomas

P arker, Wednesday ; Red L i on,Joseph P roud , Wednesd ay ; H enryW inskill , G algate, Monday.

Staindr op, from the Angel , JohnJackson,Wednesday ; Tu rk’

s Head,J . Richardson , Wedne sday .

S te inm eer , from the Angel, JohnH i lto n


S under land , from theO l d Ship In n ,H enry Sayer, W ednesday.

S tockton , Thomas Harrison, New

gate stree t, daily.

Wi tham Testim on ia l , is a large

handsom e bu ilding , si tu ated in theMarket place, bu il t b y public sub

scrip tion,and opened May, 1846,

an d con tain s th e Mechan ics Institu tien

,of whi ch the late H enry

W i th am , Esq. was th e founder, andwhi ch i s a t presen t in a flou ri shingcond i ti on ; J . Bowes , Esq., M. P .

presiden t ; Mr . I . R . Monkhou se,

treasu rer ; Mr . Geo . Brown , secre~tary ; an d Mr . Wi tm er, l ibrarian .


The P ubl ic D ispensary i s also i nthe abov e bu ilding, Messrs . Benn ing 85 Slader , su rgeon s ; at tend s,tu es ., wed ., and frid .

,from 10 ti l l 12.

An d the P ubl ic News Room i s al soin the above.

Un ion Workhouse, t0p of Galgate,wil l accommodate 158, av erage 80 ;John an d Jane Garforth , m as teran d matron George Brown , c l erk,and superin tenden t regi str ar ; Geo .Mi dd leton , r el i ev ing officer and r e

g istrar of bir th s and deaths, for

Barnard Castle distric t ; Wi lliamN i chol s, r eli eving officer an d r e

g istrar of births an d deaths , forS tain drop Di s t ric t Wi lli am Lynn ,r eliev ing ofli cer and registrar of

bir ths an d deaths, for Middletond is tr ic t ; Ar chdcn . Head l am , chai r

m an .


Gas Wor ks, n ear the Castl e, Wm .

Watson, secre tary, an d Wm .Wi ll ey,man ager .

Cathol ic Chapel , George str eetIndependent Chapel , H al l streetWesleyan Chapel , BankP r im itive Methodist Chapel , Ban k.

Market i s hel d on Wedn esday.

P l aces of W or sh ip.

Chur ch (St. Mary's) Ma rke t place,

Rev . John Dav i son, Incumben t.

Fair s, Wednesday after Easter ,an d Ju ly l l .P opu lation , according to the Cen

su s taken 1841 , amoun ted to 4452.


Johnson P e ter, carpet m an u fac

tu rer ; h . N ewgate s tJoplin Ralph , registrar of births 8:deaths, Back BondgateKilbu rn Henry

,gent . , N ewgate st

Kilbu rn Thos . gen t. , Fore BondgateK in m on t John

,gardener, Mkt. pl .

K i rkupMr . Thos .,N ewgate st

L aidler Edward,exci se ofii cer

,Hi gh

BondgateL awson Isaac, farmer and land agt.Flin ted'st

L aw son Wm .,fil e cu tter , Sou th Ch .

L ee John,l and agen t and su rveyor,

Sou th terL inton John , farrier, Fore Bon dg t.

L on gstafi'H y. , farmer , Blu e Hou seL on gstafl

'Mr . Thos., Sou th road

L onsdal e Mr s . Ann , High Bon dg t.Maw Geo .

,tanner ; h .W ear Co ttage

Maw tanner ; h . Mkt. pl .Matfin John , primi ti ve methodi stpreacher

,Sou th ter

Min chin Arthu r, banker ’s cl erkN ewgate st

Monkhou se Ebenezer , carpe t mu i rh . High Bondgate

Morgan Mr s. Martha , Marke t p lMo s s Mr . Edward , S i lv er s tN ewton Math . , porter, Fore Bon dg tOwen Rev . John , (Wesleyan) N ew

gate stP atti son John , j o iner ; h . B ackB ondgate

P eaco ck John Wood , corn m er chn t

Market pl aceP eac ock Thomas, l and agen t, H i ghBondgate

P en ter M r . John , N ewgate s t



A c ad em i es D ov e R ichd . , Fl in tofi'stB ainbridg e Mary , Fore B ondgate Gr am m ar , Sou th terrace , Rev . Robt.Bowness Doro thy, High Bondgate Thompson , Jph . head master, an dB r itish, Thos . H awkyar l l , N ewg t. st J . Colling, assi stan tBumstead M i sses T. 8: C., Back Inf an t, Jane L amber t, Sou th Chu rchBondgate N a tiona l

, (Girls) Anne Rey nolds,Dov e T hos N ewton , (Barrington) S i lv er stMarke t place

P i ckering Ral ph, pi g kill er, ForeBondgate

P r ou d Mi sses My. an d Eliz ., New.

gate stree tRamshaw W i ll i am , Esq. ,Mkt. plReynolds Thomas

,u nion master


N ewg ate s tRippon John , gam ekeeper, W earCottageRobinson Wm .,

coachman ,Sl v r . st

Robson Jas ., farmer, Bin chesterRobson P eter, farmer, L odgeRowl andsonM r s.Frances, Sou th ter

Sanderson Mi sses Barbara Ann ,H i gh Bondgate

Scai fe H u gh N anney, superv i sor ofexcise,G reat gate

Seymou r L u ke, farm er,H en Knowle

Seymou r W i lli am H atton , farmerD eanery

Simpson E liz . , m altster, Newgate s tSmith Fran ces

,lodgings, Fl in toff st

Snaith Geo., ironmonger ; h. Sou thterraceSnai th W i l liam

,clerk of the market,

Market p lSu tton Thos .

,farmer, Cockton hillThompson Rev . Robt., Si l ‘ver s tThompson W i l liam , land su rv eyor

and agt., s tamp o ffice , New g t . s tThorn ton Thomas, sol ici tor, Sou thterraceTro tter W ill i am

,clerk to the uni on

86 su perin tenden t regi strar, BackBondgateTodd Mr s. Mary

,Sou th ter

Tuke Hen ry,bank agent, Mkt. pl

W agg i tt John , cowkeeper, Mkt. plW ild s Ann

,lodgings , Marke t pl ace


A t tor n i es.

B owser Richard ,Markot pl .H epple W i lli am, Market pl .T r o tter H odgson , clerks to Ma

g i st r a tes, Back BondgateA u c t ion eer s , & c .

Middlewood John , 85 Sher ifl's ofii cer ,N ewgate st.

Shanks Wi lli am , St see. to Gas .Co.,

N ewgate st.Bak er s F l ou r Dea l er s .

D al ton Geo ., Fore BondgateN ev ison Sarah , Market pl.Smi th John , Yorkshire Fleu rW arehou se

, Fore BondgateW i lkinson Isabella

,Newgate s t .

Bank s .

Backhou se J . 8: Co ., Market place ,(draw on Barclay, Bevan and

Henry Tuke,agent

S av ings, Bank, Si lv er street , openThu rsday , from I to 2 Noon, Rev .

Matthew Ches ter,sec an d Wm .

Thompson, assis tantB l ac ksm i th s.

Adamson Robert, Du rham roadDodds George, For e BondgateG arry W illiam ,

Back BondgateG il l Thomas , Market pl .P owell Robt. Geo .

, N ewgate st.Bookse l l er s , P r in ter s , é

’ec .

Braithwai te Matthewj un .,binder

Marke t pl .Fai r P eter

,Market pl .

H ollis Joseph,Newgate st.

Boot Sh oe M ak er s .

All anWm . , Mkt . pl . N ewgate s t.B i l ton Thomas

,Back Bondgate

Brad ford John , N ewgate st.Campbell W i lli am

,Sou th Chu rch

C ou lson John , Newgate st.D en t Thomas, Wear ChareD u ff Joseph

,Market pl .

Elwin John , N ewgate s t.Feath erston Joseph , Sou th Chu rchG arry James, Fore Bondg ateG reear Robert, Market pl .H u dspe th John , Fore BondgateL ongstaff Robe r t, Newgate s t.L ong stafi“Robert, jun .

,Newgate st.

Mc Millan James, Back BondgateMaw J ohn , Si lver stP arkin Thomas, Sou th Chu rchP ow ton George, Newga te st.Rhodes John , N ewga te st .Sm i thW i lli am, Back Bondgate

B r ass Foun d er s .

Snai th m em es, N ewgate stWelford doHines , N ewgate stBr as i er s an d T inpl ate W k r s .

B rown James, Fore B ondgateSnai th Thomas

,N ewgate s t

Wel ford 85 Hines,N ewgate st


ou l dhave Wm ., Newgate stB r ew er s an d. M a l t ster s .

Bainb r i dge John Hall, Marke t plH all John , Fore BondgateL awson J . Co.

,Sou th Chu rch

Br ick l ayer s .

*J See S tone Masons.

B r i ck an d. T i l e M ak er s .

Adey Matthew, Sou th Chu rchBrown John , Broom pl ace

C ab i n et M ak er s an d

U ph ol ster er s .

S ee Joiners 4} Bu i lder s.

C a r pe t M an u fac t u r er s,

Monkhou se , Johnson, 8c Co., High

Bond gate

Bu t ch er s .

Bellerby Chpr . , Newgate st.Dowell John

,N ewgate s t.

D ibbs Wi lliam , Fore B ondgateDob son Robert, Du rham road h .

Newgate s t.Fel l Mat thew , N ewgate st.Fell Ralph , Fore BondgateFle tcher T hom as, N ewgate stFu rby John , Fore B ondgateG i l l Ingram , N ewgate s t .Heslop Charles , N ewgate st.Jewi t t Josiah , Newgate s t.Salkel d Robert , High BondgateSm irk John , N ewgate s t.Todd John

,Ma rket pl .

Wal ton Hen ry, Back Bondgate


C oal Ow n er s .

Backhou se Edmund, Bl ack BoyColliery, Sou th Chu rch , Chri stopher Wal ton , agent

Mc . L ean Danie l Woodhou se, CloseC olli eryP eacock JohnWood, Market pP ease Jph .

, j un . 85 Co ., Adelaide ’sC olliery, Sou th Chu rch, RobertG arbu t t agen t

C on fec t ion er s .

E aston Ann , Market plac eR u therford J as ., Newgate s t

C ooper s .

L on gstafi'George, Back Bon dgateL en g stafi'W i l li am , Fore BondgateP inder Thomas , N ewgate s tRobson Thomas, Market place

C or n M i l l er s .

Fletcher W illi am , Sou th Chu rchB r ow n b r i dg e W i lli am ,

We st M i l l


Gar d en er s .

Dodds Wm . , n u rsery and seedsman ,Clarence cottageG ibson W alte r, Du rham readCalv er t Thomas, W ear chareS ibbald Rober t, Market pl

Marl ey Thomas,Marke t plac e and

G arn l ess Mi llC a r r i er s L ea th er C u t t er s .

Maw George 8: Son,Wear Chare

Market placeSalkeld G eorge, Marke t pl ace ; h .

Sou th Chu rchW al ton Vl ’ i l l iam Harris, Market plW i lkin son George , N ewgate st

D r u gg i S t Sn

D av i son Robert, Market plHetherington Jph .,

N ewgate stH u l l Thom as , Newgate s tJopling Thomas ,Market plRobinson Joseph, Market plThompson Robert, Fore BondgateW i lkin son Thomas, an d oi l mer .

chant, Newgate stDye r s .

Featherston J ohn , Marke t place 'Morgan C atherine, Greatgate

F i r e an d L i fe Ofices .

L eed s 85 Yorkshire, Matth . Brei thwa i te , Market pl .

N orw ich Union , P eter Fai r ,Mkt. plP hoen ix , (Fi re) Hy . T uke, Mkt. plRoyal Farmers and General , HenryT uke, Marke t pl

H a i r D r esse r s .

Adai r Ri ch ard, N ewgate stB l ades Wi l liam, Newgate s tSmi th Jesse, Fore Bondgate

H at ter s .

Angu s John , Marke t placeO r d George M il ler, Marke t placeRobinson James

,Market place

H os i er s H ab er d ash er s .

Bowne ss George, N ewgate st

Donaldson John , N ewgate s tH ot e l s , In n s , an d T av er n s .

An gel , John Thompson , Market plBay H orse, O swald P earson, ForeBon dg al e

B lack Horse, Mi chael L on g stafi',N ewgate s t

Board , J . H all Bainbridge, Mkt. plBoard, Jph . Manners, B lu e row

G l ass , Ch in a , Er thw r . D l r s.

Gi ll Thomas, Market plKipl ing James, N ewgate s t

Kipling L i onel, N ewgate s t

Gr oc er s .

Dav i son Robert, Mar ket plDav i son Robert, N ewgate s tE l win John, Fore B ondgateHu tchinson Jas . , funeral fu rn i sher

an d parish clerk, N ewgate s t .

Hu ll Thomas, N ewgate s tJan sen John Dixon, N ewgate s tJop l ing Thomas

,Market pl

L awson Robert,Sou th Chu rch

L ove Wi ll iam , Marke t plP aw ton Ralph

, N ewgate s tP everell Henry

,Sou th Chu rch

P owell Robert, Fore BondgateRobinson Joseph, Market pl . ;

H igh Bondg ateThompson Robert,N ewgate st

Tu rner Robert, N ewga te stWade Tho s. L ., N ewgate s tWi lkin son Thomas, Newgate st


P ain t er s an d G l az ier s .

E dwards Thomas, Marke t placeJohnson W i lli am , N ewg ate s tP allis ter Thomas

,Fore Bondgate

Thompson John,Si lv er st

W al ton Thomas , N ewgate s t“( i l son Avery,Back Bondgate

P at t en an d C l og M ak er .

Bu tterfiel d Cph r Fore BondgateP l um b er s , & c .

Snai th Thomas, N ewgate s t

W ou l dhav e Wm .,Newgate st

P or t er M er ch an t .

Heighington Ben j .,Back B ondgate

R ope an d Tw i n e M ak er s .

Da l kin Joseph,N ewgate s t

Dou glas Charles , Back BondgateS ad d l er s so H ar n ess M ak er s .

Heppel G eorge, Market placeH ornsby James, Market place

Sh opk eeper s .

B u rrel l R .

, A. , 65 D., N ewgate stD av i son John

,N ewgate s t

H ornsby Thos . Wm .,Marke t place

N ev i son Sarah,Marke t pl ace

O liv er Mary, Market placeP owell G eo . , Sou th te rraceS torey Henry

, Sou th Chu rchVi ckers Eliz abe th

,High Bondgate

W atson John, N ew gate s t

W ood Catherine, N ewgate stSpad e an d Sh ov el M n fr s.

H oop D av id,edge tool , B lu e r ow

Forg eRace Ralph , Sou th Chu rchS t on e M ason s B r i ck l ayer s .

Bainbridge Francis, Back BondgateC alv ert Thomas, N ewgate stH erron Cu thber t, High BondgateRobson John

,High Bondgate

Vicke r s James, H i gh BondgateS tr aw H at M ak er s.

Ar mstron g An n,Marke t p l ace

B u rnel l Ru th, An n and Dorothy ,N ewgate street

Moore Jane, N ewgate stTeasdale Mary

,Newgate st

Watson Jane, N ewgate st


Su r geon s .

Canney Georg e Son , Market plH u tchinson Valen tine, Back BondgateJobson John

,Market placeT a i l or s .

Marked a r e Drapers a lso

Adamson John & Thom as,Newg t. stAirey Thomas,N ewgate s t

Ai mstrong Robert, S i l v er s tArmstr on g ”

Wi l l iam ,Du rham road

Brown John , Fore BondgateC l em in son Isaiah , Newgate stD eni son Anthony, Sou th Chu rchGreenbank W ill i am

,N ewgate s t

Hu tchinson Robert , Market pl aceNev i son Wi l li am , Back BondgateO r d George Miller , N ewgate stR i chl ey Robert, Fore BondgateRu th er tor d James, N ewgate stThompson W i ll i am , Fore BondgateVickers Joseph , High BondgateWi lkinson John , Sou th Chu rch

T a l l ow Ch an d ler s .

P rou d John , fellmonger, Mkt. plT an n er s .

Maw Geo rge 8: Son , Wear char sT u r n er s in W ood

Thompson Thomas , Newgate s tThompson W i ll iam

,High Bondgate

W a tch C l oc k M aker s .

Buxton Willi am ,Newgate st

L on g stafi'John , Market placeRi chardson Wi lliam , Fore BondgateWher l y S i lv ester, N ewgate st

W h ee lw r ig h t .

B rai thwai te Matthew, Du rham roadW h i tesm i th s Bel l H an ger s.

Dean Isaac, N ewgate s t

Dodds G eorge, Fore BondgateKilbu rn N i cholas, Newgate s tKilbu rn Thomas , Newgate s tSnai th Thomas, N ewgate s tW i n e an d Spi r i t M er ch an t s

Bain bridge John Hal l , Marke t plCoates Jane , and tea dealer, N ew

gate str ee tJoplin Wi lli am , mal t, hop, and seed,Newgate st

Oy s ton W i lliam, Fore Bondgate


W ool l en Spin n er .

Heron Emerson , West Mi l lW or sted an d W ool l en Yarn

M an u fac tu r er s .

Featherston John , Marke t placeMarsden Dav id , Back Bondgate


The True Bri ton , from the Harean d Hounds, Marke t place, to Du r

ham , 8 e .m ., to Barnard C astle

8 p.m .,daily, Sundays ex cepted.

Omnibu s from the Talbo t In n toFerry Hill Station , at 6 30 am .

St ockton and Darlington RailwayS tati on

,B room place

,Sou th road,

Wm . Crawford, s tation master. For

parti cu l ars see time table, publ i shedby the Company, and may be hadat the s tation .


Barnard Castl e, from th e Mal tShovel , George Whi te , monday andthu rsday and Cphr . Ho l l iday, tu esBowes, from the Three Tuns,G ibson , thu rsday .

Brough, f rom the Three Tuns,John Young, thu rsday from theMalt Shov el , John Robinson ,

thu rsd ay ; and Andr ew Bel ]

,frid ay.

Cockfiel d, from ' th e Mal t Shovel,George Hodg son, satu r day.

Du rham , John Mundel l , Bondgate , satu rday.

E venwood , from th e B lack Horse ,Thomas We l l an s

,s atu rday.

Ham ster ley, from the Grey Horse,John S tephenson, thu rsday.Newcast le, from the Black Horse,Thomas Wel l an s

, thu r . ,Wm . Hu ll,N ewgate st., mond . and thu rs fromth e Thr ee Tuns , Ju o . Youn g

,tu es . ;

fr om the Mal t Shov e l , Geo. Hodgson , thu rs ., John Robinson , mon.

and Andrew Bell, wed,

Staindrop, from the Mal t Shov el,Robert H olliday,satu rday

S under land, from the Three Tuns ,Gibson , tu es. ; from the Mal tShov el , Christopher Holli day , andCarter, wednesd ay, and Robt.H o l l iday, thursday.



P etty S essions, are held in theL ong Room

,at the Shepherd ’s In n ,every o ther thu rsday.


Robert Archibald Dou gl as Gresl ey

,E sq. ; Henry Stob ar t, Esq. ;

Samu el Smi th son , Esq. ; Si r Wm .

Eden , Barn ; Robt. L ambton Su r ~

tees,Esq. ; and Robert Sadler, Esq.

P ol ice Station , (Rura l) Si lv er st.,Wi ll i am Brown , s uperin tendent , 8cWi l l i am Askew , sergeant.Un ion Workhou se, Newgate s treet,established at the commencemen t o fthe ac t

,wi ll accommodate 66, aver

age 40 ; Thomas Reynolds , master ;Wi ll iam Tro tter

,clerk , and super

in ten den t r egi strar Ralph J0 plin g,an d John Ki rkup, registrars of

bi rths and dea ths ; ’ Thomas Dean,regi strar of marriages ; Wm . Hu tch.inson and Wm . Ki rkup, rel iev ingo fficers.Eaeise Ofice, Greatgate , N ewgatestree t, H . N . Scai fe, superv i sor ;

Edward Lai dler and Thos. Christi e,o fficers .A lm s Houses, (The Bede) S i lv erstree t, for two ol d men

,an d two ol d

women .

P l aces of W or sh ip.

St . Andr ew Au ckl and P ar ish Chur ch,Rev . John P atrick Eden , M.A.

perpetual C u rate .St. Ann

s Chapel of Ease, Marke tplace , n ow rebu i l ding.Ca thol ic Chapel , bu i l t 1846 , Head ofH i gh Bondgate, Rev . Jas . Gibson , pr i est.

I ndependen t Chapel , N ewgate stWesleyan Chapel s, Back Bondgatean d Sou th road .Mar het hel d on Thu rsday.Fai r s, l ast Thu rsday in March,

H oly Thu rsday, Thu rsday and Fr i .

day in Trini ty Week, Thu rsday be .fore the l 6 th , an d l as t Thu rsdaybu t one in O ctober.P apu lation , according to the Con .

su s taken J1111 6 , 1841 - 3776.



Post Ofice at the L ambton Arms, Rober t L owson , P ostmaster ; lettersarri v e IO 12 a.m ,, and 4 50 p.m .

,and ar e dispatched at 8 25 a.m .

, an d

2 55 p m .

Anderson W i lli am,draper

B almer Eliz .,s traw hat an d dress

makerB anson Hy. Wi lkinson

,dru ggi st

B lakey Thos ., v i c t. Figh ting CocksBland George, hai r dresserB land John

,hair dresser

,new s a .

g en t, and agen t to the N orwichFi re L i fe Ofice

B olt on L ancelo t,w atch maker

B owser Chas. Hall, tl or . 8c. draperB riggs Mr . JohnB rown H annah


Brown Wi ll iam ,shoemaker

Bu rli son John,tinner

,br azier and

plumberBu rn Qu een’ s H ead InnBurn et t Mr . RalphCharlton John , v i c t. Crown In nCharl ton John


Clarke Wm ., j oiner, bu i lder andcabine t maker

Colman Thos ., boot shoe m akerCooke Isaac , cartwrigh tCookson Jn o. E sq.

,Whi te Hil l Hall

Gewel l Mr. RalphCraw ford John , farmerCro fton Thos ., v i c t. and gardener,Bay Horse

C r ou dace Mi ss AnnC rou da ce W i l li am , gentlemanCu rry John

,painter glazier

Cu thbertson Wm .,bookseller

D al kin John,rope maker

Dal ki n Rd . saddler harness m kr .

D a l kin R v i c t. 81 th .,Tailors Arms

D i ck inson Saml ., m ason 8c bu i lderD ickman Will i am

, farm bai liff

D innin John , cart ownerD innin Joseph , cartwright 85 j oin erbellhanger, 85 dealer in hardwareDodd M r s. P hoebeDodds J oseph

, union masterDown ie George , S u rgeonDundass Thomas

,m an g r . gas w rks .

E arl Wi lli am Bacon , timber m er ch t

Egdel l Edward , blacksmi thEmmerson Catharine

,straw hat m kr

Emmerson Joseph,tailor 8c draper

Farrow John Cumming , painterglazierFarrow Robert, pain ter and glazi erFeather ston hau gh Walker


,HermitageFenw i ck 8: S tory, brewers Spiri tmerchants

Fenw ick Thomas, Esq., Sou th hi l lGarbu tt Wm . , tailor and d raper

G ibson - John , w ine spi ri t m r ch t.

Graham Mary, fu rni tu re broker,earthenw are dealerGraham Matthew

,au ctioneer and

sheri ff’s officerGray Eleanor , booksel ler sta tn r .

Gray Jas .,clerk to the Union


per in ten den t regi s trar, and secretary to gas companyGreenw ell G eo ., v ic t., Red L ionH al l Robert, l inen and woollen draper


,& c .

HallWm ., blacksmi th , (h)H olliday W i ll iam,

v i c t. and bu tcher”?Shou lder of Mu ttonHarle Joseph , shoemakerH artley Wm ., ear thenware an d ma.

r ine store dealer


Shield Mr s. H arrie tShield John , bl acksmi th , (h)Shield Robert Spence r, su rgeonSnowdon Wm .,

boot 85 shoemakerS te el G eo . Edw .

, clock 85 watch m krS teel Thomas, con fectionerS tookl es Thomas , exci se o fficerS tephenson Thomas , shoemake rS tev in son Edw . , saddler 85 i r n m n g r .

S toddart W ill i am ,cartwright

S tor b ar t Mi ss MaryS torey Abraham, b r ewer , 85c . (h)Swalwel l R t. , v i c t. 85 v eterinary su rgeon

,Bl ack Horse Inn

Swinbu rn John,gen tleman

Thompson Abraham , m asonThorbu rn Isab bookselle r , stati oner, new s agt. 85 Berlin wool depo tTodd Mary

,day school

Usher Edward , bu tcherU sher James

,Vi c t. 85 machine m kt

P eacock InnW ag gott Dav id, tailorW ake Joseph


W ake. Thomas, farmerWalkerMr s . JaneW arde l l Mi ss MaryWar dd rOpper N i chol as, boo t andshoemakerW atson George , schoolmasterW atson Margare t

,dress and straw

hat makerW atson Mr . P eterWea therspoon Robert

, farmer andgardenerWheatl ey John


W heatley Mi ch ae l,c u rr ier

Wheatley Mr . RobertW hite Mr s. MaryWi lkinson H an n ah , l in en and wooll en draper

,tai lor , 850 .

W i lson Alsop,boo t and shoemaker

W'il son James, j un .

, SkinnerW i lson John


W i lson Mi ss Margare tW i l tshi re Rev . Al fred , sub -cu rateW ood John , cooperW ood Margare t, gro cer 85 flou r dlr.W right Wi l liam


Young Joseph,bu tcher

The Qu icksi lv er to Du rh am , fr omthe Qu een ’s Head Inn,at 9 a.m

and to N ew castl e at 6 p.m . daily.

The Tru e B ri ton to New castle,

from the Crown Inn,at 10 45 a.m

an d to Du rham at 5 p.m .

C ar r i er s .

Durham ,W i lli am H artley


sat.N ewcastle, J as . B ou thwai te , sat . ;Wi lli am Metcal f

,sat . ; an d Thomas

War d r opper , tu es ., thu rs., and sat.Un ion Workhouse, wi l l accom m o

d ate 1 10, av erage 50 ; Joseph an d

Margaret Dodds, master 85 matron ;James Gray,cl erk and super in tendent registrar ; Charles John Sco tt,reliev ing ofli cer , and registrar of

births and death s, for Chester-l aStreet distri c t, and marri ages forth e Union ; and Matthew Henderson , r eli ev ing officer and regi straro f birth s and dea ths

, for Harratondistri c t ; C . H . Bainbridge , Esq.,chairman .

Gas Works , Thos. D undas , manager, and Jas . Gray , secretary.Mechan ics Institution and L ibrary,

J ohn Owen , l ibrari an .

P l a ces of W or sh ip.

Pa r ish Chu rch (S t. Mary and S t.Cu thbert) Rev . F. W . Shaw, andRev . Al fred W i lt shire, o fficiatin g

C u rates .Bethel Chapel , (Independen t)Methodist Chapel .

P r im i tive Methodist Chapet.

TheMarket has been l ong ob solete ,ye t i t i s conv en i en tly si tuated forsupplying the numerou s miners andwork people employed in the neighb ou r i n g Collieries , Iron Works ,&c.


w i th p r o v i sion s,and o ther n ecessa

ries of li fe .P opu lation according to the Con

su s taken J une, l 84 | ,- 2599.


LIST or STREETS , LANES, COURTS , &c ., IN 1847,

W ith ref er ences to their r espective situations.

Adelaid e street, Bank topAlbert stree t, Bank topAlbi on Bu il dings, 2 1 Nor thgateAlbion place 85 s treet , 24 Nor thgateArden s treet, 5 Houn dgateArcher street

,26 Bondgate

Backhou se squ are, 15 Uni on stree tBakehou se hi ll , Market placeBan k

,top, head of Clay r ow

Bell ’s place, 57 Skin n er g ateBl ackwel l gate, 1 High r owB ondgate , 46 High r ow

Bowe s s treet, 12 Clay r ow

B ridge end,20 Tu bwel l r ow

B ridge stree t, P ark streetBrunsw i ck stree t, 9 Clay r owCarter’s r ow

, Ban k topCater ick

s yard, N orthgateChancery lane , 7 Horse marketChapel stree t

, P ark stree tChu rch r ow , Market placeChu rch street, Park placeC lay r ow

, Skern e bridgeCleve land terrace, Con i sc l ifi'e l aneCockerton lane

,Bondga teC ommercial s treet

, ] IO BondgateCommerci al stree t (Upper) 23 Unionstree tCon i sc l ifl


e l an e , 44 Bl ackwel l gateD eanery , 22 Horse marke tEast s treet , 1 Clay r owEast ter race, Bank topFeetham s, DeaneryFreemason ’s place , East streetGarbu tt’s squ are , Bank topG eorge’s squ are , P ark streetGrange ro ad, 44 B l ackwel l gateG reen park, Coni scl i ffe l aneHarewood grov e, Grange roadHarewood hi ll , Grange ro adH igh r ow ,

Marke t placeH igh terrace, N orthgate roadH ope town , N orthgate roadH orse market , Market placeH ou n dgate, 34 Bl ackwel l gate

King s treet,6 Union r ow

L ead yard , foo t of Market placeL i s ter’s bu i ldings , N orthgateMarket place , T ubwel l r ow

Mi l l bank, 34 T ubwe l l r ow

Moun t pleasan t, Con isc l ifi‘e lan eNesham lane

, Bank topN orthgate, P rospect placeNo r thgate road , 44 No r thg ate

N orth terrace, Nor thg ate road

Nor thum b er l an d place, Grange rd.No rthumberland stree t

,Grange rd .

Paradise r ow,Con i sc l ifi'e l ane

P aradise terrace , Con i sc l ifie, laneP ark place, Cl ay r ow

P ark s tree t, P ark plac e

P ost H ou se yard , 17 High r ow

P ost H ou se wynd , 2 1 High r owP rebend r ow

,Market place

P r iestga te, 8 P rebend r owP rincess squ are, 8 Clay r ow

P r ospect place,46 High r ow

P ro spec t yard,P rospec t pl ac e

P ump stree t , Bank topQu een stree t,1 Albi on place

Regen t stree t,10 Upper Commer

c ial stree tSi lv er s tree t, Bank topSkerne pl aCe, C lay r owSkerne r ow , Bridge stree tSkin n er gate, 3 Bl ackwe l l gate

S tati on stree t, Bank topStubbs yard

,30 H igh r ow

Su tton’s yard , 29 Skin n er ga teThompson ’s yard , 8 H igh r ow

Tubwel l r ow , 1 P rebend r owU nion r ow,

102 BondgateU nion street

,18 N orthgate

Union s treet, Bank topVictori a s treet, P ark placeW atson’ s yard

,35 Skin n er gate

W ell ington place , 44 B l ackwel l gateWesley p l ace

, 75 BondgateWes t. te r race , Con i sc l ie l an eYarm lane, Bank top



Compr ising the addresses of Gentry, C l ergy , P ar tners in Firm s and others,

not ar r anged under the Cl assifica tion of Tr ades and P r of essions.

Abbott Thomas Eastoe,gent ., RoseVilla

,G r ange road

Adams Rev . Dav id, (Bapti st,) 23Albion street

Adamson George, Rai lway con trac

tor, Bank topAddi son M i sses Mary 8c Margaret


3 North terraceAinsley Mr s. Cresswel l, 20 A l bion plAllan M iss Ann

, 6 Harewood grov eAlle rton John , clerk, 5 Arden stB ackhou se Mi ss Ann ,Wes t L odgeBackhou se Edmund E sq.

,banker ;h . P ol am

Backhou se Mr s. Hannah C., P ol am

Backhou se John Esq.

, banker ; h .

B each W oodBackhou se John Chu rch , Esq.

, b anker h . B lackwe l lBackhou se Mr s. Mary, 39 Nor thg t

Backhou se W illi am E sq.

, banker ;11 . E l m Fi el d

Bailey P e ter Kemp, draper ; h . 9

T ubwel l r ow

Bai ster Thomas, farmer, Adelaide s tBaker Thomas, tobacco m an u fr . ;h . 2 Albion r ow

Basnet t Anna Mar ia,l dgn gs., 3 Paradise terrace

B arlow James, cowkpr .,Cockerton lnBell John ,

r ai l way engine inspector,Bank top

Benson Mr s. Margaret, 2 East terBenson Richard, clerk, 34 C l ay rowB est Thomas, coachm an ,Gr an ge rdB ew ick Mr s. Dor othy, 2 l Archer s tB i l ton Mr s. Mary Ann , 44 Bon dg t

B leasby James, cork ctr., 55 Skn r g tB lyth W i lli am

,farmer, N esham In

Bol l am Boh d , sweep, 10 Com er c l s tBotcherby Mr s . Jane, 9 Alb ion pl

Bowm an Mi ss E lizabeth, 83 Bon d g t

Bowman John H ard cast l e, cu rrierh . 82 BondgateBo


wman Joseph , gen t, 30 Union st

Bowman W i lli am,clerk

, N orthgateBr an ski l l M iss My .

,8 Moun t pl sn t

Brockett Mi ss Ann,18 Albion pl

Bro therton Miss Mr g t., 14 Albion plBrown Mi sses Eliz abeth and Jane,3 Harew ood hil l

Brown John , sawyer , Albert s tBrown John

,coal agen t, Eas t ter

Brown Rev . Joseph , ch aplain , Carm el Con v en t

Brown Mr s. Margare t, 18 Archer s tBrown Mr s . Mary, Bank topBrown Rem— Nesham l aneBrown Sarah , lodgings, 6 Albion p lBu ck James Jph ., wai ter, 3 Arden st

Bu lmer Ann , l odgings, 75 Skin n er g tByg ate Emanu el, l e tter carr i er, 14N orthgateCarter Geo. , wool stapl er , 13 Unionr ow h . 2 Harewood grov eC arter Mr . John , c t., 13 B l ackwel l g tCarter Rd . , coal ag . Harewood grov eCash P e ter, manager, Gas Works ,N orth roadChambers Ral ph

,attorney ’s cl erk


A l bion str ee tChipchase Mr s. Ann , 1 8 King st '

Clark Mr s. Martha,8 P aradise ter

Coates Mr s . Jane,2 D ean ery

Coates J s.

, rai lway i n spc tr ., Skerne rGookin Alex., coal ag t. , P aradi se terColeman Mr s. Ann , 75 N orthgateCommon Mr .An dw. 16Moun t pl sn tCook P hilip

,proprieto r of Cro ft

Mail G ig, 22 Commerci al stCookW i lliam Scott, oil clo th m a

n u fac tu r er , ct. 97 Bondg ate


Hey s R eV . Rb t. , W esl ey plH i l l Mi l es, o v erl ooke r, 4 ! N or thg t .

H inson Mr s . Jane , 6 Northg ateH odgson G .

, crt . own r .,c t. 2 ] Bn dg t .

H odgson Jn . , a tr n y’

s . c l r k 4King s tH odgson W .

, l odg ings , I9 P r i estga teHobkirk R e v . John, (Wesleyan , )

‘Wesley pl aceH odge M i ss Ann , 1 East terH ogget t G eo r g e, Organ bu i lder, 45B ru n sw i ck st.

H oggett H enry, O rg an bu ilder, 5Skerne pl ac e

H ogarth Rev . Wm .

,C atho l i c pri est


10 P arad i se r owH opkins John C . Esq.


How el l Rev . Alexander James , Incumben t o f Darl ington , 4 Harewood grov e

H orner G eorge, coachmaker ; h . 13

Qu een streetH umble S tephen , arti st , and secretary to Gas Co .

,1 Green P ark

H ow e John 85 Robert, cart owners,3 1 Ol av r ow

H ow g i l l Wm . milk seller, 3 u pperCommerci al s tr eet

H umphrey M iss E l iz abeth , 2 1 Comm er cial stree t

H u tchin son Henry , soli ci tor ; h . 7

Harewood H illImeson Rd .

,carri ers ag en t, N or thg t .

I an son Mr s . Sarah , 3 West terraceJenni son Geo .

,eng ineer , Carters r ow

Jobson Mr s. Ma r gare t, 86 Bon dg t.Johnson Edw d .,farm er

,Bu she l l hil l

John son T hos .,plumber

,N orthum

berland pl aceJohnson M r . Walter, 33 Albion st.Jordan Samu el,ag en t, goods dep t. ,

Great North of England Railway ;h . 7 High ter r aceKelsey Eman ., cu r rier , 16 King stKen y on R .

,bank cl erk, P aradi se ter

K ip l in g E c u r r i er ; h . P aradise r owKiplin g F.

,carpe t m an fr . ; h . Bn dg t

Kiplin g Mr s . Jane, 41 BondgateKipl ing J . , carpe t m an fr h . N thg tKirkley Eliz . lodgin gs , 1 2 Archer stL aidle r c l erk ,g25 King stL ax Mr s . H . , 12 Moun t P leasan tL eeming G eorge , cl o thes c l eaner,Skerne pl.

L ew in s Wm . , ov erl ooker, 16 UpperCommercial s t.

DARL INGTON DIRECTORY.L igh tfoo t G . D, coal 27 Nthg t.L i ghtfoo t J ohn Swi ft

,coa l agen t


N orth roadLi gh tfoo t John

,blacksmi th ; h . 28

Albi on st.L on g stafl

'Mr s. Ann

,4 High ter.

L u ck Rd .

,draper ; h . 35 Bondgate

Mc L achlan T hos .

,b an k manage r


25 High r owMc L ay, W i ll iam ,

exci se officer, i 2

P aradi se r owMc L ean Joseph, u pholsterer

, 4

B l ackwel l g ate

Macadam M r s . E l iz . , 1 N orth te r .Mc . N ay Thomas , sec . to W earVall ey Rai l w ay


Co” Skerne side

Marley W .,gen t. , 2 Harewood hi l l

Marley Craw ford,coal agent

, Ga r

bu tt sq.

Mason Geo. , civ il en gineer, 9 Paradi se ter .

Mau de Mr s . Ann Isab .,Green bank

Marshal l Jas.,gent

,4 Mount P lea

san tMarshal l R e v . John

,head m aste r

Grammar School ; h . 7 H ar ewd . grMidd l esborou gh E s tate O ffice, 83N orthgate ,Wm . Thompson

,agen t

Metca l f Mr . Henry , 37 P r i estg t .Me tcal f Jph .

, post boy, P r o spec t yd .

Me theson Mary , l odg s . , 99 Bon dg t .

Midd l eton M.,tanner ; h . l Gn ge rd

Middle ton J ., tan ner, 85 c h . 15

Clay r ow

Middleton Rd .,gen t 3 East ter .

Mewbo rn Fras . , solic i tor 85 borou ghbaili ff ; h . L arch Fiel d

Mewbu r n Fras . , j un . soli ci tor ; h .

L arch FieldMi l ler Geo .


,Garbu t t’s sq .

Min ton Rev . T . W ebb, 4 North to

Moo r e Da v i d , lodgings, 5 Nor thg t.

Moore Edw . , mint disti l ler and sal tdealer,37 Bondgate

Moore Wm .,farmer

,Yarm lane

Mon trey J n o en gn r .,3 Hope Town

Myers Mr s Eliz . , l 9 Albion pl .Nesbi t t M r s . Mary , 9 P r iestga teN ev i l le J oseph

,gen t l 0 West ter

N e v ison Archibald,tailo r ; h . N o r

thu m b er l an d stree tN ev i son S tphn . tai l or, 3 Horse mktN ewby J ohn , porter, 62 N orthgateN oble G e org e , bird and an imal preser v er

,53 Bondgate


Duthwai te Wi l li am, c art owner, ct72 N or th gate

Oxley Edward , gent ., 1 W es t te rP arker Ti tu s, carriers agent, H epeTown

Parker Wm .,manager, P aradise ter

P at tison W'm ., fa rmer, Fieldhou se

P ease Mr s . A . Fee tham s

P ease Mi ss C ath .,l l Mou n t pl sn t .

P ease Edward , Esq., 48 N orthgate

P ease Henry, Esq., worsted spinner,h . P em em on t

P ease John , E sq.,East Mo unt

P ease John Bowman , Esq., N orth

L odgeP ease Jo seph , Esq.

,worsted spinn er

h . Sou th endP erkins Ambrose , gentleman, 17

Mount pleasan tP e tch Hen ry, pos t boy, 20 Cornm erc ia l s t.

P ete Cha.,l odg ings, 1 1 P a radi s e ter

Bev erl ey C. ,forem an , 14 Archer s t

P i ercy Eliz abe th , uphols ter ess,2

Welling ton placeP i lking ton Edward Bri sto, carr i er30 Bon dgate

P lews N a th l , gen t ., 5 Paradise r owI

om fr et“f rs .

, boot and shoem aker11. High Con i scl ih‘z'e

P o tts Mr s. Alic e,1 1 P r iestg ate

P otts Mr . Matthew , 2 Clev eland ter .P owel l Jn o. K.

,j o i n er , 5 We l g tn . pl

P ri tchet t Rev. Richard , (In d .) 40B ondg ateRadcl iff, Charles, commerci al trav el ler

,5 C hu rch r ow

Rawl ing Wm .,cu rrier, 3 King s t

R eay Thos . ,fishm n g r , 7 Bakeh s. h l

Rid sdal e Mrs. Hannah , 32 Skin n r g tRobin son Mi ss Ann,9 We l n g tn . plRobinson Mr s . Ann , 19 Archer s tRob inson Edward , fr m r . G r an g e h l

R obinsonMi ss Hanh .

,9 P a r adi se rW

Robinson Mr s. Mary , 4 Archer s tRobson An thony , po lice super in tendent, Grange roadRobson Richard,cabine t maker ; h

9 High ro w

Robson Thom as, gent. 12 West terRobson W i l li am , gen t. N or th te rRogers Mr s . Sar ah , 7 P ar ad i se r owR u therford Rev . Robert

, (Wesl yan .)1 Clev elan d terr ace

Sang Mr s. J . 15 Queen stree t


Sharp Isaac , agent, 9 Wes t terraceShen n ess Wm .


,37 N r thg t.

Shephard J ohn , u m b r ella maker, ct.1 Market pl ac e

Shephard Mr s. Sarah Ann,8 Hare

wood grov eShephard Thomas Charles


cashier, 27 H igh r ow

Shev i l lW i l l iam,gen t. 4 Green park

S impson Geo., b oot m k ; h . 33 High rS inclai r Edward

,ti cket cle rk, rai l

way cot tageS lack M r s. L ou i sa , N orth terSmi th E li as, ag en t to S to ckton an d

Darlington Railway G oods depa r tm en t ; h . S tor e r d a l es

Smi th George,j oiner, East ter.

Smi th Wm ., clerk , Railway cottageSmu rthwai teM r s . Jane ,We l n g tn . C tSnai th Thos bu i lder ; h . Skin n er g t .

Snow den An n , clo thes broker, 17T ubwe l l road

Sow e rby W i l li am ,agen t, Bondgate

Sparkes John Morse , sec. to N orthof Eng l an d Rai lway Co. ; h . 5

P arad i se terraceSpen cer Hy ., u phol st r er 9 Hou n dg t

S tead Mr . Ri chard,18 Qu een st .

S tephen son George , superin tenden tS tock ton and D arling ton , Railway, Railway co ttage

S tephenson Joseph , ci v i l engineer ,8 High terrac e

Storey Rob ert, farmer, Yarm lan eS tri ckland Jane


,3 Bruns

w i ck s t.Su nderlan d Mr s.

, Park pl aceS u t ton Georg e , bu i lder ; h . Bon dg t.

Swin b an k Catharine,lodgings


P aradi se terraceTeasdale Edward , commercial tra

v eller, Wo od l ands co ttageTeasdale John

,o l l e . ag t. , 7 N orth terTeasdal e Rb t. . cu r rier ; h . 7West ter

Thomas Rober t,farm e r

,H i l l clo se

Thompson Jn . ,co rn ag t, N r thm l d . p

T h om pson Jn .

,cashi e r , 24 Alb i on s t

Thom pson M r . Sm l . , P a r ad ise hou seThom pson W il l iam , share b roker ;h . 3 H igh r ow

Thom pson Wm ., gen t. 12 P aradise trThorn ton Geo . , farmer, Glebe farmThorn ton Jonn B rown

,acco u n tan t,

76 N orthga teThorn ton Jph, d rpr ; h. 9 Tubwel l r


Thorn ton Thos., b rckl yr .,Victori a st

Thu r l wal l Mr s. Eliz ., 74 Nor thgateTodd Wm ., gardener, NorthgateTopham Mr s. My .

,16 Wel n g tn . pl

Topham Thos . gent. 6Mn t. pleasan tTu rn er Mi ss Jane

, 14 u pper Comm er c ial streetTu tin Mr s . Mary

, 63 N orthgateTweddle Jas ., railw ay clerk,Hope tnTweddle John , clerk, 5 Hope TownWake 17 B r un swk. st

W aldi e Thomas, York St N ewcastl eRailway station master, Bank topW alker 19 H r se.m kt

W al lace John , clerk , 8 Archer st.Wal ton Jn .

, b l ksm h . h . 16 xAl b ion pWVan d l ess Mr . Robert, 10 Albi on pl .W ard R t., cowkeeper, Cater i ck’

s y d .Waterhou se W i lli am, commercialtrav eller

,15 W ellington place

Watkin Ch r stph r ., dpr. h . 26 High r

W atkin John , gen t., 7 P aradise ter.WatsonWard l e

,r l wy. poli ce , Cr tr s . r

Watson W ill i am,sweep, Mi l l b ank


W el sh Mr s. AnnWeatheril l Mr s.

Westel l Mr . RobWheatley John ,Jn su r an ce C o.

W ilkinsonWm .,

H opper,M. A. perpetu al cu rate

,Trini ty

Chu rch, 84 BondgateWi ll i s Solomon, cowkpr ., Chapel s t.Wi lson George John

,postmaster, 81

Nor thgate

Wi lson John , head clerk, Goods De

par tm en t,Stockton Darlin gton

Railway.W ilson Mr s. Mg t., 1 Mou n t pl sn t.Wi l son 12 Ski n n er g t .

Wi l son Robt, o v er l ker ., 7 B r n swk. st

W ilson Thos . foreman 4Brn swck. s tWood Mr s. Jane, Nor thm ber l n d . pl .

Wrigh t John , working Si lversmith ,P r iestgate



A cad em i es.

Marked take boar der s.

Br itish School , ct . 10 Skin n er gate,Geo .Wm . Bartl e tt h . 13 King st*Brown D el e , 5 Harewood hillChapman Wm ., 10 Archer st.Cooke Jas . , priv ate, 9 Mount ter.C ooper Rt., 5 P ost Hou se wyndCupples Isab. An n , 28 Archer st.‘D arling Michael , 5 Houn dg t. ; hHar ewood hillEdgar Matthew ,

Bank topE skin Thos. , 29 Bn dg t ; h . Coml. s tDu rain v i l l e Fras ., Horse marke t*Fo thergi ll Mi s ses, 1 1 P arad i se rowGarbu t t Wm .

, 22 Uni on st h . 24

Archer st.‘ Gr ieveson Jane , 7 1 Skin n ergateH arr i s John

, 26 Union st.

Grammar School , L ead yard , Rev .

John Marshall, A . B . head master , and Thomas Robson , secondmaster

H olmes TheMi sses,l adi es boardin gestabl i shment, North v i lla

Inf an t S chool s, 63 Bondgate, Mar yr

Bu ckton Feetham s, Sarah L inney85 Br idge st. , Ann Tat eKelsey E l ean or, 16 King s t.

*Mi ller Mi ss , Grange ro adNationa l S choo l , (Trini ty) , Commer

c i al s t. Horace Armstrong an d

Mary W il son , L ead yard , JohnArrowsmi th S torey an d Ru thDowel l

S teven son Wm . , c t . 8 High r ow ; h .

N orthgateS tockton Mary

, 7 U nion rowTennant H en ry,30 Albion st.


Bu rn G eorge, 42 Skin n er g ateDen t John , 9 Union stD ixon Robert, 4 Nor thgate

Dodds W i l li am ,W atson ’s yard

Dodds W i lli am ,34 N orthgate

Dodsworth Thomas , P ark st*Dom v i l l e John

,13 Albion pl

Dou gh ty James , S ilv er stDunn ing Robert, c t. 8 H igh r ow

E l coate Thomas, 3 1 Ski n n ergateFowler Henry, 17 Fr eeman ’s plFreer Reuben , 7 Wellington plG ale Mat thew , 20 P os t Hou se wyndGibson Henry , 13 P r iestga teGrey W i lli am

,5 Horse market

H ardy W i lli am , 3 DeaneryH arrison John,14 P ump st

He rbert W il l i am,88 Bondgate

Hindl e Joseph,5 Union s t .

H u tchinson John , Town HallL eeming Robert , 2 1 P r i estgateL umley Richard , 17 Upper Cm r c l . s tMarwood John , Clay r ow

Mi lbu rn Edward , P ark stP earson W i lli am ,

Chapel stP omfre t an d S impson , 33 High r owRichardson Joseph , 23 T ubwel l r owRichmond Thos” 85 Commerci al stRobinson John , 1 Wellington plRobinson Wm . ,

c t. 28 T ubwel l r ow

Robinson W i ll i am , 4 Skin n er gateRobinson Wi ll i am , 15 Union stSmith Chri s topher , 16 Archer stSmith James , 30 High r ow

Stev en son M i chael , Chapel st* S tobb a r t Ann , 9 Ski n n er g ateThompson P eter, 9 P r i estga teTodd Rober t , 14 Skin n er gateTow ler Sam u el , 8 P ost Hou se wyndTyson Dav id , 50 N orthgateW aller John , 18 P os t H ou se, wyndW ard John

,C arters r ow

W atson John , 23 Nor thgate

\Vatson John , 23 Skin n er gateW atson Thomas , c t. 10 Skin n er gatel Vi l son John , 22 Bl ackwe l l gateYoung Thomas H .

,40 N orthgate

B r az i er s an d T in P l ate

W or ker s.

Johnson Edward , 39 B l ackwel l gateMartin Chri stopher

,4 1 High r ow

Mowbray John , c t. 10 Ski n n ergateOg ilv i e James, 13 Bondgate


Ru ss ell W i lli am , 24 Blackwel l gateS tor r ow George

,6 Tubwe l l r ow

Tweddel l John,7 B l ackwe l l g ate

B r ew er s.

Forster Joseph , 13 High r owH inde G eorge , 18 Horse ma rketP o tts G eorge , ct. 13 Bl ackwe l l gate

B r i ck an d T i l e M ak er s.

Oxen dal e Thomas, 10 P aradi se terW alters W i ll i am

,Bank top

Wal ton W i lli am , Freeman ’s pl ace,

Brick and Tile shedsBr i ck l ayer s an d.Bu i l d er s.

Boyd Thomas , Clay r owB u lmer Jefl‘

ery , 4 Skerne placeCarter G eorge , Eas t terraceG arbu tt G arbu tt’s squ areHu rworth Dav id

, 13 Archer stKipling John , 55 Bon dgateN aylor Henry

, 10 Si lver s tP r iestm an John

, 2 Arden stR obson Thomas and Wi ll i am

, 14and 1 1 Qu een stree tTaylor John . 5 Dean eryWatson Christ opher , Chu rch st

W atson Joseph,49 Bondgate

Whi te Thomas , 17 Backhou se sqB r u sh M aker .

L e ar John,6 H orse marketBu t ch er s .

Atkin son Ralph , 9 N orthgateBest James , Mill bankBowser John , 10 Upper Com r cl . stClark John

,9 B l ackwel l g ateC lark W i l liam , 69 N orthgateCoates John , 28 N orthgate

Crawford Thomas,2 Brunswick st

Dixon W illi am,and game deal er


54 Skin n er gate

Down s Hodgson , 1 1 W elling ton plDryden L eona rd , P ark s tEdmondson John

,14 T ubwel l r ow

Flowers G eorge, 1

7 Tubw el l r ow

G lendening George , 19 Cl ay r owHammond John,6 1 Skin n ergateHall P eter, East terrace

Hinde P erkins , 10 Bakehou se hi llHorner Thomas,Bridge en d

March Joshua, 17 BondgateMiddle ton Michael, Chape l st


P i gg Thomas, 12 T ubwel l r owRobin son John , C lay r ow

Robinson John,93 Northgate

Ster z el W i lliam ,35 B l ackwe l l gate

S tockdale Rober t, 98 BondgateS trickl and Henry

,5 Pr iestgate

S ugge tt John , C arters r owTay l or Thomas , 7 Skerne pl aceTheakson Franci s

,a na farmer, 6

Union r ow

Thompson Georg e , 7 East s tThompson Wi lliam,56 Northgate

Thompson S tephen, L i stei ’s b l dn gs.Tu tin Thomas, 92 N orthgateTu tin W i l li am , 18 Skin n er gate

W alker G eorge , 65 Skin n er gateWe therel l Richard , 25 C lay r owW oodhou se John , 19 P ost H s. wyndW rightson John

, Bank topC ab in et M ak er s.

Mar ked Uphol ster er s a lso.

Dodds and Robson,9 H igh r ow

Du n n Ralph , 25 B l ackwel l gate ;h . 7 1 Nor thga te

Hal l Thomas , 28 B l ackwel l gateH indle James

,48 Bondga te

H indle Joseph, 77 Bondgate

H ogg Wi lli am, clo ck case, P ost

Hou se yardKipling J ohn , Well ington place*L i thgo Robt., 5 Nor thumberl and st*P ev er l ey Wi l li am , 108 BondgateP i gg John , 26 T ubwel l r ow* Spencer G eorge

,1 2 W ellington pl

Spencer Tb m as, 25 Bl ackwel l gateTeasdal e Jas .,S tubb’s yard

,High rw

*Thompson J ohn, 3 H igh r ow

C arpet M an u fac tu r er s .

Kipling John St Fran cis, Nor thgate

C ar v er an d G i l d er .

Martin Edward James, H igh r ow

Ch eesem on g er s .

S ee Bacon Factor s.

Coac h Bu i l d e r s H ar n ess M kr s .

Carl ton Stephen, 14 P r iestgate ; h . 4H igh ter

Harrison John , 17 Commerci al stM artin Richard

, 5 C ommerci al stW al ton Benj amin

,Bridge end

W i lkinson H om er,16 Cm r cl . st

C oa l Ow n er s an d M er ch an ts .

Adelai de’s, Sou th Du rham,an d St .

Ellen ’s Colliery o ffice,83 North

gate, Alex . Gookin , agen tBl ack Boy and Wes t Au ckland Colli ery office, Con isc l i fl'e lane , Rchd.

Car ter , agen tYork and N ewcastle Rai lway Co ’s.depot, Bank top, George S . Hall,agen t \

P eacock John _Wood , 6 High ter

Stock ton an d Darl ing ton RailwayC o’s. depot, North road, G . and J.

S . L ightfoot, agentsC offee H ou ses.

Hu tchinson John , Albert stJoh n son Barbar a , 7 Chu rch r ow

L on g stafl‘

Wi l liam,3 1 P r i estgate

O l i v er Margaret, P unch ’s coffee

r ooms, priv ate ho tel , 2 Mkt. plCoffee R oaster .

Fr oggi tt W il liam, 40 H igh r owC on fec t ion er s

Dodgson Timo thy,9 1 B ondgate

Heron Wi ll i am , 6 P r ospect plJackson W i lliam , 17 Cl ay r owP or ter James, 29 P os t H ou se wyn d ,refreshmen t room , Great N orth

o f England Rai lway S tati onShar go l d Jane, 15 B l ackwel l gateS t okes David, 30 P ost H ou se wyn dSpence Hannah

,6 Bondgate

Thompson I sabella,5 Bl ackwel l gate

C ooper s .

Bi l l‘

am H enry, 60 Skin n e rgate

Brotherton Alice , 38 Bl ackwel l gate '

Charl ton Thomas, 16 Tubwel l r ow

D resser Cu thbert, 2 1 P ost H ou sewu dRobson Wi lli am,Bridge s t

C or n M er ch an t s .

Appleton Richard , 45 High r owDawson Thomas , 7 Skin n ergateJohnson John , 8 Arden stKendall Robert, 36 High r ow

L onsdale, Thompson , 8: Son , 8 P r ebend r owP eacock John Wood

,6 H i gh ter

P ollard Edmund, Nor thg t. bridgeRobson John , 4 Silv er s tSu therland George, 80 Bon dgateThompson John , 1 1 N r thm b r l nd .plWood James, P ump st


C or n M i l l er s F l ou r D ea l er s . Ea t in g Hou ses .

G ibson Ralph , 7 Skin n ergate, John Bu rn ip Jane. 5 NorthgateThompson , agen t Herber t W i l liam , 88 BondgateH al l John,Mi ll bank Shear go l d Jane, 15 Bl ackwel l gateH ornsby J ohn W i lliam

,N orthgate


S team mil l En g in e Bu i l d er s .

P earson W i l l i am ’ Mm han kR i tchen Al fred

,Railway foundry

C a r r i er s L ea th er C u t t er s . L l s ter Wi lliam , Hope tOWIlB owman J . H . 8: H 95 BondgateH arri son Frederick, 16 T ubwel l r ow;11 . 8 East terKipl in g Teasdale

,5 P rebend r ow

Mi dd l e ton Geo . Sons,15 Clay r ow

M iddle ton Robert, 2 1 Horse marketP om fr et John Son

,5 Skin n er gate ,h . 2 West ter

C u t l er s .

D rewThomas, 13 Tu bwel l r owG ay Thomas,and m anu factu rer o f

boot and shm ke r s. too l s, dealer ingrindery &c .

,28 P os t H ou se wynd

D r u gg i st s .

Marked ar e 17’

ea Dea l ers a l so.

Abbo t John Thomas, 10 Bondgate ;h . Rose Vill ai“Bar l ow Samu el , 25 BondgateB ryar Joseph , 6 E as t terraceDav i son W i l li am Hodgson , 12 Comm er c i al stree t

D ixon John , 6 P rebend r dwD ixon W i lliam , 1 H i gh r ow

Flower W i lli am ,27 Bondgate

*Fossi ck Wi lli am ,10 High r ow

*Fr oggi tt W ill i am , 40 High r ow

H arri son Robert, 7 P rospect p l aceKi tchin g Ri chard , 2 P rebend r owMowbray John H unter , 6 High r owP ease Thomas, 3 Market pl aceTaylor“7m . John , 20 High r owRaine James, 19 N orthgate F l ax T ow Spin n er s .

VVastel l Robert, 14 H i gh r ow ; h .

Con i sc l ifl‘

e l ane Over en d James 8: Co .,shoe thread

Todhun t W i lliam ,42 High r ow m n fr s.

, N ew Mi lls, Pr i estgate

W i lli amson John , 37 H igh r ow“Wi lson Wi lliam,15 Tubwel l r ow

Fu r n i t u r e Br ok er s .

Marked ar e Upholsterers.Dyer s .

Ben ton Ann , 36 Tubwe l l r ow Drew Thomas, 13 Tubwel l r owH ornsby John , 12 No rthgate *N e l son Frederi ck, 18 T ubwel l rowRickaby George, 20 T ubwel l row P igg John , 26 T ubwel l r owS inclair W i lli am ,

Clay r ow Robinson Joshu a, 1 1 Chu rch r owSmith John , Cater i ck’

s yard Tun stal l e h .,23 PostH ouse wyn d

Fel l m on ger s .

See Tann er sg'


Fi r e . L i fe , an d M a r in e In su r an c e

Om c es .

A tlas (L i fe) W . Rymer, 36 Bon dg t.Chu rch ofEn g l n d .

,Rph .Moun tf.>r d

4 T ubw e l l r ow

Co un ty,Wm . Kitching , 1 T ubwel l rExchange , A . C . Bi rchall

,5 H n dg t

Experience , (L i fe) Hu gh Dunn, 13

Horse market ; 11 . 37 Bondga teG lobe, G . J . Wi lson

,8 1 Northgate

Imperial, J . A. Stew art , 8 H orse mktL egal and Commerc ial (L i fe) Wm .

Robinson, P ub l i c bu i ldings h .

Feetham s

1 , 0 n don , Jn o. Bu ckton , 18 H igh r owManchester, (Fi re) John ‘

Hodgson13 Horse market ; 11 . 4 King st .

Marine Insu rance , 103 Bondgate,John Whea tley sec .

Mercantil e (L i fe) J . Manl ey, Bon dgN orth of England , Wm , Dixon, 1High r owP el i can (L i fe) John Hodgson , 1 3Horse marke tRoyal Farm ers an d General L i fe


Wm . Wi l son, 15 T ubwel l r owScottish Equ i table , (L i fe) John SP eacock, 8 High r ow

S tar, George G ibson , Bondgate


*Stobb ar t Ann , and shoe dealer , 9Skin n er g ate

‘ S tobb ar t Wi ll i am , 3 P r iestgateThompson Hy., 26 B l ackwe l l g ate*Trees John

,and worsted m an u fac

tu rer, Skerne r owH otel s , In n s, a n d T av er n s .

B i shop Blaze, Catherin e Thom pson7 East s t

B l ack Bu l l , An n Mother sel l,43

B l ackwe l l gate

B lack Swan , Thos . Smith , P ark plB oo t and Shoe, W i ll i am Dobbing , 6Ch u rch r ow

Bu l l ’s Head , Michael P igg, 6 Bakehou se h i llCl eav er Hotel, James Hu n ter

, 16

Skin n erg ateColl ingw ood Arms, Jph . Fi shbu rn,Hope Town

C ar r i er s Arms, Franci s Smith, 4

Qu een s t.D olph in , Isab l . P oven ,20 Horse mktDu n Cow ,

Hy . Benison, 2 Horse mk tD u n Cow , (Ol d ) John Si dgwick, 2P ost Hou se wynd

Fleece In n , _Geo r ge E. Den 1 son


Bl ackwe l l gate

Freemasons’ Arm s,Ri cha rd Hedley ,10 1 BondgateG o l den Cock, John Edmondson , 14T u bwe l l r ow

Green Tree,Geo . P o tts , 2 Skin n er g t .

G reyhou nd , John D r y den , P ark s tH al f Moon ,W i l li am Tom l inson , 5 1N orthgate

H a t Feather Inn ,Wm Millburn ,5 Chu rch r ow

H ol e i n - rh e -W a11, \Vi l l i am C-o ates1 7 Horse market

Hope and Anchor, George Walker,25 Skin n er g a teKing’s H ead Inn , P osting hou seJohn Brodie , P rebend r ow

Kin g ’s H ead Tap , Thomas Mor r att

94 N orthgateL ocomotiv e Eng ine, Robt. SimpsonBank top

L ord Ne l son , Ch as .Vi cker s, Clay r owL ord N e l son , John Watson , 9 1 N r g t.

Magestic S team Sh i Wm . Bu rton ,29 Bl ackwe l l g ate

N ag’s Head

,Eliz . Fo rdey, 1 6 w 1. r

N ew In n , John Twed l e, Hope town

nde, 18


Odd Fellows Arm s, Tho s Skel ton ,109 Bondgate

P ack Horse , Anne C u m m ing . l l

P rebend r ow

P ack Horse , My . P eacock,2 1w l . rP unch Bowl , Franci s Lon gs taf, 19Skin n er g a teQu een ’s Head, Jane Chisman , 5T ubwel l r ow

Railway Tavern , Edm und P ol lard,

N orthgate bridgeRailway Br i dge

,P ercival Tu lly


N orthgateRed L i on , Jph . Even ing , 38 P r iestg tRob er t B urn s

,John Hammond


N orthgateRose 8: Crown, George Raper, 2 1Skin n er gate

Royal Oak In n ,Rd . Co ates , Bnk . tp

Sun Hotel , P o s ting Hou se,John

Wrightson , 10 P ro spec t placeTalbo t Inn , Js. McGeo r ge , 2 2 H i gh tThree Blu e Bells, W i lli am Gain es,8 B l ackwe l l gateThree Tuns

,T hs. Atkinson , 9 N r tg t.T in ban k


WHorse marke t

Whi te Swan , W .m Be l lerby,P ost

Hou se y a i dWool P a ck,Geo . B arton , 9Frm n

s. plB eer H ou ses .

Abel Thomas, P ark , s tAllan Rober t,28 T ubwel l r ow

Be r tt Ann , 1 N orthumberland stBrown George, Chapel stBu lm er E l iz abeth , 34 Pr i estgateCo ffey Jam es , 22 Skin n er gateCraw ford Jam es, 13 Regent stGlendening George , 1 9 Clay r ow

Fu rness Wi lli am , 54 BondgateHall Thomas, Skerne r owH ar ker Thomas, 64 NorthgateJowett Amos, Freem ason’s plL odge Robinson , Bank topMar shall David , East terraceMason C atherine, Ban k topMau g han Joh n ,

12 Clay r ow

O r m ston James, 30 Clay r ow

Yo udan John , 23 P r i estg ate

I r on B r a ss F ou n d er s .

Dav ison Thom as L aidm an , 1 1 Comm er c ia l s t


Ki tching Al fred , railway found ry ;h . 3 High te rKitch ing Wi ll iam , 1 Tubwe l l r ow

L is ter W i l l i am , Hope townI r on M er ch an t s.

Hobson Wm . , N orthumberland plTate John , 102 Bon dg ate

I r on m on ger s

Ki tchin g William , 1 T ubw el l r ow

L ear John , 6 Horse ma rketMartin C hristopher, 4 1 Hi gh r ow

Ru ssel l W i ll iam,24 Bl ackw el l gt“f a l ters W i ll iam,12 Horse m arket

J oin er s an d C ab in et M ak er s

Mar /f ed a r e Bu i lder s.

*Armstrong Matthew , Chu rch stB i shoprick T homas , Bridge stCathe r i ck Wm .

,1 9 Post hou se w ind

C rowe Matthew ,S tubb s yd .

,High r

*Elw in Robert, Union st. ; h . 80

Skin n e r g a te

H ogg Hen ry, 1 lVe l l in g ton placeJackson John , ct . 97 Bon dgate*Jordon Dav id , 34 Albion stL aw son Joshu a , c t . 8 High r ow

L ayfie l d Robert, 59 Ski n n er gateP i gg John , 26 Tu bwe l l r owRossman Christopher , C lay r ow*Snai th and S u tton , BondgateSnai th Wm 52 N o r thg t. ; h . H ar r og t*Sparks Joseph , 80 N o r thgateThompson J ohn , 3 H i gh r ow

Tun stal l Jeremi ah , 23 P ost hs. wu dU nthank Robe r t, 33 P r i estg ateUnthank W i ll iam , 9 P r iestg a te

Watson W .,Chape l st

W il son Robert,c t. 70 Skin n ergate

Wi n da l e Mi chael,77 N orthgate

L an d A gen t s an d S u r v eyor s .

Foster Jo seph , 5 Wes t terraceL ax W i lli am ,

9 H ou n dgateRobinson Jerv i s,P ublic bu ildings

h . Fee tham s

lRob i n son W m ., P ub l i c bui ldingsh .


Feetham s

mib r a r i es .

fMech an i cs , P ublic bu i lding sSubscripti on , P ubli c b u i l dgs .


S tockton,librar i an


M a ch in e M k r s . Bfii l l w r gt s .

Fi n kel l John,B r idge end

Nagge John, P ark st.M a l t ster s .

Coates Wm .,1 7 Horse marke t

Forster J oseph,13 High r ow

Hinde Geo rge , 18 Horse marketPo tt s George, c t. 13 B l ackwe l l ga te

L i n en an d W ool l en fDr aper s ,S i l k . M er c er s, & c .

Bou sfiel d Jn . Sc Robt., 18 B l ackwl g tCowper B ro the r s

,32 H igh r ow

Dav i s & Co 2 Tub we l l r ow

Dixon L ew i s, 2 1 H igh r ow

.Vl ar l ow H en ry,100 Bondg ate

Phipps John Thom pson ,2 High r owRob son W i l l i am,5 Hi gh r ow

Spedd in g Wm . , 1 7 B l a ckwel l g ateStewart Jas . Alex . , 8 Horse m kt.Thornton\ & Bailey , 9 Tu bwe l l r owWatkin L uck

, 26 High r ow

M i l l i n er s D r ess M akers.

Alderson Mary, 1 2 Albion pl .Av er r e Mary

, 27 Archer st.Baigen t An n

,24 Skin n er g ate

Baty Ann , 5 BondgateBr otwn L on gsb o tham ,

57 Skin rg tBa lmer Mary Ann

, 75 Skin n er ga te.

Corner E liz .

,10 P ost Hou se wyn d

Cou lson Charlo tte, 20 BondgateC umming s Sarah , E ast ter.

Barnton Hannah , c t. 8 High r ow

Dawson Eliz . , 24 P os t H ou se wyn dDav ison Mary An n ,

6 Upper Comm er c ial st.

Den t My., 14 Upper Comm erc ial s t

Erskine Hanh . M., 19 Backhou se sq

Elli o tt E lizabeth , 9 Qu een st.Gibbon J ane, 18 Skin n e r ga te

Gibson Sarah,23 H ou n dg ate

Harri son Ann,1 Albion pl .

Harri son Charl otte,Su tton ’s vard

Harrison Mr g t., 37 B l ackwe l l g ateHenderson E liz . Mg t., 3 Skn r g t.Hobson Sarah Ann and Mary, 6W ellington pl .

Jordi son E li z . , 1 Skin n er ga teJ ackson Ann My .

,10 We l n g tn . pl

Martin Jane 8: Ann , 41 Skin n er ga teMe tcal f E llen , 37 P r iestgateNel son Ann , 23 Bondg ateSher hod An n

,3 Bondga te


S impson Margaret. 1 Skin n er gateThompson Harding,8 Skin r g t .Thompson My.,

16 Pos t Hou sewyndTweddell Mary Ann , 7 B el l ’s pl .W atson Isab ., P o st Hou se yardW etherel l Fras . J ane , 2 P aradi se rw

N a i l M ak er s.

C l ou gh Mat thew , P rin cess sq.

Cou l l John , a chain , 12 Tubw l . r owJob l in g Benjamin , Mi llbank

P ai n t er s an d G i l d er s .

B eni son Wm . , 8 H ou n dgate

B lyth Thomas , 36 P r i estgate ; h . 2

P aradi se ter.Cooper Henry

,Su tton ’s yard

Den t George, 3 Archer s t .FordyWi ll iam , N orthumberland plGar thwai th Wi ll i am, 80 Nor thg t ;h . 1 1 Albion pl .Hobson John , 88 N or thgateKirton John , c t . 13 B l ackwel l gateW i l son Rd 85 sexton , 8 DeaneryW alker Wm 18 T u bwel l r ow

Watson John , 42 BondgateP av iou r .

Carter John,15 Skin n er gate

P aw n b r ok er .

N elson J eremi ah , 1 8 T ubwel l r owP h ysi c i an s .

Harper Al fred,6 P arad ise r ow

P eacock B .,1 1 Skin n er g ate

P l um b er s an d G l az ier s .

Johnson Edw .

,39 B l ackwe l l gate

Martin Chri stopher,41 High r ow

Mowbray John,c t. 10 Skin n er ga te

Ogil v i e James,13 Bondgate

P e au r t George , Clay r owRu ssel lWm ., 24 B l ackw el l gate

S tor row George, 6 T u bwe l l r ow

Tweddel l John , 7 Bl ackwe l l ga teP or t er M er ch an t s .

Cofi'ey James , 22 Skin n er ga teP lews 85 Bi rchall , 5 H ou n dgate

S teel James, 22 Skin n er gateP r ov i s i on D ea l er s .

App l eton Rich ard , 45 H i gh r ow

Baker John , 59 NorthgateB arlow Samu el , 24 BondgateBowker J ohn , 78 BondgateBragg N icholas

,67 Skin n er gate

Bryar Joseph , 6 East ter.L onsdale Sampson

,8 P rebend r ow

N el son R . M. Cc .,7 Skin r g t.Rickaby Joseph

, 3 B l ackwe l l gateTate Mr g t . 85 Son , 14 B l ackwel l g t.Topham John , P rebend r owSimpson Ralph

,6 Skerne pl .

W i lson George, Skerne r ow

Hornsby Thos . Wm ., 1 Marke t pl .R ag M er ch an ts .

Eden Wil l iam, 59 Bondga te

Foster Willi am,2 1 B l ackwel l gate

Ol iv er W i lli am , 2 Market p lR eg i st er O ffic e .

O liver W ill i am,2 Market pl

R ope M ak er s .

Cradock G eorge,paten t round an d

flat, by steam power, B ondgateropery ; h . 22 Archer stDal ton Thomas, Bridge end

S ad d l er s .

Charge Robert,1 Horse market

Harwood John W.,29 Ski n n er gateHildre th Wm .

,10 T ubwe l l r ow

Hornsby Thomas , 46 H igh r ow

Stamp Ralph , Marke t pl . ; h . 70

Skin n ergateTod s L eonard, 3 1 B l ackwel l gate ;h . N orthumberland st.

Watson W i ll iam , 3 T ubwel l r ow

S eed sm en .

B i rchal l Al fred Compton , importer of gu ano , 5 H oun dgate ; h . 1

Green P arkKendall Robert, 36 High r owS teai n s Frederi ck, 24 High r ow

Sh ar e B r ok er s .

Thom pson Rt. 8: Cc .,P ublic Bu i ld

ings ; h . 3 High r ow

Watson Taylor, 1 P o s t Hou sewd .

Sh e r ifl ’s O fli cer .

Watson Thomas,Grange road

Sh opk eeper s F l ou r Dea l er s .

Abel Thomas , P ark st.Barras Thomas , 7 P r i estgateBell Meriam

,1 King st.

B ell W i l li am, 30 Tu bwel l r ow

Brown Robert,7 Hope Town

B runton George,3 Clay r ow

Carter J ohn, Bridge s t


H arker Thomas, 64 N orthgateH astwel l Hu tchin son , 26 Com r c l . stH u dson W i ll i am,

c t. 63 Skin n er g tKay W i lli am ,

1 1 Si l v er stL aver i ck Thomas, 47 N orthgateL ear Wi l l i am ,

Chan c ery laneL i ttl e fai r Thomas, 12 Bru nsw i ck stMartin W i lli am , c t. 10 High r ow

M oss B enjamin , 24 Union stIvl oun tfo r d W i l li am , 29 High r ow

N e v i son S . and A 3 Horse mkt .O u thwai te James, 7 1 N orthgateOxley Joseph , P rospec t yardP arkin John , 5 N orthgateRobinson John , 22 Horse marketRymer H enry T . , 25 B l ackwe l l g t.

S idgwi ck W i lli am , East ter .S impson Ral ph , 4 Chu rch r owS tob b ar t John , 3 P r i es tg a teTate James , 29 Albion s t.Thomas J o s eph , L iste r ’ s b l dn gs.

Todd James, Chance ry laneT ubbs L eonard , 35 P r i estga tel Va l ker George, 6 Skin n er g ateW allace Thomas . 40 Ski n n er ga teW aller James

,13 Union st

W alli s S tephen , 9 Po st H ou se wyndVt

a tson Mat thew,Chu rch s t

T a l l ow C h an d l er s .

Kay John , 3 1 P r ies tg ateL igh t foot Wm . , 27 N or thgateShort Maj or

, Cater icks yardT an n er s .

Child E l iz . 81 Sons, fellmonger,22 Clay r ow

D o v e James , 16 C l ay r ow ; h . 1

P aradise terM iddle ton Geo. Sons, 8: fe l l m on

g er s S: gl u e m n fr s 15 C l ay r ow

T ea D ea l er s .

S ee a lso Grocers.

G ibson Geo ., (wholesal e), Bon dg t. ;h . H u rworth CottageW i lson E ll en , 15 High r owT ea D ea l er s an d Dr aper s , Trv l n g .

Mar /red a re Draper s.

*Brunton George , 3 Clay r ow

Bygate Wi l l i am ,1 0 Bowes st

Coates John , 20 Archer s tCarr u thers Wm .

,8 Qu een s t

T im b e r M e r c h an ts .

L aidler Thomas, U nion r ow ; h . 26

King st ,

Milner Rd . , Union s t ; h . 7 Bon dg t.Oxen d al e Chpr ., 10 P aradise ter

T ob a c c o M an u fa c tu r e r s .

Baker C ooper, 17 B l ackwe l l gateT ob ac c o P ipe M aker s .

Fu rni ss Wm . , j un 54 BondgateSkelton Thomas

, 109 Bondg ateT oy D ea l er s .

Cou l son Thos ., 6 P ost Hou se wyn dDresser Jon a than / 1 P rospec t plGow lan d Am brose, 7 P rebend r ow

Hu tchinson John , 19 BondgateS impson Thomas

,80 N or thgate

T r u n k M aker s .

Bi r tel l W i l l iam , 13 T u bwel l r ow

Hi ldreth Wm ., 10 Tu bwel l r ow

T u r n e r s an d C h a i r M ake r s .

Clark James,107 Bondgate

Cou lson Thos . , 6 P ost Hou se wyndKi rton Geo . , P os t H ou se yard

V e ter in ary Su r g eon s .

C l eav er John,4 P aradise r ow

Fl in tofi'Edward , 9 Arden st.Phill ip s Edw . , P os t Hou se wyndWalker Geo .

,farr ier

, 25 Skin n er g t.

W atc h an d C l oc k M ake r s .


ar /red ar e J ewel lers <3 Si l ver sm ith

*Binks An thony,16 Bl ackwe l l gate

*Harri son John , 4 High r ow

H u tchinson John , 19 Bondg ate‘ John son Robert

,35 H igh row

*Forster Thomas , Bridg e stGraham Dav id , 17 Albion plGraham W i l l iam , 2 No r th ter*Hi rd Matth ew, 3 P aradise r owL on g sb o tham Dav id

,56 Ski n n er g t.

Macadam Rob ert 2 1 N orthgateMacadam Wm th e (exc ts . of ) A1bion b l dn g s . , Chas . O liv er, mngr.Me tcal f H enry , 14 Brunswick st .Moss Thos.

,15 U pper Cm r c l . s t

Ni cholson R t ., 37 Brunswi ck s tPa t terson Alex .

, 3 U nion stReid John

,1 Bowes s t


Myers Rich ard , 102 Bondg ate For o t her particu l ars se e the

P i lkington Joh n , Park st Monthly Time Tables, publi shed byT hompson Cover da l e, c t. 8High r ow th e C ompanies, and may be had at

W h ee l w r i g h ts .

the S tation s .Bais ter W i lliam .Cl ay r ow C ar r ier s t o a l l P a r t s of th e K in gP o tter Thomas , 94 B on dgateW h i t esm i th s an d B e l l H an g er s .

B ell C aleb , 6 Arden s t Fr om the S tockton and Dar l i ng ton

Ra i lway S ta tion , head of Nor thgate.

d om b y R a i lw ay .

Harrison Samu el , P ark stRi dley John , 1 1 Union stS tokes Moses, 25 P ost h ou se wyndWalton B enj amin , c t. 8 H i gh r owW ray lVi l l iam 8: Joseph , and patentaxl e makers, 13 T ubwel l r ow

W in e an d Spi r i t M e r c h an ts .

B u ckton John , 18\ High r owD obson Thos . , 70 Ski n n er gate ; h .

13 P aradise ter.Foster Joseph , 13 High r ow ; 11 . 8Harewood H i l lH eslop Robert, 8 P aradise rowH i rd Christopher , 7 H ou n dgateKendall Robert

,36 High r ow

P lewes 86 B i r chall , 5 H oun dgate

S tea in s Frederi ck, 24 Hi gh r ow

Todhunte r St Mi lner, Union stW ilson G eo. J .

, 81 NorthgateW or sted Spin n er s .

Fell Ri ch ard St. Cc . ,Rai lway Mi l l s

P ease Hy . Co ., High Sc L ow Mi ll s


Barn ard Castle, The N onpareilfrom the Su n Hotel , a t 8 Morningd aily, Sun day excep ted , and an Om ~

n ib u s at 5 Evenin g daily, Sun d ay

ex cepted , an d from the P ack Horsea n Omnibu s

,Mon .

,Tu es Th u r.

S at .,at 5 Ev ening.

P enri th,v ia Barnard Ca stle , TheRoyal Mail , from the Kings H ead

In n , at 9 Mornin g dai lyR a i l way C on v eyan c e .

N ewcast l e, York, Da r l ing ton , (ya ,

Rai lway S ta tion , Bank top, ThomasWaldi e , S tati on mas terS tockton , Dar l ing ton , Bishop Auck

R a zlway S ta tion , H ead o fN orthgate , George S tephenson , super in ten den t

Om n ibuses l eave th e variou s Inn sabou t l 5 minu te s be fore th e arrivalan d departu re of e ach train.

York an d N ewcastle Railway CoSamu el Jo rdan , agen tS tockt on an d Darlington Rail

way Co . , Eli as Smith , agen tC arver 8L Co.

,E li as Sm i th , agen t

D eacon Sc Cc ., R i ch d . Imeson , ag t

P i ckford Co. , Titas P arker, ag tW i l son Ann Son ,J.Wal l ace, ag t

C ar r i er s fr om t h e In n s.

B r ough, W il l i am Rudd, Skinnergate , tu es . and fr i .Coe/yi e ld, S taindrop and Ingle ton ,

from the Sun Hotel Rd . Thorn ton ,

m on . w ed . and f r i .Barn ard Cast l e

,from th e Root an d

Shoe, Wi l li am Shaw , mon . from th eTu rk’s H ead ; John P rat t and Co.


tu . fr i ., from the Rai lway Tav ern ,

Geo .Whi te, m on . thu r. 85 sat. ; an d

Mary Harrison,mon. and ;Mon khou se, tu . and fr i . ; W illi am Rudd,

Ski n n er gate ; tu es . and fr i .G ill in , fr om the Black Bu ll,Rodham , mon .

Kenda l e, Wm . Rudd, Skin n er gate,l a . and fr i .N ewcastl e, George t i tc

,hyRail s

P enr i th, Wm . Ru dd, Skin n er gate,tu e s . 8L fr i .Hedwor th, from the Hat an d Fea

ther , Thomas B el l , mondayR ichm ond , Bead le, R ipon 5; L eeds,

Matthew Tom l in son , 1 1 P ost H ou sewynd mond . 8: thu r ., Edw. P i l k in g .

30 Bondgate , dai lyS taindmp, form the T urks Head,

Wm . Walker m on ., wed . fr i .

S tockton , Edward P i lking ton , 30Bondg ate , dailyThi rsk, John Heslop , 44 Skinnergate

,mon .

Yar m, from the H at Feather,James Smi th, mon.


C l axton Mr s. farmerD unn farmerFos te r John, farm erGent John

,farmer, P ol eham

H ogg Ralph , wheelwrigh tJohnson Mary, In fant Schoo lJ ohnson Robert, blacksmithJowsey Ralph , v i c t., P unch BowlL ax Wm .,

v ic t. 85 fr m r, , Angel In n

M il lbank Mr s. B et tyS idgw ick John , corn mille rSmi th Robert


S owerby An thy., frm r .,T r esshol m e

Wallace Ra l ph , frm r .,Sker n eH ou seWea ther el l W i ll i am , gardenerW ell ington Thomas


W i lley Geo ., v ic t., N ew Inn

W i lson Wm .,farmer, T r esshol m e

Wood Henry, gentleman


1 m i le N . W. of Dar l ing ton .

Baker Jonathan , shoemakerB lackston G eorge, cowkeeperB l en kin sop Jph .

,v i c t., Dr . Syntax

B rown J ohn , shoemakerByers Mi sses Ann N anceyCharl ton Robert

,tai lor

Cheeseman Ann , gardenerCou l tm an Mr . RobertCray thorn Allen, cartwrigh t

Cr aythorn e Ri chard, farmerDovn er Thos., v i c t., N ew ton KyloeE lder Thomas, farmerFoster John , shop cowkeeperFrench Jo seph , shopkeeperFryer Chri stopher, bu tcherG en t Mi chael

,farmer, Ri secarGreen W ill i am , shoemakerJohnson Edward , farmer

L aid ler J ane, schoo lL anchester Timo thy

,farme r

L aw John , shop 8: cowkeeperL ax Maria, schoolL i ttl efai r Ju o., frm r ,Moun t P l easn t.L umley Thomas

, N ati on al SchoolP alli ste r Matthew, shoemakerRobinson Mr s. Mari aRobin son Thomas, sol ici torS impson John, farmerSmi th N i chol son, frm r ., Bol ton H se.

Smi th Rd v ic t.,cattl e dealer an d

farmer , Dr ov ier s In n

Swale s H enry, farmerTeasdale Thomas, farmerWalker Robert

,poor rat e collec tor

Walker Thomas, bl acksm i thW atson W il liam


W au gh Joseph, Esq.

,Hal l

W i lli amson Thomas,cowkeeper

W i l son Jph .,Shoem kr . beerhou se

Wil son R t., linen m n fr . and clerk,Trini ty Chu rchWilson Wm ., gror. prov i sion dlr.


P ost Ofiice, St. Mary ’s st., Mr s. Mary An n W i l kinson , pos t mi stress.L e t ters arrive from all parts 1 1 20 a.m .

,and ar e dispatched 2 40 and

5 40 p.m . L et ters arrive from the N or th at 7 p.m .

M I S C E L L AN Y .

Compr ising the Addr esses of Gen try, Clergy, P ar tner s in Firm s, and others ,

not ar rang ed under the Cl assification of Tr ades and P rofessions.

Bell Geo ., coalfitter ; h . H i gh stB lumer G .

,ship bldr h . Albert pl .

B rown Geo . J ., agent , Midd l eg t . s t.

B ru ce Jph . ,timber measu rer


d l egate s tB u r l e tson W illi am ,

harbou r masterDockqu ay ; h . Su n n i side

Bu r nkel l Rt., m str . m r n r .,N r thg t. stC antl ey Geo . foreman , Albert p l .Charlton Thos .

,coalfitte r ; h . Ma

r ine terCoal Tu rn Office

,Victori a D ock

Wi l l i am B ainbridge, keeper

Cockku r n Jas .,shipwrigh t, Todd sq.

Collier Rev . Jas, (Wesleyan) , Victori a pl.C ompton W i l liam

, m str . marinerThroston st

D ale Dan l .,m str . m r n r .

,Th roston st

D av i son Wm ., recei ver of Dock

du es , Dock qu ay ; h .T own wallD awson Joseph, engine wrigh t, Victori a pl .

D eane S arah , l odgings, N orth terD en ton Mr s. Barbara

, Marine terD odd s P atrick Anderson

,bank agt .

,H igh stD ou g l a ss Rev. Jas .

, (P resby ter i an),N or th ter

Eden Jph . Dixon,agen t for L l oyds

and receiv er of Admiral ty droi ts,Vi ctor ia dock ; h .Vi ctor ia pl

Fai rbu rn Thomas , m str . mariner,Fresw i ck s t

Fairless Wm . W atson,ship carpen

ter,N orth te r

Fawce tt John,tide wai ter, King st

Fearn s John , dyer, W el ls stFenw ick John, polic e cons table,Alber t plFinley Mr . D av id , Har t s tForster lodgings, York plForster W i lli am Hy ., u pholsterer

,High st ; h . York pl 'Geddes Ju o .,coalfit ter ; h. N orth tr

Gill R. H. , ship broker, & c h .

Town Wal lGlav es Edw .

,age’n t,Marin e terGou lding Ann , assis tan t ov erseer,

Middlegat e s tG raham Geo . m str . m r n r .

,Todd sq .

G raham Geo ., c s tm s. agt., Beacon p lGro ves J as . , agen t, Town wal lG rov es Thos . Geo.,

ship broker & c . ;h . S t. Mary ’s stHansen h .Marin e terHa rb r on Mr s . Eliz ., Town wal lHarri son R t., carrier, Mi dd l eg t. s tH erron Wm fisherm an

,Vi ctor i a s t

H icksonW . Gaston,clk . , P rincess s t

Hodgson J .,fish hook m kr .,B ed fd . s tH ol t H enry, sexton , High s tHu nter John , agen t, Victoria p lHunter R t., pi lo t m str .,Hun ter st.


Hunter John , agen t, Victori a plH unter R t., pilo t m str ., Hu nter s t.Jack son Mr s. Phoel is,Mar ine terJackson Thos., clerk cu stoms, Ma

rine terJenkinson Wm .


, H igh st.Johnson John , coast gu ard o fficerW alker pl

J ohnson Wm . B owman , coalfitterh . S t. Hilda stJoll i e Mr . James , N orth terKelley Fras . , regi ster o ffice , High s tKearsl ey N athani el

,master m r n r .

Victo r i a plKirkland Matth ew, poli ce sergeantKnigh t Rev . Wm .

,C athol i c P riest

H enry s tL awrenson John , brewer, malts te r,& sec . to G as 85 Water Cos . ; hSou th ter

L ayb ou r n Hy. , cl erk, Vic tori a p lL eeming Jph .

, town cri er markettoll col le ctor , Middlegate st

L ew in R ev . Sam . , plL i ddel l Robert, clerk weighing machine , Middle ton roadL ynn John , c ar t owner, C l ev el n d . stMo Dowa l l Mr s . Ann , Darling ton stMc i ll an Ju o. , t ide w ter .

, George s tM ackenzi e J ohn , Esq.

,coll ec tor

cu stom s,Mar ine ter

Marshal l Wm . H ., cl erk , Marine tr.

Mechani cs Insti tu tion 8: L i br ar v

H igh s tMoon Geo ., coalfitter ; h . C l ifi‘ terN ell i s Thos. m str . m r n r . ,Th r ostn . stO

N ea l e George, Esq., comptrollercu s toms ; h . S t. H ilda s tP au l Mr s. Ann C ath .

, Marine terP ayne L oder ,pa ten tees of P ayne’sw ood paten t D ock enginehou se ,Thomas L awton

,manager ; h

N orthgate s tP orteou s G eorge, agent, P r issi ck s tP arkinson \Vi l l iam .

, tide w ai ter,

W ell s TownP arsel l Hy.,m aster m r n r . ,

N orthgt. stP ounder Av i s, fsh rm n . S t. Mary ’s stP roc tor M r s . El izabe th, S ou th terP ro ctor James

,master mariner, Vi ctori a pl ace

P u ttick Charles,tide sr vyr . Albert ter

Richardson M r . George,Town wall

Richardson James, merchan t ; h .

Sou th ter race


Rich ardson Ral ph,manager

, Prissi ck terraceRobson H enry, clerk, N orthgate s tRichardson Mr s . Ru th , Throston st

Rochester Mr . Henry, Cleveland s tRowel l Thos., m erchan t ; h . High 81:Robinson S tephen, c iv i l engineer,Fi sher ga te stRu ddock E liz ., l odgings, York pl

Si ddel l James, cart owner, N orth terSpence Edward , union master, nearVic tor i a p l aceShepherd Geo . master mar.

,Sou th tr

Sother an Mr s. Jane, P rospect cot.

S tou rton L ady , Moor hou seS torey Thomas, apprai ser and commissi on agen t, Sou th terS tover L i eu t. Samu el

,chi ef coast

g u ard ofii cer ; h . Sou th terStephenson Jas.

,mert. h . Su n n iside

Stephenson Henry,cl erk, Sun n iside

S tockel l James, S t. Mary’s s tS torm Thom as , ship chandler, com e

mission h .West H ar tl epl

Subscription N ew s Room , High stSummers John

,c arrier

,Midd l eg t. stTaylor H enry, c oal agen t, Sou th terTayl or Rev . Robert, incumbent,

C lev el and hou seThompson G eo . , carriers agt. High sThompson My . Ann , l odg s.,

S ou th tVerril l Jph . , m str . m eru r. , P r i ssic stVincen t Thomas, ch ief boatman,coas t gu ard, Sou th terraceVollum Wi l l i am J ohn , Esq.


ag en t, High s tWatson Wm .,m str . m r n r .W i ll iam st

Wa tson Wm ., m str . marn . N orth terWhite Thos. , l etr . c arri er

, C l evel d . st

Wi lkinson Jn ., car t owner, Nor thg t. s

W i lli amson Hu gh,tide waiter, Victoria terr ace

W i l lians John , landing w tr .,Sou th t

W i lson John , master m r n r ., Hart st

Wi l son Samu el , railway s tation master, P r issick stWin spear W i ll i am ,

ship carpen ter ;h. Town Wal lWol stenholme Benj amin , managergas works, Beacon p lWr atten Thomas, master mariner ,Throston stYeal Mr . James, N orth terYoung John, cl erk, Thr oston st


Coxon John , N orthgate s t Sother an Wm .,sen .

, Nor thg t. stC raggs Robert, N orthgate s t Swales Wi l li am , N orthgate stGrimshaw Robert,High st Swan Joseph , Chu rch st

H ardy Wi lli am,Hunter s t Swan Joseph , N orthgate s t

H arri son John,High s t Thompson Joseph , N or thgate s t






xfifiti‘fate htGl oth es Deal er s . (Seam an s .)

Marshall John Thos Midd l eg t. s t See a l so Ta z l or s 8; Outfitters.

M arshal l Thomas, Northgate s t Cram Samu el , H igh stMowbray John , Victori a s t Gi l l John , H i gh s t ; h . Town Wal lP ounder Thomas

, N orthgate stShu tt L an dl e . Robson ’s bu i ldingsS im m on et t Joseph

,N orthgate s t

Smith Rob t. 81; Har t Jas . B edford s tTaylor Ralph, S un n i si deW’

astel l John, N or thgate s t

Wood ifiel d Jonathan, High s tW right John , High st

W righ t Thomas, P ump st

Br a z i er s , T in P l a t e W or k er s

an d P l um b er s.

B arrass John , Mi ddl egate s tB r own l ess Timothy H u tton, Vi c totori a dockD alton John

, N orthgate s tD ru ery John , Su n n i sideGowl an dRob er t

, S u n n i side

N i chol son W i lli am, S un n i side

Wel fordWi ll iam,Mi ddlegate st

Br ew er s .

Mar ked a re Ma l tster s a lso

We therell Bartholomew, N o r thg t. s t

W i l son Wi l l i am , S t . Mary ’s st*Union Join t S tock Brewery Cc .,Victori a dock

,John L awrenson

,managing P artnerB r i t i sh W i n e D ea l er s .

C rei gh ton Edwin , H igh s tEmerson C u thbert, H i gh stJackson Wm . Geo .

,N or thgate s t

Young Thomas, High s tBu tch er s .

Briggs Wm . and Sother an Wil l i am ,

N orthgate s tBrown P e ter

,Wel ls s t C on fec t ion er s .

Carter Thomas, High s t Creighton Edwin , (wholesale) and

D ixon John , Cle v eland s t d l r . in ci gars 8: tobacco , High stMann Jas .

,High s t 8: Vic to ri a dock Fletcher Dorothy , Town char eRochester Robert

,High s t W ardle Thomas

,Northgate st

Snowdon Wi l li am, High s t Watt Richard, Northg ate st

C oal F i t ter s .

Ca radoc and H owden , Wall s en dfit ting o ffice , Town wall , JohnGeddes ,fitterCassop Fi tting ofii ce, Town wall,Wm . L ai dler,fitterC astle Edenfitting office, Town wall ,George Moon ,fitterCrow Trees and Heu gh H al lfittingo ffice, George Bell , agen t

East Hetton fitting o ffice, D ockqu ay , Christopher D av i son , agen tEden and Den ton , Vic tori a DockG i ll and Grov es, Town wallGrov es Ingram ,

Eskdal e, Vic tori aDock ; h . Town wall

H agg ie B ro the rs, Victori a Dock,Edon and Denton , agents

B aggie Rob t. H ood 8: Co . Victori aD ock

,George John Brown , agen t

H arri s Anthony, High st., H enryTaylor, agen tHaswe l l an d Sho ttonfit ting ofii ce,Town wall , Chas . Sco tson ,fitte r

Matthewson Clay, Vic tori a Dock,J . Wynands, agen tMe l l an by Joseph 85 Co .

,H i gh s t

Rom yn Cc .,High str ee t, James

Grov e s , agen tRow el l and Ri ch ardson , High s tS tephenson and Fawcu s, High stThornl eyfitting o ffice , Dock qu ay ,Jonathan Garbu tt,fitterTrimdon Grangefitting office, H ighst. Thomas Charl ton ,fitterTrimdonfitting office,Vi c tor ia Dock ,W . B . Johnson,fitter


C on su l s.

French , Jonathan Garbu tt, Dock qyN e therl ands Mecklenbu rg, P eterRom yn , Hi gh s t., Jas . Grov es, agt

P r u s ian , George Geipel , High stSweden and N orway, John Hu dson ,Town wall

c ooper s .

Chapman Michael,High st

Rowntree Thomas, P ratt’s yardSou ter G eo ., High st . ; 11 . Nor thg t. stC or n M i l l er s & F l ou r D ea l er s . F i sh n ion ger s an d. Gurer s .

Mu dd Thomas, N o r thgate s tS heraton G eorge , S t r ipesSheraton Wi ll i am,

Nor th gate stBu rdon Isaac , Cro ftH irs t John

,High st

Hunte r Richard, Fi sh sands

C u r r i er an d L ea th er S el l er .Mann Thomas

,Town wal l

Bi rd Thomas, Su n n i side S torey Edward,Chapel St

C u t l er an d G r i n d er . F r u i ter er s .

McEn tegar t Dominick, V i c tori a Dk Au stin Joseph , Victoria DockBrown Jeremi ah

,High st

D r u g g l s t s Bu tton John 85 Co . High st.,Bu tem en t P erciv al , High st. ; Qu een st.

,Su nd er l and

N orthgate st1

Emerson Cu thber t, oi l and col ou r F u r n i tu r e B r ok er s .

man,and tea dealer

,Hi gh s t Bunker John , H i gh s t

Flee tham Andrew ,N orthgate s t N el son Jeremi ah

,M iddl egate st

H orner S tephen , High stJackson Wm . Geo .,Northgate s t

-W i lkinson Matthew, Hig h s tEar th enw ar e , G l ass, Gh in a,

é’z e. D ea l er s .

Armstrong Sim pson , (gl s) N r thg t. stBu rdon Thos . Ba le s, High s tCato E sti


l l , H ig h stC ram Sam u el , High s tE l m b r an ch J . A . Vi c to r i a DockHarrison Georg e , High stScaling John , Victor i a s tSmi th George, High s t

Ea t in g H ou ses.

Mi l e s James , Su n n isideP iggal es George , N orthgate s tP orteou s William , N orthg ate st

F i r e an d L i fe Ofi‘i ces.Al fred , (L i fe) J .Me l l an by , High stA t l as,Wm . Mer rywea th er , Mdl eg t. 3C i ty of L ondon, (L i fe) P e ter BarkerTown w al lL aw, (Fi re) Pe ter Barker,Town wal l

Manches ter (Fi re) 8: P el ican , (L i fe)E dward T u rnbu ll, S t. Mary ’s s t

Marine In su ree. Cc .

, R. E . Hu tton ,secre tary,High st

Norw i ch U nion, W i lliam L aidler ,W i lli am st

Phoenix, (Fire) R. E . Hu tton,High 8

Royal Farmers and General, P eter

Barker, Town wal lSo li ci tors G en eral (L i fe) EdwardTu rnbu ll , S t. Mary ’ s stYo r kshire, John P roc tor, High st

G r een G r oc er s .

Aikins Ann , N orthgate s tDenni son J ohn , Albert plP at tison Thom as, N orthgate stFosgate W i l li am , High s t

Santon Robert, Town chareShires Thomas

,High st

Wai te James, Nor thgate s tG r ocer s an d T ea D eal er s .

Bates Francis, N orthgate s tBel l George, Darl ing ton s tBu tim en t P erciv al

,Hi gh s t

Cato Estill , High stCoward Wi ll iam , H igh s tEels Wi lli am , High stEllwood Dani el , H enry stFlee tham Andrew , N orthgate s tHarri son Mark, N o r thg a te s tH un ter W illi am

,T own wall

Jackson John, N o r thg ate stJackson Wm . George, N orthgate stKirton Robert

,W el l s s t

M i ddle ton Georg e Dunn H en ry,

Nor thgate s t


Raw l ing William , H 1 gh st

S anderson Thomas, High s tS cotson Abraham , H i gh s tSheraton , George, High stSheraton William ,

Northgate stShotton John, H igh s tS torey Frederick, H i gh stTerr y Ri chard, Midd legate s treetThompson Wi ll i am ,

H igh s tree tWi lkinson Matthew,

H i gh stree tW i l son Wi ll iam , High s t

Young Thomas , H igh s t

Youn ghu sban d Geo ., S t. Mary’s stGu n M ak er .

Cooper Robert, Nor thgate st

H ai r D r es ser s.

Brown W i lli am,High st

Cooper Charl es,High st

COOper Wi l l iam, High stMu rray George, Mi ddlegate s tP o t ter Henry, and hatter, High stWhi te John, Nor thgate s tH osi er s H ab er d ash er s

C l apham Thomas, Vi cto ria s tree tE lli o t t Eliz abeth , N orthgate stree tMowbray John , Victori a s tree tH ot el s, In n s T av er n s .

Angel In n , John B un ter, H i gh s tCommerci al H otel, Geo . Adamson

N orthgate stBlack Bu ll, Shotton S tephenson


Hi gh stB lack Horse, Jno . P arkinson ,Mid .

d l egate stBlack L i on , Eliz . W es t, Town WallBlu e Anchor, Thomas Grey, Sandwel l chare

B on ds H otel ,Wm . Bond, N r thg t. s tClev elan d Arms (New), Wm . West,

Nor thgate s tC lev e l and and Commercial H o telMary Humble, N orthgate s t

Flee ce Inn , Richard Rollin s, Northgate stFree Mason s Arms, Richd . H unter ,Fi sh SandsGolden L i on , James Ferri er, Midd l egate s tKings H ead In n , Pe te r Wi l son,H igh st

L i te B oat,Benj . Huntl ey, Town

Wal l


Ir onm n g r s . H ar dw ar em en .

Dal ton John , Nor thgate s tree tRobson Thomas , H ig h streetWi l son John

,High stree t


Marine Tav ern,Ellen Hun ter,Town

W allQu eens H ead ,Dvd . Bu rnet t, N or thgate s tShip , Thos. Whi te, Middlegate stS t. H i lda Hotel

, Magnu s Emmerson , S t. Mary ’s s tTu rks Head

,John Rown tree

, St.H ilda s tUnion H otel , P e terWatson ,High stVane Arms

,Rt. Smi th , C l ev eland stVi c toria Hote l ,Magnu s Emmerson ,

j un . , Sun n i si de

Waterloo Hou se, Thomas Ryder,P r issi ck s t

Wheat Sheaf, John G ray, H i gh stWhi te H art Inn

,A . Mann

,High st

Beer H ou s es.

Armson Robert, H igh stBl enkhor n Edward , Clev eland stBradley W il li am ,

Clev eland s tB rown l essTimothy H u t ton

,Sun n i sdCoxon John,N orthgat e s t

Graham Richard,S andwel l chare

N elson Mary , B ed ford stSewel l brewer, Temperance s tSmi th John

,Vi c ter ia dock

Snai th Robert, S un n i si de

Wi lkinson W i ll iam,H igh st

Ir on an d B r ass P oun d er

Malthou se Robert, H igh street

Join er s C ab i n et M ak er s .

Marked ar e bui lders a lso.

*Dixon John , Nor thgate street ; h.Qu een stree t*Gordon W i lli am , Mi ddlegate s tL an e W i lliam , H igh stree t*P arkin George, N orthgate stree t*Richard son J ohn

,Town wall

Sharp John , Temperance s treet*Todd John, Northgate stree t*Tu rnbu l l Matthew , N or thgate s t*Wal ton Wi l l i am, Nor thgate s tree t*Watt Adam , Victoria dock ; h . S t.

Hilda s tree t“Wat t Wi l li am,Albert place

Young Edward, Victoria deck ; 11 .Town wal l


E den 8: Denton , Victori a dockG il l Grov es, Town wal lG ray and S torm , Wes t H artl epoolH am m arb om Town wal lH ansen , Jobson Cc .

, High stree tM atthewson C lay

,Victoria dock 5J . Wynand , agen t

Martens Theodore Cc .,Vic tori a

dock Wm . Hu tchin son , agen tMel l an by Joseph & C o . H igh street,h . Sou th terraceMesnard Hu dson, Town wallR owel l Richard son , H i gh streetSav i l le James, H igh st. ; h . Marineterrace

S teph enson Faw cu s, H igh stree tW ang L . T .

, High street ; E dwardG lave, agen tSh ip Ow n er s .

B lumer L uke, Marine ter aceB rewi s Robert, Albert placeB u lmer John

, P rinces stree tB u n ter John , High stre e tD av i son Chri stopher, S t. H i l da stD en ton George , Marine ter raceD en ton John P un shon , Cliff terraceE den Joseph N ixon , Vic tori a placeE llwood Dani el , Henry s tree tFrance Robert, StripesGarbu tt Jonathan, Town Wal lGarri ck W i lli am, an d manager of

the H artlepool an d Du rham shipping Cc .

, Town wal lG ray an d S torm,W es t H artlepoo l

G ray W i l l iam 8: Cc .,Victori a stree tH u tton Robert Elstob, H igh stree t ;h . D arlington s tJackson Wm . George, N orthgate stJ obson Ch r i stopher, Sou th terr aceJoss John , Vic to r i a pl aceL ov ed ay J ames , H igh stree tM erryweather Wm . Middlegate stP arkin Joseph , N orth terraceS anderson Thomas, H igh stree tS cotson Abraham , Hi gh stree tSharp Cu thbert, Moor hou seShotton John , High stree tS t orm Thomas

,T hroston stree t

Terry Richard,Mid dlegate stree t

W atkins Rich ard , Marine terraceW atson James, P rin ces stree tW atson W i ll i am , N orth terraceW i lkinson Thomas, H igh str eet


S l a te M er ch an t .

P reston John, Hart st., Wi ll i amJenkin son , agen tSodaW a ter L em on ad e M a

n u fac tu r er .

Ward l er James, N or thgate st

l IIarked a r e Cha in Maker s, also.

Banks W illi am, N or thgate st 11 .

Bed ford st*Bru ce Joseph 8: Son , H i gh s tHunter N i cholas 8: Cc ., 81 anchorand chain c able d l rs., Sun n i side ;h. Thros ton s t*Malthou se Rb t ., dlr. in anchors


ch ain s, n ai 1s, & c ., Hi gh s t‘Robson Thomas , High stSimm P ercival

,H igh st ; h . North tr

Sh opk eeper s F l ou r D ea l er s .

Alderson John , Cleveland stAu stin Joseph,Vi c toria dock

Chil ton Robert, H igh stCooper Ali c e, Nor thgate st

Kidson John I rv in e , Clev eland stL i s ter W il liam , Bed ford s tMarshall James, M iddlegate s tMarshal l Robert, Middlegate s tMowbray John

,C ro ft

Oates Mary, Clev eland stP eters Mary, Sun n i sideP ounder John , King stRi char by Ann , H igh s tSharp John , Temperance st

Smi th Whi tfield, P r issi ck st

Snowdon J emima, Bed ford stWastel l John , N or thgate stWatson An n , S t. Hild a stWhi te Thomas , Clev eland plWilkinson Isabella

, H i gh stW i lkinson Isabel la, Mi dd legate s tW i lkinson Jane , Bedford stWood Franci s

,Victoria pl

S ton e M a son s , B r i ckl ayer s

Bu i l d er s .

Bu tim en t P erciv al, N orthgate s tBu lmer John , N orthgate stC arter Matthew , N or thgate stree t ;11 . Victori a p laceChapman Franci s, P r i ssi ck stD av i son J ames, John st


Galley lime bru r. Victo ri a p lGordon Wi ll iam , Middlegate stH arrison George, High s t

Johnson Thomas, Northgate s tSc row ther Thomas, Beacon plS tanley Robert , N or thgate s t

Wins tanley Robert, Nor thga te st

S t r aw H at M ak er s .

Barratt Ann , Sun n i si deBrown Jemima, High stBrown Sophia , High stB ru ce Jan e , Mi ddlegate stCarl ing Mg t. Eliz ., Throston stEl l io tt Eli z abe th , Nor thgate stJ ohnson Ann, N or thgate stWi l son Jane, Har t s t

Su r geon s .

C l arke Edward , M.D ., Marine ter

E dger P au l Maude , High s t

Green George,High s t

P ot ts Wi lliam Hen ry, Sou th terRi chardson Thomas Charl ton, _Dar

l ingtou stree tT ob acc o P ipe M ak er s .

Row John Son s, N o rthgate s tThompson Rober t, Sou th terWi lkinson George

,High s t

w at ch m ak e“Humphrey W i l l i am , Alber t pl

T a l l ow C h an d l er s ,Smi th and H ind

,H i gh st

WAyre Thos. Wm ., Victoria dock Wgfigfggfégfifiggf’g iggg; St

T a i l or s .

Ma rked areDraper s 8; Outfitter s a lsoAtkin son H enry, N orthgate s tAt l ey John , High st

B arkhou se Thomas Mi ddlegate stCharl ton Thomas, N orth te rChapman Thom as,Vi c tor i a s t

Davenpor t W i lli am , N orth terD obson John , Ropery laneFern i o John , Twedd l e stFi shbu rn John, Ropery l aneGarr y Thomas, High s t

Hawkridge John, H i gh s t

Marshall Wm ., Nor thg ate st

Moody John , P r issick s tMoss Benj amin , H igh s t

O rd W i lliam ,N orth terrace

P all in George , N orthgate s tP ig gal es G eo rge, N orthgate stRagg Thom as, N orthgate stRi ch l ey John , N orthgate s tRobinson Isaac

,High st

Rob inson Robert Hy ., H igh

Santon Robert, Town char eTaylor James , Su ssex stW ardle James, N orthgate s tWright Thom as, High s t

T im b er M er ch an t s .

Hagg i e Bro thers, Victo r ia dock,Eden and Den ton , agents

Hag g ie Robert Hood and Co., Victori a dock, Geo. John B rown , agtRowe l l and Richardson,H igh st

Sav i l le James,High s t

Trewi ck Thomas, Northgate st

W h i tesm i th s Bel l h an ger s.

C0 0per Robert , Northgate s tL eeming Joseph, Town wall ; hHigh ‘stree tRobson Thomas, H i gh stSmith and H ind , H igh stWi l son John

,H i gh s t

W in e an d Spi r i t M er ch an t s.

Farthing Mi chael, Nor thgate st h.

Sou th terraceGri ev e John G raham , N orthgate s tP o tts Robert 82 Son , Vic toria dock ;h. L ong C lose Cottage



P ost Ofiice, N ewbo ttle l ane George James, pos tmaster, l etters arrivefrom the Sou th at 10 a.m .

,and are d ispatched at 3 30 p.m .

,arri ve from the

N orth 4 20 p.m ., an d are di spatched 8 30 a .m .

Aird John Spark , farmer, Mkt . plA l l an Jph . , shpkpr ., S underl and s tAls ton R ev . Nathan i el

, (Wesleyan) ,S underland s tAnderson John,H allAngles G eo ., tai l o r, N ewbo ttl e l aneAppleby Mr . Jonathan

, Su nderl and stAppl eby W i l liam ,

v ic t., Mal tste rsArm s, Marke t p lAppl e ton Rd . , shopkpr .,H i l l sid eA rchbold Wm .

, cl erk to the Uni onsu perintenden t registrar, clerk toMagi strates, agen t to N ewcastl eFire Annu i ty In s . Associ ati on ,and Su n L i fe Office , Sn d r l n d . s tArmstrong P au l

,con fecti oner and

shopkeeper, Chu rch s t

Atkinson Coll in Watson, shoem kr .,

N ewbo ttle l aneAtkinson Thos ., shoemaker, New

bottle l aneB almer John , d rpr ., Su nderland stB axter W ill i am ,

pol ic e sergean t,

Sunderland stBee Geo ., school m str . , Sn d r l n d . s tB el l John , su rgeon , Qu ali ty hi llB ell Mr s. Mary

,Qu ay

Bellerby Thos. frm r ., Sn d r l n d . st

B inks Arthu r, v ic t.,Whi te L ion

Hotel , S underland stB inks Math .

,potatoe dl r., Sn dr l d . s tB inks Thos . , j oiner, Market plB one John , tai lor draper

,N ew

bottle l aneB ooth Benj amin

,assistan t draper,

Sunderl and s t

Esq. , H ou gh ton

Bowden G eorge , grocer and draper ,N ewbottl e l ane

Bradley W i lli am,exci se officer, Sun

der l an d s tBriggs Wm . , t l or .

,R ain ton bri dgeB romley Wm ., brewer mal tste r,N ewbo t tle l an e

Brown Hannah, s traw hat maker,Marke t pl

Brown Mg t. , shopkpr . , Sn d r l n d . s tBrown Mr . Thomas , Market plBu lmer Rev . John , M. A .


Master, Kopie r Grammar Schoo lBu rn Jacob Dixon , ta i lor 6c. draper,S underland st

Bu rne Robert Thomas , chemi st anddruggi st, S underland st

Bu rnet t E liz . , l adies sch l ., Sn d r l d . st

Bu rnett Mr . Jas . , Sunde r land s tGalbrai th Mr s. Ann , Sn d r l n d . s tGalbrai th G eorge, teacher GrammarSchool, Qu ayCarr Mr s . Jan e , Newbo ttl e laneCarr Chpr . Coope r , Chu rch s tC arter Wm .

, bu tcher, Hi ll sideCawdel l Mi ss Mary An n ,Quali ty h l ,Cawthorn e Fred ., ac tn eer . Sn d r l d . st

Chapel Wm .,co al d l r., Newb t l . lane

Charlton John , auc tioneer dyer,N ewbo ttl e laneCoate s Wm fr m r .

,N ewcastle lane

Cook J .,Spade St shov e l manu

fac tu rer s, N ewbottle laneCook Jph .,spade 8e shovel m an fr . ;h . Hill si de

Cook N i cho l as,b l acksm i th , Mkt. plCou l son Thos . , bookseller 8: con

fection er , Sunderland st


Crag gs S teph en , boot shoe m kr

Sunderland s tCro fton Wm .,

shoem kr . , Chu rch stCrowe Miss Eli z Market plC u rry Harri s

,pain ter and glazier,Quali ty H i l l

Dav i son John , t ailor, Marke t plD av i son Jph .,

shopkpr .,Market pl

D av i son Thos ., blacksm i th St gror. ,N ewbottle l an e

D i ckson Mr s. E liz ., l adie s schoolMarke t pl

D ixon Dorothy, school , Sn d r l n d . s tD ixon Francis , grocer, flou r 8: general dealer, Sund er land s tD obbing Rd . , tai lo r ,N ewbo ttle l aneDobson John , grocer corn mi ller, Marke t p l

Dodgshon Wm . ,pain te r & glaz i er

Sunderland s tD awson Wm ., j o iner cartwrigh tChu rch st

D uncan Thomas , grocer 8c draper,N ewbot tle lane

Dun n Math ., mathematical teacherG rammar S choo l , Qu ay

Dunn Phi li p Jas., Esq., Quay

E arle Wm . 85 S ., linen 8c, wool lendrapers

,straw h at makers 8: mill i

n ers,Qu ay

E lli o t t Mark, gen t, VillaE l stob John , j oin er cab in e t m kr .

Sunderland s tEl stob Jona than , Join er bu i lder,Su nderland st

Fairbairn s Henry, Union master,Sunderland st

Fenw i ck Bryan , corn m i r . , Hill Mil lFoss El iz ., sch l m str sa ,

Newb tl . lan eFo therg i l lWm .,

sd i er., N ewb t l . l aneFr ank l in g Rev . Wi l l iam, cu rate,Chu rch s t

Fraser Mr s . Margare t , H i ll si deGardiner Edward , watch 8e clockmaker, Qu ayGibbon Edw. Bl ackwell , au c ti oneer,apprai ser 8: genera l commissionagent, Quali ty h i l lGibbon Wm . B.

,au c tn r ., Chu rch st

G ibson Jacob, tai lo r and draper,Sunderl and s tGibson Jcb . j un ., tal r ., Sn d r l nd . s t .Gibson J n o.,

hr. dresser , Sn d r l n d . stG ibson Thos., tailor, Sunderland s tG ood Rt.

,bkr . gcr ., Newbottl e l n .


Goodricke Mr . Wm .,Market plac eG oodri cke Wm . j u n . , N esham Hall

Academy , Chu rch st.G r ay J s . Jph .

, su rgeon , Qu al i ty hil lG rierson M argaret , straw hat m kt .,

N ewbottle l aneH a l l J oh n

, boot shoemaker, New

bottle laneHarri son Christopher , j u n .,

B l ack L i on , S underland s t.Harrison C hris topher, bricklayerand b u i lder , S underlan d st.Harri son M r s. Eliz ., Qu ali ty h il lHarri son Joh n , tai lo r , S un d er l n d . s tH arrison Mark , grocer, N ew TownHarrison Matthew,mason and bricklayer , Sunderl and st .HedleyWm . ,b u tcher , Sunderl and stHenderson J n b r ckm kr .

,w tl e . In

Henderson R l ph n shpkpr ., t l e. In

H enderson R t., shm kr ., t l e . lane

Henderson Thomas, w atch St clockmaker, Sunderland st.H enderson Wi lli am , bu tcher, N ew

bo ttle l ane ; h . Sunderland st.H eron W i l li am , grocer j oine r, an d

cabine t maker , N ewbottle l aneH ewi tson Thom as , National schoolmaste r , N ewbo ttle lan eH odgson Mary, mill ine r, Chu rch stH odgson Ralph , b ee rh s .

,w t l e . l n

Hopper Geo.,i r on St b rass fn d r .

,i r on

manu fac tu rer, i ronmonger, sp adean d sho ve] m an u fac u tr er,and

timber merchan t, Sunderland s tHor ton John , v i c t. an d blacksmi th,Georg e 85 Dragon , Marke t pl aceHu tchinson Thos .

,tin plate worker

Newbottle laneIronside Mi s s Fran ces E ., Ql ty. hil lJames 8; Cc .

,brewers , maltsters,and agen ts to the Yorkshire Fire

L i fe o ffice,N ewbo ttl e l ane

J ames Geo ., w ine spiri t merch an tand post master, Newbo ttl e lan eJames Robert , l and agen t, t l e. lnJames Robt., j un .

, chemist, dru ggist,and grocer,N ewbottle l an e

Johnson John, tobacco pipe maker ,N ew TownJohnson Thos. bk . bu dr.,New TownJohnson W i ll iam , superintendent ofpolice, Sunderland s tJohn ston e J ane, furniture broker,Sun der l and st.


Kennico tt N athan , su rgu . , Sn d r l d . s tKirtley Wm ., tail or, S underlan d stL aws Jane, v i c t.,Ryl . Oak, t l e . In

L aws W i lson , baker flou r d ealer,

S underl and stL awson Dav id , v i c t. and blacksmithMi l l Inn , Rai n ton bridge

L awson George , school , Market plL ee Mark, v ict., Wh t. Sheaf, Mk. plL egge John, gn tl m n ., S underlan d stL egge John Robinson

,solici to r

Sunderl and s tL egge Mi ss Sarah, Sunderl and s t .L egge L ew i s P atti sonmal ts ters

,and corn mi l lers


ton B rewery h . Grov eL eigh tonWm ., hair dresser, and bellman

, Sunderland stL ew i n s P hilip, shm kr .

, Marke t plL iddell An thony, m al str . Marke t plL i ddel l Rober t 8r. Cc ., brewers andmal tsters

, Market plL i ddel l R. v i c t . ,Red L i on, Chu rch s tL onsdale Mi ss Qu ayLynn Thos., railway cn tr ctr .,H i ll sdMaddison George

,chimney sweep ,Hi ll side

Makepeace R t., sexton, Chu rch yardMakepeace W tai lor, N ewbo ttl e InMarch Robert, bu tcher , Qu al i ty hi llMin to John, v i c t ., brewer malts ter,L amb Inn , N ewbo t tle lane

Mit chel l Mi ss Mary Ann,Chu rch s t

Mi tcheson Hy ., bu tcher, Sn dr l n d . s tMi tcheson Geo ., car twright j o inerSunderland st.

Mi tchin son Geo . , cu rri er 8: l eathercu tter, N ewbottl e lane

Mair John , bu tcher, Market placeMorrow Jn ., g r c r . 8c d rpr .

, Sun d r l d . sMorton Rober t, prin ter, bookseller,and s tationer. QuayMoses I saac , farmer, Su nderland st.N esham Ral ph , b l ksm i th Chu rch stN ev i son Mr s . E l izabeth

, Su n d r l d . s tN orth Hetton Col l l er y Cc .

,Rain ton

bridge, John Robinson , agentN owley Alex .,

v i c t. Qu een ’s he ad,

Sunderland stOu thwai te Jas ., saddler, Sun dr l d . stP hillips Js.

, pn tr . g l z r ., N ewb t l . s tP l ac e Geo ., s tone ,mason bu i l der,Sunderland s t

P lace Jas., v ic t., Jolly Farm er In n ,Market pl

P l ace Robert, tailor, Market plP ri ce Robert, v i c t., L ambton Arms,N ewbo ttle lan eRam sey Andrew, v i ct., Sportsman ,N ew TownRankin Wi lli am


, New TownRay John , v ic t. an d brewer, Bu rnsl n n , N ewbottle l aneRichardson Jn .

, sch l m astr . Sun d l d. sRichardson W i l l i am , hai r dresserand toy dealer

,Sunderl and s t

Robin son Mr s. Eliz abe th, brewerand mal tster, Du rham roadRobinson Frances

,s traw hat maker ,

N ewbottl e laneRobinson Geo ., en g in eer ,N ewb tl . l n

Robin son John, j oiner and cabine tmaker, Sunderland stRobinson John , agt., Su nderl and stRobson B lyth , v i c t.,B lack H orse,

Marke t placeRobson John, cathol ic schoolmaster,Du rham laneRobson Matthew

,v i c t ., Grey H orse


N ewbot tl e laneRobsonMa tthew

,boot shoe maker,

Sunderland s tree tRobson Thos . j un ., tailor 8c draper,Hill si deRobson Thos ., t ai lor, N ewbo ttl e stRobson Mr . Thomas, Market plRobson Thos., boo t shoe maker,Sunderl and streetRobson Mr . Thos . j un ., Market plRowes Mr s. Sarah , Qu ayRyal Mat thew, l and agentS edw ick Fras ., bu tcher, Sn d r l n d. stShaftoe John , shopkeeperMarke t plShanks Wm .,

teacher, Quali ty H i llShepherd R cv .R t ., cu rate, Chu rch stSkelton Thomas, j oiner 85 cabine tmaker

,Qu ali ty hil l

Skinner Charles, tall ow chandler,N ewbottle lane

Skinner Rev . Chas ., M. A., cu rate

of H arrington, Market plSmith M i ss El i z .,Market plSmith E l iz v i ct. and joiner, SunInn

,Market pl

Smi th Thomas,cartwright ma

chine m aker, Sun der l an d


Snai th Ralph , v ict. , Rams H eadInn, Sunderland s t

S teel Thomas, v ict Kings Head

Chu rch st


P l ac es of W or sh ip .

P ar ish Chur ch, Rev . E. S . Thu rl ow, rec to r ; Rev . Wm . Fr an kl in gand Rev . Robt. Shepherd , cu rate s

Cathol ic Chapel , Du rh am roadRev . Ar sen i u s ‘Watson , P riest

Baptist Chapel , Sunderland stfife/hodist N ew Connexion Chapel ,Qu a l i tv hill

P resbyter ian Chapel , Newbottl e l n

Wesl eyan Chapel , Sunderland stThe Mar ket has been long ob so

le te, ye t i t i s conv eniently si tu atedfor supplying the n umerou s minorsand o ther work people empl oyed i nthe neighbou rin g Colli e r i es

, I ronWorks , & c . w i th prov i sions andother necessari es o f l i fe.P opu lation , according to the Cen

sus taken June 1841 — 3433.


L ist of S treets, Cour ts, Lanes, é‘

c . 1847 .

Albert place, 15 C larence terAlbion street, Skinner s tBishop s tree t, 25 H igh stB i shopton lane, 167 High stB lack Boy s treet, Mari time stB lu e posts, 1 16 H igh stBrown stree t, (L i t tle) 94 High st

B runswick stree t, M ill l an eBu lmer’s bu i ld ings, C larence terC alvert l ane, Calv ert stC alv er t stree t, 22 S i lv er s tC arol street, P aradise stCastlegate, 8] H i gh s tCathol ic street, Maj o r s tChu rch r ow, 15 H i gh st

C l aren ce cou rt,H igh st

C larence stree t, Ox ford stClarence street, Comme r c ial stC larence terrace, Nort on r oadCleveland r ow, Sm ithfie l dCommerci al str 'eet, \

Mar i tim e st

Cottage r ow, Qu ay sideC ross street, 10 S i lv er s tDov e cot stree t, 13 1 Hig h stEast stree t, M idd l e stFinkle stree t, 48 High stGarbu tt s tree t, N or ton roadG reen Dragon yard, 6 Finkle stH ad

'ron stree t, Maj or stHen z el l street , Norton roadH i gh s tree t, Market placeH ind’s pl ace, John st

H ou sewi fe l an e, Squ areJ ames stree t, 3 Sm i thfiel dJohn street

,163 High st

King s tree t, N orton roadMaj or stree t, N orton roadMari time st ree t, toot of P aradi seMarket pl ace , High stMason ’s cou rt , 55 High st

Mi ddle stree t, 158 H igh stMi l l l ane, 1 1 Dov eco t at k

New row, Mari time st

North s tr ee t, Bishopton roadN orth ter race, Nor ton r oadNorton road, l ' H i gh st

Ox ford stree t, N orton roadP aradise r ow, 18 Chu r ch r owP ark r ow, 86 H igh stP ark terrace , foot of H igh st

Por tr ack lane, 18 Chu rch r ow

P rin cess street, Maj or stQu ay side, foo t o f S i lver stQu een street, N orton roadRamsgate stree t, 107 High st

Regen t s tree t, 138 High s t

Ropery stree t,14 1 H igh st

Shambles, Market pl aceShip yard, 1 15 H igh s tS hou lder ofMu tton yd .

, 102 High stS ilver str eet, 30 H i gh stSkinner street, Yarm lan eSm i th stree t, 162 H i gh st

Sm i thfiel d, 3 SquareSou th street, East s tSqu ar e, 19 Thi stl e greenS tamp stre et, B i shopton laneTees s treet

,8 Mari time st

Tennan t street, N orton roadThi stle green, foo t of Bi shop stThomas street , N orton ro adThompson stree t, 15 C larence terThorpe stree t, Garbu t t s tUn icorn yard , 72 H igh st

Union squ are,l 63 High s t

Union street, 1 1 Mari time s tVictoria terrace, Norton roadWellington terrace , B i shopton lan eand No rton roadWes t r ow,

10 Dov eco t stWest s treet , M iddle s tW i l l i am s treet, Yarm laneYarm lane, 86 High stYork place

,Yarm lane

York street, Yarm lane


M iscel lany compr ising the Addresses of Gen try, C lergy, P ar tner s in F irms, and

other s not ar ranged u nder the C l assificatian of Tr ades and P rof ession s.

Ainsworth Robt. manager po ttery, 2Commerci al streetAir ton Thomas, at torn ey’s c lerk, 3Sm i thfie l dAl cock Watson , gen t. 4 P aradi se rwAlderson Robert, farmer an d l andowner , S t . Ann ’s hill

Allen Rev . W i l li am, (Wesl eyan ,)

Brunsw ick str ee tAnderson Rb t., agn t ., Sou th S tocktnAppl eby Thomas, bookseller, &c . h58 High s tree tAppleby Thos . sen r . pari sh clerk ,

East stree tAppleby W il li am , clerk, Hinds plArmstrong Mr s. El i z b th ., N orton rdArmstrong Mr s. Hart . ,39 Skinner s tAtkin son James

,gen t . 2 York pl

Atkinson James,foreman

,42 Skin

n er stree tA tkinson Mr s .Margare t

,6 P ark tr

Atkin son Mr . Robert,1 2 Finkle s t

Ayres M i ss An n ,Vi c to ri a te r

Bad n a l l Rev . H opkins,cu rate , 34Thi stl e green

Bage John ,j oin er and cabine t m krh . Skinn er s t

Bai l ey J ohn , cl erk, 35 Thistle greenB am b rou gh John, mas ter marinerSqu are

B arker M r s . Ann , 134 H igh stBarratt Ri chard, corn meter, 24W i ll iam st

Basnett Abraham , sec. to S to ck tonand H artlepool Rai lway Co ., 4

Finkle st ; h . 5 Cl arence terB ayley Wm .

,sol r h . 8 P aradi se rw

B el l Wm .,potato e dealer

, H igh st


Best W i lli am ,cl erk to U nion an d

superin tenden t regi s trar of bi rth s,d eaths, 8: marriages, C orpor a tionhall h . S t. Ann ’s hil l

Bel l Robert, assi stan t grocer, 68Brunsw i ck st

Bl ackbu rn George , assi stan t draper,54 Bru n sw i ck st

B land John , coal dl r., Hou sew i fe lnlai r G eorge, farmer , P or tr ackBowsfie l d Wm . , cowkeeper, Por tr ackB lakelock Mr . Ralph

,S tamp s t

Boo th Chri stopher Smith , hosi er’,& c .

,12 1 High s t

Boo th John,cowkeeper, St. Ann ’s h l

Bowson Jas. gror. ; h . 13 Finkle s tBow ser Matthew,

mason , 2 1 Skn r . stB rady Al fred , bn k. mngr.

,49 High 3

B rotherton Sc Co ’s. , paten t oi l w hs.,

Unicorn yd .

,Thos .Wright, agent

Briggs Isaac, l ocker cu stoms, 170B i sh op ton lane

B rown Andrew, j un .,i ron m fr h .

P or tr ack l ane Iron WorksBrown Geo .

,i ron m fr . ; h . N orton r d

B rown Jas . , iron m fr . ; h . N orton rdB rown John , i ron manu fac tu rer ; h .

P aradise stBu rges Robert, gen t. , 46 Skinner stCampbel l Rev . Wm .

, (W esleyan),B lu e hou seCarrol James

,ship owner, Sm i thfiel d

Cattaneo h.P r inces s tCh atto Wm . foun drym an ,Nor ton rd

Chester Samu el , cl erk Clarence railway goods dep t., S t. Ann'8 hill


H ow e Rd . ,coal agen t, P ark r ow

How sin Hy .,su rgeon , 6 1 W es t r ow

Hubb ack Mr s. Jan e, Sm i thfiel dH u dson Mr s. Ann , 3 Bru n sw i ck s tH u gill Anne , tea deal er, 10 Smi th sH ugi ll M r . Jonathan , N orth stH unter Wm ., gen t. 2 N orth te rH un ter Wm .

,agen t, Qu een st

H unton Edm . , cart owner, Albion stH u tchin son T ., c oal agt . , Bdg . en dH u tchinson T w eav er

,59 Skn r . st

H u tchin sonW .,tide w tr . , 28 Sm hfl d .

I l ey P au l , cart own r 49 B rn swk. s tI l ey W m .

,j o in er ; h . Dov eco t s tIn gledew Mr s . Ann , P or tr ack l aneJackson L eonard , receiv er of por tdu es sec . to Tees N av i gati onC c .,Thistle green ; h . Seaton

Jackson Mi ss,“Chu rch r ow

Jackson Thos . , gen t, 4 York pl aceJackson Thos . , i ron mer chant ; h .

75 B ru nswi ck s tJames M r s. Ali ce , i 35 H i gh stJob l in g Chpr .

,sh opman , Eas t s t

J ob l in g John , cl erk, 1 4 B r u n swk. s tJobson Thos .

,ru ral poli ce sergeant

6 P rincess stJohnson Mr s. H .

,4 Brunswi ck s t

Johnson James , su perin tenden t toTees N av i gati on Co . , 2 Squ areJ ohnson Jph .

, cowkpr . P or track co tgJ ones Rev . W . (Wes. Asso .) East stJopling John

,clerk, 14 B r n swk . st

Kay B ryan , carriers agen t, Eas t s tKennico t t Rev . Ri chd . Du tton , B .A.

In cumbent of Trini ty C hu rchVicto ri a terKi l v ington J ., watck m kr ., Maj or stL acyR ., Fren ch pl sh r . L tl e.Brown sL aidl e r F.,

b n k. cashi er, 7 Br n swk. sL aidler J ., pat. rope m fr . ;h . Norton rL aing Mr s . Sarah , 136 H igh s tL amb Mr s L yd i a , 1 1 C larence terL amb Rd . W . c r town r s .

,16W est r

L amb Robert , gen t, York co ttageL ambert Thos. agen t, 1 33 High stL angl ey M r s . Eliz ., 1 High stL angley Jonh ., sh ip own r . 1 High stL ev erick J .,

l ocker c stm s., J am es stL av er i ckW .

,sm lw r e. dl r. ,Town hall

L eigh John , sen ., foreman , S ou thS tock ton P o ttery

L eigh John , potter , Sou th S tocktonL eng Re v .Wm ., (Bapti s t) , 4 John stL e sl ie Dvd .Wemyss, ag t., 34 Skn r . s

L idd le Thos., shpm n ., l Tennan t s tL iptro t Mr s. Jane , 12 Smi th stL u pton M .

, P rm . Mth . Mn s . Thorp sMaddi son John , brassfounder h .

Bi shopton ro adMarkham Hy . , sh ip own r .,Sm i thfl d .

Mark s W . , excise officer, 43 Skn r . sMarshall F. ,

h arb r . m str . ,Sm i thfiel dMaw l am Mi ss Eliz ., 5 Brunswi ck st

Mathew son T ., coal ftr . ; h . 2 P ark trMay Hy ., dep. p ari sh clerk

,West s tMe tcal f Geo ., cl erk cu s toms, N or

t on co ttageMor al ee M . , fancy r epstry. P r in cess sMu n ken b eck Ju o. B ., tl o r ., Skn r . stN elson Thos ., t ailor, 9 Dov eco t stN ix Wm .

, m ail gu ard , 6 Smith s tP age Mari a , farmer, S ou th S tck tn .

Page Mr . Thomas, 9 B i shop s tP almer Jn .

,ir nm n g r . h. 13 Smi th s

P att i son Wm ., toy dealer, Carol stP eacock Thomas , agen t S tockton 85Darl ington Rai lway goods dept .


Sou th S toc tonP earson Mr s. Mary, 13Wes t r owP igden Geo ., ass t. d rpr . ,

2 C l ar n ce. tP igg Ths ., b r sfn d r . ; h . B i shop ton rdP o tts John , foundryman ,N orton r d

Proctor Mr . John, 13 P ark r ow

Rai sbeck Mr s. My., 7 Clev el and rRand Rt . Taylor, clerk, Skinner s tRand R t ., con t rac tor ,“M iddle s tReay Thomas, cowkeeper, P o r tr ackReedMessrs ., engineering su rv eyors ,1 P aradi se r ow

Richardson Thos., tax co l l ec tor, 5Middle street

Rich l ieu Thos ., tail or, Paradi se plRichmond Mr s. E li z .,80 Hi gh st

Ri chmond Thos., gent . 4 Sm i thfiel dRichmond Mr . Wm ., 12 Chu rch r owRi l ey Mr s. Ann

,1 3 Brunsw ick s t

Roberts Thos . , supr vsr . P aradi se plRobin son Mr s. Amelia

,S tamp st

Robinson Fras .,cl erk

, 30 W i lliam stRobinson Geo . J .,gen t. C l arence s t

Robinson Mi ss Jane , 30 P aradi se p lRobinson John , timber m erchan t ;h . Park terraceRob inson Jn . H . , c l k .

,Sou th S tcktn

Robinson Ri chd . W i seman,draper ;h . 26 Finkle s tree t

Robinson T ., astn t. dpr., 1 6 1 High stRobinson Robson

,su perin tendent,

Clarence Rai lway,Wel ling ton ter


Rob in son W i lli am Geo ., C l arenceRai lway S tation m str . , P rincess s tRobinson Wm .,shopman , Stamp stRoll ing Mr . John, 26 S i lv er stRyder Mr . Mark, Thomas st

S adl er Thomas A.,cl erk

,Cu stoms,

l Sm i thfiel dSadler W i l fred

,sec. to the L ondon

S tcktn . S hppn g . Co. , 1 Sm i thfiel dS anders Andrew, oi l merchan t, & c .


123 High s tree tSanderson Mr s. Ann , 159 H igh stS avory James

,mills tone maker, 9C astlegate

S co tt James,agt. glass works, Sou th

S to cktonSewel l R t., b l kg m kr . , c t. 102 High s tS eymou r 68High stS hepherd Wm .

, farmer, Por tr ack ln .

Sherwood R t.,gen t. Wel lin g ton ter

S hort S tephen,car. agt.


3 Cross s tS i dgwi ck Thos.

,carrier, H igh st

S impson Thos., clk . 58 Brunswick stSkelton Mi ss Mg t., 7 Clarence terSkin ner Jph ., coal agen t, Garbu tt s tSkinnerWm . b n k.mngr. 124 High stS leigh Wm . gen t. , 2 Bi shop ton laneSmi thM i ss Ann , Chu rch r ow

Smi th M i ss Eliz abe th, 141 High stSmi th Henry


,16 4 High s t

Smith James, earthenware m an u fr .

h . C l arence terraceSmith Jas.

,bu i lder ; h . 7 Nor th t e r

Smith John , sec . to S tockton ins.Clarence Railway Co s 9 Chch rwSmi th John

,i rn m n g r . ; h . 44 High st

Smith Jn o.,horse kpr . , 28Thstl . gn .

Smi th Ral ph,porter, 52 Brn swk. st

Smith Thos., foreman G lass WorksSou th S tockton

Smith T . , b si r., 850 h . 1 1 4H i gh stSmithMr . Wm .

, 3 1 W i ll i am st

S owerby Jph ., cart owner, 4Wm . s tSpence Chpr . timber merch an t ; hP aradise r ow

Spenc e Chpr . J . tim ber merchan t ,h . N orth terrac eS tamp Thom as, car pen ter, H ou sew i fe l ane

S toddar t John , cart owner, 2 H igh stS tonehou se John

,gen t.N orton grov e

S ud r on Henry , commer cia l tr av l r .,

38 Skinner stree tSwain G . H u tch inson , gent. Squ areSwan Mr . Wi l l iam, 12 C larence ter



Swen n e Cu th . gen t. W ell ington plSwen n e W i l liam

,cl erk cu s toms,

Wel l ington pl ac eSwinbu rn N r s. Mary, 5 P rincess s tTaylor J ames


,14 Do ve

co t stree tTaylor J oseph

,tide wai te r, Eas t at

Taylor Robert, engineer, S tamp s tTaylor Robert,crate maker, Sou th

S tocktonTay l or son Wi l li am, b u id l e r ; h . 29Skinner stree t

Ten n h i t Mr s. Ann , N orton roadT ennant Thomas A ., p aten t ropem fr . ; h . Norton roadThompson Mi ss Jan e, l O Clarence t rTink l er Mi riam Frances, tea d l r s .

6 Dovecot s tTodd Thos . l anding wai ter, Sou thS tockton

T r eadgo l d Thos. , clerk, 6 Regen t stTro tter Tho s. acou nt., 27 Thi s tl e g ruTh r owsda l e James, gen er l . c on tr c tr .6 Ramsgate stree tWade Rev . Albany, B . A.

, rec tor ofE l ton , 3 P aradise r ow

Wade S amu el, manager Gas works ,Wal ker ,Chas., i r n m g r . ; h . 41 High 3

Walker Mi s s Frances , 1 9 Doveco t stWalker Mr . John, Qu een stree tWalker Thos. , po t eng rav er, Sou thS tockton

Ward James, su perintend en t o f

Borou gh police, C orporation hal lWatson Mr s. C icely, Ropery stree tWatson Mr . Fr dk., 32 Skinne r s tWatson Robert L awson, coalfitter ;h . Albert s tree tWatson Robinson , draper ; h . 139

High streetWatson Mr . Simon , Qu een stree tWatson Mr . Wi lli am, 10 Midd le s tWeatheral l Joseph , o i l me r chant,& c . ; h . 7 S i lv er s tree tWebster Joseph, hosier, & c . ; h . 1 14

H igh stree tWe l ch Mr s. F., 20 B runsw i ck s tWelch Robt. E sq., comptr . cu stoms ;h. 5 N orth terrac e

Well s Mr . L eonard , 23 Skinner s tWhale s M r . John , 87 H igh stree tWhal ley John , earthenware m n u fr

h . Sou th S tocktonWheatley Su sannah, hos i er ; h . 12 1

H igh stree t


W hi te Robert , drape r ; h . 47 High stW hitfield M r s . Ann , 154 Hi gh st

W hi tfield Wm . drape r ; h . 3 Yo rk plW i l cock M r s . Mary

,9 P ark ter

W ilkin J ames, - coalfitter ' h. 1 3

Clarence ter racefl ’i l kin son M r s. Dr thy . 9 C l ar en ce t r

W i lkinson Mr s.E liz abeth, 4 P ark trW’ i lkinson John

,d rpr . h . 47 High s t

W i lson J o seph Radcliffe , solr h .

H i gh s tr ee t




A ca d em i es .

Bartram Su sannah , 15 Brun sw ick stB l ue Coat S chool , Norton road , Thos

an d. Mr s SheardB r itish S chool , N orton road ; Wm .

and M r s. TreenB u rnett Thomas , Ropery l an eCa thol ic S chools, Maj o r stree t ; JohnL eadbi tter, C ath . Mc Don ald 8:

Ann Sheen anCosi er Eli za

,8 Chu rch r ow

Compston Wm . 49 This tle greenD ixon Al i ce, W es t s tree tG arbu t t Thos., l l Brunsw i ck stree tGram mar School , 1 1 West r ow, Harl and Cou l tasH u nt er E l izabe th , 142 High stree tInfan t S chool , Regent street ; ZenaCou ltasMeeke J o seph C.

,Skinner street

M iddle ton Ish . 8:My. , 17 Chu r ch rwNationa l School , Skin ner stree tW i l li am P earson

P arker P e ter, W i lliam stree tS chool of Industry, 20 Castl e gate ;Ann ReadRoger An n ,

3 C l aren ce terrace‘

Wrigh t Thos., (mathemati cal) andaccou ntant, Unicorn yard ; h . 15B runswick stree t

A t tor n eys.

A u c t ion eer s an d Appr a i ser s.

Barker John , and commissi on ag en t,Blu e posts

C harlton John,37 H igh st

Wi l son Rober t. lan din g wai ter, 35

Sk inner stree tWood John H u tchinson, draper, 5P ark terrace

Wren George, farm er, Norton roadWr igh t Thom u s, ship owner, 14

P ark terraceYoung M r s. Jane , Qu een streetY oung Mi ch ael

,firs t clerk cu stoms

W e l l in gton place

JIa rked ar e N otar ies Publ ic.

Bayley W i ll i am , 12 Finkle st ; h . 8

P aradise r ow*Do ’uing An th . W i l son , 9 Regent stFenwi ck Tho rnton , 53 H igh stHu tchinson John Alex .

,High st

Jackson Ralph Ward , and maste rextraordinary in chancery, 24

S i lv er s t. ; h . Sou th s t*N ewby Wm . C rawford , Cal ver t ln . ;h . 14 Fi nkle stO r d Char les O v ington

, 12 Finkle stS idney Wm . Hy. Marl ow

,43 H igh

st ; h. 8 Brun swi ck stSkinner Thos., 12 Finkl e st ; h . 1

P ark ter*Wi lli ams G eo ., S i lv er s t ; h . Doveco t stree t

W i lson Faber,cl erks to magi s .

t rates, 19 S i lver s tWrig ht Andrew Robert E .,

Thistlegr een

,h . 2 Clev el an d r ow

Wawn Cphr . Aken head, 26 Si lv er s t


S l ater Thom as, 8 Dovecot st Br i t i sh W in e D ea l er s .Smith Thomas, Rope ry s tSmith Thomas, 8 Skinner st B raysh ay Wm . B olam , 36 H i gh St

Hodgson Edw . , 105 H igh stS tockton George: Sm“St°°kt°n Walker John R., 1 17 H igh stSwenson Thomas, P ark r owTodd Robert

,9 Clarence st

W al ton Thos., clogger, Sou th StktnW ard Dav id , 22 Wes t r owW atson W i lli am , Ropery stWhi te James, 24 Thompson stW i lkinson Wm ., 8c patten , 15 York 9

Worthy W il li am, Sou th S tocktonBr ass Foun d er s .

Maddison 8: P igg, B i sh opton roadB r ew er s an d M a l t ster s .

Mar /red ar e Ma l tster s .

Atkin son John , 10 Brunsw i ck stB owman W i ll i am , 1 1 Albion stB rown Ann , 98 H igh st* H esl op Thos ., N orton h . Qu een st‘Whi tehead Wm .

,Sm i thfiel d

Br i ckl ayer s an d Bu i l d er s

Atkinson James, 1 2 Regen t stBarber George , Sou th S to cktonB u lmer W ill i am , 163 H igh stC lay J ames

,Clarence s t

D umble L on sdale , 32 Wil liam st

Faw cett Stephen , 44 Skinner s tFle tcher Hy. B lyth , Norton roadHampton George , 81 High st

H unton John , 19 Thi stle greenN elson Robert, 5 Regen t s tPybu s E liz abeth , Por t r ack l aneP ybu s Thomas, P aradi se placeRedman Thomas

, Sou th S tocktonRichardson Wi l li am,E as t st

Seymou r Robert, 4 Chu rch r ow

Sweeting H y . Smith C raggs,W est s tT r owsdal eRd ., 85 general con t rac tor ,6 Ramsgate s t

Wade James, 7 P rincess s tW arde l l Jas 48 Brun swi ck s tW elsh John

,40 Skinner s t

W elsh Mat thew , 8 W i lli am stWelsh Wm .

,32 Brunswi ck st

B r i ck M ak er s .

Marked are Ti l e Maker s a lso.

Foss Wil l i am ,Moun t P l easan tFox W ard

, N orton grov egarbut t James, Vic tori a terrd Benj amin , Sou th Stockton

*Todd Geo . Wm ., Yarm lan e C ab i n etM ak er s .

*Wilson John,Nor ton r d Ti le Sheds

Bu tCh er S .

Ayre Robert, 52 Thi stle g re enAyre Wm 8 Sm i thfie l dBel l James, (pork) , 2 C ross s tBowser Tim o thy , 25 Ski n ner stBradley John , 9 Squ are.Brai thwai te Wm .

,Calv ert l an e

Br own l ess John , Hen z el l stBu lm er G eo 7 Dov eco t stB ou rne George

,W es t s t

C allender Geo ., 5 High s tCalver t Thom as, 29 S i lv er stClou gh Thomas, 22 S i lv er st

Cou lson John,50 Thistl e green

Dar nell John , 1 3 West r owDav i son George

, L eed s ro adFai rb r id ge S imon , Sou th S tocktonFennyWi ll i am ,

89 High stGarbu tt Da v i d , ,

Br own stGarbu tt Wi l li am , Park r owGowland Franci s , Hind ’s p lGow land John

,86 High st

Hal l Franci s 43 Brunswi ck s tH al l W illi am , Ox ford stHanby Anthony 33 Brunswi ck s tHarri son James, Sou th S tocktonHodgson John

,56 West r ow

Hodgson John, B rown s t“Humbl e John, 13 H i gh s t

Humble Richard, 30 Dov ecot s t

Hunter Thomas,6 1 Hig h s tKel l John

,8 Castl e g ate

Medd John , ,Sou th S tock tonN ewton George

, Sou th StocktonOu tbred Thomas, 1 S i lv er s tP ay l er James, Sou th S tocktonRobinson James, 7 Ram sgate s tRobinson Robert, B l ack Boy st

Robinson Thomas , 37 Thistle gre enSeam ex Wm . 12 Commercial stStockdale John , Mari time st

Todd George, 15 West r owTrenholm Thomas , 25 Brunsw i ck s tWatson G eorge

, 22 Brunswi ck s tW i lson Joseph, Bu lmer’s bu ilding sWi lson Thomas

,1 Cross st


Gam er s Gi l d er s.

B ell John , 153 H igh stC olling Edw ard 12 B i shop stC h a i r M ak er s .

Atkin son Benj ., 22 This tl e greenL aver i ck Robert, 24 Dov eco t st ; h .

B run swi ck st

C l oth es Dea l er s .

Han sen P e ter, 1 1 Clev eland r owKean an Barnard, High stree tWeatherhead Thos. 14 H igh stC oach an d H ar n ess m ak er s .

H arr i son John , Skinner stree tRichardson Dav id, 74 High stree t

C oa l F i t t er s an d M er ch an t s .

Aylan Thos ., Co ttage r ow,Quay side

B rown Anthony , 156 High stree tCoate s Ri chard , and coke and l imedepo ts, S tockton and DarlingtonRailway ; h . Sou th S tocktonClaren ce C oal Depot, N orton road,Wm . B r own b r idg e, agen t

Du rham Coun ty Coa l Co . , Wi l li amB rogden , m n gr. sec ., N orton rd

Fawcu s Hy . Son , Sc Coke , Sou thS tockton

L aing Jph ., ship owner, 30 S ilv er

st. ; h . W el lington terMays G eo ., P or tr ack lane Depot ;h . Garbu tt stN orton ro ad Coal Depot, An dr ewB rown ; h . High s tRichardson Edw. St Cc .

,Qu ay side

Romyn Co .

,Cottage r ow

Smart Robert, 20 Finkl e stSmi th Jn o. Jph ., Co ttage rw. Qy. sd

Stain ton Wm .,W ellington terStockton Darl ington Railway Cos .D epo t, Bridge end, Thomas H u t

chin son,agent

Wi l son Thomas,17 Finkl e st ; h . 42

Brunswick s tC on fec t ion er s.

Ma rked ar e Tea Dea l ers.

B el l John , 10 1 H igh s tDodshon John &Cc ., (wholesale an dre tail) 1 19 High stMerryweather Aaron , 13 Ramsgate s t*Smi th Andrew , (wholes ale) andfru iterer, 27 S i lver st

Smi th D av i son , 143 High stThompson James

,18 Dovecot st


C on su l s.

American,Thomas H enry Faber


19 S i lv er stN etherlands Mecklenbu rg , P eterR om yn ,

Go rg . r ow ; h . N ewham grP ru ssian , Ch r i spr .Martin

,Qu ay sid e

C ooper s.

Barker John , Blu e postsB ro ther ton John , Calv ert s tChi l ton W i lli am , 4 High s tOu tram W i l liam , l at h r ender, 10C astl egateP ringle W i l l i am , Finkle s t

C or k C u t ter .

Wh i te George, Mason ’s c tC or n M er ch an t s .

Gibson Ralph , 1 1 ] High stL angdale Sampson

, jun .,5 Finkl e s t

C or n M i l l er s F l ou r D ea l er s .

Appleton Richard , 107 H igh stAn du s Franci s, H igh stCharl ton Thomas, 94 H i gh s t

Gibson R . 1 1 1 High st . N ew mil lG ibson W i l liam , 32 Dov eco t stL ax John , Moun t pleasan tL ed sh am George, Sou th Stock tonWren Thomas , and Sons, O l d mill ,and 28 H igh st

C ot ton Spin n er s .

Thorn aby Co . ,Sou th S tockton ; Geo

Cu sson s, manag ing partnerC u r r i er s L eath er C u t ter s.

Jackson Ri chard , 27 High stO r d Richard an d Son , an d tanners,1 13 High st

P assman John , Sm i thfiel dDen t i st .

Fergu son Ralph H odgson , 14 C l ar ence ter

D r u gg i st s.

Marked ‘7 a re Tea Dea l er s a lso.

*Adamson W i lliam , 1 12 High st*Br ayshay


VVm . Bolam,36 High st

*Dodshon John Sr. Co . (wholesaleand retai l) 1 19 ; h . 144 H i gh s t*H ardcastl e W i l l i am ,

2 Finkl e s t*H odgson Edward , 105 H igh stTaylor Thomas, 30 High st*Wade Joseph, 1 30 High s tWalker John

,59 High st. ; h. Green


Dyer .

Cu s t Will i am , 7 Cas tl egateEar th enw a r e M an u fac tu r er s .

H arwood T . 8: Co. Claren ce P o tterySmith Wm . 8c Co . Sou th S tocktonSm i thW. jun .& Co . N orth shr. P tryEat in g an d C offee H ou ses.

D unbar Jam es, 23 Dov eco t s tRiches Rober t,29 Dov eco t st

Ryder Sarah , 3 1 Dov eco t s tWatson Thomas, 5 H igh st

En gr av er .

Chapman James, 13 Dovecot st

F i r e L i fe O ffic es .

Agricu l tu ri st C attl e In s . , ThomasW r igh t

,15 B runsw i ck st

Atlas,Chpr . Salmon , Sou th s tCi ty o f L ondon , (L ife) , J as . Read

man,66 High st

Farmers 85 Gen eral, John Watson7 1 High st

Fa rmers 8: Grazi ers Mu tu al C attl e,Thomas Jord i son , 1 16 High stG l ob e fA. W . Dob in g , 9 Regent s tGu ardian , Hy. H owsin , 6 1 Wes t rwL eed s , John Smi th, 9 Chu rch r owL ondon Corporati on , W . W . Child3 Finkle s t

L ondon Union , Thomas W righ t,15 Brunswick s t

N orth B ri t i sh , Thos . H u tchinson , 4W es t r ow

N orw i ch Union, Fras . L aidler, 124H igh stRoyal Exchange, Al fred Brady, 49H i gh st

Sheffield , Rotherham Cheste rfield , Thos . Jord ison , 1 16 High stS tandard

, (L ife), C . A . W awn , 26S il v er s t

Sun ,Thos. Appleby , 58 H igh st

Yorkshi re, E . H odgson , 105 H igh stF l ax M er ch an t .

Vl ’al ker R 66 West r ow ; h . H i gh stG am e D eal e r .

Thornton Geo . , 29 S i lver s tG l ass , C h i n a. Ear th enw ar e

D ea l er s .

E l lerker George, 1 Dov eco t stH arrison John , Squ are

Mu rray Rea , (gl ass 87“H i gh st

Wardle Chpr . , I5 Bi shop s tWrigh t Wm .

, 18 Fi n kl efitG l ass M an u factu r er s .

Tees Crown Glass Cc ., Sou th S tockton , Jph . S co tt, managing partner ,and James S co tt, agentG l u e M an u factu r er .

P r octr Sm u l Carol st ; h .P r ads. plG r ocer s T ea D eal er s .

Allan Wm . , 126 High s tApplegarth Geo . ,58 Wes t row

Bennington Wm . 8L C c . , 39 High stBrai thwai te Samu el , 1 1 Si l v er stCharl ton Thomas

,9 1 High s t

Col e Vall ans, 160 High stCro sby John 8: Co .

,who] . 8t

\ ret.,106 H igh s t

Cl ephan 8c Son , 28 Sil v er stC lose , Bowron 8: Cc . , Calv ert s tDic kin son Thos . P ag e, 56 H i gh stGraham W i lli am , 20 H igh s tHanson Joseph , 63 High stH un ton Wm ., 14 Chu rch r owJordi son Robert

,1 16 H igh st

Kirk W. 85 Co .

,High st ; h . King s t

Knaggs John , 20 S i lver streetL edsham James, Sou th S toc ktonM i ll s Thomas , St w hol . s] . 40 High stP ringl e Henry , 55 B runswi ck s tRanson Richard

, 73 H igh st_Robinson Matth . ,57 B runswi ck st

S anders, Weather al l 8c Co., 6

Silv er stS tonehou se Ch arles, 76 Hi gh st ; h .

Ayc l ifi'eSydney John , 7 Fink l e s tWalker Henry , 1 29 High stWalker Jn o. Robinson , 1 17 High stW i l l an James , Sou th S tocktonWren Thomas , 25 H i gh s t

G un M ak er .

C0 0per Geo., 8c cu tl er, 1 08 H i gh stH a t M an u fac t u r er s D ea l er s

Mar /red are Manuf actu r ers.

Ab l eson John , 38 High st

Ru ssel l Jo hn , 37 High stH os ier s an d H ab er d ash er s .

B r ayshay I sab ., 85 B erl in wool depot, 2 Dov eco t s t

Howe Edward,P ark r ow


S tephenson W i lliam, B i shop s t

S u rridge Wi l li am, Sm i thfie l cl

W'oodhou se Robert, Sou th S tockton

I r on Fou n d er s .


ar /red ar e E ng ine Bu i lders and

M i l lwr ights a l so.

*Brown G . 85 Bro thers, 85 m an u fac

tu re r s o f forged i ron, sec . P or track

l ane Iron Works* Fossick 8: Hackworth

,N orton roadMainwaring John , cu t nai l manufactu rer, and fl in t grinder, E agleFoundry , Skinner s tRoger Rober t, 37 Wes t r ow ; h . 3Clarence ter

*Skin oer Chas . Henry, Sou th S to ckton h . 1 P ark terI r onm on ger s.

Allan W ill i am , 126 High stFarmer Wm . and T hos . 50 High stH un ter Thomas, 3 ] High stKi rtley John , 103 High stree tSmi th and H ind , 44 High stWalker and P al mer

,41 H igh s t

I r on M er ch an t .

Hu tch inson Thomas and Co . Yarmlane ; h . High s tJ oin er s an d C ab in et M ake r s .

Mar /ted a re B u i lder s, andTUpholster er s.

Armstrong Wm .,8 Regen t St

Bes t Martin , C as t l g t ; h . 8 Albu . stC l ephan Wi lli am ,

Qu een stC oi l in g John , 70 W est r owCowper Richard

,17 Finkl e st

D en t Thomas , 6 C lev el and r ow“if Dickinson Geo . Cow ell ,Middle stD ixon Henry, 60 Brunsw i ck s t* Bobing An thony

,122 H igh s t


f l l u n n T ayl or son ,92 High st

E she l by Wm . ,Sm i thfie l d L od gm g S

* i'Fo r s ter Wm ., 90 High st Cow en Mary , Yarm lan eG regory Benj .

,12 S i l ver st h. 5 Cu s t Marg aret , 24 W est r ow

B i shop s t Elgi e Doro thy,54 H i gh st

*H ardy Robert , 2 Smi th st H enderson Jane,50 W es t r ow

* JrHewi tt I l ey, 152 High st H eslington Ann

,6 Sm i thfiel d“Hu dson Edward

,10 Finkl e st: Hopkinson S arah

,Thompson st

H u dson W ., Mason ’s c t. ; h . Cu s Kirtley Robert,57 W es t r ow

tom Hou se c t. Spark Wi ll i am, 1 Chu r ch r ow

*H un ton Chri s toph er, 3 Nor th terHunton W ill i am , 14 Chu rch r owL eng W i lliam

,W es t s t

Parkin Robert, 1 John st

fRown tr ee John, C l aren ce c t. ; h .

Castlegate*Smith Bag e, M il l l an e+Smith Joseph 81 C o St com s. agts.,2 1 High st

Sud r on L i t tl e Brown stTaylor Robe r t, 22 Castl egateUnthank W i l li am , 17 H igh st*Whorl ton Thomas, 7 Regen t stWi lkinson Jas. 81. John

,56 West

r ow ; h . 4 Smi th stL an d A g en t s .

Marked ar e S u r veyor s.

Boynes Wm . H owston , P or tr ack ln .

Raysi n Robert, 1 1 Finkl e st*Reed Anthony , 1 P aradi se r owRichmond John , 30 '

S i lv er s tL i b r ar i es .

Fi rth Robert, 108 High s tMechanics, Mason’s c t. Jph . Flockton

,librari an

Robinson W i ll iam ,42 H igh s t

L i n en W ool l en D r aper s ,

Mar /red ar e H a tters a lso.

* Cass Robert, 46 High st

D ixon George , 57 High stEal e s John

,55 H igh st

Henderson Edward , 45 High stMau ghan John , 70 High st*Watson John , 7 1 H igh stWatson , Wood, an d Robinson , 48High stWeldon George, 62 H igh stW eldon W i l l i am Co . 32 High st*Whi te and ‘Vi lkin son ,

47 High s tWoo l ee h . (wh l . & ret .) 1 13 High st*Wil son George

,52 High st. ; h . 68

W es t r ow


Stab les Ann ,:79 H i gh stS tamp Ann, 2 1 Thistl e greenSw alwell El iz . , 64 Brunsw ick s tThompson Ann

,34 Thi stl e green

'Waine E l iz . , 37 Skinner stW

'al ton Mr s. Mary W 17 P ark r owM a r i n e S t or e D ea l er s

Bainb r i dge W ., 8: statu r ., Calv er t stCarter W i ll i am , Qu ay si deCoates Co .

, Q u ay sid eH arri son John , Squ areO ates John , Q u ay sideW ri gh t Willi am, 18 Finkle st

M a st e r M a r in e r s .

Besw ick Wi ll i am , L odge stC ampbell Wm . , 36 Br u n swwk s tC ook John,L odge s t

Gu rchin John , S tamp stD ev ey Edwa rd , Sou th S tocktonD ev ey N athani el , Yarm lan eE ll i ott Edward , 70 Brunsw i ck stFinl ay James, 1 1 Smith stFl e tcher George , S tamp s tGau di e George, S tamp s tHam shaw Joseph , 5 1 B run sw ickH umble John , West stInnes Wm .

,Black Boy st

Ma l l en b y Wm . , 4 1 B r unsw i ck stR ing John , 1 M i ddle s tRippon N i cholas , S tamp s tSherwood Wm . ,

Ramsgate stS impson Thomas, 1 ] C l ev eland r owSpence Andrew , Paradi se plS tamp John , S tamp s tThompson Charles

, 7 Skinner stT ro tter J ohn , 9 Smi th s tWatson Joh n , 166 High stWhitfield John

,6 Brunsw ick st

Ri er ch an t s .

C lose,B owron , & Cc ., C al ver t s t

Crosby John St Co .,1 06 High s t

Jordison Robert, 1 16 H igh s tL odge J ohn

,66 We st r ow

Rom yn 85 Cc ., Cottage r ow

S anders,W eatheral l Sc Co . 6 S l v r . stSkinner George , S ou th Sto cktonTennan t L aidler, hemp and tar,N orton roadM i l l in er s an d D r ess M aker s .

Alderson Sarah,Qu ay si de

Atkinson Su san , 2 John s tAyr e Martha , 5 Dov eco t s t~Be11 Ann

,68 Brunswi ck s t

Brown Ann , 9 P ark row

C l appi son Harriet, Sou th S tocktonCoward E liz abeth,6 Dov ec o t s t

Dent E lizabe th , 5 Squ areDov e Mary Ann Mg t., 7 Castl eg t.E lgi e Jane 8: Mary Ann

,54 Hi gh st

El li o tt E liz ., Hou sew i fe l an eFou l ston Ann, 44 Thi stle greenHarri son Rachael , 12 Dov eco t stH awman Jane, B i shop stKay Margare t, 32 Bi shop s tL ancaster Mary , Wes t s tMa l l abar Elizabeth

, 10 Middle stMann ers Eliz abeth, 15 Albion s tPall i ster Sarah , 12 B r u nsw i ck s tP atterson Elizabe th, 40 Skinner stRan dyl l J ane , 9 Ramsgate s tRan dyl l Mary , 72 Brun sw i ck s tRichmond Margaret

,12 Chu rch r ow

Robin son Joann a Mary,1 22 H i gh st

Stackard C ., 36 Thi stl e greenTodd Su san, 14 W es t r owUnthank J ane , 109 High s t

Wastel l My . 8: Hannah, 120 High st

Watson Mary,62 We s t r ow

Webster Jane , East stWrigh t E ll en , 24 Skinner s tYou ng H . 8: A. , 14 Regen t s t

M i l l w r igh t s .

L ax Wm . , Skinner st ; h . Sou th s t

S tratford B ryan , 6 1 B runswi ck stM u s i c P r ofes sor s .

Fai th John,and instrument m aker,

1 Albion s tH i l l Jph .

, 8: organi s t, 157 H igh s tN a i l M ak er s.

Brown Thomas , M aj or s tBu rnham Harrison

,44 B r n swck. s t

Mainwaring John, (cu t.) Skinner s tO i l M r ch t s Seed C r u sh er s .

San ders,W e atherall, Co . 6 Si l v r . s tP a i n t er s a n d Gi l d er s .

Alli son James, Finkle s tBarker Richard

,Blu e pos t yard

Hind John,B i shop s t ; h . Fi nkle s t

Ian son Isaac, Sm i thfie l dJohn son James, 20 Castlegate ; h .

16 York s tP au l Robert, 29 D ov eco t s t h . 10

Ramsgate s tPrince John

,154 H igh s t ; h . Bish

op ton lan e


Robertson James, 23 Dov ecot stRu ssell Samu el , 14 Smi th stW ard Robert, 1 8 P ark r ow

W il l iams Thos Reed , 25 Dov eco t s tP aw n b r ok er s.

Dodds Matthew , 32 Commer ci al s tH arri son Thomas, 1 1 Sm i thfiel dP er fum er s H a i r D r esser s .

Marked ar e Perf um ers and 1 Toy

Dea lers.

=l"Booth W i lli am , 2 S ilv er s t

*Eden Sampson , 104 High st ; hSkinner s t

+Fenny W i l l i am ,1 6 Bi shop st

H u nter Francis , 99 H i gh st“+L av er i ck W i ll iam , 20 Dov ecot s t


fSim pson W ill i am ,33 Dov eco t st

S toker Joseph , Sou th Sto cktonP h ys i c i an .

Keen l yside Rd . H ed l am ,Vi c tori a tr

P l um b er s an d G l az i e r s .

Ma rked ar e Gas Fitter s a lso.

A tkinson Thomas,1 1 Regen t st

*Charl ton Thomas organ bu ilder77 High s tChri stopher Rb t c t . 17 High stCl axton Joseph

,128 High s t

Hind John , Ship yardL aing Thom as , 5 Regen t s tW atson Jas ., 24 High s t ; h . East s t

P or tr a i t P a in ter s .

Al l en Robert, East stTaylor James Hume,158 High st

P r ov i s ion D ea l er s.

Appleton Ri chard,107 Hi gh st

Charl ton Thomas, 94 H igh stC ole Vallan s, 160 High st

E l lerker G eorge , 1 Dov e co t s tD ixon Willi am 85 Son , 19 Finkle s tW i lli am Pybu s, ag en tRamson Richard , 73 High st

R eg i ster O ffices .

Smi th Dav ison , 143 High stTayl or son Ann , 6 Chu rch r owWal ton Mr s. M. W .

,17 P ark r ow

R Ope M ak er s.

Barratt John, 40 This tle green

Fen tim en H enry, 14 W i ll i am stOu tb red Hon n or

, Sou th S tockton

Ou tb red Wm . Sack dl r., Sou thS tock ton ; h . Hinds plTennan t and L aidler

,paten t rope

manu fac tory, Norton road

W atson Chas . Cummin s, W il l i am stW il son Robert

,142 High st

Sad d l er s an d H ar n ess M aker s .

Sanderson James,60 H i gh st

Sharper Benj amin , 127 H i gh stTodd Wm .

, Town hal l ; h . 3 West rWS a i l C l oth M an u fac tu r e r s .

Atki n son and Dixon , Commercial st;Harker John 85 Co .,12 High s t

Mainwarin g John , Skinn er st


Tennan t L aidler, N orton ro adS aw M i l l s .

Brown Thomas, near C l aren ce Rail .w ay S tati on

H aworth James Ven tres s Joseph,

Sou th S tocktonHu tchin son And rew

,Sou th S ’

ock ton

P hillip s W i lliam,S ou th S tockton

Spen ce Cc .,Qu ay side

Sh ar e B r ok er s ,

Taylor John,Corporati on hall

Wright Thomas, 15 Brunsw ick stSh ip Bu i l d er s .

L angdal e C raggs , Sou th S tocktonNew ton John , Bridge en dTu rnbu l l Wm . tit C c ., Qu ay s ideSh ip In su r an ce B r ok er s .

Fawcu s Henry 85 Son , Sou th S tockton ; h . 7 P ark terL ee W m . H av elo ck , 17 Pa rk r ow ,and Com m r c l . s t. Mi ddlesborough

Sh ipsm i th s .

Coates Franci s,Qu ay sid e

Mason W ill i am ,Qu ay sid e

Sh opk eeper s .


Sar ah , Sou th S to ck tonBlackbu rn Wm .

, 3 1 Thistle g reenBl en kin sop Thomas, and post o ffice,Sou th S tockton

Bradley Thomas , L odge s tBu rn ic l e John , Sou th S tocktonBu r n ip Will i am , Ox ford stC l appi son Richard , Qu ay sideCol e Maria , 20 B i shop s tCon si tt Franci s, L odge s tCorner Thomas , Maritime stCumm inn s Cu th, 10 Dovecot st


Rayne W ill i am , 1 1 Bi shop stSanke l l Robert , Thomas s tS cai fe W i lliam , 2 1 Do veco t s tSharpe George , 9 H en z e l l s tSmith Thom as, L i tt le B rown st

Smith Wm . , 39 Commerci al s tS tam ton Thomas , 3 High s t.

S tev en son Edwa r d , 1 1 Tees s tW alker James

,16 Square

W atson James,62 W es t r ow

W i ll i amson W i lli am , Smi th st'Wooler Joseph , 1 13 High s t

T a l l ow Ch an d l er s .

Ayre Thomas an d W i lli am,1 Smi th

s t. ; Wm . h . SmithfieldJord ison Robert, 1 16 High st

T im b er M er ch an ts.

B rown Thomas,near C l arence r ai l

. way stati onByers J . , an d l ead , 15 S i lv er stFawcu s Hy. and Son , S th . S tocktonH u tchin son A.

,S th . S tck. ; h .Yarm l

L aidle r Thomas, Yarm laneL angdal e and C raggs

, Sth . S tocktonM i ln er Richard , Cottage r owRobinson H all Co Bridge endS tagg J . C ., Sm i thfiel d ; h . John stSpence C c .

, Quay sideTodd Geo .W . , S. S tc tn . ; h .Yarm InTu rnbu l l Wm . 8i Co .

,Qu ay s i d e

T in P l ate W or ker s an d B r a z ier s .

C l em m et George , Hi gh s tH igginbotham Rt So u th S tocktonH unter Thomas, 3 1 High stKirkham Rd . Bon n eypar t, fu r n i

tu re b r oker, 12 Ramsgate s tUn thank Barnabas

,109 High s t

T ob ac co P ipe M ak er s .

Andrew John , So u th S tocktonS ephton Geo . , 37 W es t r ow

T ob a c co Sn ufi‘M an fr .

Mi ll s John , Bi shopton roadT u r n er s (W ood ,& c .l

Chapman Jph 23 , h ., 18 Castl g t.

Flockton Joseph,screw cu t ter , and

m fr . o f bonne t pressing machines,by steam power

,63 West r ow

U ph ol ster er s P aper H n gr s

Coll ing Georg e, 18 Dov ecot s tDob in g Chas.Wilson , 1 1 Doveco t st


Mer ry l ees John , 70 Brunswi ck s t

Smi th Wm . Deaton , 8 Si lver s t ; h .

GrangefieldV eter in ary Su r g eon .

H al ton Rt (farri er) , 68 H igh stP l ews Thom as , 18 Ramsgate s t

W h a rfin ger s .Ingl edew Si lves ter, Quay side ; h . 2

Sm i thfiel dMartin Christopher, Quay sideSpence Co.

, Quay sideW h ee l w r i gh t s.

Fo rster John , Qu ay sideP reston Wm .

, 17 CastlegateSwainson Wm .

, 17 1 Bi shopton l an eWal ton Geo r ge , 1 York plW iley Robert

,6 H igh s t

W h i tesm i th s Bel l h an ger s.

Dunbar James, 23 Doveco t s tGib son Thomas, 10 Middle s t ; h .

10 Uni on sq .

Hearfie l d John , 167 High s tKi rtley John , 103 H igh stSmi th H ind

,44 High s t

W a tch an d C l oc k M aker s .

Market! ar e J ewel l er s <3 S i lver sm i l hs.“Cattaneo Vincen t Co., 39 H ighs t ; h . P rincess s tl“Fa r m er W m . Thos .

, 50 High s tH inde r well T ., Shm b l s . ; h . N or ton

Metcal fe Thomas, 1 1 High stP erry Ben j . Wm .

, 22 Ramsgate s t*Smi th St H ind , 44 H igh stWi n dal e James

, 69 High st

W in e Spi r i t M er ch an t s.

Mar ked ar e P or ter a? f H op Mer ts.

* ‘

l'Dixon Ju o .

, m l str . , 16 Finkle s t*Graham Quay side ; h.

6 Castlegate*Grey John Co . , 97 High s tRyder Mark

, (w ine) , High s tSimpson Wm .

, 25 S i lv er s t*Smith An d r ew

, j un ., 19 Castl eg t. ;h . Ch u rch r ow

*1‘ Thompson Francis, 8West r owh . 73 B run sw i ck s tThom pson Geo ., 32 Thi stle green‘



hom pson R t. 8c Co. 1 Reg ent s t


Coach to S car br o 6: t tby , fromthe Vane Arms Black L i on Inns,

a t 1 1 a.m . dai ly, S unday excepted .

R a i lw ay C on v eyan ce .

Stockton ,Har t lepool C lar ence S ta

t ion, Norto n r tl .,Rob so n Rob i nson ,

superintendent, and W ill i am GeorgeRobinson, station masterS tockton ,Da r l i ng ton , &c . , Station ,

n ear the Bridge,Joseph Nev in , S ta.

t ion master.Middl esbr o, $0” S tati on

, Sou thS tockton, Wm . G ib son

,ticke t c lerk.

Om nibuses from the G reyhound,Vane Arms and B lack L i on Innsm ee t every train to and from .

C ar r i er s b y l y. to a l l P a r t s .

S tockton 8: Darl ington RailwayC c .

, Thomas P eacock , agen t .S tockto n , H artl epool C l arence

Ra ilway Cc ., S aml . C hester , agen tC arver, ,Chaplin Cc .

, Jas. Wi ll an , agent.P ickford Cc .,

Br yan Kay,agt.

W i l son Ann Son , S tphn . Short ,ag en t .Thompson Jas . 8: Co . Doveco t st


E asing ton, B lu e P ost, Geo. Rot»i n son wed

Harri son R t., to Hartlepool d aily .

C ar r ier s fr om th e In n s.

Apppl eton Wz'

sk, Spread Eagle,

Wm . E lliot t, wed .

Ayton , ‘Vheat Shea f,J. Wrigh t


wed . sat., Shou lder o f Mu ttonJ as. Sherwood

,mon ., wed . fr i .

Craythom , Wi l liam IV. T. P inkn ey, wed .

Danby Dal e, Vic tor i a, Isaac W ilkswed .

Dar l ing ton , Ship, E.B. P ilkingtonwed . fr i .

Durham , Whi te Swan,Wm . C lark,mom

,wed . fr i . Wi l ton, U nicorn, Geo. Hart, wed .



E lw ick, Wheat Sheaf,— Corner,

wed . sa t.Gr eatham , Cup,

- L ou n dsl ey, wed .

Gu isbro , Whi te Swan , J . Wi lson,mon .

,wed . sat , B lu e P ost, Robt.

Robinson , wed . 8L Sho u l der o f Mu t

ton, J . Kitching,mon .

,wed .,fr 8: sat.

Har lsiey, Cup.

,M.W i lkinson wed .

Heig /z ing ton , B lu e P o st, ThomasB ell, wed .

L ofl house, Whi te Swan, J. O liver ,wed.

M tddl esbr o,W i lliam IV.,Jas. O l i

ver , dai ly, Spread Eagle , Wi ll i am ,

Smi th , dai ly.

Newcast l e, Whi te Swan,Wi lli amCl ark,mon .

,wed. fr i .

Nor tha l ler ton, Spr ead E agle, Geo.

Jameson,mon . thu r.

Osm other l ey , Ship , John S tu rdy,wed. Sa t.

R edcar , Wi l l iam IV.,Thos. Fos

ter,mon wed . fr i .

Seaton , Spread Eagle, John Robi nson , wed . 8: sat .

Sedgfield,Whi te Swan ,Wm . Clark ,mon .,wed . fr i . , Shou lder of Mu t

ton , R t . Bake r , wed . fr i .

S kel ton , B lue P o st, Rt. Robinson ,wed . sat.Stokes l ey, Ship

,Thomas Tate,mon

., wed . fr i .

S under l and, Vane Arms, J. Hu t

chinson , w ed ., Shou lder of Mu t

ton,T . S i dgwi ck, mon . thu r.

Swa inby , Blu e P ost, George Moonand Robert A tkin son,wed.

West Wi tton , Spread Eagle, A.

Harrison , tu es. fr i


di stri c t, and of marriages for the

Union ; W i lli am Banks,rel iev in g

o fficer, an d r egi strar o f births an d

dea th s for 'Yarm distric t ; and Edw .

Spence , reliev ing officer, and registrar of bir ths and deaths for Har tl e .

pool di s tri ct ; Marshal l Fow l er , Esq.

chairman,and John Grey

,Esq. v ice .

P l ac es of W or sh i p.

P ar ish Chu r ch, (S t. M arg’

s) Highstree t, Rev . Robert G ray,Vicar

Tr in i ty Chu r ch, near P ark r ow ,Rev .

Richard D u t ton Kennicott, B .A

Incumben tCathol ic Chapel , N orton road, Rev .

J oseph Dugda l e, P riestBaptist Chapel , High stree tCongr eg ationa l Chapel , N orton roadI n dependen t Chapel , W est r owWesl eyan Chapel , M i l l l aneP r im i tive .Methodist Chapel , Maritime stUn itar ian Chapel , High stF r iends Meeting H ouse, Mi ll l ane

.Mar het i s held on Wednesday ,an d i s we l l a ttended by Farmers andCorn Merchants from the su rroundi n g Country .

Fair , held every fortnight for

Cattl eP opu lation , acco rding to the Cen

su s taken June, 1841 , amounted to

N O R T O N P A R I S H1% Mi les N . of S tockton .


P ost Ofii ce, at Mrs . Sarah Robinson ’s,le tters arriv e at 10 20 A. M

and are desp atched 3 13 P . M .

Alderson John , agen tAppleton John , coalfitterB ackhou se Mr s. Fl i z a, GrangeB el l Mi ss I sabellaB rady Henry, accountantChapman Mr s. An n

Cleav er Thomas John,cl erk

C l em m et George,tinman

Coates George,gen t .

Coates Geor g e , ju n . coal owner, andbone merchan tConker ton Mr s. Di anaCrosby Mr s . Mary

Darnell Mr . ThomasDixon Alex., Esq. col r . cu stomsD ixon Franci s

, m illwrigh tDobb in son Wm ., comel . trav ellerEmmerson Mr . S tephenFothergi l l Fran cis, glu e m an u fc tr

Fox Mr s. El i zabethFox Thos. w ine and spi ri t m erchan tFox and W ard , brick makers, GroveGibson John , gen t.G ibson Mr s . SarahGou n d ry Mr s. AnnG r ey Thomas R ., Esq.

Grey W ill i am, Esq.

Guy Mr . W i lliamHarwood Mr s . Mary, Grov eHarwood Thos . Co.

,brown earth

enwa r e m an fr s .,Clarence pottery

H e l tu s Mr s. Jan eHinderwel l Thos . watch m akerHogg John , E sq. barr i sterH olderness Mr . Hen ryHu tton Mr s . JaneJackson Edwin Ward

,gen t.

Jackson Mr s .

Knox Mr s. AnnL on g s tafi'Elizabe th , dyerMcDowel l R


ev . J as .

, U ni tar ian minMaine Mi ss J an eMel l an by Mi ss Eliz abethMetcal fe Mr . Franci sN icholson Mr . Charle sNoad Wm . D ., l ocksmith, &c .

P age John , tan n erP eacock Mr s . HannahP lumber Rev . Chas . Jn .

,M.A. Vicar

P o tts W ill iam Ram sey, su rgeonP reston Mr . ThomasRaym and Rev . John M., St. Cl areC u rateSeymou r Mi ss Chri stianaS c u rfiel d Mr s . DorothyShera ton M r s. JaneS idgw ick James , pain ter an d glazi erSmailes Mr s . Margar e tSmith Mary , dress makerSmith Mr . ThomasSnai th Elizabe th , dress makerS tewart John , mattress makerS torey Mr . HenryTaylor Anthony

,ship owner

Taylor Mr . An thonyThompson Miss An nTreen W i lli am


Trenholm Francis , coalfitterWalker Mr s. E lizabeth


Walker James , carrier In n s 86 T aver ns .

W all s Will iam , cowkeeper Brown Ju g Inn, Robert Cu sson s,W al ton S tephen , gen t .


W ard W ill iam , painterMou nt pleasan t

Fox and Hounds, John Ri chardsonW atson Margaret, straw hat maker George Dragon , Rb t. Hu tchinsonW i lkinson Mr s. Ann Hambletonian , George Almon dW i lkinson Cap t. Men tor , Grove H ighland L ady, Joseph HindW i lkinson John , pari sh clerk Red L i on , James Readm an

W illi ams S tephen , exci se officer Unicorn,W i ll i am Hall

\Vi1son Mr s. Jane MariaW i l son Mr . Robert

A c ad em i es .

Corb et W i l l iamHumble Ch ar l ton ,Na

t i c h al SchoolRi chardson JohnRobin son M. E.

Wade H enry, Grammar Schoo lWhi tfield E liz .

B l ac ksm i th s .

Bar ton SheratonHall ThomasTa lbot ThomasBoot Sh oe m ake r s .

B el l W i lliamBenson RobertHu tch in son Rob ertJones H enryJones GeorgeRobson RobertS toddart RalphW i ld JohnW i lson ThomasB r ew er s & M a l tster s

Fox JohnHeslop ThomasB r i ck l ayer s .

Crosby AnthonyFle tcher HenryReadm an JamesReadm an Joseph

But ch er s .

Chapman N ich l s.

Know l e s W i ll i amC ar tw r i gh t s .

Mi tchel l RobertN elson ThomasW au gh RobertC or n M i l l er s.

Eel s ThomasE llerby John , 8c flour

Wheat Sheaf,Joseph H al l

Whi te Swan , Thom as Mi l lerLax John

,MoEn t

pleasant millHodgson W i lli am

Far m er s.

Gar d en er s .

Joi n er s

Swenson W ill i amWi lkin son W i lliam

T a i l or s .

C l em m et JohnH al l JosephH i ckson Rober tU sher James

Adamson J ohnAtkin son JohnAtkinson Thomas D .

Barr att Charle sB ran tingham Joshu a,N orton hil l

Brou gh George L .

Chapman JohnCharl ton W i l l i amColpi tts W i l liamColpi ttsWi l l iam

, jun .

Corner RobertCrisp JamesC ri sp ThomasDee W i l liamE l coate P hoel i s

Farthing G eorgeFl etcherRt . 8: Abm . P

Gascoyne ThomasG ibbon JaneHall ThomasHarbou r ThomasHardy JohnH iker l ey JohnHil l Jam esHogg Charle sHu tchinson JosephH u tchinson ThomasL aing JohnL in ton RobertMau ghan JosephMel l an by JamesMel l an by JosephMoon JohnN oddings JamesN oddings RobertP un der W i lli amRev el y GeorgeRobinson G eorge

1 h

Smith JamesS tockbu rn W illi amThompson RalphUn thank Wi lliamWall s G eorgeW all s J osephWanl ess JosephW as s W i l l i amWatson RobertWi lson Alexan der

Adamson ThomasDah ron Ar thu rDewe l JohnFews ter JohnHart J ohnJ ackson JonathanJohnson RobertRadley P atri ckRoper ThomasTwen tym an J ohn

Sh opk eeper s

Barker JohnBarker E lizabethBoardman GeorgeHodgson ThomasSwinbu rn AnnSw inbu rn Mg t.Usher JamesWi lson Joseph



P OST OFFICE, N orth s tree t ; Mr s. P . Thompson, P ostmi stress. L ettersarri ve ‘

from al li

P ar ts,at 9 40 a. m . and 6 p . m .

, an d are di spatched a t 340 and 6 40 p . m.


Compr ising the Addr esses of Gen try, Cl ergy, P ar tner s in Fi rms, and others

not ar r anged under the Classification of Tr ades and P r of essions.Arch er Mr .Wm ., C l ev el and stree tArnet t Frederi ck, porter,W es t streetA tkinson Francis, c lk.

, Graham stB l enki n sopW.,

tax col tr .,Sou th s t

B lore Robt ., ptry . mngr.,e shm . st

B olckow Henry, engineer 8: i ronm fc tr . ; h . Clev eland street

Bowron Jph, coal egu t . ; h . Cm r s l . s tB ranagan Rev . B ernard, catholi cpriest, Fever sham stree tBroom Wi l l iam , pi l ot, Graham stB rown Thos., wood tu rner, S tktn . stBu lmer Mr s. Ann , Mason stree tC oates Mr s. Mary , East streetCrosby Richard , ironmonger,h . Sou th s t

Dav i son Thos., cowkeeper, Dacre s tD uncan John , pilot, Graham str eetDav i sonWm . , pi lot, Garbu tt stree tD unn P ear son ,pr in c ipal coast otfic rFa i rb r idg e Jph . farmer, Dai ry Knol lFal lowsWm . coalfitr h . Com r c l . stFossick Gratton, coalfitter, & c. ; h .

Su ssex s treetFoxton W .,

green grocer, Du rh am stG arner L uke , ship c rpn tr .,Grahm . stG ibbon Mr s. Jane, East stree tGilkes Edgar, eng in eer , i r on fou n der ,h . 2 ~Su ssex stree tGlyde Rev. Jabez, town m issm n , 3

S t. James placeGol agar Fergu s,S tockton stG r ayWalter, chi ef coast guard othcer ; h . Sussex s t

chi ef boatman,

Grov es Harri son, cl erk, E ast s tGrov es Rober t coal agen t, Eas t s t

Gum er sa l l Thomas B.,S tockton 8c

Darlington Railway Co’s. agent,h . 17 Su ssex s t

Guy John , clerk, Sus sex stHarri s James , sai l maker, &cSu ssex stHenderson Thos ., l dgn s.,Stockton s tH ogge tt Henry, cl erk, Tu rton s tHord en John , agen t, Fev er s l iam s tHudson Ann , l odgings, Suffie l d s tHu tchinson Wm . shopman , Wes t stIngledew T ., cart owner, S tockton stJ owsey John, cooper, S tockton s tJowséy Richard , stai th m astr . Dock ;h . Qu een ’s terraceKip l ing Jph . farmer. Swathers CarrL ambton Edward


, S tocktonand D arl ington Railway goodsdepartment., Commercial s t. ; h .“f es t stree t

L awson Robert, agen t. Su ssex str eetL id b etter Bridger, l odgn s.Vic tor i a plL i ster John , pilo t, Fever sham stree tMoorsom El iz ., lodgings, C l ev l n d . stMowbray Wi l li am

,transpor tfitter


Vi ctoria placeMu tter J ames, cl erk, Fever sham s tN ewsam Rev. James

,cu rate

, Eas t stOl iver M r s. E l len

, Su ssex stree tOliver John , manager Mi ddlesborough pottery ; h . Su ssex s t

O r d Jph . horse gig l tr., Grahm . s t

Or d Richard, police officer, Town hl

° h.




Boot an d Sh oem aker s .

Armstrong George , N orth s tB ee ] Robert

,W es t st

C arter John, Du rham s t

Cooper James, Durham stD ou glass John

, Marke t plE lliot t Joseph

, Sou th s tFletcher Thomas , Fever sham s tGarget t Rt 8: le ather c ttr ., Eas t stGreen Robert

, Du rham s tHal l T hos. , L ower Commercia l stH ed ley John R S tockton stH u tton Thomas . West s tJ ackson John , Commercial s tRank Robert

,Sou th s t

S impson Wm L w r . Commerci al stSpeck Martin

,Commercial s t

S tokes John Jewi t t,Sou th s t

Thompson Robert, S tockton s tTw edd le Jackson, Dac r e s t

Ven treess W illiam , Dacre s tW atson Wi lli am

, Dacre s tWeaste l l Wm . L ., Stockton s t. andTu rton s t

B l ack sm i th s .

S ee a l so Shipsm iths.

B rown Wm . and R t.,S ou th s t

Corpse Robert, L ower Eas t s tB r az ier s T i n P l a t e e s .

Cooper James, Du rham s tGoldfinch Henry, Dacre s tCaswel l Wm ., Lwr . Commerc ial s t

B r ew er s'c h em is ts an d D r u g g ists .

E l l i s Isaac , maltster, Albert s t Marked a r e Tea Dea l er s a l so.

H awman Sam u e l ,Y 1 n g s t 0

L ay ton James, Chu rch st Bedl ington Thos . , Com m er cral stMorrow Robert

,W est s t *Bland Henry . S u ffie l d 8'

S impson 85 Co . , Mason st Graham JOt . Dacre S t*Thompson Henry, N orth st

B r i ck an d T i l e M aker s .

Middlesborou gh owners,near the

Dock, J ohn Hardy, managerB r oker s , Gen er a l C om m i ss ion

Ag en t s , an d M e r c h an ts .

Ba l dem an,Bor r i es tic C c . , Cm r c l . s t

B ell John , Exchange bu i ld ings ; h .

C lev eland s tFall ows Fo ssick

,Commerci al s t

Baxter Robert, Exchange b l dn g s. ,h . Su ssex st

Fawcu s Hy. Son , Exchn g . b l dn gs

Harding Fa i rb r i dge, Lwr . Comm e r c ia l s tH arris Anthony, Dock ; 11 .GrangeL aing Joseph , DockL ee W i lli am , 4 Commercial stMartens, Theodor Co . Lwr . Comm er c ia l s t ; h . Eas t s t

Matthewson Clay, Exchn

g . b l dg s,Rom yn Co . , Lw r . Commercial s t.Ingram Moa t, agen tS t raker s L o v e, S tockton stTu rner Chas., Lw r . Commercia l s t

Bu tch er s .

Calv ert John,West s t

C oate s H annah , S tockton stFa i r b r i dg e W i l li am ,

S tockton st

H andley John , Su tfie l d s tHarri son Wm . , Commercial s tH u tchinson Robert, Sou th s tKay Thomas, Du rham s tKnott Robert

, Sou th s tO u thw ai te Samu el , N orth stP earson Thos .

,Commercial st

Robinson Robert , W est s tRown tre e S tephen,Dacre s t

Ru dd Wi lli am , Dacre stScoby John

,Cros s s t

Shepherd J ames , C ommercial s tS impson John

,Commercial st

Snowball J ohn,Sou th st

S tephenson Wi lliam, Dacre st

Sowdon Ri cki n son , North s tS to rm Jacob , East s tWaste l l Wi lli am , Du rh am s t

C oa l Fi t ter s .

Fall ows 81 Fossi ck, Commerci al stFawc u s Hy . Son , Exchn g . b l d gs.

Harri s Anthony, DockL aing Joseph, DockMartens Theodor & Co fo r Wood ifiel d Collie ry , Lwr . Com m r c l . s tMa tthew son Clay

, Exchn g . b l d g s.

Ri chardson Edw . Cc .,Commer

c i a l s t , Joseph Bowron , agen tSeymou r Co ., (S eymou r’s TeesWall send) , East s t, Wm . Bell

,agt .


Stockton Darlington Rai l way Co’s .Depot

,G . B . Gummersall , agen t

S tr aker s Lov e, own ers andfitterso f B r an cepa th B i tchb u rn , coalan d coke , S to ckton s tTu rner Chas., L ower Commerci al s t

W est H e tton Fi tting O ffice , Ex chn g .

bu i ld ings, T homas Wrigh t ,fit terWhi two r th Colli ery O ffice, Exchn g .

bu il dings , Rt . Baxter ,fitte rWhi tton Park, B arring ton W oodhou se Close , and Coke Fi ttingO ffice , L ower Commercial s tree t,Jph.Hol t Skinner,fitter

C on fec tion er s .

.H andsom G eorge , We st s tJohnson W i ll i am ,

Sou th s tThomas Robert, Dacr e st

C on su l s (V i c e .)

Denmark , A . Harri s, DockP ortugu ese, J . L ain g


C or n M i l l er s

S tonehou se Geo., Su ssex s t

S tonehou se N athaniel , Cm r c l . st

Ea r th enw ar e M an u fac tu r er s .

Midd l esb r o C c .,Middl e sborou gh

P o ttery, Comm ercial s t., I saacW i l son , managing partner

Ea t in g H ou ses.

Bu ckham Thomas, W es t stCarte r Ri chard , Du rham stHal l John , Du rham stH inkley Jas., L wr . Commerci al s tP arv in Geo . M .

, Dacre stEa r th enw ar e , G l ass , & c ., Dea l r s .

Bu rdon Wm Commercial s tFowler Richmond , Du rham st

J owsey John ,S tockton st

N i cholson M ary , Eas t stP o tter John ,Dacre s t

F i r e an d L i fe O fl ‘i c e s .

L aw (L i fe) St Imperi al (Fi re) , ThosN ewsam

,Market pl

N orwi ch U nion , Henry Thompson ,N orth st

P hoenix (Fi re) , Geo . Kirk, East stRo y al Exch ange , J . Taylor, j un .,Commercial st


H a i r D r esser s .

Apple ton Rob ert, Du rham st

Bu lmer John , N orth s tDal ton Thomas, W es t stP earson Thos. Skelton , N o rth stRichardson Joseph , W est st

G r oc er s 85 T ea Dea l er s .

Boo th Joseph , Marke t pl ac eBren tna l l Thomas . Sufii el d stBu ckham T homas, W est s tChapman Charle s, Dacre s tChapm an John , N orth s tDaw son George, West s tD i ckinson John , L r . Commerc ial stDunn John , Wes t s tHarri son Robert, N orth stH arrison Robert, Du rham stH opper

\ W i l l i am,Commerc i al st

Hu ghes Wi l liam ,D u rham st

Johnson W i lliam,Sou th s t

Knaggs Thos. , L r . Comm ercial stKneeshaw Thos . , Commerc i a l s tL iddle W il li am S tock ton stMasterman G t l w. chd l r .

, l . s t

Me tca l fW . , Du rham stRobinson James , East st s

Shipl ey Thos . , L r . C om m er c iai sstSmi th John . S ou th s tSu tton H enry, Stockton s tSmith George, Market plac eTaylor Jph . j un .

,Commerci al s t

Thomas Geo r ge , Sou th stW atson Georg e , and Bri t i sh Wi nemerchan t

,East st

Whi tel‘l Henry, Fever sham s t

Wood Wi l l i am, Sou th s tWood W i l l i am, Dacre st

In n s an d T av er n s .

Albion Inn , Jph .“Warbu rton , L r .

Comm ercial st.Bee Hiv e , Wm . Ru dd , Dacre s tBa l t i ck Tav ern , Thos . L anchester,Commerci al stB l ack B u l l , L u rd. Ingledew , Cross stBl ack L i on , Algernon Aken head


W es t s tree tBri tanni a Inn , W . Harrison , Es t. stCaptain Cook, G . T em pl en rhm . s tC lev eland Bay, J . Hedge, C l v l n d . s tCle v eland Inn , Franci s P eacock

,Commerc i al s tClev eland Inn ,Wm .Wastel l E as t atDock In n ,Rch l .Watson , L r . Ea st at


Earl of Z etl and , John Tu rner, Comm er c ia l st

Exchange H o tel , Jam es Min ns, Exchan ge bu ild ings

Fleece In n , John Snowball , Sou th s tFox 8cHounds, J as . Stew art, Mkt . plGeorge 8: Dragon

,W i lli am L iddle,

S tockton s tG olden L i on , J . B u llou gh

, Drhm . s tH ope& An cho r ,T . C u m minsW st. s tJ olly Sailors, W m . Ripl ey, W es t s tL ord N el son , Hy. Goldfinch , D c r . s tMaj esti c l n n , Al ex . Sh iel d s, Cm r c l . s t

Marriners Tav ern,Thomas L unn


Stockton s tMason s’ Arms , Geo . P rest , Mkt . pl .M idd l esb r o’ Hote l

,Rt . Man ners ,lessee o f the Mk t. Tolls, N orth stQu een's Head , Ath r . S teel e , Dc r . s t

Robin Hood , Addison Dobson, Comm er c i a l s tRoyal Vi c tori a , John Bov i ll e, L r .

Commerci al s t .Sail ors Retu rn , J.W righ t , S tcktn . stShip Inn , Ann Rayner, S to ck ton stShip L aunch , Mehl . Reed

,Dr hm . st

S team P acket, Mrk. Corby, S tcktn . st

Talbot In n , Jn thn . Farneby,Mkt. pl

Tees Inn , Thos . Hal ton , S tckt n . s tWaterloo Hotel

,H . P orter, T r tn . st

Whi tby Abbey Inn , Wm . Smith,Commercial st

Whi tby Arms,Thomas Jackson


S tockton s tW ill i am IV., John Tweddell, ‘

xVest stB ee r h ou ses .

Bu rdon W i lli am , Commercial s tFergu son Wm .

, Sou th stMu rray P e ter

,Su ffiel d s t .

Osg e r by Joseph , Tu rton s tRobin son John , Du rham s tRogers Wm ., Su ffie l d s tRudd Thomas , Mkt. place

I r on fou n d er s .

B olckow Vau ghan, St m n fr s . o f

Railway b ar i ron,enginee rs


w agon bu i l ders , M iddlesborou ghIron W orks,smel ters o f i r on

& c .,W i t ton P ark Iron lVorks ,

near B i shop A u ckl an dGi l kes, Vt’ i l son , Co . , en g in eers ,w agon b l d r s .

,Tees Engine Works

Comm ercial s t


Hall R t.,

cu gu . b l dr., L r . Cm r cl . s t

Mal thou se W i l l iam, S to ckton st

I r onm on ger s .

Corpse Rob er t, L r . East s tGrant Co . ,

w h o] . 8: ret . Brm n ghm .

and She ffield w arehou se, Sou th at

Hartley E l li s , an d cu tler, Com r c l . s tP earson Jph 8: Son

,S tockton s t ’

Join er s an d C ab in e t M ak er s .

M(t r /r ed ar e Bu i lder s

*Atkinson J ohn,W est st

*Barker Jph ., L r . Commerci al s t

Carter John,Wes t s t

Carter Richard, Du rham st

=“C hapman G eorge,Qu een’s terrace

Dickinson J L r . Commercial s tHarr i son John Henry

,Eas t s t

Hu tton R t., mason s t. ; h . G rhm . st* L aw s W ill i am ,

W es t s t*Maddi son Rd . Grb t . st . ; h . Gs frd . s t* L i dd l e W ill i am

, Stock ton stRichardson Jph . ,Commercial s t

Simpson Samu el , Marke t placeT ay l o r son Robert, N orth s tWebster Christopher , Market pl aceWestwood H enry

,Dacre s t h . 6

S t . Jam es pl*Wood Wi l li am

,Commerci al st

[ L in en an d W ool l en E r aser s .

Cass C . R. Eas t s t

Cou pl ea d J ohn , Fev er sham s tGribbin John

,N orth st

L each Doro thy,Commercial st

Reid James , L r . Comm erci al s tWeldon W i l liam Co . , E as t s t\Vhi tfie l d W i l l i am

,East s t

M as t , B l ock , P um p m ak er s .

H arding John George , L r . Cm r c l . s tA ckw i th J on th ., P o ttery S tai th ; h .

Du rham stM a s t er M a r in er s.

Ark l ey P hilip , East s tAyers J ohn

,St . James place

Barnard W i lli am,Go s ford st

B ell Georg e , G r aham stBlan kley Charles

,S t . James place

B rigg s H en ry,Qu een ’s terrace

B rown Edwa1 d , Albert s tC lark W i lliam , Fev er sham s tCrossm an Wi ll i am,Graham st


Sh ip Sm i th s C h ain M ak er s .

Mal thou se W i lliam, Tu rton s tP earson Jph . Son

, L r . Com r c l . st

and S tockton s tWes t Rd .

,engin e, Dacre s t

Sh opk eeper s .

Dawson Franci s , Du rham stFletcher Thos., Fe ve r sham st

Grange Thomas, S tockton s tJ owsey Jam es , Fet er sham stKnot t Michael , Clev eland stMc Naugh ton Mary, Dacre stN ewcombe Thomas , Sou th st

Rown tree S tephen , Dacre s tSmi th Dav i d , Eas t s tUnthank Wm .

, and le tter carri er,Sufii e l d s t

Whorl ton R t. , S tockton st, 8: fu r n i~tu re broker , Marke t p lWi lki e W i l liam , S to ckton st

S l at er s .

Kellet t Thomas, Fever sham st

Scai fe R icha i d , Gar bu tt s tS t eam B oat Ow n er s .

B lakey Dav id , Grah am stB lakey James , Thomas s tH ughes W i lli am , Du rham stRedhead Thomas , S u fli e l d st

Shield s Alex., Commercial s tS i l l Franci s, I‘hom as stS trong John , sen r ., Commercial 8Waters Hen ry

,Comm ercial s t

S ton e M ason s ,Br i ck l yr s ., an d

Bu i l d er s .

Bov i ll e John , L r . Commercial stDav i son W i l li am

, Dacre s tD ou gh ty H enry , S u ssex s tFidler Geo rge, Fe ver sham s tJohnston Thom as, Eas t s tMoore Ralph , Su tfie l d s tShields Gem g e, George stSmi th Dav id , East s tSudlow Robert

,C leveland st

Gr aham stWynn An thony , Garbu tt st

S t raw H at m aker s .

B l en kin sop Mary Ann , Sou th s tCooper Jan e, Stockton stHa t t ison Isabella , East s tJohn son E l izabeth, C r oss s t

L ow th i an Mary, Commercial at

Thomas J ane, Sou th s tThwai tes Eliz abeth , West st

S u r geon s .

Coates G eorge, Mar ke t plKirk G eorge , East s tMordu e Willi am

,North s t

Richardson John,Su ssex s t

T a i l or s.

Marked ar e Draper's and Outfitters .

*Brown J ames,Commerci al st

Denni s John , Clev eland s t*Featherston e Robert

,E ast at

*Grange John,Fev er sham s t

*Hewi t t Samu el , W est st

Holroyd John , Du rham st*Jackson Dvd . , N r th. s r. ; h . Su ssex 9J ob l in g Joseph , Stockton st*Kneeshaw Thos.. Comm erci al st*L angl ey Jph .

, Su ffiel d s t. an d L r .Commerci a l st*Marley Thom as

,Marke t pl

*Mu dd Richard , Du rham st

Nash Thos . Wm . , North s t

Robinson John, Eas t st

Scar th W i ll i am , S tock ton st*S harp Rd .

, Lw r . Commercial st*Sewell W i lliam

,East st

*Warner W i ll i am, Tu rton s t

T im b er M er ch an t s .

Carter John ,W est streetFawcus H y. 8: Son

,Exchange b l dg s

P eacock Fras . Commercial s tT ob acc o P ipe M ak er .

Smith John, Sou th s t.

W at ch m k r s . IS i l ver sm i th s .

Lan g s tafi‘ Thom as, N or th stWalker J ohn

, Dacre s tWood Samu el , N orth s t

W h arfin ger s .

Ballast O ffice, dock, Thos. Stephenson , agen tFai r b r idge Jph . , L r . Com mercial st

R a i l w ay Con veyan c e .

S tockton. 6’ Dar l ing ton Rai lway

S tation , foo t of Su ssex s t, MatthewWi l son , s tati on master.For other particu lars see Month.

l y Time Tab le publi shed by the

Company, and m ay b e had a t the

S tati on .


on am na s . Gas Works,L ow er Commercial st,

Sto ckton Darl ington Railway James Tu rner, sec.Co.,Commercial st

,Edw. L ambton,

agen t.‘

L cythouse, J Cu thbert , from theShip

,mon . 85 thu r.

S tockton , Wm . Smith, Gos ford st,Geo . Co v er dale, S tockton st Jas.O l iver

,George st, daily

Whi tby <3” Gu isbr o, from the Bee

H i v e, Thos. W i l ey, wed . sat .Custom House, Exchange bu i l dings , P earson Dunn , principal coastofficer.Coast Guard Station , Comm r cl . st,

Wal ter G ray, chief o fficer, and F.

G o l agar , chief boatman , an dfiveo ther men .Dock Oflice, Docks, Christopher

Sm i th, master.P ol ice Station , Town Hall , Ri chd .

Or d John Thomas , constabl es.Mechan ics Insti tu tion 6

' L ibrary,East s t

,Wm . Taylor

,sec., Thomas

W i lkinson (it John Dodds, l ib r ar ian s

Subscr iption News Room , TownHall ,Wm . Taylor

, sec .

T ow n C om m i ss ion er s .

John Shiel ds P eacock, clerkRobert Wi l son , depu tyWm . B l en kin sop, col lec tor

John ~G . Holmes Wm . FallowsIsaac Sharp John UnthankRobert E l l io t Thos . W eastel

John Graham Hy. ThompsonHenry Whi te Jph . W arburtonWi ll iam H ughes Geo. Watson

P l aces of W or sh ip.

Chu r ch, N orth st, Rev .— Benson ,Incum bent, 8c. Rev . Jas. N ewsam ,cu rate

Cathol ic Chapel , n ow bu i lding, Su ssex s t, ReV. B. Branagan, P riest

Independen t Chapel , Eas t s tWesl eyan Chapel , Marke t plP r im .Meth. Chapel , near Su ssex st

.Market i s held on Satu rday.P opu lation accord ing to the Cen ‘

su s taken 1841 , amounted to

YARM DIRECTORY, (YORKSHIRE)4 M i l es S . S . W. of S tochton .

P ost Ofii ce, at Mr s. Eliz abeth S ton ehou se ’

s. L etters ar riv e from the

Sou th , at 9 15 a . m .,and from S tockton and the N orth, 4 30 and 7 45 p . m . ,

and are d ispatched Sou th an d all parts at 3 30 p . m .

,an d S tockton

,8 a . m .

Alli son Mr s . Mary Sherwood Wm .,plumber, tinner,

B ainbridge Wi l l i am , p aper maker Smith John

,ear thenware dealer

B anks Wm ., rel i ev ing o fficer and Sm i th Th omas

,ve teri nary su rgeon

regi strar o f birth s and deaths S tockton and Darl i ngton Ra i lwayB inney H u dson Atkn sn .

,tm b r . mert C ? S ‘ coal and l i me depo ts, Wm .

Bradley Rev . John,ca thol i c priest; El d l er , ag ?n



B rew ster Matthew, fellmonger, S tai n sby Wi ll i am,c 0m agen t

D ales Mr s. Ann Todd James, au cti on eer 85 apprai serFawcet t W i lli am , sol icitor l and su rv eyor , 8c h i gh con s tab l eFi dler John , gentlem an Wal ton M f ? ’ JaneFidl erWm ., coal 8: l ime agen t Weddell M l ss MargaretFoggi tt James, prin ter, bookse ller , Wh y tal l Benson , beerh ou ses tationer, tea de aler, an d paten t Windross James, pai n term edicine v endor W i l son Robt., v 1 tn o l man u fac tu re

Garbu tt Wil li am,soli ci tor l pen n y R ev . John, B .A.

,m ou rn

Grav es Rev . H enry ben tH arrison M i ch ael , fel l m on geer In n s an d T av er n s .

H u tchinson Mr .W i l li amKay Robert

,t anner

L angdale Sampson , gen tL eigh ton Mi sses M. C .

Mo Clough Mi ssMu dd John ,fishm on g er

M eynell M i ss Anna Mari aMey nell Thos. Esq.

, Fr i ar age

N ess Jn thn b r z r . , pl m b r . 81 glaz ierP r ince M i ss JaneReed Jane 8: Sons, pr ov ison andgeneral m erchantsRobinson Thomas , gent.Robinson W illi am , mu sic teacherRudd Mi ss Charlo t teSayer W i lli am , gen tSc r oope Mi ss An nS herwood H y . , plumber gl az ierSherwood Thomas, watch makerA c ad em ies . A ttor n eys . Au c ti on eer s , & c Tate Thomas

Baker Rd .,Gram Garbu tt, Fawcett Baker John B l ac ksm i th s .

m ar School an d Wray and Smith Mark Bu rgess J amesC larkson Mari a cl erk to Magi s Todd James Fenw i ck Willi amSou ther an Mi ss trate s B ake r s , & c . S tain sby Markl Vin d sor J . M r s. N ewsam Thomas N elson W i ll iam Wrigh t Wi l lm . 6c

N tn l . School Wi lliams George Ne ttleship John Thomas

Black Bu ll , Catherin e P hillip sB l u e B ell , H enry H il l sC r oss Keys , John S edm anCrown

,John Baker

Fleece , W i lliam Bu lme rG eorge Sr. Dragon , Ch s tn . W i ll iam s

G reen Tree, Hen ry N awlamGreyhound, George Swalwel lKe tton Ox , Thomas W astel l

King W i l l i am IV John BakerL ord N elsonN ew In n

, Ri chard Kirtle-n

Red L i on , George Wastel l

Three Tu ns , C harles C l arksonTi l e Sheds, George HeslopTom Brown , John WalkerU nion Arms, and Commercial In n ,

John Johnson




Allason Co l l in g , au c tion eer s, apprai sers, hou se, estate general commi ssion agents , 32 Market st

An der son iJohn , whol . gror. seed mert ., Car l iol sq. ; h . 3 H igh El wck. terAnderson John Thos.

,grocers 85 te a dealers

,39 Dean st

Anderson John,grocer

,tea d ealer St mu s tard m an fr ., 5 N un s st

Anderson Wi lli am,au c tioneer, broker, h . S t. James st

Anderson Innes, cabin et makers, 41 Grainger s tAngell Samu e l ,fishm on ger game dealer, 37 Grainger s tArchbol d F. 8: E ., v i c ts., Royal Exchange Hotel, 48 Grey s t Hood stArms trong John , boot 8: shoemaker, 78 Clayton stAtkin Robert

,prov i sion dealer, 60 B lacke tt st

Atkinson Fawcu s, ship an d in su ran ce brokers , 16 Qu ay sideAttey Dav i son , prov i sion deal ers, 30 Clayton stB arl ow Joseph , bookseller pri n ter

,2 N e l son st

Barron M. & J ., l inen wool len drapers , 24 Dean st

B eaumont James, eating beerhou se,1 7 Clav ton st

Bi gger Benjamin , pro vi si on merchan t, 26 C l oseB lakey R . St. D ev enp ort M.

, ship gn r l . smi ths , b l hn g r s., Geo.,67 Qy. sd.

Borries ship 8c insu ranc e broker, 77 Qu ay sideBorthwi ck Co. , agen ts for the Experi ence L i fe Assu rance Co . Mer

chan ts C aptain s Annu i tant Soci e ty and Genera l Comm i ssi on,Ship

L oan and In su rance Cc .,62 Qu ay sid e

Brown Cu thb er t , v i c t. , Batt ery Inn , Forth s tBrown Margare t, fancy w ool kni tter, 3 WestgateB u ckham George, hosi er, h . 16 Oxford stB u rnett 85 Thompson , stock 8: shar e broke rs , 42 G rey s tC ain

,Clarkson 8: Co .,

Bede Chemical Works o ffice 41 G rey st

Chambers Robert 8c Co.,whol . te a 8: co ffee & c .

, 90 Newg t. st

C lark Fr ed .,l in en draper, hosier, & c .

, 16 B ridg e s t, GatesheadCoxwel l G eorge, ship broker, 17 Qu ay sideC rawhall Thos . Emerson , merchan t ; h . 65 N orthumberland stCrawshaw George, anchor, &c manu factu rer , h .Westgate s tCrow Wi lliam S tephenson, prin ter , 8 S ideC u l ley S amu e l , corn commission agent, 29 Sand hillDixon -dc Ru ssell, tailors wool len drapers , 9 Bl ackett st

AP PENDIX. 6 1 1

D ou gh ty W i ll i am Sep timu s, cu rrier 85 l eather cu t ter, 48 Groat MarketEden James, earthenware, glass, 8cc .

, dealer, 9 N uns stFawcett Joseph 85 John , grocer s 8: tallow chandlers

, 95 Newgate stFergu son Daniel, mason 8c bu ilder, Scotchwood roadFloody James, beerhou se , 64 P ilgrim stForster Joseph John , hosi er, &c .,

69 Clayton stFraser James 85 Cc .

,brass founders, & c .

,5 Union s t

G arbu t t W ill i am , agen t to the Mi tre L ife Insu rance O ffice, 144 P ilgrimst ; h . 2 L eazes plG ibson George , bu tcher 85 shOpkeeper r ScotEhwood roadGibson John, hosi er 85 haberdasher, 28 C layton stGibson Thomas

,tailor, 60 P i lgrim st

G rey Ralph , ho si er, h . 16 Ox ford stGreen Robert, yeoman , soli ci tor , 34 Mo sley stH arri son Wm . Jefferson , v i c t.,Blu e P osts , 153 P ilgrim stH ar ttr ee Abraham , sh opkeeper, 1 9 Newgate s tH as tio Wi ll iam , trav elling tea dealer, P lumber s tH enderson S . 86 R ., grocers 85 tea deal ers , 16 Grainger st 'Hewett Thomas, general merchan t, 103 Side ; h . Gi bside

H i l l 85 Dru ry, hosiers, haberdashers, & c . , 18 D ean stH omoeopath ic D ispensary, Hood st, John Maw son, secH ood Wi lli am , v i ct ., Earl Grey, 6 1 Qu ay sideH orner John , v ic t ., Kemble Inn , 8 Market stH oyle Robson 8: Co.

, seed cru shers, tu rpentin e di s tillers, pain t 8c co l ou rm an fr s.

,58 C l ose

Humble George, v ic t., Chancellors Head Inn , 38 N ewgate stH un tley Thomas, booksell er , 30 Mosl ey s tInfan t School , 60 N orthumberland st, Ann Robertson, mistressI relan d Samu el , grocer, l B lenheim stJameson John , accountant, arbi trator, 8t c ., 34 Blackett s tJameson Ral ph , ship 85 in su rance bkr . 85 genl . coms. agen t

,52 Quay sd.

Johnson Aaron W ., watch 85 clock maker,44 Grainger st

Johnson 85 White, con fecti on ers 85 eating hou se, 2 Sand hi l lJou rnal Office, 47 Grey st, John H er n am an , propri e torKelly Henry

,prin ter, 8 Bridge st ; h . Brunswick ter

Kelly 85 Waters, bookbin ders 8t pocket book, & c., m an fr s., 18 Nelson stKirk Richard 85 Co .

,grocers tea dealers

,60 Grey s t

Ku ss Garm an n , German clock maker, 22 H igh bridgeL ai dm an Margare t, con fecti oner , 8 Shakespeare stL eidem an u A . 85 Cc ., gn r l . m r ch ts ., ship in su rance bkr s.

,62 Qu ay sido

L ambert G eorge Anthony , sol i ci tor, 19 D ean stL iverpool, Manchester 85 N ewcastle Junction Rai l way C o ’s office , 32Marke t stree t

Mackl i ver P e ter S ., p roprietor of the N ewcastle Guardian , 37 Grainger ctMatti son Thomas

,bu tcher, 2 1 P i lgrim stree t

Mawson John , homoeopath ic chem i st, H ood street


Mesnard and Hu dson, sh ip brokers an d general merchan ts, 52 Quay sideM i ller Joseph , accountan t, 8 Grey stree tMi ll s Robert, v i c t. , C l ayton Arms, 43 C l ayton stMol ten i Al exander, l ooking gl ass, barometer, thermometer, &c, maker,

129 P i lgrim streetMorri son John L inton , deal er in paper hanging, & c.

, 25 N elson stMoore W’ ill iam

,fru i terer

,38 Coll ingwood st

Mou at P e ter , 85 Co . , tob accon i st and cigar dealers, IO Grainger stMu rray Thomas, chemi st and druggi st, H alf Moon lane, Gate sheadN eil Wi lliam , teacher of Deaf and Dumb, N orthern Asylum,

Wellingtonpl ace

,68 Pi lgrim street

N otm an and Dawson, cabinet makers, u pholsterers, an d undertakers

49 Grainger streetOgilv ie Robert, beerhou se , 2 1 C layton stO

Gorm an Daniel , cathol i c schoolmas ter , 9 Melbou rn stOwen 8: Son , cu rriers 85 1th r . cu tters, 85 general coms. agts., 32 High bdgeOwen Joseph , general commissi on agen t, cu rrier, 85c . h . 12 Terrace plP arker Anthony, coalfitter, ship broker 85 gn r l . com sn . agt. 50 Quay sideP atterson John , v i c t., Wi ll i am IV, Bell s ct. P ilgrim stP ayne and L oder, paten tees of P ayne’s wood paten t, Sou th shdr e


Thomas L aw ton,m anager

P ee l W i ll iam , hat manu factu rer, 8 Dean ‘streetP erry Frederi ck, sugar boil er , Barker street, Shiel dfiel dP orter John , beerhou se , 83 N ewgate s tP otts Thomas, l in en and woollen draper, 9 Dean s tP owell George , v i c t., Rose an d C rown Inn , 30 Bigg Marke tP ratt Robe r t and Co, ship and insu rance brokers, coalfit ters an d generalagen ts

,285Qu ay side ; h . 1 Walker terrace


P ringle G eorge, v i ct., L ord Nelson , 37 Trafalgar streetRichardson John

, tobacconist, 13 Dean stRobson Mary Ann, straw hat and dress maker, 72 Clayton stRobson Mr s . W mill inery and straw bonnet es tablishmen t

,6 Mosley st ‘

Robson James,spiri t dealer, Manor stree t

Rocke tt W i l son ,fishm on ger , pl try. 8c game dlr. 37 Bottle bank, Gateshd

Rowell John , v i ct., Farmers Rest, 52 P er cy stRowley Robert, bu tcher, 179 P i lgrim streetRu sh and L aw ton , railway con trac tor s, 16 Dean s tree tSargen t Frances, v i c t., Clarendon H o tel, 32 Grainger s tScaife S tephenson , coms. 85 hou se agt., 18Royal arcade ; h . 1 9 L eaz es cresSharer James an d P hilip, l inen and woollen drapers, 17 Market s tShiel d Frederick and Co, ship an d insu rance brokers, coalfit ters, an d

com m ision agents, 67 Qu ay sideSmi th and Co , general merchants , 60 Qu ay sideSpark John , jo in er an d cabinet maker, c t. 162 P i lg rim stS teel C harl es S y mes,fishm onger and game dealer, 3 Clay ton stS traker H enry Smi th, ship su rveyor, 33 Quay side


Johnson Frederi ck H enry, su rgeon , 2 L ambton st, b wL orimer Emi l y , v i c t., C u stom H ou se Ho tel, 76 L ow s t, 5Mackie W i l li am ,

hat and cap manu factu r er, 6 High st , 5Marwood 85 Son , ship brokers and commissi on agents , Hi gh st, 3Morton Joel ,fil e manu fac tu rer, Dunning st, b wO rd Thomas

,v ict.

,Ship Tav ern , 9 L ow st, s

P rou d foo t James, v i c t . , Fox and H ou nd s, 99 High st, sReed T. and M l inen and woo l len drapers , 189 Hi gh s t, 3B ennison George H u ga l l , pawnbroker , Bridge s t, b wRickaby Rober t

,w ine an d spi ri t merchan t, 30 Warren st, 5

Robinson George,ship broker

,and ship owner, Villiers s t, b w

Sanders and Brunton , ship brokers, 56 Villi ers s t, b wSnai th George

,v i ct.

,Golden Anchor, 1 28 L ow st, s

W ard Mari a,flo u r dealer, 16 High st, b w

Whi telaw J ohn,tobacco , cigar and fancy sn u fl'dealer, 207 H i gh s t, 3

Young H ar r i son , sol ici to r s and agen ts to the L aw Fi re, and Al fred L ifeinsu rance O ffices, 25 L ambton st, b w



Gallon Mary, tailor and ou tfit ter, Cliv e stMatthews Mr s. Margaret, lodgings, Tynemou th placeMil l s Mr s . Jane , l odgings , Tynemou th pl aceN ewton W i lliam ,

v i ct. , Star an d Garter Ho tel, Tynemou thSanderson John

,hosier, 4 Howard st

Shanks Mr . Arthu r, 16 Dockw r ay squ areSmith P eter, v ic t., Board , 25 Chu rch s tWhar r i er Thomas, v i c t .,Railway Refreshmen t Rooms, Tynemou th station

S O U T H S H I EL D S .


Eddowes and B i rkett , su rgeons , 69 King stN orthern Tea Co ., 1 Thri ft s t, W i lli am Reid , managing par tnerP ark John , v i c t ., S ta i th Hou se , 6 1 East HolbornP earson Thomas 85 Son , b u tchers , 84 East H olbornSkee S . 85 Co . , ship and insu rance brokers commission agts ., 5Spou r s Barthol omew,

v i c t. , Albi on H otel , 9 Dean s tSunter L eonard , v i c t., Golden L ion In n ,

17 King st


TA .

Ras h . L INE.

7 5 Breede, read Arcade .

4 1 Creigh ton , read C r i ghton .

39 Richardson and Caxon . read Richardson and Coxon .

Ph i l ipon , read Philipson .

17 Schmidt, re ad Schimidt.

Bath Hotel John N el son,near P ubli c Baths, omi tted in

302 85 3 Headlines, Tynemou th, read N orth Shields .

38 Walker Feather ston haugh, read Feather ston h au ghWalker

552 1 col . 43 Todhun t, read Todhunter.

552 2 col . 6 Ri tchen , r ead Ki tching .



N os. 3 1 an d 3 2 , sm n ,


3 3 6 8 m os t respectfu lly to cal l the atten tion of Bankers,Merchants,

Rai l wav Companies, and o thers, to the great adv antages of the


NUMBERING MACH INE,N ow in trodu ced into hi s Account Book Manu factory

, an d P aper Ru l ingEstabli shment, No. 6, P OSTERN .

B y th i s Mach ine Accou nt Books are P aged , Bank N o tes, Checks,Railway Certificates, and o ther Documents, progressi v ely numbered w i thdi s tin c t an d permanen t Figu res , combin ing expedi ti on and economy,w i th the most perfec t secu ri ty against fraud .

R. R . w i l l be glad to exhibi t Specimens of W ork execu ted by th isingen iou s and u sefu l Machine

,at his W arehou se, S IDE .


Ru led to th e mos t compli cated patterns,and bound Elasti c, on grea tly

improv ed principles, warran ted to open freely, and lay flat .


LET TER BOOK S P AGED . & c . & c .

Of the u su al P atterns,kep t in S tock.

An extensive assortmen t of WRITING, PRINTING , and al l'other


P L A N S A N D M A P S M O U N T ED .









ties. r eassert EEEEEE.


W. W. scarcely need observ e , that h av ing by far thefirst P awnb roki n g Bu sine ss in N ewcastl e, and from that sou rce constan tly com i ng in tothe P ossessi on of large qu an ti ti es of


And that with a l arge su rplu s Capi tal constan tly making adv an tageou s,Ready Money P u rchases, possesse s greate r facili t i e s of SEL L INGCHEAP than any o ther i n the Trade. The Character of hi sWatches for


I s Establ i shed by the Thou san ds he has sold, and the sti ll con tinu ed,daily increasing demand he has for them .

Watches not answer ing , w i l l at any tim e be m ost w il l ing ly Exchanqed.



The u tmost advances made u pon ev ery D escrip tion of Valu able Mo veables, the mos t impl ici t confidence m ay be placed, transacti ons nev erbeing thought of after thei r be ing done ; and the P remises wi l l b e foundto possess, i n a mu ch greater degree than any o ther, those P r operties Se

desirable ‘ to Borrowers—P r i vacy an d Fac ili ty of Access.



N o . 4 1 , C L AY-T O N S T R E E T ,


AFTER many Year’s Experien ce in the Edu cati on and Charge O f Ch i l d ren ,hav ing m ad e hersel f acqu ainted w i th the system Of In fant Sohool In .

s tru c tion , so su ccessfu l ly pu rsued - by the HOME and COLONIAL INFANTSCHOOL SOC IETY, in L ondon , opened on Monday , the 18th o f March , 1844,an INFANT SCHOOL on the abo v e P remi ses , for Ch i ldr en of th eUpper Classes

,from the Age of Two Years an d upwards.

The Religiou s and Moral Training o f the In fan t Mind , th e Cu l tivationO f H ab i ts o f Obedi enc e, and the combining generally o f Mental In s tr u cti on w i th Amu sement and Bodily Exerci se, together w i th the P re v entionOf P ro v incial i sms in Accen t o r Di al ec t, w i l l b e the impor tan t Obj ects towhich especia l atten tion w i l l be d irected .

M r s. A . has accommodati on for a few Boarders.The fol low ing Gen tl emen hav e kindly permi tted Re ference to be m adeto them - Rev . H . W . Wri ght, M . A . In c um cen t o f S t. John ’s , New .

cas tl e ; Rev . W’

. Dod d , M. A . Incumben t of S t . Andrew’s, N ewcastle ;

an d H . Vicar’s, E sq.

,S t. Thomas’s P l ace, N ew castl e.

4 ] C layton Str eet, Newcastle.

e a rG-R E D E B O R D E A U X,



I2 P ipes, 2 10 H ogslzeads , 150 Tier cons, and 120 Qu ar ter Caslas of"

rasuce wa r s w uss m a sses,OF P UREST AND FINEST QUAL ITY.

IN selec ting th e abov e, the Importers h av e av ail ed th emsel v es of thetwo-fold ad vantage O f many years ’ experi ence i n the manu fac tu re a t

h ome , and a lengthened connection w i th thefirst Hou ses in the v inegrowing d is tri c ts abroad .For P i ckl ing, an d ev ery domesti c u se, thi s Vinegar, the genu in e Ju i ce

of the G rape , i s strongly recommended , as superi or to al l o ther.The P ubli c may obtain i t a t a moderate price , of the Chemi sts , Grocers,

and Wine Merchan ts, whose names-may be learned by applying toW. 8: S . KENT SONS ,

II t n a n . S e v e r n .





A r eady made and w el l assorted S to ck , of all descrip tions, of BOOTS ,SHOES, and SL IPPERS, in ev ery materi al manu factu red, always onhand at the L ow es t P ri ces, for Cash .

Shipowners, Master Mariners, Seamen and Appren tices, Tradesm en ,Mechani cs, and Working P eople, economical ly and serv iceably supplied .


sT/mf eORsET ssTa l EusEMENT

J . O’C O N N E L L ,




MOST respect fu lly announ ces to th e Inhabi tan ts o f N orth and Sou thShields, and thei r Vicini ties, that he has taken an d en tered upon the

abov e Shop and P remise s, where he humbly hopes by the most devo tedattenti on,to rece i v e a share o f thei r patronage and support.

J . O’

C. humb l y solici ts an early inspection o f hi s v ariou s sampl eswhich are mu ch adm ired for neatness o f s tyle and fashion, improv ingthefigu re , an d. adding beau ty and elegance to the form.

Mr s. O’CONNEL L attends tn th e measu rin g andfitting departmen t, an d

h av ing already receiv ed the pat r onage of many L adie s of the highestrank, in thefiv e neighbou ring Cou nties, feel s confident of being able tcygiv e satisfact ion .

N . B .- Samples of the work w i ll b e sent to th e residence of any L adyin the town , on the receip t of a note to that e ffec t .






BEGS r espec tfu l l y to retu rn thei r g r atefu l ackn ow ledgm en ts to thei rP atr on s an d Fr ien ds

,for the v ery liber al en cou r agem en t con fer r ed upon

them sin ce thei r com m en c em en t i n the abov e bu sin ess, an d fl a tterthem selves, thr ough th ei r pr acti cal exper ien c e i n the tr ade, an d a determ in ation to em ploy the bes t workm en

, an d u se the best m ater ials,to

m er i t a con tin u an ce of the sam e.


O N ,



Mon um en ta l Mar bl e, an d Ston e Work of every descr zph'

on ,

des ig n ed an d ex ecu ted .

s om e E s ma s s om

B R EW E R,M A L T S T E R ,






FROM J . H. R .



AND TUNER TO THE QUEEN,fil m r eassess 85? E05MEI? sm m ss,


s ss s s a s s s s sN EA R S U NDEB L AN D ,

The GRANGE is in al l r espects wel l adapted to the pu rposes of a Boar din g School : th e s i tu ation i sh ealthy, an d theH ou se an d S chool-r oom s lar gean d com m odiou s. The gr oun ds ar e exten siv e, affor d in g am ple m ean s ofr ecr eation an d exer cise, an d the whol e p roper ty i s su r r oun ded by a wall


whi ch separ ates i t fr om the town an d ne i ghbou r hood, thu s avo idin g then ecessi ty of any b oy goin g beyon d the School p r em ises, excep t u n der thecar e of a M aster .Those pu pils

,whose par en ts w ish i t, m ay enjoy the ben efit of Sea Ba th .

in g in the im m ediate v i cin i ty, u n der su itable super in ten den ce.

A l l the Pupils ar e Boarder s .

An Assi stan t sleeps i n each Dorm i tory. Du r in g the whol e of the playhou r s , the boys ar e u n der the car e of a t least on e o f the Master s, an d them os t u n r em i ttin g a tten tion i s paid to the heal th

,per son al com for t, an d

m or al an d r eli giou s du ties of al l the Pupi l s.


FIRST CLASS—B oys under Ten Year s of‘


Board an d Tu i tion in Read in g , O r thography,W r i tin g, Ar i thm etic, L atin,

an d Modern Geog r aphy— For ty Gu in eas each per an n um .

SECOND CLASS—Boys above Ten and under Twelve Year s of Age.

Boar d an d Tu i tion in the aboveB ran ches ,wi th En glish Gram m a r, G r eek,

F r en ch, an d Modern H is tory— For ty -five Gu in eas each per An n um .

THIRD CLASS— Boys above Twel ve and under Four teen Year s of Age.

Board an d T u i tion i n th e above B r an ches, w i th An c ien t Geogr aphy, Ancien t Hi story, El ocu tion an d En gl ish Com posi tion— Fi fty Gu in eas eachper An n u m .

FOURTH CL ASS—Boys above Four teen and under Six'teen Year s Qf'Age.

Boar d an d Tu i tion in the abov e B r an ches, wi th Chr on ol ogy, the Pr in ciples of Astr on om y, the U se of the Globes, an d Ma them a ti cs— Fifty-fiveGu in eas each per An n um .

FIFTH CL ASS—Boys above Sixteen Year son e, whetherfin ishingf or theUn iversities or otherw ise.

Board an d Tu i tion in the abov e Br an ches, w i th Gen er a l H is tory, an d theBel les -Sixty Gu in eas each per An n um .


Washin g £ 3 0 Oper An'


L i br a ry 0 10 O Di ta) .

Gr a ng e Exhi bi ti on s 1 l 0 D i tto.

M ed ica l Gua r an tee l 0 D i tto.

Wi th an add i tiona l Ha lf Gu in eaf or each Br other .)S ing le Bed ( if r equ ir ed 5 5 0 Di tto.

Tea ( i f r equ i r ed) 5 5 0 D i tto.

ETALBAN, QEIRWJ (NJ, &c . , I RAWUN© 9 DAN© UN© AHMED) [FENQ INQBy Excelle ntMaster s on the usua l term s.

A Dr i ll S er g ean t a tten d s the Boys one H ou r per D iem ,d ur i ng theS umm er Mon tha f or

“whi ch a sma ll add i tion a l cha r g e i s m ade .

P reviousl y to the r em oval of a Pupil , a Qu ar ter's Notice or Paym en t


for aQuar ter's Board

an d Edu cation is r equ i r ed .



1 2 7,H I G H S T R E E T ,

Opposite the N ew Bu i ldings, Sunn iside, B ishopwearm outh,

RESPECTFULLY in for m s the Gen try an d o ther Inh abi tan ts of Sun der l an d , theWearm ou ths

, an d their Vi cin i ties, that he h as been appoin ted Agen t for theHAMBURGH CABINET-MAKERS SOCIETY,


OF [NEW AND S PEENDUD BMBNUTUE’RE,Wh i ch, for excel l en ce of Workm an sh ip

,super ior qu al i ty of Woods, an d

var ied an d el egan t desi gn s,can n o t b e su rpassed. The cormign m en t em

b r aces every descr ip tion of Fu rn i tu r e, am on gs t wh i ch m ay b e m or e par

ticu l a r l y specified,



Dr awing Room, Ba l l oon , Rom an , S m oking , and easy Cha ir s ; Chim ney, P ier ,

Cheva l and other Glasses C /zefiion ier s and S ideboards, do.

The above Con sign m en t havin g been im por ted at the gr eatly r edu cedDu ty p r oposed by the N ew Tar iff

,can be offer ed at Pr ices wh ich m u s t

com m an d an exten si ve Sale.



Coun try Or der s prompt ly attended to, and Goods car ef u l ly packed.



I N S T R U MW fbfifififimfi



Phi l osoph ical Appar atu s, an d Nau ti cal In st rum en ts of every descr ip tionm ade

,clean ed , r epai r ed, an d accu r a tely adj u sted.





Adjoin ing the Custom Hou se,

E R L A N D .

sssssss ss(L ate R idsda le, P or ter

,and Ridsda le.)






Also, Super ior Forged Hackl eE an d Pin s,



senn sses as sass, s l s sezsss

E assasase sse a .

T I C D O L O R E U X .

S . BAR L OWRESPECTFULLY i n form s su fferer s an d the Ben evolen t, th a t h i s a l m ost n ev er

fai l in g POWDERS, for the cu r e of th is p ain fu l com plain t , ar e u sed byei ther sex, u n der any c i r cu m stan ces ; occasion n o in con ven ien ce whatever


an d ar e noth in g em pi r i cal .


Forwar ded POSTAGE FREE, to al l par ts of th e U n i ted Kin gdom ,

IN PA CK ET S AT l s. 6 d .

To g ive them a fai r tr ial , a Doub l e P acket shou l d b e taken , p r i ce 2s . 9d .


N . B .-The Testim on ials bein g v ery n u m erou s, m os t r em arkable,

al together tru th fu l , an d ch iefly fr om the m os t in tel l igen t an d h igherclasses of society, (to whom r efer en ce i s kin dly perm i tted,) form ther efor e

in ter estin g m atter for per u sal .SAMUEL BARLOW, CHEM IST , DARLINQ'OK.


fl B B EEl E E3


NENEEEETEEEEE, susansas,1 69

, a’





52, a as


7 r ac e s FR OM H IGH ST REET c- GOFFEE Room s .

E5. 0 o E It TN Ila A Y?9



i s,N EE E s T a E E T ,



G R E Y S T R E E T , SU N D E R L A N D .


Eng in eer , Ag r icu l tu r a l an d Gen er a l Ir on Fou n der ,



Manuf ac tur er of L am ber t's Impr oved Dr a in ing P ipe an d T i le Machi n e. S tove Gr a tes


Oven s, Cookin g Appa r a tu s, 5m. B r ass Cas ti ng s, an d Sm i th

's Wor k in Gener al .

P O R G-E D A R M M O U L B S .

Windl ass Castin gs, an d Ship's H ear th Stoves , Deck and Hau se P ipes ,


ER © NM © N ® E R 9 S E EP S M ET E ,



W Sm i th‘

s S imps , S ou th-East Cor ne r of the Vsc tor ia Dock.