Il\[TililNATIIlTAI [[lT [ilil $$ F[ : I cg !' Eg * *x E Centre for Albanian Studies lnstitute of Archaeology E F: ftt E ,? E, EI ilg€ ,qflffiilffi€;gr; &€, ru?€i gj g €i€i €ru€ -i,Eilt,;39 ,&fr ,qffi


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Il\[TililNATIIlTAI [[lT [ilil $$F[ : Icg !'Eg **x E

Centre for Albanian Studies

lnstitute of Archaeology

E F:

fttE ,?E, EIilg€ ,qflffiilffi€;gr; &€, ru?€i

gj g€i€i €ru€-i,Eilt,;39 ,&fr ,qffi

Centre for Albanian Studies

Institute of Archaeology



65't' Anniuersaryl of Albanian Archaeologr

(21-22 IVouember, Tirana 2013)

Botimet Albanologiike



65'h Anniuersary" of Albanian Archaeologr (21-22 llouember, Tirana 201J)

Editorial board:

Professor Luan Hnznrr.l,(Director of Instinte of Archaeolog),

Professor Ilir Gyrrau(Head of Department of Prehistorlt),

Professor Gezim Hoxru(Department of Late AntiquiS and the Middle Ages),

Associate Professor Belisa Mux,s,(Head of Departrnent of AntiguiQ)

English translation and editing:Nevila Mor-r-a

Art Design:Gjergji Isr-e,rr,rr and Ana Pnrurazr

ISBN: 978-9928- I +r-28-6

Copgight O 20 14 by Centre for Albanian Studies and Institute of Archaeology.

All rights reserved. No parts of this volume may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the

Albanian Institute of Archaeoiogy


Ardian Men-Lsut, Director of Centre for Albanian Studies

Opening Spuch

Lindita Nxor,r,a, Minister of Education and Sports

Obtigation to Archaeologr, is Obligation to our CiuiLisation

Zef Qrxl, Deputy Minister of Culture

Opening Speuh

Muzafer Konxulrr, President of the Academy of Sciences

Gruting Spwch

Sandro Dn Menre, Professor; University of Bologna, Ituly

Discorso Inaugurale

Jean-Luc LeNrsoI-BY, Professor, University of Lyon II, France

Discour Inaugural

Jtirgen Rrcrrrnn, University of Cologne, Germany

Greeting Speuh

Luan PEpznrra, Director of the Institute of Archaeology

Archaeological Research in the JVew Millennium

Gezim Hoxna, Scientific Member of the ILIRIAJournal Editorial Board

Iliria Journal A rflution of Albanian Archaeological Thought

Ilir G;Ieeu, Head of Department of Prehistory

Recent Archaeologtcal Discoueries in One Publication (1998-2013)
















Stone Age inuestigations in Albania (1995-2013)Ilir G;rearr

The Earfu Prehistory of Albania:frst results f the "German-Albanian palaeolithic"(CAP1 Programme

Jtireen Rrcnrnn, Ilir Gpeer-r, Thomas Haucx, Rudenc RunA., oliver vocns andEh,ana Nfprer,r-r

Les recherchesfanco albanaises dans la rigion cle Kbrgi : nouaelles rJonnies sur lachronologie absolue de la prihistoire albanaise

C6cile Oenru\T,rr-n'p, Gilles ToucnA.rs, Petrika Ln'nl

Lithics at one end of Circum-Adriatic: case stadies.from the wuthermost Albaniancoastal lozuland

Rudenc Rrtx-r, Ilir G;reer,r, N{ichael L. Gar-crv and Novruz Be;n_ru_r3

New Light on the EarQ J{eolithic in Albania: the Southern Albania NeotithicArchaeological Projut (,SA AP) 2006-20I3Susan Ar-rnN and Ilir G;rear,r

Some aspects f tlu Earfu Bron4e Age in Albania and Kosouo

Adem BuNcunr

Setlements andfnds f tlte lron Age in tlu regton of Drin Riuers conf.uence

\,{uhamet BELA

Recent research on the Archaeological Map of Kosouo

Kemajl Lucr

The Greek-Albanian archaeological expedition at Prespa: 2009 - 2013.The most recent results

Petrika Lnnr, Stavros OrroNolrrors, Aris Panavr,rmrrs, Akis TsoNos,Artemios OrroNorrrou and Angelos GrorsrNes


Apollonia. Bilan des operations 2009-2012

Jean-Luc LA.N{eoLnr', Faik DnrNr,

L'agord di Phoinike e le ricerche recenti nella cittd antica

Sandro Do N[rnre, Shpresa G;oNcoce;


- 107









0:t. ()')oa)







72. Dimal: new results of the Atbanian-German research project 219

Belisa NtIux-A' and Nlichael llorrzpr-uerx

1:1. J1our:elles rlonnte.t archiologiques clu site d'Orikos. It proja Albano-Suisse 229

Saimir Snpr-tze,.Iean-Paul DBscoELlDRtrs

1+. Excauations in the ancient ciEt d Antzgonea 2+1

Dhimiter Qoror

15. Aspekte der Stridtebaulichen EntwicklungApollonias. Die Deutsch-Albanischen 25lJ

Forschungen 2006-2013N'Ianuel Frnorn'n

16. Restoration f the slope in the theatre of Apttltonia (Atbania) 267

Gregor DonNe'n

17 . D'Aphrodite d Artimis. k sanctuaire de la colline de Daute d Eltidamne-Dltrrhathion: - 275

recherches 2003-20012Belisa NIus, Arthur il1[ur-r,nR, Fatos T,qRTeRl, Marion Dunnu-N'Iur-rnn'

Shpresa Glorvcnce.J, St6phanie Htrvsecorvl-Hexur, Eduard SnBHr,

Anne Trcnrr, Ilia Togr

18. Theformation of Butrint: neu insi.ghtsfrom excauations in the Roman Forum 2ll'-r

David HsRNANDsz and Dhimiter QoNor

19. Bilan de la recherche en ipigral1hte grecque en Albanie :103

Pierre Cetalrns, Faik DnrNr

2 0. Peuples llfi'riens, citis grecques, les monnaies et la guerre 3 1 1

Olir.ier Prceno

21. La production et la circulation monbtaire en ltfurie Miridionale d partir des annbes 325

230 au. J.-C. jusqu'au milieu du I' siicle

Albana N'Inre

22. Data on truo Qpes of transport amphorae discouered in the citl o/'Al1oltonia 33i3

Vasil Bpnru

2.1. Aml1horologie, e,in Neues Archiiologisches Forschungsgebiet in Albanien: :l+:l

Bilan< und PersPekhue

Bashkim Lt*l

2+. Jtfouuelles r]onnies sur les 5ctls mosai'quis d'Apollonia d'IlQrie ,353

Ntin SrENoon-l1



Hadrianopolis e la aalle del Drino: suituppo monumentale ed economico datlitd ellenistica 367Roberto PoRNe, Dhimiter (.lowor

Threel,tears of Albanian-Polislt excaaations in ShkodraPiotr DvczEr and Saimir Snpuza

Pr oj a de c o llab o ratio n t op ograp hi q u e e t ar c hi o lo gi q u e fr an c o - alb an ais e d eDurriis /Dlrrhachium (Rapport priliminaire Ia S.I.G.)Eduard Sunnr, Catherine AnADTE-REvI{AL

some ideas on the street netzuork organisation at Roman DyrrhachiumEduard Snn'ur

Some monumental tombs in the Hetknistic necropolis of fuiltsJamarber Buzo

Bron1e uesselsfound in hoard contexts

Sabina VBsBrr

Neut archaeo logic al eaidenc e from (Js kana, IGc eu o

Mi-rhait PorrozrrqNr

Von der ilfurischen Festung aum rijmischen oppidum.der illyrischen Stndt Lissos / Lissus

Andreas OErrBr-

D ie Tr an sfor m ati o n s p ro 4 s s e


The Roman uilla and Ear$t Christian complex at DiaporitWiliiam BowoBN and Luan PEnzurra

Sarcophagi of Roman Imperial timu in Albania.Some general considerations and nezufnds

Guntram Kocrr

Scampis dans I'antiquite tardiue: La uilte intra et extra-muros

Elio Hoeoanr, YIli Canova

Die Tiansformationsprorysse in der stadt Lissus ztiihrend der spiitantikeGezim Hoxrr,q

to-.)o J







,l ').).).





' 139







37 . The time and the place of theformation of the Albanians in the Middle Ages

Neritan Cera

38. Corpus des mosalques d'Albanie

Marie-Patricia R.*xarn

lq-7.t/, !


39. Epidamnos/Dltrrachium/Dltrrachion/Durrds: Le trasformalioni della cittd antica e 561medieuale attra uerso gli scaui e le ricerche italo-albanesi

Sara SaNrono, Afrim Horr

40. L'1uolution du peuplement de I'Albanie du JVord entre lafn de I'Antiquiti et le ddbut 579de I'ipoque lttlmane. Les apports de I'anthropologie

Luc Bucnpr

4'1,. Izs donnies ciramiques sur le commerce dans la aille de Durri:s ltendant IX-XV t. l:99

Elvana Merer,r-l

42. Anchiasmos (Onchesmos) in the 5'h-7'h centuries: citlt, pilgrimage, centre and port 61,3

Kosta Laro, Skender Muqe1, Skender BusHr, and Suela XnvnBBr

43. Excaaations ouer the zaatet 2003-2012

Oliver Grr-rr,s


44. Thefunction of thefortruses of Antiquifii in the Lake Ochrid basin 641

Fitni Der,rpr

Gitzim HOXHA

Scientific Member of the

ILIRIA Journal EditorialBoard

"The Albanian archaeological compiler will be a series

publication titted 'ILIRLA', since Albania is part of the

region where 'authentic lllyians' liued'" Thus states the

editorial introduction note of the first Iliria issue

in 19711. On this jubilee, which marks the 65'h

anniversary of the institutional establishment of

Albanian archaeology, is recently published the

XXXVI issue of this journal, a genuine product of

the research and studies of Albanian archaeologist'

Considering that during the 1980s' each year

were published two issues, the entire series of the

Iliria Journal ammounts 45 issues with a total of

15000 pages on Albanian scientific archaeological

research. This paper is an attempt to present briefly

the importance of this archaeological periodical,

regarded as by volume and varie[' of themes that

has covered along the historical periods of the

Albanian territory, from the beginning of human life

in the Stone Age, to the Middle Ages' First\ want

to highlight some of the most significant moments

across Nbanian archaeology developments, which

have been published on the pages of this journal'

In early l97i an advanced step was made with

regard to archaeological publications, which,

.,n1il th.n had occupied a place in the existing

scientific journals of the time, namely 66Buletini i

Universitetit Shteteror t€ Tiran€s" (Bulletin of the



State University of Tirana), "studime Historike"

(Historical Studies), "Buletini-Arkeologjik" (The

Archaeology Bulletin), and other journals'

The first two Iliria issues, I-1971, and

II-1g72, consisting of generic contributions,

were presented in the International Conference,

"Kuvendi i Pare i Studimeve llire", held in Tirana

(15-20 September 1972). The highly positive

scientific outcome of this conference remains to date

un-faded in the memory of archaeologists' While in

its initial stage the Albanian archaeology stand in

front of a millennial vacuum, through the rigorous

scientific work of a new generation of enthusiastic

archaeologists, it became possible te lift the darkness

offof monuments) facts and development processes'

thus beginning to fill entire eras with factual and

material substance.

The above mentioned conference discussed

the most fundamental aspects of Illyrian history

such as: the question of the Illlrian ethno-gene-

sis (A. Buda and M. Korkuti)2, the emergence and

development of the Illyrian city and state (S' Islami

and E Prendi)3, and the metamorphosis of Illyri-

an ancient culture in the period between Antiquity

and the Middle Ages (S. Anamali and E' Qabej)4, as

well as other themes.As follow are quoted briefly

some of our foreign colleagues statements who were


Fig. L Front couer of. Iliria I, I 97 l.

participants of this confi:rence : Vittore Pisani (Italflnoted that "ute lruue been presented u,itlt new theories that

promise a considerabl,e step tourtrcls the.furthering of Ilfurianstudies"5. Nicholas G. L. Hammoncl (England)enthu-siasticallv declared that " Frano Prendi and his colleagues

haue done a miracle. They haue determitted Albania's steadl

position zuithin the frameuork { European and Xlediterra-

nean l1rehistorl"b. Furthermorc, Noiz Benac (Saraje-

vo) noted lvith positive appreciation: here "...1 lansee that Albanian archaeolog,t ltas entered tltroug/t the main

door into Balkan archaeologlt and especialj into European

sc'ience..."i .

The proceedings of this very successful

conference were then published in AlbanianIaneuage as a two volume special publication andlatter in French in Iliria IV and V in 1976. From thismoment that markcd a positive start, the publicationof IliriaJournal would continne regularly with issues

published in Albanian and rvith attached summaries

in French. This led the journal taking a significantplace in renor,vned archaeological libraries across

Europe, attracting the interest of numerous loreignscholars. It r.r'ould not take long before the publicationlvork of Nbanian archaeologists r,vould reachanother level ol interrrational success. IliriaJournalissue s IX-X of' the r.-ears 1979- 1980, r,vhich had beenentirely dedicated to the medieval cemeteries andfortifications in Albania, was ar,l'arded a Gold N,Iedal

bi, the International Academy of Lutece, France.Betrveen the 2"'1and 5th of July 1982, the

Academy of Science in Tirana orsanised zr "NationalConference on the Formation of' the NbanianPcople". In this evcnt ol national importance, whichdealt rvith the sub.ject through a multidisciplinarvapproach, a further milestone was reached. Alongr,r,'ith archaeology, history, and linguists, researchareas such as physical anthropology and popularculture brought- new data to the discussion. Besides

a special publication issued by the Academy ofScience, the greater part of the proceedings was

published in the Iliria journal8. Thlee years later(September 1985), the "The Second Conference ofIllyrian Studies" was held. At the opening remarksof this conference, Prof, A. Buda stated that "...Albanian science has returned with new energ)) 0n tlte subject

of lhe studl f the lQtrians, their oridn, ciuilisation, and



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Fig. 2. Proceedr"St of thefast Colloquium of lQtrian Studies.

Fig. 3. Gold medal azrarded to Iliria journal(26,Mlarch 1983).

heritage"e. It can be confirmed that archaeologists

ackno\r4edeed this event as one that marked furtherprosress in research on the prehistoric sub.jects such

as migration in the early and late Bronze Age, the

dctailing of the der.elopment phases of the Illr,'rianciry and in dealing with the transformative processes

that characterised the Roman and late antiqucperiods; the latter rvas symbolicall,v termed as the

"Illyrian Renaissance".

A fresh approach was introduced b1'Neritan Ceka,

with his research focused on the Illyrian city, itsmaterial culture and {brtifications, its chronologyand especiallv the proto-urban periodro. Ceka

appcared as a persistent researcher and rigorousscholaq as well as a skilled interpreter of the

evidence. When writing about Apollonia he re{brs

to the principle of the French biologist, Cuvier(1769- 1832): " ...shoru me a bone and I will. tellyu ruhich

cLnimal it belongs to"tt.The conference received numerous positive

reviews by foreign colleagues, tlvo of r,r'hich, r'r.c

note here: Klaus Kilian of Heidelbers Universitv(Germany) appreciated the fact that the "Second

Conference of Illyrian Studies" "presented an.

international leuel....fut htghllghting the signifcance of a liuely

science zuithout political boundaries"l2. This \,\ras a directaffirmation of archaeolosv and its rcsults surpassing

the ideological barriers of the time.Prof, Neksander Stipdevii from Croatia,

invited to the conference, was not allolved to cross

the state boundaries by the border guards of the ex-

Yugoslavian state. Immediately after this incident he

louncl the means to publish in the Prishtina based

media, 'New !Vorld', an article presenting highlyobjective and appreciatir,'e views regarding thevalue of the Nbanian archaeological science, titled"Eaerlt story on the Balkans begins aith the llllrians".Iliria journal republished the article along with twoother papers presented at the Second Conference olIlll'rian Studiesr3.

One ol the hrst events orsanised after there-establishment of oIficial relations with Germanywas an archaeological exhibition which opened

in Hildesheim, Germany (1988). This event was

fbllowed by the publication ol luxurious volume'Albanien - Schatze aus dem Land der Skipetaren"(Albania treasures lrom the land of Shqipetareve),

a 476 page volume containins 522 colour and blackand u.hite photographs of 390 objects, raneingin date from the Neolithic Period to the heroicmedieval era ol Skenderbegr+. The publicationhad an indisputably positive impact not only inGermany, rvhere the erhibition took place, but


Fig. 1. Proceedings of tlte second Colloquium

of llQrian Studies.

s ir @6 e $ *R S** ii1 eim(l ! :&a 1.@ri$rs hat* s r*!ef ,r

tf -3-.t.r, t {').

also in the wider international arena. I recall howat the time, in conr,.ersation with colleauucs, ProlKorkuti would metaphorically state that Albanianarchaeologv has many treasures that are yet to be

revealed, but this Nbum was " like placing a bridal ueil

on if' . To date, 25 years since its publication, theAlbum remains an important point of refbrence ingetting to know about Albanian archaeology.

The democratic changes that took place in the early1990s in Albania brought many advantages withregard to academic freedom in writing and openness

to other countries. Howeveq the archaeology w-as

faced with financial difficulties due to economicand political transition period. The Iliria issues

published during this period reflect this social-

economic background expressed in the low qualityof its papcr and print. Nevertheless , thanks to themeticulousness of the journal's chief editor in thattime, Namik Bodinaku, and that of the experiencededitor; Faik Drini, the scienti{ic content of thejournal continued to be at a satisfactory level. In1998 Nbanian archaeology celebrated its 50thanniversary. Colleagues with long term experience

once again drew a balance of Albanian archaeoloey.

What I r,r'ould like to note on the Illyria Journalissue that presented the proceedings of this jubilee,related to the reactions of the new generation ofNbanian archaeologist as regards as the releasing

of archaeology from the ideological boundaries ofthe totalitarian past. Lorenc Bejko, in his article '72oaeraiew on Albanian archaeological thought and its social

contexf' , distinguishes five elements that have shaped

this thought: Historicism, Marxism, Nationalism,Empiricism, and Cultural History. By considcringthe Nbanian archaeological system a product ofspecific social, political, and national conditions,Bekjo concludes that it is time for chanse. Alongwith a positive appreciation of the achievements

made, he notes: "the lack of theoretical debate, the l1resence

of the Marxist zual of explaini,ng societlt and the ouerstressing

of Upokgy studl methods as damaging to slnthetic anajticalthoughf'1i'. Also, in a critical revie-uv of the book byGerman authoq Gottfried Schramm, who deals withthe origin of Nbanians, Gezim Hoxha notes that"it i.s necessar1,t...to leaue aside declarahue stances ruith regard

to the thesis on the autochthonl of Albanians...otherutise,

it Luill kad to there beirc cause for labelling it a "dogmatic

IlLlrism" thesis"t6. Furthermore, Hoxha noted thatcompetition betrveen different theses and hlpotheseso{' historical-archaeological themes had becomenormal in the Albanian scientific environment. Thisrace of ideas should aim to present convincinglyargued propositions. Precisely because we aim todefine theses that are as best argued and convincingas possible, lve must test them as much as possible,i.e., we must try to find where their shortcomingsIie. According to philosopher, Karl Popper, the stricttesting of any theory is a fundamental principle ofscientific historical research. "The question: how didlou

firstfndyur theory^7' he writes "i.s to do aith entire$t

priuate matters. It is diametricalfu opposed to the question:

hout didyu testltour theory?'ti .

In the period from the beginning of the 2lstcentury to the present( 2000 and ongoing), IllyriaJournal has continued to maintain its level of scie ntificcontent and has returned to its previous "golden2ss" sf print and graphic presentation quality.This is thanks to the good work of archaeologists

and to the effective collaborative work with foreignscholars teams which have brought advancedresearch methods and good standards in the sphereof publication. Nevertheless, there still remainsmuch work to be done to reach contempora.rystandardisation of the scientific apparatus. Withoutdisrupting the professional terminology, we mustinsist more in r,r'riting in a purer Albanian thusavoiding any unnecessary influence of the majorforeign language in lexicon and syntax. On theother hand, we should aim that publications beaccompanied, as often as possible, with a translatedversion in foreign languages in order to provide a

direct communication channel with a wider circleof scholars abroad. A useful tradition has began toemerse with the preparation of a number of Iliriaissues dedicated to the most renown colleazues inthe field of Albanian archaeology. Three Illiriaissues have been dedicated to the first Frenchexcavator at Apollonia, Leon R.ytu, and to thefounding Professors of Albanian archaeology', FranoPrendils, and Skender Anamali?o. It is certain thatthis tradition u,ill continuc.

With its history of 43 years, the Iliriajournalembodies almost the entire Albanian archaeological

thought. While it is not possible to mention each

contribution of our many colleagues that continue

to publish with this journal, we will stop to note the

new trends that can be obsenred in the publications

of recent years.

In the feld of Prehistory, there is noticeable

advancement in excavation methods, wider use ofdata that derive lrom natural sciences, a positive

effort to eramine different archaeolosical categories

and objects, and a tendency to interpret, based on a

new) more analytical approach, the social conditions

of the prehistoric peopies.

In the "fi.uld of Ilfurian Antiquitl,, there are

numerous new contributions that are also aimed at

the analysis of social aspects. The study of subjects

such as luxury objects, consumption of wine,

sculptural and ceramic art, inscriptions, and coin

circulation is highlighting ever more the presence

of a class of senatorial rank in Illyrian antiquity,

which as an1'rvhere else in the N{editerranean, had

adopted a life style known as "otium cum dignitate" .

In the feld of Iott Antiquitlt and Middle Ages,

the present aim is to better understand the process

of the transformation of cities, their topography

urban planning, cemeteries, religious monuments)

and public buildings. Recent investigations are

taking place at several early medieval cemeteries,

bringing our research on this subject to a new and

more advanced stage by deplrying contemporary

methods in the analysis of the archaeological

material.Since the early days, paPers bY our

colleagues from Kosovo and Macedonia have been

rvelcomed on the pages of Iliria. Nlention should be

made of the work of authors Ni Hadri, Zef Mirdita,Edi Shukriu, Exhlale Dobruna, Kemajl Luci,

Fatmir Peja, Mi-rhaid Pollozhani, and others' The

recently presented articles by catholic Father Flavio

Cavallini have brought to the journal the echo ofa much valued tradition of Franciscan publications

on the ancient history of Nbania. The journal has

gained a wider dimension of international scale by

publishing the work of scholars from European and

Balkan countries, acquiring some of the positive

i.nternational achierrements of archaeological

science . Some of the most notable contributions are

bv authors such as Vladimir Milojdii (Heidelberg),

Allain Ducellieq Pierre Cabanes, and OlivcrPicard (France), Nicholas Hammond, Richard

Hodges, William Bowdcn, and Oliver Gilkes (UK),

Peter Franke, Joachim Werneq Bernard Hansel,

Guntram Koch, and Klaus and Imma Kilian(Germany), Vittore Pizam, Francesco D'Andria and

Sandro De \{aria (Italy), Aloiz Benac (Sarajevo), G.

Georgiev, Ollga Ognenova, and Rumen Katinqarov

(Bulgaria), Aris Poulianos, Julia Vokoutopulo, and

Evangelos Chrysos (Greece), Mate Sui6, Aleksander

Stipdevii, and Radoslav Katidii (Croatia), Radu

Vulpe (Romania), \\rladimir Pajakowski (Poland),

and numerous others. The ongoing projccts ofcollaboration with foreign teams represent a further

rood opportunity and an open window for foreign

colleagues to continue to contribute in Iliria.On this occasion, we must note with respect the work

and contribution of several collcague archaeologists

that unfortunately are no longer with us due to their

untimely death, namely Hena Spahiu, Dhimosten

Budina, Aleksandra Mano, Petraq Damko, and

Astrit Nanaj. An important rolein the management

of our scientific work and the publication of this

journal at as best a standard as possible have played

its chief editors, whom I find appropriate to mentionin chronological order: Muzafer Korkuti, Selim

Islami, Neritan Ceka, Namik Bodinaku, Shpresa

Gjongecaj, and as of recently Luan Perzhita.

With its 45 volumes, Iliria represents an

entity that embodies the Albanian archaeological

thought. The new generations must understand

that the pressure of the totalitarian state meant that

on occasion, even on the pages of a fundamentally

scientific journal, there appear alfirmations made

under political obligation, which today might

appear dfficult to comprehend. However, what

matters is the archaeological material presented inthe journal, which objectivity cannot be missed. Itremains a first-hand source for research today and

in the future. We can be proud of the fact the Iliriahas been and can be found in libraries at numerous

foreign institutions and universities. However, in

recent years the distribution of the journal has

not been arranged effectively both with regard itreaching foreign and home institutions. Particularly,

its distribution in neighbouring Balkan countries has

not been done at satisfactory level. It is the occasion

to say a few words on the relation between Iliria, andthe media and press. Unlortunately often the latterseek audience striking news and not scientific results.

It accounts to mention the words of the Greekphilosopheq Plato (BC +27 -3+7), whose opinionis still a good lesson for us today: "Everything is

either true or false. History is the true 'uvord, andpoetry is the {irlse, fictional word." In other words,the objective of historical scientific literature is notthe aim to please, to entice emotion or to fulfil apredetermined n ish, but to get as close to the truthas possible. Lastly, r,rre must express our respect andgratitude to all of those that have contributed withtheir rvork in Iliria, as well as to those that continueto rvork with admirable persistence in order toanswer three fundamental historical question: "whoare we?", "where do we come from?", and "whercare we going?".

The complex process of archaeologicalresearch raises hundreds and thousands ofquestions; questions that au,ait r,vell areued andconvincing answers; questions that require hardwork and unlimited patience,.iust as in Si{iz' myth.We must work non-stop, like ants, in order to findand place the small tesserae of a mosaic, which are

scattered all oveq in their place. Such investigative,

Fig. 5. The editorial board of lliria.lournal, 2013.

enlightening and reconstruction work on what isa more than three thousand year old mosaic ofIllyrian-Albanian history is a colossal enterprise.HoweveE in such cases) \,ve Albanians have anadmirable laconic answer; "it is well worth its tolll"


I Iliria, I, 1971, p. l02 A. Buos, Ilirdt e jugut.;i probkm i ht*oriografsd. (Les

iljriens du sud-un probleme de I'historiographie), "Kuvendi i IStudimeve Ilire", 1974, I, pp: 43-64; or "Iliria", IV 1976,

Ii'ench ed. pp. 39-53; N{. Korkuti, l,IbiJi:rmimin e etnosit ilir(De laJormation de l'ethnie ill rienne), "Kuvendi I i Studimer,.e

Ilire", 1974, I, pp:64-84.

3 S. Isr"rur, Shteti ili4 uendi dhe roli i ty ni botin mes

dhetare. (L'EtcLt illim sa plarc et son role dans le mondt merh-

lerraneen), "Kuvendi I i Studimeve Ilire", 1974, I, pp:

85-105, or "Iliria", I\i 1976, l-rench ed.pp. 7l-87;ts.

Prendi, Llrbanizimi i lliris?' .rb'7ugut nd dritdn e td dh?'naue tl reja

arkeologjike (L'urbaniTme en IQtrie du Sud a la lumiere des donnees

archeologiques), "Kur.endi i I Studimeve Ilire", 1974, I, pp:

107-122, or "Iliria", IV 1976, French ed. pp: 89-100.

4 S. Arenelr, lVga iliret tek arbdrit.(Des ilLlrrcns aux

Albanais/les anciens albanais), "Kuvendi I i Studimeve Ilire",

1974, II, pp:27-47, or 'Iliria", V 1976, French ed. pp:

23-40; E. Qabej, ProbLemi i uendit tdformimit t gjuhas shqipe.

(Le probteme du territoire de lafornmtion de la langue albanai.te),

"Kuvendi I i Studimeve Ilire", 1974, II, pp: 7-26, or

"Iliria", V 1976, French ed. pp:. 7 -22.

5 V PrseNr, ljala piirshdndel?ia, Kuvendi i Pare i Stu-

dimer,'e Ilire, Tirana, 1974, I, P. 38

6 N. G. L. Heunoltq I,hrrimi me tuma nA Shqt)Ari dhe

probkmet e etnogjene1ds, Kulrndi i Pare i Studimeve Ilire, Ti-

rana, L971, I, p. 153

7 A. BeN.tc, liala pirshindef?se, Kuvendi i Pare i Stu-

dimeve Ilire, Tirana, 1974, I, P. 39

B On this see the proceedings of this conference

published in Iliria, 1982, 2 and Iliria, 1983, 1 ot .National

Conference on the Formation of the Al,banian People, Language and

Culture, (2-5.|uly I 982) Tirana, I 9BB.

9 A. Buo4 Fjala Pirshindetdse,Iliria, 1985, 2, p. l0

10 N. Cnrrt, Vendbanime protourbane nd llirini) e jugut

(Agglomeratios l:rcttourbaines d'IlQrie du Sud), "Iliria", VII-

VIII, 1977-1978, pp: 249-262;Idern' Lindja e jetis Ettutnrc

tek itirttejugut (I'a naissance de la uie urbairc chea les llQriens du

Sud), "Iliria", 1 983, 2, pp: I 76- I 92 ; Idern, Qrteti ilir prane

Selces se Poshtme (The Ill,vrian city at Selca e Poshtme),

Tirana 1985; Idem, Vhhttim mbi zhaiLlimin e jetds qtttetare tek

itidt e jugut (An oueraiew on the deuelopment r'tf urban ffi arnong

the southern lljrians), "Iliria", 1985, 2, pp: 119-161; Idem,

Sttidtebau in der aorrtjmischen Peioden in SiidiLQrien (futeti nA

periudhin pararomake nd llirin:e e Jugut) in 'l\kten dcs XIIInternationalen Konsresses ftir Klassichen Archaologie",

Berlin 1988, pp: 216-229. There are other numerous

articles by this author written betr'veen 1975 and 1990.

1 I N. Crro, Apollonia e Iiirise, Tirana, 1982,

pp:15-1612 K. Krr,reN, fiala pdrshendetise ne Kuaendin e Dlti td

.\'tudirneae llire,Iliria, 1985, 2, p. 39.

l3 A. Srreiovrc, Qdo n'egim pdr Ballkanin.lillon me ilirit,

Trtut recit sur Balkans commence par les ill2riens) "Iliria"' 1986,

1. pp: 337-343.

i+ Albanien Schatze aus dem Land der Skipetar-

rn. \ e rlag Philipp vo Zabern, Mainz, 19fl8.

15 L. Bn;ro, Vishtrim mbi mendimin arkeologiik

,iiqiftar rlhe kontekstin e tii sr,tciaL (An Oueruiew of the Al'hanian

,J.rthaeological Thought and it.t Social Context), "Iliria", 1998,

,-!. pp: 195-208.

t6 G. Hoxn-+, Die Anflinge des albanischen Christentutns,

Die;[ruhe Bekehrung der Bessen und ihre langen Folgen. Freiburg,

1994, Review, Iliria, 1988, 1-2 pp: 323-333

t7 Karl R. Popper, Das Elend des Historisrnus,

Tiibingen, 1979, p. I 13.

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