REVUE D'HIST01RE NORDlQUE N° 19,p.129‐ 149. TttHIR0 0KABE PH.DeSTUDENT IN CULTURttL HISTORY DEPARTh皿 NT OF PHILOSOPHY,HISTORY,CUL‐ RE AND ART STUDIES HELSINKI UNIVERSIW,Π NLAND DOCTORANT EN HISTOIRE CLTLTUMLLE DEPARTEMENT DE PHlLOSOPHlE,HlST01RE,CIVlLiSA UNIVERSITE D'HELSIN更 takchiro。 Okabc@hCISillkien Negodadng E五 as Lё nnrot:Shared SOvict… Finnish Nadonal Symbol Ardculated ttd Blu r/フ イ∫ -7,52) D″ 〃ヵ″ pTttθ ∫ノ E励 ∫」野″〃″ノ rル α焼 ″ル カ〃″θ′ ノ物〃 %多 θル″″励〃″ノθ〃加 F物 ″θ力″∫θν ,ご a%″ Abstract:´ This articic discusscs h()、 Sovict and Finnish P01itiCal and intcucctual el constnlcted」 Elias L6nnr()t as a national svmb01.The rcprcscntations() nnrot reflectcd the idc010剛 and intcrcst of participants in thc struttlC長 )r thc lcJtimatC imar Ofhim and articulatc beぃ ecn the SOvicts,thc Finnish ieftists and nOn-lcftists.Hc)wcvc boundaries,csPcCiatty thc()ne bchvecn the Sovicts and Finnish icttit )rthcm t() in■ ucncc cach other across the lrOn Curtain` R6sum6 : Cet article analvsc la maniare dont leSこ lites P01idqucs ct intcllcctucllcs sov tiqucs et flnlandaises visarcnt h faire d'Elias Lё nnroち dans icurs discOurs,un svmbolc natiOnalo Riv pour lこ gitimer sOn image,les PartiCipants i ce dこ bat donnerent de lui des rcPrdSentations t l am gratcful tO my cOncagucs,thc cditOrs, and hⅣ o anonymous rcvicwcrs br thcir a c(♪ mmcnts on this articlc.Mv thanks als()go tc)thc Japan studcnt aniZadOn and thc Rraila Rvmin_1ヽ cvattnnan ral■ astO長 )r the inancial support Fc)r this study.

Negotiating Elias Lönnrot: Shared Soviet-Finnish National Symbol Articulated and Blurred, 1945-1952

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REVUE D'HIST01RE NORDlQUE N° 19,p.129‐ 149.


Negodadng E五 as Lёnnrot:Shared SOvict… Finnish

Nadonal Symbol Ardculated ttd Blurrcd,1945-1952*



ノ物〃ノ%多θル″″励〃″ノθ〃加 F物″θ力″∫θν,ご厖a%″

Abstract:´ This articic discusscs h()、 「 Sovict and Finnish P01itiCal and intcucctual elitcs discursively

constnlcted」 Elias L6nnr()t as a national svmb01.The rcprcscntations()flズ nゝnrot reflectcd the idc010剛

and intcrcst of participants in thc struttlC長)r thc lcJtimatC imar Ofhim and articulatcd thc bOundattcs

beぃⅣecn the SOvicts,thc Finnish ieftists and nOn-lcftists.Hc)wcvcr,thc rcPrCSCntations blurrcd thOsc

boundaries,csPcCiatty thc()ne bchvecn the Sovicts and Finnish icttitists,and nladc it possiblc長 )rthcm t()

in■ ucncc cach other across the lrOn Curtain`

R6sum6 : Cet article analvsc la maniare dont leSこ lites P01idqucs ct intcllcctucllcs soviこ tiqucs et

flnlandaises visarcnt h faire d'Elias Lё nnroち dans icurs discOurs,un svmbolc natiOnalo Rivalisant dc zelc

pour lこgitimer sOn image,les PartiCipants i ce dこ bat donnerent de lui des rcPrdSentations rendtant leur

t l am gratcful tO my cOncagucs,thc cditOrs, and hⅣo anonymous rcvicwcrs br thcir advicc and

c(♪ mmcnts on this articlc.Mv thanks als()go tc)thc Japan studcnt ScAriccs O、 aniZadOn and thc Rraila

Rvmin_1ヽcvattnnan ral■ astO長 )r the inancial support Fc)r this study.


idこol()Jc ctlCWSintこ rets tOut en difttrenciant Sovに dqucs,Rniandais dc gauchc ct「 inlandais d'Lm autrC

bord.Nこ anl■oins,ccs rcPrこ scntations aboutircnt aussi λ dcs rapprOchcmcnts,notamtncnt cntrc lcs

prenlicls nOn■ 1■6s ct les scconds,rcndant ainsi POsSiblC un cOurant d'intlucnccs rこ cipr()Ч LICS tt travcrs lc

Rideau dc fer.

Keywords:K″ル7rJルらElias Lё nnrOt,lFiniand,SOvietヒ Inion,the lく arel()-1イinnish SOvict RcPublic,1:innish

Lcftists,ncw κ″わ′″ルCcntcnnialJubilCC,SOvict―「

innisl■ Intcracti()n.

Mots‐ clё s:iK′ル′ク′/r7, Elias L6nnrot,「 inlande, LTniOn sOviこ tiquc, Rこ publiquc soviё tiquc inno_

car61icnne,「 inlandais de gauche, nOuvcau Jubilこ du ccntenaire du Klalcvala, interaction sOvidto―


T:Ⅳ 翼 l∫嵐

CElirぶ誌 I凛 ∬ w:I苗 五:=il」 l=箪 1:

Ehas Lё nnrot as a national svmb01 betwccn 1945 and 1952,whcn thev cclebrated the

thrce ncw κ71e■)alalubilCes in 1949(two OfflCialiubilecs in Hclshki and PctrOzavodsk

in Fcbruarv and onc「 innish icftist iubilCC in APril)and thc 150th birthdav Of

Lёnnrotin 1952.On thc Onc hand,thcsc imagcs of Lё nnrot renectcd cach idc010g

and social system because Finland avoided SOvict Occupation and the Finnish

conllnunists did nOt succced in scizing exclusivc POurer.(Dn the other hand,

hOwcvcr,I」 ёnnrot uη s a national svmbOl sharcd by Fil■ land and SOvict I(arclia,and

could functiOn as a mcans Of uniting thcmo Thc images of Lё nnrot cOnstructcd

during this PcriOd thus nOt Oniv articulated but alsO blurred thc SOvict― Finnish


Thc K″ルzノ″///1ubilCcs and I′ёnnrOt ha、 rc l)ccn lYlainiv studicd within thc

contcxt of「 innish historye For Finland,sincc thc immcdiatc POStバ Ⅳar vcars、アcrc thc

PCriOd tO dCfcnd its indcPcndencc against the Sovict UniOn and thc Finnishcomrnunists,a number of studics havc Paid attentiOn tO thc qucstion Of why and

how Finiand av〔 )idcd becOming`SociaLst Fi」 ande'l Thc Fin亘 sll Kαルναル ;ubilCCS in

1949 havc bccn intcrprctcd、 /ithin this framcwOrk as、 Ⅳc且 ,that is,the struggic fcDr

diplomatic and Po五 tica1 0ricntation bcぃ 西アccn Prcsident Paasikivi and the SOcial―

DcmOcrat govcrnmcnt,and thc leftists.Thc POlitiCal and class rivaliv bccamc thc

bOrdcr hnc bcttccn thc offlcial iubilCC,which stresscd a brcak宙th the prc―war and

1 1lor cxamplc,OsmOJusSila,、,'〃の〃′〃7ル /フイイ_ノ ノ7gf AJ力れげ∫′iraどノ



1944-1948:why Finland did n()t bcc()mc PcoPIC'S DcmOcracy](HCISinki,1990);Kimmo Rcnt()la,Nz7i17irF

准γ/Z/″ ′″ ′クルノ“f勘〃〃〃〃力鳥 κたたθ″′′′ヵ κ″ノ /タイ7-7フ J♂ ISO Ctid t(♪ Burn:COnl,lunists,Kckk()ncn

and thc Krcmln 1947-1958](HclSinki,1997)



war― dme milita五 stic imar OfthC K7ル 〃ル,and the leftist iub■ ec,which insisted on a

morc fricndly rclationship with thc So宙 ct Unlon and attacked thc offlcialiubilCC and

the govcrnmcnte2

Thc Sovict Kaル″″J″ and L6nnrot havc attractcd much icss attcntion,thOugh

reccnt studics have activelv discussed the issues of nationalides in the late Sta五 nist

PCriOdO In thc late 1940s,thc Moscow icadership tightened its grip on non― ]Russian

nadonalitics in thc facc of thc cOnfrontationヽ Ⅳith thcヽ静「cst.Scveral casc studics ha■7c

rccently argucd that the local lcadcrships and national intcllcctuals cOuld seck thcir

nationd intcrcsts cvcn in thesc vcars bccausc of〕 4oscOuア's ambivalcnt attitudc.3(Dniv

a few works havc addrcsscd thc Sovict Kaル ″α腸in this context but understandablv

excludcd thc PossibililF of in■ucnce from Finland。 4 1rOnicany,it has bcen thc Finnish

studics that took a grcat intcrcst in thc So宙 ct κzル″ル,thou〔井 they httC ignored thc

Sovict contcxt by paying too much attention tO C)tto Kuusincn's Kα ルναル


Thosc PrcviOus studics have strcsscd the ctifferenccs beぃ Ⅳcen thc「innish

and lKuusincn's Kα ル″αJtt and bcむⅣcen the rightist and icftist Kαルν′Jtt in Finland by

discussing the controversy on the birthplacc and character of thc runcs used in the

Kαルν″J″,whilc completely ignoring the Sovict―Finnish interactions on this issuco This

cxclusive attcntion to the runes has rnadc it difflcult tO frasp bOth thc similaritics and

diffcrcnccs bcいⅣccn thcsc Kαル多′αJ腸∫e To considcr thc rcPrescntations of Lё nnrot,

hou′cvcr,Offers a ncヽw PcrsPCCtiVe on this dispute Ovcr the Kα ルaタル。Using Russian,

2 HannCs割11、


″ど′IFinders of KareLal(HcISinki,1969);W」 Ham A.Wilson,`Sata vuotta

Kalevalan iuhlintaa(A Hundrcd Ycars br thc K″ ルν′ル CclcbradO→ ',in scPpo Khuuttila″ ″ス (cds・ ),

Kr/ル′′″/rJ〃 スレ″r//r〃′ブルカノθ万″ ICultural History of thc Kalcvala](HCISinki,2008),224-239;Kristiina

Kallcinen,κ″〃磁ルマ″ ル ′々″./i/7/が ′々〃ノ〃θル・f/r/f Kαわ″///J′″″ ブフノ′-2θ ′′ [For the Sake oF Nadollal

Sch()larship and Art:tllc Kalcvala Socicty 19 H-2(〕 11](Helsinkt,2011)

3 Da宙 d Brandcnbcrgcr,Aレ ″θ〃〃ノBθカル′″力〃二


わ″「′几イ′∬ (レ ////″ α〃″ル ル″α励″グ・Aイθル″ し ∬ル

ハ&″ria〃αノfル″ノタタノフタ/一 ノタ%(CambJdgc Mass.,2002);Scrhy Yckclchyk,∫ ルル む Eη加 グ・M′〃θリ

翼レばJ/″′卜こ髪′′ルル〃 Rピル励″∫ル ノル `5'θ クルノrゴブカ′力η/fi4/ィル″力〃σ ()・Ont(),200o;Erdar lsman()v,陽 ″リノ

N″′η″ Pθ∫ル′り′〃り ∫/Z7〃″ノャ″ ″/そ″ψ″ノ々 力〃″′ノ%舞 /9'多 IPower and PcoPiCI P(DSt― War StJinism in

Azerb」 zl■an 1945-19531(Baku, 2003);Malke Lchmann,Eわ′ 、∬・θそメ″曖贅Jイ N′ノカ″fN′励″〃ル

、「θゼ′ltS″材″″ノィψ″″力b″θ〃ルИ r///″ルッ∫ど″″フイJ(Frankfurt,201動

4 TimO Vihavaincn,`Kaksi Kalcvalan satavuodsiuhlaa'「 WO K′ル″〃ル Ccntcnnial JubilCCs],K/J〃 〃ク′,7

(1993),487-491;NataL2 Prushil■ skaia,`Ka可 」」s―SuOmalainen ccPOS 193040 1uvulla Ncuvostollitossa'

IThc Karclo― Fim■isll EPic in ttC 1930s-40s in the Soviet UniOnl,Cα ″ル,2(199o,63“ 7;Osmo Hwti益,

倫 グシルカ.5レθ///rJ/rrノ ″′″rゞピ〃″″ヵ//J∫〃′`//4,ブ

フイθ―ノフJびJO″屁〃″ノ′′〃 Tレ立ル″カン′

hc Karclo―Finnish SO宙 ct

RcPubliC,194()-1956:A Nati()nal RepubttcP](HCISinki,1999).

5 1n PartiCular KaEcincn's and Vヽils()n's 、/orkS mCnti()ncd abovc. I(ari Sallamaa, `Kalcvala Marxin

vJ()ssをlia Val()SSa'lThC陥letり/47in thc Lght and shadow Of Mar珂 ,in scPPo l隆 luuttila rノ ′′(cdS・),9仇ιた,



Finnish and IEstonian archival matcrials,this articic shO、 ァs that the Sovict―Finnish

boundarics、 vcre not oniv so五 d and static but alsO■ uid and dynanlic cven under the

carly COld NVar cOnditions.6

As Picrrc Bourdicu indicatcs,symbols arc thc PrOduct Of a divisiOn by a

PCrfOrmative discoursc to ilnPOsc a legitimatc classittcatiOn. lVarious actOrs

PartiCipate in the struggic for this division with thcir own interests and visiOns.7

1ntcucctuals in particular occupy a privilcgcd pOsition in crcating such divisiOns and

sylTlbols with thc available rrlaterials and scientiflc discOursc in nation―making.This

alsO applics to thc socialist sOcictics、 Ⅳhich strcss thc class rathcr than the natiOnal,

and in、Ⅳhich inte」 cctuals can sPcak natiOndy and cOnstruct thc natiOn and nadOnal

irnages。 8 1n this scnsc,various images of Elias iLёnnrot apPcaring in this PcriOd

rcnccted the strugglcs ovcr thc lcgidmate di宙 siOn Of the ttfe and wOrks of L6nnrot

by intcncctual and POlitical clitcs.

In the Sovict UniOn,howevcr,nationalisin had to be in harmOnyヽⅣith the

un市crsal idcolo野 Of`the Fricndship of thc PcOPicS(Pttψ ttα ♪磁

ル の,'WhiCh wasCXPCCted t0 0vcrconle nationalisnl and intcgrate thc PcOPICS intO the SOvict

communiり.IdC010s,in thiS Casc,is ncither ixcd nOr unchanJng but funcdOns as a

discOursc coordinating divcrsc OPiniOns and PcOples。 9 Thosc LvhO pardcipated in the

Struttle for the symb01 had tO makc their interest and symb01 cOnsistcnt宙 th dlc

Sovict idc010野 by ncgotiation.This idc010gicai ncgOtiadon cOnccrned■ ot only thc

Sovicts but alsO thOsc Finns、「

hO、Ⅳishcd tO cstablish a fricndly relatiOnshipヽⅣith thc

Sovict UniOn.Therc彙 )rc,thcぶンルzり/z7/Lこ )nnrot contr〔 )vcrsy was under the influcncc

Of this sOciaLst idc010gy.Bccausc of this ambiguity,this SOvict_Finnish interaction

was not a unilatcra1 0nc imposing thc SOvict vicヽ Ⅳ On Finland but,as ths articic

dcmonstratcs,a bilateral if uncqual onc.Y7ithh this discursivc sPacC ObSCured by this

inclusivc idc010g〕 7,vattOus actors communicatcd、 vith cach Othcr,sOught thcir own

interests,madc thcir Own Lё nnrOt,and in■ ucnccd Othcrs。

■ife and Works of Elias Lё nnrot

ThC li長3 0f Lё nnrOt coincidcd、 Ⅳith thc risc Of Finnish natiOnalisin。 Vヽhile

alrnost all Finnish elitcsヽ wcre nativc Swedish sPcakCrs,hc was born intO a poor

6Th()ugh trcadng mainly thc POst― Stalin PCriOd,()n thc East― Ⅳヽcst intcracti()ns across thc lrOn Curtain,

sec Sa五 AudO―Sarasmo and KataLll卜 Iik16ssy(cdSO),々 α∫∫θ∫∫′鴛 Cb/r/レ々″E″′ψ′lLOndoll,2011).7 Picrre BOurdicu,1770乃ど′。II笏′清∫E∬り


`7〃αⅢ鮮exitイ 、∫θ励勿 ,tranS.by Matthew Adamson cOndOn,


8R()nald Ctte Suny andヽ lichacI IDo Kcnnedy,こ intr()duction',in IROnald(:)。 Suny and卜 lichacI IDo Kennedy

(CdSO),I〃tt■ecttta力 ′ノ 彫″ lrtic‖la励〃グル ` ′励″(ん■n Arb()r,1999),1-51。

9R(〕 nald Go Suny,`On ldc()ic)紆 ,SubiccdVity,and NI()dcrnity:DisParatC Th()ughts abOut D(,ing S(〕 vict

Hist】りr',A/JJ/7irJ〃 ffな″り/1協 力でR〃 i「θ,35(200助 ,251-258.



tailoring family in 1802 and, as a nativc Finnish―sPcalttng intcllcctual,madc an

cnorinous cffort tO raisc the status of Finns to cqual the S、アcdish― sPCaking cLtcs.

His rnost distinguishing achicvement、 ァas thc PubliCatiOn Of the old Kレ ル″)αlα

(1835)and thC ncw焔ルν″ル (1849),whiCh enrichcd thc Oldス レ″あノ′ル with ncw cPic

runcs and bccamc thc Finnish natiOnal symb01。 lLikc his predcccssOrS and

contempOrarics,Lё nnrot eagcrly cottccted runcs,f01k10res and丘 )lksOngs in Finland

and Russian Klarcha.Inヽ▼hitc Sca Kare五 a(nOrth― Westcrn part Of Russian Kareli→ in

PartiCular,hc inct lcgcndav Karclian cPiC Singcrs such as」ArhipPa Pcrttuncn and

、「rotc down thc runcs which became the vital part ofthc ncヽ wK凛ル″αJ腸.In maldng thc

Xンルクαル,Lёnnrot did not iust incchanically cdit thc runcs but arranged thcm and,if

necessary,added the storics he inadc in ordcr tO make thc narrativc natural and

understandablce Lё nnrot`crcated'thc KrJル ν″/rJ wid■ the intcntion to crcatc a national

epic to r市 al thc Iル αノ and thc O夕∬り,and JVC thC Finnish nadon its Own ancicnt

heroic Past・ 10 For this purposc, thc Kαルν″J″ had tO be shOwn as thc c01lcctive

creation of Karclian singcrs who had Passed thC runes down sincc ancicnt tirncs,and

as an epic which reflcctcd the cOmmOn Finnic anccstors,thc hcrOcs,and thc ancicnt

`indepcndent'Finland.Lё nnrot himsclf Ⅵアanted thc Kaルク′′物to bc acceptcd in this

Ⅵray andヽⅣas sユcnt on his authorship.1l Thcrcbrc,thc Kレ ルνα`物

bccamc thc coucctive

symbol and icgacy ofthe nation,and L6nnrot remaincd in the backttOund KンルDttQ.

L6nnrot's activity cxtcndcd bcyond Finland and hc lcn:his f。 Otprints in

Russla and]Estonia.The fact that hc rccOrded the runcs ln Russian I(arclia and uscd

the materials frorrl lngria later rcsultcd in thc cOntrOversy〔 )n thc()、 vnership of thc


タル runcs。 12 As tO thc rclatiOnship with Russian intellcctuals,Yakov CJrOt

CniOyCd a五 た -1()ng friendshiP with Lそうnnrot.Gr()t workcd as thc PrOfcSSOr Of

Russian histo理 /,statistics,languagc,and litcraturc at thc Universitv of Hclsinki from

1841 to 1852 by the rcqucst of Russophilc「innish burcaucrats and Pctr Plctncv,thc

rcctor of thc lrrIPcri21 Unib℃ rsiv Of PCtcrsburg and a Ltcra場アCritic,and dcepened thc

fricndship lwith Finnish intcHcctualso13∈ }rOt studicci Finland and activcl)r introduccd

10 Pertti Karkam2,`Oppinut mics kansan a」 alla:Elias丁 ′ёnnrot ia aattect'IAn lntellcctual R)r the Causc

ofthe Nation:Elias I“ ёnnr()t and ldcol()gicsl,in PCkka Laaksoncn and Ulla Picla(eds。),I“勿〃″″″ル′雫 ss`ι

lJZ〃ル・ン妨 グじ″″″4,Kdevalascuran vuosikitta(KD 81,(HcISinH,2002),15-38.1l Eino Karhu,Vaatilmaton Elias Lё nn■Ot'1卜 10dCratc Elias Lう nnf()可 ,in PCkka Laaks()ncn and Ula

Pida(CdSO),ψ ″ ,73。

12 The Kαルν4//7 COntributed to lnakc]Russian lKarelia an inlPOrtant intellectual and artistic sOtlrce lor dle

「innish intclcctualse Scc Hanncs SihvO,`Karelia:a sOurcc of Finnish natiOnal hist()ry',in卜 lichacl

Bmnch(cd.),rヾレヵし″〃ノF揚ヵこフα″ノfル〃ルの「/12ρ′り″励″カル I′7カ″

《cだN″励″′ノ‖力ヵフルル Nθ//J_1ゴ ″ノB″ル ,

Rをθ″A物″“励′〃 7レ″″グθtt G″″′加 (Hchnkl,1999),182.

13 1Jlisa Byckling,「 ゝ′akov〔キ■Ot v FinlandH, 1840-1853: ProtcssOr ,へ Icksand10vsk030 Univcrsitcta,

POSrCdnik v litcraturnykh sviaziakh crak()v Gr()t in「 inland,1840-1853:PrOfess()r Of AIcksandr



Lёnnrot and Parts Of thc Kαル〃′J″ tO iRussian rcadcrso Lё nnrOt helPCd hiS lifc and

work in Hcisinki and taught hirn Fimish。

In addition,Lё nnrot visited Tartu for rescarch intO the EstOnian lanttage in

1844。 14 sinCC thc Pub五CadOn Ofthc 01d Kαんッ′′物had bccn alrcadv knOwn tO]Estonian

intellcctuals,Lё nnrot's activity further stimulated]EstOnian folk10rc c01lccting,■ 1/hich

had bcgun in thc carly 1800s and later resultcd in the publicatiOn Of thc Kレ ル″″θ`蟹,the

EIstonian natiOnal epic,by Fricdrich K[rcutzwald.Lё nnrot talked Particularly with

Fricdrich Fachllnann,K■ eutzwald's PrcdCCCSsOr,and adviscd On the inaHng Of thc

national cPiC・ 15

Lёnnrot beHnd the ttlcD凛●:SOⅥ et‐Finnlsh cOnfrOntatlon before and duringthe Second World War

Thc contrOvcrsy on thc oriJn and Charactcr Of thc Kα ル〃′ル runes bccamcinternationalized after Finnish indcPendenCC in 1917.ヽ Vhile Finland had a lOng

tradition Of Kiαルι′″ル studics and a vast amount Of f01k10re c01lcctiOns that Finnish

scholars had rccOrdcd fOr mOrc than a ccntury,Finnish cOminunists brought thc

Kαル″″ル and the controversy to So宙 ct Karelia,`thc Land Of the SOngに ノ″〃ル〃″の',

whcre the runc shgers and runcs which Finland had 10st10ng before、 vere still living。

As Sa五amaa summarised it,▼/hite Finland had`the nadOnal epic僻 〃〃∫〃ノ加′ψθo'andthc b00k(the K′ ルναんの,LVhile Red Finland had“ thc PcOPlC'S CPiC僻 〃″ ″′ψ θO'andthc二′露ι″″′αα.16 Thc intcnsiflcatiOn of thc P01itiCal and intcllcctual dispute bcむ Ⅳcen

Finland and the Sovict Union pushed iLё nnrOt further asidc.Indccd,Lё nnrot had

alrcady bccn a pourcrful and rcsPccted natiOnd symb01 bOth in「 inland and SOvict

K[arclia,but thc fact that hc`crcatcd'thc Kα ルν′′物Ⅵァas incOnvenicnt fOr thc P01itiCal

myth010gァ ofthc Xンルク′J″ .

The lⅨ/hite Kαルνα`物

reflectcd inter― 、Ⅳar Finland,which、Ⅳas charactcrized bv

ParLal田iCntanr dcmOcracy lwith a militaristic and nadOnalistic atlnosphere after thc

Ullivcsrsity,Mcdiatc)r in dlc Litcrary lntcractiOns)',in Tat'iana Vo Artem'cva and卜■kllail Io Mikeshin

(edS・),、∬・θ′あ ′ルカ 〃″〃′笏 ノ″″″夕 りヽたθ″ G′η力 々 励りた力、「θル ガル′∫θル ″ ′りψ ル FZ7illirr il」 nidng Timcs and Pcc)PICS・

Yak()v GrOti fOr the 200th Birthday,Philosophical CenturJ(St・ PCtcrsbus(SPb)― HelSinki,2012),

2牛-52:A.V.Zelenin,γa.K.GrOt v Fin五 andii:vospriiatic Lchnosti i deiatel'nosti'「 a・ K◆ GrOt in

Finland:PcrccPdOn Of PCrsOnality and Acdvity],in O.AD StarOvOitOva(cd・ ),0/多″たりた∫わ″z/rr∫ん″晨


たんノ″ルノ々 2θθ―ルノノ″∫θ励″″ψr/r〃グル〃た〃ル″ノた〃lレ.κ G″ノα Fr。 ln Lcttcr to Dictionary:A

Co」ection Of Artides fcpr the 200山 Birthdav Of Academcian Ya.Ko Gro可(SPb。 ,201の,12-19.

14 Aamc Antdla,E″ ″∫bn″″ヵ′″″″ノ″次″"角

れ″″F[ELas Lё nnr(〕 t Li■ and Acd宙り 4(Heisinki,1931),397-404.

15 Eduarcl I“ augastc,`Kalcvala la KalcvipOcg',in Lauri HOnkO(ed・ ),κ7ル′′ル.″ 几ん盛■・・

′″Eψθた、「″ FhCK″ルν″ル and thcヽFOrld EPics],KV 65,(HcISinki,198⊃ ,212-213.16 KaH SJlamaa,`Kalcvala卜 Iar対n val()ssa la vattOSSa',in Scpp()Knuuttila″ ″/(cds・ ),ψ・広 ,253.



Dグhitc's victo■「 OVCr thc Reds in thc Civ二 War.Thc notiOn Of Grcatcr Finland,which

ca■ed thc unity of Finnic dbcs〔 物θ〃θ″H″″のsuCh as Karcttans and lngians undcr

the Sovict rulc,apPcaled PardCularly to students and inteucctuals uァ hO iOined in such

nationalist Organizations as thc AKS(thc Acadcmy SOcicty of Karclia).17 somC

Estonians also iOinCd in this nadonalist atmOsphcreo D)uring thc Old K″ ルグ′ル

ccntennial iubilCC in 1935,August Annist,an Estonian五 tcraturc rescarcher,wrote in

thc nadonalist iournal∫〃θ〃″ルル′〃19〃θ〃え`thC承しルναル is nOt()nly the cPiC Of Grcatcr

Finland but also the cOmmon「 innic o力 ″力∫〃θ″αルグ″θ→ cPiC,not only of ancicnt

Finland and ancicnt ]Klarclia but also thc sPi五 tual and cultural ′″θ〃〃″′″″〃 ′′″θ

pθ″〃″″π Of ancicnt Estonia。 18

AsヽVilson dcmonstrated,Finnish folk10re studics not Only gained Finland

world-1"ridc famc but also contributcd tO thc P01iticized and militarized Kaル ッ′J物 .

AbOvc all,I(aarle K■ Ohn,an Outstanding folk10rist,advOcatcd thc thco7 0n thC

deve10pment of thc焔ルν′ルrunes that the luncs O五 Jnated in s()uth― western Finland

and mOvcd cas鶴 アard to ln「ia and Russian Karelia。 19 His fol10wcrs,the so― callcd

`KrOhn school'such as thcO10gian lJno HaⅣ a,histOHan JJmari Jaakk012 and

fOlk10rist l〔artti Haavio,dcveloPcd KIohn's study and urgcd the nation to bc a bralrc

soldicr likc thc Kz7ルνα“勿hcrocs in ordcr to deind thc Fathcrland.20′ Thc culmnatiOn

of this nationd idcologyヽ Ⅳas thc Finnish occupation of Sovict ICarelia 1941-44,when

(〕rcatcr Finland sccmcd to bc a rcaliり .Raising thc Kaル ″″Jル,Finnish nationalists and

intellccmals prOPalttlted(}rcater Finland and cncOuragcd Sovict Finnic PcOple to bc


Conscqucntly, thc ancicnt hcrocs and urorld in thc パiクル″′ル conccaled

LёnnrOt。 lndccd,thc SKiS(the Finnish Litcrattr socict〕ぅ publiShCd aむⅣO―volumc

biography of l.ёnnrOt to conllncmoratc thc ccntcnnial annivcrsary of thc SKS in

1932,but thc author did nOt gO as far as to cxPlain hO、 「L6nnrOt crcatcd thc Kレ ルν〃″


17 TuOmas TcPora,`Hcim()velli五,Valk()bandiittcia,punikin perkcleit五 :valkoiscn ia punaisen Suur―

Suon■ en aate― ia tumchistoriaa ennen toista n■ aailmans()ta2'「Fribc brotherhO()ds,White Bandits,Red

Devils:thc History of ldeolo野 and Scnse of White and Rcd Grcatcr Finian司 ,in Nttrc Sa五 and Jcnni

KⅣ CS(CdS.),L″タノノ′′″″f t9〃″ル、シθ〃′″〃″ル クノ″〃″θ力//r∫ [Promiscd Land:Drcam and ObL宙On Of thc

Grcatcr Finlだ ld](HcISinH,20141,69-129。

18 August Alll■ ist,`Kalcvala la Vir。 '「heルル′pF/r/md Estonial,∫〃ク///″ルル′た9//θ〃ノ,1(1935),21.1り 、Fi五 am A.WilsOn,「し及ん″ r//7ノ Nα′,o″″b〃 ル拗 ″″″Finia〃 ″ol()OmingOn,1976),131-171。2)lbid.

21()n thc acdvitv()f Finnish intcllcctuals in thc()ccuPiCd Iく arclia,scc」へntti Iノainc,`Ticdclnicstcn Suur―

Suomi:It五―Karialan tutkimus itltkOS()dan vuosina'ISch01ars'Grctltcr「 inland:Rcscarch on Eastcrn

Karelia in thc Ycars Of the Continuadc)n Warl,IIIis■o屁′″′′″ /1,たオ//J,102(1993),91-202.



SirnPly dcscribing hou/hc gathered folklore matc亘 als。22 Above all,as Iくaaric KしOhn's

farnOus picce described in 1902, Lё nnrotヽⅣas ncithcr a man of intcllcctual nOr

academic stature but`Primitive,childlike,sunPIc,and modest'like the rune singcrs

and, thcrcお rc, cOuld clicit the runcs frOm thc singers and edited them as the

ん ル″ル.23

This imagc of Lё nnrot had some siinilaritics tO the Onc thc Rcd「 inns

cherishcd,though thcrc、verc striking diE〔erenceso Thc RLcd Kαルa′′Jtt was a prOducdOn

Of「innish sOcialism/communism and the SOvict natiOnalitics POliCy.During thc

Sovict Civil War,thc B01shcvik icadcrship faced thc Finnish demand fOr iRussian

Karelia and thc]Klarelians'demand fcDr autOnomy.To casc thcsc Pressures,■′cnin

dccided to put the Finnish cOmmunists tO the SOvict I(arelian icadcrship as a part Of

thc Sovict nadOnal P01iCy.24「 Or the Finnish cOmmunists,SOvict I(areLa、 ⅣOuld be a

bridgchcad to cxport thc rcv01ution tO Fmland and、 Ⅳagc a propaganda、げar against

`the White terrorists and imperialists'。 For this purpose,the iRcd Finns in SOvict

Karelia cncouraged lKlarclians tO study「 innish and becOme members ofthc cOmng

Red Finnish natiOn strcssing class solidariり 。25 Thc承しル〃ル was csscntial tO this`Rcd

Grcater Finland'as a symb01to unitc Iく are五an and Finnish、 vOrldng PCOple.

Thc iRcd Finnish rule in Sovict]Klarclia cndcd in the sccOnd half Of the

1930s,when MOscOw tOok a harsh mcasurc against the borderland diasPOra PcOples

and shinlcd its cmphasis frOm the class tO thc natiOnalo Thc Rcd Finns葛 ′ere dcmOtcd

fl‐On■ thcir posts in 1935 and arrcstcd in 1937,aftcr、 vhich a numbcr Of Finns wcrc

cxccuted or dcPorted。 26 Thc K4ルναJtt becamc Purely`thc I(arelian PcOple's cPic'and

22 Aarnc Anttila,Eカレ∫L″〃″左 gla,認晨、ル 洗νF//ル rrr r― ff IElias Lё nnrOt Li■ and Activitics I― II](HCISinH,


23 Kaarle lむ ()hn,`ELas L6nn■ otin muist()Pttivttn五 '10n thC MCm()rial Day of ELas L6nnf()可,レイ″ルッα,22

(1902),250-1.Scc alsO Satu Apo,1《 insanrun()udcn tutkilat Kalcvalan kriitikkOina'I「 01kl()rists as

Cttdcs Ofthc Kン ル滋″al,in SCppo Knuuttila ct al.(edS。 ),ψ。法 ,37Z卜 375.

24 Marilla Vihtun()vskaia_Kauppala,`Iぬ karialaistcn kansaHincn idcntitcctti cnncn ia lttlkCCn l(Dkakuun

vJlankumOuksen'「 aヾ百 onJ ttdendⅣ ()fthc East Kardhn bet)rc and aicr thc Oct)ber Rcvduj()n],in

Yuri Shikal()v″ ′∠(eds。),レ //J ttαた″な″ た′〃、「″fた〃


ルif″″た″〃∫′IIisidc‖′ire′′ル,ス「たθ〃〃θ〃ヵ 滋々 〃たF/Jり。「

ノ∂θθ―/rrグ″〃″ル灯″ ,1)ゅa,υ


C PeOple divided by tllc BOrder the DeveloPment Of KareLan National

ldcntity,Rchぎ on and Languagc frOm thc Early 18()Os t()thc Prcscn]fJOCnsuu,20H),156-172ハ farkku

KallgaspurO,N′ 〃″ο∫/θ―K′グ′ル″″カノ′ル ル∫θル″″″〃θ∫ノ′f〃″ノん〃αlis″=ノ 、ル ンク″ηルなどノp〃″″た′ノJV′〃′′θJ/θ″力″

ιり//F″た夕=ёSSa F.92θ_ノ .先ワ

1lC Strugglc of So宙ct KarcLa ftDr Autonomv:NadollaLsm and the Red Finns

undcr thc Rulc()fthc S()vict Union 1920_1939](HcISinki,2(〕 Oo,66-147。25、larkku lくangaspurO,lp・ ′グ′,214-240.26 1rina Takala,`NatsiOnal'nvic OPCratsi1 0CPl」 /NKVD v Karclii'INadOna1 0PcratiOns OfOGPU/NKVD in Karcli`],in Timo vihavaincn and lrina Takal`l(CdSO),I′ ″″セ″ル ′θ力N′なノθ″′ル ″ル

タθ″ た′ρ′清グルθハψ′〃展θ″ル どθ∫′′∫ム



で″―そψ′ル Rθ∬ガ〃ノフ2併ノフJθ_′

″妙 [One Unitcd「amJF



thc、Ⅳrittcn lKiarclian languagc in Cy五 nic、Ⅳas crcatcd aftcr thc Finnish languagcヽⅣas

substantially banncdo Howcvcr,thc appcarancc of OttO Kuusincn's Tcri,oki

govcrnment during thcヽ静7interヽルrar and ofthc I(are10_Finnish]RcPubliC after thc、 Ⅳar

in 1940 rchabilitatcd Finns and thc Finnish languagc,and thc Kン ルν′物bccamc`thc

K[arclo― Finnish PcoPlC'S CPice'′ rhis changc rcflcctcd thc K[rcmlin's wish tO tic

「inland to thc Sovict sphcrc Ofinflucncc and to lmakc use of thc SOvict Finns as a

propaganda tool again.27 Thc Finnish OccupatiOn and thc usc Of thc Kaル ″αJ″ frOm

1941 again llindcrcd thc discussion on the`Karelo_Finnish PcOPiC'S CPicメ 、ⅣhiCh

quictly bcgan aftcr thc Sccond Worid War.

Creator,Comp」 er or SpoilerP Lё nnrot's Role in the Making ofthe Kalevala

Thc cnd of thc Sccond World War radically trans」 k)rmcd the symbOlic

mcaning of the」 Kαルν′`物

and iL6nnfot in Finlando A ncw trend appeared becausc Of

thc cstal〕 lishmcnt of thc Anicd Control CommissiOn icd by Andrci ZhdanOv,thc

icgalization of thc SKP(thc Finnish COmmunist Parり ,and the victOry of thc lcftist

cOalitiOn(the sド コDL2)in the flrst post― war general electiOn in l唖 arch 1945。

It、ァas`√猛nё ]Klaukoncn,thc`grcat man'ofthc Xレ ル″ィルstudcs,29 who sct Out

this new linc in his iccturc in Novcnlbcr 1946。 Criticizing those whO fOund the

ancicnt national past in thc Kα ル″αJ物,Iくaukoncn insistcd()n sccing thc Kα ル〃′′物as thc

crcation of Lёnnrot。 3()This thcsis chalienged thc hegemOny the prc_ヽⅣar clitc

excrciscd,not only acadcmically but also PolitiCa且 y.Villc Pcssi,thc general sccrctary

Of thc SIt~P,caHcd for rcgaining thc `dcmOcratizcd'1(′ ん7″″ル fl‐OITl thC rCactiOnarv

forces.31 Thc「 ′/φ′″ 5レ″α,thc Organ of thc SKDL,andイ θ―ルた″,a lcftist iOurnal,

PraiSed K[aukoncn's lccturc as a blow against CJrcatcr Finland。 32 Non_lcftist

The lヽ ati()nalitics Policv of(lPSl; 砕onl thc 1920s to the 1950s and lts lnlPletnCntation in North_

、restcrn Rtlssinl(Pctr()za、 r()dsk,1998),161-206.

27「I・lmO Vihavaincn,1ヾ atsic)nal'naia p()litika VKP(b)KPSS V 1920-c-1950-eg()dy i sud'b)ア karcl'sk()ii

nllsk()i nats10nal'n()stci'plad()nal P()hcy of thc VKPllDI KPSS in thc 1920s-1950s and Dcsdnad()ns of

Karclian and Fillnish Nad()nalidcs],alld Antd I“ ainc,`Karcl()―「

innskaia S()vctskala S()tsiahstichcskala

Rcspublika i 6nny'「Fhe Karelo_Finnish Sovict Socialisdc RcPubliC and Finns],1)Oth in Tim()Viahainen

and I五 na TakJa(cdS・),ψ・″ ,30-34,223-232.28 suOmcn Kallsan Deinokraattincn Liitto FinniSh PCOPle's DcmOcradc Lcaguc)is the lC■ ist coaLtion

Party incl■ lding thc SKP and ici SocialI)cm()crats.

29 satu APo,`V五 1116 Kaukollcll― KJcvalan tutkimukscll suurnlics'Ⅳ五1116 Kaukoncll_1lc Grcat Mall of

the飾ル″ルStucucsI,seppoに ■uutdla′ ′′ノ(edS。),ψ。広,377.■)Vttin6 Khukoncn,`Kalcvala Lё nnrotin ccPOkscna'IThC K″ ル″//J as Lё nnr()t's EPic],in Kレ 127-28(1948),78-94。 llrsd)ア pubLshed in Iレρ″`ル〃″,26 Nov.1946.311レ渓″′′″″、Sし7″θ///′ム28 Fcb。 1946。



″α,26N()v.1946;`ELas I“ (ゝ【lnr()t runonkcrliⅢ ia run()」 巧a'IELas Lこ)nnr()t A Runc C()Hcct()r

and P(〕 ctl,イθ―ルたち No。 1-2(1947),7.



nC`電PaPcrs attackcd his thcsis and its Po五 tiCal intcntiOn,and his cO■ cagucs were

SuSPiCiOus of I(aukOncn,whO carly 1945 allegedly said`ncxt spring lwe lwin livc in

Sovict Finland。 '33 1mmediatclv after thc、Ⅳar,denying the nadonal pastin the Kaルν′メ物

was hard fOr Finnish socicり tO aCCCPtO

Howcvcr,Finnish sOcicty came to admit thc authOrship of Lё nnrot and

more obicctiOns to thc K[rohn school aPPcarcd。「

Or exainPIC, 帥 O doctOral

disscrtations■ Om thc U」 vcrsi句/Of HCiSinki cridcized previous stu(五 cs stressing Only

thc mOvc Of Finnish runcs frOm Finland tO Karclia and lngria,and ignOring thc

movc from the East,including thc Sla宙 c worid,tO Finland。 34 HarVa and Jaakk01a

harshly criticized Kcmppincn's doctoral disscrtation,singling it out for its`many

mstakcs'and for insulting iK■ ohn,and Jaakk01a cven insisted on refusing h壼 n the

doctOral dcgrcc。 351、 cverthcless in a ncwsPaper,PCnttinen underlined that`the ncw

Kαルναル is mainly Lё nn■ot's cPiC,'in which Onc cOuld hardly「 lnd thc runcs thc

pcoPic sangD36 Non-leftist nc・wsPapers also acccPted this vic・ w and began tO talk

about Lё nnrot's authorshiP,thOugh thcyヽⅣere sdl carcfLll tO rcgard iLё nnrot as the

compiler nOt as thc crcator。 37

1n SPitC Of this changc,thc participants in this disputc had cOnnicting vlews

conccrning his crcativitv.Somc、 Ⅳrotc nctttiVCly of his crcativitv and cmphasized thc

O五Jnal runcs and singerso Haavio PrOposcd shfting the attendon frOm the K′ ル%ル

runcs,which Lё nnrot had arrangcd,to thc Original runcs the singers PcrfOrmed.In

thc original runcs,Oncヽ Ⅳould discOvcr`our anccstOrs'who had handed dOwn thc

runcs and songs for thousands of ycars.38 RIatti l《 uusi,an activc anti_cOnlmunist and

latcr prO長〕ssor Of comparativc R〕 lk10rc at Hcisinki Univcrsity,cvcn pubLcly insisted

that thc K4ル〃″わⅥ7as`thc PriSOn hOusc of thc ancicnt runcs'and curscd Lё nnrot for

distorting thc bcauty of thc original runcs.Iく uusi did nOt deny Lё nnrot's

achicvcment in salvaging thc runcs,and the influcncc Of the Kα ル′ィαル on thc Finnish

literature,n■ usic and languagco Noncthelcss,hc PrOVOCatively、 ァrOte that、「

c should

`crush thc、 ぼh01c cPic intO PiCCCS'and Put thCm`intO tllc lヽ ational〕ruscun■ 'l〕ccausc

it恥ras■0 10nger matcrial fbr contcmpora4ア Finnish histOrv.39 For thOsc、 ⅣhO called

33fルー5レθ%4 30 Nov.194Q Matti Kuusi,()ル ノ″た力 IPaSJngS](HcISinki,1985),203-4.解 Iivar Kemppinen,、 シ//Pθ ″″ たメ加は″ia=″″

`7ル〃″ r々rFャ″″〃θ″ル″″展″′′∫rrhe Gi」 who bathed ller Fiancと

C()mparativc Stud)γ of Popular P()ctr」 (HCISinH,1946);Y可 6 Pcnttincn,、 力=`Isa″

θ″″ノ(HCiSinH,1947).35u′′J、Sレθ″422.Ian.1947;HclsinJn YLoPistOn KcskusarkistO,Historia― Kictttictcidcn osastOn arkistO,

Pёyt五鳳可at 1946-47,Jaakk012's rcvicw 15Jm.1947.36.5レθ〃″ .5'θ s,α

=ide〃θたr/J″ /ノ4 27 Fcb。 1949.

37f腸.,'α″θ〃′4281ヒb.1948;月 ″″Jbレ″〃″″,27 Fcb.1948;`Sレんム,レ //r″

`5`〃″こ 28 Feb.1948。

38 Martd Haavio,Irこi"ど朋励レ′″fIシ″″〃。Sし4g,2nd cd。 (Hcisinkil 1 991),0」 ginally puЫ isllcd in 1950,230-6。

39人″〃.鰯〃K′′″ルル4 28 17cb.1948。 (〕 n thc anti― cOmrllunist activity in thc POst― War「inland and Kuusi's

cominitmcnt tO it,scc Jarkk()Vcsikansa,:;'´ /r″シ′″∫倉晨llissθルだクルノ′ノσ′′〃ル ′θ〃″′力″″iStel露 たθ″〃〃″iSala



for thc rcturn to thc oriJnal runcs and thc ancicnt past undcrlying thcm,Lё nnrot

was as bcお rc a man Of naturc not Of crcadvity,and cOuld save thc runcs fron■ thc

obli宙on but destroyed them in the rnaking ofthe Kン ル′ノαlα.

Against this ncgadve imagc Of Lё nnrot,]Klaukoncn and the lcftists cvaluatcd

his crcativity affrn■ ativcly and cxaltcd bOth d■ c Kαルν′Jtt and Lё nnrot as thc nadonal

symbolso Rcfuting Kuusi,IKlaukOncn cmphasizcd that thc K凛ルグαル was thc carlicst

national literaturc and L6nnrot■lras therct)rc a grcat natiOnal wヽritcr tO rival

ShakcsPcarC and CcArantes。 40 ]Kiaukoncn csPccially attackcd Kuusi's Oricntation

tσwrard thc antiquity of thc runcs,andヽ ⅣrOtc that evcn ifthc Kン ル″′J物 、Ⅳas brOkcn`intO

picces,'it、 Ⅳas impossible tO rcturn to antiquity bccausc lnany lnorc`frosted、 ⅣindO、「s


°ノたた〃″θノo' apPCared and Prevented us.41 Following Kaukonen, thc

Dttα箱′〃ι∫レ〃θ″″ちthC Organ of thc SKP,saw Lё nnrot not only as a cOmpller but

alsO as a poct。42 sinCC I(uusi's attack on thc Kαルναル″Ⅵras as shocI巨ng as KaukOncn's

public iccture in 1946,one rcadcr cridcizcd Kuusi bccause both thc Kaleυ αんz and

Lёnnrot had a spbolic signiflcancc and valuc which the「 innish natiOn`must not

10se nOw.'At thc samc time,this rcader cOnf■ lsingly implicd that hc cOuld nOt acccPt

Klaukoncn becausc thc idca that thc K4ル ″αJtt On the wholc uras Lё nnrot's irnal響 natiOn

and had nO basis in fact was`五 kc throwing cold watcr On(た 〃ルリヽ税″″″ ″なたαα→'


1ndccd,sincc]Kuusi and]Kaukoncn lⅣcre cxtrcl田 [c cascs,thc Finnish Offlcial

Kαル″αル iubilec t。 Ok a middlc positiOn.At the prcParatiOn mccting for the o■ lcial

iubilCC,Armas Vttisttncn,thc chairman Of thc K″ ルリala sOcicり,prOposcd focusing thc

main attention on the lifework Of Lё nnrot bccausc thc ncヽ wK″ ルν″J物 、


crcation,'斜 In his sPccCh at the lubilCC, Paasikivi tricd tO intcgratc thc nadOn,

including thc ic■ ists,by dcining thc Kaル ″rJんz as `Our anccstOrs'sPiritual immOrtal

rccord' and as `an outcomc which Lё nnrot designcd as a wOrk of literaturc

(たノ″ルθた∫′〃の.'PaaSiki宙 callcd On thc cidzens to thank and fonOw Lё nnrot,wh()was

not satisflcd、パtl■ thc彙〕lk10rc cOmPositiOn but crcatc(l thc ncuァ メG″ル〃′Jtt bv his、vOrk

Of many ycars.45■・his lifた 、″Ork、Ⅳas PoSSible thanks tO his`humanity,puri、 7,harinOny,

ソ″∫′αα″り物″″。「θル″。5`〃θ″θ∫∫″ISeCrCt C市 J War EmP10yers'and the B()uttCOiSに 'S StruttlC aFinSt thC

Conl■ lunism in the COldヽVar Finland](HciSinki,200o,and Temervo Krogerus,∫ ″〃θ〃〃./P/Jクfハイ′//zi

b■.t″〃θla,7,こ /フ ノイL7フノ∂ISaid・ D()nc:NIatti Kuusi's Li■ 1914卜 1998](HdsinH,2014),335-343。40v五1116 Kaukoncn,`Onko suOmalaista muillaisrunOllttaP'IArc tllcrc tllc Fillnisll ancicnt rullcsPl,馬


K/r′″ルル4 1 RIay 1948,18.41 fbid.,19.

421)ゎた″″″″。レ〃θ///J428 1Fcb.1948.


^13 Fcb.1948.“

Kalcv〔 llascuran ArLstO,P6)ytitkiria,27「 cb。 1948。

45`TaSavallan Presidcntin puhc'IThe SPCCCh Of d■ c Prcsidcnt Ofthe Rcpublic],KI:30(195o,229-230.



complaisancc and integrity'46 rather than a primitivc and childlikc pcrsonalitye Thc

offlcial iubilec acknOヽwicdged Lёnnrot's authorshiP but ad nOt c。 lmplctcly deny the

histO五 ci、r Ofthe Kaル 〃″Jtt becausc it uras not yct sciendflcally cicar what Lё nnrot

addcd and hO、 /hc arrangcd thc Orlginal runcs,and it、 「as still difucult to rclttlrd thC

K″ルν′/rr as cntirciv his crcadon。47 ThcrCfOre,thc Offlcial iubilCC fOcuscd on his

endcavOur and character in the inaking of the K4ル ν′“腸 and identlicd him with the

Fhnish nadon.

Thc Sovict sidc cOuld nOt ignOrc this discussiOn in Finland but,flrst Of all,

thc So宙 ct Kンル″″Jtt had tO bc harinOdous宙 th thc SOvict ideo10駆 Of`thC「亘endship

of thc PcOples'。 Al1 0f thc SOvict nadOnd symb01s had tO stress fricndshipヽ Ⅳith othcr

Sovict nations, csPccially with Russians, and bc 10yal tO the SOvict poⅥ 「cr. In

addidOn,lⅣ ith the dcve10Pmcnt Of the Cold war,〕唖OscOw began tO attack thc

inllucnce frOm thcヽ Ⅳrcst on thcsc natiOnal symb01s and《

土scip五 nc thc intcllectuals。48

For thc I(arelo― Finnish RcPubliC,it、Ⅳas difflcult tO celcbrate thc symbOls Of Finland,

which had occuPied thC師 0_thirds Of thc]RcPubliC du」 ng the war and was■ Ot a

sOcialist statc. Indced, after thc liberatiOn, MOscOw Ordcrcd thc RcPubliCan

icadcrship to conduct a massive proPaganda campaign about the lRussian-1く arelian

■icndship amOng the populatiOn。 49 The local lcadcrship uras sO reluctant to trcat the

Kαルν〃ル′openly that Onc PrOpagandist cOmplttned at a n■ceting that`it is shameful,

comradcs,tO admit that wc are complctcly wcak abOut this proЫ cm ithC K″ル〃/a10'知

Thus,the SOvict Kαル〃αル iubileC risked being criticized丘)r ccicbrating`bourgeois'

national symb01s.

Hourcvcr,thc PIIOscOw iCadCrship intcnded tO inaucncc Finnish intellectuals

and ncedcd thc iRcPubliC as an important propaganda t001 in thiso lndccd,in thc

convcrsation with Stalin in 1945,thc Finnish icftist delcgatcs told him that it wOuld

takc a dccadc or sO to casc anti―lRussian and anti_Sovict fecling among Finnish

46 Aarnc Anttla,`ELas I´ 6nnЮ tia Kalcvala'Flias I■ nnfotand thc Kレ わり//J],κ レ130(195り ,237.4711`′∫,電″、物″θ″′4 27 Fcb.1949.48 The SO_caned `anti― kOw10wing camPaign'and`anti_cos打10Politanisrln can¬ Paign'attackcd I`cningrad

Phi101()gists such as Vladimir PrOPP,Mark Azadovsky and vikt()r Zllirmul■ sky,whO l()ined in the

prCParation fOr the Sovict Kaル ″″ル lubileC・ Konstantin Azadovsky and Bo Egorov,`O nizkopottostve i

kosmOp()lidzmc:1948-1949'10n kOWtOwing and cosmOpoLtanism:1948-1949],Z〃 ′てあ,6(1989),157-176. Azadovskv and Zhirlllunskv Ⅵ「crc hcavily criticizcd antl flnally Oustcd froln Lcnillgrad


4り ()sm()H[yyti五 ,Kング″//Jた―∫〃θ〃″J″ル′〃」Nr′″〃θ∫ノθ/r烈″′″//r7,92-101。 ()n thc expericncc()f So宙 et people

undcr「 innish()ccupation,sce Sergei G.Vc亘 鰤n,r■ルが ″ψ′πグ″θ″,な 焔ル腸″スカ〃グi″ ′′κ7″″′′″ψ′功わrrJノ R鴻7/taノ ンν″νノフ.多メたノフイJμ.IBctrayCrs or War SufFcrcrs Conaborajonism in Kardia in thc SccOnd

WoJd War1939-1945](PctrOZav()dsk,201o

50 Natsi(〕 nal'ny Arkhiv Rcspubliki Karcl五 NARり ,「.R-2152,OP。 1,D。 15/138,IJ.69.



intellcctuals and dralw thcm to thc Sovict sidc.St〔」in rcPliCd that thc Sovict policy

could rc― educatc thc Finnish intcllcctuals and,wPas diEfcrcnt fron■ thc Tsarist onc,

which contributed to their anti― Sovict attit■ lde。 51 1n fact,LIoscO、/ヽアaS sensitive tO the

ncgativc imagc of Russia in Finiand,csPccia且 v thc histOric(赳 incmOrv of Russiication

during thc latc Tsarist ycars and of the opprcssion against thc SOvict Finnic

PopulatiOn in thc 1930s. In Septcmber 1948, thc DcPartmCnt Of Agitation andPropaganda c)f thc All-lUn10n lCOmmunist Partyヽ Ⅳarned lvan Tsvctkov,sccrctary in

chargc of thc PrOPaganda of thc Kiarclo― IFinnish Party,abOut thc dircctiOn Of thc

folHorc studics:

The onc― sidedness of the sector[the fOlk10re sectOr of the lnstitute of

History,I´ anguagc and I″ itcraturc at thc Karc10_Finnish Basc()f thcノ cヽadcmy()f

Scicnccs of thc USSRl toward Russian folk10rc and underralng thc assil響 mcnt Of

studying the national culture of the iKlare10-Finnish People cannOt be allowed,

bccausc it has harinful p01itical conscqucnccso This bcneflts Our cncnlics, the

Finnish nationalists who slander us for the decline of I(arelian culture in the■ ISSR,

Russl丘catlon and so On.

An exPanded study of thc natiOnal R)lk10rc and litcrature in Our republic

、パ且 bc a heavy bloゝ /against the Finnish rcactiOnarics and its falsc PrOpaganda,

because it、Ⅳlll demOnstrate the f10wering()f the natiOnal culturc Of the Karelo―

「innish PcoplC by thc Sovict POWCr and her 10yalty to thc Soviet systcm and thc

Communist Par●。52

Thus,(〕 tto Kuusincn, thc chairinan of thc iRcPubliCan Suprcmc Sovict,

madc usc of thc So宙 ct iubilec as a prOPaganda campaign br thc RcPubliCan

POpulatiOn and Finland.Kuusincn cstab五 shcd thc K10hn sch001 as thc rnain cncmv

Of thc acadcn■ic scssion of thc iubilCC and rcitcrated that thc lubilCC、 ⅣOuld bc an`a11-

PCOplC'S(〃。「θ″α′η`ハ 'Onc。 53 Hc inStructc(l thc scssiOn SPCakcrs tO insist On tl■ c

(Russian)Karclian origin Of thc K′ ル″′ル runcs and thc rOlc Of Karclian PcOPlC'S

singers in the making of thcス Z″%リル.54 1Likc thc Finnish`natiOnalists,'Iく uusinen and

51Primo vihavaincn,∫ ″わノシンθ昨■威attFノ lStalin and Finlls](HeiSinki,1998),25価 .

52 NARK,「 。P― S,OP.1,D。 3106,L.151-2.

53L″′rr/ノ″77/′ル G′ィ/r7,14 July 1948;NARK,F.R-1394,OP。 6,D.242/1211,I“.93-93a(トコril Chistov's

ictter tO IOsif SyHttincn,thc vice chairinan Of tllc RcPtibliCan c011111littec of the lubilec,a■ er his inceting

with Kuusincn in Apri1 1948).Acc()rding t()Chistov,SCcretarン 'Of the cOmnlittcc,Kuusincn instructed

`輌crcc cOntrovcrsy、 アith()士 f~icia1 17innish scholarship,cxPosc nationalisin,tcndency and narrOヽ ″ness by

sctting thc basic PrObiCn■ Ofthcスンルジalα study fronl thc卜 IaEKist point of vicヽ w'.

54 Kir」V。 (:hist(,v,ご Zabyt}「 cPiz()d nauchn()i bi(DК rafli V.卜 1.Zl■ irΠ lunsk()g()り lA IT()1嘱 c)ttCn cPiSOdC Of

thc acadcmic bi()押・aPhy Of Ve卜1.Zhirmunskyl,Zルカリノ`′

、S` rr7′力〃,1(1990,38。



the scssiOn sPcakers sPOkC about thc antiquitv of the runes and of thc Klarelo―

Finnish PcOple,and thc crcativity of I(arclian runc singers.Against Iく uusinen,theSPCakCrs likc` yladimir PrOpp and IDmitrv Bub五 kh,One Of the fOunders Of the Sovict

Fin■ 0_Ugric studics, 、「rOtC 丘:ankly in thcir drafts that it uras acadenlically

mcaningicss to scek thc cthnic Owncrship and geOgraphica1 0rigin of the runcs。 55

Kuusincn reiCCted PropP'S draft and madc Bubrikh rewrite the draft,whilc he

protccted thc sPcakers by ordering thc local propaganda machine nOt tO attack


Bccausc Of this OttcntatiOn towり rd antiquity,thc SOvict iubilCc Prcsented

Lёnnrot as a compilcr and cOnscqucntly dcnOunced not only the KkOhn schOol but

also Kaukoncn for dcnyinbo thc histo五 city of the Kaル多タルz and thc antiquity of thc

Karelo―Finnish PcOple.As carly as 1947 the iRcPubliCan Party nc¬ wsPaPCr,lEθ″物″∫,

irnplicd thc criticism against iKlaukoncn by quoting Propp's commcnt that `thc

honOurablc assittment fOr the SO宙 ct fOル″ル sch01ars is tO daritt thC hiStOrical fact

of the Karelo_Finnish PcOPiC,'57 deSPitc the fact that thc SOviet media condcmncd

PrOpP'S approach tO thc Past at that timc.58′ Thc iubilec PamphiCt inOrc OPcnly

denounced iKiaukonen's idca and summcd up:Lё nnrOt's rolc as a cOmpiler:《 They

lbOuttCOiS nationdist rcscarchcrtt arc tving to makc rcaders belicvc that thc聰 ル″ルwas crcated by Lё nnrot hknscif and the fact abOut the usage of PcOple's songs in itis

mcaningicss. Rccognizing thc grcat achicvement Of Lё nnrot as an cditOr and

c01lcctOr Of the peoPlc'S runcs,SOvict schOlarship l″ α〃た可 rcgardS thc Kα ル〃′′物 as thc

creatiOn of thc IKarelo_Finnish PcOplce Lё nnrot's c01lcctiOn is iust OnC()f thc

CPiSOdCS Of thc五 fc Of the pcoPlc's cPic,whiCh Was bOrn 10ng bcbrc it[thC彫 ル リ/zl

and is still living tOday.》 59

55 Naucl■nyi Arkhiv Karel'skORO Naucl■ nOxO'I・ Sentra R()ss五 sk()i Akadcmii Nauk cヽ ノ` KarNTs RAN),F。 1,OP0 4,D。 120,I」 .6.(Bubrikh's draftD;¬Ⅵadimir Yo PrOPP,```KalcvJa''v svete長 )1'kl()ra'ITlle

スル″を′′//J in tllc light Of女 )lkl()rel,Vladimir Yo Pr()PP,Iも ノク箋した IJ″ど′′//r′フ.IIノθ″′″ [F()lkl()rc.Litcraturc.

Histc)ryI(γ()SkVa,2002),12驚 Chst()v》 J/p″ On thc dit‐ference bctwccn Kuu雨 ncn's apprOach and

PrOPP'S,SCe alSO Armas Misl■ in,`Kalevala― PoCma E.Lёnnrota'「he K/Jル′燿ル_P()cm ofE.Iン (5nnr()t],in

Eino Kiuru and Arnlas IMishin,I■ ガ後んり θカノθたノKαル″″夕 IFolk10ristic Origins Of the K″ル′ゼ//71

(PCtr()Zavodsk,2011),204-206.56 chistOv,Iみ グ″

57 7ir/′′′″s,2July 1947.58 NcwsPapers and iournals ciriticizcd PrOpp長 )r relecting thc hist()rical Past Of thc PcOple in literatures

and長 )lkl()rcs.ll()r cxample,1′ ル″″″″あ G″ィル,29 June 1947;ノ Nヽ.TarasenkOv,`K()smOP()lity()t

IJtcraturOvcdc面 ia'IC()Sm()pOHta面 sts住 Om I」tcramrc Studcs],Xθ グ M力12(1948),13■ 136。

59 Ki亘 iV.Chist(,v,κ ′わ″ル _「ル″[ガ Iンク.「 ル ″ん―Fソ′′議鴛θ″″滋 lThC κZわリル _Thc Grcat EPic Of thC

Karclc)_Finnish PcOplc](PCtrOzavodsk,1949),22.



intcllcctuals and dralw thcm tO thc Sovict sidc.St〔」in rcPliCd that thc SOvict policy

could rc― educate the Finnish intcllcctuals and¬ wPas diEfcrcnt from thc Tsarist onc,

which contributed to their anti― SOvict attit■ lde.51 1n fact,LloscO、/ヽアaS sensitive tO the

ncgativc imagc of Russia in「 inland,csPccia且 y thc histOric(」 mcmOry of Russiicadon

during thc latc Tsarist ycars and of the opprcssion against thc SOvict Finnic

POpulation in thc 1930s. In Septembcr 1948, thc Department Of Agitation andPropaganda c)f thc All-lUn10n lCOmmunist Partyヽ Ⅳarncd lvan′rsvctkov,sccrctary in

chargc Of thc PrOPaganda of the lKarclo―「

innish Party,abOut thc dircctiOn Of thc

fOIHOrc studics:

The one― sidedness of the sector[the f01klore sectOr of■ lc lnstitute of

History,I`anguagc and I´ itcraturc at thc Karc10_Finnish Basc()f the JAcadcmy()f

Scicnccs Of the USSRl tOward Russian f01k10rc and underralng the assil響 mcnt Of

studying the national culture of the lKlare10-Finnish people cannOt be allowed,

bccausc it has harinful pOlitical conscqucnccs. This bcncflts Our encnlics, the

Finnish nationdists who slander us for the decline of I(arcLan culture in thc LISSR,

Russl丘cation and so One

An cxPanded study of the natiOnal R)lk10rc and literature in Our republic

will bc a heavy blo、/against thc Finnish rcactiOnarics and its falsc PrOpaganda,

becausc it、will demonstrate the f10wering(_)f the natiOnal culturc of thc Karelo―

「innish Pcople by the Sovict powcr and her 10valtv tO thC SOVict svstcm and the

Communist Par●。52

Thus,()tto Kuusincn, thc chairman Of thc :RcPubliCan Suprcmc Sovict,

madc usc of thc So宙 ct iubilCC as a propaganda campaign br thc RcPubliCan

POpulation and Finland.Kuusinen cstablishcd thc KIOhn schOol as thc lnain cncmv

of the acadcn■ic scssion Of thc iubilCC and rcitcrated that thc iubilCC、 ⅣOuld bc an`a11-

PCOPIC'S(〃 。「`″

α′η■0'Onc.53 Hc inStructc(l thc scssiOn SPCakcrs tO insist On tl■ c

(Russian)Karclian()rigin of thc K′ ル″′ル runcs and thc rOlc Of Karelian PcOPlC'S

singers in the making of thc Kン ルzリル。54 1Likc thc Finnish`natiOnalists,'I(uusincn and

51夕nmO vihav面 ncn,∫ん″わノ楊″θ〃′ルルノptJin and Finns](1■ Clttnki,1998),254-6.

521NARK,「 。P― S,Op.1,D.3106,L.151-2。53L″′rrrノ″/7/′ ル G′そα″,14 July 1948;NARK,F.R-1394,OP.6,D.242/1211,I“ 。93-93a(トコril Chistov's

letter tO IOsif Sykittincn,the vice chairinan of tllc RcPtibliCan c011111littec of thc iubilec,aicr his inceting

with Kuusincn in APril 1948)。 Acc()rding t()Chist()v,sccretarン 'Of thc cOmnlittcc,Kuusincn instnlctcd

`ncrcc controvcrsy、 アith()il‐ icial IPinnish schOlarshiP,cxPOSC natiOnalisln,tcndency and narrO¬ wness by

sctting thc basic Pr()blCnl of thcス ンル|)dastudy fronl thc卜 farxist POint Of Vic¬ w'.

54 Kif」 v.Chist(,v,ご Zabyty cPi20d nauchn()i biOgrani V.卜 1.zhirnlunskく )g()'lA F()暉c)ttCn cPisodC Of

thc academic bi()押・aPhy Of VO卜Io Zhirmunskyl,Zルカ9r77ir/、 ∫`rrr′ヵ〃,1(1990,38.



the scssiOn sPcakers spokc about thc antiquitv of the runes and of the lKiarelo―

Finnish PcOplc,and thc crcadvity of I(arclian runc singers.Against Iくuusinen,the

SPCakCrs likc Ⅵadimir Propp and IDmitrv Bub五 kh,Onc Of the fOundcrs Of the Sovict

FinnO_Ugric studics, 、「rOtC 丘:ankly in thcir drafts that it uras acadenlically

mcaningicss to scck thc cthnic Owncrship and gcOgraphica1 0rigin of thc runcs。 55

Kuusincn reiCCtCd PrOpP'S draft and madc Bubrikh rewrite the draft,whilc he

protccted thc sPcakers by ordering thc local propaganda machine not tO attack


Bccausc Of this OricntatiOn toward antiquity,thc SOvict iubilCc prcsented

Lёnnrot as a compilcr and conscqucntけ dcnounced not Onサ the K10hn sch001 but

also Kaukoncn for dcnying thc historicity of the Kα ル多′′ルπ and thc antiquity of thc

Karelo―Finnish Pcople.As carly as 1947 the iRcPubliCan Party nelwsPaPCr,1「 θ″レ″∫,

irnplicd thc c五ticism against iKlaukoncn by quOting Propp's commcnt that `thc

honOurablc assittment for the SO宙 ct fOル%ル sch01ars is tO daritt thC hiStOrical fact

of thc Karelo― Finnish PcOPlC,'57 dcsPitc the fact that the SOviet media condemned

PrOpP'S approach tO thc Past at that dmc.58 The lubilCC PamphiCt mOrc OPcnly

denounced Kiaukoncn's idca and summcd up:L6nn■ ot's rolc as a cOmpiler:《 They

lbOuttCOiS nationdist rcscarchcrtt arc twing to makc rcadcrs belicvc that thc降 ル″ル

was crcated by L6nnrot hknself and the fact abOut thc usagc of PcOple's songs in itis

mcaningless. Rccognizing thc grcat achicvelmtcnt Of Lёnn■ot as an cditor and

collcctOr Of the pcoPIc'S runcs,SOvict schOlarship l″ ″〃た4 rcgardS thc Kαルν′′物as thc

crcation of thc Kiare10_Finnish PcOple.L(ゝ nn■ot's collcctiOn is iust Onc()f thc

CPiSOdes Of thc Lfc Of thc PcOPlC'S CPic,whiCh Was bOrn long bcbrc it[thCん ル リ/al

and is still living tOday.》 59

55 Nauchnyi Arkhiv Karcl'skc)30 Naucl■ nOxO'I・ scntra R()ss五 sk()i Akadcm五 Nauk cヽ A KarNTs RAN),F。 1,OP0 4,D.120,I“ .6.(Bubrikh's draftD;`Ⅵadimir Yo PropP,```Kalevtta''v svcte長 )1'kl()ra'ITl■ e

スル″をノ′//J in the light of彙 )lkl()rcl,Vladimir Y.Pr()pp,11し ノク箋らん J_22i/ど′′//r′ン.IIノθ″′″[Iマ


Histc)ry](γ()SkVa,2002),12a ChSt()v,1/7″ On thc dit‐fcrence bctwccn Kuu雨 ncn's apprOach and

Pr()PP'S,SCe also Armas Misl■in,`Kalevala_P()Cma E.Lё nnrota'「I・hC K/Jわ燿ル_P()cm OfE.I」 (5nnrotl,in

IIno Kiuru and Arnlas IMishin,Iもノ後んrFF」 iθ カノθたノKαル″″夕 IFolkloristic Origins of the K′ル′ノ″/r71

(PCtr()Zavodsk,2011),204-206.56 cllistOv,Iみ グ″

37 7ir/′′`″

s,2July 1947.

58 NcwsPapCrs and iournals ciriticizcd Propp長 )r relccting thc histOrictt Past Of thC PcOPIC in五 teratures

and長 )lkl()rcs.ll()r example,I_″ ル″///″″ル G″ィル,29 June 1947;ノ Nヽ o Tarascnk()v,CK()smOP()lit》 '()t

IJtcratur()vcdc面 ia'IC()Sm()poHta面 sts■ Om I」tcramrc Stuttcs],Nθ グ M力12(1948),13■ 136.59 Ki」 lV.ChistOv,Kale″ルー トセ″たガ上シη、「ル ″ん‐F力妥鴛θ〃″rrJtt lThc κZル

“ルーThc Grcat EPic Of thC

Karcl(〕 _Finnish PcOplc](PCtrozavodsk,1949),22.



This image of Lё nnrot as a `colicctOr and cditor' don■ inated thc SOvict

mcdia and thc acadcnlic scssion」 Iso fcD110Ⅵred this imagc PuncdliOusly.6()Iく uusincn

instructed Hcllni Lchmus,whOヽ ⅣOuld sPcak abOut I“ ёnn■ot at the sessiOn,to`be

hmiliar with thc disscrtationヽ which、げas dcindcd in HclsinH 1947 and discusscd thc

PCOPiC'S r01c'61 in Ordcr to strcss thcir contributiOn.「 urthcrinOrc,in his gucst sPcCCh

at the session,Lconid Lconov,a lcading Sovict uァ ritcr,PaSSiOnatcly dcclarcd that`Ⅵ アc

camc hcrc tO ccicbratc,、 vith you in your capital city,thc iubilCc Of thc grcat cpic,

congratulatc thc PatriOtiC achicvcmcnt of EIas Lё nnrOte'62 still,aH ncヽ wsPaPCrs and

iOurnals ignorcd cvcn this slight allusion to Lёnnrot's creativity.IDcsPitC thC Vivid

contrast、アith thc intcrprctation of thc Kaル ν〃Jtt and thc birthPlacc Of the runcs,the

Sovicts and the「innish`rcactionarics'constructcd thc samc image of L6nnrOt as a

COmPilCr Of thc K/7ル ″″Jtt to undcr五 nc thc antiquity of the Finnish nation and the

K[arelo― Finnish PcOplC・

Finnish Nadonal Symbol or So宙 et lnternationalismP

Though thc image of Lё nnrot as the c01lcctOr dominated the Soviet media,

anothcr imagc as a national intellcctual existcd.ヽ /iktOr Evsccv,an Cthnic Iく arclian

ftDlk10rist,wrOtc that Sovict長 )lk10rists in SOvict I(arelia,whatcvcr thcir llatiOnJity,

wcrc all`hcirs'Of Lё nnrot.63 This imagc as a`Sovict intclcctual'raiscd thc qucstion

Of whether Lёnnrot Ⅵras a natiOnal or an international symbolo Thc Finns naturally

SPOkC Of Lё nnrot as a man who contributed tO natiOnh00d, Or Finnishncss.

HoⅥ「cvcr,it、Ⅳas thc Sovict llniOn and thc Finnish icttists that loudiv vOiccd thc

Sovict/Russian-1(arc五 an―Finnish fricndship and considcred上」ёnnrotin this cOntcxt.

In thc Sovict rnuldnational state,`Sovict'I“ ёnnrot had to have good relatiOns

with iRussians,and acccPt the SOViCt/Russian ccntra五 tv likc Other Sovict national

syinl〕 ()is.111 2dditiOn,tllc ccntral and 10cal Partw icadcrship disciplincd tllosc national

symbOls 、アhich PotCntially causcd antagonisin Or intcraction amOng nations and

6t〕 IノFi"、「たθ′Z〃 rJ///力 ,1。 Fcb。 1949;Ta//r〃ら1。 Feb。 1949

61 NARK,F.R-1394,OP。 6,D.242/1211,L.93ao Two clissertations deinded at HdsinH Universitv in

1 947 trcatcd長)lkl()rc:Pcnttincn's and Laurcnt's disscrtatiOn.HOwcvcr,Laurcnt's disscrtation discusscd

thC PCrsonal backgrOund 21ld idcolos Of TOPC五 uS・ (Kaarina Laurcnt,■ pθカレ∫こS・″ノ〃″〃0″ンシ〃〃『 I・OPCLus as

a Talc Poct](HCISin通 ,1947)).KLluSinen PosSibily thought hiJlly of PCnttincn,w110 obt」 1led ttlk10rc

matcrials als()fr()nl thc Sovict LIni()n in ordcr t()show that Finnic runcs crcatcd`by thc Pc()plc'carrlc

alsO fr()m thc Last,

62 NA KarNTs RAN,F.1,OP・ 4,D。 115,I」 .61

63 vikt()rE、 ′sccV(Cd。),K`′′`/嵌

:〃、ルノクセ///だ ″θグ′1949),10。

←hC StCn()『 aphic rccord ofthc scsJ()n).

くFl)'Si lKarclian「 (〕 lkl()rc:Ncw RccOrds](Pctrozavodsk,



nadonahdcs such as thc Turkish― Islamic cPics。“

ThCrcfOrc,thc SO宙 ct Kαルν′ル iubilCChad tO stress L6nnrot's interaction with iRussia and Russians, and bc csPccially

CarCfLd abOut his interactlon with亜 IstOmanse

ThC iubilCC was cOnsistcnt in strcssing thc cqualiサ Of thC SOvict nati()ns,and

thc superiOrity of thc PCOPiC and Of the SOvict POurcre Touching upon thc Russian―

「innish fricndshiP at thC SCSsiOn,Wrasily Bazanov alluded to the rclatiOnshiP bcい ⅣCen

(}rot and Lё nnrOto Hc dcscribcd not Only hOw L6nnrot studicd Russlan and rcad

Russian litcraturc iournals but alsO thc fact that hc supported GrOt in studying

Finnish,intrOducing「 innish PcOPiC,naturc and culturc tO Russian rcadcrs,and

travelling to nOrthern Finland with him.65 :Likc・ wisc, BazanOv pOintcd out the`narro、/―nationa五 st idca'and thc`historical and sOcial cOnditiOn'Of the dme lⅣ hich

rcstricted thc idca and activkv Of thOscぃ ⅣO flgures,and stated that it was Bcttnsky

and Pushkin, undisputablc Sovict/Russian symbols, lwhO truly underst00d thc

PrOgrCSSiVe valuc Of the Finnish食 )lklore including thc Kン ルναJtt and、Ⅳhom Lё nnrot

respected.66 1n this way,thc Russian― Finnish mutual mendshiP was subiccted tO the

Sovict/Russian suprcmacy.

Noncthcless,thc SO宙 ct iubttCc cOuld not OPcnけ trCat Lё nnrot as the symbol

ofthc Rnnish― Estonian fricndship.Eduard Laul姿 stC,a f01k10rist Of Tartu U」 versiり,

was assigncd to sPCak about the relatiOnship beぃ Ⅳccn L6nnrot and Estonianintellcctualso Unlikc」柱nnist in 1935,Laugastc did nOt tOuch On thc cthnic tic bcぃ Ⅳccn

thc tN″O nations and natiOnal cpics but stresscd their di五 ercnces which rcnectcd thcir

diffcrcnt s(〕 cial and cconOmic ProblCms。 67 unlikc thc K″ルν〃ル,thc K″わ夕θtt Was theSt01丁 Of thC]EstOnian PcOPlC'S Strugglc with]Russians against thc Gcrinan fcudal

lords and thc invadcrs fr〔 )m thc Wcst.In the making of thc K′ル″クθtt Fachimannand KIcutz・wald studicd fOlklorcs,alnong othcr things,from the lEstonian PcOPlC

and gained suPPOrt frOm the progrcssivc Russian and PrO― Estonian Gerinan

intcllcctuals.68 1n Spite Of thesc di五 Qrences,Laugaste cOncluded that thc apPcaranCC

Of thc Old Kaル να/rr and I″lriilnnrOt's visit tO thc 炉Ⅳ0 1EstOnians in 1844 Ⅵァcrc

`unqucsti()nablc and productivc(た ル ル ″ル 〃物 た′め 'fOr the birth Of thc 10ル″ θ偲卜


64 Aleksandre A.Benningsen,`1・ hc Crisis of tllc'I・ urkic NatiOnal EPics,1951-1952:Local Nationalistll

or lnternadonalismP',G7〃 rr″″″、アル′り″ノ′Pψ′鶴 V010X宙 i,2-3(1975),463■ 474。

65 vaSily G.Bazan()v,`K ist()rii znakOmstva c``Kalcval()i''vR()ssii'「Or thC HistOり Of Acccptancc Of

thc κ″ル″/rr ill R■ lssial,in Vasily G.BazanOv(cd。 ),7)7″ 1シク″hiZθノハル〃re/J″θノ5'θssij,p′ θ″′30/J励′〃〃〃θノ/θθ―

ル励 pθ/J/管θiてl′〃′ル Kale′ ″夕'「he WOrks Ofthc」 ubilCC Academic ScssiOn dedicated tO the 100th Year Of

thc Publish()fthc Ncw倫 ル多り/rrl CPCtr()2aV()dsk,195(),181-188。


67 Riigiarkiv IStatc Archivc OFEstonia],F.R-2345,N.3,S.3っ Ll.68∬♭i′。,I」 .2-7.

69J♭id。 ,I」 .13-14.



Though Kluusincn ict LaugastC give thc Papcr at the scssion,thc Klarclo― Finnish statc

PubliShCr protcsted to thc editOrs of the cOllccted PaPcrs that the conclusiOn of the

paPCr Ⅵアas `very unreliable' bccause ■′augastc interPrcted that era frOm the

`bourgcois― nationalist' POint Of vicヽ w which lackcd thc `scicntiflc and Party

pttnciPlc.'70「inally,thc cditors gavc up Laugastc's Papcr and thc local newsPaPCrs

dd nottOuch on Lёnnrot's intcracdon with thc Estonians and thcぶンルνψθ磐071

This image of Lё nnrot as the symbol of Sovict internationalismヽ was lⅣ cll

reflccted in lEvsccv'S iCttcr to lBazanOv,whoヽ was a political and acadcnlic PatrOn Of

Evsccv and bCcamc thc vicc― dircctor of thc institutc of iRussian Litcraturc

(Lcningra(⇒ aftCr his lⅣOrk in Pctrozavodsk.In thc ictter,Lё nnrot apPcarcd as the

svmbol of thc SOvict KareLan― Finnish― Russian fricndship and thc Sovict/Russian

SuPCriOrity:《 Vasily Grigor'c宙 ch pazanov],I Sinccrcly hopc that in the future,in a

ccrtain circic of apprOpriatc authority l could cOntinuc yOur histOrical parallcl,and

congramlate you that if Russian sch01ar(〕 ■ot、vas such a grcat scholar長)r Russian

scholarship[〃α″た可 as hiS fricnd,Lёnnrot,Ⅵアas for Finnish sch01arshiP,thCn thc

Russian Sovict Phi1010gist you wcll knOw,whO began his acadcrrlic activiり in K[arelia

and cOntinucs in iLcningrad,would bc superior tO his IKlarelian ttcnd and f01ldOrist,

Of cOursc,in resPCCt Of the scale and POsitiOn in SOvict scholarship.I hoPc that this

idCa lthCir parancl、mth Grot and Lёnnro]wtt bC POLshcd up in timc》 .72

This lcttcr shows that Evsccv(Karclia→ was idCntincd with Lё nnrOt(Finn),

who was as grcat a scholar as Grot ttuSSia→ .But,in thc SOvict era,thcrc was a

fricndly but uncqual rclationship bctwccn the SOvict/Russian sch01ar and the

Klarelo― Finnish sch01ar.Thus, thc rcPrCSCntation Of Lё nnrot inctiOncd as thc

syn■bol of thc SOvict Klarclian― Finnish一 ]Russian fricndshiP, lwhich iinPlicitly

rcinforccd thc uncqual rclationshiP bcむ ⅣCCn thc Sovict/Russian and thc nOn_


Ambiguity ofthe So宙 et― Finnish Boundary lma」ned

Placed bctwccn thc tw()of「lcial iubilCCs, thc Finnish lcftists tricd tO

compron■ iscヽⅣith thc Sovicts.ThOllgh many「 inns st五 l susPcctcd a cOuP by thc

Finnish cOmmunists 長)1lo、ァing Czcchoslovakia, thc communists fcit is01atcd

CSPCCially after the Sovict― Finnish trcaty in April and the dcfcat of thc gcneral

70 NALRK,F.P-8,OP。 1,D.4250,L.42-3.Duc to thc lack Of rcfcrring to thc Sovict suPcriOrity in hcr

Paper, thC RcPubliCan PubliSher likc、 4sc criticized Lchmus's PaPCr ttOr `rcducing L6nnfot's

achicvcmcnts to the Finnish natiOnal n10vcment lcd by thc Finnish bOurgcOisic'and長 )r nOt grasPing hiS

`dcnlocratic asPCCt'O Hoヽ ″cvcr,thc cditc)rs dccidcd to ptlblish hcr papcr.

71 7bl“=ィ

s,28 Fcb.1949;正 ′ノ〃〃。「たθ′Z〃″″,`ι、28 Fcb.1949.

72 1nStitut Russkol二′itcratury ROcciisk01 Akadcnlil Nauk,RukOPisny()tdcl,Arkhiv BazanOva,「 .825,

〔)P。 1,1ヾ・204,L.1.Evsccv'S iCttcr tO BazanOv,23 Mar。 1958.



ciccdOn inJuly 1948。 Stalh was sadsicd widl the treaり ,whiCh guarantecd the SOvictsccurity intcrcst, and 卜10scow bccamc reluctant tO in■ amc thc cOnlmunists'aSPiratiOn fOr the revoludon。 73 The leftists、 vere cager for Kuusinen's advicc thrOugh

his K′ル〃αル,which hOwcvcr stron」y rCnccted thc dOmestic SO宙 ct idc010gical

situatiOn.Bcwildcrcd bv Kuusinen's intcrprctatiOn,Hcrtta Kuusinen、ァrotc to hcr

&lthcr that it was `t00 uncompronlising'to stress the cxclusively Soviet lく arelian

origin of thcんル″′ルruncs。74 1n faCt,in sprhg 1948,Otto Kuusincn and thc Finnish

lcftists hOpcd tO work in c01labOratiOn Lvith cach Othcr tO h01d thcir iubilecs in APril

1949,which was probably rcicctcd by N[OscOw。 75 ThuS,the Sovict iubilCc had to

show mOrc clcarly thc riva17宙th thC HcisinH Offlcial iub五 cC and thc rcactiOna五 cs

rathcr than thc s01ida五 り with the leftist iubileCO Foユowing thc So宙 cts,the leftists

PraiSCd thC PcOPlC as singcrs,Sovict Karelia as d■ e birthPlace Of thc runes, and

deflned their iubilec as a`batdc iubilec'against the Offlcial onc,the Kレ Ohn schOol and

the government。 76

HoⅥrever,the lettists madc an effOrt tO dcfend their Lё nnrOt as the creator

and harinOnizc it with the Sovict Onco RaouI Palingrcn,the cditor_in_chicf Of thc

″Q′α∫ヽ′″4 StratthtfOttFardly wrOtc that`the K′ ルν′ル is dccisivcly Lё nnrot's epic,

artistic gcnius,but admissiblc as a historical dOcument providcd that L6nnrot's

contttbution tO it is clarifled.'771く aukonen morc compronlisingly aPprOached the

Sovict cOnccPt,that is,thc Kα=θ

″αルas a crcatlvc couaboratiOn Of thc ancicnt I(arcLan

singcrs and LёnnrOto As Syl宙 KylhkH―К31Pi,a member ofthe SKDL,pointed Out,

therc wras a differencc bcむ Ⅳccn Kaukoncn and thc SOvlcts on thc Kaル ″αJtt and

Lёnnrot.78 1DesPitC thiS differcncc,I(aukoncn PcrsiStCntly PcrSuaded the SOvicts tO

undcrstand his POSitiOn by strcssing thc diffcrcncc bct、recn him and thc

`rcactionarics,'Iく uusi and Hlaavio,whO,thc ycar Of Lё nnrot's150th birthday,1952,

Proposcd to abOlish thc curriculunl requiring that the Kα ルν′′物be rcad at schools.79

73面mm()Rcntola,ゅ 法 ,17-56。74 Kansan ArkistO(K→

,Hcrtta Kuusiscn arkistO,kansk)5,Hcrtta's kttcr to OttO Kuu輛 ncn,l Fcb.

1949。 Hcrtta was c)nc of thc leaders c)ft1lc SKP。

75 ott()Kuusincn Oncc t01d Chistov his Plan o Start their iubilCe a day carlicr tO thc lcftist iubilCC On 16

April 1949。 NARK,FD R-1394,Op.6,D。 242/1211,L。 93a(ChiStOV'S letter to SyM触 ne→ .

76/`ゅαα、シ″,17 Apr.1949.771′しり″Sレ″,19 Apr。 1949,

78 KA,Sメvi Kttkki― KlVen arkistO,kans10 5,her sPcech ft‐ Jr the anniversary in 1952。 んlat01y So■ollov,

a Sovict writcr,visitcd Hclsinki tO celcbratc L6nnr(〕 t's150tll birthday and spokc the antiquitv of thc

火レ妥ル・rJル runcs and L(ゝ nn【 )t as the c()1lectOr.Scc,KA,S}′ lvi K)ア uikki_Kilvcn ari《 istO,kansi0 5(a sh()rtened

vcrs10n of SofrOn()v's SPCCCh On 9 Apr.195o

79 1n his PrcsCntadon tO thc V()KS(All―Uni()n Socict)ア 長)r Culturill RcladOns with「 Orci押■COuntrics),

he criticizcd HaaviO and Iく uusi■ )r dO、vnPlaying thc K4ル ″″′物and Iズ)nnrot,and undcrlined hO、 F hc lnadc



Although other scholars doubtcd his mixing a polidcal issuc Ч減th an acadcmic Onc,

thc intcnsiflcatiOn Of the struggic madc I(aukonen put forⅣ ard his`crcative'Lё nn■ot

more clearlv and thus become more critical of the SOvicts asヽ Ⅳc」。80 1n the letter to

Kustaa lVilkuna,a lcading Finnish cthn010gist and iKlaukoncn's supPOrtcr On this

issuc,Kaukonen shO、「cd his various social idcntitics as a scholar,as a mcmbcr ofthc

ieftist circlc and as the dircctor Of thc So宙 ct Unlon lnsdtute cヽ 酵〃νθJ/ariiFι。ルばガ励″ノの,

、/hich his predcccssor,` √alcntin Кliparsky,rcsigned in 1951。 81 This lcttcr rcPortS hiS

ncgotiation、Ⅳith thc SOvicts and thc「innish `reactionattF'fcDlk10rists,and hOw thc

Sovict― Finnish boundarv was both atticulatcd and blurrcd:

Thc apPcaranCe Of IIaavio and Iく uusi as the indicatOrs of the ancient

Finnish POctS placcd mc in an unconlR)rtablc PositiOn as thc dircctor of thc

lnsdtutc..… It is c,stal CiCar(PttiVttnsclv五 五)that d・C SOvict UniOn rcgarded Haa宙 0's

and Kuusi's prescntations as really rough Oppositionist and anti― Soviet

proPaganda.… .It sccms to mc that iny cOnccPt on `thC Ki′ leυ′″ as Lёnn■ot's

crcation has、 Ⅳon the suPPOrt frOm Sovict sch01ars after aⅡ .… The sitllation is now

vcⅣ diEEcrcnt from in Novcml)cr 1946,whcn I PrcsCntcd my thcsis almost alonc,

ancl in spring 1949,when the cOnttontadon durinbo the lubilees was vcry harsh.As a

scholar On Elias L6nnrot's greatヽ「

orks, thc assignment Of thc director of the

lnstitute is nevcr to rcstrict thc freedom Of the schOlar.… .It is(_)l)viOus that amOng

thc circlc Of thc「 inland―Sovict Union」AssOciatiOn,as a scholar Of thc」 κ′ル′′′J″ and

the Ka〃″ルノ″″I PreSented m)r argument as carlier,but、アhen it cOmes tO their basis,

authendc R)lklore,thc mattcr changes.AccOrding to its assignnlcnt,the AssOciation

Of cOursc sprcads thc conccP1 0F SOvict sch01ars,ancl as iar as l ain conccrncd,I act

as a rc■■cc[′ψ ″″洵 励 司,not as a schohr… …「

Or my part,it ζ nOw,JVe or takc a

conttrmcd public and unanimOus cOnccPt that thc iK″ /6J′′″ル7 and thc Ka″ルルノ″r arc

I∠ёnnrot's、「orks_the victory of scicnce 1//θ ″′/71()Ver thc PrOpaganda。 82

an ciR)rt tO dcfcnd t、 F()Finnish svnll)Ols and intrOducc lⅣ hat thc SOvict sch01ars insistcd tO IFinnish

rcaders,Su()malainen KirialliSuu(len Scura,Kittal!iSuusarkistO(SKS KIA),Kauk〔 )scn arkisto,kansi()11,

`Taistelu K21ev212Sta Su()mcssa talve112 1 952'「 I11lC Struggle ttr tllc κ′ル〃′//J in Finland in winter 19521,

dclivcred to thc lVOKS in summcr 1952.

救)JyrM Paask()sM,Dゃpル″グル〃_γ力ん力魔、Sレθ〃′/rFル


′7カル′た′″r/F″ ′フθg_2θθg[ThC COmmunity of Sch()lars:

thc Acadcllly of Finland 1908-20081(HciSillki,2008),191-192.

81 1く IParsky published an articlc insisting Scandinavian initlcncc On thc origill of thc Rllssian state,

which thc SOvicts and thc SIく P strOn31y condCmncd。 ()n this scandal,sccヽ 亀1lc Pcrnaa, 7レ /Jノ″′夕/J〃″


ル〃θf(ンノ//J///ノ ″グル″″ N′〃ルリヵ ″ノ乃″=′


z=′■″ ′ηθル 、「〃θ〃′/rJ′ヱ■∫′ρθル″た′瑠 ノフクープタ


llni()n as an Assignn■ cnt:「 Fhc IRolcs()F thc SOvict lJnion lnstitutc()F thc λllinistrv()f Education in

Finnish P()hdcs 19ZIZL19921(HcISinki,20()の

82sKS KIノ、I(aukOscn arkist(),lKaukoncn's lcttcr tO I《 ustaa`了ilkuna,14卜 lar.1952.



In thc cnd,the SOvict Acadcmy of Scicnccs a且 oⅦrcd lKiaukoncn to publish a

short piccc on thc K凛 ルν′″物and iLёnnrot in 1952。 Kceping in step lⅣith the SOvicts,

Kaukonen deflned Lё nnrot as `one of the mOst Outstanding cultural flgures and

scholars of thc I(arc10-Finnish PcOplc of thc ninctccnth ccntury.'83 FurtherinOrc,hc

aCCCPtCd]Russian ccntra五 鶴F byヽⅣriting that`Lё nnrot OccuPics a flrm and hOnOrablc

PlaCC in thc fricndship and cOoPcratiOn Of thc Russian PcOplC` だth the Klarclo―

Finnish PcOple'bccausc()f its fricndshipヽ Ⅳith(〕 rOt and Of his resPcct fOr Russian

culture。 84 1ndCCd, in his Original draft tO the V(DKS, K:aukOncn clYIPhaSiZCd

Lёnnrot's authorshiP,clttnung,likc Paasikivi,that Lё nnrot wras■ot satisflcd、 vith thc

folk10re composidon,which was ob宙 Ously reicctCd by the SOvicts。 85 HoweVcr,

Kaukoncn's voicc co― cxistcd、vith thc So宙 ct idc010gy:`the Kaルν′Jttis an example of

such grcat artistic Productions as arc indcbted fOr thc crcadvity of thc PcOPlC fOr

thcir OriJn and werc cOmplcted by thc indi宙 dual highly― talcntcd PcrsOnS WhO wcrc

ncar the people。 '86 1n this way,Kaukonen succecded in blending his conccPt W7ith the

Soviet idc010gy.

FinaHy,this SOvict― Finnish ambiguity prcPared fOr thc POSt― Stalinist and

morc institutionattzcd channcl beむⅣccn the schOlars Of thc● ⅣO countrics. After

Stalin's dcath, Sovict Phi1010gists began tO c五 ticize thc cOntribution Of SOvict

folk10rists to thc cult of PcrSOna五 ty,which cOncerned Bazanov and IEvsccvo Evsccv

おund an ally in Kaukoncn,ヽ Ⅳho had visitcd Evsccv aS SCCretary of thc ncヽ wly

cstablished iOint SOVict― Finnish scicntiflc― tcchnical cOnllnittcco ln his ictter tO

BazanOv, Evsccv Criticizcd both HaaviO and Elizar Iゝclctinsky, `rcactionary

f01k10rists,'fc)r attacHng or ignoring Kaukoncn, thc `PrOgrcssivc folk10ristメ 、げhOpromiscd to support Evsccv.87 This I(arclian― Finnish alliancc,hourcvcr,includcd a

potcntial dangcr to thc SOvict Kαルι′′Jtt and iL6nnrot bccausc I(aukoncn had alrcadv

published his mOnumental work On iLёnnrot's making ofthc Kaル′,αJ″ in 1956,and

ar[要iCd POurCrfully that thc Kレ ル″″/rJ、ァas Lё nnrot's crcation.

83V舶 n● KaukOnen,`Elias L6nnr(〕 t,Velikii Ucheny Karel()_FinskOg()Natて )da'IElias IJう nnrot,Great

Scholar Of the Karel()_Finnish PcOPlel,Iぞ ′・げルシ/た″dettliハル〃た。■;lSIL θ″ルル〃ルル ″々ンク′ノル召7た″,1952,

tom XI,vyP.5,ccntiabr'一 oktiabr'lBullctin Of thc Academy Of Scicnces Of the LISSR,Section of

Litcraturc and Languagc],457.I am gratcful tO Susan ttkoncn ft)r dirccting my attcnd()n to this PiccC・


85 sKS KIA Kaukosen arkistO,Kansi0 10,the ctraft was sent to thc lゾ C)I(S On 28 Fcb.1952.86 fbid.,459.

87A、rkhiv BazanOva,17.825,()p. 1,N.204,1_´ .8,Evsccv's icttcr to Bazanov,21\ Ov。 1958.ヽlelctinsky

、・as oustcd ttrOnl lKarclo― Finnish Statc lUnivcrsitv in 1949 and arrcstc(1. In his lncmOir,卜 Icictinsky

condcrIIncd BazanOv ft)r Cattacking' hiFn during thc latc Stalinist anti― Scnlitic cal■ lPaign。 11lizar

1ヽ.Melcdnsk)ち /ψ′′〃りで∫ヽ〃


ち,θ″ル〃″ル ISCICCtcd Ardclcs.McmOirs](M()SkVa,1998),51卜 9.



Though uncqual in many resPcctS,this So宙 ct―日innish interactiOn ovcr

L6nnrot and the Kα ル″αル du五ng onc of thc harshest times of the C01d War

confrontadon was not so onc―sided as to slmpけ impOSe so宙et win on the Finns,but

Ⅵras b■atcral h inaucncing Cach Other.In dJお scnsc,Stalin's dcath shOuld■ Ot be

overemphadzed in considering the interacdon behvecn‐ the socialist ttd■On―sOciattist

wodd,although it was actuaup7 a嗅嬰重Cant moment。 ¶he Swict universal ideolo野

was not only a powerful mens of ruling the So宙 et PCOple but also had a

considerable innucncc over people beyond the SOvict lU亘 On。 On its Pcriphery,

howcvcr,dlis imPCrial idcolo57 inCluded elements that¬「cre《五fferent m nature ttd

even critical ofSO宙 et power。