Page 1 of 12 Laminine Health Benefits Laminine Health Benefits Production of Laminine As far back as 1929, a Medical Doctor in Canada discovered a way to extract the „ life-essence‟ of a nine day old fertilized avian egg. Through research, it was found that on exactly the ninth day, all the ingredients necessary to create life are at its‟ highest level. In fact, the life-giving proteins are so potent at this stage that a live chick is hatched a mere two weeks thereafter. This method of extraction and freeze-drying processes proved to be a historical monumental success for this Medical Doctor‟s patients. Unfortunately this revolutionary breakthrough discovery died when the doctor died. Some 50 years later this extraction and freeze drying technique was rediscovered by Norwegian Scientists. Since then the processes have been patented and the amount of clinical studies and research that followed it has yielded nothing less than stunning results. Health Factors in Laminine: Laminine is a natural, synergistic super food that contains most known vitamins, important trace minerals, all eight essential amino acids along with other nutritional elements. Laminine is nature‟s most perfect food and the perfect combination of life-giving sustenance sourced from land, sea and plant. Laminine has a variety of potential health benefits, including, strength, stamina, increased libido, and sense of well being. These various effects may all be related to the significant reduction of the stress hormone cortisol (by about 50 percent) after the ingestion of Laminine. Laminine demonstrated the key ingredient, also called Young Tissue Extract (YTE), that gives so many healthassociated benefits. A patented process extracts the critical nutritional fluid from the white of an egg at the protoembryonic stage (only the eggyolk is present and no developing chicken), thus its is called the

Laminine Health Benefits Laminine Health Benefits

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Laminine Health Benefits

Laminine Health Benefits

Production of Laminine

As far back as 1929, a Medical Doctor in Canada discovered a way to extract the „life-essence‟ of a nine day

old fertilized avian egg. Through research, it was found that on exactly the ninth day, all the ingredients

necessary to create life are at its‟ highest level. In fact, the life-giving proteins are so potent at this stage that a

live chick is hatched a mere two weeks thereafter. This method of extraction and freeze-drying processes

proved to be a historical monumental success for this Medical Doctor‟s patients. Unfortunately this

revolutionary breakthrough discovery died when the doctor died.

Some 50 years later this extraction and freeze drying technique was rediscovered by Norwegian Scientists.

Since then the processes have been patented and the amount of clinical studies and research that followed it has

yielded nothing less than stunning results.

Health Factors in Laminine:

Laminine is a natural, synergistic super food that contains most known vitamins, important trace minerals, all

eight essential amino acids along with other nutritional elements. Laminine is nature‟s most perfect food and the

perfect combination of life-giving sustenance sourced from land, sea and plant.

Laminine has a variety of potential health benefits, including, strength, stamina, increased libido, and sense of

well being. These various effects may all be related to the significant reduction of the stress hormone cortisol

(by about 50 percent) after the ingestion of Laminine.

Laminine demonstrated the key ingredient, also called Young Tissue Extract (YTE), that gives so many

health‐associated benefits. A patented process extracts the critical nutritional fluid from the white of an egg at

the protoembryonic stage (only the egg‐yolk is present and no developing chicken), thus its is called the

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Proto‐Embryonic Stage Extract (PESE). The extract not only provides a mechanism of rapid transport of very

critical nutrients, but also contains Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF), which is responsible for the amino acids

and peptides being utilized by the body. This growth factor is also responsible for nurturing the body‟s own

stem cells both differentiated, and undifferentiated in rebuilding any of the tissues of the body. Common amino

acid formulations do not contain this growth factor, and may not be utilized by the brain in the most efficient


Benefits of Laminine are:

Moderate stress response – Reduce physical & mental stress – Laminine promotes a feeling of

relaxation effect that may be to some degree attributed to the dramatic decrease in levels of the stress

hormone cortisol produced after Laminine‟s ingestion. As indicated, Laminine reduces stress‐hormone

levels dramatically in the body. When cortisol levels decline, we feel more relaxed. Studies show that

virtually everyone who uses Laminine experiences a greater sense of relaxation and with it, many extra

benefits, such as improved sleep. Elevated levels of stress hormones not only make us feel on edge, but

also predispose us to a number of stress‐related diseases, which include serious conditions such as

hypertension, heart disease, stroke, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, eczema, and

autoimmune disorders. By managing stress‐hormone levels, we may be helping to prevent or manage

these disorders.

Enhance muscle tone & strength – Increase physical & mental strength – OPT9 contains a natural

combination of nutrients, including amino acids, glycopeptides, and oligopeptides that come from

fertilized eggs, isolated natural plant proteins (yellow pea), and natural marine elements (purified shark

cartilage) that work together to form a superfood or nutraceutical to support both the mind and the body.

Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid that occurs naturally invertebrates and helps to supply energy to

all cells in the body, primarily muscle. OPT9 and creatine reinforce each other (there is no added

creatine in the Laminine product),resulting in a prominent increase in effectiveness to improve

performance, decreased fatigue, and a reduced risk of energy depletion in the muscles.

Maintain healthy cortisol levels to promote more restful sleep – reduces cortisol by 50% to reduces

stress and lowers weight, as cortisol urges the body to store fat. Lowering cortisol also causes you to

sleep better.

Improve stamina, energy & vitality – Enjoy faster post-workout recover- Relieves feeling os

fatigue – Laminine combines the two ingredients Leucine and Isoleucine (known as branched chain

amino acids) from the PESE (photo-embryonic stage extract) with an added dose from the vegetable

protein extract. Leucine and Isoleucine provide ingredients for the manufacturing of other essential

biochemical components in the body, some of which are utilized for the production of energy, stimulants

to the upper brain and helping you to be more alert. Many people today are mildly fatigued, and others

are seriously energy deficient. Fatigue is a symptom that accompanies most illnesses, both acute and

chronic: it is often an early warning sign that serious health problems are in the process of developing.

Persistent, extreme fatigue may be a sign of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFIDS). The Center for Disease

Control (CDC) estimates that chronic fatigue syndrome affects between 100,000 and 250,000 people in

the United States, but many researchers believe that the disorder is much more prevalent than that. What

is certain is that there are many tired people everywhere struggling to get through each day. Whether

you‟re a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, you could probably use more energy, who would not

want to feel more energetic, in order to better face the challenges, both physical and mental, in life.

Those whose work demands mental concentration are being sapped of energy just like those who have

physically demanding jobs. Whether the task at hand is a tennis match or a chess tournament, increased

energy and stamina can lead to a better outcome.

Regulate serotonin level – serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter primarily found in the

gastrointestinal (GI) tract, platelets, and in the central nervous system (CNS) of animals including

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humans. It is popularly thought to be a contributor to feelings of well-being and happiness. Thus it

causes a person to be happy and in a good mood.

Aid in brain function & activity – Improve focus and increase alertness – Improve emotional

balance – Depression is caused by many internal as well as external factors, including stress. In the

brain, the serotonin uptake and release mechanism is affected. Serotonin is an essential neurotransmitter

which has been called the “happy chemical”, as it is associated with feelings of contentment, well‐being

and happiness. Serotonin also supports cognitive functions, including memory and learning. The SSRI

(Selective Serotonin re‐Uptake Inhibitor) market is an $18 billion dollar per year market providing

prescription drugs which have demonstrated the ability to increase serotonin levels within the nerve

synapses, thereby causing mood improvement and alleviation of depression. But these benefits do not

come not without significant expense and some notable side effects. Conversely, Laminine is an all

natural product that contains the amino acid Lysine; derived from PESE and natural vegetable proteins.

The combination of these two components delivers a higher level of Lysine in the OPT9 than either

ingredient would by itself (this is called synergism). Lysine is known to regulate serotonin levels in the

brain. Some 20 million people worldwide experience depression serious enough to warrant being placed

on prescription medication (usually an SSRI). Many, an estimated 16 to 30 percent, who take such drugs

experience sexual dysfunction as a side effect. Some medical experts believe the true number of people

experiencing this side effect may be as high as 78 percent due to the fact that the condition often goes

unreported by patients. Clinical studies have shown that Laminine may be beneficial in enhancing libido

among those taking antidepressants. Many people taking Laminine report a pronounced improvement in

their mood and an increased ability to manage stress on a daily basis. A greater overall engage with

others and desire to accomplish things.

Build collagen for healthier skin – Reduce signs of normal aging – Laminine contains an additional

component to OPT9. The added potent dose of Glycine (an organic compound containing proteinogenic

amino acids as found in soybean ), further enhances the anti aging effect of glutathione in the body.

Glycine from the marine protein also builds collagen, making the skin look healthier and less wrinkled.

Hair is composed from protein. L‐Cysteine is an amino acid that is known to promote hair growth. It

improves hair quality and texture, and it is known to double the length of hair. L‐Cysteine also prevents

hair from falling out, and it has a detoxifying effect in the body. The PESE (photo-embryonic stage

extract) and vegetable proteins also provide a very potent dose of Arginine (an amino acid responsible

for the protein synthesis of the body) aids not only for the modulation of the hair cycle but also helps in

the recovery from surgical and all other trauma, sepsis and burns.

Increase libido- Aids cardiovascular health – The PESE (photo-embryonic stage extract) and

Vegetable proteins provide a very potent dose of Arginine. Arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide and

plays a vital role in a variety of biological processes. The inner lining of blood vessels uses nitric oxide

to signal the surrounding smooth muscle to relax, thus resulting in increased blood flow. Effects include

modulation of the hair cycle, and increased libido. Nitric oxide is also known for growth hormone

formation, increasing defense of the internal organs against effects of aging.

Stimulate natural DeHydroEpiAndrosterone (DHEA) production – keeps you young and healthy.

DHEA is an important endogenous steroid hormone. It is the most abundant circulating steroid in

humans, in whom it is produced in the adrenal glands, the gonads, and the brain, where it functions

predominantly as ametabolic intermediate in the biosynthesis of the androgen and estrogen sex steroids.

However, DHEA also has a variety of potential biological effects in its own right, binding to an array of

nuclear and cell surface receptors, and acting as a neurosteroid.

Memory Enhancement – The most pronounced effect of artificial sweeteners and MSG in the body is

to interfere with this synergistic performance. The manufacturer therefore decided to address this issue

when they formulated Laminine. Memory function is controlled by a well‐balanced joint effect of

Glutamate and Glycine. Both these amino acids act synergistically together to play a critical role in the

ability of two neurons to connect, an important cellular mechanism for learning and memory to take

place. PESE is low in these amino acids. Therefore, Laminine enhances these levels in OPT9 by the

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addition of an isolated vegetable protein (from the yellow pea) to provide extra glutamic acid and with

marine protein extract (from purified shark cartilage) to provide extra Glycine. PESE is used to provide

additional FGF in the aid of memory. FGF is known to build neurites, the bridges between the neurons

and which act as the receptors and transmitters of signals. Research shows FGF also inhibits and

eliminates mutant protein genes, in this case, quite possibly blocking the genes responsible for memory

loss. In 1962, it was discovered that that neurologic stem cells reside in certain parts of the brain, often

where damage or dysfunction is present. It is also scientifically proven that Fibroblast Growth Factor

(FGF) feeds and nurtures these stem cells to facilitate the healing of this damage, dysfunction, and

scarred tissue. Lately, compelling arguments have been made to inject FGF directly to treat or cure

Huntington‟s disease, Schizophrenia, OCD and Autism. The synergistic effect of building the neurites,

nurturing the stem cells, having the most relevant amino acids and factors to guide where the amino

acids go, makes Laminine perform extremely well in memory enhancement. Another very effective

combination in Laminine is the combination of the two ingredients Leucine and Isoleucine. This

combination in increased by combining the PESE and the vegetable protein extract. Leucine and

Isoleucine provide ingredients for the manufacturing of many essential biochemical components in the

body, some of which are utilized to stimulate the upper brain and help you to be more alert and focused.

It‟s no wonder there have been reports of many positive effects of Laminine with people suffering from

Alzheimer‟s syndrome, ADD, and a general increased memory and mental focus in our busy lives.

Toxins removal from the body – PESE contains Cysteine, which is a precursor to glutathione, a

powerful antioxidant, receiving much attention today for healthier looking skin. Antioxidants fight free

radicals, (free radicals are harmful compounds in the body that damage cell membranes and DNA). Free

radicals occur naturally in the body (during the normal energy‐producing metabolic processes within our

cells), but environmental toxins (including ultraviolet light, radiation, cigarette smoking, and air

pollution) can increase the number of these damaging particles. Free radicals are believed to play a role

in aging as well as the development of a number of health problems, including heart disease and cancer.

NAC (N‐Acetyl‐Cysteine) is a powerful anti‐oxidant and can help prevent side effects caused by drug

reactions and toxic chemicals, and helps to alleviate and break down mucus in the body. NAC appears to

have benefits in treating some respiratory conditions, such as bronchitis and COPD. This is very crucial

for the body‟s life functions, as NAC helps the body neutralize toxins, heavy metals, such as mercury

from dental amalgam fillings, cadmium and lead from paint, and cigarette smoke. The Sulfhydryl

balance has also been linked to enhance resistance to viral infections. NAC is one of the most effective

oral chelating agents. Taken regularly over a period of time, NAC will remove many toxic heavy metals

from the body. NAC has been shown to be a protective agent in many diseases and conditions in which

free radicals play a role. This includes cancer, AIDS, cirrhosis, as well as pollution damage from

smoking or other chemicals.The added potent dose of Glycine, from a natural marine protein source,

further enhances the anti‐aging effect of glutathione in the body. Glycine from the marine protein also

builds collagen, making the skin look healthier and less wrinkled.

Lecithin connection and controlling cholesterol – Years ago, pioneering nutritionist Adelle Davis

recognized the error in the assumption that eating cholesterol‐rich foods causes a buildup of cholesterol

in the arteries and leads to heart disease. She taught that a „cousin of the fat family‟, lecithin, plays a

vital role in controlling blood cholesterol levels. Lecithin, found in the human body (and concentrated in

the brain), is a fat emulsifier that breaks down cholesterol, preventing its buildup in the body, Lecithin is

also found in eggs. While they may provide cholesterol, they also provide the lecithin needed to break

cholesterol down.


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How did life begin and what played an important role

The cell is the basic structural and functional

unit of all known living organisms. It is the

smallest unit of life that is classified as a

living thing (except virus, which consists

only from DNA/RNA covered

by protein and lipids), and is often called the

building block of life. Organisms can be

classified as unicellular (consisting of a

single cell; including most bacteria)

or multicellular (including plants and animals). Humans contain about 100 trillion cells. Most plant and

animal cells are between 1 and 100 micrometres and therefore are visible only under the microscope.

The cell was discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665. The cell theory, first developed in 1839

by Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, states that all organisms are composed of one or

more cells, that all cells come from preexisting cells, that vital functions of an organism occur within

cells, and that all cells contain the hereditary information necessary for regulating cell functions and

for transmitting information to the next generation of cells. Cells emerged on planet Earth at least 4.0–

4.3 billion years ago.

The word cell comes from the Latin cella, meaning “small room”. The descriptive term for the smallest living

biological structure was coined by Robert Hooke in a book he published in 1665 when he compared

the cork cells he saw through his microscope to the small rooms monks lived in.


There are two types of cells: Eukaryote and prokaryote. Prokaryotic cells are usually independent, while

eukaryotic cells can either exist as a single celled organism or be found in multicellular organisms.

The prokaryote cell is simpler, and therefore smaller, than a eukaryote cell, lacking a nucleus and most of the

other organelles of eukaryotes. There are two kinds of prokaryotes: bacteria and archaea; these share a similar

structure. The nuclear material of a prokaryotic cell consists of a single chromosome that is in direct contact

with the cytoplasm. Here, the undefined nuclear region in the cytoplasm is called the nucleoid.

Plants, animals, fungi, slime moulds, protozoa, and algae are all eukaryotic. These cells are about 15 times

wider than a typical prokaryote and can be as much as 1000 times greater in volume. The major difference

between prokaryotes and eukaryotes is that eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound compartments in which

specific metabolic activities take place. Most important among these is a cell nucleus, a membrane-delineated

compartment that houses the eukaryotic cell‟s DNA. This nucleus gives the eukaryote its name, which means

“true nucleus.” The eukaryotic DNA is organized in one or more linear molecules, called chromosomes, which

are associated with histone proteins. All chromosomal DNA is stored in the cell nucleus, separated from the

cytoplasm by a membrane. Some eukaryotic organelles such as mitochondria also contain some DNA.

What are Stem Cells

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Stem cells are biological cells found in all multicellular organisms, that can divide (through mitosis)

and differentiate into diverse specialized cell types and can self-renew to produce more stem cells. In mammals,

there are two broad types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells, which are isolated from the inner cell

mass of blastocysts, and adult stem cells, which are found in various tissues. In adult organisms, stem cells

and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, replenishing adult tissues. In a developing embryo, stem

cells can differentiate into all the specialized cells (these are called pluripotent cells), but also maintain the

normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin, or intestinal tissues.

There are three accessible sources of autologous adult stem cells in humans:

1. Bone marrow, which requires extraction by harvesting, that is, drilling into bone (typically the femuror iliac crest), 2. Adipose tissue (lipid cells), which requires extraction by liposuction, and 3. Blood, which requires extraction through pheresis, wherein blood is drawn from the donor (similar to a blood donation), passed through a machine that extracts the stem cells and returns other portions of the blood to the donor.

Stem cells can also be taken from umbilical cord blood just

after birth. Of all stem cell types, autologous harvesting

involves the least risk. By definition, autologous cells are

obtained from one‟s own body, just as one may bank his or her

own blood for elective surgical procedures.

Highly plastic adult stem cells are

routinely used in medical

therapies, for example in bone

marrow transplantation. Stem cells

can now be artificially grown and

transformed (differentiated) into

specialized cell types with

characteristics consistent with cells of various tissues such as muscles or nerves

through cell culture. Embryonic cell lines and autologous embryonic stem cells

generated through therapeutic cloning have also been proposed as promising

candidates for future therapies. Research into stem cells grew out of findings

by Ernest A. McCulloch and James E. Till at the University of Toronto in the


The classical definition of a stem cell requires that it possess two properties:

Self-renewal: the ability to go through numerous cycles of cell division while maintaining the undifferentiated state.

Potency: the capacity to differentiate into specialized cell types. In the strictest sense, this requires stem cells to be either totipotent or pluripotent—to be able to give rise to any mature cell type, although multipotent or unipotent progenitor cells are sometimes referred to as stem cells. Apart from this it is said that stem cell function is regulated in a feed back mechanism.


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Medical researchers believe that stem cell therapy has the potential to dramatically change the treatment of

human disease. A number of adult stem cell therapies already exist, particularly bone marrow transplants that

are used to treat leukemia. In the future, medical researchers anticipate being able to use technologies derived

from stem cell research to treat a wider variety of diseases including cancer, Parkinson‟s disease, spinal cord

injuries, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, and muscle damage, amongst a number of other

impairments and conditions. However, there still exists a great deal of social and scientific uncertainty

surrounding stem cell research, which could possibly be overcome through public debate and future research,

and further education of the public.

Stem cells are widely studied, for their potential therapeutic use and for their inherent interest.

Supporters of embryonic stem cell research argue that such research should be pursued because

the resultant treatments could have significant medical potential. It has been proposed that surplus

embryos created for in vitro fertilization could be donated with consent and used for the research.

See for a better understanding of a Stem Cell Therapy.

What is Health

Health is the level of functional or, metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition

of a person„s mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in “good health” or

“healthy”). The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as “a state of

complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Although

this definition has been subject to controversy, in particular as lacking operational value and because of the

problem created by use of the word “complete,” it remains the most enduring . Other definitions have been

proposed, among which a recent definition that correlates health and personal satisfaction. Classification

systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications, including the International Classification of

Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) and the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), are commonly

used to define and measure the components of health.

Systematic activities to prevent or cure health problems and promote good health in humans are undertaken

by health care providers. Applications with regard to animal health are covered by the veterinary sciences. The

term “healthy” is also widely used in the context of many types of non-living organizations and their impacts

for the benefit of humans, such as in the sense of healthy communities, healthy cities or healthy environments.

In addition to health care interventions and a person‟s surroundings, a number of other factors are known to

influence the health status of individuals, including their background, lifestyle, and economic and social

conditions; these are referred to as “determinants of health.”

Determinants of health

Generally, the context in which an individual lives is of great importance for his health status and quality of life.

It is increasingly recognized that health is maintained and improved not only through the advancement and

application of health science, but also through the efforts and intelligent lifestyle choices of the individual and

society. According to the World Health Organization, the main determinants of health include the social and

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economic environment, the physical environment, and the person‟s individual characteristics and


More specifically, key factors that have been found to influence whether people are healthy or unhealthy


Income and social status Social support networks Education and literacy Employment/working conditions Social environments Physical environmentsPersonal health practices and coping skills Healthy child development Biology and genetics Health care services Gender Culture

The concept of the “health field,” as distinct from medical care, emerged from the Lalonde report from Canada.

The report identified three interdependent fields as key determinants of an individual‟s health. These are:

Lifestyle: the aggregation of personal decisions (i.e., over which the individual has control) that can be said to contribute to, or cause, illness or death;

Environmental: all matters related to health external to the human body and over which the individual has little or no control;

Biomedical: all aspects of health, physical and mental, developed within the human body as influenced by genetic make-up.

The maintenance and promotion of health is achieved through different combination of physical, mental, and

social well-being, together sometimes referred to as the ”health triangle.” The WHO‟s 1986 Ottawa Charter

for Health Promotion further stated that health is not just a state, but also “a resource for everyday life, not the

objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical


Focusing more on lifestyle issues and their relationships with functional

health, data from the Alameda County Study suggested that people can

improve their health via exercise, enough sleep, maintaining a healthy body

weight, limiting alcohol use, and avoiding smoking. The ability to adapt and

to self manage have been suggested as core components of human health.

The environment is often cited as an important factor influencing the health status of individuals. This includes

characteristics of the natural environment, the built environment, and the social environment. Factors such as

clean water and air, adequate housing, and safe communities and roads all have been found to contribute to

good health, especially to the health of infants and children. Some studies have shown that a lack of

neighborhood recreational spaces including natural environment leads to lower levels of personal satisfaction

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and higher levels of obesity, linked to lower overall health and well being. This suggests that the positive health

benefits of natural space in urban neighborhoods should be taken into account in public policy and land use.

Genetics, or inherited traits from parents, also play a role in determining the health status of individuals and

populations. This can encompass both the predisposition to certain diseases and health conditions, as well as the

habits and behaviors individuals develop through the lifestyle of their families. For example, genetics may play

a role in the manner in which people cope with stress, either mental, emotional or physical (One difficulty is the

issue raised by the debate over the relative strengths of genetics and other factors; interactions between genetics

and environment may be of particular importance.).

What is Mental health

The World Health Organization describes mental health as “a state of well-being in

which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of

life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her


Roughly a quarter of all adults 18 and over in the US suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. Mental

disorders are the leading cause of disability in the US and Canada. Examples of disorders

include, schizophrenia, ADHD, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic

stress disorder and autism.

Achieving and maintaining health is an ongoing process, shaped by both the evolution of health

care knowledge and practices as well as personal strategies and organized interventions for staying healthy.


Laminine Supplement Product

Introducing Laminine Dietary Food Supplement:

History – It‟s not often that the perfect super-supplement

with the perfect story comes around, but the story of Laminine

is far from a mythical tale.

As far back as 1929, a Medical Doctor in Canada discovered a

way to extract the „life-essence‟ of a nine day old fertilized

avian egg. Through research, it was found that on exactly the

ninth day, all the ingredients necessary to create life are at its‟

highest level. In fact, the life-giving proteins are so potent at

this stage that a live chick is hatched a mere two weeks thereafter. This method of extraction and freeze-drying

processes proved to be a historical monumental success for this Medical Doctor‟s patients. Unfortunately this

revolutionary breakthrough discovery died when the doctor died.

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Some 50 years later this extraction and freeze drying technique was rediscovered by Norwegian Scientists.

Since then the processes have been patented and the amount of clinical studies and research that followed it has

yielded nothing less than stunning results.

The Product – Today, we call this product Laminine. The name comes from the word „Laminin‟ which is the

substance; found in all of us on a cellular level that literally “holds us all together”.

The benefits people receive from Laminine are so profound that it has become a metaphor for the „glue that

holds us all together‟ i.e. mentally, physically, and emotionally.

In short, we named this product Laminine because of its molecular structure; the health benefits it yields to our

bodies; and because of the uniqueness in extracting the „life essence‟ from a fertilized avian egg on exactly the

„ninth day‟.

What can Laminine do for you

Laminine provides the most essential proteins and amino acids our body needs, along with the proper transport

mechanisms to direct these nutritional building blocks to where our body needs it the most.

Laminine is a natural, synergistic super food that contains most known vitamins, important trace minerals, all

eight essential amino acids along with other nutritional elements. Laminine is nature‟s most perfect food and the

perfect combination of life-giving sustenance sourced from land, sea and plant.

8 clinical tests have been conducted which showed laminine‟s positive effects on Physical, Mental, Emotional

Strengths and Overall Health.

So, can your life use a change? Can you use more stamina? How about an incredibly positive outlook on life? A

new feeling of wanting to affect every area of your life…you simply have to try Laminine today.

The Company

Based in Southern California, LifePharm has been in the

business of developing, marketing and distributing premium

all-natural supplements in the retail sector throughout six

countries since 2001.

With extensive media & branding campaigns, LifePharm has become a household brand in their specific

categories and its name is synonymous with premium, high-quality natural supplements made in the

USA. Collectively, LifePharm‟s management and shareholders has over 150 years of experience in our

industry. To ensure we consistently provide high-quality products for our consumers, all LifePharm products

are manufactured in the United States, adhering to the strictest manufacturing practice standards and we are

backed by a multi-million dollar liability policy.

LifePharm was one of the first supplement companies in Asia to use popular celebrities to promote, endorse and

build its products and brands. As a result, the company far exceeded its sales expectations reaching in the

hundreds of millions of dollars and succeeded in becoming the top selling brand in our categories.

In these often arduous times, we are determined to make our contributions to the society by refocusing our

objectives. The first step was shifting the use of financial resources from wealthy celebrities and media

companies and instead giving it to those more deserving to receive these financial gains; YOU. The only

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plausible way to achieve this was by operating in the networking business realm. Hence, LifePharm Global

Network was formed as a sister company to LifePharm, Inc to make this bold move a reality.

What is Laminin

Laminins are major proteins in the basal lamina (one of the layers of the basement membrane), a protein

network foundation for most cells and organs. The laminins are an important and biologically active part of the

basal lamina, influencing cell differentiation, migration, and adhesion, as well as phenotype and survival.

Laminins are trimeric proteins that contain an α-chain, a β-chain, and a γ-chain, found in five, four, and three

genetic variants, respectively. The laminin molecules are named according to their chain composition. Thus,

laminin-511 contains α5, β1, and γ1 chains. Fourteen other chain combinations have been identified in vivo.

The trimeric proteins intersect to form a cross-like structure that can bind to other cell membrane and

extracellular matrix molecules. The three shorter arms are particularly good at binding to other laminin

molecules, which allows them to form sheets. The long arm is capable of binding to cells, which helps anchor

organized tissue cells to the membrane.

The laminin family of glycoproteins are an integral part of the structural scaffolding in almost every tissue of an

organism. They are secreted and incorporated into cell-associated extracellular matrices. Laminin is vital for the

maintenance and survival of tissues. Defective laminins can cause muscles to form improperly, leading to a

form of muscular dystrophy, lethal skin blistering disease (junctional epidermolysis bullosa) and defects of the

kidney filter (nephrotic syndrome).

Laminins in cell culture

Recently, several publications have reported that laminins can be used to culture cells, such as pluripotent stem

cells, that are difficult to culture on other substrates. Mostly, two types of laminins have been used. Laminin-

111 extracted from mouse sarcomas is one popular laminin type, as well as a mixture of laminins 511 and 521

from human placenta. Various laminin isoforms are practically impossible to isolate from tissues in pure form

due to extensive cross-linking and the need for harsh extraction conditions, such as proteolytic enzymes or low

pH, that cause degradation. However, professor Tryggvason‟s group at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden

showed how to produce recombinant laminins using HEK293 cells in 2000. Kortesmaa et al. 2000. This made it

possible to test if laminins could have a significant role in vitro as they have in the human body. In 2008, two

groups independently showed that mouse embryonic stem cells can be grown for months on top of recombinant

laminin-511. Later, Rodin et al. showed that recombinant laminin 511 can be used to create a totally xeno-free

and defined cell culture environment to culture human pluripotent ES cells and human iPS cells.

The Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) in Laminine:

Laminine contains the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) that reprograms the body‟s amino acids and peptides and

stem cells to restore body‟s function to original state. FGFs, are a family of growth factors involved

in angiogenesis, wound healing, and embryonic development. The FGFs are heparin-binding proteins and

interactions with cell-surface-associated heparan sulfate proteoglycans have been shown to be essential for

FGF signal transduction. FGFs are key players in the processes of proliferation and differentiation of wide

variety of cells and tissues. In humans, 22 members of the FGF family have been identified, all of which

are structurally related signaling molecules.

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Fibroblast growth factor was found in pituitary extracts by Armelin in 1973 and then was also found in a cow

brain extract by Gospodarowicz, et al., and tested in a bioassay that caused fibroblasts to proliferate (first

published report in 1974).

They then further fractionated the extract using acidic and basic pH and isolated two slightly different forms

that were named “acidic fibroblast growth factor” (FGF1) and “basic fibroblast growth factor” (FGF2). These

proteins had a high degree of amino acid identity but were determined to be distinct mitogens. Human FGF2

occurs in low molecular weight (LMW) and high molecular weight (HMW) isoforms. LMW FGF2 is primarily

cytoplasmic and functions in an autocrine manner, whereas HMW FGF2s are nuclear and exert activities

through an intracrine mechanism.

Not long after FGF1 and FGF2 were isolated, another group isolated a pair of heparin-binding growth factors

that they named HBGF-1 and HBGF-2, while a third group isolated a pair of growth factors that

caused proliferation of cells in a bioassay containing blood vessel endothelium cells, which they

calledECGF1 and ECGF2. These proteins were found to be identical to the acidic and basic FGFs described by

Gospodarowicz, et al.

FGFs play important roles in neurogenesis, axon growth, and differentiation. FGFs are also important for

maintenance of the adult brain or neurologically based disorders, such as ADD, OCD, autism, Parkinsons,

dementia and a host of other problems. Thus, FGFs are major determinants of neuronal survival both during

development and during adulthood.

More on this product when the Video has been released.
