Page 1 of 18 1. 健康饮食管理小贴士 2. 健康食品基础 3. 健康食品与安全 4. 健康食品与轮班作业 5. 咖啡因 6. 维生素 7. 抗氧化剂 8. 早餐 9. 脂肪 10. 快餐 11. 极端高温下工作 - 盐分和水分的补充 Acknowledgements and Introduction 致谢与说明 Based on the English version of “Guidelines for Healthy Food Onboard Merchant Ships” which was issued by ISWAN and launched by SAFETY4SEAS, Amber He of our Trainee did some of Chinese translation, and we made some editing and changes, in this we thanks to Amber He our trainee for assisting with the translations, and thanks to ISWAN and SAFETY4SEAS for the information launched http://www.safety4sea.com/maintaining-a- healthy-diet-on-board/ The ship, where seafarers not only work but spend all their time during a voyage, is seen as the best place for health intervention. 船舶不仅是船员工作的场所,而且是船员的生活场所,因此船舶是调整船员身体健康的最佳地点。 The availability of healthy food choices gives seafarers the opportunity to change to a more healthy diet and make a big difference to their health and well-being. 有效选择健康食物可使每个海员有机会获得一个更健康的饮食习惯,对他们的健康和幸福有很大影响。 Access to healthy food in a healthy environment where high standards of food safety and hygiene are firmly enforced is essential to this regime. 健康的环境有高标准的食品安全和食品卫生标准,执行相关管理体制坚决,因此食物应在健康的环境中获取。 Mealtimes should be viewed as an enjoyable social experience with good healthy food options to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 进餐时间应被视为愉快的活动,有良好健康的食品可供选择,以保持健康的生活方式。 1. Tips for Adopting a Healthy Eating Regime 健康饮食管理小贴士

Guideline of healthy food onboard - Chinese

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1. 健康饮食管理小贴士 2. 健康食品基础 3. 健康食品与安全 4. 健康食品与轮班作业 5. 咖啡因 6. 维生素 7. 抗氧化剂 8. 早餐 9. 脂肪 10. 快餐 11. 极端高温下工作 - 盐分和水分的补充

Acknowledgements and Introduction 致谢与说明 Based on the English version of “Guidelines for Healthy Food Onboard Merchant Ships”

which was issued by ISWAN and launched by SAFETY4SEAS, Amber He of our Trainee did some of Chinese translation, and we made some editing and changes, in this we thanks to Amber He our trainee for assisting with the translations, and thanks to ISWAN and SAFETY4SEAS for the information launched http://www.safety4sea.com/maintaining-a-healthy-diet-on-board/ The ship, where seafarers not only work but spend all their time during a voyage, is seen as the best place for health intervention. 船舶不仅是船员工作的场所,而且是船员的生活场所,因此船舶是调整船员身体健康的最佳地点。

The availability of healthy food choices gives seafarers the opportunity to change to a more healthy diet and make a big difference to their health and well-being. 有效选择健康食物可使每个海员有机会获得一个更健康的饮食习惯,对他们的健康和幸福有很大影响。 Access to healthy food in a healthy environment where high standards of food safety and hygiene are firmly enforced is essential to this regime. 健康的环境有高标准的食品安全和食品卫生标准,执行相关管理体制坚决,因此食物应在健康的环境中获取。 Mealtimes should be viewed as an enjoyable social experience with good healthy food options to maintain a healthy lifestyle. 进餐时间应被视为愉快的活动,有良好健康的食品可供选择,以保持健康的生活方式。 1. Tips for Adopting a Healthy Eating Regime 健康饮食管理小贴士

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Encourage and stimulate the crew members to eat healthily. Pay attention to healthy food in meetings, at medical check-ups etc. 应在会议及身体检查中关注健康饮食,鼓励激励船员吃健康食品。

Use a broad approach to inform and motivate the seafarers onboard. Offer variation in food. A healthy menu is not necessarily more expensive than an un healthy one. 用广泛的方法告诉并激励船员;提供不同的食物;一个健康的菜单并不一定比不健康的菜单贵。 The whole vessel has to be behind the programme: captain and officers have to show their commitment. 全体船员应参与到健康饮食项目中,船长及高级船员应做出承诺,起带头作用。 It takes time to implement a healthy food programme onboard. Behavioural changes take several months and benefits may take even longer to become measurable. 在船上实施健康食品计划需要一定时间;行为的改变要几个月来完成,而这种改变所带来的益处则需要更长时间才显现出来。

Make a systematic plan of what you want to achieve in respect to healthy food and eating onboard and over what period of time. Involve key persons like the cook and ship chandler and establish a company policy on health. 船上应就健康食品和饮食制定一个系统的规划,包括时间段,所涉及的关键人员,例如厨师和伙食供应商等,并建立起相应的公司政策。 Budget for the programme, make sure the activities adopted are evaluated and be prepared to adapt the plan if some initiatives are not as successful as others. 对计划进行必要的预算,一定要对项目中将要采取的活动进行适当的评估及准备,以确保计划的实施。

Announce the plan and the changes, organise an event to celebrate the start of the plan such as a special menu or distribute apples or other fruit. 对计划及相关的变化进行宣传,计划的开始应举行一个庆祝活动,例如加餐或者发一些水果等。 Ensure the menu of the coming week is on display and remember to stress the healthy alternatives. 公示下一周的菜单,并强调那些相关的健康食品。

Provide healthy drinks and snacks. Also provide information (posters or leaflets) on healthy food in every place where food is available onboard. 提供健康饮料及零食;就船上所供应的健康食品提供相关的信息资料,用海报或传单形式张贴在船上的宣传栏里。 Ask crew members to fill out questionnaires to assess the success and strengths of the plan. Give crew members the possibility to suggest and try new recipes. 制定一些调查问卷,让船员填写以评估该计划的优缺点。鼓励船员提一些好的建议及新的食谱。 Keep track of the quantities of each food category consumed onboard and inform the crew about any imbalances found. 应对船上所消耗的各类食品的数量进行必要的记录,发现库存失调应通知船员。

Link HEALTHY FOOD with FOOD SAFETY and hygiene in the galley. Provide FIT ONBOARD and other SHIP health initiatives. 将健康食物和食品健康联系起来,关注厨房卫生。提供适合船上的健康活动。 Ensure water is available free of charge. 保障免费饮用水。

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2. Basis of Healthy Food 健康食品基础

Meals have to supply enough proteins for formation and repair of body tissues, adequate supply of minerals to reinforce body tissues and sufficient carbohydrates and the right amount of fats for energy. There must also be vitamins and anti-oxidants to keep the body’s functions in good order. Crucially good quality drinking water needs to be drunk in large quantities, at least 1,5 litres per day 餐食必须提供足够的蛋白质来形成及修复机体组织, 提供足够的矿物质来加强身体组织,以及足够的碳水化合物和适量的脂肪;还必须有维生素和抗氧化剂以保持身体功能的良好运作;还需要喝大量的优质饮用水,每天最少 5升。 Five Tips for Healthy Food habits: 五个健康饮食小贴士 1. Balance is the key message 饮食平衡最为重要 2. Eat plenty of fruit (3 servings) and vegetables (300 g), potatoes and whole grain products 多吃水果,蔬菜,马铃薯和谷物制品

3. Reduce the amount of meat (+/- 100g), fat (<35%), sugar and salt you eat. 减少肉类,脂肪,糖分和盐的摄取

4. Drink plenty of water and milk products 多饮水和奶制品 5. Eat breakfast 吃早饭

A good tool in ensuring a balanced diet is a food pyramid. As food habits vary a lot throughout the world, it is difficult to give a universal practical guide to healthy eating and the preservation of good health but the essential elements are explained below. 确保饮食均衡的最佳结构是食物金字塔。因世界各地饮食的习惯不同,很难给出一个普遍实用的健康饮食和健康维护指南,但其基本要素如下所述。 Rice, whole grain products and potatoes米饭,全麦制品和土豆

At the base of the pyramid are rice, noodles, bread, pasta, cereals, potatoes, porridge, lontong, chapati, naan, idli, thosai and biscuits. These foods are excellent sources of complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre. It is recommended that 5 servings a day be consumed, preferably including 1

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serving of wholegrain products. An average person eats 175-420 g of bread (5-12 slices), 210-350 g potatoes (3-5 pieces) or 180-300 g of rice per day. When working in shifts this group is better taken towards the end of the shift, instead of at the beginning. 金字塔的底部是米饭、面条、面包、面食、谷物、土豆、粥,饭团,印度的面包,馕,黑绿豆米饼,印度糕和饼干。这些食物都是很好的碳水化合物,维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维的来源。建议每天消耗 5 种,最好包括一份全麦产品。一个人平均每天吃 175 - 420克面包 (5 - 12片), 210 - 350克土豆 (3 – 5片) 或 180 - 300克米饭。轮班工作时最好在结尾采取转换而不是在开始的时候。 1serving一份 =

* 1 slice of bread 一片面包 * ½ Cup (C.) cooked grains, pasta, rice, etc. ½杯煮熟的谷物、面食、米饭等 * 1 C. of most cold cereals. 1杯冷谷类食物 * ¼ C. low fat granola, Grape Nuts, Muesli. ¼杯低脂燕麦、葡萄坚果、牛奶什锦早餐 * ½ C. hot cereals. ½杯全谷物类食物

* 3-4 C. low fat microwave popcorn. 3-4杯低脂微波爆米花 * ½ large flour tortilla. ½大玉米粉薄烙饼 * 6 saltine crackers. 6个苏打饼干 * ½ hamburger roll or small bagel. ½汉堡或小面包圈 * ¼ of a large muffin or bagel. ¼大松饼或百吉饼 * ½ pita. ½皮塔饼


This group consists preferably of fresh fruit but also of dried, frozen, canned fruit and fruit juices. They are rich sources of vitamins A, C, potassium, fibre (excluding fruit juices) and flavonoids. Eat 2 to 3 servings a day, especially the deeply or brightly (yellow, orange) coloured ones. 此类包括有新鲜水果、水果干、冷冻水果、水果罐头和果汁;他们含有丰富的维生素 A,C,纤维(果汁不含)和类黄酮;每天吃 2 - 3份,尤其是深色或明亮颜色(黄色,橙色)的水果。 一份=

* 1 piece of medium fruit (e.g., apple, orange, peach) 一块中等大小水果(例如苹果、橙子、桃) * ½ piece of large fruit (e.g., banana, grapefruit) ½大块水果(例如香蕉、葡萄柚) * ½ C. of cooked or dried pieces of fruit ½杯熟的或干的水果 * ½ C. of fruit juice (unsweetened) ½杯果汁(不加糖的)

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This group consists of leafy, non-leafy, cruciferous and root vegetables. They are rich sources of vitamins A, C, folic acid, minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, fibre and phyto-chemicals. Eat 2 servings a day and include 1 serving daily of dark green or yellow-orange vegetables. 此类包括绿叶、无叶、十字花科及根菜类蔬菜;他们含有丰富的维生素 A、C、叶酸、矿物质如钙、铁、钾、纤维和植物化学品;每天吃 2份,其中包括每日一份深绿色或黄橙色的蔬菜。

一份 =

* ½ C. cooked vegetables ½杯煮熟的蔬菜 * 1 C. vegetable juice 1杯蔬菜汁

* 1 C. raw vegetables 1杯生鲜蔬菜


Fibre is the indigestible carbohydrate found in plant cell walls and is either soluble or insoluble. Soluble fibre acts like a gel and insoluble fibre adds bulk to or softens stools. A healthy fibre content of the diet can be achieved by eating fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. Also, when eating whole grains, increase your fluid intake as insoluble fibre absorbs fluid from your intestines. 纤维是植物细胞壁中的难以消化的碳水化合物,分可溶性纤维和不可溶性纤维;水溶性纤维类似凝胶,不可溶性纤维可使大便增大并软化;健康饮食所需要的纤维可以通过吃水果、蔬菜、豆类和 粗粮来获取;吃全谷物食物,可增加人的液体摄入量并作为不溶性纤维被肠道吸收。另外,当我们吃全谷物食物时,同时应多喝些液体或水,以使不可溶性纤维容易被肠道吸收。 BENEFITS OF FIBRE 纤维的好处 • Fibre is filling without being fattening 不容易发胖 • Fibre slows fat absorption 减缓脂肪的吸收

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• Fibre reduces cholesterol 降低胆固醇 • Fibre helps prevent constipation 有助于防止便秘 • Fibre protects against colon cancer 预防结肠癌 • Fibre makes blood sugars more stable 使血糖更稳定 To get the full health benefits of dietary fibre, adults should eat 25 to 35 grams of fibre each day. Consume more whole grains, whole fruits and vegetables. Much of the fibre is in the peel. Nearly all varieties if beans are a rich source of fibre. Spinach and romaine lettuce are healthy choices. White bread and white rice have had the fibre processed out of them. 要获得膳食纤维的全部益处,成人需每天摄入 25 到 35 克的纤维,多吃全麦谷物食物、水果和蔬菜;果皮含有丰富的纤维;豆类是所有食物中纤维最丰富的;菠菜和莴苣也是健康的选择;白面包和精白米纤维含量较少。 Meat,fish, and alternatives肉类、鱼类及替代品

This group includes meat, poultry, fish and seafood. Alternatives are soya, pulses, nuts and seeds. These foods are excellent sources of protein, iron and zinc. 100 g per day is sufficient. 此类包括肉类、家禽、鱼和海鲜;替代品为大豆、豆类、坚果和种子;这些食物都是很好的蛋白质、铁和锌的来源;每天摄入 100克应足够。

一份= 100 g meat, poultry, or fish. 100 g is about the size of a deck of cards or the palm

of your hand. 100g的肉类、家禽或鱼肉,大约是扑克牌或手掌大小 ½ C. cooked beans, legumes or nuts ½杯煮熟的豆类或坚果 2 eggs or 4 egg whites 2个鸡蛋或 4个蛋白

Milk, dairy-products and alternatives牛奶、乳制品及替代品

These foods are excellent sources of protein, calcium and B vitamins. Drink 2 to 3 glasses of skimmed or half- fat milk or yoghurt per day. And try to eat 2 servings of cheese. Remember to bear in mind the fat quantity in these foods and to try and use low fat products where possible.

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这些食物富含蛋白质、钙和维生素 B;每天喝 2到 3杯脱脂或半脂牛奶或酸奶;尽量吃 2份奶酪;记得要考虑这些食物的脂肪含量,尽可能选择低脂产品。 一份=

* 250 g or 1 C. of skimmed or half-fat milk or yoghurt. 250g 或 1杯脱脂或半脂牛奶或酸奶 * 50 g hard cheese; lower-fat versions are recommended (you will need to read the labels)

50g硬质奶酪,推荐低脂奶酪(需要阅读标签) * ½ C. low fat cottage cheese ½杯低脂松软干酪

Fats, oil, salt & sugar 动植物油、盐及糖类

Although fat gives energy and contains essential vitamins A, D, E and K, too much of it can lead to increased weight and increased cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on the amount of fat you eat, so that you don’t eat too much. This group contains chips, mayonnaise, fat sauces, cream, etc. and should be taken in limited quantities. 尽管脂肪提供能量,并包含必要的维生素 A、D、E 和 K,但是过多的摄入会导致体重和胆固醇含量增加。因此重要的是要密切注意脂肪含量的摄入,不要摄入过多。这类食物包括炸土豆条、蛋黄酱、脂肪酱、奶油等, 应限量摄取。

High salt consumption can raise blood pressure which creates a greater risk of developing heart disease. 摄入过量的盐会提高血压, 增加患心脏病的风险。

Sugary food and drinks are loaded with calories and provide little by way of nutrition. Such foods are also a major source of tooth decay. 含糖食物和饮料都含有卡路里,提供较少营养。这些食物也是产生蛀牙的主要原因。 1 serving 一份 =

* 1 teaspoon oil, butter or margarine 1勺油、黄油或植物 牛油 * 2 teaspoons Tahini paste 2勺芝麻浆糊 * 1 tablespoon regular salad dressing 1汤匙普通沙拉酱

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Although water does not give us energy and is not part of this food pyramid, it is indispensable for our body. In normal circumstances 1.5 litres should be consumed per day. In warm climates, when undertaking strong physical activity and playing sport it is necessary to drink more fluids. It is best to drink water from unopened bottles if the quality of drinking water is uncertain. Not everybody can drink all types of mineral water as some contain a high level of minerals. Variation is the key! Products containing caffeine, such as tea, coffee and soft drinks should not be drunk more than 3 times per shift and should be avoided five hours before sleeping. 虽然水不提供能量,也不是食物金字塔中的组成部分,但是它是我们身体所必须的;正常情况下每人每天应该消耗 1.5升水;夏天当进行剧烈的身体活动和体育运动时则需要喝更多的水;如果饮用水的质量是不确定的,最好喝未开封的瓶装水;矿泉水种类很多,但不是每个人都适合喝,因有的矿泉水矿物质含量较;变化是关键。 含咖啡因的产品,如茶、咖啡和软饮料等每班不可多过 3次,并应避免睡前五个小时内喝。

3. Healthy Food and Safety 健康食品与安全

Although it remains difficult to estimate the impact of poor nutrition on occupational accidents, the connection between fatigue and nutritional deficiency (iron and vitamin B) is well known. 虽然很难去估计营养不良对职业事故的影响,但疲劳和营养缺乏(铁和维生素 B)之间的联系是众所周知的。 Iron deficiency accounts for loss in productivity and results in fatigue and loss of dexterity. 缺铁会导致效率下降,还会导致疲劳和灵敏性的降低。 Lack of food can induce drowsiness and is a risk onboard ship. 食物缺乏可以引起嗜睡,造成船上的风险。

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Hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) can shorten attention spans and slow down the processing of information. 低血糖(血糖低)会降低注意力,减缓对信息的处理速度。 Snacking on sugary foods and drinks, gives a short surge in energy but can leave the body more tired afterwards. 摄入含糖的食物和饮料能短暂的补充能量,但之后身体会觉得更累。

4. Healthy Food and Shift work 健康食品与轮班工作

Shift work means that meals cannot be taken at “normal” regular times. Shift work can interfere with the standard eating routine. Poor habits can lead to broken sleep, tiredness, and digestive problems. Light meals are the best solution: soups, salads and lean meat. At the beginning of the shift, eat protein rich food like yoghurt, milk and lean meat. Later on in the shift eat carbohydrates like bread, potato salad, pasta salad, fruit and whole grains. 轮班工作意味着不能在固定的“正常”时间吃饭;轮班工作会干扰标准的饮食习惯。不良的习惯会导致睡眠断断续续、疲劳、和一些消化问题。清淡的饭菜是最好的解决办法: 汤、沙拉和瘦肉。在最初的转变时间, 吃一些富含蛋白质的食物如酸奶、牛奶和瘦肉;一段时间之后转变为吃碳水化合物, 如面包、土豆沙拉、意大利面沙拉、水果和粗粮。 Try and eat less spicy food, fried and fatty food, and sweets. Try and cut back on caffeine intake, try fruit juice for a change. Eat light snacks like fruit, yoghurt or a glass of milk. Eat a meal that provides enough energy before the shift starts. 试着少吃辛辣、油炸和高脂肪的食物, 还有甜食。试着减少咖啡因的摄入, 改为喝果汁。吃清淡零食如水果、酸奶或一杯牛奶。在轮班开始前吃一餐能提供足够所需能量的饭食。 We all know smoking is bad for your health. Try and cut down and consider others when you light up. Never smoke when others are eating. 我们都知道吸烟对健康有害。吸烟人士试着减少吸烟量,当你点烟时考虑他人的感受。不要在其他人吃东西时吸烟。 Take regular exercise, if possible at least 30 minutes per day. (See SHIP topic “FIT ONBOARD” at www.seafarers- health.org). 进行有规律的锻炼,如果可能的话, 每天至少 30分钟 (见 www.seafarers,www.seafarers )。 If you are working in the afternoon or evening shifts: eat a warm meal at noon instead of in the middle of the shift. 如果下午或者晚上有轮班工作,中午应吃一顿热饭, 而不是在轮班中间吃。 If you are working at night try and eat “breakfast” in the late afternoon or early evening. After work eat a light snack to avoid going to bed feeling hungry.

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如果晚上工作,试着在下午晚些时候或者晚上早些时候吃“早餐”。下班后吃一点清淡的零食, 避免饿着睡觉。 5. Caffeine 咖啡因

Caffeine is a natural component of coffee (75 mg per cup) and tea (30 mg per cup), today also energy drinks and even some sports drinks contain varied levels of caffeine up to 80 mg per unit, compared to the 23 mg in a Coca- Cola which is a lot. Some herbal stimulants can contain naturally occurring caffeine, especially guarana and mate. 咖啡因是咖啡(每杯 75毫克) 和茶 (30毫克每杯)中的天然组成部分, 如今的一些能量饮料,甚至一些运动饮料都含有不同量的咖啡因,最高达到每单位 80 毫克咖啡因, 相比可口可乐中的 23 毫克已经很多。一些草药兴奋剂包含天然咖啡因,特别是瓜拉那和伴侣. Caffeine stimulates the short term memory, e.g. to memorize a telephone number before writing it down. It also keeps one awake, but this does not lead to better physical performance. 咖啡因会刺激人的短期记忆力,例如在写下来之前记住一个电话号码;可让人保持短暂清醒, 但并不会带来更好的物理性能。 Duty and watch keeping can raise the consumption of coffee or tea drastically and beside the presumed stimulating effect of caffeine, this also has negative effects. 执勤与值班会大幅提高对咖啡或茶的消耗, 这是假定在咖啡因有刺激效应, 但同时也有负面影响。 Too much caffeine can cause side effects such as tension (stress), restlessness, trembling, insomnia, headaches and heart palpitations. 过量的咖啡因会导致一些副作用,例如紧张(压力),坐立不安、颤抖、失眠、头痛、心悸。 The maximum dose of caffeine is 400 mg per day. Try to drink a maximum of 3 cups of coffee or tea per shift! 最大剂量的咖啡因摄入是每天 400毫克;每班最多试喝 3杯咖啡或茶。

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6. Vitamins 维生素

Food loses a lot of vitamins during the time left between storage and preparation. The time between harvest and consumption is a determining factor, but the temperature at which food is stored is also important. Vegetables that are frozen shortly after harvesting do not loose more vitamins than so called fresh vegetables. Furthermore, vegetables will retain more vitamins if they are only cooked for a short period. The shorter the cooking time, the more vitamins they will retain! 食物在其储存和准备时失去了很多维生素。从食物收割到消耗之间的时间是一个决定性因素,但食物的储存温度也很重要。蔬菜需要在收割后立即冷冻来减少维生素流失过多,即所谓的新鲜蔬菜。此外,如果烹饪时间较短,蔬菜能保持更多的维生素。烹饪时间越短,他们将保留更多的维生素。 Vitamin A 维生素 A

Function: 功能

Necessary for the eyes to function correctly and for adapting to darkness 是眼睛正常工作所需, 能帮助更好的适应黑暗

Necessary for the formation of skin cells, hair and gums 是皮肤细胞、头发和牙龈形成的所需物质

Supports the immune system 有助于免疫系统

Plays a role in growth, fertility and reproduction 在人体生长、生育、繁殖中起重要作用

Sources: 主要来源 Liver, meat, butter, margarine, fat fish, milk

and milk products, cheese and eggs. 肝脏、肉类、黄油、植物牛油、脂肪含量高的鱼、牛奶及奶制品、奶酪和鸡蛋。

Vegetables such as carrots, cabbage, endive and yellow or orange fruit果蔬类包括胡萝卜、卷心菜、苦苣和黄色或橙色水果

Vitamin D 维生素 D

Function: 功能

Necessary for the uptake of calcium and formation of bone tissue人体吸收钙及形成骨组织所需

For strong bones and healthy teeth 骨骼强健和牙齿健康的所需

Limits osteoporosis 有效抑制骨质疏松症 Sources: 主要来源

Butter, margarine, meat, fat fish, milk and milk products, cheese and eggs. 黄油、植物牛油、肉、脂肪量含量高的鱼、牛奶及奶制品、奶酪和鸡蛋。

Vegetables such as cabbage and yellow or orange fruit 果蔬类:卷心菜、黄色或橙色水果

Good to know 贴士

Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin by sunlight, it is recommended that people spend at least 15 minutes per day in the open air, to ensure that their bodies get the necessary amount of vitamin D3. 维生素D3 由皮肤接受阳光照射所产生,所以建议每天至少在户外 15 分钟,来确保身体能够获得足够所需的维生素 D3。

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Vitamin E 维生素 E

Function: 功能 A role in many enzymatic reactions 在许多酶反应中发挥作用

Anti-oxidant activity, especially on Poly Unsatisfied Fatty Acids (PUFA) 有助于抗氧化活性, 尤其对多不饱和脂肪酸有益

Protection of cells and cell membranes 保护细胞核细胞膜

Sources: 主要来源

Plant oils rich in PUFA: nuts, seeds, vegetables, fruit, bread and whole grain products 富含多不饱和脂肪酸的植物油: 坚果、种子、蔬菜、水果、面包、全麦制品

Vitamin K 维生素 K

Function: 功能

Necessary for blood coagulation 凝血功能所需

Active in bone formation 对骨骼形成有帮助 Sources: 主要来源

Vitamin K1: Vegetables, fruit, milk and milk products, meat, eggs and grain products维

生素 K1:蔬菜、水果、牛奶及奶制品、肉类、鸡蛋和谷物产品

Vitamin K2: produced by bacteria in the intestines维生素K2:由肠道中的菌群产生

Vitamin C 维生素 C

Function: 功能 Formation of collagen, necessary for the

efficient healing of wounds 有助于胶原蛋白的形成,伤口的快速愈合所必须

Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fat 代谢碳水化合物、蛋白质和脂肪 Muscle- and brain metabolism 肌肉和大脑的新陈代谢

Control of bone formation 控制骨骼的形成 Synthesis of hormones 激素的合成 Improves the absorption of iron from food 促进食物中铁的吸收

Supports the immune system 对免疫系统有帮助

Anti-oxidant activity 对抗氧化能力有帮助 Sources: 主要来源

Fruit (citrus, kiwi, guave, berries: strawberries, raspberries) 水果(柑橘,猕猴桃、番石榴、草莓类:草莓、树莓)

Vegetables: especially cabbage and (whole) potatoes蔬菜:卷心菜和土豆(整体)

Vitamin B1 维生素 B1

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Function: 功能

Essential for energy production, mainly by carbohydrate metabolism 产生能量的基本要素,主要是碳水化合物的新陈代谢

Supports the correct functioning of the nervous system 有助于神经系统功能

Sources: 主要来源

Bread and whole grain products, potatoes, vegetables, meat, milk and milk products面包和全麦制品、土豆、蔬菜、肉类、牛奶和奶制品

Vitamin B2 维生素 B2

Function: 功能 Essential in metabolism of carbohydrates,

proteins and fat 碳水化合物、蛋白质和脂肪代谢的必需品

Mobilizes iron 使铁流通 For healthy skin 有助于皮肤健康

Sources: 主要来源

Milk and milk products, meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and whole grain products牛奶和奶制品、肉类、蔬菜、水果、面包和全麦产品

Good to know 小贴士

Light sensitive: e.g. it is advisable that milk be stored in a dark place维生素 B2有光敏感的特点,因此最好将例如牛奶存放在阴暗处。

Vitamin B3 维生素 B3

Function: 功能

Important role in energy metabolism 对能量代谢起重要作用

Involved in enzymatic processes in the cells 参与细胞中酶的作用过程

Sources: 主要来源

Meat, fish, whole grain products, vegetables and potatoes 肉、鱼、全麦制品、蔬菜和土豆

Vitamin B5 维生素 B5

Function: 功能

Important role in energy metabolism, especially carbohydrate and fatty acid metabolism 对能量代谢非常重要,特别是碳水化合物和脂肪酸代谢

Important for the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol 对脂肪酸和胆固醇的合成很重要

Sources: 主要来源

Meat, eggs, whole grain products, pulses, milk and milk products, vegetables and fruit肉、鸡蛋、全麦制品、豆类、牛奶及奶制品、蔬菜和水果

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Vitamin B6 维生素 B6

Function: 功能

Important role in energy metabolism, especially amino acid metabolism 对能量代谢有重要作用,特别是氨基酸代谢

Helps to reduce magnesium shortages 改善缺镁

Control of hormone activities 控制激素活动 Production of red blood cells 有助于红细胞的产生

Necessary if the nervous system is to function well 对神经系统功能的正常运作很重要

Metabolism of fatty acids and phospholipids 有助于脂肪酸和磷脂的代谢

Sources: 主要来源

Meat, eggs, fish, bread, whole grain products, potatoes, pulses, vegetables, milk and milk products, chees肉、鸡蛋、鱼、面包、全麦制品、土豆、豆类,蔬菜,牛奶和奶制品,奶酪

Vitamin B8 维生素 B8

Function: 功能

Important role in energy metabolism 对能量代谢有重要作用

Necessary for formation of fatty acids 脂肪酸形成所必需

Healthy skin and healthy hair 健康的皮肤的健康的头发所需

Sources: 主要来源

Eggs, liver, milk and milk products, nuts and peanuts 鸡蛋、肝脏、牛奶及奶制品、坚果和花生

Good to know: 小贴士

Sometimes called vitamin H 有时也被称为维生素 H

Vitamin B11 维生素 B 11

Function: 功能

Important for production of red blood cells 红细胞产生的重要物质

Involved in the production of histidine, glycine, methionine, protein synthesis, DNA and RNA synthesis 参与氨酸、甘氨酸、甲硫氨酸的产生,蛋白质,DNA 和RNA的合成

Important for growth and preservation of body cells 对身体生长和身体细胞的保护十分重要

Sources: 主要来源

Whole grain products, bread, green vegetables, fruit, milk and milk products 全麦制品、面包、蔬菜、水果、牛奶和奶制品

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Vitamin B12 维生素 B12 Function: 功能

Important for the production of red blood cells 对红细胞的产生十分重要

Important for the normal function of the nervous system 对神经系统的正常功能十分重要。

Sources: 主要来源 Can only be found in animal products,

vegetarian products do not contain Vitamin B12 维生素 B12 只存在在动物产品中,素食产品中不含。

Meat, fish, milk and milk products, cheese and eggs 肉、鱼、牛奶及奶制品、奶酪和鸡蛋

7. Anti-oxidants 抗氧化剂

When the body is metabolising normally, free radicals are formed which have a negative impact

on the body’s functions. Smoking stimulates the production of free radicals. High levels of free radicals can damage the body’s cells, cause heart and vascular diseases and cancer. There is evidence to suggest that they also speed up the ageing process and can lead to cataracts and other eye diseases. 当身体正常新陈代谢情况下, 自由基的形成对身体机能有负面影响。吸烟会刺激自由基的产生。高浓度的自由基会损害人体细胞, 引起心脏和血管疾病和癌症。有证据表明高浓度的自由基也会加速衰老进程,并可能导致白内障等其他眼疾。

Anti-oxidants neutralise the harmful actions of free radicals, and as such, have a positive

effect on health. 抗氧化剂能够中和自由基的有害行为,因此,对健康有积极的影响。

In addition to vitamins, there are other bio-active products such as flavonoids and minerals for example, selenium, which act as anti-oxidants. 除了维生素以外,还有其他生物活性产品可以作为抗氧化剂, 例如类黄酮和矿物质, 如硒。

The amount of anti-oxidants we need on a daily basis to prevent disease is not yet clear to

medical professionals. Research is still underway on the use and safety of anti- oxidant preparations. 每天需要多少抗氧化剂来预防疾病,目前专业医疗人士也不能给出准确答案。对抗氧化剂的使用和相关安全问题仍在研究准备当中。

Therefore, healthy food habits are considered sufficient. 因此, 通常认为健康的饮食习惯其摄入量足够。

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8. Breakfast 早餐

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day: 早餐是一天当中最重要的一餐

It provides a good start of the day and a healthy breakfast delivers 20 - 25 % of the total energy for a day. 早餐为一天提供了一个良好的开端, 健康的早餐应包含一天中总能量的 20 - 25%。

Breakfast helps to improve concentration and dexterity throughout the morning. 早餐有助于提高整个早上的注意力和敏捷性。

People, who skip breakfast tend to eat more snacks and often overcompensate for the loss of energy by eating a large lunch, rich in fats and sugar. 不吃早餐的人更倾向去吃一些零食,往往会比吃一顿丰盛的午餐还要过度补充损失的能量,零食含有大量的脂肪和糖分。

Carbohydrates found a lot in bread, grain products, rice and pasta are an excellent source of energy. 面包、谷物、大米和面食中含有大量的碳水化合物,能提供很多能量。

Milk and milk products are good sources of protein at breakfast. 早餐时的牛奶和奶制品是蛋白质很好的来源。

It is recommended that you eat several pieces of fruit per day. It is a good idea to start the day with fruit or fruit juice and also stewed fruit or compote, as it is not always possible to get the full quota of nutrients from fresh fruit. 建议每天吃几块水果。最好在一天的开始吃,水果、果汁、烩水果或果盘,因为从新鲜水果中并不总是能得到全部所需营养。

9. Fats 脂肪

• Some fats are essential for your health. 一定量的脂肪对健康是必不可少的

• Fats in foods are made up of 4 different types of fatty acids 食品中的脂肪是由四种不同类型的脂肪酸组成

o Polyunsaturated fats 多不饱和脂肪 o Monounsaturated fats 单不饱和脂肪 o Saturated fats 饱和脂肪 o Trans fats 反式脂肪

• Trans fats are found naturally in some animal-based foods, but are also formed when liquid oils

are made into semi-solid fats like soft and hard margarine. 反式脂肪来自一些动物肉类食物,但当液体油制成半固体脂肪时也可形成,例如人造黄油。

• Scientific evidence has shown that dietary trans fats can increase your risk of developing heart

disease. 科学证据表明,食用反式脂肪会增加你患心脏病的风险。

• Polyunsaturated fats are healthier than monounsaturated but today a distinction is made: omega 3-, omega 6- and omega 9 fatty acids, which are types of polyunsaturated fats. 多不饱和脂肪比单不饱和脂肪要更健康,区别在于欧米茄 3,、欧米茄 6和欧米茄 9脂肪酸,这些都属于多不饱和脂肪。

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• Omega 3 is an essential fat and plays a crucial part in the development of the brain and nervous system; it prevents cardiovascular disease, and supports the immune system. 欧米茄 3是人体必需的脂肪,在大脑和神经系统的发育中起着至关重要的作用: 它可以防止心血管疾病, 帮助免疫系统。

• In general, the types of food eaten in the West do not contain enough omega 3 fatty acids. The balance between omega 6 and omega 3 is particularly important as both use the same enzymes in metabolism. 一般来说,在西方人吃的食物中欧米茄 3脂肪酸的含量不足够。欧米茄 3和欧米茄 6都是用相同的酶进行代谢,所以两者的平衡非常重要。

• Omega 3 is found in algae, plankton, rapeseed, linseed, walnut or soya oil. Fat fish and fish oil

contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acids. 欧米茄 3存在于藻类、浮游生物、油菜籽、亚麻籽、核桃或豆油中。脂肪含量高的鱼和鱼油中含有大量的欧米茄 3脂肪酸。

10. Snacks 零食

- If snacks are available during the day, always ensure that a healthy alternative such as fruit or yoghurt is available and try to encourage the crew to go for one of these options as opposed to a less healthy snack. 如果零食在白天是一直供应的,应需要提供一些健康的替代品,例如水果、酸奶;并鼓励船员尽量使用这些健康的替代品,少食不太健康的零食。

- Do not offer snacks rich in fats and sugar. 不要提供那些富含脂肪和糖份的零食。

11. Working in Extreme Heat - Salt and Fluid Supplements 酷热中

工作 – 盐喝水的补充

- A person working at an intensive pace or in a very hot environment, such as the engine room, loses water and salt through sweat. This loss should be made up by consuming more water and salt. 人在快节奏或高热环境中工作,例如机舱, 会因为流汗失去水和盐分。这时需要补充更多的水和盐分。

- Fluid intake should equal fluid loss; what goes out must come in. On average, about 1 litre of water each

hour may be required to replace the fluid loss. 液体的摄入量应该等于流失量,排出的必需补充进来。通常,平均每小时大约需要补充 1公升的水替换流体的流失。

- Plenty of cool (10°-15°C) drinking water should be readily available and workers should be encouraged

to drink water every 15 to 20 minutes even if they do not feel thirsty. Sports drinks specifically designed to replace body fluids and electrolytes can also help workers remain properly hydrated. 应提供足够量

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的凉水(10°-15°C),即使没有感觉口渴也应鼓励工人每 15至 20分钟喝一次水。运动饮料是专门设计用来取代津液及电解质,可以帮助人体保持水分。

- A worker used to, or acclimatized to, lifting heavy loads or working in high temperatures, sweats more

“efficiently” - they sweat sooner and sweat to a greater degree, but they lose less salt in their sweat than labourers who are not used to such work. For this reason, the salt in a normal diet is usually enough to maintain the electrolyte balance and keep the body working well. 习惯于或者适应在高温环境下从事重体力劳动的工人,会大量流汗。他们排汗速度快,流汗多,但是他们相比那些不常在此状态下工作的人汗液中的盐分损失较少。出于这个原因,正常饮食中的盐分足以维持电解质平衡,保持身体正常工作。

- For workers who are not used to manual labour or working in high temperatures, and who will therefore lose more salt in their sweat, it may be a good idea to use extra salt in your food. Salt

tablets are not a suitable alternative, however, as the salt does not enter the body system as fast as water or other fluids. Too much salt can cause body temperature to rise and can also make someone feel thirsty or sick. Workers on salt-restricted diets should talk to their doctor about how much salt they need for their job. 对于那些不习惯体力劳动或是在高温下工作的人,他们排汗会流失更多的盐分,或许需要在食物中额外补充一些盐分。但最好不要食用盐片,盐不会像水或者其他液体那样快速的进入人体系统。过多的盐分摄入会导致体温上升,也可能使人感到口渴甚至不适。工人的盐分控制饮食需要咨询医生,究竟他们的工作需要摄入多少盐分合适。

- Some drinks can cause more urine output than the amount of fluid consumed: essentially, more comes

out than what goes in. If you want to stay healthy, comfortable, and hydrated in a hot environment, avoid or limit caffeinated drinks such as coffee and some sodas. 相比正常消耗的液体量,一些饮料会导致更多的尿量,从本质上讲,就是排出的量大于摄入的量。如果想要保持健康,舒适,则尽量避免或减少摄入含咖啡因的饮料,例如咖啡和一些碳酸饮料。

- Soft drinks and energy drinks deliver relatively high levels of energy (extra sugar) but do not have

nutrient value (vitamins and minerals). They are simply “empty” sources of calories. 软饮料和能量饮料会提供相对多的能量(即额外的糖份), 但没有营养价值(维生素和矿物质)。他们只是热量的来源。

- Moreover the use of soft drinks is bad for the teeth and may enhance intestinal problems

(IBS). 此外,经常喝软饮料对牙齿不好,且会导致一些肠道问题。

- Light or dietary drinks contain less sugar but are high in artificial sweeteners which do not contain that many calories. The use of these drinks should be limited to a maximum of 2 to 3 glasses a day. 膳食饮料中含有较少量的糖,但是有大量的人工甜味剂,不含太多卡路里。这些饮料应最多一天喝 2到 3杯。

想了解更多关于改善船员身体健康的信息和资料,请参阅下述网址 www.seafarerswelfare.org 中的资料并可下载其他有关船员健康的指南、海报和宣传单:食品安全,船上工作适配,安全旅行,健康食品,疟疾,超重以及艾滋病。 Date: 1ST AUG. 2016

Translated by the Trainee of Skuld (Far East) Ltd.