.The. Wo1çPs: ÁPRiL 15, 19398°.Poó t o ! = P .17 i1 0 ó emost Amusement Weekly :Ceiritsó . ,ol. 51. No. 115 - AL DON L h.cr I V.. I ' ` ..c.

ó emost Amusement Weekly - World Radio History

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.The. Wo1çPs: ÁPRiL 15, 19398°.Poó t


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ó emost Amusement Weekly :Ceiritsó . ,ol. 51. No. 115



h.cr I V.. I ' ` ..c.

April 15, 1939 'The Rillboard

f an ,ki S .

All Tu ose Who IIN ave Assisted Ber Aclaie ing- Sue Ai,ua`L1 S Lice Ss in

[l nd.=r _kXcl ffat [1F MQl[ ugPm tCil l of C IOI I U M B' k 1 R I r-

ST!, I J.

ol. 51 No. 1 5

n qt ,


The World's Foremost Amusement Weekly April 1.5,


7?ttbllatltera trtytl: at -Claatnaall, O. Entered an íeeond-elrtra )taatter. June 4. va'a7, at Post Office. Gtnelnnatl. under AOt oR manes. 1071). 92 Paq-s2s, a5ttis.crdptLorn., 118 per year. Cop -right 1939' by The Billboard Publishing Company.

"1,1l1 PUS CRCWNS K I IN , Hart Is Not So Hot as Cafe Owner And He Admits It

NEW TOikk. April S --4emm Barton. mine has been highly suocr i act, a per. termer, Le tso great shaken sa a night club owner. fit and htra, Barton, Wong with their attorney. appeared before Lotaetl_ 101 of the mutictams` Uni-11 last !meek and naked to be dtrtcken from tits unf-le flat beesu-e Is* us washtna hXfs hands of o' -nerablp of the Cantina on Lon. wand.

The Watery, Otvnld Jo:1U, by Borten. Sam Smith and Jack Dougherty, has neon ono tLP union's unfair Hat asettee last spring for employing nom.tantota mud - claw Sine he has relinquished tn- tsrt+i in the enlist. be told oaten& ox Local 80:: that he ahould be taken out of the r. g.il1F.

Barton oho feinted that Ms other night dub venture, the Mad Dog Crdc ilnsrnod after átte of AZ)r, fntlrtoual Paaaik tlettr i oiti tonsil Island. cost him A, cool &M000, Ho=elama be did . o b_idjy tie that ho Ceitilt1 show tecqf1T°.e fO- 10 and 13 o1'Itta a night,. minimums Include4,

William ')Ec' aíftrer. eta exact astatod

-toitlt a dash o/ 1nl7lonl bil-N i tootle. AinU e.-gray

Weia.s. dHuntner boy -with Merit Pttt's studio, b.ia d ail "%WM', to tjb pseud p' p+ OS UMW. !ie, t i ,Stork delivered the doubts bundle at part_ and an hour later wine telepleccnco gamey et the atbbdio to re3ay the 19ed tiding_

-That's awetL" see eltire. *Loons Into the gtouttttipicc* es the Hiss. trade her rap-rt, '-metre are you now?" mere am I now?tl!" Irea the re- ply rhofCkalrtit. 'I'm down in Whetao't drug store having, t1 Coca - Gael r r

No Submit -Ides SAN FRANCISCO.. April $.--When

It comes to sentiment, as expressed tlsru the medium of. a favorite so^j, tbo 1..-'11Fele of prograis move a slowly indeed, Despite the fact that Prank Churchill, eom>,poscr of the Sa.ea Waite btu !seat war. turn 4d his teat ~tins hand to the creation of two of ices songs- fee the ooldtts Gans >9t= r -n ttion here -Vetere O1 Trecieure Isle and I've Oat u hoofs( MM peed e; the Golden Cate -ti» d«ttiee are not get.' Win the eapt.cted play. Local mtt_tl- clans are almis t unanimously ta1'Cir- fns Coifjtxnfs ?Mee I Cottle as an un- Cdtetal themes

thlit ho w$tkd recommend to thib eze u- tive board chit Barton 'be talo -.1 oft the unroll' 1L'rt of- the Uniez práelceI1 that feo s not trout the pL.:61t line at the Cantina or` appear there as an enter- tainer.

London Faces Talent Shot age; American Performers Double

LONDOe . April 0.- tdgin. frcoi this Plerslence of diubitm- in vaudr- man- agements are expo. encing a shortage e1 name sett with Arr.trueAni ltff urtng Fa'erralnently In w-orio ni two spots n vast. Typical example. are Milts li.-otbrrtl and Pairs Wailer. headlining at both #iolbaorn and Finsbury -1-r) 1 n- plroae Btretot sinew Arthur ?busy 00- otipyttig Nature spot al ótzstfasd Emplre and Chalará Palace. and Wright and Alarcon workti:.; Holborn lemplrtt as writ as Chelsea Palace.

American perfortss7ra ire frenttontly Malin i late cabarets after four -per- fortneñoee of doubling in raude!. DcU- Wing to tbs,_, prrpytta-cea Its banned by Vatbely ~tints* 7sudew-ton.

I Clarinet Still 'awe Svm[,oi as ArtieS ~o ps College Faves

Bea Wain leads over Elul Fitzgerald in the canary ebo ce-Bing Croi<by undimputetl choke for the male voice .Benny Goodman hops to fOurtTh

NEW YOitIC. spill 11, Cutttrg n cres-xetlph of ool'cidate America -taking Ira 100 colleges Ind tinifirehlttess.ltt'a0 Staten etr,téhrd groin, the Quit to the Lea troni the Atlentto to the l-iott'to.--TIic rtlibaardi, ter the beeneid Oan. site yc '.

pollod'edltors of cam us nex-t r. n tor. rule=1#rtes and hvrn n glr pub:loath:e sal to the tntlaleal likes end dislikes of Joe and Jane College. In an effect to angel the style of'ayrxopati n and song that'll bring the b.=:5 returnee to prom-trot"e:s. the m%trxnl nilcroseo^9 was amigncd to the editors. since they ern the posit position to place tlsear ringer on the pulse of student fads atsti tini:itj tit eonOccttorra with- the o- ' - - tut firria d Jicto(1 whirl on each partic- ular ~talk

Not only for bands and ~ken play- ing or bidding for camr.taa Work. this online ward p.ciure la also- dengned as a ferries for adrertlaing agency, radio and, recording parrrecti and oppecrº. tees. of, pallroon& hotel* end niterles cettitbg to t.io eal:.esate snobs far-flung Oster the centre oóus3try.

in this. and In sut~fqueot 1aauew of The D31111beard. the coafcglaaa t:U1 dia- orlmlaste between the music than rt Sr dap for listening and that for datnrind: re - vim of banda haring played at the oolterim covered during the current s boot, year: the ryle of dancing !seen is ±11 ; *rtic itar caa:rrptial the 'past pl t}eal b:' pnennwpb arced+ In the

-popularity of a dance orcbditns of tdlnahr. rind the influence' of Jitterbugs e.nd kindred kinds of insoote

Pine the &tarter, and to set the keynote for further chketuuona, rho Billboard presents. the ,col2r hate etsetsd o! dames orrbanraa and +octtlfltn ibotto Male toed ferrule). ~Mae et Whether slay had made pommel apperntncre on the par-

¡óso SIIAW COPS an pogo 11)

1 Jew ri rhQ ¡Ti -n T se f Q r OTl

Fewer Performers, Ring Stock; W ug Footage Increased

Performance tit Garden produced with eye on road to afford more intimate retied. -lctrei nilined to hilt and entertainment value high -41500 at inaugural

NEW YORK. aped i,.-Hltoamltm d to tine hilt arad ter primed, In performing prnsOrstwl and ring stock. angling ilion. A Barnum rt ba.l'ey.Circus+ Opened Its 1908 =an W0dne_4ay (ll) In the (B -reten, A ohm piste-hei4er Crowd of 4.900, hctstily papered Ln the bortea 4$*$8) asid .mena sleets .1/ 43.3 I 0) with prC Plumcelebrity - d :I-uInanition!turned out foe theInanition! which produced a riot of trttorul costuming arad colar and lteceitt d.to entrl-taltui ent velas. In espaule form and on tutbLetittnla In the air.:.andout turna were Great ReoIlo.billed u, jhes Man to the ;.tooa: K Ills .tn lfc)-er. Iloltnnde:A to-antra to-antra of tttc Orr -rage and Liberty r hone numbers,: T'krTeliJateo+be with tnLZed reeve. (381 of lona sort The Big .Clic bee been biter In Ise b the i'ti 10ea. tramen of Ilan Crlajtla=tl artll-t rol -ter and has rrhown rae mow ramlty: IvessetOwa, Brtigari%o bar artist : hum -berm. bitt it h ii ntier Unr'r-Red ea Wei ntir forehead perch: Crite ia/it moda entertainment tonatpe that bee rreujue. pTtnclpal riders Great Arturo besen -nc .easy to watch and enjoy. Tbc$s fT rostiei, hiel it -Alea harlegutrt: Pallen- stirs R ft tus-do..,t poIOtn. to be aura. t1. "r 7t- eon. of escuela, the ii.ithe but when trimmed, hart WI and n ,.re CO rl "1 .fir r t Ayliit:-return tUipt t'rodj--IS' daser4 1b:r1Y arr . 1 routine, featurlhe the Antoinette two-and-s-ittatf abet Lime should l''e rateo . 'tie ns;ew to the will compare 1nr rably Mich Ibas or any

other year and may eten extoed any to tanbark history.

Golden program toucans o4 a Brew era In Big Stow presnntatrnn. It la pro- dueed with nu eye on the touring -e s- nort, which wilt Intro axe a wider. more clrrulor end 3 len -tty'top .a3 et -lit be about eight r. higher, Thin 41ran:'. meat will otter a tapnetty of Under 11:n00, compered to about. 13.000 hith- erto, sod the show will be given in than Misr , compared t0 the latrsinar rnsw csuta-i and tour stages- In s.art,- forr 'the first 'silo., lo Males* cirtntr h - tory the' psrfcirniamos will tat glen wi,ih 1r be-t'd rrnr_at by 1E9 public seduces paps the freight- Air-conditioning la down as an added feature of operation Gaen preséntl1an Ls !n the usual rd there -rites-t esataj',e 1pac d.

Confer i--iO-in is 50 rocl, nod the outer rin/ ' 44._ Slitif] the tree ring bank footage on record. Thta will take up opine of the slack of duninwing capacity Unposed by a three-rtig set-up on the fte-d

Coe des lc Malys. noted thwarter! de gfil and ra'attamtn. ens lavtsbed i11 Ws real. care and talents upon the p'r- tonul department, and hiar rtt 1 c early *latish trots the very Hurt. with

richly ~turned epee nub -3 tar «Me WvCtr : CcYs' , to ttte WoId u Vitrr. trills a "resplendent p gr"fstry of tin matt nisi fabulously and tent_ -,4e alt} up, ,eel I w

which pa "Ira ntale.:.jc sp:-cndr r Its 9.neauuo+itrchle ittatw ashcan " Is a _-

fled NiW NBA !N ,oft pew 34 i

PhiIIy Seekb To Ban Iienefits

PRLI.ADXI Y1J tA. April 8 The s,a . r - t litritil'rrt lfana;'re Ai:.aetatics, !veal boOkern' c+ !r 4+e'ktttg.A legit tIve en acts ent to outlaw het! lit4, A r+eoolatlan hail been" przwujed to the Le?trlature rvr,.ttuiu the passers of n grutut uro irbith w ould require anyealo aselspsing net Wile r.' en cdntIe.'lon is deemed to obtains a heAbking lie-ancg= ($100 tnnuaily). pie bill would forbid ndtj:it ell" sips from seceding alit to benerite unless they 01» tall: et a license-,

Plorentrre Bernard. EMA press/dent, ,de- C3r reQ the me ssure near- try ber.au In many :natant+, Club otirratdra, due ro poli t 4ril prr.,.xue, sent out entire nhoaa to political diners and ben4fte in which they wire Interested without returning Wen the nee- expenses. In many :s_=ce. she Ohaegcd, the purchaser of seta

would sell the'rerirlor__i of g,ribeinero to benefit -TM thou fiery oompen.a tt h .

The oast a:nn ecccerdtil let defeat ins i oaCmtnittett a moaner* gortbiitdr-t a book tar; enfer to t.`uartps meta than 3 per cc t tor stencil

n 1 his j.gairi2


CfrTu.},Eó Cara1 ...' rr .

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-CO : cfr ,-s . . . . . 70'92 t'r-dt,rcnea mis .. . . 29

, -Fr .rar kn.. . .. 44 of P Cur ti -- 20

fr eel Ahewt . . . 14 Cer+_ at Outdoor . . .. . . . ó3 9 Haresu+rr9 Eaear-fas' . . _ _ 68

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= 3-64 Pat 'trip .. 4 Clam' . . . . . /:::10 1R ..je -a' t . , 9 il -7d Teri? _ .,

Rio ,F i3cutTi , , . _ . . _ _ 39


ts "" t A t aicüana 22

end tid prin.'ic ...td !!+r- - u

carni- val- 66. Chem and Will a '- ;.óú .' -

1lrtatsOr ,N Bert, Th.... reutua .......

.. Carr .

`r.w a 0 - ra See* . w Er ...-. . . . SO

I .r ar' . m 4 . .. . 4 Who.-'--' P.. - , 1 - . . . -0.4-'= t we _ f -ia. h- . . .. . .. :i. 3

1' The Aillboard GENERAL NEWS 'April 11, 1939

Flesh on Upswing in L. A.; All Fields Look Healthy

Biltrnor-e booked solid-b. o. holds up well despite Lc!nt Bowl contittues act1-4 as Grove strike goes onArA

members kick at Ivaikout for other crafts LOte A,NOY.LES. April f1-Phmla shown art on an uprwing here miter s slim:

It It: esrsmlitr mete and muse Widen& Unit the general public le tiring of iutndight tdlraiar,nnd la seeking dlveraLon In Mel toms of fiiult. Yoe the r'L3t several months the barometer of the 7teel fieah altuatton has been the FIT' pvroduati e.*. /run Little Chielirts, at the afayen,. and Two a Da {laced to eloec April 30e nil the Irolly-r4ocd Phielumee. These two abava hafts held Up despite the thilinibo-down attitude of crttic! . who cairn that. L. A.. hover was and never will bo i]reb-ec>3soholar. The Bill- IIt0tI Theater. long a atreeitt3told of Istitt, tr te kee' practically loud after aeratel lone dark etretcbnt. First chow lnia th ' ID Copies-Is Theater In Itotlywood tdDee Law :MO ORl l rttp la elated to be 0 M(d' and Men, with ;Vallee.: lord and Isabelle Jewel. A]tho present pans corn.

(See 'ISSN ON on - p0 69)

L.atatrus Will Be New. Head of Flint Ad Club

NEW YORK. April EL -Paul. Lambaste Jr.. of Warner Ell-, Picture ; ,ties t1,á gusto isol-a td by the neen :iistita<r cent - =lieu of the. Aa oclaitic1 Meteors Picture AcITesetlsant (AMPA), which reports its arleuloae to thr, t Lesh iartp bcely at s lutich ozi Meeting this v.eak at the Efotel Astor.

Carr-Tnitteo a report was tondo by Oar - den Imbibe o1 educiateot:.37 PSctttrºe. isle

(Sae LAZARUS WILL on page g.9 ft

AL I 01:4 HUE 1tiR Weelc's CrovFr Subject)

At. DONA.tjtut was beet and rested le Sono ?on LA ,rradsa/N with hereon and an

LL O. degreo /newt the &eaten University Itloel et law. Ntyht attendant, et it,. New England Cenªervatory of Glvnae nal1M1 him 3 dipto,na throe. and he, re, raced wife the probl.ms of ctoei Sgg between law and mink

. a taºesr. Reune the/ his moo plNaa,e vnal,ents e oaten to had betel, .pens ten= ducting Y-: school band dad stlnC flee esaurai thaw' dgeided hi,. an taro* of muslc and 10 piano as a maestro haw snored tea/ he chest wlsaly.

His first engadernent with his own oak oee-rmed at the Hollsweºd Dear& Hold M Ibe,rda and preened so ,accestfvf the Lc err ra-aasagad, foe fine <amsimith. Masons. A PathsasraM.Peblla 6114 1.11 sported hire shame. which steeped in Iseasseek con. meet .t rho fhhcr Thaate, DHrcert the /o,iniehP furred Into a solid year dart,= .. Les AI served es emu* M addtH .o to band larder. Donahue has habit of d..' e w well ha a spot *hat be h levadably beaked tragic .. :tai err octane eh* Rainbow. Rooms. Rodiefd4e ConPq, New Yorit. teens eendsrvem. 'Ming an outsttndlir dan.ple at this er+eirlr. Al has Obeid Sirs nh_vw rneksiiOtniL Mena, eondri le let his flab stay In Etay. Upon cknIt_j Ot IL. spat last ll rnruy. he wet Into rte Pater island Catilae, MSasl, Fla_, foe an olgltlwsck rue.

Othee seers the Derahne Band ha, played lncfudg she Sands Pole, Base Club, lO. Canine WI tom: -to ,4th` the New °steam Rowreil Nicol'. New York's Waldorf-Aatorb, Ike preesame In nwreeda. cinciena'ilb Nstaaitar,d Pieta. Desra171t /ook.Cadlltic Norsl !red Ile.. Colony Ch b hi Pass Mach, fb. owing fh. i026' wetter *aeon M Mods he dit*atad Sias music for this famed Cat. pulls till held M Tanrpi-

Dansksc' is iii enr{kal dhocfnr for .sacral 101;a,r24 firma and supplies bands foe ;tt... Fames Ca, idea hlnce Line and the Lather S. S. Co. Me It emitted with, *wind the bitted t*ntractot la this particular flute_

feF:w ts: Paler Idawat data. Al d a d .4 ties, weeks of the New YMk Shaed

Theeter., and prowsilll Il on a preseelaté heels Mar test Marled et tee-Steatee. Phis. 1.áe-!, scvatal weeks no In'd that dill fake jr; iI"'ydcTltta, Akers, Yeuntptown, Ol, a 4nd2ny4-'. spaniel April 11 at Ilia Lytle

the 11AScv cit. Teo hone winds sir r. elrwe let the rid%ltlap irslaboe Reins 'Naas. Opaallu record, i.:r versa n.

STOCK TICKBTá WIlY ONIr sou._ s .!G FIYi aOlts... 2_o0

ROLLS .. 440 rtlarr wits. MAO 100 ROI.0 24.00 ROLLS I,030 EACH.

Ws Craona. Cram - i0 hies.

He C. O. O. ~sea We mesas Tiv.:/aly.

Ex -Singer Warbles His Way to Parole.

JEFFERSON. CITY. Mo.. April 11.

The f2tssour] State !sash n eazlety show. sired weekly over KÍNO.S. Jeaeraon City. from within the walls of the State pen- ttaDtlary here, -has lost Its arSO vo<yl]at breathe 21-7ear-old Raymond Wooers. until bat week No. 47400 lO than ptiaen. 'inhered In "singing the blurt array.'

Known m,tiee rsinging nawaboy."'-Ray In 1940 had a job as a robe performer tot ó Joplin. Mo.. betray.. Re had a good following and wtar'repardsll as one of they meet popttltr t ntertatrtere on the sir In bur section- But Whets he suffered a throat ellnient Lb>=,t filial to reipeed to treatment he. loot We job. got Cato trvu. bit and drert a lbytal` scri tí00 totes prison on ~bevy charge

After aceseral inonths his throat IL -Wed and he began winging attain, at first -Only to smuac Aglow ~mere but later on the variety show Initiated by elution KWOB, of tot coneletentele fan mall. wa wed lilted by priate' officiate and in general wan highly regarded by radio tans and Offtlials as well.

Serene months ago his old eneheor !n JOpltn. W. C. Merkwardt, heard him on the air, Maitd the cifcturnteneeientIsla rise. and hint to work In h behalf. 4farkue.rdt flato ly asked the Mate psrote b 3srce to rieletae Woods, pronah ]_n_g the vocalist tabs old job on the radio program.

The board Mudfcd Waoda r'ecoid. dis- covered he'd never, been in troUble bo fort, was a model priaeher and:sn recom. re-nded the parole. Last week CCs. Lloyd C. Stark el/pied the. se)enae.

Tana week Ray Woods., Mile =Ong newsboy." wrist 'bock on the air In Jop- lin. a tree man.

Pa is 'Gets Hine House for Revues

PARIS. April L - Rientes lak Rolt5' fans away admire the new Chailhot The -

1 cril-ugiva,41 C1o>ww. _ _ G SS r7< i LW'S


the purpose of tibia Qi uarta .and is to bereelN producer, bcokai. ..r -cis and o hers concerned with the eti<eel.stfon of Went In she mEoc lr,deor fields Nees The 9- -beard's coyerago of every branch or chi slow ',esteem -


For air S 8I)W.a4tD GARDN]3l-former Jepit

cutest .« and producer who has been ltn radio for geveeril.ytp1r4. With tale ma t recent aseignogelit.-waning. dlrecttng led playing, tan _Te -te la Neu York (CRa - he ham derelopsd Ittto a real trlip1e-thrrtat. Planer; of Arabic. covno,tt Ci areettr on the show. ctrered that he ,cast create -a real comedy charecterutgatteres Having presr/tileaí shown hats ability as a -writer, director and producer he oiL es es an nos cttadldater for a three-way Qlcrt poet.

t or I SG .'

DRAMATIC WTLL.IAM nedi.1E1413DCIi: - senior

A,lient at, the file ;tn Se. coil of 15It.,n.tlelArta. New York, Outstond. tug Work tit verlott4 roles to the '-silent ~Motions deltnitely Indi- cates pro.etliona! ability. Han do: -.e excellent Jobs In _iota playa as Ur:Le-

y Squort, Meek Miteep, Sprfnp Dartna' and several Nose CDwaard'orie- ncteru., !fuss nee -trainees and ones and fits ldto Mewet any type- o! :0109 Should So ptatcaes On the pro etspe.

Mee Inaugurated, with all ells pomp by I -hp Viennese operetta. - Chinese Preset añd Portuguese' Ter.oe. A Republican Ouard on eater od the many. many *tole lase !tee downward, over downward to- ward the top gallery. I)eleOrly and huge orchestra, cha ti. s.itaated at the Seine -

The going down la not so bad. but the earning up!

Built with the idea of hating big things there during the 1937 exJlto. It was not completed OlOtil tbree week» ago. The. heeding Itself ieaa)ln Radio City.

As 23tieeon ear. In The ~ores '''ChaUIOt may be [petal to the Republic bun It can do nothing towarrl the odva_ncéesent of tbestrieal art. Under this ewtrgg own Trrc.otnlutn YOlesaa the actont v)alk eras

stilts and use .nee _s pb ornes they are out of touch with the audience. Bred tbo moat sutnptuotra ballet le reduo:.d to the Insignificance of a martOartto perform: arson...

Tba new theater replatte the old'hae- Oder'or befit in 2890.

Panas3i FFrolr,t;ns on Jitterbugs And Forecasis Finis for Si in the .cult-ato(AtiLd `Boax'aiI of Jazz." re" turned home from, a flee -month drink- Inp.l of Aneerslcals batteet ynztaspattloñs to report to bra "relic ere that nesting ie seine 0$ ertirueresal and will soon fads from the scone. Nan rtranr. to. the maileal world of the U. 3. A.. he has written the Only Pticntltia study to the d'=at .,f jive. Le Jaffa flat, which la the bible four the brim who `beat It out down," As the first fah to to ace the music as ib 0.a 'mend and swotted and Catching Its significance e3 It comp out here. M. P:_ii .ale wa 1M In the United states al Olio of the greatest alike- Of mar -y, music:

While to Aunties he Created bellows


bell tlr M,lchlnr_ to oeo ..; s.7$

v.eS 50.8130 .. 12.T.

mimeo. ,,, 10.Q0 1.00O,oeO 150-S0

Double Coapisev. D3,034.r Prlea.



STS Yole WANT IN a Mb1a1Ay


C- Isi the berrolbouse When ho' refused to giro his opp feral to the popular awing hende of Benny Oaoderare Tommy Doe - soy and other... "Those fellows bevy taken the real laze that we got front the Amertc$n Negro. here toned It dawn and commerc;allised it," be said on his are ties]- 'Tisey don't have the real feeling for uUi g posies -led by such amen as Louts Armstrong. Duke Ellington.. Bair iioldts- bcc r at'.4 others."

Phooey on 'Pita!oy Phley. One of the trouble* - with modern

American .,..eIng to the 11tterbltb, who rates no ~zing nientIof from the Preneh Critic. ' Tlsey zee too rr*tey and pay no attention ha the real owing manta. They want thálr swtn43 cect ancr cialleed a ho c ospiaiOads

The but bands to tile estimation are those of Duke ]Sltingtcºi. Jlmmtc LuOlS- ford and Louie Arlan 'ITue best colored ilSislclatta, the biSet Of Ut -n be added, "i AJTrtetren e. and the -bent white Jae/ performer Is the lato Buz Deader; Oedx,"

Pair those riot familiar with the rierld of a tWt ob n aJcciatc-eweie tai g pi= (Sec PANA3S,S' OitOWNS on papa 60)

Three -Doe Molar: go

A VERY mp., mare orgeheratten le the Theetriéni MsOalgra, Agents one

Treasurer,' union, the, ensue theet bar APt J .75:,.4Iction (t Pr the' boa -alike men Of Sroedway le, It tboater.. . : It It, tu- Crescer)t'abie tb - t the I IAT door not reoognlze that one of Iteepwre probkarrs. tracts an ethical standpoint and from the fltr.etghteci tingle of the welfare of cite kit buaín.. 5, u the aurlfli*s. tionets) !!eels of oouyteey anti, what might he called ak bast the .arpeactllorna curie eee- alon of theater treasurers and their aA- ,slartnnta. The th.._i,ter inert - and managing producers either haven't, teen able to do anything`SiXaut it or chef haooerr *Non tried: . . What la outa eefdent la that Sirens glad the TIdAT b0 - crime a reality. which ween't-iotrg ago. of course, bdik-o1f10e einployeeeut, haven't Im- pored one tots generally.... Of sQtu 0. one runs acresea coui<toaus, friendly teak behind the 'reelect, once In s While... . but more frectu tatty.that pasteboard ape- ci lasta are the epitome of 'ghat novel- tati who bmie never rtcr td Outaide 01 Oskaloosa 'describe as, he'd -bolted Wood -

The hot theater needs array ~line aid at this i lime to win bark eta old plane in the chow btislneaa. The Clt ón -up aliould begin in the trout of the house and In the hrOOt Of tee hence It abetted begin well the treas- urers. . And it aheruld pore on to ti" rectlfyine at each ooe eitton y au cloak- room attendants who entree rather than reciectt proi,poctlt's customers. sniters mho netopt an attitude that a amine la More premise then platinum. ticks tnkads

ho act as it thee? hive An acute duel] Of dysln.-card boas managers wlw stem to its: hiding ip some rtyxterloue aerie moat of the time.. . P t e front od ties hoop In order And the back will continue to lake care of aeeet.. . Wt:h the :cult that leilt will soon be Meta on Ica WI nsalit... . Wen If't't.'r. not entirely right 'ghee Is ~thing for this mí1 to work on . til=e realize tea much as anyj'iady else that the 12.IAT Can mill try 13 di Dpntethlnz about the situation. . - That it ham Sto way of forcing the Issue.. . . for the bene- fit at those who are guilty of all the things ere diatribe and for the benefit of the tc;1t. teduatry tbo oteatatiialI0D should er'ive rest herd, . It ' s tees a prOpozitlon of dJtna11r1BSe than it la o! GleuestMl. . Without education. good example end tr._ln n : net ay. tt; ' hue: q1 bets * would be c.oeely akin to an animal ilnyerey Wren bbx-et>Se* Iwyeittottai can eventually be taught that the gra- dteRte, kindly way is the hotter.. , The boy: ousitt to forget shout the bonanrSs days w'tien they ur.:_d to make their ere- look like piker* with their Eons - Inge. . , Maeyt i the TUtAT can bran therm des:n to i- r,l, ill t1'lr tw re

organiz tton can % do tbo Job It past eau's t don . . .

raHOPE' that a healer:1U ps0' entmge ce the vent army- of r -e tenth rawho

are steady reader. of Tire &Uilsa,aad icy with prc;tdr lndUUD:+++1too and [homers.= the =rtiiele In tart week's Issue on the «abject of getting publicity by Lehi FlmdgUttitr our ~owning reponor for indoor departmi'ttr la the Gheow° of- f1oe.. . . Hfot-lybria hit the n411 on the head. . . . Tito article marks' the first Mho to o'll+ kno~ that a theec paper has oxpreeredl Itself In such frank and helpful terms oa a atibjeet that le more vital to the p-rerformer than it "number o1 otter things ttlat performer* spend a lot of thee on with dtaprop ertl00ntely lens Minna- . . It - y for . storm r With plenty of abekela to /Allan pub- llcit)r, lie might spend far mom tunn ho (ltou)d but If ea-.a_ta results and If there Is sttU pL-nty where what wee spent carne from It di .ni make much, dattcrenco, . . . But the artlAle was not written. for the big names sad the pertotrsers with moc_y to Mirth... IC '`-aa :mitten far .the furerrnge oat trying Iii the midst of tr1~01111 opposition t0 meite headway. . lb >e jue, ne ten- pertan! for ri perferster-partaruletriy one working to night otutaa-tot publin"t wine as It la fill hint to know bib a):relai- tite. . Pet-formevr. who have - talent arid use it to aAestirL;e In a theater or c`s, a night club floor aft Only doing half al their Job. , It they went to a 11- 'I they mta.lt d niop w I,i anthem applicA,bTe to thetr pertCnatrldes nod

(Ste. SUGAIi'p,DOtft1YO 403 poor 619

Amt 15, 1939 GEN ERAL NEWS Tho Billboard a

Qroadway I3ca# By GEORGE: SP1LVIN

IN CABs you're wor.dcrtne about the

big electric sign that's going ue over the none of the Palace 'fineatrr tfr311d- Mg, It w1U go Into eaten ApfU 4n in t*mn for the fat--, rod -Aran a vthole rt_leo of sae In Ctrii:e-1n1; coleus: the ode can cloths eve '1 ?0 ev000de and. mince the full routten will run 12 minutes. et,. re'_ lr. t:or Oat: ills Dewed. Leo. that -or o it veCtis.ra will buy do mien of tine.. oferh would reduce life tenet to 10.... Wlnc.he l oboe belated o 3L: to Benny Youngman far the c"' aheut the two miadreadera be mete Xn la!a cotu n« Out the same creek bait i ed by -lack Chapman a Couple Of weakot bef4Tq with due Yonne:non erotic -eat the pORhet e. bit silty. anyhow, be- cdurt the eelleailie ~TX appeared ea e earthen n Colletve about sec months ago.. , . It.toOlt a woman (end a woman

hoh the pre, dent of a brewing Men. puny. at tbeG) to spelt up for the lade who moan-unhepplly ore: the nice -teat women aro allowed at Oats; sinew 1431. Emetic Lindemann. Ldeut-0f the i'o- htrd Brewing Co. of Milweultcre. told ebO came out recently area card eh* tLotP31>t there óuglet t0 be at Leon -a t"w bars sacentd to the «rbetticd mote, even If It noolnt ionize teas easel:.... Overheard at the Patent; That ldotuice Loans .bow, Merry W. la just a lot of dcubletalk."' Peet Den1a. Yee BIItboara'a ose.lord of the hot spots, hat nL c brofune Bc.)dway columnist for The Reneefo ;:'ofid, Ceere. blwee1 _-d no can- - at al bra rant column appear titan it prºeotcr cam. nip SO 11W a slid Wed to a 61 him a bill ce goods to ho=p profuse a Greek pletaro_

. The Llttti'o OM New Ycdk.,aerht spot dowel on 14th elreet. which often a one - hour flee 7 show plus oktdients. l orLea_ has a cover charge -c? 10ct emote. . - Owner Zimmerman. of `Zirnnie aanan a Bu ,.;ta_ elw..ye sal h wen proto lesone the Cote of his acts to the 10,óy (tea tootra a magnificent muatacbe)... .

)( 11etCal Ceretxr hip Note: Out to Steel. bctavIlle. O. -Ilan itf Robert N. Bate forbade e pvrtprt show to Include n ILke- nm at illiw. P. D. Roosevelt doing it jet - teams dance. threatening to a--irxt she batit,e seen -Ism tf tt -eaved In the act,

1% gourds as the. th a:letttt wroth mieMbef of the VIA.

Cbinalane RestAurerut. alt MO! Bteeot, L planning to Linel! : n, ell-Chlmeaao chow and bind for the otoelws Pair credo -bur Ira !> ,sl: an_ trig to loo.e lss tilo may- be l w o n Ti. cone!. o011tectsd !.Oral itfrj for Chintue mustettele-and the best t ir union could do was to dig up 6 Chinese sax player.

Liken around d. trying

t cop. o find out w nt as ó la Oath.

lo W. up boa act». I sir$ hr; name. and telling ~a to report for an audition with belles oppin. -When the actishow up there% no alientlea of sat/ kind. and the agent lira been tto ,eI d %lib Padre: a11á tt4lie,3 Meal bolt a Lo-asid-eP, He's -

plef.ty, taunted and If be can nett odt WbOSe dtoln It hell he salad to pay en ran 'lilt and ~err flee late!.

ttSrpárttrCnt Dept. 'The }tlptl'1 Pioea-


10th Street. IBctw ,SprtiCI. PHALADELPHIIA. PA.

Strew Stdrld E *rater Scrolls - N5.515 turn shad rid decor.lr4. Ru.anleg nits In ih sae' -a. Rec,au wljh Laps fa,s- oat Therreeal Rates by. Coy r- Wish, hem SIaO tie p.m*: !d.00 per W& ,t.

11ROOElESS Plil'T,S 9_0> 1 qPme t, .- 'ifw-4RtM--es 0a r4t

N twirl MMi V/,

a - ,a. ani7ir_ rl a t ue . raw - '-, ta+ aee ek.r-1- r-a,+tA. mt! ' a frrri. Calm trU+.pa

rLal, aR 4a r [ 0ll arid Iraprsutar wuWlal, We Er trek rl-.a. a .l,.,y ,t3Y^wrta. aa it - OWL team, 6Jto., sleet Ntr! W,IllafY nlds..T.d,ya, ?Ea.

ROAD 7O RUIN st,rfüooti,Itl.tei 1Y/32146- Mor TeIih_oleo

!!.raft JN,^nW a.daDa4, taaso- y. I ..

r. saº..oO. nrMINGTON rICTURCa, t:1ro¡+sutl; a:


Oarvla0 the i2-aiar. p'rin}. tzw.l (ntusatr.,wr1 rd Á P1.11- Ov_ ud try KEVIN IafnalrReñ, led ON Ta.ltwtdra sdtd -n Pitt sut.t. aelJr,

au,t,Na-In eeY. as TNa nit.t.QaA1tD.

the obtuablooO 1 i ljt the

Certain n the aonatste t

ca-operetson of the performer& and ahov: man 1nvolred.

flow boot helping your frlendd in their efforts to teta yon? yate can be doma only by keeping The VC - board Route )rtalent informed of your wharpar.-11L. and sufflcteºLey in ndvana to !tuero pub:lcatLen.


-SEND IN ROUTES- France ,>liles Ameri can The Wane -Nomemoat tappeartni

In One >'ast 12-O2.84 Tepee- 523 Played There Last merits one of the mast important luxe- tons that thin paper pe'larrrc' for

are arranged by local to cuing solute writ mete difficulty.

PAW" April Le-;Prauoe _ places, the talnlmurn of obatahlea in tee way of a vfaftru.g foriee,Ra artist week. AU that L1 bK*-evar! la a teQVest from the nenf booking the o4, and a tetgupgraTy wtostera palate la faceted.

L7 rainy i;3dropean countries a report to the local police le obligatory bloats the act *earth wtorting. oleo during the engage:nest and when flntshcd_ The let- ter /tale Ls especially tea . rtant In Bile errand_ Ther pollee ern at the door the day following the last performance to baleen the departure, nit no extension

du ly's Orgiesa Bar repor that Itoncrre..t is granted it *antheroffer bas been re. drink.. called the Deep Purple. la 'woo alcove& posed of hail a thrice half a tea~ or tennwt who* showing toted- in a 11e'er of rum, aluvad ipe and as P s.luem usually hove a,.eight trot, owing cis ,h oQ p ape /Woe. frozen sue *emu Igo the us a ah.rb t Rlaw . Dlelt t4atltatta--7. éuage but i1 rya pstgt1u or who's known ea Senator beCiuea liar tex- Amrritan attest before oomlp to France tares a sleek hat blew Into town ...et picks 11p a few wares pt the

act ecege It creek attar ati r1.1á`11114 Ill *xrac77113etOn srtady to prelude the atrolaF- sa P. a. to. the BeIWO rste4. and pibly the More llonouz o d the r3eneews Rowe, t,gdo star oo loiaranfe caeca* the better the publles reception. Pre-' rite Oh- h -r three- óther network A P- nchma.n seta a kick t.-bca sus >Dtg-

t= _ bow too) woe hired as a -member llehmañ or Anteu'$csn trim to master the of tti show's ebonite -and won her pro- iang-uage, n-Otioo when a network oxee heard her SS°°tt American ace. cub booked from dairf rebear/tali.... Dorothy Lewis, eh_ 171afs1sd for thus htttíal appearance here. lee skater, fillinsly enough toss too rf ~Cents at night

m eas no sMoosthe rewrle a to spool or these cream' the l !t utUdz that a Ift mattt.emctically minded let eft im p .tor - peered out that ebs'd retell 142 setiarss of the eo 117 let11":11111- ft e -7t L .The FCC jllte tai ing Walters" AWoelation holds lye I.smnIEIl dinner Ned dance at Ivan

NTO s Ors nIghil t{Sun, We 40= Ownership Fr()bjem Cur Motu emery week -we change an- W.t lf1NGTION. April 11.--b7eotrteal am ryivbard emery nlrht'"' tramrip'tnra, now the titter of attire-. Lion et tee. Federal Communicational

Gornmlasi n while lil tx«titmlttce is study. ing chain broarlete-tcng and possible monopoly are receiving only their s'. re of t --wen thought, whiiae minds rare mati/I- Ing P(O teslltr ern_y on multiple -owners hbwin te-itt f nay Out- ton com

n rntUloit etatLstioil ez e. t, cona- mlttde wee tietted to <, Otümes of tabici

Iend ndividual pytramtdirig tP.:ilo holdtne + by persona and corporratiens. Little Oapl nallon Si; the dowse 00tild be found in the mrr. tt _ lion erhthit and there was evident dues. -and frustra. Win to be Doted among the artwork

dOtlaatra eromotramnalng the etatlstician On his tables.

-Ccalumbie Brc.adwmting By.tem lawyers on ewe cot teltlo& ettearpEe 1 to have per- tLana of the eUtton at lt from exñlelt rloke the r000rd 'but were overruled by the cioonelittee chutrrní R, lint oonoatrted n eoalnpatieon áf ri d_ i and a _ = r ad- vertising COO' Coda '_ Oil a Daa of a }+td I news- paper poesy t=hinted the hoTtely rates of all the radio stations In ally l;tVI!l city - It wrss ape -rent that tho;taos1 newspaper price WIN distinctly fn tee. favored PM. ton gad OtIuamk^_3 teen &trt'ssed the !act net itf the table were emitted in th public record, It m1401eprove- embarret_ Trig tO radio litter during any comtr0 1(y co merits of radio o,tt'rrttstng_ NBC tounse1 supported the irfitton to strtke. emphso citing to the OC1a1m1P--e Ulm no comidd- eration bad been gin it to the station eorere;.e and that t" aperu were purr. ,lily a media of ford ed:eatL-ing wlsooaa radio was more properly taatiooal In nature_

The wood motion to strike auricle from CBS when II ob;tceted to the i:etang of marry alethiñu under the e3aa4As :tiCn of the 'vimetn blite tty Btarte-Parsmuvnt cad Cane.' CI` group." 'Tee oonnecffon between the stations. et le_}rt so fas as CBS was goncerne4. the attorney argued *aa alarm Indeed_

Theremrs for the listing. Suter t-. Veined. wee because hem Flee el and lochtrd .1'hrta . of Columbia. had Minority Interests In many Inetredual stat1One. The- Piorpeste of .the table, But -- ton said_ wen to 'how a "community a3 In re ta- rntber tbna to tndloate abso- lute coatuot

A pa.e belt/ that Colombia would argue b- ere the full oomnttadna i In a thither effort to have the table re -moved from the rooarai wars of,rr, wiles caunret Pall A_ Puva,! .!ecd Coit:trrler deer Walk- er, to moto Uri exCeptirm to zero further argument was taken. Walker dald It was

Inreb rebuttal if it ae wishe-31..ble

roc CBS to edd.

er t0r;lOiOpy

CI' Subway Win .1

While Airmen Play CHICAGO. April 8'. - Work on Chris

first'subway has been, aleoed down past few weeks due to a Orluge of otsomen- ttl.e-:íere t-IutAe-autftealr ~care, otítt- of-toxin rrubbe'rneckira nod keel p. p b framing stunts with their tili'ate from tlo t wer iesv:. cf the Oryt tunnel seo - ton. NO. Only are them substrata -=f 1.1 doings taking leer of the luti

mrchanlcal peewee" boo mono aleeo having a fiere@teletrille cfiect on the we hers. ThO Zbtrllbhy`- Brew, tontractors an the fiat _cetfan, are near Apopka -foe beoaurp every time they Caret ar00nd soother ot:c- Or tadlo announcer la doled 11. the !role" decked out to heirs: and boota and ready to tell Ube world shoot the burgs Settled nebwny.

Ciltriax Wan Capped when maestro Mark Web era pre agent had hire down here with his fiddle so the exit !cede? could fapture the ecru:vie of the dime, nbserb Its 1111lracé rhythms and tranapcao It to his then to the sttutf0 tO 'coenpOse ñ glcriana eytnpho:ay built ambled rgan'a dr n undeagrot rid. cc the Meech of Men and Mottos.

sVIIr' took a anew Into station NO. 1 and eon a ggr:oedemas hook-up with plane flying oef ltcgd the Outlet reported t4 Ell and sandry the promos"' being made.

Meier& Herlihy are finding theca_Nees at the heedof a -crew of miters and Prima' -dooms rather than the sand togs ordgLnnlly'hiree. Catefe are etntld the heart will soon be asking"for shiny now equipment and a awtuig bong be . end tin with the pick cad Rhº'tfl.

One report !us the ñei?tíñys declaring It L f the radio guys don't stay otrt

their holes they'll *eke a fear ser,>i- biaateng etieehlraCe and do ,d little cym- ith9n is work to 'the s.odlets during a slumber mudebroad'estat_

t Off her Ves -Good Friday PIT'LBBORO1r, April i. - T' -ntrwn

then!it and rbany neighborhood houses closed yesterday afternoón foe trio and three bowls upon requeot from the 00041 Peeler ODeeeeance of the C'tboi'b Or- Sendsatton Group headed by Devld Mar- tin. A petition wan pr-{{.1ntcd By coge-

titt. l .der..-ry John lltoUeron to ti agar liarTy Kairntne Of Warner Brea.' MO theaters m the Tit -State rtee and to Jahn Bartel el the 1Lsrrrta Arun t:mat Co, operating eight hotlwi in the Pttts- bcr;h filets -1(k~ 12 othefe in Northern f,ªrtneyl,}r#al!_A. Ohio and Inehltout. Nehee 1 ih. r ~bad the idea other theaters im- le. aiateLat fell into line,

t it -it:. a co- led fete blurs later

Mulls Plural

than usual; Rants ~ten 1*tma nrd G10e d Matti faros. nets the Cueing., ue slot opened later In ob erventer of the holiday. Last year retie !hoop. e s d front Gaon to three. Othsrn re- mained open.

More American than weellah artL'tn have appeared to Pranr si:uOe 1114, Tarim tufted* iolleast reloteta, variety acts. Lode_ for stage appearanoea and the few- who haze appeared as guests 'taro for one appearance In opr'rn.,

Mamma 1034 ... -.... 4e8 .- coo 103, , , 001 02e ids .. 506 7ká 1937 ... .º0 709 19?8 4 523 The as nitftia eppeannaig on a oJon

contract and leiee band. to the many night spota,are nee included 10 cum* figures. 11Eo11t membeno of the colored banda so popular here have bscohpe Pi soh ell:rents so that they may real - Unto to work In 1 aaM stthout Ixtet- ferePee from the law limlttag the nun. bee of fot:el}grt musicians on each bend.

Have You rtuda -d 1 rminy?



Earn Good !honey A matey elf cur Hem. Seel Coo 'sac'- t . !ir'd er yeer ais---eyed eu you 'In deairLn to 'dhe fie u1Pandlns goaftiera kt erefeo- tras. bar- as a to a: pn rdito We- e-term-«tlir,.ea rrlurk is us.b®at o.n e}wt retool. Ste> L lo the peace Or tr.-14 9-0-, Wrtpe r.D1ay for our doe Floor meter. with tangle. Ieaseni n the co. o. that I -t tors you. UNIVERSITY EXTEKSION, CONSERVATORY

Deer. 37U, 1323 L tad Str. /erode. it I an vrforeeted Era the free ms'-; .alp en

ft cod's marked iritew, Iced Inn-]g",as' an -P Ism f 11414*Mat --Narnto.r .-....Pt+e th.nnaII -O..ret OY 1,rd

VII lie -P, ply Ks I alas -Gr. cal Nma -Tr.r7514 a lab -A , 4e11 -.ñ arid". Grr3tiñL'tlaft 'as* -ilbter or woo -c, -

-Ptatw Mcarian NAME

aT11SItT - .

OITr - , . tTATtt .

Now Avertable on 16 rnrTa, fen Showings In 5 t0oh-Chorchas-Clashe

Towns Wit ,oat Theatres

" 14 N

Acts; Year


lestlilcao Burke. Charles l_outchaur 1-" r d¡*It`'O eNay0lr,a lar,a eL

F _Ftlra la:a twtit". tfmrrltl nee Morons ist,.l '-e G I aalOV00 a tows.

FASTEN 18mm. PiCTLJRBry CO. Dawañport. Iowa ttltettlfl etotdAi7s. tee.

U_lerado eetlaea. coo

THEATRE EQUIPMENT Er & I1Sáo .Y..y *Sr 1.e Mad ....l .... t0.MQ.r. ,iF..i . traaN in.r -r-,- .Jt- car Ta,6 . . .411.1,t. ale L' 4.1....air M

_1h.rr'*. ly ,1..a N...N_ rN.'-,..... .i.. _..a.tr- .r.. r.rage ere . i...i ,.w., .- :9P,117 aYi.rpa.a,.r T.. at.Poi

M,h 11p. ... .4.tat. ti.,-


ROADSBOW MEN oiT 0014o-.T5'7s: TO aTARa.

It t7 tit t- 1, r - - t . Ia L '; re. o prf Vi rteh t -Iu_ r: - n t , t f

et i -t mil r-Y'a1r Lei, - r_ Q. wat.Dt) TRW*. Mi. 4 YYaYs SIf#. OIF=L-raCa, O.

a The Billboard RADIO .[ pril ¡5; 1939 - Conducted by;ÍERRY RRANKIEN_Cotnwtunicatieris'eo 1564 Broadwar, New York City.- - - -

CHI NIXES REMOTE AUD: Pc.-illo Rules That Band Novelties Must 'Come From Station St ilidios

CHICAGO. Anrtl S.--abienoto duce plck-ups cannot be used na auditions by station" to erll orkit for sponsored $howw, e0áasdtn,g to the local mimic Union chief. Jarer,a C. Petrillo. Qpcaa'on for ladans- te ball outlets of this wee the new shot being framed this week by. WON around Bob ' Cresbyls Ork eit Ulis Black - hawk Cate Idea le sn audience pattiel. patted affair, with Crosby and band ~- nag tt3 ferrtare part. tlale,ilfarld, Greed - seared to the name of the shots. scheduled to ,tart next Monday ones wraith.

Petttib reluctantly okehed this one, but with a warning to WON that under no etreumatanoes is it to be groomed for a commercial siowtng. This creek was rºreatlse na Oá iCay Rawer& attriteni Xneertednc opus, which tt. History today and which .tut -lad In the aim= cate over the same rotation not so long arc. PeerWo L urry much oppoagq to s repetition of Witt. Claiming that broadcasts wing scripts should be aired front. the slatloey Mpdio. aims at any other amatalntns * how. Union a see pulled a remote band Off of a drerutte ti.ow a cottple of mr¡ittha ago nt the Edgewater Beach Ito. tel for the ranee neseon.

Remote spats ore being informed this

Seek Air Market for "LA i lag Yarns NEW YORK April he -Henry Doherty.

formerly with NIIC and then prtea agent partner with Al Cook. this wreck set late n ctlon newly organized fladlp Rights Charing itoues. lkiltctty taunt 'publicity tit ' months ego. and lanai then tine been worklr.G on this elearto,g house Mee- Ho !tee bade deals wllh. a halt d do c pUir ettry literary .ngeats and also Standard Magazines. publishers of a neck of the pulpits, gliding him repre- r_entation for the recites marts of , the stories handled and published, reweee- Uvely_ In tram Doherty le waning to ll there Merles to- radio. Doherty 1e a o working on a deal with Street ó`, Stnfttu pulp publlnl.ere.

Pyle. schedule bra been set for the yarns Daberty will peddle- Right; to a past for quitter -hour mho* will cost 1130. for a belt.boua thaw. $50. Thia dons not include adaptation. Starke are _raid wan an tton ' precttcelly eh the action mays to the field. Doherty will

o eel &lick mss stuff et higher t Trim amerlcan Ms taken inn option.

rvanlna until September. on the sort -la tbltbed in Stetide d`e group. Dead pm --

vide" 'that any dhows oared are to plug the tree and vice versa_

AFRA Starts Drive Organizing Stations

CIfCMIO, April aYe eotutloas *MI ell local dtltthvn will be opened by the APRA boat Isere liSzt week. I*.Oorrding to Bay JOIIL.J. exec-cscrelary hers'. Dealing* wilt be fee local commercial shows only. end APRA expects to coso oantrrcts !n a ralatteely short ttfaW, suele mast, O the outlet* involved are net atttllatee.aald arte already working under ArleA',rnode:gld

APRA% other organizing aettvitles in Chi are now t leg d_!retrted toward an - ram --an anda sound' meten. filfa ortiy are APRA metnbers: but Ord wow LA prºc- WS of dickering for contracta for them. WON .pis etra and sounders aro [trot on the llar and Jones la meeting this week with the WON oxeas Co talk terma.

Clinton's is Nice Seurat. on lineal' YORK. April 8a-- Lenncn t

hitch- 8 signed !Airy Clinton fort net- w_rk poi. fir reenaatla.t Ctgareta thi we.tk, escles to starts one tly, Frogmen Mil be rap_ ly a straight music spot, with rive -minute bruit to be lined tap atio..ly.

NEW i [email protected], April II. - The Oire-te. looked upon an a noble experiment and a need departure In program bonding. la aettlfn ,more and cram Into the routine variety program groove, Show has been. renewed for 18 more weeks beginning April be. btit the J. Waller TT,antecªn age -icy has definitely decided that rtdlo audiences are not yet ready fee innava-

~aOi. which bit the air a few months aeo with the b.notlt of a terrt,ae pubilelay buladupp.. has tatty tar fatle'41 tto olio + ratings in line ~laIts. talent

t buds , stew pratndure lneludee !>tg the no applause" 0.4e a. tee, n sod general re'ICIoti to tit the program foe a regulation variety shoW i .. tls'

Despite ratter, tepid receptlpin or Conte end Its to ' r*rrktOt milts and pdx talent layout, agend}r takes credit for ter- tiles ! taws which was "she r1. of its tree. 'land` poIntit but this is ~nettling the

wrck that, unless other permission granted front the union ail that Gin .be Talked from a hostelry or niter} baldee the muda la an anoouccwnnent of the ~neat the spat. tbi band rind what the fret tuno ta totn_; to be. ms Crosby Orb will have tolif abate at talle WON *hew tip to May 8, -5 hen Jack ~animas new band eons .a In. ti rent ,goes over. Teagerden will -continue

NSW YORK April Ile -Reaction lie -o to Jams C. Petr llo's ruling is that Dandy and nerve lei j relay softer from tt. It la noted that' et Kay Kyser had not started an á _reri,oto with hie ntu;i41 quirtei ,

the idea aught s" r haw been tying on a shell. ina.'eed of baetri;g._gotten R$see anti, hie teen the work wired when the idea ,Clhok d. rt is ileo noted that few rtaideed can attoed the mnsiolense wages involved in setting tip mane :den, such as Ryset's, as a studio pasteinto

The trede his always' re -Ogee red -that dance'rsnsotes are more often than not tantamount to nditlons, elth.r fof radio or other Donations tabs. Likewise, the trade fed* that Petrillo' stop Is un- ound, since it may mean Mat the value of re- ^oles May be Lessened, There baba the programing angle. since program quality will suffer it ell bands have to play Straight and eschew novelty on their re- motes, this novelty incºeasing their sal. ability. Bands end programer* have bean trying to Improve remote Standards, ice a long time.

»unararaua b nda hero used demo re- motes for novelty stung and auditions. Kyser is one example.. Bob Crosby last yeet bad hie Candid Camara Idea, while Cam Loma used Kay llane n'e A4Iogp a Album idea. Horace Heidi has teen do- ing ~ate novelty stuff such as quizzes abet interviews. far some ;semi.

Ch- AYR a, Two N1 B Cases

CHICAGO, April S. -American Pedera non of Radio Artists has two awe* pend- I ng noW In the Chi local with the re- gional NLRB,,seec. d out being flied last Thursday elalost. 8t-tkes WAAP over the ttianot.sal. In February of,two,sbatf men. APRA's charge Al that they were let ago beesoia Of ttmien activity.

First case his been pending since De- aember 30. why. n -APRA flied charges rgnlnat K130. claiming that Unfair tabor

practices were committed against the prodICtion nee. esiaiing tba-relate of two producers. Preliminary -hearth( wee held on this. ease Last Friday, but deseri- algn Bohr* NLRB will bt withheld until NBC produces affidavit' Stetted its side of tee dispute.

WLW Feder in Station Preis

Dept. Surrey Aldus The dfliboard's Radio Peb-

ileity and Krp!.pilaliOtt Surveis (Li. emcee klatch :8, April 1 and April 81 did not award auy paints for a.atlon publicity department voted bet, It has been commented that had such an award been erode, WLW, would Lave woo it, having polled the most voter to Ut-a sae.- a'. Questloaan res sent to radie cdlior lilt the survey &eked them to name stations eetvlciag Mom, and which trt*ttona in their territoetee maintained good press de- yartments and which did not.. WLW bad 10 mentiona ha the "gam"' e3as- at lrtt ion and one in the 'inadequate': da.eteloatton. No other station gath- ered this many fasocabie rnaartIOOs,

On this baste WLW wail voted as )raving the best a. .Hon peas depart- ment division in the contest; WMC" with eight -good" mentions. second., and VVON, ,Chicago, third, with a.. e'en "aced' mentions.

Poe the record It ahatild be ex- plsend that the region no actual awards were made In the stattpn press depaitmient division od the -sur - voy is that no equitable bas tor comparison could .be found. Ali cell- ,

torn polled received copy. from both CBS and »BC and so could decide which had the 'batty.' press deport- ment. HOae.esr, notall of the editor* polled received' Menses mom 311 of the stations. 'Thus an editor In,0a11- fornls could not vote foe the beet

en stetson pre department ~be he dell not get copy from all the station whose Call letters '..ire menttarted by other oditoem par tacipth in the eur eey.

CBS World Buy' OK.; Give tketails This Wk

NEW YORX, April 8.-Annouootnnont -is elated to bo retade next week that Columbia' Brorahteeting Systamy pur- e -viers of World 8rendear tiag Sys' m, transcription company; has Dens drat - nicely settled. Deal RUA announced a month or so ago but 'Wee trop an t& t- tianel on a CBS study of World's he«, and worktlºg out of aeversl points. One of theme is said to haws eotxerned WBS and tie "Gold eiroulp.'' it line-lp of sta- tions for Which Wend meld time. Some Cot those stations are NBC affiliates. QB8 would then be In the position of having olio of its subsidiaries selling time against CD stations -

Announcement penia the return Of CBS prco WUtl-.m .8. Paley. Re fait cite Coast this week for Kew York.

HowllrrI KQV Bragger P1TI$BVRON 1tpril. 8,.-2t'it o`.711'n1

haa been pr+Omoted from saanntiaccr to pub;l:clty director at KQV, affiliaM. of WJAS -and Wl3BJ'.

"Circle" Facelifting Sets Show Into Routaisze Vari ety Patterns

pis peraluocars ere afraid to da Sho'w's producer*. tho, Irtl] endeavor to retain some faint resemblance to the eltiblry atmosphere- which w onus the pro- gram's ,prime novel point. Perforators. accordingly.

pprse ill retain titles much as

of the Keys, etc. Ciro- o has added 7,11Lialbleigre OXITO l

and Alexander Woolloott. owing to per- userlv.tham Of Osoucho Marx. will be on wheal In Itohlyltrood.

The CfreZe had somewhat of a parallel to Procter & Garablei Ili -fated Gibson Family, flirt attempt by a sponsor 10 eitoduee musical comedy written spe- CClnlly for Indio. P. A: O. went into the till for neon' a mülloo aló told. it le believed but the show did not catch on. tits eti.ge wh-rb other networks end -stations ref.-~ tO giv1G pity , ii11b0 Arthur achwartx composer hired by P. it et law wed some at the tunes awn>, oes-Ofu11f to a DroadlAsy 01ustm1.

Webs Learn A 'wpout

Show Biz: Now Deal Wi .:1I Eight Unions

NEW YORK, ,Apra 8. -Entry ed the lAncll WO the teleelskn pletain, In ne- gotietoons with NBC means that In lass than two years the labor problem& of the r-rt ks hove undergone OOn l+l:to coo Liige. In tact, talc, ;eons ago the net- works had prsatically-so limbo: problems, about the only hatfalaal union they hod to deal with then being the miast.-ian e. As the slttiatbn Meade today, however, CBS and NBC are now dealing with every ttatittrkiall union In existence which might haws any radio antic at all Such, union! as the Screen Writer, or Screen Difeclor-]r ̀ teal ty hicilleerniad indei. s -ere nbottt the only' ezorptto '.

Webs are eke- With the-APld, Amer - lean Comniuntnallene *1eseiatiore Mena bran Guild of Radio Announcers end IRoduoers, International Alliance of The. e trical Stage ihnpltoyee. Arllcrawsi itsti- oretion et Radio Artiste, Equity (an telealtlted. Screen Actors` Guild. Ameri- can Guild at afual al Artists and zeversl brotherborXls of ppasuolaret:i. 't1 to. of Course. there le also ASCAP. And the Radio 'Writer? Guild la organlifr.g.

Radio uniolilrsitUOn rosily spirted tiieu the Attu' campaign of lass year and 1487, shins the webs end mast key eta - Mina bad APti deals be/en that. how- ever. AAA. EffitatVe teleVelich plans abd most of the others are of much more recent vintage,

Chains ate finding out they're In show bustnose.

Gov. ol Texacs Bites Hand That Fed Mira

HOUSTON, Tat.. April 8. --Heaven, Ot Governor W. Lee Celluniel of Texas from radio ea..dates o4 bia own State to Xanvr, In "Armiao, Its* bsooetst itbarp criticism from Elllott Boosevelt. toad oC the Ttaaa State network. Along with >hl.. ret:ul . addresses to the people of Tbxary O'U,.triId has taken his flour nexourie to the v- es'ful Itlisidean stn.tloit, which only a fortúlght ago wee percltsc'l frost Dr. John R Brinkley. "moo ..i1 -stand" speclslist, by Carl P. Collins, cron«eIle ree+ant ,campaign r -I-ger..

Roosevelt en:novel thr..t the governor's tactics 'were ~liar to three of Adolf Hitler in doling Itttu.tioce to the radiio industry of T .a"- Be fntlmnte'i`that O'D Mel -has made radio the aGape- goat of a. build-up to the gover- nor's transfer to foreign rant. -

Ali of the trouble otarteds It le gen- erally known. when on trio ocvr'4Orta host Seplembcrr (YDaniere routine SAW Over the Texan State network were tn- terrupted by power line, breaks. O -Daniel loon sifter blamed "cc- .in interests' far Leming to rn aft the metes' rk, cYDaneei first maned peaminenee Io aa x tern till popularity as, director of a tarnlly hillbilly program.

AFRA, WLW Negtiuting CINCINNATI, April 8. -Sadly aton. na-

tionelr executive secretary. and 'went "tens P. Holmes. field OOñailMeer of Ibo iaiarrieen Federation of Radio Ar'tays, are enea-ced In nag<rtl ittens with the Crowley Radio Corp for a c ntswet cayer- Intl 1..-1113 and worklag conditions of an- notnaeQs, actora, sinngers, writers and production Men of $tatien WLW here. James !;house is rfytose ittng the etAttan.

Stella linger Quits Waoey NEW YORK. April 8, --Stella Unger haw

resigned from the itswto W'aexy radio dsfnirttnent, et(a 'lrc April 15. In the, department oar ttrnei, Mice Unger wrote and pt edu/ced'sew~al commercials tar the º grimy. ea well as doing ra swiss of her assn a Hollywood movie gossip shot.

L. Spitnlny Scrawling? SIE94 YORK. April B.-enrcrifttd re-

port tank Leopold Sp!tWy resigning shortly am monist/ au? contractor for fi'5Q Ties rant, MI gu00c+ror named In the rumor:

April 15, 1939

Commissioners Urge C ue- Year license in iaeport to l7CC

R'ABlf_DtOrTON. April ad.-A one -oros Deem* for rnell0 brorideall static ja i' ~eel by Cotaran.lonere T. A. M. Crween. Seaman & eta - and George Henry Peyote in a seeCiao report to the redernl Comraunioreftiona Costnmloeloa. Beeco rnmdatiOra aro the reuult of hoar - trop bourn el teat 'morar co prepared roten and prnetbcer In n Washington hearing lart JUL.».

One -erne teem M. Ikerise woruld kid stability to the indaiatry, the three siete urge, ~Wise recele- a by the It dt try tºz haw pet104. between reno _.. Viie. It Y bel et+ed that ..horde niter ora], ar. gtewireste have bean euertpIc et! on the prole -yob. POC will Ibritese tse one-year liceo e. Chirml n áttNinch haª already tndteatcd''that toreo, pee:~ were In cider and hie vote with the three Dom. mtielofrre tirar favoring onv-ycu MOM; will constitute a mA)crlty vote.

At the same title Craven. Celo end Payne In their 3M -pace report yr:g r:r.- mended, the letting dew% ! si.llndrrda for appllcai t* to ateo for radio itoetnaes, Ten einipport, Bald that previously teem hoe been no aide ,for spplkeills of new or increased taetil:lee. bonsequently p4aC 11 L theta at c nalderabte chndvsT tape in preaentins a prop+- cane; Lack of eorrearda, the oommlriIomers wasted. pieced the co:nrniselon at a ditieadentltlige alao because the, PCC WWI dcprtred of couch ta]uabin lttfogstioai In reaching a pepper decision In such case&

A broadening of tete .standard broad awe bind t0 COQiterrrn with the Heath A to e et o a n Broadcasting Agreement. sewed Fit ,itacnne I04 per, woe re-come mended by the ecenneetee. Under their reeenttnena time the batid w i uld mo. e from ISO to /Ape leo

O. top Limit oO.brroadcastJng power Bet at 80:044 watts tina reoomlaraiZed m lata ape,' .1 report. - ñe eel, mal a.._ dera- tioaa gemerleilkttg the lntereel of the Pelle 110 It -the general broadcast/le etrtrture are tipo grant to wer?*ht taking specula-, tite Oaks (with euprrpower') unst{pe rt.Mi by afoostett,e dota.' the repeeert`said, "Coen tbo it be trae froerl II 'technical stand. point that 800.001 watts pow Is Cone of tate lar opaca .to improve rir siOs in ruralsa,a.w

Ait4aq not sure of 'their teroar-ie the three men tweed the PCO amid the public in eenrral to consider the «forte of rn- ean. as compee it'iom for oto rr public Jade . it was saggesated that :t-avo meant tnfoht be taken to prevent radio t?otueniarelg ettgnlfat< ether odverttalag media thee boite titlos. No concreto step v r a lined In this r ripe et bee:Mae it veered toward acme mans of controlled

Ford Program Hit Temporary Detour

1 W ''t) N. April &--A report Current bore this Tattle ~a tó the effect th it the pat-- eeb new Pood Motor Qd. ¡Pfmctram bad bit a temporary detour, "lie Yard Red the Detroit Muºlcluna' Union work sit e rr!isfrat y ñrr-rgaenent. N* - programa, if it or_a thou. Is to be pot - termed after the lavtltutionnl ~ern ~O:ed- on Niataal by WheelLn3 Str.:l. "din all the talent oñ the beurdeol ise- tog ceepioyed In the Pond planto at be -

Menem' of Ford rrnplloyeeer. Wlthout+.peolOC inforniniton. It to pro-

sarued that the Dot e t into oleos- local suits n otau, I -by bond. Thlsle standard geremie.+ Ott lbrwdcomie asap; ben -union r unelaue In the civic of the Wirltng ahoy, the Wheellnie employees. it le trn- deratcod. joined the Alen!.

Strike nth! ti F qr Yo tx. A$ttt B.--PrBC preps

depiertmcnt put the slug cm the C189 presa department tar the of wlid tlersr thin week With a rYle-ore nudging CHO rbr a Maimed Drat. Cohrmiblfi, ia3d, e glider bro.tdcsul bFAedti.k:d for today woo the ftrst of On itlnd. NBC look the. release and trckt'd Od repente W a N_u York Oleo:* C/ap abDoriertz NBC had -a broadeset to Austyt, I.Le31. NBC dt.tt Lome tilling a ;meek or et,o ago 14t1 CBS oiE.lrnrd nn Unarm - Donal rouuy iab!n on itn ere-b'.dulc woe the first.

NBC . , Ii ,1 2 r } to t.nLi,ñ M- dlp catitom-anct all CR;j t11tea,


radio in order to protect other typos of btu Ines.

At the end- of 1037. 048 of the 078 Ile ec_told nations hod an negre at4 trio t- ;;nolot of $17,000.000. Of wbtch 1121,000,000 was Invested to technical equipment.

No national a tandartt could be set for uas. the three CCrn :nttrtorvera totted.

because cf di.. rae ancrlal economic and cultuéril lntitre_ L. ~and different do- t.-r-Ae Cm px- ram aOrvtC . Clee :rnphlcai sectional, ttntereetse Sherd Industries help contribute to the dhfferenee nerd*. TliO briatt roAte. they sild. P. use obli- gation to prods n megrims s eersloe in - elusive elf ail feature, of girrtcrll li`.irrtio to tweet.

On the tntwTment In radio the com- mittee declared thset the lergrst Moroi - noon tn. rrdio ores by the public In Re pascbaae of remelting Ma. Dont,eetle radio set haler front 1023 10 143?'tti lu- dve have m urrber.,:t f3.700.000 with a total reatmill alee of ts.7.?74AC0,000: how - cow. match ed that figure embroite sate of new models for replacement on ono - Mel Investment by the listener.

Sale of WPG, A. C., To ArcIé Bulova Is Considered Likely

ATLANTIC GEI'Y, April $.-If pub - Bathed report& come true WPO. taunted - Pal statlOO here. may pens Into the Lands of'mrde 1l'elovnr, Monday. lealova hers of- fered to purebate the -aeot'ion Bonn the c_ty foe i275A00, and Mayor White has amend to the sale. All that stands in the way now le Sinai approval of the Federal 'Comeau mlcateone Cotmtamidem, who , t tct*i0O la elated to be handed d0 xn Mond' 3!.

There are plenty Of ojepanenta to the sale, however. who point out that Bulova s;-imltecdly wants the atittton toe Its wave length osmay ._ild ill lump tlbelocal wee up In taste of trnnaferring the WPC; :+locoed Wave length end time to New Vora. where he hoe arAiiriatr lta;lpn. While the e 4l 01 m0 In mall look. Wood to EtaJT fthendall; emtrsrrar-d.` city, the praapocre of, lela-.ing the publicity- which WPO prowtdes thru regular and chain prernma, well as the pelesiblltte of prtrate intetteete obtel:Ong an sir monop- oly, arc -not being orer'ooked by tltoes who oppooe the set-up raid gets!. non likely to be nmflt by the sale is the Preaeei)ntola nowwpepers, whose sp- pl,:antlon for a 3b0 -watt daytime. foe - wen night Motion 'hot been granted by FCC- With the powerful 5,000 -wait WPO out of the way, Oho nee-ljpaper would' be free fee iiee s seece-err time ad- vertising tie-ups and practically dIetate the editorial- teeend of the:114121t thruo'ltte etas ahem area, aloco they have the

ea oftOitlation of any peapegr to this section,. rind with a ettilo ~on would monopolize both press and ether.

A. Iiüry Won WPO engineer. la pores. ci rat of n group of theater and pier amusement seen who filed applieation for a ,.canoe permit sates time ago un- der tbp 'mine of xapttepeto 8roedeaating Co. A apokepistan for tome grroup ,stated today he understood the Wetter pad both dropped '01.1.11 the npptosal of the Preset-unlorf application.

Abating- oppllcafion, appanrmt!e td s melding the WPO fessichtai . was died last wee) by Attentier City Bra .dceeting CC x- tsmderttood to be oopspoamd of Albert Upon -Bin and Alvin lrlettberg, publish- er* 02 Teat dtksntic city lVcrid;, and CAr- teed D'Aitosttno, vIeg.prea!de It of t . Renault Co.. rim IC,rbar. N. .1. ApplEoa- ue:i 'wits retarnnd fcvr dare ago by the roc era elocompletei.

Scott's Nev. WCAU Spot PHILADELPHIA. *Mel U,-Alan Mott.

WC'AV O00i-n reitetor, hoe been éppa_otted tensile relations oormeel fee tiiut strseiast, attar a vacancy In thOt. noel for t,.o Mize-' ert5Ott i duties will Include the iüperatlelon of tours of the sptenlo& stu- dio repro entails* at dUttide. affairs and Kiser !needling of relations between out - sido crgantratiorna. Ken 8 aninan will null handle the press.

t atUana] - cot lien of Pcr:exas]ni, Mi-L.ts has tppdinted W. 21, R. .

toaLrt?]Ing arcretary. Roe» wog re -mr recording and trari,z.xlptiem director of LMtrltiroWa and Deane.

20111 -Fox Spetitl4 I RG roc Kentucky Derby

311W .YORK. April 8-4 FJt3' raclu-lee on the Kentucky Derby ava botiglht felt aponsoahtp Thureday by :eta Century - Pox Pleticre . 'etladto will pone lie Rail of Weal! Coffees ;Solaro buying the boas nee ,thin Ileayron-8ptero.

Derby tore ;clay d- with DO stetteeta cal t..e list Retesng the spoftaorcd necovne. 'lime runs to about tiLOCO, with the right& and other meta bow -4141g ttte Wee* to the estimated $10.000.

WEICA-\Torinandic Swap NEW YQLtIs. AFz1f 8rWMCA and' Inn.

tatr+ntiooal Broadcasting CO:. Ltd., of London. operates* thepp Reel* Ztior- mandie !n Plan!, nYe ltebroetyttcd for a ecer-s'or raacharlge programs aarvexttalnA


Ñ ,

"T rir

The Billboard 7 - - ---

L.omiioi end New York ranrktta to llritt^-ti 0124 ~oho espºrteni: 1Ryórama wilt I: cYcból<i0rd and aired weekly; tu Parta and Yew. Oink, with Itlrzt ': far Ave or theta IMO* l!formalLdiee- It wilt be el Wb1Ch recorded altrlr. featuring l.oc (Brant and orrlt, with Alice-Breebe doing v+oaal& - Omaha 11Eraper Absorbs W AAW

OMAHA, April a.-TAs Oraethe Nrartd- 7rcrerd took title to K'AA1'r, earl Grails Exchange Fitattorr here. March 31 and has thed`s appttdvteliew to mhanjk0 Ito rielmr to KOWH. Pup ct plane to cmoM the ateCou to the Adrift -Herald Building as oioat aar arraettarxatrttts be pled*. New eelat.loit will be managed by Vernon ztrntttrti for the poet lb 'rani =Knave of Elation R'(t3231 I.aeurtrnbe, lCstu. A]tho r4tatttia :

Tt3e tntereet In Wlti:.`: tinllth will elevate full lioso to 11¡C5P I i.

for that EXPLOITATION e W 'e '1)11

Our Publicity Department feels pretty good about things Iheese

days. For ices -t left.. -,week Billboard 1 ogozine 1.4)rted !from out among all jietwork: for the best ¡radio exploitation of 1938 Sur.", It's grand. for Mutual, but even Dotter fór Mutual advoritisars. For a .ploi tO141o'n is the unpaved -for service tint pays the advertiser Ern the solid cuttreflctir ca'll'ed AUDIENCE

P.5. Oh, !ho Auiirma pip? No, not o caricature off our flaubrie:rIjr departmonel, ise'.e 1110 hero oí eta data,sI booklet 'tA Guinea Pic eGo. t To Town". May 'ire a 'Rd you a copy')

9 ROAOC1S1I'iaG sYSTiM 0'F'FiCE5. I14111C1$ MEti.t ',OEM, fir?" 7t3R1.

8 The Billboard RADIO 'prlt. IS, I939

I,eit 0"-11 WCI xers Say [- lern BUD Kills Good and i3ad

r :rii.':+ YORK. Aortl B. -The le lT.. ) U.

reorntlyr pad by thq New York Stale . b. 4T-eo-1 cotter, which vale

1 rt l:e stn+uthoh'ud recbrdlny*w of brc.td- n tegOZY (1' b)'1. 11:.4 cat_. d Dot.

tt r'ftublº 0on1lwn among lt-i;itliakti. off. Oooeir tc'rortfln ; J1rnle. Etta. stoOoto eel kv the Nattennl ,5,aroclatiOn. of Prt:a--rn- tn s Az* I ots will ebóetty be p--' pled to tiro Howe, ter ccnslderatioa. f3enatorr Clare's rI. iorery, 19th Dtztriet. the s11L1I t4 tl}c set.

Unto -lolly desl-trted to slop off-th - it Air art praeti10ed be, It; =by-rogs t r..

trio WU will make the good wtdffcr Wong otter Ono bad, the leah recorders rm.:

1 o. Tit sneer that interpretation- tnt.Q! by their ~MOO fire to tn. effect ' VOL h+'tOre u rottoorem or a past of proorarn can be token off the nit the ap-prooil of the talent: the staIiiti, 1 sic° talent: ageaey .and kite ad.erttacr

roust t: - pbtalrtd. In the snáyortty of ordrto IC tat;ll0 Otiwo-O4t t a air

ie gti rn Ott, L rOrt ºcheat'', 'ETio record/ o claim that to have to hop _rM nod ono

the required aloes' !s )ut abolit tin. par Ible. '!Trey point out that white the vül 1>f nredod to ntao pu:atec, It should

+, etafpilºd A9 it rt:anete g1e:-L ellring r_--?dttua pt their Orfsn Work or. i tt- gi.ma tarry have dtgteuit1 ole4rta their,

The bill has strong bscklni. -eoor+flitio

r S ShnI,_ i><in the t hly Off its TT'2 4111ittE1

CHICAGO, April B, -.rave) , civic proenatlone atad loare news tle-ups Woe roerte list forte of tete retivpo d and re 11 WOO promottOrifil dos:ar iMRtt, pr _n Qua n laid to boast the out. `rt 1 local emorntre and coastnx opon K M? that this Prairie Farmer atatloan la ±.une I to tor Chi's' upper-crnat to evil a th' p!ek Oils/woo to thy, wtdo opta Pp . Web execs no.: feet that the "form" angle boa pro`_,biy been oto. ctnQ2t__t11G to eltx-oonaielour, ,ponaart. pi ttng ñ crttap in chest roleitation of

_:n, Don Ketley. twcrnUy appointed butt

of ihr new rah.: h already dot out asta! prsgr.r.1 11?Cl'rat" and cecinar

tit re ult. how 101í1d to !.moro -trot" erra tlfa dhlitan ocrorntoe, but that We Ot111 toOnli to can in como peneca that RT'LS la not tl;tctly a hillbilly rnedIurn, 1Celley rte^' ba% th p: rtriootIott depart - allot pttebihlt lb 111 :arta Znotrgrtall ;tan no' -- d to gtoe the asta cold the required ammunitloa.

llougheat competition too WiF to buck 9:1 this civic nnole toa WHIM t(CB81, Which /kí] opera p;eater the. ptiit two .c-' to ttttIk! lo ,SIS op Cott' I n

Ion Wt.$ 'all tutor one ucluttntla: o. lie' r.cer. In Co drtrr f- r kcal Listener». b*tLal WB,HMt L*' finding tt totritrr to r1nU tiaº Ovallsblo Mort for torsi ptalmo- tl=n , gift tO t c!r. In- het onstaa,iL- mat0:1.

to ur.x_rlja- .r -d t of Organ;.attºn on the port Of ttatlaooijrtloti and off-tbeait firm. ni I 1 -H oppot:llon by tA.= d.tc,l:cro curt of tto rluertotlon. TO n:akCl tt wtr- . d the fe:otYp top on. c'onie- tbatfl.

Ho; rr . Any penman who . ntr71I r.,gr1a'il ivl tttlti $tatº e+tiy brroadl-tltt

. >.ytbotit fhw ro_,oel,tt of the ptr>aott ofi pv'rudns talroa:iCt,vt3iig t2l> tratlp or fb1 Offer for sole, sxiL lease o 'dccnse r1y re rdin tatttn wilbou6 t ao

OtlnCont And parm>*stan of the pinyon or - nr hre^deaastlnl; the mare; or dill It a Itn hl joy eon . . ." (such a re. oocá,lnul "la SUM)! Cot 3ittp'á= . . .

isoln 4 to be e!I["rtd tip 11 tae pura e- aiqry about "'perwna br,IlwSlcl;ailsjt." .5nee tittv might be toitetl '10 mean t,hc saitltt. :o,tta!1. ra'tw,srk or HCvvtrtlnrr or all of t -our.

Iie;ooMens e -ay. 1t Iba C91g Is ponied, n too caee may be ncrdrd tor final clarl- flow! avl.

1fARl:lrr;)llU110. Pn-,. April S-A bill pcohtblt5ttó the of sop booed - cast w'Ithoatt: the perruibrolon r'nd o09M1a;.nt ot the, person or pereana ilrotdsxc,¡Ing, and trr rolling at such tscordln r:.lt.a brin iCt#oYtuotdd In the Pennaioatnla liottse C2 LdepSeor.n(.::tiveh by Aa,emblo- mnn Voartnrsel The Irdpoi.>,1, Hoare Bull sfo. BOB, hat. been referred to tbe Coat raatrtfr+ o11 Jadlºlary Cfcmltdl.

Boyer Ole? 1,ioi .. fwo D. Aptl & Lenntrn &

Mitchell o -tarn/ reported casting fro and tpr itl-ttslter spot to replace Woo_Oli UTZf

O..- hot. - no fe1i'urlfff Charles Boyer. Mrr"t likely can(1tdaatte for the cyot asid to be Louis TLr'arttrd. who win be free as noon at be finishes the Moan 1tdfh the ¡eco ;J' Jk

Review Press -Air ¡ .dilatiotaas iCF1V YOR.iI' April B.-Tts,urtn rm'!O: Or y a-rAttlo rr attoala will be undertaken

Apr11 17. whoa Janfc+s Cl. bt.a]iltnarl. patre7l- dFRrt, e! the ArroertCnn Newspaper Pub. 1_shtr_,- AtaseYarttota. and NOql1La. Wilco. chief of t`itpe5rtal Ar-,ocla an of Btoad- - rv. ta .td prtta 1Rt1 r.tdln cooalrtltter= at a meetlnR tn tlie Waldvrtsi.torta hate.

UrIIN\ Signs AP NSW YORItL; April 8.---o-wnNX, Weal

TSfoOlx .atettao. Ono Jollier! the tilt at ou- tlaws outing AeRae4ated, Prtas Leo for iGM.oeatlrab ptltPO AP t+eContril}'at.7old the ttrt,,orka. after Pro -a Rerd)o 13urr:Tu 114114ce was crlroottttnttCd. AP does not rhñr$w.

NEW Otelt:. April 8.- Morse hours nfdtt nrgotuttont. arptp:r.d A11trTIeap c3mT11un7CettMli!tt ta aiºrlrr,eton, trcñal- etdnv' Milan. t Rnad a contract with RS NOW, Bicliarnt"vr1., N. T. Cecil ;,rrolln. t '-ata lsracl. ,gated for -the outlot. Dial

rolls for unroll uAipn pritadittárta.

'Radio Notes From Ah Around eFsNE p'tJLLIAS! trews editor at V t5*IF;r. irdlahnpotla, Competed ln

iaa:xtiatT golf taurnwy tt Nt TIE, MIT oft 1'irtlQti Inc, , . .1y, lo at, p- r, an the rc-r ,t Whit WWI' need Bill Yroo rlf j atranonnj , alit, t,ao tcchr:v.c`iearla

471,y. a gU1ETt. ottla lrwroerlptiv-: ,nd rttlbilí fetellltbea, oohing tAr records back to studio= for 1[irr73deaat. - . . Jer

I=irnrh r.ltfiarlra) ttt' 1t rattitlrltttyaf at

11" hen ifr 1VúuG't-Sioirtbr Pit'>ttrDL:ROIl, April B. -Oman r JI

ritts,ta'rx attrsnpt el> woo -Burman nSgbt . dI ro nt ' from ni -lt=prrlatd tt.t';h' alt0us on n+'Lv.yrtivs In Lskl-oi

form r KQV In Drenfltry 'Potty tt»tt }rQc-_rito three Lnura of terp music by .--Id b Me' Ow n fLtsad Meet J to unity - s tI I. r Do CeCi- ( i2irt, p?rtr.4114 aClXefut,` . 1'41 p it 'tarn tor broad.t.tJt b_+ Les On ley

?art Pepo, H9lde: Rre:e' lúTrTtltnun. PC1t1 39aan1tl, Ksli Firroaa3 Ai ltoytaOl4'uand e* .1v ,ttok, nt. .L:, tin , ro,a I:a

->a loe tJill 'ta' t that 'bowl . f l n rs ..L'lid pTnlc, da,nc. t fus._. for urual fanday p .

I 1i- I

. to tai ai-ttin a¡ipeal ) I wet

VpBAl, Ctpictnnatl. handled tltC etty'u Araay Day Wa;te_.ratlonp'-cited up eta the atstbo'al rra.,bllb tt7ltt 37tYu-aday Meek-. edited by Albert E. Gibson toP tSfLllíi'. Clru:enahoro, it. C. ts : r.:te' of E>zrsrt trsdb ?+Satllai3'QiaiTiq allxlo_o 1n Its Aptt1 , IICtttftCtlll s,'rR7;ht. frtri- meinmcr of vV4`i*


O, Cxttcltzt.xtl. hti.f io1nc?1 the nnncunclftg .tuff of WNOX. Knox. Illo,

DIXIE DOINGS: Loyal Crown Cats ia.aad 'il, street cars c-snd 171 bici of New 0 -ileum for ballyti leio of new firth Copley prralram on irttdhku oler ClUt. Vulcan Callaban. m aa,;< aner of WWI,. has beets earned chairman for TtetIlo - In t Orur. TT, will dirt - ttcea- -Pee ad etlmpaign cn radio by use o! Orr cure, dallies, direct oracle arad :hrY ti., OOflOUlOronento on Thin local ata tl to addition New Orleans phut

coming of all 'studio, cod troOlou'slt,btrat to lb.- psIbllc . JOhn to Pros'.r, N w Ica'hello. N. Y.. la now mana ter of ICTTfii. Halt £ups, Hp ,it,LCoo; off r A shyer Jr , Jab Ceabrr and wife are t±lc stioninj for two weeks err fheu á horn.. ta :ion, h/slrrtpCrrt tal . , . ter. Jahn Brink: r sitio priced doctor. i t 'tu r_ppra] Of Milk against .111orron Pt. hta to U -dl or. ;Our Ici-:Ir'Q fi"ru -t for 1.1but

1 at In olor.o.00 co ire.

CornrnciiI Tilo¡ eoittntn Li devoted to brie; rc='tr,us of p.d,;-*aet.a ,u,?taua hope Wart on

glee sis for sc.-,e time, aa soon ar sillotw; tprttoA, etrct'ady'reuleOO.; role frcrtner :-r'ntl.>n- glob ft Mot a Qne=finse progress review dr ttnnd.lt=-QttoQs for a proáuoctibat

ffuesr ti3rflr ea}C1t :One es fa presented.

¿Setting the dial e i WEAP at 8 p.m. Monday and kOelttng it kiln_-' urn"! 10:30 no L !titer. - a ¡rr .ty_ complete eraaD- tectl9511 of roil) r . tyctteo mu-tuip laitrtsln- euont. Wilts thy e$orption of the lewd -off heir spoor-AL PEARCE uutd the Craps- hiLIj show.-It''s straight music, varied to pattern and of a dellnit:ely stets, caliber.

Pearce pro -tram is not exactly known for lea tnuater-altbo site Crud Hoff Brand doe) a is. gro ttt.ati capaba. lot> wish Ito tti 1praittd opPortrulit. ut On the particular night cat1R'b tort sailors were truqusstiOnebly carrL.dh off by a &Weer. making It practically a grand Often for the mime of melody. EVERIl1r.WEST. in hie eirsl network rippcaran.e, pp alyed a 1.'pee tierce tbiá sbottiSl not he Ilfiltted to gvtot Mote alone; the tOtiely thane Of' DorA. irrs took bn added depth and beauty In his interpretaatloñ. Pe.tsm'a Elmer Blurt routine Continues In the º tae,groo-ve, with groove to Otto eaat.Ira far as this 'Wiener el eo= eirned, near= I_rrj: rill, A riIEEi1ls0t áu iii tact the 'gtt. rv contribution of ~Tat Tat UAitl3lll It didn't seem poealb:e that, Mies leslltar bíose nt prattle -could ever tack punch and leuglu. but her caricature of. a tya:,ea,l t,nl7y.,thy fem. wools patron fell far help' her canal standard, tbo the type la ripe for the Hants broad o. satJr1Csl blurting.

Voice of FIlreatoee show, headlined by !ttC AFri) CROOKS. b um start of a nlld.two Retina 4f ti~-evr-1ge tftu-eto

d1t^endkoi. The rirt-rtofe 8ymp11atny co- cher-tra I,. tinder the direction of ALP/MD WALLffifBTEIN. and compaare, fazurwbty With rad)o's finest elasstc,sl otganlxatlfarr.. Particularly well handled was von Plotowrm dfer:iie ov.rturo - which On- PretliOri ware corfrottool not only out. of relief at bearing It plated a+ 'brattish. ml.nue. Clinic clan or Boewioflan t Ir Oterecale. With Crooks In especially Ana v.t'(ci, the t''o Cco P_anT can be far/Wren Ire eneroutino b.sontotirellojo for prrc ent. lag a really diallrigio.rbcd keel hour.

PHIL t3P1TA arrt and lab niltIrt aggro - Mahan tale ore; at 9 o'clock for O±siernl j^rCtrt0 In general and Mazda bulbs to poofieulOO In Ito !titghtly inaccurately titled 30-mlhutc ?four of Charm. Bpitalny's elaborately O,ur-4rclstertrated melnngges have' never set thin ataditrr t 400clttg to than streets for In the liming room either. tee that nu-fttcr) but their ug urg OrnateOetw In to wide aaprreal-

among the nOn-jmttstbu" CItlternry and 'bores& no denying ins worth -while duelit r of some of the alone'' pines.

of Bvclyn's violin and art Ahisine'a war. The ''extra added Iaftnaetii ou" Late

rorcontinuos to be DOROTHY TROMP" BOA`, wrote iq-nttnute 'ansilit . of ovoid neratra iL,h tol.sllcnt qua . p>'uset [- Ito' to kite acao.:c_rl word as they are tie i-ier daily nowogsper cOátun11

Motto continues to bold the tort In the 02 0-10 o k spot with EDDY DUCHIN and MORTON( DOWI EY do'.tig tbolr Watt by Itatli Mall Ct: arete. lbe Derirn ; boot t- Dot .quite good on au it for this ell 1.'-. t..to ~Id r.ao ltvthtn; wrong with the above when it started Ito sego with JIMMif SHIELDS attending to the tcnoring hi a normal tone of voice. That Otto. blurt Downey vocsita its+ has L trt bb70ia !bile, fowl or good red- bJoaaalzd tligu t- 10 ha o rust'. hut iartOn'a br n ero.and t0 ' a. good bs!.1+

years. and the nuajoelty rti r's. Duettlrte performartee. as slwayoole amoothncOo psrlro ulfiedf his. band Si good. hit piano la betrer and LL-17-87IERWOOD'8 trumpet troy?! It twtrifle. But 1-i!'y «loch worn« nett:-ohottt ttaoas .,» cry -s-e cud Umbrella Mess an a show as 5U113111111 W.41 on this?

The lain half lour before heading into flan cuarormary barrage, of donee eenewel la the Curnatlon Contented eItlk orcr,poiro. with ?.tAltglo WitI Rt prr!.tc]- iog 47 c a symphonic group rt-sbia od tauter: ln,. loo. stride the -rrprmcratattre songs of a different oouutry each we:ik. Urdu -receiver: :to ntutieal glorification nn tale MYTIr,¡ /ward, and era 11 the mrbOdlc salute' 11 a little aynt etio (un- lesr Bony of Jndifa1 coanpo ser. Rana , - iorsakowr, was an Indian traveling In- cognito) the n!Ltn' Pokes good lis;,cning of thet r l-t'.ara,tcal kind. Weber is an aOrotrip1131:dd1 m+xlClan and bli wOck la distinctly Off tie top shelf.

Commerce:Oa thr'_O'J,t the evening .r ¡macron.* of the type that ooltuse homi- cidal 'tttwghti: anent spon.On. but the Imol of rnorputs'ttino «utertwlnrnent le so ecnal tsntly talgtl that, keen uoroyance doesn't: ilnjer too long. On the atloie, hiss n strong evenkc,?'a lint -tip for the liatamaf. with Intelligence, taste and tb0 aocre npanytli. talent to . appreciate a t'ti ?latr type of etttertaOntrien-st. Jitter- bugs and IO ors of low oollooly looks won's be lntereoUd. D. lr

1110) YOlclC. April el.-Tied Tall Cigars. thru Lard d: T:704:111411. btidn ::pat snnºuaoerneata outer 10 dsattl0vie May 8. One -minute elbeLrIt a1 trtnscrtp- Verna will be rat=ed

RST Is,ENLAR 110.7¡:"(TNE








4, 41 15, 1939 R 4D O. Thet Billbutrr4 9


-AMES f IYBCI CHURCH'; AQnrn:utrfsr t1 itewtteyt dish t n by R&'n Walpc'e.

Y - voted the tine'$ drarnat.c education - a& ahow by teach-re of 10 DleALttr l EIR tfr6 ,1 irs-n t4 olio doing a ¡.*ltd job oC dl- reett'ir Inc tans Or. »Larvae: Attornee ho- C-34 of this one include- D-Iglat .dear*. Helen Cheat, Jay Joatyn, Try

teetrznr, Ken Drlt r.-IEEO Iteiler. `Orphan ótlitttfWo. Jarnis Veit l iyk and ixiis VIM RStotti,. . , 11111y fodapp now ham Ain rscar.d show on the air. Snide* writer_ J atowr Arden he doer AStwry of the idoGLh, to den erhanates from Ltd. . Mien. 4+itcr la ',taping her parents tit C1cve-

ad. .. ultl Sheller Is 111 from ov_pr- watrk and grippe... . . F,r1eetds of Adi m will be glad t4 Ire,'" Uvit b..b freling enuelt better . Charlie Range 1 hack on the jobniter having been laid up too long from a brain eeneu - dIon Charlie le-ome of NBC'_ ca ttottnd

effects melt.

price Ditqu, Jr.. 400 t4 Snv exec= ufere aer kpf editor for tic Pint Lord aff ere. t:4 e er,.7-rarer of rutting a tr rearrittag a- -eer>(pt...bat to record ttitrw , . Stank; Pr ,,ton U leer -slang radio to assume charge e, the D. F. Goodtch pubtlo-oddrr:a agoutis at the, World's fair and WS then loan t?..e firm rtes the adneattal'tsr depart- cnt..... Mrs. Srnno Wick. pa4o !s rtufiting !aerate in Unbar", Pa . worried about her hsubenct, Bruno. as he v bdiuto tortured or ::{fled this We: ove the following prººrar+t,: CCotareit is Work'aho,,pqr. v Oct Sunday.'-1f - siting,"' "Police Storfr!'" end **Scifhtti Jack.` . Ken Dittmar has' flat pute'hosr,t; a ferns at Danbury. Conn. Trio Nethtl Retcrrob ta at the rear of fits prop. env, bust ,Kati Stna had (o de? as orttrarms 'pct., to get her testier. aturpplyq Others In radio sitio halar Latee eht h-rc .s or country. esta¡,te is the rt-

.ctn It ; 1nclstde A.dek ~son. ,$'trsert- fard: Arlene Frenes. á uthberry,

Fred Utat. Soutiabez y; Irus Júhn- attºrte, Me..1oemn; Howard L'arífow , Pound 1Ctell»: J.dotetdc. mein. Wlt- toroa Crest Sm'erht; Wlttata; Deb Arm. bruater,' Yeacto r, and Bravey J, Byrn, -Wilton. A here,. -to -the -farts Intcrement among redro artbta. . . Rrcrs,tJ1r Nark, "awl ptcjed a role en JSuprrae O'breura -Par 'Ron -eon." VL MO retard r¡tltYe a fas abestie a leas Una of dialog Mark tea, f,Ovcrd to trae In the script and 40c4 teat a copy of the script ha salse to Wauh- tneten. The -r 'o8n4 thai ittae tto!d- age iraol tc-a ootmrity O'NetUY5 Otees and teche -tort' ras yt_Stt *purr ratone ware; in the darner. JtotYstr, Mark

didn't pet a line of Chia pubtirit`- head Croon Wet:W.11rtao ft, It would hare had hoed -esta nil orar e artl11 akart,

AP..OL+D mew Iand JoCsic4 the »By prodnctioo staff and sb tald pro.e-a

topnotcher. Pat Veers Unsold freelsreed and sva4 Ile director of Soo nFia,sd Sktfrftra for seven straight yr liz nano directed the Stebbins Bofu, tabu, Vtitayt Sketches, Mr. and Mari. sad etarted the American. gehz. J of the Ats.... Corr e - Lion. Mani M la not Oreteben t)lTld- on a.ho p'ISs the lead op the J,erlff Drib eerier. es I rented. {tilt: Ite^cn Wm, pale. . Peter Ddlaal4 has bad ha

-ene sixth'.n1 of la -~e2= Sat eels Linens,. arts Chili recºadz-darert'as... Pm4-ru t of Walter 'Jioderlhfg who left /Or the Coz. t Iota year to do radios and picture :u alt. will be cony to kern thin Walter it In tier? Tnjurigo Val 'Ty S. mll+srtgttp, Tu. lvrtñ. Chief.,, eery Ill.... C rat additions: Vicki Vole., oe Bonnie Cuahlrat on lfo'eJe Why; Arthur Ftttteb. ea J Porter Black.. Unarm). a411 Wink Lovejoy porttnyinif Jeek I5shrOo& to tame ~at, peter de Hoer. author of Deep purple. wad given a Dreg Purple party at the P!eea- d1í11f Circus Louhgn last Tuesday atter-- rioon.

Qoethce'tc arei ilcefze láORcaR TTSJLE211$° tLo1! ~ Whispers

17 *how oh ?fuWtsl may be cooled up ea -opera- tan!, thin egging_ Pier now ot 7.rir York cüutnbbCn' with aff19 and Matte Corp. of Amdica. Be his ApJ't] t4 rbot from the WOR studio*,

. WII'!:. Cleveland. jo_tar-tha Mutual facsimile network to ~nit br clnitlil ApTtl 16.. J. Walter TZerr r4dn a Motldr Bantord. reoorrr¡ng trota da iJae , f o 1a product C11 .-_ D& Btu born :IOW.

BeaJgr-la !Aerie oft Juno 23. . Aelt:tad ~sl. 01 u¡Yliam ITsttp, on the CO. e tooktng «ter the , Eddie Cantor raigrsin. . . . Betty Winkler,. from Chi. ca¡. rat for Arch Oloola5r dramta over NBC April 29. . . Bill od Compton' nf_.: i do'partTntnr, tL., beitlt troarR n gotsi:s-aeou1 wait the =hawk the fOamfar Cis[t1r57w Youglr9 . Old Oold. them itbnefl & .141t414 -4l. has picked tip Artie avs 'o olY.acn until 1!roYtaibtT l9.

Remaly Ooodrtp i ertntly Wed to pr: Ytoi d 3aaWUi., eroªtria patttarttt MT tste 1'_rsday rocram- The tot e1 prsjor rs agog haters tu. -.pod at the cbanc'e. Joe Glaser, Swoltlt'a man -

razed the brae beco--tie Ststth Would here had f44ruillatent Merest* repare for tits ihotr. . . Ray Kta- nep, who waft luny been at the Hotel Lc J Qtopt'* lfeerefteiu J,40111 flan p71 oOnel ASrtl M. will be honored by a ,yMeath edged -!pals bráMOaat peen the roots CO the ¡loo. sf en Haiti. Hoso,'uJ . . . Sarre hater program*program*ettrsttattnp

mom than at a similar yertod tart -ear. sit are pofng [tilt Wart at Stulue! cornpeted o /Me fir mt.t. Marto Calhoun Past, for 'at Az -Jr veers ito+ñe SBi5 ICC 491-

rt^Yenmetre for Stature Wand Xdit n CO.. new with Coms:ton_ . . Leiter ¿it .far.'. satess manager of 1PC. Ak, Ptttarun:1h. in item York teat e-ek


i.. ,a Dcvt'i beck to Minas, alter a .prrzarale ¡Oust . Llsernry latent nee* getting the call from tele nrticárky. due to the. Sucedas of ^'frtfrfrmatron. P:4.+3.14:' SMBS !tai a IUtt- ratt atonta railed "Author, Author': the Orton'Pfellrt CBS tsa'f.es is r ring book nameeart4iet vet bocjtevi are rigntn!! rep Infiera fry ppsstbtt air

tCf11124 n WOR program exec called up VA the studio to speck to coneert nlo-

tlnlat Benno R. Wool after the litter had jun. 'tint riot !lie d:.1 pro. era. Rabinof *Ynrint

.tiiusiodedly Wet pfj Coai-

gratuittiott t th-ei creek: "Pitta. true will you 1-1 -n0í1 b to watt* awe to Nr program d!'postee/an:I"' . . ![clam 1La1Ney. farmerty of Donahue B Our. now -with Space and Time. Socialite Clara Ben Walsh !tau 3otned

Stratus publicity otnoa lia o A. Stray"Jr. has been 'sedated ed peel ak.- rep h- _`dling beet Ion a ac-

pp11nla and MletaCiewtoc the hthibltk spars. d network. . Libam Opkun I.

prodnetng dramatic show by Ñ t Alfred Kreymberg.

Nancy Ranson. Stir of Jo Jt.anrgn, mew edttor Of rite JRroailyn Dolly Jika4JRL Mil be one of a ens arttR!i tzAdbttfnQ at the BTookt T Jwermr /Or awe* starting April IS. Shaw - tripe err fn oonn,talton rrtt,ti the frroo2ºrakk'

in b rt

WT. by /Ira

ED INGRAHAM now vocai:ring with the Al and Lee Rri -cr Bind.

Mark W arpow e ratn.c alt. Hit Parade Apr -fi 21). Do r. Vaar tcea totters. over. Jack ls+'re i elect. í1a5 w -s -d job for &Liu- ul:talr' !!ay It.

tG ¡,9 r


N 7111.10pertartnrrs re hut). t-.111- 1 lit, t..srt_ an a dowering miposraetwl by 11/4/A. wtnater will b' sbnabbead in M T fuld Q1rcai ultta the 'owner - to ti, .1" Ye -'k Vowed' air . Am r Ia_fl A1r1tl1btJ p'+o ^IQlt tErp In hie "..;-rr ib= id . : ti a, t1 . r, Us1g efts

It, ttrat:-nr.ltTe= rig tiger It^NLa, lalt irTtvrad3.i. official aano1c.cernQtti until :rt re. irr, t aa lower ta eruir r_11 aro tnd . Starrarr:

' c yet lot 'h WEB p -*tla n'I ,

pp; to ir: t free- n, do.,. rat,rwy ,(S -e AlJ 1fRf8lS-On pope tos'


ct S i a r Ci t n .


. . .. voted t1t-e IediL s sLatlon ire t ountTy `or eAploitatiur



Station WSM carries its progres- siveness, its .policy of alertness not only to exploit, Lion but to every Oise of Its activity. l'n program planning, in rogrIn_ production, -in .Listener -appeal. WSM is a perennial "Firer."


at si9 111.cePte


ludic. Editor. The New York Woad Yelcsten

QO ?RANSON Redo Ed -er. The Brooklyn Daily

E. E. SUGARMAN Indoor Editor, The no hoird

PAUL DEN IS Attutiat ladder The Billboard

FERRY FRANKEN Radio Editor Tic Lithe rd



10 The Billboard RADIO -REVIEWS April 15, 1939

D'''01 B2víius EST Unlcq_Otihawite tfulluted

"A. IL. Afe=_utntder's Aa-Uytraltiol]"

Reviewed Friday, 9-10 p.m. -Arbirratlpa. Sustaining on (New York/.

A_ 1.. Alarur. der. settee In the ereatean of rho eucer-eoel Good W It Hoer (for- rr:.crly Good "PM Cáocrt). row h=y a pre- ararri of a unewhns similar Dature on w711í. ma Dew program presents the came typo probt*ins we on hie °Agin' iliac::, but ~mint Ira rendered nettt}e1 by a recce ed jurist nor .an lnmwaual. but by a aware' of four terbitlator'a. This cLiaRe is really keeping in pece With the times. _ante arbl n non ut! ement of disputers has been st.,a t 'tatu11) g for a number of years. In ceder to make the program effective. in a partietpaung sign an egrereneat to nbidº by the judg- merit of the beard. which la ebanp,.d weekly.

'rho bumaf Littered of three programs b n tang alnoe proven tnotor. and the api.al al to a broad audience,. The quaLm sty- of the pregrarrna. tram the luifereet atandpoint, often changes hem week to tettk beeau* ea the, hymen equation. Problem' oohed included a smta-will Agtsabble: St tint by a family to get bock a child they bad let soother fCrnruy adept. and eo on. Meet Interesting of tilo tt ,proati to this ivrelewrrr l pan comment by the membcva of the board. U peen».) there should be more of It.

Atetan,r-r Oaadlaota In ills taaelnl som- ber and aertaaa style, oocealonafty getting too flowery as thsakin c the srirltLa- Sbow should sell commercially, however.


Style WHN

4431r. Atoottt-ney" Re; ;{wed Monday 7.7-15 p.m. Style

-QraeotaFl.it:an, Susltilnirig on WEAF thaw York)...

Thee tateat Philip* Lord ¿cript to roach a eaterOphothe to a eoenbttnatlont Of pfveconneta and g_n dra geter meloma that attete up to a weetA Wrtllc quarter hour. The only thing that keeps it from realty ratine bow se the ifllght creak he 114 Idra,taaenp J,;~int& plus Ita too- sstriktne, resemblance in there: to OHsie Litote Mee pae abtct'3. It eeblreee the tit- les thou Its obv!Oúa romans to detcoera on the advhabifley--etas feel_. neGM1(y- Of the Coen let+' A4e-ptretton at the pub- lic at meta, hundred-aadeerne nacknte now llcurahtetg In every large 'city are to ba

-out. ábOVi time p. in charted with the

e 'on of a now district attorney and 1~t- pledge to («terminate the, gelsebr' e`er fnceitd la till mythical city. typical of nflg large town Ln the country_ Inset cum to 'coats to hl} attehttoó invoked tt- toted racket and was presented with all the murders. reeketecr take, cops, coo. lung sin,$ ttmlltat to Ladilo dialers and rr d :io- tore . And at suitable tnicrrala t- worked In the º ir:t for public co.. oprelathua eatb the pollee. without which. so, ptopa.*_Td!mj the :b:ipt. t $pal eJlmt- ila*ñ rl'lretc-ftng is Imposible.

Tne, pant le well taken. nod radio >r en It!) sl 1.1a i let to otinsey ouch thong eta but Mr. pd,irtcr Ale`ermey. ate ed i . an entertaierraene idea. suI. 1 ea teem eta cat-'trnbcoity relatia llip to

o a _ ri< The ealttne la taut and the In- are del l'.`e're 4 with aloe ~ere Clipped accents for the Cops and the so -

e m. -'mined beagle dlakct for the robber.. Biel *saw.

"Author Author" RA--a-rd Friday, 8:30.9 p_rn, Stvis - k. Strtainlrsr on WOR (MBS

. id. Lamed Mutual crfel:rftr b . e a basically

Idea Ob'rtt In the fizet p.o¢trm coca off modecnierey well. Owe of the !nom- tram: to do to Improve the show la

B I L LY -- 5 1 VJ Á N S N

and hb MUSIC

0~0º310 ARC as pt0 asiTraTa.

tar the, pr. -ampere to ten the g%beetatar= ring nuOnors Ih eL eresytting they any dirieen't hare ,to be funny. ides of the ahem la to Present en I tacoloar.ree plot to a beard of authors. give them a fe* momenta tO taltik abo ..t it and then have thorn' complete the plot. We s rather ~late* program idea. with cone slderabio oppasI. but it needs work.

O. J. Ptirellman. huneartst, hg the show's tadlnctIL Hai miens Cd &IL arefterea oil the debut from the it-ha.-to-be:filnny theory. rt will also bele-e le he dose little work' on his mike technique. Ms Pilot IatnR by any means Ideally stilted for radio. but improved 1ebnigts arid a little Lees monotone will do a lot of good,

Oucet board ltba the dual Mier" Queen, Ruth McKinney and Carl Van Doren. Queen 1a twe fellows, seo one is billed as Mrs. Elory ,and one ea Mr. Queen. Ml of 'the wire 'the. teat back eeot: to the Iedy, both from the .atend- point oh plot ingenuity and fret ed libe.

Thais unofficial prep IMO ttteMourequtn will do doubt Imperes cords of listenene wise win want to 3tear what siutbore round like In do flesh. glut It they -i: duly try not to be Pred AUeru, or Der- óthy ~kern tt be sealer all flrt'oatnd. lellght kind of treatment wilt rnake'the bow a winner. Produced by Bob?ihayo ,

fdr;s by Dare h..Iurray. Franker..

,Ste pping Along" Reviewed Sarumday, 9:30-1O pmt.

Sty1C-Variety shear. Sponsor-Dunn G McCarthy. ' A rfarschelk b Pratt. Stallon-- ABC !New York).

Luw -Parker, raude comic stepped into the 'errs Niii< on flits uneessunIng vari- e ty show for_ his first. regular radio stint. Grant b prevlr u. air aptrearanc'e* hire been limited to a couple of guest shots.

Preirrare has one of those pet formulae, of li.t¡e'd CWa:rn: T. Unto eoloist.. +toed ensemble and full studio ark. the latter. as usual, relegated to the knit, tcatured spot and, oho ea usual. turning fn the best performance. Batoneer here is D`Ate't e, and he and btu crew ~pilled the only real lift to the half boar w th a few eatoe.Ieut atre seementa 0f etwrrs:it ::Tad former pop tunes.

Jimmy 3111e)da itandka, the tlrnorlitse eas-ag sistent in the capable but colorless manner In which ouch assignments are eus rnarrly bandied. end Dd BtnWela Ocpt+et had Its one chance with Honolulu, Ptsrsnat veered teem the norm to:rpora stly to allow Nan De lend a few momenta for a "fashion" Lade which quickly turned into et, isMersa On bORi and wound up (atrrprtsel) with a fun -bodied plug for the product.

Parker wasn't too impressive on _his end, either lit his r:it long nr hie com- ledy rt I mebts. Time allotted hits was considerably Leas than that usually rated by the star of a show.. which could hare worked to hla edvantotls by making his , tuft seem paticitier but dlánT. enamor wet -i. do id-dly'golden bantam and deliv- ered wtth a vagueei.- that chant -f! tO Indicate the Comic Is drop' for a den- bI .. radio Lyle but haatt dlaoowiwd It Yet.

Program has Its full quota of oar_ iutar- data. tulle iptl,?d17 handled. Stow doesn't go out On the CBS network, ceenirg ehru WABC alone. Mott men.

Ge ie is a Reviewed Wetdn-s. 8:30-9 p.m..

Sty c-Ala._... Bianco-Brown b Wil- liamson Tobacco Co. Agency-Batten. Barton. pt./reline Cv Oebom. Stat' er- WEAF /Now York).

Fitter hitting tor the vacatlonlne:' Tucamy Dorsey and his crew (for t.:O role i) an thee* Ral+hh-Kcal show, Gene Krupa and cork did_Iti Moil week7s stand without lmpra-rinC too strongly that he to capable of carrying hit owe, ltallehour veto wltb"ut tier support of other Hams talent.

Krupa;s bulid.up was zOanewtat to the order of his Vlteh liendaeoces gtsept sleek but toe the- bete., part of the show It º*,Vera too moth like the aisle of a &tarn remote rather then a mennteret lly

{;&irt=.a.A firma" KO ehtt besting and Imltasi_aam of other drummer% iChick 1Plybb, Ray Rauduc and Dave forget) are Veil for 1' at ;Wean, g trade.

ire _at ' Irene Day- g .vu forth pas the h 1_ -1 t o h, i- coneellitt-1 t la of fervor and 'pantie oC most band

vocalists. That, however. Ls a oondltlnn. :Ware than s fault Web *pot of the show was a drums. ptodi_iCtiom In -Congo 'heat of grime L01e ft HOi, which air plenty bot, /he crew generally tuna out good and hot rhythm. but the pto- grain could etand better balance_

Ps -ni. however. wait u commercial In the form of an ,old -arise metier. plug. Rine the ballet that one can receive from Rakigh coupons. A high In 'corny an. hounormerita. Posterity should record It i nn' sbortcu. attempt to eI.retatdta an art form that passed out with the advent of burlcsraul- ?aft.

"II a Inside Story" Reviewed Tuesday. 8-8:30' p.m.

Style-Narration .and dramatization.. . Sponsor--Reiston. Agcncy-Gtrdnnr

Adv+erttsiñg, Agency. Station - WIZ INBC-Blue network).

ltaatde. Story shapes up as a fair 'halt. bons program_ A11 in the ease of We, Me Peop4 and others. it. success -or failure will depend largely upon the rra.territl prOducers can bring before the mike.

When oritight; creme Fred Bulliren In- troduced three people. each Od wham told what was purported to be an Wade sto. . Chief feature was Tame Terris, ex- plorer and adventurer, and ono at three eurvtrgrs_ et the group percent At the opining ºf KLne Wit's tomb. Terris told o1 the cfrauatstanoee attending the op ening, : end of the aryterlous deaths of Lord Ca_rusrvon,)vclye White and Other* ce the expedition.

Crack novelty angle pyreeeted by Sheila. Carey. Powers model. wawa. bessl- beem 1r posing for klaalng phatoa. Mini Carey told her Inside story. rand pro- cerded to nsialyac the 'Kiss Quotient of a ciao from the a.Cádtenoe. This tn- elL-ded e'surfpce study of klaa teehn:qu-... ele. A cute gtmrmlek. Camille Kelly. Ttalaahate »ale" tulle base presided over casee, InvOltine moose 40,000 boys. opened tite WU.

Proteaattlon of the material stakes use of both' draaiaticatton and nana. lion. with appropriate sound effects,. This grogram was quite rarir d. end aches should iiow a good rating It material holds up. Ackerman,

"Man About Town" Reviewed Wednesday. 65-7 p.tn. Ship, Sponsor-Magnus Beck

Brewing Coe Ageaeey--Wneltheit-Wer- rrian, Station-WCR iSuNeb).

New pppgrant started when Beers 'Brewery hard Cheryl* Dance, sports edt. toe of The Times.. local evening paper. to oorsdlact e column le T.lb of Me reeve In the Rem Yorker magazine.

Peatandtsute spat =Wee along at U t- ningelike dip and, packs -in en unbehev. ably large at+aóurt of Info tee so_ brief a, period. Bailey plate up unusual and peculiar tntld.-9a connecter with local- Ltets and molds them= Mtn dramatic. abort *ketches. Pete Instance, a New York lad and lass.*. ear ilvtng -the greater part of theme lives to Oothnnt within a few doers of each Qatar, cb:n-eldentally Obtained employment recently in a Buf- falo factory ln.lt. ten In ar-e. and 'Oa soon be marred. They ,never had met or heard of each ether beete thin But - rato rrt_ottren, Ili delivery. Bailey choir -es the Winch ell staccato style

Cgrnebv re'.ais. handled by station an. bouncer Jack oetzer, are extremely gasp - p7 at beginning and end of spet.

Warr er.

MR 'd,`: RIEFS (cos -tun -um Front page 9)

Humor adrift that C. L. Messer, former NBC nrnnn heed end retentl7 ap- polnted chief of the Oard;aef Axe 71

n .r Chi olaea la reedy to make another change . Those Vatfont Lady scripts aired In New York are authored here by Kay Chase. _ ,. . Etecent wave of Mfk,etfn lean revealed that ltaaepei 81-ár t:=n

made boa stage debut yens and y ryes ago as a Sankt Poo.

NBC .pareas head BM Ray te it j t, Lout. ems +week -gad to aC on hand for the tux-od of sha new "'Doctor I. Q." show /or lMuirt.'Candy Co. Fuer fire atines ~note to Me Peg Theater there. then cono.; to "¡Ca .° eaters? pece e 'toy. , Warpefe GNnmfnad, t/RJ_tiiT ed'her Urifag 1 lawa1er. greed the z.sep y R4rds of

air t sirte,ent eirnttrt. .. Dirk J1Q err. ar 4 -wolf -,ideo men rorkLLQ ammnd CnN'a night .Fcit. wet cfpaed

t?t. -eel to Mc 1VJJD marital atoll .. _ Jeck Runrefitt, WON ; sportsedi- tor, U ewe:I uel> eoustiterlrsp fee field from c ,moos r upye,ttf"A anglo-to met down !9!e tr fehe "Saierrdcyy Morning Skull Peetree" b the tithe of e new baseball shot to hit WRITlf. Hikers wilt fnctude Charlie Grimm, Jis. Crauluberry, Pat Flanagan'an,d John HarrlsegtOea.

"ATKLEZ11 BRKIZa.A7r and Patricia.

Clayton. two-thlnds of WCle's Three Oracaa hate announced ongr gemaaste to a cvupicot other WON singers.... NBC reread eoek+allb, to the pries Thursday loe Toe m7 Riggs, but there were more p. a:1a end agency men than - !bey. Astwns &eat were Ken Lyoma. Teedet 7, penonl spaconerabbar, anal Er2n Bath - amain. v. -p. of the Tom I'isdate New York o®oa. to town on a visit.... A pair of notes about two of our eodtarttng scriveners: Ulmer Turner,, wl pow deco. only a Sunday column for lkcrat'k hreld cr4 reeedno', tt 7tIrtrtg his mere - cast Over WAAP rather then Nib 's outlet. Match dropped him wbon the di ill column was Oanttted.... Larry Wolteeh. conductor of The Trtrwrei Sunday radio ,pillar. bed a roommate In college b the n -1,i., et -George Gallup who a alb 5a pondering about pc uli. end why they did whet they did INA» be to err. George °salute the poll Man.

liOiltiwOO am)

Z05 Clla9 e Les

By 'DEAN' OWEN (gum n'UhTLSy, from K1R0 to Seattle. n-s.haa Joined annouaclng staff of KNX

KFI extended the glow to MCI the other pin. by telling llstenrnt that they could lez:te the Antos on' Andy program c v the CMS :tattoo In the future. Other annomicemente from :titC et* 'tu 1 LT

said the program would be heard Ovil arether net. _ Bing Crosby alined for 'rude et the Palladium In Loudon this stammer. . ttttillarn 8. Paley, CB8 pa exy, trained beck to the tat at te confabs -with Donald It ThertlbPv,1t.

YOthFox has signed the 1=nur King ,}bier,, ter a spot In Second "uric, dic, new &obja Beetle nicker. . Jainee Gibson. formerly with r W, Cincinnati. boa been w tinned to a veulate Matt of KARA and Kr..

Praine*a tali.gtord. who recently war. bled a vocal version of Rhapsody to Reur.. L going to cut a dire of the same number !Or Deers.. . - Lou Kepiltyler. manager of IMAM. 3( heart0. Batned let fora confab with Dan -id Tharbbt1T 11. Victlo aduao's nee? recording of Tee Newt a Fool' getting plenty oC roadie for the mar-et/oh sax aeuo. . . Felix Defoet a recent amend front South Africa..fs sat

s3 S íet vis h _front

lcr writing tones.

//Late$iat -

Pto tectir8tt guftea u A Frio Service he Read*n

,/. 31L251TIOli to dirºsied to /We RID- ^ áoarda titttetIll Protecttenn )iu resit smabeaür_q au branches .of the ahnw boa!ness, but de'gned per- tle* tarry to mrire the Vaudeville, Night Club and Radio adds.

Those wishing to establish idea or malarial priority erg caked to inclose deacrlptiens at Mae Inn ratted en relive, bearing op eta fees their signature., permanent ~tees and other lnformretlol deemed necessary. Upon receipt the p e'eet Till be elated. tt'eeted to and filed away under the

name o! thr,'álatmatat. Mend sealed paciteta, accomopenlOA

by letter requesting registration find Herr. ppt_.ge. to lIllaa E. Sugarman

Taft Billboard's Material Protect 'ion Utiresu. 6th Floor. Palace Theater Building. We.: York Qty.

lib Biilbeard flea,' ovary res-en.tie plea*tlon fa ailrryard psek.tt subnti/Ned ler ettlttratisn with eke aurese but dean r.45 auar.a'te* e. ilium* levy en.ibialy In eseaa.dInn wlh am*.

The Berea* la Ilse dº!<lswºd t wattle*, la sort' war Hie 1pahe s.A.rted by 'be U, S. Gp r,$s b 0111as. eved inslea. ce C. The -eilwsardia InNnliee whit sward me tl., eesese la M Merida a 119º,1,1 N latch. 'Kum p,lertty it raeas, this It 001 whitli1 tee ,cope of the CeanAget Caries.

April IS, 19319 -

MUSIC 7' be Billboard D 1 _.nductcd by M. H, QRQP1tNKER-Coarmun.caNén, to 1564 Broaisuiyr New York 'C:tz_

71-74Y:T :mF s THE TCds Pie, Bing '[:roc y

And Bea Wain as Faye Warblers Swinaeroo hands hold no iroli'grip on catnputt----Thytluu referendum polla too colleike- from (.:oaL$t -11ea Cflillit- second :lnnlalal survey conducted by The B:(Ill ,roard


(Con Unu d frost page 3) ticislar cwmrtsn. In a 11w,t maltelIj of Mate the ¡lern'n*2 fiOtOlr 'never rta'.'red Leta ti;: selecttem. Tltt:J, the c2ia'.c__r ere oondltlenect by-pro(ee4orsal ar=ise Par. - on stage. .cTeen, radio or Irecuri int'c the critereon bane the band's or singer* expressed popularity with the student body,

Polling the 'Beads TGara NI 1-.s rdly any element of ssrpeise.

in the seeeCKsan of Attie Shunt the in orlte bend of collegiate Ar eeeia. in trade jargonhem the hot tees thing in thervia-eld today. And it le tntereattnp to note th-at hie popularity to not oantieetd, to 1.. ,frig'e etetten eel th,- oOliniry, pt1l11t1 dawn the tap pe,:ltton Pin ti frs{iuenU m the tar We2t ea in Sore England. his aiarting point. Its a tee - sled tuxes that Shaw bier earned for him- self Ip thle refeyonduni when Tau alance rte the table 3f !Ittr efeolets and' tilts .Met a yaw 5o he did not eti'aa rate an Isolated inentlort.

:Sharing homing with Shaw Is his dart - net. Last year tt was Benny Goodin en. but now. altho the "symbol, remain' the same ieatr neneet, n new name la pltrytug It. Ooi..f:nan, lea cellcgiete eatirin,` peewee the, old *deco ebst -Me to lt+_rbnne- Wry: those oó i i of the heap teeter know ,how daanze curly close they are to Itho bottom. In the short space of one year Owelpean dropped to fourth pane= tian. with Larry Clinton. ii1cther inn lc l tirttmnt elose.on his Ileelu.

Kay Cyeer., Lt crate of Walter +4lnoheLlts claim that -the pre:meow has a awing band_ pope up surprisingly Ina streag 'second- ala4ee attese g".tiye popularity at hie =1 _ =ii!rge of ~steel knewlydge and the tuld,leS i0 ally Rf the 8ºQib to till favor, r 1J- liCbe hCniviiia and do°rn In CQ1cla rap alto respond -We for Hal Kemp remelning In the running. tho be dropped from a eoantertable third choice last year to a eoneolattnn cloth stet ISQw. ~=7 iy DO_t--ey. WhO wi.t hot oil G iod- utig F hole last year. - cO'I dil't quit ovet4onse the strides -made by 8be':: and Knorr. iiotY-er. be topped Benny by a wide margin thi. (lino arid holds down a third range ~hoot ooinpetttiail froin et[er sloe. Phol:oeraph iecoeGs,, ale will bo shown later. puay`ed a big pert it 1911;wa. 'sudden apart. ribs Br-pOs the ge- latine tenquestlomnhly meaning as inurch to Mtn as -Merle did for Dorrey. Platttrry provided tlei punch for Clinton too. And it take -a were Iltt«e reet$sy1_1g tO OpI.fl

lad that be bon n' 1Gá Ooodenett !x111 find tb-'* preeent estesttlotis a71t:ey when The RfiJboant'start. Ilmoel:Mg on the Ivy -clad docea n xr year tue-e a they peek a et --anger punch in their record output - That opinion b !pared b7 a lotlly of the ed ton Thirtlet11at`"n`; in the. pó1l.

IMille-tJ bands In fi made this. cote !egtate, honor rail, a gf1.lt'elance at the dt'ta'Ibed table shows that the crania at the ehulote are eh on Lisp m ,n aore; t11. tlrst Itx. In grabbin off 1'4 .1t, Of a poe lbin 000 points, the i 4elrci

eat a0- <Sareled forapprorlalately lei per cot of all p-snte aline ed. And apart frons Guy Loran i -do. Hntrrr Heide and n ten Only., pplecemenes in the follow efietno- tern :Lade ee no e4vtalon amen.? the teenatn,- the 24. bIIItd .

Ap wee the ,case last sear. In spate of Mir tact that `tegro bands have been the r"t*t,dardbezrere of reline aril that the campus Cull rein!~ LL, for err, l fete liso' nil atoouI Parr, tile septa rndrus till: to flews pletieibrhtly amen it cba few. L:i,rt }free ! w Jimmie Ltinc 1l`ttl ono Chink Webb who made alt liner e5reio. This year. ellis 10 mere he. Etta _ -n..o.L e ate". re - rotand C,vd« ter D,0 a glifirseort. Cement 4t r l _ We I tern

Look{rtrl Over the Laths= Tl:' the Min tier:.. doll. _ t - r -

asked to sleet ells reek and female -Ikea teemed on their parttivlar cam- peL Islet an Pkwy toe,;. Indeed. Put ire keeling ireful U$ frantries that chard<- te-ized all their judgmrent, no chotcm wwa>< mercer 14 the edl tcun, as indicated on the table. unless the attending 'popu- larity «as pronouo'cd on theft earepun

Pitallclrltr, the rise at Artie !thaw la the appearance of 1k i'nkn. charming ballad chantre s with Larry -Clinton,. on t op of the feminine tinging llate. Whether the popUlatlty of' the warbler w' --I rOapo tbiya be' Chi r, wh fine shon- Ilk urnrmg th 'goad- or whether the te.e l Goblted'rim Heals stock i a matter of conjecture. however, the fact TOtnsins Matt senile awing diva Ella Fitzgerald placid A tren3 sieesand <ho( -áRdolt Webb did riot !eOry Needle is dingle Is0 laird ntfnt.on, 'kbtch miry lied one to belle, that file ptllbhe ooelside:e the efforta of the e: n apart from the band. In Whet cagier It wan undeubtediy hew lit=l dual uxLti,n with "the yeSlOW beenet" that trotted her. Lather thin a ceeencetivo link eat voealhet with Webb's band. Ann yet. going a notch Iownr. We find (finny Wilma ln',a comfortable Lhtrtl peeltletl which was unquestion- ably eared by her asmclatt'e.. with =flay

e r Asnonb t1ee. 8T yokel- In this dentegcry.

11 In IlltereAtele that they run tae gamut treat Opera to low-dov.:es righteous swing. And only 13 of the gala are = Related w ith dance bands, the screen *Deadbut- iing as many feeceites, with the other* making their mark on r..de: and adage. However, among the fleet flee oil but Maxine St11lhv;tn have held aallgnments.

Runntee darn the table. awny item the Bedew. it to interesting to note that JTeien lbsTest ktalmo.t lint Let trio .-luf- tie. while bee bore, Artie .Slew, ti heed Man among the bands. Alm la spat. of


CRI I.4P-find RAl`áS

V, E asked the college editors to kit in which onasestra. bevies/

played their school` durteg the cure rent school yeas, proved the MOST POPULAR with the student body

ad why? And we sitto asked, there to

'Lego Out the orchestra (that (Proved the BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT -and why?

B ltUWAIL.Y ¡FRANK In their criticises' __of some (bands, 'putting George Jean Nathan to sf.smc Ito say the !least. And OODLES OF ORCHIDS fa. ethers.

B e sure le read next week's Is- sue, of The_Biltbo.rd fee collate


the b ley nd beet telling qualities of Eddy lhlcbise'E leeorting or Or Men Year, Patricia eloatni.n te- ito kicked the bucket around. made lent littler. bating 4tsprcealon on collegians. ~thee. while the Harlem e edlirryette; a two

was _t negligent among the

of thA tI7lt f1Cr sine choices "were col- ored-fills'Fttx iseid arse NLkalre, aulti- van. making up is quality +rbn.t they lacked In number. 111111. ILollday. fOr- merty with Count P11de arid Arlie Straw and now on bee ow' ~Ater only of i ., aepla aorititrea to garner "any mentlods.

No Question Bel Sine in all the ttteettris., be It bard or yo -

cabin, no E+op Jia7-lty wet e0 np,5an_,t ,se fillet of Anne/ Crosby. eelo b-3ded the male vocalist heap. Altbo nacre editors psasod up this ºlasslUIration than the other., Crosby grabbed off more polntae'r than sstbee Shaw or Miss Wain. And what la more Important. be .toed out above the other eaineev to ri el-. by blmae t. Of a pot"b:i 529 p, I:' , orioles' tallltd 149.15.

in fa.,t, more thañ 104 points Sep- rinted. Crosby from hia tuner -up, Jack L'onrd. T+aaury Doasey's balladeer. Yet, come iu,,'ling all the 12 ea1 ;Lary that hie teen ee-trod uQ Tdythe Wright. elm. pulled cc -.nth. with Leonard aburttd bit to the becterround. this tendlred reo gnitton Is highly algoiLicaat. Not only did Leonard, preeee a stronger attr ec tlon for the college kide than the retitle nine *plated lA rite based, but even bet- tered MO star ;tro In piecing Cecond--a

(See SHAW COPS ow pogo 1»

Collegiate CID ieL f Orchestras The college. cdlecme listed, la preterea lial order, tlboethn /ante orchestras !tut

In thdr opialen see the arose popular wish the dude's, bed" it 'heir seaoot Fee purpose o1 tabuleifak three point. :r. Chan toe a Het deck., ewe fee second and one Far third. Pointe !re prepeetlae,atsh dbe4d.dF whew Pb. choice leer divided heheetn tore ibanda. Bands wan, Ch1.d rex,rdieae el wAi1.4r.they hut ewer prayed on ia- patNestir tamper. the crewel" Wow* fwa sepeessed smeola ley who. tax Student heir,

Otehnira rir,tChoícb Settled Choke Third Choke AATIE SHAW ., . 105 310 O_S KAY KYStR . , id 24 tO.S TOM .aY DOItSSY 12_S AT 1 t BI[NaaY GOO9MAN it, 2Ii 11.5 LARRY CLINTON -. 10.5 31 10 Hal -Keep : . 12 14 DJ Cary tonsfardo 9 á 3 'ióeap WO -91 .. 6 4 1.5 Capa Cray . . 5 1 litaey none/ .. . . . . .. . 1 1 I.S Will OrAoin. 3 2 I Yeb Ceeulry .. - 2 4

be Cmber . _ . . .. 1 2 Peel ~rimers - 4 I On a vltt ' o . i1vRe Elll.yelea 3 --- 1

C -r lisle . --- 4 ,_ fenlesy Kaye .. - Natbl_ Ka" ... 1 - Chid* Bike sty -- 1 Ted Weere.. 2 Barnn'y serlpn . . . . .

tee O..ch n Sbiaaty tnnit . - Shoe Wide ..- lull, r13ri1{ - RrsSMe Hawkins ..., W`shard , Hieaier - YI.r.nt L.al - Ct- >MIL ,. , - Ru.e Irlto,xaa - Ray N1114 , . - deer t


.1 ... tiA cl*olcE

TOTAL 1 3 2_5 I00,) n3 55.5 51.5 3.5 is 11 5 10 11.5

5 4 4 4

i Y

2 2 1






A Year Ago Today For canprzelbre psi -penes. fellowieg

tallo 'his Mis eellleeti1e ,ehdces In dan* orcheillaI selected by schtl edists In Tic illlyaaed sarw'sy list year. Ot tll.s 54 ewe -gel ironed a year '53$, dawrlree went

Ter-. orilhe... r na Taet"

Lenny Gcodn..an . , . 97 Tosnnry Dz-+ce . . .. í7.S Ha1 Kswrp , . . 41, Cuy to-rPardo... .. IS Kay «pee . .. . . . 13 Chem Gay . 111

Matt. Heide- .. . 9 Sartwry Kayo . . _ 54 ;winds. lunettena . ..... . .. 4 Wryne King ... 4 B enny Buiy,an .. . 4 Larry Careen .. 4 Henry Buase , .. . .. ! E ddy Duchan .. 2 ,

6/a1 Maan'tt .r. .- 2 pair Mania :.. . . . 2 Mo. ry Ifieg .-.. . ., 1 Tdqueries ..... . .. _ 1 lack De --T 1

shale Fieles'.. 1

Mvdsen-Dttance ... Clint Knr!s . .. Chick Webb




Non -Union Clean -Up At , e Macy Read its

.LS,BURY PARR.. .1 J.. Alr-1I R. -Cut- ting or the Union scale by non-union bends e _L,- weer « by the muale1nn'e loosi here In iaunr_hini r delve to barn L tail% band rempleiy o.tty ~le!~ rte. tiptoed by the 'Union.

Chet Arthar._e_cretarsenreenwer of tiler locsl. charged. "Tae edodttlexetr atom ail Jersey ¡bore and espretall - at e - Branch and Liebe-. Nod :.h w ..r I 3ttes shears lb tet?nt teats. Sande corn - parsed of high school students r--e p - tog havoc with the burin 1, 'en a nee -piece based la ar d I r - th se ken} er bsteg .a 12 -man oatnbtna,tic, at a ptbae appropriate fair the five -man ºnil Tae union :tale la cut en a 1 - otan butte r 1a5 CO S O e'er nt,;,bt_ 'Th- hss.n4e line date- themeel, a greet lhJ Atice and not d-3teerinp t e gooey to the tmptofer. ty art useably Co play !leer shock. and their DLindlte as soutUiai la rralltiy r eel ,et. 1'e Mew Csrlr; icIl u ILit of the spots uMfl.' tsattaO epprvnttee bands Lod intend a oancentrated drlye to remedy this ¡lttl- steon,-

Del-Ray Office Ties Up Great Lakes Boat Rides

DETROIT. April - Celle -Mee Jarrell office le -re bin,/ it rrii ly for try Ginntner est.-Melon boats, sailing the Omit Laken. even stares Lip í17l. starting the season, Ju11e 8 wrest dared i9th the C1, 4Rt1-er £.Ay Line- vrtdCh b - a tttajvrlty of aterei on the lake. ' - fiem the 't.ctrutt and Cleveland Ithere1a- tion Co -

Al Canal Oak le urn: t- the North Anseriean ea th eh r. io-N4 .klnsc- iuffat-e trap. wtth i2r1-stay bands to be suptd, ed for the South Arncrbcan ola the Ranee run. SL . Claire and Celtttgt,I.-j ot1 the Bob -La rug, the Ab e:ha oh lib t L R_ ` wolf Duluth tun and the 1:1,7,-a[{1]ñ to 4»,nrlan Bey: in audition th, offtce ;111 book a Cansdlatt band for BelseLo Am,usesntut Park. ~hi 115 lla el made

R'loiloeft 326,000 Richer Gf!$CalOO., AnEut 1udy Wttete-Ti.

sa u n r of of t2141+ wit:. rew.fesd , - this "Rr . fro -ritiyr lüatroa .><, Gp4, instrument lnas>.1t4 Cactus _

5..111M-tirI_1st wow the olllminaLvan of an I :tt-y-r_ar.o'J. 'uft In which WI d eerft

c]atmcd the bStt1-01 ' F_, f I ti t 1-, is ' ' ,4= lil - O' 'lac meet -ern ' lr r 10 . i_ a; DO -- _ with =n extra f07 a_.e Rr o

Il 1 f" a rrt l IG .f 1+ . r fr- ?ai ts Yerft. eia da

10 coach and nDak. L3 disco_

12 T'hts Rillberrrd MUSIC April 15, 7939 Iltewtae arts tor ~rest was# whirr no Oates

an Wren./ A

t111e+: Cud too: aRaoeha Eno Pablo' A 1?1rr- t6 pa11t, ña. A~r.a,Qor,k -lQra}twael Chi, h.

. v erTolatu `rYa =.c. Ita'*scado, Joe_ ILaNaI Vlstabarr, ItM At>au-_. Ai; tOuanasrat Slncus; 0.

B Caeallaz pRaymerP Baat.y b.

11att1c. :Mu 141iKerery-WlhAfra Loa An- a. va -, Dior; sIC'.I .a^^.d 31

s fu Q, ter. Itpwitd? (Punta* Oprlripr PaikP Ct_ stand.

r- cchld. t14ut)+_ Q)FatíSra Oare,sttal Wu, s, 1.4 C,ere,1'ar/al Omaha, Neb., toe. r /(robla 31taa1 CatNO-t'rl 1ta{: sod, ttn

1LaÁaltat.. Teary:. 1^un.e9 Tkarat= j:iYC tt- -att. 1s, nP7rt rAmb a-.ára NYC., 12.

1trIdtl:_liitrr,grii Chi. R tlut: .urat, Fat: 1 *7[ /L°as.^l NYC. h. ` P. IrItis; Ida:l PMIa, do.

Brlgadr. Are.: ~ANT C1areen 1 'Chi, b. Il n ni -. fQtietÓ a %atraco Rbeddd-, rtrnart? . W llmarel: Top Ha ,.l D)txtajaA Arta.. Altfre ld. [:r a, Math.: tawny Atlanta,


- Henry: <tistr Yorker.: irYg iL

C1aii:ovelüaau; The: <Oortarwl CIA. 4 <:at!tra ar C. dOa:tao CheatxY0 t5:. Calle -In. Harry: :Atlanta 8 n tltaaaí) AILae- Cr,sl1- Thtaaty; Inca Ore+en'a Catira) Plt.la-

- r -ak, hc. C rkt'. »Mar. <nafpy 31110, b. VA - 'Pledej: icier) Prtrtol'P1.t1e7uri<h. 04.

-Zo. t31' rwttñaadorl,l NYC. nc: CO" . IQ".ñrLtde C1ItttM1OQrL NYC P ta4himan. lmmtl: (Wddlrt!-Aatir.al. NYC. h. C`.Illt Beltilr: IAnalayJ Atly_!a, h Ctp:=-txir4 Chrler,o?lrte: IP_ ai..xltroi NYC. Da. Carr 'l.lt: Isaitani NYC h. G.nr¡. trw;rrr; IAsro;.bead tan) ftJtrer3a1r,

N. Cabs WC' WhioB Tait-yslawlC.O.. d. ara: Jc : tMi^a-t;Fr,r.i Sall Later City. d Crpetrrf. )ae: (Red Wrier ram H:.a, O.. a

O+% !'1b , aitatkl Chi. r bar 11:-.s: Ae-Y )t>ols. h. k. l:vlYte. near 11to tt-Ct '

D Dandera. tap$142- infer 'Oas) CbL me- n' tt, ir!. .no; at arorn NYC. e. Danz. Fault/f71d-4-V1'ruIJsiÑ" Ink, on D . .nn, ilari:yc C1ppi'7-+ le B9?10n, h. n ,. i]e-_ . . (Or! -=,a1 a03rtu3 Chi. rt. 13rut[Yh. tIrrayj .'Yore -cirri Mttrau=te. R. t 9. 'tat-atroyt Ilt~xar..r.:ntll NYp, 1. titrkII T+sd`J: I1'a)tanrt 11C7: -9P Chi. hi, Ctub_ .TaeertlerP rer-1r.rab0.. /a. T i .'.: aLa Caa-Ja1 ItoL;erboa Je, 11W3.111. lta_: We ball t;YQo ?tr,

Cldrldt 1,... ,, tA:cad1 ̀ , NYC. b. 1L- -- tar_ an tí-rs 1*rXIG rr_

MIN1R Omer: t14L'.atlaad Plaza) Ctnc<ñnt1( 1.-

Coo_ heM-ra Icu1ps FOiLdep1np r -s!i tlsli-rg oppratr O rrri'Ihof FYrJ In the derf,rtattbA GOV-

rWJtor-4yhIJ tv Itl;c ay!tcolyo1 when nJfdse^stúoy orpanicatYotsr Or Hs4.(tIduela llstett,

ADBRIiV1AT1ONSe a--,ar,detorierm: b--bailroorn; e-eafo'; cb-eabsevh ee--oounhlr club; h-hsrol; rah -music ball{ nc-n:sht Blab; Ip-aenux- men- park; ro -toad house: ie--resPaar.asnt: a-ihc.plboat t---lhaaPér.

JOstic: Warps Oardaaal Chl, el_ ite, flc:^y: R Ye lanl Albany. SL Y..

Etalamay: lupctor tinsel Loe AittiNde.tl

1--rn1,r. i 'all (Ó: ],tJxoce:o) NYC ec- 7.vaaa, P.m 1Olwory'a rlNta+ NYC. ria.

rlrids; she,: (11po=yteÍ1 New Oateyna, !éace-a:r, ace -a: ,07.11Yartillltsa leallywasa.ae Mbar,.r:cc.`r; 1E004 11~11 C/L we.y, t1le, rrrrton: IYetberlanrl Plaza) Cin- cinnati, b._ :iYa:elta Joe: IKSa11on 1 Phila. h. hela k. 3Eatwtn: IGirropet.ttahl Denver, ~at. Alt IBltow Hoatl ºtiraba:>,Lt. no.

C OwapeTrec Dtkl: lAltebaasadnrp NYC, h, Otcaaan. Henrlt iColoeleno'a/ Cale pe, C3 rrarq. O+Sry! ISI =vr CUtka! Atlanta:. ro. OI!1 :Rs--7aa-qqt Maw Pean) ntubatsS. !: Cent Frank; 1NIxtSw'ao3 tRnl ilrretR, re- De>.1A,ra. lYe:7; (BttQvtwintl IIntza3al ti


Ica,: 7riR Dam l:9eacelty'Cattaretl Asbury l'ark%6`J., h. 1126a, to:: lbattlr 1)iathslrelkrl Phila.. no. Nye" JaCZ: i0asysJ Ilalt.ta4re, or.

111tli. alapb (CLar-lPc3rr) annólttr N. J... nc0.

Js.ekmrr It?-tto :la0amel Chi. b. Jahn4 't; rCllLtrtirtl ProrJóa Fh. James, Kure: ellecri 1901 AW-11a city. N. j. JerCae BUI: IOa'1'i Ctub Alpcña, lelch ,>ü J ordan, .rL: ei`nilaadetphlan, Phila. b.. óart:tlaa: D»k: IAra?oTi1 cat. b

K Ka4A1, Jlri; Inik6rd boar.L át rcart11a, cruint

at- I.-


8ass.st7 ICiO.-3r::a' NTQ, h. Kemp. t1a:; (!lia:Aort-AaaorlaU NYC )t, Kent. Jerry: t rlats,L1yJ uaaan _city, Jr, J. rO. Kind. Jay: IBrookl n.talt- N. J!; 1>G Ilill``a Jaeatn>t- rAdn5yL7rb DttLA h. KIn-!y. iray 1'44~1 NYC. I.,

Orchestra Routes must In received se the CIncirknati offices not later than ,Friday to insure publication.

adlNr. Cecil! rRntnbotrl I)eneer, b, nor. <re. Lloyd: {titttTiltahr' witness SrS:li., 0. career dray: rtk.uthland.l losaLe^ no.

w: aeee. Parlays eBall-tSa.JI chi, mé. Orion. Benny: iHawarinl 8u9a1g t:4 M

I lolJb Sea: (11titi:_l.1cJ Long Ilz<ach.

Ur WA. Y`hüi IWI.'Rahlrv /bawl' Lye Anmtir.ti rt, Hurts. Kra! tilteek C.:ss 1 Proa e rnso n0. Hari. Joe: (ICluii. Greybeard: Jc..nra.enYffLt.

lod,. nc_ 1leedt. Horace-. lntttmor* NYC, h. Handeneh, t3orsee: 11taa Olubl nc. Henderson, lr! -tatter. r,e)ranri Terrace) Chi

o ileib.rck Ray 11261071ti: iktfishi Chtl, h. ar,rv.s-i. We6nrr lYfmo Doce I NYQ, nd lternaalder; 74nk: <Ropa/ Palm I Wand. ?'1a. -Irma. mot. Trl.: Ztoseatal 4-.YC Jt. MAUL br:1t-. <Bcimont PIs~ xYa h.

hu le-- p HerYy: CPU -Mort Rama.py. flotará V;ncsi:t: 1Parolatiu Aadoser; N. J..


-song. R ail `noel Radio Plugs "Sk; P pse " Si 13 Note' es..1

To Lead; `Heaven" SiiU 2d So,w{ja Dated rmp rtga tt+reztt'Inp 19 or wlave network p,iotgs: (WJZ. WPAI. WABC)

br.t-Y,rrt S 33.1N--1 a.m. roc).- crags and rl a.m../ :ma- Sundae; /dr the ter -1, !°ad(:lp - drt-., April 7. lrtdepent4rnt Pruge etne Ih4-c1 rxr¡34trd on K'OR, wNLW. WOS(A r.' ti'llt.!_ Filar tunos u.,,011k"19t1{7Q at `l."' m1t1*Iºat ):7o:11)Ct1o1a Itifnbiril as +u,~ Ba.nd on :fete 6aepltrie.2 8g da:.rOte ICcpbrBtn7 Semt+ee_

1' 1' Tide r rm

Lei rri 71-'51ra1.. 11l 1. Little - ppeir 2 3 13r, 1 Ln can RYnrt: ,.

O ' Oar Low' . I 'I, DL Par 'dry_

13 . I Wane e tile I-1 trr al i+_ s* .... 4 ,. Penny ?met :de `l ' 1a4ti In a `attrr Dallar .a1!;+1 6 7. 1.1111e sts lSc2to _. 1lrcKratan. V. Sc C. lJ 8 Gotta Goa 6Qrlitl &lt]t- -,e .. BMrltn e . 7 Cr Ae! I : Yon, ............. . , - IJt16tta 7 e. F,[?ldt Tür111 ..... .....,., 11.3atr O a_ 't.,_.1l.errade ir O', r , fr.:rosel aJ 9. I Oat A-sc,rlR '.tittthdut Thu YRamouri 8 10. 71 - Ir <Mi.. .... . Cnanl I 7 17 Cr 1111 1 - : o ntJ ..1. 8. 11. I=1, Fl,- I 0 e k Ile: 74111t1r.. . ...__ It. rrr


PeLat Rraatick Ca n. -1l Rob nlna )(nrin SnaplJar, A.ernatrin

I'" 1 1 -^- To Bei¢a.T ar ---------j1rd an 73m 8tt1111k17-1 f, $ailbcrl,t n: i)rrlana .___ tfll:nr:7r0

IS o Up and . ak 1' 'y 11n Cl. .. 11.-ma.1 - li, 1.L .. rrT.r? tn . ... .... _ f3. 1'i 14. UTº'Y Wor.-Tp Aber t tra (111i 1

1N,. 111. Al! Teems (Od`1... ... ___ C p;_1) 14. Eiln:( -1 ftt'8 Of 1lItan,t.t-uttt,, 1» rta i. :

I I. IP;, Y. - C- pr t o7)!1 1Viitp T:1/.ethir... , F__at /k 1-'4ra1:y a:d 11111, (P) . . .. . . .. _ _ p n:nimt

10 El I 21 ratinla r+u . . . - - . . . . . eD[; 12 17 r .o hr- N t 1u ........ _ ,, . WttJltxrll - jT_ Fntsi___.* 148t i t/ t an: I_ .. Mier 1 1Y. T, r , _ o -a ,tp inks,.'l1 . . . t:>rtt , .-lc

19. ,. h_ a t Pall . . . +

. . Ph= 13 18. Y u r ct LI _ 10r H. -c, t t- ,T P. e irltiynrt It: TP;in :lt ;tte 99 - - an V. A: C.

1i_,I, It i , - ,._.. 1'. 19, r D . . .. , 14 - 10. If I 14_11 :t1f V :; - . . . 1Pt,onrw - 20. M ' r: -y: - ID 1111442lr <141 ern .,r_ =1I .,$. Ct =r,-. ti I. Cia. i1... , ,yr-r i71 20. Ar d ths Annals el ism . . . lflit;,'at.n., V. & C.

r 46 é 3>i 33 27 SSO

25 43 29 19 23 23 Ti 33 73 li' 22 20 22 aa zw 33 ál 32 :l 91 20 13 {Q le IS a: IS 17 1T 1B Ib Id 14 l6 ¢ IJ la lti 8 1q Q!

13 13 ]a Is 13 º 13 7 l- 11 14 10 14 8 II 10 tl 6 10 10 10 8 10

XLh. lee: i Viso Oitdrne Cb:_ ca. Kraremtr ay. LIMO nu t^r:p WN r, bR. ix. Krup S

Ray. 1C011r7r Inn l CIJg ,na

Kuhn, Coale 3Aator;t NYC. h. Knee. Hay: IPenaap?ranla+ NYC, R

a. ú14_ ihrl I1at Ch1. n0.

Lou Yedd1 Caeale<t. NYC. > Berea. Rddktba:e ioeea y RTl117ttla e

L rbl` Harland: (Roseland)RaY al Can L.t»apt; Ck1. d t.tiala, Ted- Ilt-sitfy H jP ewparL, ILy.. oe. ~etQó. Otty. (83raodP NYC_ t Lang. stigatJeri n.7aitti. k. Loa, iinter nitro* QllJb/ NYC. ne-

e.atee Arcetc: 10Gymp:o P We. h- Lyon BOe: ILrattt titn1 1rur=.rr{!og, O3.1., nc, 144811. Srtli: (2 ó^Cireltl nMstRor., no.

M McCune. Vil<Il: rtrurrTfpFal ?uctaLicri. lr. Y.

no. rLc?rriant, Prank: IChateta. Modt:-a:) NYC, .no, Hattlttre. DI[,k: lBra:a Holt /Ceilywo,ed. r.o, leelrereqt.. Red: iOree,-nreII Tierrace! Louis= vllk no. slet'tlrt.ta:.3, J,Lt">Q: (011.8 ,2t Club), Cpi, ne. 3JelLe aro.: iltawelna 1'aatla Buffs.. 10i steA*iastn, _ay. tNJa(titll,tl Kar.as City, ara.:

no. 3,halmNa, htan: <quo aaychol NYC. as. wntatrareia. Used ICoto::y C.alt) nCbL ac. Maple-. NFlaoo: ItYebaler JAW! ! PlrtaLursh: h. Marla Ray: :21~4 c1:19 NYC. co. itraRtla. Jeer n/!]tk':$ mamas NYC. Gc. trarthaFd, Jack: IPtaaa I NYC. h Martina t_.cy: Meets a, lyddle'al NYC. no. 1lrartln, PY-dd7.' RYlattoail Chi, b. Martin. (8:;anley) PC:tatr_slttr, L Marrt4y. /jolt Madrid' PAulavtJls, ete `aa}ttt4ri ?rankle! <AooetYelll I:YC, h,

x,rtOt: tWeatesoed cab' 1.itt1. Rarck. Anc.. a arr. JOJtnny' 111eAlploi 1RiCCt 1t. I.:ey?ra, Vlr-; rilna.a_sa1 ne,artt-, b. trltl:ttt5r. L uckyr (State Pa!leti J. -YO. b. xd1 dpart, paean:. ,fD:iR IJ Cata kYd. .

o11N, Loon: rapratto? ,B.ln PranR >L Moore, Gnrt'!LKactst: ILottr 1_8t1. P_1til Moore,Unman,t;LLlttr

IChtt Parra CP<t. C

na, 1trb` aeeXr: (Vsyjlrllb.l p2 NYC. aa. me-scII. carry: IticaYaJ Plena,. NYC- 11

r area t _3: rAtL tlr cl -.A Mitwetllsee. em. `Rualrty, PrrJela:l 13'e9 knish Alta}ity. id. Y., h. 3Lwrras. Cbarltt: re=ta 11er!`lli NYC, ría.


need. Harulde Ilite'rMl NYC, h-

ta>+hf, Citron (Plekrta2 atrrnlasltar.a< pc. votYlainb R 'Rainbow 'rtOOm1 1",RQ, no. tiowioas rftr ílt: 1CiDe a9oe,egt F7Q, qo. . o ̂ t,tly/fion a Btatli=r ) Dteetez h.N

eL7r. G .Rhrlo! MuneLe., ir.e S. 1(orro. Red:, Men Tankllat PtfiL, h. Notaaescr. Al: IPlllap CsLiettF btYq. lía Nory, 1_D_i?ir iClartao Russel NYC, nG

O eaakltq at111: 1* -tarn Oentral) AaNvary 1Park pM. J.. D.

10 Ciao:. 0 ~marl Les Arlaeles, aa rtire.rca, Led 0: 7a1 Tebardn.1 NYC at. 2 O --zt eo, ilrtti- iPark GY41tra1/ NYC, h_

ÍÓOwens, 2iars7: 181.-R pz1.1 gen F.aatctaoo. h

Pantie, 1.oul4 /Vgh_to Ctbt Cb1, b. 1°taar. RaJ: (Oh jlera7tl , ill Peróarfta. Taal:. tratatw: bin 7tianrL,.0" 11 Ptrarar_ Y12. I arrl!cle NYC h punt!, at RmN:^ tdleeid,eonrl Ctil. Pa. Powell. Murray" IltoettreTtt mom , na

Pre. Jack Almirle I lterry,-ne-íuued 1 ñnr- aKNL DG.

Quartet:, Prickle: Men Cads) Macro. ILL, ne_

R Ramaawep. Ray: ,iL't atiraawl NYC, nr. Rapp. Sarn.ri. (1444 Qluh,r-CIt1e`_,.na1>. nr. Ravel Artliwr! )Atablan :+:3h!±1 rtitQ n. It vil. Mu. IOre-n fah We- G -sal NYC, R.eleharan. Joe: 'Matt lio.45.al <ras Fran-

tOmtlne_tall tY.rront_ aL

Mateo. Dan, ;Curb .I Detroit. a7. tltr>-y. Deb; l><lrllah Taweral Rrehtnoad. 17s. ax.

Riley. Mllr? _ (NlcYrl NYC. tt4. Rio. R11as ®Jraeuati OPr+o.1e!. 4. R)bin o1 Alabar.' I :yt:. )tMmP-A 'lrara.: Iana->ad i NYC. he. 7eo;*r atara7rl Wan Moon) Coney -1sJand.

'r. y. h, rrntur{ Adriuy-, <IMlgsooD' P lasaP NYC, b. Hoch, a,ddat: IAlaba) CRii, m- onks. VKuaey: (Ltl,Co:n} 'Hancock. Ik 1t, 04

Balan. Paul: Mimi Cleve) 17rarton. O.. e

d. aandera. 1ttSai: !stontparnee'. NYC, 6e.

1ta.*t;C JLDI itinrGii lfY =PoeRlln. C! :: ¡¡p Tdrolll Dallan. ea. rtcsti, Nava: IStatt 7.4- cal NYC. b. avara. Wahllia[l.: . 0.,óI Richmond. N1L.:8-

1513 rat Attie* IRy2etc,.P ,arilq, Lee: (Olbaenl Cussanneul, b, t31r,raadA Artie: ~era Stanclotat Kaaba*

CIIy. 71W., re. 5nablr [PttramaanlJ NYC, 1f.

9klnosr. Fred: (Capri) Hollywood.. nc. aernit.h, Joíapih O ; (La 11.;.:4NYC.,:P NYC. nc. $m!>{!L 1'tai>0; (I(h13cd Ia.sk) Btrralriaha,a.

8iu6 a[utl: 11t,a tiallai CLI !L ISorqy, Vinton. 1CSAca NTO. re.8pl5afng.

TdYll: Ili111fatoi riutYcts, t. Paul: don IV. Owl Toledo, re.

tlrle, Ul,rk: le3tathrb C;et-el ma. b. Meek. Cu..: ll3rooi/ SwnaN. N. J.. net. Steer, rioter: (fdttlt Cub hYC, ms. 8teri:+4, Grow t rOep )tgrre) NYC. no. 84e3r+na, Dal*: tAnblan COf:D1 Co :'rb:ta. O..

L'Itl brr. 7t7: f1Q"ling»pp) ClsJt. r1t!_ 1r,ipar- 9á3.s' Mehra r/ 1 Mo. at Streeter. Ted: (l/care NYC,. r.a. SLs_>yib4. Chatlnc! tlYatite City) Chi. e.

tso=-j. Jiaatnp- 113lawn40 IToaisrmt. 6 61-1x. Dick:.rt?o

01r0/?ilP-B+rapi i. B. rºu_lilraa, Jot: (Cat Club/ 11o1TY~. DF 6::e4.Y Threi: (De WRI 0ur;on/ 111t+ta, Sylvia., Dam ()tettl4.,141!ll mu; r.C. 8:jlvtater. Deb: IC]reb anal 1C

T TeaLarttn. Jack.,, (TC.erelandl NYC. @. Thong" Archie.: ICi9e! dub) 1Cttla:.4 ore..

no Thoapsan. (kraal: (WeUta[tedP NYC, ti ;tram ClubCali

cv ITolkai watt77ttuu C.- Tiaaton. D. e

a" '

(Ooy R-rtt I NYC. se. 710=21i, l r2p;, IOrand) San Data. Calit., Iti ?Dee" Leered: ,)r1 -ato, C..zte) WLLdrlta Itsit. Trace. (Oberman) taie lntpolla. L Tooker. Tommy: (Bak et Dallas, h_

u 11raU, Dwyer (A1a0aaY1 Chi, 9G.

V Van Odder,. loon: MOM, Club) tlrzon cur. N.J..no. 17--a t{Qdh: (1143 C3iel Chl. na trri>Lt-T: iW)aQYr.1 Penn.) PICk1*Or(1i. L V-* 'wn, 91eia.n- Mate WnLRtra Oalreatan

fia!L. rte,

Wagner. daddy:. Itnitlpl wen) NYC. b:. 'tetra:. , aá1: CROW/ r)tldcs t L Ct ,. oo. ~elan,"re: retraley) Vltt:abearyh. h. A'a,pn, Verz:F 'The Tavstai Rsa0. Nam. r,ti Wartn Prot: t,CaDtt,ep W , Ca t Weeks. Antón: (SWetblebse.ho awa..t Cltr, Week'.. Raasnyt(C:Via'Shyialr) Beaton. ce. Warm*. Tod: 1Draba Ct1L 14 - ~deer (ArrsaalSo' Ama. walk. LawreincoL r8ir Paa]I et. Pad, h. thr:arlañ, tVüaiecs Barn) Phila. n

tgagaaore) Rocbeate as . )11.21_5"41:: S.

'ltfdo4r. 1/tae: ICs.-Li:sad) PQeb10. Co(o, alt. %:l3me, )tan: llcodbrk,;al 135y -O. Atltk, no. WIIU0.1104 1an1,e: Ia-'wttyt )¡atiaa city. 300,

Vr1 ms. O:aa: rPar-fit+"11.i Irt wayn4 Ind. 5.

Wtil3aalA Orrle_ {ReQulre CILhI reaonto, OL, tad.

wtsr!on Bas>7; 17ta!nIlow Clr1111 WTQ ea. Wqps!r )toward: (Ytliacr llamas NYC. na. tea: t:h. Robby: 1 Orrtawt_:h Yiiliaae--E:poU

óatt ?ran. cv.

Toone. Ralo' if Yn h Youth 1pte NFij: 'boils. be.

Y (raorlaldr Rouse) StaTdetre

1111=2 Orprti a COI PJbta-

et.music .LEG.IUe$s (Par Week ~IS Aplt9 8)

ACXAo'xW4.raa)It le made to Man - ride 11-laiur_ 4r. Tl -, I 1.11twle Dealers' Service, It:e.. Marla dalos Carp_ 'rind Aestlr7 1d.ua10 Bupply Co.. of Ki9r YOtf, LTán 6c Healy; Cnrl ~cr. Ina.: Cambie HIrt--d b ,'! Co. and Wei, r: Deck and Stationary Co., or Chiang-.

Pralt n t th4 1 1_ D. p halvla

2 F., ny S -'atar' 5 3. Llttle SIr (MIA

4 C 1 Wa-t 3 5 Wmbr 11a M e !f <iee Alg-. Wtthrtat'1'bla Wit'

\Melf. 8 T _ .1 -nurse. 1 Ot r

12 () MWe1 7I -!'1t 9 '9, Cod 81r Artt,Ynpt 7 iti- tou'd I-

I 1. Our LOvr - N I rc 142r Y. 10 1i3, Ya M1 ._ Li Ir't Hs:t-

orba I 1 14. Co!a (`eat g5ra 13 15. 1 Prank. You

April IS, 1930 MUSIC Vie Billboard 13

rA Sub -Zero Choice ItEW YORK: April 8+-1itdo cohere

kids are quite -definite l0 their. Ilk and dlalikeal Jean_ Strong. editor -In - chief. and Toys 9.1121. bust!. . marl- ag.r,-Cd Store Co ltpr .'rlc., 'acted Mohr, Crosby, ostay ttrarl euct and Pats Wolf1er at tr.. favorccl male vetoed at law' York 1S me College fee TriaCbara, Albalaya N. Y.

Taking eIZ011trr turn of the deolrnsl h .rt. hr f ills Cann n l cmbardo the oanl't a "mints 1" choke.

SHAW cops- (Cottt n ,"tt /rein its -+ 11)

second that. Is undisputedly 5 among band male vocalists.

Of the Slit tide. the only Ot s baud trocall .i pl ...NI warn Nanny ~ter. out er aloe Qrilryi haired.. Iñ ottrtb-.i bat- ter shOWtnq tblw Ale band aS1illntlon. Goapled With ila o1,11Z11o1d and Jetlo t.Itr. bllt: E:.nny Ji .kor made a g+xd Lmyresz Ira In I:tnbbing off the trey ewe. with

In.WJedur,<1'h :-rboet Eddy, lending the Irrf, . ,o r1tnment In fifth_ It Lt gri, to

leppie'r_'1.'rto llsker'a popularity wit> the yetioger tot and all the MOO Juknalsiale to find Eddy abowing ey--11 at7I n l taYr aclost the tame »teat

in the aitth a!ol Jk1tldiay Erinf . a band knew So 11_, own nt,ght and fa -- mealy t'oaali`it for Hal Kemp.. Noe was Eánla Mono.ataanie Abe meestrt Nnh1 d out for stnllinh ridthar :haw apnoea. Q( the 10 volee.t in the male weeder_,, cdpo non. a *Met to front or thst: dirt 'ti aide, e nd ift ct tnteres!It: to tlnd Ata W alkr: unit Unite ATir Rtrenk Its Unitbt fn .ddtlron 't4 the - rttl :r. ftatai bands

On ttttlbt#tfd la Oth i 'gcaitints to the ool. Jo-141z,firm t their ie i, 11 Okra poph;larl to screen and radio 1rr;l two are not tdeá Lido L

With very folk mexepUlrna eol3e~e AiT*res thinks In termer of national ririehe3, lDd..atingthe Teat tnflUannte of worryua phs of tb4 arnu emenl Industry in ewer t oaram, rat tit country. An e- aoulp:tarytWa 11114 lut_i tale loo oolTer and un]V0felltlte kart,llplt.ttng. In the poll. their rerident rCctfatleo: thn num-

Colllegiate Clioñee of »Ile Vocalists The colleos edPeti listed, id the i_nq prefcrsftlal order at be seleeikts etdleslras.

male .-aialkti mitt pbpsaar w.tl, !ha ;Instant. body. Tabulatlew 444w~ that of qt.* erebeekra,-ehres.991wtt (or lira eaaIca, two for second, ~4 444 tad, añd #ropsi ire -rt. dryltlon of peh.ts wh,.. tie cf.o1H was_JivN'ed he -hymn -1~ apes sit

`t-a,M4.1fratla14 *f en* means, Is I-dkarted sn parontheact

Voc: tit ntNc CROSLY .

144 bd.babboo I Imo 1

$AC1K LEONARD . ITommy Dorsey)

KINKY OAKEI lack Bc- y'. boy)

!OWN SA4CIN1 , , , . 4 OCray II (k tLSAN LODI' .

/ oktime stare Setinnay EMI

Iband kaderl Harry O.b1.4 .

!Kay K4.4.1 Peery Coma

ITcd Werrorl Tammy Ryan ... .

¡Same.- Kay& Leh AU:ñ ..........

+Ilan Ke'-y/ StL* Mahan

+Kay Kyi el Tway 1Ia.1I. . = . -

4~lain tfll.es, I ob. :esby

rbiad'Icatt:trt Olck Powell ..... 3

i scoot n star) Pe4 Woe Nuns , ,

ICíiet Cray i Disk Teed .

r/udie and retard dal(& linty Vs s _ ,..,

Cot le-cicaphe.s 1.41i

rorua Lemuel Lob Eberle

tai --my Corsfrl Lwty C*iion .... -

Ilearics, Hiidtl rah Walla, .. ,

(timed it rt Leads Aaeetition, , , 41

(tinsel leader, Bon bin ........ _ ....

(ran Said.01 ferry Cooper ,

raO. einze.) Cranks WIN .

I new O4a,iwl Phil H-nls -

Iband I- .adt:i Tony Plato! . ..

iAttlo Shaw Lanny is,: -.1,1 .,.

irad-o Nail lean. hablen .. ... - . -

I Fra ertdlt BIwg Creby t

Les Bcn 'aft . ... - - f flan C.: b I

Mark Dinnit . ,

I radio floor) Torary Dorsey Tut*

Orden tie bail Iddlo K:sra-d ...

1 DIck i -cn I

Al lobos r 'Ion try nor="

/rank Parecer i rattle ~Tr -,1

Car Rawest . !band' (es r1

lea Stoker two/ leader

of iledy . iiaed lead&

Phis Ts,Lt l - IAs=r &Ark,


Mal WI:.'.orlon 10 CHOiCt

Vint Choke











.... 11 achsoh

Settedl4 1.444 Tik4 Choke TOTAL






















! 11-74

T 71

6 vas 10 34

l.i 22.35

7 2e

2 8

3 17

2 IS

- t0

4 U

5 L

iq 7

3 5.5

1 S

1 S

1 4

3 3

1 1

1 3

Mama 2

2 2


- 2

- 2


MM. 2

2 - t


traools 1

21 scbiets








Collegiate Choice of Female' Voc Hsas Tile tolls." edited eií1N., I1I Mt sim2-3eeferontPal éedcr 0.i in aetecring mehttera*.

female v:caIfat, meet poselar wilt. the sneeze toady. Tabetailsw letou'a Char sal the orchcatrap...ehree points for first chokes bees (*i $o<ond, ins lot Third. and; prop«= N<e.a-te dteltlew of pelmet where tew choice was ,dmdidi between Iwo Aeeta1lsh.

ltdewllri<alron oh eh. vocalist le !.)leans/ IM ptnnthts**.

Veeallat tiro Claike I LEA WAIN . ... . . 87

Mary CLaowl LILA-1JT>:GIaALD ......._.

rChidr Webb, G1NNY SlIMS . . ..., . .... 313


tsof "Leda Lomond" !modI 61461rTs1A TILTON . . . . . 13.5

(Lesany Grodwawl Mildred Salk." , , .. 6

I Rasa I::two Ed>the ..... _ 3

NTernrmy Osarserl Aadei.ri SIaMs ...........1).S

(of ;p, N. L. D. S.V' tam., to* Start ... . p

(Hal Kemp)- Oero/hy Lareedt .

,. 1 I

lo/ ncra.a and two", 1a Dory Oaws . -......3

1Geote. 141

tits Loyd _. 6 lot Scorch stiinpiñvinr tamed

1rancss La.t/wd 4.3 It.ere cn.ar.f,e.ra,dW-r.cor4C1

INne(le Ma<De.:ald .- 1c/ww Iax"I

Ctiwwle ,11is'aaell 3 /et liners Memel.

Helen /*nett ...... ....-. (Artk Shaw)

' %tl, N41taw- . -. .tViwcewt Lopes!

Do ton* oyet>t. 3 tureen afar/

Leaches Carillon 3 htudenl at ?ranaat.S'Iab* To.ichtrst' Celbpt

Hanlet N1ii4r/ ,

tozsla Nikon a.0. screed Mel Mary Maw -

rot "My Hiatt Belowrp to Daddy" linnet

Maa)_tne . .. 1 (OMIT Splfaqer!

Mary 5+;-11 . . . ter ailio fnPiJ

Kahl. (.111 .. (e("Moee.Over Maven* aiawla rel

Sephle Tueketr 3 let "Hed,Net'Ltarnmr" lame)

**swain Sbten rate Cpwaiu (reiwsii /borol

loaw Wlwa.rM (Paid Whltcwsanl

Alice laye . ... .. tt(e e.aT star)

Ldlle Holiday . . . . - _ . . . . . - ¡, l e: -Cou n t .IlaJo twin dhry i

Astrid. (so+ma. . . .. - is! MUM MossN taw.el

Nsn Vltyñn r3 di* lark/

Cuwla Baker ! OvrJa Tel -kart

(way Garland . .

tsG19eA. starl. t,t moths RIYe

«amen IhatrNrt Rosemary Lane -

I I.rreen slut Marlon ; Nuttr.n

1Ck*- LItr.1 Lily Meta . ..

( Mclep tanaeyl 710 CNOICt ... 7 edlaeh




bar of bl}q danced held cacti yew- on thn falOipttó and approximately bow relict! !n<tdoy :t tiet ttemo9 apind:l tmpoettni beoda tot the etfmru

{Cootlitttr ntzG LESL.J

i'ls iizaáton Bannered 6y William Morris

7210.'0 YORK. April 8.--iffe:euve rdiigai his rrItllTn from IilNropc? where heL lt CPU - rratly tovrind t.ht Scandinavian !?aun. trLr_ti Duke Plltn ;toa 'e,srta ir -imp h1.1J3t . Id atr t Alil L- 1O- UO undeP the r,ii 'It=a1.t ttsin:sgztnetit of tl' wtiltit:n ytarrtl<i ~nay. t7omtra,ot mated by Samuel B'1z.zctl. who hen poarnl of ntiriTney for PZ11cZL4 , n1rottatigrº'h baring been iE--l:sslL 1-fiArra the band left the e abec e. Tre1p 7 1d11_1lt4 tabu.. bald Went prrx(iñal rrioral`fir for LICInrrron for

6ctm in 2ere v .0 10 nt. prr - ant, ilAred 3. BIKP^-etezi b--zk tn. a.Ssy l.

ItKton had born b0¢'á d by Mlll. Artl.cta until ree-n(ly whs., re.b 1

ancl f.,mpor_rr1T p>~ al min mad= with ito-117t' lt--Qn4.-7a7 Aettlu^Q3Sa: Corp- for

--r.1 f ;St.re only. sin,al5rz ;.11175 will t'omz-1n ab par7apiat rtatllAt_per (iª,1?Knds

Se<owa Choke 16




TiWd Choke 7.5













2 t






















I 1






12 xhseta

tintlrely upon idilpgten< Until Jean. ory, 1037, llSllri had a lime tote - in Duke ált;, hie. at 'Weil tiran a

1 n . *beck rt!(1'rt_tllo atlratched control of tit, band oarporatIon to the rna/tttw

Bend deal dots not affect O:Ingtaa' aouivrTltlnR acttTltlica, and ft I1 not known whether Dion will continuo ran

p Q hi) oompoaltNJl`JI 'Witte [tip ,tiJ]iL nub home gnl! other gentrzrrn-51 u nh raL] SsuorldlnCf. Aftp lT i b

C tit ting /149 '+ uRdpr 1871_ i' Tii;ynn.142 iirrnrtly ,l1ia a par-

- d --rPr, t v'Ith the aro.

45'Il`1]w,fiTON. N. t., Apirlt $_.-.LWtnlfta. Inc.. thio city, haa been chart-rW oQ- ar.tul a d.a.rlileg parall0aº aa(7 altlrr ktfraY, of aQatrsmn. under nutitorliótd ap'j i-. rugen of 634,1200, watt flo,000.to-x rub.

I '4 by P. It. 1;ttLlr(y, Si.r o 'r - ton "a+tth. O. O. Pisrtnerte and 1,1rJ. Emily U. Parsee*

NEW MUSIC FIND 1VAN1S Te -C1441.14.% WWI 1.07, I

ILUSICtAria. 'WINO LLAOLII* CReMaea MN ca,« Artists íc4- I I . , ti tr ~AY s-z.Jee aL- Fle Cr' crate. en r.aetai pity

fÑOÁIWtpIL L/M Irb-, laird Aw.. O' _ 1.

14 TAO Billboard

Union Bands Only April 15, 1939

For Phi ID. Schools PHILADSL1'IIIA. April B.,-Lxit ttiunl-

Olens' 110.100 ti negotiating with nil col- ltyert In ttte men for a closed *bop In maid to ell school and Caste-niity date, .

151-_-4 to accept the arrrment WIA 1 ousted Hall of U University Of Pennsylvania. tieneettut to hire talon bands Only. BIM. liar eoittfati are expected tram 'í3ít»9.4-. at_ JesansA7a La Belle and Vtllanova.

Ito utlalil Llirealened10 forbid the Inn adittlt'ois the use of nabs. tratsds If they lrerulslcd in enl.aging non-vntyon or for Iit4 aosalier dimeen held on the ,amps.

Mew cvattraclw with caterers and co'un- lay tlnbt, which ate now both$ 1tgood by the union forbid the usa of nutoznatie 91100:oFrnalit. in many eases being used in lieu of a bard.

PcUdli rVEtS IC7át:1, ta at El Paso Series WILL $84ü

TS. RASO. Tex_ April 9 -=itiul Pen - dame _ -4 a 1.300 draw at it0 par couple tó Mark up a 4i110 genre lnc-. lent R'.turttas se second number In E0 ~Ore spoátsorid by 1º Paso Dance A»octn tlotl, .a ti-l0e organlratlom 'óf the Juntar C1LilmbcF Of Cántmeree., DaclOes aRt) htid at yl,terjr` Nail. Strap lYietlds opened thn aivtRs /Web 11 arltb . record 7,000 draw.

P.[ñoe emaciation aMld $13 ticketa for 10 dazteae at a?AO á tlei.et. Id additttoal: danor:t blest plank down s1.2] , eonpie at ~II dnnee_ Etrees of ors Wire *2150 to, begaeps 1l1 e..-ie of blank, Tb non - Whet boa'doras ndin]ah Is ISiAA n couple. 'Ten> pat r that tariff for Fir.tdw dl}tp, ono fOr PendlE^ip lraukle 7totn_31r germ' next date Jri April 2C

Phully IiCnn Squawk Nets Local Ork Mutual Spot

PHILADELPHIA. ,0íbí3 11.-Aa a result of the, muddies*' union Walt against &hum Corp. of Absence and Caausollldstrd Radio Arnett for c-rwtiltó. a "network monopolYr which tied up tit at%nüable web time, Jos rea.{etela Band. current n1 the Walton. la to be giren a rcguhir snot o'er the Mui.ual lltxs,

I'r.....etto wadi ptovtou ty aired 10- a single 1.-nnlnuta 1!át on CBE but Ben RIocardl, secretary of 'the una.O*, declared thin. bone was um.satlutectory IISd dr. mantled a regular remote for *resole. Ithe Mutual tnr1r attu glre7l Actor negotla. t.e to with MCA.

ASCAP Wants Dixie Spots BLR3414051Al1, .'prtl BtAtnerlda+n So-

clety eC netedx.ers. Authors and pubs. 11214-9L la about ready to crock down. on S Et;tl t re*etrta and a situcmrnt placed in BtrmIngham and environs !Or failure to f1 royalties oh tbtir Otualcal istmos. ad 91ed 2. T. Cohen. of Atlante. district counenl. ter CIO SersiletY. asilo Das 1st tide flaw roe a check-up.' He field that t1 OM, E3Itsucto T agree nestle rare tort/teeming

srpota atoulrl, be hauled Into Colin. dlortined to name the pise.^'

tart on Joins Dui. Ageuc} DCTROrT, AprLl 7lr-Hal Berduo. for-

m,Crly on the band Miter of Cm..ecgidated Itniao Artiste, came under the tezeiging of Delbrtd- d Carrell. tai 4 agency, tot. 30- .:hg an eight -week angsgnrncui Itt Ile Atlanta (Oil. Boulevard Hotel. The duties of 1,11012 beating not being salt- flCirnt to use up the .ieaegy of Bala 6 feet E Indent, he will also act as- a tun - f~ member of the Bolos force of rellbra:lca rC (Inrre,tl

DAVE CL.ASYG';! Or>claerftrf Berme. ilCGhsº11. álGlañ., touring Eddie tSmtitrlr Band in South" territory. Ork fea- t -arm lto.etta Hrward. ve. -St. 1Dl04 e r rP' Of YatTar e Viper fama.

Pwrililla iPurlit2.er e.t

CHICAGO, April - áblt0U tl75t Ntl-C14 Waste lllelrtival presented Il7

the ptiWl_ re710O18 t`eertt brought to IkATIL some IntcrelPtrrt; tlpa7rtiE for the rE9ret9 Or tLit Instrument manufac- turers. 111svr-day molt tc)

titer around t,aDO SY,Tgn- tQt2tlíe ftlilE week at the Ínteruatlorte.l Fhltlscate-. Mitch wna O:11 tllw_t1R It It f tit:t number o1 Ytdr uMnr 1ºatnami'nta Inl C711is *c110nrin, ,.%nd *hie doesn't tnciude tlti0s0 Ybuai,tp;tas`+ taking g'rlYlto le: "Zen.



Ssr1. sod City AL 4011.144

Tuse ens AltKANSAS

ArLdelbhla Con way ¡-nayboro

CaLIRORNLA 8.rke4ey S/oekton


COf1NECTiCVT New Navin New Lenders

fl0RlD,et CaMestrll le

GtORCiA It Han !.3

Masan ILLINOt$

Chkate Evaesaon ~burg LA,. fe.rte

frNDIANA Ce*wfe.derHle Grn n c s rdÍle

(MdLana Pell. La Fip.tt. Terre Neese

IOWA law Clly

ki NUS Atelhiwton tw,l.o ss

ICIINITUCKY 8irteeraills ~ 04'1 Croo. Laub --Me Lou ¡refit*

MAINE 1111111111441 L. u.r1.e1 Wit

MARYLAND Balelra.re

MASSACNUSfTT$ kertharnplon 7+: CJPCn

a n,lcwn MICHIGAN

~rent Call Lii Inl kols.wsua


1.411551511,991 Sta&eilk

MIS$OIIR I Cosen bis fafelts K a -let Clay


NIW 11111tY Mew lrunenick Prince ton

NEW YORK Alban Alfred

lioek/yn 1law.ton

Hew Yost New Teri. Tree

NOtRNI CAROLiIA Chapel law

Du atre Elew Colkso Wake loratf


ofIIO Clncinnarl Clsrstand

11O6 Geaaai.r

O KLANOi.e Noma. Okiirhewa Coy Sfsliwater


PiHNSYLYANIA Car -ale fallen H arert ordl aaead il. fllLAelphia rgis9laddlrhia fMlreebhia Plfihburrh Hate Cel - -. Yillan.va

R1400E iSLAND Provident* InN,drate

UMesetity of Alabama

Ouac Mao C.1kp Ir edrf4 C.r..gc Ash awssa State CoII$,le

University of Caasornla C.lhig..4 tae Pashto

Cdlersdo WernMi Cones*

Yak Udrrealty Conn. College SWernenl

IItiwrs+siry o1 florid»

CC' rgte Wheel of Tech, Mercer U..Nesally

Universees. e4 Chicago Nortkw.atern Unnevaity IRner Consto tilt. /or* CotkCC

Wae*at>" Conete O.Paute tllalrertlly

tufts, UalresWt Pued-e University indium State T*acicrw' .C.Ile3e

State Uniresslty of, Ian

Si. L .nsdlctls GaGaiter*es

K>laaaa hiato 'Tcackors'



2>{.l 212


7,505 145



2.452 330

7.029 2.1 11 slo 2l1

345 724

705 5,17i



250 College 7:0

Ural*. CNkr. West Kentucky Seatsº Teaches. TramyhanI. Cadet, University of Le..rltle

eowd.ia College taps, colko. Coley Colic ti University of 11se1iiwl4e

$wMh Co1kCe Wheaten Colftle Wllllanr, Colie-o

Wiyne Uielwrsiry Mkaltanr Nate College Kalain iaoír C.O.t+

Carlton Colic Mhettsi.li Sir in Cousset

UlMtrcislrr _N ,Mia.M1N Con tea C.irltl. Vai,renny of Kanste ety University of New Hampshire

Welters UnlraesMy Princeton U.rltre.slPy

New York SrNe Co1kt5 A1hN 11Mne.My

Sr. tohn'a Untvenhy Ccah' Ur.hrenlily

COT Col ice* e1 'New Yoek Hu Me* C.M.g. Reniseiaer fbly, leastlfure

Unlvt,e,lh ef NorM Cantina

D.Ac. Un+evnely Lien Genet. Wake retest C.Ikt. Nmfh Oates* Stale Geier,

Unie sify of C1adseuti Waste -1w Reserve Umbers/by Unlrerúly el Darien Kamen Cellese

University of 011ahoea OslaMwta City t3Wrenity 0lrheear AYT. O klttch_ CctleQe

Oregon '14 le Apr. College

Gkkhs.et Cello r.: La fsydla Ctiet4 llarar4erd' Gellert Allegheny College Orczea lesntlh.te of Ted.. Temper, lldrr e r s l ey

University et enn.rManla U.,heeal/r of Plteat/urlh t/.newflranli St ale. Coliet. Yiltanrrra Ce 'Pm

165 1.976

314 440

4211 342 392,



3,100 3.500




2200 319 217


1,500 2.305

364 74$

900 1.050

¡.000 -



1,706 349



4.554 e.190 eoo 210

4.433 570



370 437 325 366

1 .',t20 2.253 3,400 4.575 4.570 1 200

nr.yrw ºnl.anity 1,331 Peer/tenet Genera 620

(Continued. On

Stetd oodre W e..rew


224 16 732

4.405 442




4.682 2,025

242 It/


713 1.098




175 1,9111

285 309

217 237


2.024 445

1.700 1.150


1,100 260 206


$14 1134




*73 200


1,214 5,050


2,110 532

t ,act



324 55.


í i0 31 1 1,08


gPp.yellr 1140t)


Li 00

4t7 317


1124110 947


11.141 715



/N of We Oaoces Mend Diarist Scheel Yew*




latedowf odic enf71 35 -very 111fe-' 1 0 WNd.wt ora onlyl

6 3




$1 000 $sy00


$2,000 $3 000

$4.500 and up

25-30 53S00 ca[h 450 15 51,500

11.711 4-114

361 370

315 1. J

1.415 6.276 1,099


250 1.600


395/ 599 139

621 669 629


2,01; 465 820

7.500 5.250




4,000 G 49S


1.300 2.100

1.200 934

1,100 1,050

8.000 7.000 1,348


2.579 569



9.,838 9.240 1.000


4.143 1.102 4.681


527 937 32S 692

1,721. 3.504 4.500 6.72,1 5.671 1.200

1,799 1120

Panty Prat dam=at per dance) 10



2 4 3



4 5 3

,0 1

! 51,200 4 41.600 In $2.000 i 41.000 5 4200"

4 41.000 4 51.200 (41700 fee 111M1-Piern )

15 32.500 19 $3.100

º11 $2.100 15300 lar OIL pran.i

18 540041.000 per dance

S 30

12 Is IS -

4 4 4




MOO $3,000

$1.000 *1.000 11C40

$4,000 $100



11,500 $600


12- 5-4,000 10 15.000 11 I P rat art galyh



a 9



$3.750 5400

tptvdeñt ark aah1

4 sí.200

4 4

$6.000 $4.030

s $2.400 6 $2.000

15600 fir pram 1

53.000 51.500

$3,a+º S5.001

r'Indefhnitt caer_ tlsiapt."

$6,000 fu $10,000 $1',so0 $2,5 .o


$2, tvo 4 t ,500 11,500 53,000

51,000 $11.400


11 $2,000

4 J

9 13

3 10 4 7


4 S

43.000 $1.600 541000 $2,000 $4.000 $6,500

1$.000 $3400

$3.500 $450

April 15, 1939 DVIUSIC 1/c 811lb-riard

Gotham Cab TOWN talk has been beery and bertha A as to the identity of the 15 of so nig name bands ]Hale Carp. of Am'rlea seas re' l_ at.a bee=sle,e t'r elr actability stock had fallen ... is et as the matter, there's hardly a near-rsaine.ID the batch

and by the time the house-clennlnk la complete -the discarded ~parties way bit cheer to 50 rathir than 15 .. ltla n ails gamy, that any :nxeetro making ~MC for MCA who hasn't earned at mist 85.000" for th . ,offt¢e during- the pq,.t yearend who doean1 figure to their band Dsllld-bp program has elther'bcen rolee.sod or an they way fauns -was Indeed fleeting for Slim and Slam . latter is up 1n Herlern-alome, and align U bonlf acing a Plat Peot Ptoogee ilitery do_ n lil Balttvyorte, ... Cs :dhrIbraan hart Woody Ilerman under his personal ma:a- agornent wing and also Wired BARRY WOOD. sty w..rbier turned aantro with »enit ,Ooedmnn back in town for e platter * ion ' a r of the ai ltrods mice would hart you h.11o:e that during his recent week In We_hin. ton the sepia hot _nags c50-ed their c,pna to bite .. . which may be AO. only' they forget to add that the taros regulating a niter/ license at the NatIonaa capital retake tt 'atsoltitety vtiboUn for the raeee to mix where bitters are bartered . slid. HUDSON ti gaging re Vend together crab% this tile. under MCA aegis JUDY /(TARR wanes to a -halt .thifr week In bee canarying for 11a1 Kemp, with pee iblltty of Mynas Grey returning for the song trtlling not only ii !.,ultJtY CLINTON liking Marten Doggie ow, of Don DeVlta)a Ork to rep'aoe Des Wain but has dlgma an abanab4ng ilia entire comic ... Roc eared -(bemire; Aran rem ril Corp. adds to lta band wetter with BOBBY PARKS and DOC LAWS.O I, wri- t rt fear the latter ISOt taking effect Watt Saptrmhcr d.


Culled Fróm the Coast Swing mnrobes on and passim by

BUDDY ROOERS. 's1i t:ets out of that 'mow. nnd,geta in a mlekey mouer resod

let go his band. originally bought, from Prank D!citry, tnle wtek I.n Dniboe, Calif.. Including sronr-lingers Arthur Wright and Martha TlItuaa little -dig. ffieanbettt .. , MCA hurried Murray Olsen tee ilotlynood to mold a new band for Buddy with, a acne:10My figure ... ROY KY8$R bolding ani' on ilia movie t o- Wrlee, eating 87000 to eppcas in Water Wangcraa Winter Cer-Iasi . . LEON lfOJiCO took over the stand of El Patio Datlrecen, Ban Pr -nciseo ... B - BOB- ERTB'onlarges cite relief bend to become h ead man in there Perd:n Rasta of Hotel $Sr Francis Drake, flan ~lee" with Cat., . Totitra mowing out Wedneadiay (121 for Chicago . . PINKY TOa7I.D14 opens chest week at U. $. Ofnnd HoNI.

,13411 Diego. Calif., for an indef tttretcb

rcrQS`_' N',D QS 'By M..H. 01101:4114K ER

Trucadero. long the eL; gadding haunt for fltekc'e fo'k. tights up again the Rnit 4ay week . Joe Glaser sold EDIME B3OtTI13 for the unabuvcc -:lag homer, the,dark angel of that fbddle an- gering on for three months.

On the Eastern Share WHÍIT.EY, having ills opt -an

taken up to ccntlaii Indef nt Hotel Jrgamore. Rocheter, N. Y.. haa eurk- doctor JOE .HAYMES shaping tip and ,Srrari;ing forthe-bapd ... itEN 81ESiNIE gets the call to runshutter the Rtflir- Carlton Hotel roof in Button ón Memo- ftal Day - and BrintO.'a's Raymoc Ballrroóm bring. In I.12! B;ROWN,May le to follow Charlie Barnet Fredertei2 Area. Music Corp. babe off tb* excBaslvo on Olen Echo Park LIO1ltocen_ Washing- ton. setting Stittlille HOLM ES ti the starter Aped 14. remaining for four weehti t;t' the 'aakrlana` union at Atlantic Citym Ines thru with Fla plans to -hike the wage real*, calling for Miter ,pay tilt n the *KC tope in New York commanid, the nation's summer play- ground will be prohibitive terrltOry for the tram -.lag non m maestri present kale aá $30 per swan per week !s ached-. Wed DO read [185, with taxes On out-of- town efa_-Abnitlerll brit:glue It to $92 . . COtatinenlal Orchestra Corp., _ Utica. N. Y_ has added' HARRY HARUTS to Its hand rolls . Harry vase formerly fell. 'Cute Man with Phil tEmerto¢ti Diamond* and recently 1. it Harry Candulle> for a band carne of his own.

Chicago Chat FREDDDIE; Pis11>EL at the Rae Bowl.

la doh away wish his tall -corn country ISrhlnucketiritz billing and 1r now known tu. the Alt=Aaieri.n Dand-paging Pops

mints to build up rep as a dam*b ;rd TONY CABOT return* achy' 10

to Villa Moderato ... OEOROE DE CARL took o.er at Orlantal Gardena, Herbte Mintz bowing cut D EDDY OVIE124 pui i- i iltii 4. S wick stretch at Palmer Molise. remaining In town for the May 23 week at the Cblrago Theater ... when 11 D WEE..C,S bel :gm his band into Drake Hotel Priday (LI) he will 11a1vma the east -girl vocalist to be featured with his gang In several 7eati--tñnt is. autalds of stage

to .. canary call went to 'le -yule -old MARV>a MAXWELL looker from Port Wayne. Ind . JACK TEAGARDEN set for the Blackhawk Cif. May 8. when Bob Crca3by takes to the road ... POD _LIVyRO21T0f in town building a hand for BOB ZiJRKF who leave the plano *toot in Creebra Ork for one of his own USzl r -William MorTla' gutdanoe .

Pu.d la rehearsing and rnauueSis j for the new Combo but Wilt not hold down a anti sent On the Meínd. Leonard Joy just aligned the newly Iorrf"d Zurte gang for the View* Roca d label ... locltte DON RICARDO took his tooter! to Detroit


SOUTH CAROLINA Ckrraon ciEwore

SOUTH DAKOTA 0rs9,rinc Va n

TO439ESS1t Sirteioil Kausrylp L tbasen N-sanrille

TEXAS Cernme eo Dallas Castge tow. Waeo

5)YAH fait Larle City

VIRGINIA isiacksbuie- rerllerieksbutT (7nctborie Nit' nand w11U reales;

W11ST VIRGINIA fahnon nt 481M

WIICONSIN B eloit Madison


Clemson Arltwrtual C41111/. lrietbr*artan CWtq Sauk Oaka/a Same Cortes. Unlrerrafy 41 fewM ~of., King CelrrAr Uniertfry et Tnnetsce [ ~Arc raand Unls,inNY VaedcsDllt (lalrcºsley

r Ta Stale Taachen Svlearn 144/SeOlisi University Southwestern ~realer Ilspaar 1)ntryrsity

Una fealty rol Utz%

Virginia Poly/4<k ins/Waie Miry WatAeaeea Conchs Ri_-dolph.Macon Woeeo 's Costea UnlYcrilty of Richnto.-I Cesaste N' William add Miry

Pairsnoun Srato Teachn U ni,41111ti el Weil Virginia

* OM Coker* U":,miry of Wisconsin

solo Mat:Qs for ItU1 lease fat the road on Chet Paree May 't .

Mor3an manner get* Payette. Ind., a alrnllar

Ylli?. ILI., and an Urban, ID.

- On a Western Wiag

A L1KAVELIN oprestt Tuursday (11) fat a fortnight at" Cha Hotaf Et. Italy, with JAM FULTOrf peu- ilert In for she lint tiro June weeltn hotel bar also

Inked for eight weeka of WILL OflBORNE with i eptember 2¢ a t'iriativc Ktarttrg date . . EDDTY_ O!A dK summers at Mf.e atOn - an the -Labs (0.) _Pavilion,, opening June 10 thru Late. Day Frederick Bros_ Mi 4lc Corp sot JIMMIE LIVTNO0TON for the first week-end ntand at tucald Beach Park, ~hand. starting Thursday ( 3) . . park ball- room n - 10+4 w rek-ends until Dee' lion 10-ty. with a daily dancing- dint f -Or the summer , .. PBMC aka art LIT"11 r - JOE HAW- to open ,Friday (14) at Otd Vienna Rastnlirnn!., Cincinnati. and opening this weol-t an Dalton. O. has -RALPH W1 i3STKLt -sG Lantáe Merry-elo- Round and .fit ,DEXON at Dayton Butt - more Hotel - . . JIMMIE RICHARD opened Vila week for a monther at 400 Club. Wichita, Ran. haYtne worked ant his elx weeks, CiAUNCC CI3OM- S4ELL cl;wws a boldo+ -o to remain laded nt (hotel Paxton. Omaha . . DILL JEROME back foc the Sixth season at Owlb - 011th. Alpena, popular N6írthern Mlchitan- resort . . . 1H18 WU» %- 10- cated at Now Cow -Shed Night Chib, Pueblo. Coto. . . Nor one Oreh Mira Service of Stiaro.polla laast WALLY WAY for the nartcr April 22 at Starry Rocsa's Tteort hied baftoowm at Ikeeldi, 1,ltinn.. with follow -apt to Chao Chandler, Earl Qardncr rind C<wl Colby . :. office also has RED PERKILNS and his Dixie Ram- blers to awing off the abutters ~ter Monday at tire' Sliver Sllpp--. Alexandria, Blinn..- with summer dates penciled In for Chan Chandler. !Uri Oardner. Matey Ways Carl C illy end Anna Mae Wlabtrro

. Gardñcr. Inridentelly, le the former l'red Waring t_-umpator balinered by NOB nowt heeding bin own gang ay Millers Supper Club. amtDoad. Ind. Il

Notes Off 1hó Cuff Sand morementa on Nei York Oily.

otanda has CHICK. WEBB set to return to Per) Central Hotel June 28 for a 10.. Week sentence: EDDY DUC1TTN to follow Had Kemp June into the Waldorf- Astoria Motel for eljht wreltac a May 4 Openings! date far KWIC StADRT(WL130 In urr;,nuotcrtaó hotel fllorn'a roof, with JOE =NW back ref the top floor at ".1, Regis Hotel May 10; BHAR1 E ' NANAH back ID ttim oP.ali?g this w-rek at Nicks Greenwich VItlare swing hidep-

for an Inllei stretch at Club 0 as 1n the Motor City , 111.11.1! BARRON. one n! CItJs. prize boys -.red working out or the local branch, roJed up 40. working days during that 42 -day Lenten .e4 te1 and kept buáy emery night Miring 1Toly Week-get838,g 04.-Y-0 In adeanoe guaran- tees .. - CRiS here shiner Owl three fat

MORCIA31. Who bowing oat of

mua:'e in the 51.500 1n La

amount In Col - even grand in


Mn Wm*, n

1..376 300 iá ills 310 486 2110

7.62 103 2.111 1.014

434 97 910 315

6314 751 yea Stir 244 19e

1,241 1'1097

'66 1.549

1.143 119 -.-. 040

698 640 338 610 689

115 27. 1.600 100

116 242 6 524 3. 53

The QCruc-' Rrld at ti4e college dartny fhr curd c 1 r

No; of Wig Dames Sand Total Duda' 5theol Ycse SWpt

1.e76 11 $2.400 335 3 $uoo to $500

1.150 g 166 7

243 1,`t5

531 1,225

1,391 1,562

440 2J40 4,135

1.963 940 69a 99s


52,003 $2,000


30 55,000 3 3 $ .cO

452.100 per p.eorol

20 S2 400 *S 9 Usletdcwt ark coon S total b n!s ~pi

10 Oscar Winch onlyt

10 S

lo a 6

413 40 2500 4

598 9.411

5 1

acdaooa paw is ezrawuattlr uf f.tol.rnefy and pant:

$12.500 $2'x00

$3,000 á5,O00

$2 000 52,500

$500 $7,100

-s?nOtug óarltc7

009 /r4, sur nt1




AND HIS AIt-AMERICAN BAND Booked To Play Concerts at he


April 14 LION'S, CLUB Gloucester, Matt.


Seamen, Mess. April 16

OWesles.. re Ma M+

CHESTERFIELD t1WM-a:,lL,s:ao to a rot-. S.s.Y.

Ov. ed eedu tefy by

ARTISTS MANic & 4ENT, INC. 17 Lee,. 45th Si. New Yoeke

MUYrsy Hill 2-1888,



r ~et. GÜAC ÍE 1VHiTE 1...47 er a.ly ON To4tlt,

Mv.. COKa10410a,T30 11,140110 alaTleTa,



1 Wig

n net r.

COL UN o IS 0e' {.UI00a..

[-9a4 Iv*

t0 poll**

WGAR C -`-ll.a t.

a.ua... err


Now yarly-4~ond Keen; Cloy



tadsat' . M+.agesneat ART a. THOMAS. Lc s S- 0.

Onot; CHARLIE BlARNf.T 80 ensotase Pluyland up In Rye. N. Y.. starting Juno 1$ thru September H. and BERN171 iitrtNARtT tAki[{g over !later s k at Bert Prohrnan's new 524 stir t epot . EDDY DEi.LS ,Mutie tttyted by LM0- OiNL (Jean Ro 1 n .r the fi rt time there has been a boy -belle cambia[ at ties istod of a band, th double --fronted combo playing 4t= tint incettOB tie Ov b am', Hotel Abbey. starting' May 8 .

ARTTE [UTT opens nisto week tenth hie own bntreI-tso".uo gang at O'Leary): Basil on 52d Street . . with Artle pO ,vIli/ th, plan, bind IneilsrlraOlcl awing htaminarles cm Pee Wee Rua 11. on Clary; P.A.dln Oor.-dOn, for gu .tar puking Jetty ?teary. tsrtitdpot; C`lr}t_r Bressta-

Idtne the trombone,: 132d Jacob*. on druttnl.5 and Felix Giobbe c.-ap,ptng the' b. . . eying the cording World's pair teed!. ll gh Ho Cimino. Brooklyn, sends eat tie. cell ter n,m_r resider . ER - 2^11.1$ HAWftl?714 stare, the new polio, for the May 27 grt_l! with CHICK,WESB foliowtni on Mona 3 and 4 . ELI


11- ER HEiDERSO`Q takri In a fartuigtrt lierti-fre Jill 114, Witt IlesrtltIuu returning 4uly 2a for two mare wL ks oth e

uetl'ta lights will rrsund out the .unussen rbentile -.. order» reoni tb.;z1 home obit ii ha Camden. N, J. eat for no more bands t . .r, drat . Isle 4'lotr,.r-Btin nkd re- c'rding iabel* Sew trio neat wiz months

rid to we rend our curia to the ,ea UT_

16 They Rr116varrd Conducted it

LEGITIMATE EUGiNE BURR-Communications to 1514 eeosdray, New York C

April 15 19.19

12 New Shows in London During Mon I i Gf March

lioyad family 'continuos theater patronage-Priestley play reprieved alt l+: « moment-,Bens Levy and Keith Winter plays get bluff's' rii s1 --other activity

LONDON. April 0.-alaieh (Saar as w ivence horn In tite mrev I ant toweside e01írile (lace to meet obmpettttannOt enlerelate Zbnt1flU t! lnterrnt by members of th- Roy P miry, Queen Mary maktnel her Irate 'healer suit in itve ueekr 12 Dew realest Productions. 'even on sierit l" nature. Ove to lighter vein: two each.+ s. too r ry quick etoainee and the saving of a play Condemned. AnnCunccment that Pr astlee-'e Johnsen C t -f Jordan wee to elope Prematurely at the New. Theeter Mewl bvalnere ter Jump up. With' this a etienteernent play sae transferred to the tang xpeet. Al)i teesent I In. A l2a'ger t Iizelee with mere CtW per artatie

Kral el the pr celorrs wits that of Henn W. Ltevy's 'Vie Jeakere Geri. a racy of tnetrimonlyd loentpllasUoaa ending In ^esllttle/ of a world war. produced by the author on Meech 1 at the L5Tte. Rst?'p- traay wM Wend with cheat at Prefect Pa- te - to the meet . A. for the public: th play dosed tatter 12 perforeapercea deeplLe effort to carry ºa by CC4iipLDy working an CO -Operative beale. Len' ii rang up "meant' rights.

On March 2 /Cathleen RtiWn*oat pyre= tatted Karel Captlt`a laic play-. The

_.(other, F,l llatt' ver_n by Paul 81 cyan ttl )Mini %ThJ ii. Iwt named dlrectir. Jrsdgdit j uy Approval of entice and pitb',le, the Cd-rlek retou 4 require Ito change for enure ulnae.

Keith Wlnter'a We et the Crooyzeyade ow -nod et the Globe on etereh 710 tritely Womble reception. but ended after only 14 is :soernancrs. f'tot; iald In ettifeee ,

haste tried group of human beings evens preened elereeti after making a mace of

tit I u-ci. On March á elm, loudly heralded George

Back. intliaate Eel made It? bow at the Hippodrome T1t.20e1 il2ek end Bleu. chili a company pany tnetinline Ai:eetztcata F- r. - t y. Vic Olt-er, Ces -Owen- lot y. not ,rorsteyr EleaDa4e IC:Light and IBrle''h «Male Max Wall_ tees 'J+a .º- ended a inta._,blo rboeptlon by Vr0...1 emits rrs.,rdlz.g it tar a happy -net -hi -eke t lac. 8t d twit's nlgntiy. Public re- write hale been very good for second

J t ee Jn n Drer-e

., p ateethe Intenete Dare rce. produced, enera% Amber- rice. Cn atnrCb 0 by

Marshall, with I trYmIOUe Glinted sad Walter áLhszn. In the h 'I. Name de- sired teens the fact that "Stag:- was oetg- Melly Ltlge-d et little Oak 7 rater. Re - opt n /leer illy Rood.

A jttsre ragli attafcitoti le the threoe

i to ?Malta bee httL>xiasib ¿,ttxyY F of a not too att9ng plot In Arthur iii -sazll I rht ~way. Sayler "N -pro. sewed under dtrectlnn at Ilaread French .t the ttirlte:Joei on March 3& ASJni: bt nreneitt Souks and Key itCeeeeed Ti. coated enofo emi=t than the ato.

On March 1 i for tltr Pet leti National re, teI Nancy Pelee poll. 'end lálltsrd leee.d, in lr.t:ror el ardaunta Ales, Sirtte Kie'sk at the elayhouét. 8tºTy. to bo t 11-ne i in Am riv tilt, year, reVolses round ii terennlcel progxlettoaa Of a hotel on a creaks! tat ad.

'tIRACr. Ltd.. began a new policy OS

dLt in. at stair. 1 peters at, the Winter a re its wit_, Hamilton thane and John L_ 114't(r.ituon'. vardon of Dram Stoker'_ Dr -ruts on Mitch 20- Clines Mainly emooeoed ' tin gouhia ce to this main.

tufting tea CArill=powtteie: Written an free tense. T. Ja: rsot7 The

Yale«, Reunion. pr'ducod on bLeich 31 at we Weerirnir tetr' by E. Martin Brawee for Gni lote Meek Think". lei . modern

y o' rerno:.e after minder. Recrp- tion mike,

On manta V. at the New, BOlTe Len - de t" thriller. no Men en Hat$ .'te -n 4 I. w paodtieed he Gardner Dos

elluerrates the troulee a e. exiting e u ...he dL rovers a mr'fivd of pre -ere -

!rig heanee life by cland graftltg. Ladle t8arike rereelrtng much pfsIO fof his

ells On the when% flzvotúble Crttl- ' n. Dime? Lane reopened lea doors on r,nah 2 t1th Ivor N,osoUo'e Tie Donee.

rna' Ycer . A freesias] roenarioe of pro and p' r...x tll'e_rrttew. In eddItien to playing mat- _ czd. 1Cotir lie tle5d.e credits for the tinting si Ilene] - lag, levice berme by

tootle ~At Mere P1zu feeds on. the terrain aide. Critic. Obi -.try regard this ;.1':e - a triumph Or a rare.1"eine M i !WM and nee -'t ut ºe to r tarred a ge es- atop,

Math 24'S -re' iLwo lirei nights-rainrtag ej S'i7e: t the Old Vie and Lady

rue 1 '.'t tY SHOW'S sin page 17/

Compromise Slate For Equity' Vote

:NEW YORK, April IL-Likelihood Of Old Guard -Liberal feud atarvtving inn the ~one Equity Association becarim ne,II*lble tit teaek idth nerninattpn of a ~dialler state Of eeoartelkea by the summate* elected at last week i intense,mem- berahlp intens: -

Of the 10 whose were. .ere oxeliItyg only three were rotsntelnattd-JLKtirtln Dunn -.tai, Philip Loab kid John Losers. Ybe other eaten on tits gate are new ooureti rxirntneea end include' Dude'', Dins& Hlrasn Sherman. Muriel Kirk- lee W. lísrotd ventailyes. Jack Whiting. pntsleLi C lIi age and &arum Wiltlnma. Miss Ilikkecnd and WIUarru elgned the ooneervettve circular dlatelbuted jute be- fore the quarterly nmretlr-g. The yltce rive are re rrrdtd at' liberals. The Large ntedr.lper at new nominee* e* Is Interpreted as attempt Ce prevent linothen *chem.

Tian the IlTrreel& scored with ryrtoetlea- ttnn ed relea. OixiMettlitieee Chaiketü 1:0 one for tixin selves Ln the committee's refusing to nominate George Heller ,ear fulteierm re-election. Ile was Chosen. Itiele id. Mt A replecefn. of ví3 the oattnctl, with berm expiring In 1940, while the other nocitneaa have Ove years tp Thomas Chalmers find Jelin Ale eerd- er warn glee elated tCu iveel''evmrn''. el- piring In IMO add 1941 .re pect]valy_

Rttrgese Meredith, temporary , third sloe-prsident, has been rictednated for re-ott tea,

Prof tt:0u 'Fox, chairman of the nom- inating committee. explained Helter'e abort ttin'n wins trefoFrnce to lIehler e paid post with American lreeleration of Radio Artiste. which may dispute Equity's television lurt.dic.loo. 1E;ahi r e voting poaltton on Equity cwuneel would then Become very otat*rr.l eg, Jbx in- dicated,

tDynanlite,' Group, I'oitsibilty Is Titled Out in Pittsburgh

PTTTSBURCIIL April 8q-PremLee-e of parole board Inee hector Louie golakol- lt et lint Dtii, Drierst1ºs Shows pa:cn-

tlil theatrical and 'octal punch !undy- ing (lroup Theater's, reported considera - 11011 as a future vehicle. But snow. en ~anion of the Eastern Pirn`lMlrailla bootleg coal problem that inferentially Indicts tneeesy-rn d and power-this/4e operators. needs hunks of slieetUny be- fore asdous consideration can be given for profesaloaial pcoduction-

Centrel characters are the eon Od old infuse running for legislature ea clinkoe of bootlegors. a pollee c fly powerful coal baryon and te)wn ateaCilyhtre- Theme ashes why every man shouldn't hare right to work If he wants to, Tavet.is trlltl',ar'b ability to porieey dra3m,atle s1t- tnitlona. But mane. ipeechse of pioug- ontsts sound too much like,text-book crusading. 'parsdeeti ally, tiietakolskl ¡faints men real outside ot policy para- graphs, and his three women are etro- ttcnaily Mtin.i and 'logleal- Ilia eocorinL- tloa of atrihractte area problem sad of company pone menace le also real.

Show wee presented in S3..cat Laboee- eery Thtetor under dlr,,cttoD of tea Told', with cast, of eager the not excep- tionally' experienced _perilrmrme Set - tinge urid Keening Ling of BIOIIard Celli and feral* Car el Waltate the teChnkedatas ought to devebop their evident -flair far staging_ afar:oet Fr emit.

Two Left in Loop; 'lifen Picks Up Nicely CIIIICAQO, April S. - Lc' t activity

la o2 wit ofr'd on Clark trait near Randa,pb, where' the lklaUFer i. held= Mg over George Abbott's Whet d LIJb toe another two vñlleks end' the Grand is continuing to do ospaalty bus: ores with, ! Married en Angel. ]lusIeol .1* trier do t0 lcaye April 22. after . : rum- week- run, due to 'non -cancellable a!, In other Cttleg othertene tt could realty stay on tire the spring. Th- Abbott who at 41ó0 top, wee low In catch - ire on due pnllpetpall strsngcly enough Co ells low prices. The ci ~ere -4 afraid that the price schedule reflects the quality of the ,play. -8sttoal t elionage. however. has been good and the Swear. able word-ofreroutb advertising to help- tng It,, sleetah Into a seven -week en- elemnlent_

The other Loop tenancy elerred teat Wik. elected? Lewis' Ane la la r'ecáty- Sro tureirtg Oat of the Solve n letter e mild three-week Fun and Kite the Boys Goodbye winding up a nsocesaluI 11 - week Vey at the Hartle, Jtnickerbocleer. -toJ to toile:: Aa gel into the Orand April 24.

The Harris relights April 24 with two- .rek run of !Jam Bapheetten's The skyrark, starring Oertruabe Lawrence.


Thb earner had originally Intended to devote this week's column to a dts- ctisribn or"fbrthca_air_¡ theatrical medals to be ppinned on the chc.t.of good 'little playa by the CriV oat Circle and the arulltrir Prim committee. it bad Intended to''u _t that the recipient of both of thrice eornewbat problunttical honor, wilt 4s- 3toe- r. E 8.>ereo des Abe Lincoln In l7JinotJ, at, least on the Dada of the printed opinion. pt ao-coUrd crthea end the well-known ineptitude of almon all Pulitzer oemzn]ttees. It bads, Intended to point out that the two greatest "t'onere" !n the drama would tbúl lba awarded on the 7s_µ!* of plop artdrt rather than plav- reakttsg-,urca net even the most rabid drfenóens of Abo Ltneoln ha Titteots h.is't dared 10 atleSeet that it is by alt; stretch of the imreeIaullón a -good or even adequrate play. it bad intended to repeat that the highly praised propagandiMIC value cd Abe Llaeo1la wee written Into It by Lincoln himself, and not by the Man "he wIll teaehti the wane ri. And 113 will? it had Intended to hint that, despotº the blather -tea at the entice regarding the p'ayls "Araeri anie.m " Abet Ltrs;Cp1.e'.1 propaganda In not eaeonttahly American at all, but nis l y a dlstatttng of the impltcritlana est.hteteirlcal statements to provide propaganda for the Ntie Deal.

The New peal and Americanism (at lent ,a we here known the latter tarn tae's yyrurli) err rje,t tat rthrr Whir aa>:rn t'hi .. , But the pollttenl necessity for eon- ttiWng the treo b oM7lctst particttlitrly with the p ee lhility át"a third term-a third term that min be absoldtelyguaranteed only by *tat ng1ng America Into sa utterly useless horribly brute] and entirely atioldail'e war.

A. I tray, this coluntn had eriguta:ty been hbitended RA a ellacuu!en of the prim -winning chances of Abe Lincoln fa illetoft -but with, a gjaseo at, CarrcnL headline.. with Europe tottering upon the brink of cataatt eph,e. with Learn and gjeVew $trendy chucking eft the unnatural- clothe. of ói iillrition and ~Icing dor&h in naked brutality Lad bate. u°1th ih. anise of blood and the stink of rotting human nosh blaming trout the ruddy olcta4it of the ttlture:. all else be driren anti- Or ;rifle&. The theater scene a pitiful and /hilly effete .then million! of men and. Web are nov plowing delde, working to offlc_tt4 awaiting tattle-_!inped or making Pete namely' e.111 unsuspected preparation for their oonrersien. Within Us in r,tltr, into manure.

And yet It may be that the theater ciin play a part. seine part, even to a c.t 1y=eti_ Poe, Just as America was looked non as sn oasts of sanity In tits mfdat éf a bl>~-a.d=yazi$J -arid until the pircrnt corobleet4Oíi OC rIR`'-2v .n1 politeciara uleati iok to land ui.-nut upan_anotller phony entllbdle. se iii Lb taldat

(See FJIOlf our FRONT on page E7)

Cowbarn List Hitting Chute

Numbex of nnnonneenwnte wader last year -2 Equity bonds up~Iao, new repots

NRW YOC1IT, tlpcll p..-Announced cow. tarns or gee oft theata:,l are - not only fee'er In fDuOiber tnsn were reported two time lest r'er, but the brrnbrs of new orr_s le nil, wtih tlt.Uo prospect ter a pick-up in the number or over tenure'. Tarn 13 anno'ncealenta (only Veer_ have: posed Equity bond.) thus- tar are ac'. n Wider lest year. All are repeaters.

r test!ng with. the two hooded ham' ,

the flat of tneatera promising hot weather deenee znehatM lije North Short Player.. Marblehead. Meer -t atteeaplee Surniner "heater, Skeneaiploe. N. Y Open -Air Theater, Inc_ teemphi Tcew,,; Municipal ópera. St. Londe, Ito : W'ater- aide 'patsies-, It erck% N. O; Re u -- cameo Theater. Newport, 'B. T.: Ivory - too irlayhour . Isrocyton. Donn t Mate - way Tittater. Wlslte Plaint, N. Y.; YBerk- shltrfe rievteree,a. atoekbrldgo,' Meets= Freeman Ite.rr_nt0pd's Ttº.tear, Keexq. N. H* Terrrpto Pleyb"uao. Qreenwicb. Coon.; Mohawk Drama. F level. Pr'henectady, N. Y., and the CP-'sl(7t O. Cneoy' Theater, Litchfield, G'onrt,,,, Pita( week et July wee to be the -Oonunzín opening date ter the resumed groups.

Equity opola mail held .(mail hope for an influx of no'' theaters, but noted toe certain .re'tarrn the Lakewood Theater-. Skowhegan. Me., ttiblob having eatab- ltethetl no credit, wtth Equity will nob

3rarrm, to noel bond. Ann Ar111r Theater, Ant Arbor. Mech.: which. under paten Ar:batr. tote opened negotlattcena with *t o -ether,. and WosW.cheatcc'

bathe. kit. kite/3- M= Memphis Opea-Air proJo t received aai al dupeneatton =n thle year from lty. _ta

Union permits about teat damn of Its Members to appear with tea Other- wise amateur cast foe the Over -.reek Beaaco, on hail. e (fail corer- bet yea!' and espettetlten of all-profeeetonal raea by next year.

OUT-OF-J'rOWN OPENING "No Timm for Come><dy"

trragétetee 'TJttatlr) INDIANAPO1.1:e ¡NW

Presented try- lttathsartrie COvneil, arid the Piee4.-reptlt0 Co. Wrllfrn bi S. N. Aehnnara. Stag by Guth+ie keened°. Seabees by Jo Weitz -Awe. Cºe '. Oe4 Gee Jaunts. Xatharihe Cornell. John wt ar- flnrrsr. Lcuttei c 011oler, Mtrg'lo Gill - P ore, Feuer I4cbtryOa, jtober.1 Flempng

1'edhlbltin` clever dramatic rtrI'*fy. 8- N Warman, In- his new ploy. No 71mO for Co-rdp, n:aía.am--s uo trtroduco into hi. thine a little ArneriesnI*m, a little Keene .dream. a little 1d_ eitni nee lone of the o:desb "lam" to the. tl'i.iter- trlanittl.m,'` An ol`rghr ;-niht altdlerte that nearly filled 19ngilihte l;_ater gars

etery eeldenee 0d thorai6 endeeing tilt

The plot le quite rile tits, wag con- cerned with an erratic plagwrieht urge up to the time the play begins has wrlf. ten brilliant comeediC IC which hi.wlfa Wks beta -tarred. Anotheir Inman, who neekes rw bobby of "lifter:- up'. men, ono_ yippee him Clem he Jennie write playa about the war hi Spam Rice over). demean the comedy In trait ct Oleo profound themes. The result, natütatlyt is that be write) test extrc:nely ~finny. able play terhrch k, alto tinbt.icvably b -id) and !amnia a dorexetio errata At the height of which he'nearly lo^7 his wife trscaIe of hi'? high talk about Ideals about reality and about going to Weser: "to live "

No tlrte for Co..-dy la blessed with goodly quota of witty 31teO--the kind that, rril 1Bchrmen can pen bl d ttte kind tir:,t auitlt£stere 'everywhere have Even enjoying In all Tele piavtetii playa. Their belr'htneta and pure,OAcyn:Í'14Frnt- t< eatipl i by the author's Lu.Lateace on gninalnir his As-Civet the itit can- not tgoore what le erilere Cut le t4. r

world emend him, aupppos' dly rti in tar them of the Why, lifer* are several almost 'unreadable ieec71s-i r ternd tutu the play 'which must be re- Or - e Ir char play' tarsoothnere is to be gale swervnntth

K arine Cornell hmttght of 1.104a Ea:t 'rbrook all the Consd:tc.-

1oSct< OUT-Or-TQ.VN 'on pepe 471

April 15, 1929 LEGITIMATE The Blllbo'atrd 17

gf!' c JCE WpaSpeh.S T r- liar oury Theater haw now oeftctally

announced that It will not bring It I pre - d uettian of Piteo I_tifr.e* (lent f) to town thole bt=ie u-ai if we didn't, know. The .how .folded wet-arday Lit P2!lladetphts. ~to -new Other road oommineente. The Mrretars Insists that be preheatsl neat ele -ern In It or_tttiety (troth parle). v.b1,tb alit glee It about two year. to tee works. Its probably a oelnetdenee that Orton Weller got hie trebling with the Writ. ... While rice Wags wee cancel - tug on the road, Heir the Sops Coadbye was oonttu.uing to clolin Up. it arrraeret stone dk 11131000 on oag.nlghters In LouLe- title. Neahvllle, Knoxftlle and Chat». ri, . with } ar!ti,itle tor:plea the lent t ,t)fif1.... eider, Howard, tba lest of

the Pier righta Co. lade to ottore tbru. will hare hie now orle tier he for produe. elan e«rty nett seiean--and incense: Me :here's a chance than the prtlduelibs dsriretatata will brie KnrlOkerborber attetley bet for a Virorld'e Fair engee.- ctent in June, It *nob Its tour iii Chi. s ee trt the midst. or May ...1'rorpects that the Theater DuUti would get r14 et One of Be two rernaiatnf; oenuedltmtnte t0 eartieIrtbers for thus sp.roh he open - weber; Vila Groaop Thetateea production of Welber; Elareeetea My-Ne,vfr iR the /lfph:,-rids went lgllmmenng thee week when negotletloara were Woken oft in. etc_.d, the Outid may glee its faithful tie leonine de Sonnies production of'Tita Brown Dorn u be. Tt t enp mare - :rant nrattnd town. with Max Gordon keratin off with a return eneerteturet of The Women, may. get eel:..added fillip 1t Eddie P& Itng dstbsltety decide.. to do a rccond dtrortning of Our Touts, with ttirn- arif In the role created by Prank 'Craven. Ptax- wottle rhea for Wee ee Mccoy tiran- aFctnont. with .hgwatece in New fr tea end Beaton the end of Otte month.: but th project n: by be crimped if 'its.', r Dowling, following current ~ore, tekea over the tiep poet la the PTV.. .. The - ter arty Cel tmttteo. of all ºrganlzetlons. shooed know Metter than to send out a Preen r iat.e that eleirn i -Greenwich. Vllingn ateo saw the foundtrg of the Proninortotrn Playboy -5e ''Beth later evolved into the et'hrelter On1Ni_^ The GtUtd e.otved from the Waatttlnetext Square Player,, anti ties Fro.rs`Ixctown never bad ;tee egonncc:tob-with it. .

There's a chance thee -the $halkeapearte theater out at eta eillelrn'e Phishing tanrtango ;ells aleen up. Prom the toiler of the Plate peeler releaorr the last few day., It loetYn.e-a trio the Shakeapeare the- ater 4111 tx el a only spot where cuetorn- een. will be able to roe perfnre rte eelth their sleeps a on -end the ~trite ought to Tteel 'em in. lied at that. If it weren't that ele Elltekeapeart-eat direction to in the' uetortrro'rrsls:tttg buttes of 'Margaret %toter you coved probably expect e. nude tableau In the last art of M Yost Like It-

litebardCarbon playing that leadd In the Teresa ~ton. of Gehl.- Bo-. Were fir - lag Cater petite Pinkerton., who gave its the burn steer, and .blrtRT rt hutXettrogre ira`xke. shave leetc ed. . . The fate et the Lye count. n-hipli wee much IA the -ppublc lints during the week, villa ttns.ity de- .ededi -mien Victor P` ne-Jetui age hired the hollee for hie peoductten f . The Moshe-,. *'ttich will onett there Appel 23_ nett -year renewal' are included -tn tine contract. Prevtotnly the beak. Which had been thrtatonlap to dump the prop - e ty. turned bumnn lent erouele to an- nounce that Uncle Dan eraehreen could Bite! In bee rpartment. over the audi. torium for the rent ce his life.... Made` Cbrl*ieee Li io'r boteet h,; the script cf !.ü, ra Garnett, the play that might be about teed re Dundee, which wee orlte.. tea by kell! and on-tl MWkee. the au - them of Oerar ellfdee There may be a presentation' bred Ise "ten fail. tent bears CItrealnne._ of Bouts" in the title nos. Tt t9tokA es, me.nwhu e, will upend tiro summer In Ptuteleapt welting the oomedy abets] Kdor¿ard VII that they intend fee Robert Morley..: . Tie liter: tree:I _n 2í1't 1.c -e ea:trblet and Putfl bulfrelt both to whom Wen, out on sick !roan; during the ek. . Aeortrdinier to talk, Taut Ar- rictfr !Vald flan rights went for 12.'O,.000, the buy. -e. helntf 14L et Gordon, RKO and Harry Gaeta. Gordon leaves Ire the Costae Saturday (155 to pr pturn for the Zambia of Abe Linmhs i igototi the summer_ Íreldentel]y, whsle Ray- mond efeezety en en tee Coreeiti [Raking the picture and an understudy la tilling in tee ]Lim here, other underatudle

OR t a t:- . k. Tb.a Ot t "410 flat: e " 3ttane -durtna the hoc spell,

nthxrrred so that -only it few ot the rile:- lr n are re -e} at s Hine. . Robert


BROADWAY RUNS Pnttrsa_-as to .494nº e, rwiodw

IDrematte Opened Plat- e! t r w1n 11

net. Ae

(y .'ja, r`«- r ttrl

Attrai. and Ne. t tar: .t ,lev- 1ranr r'r3nr.. ts4roseo, Lr. tam:* e á .. - -- -Iy' IL:p t t- { y,eae t I qdt troda,. -o 2ireái- Kiel a:ea ;Wee Ki~ s'eR

ono ! . . , 71t flnr *' l aali.rr t.l_..

- Di" see I to-MeteI a.. o-t.ar l .lióoeilt; - ¡,t.rtrl ºe6 10_._

14- r!e _ ST

wa u:8: 15 tr?:ro 1t1.T%gludti morel .--rate 4_ 110I

73 a.v ._ Í _'__-r. . Ihr_ 4 '&.a aOAN west tare law,,' -+.r -tv Apr. teas lieu welt* iebaai, 'rho `tlwtroM-Jus, 1 . _ óó

Musical Comedy

iltte tee Wane lletj 6 laadlw I.ab., 91.1.1dear


gc....;lJú: leers la car bat bee

eel b

II, -2 M`. -o Tseota. R 1. l.+°r+nifsailss: :Fwr. lldr ?1frs3. 'róé--

rtaen.dbaru Loa r Tt to Ira rLealasli

sze a! ,11


Thoanaep the eetor, bas.0td bin Carrraree Trade. i c ed?y. 'to .George Abbott for production In the fall . .. Cacti Holm. who wore These iro:t on a none,,,, is .ill arty Oeyriord Panne. Wallingford- Corm.. Ikeebery la re meant again: Lloyd T. rtinford, c tselt-esza of Memphis" City Cer»inr Weird. tune ruled that the Lents neut. submit all &creme fee Inspecteen raiennfter before being alto; cd to p -ay in thee- ~theta citadel of purtttj, to

rye that 'that fellow !.edit,°' In the evening Vre/Ofteartee et fetters Delielet dst ? aphis recently. eellpped 1n" a dot of objectionable language that be didn't use at the matinee petformaroe. when a Mutates' et the board. was pretest. Mr.

"IItneord didn't hem, .0 bitneelf. the; e omeb_dy Just told him.

Feagiat t School Presents Last Play of $rhea!¡ N ''& YORK. Apdl 8. -,(.sett Octurday evening the Mercury The -tier was a rein tins) *Nate of two plays pre ente4 by the ...aloe *Weenie of tit )geese School 'of Dree atte arr. The drat, Mkt ahftup

erred Lo e, e! *bteit only Ottc act rips telvm, Uneluded In lie cue Mitchel Meyer,. Annette Canter. Nancy Boyle, Andre, White. Patricia T ai ri-a. William follrne _earn. I.1I11 ! Winslow and Verbeth Steuart. Once again Holier:1=k noire the t:ieh by gIv-leg tree beet performance: by played the part of Peed Garrett. an vttremety' tiered ht-ah*nd. to perfection. Myer', who In the past awl not done awe teed wen, choa.t,d a earned In rw'remrnt; e ' per. lceza ce as beef Bertrand woe 1:11 pair heed, but, mergeematly he pti11 lank- con. Ilene* In himself: Annette Center did every well as Plereatce Brrtrowe. the jtlaloiis e"1Ste and aloe detereine ccerariendatten arroÑancy Boyle, Patricia Hanle and `ee'r- beth atueeit. Utics Window fomete his luxe too frequently,

The rotted' offering vies trerketcbr SQamert. the crud Including Rite 8eer4ore. A.neetW White. Tare Woou maarj'orie 1}tteha. William Holtenbecit, 17tn-Jo Gwynn!. Mere Wesseeee Oarol=. Malden. A: nald Merman, Jute trans. MRchet Meyer., Elizabeth Young anti Peter Ideeelt 5ene ow train ee-foerlhanete did not Dame up to enee Airtime. William Het . ne reel Dootu ti H'rin*n, Alsrfrarle Dickens, Causer Sheldon. EYtn-Jo Cheyenne and Andrea White ew filed tar pte4 fn with really splendid performances, but it is reoreteekolc r..l.t tJie: `hats;- tenant et Mid for the rest at the "'t.. Hoi1e- ibeek prover inroad a dtetubt that be t5 definitely faired for h profetlonal Career. hit char. acs it teener Mr_ Throttle wail t rein by far .the bate_ G Tot --e Qhºl4On d;d creel - lent wore lira. DarwSCk, the elderly hertreeeterprr, trod Douiald i1 rn nn i e &n- ether who allow» much improvement, Hairline, Otte a visa tern portrsyeI of Peter Standish

on 'f'huradla r eaealhy, the senior '.tu- dertta pre_eented two on :-ectf_a i4 fruaa :toe] Co -eludes cup. Tend¢Aee rr :t9, Or - `tnane three reeve were eehedulerl. but due be tite stiaaden dines a ef Oise, Of the ee i. Fdnlatt,9 Athens weal omitted. In the tZF_ t, tecore or ae eteeme. the t,tada wen* e - _tumod by Annette Canter J 'tepr MI'- C enter lid net clbn]c ba csute of her

Another Southiuurn

Is Si 7 o Go Next Season Associated Aetivitli'es, with 73 locall orp !lined up, win guarantee at lentil 30 elates thrum 12 S'lntes-planuu to route four legit allows and four name bawds in 1939-'40 N) W YORK. April 8,- Riving made money last month! boeeing Tobaecw Roed

OM an auditorium drecult In the Southeast, the Aaeoclated Aetivitlra a new book - log outfit, plena to buck United BookSne" Off! a sew tern limey Circuit *Knee nett rtaxn and 1`0(11.0-1~ four .100111. 14101 and as many name bands, with a gum -ea- ten of at aosllt eel date-, thrtl 11 Coutheesteru States. Buircete of the ),A and the Lo- tttttnr.tte Theater Corp., which already ban contracted, Southern dittos for itO hear legtttmate prodlt ioce net semen, should perolbt tree SOutie witch a renal, StrrIi Oi' )`!roadway et:tertttltnmc nt.

Iiepresenttni: the 73 member organ. irettama meal a American Legion Pot& and ladies' aux.ltarj dub." rare Mr John Plortepont Conita'sia end Vlrgtns NCea,ed. who do tine 5Cttlltl booking on And Remodels And 4WO yearlymembership duet for proaboy

NEW ORLEANS. April 8.-Pbllowing tlort and adetedrtnt oxpenece. boss -oboes st'arp e'itte:elm oler the absence of flesh per entree etagchandtz, etc., and brave.) Ile theater facilities In the Crescent City eardne t-uiOa. ale has tiled to nb up by the Late attar their recent apprer- pictaare re eeeee for °flesh attr'ten% but o nce, bens. when they alleged their were the chain turned thumb. do -en on the tented to shout parts that should not be precpl.lt'on. Where auditoriums were neO shouted -In the big llugletpal' Aisdito- atnilayte for Tobdceo Rood AA etereeed r(uni. city 0111 ie announce+ plane foe to areterlee and betel battrooela. remodeling the )small aide' of the avail= - - - totlum to Improve ecout*J0 build art eneltnepd finer need Complote]? arrange


N'Orleaus Blushes

NeeW YORK, April S. -Elect" of btob- ort 8 Sherwood. pese-dnat od the Drama - %/y Guild. to the presidency of the Amertcan National Theater and meet. catty Tuesday, le figured to encourage Seta ee drama female -Me nlid a national theater. Plana ate not. Unlike tluoap 31.0. Jcetel by the A nérian rh.e4'es Council and the Societe t itiverW! le du Theatre. The 80c14**. tvontdwafde 1t:-eier -confer- texts here. fell throe Ike' ieek of fund;

Thrtt private patronar Ina. A: _ct my hopes to ftáance, a tugs theater building and subsrque:it ferrs.lrals at the College of Wiesen and Mary. Wlltlantteburg. VS

inability to remember her itnr , caned Mtyeri missed up on 3]18 line. Leo. De- lbert Ma mention are Donald Herman and flu O Gaynne. - Otlete In the east were This Wood. Andrew %White, Melee Window and R1ta hander.

The amend. min We. was Como very well indeed. Nancy Doyle else Myrtle Da'urt would !sore gone over big IJ the u a had IDot aalderod front tole or, memory . 3nJo Gwynne impreseed with her ant:12 as Berny1 Welori. t''.ltrlela Harrlea Intl Wills- it qt.* 1toUrnbeck as the ie;-epa did a One piece of work. lees Wynn rubble tar ¡Vedette, White deserves l rtat credit far oenutag tern so eld.cadidly. hieing b.. clliy s few betels' notelet. V Teeth á a

and tinter SVInsto r also rate a big rte n Marjorie were Marjorieo Dlckans, Denoted

Harman and itltcht1 Meyers. E. C.

'The Ltntts' centplaint., tol;etief with publeeire Ktaeel to r remar to alech Tai le ae TArr'.ait.tbcard,' a nit; official g eld. -lies given the city` ra Mho* -eye nateroiel tlly- Peale alai$ for m-orik to prepare *be small side cf the eydttoatum (seat- ing about 21100) for use rap a metier thettor., lep,vtng thet large aide for con- er_rttlrxie, exhibits and other ahem:*

The ioml auditorium has brew n pain In the Satcic ever e_rtck it Om built_ Par o4Ttterta ill amuftlae are terrible, and for,legit-ahowa Its fecUltIes Are next to 1=n .ib1e. Chili,, a one la seated is the Wioany K to tmeeautbie to get s no view of anyone en the eta eight being ]minty et the upper part of the actors' body. tatOral leading bustoesd men of the city are oomplainiry, shell; the plane to change the at;dttotlum. -eating fee erection of a separate theater for Sash acts -

"Bin' Blow" Hews Cli,i ̂ ergo CHICAGO, Aped _8. - Some sincere

acting Red Llfe de.* edettltuge tune Thiodoro Prett a 54g "In . 12ío p -h 1e entertain- ment. as Interpreted by as Yed erel 'lira - ateer group at. the Great brortherd Theater. Youthful Fred .Hagan dote siz) work ds the fee's le,rd: blond Sapp Maher looks and acts the role of she inleefeot but loyal heroin" and Dorothea Deere lends oanvtctfon to the art of the ptlg- nae!ayt~ aunt. fina Sexton le rather etwak is the Item's 111 mother (no pun lusttarcltdt, but then her asttelty le Com- paratively unimportant.

Duke Nation makes hateful Carñoy Jelttr á.rlf 1ppolnled, hem in the district, mid VPIlli Tit McBride is ohreeptabee !1_ the bleated Neer". delierii roatelbytielq bet« bout geed chirrotertettione of -Itote lerecikcea" trur_]n=te. Lawrence Read. 1Lr- rti'n Ror.RLn. William Otsoto. Rob et Uardaser'.y. Vobma veer. Gertrude Lyall, Tani Erey end Charles Ce au

Victor Sutherlandii direction la btlgbI- got in the lilt two &Cores to which he

b owalfóúctg al l , H X0i amtcel the e. Sherwood Ileauu Academy :then, and tome sulking !luting or_!r,ta

have been devilled be CharlesCie Vfi can. Sc m Hontebeee,

Lincoln Cot* Road Show LINCOLN. Neb.. April e -Pl re d

show here in more than a 'i er wall be Tebeeco Load, which come. In 'May 4 ter unatter .aid light. 5 spo`tr In elotrz Cltys lie and Llottpee Btuife. la.. peat ahead. Bluffs date to rtyht .the riser from Mayor D.uller'i Or34ha1, w here 0%, :t a, deturgeatloo of "belle" asió "der! irte" brines Orly-oaihtp ban,

Meue,01 714~ ryrtle T.av. a -'--t .t--11ta51 iw..la. 111e4.15, Cr...toe-Drama, Da ta. 09.0e11. lath Odyetna.rrt a

OAIAOuwt=i-u1 i Mtah.l, t THe7r, Irme A. taraa. P. lta0.nue- tRtt.

leerrctaun_y oro iraaw.awa, MarMty anj e-iaIH4-41 ero. e{va++ *taw-. tr.e.A..aa Titer Aortae[ TNEt1lT1111 a aTUDtIrT aT60K 00..

awer. nta. Yon,VDaaf.`IIa `' t m.liy! 11111.41*11111.41* n1-IMs »ea»eansvelae itrN NNE*. .. staat: gDMMQpéyeta

ntawa, new a'ar1.

Yhe 1939 Supplement to ' FRENCH'S CATALOGUE OF PLAYS

IS MOw ~toy IOw DhiTlttuauTtOlr

awe tar eel alerWtL rgtreeN 04:97 Mde/ siete 1N'. ,411th at. N,pa M/L'i

411 W. 7th at., Lea roear


THE foremost_ irrstlittrtion fa.orytlie nod E:eprot:tiortal Training 411Arnar.

The Caul -See of c Atsdemy fturuf's#s the esscnNet A \preparation for iiachanY and 'Directing as well ea for AtHng_ rr

gI?11 CATllI00 Mines s.eritrrr,llsen.t" CtiJ6al.ülC HALL. !LtT1'l)UiiÁib

18 The Billboard Cerd. etc d by

NI'IGHT CLIAIBS.V1AruDÉV:1LLE :1 nee' 15, .1939 PAUL DEN IS Con fnV a*ons !a 156,1 Bro-adway. New York.....Clly"

Levey Agency Puts Witztrage't. clause Indo Vaude Contracts

Loth Angeles AFA leaves it up to acts to,strike out. anise Levey office says clause not nes4-"strictly forum Lj- fair"-1O per cent of outside earnings asked HOLLYWOOD. Apeti A -,Follawtng trend to cut to on oaralstgs.perforn ors Might

'gee lb radio and farm. Bert Levey Ctroun, tiro Bat'1 Carroll. r qutmo the nc $ ,tt beaks to Occept remove marengotnrret entree in It. cootieeta genre:geeing the clie cult a 10 per cent eat en act'sher earning, for a period of .at leant four menthe.

úr contra ot

contracts eceeningey have the approval at the American Fedet'atien of Actors; wench hee a cLpeeq ahop clause in Levey contract*. Por every etude dote booked tleiru erne,. the act ePay=grw the maeagereent our bee bete d excjtlstie gla &g*r and reprerentatiee" for a period ci at lea four months, honing over 10, per cent tact tier intaledtate eaude date and say other Job ho may Obtain ll ru as7 ono aloe to all other flctde of Chow lent - new "which now color or wbich msy hereafter be used, developed oe invented. bath during the term a: the contract. rand after t'rpine'.on thereof.- free so there, a perteed thereafter as the artist shall continue to be employed on contracts enireed into before exptrattoel ,of the emote] mfaageneent ~inert* and re- uewine thereof, rase all options reef. (deed.' Hence,. If actor signs a l Men contract the (Ley before a teen ee a Zevey: Circuit ecBtrars,he pays Levey for hvlt run of hie Settee carniap.

Ierey office may cancel the eontreet upon twe weeks' notice. Thus, a per. faster wiio trekked acne* continent on a tdX-we k tatter contact "rich Levey can fled his Le -rey booictgge dropped after the ewond week.

Pee wade Bette In L. A. weal fl. P. d mien .- rry the elect rie "The rebore actor 'hereby aratrwnts he 1s a memlerr In good banding In the American Fed- etratiºrl of Aeecra. In Use event raid meet Le net scald number. eel silent_ nr Ili ter I hereby relneeA aOd etieolred bent any and all obligatteein by virtu of this contralti

A. +. toe dated at the ~ere act stare r+tree to port In an, extra 'emcee appearance' on the Monday before or after hie regular ece.*agrmcnt without adteitonal salary Ootrape? nttele

Wen teentlertard n. to Ita stand on, tlee matter of personal menatjrt i ri& clauses in L Levey contracts spokesman fee the ATA celeste the tiara Wee hoer the g to do r'rkth APA. Arta v:blot] do n ot %Mtrt the sUptltstloo to pies should talc them out, was the !unbar union ad. 'la'. it was stated that of any net her a hee aknut a Clau-r et tee* kind It sboUld teske It up with the State labor board_ wtticb astsertedly boa jurladLetiar over web matttrel

Kelly's, I, Sold; Levy Against Wonder Bar

CINCINNATI_ April 8-Kelly's. popular Beebe:7 Ore" biktlo here. changed owner- etblp this weak when Les -tens Kuhn end Mendell J. Block aopulred the spot from Mel Feinberg_ ,,NItery la now known le the 1:120 club. Kelly'. Heine' and night dub licensee were reeiked test week 'wt Ea the 8upaeme Court upheld a convection eatnet Members on the chargé of eitn-

pioying a iteyear-old waitress, A le .'y wee mode against the R'onder

tlar, another Co_et spot. last Saturday on two eudxmeata bek7.by the Cemtroi Trust Co. The Judgements. totaling e+.rit 42.000. represrrited twee notta lined by Albert and COrn Otteedorf. Wearies Bar aurae. ,Spa bee been p :Tattrdr to re- nr in open pending settlement of the

lgmert C tern.

Padereeerski 50 -Year Mark CHICAGO. April 8. ee.lrpeslt still

pays calf It properly a --emoted and If the right aetliettoes sre «Jefed, ea '

proved bytbe appear -ewe of psderew- akl Lu n, recital at the Auditorlllir here reorntly. Rreceipt t o.1sd One 0ºet70t a new one -performance =rocod for the house. prellOWly bent >7i Adeline Patti, who 80 Years 'age at- t.'aci{ad' $10.233-47 on the thea er s opening :gbt

Bon Air pie udget 8 Grand a Week

C111CAOO. ApclI Se --Advance, twee:nee for Dill Johnson's Ham Air OOttnle, c.litls In near -by Wheeling. /U., indicate twat auuimer epot will spend between *elite and. ta,A00 a week for enterafn t ee n'van has been score for the last several weeks llrtening to mime Wrlette and Menelig over loetg.Ilama of win .to whips his opening show May 23. Bin Wilily brave two .bends 'tone In the name claim),. n Ulp:e At le glu& foror allow girls and sex to :wren he e seta.

Opening show win teelude Tony Mar - Un and owxee arad Jslna. No band has yet been 5011gó!. altho a contract for network broadcast»» has already been s erred with WON -Mutual. limy !Woe TAU produce. -

Now Club in New Iberia NEW IBERIA. La-. April 8. - New

Shaw Boat Dinner Club tee- been a] ref On Bayou Trout. One retie east of tarts ate, under management of Charles J. Moore.

EIUftD Tal cm1 Venef York CIS ':

THIUIB ALOHA MAIDS -have b cerise _a toUtrtOnitt. L& aw tlent Lata htng,jotned the trio at the llQldL.Zlnr11,.tOn_ _ . _ ALFRED TRENAI.ER, Mee Judela. lltt Reino Par- ley. Bobbie Deere. Morioe Stye :bed. Clara Wiliceme Teetnt Thompson. Bil1Le `Kling and ~nee Meekie are set by Rock- well.-O'Keefe for a waft r tee -al -Ring short.. . . SCOT btere AN and orches- tra -teeth _teeth Oraee and SScettty, have been at the Theie'i:a Hotel for 10 weeks now --ea record for the spot. JUDITRI AND JACQUES claim they Introduced the .. now dance, the Chestnut Tree, "Gast January at the 8o_r-rt Hotel. Brookiyn.

JACK A`RD JAneT M1iLIR have split due to Janet's recent aueidont. finch

APA polata out that npw centrad a M rehearsing a new girl, for agents go into effect April 16, but when asked tt thin would alter the -pres- ent form at pens pa) r eners ent Chleagor eeaerar. uitrnrp Ofi(etato á old Unto mould he be chew. ATA says It M coneertett only with hours, waned and general work. tag euairgltlone It wad denied that APA )tad let agetttu eget away" elite this lii'isonst mansgcmcot rltittl.e In contracts In ceder to Insure a closed shop for this arty. APA claims It b strictly up to b act Whether to sign filth a rcn'rs.cs.

Guth! appearancxe Monday nighteOrphe out

butItVde favoredrn are not by the

d net teetbat_neew at e unce to Mil , heel e lth O-ptirubi APA

r= the evil will straighten Itself out in tima and that It does not want to .tit abet trouble low. It was pointed 001 that ii air .icy bree* aire local TMide bowies on the tinnier print, the A I11í r D olar and the hippodrome, and did not went to ,timen that a/reaóy shaky etude ,t}i_ *trite here. ATA Jetnte* the: in

sewn have revelled pay far oppe'trnnoee on the Monday ni ht spots.

Seri Leve;' ottlet. When Centeried re- gardieg p lrrerLa1 meen Leeman e htlu in Ira eentrace. stated that e I beets in erfllect for ,set several years and In neehir:g new. It wall elxtralod tiltnt the oovtrreel, wr - strictly a form Miele. Object or Osare was sated to be due co respanstbilty agency leei of ~e- ke-- - e ,mm t to Wass C- rt.

epokessnsn fat agerngy claims that so far p u known no money has eres been ap4lectsd by bdttfter ter i'e e iris:ih Y.ter petered to hunos Also Chet the clause In inserted for duration at ,four 'nnntitr t:1» Levey has lined up on the Cccat from *lee -ewer tp 't.- A it :res clamed that otter sets pray Levey terne weer camp -t cate where they wok:

BAltRZB AND SHORE. who malted to. the Nbcollet. 'hitedtr'epol}sl, are taking another of their -See Aetrica first.' auto. Urine this summer._ ... JAL:111E 1I19.1 -ER

fill a couple o: wetktr at the Ill Hat eperdng Friday before Wafting rehaarreb for Yokel Roy Murree Good . nee DLAK8TONP- returns to the Colony May 6 for tour sirekn. ltu,.r11 swan van be on the, some bill. Ileyyafeedt LoUoww, .. . DON JULIA? AND MARJORIE Opened for DddSe Ñ11Rh at the Drown Hotel he Lomttvaller On' the setae bill are 1.01* Kees and Evelyn 'Forney.

TOMMY SACCO, Chicago 'booker. will have 11L rtfllt arm In a plaster east fOr the next few a't,,ns Y a Main of a re.- cónt auto aatih-up . DANX' it. 'I - HAM. Chicago agent. la lisndli°.at Bain

1,1t0, ,4'a seta drirtne the latter: vane - :too stet the Writ Coast.

EDOEWATTIR Roue Brach Walk opens Dar season Juno 10 with Lawrence Welke Celt.. . _ J. P. BINNS, formerly of the Clnrietgq, .tnent»o City, became the new manager of tee Mavens: Betel ycaterSee. succeeding Otto EtteL . IIA1LRI-tT SMITH. Lino producer at the Edge -water. la now taking all talent fri that hotel.

. =tit LOUIE the semen emit the Hungry Pere. Old Heidelberg rite er». ede e...41ng ~maw to brave ,roc Now York. where they will remoter to net - :antenna Three -Rini, Inn at the fan.

HA1RRa S llAit appal its btkGget to compels with the theater or nearby Rush street spot . . BTEVENb HCYiEt. execs Into !ti Mtatiea'lw4 a (Kee the week- end to look over Joe :tufty. who is ached - Wee to be the summer attraction. nn


',ere anti There: 1.Ei''A OINSTFJt is in her sixth week at

Yoder's Ntte Club, nest Moe, 11L Brut Yoder end bar etrt ra and dancers ire also In the flow there.

OARIt:ON AND ssm.:wart and Iola Keeper ate I]a the now show at ebb Pero kfargnette,, Prose, Ill. ~tee AND ZITA nee at Geller e Tavern. Lealatown, rat . TED AÑD .;Irma WALKI t playlets the Chen Stay ChM. pen -outride of Lancaster Pa.

aaID ODAY. Res Widmer and or- chestra and Ethel Brown eeritjng st Trimble 8petninenlght club, Duranee. Coto. . - JOE gA1.DWIN and Wally Bristol, hold over slit wroth nt the Roenevelt Patio Ora. Jeckeenvllee are set fee anatti,M fix weals at the Royal Palm. Miami. Pis_

. llEltZ

R8YNOI,D ¡Tart of the ¡et of Daley the Wender Rase. Is doling e. stelgte in oon- Junction, the act of beynolda end Rita. onbM Iig Ot blreeelf and a dummy girl. Act returns next month to the Omen Shay, near Lancaster. Pa.- far a treiir-morith engeerria:rut. tocttthsr with the De Mayw0. when ite» opened a four - week run at ,Palumbo' Roataurant, 1?etllsc tlph ia, RADA and son Perry also set for Omen Shay' next month.

TR'sD 1.11-.R1t11eAte and Its !fatly - ;coed. Stars olerdr g toter weeks at the College inn.Sin Dtego..rind follow with two weeks at liollt wooel Garden. 114:11 - Wood. trait also' set for -Ban Prandsco fair- . . . JOHNNY JAY, band leader. now rioting a bit ,once Ills accidttit at Hot 8prtnp. fs wlt'Id1ng the baton ex. clueteeety for the trastona, trench-pc:ee d .1o. . THREE SENATORS rat the Deshler-Welifck Betel. Calumbue, a, fear an Indetlnite abet,

SIMLA BARII.LDI' boa been Rendled In ' for a Jume 7 ópxning at tee Wu: Pablo Itangto at the Ban Fnimnoteoo fats.

MICKEY ALPERT and Catherine Rand are 110. the Ptowaltooee uotrott. for e fr'tlr wreak' stand. THE FOUL) MAl .&HA1IS are set to follow Alpert and Rand. . . . CLORIA aftArrOit opens at the HI -Hat Club. Ghl, this week.. . J IMMY rtAY Is do gli dating a rdne dam; Wept "aptd emeeeeine the chew at the Nixon Ecetaurrnty Put _b tare b.

MANNO AND ITelkAPPORD more from Cincinnati to Detroit to open at the h hot-Gar111r1er Hotel.

BALLANTUfr a AND UURNETTE. after riper w Nee as tbs a _taiga,. Dalos, have Iepa;tM Tor Jtllarer UMW,. liven "Where l acye will head for Catuofula. .. . JAY

Film Names in Demand in Chi Maude,. Niteries

CHICAGO. April Seerno'rle name are finding a good outlet to this. atea. both ctube and clientele remaining open msekets. An four Loop elude twee= buy- flicker people. with the ratal.-Lake

std Oriental even giving return en- eettemante to players -Wee; have aUssdy appe red either et the Palace or Cñfoms°.

Attbo ors agree that few cause one stoma el the box orate, the nwYle celeba do pravva a, »ulna point and. In - most Ca.'es, stlmnlate a little sett, business.

Clubs silt a rule. will tit -e clstetaa pra- teTinl with a glamour t-:'gle and people with talent. Also, there ere revere! one and two-day Manes arOun1 Chlrego that will pick up avallabie Sainea on open deletealttlee

to worst Aeabetag :norm person Lazo batece ranee the beginner.; of the ,st. nee Ins ~ere. Joan V.ell, OcoiYe Otvot. 'May Martin. i remote Whitnee Roth; Romo Vincent. Jeer -net Hilliard. Delray Baker. Patrtcia Ella, Hugh Herbert. Ltertclia Auer, Shirley wee 8cuneeeey Lane. 8p,epLn Vetoed,_ Prank Jenks. iDoeothra Kent. .Mir I

Omen. App Sotbern, Roger Pryor and the levee Cteqm. Arthur Tree-clref gene Into trio Chicago nett Friday and Hugh lfesbelst returns to the Ortetitel the same day.

Itiehimira S42;800, 18 Days at Walton

t'itI1.ADF.LPiiIA, April a.-'QUA 10. -day stint of U lttcbhtan at the Walton Root broke ,11 records for Jack Lynch' epee -.city,a terrtfio gross of $42.0M. C t- refity crowd' were present st 18 one oat his 22 pefforenenexa. About stye were turtaed away, et the Saturday afternoon lunch,

The Roof operated eitbolat 0,.tettentum or cover charge except. opcutng eight (feeseeeen. see and Saturday nig'ttt ell tee

The -0rulent betted RlchenrFrl Ñ LOO. Otiersateed four Ob and a Per- e#ntaRe.,- Joe A:. Levu opened Thurs- day night.

Merrill Wisp., Club .MrRlt1LL, Wis.. April B. - Barney

Wyland said Art Raluiersor h -re taken over Adam's Rome here. Spot'festone LeRoy Martin's Orchestra.

MASON bar closed his Use of gCuile. the Rhythl'oettaa. turd is now workin = with the Paull Steers as a trios , ni0PiEL DeMARCOt planiest-aneindemerit ap-tee1 a menthe stay at the lletdr'il Hotel, Can ton,. O. jeenday. Booting* o*_t Pick Ho- tel chain to follow. - - . OtIS SANZt'RF whip cloned his Mee -Mile Mortals. Ctn- claratL New Yeses Eve. Is due Beck In the e7betrfa Cityeecen after an Olt e:Inter vacation In aflnrnl,'Fln_ . . LL"STit81LS!'pA LUCAS opened at the Grove. Gulfport.

t - - parr week. ... OAItlrrFT 8urreat8 and Rile no core are In their third week' at. Club ich L Detroit- . . . MORN l i lO THPU.B and 'TdexT and Joe Areas, are In the new floor ahoeg at Lookout Houle. Covle:r tees Ky.

E DDlr. SOUTH'S crag:isº:bent al Blatel MMIe. etit raukee. IVY' been extended un- to April 77. Scauth originally went Into the spot for two weeks. and rout beet. been there 80, . . . 1 F1 1Tz VII.LAN UEVA. dancer, recently st newer" Cede. Detroit. Is now working at Cctrktown Tavorñ, d trop . Cft?Rieet (RED) HALL. ream appearing rat the Golden Orel. leitcbrster. N. Y., to being held over' Itn- deflpltdy but expect. to John: a Unit ; can With Ric rdó and Cleo and Lor- retta and Navarra. . HARRY "le-KAY, eri,ace: Charlotte While, Joy Damn and MaUto end `Ilacreet haling hooked by O. D. Mack Thentsic'el Euterpe!~ tree tee Reheat Dear ten lteeditig. l'a-

BEIRNiE LIT. eaten: ~keel for an un- limited peno .. anent at Abets hreenIn8 tufts inn, Aires eel, ll. J . Mee T - ROSE AND PEARL bat finished en eight-s engegien-rnt at. Delenorieors Cady Ninetlefa. ail ani I Benda. .. ,

DO RA held over indafinitely us the Cat end - IdrIje Cub, Ceremeate . O MAYChe have beer hi d over another wvck rat ?halt Laltlt7nbo'i Cafe, P11l1a- delpblo_

April 15, 1939 IN c IH T ,CLU BS-VA U DEV n L L E The Billbcrazd 1.9

Casa 11íait:t_ma, New York 191 li It _ mopeaat nei C"i Sunday

eon with a !revue policy that ought to draw Ire *hire of the hoped -lot Ivorld'a rear crowds.

The new tithe "how la mod-atly Called The Bfq Show n3d awlbtitled The 5`t0r*y 0f Anr-rfr.a-r ,S7mtat Btrame L RMth't rt

ls>h * Order for i cnberet show. but K ewtornr- don't take the title ten Stet - anti the new eebn lalirray Andersen revue. In four pare trill pleesa and r resew them,

The .hot dlvldtd Intel ttr'-tleeta labeled Circus. niapdevalke, Cheers and Televinlo a. The circus part recite the 'how oft , to it eeterful. lively start. Zt were. Seals f31 got the eteatcrnere in rood humor right off the tat. Jame" Berton. star of the 'anew. offered a drill eIo9ra tleherreats Mls. Then the Bight Targets Jetenel this -up with Epeetncu- ler ter ereboard stasis, Truth nether t._ferier adding flfuh to the ~dab with hie wblrllns tronelate net. islztec' clsortnes aria et;.ht ,ahpwgirti to lotenly opitunee "helped.

The laude eeeteen opera with Allen and Kent. ye:Whi it tap dette,,re and their "swam and Pop, who did oldratyle bºefinlf.. A **ell dinenl0oIe!tye»meat Then the Javelys prnxnted then' tát- temal niggling stun bgisnetay° scturta, toilowed by Barton in a comedy boxing bout with Jreit Johnson and Dan Bar- clay. $yevla and ebtbilnn. a tall, good- looking rat r f team.. rocked over a roue thte of fancy' vain the denting Speared wine ad,.:lO secant.. Charlie, MOW end the eho;tbe_. In bCwtteh_ing green eon. tunes. closed.

The cinema, portion aheteht,! the Ms- tiryr of movies In a mixture of comedy Otte. altttree earn file , screen trainee' and special lyrics. Ban -ley doze an g rYty!.1tlg talk bit. ' Yole Otanli makes o sock 1n1Pe green 'with tier beauty 'al'irt ettentfoneeemipelling mpprano Yoke- The Dencanitrs return for a auof.tske-otf on a nosy arher, followed by Barton In it w ine-renlee he *tire a P,Oev u. h. . TMe bads Into s $x11 scene. which la a Tyit f-up. for Jack Cole and ilia two girt ean-era seeee ^t4T, mn etilistta &Inc-

ense In P.ilfee-e tern. They, are easily the shee-"* otiteteradIne novelty tutn. The Three Retry Brfl'berty rnlnptoced to tine Were. dO their feet. leapt acrobatic dancing_ The Batt number la a flittering atrmpubtoss affair

The rlelenelon numb,. CM -ea there:hey- It hM1e the Debonair'. a teedow- when, the last show here, doing their sock machine (Larne. followe b? Bartell do- in,,e a awe]! drtifte; "erne with Charlie King and beautiful A1na Corwitant. a lot of tress tree lumen /he etiruded for the altrrrall;-t scene, lineluding e,ne featuring a enee of whit* title*! lrtniienha tenet Nebotrr are the hurt rt with their r - pr e npsehs. another rally* novelty.

The shnw- It too lone and therm ieut eneugb comedy. Berra, railed; to really in gofirya 0penlne nh;tit. But thaw dery frets can be rtrnlghtened atilt, for the show tt a eumpttionri affair loin of nor- titlt& Rargcr,ea mitten. bewltebin.,g 1<u_s--e and lecher. nttielc.

Ovele . Pelson croons and le rids his cheer hand. with a lively blonde han- dline the eceat< nfeejy. Joy preerrsal `'-'rte the bind hartdljr the chow and also 'supplying exile Of tom <tnncr moles.

Podt Dents.

Cliez Pa reo. Chicago It !s dleet.if.m+e entertainment thfa

new sprung relent In the temple leading elem. Ghee' drew. dier'ndeble nutsrtel fre-m the dance, song and 'Weeny front*. net in tell buttre_.d web 11,* vfrd"etite en:rmirJA lye the etent-lnt line of reed t n.-e'llected Orb. Changed o0tentd- aioly from the old *hrew, chorus, ret-upx, the kids these deers really demo vi i

adapt tb-uun -lvr* blipped" to tnyreeet1x- e Men- emtertatning tine effort diming

evenlne le the arreend show finale in wince the keel .flee Gear in a d iee-rsnareent ittnferetrna telpe-e- nth `r Si ' v- rl - illeree pCrtroeel with the el of aman- ita r> .. t 1' la a reed bit of mimicry

et el gar, the audience a rt.".011 t1 pay attcnteran to line work At7M.htr Imps at nu w het- I Its, et :tad Pfrrtelte L nt ee In unfelt the 1,eá v , It f hay carnival coters»Fe to a pop macilrr werte reel isv she et/abbe pr dtwtlen tenor Bab lileneítin, iC Ir T mite, uteall rand eeprtble 'sera 'Jun -ear. tolls+µ' ,rZn. itiflu liner nttlsib t with tricky OIIertweet, sconn?. In particulate trite a dLliL net beet .err

The a :yen dance ..oftc eye the retread - flan' ` r '" ' e tl ' Idi t a, I ft a. tar. St on o: lip, Win_ intY w Way

íIif C ub F?CviQLus hihliltphte, fro- the teem, with lta natural eaterpreitatinee of veriout, dance moods, prouu,x1 ntt. Their lift" and WOG In their ventece. tansoe [tad rtore1ttlri border perrectlen. Appeeraras e aduuItoble.

JCrnee Qad Dunn are al` -o back nod'srn heard in a merles of new and female: e: comedy sr gs fattened with the teamti eu-ttemary Kee treatment. Wont la w den:reel, :ibput this pals Li that they asap . Old tjAO'etei~.bje tricks to stilt the t -e. " - f r ;neslten utgbt ipnt gat-^- erizW, Alien Cre c. le Mtn 4t tarotls wl.ht' a beignt persooallty and -Berner Intent pitches inwith the atrooBor eokie that comes rte ltuidy In seine of the rpeceal tyvi

The Wilts Broasene novelty daises trio, are en early with their fasitttlar wade Ctztrsn. The bays eons with a chartnt1u Continental style and apply ndmitable liming to their pantomimic nerh-sets e.

Adeloadtt iletie blond society singer, his a geed ertoti[h idyll of her own but It la one tint 1 Leiner beet te, smaller rooms. eta la bctltyhooed aq a blur- b/cod veneer and may draw manic 01 the Geld Coasters around bete. Ambit - ranee La sine oentributed> by band rood - tit Neu:Ware pleasing ttieor.'and by at- tratelte Carolyn Clark

Russ iiorgan to held over and bit awe t and rhythmical music bleeds well with the pleasant atmosphere of thy, elute It is the type that ht easy on the eats o=fd work» lice magic menus denoere. Don' O:isp.idhl cutup 5411A inerentssione with : n ssf4rtr y'nt of pop .tunt<n and -a generou Opel s .l _e or rumbas and tangos.

Ted Weber carries on se p. a. Sam Hcnieberp_

Royal Pines, Lake George, New York

ed's reedhoutica on tee r, .a to th

Tony t `t` eorte nikeee is p q'abiy the

only all -year teed spot in tots aeetiec. Bcgtnntng April t1. the spot added a six - 'eel lime wino wall contesters 'with Mx to le-perene Ebbw* thntont ` the warm weather.

When cani¡'rit the :net was holding on r:titt tike mine Bettina Colored band! Ile`sbx Wirctrell. cernbo rr_ waiter. and nd three dancers and a ,Meager. Smelt (string base) la a good mule:G tn. but We new men are not AO grid, attbo his <trt,nnion. le boa atusft. The bend le strtet!y rhythm and trot b:uuent enough to avoid becc'ming mCatelef .vain

Michell refined «eh end than tang the Warier , f nee Gee Along Winnows You Very Wen 'with' no impure__log what- soever, except, to beam all over the. place. Kermess Ro a, tail Wend dance school Owaar 'troy Tray. did rr couple of cam - potent bald tap, ttgro and comedy drunk numbers and terocrg-at on a couple of her studeñti- for eons and daunt" Ian kid* AIusly were not ready for pretasalal On

Crackle Lelidlei. eatalely brunet_ sang a few pop Dolt' * and ,ave'M between ballndeering and a einging °oat. flu a p nt "sees but dellven Beene tt--r- proti beet.

Red botigtil meet Of Me talent ball year from -.a_1 Hall and Harry Dell teem York) and Stanley' Willie the tool.

Pae1 tir;ria.

Coeoat»Hut Grove, Park Cen- tral Hotel, Now York

Launderer It Vallee Of name bands,. the cleaned Cocoanut Ozer* (new state trig ecm l Drought In Will Owbarn' is combo V1trdnrhley.

O Nolen . fr- ski from a couple of weelts at the littered 'eh.ater, is set for lfev weelw. Then the r om kite re for rr %reek ¡mid Larry Clinton opens. t8 On show sxill b. aided later in the auaiater.

Oetiorno ithotild It a no trouble Melt. in% here l4 ha'l a "wen dance bated and one the, to plca'sltiibin foe the lbet,onine. Ire slide musk -MS Le lies !teen

pefnilurtane over the radio and Os- berne b_m^ett l'r-e a radio and road rep behind him= lie eenducta tixe tend in lively fatebion, matins sip a few comic p e - rind then crooaa °resettin4:1T.

The flOSr *how is composed of the band dotal_ a number. [st be numnben) by Mao end a own Lynn mill and Deck Re 'trtl with lie_ dance teens of Knelta tune ene:el,0 (holdovers bete) closing.

Not art-, tl A- floe* ithotr-but, ore- ratnty cntdliph. cerentleHot t_§uet the band ! t re attraction ides Dente ih a otenely 0.eetietltra who ~anew- In p In(' t eh - Inn 1t ,a Ill a d.Ontto r_eck. and hint corn .le ° ear. Make the matoman e:t tap

and listen. lita parodied on Hold ?least and Dinah are amen

ntrieet, Ind Novelle ese a graceful duo. Did three t+rtuitbers (welte. tango and tniefot end drew npp:atace with cacti orce, Mee hulla was especially attractive to a yellow Kuhn gown., and tia ` n smooth [atta Io( kc round out the trata', line appe ramo. l' ir_ir routtnea have tito Wluai ,.ins and lifts: but three arre nano with exqut.lto grace.

1aine'r from 13. Pored, elnellent. BuM- renee, Recd.

lid Winner la the p_ a- still. Paid Dena-:

Empire, Room, Palmer House, Chicago

Orrin Tucker, the Up.nnd.oeming inrieteO turned quleireebanae settee opening Meat of the new Umpire Room show to pinch hit tAs Eddy Daehttl, who vial grounded an his way from Los Anenea to the Windy City and arrived bete In a ch_.rtered plan! Tucker *witched troen his gasmbuggy outfit into fusel -dress regalia sbé-dtbeeed hla 'trip tO the Lylic, Indianapotta_ to guide the open ball from straying .r11 11* re- lies pith. Duehin wandered la In tune for his tittle piano show and sse lowest ay w*loomed by the mob. lie unts-rd on Ws inrewiatIble personality.

told the cueton'iers that his -baby In -Call - Vanua la fine, and all was foci vin,

The Abbott Dan.etr, open in Organdie dreeaea to welcome the spring season with a gay, airy routine a9upped In shape with several ocr i'istic trick.. "Kids are charming yo rigat . do fresh. =wet Work sad aro n fire wet to the room. In their clkdne number the Abbott domain, In Weenie relent . cite» owlet sock sorb Once ovens` holding little tennis racquets with bath larentc'r$lte esocuting the stunt. _

Anderson and Allen. serene hand - (See IIKPliRS ROOM on pope 33)

Red Gables,, lndifulapolis Because It le the only night spot to

the city,or county weaker an attempt to ptrsrial float elbows ttl3hUy. the Red Cables. beefed wee- of the city, is the meet. arucocwtut local nlght club.

One of Ile moat, popular Aral --w in tin Art Berry ~mine The ceastcer3era have !Jt ttfl dancrehl . temper m0 v- duet the b'rid has been playing here for ael:eras month". In addition: Berry and b4 awn play ac ompanimenta for the various acts in awed style

Current ere th end save Krne41. boy end kIrl teem 0Qesing tip one n- v- on" dancer . A.'tappers they tire ex- tremely list. %bile their novelly envies will undoubtedly be improved with more practice. There are also Btil a std

B+adidle CSrr. a CotopJe of "skaters who have an.ur-usuaally clever skating turn.

Betnnelt tute two ni^'dy finer shows, Js_ne a1e4 Ht,atry. ti3RxTr ard l.nGtsuotttt- tuit t. event' . tfial - l b 1R, .dy 'meter of oczemen:se and -at-0 elan t- 1 h aaªa could be 4rtierriYfdr greeter with the addition of a girl stager.

Spot spesiitltrow In steak and frrelj.lr eliat e. 'Mere Is a nightly mtmeitim elte1. . but itever a cover. Prfo_.t art

renetsab.o, riCJbert Rdevnr.

Mary Murray Roottia Hotel \Vltitc, New oil.

Hotel's Wary Murray Ream,. "lab features an ~led talent layout 'Tuesday evening bee been dr s-Ioel fairly holey patronage wanly. Spot in small but when caught )fit e';.:i arty grcttog pico busto. Regular entertain- ment India :le Dell -O'Dell. femme men - cell, and Lou Lath's ODrhs'tfa IíS' dancing.

Quest line-up opened Mtn Or .e u Audit', brunet veaalt.al, who did four trines, In- cluding pop, nosett- ' and need .bested syrkii. nee beat tear is take -off on My flreri Beiangt to Daddy-tin deli ry bong find,. facile and well modulated. In Eeepthg with the Mss of the room. Melees n nice appearance

Malu ,Onset.. a 17 -year -old Importa- -tlon from Chile, here s p ittenve-cand- cream complexion. fleeted in Chia center of tbo &nee oho atrurna a guitar. s. -atlas sweetly end In n. subdtiºd team F tab =

the eeritiettce with Knuth American tuner. Mies orates has bee. ~swag. end it isn't that, guitar,

Pedrominee Jovtb Staeritaa to -now. Clacked the castanets nod seemed v- yr Let art eteela clexliz hts türrl-thgt falhetl to reenter. »tight have brcn attributed to some degree --,but not entirely-to the :rtu:leuotk erbien by this thee had b.' - come rather noisy.

gent legerele._aangt-ree cromed-.enpe. did a better job In her own Itito titan Leeds - rr.lno but also could net held th p Leval. Ilk. Leirman did net t>`. mike far her Dill tuvo rendiCare. be did en nw third. busy by that time th audleriot' Wee out of haled.

George enseidurrey la the p. a. d.oltaretata.

Continental Room, Stevens Hotel, Chicago

Arr>altrirelt and drahnta, charm -e. ben- rn -m tram, rare fe'tturnd to 13t rIMad show here which will be retained 'until the sure/nee_ Pair do nKretñ3a. rir. ,7tiausa rhea ere eesee tantos atad navel - ties with equal emit. II: r r=_Kullect are admirably airy. both in desiea, and execution.

rPTaming the loaf - re cite the linobt Bytoo GUIs, fire lively kids, captained by Bremer Chrtettarw Numbers are it's anal and itteittia. with th_ Rapto_1cn

Tilo on inal and only nam-n "DARO & COSTA" is is drlolatiria agria, my Irieads




Now 'PTaying, Return Engagement IPaiaee Thoatec, Houston, Tema; Week of April 112 With National Food Show§

Sam %custom, Coliseum

P. S. 1. ELLEN BLA1ll. 19 yeara edd, forrrwrtly Sings Denser. have appo.ircd In

teveeat plri'u.ee end bold she record of 20 consecutive weeks at tlbo

Empire 'Rosen. Palmer Haute, Chicago. till dcly say girt dancer ee °Taal

my work to Bailer and Breathtaking Acrotr_tie.

1 am proud now haf I have establbred patrtnerthip with yauir Inhertsational

friend. GINO DARO,

20 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE .Dril 15, 1939

bct:e n itemizer teja cotvoecttvn- Other entering, incitarte a lab rd tap to Hrrs- purit:r} tt.nripsodtlr, an Easter parade real

1 tnfrltng Rash. Jeer" Willow. DrrJs Koh:rnh, Eleanm' ¢s,tJrgs i_c.il /Uy*

en p thr i1 Wifely EainidLii Rhythm Bey* 'hold weer.

TtitY excel Us nanitlsa iprlakkd about the d3t2.., se...ebna and eeottcd In the

eddy u a and

pttdp a7lttt R prreenallty raicr_, r,m_m ay

envied by Jul e '.i!eLdnlrOn drtimmer inti mimic, b:ad _Rey liiitx. vocalist.

ittl the i.rnt senwn over. uunt,r Li+o 11 .Gitl'a fIIr thla reOta to semitone but- 1LS One of the lent Amp. il by Iona Montgomery. the p. a l+ u eeoJtrt among a--Li y R1arb!tfr, web the winner to be re at o erltlt '1 !United OngngD:lXn'.

S2lrtrn,tm h B1JKi,nikttt±y. lrry Tbaa`it t-hc affable room snaaaprAr.

Se 9.1 NeolpDr-rp.

Waikiki Room , Rockwell ltlo -1. Glens Falb., N. Y. Thee le the only li:t.al hotel u,lt- rnuzlc nd pra;_ty thethemile u-Rtils. Tort yo

bCtel epee $QttiR 1Fr tor nt[tup. Only laletit eurrottt Misr y lkrrrall

keLectecb+ Imitate, and l[e4lsr+ bttlniera fzrfc . t..- , t*.utar and ben}ól. Cletke la cent and disbr out memo r>Ltat. 111"t the room and mates d,an:tºe .,r lyt- 'floor titian Was wed reorntly'a-7d will

probably be rettoeed next maontf_t. Mr. 'red Mts. Bwmit marine the Merl znil Lack talent. diretrL

A bnsYctball tourri1rncnt site houacrt In the hotel last .aJak .1r et the kids w'Cre1 itinQ up the teem. %+rirrsl -'e were Isart tuAnn4. Paul DentL

El Chico, Miami Beach, M. Altho O*defile Wells Bind Ncrl II.teCaa:- lsid wouldn't went Lo be ¡quoted on

-we're r hot coral the vertex_ over.~ iba turn'[ et ell entieppy about Lt.

Tee dtio took .o+_r In Chico to add. rrteare, 1tt3L Gpdng and ,sununer of

that y,rer found then] in the evide:re- act,ety reeking well over the put

!n a suwune.11tne MJlantt :ouch, artery, eelth a terrene winter 'enuring. !oc41

Quite a,_ Lund CKICAOO, April a.- teen the

Colored) wtlteJre help carry the burden nt'the new Panther 11001L 82 @merman Hrte1'a 01341esce inn.

T.rin be,* are wtutne pour -pound° tÑrv, .rt@ Lhrtne4t tase ea ll,gl, in

eerpitee with the ntnirsphcre of the ew we -ling. and If you will set them

h y -1-ill tch, you that that'¡ quite lead

ysotltiettes tritest berserk end ordered a tnidheilut mule our -ices for all drinkertea were/ ni"Cttt club peen- -L, a two gee aitatr, This. coupled '.huh a 2 am_ look -tip, teems, this season into a alrulLuhe for nt.ote then one spot.

2,7 Cbieoe boat bowevre while not thee/tee ea many barely numbers ea they @bount carat ahead 9f 3B in a of one hour 1.áe music and two less

The opentie, parsrgraplt Mende now be aozno what elector.

Who ,glib bee eepild a rumba blue !Or the elen:nr. Dgn Qt:itatannes Cebu) Crew rIti: Rudy Cartes as socdliat. . - reCaesu and front roan. 'Cortez has an asrelkrnt trnc'r voice and la well liked.

Th "country Uwe' which emade- tho summer and which ]tag been pat on emery Tuesday deem May pea now been niegn tnicei -by r)Qti of the lent= on that evening. The rirst t"+,' its: the pis.- was ytencreei and ,a hot doable at- tracttee to iwi,e on alit hecl3+eh. t t -up tit eitiiple. edit Ir. email 1Etmm. camera rtoerditig and :.Itti pictures @Loma the Mowing week. keen + Is minor and entertainment 4 tr.

Rumba contrite Jug held Thursday and draw u Latin and entertain crowd. Specialty and :loftily ni¿lite ate def1+- fistely the tnetel here for plausible and profitable iuiri tr"t. Lae Srrnnicn4i.

HAMMOND, La.. April L - Pellx-s r.eeet club wee opened on Highway Si

icut wick by Peale. Coattna New build- !ng eleateluns 1.90 equate feet Of dance fkiot titiih a rent]-ctrein stage for lets. Frank Silva and ark, with Ce rnezl Oster booked for brat rbsnth.


X99 MEN AND A GIRL" Wsdeo,drys, i10 P.M., I EST), Oro, CBS.

Aaeeinteir NIghtty SAVOY PLAZA HOTEL. N. Y.




An -Oatiginai Clarinet furglting. Fantasy and Dansiing Puppet Revue

curren*iy with tisn

-T SHC! via: MARK 1. EDDY

awn' rrlilunnfi II 1 wnnrriltnlll111hn111111iFi111111ur11 iIIC1111t1111a1u11n1111 n1t111lnultd

á --i= i

_ -,


= 11 . __{1 Y




Personal Management --JOVEN KING

t- Al






ni 1111111111111111111111t l i I I11111 r11 I I Id1111111111 I I Illilllgi l 1111111111111111111111111111111111111114

TA_ri. "Crt,u tt Prince -as oj Pep"


rlértt Agencies JACK LEAR. former publicity man foe

the Park Central Hotel. aver, York, and suer @pore. bee jbned the. New York MCA omoe,. Handing edvertieing air! pubilelty. .AST lellie001.0 is reee ulth the -WICK Acetate tr tree . N'7' Zack.

JACK W. KI? O.SLEY hes opened the VAriety Enbertellnutnnt. Bureau. Harttore, Conn,

ALt IE EOt, manager of Premier !'!O- dactiona. Cleveland. is egito boeeetná the Club al d Aeulon Club. that city

. WA i-tac.8, W T_í4í! has left the Af- ailestee air -,king Agency.'Chicago, with Eket Peek remaining in sole charge.

iMAITTY wu'rrK. former Mileage bootee, returns to that 'city this enonitbt to join Eddie El 's, o tee. Whyte has been in Hew York for the last sevetal month4.

TOMMY SACCO. Clt±5,N Is bookine Cary E]1LY remodeled -Club 8lthoue:ta in that city. Placed reo Downy. Betty Jeroaod and Larry 1'vrbse for Indefinite

HAROLD AV8Tb h. Duffeta. bookie his own ma welt as other bands:, Bala ntalry- eleye are Bunny Wilson, Les lrrlenbe k and Allen Brook. He slatted aap the Glen Park Casino Lust dtr,ek and will MK; bar iii special engseemenu after henna for St. John Canty'. alumni danal April 0 and canteens College eisnce as the Sate: Hotel Arell 20. . . TRAY leNY-P.1. i:; D. Buffaie. has under escalates rr.~merit the Pour Jay Slattern. is booking Lee Brown any! bis- Duke Blue Devils for the Wehrle liewe1taI dance Apr11 13.

SAM ROBEP.Tel. Chlppgo seen', lea left for the Wert Covet on a mOGths :spatlr?1i.

STANLEY WOOL". New York. noes la the excluelvo beJkcr for Dtielerle Tap l:pom. '.O York.

BAT E. IC.EELAND. Buffalo, i added the Mermen! Club. Warren, Pa. AL M booking the Bltffelo Athletic Cdllb eatu dny night, dances . . . MAN= KILGORE. Buffalo. will supply talent for the Buffalo Atb:Mlo Clow@ $sekQr'13 l'ioblc: aleo foe the Junior Cbamh . Of (See TALENT AGENCIES oat page GD)

B.nrñey Rapp Opens April 12 CLICINNAT1 April 8.-ttarney Rapp.

ork leader, formally opens his own night spot. Barney Rapp`s. at 44.30 ltea:lfr, K Road hero matt -Wednesday night. Rapp has *pent tbn last two weak@ rebeardrg a new. eambo end cootpl ei otely te4amplug hat [sae the fotir.er ~It Club. In addition to early -evening notwoík attiniti Rap Bend oil] do a daily ~it ovef W!.W'r bOPAOO at I'n-m.: when the station ten lts tuned 00.000 wattage. Rapp may put in floor ewes et a later date. The new Clncy eatery has an nttractive outdoor sanctum for the bag days. Doles Day bast been engaged as singer with the Rapp combo.

Providence Club Reopens' PBOYIDP2eCE, April ' 8. - -roe. wood

Supper Club, /son re. ri W Ck, re- opened t Thursday under new man- agement. Plana to use floor dbowa. dra--toe oter:ttras. n$,a'' 10-._ prig. ponce In ada -

Dick Harris Buys Club ST. PP.'I'EReiBURO, Plo., April &--

Dirk L+'errtu'rfltdent of Model Shown he's purchased the Greybo;tad. night club here. Place has been laid out anew and ae oretie era booked 1n. lv_

dpol _ ': Gp er and spot to reported

New London Vaude Spot LONDON. A(Nll 8.-A new wade

Isomer on Olii Kent road south of the Mumma will open rove letth -sting c ia 'city of 1.850.

J!1 ovies iii Night Club MILWAUKEE. April 8. -Lates .p..1 to

otter the lemi'tL'old-alesº anent movies Is 'Miry Knack's *ew 7tncadcro care. The nitery la plsytziif Ccaicdics, tee ttlrrarn and shorts on 4 full-size.; 'screen.

Before 1ta ca vicerslon latp a ._Rat club the Tren dero ' aI the Ceo feet T -ti arel.

.jervicei - C13ICi Cf0, April 8. -.dlnsnge us II semi" the only reason the ilustr. !tote! La te.pine its loth floor ow -

between conventions is because the Lear, or itotd'ig» and 1Rrenºine hue. their room@ there.

The atanssrmrnt does not want to ticr4tee -t em moving rind, as a resu)t,

keep.l4 the floor Fie 138 Ir ilirOulatton.

Paul Field Stages tliirte Dgf ROIT, April 8.--,i7rvt of n accrue ºt

Pale Yield Revues opens April ,10 at the San D:cc o Cafe lere. 1 eeldl, who bas produced rouge formerly playing -veer

-tbn Buttrrtteld Circuit. Ls making hia aught club 4 -hut 4.4.141 Clete antra.

Pirat chow will Crater* Tice tratptttcr of September Moon. Miniature revue style. With Ore principals, will be fol- lowed. &how+., are Deang booked thee' tee Art ate Service litirea:i.

AFA Hitt- Furced firma re

PITT31svRCHI. April 8. -AYA has be- gun drive again -at dubs teat demand that entetlelrerei note y Lb patro:ie at tablet. Spots compoltng, loubie-duty for single wage are primarily in cubur- tun.a414-0o1ottee acme., according no AWA egol1tGoorge Laney.

Plantation, N. O iteop tus IlW ORLEAN& April 8. --Peto Resanan

ta planning an tarter reopening gal ids Club Plen!,.uoci amber new RC of r'witlg Cauta, with Louis Prima and cok for open.. beg night. -

liltim'iil Reopens April 12 Tiin.AnF1.,PFLLl. AMl 8.-- Bream the

Bennis will ~pen April 12,. Th, mettle' piece hem beets engaged by the Philsdel- otea lltetall, Dltttr'?lJ,aa' - ªOiatsgrl, The

imam op n.

Torrington Goes Vaude TORlti.NOTOS, Ca1nn- April

'Iheseer, operated by the Strand Amuse- ment do,. has @antelied Men ~eight routes: to unlit ta' a game.$ the Bret »roe dnya of the week and amateur abeam Saturday bight@. Hew policy la dole vary .11, oecording to Menaw.er Pearce 1Pitken:wt.

RKO Shifts in Dayton, O. DAYTON'. O.. Well 8r -@Soo ooetee me

atltant to Col A. P. Prue nee i, two dWirion mar gar at Chiste earl. car been. named RICO rente for Dayton, woe- ctedlriy 111I1_zrel let. Btaettnar, Willy: A, Clark. recent/3 le eapl Itallon Work -elth Bellied Artista, has been appctnted man- ager of the RICO Keith house et" elm. «tdfng Duane Hateletd. CQm'ingc i teke effect Imam.-rlsttlgtciy.

A. Tip to

AGENTS and POD )1 5

° Cot bat leads fó band and acf ensasemene: from the list of out. standing fart and events .. ppea4ng I,s The fllllboerd fine rest issue of each month,

*Read Noe Fain and other Outdoor Depart- ments regularly. Out- door spots grousing, more iban.J: bald nth new tl`..1.n ever before.

April 15, 1939 NIGHT CLUBS-VAUIDEVILLE The Brio red 21

1 rnt'l Casino Shin w 'l o Cost 5C Grand; Weekly

NEW YORK, A nil B. Th Intcrna- tional Casino, ot+h:c7 wee, recjnt.lk' takes: dieter by wl . , prep/deism of 0:4 Club i.fsi Ir. n t a Odet of ar defied- anettly etetel .1 le set CO open `...'y S with revue type /how cuing 150P 0. ,recording to Penn.

If the prezent plans for the 'ern nip earned out. talent eot at +rr1l1 rein -"lmdrt Sin. co per we k, esy3 georgic Yale. who la itu 1:1; It. While no awl a base been

p t, if,'e d tan- they ere dicker- ing far a couple of rumen and about s trail-doofin novelty .-ate. In a.)dtrlen to a line of 40 ;hell. flior will tee a rte. parture fares ihs tope Of elit,ertatbrrent :he tntoreetlonat Carina has been run- ning to the past.

The upetntre wont. fovnnerlr alt+} Streets of Parts, will be convened to+ -o a cone. tell lorerl o whteh r: Ill h open after. Dean* Ceet of alteratieha will run around 011.000. llouzo will operate on a e! SO minimum. Os .,r Stark. oslch toe over the hat -check oonoee- ioft for ,?'lLOADOt

lints mica 1ialo taleo eigrtad a closed- ehop- ctere meat with the American Federntlon of Actors. Nerd nrehenent calla for a $401í tmurn fur chewer§ aids and *Kt to. prtttcipals _ compared to the foe- end 't4a minimum, of the ofd lntereuti matt Casino management. The contract Ciro provides that the chorus receive rehearsal pay of alb for the see- Odnd.. third and, fourth weeks of tebearehel said Wthan 1>111 toe th,h fifth and 'loth

e toe With full pay learn then .until the show opens. tint week to free- Ch nu will receive $10 and, $15 respec- tively tar "t:tal perterre. '

Joe elgtttd r`n niefeatsient to pay bade n percenta,.e of the old eatery debt When the Callao folded hereon! tronttia ago, attar . the, bon ]tquliatee the rceelvtr3:14111..

Terrace Room Revamps The Terrace fioatn of the Rote? t- -

Yorkerr whteb nee ear z elaytrsg naa¡s ,3- r, for the p -et bets: reedoc- orated into an tree palace for the oprletngq of IL new -Ice show beginning April 25. Moot will be celled the Ice Terrace. Jan

llind will ha on the stand. Only net club r:.hesfuled to open. autnlete of

L nt'l Ni tery Owners Meet in N. Y. hue 13-16

tiBW YORIC. April Fi_-Iii tit clue and Ill` here t. e_eyneró frota ell aver the -held wilt partlolpate In a fotte-day crem- e nt on rs be ktfowrt as the interne - honed it rtnuiant Cr-ntereirce et the lOotel ;Lector from June t3 to hi, lnáu- feta J:tnc to fend 17 tall be .pent In Atlantic City. ipprozknntely 10.070 water from the United Marini Routh Ilmartest and leurepe will gather here to $IiCt a rerteunitnt aped eight t?ltlb_ con- ditions. food coats and talent problema.

rioalto Colledb. Ot:aor of El Chloe. had Op_nlab alight spot. 1. chairman of the re-toga:1bci ee-ensitteee, w.'tt"al trill paºo Charge of arrnneeatrnta rind real rvntlotne. ife metaled that gn=arly talent treacles Wed agenta have Offered to "acre:de em» talent on trio earl he puttint on. tree 1how + but were turned dawn.

out-of repeal night chub *imam Cot - both eel:eh Will moire the rolanda of the after -dark spote, mole houses and legit ~Bette rod Ju-eege !át thine I,ltern.

Mail faclun.,i of nationally advert.i`ed peal/11'1a ,.vhe tiles 'wtssa-cd radio rr anrame hare also contacted the corn - 1 itree to p_itt ob nicer air shoes and r Leal exhibit.* for the delegates but

also :Ow' i -

Pans Studio Audiences 6T. LOULrI. April le-- The Port-

Dtrrr.ate reprlatir.ti an acute ab*s¢r- -lion by Lou ta<binler. 41 ta -

recent t mer' "1! the &troas or loeal thealern

: vu ld respamd to et;ger zttr with the re* It)t d1'Yt c:.'. frenzied nppinuse

teen: uccord ordlnnrv ainging. p - -

yiltar and-pehanhrerhlt )rue near !s in rtttir? ntidlo?]. It la nata to .yartmC -re w aG,[d t -se :',WdeVtllC tack tn a nEi-ct ttm% end cheep vend, iitJr at the: '

Talent $10,000 J,a[yons,. previously ,annenutuea.t. will be In the heart of 4reN!'rtwlch tweeze and opera!ed IhT DQn l:ericet-man.

Alto rieltJ¿QulClil. to open April 25 at 47th atrd tlroi,claay te Morton Dales

ter- r Hall. howtlnR sise,lmltned metleay: on n

theater-restaurant. oY

patterned idler Joliit nget Jerre/Old 8rintrkyls late Atrerelc5ce y.itura HIM; meant? .'show. The Yell of Yellin Ora",wilt

hoveaudlríi0e participation. thpw le in :nrY.et, f,gtborod- by Dale- Linda ltsae7 will ave the bend. Music by Dale. Kenn.th Bartlett and Art Stanley. Spot will hare a per ~a Charge of llf and 05 ora^a No dnticlne-

Antbtstt :eighth Cl.tib f0ldeeg wednne.,da,y, [MVO ar.d Nr7rt/ will appear in the

4a n r- 1110O:: OS Bien Marden's Rireita, rtartlni; hay 4. with Joe E. Lehi* ae ernace- and Faith Bacon_ Ghnter 8a.1á -.ding the show.

e s0 . E tg . - pen Mee 4 Is the Morse Reed, :ttop th 'tosel Pierre. i`7ttch hae be_aea redone at n caret of 135A0O. Taicht will ferlture i5anno pertocmers sgol name bends.

Better Niteries, Club Dates Keep Detroit Acts iáuby

DETROIT, April et. -A:tleity sniosng tocti l cia1cere trixibeatha busisetha la con- centrated chiefly In to ,ter CL. night elute: and in private club dateea, with bttaUtc'Lre ,geeosetsley peer in other night spot.,

zy i ie the dutch to hoekloe Out- o f-lowtin lines at the IBowisy. Peter J. Iodine b>:ette at la a Uwe Six Debtttantee. ! -r to.wtcek run tweeted Of the eu.a- tareery holding the girl» Indefinitely.

ahcbee 3t Vaudeville Ol~lee Ithey Con- nell tots added the Main Street Bar, wtytle Al BelosrO etriht and Don eltrinl teoher, "taae4eer J'Ák Oehryer la thing a weekly eltanfrri of bill.

Cumin bee: hut Completed three Cane. dime aho'm using four nets, with him - waif 1as eitzso0,

T ho Cardin cotton le booking occasional spot abates in alp-litate ~tyre, elatedly Pennine, for the elm herfleld Circuit, henóltrt = about thro only k`110411 beociked neatly. elide from the experimented policy boOltad let tithed DetroltTleeraterr.

The ono melt of ranee with ?teke Bowes' ZYceld'a lair unit at the Brood. wrYim Cnnital will be definitely all the veeihe the CDT Circuit will put la this hoar-' Iher eh rettarns to straight ple- t ú This show Van la a lathe ea -flukes banking; dun to the feet that the Beare 'emit was open and UDT Ault nºedr s spot fee the show.

Club E. qii ire. Toronto, Cloaca Following 'iiaida

tl'ORO TO. April 8. - Club Drqu. rn clt oA W <1 th '"d tented' Mo y night as a result of continued polio, %iota office larch 17., when it was old e few Wet. r of squtpmcret '.-Sae i -hoed tram the gnrno room_ air. !leei.iey, prow prime" c!eellered he W111 00 otio,e alele= native. eormplaini ne thee the police tilde kilted Win Kish r

The dlmáz.oame Monday night whet the: Offloras vialthei the cloth t1YICO. Wak- ing- the patrols for hidden. flatten, (On. tnrlo :hrlilev lie' do not wentit-eltiihi. to sell or dispense riiooholbo bevern .) The late, floor 'tbodr ,- esni 1, d Monday tellbt and tote curt left for Ne#York tai the mldnit t train.

Providence Law Eaaier PRO1'ID!L`ICR. etpétt B. - Bur u at

I'vsalre an,d rin hsa t'aettellY lifted s - cently 1rnpoPed r+tltrertiona on liquor wat Ins r t' r iht t1h1d - of fir t- claaTr env," uGens2rt prtvee, g, -a of iriL'n4 Uraat'q men 1 then k+.etrt llltHdEy and Sunday n1gbbe AoreLa a!'ftc-ed nee e- rnes*, CM -W. Dset7hsJ, lva_rrtnstpr: tt. 3.1o?rican, Walter, Washington- and fiddle. 1a^4'a''.

Wilwut,lone C al'a Talent ma-sviltyru 1. aura ti floc Ratsolila

Re" -+arrant la now pr._ :triad itlglitly rentrIf,,ilprneeitt exdpt Mondays and Tuo .ays. featur.nri Walt eh -hect, t e r d cm ' Het - e Ssurm, rere- gister, and Seppi Beck's Bavarian O. - C' t tea.

L?QVFUJS 1)f Units "Folio* Clete t eninteti"

(Rec.cued Sstanday A fternoort..lpeti a., State-fAloo Theater. Ckio'dgo)

Tt:lei ehei hie been patched together flee ICo0 'liner. of the A. B4 Mamie aehoot wild, the aid t f thee le- lab (II to. Kate off teeth, wh contrt?riited tt f,eaeroorta meta for talent and opened their CON tlirOcu had scenery warehouse. It is worthy of mention, for trite -typo t-Thi .1 - relief frOiri r r':irarcl ehoede bill eat - u , see. b +. many exploitation posed. tit filch

Miller did a good' J04 watt the erOdUee lion nurnbeis: oohatdcrtng the fact that th 14 girls dó little dentine and are be. unuawelly attractive. T 'Mier car_tusnea well. lso: r, end 'v:1'b tome proper TorhslLneb- create an t1]tul3u of Color and laviehn,eas. R,outlnlr g In typloaJ of any Marcus peheluetioet tole It U ripe for the loetir retire:he nypaln,

Raltea Guck, nut comic, carries the hesrdea 'wall In a show of this type. XIt mostly low but renttrJot eñrently. Woks to seºeret ripdte. tieing three etl ogee to advantage In n ma ilo b'urlc ejue, and Trachea the beat comedy apt Itti Date. thy Oliver, heavyweight Oriels whom lie auepitee Ii , beep for one of her opera rhiondere..

d trio rum o high

t Of the n gbt nleteru, two graceful kle., who dtepim etrong tricks kit ii of- fertng,tlet la above tire -eon .r. They are 7eciU2etul end pe. wlnnen ; per. soOilltlee. Another e'ual]y strong turn is contributed by Arm and and T.tte la a tcaattlnnal Aveiro. It lb fa.t and cranzrrtii with, thrill»,

rtt[Itrr himself maker a good limptes- . en with a *CO denoe I In witch lee tA.Lnpre-F+ .iseiht of aid. Ver ' entertain -

Ai u -y Mane capably !warts the lino In a swingy routine end holds the attention In eterafdi *'rite with Miller, Late.: fol3tr.e the straight numb: danced by Deller nt and Oeei hioe, v bids is only mild Zane.

Per!kOI 8egiet. three ettyting trnri., die: - appoint, Volees do oat blend :-rid prrez- eatatlon of settee is en1lt t -leeitua Muff - JIM* Hart. a l r ena Simon looker. pkseie let an early pot with en see -or - diem and tap estop. -

grhbbs .ind Ilse. ,one featured in an hider* Dream, spectacle and they :arid out with a duvet gold,paint ereoshef, dra- nuticaAy executed. tee,. enema and $hatali Desmond. are able produe.,oa ahem. Saga Ronatgberp.

Previte N. Y. World's Fair Goer kier< ~ey A!tcrr,Gvn, :,tench 24. P0rerttorrnt Theater, Nes.C.aft Never, Oa,)

Despite It. ethalberohene miens and an ab'i'noe of snvt,lltleg in the way of heats ado, this one he -limiter stthlevice eourL-

aad irk ;glee Up troth a good hoiu e enterta lamer

NW hobe Aplla a current. formula for et tease 1 Elaine Dowilnip and e-10-preM girl band airline d fir i- um be h built a Shiner with three neat duties end shapely e''iht-tlrt UTA

Ills i 1III ' !hiss Is what make* the show go_ Siena. pthanable., veresittfer, ehe leadtl 1h' pit bend. .orrery as enure. 'lints a couple of neenhcrs In good voice, (her hereigen le - "-'tent) Mid dances

nee._ ht.ahly. ;of 17 ;íley. ceentc, kid.i the audienc

along in rare Informal vein. Some of It Tent trier the etteterw.t7' If out.. hut hoes there jut_ the same, Audrey Doo- ley li the d000retive WI! of tee act.

Dec letc'ra. roly-poly pianist. was welt received here. The crowd went fur btu t0nmeey le4,ther thi=n her (vary -tickling, Other e, ee..lty is the Mare* Am olde. girl and t eo men, daleig memo nr lghty difficult here Maid In a dlf.`erelet Wray. This acs Could to btult tie with hrI titer coition:ntp sera n tes! trappings.

Torre fare t o - hilt degrees, !Jerky Hart tending the chorus in * rain' - fan defer behind, a thhque lighting ar- rangetacot, and Mlle Clt r -le dOflir-z t, pat Ounce of -which the ªalrc) novelty was the cosilknin Cb.iTun is nicely ccR'.uirrierj oral oboe drew well born hilt j -am hrndlaenned b! bet o e a,. Warner Tiede r L.

4`Mi11kdó in Swing" (Rtre_rr+erf at 4r.tcegc, T7eeatrr. Clifir.apo,

tYiric V A,rte,nteºn, ifarrZ .ltt This retta fe1 On", !:: ttr¿4 i.tlkfr-0.

eoseetrnty for rrdintha tivo to Ur.1as Saar'- recent rnterprth tn the Great !tenth ar TTt 'ev Which. after a Length" run, woes mt' - 10 KeSr Torn to compel"' with

another In -at K prodtuct4On alleged Rf a prote+Jlbonel ee4-1.,11n this case the sa- tivity ohltehtareel 11a.try Pct;pere Chl_-aeo unit pi)etc.ter. to hi to vende boiled tneereuremntt'tt a awing version of the u - text and it'.rlllvan :garment. which for years has been displayed with ro ¡irueltla

C po-rnness by the DYOyly Carte Opera

o. The fiery remel to of a_eerolary trn-

perttuaow maid the dtiIOg to ,adaeared to a the ytr minimum, with most of the d00- rerne minutes taken up by Jitterbeeortnng spectacles of song and dance_ lute-ndtd ea It la for mesa eonsuAeptlon a 'goad many or the teethe behee audieners ably heel never ,teat flue :: ttceCo ftr thr nisei- wad -broad tOrm and wl_11 oan e- eoleetty ha' scoff at the aYet:-,beer of true term.

A oast at ore- 50 Ncgrva) whelp -tee, greee .trey c'oetuteed In heels eutllta and t rcka_ratleded b, p --, hewer- Ottient.i igte 'stakest Is the Lath by for

¡rrtneleats, p. -thy the taint of the eery -

ecript tailor. and partly due to Improper delivery (ex Rperatioal of rat -bleat pa seem in parflsuler) by the players.

are the ;..yeag denies 01 the ahnw'L flit tuntrr, arranged with asttshl.t St - gotta t)55 Anton Latta. and, ese-itited iby a largo emtxed chrome of Weedy Cieppera. Those ta0trhente find tier h146n illicit ^'1.h ehythav and color. Ilse tdnglnr, bt com- preirraa define good, partleally dune the teirer'ela:. eidltions of Thee tettie :fold+' OdllL Let fled PueitUtb canna Pit MC Citase.

Jimmy ht.xiten la credited with the dlrey-tala. Sam Honipberg.

"Rodeo of Rhythm" ~rived- et the Weller t t r, o r.* -

trifle O,. Friday tighi."March 7+1

A rtit ril.up at song. dance. and mu- sical eerie; featuring the Texan Co*. b.« thaw Sind unlike most hillbilly a d c _1 u, ttroupee. uatt ten told et real entertainment. .went:.

J ,pit Bt: L. epoaror. has th holy selected the personnel. ell of whom are tefrnted. Offering la elivort led end eitperttty prevented.

The Western whoopee revise ~ale nits -unit , freeing arm's uiO, Diübdlt5 an,,1

Weeeern tunes, dancing and many novel - tira. Cowboy band le vrrea+.tit and pleat, It- MuIgnatorats with much gusto S v. era! of the boys hart good voices

81璄 IR rye, piste little mtes, offers' an errobatle novelty that is ape , ITIO tatroduces a triple twist seldom at- tempted by dancere of her milieu. Mid ds Jayne row well, ttdt feeder ti eis in fa -.r tip tend her work came in tot a good share of the applause.

Standout et the troop V a ny woolly dog. Ll#'to A.FI..t; which q e -i a routine of the mart difficult irtclril. many era it it ea fur the Iles tint Conino borers out after cluing The di: A knit ham been playing three Ohio.

mostly at de hale film houses: House as the early *Ow was alato.t turd

Pilm Larne, The Saint Serthes Bach (RIO). Ras McConnelll.

Major Bowes' Swing School (RíRtkyat+d x-idet- t4rtnlrto, Xa--+Y Jf, at

the IlY'ppodrCr g, lltst3hroore) Itoidlntt trill for t110 minutes is `lar

Bowes' Stelae K` heel malt. .rtb th youaY :ere bietng hilted , Qn.od=pWted b1! the 1triJo: both -elf. What the per. ta aren heck in be Made up by their e0.1r7ntUt «fert; t0 entertal3, and for She re, port_ they did )tzn- t: ju4glttrF from attdlenee rrspon±n

fee! Fiar Jit!erbutn open `Tttb ere,. wtoritnF The terra 1n Vide is the - belt= a` the ta'o, but thole etittra type la o - run ¢nit an ch,v at any public dance i all. Aeth tr:.datlma CT rhythm arA t3arr.. : y . acta n, tamp +lL S' It --a- tear ng it..r LoLtl' l, This coL.]r'c- emu poehtlin aquhGa end pe'o'aoirr Iaa, 5h- ter th their uolgtte faalal esptee-aai 'rrd - ti it ;he a big hand. ld)riTJr .tct Saitra with Abed' r and 01 -b -,fl, and. Sho ahP- 1ta, a relr-3at volr,>~, ma

los' a.Orili th,.. S :tee! Seirooi. lY:ltt.e,tlnef narlaau bando writ;p TnIlLmii-

ble a.c titacT. Jack mum -ay eY1c1;,Q big, truing only him har7s 'arid paaTrtlt ',o pro- du- the- tnetranftgr.tal Lá:Lzidi The Boran á1-eti'e ho'S In Witte some neat d»trctna,

tt:ja5iaceek t -.p ~tine is r,>,,bd an smaJt ateP plettotrrn», while t ; - .r Omni skit titrembined with . neotrealtTr rcdt al, a,

Jerre Ltane, elm fa. TIryi,a be la by tar a be:tar nttrrricltt,r, ilia Gc:utia trofeervua- ae.aty+ heInit l:o:th hi vv ap Ina e- Lynn (jet )tXi'lxfi'¿t or Uktrs

22 The Billboard NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE AApril 15, 19.39

tReurn SP, lice ammo, week .-1te/1 r' _dates me 8ireni.l

Aar H.:tb, a Candor Oahe: e12.3e-ao) Ndd

Chi L .1.. Mlraiel NYC,

tr0tl1 lh -nMaefVaa`I tlCs I 4R)CÓtJJ an t,

A tl11.41 h. AirD At 1TrT'1 QLVas. l.rsaanah NYt3, nr. A'n, Kirk 1 PSIiI.,,atJ Las An. llr_ Air --+a Print. . y 41111 b.a. Ara« dummy I07 Wei CbL mos. ram,e_. Alhrqt IQiT1'eG,rt31 ;i'YO."p Anderson d< At]an iP1`--r I16Yrt aoA It, Andrews. ~Iran 1I1d'ifist0le t L'rd M1a.c-.ae !a. tEnlcbe 4 Deltaic? tit- Teat IieMreai. An$rCC-,.atar. A:On R Hods_ IRoy+tb ProSlcal Cd7l

A[te Calm 111c -rue inhale, NYC, Il, ArC, DerOtlly IIUtT=r1t ran.IYan_t>i.cy me - Anna:. X47 (Baln,1!.tifll C1sL OG. Armlda t. /tamKa.^. Hear? ICAa73atld Borseahoel ]iYC.,

rlp. &uá. :41441ta rCALsatol c3l. t,

fi tlarrd, BL1 ICeSoa}Ic.oaJ Chi. bat. Balm. Bonnie ILItll11 7sdtanapells. L BadMro. Maeo iR5-ilatl Chi 5e.

_tr . Ilt u a( laurzhy1 Hdilylrool Deno. Marna t1: .wR' Club) tTortlaaad. Ore.

1 (ladle (a.d 11lOumar:Wf) NYC. nc. BLlrbet a Cray (etab 7iv.,441 Mares. mama. )1 tatttn ~roe ¿Ls Po ,_ -,L11 Lt)Itp. 04, no. )larrcciiiiy. coat iCwaa llnnanaJ NYC. ne.. )4Jr k 1PttAm4gs.tl Nl'Q t_ brrrett, KZ11L 4laeirtt>' C1,.7y1 Ntyport, S7. atTtow. nlci It'allOcr 1npaar1 Cti, h. Barton, Jaaena (Cata lleanaaal NYG ne, Ca!rN Liga tlDm _ laaud Hprf-a_ 1 NYC. no. ,atusa=ra. 11a (Cotton Club) NYC. no. _._r Pterla Isa-ato cartaa NYC, no. Dal Arthur tlay _

0. Ben,

NYC, ssaw15e11,

Qartlt n Qrtaan ati rtyy r)'0. no. Oeer (Iri wuhar#Len, I). Cl. t- BTt7 a Oat,' it Iv/ Club) Altoona, Y1_ no- n Ha 'Ian Peltier (PW__I Marlon, O.

KjtttONo nds 22.11. leiai0ysanl tarsaa. W:rw

lP, I. n- t a o BIa>rrl I ll_ RI ta Nlr'C, tl el lpltt. Rtr-vanlaGl NYC. tic. tL.ebns tl. RV- r tL- t Chan) Chi. no.

- - ILerntata . r'-uYantan Vtlta; tI STO..

nhlydt a Graham imlrreem)'ChL h. rJy óroq, 'Caw Man1w1' NYC. Gt_

lra0' ,e ( Radio 91raDta 1 no. I : r. Kay 'rtrp ltlttl Video M. N. J_ on.

do.rtrti )1eEdlenvlld4abt-ult$1 Cat. t 11p1ta, Jortñ .Loioansall Dayton, O. t. n*.r1< rell -'ray )ttC, X10. e1t. 11(. wrkr)Sa Parr thaw (Osptsol) -De 1, B I.-. tsernta lliraddxdI BaatoaL IL ^iir.c;+a Lon. Ñ_Bland iirnlenlai l Chl, t.

'1+r. Gertrude (Top HMI Union City. N.

11.rprC, a.'- llrao-FadOa Rt-.kl Loa An- Brooks. AttJe_ (abateatrl r.edtr, érr_, sla

..r>,. Jimmie I,CoDrr.aedarea NYC 1l. Bra Ec Aastr, (PLO Chi, '- Brawn. Bhhaa 1)I11aba1lf'a ~IMO Btoclbca0e[.

N. T_ as. Iltin I llhck CTaC I NYC. no.

Btu3 Oz. BBubOld (RiO aellA-BBoataon pm - Web. R Dunn ihnardw Mania Yraltka) 7rtio. no.

.3.eOlwút IC:w+h COYlndton, 'cY.. Dd.

lI) rt3, BJevalee IlPatnn-"tamal NYCt, it. 13yrs/sf. Jlmmk rRlVe Mltwau L :310a, Dor,.-IbT Obis (Swabia Chi,

Chiller. Emma rt3arrya Now York *all Chi. camp- 11 Trio /ti=nos Rl'al 7Txaog Aria.. It. C rl-"n, 3lpyca (Club Ttrr.U! JIMMY., Mimic*,

a` Italr,oa air Gtta111.J (TWO oCtoc7c Crab) Daifi- e80' no,

Carman. h. Carocsle; Andy Í tt,akioDi1NAPt club) itreoklyn, c r cr. 1m cT uRlr"i-mti LrYQ B. care, =ix q"14 Club) C:itl, no.

rRop. n,_rotl-y Me Brook) Sumslt. N. J.. i:.r=ta!a ác Dole )):cytntt cars) 1Nt6'-tursb. no, Carter. Batty RCsllY11 NYC, cis Clarice Ar Sack tT.sari,ry QaUant'pl NYC. - Carver, 11)remy lOt)e C 1bl C1-. r.0. Cartar a Behind:rylmmY Kt11ya1 NYC, no.

at:i/er. Joan tttalnbOv IIoaaal NYC, tie. rd, ~ma /18'r7 Bari lbre7l

na 1 71 i "Prradl.ei NYC. me.

C sa dc t.y+Cfa PBaT+1fl1-itrdrldl NYC, no, chi=;F Es r;ou .'vrTsu;In'I Naha. R SC1.aDltr,i tan arty Ch$ n Caaeri_> .: Darbsra 'IRra-ye1'eVat I'baa. he - ea utti I4trlParttra I:Lnrq,+Oo-RDasSttl

Da; t_tl, O., st. rl. It'' - ar 16Lr.resa C h,

' bro. DOr'e(h} nt..t,...tl Cat he. 1-e. Deborah Atril ltaatL 1 t,ul. O.. h. -1 t' Jane ;-rv e. rr. Er ' n 4h, a Mary Carrell 1111idnlsht

EuoJ NYC. 11:C y, Lee I +tM' li I )(VC. B.

Von Portal NYC bt. Cale _ JKIt. a Jlallaase Damien (Casa Ma-

canmll Cri«Ll1. J1Pn /r'-+1 ('t 1 Chi. lit.- ro. ttw_ &tliarry 1is+1 How1 Cº/S-`ar pb

me. ,.1t)1,2. Á óratt*r Ilt'-ana41t1u41 ,Y'4:', r.a-

int. taraer+ 10111/0 : a.rn--'I Ca.-71D3Ctty.'n:. CCU, ~l! I Pnf,lan I i1-trt.., - Care Sabel Bsrtylml»ed 1rar3-1 Wasbitrgt,sb.

D O.t -era a , ^ IOarlrobal) Chi. t.

Ralph IGlata-LaY,ei Chi. t. c , Jr.. J-na (BrrdrOr4) ,

TYT1401 .o ' rrnRBrr n ritC. , corn. R-- 111.r n'tn t r` n 1 0ll)-

a 1 r.0.

litcts-IJ n its-Attr°aittions IROVtes

Fonowiat_g oadt, pistinT oppoars a symbol. 'Fill in Hie dcslgiaaltion corro.. iponding Ito the sYlnbod whin alddreeting orb-inlaJtlanR or ,ia nid(aab listed.

EXPLAWATIONS OF SYMBOLS Juditotiurñ: b-buñrboa«-c--cabo: cb---caboror; cc-count>ry .ctab;

Ul-MOIn[; mh-mttaslc hall;, ee-sIgIM club: p-amutenno.nt et": ro -toad hoaso; (o--tgshuranft s-ehowt=oat{ t-aihoator.

NYC -Hew Yoffie Cifys Phüa-Pblladc[phia; t;lti--C>Miut;o.

Joturgn, 3Fjra (Caleeay Club)".TYO. rtt on. Jarat (Camp ar+- + 1 .NYC. aC- Xae e LU.er4'r NYC. re. "stays. Th9. (C)aan llammua) NYC. no.


:/. Cortez. Sammy ACM trata tiyG, nt Cawley. at+iRaaslan Art1 1rYC. !.LCOrlleD _I rCtlea Oitairlinol Londe" nc, Cotner. Mary (w'a ton't Phila. h. Cd- .} k_d_ I WaI leklt T NTCI B. coy, Jtif,nny 'Carlo wmatrl«atan, DA G- 1: CeeOt ti Oor:jby TRgxyI ?MC t, Coaa a Dann lChrs Para) Cht;, no.

D DrAm? Otrlllrl PlcNrurtr, BCn. D-Aya)ra, 'trer-,r)^49 NYC, re. DaWde(4 6-- nrlyrr .'Pc'1tAIe>n"11 NYC. no. lIaar r10Cti t: De.le ItL:= nutl_Yrl 17root])b, D.0. Daneys. Jimmy l/i..ee ItDban Blew J%yp, nG. D11nTteltl. - r /t.r`eenay'a Chicken ltlrtel

xYc. Dare, Wen; ()ttlOtztV111 non NYC. no.Dan,

:vas(r/Da Club) Chi. :ac, Darling. % a 1 atr.- 1 NYO. Darflar. Ortsc:y l eftltOmae4. Club? NM. ca. Darla, 'Dolly ILe u, torsi NYC 1a. Darla. Joan Itáiat`) NYC, t. naep, Writ %Palmer lfeuael Chi. B. I]ar';y H,_n Moos, Sauk. r rrtaht.?re. Min Maas l8ananal NYC. º^ 1.a>p1an11. ~ay (711=1r BIQJ'a) :iYC. bG

Del3ebtt A: Otonll Ictatelabel l, t. ~ray. Edrlb tte CJab) nalilmeeq n'

Do Lye. tivnette Mare -Una Qardº1a1 Hal1y'-

Be) nn Jlsb(Patam-.,nt'I NYC, 6 Lirlabanly ti,,erca /ic)ward) JJmts10er1t, N: Y !L

De -Maree, Lobel tlprldate) ~NM. O.. II, De'711a. Reitz aBball_dardl tleele- 1T. De Vlr.tdt. Johnny IOe7rerll ) na111119111r

Ky.. ci. 174arr rQ Crlhr7, tpti'.41I London, t1 Dick, Don k 331_ ,A rChlcajOl Ch1t Diattlitei, reoV (1 -a'1 -11a11 a Chi bet Dimas At Arr)a (G -Afr,e.ub1 Portland. Otew

Dee1IDt11eZ. hóalla AC chleel NYC, no DseaBya Walter lattlnaloh JHo2Jt1tsal"- . áltt Ralph iMrrrry00Roand) Dayton.,

1- tlsn, IL a /trae reatl= pardaafy Deep. eic-

ITeAr4h. Eleanor (titer)1 Club) NYC, ee. ytJ: lty. Ruth llrl)aaat QaleJ P1ttaLarttb, no. t/rp'rt. Jatt'Qmltdo Catel 'Noftb '13oWw=.dd;

Fulton r. *en* lOTLr.tatlli Chi. {. C

Oaby. !rant (Parndant) NYC, 1. Oahrlti k LwOmacdm 11LartVi:lcw YOetsa'1 na Oayhtrr. Rubber race (RaQlo !'ranks) r,Ya OWa`IHt. with Irt:----= TmrarW NYC, D6 4111L Yola. iCttea 34acanal NYC no. Oj Goo-. & Lill lro'*dy IArlayl Chr>`W Gantry. zrx (Chateau Hadeastie) NYC, ass - ~tic, laaro4ry tEar1 CaeroU'a1 )tailylOOa1 Ofrrit.a, PSuI 1Earl Caarall'aJ BoJ,ssvod. na rla:'beRl, BOW 'ark -..o iliotal NYC. re. R111r:t, Pal 1á1W04111 ~anal! )T.

Jtattkln (Cotton Club) 2;YO. no. Clover 4" Lamaa' 40ol)at+4ana3 '211.1e ce rs-siret nr- cocpcaa, Ramona IS1 BULK.) 'NYC pa oo_ B Maria eSta(Dcr1l tsat:a)e, lar. Oee,ss:o 1a 1?lrlailna Kélrr.a', NYC. 6A Oeuldh uri tQ,brasm'a1 C$}, nG Gower lé drantlr .ilLl,tnboi+ Roeml NYC.- y.n, Orate. Y'ddy (Ootlx) NYC. nr. 0.11.041 a,tty jVrtctorlall I.' . Omer. Bernie ((ray hnttelUr1/41 NYC. nt.. Cray. Jaek tPa 4 LAM- NYC Clay` a ~rem Mawr. Nr1 Y1rio I1ar) Chi. OexMe:. SCcbet 1E1 Wahl KYC,

l4 eS. Ote. Al lerinz 1 hYC. t Cerro. >irrnrn Cb. It'

OresoQ, 2.13TS .C.14 nü lto -a I )SIC. be. O is. 11'9'1 ¡' 1 Eltm-rc; Clr! 11- pre-,. Joan eTseon r Stldal rat N1r0, DC, Ort..n.m, A Broom 11Y.nt[-L1ca1 Chi. 1. 05,-, LltTrinYtaa I1 tantation 1 NYC á,.. 013".4elglcror.p Sarao aWlte)1 NYC. re.

HaskosL Paul (Chtca,Jol r '.'_1, t. Nagar. CI,de rdtrlL.and Lion.. hoer NYC. nn.

NightClub and Vaude Routes must be received at the Cincinnati offices not later than Friday to insure publication.

DennelY-. Marry IOaY r.Tintlltl) ..YC, no. Carta. Primers. IBarlcltra) Brooklyn, era. Dora Bros. a Mary (Oriental) M1. no. Decry, Vern nitlY,blel Berl Baku C:ty, N. J..

Da. Dc- a!, TarrtlBy- a Band _ll'ar'as-eIrll NYC. IL

.r, 9 iy uDtamosal ItorfeabOt 1 ir)':'`, nc. D , Ronan: a1r.-btrt Top) íNYC, me. Drayton sla1rr. dc Jack (Palm Qarde:eal Co--

lumba..t, O.. rte. Lt A Prandmt tBootadUimol Pe- tra«.

lJv ..,. Clttritr, a Co.. (CalObiall Delyton,

Duo_ t.,

Dwe IRri.ralllr) lrllre:ukso. s. O nr} :eery 1 HS rlDl:i Ca.,-C`rilf ) ran "an.. it

131134401,nDá1N_a rti:íO Kct:A-Isamom) BQysOD. L Dwyer, [1!¡=ai ILILtJ clúb) »YO. lm

guard. J@e,rty olt)dittl Carel North Hn3fs-Wcc1 se.

Enttnra. Jeh+ny aOeo. 'VW atl, c 'WO) Jack - /Me >n " able' a Novelle. (Palk Central) JtYID, m

L -. 1,tTr'. Ile Rnitan Bloat NYC. n4. Bl ttt Á Conway` plth ttslrls' Club) ,A?tttY.

Wyo.. C

rarleg, IIt1110 (OVUM) Ts+*ra) /ta>a:Y OUT.. teta. na

r.et, l r truocI it I NYC, 13C - 244.1c t Btal.teet Lam. t; 11.~) BL Pau1, r1 -t4

YI ~Gad. PHn I>Ottl Ca[ 31; 'J I s ril + -

T1yit. Tri(r)rc,1 t7Oécl NYC. no. 1 IarM. Cr'- -la (RI -Er Attrrr'l/ Chi. su. {'*-i[lnia rums. !,r'rte; WinLuho.o, Trx., Marti: Kay prllam- -. 3 - NYC he. lIIW:Q, - ' Lw '1e Mad ErCloc/k Club) ~more, P"rrbtrlbc.J Noea., Pour (Cltnb. `_.aytalr) Boston.

>R rtAane. Pial I Cadet !Iambi ñeratyn, lib, n.0

Prtihtt, t$atDgn IOr10a1a11 Ctltt, %-

Flinch, nob t(zNOr+il+tnl tworairmtorra D. C. b. } ^- 11a - D?r' 1 nil C.n t p '. pr Tibr-rte:, Cr-t* n,Q W Y'(> e+vn liar-, I N, 3t. f`41 dt PYmr./ (r.iala-tufk/l +Gill, t,

NYQttery r Marina Moran L l

arM.si June all. Marital tern rcWtT Ortt Ocia IS Btar'-? iNaaQalnstoa, L. rp^rr,

1 ~ Orla IRrrty) NYC_ r.

111q. Vlr att I . STewer l NYC. no_ France , Fn - nl .-ct 1t _ _ "MO,


Ii'P.nelÉe. Ann' 4ti Ciog lrrrrrl NYC. R. ^-! Maxine IT lata .1114A1 :ek Worth. . n

t n rtt-t1o1J H' Ca,urseuart.

Staines. Tale d} almpaee (Lean it "1" -dill NYC. lie.

ltai)e, C-..eulCr. Olrlt IP3T.1 R IzfrT . ratty (01rm Dtnstr Glatt) San An- ton.. r. Usara, Aalarttan Dtaj; C'a'vaiób4. 'YearnBlamm'aq Tice,nl

Y., Iclsr_,ó proupr (1w or MM. Av CI ,.

Itasemtr. Do (n Si a3 inn Clsbl Brooklyn, no. Bear. ilrei, 11N1'nr g Carr ! Pit!sburah. ne. 1iaa;er. Leal .Oriac9All L Idrtrindroa P,,. iClut, II ' YC. e. WWI,. Mary rrlarlt,)ras1 ~era, ee. Hartle, /Cathleen (t1:l.ra. t<sts.tn D. Q.. t /Tarri Val Manta Calc I r`aryb. B9,1syno0t¡, Ratfciaera, Spike iO NYC. he. H L at.olt A ~errar CaeroU'al Ht>IírwQO,L

Barris. de Store iK:r-_ ll btarapr(r B. irere Olatla ();allaratare raS Awe!" no. ii tmt-La1a na Yte .arái Yc 11. tara..-. Bernard rNl lire. NYC. rt. laaravtvll. Ila3ue (oa:lli- ) 1Rack)r

aRC:3,,lalia-. N. CL. tar: rlalraGlna) r:_n;t.on :3; rCF aural/ G Q O bean v; .tro I Xart-

)trYll-ry Trot- S91 PL 't)C^^ 7 7?Ls he- ats -der. ,rerkl! mi. i'. ). /rely. tN_t VL T1Znnln 'rt111'- -Qa " I '3" O. De. 1[!1 arde ~1'a7 Ptaaral NYC. h. )1 L 2 el-- rtorf l Pr C!_ DQ i1,011Jsipy, Rrtlli+ ;Care ,. N}C_ rA It,-In.I MI. 'in ale ten b huff' n, n- How. O^+ada (Ro l Bdrll chl tia, ltookin'- Bob lr Vidal i._ a t,- itoatton ar Ha1_ _: zZl!'armt 2Ltlaml, r.a l.lrtrlrr, ;c.nnlF, Orris iRarrya :Vrr York

C1r'baretl C1Lil re H01'1ú11''ahGtati aRSan L1 KLI:yfMd. nt. Rowlatd Shared (arena Crn+al NYC; ce tinware., Jai qh:aa14t:4 - ltt- e a+ t NYC.

>eE Oar*rwdC Joan IltalrabOw l.nfl1111 FYQ Auerrt John (VDU A7',. 'Yet. h

erh)t11Lch ::eo HSh t^arell arm. B.

1134-1'41 Cosy Nt1eTAM 1134-11134-1'41t'_r,I NY1J,.n0_ LWmin. OrlptRe Arts CIYC, m Jed:- tA JI17 (Netherland Moat Ctnelmnala. BL J!tlrrLt )itrry IBhmnay0raala! !MC. R.

"ave. f] ('raritYa 'iltrern I Lenta. O..

Jarred" Art :no -can NYC. e_ rd. M. J. un., r ., t I r n 1V)^nite

'1 PSI I /OTC JrriRln o Jo' E i' . r Crard -.

0e' Jr,nln. ,n . i I rt '. CO

K 1t4Eawr*- :Atka (IOalsaimsry) Chi. nIs t',J,atpw Kapeca (BYO BCc.Qi'.BOIen"m/ Bap -

0,a4, L Y.ape Ia. 2tta'411-1 lllnaatara iCrato)taea) NICE.

KaranuaL'81man IROsulaa Kretebmll "NTC.

XaTb{lttilL=uro Ro ATytSL nc Kay. Deity Ke CüaWn',i darMlalnla3 t0) Canton. O. MU,ittta II)tt4ond 1torM{b0e1 NYC. 11a. MAYO -main lC11t-.nr81 _NY% b, Kemp. LaRue (Or[zndlo Tar{rR 1Ctnas1. tT.

I/o - no. ICrndir. Donny (tleotCadlUael. L)gLro1L a. ICenrlr'}rt!io'il : Pal IArsan NYC. to. rs:rtane+ `I41t9 lOotilal B Paso. Yi1a,. !L

NL ini r Aan--AahLct lO:rt J dl!'iñYC,

nG no.

i[Itatoa ()13C0 ]Cel!b-11aotQn) l oal L Nam Chart -a 1CaJa itatuna) NYC. no. Min Lod 8lstars (P'IaL) ata. t. Kln)L Carol QParedLel NYC, no. x:rtt. iLraslne tllartya NOW Tort Bari Md. no. ICltt». Ytay (Cana mr^'aa) b(Y'C x KCIIGt t8fatt-Lakel Chi t. 7t41a, Mesta OW item. Art) NYC. re.

Jerry pliildatiRt.t Buhl NYQ. 11e.

La Bat~ : Gstarpb4S1 l?L_trrOo-R+ottadl Carton, 0.1 tsp.

LaDear, Art ((lAtmaua) )I'YC r4. Lax )anebrrAf Joel tPa.radládM NYC.'NYC.'as Lana, Y1ary IJ1lN Xraarll NYO, at. Lana de Leo ($htirl0 Piñt{SatLtopAgRr1ña(aaly ÉLt1

t. LiVNMErzItP 1 V,

SSdcr Earl NYC, :_ 4

La J, 11 _ha, daCial 11ptoly) Clt.eisnd, t. Shea CBa:arisl ltuita7:s aw. 1C Jlat, Jack da T1rvdLe (Parer Cl'ub) l4141- lind. Ore.. ae

Leo. Poo dVPltc!-1 NYC. no. watch. gnus -Poor -Maki Los AD- lelea, a

1w:tatr !. 7111 (CoDesa Lan), Celt, 'nr~ Le.ar Raatl (Raanlae Llltar(er hyena..C; n

Le-_nard, tl Dd cu.

Llfn:r, ..= IlLymta'aa,Los iarrI.a al. [ IIMI La` IJlllprTr Kiy-a1 )YYp, Ae4 B er. 77ls Ote..i (C+cte1lrmre Gtc) Brooklyn. 8

csa.s Tiny (Perking Club) ~Ma* 0.117, )4;>-.

uy. 14.10.13. Pat a wttlat Headreraon, Ky. tomb. 'Lank (ldur*:al Oakland. Catlt.C.:. Le -.a. ado LTttr ICaCr ~4.w NY be. Plerit. Dorothy r,:, iurta) NYC. B. t r : 17aa,t ahaznarael,114.3r4lh00 NYC.. nr; L - r)raa t111>tailagOrn.d )foraau)iode NYC. on.. t,l+.J! ){argaTLt 1 artrl 'r1rC, rtt t1-. saae tiRrainas) o. Lodtta a: Arrds 11`9-a Glaosttbh SlaeLima, Birarrttaeg,

none. ?r0aºbarAo, Ou.y. !s Ouch. (Strand) NYC. t. L.eett. Atoe, ._Tsanta.ts4aal NYC. re.. LalTlalDt. Ann ltaatta Walhla^sto_.ti Di 0. L LearaL Daly (O) ; _ NYC. n. Loma» Imrra (Lgssfl rndtanayallah t. tw`l ilaneb?rba Iwryttnl YY1Q.-tt. Laalbe. Lean (Orlando Tatrt+al Btra.rpas Q17. Ma nn. Llyre. Violet Hatf7'a Nc. Yar! Ball Chi, tse.. 1=- a,. 1 yri i191:setlr 7Dlta 1 t,ewpeer Jr.,. Or. L1 4 EsireUlta (P:ar-latlool Jaekeab a. fr_eynna á Aehoa!r /Casa ManAna) NYC, ,et Lyman. TOMMY 1$rtsl NYC. ñe Lynn. 7.2.7 Irla:ata IttRt) NYC, no. Lynn R uariati lCha;.AI Il1od'---..a) NlC. a6 IIQBa 1bU:t:la (Azrt Yrohman'i1 NYC -no.

M !". r.. RcC (Op t.Zpcs0. c 1dl:s,i= -` 7Yaut IBataoytlt Qal gaNYtn'a)n NYaJ.

nn.. 111: aiarlabell. ~:pt: IVlilt¢ nri=sor I RYG licKrra. Sylvia r::ldnl=hv Sant NYC, rDe_ LtfeNa ~ark rrett rtookeats. tfor» Coe -

Match. 4. nos l[aela tsrr-, ;Iliree ITRlszratdel ldltaw)prt_ 'L i'tscZ Mae rL.00koat 17ose) Corlrtrgicº.. Ny. Z s, Thomas (1t)1O Ktlth->11oaaol LQr araL-lo R 11rattarl! rB10eR-Ca..Ctllac1 »o1rolt Mangan ,eba{tay iDsuaond ataratahnl) NYC.

Mara (Old Roamaaian ) NYC. ne. )Carro a Romera (Club 71trY1) Juana.

1.n WI? >.tar4) df :Coy- (0:4' I Dayton, 0.. 5. Li FiyLb rc lelcbarl (IRahst?o'r( OrIB) XYQ De - Mat" btsets 1Jtsmy llCrllyal NYC, no. T. I n. Clalra rt^:sea ltaeJael NYC. ls. M rre'y. Orne It5`arwell NYC, t: uarili. TDrtT.

ale Ottb. r8t.a.tNepl L

rA 111.4.to.)akal Obi, 1. ZS A "ay. .r. At MOfer.AriesIPalalmatl

lai7 AnTc[[.is.rnly grs tb,, rr nr rlllidnicht turd NYC, tit.

L'trTnNtt, +:an iOa'n 1 iSroo111re, .no.aCtrrtrnats,

7Ud (ICtpO.rtJt)' tnCete rraneb5e4. '! ftlzñ, .1 lRlaaca,}, ll-relrl) NYC. DC. Jli.e.;EIP4iñt /real Tabacin/ NYC, r1Gs !mar. Jose IClbb )Nionu4fi J,tl'an;ta City.no.

Miller. Pet (Ba07 llar) lbrt.'. 111`R L. nc. alllY, la - a IB!ale-I.ahal C_ tal )' ti< Orer,a (Orár R'C=1 Ta,Trrnl Yasst¡o- tnsn O.. o ),IC-*;etr. Ad1a1a.S3c When Parcel CM. rtr,. a IP7e*latlndl IMF. no. v --nay At Jim* (The late Spot) Pt. IretKh, Tux Isc. Bi4ntrRsrtr.a ¿rey-, rJlm_rny Kc'`r'al N'YC,.11eL Stesel. Mil= itlt. Rrgta) NYC. i1e 1A0df7;. Ocritudo tVlltalrn Mowery) NYC. Ira. Y.bapn, P,hefff+ /tIF?st -Llfarfl 7bvilrna ttim-

harp!, LL I no. Aargau_ Oraa+c k1Cala tYavinat NYC, no_ marela. Will at Btlbtry" tiladae0b ltfQ. Oard:hT

NY0 6- r Mode Rano*) E r rt:l. ra

>k --'on, Ray rRn.nlsc, Roaul r7YC, rt Mora. T.tta Me !L'lrraarl NYC. 7s, -Ti/1. 1 Im! ;CtiLattt Z,1,f.rwl

rry [t ens 7443-1, _ NlY7. ar. ~ay ar Alan 'atsi t'tenIDaniarul lU1i'1 c4. (SQs ROM= on 9"r+d abe)

Apñl 15, 1939 NIGHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE The Rfllboarrl 23

$350-a.Day Smaller Units Getting Work

CHICAGO, April 8. -Eineen Untie man. .nerd so get es, gib, sea: on, a Chock up mnelg loot pe eltae s -, V is A couple

attempts n.tre'made to route pretentious shown. but verre met vent, disappoint- ment due to the lkinited bookings and the uncertainty of. percentage du -ea.

rile -k pollen Istreet mhos, teaturSe Benny )feaster. erlaicll rates tllf return, from a 11? -deer -Jaunt ertslued the t+3. la a good attempts o' thremell baidCet unite that have be keeping the wolf from Otte door this *erasion. Picking - up -tyro and three-day. dale.' scattered around drill wont tndepondeaatt operaterd in Ohio, wr t Vtrgtrla wool Intemeylvaniaa, the

whorl. reportedly. hid only orae 38.lú8 day. 1t gr!s going slain this week In the Kentucky area and la booted for onather tour to dote woolen.

Menthe routine i have been employed by Bella for hie two other Uinta. Cniar= Mg them when on ocY-tt"On. ÍaLg-ti.f-e date popped up said lieeplam the btedget down t4 orennd OSLO a day foe the kin.

tea. Oti/oi Teethe: beurlted up the Pi tfitum

Monies title ageln and reopened with a oew line -tip. £eatrtrlog Nlok Leiroos, in Zancstfile. O. today'. Slott has Rank h3rownb end an aTl-girl uric, roaming Where. and ties five and a bolt weeks eat' tiier trt-:31a Wet.

Example of triads eon tsibutet. sill of expensive shows Is turnilbed by Ho':s>. potters' Mikado In Siring which has u eon of oga 00 Negroes. After a abed break in de - here it picked up Holy Week at 'the Oblesgo Tic- ter end has at this writing booked oothine shoal. Orirtlnallr rat for the' Michigan, Dennit. Op'r71 ab iterday, the house cnn4tlr+t it when iriforolee' by tbo local must:time' union that It will 'have to rue etuge shows for tour earl'. Cutfve weeks ono* ¿he theater -!turn to flesh.

Fox, Philly, iñ 11aSquabble 1CLc31ñ1 ' Squabb

PHILADELPIILA. April 6 --Vaudº m y De tireentrnued at the Fox nototer for 15 wte e. from May until Labor Day. artording to a notice glean the murl-

1 hna' anfi53v by Warner. Altho Witmer may be persuaded. aeolnti the more if the ot_nie;a vrtitl allow to toe take (advan- tage of the 1,5 -week lay-off clause ire the Pee contras* by exchanging that band with that cat the V-nile,

-An arbitration -Ootrrn-Rtes hit! been Minter 2rl;urnenta re o-,rding ~shift of orb. The Cootatt was made el the tltt.a tee Kane was the valid* Outlet and the Tex a Weight movie house tow* an overture.

Shubert 3d Indic Vaude for I: rooklyn

NL^W YORK, ApMI e -A1 Roo.rr,ir has lam. -d teto &lambert Theat43. Droolclyan and is opera?O rain 1, ith ' split, -wee k pollee. Of arloecttor a and p etulrea beginning today. H ras now has two Brooklyn bourse., other ore Ming the Itieler-a. riblch he borr'i aliad has percentage In- 1.-est tn.

Following current elida T. Ornnluii d

Halt, iRo-erg has set foe April It to 13 Benny Rubin, Y+tl ls'Orsny, Bob Hfoserd.

- Oat Hollywnoel Jttt{tr6ilgr "sranoe and ate, Poi and non Anthem's Oral`-. tras,

fetotett het set M:1t Hlrnttcnla Band efod Ben Blue Aphi I i to I7.

Utica, St. George Vaude. Plans i Ñ lori cw TORS. April e.-0rk141sau rtaua

of *liakerta Al Rogers and William Miller Agency to Inrat>g.uTat+e tau de ln Witt anti en Staten Taaland did not matrrlaltie thaa rtl, the ttrerae le amnia hope hgif lnay be salsal*ed nexe. ae~n.

intro prvt+crhLtlCrn 14 out cteflllitely. be. Mope tlnr, or -lotto Omar with vCaarnei- the- ater* iQtToLrd Clkrtttornl teero in+ltsrertOd

-ori:y- In a four-titcetr cxplrtaacnt-, Lt took the St, Onr=r`o Thf.o-tlr,, 8aflrn Island. -

110 Imo to rrOth tern - ih . 11 t o ~one ;hail sh' ro.rop}D hot neared 1ta o d b in a, . a Ta «`iitl ob a h!r ttlria 10 l:h+?uat:r of I:t-h e-_tn nr.rt fall.

Giving Cafes a Black Eye ATJST I , Tex , April 8.

clean-up being canted on by County Atterpey Paul Holt ham Cancet.ed m'acll damaging evidence ~ding cnmdl. thins In local beer taverns.

T atirnony'Glue far Indicates btlta' Minded sift from *3 to Nl rt week': they are ''permitted~ to mix with customers. get a conunrbocn on thinks.; and toM to "hurl, beak qutaekly- aster meeting bon friends..

1.4nuor board la co-operating to the clean-up.

Two niterlo* halo Weedy belts Jtlett tiered to nag t0 evidence already re- tY...`c+d.

More Vaude Being Used in Milwaukee Area Indic Houses

jt!L.WAUhCIZO Marti 84-7beje has heel durtn e, the past -Weeel a mild ~led of fleet 1n eoveret ,$rite cities. du* in part to the appearance Of Pattie Stone with

"Duce Motley and oretieilra for two-day w.ayi at the Capitol theater* is Mani- towoc and In Madison.

Ti -is s tore. MfOkes in Miami, Inetatetod the Oleo Club. Nick and Vicki., Collins and the Tenneesee Htl]blhles, and played to better than av'ersee buatrtose In both +iii

-Other heusri *potting flesh tee one- night stands have included the Superior Theater ' at ttupericao ehowi.ng Gordon'* Trained Pete end Yoyn the cle rm: the liajsetio at 3hrboygan. to itny Percy. the clown, -and .lobs ~leyBauu, ma(,I dan, and roans Pond du T.ac at 5bnd du Loc. which conducted a Jitterbug Jam- be. r r, with Arch Adrian's Urn o/ Rota e+rrnr the munalnal bolters.

Lisltl BMIo and Stylaa-d 13ootty with the Hayloft Flddlcrro booked 1$*rch 21 at she Rio Theater in Appleton. were unable to appear because of dine"

£_.lame I3eytt and her Sinters of Stelae. plus Holy, Tito Ersto"y Glri playindetltres slow* dwell. Mstch Id and 20,. to good bivalve.% n the Hollywood -'Theater In La Crowe_

Chicago, Chicago, Shakes Up Bookings

CHICAGO. April 8.-ePerroentage picture contracts honed by notabe t de Kat. tar their Chicago mister will knee the titale booLdil i for oast house In n atare o. Con:listen for the next several week,"

Obligated to give NO least two-week rtes to Mitt uder Graham Bell, i3 t le e Puclife- and Dark refeecei brit ten AOrit 11 god 'day 19, thee* high potes*ntnee flickers wall for, changes OC r utj booked attractions to meet -tbe budget.

Joe .Benders Qrlo slated far week of etprtt 21. will prob.tbly be !novel back to "Only 5 in order tel permit it fortnight run ,for Betot, starting next ~eat'. land Orrin Tuokar's Brand. originally scheduled for a wr-t, will be held for do wittb a roc htrtfkd art 01 nuppe'tlmq ee-r.

Clyde MoC0fe Band It1 come Ile April 28, and May bookings *lroldy tat Inr.tade Guy Rebaztson week of the 5th and Eicly butt -4111a Ilanrt week of the Seth.

Godfrey -Linder Booking 7 Spots

t.EW YORK. April 8. ---Jack Under. who it d helm on the Coca* fog -three }deals. has ra}otned the George Godfrey onto: :eon will worst under a part.nCrship roar lement al. loon eta a nlunber of tlleatelra rare set.

<lrtlrlr ant to tbeaRIng vende Rralnea- day» into the Queen Anne, Boone. tit 3 'C1:laí»datya tnd Fridays :at the Opera Pau;r, Bayonne. N J.: 1.Mdeye at Or- ph- Cion Wednendrvys at LitertY. Pre he'd. tN J.', T'ftunday' at ! h. PmrKd, Tome Inver. W. Jo Carlton.

or ter Yeok alma c, Faraday-*, Sat - u' d sw and Ear -day", and the Lyric. Ltowhd Brook, N. J.

Net, Seattle Club SEATTLE. April R. -Of_ f. t ymas.

enemas' a new cabaret end !icon-sholi spot here, Ilea resumed Construction merit. sorted 17 tºraa nths ago. it had b -en hatted for ram time. O- - I I. tnnt'lt aa *5Olart. Lyªna new hen the"' Lymns-Muslc Ha1L

Varllde Grosses

Music Hall Only 3r,igl l t Spol On B'w :y; Vaude SlI ps;

Galento Weak at Loew State NEW YORK. -Prank Pay's valyde r,hnw

at the lath Stroll Theater has blast continually 421Peereo, wwth the feetalt that dell may drop the stralieht rand* Show and put In, a new stow April 16. which will be mere In revue form. Groot for this past (Oit;g1 week. which ended April 5. wee sio,eco, so compared to the previous week'. teals oe 111120D. C nos' indlévte-i that the *bow la rl'nnittle claw to *2J1700 Under the tilt. Boom fa putted} in four extra matinees, for the Doter week, with -price scale rnnnln; eí.08 and 42 on Saturday metineeia and 60 cents to 133ó0 arisitngs.

Third week" of tta* new vela?a prattle* nt tug 17rrthtsab T OMer. Brooklyn. with Willie and Eugene Howard and Rita Riot Hoed ma the headliners. drew *11,000. compared to 115,000 the week before,

Holy Week .played queer tricks with the Broadway how's, where some of le. ~Mee did smneeta buslaesa and others just died al ng the wayside-. Radio City )dude Hail,, with an ~et epee- tacte on the easeenand 71110 Story of bete and Venaer Castfe on the *omen, gra.tcvxl *011.000 Show trill run ano:2ler two . eks.

Oararnount, In Ltr second week of Dor- othy Lmoaua, (.jyg Ater 'ball : Cllr r = t,... Ratter; en the Arts .p1tu the leaeture.

From eteoluri, dsc:s ,n thin 1129,000. Art Jarrett, headlining the bill on the

Rosy stage. and Ateroiider Graham Nell on the screen d:d good. ece uldcrtng the bolidavn, with a take of 440,000. com- pared to 123Á00 toe this ahow the peeved- sag Lek.

Jimmy Darney'a second week at the &trend. along with a ,sttnbo phenol*. You Coal Get Auay WttJa Murder. was o art for only 1111.000. against *28.090 the Srtt we:o. Strandls attraction this week, with any Lombardo on the stage and Dodpe City, which bad the biggest picture ax- -plottat!on Job this year, opened to Monde* r . and should baiter the bolas* rece rd with around 11113,500.

teem --'a State. despite its freak attrso ttºn with Two -Ton Tinny Oalenlo. In ad- -.Often to Bea Saxon. Law Parker. Bryant, Raters} and You -r slue Et: Aline Howttn. Crk. did. only 4116Á00. The Alm, was NorbOCYlm.

Para Dives to 13G LOS ANOZL.L~3 Paraatneo ñt. v t h

lenaction Os Marco revue and plc. Mr I- nigfit, dropped to 11113,000 week ending AprIl 5. 'Trott la pee grand below' the Jasmine are:~

Clinton Clears $15,500 CChhLP..EL

AND. -- Larry Clinton did singsit

IWWO Pelnee for dune weeekn dept al. r xr.t Ode with poor pie. Brackissfra f rand.

Rosa Ups House Take WAB]IINC:TON. - Shirley Ito. earl

Peggy Taylor company tipped 'he tarrle Thet,tern tills for an additional *root weekending March 30. grabbing off 117x 000, seetnat averse* tek) nd *)8,000.

I -.e t.n$ KMp of the Tart. Locw'i Capitol, walla Buddy Ctatrk

Clods Glenn sing plat, Wife Nei; baled cod Frfo,bd. fell ISIJ,W below house aver ne with a ttkn of a1ó.000 far week ending lM area 00.

I'ifl l)'Orsay B. O. Terrific ñf>LWAUíCF.L -.*fit1 D'Orsay at the

lldvrr+lds for vseek. endln(: March 20, dnab`.r+d the house average take by krabctin¡jt ºi:*a 1}._u grh.É3 for a OOId *10,900. Pie. óuotSrty .Stnayylerr.

SL2tcY`Ir,nO's Strain.? $9,500 ILA:-2tALat CITY. . L.rnais Aranaltroaag

Band, with Bonny Woods. )ttdl7er Wg. itottn, Red A11et>, and louts Ru_ aell upped the S!ual lkoroe take *1100 for week, ending htorOta 30 at the Per Ttr. ="r. Pico va. Society Smapofers.

Ptllofnar Fair Take hi;tTILEi-Wlth. tVarrrll icott Itaq [lata

ahoy, Palomar. to- eve ending Maroh SI. did al1-1htly better than lis *A.000 s. rnge, IOC. (Carp Semen-.

FoxTakes Slight Dive DETRO1:~Wlth Mitzi Green, Marto

and Pieria: Lowe, Hite and Stanley and IS ~lee Etta. Tex did *.10 000 for week

-ending March SO. Figure le one'grand under average, Pie, Throe Smarr Giros G Up,

Orpheurn's Sensational 14C MIINMF__APOLT8. - Wtth Lglg Brees.

fooid,.'Stee1n Petal -lit and Aer te's. plus Dio: Y. fly B. rtlogr Daughter. Orplievm separated its patrona front it4.000 tar work ending March 10. This i r rey three' threes the normal house Car'

Venuti:Leivis Fair P IILAI7a.PHLA.-Ra4D and eonereny

bad weather didn't help the Ha., Week blreitittei Ira town. :110 b.-0. i registered at the pex, even the the flesh allow la of standout caliber. Eetttnated groat there eireatinsd 18Aú0. with the Joo Venutl Band. Joe. E. Lewis end Hal Leooy, Pine. rat Proem .V ts,o ri. no rave.

At Pay`s. crtctra bard plUgglito with good publicity breaks, hyped the gross tO *7.000. with Pn!th Btu:on Mot!~ the Bate X Ranch Re'rtte, Inc'Audizo Walter Dore Wahl. riab t IVrre and Ibsen Warr, ~Mai and Morton Havel, the llutors and Sorotne and Gordon. On screen. outdo Stee'y. DclI Ci troll epee'd April 7.

A four -act bill et the Carmen netted $3,100 for eight days. Show correlated of 11í1L. Starr and Trw91: 11ilig and Toy Tryon ~tams and. the lots )lobe=s. 1 Q. rktlis tn,

Chi Shows Up Well CHICAOOtThe looter holiday and

*bona atteaction. at the Palace and Chicago tent glee the two of th.. L air Loop combo houses their 'beat grosses in eewral Wettell, Palace h.*á a admose In The Story of Vernon end trend Cas- tle. with the lloxyw tee on the stage, end the Initial rib points to a miltattp !a0000. Chtcn*o. -with the exploited feeder en and lalhetea Auer earl Paul Heakon In the fleah. will protabty Lop that figure by a coup's of grlxrd.

Orteftt- l back to single lea Wets this week and Lou Brese'i Band unit. with Arñtlda and Bt -Tate lreteh11s, will woes a good *15,000. s beeterothoroaserage take and More th',n 12.010 ever la 1 we -'k's buatinc .. held down by Holy Week and a mild twin screen bill rand alx-a i. co e- blrtai.iep. ate -Lake. +stth been Miller's feat unlit. "nee des Femme!, 'and Pare- rnaunt'-i -.15 hatred, °pet_ed :tic -:y, L 'w euk Patten Ellie An person helped houses coot of dump, lwftp a fan; *111 Aria,

Work so Mad 1 al the Chicago was ors, Mikado. In Stetneg unit mad eor-a1'II Wife, enshrine trod Fne"d giving In to the Holy Week slumber with a nll]a *28,500. Palace, with second and Renal :Meisel of Lore Alf fair and Chester Hale line revue, Itntnned with a oamparatt%'nly good 118.600.

Bowes Unit Not So Hot L'T1'T8DtCJltOPL. LnJar Bon.*-:' ntrooso

Pair Rrr,ee drew $15.000 at S4nalcy, Ito roan moot Of proding 16 Berm units,

Otte to nasal Lwotcn toll. On the icrose, la Penns. of 1011? (MOM).

Indianapolis Not So Good INDIANAPOLIS. - The city's (lao

vnudelitaers didn't: do too well is week eluting Math 31. The Lirio. with Ttany lttariid and Anon Weeks' OrCb~, Mitt -reed a tow hundred 4iltara under norynal to a ,*9,800 total. Mot wry 19V3 deem team of Jana Arderc. Weeks' it - s, - the earl day 'bt* somewhat teapCa- 0tble for ahem fitting off to tut bad start. The Circle. teeth Vlneent Lopez, and or- chestra plus Betty Hutton, Abbott and o tel o, Rai Bier aed 1- hoe L , per- a Si I Wi- Figure

wee eerrr.,l CI a , p but shoo', nut w cry bleb. r o, ediy more than 47J010. Pia una Never Say Die.

24 Tian R1ll1.rJt7rd NICHT CLUBS -VAUDEVILLE siprtl'. f'5. 1939

State, NCw Yong -k lRacle_zat i I.Gradag E.. tuner. April A) House thin trsrk oo1niteleo the tusutilly

Cur -tire "1n - Its" lent watt' that Vomi- t( Lea ti fi "at eel a T ti 1n N, imar, ar.-r1 the. comblaatLJns alrmg with Prod Mac - Unreal" Madeleine Carroll and Shirley ire...I in Paramount» Cale eosin' Ott the evens. onr,ht to result In a. pretty fair I orrice return. Jean cl eh Century.fort c;ome-

dLane far the pact cc ipso of yearn and frezli to ancoriry. ?rn mends tltru her wtj.7kt tit field ír see Ce-Zd nod ?,tU Spth, abf r -nay - no era to b+ rii'ty tilt fertbt from the m iJbr1t) of 1r1A11ysniad E1ntry who decide to p._i up a little eteute.- w1tts a few weeks- cif personal op. pt#rat. anal th,ztft t p:epo. ttd sane - Vetere n?thins: In ¶'h& any Ot an, toter- tintn t act Working xvith Cy wilt,, )43s, Derr weir,thru some teeny peeler and a few ce the many tunes thcie, done in Slime tri Sze tisiIt het ties cutitorte1a wender'm; :what they to d titer !liar;! al`_out her ae a pie ceolrtU'-ipo, It r_ -.y I. that prr(Qrincrs like atlas Darla need a b rttslI fir died Caript. Il Co, they Ot!-tet to me t% :o the retw a Tril.la.

`rsrc In the pros- glerre. Li Dees Apol- loo. tack tub trim familiar L,sertrntnt vi +tarn, tnw, ntamrdotin ptaytns. dancing tiael Gentled klbltLng Bioko. Thr enly e I the tee. of o:x hack of the its `au accent, the tent;. Íi. s Orr Tr ~loft

n traded, In far a to -piece atolag out- fit nhit2t Apeekin Salta pared Orate -1W have a elnanoe to shine by .thetre altos añ ti nyr)LI'1g Gee, end zlee Heart acetate' to Daddy and dent dd lt,any Ceratd{r tng they're octua iy not ere-_ o - -reined for Apolion and Use -ttr'I -vr, Uara bribi-ea Mi mando- lin Into play for Daddy ---the Q" t he*rt of tell 4r-lutjo henels work.

^ three idea) x tit tl'Dt~s o1T twtth hells O oral acre

tnd, tumbllnp exhibition. Bhouldrt stari4I of title tuiLli tarry a weal sack., Ibenoly

11.11 WW1 any e -Lethal puppet , a -kin jgleutture' busies.

each the enar.onettes swarinieg over the reef fled' In and out of wind w. Act -ton Corry veuee en:nteulatlenu are éxcel1atit b it it _eater Ire n little ail the blue ale, fa? cods 'Trent luppl' d the only altdir vs- . silttt the puppet dance reel- t1nf, ),taridlteg tuo at once. lied to rrae- p t 'pith anpttlit: CribtliC.

F..lnsLng end ran ifzt Lrtcrttitt- 're Pte---'1i-t«.71 In ring's lima by Ruth petty told at ildrrit low ;even:tell-. NTMiher hie much to offer. the toner grinding t y nasally' pod aetardrd.trr+tt.eal4lt then c uple of p: ps and the tatter Apple' alt w pit! of rum-o'--ttirtemilt

routine teach mekee fregneºt 'refer - e rica to bar wick In j:' lures. hut taLt to t eweetflo enough to Home one In Ill n 1, ir.p -fur . "Ivan the Great'

(Ilcnry Merton) tsotri+ra up the opl-aedy a bit with a dead, pan. n plir.nj' Rtly2ikD gat-Up end t otrz annating tend capable)

»ddt it :. i ee t t AAt$ Ilaya wens the 1511 re Ját't ,t

ante: tglitlai; icaturn In their second tap- ir ter er 03111102 a ttr3r trto tm.

pre_^d aheits with the r'-ehtnt-S et their _ eon 'ant the medltire esf

ttrren rnrtuthe and mi fruiter --of the meal. s7 themes Cr Ir3.d111`2 tnitda Iii a

eZerer turn that CT sar ilr:11 ltuAy. AC' L limited In ace;'e- but what Ile se le

t i0- roc`- eottrtalm=ne u e1 sheer. sells the et. ..peon or .11 Devi p . a platy/ell reetlhat tU Of I r Bt it ' c ll ' Tunis lull-atagp

iflas Dana eerita In irtint et a Ovtt tenet. Ci ce c' ' era 1. rr Hel:Twood rant. Evert' u lots.. rtinri&Ttg a little mmoro than 70 minutee.

Dante: R1c mna.

Palace, Chicago <Revierred rie4dy del,-rtueítvt, Apt -11 7)

no boners for the next four netlike tLJI iFu to yet ,o -ref rpf yeroc't and frame

. r tffi ; RKOw rnorq> - lilt. a a -,^.!rarer Creel Astaire and <linear Rºecra. ind the t v. yer?ieftr dcpltc the. t*sited _ -c'-

arcata of It own will p c tt octnpetn- tevely tea. 'Rllfhtnt to -e at 1hn box °dilate.

Its aide: 7uxtteettpa la the WCI1t e -t the fLoey et't. , `:e- yorkb ballyhooed gaLi lir.b rimed by Pattchan d: 1taroo On the


VdudviIk Reviews heels of ttt_.Jr ern -Chwtent !lase 1prt s_

The It kids don't garner any henota mull Me final t'bleb rte th-tee in their famed rolling -ball number. It la a aloe Rash end they prearnt tt lain a rvtirce sing atyte- 'f3ailr j)ttertin opener, ha_ecr. b Its t tulotps awing neatine. and -heir mºdrrntr't'o bit used to Mere.. dues Chi PeÑ y Taylor Wee la also of ho dill :LU tars

FYenk Parts nn aecand., bas brought with him ,ogre n4e. rr-arl iitte.,j that retain Itteltire p ihna thruottt their "performances." Ties time _he manipu. tal", In ºrder. a toe dancer. A tatre- ttoil.-ce thIO. Dee0if. - litterttej and lee Stater. Entertaining tuns.

Randall ~ten remain a seek vocal trio Of the. letrnfsrd variety. Thep-itis in a c1a by themselves trail engaging *aloes that lend a pan atenta to tnelr art'ptsy $T.,eiil.Pt tt cant Chan,pe-In personrel of the act did nog hinder eta a)trality.= The girls warbled Mutiny list ttse Jfuie ry. Bgglc Cell !rep and their annnteing When Po Weir L7ourtlre ad's novelty.

The T - -v Tar .or Trio. In It com- edy adagio routine. have many things that are nutters, parutniiirly in Their

tittre-ate trs=ls, which are above aver- ages Nitrate. -r suffers meetly by its comedy antic's, which Include doetapi ntipptng card result In a rather m.r, -ry Sight -

Brown anet errca ern nett-leetle1114 with a eaieweliat tier r.- d od: 6 tit oorredy patter. Brown's Mittel staaaa goes well, but the change an twee emee' apptiarane., weaktrte the act }termer idea of ?err:11ng out from the side to interrupt her partner was dttfereltt and mea'e lever.

8e+eomd.aberr bus seas fair. Sinn !IOrtteterrp.

Strand, '<ew York (Rerfewed Frúf.o r fiwilnp. Aprti 7) titrni3td th i week should des' In a

lotus: of lucre with tetrtfie !'oltwtl_n plc. Dodge City (Warner). and {Iuy &Am - bardo Band on Jle. Op nine night heut a was a ar, ICttp to the reli.n.

Lombardo Bend dolleers a gt'at^srrnandY brand of rrftmeltr the »intro doing erar.e vat a;iero baton-trwinging and the boy keeptntI definitely -with -In coat. ere. tive Mutts. Tile fT1pLr1C !i hat for the Jlttetbule triadls r mGg -nted foe pa- trons Who still tiro? re=trired and smooth meiodlc,ptter lirether Car- men does ñc.ti vomit' and. i,lth haw other bandteattne, forme a fats singing trio

Doris R.Lodea, r'dio singer. definite click. She la a brunet, tookr' :trill nod, what i{ grip rr jrnpgrtrult., dithers with plenty of vocal et'o; appeal. Mien Rhode has a-rhythsnlc delivery and can chsñet0 her style for ballad and movoity tune,. L?, d t: rºItretra Mara. Deep Purple. heart Zailcaps tb Direldy and others disp!aylstgr nine seraatillhy.

Chant Ritr d +ci, bettjtalA and JSento en lo, offerii ruseirted aaneomee. Much tier tits turn is built on here banjo pay- ing, combined with mugb.n 1 aui rar.to. It1s áa1 Ceñoty tents!+ A girl straights fee beamed hie 'tiff. In a brief_ aertou.a exhlbltlzan, with the iniruunent p3helden whipped out rntl',e seeko lrtu.iie. Act quite 7hu1e4 tared It true valid*,

Peal Aekerrlam_.

Parjini omnt, Los ge emity,--ut Friday A fu moon, Apra 7) This week'a bill serene ostensories of

the top :Tight tarsi which listl two hit thin reed. In Cho old 3?ubilliS days

Shaer oln--ns vr'th new line of Panehooettc In an adequate pre, r an riurrrtter. Qatar cerise oc the rein*- tar: tt the d= i of a lW-.otrim iatttmk gi.r.ne the InIIY1 baton that all tiero In the belt. plot car.

TT' alt. "sirs rr i. -1r.' r.liti JoI:' Adrian,. entreated one of the cleverest act* eau,- hs to inon;h. !tank, do eta mule. offers entieri Wnich tnetea the Crowe Off .the lr l:tal.da. h!:º Joy seek? a le geed toil. 'octane at the mike. Hank takes

so)atarn thing the ele111'"gioe. mUC13 to the amusement of the patrons. Cllmalt Mews s Beak to be a femme. flu a mother and' daughter net and We tope.

Darby and Co.: dirt'et teem nigh:ed. ptr ati Iome nmuatrig todeker.tean-the. eye tricks parley. ~klieg with femme, prruduora pinying cards from .behind pia ear and out of his mouth. Dane WitliCeet trek. act la effective- t'.,nisl, hno :iJm puiliña lighted C.e.stetd Out of the o.otso and getting light+_.I ptpe1 apparently at mil, e`tn taikin them out of hie atites.

Andrtsnl lirotbera, bil at limit. Amerir_n, ts0 plenty Ot iled tiotmanrbfJ with their guns* riots: inaneolln prceemta. lice Otte of the leafs makes bit roan - d In literally talk and finials finds *heel Working with two babies

Ilddi- !Stanley doles a capable em ce Job and Nuns Diehl- of Italia Marking with a terrine. billed as Mesa Penny, formerly of Jack Oakie show. 8sa::3cy does an antuidnc turn at th)e piano whir* famine slags a hot Dutribet In desdepan effete. p'att-!rig the bit over with a -wal- lop, etanl>f bit with clarinet and fid- dle player In pit ark also la good far laughs.

PanehDnettl.s CL7se with en Fester tableau. tth church WindÓr, effect for br.Ckdrep being effective. Dre- d jet white gowns, ilne works with can - stela -Una. prcnieiuing wens sLttktn eitocia.

Bit; poor at oS3c12tn! eho_v,. duo to deed ?Whitey. Plies., -r la I'm Front AM/owe

De4at Owen. -

Oriental Chicago (Ret'.rttf- Friday A/terrºce, April 9,

it le a loose affair from a booking standpoint. , but tats Lou Drrseo Band sttrlt itae several apt'ciallfos that stand out welt lnttivtdunyly. T'a a nice attrue- tion from a beeline -et end, ~Pled with the am' -it -ante of Step -n' Fet:chit and Armldn and Bree^iele rep tin the ~nit Ch . Pare* rri tiro.

Breese Look, and acts, the vrteraci said that helps thin^ eonetd a gay. He we -se the boyo in hot - Craton, of Bugle Roy Celt and Lola Harper, rndlaot tapstr-. , follswtt with- IL oa,spia of well.de_ignod routines the accent on clew - taps a.nd-spirited pree ntatien,

BIUY leneb, bond vocalist, did well with lereral :,veer, dtsptnytret a Infusing eoioe and a O*LUrnl relsrnaLiIy that click» ':.rlth the maw typeeel audience. Did Deep Potrple, /L.td ?'ttt. .tilts out Regret. end returned to; Pert ay Seretsede.

Halton bed Wena appear belt fly with a mad, hard:ltialanrjrg calm. and Earl itefflnan. It-orntyomlit, »]ides tens b.#s mp1t: Of tFle Bsraablebec +»tth the finish of an expert. It It o highly difficult number to do on that' tiiitetl.-nont, and 1114<r tin's rendition Is a :ate sxceptlon,

Jay Karel. ir3nocr.of nn 'amateur Wet- test conducted' here l.'_e.di e% let out With ar+enes nreughttl ijetad Impnv_tionts4 Teeprovcreetlt Ia preaentaldop Weald glee him a, fair act. CL solid! with k eviler -off of Clyde tecCoyla Si r lairs trumpet solo.

Armada. the ?Minicab pepper play a a good aalaetaan. She la not latTCmg on a it.-14P) as a dancer, but 'he teºt+ee the Impree.aton that Jibe is. Pride loader nail roadie -mice With ttypieel lutist fire 4 -Grits.

D oea; nett tatca tits ,spat an -I bn flits It ocort than satlatectorlly with Osneella trumpeting of Beetrt the B-o -ui,ieI end a sarlod10 hi+ttk ae'a iaa. tq witteh tie rat--:nü most of h±2 ea3( t1trHtts. %eti received_

Cceisola end Melba. ballroom tc,mn. apuitt thru a waltz and tatta-o In stack fashion. Make a nice appearance but at tine ahOyelot Seamed to week with moo thorn necessary efforts Stepin Patches doge- the bill with bfa familiar set of drawn-out talk., lazy motlem-a and funny bita that play up .his loves tcs unlimited rest. Thr Ottitemersi applauded him rbacite

ºoupie of times i ualno- wan good at tan of fleet show opoiiinB day- On terms. Boy

á+ectara (AKO-Radio), Sdtfn Hanigbcrg.

Paruonlount, New York fJLGrlcuard lreeivaeadap t:dratnq. April 5)

Tommy DoTselr anti his band ate bitch at the P'aszac.11nt for fixer unepte 21 lt repeat, sind bell iIDcJudin,g the Eel pgjrjt,, Derr at -.d Estas and Wank Oabv. pins Jack Laomard end Edythe WYlg, t, Da . sere warbler=,

AU lit all, ikú net an Mp-cially :arte titnF,e oboe x, íracking real punch end lxtt.ng OW moderately Weerting- T4s all DoriyCy 8rnd seems to be srotnewtiat auab- merged arid do-',II1t de much

ethotrld, 1r21t122m, tyrs arable for Dorsey ttuaab!ne plajto . Dried opens with two iirnbors. needed being the crackerjack

Dorsey art re- -nont of Hawaiian War mr'ice. Miss 'Weight didn't mmsrare up as well a on ja +1: performance* and nm_-ntod to here trouble in gating her voles ºtear and on to pitch. Her OM - eluding number. tittle Sit Eedto, prtuge eerleits whilsta out toe a good ~~trig arranlw-tenent ,

Darr and rates are princie_illy the man end of the act, a txtrzián1 - - a .rntrto boater with relay nrnwlinty routine3. It's an act that can play any ranee heurl or nttyy. The Dei Moc,. Anil 2': Qn tits hilt, after the hand opening.

pro41'14y fonid it murder to ..a.X Qn the x or r : n feet o' ce It Para- mount attenie, r,tth a fall meaning a hall into the atsd/once laps. Two man and a girl "do good balancing routIeee and shape up se strong entry In that category.

Jack Leonard. tinted the d reach popular tr.1it t'oceiist In TTtc ,Gtttly rd's college. band poll t.te Meese o-Spert- es-rt , thti ilk:+n1, 'r s_ . t ,rml, received. doleg J1aareaa eau ter.ir, U+rcp-Purple and I Cot Atom¢ 111.1 -tgr Volt Very Writ and encored 'eIth the classic )farllf e In Dor- e '. - l Rice txcd Dieep-Pimp:4 an; theft hrackgriound. añd either they or Leonard ahould cwiteb_

Prank Oeby is an -WI O Cerrito. but tat: material tell tar ataoi't an_! Lai I.cl ?rilm laugh anaemia. ye held the d'imTny hove a fresh kW -tetchier routine. lsorteor k the usitial ilP_ of 1rrmntrtlequial stuff, It didn't d¢' rvpeelltily wel)_ leap get - off bit. lmgllí dig whilst a shorts may Metars:ta ha ds area nicely eot9, tho.

Dorsere closing number l a.week a .ter. Miss Wrf ht. 8 e.- i iferturt and tr'o m- -'cQnat entyna ebáitt nsaktrr the asses e of Itroa.I atoy. T1li$r Led to gUic)t lrnt;a- ttor_R of Ltil lCenp. 3f, ay Xiwtr =ray B:atry Dump. with the bend going into Ears .'Afta lWet Side and Ito welds flashed onto the backdrop for' a community Wee finish. They ought to drop [MD 4,00 to the otley. Incidentally, 1ikrfurt, wee got Rood `advareo b1Uln and hour* built tg with the chow tfrhelel dowit to 443 alcno`: nc hirt bit. eapettng Labe --'it the etne once -far a bit of comedy hoortng.

Don Daher. orgentvt, sád tilt my Law. vocillat. Gild not show ' time c:trght. Picture la Yddabp!r-t and trade good.

Jerry Fronkeie.

RKO-Boston, Boston (Rec(ewed Friday l:rentny. March 11)

Headlined by Lerraine and neenfin, tilt* Keit]a .Bo -ton Offer' Qrte of Its Va.!. 00- tertdtiing 'bsI s and rutty jtaltltler the thcatetii esrltigtng to fun -week raudo tract + it.

Jeanne Lorraine ant )ion Paten are one of tite met tategi -p:dunitst all In nm#a, 17r1.1' inn mite* Comedy teary..,, their offerings abound m novelty and' versatility. During ttt'ir c±cring they make unique, use of :a ll,na deer

'return" Trent, ~II puppeteer. of. feet t retie et puppet claractere that are both Celltinrd and -attuning. Really boa something here.

The Oxford Boys present rhythm -1g 't+0.-


PRFCE ONE. DOLLAR tTty. aRiÓriT,, QntorreaL eoser<ON

ta Arta frr Tor ifs 1 Are. t i:r rardl,rr< 7.gtrt.et r,,es-tTrp Ow - an tiM I '.¡rth4 Ar.-.t ivri v q. eats a7 Ifm4hss. PIMeY-,a,. her w - n_ece 114+1:7 111.0 lres_hnlat

.alas H. t.f,F.Ti:r t:. _ U cols - N q ~al Jaat tt..:a . . 10. 1 t. 1 ,

baetlÓ':sr ,`, 20 Ora $1."0. ah.i, o r WNl: Mc'NALLY

at Esft 12ftiit Street, New

EDiOI r r- 1411e! Mee Ir'aM, ovabr.d wen" .Nen'ra.. th'rra ~V- tar

- _ 3 asnleai. 1 ef5. 1. 1: I% Por war area aatabesa


t,.CEín4i-HERY Trae Drtpa, nit eig Llrtar.LR Ors. Q --ea. SCHELL MIMIC ST'vDó; Columbus,e.

April 15, 1939 NIGHT CLUES -VAUDEVILLE Tho Billboard 25

trr pre:,,tent' of nrwe batttd>*. ArnwtI. 'lanky +"mtc-tsirtlCat; aa c,..cts1) or !u 1.

nu. Honey YrourI1y produces an ataulx lax lpterlude of youthiul dnu4htg rand --row t.- till brlrlren back a bit or

noet:4 ̀ ,tn tort t;tn ¡r. -..d oid days stlOn lacro>aaltC d-l.tbcern were cut oven pro-srarn.

wally nod, vTstqrgi Staple:cn prsarrrat tiitt.aatlennal tri ouch y. .1.117 M to f;yartc one ;vudc art their ptldurnnoe and v'elaallltty, Clever and tlxmOetut t e¡,Iper _

3' tir= tor tttre ptita'cs, My Son e a Crimtinl and rearotor: Scour.

Next u'rcle, 11urkand Itubbl, tam ..u. rate full*eek taud(a, t''1 d L BacrJ.

Ito 3tnlagt r Biria1Liil 11J117]J

f,l¢ecteccd Saturday Lceistng, April 1) or, a return ...put, Catovt-: the ma-

,tatan and Aim Oriental 11fa,rtin were aroltf rh ' 11b4e atace , he v., Audience knew '-in/r/ l ^ couldn't hapycy1, nut tit..7 were 'Unable ter .smell him 1n the act

Not n bittn ,Occurred In Carta a - pare,ttt cutting off of heads. renkidg agirl di/appear pot like that- During all ma in 11W/illations ho euuOtted one c'.rarct alter Nnerthie,. ,vetting Milne tram car:body knew Y beff .

The crowd tint., expecting Crer7lhlo1: and wasn't dir>ztppohtlted. Tor Inc bli nk.lrtanta whezlvil in a cago with a Fatty let In it. Thai' ant d¡#pp-ar*A, and if three wret a trap it anon'' t*lalbl1i.

Oalsert u -:1d the old t_pproeteb at call - bps a ¡:croon from the nUddonee who la picture of be+-tidrrment am C1ngi1Cii

draw's i ouácing tt:alla+ from eery dtrcc- tion. IrClud at lny De from the ageetrator'a mouth. Th u he calla attetherr epic- .tor

Yuri proor dr to tab Won this the lat,_xt vital d ui ntfe. Celle te'' by euttlr.a off b id o; 13/1-..93,0r Pao. 1. Then he re- place. the hmz d

In adAtt¡on. Calvert tri1X a In pee lCn- ty . toll, War rblinvi. altilging and c11 -tlrr. Rirecm ortered Serri-c de L' zr Dir.

above ttvr,r_;c, Georg. U. Wateo,i-

Cirdue roledrano. Paris (Rettemed rurrdriy suntrap. March ZS)

Altar lorerel tnOntlia of mn,alcal fantan¡ vande rename here. The purr Bent program m poi all it cherub., be. Backs pep and povti talent e'ad litre a along for tbttt tigers iX poo enc. _. Intntm- Carotl-l3c111 Troupe of 12 Nlidultrinns and a9 Aly,trican re, the ProiJ&144 tunnel; the only p-.rdnfl truilbJ-

Telpppina n:e the three ar c,ent elowe.*, PDatelllitt Brothers. werwe conk nod age

21* .years nigh repertoire to :,c t1P Older. The Cared -Bell¡ TIDtIP*. rl men and

ix *rliiutn, have a fine hope number in the first hair of eta pre -tuns. Tlief fill la for a a.L !!t1' ei' In tiv sraond half

and xbaw come Of the meat daring trapeze seek ,eon this if

e TItrc Pro _ t slut good Ir__g ng vn -- -crobr'tlen and lots tat horseplay'.

e a seek hand for a Rood bet. Other northern were the ltoáeree, head

belartcln¡C Wanted* and Font. des tut: Cendhn, and Concha. b:old t.t hand; Rude O ra -tie, goose vocal t~Altattorle Of rammed Chteriruntxnteñ King Yepp. comic )angler. and the u*ual clone, Alen. Punta It 4.".4111e and Raa1Lloot

[leering »umber ti. the New Chtnn Troupe., formerly"with tUngisin.r 1Taot" Appoxetog in a ti- act- tltc!tr appsar lut- 1. an their f..eledtrt ,otiuniea Will sr PI t0 .1o414 the antmatlon trod opted n :union that road° them tap/ In "hie time" two yearn act*. C M. Chambers

Loew=Gloile, Bridgeport r,Pft,`,+.rt.nrrf' ílfortdaY ECrntap. April 31

Mee tleeh, t^.yout hare. OUR tilFynere :T. and his pit ``Py1. ñ11 n ananpg o rrr- teirr, tAav4 the rho++ a f.:tvod t,l.trt. Atlt`ft Retda. ela-sy Juvenile, emrzc3 nnd brintCa un Tsoy end woab. a mixed dance teeth, far tM ornit[y3 tt17t? .N11:-3 Ly-nn, a rt4nning'redht.d., lo,oka nifty in n-beatá- tltu2 gown trill rhowe oft het Chan ty to5rm. Nice t+cs~ttURT e4 ~Ilion ballrnoun anti e.e:t[ntrc dtanclti ;. _+rL:1 Ctrs b mtt h A ttraz5r rt ~ion rpiiloh lb y call Aoilc{;^ But/ - Off to raring hand.

lemons 1lfitlWJay crate on with I!tl'I trnm- `one. Works s jyorl deal or bote wtlh



ii Twob SÁ Oi 4R,rDyk Met PF1aPa, I!

IiuJiónnd Aslce Mae IFet.B To Coarte 4ip and See fhrri

r I:R'ARK. N. J.. April 8. -In ID nStrnyit to 11.1ah In rat Marr Wait a

name. Prank Wallace. tr ho eln:m} CQ

be tier hliab.l-iad, an Wring booked Into soy city on the Weal. unit

nr1'. Wallops runs an open Srtta:r to Mao Weot" rid in >ttorerer the wilt happens to be.

Ttatiehlne Irplettie, aft !win. d In Neatrk Ledpt* -w--k ago :Alt T day. folio W -tear W'rfe:

'''S'ew that }'au aro In Kvr art. and l am .at the Cltib ..tisrnl, 113 Cllntotn nttauu, .ir:wark- ;4, J rttn . t.ct- niMht. I ilt:ow:4tt you would want to COMO oCCT IaDrt t4., 'be Olt r inc doing r.ttd 'rttxtee La May (It f411 ltfing back tntrad'rr',. dawn, and eco a floc apportion euow of D7oLdw4ly /1rt17GL including Qoorls0 Scotty aa Jaintcr Of Ceremoalrrx pant 'reenter. a-re} awt!ng tr _,f M: Rank lltooceL o line lJsrt+txr. and many ollz,rvrtl.

"Listen. Honey. If yºfIs eall Bleiowr 2-9101, the inannpentzft tldll alead rt

ear to tGS larilitrAunttNOwark t0 buing you to the Club marnt..

1ilsTd7 4is ALW'AY13. ,YOtJjt EVT11-t-LOVIDici IF1i8DAND.

"Prank wa,llaes." P. e. Th. mat atrraw mtarta at 11:16

p.m. and the r,eeuñd One t I:34 am

the pit boys and, as a nos city. lira cheat play different tunes all at,,tlao 4.aie'tuna:. 71 I ar It Or net, it 'work. out i11ttt 1 Harr unt; r. Mot :exceed numbers and mixes 1n wteoct .etL Hem Drtp Purple Was very goad; aithe eta oifec even _D Wall wry much tc +ºreel by FLl.11Idayls laterpelatdag eCr chta.

Vito nod Rita, all attractive amass and n mubI4ttlr a COteuh.111 comic. provided the comedy hl¡(l l $ uu In ut1 bilE & el re re-ets nice singing Mee lYt titer ono taunitre and lid no dill - tiro,' ,letting over. floe nutty antics wcre jv.st wh I the audittfco ens walling for and hi) Befell of Trey Imitation was a riot well as an lo -'e number with titan Rita

Allen Rena them =.runt on star a n tries land swell ltmhLn playing, DU bRr. were irl¡tatian of _00150e-+Pwrien00150e-+ vlO- Itnlst 'as not *Id forte. Stayed on en- tttrely too long. ascend eitire< to bt _ bt atof r '3Ittl le.tve comedy to Clrr..AICI I,

The roil- t'errn,a.D., ratlegio tuna.'dree-d in Colonial ~tunnel. 1. esri ate, .orno S art atattlinra wank. their catches being noth- ing short of ~meow Three b ya and a girl.

Two, tint runs., Sto? Reporter anal a Wr& ieM1. Cerra ..;sc the ahow, ail for a borcebit top.

Hnrryt Rose. formerly meminger od Loco 'u

State, Prav1dmnoe., fa house mianageer here. Semucl A. Lejke.:,

Paris ifroferrd Monday ar!+vEng. Apr()

iPrcegrarn uttlefaetory. Furst half U top-heavy with poor vtte*L. Lumbers; last halt balance, with a lot rat go. ;1 etliSi- telonent.

Featured le L.J elute. Jun relulred tram Canada. and O_ de la ProICherdiere, tit b a fe' rid at re appearano¢I tit 13 yore of s -i i', Bib :Line effort, a fret months app at JLbe n_unO luau A. WY to re - Ito eat;rCrknores he htt as editor ht a

large Yen a nswepa?:. This time he ap. pests In is too short erorr,le ttk.itgb and

tI1, show. átaudºntto are, ?ttarla-yt Dwnlr'. Am7il-

aan edro dancer'. making; her Seta op. -:1-ash in Perm amid the :gtt» of In lry y ;ith Arnlaki Ming riyItnd ea to ,.lint she s_Id Mtn/dins her feel tn'a dttrtra+t tho_-commend n;rpenrattce" to Herr T tlt`-rr, Rhy U doubting Matto the Dal Tab ran

77tí Calgary/I. drunk act, af! great. Marken o k.d icata. erantortuioe LE -v are one of the better allot %tatyaa. J Noe* Chranala nevus] the beat trust -tow etc Ofa.yt- bttion ei(r . u Ra Par ' -

Other. on the la^r.I acv Jacques "OarelLo, Lynda blyren. Jan"! "°`tat. J" n Traaicltaafat arid Pierre 0.ix ail producing vocal efforts latth rttt'Ir" at Loeb

C. if. Cana b re.

Dayton R KO Vuudu Out oJt7Z'Orl/, 0.. April i3. '-

ttoo out a tJi- RICO Colonial. Where cocnbtnirUoa 104.51.1 have be:rt 6n tr;rne the i.rtlseven t>;Ota.ba. alter current bill fen - ;Lan JaYtn S91c . a: suitable nitrn_tt4ht rlren as main y .n. Underr I Clan.twtn rrb`c memo - of Ri{O tit=te. ',ow. +ItSr .1ZXO grafts. seer, :aoc_edfne B_`-artLner rr-

at .

AFM and Circuits Again i'4eet on Pit Musicians' Problem

NEW TOtt1C. Apr7t 8.-FmeouLtt;e board of the .4.rnerl,`c`C 'Pedeaation at iluIt.:,ens and representative. rf trip mayor film producers and CI -,ri¿0 ro into n !metal, ?fief ittday to diactud musician empL'áy- modt.

Whatever tr ad the EI!ecao,ot-ltn faits: colter to inemits will ho dependent 1aa. n la'n'e degree upon outcome Or till Mx monopoly probe currently ;gnats on to W e itittf:;ton--31Y'1e kj4ui that A_PM will have to des with Independent theater opera'ova In the ,event the courtb see fit t0 CltrOre° beoduction aril e,ttrltbltirsi ph ~o of the Min industry. Should tins tto_ur.,the v_ninba thus far will hare be tt '. orie ttaotan, but ATM v.1,1 find Itself to nn adcontatecua po__ttbOn.

Charles Yates-CRA Discuss New Deal

NEV.' WILL. Aj, 11 a,-C!.í,rlio Teto', who hast had one !oat In Consolidated Radio Attest** net O!t:ar!:rout the peat (ow .-a nt t -.s, will decide 0n". way or an- other early next week to dither fold Loa own office end hr -40. CPA'a silt rtl,patt- uo. iut dr serer .ties complete»: with the, band bcct¡ng office,

iX t?r Lunen 1 ttce jets rd CII'. on a per. eent_re Mall mcanwmile retaining the

mr.3g th a 0Ned, ht n:a tie bias been dicker/mgdickerg Iith 't iarile CilA hrtd. to mo.e him oriranleatlrnt into CRA and Ditabltrh ñ OC-owdtn.itef net* =UOn,

Yob= IndIcated. however. that If 'be and Omen do nut come to on areeeneen.t astere week he "III quit CRA C-tid:t on- o« ap,,rCrnent Orcen has _offend Yates he r bet is,en roiresed., tans 'Years bas

ran d?*atbdfeda -,th 'ebrrn, nitbo bm ears the dcai under conelderatlon -food pretty geed."'

hitch Schaefer La at prevent bead at CRA7a club be ing ddpirtnicnt,

Fletroiit Circuit Triep Out More Valrtle Policies

Drraon-. Asirtl ir-WUladn 1a tO be In- troduced at the Ramona and Regent -the. Moro ct the United C» teat Circuit April I1 foiivatn,Z a su.eceoltul tryout at the Annex Titt_ttcr. It lie plinarrl to' extend the polity to nth Itcutltei,off tne circuit.

Ti,.o lrttrodttetlan of nude at the ,aithex rootlt..d to 4.n t1;' -,as In attendance of t her cent, according. to Ate Butler. I: --ter.

RlrIl3ilee Show Offered D.!A,teITO9POC. Wu., April 8.- zbe

6 olóck CHO, here hat EnatctAil'v rte. In tavOtrt iinUe:-tatnmer,t. O'tC'rs toro acts Cl a, p.rn tttatlnrt and 'went nicer= ln nil- evening_ Openittz: at+Ilse= titi2a3 are C11,11 dalt,t1r, orir--tnan Clown band -nd John Lal1, mtrtel..

* *

tl _-


Another Explanation C1tIC..gi0. April IL --,Walter Canton,

Of Oale and Can on, who lost a >; at the Oriental. due to an auto uei- dent, le In the American Ueda+ -at with a trnctured laip- fe itO t:e w r :,,oled fro 111 hotel toost a trlend rushed- to end *lint*" tO know wiles happened "They're trying to kill rande -ti)., Walter repliied.

Neal Returrs ttl.

N. Y. In 3 Weeks NEW YORK, April 8.. -.Prank Ned. rep-

rt? =iitUauw OS tr-,r, Ttroht Circuit in .44n- I-tnlls. who came biro to took 1111 American ate, to be broken up Into 10 taint'. ~led fob Ltitrlatul aeuldrr 1p yi ltert_iy and will remain there for throe

Charles H. Allen, her.. New York rep: - aaittattt,. .1th tib n In Ciad+ heed quarters hero, mays Neal has hie aya. Cu a lot of noel and who tentative a$r:a tsleTitO waJtfh iderte Mica 1w r4urr s t:. ba is expected to ldgn contract& and coin. pinte las5 ne=-.1nori ter the circuit P7l tb his aat1f. ,t R!+1 I- erred the !Will Brothers for a tour of the Tivoli Circuit to open tJa A'itrtrnlla in íñttt i -t uRul

+lftnk April !Into open In lfitlbutrraz Ates, die, la the Alex Cine It y^etn- aripoppi n, which bas been booked, and ':111 h1' li000fttpnnied by Alcor Redeem in addition to Oerbrf. Uhhl% Will COd1IIt of Bailey Pupp.ts, Carr 13rothera and Betty Ikon and ~eta. eta Orley, Murray Orcahu hod mate L,tig. .'riese _llsekell, June and Zrudcil Van and Dcrc'thar !Dolbrperk'a 12 Dsri Ids Dobutanteca. Show set to- eel v

!n Au.ctrelLa, :Zeta ' eatend Africa atol India and ' 'ill txi t vder the direction lit Sir Benjamin Pulse.

Nick Stuart Stunt.. (:f iel. 7++OLR'F' tlRt?Itili: r ... A rill -N,, -

slt:uati, Whose orchestra. tu F3:::,flt - the Lea. 1`u Trim Hotel. raja lnaual'a. t+'a "Champagne NtinlLtar Fridays. A qu ar' of ch.,rr¡rtgsteJ IS gtlon eo rLtra - at a iTitrntEal Qufi t . high S.RiLrt co-nduc : aar h. bur contt a!y >_y!JrFted tram the dancer/ to mrmr*t4 !n the *o-mtrr,ute rnualoal ttUt*uttan bee.

Q¡uaFt at pey..aus Cncngtr+ert h m atwrtrd Candid Ca:YiPtit NUJ Silo an Lti'e,d.l'v,. dap . which are very panulOr wi ca>-*ra fens rand other patrona. Merry Love '- tnajna:r

Milwaukee Club Hew Show MILWAUXIz, April 8. -Jimmy Beta/

mod reptile el alga Maur nb Ork at Bain Plrk'a Club Ntadtld hire last week. the latter shiftily"; to the Chnaa. Club MTdrid h_ 1'.r floret b -o`+ b. cd 6y the Walt -e Wind nix melt. czu.c Q0. and brin5 in Died Iltatuland. t';ol P.ctitie, alarlpanutte Claudette and the Put Pao Dancers.

u «Adagio Beautified"



1 1

2b The Billboard V'AUDEVidLE-BUIRLESQ'U1E April 15, 1939

"iav rleville Nores JOltlti it hállteA trek lei C hl

miter `]ells Atustraltnrl tour which lased several months. Scheduled to go to Lon - Om tilt* Clientele . . 24ARDO AND KAYE sail foe Atutralea huge 7. tit1ll veark" the Lucas 4 Jenkins chain of henna* In tiler Smith treecce then. JACKIE HUIXICIet. of the ¿easily xylo- phone act of DeBee and Heidson, re- ceived w deep cut 1'n rite aria 121r.t were - Pretest a lekee of steel that fell flora the fly of the Palomar Th.ete-. Seattle. La& was treated at a near -by clinic and the wound la beatiere aatutfsetostlf.

JACK LEONARD. comer:111 , eon' Into The t5tate-irate. Chicago. week of May 12. eith the Strand. New Sark. tenta- th sly t to follow. . . SELLER SMYTHE:WS tulle.; In a week-end at the $trstford. Chicago, while remaining In tree city to, amt the jdbdurt!on oa f1 novelty j?cttutaa package thee; see tmnsu,- faeturtlttt; fee the %%Neld'a Fair tradt-

1Tf'i D'ORSAit ~into the Oriental. Ciefr tq. week Of May E.. . DOM:7111Y MAUILL. girl Prtday in the IIa lapin do Knt/s booking a1tloes. 'ire beck on the nob in Chicago alter 'a long rest. She'll say "I doe' to a Cl,} non -pro this sprtnIkr

CHAJILI1 OTMtl.'f.,nf the Wise Iteeltaa- repolta. has already set his shows tint11 May 12.

CleenA CtLIZle bee been ginned by the ehtzbgrte for the Aeletele : fioed ol _alts wee ~ewe nit, starting In May.

TOY ,AND WING gointo the Gold- en Gets- cur Prang --cot e'-ek of Aped 19, with the eprpbetzm. Loa Angelca followt`tig. Tram will be On lea pay t+o, Leendlin next month.

TONE 0141TH, member of the ;girl orehvtrtre In the Steel Ol ~effetely nnit at. the Jettettopá 'Thretee. Auburn. N. Y. treed not go with the comettny when it Ie-ft foe (°Inlet. TIL70, Dead ad oho r rrs:i taken tee Atihyrn City HmPltel soften rue from lane .

eILt tt-EY RCf3A tales Into the Pura. plasurit, etr,- irk, :C. J.. week of April 14. dºte Olean Miller Band and Eddie II». Lingo O h poly the bonze esece l 21 and 28 rapectitvely. . . Bala. HALL. Den Dore em . tR{rtlonnl Yo To. Norma O'lo, \I. lurttOd and 10 Krlvet Olds go into the 1twtc. Hartford, April 12 to 18 with the World pair ?reviser )tt,casr., , , . ANNA

. t


ÇL2l4.ouG 1 ---- -]


A Real Nºw Teiented. V4rtetda Strip Scnírtion on the Neto York Stage



Direction Deer Cohn. Patsco Theater Bleilding,

New York City

Taker Our Advice PHILADELPHIA, .epr1l tl.r-Ilse dal

letter rbtotu! The Rdi.iboard taaur which cretaSLttl ri itae:F;r"íttotg 1t at Jer Plrayrtto could use a femme Cltttprr a hie band At the Walton Roof Dr'ttjr IjrEn1O11 bite edited to the ork.

MAT 'WOOtC bet tot the Mete, Newark. April W.

PAUL .DRAPER e:atlyd Saturday for Cafe De Faris oteentag April 12 tot 'even

e. ele Inn ~eels, In theariene and ore l de -.0 83500 pw1 week flee eding to JncE. DaVint, . OWKN` Mr- GIVNEY. alter playing Europe for two years: booked into Lasers State. Now York, week of June 2:h &i 4 Flo. Weeeie ingteteo. Je rr D. . ' by '-rimed Erurkr.

. 8ccioy 1.211140. bliritome. haw returned to Paramount Tbr..terr, New York., for an_ unlimited engaFacintent.

NICK LUCAS. woo Jilt cotnpl'-ed a Stott tee Creltlnibla with Vince learned*, saint for Miatralta June 7 to open July 10. See. for 10 w with two tiro -.d - meta weekly and option of en to 911 weeks. - . JOHNNY BGlIKE b_e been led led to Cwt of Streets of Preto, lfao..d- way musical which goes Into retie -rant n et Month.. _ . , THREE 8 'OOOTt9 tall Juno, 21 for n tour -ae ek efire/eroont at Pwtlndiasn, Lemdan. and one -week dates In Liverpool and Dublin_ .. . RANDALL _SISTERS kyeekeagc é1Pf ª, C .

- n -

ATY. tt.il$E8 `:O YOUNO open at ItKO. Liu ton. Allele 14 for one week.

DANDRIDOE Slb"TERS and June !lien - moved playing teat Reward, Wsehnegtati. dicta Jot `liter eºATIONen i:ARI LTV AR'Tl $. will bole Dilly Ol on'a Clown N2 ,M April 14 at the Sharon Ho- tel. New York:. . _ . JACK BARRY,IT ;- Lo lee York truce the Chas t.

leette.NOQt POWELl. eon Into leewls (Soo VAUDEVILLE NOTES oes page 31)

Circuits Plan No Summer Cuts

NEW YOWL Atoll lie-Ptatur of circuit %laueta theesout the omintry remetlm In teeth* Quo. with no wheltvale Itesh stash r; for the sinner months thus far, & O will retain snide In Chicago. Cedee- land. San Francisco and Batton, end ~rebus bus will play Serb att-r,.ctirma froze, tint- to tt.rpr. Cincinnati Leer been dropped.

Warders not drillaitol;t decided. but no totting asrinzr.ioctd yet. 8t111 1, oats:l ig loll weeks in New York, Philadelpht+ Pittsburgh and Wahing'tori sad two days in Reading.

Lu New YaeIt vautle take a ue aiparary 'spurt._ w')í.1, 1 t 1íl10 help a, parts lAnting In the RKO-.tr' L -lerlgley Ouxn He -eV on itralessºe to !/oflperosxl, bepan- ieing April 21. Pinata will be land Mely 19_

In connection with talent quest. RICO Flushing will ptay waude Tusany and lvettntoday, end RICO Maeilson, CO,hy um awl/ K_:,auore on .,T!dIv.^ Tttulltesr Opens Tgtr4ay (111 with 1111.1 aria, Lead Z l erees April- ltl -am:t le with Cube and Smith, Claude end Corinne. Vallee and Lynn. The Bun. Don De Lee and ,t-ck Loa 8wirtnopttare Per April 21 entire Elbow mess -e en the Coll, teem.

l:exwr`i teer> ,needs h,z a eh Stele in Neer York. Ceee eel 1n wc_'hleseten, lees dioate no change 1111* for. Leese can. tinum. to swot ti eetlana oec,_aS7n'lly Into NorfoNL Atlanta and other stTalght movie epotx-i

Hirst Circuit 131tí C.11ALirÍ'W

NEW TOR1T. A¡>rrll félernt,ehj tltalilacr. Tle,'_rT ltye-nt heel Ana Smith Clete- to et34ad1ng. Pa_, April 12- Vienne - Kin and Creas Hillary reins_ lE;epp:i liyntt mad Chrt`.-re Murray In letr'taburtllr tOdriAQTRt'Y. vtt`r Lttt , S enmv Sp kn.

Coo Coo Marti -14y, Vl-key .tilc\ cry. Jp '1

Roo/. Jacii R7in. Jab Leta, Ann Po I. Rhyeltett Br ': . e7r'll Paul uteer atxflrti. in ik s hington April 2. if1.Tt1 d. hl y Alnaice. Connie Ryan. Little Hayward. Renee, Joan V.LtSYt't anti Clu.zlo and Era Opertttd In iialtttn.._ero April 2. teeter"' Tlritton, ILrzr 'Hickey) LeVan nnd Let- ties s Bdl.lr, open 'on the one=nlrl*t.cn tn- etaot?0'w.

Ann Corto caters atasacttonw tn Newark, Clpcnei,IJt Sloth,-rn to Calms City, :lloro Zat`dt 131 13m aerti_ Valete4n J.YIW ile iRT,u - Intt'an ztatd ,Dtnir-Z. ' t. Clete iYl lFltlladc:pbi& week _herdnntrle tzrir+xraat. Agrtl 17 to I11 tea . Valerie Paet,e om tea eYne- ntr,jt =crw.

New Yeekt cw a> t WALDRON. nee"' at tzhee, 11 -

tinge }larch 31 and first time On any New York stage. was found by Max Mutant,. r'. its cblutrb'e', Lonait. r -to nreetnetCd her Vora creerinc to prinºlpcl Aires in Boston Ginger doubled in materiel'

a ten note bubble dancer, . , elAN- NT run°. ~MOlentil ha pain. A twat circuit shove. will do Vauda, with ~ICY leoueil_.a as straight man.. . . MURRAY GREEN and a1^_i /_ants. Sorrnee burly dtr,yrwl. ants Tommy (Wee) Snyder, pin- tOmlrne octane, left town .tort! 0 ter met - bourne, Aw u:ilia, where tbe'r open In the Sir ºeenJatmin Pullen theaters on s two-year contract arranged by ¿Ate haze ton_ . . . l..il0 I POP & s t Váefi. number

reducer. wars retu eerd to the Oka' 'hard. otre'bockee Hospital btaTcih ;ill tot'

medleal treetment. , . . AMY FONO opened re tho . feature Otiraetlon at the Ctal'ty Much 31.

« PATSY OrÑOR7t JOHNSTONE. at the h-tz Jt-u4. Detrult, was birthday re: iLed

tly (ho 10.11 Club April 7.. t_r t_AH TAYLOR (Jayne Watlhi ton! ere In Syden-

- ham H sspital rote rüasi from an_ naa- r_- opmt10% . . . TOMMY LEV ENI.

~clot, spent Jewlah Plar$4'tr Nettle his incliner at the family hewn In Lawrence. tines L.]P_ NATA CARTI1C .. who pao- dueed the etereemblee Ise the current Valerie 'Perky rim -r, has been 3ptigrsed to do another Hirt. Circuit unit- .. Ito.!. NI1C VALOR oeslned at the Cleave., ROW more. Ape) O isenteed of the ir!'ih and write t Haver teem eaile4 bade every nieces died Iw.Crc when fine soofu+e ' har.1 ñt_ttte J O Y O It IIRpxzta.r.V, dancer, hcre,.tter rill be known an Jambe, t AHL MOR TsOKOT , daeCo predueer. lea trlpling.bctween the Capitol. reol+edee O.. end the Niiftnreel. Detroltt and the swanky Or-tis Club. GAY KNIGHT. Jena DObbtaa. Peal Rich and Bmlft Cull rºpliDed Walter Brewer, Peen I r and' `Gypsy Nieta st the Triboro April 9.

« OHS SCHILLING former burly atrnlc. Wes the center cf all cyan and greeted with humorous Deere at the AAA's affair Apr11 2 It e ip'me of hie long soekn-ha hen to adopt t0 portray one ce the kit : e ail lbe Oct,ba Wellies i rí4 PL. '-untie now cloned. . ._. DAVE itest.t a:N rand !!nary Reed err.rrr,.1 the HAA show and flttin g - t)' Introdeked the ttalcotts of which WIMP. f th - (blebs lncluor¢ mien ee.bar-

keelurn, h`tw !n Mire a, terra ea Jean 1lcd1nl. Al.k'att Wed Cootello. Eddie Green. Hat Showman and Eddie 17elnexe. Only femelo to do a turn wee Cary d rennet Bob Rogers anti ti!er9 letldlson also enter- tained. as dud 1tOd (The ~gat) RI.Y- tl'l.d. of the Eittnge. t3Amn',ey Kurt's 10 -pieta ark on hand. Wen Prráldee& Torn Phillene sing_ . . , JOYCE' COAX.. LET, a rratteets from a Columbia tIn!- rereit, dramatic course, nu'__ .3w- Do - Lye. ecedltrtcf and nut novelty dancer. Placed by Jerk White Into the Ernbessy. Rerbeeter, N. Y., April 14. her Writesl burly try. . . JACK IA,lONT. Ooorio Murray and Happy Mott plar.n0 stock to Buffek' Opened April 7.

« « . VALERIE PARKS gee. On an extra

nttractLtln tour after Union City week -- Preen W,i_r)gliegteen to the one-Meeltora. nonce to /tart/. Pi led:lp:hitt, seed two weeks (April 28 to May /el at tee Rory. Chwe;.,.nd. Thfen to Hollywood for e,

croen t t -t Mennonite:. ti FI BRlf iCtseA$ new April VI is ei--fltiteele tote date ret for the CekntintenteL7r teapen- ing.. 'with EwielW 14Lí a producing. Kn=

trod ue I -rt 4lark.. Harry Ra Phil St vela and Jean Beelirll ti' titehtY

HE1t72I0. who rtturt ed to the Republic's' Alit&: fiord Pr Kelloey'd reducing rent - he -elders lea Bettie Creek, Ileelt.. last wee' minus 30 ponnele In atYW_Tditpola end ]~-ens eta pay' nil r lt. is -tilt a' ly Otertlt-disci!, -Jtirdroel, to cuy ootteiea In t i d... , MARt3IE REI.LY A to replete btavine DuPitan rn ticitr. trip-ter Ise eeenshou of e e I n zy t In the 44th SVer! Trc-ittr. Jena Mode aun aloe oo the selected, lirne Merino imp )t -tae irk re-

- I eel tll,T t 'neth-r/ musical. arreer; 01 reel . . TIRZAII.. daneesr. re- turned to the Graiety April 7, ',KO.

Chkase: JiitLLY L.F;NNON, a Ttltnc'1n .tn .H DC.

L! 711t, ieM= ldr LTn4TtItTr n ls . Jsh i' u . .. it e I I: --1 1' 1 the -

',V. etnL no . TR _`U I leer. 14 1' d Ilk r hCTM+r Nroa- welch Oper-d P 1 T at the Rialto. . . H0LR Le -Helen will

132 eIruQ N :tes (Communications to Nave York Office)

hold down Vent »pert next lYldI t, . _ . Mlt.>; D1<Owei hes'rted the new coat open. Mg at the Gayety. Mllwaukoe, Friday. Bill also Includes George Grate. Chaise Holloway. Bo:ot Joan DeLee, Audrey Allen and Olive His -aeon.

From All Aeouedr PAUL AND A><Yil" .-1, d.at,e..ra, ato,boonk

et the Onyvty. Choeennsti. for a return enizawsraent tails week_ The house en- teral` a stock policy Friday (7). .

PRANCES PARKS. well known 'to burly, who 11.id her Debutantes In IMtdkrrterte night star. a thelmt, saaterst months. wiil produce the tine for the now Hit Forests tent.rbowr, which bows Apell 20 in /ba- ne. --. ... FRANK AND ;v iNN=E 8711'771. after a staaen on the Flinn CIScua. Jeigrd the stook troupe nt the (hit ety, Olney. lest Terld .y. They will ºgain spend the mummer on their Indiana ham. _ . .

hurlesgve Review Columbia, Boston

Manager Max Michaels has produced this week the most elaborate burlesque show of `him season. A a1111lrg BI c and White_ revue with an actual oast of 8S performers cavorts about the stye of this rejuvenated Columbia.

Beni Bernard miar, bee given credit for tho cefereirr na'urtct in which he has h'- hda Ibis etuoa. The ?O Darwerdol)u.

,aye a ce_as dancing Gbortia. scan tee have doubled their effort& to keep !taco with, the test-movintng show. - -

On the white side of the revue are Love llttrtd. Jean Carter. Leo Harmer. Buassv Mitchell and thecnarile. all e.2 wto:e. weft well resold.

'rho comedy -t1015 ha* thsa,t ]nug.`t- proTokleig heed =IL Mandy Kay. ably nssiated by Hooey Evanson. Al Pt r uT. FloBut

to Radice and

colored halyf et Oliver.th

show goes the credit foe Mops" In entertain- Itee nt. De. iTvine, special mentiion are Ceer_1lp r. Bailie Oancerey. Prance:' Mar- tin- Edith Wade. Hare! Cheeks, Una ilneley. DOlOrt:' T hen rile. Bambara Bklr. !'twzjerte Trent. Stang, Dots Rtriid. Kenny Wilitertlt, Chsrlae Ai}*n. It'd Oravew. Wtltlnat Mitchell end Bob Wright

&oafs and dame are especially well d4. -e" by both white and black and aeT-

::+,1 cittehy nlumbera are sun/,. Lee Untrue and Jea,i Carney do Oh tze.'e~lent. J':O.Of pr' s.

4d in nil, an ufwtZaI) be:rlco.que eatt-race tte7n. Oreas ~into for the ::eek ~Id be ;teeter than those of any preceding week thee se -one Flo, Y Bela.

BILLY REE fi -at Mme around -viva Hirst Circuir if ter flea ecuseeutive years at the AVENUE. 00. 111, Mith.




JOY De LY S CortOYr, [CCCNTFtO A,ao t116Y1L?Y

Datloleio alas- Neese Ma TYs1'ta

Canrent al the RNAatY, aoeAtru. M. Y. Oi 3 14Cu1 I/MITt



Due i -Ise! PHIL kosítiRIRa


, _ W . L. T.. `FYtrkp All e1- . t ..f.. t to II /r

N!1 err ,, it tna tL t ' , t, e_ ..r- t D cY ' eeatL CoateCoatex tl®e, um e ;Y_.c1, O

April IS, 1939 REPERTOIRE-TEIIhl1i SHOWS Condg--tnd by BILL SAG -1 B- Ce n'uncaI'o.is to 2á Opens Pface:, asinine nth O.

T1ne I1016oard 27

Mitchell Readies For Canvas Trek

SCUTS !ROUX G1TY. April 8r -Leroy. Riitchell. mnnaiter of the M Or 14. rogue -n. attar a winter spent in Hot

?rl:tge. Ark.. returned to the charms Greater ganrtere here today 'witty Mrs. Mitchell to make final prep -Motions for his annual under -canons, toar thru Nebraska and the Mo.% 11111a of South Daaoota.

P.n route hero, the h.Ittchet's sojourned several days In Kan:~ C'ty. Mo., where they bad oonfertnOlw with dramtQc s eta. _performers and pie Origbts. A new CO by 11220 tent boa been purchased from the RCgsrs Tent and Awnir-g Co.. Areemnnt;, nab.. and the show tIiLU .eta - eon will be transported on 10 trucks and fear trailers. Three -night jctaada wont be played oxttaelTety ::hRl ieitesicAla wet begin soon.

Iles .ales Mr. and hco bittChcll, router will monads' Jimmie ainatein. dlrontor;, Walter Nixon. Orchestra leader: Walter X. Price. ,concert producer:' Sunny Dex- ter. Ardycac Drster. Nolen_ Gentry. Madge Norris" Mister-Le'r Aye\ Oeorge Wien Amway Alexander Donald Pecan Wayne M tc act1, Jet -:ph Sweatt. Mary Mitchell and %rhgil Anderson, mauder Mechanic.

Does Him Good To Sege

Flesh Back in Old O. H. Wachs ICO. O.

)either The awbeeid; I retired from also w bilatnoes yeah: ng0

to go into other Enna of endeavor. How- evec, any heart still la in the profe. 1es

I want to. tell you about one of 'War shown"' iuettat; it river on the focal "nun fsenory" 'picture show), A party re- eellittly tend to rent or lento the local opera house. which nevus a near rood and halm very badly, but. f understand, was refused by t'r. Poe 1 pawcna that -111. However the botnse wfaa routed' for n show leaf Saturday night and nrattsrslly I was there.

L tried to find cart tLc attitude of the bdernera toward a flesh ahow and many of thcoet 1 talked tp [shrew up. their bond In ,holTu;. The tocni mintltera wore ut- terly agatnit Lt, se was psturafy the local pntutb man.

Wen, tin old opera house wax pinked. no.. by the y.iunger, genw'aeon but 'by the older folks of Wellington. ,It dirt ju e good to watch their ~Ow and tO reb how they DiD rnyoy the show. which was cleverly dono and aa001-n all CLEAM

Non wc. tiny have another show and I am anxlouely awaiting Saturday lilt to QQ*1n enjoy a real ente t.Sinment.'

Yoti can realize the ntentof!ea It brouj tit becit to Rte to stain see rrsl flesh and btooel performer on a real stage. Ewen' net waf, roundly applauded and, the andlenea -ate It nix"'

Three cheer for the 'Reread-isrindea folks of %t'elllartore. O., and there, are plenty bore. May the et -en Wm pp bade to to own. JOli:' A. 13Aó1 t:US,

"Hit Paraders." Bet1i1s Preplintitn,ifity Reheitroialg

BROWNSVU.LP . Term., April 8.-Pi*- llmIa--1rye ` radatíreals for The flit Parade hare wartad at the falrnera'.inds hers, ranter Winters 'of the new one-night stand gift show. Renearral@ %nosh be In !tall ,[wing neat Th trnr ,y pr'enaretary to the opening April ^O. Fred Yale le

M Prance PPr ..s. itter spending the win, ter- menthe woan:tng Midwestern night clubs with . r Debitl±nnten tins mired v:lttl her Orin Verne Perry, eaualcal director. will hare 14 noels lea hlo bind and orch.t'tra. Renee. bubble dancer, and La Pnactte. fan _peelnuat, !gilt be featured to the contort.

Recent visits** 'nice fl rnbcr.t oC tbn B nit a Comedians. ?red Jason and wife: Henry Larsen, circus agent, ant ]?it01_v Mor'gsn, vuínevil1n performer.

Rose City Unit Retiulnes ICE; '!v I ICI[. W u.h. April 8.- Roo -

City Players, of Portland, Ore.. who *pent the pc.t month plsyt$rt in rlcruth. torn W -shin -Gan to fair Sumter a, re= tamird bore Mornay ntttr_a 10 -day vane. 11on. Show Dow fcatureo floseray'Doronti. dancer, et1th.e line -:ill of trite ramie anti 'sad a thus:; -act play. Rrriej Do jlan9ed. by Eugene Backman. Tr teoe will make one tltgtlterrt tlru Washlnr.norn Idaho rind Montana. Many oS the *pots will, tenure eats, eftt'r-!hr-cho . 'limns, with 121Wle tr, Taylor -1s ritaubaciaurn. J. IL LudWickno tE tinniness. with. D. I.. Clarice de ar_ the toi.'ay. -up,

RPp copies Malt AND EDITH ZIIXOIIf, barmen, win % Wallace Bruce ¡'layers, hate

joined Prod DrunlCe CotvoellJnor to 'Tan. as..... fAILRY V. WIN.LO . out of the ha.. for some time, has signed to blare the trail toe the 'dog ir.-lteltay Players.

. SAM 111L1O11T :ma petty Prom= are arrivals in IC.inmo City. ate.,

aft« diking a long eq xrnernt with the Jennln u.Potter Corned :rd in Call- fornia. , . RAY ZARLINOTON Players ere tinned to open the Canvas .esAU11 thin

-week In Illinots. AUSTIN AND GLADYS RUSH have terminated their eeotrect with the Henry and Ruby Neal Plnyera CO slips. With the Jerk 'Welty Pint -ern .. WALTER PRUITT la again &noting the cast of Allen Brow' Corne- dient. who err'o'r+ tinder canvas in South. era ~owl We week ... d SW 4.NILION has changed Cur policy of his BIp Olc show. l]rarna Inn been sit aside for a hillbilly dance bind and Tattle unit to one-night It Until 'midsummer -ashen he will resume tan drairitla policy. . BAWD WAY was a- Fames City. M. v4dte- tau' 'week-end. on rotator from the Deep South to Wolf Point, Mont:, where he -WI L reopen his circle, . . . ERM A11 GRAY' find tart 0-atndt have closed their New Mexico unitand-are heeded for the

alt .wnJti .. DAVIS 9ftUN C Comedian* open their' gnat tour the week. in Ar- boonsa, .... GRADY AND £OT IfeCLURE, owner and ueanager I1ow Ion hie nestle rose seLy with Triton-Quthrle, were spot- Dandy Dog rind Monkey' Ciretía In reboots

In the Caro_ina s. Unit t, now in He 19th week, arid buaix 1ia`+'kf01s hitoo, has bates very good. N. 1'. Patton t8 twyn the Magician) in handlino the advaroe. Hawkins plena to rernatnin school's until May 1.

aro now in rebesss¡i in hfasotirt. pre'psis tort' to an early opening under caa+-'-i.

. KEITH AND EDNA OINOLES batten closed a niccenalui lyceur_f tour wttb Alone Caste Asher are now eojeyrnitni in Iowa spot. They will be aeon +éttb a tent opry this summer.

tad In Kansas City, Ttlo.. lase ooelcorroll en smote south.. . 9ISOIIRA PLidai. who closed recently with the Orvilla Kirken n c1_;elo. sojouraod briefly Lie Kan- lAa Ctt5..140.,. last nook. en re -ate to its Eastern spot.... SiICKEY AND IIKRTHA MAE ARTHUR. have loured the Cbriny Obreelit show.

LITTLE. who recently closed i1is Kataaa circle, lone signed Sor

the suranwi with Allen Aron Costedians for the tent Weir thru Missouri and !lrlcnna a... . JACK COLLIERig Ooená- Ming wall continue on :TIClr W some mertir- o rºtiñd for several more vneie before binning under ~von ... FRANK CAPP. cf the Bauer=Lockwood CO. wag guest of honor when Mr. and ldrn.James McFarland, formerly with George Sweet Player!; Mr. and -Mrs. Clone Masters, formerly of Prank North' Players: hall Jack Whitney (Gladys Turner), formerly wtth C le Boyo5. And Irene Porker. forme? Zkettlid Chorister, pronrranted to mein in Knnsaa City. lion last week. The party wan held at the Hotel `.iucltlkbach Grill. JACT. AND DOI1A 8CHAAF bare dgnod with snippy' Lameren Come - diana for the suinm-r tent trek Liss 'Ltlehdr n-.... 4.0E AID OZO1ROIA h OP!- MSAR, after four years with Swan-on's Big Me show, hare towered their eon. notllons with the troupe and _'le now' to Kansas City. Mo.. vision* rrlatttte. .. FRANK :MUTH Players have brought

Owls rota. -y- Ctork lesson to a close and

fIILARLZIS Wlft'rdnURCB Players. Who L have been circljeeg all winner In Noll Jtrñ Mlscarrl, closed their aeseoo recently. Tire, troupe is Meted to go tinder ~vas .gain this mummer. . . . DODD BROTHICRS. who hire played their regular route in lows for the pant lax years, hake denier(' not to troupe flair nturmer. They are no's- in Cslito;si_.

ARNOLD AND TIIEL11MA Kl.OXIN hare severed their connections with 1itg and Jessie Alien -Players to siga with Ward lfatch 1s Cconodinn, !Wine tindr- Canvna tour. BLANCHE BRADLEY formerly with Sid Kingdon Playenn beg signed with the Dixie Queen Sbowbcot in Kansas City,.bfo. , .. HARRY DOW - BAR, w bn has boats a.eoctatcd +.'tth 8r. SvoutOolli. issacsagor of the Big Ole AttraC- Maa. has teormiagtad his contract and wilt play hie regular territory thru the Dakotas -anct Minnesota this Stemmer MERTON CRAIG paea.ala that Vie Carat¢ Bros." Show to playing to tar returns In Southern Pennsylvania and Maryland. Jleoay Johnson, rig cian, can wile ro- osnHy closed with the outfit to Jain Coatroom's Con:~ under Canine. BUD. ILAWKINS. erstwhile tent -show

( WT'S COMEDIANS in 'Theta. have reorganized and now have the toe -

lowing oust: Jaetpb I. Schad. J .a): Rooney, Ralph Nicoi.. Jame Nicol, Oli'-er Smith. Bt.ty Ieana, Wayne Bates, Vick Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. duff.... OS- CAR HOWI.AND. with the $:d Kingdon. circle the pas* winter, hat atgnrd tar hLh fifth eenion with 'Prank .Sxiuh Pla}^era. .. WARREN'S COMEDIANS. nº.r plcy- Ing throe -Wight Mande under ennree In Lotdalana, are Arkansas bound with t.,o following folk/.' Shirley and Marjorie Anderson. Bob and Kitty ,lint. Velda fen Curry. Buck Sawyer Sid Snider. Glendon

So Carter. n and Hazels Felton. Peonies Hinson. lily and Iris Hrlitñgtnorila, J. C. Watson and Manager Jim Warren. Jack Gould is blaring trio train. and Jscic 1Selecoll has CRaree 01 tint 1»nialin . .

MONTROSE moll again be seen with korgon-itetIree Plfe,era tinder canton'.

LITTLE OLE SHOW, management of Cecil Vernon, will ~Urine on Ilia

m- round until the lost of fay.. . DICK M!LLE>3 Bus erne:-. to. Mao aunifhar with the Judy and sloe - Green Players rehearsing at Newport. Ark, . . HILTbfOROAN Phiyersopened wider canvass April 10 In Atkins. Ark- .. DELL AID PLOIt$NC , PHILLIPS hale*"

Tent Shows as Training ,School By E. F. HAN NAN

TILL[ best school of training for the dramatis Ltage" la a subject that rasa

long been dlap'anred. Etna now, with' the toad oqt and drain% at low ebb.

In ng'men and women gO right on take g up stage careers. The alarm Itch Ile

to n,and the big momenta in a great tiutny lives were titan: spent in amateur theatiicatt in goner While the stage fire in molt Bates I .enure nacre there who do nrscumb to the reel die -sea find It hard to shnke-

loest bt oiir pre -('no -day Broadway 1e it talent ere prod: of dranistie ce,hney or drsmatie tu'oas,. Wine 1 ás& Iii .' Urnauwr honeycombed with small groin.: worklon .tits aurrisncr theater Ida. which, In morn co -- are ~ell .elloots of acting. Some of the eum- tr c - re a to: no: are branches of morn paviehtloua routes`' í ehooh, to the LrflEr Mina, Tbay bate their place and when conducted legitimately and not a racket 'gins ;idrqunic training. block hi Off the 1sooed..:.iid lVe doubtful If the old-time city stook. with a weekly change of belt, over -will come back. $Alarie a and pt-oduetlott overhead spell doom, hi any rate Until the magma elide oft. Stock today i a pent gninblo antic/in anywhere-

T''ering the last 10 years circle grn'sppe have apni-ne up over the country, Mak- inir their hnaaqunrttre In a central spot, they play a earctiIt rat ,eurrounding;towne or ern e% returning to then bt-tldqunrters cilni tI7, hinny of ttsnse g:ouj c nn the

outgruwt 1 or are oomsp. sed of former Uttle theater enthtr-tarts and are In reality :care advanced amat,eur:I titan prone .4C:71 1 , vrlar¢,inj; at _ net Ptªrnu1tx by day and ba.tr : a tins/ at nctfu at nlgbR Thing doce not apply to all groups. as many are -nut-and-out pro:eaalonals. The only rent "oeat..od-got, down-to- earth. per:sire:woo apt legit type left In the business. oUttida Of New York. are í:y0i° connected with tent operations and a few showboat ventures If You wtall tO nab the bet r011=1411:1$ of the rr, ad Of the '90e lot3'11_ dad It hLrldtng terth tinder cans -as In the West. Illdrbst and South, end here la the bent training school for assare c Throat -on

Geared ininiewtat to the' Speed of the 10-20-30 rep show of old dayss. With change of bill nightly, and forced by such frequent change of play to income a quick studyo those orgehituti,Cft: o'fef a oars way to all the tricks oe the busineea Plays are the a ort-es .S variety, where crery t.cici Attie a good whack at the script, so all mists ho yrtn 1palt as this


play requires mien players. tp et Itnair results, no that tent

n are stole tptrrercvi in a night off than they ate In ,S-tttng a Chant" to e t'rat their stuff. Tbesn billa mull go O'er without costly re(tini,-n or alnt>'orao dr_r_ie--they intro" hlt the mark. U prac- tiCo must p,rfs.e!, alud It should. tern the tent show qualidea so. the bed: train.

school of the draft*.

Weí+'ile Show Bows I s .%_oultrie, Ga.

mbina UW. os., A,Ltsit D -11111y Wchle'a new onna rn th tent chow, Statno-,Rorsa of J511?. few:urin` Gene Austin, re.dao omit recording a ootsr. maker ten o.n.o.,- 'a bow here Monday

Orga.n:notloti hen edght days, In Otorsia. mowing into Tennmeee at Ch. tt.,nc to April IQ. From Teripc- the shot.' leap Into Qlrgiens. April 2i'.

Thy trvupo L said to be the biggest s-g tattaro 'Nettie heat ever toured. Ho will atln play one-ntghtetr.

Dilicic Queen 11,Lalces Debut KANSAS CITY. :10-. April 8.-Dine

Queen ftrowbise t. elide bore by Al Canner. Is scheduled to open Monday with in* Air ,being of John Mirror. BO_`dlfi 'wfr, and Mrs. Cooped. Piet includes Al W. Clark. director; Loretta Ruff. Wtyrt sittit. herb Clark, Turner Den,rYnr=It- Slanehe Bradley. NAM= Ccopor. Dnid Craelda]L Ruth Clark. £Levine Anatptt and Raper Arthur.

et: ntd 'With H6ar3 L. l3runrs Otero Ilan, re' the summer.. . . rRA2Jic = unit PLAYERS will ttrgifi rahees:r;asnts thn tent season April 17 1n .'rltsus--s.

IkR. AND ?SR3, low Chlldro and arm are t-ycAtionlog In Hoe Eprtnds, Ark., tt:o mini- :aYLteg the battss, and of the faatli,!lo rlatitlui; In ñaiafigga . . . 1?E8itF1. COMiEDY C. playing hoot nod hr ala In Utah. -All Ro out under carlsna eoon.

. IftTn,T1SR PI.AYERd, n new au'.flt now readying at New Rochetlo. 2: 'I`.. will make L'1O Al srt3ndti0t resorts this aura - Wier.

DYANNY SHARP and wife left C cin- 1 nau ls-'a wf-rk to jo'n -the SeaBee Hayworth curie In North Carolina- ,

P. J TIERNEY reports fadr bilre with his small trtei . ill 'Northern Illinrolr. - - CAMrw r PLAY. is wall agroin take u Idiot at the Coast towns or 1.. test t bl summer. . . CIRACI ' , tr:ti JI[ABEL PORTFft. formerly od the Potter Stout Co. have jitechaaed a nen trailer unit ;we nt present- parked on a tot In T[a]p'__ artrÑit, Ina Angeles . . WILLIAM CAR - ROLL. 'lock and rep ve.ensr.. who Witt In many years with W._t Cocoa bonne. stopped off et the rep desk last Friday <arn route into Pennaylian1 i to 10011 over territory for a :Tr.!n.-ngr cHcle ss_aron to bow . DOROTHY RACQUET. ingenue with the John Lawrersc Players the last three:1n~ end to Irsrtsr,rspolls btalrxlue _this teenier, will ue back wait tlir LOW rence olganlrraCron for teen throne swine. . . MARVIN DY)Tt. r, p lure and drummer, liar teased a building In Wattbtn, ton. Rid.. and wilt open o dance hall thorn thin week.

THE HIT PARADE w.eu ss .. ea. eta .voeast r.:.sy m_hy t.r--t

0110.J1 r tl+uLJ hri iaw wax?~ee In IS *.peitrts,rw 1'7i gad A Istant. 1 naaaL £-_-east v n 44' Tinos am T. 'f -n. Recent t- r_ )!,n ani Wetsar, ii.lsse to ....TO efe eau -1: I . s-_ Cask ate- now. not ano -9k. hitas.

Tris: NIT rinses co.. an air.


_d for .n0 tt a tar 114 taw 4. Cal ! ad sLU IY* !`rá^-+7 you D_.7 C. et On ran I 1st- foist nr- - y tM- catare sis e.a

JÓNIV L*WntnICr, tArortl,l-y.-- Ind WA1fT ioA roc ONIn1NaL

TOBY'S COMEDiANS nea nir Pt". 't1n,.rsi - ,t o I y'.,. Ott_ _t t , 11r ,ts r en Y.nr re , all-

.t t ,

t+. .t ,itrl l-f, 41-n wino eA r irttyl

win. not s; Imam Too Voted.P Wtlqpl Gel/ ólcd-w

WANTED TaEP PEIPLE J1Il , L T I da r, - il. el to G - 'i e . !cal .t.

TI,M I- a TL.t .- W. T ' LD

re'fiber, en t$l ie+ Wit* w11r T l t' ~'I_ 17

e -.-t ue-e 2 Jt . ®t!. tuse. ,r-- Tene.

WANTED TO JOIN ON ME A-! tb+naar orrr.wao Eon,- w I t:,o Man _flat, F:yil ir t IA-4- nip,paat L,_ .rT anod1C tñbtferie I

r - - 8t -tae Ir new r- lit --s silss i' !tr. -et tMTr"r Lash1 r - .' - -n.. lack Q, OIIADY_ 'ioctY, /asOini Ytit - Iw

rstR'--Ie, 11. C.. YY.My al Awl:, se.



28 The 8tnheard _A pH' 15, 1939

45th YEAR

dill beard Feunded by W. M. OONALt?iON

die Loretto Ceueatit341 Of A"i-. Amai-_rrn.-'tt Wsrkty In 11e W r - Atilt a rear et Cw4alirUon Pu', tiar k

lay rem !tonally, Pablhaa,s Ce. a< a. tIYTLelrpwO a&

á.. W. AVANT. e4ntuT.T..a111,7,1r A OOP1r*t Mrt*tya_,

0%:" p CL NnToMAIN Isrd*TÓts,cltwu.

saoawlaa'Ieb uria. I or,., iggg n'--.aT,, teas Yar711. ti T. @T-, an* M1M1.1 Wait.. Tlta tentü}d

a ilr_'MK. ~AT 0rta Irl00.16 OleRhIftsta. O. Pr" ael r.1-0. oaets ANien. *II Iitrlr.q.^ aMr 1, o.

1;n OIIIO[e. D11.44" TrIRR-Qil. tl. r - .. r 1 i W h. :. 1 r " If , lellíi% ;1441.? 1t1g' f'I1rí',tr¡r} - fi ria tL ' err: ILtarrt I Coward e.o Itr

,r T 1.111119-2410..ut .^r',. .n

. e, lrrl IIL letai1rlt.+ sL 1t 1Ir .. e 'A » ter 1- +' I.r neon.neon.: r r1 74- ry e -'

1 Tr.! IN. I it f+ 1 ' r ts c' t. 1> . l iTDtI .Y. Aa`tIT1Ar.aA---s; ,en 'Itn cite, TLttrtall'w tit r .a 1! o LL t r.

` - a 4-9i._ a. 1 ] fir. &tlha , epil-fl.an1Y'tfFraN aAwITa, rAt1tn1.10 1N AO -

TANG [-at* Y.-. 45; Twt Team, yi. T . r I . 1 , .r rr t `,.

te , ñ _ r . * r as t _ II ro .t a't- . atsLAY AOeERTIb)NO ... Irn?r G;aL per pee Llea. btMa Pat>w. 113001 KW' Igg.. NTa

O rtr. fy.. Ñsiac \'. .I -ta.r - I 1 I l. s.. L=t aR,irr-


, ' * 1 1aNs,.2 w e . Y In t `-

.t* 1 Ir n '''1n n._. ell w97rar


cd` --- . 1t1

Yet $1.

rkÁ dIC

ZOQ, tra the' 10amanth tour jur.t cooeluded Margins traveled 23,000 thru 28 ata1eat. appaearuag in 3i0 LeY;m, 16 nearly 621,000 pa:q wthrn4 le'ri1 .` nts hag he aril -Nei* direction ot Lynn P. Perks. with whom Marquis lr.aa put a.mesa a new loetrR:tt11 oWttrfaet. A16?r will rstaid.tlu Y1.1, and Nev.' iLalLlgnd next fell, tfarQlliri larot. . L. G. O1I11N, Wt t Coen;woa angl_ tnb, tells eu' that we :WerthI Y he+ gatn«, tbt`pM32zt1w, of bol><IM tho rltrát. unaGlcten In thsÜnited 8tatcl (as far w no knows) lo perform, vta, t4foeltnloui.

1 rr`n,:ttxll{{ tbn p+c 1,rOwpu non:t non:teset Ar?GClrJ. Gtutn

tt did a 10tnlnute stint

teeing latae_Ctlyds. paper tearing end ropo trick andproduclupl a rabbit snit throe Mule, tie aaYi It Yaa necessary for him Bo wort canoe up In a certain nntra and to wart dower than on tr!r,_ .

4'l,111)O. rr7t4anpelnÍed by hr- hl:aband. lloward Osborne, was a visitor at the taagle 1t+1 last wt -1~ Clodo. wtlo has pmt ritplbad a lung atrrsrla of Bennis. trA riotal ni. Will remain In C-nt7 long esnough to pick up a new &gant, attar r2Geti tan will begin a tour Of ]ildwastatrs t t-1lttrSll.

r -111Y MARTIN tetras brow 8.7n Praan- ct..4+b to any that he's In his ISL.! wet.

aecuti$te woe' on the Coast. havng y p - pea.otted eight 4'ks at Tl al Tabsrin..sa1 eruluel& O three t elex at the Golden Gate Theater in the same wtlta and a ~eat the Orpuuuln, I,u ~Orb Tturlooy into« LOU. thrtt be'r booked well ahrod Into the rummer. . il. MBaDURNE CHRIS- TOPHER ttla BAhuntdrei repro expert, d lyres el= A booty note from New Yorks 'flaw Glen Pope In the Prank Pay ilbow airtt Sts Yaalnerrt#1ICEtt ftlrrtt3, . . (lad eerie''- net John aria still tanned Crain his South American trip. . _ Ate thew seem vttb Dorny. Pope at:d If'trtrard Idrec'aa. The MUM la Ott to Atlantis City over EStstcr. Ran scrod Dell tYDe1L, Chant, Correa, EIfi r flsFtsom a:.ry t r le Flea CI Pr roan th :r wiry to ttJpe7ng- flq d. Maas.) In the *hope: . . . Chatted

Itb Tthatell about Ái,3 seo_zn Ln minutia:

ttrlttdL)0rothly Wolf at The Sprains c c+eti

but nituod Bill Williston at his flat. Incidentally have dope nn l,ct place 1.,y - The 11u10l91tt4e iri:Lfrrp Sean'A O;l1l4elal plat; Ttaa'' Ilene on txaraymn and Amer - Mitt theaters. Should appear ahcatly."

THAT'SA SWELL prelim% an Lb* vet -let York Would'_ P'sir theft our Hood friend Ja,ul J. van Glider, KnoxvUle m ;eta In thankful, wrote for Thu Kiion'ILle

a-Seertfbo t of April 9, Van Oltdsr bias Mein IOtñr..mlly integrated In the Nor,. York fnlr sine Its very inception and lbw* 'are few men In the country who knew true inner rk ragg (tide ttIr lntoftut- ham biglilt>;bte of the fair as des van G ilder. . . . ELMER ecmedy mailcian. Le winding up Ids uleater-Lri)uQi3 r' ,., titre Alabe -m=,. Oeorita lati4 Tlrnncatte«e.

AL PAGE AI CO., after awing thru the South In theaters, are playing &even «-rIa OS peturn lti$lt', r.e l*GLs tar.? I

the Atitl4fe Went for Ernie Creech, or' the í3un oin:c: THEY TELL 1313 that Leiter Lake 411se Greet. Mar,elo) p want- ing a -gist/ 11t13e number' titC-e days and that ti can't to long before he Joins the ininuot tote bent -dicta. .. . POOMIJE it! CO. are ~trout'? piing In Cher gravel (MIT. M n t. -Buser alter a inacerraull tout of Michigan and Ohio;

IlD. 3lny Ran Loiñi1e RiUe 83'RWNCIFTESLWTI. IIi., April Sr -1111.

note State Legietature may ban double motets Dills In this Mute., At the eug- geetton of Representative " Elmer J. 13etnackenberg. Republican. Chicago, a biU by Representative Arnold Lund, Republican, J lv ilelo. Is tiring tanrrIl ea CO ltciudi) altob a claims. 'Phe Lund bill nn ereJ,lta111y elTatt[til Woulet probleil nonsp'l orr blind waking land hbock. booking in the leasing of mettbn plc - lures. The Lund ball alas r'n$tutrea per- sons leasitsg moste, films over 2A00 feat .to turnlsh a ,,ynop-' of the plotta:e team rind permna eancellatton of the tee-'ry It till. yYnaopds does not ooerespond Muth the pict-tire.

Avail le. 1939, a.le 13

By BILL SACHS (Oonameniuliona to Cóadnnati Officia).

B1,AKLB TdiL' bt40ICIlS1V, r.bq,e sine. l! a .s.geltt ~teal revue la Interna - 1 .. ltraw£, gOwl t.lUtW-A 00 p+b1p to mac - teet-1 In I' -I rid, bt;t 1L'aalrwl vara_.,Yat at Bump. Peer, a po $pilit'y that T}aEtr.-, anaY Nazar,/ tin aaalsamo_h - e2e,.1 o:tált--e , 71

.a !_ tun country be- times Ile . arw1J9L'r Le rover. On 1.1a Ce,3rLent,

ao'{ntaa Drente h bpllbp bis app -u- ence as ttly Txart-,4117 tour." Iii -x 1 h nt. t ;Inners are mayenS that the farnosza b + r Qns3a crlest mplAtute r,<. ttrtr, tram its loud and Mt'I_nP 1a Ere' e wad_ Cbacoe'a suv 13u>. that Dante

I 1- ti ni pt . la ter,- of Out IInf ted S+aatrl btfoac tc =' lar ¡ mottle 14. wand li1 Neer Of

n *a thair on the W C+- t. Daato in tar h -tarttlr t=bita3med by American

ar r'o se Lela ill 'hti for 3 .r- to - a rumfen of his perform -no-. .

'41tQi;'L$ CI- 1 temporarily a: Golwrmrbusa.. -.et.. Fr$41 á. and te sltltt4 1º rretlrsse x t Intisnatlaaal 7Fa1L, Minn.. Juts

V, J

r ,

iIÉR P 1iNSt7 rL A eCd - I

sad G I

. . . A

T . ri c IO1_ a awl 1'e Y_s,w,w; a raj Utase:a.l ).1m -,,e1 t D.va'llaa e

is s.. tat.rt" A.» _bÍ awe,_.

v- aa, a.ar aed I}lrae i, T, n 1 -..re. ..41 A co.

00a N. W.17. -..ab Awe. Doge- ISO; vaaOa. IIL

rl .o Ur! Ill r ;« (Colmmunications to (BILL

Four and One Still Going hi ern l JJ Rimm IJeri$ybhov1

CINCINNATI. AprIl 1L-Of thea3 teams ?delete ants erect the starting gun to the

WW1 Dully Hits': at r`-Poo,n Park Dayton. KT-. four couples and one solo me still pounding the bccurda at the I fda-hhihr a'lati, The/ ate Joe Pan Rosin and Rellis Pinney. Jack (Dead Pan] T{rllt ajad JO J9 hits, Poo :trey Conine 4,10 Pauline ltoyd, Turfy TStrsnitlao on'j Tillie Sweet, and Greene, Grant, 'lo. BjelnJ haw?, Lela raE-rd to :S ttltinutes.

White the show has beret lk-rina ex_Cep- Uonally smell bintinccu.. Holy Week put a she t dent In the ,nternnstt. f .

arse. Contest Is belnc almel tiaa0e idle: ores Station Wel'O, Cinema, t, with Monte Vail dial lb spf.'ling. ^tall r'ttarpb'y riaea rnrjle himself n fare bore handling the enteitalpptlucsut angle. Added attrac- tlonrl of r+ nh date were J_t`ia Hºbn'Jgb'I fop net. a 21-minubt stay. and the ding of sari of tint done tJ

Forename' owns -no at Jimmie a. night :I.fye. -witte Je Minolta on Ills day shift_ Buttcos vlas and I 'C F" -r, !au. ' Pep Van Realm and Jack Reyno:dss training: Mrs. Gabe 1W1, sniper - ruin. di - 3t_aa; Bob Robinson, UM! nalnct. 11L-nit by Lou Cheater and Jack Kum in' Hob McClure., night Mantechri, Bari her '+`art. auditor: Jean Hobancti and lsatatfJlt Heelti -.Oaii1ei' Concussions ,a¿ry headed by Capt. MIL Ma4#1eu.

Ince, hag punt rt',eirned'hers after booll- Ing soother spas 1:01.1Ct'4 he; wtll,optn soon.

CMS. PE: ysh ii Fatally Shot CHICAGO, April 8-C.arlal M. /VI.

den, Shea* ~1m:et-on la currently hold. f- -t.h al Ltd- Pin* * Cattno hero, was

fatally andI golly Ióunday as be stop/pid fra-r th.? Wow! litad('rvn errs t ballroom hntr!pnrr hie teal r Teat I .Rio wee

ti b- man Who .topped treat a l_7ta-11 .r át'11 11/1 by 1San-tm1 0.11-r TT;I n. I- a st en it en de b 'ore h died li a uutb a I,) supply any mo-

o t r t)t ti1G=ns Further details t$ Final Cltrtinn, this Isrur.

B07.111I11 DAVIS pencils from Johnn:an City, 7Y;nn., where cu.. , m`Slnl:, tj'.s,t rh

-v ' Itke t13 r I l:n le re on Billy

Sho,n SACHS, Ciednnati Office) Steele, Ernie YoIute, ..Vii lge Royce. ¡teto Lou r.S11e, Gladys ltougllman. ,tummy Hourtintan. Peggy Jaokson and Bob We nts,

IIANK LIEWIll writes from Stockton, Calif., where be pas JuAt ei,ees I en 18.. month engagement n: 3.1ºttennl'3 nitesy. that lie jumped right out of that ago: - Into 5ils+et's in Oakland. Calif- where fie lb eel liar an tndeRh111e stag.

BILLY BRYAN. tomeerly with no J. Icoaq and lino ñ ceotlY hit Cincinnati aver a Wtet Coast sojourn. wag a anal. r to the e1idurnnea desk. last Oaturdretl.

1;111 stld he ft11;`tt tlka a trot at thr' II. V. stalls show in Fremont. O.. but it no go would try Ito rnao the new $,pea

DICK BCCIIC.tY termer et2a/00. has opened et night spot on Chlcaago'I areal aide, ecroso from Rlvervicw Pasty_

One., Year Ago JACIIIE ANDERSON Iit,Qi returned to

his old job at the -;quo IUible- n Caploor R _ene_ Wu. _ .. CHUCK LOMBARDO inapt t Mason City. Ia., g"'tlllInl the open- ing ot Charlie lteydln if n^'e 'how. . CLIFF AND GAYLE REAL. were vacstton- ing at tilo home cR Qayin's ant.- ?n Vin- cennes, 1]ír]. _ . TED /1110W1111 show In Baltimore w}a eliciting nten In great Aryl, IIARLIY »ia In At- lantis City, wltire- he had been called by the dealt Of his tiiCl3i3ra . IRUD OANI(OON final(- realised his .amblt'nn when be opened a teelaurant 1n V1 eIia. Cant. 0E0.11011 rrA.IttLNDTOt was presenting his seep paeleltL- n at the. Club Ne- Ioe7t. OEOROIE WAL I.I H c ' entertaining at the -Bolton lintel. Harrisburg, Pa, JOHNNY OU]l,POYI13 wfirl tilua,,llTitt 3t. tttte. K-0 Cie bi Ikiltimore, . . 17'Ó:1 J. O 4E4~ Greer), formerly et nor enduran e 11etd urea opereOtt a Qmokt:_l; t±j.ocy la -n'aedo. , . Twelve teem" and two :mice remained , 10 c,iborge W i'urtme a Derby/elbow to Boslior City. 1 e

HAL J. ROSS' Post Arthur, Tess show

iqínstrelsy By BOB -EMMET

(Cincinnati Office) THE MANY trinwta of WI1li lint will

be gaud to *new tiinL he It) e:i]oyllfg the' 3unsh:no at the Jersey oor>rt at ltla heniu+ at Bradley beach, N. J. Eta act will be reint.rmbe ed under the killing et Hale end Inaant

RED-HOT /WIRY BROWN. oft t o re -4.d thy, VIM t:s'O a0asolua - cal.-,-nt,y AmM..nao and doubling on the piano at this Myrtle Cate, Itslitini".

HARRY bTVROIk1 (Old Blip ljornk, who resides In South Bretgal, )&ea- *Ill have Oyrt a COtdred ahº t this azc. on.

112dMETr -A. I IcATEE, of asltteesee ir'd. Mo_. Koehler? nt ,hoah4 talent shouts thro- dut AMhnima and ?tIa111tlppt 101 a num- ber of year. and forlaerlywith the t. _ ,ere White Minstrel. pñidl,etei tits Central La uOf t:Istol't Minstrel and - Revue In 8pttniiduld April 3. Show attracted mare than 1,000 persa-ns.

ALLsikD MAYO. ooniedlan and rntintan with Primrose rte West, r --tenet, appc_red at the Rent Peli ejltañl., i:tra''fork. for the lsltscrard Club of IKW. The nawsgtaper publicity given Ilia event R4a Melt0 tit' hearing front t -ta 0511 lt'insir l -friends. alnt-o's c`l e'r Qrits back to 18POk wlltn be beban lily neat job with, Barnum it Riney. The name of Mayu W YJ 'Oral to laltn lly* L3athhtun, itrlroplayed tettht Jimmy Peden at the old Ntnrer e Thrzter In. the Bowery In 1303 and later tilt Raymond M tdlr creek Ct the Old ILli'p iroane Theater. New ?OM. He has devoted mane than 40 years to minMrel work and rit131 Qtlt11 time to ta=ke part in L*ooR' Jabs minstrels and to appcar1 at various charitable alalre.

A RI WIN Ea t. a reeinrat gtttry oon- Corning !am Lee cornea from H_ H. tItltttter, of Clilcugo, "Ap into as tan January;" whittler 'Writes, **Brim end his partner, Al Urreerd, were on re CBS brand can Called Do Me H eryth_t.p. 8 ree own. an Ierutl$e grG*e I Ta

v unit he eomatl.nt-i *tare. 13c pay, b!& dure ref ulerly to the. rrlendahtp, N. Y.. lodge or Masons, r ÜOdrrslamid that Bsjp1 Is Teri remres An w--3w-7Iiag letters. Ho'-: czar, I wlh ray that when he wee ' ttb cioet art'' Ntirehtrw.1a and .latter with Honey ?toy ) l$rs3 tie WW1 a mighty grvt comed..an as well as a topucileil Cor IOtiat."

BILLY KANE, former minstrel, tab Produce. land MInevi,. who ball been con- fined at D'etheeda Hospital., ZnnetYtilo O., since Derr niter 23 last, hopes tp be

(See MINSTRELSY on page 70)


1 'I


Cash In ,Now on $10,000 Worth of Advertising

rp._sabt tr.y.arr her vr4tatA'ae, r.ewitn- tm. '- f ITV tt r law, MU''' y-l.tl,,jt V-,' u I-0raftr rc . . ' i',1 It, id.' o>oar larlMt. r - Q b Itrrs

JO" F; tw_.I :AG tars. 11asr e -tta tlj ,1rT W T`1O'kw'

~ 8T. Ir i C. i7- t" M e 17 In 4.i. t)- ' ,r7 ard Iae wire At MAIL LIID aqa a.i Ills tat tatrr rtfC~

A. J. O'CONNOR 510 Otrtni. I:, et Loma. Ilaert.

MIAALKATWtáN-DERBY tw+tws ,y.rt ta. oath N1Is a.,a Jea113. M 11a7$lec _ 2 au. EtaP: ,Prttt. Trims with *ean ernir'...t-{ eat min t-,._ u,

1 - itrvQ. 17t1 31trtCA, fA l`u" u o li -5 itrtna` ,.. ratbakr-mf sal, [' tit y, > nw't no LIZA. i i Orb .1 tr.r t,. Al IA -


WALT ORoia t+ eIAnAT ORAY ILTATf Liam aataotOl?, Osamu, ttanus,

1 T 'NT I ON elOsd AT-tii fl i.f trer a run at '~1 ala,frl, . t r es, Q r r J .

hews, 1- BliTlY IrElt i7[) :11A and `i'AtRQIE MAJOR , It. _' In "' Éeg fiar trak*-_k hews of

were C.-fetingA .- [.ouk clubs, and POP I ''1. O ry I . a ..ir

abLlreiL'tlr 11,:1 ,-a-nr.d n 11-7I dtr0:: :Iras` - t, ni)sTsN OOLa 8.r1011ah. 0 . tOeVi 5, ml,:as.talf L IU,

April 15, 1939 1 h Billboard 29 BOEWTO-BrDr, flªti rAtk t4 sad, Olden

merebte Of the NSW ark I711A+trt-hatilc- Sir s non Oroh trs liar 31 Its B 3,lyro He had rerved °Leo as tlbrarian for the society for moat thr.n 440 Isom, berme joined to vtollni3 In 1884_ Sur- vlied by a daughter and son.

CORCORA;t-Gocr(N1 (Red), 34, must - cal t*troc)t Actor_ $ d writer. In a Lao 4njelaa ltoepltd recently of pnelufonta atue hceptttllaattOn tzar a raptured ap- p'odlx, BolYg :tt a .alit . Carooran graduated Dana the Unlve sty of 'Waalla- IEgtan. then went on the stage, appear- ing In number of New York esuatCal corrat!lfli 1, Three 'tars hgo he gave up _c_rti t3 devote his time to radio writ_ 1p,e; In which,, he achieved nntioriaa prnenttnOnee. As aria onsoel the prinoape) writ.,t is ter the Al JoL-cs pea itlint. Sur- tiivd by ids widow. ankh-ed. and hL Mosher and stepfather, MY. and Mrs, O. A. Pr-tsi.110. of &tattle.

COV ARD-Ntlthan A._ publisher and editor of T7ee'Bettora Nc,v, Berton, 8. C., and br tber pi Linde% Coward, uo dd-an, at kite lute£ o lit Briton- March 30 of %dell .relrla niter Coward Kan a Worid War veteran. an áct:ve member of the American Legloa. L1OAia' Club and other cLYIO organisation& -,}tar raved bt it widow. &wan VEctorta; fonts c ii4'+tn. Ms parent" throe enotbers and threw a1 t Undoes in Dolton adar li 31. t nth Interment In Belton Crmeir+ey.

-_ !n ta.teo. Wawa" al Mr levr..,e

DEI3,i1IE CIURTIS AA* pares ,aaa4r Apa le, I t+a.ly

TñMs lí a IIH DMU Cat. ,'rN lererl and rrat~a..:a salt a..;snar.

a:DNA atJefTta

CZER.WINISKI-dlttlittr.O.. 183. barite:1 d shatter, April 1 1n a Milwaukee bºrpttal of , a utruo:ale 4 erwinoki formerly P,r -nod with the lean Clrtle Opetis CO. l}ttnh'ed bf a 'Ion_ a d rburr. ht mDalttc. t70 breather" and two ail era.

DONATEi LAr--Jrx4nh. 26. < irer and tnualglan, at btu borne In la:: .

N. J.. ',Motet 31, Donatella formerly ap- pe .r+ret t: lth bra parents, Pero and Rosa Deaatella. wtarsi act. CdMlcOJ Of Vitt fee, pla-sd the country on RICO an:1 Loci?? el 't't tat MN:. appeared AB a danolt In CkOrgo, W iltt'u lrarfrhea In 1932. Sur- vived by hie tta9r`roo' end titles brothers.,

F7vOIJ8H--ltarrp. 10. SCOT and valad %Man. Atz;il o in the Englewood Hoe - PI. 2. illy,;1Ci: oo4. N. J. He and hia wife bed bean 'Wits air the Aetorn' rued Horno for the pas Tear. &sits t. -J debut nor elude tD Trials playa. arepetttrl[ WlXi1emI t7alWSr $r.. no appeared In 1106 In Back Vtantrr.-'r, Lost fat Nero YoA, The Mack Flap and The :Spun 01 LtfO. Wlkh Ems Kril4ell be played In A Pate Of KM... Later het )rS'red Panel Bartpinoreii rsana- i1+liS at, the ~pier_ Theater. New York,. betcre ~wring nithlt,Trillc. Tit 1904 hñ became office mansirrr fn- the National VRudrrt9Lln Prttrta on the West Corot. He oral tore ra-lfe, Pauline Palmer Eng111111., Burial In 'sus 41' -_'gat Cemetery, New Yost.

PILLIIORC--W. A.. 77. cave fn pparo3atnatisn 4f Mi rittirre Whiter I-alr. Ann. beer, N, 8-. aria * direst r ór1 Arms+ sit 'Sahib! den Cone la+lnet. recently 1n that city. He was a major In iba militia and nti Oi 4 lisilltsw. Buren Cd by twase ins and o daughter.

PLOW N8-- .re, IL -wry E.. 20, farmeriy Gwendolyn LaRue Caster. («hear In the ~not? Palatal Rcer a at the Port Worth.

t.. T'S'ohtrie: J* 115 of 19017. In 4 lort Worth boepttal Marcia 31 of pneumonia aft r weelra ULwra-+. Sursivod by her 11rí=> .nQ= trite is rant:tected with StattOtt WRAP, Port Wo'rtb: her p trend, two ela- tia;es and a brother.. all of Part Worth. f.kes-Wee In i7ort Worth April 1. With Interment Ln Oreeissofsad Cetttet,ery. that d1 Cyr.

h I1ni1 Curtain OOE'1'_L--deinn A. 00. ticreoat ar.4 1lá.

11rl:at, MatreiJ 311 In Milwaukee. Re ap- peared on the stage during hiss ygvr oer years sad leo played the vialtn tho Atltsfnttra. Thm.ter tar/sheath: Ln M t. w atilieo. burvt.ed by a son.

BALL -Robert, 74, musician, d'uaftl 2 tel an Oogetto PeiL7. WI S. hvapttai. Rail brim[, or.lL Lno.rn thr11 the Middle Wert for ban musical nbh4Pra, nppe:a-big a conotet 'violinist and' lead] nr an irl'rm. Irtnay bard. and ebiatda s In R_lahlf-n, route Dakota and Wisconan. Survived by ha/ widow, three daughters, two a uoí. a brother and two taw s.

RAYDRN-C' rl Si,, y2, marathon promo cr. Lptally that in Chicago. April 9, where ho was ataginQ a content 1n tho Park Carp at t e tl;tl c 1U13den had promoted marathons all o -,ter the eoan- try asid'vas one of the beat known lord: in that end of ah:,e: b i!tn.r 3. t1ti'rised by lib wirtow. Olga; n eon, Merles W_ a floor judge Inaba current contrsi. and a daughter. Anr.,

TrTXIo'N-sloe. SSO, rho had been con. nec:ed with Ohio ;heater, for more thhin 40 years and ore 4f the °Idiot members in Old* of the lingo cmjatoycet unbolt. Aprll 1 to Lima. O. from Injuries nn- tatnad In an auto aoeLtlont, g,rrloM and burial in Lima,

ILOL.COMB-Mrs. CttarleA, mother of Ray Bsan_eh. who fen/WIT *Melted the, Strand and Thrry theaters. Hnetlneit. ,'l...b._ and now preit4eMt at AIJ,ted Tta,rsstnrn of id Onigan. at her home in Eulton Wareh 30. .Survived by her hue - band and tiro Desire 1Patiar in f ulLcn

lUU Tt ltEON--Laeter W.. 40. manager op the Union: Tit ' >i. N P .I-afr..t}rbia. 6- April a In :Sheri- )lapltal, Pittsburgh. aft : neat lane -Bed eight. w.ecks. Associated with the., rhea Theaters Corp, for tiyo p_ c 18 y u. , liute'rc95 Went to 3(ow Ph1aAdtiphta ih D:r-tnbcr. 1933. to Alb eurnee the ui ma em-nt of the Union arid Bexley the -atom Pn10- to that 1a, bad twins menaces- Of I I 8bra heroic in Mo. Il.coa Ra'U. Pa. Ito lied been identified with theaters for mars tbaet 3.1/ )ors. TILT vtd w _Atsriives, St'reirr_ 1n six 1Yittica' íieZialat Catholic Church. Me. Kee& Rocks, Pa. Burial Ili Mutes - clam N Y.

JAl -Walter 13th, 62. en :inner at the Ornnd -Theater. Coltu,tbu;. O.. April 3' at his hams is roust city. 2!c 13x:1 born Ident:tf ,ed rWlth the ',aide&` door the haute

tan robtilit, :oiterwing a lire «mo al years Tarp Prior to that he was with the old

St_th Th °ter, Columbus. Bin widow, lour dale -astern and two 1011 slur lve.

}r it hotrod td Cash:lr11;:1a, 3Oi bull- -hire, v..- M. ve-lerua mho,.:

tweeter. tits hoina to Excelsior Spring». Mann 27. Service.., conducted by

the, 1.14..,.ris. Attended by a nup.berr of peon/ Writ

Lc.A r eIAN'IA-Carl P.. 98, composer skid opera hdnrrl at him- Borne In Batton, April 3.. Surytvead by .1sis widow. the smiear FJ' :bete Ctwn,77.

K) ANLY--lllrar. Rosa Brien., Tt, metro-c0'ntftitto ,-o olat, at bar home ucur Louisville April 5.

LASION-PFvtt,ricl_ Wlnf;thd4 bear b05 With CtTatsi trxpoCatlon 13boa'.t, in ~den, B. C.. April 7.

P4eKINZ.IF Robert B., 73. known 111 the '.low ,r Id an Danal4 aft:C3re-tor, " dr vnprlcl - : et m a" le Ja f- ferson. Ta.. Apsri 1. Alton III Ol _-arrr, Scotland_ he'was 7 feet 9=,1 &aria i tali and weighed 420 pounds_ )te troupe's! with ;ramp'.' ia.Yl . Ink-udlna the C. A. ~tram Skerne". rird tat one time had his Own orb- ' nlr Lion. Ida l-a.,at:.'.tt McGregor $hours, Balrvly d by bile wltiCw act i r#'+atl 'Iat4e. ServiZti nt he biome to Dal". Minn

14rrr.LAR-clyde C. C., 72. of the &,wh it II;e,.11.' Ddoratta feature cot in rauc'm &lit

IN MEMORIAM 'a: In -7.. ).,lure, In Chlc;gn afarcb 2p Ile Al' oil deal &&shoal , t , same 4 47r, anlsnt oD Xo u atria f 1 1lt1t Qr,cpEstrt and i i a, &eaeib. a Apse,

R _rod la b`s armwa

yrsrt ale. As*RI !T. I

lis). ie a h : ' .i0er. 'ttaa ta7e ar l aro a a '_i ,, 1.--l= IrL,.th lies 4rr ii. al

1 le' w ; net u Yía hlaa Voice it t' . . -b laid . p arr Ir a`sry rar~a

- 1Q Sin eau. ra Nr't Oita*. F01_T= AND i11M1L1r: ,


iitEl73LAZP- -Dsnirl Warns, 65. fOrrner na --r of Oaks Area rrrent Park.

Ott - .rotIv at bis borne In clot city. Al oac time b!' was With the OOuu:- _ man e' Ma « -,ikon I.rIP iFSc- prttIa' . B ttla - rwd a rant -o th.1 Ptrabler.t o'f tho tenet I and Clash' 1D peal than. esireiyed h': hit tadow and a falter. Mira, ' ems+ t . I atldt:. Ore.

Union of Betdtepet ter 41 reata and father ott't`RIti forLsr!r wall -known tiaudM- vllliana, y'ºy. eking. tart )`tr.

O1,IY11>s1.R-ltcn.. Canted 'Cert. . father Of Laurence 011vlor. actor. In West Worthing. targt, lpttl 1.

OTT'O--lbrr.tet, 77. musician_ foys more llran 60 year; proaniner_tly 1dealtbñod with the Turner musical dere-opntent. of a heart atta-` April 2 in Davenport. la. Otttt eataln tea tins ew lAtt` froiti per- Dinlly +vh-n 17, trarelnd with a asttru,trat athorrf and liter et_ttlod In De:enpárt and organized him own band: Nr serYtd as maal.dl director to tag DlaTenDort public adboeir froTn 1402 to 19i8_and was also e4_/tradt dtrtct4r of tho Northwestern l3tostlt4tbulid !! director of Oa yid - :eastern l:aeagcrbund.

POTrB-- :oxandrr '1lf . or PwWlcy. ca at- !Nnd_ ope.sta of o oaforesttlrant In tbp t3..-Gtttat Ci,71a}^e' on the (keyway nt Qoa.dert 0 -Le Intnatloaaal Ititl.on, rout t1r -, frr,m nn abdominal oper- aron 1n i3.i:fortt II' tpitnl therp April d. Remains to be ercm,a.tiNd atril Wen I M. turned toa taa}trand-

PULLARD -- Waldo. veteran - dlt c - stpnt-r, rr. alanle anti wheel builder. t.n, City IIOr',dt.}l, Dalti_a.r.gre, March Jo from Injurie», Jetaar.atr^d when rza-k br ñn automohite Much O. Burial In Mt, Car_ ta ] Crirt>Lrrsrp, that. city.

tisAO£DALLx- Jitiarnlr itói, wen-ttnvsiti watsrat-.aw t3o'x71, trill) had app'zealxd with nun7ia{ tarnaTolay at Ida horns m C'',rttaatire, Okt., March il. Inter- ment In Clhremiore Crmeter7 >taroh t>!.

P!A-P11.-Ptinee YtCt.'3T, Lakewood. N. J Hindu mentalist. killed ltiatnntay wt' en tits car was ,tTuck by a train In Sharon - rills, O, April O_ Staralved by a brae`- :. I`linae 8ar1 Par. eertd=a t,atstttYly set for April 12 In t3tncrmn^.t1., ultb IttrJlal in 8t_ Stry Cemetery. Garingtoát. K"y,

Ít1LRY-Jattlnrta. W. .,0, -lago mechanic at the lrrsrstrsrñ"ant 7$',A.rr, Part kt't vree, Ind Of a fractured Skull sustained tten 11.ík fell down a atairway at tdto theater March it.

ROCH-Dorothy 1Ktn,yd4a. -1J. atn4, ant7 ÑeKeY'II so -terra. recently In County 1!vti41ta1. Una ASle1`ir'.

ROSE -Edward' Everett, TI. author, oc- tet and pltywrqt- April 2 to a hew London- tiTs., hoop5td, .Otl_n of his bet: known work* is TJfit Rosary, of which be _oho wr.: ttt= Dugs end se.rrep veT. 'on. tils r begnn ti at+e Coster ,íar am J9-(rr w-etick actor In a Boston stock company when t7 and rraRhrrd hta drat big chance by playleil:' a ro,le In tT,F arlgt/ial pafzr4ttc- t.ºn of T.fie Dabirtata>tid- In 11!03., -tn com- pany psny with P. FL Allen and Henry W. S/v .Ga. L!atasa_a 'r_ltnrtl, q0Q tea 1',QO`'DLQ the Castle Equine tTlcntcr. Escon, now the Arlington. He diapered of his Be=- C4DtI !L+ºlt)trrg,, haw r-;trs Later and ~is htas rrlattl¡ career de; IlroeiaSllr,f. Of his 121 platys nil of them were published and roost -of th0alt tiuléed, Flti writ-

t1 Or ln}rtatIatt'd íGQittti The 4NtJt- erwer. Janice Meredith, Alice che 4'+1 Vin. comae*. The f-Fec tied the Lcre!I. Tern 11' 4 fA11 170sir:t. Tr3e fe:'rrr Tare/. Tl+ih, Penrod, Dor,tef l/drasb The Part of Jftl_ fry Men- 6Sryern¢»Y+ Dala,v,alrle7, The Grog fIr rpk napd Q' 1`irtu. Tsta'ttQii 411r, 10-b weir

_idence ]n i're,»trm:t, Ws_, irtoro pro- duced amateur ploys In the villotrr+ opera hem r, fziarvlttrl; try bls widow, the former Dorothy llitplt. Nov' York ..re .

1id8bti12Y'-Ia:`eit`'.rd br t writer oho Jn hie early dty- ceai`rbd Liao Kobel - quilt "at" "Diamond D k" thnl Si Batt for vt.`aelreg large diamonds, March 20 ait htf bt+ttiie 1D 1ru JatvLl N. Y. H^ u--artéed m X t - 11:ruput tlre. aotantry and altar he had 1Rar+uetra hlri trarilo aub=°atter be erne elaeuk,tLr=At e7aeeuttvt: Tpar nlrraer;otl;S 'publications. Inc tat t;g 'P1tr `Jets Yarkrt ras)d Curt! gub}l-taattctur. For th pi t I p}, ir tm r_ vt- rived

and bU Tarot:lra, Ylrr_rart, i>eF'frcecd their tila, own tat.ttar =. lt:to' o ttla! INrrabtrry IIrat diºrairráa in iWJ7 ndr toter p-wTtd : the B. II'. 1Kti'.r: the_ _ . 71a' .D aca- ter n:ld did, Ttri-Y'ht lowrrrEa upliftin; rete pr art.I With the Prilnrc__ Pr West Min- atibsvtpal DO a n- He w' ror,tt- st1,ti for three aim) *ad a! thr Circa tayd/ trn'zv '1 at n e, ..Q WAS c'-- Q-.r-ina to 3taatea9, In re --nit SY+>;-awn iüllais n ` dent -- The HUItaArtd 11t stnnl]a. dr o n time to yallalltr= tnrirlaye P. ' isl in tie York Mantis M. rc-sir. ft,lDb,gfb---Jalaar_1 Allan, supetrrstpndclst

O'ÓR1F2':-'d,nitli. '. kilt cl5aragter ti,ch131e ltiRxhrrnd.tSurvlio0 by his peter. iq Br}I'rutr 1.e pit-. , f: Ye rr y

March 81, HD; iaft atngc appearance v. r do dartgYrtrrr. ,aoO Cre and three at :al.lntra how's, ZZrrcatr, New Twit 1' tkr !n 1602' I16 r - y:.r.ir. 4 tattdavllle, BEAfaC1t--Csaarler ]i:, EA. e .trA In be toured It7;tt tr.rltcrir In The ji, t.cu¡ tl: 'ir .,. to Sunburn. P , and ono' yrodu01 Drowsy Bróott, SJaslia I 1n vlatn'iG) f -- m ttt na 1t3 . Ira t b ta the SUS' Plot. 14tti.vpaª c;i!ane:atY. thTea- /seine 1n Rolling Grt_tl Park, $)1riI¡a,trl,. ab._s4rr County. N. Y. April t f air ro. pla[atio n party

Cot' O'NIII hJ Po

In n

lialtrld,art, gn ln,r<Tyar n erl9unbtIryna T t7t


O'N:cN ltlty ta l4ata. }i !;dent. ot Local end yr rafter It, opened in the ton of :to. tia. Arnrrttan f r-tl:a -f Le - I''1 h' - n: d_ 1 a m.uger ál1 atºlani; -Mary a: 1t4ar: Central .t.:btr 1D0'8 SaSen )º_t later to took a aa.n,r-r

position nt the Rolling Oreen Park rhea. ter. Survived by 1i:a widow. Amy, and raro ehlldr ors. i: ce.J iba tint nbury April 4. with Intelrutetit to West' difsi Ce etery, that city.

81111.DON-CJarenoe (Real. m, ºr.eran ctre.-an turd: carnival trouper asta ear .f romea, ID Houston recentL), Pin - u p -farro : d i ultb CP11-11eS. Liagenbock-Watlecro arad Barn Ulm tic Bailey atrca_es fiL las how commie tuon was its ronce asoner with Only. Lon -thorn $howl. Bun teed by - re.

SPRAOIIE-Eduard B. manas, r or the sae 147 Tltesiar Fallsllln, :t. R- Lo that

err rv,R-atiy ;nitro. a al-.ort tI3n _S, SaJs- sivtrig Are three para, aria a-'ati_ght+er and eight grandchildren. All three bore nil on theater staffs in Stolthern New Brute. wick..

'11R01t'Te-PTe1, 57, well.i mown BuOblo tx- due' s ;r nt. IVIentl+r is Banal,% Oel- eral Hj ajitt,li of poiradtnfata. Tihftria(Ai real /UMW aras P' gr Rock. - v. a-

long sasoCiated with the le atkmAl VaLdI'- villa EzobanIw'. ltcclded by Clyde Gill. tub. 41x4 ut. r ed amateur raudo " bows to- thin .tflke to Wr aura lar.- Yo.k and Gild ia. In later years ho once, ail his time to booking, 8tlrvireo by four s a- teta and a brotly r. Setrr'leSS ,Mad. burial In t.oOkp_ot, N. Y.

W1U1JLER-David 8., 713, aelliknonañ Montreal Molest man, is Cannel, Pratttci April 1 11 din.: after blob ~et , to Mr ffinylyn P. Tliltiing ti'saSaq, T)t-lrrnIl widow. Walker was formerly seCrrrtf+ri-t2'a:Jvrer of tilo J. B. Sparrow Aratlro.ment 4Y Montreal. Which owned IN 1lskjeet e Theater. Ilee Princess Theater and the '!Treater Francalb. Pia numbered marry atai,3 stars and na+"'nbt a of TOl-Jity among hie friend*.

Wa1fAN-lint. Margret Beyer-. 4J. farmer p ra1+`r-alsr1i !Lfl ter of «Cmcltttl. Ili her horse in Ott. Lookout. CttnrMnnlrtl *aril A. IISreti iO by her husband. 3lttethter and two eons. P r, .or.a As_11 7, with Interment in GdardlaS Aural camotcry, :.ft. Wwahtngton. i 2att (C CCS

BUDDHA - i.rlixl7P-Pttnoe Buddha. ir^%In, and Agp.thh . 2-'1k/u1, weathers of pet* tlrortes' World's Pair ll-tamuns, flp Birmingham teOw.ttly.

CAR/.tw.r,-BTllt:eªn,y-Floyd L Crit,le, untrpéq, and Le t3atpl:sn. natrataa, Aps11 I 1n St, Bertha rime- i Church, New íark

,r.ORRY-RAMBEY - )Sn_rtT Q- Carry. cor:oessla7:ar with Hannlea IILdI,' ttterr.:L and Bobble 1l.ircry, pl,Rl}t club ent.rr- tainer and denim-. In Little Rock. ArJir Mardi I. reports Corry.

CitA:tt'O1tD-C;AB>3ON-Row Crawtftrd. lot Ktiprrint'nrieKtt Of Wellies litraa sh?'A'aa. arid Mn,. Viola Ctñt'-ron. klddlp ridt+ aparatar o:. the aanlr atrtanl.tápri. In D>tcraabarg. Tar rt., March 22.

OORDON-iiIOEB-Joo tAoxa) Qoroan. prole lolrr. 1 'sT rtter, nd Jri4t?v La b. booking writ and etmta' tetrreeeza'ivo, Iti Thl.adetpSlL'a ,ArarFb '0.

)lAltarY-WHAIT,E'i Ch .r' 1 ttr- llabl li.uve7 ;r(4tir on tr z11t.a-.ihtffi on the Buck+ty6 aa flpnw,rt. uad Carrie 1t1-,arl WQaatla:y, of Sumnsorl::d, M recently In Farm, SIL _

ROI-aflS - JiQL-`!1.ti - Ralph Rplatr~t. on Ot Tayloe lilalmeº, chata' + -

and LibtiY HalrriD, xlnoer and !t,A3w of Smith Reynolds. In tTty.hani4e March 2r1.

SPANSl'IELD = t3t: y ` írrattig fWd. tlttbl1o13T flirrotor for Dorothy Tholnpa.vn and John 1f+Ii`:As, en}p Jagtt:r B&B gaa.aa. former dancer at c1. 11i'at;pp Ito %h'tlttlelphta In that city April 2,

MF.AC IIU It= t, - PPntarcr ar chum b3ackfaoe combo with it- .._r Hay- vrt:rt)p r'heatr, and Anna 1Tr r- rtle L .. sti - with, tGin tra="o ,eizar'on. ln Urcaovgle: N. C_ Jiprtl 3.

t,tt3?it Lt0-xC1I C031II - Ft alpU ! t Tt aLllo- trumpet, player in Jimmy Do:r -i

Phil 1 tia tits Little Church Arotxttal the earner, N - c_x,t,

RI'ItCRIE - Cl1RLif ' rim -Can Sttllslc. tfat.lc manager of 'Station er{r.t:, o -

trodt., and Cunt -life. of the -

t5a;lri aoátazaring t a'f, in las :s at r+'- o. -1t11<_

R7iA3t-1Pr9-JaC1Lr Itfnn,. b rid- dle -player In Jimmy Des 'a'r OiSitar re. and L iu r Pippins, noápro. April I In the Llttic Chureta lrriqbel the Corn--. )lets

r1I OiáP94N TtrzirTr a nn, farmer i,laut í;'rth ªir,edaaezL and Mary sam circus dsnexr, I+l ~aard, 1ü.. April ú

WILCÓX-]tle?C-TCasRar. t Wilcox. film )a,-t4r, and PPazLn Itu.t, riots aem and dslszintñi' of C3ramtlnnd };ttc _ tk

(Scs !:fAJtRIAL'E8 on p. TAI

3U The BJ11b9_a3rd April 15. 1939


AmisaÍ , rn I: P.. 1

Am 'anao'"

Val/rl+`: i Val/

L as. rJ

Jr B >a3ra.t tllien waoaa, ba tl,s

117c a. Mrs,.


Enos, - 1 r

It II r eta IbL . fi

r, 1L

""1"1". ul.era7 Oars. irrT Ras» al . ,r.


.r pat IIy.Vy thIt:l t 1re, Ir . . M36 ras. tin" !iñ ltarir

IL ' de, 44

P. a

041 I. JeJ I i 7CrL I .ea

ll r. no. ln. h_

It -rapt, T.a

aaáñrtk, j'35'1,11


br. ttJ7asi B -s --: ..e 31

:, TY' k-.sI u 11 _ h J.

v4i'F±+L Jrrrs lt-_La-- Mortis lI tterra-r11.Mortis., tl.

rot .,

!a Ñ I. . l?,t 1 her -.

Yrrlci pbel Canpa, >cr&


111147 CIPY Pa.eP.

Parcel Post wl ti-tr. 244.. L%

tr rflb} roc n R_ r. :. p. Ui7.. _ er Vas-, -A. VIM . Y,--,r pral, 4.2 here=. tJn.e}d.IÍlc r 1tlYtr.Dle>t, f'-1}r. 0.1%9*

_r K 3'rll Yt< KfULattt. Rall1.

Women Abs&IL 4nya r- L fl.r.ny r >traP A`ritla. +Q

¡led. Area- Mir` Ato Jura r i

W' '314:1.1



ara C,ta. lee dfirs. ri,i ÉeaL }lanrr, 3lra Etta! 813er. LG w

36'Anorta B.IBeels. teary

MAW Barbara. Lerg'

P.ea e`L Fla 4A.r

Ue. a.i'la. Oda


12, R.

LlS to. A.

It l FeJ .- yrrJ11..1'alar7

Poky, May í14T

' I- `ta C1u1.

On a. . itarrs


. S_i 1: . ll riraRy

C 1' te ..91111

d`-rt. irta _

Cast. Mn.t b á

er.",A. ;. es. nay fie.. Itra Oe `en' a:n:` r1a7M. aiola 0

.yr}'. JIf rea

1t.aLn,> l warn eS, 31+erlirw

Ii,z-tr, yy

FFarm,ra OMir, Lra G. W, .w». Mr. Jas

r1Ii1 .1,n rool.

ila.aa,, Irern .Into rlar.rri 1 1.!y11rt+-'r

MDara. ta. PI It Ta Ilr '2I in Wow. . Jrr.ra

Mule Hladeas. Mrs

Ella nleurlsr.re I1P11, Ia r

M. '`1.

1 tn11., f.lra N ta Isú*1tn. 31rry

InndllaLtl, WWI


hl~. e fla Llrw.11 A-

1a..aa. Mrs. Weep ;3.a._.. Itti Nit.

I It. 3rneie 1arY.a. 1:r -alt. I. .en. I e et.ee'r-1, 17,n 111,' , 3iiL

p, ;1 3t Mn Jays. T. f.Ifr Ja$^- ' ha

,Cr, \' r I}=. IL W.1 .rL ( i -o , CarYar

" r. tl.lr.na

V t 3!

I . Jaw

s Pct._ IIn ., , ! `.7rtle

i ti 'r urJa imp. Mu. 1 Ammo arr. I ' an., ]talllh

n T . I - q. LI tias.io. ara- J3-51IN

nn, a+ Ah

1k 1t a. nRltatt3. JIa-sa, Vitale*

rd - . I. K : I. -IlL _: I f..1.r. +.

Ws-. _ ' 7!' -+ da. 31ra, 11

1, ,It I K. 0. A %I. J.


I mar u - . lr.. '411

c1. a- . -1

- Ia. lty :l-. I K4 , circa C.C. HI. _ 3rr-

Ydr-.IC in- tt p

1 .at r lt. I/I6 flare7

.It dprall. Sdn u.._. peur I f, 11a

P.11r= Ur.. Moab 1, - 1. ~.ea

m=ar. 11. ?l r

n sz. a I.rL 1 --f 3 r. J. ,Si

1llaell Mts. ..

Iro+cblsaa. 1J: Ciro

L r- tr uí -ir r. r "^tr11 ra. 11a- - Y I w, rfib. Yuri IC..-r.~.

Aaaaa yna,thba

1=iWm. unc'ins T. 1I. ,aam4t/ I` -

D. , T' ' 1 1 a , 111>I Mad

n , d 11 :tr t t , 1 jlia

fia^, Mix

I er 31a, PTar1

L iidL I -;ICWa --

ell.! Jlttlet-I fa. I

lL.n Mra. 31 'Jr.. 7.

3rr11... Mate ,- Sltlla ! JSM-"

aw Gnu.

ány IbtOtorar. 1I4at.rar árlyialli Xcxcu>i.. xrL

DQliat t Idr ra.l M. Man r' 14.1


1;1. 1.11171 .ty

tters leac, Iltal


1ae7,. 1I Ada a 4f

31eado .t! z R Viiírsly. Tea at i, ij0 P GLOW

rndrs .>llatt.tr. 31na Tanta

ar.enA }ar i. tw. 7Ytd. .._ Lr 111.aul,al q , Y. CRn tir!

May) May, illL .a Maybe, Mn.1y.ortas

J--1 3( {, . ~re._ aeAara 3Lrt,a. 1113/e

1, Tema*

Statoelaer-1. IIt{taa }IL,_ nab* Mika _rrIl,a SittGordis


t. 3 Ira homy'

Maker, Sisa. )ntltr. r a A lt.t/

t.} Art

circa: i.rs

,a.A .a

K`e: val`-'rl`. rt-0


tl'nrSraa. 11 le

&ánihue §rnrn, :.í UM -

pre. Venal bab ' L IL


hLa.ar. )isrtlr

., e ytl

Pan. .., wee.i Pab tsraaa. JeaA17et1a r tra'ele

Iaéere.t ta. L. Pony. MR Tram* }, 1

1'taea. +1- 1.

1' alltpa, Anna

IL 111-1 ,--L

Ih-trr, alms I'YttIrra.., \rra it tt r. lTairt a.

a. AL Pttlahell

hop HAM* _ '13Yi.eeae lar. oa

l:taluerr Ksrta Iki lNro

' =

e. 11_.. ara I,

D D All NOTE -Mull held at the various offices of Tliet Billboard is cla»si ied under their rr.dtetts -e head -Cincinnati Office, New York Office, Chicago Office, St. Louis Office, Requests to have mail forwarded must "be reed: ed in roam ínnati by Friday mnrniirzg (early) and in New Pork! [afuiezigo :lud SI. Louis by 'Thursday morning, otliiirlsghc names of those tenorred will be repeated in the folio,- Ing issue.

bM4svrrl, 1 ¢,

,Bbetiv.rd. LtllLtia Latrrtb.

F'u a-. MR r' . . ,1Serr-` ftei, o ran. Id


1t4b )t 3L sonata -La. 3 aM

MaranrtáA31 ~AL/ f.ae}a. r.át fatal

new. Moue. ~mot

'names .r^ Until

Odes Ntectl3e.Y AY^w-1a

In. enf.an. .I.te4 Manatees

Khtan'o, I.tL L dJ!e _ - 1.1rIa.

1 7 qte4u>ra 1Lt,A.

(Leak J 1 1i }n.a, Um

lhomaa0r. Pit" i awn I I ti ltranañrk


Tlir . Tore "


Val a, >Lactase IsIr7.VI


111n 1

Tea Mn.

JI/Iti ilrle Tom" Maw `,1 SC an tr. aI7

Waver. ,t/rL sc. ir. t WARJi,tr. K31n. iean 71,R - rT.lt.

1T.^ ]Ira. YY.'.r V

sd= 'c° v r

lra7craon. 31ertrada

Weir- ' Jran rC31011.. Jr_ te Wa3nat, !dW Reanur Jr S'lta.a. I.


Ñaé: Ñr, Il 1ky1a-.r, V. ' iCrr0. PirL V'1rdM.va: ºh wt¿Wrtr, VI ::TM art F.t.

VPi!ter. Mrs. ram. Mama. )1&s r a l_ N1

Nt11. _ Jr'.':, ti Mrs '31tiaRL

4Plpotrie Fla +.,s Krl .,1 >I PI. T. la la . ?3

ead llr9i l. any; 7K»Il. a

Ifir_,aa #Ia1.3aaa *area. Ar

Men AbLor.t, ten LptM lobar. L]l'riu fIL A. Ji Adana. ñrwt2 l.. 1 =,


Aa! a., Fta:.7 _I

Abrupt, nar.y 3L lb A1 Aar^ Eta. Apto -A I:r d13_ Art '¡ ' ; t3aurr>r

t, it

B. AIM*, D E.

AAb,_:7.rk Aabtpt ittb.rl dé : ow. Dare

Aeea , 1kra! Mika ! 11. 1R

.: ftet. J. A. t.

AtJrc+a. Y= Oahu .lnaela./., Dark AQt..atO. 31 0

e}, !Lab" Q t t. L á, h'li.

A-kr.. 1L-tl h n 1rs.te - ., p0if Amrtt.y non lrsruy. VlreeN A.

.14~1 Jo_ Me ~res. it- re

Adana Jr It. Attarrlee.,

! stlp. 11- liá, r, IT.

;hr.L' ILrc t0.,at.t l, il" =t Seerer. ALr t l 1r`rr.

+e JcA. t IArA ik .t_,,, lad lnttar

rr-rer. 1 . TreeaD ~, '.

Ilo*^ "rp 3Q IL. r14 WMf+%w

T. ivdrt nrtg tilcacn; Ia' ,

t3.' r ti. t.a 1

Ib° Re.j iiart


1. CI ,r

all a.tíua Is tai's n aAl, lseldh?. .idattAn taj 7fatts

tWs[",_,prll. limn I

e, Tle -1 cam = o o ar.

Boy Carey. for (lorry. Wow

, C'tt 14 Wt. LIL Nil l.rald" .1, PLotira i s.,--. 1a1' t1

4n Carr, ePrnwn

}tern), lieu U. ci ,an, ea. J. 11e17. t áis

rt11i, ,'v. /{'.,

W bah«. (s.rtlrr,. !ne

Ilu15a`',. Hurry

C,aar >Iark C.

1Wean .df._i6r C1'anwr' 1' W. II


a L3tti411, 177 Z itrel .41., Ju!

1' - paJt . aal l7!: TD/a 6 .,74 aw !` till


151(5. ytl_ r , W. cbeea._t_13 uk" 1ia.'k,# CJrie Isy'pa,,

jna) Mackie, 1- -OD a`'

-.----,-.1/- _ It. }ti.. - LynIQ

Att. Ir a

Án3tard. Át .3JÓl- C.

A...r }. a 1 d- Tinny 3', Antra. [ e II -5t. !- ...do ann. 3: h I t. We 'Pa

11a y!rós A- 111,42 rib r.ua1.

A - y, r. Dumped

/3a.ld. N5,. e 9aar-`,

f 1 7 wiz.) Inr -

x, lla , t llraec, iil- w ltla. lpq1er'r10 _mu. Rh 1(,nl Q. C30olrala

iLannSlu, r. ii 4.r. ltueG- r ttrip. C -t Harry

lkedbw, AL. H. rk °A0. ..* 1KIr/ ._ f. 1'-'1 O_ i . [ 1 ,aelap D. dsr rayaR, set 'i IP^7aao

11. I _' I--nr:. t0 , _,.It, I i . . r.,o u, "Ifoñ Ire .

i Q rllr II,K, itrvr.i¡. 7

e -,1 e Cl.

pw i' ° .1- - . l rrrS

ci... ' üL an, tia

egii=ina tAllrtrd 1,r'1^.e,

e °Í,o0111n 3Tr41 1.

rU Ihider J -"-n ,r. L /?ta! Q 3Uc , t r

C10rs rieed. 11r1 Cmt.qar, 2-2eara



a...w. ' ih`sl. }PZ

b ' 7: iL 1.G Íhiüf'lÍ1 a i{O ,.,<, , C..

1.. , my J as i 1, .,.., 1'ar . idt40

.. L. !~- a-, I - G Warm dn r

IL : . rea4

ra 4 , kr IL $mNr, L. gL 3 i d Jam. lrtt>ocaw. At

aa y l. nc:;! w. Tl-IL hasn't-, banrTiaao r``-` Lr-.leafr.*lr.fr c'.. '1re UllriNl.. Mr. o I 1?!r

turan, ll.'1 J 'a D.

. 31c n - ern 4 d+flqi. J

Blller --..:-",..r.,75,1.111-148:111: raT-rt nra) li

h. tb er. la. t .-. Ir1RE0.

:alQi. JKtt aaaa, H. iL I'btpteea3- tla . , L 3:. Blttae_. PK V i'l. wt." '


anus W . J. -J.q

Iff,i iae° LsrC. %.

'Ilapa¡d r* t . -".re4 rcre, nerd IrX

a . p-aa..lJ,a .. y

rila ; Q JW. R , Ya. L Jat[W,


A!R " J.


Tt aneat, sdlW

t ^

1-7e, 1C:.

Fast Weeny

irYr, MA NI .. tog,

, t` `*a L. muds cults l 1 ) c,.iI. Y.:iaranlr_ n }.

11114 L'A4 4!1 191t; 11,r - 311t1,, iC11 1C>Irbp

lI^ Í.1a 11.I/7 -./e, (anal Ir1-._ Wm.%.

I+,CIR 13íw E a0, Ja

r 1 J41. Van,1+aiaai Van,11'10

l'IrEIL taeaty3


aanl ; irt



T1iITp nJ

e. .tt1ul7rr's 1 +dwLcl D3r9

fN!I. Or,a

4C as. nt>u" DI Jta..laár7

w,'a 1DeiápatL Art 'rslim )r. cf. áaeyr. ii,,.- ° d T3aerl ,1

trriBscduf. it.Oc..eñ; C` '>,l á.

Whom Writing for Ada'erlitied Mail, Please Use. 1['oticar+ls. Also elate how long die forwarding :Iddrem is to he uirdxl.


Iz K 3t vr. '

nadir/. An. 1'sa.;S, YlrbllrT

-i+.léri Y - A.!Ne r:.t..e, a f1111/111"71.rJ,.n

A` 4c . u rr. +l . O.

1a1 hay a-nn. Etta ri,

t: er Xat Gantt! , rarrillr ¢¢1 1a lary11

I. l. aM fL!'r

T. pat IL

Qa . W, n - . r. 1.4114.4u.tr

r. I. R. rJLa:W, TteL 61,..es. Way /:sfeP. Jazz. X, Calera. 4.03. r:b3 t 1T-. II.-~:

N l! r. J t

(leeaierl OO .e.. r517

SerOR; loi rs.

, JIOra rlrr Or/Is"

lmr11 r. taso.. O .

11)ak. r!hr`^sMA

IIt -+a t1t1L.,

annacr Ray 011aaat, row R:Ilnttit t.et-n q:Inrt r 1_

h 1.r>y

11 amul.j3óetfl." ltl ., Wp, Mirk-i'.a Lías tr- -an_ d -m.

ñ111111e' Tate vl. :4111111pa. Mack L at r:00.

AItL3c (Iol6 t rt. Wart 09ada11. J. u:r_

craTo. r!Jerre tim4letl4 li'alaarA

ed. Veer ~ere, Me*!_

rf3oa4ralir rige A"

r -., I a qacddn, AIp,E A_

1i--.i Vti 111:1 AA, Kan. R

t.r,.ca, Z.». r714 Je'n}Jya /,rral.atil. Y

Fm Gabe",ao. GllL.a laK..+

p. (AMY r 1

rrre- N,e (-1:r=: lc


Y49. :AtIL. en ?tul e Garay. 1't uJ rttyfl , . ~Ice ' IMP T. 311> n34eaR'el. üe j (¡aapaer !

aa tiers I' ú 3 1711.



Irratt^cr, a. wih ;CU.d


rairar' 41'. ' 6Ii. Groff*. -0

, 7r' 151101, ' 'LLr. 2 4L Walla

fleas. GUM.

l l *aas, Lar s IIIc_ n. IL



ltr_ i.....-1,'alh it¡s, a fseeerr

taaaab, látn Itaaaª, IL L. Ila:..li. W. B.


;11;aq,aa` r tJrlMlcr.l}i


fal }1

aMa. I

la ra. Still W

tatr oq, Ird Tre

; i -a




Á1m=' I}lae,

)1:044:71411111151;;, xn

n W arr,


la ti A 16

1.. rr1Y, IL IL ÍI itn Irian ptW

. G Sind

1kÍ d. rlaantr itdt.rt. Puto! 114_1"/.. Itil 111111111111. LhaL Alta .1rrraa. Walla'rcr+er,


IrIcrrm JM.rio. R roll I, c1+Du'Ti. una. _

no. tirnL 3 bum jlll Tema - Us [1lar.Rll

1llaes, L. Wary 1 Paw-.U

a Lamp



1-1-11004.1", IL1L

a.-Tur -tr.z inn Dcvá.. Lea Ca9til. N'e . I.

1 Jr.. le. Madan J.., '.,. , .

iatar` sat In ° 1 Wu_ 27..

Lerr r ar. 1^ -

i trata

ILow Fliers

i1oi.s l i7a.alh 7'atlets

ñ+a 914mpi 11- :ar Ya sr V., a

l.vaml0 1 - Kam.

ÍÍ 'lt, lanln A.

llrlmta.r.l R3 -cl. 1iir .2 arum 14..i1v.

1_ t a7,asr1

lilo:drlaa, idns 1I.1 1tE tjgóL

v,`Q-i1~7 O.

:rIoan. ..- Jack r vtaJ't4 ao

Jake JL' Jd IIaO1 Jan .

Jaave, I nrf for ArVru J .co Prod

A l r 1ea 1

J S ,Y. :

. . V inc+ ̀ t CL


um,l ap¡p a

. ;--1rO1trd

JaEatrn, ?:.At Jatar.gQt.aa IL ;IL iip. 11.0 v F. JCa.ta. Ike

ripritl 15, 1939 LETTER LIST i'hr, $íllirorlyd 31 t, ea, f tal IIrCgal. It, il. Lya,

llax. A. Ntl ra7, r za ., 1.

MILD 11r- - T. r,

l A it am

+re,1)i, ola

)rt Dr. S

3.-rdan. vtla f; neo

rOet:oqa,) 1fmJtaaat4. Út lent aw

~adoge Rickard

1 uttrll i: ̀-r.,r 7' 1 Jordan, Coo iltiltaaid. W c. i . Luc,'!ar lC.eri\ar. U..IL l 1W ' i. e:a [ 1 ewer wr} T R. A Ka7_ rI xri 'c

t ú

SI ].a,

4'e1 lea. ar I , apt lye¡Yhltt rraala Drr, Hoary 771t1

k °r,, J nrT,' sr. J. y (a!, tRct}am eá.an ran]

11,1 -

r1:rt01 rraIt,r

Y¿r..,s, H,1e-- Pr+st.lara Ataz - tar.rli`A+n. Earn lf'Lilifa Metieaqa-, V 1. Nikon, l Old gkye '

IU6SellIrr. 11APbrr °a I f.


. 3. ma I. °IIn*rarT O. >.

daM0.a*rt Crtli,e1 - x e

' Jó de 5..lrrta.ii]leent }II 1 1 Z I .Lrr. rM1lá It ú - I

U.i. ' r-.° ti_g _I . ftr . Tor

C A. ltaa -.I___t ta verle, i,...ecw.h4 !Aloe lllr,bedrome

t1 or. .t_ IA


t jLitaa.

1l xAl,`.'.4'!f1 TL-ee 1r¡¡rebl_ Emma

)li Ley. Baal 1. I Dr. Mari? lr: amnia xa.-Mlan

L:Dtt `.iP.a`}'. Uír+h, A rrlt

t?2tella IlA1ra, vas. ,..

rl7tre. .a1er. tlk 4

1f1a.. i winnow IIrrrf

J. Lot_ ,1é=4 R1taa Iityr4, To am

Pare. 'ntarfL t_a_yyr_itrr, w. li._ lam n 1.40

laaa. Dlanlá Mo-

lar, ].t, Jeerlf 0Z1Prr 1tSe<tea Tel L. W


Ón4ª ` 1¡taatard 1! At.


t..+., C 5. L-0. -. '1 16e7 Jti>a. t'

'Gowan Geteraa

=,.. R1 d

W Mph


_I14: ry.nlT' set4r.h caller

TA d' Weptt. IJatn-

Áal Harry

1 ál. Jag.it r Jr M Lit k_1

[[lee- , Jici rJtra p, 1tit Iartt w me

4: Igi;'

L +r. lee rJ4tsmLm J?oM

t.. r tc 1 ii. le, W. T. e.., rM,w-a

L . , Sa.II.. tor -

1.1 41 -,-

Man al, 1 J. .Tin rw [

1115--rtsa, AN 7dirtkat, Ji

iMlrh llirl110. Jn1411 11.- Mrlila. nrr 31a.-yta. Gran At,a.la

lrróL 11 CO.. ]ú»er rt Ida r r f1celt7 Maker, Jinglyg-

r1r, at _A a ata 32.tar ,Tatty

w : r T` 1Ltgtn i boa

r,rr 4: -NT re`r:nos.

3t4l+ee larlllm, Jarl POT -Mr. feel r ... 77yi.a.-

Cloak IL 111a llloe. Aátl ^ I'. _ K rtt/1. M-}

C )1 nod t,tUs. rub_ U aHr, t .mR , . Ñlddl .

Trays 1aL, rave 34113,-r. >E.,: lilnrv .

4Fr!ta trpeell ~Mae hall

1..et, sn g

MINI,. L. 1r -1P, ha 'tltrr Jr., olqt,r! ; 5.b'.., or jaón

Mltdrr+¿ llt`t'l 1,1r -r-11, Yt h

si .at1e 1.< II


1dltet2431 4~9 `,11,0741. , rr.. J.

in -'If.

art )rr._ ' titc^1r11. Qt ,Yltr 11, Mtyis 4)

]i t TVrJ,

y I,

Q Io1aa1 71. .Ir

. t .r 4!(;it,Ma

aa Met

f/t G

IL A t4J R. mime. ̂ l¡r1. r+ 1P'vt((

J. . t Hdlart - : tt " r. 1 TC

i.krlQ! e N d.b p, W )Irata, li V Jr , Hon It. a6. LL

3tpCl ,, t: Ink 1 ° .,.r t, 7

Y4r.lR, J.rk ll.rta'- U .lbq« ! yt.rn¢- 1 K. iJ arttsl7.

Amery. rrta liad Wrf. t' J. n c

Y.7. } I .

xray_ 11 I t1ltlorta 'Wm.

k7>rarnWs ms. Il,+a

Lbws. SUM, Nadir. 0»- ti,aerx. Art <tarrrq, 3. TL Nade» DIU Neal ddl.+lr x , ry.- k1. rrEar_ I'"ed rd. H' tern. Nerd "lt;" % t.ert t-taatl

Rya,' ,ftiOD.

°'.- D ^ i nr. 1. Vs-0.1. J.

1. ate O Da. , t Trtry


A';t'íIti.rtt 11141). ttM ant )It4rr. C'It'..0 a 3, i ?allb

.111.2 fkt+n. r. Lao Jls

ramotelp. An ,


i)1 r11 Joia Q.

nóegr t 1'., Atts ;tn.- arms. R t:ei.m,

r0111 ettatq Sham

e.' ^ 7 Dr.

(ttn.. II* Mr -hard P.

aid. Ai r darn. Y_ J. e T. r Taylor; c-,a 'riyrk. [t.-dd Drat

1atILh1RR, (Pltn. W. flrLa'1, Ja.l. a T.rs7r4 ob r`4lufit. 1lrn.fer. thaw

4tils t-fanaft4-r. tmli 1_ .;e 61.brr II_ I. liad 1,

vt . , . 1,. . it. n. , Ws P /}!r JL. , I. T'bLea)ra, ramp nCatonett.. Rh'. led

K. 1t t Y,gtat '111-11. 11.'alt, Art Kr 1 Thane. P1 s11 Mac Prsl tart Á _iiat9de - IeA nth Ile, ( T]d.rB. T. OraQIT

.1 sr} Bdtitta QeD'r: teat- -_...q, 7te.l. W A

WI !. , 1' IBCtrevii. Aeirr I`cllsnart ~WS Iac]rr. 41.u_Trr Tot 1.. O g,

~co..n JMta

14+ l!

& Jean

I!m Ti r Itsr = Vr. It -= ri Lost~ G !14 11. , 4. 0. lloeea1 Igear.st T. lt.ran, ISlrtct Ream Tam _7

J --k . r

'W ., r ,r, .g7'óe. l

jraa, A-


Aano.' -sM X. Lem.

T7--. .t Itrírlarir7t s, Ita7r+7, Marl 11rlr. ' loo At Lob i.al/ [11Mt

IRtct MII itoJaIDT, J,


R1rrAtP.Flc7:. Iubl; I .vl RoMtrta, ITrbe.tr., l.Nt I}e,qlatata, J, H.

rube. Ra7-bPóá4

rrta W. W.

rcbi 73. `TáLaNn

e,ae1P T Olr!

Rrr-- 5-lwáei--d ' Lade

ite, Ned LIT

,.,ii.MIN, lacac IbseaptL erx,. Nailed R -t7

nbadt, lad , IIw. . IUD 1: éi e.yea tlit'.!tmtrl Fruit fine. rig

Asrq Nlts_ ITaI.. tea' tart >ub!r!.'Q IL tr{aar Uri* V

paa' R tL Dx a,ls t . S nrr. bl r- .r_ tt.y

M -darling O ,Rseeo,na.

Earl N r-:., , y+ M^ae~_ f r. --'S. Dr_ J_ A. :nar 1'. A. _

W'. r1., It cot --' iltii .:- O. :..

kw L.


111, '

":"Dr ` raeL I. Ptl1 Ar`>rwaM

O. ! t: z p4 .11.; I,rlls il. 4eNrlee, Ft P. I" clp. I. A. 1" ttF e. dr\rl 1i.

Qllr-t". I ° rl Man. ta

NerIr. lis-er- ]'laq-ra. Aupayna Pttar ttrllep. Jets_ u. h11r j^,. Proa 11.

i Jqr,rg V e,w f_ _ .tisenar

11'b+r.lt Albert Ih,e- 4}r.,l,s

l4nerr: .f w.

'taw 174a. 11.1e.i ,T.

Past I` rw1..7

I'ata.r' " 1rír-q, atea e

41+ - ltaraad Ittalrlaf 1k.1. 3r .\L

r dtipstop 8.1'N1., Lay

Iltta;,: atsi ~De ..1-'141.1121112.


Rs .1 him

t4 tiY11a1, IagSm 11 . !

tai! 0.

K. new, Q

ste.eft. OeO 1fAtr.


fr o eyi. 1a Walk. Tl[epe

,: T,ar


N ra{M,i' 7 SI' -oon, Jis

rrsatDM (1fd

iltii. Art -Y le RYl4 rs W. C:L R a rÍ.a.ertaan 1'a ti O. afaman

Wagtail, Ñ US 141~ t71Li

Mif!rri, 71a1 Aiy i. earts ltrrrrt. Oa . It, IMO t tesa4t. lye lyri Jir__41. t1t a'

rQe. ! Dlat - arlF, cabs

Meals. Jerk WslDo. I.

1t4y111,, hot W. 1!pdq. Artbn ra rf'

WI, . 1I.

Ft, >. 1.r. Yr

Hain, `. 5s. Jt.

A. rr F.-1Iw lrtlrñi, J la 7; iaati J. i, tit.raa., >ft - let twr.uf, O. F.

Tea I Irma" Mower. rCa U. Wool. =t0.

tier sB. > 44t'd.

dsv. 1S. IL Ni,, k

rr dti atttttaa, J an la

TIIy1a. r5 'tLeo1

h atrom. Jotm It aeatf, t.

aert4st tr, bL tea i taY

twine. T. J. aat,ts C O.

taR1it1. i..

y-T^^ 1 nrge, Karam. &Cllrr t r. G.

TeTc h. t T}lNr. '>V .

T*,ee: . 1. I_

Joo ,

tqha t. Cl.

Tg tiaaa w4.40.


rr.,il Vtaltatt Wa4ltnpLlb P. VVr. W. .a. Ties ra.I

mt. way warttrV cusp;

:14 15

. z_t r tntw ú;wr' K. llottis, am, Wallace, Kant__ Ita. I . ~tut Nrltif, Labea7 i.es tt'1aai O- I< ,r yy77

rttñ - ,,, Vral:ete WWI `"lne B W af l__,,. l O.

- hr J.rr W aaa. AM or d arm, Ti _- ri t


_u-4 e %ie4

11'-irR?. Derr r ranrs .

arsons. 3. t 'ateaee. J

rlr.ttta i,a Anlraaj7 R'at1CS= wet em. P q. P.

Ki71tóÉ rraa\.r w4am. wrtg IAN B. webl sr. 4rll.sr R. W rbr

wrle,er, "-saaatiee W rtr. rl Vr -aa, Ca,s V16.Ir uéllta. e


W41tiinr_ 4bLR, 1T.[ i)rta rW,re1a,

t, V1 aeeklV. Vr.u, ficq (`w Warm. Den Keaa.lt. W4+lall, 111'.1:41

it. Wet. ]jlrtq

Wr*a. Jaea West. N. I.


11'loeler, y s.

Wt Yr-Wiri 1

r ten tauyi r ! Jdáitl.

aa3 ubis.lead. atiri Ññ. Lulu tcd Wlr,. C..oy vPt. - p,tq. 1 17. 1'rly, IIrr VV ubar. J.aea RiNR, Or r`r: 71 f,

II . Win, .+4 ill .J


wither.. tr

Reel TrAP. 5"11:4,3'1 P -r

"i; Rer o°'1,°

,-t' W - 7rti Ñ HamJorm T.

M vr.ttl

Y L reed Ycgatga, harmed

Yrwtf.Jmd. Leta el.e

p_ t!rtlY rt.era Lae 1Ji7- John iG4abii. Jo.

1c 3r. CL 1+. ad.. W 1_ Hlf Pe,

:. Ir4gÓmr, r Leo carb,r- Alm 34 . lnaNYate Ql Tu' iea


i I>S'- I. I aGltoe., 1[er.._ -175-4


711r JOY

Iaerr. Kalman n1aL, D.. 11..211º=. llrrlrr, )art, East=

Narrar Ja<tte saki }r+. art»ra, Jaciyr watt] dar



at W tl Ilaw/.rp 116

Pitrc4El Pout Vaatt-e A earns.

Women :IhCet.

al1r- Lra. I. L1+rr1Ml.Csrglre 1tA1244y R.r .

yra' in tf- °. jf lriai tia .r `at ltr>< rm./ a rélt -"r C' aa i.-

K lira. ~My , l.00aa tluLba ' 1tr TI peq , M, _Tbalo Iid.. oak 11d flyer

lar_Cl Orranar

tlalf<, Nati1 it1e.. lea. two- It ~trek Ae7lt! i i rt+ld.[ L. Matt 'rl DDDpto

~MIL Era. T1car Y r 11r101e. r-,'é.` L ef Leer, RaIs6


5T, O ara I trL J.iltr I(. %.G9

at Moo rr aal tyras, III, R ,g 11 It,r

+'-^- r adds ` AoÓ I ,t '. , Jack ' -11-r. ~ink. Ib.rd

btosar. Deg v]d`b11ab 1, tsa7r4n1 ,1

-r-.alS1 'la ..r` 1 JNm &4- '-.

I,.a,e 11nt71 D1W


1troabA O.

J lSm tP1Sas,- 47zaa. ºsr_ 12rerR titagtat I l- 4+ I=,r n. RfTb '., VR'

,`, L 1I IS `

Jt,a HW'`itl `5i.. Pb ` rTtr

PL. AI t+r ltri

- a l¡T}r wam., i`,.o1 T-ñnrvq L J, gerle. tal. C>1a Jt, I _ , MI Y. a0iti

7iaalae. BLIq

Isd crew, .mt ÑaaI+T, `t

gteeaa r-hra h t "Kink."' NY itfZ m.. Diem ICla7t,e- ,ale a 'Mew,' * Mile' irrk. U Ariber J. t.'od.d R(f 4.


NEW YORK OFFICE 1641 NNdx17. Womea

r,dsaq 11r i/. t ltbhratr]dru-!re t lt+.per. J ta tla:rli nr1arR. fi n

Pttt.re' t ! lteaet',° DaTr7 IL aii

Eltaedr 11 R Ir. tR,^- tih . MuOttt II - y. b.. -c li?r,!a,, Keane

T ` kb 1M. tt --. re

r 1 llor. J - I. Writ' Na?,' Intl Venom, TiM2f Prleste

rely: IAv1 -"f0: i[ daºh4' CT Y1rrr tr, JuMgfa H `t"=_ I....YrTJ .Y-'t1e4y. LAND I 1 itt$j ! r R 4:ee.e Meer,. NMI* V'rntr7, 1+in1, s .ft. nA Vó , IM h tate NO 11! d S 4T _ t3Eat laertt., I,-_, \5a lt,g tl,ra La,t. Prbaitl3 14Zclte, Crri a1 1._ . rn. 1.4dK7! I Ini I.r>-rua J4rrec r, 1 O. Lc* Arer vitrfÁi;- .m

rsrsat.tYl t1'r!tr, f114 TTant1

Lowe~ PJalse Y' : . Men

x L

L. Loa

czLttasa Jr.. 4erpa yj wino*

][,Yti,1b 'Ikr4

?Cal.a: i: 0'11 , II. ,-_a r 1 1, / . ,.

Is -a Omer, Parry, a >fnr rint-


ÍYtr f l, role, r


T. It_ ,.Diali. 00 1 r tida 1 -7

e, tlteL r)r )

I1. L t.

t Il i Goa t- 'fyÍt^ ('llillllOp.

Al xar 1111

Moe lkt.t 2{if i

Meth. u. miser Al D. .1th, 1.Ib

'1.--'11h 1}r -T011

. lt .,t O. r. As Wrath +k ` ...p1 a, t ti

b-. ... ! oaHqr,yrr Tttl luqyd' 'now ]n, Ja

R4tLr t. D.[4,.. LDP.'

n a. i



Po rea1E P0111 ,Rattle]. Mrs- L Il ,

Ito Women

úe . r. ....ear Ruth Para]. 11r& Alt a

11~ c, Sera I:nttt ]L a

iPraare, lbw V li'Itb ééaly, xrs

d' ' ir}¿,7d rsltp.tlr7 ú:p+ V s lets":: r. 1

_ o, T.


Art. -

hl 'rr, r 1

Datlle en, 1

r _

rllT .n

»*as ots C "VI Tr 1 `rAlua

Loam, ",oc'l. .Arr rarr

+t10 lark.... vá sÍ, StrL T

]actaoa. Itlút 1M1 Gaf4 ]taZ

./len g>9etse. W.

J1Qaal ' IL 1r.

I` Ser-

Le . L,«

A. .Ditto

P. I'w. nar PJ - .. Jt.:en I AJ./ 1 .rr r T. 3 i J b at 1. -1aLr''- iÍ.iw; m 4r-r, - V. Omer_

Áe4t IL i,a° curl', I. J. Per --4 CA - Ile 4^art . Al I ,(LH. t

a 1!lart i ntr. 1Ati .

Ili.1 aé '1-411,17.1a.1- N.l' . tr- t T. 117a- situ. 1 ñ t : ilila 1;'- {a. J+ -

tL timllb, r1 a a {,t, lark . "-Ith. I' IT.

xe.1 i /la.Trr ' haler, 1


h *ow.. 12

1,1 47aio r -prJpt.e

II _ 1t_ r

- a-,el+oo

inu lg,tr. L P. T, a'rS>x"WI- Jet,.a la 3d.

rI 5i eea,.1;iBed4

oa t

K Hni. lfÍb =.a. ñ Q Eria, ame Wet I. A. I.

REVIEWS OF UN rS- - (CtNettnuad from pate 4.1)

LMWTemre swings out wilt a p1'_Ár`án,; pr-ra smuttily, alma* NCae Wove to 1T deep throaty style. lei a fair looker. but: ins - :movement

C t It7 her general !Fpearnneo

woulMarie $[Meith, tap darner. is followed

by her tinier, Joe Smith who doer an o d-(afa 01,1ed buck, Tnaty a, rare act. Girt dalocs wttb fnbctotb rhythm. wilily th,e rider Smith Is eitanbly gr ;ul der spite his 900 potindlt.

11111 Boadway, boy bopeano, In anOtbrr bright spot- With beautiful tour. he tamer the 1r<1gh Dxi.os smith o .ic. Got a tsrrttie hand.

>fo,ty of the. rrserrlllnent to left In the mpg Id* h11sidti Or O'Brien asid Ool ri,. Tho t!telr ti ' err.+ not an original. this comedy .teem knOws bow to put them, acrOadt.

]rte rr anent. Of bets would aid pool'

blLLtnte of chow. ~co Data at the helm of the music z>;alte`a. Muse Ptp, yb$Osa Flllitcrlºwra'a iPArj.

VAUDEVILLE NOTES (C tHr tbrd from paw Yd)

state. DGew YOrk. Api11 7 4. .. Ot..41 WRITS, after a suCCC!]rSIIl eight -month tour of .E1t}'ts.tod and isuttll Rrl in -:ear YatrIt: April 1s on the u. it Oeorüt VS'ta)!I (nEt(1 1. DAR» AND C rsr-A keeping bM tto pan a. months. Dahl', present partner, Ellen Costa, folme5 aid a le and appitred 111 roeaocai pit/ - tines as Ei1.eb1 Blair, . . . 3iON7tOY (1[tIL1YL' fº1loaring their one-wme date I Use CbiCJlltd &t.adiurg Ar;lnnins T'riday 1141. are set for 22 We!'13 If.G táa Q--- - titan and Western fairs. _ llOt.LY. T:OOA Sr AR {1sL!.'& tllpl4, ;4llowistg ita cngntmCrot ifl t1 t1',Y t Pe4insjllTSu]JF continues far Gin ailill.

fide rJerrrr Ttº

32 The flillb+aerrd WORLD'S FAIRS 1 p,ri1 15, 1939

NEW yOPit W(DR l.D'S F,A,1IR

rIush'itig, L I. April 30 to Ocetober 31




FebQrudry 18 ho December 2

CA Is Battlinr; On Bus Trafric Ar_d Cas ' er Pay

ilte.V YORK. April 8.-Coneeataloneru' If eeacla iºn of ills 'Ytorldle l le bet- e nR the cow at: Mg intpOrtant P 1 L la of opeF1tlot4, Stan trattl3ran the *rld*ray and c chi art Feir 'plan& tohate bur_ce elate !1 circuit of the ground& In. clue eiltwem.tnt lane_ "when the are- r are light.' Iihelemen done want ley p.-e.ci *he whirls at any time, re- I*reing Salo autocnottee conveyers ea a ntitrsnce in rgeneral and crowd end Up ohaaT.l in particular.

``ere poceteboob tneerc7t ;heights, to crashier a- Star 'v; air MOM the c- 1/er tee pat' nttrRCtloita at 59 owed -r. hour. bet 'showmen bare to ante up n Center the i0 -cent duff being appar- ently for admints ¡reticent. pomades or oil tier etie irate, etc. There at1U be two ahllte of elgltt boar. eeeli. Mu ahowtnen pay test d 17 -hour dam. Rearon for Olin hour bead -up la on db _ nerd, but one impor- tant ehewintin Le y It1) the f'Yir a rjlrOtfC- L'a o I n r tl 4*xito 'titers a Ions tier .tit ?oars l0«coot gee

t'- the rtes demanded by the fair. money. handlers will be gctttngg more in decry than many ahoy an3 the penmen. tic I. t re oiuuon wau drawn up at the

- .,ctation'e meeting Usti ti reels embody - 111.7 the CA tbontktb on the ,tubfeet tar I Tu,el by 7? Ee'dent,artt:cr 'abate» and OI Cn ' . who do not nppeNr to bin (S_ CA IS_ DATTLttdt: opporlfe peel)


Cyr -Operation elf

Farr As A,sr, recd In Unions" Demands

tthN YORK. ApTll 41_--aMeeeeatxta from the Zºtcatrtoal Ztadew' Council meet With Pre . lent Crone tv54Lrn otbta of- aelalti g,( t;.,, fall today to an rttort tee atrae tend !+nsrr et90det} . p.rel

nrdng tiindl,ttona and e, aiºr-v hop uyrr*rr-rtt for all fair nutters oGmun-^, wider )uried*tlon of their retrpec*ire unfo9s Detail* of the meettc-- wr-e not ttlrN.a_M, ait>a unlon d.r tee ra10 Inla! that 59hatt,`, be --.1 *wired Mein of the f:alr'e 00-alg4fu:itft in L>:e:+gtt5g for a al ,° s ik1tr,Ya, definite Fake of ~zee nnr' ttt,tT, nnd farther demanda adi-anccKt

,- th ,, cryt, n tl. =m'rotesly fa'lr manafzemcss. bad tai

Lnand that Cr sree net la A postUan to Tht! &h3eels Construction Coo project ne`;e:late s,entrncm and M:reel.crntl asf- desttstxd this smelt with a.il the ace CO-OPERAl:Ot' OP ogpposrr^ rsg4) (S.o 2 OF 4 VILLAGES o0 opporeste page)

11'TG Neil! Premiss Gals and History

Niew \TOM-Ap,I1t L Pxobebly la 1Lsn nttrnctiºn to become a definite part et the midway this week waa,Nll. T. (Ire .) Oranlund i outdoarlndoor extrathganza Involving variety entertainers, show. gtrle'wanndd name bands. In two parts. at - trace -ems will he titled Carafe :de Of (ha American Theater su,d Co-ttgssee o/ She Beetd1ge of the World. lfnts1 pr1i4 l! 48 CCIO lit plot AO :. large *sr a !n loner center of the amid crams arse.

Location calls for epee* about 350 feet by 4148 and vrtU comprlee n tent theater seating, about LOW and an outside - In. closure holding ii oral tih,atisarsd--mere. Cavalcade wW depict &glum of the tha- ne-- for ¡he peat half century. reprMuc- Sag work. thou made them famous. Reeety Conran wilt feature peradll of ~rte. Toes! runnti , time Of OA'nt- binhtt aborts will be 60 Ia1 .ICee, »ernes - aton 40 omit. Project le one of a ,r r*l p_rtlally flnano_d b- the Fair °repont- tlon. - Charles Rei 3118. burlesque man la alms tnttres-ted.

2 of 4 Villages To _' ¿Ike Opening

NEW TOf11f. Aprtl IL-Vtliwry-,.ny[iú at- -Ilene are puabing coriatatiellen et

toli-notch a eed to be ready on tlmeq tho troma present indtealloaa only two of !Dirt such enterpeiaes.signod to,dnte hire a fair chance of 11aSne reedy threrweelsa hence. The R. J. 8tpºtrit pro)eet, Bun Valley, probably the Largest oral moor nor cotnprdbentevo. at the wefi_*b(ta'. le leading the may to ecretruction Mid It. every-

! ing era .4lí. about(' be ready to rte cntlrety When Pr oldentt Rooaeeelt op eiaa the gates three Sundlays from tomorrow.

Drab Bothers' Cuban Village should be ready. Leo. and the Sterile En :end enterrppte act .1, T. Sehltti will be near ecanpiatton Ween that f.:u "eta ur_-der

1y. ltyilllfig the otdter, horn o b'aldding standpoint fa Old New- vnrk., wbtcb h' -t undergone tinanetal dlllIcultlte from ti191, to thee mince negotiation began several months ace. Fair 111 paY.t4Uy enlneing saw projt !sow mid Construe. flan haft been It upeied, .1the. no hkip. 1 held - for It b.t.tiz ready: to operate Assisi 90. It stands to reason nc- orii . d- dilional village ideas. efurncntly betnj n.- Rottnted cannot be prepared to open their gauss by efrhut day mtl_ould they be signed by the fair corporation,.

Merrier England DedKatcd


"JEW YORK. Nark! A-'T ay Ce e'er' been. used frequently by fair now to do- nr}?P

wed or aIItu_remaal area.

filll 1.aatn. ,Ats,w builder and do= Ai T. v arklleg out of Sohn $riataty'a _ tfirrl =nL at rnt.etidrsieieut

r a, : t ri c1 :wt in, of atntlrio¢neOt centred 0."mm4ttsc. has been out far a

s'with a ooid, ' y.T PºblilhlnR Co- printer Of R^.In`Ilslgu9antum pttvgsatn. dios.,_, the

far IR'i,]ldi furppemtff Ctrctnt. Zees. bbe9trnt reported entering freed

r : -trvinr 7Tu a.. -Ti ere iffrrprttttn 'nap

,sr i.adfland Ixtn °partly tlnam 'napned

by A on tSurtlL rtait astdy. Rein EIglr3it'a a$rw.,vOd Robby Lobby

'n ter ,F e to C:liIQrCtM'! ',Vo-`d. Dttrttetttre. , d to oast CO O*, will hen. -0 eothlklte ot h07bblt3 told 12 oche,' at r time will be On hand to po!.tt Ctr *teeut their taen

t' ñ; ta -Pee. radio program " e r rd - fosse ration aüf txe prr~auted over tPllNyf ñ'_otldsty=. tr rya{l7; SSr.tlnrodaNa -std 1 da.

.p '1 u, t . wrt'1gLt and .1 ̂ enal et -

ft . at no:3veartrt'{w -a Jtris Clii- li.t4 -l. Retire Plerpae-,t, 71aóe hor.,t7 Pr sty Boy they -d and Loga I)titrnnd will lco eiltlbited Also hood up la .ltsnntte Haman. heroine of !dent picture drays. Cured of tso dery hsbltR she waged a militant twist to eradicate the ovU In t!tlttco,tn>»y. 'dneli I11 charge of the aqt!-c1 pre re t ltl m

Prank Duck's Jinprefand: Co-prndueid by Phil PL at at reported quarter. paUlton t inrciironal 1,OOd tttrttkeys, 10

t (tra 13.1 11 plus eleehanta, *rneu and 4Ltn-r t flattsoW Story t114y' AfrleuR veldt. Daat+ d the We of 24 dish Otte by the Dutch Colonial Oosernelent. Huck _rays he Ls bringilei over eluted or net he ;litnte:tl who trapped witb hint In they ace Fl UáRINa PAOYT opposft0 'ores)

Heads Reported Back i ng a Drive For Rehm' uncing

BANK FRANCISCO. April .,-Wills c . e Said to be 0t 1sT, ebb. the «peal: on reported ready to begtn a r . t _I .g campaign. So far as expo dLrccte- rr concerned. the Rosin is aesurn.,d to err. IL the bat_ Aowever, s majority of present ~seem, are ontd to be set against the present felt snneComrnt and unwihltne tO > 'era money.

Pta11. are alaot. It is Dail. to bring a New, York man here to tab., Chaige at a reported salary of 4100íd

One of the henaf wt. tntrestors in the fair le the Standard OU Co. of Cali- fornia. All of the qorernmonta. loan of more than S$,,0O0,000 bite been used up, í4,'000.0.r of time amount going' Into ormeittle the bt%j4. S'ateei mntrtbuttjop ,of 415000A00 has gone late pavltloiia and support of county ea:habit*.

Paid gait; has .hot been sillfieldnt to pay they expo's way thru several attareiLanee ,: Lnu,r'i Conee=3on money Es repertid

us id to !neat oIirrent (tpcnedu. Prc_l,dent Leland Cuter Le said to be tending Co way toward etegotfauing a loan.

Weirs Take Rebound During the weed attendance took a re'

bound. sunny weather oombLnine tftak new atttaetionaand an overrun of sidle rtuo to flatter ltdlldaya and dime gate. Week -day attendance wsa up. also Sun dales. figure Wee to 75,74& Saturday was fall. with 44.440. with !-lift aSte 10 p.m. Wednesday's crvtd irr 61,370. Expo ofllcLalo hoped foe a ..00.000 gate oil the week.

Ci ueA,-Toners' Awaeetatton named all Sew rASttabor. tO 1tal board of directors

cl on Tuday, bringing total to 15. New board members are Aft Belcher. Fisher. man's Grotto. temporary adatrirsen: Sally R 'ed: Max Schwartz. Candid Caesars: RtUtam Rtusell, ecotttab V1ILage: Elmer

LtaxwtlI House oonceaelon. nett bunt* Leppl. hydrosphere.

Tex Camerro% operator of a restaurant chain on Treasure bland, wile given a turprL. birthday pert On 'Pt-F,rday on the tipper deck of hie Baftecue

-by Cameron employees of whom titer en More trap ?O0. Those taking -Pam included 11r. Lied Mr,. C. L. (Tex) Cur.. rot. Mr, yeti t';rs. P. C. Peterson. &ire

E. Haulm . Adam Odink-r. B. J_ Gould, Arthur Stahlman. rut Adaaas.Mre. Grace Mortiniel. Colleen Adams. George Per - omen!. Carl C. Howland, William Con-

. Tbro Shereaugh, Wyman J !thiiith, <S4s AEA,S REPORTED oppoifte p41-,>)

New Monte Carlo Closes 8A]í VRANC1L O. April 8-Mon -

Cilo, expend' attraction. C-' _ :1 a n KSrdn=..:.day after a dispute With the de- pr-rtstsrpt of foreign eumce.aloise o . ohtilnZe Ot newt. Oprostora of the orii- Ural Monte Carlo objected to use of the name. Pr.a.ure frosts certain Int+esests wu wild to be behind the tnot.e to do away with the shoat,, uhitI& prr;_ented an allegej espa'-e; of mean by. wtauh ºus= tome* ef gambling Muse* can be chested,

r---sv Nig. t Club is er it rl $ FRAKCI19CO, April Se -John Ca.

K;rttL?)i r t:i;e alerted construction on hie, Cafe Otitiuosaal, to be ehq pew- at night spot, it s'411 go up IU Central Square. in the middle of the Itd'er14. and o1-rttn directly on the Va05,tieriland btllLdln ; Z8tot will use floor ahoiwa.

Adtrit World's Fair News in MU; Issue Page

Fair -found Vaeafioners To Up . 60

l'aid Attendance Prevlont"5y reported . , . . L.44A 47ir Thuradap', March 30 .... . - Ocl

}rretla:. atr.tvYh Cl ^4,448 Saturday. April 1 . . .. 44,414 17:=Lnday. Aprll 2 . . . '7 76 : o day. April ! . . . . . .

Al day. April 4 . . . - - . J7.470 W tQi tead a y. A prll 6...-. b 1.J.36

TÓ--1 . . .. . _ _

Big Radio Deal for Elaborate Plant Is A nparerrt t y All Off

SAN FRANCISCO. April B -Dig radio dl -4l for the cxpoittro noes appear, 10 be deed, w th the mewl-anent up in the air a:_ to '' hat to do with pf hew for the IOW' sabotage ;Odto tifiten In the west. Treasure Leland beetle are unwl Una to admit that there le a uhtt2age of looney, whLcb. Lt 1. said. 1s the fundamental cause of the Inaolveenent.

Expo ~ally ~Mod In prep cnl- tlohing the State to toad to 4MC0.000 for a rentto plant as n -h llynon, v tth°tbe fair promising to go after t Yil+;rhlltr s tot programs so u+__t ea ac.rking protnerea flat the network* SOT ortglanuou of shows from the tnts.nd studios.

Deal was amenable to the nob taut ro (rt the expo lerlti`t nailed down rt.IT sporiaore,-end unless tbLh NYaSznsJ in the Mt -top ft eirrec od there will be no big expo taow l taking to tho air trout the Ltsnd.

Studio? Out of Uso 'lbree etude» to the Radio Iluildtna

hale gnaw been - d. R -e 1 Dare ctOC Artiitd Rowe t_sa,his bffioe In one of the buildings. California AudLtenune bull. front state tuiubt Ice beeldt hit.' . hsa il ran

used only cu Sor this p.;trspore- C po deal with whittotui Ave network duplicate Lines and ftrrielihr:t loopa for 11 Iridio err-3tlC-ta ceilde from, opening -day care' rrChlee. A few bulletin.- dedication pre - grams. the Eddie Canute c' tiro d P üt ireatotui progri_ whleb Callfarnia Tielirnc.tr. the ne're,-"- WW1

mostly been sIlent. on felt netilleicel. Webs itere nixed a 1 st gate far expo b.oad- Ca-ti Cantor show. 67.m by by ~WU« paid ettatomsrta to tile show In OS tfi0 brotdeTt.

rearm of the rºtttcian' unIOn to meet expo'r suer +setaien demands tltat they bat (Sec 317 RADIO DEAL op u ltr, page)

7'leáiiln s BY WALTER K, SIBLEY

s'.it FRItt101;CO. April 1L --This nurtty Jingle wan Lnsiptrc¡i by ter i.,ao that fam tiling attest the teeny nudo sho..

tba *ay: Lady tiodtvl ir. do Coventry attire, .stride a vlhlr" house. clothed +Dior; to

hair. Sáe ,r:t.t a ~ell gal-no bit of a prude: Ratabltfabed a vogue, now called 'in the

W)tlle none of the furl a110: ,, here nre better or wren regarding, nudity 131nn tbote seen to loin! theaters. moue local organization. a ;m to think that the fnbryo Sally Tian:. should ear g,*1Grh1-1

and tar unlit!, ro no to rii ' the dignity of the fair La the dust and alt' to keep out the 114ing (Who flee net per. milted to enter say re ter. aurae- tie- '.I , IJ -t or the women who acre complelnlat hove attended the Pokes Berpere to 11w Ausr tetrads and have raced abeam the chow, which is taeept._ofis11Y good lit't .t is fag that mans of the Fonds , Iris ,r? only nude but to *pier,* cues uu-f-ttlee. It I o a tee th,t tit' lftedurnlrls weir as little me ill law will aertelt and that this to the tor; IL oil. -7 Lhr-, ca elie (leeway by a 1cetm

se, o t loo a ns trio lit. As . - 51, ft iJkrt hbt girl shows resit and gray 1 ad 'r Got! t`.ns tZeuid hot. hem had a bal

pr3l 15, 1939 WOR'LD'S FAIRS T e 'ihimo«rd 33 ere domen an the atreeta of Coventry When e Welk her hintennet darn If nee 1 tit " ern a eleak. which provea laraet times have not changed.

Mae t'olt-dawn that was doing WO well on the Gayway ii a thing of the par,, the stand now' being eec,s2ltet-d aT Cig- nret fleeter. J. N. enema; Veteran show. men and cotton operator., after spending a. Month; in visiting the felt and Mettle here. retuned to hile Inane In Dannh John Alesitbder Pollitt has relinquished the Idea of opensting a sting of 4`ontle e- slOQie., He bcugb, a oar and hied to Lois Angelo*.

Sally Rend bee taken over the building cenatitieted for the Brarenni Globe of Death and le havtng 1S altered toe a Mlee America sow. Pentbeen de hi Geesre is out again. It has beets to and out more. times than one, could shake 'a sttck, at. 4 nitre -bolo goat -delving court, la cone teenplatted betwr.n Qroeriwleli Vttiage and the Coliseum. J. Moody sold hie interest in the Daydream glee" to bLe aartner. Roderick ;;ecbal. eltpdy, a re. Ilene li epaDer p=ill_ her, Is tooki .

around for another attraction- A branch of Pialsenstarie Grotto, noted 7nrtlier- rnneet wharf rettaurant, has beeen opened opposite Greenwich Villare. Midget Vil- lage In still dark pending negotietioata with the front athlete. 1' x Cameron is mñhing en addition to his Happy Valley Ranch. carpenters puttloeg up a bulL:l edicerelg the dance hall, When thin ad- dlt_on la completed Tee will have the Lame=st piece Cf lea kneel to the Wpe1d; lea feet have been n ended_ to tit'. 'bar. Ooodl' r deter -nitrating -track. nearly on plete& ahou d furnish plenty o1 thrills fot 1pcdt,atcmp, t E '*divley -:1- }otuttR¡, the Caywny. Children'. VIP-.ge is gradually Leiden shape. Johnny Bran.. ten to tryir-g tO trend p new location for hie Lion -Deemer He beis already moved once- Jerry Whitney. formerly of the ltradlt' One le now with Greenwich ,,h11 ,ee.

At a recent m'ettu, of the Con sldnere ~Mime attended by Harris Connie -in expo general surinaece Milton Fsbur 3r . Obalymen of the anntrie ment etrmmtttee. and Jel emlth, Gayway man. ttgor, Mr. 1blburg delivered an tntees:oneg and eoatfnleneo-heeplrlile tnik, wttlet: w* well rein ed. ?tr. Connldc 'poke end answered numeraua ~flame which were received with general intief5Ctlon. idea Seeith atttnnen, elan for bringing pccylo to the fair. Included in which was Standee! On Co'. Day. T ~Veiny bit itrreneed to hate ntenn 2úe)00 of ha employees on Treasure Wand on April 22, Each employee will he provided with a step techet win, ',enflaming to all above at reduced price-,. Cónoor banner» will be paid for tickets. hard at their nt- tsnenlcnp at reduced prlee All mem- bers agreed to the- reducttdna. what a spot for Doe Merrier

$111 Purer, c? the .illy Rand often who 'eye 1 *meth la c dlite. him n second man in the roster petitioned, docaans an of the talkers are first wen and wont 'te .lane_ About 230 Roleywoo+4lteau hen' ter opening of the Stew of 4inernrider Graham Bel; wee* all provided' with badges that wrollld. f1:tte.adrd]tted them to all attractions on the Oeyway. text ad they were n11 loaded into elephant hiente fOr the1 trip iI'co d the bend. fees of them took aedranti.óe of free -planes into the showa. Brn Aulrin fanner man - seer of the AI O. Bamtí OIrene. hire. it for a brief stilt to the fair. Rtlmnor Is that the IOud-speakers are out -:lire^, coo o,-anin to hire veto teehtentane .lend ri Mean announcer. Tbls may be a little far-fetched, tote of the shows that etertrd to tree theme deelees are let wen them now -

H. A. Dewey_ prime factor in the Cbildr er1'a Playground, hita worked very laird t_ put on dee over. He la p r- oundly opteatinn kiddies' auto rid Miniature Ferris Whr_ pony track and t ti ' nnc de- - A building is being teeelcd for e show espec:alty for chil- dren. Ihlek Jon.. ' horn o Olive will be o1it of the Went e loec. Beet t tr. for shows and rider la from 10 tin 12 nt night, after tetilid ntlr .aye closed and Perm; abow b over. Tram Bart. In diem/ el the front for Dancers of the Worlds make, ejl opening*, i:flu tick.et/I and la dams a (4e od POD of Curtain« them. tvt]Unm Judldna Hewitt was gun -t cd' r,d Weddleton vrhide T+nklnk In the fair.

F'l Brecicinrldetis hnndtlnR the after- ihew in the lneubasor show. J, Ed argeixn Is finally Weis entotted with his árankturt?r and hamburger :stands.

Chinese opee a ce npany in tone Chide'** biLleae wise broueht ter* eepecdall- foe

the expo from China by Otneee Jute manager of the Vet:0e. Costumc3 ere lerer our. There Is no question bu: whet it le helping budnea of the VUL1ge. George Raley. back in liatneen y, Irene- Ettcit restaurant Tate Tex Cameron to occlepy part of the front of Happy Valley Raneh. a prima location_ U. Der!AVe.e _ex. who brought two Carrenole from Parts uhd located them tin the Gayway. has tattled dlfticulttes with fair eutbenIt'lr and they alinuld .be In operation shortly. Counterfeit Monty In, tail denomtnat non hie appeared on the Gayway but c aht ti n ave been alert enough to eaten mini of it. Op a walk tiara the It parking fat I'uw 'NW* from all eroept two buttes and many from foreign countries-

Dletft elty of teetering world's fair pay attain :nuns Is evidenced by the tint° that the new amusement adiulrtsuntisn, sell of them huatI ii. have not since their incumbency r-ut wrka ago added one new attraction to the Oayway nee tote /erne dark spat* still entree asthontan Vllinge, Teievtaloa City. Midget VlLlaege, Ana America building and French Carer .

BIG RADIO DEAL ~slummed fran.opporit* gaps) .

be requir d to pay radiomen'. plus camel rate. width b 113 an it,ny,Ti bas held up musical programs front tie tale. With tine haul amounting to $10 a day. *m- itten paying_ the b raditt vetted She extra nob. outlay for creme , Folio binds ere paid teas than radio acute. get; ting seemed any minimum, and the union -declaring, bands must be pald radio rated before being permitted to brie dewet.

Soured Mite Build -Up incidentally, radio soused op the

after the air build-up niece eel Bennet- Re -.an' When Lt como time to Open the expo epumt plenty of gene, buying uda to loc'il detllfe and puaeed up radio. Retest bought a new' arrange- ment, with the fair buying only time eclieduhs in papers and rutting out bill - Do. rd..

entleete eke Included Inadequate perking tntllltl'n rr tb the pry grebe Ding nearly 125 choice spots to restricted area to lrmtt of the Adininiat then Jl1tating.

CA IS BATFLING-=--= jneenliñt cd /ronI appetite pope)

O vine c- nceasionors the break and oa- operatlan premised earlier.

Insurance Hangs Fire Another eubJc'c't banning tire la the

public liability insurance problem.. No dr -.t, an wan made as to earner. the prieneriñn Watt tterno. ni nie WP. natality In the ride cl! -.w: appear to favor the 2 AAPPPI risk plan. Zen -tint other erne- pectl ie osrrlers .are undee ~Older Mien. It anted list basic rates tries still 2vegy. vim* high:- It Blip. tale Itself Is in. charted in the pleat NI a ~Penh which eppcare drety, added premium tab will be 16 per cent, a rrdtattlon o: 10 nor cent ov.s tin ortbtnal etlinoato. se- eardt1g i to a natetncnt by Harry O. Teat tre illite'Ion. s' ~ CI -flan pru- dent.

Piro insurance was alto under heavy d_ starasba. Local rate of L per cent to 2 ,,-r edit More than prevaila at the °GEC to &Al Pra.ctagp, prospective maTtrag of ii. of 1 peek cent ttt opera. toes install specifically described err alumna +lye`=tl?a. It, hot. considered a 'tn white by Individual Wnee..; beers aa"t the nmoelntLon ea a w7sole. About 60 . _ntractara of Plan Urn pro}ootw at- tended the meeting.

CO-OPERATION OF (Cont4.wed froze oppoite lope)

recline Individual ooneorniens and ex - titbits. claiming that the eDtnrpdLc wire sax letty nee propoalttoar.. timbre -6, aarn. O ether Lased. lneeested on eau's 00 -Go -ra- ddn beret: a of t next all eomstrUc- tIan worts, on three entree sntirrprl-rs had been done on a coo'od-tip bee*.

'motene Murtha. head of the TM. spoke al theme-. -ing,fee the anions.TIC L.eompo_ed of Local tine Motion lecture Operators' Raton: LctU't. International A ecietl al The trlcal "ekeet Fze- ploleteti , of ' Teets Murtha is 1-!tc heed: Lae al 802, American ire . ratelli of 14lt- r7cl.i.rri American rvYl ri'ytteyti of 'fat:~ Net, Yore: 1ece! of the teamsters' unten awl no :"r, rem local of Unite* ,

2 OF 4 VILLAGES (OOnit'itst-si from open a pens)

pomp and coronaany eeppropr:ate for opet,it etlrwction. Ocetipeleeeir1xl AH 1

On the rh»rt of ]Fount to Lalte send elmest cdJ:scnt to AquacaW. rinse wee

indent a reproduetit'n of the Globo Tee. -nice as South-learn. i .,laasd, nere r-hn]ttepeeren playa lfrero fine preeeJtttd, end where obey Will be ro-er once. d er- Mg tine CO' nee of- the tatr. Attraction will aide harbor authentic reproductions et itneltih Inns and houses. <uecng them the Old Curtoalty ititop.. John Festered Rouse, the Rep r.,ion Igp, the Cheshire Cheese and llub.n eve at nor. borne of Geoe ip Wa4ltingtOpil anteetoca.

HEADS REPORTED (Ccatil eof froze opposite pope)

acorn' Ilkley. +_theism Ottitlet, Dave -Mor- tis, Mabel ralrtmo'e. Joe' Julian, lies. Barbara Oowinz, S C. Soot,. Peter Puree Mn. Ida Leenarty, Mm. B. ere. Giethlin. B_ C. '8 .rutenburgbs and Karl F. Bhuater.

Pass Buck on 6lownefie Chiron* Village bas again mend Its

erne to ZS cents with arrival of a0 members of a ChM= opera troupe with camel -back trunk,. No one on the Gay way 1s busier With cancrrton effete* than Betty Warren. recceitlh' $srretaryof Uo Cone ,...ionic' A teetton end On the clsaa a-tafn it nappy Valley.

Ripley*, QLdttonum drew 144.000 In sit weeks Mena .er Prank Zaxnhreno reports. Expo rr:^_.tsserement would like to give Orerreen)i '2U1 - acid Streets Of the "erld au (nth on bleu -efts, but pare the hack on the ban 'o poll r. Mi- tborltbss, Ray Gardner, prim osc, pa art* '. has opened a spot In Orrenevich When

Al'Weir. who treatele far erne) dowers of the World. bee been ap,usWtent dis- tributing wont for The Bei*tza-rrd on the Gayw y. He was former aMue ink ad - luster vatth"the Al O. Barnes MMus.

epottera the the Nude Ranch were pu- ttubxty active during the week Inatch- lag la u.dlsa and da.teeetag -rennet taken of tie girls. No picture taking is al- lowed in 131pley's.

MUSEUM FRONT (Contheued bent qtr puGJ)

Jungles and alit aai,teh or holy man. Theg'r l ep road; aboard S. S. Steel "'reveler, ears Ruck. Ten satttee (pro. lawnced oaty) Men sell tees: indents, th i camnet 'tor t 1, brtvlie- with Deruthy Lament-, of the 8. B. (bound st^gosh at Hollywood.

Strengs as It & our Pestering teen turning to stone. foibrr and a, n with 24 =gars and 32 -toes between them: en rye -popper, matt wttte heart In stomach. mi r.gur . risen who grows (would It be wiblatdi), elan Mt reline frost:}., Mouth ettatcher. Fanny the liutnan tell- .. roan who eats rion.fcods: lgerotl enrages. Brame pygrntei, ilbangIa. hfi des tinted '

Careercons with trine! facial meriting& fdber to vita?ft-neehn 1 wore n, Rou- manian trisect en, 31aih-peach man, ant- gator=aklntr_d people, ere v=ied I per Lernerdeedened South Aire:ans. tinning, °W 0.w will be smallest radio act, ye Lincoln tend o at, Ernancina:loo Pvwi`.arnatle,n, tenet ell wont by tern ~reel cOw. ':'heat it C:.rrOdtMTd, the lantern which attired the ChicL O diiP. wrilkine cane made from 13.000 vie *4,m1 poataige stamp*, s comb for bale.. p i tort erg ,n Ct1: tot "I exr,lb!ta u Julius Caittrb.:oh. Dolour &> e:relieve spent yeses collecting the Ierrna.

Kenneth entire Town Hallis concert bureau director, given partial leave of abc.ncc to assume post Of WP mule =rim im rnanal;er. no njating Olin

Eicpo b tie rnttdg -s two -reel mound halm pity-glag ltstelL Flint' being , distrtb:ited free to schools ciara and, other ones. Runs I6 mnIiiutee and a.-allnble in, 35

16 rrslllt'reeter. .Nemtor L John 5. Youn'ttg, nitre radio dlreoter.

Yermle Otero ).ttrnetione have sl'd e

flock of their Mac* R-`Ttba Item to Peer. t Ia oars ldlracle Intern 'AGd* L a "Leirecelprlt" lumen.... "Doty 3eare will hayo a "níoe-ttxh' nuns wood nymph in ids t#h-taree d F. t ahn _

To futh n te 'it_ New Yorker open:he 4ty. April an, the city reverts tie daylight .a--1 lg linee et 3 t_.su. the same Sunday. _ . Prue dep:eettinit of tlht fair 1.r expetiencln,t hen/when from prtrftely «ripe « cxhlbttor and comet non in M ' . Contt'iu.II'vina of pews tit reL_. n lee ehtet enure of tCou','o_ it Still a "no -p " tale as far as ea uleilde ,ire tena- nted_ A breve mid. we Hopei euo:

fin plet±er-n But e, mighty tough one to maintc'ltl once tee eat loll o an and r=etinas for dt-r_.ta begin to doings the edeetrenteation building.

PSFltlntnln F, Kenn". pef.'eldCnt of the W. W. 1'Y1t--trJio^at(nn CO.. teed t'h will op - cram a fleet of SO busao, ftcan úiattblictell to tee rrl.:pounda, has ro`_rsalaeG that at -


If toe g_-,-. ..eePllM1; at UM Fab wits u.. >CIA`e Raeat'ra 1Rcsor.--,


§e rile (FOoóel

PENT°iLIST'S RIDER Weet i., 3 st 1e±7 TM, Wee" pale e- . r 11 flaw but I¡ moo' enerwe eenut>s. P new

Jule* eoee .eaa% 01. Nl/t SI.. act. 7MocMsW, onla.

tractiewealege gtris v=ein be haet.eai'sen the buiewes dtiriñg the deplete and that college :unbent players nighttime gulded and chauffeurs. - . . Which reminds de that most conoeasions will have college. bred talkers and eretexr. m sod attendants in piaoo of veteran sap eltloo and ch: w - folk - Thhre's atilt room for eitp deemed vets toe fronts of ihOwr. teen

General Meters tremendous exhibit Le the Transportation area w94 be dedicated April le. . "Court of Plante" 'In the Lagoon of Natents retched its desdlo. ey tout list week to a ~net dr n. i etybody {teed; ... PoOtenaaler-Oenetsl Farley ostlin ates that ro lave then 2.000.- 000 world's Fair Inereete were acid the tiered day they .. ere aerate available to the iilblio Petty wens. to the Preeldent In Weehlieeten for Ina collection.. , Thu peon.'leery end Iki -., dedicatee their exhibit last weeok sad then took a nine :inured the grounds with Whalen, may,. La Guardia end Al Smith. ."It can' Intl; ,elms up their Opinion Of the OlIPO as a 'ehsrlf.

Trailers To Be Exhibited ELKHHART, Ind., April 8-A Complete

exhibit at 8ebiel trailere vertu t: d!o- pi Yy ct In Trainer Town dieing c.e tew York W'or ine Fair. fend_ ltlaynard W .

1R ells. vice-nienldezlt In charge of eneo of 8ehult e- alters, who has returned front a sislt 1n Neer Wien. Trailer T eelI. he sold, will accommodate 1.E410 trailer# and will start *eeTatten lust before Oprnt .g cd the fact. i &tsd In the Bronx at toot at Whitestor;o Held' e.

EMPIRE ROOM. (Continued Porn pope 19)

batanctiA duel, do their familiar turn which Ls crowded with ~ploys of ouuafr. Ing strength.. ~meet diet` teleke, how- ever, ,appear uiiootnfortelee to the elatll- rerea on this finer, a good :teeny of the thtr be aeaLed too elr#.el to the act. ,Dia- tanrc Rivas tine a dlering a batter pr,mpeetive.

Duren* Alexander. rhythm unten With Duehlrea Dent* warbler pope. reuY! ma Untb-eifa Man, Old Maui More, Gotta Grt Soars &hat pre and fi.avort theta with cute personality and 'tttii'l*i8117 3ca- turan. Okelt fora betel well.

Dick llatsto", now dolt a tenple. h taep-daa a style ill hie own and it

Y rtre-ily In lilt favor. it innecka of or'elnaltty and motto at the steps are cleverly de- 1 -reed. Ana rooWWio to vane out musical tñanpow are oatnptr d of difficult tap steps end tenet work, a combination tft giros him clams. Dur- ing the eecond aheee he appears "lib Betty 01dí end Betty Lou 1dleltQib try. of the Abbot' lilts;. Ill a cute novelty to l Married an A'n,sl.

The oomody highlight of the bill to !tuts Darla, tñ unttitslt booking In this ataaely room that went ore untiinuaih good. The eustneera teak to hie many Imitations end eslkd hen been ter et. end cneoeeL While in, woe -r. 111 Diu dam=s. a neat. Western or hilltinly outfit would fit bust better.

in addition he Dee/One grind teen, were or d the nforementleeed Dent Inn. atoi . the rrtiddle thew also wee. Be r r Allen, from the line. In ñ ltawliultan roit- Lien that is n'e`ful but just bit out of Mir far this nt.Inmphere, end thin, nTY rental Ibbtrtlssilan In a retire of Ueenrei,(t.l Bab .

ºucltin remains on the band oe-ad der alt -weeks and hi -I Ietal peoulailtyl wIÜ attract* h` lrbe trade dOrtng oh . u

Isle dance rare" bee are fine end h'es owes presence on Ore rntAnd. qurttrg dins ~Alone glean t aoprillt that 'upe tee

Lou Dlamnidls Or,cbratrra in be !en - 44, aubstltute. while Plii1 Daale; , ti'bi altal quartet tre hid for itlte ness:eIn".

Sam )iii-fetne .

34 The Billboard CIRCUSI S - Cenduatsd 5y CHARLES WIRTM-Cotwtnwniaa.tIens te 25 Opera P1ags;, Olnalnnatl, O. Ap,Ti IS, Ih-39

Jnwnie has Variety of Features; Capacity Crow i!Is ot Premiere in Macon, Ga., Despite Elements

MAOO;t, Cld. alpha 8.--Wfah a wide t 'iety of noret textures, ,skillfully blended. Downie Brun' Cleeti Opened here Tlluisday with performances that eon netlAlnt-

Speak and span !n nppcarnnoe. the show attracted capacity crowds alter. ten anal night, and whelps were abeut 80 r -e ett t [fetus tram on the opening day brae feat. Cni.-.n , oftktaj, esfd, Tito geln in bualtx-s was_shaven de=rate a teeny meaning and cold night. The _sines : tttrndance waft declared to have bola the larl}s't sn' the slowest htttory hem and preet1Cn;ix etto y &rat a.s Hated at n!lht In spite at a quick drop Iin WM. rpeeatutre.

William M. Metare and ~oaf atom, who purt'.ltiar-d tee ahraw in P runny. received many to ogr-ttt1 tort Wittman, Dad mtts- C_tgr-a, as WIC 111 welt-wtslring tests from rppneantstivea of the Macon Chamber ºt C.oarzmtrec. City of tttLdan and State of atorrtn

The anntirtty prodtiord' performance ran for two hours, smoothly and without dtlaya Oar Lnlellana.

Choice Sparks in Hospital attend a3 the Opening day Was Chtrtte

gpark.s who for years beaded the show b -fe a Die recent retirement. Re was otairlthCd to a reens ho,p!tal under are at-

rut t fo- a Iratrta red Pam _Tt!'lerrd In sr so:dental fall the day before. Ire had

A er a daily vhlLar to winter quarters and rehosflals,

alaltona Wee, ritemtro1 i Paid tiicttlded Charles ate, former assistant manager. wise rrlg card to San'sln with Mr. alparkse Joe '1i lam, fee ye -tea agpetintatr,{tent or tritapertstZan who boas similari?osltlein with u ~Wane transport; concern hero. and lea alit, Iaabefl; John Van Arnam; 11711 llainl!toai "'Dee" James ileffrgan; Jilted DeI1y. former martek b Wadi With the ahow. wbo la now living here In re- traceentr Bill Remy, Dave Durrett. Mr: sad I.Cnt. Brownie r.Ogeps and feller? d'iow. Entente Tabun/age.

Mrs. Eva Monte, wife of Leo T. Moore. Two, cal magnate, one oa tree ownersa flew to bí tall ,for the oaening, oorntrat from heoino In Wcctra. Sex. Lea Moots had be -n here far two wveek», They will rtrrlate wtth the how for several days;

Public ty fetothe opeedra a rva flan lad by Harry Meek. [tars dccl'r, bed in show' hinters hero; both from ne-wa ta- pe' arid radio angles[. Local papers, ear - t td 33 pleturra rid many additional etcal

Dick Scatterday. in diaries of tanner ,cdw rtieing, bad the lar^rteat number -of hanneas for an °peeling day of the allow. to landed tevelai Dew rrnon91 advert -O..

Mg contracts as well tat añ Imp:ding t.t of local nooaunte. Assisting bcntterday this trtiaon la M. 13 Shire.

The Program Opening apcstac3e The Parade of Gold ~la lariats dlsp:ay of aoatum+es, apc-

Btp.T a. RIOAx.ta. her born e't- @^ned tttl V" 'aecttalara dtrcator Joe get al

Aingalaeatar Jser4pfi Oddities and Carona /At .- an eras. slaw arfv Mar magic? roues Al G. Rartlea. Goaadea Ilene. Seal Brost.- and Fred lu. oia411Q'tre Realties $ette.' SM.oeoa and teat natant [seta, Fetrlpee 4' Watts Crean

coal novel eite tricot effects. with two handa elephants and crane than 100 persona, roaunte d and marchers. '2.-C own numhein in [Aron raise and

on track. teato Ling Caottor Bonnet and trio. /addle Kee.i, Howard Bryant. *+igar- toot lyflltrna, mfgR Sorliettetne. Mickey O'urten. Albeit White.-Dddao itrn+trte i, .Shorty Sylvester and á11e and Ray Orhhy.

r -1ktadtilde. Matey /Arkin; footallde. Georg! Lund

a. --Alex Eroclm «tour people) on ground torn.

2-Dattbla laddcls With Helen Chapin. Aria Palate:, Olive Ikonlloanzne. Inez Butters.

tt`-rlephants, taerfsl,raied by Clement Taylor.

7,-PMnk'Settro. [land balanatinl, ring 1: Mateo Cornell, brad balnncing, ring 2: Frank Sett, hand biaanenna ring 3,

8r -Clown numbers. 9.--,rsi:rtb trapeze nnt,bere Anna

»reek, ring l; Corinne Dearo, -ring 4; 'Bert Dearo, ring J.

10,-talberty h<rict perScamed In rtna, I and 3 by Carlos Canean and Beet Wal. hoe; pontes In, nag 2 by Jeanette Weal -

¡Scat DOWNIZ RAS on page 37)

Third Engagement Of WPA at Coney Island Not So Hot

CONEY rat AND. N. Y.. April 8r -Tine WT. Thee. -] Theatele Protect, drone closed Its eng agement hero April 2. Buotsres web teattbl- thracut the entire wolf. -raid. Show tad. turned them nasty on the two twevioue week -cads. Charles Da Phi. haled as the litafts!at Rang", clot .d with the show tall Saturday WOO,

Managing Dtrector Bairns O'8tiLD .n and bile staff will, confer with Sam iaanditeman. administrative ~latent of the 15edesal Theater Project, on final Finns for the canvas, neasan and fcr new wartime».

Jahn Bayfe a'watchminan first show. Bled [shit Saturday afternoco !n Bt, Luke a igeaepitaL Membeta of show at- tended _°ToOtNeO In A:oko' +' funeral par- lors. Show was trtdduied to hear of the death of 81U Twylord of Mitten aslant. Ttryferrd. a roamer alderman. woe a real friend of the WPA clean* alert, meted i apoenrna of the show -whenever it played the bland b's'o.

Tenta!tt'yc outdoor pl.n- call for s.n= eral new features which will include a teeter -board act, leach la being !Omit. by Nick Oelk, and a high-jitmptng horse, Ceps. Sillott renown le trite-I--alrfg an- other lion to be added to his group'when (Shwa iapap opens, reports Wendell J.. Goodwin..


>'TtA1VX Jt0)`i'.NAY aJ Akr O srha lids k 2 the' I eei,

`arier L. .Katn tdtle ¡or .13 ta setó throe-rttaQ attru.

rf- A Taxes Paid; Ta Ship Equipment; Other L. A. Notes

LOB ANGELES, Apell S. - John B. Qtainn. ihtt avlac' of LI.Oi 'Aulgatoe County. -rho tarred an atterhtnant on the sleek and equipment of the liagbñbeCk,- Waller* Mania, quartered at Baldwin Petra, for teeth nmoaianttog to 111.840 (l tktlt' Was edtaati. ',a Sor .11al. die - solved the attachment ldssrntieh t lose t) ment was made April d. Yanployeta at gtlnrters ranted ghat the- have a "wait order"' tO load tlta equtpana ti toe rhlP- ment caber to Pair, Ind.. or Maraca![. Pia.

1. I. Cronin had been negotiating with the, /tingling interest:, for lease of the equlpmeri_. It was arittirxlta taireb' shatted that the money was ready. but Stitt the deal tell thru on account of the expectant l r.o, c, tetra unable to get the title they desired.

Austtin King after a sojourn at the Ran apencano fair, stopped hero a day en rota" to Next York to join Clyde Insalla aide show wtth t . IttOglltg- Barnum Circus.

teal Cootte 03 California Zoo Park. with the tale. Ja.tt-,, and a eon group will lea ;o for New Fork under o'ritTtct 10 prank Buck far appearance nt the fair there,

ha -Ira -Goldwyn -Mayer studios wilt "shoot" a btu circus pa -lure with the Marx Brothers as the star. Title 1, A oty of the Cif cu+l Iduri-ay Penneek will

Natant tec;nnteal darn#der. Jack Beach, who was with major car-

ctisan hay; contracted with AI Asulemon, ~et of Barbee Re aach ninseotont'L'nrk, for frOren etietird prfvtlai:n,

Arthur Windectrr it general agent of the Matzeno Btu,.' Circuit.

lfjrshaU l?rttftn Is rt St. Vincent's ftatpita.l While contra ltla Teenage stock he ataflered a broken limb,.

3 i r ldi.antt Corporations Herd as e, Bankrupt; $415,33$

ROCHESTER. Ind., April 8.-Alrin Marsh. Plelrrotstb, referee In barnkr-p,Srtey for the Northern indteaua tFntt.:! L,ntta pRsGltrt, Wednesda-y,be'ld the Indiana Ctn. Cita CO"1 S:.ay.-Cly tite Beatty Cita one. Inc.. and itobttlt>r+ áefs.' Cirrus. Inc... ea oºnknupa He also declared the bank- rtlpt.cy - r zt t'nts.asacta- note. Crrditoes tied Iliad dlnt'rns totaling- tt4I5,83301_

AC tlol ftlal meeting of' creditorn and Inacreatcd attctn-y* In the gourtbCtYttl[: hue Zack Terrtatl aL$ Jras Adkltta, awnata at the two clrcuse.: were gtecs- trar,;d by attattnnry arad inla!id that the IBKSB moon g -an Om) *,ratatt !u c rcui hi. toe . may blamed the poi acvOn on the bttllnr^S. d_pm-aaoa. sdvoe-' weather oondlttto+nra gad later Ilrrtsraibka. Both :ran ctle:tl fl:Ftertta on prrta rrr.sipt-1 hlt tb , Vireo e7t:a i for 1937 and 1009 and la oYera tnatntjtee the dlffr,r7nan w a drop et from 20 to "S pet font,

At;,htee anal Terrell turtlir rt3trad that prttdf to the 143+! = A the Ar -relates ImveJtr,ant Co,. el t uih ad, t at '- r pwww!u i chattel mote --Fe on all ttrctt-. ,p Ytv c o0 1 t the r -al estate aural bntaitd- in2 oii w_Aira n, I-nyrt.-:ar,fl of C-ah00rA 1e heid by Roahrttr bgttñcdit men. Charing

zl t Churns the summer the Aaao0lstes foreclosed on the chattel !slortanae, htoe leaaing the equipment to them.

Nets Tian Appro'red It wag elm brought out that Adklná,

Tyrrell and .P . ; ?durtrn hare tocor- poaated new Cot- Beata 'Ci:t'tla `axed have offered 'to repel creditors Of the tbtt`e fortats clrctu corporations on a tar of 10 per cent by the lasuaner of five -aver nom-intPraat-be ing t illtle óR seamr,d to moat the appro'.*1 of

a dItecrs and their attorneys. and as soon a th_h ¡n-tttaae cam be nrrarge4 another tntettng will it bald In tats duty Tutil Jlet.re.; Marsh..

After the It aeln Minh .stated that "while the 'liahltIISe$ of the three drene corporations ºm lasg+t. I have been un- able, ,to find any ettgge,-ten of :rand en the port of ibo cIrCuurt ~Melt?' The e linbWLtics are for unpaid labor, that ntat end .loin'.

Adkin a, Terrell end Mnallan eina a t,yted at the meetlriT that they boa trade pr- ntn,, moe,tr tp ik - afacar circus faun the . _ haii I lit r 9:n0í Sm, to op n In thin city Nit I :ley t re ol -ltabtil as to the 11132 avaimon.

H. R. Contracts Call f o . 25 -Car Cole Bros.' Show

ItOCtlla$'Lrat. Istd., April 8: Hallsoed ooniancts are being, made to move Cole Drat' CI re WI an Is cats[. ~new feattirre have been eolatr'etted the past !menials*. It is posclble the :thaw will be the grze

re' ai as last season -30 Cars -stated Joe AdUIna., atonal manager.

Unrter direction of Peed Seymour, en- pertntcnder:. a majority of the btEinne wnQomi hive gone Lana tbº' woricahi ps Ind are now in the hands of Ernest 8y1- taester, auperintendent of the paint shoat_ Parade erlatipmrtlt was completed the [:tit of the month and has now can= V'ras oor.ere and teepaullna. Street parade 411 be a feature.

Jam Murden, manager of natlonsl a4- verthing has relarzaad yo graartera attet an absence of eeWita,l slays in New York. Earl I,tndlsey has ieturnc+d froext a visit to lioatstott. Tex.. with his wife, Pat. kf Ty Hnrretd and olio who put fn the winter at their =arm near Marlon. Iltd:, are now in l2o00et44', LArid . aatt Tar- reid Will again be in the ,big show' ticket :"ratan. Pauline Sylvafter, acenographar, lie returned from a trip to rt ut and.

Joe Wallace. boas hg t-ler, hia brousht in 83 hind 'of bia age homes tram the show's farm at .' -ton. Ind. Others will be added botere tIte opening date. Joint Smith. assistant aqtaatal direct, ea IA Charge Of the ring. bt ns. iStotdr la being 'orated daily in the four ran.

Zack. Terrell and wife, after n Wait at eaveral dyer have returned to their bosun ion Ovt-enabcro, KY. Stanley P. Dta,,..00. to rititenaerrt of ticket', and Yellow Itblrhett, circus -painter, were vlutora quarters this week along With Harlan (Butch) itutitbtrt,. superintendent of the front, door, who Is wtnteriug at irrOl with ltle ware. Mato

Chattel Young. bites ea:mt.:tasn: is spending the winter at his home in Peru,. rind wilt ~ti his aetavitica in quarters Apttl 17. .loe Ruts. Crest as [-beet on the big tap, has returned from a irlstt to 8t, Petersburg. Yla. Tommy Poplin., chief etectilclan. has arrived- after spending the Meter at a:. Petersburg.

King in the East Floyd Enna. geñctsl agent awl traffic

tail -agar, 7i in tbo Eaat and is due back In several days. William J. Lester earl Fred C, Kilgore, local cortractMI, have bean at work several weeks_ Willla-na Backeal, NO, t car manager. Who has beam winteetng at Phlladeiphis, and Clyde Willard, brigade manaiter, at h!a haofo in (lireenvlfe. 8. C, are expteusi in minx - Wan In a few days. Pat Murphy, man- ager la the No. 2 car. ht.T arrived ,ritw wirttes!tnn at We home in Santa Monello. Calsi'. The LoyelsRepeoaiki troupe of riders has reached Rc,aheMer land 1!t`ing at Lek* WAttoti breen l males from quarters.

Anderson Advance Gets Paper in K. C.

KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 8-O. FrIIX Duvall.' g+rrieral agent of the Bud E. Anderz t Circus, and IL It, Webb. bitable agent. were here lain week -cad and eroded two trucks With paper from the U. t3 PrIntr g and lbnarvtal- Co- piant, which made full line of wane weal: and furnished thnndatea and ben- neen TI'^ window wont Was furnished by the lrte Litho Co., and' Central Show mat all, special dealgnod paper. Eight men till be on the advatnc, and two tru. k& will be used. Peelding Dot Bad Wall handle the 'pecaeln ndrtabtte. Pith Prank PAW one day ahead. Er - echoed ttekeis [Pill be Wad Only far ttto --fa rneon performance.

Art Mss end Tex Owens ontort'-lr.Wd Duvall izad panty at dinner while to Jet- feraen Ctty. ,.ía The above will *peel at Srnporla. Klan,. under the PTA. two-d.ay rataaegaionn tb,.ñ go to Burlington. Pre. donna and on Aeeta

Itiahluli Emits S. C: Schools QRELNVX LS,, 15, C.. April d,,-Inghanras

Corrgret_, of American Indiana, after tin- t Wen sehnrar a to Oreenvitla Ceur-tg, Ian for hoc itjntrtere at [[thin. l%. c.. to amend the liter hoálday . Outfit will *lend the few re rnintae weeks of eG+e-rí in Z Ir`t4ila ti. and Watt YtrglBia.

April 15 1930 CInC'USES The B,iQiórraRlyd 35

r With t,f-te -

Lis wus funs By THE RINGMASTE*


far/r1 1141717stit

(00r-taerd r WALTER 110HS.KadI k hilt« -11111 ~sr Tii.J.' nos ltmt-id t tbup.cy. ltaebrOrt, JIL1

ROCHELLE. Ill., April 8.--Atel in D. I111iclretrt, aatutttal p1'(Ldent of tit CPA, was in Chicago March 79, retaining to Washington. la. C., by Plena.

AbOut 3.5 ttio reb, (U..415.) r;12ts. with friends, ntr.,endrd the Shrine Circus to Hartford. Corn., evening of Marsh 37, tasking the trip by pc= -ai bin. l Join P.- Ora Kok'etmo, end., Tpoently

et eo.,ed a bound volume of The New Yak Q1Ipper oantalntng the weekly issues of that piper, eenpriellig the 17th nfd 18th rt0Woee. for 11 8:and 1887

Members of the Jar4te & Cooper TOp kPrtte4 the 1alngllng Chow train at Potomac Yard& Mitch 28. Washington pretore were gencroue to their OOnimfntrs devoting a good deal of upe4 to texts and pictures. refesrli to the Circus 1.414" ~lotion. The Cooper Top tss s putt córnpleted arrailgellt+pte for the oew let In We Jdngton to be used this 4emi100. la located on gorernmtnt prop- erty at 21st and C streets. N. E.

Beeper Joy, who sttendod the N;ttlonel 8br1re Directors' A:. Itlmt nleetlf s at Obatletton. W. Va.. irtopped at Let ó11r lelc- en route haute clad i'tttited Jews westroorretentL

At the annual meeting of ~holders of the ° UUIStssla 31-3_: . Life Aaaurºtoe Co, In Mnrch Arthur T. Sawyer, CPA. re-eleated a director.

Karl K. Knecht arid wife, of Ewievllln. indL Will spend brier in Chicago with Karl's mother and his .titer. Mara.

GEORGE 8I IREY 11411 be with Aerial Leann. LAM year he alas with Lewd: TF'ra__' Circus in ticket departitesit and mnaa' er of photo gallery an the Strates Shown.









JACK AUSLET Vi., hid a to a,d Genera $-9r Nenaasr 161 W. HARRISON ST.. CHICAGO.

MP![Y MOTORIZE fttóPin srECrA 111 a nce Plan srcgAl

wa rrir Chas. T. Corm w~T11 Standard Chevr01t Co.


WA N Tl E D I - .rlaiMr. Yaw.' Mr Wt0 W.lt.r 1sr7YMs -s-. Datltbe andlUndantatdtot. r.Jsey>ort. writs NO Orad.

Oar of eOJt 3110, P]®e-sa'. Chk.y.... 111.

Favcrtu outdoor Performer

yoiritest á See Cóupan (sty Pc: .-..r ei

Stark Words ,Her Lard: Silvers in Big Spurt

Sloth;;! Stark w it:4114d to %stead rote - collecting ~remarry In the Performer Contetrt an chic Plying Behrs,. who h4'uro been co_rtrntittit$ between first and AM.' CIVIL in the last few w,eeks, dropped to third. The second spot le hold try the lll0l0dln-teptma Traupa.

A emanational drive foe the top Lung to being wide by Hai Salvers, now itn fifth -plate ranking. Juill behind the Plying Coneeliet. The Wire performer. Who 1pfetc hS d=but on the tingling- lMarnu.m show, which opened 1!s In WidLian itqu:aro O;:rdon tart week (5) has never been among Shp, first 16 lender, who 717rz up rum follows:

SMabel Perk LIIoedln.Rti1[aa.... - _ - , 445 * flying 8eaat ._ .,.....--

Fir ing Cazecikn:. . 374 Hal Steven 329 WalknS.at 21-9

CIpde noaety 174 *Wets, KM+ri .. ¿la Oenlhy Neaten 173

Firing Rehm,. .. - - 17? Cps Cellaa.o 171 Wrncdl sants . r 168 Deltohí TroslK . 161

* Castladl Troupe . 164 Cr Speedy irdewl 156

13111e4111 Troupe . psi Cape. Thrall M, I+cob., 151 '$thaIN,Y a Qu nt. - 141



4 Acrid Aa[ollei . . .... 1431

rGe.I Farm nape . 1113

Amt.lcky . .. 141 14 *skid. PalisT .. 140

wac.pit ,._...r. 124 *OM GrMMs . . 121 S+,atwphd Man.. 103

terde3 In .own dblLia.b-

Thous who Stark, morticed less than 100 p+uttte i sol retoce alcen ad are. In the order of their tome.

Capt. Prank Curbing. *Ike Kyle. `Coln- Delbe ase. Ibe]tlennchs: Berner Goddard, 13ennellonal lborllr. Aritwur Frnry. Bert Hebron, Jenny Rog eF. 1L±.n1a-r Kelley Revue, Rudy Rudytsott. 'Peerless Pottert. r.tte Ociar. Maximo. C*Pi-er'1 Riling florea. Poodles Hu.lot- ferd, Weitmfs. louts Roth. Din Mouton. Elntt..tt Kelly, kogltah Maass,, PnLlun- bents DtnPs and Antoinette Conerlla,

A tO'sl of 237 IndlelWusI srtieta of tl'aupns have been nornlnated. All et them have born <1rte t - I r the arlgf n' 1 as.teln. that of ballot blanks J:eºt tbru the mailA. 57,-12h 1661 Ivna's Wag o eonpon la done andes that and method trout now natlril the emtl of the onmpoign..

Baddeley Readyfne, Shaw VAI400IIVBR

Bill Baddeley, 01 Ba4dehy Hies. Royal Cenadlnit, Family Circus. Is hard at Work In getting the show .-4y, tl ttttctek, and blues have been bula. Opere E. Henry ,It.. saie.ietant manager; who his been nt AGtttland,. Ore.. le leavtiin for IA Angela to bring t11e eaen?gertt sttd tisane, 4f tale TtªrfOrniera., Jena Romedn natos sW1n8 Accordionist, has been on - gaged. an musical director.

L SAi i!BE3tG t & CO., Nerezkric, N. J. chore. presented the Cºpt. ?Meek Small Pry Circus. hall Possession of Beenhtt rs a TOyland Easter promotion, Muck's unique mintaturo .elxwa kept Pontine tat' m in," r_.a j. E. Cai oy, are. ~at' paallie}ty. rnsnager. 'll;ylcl: ltcrymlty f ztured and 1130410d Inc ant it 21 tiers In a style that wean the store's hearty co-r,pwattOn toward rtipzra,1 circus!-store-wrode celebration' he, adds.


PERFORMER CONTEST Splizáer: The Idillloard

DONIrano) rcped»:Yenaefo Arnerlra. l4a dc

tIona)1 Showoacn's ,ia Of

oOcc1attllon r.Pd HotlyWiller ate trophy Co. Opon to tiny par:4n In. or Catering to, show builntsr. including show truly

I orgnola&tior4 mod ~tilted fans toIding pata -up m.mtsnhlp cards RULES Aa1121OiZI TO IiNCLUDE VOTING 8Y Ty tit'tt! WHO MAY '"01

E' VOT roll T1110.1821.~, itow 1._.LJ JII-

l 4-

I barony esos_ ray latea !3rL'he folloiigg:


Steam Calllope 'anted lr!. .ne tailL°rn w., tat .erne.7 ee° a r ti n*. -.rlaltr l been I r1i a hi ei.tatlt t. an 1 t' r,

ALEXA.rDrll P. CLOMP, wainaMsa. ta , tntrr t>t: O


KOHAN f.11FL CO, lroalklpi.N, Y.









(30 POini,l..

« . .

1 Point I

The lNtlbcs.rd It the final Juº.pe of ah lt.11etw. anti d,ret-,lar tnrtdc by It, aro lºoontestatDlC ,and tannin be appealed. CJºOt"'t ele With coupon to Inoue of i/ee+el_abrs fiff, 1039.

i4.rtZUliteOt Addrrra.l ... . . .

A li 41-tt to 8 DI- - or by tbam

its d Pant

r't11/t'itr . . . .. Liü a0tr rIgrt.tttTtS are poll]

CUT OUT PERFORMER CONTEST EDITOR AND MAIL TO The Billboard., 15641 Bro.dway. New York, N. Y.

AGoUTIr ., .. 001107 IG ANa. .



*Oleo OW tie,. Retard C -J as f IM repel Tent- Top Re- .fMt &mid third, f t1.j t L Top Arm/ 4 ' Civic. A certain at wale. Wal!tSet. Matti. Price - Top and Walls .......3593M

rsl.a. Maa see 1.1' -'te h w rate-.1ta. it. -11 Tel CA or.. 11,4,+.u.


17Lw a O.,L.,I. K.rit. City. lr.= A,F£RlC.A'S t2JC TirVy Hpr.rgi2

%i.ftr. Rrp.v.;.teRat.rR A. I. OA11lAP7i CLO, 132 `Y. 42d $t.. e.a'O+r. N. Y.

11(1 1'b,S f r,1itt)s IN r

.r. t

I)krexlt lt+v;t'.+tArt d .se Plow w Dnttr (1_. two Ii. bade per ..Y - . bade.ti -ar.

goo. 111.26i s..Mt` S0. 117J41 1.000.'i Land 3.4f1 a O

74it.ta7tartC. ntiteaL /.t t r_-! .

TLO!r Ct1AAtt4T$ED.

Pat 0 L.G!(( P? tola041. >IDyr l t lit , 0 W. St a. gal s/r t5rtw. m u/ lreM y18l.tsrd /4/onO ltl.t.tga

Ps'OIaLt' L DRiloMgo OrrOttrtaaD nD 011111171010 OAR0t1 TO OM DTP.

T °




TENTS - BNEUS I Ooeft. °Ra....1 .4... wot,1 Mee 40#1. Iri-4ll.aü

... '.Yall, prac.Ic111/ now, N1:21,11.14T.7-4 ])'Att'rR5_-J1E:1.1111: }ki:^R1Rt51 ,.

O. HENRY TENT 8li1 JhlNGCO. 4411 lieu. Creel iiwa+l. Cram, 114

gPIbt:M oRlt[Ya $10.00.. KrRKAJOI/D , . 10.00 Lk_ 01.)411$ 7.a0,4,l

s,t.lt Vs'


6ÓMO Á 1T ÁGAWa /s.00 tia. aaas Was G.é:rl Mt, G. D. O.. t .. 0 al De- .




M. A. M OSB O R N E b,;; al g;- Vats Pa»yect 0351s.


4 YOUPtG LIONEtiS, T9AINED AM. I sal 3 Meerhl' 011d Cabs

Mule dnpote c4 rilit 3nit7.atl at p,tL

CCi'de Beatty Circus Unit, Infi Rochester. Iodises.

WANTED nitre or sit wino -it role t r DOOit CIRCUS



Red lint.


lfrrrfSg.p In "Ad O.Rdt.or A e00 Or -,. a~, sin ve/.r., í 131s, wren $0-64 vb 150.00t=FM aatF ll1a. -tt - Peter Yei <PM for NJE.rrc, i PM"

DrwRpL,. aoralaaü. ~Pt to 0~.0 AsJtst, es..-tTKIC

sfiLciwv 4át espy. t*e*_a LO tut b14se

36 The Billboard CIRCUSES _pril /So, 1n39

;r, _ e4 (Coritinued ¡"ea pane 3)

;naiad. This dinney marries aumetOue credits famtttu to audiences bt mu lean soe.ledy, rerde and drama. Productten ~thee from these bresnchee of enter- tainment halve been recreated ,for thin and other numbers Ln line with the :Se3nn adt'ertteli g; a pions of gemlike phrsse- *Dining oatlod restyled in beauty and splendor for a changing world."

The stloka.--lf they still cxlst.-ma'y question saran of the eoonom ass even es are reheated In ra 'smaller oonttngent of buffoons. a lcsa peopled trace in 'Urn assuage numbers end a mantle principal riding met rep:acing the two separate da+pláyt of former yearn, but John Itiugrdng :io.-tb and his coboete may feel that other Btt 8hews have ~reed

Cte manna nith its proaurired over. abundanoe of klukers. By trotting out

satire Intr': ,i.rne. If inn populous., Mow. the tnan,yte event hopes to make up the difference to sir, and sfr4 Public and their brood, echo vrtll. tin addition, ee añorded,-the opportunity Of more lntltoats review Of the go ngc-on. a prac- tice which has been too lone in coming at that.

Hal Suser, veiled behind th thin mauls of Hubert Costae, now WA perma- nent handle, soloed in center in hl* ft=B debut, dding drunk characterbeentrmts attired full dream an a 2ialf-atarllcd raga. He As badlcapped by super-b.urb billing and the tact that he's oat alone. but aant'hllou made n emtitabie begin- ning highlighted by a beet somersault.: Comedy la same given n full inning in Aileron mite c tan work, th,e relabeled Orotofent a.aompitfhing everything on the eineiwsy but biting the guy linos. iri oats, classic bit he uses the 'wire as a berlrental bar to perform gymnastIat the oounl o way. Ma refeely footed Chinon: siting Chinon:

set the crowd on its earl. William Royer, distingull~Md master of

Olte,aAR4. le GUliported by the renablo Tear iimlundt and Gordon Orton In the - Liberty hors chukker which' receives an uOneettnreinrnt covering the pure-blooi'iod

nes from Sentuek '1 a craftily handled display. The merino nurribe re draft the c_Treloe r of Sayer. Tamara ¿ley r, idla >tridane. Lawrence- Hogan and a Cstrtiattl ctrl, p:iu-two acts of alight maraca wear- ing royal blue coats and cornered hats ornamfntod with flashy red plumes. Octets ':.orked in this outer rins.

New and Imported Acu

PI LADES The fair well -roomed young men

otmpaietmg the Medea,. one of tins year`s Leann o L sett*lase the leaping tradlttop under the Big flap end in very much of a ritreamilned fashton. Atthn pro- gramed to work lu the center rti>Fn they actually performed et the premiere on the north sido of the hippodrome trak., laev-ral of the opining leaps are made over a bar. both straight end than hooks. nun of the Intents Teeple thane a flaming ltwnºp eattbout a tenterlicenal or other type of catapulting. which is the teal niqus employed- in nil their leaps. Bulls are erep9oyed as obstacles for the finale stunts; first a simgie bull and far the wind -tip three bulls stamen, Thla oat well dimerTes -lea eaderir otting.

J 37"esi¿rtaauaa IWANOWS

Also etnong the imports Is the bar act billed es the Iwenows and c isieting. Hof four nieq, of arhoth one works as a dude. Tastefully dreamed in blue. the bar gyms .sta protein an Interesting routine with' plenty of skill and dash. One bar la used mostly M a catcher's roent and the greater part of tl+s rinit ne cc ap-n ace a ground Vernon of high fly-Yn"g. In the same dtsplay.on Vas other stage the F,ugaoc Troupe presents similar rou- tine anti also with a quartet of mate gymnattr'i, This rear is a return engage- ment for this !trench of the lllob Eugene family, wbo were tart on the show about six years go.

QUALTIEROS The WaLlualrs, bleed an %be Quell -lore.

and always dependable as standoutas to the Dig Show; take on greater rtaponsi- bility thin ycor by doubling in the aerial ballet number. Su receded from the rafters la an nirpinne contrivance on tlt'hlcb two girls perform in synchronized fashion entous' batanoing mutate on trap_, nod' bars. The prop plane. -whirl a'n4tnd odnatantiy and the routine needs up to a punchy finish wherein fireworks are released from the tali of easel: plane. The nuns rennin' of the S I, kmlr trttvpe woad the matron from the center ring and le appropriately attired as luephtsto, the bright red of Ills oantur ne blending with that of the girths. You act is par- ticularly well' nettled.

HUBERT CASTLE This newcomer to the Big Show lit the

role of slack -wire lsrilat of ma/or pro - porticoes is Hal Sliver wanting under a new billing, evidently to make mare credible the grub -billing of ~tide Celebrated :intend of the Taut Steel Thatest Curtin alias Oliver, eoqultted bimetal sattsfaotorliy. The were La of the tight genre but be obtains the a.ack aeoortary for his opening drunk bit by a glint pelf rigging attached to one of the posts. From the drunk bit he goes Into a ~tine of -unlcyciing on the wire and winds up 'VIM, an aa- nouGof+el brick ,aomcrsault thru a hoop. 1 a girl linnet gives the turn welcome color.

THE AICARDIS Thin act Cells for the .1.:. -vices centime

men and "a, girl. The quartet engages in e potpourri OZ ~nine ilni stunts.. Included are several tough gates In the jonRtour aside$. Cceminered by Itself, tt le a more than r_ntlsfactory act. brit it: seemed e the egoning nights show that a *teen :or attraction could ba'.e been used In the center ring in this display.

THE SIDNEYS Here also Is a combo of three noon end

a girt. Who l:lend juggling With Mite stunting. Irarly in ;their routine le a three -hie untoyolo bit with the man In the "understanding rider's met. There are several Tartationa in the routine of Caren -high and combined Juggling work. and One of the uniáyrele highlight* has the -In -roc girth on their awn cycles, ply. tog - while tints balanced a - °hotel on tturnjwts. The finish finds the man bo.1- encipg the three girls while ensconced on a bike. The balancing perch Is dressed up .an a paint tres- producing an Inter- ~ing elitist.,


2Fearirre Acts foe big show pentium. Ground Bar Act, Nigh reruns Air a lepsneso Risley MK. Bid Acrobatic Number, girls To Rlde Menage. High I

/Jumping Horses and Work napkin? Acts. Any Acts that would lac a / real novelty In first-class circus performances Can plaza Clowns Doubling In Clown Eland; Also Nevofty Atts for Wild West Concert. Address rA

5 COL! BROS..' CIRCUS. INC.. Rºclieitct. Indiana.

CIRCUS ACTS Thong Melee two or moro Act,, with Three es More People preferred. WANT Comedy

andNaóeRiy Acts. silo Ckwns that cam disable to gads Wire Asti. 4 WEltS IN MEXICO CITY, WITH OPTION OF 4 MOe1L

irate all Iin 11ne teeerr, ¡$*f lowed salary and stating jut what you do. Send photos. Th% is a perreatcn Caro" now playing Mosko City, b. F., Mexico. N pay inulupertattan from tie U.S.. Border o Mexico City and rotvr.. Addisse



IFR.ITZi_ liARTONI Mile Oartonl la blond. shapely and a

abowonanly trapeze arttat. @She g ' the Center ring In the aerial ballet display and works..ni do all. without a net. 'hubs, Incidentally. Y the spot tariper9y occupied by the Rooneys, who are Still In the dis- play but oft to the sido over Rlrti It is debatable whether this net la de- serving of the highlight position In this important d1_r,rlay, which thº mn e- mt51t took 'halal palm to dyers up this year, Without announcement ballyhoo rtes Barton! perform' a heel catch.

OLYMPIC GIRLS In the mean cI _ a1 y with tae Atcardla

are the Olym'ph, tide, who wot'. rd In Rung I, In eye -Milne tlgbta the girl

nor, ix:deem variety ponlint end balancing bits. using aievcral' dlfferdnt types of apparatus but working r -Inds pally with a apt/ern While not a000rded solo spotting,, they melted to attract great rtttteon to their work. while most of the wcrking spots were -taken up by Other acts:

THE GREAT ARTURO This excentgt high -ware nrtbt is billed

as ntnerer-Defore-Ln-Arsueyfe s" otrt ec. Wm but is sully Arturo :tootle, who lain season was the clown with the Grotofente. sister ,act of the Wallendaa, Pike Hubert Castle, who works oil the low wire. Artno bunnies his routine as an lnetbttate lie works without mien about So fee- above sorts 2 and seems IA. do everything to defy the laws ot egvltlb- eleetn. lira only gaiety device is a ban ancing pole. With him is an unbiUOd girl who relieves him on the wire to maknsererel, breetborw-posalblle and who, alma works doubts with liim on two ~one. Not, only does Arturo perform most - scataual ertu to Of lib balancing repertoire on the high wire, but also nines the procedure by .Cloud awtrwpis wall as ofterºng straddle bound g. Ills finishes up with a rumba. The act w'sa

hf applauded and deserves plenty


Here Indeed is the biggºat-aloghe sen- nation of this yearn show :rtth -ail duo credit to the other nee and returned acts. Bceallo Is billed -as *Misr Man in the Moon." Ho works rte high above the arena as it enema peialb&e to do for the, arc- created by the swinging of the

Cree+aent-shaped apparatus. The apparatus Is In reality a spangti,d dlbcoocentracally hollowed out and equipped with various gadgets /or gripping at its base. The disc conatantty rotates as Reecho pe n:terns beak balencea, balances objects on One and two lerA .shays Glanced_ in turn, on hl,back. The act Is pecked tight with thrill& it being tmposelble for any lay- man or praft*j onal pemer_hng Lite ~t- ern imagination net to visualize, the Platte Roselle takes. Ms windup stunt' is a -handstand on a small dine balacnd on the cre-cent's inner rim. Ho Upped what would have beast a oelleation anyt- tsay by a lightning descent to the ground by sliding down who: seernii to be a greased rope. The Big Show is to be congratulated for getting ants attrac- tion, It inn always be a knockout and In any company.

THE FOUR QUEENS This set hers bean a otanderd at falsa

for some time. Mete quartet of aerial artists work above $ta,.=e 0 on high ¡ed- gers arid bore. No net used, ,nrloux commie pattering. are masse by the girls es they alternate with bar, ring and lad- der stunts- Finish le nest with nil WI - anted on and around the ladders. Work a ecolo spot and an. teartl, the weld at-- .enttem.


Running Order As Caught at Hut Ope=_akrig

I'er faro:artre Display 1 -HPEC. Tha Wert;i CCAods

to the Workd'r fair. Dtuaplacy 2-DOLLY TACOaGa, wild

animal act. Display 8-DIARTC ¿QVW1 . anireal

der. riding tiger. Display e-PALLTTrineItO"S BEtiRS. Display 5,---CAPT. TintR R.L .IrACO1)8,

cage act. Disppine 5. - 8IDih8IHOW WAI.S-

AROiIND. Diept :n 7. - ACROI3ATICIL feeetuvi n, .

the Bell Trio. Twatenan, Pilados. "tgenCZ Deus/Lett*,

Dis-ptsy e. --AERIAL IIALLIIT. Do:Apf'y9.-rHUBF.>;tT-CAn LY, on wire. Display 10.- fair 1B. '.aoHtod' bar Marydins, Diann Lovet; and Patter Display 11,-CRISTIANItt. berobe k

rid inn Diistnay 12.- ACROBATIC, featuring

Otymplf Girls. Bid"iaaya Aicardls. WiU morns _nd Bobby. 'Otbeonp. ~ley r 18.-A1?JtIAT. OYMtt Afars. faa- Luring Torrence anti Victoria. tYltut D utoan'1 Wilkartir Trio. Albert Powell. Ea and Jenny- Rooney. 'Daehos,

Maple, -1'0_ MENAGE. tenturtog Wit- ham lTeryer. Tamara Inner, Dorothy Her- bert, Pita $radon.. Larry Hoban.

Display 16.-ORILAT ARTURO. high wire-

lY+play lR -NO'YJeí.TY ANIMAL NV8[- BEli111, tenurial Loyal s De c. Martin Drown's 110411C3. 1 fey fortune Zetbriias and Ernest Firth 4 and Dan Gºrtma7n Beale

In -splay L7.-8Otit1.LO, hIch art. Dts ol;sy 18.-L -1I39 1- Y HOindalti . orke'd

by William Heyer. Tex binylundt, Gordan Ortoa.

Dkrplay It -?O17$ QUIn -ACS, high to cider.

Display 20.-TNETERBOARD. featuring Pe:Chianti. `Marreldee. Zertrinini. Pn iudya. Dementia.

Display 21.-CLOWN WALKAROUÑD. DLplay 1a.=.PLY133d' RE1UItN. fe .-

tt-trine e:oateelloe, Rar'reiolle. Cnncte. Display 3.1n-111011 JUMPING ROHetlern

ftatuftne Decothyq Beytsr. t. Nervia Humans, Estelle Clark, Ann Hamilton, Deb; Warrin.T. Bobbie Cropper, Kilda Voorhees'.

Display '24 --HIPPODROME 'MOM tn- eluding Marne" Homan ntanding and chariest teats.

Did not work opening performance.

and A. J. I.SeW1m^ Were on the look- out for new story 'anneal of the sa dsut trail, and the imported ante held the In- terest of booker Owage A. llamid. Joe Minchin and -Wife. the fornur Myna, Wering, heeded a dennaticei of Ot Pans from Petersen. N. 3. Dr. Hugh Omit Bonedr applauded loyally. and Wendell Cleedwln sad Dunfts O'Sullivan. rerresentlrlg,41tI local Gi,PA circus. looked on critically. Chit Wilson. Lew Du- four., Joe aoncrs and other Wergild's Etta ateractloattatae were tritons in en- em a& [Mdse Vautti_an renewed old ac- q uaintances, and lion Coles, now retlren, caning In from hie Long Island habltaat.

Veteran -displays cornetceays by 'ben sb- aencc ,bit year were :tee Wie Wears itazt.as. the lrvlr j statues and :fie Wsllendas en she etch melee. Even tteewn alley's ancient ben - Ong house gag has bean. ell. ,lnated. In the sari*mlinlnf I -.oc*sr. . Whew acts 'not wllh the show In 199 tecreree Gar. pen Timber's lerals *4 Walter e.uieo group.. el elders znd bar routine. the LayaVRcpeesedr, Speevgan, Wen Hats, glutei., Aat,ilcks, Maw ab tract. Mme. Gushes, Mart I:other Harry RH/ler, Poni¢oi, Nsns:s.n and Neisss,

- - - -- - - Urea's. htagyan, Yaeopis, Canaetnisls and

I..l id%elig dt,wra.

Opening louse. was filed with cents and Park avenue folk, with persoatalItltt well known to the admit vend and Of ace. . a host of ennui tfn7. Frankir Buck, him+.e'f a part of the ohow a year go. occupied a center box and seemed

DO enjoy ,the preeen.: slab" s, no end; 'Ted Htulnr. the rein* Anne uccitr. end wife, Betty Lanford, applauded far acrobatic and mcoarte numbers. Col. John Red Ltilpatrick, prrlident. od the (harden. headed a tle'rZatlob scpr+ tlrr tiro arena that houses the attow annually during April. June Hayden, of *t o sud aefzceali, wad there. 'George i3rinton Seal

Antrrincttc ConculiG to -r _r1 her two- nd-a-!calf twice what Otuyht, the Lom- ond Chewing her into the upright het. sib'Qh appeared to Up -et cut in- wardly but not rltr dine -Rhin, titre went up to the pdthluel cod completed tit track,. anti the. house ezppease.l eta relief nod appreciation,

Ella Brdna looked ea charming as ever t+, ric1e be- corny and t.-0l-grocrtned high-rc]nooiug. White brig e. Elgtuttrtatt Director Pied Bradne, who . dre. ed to I:pork:11ns red rldtny. opal with 'Abed, velvet septa r 'lids Tt7. is :till the Basalt `Brnuntaapeat of U24-111 a11. Its and also

Apra 15, 1939 CIRCUSES The Dhliboorrd 37 spouse are stilt three -sheeting the Lovely Olimpo Br#dtse of the aloes^ -4, eL niece.

Lulu. the Ism clown. and Albertan°. troorted , from Ellf:isad. made then abut here. The lady ,seemed confused by the wnl7tiround footage. bcl2 g more eat home no doubt to L one -Stager.

Emil and Katie I'.DeDberg had ant cbrrl'g'c working on a nets motor -cede

ith a Ca neetleut license. The -ire hooked to:_ the build -bag engagements tore and ois n only. fee u Los -ale Dote. oent -ran a Sesture. Pallesiber,, nets, cccupyAng the etagee, ecru at an unt*lr dlr,'de+srtago because of the Jeoobe cone and the cleaner t0 oalfting pclOs bolt, they dal, .Uttar stUtt with un- tietaal eptrit and expertnre,

Now Rein begged attention to show - wetting Hippodrome Reece. asaztA Zsfitt harrcas ~see racking two ctrtrvlts al the ovaL- Ono sane? overturned violently but ttitjtuy to rider wadi Wielded

lhfur queens. high het. were an- nounced by /red 8anytbrs ea 1~ 1. and printed program claims them the first time to America Group beS been a fair and carnitrnl free act for yensar- and may have been itnnertcd ~to Len - don by way of Loa Angeles.

There penal be at- Least 20 Crtstiscta on the show, suede OD of astern mar btpttieere, cousins and, tbo )iks. all cap- able i rintO r -ere apealalteLng in riding. leapt ad and acrobatlela

Very first nod nand favorable im- pQesaioii tilde yearn BIg Show gives Ls

phenomenal Impt'ir*eneent in color wheuo0. lunch o2 elmnia glsrliTistwa la eliminated. However, none of the fiat flash is .ecrlfice The ',how Li the epitome Of good taste !n cleaken. elestike to lino efforts' of Cbarlci L Maire. Ring cloth: ro painted to blue paeloln with at bright ~nee canter --more or leas of a free Iterptation of the-N'r+V Trek World's Va1r' colors. Outside of ring ci bivIT

ace of . ar buster ~until speckled. with ilatto utan.

.Therea lenpra-rrment aLo In clown prductions. There are more merrr- iOndrew walltarounds then caught last year at the Now York Garden and the hew outs are otettr. 80411 the most ye+olttto worker nreraalg the r.bite-tnoo boys la Shorty Flown. who, for many ~arts 1== had the dtuunctlon Ot being the first performer to Show himself to the crowds at the %airy' be:gipntng of the circus wawa.

Buck Bslcu's IIr'ehotse number, which lap until this ~aeon arse ea Inextdrlcabl7 tied up eit'th the Bt 43haw as the sperm. S Do more. Itothtetg, stinker repaeoe. It, beet there's a Ferdinand the !lull tlL' m- bar that servos the purpa.- of giving the addptor and dwarfs the spotlight ter a few mtnuteet. The new inn: boa poelbillties; cal ita first showing there seemed tO bo room for a MU* Car:taunt- up.

See Kelly. the Big rn iew'o radio tart man. cot quite a figure in the Ger. deal lobby with -bas high topper tend

tip an:d ftib. No proof yet that Bee showed himself Ln the_aren't In the get- up. Talking *bgnt Itabllirmcnt. LealnLt undonna for the bender* tier height of tone etandinsater Merle Ess,1ls looked like Ma lobo ROSY would hate d?t d

Of outstanding caliber eras the bull= handling of Mane Lovett. who Owes a des citertrst1on of la ' ship in t' 'o die - pi Leo MW Lovett pTr'.inte n etrlking appearance and pose ' - w annalist VIS

Dorothy Herbert la hicrrl3yore0ognISable, hr :ing shed enaII7 pOLiuris. Her aide - saddle riding Is Mill a i,a-ndo.it. In titre years gnaw, how+eser. the phenorn rider of the menage La William Ircyerr. who rooks eta various mounts -do everything bu tank. Perhaps' it le beeeune there are leca riding acta than usual this year; whatever the e' w. -e. Myer makes a str_+nyper Impression than any pingle rider ,meet over a period of many years at Big Snow viewing&

Interesting angle on ups and dolma of hew bt)"1t.--, end cause and effect of ~nation eaepbests on freak ai- de +lone the unbetlitieoed -appearance of the G:bb 'btamou" D fns during tilt) CtdeY ew walksround. Lehr than 10

'e the girls WOfe note Of the Moat talked about attractions on the map.

Terrell Jacobs' oat act reoe',vect the benefit of -irk analntng asid eoior .artildry. '1.210 ratite eat -up: stealing with the rage and down thru uniform* a: attentdentrr. costuming Of Jeanne are I ebting, be greatly impros cd. Jambe would b$rodit from ootaaloetrr4 psur) ne take bogs for Special sit °taints as many trainers beso able than Jnoobet are don::: with Cary favearablo tesuita. it is cocetrtemdeble that Jambe works straight tarts like a well-oiled r °,Maas., huts from the sng'to Of she+r. ensnibtp a few pauses here and there would help Jack up audience In - terral teen ras{ho.

It would hO ve Leon better foe the Pal. ambers tear act- If something Fore - staged atrnuttan.rew.ly to the center ring while tlie' brutrta worked on the two sieges. But teen's the. taart of the ...hat,rs pby5.ca1 act -ea rant - that the Paltenherre This year'h exhibition of bear traininga to ea:Oath:lag that it enoWid bt--and more, An - app molly new "aunt calls foi two beers- to ate ede f barlOr pole whale flat on their beeps, action belnp synchronized on both stineta. Anetlaer eye-opener in calf act le the Les rltiinn a imetoreyde cat Stem: eel_

The 11!R_ show is ~Winn bap* again The Pliar as exponents, of etre myths -d leaping. did a enop-tip lit et the p're mitre. Act lv discussed In detall to another caution of covgzsgº in taste weeks manse

Maybe as n doubtful tribute to- the d dices of the world of tolay there rife two wire artists rrmkinig an entrance as !a ebrtatts--!tubers Cantle and tie Orval Arturo. Both are, very clover nittste.

The R,oane». Ed and Jenny. hole aeon tn]EOD frOtts their center -rang position soil their successor in Ulnae spot 144 the itrepem"- ysttel flartont. Without cast- le any rclloetloa agehnrt. Mice tramcars artistry. we kiln think the Moose;. are well ll arid tbet they ~add help elite show pretil by being returned to their center spot.

Roselle, whOff,. set la reviewed in dcetail elsewhere to this issue, Le en att.reel1p that ores stone lip under the hea'vleat possible ballyhoo, He works higher -- without a not-than coy .sat has worked ID the Garden during Use pet dread*, >je la a satart ebowlr_an. n daft.' Per - :comer and ails net la drcesed par ex- ceUenoe_ One can very well Mils the Wellenda.tfl a btgtt-::Ito ncta when Roselle la In the running.

It la open to argument na to whet' the Bls Show anagemant did the right Lhing b

Ct y eliminating many of tlaircast.e

and possibly e'epenelve feutLtrta. General opinion la that She show gains con- Mderab.&eyy by meet of the ,Uminance s. át elte}nt Move fait enough the bpening nlrht, which woe to be sjxpectOrl. That when It finally al i Wtd*u - way the effect will be that. oI a streamlined thaw that will posy -a more, etrat*En,d lnt saws than meet Of its predecew

Dellf Janata:, Wife of Terrell Jsoobe. was available for her tiara with spotted and,b!e k laolpatds In Display 2 foIlowtne the spec but had to MamLlat, berseif an ~an', Otelefee Else bore twins. Terrell Jr. and Carroll, on Ptbruary 25. T is _Infonpat;nn wee featured Ln The Tinter' review of the show.

Side Show

Clyde leg_Il.' ,ddeeiww line-up has eontothing now to the Garden In e trouPe od Hawaiians who ere "ecring heavily. They te-ted In llsoOklyn In the Asst. Phyascally a part of cute kid opera V Gargantna the OTi*ac, !se yesi's big arene mar with Prank Buck.

Mee 801Áw &Matte on t Ben lima's Hawaiian Revue: banorttr. Jo ephine, malted.: Patsy Smith.. mood walks .w; J oe (Twlut4) Allyn, Pin rnidi Inlet: -race i nrle. glens.: r tr and Mrs. Gottlieb lather. giant couple: Otbb Sae .ors. Siamese twtrel: Wilbur llamas'. rrr:outh r.n.;Ather Bitty preen. itriO Koo ties Bird Otr14 Forrest Leek Pop -ye; ifub- 'bel. Human BellOT s Dot Casal.pn. f -t lady' Milo V bade puncher: Charted Wirt end 'Jeer) vett(rt10- Citt4t; naidgvti. Manic Mate. Jennie Reyn- olds,. Thtsala Garet n.r end the Pour Dolls Raul Brothers, evddeaoa. booked tar Nava Yore. ante. lase Ti¢*inn L, c rrrtent InaYr- :adee ant- ALlttn Kiam IDt iLé tnunsger and lecturer.

l Band J

Merle Fl?rena, director. O. A. Kircpri' Maurice Gelder, Joe Dobbs. Henry Kits, Al Blltansebmidt, li. C, Werner. cornet»: A_ V. RUT*. Awls .and p+f-taio: Omar Mettbes. Ii.tllat c3artnal'- They ltaaaleer.- DOn Maker. Harry Nortenl, ~Loh Tbnar. Jameb Elanez. Anthony Palma. elaratiele: Paul Davy c Theodore Stang. L. Ropy ifoudrtau. Rdiert Brown. horn Noble Stoorard. rrrnl B'up1 ea, barttotse Low Bader. Stanley Coarsi00kI Andy Grainger. Henry lorttunan. trombon u"

Johnny Evans. Gabe Rum, bar ós; Ray road. Charles Omen. drums. and Pete lietten, Calllope.

Complete Ilse ocf personnel. in- elyddess staff sed worklrsg depart- Mhent't, will 21.11410 &r next eaMcic's Issue of The Biliboxd.

DOWNIE HAS, - (Continued ¡roas page J r )

11. Cordell Pee-nilp- Witten:card and e eobetlr 5ct. featuring Earl Cornell iS a triple .eoenerAblt trans the springing beard to the chair.

l3.< -Concert aw seunoemrnt. meth line- up headed by Buck ~DC OmAha In- disrne and cowtoye and cowgirls.

18.--11oyal PM. wire act. with Rtrdna MiirpllOa. Helen Chapin. Fnez Enetteirs. Aria "dater' and mamma Ch^_pin_

14..-idepl ont "rUP" artre Wanked by Jeanet» Wallace and Georgia Lund.

lS.-Oxinnr beato, cloud awing, ring l; The Morales. loop -the -loop, ring 2. and Aflea Brook, cloud airing, ring S.

Ha-Cheater Barnett find tsIndieg doe, not 17e-.011sirt to otee -aim hiring and web. 1a.---JugsIng l.srkins. Ito-Verne CorrLlI lis Went rook.

0.-Agile Dater to rlaeo. In ring 1 - Helen Chrohl, tre i -)sir. ring 2; lent Dear°. frog contortion, ring 3.

21 s8' std cent oat nnnoaneeroent_ 22.- Tberee% Mosel.° heel -sad -toe

catch 23.-Clown numbers no-Captain palbee.nle -on wagon

wheel_ 211.-1 l onage number, riders Including

Ceurloe and bate Citroen. Bert so Jeanette Wallace. Jean Alien, Jewel and Oneri'ea Poplin, Georg!" Lund, Ruby Hughes. apect:ltlses by Krntu cky Iin;r, ridPen by Etta Carreoni Amber Rice. ridden by Jean ti` i' Prosy. ridden by Jeanette Wallace; Man. ridden by Carle CetteOa. Ir c dt í~ dancing. wally and rear, rope skipping, rumba. chicken reel. Loth deuce,

M.-Bro;k Dud. perc-b. ring 1; Prank eietireo perch, ring 2, and Larkins, peach. 'Inc 3.

7.-HIgh-.luusping horses. Jewel Pop- 1ln on Loan- fie: Ruby Huila» on iiteoo; C"arls Carman án Amber King. Lucky Ottlkt 4n Li Liberty Pop and Stan Car- reoh on nenttfeky Sny doing a three -bar fire jump.

Tine Stsff The anew is operated by William M.

Moore and compeer aaoore la menagor ari l'd!n#ctpr; T. LAO Moor -c chairman cf the board of dlreettors; IL A. Derain, dd,- rotar; Mrs_ Eva Moore, director; Paul 3K Conaway. coiperatien counsel =and dt- rector.

Clint Siiu#brrd V y u is r; A, O. Brad- ley. chief 'ofIola/ start; E die Allen. - atttaat arse uw-:. P-ut Wallace. c`e- titan director. Carlo*eun Carson; a.stctant: B. T. C%rs07, nineltal director; knit Rob-

=mare- stile ahoy: Eddie }lnrrL Inilibutgar pi,t °Meier, C. C. Landers, eniper- teiteudent- of treto'po taldon: James it r'. ,Ch, mise-al agent: Lee 8. Cdn Brae. manageyr ari-,trttTingCdOre.,Art W. Malts. etery man and radio espleltatIon dives. tot; Surma M_ 05lt=r. 24-h2112'gn *at; W. B. Maya, racial -saurtty secretary; Sam Crotuoll - :tr Harry K en. ir-'tnarere of concessions P. 0, Lowery, director side allow band: Beck Oww5. drreolor of concert.

Operating department !coeds: Charrite Ryan. big show boa_ canvasman Tway L k}, nsararr ekririclen; E. Jr.lined. superintendent side show canvas., Mickey O'Brtrp, warilrebc: T1+omis'e trs a. Week - smith and carpenter °bops; A -tut t^ err- , rd: amok Pit .^male% to Charge of kitchen department; Ctemincta Taylor. superintendent elrphents and estenari-Tie; Robert McIntosh, maintenance, drper3= moue Imo Morrison. aerixtaril irupr_rtu- lrre1fer l of rant.; r 3: William Built. ea.- alstant master of taansperraitietn- Mort* Iingell-y rujcttntcadeat Lie dcpaltaleti1

Enoch lireltoad. tethers; James Neat, e.- ststant .uT-rin'-3tdtn t neecbacsic I - part -Font; Ray 0%1' rs and Alit: t Tar - broil" In charge front dove ticket task - tea; Date -a Baw-tweU. tact blur: Barney (Soldier) Loasdort. superintendent prop- erties; Owen Clancy, hall and The rage.

°oral. Ticket kelpie are Elmer C. Myers,

Oharace Poplin. J 4 Baker end Paul Groves. Hardy Mack is announcer and prose agent bark with show,

The Used The band came in foe special prawn

son under dlreettbn N. B. T. Caney pro - aided me exceptional fatittical aecornpa-trl- ment. Rester; Phil! /73 ttadoow. Flo corn : 7D- :e Sleh..rt, ardatent solo cornet; Eddie Benedetto. Benue Kenner.

.rineta: Derey O, .r 1. Deere Syl too LartotlL baritone, .1 egle Co _y, Charts E. Diable, tro mban t .; Ted Girard. 1z sa drum: Happy Belisle. awe drum; lotus Grebe.. oatllealle.

Side- mow 'Leta -Up Bide show had a good day. Under man-

agement. of MElt Robbins there is a large array of sate Roane. = Mande. snag! a an raid irtaódb lecturer. 14lu3. men:allot; Antovle Ranchos; impalement act: Leo -n- and ~rem, eattriloqutst; Prince.. Lupine and her flue Royal Ile -yltanccl Jntk Henson_ fire act: Arthur Pricade. comdy luptia: P. _ O. Loweryn Band and Oroeeon .`.tinstee». 12 people_ quay rstandlna in kid abort be act Of Cert. JnrfeS Moran, who wreirdes Nllgators. This act is a desist° discovery of Men. age? Robbins and r...'#d /nucb coas- rrnent. areal MaCrew acid 'ton lr{-bt art on ticket boxes and J. 8. Krltebtleld has charge of door.

nary Files Suit Against Universal

Len[ :,ORB, AtiDDrU 8r -A i300cO00 rtZrn te. sod was riled In Federal Co+srt lass Thursday by Seward V. Bart. of Pbuadelphla, the b -`;te bring the mn:tatt picture. Yost Cew'e Cheer an ife.vot M re- ltfti. who had the H`+gcnt.r`e.-t><allai8, Cireeun on the toad =hT plot twn - ;t alleged the pet -tore embodies `the b '- tJtema, droughts, and Wear nt . Copy- righted story hra said ho STOIC ealirtt!

Ctraw Pptrodr. B ay aleo ob jeCed to the appearance

ln She picture ot divers* Pc -tiro Blaca- wen. dscribed as an animal hypnotist. from itfiltloo. end B:esamsarlrs laalr al - ~Vern Crvcodlieg and serpentrt s; rtn ,

annexes be odd ho bad ooattrected fOt exclusively In the tTust:az< Mates.

Berea En addition to damagra nurk=j' to- an ltdtt_net:lom restraining CrrMiesut Pictures Hein 4otatlrtutn . -o dlstrlbute and exhibit tbe Qlm and tar t3! acoounte tug at prp'ta.

Publicity Picturert For Gaine'.ville. Show; Members Have Pi vac

cleft Y VLLLE. Tao. April 8. - Ide_ .I

--eathsr cloud:Uot`a prevailed aunday for the neettn,+t"ot publicity pvctttTOe of the aidoestaelle Osinibtunity Circus, arid It wag eatlmated more than IC 1..000Cxpoar3ta F Pent _O~ by the $0 pltotºgraphtraa pro- feslonal end amato rr. goo hand for the oceaslion.

The event stlrted -With a pleads for the 160 numbers of the clrtuS and ei tT ratnilles, after wliieJe the rang donned ccetumtx and unlIOIAI t, aeon oiPLr a Croup p"ciL a to r made by I. _ U Tin. - le r. staff photo trapbrr foe one Dal e

wanton Afterrarda the notes edited la as pot -

door ring far the pldtUre takers, Includ- ing Jimmy Lesigheed. t= t?r 7 Dalltt] A o- ciaced Prt Burealt; Will Downer, C.-..

firend. T ai, tl c 1astSie map -amine wafter. and other.. ~cod undo more than 100 rip t:utree end took several hundred feat, see film.

POW COQitrachl haam boats atRted far the shows rip tekrtsnce tisis _ un 11 mt drticoat tsi the opening eneserrte:ni bare April 3e -2S. The ebo a will be in D::p`- ssat. Okla.: May 4 and G. underJuasar

itamber of Cnaotrcei ets_aIeer: hi Ard- more. Otis., Mriy B for the distric% list rr7 pen ! - t to n: at Pi arch, Tear tandar Ie i n sponsorship, MO 3 and e. anti tit the C+.- Cooney PsIr 11-Ire August 23-24_

b-eetre s- r I - recently ter Dew via rr7ttl for the t. 4 top. All Wantons, Mee

a completed and punted' alt ant. h wi jtc7 va ilium. u'hictt Is ,t.. -]Sing c- - r`t-t:bal-

38 'I'hr Bülbnard CIRCUSES April 15, 1939

no CT 71 quee Cy CIRCUS SOLLY

Ci.LF! i7tOMPLSONl, [iiatat, le in the a,atc4 department at the Ulata Brew- ing Co..

3)4)1L 1tiAülttó hies 111s i,t, t show atilt i)pirdte [rrpe.' Cltctia. ~lam llioyd Mac- Donald has the trained rtattlesnaltma.

FRANCIS 1'ZoitAle u1U work collie -ht and 410 ea -inning ladder and Iran jaw Math /howl] Brno." Circa,.

K1.LOWINC HOW sad ds (It -W* peat tenon et intone.

Tti T!t!á DILLY SiAC18:t5r troupe ate


rid ltartte. cntaher

ilily Si. 00% arid 'Suck

RIN21LING-DAR:07M'vc1iI be Hi Phile. rfolplila week el May 22 at 11th street and Erie avenue.

ati v ABl4á5N bat rrtt,rtony to tin u nit at San Antonio Tex.. tram e t9sit to the San Premix ° fair.

WALTER Is. l.tARN tonobr^n pert- tiled grille a tt'e mentioneltlp In Order of

tern Star. Genera. O.

r'AI'I,Y`t3 Bll.LROWIS$. Prank Davis, manitoer, bare signed with the Lewis


FtJQP AI.I.eM ü:ló cotºrLectod with iJr Cttril+r It3s:4'itbnrM Troupe nn men - Mooed an outltne in. lent rtteEr testae.

O r'rSit L 04 Clnctrultti, loft Torri- dity foe 14:. tout*, and Bum there will go to IaoW, 310. for the opening 05 the Rnt

1! wbaw.

WILL ARD J. OAKLEY. en route to New 'Snorts to reo the "Bag Orio.Ot the Darden, Mopped: oft at Barannah. Os.. tto *wt the Jotncrr E. ~too Shone*

g P. lF U ) SL.OVPY8KY, Garnet and max player with ñarcobeekV'allnco last y le irs Brrmarck. N, D. doing dance tend and radio rook.

¢[R8. WAL íTE t- 8. GOLLI4A.R unit soil. Wnitev, win return to their home I. ltoneirrt1Is, Wt... after spending the lain= tee in-Saraaapta, Pia.

ORA E. WELDY. with Seib -Starting hurt season. w 111 again he wtth the b4e tope, preeentitu table .and revolving Lad- d r meta. i Ail 0111ÓURKr and Lou' Urban. ~randy with Rtngilng-Barnum circus. are etU1 at Burlingto . Vt., and report they will not Irbupo tibia per.

MRS EARL Wl NKOOP. rormerlyr with circuses, now a WPA recrevtion .kadez nt Marietta, O.. is teaching gels scant wont at the YMCA -

THE CIRCUS has a iMeMariee Oe rOarrr IM ewe.

VhfO,.°TOWN (Pa.) !Wald and Genrua on March 22- canted page 1 story with banner bead annonn-Ing date .of Unlob- towb'fi Drat ciroal-Cole Bran. stay '7.

ElORI' THOOSAND youngert r.. meetly tAdRrprtntroed, were ream. of I :3t end .Maine Manua, of fn.. Litio

animal *bow at Cellttot:lb 2o- oCa,teal Gardens. Loa Angdes.

TO1_t1111 POPLIN. alter e.noiti < lila i i a- chtn* shop in sat. Petersburg, Pie.. la on. Tprta tray tp tlte.Cole gtitatten at Rochester. Inc. to rectum poor ea Chit eteeo tr~ an.

WOOLY "oINC-t flY roil. again ho chef OA the Cole "show. working under Joe P- Cher. dining -car manager. Mac spent U: r Linter at knee" 3r. Intl tying at Karns Conte Shop.

FIRED CORTLANT) pe=sa that William Hart, Ohs `:.on with tete entrain Bell and 'Barnum' Or Batley allows. Imo a number at to in boar - , d .. cuts. and p` S

bet vil open at Sam roan, Me.

CAPT. "V. D. AM.ú.l' carde tits Val Vtrtao to dart- mouldy iii in the Cotinty ilute.1141. LOG Annetta. He la a member ar Pretf' .i Ono 4. -meara en's Ai_celiaticzn and member* ere tookin2 attt. Mtn.

MANpCtRt Oswald Art haiNáts to tvf aaeW aa


f'lJL''CT PAPER cot trio race In the Up- OhlO , _'e i r.'6.1 It. appr_. amen

around i t 1' onoe . f 1 non .t

Bros' Circus. lion rot .sprat 7ccmilng WW1" atendaa along the main blgltrtys.

NINA MAiiCj In O arid nnrioo Jr. alto tente -d the dross roheanni at the hg One end met many old Mende. Nam left 1kw York April 8 for Cole guar - ten. Rochester, Ind., to get ant for the Bt. Louts POLIO, date:

TWO NOVELi.06,, presenting free- atending ladder act, and Nereus Nos aerial gylensst, on ring:. are pf yang for nob Mortaq in BulfelO and ltts7rtirglr. Will open ?fay 1 with (worse A. atomics circus at the Nevi Yock Worldla Pair.

JOE3111DDtlOrl, clown. bas returned to nhibego from the West Coast ends ex- pect* te. tee" Weal to- . -w Yor< to precis at the Worlds Pair, While on the Coat Madden appeared In Peck's Bad Boy al tate Chotis and Savored other War. ora Brea." foetus**.

JOil AMBROSI. veteran circus clown who formerly was with the Rtnylinn arena is now on a tour of [ntdestrite Circuit therefore' with 'enters and tinkled '['ooetar.

GEORGE PHILLIPS wax In the Mort Buren Yards In the Bronx. New Yorrr. who:: Ringltt -Ranyurst pulled to April 1 from ~eon& Phi. ~tea that e*rphanla were used tee unloading.

THE O NEILL8 comedy ++Crolz.+.t pre - minted their barrel Jumping and ladder drops at Starter« Circus. Omaha. loeb. They are now one of the free seta with the United American Storm

O. S. PRE Cat, farmer .cirmn must. clan and band leader, hag quit troupte and is now connected with the Colorado State highway Depertreent rlt>! bt gnarled; In ürand Junction.

H. G. SPINES will handle pre i at the Chicago 8tedltrcn Cletus. to con More ter Thera York to be Votith Winitred'Col- ieanas act for ibe remainder of the W AWA

)I(UOI151J rrm and Lis. dog. JNaatity" put on a show, one hour. for the old follm at Welfare bland. New York. April 1. Act concocted of clowning.. magic. Jug Ill . acec!'attsei. contortion sod trance

by_ the canine. COMMON 6t1tSI o:.nólncd with lalila.ryivei.

and yew, have tsallncv aarvke thef Is haw to heir.

B. BORROWS and. Edwin' Briggs mot the Shrine Circus it Ofinbe and met Rar7 Shlptey and Joe Lelia. Ise roOtc from (Sec UNDER THE H,IRQUP$ Fes? 54)

Y--11° Si ow "as Pine Biz at South Gate

SOUTH PATE:. Calif., April 11L -The Yrnikee-Pntierom Circus W A tamps to a (teak. nil _torm bore Ape:ll 1 Jug. ae the night performance was to start. TM rhdiw line) two fine Pourer. Ws. yon= opt:t by toe ior ant., of A. -net #._. MID _Ernestine was Wirt at ih- ¡waver,

when o'tae -slipped from her horse and fell en the ring curb. Atter being picked bp the oanttnt,ed her act.

Charlie Post and has band pl'a'id maime Of Poore compoattaone. A feature of th. G lide*y ws* an fled tai)eiu wsgcm used

(Ste YoP SNOW Olt. poor 4-)

t1eatc Q9 ( From fire BIllboacd Dated

I Apeit 12, 19241

The corral By ROWDY WADDY

O'R0URKE FAMILY will usage local alrotra In the 1 -.utb this summer. depot

I trick thooting, roping and R whip non ee-

1 cr.rsitng to Penh from Dtnitnetoo. Vt.

There rare two Lunn at tn.* open- tn.- Of the Sparks Cherie in hknoll, iiprtl :1 . Dig material features dotal- neted the Sella -Plot° ltro m at tie opening In the Colt -.cum, Glilaago, April IS, _ , . Ben It. Jolts' became manager at too Pan l lie:pre Cirque, whist hod qu_o- tera in Daly COO. Marla.... Anrt$.l _.au to Great Colette; Normaly. Ltwrtertlárrlt Smell Family. T. Jurors and Delbertlno wore t1M arctar'booked with Zarre Sena' Carew, ms.oagr' i by MOTS [,MOtsOd&

A.dvertlmdng car roster of Spa~ Clrcua trrludcd Jatnja Rnntbolpb. manager: Ralph Pattertatr., Jeases 31. °pads.. ban now T. Bach, 0. 8, Talton. Bobby John- son. "Uthogrspbera: Jedeph i.l ell, &pl Wolf. programers:. Prank. Ray,. H. Wither*. Cbnriea Mason. C. L Westlake. Walter whrrasen. J. r, "cites. P. J. Crouthena blrlpo.tera.... Cole Rena; CLrcw, °{tooled et Pordyoe. Ark.. March 3e. , .. '.r1 II-A- O/41d was again 2I.lvour man with the Welter L. titan Chess, ... Billy Comers and wife !°tried Sella-Ploto -Ctrcue. - . .

P. G. Barney was ott the tatted.. t trail for hie second. treason to play lndor aho .' And tetra..... Charles lllatho, after a acolon tsi pieturea oa the West Cont, joined

Minn Boil joined alley

oJe Jn ack Ph1lliele Bond on the Sparks Circus. , .. Charley ter - mod )eft big borne L Qavannah, Ga. for Havre de Oriene, abtl to M..nrne datttoo en adnnoe cñr of the Maim cirenI... Robe Simon, who bad ben with the 1t -.ration dt alloy. Bella-Ploto ,and other cite -moo. .awns `with the John, Van Artsam Minstrels playing tondo Elates. , . . Bl DeArrno wan arid as a texture With Barrie flee. 4' Chhcus. . . . The h' riotous Ocidsberrye1 toil+ -Wire perform :ire, sinned contractor with .1. .r Btcbing C.".'1" of the Star light Shorn '-war, Darrell and w to and Joe Vantiano closed their rnrid ' lunar, f4 stay were booked in the Wild West cdfcert of the John Robin. eel Circa .. Winton (11Ilyi !Blowiest.

lit rC bssck, rider. died March :11 in Bolter», Itorgi tc4 New York City.

Want* More C1'rcu,. Richmond, Ind.

Editor Tite RiTaboord: I read with greet interest ih S' arcade

Lord it a o Different Citear by Robert D. Goad. In iba PcbrtatTy 4 alone. I would taay, " lath Have More of the At _u -

I do not agree with him he hs 4ng a one -ring show. I 113:rr the lame ton' 00 that we can halo m real grand entree+. I becalm e0 thrilled nt the P.InfOling Bros, and Barnum. d: Battey spat, :Mt litmrr-. that I almaet forgot where I we. i ain't imagine a greater thfUl- It wee superb. i tistíroly agree with Mr. Good on the idea of trolling the people Mir the btau- tlful ring A5 «ell as the bagipr a borate, Now you can't. fee that° Ni) th.w rare In the bacItOord, and that is r:aptil off. Akio egoOd parade well does , with O. 10 + 12-borac tcarna wbteb t ..sttnº LhIng'te delve inlles to ace. Tian don't sine large -horse teem.. any more excepts - it the circus. and ft Odom, a Sire i to know /ante to show oil a beautiful girl on a fine heri0. And last, don't lot the i.ti-;J calliope phca. That Is atrlótIy a circus ItilWre and belongs nowhere c"r.

PROD H. LO131IAlt.

Auñerican Acts With Schiiewarnn; Matthews' Lion To?s

8TOCKIFOLM, March 2So-1Mb 'Met- th..nrs rid Pte wtrd-w_lking hilt. "!iirr+ 'lady," are given top wall_ ':a -the Careen Schumann. wkieh _ na bore Rtjortiy for an lnttra3. d o I -1 r until 'tkn *ern of Aprtl when the show goes undo- eaarzz. The show le playing this month at OottiOttrerg. .atro an Indoor date. alter n three moathe otrnd in Vienna, Orloff' ff American eons given -cud spol o on flap bill are Sloan Trio. iiflt >iralkerec Joan Piton/teat, allualorti!'. and a knite.lthrOrein t pair. trio %a Zebus are rot lino- b t who probably rips Aussie

r.:1 Croat. Tire Slehurnanro are. celebrated heron

inon an -0 their tt,lrmty iF,rt Peon zhool hi. nmiobus lore always excellent-

lt>kne t 8ehumenn. sm0e7.3_n1 trainer, pre - renta a 24. group of bars In liberty evolutions and the rating Albert °tti- lesnn puta three bI h n bool boron= drill III.. al pees° and ciao dhotis a epOeta to filar t.sti+arty- ham- numb

Pin nowt] with most le tro["ab Ceram the pt*tuin. in partt. Lo subject to Cilr wile during the e ii. Tile program for en(' Gotbembcrg and atockbo.bn ~not Male Charlie, preprinting °Snoot" Miniature deg end pony direnac .ThrIO Lents! at, rºlaattIG!kt tumbling and wtre trilling: Al>xrt Ooh:trn_ien. Liberty hones: 'Ilion Ye dtn- (iris). l%Utlen ue rltorrd', Threw Arncs, nIe ly eta trier r r rQ 'routined hind-:o-haawl number s1 10. a ruts

fug AMERICAN ACTS On fisya 49)

PLANS ate under way for the Malt Dionisrolid (Alto`) 8t. arnpoclo this summer. pew :.are been obtained arid Oct corrals and bulldiflp built

ANDY .RIND will .. ̀tit Ray Krilgbt u trena director at the aa.yiitoo4 AAlta) Stampede tina sisruntes, and Clark 1 tina and Ray llosneen re will aupoutiee han- diYrsg of tive atpck end trnprovenient el corrals Chutes land grounds.

ALSTONN 8TRE iTIOR and Vernon Mc- Leod. Stavely" Alta., ranoriera and rodeo contest -ants. have returned to the Streetee ranch from Texas. where they-, bought too Brslttsa tulle "bleb will be used for breedinng purpOres.,

LEONARD (UAj'PY) WILLIAMS, vet- eran Sian Antonio hand, who has been bed:tddtfl tar Weetnont7>i. le able to be about 1n a t.rhtºl chair, report; Mrs. J. iv Hopkins. Rkappy says, belt muttons to road :pools /row friend,.

MORE THAN !,bap attended tine re* coat two-day rodeo at ~ten& 'Iba. Torre wart 140 entrant*. Results tor the first clay In some of tF.a eventar Brmnk ill. l...g-A R Woke. Johnny tknone, lilltn btiettecr. Steer Wrr ail lng- Bill Tkionbur, Shorty Rutledge. Knotty Wayeo Cult R.'eu.g-Brown TOddi Ne. A Pit000k. ¿scone Brown. Jack Thaw. Sfi Peirclath, Leo Hull, Clay Campbell.

OQtiW11IN12) RODEO COMPA:1E$ of Monnctt R Ramnoohte and Ortarae V. Adams opened hpril 2 In 01.11 -lo. inri: Anr+tnl1 the 1=larta at hcadrjusrtcre aro Opal Woods, Torn Sblpman, Cherokee Elsoinheinda. Alice and Pete Ad afana VIO Bt tentorle: 'm It4sck una, hlJt r Dallar lirady, darie Bradya-Pcarl Boron and =- don Kelly. Recent vinitori were Mickey Mervin°, nor 1BsiakstCalire and Peo Wee Nor

JACK R1i' 3 IARTS Long Horn Texan Band ham been playing Southern Suites to resorted gerod'mrsulta, '°Chides NeJIle Coleman. tooantIOhiat; Jake Rin- i: -art. gutter and wlalp.tma.C1[Intn Bed Cowart. violin and gainer;SIlLe- Aorn Mk roper and ix , fiddl'r; 'Sappy Coleman, ben}° and itnandollrn Toeuc~Ls Holden. coOletly and¡ dancer; Erse Rine - lion. trick shot: Jack Rinehart. barrio - igniter: Olive Rinehart, opeelaity dinner and arrow.

JOE DALY'S Potutb, ADB1i11 Dude Ranº13ere' 'Powwow and Co-rboy Dunce pt th Center Hotels Raw York. March 10 vas a huge emcees. Among tttoee present were "Charlie, mdidge- brooch° Char1LC [idol'. í'17t Winkle. Earl MaT. Mayne Sultan. shorty $c1y`,, Tommy Linker. addle Oetweut. Curie Hatch ]t. Buck Barbour. Eddie Events:. Bill K-t''LsaI Ray Beaudtt. Lyle Cottrell. Fey want. Atsr:t n_kty. Ilea the 'Villa'. Eddie Globe, Tom r'pringer. Joe Sreckenrldge, Larry trllaagland, Jack A. Warren, Tex Sherotan and were. /Myth. 8;erling. Prairie Lilly Alicia: Bill lr rain-°°. Pat 01L -tell. Doc Strong. Hank Ilopp0. hill Watson and Scotty 3iitNitefl.

Rodeo 1Managenients Frans - .N nw A.s'Y Iii FL WOK h,, Tex»

PORT. WoaTB, Tex.. April 8-floettti- Val' it Rodeo An 51-4113ºn-, new eectionai 113211b2itffir ttirOUP to Buarnetao puree-. award Utica ,and 'sane point.. in the

uth and nonthw¿ o wag oral/deed here during, fire Puo nt .:Quthweearia ígoat. turn and -}at Stock Show Rodeo- Red4ot id Oktlhotrs. Tema. Kemal, Arlttnse& Ulssourl'. Nor- Moab°° and 'llenngsOce are eligible for membership. President and t -story o4 !Mc nroonitztion w,111 be elected Lean, ,.and present headqua ter:I ate tram Ctty,,Oetla-

A membeiahln tee of Itiati la to be charged, but rodeoee will be permitted en glee melee If they drir'e nines the money Apes to oantasstanta for prizes. DirtOtdre wit] work tree and c nooelatl:ra p11os to. pobrllwA a tlbaatdñi Stitt neIi4 nt the oil or .he Pool i ir. Alre'Ily sub-cr,'irr-d !31 (Se ltr...oa , fonar'rncnff o P0510)

April 15, 1939 The 1111113otrrrl 19

CRinhs and SIIcrs Qlf CLAUDE R. ILL' 5 (CIne.innatf Otlioel

A ROLLrr1 rink has been opened In ear:nealae Hall, Antereents Legion build -

Do! T. O. floor being, one of the. tart to that ~Jon end recently. en. breed when the buLiding waa reogn- etrrsated as a WPA project. Mi new tgti-(itilnaL Pane ba'ift Itntaltcd and throe will t i newts nightly except SUzidays.

FRANCIS HALEY'S lien. River Lila Roller Rink. Buffalos opened on ]lurch 21 to good buelne t II la in the Riven. Ode election and btu baiktd a ulim,Ver of private, parties.

idWNB are Under why for convivae-non tit an outdoor roller rink In Tatra Peek_ Yotn atatown, O. Rink le expeetet1 to be re:.de for operation wt..o. the para. opens m llar.

JOPLIW (40.1 Sireetetiti Palace Club hail 50 members and will elect officer' of April IS, reports Areniund J. Schwab Ur. Balloon beatet ball parr -td me et1u ed for glr9 Timm:lay nights and roller hockey teeing toe girh and boys ore being orepurdmd. Monday Wen sllciiing Claneat ere popular. a1, are oiT.1 *eke Jinni

'turd y nightn Matinees arc held on Sundays_

MORE than 35 members of '1Yaveleru Club. Ployland !!holler R!sik,-South Bend, Ind- Wilted Prod L*L.eia Cisleeaao Armory Reber Junk Oat April L, report. Al Wish. p.-vprietot. Club wan formed recently to encourage vieltlnsr of Alike and finning of mohtbly parties. Prooroda of panned are used for traveling expenaq.

ALiikRT E. COVEY reports tlitft hla new 'Rocker -Roil Rini; hi !Sevin Rock Park. West Moen, Conn. opened on April t. Rink, tetinnerly W-itcz patinae., Is nrdo0a xitest to Diu" nod cold, Ile Teo porta busanein good at hie other Com

The 101'11 Bel! 4{tale

RICHARDSON BAl1BfARIH6SKATE C0: r_.ubulna tasa.

13111.3315 Rartaiweed Ass. tetra, ILr

The Best Skate Today


ender IMO Ooi79raslOw. Maw &uSEo TtMTe.

1 CAMPBELL VENT & AWNING CO. aNa..a.a % Thud. a ilMM. I tl.

"IIM!T BUILDING ~ate he itFssrT et wyla.sar idler Blei

ií.:rr i e d`Lt.m ese bsn L la, -, .ID wa osIla.

W. E. GENNel ~ill ~his", 1t -+r. M. V.

WANTED rxralitlatea'o RIRK,MttNAasase

M tt ,/tar actYai t1401a12 aapsH.c r.. lima ;NA., wr are:a Irll es ~MtaM teat. an.

BOX 1:14$1., oar. ntL3aeard. Ot2xlM3ft. O

Trarci1I Soli -Locking Sectional Floors '7a ..!7 athl ií wee

4, I.t '-'t'"t ,: wan as trtr' . .'erI t t -t ~IQ

- tO,r l -- sir r.trrta Yr Hs, ' _ t+. r r :i TRn+*ILL rORTwltlt eK01niWQ !TIM K 00.. It". Cut--0aaa I .e.t. Kan,at-C:tr, Mix

aV SKATiNG RINK TENTS raise. ai ti CeePew tí11.

. Yr', tl V 1 14.111 t.1 ..,yar-n al.egr,.y ...1.',C .. .0

riectlenit diit c kt itntnlltoat Park Pavilion. Waterburn: Anaemia Open' Home; -Staa- b T Arena. Now Britain; ytarudield Orove Pavilion, Snit Hn ro; Ortwe &nett C?ti trae, WrAhre ak, end Lea rwór2d Park Ceetens, %Vnecrfenny,

GLENN WALTERS, wit Liverpool, Q.. VOd the 00 -"and boat, of the trl-1 tote roller=/!eating nice In W'tndland, Audt- tartutn In Man, city 6.e April 2 recto Pol. Iepc, *nether 200n1 boy, book second place. Third beat wan 'cheduIed tot April 0.

FRED (BRWC1HT`llTA1t1 MURREE. 78. year -old Pastry Indiaº t(l;urc ¿later. auricled two largo crowds to Reek Springs, Park Rink. Che_,te r. W. Va., 0n April 1 and 2 It w. -.r hie hest nape *rime In She Qhtrled and fleet. of se eial cithlbttiensi pllnnned by operators of the new rink..

EN:DTA`iA bite. roller hockey tourna- ment will be bold In Idyl Wyld healer Rion, Marten. nitertieon And Went et Aped . s. official report Admisalon will Iftclude tree skating alter ntatlrire and night ipam:3- Teams eoahpi ling reltre_gnt P.autlt Bea.il, Ielkherr, Tort Wayne. /starlet,. slid' rice;i011ñ: ?Runde, Yorktown and Richmond_

Aitrni stay In lfnmmond. La., of L_.:Intel months. O. Shepherd -opened lila 50 by 120 -foot ipertaLle roller rink t0 g0c1' : rn:nee+ in Natehten Mali_ on March 2'T reef a ten-month stand. Rain on fol- lowing nights reduered ttendin . Rink ba1dn afternoon test }dent aedi1O'ne and tmirr:ie Is tlyr so -ilarienp ice e. Bennie Roehnl la Instructor end floor man.

COt IC S portable realer link Ii reported to hove been doing -big bustnera 1n !iOw Orleans during th, p se ennitih.

L` ii niel trl g ape n d a 5e. lt} 12(-. foot ~able roller rink Ira Clerlende., Idles-. recently and reported buelhfRis gecxl. T e 1109úe are - had daily. >m pro rd busing= oonditlona Ln the delta are expected to be reflected at the box abbe

BUSYNESS at P d Let- rill Cu- tg0 AltriOry 'Roll«! Rlrti to holding up, roe Porte DUI Henning. Joe lousy who entered the Chleago ?Uhler Derby. re- turned ari Ilene mahitcr. hitting bis rib -nee C1-ar-e &header bad charge or the floor. Olen Denis re -;qtly er rt- plcted It'L, techad year l-9 lJ(nmariond or- ]jrs.ttsit Oldtimerte Club will hold their flint party on April 29,

ROYAL ]latter' antl Mlereey report that fire darrest ed their mat and detroycd.its cover while shay weer . route to At- Ianta to pint the fly 'Theater. '.Ville to the city try ?!aped Atlanta Roaller- drome, where tbtry watt Robert Wnrl. Of {lira. Chi~ holler :.lisle Co.: who Wag re!sirning to Oblengo altar vacationing to Mlarnt, Fla. Act opened at Ileilywaod Bench itierct, ]lailynreasl, á11i,. on AVM 1 for a threrweek engeteiment,

MACHO ! LYPh .& Degree tend Arun, re- pnirt Dice were 'bald over for a- fourth a.ek at Cite Madrid, Buffalo- Act 'will aeon atatt a tour of Co-sa'tss with Some - Mons of 1939 unit

IRO1L11 i t'TX Cittb, Pail Wayne. Ind. h - I6 members and will atone a party at 13eIrn Rine lit that clty on April 24", rnE rrla' Ralph Luanttei:1u TbeiiO will be fancy and trick akating by. one of the ti 1 tuber. -

W.1 BETTS, Rfióondo eWa'h.) Roller R1nk íes advaltsllna bL rink ,by :Seats of tóerirsameters placed In nubile plates.

O. A. CONO, mnnnlcer sit the 4:,n by Ill -- took nanr-Long Roller Rink Milers Ornad recently in Elmore City, Okla.. reporta, oor dlLuns In that Itrritetty are =cod. Rink baa ^90 p I of CI ego

r'+1 ,loe n i t+.. peoprletar. Homer Curby I auto tan t mal..e . s

C. O. SArtDr!t2R and Nártnan C3roen dfCe, operators of t3raoen0Yi» el 14ol:er ,Mein. dealt Lake CU.,y. plan to m_leº no e3rht.wntc4 blur Ot rinks; ni the United .t;tti{rs rant C2nada.. Acc+clrt0ilaaltrsl by theStr wiles. they lalntl to intend tilt- n t1=nai amate sr f1ers.t--dk:tlr1e r,ysaeeptonAttp lta TtrA larirttiita Amelia Due tie Rink, Dc trodt, 4,n April 14=2_ and minutia! al:trrrs- il.am a! the litflk.. irtng Rink Op ,-

t43: A - =ht"ro ot tn. tinned Sate 1 utnst4tlr oaatrpetl tia3ñ :ki ]l

Van Horu'll Mturjia (1.. I.) Rink on April 47-20. Meter. g other duel on their sched- ule are tjenter: is=_pmz City. $IO.; Pt. l.atdr; Ctnctnntu: Columbus: O: Wash- ington. D. C.: Buffalo; Cleveland. Pitta. burgh. Montreal, Marootd and Duluth. !lion. Thee will Leg thru North Qi-kOta Zen Mangan* on the rennin trip

Anou-r 550 tvtned Out for np in; earntitsl lit Imperial Roller Ionic. lao rt- l.attd, djre- . rift Merin 25. rnaikinn the 14th crTnrzevlk.c yc_r of . perdition tt- der tnanaurn.ent of C. M. Jeffries Pro. gtcim ticr1Lcuild y r)4. r- Y4aai hod L Dota. figure skating; Inu-eld lEiaeid6tilr. fancy ..tar n ; Al Lahr and Al )+;edil eta. ootardy hLrL1c c: HAPPY' Celle »; letl,I 11tH Desrchner, fancy *hating.. Nadine,. OI- a atta rey w.ue: end fancy eikettne. and Niel Lund. Jack Smith. D='n Moore and Dan frvv3, spanning Crol Tf %,rain. onnsttltt. nr-ri1"-3Tt1 the mil .seal progttaln. alternstln bctxboh the three-marltiat nitd elactrii arb.in! Itera ttt_,i.tuw_'lkeni nasal favors were e '_td rat .

Many nkaettein psruri ern o-_aitietny huta. Orlo at kiss rink. Chin.. ?c 0:M,. , fue , ed. on tete lies W. e-foot floor. Nick Luizi la president of tlae Junior 9 lyM: Club. 'Itin metntcrsb.p 125. end Al Lehr bent, 800 In the Censer group.

1;ila, L faller Rink. equipped wan ptrr_ organn opened e :r'ntly In f - aria under nutnaper»rtit dt filstberluie Veinte. It opOrnte.s Mir) afternoon and in. -ht.

An Old Problelin Solved sir E. At A100.41?

Rink onerelata 1ñ lV t10 u-.11 tai :seal the story On p e 23 in the April 1 Lane or "-Ito Atk'b..es , Bp" ow 4.41! Wecrl a Pfttda.lo' ieeUro:tuL ferit-efteg BU 116' Per Cant.' The writer would tell atten- tipa to ens quotation i1:otald be given .noels thongbt and which' cti e -u

pPOMetti that bas kept roller slink,: in some fvctltt.lns front pewter - lb y Aeuld-

The quotation. "Operators trace Wm eorh upturn dlr.ctly to the laet Ulu then, 'Lwtater-c?sin °eptncce-tor: utirniti(r c1*nrr' btu been replaced by a more inspectable ciaaa M di e« who el eke MO topper rather than tearing it K boon nod takes Moto to buy hie fein partner a drink Of Orange bet~ dance titian"

A well -dressed and orderly L_.otnbly of ekatern_f nit t?^ -t to any, rink min as In the case of the Iowa ballroc m will eventually add to reeg to at the bent tM.00.

1 . y w'p-meadln' rink opt -rater abadld take time out and attend the nmstelir teller CPPure- * tine camprun 'hipa of the United íitateu to be held la Arena Omelette Rink, Detroit. on April 11.3. Thus la orpelAilly cep tilogige to than, who are, In doubt ea to the ad - v Ior n ,t. WW1, by the; ofterte of the two -year -old Roller Skating Rink Op u aria Aannelatkon of the united .9tates, It itimid b bet u- still if Arrival thrice 00111d be timed ao a -i tº witnen: rho shoe: to °bc giren by Arent Dwelling Figure relenting Club, wideh will deaicam Iran netislt.levir to the meat rkltttcnl that there is uwce, to rdll'er akstLne than one avri ltn-lerrtcd, silo etmeething of inter'4at to every operator to shoot at

PellOwtnn,. the tlgure-aknting. than pionahlp will e.o.m. tle_ñ dnneru Champion. ship !ri 511nrát.. IL. I.l Rink. starting on April 22 end to conJirn.,.on tbn annual oactrrntiu Ot th li3SROA. !tither el -ern trial be an eye-opener and worthy of attention.

RODEO MANACEMENTS- lC6flflnirsd itrryert espskik,-00. }_i0n,r

*200 by Montgomery Ward In C"F.; e.'50 T. iz t:tobtrtann, Tee: nnnt 1,1500 irr4.úta, aar.t eq.tlr W- da: C(,.; talddle far special weird u bosok Donnie Dry ~in Co. All are to be giv- en contasle nl7 '...tlo slay in , bat arad dt7r'1 bave a ItnDCs at ii t2, IPosde:ai +vow.!_.tfrift dd .Arr.erlon g-Icni. bona of tlra°,8outhnc:tt lb at;dclfe bromtl

riding, calf roping_ bull riding and hall. : iog .till tin navel t-Int. year. and pie will be awarded dttrir.°the Roil' - tan Rodeo. Pointe' 111 be kept on bare -

'Week r!drlt' ne.d,i-gtt roping tmd t, coal priers ár117 be awarded In the eiaertts, but no a harapionahll

A-; Atlatlein fill gin) a pullet fee oc. r E1 of prize money wan. and conteetent with the mitt pouts will be the South= v .t. Chinn .t ii e T itti> .i1f'e d téa-l`CIOe,} ottt plans for an' 'laical method of dle- tributing ati..-.al n moneys In their edits an tltut 41ebn...t3Iins .111 i'Ottla that balr tea -sr entered end been prim money will haver m equal chance at the ghneeptan- ship btth thee* who are stared to etvata banning c'f more ontreci and pelen moneys Uniform rules are being worked out.

Net Working' AglSnat RAtfl, OrOup L . . +`ve-hlntif cot plana where-

by the Southvteat ehaóiplorttet'tt::ar QIr'- ciaagnitrettts of the lüt.A to deterrnlne ns- tunnel cbaG016S'c1 l'Jr,tYmt0a7i point out that tile enoup 1 n¢ orkl n : it i. tt RnA. 4ttl was ory.:.nlncd be: w 11

felt there ran .. oeCi tot e ~Obi group In tab amnion. N_tue few ,dottthw.slx*ta rotter;i are AAA pnemberc=

dRA In w^¢t9ttnt5 c1.0;43y Rilh the Over. boye' Turtle Asta.clatLan, and rules 1 --fat

_-`.tvlUed by the latter. ldvlr,Ory ram rnlltee otsoal?rl,tien Et't+ittt. lfownlaJi., 101"".1 - dent of the 1lnrtle,: Everett Shaw and 6ifdie Curttu-} both dtrre-.Eri of the our. ttc.7- end Herb ?Lyerin rite-ptss lent of the TnrtiY'r., la a member of the board of dlrcctean. New body platlll t0 711042 u_-rnber of ~net on the board of dl- rretorr at e11 timen. Dlrr°t. d or U- ~edition. which L Co be ineorpticnte-1 in Oklahoma.. are T. itobertt.yin, O A St:t3der. Cbatlea) H. ' rnoldn , Ali Finch. Cart Armstrong. tft. P. titCC:An. Dr. Cl li. D02tlr;y non Ly7i:1 n1Ld .} ka Beetled. Redone nlrc'dy ai-rtned by h g:ot}p afn - IQ» tPahid-,: Tr1-8tate Foie. AmDrt(io, Tx-; Wood "d t0 cl i _ Rodeo; X-lT RcanLan, .i7ulBart. Tee.: 'Me a rl' loge). Oat. '4 in lei.: eerier/tied filia.! lñoe.lno: Aríti:n-.-w lh' Stem' Mader at d reo -a, iLLttl- Cti Ts r Ca ante Pioneer tine, J,LLuttiHt Ok3a; Hint= (Okia.) fClwtans _dv: OUsetriN 4Olt:1i1-1 'l!W_:t: RetL;J: DKe:1kr Cut! (ll;IIi1+1 Roárati: McClatnll Roundup, Sun City. Ken: ttarrts^n /Ark.) Roden Mid- i/end tTex.l 3tedcr; C`aeitt CRY IOlkla,l ReCet.t, end l)oelo $pritags Rodeo, Bid - fain Or1

Model I3ui 1llerl`s' Activitien Rihll]1.TrO, 1 -. Ap-il-13,-Walter 11iat.

tide, Long BL.rtilt5 CLeltL. recently ~tad the Ilnlda9n fiirk quartcna »rurx M Sauter ti building a I. bla , ears On one -inch tele. itoa*-St D. Good. Allen - Mena, Ztti., r?l hose t:) B'.til Conway- zed waisted him fn ooatsrocWirtt the altr -ªcd r^iee: anew lot for the RLngltngllaraum aha-ar,

Qordon lt. Potter. t3?. Jracph, f.Tlolz: recently nnntigk Into t1r as 1L quartr, L John D ,c -alt. m.cslnr I1halpitin fn.. e:oanptL'L-d r. 0 nieto ltaSgane wnier.m;i for lila 1l aQ. C7ruetltta Ctitddat2k _ .. J4tlburn, N. 5.. ,.earri.ng on R B No, .o w' -tan.

John lt. .enepa.rd, Chicago, lit repaint- Iñ,# afad doing rem= tellnn oft WU 1-1 .3" Brea.' Ckrai4. Kenny D. Hutl, l.on tn grlex atta izdStcl ...rrt rr re w1 to his Neill Bran.* Cirrt' New equip, lUr!bl. ia 'Meng Fit.rlgnQ for the Barlow -A 2alley Cirrus be Qmocet l]atriaier lit >tlinghatntan. N i -

Cberita H. Reeluet.t, Cedar ittapcltt_s, I. liar. been in cf laAuRn-_. A meet= wan held In Re.}tldhg tev d fat,t:tj pura for a aittdei exhibit, to be placed at the annual indoor Qlr,rine of t]hn YtsClt ]Id mE atte7tding rtvre John McCurdy. Cs+erir DOeiltl-T', FlarriiburtI; Fr. k 11 4 :ve- in _titiown Ch -t - ',rJt C.rrr!ca.

li;ear. II T, Warner and 11:iold lyoere=, o cl

Anyone doedring Information oo occrn- lay; t;eri LL^-^.et't1!.loit nttoote1 Irrlts- to. i.-

] T Warner. 1t18 leitalbrrTy street. firstlitig



Mo. 771

vs. earn lair e. I RINK SKATES

T eyes true bed easy with .. wade r,_ C' t TRY THE141 i

CHICAGO ROLLER SKATE CO. ; a.rr w L -r. a1116aau.

?W1 pin Billboard FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS April 15r '939 Conducted liar CLA.4IDE R._ EI_L11-9orrmorrisejJoT. to 25 Ocere Pier-, CinClet at.l.O.

R/NG! 811 - 8% Fig Ills Weather To Better Gates

Enlarged grounds and new buildings used - mixed

iI present 'd twice daily SAO baatNARDINO. MHO, April a.-

L.--.44te three curs of bed tiro%ther. 20th unmoral National Orane» Show hero on nth f0-id'had an it.ttendant:, tnere:L.4e of nbo et 15 por pet cam last year-. tt~, reported Rt11Iam Starke. so - ure-isikt:aryr. Attendance in ¡938 urea repented al ,ú CUt 300.000. Ornran r e enlarged to 72 -ea and e lint th*r of 'wee buthI1ng eddcd. Re. conctrukttcd Iin4If ' Utaldleig el 700 Sc, ling and bee 10,000 square, feet of Aux. 11rttrlusfi ameba tad to more than

ñtttertalnment p r o g t e rn, presented Iis is tinily in the mate beiLlOing In- cCtald Cannon Se -nee Orcheetta. Joe anti O.rey. Ctar17 +, Speriey and i3knchie; Rttas JcelioF barrel Jumper. Rank k t a Mule, Ghartyea end E. Jetn6 . ~chit, Lorelei?: a comedy bull flgiat, t' ..neKrtere stld OOtbppanny: `Ad Broadbent and tee ikonyelood nowt AeUet: ~Moe T - wad Mary 'Darby:: Llne2eiL 01.1- ford and Pearl: M1abaolatio and Torre% the itrsdeils, =die Stanley* and Harry IT. rrean'a DsbJo Club. bop Wtlegal. ra- dio personality. and Leo ' ClsarIfIO. 111tH acnre, made guest appearance...

A ti .d-" kart *Ws e nattcmal boccie -up n: ,le on coo day. On ttre executive

tell were W. C. limey pretident; John kL Oak, 7. rice-Rrealdeat, and .7, u. witson. u -

N..1. Association Decides To Hold January Convention

NEW BRUNSWICK_ N. .7.. Anal) 8.- Otooth of "axe J y As _oti )n ci Ai; - anattrral Pairtr la nieUlted in do- avli..uts to bold a con. enttosi medung t- cs January with buflnes tea~Iona, abler rand !boor thou. Move was trade apt, the annual meet here on ldereb 20 In lists eetrarulon ~vex btil]dtng, Bono Co'' 7f of dtgrleulture.

2.trz II. Ain rinnaingtota, dieted preaidzn Other of eita t J are Lt. A Clark. vice-preeleent. and L. A. 21roort. .._ry-tr+. ors¡. Dates for 1.837 wrre _ t and sppltt8l ion of Von - Oltenia County Pair for membership 'rot

dra pBf-oaken were .Dxrotary W. 73. Alters.

Rate department of atgrIcuiturs: Prot. J. C Taylor. on 4-H Club work: George, A. Hamill per,dent, end Harry IL is - Breque, re 1dent manner. NOW Jersey &eta Fair. T entori.

Ohio Gallic Goes Up at Little COLUNIIIIU s, O.. Moll 8r -rote receipts

of toe 1'-nnt Ohio illteln Pole boo_ re. port State Auditor Joseph T Petow totaltl 48.7.592 compered ed witch í.82.1.10 in IC37. Coll.fOrn adtntaalrgi in 1'cí.S t. dc O37.120 and 914_4i In 1937: grs -

- n edlnted/one 1181,497 and x,40, Annual lnfoe More! shows a deficit of r U L ,O for 19t3 O rrepnred with. 47.68 fit 1017.. This dine not kin item foe enno tenancc and depreetatleen 11et.Qd Doi aín;0.o 5 for el.nRi year.

(Lurk Empire S.ip1ei eat EIPRINs[iFTEL11. MO.. AtDrlt 9t-C1eSrn-

lner one of the mart plOttuMryue rselcig plt+RtL this city has been awarded the taatagural itrb-9 Imlrrisa,tl0atal Motor Con. teat, A'-uclatlen-o_teticXttd auto race moo_ repsora Merin Watts. secretory Of O .rk 8mpire D'ialrlet - Falr A. Mie- n tel. sponsor of the ir, 2t_ John A El on. I t.e7nff Corp. of Arrwt'iCa heed, lntcred into an *agreement with the toy

.dar on. Mat Sao: -ore of tito tor- por -worn will direct praiini details.

t:l:'THBI:IDCi - Governor of ~tot wtll be knelled to in Leth- t r. . _ 14.30 ftvt-day eYhlbttsan. A

.r n in pnb':rusn for the exhibition ta ta.Arsc.:.

MADISON. Wis.. April 13.-- Cat of f adTate4 meets touted

of valuable 9lsooi Aoclr> 011

by fair ostft- claim educe their Cotnplat*Llvsly recent Op. atigarticn. has started. prat this yrior held In the heron Warren, Iletnboo. Oa March30twat reporter! well attended and trionlul in dlacuarsinA and lofee1intiaan.

Ilt was pro - sided over by William T. bfsrriott. secretary of flunk County Fair, Bara- boo. and ya'eslden of the etesta nasoolat t o n. T.- more aebedtrled a r e to be held In Weillset1us. Clark Calm-

, where e t 0 1

Ituckatead 1s tali secre- tary. bit Mill 12. and In tguranntf., artlfde Lots 't.. f,! mu: 14 .-t:e.ary oC 4.:ia- 70.rta County Pair. On APIA 13.

Tile tom -Jos are etisndv0 whenever

J. P !t/! (.OkVS

MACK PARRETT JR. Aar Termed the ferretaniatp of CirOkrgie (O.) Putapttts Stoop, after ?sarliso been out 01 the poet one burr, sed Ae plena innuocttons to the in, preeri n of ¡lita J8-ytper-old anmuat. 111a'rra hers hem buen added to beard In ' fort td ¡mute e more deerft1tiC4 rho«. Mayor W. R. Cady has be it re -e detrd prerelen2. Secretory Par- rett te a :Obre with Thelma Pile, ora of tata gaeerit o/ the grant.

Barnes Reports Heavy Bookings

OIlICACO, April In. -Contract. oo'es- tne coabplete gl ald-r Ond programa for

Wee Pair, Topeka: ),items Clete Ingo fltntelnoseD. and Abduata ntirtó Pair, Htrmiaghaaat. fiats been lgmed with Martial-Crf.rmuthers Fair Boo:Unit Amp. el non. 32214- H. Barn] the company's - president.

111 nddltinn to Gun_ be advised ilea firm tent »coat_ie nwardedd contrail for a ooreplete unit show Lot Tul,a state Pair. ?urea. Okla., which Is to include one of ii -C's largest mlt31 tl'produc_tlona.

gr-a a prorn of rota and a bated, "We are enjoying the Rreatest cen-

tracting aeaern to the history of our alto. .1. J( a ocnturr of oontirridas operation end a. O result every p 'C

bookrno record has been,. brokon. ' Prod - del -o. lieme-.a »toed.

yi ore C LaiLges Looked For in Detroit Set -IMF

De:TROIT. April e...- tit.0 0! tonic aapeetl_ of the State Pair altuatloal ro- tmaltxd info ride Loewy week, as the state adminirtietieti settlrst into ~tine ¡ den former Lieut. Gov. Lunen D. Dickir eon, wto eueeodet1 the 1n:e Frank D. Pite- gersld as governor. Oovensor yicktnsor to known en an opponent of ~Willing and there have teen unanswered rumors Ileac a sweeping mange of policy. panic nearly on the race track, taautd -recruit l0 a lgw'eat-up.

This took definite form when AOelteree General Vernon J. Boren t+ee eºFaeinde:l. to the SL.t4 eelrn..nlstretive bold that as la.tun' be niatdra itito -canceling the State contract with Detteit IFteine. Alio. cletieni. This contract awards the race track to the ~than OMB November ] 5, 1148. Brown said the ~el' group had rutted to pay $50,000 In daily lees Main lit Btinimiser. that thc-a w.n e.

abortage at_sovmal hundred dolitle on a brief roe* meet In Flint and that there wan a Geticáeitcy of *27.000 In Other rac- ing revenues due.

Cancellation Of the contract pareeum- ably would restore COO teen of the SUM Ireir ram trr.ck end great eland° to the fair lnana4sment, tell Objective of Penner Pair :Oanager Prank hi. likely r110 re- stgtied two istsotttle ago. end undo hoed to be the- goal skO of Dr. I.. W. Snow, new present manager. Rcalilte of an audit of Stake Pair books Bbd tine one now completed of the rset-og coetrmlntou hays not been pubüaal tenoned 0a yet.

Stock Shows Draw [Ieºvily PORT OIBOON. ier., April 8,-4DWth

enzival Coathweat Mitolaatppl rat BetSk Shove h - on March 20-2k had reared attendance Cf about 10.000 and a record 1lor auction gales of 'street with entries: from 22 oottnttra. 5=121, 44 1`i.. 'pp' tat Stack $bo". on March 27.Apr11.1 in Ptotra4 alleo had_ a retard gata and . an judged on.. of: the best er'snta eta put eat, Noethcaat 111irAcnlppl 10xpoattion, IL the circuit of live -stock evUñte. d on. April 5 fair thrt0'dayi to West

r niece

J. W. ¡Salme, secretary-s:santeg«, r+eplirttcd top optuLs,, ºtendancc. Psae r -Tote County Pair end. Itorne Show en tome drlgs In lenatobta'w121 be under «t:spboee of Ht -County Live -Stock Snow Asoselo- tton.

Wisconsin .Officials Start ,Season Of Re P, io real intherings Over State

possible by ofxlee» of the WAY. espe- cially Secretary Janice P. Malone. Beaver Dom, ono also is i-ctetary of Dodge 0ot.ntf ! .lr there. Secretary ilinlons takes motes tet'rnferelee and the record.

At the 11139 anhunl meeting of the aasoclftlen Ln Milwaukee be o.... tod the 2ormattOf ,Of more fair clrcUiL` to Wisconsin far added L?ftelcáey Ln book. Ing attractions and rxlerbStrt

Ile begen his career In t-ftdom as deck of, spree lb $4attu Dmrn In 1917 and bon been secretary of the Badger State aeeoclatllaa ,lope WAS.

Fu1pa'Tinté P. A. for Neb. LINCOLN. 11rb,i April a,-1xbrnska

State í.kiUr atoned 1t- G. Douglas lion) publicity director. He retorts eta }say 15,

replaclrtg Barney dldflpid. olnu enent editor of The Sainryy Journal and,Stor here, who held the poct the put two yearal Fair wanted a fulldlmo mutt. hence the change.

COLUMBIA. E. C -C1lA Agricultural t'str Asiti2olatlon, vrllh oCttce In Cito, ham been chartered by the ae.crekl.r,v of .tate. Ott6ono 4re E. C. Melnnta, president and arG++,r:tn: Clarente 7slcto.urtri, deat; J.... "4.0rirocen. aEcrotWrir,

gmati Foresees i

A Good Fear, tips iFor Brockton

HRCX NTQN, Maw.. April8 -A11 faire should do na well in 1020 47 thole did teen year. tf not better. If weskitto rind crop oordlttona are favarablc ra the opinion or Eeoretary-Matonne Frank H. Etrngmnn, Broeeur% Pair, who oho is lwti--y of than 'lnrnrnr.tiOttlll ~non of F.<lrs end_ 1-Oino ilCo.,

hlrocinni i Farr Is e aced able n i VD fat ottrlothins 1 =tor% of ooan,ñctittnn of the New York Wartclra i''alr and lor_ni pert- mutuels race tractor he mid. ' eefonal publicity of the two worldff (alga should foetid triton-Om en Oil faun.

"Lest s r'. new typo of gvatí ;l-otatl'i show gave to i1:/ per cub0 hicrrsso In grand -rand recelpte. Wo * i hose a blggt: chow *bin year.-

Ilierei rani and Fair By W. E. MiXII4iNEY

Corskarta. Tex., Live Stock and A\gricuitural Show

Letts consider rho merchant et Oily community. What part does he take In the irakti4 of a ataece tful fill? The proilinnv'tte taer leant will have an at- tractive dleptiay of his WOrie. Mitt l. -t number of instances will keep enMe pe en with this display so that he mtf ~row question, and d acute the ed- tantages of his pn dW' .

Now types of farm machinery. near devote; for the home will be apQWI, 10r - tog thole individuals who Wider ordi- nary otreturierenncm may not corn: In contact with thane a thence to se* he -'.r a_:m0 procedure Oboe UL" y have been carrying Rut in n less prof _ nil manner

be carricrl,outin a much Imo- «stri- dent way with the net reeult.l belbg Sl-eeter. .'Thk pho se of the tale atttnu- latse trade in any cammlrnt a aitrl to prone rnercttante have to get deer products ibefcrre like public so the' m0,9 bemires Interested eb l bi, cisftc'rnerz

lhro throe mearia the f.irteete end merchant have been brought Into ocxt- tnct with each Other. It glees the mer- chant an oDporttlalt7 to Meet end teak with Ináiviiduak 'alto other. e inlay ncrser hat* come Into his place Of Won eons and after a trope It creme a better relationship between, ibrui0c and ~l- inen loan. In tiny commublt, Oh' you find tue'teetul framers yon call rind a ouoce.aful coantntltlity. because If the farmer la auooessitd lIto Merchant will be au9 s fU, and- every iuelbc =

depending' upon two, two will be sue. armful.

Badgers' Ttegional Meeting Hears 'Regulations for '39

Ltyillt.lut3t00. Wlil.. April 8.--txrr_tatylrlg attendance mtt xod the reolenal meotln>K of W1aCa:rneaa 11+beiaen W' Pairs here on Riarch Se, there Wen, 56 tato c2.1 flat 1 at bur -noes sessions al::i 73 id. dinner. repeated ~retell* J. P. lldalcne. »covca Dam.

Midway rtffillatl101-s -tor 1839 %sere a7f- pror.td and Stale board of health rule Were presented by Superxtllor B. A. ly.onafcoftnt». framer showman and trouper with Beech do BOa.trs Mdnrtrela. ittAto ne.tor Taylor t3 ilrewr: Orono. - our of vPin11*baaº County Fair. Oahe sat w-aar a speak. -. adopted a rer.- Iti,fibn reoocimcndsn;I <4Taír41QRi of aran. oe Aran -Q-w. for an cxhtbtt in tá-í fulet against crlErlccT mtªnr,C:'ed by wooatob ur- ge/drat-ion In the ,butte.

Among attrraetlam ,rnpaea.atatHrla at- tending were 8 aa J. Le .,. rr r (:rruthcrY .lack Duffield, Thearle-Dui- fiald P7rew*arksCa: Stuuty Btrnot, Ololt^ Peeler Corp.: George it. Minn Ctil, Alin A-eacy: William Lindemann and WIl- ltárrt Ro^.

Circus; Type for Mineola. NEW 'IORK. Aprt8.--h'tILi QIa (L. L)

Pelt x111 pre...;nt a drtua-type íst.o* In front of It - nd stated this Si in. booking a unit the -u the Prank 'Wirth +:iliac of t»RL1. any. W lab v+ltl, else aiap- piy uitht misdeal ap. ctaele ea weber -dart grand-etar,d ntfeflltg. betty liras.' lbw Otte, been ateed for Ma midway. marl -

ing tiros. time that the rPiov. to played Long I Bland.

April 15, 1939 FAIRS -EXPOSITIONS The Billboard 41

Cagle 11.11 i r n Bronx \% i Id Run 311tigt; Rawl

NEW YORK. April 8,- Cn3CLo ill tadleini, in the Bronx is roadirtne pleat

fee midget auto Teets alartt:se next month tinder AAA i anetio r 'Tuesday! and Prida7L. Al Haul, itsatsi-t1x of Cas- tle MU &'fates, controlled by Joseph T''=

D -y. r 1t«. tit regaeted to be 1mtlprnvtlsT the layout with new klghting and track.

1! erg win be under banner of Ball 1rei.crman, -shoe Inert coos.te_ of Jo Newry, announcer; Dill Tuttle. pr. accnt Charnel Gilbert, AAA steward: Routing 0. Clerk, -darter: ]/rank Per. gtasou, audiccs, and Cbsriea lhoenaa. eupertntn.4eiit of 6atea

Wreck Lade Motor Boat /wen; Amo- elatt4an will stag! patsar-boat re - to Itereatda CbaSi d. Long Beach. entry Saturday afternoon -until NerveMber., be- ginning late next month. City of laity Beach IN building a Bourse.- grand stand and parking lot. Clifford SterAvoy, Rock- v'Ile Center -Is prretdent. O. I1_ Thorns*, rcernerly publ city chief of /dipeOSa Fair. V p. a. and lewdness manager.

Fair Grounds leAN8PIELD. O. --More ea:teeiai a mtd-

way la p..at used foe fits -day Rlehlried County Pair here dais roe rand the Want hie tentatively decided on three days -of' btrtatals racing. Premium lima are being compiled. vi!d R. D. Bala, eeeretary.

LITI TiE ROCK. Ar1F.-Arlrarielse Ltve- Moeá Chow ltr ocMtfon met here on April 1 and set dater for the rsrºnd annual exhibition and rodeo to be ii 'd In North little Rack. Antoalatlon ireceLred a e3SA00 approprriatict;i to pay (d prezal- inme at the lti0n'40 'hove,

ltfTLtrithi VliO. Q.--Ffelnare County le . aired of a Junior salt Isere this vier

tit reetttt of npprovaL by the seelcul- tural etooiety. DtrrietAre voted -to make .p r arlatfons of 960 for prerabnne to

rn`n club. enai *30 to the grange scoring coittalt.

1'OIITdi rOWN, O, -Plana have keen Qatnplétcd roc cosettf ietion o.0 _ IM.ACO bui'd1rsg to house 4 -ii ekbbetta. said lay

adtttLleñwrt, p. -e ddcnt cf Malaning County "Lirlctltttital teipelety. Two build- ipgl were erected last year.

isuar'T CV1itRl1TT. Sealer -Swift Cur. rent Palrgrouiids,00nlntttt r win .,Oile ,nihserttttiooa for fiends wtth which" to erect, falIittes for eetebrattons on the new TDunde. :.Teener ti - I Th to tale cOittinittee and still be rep ayeblo from prootrda. of ,Jut,' 1 celebrations.

rinds N. N. Y. -At Ieast twit fain in the Fsnix Lakes Mien will reach their 100th anniversaries this Seer and ie pto)rarfog ¡:tdci pronrttena. -On. Ls Penn Tan Fair and the !Sher L Torayklee Ginty Petit. Running a Cote. rcosi4 in iongeesIty tar Seneca Counts Fair. Water-

whittlff wlU observer eta goth birthday.

Pr n. B1W 1'. Ark. -Bu of 11IS;102 has .bean allotted by the V&A for plagó of Pine B]uft Jeiler-on County Live- SLoalc show to pa,t 11t26 -COO. PmOJcc 1 in- cludes erection of grand stend.. barns.


FALMOUTH FAIR AUOuaT 111414140. I sr and ..;i,rbt yYpen_-..t.

La'LAND W. LL1W: any.. Fe a.:k Ky.




A Ceil`rrrnes About' $lnwo In Nee



Department WEIX aren EVERY WEEK

arefsi and exblbet buildings. City and county will donate: $3.0o43 Saab.

liJO GRANDE' CITY. 'frx,-Plans for erectha of a .30.000 arena for tine 1PS9 8t,rrs County lair and Rodeo have been announced by A- C. McLellan. general chi' an of ibe fair~anon.

L1NOOLN. Nib, -slow that a bill ate tempting to reorganize set-up of Nebraska State ;;air here has ta'^rtl killed ,lit Commit the beard ~time this month will contract ' grand -et eel ente7talan..mt. Beene to inclined to Ktall until t1m. :ate .a¡jproprtatl,onei bill gets furtber Own the Legislature. At prraent It involves a etit rn the fairy aprprcyrt.tlon. which Is already low.

YORE. county /eErleniturat 8oclety. operntot of York°Interatate Pair. edit repair the roof of the grand ietnhd and have a plug 01 walla of the stand

e m.:vied dire. mtanmer.

COLUMBUS. 0. -Thal part of Ohio Starr Uuiverulty a exhibit building re- cently damaged by fire on the Slate fhillrgrounde hero will bo` reiterad. rigid fair freeze officiate.

SAN AUGUSTINE. Tux.-.15,an Augus- tine County Fair As oelatioo ºerrata a -e 19 acres Jute north of city limits and will start, moving from the old greened -1 immediately. Old Milldtirgs w10 bo nmcdesiitxed and new ones built. say ofiicials.

ORMIS'lON, t8awltr-Air seelettltieral ,ue- Olery Lis been formed under apºneoaahtp of -the board of trade and is retinal; 112.7c0 to buy grounds. Plans are being drawn for bitten ee' that may be used foe Clap B fairs and ae Curling d . nttrt ;inks: A lair will be bald Lila teimmcr.

Fair [ectiens BIL.SUIOL 'tez. - 1. P. Daniels was

elected prett.:lept of Hardin County lair Association; 1V A. CFatelni4 R. 13. Milton. rue-preeidcnta: J. P. VCesstbeTaby. re- elected sotrofary-+trlti.saur.r.

PENAL YAW, 11. Y. -Allan A. Abbott,

sur.erintert,deat cf coareeetiana rof Yates County Agricultural 13oelety, was ap- pointed secretes/ to 'succeed Chselec M. 5s'ar.iinit. t:eccrd tloe=t'rrestde7lt. lf)Jertetr nt. Rallagar was se -erected ~dent and general Inanager: ilollUrter Johnson. frc-utrct: VNulltagn B. ltliirray, raeo seo- rotary.

ED.OV, A111. -J. 11, B.- t?ndih was e:te`tr.d preotdry.t of lid.-,Dti aNtrwot At= cultural -Society: P. Fulmer. honorary president: A Haddock. vier-prrddent: lire. E. Trapp, r.;-crrtary-trrrwsu--er.

BUCYRUB. O.yElLworth Ulmer was elected pre..,derst of Crawford County Jtnatui P` -u txt..rl: fee: t. kíelater, vice- p. Merit; titnty,atrt It' nt,s rd. iecrel+=ryr.

N1ZLJ.St'I21.8, tiYite-Clark County 1g- ricultural A>.00LatloLn r1.-eleefed ililatat Creed, peesidstnt' "¡Vita DrnTraut, Woe - president: ltarotd STtscttrtead sec7xatary; wells= Kurth, tres=irrer.

VHC3RIt9221.J< Alta. - Kett i`rtrtrpr' WAS eleedexL president of Vc-revUL Ex- hibition Association: O 'iYiatbel, sew. preaident: ]. Flteal;. frc4 1ary.

q3aKÓ.941:4) giuws B. WARD SEAMY/ Congress of Demo -

Devils has been connected for afternoon end night, anew" at RIdtL.tsd Comity Pair. Mee fetid., O., mid 8ecreiarg R. D. NO". Lett year Beamk show was booked for one night rand drew heavily. Vaude- ville will be offered on other 4*yrl.

!CAMAS .elate Pair boned. Hutchinson. signed for a seven -night Store Pair Re- view -of ,l9.19 with tarns -Carruthers and ice t,1 fast= -day rodeo with Clyde S. Md11Itr. Boned la conaldiering dam, nr$btiy attrs the grand-em.antt show. using a name 1- sod. & thrill program rimy be ,shed on doting afternoon.

BUDDY LUMAR report" Ada An-Ansel. built Dodgers halm ton boáred for dates in *err Yost,. 14L imcbusettg. Vermont.. .New itempshire and Tilted. Tat land, his craaoI to open on Mey 1.Shnar u'+e four Qa*aofgtt oars end a tr`;t:k ind ca:rlss four drivers and a woman &smite% Betty King.

Agricultural Si,tuution Condensed Datas From ivlari'is Surnreary by U. S. Deportment óf Agriculture.

Washington. D. C..

N Iv crop se. -an is under may ariC t!a..}ts strip 9ytsmrnt has begun to rim

seasonally in the C!'ittb. Preened* errs that acreages of most crops 'the country over -M1l be bold co about 1108 mucus. but .the, Lewis has been heir for o?pansion in the live stock fruition -1- January 1 Inventory 1beeired an Increase to qum-- bets of rattle. chi. hens. mt11 cue*. and chickens on firma ithla year coon. reeedWith eon_ Licre smock tt1}trti4eyy value toted more than 4$ billion do'- taria leerest.stnoe 193n. MJeartvihilr. little of ttA, 1005 crops -`strait* In the hinds of farts v; the built has bean marketed or planed under government loan. Portages began its- ,.tw year with ailabuy Kaiser cmh Inece a than be January. 1938-tot el MÚ-7,000000 from marketing' phi:, t rent: ttlIt payment.. a 9ytpsrfd with Sa 000.000 a yeer ego. TnommC from maiar crops may decline mele than at rlpii fly lis nett few e .nibs- tnoresses are exia rtcd _from fruits. vege- tables a and live -etc k products Donseetbe defnri4 for terns product,, better Cite venter than last+. la expected to improVe more In ap Mpg.

DEMAND; :SPRING 118E 'the movement of prime of farm praci-

se:4a in rotation W changer, to atrpplics i since the t of the year indicates that

the upswing in deneacd which started islet ewiltnrr bu been tedtporrte}ly laJtr:i. Additional Ovldence U fbund in the fact that 'fa .itoré employment and payrolls declined Its Jentery, the last mcrittes for which data are available. This &eh- E14a'g In demand vial to be time c:ed In crobi)ectl4:i With the eNtee elcerer down of Lr-duatrial activity since De., º sabeer.

The normal pick-up in building eon- rtruotion. nutoenobUir; and many other urea what McCrs to the ageing probe- b]y will be accentuated this year by favorable em odltionc to reveral of theme ihriurtrtea. end the to el Melunin of LndnaMrtal payroll" le expected t+o obo+v Mitt- r 'c..re u frtin the law paint

rmcbsd tact Itienier. Mies ai!n-ratty

for tito mortal seascesai tendencies. laow- arer. them plOsplctli o = ttietutee lint ede- mend are not pronounoero. 'The eettlee k aellt la for relatively a'able dam:esLto demnbd 4'siulitlomtt this year.

CondittOnn relattnif to the for-dgn de- mand for Amértcen farm products Tv. wain golirsally unfavorable, with con- tinued ltivr oorrstnodity prim hating as a hindrance to lntarnaulonal trade in enli-hod isldusiriel goods and raw ma.. tertels. Tbr pound =.merit held fairly steady at about MOT eitirire; i- : i s ry, u nder Active support by the British OGveltnment. and hue changed little during the first w,.eke of ti-tiliaryy.

INCOME: SEASONAL DECLINE .ri_ttn to -;n' doe!lred !e -1soeally In

January. incomme total -A 118E.000)000 frpmrm sale. of term prodrscta plus 1041 000,.000 in ge.errriment payments. De- cember incomne wig edle.000,0911 plow bneCCO.000: Income In January a year ago :ell 0903.CC0.000 Nor s17.000900. Lis January two i i a ago It ' - 0438,- 000,00o pans t4&OQ.ay000.

b oomss from crops declined its than easomally bete Jail nary. chicly heoiv_'e

a tericr quantity of corn visa placed ullef-r Ic.-n and the loan proceeds are treated an Ireureic-. in Unitive. riser; than 04.000,Á00 butúte", of corn ere placed wader Ices. Income !tom Other grains, cotton 11hí, and fruits n :so declined I than the umral sea. renal amount, but Meone from 1.ol>ieo, pdtst en. and tr` k crepe tacllno4 pinto. Income from Uva stock and U -ea stock pry u. :s continued the downward trend of retitot anontith diee largely to et; ..-c- than-tr_aaonal declines in income from dairy product. and poultry and egp

Lens on cotton, wheel and (tern hare helped to maintain farm Income Ia, ree-m: much -r., end reduce~ Ciao proportion of these tempt to be mar- keted in the next few months. But the, effete of 't fl up x1 inee=!ua dur!.ri,r this period may Ee oiiact try Inr-c np Meows from froltr. vegetaablae. and Uve- itOCig pra tees. 0o' errant payments

1 , .I, t I F1IRS! / Coln La.t



scrwrwv L90Mta


RGENCY .`A C S _ s..ti irVto.ne re,tllre rte, CIRCUS'S

I*P$INGFI1ID, ®try! itj NOY, 4

uRQBR nit ágM SAVE



of REVENUE CONTROL For every eaterptasn of an srneise- eeent, ctf.eeatioasl or t:rricb nitysSel lnattsatasosous midi* by Who patron at nil Omer. Sae it in operation it both World's Faint

FAIR SECRETARIES? i'neraase 'receipts by coetrolilieg

theta.. Write for Bulletin 'AE-" er ask that our eepee,entativa calk Coact -too -Coast Sar.it.,


--..bm.+ -PROVIDENCE. Iffi.11. -

WA N T E D Sieves and Ceneetaleat ter rims


R L GoN~ Rides are Coaled.


GI*. L. COMA Re. levy.. Washington C. iL. Ohl*.

WANT E C Geed C.srn;vsf and Concessions


September 13. 14. 15 and 116

S Community FJIn rxrccadleg County Fair.

l ATM( 41.


An Organisation by and for Showrnen and Allied Fk+Ida.

.BEN EVO LENT PROTECTIVE -SOCIAL (Hospltrriratlon and Cornet/cry Fund) Dues $10 Inettis:iton $1Q

Sixtlñ Picor. P'el-,e Theater Bid...,

l564 Oroodwsy

New York Ch.

In the first ball of 1M may or the elieee400J004 pied out from archivad to June I -II,

PRiCt_ei bOti rtt. .i_rrpi sniduote pinte ave tdd J

per cenit of }t13 -%.or les ails-Peetruary. (Soo AGRICULTURAL Osa ~J

1'!.r Qillóoard Candts.ted by CLAUDE R.

PARKS -RESORTS -POOLS April 15i 1939 ELLIa--Commundalegoes te Z6 t?oass Ple+. CMa4nnatl, O. -


Heads Pushing NWPB 1- '-1Eve

tr St.eretarjr95 office cotllluarl- ng - wapreeetie rated cfallli-

paign tliruout industry

CHiCACOO, April ft.-Pub/to ltnbtllty in- -a nsr-ece rrapatgn fie the 1,00/ operating

»de rr lit inn ;wing. queatIt mairrra am Wring In /root all over the camotry and meat:live oraces of Secretary A. R. Hoelga, National Aaaocintíop of Amtue- ntent P.ri, Pools la, d Bracher. Bribe IJis0. 201 North Walla catlidlna bera, are bhowens groat actively.

Extsotary Bodge mid heavy street la betc-r laid on thn economical toatur*O of teal p si and eras -e. both tnapoctloct and claim 'which hat been gki +an during the past three years by the ~elated Indemnity Corp. of Caltainola-

tn thaaal lbws of *ZAetrlail ty. where ponttira eotlfit.. the matter of Oa: of stabile Liability tastaaree is of trezne i. dons Itnpn.tsnee, bat not of any more len eestance than the quaitty p lneQeo- tina and claim art -4m rordtrcd. ieinoo if the aarrter la honest and really boaea ahesi., tutor an meta ihhen the Itupecttou of ,rtieka and the ad]gr:ment of tlattmi1

(,Sew *MK fat Tr.ltlt t pail u i Park Set for French ]Expo

LILLE, Prance. April t.-A leer ;pntC as t p rk. rn.auear t hit 1tL. 17-, arf.t. va"1t1 be a feitryre at Ian -European isaaaa,.ItUsn of ~al PYeteghaa=., hare on May Li -October lb, Plan is for Oar area to bare more than ThiA04a rgutte tMt

alit atn wtar?lara tiitlL;r,a in tbn "canter. ~trilCtton of 49 patllCors for the expo Ifi undrs way. Fourteen department/1 of PrrnOh., BvsrW, Ltixeiesburg and aelt:.11 goWrnrltanta Cud ñt31l1Crou Industrial Mai 'tb bare pavtlllana.

ALB:1.lY. tt. Y---Op4CrltioÓ rt the NOW ]fgrrk !1Vct1Q1l Wit- la pit -pose od ~to Pony Treadmill Ride, Inc., which ta"., bean lamed a Charter b7 the aserretary of tsti}te. $hsrehzOJd+efa mad dlree:l,c.ara are ilttarm'a-._tl/diwy D. 1'I4bih7, ,faearb Good -

:and llashett 13oh11llng. NMw York City. Sosbon Corp_ Drooklgn. ]tara bean authoriaeed to operate a :raillaeTnJent reaaarta, Ha. Wadi dar tamnyuia ray tnipludo IUaC Dt:berrltAn. Isidore Ouettmsn Said 'Malty Lanitaa.n. Woo tlyn.


YR. AND MRS. SIMON 9. f3F8SW. rtt-xaapltt Yprlerk. N. , ct+nora-

laop_ . 1r ti" weaned pr>'at to a drip to Havana during a reran! air month ' ~cation In at Cana Fla. (te 4i treaaaaren of t}"caanrsnd Pant Pnb-

1(c AnMsamcnir Corp., Neteesrk. The Greh as' niPezs, fnrl Gfsdpa S 'idea !. i'Oo,-. LrlitEf ~airy in D.relr -

I '1 Per . N -orb. fol , ial ta ,rtta;..rl Ott Octoe r !S anti well rCetiarit

ai ea. -tR r ea.



S;,.tTgD si:CQ.tvD /ttci'M L.4f'T id Rat' A. ~um. .a3arer'rntendr!Rt e271"r{tlu of Cltcei =s.st1-Zelo, sermon givat at a esrie dAzner arm -aged by Ri Cu:itt Club. Cfaiey, on .tpti'3 tlt honor of his 90th bllrthday anulmrsary. Left to niy:4:t, srcts+d: Welter Draper, SSeratein: ,ir. Sol A. Stephen. Qrsndioai; Justin Rotlanan. Standing, ttJt to rlaatt; Zoo Pr4atidrnt Jo.tla A. I':t:ilty: Pveteident (Uccle S. Encekmon, St. Louts Zoo: Anrrctor Joha T. Mflrent. Detreptt ZCe:; brasher J. Q Sti'oart. Claeteltnlsatl; General Superintendent Newry T. brnrr{a. lJctrolt X00: frusta X. JYaroals`ñ: /Weal A., Stoptelah. ion: S. S. Wart. oatlmal tmporte. Photo by Cincinnati! trnquberss

1' oyerb Lake Steps On Construction -For or An Eararlier Opening

CANTON, O.. Amt 8.-1140.1 stu 1 0 eoattru re ron, In recent years lb, under ara'a hero to atoyera Lake Fmk, which will open about 10 days/ eatlt*- thaan n tt rte r -*resat, Carl Sinclair, managing dirvetaw. earl- 'ben now .riea-j are rat: for the midway, and there Is poº_lblllty sal atta or t vo btttrn being added. Covered pavilion, beneath which try i atad the line-up of coños oicrms. will be repainted: p4'raent hades ass to ha r.talndittenerd, a number of changos made In midway bull¢Inptl and eosnceaalonat revamped.

2sndronpint3 atntts4 ~ern! yrare ago is to be furthered, traproteements made

(See MSYLl.S Lela os pave Se)

Detroit Spots Are Readied DKT7bOIT. April el. --Spring re -dying is

In paragons to m0tatmert pzrleG bAre. tl lth opening date; contingent upoh una iicr. Chan see patmtbaa in Mae - water Park and Jeffeteon Beach. Melt- egtrr.e:at of Jefferson Beach plena to open about tate middle of May.

Spilt?er and Staff See Good Prospects For Roilin,, Green

SUWBUltY, Pa., April L -1I. M. DsatYt- iler. owner-ntanazc: Of Robing Green Park here. reports e.ent:e COIlttaraed with Rite resort is opt atistic over patea- Iet'ett_ te. the ac.ba=i and that crew of workmen are making additions and 1m- pravanscnts In preparation for opening on 2.[`-y 18. DL_.ycet addlü0n le a new ride. making a total at 11. 5w)mming pool. Which was an td fast year. Is being oondItttºned and will open Lie In May.

Rainbow Ballroom t as being We -ea -react( (Se SPA?lC'LP8 AND eta paegt tltt)

Troy Go« to bleycrts Lake CANTON. O April Eara awry may, who

for the past tctepreel years did promo- tional Work at Ldoia. Part. YOsi v .

O.. recently loaned /he craft* of Meyers Like Park Aare in the same capacity. B. already hag contracted many lit dtutrtnl cutting:, a In addition tO ~pies platn& for epeelat events, flit, hats bean identified with outdoor and indoor rho -w Varietal-as for many years In various parts of the country.

Messages From Afar Greet Sol PA Dinner on 90th Anniversary

CINCINNATI. April IL-Many oon- .Sratalzdory iázytagry'7ntrt t aaiw.d by aol A..atsphan. eezpntinia:adeut emeriti* ot Cll:zlnnau .Zoo, a4 a civic dlnner glean m Beata- of pls 00th btrtbdsy amnia varvary In the C.itrlee 1Preza Club an IDtShs Of AP ]3.

w.tiCli3 wrrq Lylre__es to the 20] dinrn by r-!ty oft.icln:s iai' ath+:., area ho utas ~lied with an nle,tgatae-htS7.$od cane by the Pray Club and it trove/Mg bag bg roo trxt;.ta:a Act}ang pla ti 1 re- oeit,ed Were thoee trine the fotloWln6. ;crPfi od vaoat also were at the dinner:

Dr. I. u. -t C rsOt_ me. John Rob.,ason Tent. Cacti' Mama A o Aldo. C1 ze - a r teatl: Jxahn T. Millen. dimctor. Detroit Zoo: Henry 4iorrlri, civil engineer. Detroit Zoo: IL O. Radbcerts, prantdtu;t. $t!+gtlrrüle and.) Zoe: John O- Robinson. G7rtdb= a.tl: Z4 H. Bean, dtreclor. Brookfield Greg, ChiclagoC Harty ltert-t at. Circus loans' Awoaletloa. &.a Antooro: Loirly Rube, animal deialer, bane York: Edward t, Schott, la. anent. Coney T.:eutd. Cla- Counts: aoj . S. Youth. dtleadtat Lincetl=n Park- Zoo. Chlo0.aac Heinrich Ha,a+rtttxe:t. H.lr3burg, Oertxany; I.orrstn HnarnheaX tradlotDit rn á-rt,tri atoatr-,2'r IGs aman)t t1r< telra on r =Ie it.00boedr al dta c1e.y. Ma. w uket: J. a. and 3, C. Totten. Lb_uora,


O: Clarence L. crock. director. liºo..ibn 'Loop PbusdsIphLs Zosaa-aleal ti'at ty: George P. Vlerheller. director. as. Louis ácaariglase $gilety: Cherlea Urban. alka' Club. CiescIianatl:-,Dee Weddell. Crotrleyb LTifteci :glass, Ada. Okla.: A. »'ociia aTe1- mal dealer, New York: g. S. Ward. sal - meal dealer. Nip York: Henry C. Mva- 1101f, -*erettatp. tJt. Lail r Zoo: Albert J. Maysr, execvti a committee ebatrtm D, John Robinson Tt,u . Circus Pena' Asso- rtation, Carat-ryrti4 Walter M. But -Ing- ham. eccretnry, Ctrctid Pane Ar-OCIatkas. Norwich. Cann.; bins. Bello J. itenchiry. execullve socretrT $sit Mao (Calif.) Zoom -;seat Sad t', Nord*" T. (Teal) Clara[, :swore Puri Zoo. lianas City, P' +.: Dr. J. It. Campbell, director and curator, T..iOcOltto Tom: Whaled Heuer, dtree. P elah1 ohtr toot, Barn Fb ncla a : Capt.. Carley Mtwara superintendent Brookside Y.tm, C1anian&: Err. W. Raid Blair, dl- rectat...erw Ica: City ZodlogIcel t)oelriy. Karl K. Knecht. former dernctOr of Knalut- vale (lad.) Zoo; Dr. Waliem Mann, dl - neatest. l.atioral Zan. Weraltlitg/M I). C .11u4-0 Alfred K. Nlpprrt, Cincinnati. from Daytona, Pia.: George Dtteicmann. prc:do; t, tat- Laub, Zeraioga all aoctety:

nr I A, tocrne C r. . cam- ae, Cincinnati.

Coney Stilt in Stare of r. .

NEW YORK April ea -Coney Ssaind la in the protasis of mooching In on a tau ,riles of World's Fair iratt.e. but le etch 10313 'Own .t ooarrce to itifesiorlty comic_ a arid other fancy paycholony ttuif. Ica liuikkrco. Coney moguls, after getting shooed 'up by the állpotta of .flcepkatelt-m. decided that uariat the spat needed tbla Year is a puWf'rlty cgin- pal* not only to otfret Van' clamor but to o ,pltalt a on the tape's national belly -

a». A gum w. appropriated Till the beds lual oollrcUou cztd pla4itpa Touts, but. It's claimers the ttnrsount ,much too mall to make more than a ripple.

All exact pie od publicity. copy in the laa. aortae b a truniporaup 4h.Ittagca by Prank iZ. Tel :cola ebairman of the committee foe the Proow on of Coney Island, to Choict Whelan. WP president. -per $ erita,g" that 1t3Á00.000 shore people Will what -Coltcy thaw, will Ica -1-40 tae Awning flestn- al1yuu laved Barre, nl heat the publicity wilier dia the sav- tag, by atntlnr of courars "there le never an admission chat *, to Coney Inland proper at say time

Just what OIL kind of ballyhoo L euppo ed to a0consp+lieli In the way of pub -le relation* dt ealbed -a n d` 'r niyutera by thole to the know. At any rate: the n_ w papers didn't erlve the story

(See CONEY STILL on pope SO)

Plc -View Days at Cincy'e Corley Are 'u Lae Repeated

CI241C1:iMAT , April lit:-Coned' bland well put on a anira of Pre -View Dbas preceding openlimi, of its cinas a+eison On ai Or{, 70, told Edward -L.

h Samistte preal-

dent and general manages. These nro achniiniod t0" tP r two .e c e_k »era d pro - ceding true Opening, May O Iliad 7 and May lS and 14.

rc.itured will be dancing in idoo» _

Illy CI rder a- President Sehott Lu nzego- tlating fen home laattda, first of'thczo Hlgterd bclnm Bunny Berlgan and his sr- chostra, who road* a hit ta't a-- Bril,~ and hit play are will be, In the hand stand on the night 01 May d.

Pree-V)ew Daya,an inward -ton last year. proved -an po iii1 ty that the tannage:br» dtc" ded they v. -ere worth repeating.

Coakley Joins iI' ins'~, Staff At Spot in Pinabitmit Area

PITTSBURGH; April 8.--at-red C. Ceek- Zen to cbsige of publtetty and runs. - lion foe The t'int'7e. ewanky spilt In the i'llubtirgit area at Bellevue. gala many Impro ementa_ heals h i. ii media espy - dully In dining rooms. taprocea, and dancing garden for opening 9f outdoor dancing on Decant -ten Day. ?tune bands any, be utred during the eraran mating o n t bar I) Y.

fro warn with Waldamecr lateen. Perk, t rlc» !eta. Ilia pan two aaroaIS and pit- ylausly on the Staff f Wont Park, Taint town, U, List wafter ha tnobmapatt Voluara County Pair, Dal Land. Pith and handled publicity for Wait Palm Beach etfrlCttltt.9rai Zapri141oz1 acrid West's Woclda Wander Crboa3 on the Florida tow.

Reid Reopens at Jax Reach J AC!tO I.I.T. IMAM. III.. April U,

----Jar: ntaea of R id's Pinytand rand Congresk Od .Radars. Wined for the fourth year beset on AIWA, 1 and report that froiti tztdicelaa ie 1030 Will be better than last year. In operation are Merry - Go -Round, Ell Wheel., Auto Bkoot : Oc-

(Calter a act M ',Wheal. The board -Jolla.

I(A,Rit113BL'11[i, Pea --Fa2e!bltion and. fúlr Lul tdua end t m;:aotnertl pork equlptmen_ Would be eublecir to fire in - N otations a114 State.ire regula 1a tan- Yer at'a3rn,.bl'j of floti B1l! No. 843. In- troduced in the General Assembly by Reprr_.rntatiss Fleming. The prapotal hag been iiitedtacad to Iba ebmomettee on !!',ate government.

RALTf1{OTF.---New «Delta_ of re tar. - d 1-3}y2htite Viet berR l#ltafi ta bJleal tasto"ratort on May with rtdaw and Mal- o k,ria. edahapatlwertt plana to Ilse t:rr,c +tate Qlx 'v1t':1 f1L-*'-set- 1 t]tei.,

Apu"i1 19.39 IPARKS.RESO;RTS-POOLS The Billboard 3

The Pool 'rti irl By NAT A. TOR

(Alf Communications to Net Ter. Care, New York Office. The Billboard)

Laments Of a Locker Bay Dc- r Jet,:

Watt. I get that Job at Pottsville -by - the -Sea pool- It orrinlrrty different from esorZlstf: In a TI Lids bath 111tí we tale. inebize If I snook to the lo,_ lee31 take you cm_ Do yuh wain. Jobs Is your mom still epee* ell IIi1 it pa- per*? Penn/ thine heel they call thle Joint lPottarUle - by - the Sea" 'mom there.* no .lea aitywhrtet ernund and the tarts of Potts -413e le 20 Hellas from bore. Asked the 'boss about it but he asst" Rruinbted.'bout the weather, to I euppora he wax talk.

` hey. do n pretty good btulnoas bees. but I frith the guys wouldn't blink the combs. talcum powder end hale tonic I hro a an the stand' is on the home. . Gee 1 have to pay for that stuff minter and all I do la keep the, tip rut the way it's been kn!D* there Is no and there there won't be any more e»rezba. tntcum, etc., salt. Gotta giros .'n' every. thtn' semen oe o: "Tips Orxdotuly Ac- crptrd"-but they Jest don't take the hint 'flank I i Mee out about tills TI -B businessT_ and reereflntle my cone crehun.

Sunday there's ,gonna be a ben writer Cezts]vnl down hero citll Ten burfpaaed to d0 a high dine- Ptln yvh Irmonnie me doLif a high dive. eh .Joe? Not that I'm soared. mind yon. nut When 2 got the Soh I lied to toil the 1.1. no (that's ah et fo- too nose) that 1 could dive_ M1 the locker boy* dówna here have to mitro on 8uriday-eve eortn double In brows like the meelrt e, Gotta. c oze now- quick like -..'cease we're ,gonna dump the areal' t nitc-y^OU know. o on the wrn'er.

troll t;alilh` I'll be, able to write you a-nln otter óundayb water enrnivel,

»wl:tldieit-ly yours. Yetis 1 1 Bu der.

PB.: Jew' found out why they et.11 It "P ottarvllIe_byLthe-ll-ee" Lecmi Otee Olt the Other intake went out bus~ and the aloes boágbt up its big° neon alert cheap. Damn clover thane pool ?heat. cs -l=. Lf they-rR Dot Ohitiese,, Uh Joe. Your par a. In the big time non?-no more Tnrklah bathe for me, DO lare0--0ot until attnday anyway.

GobMlrrg the Gobs Many New Torkcr outdoor swim poote

plan to oak -i earner this year boomer 01 Impending viral:, of United Stated flrt In the Hudson loin'?. OOtfinu-n 1-take tssurney MOke these Inters riround Decors- Dens Dab ,cr N week before. Oobl are expected to land? C:a April 20 It. time for opening- of Wor1d'e Pelr and there's to be 40,000 (count 'emb. Pull men feel that U they get an on act' a break In weather tit y tasty A able id do slams cerise blo With the sailors from May 7 on. 1'meo tanks which here br' t enoneeat of getnsig Otte extra metro eset if anal. nano Pstlsades (N. J,) Amusement Park poOl and ivermide C- ecettea lank.

tl YRh in the bireicyirrd tiL the tree Jitney pilot la planning a bag pro-

motion to entice the oceante ooitlaa. Fog 000 nano-, Ahern, Ito rntisai are of. tonne tree admiral to the perk to alt rren in uniform to the tope that the bow will go 'oír the pool or ecmo of the

Mtn and Mention Unlfan.,and hail of the boy.. who

turned out for $111y Be. a ca11 tai mee- mt i' for big World** Pair Aquacndca col, _n't swim a lick.... nett r v tied Preirldent and Amber -rinse is e l 'tonne In Atlun'!e City Ii t wc_k during Lila e nema! Jaunt thew. Both look for an exceptionally big gummier becMe n of the trier í1f ;a Or meals 1"U1 not be lock at Jetrbrñn Ctucadeo tank, Bronx. New York; tatee mini/nor. it hevine been ~eel that 31)elt P.c-e Will by rum n the flironx p4 rI .nd Manual tan plunge in the twin enn.n , Meek. *be Rotenone to ape,' his job tug jhireitatiing Intent for tea' no coin rndltnc mantrtscttrmigg o onip-ttty. EHope, however. that It wat 't ilAtiTrtri with his well wlr_nlc rc--Letr. for M..ck Is one of the beat harts ea a barbí;ue *Mlitt to In^t Keurclime. 0: l'lt.tsburt¿h: Thanks !or them kind welds; sill . ,Ada Taylor Beckett, chairman of AAO wekutir?i i pin ter or:monition eny.D there are a gnat ane*,n y Vela for >take national etltdcor clsamptooshlfie Offers D O tar hose been reltelC he tspna tb low y 81; Loris. Lou:ovine a rid Los Aneolc S.

. Dr k Malley, Billy Romeo old errand - by. JC n d C. rep with flydac, fit 'tr and Dotty Ito io k Iltrb slug afarrin.lttloamo Aqutscadea at, tneo yen -

1. . -' Ii' r. Jog dLraee ed tarns tn+tnne u chap opened turner who owns a pool in Clcerglln and BALE manager Is actually a Mif Dive

ióity Os! al a 13y ALFRED fRIE~DMAN

Wet, raw weather ties been keeping '411tpril to null -Wit eoseir tin of the Is- land at a rntttrxiuna. Itepetring Of nest Beptomberis hardline dames around beach potnrn has about tarn oomplinetl.

- deserve rendlwoe:lerat berm to be snide Or the Pf rte 8haei. Siclttivr r- ' - .4th which a pair work has barn csrm.rd OW Li be ,une of sasiatanoe by the Feroo'rill gionore_r in:tt.

Opening of 'the Ail ante Reach Club, orto of the Eiatiern seaboardh most prier:Mertt play P' ere,. la £ebi.daled for an ugly 'Yea. ?rod .dtl_wtlh.. top fitful" In Long INnr.d beach devclorenents. se platting a large glare of bLt Intermit In the R4.kn''ny Point develOppieeti-

'mocir-Aw,,LY BEACH-klttic tame waft ta,.rt í1a p. r:,e the lion c the Boardwalk d - eyed b1° tiro at -Eel cmeré recently. President Kenny..1toCkaway. Chamber ut Cecnmarco, la planning' ant ambitious 1.7c'r-reur In connection with .i.rdlcatiton of the new00 . rt ra d uy befogs the end Of June. Several amuse- DIeAte aye beanie Metalled On prernit_' of ~Lea" Beach. Per 1' way. Opening of roue aan:imer tr-otters" la set to triple place around DecoIaitom l)ay. n, de- parture from cttstOnlJfy July l -opening et the part.

With the Zoos etr`Cltnt1AT1-Tbo roo hero is makislg

Mane to spend 310.000 for, racer etehibttr, tt was witttOtitteed by acnenlll Manages J ph pean On April t Purchases errant cover about 4a5.recclmetla, Including 200 bfteio, 200 re1fttitli. two black malls ode; two chlinpeurete. two meant: birds. two «rho bears. red Yens-irone keen' nntctope, two rattle Aftl?.n pelt - cane, t..<s fixing Toter peat. two, puma,,, 00 rbctsu_ ??Sacker$, two tit tae to pandal. mind Ix African black -tooted pcnetuisr. Ceasaldcr'abli ?Theory tor rpurehhoe_- la al- ready' in hand end oiticlals are Oxprtettn,^e donor, gee Oeltrlt,tnn more_

EVANSVILLE. Ind.-Mesa-Cc Zoo hero cent a pair of fOtlOR ereOd.tde t0 Cll+elc- nett Zoo for the Sol A. h ephan belreor- dry collection on ' the ooco on of Stephen's Odth .birtleinie obnlrt'txslq nn Apy`sl 3 and a .ebration of heal 14th year tern0o t.ork, l p -teWar'f iC Ileneeltt, for- mer director. Plop Off_print welt. recent- ly hero to two abutted :I Woe rain Terrell Jacobs, animal tonne- with the. Rtns: Ling -Barnum elecuu. recently mad.! n, gift of a 110-potta:l alt-atOr. Charge of 10 cents for auto puking on Bur -days and tollitioya viii ba nude this yestr,

COLUhSV08, O. --I rrteel Of twñ ft 30010 elk. pro- t:red by Oºlumbtls ioalogiool So.- c`esttpy lncresued the won herd to 9three' a buck

ic elk already t.eing there. Several

ether 'Mined" are expected from ;Jew York deelere soon.

SZATTLR-Annual report of Wood., lend Park Zoo here Mowed total of 1.221 cx.tiiblts_ During; the y"r a Nubten lion end 05 Otear ¢shlbtta were belI.ed.

ME:dPitt` -Pope;.. cht1Lnpanxee In ~eject Park ,oin v. -as put to death by' chloroform. when I.e felled to show any malting power from ravages of telber- eu1e iii He Wean mine of Ohre On tire n,anthi old.

MADMSON, WiarHenry Vilas Part Zoo here i e tnett dceiated .last fall try Zar Camel Herders' ~lotion has been n,.Ov,rel Benin. The p0 -year led female will )(On the other tamela of the )iced In glair. a :city to children, Martine in May:

! WAURP.R. - Intdt6 addle:in to Waahlneton.Park Zoo Ina 10-D.onlnd lr t1

calf. bringing the zebu herd to a tenet of 13.

FORT WORTH, 7'dx.-Park board hoe .etoed the Idea at ''eota,' Omer" in tore 4 Perk Zoo here because of pot- nab.lo minor Mintiest'? Cltl]drQu *WI! pttb- _+q1:tIlt lawsuits. T,00rs,oepa 13an1ri1{oit, 1(lttnoat had el! mine I nor mote for Pintail tema añtntaLo so that amlldnn amid play ^-ith ',hem end t,roomr aey qualltled with different entombs- Pcn' corner was to b. ., a áCa11 dr. .

Sptue'1«h Roa=. lamti_ a o p. doves., n 1 41 rr 'rlall tii,ll ,Inry, Crsaad: ate ncot' a trnritrr y,,hei --ti i, on t8sinl>vte.

U i°iet.ica>rt Recueafieito I

¿quip nelti Qssociafiott By R. S. UZZELL

At Pbrest Part 1Hlrhitindo .tk Lotrl. Moo A,. W: lCeicbum told tie of l w kern eaampeti* oq w'laltJl mnuniclpaUy oessétec1 n melee for pool. In tetra purlee. own th-n pit/ ataily operatcet polo axe r=pdtted to pay t -x. . in lieu df ullerino iso w-etcr, he chnzigt It arm, day to 1.wtiro cutler writer In bin bar city. borne pe- 4401_0or for hevt , e atcr acid ramie pay n premium for it. Baran-- hole conditions center In theearlotip OltIesI No, the. man. mi ce i are not armitatxy, TOOT trot , o their patrons snort dlsalre.

Bob llanorkaaap dame Into the. *Mee oihilc the v. riteer warn tatklne v. Ills Ketchum- Sob it n mitt* -..it in tI C Iamb

.rd pew ;tJout yeara.yo'.7D!. Ile gatc the ix ,t c$ h a : to .od to Pore Park ter about 30 yiart lie knew all of tie: obtivosereo aí14 deal, eta W tatting 01 them. For many yt-Oes tea. -cot Pule was the only one in the largest Ml=entrl City. Hanitereetiop And c?Oloe1cl Hopkina r. bl'la31Cd Wonted there that pre at- tended BOOS by the grandchildren et the fleet ptentckern of the or1p1Biatieei, For tarp idx vc}etcr of public at2tgal out- ings ttunday iii taco dull easy of the w. 1. leennyw cd Park, Pittsbtrgh.. la prrhapi the only other Pentu tmafst park dupli- cating this esperirnc .

Old Pagoda I's Rated Mee Japanese Pagoda. moved to Ptuzlt

Park In IFfS trees the 51. Louts iáEpoed- tson mailed?, ban beret darnel bead- The aiesbieng lead grown too Yzetilt tote :eft for '34 yctt--'-t It w-. a' landsnan.. n all a Symbol at this reeart. litmffcr:csr:tp std: -The landmanies are peretn: with the men who jprodt cod them." 'Of flu origtool group of men who came into the bUothese at the trc :Litirilrre of the! panes Bob alone ewrctvrs. It le not !neurally entreat taxi. Barn Qurnpertd Wee cneeo cenned^ted with thee place -oho cd Cone) Iet in( tide MOD'. Drcana!and_, MOW:trlF- Barnum Calcine

"of ald Million-boil,?

Pier and t', te" of the American 1du aeum Of public Roernatson

Chain of Rorke 'ark. 1$t. Looml cpata under manseetnent e[ J. H. Usytolen. Nebo uco- ti- O


C e:beck. who has mama ed It front tl 1r tIlry mte Chita Ilanmt.n succeeds; his btotti_'l', John . Hone- to a pa anent. They claim to bate booked mere PJIilee fur 1Jd'S) tai -n for any o-sal, cf the park_ Their loco - then, 100 feet abore tlei M:ei iipp1_ has an unobstructed slaw of ti Bevel milc-a up and dewu the Patter of Waters tisnt is worth a trkt) to tilt pant.. Ni n;rr of flood waters ever reocbin; this pvic. so iei*ly P :rCbrd Abort the river. They are spending soma monan and kin hope- ful of a be!t.-r sawn thin for 10 yearn

Museum New; Corning tenett.ako Park. St. Loni:a. tsar two re-

organized bs a former canceeesioncf, Prank OclIrrran. lend hat irriAde progrew over Previous seemns with plenlq book - took. oar Rohs wIlt W menagor Una oea_ whit. It was he who bought Cho 30111 Trouble* nettle the Mullis drowning ee- tate end operutcd It himself In this Bare He knows hen way ar-land In the Mound City fl id Is-6mbttleus to tno.ke geo of it In (netting this p.acee back on titre asap.

There ere some really 00Cotruetelin rte eldiFUOne :wooing fruition in behalf of the Am.ilcan lion UjB of Penile MC- Sestiep. The director, W. P. Mengel". and. your bumble miles:,' the tor, _wry, her beg n Re ji it lone tine, tar wen nos (bat dclU to ªetion iets.i: nrefl be tenon Fred W. Pearce, our presrid:liL la ~Mg to join hit ~inert to, ounrt iii this big Comas l l merit.

There Is m0 re..sl a_;recy to It belt Only, a desire to dnnouno only pocontptirht'úI fact) M coon e a definite controc- he? been rtnstd ti Spec the warble jeer] -411 be told In a special release to The BO - board, winch publieat'nri is not only a vuhsanle member but :dace an ard.cnt lop- poéter of hats benplietsl and eetis

Irtscttle aid to our entire lruttt:str>'. Things am really gosng to ,1Jappen and You will be fully sdrlted is di_r l ªeruRs?

a lailtfic Gif 8'y MALL DODSOIN

ATLMITtC CI111. Apr 11 ti -The t tc¢ boron: was ready to be liftedr on lie Iloardtaalti for tleoueemda of minoro ox. prctt'd No the Week-end, with Hernia.' Aitltt4n-Do- krr P1tr ottertn'; latent %Matt men, berm Joota. Eddy groom mire tiro Debntanles, eocordlnnlals, and Steen Pire odfefletl Barry Jarn;_, Benny? laxleaan find Alex R,w-lh trri usual Mtlrljlt411, mimes and off -a... an f nisi

Auditorium has raideet auto main; s4lttsy toot O5t.turelay minute to Teptses .G' hr - rr t1Uti. anlylol }1of*.0 'hew, which mans hay 10 end conttntsü a

days. Rluttily Rooanb=tetty iiU1L an-DoUaT Pier Renee Rain opObId and trill run Qom Oeto_Drr. Amhamador pool. rcrmc#t'+ied and with new equtprrtn . la snowing v, i.rkefl lnereaue In beat:woo thus awing- !) Ito for P Idtnt lend. CAly .rttáet In- door ealtwater eanporttem operatiro rmw

Tern appear* skeptical as to what ere foot tt: WOrld'r Intl a+í11 lure en t, - sore tondo. oplr_Ict" being ebe-sit e'rtir i divided bet-Mn rood and ball. Vel.erans loot for his tones of new buss . -I teem Mtdu^t vteitos:-, who '41t1 t:1ks In the Boardwalk and the fair on their trip. Charlie Soei'i moose ganso sad Johnny ,MCGii1y n buonper sot -up. both oppenite Suakin Pieº, are lie u t rte go oláu' I- rstat with early vidtans. Cold. weather pnt the 0111 on Palm Sunday bualter-1rgr.t

the Chin.rr,tt, r of Coronsoree rnptlikel about 150Á00 In Um feablctt lastide. wltteb Lt about 40 per cent about of the 10; a ! -urn.

W' Nei NI It A ,tad 1d. Mar+-.- sarolY Oar LYwi aC n . '17le-1 r' 1'

* r




A tl-t'1.1+. nMM. a"e Est Ial.eüt.:-. ;;aaaa/hlcta. un2++t1 roeti.e tit l-itnoo ``m. Q'; ter cezrplal clen9ar, aVA1LaRt4C ron eA11,11. ratios am CaL(al1A! TIONL P.raanta.l a-dra.. -v se rMC a1Ll6OAR0. O gr.ael, Oa

rOA A FLAX iliYlii'NIfNT Ii7Ql7Yt NOW:


WATERsK t}TttR POATS. i Mid eaten ala Pn0':1r1 i.e tam Poo. iris 1

MO Tra.v.-`t:.fhpwr.

LUSSE BROS... Inc. ' Iild9 N: falrhrll Se., Phila4elpse-. Pa.

~Ha Nor Oa1Moy ____.-

IMAMS - Larrtt voider at awlooMlfre in tNA vv

New 1135 AO.d. C 0119. a~, bv,wa Wm! MIKF MUNVES CORP.

Ia9 Pet A Y Pitt Yaat Cítr.


I1:rI.14 rO 'i -ar-, - st ÁuÍ i , ILINT Arttt A[P. OO.. P11r1'as, felt"

I WANTED Concessions .and biding Devices AYANa1rt A=VaCxonMT AiFK. aAY.lIMOaC. MO.

11140(R mow MAtIA ÓIRin;OPIOTIt[L! .tL+OY'1oMAr~éáct0 = FAIL

oan iM -WdM.'- trots?' OMeit I/aMr W"'M Al.o as .~ ' 6 w Oahn' k telr. jA's'e1 IN. Atvat'srr. . al, a 'Tu,rlt" IOa Gee 'me tr-Mt'Ir'tiMa, Cleary. Y tam:, tre'bl n6,.-91 dtie LAN_ IFn h.t .R lrl In. Rllir. Rh* act aqu^O0. :15 . t Atlr'it .P/ -r44

aaTlallott£ 9M V a[MCMT Pane. Ilt`ti


te. Mr7iarpaea. alar. Rellenas NL

4,- The Billboard CARNIVALS -Conducted' by' CLAUDE R- ELLAS. itQpERT DQEPkER, Associate, Cwmwtunlcattows

Good Weather Heil w

Blue Ribbon I i Ien'.r Jiat Gainesville, Ga.

ClAINF.`$t'II.j.$ 0-., April 8troW,th Ube* N:attor pro*.:dlmis wad featurtng on 'ambit flrswrorlu dlal?Bl;. ltliio Itlbl>am Shows -opened th,.fr aeason at the lcíorrl- vr,a,ter-r stsoaigreounds 9p April atmrder Janice. CWanttxr at (}on'tar.eaos wt:rlxe*, to ttro :not. hominess rosined In mani 5clrL¡ renn,tta Lee Zetrsrton- at-dway. lat;1 out In )bar,tE-Jloe ~pis and attnitlttte nab its now paint and equipment, re- mained crowded until dºstntr. Staff In.

L Cts}th. sl=snaRer: Williams It. NJC L as<Staptattt 3r-a1,ager: Lira. Ir abh. tst:-'asvrQr, litra Lee Newton, secre- tary and BtLtbcaard -genty E. 1:;. Jo*snoan. agent; Pat 1tR.4y. elese-Tielass- JaC1t Col" at_lrtant; O -ege VRheel;r. lot tuperín- L. ndent

Line Up Ldr: IM#3rY -_6a - Roland. Jtuotnlo

Paden. fºnrmatt; Itot'eet. rbatrdltna. aeceatd. Goc p-Z,he-Loop, Doe tvevttan, foretsu,n: r.rvel átiSlaen, rr-.sNsd, ?iltyt-11fh1r1, Her -

(Soo GOOD 1VÉAT.1I1;R on page ót)

Sparks Begin, Trek With Good Biz in Piedmont

Pr n .rol.T. Ala,. April a. - Good Est ,.c 1, worn -3 rood bustneee greeted the Z. P. tlty,azka Gleowir opening here oat April I In heart at the city. New Mhs- strel 8b11vi 11sas the extErlikay a big Slai.% r d ak Orelt Ter.-in-Ont. W. y ce:tiedireent., svrrro received on the or- g etOtailone appearance. Mr. Arlon. min- ,er of nor 'nester here, and Mrs. Artois

"lotted daily. Br to Inductee l.tt: J eparla,. 011Mee-ninneeen .l(tn ep.

m n sorotary; Ent e1f*r, a clal -rot.; Rey Ynrmer, gsnerat eupertntead-

cot: Chart. Gordon. chief mechanic: John Linton, electnetan.

Oot erzoldits: letnero. !2l! J, * tpliocloo IIY, tic n Drown: du 1t pond. Alton

tiOn act spindle. Whitey Etheriden, AI PhiIIp : coakbatue. JItnm,te PIUIIIOst,

(See SPARKS RCOINár psi popc.61)

Moznen's Joyituld Satsisfactory

Debut in Calif. IJLSAldsLA. Galo.. Axe 8.-Desrptte

atener which broke an hour before open - .r, H. C. Bowerlr Joylan4 $b0'*' ceened

14.11r Inftrol nine -ens stand hero on Apiril ! 1 cwtnlrcCtefy reunite. OrgsnlsstIom la la ina a yellow and red color »ammo itb plenty of Illutnlnetlan. Ve+nD

erg n. art-9é4_s,t Of tren ,Lloro' Club. taarruhtltiee iolled, staid oomph.

mur_ -d Manager !Power on the ho -,

roas canoe_ Many prominent Pacific f= fOWWV"S JOYfAND Oa WSW Sf)

Wolfe Amusements art in .Royston

n:OYIC?'O;{ Os. Allen a-et-ad rfOle4111 =ud mild weather erected Whits Amtit- menta at the opentnr, hete on March 2). sepa_ c O. r .air . 8p1nping w.ss ell In _m are, en with ano shay a's doll rn- Aarritrente, úºt all reported gettint3 a L ale to r,

Ir i -a:p tm::nrded Lsetty-0o- Round, E-trt- and Ferri Wheel. Conce_-Ilans- C . arttdifrfi ;z11.á le rtee11. ~rot rot g .1k 1r sao- log if 7. it'll Nn dttt,irta, osr- iii:1 mots-, abort -ronce lead ¡1Dra.r pa -i

. "_Surly finery frozen custard _t. stn .

New One Bowe in St. Luria IL LOMA. April 8.-31otmd City EX.,

pco]UOn 1-ao -s will bow on April 15 on of the _Raj coi.. Op -e acre Tiro

Jahn <Red) Mahar amJ L. AL Wet. 1

Bru.hy. Mr_hur t g..wr d oled aprestad du 13i dila i ct=fin ter the past Live Thar", while Brophy for merry yearn v. -au

r_ mane of pin O D. Murphy F +sr Nucleic! Of the ahowo will be rt]r No: ride° o ,e.ed by Ulu -. !Sesera! .'.her rl -' a2144 ~saco" tbee bc-is1 Itteot it A r r et r o" can _ Otee no .c on t! D. D Murphy Estiba will. o -r11 w Lit

E. ' 1 L r:

A1TOBVTA, t3 April 8.-A variety of weather greeted the Johnny J. "Jones Exposition's unit at 114 oeen}no beta an April, 1, keeping Otte usititray closed for thr reettlert. bet, eTrOt IkttrsetiOn Played to mar bislina o et nig t _ eitu at the platy openlgí;, many shore. and Mt* v. mu not rood; and mill not, take their i,lticee Os the midway until the show *facially opens In Waab1nston, D. C.

ConsWction of new fronts and ..toes will continue In quar1e i1 pare to be loaded and' nhlp,o -d to the Capital City,. Ail shop e'quip:me it will re m:4n here - WILl CSaftereran from the diff rcnf depart. Mental Peitiltinz of the train end many of *14 .i. Qrrs has teen completed. Ono f nlv'hrd ,,iark Includes the nee: Moor- dromo ace noor fronts for Fountain of Youth, front gate arch, Nadrlteb 1;4wuienS, Snake 8how atol F.dwnrcf`a Cr b:,.

April 15,, 1939 mo 25-27 Ospara Placc. Ctasannati. O -

Crafts No. 2 Unit Launches '30 Tour In Van Nuys, Calif.

^5/VAfiS11O7-"; ST'ANLJr}', P1/t5TOcs, receratfy added to the porbltet#y depart= ~sir b4/ hen nice Bros' Show, NfcKest this yfeturo,. Rti )trst ossta-w*tant. TI,C ~rug :ttºsnen, -recto/ Of whom ere eiu .Wxp corniest dcblsta this -+asan, ltr lust üsrfc,e3. in ertearflel,i ro She Pt, : y to begin rrhearcrio for the Stpdsc shot", They ~re uAe_.rd s of tar ralac.retltetn at they dLcsed d'raniette rotes on Orr stela, Of tbe bsilypp j,te:'forrc for tertr Mow. Le/t to "pet, rcxr row: Montine l.trt.eent, rote* ,tfdry Owns. rat Dert-1nC,h Bey Parka. Left to ?Ohl. front roa": Cs>,nlafe Atr.tt,`n. Cretin iYclt. Les Walter.

SLA To l¿roaden Usefulness IIIC,l10O. April 8.,-,A Qitettng of

meeril' ra of the board of Riar'enuorr of the Showmen's Lesrgue of Arratolda wen held on Wednesday at which 1'- ,1, for fled . rifts fra.'uc *Inerttte were din. elieloOL Scant 7e) fntminal were ]Present, prodded over by" President J. C.. Inc - Caffein

Out ct the ge--sort_l aliens.., on. It la hoped that plasm will trinterloiln. for o broader tttrfitlltc s of the ]-rue.

League, which -Ma 1100 members on

Its boe.kn wild a tlbstantt:al amount In Its tFttt_.iParr. bay for yc.e1, dame yeoman act'.loe. Quietly and without ballyhoo !t baa ,;ore along giving help to the needy. caring for 171 aria! Ijitred rhino. lo11n and providing r, lain rioting, jr`_soe in one of AtncaIca'a meet benuttful butW Brats.

its le drilf spirits beurtse that the le -none can go an to much, beceOry,. i- fulnres, and pinto to tbn t erc1 in the coating,

em.ents Do Tricks Fairly & Little Get At Jones' Unit Bow Under Way to Good

Crowds in Ft., Smith PORT ,bóll1H, Ark.. Apotl 8. oo, Cgn1

ctootibe: but good attendance prevailed at Fairly st Ldtti! 871+1'15 opCs. lag bar on March $0. IhrldrrY+S? wee Well 'numb nat.+jrt. -.It ether 100=>rwr, transformer hav- ing been, ndded. Among attractiauu here. reporta lid. Vern Born.. wc: rr etrCvia Attie) S&haw. .T J. BieJtlaQ; Back page Revue and Life - Alice and Sarl lst,out:, Parte said Grriatlr Moira. Mn.t J_ Ll:rttF IsaU{qA: 1i1a1] of >;3e -rice end DotaD`t- lleadrd Baby. DT Ralph 0'riitl+i: '-iare:h of Time. C. D. Well iSt?atL: uttgl4Tnnd. J. II, Duntas,c.y: Ape Show. td Stress - burp. 0tsnhotrrºk ldatie Joesa; IInAorn, O. liamllton.

Rides/ Twin, P'rr :os W n_ . t9kaotes; Tiit-a-WbL-1. FollCylA31e. 8:ctn1-

lSr+, l.el'iI;LY d LiTTLE oat page 51)


gin). a'do6 ,tos. Cctcu.tw I ceKtu tty Nit gheL1.1


Screw BAIL KV. Week ended April 8, 1039.

Dear Miler: Talking *bout. CC r8Ckore l uereif od

tom -carry evert% the past one -till go dean In carnival baiter; ea :In grelticet and moat unusual! Ewryoue with tt$ show. from the bead -i dc= n. `ad. c. I,rcri:oT.At:lott, teat come.hlntl Wed fray

bc-ut to occur. So tenon 'became the atnsin an as rrabody'k Darn- s IAa4 lb* be 0_, feuustnpned an of than wish rcM$or* ter 1118- pt:vtte ,f and Instructed them t0 into their oryrtala and J.oretall tr. abonr'r_ fate. Whethr:t the .R, ,1 nud no/thDyoa ever e- non tied t r mseh-es ti000 of cot will ever now. But the tt" d -d sp - in Vol dining cot win rabbits* Prot and Lucky oris:ir>ri around their too -

runts, to Bore].? Ball Ube train Plopped suddenly to 131g-Switcb, 1=r..

went on a sldny. It wait th.cn tb t vier blorntd tiu+t a bridge hod b -en +n ed 11411 a red we would be held there until tai trestle, .ins repaired. Thi owl bad hectr NO. I and cawed the anew tQ k -,s, a i.1..udly O;sefiin;. atom an bn tr Drnwibssd ~ere' Cultured Carnival tiuIn palled in aLongzide ca no and hid to park for the rant,, ratuaort- 'Moto mtnuteo later Oaft fleco. E. I niid l .s-adv.:. '-teemed in and r rked ro tzar left: tilting bard: sad forth weir .great for it while own v: Huger th m 13,ellpg our f!laIrr sod _ttaggirag the coin ~chines. to try' nothing of their op.. preprinting all of the chap. ruse, and : hook rep, off our flera. That was 11s,Ei inch No4 2.

lº,,a+cr arrived here late ILDnday night In a cloud -bur -Z that put, the for ender triers feet of V .t Jr. Tiff t tl: shot. new c d

iF^ " IPAL.LY/tOO co pass e`..»

VAN Neva, Apei1 8.-Ur:ddor7 auto Bboat'. Oiatta No. 2 Unit. cored d the/et-son hem on April 1 with an eigrit- d,sy atar,tt under /trots -icon Legion Post a+,s:ticos. 1.tating r 1:ratlta,ís H. Robday, now In his second year In thtt cupu+clty, haft done a ooanmendablñ Job of :on vu - bile" et fla _hy looking organlrntion. Steil rn*-f,udoi O. N. Cratta, ea-nen-oporntor: tisilllam TI Yron+,.,eo.r; Phil WI11 Ilstas. general Tigoat: Ru4tet`r Warren. ate - rotary; Jewell.- KoS:dty. Atatatat;, ray timltb, anl agent; AI Mal«. tet co.riert`ytCtu^rrtt:.Bud

Ritter, chief e:3rctri- elnzi: Tom !"ansdny, siitNant:. Prod alley. wnd toNtnlr<tafic: IILby IBbrpsrd, tilde su-

peibttendeat: liLdes: Sbooter, Ralph Psailrr., Ore -

ti .n: In Cllcr:wita and DIB Mcbtacnua tatsnt.aC lSadg! Trine,. ticket.. Merry.

Cio-iLoutsa. Stare cCtttS1 f N.ok Orerholt, ~ht: J=- Keener. pfatlormi fluida Hafer. ticket*. FhfrJ.

(tee CRAFTS NO_.8 on page 51

i aacaster. Cilif., Gives 1: en Martin Favorable Send -Off

LAtiCAt3liiP, April et.=Don ltartln `Wooers concluded thett opening tayd of the moron !owe on April 1

LO t_ittittiIntoey-gaulb. First Joan of the 1.v, ka- cold and rainy. but an re- ported c3ttlCir etoty btl^1tJir u tar the Ion two riajn Mettler"J)aIelt,g h =+ were Mario and Lel=brs. ñct. raith a WWI - be of c000te..'lonrt, Ii,ellar.ttng the bone stand. end Lucille King. wont -- 1 Cooker took over the Okla on P.srrrr.)o. atxl Cyclone Perry, the Athictn. 8baa<.

Cenro;ai.ottr wore Morlo Miller, 4,_oper. abed by Ray ~ball and Mickey etosabct} . Preachy Leman', ?: Ted Laren.. a. anti Pop e1nwer. 1, titas p._ - p-1se 1A a eon D ._ly Syttin, owners: Ben Martin. fttat,._ . Dolly Slattt.Q. fSu LJI.: CGSTE,S. O.Si.d'l.. on a 51 f

Model in ]Fenef it Preview at Baxley

IIAYL LX. Oa.. Ag,rlf 0 --Lair' el tll;srs 'Ted a ptetrifv: perti,fyat:aneee Wye wf, c,

moving feats gLarteat7 hem to the C..='Ur - Howe (Square, for Lbw ~OM of trio Community Chi. Shows opened with n number of rides, a fern. oanccoWona and re'ernl lb ow . Idcludlne the Pdotordreaue and Crave E:hibit, and throe tilled the grounds to enenelty. Owner Dick liar is had pot tctcLded or"aing UMW Apt11 17 la nanhnpot_l, N. C^ out br d..eide:l to help the local chrb.t In no fond-r1la:itg effort«. Grounds *Ara deannted far tbo ur p haw alh will open In itannipOil! oa

April 14 Wowed cad of the ]7th. Al]' equip= moat is reads . Hying Se orations.

debate. and ValwiflOn, 10gó acts, cam= prtre, the fro) uCti, v. thin writing. An- other Is to be madded.

/Or CtlStP. rasing Pfaaroitan but, .IYo D o;kie of Mel featured da -erra

on 4fae/4sui /rttest9 at /fAtmJlaceta fhb eo v, bye Real Ar.-.ertean

rasa, s. Jiln CttiDr,n tadFet7ellr sstn tau. I - Pba3o by Das.

April ZS, 1939 CARNIVALS T>> n Billboard 45

Dadswell Again Press O ; gad

TAMPA. Flamm April S--OYt.ii Arts Club. ;entt,td by carnival publiclsyt here} 18 mcl7=ii'J ttzo :uad ;unable to bold its iechedulod ogdslittrr r eedne-In Florida because moil of the nteenbtrabtp. was employed elaevlh..net held Iv. -,.scud an. dual election by remote oatrrtid:. roperta D, B. lf*e*. newly eitcted tressvrer. Jack Daft aril was re-e]c'cted preot- der for two "tyre. and Stara DeBello secretary. All *thee tomcats wars re- tired by the mail -Order w0te. B. B. Mack succeed -*r !'rank VW1ociN11. ferrnee prose r.isealt, vrho retired from show bud- nes tut: years ngá Roland Rlchnrdia

b]I.ctty meDater of the Rubin as Cherry itIan. wag elartted vlec-pratl,dent.

iuátt George W. Westerman. wb0 bas beta EppOipte1 to beadle publicity Oa the IYeckmast;h de Oorrq Shows. was named second ti?on-Qw 1destt_

Membership fee we,. toereal.Sd, from et to $3 a year and 1943 memberslilp Cards Mrtce being Weed here tills ask. Prat. digit landswcU said 80 cent of the rcembetroblp had Cast ballots to the mail- order a:ec:!un. 'ilu_rtstroua berg onions de to future dca:olºproents of the ethic Were appor dedr to the btTh3te." Treettuer ).trick Mated- -'Trio proposal for In- cra v4 membership tees was es broadly demanded tit 11'1f1artor Of membership parch has, been pierced on that Mal.^ Mack sold dtepoeltScn of other propooals ai. Jt fatty: n of que:itlonnnlres mailed to the tnrntbrr,,bip ttat t week. "Out ptaodlaÉ to 'Ire_ - prw$is.t!a," be said. -wars a plan for eatabllahlna an aa10Clatc metriborahtp of `llLdway Pans' similar In Some, r -aprons to Use 'Circus _Sainte and armless Club ot -Attiiertea. This. would be extended to nerrspg r time, radio bs-a dessi directors. pol..a Pad Clete °Meals who co Olaf of their way to ea- od.tragc dbrebipartanta and advancements In ilia mid,. -ay Induttsy.='

Stan DeBette is publicist Of the Johnny J. Jones Eleposltk o Sbob.ia and W ine. of The. Billboard's popular humor cartlmri. iialJpfIoe frrolhers.. Dadswellls pubtfclty director et the Arniiserrtstt Corp of -'America. ltanorary life art. aa- baralUps were Issued to all' editorial dcpertmtnt rxeotrtiaei of The Billboard When the c1>Ib Ws formed. Pra ttdent Dsdewe l has called tt spaded rowing of exeeufises to be held in 81. - Lords tea =say.

1{ A. SIloWfoík Named Good Will Ambassadors

CINCINNATI. April d. -The 8111boafd. hua recticr- f a copy of a decorated Scroll. carrytne, a resolution from the executive cxinuaittec of Tampa (P15.) Chamber od Ur:rnen* ispotdrittitig the Rayne Assert- can Show*, Carl J. Sedlgwfr. EID1or c - Midi Owt:a J. Velar' and their araoCiatea, concemloaers and employees arnbxtsaadara Qr ato oily.

Adopted at a regislar Meeting cf the COmrtltttee a4 February 17. the retrain= Lion rands! "Vhereaa the Royal Amen. can Shope have for -many yews Cheseas Tampa. Pia.. as 111 abater hcsdquirtea and present; to the American publf0 One of the v,o;:ds flneett la.geat and up-ts- the-rnonaeat amusement OrtanIrl*1bns, and bas Irxsen one of die .fstttre ethic= Clone art. Piaslda Pair here for a itumbcc at years, carrying t e name of mpa to moiler tea -',la 901000.CCO PICArt re-3oitnó fel- low Arnericants, 13e It resolri^S that by


:!' ' v - _ c,.d - ' w

- - .9 _

DI I 17



it. . c.r" .I wit) a..t Iaama pt -reta 53 .erd tTr N ' an a>u.-_ amt Ufa

r tisr aevlt r.v' t .r ant-.vF Wrltr


trí1, testimonial the Tampa Chamber ºt Commerce on t'tclteilf .of the Citizens of

rap - expr. - to the' Royal' Andtsa Show- cis appreciation of the tins . rt- ic+ I , d ,` L. and that Carl J. ~mar. Elmer C. cod Curtis J. Velars and Loots auoctates, none- Jaen and t iployees are bcreba spprinted u l -.-atara tO centimes to carry to all our message o: trtt-zO;lfpne sad good will."

Ed Lundgren Announces [Midwest's Personnel

GREENSBURO, Kan.. .AyrU 8.-Msit- aLex Sal Lundgr_n of the, 341t4.:t4t Clowns thin week arinonrneed the fOdlaajn7 line= kill for the r.aucan. Ut6ft Includee'.SYlcla 011rgna. general amii,t; Dec Capcll. luster; MYs. Rennin Ca pehl. Mantra: Nertace Manisa. ~Wan an aaltt lot trupertotendent; Harry PAW. hawiporta- tton supertnte dent, and allbert 'urf u. eon, rids foreman.

Rtdea: Perris Wheal. Tex liowartQ. Al Btatttb: Odder. Carl Wtba±GC. Pete ¡lc ant and Cad Summers: Mer ry-Ga-Round. r.idot iTa31; Middle. Roben Porch: Pony, Joe Atrgosoo. Moors: Athletic, lrthur WUkiner and a -Ire:' Hopi Indian Whiz" 1t. W. Reed; If -here ft or Not and Peep Elbow, 21u:+í1 Baxter; Wax. Henry Cure- rnings.

Coiacarbnr: Bruce Duffy and 9M o. pop earn and 0seileD0't14 Ma. and Lira Lee Ritter, corn Iinw and dart- stand; OUIaJ`' Dati bmw, t+.o ball nape: O. Daniels. three oaüetsslotul 'Mrs. Bernice Culuunittgs, diggers; Sir. and Mrs. Louie Hutt. three OoncRsaiontr Virgil' Freeman, pe-inr Pilch: Junes Reynolds. one; Mark. Gilbert R%1r. .n. %trine; game: tar. an:i Mira Jim Erma, candy floes and'ciothea pin:: Mr. and- Stns, Genii Darla. fc.ir concess oni. lncitlding n photo gallery. eylcaa Garitus la Ther Ri lboard amt seal handles the tuin%L

Goodniau Gets Corinth CHICAGO, April 8.- J. A.. arPaby aip-

laouaced That hr bad elicee'L a contract with the, Goodman Wonder Show to play Wirth a llsol ntppa-West lies and Wary 'Show in Corinth. Kra. Danish" Ii to manage the fair. with Grady Pterey ma treasurer.

Leo Listany With Latlip CHARLE$TO 1, W. Va., April 8.-Mor-

1ia Volts CIO. general rni~SW.gcr of 111-9 Latltp Hone Staid Shows, aanounoed hero this week that We 21i. Dintally. many yevtna owner -manage of his own show.,. pad been signed as blklinee aI>lez of the Lat.tltp órganitsttcm. for 10».

E. Ray Redman %%ilk Strntes c1MBf . N. C. April B. -K Ray

Redman, formerly of ñ'f'rt3á. Halted ArrttYta and Colombia Pictures ná e== piotteeº. this %welt shred as director or publicity and exploitation of the James E BeratcL EaacJ far 103Á.

T. A. uzzcll'o United Personnel Is Completed

SEARCY. Ark.. April L -,Rost". of Fue- ieaUk United Shows for the semen as re- poned hrr- bite week by F. W. Pratt. mall man and Tete ~beard agent. In- cludes T. A- Purnell, o'e-net-manrigar: `.las. T A. Putbill. secretary; Rol* -Gold- stone, conoaeaton [meteor. Roy Loe. gen. oral s=tet: Bob Fox. publicity: O. O. !Stewart. elor'rtsaD: Barre Alear. ;xi tent: P. M- Starnes, wawa., einll P. W. Pratt.

Rides; Kiddie,. Bil tes Obreot foreuaan. Peer» Whorl, J. T. iliduards, rearm tn: Chester 1Tt eher. tickets. ll.rerry17,o- Round, Joe Kahn, fennel Chulea imitó t1Ck.! i. ].cop -o -Plane. Harold

Browning. orne[-+operestar;.JerrY Brown- ing. tickets. Mist -tip: J! n Crum Jr.. foreman: Jrit Crum Sr_ tickets. Patty. R. C. Brown. owner.

Shorn: Bide Show, G.. J. Dunne. man- ager, Art aonrt; troCt aran; Danny Boyle nod Bill Dreamer. etakePC Nett., headless women; leona 'Leonard, nurse; Rae Ter- rill. annex: ...yrtlo &Haw. Word box; Maybelle. decide chair= Tatcpo Mao. tia, .1. W. t.rs, magician: Curly' Jones. erra ea"e- Joe Il rdti. rubber -skin man] Zelda May, reentail* r_r.eing. T-rrtn-Rey. m i,,r: Murat Midge-. front- Bennie Utley rand E:a la<rcges*t. Girl. Ernie Ray. rt sr.cger-front: Ir,1uc ltsry wt! d Cate! Brady, dai:Cc. - Athletic. Chief Jaloato+ur.


"I T


h e,


r Ritz c1' lromotr. w Troll un- ant i -'d tlqus:rtd,s al ItM Nenr Yak

WarWrs Pair Mitt St7ted--Clatty.:. - s. - the 1nlzr-,sn. CordOrt C1

. T -' m Se. PORTMIi íTACtS - RgotL,O



' -¡ ' North Tonowanda, N. Y. WOIiLDs LANCtST aUl10ER OF AMULtMtNT DtVICti_


4 3



Mcastarements a.- +r+r`' as I'aditaMd

14- BUY


l- ¡` POWERS /ri,L1NSIia l~ ak CC., nc.

26+41 .wad Reed Sta.. Phis. Pa.

From Factory SAVE Mañey


IPROBüMS THRU ACTUAL tt[Ptfll(NcL Caat Cake Numbe.ir.. RtI.renees !tom Garr P. Cw.nt.

SAVE MONEY taAYa on Uteri Type ell ItNYraAs. Trerkas Meese Tra".r.., Ceccaib+. Carpas. Carol I. and,Paek.. No Risk Tee -Swell or TM Leine.

CHARLES A. LENZ "labs }siptr..an'r Inc.farb: Man. '

A738 INSURANCE EXC1etLNC1 3033 CNIChGO. IEsay Wselip or 61MIAly Peprntfpta.l



MERRY.GO-ROUND OWNERS maw. ,'lop. 1r+wtul We 411 you rlrllip "-Ian OMhip Nu+plrutN. ere f}ntr endeutri Pardee, h vim IMreas IMO IMO. new e0'"4 <la. a n. is, .tatnlwa .Nee OM Re* tM.'e!s sed TL"w . {. u et "?, TM t. -w yun,; lIr Meet '"."-11 t.Mrar, o. N. O'aru s.A ..r..al Nast. +! ld-


ltl_ra. W Reeler. Pier, Re-l.e r.nlroaaa. KIWI* A.4. num.



Sol 'Nor. tanismeó Surer IPt~Re: Hap7atSs1 O44'1. Cklcaro, fit.

ISURANCE. Carnivals, Parks

-- ,C'LE -M

reaa.ta,aar: Curly Meyers. bozcr, Chief Idt- t8e Bear. wra,tlor- Soaks -.Cs A. Winkler. taanaper. H. d. Kyle. tir..ytoL.,, 3d&es A. sentnard.

Co:tco'+sLema: COokhotase. George del - Plan. "'tr. Ruta 1lotmut, warlike:Moen*

Ernest 1,b1 totrl. OheíO: Oh+artos 13e,a1, Crazies 13.yesss w lte-- Jóe OTilaay', cant" Brewer, 'tut!lp6Tr Bail l:sinse., Ann 8tepina. llottkw, 341s. J. T. Richaniia. 1.s.11 reek and darts, Fred 130,1- :u.n. A. tRi. Ch' Cane %el:. Do tathy Sttriblta. t+kii:o. Bill Hudson. li..ligahd. Mrs. ROy (inid;^one; owner: Jlnuny 8teptm. agent Ii~r..7tn, alley. acar,¿s Roby. W. -Chststt4 Hum and bacon, Barney Tate and A. W. Trtpplsit. Photos. gtr, end Mrs. George Trotter. Rah - down. Tralak. e otta &nd P. S. S Incr. C,ttaret gallery. O. 3:E. artrrngetteT. Cl the - pm Edw+t l, ad 3'albra. btrtng garrt:r:33lyrftz Webb. aftllal! putty. JtnaRLe b o rd. Marie Con_sy. Cum gvm-'- 3`Qul Hendrix, 1Tarold Clipparct. and Otto RoblLQI. Jllfrop- Is, Mel- T. U. I'sell, o.,u r Lull C-enaha-. agent: Grab. 1atY. and M;r i.fe4~sn, oti'Yttcre. Pop eons, Mr. and 7.Etra, >r. W Pratt. dwocnt- - T. It s,MfT_ee: O. Cl:ayt7irne. rttt, yvtlnv p:.tcb, "Perlis Tate Stork. V. CT Priest arid fá+rY1y Weiser, truck mechanic, Y t 1filnZln.

, Corncessiloners SCHmuTz NUlYORYiz



wails, Qn cRic osr/atos. V,1a 4De I-lFRCl4EN. INC.

i :sae ee rw BL. PPIIs.5eesMa. Pa

-, SHaYr f hi. TRAIL R

C.AILOPtF t ` Fulton flag tí Cotton Mills


h, .

' , .1.~1.11 ,h r .Y r.,._i-.. v...,..r.




46 'l'he Billboard CARNIVALS .*prig 1,5, 1939





[r'tte+1 eel 079^, -rd tor ~a +sw b km Ore IS 7E err.

SJfNe for 1+ 7_-''`-.tlye 11tr1.alM hem tram' ar.ict-tes stelae.S. r.ri weYtr.


EYERLY A1RCR'AF[ CO. safasa, orw

AaNs.n K. 1111N[.. lake IIIMa«r. t+iarcpaa tiao,-ir-a

WICK /Ros., rLW., Iaéep,teL [n;tarad.

+r 4'-n: i PITCH,,

ise GAMES 111. 44.44".

1 w1m 620.00. -,..----.7.7-

dtaa aaata-. I tAr:rh 1 Jade f Pa{, 0.00.

eW ai.s. 6 atea ,PaM. i4a00. ?JtRK st-i:CiAT,. WwItE>els

a0^ M OeemetsP. M`_-tm.11f IMad. WI con Cs..Wut 12.16 -2." -Td- heel 30 n~.. Mr WI Ia. Prka ., .. .. *1a:00

DINGO GAMES if.Ptqar oanWrta

104`b,a'nr Ca- NV1 ...,...._ .. 7 -

VII 1401 011TAL09110.11. u1 t Zz{+Qa'.Sr. Iltaeitat. . LIrrM, et, TLIITt Ward. mnu. tia.

IeLACK MPO. CO. 124-i20 W. Lida *Li *WO-. Ilt.


1 1 .. atS a1f+. TyM+e KIM. Per Itl..si.00 AlÑrritw a'-*-. soul Mee chew. á,ita...

111 ~Hew a -a wí111 wine GfaR. ü*wea: ! n rt arot and a.lresa. a9.. *aacy Gar..,a. .06 sa.i1 at Ph. s,nrad:>,., raa. NT. 1 II Pa-r q.11Ad Ibll.,a. Each ,ao WrarW 144.1IKG1slla 171040,111W 21111a alllMbiliY.

NEW DREAM BOOK 120 Ps... ! MID Mr.ntarra. Ola 1no a./ Pal.

lay. 12.000 nomad Miami'Or.ld at ) iM *0.1' teotttr 110 wtrq A *eV K1N0 OI i?toaów

TI ON. ?+rap Ilcv.eeat, 111Yr1.4kiuy amid. saa71 /.. ºi..

PACIt M ís torero/13s F. T, tiAROi. Prctr.rc at G. 1 t a, N T era. 14 . 1{t.

70o111.1:1 I. T. OAatOa. at. Il ' 1L raTAL TiLIlP T,414. 'aeet H R.- 2 ~Ai' le Wrier, fail IN TOM *burs."' Íals

aLM 12 P. Ilia. Certaim aIl 12 Ar'alatci. Verp wen Wr-tan. PerQ: 111ec7 Awn -4,10e. -+ ?Ser". in S+- . o. ,t:n

b L -_ Aroeart. xr:+.id. Gt. I).. S-Jtir rc_- (1R doDane cr a.:a end asc,ar In soy r_ereaiordMa

SIMMONS & CO: ID West JIM. 50n 111t+d., C1CtCAGO

lralaatt Aram,. é+ RLe.wli

BUDDHA PAIPERS-SURP'LiES DUI AsTROvatLY. MOunLY laollltaAfTa n`. . elm's. 1-e-7 aril a ..rt.,pp+.lylaa,. y ,yr-r{i ,,' 'i .1-+t¡t.yaw IDsti[

A Apt yUj6 1'1 I. t t II ut--( .+r li .. 1 r».1'1!. 21 I h 1 as -Paps II,wÍrl14A rOaWogaa 1De

NELSON ET'fTERPRIiES. 154 a. T+>d IlL. oo.:,alaa4 O.


tLavrY !.,ROMP It10En. w'rra o. rl¡r1t.

®OX 144 P'aNpart. La.. 1111 awe tº; en nteeaa sees. *n.wt.. At


At q4R1on. One U. f. M d r .i l =We her nlam.ster Ja Aa Mail tO PA1IADO I1OVILTY 00-,

John arWa, tl _ ií7 M, 141Á st. O. N. Y.

SHOW LOT FOR RENT 1,_ c_ ra- kW- a_ r L. _I: e .A lr' 1

,q Kit, llrr-1 ! how, le m - I hid, a' . -1 `"1.tAT. ?11 ail°ian PwDái f. f lW 'amlr p.ies trni r e' It-.9..ar i'r . r r. ' -11: i

a, 4. 4 MERIrA In. NOWAnD, 1a ,Nr. Ks.


Cenifai Sy THE MIXER

ICommunrcaltoasS to; 23 OF

`IF It WdnY rained -. H. PALMXR 21na.wlgr.ÑEl IIu jraa. rathL cue

eeasttama with Clyde', United Shorn,

AQ~ SeCRIPlAI cards from Ohs., ga.. Ky.. that he wet be atII911at:ed With the P. IL Bee tllh0'*'1 thin war.

1 t1 US leal ward's r 1 decal reed a stele, I can do 9U the labra lrrySotf.

ACCORDIKO 1.0 r126rt.1/4 'Cotton Ella la organizing a alnall. ah0'tt' ter Open Ist ArYa[tsar Soon.

DANIEL A. KLEn< (AIM!) from l olla tat, Rome. Tenn., that ha rbOf>c to lel'er Velerand' Hospital there aeon.

F. K. nil 171:. 'ti. acrd. hat named hb new bassinet "The fsa Hhrc. '

IP. IDIU MORAN hoe flgnod ha *snout agnr.t with the :.uadStta Greater Shows. reports /ruddy :.11Ln i

SIGNED me elentrlclan agates by the rtuabay Shows. Herbert Pnak will join the orialr_fiatloa in quarter% Soon.

GMRIS M, SMITMl Whyte -will yeti bo M6 lemon? Old 'teit-'da hate been i.gnirése ,belt yew

D41. 1.tide-1e0e and family are bock with Johnt1L 1,0'r. A 3J.á -how, cur- renUy playing 8t. Louis Ids_.

era Place, einténnrt3t 041

Hon--nrd Moe.' Sigma r =its 74rs. batey Wagner.

'. }fl1 E steeling bin CtTCOgetoalg in Am1ty, Ark.. Martin A.. Wirth had the tmtlfortsrnc to crack two rib" he reports Irmo Delight. ,e.rk..

MVIN it, sae ó owner e1 the ,few. It re nee a sign teat ha Will hirer day be dun the mourn or iHesaiI .01 Al You . Surf y.^

ApIZI; at t+.o-rd. - a1oreco lá :,seth i'tatikt-rs hls+ returned to Ilr'rrlirlJl - mopnittan óblTlra an secretary, assuming hla dvtias In Dothan, Ata, recently,

Yrt.ANCTS =.LLY Y at Danbury (Ctiold.j Patrgrounda preparing the kaki optnanith the Pale at Boma°$h,-oovl, he

RICDIT ellpeektce An n,iabnPa *galo picot" thee- It is usually idyll -41i tü call on the 1»wert-that-be. If only to Pass the Ilme el bay.---GioMl 1PHli

DUFOUJR as EOGERS'and Watt *rude.' have gone to brat, via coitteepoidsuoe. ovct tna iran+dlms í31T1 attrc ion 'Idea nerd Miler thwllye.

CONCLUDING Moir stake/ at Ruattn (Fla) To,s.to Pntiv,a1 rec+entiy, ?lr.. and AD y ,Art (iardney tell for St. Louis to Join $t.5ehltli Etrñtt. bhowa.

A 11D1 1110W ...715-tó ah+Pty phs at' ntrt


EDWARD -A. HOCK (tdit'), gtn!raU mdrlr3g[r n( tltQ llnpert.rl Shos:r end nefdCiV /roman tls LtGN.c+rpk,tlrr and outdoor ,lr)yae.=,qtt, and Pretor Ca'nnrea. ptmeral event of the ahosna. davtHrotlan la *et to !coro e!ttc- geéarters for !Ar i6d.ao.r't openf.ltQ at flolhwrb.at'7'lto.) SprliaQ Fetitlr.af ow Aprlt J5-22 be a

YTli dop sn ,fl>ratton, rponconttd hlr the .!tttCor#y..tthtetio /lehontarg. Tte ftana/- bal` arbiter quartEi. 'Mow fronts arid pédese were- overhevkd and weal colorful fiqi¢TfrIQ .. jrGtltd h.irafRd.

xi -n* i1AM itBVUL under direction of George W. Bahlitia. M ploytltg rhea ter dates In Ehabokle. Fla- aft n good tour 01 Flt:; í_d3 fairs and erlebratao=a-

CHANCING work -d tense eery sea - see, dews 444 a44 sip fe ~Gran is any Una e4 b.alinda.-Ca, ela NNlp.

UMW' 3MIItT. 1;1ho line been operat- ing an apirtntpnt lathe R3 Jrr1i17atown. Pt.. for the past two yeses. pens *Pet return to the Toad this ,reason, ---

IVA. C11f51dF'IO:I bitten irgan Indian- . 13011111 th 1t he roocatly' eDte¢tf.tlud Clt3rlla lsatlry: OeartvcChnpanan Mr. and btn., Buddy prd'dOCk and Al Share.

IF a bNweplps In a bouts trailer denotes coaefaA. i4'Mt weuld a eFerrºfipe protrading ham a faatelahan aneaell'

JAr31.11 17, DIt t . known at. 0110 of too Georl,I iBo! . tI rdii t!ilht ilo ho -i tatro venting relative t and Wendt In WsyTio» boro, QA.. t-vr rho part rasanl days.

SWING OWIII4J, yererlikl trust Bryan.. Tex.. that he km Tecocered froto i re -

attack of flu and will be reedy to ljlt the reed a00o.

OYT with r see ico.d.Hiwte truck drteen! Pth.1aag euptasAñe trucks over ~darn eh- WITS r`cduiraI dear heads Yi cloddy bane,.

tlHICIC W AC1I1 I tinD rlgprt tats Ata- ludo Show and fl re oonowialons With the

worth the ground apace 1tetcVDts. loam Q; /Nett d~=4h ienerrhira-r, trot bat gel!~ IebmV Sepº.

CONVALESCING at /Ms inotbtyr'ry bean, In Dn toil.- O., froth a recent fllhw. is trtggi 1.107Cr. ,oho says he would appae- elate reading "Mere fr'oca friend*.

BINGO STAND to seat I00 plyr*rT IIt betas tranrlod to Patenoon. N. J., hF Ted

c:lLo ujl1 alaln tdtp B. as V. Shows al o, .nln; ntaln.t en April M. Be haa f.laC Maned h10 ball ea.tN7.

MAN4CiR lit Ne C,eat PYpite d Sta -pas ad vim that be win tala oto as bathes asa sha Moat gee this serios, as It create« bad 1oaprcul`41.,

BIB LIGIIT PbAN-r' end Ildáto rife all met up and lady to ,gar Sal ilaroslia as- agxioutiy ¡.,vatting opening, of the q, 44 V. 0hfl¡o7 iii .Atoll 20. reports Ted Lewis.

FURRY O. GREEN curds rraru Pat. 1440 , nr}.. esa IR Eien,dltt north with the United Shown With bin free attrlreteors, "Base a ,retake: d Circus. In beák.» he adds. -

Ri<1lL G -.don operatcap Away* Ore the tuerieser a More aspire -Mon o1 the gs,ne Mary epaSAS. New diUe.cwl horse oeacnt- /law swans el same hisanv.ICoNs.Lanelye .- Whitey Cooks.

CL4'+INO WON n mti ,óth tal M:fNk.

Va. Plank 7.orda la en route -to Atientn, tXbtre he will vtalt his tawny before je -n4138 the Ouoding Stowe in CaMim-

rL, O..

AFTER W erren NiO In Walt ºtowna- ills, Pa.. H. 8, (Oink) Dwyer booked Ilk eolgetztiona with the Winter Attractions and min open Toth tila orgs$eattoll laxe this month.

NOTE teem 'the orange and gvaprin1Jt count y1 "I have Hearn away ley straw hat. bcught a w. painted way wales ,.i.es btac1 and am raw headed lee up yonder."

OP? TIW ltO.t.c slneo 7901. W..1, Car. ter cards Irons Capron, III. atas deVIl to. turn this year taint bis elite Shale with 4110 Of the big otea, Ills wife will. so-

HTAPSny Idos.

AMONG T1100.YL taking s wrest tu

baths at 31o$ Spain», Ark.. for the pact few tweelen tierra Mr.sn-t larn. A. B. (Pete) Jobe.% While there f»ley l sltd With Rol Blake, tnanater of a local hoteL

MMtLCiR of the Great Sweet Potato Shows to Ms MI and cha.m1 "Gs t.:.ne aad, tale ell that a^_penelw cost. Ilea a ,t to pats the het to maw lo the _nowt town."

BERT MURPHY. uf the James E. $llrntra Elbotels. here best RocitfUt4e. N. If.. has weed -bis bolding* 11! ,ole 'we'll* he 11L o:hared In Louisiana Intl tall tO the Shell Olt Co., reporta agorga L Siitlth. red:) owner.

CO:eC1.tTti3:aa n woetv,:tul winter tone wi(h bla-beiovriy, Ttednot ñnd,Bráutiful Revue on April 1. Monte Navarro 'bas e raed to roana, and produce Parfstan irotltoi for- Tate lhafuon. ti ole lb*" Ahem r xitodltlon Sb.-cn = t.

CONTRACTING their aide show with William W Ba1nk rt'* ctoldln We -

8hi kr1. W. IL. R'1nnf4f alts tidally teen open with the org abatat the mttAtc of May near Mlnnenpolla. Kennedy i haw been white/4111g to Oklahoma City.

t . M. SUTTON Jet,. 's?! Carew, 8Iitt01f Jlruwn.-tteperta the+ orgnattrstlon ~nth took .dellsrryr on new light tete7a Irons the 8poo-Dew Machine Service and new baily curtain-) and _-vwningy front the

'WWII Tent tral Av.t illlg CO.

OXr Western ca.nhral cowpony rcoerfs haw. leg no ma/teat as all red the hill meat ha lea silty re bv' any. ~um ewe.), cos. corlen agltnl keeps asking peas -,a far a north as +:ran La they hit the .rawly. -Chomp McGuire,

GENEIIAL ADEN Don 3L 73reelr 'nr, of the T. J. Tidwell Slur- !, cards from Si Mtwator. 1'. z.. "Oponiid Len!: on 3tartb IS to cold welitlsctt. All departments are marking mcrthly. With ~Tend new faca in the line-up. OGyer 77a011.. tree ACM. nre prowling popular.^

AYrFZt OPE6tATrE0 the ltiudl-L Colony and HTrattnta Show on the ,folan It. ward Stierall. ter t pint. them *ra- *0G./. C. J. Clindlif oOntracied to


ta.ttoq liiia. at ea asear a tow lt 1O "-TM ta 119.- r Mh ,tl1O rll are haw bad -

' al 01 . an. -- eg

Ines cL -r r+e'r1_ . "^ .

St Ca.1 e*:i r, ttr . pet.+triiq Oil `it

1- mw .r it

are .i1r op--ar eraatta'e Be0 a Wu ELI fa« vis:

ELI BRIDGE COMPANY ruede e! D.optdMM Pro apoca.

seo Ocia A.aPna. . 4Kasanslll 511

mi. !An IR[)Vs=.iS O71A1itMANE oltnaYI.1a 24 P,1saNisn.3, v_ -

- --

. . ,...+ i . -

'' - Y.. t4.111 I

Tlt'n11rr fad M sur 1411.911, 4"r'.rY 1111- 11. 21. - R t- -- .

oral A tt. II.., IÍt. Wren 11+

I as uwary 'r,.a ct+f.oa' r11.1c,m xr c. aa) r t tn..: . , . b ,r ..I ..tt

d , , u,- t ataL a' 1'44r.

_ 11115 T p o

trtitíi a`AIKITN, Nc+cr;a111:..P4P Cv, rt. T.

April 15, 1939 CARNIVALS Via V` alhoard d?

Astndlle the .ttar'atLu Shaw en this Great autumn eb07.e said J rrtd the Or rit2o- tlon In Cweecea, Ark., on April 10

A Wilt -KNOWN Southern toes a,euta operator, Mistier. C Ohm- t used to tills 1a en W dote al 'Notre tali, is she Deep Se.ata Sign civet hi, cnManca read: [,EAT WITH M. L CwU11Clt," Colored folks said: `tot. go 1a 5htsr. W4144 woe o1 r ford meal and ien get ewe diaries heck. ale suet"

"IllerTED the JOApny .1r Jon- - ptxitio:i nVadteias rútel opening - rid In Augusta, Oa.." -,tethers W. M. Aibergoeit trorn Orangeburg. S. C. -Th.C-, tense 4.'ontaeífUl shoe ,.A cascaseis brat Q nit . d

teta froto of Joe 'earl. Mr. and Mn- Sheppard arid Dud Lents."

8. C. (BOBj, ALE2LIMp¢Qt. fortrd?ly with the 113 Otto. Slat t:c;i -- West's World. Wonder. William Glick and Cait- lin At Wilson snows Cud Ruben lie Cb y ICxpasit1411. IS In Puko- i1o1 petal, D'uc!ttAift. Is. C,. and would' like to read limier) from friends..

INC We¡ tinny J. ponce emote ~readied a blew -04f ere opiset* la any whew on hie mltway. Whew sward hoses list wets es - posed Ier a small ice M htslsted Itat't%.y censrlhrted b'ow-else led would Onfy Iet tAsm aliens piedidiwj, a gift was given to [alb patron. A sea,rfc tetra we; told and the prlrileee of baking inw -rho lox was free to eat purthsei..-Mt P.

"Alta WM° In iftrtt.rrll'oFMilted 81tos+i' guerto a In North Utah: Rocli, Ark.. I found that W..1., Dunne and Leona Leon- ard bad !Wood a instil interest for too." credt Rs,e Merrill from &ifr1'. Ark.'We ~It' here for eifibl days on April 1

" to good weather:. JAC/I-(TEXAS) IUA3tILTON again trill

hare tut; girl and Hula ahOwie oat tba nicncst Dort doers. Former will feature Rosetta In natty. Mexican dances. lar'hie the Hula llex-up IDoludee Dat- DeLan g, Ilettn aye*, and Bert Cártee. Huddle Scott well have clai gr of the 1dp Show.

Tilt tate C. A. Weriiím once opI,,r41 "A few women talking ever backyard lenes abwt gettieg new shone raked on oleddy ire ihrie,

ese de masa harm thaw an edwpu frent- pekc Mast is a 0Rwepaper." C"fbra._saw- ewt, thareings and straw Oled guante, rat are a 1144w11lty waken Witt are turned OA and entioma«a aro In*Mod onra.a muddy add - May. ea ',milady's feet most 'be protected.- Mutigin' ldaelline Mink.

CRYSTAL EXPOiITIO1J BROWS beet been signed to, furnish the midway at. emotivas at tesa lbe"rprpdnaoe Dsy CiI- breUoh. Gala=, Va.; Ken taw County Pair !I_nion, a C and gar : ter (8. C.) County Pair, reporta Cnarics Soi;ulsca

V181'TOR8 to ITIlderbtrantra United .Shows' midway during alt_ ot¡eTlr_tt-4on's Mend icy Pasadena, Gags., Included MY. and Piers. ClAttinrx Alton. 0~rei of tito Stever Stlite Shaw Helen asid Wayne Panetta. id end Ctolde Brady. Stella Cronin,, Phyllis Johnson. Dtkk and ~MO Menthe ano; bar, and WA. Joe Metcalfe.

eottm blow would riff draw Mar the patronage N we presented It In a theitef," This Wei die emt.etle of a widely known tent repertoire opiratar Whin he once 'Idled a

competitor whe was proudly sllisore a new panoied mJrquce that wee an elate reylica or a thc.atee front, "People temp to ewer

theist," be tolinua0. "beeeono It le a Mitt show and diIidee_.t hoes the stew heaseu td whk> Choy are ectustomeds They lose the poke and canvas and even lie to efts M/tr a gayiakia occa.ionaay. Mina wilt seats be a ItliiF abevre"

WINDBIO UP his IOUs of mutter fairs withthetta Royal American lib!:*, Jaelt Lydick tá %W W1 In Cleveland before aal- atrtningg his dtittes se maiieger of Harry tI 'Bock ae Sena' Motordrome anti I1tt .Lee}




i1 Column About Birsg3 in the



Elbow, Dee7f'.M Will have three rldare.. rtbnit5al Young. pr;A Brntti> and George Murray. Both s$tcyrns tt:l! Oren In Dfrtralt.

L. B. LCC'A& formerly wetts W. IS. Curl And Howard 8row , has hatn doing exitzaisatlon work far Wiener haunts in Pennsylvania and West 1:1111-rtta. ti li Bartley Its t_ey (Seco): Llectrio Wizard. ca the feature attrhetSOn. Ma oy ham re- oeeltu.d trerai KIM bairns msataf3Lld IL Scottdale. NI,, two loam &goy

ACM N ne enerth,awt b, --era with tones S-ew Wlrh rho fait ica>:n el 1931 Owner I. Lawrence t'hteign dlwwtlnuod tiny oil homierAdls prelude* and will continue tai* peaky for the John. 11. Ise.' 'ryporitlon. Is Augudta. W., our ~nine save this' callers and the show's winter neuters' iglu. the welter sold doe pi4cs of geed will edwetlaise 4cs.eited tress local a_erehaests IOF both daily Pi. re. Not Qnly were the papers mice Shan ['tested bur seer committee and ~chaste as well. II aye* oh.» thole wio ceased Ihi beerier racket. that It eats nrw>,paptre le belkvr that "The show b wines whar right- fully bola ds to us," and I is 610 Co Me showmen tai tin one with Me. Phiills.'.ia*t.

polky.-Siarr Dcátlb_

BOOKING SIX of his or._r With drip West Bre._l.' Shown at Capo Girardetau, 0.0,, W1tlia:c t C.al.marl has returned to Chao'. o, from suero ho. vtritciJ that -'t!'e oaganlzatrlon le ens of the molt Improved Cal the road and I beieve Owners Mr. and Mn Liorty Loughlin deserve murar

coil . . t. R Beth and Chsfl! tAglsr are bulldl,itg tlaflto new stock c000aalaful

jttxlClTL hURItiON. frttu2rc attrtclla`t Kilitt the Hall}'rrn_d dltyroctkrta ' ut Ow_

brnitd Cnitakrl Dhows. narrowly Catali;.d eertbua Injury wl.fil lain ISO -fore :swaying pale 'napped dntvLg Isla rxr- g11FfiUit:taf lra P~lnn. Calif.. ~ratty. Merriam, managed to reach the Igccitnd

deb, u'hlta t:tca rrou^tts below rt.:elved a thrill of a titoutev: reporta Walton do peunsnn.

"11~ of tyc'o.aciing ally way to the Noot era regions. fate took mo down tO the Nair litres" Barry Ptobooee. blgta uot, from Vebokaa. Pis. 'Dote wouaan'd' up my Florida faint for Sctithan i t}4ate-i sIld frank West Choya. Sent my other unit. the areal Ricardo, to Prank West Shows to replace rate, While I Open with Harry Wtt'iteee Attractions on April 24 in Cannomburg, A..

ROBERT t.EROY DOL1T1, 4.yeas-old Mel of Stag D0Si:=. -JA-known ecat0-1- sloner. t irncrrfd 'al favorable com- ment In a recent astir of T,lie lndfenap. o'la Star op hla dtblllty to ,spell more thin 490 weeds, re :Mania and Westin -4 And addition Of Litrr11t1C our:Wi. HUI sil4tl1TP ecoompenl'^d the story. Roble another. Oiler. nun stet, -r. June, have operated pennant Machine Sonoe" !lo2.a at tunny major tetra. All v.rltl,i5Y In !die FSkpoIie.

óYJOrIACI AS'T&Ai! Bri.',h'.iRJt an CUD Barnhart' Ci:r:klt4frtiS r -a &;,'.at Broca.' 4hOc.3. as gi!aafa of 3faaab-rr J W. LaslpkdA end rtu;atant .ff4rnup.t Bn;et A::rtata durlr..o INC a:'Q,inlrltAon;ai opnalnsq rJ,GnQ to Cape arra'rdcatl, [arre. ll;'¡t lo right, .etasrA, Fred Hartle: Capt. rtoy Ltttlk. Mfraoarf hi¢ltof'irtt Guard: Police rChMrJ 1Nrt{it. J, W. LaYpfttln; Frank H. pr_-,*i't, camera/ agent: anon,. E'. H. Dram.: E9nrt1 StrO4-1,, Stat.e's ettamty, end trout. FY'etss.clrQ lieArr. Spotting arc Brin;n BorRarw and i'dte:l Wru'ter Arit Cozy. Aftho na7t it1 tthc 3c'- twr%. (Igo/ droo city emnwtasfosia'. rend E. !!sa'yyrf $safrR, nttovn,--r' also petnltat7 ot rise teat Pilot ,, D cliff Sarah/at, jYrrsvhnd br; "truer Ed:rhoal.

peruke for the r Oonftidere tes the owning and ?Merit vtilttit7] to their home In - w.. ..ni.' eluded .beY (}_Vorc /seed Alain°.

AFTER n winter 13 an e,- aeon attache with ~it.) Worila'. Wonder 51'~ In Florida IL U. (1;.'4) Las lnfo3 that ho lost the oa'g in CalCuribuai. B C.. to take a pees at tb> filling statlln of William if 9Artent, welt.knewx fernier eerni- unlit , en a rrt.;.In highway to the New York Wodld'o pair betWeeti ?'rm.ingt n and Alton. Cohn

Will, carrot:eh end rate hccowc le ',median"' 'Isae ale tented almosrirsrs se belo.ed by online"' will be eau elide? = Aro midway thews to ie tared. predsaeed, AK - orated añd battled 'te caenssh with thcai+trs Cif it the 'Wit thtarrteal, bee Ibtctroenar Wien =oar `ear-n7Mf 4'.eppsd bands In pare« er tanned musk, did away wish the heart -se -heart arer.t-loo 1a*49. forget Sheet ~mat *cat, big Illaniens, says/cites an/ seemingly im 'Bale ale and attrac- sions 04 ad nations and went fee ght street 4,

doeo thews_ colored onset$ cl.b prcacntetiotd, swede' girl hews, 14.11 skews and what het We/ /tear', tented ni -hi tine and It ca. 'f rL Ii aprsiort the =id cararral steadier APO fart being tail aa4..-Colo-41 parch.

FUN4A-uLi ."{1tOW NOTES by Ted C. Taylor: Paul -and Ilklytti Knoll ponied art Mu:9ls;(tt, Oa.. tiu1tU their four cGmcr.=Aa:* lYom Florldn ., 1tr. Sid Mrs. Llar b, >itrl t1et bJttl!D fame. t5li4le Albert llrltr'ri et tt I r 1.C¡ t- lis All-Arir r1.it! bond i-d,ti a 'n., . ally Oryef- I c u`deficit i n and

SCthtt; Citistrtias weth in >man Georgia hewn. 11ecttwritea lo hens el bereft `Cold, ain't It, buddy."

tacit: r'Sho is, mister, but we pat these nbrific rs precsiersaily dawn yuc,

Who's that /Nave eosl".g 40.wer rho sheet In 41st big overcaatt"

"Oh ihars llsaber "en. Owes twit the sewwy but., hi% a bat sap. few lest a cos- : or bu-dredduo a crap rar rather dry. heat bat a flrst.clasa

-Wa s1 rise fellow wNA him?" netts Ae's anetfeer chump arrmed 'sawn.

Ovnef the betel and a Ic* othea beí>_< -ea. Big tucked ter potiei 1'.4 the, boys take him Surf

"And who's that sues* 'tile tired in rho Paruwrá ..'t' and straw Rut In Ihi, Air let welt .r?"

'Oh nit's Caeet.d Lilt fserbedy ü.wa Mon around yew*. Ile'. 'the smetirsl ,pay in roes. Yes, suh;- knows. about tar* and evtlyM!rg. Hebedy assess lakes hires far MO

claanina He's tee saw. fee that.

BIGBTEDI an tba Wet. ]tl ehowt' naidwaY f;urtng the aglsas4wtLan'a reaant nene -day atar.d f: q- Garsurdr u. Mo .

9t Soloman,. .iora Liberty ~sown: Mr, aaid. Mrs. Cl, W. Byw rind clntlgDeer. Byer' ashorsnt irr. raid ;1d.1a, rim.aYtºn Holt.

LIaCrt L rr- ir s rd ' .

itoc cli T!9.i ptte_trr t?hocr,t V1d'll tri i..4LCua. De" Mr and Vero. Worry BtºCli F7drrr' . r.,r; _ arr. and 'Uln Al L4sSmlurr.l Ertl IL, , ' II _ 7.1,





l'lathleet whacks wade! beeignee ter l peoiesalMYl consessio airee It- rra datable. perfectly balanced-- unLlorm percewtmRa Owen- $ 5O MadeIre al iiarrd_Id silla and conabik_Watis,w Ire



BOTTLES Itwt M cae Iui 'etc! rae ~raw ea erne botc'sa. ~end like I t !Mir L ached mot. ~A- -- esa hell..

Ir sssrrvtiat gr Ml. tiro si


H. G. EVANS & CO. IST1.15.11 W. AdaitI S1., Chicago Leading rapers et Annownatat Die


49 at. T-"AfMtd With »tea' -,oil KrY7- o.s-lei+rtA coo e u, names is over.

arr;,-h a arr!!si cN.avp-24 '- ista o- -

4,4,4 . Ti0M00 22-rDi'ñtlal Óe-


PNtUaNr 112;41y I.e t.w-' . . I 00

J. C. WEER SHOWS aYa [.. f.w1.3s..n aw.. azs.b

t$r KC tDom A 5Ay ON CA N DY r11.o9 Our new aeJPrrl tir1I. Attu yrlth a I .y eR r

and farm ,e - - .00144.,pe-'eia5 reri?rJ LO be C411.041-01 No e -

Saw Tart Wane** ralo. sr,' genet rlpce rAaTtq and YMCA. rr lull A,tarla write K w' glgarnlo OAMnr r4Qs 9ACMIIta CQ Tod

why .. Tt a.


AuñasY 11._111 ta: 20 Writ* WM.

w++ aQlrATio't. . Or.

Wilson Amusement Co. ptgNrwQ, AP'Ail a3. PrtTsr nab. ILL

wr'.1 \a"a me t ' I '' " jt 1 r r! I IY -

.1/ Il

HAT WILSON, 4.4444/.. tar

4.8 The Ñiil/R,oarit,l iCARfi1IVALS April 15, 19:19

nr.ti 11^n. Ellis White, 1leriln+a-cr Shoes: btr. a+ff,'-1 Mt.. J. W. Winters, C. 8_ Re. Mr. ewe Mr., J, w. Srnitt, and Mr. rand Min_ OCotl¡4 Ctinpb+fl, lktriret ebo,lr-ii; Mr. and At7a. 'ibYt9e Palen In F. 1S?rnRtt al:tt Mr, and Mn. dock D. Slica4nti ir,Iroe-3

tiro Mr. and lint. Chlttrlea T. (tom Qrat':lurd C7,vr4:M Co.,; Mr. and ?era: Teti

Qeadett:n Wender 13ttoyar, J..ek yr7u;ItT1ll. `utiryt I.flrr.r'ty _,.slnven P. i Qrano. Pulton Beg and Cotten Mills. ai;a,il ClYaut Unman.

oirrnoOR 37IOWrcMx hero well rep - r hated rel 7'.ddlee ii at plod Camp. CU,- e reeltm_ Pia. tale ertatee. report redle and Once Lemay, owner. and former coo/Marne operator*. Among gueata were Jack ;gunplay Mr; and We. Olen Poaton .dt. and ewes lye TratW. Sit. end Mrs.

T Kelly: 1*uI. Dilly end Dose ; Llr. and Sire- Brett, James Laird.' Mr. and

. Prank B:ee c Mr. and Mrs. _ Ben leret4, Mr. and Mrs. William. (Buckets)

and Leo. Mr. and'Mrt, Harvey Wit. e on ere" ehltdrt'n, flit. r r:zl Meal. talokoy. Gedle aria 1a .. lUler. Sidney sad Buck Allalie. Mr and Mrs. Joe Alexander..'lm. resin. and Barry Boyles.. Mr. end Mrra. Prank AlLe. 'Mr. and Urea. Willtatn O, Dunta,i, Mt, tied lint. Vier.*}hats Berrie 'ir. end Wets. Jimmy diode _,an. Mr. and Ms. Beruale;amltth and Tnnuny Allen. The Leman pisa to knee about Tune l for Mt. C:,mer . Miele, where ilioy et in vamtleet tintht jelnine tsre Hap.. pylt.nd Staosu fur thlnlr &trine of titre-


a4. a.'A e*. V eerr7 WC* n.rr.a.r.. Idrd a.e4a te

O+. 11. 1

t,a,C,,p l

rp.,,r.. Wrtc 1s b.. rssn.tttrut trae I M ao,ee.i 114* art s etIe.a era"+- e ^-4I « !W at aNaa et notice t rite':, s:oºo,. n000.

PRICES : QumNfY UO. Pasta:* Extra.

'1.r,r ty tags teaal. t.00'oá f.is MºrON.d lae. t [ c

^L-.44 . 1.60 1--1111144ar.Mi i6'1M .u.084, iamsilli*as daily

Ma. ta.eqlM rvse_

J. M. SIMMONS .& CO. 1Q W. JACKSON EtL'VO. cm eo, 411

* ' ,igNITED * 1


O. seedier Rule Wire eve titer -


On Meech irenrinr a e. r dada. Ids Summer Se2.0n.

gees«aetkae yethis

SOILER & CO, T.stPtte: WesreM )-e/y16.



W.17.: : . e br_-L`. 1` .. L Meat la Ve i ta-' , r 1 t I R< -n 1-`1$1.1-`1$1. R , .rSr. t '.II t wlr I. 1111 it - ! 11 II ' F. rLr' I I... til.¡d-

1 r e a.1111IZ ,C''i a..1.1r.

1 ' e' . t les F. _ 2tcs t. t`. , 1': I ;r. P ar # 4;.-1aTry,

1, 1:: .1 M1, t 'trig,. Ir-te a9r]L , I II 11-r I .. ea. ti< In r, 1 Il I_ P Tht-ta Prod Vim wit . - Jc411 ái el 1-14i,1,1,4 r r.


W. 11;11.9,'e-pNlry o -_t esee4 April t 7iR «Mera P'a1rbY.

et ern t - .nt r aat t,1 3>!` . 4 P 1. 4-17..!`1,? rM green nine hen tidy

' U . . -e

WAX FIGURÉS WANTED vow,. lM`Kt i Ira^,. Ise Lee N UM Were Plae,., d rar'gn p +-Mftt.aT

Fa. 0

w. w'e* 1t. ar . w4oat.rlrwt CO',Ic.*.aOnDq W.MTtD. eaa1L _-1 Pru 5. 41,. Can a ."11.16", 11,'e-IIa aN awe.

eX .6': 7U. tta;e-.ri, Is i reaañri.. mu Y. C.

eER'C'Y Bd'LEUN T ' r t I , : crating

EDIS'ON HOTEL I '7 u-.. 1as *W n.. Plata* , ,

A Few Hints Tukt7 'Efts or Leave 'Ern


Monger ' 4cdel Shown Inc.

Remember the a aald stia're 'There sr^ just, P. good flabLin they Jana, etc - reo emptier how rwlt.eable you may ewe -11- r to

neeirt ate ülee can take your place rntt maybe be a better le sty :Man y`ou.

If you are taking s td_enaa rode give hide the beat ran are capable cf. Be loft!. Idºyal y Li aft) meet zeercd peal - ~Ion of any nuts who ~ant aid trice to do the right thing. f tgoULd realer be called a eetutre .fleeced than be the Most popular man In the game- if -you can't be loyal where yn%I ere TO to *Deacons to wheel you can ben Disloyalty to 'the Unparf_emeb,I9 tin on pas carrueel %eerie.,

Remember Quit !here la only, one critic and that is thee of ee 1n09141. if the proe agent rnya your Mere Is geed s1.14 the treeenuhtr enyeL: bed, tun 1xed, and slat wren. Money VII t.- end It tt' le 00 "peakIng''ternas" with you eh retie Wet, to melee tit show you men. _y gee better "eegtu.raited"-it can be done in meet ';net. i'Arttane le n tickle jade bat litre to be vamee . Woo he$ you may win out..

if you,,rete a show getting money tttn't try to oc,ty tt. ..et the *lien:aim base the benefit oe hie felethentigjet. 'Try to better It with something original. IC earl be dens, nit many baths proved.

WOKS?' ArpLl;. eirtr o bsay r-fy!s:e tafaoro, ,V,arnAth,ed be

ship had the power to tedarel an oedt- n Leese on the aub)ect, but e. men- =d In t-pinban ens to whether the, ordinance under oansidreethea IBA p real -L nkme riy nlld leer whet -lice It wee weenie keel powers conferred Upon the tOWrl?htp. In 'ether weeds. It should be borne In mind th+.t the paste` to - .data does not mean the power to p el:teen tp s; inn of the aeae]tewtatc general lntertut an thta tub jade- ere *pall be pie red to rennet our m'mbcreblp.enare 4tetaUH1 enteeI.t- lion in conneetton *mirth the ~wale a

r- f d to.

gt, 6urS .147,. LOW*. Auttl B. -Inclement weath-

er hete held dos>n rteSlpte ee the dater. eat Otlttit.* seethiq lote Huera Frlsrlt Miller, general maoolter. find 1-1,ny ::lem& of the World of a lenture Shows. event ¡several days bets ~net down from Thetileen .tin purcltaee some show and re aloe t:lulpte .rte, 2.. 8. <LaTry) Hogan generes tint of the al rhtta:trfre:lL Corp. of America. Is here executing mom& nell;e d coartr..-ta.'Larry Relater. leant Pee-rn ara eral aunt cl the Gold ?Dedal Shope. via. It .4 Tee BItlbcard office* on !4^_siday Be *aid he'd heave an nnr-puneernent t0 m.:ko teen concerning li{a Connecttan for the season.

Pat Purcell, publicity director for the Jimmy Lynch Death Dodgers Attrert.on, ppa, -ti thru at route frota ChIeabp to Tearkal'ul Tee. where ho 1 tWI coulee with -Lyrra rega.-dtng tortec.emlw dater. :sod Tory, Wlaconeln De Luxe Corp, Vis-


o/ iVotardrowts note, meting in her ~ere hotiaattntier 'reek en ter ansdnrey et Bar,,ewir CosrtoypoNtaw,5ltoiv. k'ewtrsth Prr-r>+ich,, ares .napped in Fuja., ti A.

l,[On6 ticaK eat«ivals L,6SS0'C11artOK. gFtC.


OCIfEB-IEit. N. Y.. April S. -With ,ixrlvel of kprLnJ end. etxntn,q of 'Ili outltoor , ien71t, ttre reOolgs ~OM* In- t{4lsiea relatlTn t0 a.gtpiteatlon of varied] it`dltellre enactment, to Ot.,,tLon of arntnila end p rrticularly to rcgulettc'ti of abowe nblsh cmdterar ta exittb:t In the le =allty eoveaned by a part.eular I1rR4lsUare no o y.

'2Tata year tat no etcoclrtiCro. and o3ae of the more prrtl.tte nt totters wwg nettle rd irtspY Gilbert Ayer. Or -vsgo, 1!t. Y.. ltt wealth bia to? -wards acme oOMtPInFrS with relation to an orddltalnm being adoptoti by the tnwnn of oranby .!':d volnry', oettine lvrt.h a prep:metd {lrcnna fee. which In ctr opOnbtal Li exoatiatre: mod- els., A1"r wtr4tea, In pert: ",Aira+Ta eltOugltt that only ail ineerlen-inted vinegar or elty °L'.IId citarlte Ile su - " BO paint,a out that the, particular leq_tela:ire YrotrTba e no. rr rep+crititiv'e oaf village* or eltltee. but meet? of ,tnw-ttlt7tllet, And :aloa :ritrth 1.11r-tv It, legal authority for to do.ng..

!ri answer, GC pointed out then ton -11. In New Yr:elc Bette at li-*ent have power to auopt, I;uct: ordineDtkti by W,rttee or $,eligrj 196, 8aslbdivtrtlorn b of the 'ib'..n Lew, which ~pee is: a.ub.+.!asnett that the -town heard may pto*1dc hy ortL -

e: tar lletrre lt,y end ot1>xw7ae retla 1lting clnetlr e,t;, thehtGrY,, nlnniod piotüire ho' r he _ or 0th r cede al .o or pr Slr 1: -fe ...rstu tsaeut parr and i.ntlOaT plates of attrttia;s>aisat Of t:e_rrat-y or hire. t' ter n;r ptilntrr! 916t. t1t0 it 7:rr1 obYlf-atll lirºda the ilaw that the e° -

lied The B'ilborrd on Tuareine while en rreuts frottt the South. where lie stetted tgn;tlf at.0+l4 to ltlrllotne to Mllwaulete. Aceordinr. to NMI. title WILL be the drat Taste- be bas bc_n able CO .retold with

taanIUy to lire yew*. Welted* m:.1Cl1-.tr the rounds of the rvrlrua outete piar4ng tLa let, h :e included Mr_ end Mm. Aimee 'V. latiyhlln. Bruce Bafdram and Tommy Martin, Woe lit.' Ah.oiwie Fred Meyer. but season with the L, J. Herb 81 ºs. -.r; Paul N. itrrmsan. U: a. Priming and 1,tt1e,,,e, tpT, Co., and Knnnsth Blake. al,Ih Meet.

rranoes lniaran,- of the 8tlm u libo-.: 4 virtiting frIenda bore and h being r_jto.t=t around the city by Ray tltaanner, wi]o melt retsina In the Eltatin organiza- tion this ee.s rn. V. Intern ply) M!iCl4ap. gcrneral., n,tent of the Dee I gamey.. Farnon- nhowe, vlened The Billboard_ on µcedar_- ney while Mr*, lA the abed Interest. Peed Cali nos. p tee s -n erall rem Ott. with the Mighty 1Ls iC,.bene, to "'salting friends end reiatlien here. Ray Men, Wert card. he la having, ~inn Fla., aria re he had ucomenll winter, for lib hear - In Bernell, N. -s., t"rnee he will veeniIG:, for =vend week* before ¡mine to the view Toek World's. Pate. Mrs.. Anna Jane* Pearzess. owtl:r of the Pennen Shown dfose In ern 1 tpurtasy 'tO at ldo al. Die regular meeting of tiLe Shoat .thine ea Club,:

\\'ard Shows Sigu L rai.1k 1-ee )d2C IDeltIt.r Tenn. *1,11! n -John ft.

Ward, general man.," cd the showy bearing- hie 'name, thin week announced iii had raved, Cap,- Frank Lee t o heel= r,... deferent et 'lie era ntLh ion for L 2_ A veteran outdoor 'bow bull. De3, Leo lnaa been alaeoreated lath 11uC1s Ofga_ani¡iatlaasa pia C: W, Park'.. Con T, i -ProcQ,", AÉWIph - :n 11. AM rl- caa, iá-1' .lb. t;: ar.,tl, Muter arm Minn and Rubin aS Cherry Exl itlon.

.a... !ea tf Qmetica

CIIiowiiten.'S Club ,Reid Hotel

KANISAS CITY. Mo.. April 8..itr+gularr 'Weekly tncs'tingr: none to an end on AL-trt`-h ee and ninny Member* hare left for tbo '-dota. ltoereter, there are a number still et- the Oltlb dolly, A bridge tournament lira bean to peened c.,rry nl ht. Lee Brow_ owns c{ the . hoe -1 beweing their name, Walled Inn Week !relit qquarte:u In Topeka. Man. Brother Cnmp'll.,of glee Campbell Tent and Awning Co., wee In for a tos' days renewing aequaintano I ikeener lid .Y, ate nL owner at the Weldee Mtg. Co., t tratn:ir.-'d a traetured knee and foul. last week when A bslldtr on which he was wonting gem way. Broil:e; Charge. Moe. phew L+ en route here tº leis the One- way EarrOW.. Brother and .Stre. Deere Stemma left to join the Sam Lawrence Chinn et W'ayerr ' 0*.

_Merril Yentitng left bit en- &anti .

Ark_ to' loin the i 4alrly & I'ltUe It .4,-. a. Brother C. S_ Butran. gourmet ºunt, of

J. L. Lluxlle Show., .topped off for a4 flit hours r d 'route from Rochester, i,Iknn_ to Chapman, Ken. Fte -visited Brother Landee, whe ts oentiliaed ip the Mayo Bros.' Clinic. $oehe:ter. Brother Bill Wit. .... and M.tiny Gunn left April 1 to WA the jiingline Circus In New Tort. Jest Matti. lean Sffeholsean George Rosa end named Preitanntiore 'yeti e eiplened a. attkot nts et the 11014; - :r Ppetl Show in Municipal Audito- rium brie, ~thee Retry Duncan, for- mer man' -ti of 7'nItylsnd Par g, w' err .{, Brother Ails Snyder net -inked !corn a bualnee l trip to tip ne r, in Brb.lter Plank Capp& entertainment creme:tam oltalrmen, report& l:r and earnrnrited lilt w erlting fi..r8' rim the an- nual banquet and bait, which will held aa usual on iOw Yuai .. die.

Ladles' Aueullfer' :lance Huth Ann gA rift. Yale vice-

president wan absent. Mira. O. W risk -. chairman of the beard of dler' i ra. can- dui:ted the lvLtrti, 31 meerttng, which opu d with the ~nee nee to the Flee and Engine of ,Aaarrtba, a{ bt:t¡:.,n rd on the piano by Jere Nathan. Sixteen mem- barri were pr'e..ent. Committee reportia were Craw end approved. find, about Meer 'sea appointed wankel. fl;eÜCh l lLti,a2t lettered gsretlr.ga from I.itltnw.F=41, and advised she bed- be.n 12L Jess Nathan titesterd the club for flowers seat her mother. who is iII. Prerrdesnt t ll inla Kites -lettered greett11,ps n_i,d tegrere, thdt ahe wets Unable to attend the tibia meet- ing' She auured membeer that ,Ir1 would be new In the fall. Inane Weber won the etenin4t'a path_- Penny box fund was considerably tneram d by It,rtbdar offering. from Jets Nt-than. :lcllio Weber rend Loulse Allen.

!kW" neljeurnenent Mother Parker ex- pressed a wish foe b- eta. bapp.-newt and prosperity for all member. Chaplain Myrtle Duncan dlenttaeed the .meeting ltbth A[.rtpslC. eittertelnsnent, eanunit-%e Leuitrlt r,.. r:i1 c'.'mnitttee reeved retreat - Meats of chop ether ante lc Ruth Attrt Levin was caned home frees ROola-t.ter. Mann., treeuae of the serLdnts rlltxsa o? Per het$ nsel. C. L Levin Margarel Maher ewe hi atria lets to jinn t Bennie* Shove 1.11 Bbrevepott. Tw Tire. J. L, Landru Intottna from Roches. Ur, Minn, that Mr. Landes le still In c esltictuj eelaCiUon. B leale th Yevrout toned .bet bce*4ro of a cituance in plane Wee will not je st the assn Prate/be

as preelóuaire reeortcdl.

fOS Qsz9eis LOS ANGELES. April 8.-TUauun J.

Nlyt totprerty with the Cr'ttrwfSStte - prtsea, seems two weeks `on the Wltitt el: Shows the talUng a bookkeepleg eyateaa. O,eeg unites, 'wrlt.11 SChlttsree T .d NWtliLea freak. Itjt ter Prom. 'Utah. to jo:u the Mete Wu -me Shows. Jtm- mnle Fiord left fen /keen° to 'out the W. C. Hu Igtnis fiber Je- D M tirerlL at:tr eloedng .mot BakesnfLe 'd (Cai11.) Derby *now. sprat taw d'ayla en hie brob -'

_ -h new Wet Iletese,Ydlne before ]carv- ing for Settle rand the W. C. Hue, in: "Iva .

Moe Levine and Nina }teemT left t¡t Prom Utah. to join the Matta Young ~en, B..k.iith t himpel left to loin trir W. C: i1Ft atLi `zbar.e. "Rey garnet} went to 1t.tilltSh,. Ont.. when t ill I

Op con -- Liz tFe C aI.ltn Stice'r, Flury Mann wilt oyeene con- atealona on Ulllifmrurundn f1II2t 1.5l

April 15, 7939 CARNp,VALS Tire Bitir?>'otnrlrf 49

tOW1n-h4s S fea.99te 21

Qsne'ica 165 w. Madaorn Stry

Chicago, 111.,

CHICAGO. April .-President J. C. ifeCa=fecy pte*"ded of the April 0 iareet- lag. With tarn were Putt Wee -President Prank P. Duffield Past lPrendenta Sara J. Levy and Ernie A. Young and Reeve- ta. -y Joe fltretbtch. Mernbertdtlp corn it. tee presented application of Albert Schlosaburg. who Ti/saa a'-eted. George W. Johnson. a 'ad 'eprtng Probes oolpanittte are showing plenty at action. Ite-eisa- tloals are Corning tat %ticeig and Sam J. Levy,, Ernie A. Young and Bernie Mendel porn o: the entertalnnatmt antermattee. nromise some real entertainment. Omqs t Terry la Oo-erot*r.c and coding in good talent. Mat Oreen and Bob hickey are doing a ewes% Job on frulafCity .

Sam Imtfy lntrttel :.lt 6tembera to be ~eta at eQ ,,g of the Cheat European Olympia Clines In Stadium bare on April 14 Courtesy was enteral:P1 thin brother! Arthur W. Wlrir Donald 8: MacLeod, IL H- Sar'Ot s and Sara J. Levy. iced KrY nitlaitn is beck from en extended business trip; Members ere enelelpattteg O fish lulls* en April 13. Tate to en annual, complimentary 'of Brother R. C. PTy111L of Escanaba, Brother Ralph E. Ammon. as eter? of wfsconitn Stein Pair, attended his first in& . g. W.. r.. (Candy) Ham m« ells0 dTogrped in for the meeting. Jack Hawthrone te- alsps that 1`e Win tour with- the Conk n Shew+1. Ray Cok s la getting set for an *arty de(ertule for Canada. Brother James P. Madigan was In for the meet- ing Was Brother Cant)[+ L. Lena. Marry A. Iillarrn tainted while en route to Canada. Al )Cem. t and Bob 314 r left Per Detroit. Morrie Hanauer returned to join M.. J. Decilen. Harry Muey la Mill bare. The newt few weeks will tied meet of the focal mint on tb lend of the political cali'tp Inn_ SCund Brotarr .John Lerman beak In his aoetutenned "WI at the meettnge Lou Le send busy with a new btaty sae single K ve you forgotteai your &uteri `rehires have been readied. eo please gave tl:rlltj year attention. Remember, you are not to good stendlo It your dtiee are notpaid.

Lades' Auxiliary Clt)b enjoyed another teeiable rather..

tog with god attendance en April 8. Sitar !lrn. Charles Driver Ls dill ail

skid °enflned to her borne. Members were doUghted to have Sitter Prances Keller with them at the last meeting After a memo lllneas Auxiliary la mitten. Paling a glorious time on its toter cf the Weld R 1.turdeek. CoL On Jerre 13.° In - te r:Within and date of rcwrrr<ttlooa rater. Club will bold its regular lens eekly meeting April 13 In Shermaa Hotel here. All OtemIcri. are urged to ttend. Slut r Jeanette Wall will be mites* at thI-April 20 social- Be sure to attend and bring Set.tr Monde.

, Pacitic Coast í\siI - s ¡; '4 Showmen S USSts

63244 South Grand Ave,. al Wlttllioe LOS ANGFS.Fri. / Pti& d.- Opsaing, of

IL`s seseen" for many snows out Into attendance at the Apra 3 meeting. Otters ettcmdlekg were Harry flargrave.. prealdent; Phil Williams, a}tocld vim prealdeatt; John E. Ward. third vico- pmeldeaat. and Lou Johnson, aacretsry. Afier ratlinebusting-J weer finished sick Cbanmlttee.repceted Val Vino, Bog Myers, Jonn Lyon and nr rata%% Oilfñn were

Va.; aatlsfsetary pro .. President ILirRand -t-e Rid tar e'peirtenoe et entities Melt brothers.

Lt 40 seek club had aMy 100 personal and phone tarnilrlcs concerning where- abaeums, and route'. These are aecarded the befit .~rvlce the dub has, but acme. Llama that's nothing,. We're anxtyua to give good Tvvleo, bat we must know pow route. Way not keep tin inforiLata? Picture! of the club end i selYca'


nun. Mary were taken Monday night Next meeting will roe s -n ;rule reenzasunicataing OPellezi system 1nstL''ed. thanks to lies.. B.. Datri. treasurer: Chle'iC.nn Of rife!= bars` buttoaae oyes diae'a.--eá-1 and eon - tinned far further investigation. lasclue Auxiliary hie LnhanQed the beauty of the toyer by lastatltug ttpaaiiwaI dswra- t came.

Dar action al the board of goter- nors. o,airet:pli at j7-. tom Of Se'110m 2. 3

and 4 of Article j<Vm or the by-lavni web etaspend'ad snails September 1, mak- tng It >,pieedble roe a %speed member to be retnatatrd on or before that date thin payment of annual dares.

Brother, Nick Wenger will aastune h'is duties fs birdie Ooeomtttoo chairman 'lariat the ebaeitca al .foe Levine Bert Chipman gaga the new giuntcrs the once over 1+1Át week.

/5 Z í&a$S Q50 (Mena The Billk.oardl Dated

April 12, 19141

Dodson World's ?sir Sbrwe started the ,seo't auspiciously in Fort Worth. Tole., untie EIkd ante. . vt'lhlraan Marcus signed as genteel agent with Traver Chautauqua Care Good Leather and Crowds greeted Chandler Attraction» nt their opening in Bridge - poet. Ala. . Copt. Omer TeSlntle;: hKh direr: joined the- American 1$posettan Show! to White hater junction, Vt.. > . Eliabeth and._ ~line Dee.tler %Carl end Caride }Qarmeylr and Elizabeth Drecrks. midgets left New York Liar t hreseport, Id_ and they Morris at Cantle stawlL _ .. Emanuel ildanny) Andrews. show builder. joiaed the ellii1Lmen En- gineering Corp, ea assistant to H. P. Meynes.

Maaty Greeter elbows signed W. M. (Pop, Welder as generol sg n.... Har- man (Ike) Pre. -.loan resigned ae n. oral agent of the 110yd 6c Ltnderman ` howa 'to *Wept. a iposition in the ad- vertising department of The P. teoobe (PIa.1 Ne . Peelle Cot -at allows Masted Into l.1Adr:ta, Ca)!!.. alter a silos t'esatut' opening In Bakersfield, Calif. .

Floyd E_ Goodhig, of the P. F. O0Oding Anstnellarill Ca 'A to Grant Hc,ltal, Columbus. O.- convalescing from an op- erattcn.... W. H. Brownell took Harry E. Boetne111s piece ae plornoter with GI err )Iirta' &bows following the letter's signing with Podlle Bros." Circus.

Ralph ant4 Aimee Pearaoll }clawed i>"8." der Brot..' Shows in Salisbury, Iris George Watts (Mcchano) Stevens and wire metaled Into Cincleutatl from Lo- -am. W. Van rt.oi'e 1.~ eonctilded a svaoeealut weak al an alitº snow. . Hriston Tenn.. under auspices of De >Italar prod s Ivcrntlge stand for the T. A. Wolfe Shows.... IL LI. Webb, eeU- kno'wn outdoor "snowman. was to St}. Louis prepah ad bLa new organlatlCln


a« ;Bildidv5Y O1f indIERIC,A áZTL WANT:1ae/sra ÓP alt 10~., wlJh or w:íR r even OYtllr Oval de rr-r conilk, aid DwrFeer waValrA.cra for $14.'fAoW erld teaia-tad.tKate hr Annec. Ieeeaowy 11a.kas Ireer!y weer Cd- ae ed MuslelarN, WANT Rldn: Oeteytia. Rogp.a.RMR I..oU'`L +*.nr and Mny RWe, w awa ether Rick mar dee% net cenllti. WANtT°C4actssiowa at N Made, Grind items S10 sed jiS. *MIT Cattail/. Olsprt Ralrwzj.tR and Penny Areaic..

SHOW OPItll1 ADgIc a0 TO 29, COVINGtjON; ky, ;: jWPpRT, KT., MAY 1 TO 61 NORWOOD, 0 MAY aTO il. ~war CLYI-. j', r.rOINN[RT. Ce.lnetass. Ky.


ÓO?ItPiplpl: Yi ºli

PJ RA/FOUNT SIF'Oi iS, Inc--CRiL OPON rIti1L ie TO re. /ItalUeIvrrwReaT[R, Mi{g.

AO Tat..* teNetlq Oer.b.raaa Para.^" a.:1aD"494 Iw 1Mltaee, avA.MTQ) rttlAo l-fJTe IL -a} aT l b'-sf tt et eaa n' Li lCT4 ,rrid rOr Artbar AY- n terna ae$ K 4 ._y atata Va. Warr 2en at Gtrla tar la. 1_4=.Lld OO1rCato)rst P^%,ritlg rt/4',

aid t..ePer+ryinitrttt RIQHA D RD OILaDai, M,. se Aelt O{., ..tiaaaeM, taar.

L. el . T1 -I C.- 7.1-111 i5_74 K Wje viTS tSIIART .aR NARIIYILLt,TtNN., nMil naLAKa[ 01 ea#sON.

warn'xrinwS! Eaolr2sv. r+- Sf -'nl1-- K,S eaten 1a'A.`rT 1112.4*.: #Mr.aIl trL:t W /5/.§ , t:'-' Iiebó . ar Arms; Now A Paine

irn, y O

1 rü.v.rr. Sri4n, ,r:. yY

tr.r` Qesb 4tae. -OMUl

TiYa.ii trtÍl#


1i.QOfaIOrcglewar011ap Mao tM i á óar l t Q Tema Nan M rAal vMMi a. wnrywlr7 Stoelrey I. mane Yf. P.r VIII taa.b.r_ I'-`"' by er - ea. .,.:a with ar ntih-= o- .et

.1 a , roen In.eler OIaMa tear !;b'le -.r tlSr tan a'lann. Ill D1W: 1. wa7, OtLtinS r'r'e1'1em. lla!l.sf}t er.a.Y l/r.a77111L tlltat:lel11n' ITL.la. 7rtn-ñ ket*a. 1411S %rapgy A>f [.Y r Cha IR'.'r. l=,] tarih warQa unta Art*rs FG1a ra3'a meanest.t all Halt' ean. n1 rer'-rt Leg win ;Jay t?a b t r1,11r1,111111 WA* 111 N2 °6eaeR tp1lf,

Wlrs Vr, R, MitRiels at G. d. FRANCO. K. /suet n.- N. 0.

Cost Belt Aestuea[aet Cit.. for an ear11 opening. - Santtlel Weintraub. Joe Burley and Gus Jensen blew late quar- ters of the Ruder Shawn after cling a eirroeo_fu1 winter Bath the Hardee Indoor abow.

Pits cieip%*a Inttn'.DI31.PHIA, April B... -World of

Mirth S3ao. are Cooke:% to open here et G and Luxtr:te lateen* AEI 1# 4- c - tion le a new are, being rroiorn Ilia ,

the organisation last year to good tnrtlrns. Trod. Pcnnlndc an t m Cagot!e) la In Owners! TEcsptial h- . where he unde?*s cal two opet arlam Me would li c to hear tromp Ills pausal; Bald itenojrald visited and, intech.n. u so, -no snow props from Weil's Curiosity chop. lie will have e along wan the Keystone

UQU!ns Address Coinmunicitiona 4o'Ciednnati Office/

Life Clicks in el oledo TQL10)O. AIIr11 3r -Ruth bled weither.

Doak at Life t.iwseuin coneludcd a vac. ~11 two -weep stand in tau down. town shopping diarist hero on April i. 'h ith the first work drawing a frltleIL lanisr.T grass than bin been nbt:Wpkiad. Burboff. painireeof man, joined here and preyed ~tiler. The Larfitl'r, Ray Marsh Brydan and Jack Steven* vlslted Cole Bros.' Clean aniarters as the sueata of Jess (Adkins and ltoyd l;In n Zinit Mewed to 1401>ane. Mich_. gvo:n hertz 115r a week's stand'_in the downtown district. ReB tad by Jdlutnle neeen3 Jr.

Birmingham Date Climaxes Pete Korten' Winter Tour

»111411N01141.1.2; M1: ü $, --p[te Keit t e World's Pair Museum wound up the ^ca- slóat i.ire Zan weak. 'after a imornieflii 1ly- weak and 3day 'winter tow. Mr. and, Mr Kerins and trov4.n left for quarters cf'the Beckmann .Sr Gaiety Shows at Ban Antonio. 'Wharf spans 14 weeeL to New Orleans. mire a record mattes was estsb. hilted for a unit of thin type. ?our ur"r11 and three days :.as thelt:nit here. with budnearbester than aver* .ea Al. fropt DaIias. fat girl. tros>Ltly Otdebralect a birthday anniversary, George Body and wife arid deennater-sett far the Art Leann Sho(r.. where be will have the HewaUam Show.

Osoage ketch tin, who halt the photo gallery; soft drink& and leer, etrantn agenda. Au< to the Brtkmann Sc Genet,' 9r Dave Carrell left fps ºatxodt. Orphatia"


matinee,, here drew an) ktddics 'rho wail irti r of lhigane (Buhl Canngrsl, poL.ee coarmi i0acr, and the osaneegemelmt too cream_ cake, soft drinks and Rafts were tesldere l them, ;Public wcí'itrr,'. of Prtnee Buddha, magician, and Atetha 1.e uf. ran a-libcut of tht_mtuiing, drew btibdred. Pete Cartes ibought a new Cadillac and Harry Lewis ^t Packard. F -+ t t:tliie1 pureha -d a Pekard and the writer will 'drive a new Chetnolnt to Dodinei World's ?Ails Hhowa, Than/in/Wan W. Va.. quartets., Reported by Boy B. Janes_

Philadelphia IlouacJs PHILADFl pHIA, ítorti 0 - '4f:i cum

4111t:De:5 1' -ii 1 1 claw this weak Sown Barnet liuseiun ha -1 Billy ComelEs C.al- oredBovue oiI the awe, with Tektayama. Japas`r-. Site lot Electric' Chair and Mme. Camillo, mentalist. on ply -Term? IR the arulex dainelitt gtrlsa IClshth &n eat l'.fussuna has Ola Ranson and dog Queenly; abarkles, handcuff and meape dentpnstt'stlon; Parma °. tna.Rlehln; Pce.e Plsi$iquo and Malone to the main ball, Denctnq girls In the annex.

Prnnchuñauin Fair for Hatlthcnln PONCHATOULA. La., April fi -.l T,

iTatchon'a Ifedaan Museum 0Gntlnl.r-n ale plity this city after opening here on Starch 20. s:news over the weer -rinds has been Iti . e with the rtear, l;rdr' e'r the w30K Plow. report Owner iftztchens. Unit planr to remain hero for about two more we e% u nce the berry crop an ju' about Fight.

Show; this year. Herman flialrr- and atlas Renew pee 4

thru en smatter to the ?farts Shows, viler sill have the Circus Side Sereu. poi Comes%, who lass had air retase '

the South, Street Museum Natal time!, duricet tiro meson, rill n ht the min. rare% Show under Twat ICar-on, watt the t'ir1d11 Pair gyp- Professor Hall wild .ate left his anek to lake owe the ar- ena -dude Show with COlan.;al Brea." Shows.

Jlra Thompson. "P.6 ties been an itb., front Of the Eighth Street museum, let feu the Oseár C. Buc.c $flows. wtare 11:' wtit join the .Cireus Oi'dr' Show, Soon. Sheldon. who wintered here. .stn will join the Lynch dhows 1n Canada. Teddy Ward will be cot tical-1 with Tom Huson's Circas Side Show on .t Watld'a Pair Shown -

BA 1 H OO`- (Contlreued front i Pr 4i)

on and set up. with c_natderebie damage to oar egLllprertit. Tuesday attaresecti the bleat fire deparntant. anti-cd and the pumping off of thinitator lasted until too late to get Use midway W abate for the Might. On Wedaa+a.y we ren-nee their there were na ahavillga new senders available, foreleg the chow to buy soma 1j.te tor'& of pop corm which alas spice. ly na~1 and spa_d tar a ttrtdnceday night opening. Long before opentne tuna, ~Me ref the local sight-etien arrived to icon to overr, but got only as far as the (ante, then nrakwd ._elg to to'..71 to spraad the news than a tree pap -core) te_ ' ..- act tha lot. In leis than two bottle come 40,000 hungry natives tad rushed on the midway anti <levoured the corn. lsavlpg thI lot le worse abgpe than Defers

It was then that the Itc;e deouL'd to open, ree.Tdlrwa of maid. water r]r cram unoti,Ce rain. Promptly at @ p;ra, the Ilgl5te were thrown on and oar ecenmit. tee =Wed- on the 'lot. ' 1 vervor,e with it took «it peek ,.ni[ crossed his ftryti_Ta rfftt. 700kintr theca ov,.r, as wo aerie play - In - tinder the 508 Cep gyeel Club o' Kentucky. Not wwniin to get creased tip ear, tttrtlirtr. the m14w*y opened with a bang. /hat was when ~bed? acct the inane -gate ticket ellie'.

B_fors the crowd arrived every ti* t at Was shoat. of change, 'nitho each had been given 430 out or tiro o5ticn Ia attic then that the ahoart sdjuert.- 3ll- SbTered that a brody mob had bit the 101 and laid taw note et each box. Rather then g¡mble any more on the day. the switch -waa pulled -rod the mid- way clamed On T sin day a ycRte, C;}relutla hit and put the show tit on an , grinind Friday was emit loan It back up and the lot Bten dltcco'rered an extra rtma Wheel and two show Lego which had blown are froth 439tf Btee who were showing se 30 litita i away. Saturday was tntm and dear, but our 00mniltfee bed r a -ti red Out, Vann glvtn- the ihow 'etaway n an 1 . !' ;iri ig the at, fa. arid I .4n e Via .t In pretIl, the chow wound up to the black_


30 The Billbotxrd CARNIVALS bl pril IS, 1939

Dec Lnn Si

(SfotartscB') Newport, Ark. Week ended A pmt L

Ar spice , American Legtera-Ctiarn_er 0$ Cc 4 melt. Location, Perk pions thie'!t- syr . n'Ir,

Pint tong move hrtr. rnand Texarkana. '1 1. w , suite-ntut. -.Jul dose A d .11~ ready tar th-.r good mewl ort Mon- et-. night. ~pate tip matrriiI,, being sot end 0. ty from a heavy rain dater- ' ) n ^tit. )'outset weather prenlied thrientit. with natlefer.tory business re- ported from rtdnt. *hews anel renege : tic Mr. and dirt. S. Ova:n added isTatiry .and engn 11ít7 .'ands bore, while Jo, fiSa'tiltlraM err!! Dick Boyle yoked The ride periCQtwal. A :it licLean and -Owner Der Lang :ens rt i y .part of the seek on business trip. Llber-1 +-peer +end gives the abeam by TA« Itrrap i lNepe ,heist rind Jackson County Detnocrar Loc:r- wood tiytrkett land remainder of m.-nentt. teas co-aperatt-d, M comp1ttnnata writs received on. the program tturn'abed ;: rims Ro -a y Ctub by to zit froth DI- en.1 On Parade. lilntton at Bitted Mrs. Desk' Both, sinter of &tea it'. D. mu) otcf,4an: r.Q.`and Mrs. Hill Den - nett and Nil Tout$. New publicity 04110s tra.J ailricd here. C. P. A M1Y1'RONO.

West Brae.. repot rind)

Cart Ginn draa, i tl. MAO, data hided I. Auepiece, Afissollri lrr'e1tonai fA,d.. Location. City Poi Weather,

bad. 14vd1u fetr. Drs' to 1.. of fire dais b cCntur of

rain and t ed. oho gin= was the belt :In last toms years, Tint IFireir'bate Were roDep -,lay ..ed. n d tr t éittirday. w,th a t$b:rit nutlaac. kept .leer iris the s$u:Wic aide. high spat. were Morley Der, first Friday, end CCi, Joe btrildd Jr.. biirttsilny party On Saturday afternoon. rerda1ing bleb' matinees. Own r J, W. =ta4 Vlrrinla. LalarIsltn ent4attnht4d owe

1000 Buco 1 , ' '. tt .4 veo/t, trcrnt au*-

. I I 1a, .l'_ X, - i' -4r ran/J rah In 1Id 411, VIM r1f. -S! 41=1 F3rr.

+tarda. ata.a,s: do e.r1:R 11.4001 rti e.ret. 1W:401 10e e,uda, ilii-50_1_150 16a card...rseems".seems"et l: E-40 aXaa. 111Altnn:DcO 441r41, eta». R.ntaMtr.a o-i,w, saoo pu 1R9. R 1OÓ4as! trA ore, meek .bata Per

3000 11C tQ n.lo sot or too earda darn. t0are+t See Il ir_ ! dawn. f 4 r

`1 r1ú1 Pat te0_ aiR 100 r.2;dt, one rare. ~Weld a -ann. 03.b0. I,11 P-

HO"' tole IrUi are 14= 'rsn iota ir ant Alcs , te tf s. 11Íean alai &a:.

t.la1T Vin;i9Mi aIM00 CARDS. Mark rsa .t -r:. pp La Gil t AA-

"' 1 L a.eae. , airs 6.7. Par ano, a/.ri 11 es. 1t 1,eee. 11 par 100, +a ,a *a.a rarra. sar ,davat4 a a 11~1"ty 11151 C'HCa . .. .112;00&-:1

a dtl 4 ca *i,:l 1111p tA d u 1l0l 7,trlera .

Y'e -


1 Lw l:k:. trr: i:: too.. AIé e taeh e alrse urd r Mists en -M aaw w ..._.

' DAM Ralriprilrr.t Miaea..1t'ñi. 51 .211 per III. fa w df

1.50 41. cr rw as 11-:t C


B lew e g..rl M hta ;era. 1tA. De .. 11-210p : 1 and !} S trar$t r' br4r0aPtm

I a rI. it , I sky C. a. O. feed !re . 1 0 ootrl tea. ts.-wiso

J. M. ,SIMMONS & CO. Jac k~es B7Ind. Cl.lsaara

100GIeAiS 'GREATER Slil wS

Iiepla9 eae-tt 1,...,14 to t1N NéAav-tt W Jl11FD-'t1pa a, Wawa fi= bA It ara 7s1 lmalar Yrr r. 1 . 1,4s L ^e mill 1n r.e.

_ .t Wirt", rn/rrJrr, 11.~1.1 . Pelt 4: It -. r °T. . I-, 1t. h ' , r rl - -IiI

ar 7 Churn. Lti:L ̀ 3! ,:- r r. In te -.- t

DOUGLAS GRfgATER S1r=itOWS qeoa ttr 144 11110 1. 14411a1. Waaa.


'f Ar,

1 1

: n

WANT r' Salary a

,r ° ore j : B% ser-0M anerd ell ¢, _' t 4 z -,t ° + t r, 1 Irlapetgl-- 43 Me. -

011 }:t ?ro pan ee r+e lIr' pm t a nru 4 i"t dooprOaS

n C N I, roans a/.nC ai-:Slur+- 8!S east I cm, 'is. T_^ .aal beai.

AIDE NELP i" INT r+ /WiH N1bi. rive 6--R 1 G -4I 1111-a-tMrn

M. 1a DOOLAK .,Itr tN. 00M ser.. 6 . I

FuJAL-Date Ca-rltcvai Show Y,etters AA Reported by Newe ti9preeentatirscxl for the Shows'

9,000 ~dial, who partook a tree ets..- tord, pop 4..'11. area pop and kept ~ea loaded for IOW Lenin. 7 M:r11rJ; Joe ttcsidl .,r,. Saturday rte' tines was 111-7

best in several )tan. Manager J. W. LtrgbUn erred /it.tatant

li'anakq'er hence trutsarrt entertained city odtlCIab and committter:Pen et s Meet diluter in Cliff Barabarta Zttldway Cafe on det`irday night- New liotloplone ar- rived from Wiley Mrrraet Corp. and went Into action Ina edieloly, It, with the _flew Tile -s -Whirl and pony thick and are.' show fronts, featuring new banners from Baker -Lockwood Co bFrigtitened up the nt3daey. Tine Laa^tl- Una were complimented by all on tsltuLt. -

appearance.. pI rice A. Later, Im'amnoa +run, ,vWted for erre-ral- days end ele'o fsatrels:.1, One of the gcGopus stick. Jack MOC?e pur<beeld' the MlxUp. Judge and Mr . Goof ,e W. Baeliain.. preterite of the writer. acootaponted by Shirley June L+iaham. his daughter. hatted.

Among those not listed in dhows* opens:ng line-up which appeared in Mat w _k"s 1s-uu Were Don Trueblood. mere..

Ltita Trueblood, cOmctz Ions sons - term eta -alley Moore. clicctricianr Hun gran:. meat:attte; John Tkttie, e.irltariter. and Ray &Laor'. sound tcahntcl9Z Con. merlons'; VITraan Bernhaairt,,pop corm Eva

Rape -i, penny pdtch: Dutve Havener, bal- loon pealnye Wish; DInt'y Merit. dlliwtrir bvsTen» Wilhelm. scent: Stanley Moore. perreetallRr' Bert Craig, bins ribbons; furry - 'tait% bail guide: P. Rul 1-13:

penny pitch: Steyr Metkow. palmtatry. A..5. CihrtL ortriatoa. Shows: Jam wfendi aY_ Vrrtaard i.l Ardle. ritnrrná'frr-astern. 14Unkes Circus Dab Erereet, manAger. tri InCl: 8.d4 altos.'. Cttlek Renee, mafs- n, mallet fttvur rrcd Oereiteck. tri nn-ñr. Ha -Alan. Do., Round. man- s- r Athletic. /perky walker, rtletLi., ter. Crlgrtl. Doe Wtistenp,rcl, Mans get; Mtn. steel, Bonnie Sharpe. manager. Rides:: Mercy-Oo-ILouttd. nd Dobrzto, foreman: Pe-rrla Wheels. Otletn Landrum s.BU Pat Dr anec foremen; T7lt-er'Whlrl. Cara walkout,. foreman; O'a-cpIi1. Reber* (peel thiL, !arrornin Roltopin r. Eel Mc- Adamr-. foreman; pony 11.tkt, Tony Liens foreman; KCttdlc. ltutoe. Pete Mtl}iony. foreman. /MUGS DAR7LMM.

Wefitgrn Suites Crystal CttllTs's. Mereh 1t45. At 3.

peen, Annual Spinach rtlstltlal-. Reeatitear. Decd.

!.f -ated eel, meter of city. flow* opened litre ct i price to ce`ebrntton to mediocre buatnt 2n lenrdIAtely rifler parade on trldtty rail) Saturday crowds poured on mIdec . anti riltal X on

data !attune teJrereakd i i Leek of speco.forced omltt'rt( art r,vmtat rlt,4'7 and sheen. Milo Anthony' t Can to of Clarketle:r Pe!nrd,, hero along with Firing Vi,lent1Do ,. Mrs. Jira Schenck was feted at a tilnn-r civets in her honor by Miltre» Mau.ger nIM'rt` Wright, Mrs. 8'.u+ Tbotnza wee' an borer gar_ 3,411ttin-t m.ijkod the opening for i-. and Mrs. Cobl r tadk:lseu a operators when they received notice of the death at at'n. Cobh. father. Mr. 1'8aí Kra Hob Mays purctLied e trailer. AslMtfrdto to eoat- ~ens row Inc urlcd tw! rgilrni t+ 0 boll games and Mrs. Dernloe I;:Ítttlruüri7 hoop -hi. Glatiwyn

Handing. deter of

Mrs. 1J?rt,ntllG ISyaa LAP.R be Yl ULLIN8.

Wnllice Bros. (Bagoe re nevi' and trpcb)

"rip. A Irene. Week ceded April I. Aaspre'-a. too,, Lcrion. Loostlon. ol.o.luirf bntsyrefr irons piibUe lettare. Weather, reelable. B" 111.YJ, fair, 'fee pate.

That Superintendent Rosa' Crawford net. Ipomp11sbtd the weer:tingly impossible here by loeauting tine eiln ws on a smell rot. At that It -1e star 1-y t0 leave off %Wo !idea ,Etlyd a Were the radatid here In 'early eight years, and Legion Coe tma.n6r William Tucker and' his member: eo-otsnsted. aid* eonpora alaln were herd. et_Ii ride did Qecel business eta Saturday. Date ruse ahoy" second and last Tennessee stand_ Dusl- gw;t Me.=lngre Jack L: Oliver onttrtalaod ninrttir o'e friefid9 dttrt7:ó the C1;;;ige- meat. Oeorgo Sirraxtt. 000khollis 'ralta.r end a survivor of the b. S. Otintsx 1 Panay, ma the sub)eet et n front-page story lb the 19Ml r.+trep",per, Many of the personnel took edvuntpbo Of the proadmity to ddrmpbla and-nfl:dc aat-sas1 .b,atrling tripe there. Vtlsltars Included t f 4l'0 rt! Ralph R. Robinson. J. L. titrb-ker, l end Mt*. V1. L Malin And Eugene Dam. W tLT11t B. PDX.

7 hit diet rg i.Nºt r -1ºrd )

Liftfe Rock. Ark. Wcsk witted April 1. Ab:rp rl; Youap Reiste t* Men- As . e. Itkai. rirsYiaa1, poett eitett .sniffer par. ,. Wed. Weather, u-nt'tttoiI. Laoettctt cow poetic Afaaro Hasa CO,Jres.

I7 Spite varied weather, last part c opening ves ' w- as geed 174 expected. One night Vila lot l ,C5Lt C of rim. but the good nights made tip for it, With Lau: oilier arme tstntering here. there arao o cut.te fit rte r .rtt Of vt' juera.

Ray Hyaena of artists: tilt Slott liba.., slatted alease daily. Orla V. 1 sta- i rat al -o ,-t ' led Ti 551ºck pur- CL led e now h Oiu-Car fee hie n.rt.,

1 t -. Earr.t'cl liarrlg - :On rlgped

1 pera-ettrt, con -re --.on. Irortyr Cobras retarncd with 11'4 dltt r ru


Hildcrbrnnd'e (itedo ts+d)

Pasadena, Coil/. .Ski dap* ended April I. Location, Broadtt,sy n3 Otéttol i. Atn- y le...3, American Legion. Bag{~ fete. Weetri.w, , rain, Pay gate, let orals..

This wzA. the áfs: showing of a al/W. vat bete In 12 Trani. and It is orally

_- I

LSO If. IIfSTAati Y. Man.' perra QldaiJa-nlsrtQsatr Of Oro has bt alyttra* as bhr13t.ta rsQaeo

t' prr of are

Lattlp Nome Staid S1tºaoa by /3rryesre1 atanaper Morita t'Qltappfº. Enter -Jiff a.aWermttzt fit I 907 at Won- derland Park. Ifotrton: D'tteawlr t3,rm rd area operated Bt2tARINs tiat teq ,J`.oaata ¡or antttwber 0/ :1Mf3r11 aaa l,oF f.eA ![ara lipeg CdáDalattut a'I']-rb It troflttr_r. Ceo*4c In opr+atfo!l of Big tame BrORr 51't-tos tit dim C.ws ~- moiled teeth CfafrnGu A. lAºrlftaas, WeQ1ti of IOW' mad 1Yancfa terart I1 olrr

end. Ralph end Mar ag.-rit 8..190111 re- de...anted their lsolMeec r. ere r iii, QIr5r61

i :dickey Ames. Claude Leone Wirt" Pit:~ Claatno bas received coin- p'1 rivals Lrotrt ninny putters. Mra_ IL W. Coo w-- prru-ltr4 with A ,bouquet at to by Commander Jobn R. Chambers and D. L, Dotzrb rya of the M- dril- l'. t No. 13. Arnriiasa i.rglan. dd rimy n ig I rr,.ii lest bemuse oC fain. Willard Holt left to yeti the . oyland Show". Hanel saber and Vetr_rr 8eeborg enter- tained several .bb fo1R -at a chttm dinner in a local cafe. Manfred Rteitart t, T0at-rtl-One la doting good butanes E. Weodu, la Oat the trout, Mr, and Mrs. Pd L4ahvfl. Zltnl_r,r Bell Cafe continues popular wtity h a rrfatlL. A third p-eb oar.cess'lgn _ was ridded u as T ntatnago- cornt of Prank Onabotn. with the 2lo. 2 stand Wider manacemani of látaursoo Lanny.

Kung sletltia spent a dl -y on the show us Oenerrai ).tfltirierr P. SW, C. guest. Al Seanan. of the 310,11 ~2 Skpra.ekete celebrated hie birthday srn_dt.mrrary: Lucile King, who re -`seed ea op. rl agent for the White City Shoes. :gaited II higy, WALTON DE PELLATON.

7tnGrYitr;íad *when OCto ponaldeat the t> m -fiera tr;;Tsrtd, ur-zkr=ted mten to the calnmlttl'-_,. tOtDtsl.ttg It tnr.#r- ribie for Lie.--ller orgnn175tI1trne to entibiblt bare. Ausploes prz:.t?nred ahc.t.a-wttit an Mat let etllivriat? one 'gee csty offtelatls dec:.,irvd only brat et the ht could be. utlltzrdt ere the oth-- itt.lf Y'yh to the atraldentkal dfatr4ct. Thin enatdo It n á _ *try for General Ma,nayrr E. W. Cer to crowd the si-a+ti In a p 90 ton sa>Qatl. Ltgleai ootrunitCtº e -n i¡3_rtiletlL

- Ohs tab "rut Inclement weather. -rt - tntt;innfil iftlTeruk-d nightly. but epend- tng did apt aoer`.st up to exwebttblD tree nttrsotlione were. twit publlctii by the pre --

Monday night the show played lara.l; t0 zb3Q now-:ibOI't, whil0 nlgbi sea, Illt>)t IludrTp>nlillegtd elribltttrrt. under pro- tect at. of torsi and n- d a'.rtrn_ent, 1111 ttrt , About Ice*DoT Scout Iii a Q Orphans were waits rvt Ttixltedayt night. 7etlt+ttlt:r :at1er11paaCg lRi1tnr+a fOr children w' v 11 tn+m :r I, j c 11- It it crewing pow . tr. r1 Mr, 1 -

yMt,tmbort¿ta Alet' ;pnn ItrJpfrt-d the wttd+r.y. hilt atie .i"hlrtic llherer, cro ril el try - v.

arm Mrs. 1:-..r1 ,;.it{.,t,ut, s-,.

Crowleyr's Ardt^.ore'= Oki.: Week ended April 1.

Location, circa, liroonds. Auspeces, Aw:erfean Legf n_ Pay Matte. ,10° centac. Woef1er. tlofd sank three days rain; lest fhf+ee1 day" storm. Rueter tea, fair.

ShOus aarlred from Danlfbrt. Tex., a heavy rein end .hall stoma. vtfiitdi ate) ruined opening night- - Despite storm. midway gr-. cod nearly 4000. Turtday night was a blank. Rae. D. E. Cox and 'r.-ite were i ance,cd *mat It dinner In 'Intent Brills dtnlPg tout Old itwl abowred up Thundtay and Thursday night sound a large crowd on midway. Nees. kV? e' The Deitl Admorite and of 011_1:-m' City papers were huelOted gateSat. Ail. taper. were litlorat with mien. Und.-privl ird clTared 'Jere chaperoned orre mid -ay. Bualnese In- CreMesi on Friday, while children's matt" WI' ii. 13at urday. w - trine, with Saturday night good. V41*nrd 4. "Pitt : eidc d two blllye-,i.re. General Montt le V.r. f,'0111. left Friday no a booking trip. Mrs. Frances Crowley and daughter, George. angle. left Futdsy for a sheet that in mtstlrmehd. ilea- Bob Paulson anti wife celebrated tlrlr third wedding-artiittirrr= a try on Thursday. F.rsonnt.l gait' ihent a party.

Maude Ile:WItoe/ la doing secretariat Writ for ¡'Ti.!. Jni-1l It? nuttier., own 1itrnitton hell bt (X;dttk i. anal w.Is 1- - d recd a homc.eosnInS party by tore prr- utsutel, Bob Wileya Harlem Minstrels el= d. Mark (W httey) Creamer went to Alirtpb1- for A "Mort stay. J., frank Daley and tan, itutort, )oala;d rote. 11_ W. I;OO'wt?a}) death la operating a doff and monkey circus. J. D. White and wife went an the midway wilt Me- cliadlesi Sltr)w' and Jell Punboue, Jerre .11odf:'ee end 1tnuly. fonC, tCn'ri. left for 17íd Clan) Mille 1.`tb45ns. Dtjy Oar - done who and baby are out of the hatl- pltaL Whitey /debit klly has recovered trots the flu. Mrs. AdaBbhop is in charge 0f the :exam ~00 thatet We.


News and ehaMse abhor the bands Gail acts Hilt WICI-dram move people to your tile ',- pears in The .$:lboard this week and every ,sees.In the

l.11JSII an



Redd Them. Regularly!

April 15, I9S9 CARNIVALS They Billboard 51

Ike i011-111-3av'. /!etc ice Teat*. and ante. J une, and children, Ptetchet Jr. and r'n- gena. Joined. Maurice Taylor Is putting plane candy box dale over. Lea (Tex) Parker unit SPCre. I averty, vi-atcd, 3a4,nej

C finºIly and family J Wen, a,a did Browcia TuLnau and Oeorgr Pinney,

iettore were H. D. England, W. A, .t- r- rtrr a. W7110 Ketta. i!ltsald Constant. Raymond dri'rao. V. A. 11111151117, Robert Baldwin. Our Patterson., Rev. Mark Sex an n. Hama Sbrf err, J. R. L. nor ;at John=,on. ltdear RIM/Mtn, Roy :Fan- A. Q_ otra"Atc,. C. H. retretr, d tttniam CbleaoIm. DOC WADDELL.

Buckeye State <motor ed)

POt+fit. l4#0, ísr k rr tied itprtl h itllytk+a. Sett/wart ' was ape Mae Stott ctrl ~airy She . Location, Pat,. rQroO+u,nds. West/ter. relit .Von4dy anal tVtánesdeyr. Oti,wrtratia swod. B urisicas, peed.

Rain came up berate :thaws. were on the ne", and loft tatrgrolinds hers: and tractor ter tcc 's -as required to got on the lot. Sawdust and ttl;- rs tern tXt Skt,d In all day sZottdey, and then It started to rain ngp1n. Tuesday. however, ;Rase fair weather and a Large crowd Celled out. littler, stock shofar did not open Until Wgdñt:aday. 'When a heavy rain tTanIformed the lot Into a-iwernp. Thursday, Friday and Saturday weather wad :.~d end big er+awdi prevailed. Steve Oomley joined to maar.. e the aid./ stow. related by b!t brother,. Jack Conley, end D.oº Dean Milo the b9$ítie and Happy and Babette »nano aleo Joined hare wtth timer magic allow. !dazing Wear réeurned í11V- .

V7laltora Included Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Watson. Sirs. Tate (poste ,Parker) Rob- erta. Wetter Reeves. ~Ill Normal:. Theodore lateodowa, Mr. and )lira. Bobby [Lllmr, William H. (Dote) Burns. J. S. Windt vie: &liter Lind 1Sra, Robed. tbcntdt. of The NemlRegjrte. Kean Brothers, Don Porter: R.. O. Pr loon and O IL Sherrill. lt,liueln Cow ty Pair ~cannon: innon: J. IL. Deana. Forrest County Fair. and Joe Padgett, special ports a i- riourie-r at Station WJDZ. Jaeka4n, ?tied. Pubtlither Ir. A nahmidt, and Ediitor Robert Schmidt. of Tr e Nets-Repbter. (ievq much mince to the ahow%, Joe p ittart anii Jock Mecllaenny. chairman eS the local púbilctty committee. co- operated. TED JOHNSON.

WilitP City (Motor! d)

.aft. Vietp, .Col/f.. AVM 29 -Aped 2. Mather. coot; rate Saturday nipftt. 81tt-t- n a, pood.

Alter a long jump front Ventura. Calif, Oat: tat the nrgr.piSatirm -enjoyed a proilt- a*le stand, shows opened' Uwe March 3D to a large crowd; Ottierel Ag-nt T' (f'ldltleo) Piebald Weeded the shrew

" town on the maln street_ Prank l4yrt-ter'a Ten -In -One is Cl ek!ret and, the ~UDC Shear Oeei tliltt. to p .e et In. en doss Mr. Van Deets Arabian NIghta. ray, WIllinat, received a 'KZ.11111pn, ;,t

r rltltte types el re itlit. for ha /Maim alto Penny Arcade has added various tarty tn.:01Illtta and d In - alit ̀ 34r. Sad `et*t. Joe Dctt10 and daughter hare he Roll-o-Ptane ciicklcrt. Mr. and lire.

C y 'revile purred ni+., f.etop-o- VIr,nN Mee Collier. h, dive: the "'ratan, Brothers. rerelving ladder: the

e _ nn Tim hSnruelekta of the Air. tai seta, ,ire popular. iron Chaney la still handling the

gear. Owners bar. end Mrs. Ted Cerra are working hard to keep, the

-awe amoal" the best on the Pacific Caw., Mr. and-idra. REp%i LL. -oyr pia o t 6 oot1t»Lana Joe R:..lnllart Joined

Ica his airing gStoo. Joe ll:rug's' rating tragarttsrn la lakpul?t Joe recently near -- e~ a nr'v iaemi-trailer Mr. and, Mra, 'entoe Eenman joined at Ventura, tat: -

Dee owe Lucy King's p- attar!- 142, Pi ch- ard and daattghter, Jana Jtt1im1 here.


LANCASTER, CA.LIF.-- (Gbnitrtsred from. papa 44 f

edits; /1., C. Gibson, general gent C. Pl- ) D;itabl Weber. aadatent manager and

inepsrttmtcnd_ncst: Luaritlp iiiag con- - -t! Agent: 'Cad Lercci . piSlillctty:

o - 11.derbeig. olectrtr-tán; J. J. Glee - Can., rn mcllnlat., and Howard Pea.. painter.

Ifteltorri Include lair. arid Mra. 74^zí Doubbtltt, Du"de Prie-t. Prank Dotrral' t Mr. and 'drew PBll Willtamns Mr. and Mn..e

M. 13.jby. Vivian, Gocdiatt. Mr. and Idea. Lillis W1ill.anti, Belie] McDonald, Mr. -us1 Mna, stay R ec.rd. Vielan 'tea art!. Minn -% arr. and Mrs. Ann Straw" .

W Q©lth, A_ N. and Banja Strom moo, Voeí.ra Jcr.ee. Irena Smith. base, Jpp Pulley. Al Wcb>xay, :ate Zero D,- M ei mile, -- es. itllltt. Mr. Ind Sin_. R. TIAr'11.

Mr. end ram William :Dii,crlair. 1l4a>ltt Miller. P'loratlice Webber and Deg* bfargpn.

CRAFI1S NO. 2- (GbntiVeried front pyre 4,,)

Wheel. Buster Clarke. torremtan: Itnko 14urnin. a tatat,t: :4rra. Stem McCarthy, ti_heta. Loot-o-Pbane. Prances Gilliland, operator. Ham Boyd. asilatantr, Martha Amon, ticket.. Aeroplane, Bobd OLl1Ilend:

pr..) Sr/hataseel. tickets. Ireyday, Crotgo Haler. loreman: Andy Spetta, asihane Bill IaV+ley. mechanic: Bettie Shepard, t'-ckets, ipdtlle Auto. Pop Ratener. layer. foreman: Grave Millar. ttcaula. Octopus. Robert Paltert eerr fore- man: Neal Tiernan. ,>: .atant: Mn.Muue 89541. tto eta.

Shows De Prase Monkey -Chair, pen Ito-

Da-unad. manager, lde-otiriald. rifle ,lanai: Hater anal Delbert Delhrau. traln- ere' Fred Ether., c10-vn; Ray Goodall, e raparint udenta of ateek: Helen Or ticket». Temple of the On it. 1. if Halley. manager. Prrgy Lama, Anna Stamps, Patricia Kramer and Zuaio, In Vale, dare: Jean Br:1y. lO ytrd, equip- Iaialtt: Htlesari 1 -11 Dine, mtleltlara. Olga g_e !Louse. Meek McCormack, operator: Nell Sancta, Unite --Ls. Arcade. Bete, Caol- tina. nianager; PRtylisi; Coljlnw ciakikr: Jen W'Inty. n. ,Jar Pared Floyd: J9ahn Harmony. a Blatant Modern Set -nco. Joan Stone, trai aide ilI t: Pr'usots Oil' lisp -c. trot trsaielenr; Naomi. headless f'Irt: Ruth /Packet" eleotrte marvel; Thelma Mundy, torture: Tony P,rtatte . tattooed nears: Bart Teekett melee: Prank Thom". flaroaa of death; Janes Rogan, steel sane man: Madame We, pain let y. 'Mandan!! Illu--ioJi, Revue. Capt. J.:d ldihrlid$. operator: Btu towney and Red 'Thomas, front: Minn Gorge, tickctía. Airtisl. World ..pe Me Dawn. L',hlotba. Dick Kantho. owner: Ceeee) &antlue. tic.-ts; Pinky Coleman, wires. tier; Eddie Loprn borer; Jnak Cestlasa. GTtulilor: Jas Dtayat:ln borer: Curley T1oC.lsoo, woman wrestler.

Conceions: Cookhowe, Jack Willard. manager: Du1X*B Llti e. dart; Louta nynak. griddle: Iaogcr Carpenter and John ..Bpurtes, counter, Lathan Willard, Bahl r. Lunch ato. 1. Jn131a13y Ea. 2. Tommy Walla, Coady floes. u o-" caned. candy apple., h11Jp i eetoni; Cori Clark, agent- $afiti.. I,a--ry Dunlap and Joe hCºtuu_ Clgnret gallery. Z. U. eleyer and Sandy McDonald. llamo end bacon. Ruth bicMah ,r, Robert Tapljn, Whitey If:weep_ Duck Pend. Harry Taksl. enes- er: William Center+, Forest Ray and IL Tika1. Ralloin. Itfa1, Bely an Chew - 1 : Heath, l tny7 Plici), Cticelyt,Kslleile. 11nde Thereoeen. Ball Mike .zkviet.

Eames; Cram-tn. 21W -Inge H. El. Takal and Hal Zitll1F Boo fIUt McMahan. Hen Meehan and Bob Curtis. L cape- tinge lead gallery. Red Cummins and Joe Dent .m Photo strips. Faye kt_x. Mrs. Bud Rutter end Mira MAW C ndy. lira. J. G. Ragland. Harry Timmermant. Ifouaey. Mfg- $ Llndrey. 111. Ada Roeli- rock and Jae Hernard. Pop oa-ata. Lee Boston. Novelty. Jim finds, :i. Slimmer - man

Melton, Included Prank 1!r!e's, Mr. end Mrs. Ed P. Walsh. Set ómttbaon, J.. E. Fertnsy Joel Wa 4nranal. HarryStr1rk- lar.a¡ W. W. tiara e. deorgO .Sthrtea Frank .Mal., Harry Welk. George film= nipudi. WT;ttsy Olsen and Harry ~term.

GOOD WEATIM R. (Cvtatenttc truPot page 44)

eta Hall, fOr=ruatm; Al Crclahtois, Fecund; WllLe ! ewltnn, iteketa. Ferris Wheel. E, M. Bewaa, Date Goteaba. ileward Ttughes. Chair -o - Plane. Max Lorene. Ch -t, We1!e. T m Delaney. I...pan-rune. K- P. Cl _'tar foreman: Walter Wheeler. «C - OWL Radee-O. Lennon Morgan. faratr.ant Mike Barclay, second: Roy Moore: tick- et : o -nvas Chealoee Outbrod: Iles; gato, TY:elma Davie.

Pl:ó*'IS Ten -111-011*. Dot Comeau n tttr8iry.rr Art Meredith, tt _eto; IA' Cowden. lecturer, Punch and aocardlab: [ in col:~ Jul;1Iing, ttaie:o and BUtldha, Cflei Wh_oap=ny. human oa- t cal. m.atacnd*r and wire-hair.4 mar- vel.: Bonnie Whanapolay: batty and tuu-

Ion-. Aitriem. the-L.areItr tMowboal., Caap4. llntry 8blr ce. Tr. It rr: Da _ n e Brnmsull, Nonli black. Ssotardroanro. 17í+y. Jean and WWI Wocclm. Hebert end Elimibeth Oa , George Murray. Lilo. Dared C e ry ., miinuñ sr .;and lt---tarn Ray -!layette, Annex; Ellsworth 'Hunting- don. tickets. Big Apple Rcette, Irvtus Levi mash produtaer: Rao Lewis nurot>ir ~al` add mall$ ,dtrte eimots. te9kQ: Violet T2it1171,' - Are* Thom....r-_,T, Helms Mr -Murry,. Tani Antftrewe. dta>fla_n: JClarrf WIlllaene. tll:ketii. Itilsl- Marl., led Deity, Wedncer-rnat>,:,er: Billie "e d. Lather; Rtlbyo Oailsfcey.

WANTEDG-Wil NTED ! --WASTED! CAN tlaaAC[ for ear Rieke en Strtatea and laical [toec:Nien Shows be., luanrner sett alas winter iceman la Ma+taaee.=weritar,iras Side Sho,- Mtrattlens. Ake tan tie ratee D,wtlwt, Glrh rear ~timber /0 wink, In Silk Show red a ,is IstsrcdlNtir In Petersham, Mi Please wart or arttMó

HARRY LEbVI.STON, t,ieav h ;` nváfYie.rae.

DANCING (GIRLS AND "1 ALKER con 81nL stow eats poster! sitOw,

WANT llaaraitac Qrsnrtal T . \: , - n w _ 11 __r 1 - ,. r _

Iv/ r tn7 Ir.- ilr tt.t\ . , ._ . are II F - t Ole Ilv-t .at LcrQra tat!`*. WA'

ea L ,.+ Il , te Met w ¿rett III %ciIS rhaatlnta titrartw ^-+` ya1:! r rr yY year new. +lata atl 1lrt. 1-ltar. . aV, I LL c n, N cta-aerdy M e011. Oct. a, Oak.

W. C. KAUS SHOWS, Inc. O[NIaO meant. ea AT liOILVvi'LL, VA.

te',tri: Ri1ro0,-af+ttt+lt '7,1 ft - R 1 1' -,fi, rytr I ~eta a nc+Ys=1 1111, -,fria MC%, l+tern,,r l -r - It a r P - :. 4YAlrEa_6a.- tt r} t Tr ,1 . in I., h a )t- -_ T 4t re to r.tt:sta t---ne,«,r,.t ate ma Lear . i !t a rltl!rrr, .tY se. luxe1L1. ]11 Ana.IMáA¢1-t 1. lr¡+- ran G_ r ^ r- d Z'

w, Q. _ ab rw.. t`1flsH.a.-aalarr,, M. a ?berth load ; Lillian «Hawkins. latent. clto:us; Mabel lTorcb j L:C. Chards ii d e reednit;y Curly Zbp ptoreare. aborrt:at Jt, lug Yt+t sell and Hammes álrea!kiae, dance team, Kid Deistjr. first comic: M!d:alto Alma, acee 4 comic: prank ry Jr.. band lender and trlrng--: Jerry ;fall, .Iautapet J1aL t: Crawford, max: Rob- ert Yotln, ("mime: Jaelt Coo -nay. troth - bone: Dorothy Mu y, piano.

Conor lord: CoeelIdkaal. A1bt ft 1!MQ1h- mutle. manager; Pay Prohrrtuth ea/ablsr Agri Palk. coo_. Finest i'otk, gr%ddle; K rtrY BratiGá_ tr.llter. ' jsntru Anders. wel:cr;' Willie Jones, diehw nk r. I all gall.,. lagury,lnn Ale-,/ odor, ENolyn Bltt k- lorrd. Willard Turte''. Penny pitch, ,lames Howard, Jame,. DOenla 1.1 e _ e nil .

Art Alleender. Ddb Clack. Photo gallery. h . and bus. L. K. Btetnrtellow. ;-Ira . Harry teener. Ball game. Cacti Williams. )'itch-tIH'.'U wlny Jamgt 1t, !Rumpus, ells lerl¢writa. Blerleuer MOM.- Jimmie bfi.- calfa Pilo.tlll-u-a-tn, Herb Herne -sty. Under and over, J. J. Kelly, African trip. Ml. and MM. W. M. Gardner, One ')1 Le- Clarr Pop corn. tdr. and Mn.t Gaunt, WheelN. Cigatet t eticry Jer'Mephino Laaird. Huddle do -den. ?durable. Mr, and Mrs. F. P. O4t-tctik Bnr- beni, corn game, John and Ann Ga Ill-

. n. Neal Mumma. I .a.- a, Sieves Lako, Bucket nets. 11r. and Urn. Man %%radicle-: Ct;-taret Iaal Jñ_r3ahInc Hoopla. Ai re' 11 ad ro tier Ir ne Chrttor. '.eta Edna Lake_ Dle asap. laatlr and Martha Ietrealtnry, nrriny arcade, 131111e Brady; Aubrey Haw , Petrifead .Marl. Mr. One Mrn, W. f. ii';a . FAIRLY S limn E

rcoitliest;ed Qr..,; ,r - a 1

line. Kiddie Antos, Merry.GW-Round. tutee -O. OCía:T1 a. Whip and Glider_ Leo Hsnalt:t'on presenta the D'Aruy Girls am tr z r net.

Staff Inoludea NObtc.O. 1M Illy and Phu O. Lit: e nuinnaere; Dan !loll gin.

r; 1.1 V$n Horn, a:4rrtur.- iptlb1tcity: J. teem. lot relpertrttendent; Sam Benjamin regent: C. Boreal, C tricle,n, George Shaw. ceelagal'lom manager. O. Iáutºhlaon. mill maw and Billboard agent.

SPARKS IREGIN.. (Cr7lNrsrrra_ jrozn per-+ 44)

owner: 1' (1Ób) »a /lab sand Geed . T. Cgrter, waiters: Willie Davie. dash. washer. Palpslmtry, Madam Qr1:45 Oane Ttad.tle, ball. game: ]lt ,l e Jrtlr*>Gn, east rack: lack Hart. nail stand; buc eel Crip Johrntcn: toel;-rang my tin, ..11 ry. Walter Cooper. Pltc+h-Tiii-V-Win. f:ank nu. Ooaete Bartley, Shona' Overlay. Penny pitoba. Ma.. Ted Vial =a Mra

ellr ern: Ton-ln-One Wile Show end bt+l etzar, lair, and Mra. aides, Anna and All Orr: Witham Sufttm.rtu. C are )Tetrvrp. 4141- etic Bobby Vernon. to ker Zerr Ja 't Atabura. Zeena, Dick WUon, t l -:rel. Part, i rearIi 1,zd Cotton 1!I¢--oin Revue: Recta May William., Hamel Jones. Luther Stay firm., , emir, 1.kíá Iser-ilog. Ruth 1?'itteaazu_ 'ter .! ,tv m h Tr W7MCn. Mandy Ruff. and ALoL Black- ener:. s'_ral.«.1 tend ..z . e baud. '.liable yirentlay. drum, Arthur Bran . trumpet. Prod Brant!_g t n nail! T. l-lrii, y- 1 t -o id - t -t ,I . ,

Atbia tie, 'Mad B a» talker, -eark Hemp - aye, tiara/m: At J . I! al a n Girl 1 a Paton er "ais. - Ph -lean; C. J Therapeou. talker, C ri as

Barley. tlekri: 1' : , '- JIM stud lsr.,rrut bet. grid Irma, 1uSllie !Pleat, I 14 rt

'Pelt.a.Whlrl, Jack Prick., foreman: Glen Willa and ,Luehln Cook. , uceceud enety, b5m BCta ltec+ILIttc k. Lietata b,t'r!'.00- R.Qutd_ W. J. óilcr.o ,.. fairemarn Lowed Pritchard. , tad: Mra: Olen Pullletr tick- etr PTrnSt. Wlt,4t, Bob ReCllatock feste- rnen; lat,7tcit1 rr/ttha>td. second wen: Mel Lester Grammar, ticksie Kidder Rid'. Robert Nolan. "*or &cceera, Mr. and MN. rted Wi tfpn.,

1)OWF.N'S JOYLAND fContetlueit /ron pape 411p

Coast aho,xnien ano were on hand_ stair I.ohudta Hugh 0. Botri'i_ itlanegorC bina lT C B1lnran, r-eervtary-iras=carer- Harm L. Gordan. general a--^- Joe La Mar. special agent: 11 .- .y Garrison cow-- - Lin lalpicirtritardenta 14.4 Patter. e^ctt7- csao, Harry -Warren. Bin -board t-+'st?

Ltnrelup of attractaom_ tlAoir.: Cate 1- cede of- QAditSes. lTeu;rv Wartrn. rrazier- uv Jlanmlet Dundee. glnrl blower; Buddy PacYett`. ma-ILcian-rentrtlogttlat: Prince:. Tlnjy. puir!(tOt: Jiek SlKtYp. Is,to net: : . }1ar r11L liltisro-¢: 11:11 Dailey. tattooed man: Joe Garner and Whlttc Millar, ticketa, PA11-Plrrll.lp li- the anttrat..Att,lct!º; jtÓtsloay RSro. own -- m.titlaner: Airs. 3tlyd. ticket»: Wild Bill Webb and Joe; Grimm.. ^^h.eanti. He Ity- vF1od DitrsL aM1 Rñtr,t9, 8t11 Wallop,taal-

: Mss. tahbp. tl¢Kettlr !lo Harris, 13cJothy °allow. Edith Dallar and Mal C dir/esRerr. Bare I -ta , J war tr Hi , º _r-n1na1QI[ritr Pled ilCaltiery tick-

,: ark }rttnao. lercltirer. Dope, J'ltzur_tic otirnar-tanttagºr, 77oyd Murphy. tlekla; i32atey 7alcketa. leetur+mt.

Ridºe Rides: 1lfeetry=(fo-Rouna'. 1dFecJ

foreman; MYe?. Dtttlerltl, tickets; Playa IL3rga~, Plrtc,k Stap-c. uatlatatits. Perrin ivb elf L. C. Duncan, foreman; lalra- }d. Leaner, tiCh_etr.4 Frnhlt Vera". $,ssl=t.artt ".t^ i} li_, : 'r/ -0. ' foreman: Mrs. B. Cu'lrir- tickets; Jimmie Delany. 1-,5411 Tytrnºean. J. k HeTdtk "7uitaie O ^ n et Du_i Loop-o-i'lane. ray }-tris. termer and managcr; IrAia. Pert. t:`h.kctt alike C1aYllelcl, . a t! alctdiw AutQ. rarer Wrarrtlnr fdrvtoan.

Coascesslora: Oo-akt9 ohae, Johnnie Mill- er. ownrr-rnitnaQler. ]Mrs. la ., .' ler. .1 in Jort Olaf! Ray batnehta . ~deb StRfert. waiters. Grocery. Mrs. Bowen, owner: 'dlckey ,Oar-lean. Fn- - ati-r. ("ti )R+M33. Wbltn WLltnan, nítaot* Bellows adze. iHdr,'in, owner: Whittle Haaucfan. 11Lc F. Warren, atenta_ Prrnny. pit,qh. i°rWlM. tazaarr-apwnaG7r, :3haort range., Hirer; Warren. o'vrr.t; Mee. War- ren, agent. Pup corn- enttdy app! eagerlytty ' 4 'f. `aOCit-lnn, _ rn1 r- cie'rt#r. !hunt. Mr. and bLa . Calvin !E]a'rld, oWt1les=aporatcra. 0eaM1, MH, Pew n, o r. -s: ?[_illt jfolk R.to lll4atfir.r. Dod , In , 1 nk Je -art_, n rut.,. Bla., Mn.. BGtta n. owner; Tbrotnas ]11c= Oaplbeu Bill 0._I r. Johnnie,. (Coale)

Irphy, Raym-nd ~Paw, exalt,. Bob. tlee. Sally Re r, owner-opetlatCii ñ0,raºid er`ati "'art. lLzitr.1ert71 Rtt9le-t w i2ayGofMts! (1 -..-,Pow. owner Tled f'iuvp+,,t. Jai agenea. Lang -renga I -re, Joe Zoattrt,

s C. T-, ()xb''F. And t tor: ' n, Lbx.*zi, owner- M.ckaay Oar- rlLOn, man. - Jock7 owe. g-nt. l .TeT.irr Te.tr: -ti-_ Try .Ttil- Limier. a;rr_nt,, Warta pallC'rlr, Oa A. ,

unex=o - o.t,.r 13otM1lrs 11111 Gobi ,

oatlrrTtts-q'rtrtir. _Jr 11 r} l ._ 1 ta t. ('I -r1 h t - tia' I -' 111.Ymond Okla 1- owner: latir 4L- Gºrrliom, Jar PI uc , .,t Rena. Mes Btxat'a 1. r rr : ':orrir 1nYeoat 5 li1Xi Crs''rr. u- -

52 The Billboard CARN April IS, 3939

Imperial HANNIBAL. Din April 8.e.+lLirbz - o

[Qt'tptn e .ap nicely In, quarr,s,ra rum. All alle-4 Create ante trldm ha'y pewq over- hauled and new color and lighting e1- 1 ye tnrrta11-d. `[-v AdritT-Oo-lppunA sensed 11u_ week ffrotn' :tofth Tattu- warua. V. Aassnanmit sttt ftietttdd 21l

Ilottman, a''CreLiJyi Yleuer (¡3naaerJ: erre oral - m'f. Harry Zlns>3lfir. lataltnger; Also C1,e¢.n-1k. chief sle'4rfelan; rely te.tti.wn. ea+saaportaUexn st.Aertnundentr and John /fettle kit atnpertntortflant.

AttrAe:tLona will Itzcludo Athletic Arena. Tteamy Aamnpert: Parisian Nl{¡hte: Marion KesGlet_ Artssta and Modala, J. C. Pett:amara: Livtnx Wondern J. P. [ n Jnl jlelanQ Jotrn Davin:. Vllork4ng

erld . Dee ~tens; kllascle Show. John )nowwrel: Twin Pbrri Wheels. L4u'L, Bode car, kierryGo-Round. Jlr+t ' Crafter: T71t=n-t' ht:t, George 13a/teed: Menlo Autta, Joe 7t+lM<k; liLotioplan-erti J. C. Ilol- Llpwrorth; i.oap-o-Plenet. O. M. 7ltatnp-

n, O5ldrr. Ocor'a7o rtswtiopnant Own new, M Woe; cookhouse and p7tatOs. o rl Pares; Sol1 Ólfleni a 11.Oordon: bortirn, Floyd Martin: doll rack, Dlck Vtbltwdt,¡ pop corn tend pc;:ialita. Jimmie KnkfYlea P^nn7 pitch William A.. filete 11c1s; aewle*. JonDarllrrJp palmistry, Pro- f.=r Mole: cork, hoe:p-is and kt5lfp iraF%r. Wtklti7 Deiv4,: e:rltrret gallery. Ray Dodtaa Rrportnel by Al IMlf.tin

Good'mm WM:der 1I.T1-ITir IiOCit Ark.., Apr U' 8.-With

opening stated + eon. gets -etas crew la putting on the ens: Lotteries to the ~fly built rnldatay. tro._peetne bald don a4 the chile last year Ma been felt'btully winked out end many features n ,x been aclead. Oeiure Mae Goodman hat not yet dleelt i wi:et bla hew ln- peenetton from giaroge lei "trammel la Inert Leine daily. There *111 ho fete e:lneltserei itlt the roster, mealy all volt! else uineram Wet yeer will be found an the grenade et Opentee Reported by Beverly "Ise. Crililt & Wilson

OLlea.:~FtO., le, O.. April 8.-Work pm- big rat I1Ly. eelth augmented

cleans veniene day and night to reedy the does" for opening. aim Keehn end kin

phlt @s. taller a long Florida %eel:elem. ti e n telex 'Nee vseedru be in shape for the Paradise Lice". CraniYlq But?evin are ived with her heel grilse. Loo Caswell

slid Secedy bt civil! also came tit from 1 erte.k. 0. B. Clstessen arrived wi:h weep 3prt lehg-raüñe Fleloting gallery. J. W. WiL-vn 'returned! 'rent . Ip to Paniayltzn:a in the Intermit cf the *how" mad haft a conaultSttoui with Gees: mat .v .tit Murry Dunkel, who Ana shoat 3lnplrted !reeking the Lintel; dates.

Fright.' Dlttrtele is rebuilding 'b Pum - house. Chnrlas Cohen 1e beeck froTi ft

Ir. .e- trip to New York. his role Aid bittern Wavitng teen overhauled and

repainted. Dente Jeannette palsied teined;lmg

the Carew aide Sheer. Gilmer Drown er- rind April 5. Ted Utter electrician. be, ál1 elquipeeeit to shape and will b4 created by Becht Blown. Kddfb L. P , r alerted his week as special Neil hunter apart rill have ct ewer.« of the tr+eisr Mr. and Mrs earl J. Luther and personrrl paw 4d than en route to Augusta. Oa. It.id:ted by aeorgo' 1PI.altbere,

New Englund CurrO:e. 8,-111er}tllgD8

ere reedy for thaws' <Teeing on Today. r) wn' abtpped to feoto- quarters l2 laktu, N, Y. An elab(t.tfr Willi weer

pt reamed r.'o roily. Larry Aba'ie to f1 foreman. Ai Venteir7 boil¡ LL a new meal. dialler to transpose hie Athlette and Gtrt

urn Alex 7atr eats JSlnfd with his ?rel:ib Cow dhow. D abseil (8tact) bard reported from Mexico De wetild bo till hand for Opening and Ms fires ed ceinetttsatlon of in 10.foot dams arena

Al r. Team, :ocrc+tary, anted Hem Tee a d h been bu T with det-ill e

>n th N w yerk Mitt Max Gould" cect.t*ria I. remocielt;d and repainted. Clarence Ceroud'e been feleee gallery has 5 new paneled front and a bd.! ere pint lair Ch .visa WWI), coned -Mon tr . er ver, an,fved :oar -q CL leeero, where his f ith r fa sR :chef!! 111- A. Su'IIi an carne, In with Alai awe notice trailer and sound truck. elbow reeeireMntath a !hewer Manning Is heck froma irtioriteetn1 tour Of Now kríe- brut.. Joe Petro Asa ertc tad L> !smarter. B:1a21- Otudein, hl h alle're. .oft' d :mono Maids. Conatructrros of t e office haw been tcemplete,t eV b i11_ldur f supe`rtntaodm= O. B. Hertel. Returned Ise el reini -

Winzer--Q orters News and Gossip As ieported by I "epreSeuitativ'eti fur the Shows

Ti l I ey=tl r' liliutfettttlit LADD, rile April le Tkila writing filed,

tI ,IUty personnels down the laat stretch. with Wale eterytllreel lit shape for opening- Wee" Dreaeen advent* mein. la to and out of quarters a ~pie or Limas tai week. George, Warren and wife attir d. ucid Bud Macon seem kill have chary.. of the corn «ante. Mitchell J 111 kc) LAO eatk_Ltn w11í Lurie trio lead jraiiery. Writer M Billboard ryott-t slid maul man. Repottrei b George S Moon.

Seism Lawrence WAyemes Gay April 8.-Ehow spent

the. week moving on ale- lot for the opeienn stand rind pirttilat the finishing touches on equipment. Plenty of work lion been eoree eetel4Cl in queetersi. E%erythlna Alta bran petite"' and two ,IoW froista cmns.:ructoet, eltir Norman Welt 4oirr a good Job t':1 th this Posing Chow front. ' Manager .iiJlt ,and airs. >terns arrived several wee c $$Q and rot bur/ lmmrdtately. (isoereal At of a;.stt.-tp wen here lest "weak tar a cone

fetere , with Owner hem Lewerbee and e emir ! Morris and then ref: to All to zr v'.- I delta Well" open. BIUpoeter Howard Conaway arrived and la btiliae the op temp atend. Jerry Kohn visited and t i crag orders for beet tops. Jke 3beparo eb4 visited.

Mr. and Mt*. Ray ateWethy 'and bingo 01

fronts and hie aen will do all scenic ark. Sal Marietta boo electrical co -trip-

le -ill in good shape. Ted Lewis la &M- ph -141e het neir basso. ]rain i appea has pieced bit oóakhouse: while Cy Heels evil! have Barre coemzeilosaa. Wi1?tam. Clark will handle the ?dvertletng tnt.n'k. while Bill Ceinbiiv will have the aonnd truck_ Al flydalr pew /ions ML Cirviel. Pa. he rill ship hie- toir *Idea to the Opening i pert. Billy Outten., /rte act, sass en Is asucloe to get storied. tic - peeled by Queens! a Van Vllet.

Elite Expo INDBP-BleDiltICE, Kan- Ap-It á-01(1.

elel quarters open$ ig April 1 found Went pr0gr0-e-tng Under wpeerislon of fin. rigor Charles Botolo and Rele Bupertn. ttnttcnt eldiatoCer &nitb. Arrivals"In- cluded Tertelet Dena and .busea.nd, Charreafeefter. with ptt.nliow; lxtte ap.d Tinsey Reece -std deugLter. Putrf>ktn: Arkee and ?rankle Copper. Clarence 1íS1'. Loop -e -Plane fomm,:tr . Wed Gale Creech swing eeteanin. end dill. Soolty. Initial test of the recently purchued beoade crating. twit proved sat4atsctery. !.t

and fronts have been redecorated, melt mailmen ticket boxes for rides end-elrowe swill prevail: A wee wets ewe and much new Canvas have been ,adeled. Special Agent P. C. Boglca !rented nits7e !red Look Show la ccertfelsted. Show will have two sound trtotla. Manegar Robblo bat l:Nr-



. II

MalY OP THE EXGCVVlfit8 t0i tube James J:. $trattra 51ío -Ps tos front o/ the Pleky pebted oÑ_ce ha minter Qt.drtGra, weed for The-SeranncA EntrAlny rraa prior to LráMrsº .for lbs reatan a optnlrse fe Ci+ardotte. K G. j,eft to SOL: Itie(.nerm, *tali ?Amy and The Butdoord dome: N. O. r'naptirh, aecretarg and omidl/o'; -Jnswes E'. Strvtsa,,, dtnnur etnd.pstaenal siesl:eper; Mrs. Partstaxn, as>ruion! kt,ptlsfr, ,and DMk-O'Bfltrn, epntracltn0 eprnt

caw/ errivedL They r t%tt ly purahu:od e new truck. D111 Bartlett rtit will have a unit of ~ere Wye_ -1!es. Law- ren» and kill Morrie are getting their ¿iODceoric na reedy. Hank Deed). Anil the cookhouse, anti William Celblea the elu!ard eland. "Reported by Loads Ono h,

Bey:i olels Wo NtOS UO. hro.,Aprth B - 1rsweYt'nlné

was ready to untie quarters on Wednesday for the eight -day opening here. and Met =is. Rentable acid Wells kept wa11 Gsrpent?TI and painters holy day and : h't putter:g tinlehing touches es on equipment. >fteeeiti-ier ativertltdag iii' eta rf tits county papers to well out ex- G]r u bait been dlatributed.. Opening day attract -ern will' be the Matte 1S 1 Hun: Perna Wheel. M :rey -Go-Rc.'und, Oetelwale Whip, rtldee-O, two kiddie rides. pony tide, Battleground liteeeibtt,

ts Te(n-Cesio. Athletic Show, Penny As - each, and Perinea Oitl Revue will be earl at' the midway entcrtain:Met-- A

-- Chevrolet ,sound- truck his been added.- Rgperted by Col. ~ham N. Green,

B., R V. OARLhILLD. N. J.. A,yttil 8-.-l$alleeer

J. Van Vert, wile era on tier atete I30. Ma taken up. his duties wen and thlcl

._Init aI.ap Mall Crime t else r.rivtrll r.9e1.11 19 butd up two slew penes

eliO^e-t a. new cab-over-rngtne. or ei t*eb- nose. truck to transport. the - Punts Wheel. Dort and dines neat arebuying new equipment for tbdr cook Hanel. Re- ported by Dorn - Feltº`

yse Greater WAYLAND, La.. April fl -Work _ to in

full bleat in gejoxter; here. Color 'scheme is rod and orange. 4-.0k rooter U In charge of Construction and Is being ,oa= diated by Furry Robeapta, Elmer effilth. Johrtnle Reymocels. Glen hake cud Winks. WillL'ms. Clime Currte n arrived After wintering in Indians and ilea booked b-tsr shown. Munagor 11. t.. w),-1 is in etiletislllere fee s trwnAeenter. liar. see taken hie .eify !sr tar as new Molted toy kook toe a n -w 24.foet helate trailer. They are :melee an othee out of their other trailer. VIrglitlA. their l.lyear- Oltt daughter, L. getting bet maven: rand ,irc..le. r.. 8. Ryan. of .he T.+in Choy Aerity5etnent Co- Was In quareera Last week and purchased one Of the Perris Wheela. Gant! 7í1e4.-ushersl agent. le In Mtge -our! and Arttarttes on a ~k- ing trip, dhow will open about May I. Recent vialfors were Mr. end Mrs. L. B. Been eere end Sirs. C. B. etepbeii. Dili L.taetpart, Mr and titre. Claud, Allen, reeved Kauffman and !ale eltd !firs. Herold el .rrelitrd. Rep :elect by Billie Clerk.

Crystal Expo CAMDEN S. C Apeit8,..-$4are Webb's

Bide -Show lisa arrived end *wit Is gong full blest In all departnesntaa Sbowfollra are arriving daily. 11en h5nbtrs ~Wed to gran the new punt. Your new Wu- elocea ham Wien built. 2darcu Wheeler returned atfer an etglut-+week tO(3 of Sout ,ern dttes as booking manager ter Capt.. Carl 'Bolatdexland'a_ traced. wild animal'ect. L,, H. lardin left to join theliric D. Hyde 'anomie Lucca ltiel In sill leave score for school to Alabama_ Jttnmle Jaggee has rteken over ell ceneell anel Chubby La Mend to :,till with IL. reeitie Don will LaTe an suttee this Year'. Ticket sellers are elegy t C. Henry, !tad Jtogt Taylor. Mr. and Mot, Ede aid Barry try taking In the Golden Gate interna- tiotual Exposition. Ban roLnessc . a. -id will return -early this auminer, Tile, writer will hate a new show caked Alley 'Cop. ieeportod 5y Mrs` Marchas t li'rel e.

El man 3.112,w4LUKiii. Apr1il 8.-..8100e opening

Is dreeetnR :sitar quariere" aetsvitlea hj,ve Moved d outede and tinlabltte touches nor being gilt on. send -traders and bareis. Transformer truck la being o'rsrrhaUled and large snitchesbang are bng les'ialled to take can of the increased toad. Abner K. }Ulna reports *at the ne+r - Rpllo- ppSiaannee is en route teed n ill be here won 1"aank Stitntna'ueskl with corn game end eve ether coneetedusts signed Last week. Lowe Cutter atria* Preen. Hot t>r nisi Arai,. he wilt arrive In time to O. Mickey Sleek Is here with w+etral atattda and the Penny Arcade. wilder Ray - e ns- nesr. wilds the Welke, ~re find pun. home, I relegate Si. Louts I ' t. He advised boll b. here Intimo for opening_

el A. Crenntnehern will have the candy Spas, 1>lok rnekclpalsl:h, night, cook at the Soldterse Il.Onte hays. btu hew been gii*en a 1r eve of Aherne ° so. lee will be r'Lte tO Open, w th'the; attowee New burnt :de farms for tie Jungle , teiew has been e' nl- pleted.. Waiter thief line the Merry-+Ob- RrjihT,d,tit shape. Johnny Wlasted. wbO in, tra -8t, Louts ,,, will pick up the new rents end engine 'while on route here.

.Outtde platforma of the ?Ube-Whkrl are being repainted. and the Ocean Wave will be tt:r_ded into n modern ride. Re- cent visitors !minded Jack Voanberg, Doc Wilson. hl . ritehv"t sud Sunny Bennet. Bc'pOreed by Johnny Davis.

Curl LONDON, O. AprillL-.Opctnlr.e in just

IL LOW weeks awn And condlttene are ptekcLng tap byre. *darters work I-. abiet beet. CCrPer W. 8 Curl left to purchase a new tlaneferrner anti'Mrie Owl LT -n- elee a viait to I:,er mother In M.IlLablitette Bob Guthrie avid Raymond Golden lirao ªaneed. Latter operates the >leery-Clo- lteeind_ Guthrie injured be finger on a /bile sanding machine recently, but: :tie bout M ole'! now. Iva rid erg, root.

tier coneratlemer. slated end reported ales will be to hand .ai the opetting. ,Don Weeonrr la Crested to return tretre - tlalt with his brother coon. flea Chap - Men. of, bingo nett. will Woo be hero span. :tan. Pitt 1lassiGs; la having her Pep -teen cones den riadk'd. A new setnl- tratler is brit built under stall rvision of Pat letertilteg. Reported by Dec Edward....

Wev'ls Production ORrE tBBts7,1o. Pa.. April 8r -With

opening lea the offing, quarter* metal- iles will be cpcc'reel up In ender .to be ready. Two a µ (rotate slue to be. built. A load of equipment boa 'tr 11 r viceived Steen the Painesville. O. quarters. 'Tiene Kirk able wife visited recently. Prat k Grave". eeneetel 'agent, and R- le Over- street, anaslstaat manager. are In Ohio on bluenose Ed Weyla owner-mre_tager. Is bantdling eirealle of the populate! contest for ilia McOOe Club bore. ~- peered by re L. Ostfatteet.

Byers Broa. KFNNrTT. Mo.. April Oe".Show ~rod

In hete from quarter's In Steele. ido., and everything. ready toe open1ng;S.áttnday. Roster hele. a ~nee ano. Carl Byers: owner uetrinage:tr: _Mrs. Oreas' l Witt Pese. rdtary; DOros.Irye Byere; assistant ~ere- terTt:_IaMet Byera lao eslpeelntendent: Deudo Goodwin. 'pedal nneyttat: Ivtt. ex a Mrs. Pllltam Vilsscorn. coolchetue; Jake i`deorr. C ilophtne Scandals. Hollywood licita a. Athktic -Show and Cna.irpbunar (tLt1yy Ourey unit bean Metter, Ten-lneenei Bill Nºbiñ Jr;. educated hOa'esee: Linjor Llttlea :_tidet ulIln; C. J. titiltle. electrician: ;atarais Kiddie Band; Bert Ly'ons. !]ruga

il prll 15, 939 CARNMVALS rev ,TTI/l#ewrnd

Young'. Darby M3aon, Mackie Sullivan, 'reví r 1 , Carl Larme, Haman Hen.

.on. cot. - as gm, Porro. _ Robinson, btnsio. bled by Mra Carl $yero Carl Byers tins added a new oftlíe tr'Ylltt and Mr. and Mrs. Jalreal Byre -4 1C.I. al clew trailer. Reported by Deriot ye ulrstst.

Joy loud DP:Tnor. t . Aprft 8 -holm are favor-

ably $ilnatr:t !e[ Liven Igitb annual Muir. BADS mad stxl'_.,- have been renovated and are tlir_',dy for the (Tpttalrw tong. This year mid , ay additions -t _ode H. 3, DoSeclt, Eliodroniat and Mission 8lloWt C1 tflt,J Ph illlps MI.naical and-Otri res'uc3; Adele Chamberlain's. society Circus and Freak Antri t'9hnwl :,era. Ltlnnd.Nerson, cttrfn Enmc, ~ling alley and ball Run1e: ralp5 Earn iiish pans. cast gtiillery and ball lame: r'lit tirallth, Corn grime and ci.. bit t booting g Ivry- Clare Pe1roo. three bail &M5 . carte rack and chgaret gallery; John A;id-teon, long-range gM- imy' P. err Warner. moors grime: Happy AtavW coa't,ot . noreitL art_ b. rJaet lit Delbert. pap Dorn: Dart Ií1tn sod. ItYanela hoed potatoet, pennants, Moo 111 and jewelry; George Karkeet. photos- Star! 'included R. i'. vt'ade. min- err, Drudge VeLdi., dzALatant enancRer,

Plea R. L. Wade. soercrbary: E. L. Wade. ifF neral agent; H nk Vrteo aped I spent: ]311] P etlOWatc. riide superintendent. and EXI Ralph. truck superintendent. Re- ported by Z.

ZtccIiini Bros. BT. LOQ?S. April 8.-8ultable enaertnre

have keen obtained at 413, South 10th 'ergot here with yuppie roots to «tore ell' ~eke, which left Tamils. Fea.. April Q. =`rttytbi1t:, tris] ire poi into quarters eleipting a scribe cannell. 1 Itet1. IRS lo Chlca(¿O to opon a$ tete Stadium OIr- an three. Double Cannon Will, Lo pre- sented i* tete $tolice -Cucuy here. P. N. Wanton, late of tbe meso Mix and Tim 1t-Gby atoo* ano now wIth the Milted States Printing cool 1O_braxing Co. tutted Vaturday. and on Sunday was the guest of Mr. and h. llago Zic- etthid at a apafrltettt dinner. Bob Cole- man cards from JaCk III7L11e Brach. lla.. that after n few days'' %tilt with 3$r. and itra, Dail Doted he:Will head for tit. Louis.

Annette McKie -man writes from WOOL - Ism that otros a,he bou shows -both on the Co1x Ivan acrd Me Zees shows mho c ]1 be unable to vials- until about the Ialdd{d «f may. Robert White le ex- pected own. Emma Van Ccllotter la tru-detpig new,wardrobe fair the J$alyyatood Berne. .Art. Gardner bookCt tits palmistry -tarn, and ,í .1 pecker la el pe-teq soon t-fth his ,000kiwtite. Visitors tnoluded chutes T. onn, Standard Chevrolet Co? P. N. B.a.nabn' P. L. Dalle. Fulton and Cotton MIRA: ,Pied Iteyene. lato of graft algal.' Shona: a: Fa .r W.Pnn p-3 allá sil 8turgia. Reported by Bill Eaten_

Re :lea Bro,9. If HR;S,-vwOlt'1', La.. ApMI 8, -AU of the

vat -term oomprnlo9 began vepossaais -On April 1 nerd at cite writing many por- termanoes are ready. Nett taró -color top arrived from O. Henry Tent and Awning Q0. Co '-Le Expoas Bhº.r. Nye' *MO and i i lsñ o been installed. and anttno Vincent. Leo Walker, Venus Wait, .Ray Parks. noise Owe . Fa lela Delaney. tenle Austin. JlntmteWast and Kenyon Parks salsa Amu:vied their' varied roles_ lífn E. Cotten. insure rr -te .te il., a.' did Dennis Pugh. Dallas aby*mrtn. and &ter: Olusktrs, promoter-r'gcnt. Re- porters frota 110.1ab d lies exatrttn_d' Ste w ik nee of rides and' oteeervod rebearsair under t.he wltLlr' of the writer. Harry W. i?snnles-retiirnsd frees the Orrnge StTow. San Bee:nardino. Cash. where lie tras ectt:.iliud by tiS_G oarnlvelltp,- Ro at -3 he Joined lie' Pacing Cceat :ailr - mon i Alaoelatlon. Reported by Vetter Halo.

Jam H Mark% RICHMOND. VI_ April Ili -Ail eqüip-

$' nt wan mooed on April 5 trolls quay. '13 ) to the b -Aall E f t D P. RiCh- 'Wand for the preview opentq, April 10, OlbIclal es=r=rkng will be lstld on April 17 marking -.bat iis -.lid to to the. Met di biva1 to show In downtown leeetLtn beñ0. Cnrurr Sohn H. Marks waft se celled tau honer b.catLo or his bra rr aúenee and high a anding as, a citizen

'i rte the Great. Lttiropoan aerlaltst, tt3. b on ulgriesit for Ill Ant two weeks lure. Cat, elset_ ham ate) born monad Lrula the ocoeile A. tiatnid ogeaay for the itas AtbLrabi, mnotorcycle act. to begin April

E. RAY REDMiN, reanitay op. potrieW director of ttbNeUt-1 and ex-

-ptioltittken of the «anus R. StretaJ 8144r1:, has been eamerdSM with vortex! phrases of ot±tdoOr end tndoOP show biwtneat far the part 30 mere. fit flee outdoor field he has appeared its goner -Mon", promoter, arpre.al Went mid general agent rvfr.k st utacr- oua erplasitaaetiettl. ~Milne Con T. -

Kennedy; Roydl vineavinan. der-ndrdl Erporitiovs. Norris a Cavite. John T. Werrham Crafts Greater arid Latirt- 8ro':+i-Rupeirst slates.

24. Merman & :M. oldie - Thew manager. arrived. from EiosUxo and la ready -for the opening. '-Other long time Marks itirm _.¿er? boro ate C. Z- l-ha_er. Moa- ke ón dump¡ Cyclone Harty Baker. Well Of D_{'tht Doe Anderson, Club Cloaca: Me h(Ln ,trel R:rnle, fgaturtng .clyn Red. dig as Aunt _.1o=rit_rccta: :.I1(4 (:.:trtrute Miller. Cb'c bares. Charles i'Dtttch) Labeler, Auto Speedway foreman, and Jtminy Qiltotfty) Anderr,,mt. `ferey:Go-. Round' forrmaat, have erne, el 1'4' t ltrlttly new Roi,]oplaae wilt hwve L. H. Kline, as foycatan,. Reported, by Wntter D.. Newland.

Rubin & Cher MOBILE. April 847 -With opening act

hors fee April 15. crow 11 working night and -day to have new tabu?? frrinrl and bag age wagons ready. Name rrua 1nno- vatlOrrs and nsodprnlattc lots. ere being inoerporatod HE the eOnce,- loo istsr-up.. General Mannger U. 2... Lotumur and Con- Oosioll Mana{ete gaps Gordon drew up the d cleric. deiCtettnrt and Ilt,imflatlün plans. Rich coloring* and pitsab and velvet d,Apptnr2 s are being era:ailed. Non. a.r:d Litrr,lll;ao tubing and bulbs will be used profusely. Little (raittoru) Oran- thrun. who wilt -present ben Monkey Town $how udder a big top 1 .atee4 of In the open an before. to blinding a Metre slab orate type show. George %opal od a literates of _Sthang1u1 will be managed by KennethVogattad. Show hm NCI re- decorated.

hAriee lilts -errlval from Tanya., Fla Tenn liamktn-. winger of the OddttMIa aid. show. has had his crew building dad rcderXarsttag. rind ehr.: attract:ton la about ready. Mrs. Tom ri,-,rk>dio L l,xp coed soon. as are Captain Dave Fran and Mr. and Mrs. Pealnlc liotima. Ginger Ray. Impresario of the FrenCh Casino. es Ruprrviaing production det lls. A new girl revue. tentatively named Senate Club. ^ül be reatnt-:d by A t Gerdes end Cleo Hoffman. Moo Zbcrateln f readying Ma Ever *lasso Eve exhibit. c -It of Austin's ClUh PI?itt.etl(n Revue arrived last week. Reported by Roland W. litcha:dlt.

Eric II. fiy'd WD.sTObr-AALEM. N. C. April tl

Plrllab r.g 'to -urine Are bring app:led to equlit_nint and two crew. are veor)tlla8 dal' and, tight to have everything ready when the abow plalli opt st xt week for ,;penlgg n States -41l0, H. ' Writer re iurne2 Henn a %lilt to Riehmond Sunday to find much ai5aromaptl1171cd In his ab - i tlsee. Torn Ray.h t painted hU ; lotor- dromlo. Sot* -y i?ñtf ies arrligd" with his DSxletand 3dlsrtreil ar:d began riihnarrb1 C-ñj4. Prasilt Coaltman,. who will direct the free note. aarivid Monday with his ea.nnan. Margaret bailey, l$-yaer-old dam -doll. stn:. Kssr workingmen ahead to overhaul and pnr.lit the pelt on which Ylrio i 'riernrs. Vemlts Byrd, alle. a for life. tt*1 .Ited roc. rat a'hoi a Len route Pram Merida and report.' d royirl to ptloca e'r r, awes.. Other acta to 1x presented

ZiTiii[];CH BR'S. Nn With Remelting. Cannon Shooting Two Mee at the Same Time

WANT for Op{niag at St. Lis, IMo., Mty 1. and Forty Weeks of Celebrations and Fein, iminding all Win)or in Flotilla: RIDES --Gran ,place Octopus. Rtdco-O, Silver Srrpk, Whip, U-Drlre-l!'

and Reta-Plsee., SHOWS -Win book any ¡New and Novel Show of Merit. CONCESSIONS --Want Penny Arcade, Custard, Fish Pond, Cane Rack.

String Caree, Bowfin* Alley, Hoop -La and all Grind Stores that work for TOR Covets; Positively no Ceilt -or Oilles Shores..

WANT RIDE HELP foe Merry.Co=R.eund. Ferris Wiseeir Chalrplaeye. Tilt-a- Wh_rt,, Loop -o -Plane and Kiddie Rides. Addrrn 11.111R COTr. 11728 ~street Aver Detroit. Mich.

WANT 1,1e'11 ter lloflyweed Revue. Address EMMA VAN CELETTE, Now Plaza Hotel, 3300 Oliva Si,, Se. Louis, Mo.

All otkcrs write or wire ZACCHINI BROS.' SHOWS, Box 311. St. Louis. IMa

CALL . & V. SHOWS Opening Garfield, N. J., April 20th


NINE RIDES EIGHT SHOWS On C,oancis hera.lSth an. Grind SE -erne With 4.n, Ourflta Come On; Can Na.. Yam -

WANT Cwtald, Wattles, Lone Rears Gallery. ¡Cy, eatery. Fiat Pond, Oavit's ALcy.,G,ihd Stoma of tdl kinds.

WANT SNOWS, aco_vee et dlsappt_arnentt Manner Cirrus, fide Slew. Motor Orome. Make Sher. ~Inc had Cdnd Shows

WANTtb Rumba. Ser I' Tease site Oriental IC.aneew Sarwtr Out of *Hips. WANT Pony Trait, Kiddie Rider. and tutu Hsos., jf10 Pantry AMtSi. rat Sáerelarlea. P.nrlgtWnIa. MaHTtand. ViV31:- "a, f6:rth carom.. and South CoNna. have taw open dales. 1n'niM your cerrerap.ne --cc. 193 PASsaic wTRrtT. CARIFIL1etÓ. N. F.



e`-'.Y 1r.A d1:: ll- - 1 '_err- 11 9. - ,L . 1 Iln_ f et -1 sg CyecQd.tO bMM

l2t i..tUfÁttklltvb w1Í á` ñjñ%' YZ1rl1,tt1..T117Yi %4.> I: I'rÍrN- , 144.L. nr1'AriTlll-1:llti l mire" 1'ATTnN Nt.AV-: .G111,t1= TR.rITflla"

YtT VP1' 1'tptT 711t2.TU l'Yi,t,lt_g,á'1i1'?,A i't L1CIi. f,tltf Q1" .tl:llf].JltIt0.V n11.TT. NJ1Ul{4J'\TO.K. 3_ ADIILI:-'

NKRM,M tdA111TLY, rlarey,.an7~ e, Pa -


ID[ o-R.rant. op to i. ,N,-t^en. Jibe UV e Rer n has .1 ta :hem tra t - N OeC"r110 11) will X os pt:m Asaaa Pittard. `^ Scaler_ PAM*, Mitt Cae*ri aAl

ea% ern, Oar-tiSw sr -. cite at, ola 4rNt c. verrWt BNowJao- 7aeht1.. aa rand G dr a.r I .:h own tratL Arlrn. r r aMí=

T11F.YeaY_h- _e. lap M aver. wnI qt litros ce 8_t'ew'. i ab ea"-a'h. t aa.capr-oo-_ rerL+d tar 3 Ó.-3..- ttt[ e371 ree tL-., ~aim. SMw ~0~ a. 115.

CD i' Fair IMhI. MMlakd basa IW ~WW1..> the ltrraf saMMM t M- ' - eKTrVVrla, A g are MINWlflo LLOYD GIMP see. .senKv.. 5.4 Gaallea'ai., Sir. hban"-,.,1'71.

INI© H 'ESTERN 310" 'S New Ibaewtag IM best lets 1.4 Drara t. Can placa Lestrini.-iu Concsta.ons, inch aI. ROO tinnier, Scats", Cane Rack. Dart Girds, wattle. Ho .$- . Cieches Pia POteh, Slum $pinole. Peak Rack Bich-Ttit-vota-Win Positively os- cadres,

This Week. Wait Vaaor and Staiej April 17-23. Wat leek and Willa Ales,. %ttrait. Wile.

LIBERTY NATIONAL SHOWS .vArtT: dit`'.tred 5l +It Wrap new Lop and dada. Will re! Sand up rann and law Wary out di

P511.4 Ada wooa has, r snow <ace Lo5-r,-ns.'1 abort acMItl1eseserrle eoo

, i nlnC L .BLLL GANG Lot writ. $EVJT1A4 ammo arrant 01011111111,40010101/tr HttP. Niñf will X on OM Oawe (no OTp.'rsl ara' POMP QJtdrd. , Manlw. Ten/ IYHaL Ir w . r.t.ly ,a -f wt caws 8_'i.w. gwi,Ythitq erne. ~sea I. hashes' enter Lea ' te cr^L,. tinge hood till isty. Gera Ter s- IWI LS ra1V:=.31F

eep04 'W1» Or woe oi- Mar. ' . Kst tit NAItAY 7MNIt1'ftTItlLD, Iarte

this year are a Roman ring numb"; a>tld n cloRld awing by Arthur Dunn.

Col. Vernon Moore. bay !no'? rpanaglr, Irsd,scvetni rides and concr-nt)ans»s,¡ting Cone -Wei; N. C this week. General autt-'r= Jntentitntl.t H. Hardin ta rctowlnafrom ! recent 171Y1aT-a. 'Constructiva ui¡c"ln- te1¢lolat PksatoSe 3uC tiivret lar.;-mLn,sto ~ere for a tx-at: n1 '"oL for the 8rs1:o Ghee. . Hlad In" u rnt i rp0 llAa motor equipment in *.ad nape tit,rat'J, R"iotldL «rGrinr 111- " are p.lying n er 'hr. a:11l mnnr %t«ide hF1:T0 been nxCNia -d by s rrrlr n of ct^i two ¢¡grnlzat>t: R..coat rialto inal Ao a Pri, and Ain'--Jf[n 'brL1tPt+. R4.teºt F - f]1f, and Mrs. TtIL-tt DO(a11ey and 'K F _-n Olflr_n. in dla[:sn ¢t r011tTirrj4ing. urr'l.ed ~day. but, Inplr.edtatel; detjtta,l with tyla tualstant, J1m:ngt for >ite t - vine Oes1r=:1,1 Ag..:lt JI ta It. ;Ira 12

will spend part of lie week T+.~Ith

there, Reg-arted by C ar' -tan Collins.

Jolly Jaillet fiTOJ7rSSeORO. I I ir I 8.a.larla

r. 23 d an March 77. atodLZ `.upervl- :ea of 5io:ard J'lil^:. ewn'umttfJral.ro; r front: 'sin be iYt:Zl'i :arid strati plr,tod- 1rr¡tlalyetZr.nt parch*? -41 a new Oh nh

Alltuso, xalilelt will . .d

Tu. -)tin. Mrs. Juliet bun repalr1ted his an.d Hoot -beer I ran& awl

GwaitLLig op nti, . William (Bill ) Morgan le cxptcs d In quarters eons w1`h his public -adds Lye1fni and PCrrti Verses. Citi_t Lighter. repeals I_be 1411 join with fgur stores and G. A. Grant grill brig,. a ISO- double high striker rilnng. Prank nod 3atty warner will teen ,aAn wittl'i two abevw-iv 1', ick str+rtil.i c'tl! lustre ertar of the pr --I: Ural IOU I

elite Dtlfl,Qard l0 i.ddltloal to hla oleo. eoat r -~ Whew h new ty

floxtble rubbenttned cable and cci1 i Ot'otf r.ó plus l7 Imoxee with tmmugrarmer

truck. Re'ar's by Richard P. Martin

DR-OL' IL OLIVER Werlc a P NirA 0.'T

Al 11b4c17 tar 111,....) . T-_ -te.-- o R'r n+

. l

for Laetteatiin

e.ra L.0'TiS OA.

CANDY RLC'áLl A. CORN 1sO11''tttt_31-5 . n. t r.

, 1 t -9 arms Nee .

In, t_ , ,1 lL :_a 1e a li

r - ti i1. a-,' t I F- . rtAT1 trtoe{a

CO., iti0 its. 7' aa fa, rtes Wis. led Ye 'rehire.

50 The ,TT711 horrrd CARNIVALS April 15, 1939



Pelee. tinnier Eluilding. New Yodd.

tfnVr YOM April Bretere than 800 members and gueeta of the thole cele- brated the tint at a penes of oriental sights Konen 81 In nub headquarters. ..n t *tine es George A. Hamlet night. g tthertng witnenned_- more than * deem variety aets anti later partook ad lte.- fetnsDnaInta eetvtd by !be I idles' p,ui- nlrry. stunt was tree to members and nu idle e lier.g ea an NSA Intotdt promoting venture, On:W r hither wilt be conducted in the nature. Arta for the anew vein provided by Leo Oran, of the Herod o 1e, _ Jew 9 Kaye. of Penchoes ds Memo: Eddie Riley. Merman Blumenfeld.

P ti and Joe Rae. PRrifdent ,

Maned-i.ddrenned the audienos sad ae- g ualnted Mena with the eiubl alas and purpotlee. describing our rarki progress in the Mort space of a year.

86.110 40 people attended the Atlantic City - spring outing on &Loth 25-26_ 'Mom making the trip were Mr. and Dire inene and two entrant. De_ Lewinikl, btr. and Urn 11n11, finery' Dociricr, »eery Bro ka. Cone Hamlet- Mr. and tetra. St OnidbC= g. bier. and Mra. St,m 11aDtid. Herbert K :.eves ,Tack 7!-xrienn I ith Tiaenburr. Mildred }tedand,° Oeorge A Mierdd i d fatally. Pride Barbera. Meg- nella llanitd and heat. Robert Menage anintent outing is planned.

IJ.=d:her Juliann Vero Viler of the lk lilt V Shown reporte, reoorrring front hie rennet dine,e . lie protnlsci to De on bat for !Jim Aptly l7 sri -Uzi Ap° II O penny bazaar staged by the Ladner Ametllary dvplloated the epece;;: of the ate held two wXeC$ ago. 'retell Oenngte I Icksert ern officiating ea auctlonce-. Nert,rnlee and find one of the semen 1a of heduLti) ter April 10. Brother harry

n deaatcd th . p.. eysterrrl

tertelemine. le tentatively set far April 10. a midnight jamboree. The Risig[rnr: clrtnta la In to::rt and It will be gpOn house for the circuit folks- buffet lunch and refreshments will be served. 'There írfl! be, a stssal1 4rniision charge for 12 vaudetrille acts. tunnel anti dancing. Joe H+ew mono will furnish the tannin

Ynlowing the April meeting. rtau= lar meetings x111 be ~wended until tall. Social smarm will rend op. about !tray 1 with a Strawberry Festival ancli Cúd parts apeemered by the loidlee' Aualdl-key. Goad luck from ale club and Mr ttliery to Joe Inds*. night mat:Wean. who Soave. April I0 to loin Netllerls Acme 6hwrs ends, Irving Vdnaitc.

flrthday ooJs,. ratutationa to Gttorge Schurr. April 14-, and halo rintino. April 15.

Ladles' Auxiliary /e ooeinberahlp tense le on. with GO

meritbera pledging trues 1 to 26 new members apiece. The race la ale. - 'ranoes ntodebdey leer been proposed for mrmbmahip '117 Dodo Allen,

Formation of Woild's Fair Shows is New Corps ration

CII:^CSNrti Atá'L Jprti en -In last -week's tsetse it aria /Teethed Unit the De Luxe Stowe of America had changed Ifs e*erte to the Wadi Pair Shows. Inc. It sh4'Did have rend that the Worlds Pair Whol in a fí=r ecrpor_diort, haetng o0 connec- tion with. the De Lunn Showme

terror occurred beeline tianruel pt11'L who was formerly genera:" me user et the De luxe Shaw, le now eenesal manager of the World`,tt Pair Shows, with Tact ~eon tis assistant manager?

Image Lawrence Opener WAYCROSS. Gat.,. April 8. -Kitt Mar-

na. maaneget of the Sam Lawrence Shawn ennoUnotel this went that alt, overnotrattlon would ~Ai tats etasoit ls±re O11 April 18 trusteed of today sa enninally der ,tied.

111t 4D$tTb THE b1A.RQilEllr ¡Corrtlnved from peel, JP

llt9itol. Tenn, the Borrows .O'jtp d .t the gtsft>et'i of the Cole allow.

BUDDY GEIS9 pens" that trt,f7 plagtng btrett.ti night, another evening of en -

SACRIFICE SALE mint* TOP Ario to.eo TOO. -id n Caw _- T; vtqi A11 lbrl. .nr'.elt' 1 c, IAta .1.-t

rt. -e u tn1 v. i14 1 Tws G#C YnOrti. QY` 11 Mtn: on nee r aa ter M1. 1' r 1ÑvFi las-5 1N-` -Sete ex^

of a 11 or_ V1r7t.AT A'il I 4*,`2~1 1..H. STERN

Ote eI It7IIANN,'166a 4raeesoa. atre Ye1C OM.

AGENTS WANTED .....c lot- r -! t. . r- ods ate- H I.rr pJ.salr{ an s,Cix.ni ra Beim r rsráin (n a went>1 Ir =1Ily o[

are.{. CVIr tete IW,Iorrn .ry 9% noire tlh inn - i, tes tell rssnd ~enII! II W I, _ v. ill.onet. Co-tta) sad Ada

A C iiS A t,-^'-+sn fa.rWig d. cer.n.1 ;r--1- I.,1s wn-D-1 á =1tp `L d-+ A ssttri=set tt¢rt .- 1r é Frrd wi?0 1rra I_nene'^-endtat ooI D -f76, Gss,Tas olllDesd,

Ta',.!4.aF1, O.

stCOND,aAño a1loylt PRot'eeITY pOA aaLtl. twi,-poey

DksSYtrrbL w otwap.

frie re 7altll mrrale [t.taa4t! C,rumehameee. no tcra a.ñ,.es' F M ir -= wrye tít 11419 i.iy últ ALL Weir IC Lnp,b

Crer.Oxx .ltalrltJt ofeL'e OWrrlloelTy estop,

NO O, arco -id elriie. yt - me S.

_. GENU _ ANTED rev all. san, awn itaa-oran, nsein. en

Ali n k tl n .era Fish rent.

O. si1.a inne K, 51er..psr1r. bibs A doe p aa.... t.,EL MIi Kieen.


piano with dance !kends and orchestra* 1e, and losad Detroit four staid he en. 'sects to be^back al lela old lob of tick-. thee the -calliope with a sflow.

Tile. CAR of Moen Pere: and wife, Kneei at the team of Seedy: and lercx. was struck by a truck in Celesgc reoeat- ly end Mr'. Peter war eightty Injured. It is net thought lief 'injuries will pee vent the 'team working et the Or:~ Stadium Crrous,

hintyrn MASCIIINeen op noel at the An. vers fippedroene in Belgium April 1. Nhta etaachrriner will work lndepsodcrtiy art the Cote show. doing menage n_id neringing ladders: 9110 recently finished pie}lint: Shrine dates with the Wen Hal aavbc,lio 'troupe_

QUTt Olt h lO WMEN, former trbispera and circus Pans of the Canton: O.. d.. tries will bold a get -norther social men glen at Hotel [redden sunlit of April 23. It to planned to form C perutnleent ~cue club at a !stialnes aomlon to procedo the meld bear.

TEXAS ItWIII pena tint Wild Bill stolen (California Bill). andMO.nt. in the Liberty horse &ct ern the WPA circus, had h et ¡eiberty.doea etc! rei at Coney Island..

T.. end that he bought two now pvlLce dogs and a monkey; which be in brealing fors non set foe Caltlornln fairs.

A IiftW New Itannraan law Imennts wee

fees ennead ftv rcga(lratiee '.4 son-rdidenf d read's-.hictea from $7 far jarerd .i 20 en:W ee $7 for ...riod° eel esewsding uses dune

nd I$1, for each day Phereen r.

CIEOROE RIC CK has had a d:cant W.,fd. the Colonial Club Orchestra_al:nee closing in San PasniS oe with the Barnes ab6w In 19Jd. He la featurreghle wife Alice -Morrell. Band will edam mil agº- inest et Pomona., CAUL "May 1 e.rd 1v95111

for Cbbonldo foe tin acosed summer rein see: In the mauntalna.

APIER a :fine period with eirr-sent and ter the last aeveral.ya.te cementing. "ten u ,$ny le now to the pi llt..epot /teed with hie wite. LaCell. the net: rn:se Mystic. lie handbell the 100ge end. They 'are in present wciriting territory in end ad- aorat to CinolCmett. Ray sows a caller at Tus Billboard Aprd 5.

ROÍ?~RII. Circus

West fiQast S lw rtvfolle Dan' -


LOCI A O ELE B, April 8.. -Captain end 1lri, thin ~Ma, of the lloiileneedd Patice t i:srthn.ntt, tendered Ted ..t d hisrlo LePors a 4M at 13í¢l CanOlts Cafe. Guinea liooludd many alhtwfogoa Charles ~Ana Odin are doing well on esuburban 'lots. Prank Kennedy le !g Portland.'Oree. inor~leg from a recent tilneea.

Ted Reid Martin LtePors' new houseear le eguipien1 With all of [belated modern Oenven an,cea "` and Ate. J. Tl needie, ,who have+ been of the reed asid reeldlns to Nowitior ie. Cailf. Joined tend d 8! wart'e Temple of tannery our lliidevbeend'a United Straws- . . Ted and Margie Cher turn,_, hone at a tray party the lent with the White City ttffit07iit

táro. May Cots a 7110

lnl nigh -diving act bee been reoe'vtng much Iatroeatila eon :Meat on :the White City Shows.... T el lichee ano Verna

, e terg s new hooeemr la the lash word tralirre.

C l ithe and Udine Tteeis were guests of Buddy Yrtest as a dtnsi*r In Mae Btltn:^i-e. Ralph and Margaret Dal - C .:n Indeed Hhiderbraad' Dulled elbows

tth their Cord don.. . Katherine Ma sae and huabt.nd. Arrce 4 Doydl are

JUICE +,7, ' 1D --- ICE BULL ST NDn ISM car our ire, 1111310 e.te. II 10 Onea Osnrtnv41.e lee %scutn gone alean 00e01t111- t11RAytalt.L. ósea fee tans ewe arel air pars af*Awt ptawr. Lwwwl PmoA neap wen ala 1eene t1Ur7nt,w ros demore beewp watt, a inns. pr 5L 'e0.4 yr rev Prlcs Lid Teens -

GOLD MIDM PRODUCTS COMPANY tan CA" Peel ieneet olnol v MATT. a

ATT'EN7iON RIDE 01A+NERS We ,arc, intenested in booking fen entine seaman 'number of Rides in good eond'tioa and will pay et dºitaIfc 4SIbbriee4ed (stems Itow. may he See* tertbc. Stile lull perrieuls>rs in liest letter.

iBOX No. 95d The SOW:turd. 1'564 S.aadway. New York City.

doing wall on the State. Pans PIiCwa. Jerry Oodtrey teaches hl iCgy

n the Old drrrlrt: Seboot. vntlier Jane (ktdirey anttetpatee. returning to the reed %hls'sens n after a year nt -the teaches. . . William broil joined Al. tact' sliver State Shows with bee string of e000et_lana.... Ruth Groff to $ - lady 1n a Bell.'Cellt., department biotin.

. Oarar n asid Mickey Mete are "Poet- inna new honsa'car. . Mr. atad' Me& Gene Knowles Dale 30irsed HIldetbrande United) Sheers With their Pony-Oo- Ront . Mr.. and 52s. Kay Rogers Cerny are 'towing- Anrtrails with thenn* swirl act. . The Richard John - atones and daughter*. Margaret end Mile, are with the Monte amours Sha*0.

Captain 'Seeley bas mitred to hers raneds to Oman. War -l., . Larry Ode 'la visiting 1n Satith ere Call- fornia, but pl:>,na to return to DUch1p11 e tm- . Mr. and 1$s, Omar Ecarboraugl: asid holly are Southern CalifOrnla vino tors.... Mabel end Jimmy áaevI io who left for the, Hªrallant Wands 15 years ago. have eatetillebed a en ol:table beW- ness In Hosottaltt with the Verainden 5twws.

Mel and George Wild will 'retmaln lit the Southland. playing totalettee.souot Pere with their conresGIcris.. . . Dante Calleher: and Jerry Mace« ante ~mess- 111lly trpneitind oaneeulona el nrantcc Pier:.

Mr. and errs. Al Weinstein are oper- ating a service ettenen and tire shop In Boine, Ida.... Mr. and lain. 'Mani Gatthre are visiting In 5outr.rn Canternts. 3 .

P -t1 )catch and 'Charles et, Webter are with the Martin Vented Shower.... Leo, Manor sea been a fentUred atteeetlen at a local plte.:ry ell wtntet.... Mfr. and Mrs., O. C. Loom» wintered et one of the focal beeches and will join the Wr1".tita- mare Greater snows ern. . . 401 Item.- ob* ma joined Claude Btsrle'a Pteu.th Casino oa Kited-rbrenad'o United Shows_

Doeotby ~held rte.

Wash, !teeing the road?, Keith Sutton arrived- here after

wjsitcrinit at lfcCytll. Id*. - . . Mr. end Jars Jetle lewdatit are - reekleng to Eureka. Celli.

trouper for morn tti=.n 30 years, trill not be oh road thin see. Ile la connected with The Tri-State 1Z. R.. Labor New*,

Paso. 'lti0t. lA adecenalne department. Rosales (Jordon, who reeeently closed with the Bob Hammond Show nl Lyfdrd. Tat.. M -in the circulation department

MEL COL/113974 formerly on the Rigginginarnum No. 1 oar write, from [entem. Oa.. March 27: -l.no B. Cona3roe 5l the Domain answer° away to a flying alert here tonight. 'when ft teak for Thomaston. Oldt* nets ¿re greenly im- pressed at the sp-.,rtllnb Mitre - tin this vicinity.

PROM ItitIltlIZ T U. TUCKER: "I reed u Ill. interest the recent artery Of air- eetaditlOettlg the bin top of thidliestleg. Barnum, drew, llave been to the con- cesskon end of cir'cus.bustrenni Once 1913. haying been a sender, novelty men rind manager of cortcer:oa+. An alr.eoOds- taonsd tent will be en end and of ben :Alt to venders..

Ten Te eTATn territory o! Souehts nerrn Indiana. loateeestsrn tlineis and Welter* Ken. 'wait li cw4nri..y an ell seem, WinteraevilM, Nerd.. and, Mnd.non and Qiiri*taer w,Ky., Cl In errs. Ode TM rorw On over eke eau nITI are theme. ivsefollle 17, Is Rand° taupe were all hen punt* cpáratinf std pihi sans up.

C. S. BROOKS. bend Deader of 'Ittt-. rli Itree.' Circus. end vide. w'bo winterrit nt Ben kton, Calif.. recently attsOd-d the Sea Pretinetaco fair. They lidded with the Wblttlt,-7 Menella, who are with RiplcYs Belle -re It or' Not show on the QQayway_ 'Brooks. trvu ^d with the

4orello In 1020. 7u Oakland they caw Rube Regan, down_ and wife, Mary: who were on the Ittu-ei1 phew last ytmr. 'Brooke end Wife will be. with 11~11

ACTS at the Ruff Ctur at literal Beach. Ala, under 'direction of 1L.vid B. lUndy were MEP" Ketrowb ciee:haln; Mary Shea wetrow. ~tinging udder: twee Maur. os[ -n -ni swings and muscle grind: Harold Barnes,. tight wire: Andy Wotsndl, high wire; Merrill I4roeherra 'end twister. bedewing: LeMsrr Brothers. pe'tch pine: trolurd bears imp George Been. Leto Carrollb Itotlpewod chimp. monkeVe and pontes Chrl'Rtticzfn tonic:-poopte teeter. board, turn and ladder Ralwte;ing,; four clowns beaded by Chink Dames-

DOC WADDEI.L. wrtte7 -'S visited 'IVaebit'itit et 'Ledge el. Elks et V'flrelitng- ton Q. ñ.. O.. yeenly and me oldttners bid "William Backer át#3. Harry /Doe) replan and et. L. (Tallow) BVrnett. Ttsby here been Circus mrrl for about 33 years. Thatli a long nine. but I beer been 'on the Iota' for Ge years. Arid I renal the oldest ink and showman present W ehington á Dad Emilie, 80, wee there. The Washington lodge records raatal that 75 cireüs beya and girls were barn ,In tale town and that about guile of teem rips clamped_in the ,clay of their native Moil. ham, year* Kilted Rullr will be Dad Reed, a farmer trouper and shoe dealer. I- had a whit --with Cot ChM en -Griffis. landlord of the Hotel Cherry. He trouped once. I met serail John Weed, In early. day with Barnum de Bailey Shone now Owner a Larne taros. .Shook.. banda Sits Koss. win

DOW known race horses, in En., Charles Pttanner'o, blItrl doctar,. who trouped in dons agone. Also saw hie slater, Kath- erine., hied to the eiteeetery and had a prayer et the greed of Party Greene. Pat Bark Rush Dore and Professor Par. rest a leading banelrsa_rer. and thru ter$ to tai Ste ether d etr trout wheal bodies are there interred.'

WALTER D. Fih.1t1.AND. p. a. of the Mark@., 8blówra;iáeikea the toüotring Ileó0 - geetion' "How *bout a niernortal c Jieirtor Peilo+.yt D x has been dead and buried for many months end eo fee as I know no rnenutm dr it bee beau erected to bas enemery. Not that he needs a monu merit of stone, as 1i1e rneatCry will alt -lee live with abouslsds of newsispercdtton from Gael to Oast, but iit does seem to meLhat the Cirrus fraternity., editors send the members of Dexter Pellows Tlttt, Cire'ul Selm and shapers. ehouid do notncthtng to perpetuate his greatnee% I knew Dexter trees way beet" in 11128 Where, he win orate agent for ltiffalo'till! Wild Went and T win ctty editor of The Trojl (A. Y.) 3lorrtbeg Record. And that trietidtlstp COnttltrtNO for d0 yc1ML 2t seems that a slalst at sindttson Peluare OarMn during the R -B culls meal es.

ten% ahotlLd be eel ruder as Denier inf- lows night and part of the:boaoffloe re- eelpta de ated to the parc!sae of a r eiberele,1 "'

April 15, 1939 This BUrf,oard es


IBM HUSH IBM SHIfMItiT CNINUSE DRAGONS- 4 Ic,pp,-ro gtiguar."s, ante ssila rnomtars, bnakca da , iinLla and Qr of a kinda 11t11

Fain Lali1 1 ,sa fTeV SNAKII IK1NG. arv+,+Wvlllp. Texas. mobsM IT - --

AGENiTb-THIRD 'REPRINT, MADAM MAR. Hen' trMStal. $1 NCO den. Wire s Clay Dream Sock. ,od. 1,443 Okt3e, Fta. ROSS ALLEN, Silver 6G,rinp. Fls n;,ad by rv,mrsoscdy. Sel for a dvrt,s coali


.., v ! 1 CO.11 i W RCL1

10c n Word Ertriimurn--S2.00. CASH WITI3 COPY.


2 71 Rct fn sslrtr. ftW.- Xe two. 1f4 t!rdcrr A.1 -t -- ,nni +r*'

lei u I, e 21, ba I=rirtt.d =los _rreattr is sinks' 7rL C. 5"4 rcr- arrer tt,e Add tlarr ell par ad,tttaar_1_F of ~of Rav!

FORMS CLOSE (in Cincinnati) 'T11l.1R5liAY PDX T1l1; YO1+e<-OW-110 Wl:ia;n 1BC>li


ELIznrio. Nand ,dish, Emb Glides Thrao_ars, Coal a.I1eaZ 21. 34r., COLBERT. Box 494.. Santa

_Samples .026

AG*Niu1--100% PROFIT'SE]LLINO CONO DEAF ors or tse!$ .rdar*

CO 4179 North Clark, alde` x tiarwplcrz

107 WAYS TO MAKE 'ONEY IN How OR Otiip. Butanes.a or yout own. Full par

ti-utrra free. ELITE, 214 Or Fl Grand Sr. or York. .4129


ALLIGATORS SNAKES, LIZA*DS-10 LARGE. d3Ae29_ Seraá 1L0 or -45 Got srn splo Caw u¡NA and ,RIES WHITE MALES, LOUO, STRONC 100-3004 rROF1T1 MEN'S SUITS, 11.501 4vgs pore. ACME- METAL PRv>.DUCTS da"t MARCIA PUSLISHINO CO_, 1455. uelces. web,. at^irrs i7OO aaeh: Yt,ksw Coats. 50C- Crestas, 10e_ Marv f. -r Lk- CORP..P 1 r1`2',1 W, 74th St 1. : ,,-, III. Eastwood -Aire, Col.~. O- M' Cr. same tty. 55.90 each; FrJI Cronin ' Ea CaFalqra Free. PAIRrldgj,;.1T. 60-1 -

ATTENTION. SUriSCRlIt/DN SALESPEOPLE- "` 'To er yrw r-r. !y ba^vitA+4 `"rrao Srract. rllw V°11%-


'f y0Ú "col .art of Rotkln andl north of ^"- Y j2k4 sindus_ $9.0Ó aacJL L.bhen Cri F e ChargeMarch 0_n-n:., .. wnla fRr oaltlaL COINOP>EItATEO 141ÁCIHINES nM[RIICAN POtILTRY, JOURNAL, 5pá S, ala

Adyertiasr's 1Nany6 and Address oust be counted n -hen !Waring total

usnbet of wards in copy.

Af1N041NCIN: N1W ADDRESS-OAV1DI OUT FOt SALE--i[StRVTIT $11.00 SEPNn. 'mien. 126 W. 46ía St., sew "Idea CIlY. , $10.00! Stiw,re FL& , 510.00; Tor"_ a7 00 Cemplet* tiny of Orrt 'd_ to Ckiwerter WanS Shoot a Lit :S.OQ, MUSIC. MACHINE COq robe, LFrl,ornts cf elk KñSda arad *altars Our- Eno c c&. Goa tits. hew, Wed, for . - cr Hare- Leaner Prl`tee. TER_ Bryant q-3325_ IOUR COIVMN EVL'RtADY, $6.001 NO. 77

rz. s,.-00: Douses Two-Co:uri,. $ 0 RED BAND COATI, TIN. $25.00; TINT CIUR- ,, Yyr r/rtwe 14.Ft_ Sloe 8.-. $45 : Iona} $1500: BCautif d Opke. $2t..00 Ol. cs.SO Cr a Crtr f9A» 1 ¡2 etair c..tol , Mensal,. Cal ne slam' Curer- £ASTON, 350 Mv:rrry,. Ncv ft1 N, I. elan Tents- Rti,LI'e-n rredl Com. Cain` 0' - cheat.p li:'Okct/, Baa..aina. WALLACE, 2116 North Heiited, e : _ USED COSTUMES - CHORUS. PRINCIPALS,

deaar sass U - to Teo $dos Drls Su. a No 'catalopi .. LOUIT CRITTINBERC S SONS, 9 W. lath_ New Yek. r

GOOD' oDYY Be.RCA1N LIIST IS WAITING for You We Buy ' 1 or.1 i- -+e Coots.

SOOT; 1824 Ease Main 5i Roche-ar, M: Y. `029


EAUT1iVL SIRD PICTUtES- HAIaDLOAtS[ with priFi,a fra,A.ra, $411 cr1 aushtL Lx

pf,is. Frr.s prflarrarsti t-^^_ las 10e atamps, MARQUELDr Apaetedo 1176. WNadpp City,

e:p7.g k Dio MONEY- TAKING OED`ttS - áNIRTia Tire Ho> r. tend-rwear, PsM/. Uniforms. Gras . r-. Said eQ p -ern fr. j rA r1. ro urne,e'ury. Wnce N IbRROD. 4922-A Linc ln. C)Ncepa. ato29x DON -FRANKEL% Ol4G;INAl. WIC.AND JOKE

B00% --malt $diem. Altsacfiwr. sleaAy pro/ltc -51T ono tCrrne_ DON IRANKEL, 62s III kels. C ..1.4 o - FAIT '1:01 scul t -COST BELOW ,5e_ TO4_1 ani mists NeW Eviglwd tc,rj,tory takenn., 5£ít:te 1Ot. TURNER. 10 Bradford St.. Pc I d.M GIANT ALUM INUM COIsaMt¡ItiAL ORAIIG

S.aaoezc.s-FfarW t>p'itod. Retails $18-50, VvtIsWas-510 lo :A 5O. Alpa Cotfolr arry ,av a. CONCESS.{ON SPICt'ALTIIS. 91Q -P

Sth._ ht_tw York. 1022or "LDICINE M41N.QS-CENT Ilests REWEDY.

Ceaa1s, a.oupald; Dollar Sise. 30 ecnta. Trtnro.,ptt tiRttwW telnp 2Sc,ont ur-..+t (JL' Ci1rGEq. 6ñ3B N_ Mae--;* Clttc.rcn t'tILUON ARTICLES -LOWEST WHOLESALE

trieas. 25 foreleg, . aure,l Ilrahalding ever ?QO votth of formula7, MSonay-Makinet Plana, eec, Or.re,[tary ar+d 3 mantih ..ab4cIt,t`iprt to vor.y.Md,Rr.ARsnts

Car t now. MAILMART ga 21¿ N iI , Phltáde.- a, MIRACUB S7=OSEC1 CLEANtR=StN3ATIID'N.

ail,r New. cndºrsod; M{MreCorltan I4tx-tiYrr Au114eritiel, aranteed to dt-n type,

c,r Cc,lr, falr 11ats, Si+dc Shoes. Elk Ittases. b5s do^tn so11' 25c. MIRACLt :sONCt CLINtIt.. 1418 Linn 3r., Clntf vrarL

x Pt1214IUM "GIFT EOilt$--OsrtPATOR$ UiE

tr as trade stíhruEarers. Sulfsele -fer -b b, port as, tt za+rt,.. stereo, etc. Dal-

ed . kety o1 'uarlul olfr& Lob of tun. 2Sc +aloe,, Inc cod, any gvphiley. IOc to U 33ít values, Bee ed,. 100 tole, 77 !a c each. I,Q0O Isis. 7c cach, AS iw Casi, -roar. R08ERT POLLOCK VARIETY. P.ock Fall Ile.

3JECIA4-100 PAiR SISOE' LACESI ASSORTED. ;o[: rCr'er4 Code. Ik ve.ri;

ID cards Beebe Pins and big dice fat: post-, --d, $1,00- $IZZ Co.; B Eaton. 34.. Loafs. Mo. 1Rt BY-MAII = fORMULAS, BOO1C3, P1C-

t+*ctt nia _Y' k Sa t, barg.lnat Otp i:Artt-an free. F. FC0. 438 fipWaÍRst f? l.e . Nrnc Ii1,i SOCUCL 3[CUR:ITY PLATES-SAHPLE

1Qe. Part.pulare froa;a IL1;LSL SALIIS CO., 6'W 28th Si.. h'e4v York Clty. -Di9X 11110W 'W - SEfJL 'EM - 10'DK ROIIiT.

Patantad: bumot Jxk Brackets tlhat fit all l3rM BOX 94S care BIilbOard, 1964 Bre.d- rl.y, N/w York trY_ ap29 STRIt[TMEN--OOT.AASH SHOWCARD WRiT-

tng System c,..:s uttos s.et d.xkiata.i Jf0 a/tpnd sfie'nttratnft7r; 9r ppo/lr on l Oc sale. Send 1.00 for 100 V,r aura fi ps Irsr,

=1mp% FOrG BATNCATi 91 Tiffany. tr,ew- r. N. I. tOSI-TOMf, RA'r'TLES. 1AR óRli,IS-MAñi

.ad -h r - sUn: Ofl Painted with, Indlafs DI%4w TMr s--qi0/,' IWkL iiI. uIN)liN Ai'ECR_AFT," Box 493..1E-3, Miamk fU. x UP TO Ss HO1IlRLY-AMA31Nc -LI'QUlb

cellta /, ,.h, rtt .=s ; .-_ flOta. fvrniryxe. W stYtfs carrwr r. w w. - "'tuliar'C. khs?v_rsal demand. sTÍMIINITt

Nrs, Hawn, 'Corers ar 2 WHERE TO BL1Y AT W1frOLLSA'L>!1 5D0,ti0O

Arry Frr'e t?urac+'. rv ,lnd otwr y_ b'a Ffr+-+ar MAYWOOD D. PUBLISHERS,

1107 8r1p ,+t'y. h'lstilr YoTlt. MaLx

N rr any ,se made to order, ~S pAVIAIRY. SMtP4rand Sint That, o' S COLLIES, S *RD` whRdRiall,,.DULL PUPS--

1 SECOND -NAND anyotiorGaaraitead

Muddied Sl, lULL'LDOOGG- 1)ALKANT, 50! cwood. W11aa.Tara ap29 ó2N3 LARctÑ1zED TN11Ktf.$10.00;: LARG(

Dlanror+a..ek Rattlesnakes. $5.00; 7.21x1. AO,C;n:-. $*5.lO: strum" Wildcats. $10-00. IL CtfiCO :UNCLE FARM. St. Stephen, S. ,C. FOR SALE --6 HIGH Lt.MSfÑG GREYHOUNDS,

2 Clown 0'os-. &t young males aleé Pt Caplefe act, 1OHsl C. WHITII. Chamblee,


RE 3, M adiseg rod, JAVA MO"KLY$,-WÑIM'IFIG fONK(Yt,,

Mineral, N onkeys, Whine E-Uro crate. TOu- eart0. sears s &r§ Of nil k tads. Wriite .tor IRS. BIRD EXCNANGE, -Boa 7, U.

CalIf29,c TURTLES PAINTED, DECORATED AN0 'LET - t: mad whh food and x.$15.00 100 a-Introd; Chem, -icons.= 4.50 per IO dslra- awed. LOUISIANA REP1 LL,PARN, P. 0: Box $36, 1'Mw Or_N-n I. La. OD1S WRlf 'FOR OUR BIC HEW -SPRING GATA.' Ii cows he Animal .Klri2donti ,

ME S 011ot -L WARD, INC., Ocsansid., N, Y. Dvost .iteaportec, fron aii over the would.


Notice' Only advertisements ti used Socha.

accepted In. ASeatie. le Ills cohtessw. MaNi.. of recant Is.anufailms an4 bairns *dinrMaod extawslwly M The BMieaid by retartvtacturan, dietrilhalers a. jobbcrt allay sot -t,a alsartised ii 'uts4P !a The adal- beard-

A REAL BARGAIN U$T-O'VER SOO RICOH- d,r rod /bath:new. Payot.let Pfolsopyplt4.

I4pal Machines. Write today and save anon r. IADVIR NOVELTY. 2546 N. 30th St_ Rasa. Lee. W,s, 022x: A.1 SHAPE-HAWTi{ORrI. 99:SO; SPORT - 11p) 5'0, 1$19.50;

1Falrp,or4.. 39.30' Flasher

S 1930: ! rby Day, $ 77 Q. astilple

5 FCIIO,rtr. 39.53;

+ 4501 Classic. Cakearti For* Ir',r f, RKhg Forr. ' Ex- hbtl ,totarry1 MirchardIsen, $59.53; Z;r" $19.0: Bully R. -'-s: 5151.90; dens Track,

39,.710 R-- Races, Cabinet, $1.9.50; Seabutgp Rrr-o-Llre Owti $69.50. uoYLE ANVS*MENT CO.. OktaIoma City. Old& x ANY St SLOT CIIIAHC10 TO ls, 50c. CLEAR-

an_tscd Soo. Trade. Arcade M chines. AUTOMATIC REPAIRS, 1220 S. 5th, Ph a -


l'aeeiocOe1, Raeta,.Irameo. S?f0.0Da 15 M lo I Qe. Ave SPrld-., Sp ,Beo.Afful G:Is. ,

Diºn Pictº_ow á20.t0, F. O_ B:, K ' - . st T. C.. SPECIALTIES. ,U..-,pL B Glendalo, RASKIN. Kd,roburt N II. aci2$x Carneaife, Penes CHANCING BELLS_ TO VINDERS-aE-Q11EsT


starts: fifteen r=ALress aFppmo?tr. Send gamy fur dtlaaltt' R. I..MEDWORTM., Sow 176, Re/us-aloe?, nd.


CARNIVAL OR SHOW LOT -FOR IRA/fT-10 Acres, IEljrt. OVO waster% ceitttyy antics an Rout-) , Ccnter 1 Qá,000 ponvlal fan. MOP,


yea how clad wherer to obtain Gta Proves, dicer. Perllou n free. STAR SLAV ICK, late )OG, Wen -to -á,O apf2x PAPRKK FOOR SALE --118 ACRES., 14AS Fza1,1.CL

nm ; Poor. I,'liard Ha Ar- cade_ Stzo, etc Cast $I5000 st_I for $!.1300, PRANK OR NDOR . Mattoon,

ITCHI3tNt $CLICIYOI$?-IAlet IIXTRA owner with new Stamping Outlil. Stwr=p

Chocks. -Plater, f'bt<. Cotdo 69.9 h C. N. HANSON. 303 W. Elle, $hoar. X Jilwl£a4t3-WNOLt$ L' CATALOG, NOVEL.

1' r, Pftet'-L Cwloon, Beek , National Tiede eirscla'r Now Ready all few 25e. P. O. Baoc

290.13, Nee tNave" Corn. aril5x. WP$ti TO RtTIRP--W ILL SI1L S5 AT UCC

P. rt and, fr ailpnent, bur}ne3s of three $pars bland. EkrXersi B4OQO sguwo lost of /bo- sasco, oil Ito.excsraent Ccrótion, Two ?e_ -s pcacinou will p y for all w.th a R}I pr tit left over_ Yea arolarrd b ultyeas. Cate re- qulrad wilt/ BOX M}0. 169, Cesllari s: 0,


ALL BARGIAtNi - COSTiti43. V4,lfING Gc*r«ei, Si upv 'Daify L; _. F _ - F

Bhhw Yakr 51. CO'tLEY.310 `Al. 47.

P-- a Liar. ICC D4nq, Is: p t .áT-50: =r Jenninrsss Wne4s, $1 .'IQ, COLEMAN, NOVELTY, Reokffzd, Ill. CLO ING OUT -ONE OF OUR COMPLETE Arse Equ:.r_ñts reams ARCADE AM USa L' (NT COMPANY, P NC.. 101 FYs1 Ants nut, 6.íl h, Mrrrne:,elig, Mier.. ERIE DI ctr4. Suceturre, MUTOECOPes.

Eleetto-Helts. M w..-rtne'. 0n Chan: Ggatcteu MAw ltnex _ 00 rap; Whir.

ilsfar t4 -Ft. tueeb t cheap- NATIONAL, 4242 F -r ties!. Ph I se`L. L

FOR MOST COMPLETE VENDING MACHINE C.raIog publ"-d. ,,viol tram ICO ftwerhA-

'lorv. end 1Oe rn «rrrio. ASCO, 33' Iltaw-. tsherne., hlro 1ft, N !. 1,f us

FOR QUICK SALE - FIRST COME FIRST soy SpF1 0 _ - rood once 57 000

F m. - caht c-rfaet., 435OC, F ur 35.00- Oreo -Two -Tr trio model, $35.00: T tltdowre, Elko new ',y,-OD01 Fixt- ss.o. 330.00: Barb Il--comas 1500,,A -row M' 0. 1 ko n. , t'Ce4Ga An - ,iS 41 Prealnoaa, $15.00: la viki tl`--Ny B '1tSa,,

5 5.00. Jar.n_.pp Geed Li Connect, vu:17 throe 'leeks, 55Q00, M 4 2.- Cott 8th VC's.

+er $IOO.00: M. Square Bell like rrá, L$1 d0Sd): Qar_e%ylarate-y Snuae Oils, .+wed err day, 5100.001 1931 iu Timas. 3125 -COs Ka lucky -flub*, 500' Tag,o Entry$, tat--,. thr-u w' K. $11 001 KUswyy º,1-- R-, turn, day's' o d 1-73.00; weersrftrIl ri-e:ime# le G ;r s acrd COzrNr Grrw $4IQO each All machine* U5aanlecd 100% m.. tA.n WV paf eet ready 1e sett era r

Í +t tAdcpo.l1. bath -so C, O, 6s ID MiNT COMPANY. TII K Indrok, iad. O lt& aplSx ERE Dwawita. $19.00i BUGKLtY DIGGER!,

52'`00: "raN11 C Hen CGs $íS00; ate= write Macri stet Mann o+w_ be c_ NATIONAL 4242 Medal. Philt"elekl+ Pa

Citslt YOU Ati.L M .AK Of TH$r LATE r Irr Wurh ter Ph- vaplt, 1 e'

M thin, It a _ i,4 Col_vr. . C.. it _n, Vest P-sll. C cr, C . . . t ' - en --. Pawsr P. o. , Ser Ti

re - - of Sa P 1- w country. 08RILN. B9 TP s 5t., NewteN. R. 1,

MtRCitAtl:D1ST COdli VENDOR OPEItATO$S. Atrention- O MdalottiG :4re.ir.Ssndy,.cls_ V6q ersd SaMtary-'Nrotin Vandbn for .c

7prEd3Cottridt'aay..C. Ñ. W. Óib ORT%, '4 r

ROCK -OLA WORLD SERiES-GUARIyITEED ta be In ~bat Dar . 4.-4, 'Tv.Sa- i #3

cosh b.ttl-loar C. O 0. t#IR147111.CItAM VEND- I`.'GC'OMPANY 2117 3rd A.d ., No.. 1NrTntree. !' -rlt. Ate SI'ELON BILLS. LATE' S[R'tALSI, P1RFTCT,

$49 30: N_ _ _i Ind_an Hari le ._. of , V 2 SI: Bally Baby Resaryer, $12.50; 4Ei $12.50-

tta H. 4?.a1o átd+OO- Grovt,dtr+s 21 '-SG: Ric' Scots. Dowel 21, SfiOO: rite-p-M{atara, 74.00: TkA--stt3r 13.90: IRaN Dice. 1y4_00: W. tun baby Tra..;- S5.00: Can Ver,}lar Cit. write. Il,hzoo Oltº. S4 CO: Flr'mg Cot- e`rt junto $4370- one atiwm U-Se.eet- It C.-- V.%xr, _y:D.bO ks "4 ,0ia13. blur now, $22.50. Ill <icoºSir. MILL Mc VENDING COMPANY, 615 L o», Grand Ra6 -, p4fkh. SLOTS -7! uVIIUL! 711.LLS. LATE .MODiiS,

L4t;t 13-,-,.."--~4 Jack %fa, Blue I retntr .S I. T ONO e y EtiIii, 543.OB: 100 0-

S11.00 up 1(4 depos7r. GEORGE D ' LE, C_ws 1A Derwrrv. 11 --54/ I 'Eh .d22 SMALL SCAALSS FOR SALE-WATLIIIG. IIH

nitas, Pee" Roekota, Ma. hike alf-r for Cr. or m0411, ' HUNT SELLING CO., hlaeRan, Ind. SPECIAL LOW PILlCtPRiNG CLEAN-UP

az.b on factory reecx,dlrionrad canon: Two Mix R.=,&o $7540= Arrows r y Dowd torro -shot prrOtA tablet 3 : r g..for

only$l$$.0f?: ilbreo UD Iona -TO/ Dri-ut IaL-lel, . comp,eta g, s for only $125.03; pi

'Joy 15 -ball fan --IT da*+e5, MOO. ,lit me- e* ' aa wood/toned like rti w 1 n our own Ise. bv Seed 25% daC.il.tl. ba^anSe C. 0. 0.


14_,'s Vest Pocket O. T. or Co o a GrocldorK Tr -,te ~thtrar Plrarhomraph 618 for Flve Mills Vest Packet, Trade MME Co. b-r.R.a lo Peanut 04-ral=nee, 'late model, tor 1 Vest PxM1:et. Trade 3 Z.ep?,a Clorast; Rra- for One Voit Pocket. 'Wane 11Mr:3aar 24 ter Six CO r -"Ma Gr--etson Toe4 or She

Pa. s P Slt Cl., T. trade :at:ettal K'-- IAartrs C ra-y or Cl re r r5- Tlnn'1 Vert Podiors, 011R It N. ., +s, Pk.rvxrt. R..I. WANTED 1CHe CASK--Nr11eNING T1QC[#

Vetw1 s. D,erby Clod + H -wt hOrr+y R,a '- Track L C' ro - e44,0 EL.~_ ticket D rout or - at pa,, out. Sell IiI'tn Bellt 'or 160QO, SiEWART NOVELTY CO., 1 0 E if 2d, Souih. Salt Lake U.,y, Utah. WANTto-TiMO Ssltt-LIa retCHAMiCf, I7[-

po"whocd on P.xes G+IIa-:rsg De -crees nrd O -'7t1' Ehc''r Camar_ ''ate at. ~Ike

rca and e -.1a, o.lk"t l,atiorb'- cara a t Site 374 Billboard CA r_ ,ro. WANTED-.USTO D1,wOCRArM RECODIi,

La4f r,l:aaLet, iy. rrtn-tthL MARK f1t.OS. 'n924_ Fall P1ti~,

WILL IVY MILLS SLOE FftONTf-NICKEL Qnar arid Qt.:artr St_ toral ryrr:h-rt_

apr.dit'7i end tl',r,ret price. ttOX C.159. 1if11- bored. One - nul l. ern WE HAVE THE LARGEST STOCiI Oi US30

coin-eeeralad in Am_tea. + A- H -a e+4*+f yoU rrr-. EAsT COAST 1411~0 - GRAPH DISTRIIIUTOTIS, INC., 625 10th Asa- ry---: NCH York -City. WURLtTTIR P. 12, S40.0O1 ROCKOLA RECU.

II_go. $41 CO: Milis Sto.,. ye Kings. S39.30. held 'Ern, SklaCar. $4 -CO: SsaMln.r 8--'Sc,ft_ I one DM«. Rrelaeeh TO. 54 GC,: Draw Ba1R S5.41Ks 60 ideal Sc.s'wJ Ism." I. $12.510; .AdwrrCo HP- s 1- AdwtC7 9atu Cum., Maseou to 'and S,

[email protected] ,3t.CA, CAIKTEIh1S. 1635 W. Gtttty. r /Waif .

- 1939 I. P. PACES RACES, 6201S00 RACN. P- t r boL t w Or Ianuerlr 5 r' o Soc T` -um. 1 3 dbpot r. Wat h_p t yb _-f fp ar5asnlr',tnO'L N. M, IriiICN, 1 7f1

Addit;owT Ads Under Thu ClafJN4>,Nos Will Be Found o9 rift ,GtFtrt

56 The Billboard CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS April 15,, 1939

*ALL GUM, FACTORY rRRSN, 1Tc 00X; Tatti SsiEB, M*'!-eI Ch 1ry Vend r16

Caen. AIllty{ICAN CHEWING.", e. Mt, PI -aunt,

N.. tr. N I, men. 1 WIIRLRZER 616A PNONOCatAPN-USfO

three mar" praCltealty new. S10O.0.(7L i

Str+d rJrOoelt, iiYO slp;minttl0n ;NM tom. O, T. ANDIRSONS45btatt Fans- S.D.-

3 K[lNIY OOWLETTS IR, 520.00. WiLL IPer tay RIP /3 d.voalt, x,ce

C Q. O. N. SKOOG, 6117 Ave., Chdcejos OIL

IO POPULAR PINNY PEANUT VtNDORS. y` , 00. jr+Y L`r _r.Gaca OenIIlfucr rlMi AatraGtivellr linóhod. DAVIS METAL FIXTURE CO.. LrrsGY.{, I.Ekih.

2S A.R.T. TARCITi, LATE MOOEL. >,50 5C_ C.,olrlleb 3 -Way Crics, tare rr.oea.,l. A-1

o--drl3prr 1540 rarA. X. LL. COIN MACHINE C9. ano... 1353 Wady ,,ron 311.. roetceti .4ast_

2$ VEST POCKET uttLi-USLD ONLY Ti1K![ - .rekrered; toneeM1ahve ~at Garlar 1 t ` w. 5.40.00 a.'01..112 cadw STRiiTCAR.

411 1t, rt. Arta a, C& 1.

tE$I D4FFtRENT 1CI:ND V_EMDINI6 LtACHINtS -Ah.ar 'B4ltarr Ir or, . WrlrO for

cur (ow jrncn 11e KE. 1438 L+,/bed Ave., F'. o a - 1'


C 7si.---Guae/tlthed Ft. -el 5 -all our - p Ir.Intae Rug Cleaner. St .00, fa. P ' Mostly profit. ASSOCIATED CIIEM.

1375, Indünepoltt. Ind.



,b, CoIR` pr9t.bcférMe bu I

I0O 11TN3CIDI CO.. E925 1Othp Do P.f.,_nea, la. le 17

FACTORY R(sUIIT L_ C. SMITH TYPE. welters dtltvered. i26.94. Look -4 1..40 t I. new ma~e. B+Igahrl Irt Pew Porl

Catalogue Free. TYIPFWRITER EX - CHANCE. SAC Ciry, laca ape JR

(OR Satle=ELtt1tRIG B,Afl;BECUE MACHINE l'!}r6-z-tN, I: GRttNeillLD, 2$;1 AeA-

Iand St. Meets, Rea i.OR SALE -1411W, PORTABLE LONG.RANGL

Car' ty t. d two w.,-est, sand he photos. BOX 135. 1448aert,, Mkh. x POPCORN MACAFIKES--CRiStTTL CJ1t[Ml-

Crum: CP.ee3Y.khP. TrereP. Fri,.' -tit Pblate Q1lp A rt. n_ LOC.G-tAKlles. CO.,.15i76'H.p.4i S,


o buck. and sill tar.teta Coed err -..r -NR cheap. STEIN.354r Smith Newnan. Ilt'rnse3o SEVERAL TMOUSANÓ F11iT NO. 2 TO NO. 16

Rxthb^»Cm:rved WMde. sed two vn ks. Five hundred Cear..mz f- A. DARAEI'Y. 7416

d. M. ST1YL COOK'S CHESTS, s1.50., NEw CÓOx-

iry Ke'ftl-T, ,iJ.nnfd S1,25: Arrow FleAd Ste 3.30. 55 1a TAVETIAN, 61 Rutgers bt, t c r Ye k. TRUE~. y Ire. AND TAYLOR TN[ATR1.

to, Trials. ¡E^, hP1y used; al -o 9RtiI-- r F,k-i- {" ; --xenl;ge. $5b4 up. SAVOY. 6G East SS" h Yo tts29x



Aryl NTIONl1-AM USDA CRT PARA wilt- ', final Lb.t"Miente Carr -Vole Fun

1 --, c,le Rabbit Camel, Ryterrlr,l, M_yssiert- t rcn. "tEaseltal'and '..._,Neal trsup-

I r4 OP O C Motors, el steed re t eles - t' -..P o'f1ci, WIIE1c CITY AMU1II,4N7 A IC,_6300 South Pak -Ave - ID . ri, III a015 FIJLLLOONS, PARACHUTES. INFLATORS, RlC-

n- SpacifY tout weight. THOMPSON 11li0S.{ BALLOO°wJ ia+rOrn tt iPARCA)H3 - RIDES.. SNODTtNG GALL(Rp.

Tt, -It PI tal. "Cary_ of TWO Ah' 51.2-n pO: T1- AArtstt, s 1700.00.

° ,r «REa +. trr ' Trrtlhn V i at-tra ed. M_ IfL SI 500.04. r- t. Autaatr IC 9ioethrsP Cat-

ty. !a3S.06. Florta+'h Cutter t:.y 6 Ah-raa Z71. -ft: Tr34k SS23:,rm.. Avl Can=

err tar 4 ,' -- KENT USI ICENT CO.P.. S410 Ga.. A . Weed! rrn, i. a RLiACW2R SEATS-2.000 FOR MALT, G000

60e 2to r`Q , _ W I

1+1. NETTS. IRéi-ez4M. W} CIRGIti e:t>dACxtR SEAM ALL SIZES; NItW

s. PENN éLL,CHER SEAT CJO., y. Maul,

-. .01,a,. Pe~ 11111.

COSb'UTi SMA_L TisfT SHOW Ot1TIIT - W ühTrarer end

RÑKL SHOW., General O , 11 d I,

d0R SALE,. -17 0y7OG(t.E WNIJi41-fla ÓÓ A -I ~Pion. RhRKiN. Mere ,,.:

4 -

rOtt`Si11,L(-Tn1e1T. 4011,44iRAIL RIM. $10ia h ; . - Sewed

t r- I 1. ED 1111055(]. 1S 5. r

Shaw tly 4.Ibum

IP 1-


SOME MEMBERS of rho Sparks CJíteus, flapped Ilbaut 20 years -ago wfeen the show was Muting Olio Loft to right ore Walter Gale.: a'lapinest performer who trouped, with Downie Bros: Circus, season of 19371, MMgrf MOO*: George A. Hough, a newspaper publiakor and -pow residing in Vineyard Haven, Mass_, and a Member of clown alley Whose- name is not remembered;

Tie Bülboerd Ene' r5. its traders to submit photos taken frena 15 to 3.0 peers oso. II Is speeMUy requested that 9ictares be, CT.,6Aa and VIII they be oe-.o4ipetLd with corra plot.' deseripsfre dele. °rotip ~tea aro ptrelrrc brit pictures of huthrfittriala .t_rh0 a'v STILL LIVING -OW be ftetoorned. They grin ha remesed ft so deaire4 Addrtsie Shoo Forney Alburas 6dttoe. The Büfboord, 2527 oilers piet4, CYwofwruetl, O.

KIDOtE Ma=UP, 82 800 CONCESSION Tent Frame. i2300- SatP2+o 111El Grno.

5.5.00: BaÍtLr Cats, -them_ [LLER, 49.1S th 49 Ll.. W-them_Jrt . N_ Y

MERRY -00 -ROUND . WlTN TRUCK ANO bailer. íd00.00 Cher lane. $40000:

Sheetln,rGallery. $1S0.00. Now too5ed rd Pensacola.


MINIATURE STEAM TRAM, COMPL[11IL, SCO.00; lurks alee 2I -Foe[ Feels Who"

Pte idler Farm sWPeel. *,.200.00. RUE CANA0V. Ye:n:2av- Arid. PtJB1.1C-At10RESS OUTFITS." SWORD BOX,

$p: a Bast Orare, AINi1et)e .Art. S R! as Ir lonM.eys, theín broke. PDX 1631. 1t----olrlfi.t-r5.. Q SÑOOTNo- CALInIEs f51, ARCADE E14,-

chines. Rain V. - 1. Cl- .k -a, -Leek !_ 0. C.alllaekr.m-t.. ~one_ 3 P-1 Aytrp4 WHITTACKE>1<, 6713 Vlhriiv.wrh. f FqICAN WLt1Ct:-BANNERS est.

E four ,.e+rka, pthen O. K:,. 5,27,00. CARiIOLL MiLLER. Stowe. sit_

SIptTI1N AND TWINTY.FOUí1 SEAT C755AIR. 'ysr-sRetpr, fence, Ticket Beat. Sixteen - Fa -'t Kivu* Car. CAL1%iN C,RUMIR. Pinckney-


Wheets. r. HARRY SYKES. 3731 Northlaltittd St, ,cr.4400L IfI. Tide - ¡snow fluclringt-..arn 22,61'3.S

1e6DRERZ SNORT-R/tNt:C CALLEAIE! 'Pie- rcer eer S30.00 each- Remington

Etlitee, 3141,00; Ten Ban fuel Tied", Se stet 51250 cads MARRY CC11--MI NGS, Old Osth.rr5 ev htsrrre 4915


Seneat trsY . _rley-.,;I -I - rat aequ_W- ane- .eY 7 -titaz it .,ty, eat ro_cessary. Per- ,cent Y. TRIPPE ROAOSHCY1rV ATT1tAICT1ONSr, r. e a Ar.- C1torUf t.IHI' GIS 13 -NOT OVER S TEETr!

I. __rag. Intmr-t lY, itrady. Srae aft. and ~kJ.' i. LEO CANNON Cate Ik{-trrid', Betf;Pny N. Y. CIRL TO WOtlUiN6Ca1 "MAC AC O' T-000

I eaavew. WPrte ' r etch" tafd rst pa-tkv.

Mrn THREE MILOS. 4101 Valley Blvd., Las An d _t,4, C15LS FOR AERIAL ACTS --LONG out -

doer end - I:easen. State alt max 954, e. 'A =1?d. /;e'.t.Broaef,Kay.iNevr Ye:rs. CI' .

IMMIDiATSLrnAtPIn1/NCtD' AORTA silt S+.ut Rin . Rom SI- per,. 25. 1. Or: A

d ,t ' key !p_rc-h Tan. ars BLUI BONNET RLL OIR AtPllt.;. rty. SIEN S1apW ATTRACTION`S VCR CANADA

Open y Azvh1 2.. H I di 'di 11W1. t,r-r.L+Js. n'D . A.. T. -- 'u me... 26

r I. .- ~Pm- HOWARD #/tCTOR, fare 411I1-

, .C5., 1564 Olo--dw.,y. Neer York Cl?.y.

HAVE COMPLETE NEW 3460W -"WANT 310E -WPM Fr44le .,11 kinds, Trt.cén. Olds ier


Solo ga3III r,v - Units.. Orlfene Pe isfsd !W. I IN y and t. old Sr -I new times. (Cod aeoearance to loin re -n.. t'o. Wrl' a BOB ROBERTS. Ib4e( !Udder. ~us. 0' WANT PIANO PLAYIR root CARNIVAL -

Nn..it read, lel!c. Low, sure sarary_wlth,t,t. puts CstNo boomers. BOX Col SS. Bin.


De* - N,


.MECHANICAL SHOWS---PfERU(CT PERFORM ~terc, tC.`el rte, $4 ÓO and up- Photo. 6c.

Ship at once. P. AUSTIN, 'ITCH SaropnS. KeYre- , PJob, apl5 MITALLiC WRITING - MORE !![AUTIFUL

than Ink or ,IDec_- Anise investigate. sm'. Free plr. METEN. 235 RIM Ave Dept.

Mrs York SOCIAL SPCURtTY PLATES - CASES POR Cica flettric tngrsving Mea+t-a. Tattoo Mschie-s. C&eei. Des+ 540611. BusMaes Cards EDWIN t31,0%VN,11 14 FHeh, OeireN, x

AT RARGAiN-MAGICAL, SECRETS, MtHD- Rc-vlInG IS't/stcry EtW:+tt. Sid `.P~... Cud*,

t0+s'r.aL Liar,tOc: .01e1OVEf. Gen. P. Q Doe 217. Nca erlc. CwTALOG1;rtOF MINOR tADING-1,,11d/TAL-

I- ,, ` itF Ethcg, trbroscopes, footrests. Etta, Cry+Petr, Lucky P;eceX Pat- -try, Craphalo,Ey Wlaoltsase [riots. Wort.Ts far rock t'58_ppne Illustrated catalogue. IOc. NtLsoae ihlTitRPRIits, INrlson Bldg, Ce- B-rnbtay O. Ap22 'I

DRIVE CAR OLIIiDFOLOtO, WALK BAREFOOT'i Brrkerh Glass. Rape tsta^-s, M rd Reed=

trhd, onus ty stunts. Send 3t saamp. DARItII. 7 Fei h; St. leo-M.h'O LARGI! PROFESSIOtMAL tifAGFG G-AtALOGIiL.

Yolk City. snobs* Nty1JDiN: 220 W. 12d. St., New

LOOK! MYSTERY TRICK AND GRANT SUR - onus Ca'tati-t of Slaps Jekexs Nary

elt _ -. Currºs'ties. Pussies- f0r Esc. LAWSON WCK. Dept. B8, Queers tlllln


knd 15c fee eur stow Ix,- Illustrated a'.-. Casertu ICRrNO6h 316 Slut}+ Ave-- NeroJ


9YtrtEe4Ilat Figures.Punch and Judy end 114rla»tqFc, IN'Xlr, Chle 1261 N. Wells, alio In. Il4h,tratvd' folder free. JD 15 VtNT1rILOCt111'A.L FBWRK-3.21.PACE Illilf-

srstrtf t4Pacoo«.. IOC- PRANK I.CAJISHléLt, 5518 S_ Loomis Blvd., Chicago. OIL Used -try all ' t ve..e beiur tt nr.r13 'vENTRILOQ1ÍÍsT iTGURtt1-ItOW AND USED

1P rr -'se 1Jrakn -hat.'ie. TURNER. Vper- taOQtrit radt,orY. 1214 It, 1 t Ns Si.. S. Iseeph, ,Mo


Fun 5..r. 'es_ Fa rs. Dance I i w etc- Sm.cE krrr".atr*tint. big ttitlriz C. p.

MURPHY. [!yn 1, Ot m..?x

SUMMER 11ESOR SOUVYÑI&S-BURNT AisD ho+dp.fr-red Leath." Novelties for Your

reedit trade' with r.ne el reºort or pattht ircvintod. Indian Ibethee nc. I$0 , Amer made. CataI p LEON MPCHALL., 39 East 20th St., "tilew Yak City.


ATTENT/ON, OP t; R A TO R 3-MtRCNANiS' Free Mohllas. illo,grzt thrrR ~door

resent ,MrGrld Vodev_ Talkie Pre. ,-n , 6Que- r.-vynta rented. S21 -A STATE THEATRE, Pith - bu bl, Po,

BARGAINS - iSMM SOUND WESTERNS, Shorts. Striate, $1.00 reel up. Erna 'Lilt.

Also Tarts. Powers Homes, 15OX IS. Flat River. Ma_

CIRCUIT OPERATORS = RINI' COMPLETE Programa Sete' money e--Yh %meek. avvice

guaranteed. MUTUAL SUPPLY. INC., V,l' 'a. SIL, ur WarerIm la. eFlc EXCEPTIONAL 11ARCAINS - SSMu

Portal:atStiund Projectors, Sucp3las rd Ce's'.- e(efe Eduigenent. Free catalogue MONARCH THEATRE SUPPLY COM'ANYS,iemphla, Term.

TORT McHI NR!r, BIRTHPLACE Os STAR '. an Ba ..-r"-One Reel. Stale tflarha 'else Write PHILIP ROVENZA, 111$ Hull Sty Ralilmoe. l.fd 'JANE EYRE. 7.5111. SOUND FEATURE PER.

feet, 'EC 522.001 2 Western ectne PYorect. with Sow -4 $200.00 cads, Tlvou1 MAIM. LeRoy, Minn. NOVTE ROAD SNOW BA*CAINf....3SYM

Sound Portables, ~pieta. (.lmhed War- t, ty, Seethe $alt, saMts Arnold, jr Speakers. IE.uyeent fully guaranteed_ At al treat no low lr rem Request Spatial Brglkrtin. Aflq yrwr.d Psolectera, CONSOLIDATED TNEATRE SUIFPLY {ORP.a ICCO.13 Oeeadtrraly., New 'York, 'N_ Y, ats29x PASSION PLAY FILM bOR-SALE - WOSJND.

P1:w, 6. Rotas: AdvwnisMn Trailers, Ex. ern:r1nere, e them. R. KELLY, I t25 Re Y MrEI.

r'OWEal TALKIE OUTFIT, COMPUTE, $195 00. 0.her bsegalrn, Sound _Program.

$7.50 two nights. $1 CO y.r.elc. S,Ien. Fee. tares, $100: also PeEglosa 'Pitlurese Free SI RION t, en~. 1275 Se. 8r. ItOAOMrN-AND CIRCUiT OPERATORS' PARA-

drt».-We have films of every dcw:phon for Arne o- t. Try _us, BOX $24, C.rKI n t1,.0. 3AtlIIFICtrVICTOR T6MM. SOWED PRO-

j"rto, t0lrylleM, 5165.00; 73.9-feot Partal3 a Screen in Ir,c-nal' Trunk CeOat $1k}CC1. '21 .'115.00. [Wiest Cñnditien. ART 1008) u. HAIR, 2JD2 Suu,h Main St,. ETmlra 1y, Y,

$IMPLLX, POWERS IPROItcTORS, LAMei- harms. Satrhd^sads, AmpMlers, ,Len

Steaeap9Eenru. P. Maki* Prapelory end EE11ast, Q;qulpment bowed atnd soto Write 2E111111 THEATRE SUPPLY. 308 W: 4311R N'ei,v York.

'UNUSUAL BARCAIifS IN U1IOOPtRllrttkAJRS, Sound 57llpmtM, Moving Pk:ture Mari 0.

Screens, Sonrltd.tA Str,neophroons, _a'tc Pre- ja,,telfen Mathews repaired Chatos S free. i00VIEF SUPPLY CO., LTD.., 1318 'S. Wabash, 6 -a.. apl S T'VANTED - 'ifIMROiE PATH' PRINTf,

Tra.lr.,rf4 Advtrttsigy. for S. Ea- 'to vrttts Slower arid Cos r nrLrhel. Irscon1br.. 43. V,'Il.stteTaPgley CallEa[4ºn+. AL'CERT DUEL, 2110 Cala, be rely, /.f s?,, x = AtM( PRdJICTORá COA+PUETI

with Are 11.~, R. C. A_ fount Mira tGil: mkt Trtt1`c., A.1 condltEbr, TNE MOY11: ,SHOP. I440 CataLv Arrows, Osk

16M'>tt SOUPED' FILM- PROGRAMS AND PRO- eaesds fee a3,t and rent Foot` 'eafal'

SOUTHERN VIiSLPAL EQUIPMENT LO., t94 s, Second ft.. 4!r,mp htP, Tom. , epl S



Vet& City. Circle 6-0700.


ACT NOW-4FOR.A.OSME ort*ATOR1-. Send today for irderena;bn on the new

St.,3b Rota -Fresh full-Pturr u.,tfit. 7aket plttures dne 3'1 x;11. MARKS L FULLER, iR[ñ Oboe: ,OC-I I.,,Ruch#titr, N. Y. m43t. ALL 4 FOR lOr OÍERATORS-CUT PRICES OM

all machines ano supplies: Full' Skeen+


April 15, :1939 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS The Bfll&oard 57

GUAIIANi'tLD-111.143 DIVELOPEº, *UAW * t era r voleos Prrrtu rnd w -.e srC! Er,- C THEATRICAL PRINTING Lsltierxst at; lot 2:C, WALTER ttALATA.

ito+rrO6t. M. +4 _


SELL BUSINESS CARDS 31.10 THOUSAND- Gtt-:IriCus sraltonery. Hock -Matchers. Mew -

!Lots Gud Tar,IR Pap:ar Towels. Adverb. vg arena, wooks, Rubber Stamps, Pleing

Sete. Adv_ ' t:alIks_ 35 cc rartl_.0n dídly. ,P -+t -meek Breasts. Foot Silas Portfolio

WILLENE. 1190 Cladys, Dept. G.S. CEMcet0, x

SCENERY' A 1l BANNERS IOCAUTIFUL BANNERS, SCENERY. DYI DROPS -Famous ter BS years. Gut the bear: Send d, ._nuorte for lowest ealienaio. EN «BOL STUDIIOS,-Omahri, Nib,

/EST CARNIVAL AND SIDE-SHOW BAINN:Ltti err iEarth. Fes t`c. a ,I ro a 1rtpclrimer ts.

WOMAN STUDIOS. INC.. 1234 S. Halsted Sr. Chres e9.. ILL acei S

ttt'VEN trot SNOW RANINERY, PRACTICALLY new, 115.00: Fifty Pair* Rich_t pn Mar

Skates ;1.00 Psi, 3IA1t&1IC LOAN CO., 11tarvllte_ Venn.

SPRINC.SUMMER SPECIAL SIDES OW BAN. mitre, Bx101e t7;á; Outdoor Showmen's ~ice oat v. CAD HILL -SHAVER STUDIO.

RI. 1. A.uavrtg, Mir.

LXCELLEMT /RINTINC - LOWEST PRICES. i rassioprl. Le tt..+rhaads, Labels, Clroulars. Stalerewsis. etc_ Frew Cut Service. OKAY- PR1NiTr D pJrtrn*nt Lt, Martens Ferry. O. 3amoir . Mares RAINY LtrTI.RHEADs IN C+01LÓR>rCIR+CUfI, I, .ay, /' Ierlan, / 1 -et Mn1 Or-1- Eral, 11w1ratianas Hpt $tvfft Sil cbwtr prkt._ ' S0LLIbAYs, 4rt:lrtMM 3parillseSs Kne1E 1t+X

HALFTONES, LINE CUTS. .OW AS LOW AS 650. Willa fOr new once* on An Work arep,Engravrt6. MA#K 'TWAIN ENGRAVERá,

Box 145, Yl, rret. Mo

WINDOW CARb$-..141122. ONE COLOR. 100. 5250. deposit. balance C Os D. pbjs pplrsg 1 Till DELL PRESS, Winton,

1004 4J.vtY *4a2z CAROS, $2,So j 1;000 EN veio.--e3 or -letterheads, S2í.'0: á.40O 4x9 ~OM

f+$3.75 Doler _w CR I ESMAN. Wa S

140 $Igsstit SOLID E*TTtRllt/1S Alto Í4ó 6L' an ,v e -s. only sI.00. 1 000 of Miner,

2. O. -AU po.tpaid. ,Belsuri t.4 wet PRe- MIER-F, 454 Chnh4o $tar Ar4 Brooklyn_ Iiw_ Y. l,q¢tJ{1fIÑLSi,CARDS, 11.00 - VELLtr11

/fr. berry steak free guavas tat iarelit. DIXIE SUMMITS. CARD CO., A189 jefterson,

-4,= Tenn. 2.000 LETTERHEADS( $3.951 NAMIRM1ILL

Sacred 20-114. El in ate 1. Try '4 bad that orle_ 6:colianr quality. Order -now. KAY'S PRESS, G..d:n Sul,


GOOD Ai NEW TINT. SIDEWALL BARGRINS DOOr(1-0 OIR SIKOOtER` CAPS, FUN IIOIJtSE'. State stse. As t - ' in Canvas. Wawploal Isis ifs Ra{fway, Carter Cars, Cu Au tee. Covers. 'Stamp with Íp+quEry. SMITH TENT'S. C es... Kiddie Rider Address -BOX C.13S. Aubuttl, N. Y. Ap29u,` Es s"`» d. Cin i+s,tl, O.

fit iberty Advertisements Figure TOTAL Nurnsr of Words in Copy at


to a Ward -R IIl$T U n t la 1ste rats rave Mini1L,um 2,áo Cash With Copy



1 HOTEL., COCKTAIL LOUNGE TRIO -WILL. known or0r rstTstiwS Available near furtm. Writ for oonto and details. BOX C-114. Bits f4tLr t I 'Troll.

MODERN SIX -PIECE BAND - SWING OR =%AYvt anus . fa3hsS-g Nar:allin Eleectrt HAND BALANCER-- Outta'. Fir; hotel ce surname revert. Union.

WALTER Si1ULiCII, 1220 WIIltvAU A.-% ChM ca. 111

ORGANIZED slXsl'IECE Ofrd^IS7RA1. twits* Fr T.v r'A Caa;,,e. IN., months' bonaracQ

a1 this Mfel. Need iw0 ~eke nOli4e. :SID DAD E) ORCHESTRA, ~pin ~el, MtlaepR

IS acs wits. ran . ail T 1tearr. ' Ga, ap2

Fella. Mara. FILED D1rY., 110 s1 . ti, 13NIVIlS11Y OP MIAMI CAMPUS BA'ND--

lhni0ry 8 p;I_ea, ,---. t stab. featuring

TOP Mount r - Mudd Min Strong. Wanes wort withwith "hardter-h~ batanein

712 Ba-user Ave.. 40ok N. I. WOK.

TEIss 01011 rAg11LYv,ry Taw Mr, sae le- OrrL 14: 5~1 Da/. 10º fle !-~1$ laac

AT LIHIRTY "Cadencing Chianti." A. I t.rrttyy1 lone tor t AIKIí7 3430 W.

et summer 1. Write BOB S.

J 25th Terrserl, fIam, flL



aopuainled with Southern Northern, Central, ;rates ono West Coast t rrltsri.a. Sober, de-

but, Open for a-rrr r*,.Cer l 1e m - t FRED GRANT, 6437 5. Martht-oid, CNN.

ADVANCE AGENT FOR DANCE SANO-- CarntwlS Cron. Acts for fats. Consider

conhaict v.ltth ii C. A. Bands: roferºr+cas; capable _eontt.zto, park e.a;,tu71*G Salary. JACK BOLGER, Larnbanon. Main. Apt

Oti10Ua-OAtNIVAL 11nóüelt7 Egristeak 04L`" area, RrAso -.mime. 11~ strei Twat, Taos- aavretaa(r sr.w.1 7. pf* 'tract_ tt! 1ar7t. J-+'

A4,MyIL111Y áAGlS lf9atat4 vitae= es_



AT LIBERTY AFTIR APRIL 30TH -DOG -,ins SAinr U- Its. Negro combination.

taro Trumpets. Tenn Scoraphorrte. Plano Bass fi r O l 1reay. Sunnier location preferred

COOKIE, 420 Wast Slam Street. Ithaca, N. V. -29

IXCELLENT FIVE OR S1X:PIIEC E ORCHESTRA. Ce eatelo 'Lbriry. *tangy of doiiblas. so:, se.

guarantee Kattsfsst qrt. Porter Warr Caryl. Write an particulars to LEON oZEN. B i11GM, S3 dl's S'q_ Riven die. Ca11f, aps22


or ill, TOWN TAVERN. Ihianooci.

WELL=ORGANIZíD 10+PiECE COLLEGE OR ct-7trc. Two air t play

show.barn /unnonL good s(+etg Max Avs...1+ie lurrt 15-Labpr Dray for man- ma: spot. Re4erascels. BOX C-1'53, Billboard. CintI++nMf: O. rñr< 6-.r1iWTDANCE BAND MODERN SWEET

Sty/re: 3 SraroL Trsrsnper, Piano, Drtat.L lust ivrs ePietetil Easa tour, Awtlabfa at onto, Wire or w771e ORCHESTRA. 1103 luny "Lind St.. - Kee -wort. P.

ATTICNTtO se Db iE.eep rw5i V Ttn

° raas dbpe=t"!r.

lro4R - .re t d n Rilallle eswlres_ w1Wr. itclT AbItiltAi>vJlr 4311 Keane.- Aran, r+M./t+



6 -


Or-tÍ f_ise If- rotten. --aL.AeayiCbobC = hTeaaJtT ̀ ]KL,a

afnS. 1t.+tTrnl

tel rotaan^_"rtT. T.ostrllf-

d<R fl Y OI Ln E Olt au* °' lar -r- a Wen. gff,>ierr'L if0a4vlL ~HI eat a.nprrs.

tA t11 tr+rrE BadSe-ea_se`bwrar.e card" ° ,X bah, PonJETrRrrla Ibe, 1cer. Twa- - i[ÑNY KAY tut wt a reform Ir q Weddle sYA r

raltaesl al ~Icat Nall. T,

b aI

ae ao

l f


tarlit-el. 1N11 ,E


4EMLrOHTaalf a+

74a:t Zaterat tr ._1 a-rrb r _1Eai .ad !eaf. fr r' , lie exam..._

r1 rtetrl5P I th n,ro 1D, ]ata.trsl. 3d. s:, s it>

- riTteral...ra-w If r . 'e4t

nr a512s Inas1t. 3Ea3eTn tm *irT. o ward. r5.. uE^ his apt'i`3St.r'e ?mate. n real af/esrlEric Ttda a.e = are Y Ir it'r '

la dieter ra L I a'z4t rk - esL P:-`s+Lrrt g y I ttfl.

rA N -r r Mrs KLat:W1IS.IITSSAN. LO L.__ . so

HO-1 EAR .4DU4t1''AYLVRIgIrRNL.-11 _um, ea_E ie'-tlrra 1-r*I}aa. 1<w C.i .`

pS:L LURpA=De. LD3T'JI: 0t5y':.L, 140a -33e, l

RUTH /ttLeaORCHEaTRA-tus EN 1.6,t i'+130 11114.11. .-i lAt`4 Wit W~btad ter 1rtL

5 *:+T hr1 ra7rttatYr_rn yaw ~art-ta~art-xla . l -1b w _ i1 hl Ea ar .Drsf sYr,tr.ttbe larrTltta ee'-,_ 014-..

L. - yet w ,{f+rsitsgalw?OkE. 14y l0tla

.a iliaL*a rieser.MC :600 LYoeti.l)r Je'-'ü+

woLi ORaANI2iD 3iPteer llaai+i /ese` 4 W!. a RaFtbsu drains war= r ttDOH. V.nt a-'*- ppaaaeam. attract!~ ream, ii.- P liana


ante in _bah

ÑROQ.OilO7C. ltl ± y a ,1ta 1.Ar171




AmRR.ICAN LEGION MEM- par want's position with S..aw ce Carnhol.

Expert Trick _Shoal," wilts Firearms and Bow and Arrow. indoor iñd outdeora References fixnli,ode ;IONN LJil, Cary Minn. W22

DOG ANAD PONY PRE, - Writer -To work shenv S0 foxresntaFs and 1^4 Ate, Coe? and NI_ay Trainer. C. H.

HARrH'BARGER. Las« iae,n a. _apt 5

AT LIBERTY -P CIIARL CIEARIOTTf w HALF and Half, ~nature act Nava A-1

wardrobe and Cash Stre - lecture, hie ~oaten answer. Write FRANCIS CARLYON. 224% Twelfth Noce. N. L. Waste r o D. C.


SO septa M Ch c o, IiI. for Edd:-' INsutplry in 1937. 16 Years- elecrikaI p+neríence, at Ittr-rty SOX C.I' `r n Cs'- aN. O

WATU IE ATHUTIC ACT -OR. LOU KAP1O. loot. O.S ,. Ph. O. Mawall a Athletic Mar- v" aC tt 65. The r]1sbta Sparihrt.A,.,nkan

War Metoran, 1k S. V, 1894. Street , .,, t:1_ ems and gresrest feMherw_ght harass and wrisithir In the world. AEI ví0 alibi /1r... able Oar Bolting and Wrestling Amnia, Le - clon Carmarthen*,Eta A4d-en DR_ LOU IEAPIOLAN 721 East I llth Los ~us, Cal.

rip S

9R02,1 MAN, DEMONSTRATOR- 01WD CLEAN cut appearance. Young, resonant, versatile

eol,;e. Wert r -tww. .'rams now burr lclnit for omornisr' Wott?walr parlor :chews, IRYINC ZANCER, 1111iner ole1, a. Pa, IIIOIC S_Ots "TR10---Ttr7a l:r-r' t ainr. be

nr Tabor Arta Da asprert-sr4 A4h'r la "- Tr ri Glataai. Pt- aerr

Year QAWAMLt Panne n_e1AN- í-r3 rc'.t. p.511 457 rr p* -'1. A.. 50. l : Y.

pit for L.R. L - r ' (r?µr+eeCe erg sent [l. . nW.slibn, 310o ~wait= tn.. 6e 1.e,

r r9 0.



' AT11f.WTION, ' L.- rz, rbarn, Aaota.-1 ta.W

I.t aal bcll LL-r=

1 11`o Dints: !rLay I'r sta.ra'1 lr.r

L,Earslwtarse, Dreg

re -1 es for 1« are e1 ¡,. tot " - re- . Utc,r tM Dr .CttrSatrme+tt. !ti eCll+i ran ha ra t at ratee ºa tÁa Y tr Teel w2V a1L

of are total eralatee

lee coos r`Lf "eKLe P: r ,TiIteJen011a ila


muis'ICFANS ..)-r, - A-1 TRUMPET - ALL FAS-

trntlliallt C ZYLYAtIb 142S Broadway. LouitMl O. Ky.

STROLLER - VIOLINIST. Sing. tools. peraoneMy. Free lo

atrdllnt unit pr rare, .yC rid-r rid-rt psrien3 after March 8. .-.w finest rIOOUteaks tnnrteelforet ~le. "Z$C" BALTUSIS, Hotel t,=nsstown lanaNtount. tt Y. api%

'ALTO SAX. DOUBLING CIARINIT-FLINTY ~entree Viral or anise u++' F'TLf re del. +- e. fair talco -off. Ur on, later. deper 5. cony --real, S e full detail,. ROB HEIIDIL- BERG, Deraxes v Natal. f`iac s. Ga. a22 AT LIUCRTY-4 PIECE UNIT, AVAILABLE

fee -mewbaeiunnt, Sober: _ -.W. , area n. -a1 aapenanc.- Union, travel anywigre Modern Iuerry. P. A. trsean . unlfeems. A

vocal% richttties. Maio all is I rse lather_ Addreu MUSICAL ACES, care Arthur

'ort_n. N+nr Cara- . Coln. ap15 AT uto tTY-H SWA1tAN GUITAR DUIT,

Rad30. st r exper=.nea. tl.ctrl: Guitars. Consider all offc Oopendebte. MAC ó84D TACK. 303 W. New York Strout. Apt. 22. ir1iea--_-t;,; r end. AT ll4i ;TY-BALEiTONE PLAYER, (»Pint.

ce in 41 Carr, ROBERT IM MOMEle 163 pine St_ Card" M T . ac24 °RUMMER. YIB VNIÓN. B YEARS' EXPERT.

_era be looern, mite cluti, sober r s -s-; r.+sW. a 22. Wnf HALL. 434w,.- pisi on s_ tofu& Wit.


DRUMMER-EXi*IENCEDIr ACE 2$,-VOICr_ et,ien. Brood oo;tornerrt. MURPHY, 4719

V -n Dyke, Derma, I _

OIUMMIR - TOTING. UNI Nit. tocLMWOLTi. toad 'and to. BOB WALKER DuB&t.. -era 2 -

DRUMMER-EXPER1INCED_ YOUNG. RILIA- I bat. Net -un o n. but v. I Es n. PMrir Chi.

c c n r.r awes. t 4:' ,f1 ce were ELMER C 044, 734 OAu...i1e Av-. O -o. Li


off.IIeer11 rembwibie o'ckuce. read. I I

trioey age 27. BOOKER LAWSON, 3117 W ódlh Garth ".AO, rep i/ARPi3T-UNION_- DESIRES COÑNECTION

w.th noon{ orttwrri $c or ordwaera. wee coven Sob, Tr» Orchestra, Stroh ..'. teal - I/ - 1te!{tI} LAVINI

TOVIFa woMllsll arwlr,eoesor 41:8_-+n.f P rARt1LA>RT. I01 Flllmp-'_ vw, CIA. a°22 4-1;Y. _ sa 11 + s.at . attlta


Yso- location a4ter i.re 1st. R°an and w w

_ Young., L1aI 1 h e eav,.8lei rfe -k AT LIBERTY '

andet. HCSNE+ERS. 315 w, R s MAGiCIANS

e icay IR[ ioCNTAL 4CT-AU-o Mica sltríacY far !lain!. it tteb I Ill. Wier.

fI.a saraat. prenda s are r,r. rc=lur í' a YfIBC, efe 11liLoerd. 14 I' --.Retas. a Tn*

It: ant



HIND 37, iAfirsrLO P ApriR_sr;c t 1S. de. -nn mws et.rabw with r-^-_. Illusion. Mental Act sr vA11-COn414114r anTtahlnf` IqItittate ThoroulMy ~relented In many Itras. k,-Qh0az), Lecturer. Master eS Er jtlls, Good' Mike VoItY, CI:nitau,_,s and lecture pa-t..ua wrtie. MOiISAAN DAS., Genet -at Dei~,, Chino?. EXPERT" PROFESSIONAL NUMEROLOGIST -

1,vtertakt.-CrtM=n rtid rrt¡ Chi tAJ151. re- sort hotels. HEIDY NOt 11407 =d At, i@rgok- Fyn. N. Y. Eiarlt.;vstr B-2193. _ c

TEEN VIA -113 EXPr:RttNCt 1NDOOri, OUT- doer -how woAi1A .44 :, t -'e of RaRdlln . cos.

er-rvu or errdrstlit- prº -table derlorrslrsto , aM An, ~wormed deaLnp LW" emu pub- llC, ewatdu+ i:GSit ors World' Fa!r Orlkrnt reSarCeyOe_ . Adr-frt:e Co7C 949. care Bi1lbo,aM. 15+1-n Oro 3r: N Y. Ata1 s atñnAteat Youfr t144KEP.a11ROW-mpr:s iyartl.

_re Tt bra, c r ]4

.r.ñ..- t,i (7C+Sirt A `Y Mack al! r'tY (" , I- ' I

CT. P. a: w r

ab- lsamó- ' n .. li _p J. 7- U ae5 r-L~n.s ratey rn i. r I

neat ee ' isr 4, DI - v -l -Iv t'

n - L . e r. r - -. e I

` e J en : "C í tr.t ; L_lárY "L4i ' tr h):L 11 ; r_ rt - r - ]ftY a

,§ . , oleo t -1 . IJ' 5 1 liner tir 1' ,n I - 4 n- I_ i,

I , _ rr a I t. .1 Item' a , .1

1 ' tt 1 ° - _ tjk errs_ e typo

t r a 'L Var1. WW_ )ILA.[. !L 0 1, Par Vie - ti, I_

O:ney, iu. apl< MODE IS GUITA1E=2XPt tNC ED-LA R LtiE Armor

arnelll bartds. SingL. neat sober: SeoenJdlnr riOutYG7: thsfGdit Itt arlEer+t tr lp'rr(err. 'NO Corn or h. lY salt r C4MARLI3 HAi.v IN. 792 1rNs t /..e_ SI. P_(If, Minn. RHYTHM GUITARIST, DOUBLING ILCCtRtC

Stcdl t rite - ncM oll ! ~93 -1St? as O v Peelle -í11 iii~ Cr frió

~93-1St?. BOX C.451.


Lr`abl1 - ~sr r cud. Co ono w "-et If sa just'titer L Can e 1tact catres/ rn,:£. LIRrrv- W' LLY PELILJITIER. Caes Wed" D-tlas. Ter. Tt szOR SAX--CAPI CO ON CLARINET, ALSO

sccul 0,0 and Kara t- a rat Tres - re on lever. Anm,e, read and fake anyltunt. Plenty

Sfrour ode:. Want Ieeaalere Nl ICIIA.

TRO'.tfONt-COOD TOME. READ WELL Caret board and MOT ,MOpostlf on alto IS I reed bond. DAACOOSON, 2013 Tris St..


atl+ 14tter. ',enable_ V. 13E14._ I .xv rd Ave...Aa toda. Pa.

UNION PIANIST, VOCALIST AND ARRANGER desires to get art with del si ccmmwcf*t u Swats based with fstturk Can do all m-

oulted and unta, Nave fir. Wire or write_


St s. C sle f aARL CRO.MEYEYER. 911 Bidden dArre.,_Chl¿arm

IL VIOLIN. DOU%Lt11C S~D.f ss - etrítPiQ-C

89x 0-154. B3lbcand, ClnclrrraiL 0. VIOLINiIT-YOCALI$r-LOCAL 102 TALL.

fin p..r`ra.t.e. Stet o.s ~rte. Afeo ion. M. MMES$ -R, 600 W. 133d Sf.. 1,..00 Yon,- C tr. OAUtaascn AT EUntwrri-7---410 IIsi 4 library rti I I > ctiá ún

1 .T s,IIt I ' . _it, °rUñIMR'Ft ` ' Is

I ot 4 e 4. - rl ' Irt '' ' ` b--- a

d.CT b`l±IsJ_ ;r9 Jl! '4y] iii KI-15 1, n_

Á.ddlÍiowar Ada Undo, This Ctasslfic.ativ Willi Be Found on the Next Pap.

58 The Billboard CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS April i5, 1939

T' more- ota CTii aim oiteoa r-Warrt aieo Slaol Ml! ratahit MU1 1r,-fi.-,ream"a 7 I. r r. c _ ' e.r,_Y. nit l t' Una. 10 wt..'L:l-es r!ltnn.1. .1

TmoMRotr -- , r -nn atona^t.:_ r I t la t...- .rt or ertll. .Tl on II. ...-

5R1 Bra 0T11. 11rL C. r s - _0. z . TrI_d1'T -ltosrr>ti em Anular i , rr

.T1.1 erprlrr. ti= a


PIANO PLAYERS 8beryloytesn on farms I totaled 13A3nAu0 fanp family and hired

larger _ ry . tY

of February

ctiaty (a]l lrrOduats Included tn th0 AT LIREBT1t Indexy wtta 77 per cent eel pe+ºs'ar.


IIQGPERIENCrD pIANIST-i;rAo AÑO ALL tS- ti tir C. I ~le, tg'e.. BOX

C.1.0 ! -tarQ c r.otnruyI, O.

DIXltliliNDPIANO-tt ETYM. CAN AR. tirege fer'tlrrts0 ban. +1(e 22, ,mar4la ael r' -w -Al ' tlarAtre' r1eai(Cti Cari Ioti inme-

u 1e1y. Ctt+R..te W_ldr,o0 ~ens X. Y. Z. 7tA S2.ir all 1 t r Pi Lt. CA T ilnx 3112. 'newt) MD. -'OtYnfa duriag' aummer, parttcaluly attar f.t- sin ti to . add I>< ea-t PIANO OR ACCOROtDN.--wIDt4Y t)trtRr States soon attar thin dale. nun *ante "...Zen"

'lull u

4 alt liae

(.4-.-----' encM on belh tan er ettier.,<ae Yi¡u w tlrcrcases in emploZnocn4 general'y occur 17Pe pd

AT tInERTY fl , +11 barvl State N1 ku lirtt, ro'II> deu+. derate n 7bto] fat1 lamp.aymeat neAfILfDN RitD Walo Herd, t1 JLy. 1ºeº.tanreaaed En alt areaa SPAN6LER APiDr-PARKS

AND FAIRS; -Q emt)a,rt In tt'ie rage E3Ouut Central region (Costnnucd from pale rs) autstde wade nlmost ni, a etaat.ottill.

AERONAUTICAL SENSA- ,i -leal' WY- rbetn* arirh Smoke Screen

P. ct ta CDrca At.p ti' -T. 4111 Go: lw 4 i<oc' tia Parado, Eft 1:14:05 A c.wi 'ora, TC'N aseC i .enertet4_Alda Ltafess' Brasa Qu trdt. iRNfiT BaICGS. Ti n B'+,, New York

BALLOON ASCENSIONS --4 PArarh.ir r+Q, 1.a am 5CILP, Milt for ata Darks_ cetabra ens 41 9 e1e, any three.

and Will open on Apr11 22, House tlaltlll wtrlt be FM» t?alechlliti Ctt:ticntts. maw opening day traveling or taetraa will. be Wednesday nigh* features_ Free actas fin, work.' and band concerts will be fern. twee! an Sstettelenn. H ndayys and betI- daya. Parka theater will open oat May _'1. Ella K;. -t her Mock Company having 1 ern bur d tar the an on.

Roy Diggs will ann. o about 14y 1 to take ~Re -of the new ride.. Mr, and

fsI Mrs. E. L.- DI a.r-.c.__.cein .. _ rd neltltTttnrti°nirnóte ootmmOtttlz Npi,Arnel-

dnuatfttr Malec etilbo w7ntrDlted la alldltlohlgañz hate re A, 1 re -. CIAUDt L fltAtnR. 4T0'a w, IJOOKO

RNYTII- M' rtARlaT1 f atrtl. 5'R vtpiL tun_ :. D b.' ..- r =

aL[QrttlO STEEL a=! E.It` ' -t-ta t'1 tin rr_ 'a1 ->r Wm. Leh__ u 4- - t -- , a;Na+w a.., att.

1 G . Elan a1' ' r c ft 1Si 1r t1. Ana. R'are7N - A t.


PIA140= KIIYI.'R--READ, MAKE. TRANSPOSE. t Mean talrs, sat, b,nntr Winter anrr aoliciter. ir r. <drn rletrliM 1 r- e uncle nee Inn now. CNET NtICN[i. Savannah, TesrrL

p1 hlsT _[I y t. e.f.e''_iFaa Pea bens. p.IaYatal.e_

!"d Ree, tiWn'P' r need in '.F i_ rt __ A.. 1. k onto xAtll. xA17.

4, -

PtalYl!-AD r_ - UT r.r , bon t 4; -WS . rdrobr. haw gr. is. -ir 1- sal nation R tlr .1 :lláltb B1/1114.1i."1-122 11111 eaee. IitarLstill. sa. zs

loeleeoe. This Tar about two pee cent la er than o6 Janus but t amalter than on nearnnTY I but rlñtr. Ordinarily. total farm employment" 1íñ. creases about four per cent during Jan- uary. Perm Operations ustslly are sear wti*lly <Intl arenind the that of the year. Outside a terk t rgiha alt Penny gouthem

whore wet and atorray weathcr ktpt i

RISK IN FEREST (Colt nusd freest papo: t2)

ten great factor lxt3tuas It Is Pouch a vital item In arriving in actual meta" ho and.

"Heretofore member of the tndlastry hare had no voice in determining costa Of their coverage near In ,letting of equitable oxperlanco Credits. Under the

tT{ Policy of ~tonal name bands le to be contlnu -d titnt summer. with malt* ntlrwatlone playing Sunday night», P.raller rink. which has also opersied curing winter and no* under manste- moot of Harry ark. Will maintain a nighty schedule 'during summer.

LLTt7 1107, in chargé of the park pro- motion/if droartment. repeats the ,ae-a- acn'n outlxok snout ºnenternElrg in re- cent years. with a substantial hat of plc' to cent » atread' bit mo and many others pending. Ile plans epeeist

.lar:`nlybo:.u aétp...1 úl Q atuttlL tauter. chairman; L. b. óchlatsat *Joe. t tW ll> will ,again hare ahnrge chaittTnan; Richard F. I.nsac, , A. h.. l,fo.. o rldrat, vr, and 1fru, T. A. Wllm.<xth BALLOON ASC$NSION- a011D va1Nr ERN es ut1<.eir-ttrae.r' 11. o Q6 Herbert p o.,ldy. Fred w: are expected to return icon from St.

We-'e'a Cet+nloiert Lady earache* I-er't)fr, rtnrlTlt>t. r,s: P. nest ..Z, !t!. /. 7Otrcer Augustine, Fla, and overhaul Iltetr con. siehl brat to.hr ppya.hut- drills. -on one t_11r.Ilia .rece. U Pi $CRtosC.k att=I ú10Yrlri1 L. ealr5orla Aq+aIU .tttrC3Do Men C. i ..act .. -n t ii L PRITCH ITT. 329 Indiana brtierC.i nctunllT gees over ti» tfeoordr Si . Ellsrrattl.. Ind 1 pertaining 'o all nuke carried end has h Oa Rttocida and Gay Wendt

aeDlee 1n the credits allowed tbese rake ere Ret:lne^, their 'oºnexsal,iaa into con. based on their records of opeTttlon'un- Nril1 /wren

aud: of pleltitDt have . des tls0 plan. BALLOONISTS AND AIR -

t, Pie Pare%n,ie liumpery--M>re him unit trzwling tn, your tote. Invest.ytte. Coen lo IAEC IAPO RACHUTO ~inn 4 l


BOOKING INDÉPENDENT ~Tama Sta,Ltyd Fein's* Acts for p

a tr.iteoo be a `e -n. 4.rrlre for else ! tu, SONYTTl N H- inZ,7 ÉAt10DN AfttKstONl-WiTH ONE OR IttORi

Parachute thtapa Tut naked Ik' ail asctrsYr, 441átxm6,t. HENOtii.^-SON WALLOON

C0../ar - O. .toa? CAR_MENE CIlCU3 REVUL-FOUR CdwPLETt

and dhikaee free acti. /*ttq iri41 IItKa7frrs Cal trouts**. 11O1í 21e Wlnrrrtslon, MtsA :d

FOUR HICH CLASS ACTS -WORLD'S CarA'f. ser %vira Act. ran Ca:he$y. Tr?

Act, tiareitY Trrf-_=+ Act H-*-tiLBatact:..5 and Acre/sat Act PINK'S CIRCUS ATTRAC- T1ONi,, fbao'lo 1 C4r, %v 1029 AIM ANO CHIIEK DA%TO±/ HAVE FEW DATES

tar eircut Wm, lncJepr -Or 0.11~,n -A-; I4}T.:1ra'41 toy Icon be

blind se 131 is t+r .. rv de a COrhitiMfe reinter el tonic ern !trey requ rtrt.nn6g 11:_rr,e. fp rll. En=lalrrt the .t_ifcit - 11,"1/1 I` r. 1lVeri.11ull.rh-r- Aim` irrtNflUe

uislen el fancy rifle ant fl't'at bQor`_rt5 E?b1I deft all ti!l. ~Fine Chuck R...rts diver ,a,d-bkta, of Ilitt+l shooting. fewtaln¡t h_ oPls- IFiatt Os net ne tti.qg erne not w yh nhrror. i1a1t sct eL ILt.- wOrkcd'.º two seafsxrta e -h or ores nt'DO1i"e 24nm4'Yh sit, Have flashy WssA'rn evtt,t. Fair ssveSrlct. 1t.11. is .s real ét h ctlrr. Prices ert renew. Ad re=: Ccri- ti ._ _ R. I,

actinic aOT-.-T n 4 1 , .' .r IR.,._yY ti. l: vn T . t.

CUMIN ]1110 I4r 1 . _c, i_ r, Aq1 L ppYtWDeEiti--Tre 'Y,hi.td tiNi ITrrt ' - r`1 ^tr ltr!rtr,: laá.yw ash

to , t r tnt T re iAü...r ü_ lt __ re. 2.44.~1.4. 0.ifl i9lLníCaTs ºwÓln - t)rRtR!aadtl.a, Vn'r ?maw! Art ' - 113 rt- ire* SUN AnThk rtiroct Í'1M -l_I tat ' '45 t 4s ltrrRrio r.yltsr.al, t;Yus7 Atizo

'- 1 ^.'r.l erQ r . a i a -i -171

- . t=t r= i re. e 1. r LP LA I* nix lOOs ' __ :)t, 7 R2aa., rin.l, c*.,,iL- Tpd OtAyWA e0P - -11 P ,i +" A1.+a ,. ,. / >u t: for 0í tare t Atan CJrtuu rLsr. rem .l 4. r t, a,1v n fAtT coning TI!Artlt a.OT t.'_.r a

- e^% woe ttala>aw1 t ' ~7aa.11r J.I_ (`-- ,p

tIt MO! - Ur[` T ' . t n_ a` t i -. .e Ae 'wart t. ta 11t nL brC Tt':Itl dt7'TTt.ttTtotr_' 1T 1L1.1;, I ),1

1ti 'l

i. nlCIT11 sn.T.ortr

bOam CO?..- haft lt_.* - -- -. - td tr:sat.d acres let. f,tc=b fi L I ,

' Ar.tt,vp I ' -r: -

1 " _- ' a. - a 'r - in '¡`.''-és It dk A' 4T_t_TADv ATTILACTt(1YN, rÁ

iniD into name OVTHatt Y- iv.Er 1.."13 Sr, pits,+, et ter. ra 1 a Vilna Art.

e 19r 1r4 r. p it 1 Lbw t t .,d .!; T ,rat; ark w- -, ti1DN I(t[ ÓIV'RÑ.ri.Zahti ytyitr eMri;-

Ono-1L.r!!S eY101. 1LI.lb..w,rl h'!ta. C Tí1


at i 1Rlg1TT


VOCALIST-E7l/iSRIrNCCD. Nllpl SCHOOL paduaT L faersorl..4Y. Wli.t'If M

H[NNINGr_ N ,At'anrk, ta, Ti+c ravtl%Ictin-t r IM a>41 Utah LYran.slarr, I, ,Y/ ti r;' tiñ+ !- 1 aieli 5ri._^t fa ibe.rly L, or; I '. r1_rr I- Write. ma be_L Lig,,> G071A1.1tZe1X. Itrrri.tt, It",

EkTY i -


AT LIBERTY - CiNIlIAL aIr31NtlS TEAM, Hokum deubieti fc ssaaaxeaar -= le n orcrieerrra

Ca..rrW traitor. All er.3entt,sla 11141.111 nYRxT, Nerse Weeds, KY.

CHARACTER DAEiCER AND ftNGttR,-3TANb. out Maio S rtq wants cerseesset: Hotel,

cabaret, tt»ater. Ines Raa!ss-^n.-St7tmirM, Tea. -'an CF'tete, lri'xu. G)tary. 3n=1ua-Hip

and alaatf'C ItDrntts. G-?rel'Oid tidflaP= bevel arryv,4rre. ADRIAN. 2056 St. UrZatn, ktyrntraal, 1.^,tni,{a,

ay Litat4iTY -Pis I6)1]IL KIT 4 hie. a1 1t .t - tZr : rat r ¢$,t Iea a . U I'- ra 1T.n Qi jI, a wort_/. ,, tyTMd. 5,04Far)rtu' . 1, 711 Rnl1t

Thr h-ts

arttrurn borrswidd to -V,5,.» tw tra.P.rury s`tlr, C.y ÓGL, Peg leer. RmtI rn.

-. - AT L1aaRTY 111a.LL rrltaL' r 'i u-4, r-. art. 1~ yin Iii'- r11,. -7 NJJ. i'r I __tiara*. Al. ,A w'A_ 1LY.. Ulnteci-.; Clh':lriit gi/t(AuLleNSo RADIO YNrT-.,,,~m

eat.. N , C. - Ae 11, A. ,

1+o /w .-.n dint rh-r., rti=+Flae tow, et y pe. rei, - r -r awtt 'tt7vt3.1: went. !t:_.tet,. Y. ea

iIIIDOLIPoO >'tTllrAO I` NIIrÑ1b -r-t /ottl ~inn. L DUIJ.tY.:i, tie C^atam,.a AL_('i.it> reatik, rs i0ton0t D[ NOWT -i -c-r, Le.:- n.

. ^ e n _. Of lrla lee r -. - rrthr. .cc í_- ktsr . -1

SCr.!ra, 1mlrlrlry I't. ar4- LATtNnMii-]tCrlrf TIIAq--'1,.-its 3e fee all an rns." d ^TLAb ar-1 hMA nu. ^ ifer t , tali nta, ¡d- ata +í

Irirw- WW1 t.w11+t. ! M. - ..t( r lruáat lh llªi:+_ `'caed', e Ur7'a11a: t , et n zdl 4fr w.ln ",t net Tg,tlrºtraL 1_ -< and natty davicetSiN,rr Yuen tupabrFr We tenonR__,aa

L drtr,riad maroon ear I. snit( as Orr NI trtt+r > II "1t"ri lull Irir37Fr¡ 1¢/A11//1C ü rAR. two. mums, illºrmr1111,4tte_ 111EaI1`+4Ettt..- r.hI6 Art,e1. Itt. %r Yrlly Q- ., 1n Al F Ito

aIv}2 a'n wr.N4 Waal& Ile irirarirr 3'sner-- Air rdn Yr1 w C.t- t r- r,

1r- nut tined Y` r ttet.-- '- j1 e a.. r r !! I.oaaa r^t:-L1INa Rtr-it7

igl'iit;WILYa r lit t+ a b r prt ,r ir e " .t. trt a' 1'n e mr'.

, al' TM! : e a .- MOW'. -1.1:01.-r rare t:iro ci s C- _ . eh, {r. r ar rIGRICULTüRP 'L --

(Coaitlntcfd /ro» paga 41) compared with GI n ºt9n43t iger, h3id

r,_ x 'b1 wall iri7 oaf lzebrtiary id, l03& Oroelpe Ridrbeit nddii--.lta,Ihe, I _n of commodities Which declined 1n price tr . 1l 4sia i. i fo'tr 1y3 2,l et dttyt.g tUe last xr.oaltll =uT recordlrr 11a

ttafitn0. / Rlre ,OSt1dEd rotted: and llcrttottl yd deny 1 ltw rirarl. A!12ret1 1?ltrtasrf Cid o produetx Lodi chickens and egg'. Prices

TM 51111i1`421~11% !fry'y 149! r 12!"'IC by farmers for fruit and- for 7 +, rrr rn aipat animals fncrcarret ,dlirlstly. The

Ir rs an r_ . KO!t l"4'=a. lu 0,0.' twirl of graSD prb'i`4 wee Y]1XllangCY1 _ ! r* _ donne themamtil. tnht at t,9 ,per 'oral

INC L [Rcsl fss_ - roar grad (:.r.fa-.ao. VP. at prn.Kar It wRa patfata lower than t:. ^. T . I.r. ,. Tai w I'tltn , an Pr'u sbary 1b1. MI. its* rat Of

pow) race4rPd tea T:`%a: K.,ld in leb-

Seryke Is Important "After many troublesome years ant,-,

Wm, with the -pubne liability tnaurancc pfeblcr-a it la anent gratifying to realtre ghat the arenelation Ina done to ao roan 14411111Y ~en the fia*.netal burden of provWIng cosreien and giving all oper- ators the aatlafectlºn of knowing that their public !lability itauranor problem

'Intl, 13 rat_ d un,4I1 the aseotl#- lions plan. lb to p+atlí tilt -Inuit opxr- atara have reported eattng3 ne t11gh as 313 per cent oat one year's premiums. not In. ,dudLTta the dtTld pant *Stde pa tiara par- tielaatioll In the p"stIta accruing' tinder the plan.

"It Is recognized that Inspection end claim wren:* or any carrier are moat Ireipprtsnt and it seine carrietes hare been truthful ha their etet meats of loosen saalttellned year after Year on Our hiissthc t, then there -apparently La aometitin- radically wrong with their Inepectivis and claion ¿triton Par 'the pint three

Nairn Car oo.C,prratlVe pEsn, otter - :atom wire enabled to obtain a "10 per ant reduction from manual rates with the lame expersence credits alieweedi -In addition, the anal 2á cent 1Dertaced «air !Or eM tingent Humility la .coifed, and now thru'cfflclent management and claim ad)uttmynt all policyholders sill receive nitride:ode based on the peatlta. A d evdri;: of nbotAt 10,per 041:1í 'a paid pollcyboidrrs on 1030 btiain're . nod as soon as ail claims are aetelcd for 1087 and 1035 tt la expected that. dividenda will be paid on these two) cars nip.

Oret.erl Are tined "lncldentally. the aasoelatloa`a public

!lability Insurance plan Y a'allabi-e to operator* all over the United State* ex- cept where releleflurl rut s ere Meld by Blate fawn or prodit-sharlag p'111 fls idea= hlMted. Althea the alsoctalionls plan has Wert in force rarely three aeons the total premlttrn, ~peat teat DOn OOTt:Jtltuttaw a big percentage of the total in -mitten Tun y»» produced to the United StagU and it la the hope aa:d expezhatloát of t AAPPB omelets that 'at no d1ttant 'dates moss of the Industry will «die under the per,.

Broken handling the o04rlage are Jahn Ineatt Oattapbcll. áfflelnl Indiral3ce con- sultant, Theillmore: Oc' rjie IL l.auer- man, easoc.. ate 1napiirAnp repeeeenEatla'ei Chicago; Fred IS. ,131115517 ---hate nwstrance repreaentaine. Chicago; Mane - land unnurulilri Agency, easóolnte tniiTr- anee re, mnnt0attri for Ohio. Cleve~1.

M YEKS LAKE (Conntlattcd from page 42)

to this LpPatWs ba.tding beach,. parking sitiar are to be extended e nlnérerel new E ai,tirea are to be added.. Plana" foe toy! FIofbrau. where In tenon yearn a floor- e bow policy boa been manna' nod, are tndcpinitr, bet it pr ably will be oper- ated as a bei¢r.,garden. with wale entre ta !intent on week-ends and cpcclnl

hfoanllgbt Ballroom.. which has onc`- eatirdl nit Z7uralicys -Saturrdnye end Sunr- da}+A birla. ut reinter. will go on a slim- mer ach+;du]o starting with edictal open=

CONEY ST i L (00rifinueR "face page 41)

much of a pier. A canine of paperss toyed arolund -with the prognostication. quoting Tilyou-as Haying that then} will bo lggcr anal better' attrt.r,Urrr,e tpr Coney ttltla year. but the datum et tha=t attract lobs and the men behind them TQntllned conveniently. unreyealed.

The Deily lrtrrroli Corsittfc oolutlsp gale Itself awe to Frank 'Tilyott or -0 dwlt Mat weak. Trlya.i'r name wan .tiielócd TIllyou throout. which frromra something , e other. Mention V made of a new ride at' Btstplecha=e, Flying Turd*. which actually is to He fifth or sixth year. raid most readers know It because there was a good play call when It war being amt. Mewled locally following its emcees et the l7ltfc-g0 tapo.

Otter t In are happening *herb ens just too funny. and showmen are weÓn- deetrlg show L IC h-l-BYli0o department will tuoctton when they fair iii 011.

In'tearl cal helms played í1p, the 1.3e r being subjected to n terrific, plant/own. Bo C: L.,ta reversing the _titers and bo- coªntng tbo holder of ant** Mice of T. C.

Atlantic Clty'a routine sprtagtime ter pren.aared ballyhoo from File 4 of Iíp8 (end the year beret that, and the year before than etc,) la ad4reneed to renal e It trtl.. 13lgbllghts are the Easter para a ,n tyre allow, ammunition about the Bet ntyio Coltncbl. ~is Mule lunch.. eon 1Dxois and Spur Riding Club, Ain Untie City .Barge Olic-i and enact such

nine:thin resort items, Ctd wheeze about Easter services

being caodiicted "half a tulleatWa" stW Kern. to be terrine cops' al far sal AC's City Peeks Bureau is concerned. RRaecratsea -

Is to one oh the two major piers. nee cr of - which °Oar cn a Pen CICW1 t0 ó~ Ig stretched out that far.

"Paul Wbttrrnari Y.charaesvined as 5 4iit v-nr cif 'Wert t a uale' as contrasted with llennp Oood_nnn, (Porno wtjlaltow at ilamld'e Pier' and diec Pier ~rely WOW Easter week-end), the eneliagatart Rtthó Oar, trade known that Whtteinan la plenty swingy himself and all but r=ate being gibbed as sweet exeluttriy.

While AC le devoutly ooncerned with 1ytacleig up for New Torte fair and in. corponnlree angle* to aliare trade, 11 term the other way by pTannl.ng to haw Mies Atlantic City passant at the O4JtF. in San PTanatsco In August when Atrio California la caicdted.

Met important Waddle Pate angle As. bury can pi mote aerate t0 bSr the PVT (-'Pugtti ter Prom the Pairr"), completo with an the txlnunlni . Including men. biusbtp cards certifying that the ,holder Y and ervtoa Of - .pp from the It tans of visiting rrelatitees who expert to be OntertUt_ *eel amid the_ frenzy of trait World's 'Pair. it» aboyee .r rgnxad t" n m em -ter 10 good siaiydtng sari 14. entitled to aenctunry In Asbury Part. N. J.- MarXtde, suitable for lraminr^i go alaug With the nrrumberahlpe."

L,Oitig Bench banal, tloen bran! from. L. T.

April 15, 1939 The Billboard 59

Wirth Shrine Show Draws in. Hartford

HARTFORD. Cobb,. Atartl B. --Catty Crowd attended opening show of the alai-it-r.y lee t4 Wirth eltrIito Circuit in State Armory bare On lOa(Cb 17 raid 1Nlatne o was good remainder of the week, Snack =,icw was equestrian director and metric ?bee pleTed appptnp*ntrnent_

On the program were Loyal Repinee' Troupe. Four American Eaelae. Bernardo - Elephants, rptilern Seal& 8hanlsltai Wing Troupe, lejton acid Nelsen.: lia--ry Rlt. Hey. the Klt'arae Emerald Sutere. iteuben Ceetormo King X,n}' the Walkmlre, Miºs =belt" ltttn_tte l-f3y, Plechis.ni anti Lee Hosed TroupeyF'yI!ii' Cheek» T Bite"., Toter American &sultsa and lilueh Lan- don. n erepoy Anthony. Prank Prevent, Elmer Mee -Too, Abe CloldoteIn and Oil Conlin. clown.

Concert was managed try Edir-* i lrrncbo and lecludod -Burt I¢orttuuplo IW, f the reehets. g4 rte Joe Mevard end Princess Marguerite. m- rte, pled Jack- son Twine Atsetralilan whip Cracks,

Deadwood Show Has 6,000 DP:et/ VOOD. a. D.. April 8r -Fifth arie

nun] Bleak Rhea netuatrLal Slow span - leered by the Chamber -of C.ormnneten- in City Audleenum here on ltlarch_ 20-Aprtl 1, was e ltna,ClaI suCoea+1, reports, Camille Tull!. About -óJ000 attended. George Stole» Qeehctizs played the date. Door pewee varo awards, nightly. Feature of thi' expo tioa trae A falle shr;,wo children boilag eelrnitted free- 1 - ftt úivrl adietar need fit nwnp*peís end by wlndew cards and direct mall. 1 ttlth publicity wan reeelerdin the pemae.

Attractions for Indiana Fair mourNsTOWN, Ind. April IL -0~h

leg lag rides hiko been booked for the 11th Olneecuth a year earl a number Of shown adrl oorioe-- ion? arc planned for tie 12th anneal tlx-eine Btermee OWn Seidler's He - union and Ifonse.OWeerr under iuepice« of tee American Legtnn Poet. replete R. A. 1)trodtaecker. committeeman. 15:eernt. which dates b e t Pelee to 1000 when It

p IL Oetd by the Ghlt, w)il lee held on the publle square and 1a ,expected to draw from ale COuatLea. Added ettrao. titet will be a merabeOta" and Industrial exhibit... On the committee ere ?f+rtelid Vcrmllyp, 1eerotar-r: Barry 'StcOaker, Olean Empeson, Hoveiritghyyn and E. ll1. lRa..a_

iilidIsay for Moose Festival OR1=SPtlRO, Pa... April

Ovefetreet, ~at maLnager a Wegb Produetlon Co.. booked ae i irlway et- treetion for the Moosre Club Chl.ttty Peativel here. reprOr't4 tin Meaner to Fzt- Ong much advance e elibl:`city from newe- p-pre and the local ride ilia".ion :and that progralita will be broadcast ,direct horn grounds durtrad the event, There ytt11 b- * popularity contest._ late:ow to receive an attte:mobile, and t. --o perreeos under direction gt Red Ramie- On the carrel:tot+ are C. P. Mottle afel Clyde Thomas.

Acts Draw at Wis., Show ORIIKOtil, Wise., April 8'-$M1tch an-

nual Howie tS&LOW 010--@r1 e Ionic-dey'atKtw- ltag In Wiles CLubl eras bore on April 2 and attracted *bout 6.000. Staaril un- der spa -worship oá the Civic Progreso Mgr t;,on. entertainment, kartUi$J In. etud -el Jabnnk - Olson árul Jack Hill, radio entertainers. and lied paild`a ifarreceica Rogues, fonelerly with Hornell Mioevttehb g1.Lscia Mules wee fur. nishcd 1r7 Earl Hemp's Orchestra. Ad - n Eeedon ".ass IS oohs.



« 'r, el'

"BINGO BUSINESS" A Column About Singe In iho




Spernsc IC ve r w s Veteran, Lodge and -Other Urgallisation Frstsritire

Conducted (Cemananflrationa te

Pa. Dates Booked By Sober, Fleming

8 7NiBURY. Pe.. ,hpril 8. -Mel %bet re- port. he Lae been otXae eel .s* general event for 13111 Fleming. who le booklne rive rides at Perntsylsania events this roe . Bober .-111 t' d direct, a nuynOet of the Mentz. acme of *btee will use tI , se A. Ramld acts and Tee Rose's endue Rovnd=Op. Amnog ahora boot d are Mahn i(ack'ee Mille Show. - 1&i1Jc Wooden Monkey Circus and ettract ear o' Johnny Eck and Tammy Fallen. he. reports,

Events booked to date Lae:tiie Tire. m 'a Ceiehratton, Catawleea: , Annual JUbiloOlis of krierrdahtp Piro Co. wed Bend, Sunbury: ilrookljaa Drain Corse, Anrilvererry Celebeatton, Lewistown; An. meal Cnrrrtynl uttt !lido Clete .pa1 Co., 121-erdiree Union Ptre Co. Celebra- tion. Shamokin: 3roole Ftaterei of C1at- gene' Ben& ?reverend; Annual 'Carnival of William Core :nod Plus Co.. 1 e lriurg: POSA Fair, Ortental: Farmer 1 -air. lelllodrrurrgg.. and fire:m.0 'e oe'ebratio-o to ttitll:itala:itg.~bunt, Turbotellie. Lisertiooi end Noethtimlrrlatart

Pecc.gnee policy will be. in effect and ,'ells will be hrsvUy billed with three. specie, o.ne-sheete anti window cards, $retiree truck will be need to adveetbbe end Srizeune mCRta will be made o%te WHOY.. -Other features will be parades, band coneerte and OOIIterOtto

Successful Fla. Fee&i tai Has Midway awl Free Acts

PAKOKF$ I''1'a., April DY---,inter a stow klart flew day 10th annual Erergiadat0 Fair rind Bran Carntt*l. upon -Kited- by tile. Miie:leean :Aroma Post, p!ehed truer

momentum and Cle t4 inoNeletufly her* on April 1. reports Eddie Delay,. Of the Blarney Tlnasell Show..midway nttre etban at the evaant. C. T. Sisrttle. aoCretoxry- nittnºget, .and the committee were per'-ed with result*.

'raven: bait lnado:1 gtde/. 8 almwa end 38 oanceaelciyd on the mid siy. >aJUUF Woods Monkey CfrCue pulled heavily. Free Beta *ere Harry Froborae.. rrlallat etenucl and Sig, nr:- rope etitn-, ,-alert Do!~ Co nor lie thrower.

J. A. Darnaby To Direct Entertaining of Royalty

CHICAGO. April &--4. A- Dar flit. many years promoter of pao An Tod

eP eelal meta, will leave an trnpn-tr ,pt {>u t in entertainment plane which W)nalperz, M.13., Li making far the melt of the King end Quccn et! ~lend.

Watard're ; 0075.O7itttcc tie charge of 511 -00. grams and entertainment foe the visit OS their raljeattee has appointed Dr reeby director of c eent; ti=n -I r pr. E. O. Ifrte t. Planet Include a tadme:Atli his- torical parade aid )etriboroe to be held on the MAIL to W nnipee.

This vrllii bo the filth major event In Winnipeg participated in by Derrnaby as general director of event&

'LIS[DARB t7;Mttt.et 13bowr, hnst been .'igricd or annual St= JII110 Street Ir -o- tiTal to be beeld fee 10 'd.a3'r In Ostsatsó. reporter AI E. pinn

CRY -AT 1B1JTIOR, tillOt".i have been booked for a atx-drtyCalllri:vlllt (am $trr,r_:t Carnival undpt rsu.plaea of Cen- tral Trades C,dT1;1cU, repeat; Jolla Berk' Oitoq. committeeman. eight* have bOea qedle`sirCad be Itt>jtre#unding taparle. asar} en- vltgtlaaa bare been ,naUn41 to unSsrrY_1

wttbtn a 80-3atll10 ~tus.

by CLAt1DE R. ELLIS 25 Opera Pbsa, Cincimnati. O:Y

to he *taper (a ooelot+C:lom with dedico- thin of a statue o: Oaken. representa- tive of 1Biratinghssn. a atdel center,

RIDele idle be featured at the annual tDroo-irlaayy Woberce (N. Y,) Volunteer ? semen`s Csrntral. repeats Denied X. P-oley, who has _gain ireen made cc.r, _Tal eaueirsn n folowlog )wet yeare e'Qoeeairu! event.

1i3MALIA 'llempts rewind Circus torn- itttttee, Iluffalor employed a noted pro- re.otlar,nl stunt for the witntlal chew wheel opened In R1rdoriwny dtlditiOrlum rsetirstly. L':tt0lir wgra .t;nt to, bu.st= Ir r rr.on aelJctnr oontrtpfattle0ó to iluY adnLLeeSoas, ter anderpsietic-cd e3ttldreat 20 to be -admitted for e6. 'Committee publlalcd eontrlbutets' name/ in The 3Ar'1na Sniff be M-.ptl:woii'ot the >De"nolL-:7' Club 2nd listed minim of dotv5ra In the progrnlYe_

JAYSJA. FOLLIES. mile revue,, le to be pro -elated In Canton. O., toe two daye by the Canton Junior Chamber of Corns m' rco. Johtk Itedgw1* Prdttticing CO. Will Morin the allow.

T NIIYLVANZA dates, contracted by Webers Product -en Co, include firemen celebratiorn In Irwin. Roelewood, '81110o. Cttreer and loner -err end an event tttiedr auspiote of VeLrat.s of eorelgn, -Were In Leeerhburg, retrod a R. L. Overstreet. as- At.itaiit inntir'ger,

RD]F ,e alwai. conocM 'toil. and Harry 8. BradyortEs Mf on , beaked Hiss RTAX. will be feattirºd et the diode)* Auburn (I1E) Commun1t Pire Aesochelion'r ~Awl. reporte Ivan Mann, engaged ni tltttdne ~or for the settin1u year.

PROF. CH/)BLEB BWARTZ, balloonist report. that be bay Wu -bet filar 1 foe the throe -day West Tenddeee elr*saberry Festival. leumbc"dt, for the sixth cone S ee .tt r y'c ,r.

OECR.GE BALL and Jaya Schaller At- tr'Aelle4`. Toe.,. were contrasted t4 pro duce the rnnusl 1111rrior re ow Io Proadena (Capri ROW Hadt calme r. r carats anti. reports Jack Schauer.

ADVe.NCE - a far lrtmld-l;orton Shrine Ciretes for one week Lu Duet:Mae Girded. P'lttebtugli. Li belitt, reported George Tyson: Garden publicity director.

,rt, :are rtai ii to book/ of nee tor` TS oe'nto_ Prc-opening m ttnop will be * std for 'orphans.

11013 KANDER reparta that a number of epºnitsod creceIsi are scheduled In Toledo ebb year end thee be bel Opened afeite-, there Pour men and three Worn - en aro e-w,ttr.A hire en promet'srla. Other promoter, ncttte 1n tbo tit_' are Byron tinlltdexter anti Chester ' .r.A:Oy.

DAILY chatago Ot titcudetitilie bill to feeturtd at the six -day Bette; l eroce and Sie'ttle*I Enuyar opening In Thomas - Title Ga., on April 30 under aiuploca of letwarta Club end AmetIe xx teed= poet_ rfr xrtr) P, Pslaidy Dwvl's. matirareTr for the third ye -r, All ':xAit it a i od earl sold to more then 411 marcti:.Litt Cot fed tropic min hold a tri.count,- field day and berbecuo uptity taw p.a1-.1 of adhoota OS lint dry.

PROGRAMS of eta, hr be+1i booked tittle Qua Sun EScdfiange and c+omeealegie are preened far the three-day Twtnebu-r (O.) flame -Coming Celebration. report*

E. Holt- chetrisan. Oth - ere the ~nee(' are C. E Mazur. tree'rtari'r: E_ F. ,Smithe zee -toter'. and lulls Oroen-

YA1'!O1':ALLY knoont entertainer will be brotirht to Yottllse+lawti. 0. for the thrteeea-day Horne of 7'uunorra;z tOsplikt. don in 9tltattbaogRr A1Watn..iurn trntl-- lWpicr r of the, 'Reel »Mate IDtKrd. asid P. R. Van ?<Orden, men rr.

- SHOWS lrtd*r~lOp ot3tt* and exhlbtta VíaLI1M 1*. BAKER. John, wli. Rlxnr*a. nn It b trattirrd at Opt r-Q;'rittla r'TtntlA!

pre twine Co,.ti 1aiY'.'l eta Hlrtnlnr,baaa thre d PalCtlnt' (G.r btrert o t recite to begin robnt_, oti et the nndrt auap.`Sx tise At.áefls:ln Le(5`7n

1`feGn fipadar,le, nene-dly d.itd' , c h I , r apr , Kit ti

tL rhr re .

Pro Acts Drava Her ily At Bloomington YMCA Sihrt,W

ü1.000tL11OTON, IIl April 8. -Annual MA -day YMCA Curiae ceding here eel April 1 and directed by C. D. Curtin was a financt,'tl urcee O, daiwlrid capacity haueel daily. reports Omen Oetrdr+r1. Bernard ll. 8oulth was. o te pro. dueler. Among Ttattote v3113o Mr. anti hers. Jong Hunt and daughters, G.cerii and Delin». en "March WI. At coicluneo ºf the date Director Curti.) grim a dinner for proferrlonal xnembers of the Meow.

Ainc i5 pro nets }potted baLWefst turns put on by YMCA aClltatea were La- linocde Troupe, triple, bare; Amoy flatta- lsr, tam dry eariberi, Roy Coc-4.; Tick t -- life anti tight wire: Ytink Shepard. aertal3st; plane :Mellor. obntgeterel Arid rnwtela or li4: Flying PYham, Elyta3 Lae Mare and Plying LeClaree.

ANIERICAN ACTS CContlneed fro.,.. pops ;,S)

r¢,turg Edda:, ~Gila Vetere. pepulsr Damien OorreQiaa. In medley of inmate, dancing and awning: Albert Llthurarnn, bL school -oraos: LillenbOen's C:`.nrta i.r11. aeon feat erMordloroalf4, Le Pbclte -ruin- noon' hoa'rlt(r; Joan beendon. eigat:trt and drink tricks; Emil Oailer. good dog act: bn t Schumann, Liberty horrors: Ausele toad Czech (e), Mete throweng Bob ]MAtei:#vs nsrd his Il tt.

The China ThcitSr Its Stockholm oponed ?+larch 1 with a ra:Idc-eiroua bill headlining the Americas tramp cycltet. ,lee Jackson- Also teatteroe on she bill ere Lutalt i LOMM. forytgr ti Id- ling tn.peee,_ :irtiut, WJu! ana O d, Abe coo. ties Are Haan cowboy d area Irani. and 1 I1 and Carroll. roller el:ei .

Others on program are the rive Rof- nietar. Beechen .crob .te: Trsnk Eden, pigpen Ruth lliarien, d2ricer; hotly 1.Ooll^, ptartiwt-ccrnedlen; 1ali*betit and bell meanntl, dement: Oceorge Andre Martin. finger -dance novelty. and the Three Dancing Dolls.

Greek. the ace BLnope*S doe le - playing data, In Sloeeliotm, Oetbcnbere and o:.ber &' SwiL2talvian. epeta with gds own into -atenta- oomrany.


4naalp Tratz N.r.1ty 100 - F 6 Hi*. NM Ñ TMltllri . Prtcontice a tr. Aa. ~Et" ~ramsM I+K

s.rnuin eon Poll, rain ri ~eat} s.

JtRRY O M RTIS. Caro Th. el Cicl mast. Ohio.


aa.b__IOM JJ

r W7Ir. aittNt 4:'1

1Mrta CUMMáef JOMMaTONa CtrwsyuniUW s, awe cure., it1.

WANTED aee,a>, ,Riau a..i t.fU9a Os^-w..Nns w Piss

Our us:o. Spelt FsthsL Tii l. ths. !tot '1 is+... Ca Mat - o l`a--tr . - -

ietra p,. ' -=4 alea Ur:11.t ti se_j as nt`ti rLe lees one, A Isaivawry awry 11=-1..ocia

aair'9]ne uee Db.ar +--^;r.1.-747t7 arta. r a aaa ftrua. Coeeeíta - p.

1ar41tM to ar - tl a'anlil d rs arrarrir r- rt roar .tiaw do - C8V`i et' ta 1a,T` -erd, ' SSrn r z-. Mil y l owe d .p 1 t /L alt. t 10.^=tn Al .s. !r. IV Led1" ter A 'e - "ami 1.1ams to 011NC1rAL wa'rrAOaa. Ary'T Lb.," fMlal 111~4~. c Et. c3ogdt ir+l, ee. w tee teeac menA1

It ibYSiada-t's, bd_1et Qy+t e r rea. vt W error., or ̂ -"ier`


MAY 15.19-20 COO FMIleMAnr. Chainr.A.'. tee:. Trua

"iNTED ARN? RE Iow LATE Au-a4aT-

J. t. DOVOMTtt.: ev ~woken* FIRt egg, ~dot,

ANTED rem me C c Weil M .rt.+ 7c41

K-_ro MeHRPrss"

60 The Billttinrzryi Aprii 15, 1939



P R 7 ZE$ N OVE L T Í 5 'P 0. IE 'M ' I l MS S _

R É C I A L T y il E 5

Conducted by MAYNARD


L IllEUTER-Comsnumiesiiens to 1564 Broadway. New York --

Novelty Venders Go i[nto Action at ft.t's Openkg

Good biz d.ir>ie with stand-bys but workers yearn for newltem to loosen púbirne pnrtie setr;ttlg.±r--Pcrrlinand blow= up stole.aewcomcr-cowboy muffler, whips, canes okell

i KW YO.tS. /Sprit Li-Ae ltingline-Iternuns circus took pbterei1on of Madison Square OerCltn Wtlwnesday for let if/Monet opening. Pltchmtesi cod otnconee n.ere fin attesidanca hopcftrlL7 beaafned the trortreat for aloude that would spell the end of the new nettle droireht. All they got_*ise rain. Big drop' teemed down to dampen tees seem that mallet the bergfnalcie of the outdone.resuon In the metropolitan area. The hey_ ~real k1Ci:_ric about the erty thrlr Muff was [[no't'ing. -People seamen willing to buy, tort tier, eerie help but ftd the hand_tep or riot having some novel dumber to Act the selling yell for the rest of their ratltrehandlsee Reeder stock

eyed to beet c,oreyder*ble ape aI, but _ - -

ttere %rase tb.it flash Rein to rafglyr ~la Willie puree 'seance, l 1

rr t.lnand the hull ample c3c e . to a al It ; the now Veen be reerve hoe benevolent head to the form of s bb vp treloon doll. enap_aytd on a cane, ho wadi

eb:aaua1t sunnItre :to. 1 in the roce. bob the p ece Ware lnctlne!d to be Mew.

An Axnert,Can-made catelbey muffler Or handkerchief In;sodttr_.4 et- last yTeere opening atoll looks good, Itr brilliant pegas* tenle tt b rte, tro..r at rodeo and Wild wet ahewtn lent summer. aoCoedLng 10 reerorte

Tfa4ee cd avece= etee asid many styles -- On :Ater, 'gausses tr1 pI 1-ehdt_M their limn' eteengtlr. Among e variety of done on .iwrt, :welt teatbree, ocre of the moot

ami_ tu,; aman clown doll We n tall, terseness dec_ed In in !: brig ioolesed

clove Celt. Whips are. te, course. nett' collera

.zrtd elsow no LIT et Wealoenet in thee' Iseerpksn poftNtrtty. The lis *D Sor

Tae prieto 'With leather hOlsterx ere lair. Balloons nee going good. - <111rtty "lth cebe novel restniters beetle anarketee reset /real. Tisey conde In ell shapes %thee nrmr and fr; dmispred after pollees cbha retere.

Tat 'ter 01 the i letellree show ta ob eicreete Clareentua the Omelet. in l5i OG-at a ter tl sirena, tr i soO thousao0! of pedeee wlit rito' 1n awe , ts.s reinereenet tar p0.,iI 1ettr cha^' and I*lakes bless n! }, l ea Ae d T n matnufaciurer has EtrUek On ello Mica of tt Slee-k. liaái'y Oererentua dole iS a0 lee btan'ltopt a

ri t

Chi Pre mum Expo To Open ay 1

0111041oo. Are! 8. le a err rrn- platril fir the heath annual Premium 'U- ptast' i -fi and Convent on to be 1r a4

the reamer Huse here May I.S. apse than 164 or the nation's preminent man - tie -rename Of pre:ntwi , Wirt and, riles march i dlto hove , reserved dJ. y oo th

Am tit former yealrit the sxpc le (Leeson

being Ripen erect by tit Premium Meer - tieing Aiioesftrop of Amerteo. Lee. *iitt.5 bottle ete elential c raeren6,oe at the reem r house diming cxpcultion µ ek.

The proeranl eootmitter het sirilleRetl ee else = 1 di -*elide for each dey o: S po, wit* rr, ri7 estate`: of apec1nt O ne:~ Dee Rag value to tee -n or p. heist on , blrlgd and. calve*-ánl oe ñtnri

d Otbr'r-a tab. t Jctt t- to sal-^' kner,ohaidlr a Weir , fee dtitrlbletion oft e 4z' uislty t>sr "r




Zito there %veto irto startlingly new numbers adverthsed S Bing Special ;r t tt tit Yee' Bgrboan,. ti ate'V5mo enDurle sndti*ldtial tterna and deals ofterr,:l to.+ut- taty me -mot oprr.rtots who' hadn't ledt1ed on what tbtty Were going to work this *print. Small fades, both electric and battery operated,. ltd, the parnQ:r an Koval '.nth fleeting tackle running them a loud iHoeite Among other items al es, eatber s*Tarreety or on f -.deal ai:d wtttt- :OA* for o Gerd or txr:.rd prtoerottfota. were clocks, novelty musket b+trals with ILt.

ted tree. lurk lases neckwear. bowling pct. 'wetted shaker. fur capes and acarfi. table hovers nee pocket knives.

were to the dope on that photo -flash camera deal we Mentioned in a pone -Gee Cothran. Deal, according to reports,, has loen clicking heavily. Because the cam- era has poteerfule 00;=Purer appeal It should "continue strong right thru the trek season. Camera used le th Prue resale "aeon and is featured an a ere hole coed. 1 tee 2D cores, with a (113.98 take. 'Two Kteeres We iggl!ton. away. one to the abler nod one to Qua winner. with O.ne extra eoosottaticn award. era *Metal etches fair talking clown. It took. Vigo a naturist ,tor a tact turnover.

The Paten t're» Push O .... craa tokee pictures to _ i might end day, in the borne oe osatdoose. and you need 00 epe- olal katawtedge or skill to operate IL The flash attire/intent and abutter are aynciarolniratct so that the Muth . bulb gases off sae' the steno tt rr_:+ the snapshot t. suede. Standard tote* nee rrt la used and when dealred picures nutty bc taken without the flash bolts "ire. the camera has a discOonccting swttch for that pur- pose.

. . . o hew color ca.merea may aleo take hold aced -axe Weetit lookiag Into.

H. W. BALZ_ER of Inter.CAty Preettleit Scr*toe, Nett along a ealescard with tblA notes "Induced you will find our latest saleccatd. It has proved to be a limey. Alt has appeal bcaswe Wee out, of 1D persona drink and the, ail crave horae- made drinks that will compare *IUt tee ones they buy et bent. Item featured Le Bleak" kneeen as the automatic shaker bartenders lase. $boxes Operates elec- tejealty and Is guaranteed for one roar°»

Slier Mfg. Co: to rnmou. toe Its able= sty to some up with -Demeter numbers svelte have an added -twist. This time It to rho ltm'ary Alarm Clock, an item which should more_

HAPPY l_4.w1DINáf.

47 a_i.r- nound Vacationers To U o lisuat Demand for Travel 1..'tems

NEW YORK. Aped 8:-WItA rail. bus. boat and nit liar popular, foe one of thlt ereateet trice! 3 -care :.h d sore, alert eo_lpasloeets,. caleeboard 77141N. direct delete and au w-r.s of peeve wee preneltun rr icbeiOdlr0 lire R3aoaing t o Casa in h silt by if

.aturtq., accGdortes Welch Amerleer,o Ott tote; will need.

Railroads In ps.rttcular have pi:elite:Id far apme riles aptmisl Wands Fair rates, enobltnn a pesr.*h. to rt- a troth any loce- ti 'n ün the ceent' i4 enter the San 1Rrtel.4 or ti. -r Yoak talc tend home for sea. This presto -Men la ee-pecied to at- trnet enr.v a:Ids of ttayeleee who, of mums t'1 I h- In et to tort for luiewe . ,,

toilet .cite, onr_a and all eccesaortea neighed for tr*e.11ne.

Nett only will traaspdrta!lea be brtelcr thla you. but the pent,-, and camping ' -be5s le e- a e at h .tel. or tl a demand Mire iv ileheon tits - r: d Oi het osztc,00r queen- nt ewe as knLete. cocking u*rnsfle wed D !*lag tack'-.

Whteer_elete teee.t they 'erectly, are neeleing an unu-vai Bell fruit) acocee - toner. and Oat board DJ.J foe:teals that I'_ e* a ppact.-up-endgo pp 1 en the hour -ridden city dwelli!r« 00 011 tO Rot ltute feet. meet items Uwe hiese nOT- city appall and are eepeCtt_1y useful to tilt errs leer g fd l th - -.eke tip fro little +»ace .,ro tOtlet ktu4 with nil setae. in and re duel Tad..' ; C1=14 brush 'Tier Mew; coon:leer setaaWn^, combing ate etetbeelcantne pereee matte :rs the ten of the bruits: pórtsble pul~ allele o,. end to pwlr of rhtiboni es e.t feed up to pOc et /lee. A light -select tee -

trio iron far a Quick peti.il i$ job is In- valuable on a trip A folding u=tihrella la new on the market that retell* Oily *boat halt the tested space for pecking. 'Wretch:« has a- number of midget alarm c3orktf that are specially deifgne4 tat iraTOt. rears tit reod;crnietto cases and otbevi welch . 1 p . cocehn. Processed silk nauseate anti hate come lei b+ t. Cc br that fold up to patetet sine. T e-... ar but a few of ootlsatte., handy items that Inky be used on a tt'ip :.ad atilt find a welcome place at home.

/lend in band with fast-novtng trwel Perm the penile kit sad peelab=s radio. tTenLC autrlta are Dow tented out with a gfeethe eye to quality and COW than over Qtlore. Airplane, 113Ib'e covens give,modofO eppeeranoe as as added lightness to ]cosset modiste.

Portable radios are, of «tuiase. one el the Niece: sellin' tdoas that het coma ICI the aid o: he ur.nry Of prize and premium merchandise in lee Last year. Their teak.' geeph thus tar has der ~Mile _ and Mare to Jweary- tbe od_r^- Oslaneo th=at sá.1 ope. ,scree"_ - alottcra and dire_ e _ 11re hetre pinoed in Wen Tor the cosnr OutrtoOc ae.sou, Cfit ownern w io haven't basight EMI le are lending the a twee: In ~tees which dhn'c ruts nato batteries dorm LOmaour -.rIttil from tits proilt anglo IN the recent fell In prime teat take. +he.. a,-. of the tart-ily luxury etas., and pitta them Its the ma.'5. Mere:. salve thee are.available et a euseweenelyr inw pots to brinq the en erboertt oe a wet- h -White. marten at peon.

74 dse. Bingos OK Prenion

Jury refwres to indict opa canuduct,iug gantec for re- ligious or charity orgs

TRENTON. N Jr April 8. -ay refusing to nutlet bingo ow who OOttdts«t santos for charitable or reiletaw oca arca use only Itterchawi-ee n -rids. the county Creed jury ended several tricot(-' feud seceded on by city otladala against Magi please.

Thiedisputo had attracted w d' atten- tion becartee Catholic authorities In the city awed lees would be unab'e to con - three demo. 17 eetrocllel Achtiolt well( out revenue ga(s ed froto Mirto.

to a formals statement the jury heel teat games rheold be permitted wltheil pallor Interfere -We #t conducted be re- putable local cues ntgaltons for to an. dise prism' instead of casb.

7 V1111~/

New 8y


HOW that the shouting has died down and the emote shams, we note that well bingo in Trenton "baseness going Says .ra usual" la the slogan. It wee a pretty beep feed they bad down them Local political el -a.tl did plenty of chest thumping with, they _ranted abotit, the deanQraltztng effect of Pet gitme. Belt snout at th=en realized teat. more notes were to be low than gained by attacking the revorlte game of their ceesstiturtitet, 80 'when the county grand jvrlr fettlt_81 to Indic: those etas who tan-dhe gam e

IN non-prodlt orgy asid used only _mer- chandles piton, ciereebeely seemed just as ,glad to let the meteor drop.

THE SAME, trouble has sprung up m use same .$tate a few counties to the Mirth, where le Bergen and Pasrslc cc nnters a couple of 1r0aCatOer- err tighlino it out. One's for ii, the other slstel$u L Is.

aldt!elleCANT in the Transoms affair was tee condition they ltnpoted oil epa receiving permita to coodhee gueila. Only eterthendtse prizes may be aweneed. We've burped on this point so often that It is ;with pardonable two hoprj ppreides ' that we cite tee wecr4a of the 'trenten grand jury. Incidentally thee teeCt, la quits a representative croup and Lei opinion Jtb)ii Ckc .ly with the ereurage ClUlsnales vtetvpCilit an' the Metter.

IN -OINCLNNATI. where there's been quite ., hubbub lately over the Isindtze,e., of bingo penman to patrtotie oriel late:* developmental Indicate teat ocioe liberal leseeltl91s will be drawn up non 'n re- gard to the penes Czech a howl w. raised when city elana1l felled to give vet; theer bingo of eb eholt the Dail '.r tert'ed rO12b.ie in the dIreetteet et fa-

'rocilbic legtelsuott.

ItCiDl3`:TALLY Clcey lee,. a robtta' champeen o' binl;e in CattnciLtttan w'a6d wrogel, wbo ran on it *enema tLeu- _ with she *Wen. el am for LaR eLect:ttu.

April 15, 1939 WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE The Billboard 61



a sup o ,r.112.60'

FLEETWOOD CANDID TYPE CAMENA Nw Nt.erwe.ed Orar Larue-trr Lana View rner. rn.«ewt w jine. R=soewnw Tats. 1 a ctarla hpm erer rr11 It e+th I[a.ltat i Aer As, a` 77[

DOZEN }0.00

ELGIN SHAVER O ,r.é11.63 see 1 Isar-

F. N C W raIe ta atrta awlwr.rW 11 ÓZ C Low t*Aldc. r.a .. -____ ooaaN 117.?0 Pr.p1{ Owe. Lou.

28 b.tecel._ialreea C. o_ O.


678 BF.GAptfaAYr N[`IVYItIRR', N. ti e




MAKE BIG MONEY!) Dot pea >< a N.teaall A deaaa.tetrael.a

L7 ¡1. entd lres 5.1 104111. nee rxr awl ._ _r -F Lee the IKT-tad tine It Iw - OLU*211IO.-WYSTIFYI's -APPg*LINO

Yw Ahr'.re taw.lta IL IR414.151 et.lk. the haz that e _rr tns DMA. Mea! eN e afav. Inwvclleesi In swan heytlerJaT

le WA la. fie the firel

p pan

Oren, 11,03 - eaelpta. GOc

Deett' tt iNI111 Order. tpib^-p C. O. O.

'MAGIC DICE BOX CO. >t W. 421 eL. it/n..172445, New. Y. CAP,

$f I .00 D OL

Extra Val]uei' $ w..25



S lot S10.51 9 5 for SI0.50 M/. Se eats--4alr' nrse_ui Wetell tea.

Wady Silted 79% l.. Caroms ems In e. team IM esµrt. with L riot VA 1rf-.!t t.` "-Orb U. ra'^'i 7re.,L.1 ~1:

rewrite, Kith in at1rarttn tt read An V3slrlell Vil» .ad *.lilt tad wer=ltar es E&

fu eon Ito ge Ds d.

L'tIOHD11 -.SPEWICIfi CO. 113 W. Madison St. Chicago

.1aeehtemi7Mm 114411 - - ---- -. ROTARY ALARM CLOCK

IJcpuiui Item s Weitz to The BM:eaerd¡ Buyers" Sanike deparhalerit. 25 Op -H Place.

CieclenaM. O.. for addreasea of companies hi this dctrhnent anpplytag the. hems which Iaterest you.

Toy Bunk Dolls Crawls Toy co_. auppl ce of en unusual

variety or glove 4áI&1! psttornr:l after famous Done, charactera announces tte Went number toy coin bank,.) made of metal that come In the form of ash well.known_ amen favorite. as Donald Duck. Ferdinand - and Pluto the Tiler balk, are, brightly Oalored in 2to enamel acid are aspee.ally sppoalLnt to Lida, the aria point* out. Crown also re peels' demonitratora are going to town VW: their lints of Blare dolls. latest. lino featuring -Y'nttte" with leg» la espe- cially hot. It is said.

Religions Mottoes A complete lined religious mottoes.

btautliul In design and week*!=.l+tilp. IIa now being mnntifacturad by O

Co. Mottoes are Lnscribed on blue pop- terboard 84 by 9% Inches In *tat' and come In spar- flt.tttu+`lr ed .tth an

' epplopr tat o design. the U R Hl a tvl E Itn ex pected that then mottoes 91111 bat*a I.tgrl ask to homes. bortrdtng

house. and boteiL Prices are flied that delenta and dtt-trltbut 111 tale/ an un- ueually large profit per sale, the arm «Mesa.

IIou:iet/alt:1 Gaolbet Ffousehcld utau.0 worktrs wi1i1- be- In-

tarestne in a new spatula which has skpelyirnd on the market. fleet tar being hattd.cd by -Arrow Saks. Article IS ea constructed that It ba» three blades, wtm.lCh Eton ti, a great 14.a-nr*Re over the ordinary spatula and tends Ittpir to dam - Chits : tins posibitl rtes. Item to attract. tlwrly nif.unfactured and seems to have 1 Lou,Icwtfe sriCiit

Bait Warmer A new snit donne gadget tit -t Should

make a hit with bingo operators and other prize users la the Junior Bun Wrtnmtlr Intfoduad by Weal hand Alvrn- tnum Co. ft is mods Of avian flash aluminum and has genuine Thermoplax haAdle atjt N rob on Comm'. Itarubeam rol:nt on top of /tore and serern them to



:SILVER DIPS. CO., Inc. ,riF1,,,c`t'O't AVE CHICAGO, IL.L.




I LL, pBauTf -

the.rZtn utanail. It la said. Item b pine Iladte Irs di/u .Shun Anti !L!e s l tHtO tes- turee of !lath.. low price and unlYernal appeal to maze tt a' play -getting arit ,. btrr, the ooirpany reporto_

Cain Pu are A now teams billfold that ltaa a oohs

purse and also plenty. of -room for Garda and .tam pe has 'been -put óut by Norco

Prottttet. Outatacd- t tag feature cf t e

;I wallet. the 1lZm re- torts. L b un-

- al n dispens- ing dry I. vrh eh

7 n hit with everyone!. Big 6tiosr.1. It Is said o tame as a pocket

rag oases the pro=w la a com- pactly balk, that It eta Into the rest - pocket. IL has an

open wtndoff for liectulty .as identlflstlon card!.-.


KI oak t -Cite In additbn to being a top-hta*y fa"

voette vrlilt pe1-» uselo the view ICIt:..t- Lite has yoed6Ilitlos in the attract-t.rlting- reld. ita Snakes. Grantham Arvoc}_if]te- Inc., repot .. Item L claimed to b: the 1saifset low -coif. $ sewer W the peed for n portable 11ght In closets, U1 eel* baeu:ex}sa. The L,ght is switched cm acid on with pull cord, bat it work» from dry cell batteftes Ind Ir az, all - metal unit. Ít weigh.* but a few auttac-. to 'wire: iy low prtcod -end may be dsmonstrtited eeifl. Use 1l.rnt reports.

'Comos Piffle Reamer Cieerelandt Corp. la Marketing WILst

It desoribee as the first practic & pips reamer ti 200 years. The baste -of this

ooñte'ntion ilea In the !y fact that . t it la reamer e etches ita

=-' - F

' t erThe

reaasrsr Is de-

drill and Ina - J elgtaod bite r aDy pip-

When the de- ..., sloe le rotated

about to Ilya WW1 of tlta pipe. the sweepings drop mostly _into the receptado In which the

(See NSW Irrstd on page 1 )

w OowOesalO*alNro PrTeHS1EN AYOTION1peM aTV1[rr wDRrttlra

CORN «lama oPeitAiroRf a'AN Mtn If Tn1 want e. IM this array ral M9wr end

DMetsaaKel aheerranl, weal eni Mt1M/--dnLi es x1 v'+1 h Hrr rs+ 1 Canted o.t+uM.

READ 11Ñ B %

ST. N e . T -r -r - - -

SPORT GOGIGLESI v.a1 rnu ºoi,tá rróNal l MAIDe tMlilT7 PIM-.Nell 6[SCOOP!

PULL VISION LEN» .-- AaaTO. o040rti = tNaRaVED r

y71R Í(s111 F7¿ OiALS ltArEs IIºN,alL9 no 4011s',1STATTR,,CTIY[ a-4.Dee- 5.15.1Aa-4.44. Pm Dee- - 1 -i Ill, dr. a -d o ltl[ftCIIAYIOIS[ O[Alft jOsAllrl' VIVID CºLOIRI - DL 444 MOÍ' I,IKES 10O r- aa r-n.ra. Pest a loe Wera r:r rr=m Caeaha.

. Full Lie* se Otif7d O..awl. .ladea, NcSicc.. LetIC7.. - ._ . ,,.-, s, etiAYKard . E :arlet1. y1a..vti i'3.IYr tt6.etr. -

SiltArltoN SPECIALTY cO+a- ANY. s14V Cowered sr_lemmasItaaa Cry, [fe. ,

Special Cue -0114-7,

Super -M alue {N{rf. Slaw eArtt rltienmer it W rt Tá.y Lmrepp

'- 0rlene

ONR 9. 0 C- rlº"J700--aHItLnL rtn P. 4 drat Qtrat. ttr wtroll ~se. Fut/rI Owlo in.u-:Ai


Leer t - .°7,- f.v ice PT

Lott of 23 or snore >.20 oath edealte Osamttillr. ° NAe a__.

51 111/11. Metel n' -1a. WiW7e . Loath* elrl.. ~Urn Plated C. with. 511.arN Dial and AM / tlrr.watNy Grtraal. ilKtt M Pee. WWI /e.pe Pr1n _ W.

111'4L i4T. SH URE W. 200 W. Adams Stres4


$1OOP.LA and


3eese,/i waned Knape . . . Al She. raxek,d .e L.p ^r awe eiwt4rí!4eR -+,+t-' r+. r...

e]a. l.. e. ,.. .o..ar -1ae oo.. THE G18Bs 14FG. CO. eaeo., coed



este$ ai-MIesimernek ennui. radial aril 51 Weal Put Min anteles. Cade. .40 N4344 ri41M I11+rt Rlep, Fue 400.. 1.40 11410 Cal, luaTRt.sa. Per 100... .55 Ihtlia Thwa OMta Grate........ Ste 513241 Ranh elms Os'.. Os.... tale 111616 Punter OMred Baile. One... n 44 p Lasco stem 59:71 [email protected] falta,

Per 100 r wawa ... d1,eG Whe al. Ilpe. Place, IH'- ,15b 13.».._ 1 1you.

Ot . Ovrt. at UMNe Tkt.La. rte. w,rt. rae /Ore.. ~lulu II44,Lle4.4, den cepaIL gob 0. O. 0. orders.

LEVIN BROS. Terre Haut , Indians.

BIG. M014[Y i+<lAK8R5 1


ióÁliilio i cP 4044.0411 ww Velum. -

the toted .14m. I[ 1. r! WWII 1.1I1 wf,rl }IMI If. cee....t hila., r.r u -+a. i -a 4la.cardr Opera ham act AT oNci1. mil the Out In }:w tMWtArr L7 we iR.vled smith thl1, Meet Mal IR .. 'r. 't.. ter

Oil ad as. *Cleat i i4t t111,_nots IL. N. Y.


mu*? AND P N[7'WATeMCII $ 95 POtI LAOIaanO osiers. ,

R.r-.ett=4ad MU b7aaat_rd 1-71,New, atrt Ill 1939 'AYlIi,1121" WNIrs POR OUR RCW OATALOONE.

NORMAN ROSEN sr-- . -. . .

501 11I1F10M KT. TtIN1012LP94IA, Pit.

WORLD'S FAIR JOKE ITEMS , , FP .lust N. Y. 'iv Felice ran.

el Alt artt. !rM alLlwwal.. .rJ !. Spec. Pa1t a m .11rt eys) ell_..7 t.l_..,e and ap.ef . . -ar.re.fL .e_ . eiei .. L a, 1.00. Pw anew 11.40.aeai

rrMf.'YNew mind/ at dar_ pitted ices '4ailtrf.. Oe¡ t fraclup .3_11 11

1-10. marry WIG..WIG..t i!afor.' Piety I1 -+T Ida Cl,. th- wY1,oe. 14Q. flew Tn w.'1e D./ 1:b-% 1.Sa. Iltf-aI Wen w to Oal04411P aS, L ̂ sY 041.04-4r t`ne/"'II Pr ...s

H and firmly wllrip r tBJ 1.r .11 rd s.eo+r, Kee 11,414e.Arü1 1 Owr se/. s.tid wmlety alms *Is. ass 1 0, asr 111.114* Al.

IWJeTati IliDIIIITreer=1N iaa ,/+'.x. We Mil

62 The BiAhotrrd 'JHOLESALIE MERCHAIN DISE April 15, 1939

O. E. RADIO 6 -Tube

tItzji.IS a0 -Dc _ewe ~see tier% O.it s ONLY 55.51 Teak. / .T.eb Tow.

lR'eeo.a akva+ ta.RI . altill" WWII ix pite ,wdb, Oe.M 04.a. ai. 'so Wad Oe.e. SI eact OuaranleW t.eee INtI eA, e043 1460 MM

Otia With emir. an ealA. lat. a 0. O. siNo POMPOM oaTAL00uc.

T1-iE STA KR CO 145 5. W-^'I{e a. n..t es, oNt0ao0.


p^KBa -. It= -« o t. ti_ .7- I .

1.t10aI C-' =Ft. . 5 lrlqrlf. Y. 5. ^ .

Nsossbs -e.. sham. i úrk.e.i > .. NW* as! 74.5.7.I. 1 a d' 4 OlMalw.eioIi'{. lá IS e` L,tti NM -.e ':.:'- ada ts lr row- d , - aat fr.w al,a.,t a..* . ; 11 '

..1.. tows 1: r owls. rained ia C

4 - .-"Ire Is 5a.*8 r ; a I/g..- e2-00.

tG/ téú ' tó+i,1lL 15ata.cá 2., tt O- O. WO-- l

serer s O010114.t

Eves io C.Alae0114. 3.10 wig Slit. JOSEPH HAGN COMPANY

TF,. N'rl" Inrs.tn stoma. IftT a eta 11v MM -- At. Cpwl. Ill

k _


TEUIDY ,AI-n.a milete -efe

Pl. 'h for I!: r,rov. No. 650 B

4 e.r Dozen =4-15 to, 15 loa to Aseo

IM_ 6609B -L -D

$71.001 Doten 23-1a MIL


PERSIA. MFG. CO. 1e0IL M50*00

ELGINj & TA.TIM ,95 101Na.+ GualSaleMr

r^' - ñtis mkt {1ritt ao I. 4.-tic,.Wt n.a.ea ,1.. w'-11+cg T daÑw

19a.wl d

,etg ;s CaYte- Nam

I.oUt .ei tita/'Pi 729 walnut 1 . PN11aetWpnla. a.

FREE Wholesale


Catalog . r o e, a

learplei A 000. y-yl e'.y-.1 Y.1i/aM /y: T-

,>_-t nor etra. . :,.- 1 ,.r i

n~imiiit' ;' wMJMtl.Tw.IN '

- T1.Is utMM f_]I ^. ,. .. ..=-_ .. .. rams. tes rar (30 Ow CO..rw*or a'M/ ladat. .,. _... -


'NTY ;

Mas seo a c


1474 Latta ti.;a n.avts.5e.er.r....s º.1 0737 L: Y. Ps.+- i,a Pvh.Irs PIq.. .ms N e .utl:e 1t .,.er ~ea U pea game Vie Ca.na. itetarlM - . - A5 Mt a C11014C11014da's I se N60 TS aM 0,115 NJ, Mil ui.1e Tsai Parham* In a,.taa E 1MlttIi. 1.s6 9511,5* .,. i V. S. A. 0- O-'

asatueti e . . . N1mi /'ta,h ¡@Iea!e aao4 wVt TRrtidrs. =7 ii -b111 M.h 1e la. A1ZrptUad 0are4t, . 1.57 eL:ui. Q a1 I. 14011 *NS ila.Y 01«MQ., e- er.. 1114.. Dry ahanrt. C.tAI .,fO 11f.7 A. 5. SW, f mtaba.1.000 !!* 1115*4 la 0. 1y. a+,. galaa. 1eit.. r, JW OPORt1 00.. 4-2a Uhl x, LA=T.aMr. rMMe.



_ n LZ MOUSES -o

J. 8reneo+, kr.Orten sa king el tiho rabbit toot btlm itcea. rL9'+e a4 edge of tea. hiring the feat pace he has malntatded thou hie rspid rite to sinews aa a manta- LaatUrez and surielRe' at eluanty rabbit feet. ''Prom blathleaa already in. 1530 look lake Is will be the teat year 1'to ever bad- be e5a7L. Dreyer. one of the first tot glee and milk t the 1-- -,l- bll:ties of rabbit feet. repeals be has It oomp! eta - Rne. Including combinations with watch fobs. key e.Ratnl and good Rick coin? . He expeete a large demand to die op for bla World's Pats rabbit_ feet, for which he Is licensed by both fairs. and r. ortt7 Cue of the la tut e-.iMe for his procruet h¡1i Oeri a Rom firms using the feet attached to small piste* beset*; slogans sa part of pe:ernotlanal eetbrtele :.í+ºr21 ~Laity hies hsen re= .eel eird as a teanit of those premotter.e, bender reradta.

Sam Otlttalael. head of Standard &s' -ce Co . announces that the firm'a 1930 nov- elty and promlata catatoy la now n1il- abte. t p.-to-cho-enUrlu,to hair., Including the near port- ,tile radio, fishing tackle and Pen:Unaed the Full doing and Wall Rogers atatuettei. may be n!! In the book. he repo-tet.

After td Yalars ,lo. the Marufacturr of ~bowing reactant* ~~Ovens DtO`,, Mier pre -nt a fully uutOivatie et4,mping etesee.hr. The leml-sutomatie low. pole . 1 machine hitherto anet ab!e for stamping il~cbi Sedulity urtty pastel. We bets tali iutdell used that the new ma - thine Is arpe ,- ted to be very pops tai - 1'h

tomi.ie !unable fee ~al ,iteedTity. PI -wee Ind for Imprinting any etched plate ul to 7 by 3t el Inches in se. De- signed .as a prerlilen lbiitrltrtete0t, It edmt- binrd rtmsny feat!tfri !et tioonamlcel op. « tklfD- sti.',Ii ma tutewCbuu,Resble hard. tined steel type_ No e'XperdtetsO la re- gtlired. to opeinte the. -filettlncs, and It doom *tit tire the hand: the firm abates. There la a year's geasean_.0 ngatnst me ehanleal des -sol.. A 4.ireulftt mny be ob- tained troves Rooeeers tiro..

Acratone syet6taa, made 'espe- cially for *bow bustnr= by Federated IhnehafCr Inc- are belt= sold In 13apreC- *dented veltim'. report: Dews Ormon,, sale mnrsuger of that ecnte:e+'rn. Ormoat stales that these epstesm are being cased In huterit¡de of different tip~ of fiiital. lat3Ona, tanitllg Crum buge outdoór ~- team to &mate Indoor One of the most popular of *he anger types: fa the AerersWriº De ll . x0 40-oes -t peetelde system suitable for outdoor and Indoor work. Amether popular model to the 0o01101e e Acentesso 1 u -sat; a; ttfn built Into an airplane lugusge-type carrying C1125, A new eight -page flyer describing lsst-realputo '150rgga301 111 found aµ+.sontar. 'radio sta, electric {thcatee-tap1., `e Redo and ~erns la obtainable by mending Warns are -ctdl' -e fo ?nderlttsd. Imo.

NEW ITEMS- <caliteNltted fens y- pu tit)

reamer la lmteddr_d. three enabling the user to dump the ecrapin es Into an ash troy without spilling thorn. 111! - Baseball Bat Pens

A clever number that Lhe'utd M owe with souvenir end pen worker. and prime users la the new -..qe Don. melded in Mt fee= of a tswhall bat_ recently in- ttodneed by V*m Dine Bres. Altho It la a, dip pen. a sa:rtal feUritalr.-type point holes enough Ink to write covrral un- drr_,;i WOil' without dipping, the Min tate..,, Pena era inrrlbed either with

the ante -graph of a, big league b-til player er stall Aby dIe' rig trade -mark or tea - tale. ~rani eiatci that the Item's low price, coupled with Oa -timely! isp-- It ,..r r a jtrfl baefore ale opening of the b sbell ~won. h2m already rr.ulted in

aul,p8e1on start eor the pen,, Tin , ll a nlntlable la Pity Color.

Clluram.ter polls Ore e`f tten lertnitartlent Itt-a !e

CO6 rs to b r rrr settee no K'laooauin De Lttxcs will be that rOtaL

character. Freddie the Il'n cusco4Cai. Danny and large. The number to Ideal far entice, teal= and other ccmceesiOns

dissn rc'p erta. Price 11 maid to be exceptionally tow. Another item which Wbscerudn Do 1-Ltxe' ptnetes will be «ry popular on mldwaya this year 1 Flapper Fanny, also a fin by attic= and ~trig In a number of.00ler combinetlooa. Num- ber Oprcei, In a smite silk drams with 'fIriS Oretonlh embroidery yens. Skirt bas # 24 -inch I -pr--& irteel and arrow of the dot are made of nnbrc ,kabls etan- posItlon material and it is 141.j" !neap tall Y -P SHOW

(Contanne-d trots pope 38) by th^l do -ta to the o -d Al O. I3e rntei street parade*.

Among *r itors were lei. and hire. a Id. Cronin, tilt: nod iW -. 0.8. Brooks, Mabel Stark. Eddie Totes, Y'ttl 8trumrt. Jack (Meets, Art sprinacrr. Arthur Dt7rtlla, Hal Dreivehh Walter Metbie and L. Iced.

With the Zoos COLUME-V$, O. -Three ceba. Mai ~-

stain o. .Joe and Lei. eco Ilona bore.

were born recently and The Cotttibue Deepefah earned. a photo of the ante: in

te hand* 01 Dr. Bol O. Stephan. of the Zoo. end_ Lorena Ilagenbeck.

of titelltageu. Ckarhany.

CIALOEiltY. Alta -Grabby, toureyear- old dnnlwr a heir to Calgary Zoo. was abot IT a city policeman After be had been ~image Injured in it tau to hit e» -e. Tres bask apparently was broken Witter a tight with tits Mate. .Too OIfl 1a

have not ,acid whether the bear would be replaced.

COLORADO SPRINC16, Calo. - Two black ieopards'born in Cheyetttiol Mdt1A- tein Zoo bete on Starch eZ are In good ooOgitloft and being cured fed by the mother, repels nelletlinterident L. W. Clark. °Zoo ban received a female moun- tain lion. roped and p::teed: by Oeorgo C ple at Claatle fiat 8printt:a, Ariz.

NEW OstLEANS.-e.Cror+tde are growing au( initiate* are showln- metre life to lltidiLbon Park Zoo. e,y'Oi y iataaid is being remodeled and more mettleate are promised before wrnine to bring the meaty Lip to about 40. ~tut -aloe have bad a 144 per cent boost..

Baggage Stock Bowing Out? - - Fry JERRY P. IXOKER

UFPALO, April 8. -Is Lucie *toes bog r ., oiitt Pro -lm prMent lndlea*Iona this would seem . . It tae anal n pity that the rirr'.e.ain:'W! td Cl'ld, year !rt'aned year' out, to to be Omitted freest the Trig One this season. Ile has 5.1011 'with The dt'nur a tutee their btrg sing., and Wen en. suddenly drop from the picture la s nibstttute for an Iron-ehod merlia tic. litany eidttrcera end rayed: area shaking our :wads.

The term dhow,. to the avOraege patron,. memos n -glimpse into ~thing of the past, out at this world óf its"el-e end bust'* . o' modern times god, drudgery. To them also the term canal Mean rumbling red w ag one, drawn by tong Crintss of beautiful llama. decked e at to jingling lutrnesa. Theey bavo two 1 to appreciate taut living marvel and tito pride In riteo tielrag the *Itctm draft box' ills one Of the Itnegt speelmolla of draft stock.

IS Is t21 -la free attraction that le ,the gar at drawing power to -the main public of etrctsagoº It :appeals to then: and they are undid iátt fly the ones to be plc-ieed a it is the gold public that maim: the curve posaab -

Sigbtlº.s Spectacle Whet atseaction la there In the eight

Of a tbundertn r, chugging, Iron -shod tractor or tisiek bearing a trine of «nim :i tenons? Resides thLa aightlese spectacle It 'teat - s a Churned meat teat once, ntephatt patting.

The figures show that gee la the e ywt.- pre an eeight:home team route h--tee-At si.eoo I,G e3,000 without harness,

:A41í -t be led alntei sud Luriteir ., required one-fourth car apace t4112 required fateful five men -to loop them fed, toted. au-WIS. etc. They toed 2 , hones in a Car and got Mss Mack* on a flat -

On the other hand a 110 -ton tractor ntr.t* between e93Á00 and 38/500 mud the )i S for these teeter experts. latlehsnioa and cantle drivel* sell egered that of the horse handlers e»:1 doses.

On ordinary let condit ',as the "ga " will surrise; but If there as a eery muddy lot one night as vs.11 give up. '[be

Army. in experimenting with gybed -:bud tr.rtors to replace its home -drawn at= tdllery. has probed that Under timed con- dltlons a tractor will bury itself in the :nod: that a hceae la much better under time condition.

;Difficult To Replace The directs draft bore always h m

n lateltred n hltidt stanched and it- temTtln9 tO.101:41 l hint aa!1 atilt main- tain ApOed- and efficiency be hies -given stilt to eery dtfL.Wt

The heading device e6 be used on the show trains la not a necessity In the ad- vancement of the modern citeeue. T e anew train team' haws been used ulnae Clreuser. took to,railr0ads end have per. fawned tie -..,:r dtMall1:1thfufly udder.ail

ilxtla of Oondtt1Qns, -I ¡ón lo4ding. devfee eery lm :riertil, 1w Bad 1baeloSkI on

a curred I 1áu.X. Only one can be it '4 on cacti seCtlon and must treed b +Gt end forth for every ,wagon loaded on that. section, Three good train teams will do the work to one-third the time,

Attee1iptttl- to tnodºaliila o the Crewe to Vie exeest .et cltmtntating the big ~X- ing trim* wtll beret 'prole euccl ftil. The Crean needs draft horeee both corn mºttiitlly- and for traditional puryeaiee to survive in this' critical period of lea hlttGay.

Many of the srrjsllcr ahow. know Itha drawing power of the elreua'druft horse" will rarry them for parade plarposes this ac&foln and will find It profitable.

The draft horse has taken a tart stand" on the circus lot -and many fans and myself are hoping to send hint beck. pronto.

t --

RD and WLTHAM otARANTito wale'? WATOMm.i

S.Z 7S 'eú,d ar e`.atLtoq, t.aKi; ir:II-1 1Ta1Ynx

In 11Yr C<rt7. GABRIEL - IEZZI

211* tta. 14th a.rt, PAtlafMMta,, a'!




The thing es Aubrey G>1Lti4ni, Parka, (Cva, Cars testa C o e>.aabnalrers. Pr.rr rnia, BBraabea, Camps.

Abe co mists lino of Cossets aM MinUiars Cowboy Hats ear Reds. testa

Wrote /Or purl Injorreettlo. EST'A HAT Q.

TT St. ~II Sheet, 'N*arwrk. N. I.

- - --= I


W1tlo o tqllosr. aouneis persrattetan. Twine sus. Get WaM;ry pllise. N r`gtstst,


April 15, 1939

Stan o,l>m DOU6 StALCURITI a.e+d?ae4tíu lYaleY.. ROFiT

,slr? 15,11,4 Per - -I ,.. .1 NEW' 1939 r- I _

I CATALOG! i -_I boftrLtTt Nang PLATI211_ r-,, JA NO

faAGNlltiS O


tvYterlal SS-t.rr.apl. -,LMtAM1 'k ,.w1 i

_16rO ItOAo1NAY. , Nt1YYORK CITY ;


NEW WORLD'S FAIR MODEL awn 04 . Tee. Pen .a Tomorrow,.

Stial vie ytt SOR


JOHN Ir. B t_IVAN 4S*Eewch.a7,, INV YORK CiTY.



NEW CATALOGI . ewtayp la --u, ram, ~Oki QYYa.and wf+:wssn4 n rein. LecaNr. Cronin and Res.

s .-eby. dud /s. PICO bATA`100, or 52.00

rw ~plea. Melnik Bead & NartlyCa

lfbll 07 P Auk. N. Y. O.

we tAana,taetu.a a -.heaPwenaM Vine, Neka'"a P/.I*el ane OM sett_

SOUTHERN PEN CO. .-ac 1sCturen al"elo 1013_

ii N. Uabe St.. Depl, 1aFt'. Pasts burg. Va. F.ynd 51.00 he sarpla. err-s+i enlprrdnta.

ELGIN & WALTHAM REBUILT WATCHIES S 1 7S Y dent. 111, ilia. In ft. et [ner.a d Owe. sea

$154 4r Pi. -o LNc. Whaley aaa It No- t lustIvey Cnt000NT CITY WATCH MATtalAL CO.

113 N, Opa.d eaky way. IL L iii

UNDERWOOD e:>!` ̀_]J P[M* P[NO'IL! 001a10a.

BUY DIRECT FROM MFRS. Per 11141ter Wee" Pena sae

Onooer< PLN CQ. 03 B.emloes. hr.,/ trek City.

Dd 't ca. Il -` r.L j a . i1LL1 *2-"o Per pOa

e4,110 'war 1,000: >1-.0 t oc rw a.aolei.

arDRO oo_ 132 W. yAYtd Sr,. Wee Vert env.

. ' -_-

JUST ONE OF MORE THAN SO ova belt/a es../' Pen -- n Panca nn. la W wail ceenplrt.y I. *M. We tni ~My y I. ~Called ave mor pitees arsrf rkke. MINI(. tw day tar add »die+ Ills asad c&saIeo.

STARR PEN CO. Qspt. I11-2, 300 W. Adman 5L. - ONICAOO.


'J[a.e. w1

ire ~Ica. 5 .0 I 1000 *ova 10.00

sae Doe..hle Craw. 3.00 tee a-.

" I L1se.tM Pi/4 10c;0 } wJtl. N and M41F

seat. Set 01154 r el

HART MFG!. ,C'd1. a Ú1raON rÍ v.


Pant al:-.;.tn! t Wiens. Wert-


r . Wrr,le oO F,+7

. r,lslClló . cvflistl]/L emu/jolt PSIS A NOVrrLTY CO., Us an ew, 114.e Yí Oltl

MEDICINE MEN Writ* todal !es rzYw r guitar eA TMtc; gn.

UMWcte.tstw pC11=1'401 aeeTtnr. osNRAAL irteouass LA60ttATOAItS

tMsoaMOWelrt Phanreleisie 1S7 I. ar.tsq s1.. Ce1 `w, 4h1-

I '


A. dºaat1m".t foe ~eh, Dcsmntraten, Newhy SaMs anca, lidlL'kiws Saorrrwea, Ápsls. eáareCtyan «id Otbeei.

6y BILL BA'K¡ER Iti n C ian.tt l Of i iClt )

W RA1l:OLIINt ItA.hO ~rags front Overland, Ito.: -'Gore have brawn doing very little petching and have Rmeg apcndLng our One working oral our tw.d equipment. We expect to hit the road soon. Learned that Ihert 1111boy wit Injured recently In as outº soddimi-

TIHINGS 'WI 'NEVER ,NEARt "We seldoew hear Our cltlYclmy ikbbts ibout sheet ulti- mata `selling Mir warn. p.or:ded they an In. fireallnsf v ihcu lilAs alld sell theft coeds wMDsut force, mean..? -12I bslnG eerno 'of laflk and lber local proble a Why. then. ehor.Sd wr eonrlie5tly heron Plum by r_ekbs solvent degislation naiad Ihem1 They have t sat. -too, you tuner._ '-local Mettiant.

alADRTCP (BPii ) HASCAL bleats from lSuagene. Ore., that lie and Joe Colby, after working =round Seattle, Waah.. for two ~tavern ill work the Apple Blooram Festival in WPI>ditedite. Wish., Argil bar then head emit to work fairs and oe'cbrntions. Wiest would like to read pIrts from Dli1 Ifhwrrxek, Johnnie Wighlt. Al kite and Jimmy Welled

Ile.» JOLINSTOt< rind i , ire >Vedette are r!pruirt(O t0 have worked Socral7aeuto Week of :Aareb 27.

TRIPOD OPINING$$m n't ~ant on a four - ha Iripg take to Its roadr 01.t baaloesi.'

to time pluit dltctraeo Oat LOLy inrd ito.en, Barry Leven and Ozzie Route are working out of inn Ftnhct1Co. atld that Matt Hºru,A I and Bob Hanley nre work- in" cities near by. tie Baal Francisco la reell3 closed.

Emirs +L i 10á-1 rte _- - of pltC mn hdc. Including Jerry Russel. Pam' Jones. Syd Shipma.ia, Carl Richard - eon. Meaty Barrett, !Lary Ragan and Coat Wedge. are repotted to Ban Fran- Clsec.

MEMORIES& Rtewmbet serval years acv wh1m,a ened was bellas reb.aP »bile camp. bag out te a weeds In ht $cwlh/ it IcenM thin one 01_44 numbers al 11." Show fro - Rurally 'el4Mrod on tat lea. and a henerns he would_ rae. RIP/owning with He gun stung' over his 111ou1440 one day Ave« a 'Iwo.lswe Ili, the bosiman acieslc4 hlni and raid, "Hem, you. dreg a hóic In that big pole asa there.~ iMlrceattr hint Pb. mewing, a local Nestor rented asar te anolbet wr4arun, a 1'e11th fel- low, ave wrcarr-_di -dear out of Isles. the menace, lull ford "et filie -u %ebb ÍM gum to shoot yaw."

DOe.JERRY COA7713 . , pipes that Philadelphia la a good town to stay out Of Sarkis5 the layotdt you here in a t ew one for the doyen,. rI opén Ntth ltr;t_i Il.e the B. L. Green Slots. Pittsburgh. next/ than I go oD to °Ohio. Iild47.a and DUno.a.. I have four beto out now and they are all doing welt. LCt'a have pipes from Clk..rLle price. !Idle le

r, Nolaon'and Gero7ho Banbi."


[olide a bee from Preston. Ida.; -aloof gruel .up from the Smith sir Nevada. 1

na-t a few at Co boys around WSW. Eiw Curly Oates. Plunk Gorman. Si- Louts B11Im )ftnpity and his aide kick. Lord Ilelilrnoree. teofkIng a now sheet end dalttg wet1.='

Jewelry. flag% buttons or eharlr. Jun eeettpare the junk they call norerty Serails}, In dowtriir rnt Muni. with nor- clty jewelry the shape of a bridge ebarsn. Stick !'ln or 'lapel button: Not even <lime pennrnt.n have blear offered. ltare LLi a rips market Ipi[ ciVu- dantertmcnt

OVIIRHIIAItO a pitchman. eblreame KM %Cw' mg He orbit dgyi -Tim rose le red, the violet Ideal de I need some dough? 1111 say 1 do!'

tau rseirgbasc=i Fir and Dean Festival at .Pabokee, Phi.. asid am migrating north¡ perm' E7 pddLe Delos. "Coral itiCne bare been okoli. lidit just as noon an the re Doalndor of ca 'podded pebbled ham teen Settariatj Lt's crurtalna Until next January; and the boys and girls are he.dtmg north., UceTts Myllitro:'f would like to mad pipe+ from :le i a Jame and Golden, Herr] Corey.i AI QO14sident,-

OTANLEY jdALDu rr Into., that he;r g'cirR auo14 with j:ii4an In $t. Louis and Lath ailaxey OccdsLY le In town trying to pick up two good mud W eleocm

WHAT'S BECOME of alt the wiynfk wort. OW Selma that with all the kale., swingttn Jiid swayer, tug oath- to swine music there sheet: be ready saki foe Mare ererywhac, prodded they we mope*, awe adeptly demee- « ratetd.

COMMIDITO . T from C ot'go Durst, ci Jaffinipal. N. -24 you beef lute noted In the papers,. Brooklyn Is I:tldr)fr triad and will be nuts for many months to comic. Nut yet too cl;.rrr novelty mfntfiseGnrCtS have not had the hindsight to Wane illy turnable et nettle to g -t the benedlta of this great flush of brtd-ka Intr_rt2rt, vltsy oat Otarront eta rat Wens, sevrral hutdred civic outfit's ere' s.310t1Unq. belt nut One of the fro.en-bca.lsi bu I t run r' had the ilenld OOaW out with novelty

Snot CINTURIES Sher" hates bean solemner' of upeeialPy seirehandine to this country and ateoad. By the sat s Io141n-0t i.slnmes and entertainer', to. ties publk--regardkss .A aft ,,tfnh 421446115 of op,,aslns builness interests. ~we "will be pf?eheldn daring many seise yeses to come

JOl.'I$Y HICrK.tl pare from SLiG Angeles: ~Pm beglnnlr1 Toy fourth year fztth ItliderbrarldY United ehow:s with Ye Old -lime- Auction Store- I'm going bock over my ofd tonne t1"ru Octgoat. Wathtagtan:. Idaho and California. and 1'IIt keeping níy old CUS- 1,prrr and making Eiw Onto. T'to boned tlhnt It pays to handle the beat teiw-- chaadiso and. to treat your customer* rt l,t. I would like 'to ere It little f om Willie ~Wield and liddie All ea. Quito a tow boys out 1ldi way but things are altuiet,..

PITCIIMEN5 SAYINGSi -le ewe ktept the mob laugh ing.«.-.Aillead.

CCSTRADICl7No . Doc J. L. ~e'er meant i-bpCet that Son Praaieleep Q Oakland, CUR.,, ore op^iiy -Maly Ragan, wetting from the font r city, doe`.ares;, `Doc Rare has never boast here or he <vpldp't send In such stuff. Can granctsco is painterly Cloned to tine toys, then' put them In Jell now. If you work here It must be In a department nuke, and you hare to. bale the Slate reader, ahtcb la ph,nty itrd to get- It took-rno four month./ to get Mine. Wore have been a Dot or bow and gag leave here dlaappolnted. D c t take my word brat «nail asid atH for yourself. Don't come O. O. D.. tae beplWo tonetiee are herd - to get.**

INTCNTTO1IAL h1 :war PR is/Drawn ON b a deadly e, -cloy fa any preftttien. Shea" .an 4Prarp;ht. itSiwt: it pays. -

The Billb.zarli 63

H ' '"EA .Lao - III ANIMAL

e PRI IACfÑ MCTtIR! sao»s Ihe baby anlswat a1a wfllter old, gesatly en- ha,.*i4c /1se apoe*L T>r_ .re'ar 114e1e1 Inakn AMAIN P,InN tlesfe "avulse Shad crwh

Ei'ary 51.01 Gets rh Ss:oo Ire,_ sir. real glees 0044_s

W r,k r Ii always tire dr{t4 ere weal no alll e.-

oar Jo

tern trawler; DIAL -a. wets. hr taw

Leeal. rfIM. as Dart mac. asas*.

M ¡Kroh el ewiI ooeelsrow, 5-e S'l ave. Dog; Cockeye.

Wyse Madama- hues6ckeye. lKORL o'S PAIR }T[OIAL MOW REAI9r.

Han tets sw yasatnkdt Wwr, ~ow and Wt/r. erasf.eat eeUrnp Pia on W WraML ^h1 AlI M V_ t 1.1."

- la - .1

EA.31 JON E . i.tetarklpg gummy In Las Angeles, ban four Tuosnlit t lacunas arid declare- that ho veld ,Melt pitching gummy attar be gets two more toausing -house*.

JIMMY TAIT 1pNbes from Danillileh Va ; "Just re - celled weed front MY old prat Pag,,i Rag - !sect, who la gottlac organized down U1 North Carolina. Duets they wall phew VISTIOLa thin st`'eoa ender elms' a mlt7 vends. Being a musician Myself. I thought aD mtatoians. were Co, 9ol'A un- itl 1.nt ~elk when ; happened to catch

rete ra tt7 s W.a k e Up l! n . _I to -7 r praaNt7, 1l t_ -* as.

` rp bey ,_ is; -a ono v eraa.-L 1+e.y ai_-t.aa. It.a sr - a a own :Jr. ea Sikt rev._ ,re.

1. i Is i I -n; r 1 -ttL rig". i -b ,_ .

M- ' 1rCTCRANK' 5211V11:111 1/2JOAZINg.« 1011 +,su e dNeer. N. 'Y ells.


.PAR° IK[iL<ir. TisoPslnsala ren Iíl..k 497 @rroebay n Y.,t a.

SOCIAL SECURITY PLATES I D ! - t leal. -t. le a'

P C -r dea. +{i -- ci.era i c±v-r ~tor.,bNee..e ua .,s1_ waa_atj ttm <so- Ter Lara Man are pian lab ha. to ear b iy tJ4 _h 117300t`";a s. :r4 fgx_4-I }aL ve stet yoa et . . ̀_. $_S't .SIL' Lrt now. Mir'=I s aL EOt PLATA 207 fYNd toot. r'Iter Vert OHy.I Ottr,. aa-al.

BEST BElONSTRATION Pa in YEARS - GENUINE $1.00 pra=1Net WAi-tit f/frN. -

P40c7. No, 14.023115. 7t_ ~by i8r. reliable tlibe ,fZtll Nefblae to ta G'

111.5 caul ri 7 I4ktt 6UsfR. 114A0 P[n o110. a"sAMPLia 51,260.

AR001 PEN - PENCIL 00., INC. ta'0-n `eaAaaa7 M.«',gmN. Y. I

eLOWESIJ PRICES GUARANTEED arr 't-ad1w /1eW..iBe OR,t;000 TT 1 000 IyJI 21n-'ss 1 o00=N.dIa a7" IC -'r}' sYdea 1 000 M..dl. Ito Md TA.edr Nang N. .1.000 .e/it 01.10 N_ - 1 , ,..k r Cds.. . .. . . . G rea 16e A a Merry NMJ Domas... ,,.0.cd. 1.13 Feb N tI.10O0wleee e.50 -47:35 Pad.itllr *MI Manila TWwdaq,

Shy 11111w I Illy Prsetal .100 O.aeRir. tat; ñMtÓeey s D+iiO. ÓÓy roeis. Prep caroller. e. LGnIM MS[DL[ co., el aro+?.sy, M. Y.


a A1Jetssd Sa++plea, PeeLjlsid 60s. Aaa'To PICA. Mtfs.i 127 La:ayr.`r, N.Y.C.


no. 1-s te a Si.. on -be .d, 52.50 1,000 513441... .

ry1 z-Iawssci °'cíe/.. en iai tS to Inez. '^hea.d. t,r40 allsAes:. 6 1 f7/ LUZ; '14144115 Duly." A H,e`en 11'. D a Oi ta 11r u. CMS.

100 pt_saad.1.0114I'1.0114I'.... lledo. . . 700 1 ~on r.f ft.. N M n-a N±.:Jr 11,,{ rae.

pepa4»4 vt r+:bq.. i)r Mi WI O. O. O. pal , DIl Prow 1 a--- t 10t sot s+


64 The tBillbttrrulrl WHOLESALE MERCHANDISE -PIPES April 15t 1939

1100 súsiÑes§ NECESSITIES' 1t# mow a - - rt ats t s a4c- awl I rt.! hero's. a rhae.r Tt up 1fIK

h,t 8

ullellres N[o[l 41Tram/ Y a lo ha a pqeiraals.4e.t,1 ~lb lli

I i17 Lt. i`ii¢t11-r--1EI:k1^31 AT4 .a OA cr., .

b i' -;--re ma1 Ow c.ata NO I1raRIZNpr OA (11V4e1M[NT B[tOLO.

lef.fii1 id are rTi to moo ha "1- r 17 are, pfd la . e.=,- ! - t I .144111a- e , - 4 - 1°111.11s x"\>11FI.l;i

.144111a- - t ..t I, .. - 11,0Ar'nP.1 Y, t" R rlfljlty 1' = I .115/41P .110-5105 1: y. a -,ir mad too woes

..---431., et hour! 14.5111114 41 1T1LR111, I 400 lotto ttrwd- Ó.eM1, 1s4, pr..rA t1. O. mstm.m----- re. a * *LAIR. t -t. boot- 1114° ; s0ó 1r_s *trod,

II Cii=nau ohw.

i' V' ,w LW* y ü earanvGnt Ia 4

I L rtra±^b poor 'rowel tren N


fm -+ir . . . , . . f:4..e I igt Itt b -~WI á lo r>w =DIM s t,t [Al

}} ii-- m ticufy , Jett150Ll iLl.Yll'aLrEe1 Í isI, 111r same. Yt ... I

eids . . ....- ..... ," .......

MAN mI Capable #a/tdl1/P Ready


9.!!rt Ct7.Ntte it 141aI..T7 óvt úÍi -op ply

a c-? °ZMIt rtol1 -alT la lm 7..r horta. :De.r Ssrrre*ei.,L n ,.Ty itta re to

ti ÓÓYñL 1SB M1l t '---7 AdreraL..d Oaed b -. 100 t..,cia ..

l-lr ape -n x-~0. Wrm

.tiuto e 11 IaetrrfPeanl- r e o Leo... 04104111/-3(1Nl7

ear1 wÓn1LDo PROD.

Werra coº, Ono. e -a. ° . ; 1.41-

D lull


12 BLADES air, WW1 ptsrs lath 17 el I -R malt,r ell OwiA[La

sere In 1sºm ae tYJI, i}

. L 'lime('Wm' 4+ yh 1010. - -

*ert log iM aMrtyl. DREXEL BLADE CO.

1s4 rN.-Old mtnaal, NEW YORK OM

aus LIES,{ Kaits'I 1Aa boo at rhlrc you aY4 sew. Woes rattle lte411 ra. muss. 1ue1. trucik' M ~VW Has Ito oeant eye *gees. , Leeks

t_arty tines 'Ito swine- 'rift /Or po*Mehra!

BOX 951, The Billboard. 1564 Broadway, New York City.-

D1EANE'S D. E. BLADES rlitRiT aWtDlai Ot7li4itCAL 4TarL

Lt!~T mare 1?xcrtetC_--1`Y ocwMai. IN 0t1tfLAY 0A 113014 1£0 rho. .Y, t80./eo ON DIcILay OAPe011 ,1íe Prat_ tree, , t00 Ma x.a 11A0 ter 1 Osrt- new 1 cW1 trae u!±dMi.

AU /Mar!sr* a/.rp,' eee"'iM 4r.* Ir.^._otlnt ,{b flhld ea-. ntaC-e

DEANE BLADE CO "h ':°;;e'

tti rhaw at the odd Uu4rat!e Theater, now the Vlrainla Theater. In Denville and maw Claude C:sey and his PtnO State 1layb»a Thy worm all .drea:ed In *bate mod had a swell Imy0t1t."

Clm'FI! WORD halm a 'number of iNeethcrn- ers' t%.ait their fist are ~Stow.

REPORT'S DISCLOSE . that ply LAwn arte! Hen Oros; blew tosto Lcr. Ass i 0a :c,orstily but thn% testy left for the North. 14astng Gross behind.

11oV10,.T"Y ante trinket wdtseent Now ded the tastes pradat treat you/


herd," r, ribblai 81g'41 'how front Cleve- land, -1-m takit ray act. to Albany. N, Y . fora week. then Irtl try to pat mY atom opinz here to pdteh º little r::rd', Met t the I1`lo 204 and the $c1' tun &.tars berm."

OU ATTLNTIQN oat -Inferred to a.mowi. pa:ü arlkcla rtcrnely wAcrtro atomNsn wtei wtat e a follow- Who was unahl ha /e rntñud labor bring erietklucd oda semita/ his Islam by .sdll-ng mutt weekly,* In a doonvey. Rae ,earned, lrnflemen was quoted as sepI,i - f tourer! has planet leí the keeping" et such Indhidssla. W4'tda-r meet ~id happei, If Prooderaeg put the altas;,4 iello* to SW aaMe bat? Would he °fallow up This oww legfil Ira easy for toew o-. rho h will elf its betel* team lets loetun,Ic, cepeeiatty Itrantcn to Silt sedal realm, but It the tasas liesw reversed you cod b t yes. last d1-rne le srottid be m,.1 alto g vthr d11'htSnt teary- A reitlji big mar wi enser wish. the perseouse an anyone, nepe. logy I1 the perlera It wiIIMg to attempt fe male him Wine M the Frllsa.l carrleenittcnl of the groat eu14114rc.

CRAMS -4ALTD2;YL1JatL 11,OW . . > doing okeh and after pl-aylnii 14outh- ern Aetluyirania and Siarytautd will h,ad for New Tint 8tata to open under ~avail Ddny 15, aa,olcitag to Morton Craig.Herd like to res n aqutb on EdWtal

and th0, planmhule,y 311e¿1 $haw.

YOU DON'T wow te Si. 11.4 Whew, but you taw, de your blurt lewar a spiMling year preksalea.

TOM ill2S1.Y .

tCnd4 is yarn from PittalniTihe "WOrked Prat: Palle. Puy bat Bahlyda} with herbs íád eyot Cleaner. O(Te glaln a albs* 0t

cleaner with package of herbs and found Jet helped the tales ooni cterably. I "arty a tip man who Used to de a VeatllIaqulst met to vatldrvtllos .Alter he balls'tba p -nib be changer hIs oodlame

tin Ltiek on Cti-their when I cote to

ti., tut We bitch -hiked to Prate "es. And Nth. lit only any who would pick wt éip s1 11 a tares -re Teeth * Atoticl T. we didn't arslvtn In chine to rat a reader. M' txtiJy artlett Collet Seldom lkuff. 'squared the spat with the town taw by telllnq him Wm father° was a pol.dcwan. 1 learned hit !albcr 'Wasn't nicely a poIheeman° allbo he vied to go 'With them a lot. The Count la a wta`rat flung *pout. He squarnsL the chief 1n este town by platlnet hla badge. Made It laird eke A. The Count abeam Celrnee is few billy -eft of fit:kern for %Tint purp.°=.e, We have a nice room here w11h a COO of reap=s

bsnlldnR rarer the Window. ifb o .r at flu It la to be treed as a flea type. The Wrant soya It's a groat lOre In Oita we Want tO boll ran place: Just lower t11re ketaters and triple.OWt the eindow. 8ayye be hot than idea when be fleet started to rettdevIile. We expert to work spot cleaner here next *Wk. There are three or -four dry cleaning IKtablid tr-..ttai in town find tL,l Count claims the nativea'mUlrt all be. good 'pump* eta for n red etond. oher tee the tae -e. 0c111tUs't rupport tP t mane. The Count ;want* tO auto pnl9mta tad* guuorli:. but We bpwu..'t a ear. That rice pltatter-tfl. T.Qttg 2.oee tattle. i iio Jlutth needle_ books and mgtulre.s them =1tb a i t ,lptIO pencil. lays Mtn don't need n ear. Jhrit gent a tnlrly accent front ft Mgr and paella 7t up on a ecople of orange beekei. tit r1 t that tray we can wrr!t pothli In d0Crint». ft reeves ilfe n novel Was, for who over lsm-rd of a Buy aocItto t Auto p01 -ins In a deer -wore' Ttur Count. Lm Coid on thin Idea bon*uwe we utt`..il't mDy lreis11t,10 lhOmblop Tide* an 11-e, Itt2h1 *7. ADO' sr ter' t 11..ot°Id : Op If he "at plo of guys wtttl a frrt¢a5, thinking thot 13

,í1I thry raenited So 4rtleale frees their tsleekcd. tom. Rest, 11111. wilt t_ign Off now. Just etlra41110r0d I'l all out 'of labels for the herb peg egos and must Grin Rote with lead pencil;,

MONTY ,SPOT$; what "eta lag psiti,y pea _r 1. New Cattle. 'í'3,1 It was ee $ great gt i, -.--ur Ibis shoe last Vitae.

4Piiclydom Five Years Ago

Cara 8wioegoetl found 'good plcken's In anon. . Madalltre Ragan was cliok- 1ng In the eíí caw ool3litry Aldo oU flelda: - . _ Altar a imlik'a nest DOS Orono St. Reed opened In a chalet atoro In Ctimxrland. Md.. -. . woo.- -ti pistol were gotmt1 fast at Port Wayne. md.. ter H. B. Menefee. vep pitchman of thou C1ty.. John J., t ooe-iey } In Lail - repot', Maas.. ccenpletriy recoltsred Item a him Itlnw. . . Things were the saran In Now York except for a new score on ltd.t"p avenue et that sheet. according to 7.fa.ry Ragan, who worked nearly every afore there during the winter, , Doc t.ts V71UI.i.:us ate Igotng at top speed In TMa1A territory. - Al no WW1 in Peoria. Ill., booking Prince,' Cytrmetlts In dabs and making a pitch wlllelfarer ho set a ahan-.-


_ most mpola In afletlltelppl, Alabama and (teems were lb 14 sltip0. , . Doc A. Ar dee+wu welt chelung la emir 1I1,.. 5. C. _ _ " Harry Plnefrock atilt was working to good takes in Tyter. 'Itol[, . The boys were 1lae:algg Into DeSrolt to work lots there despite the high rents. . Al Grant field represeattatl'e of Universal Thea- ter* Coaloel$co4 10.. was oallIng on inndlrfne etww managers In Miami. . It. 1"'. Barton Jr_. who had, bees working a pbotó tmacb:lnp, blow Into Ctncinnn:l wit le as jaunt northward. . . _

'fait's íál.

IRtrARt fie ran -.1%, boys and gbh. The »mart le ce.

iEvents for 2 Weeks dtprtl 10.13f Qry. o.CALYr-R Bluff Round -Usk rfÁ.

I.nia %aiaa Dog 8'taw, Ili°e< aO:9~1for11. pgI Mow. 11. OA -Manta. Dog Dhow. 14.0i

talnaDosO. rut C-dii^ Show. 11-1L T._ mustlis. Miler Matraf: 17441114=1

ILL.-Chld:age.. Moans eAeidleltm circus I/-70. 1ND.-thdsarJ;oli1 Meer 11b171, 11-..3, 14Y-Nattldar.een_ starttbanta r Mfla, t.oaeor

Yotr, 11-I3.. I.fA.98.=Lesion. Candid 045s7fa Wow

rhpo, 101I. 7f1t7!-lttrnebA_ ómeitt Jamboree. 13.15.

Paul. Doe Show. !Me .

]Inls}.-pOrinth. Ltlicpl Celebration, Lure, XD. -f11. JOMpn- fwid Ipintr,

6l_ LOCI. trlOUce Wc;--, 14-37. it. J..C.tlrlen. erred Girktr+rLn. 13-3, rlatx tb. 4eti nhew, 14,

Y.-ns`rltaLw phsi-b, chew. id1t Itocheaór!. lasii.yY t"rlmUa t3-lt ex-hv-tinstm, Carolina Trade. lapo.

tá -It ct.p.-Telddo. Dog Show. 11-11. 8_ C.--Chiriata:l. Ak3am Yysu*w1, 11-1,

YYortá. Dei ffirw. 1e. 7idlzRre1 Wait. LyadtLetk 8t1ow. 14-10 Ra; ndv 11 Or., s R-. It,

Wlt3.-,1101' r1. seal 14,11e Camp, car. r)ehkbea. braces tfk.e,s lrraurR 10-tt. thtr;is.a8ee. t441en them Show,

CAN. - rCmeel40. Atta. Live -mock to -It

beelph, Oo11- Doe Dbaw, 15. Via- ta., B. C Dog 8honr. IIS.

1r-14. IS2.CY,

(iprll men Ili° Irht ol'I'blrtllt, 111.

p.RIC ,mtt.t,: idt?chaala Ic Nagatl*]r Dina..

CA2.I:Y.-ralYci:sld_ Do' 4- 31. Ok.k Ala,.:da O Ye-7d 8tnw, 1SrS3: iTJi-rt ,. ~WO Ydttral, Is -22. Lake Worth_ An Rn/-4.111bti

OA. -*Want*. Vat Cities 82C?, Ill -1.0. Show. 57.14.

Sa.illaab. Deg

/4Ftt!!£.it lit 1GU7 ^.r7 / . S O y ,

w '''=.;' .



141e *eat {A MewsK arid ec,* *elllrq gtael. t- 'Vmhet.eraeA 514 Gn.eoRlr., I Mie ws 1699 Pine ot Untviilnl PIrÑ, iLat:lNa. imam sins, ,0r et Riryat alce poem flne. eery. Write tee Oman ltd. 23 Tedart

BRANCH OFFICES 003 Pints Anewm, Mee YMt pity 704 MaKM mtresl. *an rrandt.pa

KERRY PAiIKUIAI & Lg.11 ! 5 No. Wabash Ave., ClnicasaIll.il

ARROW oh11tpPIOIALe THte iN1tiK l_Y

leaur, D. a. Alaaag SI, Cr1M. 1.040... _5 2.=5 OOP S. b. 11000.. 4.20

ywo twig t4 bºiT, y,a 1.01.011 rt.. ,t, Or i.,


ea. t AOa . ... .. SLM wnelA rNwa Atasttna oara r. el,. ... .01 Mr.-tatd 51.551.5%ce Laa, aT", ale,4, s roa. WI A. drsW - - 54

55% 015411. a 0. D. aia sur 1;41 Poet- ap roe mhbrer.tt, Wm* rM lM.c -e.L ARROW ALs-4 00t- reel* Eu,.wq. N Y. C.


Os Jtaea zi ilk xas Pere itin-,1 tH isr.j i. c'r tn . ereed. All 1.lel tat r t- tbetsZ- r on* ept 113, artY` l_att na }HY'e

neti:rY Vert all IT r-1 b* sy Y"a 4t rllli 1M 4}.mYpr: a !s 11'tte !et um.

mots. MtDlelh

419 t, od.T,-.

Kely Ch t S, ittg Outfits ty t w! _

\\ K.iOa01. 251, GM

a' eaY,ete toms r 1 - whit etd .r6

dnn. K E M, P 4-a IRtr YorR Oh.7. 41

11.L-tefsrll>, neur at -u. titU.-T+swrttv+l,q.` ladeas 17i1TiY*I, 3tlCt,

Y1QR'l pOtiollyf?Ot6T01R. 110. Marten -

sae. 24:4. at0.-8t a[ph Thor, ífiow 72-33. :. reg. Deg A1:0wa 1R, Y.-Itew Yore_ 4rnetatae Tt1T Pale, IT -31. t1,-Curtsla. A.a%rléan d'i Canadian BTorw tnrn shoe. 11r32.

Cleveland. Rodeo. II -11_ Yovrgr:awai, indºor Clncas+t

PA--Ptit/ nth llttrtr< ;1.tYua. I7 -Z3 S. nor _ l _ l).hoi

Panama, 21. ri+tn.13..w lilxsnde

Platem Dairy Show.

Lampatit Itsdee A! Use -Stock Show. 11-1y.

Ban Antonio.'Plana do data Ja:latel. iT-22.

V. Ydt -. vii=r.-. j_ Show. ?1. CA;:,,yatESuGe, Ots1. Dog 'Show. 23.

Le-rion Dies; Kin Sought CAMDEN. S. C, April a -Prod.-Ice

W lsfifld L .tdon who pre' atcd the br .r boy act with Crya:a1 Exposition Shone. died In quarter@ here Lust nightie repOrta fit_-rllf J. 11. fdl.eod. Anyone knowsnr: tb° whcroeboñit8 Of tbtt deer d' Ma. niece Is asked to -hate them «nlr t Mc- Leod Mtrr`.4lltntety.

. e,

., e


We carry the 'Largest Vetfety let New Yank Many Ec114yh0 Iranio, dNoto,tles To Flt Any Type Location.

Visit Our Speelelly Dascorntt°it Irorld's Fair Solea Roans





't 914N,


t11lt*Ilr/ i tit- a =Mmlli


April 15, 1939 GENERAL OUTDOOR Thn Billboard 65

i itñt tite Lt ies


I1 -Pas; Ore_ April B -On April 1 Ilr. and Mrs. Floyd Bently end distsghter. 4o,. h.d dinner end wp,rnt the afternoon -nth w Floyd was ptrsr1 agent of the ;thra`r t4. Klttu, BIww_ In 1097, leaving there to lath t w 1,wvltt.Bro4m Hug.

Weasel Ind amt s :1nd' h!3 own dr.r,eti.e Meier. He line lila own tit l- post4n I taint 9q Hiltaboco. Ore_ t:++w, Greco Mater rasa tcir,tb Craft 20. Big WtrIMr; wen they opined at the Ran Lternorr4ti (C_í111,1 Origami Blow this year. .Oral t. she girt that can do anything on n show brie bet caner to the chorus. but Ica two Maas use witb tie Al O. P..artea Circus and d:d her *bare of cienige tiding snd pce- L3,iF She's been r !ling tickle -1 end cafhterin, eta Crafts?Adiastf 000khclas for two yen Monk with several other r how women. she hall a ten -who le reedy togredtlrte from college this 3rvar.

I receited a copy of the ndrerte-.tn1. bºnk :t omit enie. by the t-lonnits 'Bros:' flhowa. Edited by WWAitrr Hale. It is a ,get -roue peek Into the 'etas -up of the .now for the ~aeon. I was pleased to nee that the women on the ahowa were prominently' mentioned Kll%e Brl.ran- dlnta a OM Abow and Bile Dyer'% Animal $114:.í veers given first. place. but I tlotlr^d that Ain,.. b J.,,'Ylirontei, toothty of Harry std Orville. wan to a plate of heeler ill the grotty ptelute of the shelve.

T who metered a copy of the little et_wspnpe- t:Ttteh Bsknr-Lockwood Co. to putting out. It la of gen*r,t tnteteet,

t#1 top much apace le gt:en to trio men. Only rlgn,nn rnetttºoncd In Mrs. Will.am Cbtn]klaa of tbn Sri pp Bra,." Eibowa. 03here a goad fri!nd of rnli:I Slid DM glati Out re-' Ted the worran from bring omitted WU-Iv:Ill/tr.

>h Sill! r tn, doing a yuod job ei ,: .Maui cif the Ladies' huxlillarf of the

Srowmrml Let"-ue. or Amer.._. Oho writes to many of the'lsrit-oaf-leant new= bets, keepin-g them irrnerd of the Cl'ea'r ttoitl: ,. Shento weft!. there has b"' n much Iltrtes rio 'g 3n't'ribtrs title y er I was terry to lr_ru that Pram -±5 Keller had echo thrti another review operation

One., CI w uzcPetnty of the Missouri Show Women's Club.. 'A-4 1:jfab,i to take 1 L 41411111 epetnr strip to Florida an ae- count Of a fill Base 'i -rites she we'll spend the tine before i oing next year to e wheel chair If she has to ?wet) faille ' lK glut again. My motto a+ presi- dent of the Ladle-_' Auxiliary of the Beset of America albewmrttre Chili Lid .

r,q yv.- "You ran': change yesterday, than b clear' yot4 'eertrsaet ettattgr toenor- rerw till It's here. seed/ thot°ui left tear y,1u end for tare to to rnnko today 111 -ft as sIMoet rrist in le." But 1 heard Mary ntewertL "-Colt c fug eeltib. %omen" at the Teran acrd Gown Club here and bo- lt . , It takcO In a ryt-hing.' Here It ls: ' '1Srnp tui O Ood, frOnt pettlrlea_ lot u. be large In thought, word and deed, Let

be. done -*l,th -fault f1tidtin and leave oft tolfaeeking, `.ant' . e 1: t away all pl t'!enee and mee. e, rh other face to faor, :#LthMut i -if -pity and without Jccjtdlce. Key we rg.-.k,s t» bitty in Judgment and abeam be pyenerowl. Let u take time to en {trainee; mike grow calm, ecte .e and gcn i - Tn . eh us to rust Men action o'er bettor Imputes) triijhtf irwerd and nnnfreld. Gant

that we may melts:ea it In the tittle 1.litn,gs that crt .,te differences: that In the Iig ittit :7 of tiro we- are ne one. And may we strive, to tomb and to Satc.w the great beast et us nil, anal. O Land Ood. Jrt t1 not fo et to be kind."'

Circus C !amour Sr DOC WADDELL' - -

Do the old daddlCli lord' yMW aprotitw 4 cuotas random ;rnderstsnnd citotia, Its g'-mo'ar awl tate eternal things hest XI with It? They ba : e their idea.- All

of aft rwu of not han ours. We. a, t>5a:s1- =ea<la of other* bcIcre Oa, will on,"' and na our OrOlta too:iJ as to Rf atar. i'.t, po._ra and the like will ix- Wairi'.eel rith Our ixrdlt a in the grave or tin ta tabes in the ersinatory. But

SPEROilI SHINS a D e e. 1. .11 I br ' . r

e .- 111 111 .

atarn i3. axe ra{-t, ill,

the avails will stilt be. with addttt!+tla and aubtrs ma, Hew net' end belt tttrtll.ra. an eternal, ewe -Malang. forte truth end fa4, Cl) the *ern pipeo went to go back to the bt-.e-Mater-pole "i?. top ' with one ring? Wan the glamour taken away wl:'ril Jo_mee A. 1ga11ey' trt;w lb the Oran Barnum show with Ito three rains, two MA.l, m]d- alr performances. hippodrome track Of speed ant; dash end Aa.& and a densh- dry .that no other abo-r ív'.ik! duplt- Cato? He s.ddcd to the ii 'uutll, And say. thin. WWI an much noun aorl erg. "Otte tai. beck tlh" old on .ytn ; ,e rcua so everybody can see the mete:* that Bailey Wit oA the. road. I thank %Miter the Parep,tiailt 11í:e. the Jargon one'ring cit- cue ooneetrabie. Atr:l It dtamadly fatt_d: 1elun:rltr_s tried it and felled. Did Until* .fob -n itobiruon 'take from the crirwyptete by Mending on a 10 -polo top Sor It? Why,. he only added to the glamour of aria rtt;;nagarbe.

Oomp''xo the present Indoor circus per. forrnancee witte those i the years_ of the Boman Collértun. Bailey. to hie 4t_d1- iota squire Qardars spring pre enta.lona of the Starntlm Show. t& tieeOd the glei ottr of the Roman Coliseums a entrn. Compare the circus of today -with the first In the world, Adarna Darden of Palen offering' Comber* the elrrmUeis of today with the first cue-u,.In America. letrketea cltet _r, OM Mends, wake up. Know and underutend th n-,Prri4tutº0n Of the circus sued then IA will he alear that there h:ue Dc, :t (:nproversmnt In the big - top world ea itY ekery other bullnens u nit. thin iv. The glamour of the

net :testroyrd by the Improved shore beadle -2 anti resea'ta and the progressed mighty linen that plow Ito g1gnnttie etor sue awn wages. How about Vent -

Borth crawled. walked. a.111 growing. Is the glamour feast you be - entice yvu wen) weaned and tie longer ºYear tewsd Ihing arc' -atea'

Posey's 40 -Horse Teach DI.f Jake Pº cy take any giameatir

from 1. etrcwl by training and dotting the 4,0;hara. to .m7 It 7 as formidable nd^ditlon over and above the "ore -home ahoy ' Polka first lived to entree. then to shack,. Outdo of fearot and- jungle brush. then to tepee. the 1,4, cabin carets and' new we have beautiful Admen mats of wood and brick. metal Mod cement. Is the gtamtut away from the hr tr.. ? DO th- ay.:A:awn:1 ubtlYa' ntamour from ?alt ed and building7 la glamour taken from the ,circus by the Wtllbun H. CurIts fnventlot:gt The hams comes by sub urging and not rising them. Itnlrroven:oht ltt'elseun de- Pe:entente and In the lndltfdlli unite rezude - err the tented town clan never did and never Will daaeroy the ' iatraIur O! thei eir_ils, because the atrol, Idea c _me trim God. Paul: who thee In

wte est memory,. ''. - , lit lira, early days a tint :Delay. He cani4O on Lilo Ood Wien of rant.. a, and the glamour Is not subtracted from font- and tent making by the modern way of milking theta nor by the Veal kiwi of the now mighty spread of canrna.

It the Mind and eye at Intention and 'a=11,011 6113 time 1i u -big top without polci and perrformanot no every patron can nee elL lily nail? U direct& essence who can prezimy an indoor performance clitferent bad better then mill we're, en. lolled. let 1t"4ó done. R.,;ebt nc+s the ar- cing met l cyei beheld to hurnenly et d stsorkitMl. Spiritually it b snoring on. Thu. Clcid thought ceded is vtgi will "leaven the whole lump" The Moses, the Bailey, the Lead.- will, oevee. In oonclrut fro., where owners and those tieing

the past know that ilt to hot the. work lujti but the spirit to which It laac- cepted colt peetenr=rd "that eanóblea.

[limiest* Drudgery Drollgmy t tweed _be eliminated horn

Clrcue ue. Neil ilitig mumbling about the toll of then slave erouclittsó 1tonr-tb the Pasta. Realize that ,setback!) are temporary Mid _--.d its r .er happ e And old daddies and young r_pICgta kttorr tátkti' truth: -If your nose is close to the grindstone rough pat4 you hold it down bong cnou. sh. In tame you'll nay th-fie !n 110 u_ n tiring a_ eL-eau. breo tb 4

babble and birds tbit ddVe. Thet three wti1l all your world compo el Just }dtr. the stone sr141 Tittle darned old Hare." 2t you'd Glean sty the dreuti yrorei &tad ialdt*: nil the .r crap Iron sod junk found taken to tiro tuns at'alnr and by mlttake the, oink vii deltvited to e gars f. the orate keeper would nay: " On+ of the Carat wrtidks I ott'r ever If you think Lt worth d21º,73 -o'sli ñgrrr to putt it in Tuentpg order ate :.evertbeiers the drOii to neat dca.d nor spirt Tt !net., and will never peas e Ted Cantu:.. elePtsoy the glamour of the c'rctls.


SP , n

SAVES YOU $2.50 from iho regular ,a>}ltrle copy cost

:yl is 111 Price t o Less Than 7c -1 Copy

Gives You 30 Copies for Only $2.00

from II pril November

including AU ,Special Numbers

a11I: p{ nó. `.,4ó ,.a 17 50,

e, a tt¿ $tllbor .. 1 aa

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et pi s ita" .éact

EQA Al i i_. THIS Caer-aOfe

r The 8111besed Ipeihhetairee Coi.

` 25 Opera Placa Cloerineatl, O. iliva $94

Please mail The Billboard for Ow meat 30 weeks for which 1 Mclea- n/at tuo $450 tt+ovsanels payar the regular Ji50.e copy Pik" bat snit' $2.

Name ..... .... .... :.............. N w Rewawal

Address , . , . . . . . . . . _ ... P. . . . , , . ' iMy, oocupatíoe ris

City . ,. - . Saact . ., . . . .


4Regular kaIoa Owe Yew. $5. Single Copy. 15 Cents. The Rate an Thus Offer In Forrign Cessna -in <Except Caetadal is 53.50.

This Offer Apptiea to °'Peneawrnt Address" Svóscriptiousa Oat'7.

O g



R as we ia al o w a to e e0 1111 .1 t3 et er 'M Éj

Gh T64: IBiAbuard OENIRAL OUTDOOR prü 15, 1939

Roselle Seriously tired; R -B Biz

Light First 3' Days NEW YORK, Aprtl 11.0 -With tbe'seaNn

just Mao daft old, RIngltaR-Barnum lost, Onc of Its ftretllred atuscttotne Tbwaday night when >tettlo. the -+ fn the moon. alI/tped from his deecnnel l . lop) following Soariplotkon at Ida h. h-1 1- asesitzg, Ile: aneve stage one In Madlion $Reyare Orlyden_ Ph prat at Polyeflntc Don:11W, ü! -es he la eomfttand, 1314 that tllc ratrialltt definitely Will, he 1121412110 to wofk for several months and po edbly' ptUaarrintly. itaadib taat.ALa Kelp While rz J. Law a rapid ,]tdr' descent by rope. Wing 1J to 20 foe to the aliage. He wa1 ctetried from the Mlles a uneoneeryrnaa and roffe tng broken serials: ea (fractured ankle sad possible Internal ln1tirta.

Al31., ail tir_portatina thin pear.-oblatn.eQ falarabbc OX1211210nt Ill the Ideal papass following the Y.ednt-ds.y' opening and wan being considered As ó0óe Of lbw really Deadline acts .In the '30 proyrarti e nd a vahu.blr ballyhoo Item for the ptrla dopatrt`i_w_,xit. No plans have been Iila9D bCC replace:~ as yet.

1iS espectec b(*-)ncac tbaftriet three dayst has been Itgktt dite to pre -Raster wtti. The. Carden 11sa bean .searoeh aisle full at the. Kral flew parlormnnoea. Ad i,nc* suPt fir.- writ week and there-

1c- la reported 10 bo Mosey. E* -r weal 1a always extreme'. hen=s dtrr OD pilule school vacation: termination of 1h bertei, attaOD.

Show bits been taruuttoed and tight- ened up and is MEitlrlts to rint Pea

smooth or smoother than Oralden shows In the past.

ROL -1-1 - -

(Cc1-iflnued Jrpm pay. 22) Wartal. Pitrbela t77._reaiiea 0~ 31 M1o11y-

we.Q. cc Mun, 2z -ley P.keegar) Les Anseles. nc. iL 1tray. latiahe rOtamOad IItc..L`pal .111'Cl

no. N

Sebtval... Fred rO11.r4a1 ltew yta,rs; OmD, 0. Diana! -9 t ]lpaard i1201t`ta4'al Cbl. x 1.lateghty GsaMeea d ROeL Tba (1AOktIt)t

Hensel G`r oaten, Ky, ne. 01.141.301031, Iaaha tan. Rey! 1 NYC. b. l.t h)t. Hbrtiyyss thisas) Chi. no -

Thelma Rep HMI Unite City. it. rNo' pnt, Jong! rnt. Retie) NYC, h.

)11--t;onor, Testae fasten Xreeehma) NYC taq

Nails, ertt Ilüscr Ct o l Chi. at.. t 3 -Man 1V¡flip narra' NYC. ira.

Kerman KsrLir N7Brdt:cd ltsooisl7n. on Er?rrta. ltl3ir1it iCtob ti,i0aan'1 pai, r -e- posaik. Wltn,is ragtl--. aYi Ot+d T'a.nl NYC. no. 'oq, Winans(Ct:sl)ao 11 NYC. no.

o Jimmy 'ChM Tlrrolll Jlaaaea Mexico,

Oa+ . >Q r' T Celamirek) 04;),.. Anita (Odl Brat) phi. Cad.' 11. 04;),.. ÓAw'1. Den )el, lelo`tits) NYC, h. COr_r-.. Apaouty 'SsadR 11..aket Qhl, t. oat., Nina Ilja,ana-3[aCrLd 1 NYC. at. oc1'QtL. ¢.e 'ee. 7ternal lYYla, b. CSrct.a fleto 111s,anr4rayrldl NYC no. Ossar! PoOr tiAe7a11 Aplgil

Olt 911e111936.911e111936. Ja62 While Club) 2rYt: lte. 0-1a14 Jlpartscar (Le Wotan 1l1sl NM be.

Ti+re. lCsn Boy p

7 (Oelonlall Dayton,. O.. t. T_lty. 1te111e (OouaY'sI iLtfO. au. Tatmrr,Olsdya rilhx Dow11 ChI no. Plan. 3141 17'nPatyrru'^I ;rYQ In. ptl- 'Tem. Humberto '1Batr1.-ow Roserni DMA. >De. 1jN?Erra 1'Vr'plrIlni Top) DttiC..nc r tl_ 7 rar.k / .1 c t. rllrr )tar r`rvll maw) Oelumbas,a0_ 11. Tar1a-í, Murry (.l)iYRtr}19b HtVt4=1y0. n0. I,a11;tr Sr.--ettw (SYte- ) Cst t. Parh>~. ninny <Plana> NYC. h. Crartmlt~ CDIa^nod AprtAs`r0e1 7tglp,



-t J .rif . Tf".

a...d á .-. -.

PatclL Mterarn Intern Cafe) Pft:aberih. n0. Paul, Peed iAatatl heir Karen. Odin., II. Pa -elk Jolr..y 1Nrl* Casfe Ilya, u. Parer. end IL% ü-+ koot aal Cd'us.7(fMO4 Da

PeEq>c. `^"mmaagq r T.lye!a t h YO, h. P'ar,aarw, Canute* tc:arab 17roñ) James. 5t:e1loe.

realm/4Ze U3). ratásl.lillVaaket. t: Ytdrd

Wane Delores tTtaailtaa ~eel Ptitabsarh.

lento i tails (stlb St.l NYC. t. Pepper Meek 9r_d-CAab) S td an Teanete. netih

ery; atherfae LCC.[><o Q -Jar MCC; Rt. rein. GMda tn. tt+ttial NYC, 13. P6ldtpk. r11*"y a9a -100 NYC. «u. p(citrpt .11W. (MasudIr7C1G. 1tie.kaJW. Th. 0ahvmal) partOtl. O., t - Mere,. J,ei iDrotel Dante. Va., t?, t:

I ,d1 Ptby'd lr, :the ~Um C fratlan arñenal ram t. CAM, T.C.- plant, Istrk Maw Yorker) NYCC, Ir,

Powe"n. eeal *Attie Club' WYO. nt:. reYwtlL nude! IOtIDrYa Trial part Buren.

web.. net Punjab tlCayo.) Sea 7randseo.

Q'Je -lmrrrr, IIL^ (Oar Nls ttu-1t Nye, nc. Qr Johnny (B St S Nut CWb/ Brooklyn.

1LC. R

ate{ ] el llh nc Mb t lri én .aiU.

h. Headed ?Sttrs iraLB CA, I. 1faeQolpae. Ateanda (Slack Culp 1tiY0, no, Rana. Vtclar)! pWwtsn ATM NYC, e6 Ray. Jill 'tQbateale yrodrne/ NYO, se. nay. Amery /Yllltt,rel narnh riYC War. ºaPa tOrlctWlcbl, t. Rayr is maul (weer Parse) Chi, ie.a BaTfnOet-lllll (ta`'eedar Bar) Qrtim City,

S. Need, IIllao isataty Oirllntb NYC. Ya. an.

4. Mona e,tM ts) alta a t ratl Rr, Dtlle cOetlen'a Caty Dn>otelylL De.

»ita+as, real Mont NYC. R Healer. 1tTle [8l Fyeee~lt1 NYC. ]s fler;wd, Rita Medie TTaaeat 17YC, as. tlbedes. Doris Igleandl ó1Y0. t Rb,ytlua Ht.oiaeta, rttztteh (eapnoll WaaAled-

Oer:sa.C,L )I1Jcltma3132g.0n, rattly Marco) Phis. N

Mt* 4IRaitasArab1M-+ 710.

c?btmbar. O.. se.

Biker. Tlrb'ty Citbt Chub) ][rani, 04. Robin. Betty_tCa/osimoysl Chi. at.. Boehm. A. 1 tart CarraA'J) Kerlyarood. Tin TOa0lauqt 111t11 rOo:toa ChM NW.sic. Rod b Premise 1p tad T-CLL;se' De-

oct». h l.1't!a tboHsrlmdsl Clot.. r.a 1telLtieta 48134-n.r) Sfó_r10ra .Ind., b.. Romany Three (Nell Ha1.11 Cetutnlws. 00. la. ~ahem da S.rtil. #wotDentaboel NTO, 11. Rea" Harry 10º1 '11 Cat sae. 70ostn4. Jis)n ISM CloIll CM. no. news-. Date tMartale) Kanes City 111a. nc. Rn .q.ryy 1 trllra,atar0 N7i'R na )tees, atraldlne . Midnight Boni NYC. ne. nor ml eebaltau Sfod!me) NYC. 131- ltcrpe.l plau. X Mickey (Hollywood Beech)

ltellyweod. Tia_ h. Rey-, Oct ry Ana (Perkins C1ae4 Kansas City.

1,ro.. ne. Itaogrttn (Pal.) ClrL L 1t1rmew tiaybrlln rntrtrar'C1.b1 NYC; 41c, ~ Pelli Ferrer ICttabtaC :fod'tG/l 1rTw[ck tl0. Ryan. Temmy rta2fasOdOeii I.YC. Ir. Ryaa/r 'tltl'ea (Oaelel Washlnelsom. t), C.. L R ' r f'- I0113 Club) Chi Dr -

Clair. use. Cóenthalae) L(O. pt. aatlonsky; Stairoq lirtasan ISretc~ NYt,

nc. slelly il: Theme Clti*arJ'O-) l.ulrauk3e. IL

Ireanderi i Oae~land (111arral/'1 Eames COt>:. Iaa.. x

item 11dlur Waste* : usa_ -e i NYC. rs Scrag, Prtist (01.anfprrd 1' tL_`oaI N1í+0, eley arets°. Ass: (Oa.fnor Cllntoº) NYC 1L

a'íra # sllrw Yoa11 Nt,e. +. nfsea IK.rnfmsti) BrTaC'-f h

I32'-Mrr, 1'Jef iCOTiCiAwn Tetetnt Detroit. Pe. 8=.alz>tle, rnryy 'Jimmy ictuYsl NYC nC} rrltaw. Raipit (HonanC NYC. la. Maw, hect rBsla)Ootrvlalñal NYC. h, tisaw, tb,er (tArrn, ein1 NYC. 11 - 'Maw, Artie. dr prr,L. (PaLi Cler'.land. L maw. -Rita tRo I'ranks) I.'YC. on eelaw, `I r a- I-_ i.ett) lrYC, k eDsa7fl. A Atstatreet IHoLrw'a00 Desehl llol-

ñlygxoQ VII.. h e oearpeei c> (attend,

1 e bRTnc rTQ)[f., mile <Buz» Dtrw11 Ohl. no. ahtpltpa Play (Pa0 YS-Pade R1nk) Ieoa A.n





PRICED rvAGttadeca. rpWPo0iM4sa eldeeree.75 "w !x O.eean aMh Óreer, ailing O. O. ea.

hie Ir SIR IQvle.ted. caddie. ssaaa


A for outstanding merchandise values write for catalog -out SOON

Please state war rim of btustpeas_

822. Nortl, 3ra St., Milwaukee,

.bde.r liar itanQers Iwt.vl? NYC. sx :apr Dlaer_r !)t. Rusts] 1sYC. h. wool. L Vree at lita Tatessr 11rrtahep!

duarabaarlL ].Ueh.. 111 aisle West, '.'tea. 121 Imo aCeh. ti1 iihUle^. vela, is.

Scharf. Diet .rpeira iSon,1+ O!r»1 NYC. aa 8mlth. Jerr/e-t'1bp UM? QgLn Car.,/«..1. ltti Arra00taeas. TT.rr- Cñelm:I"I-P.usa NYC it- ^.petirr.ift. ~fry tChleaju) 1 {. !L k sonny Melton Cask lwr' a. ht.

tl<rale...r Jena l7ian11! OeAtVt'tr.. d Dpt . Prank R. -Mir

bG, se. :iptt2.'s I'tdl, A nand Ilfuddól 7laAsl0. L nos - (131ny-0) NYC an ' LIP y, C-titei Mow Dail PbrswJ Hills, L I.

eG. BtnL Jbho CDo1hr'a 'to Old Tapl 1tY'Ol lsc. SIe01. Pry, Ispeatezt elan) NYC, nc. e1rphSr.a. muffed Q`zrr7'OaiRrr'.=.,1.) Day.

, eon. O.. no. atephenaua. Chil lGloria cetlteaabas(, O., ix - meeting. Dolly (/011 Ohbl CM. == StoekvelL Harry xeaaea) NYC ea. Sgtyone; Mary (italraAkt I CbL t.

11a-ra>041 a nratlse) )NT0,

ír.:.a salntare, t-+teda (Wins Darnl tvYOl n0. aothrfiand. Ann 41 rile) Rao Prsnelseq tso.

tier, g iVral_on) PdT)a, h. SrlasDre . Rrrtat(nt 1ConleMntaicl liláml. sstvla d!.(x'-atrYaa Wass Manan:.) NYC. isle an, Otea 'Crisis Cata) NYC, 15d.

la ea Anta (11J-11aU Chl_. heea.

Y Taft b Boone rr-áry.ntell) Chi, ese. Tanner &Nts CPrsemarl Lee Angeles. aC. Tanya r..~y 41 PaYO na,

41' PAMO131 flisfin h. ';'atICtméA'Cilirreal 1)rtLe:. Tit/4w. PaltY i Co. IBat cha. t Tarsi dmU1tY` )alt (Mafdm'sl DSOtnz.

N. Y.. to. Ta) J. Igarry, Sewple Dui (1G3 4 -'ab)

an .?a.eetaeCt de. hyyter, IDltelle CCJsdi Me.yJalr) 71cc°.nt, lx. Tleissrkatiy, Aleuts (New 11aú -.-lea Ae'sJ /MO.

Terry. t~1.i 10a. -bol HYtt. r¢. Taa Lt e_a Oel oeó [aN t7 a 1.ti , r: Trornar.afl.ip ;ata iRalaaw Ton) :Nye. re.7t

7nrñiOn, Haya (/11 NYC. TO. Tntre Peppers 1lbmnry'a Chlrsn Pam) 'Mbar, ca -,t, a Seth (Cam Mensual NYC.'

Tlda-e Trio aCop H0011.1 NYC. Te. I ittre 18a*wrtn 1 TtYdab, !!t

'Mon Sisters (Larir) uastsr:(10n. D. t. 14eee, Mildred .(a i 11 Net Club) arooil_)^3.

DD. Tasker, rrnrj. sep } 3¢sbar. Orrin, .'i (yraÍ-1áínaTe-la. Qr:dcrwned L Uerl.er'n+Ocd' iTlrOeadseOl lfoston.

~start ltltcha Mauna Art) NYC. nC. V

Valero ,Balticrs (Bert .Preelmaai) NYC. ew. Va)enaln!'sdrruatloXsal rtytrat lrarasala. Tes. ValeoRinoiw I -n;: Austin. Ten. Valli. Petro (nancaol iwYC. nc. Var. rjwall.'YeSer_ ) 1rY0, Ili. Vaea.h

assays .rUtee OillrYC. a4. ns Vaned. Valerla rJtleaay IStltylsn StYC m Vekt. An da Wormy Oallaet''sl 71~.. no. ~Al*. a, r'. Moir tc+dttaa Ctobl NYC, no. Volretatc^ Val'a t7iassiae Art) NYC, na. Vox á Wal.trry 111310 KMth-BCMoni Uncles L

W Wallace P-rlt (Gart CanoB'd1 Hollywood. me. Wasr,lr.. V1 a31y, tfatLette aeon i »1*111'a)

VrasYiZ-s17Lad. -i Ort>s /Ca -mol l'1iV aa~0e, +,aasteá Atehard 681.s.t 1 2CYQ on ai'rNeTs Ornes Jimmy 1c s) NYIC, nC. Weeks. Ida ere.) Collar NYC. n,u4 Weir Bros. , (CDra Cb3. DA it'rnela 'north 'ik'=i LondeO, it. WrDet:, Ray 13333e1. Ctabt PePrea. jYl.. !Y. WratOq Ruth altirtsb Clair) )rYt9y ne. wensd, len (7di.datl11 Surd WYO. ae. Wslr.earrl, Mena ('C1or+Dr Club). 7'efthad, Orh,

Whales A Wocd /i'ál:Jcaei Providence. hi~

VPb.e. Jack 11111 7i C at:

Mho,Mho,Eddiedae ~ale~aleniiea} itC, whit" DiSTt (Pleule,ard Tar.e_) Jamaica.

lwll.>k Wh')aryc I>oselb7 (Radio 7raºly NYC,ai. VVlcy<.0. n== leneyd' QRa:d: Pranitil NYC.

VRieit. Ttaree i71Op Rail Ralee City. X. 1.. at. W~. tase rOaysR NYC, se Vr.rtta, Yrancoa ftatila Civb) NYC. >'a gell~ Jerry fLe lClr~ 1gXC. nd VrtiQlasery, else rBerscrti Hllksl lr^wper,. Ky. te'rlllaryb s'estl dMaxlmh) 1r-r0w., N. Y.. nc. tfptlax Qleter 1 Nllap Ilarrrl NíYi. nb. 'ielttttras. Ottfr. °: iültd (Paramo(t_.1) 1rt.

Way ttnd-, t. .t<xüard.aeOiA 1c7ay :I.artSesl NYC. oc. Neilson, entitle IDQsnrnedortl' Nifrl. b: wrinstta 8 1o11Y1 '7 O'Cbxk) Il - trr.afr. Fe.. Wita.h /rid If7aximAtl Beon;, N Y:, >ft. Wletr'^J raf- 11.;rale ~Mel Ch ere-

Wend. (TWO dG-k club) .s1tlseerC Woad, Se

Gertrude el -Cleveland,a

Wright. COasY (DIBa'ldegb)ia)' Wm, A

Yacht Chafe aeTr ttfci+.Ct!y- "eh) CJhl. on. mot nt ltaaps Tbret 6Llaaa aoeoªual NYC

Trrto. Vt1a4rAl lLtt7sP'Oo-Itoand) Dayton.. O..

Vero d: 'Dam iOL, .7óé Chi. NYC. w¢1 Iª1n., Poser


xsa;ttt Ae Darrell rSt.zTitOrtta1 Di=104 b.

DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL (Ctealee esr )ltteremrrsoer+

DSO ' week *ten

Dlá!oiMbñ03.13- 1 iictaOÓll:) bc61s.

Derma- e r. Jabal (Erlanger) nuttaDa LD-17: Maher D1i70aa, 0.. 17; iHatlmafll oe- I11r-taa 11-711.

O2fte. Lyoply. Cb.; (Shubert) Now Haven. COWL

Evans. hairnet! (Shubertl Dsaion. Mlle, John. Rip Van W1aYl.i Chica aCéadt. I I:ertteM nn Angell (Grand O.


line Noy. Ooot=T: f7 arsraaas.tl Awttia Tez.. 11- (Mud, aja51 )daaatoñ 1i+1t: t3U'ata) San Aataalo

MIA eh.e saya oeodbyr^_' 1Awztcao) eL Lprla. Iltnacketbeeltr 1101011,71 Claaaa) Detroit. l.awrmla Owv-.de: (Nallcll Washington. Leant and lbntaGóre iTn At:d,1 Claelaaati. Xolhea. T1T (L?rt.). atCs.-.oe`a. 1'a, 2113. Our Tetra: Eli Under lea Aateseia_ i_iklaner. ccenella out! eels:nmall Boi-.On. T:baqeo Póed! IPtvidtoal IüLwaltkae Y -la Women The! ()loyal Aleleaadral To:aDaee

VProat a Viet: 11Ylarajral Chi.

MISCELLANEOUS MDot, iEatklan- rSatatiMlla. Ala.. :3.13;

]tt. Hebrr.agq Birch. ILr{ltiatt::Pepiar 1litlf. >< 19; moon.taut

Cruet.Ie; Bolivar 11! Aptto I!M 17: Ireoe:he 15: Chaise 11tt Windsor feral. 1t. op Loetny. MaRlrlan- Lyman. Wye_ 111

balda Cl5>r. v 37i ?,riarsvBle 1S: Sal= S+ia Cty Lt, ldtum 2D; Oakley. Ida..

C 71.

aros.' !thew! Seiler. lid.. 1a -l0. Itaetañ Sled. Show! York ante-. 0. 1ar11 ad-

Grr. Hiifdwoodl. 1# -II. 3laxan,ntXlloQtYLt; 17'dagc¡ Wfunpma. Vrt

Oder (acdg^r) H.prrlli LS -17. 7íewte. H. Kay.* Hollywood VarLttlreC,Oaldsn

CPty: Kan., is -10: Colo- 10'30. Rocky Pend 21-12- ~A D. 1.. Sheer elan. EL C. 10.11. rs, beet lealrltlaal A.tttlttn. 'Rat. 10-13. b as Uhl Mamma! Hatuaca weds, 15.e1.

tan- Birdwell Ky..,L?-15. Variety

r-- .Ma.0Yapelani1r

MmI0 latr-R.. ' "C ltamileoe 13: !town 14/ lloasp; ami ram. 1t} Cei7lll , 1ultat, 11 QaiRIIleftr :0; anti" ore. al.

...LAW,. J. t<t.,, Circus Wt; YauetsateC4 0- 11 -fl.

S,L..mrl)rth Expo. Traen Manton R lo - Ante gger W r. Me, 1E-11; Stoºsea Lt Take. OW. 11r14,

3atlt.5. Al 1t., tLbow: Hial)ton. Go__ 1043. Irinrges¡ mph 'sheen Bowie. TeZ.1 111-I1. ltictteYa Dep;. Athens. Term.. 10-21. Sadlee'a Own Oa: Anima. Tez..' 14-'11 o~rr BID Circus malt; 1.7Caree. !Web-. 13-13:

lrtemsBDe. It Wrap_mataCian- DrtnCas7. (Mli-, 17; ea.vlea.a.n

151 Norman 14: none" Its: ahaVnee 1113 Oti-ale 21.22

CIRCUS AND WILD WEST ~Me Brote; IGnetnAlrt Tenn-, 11; Oreen s.

*tie 12: Jett,- L. n CI!y 13 Iii s art t(.: plprt(tarloi. lis -=lec. -t, ii IsludIeld. ',Y. Va. 17,

i ola[! rc Matta le.. ~h. Ark.. 2142

i otfL! lie^L: 4A3:4I10flum) 1%-rdand. Ore.. 10.13- (lea Arenal Seeltie Ws l.. 1T-92.

II2arnst Wm. and Berwyn Si Ilaiiiy- ll.tadl- soa Sc. Carden) New York Apr Sag.

It-sue11 Drs a Ronk Ma. - WWI: 4Armlcy) J.IrIcy City. N..R, 10.21.

CARNiiVAL I1Rou1!e1 an /or Oarrtne week when M dates

efe //wltt la some' IrrelaMea p'raelfl/y maiDng pata(s aft etltrdll

Me 111dwaP it(!e.y Hervey. An-Amtrsean 1^-IL+a7eWieobpb Clty. 1i,3.. 11-23. AseerieanAnAK

-S son[ad'rl KW1 lCam- 1S-21.2*- 1; A H. Ma. Co.: uo1ltSL1. n. C. 8artleid's OorfoogolftaAs Dalton. Co. Barker_ CA Mo.; llldoradoj Di.. 1712- Barkoot aros.: O., I6 -1i Beet d< Lane: .l- «Chi E arrlrskvr Al- 1. Laden. Mo. Bea P. P-Laden.,(liatie7. its!. Pecs ASearlt! stem, Oa plui U )iblleaye, Tn0. i[Yiht tight lirtnoo- t!!rotL HIill.7'a. mown 1amil7 Rides- Wsynber0. C7a BreamK07ot(7' o.-de5( Oa,. áne Cu. Hbris-:acá 0 Vk.


urt pro Stair; ~red, adsa.; Greenwood

lk Ba Artg, Co,; tQnektnt4taat. N. Cl, DgldicYs Ad -Team! Cereal,. TVs. Balearic r:tqa! Plow -ht Art, 111.rs Sr:t St. Oer:rM.rrr. ' -. prnti'h/ ~Mat eaed ietnt L01lnr6 ltn.. Ceirtn ! WlAsorls - h Point -te. (W1511. Caeman ]Brea.' :11s`idletowda, Odin-. 12-]i. Cctheye, J. J.: Mots, Oita

L1ynaVo4 caw.: 14-=% Crewel Asa. Ors.; PiOrroee! 8. O.): S,a.tt.ttz

11-10. Cr.ow:.1b UMW: Ife3ttrad.,e, Okla. Davie di Parrott: nal.tman, Os Denim Wart Attn.: Palccnce,

t7}'7r.'I- ~DOA tells llirce.! QifAliir. Pd.: 16v7, aflr.t k Lttatr! lSilt.banó ir*n 7rdtral 111141e: tacteTlbut1L Tem.

dise'. t1a1tM. At(pei M. Pitmllee. CM7' At;enn. 05. Pour Slates )tiro.; K-u.i.ert lIl. Prank's Omite;? il_tamersvlQII. Oa. Punland; Ca.-t`-Yn4 Term ; Oneida HrT-i1 Pii+yv7fe Caned; oeenr-v. Ark., Gold Í7 Medal- Jetfernnlflb , ind.: ~ford gppCssa Qt'Onder! 17atDs Rock. 44r2.. 3341_ OmQy nrea:: coring/I. igt+_ (lrrat ettaLtBlt" Osceola_ Arlc-. 11-29. c7reat 1.akea Lt'Dea.i Tole" 0., 11-21 Areatet 0. e1 .t Dailey -trila-: IIL Semi. Kaa neXtr tttttited TarSs. C7rubereY'a betd'0leR3o. rlOeiqq S/o1231, N. O. 7rettr-'111 Aeroel Manville, Ve. et. th1, I. 3,1 Nr-ct*: T. IC 1- rl!?aad' IIttt',.t1li Bacrwtsloy.o, OY11L

Uhl.) Hs- on,. VP 04- tVena!ab-a. 'West H1.3í Mahe; Bunt I1nrQte11. 3T.. 11-7A


AApril 15, 1939 GENERAL OUTDOOR The Billboard 67

Mott, nob: --.,nsrlr'lllE 2b1í., 17.211. tirrs. ltxttb 21.:ta : nAts,131r, W. C.. 1922_ t leil Kapo.t Y; uwln tan.

Dd. faepelLlt ]Bs., 11-22.

e V J.. oo.: Greenville_ R C. í rlande J3ant.l& OWL, AD -11. ltzlu Sapo.' Rale.sh_ N. It.srribne Modern: Sdari'esrllss. Ya.. 1142, Lass. De : 8e11erltlg 0.7 TaylDrv111e 1722. LtT*. 1t- P.; ..a, amen. 1n f.; 7Lrrnalldo

e1 -ii. latllp ltotne State: Chartr,ten, W. ea.. 13-22- Lerr'nta. 8 -; ~Grp" oft_ Ley fiara - Y Tepe;a, lean., t1-72. Iirarlr. Art; leár,wtL vo. tJfutty CO:: ewe A.agVil- Tea. 9.IC7ta JOlrn: Ya=G, OtYa. 514710:. Olt! at Q si e rticLaand, Va., rW.

_Broad .:. at Dell. I.tprt n2eltAyeeld t1`-31 ftarWra Vntted- -rrcraektan, ttlaht uqhtY ktonarsts: ~air, 0. C. Mier Amuetaaeletn: Panel9a0C1a. 1% 1e -IL ?Ilure mow.: vteksbaa'r, Stktaa.t Clarkadte

1T -2I. iJoc'r2: Kauaapolts,"1R. C., 11.2:. Q C ID' ]l: 1114%.111y1.P0744.Mk.

K -k alt. Weis_ 1e.111. farerren de Llveasols ave. loll

Yu -.a Cttitaa, N. J., L1irQ3. trorth*estctre) W. Verner sad Central? De-

etat. "4k11, 14-10. meek A:- Co _ Ctee_s . Okla Parr. J. J.: Johnson Crs . Tetra. lRaa m aqtesa, Herrin, L mega' 'Pealed! Preeporé. Tea.: Baytown 1942. Rccyne+o0o9 d Wens Ori~ ed; ti.o+t.a; 1524, iiobtn, greeter: Ok^_¡`^n, >`u meters Oreaterl Union City. Teit. 6.43. dents

lltic>r ~f.7arr11ltrlrytca lctaa

Ar Rvbdn S3- Ovary; mead*, Ala. Sews 8an r.z CottattL. SCta,t. S ilver Fleet; Allendale. ItL-, tsIfL ills J. HUM. At,i7s.; Lyrrty ca -4, -ºmmr.-

.Os.. tlralrb'a Oat_alrr Atlantk: LS-nehhur>L Va B oni t-:iJl - OaOr` 4ltaTdr3au. Mu. Sparer. : 'Atlat`-a, Ala.; Jupc} LT -w errs; ; Charlotte, K. Ol, ld-2i Banlrt Am. Co-; 1Ccokate 14.. S -i n C.- e1a1A-.a. lelen.. ' R:mR :d,,tt! Tarr_, re-22. 7axa.t 17144; seas._ npY`Lt 6.Qrte-oan; Wtnnanare Tea.: Clarks,-

new II. T. J.- Odruaa, Tex.; (Dairy d11ow? Ptair.v,tfe 17-22.

77aer Ater..: nrooklet, c.a. United Amrttda3i: AIiL collet; rivri'fy Ltanei Cn Wa11e4v Pad;.db. Ir7-: ifsCklaa,llie

17-22. wary.. Iota re. r. tiAarlop. La- nyhrlry Alkra.- etY_ :=`Aakltaston and >lLeerla?

W..arspaitlr fad. }. ..l, W. t. adulort>ttdt Neodesha. him r

Aa u.La Tr. t Co -a As 15e.: San Mateo. t:alu.. 21.

litG rtae~li-yS. Writ i} -c.: West Yrantlert. IO.t Mt. Verson

122r. VPlrrterrn tr,,.;.rr: Austin. TAIL w. ewora4-4 Wonder- Orc=aboro. N. C.

it lih writs: ore Pa.. 16022. treaters Rape: Alieittt. Pa. 1Nentr di!,' rs,-wr+a. Oa 1M1ÓG.a, Bern. Ann.: P- -JeFJe. Fans Oiris. World ea Pan_ lrartad S. O.; Olsdr Eprireg.

Va._ t9 -2i v3 -id of Tkawrr: Lsn31ql . ISt1aL. 2140.

2ilataars Creaser: Jomc-bd<0. Ark.

OUT -OF -TO`+ N- (Cnaeti ued prom 16) rate artistry +rllich *he ban *inplord

1st her pint tuccr-'rs. Her tooth In the Etellnrie1O comedy. ho e'ter. dora not seem quite 1Uht or deft entzuah to be completely ,c ºe. in i P rul a9nnte she gars ass nepclrtunity to dispbye her talents is an emotlon:J actress, and In th...e she accost more at home than In the drama's lighter and mare oarttclotaa momenta.

tenter/es Olivier was .enthualaatleally received' for has superb portrayal st tits) errant pltyrwrigbt. in *tar etlirpesting rg1r.0 eelerdsdc week wan clone by Gee isinea and Itobert PlelnynE. The re- mainder of the cast. Including.John WU. llama end' MargAIO 011Utnorv, who had the difficult rods Of ,1-tto "other woman."

as quito good. Clattrlo 3SWIintte has elxtowl 1 the

production with .1 rI cot's direction whirl. seems t0 fallew_the ploy to tell Iti min steno. Jo illetzner's sets are i1- - tlnotttrely modern end In good. taste.

Granted a slt>;fiber Of bopsovtmente in the dialog.. together with Mlle Coroefly gradual aflimilation or pQrpcdyp te-tl- bliqae. No Time /or Coln.tfy thoubd make a fairly mfo Breast .11 possibility. What tit play treaty nude right now la score time for comedy and tail Unto for propa- panda. if, ñe'tney Jr.

12 NEW SHOWS - (COIllinaied fror3 pope 19

Featly at the Duke of Yeft'h. T yraalo On Ulric?* produc-ion 'of 'the toirnrr la net trite Shakespeare, the tempo being along line. cQ buril_que. The latter Is a mur sisal ad'ap..ittlon b¡ Alec Dyer and Her- bert * t!. y of Jelotfoc N... Jksromd'a rawly all tltse .,Sf-n nt Problem. Crttletaie wc-ro uttfiforable.

Inert preeluetion of the monta. was Nearer§ and CRariaq Croft at- the 81. Martin's on Starch 29. The plot by a newyroting dramatist and forester cth' eta Manager, Annecy -Danrera-Walls#:. tttr- miles `-dory Clare with a strong part, ea the mother of a murderer. IUCDard-lltrd directs

At the Peopieh Palace: east -end center el eltltttre in ).L1td End Hoed, tour p -a r, have been pre.ented. One mash week: lfou..man'el Vfeto,fa Re_rea: Alec Gospel's 1 .RUTed t.-.- C1iz,f: Kamer flee a Strv,! Scene. and bum° ii " Hone . tut u , by Dorothy Sayers and M. St. Clare Byrne. bpevl-4 performancea note were cls of the 'Irvin Cooledbe Pnlieal/o 6rnsslnlat rse, e.i b a t llorgt' two or hoe teet'h'e Jsirusere.v, n drama of the sack of Jeru±ateen 1a A.,O..110, by the People's NntI nst Theater at the Playhouse' the gala ballºt at Count Garden before the

FRO Ni OUT FRONT feet ttritrtid from peeee 36)

154 the r_bsob find madness that /um ap e'd even tlirt our o.a 4wtonttilty pnlm- pilea*.d lend the t enter may otter tjse seer,: 111~ halm or peat. and of metre!. l oapi Ins always 'scot the chief -and the hi9lbist-.siin of -dream. h1 tihien of catastrophe. however, itgó theater has been pulled down howl, Ile Isoitttorn it has been Made a riean of Increasing rather tlt.a1t gecrr uing tit* horror and insanity -o ot)t It: it has been made a mouthpleco rather th.n an art. The tendency la inevitable, aided alike by thoi who nee the tbci.terll otnnt110n.tltripp, magic for their own earls and Use poor bllfld sheep who see ahem- lit tta¿d. Ant those who lore the tbelltrt m an art. those who 307e beauty and ham:Wilty, sanity and pew. mllit fight apinst. It to the furthest extent of their powers.

It will be a torin t fight: bat it ml -t be taught. if our land la throws! rillynilly Into a ~Dean Straggle that tan do g..id

Only to financial ttiter*.re. and 'W political saplieticau, If v.o are ooereineed by the po..*i -th*t-he !bat we WI end slaughter by the «mleselpt dtlbiottic method oo pouting Ihouranda Of fresh 'Wee into It If the madness now In - here le 1o=ered by the minhs2ertnt care«"Waahington Into f1tlU nnd'ovtt 11,10011. tltasl- then above all -must the lhrntet rent -Ain b place of peace and esFSpo and beauty - where pbnetcred lies nia,y and a momentary haven of rent Now. to aIr110011 of entattropbe. when the standards ng k"u' p-rr ~Oxide nit being, loCtened: the thoatet must guard at:alnat propggtmd . ea newer before.

every litigant@ emotion momentarily aroused by such a Nees of bloddr- tIllit=wattn>,R sR - The A rft4refrom Wee 11 turd beneath 2:10 Wrath caldron of !wokerwcfn and hnte. Atow, above all. we mutt remain a lm and clear-ix-_cStxt: n4W. oboes all, we usurt Ws -repent the pull of ovrL,.ce elnotlortallrrat that seta feet to lapping before Mc mime co' a band,

And it we mutt -hare prily,:+gendn In the tbea! to we Inereltably muK-let un examiner It careTull : let us kettle, to be. Stare- e4cd byy catchlrorda of nattOt .1l1n4 at:4.l surface pride. Let to sets what Amertts n I' n really VII.

it la not. s%trtll'. the Kt[lttig of balllto:ts of American b0 , ra a war that In no way threaten Amrsiba. tt to eat. sorely. the are ng, of jingolatle nasitonatneil and the pre}rataonot unatse the tr pecUn, sheep for thffc ; thelitttcheg. It to nQ rurelyr. the Inrdent vOntua or1 lxltrertt the fundament:ly pHpclpl ; of our land and a net Of loudlyn-mouthed oxpfdt-eta that :servo the purpOcs of O poIIUast opportutallt. it,ta not surety, the twist -tug of the et.'alc;uensa of -one at our a set rational ileums Into an uninteltded dnfen.00 of tho:c evTud;ent:K

It la, rather. piottocttOn et the Uwe and the he tplitr-.t of our people (rather than the interests of our enerielenii- 1r I. to pro'Dle I -2netunry of rtanity and Peace for the terror -torn people of other Morin (ratter than to *Derr ',n that terror by adding to,'ti). It, la made up of our contenlial refusal to tt41e Ordcr1t from above. our Lnslatenee On Rollo Ingg the right :1i at) ih Ilvtdua!ly we It. our govern. i t (s --i hfa,xweU AndIsm-an put it III Xntelareboetrt: HOUdal) by a Ltetits. rather than by resLstytta and power -mad pro!ltr~s.

It Is AmeIWCatarn to r-bnn bioor.ated and hosrer, rondo*., bettairty asid murder. riot to plunge litto'tllftrt i7eral'Ong ati:d without neat It to A;etYlcanlrin to Geer a ,pIare of sanctuary for the otlprr ed. to oiler pc sci. and beatify mod _mental murices in the ribs of q world Igbrtn 7g7114i.

It Is, transpoa,_d Min the field of lelitSe t.tO that of art-. d [unction rentarknb1P lie that of too the .tor.

,*".1 FIIVORTE SWEETS °",°óY Part ái10tf


Tti-. th .r`t . .i 11 ' . S . . . wit* iL-1 l1y ear.: ey._trr tt t: rad'ot fo tth[a1 alt (Alt r. wYps a In A. ----r1 tl Orland 0 -11, -;.- km". Paull 4 Duet se Ors".

Ehnen, S1.10-54.40 Per Carton Anti o.pliIt Wilk Alf Ortren. a+t.'s. O. 0. D.

Ilene es* rree lr.ariraqp..ti Cataia. MARVEL CANDY & NOV. CO.'kljolltir-rcnAt

4 for 10r PHOTO OPERATORS PMOTOL1Iw*OR_-Man. en tea ohm, I iijlll Chet.. aesetee it re, beeasaa. arl_. sape.W- 110.00 P.. 1400. aCOIAI...J,aos m.jpa on 4% se 01..., alth eoenl.e hem 3011 'Pa:t.. ea.wt.S OM.,. and D.s~... $1.143 Off 0.40111. rriMe Auaud ere M_ standard sack w¢ In rmedien ~WAIT add iON., Wirt &Ass a FOR º.9 PHOTO MIRRORS. PRIC3 04-00 Pw

1.0001 e+ 4141 Par i 00. PAICgL QICRID 14 APRIL a+ MI La0an0 WARM SIR tenon,

«OVA and CORR CT PRICL5. tS JG Drpwdt. Send for Jifvstrated Cl/cedar.

AUTOMATIC MIR ROR CO.,, M IPiliee SI., hew Vert City

King. Queen and President of the Wend: Ite:publhe Ott the 22ás: -a matinee at the Westminster of 8baw'a CARdlde, and: m.t -t remarkable of alt. 4p matinee be- fore the King andQtaan it the °ousel= on Match 27 to -benefit the Xtrtls oeorge Madan Fian. for Actors and Astris,- At this- the -preotetuton eaa rereea.nted by all grades. from a boat of atan to r tudenti of the Koval Academic of Dnn.:ttatiC Art. In the mil I Item alone, Lou' N. rItrker' pareanl-p3StY., Drake. ,

m^ro told 900 t00:, part. bntque roe tbo Casio -French enter -

Uhlmann tamed In the India Office mtlrtyatrd in part of Ike festivities an. ealnyed, in comnecdlom vrltla the French ipreddont'k tft i1e tilatt. Tblialneluiled the baL:a?np Sequa from Romeo and ?ulfet. played by John Oleigu4 acnd Pegg' Mb - craft; aril oontrlbuIIDns from BltCtta Orultry, Ells "den:rankle molts, Edith barns. I:r, . . licitar, Jack 8tlibort and Cicely COu14 flea age

A stlmmitrtyy for March x.vsitd opt be complete t:rttlbout mention ttMt on the Ctb that great actor -man Sir John itfaltin->ian`e7, began his. farewe tour tit Leicester.

Pitt ATS. a 'Show Shy; ]limy En4 Owing One

PIT~IJIRCIII. April 8.-It:Ottest wizen spawn In leers see -ma Vold of stint nub. erstytaou show far Amerlean'Theat * So- ciety. WPM 1~1btJ1ty of refund or credit on next yeeria sales or ojic-FhOW special reorrtrntieo for svbsoribtra, AT14 secretary 'Thomism Kenyon Informs. Pitta play will b Alfred Laid. and Lynne Pbritsnne Lo a apllt Week of The Sea Gull and idiot's 1) )- light. Latter ahCw'd four ittlehta here to ltkhf end iced town an midst of Ilatrtdre day flood. efuluesthst$ Wig have choler of aitraotiOna - for reservations. Sixth :catnip may be Gertrude Lawtt'nce in CJtr-ark It booking can be Arranged by Manager Berry 13r0,: n.

Probability of formation of Playgoer.' Aet,OdatIon here to guarantee longer sea- son of IN -it seems remote. ordlne t0 ii..rter folk. b,01Urr of ,&yctt of book -

In:, -s anal relative strength of ATB. and regular boA-oiede patrOn pO compared tO Otl.elar chiles

About :1.000 AT'S autscrlherTs this yetlry leas than Che n11wnbir of 1447-18113. have paid ,us*Intoet as mil' i etel as bait years, due to IN blggi r brie o1 ortheira and CM bolrvrty r t:1 and minimizing Of gallery U-.tteta.

Theater would rather have delta aura due subteitllserd than play an Inferior at- tracetIons, Ken eO opines: ~ling 1n. ganef of four y-etri ago when AT8 ended real do aaoiut a lroa to pdtrona rVltj few £dkrrd for refttttda. he recall!. with most of them buying an extra _hoar for font /InnR rein. KM has open?ttd here since 1031. When It rritnytd with Theater Guild that bad opened several Serra sainer.

Tax -Evading Brokers Sentenced'

NEW YOltle, April 8.-M.ollon to ,aus- i poi. d excrrutbr of aeentelbOcO - taltvlt Philip Oasyan nod h..tatktl Bloom. the- ater ticket Wilkens oon:leari fee evading brokenirl taxes was denied bar rederal Judge john e, Kilos T: -.tons., Sentences of four montht In jail t0d ̀ Wí.00 -e d.& wreath pleas a ftrue a 12 400 a __-04 MU:

N_,.utan'e Theater T1ctc,t Oirio4, Too., of which both are ofikeis. In 'den)tfl the' motion the judge also rebuked the de- fendants.

Pill To End Short Sc'nnon PIT'w nirlRe>rH. Ap' II 1t1 --r. + lid

time tills s*?eKlfS Ntaan la dairL. In l-tltdaly


ALL REIMS! ;\ i951:7



,r`' . ti, \ -VT 0._.i

It N ~II1tOY TM[ MIRA. N. yel 2jj 7 , I .. tenon. 101)!n. TeYrr' MeM

1,..,..14, Cea.aasear. Van oertitaal-Pta.ar hue P' J N :e. ee UMaO.

ON Ci-1. not ammo. as. 1 .a/C A,A It le c.o.'. f,N4 W a iV o aá so?. . Write 1.c Pull oNt.tl at Orr Od.Pi+ta Ulna

all 114 4ura0er A 5514% Oar. R.' i4+e en AA Ordrt

ara r.r. Of OW L1,1. re* Oar .leal

S. Diti L U XE CORP.

L....4.1 -V02

N."2rd 5s. MIL'+1At1KtK. Wlty, } .......'.ñ 11 NI. SUFLANCE

(IROUL, IttO[a.TtAICKa,.OARhIVALa. Ll:sternea% rñivf+lAoe '.

CHARLES A. LEHZ PAra1wa_-qRt ~au.

01720 Ineuanee RAa'.eAea a1ta, ea Lena, M.

H. C. SWISHER'S SHOWS Open Galva. KAa.. A.}.9I9 ta q..1, Oewrrs.n

eei-1a. yls2TR pr .Aaesalti ,It r11, _>i Iietp e .11 v -Tesa{ IIIs. t' a

Winter esePt.ra L Third.

SILVER FLEET SHOWS ts:7 asm iA k 7 (7tr

iria. ta+ ri111$ie mA.NX L*T1.alámartt

((JJlefs 15.4ita Agent

any II, 40 EÍ e:li! ':4'tD7= WW2 IL=

owtwS, Mae. ti


pp.at Mw'ef¢aa7y )iwotoi, lsá tkealfl

It', Qnrtni 20

IV ANT, .a-tat'u,,-ui=}ra,il In- tlrJott,ileT /nsj,. , ea1l1Yr í _ a f` ....i Ater

nYirtti tW 1. fltn;f.1 ant! üi .

22 Nprth tt_ 5L. 1: o I4 to.ra-

, FIERCE -WS PIONEER SHOWS WA `CrL:I)--4Pm ttv er Rz.t uSd.s, i5 .

_ma are Lane- ;e OlO1wsan ta tin - , n.. ex4 nee lrmlls. etc. lt:i4clld.

Yyl, d0. MIC11tY'tRCCLL.

rtlas /7e, L''rr"..ty N. Y. P 1. [Amin atas. ,

peak s 1I. With no other bootingl In -ant ar. -: n x w 'k'a aeaal0Ci off ,AKrod Lint; and Lynn Irbtttttnne, pies-i:ung ibreo day§ each of The see Gall and tabor* refight as tuts attracttou for 4bÓ American '1 -water Society aerie', Hoary Brown hours will pl'ohably end Irtta is 11120 -49 shortest Qalsndsr W rise- Last year 3'r bilii t4A4e house Welton Legit it = In, country a tintde of New Toxic

and Chi 4n University of Ptttilb irtth Afitunt C -r nd On -.n mine is set for alit tdzu F *y:T.rtne : ny 1.

68 The Billboard GENERAL IJ:Jlr1TDOOR Apr 1 15, 19;19

{', ñe , - JQ % 1

Leonard Tráube

Circa.. Miff rr' THE O.Rrt a (trine Cap pt tyrrtt, beck, 1 1 a+ C mad °N or gtrc.sthyna are arrer*- intl the attention of both bu -' i and gub= I .N¢ -.+t to i an`ezreut pal thfn-

I _ L +- M' s ;tu will make the ntyt+)c.Kt y floc-page feature un tit April 7S

tunic C; 111'. Dnbee, the old *.did/auitmer. Nebo i ;vs el deep tato the ninon!

-w, stated acme wrtiu. ._o that th I-nnhark stuff Is on tase tads'. 1. ,sort D. C-.cd. Hrf+t7 001-lerip+r, of Atlenier3at. Pa.., torw'ardd a c gatst. which to bbn r1 glee a "death warrant"' tit' the "good cad retablo Circus baggage stock-" Its ye. grits tir'4t liaqºarns »Lock han be.:n cut down In Mean years. because to him eth-.ti tes northing so lratta-gutekaulno as.

x One situ or 'Mehl -horueUGar+1 CAM. Ing dean the itrent, With the ettf ti_-ut- S=un of work brnta in toral o1 truoka It IS't'to wOi -t Jobn Q. í'1i~110 la blase to- ward filch 4 -

The clipping V fro:n The PAlic4rlpbw .._



1+a Bep lc toe .PI1't'A COLADA Sc 500mCOC';.iUTCi1J1MPhfaNE

43r éOO;t.

PAPAYA . . . sc 1100^'O

.1rÑt.e t.rMlee Wil! Facts tfnit---RIFE 1 c1-.. 1- ruin

slata nL- %i aryl

Meld 4t

t S7')SO

rnwtaMd etaGaw. s 2 tar.-nr w .eºM.rce t7s.e7; atta ara esrv-ri.w. err p. M0:1 z Me t.; en. '- N. S -.ranrl rsl_ 5 eae, awnle. plR:l

ewt. 4 at,.n-i., OSt- '' tenth.- 1$MTIRaLY $y rQ,RTAOLe: :

ew1 .9,-, olc. tN1ola Lsat ha a soa nO v/.


TROPICAL ECat11PMEMT CO. -- Ler^Mn ar.. Rt.. Y*01e

e 5.t;tld e.ase*>- 2 a..^'.J

beard of Mnrcb Z'S. It I. an adverttae- Siw.iit by Win C. wraiker' Norrl-lowTt pace. Hama at motrrrstaq "the greatest df aft talc. to held tn: the Fail: Up for pate were 100 4e of Mantas. 350 oMUan said °tee boss Main from Rfnilling I1rOs.' Ctr-

Hr. Welker's advertlaemri t b pictur- e -acne. !toll of the personal arrival. 'Foy Dit yertra the Walker no bare pioneered In the actileUltttral s -ad OOimrrelai.paob- Sema of the s we re.d 3 1,Ce de pe dable rind ppenomtrsti ;than nay +'3T . tar." Then cornea the ht3,b point of the r+dn, the' humor that& r tr na7' like non- arnae but ft to tact the good old -pleoe de rlt-tttance" of the eOpy. Here it 1St -No terms tan have le tractor and b , s CbrH3- t1en. The words be UP_'i trying to .start last yearh tractor will torte him from the church.''

lvtrs O Walker then pasts In a irheese about n woman wll o 'panted blurt 10 come ot:+t to her place tO sell her hus- band a. ~Wk. horses because he tan fit. t_ live -with . Curator the tractor every attend of the way. et t.

Every Chan gaddlea his Own typo of water' craft_ dome: use yachts. of e'rn itoart-:,,....'I or b.uiea. It all depends on each ~beanie state. 'The. blgroat of the brig etto -. -hfCtt has just opcocd Sts e+p -DO at the ~den. might be called a C vow t4 C:scua bat comperiu. n with other yew:pof 1p Aixm whatt er. Inhere ttr-oub:' and enema: business coodttlOiji forced the ntann}lenxnt tn' rdrerpen the Stilettos toff the trimming ]heroes.

C?ot1'tlletrta are in the air steady. Die- 1tu« creed, folk Insist the Dry Elbow should always Zerrrltl not only the bit-' ecat thins on wheels but tine standard. ns'oaatr.- blades. Itself: should be enala- rat ried.

Tttti, theory la cnicett.onsbts to peace tine. The Grothnentallita debt psy the bill*. The: strews operator does. tapeatitily .teen be Le budgered by tiro tine. :n1 to hand of. let tit nay,. a bookie. 'The circus ban no more c'elleatlen to the pUblle titan a r-r-e,_¡2aptT. The c`,'eu.i is not a nubile tri'at_ It )tern on Its revenue. So thee a isewirnaper. If the dIs}tsrdj. and the r:_ t, resent the kind of nzio hhoa 0"",atinrd

latish today mile for retrenchment. do they prof -a to foot the bills?

It this antinn cannot sit, port the circus hotittstly in a big stay the fact will be mows loon enough. Rnt before tee crepebangts mid the dears knell of ibis gust Adierican h untatSOO let them gtr the mantwt10n they say they nevi:,

an opportunity to genetical under tram Ideal oomtll'tiOn'L T7aet la Ors real test. Leber dttllcu tIti nut dwindling tner:tom


qtn taN. t ara 1w Thit aloa R.e!.'t My 'Later The Wu-r^r S,FPil 11 nippyIMO ar11 VOa .tObMA1M, H. a.tl TVROAT. SPOOL TO. TO aATYDAY. apArL 4'2p tNC, 1:+T let I1_Jt r u It, `Wl.s. rñ ,'11hlQ11 t. 1.--I r- mi. ~kw E i'

L tu - . .7 r ¡ - , t: tyt`!ae. Slvtnl CI _Iit. foq_nret!,A sew Tr*


r . CAI. ' N --1 _ It, ++K. t >' - 4rlatitÓcr+l a ri'arat

I A R"_ IL an nr ' r Nr'>C f1aM1 [+_ ]s /rr l-anr aid llelt' I. never It.r.t W `T - +.i3re01 v..., -us. en.t Tar:.:r11,.3

FI -1 or. e I .1 of Pow. ,' - ID 1 atN tt rv Kaaiahy. r


"...uL Al r ' All a -_ r rtlL* W. J! t7RT1k. Itll-t M i laii Ma O.

!OLD R ED .l $'fl' ;. Want Photo_Calkry, Pitdt- IYou-Wine Hoopla, Cig ieritc Shooting Gallery?

Fish Pond, Country Strom. Salty Game and other 10c Cerieesalons. Want Saber and Union 'Minister that caw deist, truck. Will book tie buy Crystal ;Male, Fun Howse. Lisaitk;ng Mirrors, and 'Super Rep-e-Planc.

Address, j'c+ForeonYi111e,, ind.. ills weak; Bedleed. ind .soot,


will, wry, l-t,trlr. Nn t'111+1 F't+i.tYi.li At't, 1' Ir. A 1.' r. me it 1ar

' . .I .R -G- ', tr I r1,, t+.irf rt.. I.'itrt tir- .- Inn eA. - v.t. ) . um.

f i- , L I ' -. .,rnr1 s1. . -r ttr - .a t iItl.-r.1,--,-,"-,..s, .a any taoegrtr

" r - t tin. . , t. '

di I 111.1autala~, tans

..II fe Yo90. 1 jr'' Ltti. , I t- i 1 WWI r. I I

n . , . . , -Y - _ t rt-t O., re"? to nc-r1i I.rMMIt f;ee e'rd. P. N , e r' I

_ r ea'iñpa 3Rr._ I'iark Iztt tib!s! A'1911* -1 1L'1, -. la.'lea, . thin to V y -


Gen Ginn wed Cook Jha_e. 535-D0 pet worth; all SPR:1t Cecier bnl $15.00 per .week Rldan rod Mana><sv 401 MoNaedrornr SO SO ba.ir. !ICAO( te,reble INetricfia. Wheal, Whip, woe - 0o -Sound Poerms...rhtanrive rs. Covntey Stoat w'$e . faew ii- wire ea ter streets In rise

Meet ..1 the 1ts~rry Bell at Paottintoub, ta., .Ml ~0 23. The ihníre tutu te Steele Contessl is Alwtlrs Paw Gar-, and 7 et our County hire new teeraactel ow free a!n+iitle,s. Alt e.rrerpndcescs to IALPM R. MILLEN, Bee Td, Pa .riutea4.. La.

too the fiver's': Mile scan CaO always bA counted On to defeat the beat told' pleas of talcs.. tarn and r=ircusea

FIJT$T the" aperrortn.g nre department 1111ed his tank, then pea: ended_ t0 dii

his quarters as a tilts broke oat In 31t Jamtiion's room In a Kew Bern iN_ C, lr hotel- Jimmy has the dertar act with --ntr :xnel lttOzl which: Opened In Now ldern.-ltat al-Mtrt :starts_}, but week. After a of Irene JP a. Boston hts- pltal May Jacitrcm. Of the bide team of c5 and May Jackson, is b.tck in her ac'-olang ¿kits+.) honta with kind weed* for the people who remembered her with letterer . - Oeeeir L warple. once a prcdtiet principal rider. la tall go'i'-a ctroti« In Comod7 Part Of the W1'A Plreocchio. . The P5 oe ille Society 1e tngert.n now that ?toddle Phillips - buoy On int,e Charlie Gerard midway In Westchester, Elwood A. iyttghce.

R. m. of 'Ibronto'e Caridsan Notional Ex. letbllfon, lend h'ss lovely daughter nceaatt- pan',ed Sdr, and (Decree ltnmid On a motor trip to A.._Intto City for the Esater opening of Hannid'a Pier. Return- ing from a dye -week tour of 'l tiro+pe in tie bait of hie Metal Pier. Frank P. Oraiats announced that: Ibero are still a lane riurnber of outstanding ..Ott available on that, side of the pond which rrnaId be more tails Willi. to cos here tf they could. prefertingtorn tie Opothlpht heroes lnalead otso much cannon toddler.

H á l't m a r- 1's broadcast

AGAIN we brat tact Old cry of -circus and yetñteal moan -fine fatting to L7ne

wet telegrams- letters rind past card» troce people enaltine application ter work in response to !trip -wanted atltertion.-- ments in Ttic Ntltpr:v,d>

Its a shame that thin <omeleltea1 ed n-

tlnuw, the Opmpiainanta feel beat When it t found their services rennet be used, ehos&rtten employ's* 124r11+í Mend the covrtkary -et et least a penny -poet -Card reply to t?u.t R et- On this we niplie with the oomplalnatits. and It the offend- ing shdmolen were reasonable and put themee:4ee 1n. the shots at there nt_rp-tt'- ipt; for week they ~lased ate, tee- Un ernployrsf persons probably logo good jobs elrrubore when they are- kept In Igno- rance.

Anotbef -important ~tit Ir that an employer re twit building up geed well When be ~wen psor1e in wliace Derriere ho Welt be listen :bed later It not nów.

/TO t3UBSTITU tetreint end tractors for 1 baggage norrt,a. Cireutra rnt$st just tc Well go in for ni-scbaniCal clowns and elephants_ That's the opinion of Arvin J. <R mey) Prio^ who bas spent pr.nc- ttf e]ly all of tab US ¡round «retrace and their w'..ntr quarters nnd fen the past 2$ years bas beep connected With the %Y*l,n end of shOwe.

"Teoph. like horse. -' heWitte. rand they think Of a circus a a shown. Of Arse horse,. elephtnt0, 11O.ns and other nni- rnalia. To use rnephoolcit devtcrtl instead of homes would take away the eirCus spirit. Whin a caterpillar a,,sila on it Tnuttlts lot there will be tinny wishes for old Prince wed Dobbin. And when it comae tounle-fining a trails] there b noth- ing i1let con trace the Wee of that teen of bdy'B. Let us not dtrtea those draft hoists of their Opportunity to abase 11# world their beauty and abltlte."

4 f L

A alRCV8 yarn 'published recently IL t' a dully paper and apparently e-fitten by a pane agent 11ntitr a roes de plumbs. cawed gilt. T. ¿lark. Sat -carnival owner and'rnatiea+rr, to lot down this milt":

'Did you .eer read the stories whlih Tony lfonnllton. for )catty presa agent for Jira Dnll(It. SirC0 about clrelaii-t end gave the Ile to all that bad been written b? pre agents far' tiftol--mad this after Ringling Boos. !refueled to piece Alm when they toot eve: the 13, da B: shown'

fl ATZV! to iáe Wu; of Dick CSolltr:., Ill. to whether Walt l(aaiar:d ever teed

up with a aari?lvel, night club oral x_

p>sdltical camy^I.Dn for the Lame man and at the tastes tame, Witt replica`

-Incite that my dlttinguUbed confrere. RI Richard the Oreat Colll:ng. whom I inspect -Ae one, press enrol for Ncl h'k etrtgtnal boat r23w, asked me if I -e' --ca

exploited thri* Jobs for one man. The i,nu eer la -no; but S will match rtty

'Bat!! Stmt"' stunt tat the rabbit bltttYg 100 bute esi at..fhe Canadian National Cibl'ült

t on in :Inc agaunhi Fria

hot dog slant toe tun. money or tnarb.as.

D is o ,FIrre'jt guy and I'm g1 -ad bS L Haiti In barnssi. Long life to him and that other young feller, 1s3oe .vadsdell, the oldrer puletrity purveyor In eaptlsity.'

WE Went cn t-Ittf erne d. urenfCntlOti- W ally. wGtat Ste t_tld a temple of 'tacit

bade that the Omit ele_llsadaa would be took on the Ringllne-lierntur_ citce.., where they bad been a ftxte.ufe for yc- - It sterna that Karl,'nlece-es of the troupe; wouldn't. stand for ú out to the act .

Salary, and then signed ~streets for a b'tropeatS tour that will I1,oeep the troupe busy until rt-o+ti March 30 of IOW., Trip abroad will ttic:ude n 21 week ' Stay at the 'router Circus in Dlae:tpool. Eng, and engorgement. in Frame and Germany. The trou'c'tril eat! soon. Of cotere. the. toeef;n i-,0ur hinge. upon the eutcOarri of the impending war.

Notes From the Crossroads


(NUR HAT Ls off to Ira Wat:a, who in n -J bra artado In tlti-Spaino lipcctal told in Cl - and urdt'ruterittablc tangent, lust what ails the dress end what must be dons to bring back Sts prse4ige.. Witte didn't pull die punches rind the arttuo isn't going to set so welt 'nth -arose whom the shoe pinché.. Wht:h i* all to he

oo ds. LinTLo that "ptnatarei" sill get nete

'ills clieu ¡iealtln, Dow,OT the tented s-hov,e.-..hsa not alms Its InIrr11 !flog. OUT

good friend hob hickey to Iba- o0tttrary betwttbstsndint;. Slob, fns his recent pub- ltctty storlro, bas. aid trial almost no little tox-ni 1411 thrill to the mu+_c and .Welting smells, of eawdulpt. ha.-nbtirrgrx and pop corn thla se. r n. 11$ true ma=lt of the In+gfr showa are temporarily oil the road. but thette still ere nearly 30

nanny of thtnt lIving '+sty Credltable pctrtcrt'aaeoes. As era Watt -s , the carets is et the cross - made. sad :.'e ettll hare faith In its ability t0 total -W and, prosper. This m=tlarity rsbo have pincby abets will see the or 10 out hilt a light!

With cue thing Hickey soya tJe ttuefaty weirect. "the circus o! the future" h0 says ``will be e frát-name." compact affalr-that t': ilr carry fens? net e te' per. sane to addition to the strtu'i preform - ere." fdtitte trtle, We is mechanical -00 and alrcu,et net falling in lino with ilae 1111krch of pr g; n

A sisltor, to winter qI artors at Rochdas- ter. Ind.. report -a that. all Colo Wee.' panda equipment la ppiotpd and rie+gy to $0 and nonce de men are ~Ong in quartets. Elbow Ii Oct to open the la.3 of April et Pochestr. r. phi" a week to h llaran one tlilndes stand. then eeetward to the all stand:byw--Indianapellq,Cincinnatl. Day- ton. glfeb Oolbmbtr_i end ro on.

Vlsdtñes Irons New fork brine. word that the -native,' are ~Inn their peeled and Raping at°that treo^eDdów Ringling. Barnum hit on the Iangeett RnLIdlrig,

books s+e if the "brothara" gAsnñ to g up sit the seat. Ittteaelarel Boots'. ter --al' e Bros.' and Barrett lire e

allows is 1 it d fee Pennay,,;n r n in double-qu,lrl, !413x. Clyde Mat. /try Is busy agriattn Floyd Kindel Nit Paaedd. . . .. Gene Pee.. Conner ciNte .Man, 1n front Bloomington OC business. use Is still on for road, but not troupe tag_ 11e's now traveling representative fo' a b'- manufacturing concern. _

Howard F. Dory, turd Verne M

prts,ed the boys el the Atwell' Luncilitantbolomstrr-

Club by dropping in ter /cinch a few days ago. Bary tool sotGe good-na.tlirel rib- bing About hale ~4 ,!suit, Wllllame ír4111

notlsertipe tots e.e ea. being set for a Ilecrate:re lob et the various race tracks.

. L B. Greenb'.V. eel:seai iefr o' Parker re Wokle Circus. tapped; as for a visit in eel on his way to quartet* at Faro 8nttth, Ark,

¿Tina Norrtjal writes from hie h tpltal told In air= O., glicg he trap be awe to gri poitre.300n but trcatue of a brokeq «rte bra he fray hare to rerettln in bed for several menthe - Hid sfOt-her bouts so at borne In Qipee, Mies.. build- ing a mechanical exhibit tar a batwing oompttny. and hid nee n, Rare] Reline K riópf.:has left the Cwirelend-Playbot1,I to taiíc s part in 'the Weetins1th.OlrA Co. ritttbtt rte the !Irmo Tort World's Lear-

ThJe-eta Mili a tl.enco that OW! Beatty nay appear at the Ban Pr+anctceo felt. All hinges on Weenier the fate will put up bohel for 10 week". Perform - era retie -111A- !rem the Oraba Bluth, riIOW ray It went ore? blgser than in any prevints year,


Baltimore S1letwfe>.lk at Waldo Plaint 11` O 1 n ill rala

BALTIMORE April s., -,A number of outdñar nhew a11t intended the ltrnnr,11 oi Xval-v lalrdt. Veteran tooncesl:or.tr. mechanic rind wheel builder. who dWd in City ttoapital here en March 215 from in= lute _.r t+.atnFct when bir an au- tomobtle on tdn>+ch 9. Wei/ known be the carnival and Uretu Oeld7. Pu1Lrd ter the la t ra 7r not reen connected with, th"o yra7koe of Jolin T. kEOCaalin. wialeb bandied nrraneemants.

Paltbrar*re`lncluded Lee Stater. tiNill- ilar.a '[ttttt. J. .7 ]ftags. ataba Watttr«, &Rm Tfógart and Art lCavetsatreh. lte- Oodlestoomdueted the ~lam 1t tae $.5ltr.unrk lñurrprn1 Rome On k,tnrth 29. Other r,hoorfatlG attending Included John- ny F.ck. halt! boy: him brother, Robert, end= siet>,er. Ltrs. aicrtani Frank ?.ouber`. ltnfxy aoZant Cho -Ches. ele :Om voroatly Miller, Janice .F. liartlov't. eVtr. rind Mn. Cooper. i! lartin Ureter. Msrpls )t'sYtar lr^'tDt7tg1 ff,tarnl artf'11rtg,e Magna faxed nd :N:rI. .r.}hm 'r, yhicCneitn. Merry Bowen,

Mande Refer. 8abe Roberts Saari Boerne, liarry Ste,ndrts, Ed Jenerl ar.d +'ltr. epd L M. 8hebel;v, Many Wired c'rStidt0lcnoea and }actors ilettnd of Amerlca, contributed toe nrd the funeral expense_

FLF.S 1 T ON- (Costtlrtued from pct;^^, 4')

mening reed showing the ply, arc vgue. 1t was -indicated It may our if the two -work booldbe here warrants.

Criterion. long ea1Led a Otte betuae. Se It'd to dltell foreign flicker policy and

return to flesh with Will Morel. eye L -it'production ben: tts o SRltriffir Meng.

i1 rl}rd after robe days. btornadey Immured rehearsal call for 60 girls_

Pwlaler° Brand i.x In, nsji eted to get re- btenialM !nod? Wee 11iiá week, Fred DeIxeoe. who ranee to the -Coact to open that Can_-'. Jlannnn. u rrthe.duied to move in with hie pared. :}fact tot to be titled iV ri4',. pair Revere, Intoner of theater I. stetting rare fitting_ with new rostge end oreb'Itrn r -it my bu1,1t, g1stcd to Corn ntowtd the Middle of April.

Aitbo Lent has oasiaed 13. o. takes ardultd, town to a!,de perceptibly. bit' le a bold hp table ee:11. 1. ' prod uctlon Into 1311tmore. wh'.rb yin d lost week, was Whlteop7:s, atearing?the1 Beerryescre. Vhw sell phs,... cad arºt:bd tO ai tfuli tailed to draw as ntticl?+at4d. For two-week stand it pulled Deemed $21.000.

Kett" for Beitrnere tiro Our Ten" Riaa rue frost Ogadbpe and Tobooe, Rood, This leaves tr.e hauite with arolld book- turns for the Met thkee in molt e,

1'tr producttxm of Ruin Ltttk.Chttltti going into 11a 10th month at the Mayen a around 15 to 20 pee cent off fter? !+I(Mt arse ta, 9l1i 'tion v sieníIsr at Trc a Da". where gTc rs are *wound 53,0 0 per week. Afsh To*, at the Bgia.,pe, 1. net form fur ~tut -Ph -1y Mettler with the cash e'uftomert , only drawing around 911)00 per ~Jr.. While no clo g date hie been tutrettotxed for Mrri curie Ch 'hen. Ti n e boa la slated to bolt* out on April ,80. R.s'ounstoi. 1e to replace it nt If:ndlt'ucod Ptaybevie May S.

With annonnocment that nee director b,, been Rented by Rollie Mane= to Acai r P }horn, those ere no lndko- t :onº that polkry changes in In order. Atexandei Lrlwtch watt named after the

-'t .-t.I left °Tole for Greeral 'recto' I:Aloe:no re ds:rustlnn of Jai ee Ifilmaa. who ctoppct' out titter esiztreedly dectd- lb ,art' heir tout in hoPelera ra . y

!'ttsattam an night chub field has not changed a greet deal eo far as the C3roco

00er-4ttlyd, with both Cuttrouy t1iIOft land hotel management .tILlf leocakn hero.' Meanwht'e meted opening of Sonny tetnd:man dean lWarrr land no e'leourent prngreee let behrn mode toeard rettbr-n_snt of the Ltriltc. 8everel m en- br. s n i1' vet wive were benned- trope the Corse along{ with mu',*it:teaü by Omitted Labor Coun_ mil 'have 'vetoed their ~- Pie, nice at beleig' walled _rft bc, use of 'beat" between aualtera and 00011.4 and

el - It: w ;? r «noel etit by di grunted AFA

rr emben that waiters Lied coalue oil strike r for strike benefit fund mein.

Ante. by than* unions, while APA has no

rant Released 11 on Late PRlLADMP1nA. Alr_'l l 3, tied

RKO'e filo! Lore Atflnr been released Inge ixxoner the Y'itiledelphuen Room of the Ifntal Patladelbblan muy bee*

1111 feral oprr, The Ptilladslphlan At s bl° putt -icy b. lu the p'O.

being dt7ptcted as titre pot where herbs Dunne is the 1C I tired .1IIIIer.

morn evo. ,.d early this ~sib.

atlrlt t.rnsIlta_ Nl'ht club nets are forced Les tike fly oats with no prospect. of etr .- ttng dough until spot reop ni, while cuttnaey workers at+f givens weeklyetlpenrt w:lilt tt_ry are- ón sirfte, tt ova claimed. laurthet ''berto"- were 'releed by acts :ebo c,_.tmed they v'eio being Wed by other In let» to "p1114 the cheatnuta" out of the fire.

After annOnneirtr the Billmore Bow: would, drop acts Joseph Faber. who ltabdlce talent toe Oa aso etsted Bowl will continuo to use t)Ksi gutting fret six to around four. New Pricer Id effect eineo bow -old ,tI Jhep Fields have upped atnage 20 per cent. Poe Bawl ro mina

bee run under jj.00 coin polity'. but finding Me going to gait Curtail end i'T rentine Onrdeaf, decided to drop tariff and see what happened. AOcord- tlh to Faber. upturn In b hilts" has hem tar greater then eentidtpated. Drink price hace been sliced from b0 cents t4 38 cents n ,copy.

Droppr,r4 ltªt name -band policy. the net is -now it to buy a local bath at a much, lower tttttne, sheelog the tout.

F.arl Carroll - tneligurated new policy n: hkellhe_lt_r.reataurant on Sun -

y nights' by reserving 450 t.blee foe 814.0. This dote not Include disnenk but only prlvllege of watching show. ltcptlar price for feed and table le 4230.

Present lndtcatlonr are -that fibah toetainnrnt is still making head ey In return .to plibllo feeor despite'unrest«. able publicity received duo to .tepee, at the Grovel.

SUGAR'S DOMING - (Continued lei pope 4)

bee ground that will, obtath for them the .new=r;per attention Vie* t* of Inieb CT= t tatiie to t,laem. Performers should think terioe'be1 v thtowit awt:.y money can ecatplpalgna- proposed by glib prole agents. . . . After IL a press agent le esQ.htng more than his name ingpiietf.

litsla job is to contut the- presa for three who are Unequipped or too busy to do o. , . Hoorah newrpsy,:r men. of wborn e1t"r'-' are far more than pie - formers who get burn notices ire Willing to nemlt, do net obleet to dealing di- rectly with perforrnora. Newer. for re -11 teal flattered when performers take the trouble, to tail Ora Meal et their of- fices or go out of theme erne to loos them wp when they are venting a night spot.

Moat of the time they thy avw,oy tñ'nt ppKorlrora because they ,have the Impression that per101tra:es don't went, to 'be bótbered with them, . . This mum" inipreeuers Can be diapoued by performers otakino the lead. . There are teeny, other thing 'Viet ,periermess can do to help themselves With the proms if only they would take. matters in their own hands . . Prim deeente--'ta$sp they are capable and honest -=ere worth tar inane than ree ar4 of them .r,ecivo se fee.. But a performer !should train him eaefto ditttngulsh be:wean the, 6004 - tend the 0.a . . Many rAetorrrnerr learn eliru ...,d exp rieiKl. . . . '173 t L the bard ::ay*. , . . The itgiaal and easy way Is to r..,=,/t1 carefully premises Free. agents make; to Woork along with the peen *gent, it time allows. a( every nun.

: There Is nothing nayatar«outs ibti it the prose agents' routine. sitho ¿oene ,urilCrulytiloua.0ttee try to :hake It appear sap. It is nothing more or leas than hard Plati ztto8. bualellrrg up of Welted* and fertility et ides abarmbern tent make a itr, agent inseep=slur.. .'deny per- fect:4.re can dO moat OQ tiled* thilOIA U they hive the ability anti the time.. .

If they hare neither It is atl,Othez story and they have to take pot tuck. . U they have time tbs.y zbauld work_ with their prime agents gore cleanly so ru to gain it better tippet -4~n of whit is being doña for them. , _ If this is done it will not take long 1r -fors performers are wired up ire the ptwnklt. . . . ' h troncal per i *Mete with plenty cos, the bail have nothing to -worry abel1' b cause. It ix only in this way that their clients cars mmt to know bow good a Jab Le bete_' done for theem.

Ltt7fARUS WILL (Cooltnawl from peps 4)

to the fact 'that Vlntent TTotta via. - .ee'e4 rn eiit -prelddeni over his oblea

(tune .1 oomttoltteeo chittreesu. Others cri the ticket, which vil be unopposed. are ti -h Bete'. tsnnsurer, Kenneth Claris. secretary: Marlin Starr. twat#+ for throe yearn; Ralph Roan. Mina E..'r'egerin f%

LOU Lilot}. James Cron and Martin Shaty. governors, Rurtt .l election will take place in about two weeks.

Lete~ hag been AMPA 3 vice-preet. dent, and Rohs le that reelttag prelatdcnt.

The Billboard 69

1. J. p,fÑ1fl'

LU O11H) S IT Loatflnute Cewcefs-,ns el an kinds except Corm Wm.,. Ceoklta:ie and **plots'. Good opcnln. fee Palmistry and rimmen belied. Want one no-sy-e ft ne haw, w if en wftheet ewn outfit, Want Trick -Rider fo Morp-dromle Want TeerM-One People íád

' Talker lot same. Serf Mel.l.e wines Gat fey Revue and Talker fey Peale Shows. Want ~Phase awe, preferably Rol3.9.Ptane or Oeteput, We beta twelve bens fide Falfa ¿so., },acted, aie wee4eMol Femme of bey spot. Stowing tliestsfl'-fan, Tenn., this oaks U40 show le city 1lmlfs In ten Tears. lohnao- City. Tenet.., neat week' than idiSol. tea..

,an the heart el t'.ws Itectyeedr address I. I. PACE. Wiesen City. Tenet.

BLUE tI"BCN SHOWS, Inc. PLACE tapa.bla E elitieiaw few 10 -Rifle She.. hie Math hewet!!t. Haw cc' portal Toreainewier Track_ IllteCt se-elerci I'ctlenmces and Mused". 'es.cet-piste Sand. Mary and pste t.

, FtACE ca -able Maniete wee, semein fee compute Iv+red Ner..n a Shen*. MACE all k day Ce-eelflews. taaaonablt ratty. 0petwt fee leer ahelee'Wheel's and Cr14 Stores. lack W$ e, Maim. TetheriS. Ifsny fiercer spat la reach. Mate ÑAen not connec'lod. Al II Reme,'Ca., fills week.

F1DL,ER UNITED SHOWS WAIST ATOrteet.-maeapre for iLlf.rneg taw, ages Side Shtwr, Cl i Shaw. Pealing Shear. Soak. and SInote Per Attrjcfeons. Haire all new fro --die hammers and tops tot tiers, Will letnds % capable mraeerf with ~piste sweet* In A-1 co* ,Ion peoeeded rosy hive orcyto. Mint Icaa On wire. There wee_ wine* before wire- Sherman with sepciartfe u.4 new' Wart always welcome. We will Una- co you. Write or wire

riDLitt UNITED WOWS. East ,Aloes. 1n., kith week:; Iselrseneeie. IIL, ntrt.

.prAtaASSI rROWJlvs - (Contlatafd front pope 4)

anee or a ebttektiye brass section. Pare ala I. parry of the- tv.deratlon Interna - te nslo du Hot Clubs and nabo heed of ehc Ports chapter of the Hot Club at Prance.

=heel! Jalen la music" Pasaceli e s- plálned. "Just rirdercber B -oh wrote dhnce muslo: a. did Mars_et, musco with rhythm. There la no reeian to think Idled It degaltraten-tho awing has de. generated.

blot Music Prógrimi Clicks Frou.1 K. C. Theater Stage

KANSAS CITY. M. Apra. 8. -Vino Street Varieties. ta'.:atite' pert peg-rm ó' ur local Station WD I-. is ait=natd !it 3 o'clock 411turdaye from the Liaooln Tber,ter. In the heart Of ICteene4s Atrgro dlstr:ee. Originated .and sponsored by*,

William Sbs" p,rety of local musicians' cottoned union, the show presente the brat sin Cepta eint.rtlltnrrtenL the town can Offer.

Jirn.+ny Luslceford guest-.Sstied on the shot Acbruary` 23. ?Sarah 11 ite,ratit featured a King of the 2lluc l MRtest and 'dcrnOftrtrethan al teat boo4e-.vo ctle by 'lverett JO.h>Lri?. local lave and pant -boa of New York's Pete Johnson. The grime Is .- pt>f-cd of mixed peo- tesalonals and mateura. and highlighted hted Is Jolla Les, Co44red band leader and pianist. ¡info's 94 mc7t11, et Milton's on the $oath Side Sa} the longest engage - men: on record brr-s In reeett vols.

Pan-American, Shows

WANT srri rs nr f ase e c i-- I ta, at r.vwr arel ..! r'e 1 t .lMrv' WANT Mt._ r p, , A`r r'r-At`X Fyl.ir llelp ties ?r.... lea! 1'L.ln3 - h'e K-r. .. ; er9nt! newly, bre 140- 1 I

g ausnts,Kr era* crk uana t -rt

S. ran atplt ,1+ A', _' Woes, 11L. -r Ur el"'-+r treatAwe si. 01/4I0 VALLEY SHOWS

opEult,to ,AuarL ti LS

' r_ r:ln L.T.. I fa, tltp. 5s' Ogee. r]n! 'tart Alf/ cir."4 rot rt>St: . t-,alrr.hiriFae.. ,rnRn, L tJ 'CI m t f )C'n Cyra.r.1 1.01.r.il"

OHIO'rrALi.1[v ~iil.Ottrra, lt ta0 miler .. werret-_ tame Va. '

,ttfreel lhdatle, mana mg director of PrIriee of Waite hraIwter. banner sed_ supper above will be the Bel Taboret Rebbe from Paula, with JOS Ja '4ns Sr, repraet,oittng America to intetrnaftioaal coat,

Buffalo Union Signs Club BUFFALO. April el.-liost'elane neaten

ec'ntrtet, entrap el :at hull by kraal elk /PM. hoe Jost b , n signed by the Park Clothe:ae of the few epees that hat been hoadlno; out. Tase local Cannietoryy, en - other nonoanforattse a1¿t11pd a flaw we-tb

o dues Manager Verbos Reo u. Only otro :raining as the Meedowbeorak Country Club.

Dramatists 00 Pl.iy Brokers Pernt MIL, Club Rtsópcnl: NEW YORK April te.-Aa a re -suit of

wend larceny Indictment brow tit neatest *tie 8. Pinker, play} broker, Drsm*tLeto' Guild will c+oofer with the Dt ril-oreked 8octety of Author*' a Repreetntett'ee to devLae ,olore atriaolent regulation of play brokers. Orgnottaideo v_rlll be t yard to provide greater control. 4tttiri wilt probably revise. agreement It has now with the agenee. reoard s. of outcome or ithe Pinker case. TALENT tGFNCJEL----.

(Continued fro,ee pope 20) Comm rot i Morrie Cristo night. April 26. and the 'Teetro0. Co"e onupal party Apra 28.. . . WALLS GLUCK. B1lLfelo- reime,: talent bookings for the =,ter and. Doe Club. Jamertoan, N. Y.: the (MU- falo.Ocrnee Clubls monthly partial and a, nag party at the Htt.tfafo Ath11040 Club. Ile hart booked Bert Layton and his Mae into the let Too Cl i.b. lily hv¿fel Ár, Sldñey 11- attack, ltlaa Met opened - becks nO coiner In Nair York City and Is producing units ea well as handling telfnt mild baite,

.rs7I1tá ENTERTAINMENT BUREAU. Detro4tr, op -rated by Minn* ItO ,r11. has la -en rrertre etched the Actors' IrJlap'fd Booking - I ñge, Jack S. ler and Charles T. Collins twee been added to the start.

London Casino Reopens LONDON. April 8.-1'1=e ¿''-den ütIDO

re-= 0e'rss Wednesday under direction of

Pütt). D1., April been:a ny Ooe eyee reopened Ms South Obeli' Country Club today for the re~ Wit: -shake ttrbbred by Pent Mary, of Chicago. Opening Dail bile George Moore, Iforton Spar Jude Scott end Corey and Adair. D ' ztda: . for +clod: uin go tip Teter in the season.

Cattvlova, Detroit, Reopens DE TROI,1'. 1pth 8. - Ci arao: n Club,

new near-clo'antow a theater restaurant, opened 11_opd-ly =de: mAnaerinteni Of Lowell blare-+thinrdt. whO formerly operas the Blue Lenterri, a eon_ ter Cate 1s the same 10cils;On.

Eddie Auntgt arta bend open for An ldei- d Unite run. fltru the Dot. salver°. Ftorm chews booked Valli petty Jlrytieo,

Osborne Slides Neat 5627 lbRllXir3*ORT, Conn.. April ii -=-*tai.

!no Ws third appearance of tbo - -ws at 'Lh Rite Ballroom 1a4t Sunday, Will Or 4 nt 414111.t, IS}dty when 114- drew a 'rn ONtS,YI Of 010 por:toei.. Ognrg.dartng eh'lt his date was sandalrhed 131 be= tweenl Artie BTsao's appearance yettstal stay -L before and the recaaling of the Cass tenon Band newt Q-.Jm4sy. The box of. Ot t= 5a !caL-d at Z5 cent" e,pislrin8 an Ifltaim ot 27 A.

Cirl Band itla Seattle bEATTLl1~ Wade. April Q. - Lyon.

Ltwiie flail ckturted wee wcsr. with a [rlrt bthJd. the Matt Qtreena 0g IBaria)s.

79 rri Billboard

Stronss Bill To Liberalize Show Licenses Passes

CHAMP/MON. W. Va.. APcti lb, - Weal Hill No, ISO, }ntrodyged by Dele- gate Juniors apt.. itrouea cheirtasn of the *woeful Kmr -s -coirevilitet oºn taxation

d flna.itOet, llberatlkine the &fountain 5tateb Neenah fee on .cfrcuaia carnival% riirdway abeam. Tidier caa loea anti Cron. ter Maria, was sfgi ed is/ doerstuor Homer Bt ]salt OiK Mirth 4 and become r attoo- tLwo von days frames that datáe.

LF*'.trtte fees now eta; Circuities, tt by tr0 ea. $4 es car tor each day p rfotmanae are elver); If by track. $3 per Utica 'per d. r.

Carrilrrtls 45 a ~at: each enteetaln. meat% at Y: tacit rrparata adtoolselan Is eA read to be ruin ----red !n addition a* fellona; Riding devices. each g10 a week: ere-,c+-a-inne ese1l1n.g ire flee food 1d drink and merclisudlar. each fs a creek: gamest, each an plied-; L.yont-avtn, tech 130 n week; strew: each'eal, a del.

ruessa 3, Ono also hermits. fortune 1e11tng ' nn annual tea) of 11201k no liw--staae for Iris than a rear.

iJnentclle tablee also git tamed. by thh year, at *10 for the tIML table' and 115

tar each additional ow In a eat -up. t(tot rnaclalnea, the penny variety. one

teired pannt1Mlly) at ea pat machine; :ill oth-T Machines:, for larger coIJs. nit 08 e'er maCbints.

MARRIAGES--- fetplottniend /rent pare 29)

limier end ctamiuehtntCr, In Plonolulti 1: b yQ 1SlRKGE13-DIIANT--Louver Math, nrnt-

pro. nnd Doris Deane_ character and aW-- eL..lty dandier. of PI:tabttrgh. December

it haw just been revealed

e.elf If!ett5 712Ituá eS I'rarde Burka erne for rasseral shows

on tit,etlou CICLW. DetrO't. and Aisne Cannot -NW noeslpn 1 et that city, In Hamil- ton. Ont.- April T6. line -Ail P. Pressman., of the ad'SrtLstng depsrirr tit of Praert-Prsbutnan Co. and Lillian :;litter, publicity director of Sta- tlton urplue. Pliliedetphin. In thee city Juno 10_

George, Moran. erjtueiel Wool ~lb Blidetttanie1 [Tatted Shoat. *mi Rub/ B rnstellw bt. (Áu11. to Sacrasüentd. CtlLf., soon.

Bernard take. Regina. is. t( nonprn. and Joele Lerazieurf R studio haste'-, asid uarrerto at Stet -lid CKCK. Regina, in tl'tat. city con.

Flab yids carnival shotone 1. and Mrs. Wilda raker, ponpro ºi LWtttg- tom. Ky.. in June.

D vs '1 holly on, hull promoter, and Agnes 1 feOLtl eyy. forearm )l:ereti+t show girl, In Perth, Atutralla soon

ttlWsa RtlndL. KttIen MICA en- netursaer. and Dolores 1DolibOp1. i0tapro. In Pitt-bt rah 141.y 17.

t McKee. tj WCALcI'Mflrn- rtolincer, and Salle Multtblq. ate .card former aarecrn sue. In Ptttalmtmla In Jun.

Jahn Ili. Houichnecht, round te bnt- al^n with NBC, and Clam Hanel. radio performer known as Yeti ranee. tai Ben - n taitllle, aB, C to June.

Jaac.ts Paitctek iilfde,planlartl at the Domid e4le, Chlosgek alIQ Jess_ Mildred )t!tlrteLly; Canoe: at the Chet Pare*. Chicago. April 15 lei that city.

:t S?#,ereeoatnd Barney ti&Ple


Mttt;,etL ApriL 10. rather la li: ork leader nnd. C7.txf neatl night club 1m - pa Ma, nnd tnotTler. the forester Ruby Wrt'tt, ins . formerly t d0+ltr t with the EáP» OfCheekni.

A aerenleiltnd son, Ian Alen., to Mr. end lire. ltarttst We» recently in Pa- hroltte, Pia_ Mother le the dstlfkll trs af lllartooy TtaF'11. o':: bacr of the shovta briar - leaf We Mime.

Twin glint epor Mr. and= aást:. Chat3e" spsºtka March ,Pa in ~atle;d.O_ hither la arolstant manager Of ti4eatñrery Sixth 5ts-et Theater. CE. r1.oCtan., O.

A' raspt. Charles 4e , min, to_Ira. end Me,. Citarles T. Gblltr. in Detroit re- cently. Pechter Is pr and booker with the ACtor> Emptra FA41utTtt-Serrtcm,, that city.

A ala -pound, en: to Mr. and `-!n boa óSrltabor In SeattlPJ recently- Pasante aro c,omaeltdOnerx.

P. tie - lttt.er to Mr. end l,lra, Ti D T2ibrctn, M Ukrlltelo Bltl'Jr It1111alI1;e,.t, Art a w'lTtrqttnrn (Ont.) boapltat March hi.

A d4u'ytltsr .to -.Mr. std Mrs. PorrtaR e(Ek,bp BteheligºA in Santa P. M. IL. March Pattie? is drutnna r In

Johan., Hatnalteatna OrCbsatra, ~reran at- the Trianon Club t:hsio, end tttotbar te Inc dnugl>ter of Mrs "Rabe' Bittig a ~Mel trouper at Dentar.

An OW -pound eon. Harold Dean, to Mr, and Mte. 11 0. lpllbtrtrn tñ ~meld 1te.r(Ietal. NashrJilO, Tenn-. lrfarch 24. Pattret+tn waira, form_rly "#rib L. J. Beth. Al C. Ranson and O. D. Scott shows.

An eight -pound son. Thomas Prima; tf, to bl. srad ltirst Tttgrttaeg P. Kena4dl to -L Peter burg Pin, 11nteh 3. Mother la the traueitte- of Milt liobtatnt, a.dc- ahow manager.

A 714.potafsd e00 tie Mr- and Mrs. "are, Northaide b.1 1f 20. MotherI le tttJ. Ytte

dsu glitar of Joseph Welp. who opea';tex the Lib. arty end Clapttol theatrrs. 11~

]'a_ A Idx-itound aon to Mr. rid MEN. An- dre"; Sheridan tai Mercy 2iitle*al. Pitts- burgh. rather la attorney "ter ¡hurts tAaTtuserntnt Corp. Plttnbtrrgr, at:d moaner 1a the daughter of -thÁ late Sena- tor .john P. a.1td :ora. Edesa:nt ilarrla.

aaaas to i'r, and h_tti David Heart:.t !n a Hollywood heaaptlal MAMA, 91t. Father Is a too of Witham Itnndolph flRarst. the ppn+ttbllahrr, and- mother Is the formlÁ Sope Chandler New 'stork showgirl.

A dsoLlttrr, Josephine Lvxrille, to má. and Mtn H. C. Staatetiáng ta Natehr.? (Ml».) Haspltnl St»rCh 11. as-:serr-a era ^- fated with the BtaidttyY /AT to t)L-ows. i JdtceS

Hetry O. Carry: cobra:talon - with Ben- nie* itrai Shoats. freim C.trnt es C<erry In L1ttStc hock. Ark, March 21, r sutra Corry.

Jacquelin DelUbee. Pr -eaten stage stair. from eaeha Oultry.~-th '',uttvar, actor and dies a t, In Pates *pill 5.

tiargtlttet Wynn> the former vd.reart'- Lee, New Tetra wigs and screen actrft.i. n.tm Shirley Wynne, noltpio. In Los Acute/Ito April e.

Mrs. /sinters Chase Plant from Thomas Pnieigo in the Superior Centre. Br_dgeport Conn-. bent Veit. Fro':.ge is t1 former ehar.,ru.a ceV'i. who Ise- an aporekoled the ,Rldgetield Summer Th.t,- ter. Ridgefield. Conn. " Mn. Paula Spaettla Nyberg from Wal- ter Nyberg. orehátrii k..de r. tit Superior Coder. Bridgeport, lest work.

tv`illlsrrt J coruse_3ioner. front Josephine Prehleng In Lancaster. O. but week.

Ethel Levey. musical comedy stir and former wife of fieargo LL Cohan, from Claude tar&Larne-Wbl:l'q pWilcer $rttlsb alrtta,tlD. LTt Landon March ..0.

Lucile Oorsd from daanlee ?suet ter to Mr_ and Wm. Conrad, Saesao& , announos. at ;bet t Ftospntal, Ctn. in C.t;,dnnatt March 2n

WANTED -MAN AND WIFE TO OTfR.Tt Merit NathittY Pawls M.det.ra, Al'o tong Ranee thereelneI Canary wink men taanaportsriM, wit*. Rob ra O Char tspctiiNy, opettitf al iMlak. Ala:, farueder. April 11 - Lang *won wMi 11w best el tallies. Woos as wire

SAM GORDON, Manages Concesidoni RUBIN Cr CHERRY LRIOS111OW, »1i14. Ala.


rise Side l .r Metal that gables SHOWSt We will twntt> eempitta euttlte,hre Mr worth. ,erase At1vKMM1 CAN PLACE .legttaur: C.-crude/1h elirt weds fee hea else sac.on Cantle Cm., eWt week- Cdeb,atise C.. ileac, In Ohio w`ntlnó s geed, e. en ShaW. pet In saw ea wNA

Ptl1 DiOQcly.,nLaa7a and screen Ste~.Il from .lt lag r1 ]1t.11 tn Chicago bfateh

094. 1toQsnein Bede Rydge, atlnsgltsg dlreo-

tAr Cd Grouter Unbars Theatt!tn. troar>, Mn.t A. RydEe. 6f t5Ydnt7. Anatralla, rr- ccntly.

Muas-n Er SY (consumed frete,, page td)

able to loará tho missing home In another fortnight. Kann hie uidereorae taxi op+raflon" and sadism' farms at treat. rttr ii UI-aim-I for c tat» hopes were given tap for nil TI very. Alter his complete recovery T.- will again wrotk fain with by tithe act, which he b&& been .doing the 1-yt ee,.erral Team

DOC WADDELL writes' "Reoe_rlly In- quiry of " the. Ted K. Plant Minstrels brought me treasured rneti+drtes. I with Lea btitatrare repeesontativ'8 In adrenal and .booked the shags. Vibe surely did aasieeat, Ktate 6c Eslaneei fought the, Pttuit Minstrels to stop It. We made the Chit season (I003-'04) to e, real profit. What became of the money 4 beyond me. The 10e1,season was about to open and no rnoeey: But a cut of freight can was shot titto a addles~ at Oi'lttmbua, O.,, into Ted gametes lull man. Isra. Pasta received Weller: ribs. a celebrated ta]kir,e, parrot was ailed and ether damage was dime. The rail. load settled graurytagly and we opened at ltatyevllle, O_ on time With 90 Cents in the ~diary and a graft. Cent vet calling for 90-10 percentage. 12rri the opera house rau..ese bought n few tick- ets he'd have had t.ñe better of It. 'tie d,.dh`t and on act went. Keating by. It w-_ a hard atPriggle. mkt weir' hoot tt, clod:sir in the a f ms of 1906. paylreg Off and leaving 1Fptlnt and men 190. Ire wanted tO apiltr -beat J took .15. lkat nR him 815 foe hlusae:f and family. I took the first train for CIDcinrattt and hired out to my first lover, the John Robinson Croatia. We didn't to out. to .the fall of 1 . tho we were booked selid. We hadn't tat' money_ By not genes out we footed Al ft, Plead. who- had framed the. lio5- netlry..ftatlleld St]rstrell, to beck US. The D41 eh Kea me ay. My second recto on the Faust *hew were Ted.Gal- b"ralth. now a buaintse ratan In the matey eat iltrmsingharst. Ala., end Je0elte, Nedroc. who la dole/ nicely with a bill-

Ing plant a - --- 11 -nn, O- Georac ngham woe manic er ,Ot the Pane.

I.t ktatrebi. He took ill the second madam cad Wrest to his horse Lit the test.' Pep' Carr war Ito rust pflltctpal co -Median. Then followed Shabby De Rye and Billy Beard_ I discoaered Baird In a attack eamrikaity in a tittle town in south Caro- l+tra. 1lttid ttttby Past still liras In

,Columbus. O. fl ,, it at Vie Faust to tn.-nowhere In the United $twits. Tod.

bl:, -Ate and Orine are deevtl Wtltiarn panic. -whO brae the 'Southern :tight. instate; hare n movie theater in Lefond. Spats. What a valise was Clan De Bruin. FoUn4 him In Hillsboro- O. Li he Irv= tL 7 W ha knew -n The Ted g'-ttut >Ofl- atrele K - tho gtcatteetst ein$tag, cork show I eivhir ktiríeew Wonder bow many who were with the show NUB live, Tell The DI'Iboad."

IN TELLING of ramie ant the. old but.t1.octrk troupes be lies visited In the p-- _ Walter L. Main,boings to mind the Skiff do OaYtoed Pitinslrelt, which be caught In On n Pr Pa.. beck In 1870. -Met all the peep e aid -lallOked over the

~merit there," treat typtawrlte . Tar bad not yet opened ar were vveca-

t Lomman when tji Mabee Main Show was there- 711.1 T=N 1iá father. first tent show. There was no slob show t.rd no COfiOfrt. and It was, more minstrel than caret^.. Iy dada' opry opéned with a minstrel rlrei.part, »Kb Pt AK and Whit . as entinion. They also did a ):hh - ar ul rag and dance. Leopold and Were-100rtb did horizontal bans and

April I 1939

for a tryout a few etarrt fitter Del Loge re-. cesr'eet a rurallar aire Dom. -5,1Q. Me'd., who wats meet iii a now *bow atCoiumbuee. O Both lad- matte gam. Clyde, a button's. wawa twolet and rr asuu of carernanles for )care with yield ario You. Later Del went Into vaudeville with EdClO"Nel- raert, who IS now retired iii re-'lliig on the West 'Coast. Dal cilio heal an act rao+ttt

Nick Ilufrord. Weil -limen Week -hoe co- medl .

IN ANSWER to Wilbur L Brown, :oho tccantly saw In a Drsfeatt newapeperr of April. 1e09, a review of the Ill Henry minstrel% Burt V. Barnes writes; "It ear brought but rptreesaiit memories to me. I was with the ehpu at 1 riot tizne playing slide trombone In the bend and d4turas In the.oroha$rat. And I motto. her e,1l. the show names and tr_*ay mare during the eight acwsons I wee aii. else Ill Henry car. Many of theta hatter pe.ned away: Diamond Drcl,, Prank Me- tilab, »tut and Randall. HI Toga Ward. Hrrbert,Sbrtft. Ca+t Carlton and Woody Veen Anda We had one of the fluent minstrel parades and bands ever put oil."

PROP.. C. SPENCER C]l.tM1i 8. -of Smear tee, H. T., 'Who claims to have tlt,é largest and moat -complete collcetlon of show programs. Lithos and photos in the k'1t*,te11 States, recently bought a N~ - book that sun owned- by 3- rank Dutnomt. late minstrel. it include43 tiled tram Carner0aa DOiw'y'n M'lr;itrt>"t 1806:

Ycue Ain -crime, Minstrels. 1045: Sett- fortFu nattaila, 1801; pplots- of Dame Wanipolo, Jsrnfs fluesell, Nett O'Brien. Wt111alna Arlington, Tan Shelby, Harry Areastxofte, Wayne and Lassa,: complete bill of Kartl re Mastodon Mint .t is. 1115OC cud of IStir Demean In his char- acter cif Jc ep`u1s Orange Flleallotn. with Emerson's /tanning* MitldtssTs; 0..1.en. Healy As Callen idiin3trel group mod IS

group et 1Tñwrt{y's Minstrel' at Ntat,Iata Falls. P. Y.. in 1955,

,DON DAVIS recently visited 11.. and MIS. George- Otay ID Sprtngf .I -d, 3L-- end sftei talking withi C: 6i+. who la Si.. Davis says be reellms heir titttle ho knows about nt(nenteriy, "I Intend 4 co stay is Bprtnga-td tiro days'' Cottle writes, abut es Ororee's dattlater, Mrs, Tiara 1lfae, a tro+tipers -and Al natal Jr. were on hand, we had a ]:ottactoenhtg and I wound up,rematntng ttvare ateea dnyr3. I was formerly with the' ToottetY Wolfe Shoal gut wda'utt manager. and ray wife. Paint, rode in the Qtorceelto no tinder ell:ect 'a of Hartley Schenck and 1,Il1lam PlemIng, v Ito was general &gent a

BILLY JAMBS veteran minstrel lad. of Long Branch. N. J.. recently tan across a picture or the J. l,f. Hove rly United Mastodon Minstrel troupe taken In 1119. ' The photo had thnaltner on It. 'thralls has claimed nusabtt of the hare: James eetidgte how many Drs

sit :e today. Listed ,In the Picture Us Charlea Reytl,olds, Sam DeVere. f!iltt;Y

Trice. Harry 1Lcenedy. Pete pack, O. If. Cart---, will Lavake, Jobli Rapier, T B. Dixon., Harry W. Roe. William G. Belknap. @eoe*0 W. Hartley, J. 5t. Hall: CAarlr Probmoatl. treasurer (wile died when the Titanic, sank)- J. K. Buckley. James ~eat; J. It Lax: eecroterya Y 11: Wayne. William roots. W. H. $trttk i0ii 1. WsUlam Ooua tr gat, }hart, C. tY ii a itg. Etl game ritratted. William Welch. J. B, }foalenty, John állre, Barry ?.(extee,l, Rot tai Hoeyey. D. 1" F. Thompeen, Oeorge 'f3oru ire. !Yank CurlUnan. James Garman, ?9bn ClO3Tnaia, r}i?lin Stiles. Thomas Sadler, Hoagie Quinn. vt'Ifliam A- Barbour, r. r en H W lily. Ooorge H. tasnnar. Hat Mier. Gt r -o ]L Praeynp--n. Ga eye Barbour., Itenry Sperra. Harr; B1414y. Tom Ward ant ,nor ge W. Prancaum.

WALTER L. MAiN tYptordtea froan contortion: 1d Leopold** sue did tbo Geneva 0.1 'In 3ó8O. lá iltnitbh Og-al allvgr sand .1'F We firalr

wise the show Boone, Aaht.'btalya. 0.. 1 .lauelted at Happy

with t play, The WYi-lte Ste. ti, lsrlsie Cali Wngner"k M11í*"zSoeb. Wegner c. pot,d. 4l1 fir a few wroeka.-svd mY co nett!sci In the fterpkca. 77tí Lead=

wsmlbcr played 1t4 }e. and M tam_ I Pty pfd.' I tta.e beam nrntller! bye

played. Jake and did the stamp epee .h r and hew -diets Barlow, Wilson. and blacktace, In other werdf. gay Prlmtose send R'o;t, 1r, 0-ei kstatI, r. Hl

moot -tier and T were understudies:- Meaty, Mike Leavitt. l[r.welly. Billy Kcrarads (coforaci). Al G. Meld awed uf!irig

R- 19, 1DDC) Kr i.n, conductor of the others_ I hash Field "A n nuid or, Town" ,iloincan to Ttta, 'entitled Watch i'ourtel f 00 By. - Akron iO.i B.cr.pn Journal', gave lihand Irmo to ran retiti'f'rlew teeently with DATA RtCKIVED by Walter &tern Clyde Cbnl1! far ' -r wit11 tie Al 0. reo-tt.id on the &nth OC Claazjes W.

Ptürd and Tt'o(-el rn_irearet rTtuwo rand now Young. Gh trip,:et, inquiry was made hers idtntlfled _with a dttp:.t3'tetent -r etre la recently, is chat Yount,; .11.":5In `W In York Airiest, Clyde to boa, he ariahis OILY rulffe that 1p. IOW. nnct burial eras beanie-,. Del- also a minerlr 1. slot alt - r sup o- tdis m, -,id In a BTeoilv-n come - am. pr_d n al ague re,_ is ea, m t , Y. in Rica Yount( ion a [snail hotel steels- virolke re a'atint tie tlalem. O_ 1'. In Jot. Cletrttui, 14.01. He made ht years aim, wiz:=v+tltrke; tO Clyde, LK received bailie to New Tort Clil' natter he. wife a telegram to repeat to the Pagel a bQ.,. -deed.

April IS, 1939 GENERAL OUTDOOR ?1,r' Billboard 71


0 *PAIL 2.1-20 (0 OATaI

ts'A1Y uew earl .rrt Dr - ni II. CI . Vala+r?, 3 ear, . t.a.p . I/ llr. ee te:L.aAesra- /l±yil lSrF

1.d iI 114q Hlaraaaa

n.L M.latal i_21. " {L - 1 ,....j. la. All Wirer

MARRY '>11.11 e37 W.'La.reer, Lan,les Tel. I1.2814.


WAITED rr'rqre.licn_ a. u arm pgeer.t wA,raa,l,errb M IOuPoy AM LAIN in~, !A p, cl Thus~Nee er row.. rho.lr , a. are íMp` Cat 44 1111"1.1 at hI UcA tirade e.lrs

.ox ID 100, Tr N Il.lb.., 71nc1nrstl; 0011". Cay.

Gris V./anted ('r 1't.Ac i: [uar.c4r pmrtartipaa r.taCr4 derº' w'.IL 1A'Ifa is 1a. d'trr

RAt.QN DfCKER ee.t. op..aeo Arrll 1-1. I rower a ara.-p.l1y p.. a

BilkOn CARNIVAL Paragould, Ask. This Week

tCAler f1af1112a V. ANT A1b rlsytleq

r4 ll!y.+L flare eanOeeC. rail ter Nil Allan M 11 mdltwRrl 171 thrRtia

Curtis 1'luglue From Acts l'fNNFAPOLEl1, lklrcll s.-Zlhc plaqUot

presented tor S ra. Edna Curtin. of tb* e:Lri1LL Rlnel bore Troupe, -a reported

Thee it in Th(4lt,.perd OC Aprrl e. raj the Orb nt performers who worked tbo Sheltie Cirett.eas lit 11~ 11n. and St. Paul. reported Dtevct'Yr Wont Vt._ti TUI..:i>. c: luhrah I' tup3e Shrine Clreste Dare. The acta raised the funds for the memento and the ntinples trod no port Ia the pres- ent/Oboe. be Mid.

Goc(Imanl'o Get Under Way t.Ti31:1 ROCK. Ark.. spelt S. -Oecd-

man Wonder Show 'will open tli; rtandel fit Vilr Part .Sere next. PrldAy with a 10-d^rs' utirla crp-rtn Rtrerfy, White_ A craw of WO La pu'1-it g fi.lt1e31tag touebell On equipment In quarters bore.

Sheridan Date to Geiger AL1WQU T4QUE. N. M.. April 8.-O.

P. Zclger. owner Oi the ::.train bcattng.bla 2121::1141. *add 7tttareay that he had signed tO preelat else enld nj nttractlors end Mabel'Sterkls animal nett nt the Sheridan (Wyo.) Rodeo.

Ft. Smith Fair to Ziiiulurs RtlryBELLVILLE. Ark, April 8.--Con.

to fitrui_ab this cnbdv.nt atirsotleoa ht the new ILL. Smith (Ark.) Yen- bare been hwerdod the ZimdaTs Greater 8hOe0. r0p01r'ta b11 H. PiDC-

"L `7 NG N I LLE_RS "Arerica'n Ace Aerial sl,s" MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS



Address, Mexis. Tezas. this week. Permanent addacss. Rom, 229 Shell Buiding, Houston, Texas..


THEN KANSAS CITY WANT CONCESSIONS.: Cws1..ra Sidled dolor. PIPch-'T711YeuWIn. Bumper. Fiat, Pond, Hoop -La. Girl. ter Ball Ca as, Aseerlkan a/watrY_ Arynl. nods., WANT $$OWStGry.d LIMN", Gawk. Wart and=C.Imo. Monkey Clrcas, O,.alied Man. eiM ilwnish ovt1Ws ~see to e,,pabkr stow Net. Hays compktc tea tO7. Rills. Mlntl'rrl or Cori fteyurw wut% 24-h, Sam1-Trelkr, e`"eed trod/.'i. 1%. se -carry. plans and 211 that M ntodr4 to epos Ia.s VM. INw.Fr..,4 Past ecor7rktcd by Charles Elliott. IA* Drones write. the Bob WYast. Necd toed WAiispa lac Coeb: Mouse, abo Dkhra.l.e. IFappy Later ,rank rcirhne tact for 14de Sh6w, O.alilid Maw;_ Punch and rut,. blagk; Milder" Circus Ground Acts, Tkkat Solvers, ere. Small: lute Marti. Circ.s Cookhouse pow apee_ Anyzero knowing where. aWuls.oi Dymosthen- Colored Revue write_

Writes C. C -DI7TOtt. amt. Mir., I, L 'Linde, Shows. LSap trt. Kan

WANTED E'reIMEDIATEI.Y 17 Esuperi,-neód Union Ring Stock Men and 7 Elephant, Men.

WANTED -Nom Later Than May 7 -Union Wiser: And Men In Other Depart- mewls for lobs Opening Inroekirn.



1560 Broadway, New_York.

WAPir ACE M IDWA rAÑTT TRACTIONS Lia1TINATf OONeE.,s.FIONO Oi ALL 1tIit04. Py1M1rac.1'r,t~y. MSNIj ic+en D.yf WiW17,

Na Archie or Chouran aler'c. Wanle4. CXPLRIE.MOEO ItLzcrltlGlAN. ataNAOtR Men Ol<Zta FOR OFF10[ 01RL snow. non

oa_rrr, , aria con, aata, wraalr .eR /sl et e.. er1PASLE. 111011111110E0170R'ATHLETIC_aleO'W. .4...cum_ ohm" lm Meda:e' ,=`1 q auk* L.,rrlf cene oral r.ee_y7. WILL 'rFNANCit ARY CA"' nZg wMOWrdsal. Oaq rIACC 2 MORE CAIRO SHOWS. OAM Yee RAt L O1MC AOIrNTr. 11Yc NAVE TOPS POU Of'P1C:t.COw'eaeiloNr. WANT lolr-NTtI THAT OAN WORK STOCK oersC<trslOMs, HAatE. REST ROUTE OF EASILY Gtlt.lrAT1?S1-5 AMC .+Ain}, /PE.CtAL NOTICE.] 1. MS aRORiiARIDa O1naT10 CO. r7Trbare ~Ind bare r.+a, '.rt. carry 10 Rides mid 10 dhonr.. Tg A N i E.l'

Mm M M MWLM SM. en ah Said. 10Otj L,e^'t1r_414. ! Pr- s.aa 1n. laat9ln. ,111 ~mar L;dal. 511. TUCKED. E*sveir. Har+oy. 1/1.. Thie_p.r4,


Opel Chsrlotto. N. C.. Sahlruay. April 15. WANT GRIND SHOWS. Few isSi'tin*ate Caswell -10"i open. Fred Fernier wants Cort~on Monts.

!AMES (. STRATUS' SHOWS. INC.. Bow 574. Savannah. Ca.




Thoroughly Enginctlrr:id, Bugged (;,rrilsir7rctleift,

/or Dependable Serr:fco

Special Mee* Or Quantity Purchases



' . CETL '!,I! LSON SH :Ii'iLS

Opéning Saturday, April 15 nib Point, N. C., Fair

Ali Workingmen report not liter than the 12th ready for work.

Following People please acknowledge this advertisements. Forest Snyder. Bill Baker. Bill Keaton and Johnny Risley.

Want Unborn Shaw on accolant of disappointment; have Complete equllpettent excepting show.

Want :Leetitimate Concessions of all kinds; reasonable rata.

Zacchini Cannon Act Is Frc'c Attraction Hero

Address Winter Quarters, Greensboro, N. C.

WEST S á'90ñ


DS WONDER SiL'O'S 14 Fairs -and a meson S1í1 Date Route, belching Western Pennsylvania) Firemen's Convention and* 1oj-Bost: bon4-1:41 Fourth of July Celebration, Caw place Rides, Octopus, Stratoahip. Decible Loop -o -Pt vve, Dipsy Doodle, Role o-PLene. Scooter. with transportation or will furnish wagóes. °Shosr- CarT Revue Manger and_ Prodicct. Illusion. Fat, Scathe. Life. Cap:tbid Showmen. We will furnish complete Outfits and wagons. Johnny Williams went; Plant Slow People. This is an office thole. Ride Help. come ocu; wc_ can place you. Froo. Acts. If yen haw) aerneth&ng sensational. viler, Not interested in ordinary High or Wire Acts. Ill net absolutely celtsa- treaaf. save your time. All address FRANK WEST, General Mainsail. this weak. CCocnsSoao, 'IN. C -f ;reek April 17. Raleigh. N. C.



CONCESSION1....Can,placo 1egitimele Cencrs.lraa, eperahn ter ent mart than 10 rends. No E.nfr. War es. SHOWS -Can place side II._w startlwe wlok Aprl1 24. Will lurnHh Mier Fratncrr coma/his czcapi Bi.ra.rs re aeiI,bte OW" who 1111 a IT..d Show I. ewe In ser.,a. Tern ,Scully fes'Hawk Zo,da mires WM PVMleh coa,pise ~ill lee pasts. wee has Neodka, Girl Illuidest.. Will rums: Top awd Fr. .12 +D.:ellable tiiwronsew who have semr¢hing now to owl In Shew and rwi caw111dlns le" "due "re hive_ All address

Ott LA'G'S FAMOUS SISOWS. Da* Ian¢. Can. Mon.. 9clkoll3c, UL, April I0 -I S i iaytor vie. ' II. Apsll 17.*2.


F1 OR A,L i E

RAILROAD CARS a'NID SHOW WAGONS Reason for Sale -To Clear Mortgage.

or Wire TED Si+NBORN, care -A. M. Sanborn. Belleville. Kansas.

F. H. BEE SHOWS, Inc. traye_compk'o ,orals thew open. New Wild don ginner.. 'Wart Ma 1450r who Fos .em.Phu.` 1.e put In It. Wars greed e11.epinf be Stock Concesihenr. eId'ec4tPf Gprctto WOery. Lsai ;-Sangre G.tlrry. 1laap-LA, !treat Cam., sat_. t,ar can atind so -eke lma.-41; steadily. WI pia a111,p.oven Comte p. Adds Glasgow, Ky.. ill! week or come 59 lO arny Green, Ky.. shortie Ap.iI 17. Our IS talus that wick Italy 2.

72 The Billboard April IS. 1989


i < , , +




,' i

I I _ t I



nepattmerttb2 Opeutara, Jobbe22, Dilt2butazl and Manufactrc2 Conducted by WALTIR' W. HURD-Coann+un'luiaaH h Woods duliding. Randolph and Mrbcrn Streets, Chiceg

S7.1,C111[11 1'Y Under the stress° of modern times security is about to

become one of the most important' words in ow language. It affects all, rich and poor mike. The rl'cheay they want security for their investments; t e poor eay they -want security for their jobs. And the question has been -enlarged so that entire nations wonder whether they ate secure from aggressors.

Members of an Industry or trade wonder about the security of their business. Whether new inventions or ideas will supplant their bu 4ne-'R. or whether 'competition or laws will ruin them.

A prominent operator of coin machines once said; "I would be willing to pay one-fourth of my total earnings if I

could have some guarantee oo security as to what is legal and to know just what I might expect in regard to my mechhte ."

That is expressing the insecurity many operators feel rather bluntly, as most of them- would be willing to pay a high price for deftmite security from a legal standpoint. Many operators -delay buying new machines because' they cannot feel, secure as to future operation. So they repair old m chines or buy used ones in order to lersen the risk. Manufacturers find employe e+ in the factories feel thib rather keenly.

So pressing has the matter of security of business. of jobs, of national safety become that it would be natural to expect agreement and co-operation in prornotino the greatest security for all.

But that is not the case. Instead we have widespread disagreement, antagonism and opposition.

David Lawrence., well-known editor and columnist. recently expressed the idea that this is the wrong time for partisan dleagreements. Then he quoted well-known facts to show that countries like France are in a dangerous position because of their citieene being split into so army political parties.

One of the first steps In promoting -security for one and can would be general agreement on some very definite plans of security.

The word security has been popularized by whit we have termed social. security laws. These laws were designed to promote security in jobs. health and old age, particularly for the lower Income groups.

Here one would expect widespread agreement and co- operation in meeting a problem which many European countries had faced long ago. But instead of agreement and harmony there has been powerful opposition.

Perhaps an outstanding attitude on how to regard social ;security developmentu In this country was set by former Governer Winant, New England Republican, who retigned his job, threw partisan issues to the wind and became a

crusader for the new , _security laws. "The law will need to be Improved, but we cannot afford

to scuttle it." he Indicated. A recent Gallup survey indicates now seriously the lower

income groups feel about°,security. Fifty-two per cent of the

population feel that they would be forced to go on relief in one to six months if they lost their jobs or income.

"It ice a picture. ñn simple word&; of what Ls probably the most powerful single impulse in the American political and social scene' today,'% it was stated..

It is the best possible explanation of why people vote az they do, the poll commentators say.

A serious phase of this.question which few commentators have stressed is ehe implied opposition that is developing between classes, If 52 per cent of the population admit aerious insecurity, that lervcs 48 per cant thatdoes riot admit insecurity. It is. too apparent that a growing opposition between these two groups is e3q!reesing itself In the way people '.'ote.

It may be extremely unfortunate for a nation that finds its population dividing over the feeling of security or inse- curity. The future would appear much brighter if there were universal agreement that none should feel ineecurc in a country so rich in resources as the United States.

The disagreement seems to come about who shout l have inecurity first. The investor insists that he should have security for his íhvestment first, while the 52 per cent feel that they should have security first. A cartoonist recently illustrated the idea by suggesting the question' of which comes first, the hen or the egg.

The man or party, that cart adjust the Issue will have set up the millennium. Dictators in many cóuntriex -ere taking advantage Of such situations and solviisg them in á manner that makes the citizens of free.countries shudder. It remains to be seen whether citizens of a free country can .adjust their economic affairs so that relative security may be given to all.

But while these big issues go -on the coin machine oper- ator is interested in some degree of legal security for his Machines` He will then tike care of himself and his family lend also keep the factories going. The coin machine trade has also taken active interest in that phase of security known as old -age pensions. The operator la willing to contribute in taxes toward the support of the aged In return for reason- able security for his business.

The operator also finds himself drawn into another phase of the question of security. Independent retail locations have long furnished the bulk of locations -for the pll cing of his machines. The proprietors of retail establishments have fóund themselves in fierce competition wIth chains and other economic developments. The use of coin machinnes in many retail locations provides an added source of income which helps many proprietors to feel more secure in their business. This is a phase of the- security question which becomes more important as it is considered for its po:,sibilitiea.

Members of t=he coin machine trade. are also human beings end they have problems of security of investments, of jobs. of health. of old age and of helping to maintain the security of the nation itself.

April 15, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES f h+ Billbocur! a

Union Exec T:r t s Tó Md. Phono Ops

lyJLLLTIL:bIt>^. Al:.,It N. --1L the last n`u ar tea t -ir . r.t the Phonograpb Op-aatote* Aartoetetion of 7+sylgnrt. Le' - C. Retest. of the 1bt+t,TtettiOrrM. Brotherhood of Eectrtoal Workers. APIA tldre-ed' Mc member* and explained

Went aRlean.lzstion could do to 'help the nh u +ntraph Opl . ter --

2- a" el>z;resl theft Ciluste a few of tta aaplLytca of the phor.a,gtáplf r;'+hr. EOM

eAIZ umbers and more are t5toltinz tstJe'nlng after they .have dlseue.ed the m+itter with their CmplaFero.

The r.[rrryiºDat ., anon u groortn- b} *tad boundre. Thum t]fe effort of h oejtaa;_mtldu the proíºnsoai Increase

on ptono¢sap6 11~ to e60 yearty e-ar .t1e[eated and the 1Leeneca vreTo al- bard to remain at eta.

At present sertt the oeeanitatton omelet* of the following ~berm: $arntzel yeertca0. J. Mitt. 8seryer. l.oudn Scash_ P. Lynch. P4u1° flthatt,, w'niterT Volgt Jr., James !L Chi>!c, Samuel poTten, C.'R_ iionkiaa. S. J. Grzrld T. J.

Welter Creme. JuliusOelt-n. DavId, pbdrucnr. A. L. Reel. Irving 8eñwartz. ltlanrt Iltmhrtclifa,Tb: D D% . lsred- eleat: U. Daneitba3rít- A. On Ylgot. J. E. ~kin. Jaek NpeY, ` J. n' -, "11 - mil* Martino. 'Tony apalnrele, Samuel LIa larettln,or, W. IL Ogden, vtee-Irreeld.ettt:

h<L-loe Rodman. Aaron Yolb, !tarry OoOisor. Charles Schmidt and O. J. trtat..bRlttr.

Ponser To Show New Mills Phono

raw 1(0RK. April g---Jega Minaret re- turned here lass: week rrmm a Lehi to tee Mills Norcity Co., Chloaeo. 'vvhret ha atrsapletcd ar7at:33Thtiu!a to Introduce tee new se't1F 110-reeº.n1 bhaneatreeh to Pas ern operator The "Orar.g Win

prom" et the Hotel ,new Yorker April 13.13. and Ogg. P rreteer hºs trade elaborate srrange:nento to rateetaist Des emirate with the heel In food. drinks and talent,

Fouler and :.tltalok are highly entbual.. tic .over the new features of the ),lIIlM

pheelvd. -Tbe operators." °more "Will take to it to a Bit +- y, íe "'í2 inccheitiarn le perfect. bat.'Ing a ne a

Clive Milt w5tb plano keyboard- new plck.up and cerriege and ietrn-iowi tone centred. The oustanding feature. bow-

, et Ira beautiful appearance. The pe Mora x.111 be _bye to Judge for

J miietvra wheal they come to the

Mills Phono Roug liliouse Test

CHICAGO. April e. roughhouse 1/11autp-athet's the Throne of tuulo." -' fiwd Out Vibe(' ghat, faire* mana'ier ál Mille gamely CO. -The boautlettl pbohezreph iris not made for beauty algae but for s.realtab. r latiity rind per. w^neat etrvtee:

"On any >sled . t reuglt irl:edllil r the Throne of Muelo Just amides and oae$oo

Re>oar r on Solll h Ánterkan '1 rade

WASJUINOTO:R, April II-The De- pal!mlent of Commerce made Its report on general foreign trade eondit:eana for the wiáck based on fata.t cable and redlo ltd rmatlen, abe tag an Impqrro'Over.:te In trade co ditlons In lioatth Armeriaa.

Argentine trade was fair!y good to February despite, the eisrturbieg affect of sxenlunKv-tOntrcl teeericU.ona Oaf 1174 - ports !ions the United Ststre. Clearance s+3ea %Tee better than iaat yea% Texti`e manufacturing benefited front retttrlo- tlor s on foreign textile:. Agricultural pr speeta were good as to quantity. into na :á lls

std u unusually

ectlre. Jsaurirsy exports ttvie ld per cent under Last year in value. with 5 Ira.' marked 'decline to quantity.

ffi.yl'a, buelneee lie Irttbruary re - on ñft i. In eena: iratanees beryan4 ea-

*ttat:one. from the .eaaooel January a. line. and, public and private con- atruatlon remained active.

Una:mars dornestlo busineare 1Rat Walt in tea early part of Wean but c nati c- ticrff fCLLVIty was interrupted dtiring Janlrary by strikes,_vrbkh continued in I ebrunry. tmportant wool Mileráents to the United States were resumed In February for the first tInte aisataa t$37.

P.}rtt't >;tl iurua In, Pch t1-sey was some= what more active than a veer earlier. tbo sbosrins a decline from yrn.r-and level*. The water supply in the whore e -gated belt be now adsq u..te. 8otat terrtletfoy to place largos oudtra la noted. that Lile movement o2 !usury Items to atlli slow.

United Kingdoth btaineia, nillio re- fY/ e'Jttf Internasionni politico/ linear. tritely. dlsitlaye4 a agmAwhat t.rnereivod tendency toward the. cued W January. lndl atri. s cencertnrd with rearmament ewe reported to be operattirog actt'vel . and lei some canes espsPdIo.g eaDacity. but other trades wore gut -et.

German fodtistre- and construction oontlntted to operate at fool capacity rte.-. pit, oddltlnnal tenalon In Use. cotio- try i economic and anametsl ntrt:Cum

~ye bag maintained, the Irnprave- matntLn Industry and"coalrneree recorded tow ..rd t!'fe end of 1D88, but has maybe rtes furehrr recent pina owing no the iisactrt'ssnitry Of the Y=utapoals situation,

h:elt for u ea, it has payed bpiiirtrede o.' thmtreanás of tunes witlpnit o slip-up; It lies ,withstood the critical inspection and heavy-batedcd batterrtIg at al:optical a -permeate. and Its beauty of appearance. etreun tb or cOrdaeleation sod iler'feetlAn of tone remain Intact it has been chipped ten. oe tinow.anda of miles In fra,ght case. tracks and plain pasvenger eutcenobller and then duutped on the floor sad Ins s.Thtl? playtd 'ho tweete:t music you ever heard. The big aeon - tear of Its Ants, to take the rougttbovae Is the yecre of'unlneerrup:ed serrice It dellvere to you. item:nth and eerOooeithat flocs out of ?thug engineering, tool ante die making and ISO years of srt:iRlgfse- turtn3 realj-Op..tated products."'



FS!~ ta each 7tOldf.i

r n on enema. We cetera eans.

Arranged Especially far Yew Needs

Dated From January 1, 1939, to anu'ltry , 1940.

The even convenient meerrtorandtase book for Managers;, Agentie end P e r f o a m e r e in all branches, of the .dhow world Actual _sire 23/4x51 rrfhe-lust fIts the vest pocket. Cntarlrt, complete calendars for yºa r 1939- 194A, U. S. end World Maps. 610 p --es 'er daily rnerrrceandume. s p a c e for recording receipts ercf dkibur9Crrarrts rttxtey. cerssua figures, and 'much other valuable kiteenatfon.


For sate sal alt o/ftera df The nruh oerd. sratkd lo any pert of Lira amid for ?lag each.



The Billboard Publishing Co. 25 Opera Place, aan.dnnt:el,. O.



J15, U 111 t. NQlir/939

e-,4 1L.- _] -


wit 9-^O 31 a, D and _e "On i Or VW play feature which, doubles the earn-


ings of the most profitable coin gamo ever rnove.

"/i0 a,vati'laG/Q ñ "SKILL TIIME and''aREMOITE CONTROL" mbde,l's

SIF]1 PP IINri2 I M ED11 ELT ELY Sample orders to be NII`ed in the,ordoa received

Destriprfvr eircutar upon e!tluest

1. B1 'ME_1N'EY ' COMPA "The House that Jdtir Built" 2001 Calumet Ave., Chicago

Originators and Glanufacturers of Track Time. Triple (Entry. Pastinie and other h.Its" in console games

People "Over 60" Wield, Influence In United States

NEW. YORK. April as -That people move- lib" ate b, 11ut1e4; to st"ZO alt influence osertilb Milted teat" poUtt. ertl tecnornlr_illy and socially was re. Tea rd hertz in a Deeeting Or member! of the Ameri...n OrthOphytthlatrlO O- etatfOn. It mu declared that with .tn- co-c1:Ing re elliml knowledge the segment of the pOTuirstlo . ia;,1r s0 hr.. tn- er-,esed from I/20 to 1/10. It was ~l= rusted that Wtttfln n decade the propor- tion namild Inertia. tb 1/7 of the popu- latSon.,

One )goat for the eetranpq Into na- tional Ioi.itica by the %od le bled- ' are for social security. 'The 0one_ave emitted to the Temneend snoveinent and similar polttital rnO?tt ienta et eyieenev $l in-

-!1ng meths try the 'o'er 40" grrottp They urged econornle security and medi- cal cam*. but pointed out that er .uah was needed to determine Changes In mental ahllitie.s. In emotional nee...loam and to p c,al ndjuatreena of the aged

Dar. Joseph K Volsaeen. pradcsar od sociology a. Cesar Cohere. declared that rseon4 pot tival luau ttenta -Ring special benefIta for the aged v: -re n by- product of the desire- of men sed woman Pest CO for flránols! eztrlty_ Fir geld the vigor of such l 4itica1 fae!i,+tt - wall cerretatad In many cages with the rya prepvtt/On of the aged to some 8tetsa.

Another comment by Dr. 7tte jsI . Itur- lLnat payehiatrlst of R. IL 1~t- cy r Co. In 4ietieriag tAo thnter.relationalilp of personality and An Indlvithie 'o tsanontie aftoet,Mn was Us * too many baaiteee men steepled the "i_.ua.equam" geuer$i- I1attLan that 'ube ºbile ºa rA tit b!a rrcrtploy, has es' what la in the p.5 ea- Ctlop- "

IaI OQoneral conciuseon mac/mid well

rE C4191 PF. I' E THIS:

PHOTOMIITIC rer crlly morn ,- rrfaking eon teatflina that's as Profit -

today as lit sires five years imp I

-.and will stal be brit as pnofitable flew Velars from nowt

IÑVÉSTICATE Istferrr.atfowal rkiutevoopo Reel' Co,. Int.

518 West 34th St.-. New Ye*- ,



"1 h-ScER

*My ,uK rr YOU ay WITrI Till ^

rr rad2tad

wria7tSt ,i[GAi AtdaK/AWle7 Vitt ¡MILT

ilr{%; 71L,D.;a2ú'_,c.: T.

111 HUM SI CC CN Ca7Go.11llNOtS D

Ca.aw.b eó-OYT =at Msaarrs «NI ersr+rr. e7.0o11 wlr44t9e P. a **17.50: ak--,- e27.501 Kamer Wm The. et 7.5e.

TWIN C'ITY 110'1ELTY'C see/ .rlceli.t Ater.. ar._'- cells. eagle.

;aria La a rising tide Of amerce being exerted by olds::era in all ft_`de and that it le s-ntlrele t. --Thole that this ºgay bare a vttal cttwt od t a tºttite or the ootlotry.

74 The Billr(roarit AMUSEMENT MACHINES (MUSIC SECTION? April '5, 1939 I

- - . ---r --r- --

:e - c.,-. . - . - 7 . : i

a- .

`;S -. .. ..7i' _':l_i,c - _.a i' Zccrzt-12" _ - -'.c.ii__-..e -_ j 1. _

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. 1 login itoallliunu mil minim! Morn min i HMO [Minn tuuttnne +

anti ps Me4t April 16

Several speakers to be, lneard at mn c and vend- ir1g asan. mating

TUDIANAPOL18, atitrll !Lei-The board of die i r of the Indlena 8Jtte Op-rrwetr0re A..xrietan me. at the Office a Chance W ktaftlim recently to arse nee and snake plat ri iar a general rtxrttng eel all the

nel/ftort, of phtramtr1run- ts, tegaret run- nel/ aril kgaJ mer'hz.tadlre vend.tt7 My :7w% to be held at the Claypool Ho1ii Indlsru ne. Ind.. hftñday, rtl Id. rt 1'W p.[». ISITItatfons arts to tiro !disci to ail the Indianna operatocs 01 WM nisehinea.

R was arrvrigifd that the principal ;rpri ter would be Welter W. feard, sin machine reduce of Tie Billboard. Ore. twat Wes Mane" id. O. Hsmnrergren. of the titcuiolph Wrirlltaiit Oa- will attend and ace. c. Ro expeetod to try front Kew Tor': oar Oita ~One. &Pena; Ot of the J. P. See'-urg c rp. Cüetearº:. Albert Prices. yrre*tdeat of the U-Need-r- i'nk Bilks Cie.. Bt. Loma, and other prominent masalilaetureis ore on the prel,ratq foruhart tlJko

Al Ca. general 1h2tettgr of the opraltars bell, at the Claypool Aced, ladlanxpoir, the renewing sae settelen OrdOEre Were elected: Charier W. i(ugbe I -dogit ind pre dint' ' C. Evelio gout% Bend, vice- prddcnt. mud fr_ J. Wln.dt. Indlanapoile. creezetery and tw ee-urn%

Iltgpbc nuct1 tend the appointment of Otto Jensen. Peed Johnst se lad 1ta r* Dwyer as dhmstiers Of the runes committee.

Alter the three:~ meeting vine ad- $ourei d on Bunday, Avail 2, lInb!e terta nod at dinner at hkt home. Attend - Inc were !harry Dwyer. Dwyer permit, Co )Ant' ors: Mr. and Max r:itooa, South Bend; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Wanly South Btirnl; .)air. ane Mrs Jensen. Jeerrn & Sep.rl0n, ~port: Fred JoliettOr:at, An. den, : Paul Seek. 'Ouarantee Terrtiils. artlTgg ipa. fndlanap01in; H Jr, Windt, In dietaajiolla and bin oirceetary. Mr. Steven. .0 .

~leant Hughes Of the e- eclatUno . eat adcd an invitation to ell ptanufac- turex_ I. a1 Ouin.c.pertrOd equipment to attend rpid meeting and be Intro- duced to the operators,

Jersey Music Men Discuss Volume

N7..t'ARR, N. .h.. April 3.-At their rsgtilaf menial on April b the tdemntxtl of the New Jrrccy. Automatic Muer}e 19--swiatton discure_ed nteaitifee t to ear. let ti A iotig-etansi tt boraree of °ompletat Ln the manic ma+c lone basin tenth encl at scare _reoordlnipe to play too loud. Othorn ton wit_ Ta! annayanc;.

- ' en eel' root only by op lees end Mallon ounces: but to n Wide .extent bJ named fans WIiná phones: whiz et bowie.

enters Wed as typical caáanptoe aC

Ur, wide variation to sound ceotdane the difference in i.rtie, thaw dime and. Clue t.onaberde t. lgbawk piety . atlmc t invariably cockle +btu machines with too Mirth power and 'b:sM that la Mite -fine to route patrostr, On the other hand,, th - nr.Mt" toned of Cause,' Ott M reset In hr b detain of m z iti, rpm*

'n tt 1+i irnpa bite to regulate the velar fat lath nolertloet tiXs a iocl.at!on drrelo0d to,arubasit the problem to auddlñii áIr , manufaCI:.ut. _ regtae.tting that they me. . 1_ .soeasrr tiJtutinem i e beat the p1 wen ago made. It 1$ ealaee.td that correction of this o!)10C:!onabie :(.shire

1111 ts of con -Alembic bsoIII)t to the entire- tndtutly.

eonr, oti t-selaiona mate at the entering .vat one to levy a One OS mens. ter. ¡Ur not attending aece.ingls finless Tc - K1 .pr espgd - set This make.

attcn4ar-c 4f m4mbert, nt future woe .

!sir virtually cOmpulacry. 'Ib tUminalc cc-TofuOnn and conijletInR

(Sees aIRSint .VU'fM Ua this Ce.unui)

Record I3uyin'g Guide An Analysis of Current.Soags and Recordings From the Strrndpi i1at of Their Value to Phonograph Operators

17y DAHIIL RICHMAN Pabulateret f# Awed upon rodlo perforiren ere shtet mu:4o stiles end

~Ord relecret of ewe weet. Re -ports from ._usfe pic}Nthert tea to 1144 re/.:trite t.--Penner.,,,e of certain renew in thttr eata.ocei are afeo consideed, as waif; ss lef:rn--ateort rereleed tacit treitk from pelmetasnt operators.


(Deep Purple. There's no shack nin. or2 ter ibis blggort of all hits since trio be :inning of the yew. and Dom a stendpotnt at pure alert". tba;'1

= m It ..hou;,d be. ccñiag along the' weelk to add hin three minutes W = those o_ Larry Clinton. Jimmy Dorsey and Artie dhow 1* hind Cris by. =

~lid tion tdywnaUp front' ftslá_ag mk at double. dandy bin Mg of kb* á Dust no the ~Not,


E Penny Seeeeiadc. Stepping rtttht aipnr 'fit continued pO'ularity is ibis tm- portartºa tram ~and end Its Micmac le liken!;, deserves!. Ouy l arnbsrdoh (alto has been meetly potent for ape' pnitjio.ern, end Bosse: HClrft, and 66 may Key* have Contributed_ their rheas towards main-

_ taming ate popularity. C Heave* Can Walt. Chick Itrlllock cornea tip with a record of t.Rts.tbrrt !xs

been greeted with tona1"-mM * amount or t edsulm from nickel- = droppers. Glen Orayn Casa Loos Baud wry the first to intAbltah a hold

O11 the ,norm err' , rtrntlon in the q'hOoo field_, and Bullock 14 .earn l irnentling that !told Sather than "threatoa' It_ Both Oaten ere tgt3siliy geed ter macbWe µea.

Little Ste Eebo. Guy Lotuberdo for -the deDee Itteentises and IKtk 4bbd - tar purely_Ilstettab1e ena)oytnent litter Writs milk. this novelty waltz = male for the pbonj for .bother few weeps. IL depends upon whether

your patetn a like, MMetlgilt dhllco made or socel Intispretattein, as tO

= which disc to have to there, Both aro excellent In Utesnselvee:

1 Get Along Without You Very Well Another swell bit staove'ing that = the pubis can appreciate bets -r .than avnrngo Tin nee Alley pmdwet . = ILO oh* of Ilongy Oarmlehrees beat numbers, and In the hands of Red = ?iorro or Mainly Dorsey hiss been a W.crility plea -ego In the botee.


= Ent Side of Heaved Trite title ,applies not only to then riong but to the new Ritt1T Crosby picture of that name- At ~it it ensnare that -eta

= title tune 1rlU be the Cut bighlt !lesm the score Ot four burro:a turned out by Joiusriy Burke and Jimmy Monaco, whO n - y- t 1~e Got a Poe-Pal-tut of Dsoeine and On the Se tlaterttel Stare. among others from previous Crosby films. !qt the %hate Ouse: sonars should by no swan,' be overlooked. The tit7m aro rho,* Sty Ofe- Osraileman (hmen Teethe?' tied La! -e); Hang Your Heart on a Srckarey Ltmb and Sing is do -zº of So ishes:mu, Thus tar. reoOrdlnm Ikons Oily tarif) trco Or -te Nelson' and Sammy Kays are available, Di, - ,t of all phones hero will undoubtedly be,. of Wutre. flings own reºTrtt one of Site trxnrv.., Crls available note. ft hardly berms nior- ry to Impetigo upon operators the importance of

nano Gets Big Play in Panama'

= CHTGAclp. April e. - otis ` as. traveling writer. In the April .5 leetsé of

= The. Me» Republic dlrcetirses ; on en automatic pb000psaph which be die-

= covered to Cn3stobsl. Pnaniae. its com- a, mdate: mow It talcs a good t fr:^e!pn

nickel to play one teoard. And 5 arnta la fairly Important money among colored

= people down that way. And herb wore E those people standing around at a bar in

their simple pants and source and bat- tered me, crowding the machine SO hard with tht'r nt *la that you had to stand In line to &posit your wen.'

The local population, ho further re- late", axe very ent,Jeariavne about music

= of shy coat and proceed to er t ttt-znae(tics w rhythmic Ibt rpr=tations o`r specialt§'

= elanpr'a. Ono boy, known tut "Stookey." who "bate the relaxed a eintj of the rhythmsº pattern and along with It drive of his own that runs along with Thho mss c and anttelpates the restless urge -of its loge. st7lressea and sharp el1t- oolkratoas. %ímoltry MLA the center et the fleer with hie_ feet. &TAJO. !tilt .s, alma and trbelc dancing body.. Its what the people with to see and ea lotag as anybody puta nitiltets in titre :tta. chine the a bogs w'on't stop, and UPI lancer they kee9 Cotnll the more they


do~ Pergustto, taU.tai thbiat

theuutoutatfrac Jobe pboao pt

"sins cmc ~eked with recent remedy." in irt.ira. clueing hie piece he, saggr stated, "What veth the sad ship's' cerchettre playing ..to -k arrangements of Aiá Alone by fib r..icprórne, the general apathy of a few Wert radian and Cototab tt posts., the feel Ti« of people CM poor and too tired to sing. err else singing relechaaically for

= the tourist trade, a good rgttrisigtit blast = ..f music (retina rise photio. rsph) was = enough to stet anybody .; Ippdaq."

In all, the' eta --y w ,e, atry fritter :Ling and 1erry fay.atshlo to automatk po ste- grephs, Pcrgu onl% story brings out ho

= tart that anise la a nett dettatite and predicable market ter phonograph tapers- - lion in the Central and Aoutá Amerind% republic'.


stocking this quartet of future bits immediately.

The Moon Is a sliver Dollar. The. 'Champagne MBiIa" of,Lawrenoe Went = to aptsaltatb)y suited to the requirements of tltl r.rfw ballad¡ which Mega = like a ermn«r Onseng the latest 1.,té!i of pop tune product.

We've Codas Lon $g Wry Together. Another sweet baUrd that to dhow- - test sighs of LlL1ri n.rtcet music. an Indication that operator,' bag better

be t4 1utn:i itepte=tn, for It itt the 'bese . Sammy Kaye "raingo = acid sways" It In his wiuN} smooth tale.

Wishing. Prom the picture Lore 4110r,, sterrtr-r Dena Dunned and Chaffee ii c yY cornea this romantic melody, and its publish", Intend Orlin It gents'; is known ea a So, t plug. Thit itehalliy K,raryt Mclan tune. e foe a tu, and while Rite rule Isn't infallible It enema a: !Suet that We worth wbl.e to k - p an eye en the song 1n question, Minnie nulls. Our of tl_a moot popui.,r ban.te the Wert Coati. and the mtuical ei4 0f, the Bob Hope radio ahqw, has ft ace rqr rdln` or IL



Li:rrtng eeorarl_ those icings `etch tn theatre/ea coror.i)at Lc elaaaffllsi ai - lac/purer eatlon=xtrte !tits. bat which eve. '0r rgitt ct'try IndidateePtt of heroes-

= = tap, asecoess; ut'phoneerapb i.mbera.

Gad elm Asneeke. A week alter the releue of K,to Smith" saaperb re- = carding of thin Q'rrag &rlso contribution to the *Mier: of Amtr1e, aI Jri

pt,itopin; the country comma a ÍSlu í C-emby ctWo to make it par ett.e Illy ea- sensUal toe op: to tint ial on or the otter. Song Is a c roñd piwtweure"e

= relito peas cannot be 0'. orlc.dlte d, In the m.Chtitaat. On the revrrio of both or> records is rs.o 3tSpenpted fusser.

= When the Salwts Go Marching By. ruining up in a'hurrrs a it, lta initial duce n lb the to ppt !shay. this Louis Armstrong Putter now has to

= be oomldexreed a "atcsor for ol'Lr_stoti in every part dt the, cotlrittf4. E. currently one of Q. rrtit pthalltableAtems to every machine holding It.

14 I Didn't Care.. A entl sob hall 41 edialrabr) jutted to crying into obeli = b *r, and a pent bet foe tavern& Tu a /bur Ink l3pai.s wring out of It = everrytilt!g they pi_ttrt can- which, to p. nty.


= seer Sued Paiks ilr tt ha a nailer that rat -tale to be one of those = n.turelrr, catching on with the public se a si lull of a goer,r ecoordlnli = = the tong bas h..(r t acquired L4r a Tina Pan Alley piibikhet and name beads E

ns- begtnnity" to go for It, At present Eddie Do Lange- hie a Oho that = sb;;oid-prre.-e PCOUlar. and auvtbsl lotcrpretvtian is Offered oñ a r.r nn platter by

ises and Otis.

hlz diet Wavelet beout soon r ttenKazdt. waking the typo 1µt: E

= Sunrise Scrsnede. T1tla is the plattetmate for Vac táµ Toms recording of = !fear- i Can liraft and north more then a rth1attotl I,n its awn relit. P'r = = that matter. in ¿eme ,ctitrita Ifeark Is 'being Elwin the la -by In fame oº' _ = the !awry me:.dy on the nor-- e, pissed by Glen r.rr,y In his t'ery West


Gotha in Gets Four Cars of Rock4)las

CHICAGO. April 8 -ylt,* very week ata+ Rock -Ors ndvrrtlseme tt visa rust rn the lritlboar'd, 51%0,04 01 gleaming night scene down famed old i c'oadway and Tittles Squarre. four cl tusad` of the ttreyr7 Light -Up phonographs sped aerobe the continent -from the Chicago rectory to the gay ~de= metropolis. Anticipation of =OM In tnastneas. with the Now Totk pale drawing,arq.riy thou- sarads._ le carric! b t r ai.t men to mpo eistboruts plans for the turnoter. Rock. O. Ltattaly bight -17p phocoerrphs are undoubtedly to W Included In the enter- tainment n.t fare. according to the doings o: orders rewired by the Chicas factory d 111.

Fred Pr -y, t ock.Ole's- Neer Yank feo- tory represenl*tly . saya: "Now Toreare hace taken to the Luanrsy Light -Up pbanogrsphe ea only caw Yorker* can. Rock -Ole Vestal Light -Up inod.!i nee debonair Shrletn's eht,_eaae, and *IA phonographs are daily going listo ame lOF*tlona clown ti}ue_ Operators are get- ting will, from busy Now York taverns. e eicltL.ii1 lour'graa and many r.Ow tan- tllotle In smart hotel* which bare '!tela' bed phonograph music batons."'

JERIEY MUSIC (Cori Muted from nth Column)

reports to the future, tt µas dodre-d tent alt publicity oonownlng the I/sextett:es gnus: corns front boa1lgt_arette.

A drive to bring into the ter:i thn tow 'remaining non -nacelles In a -r Into rQret. After Apra] is the ~mums fee ;ill be mired to 0.50.

A new member vas arr.+lnolraod to Lb

rtnka: the $uboo Aint.trecient 00., Of Verona. N. J.

_ (0onble-mLarellrl7 rticores err paarprz2r1a otn *inn it't d fe tills t-0iu m'i 1 = ean ta Oci r by tiDo nt the 47r3

471.111111111119I111tU]1111i111i111111111111Httlit11111111t111t111111ii1111111111111111Ci1111111f11111111h adorrir]. Worked 101Y r.re},ith17.

r1 pril 1$, I9.9 AMUSEMENT MACHINES íMUSlC SECT1DONl The Billboard 75

Whi the Records Arc tin for Mc--- CPEIILtRTPHO1OGRApIf&


1tIJe re as« d$- rFln Opevai[Q - Cl.eArla Aytar.hee. .n jhrte. 10 " bya f.orres Mttt11P1a ' u,

tt tec sod 1oi dot*. 1e watt mown

.. +n,p apr,.+o. ~Mk !ti? e... TM owtn ntrwrt.:s 0 snfl`sa+4.,; ̀ r..r!at I I5

>s esws.usiee. 1 ta GsaA w a,. iy'nv 3aLs.lt COMPANY

WU t._vun Palk '(MIM C r -vil: O,ea.



t)YI[r gLLiaoros=a


RNe.rdrd by oub InlT40.ret OroDYtna

/or. 4. .1031 w -irt. atf.K"r O, {.va

tanurbtrd 101531 A NA Da114/1neu Yew


rs Yc

PUSSY WILLOW .. reraby

Ouls enkeranv Ow--ew tett.u{et. wa44)

hr.IM far


illExclusive Publicalili'nt/Inc. 101* a.o.eray. Itt.a Ya* Cses

OHIO'S 'BARGAIN Lf OUSE 12 -Record Rock -Olaf .,$29.50 412 Wurlltxors . . 39.50 Seeburg Model "B"s , 39.50

(12-Rc ord) Mills 'Zephyr , . . . 39:50

ylEady í'9311 Modell ACME PhONOGRAPH COMPANY 62110 Eudid Are_. CS^ eland, Otto



wIIL PAY .. 11Ratrascd Poo 4 Menthu

Oe1y.F lac each

00 1COT, sup - awl alura, HUI Billy Qr Cerrrbers. Strip ANY QUANTITY C. O.

D F. O. Your CM}.

I MO E 'S 51 twoYai City f.

le tills, the operators' own column, the musk merdheets of the- entire na- tson help ens arsenics re select the biggest megey-reakins records. If is a service by the operators and for rho operators. Where coatribut:rtg to this echoers be rare to include the name of the raeordlts;, the mane of rho whit. and the type ee ioe.stieat the recording

roer'best 1n

Addrotii eoreinualeations to



1564 Broadway. New York City.

Wilkes- Bane; ,Pa_

TO the MOW?: I think the misnie operators are goi-

tres tq a utagc u.orlr .,-herd *boy know what to Order and what not to Order. thcve'b7 elimrnaLtrig ruti.t rat the rocorda 1rbICh Couldn't oven nerreee a raciel [row, the most ardent lilt.., -.bang. Except lev the sore song tuts; we pick co. -,t of the raCa..d try than araho:trab WW1 pies' tha=t rather than by th* tit'., of the

Per 1nnJtnnce. thing Arosby's record., hse Always bons steady- macula for thou) nickels.. ants *Da quarters. I thank his..Ytz-cull Rasa tnta a godsend to oporn,ora 4b.4 ea probably the big - sort lift of nil rhea. Lt Le still Harris very well to our terrettory. Of oowoe. tbn large foreign populatloat lis this .octhan .Uit hetru to make the pnika.a the most popular records.

At prv.etot our top-rank/rig nk-ltel !Inner Lt Esetta SfrEclto by llamas Hildt and hi) oretrstnL While H¢idt and our Lombardo ore good, Arile Slow nand MI ereyhostra atand above tioNal sin Lit thaws pmts,

OYIX Laanbardols P"'nny Sereseode, Horace Resdtls Chemnnet - Polka; Attie !Shawl Repto the 8r'Ptrbte and Hold Tight, by the Arni_ews $latt<afa,, ate` top rec+orde Heist now.

Apnt 8, 1930.

Other records which err taking In the ere re Ttiara'A C mote du the 04d

D01)fl Difeltct by sattattsy KATM. and Bel~, <>ooblr'a J Mot Fir An oidtitesR. t -wheal Ny Baby Smiles at Ile. by Ted Leath, s. Leat nip g01n^ well. Hase.oitele, i Oet Along Without TOOL very Welt and Gotta act Some Shiat Sge aro also get- ting a good play.

ii-.,tt.ds rt)si4 are going well hero ate Tommy- Dory y. casnmy K7ty9. Benny O. -!mots y Kyecr, Russ blorg;in dt no

a local. bu}'p. Lairenpn Welk and lfhrry poorer- and tits Royal Hai slum Hotel Owb...tra. Berl, as 1 sold before. 1'.rldt, Lombardo and Shaw. Men, with MN< Cmañy. and the favorites and the brat nickel ,ours_:s*

]d- LINGf :IAN Roth Kavelty Co...

_1- rlr, 1'a.

Niprcltoz. Miss.

April A.1, _. Tb the Editor:

Held 71 st that's the reosrd In tase Natchez locatforta frtting the bil~ play at mt.-ent and tt Hooka lile & athes 11 Hafer, NO pflfereirrr. by Cliff brunet. ar whets ?Ac astil'+ era Nerelti<tr Hy that LOVIs A i tei,rona turned ant, Tase - roTdings, of NCi1`' neh.t I've h..d the beet, IVA' With are these by Tbn3.itty Dorsey;'_ the Andrews l'- PA*s Waiter and 9idaey Becbct nod blab Iierrd. The An- drev.s, girls hall trato Pranktin eCóvhty near Alatch_r-: ant. of DautIO. are great faly.ode .

Otlter aunare etuit pro extremely repo* ir re Yr r ce Jletdt Its hin LltIr

Dog Gone? and Kay- 1 C Z wats his Deep


Wurlitscrs P-12, 412, 312 acrd P -40a SELLING AT BIG SACRIFICE._ WRITE or WIRE for PRICLES.

OOLE COii !!CH'INE CORP. 138-1148 W. Mt. 'Royal Ave. B.lItimortt Md.





616.,,,,58º:50 412 4950 P12 3+50




625 10th Arcw, New York City dreL LC -5=4877) Citric, " tastcophoñ"

PbUidclpitfa, IPa , Address!

ENCEL & SPECTOR, 2012 ,'MMairkot St. IPhoR;t,ot,

n 35461

J a_,e for1 Old P izn Dgraph eords

For rid" Details Write CARL A. ,HOO'PER

549.51 So. 2d St.. I.ou.svitde: Ky.

ROCK.OLA Dist. far Kentucky and Indiana. I




MILLS tivtfrr M000L Lim of to s2 O0 ' LAft4a saCLLOT1oM Os THE rtntillr /1[COKDt- O _

' TtdMtO OIOAAtTTr win, Ón 'ignitesl.t.,a.r.a 00.

BABE KAUFMAN "p s';SEE 250 W 54th St. f. C.

WVRLITZER P.s2a ......... .......,----..... $34.50 Cede

wURL1TZ5R412, i.,. ......... _ S1.50 Each

WUIILATZ' R 400s .. ... 6940 Lull All In A-1 coa.Atien; ready fe lime,oC aM O Ilrrry. Ruts, Yew Orders.

SOUTH'ER.N, PUTOMII 502 Meta second, Street.

Ptfrpfe and Raley ice Rana 14 the Pamffy. et itt at the Nat and of IcstChta, wbere

1 nave a rountbeet od machlle*. I tied that Loil49 _ArtG^Spor ea .legs Cf Ara and bC 1114h.cn the $anti .0o 1uarOfttwp dy bare rung 94 lees of ehnli . They also soo for bra Whet 1* This Mtn/ CilsCd tartnip,' AI Donahoe's Ttlthtot r dy . Vary popular.' ruts Wailer, C.h Calloway and. Duke g ltlipton ran All tae depended en far etas:.d; Ceterttes

In nary higher typo kieaUorls the sweet. canewrtnitive rendttIons EM seen t of tae play. Deep rserp'e. by Larry (Maim. tsar gorse eiiccptlannliy well_ 1 Cried for You IB another. In these 'nebula- spots fling Crabby la my No, i mars. And that was for tr-sny other loºataleta.

Therets profit ip !bits bar it u ape a -- tore waters their locatleOe and tallow up by ebeni% tang records from ratrAt to Um " - (pine oq-1 find., pay toes little attention 10 weir laratlona and leak Syron tleolr spots ca inertly places ep go and -r00-* a istsclaloc emery week, t tale ,pride In my mar'Rlbr-a and, flak My atistomnrs and gibers to do :stew"

w1L.L.I1< L <BIWA Blirr. N

0 MUSIC COM'PKNY Lghvllls. Kdtitvchy.

"WV oweiiaP VE MONEY


tine America's . Finest Phono

Nee Ile -the l -- "CALCUTTONE" l:afeele . , dl5s I

To Lars ..31s 25 Leh - .2$c fo0'Lots .2k ea" Iona Orey

TWEE 4IEMÜIIN.G IRJW_H1N aes.15 s.,..ua., St _ Fawt...nr,

Gltlss M o t1 g ratan Viso* PLAYA, @Il0ektTs L,sas THAI Os1DeIVANrY M[ttOi[a. oriole MOWN 1




76 The Billboard AfMUSEIMENT MACHINES iIA'ERCHpINDIS'E, SECTION) April 15, 1939 - - - -

-- -





MCT ENDING CORP 41O13 Fullerton Ave..Chiéego.111.


T`MR1 Dctlrr.cd fo are. vide -yeretartl

ir.raarlas= aririee As Nltª roxal eel' i LOW PRtCt. Vanda re. s y I s -ta -dict.. PrenuM, ptrtaiy loi churl". OM

tapa41'tT apN. -!d0 Batls.

Cap4ctrt' Merchandise ilba-

asas Spoclai terro- rism!~ often 1 t'eR0er

10 te. Ca-dy 1 le, 70111

_ - Átf1 Oar ;a.71.

CII aLLE GER í1a, _.s.ded and Ohnhap c.J bt

207 A -SO. 68 PHI LA.. PA.


aatCRl U~L YmGrºOla.

Ores muna at wiry Pram. verr g.vitnNF

JlpeetM bMraer a Onset ONt+LICMDOñ- $ n rat. Goner a P++oartf ar 600

Dana 0a7ti 1 Wall r°lcafa «lo

I iiidMt o,Oi.tl`.ts 1 a a Data,sl0 0.

eM4 í/ Pr'aa Lim ±_ Otter nasa Ir:s and Wahl MratlWM. TtYts* sirs,Mail Q -re Or d 4 6' altar 1 1..04 s«r 41144



CHALLENGER alert,' tRa CAWS- - Isar Waft Mrych.-.4nv 1114t Prt",.,.í 1oelrlai r'uE+1.TI1rL .r ra' ti

Kn.rta l I- le 4.-- Ws do- tsans - O P11eM.

r_uey DIV. .tor FLAKE C01MhM1ICH111[ 1EXCH:

Wain tA1i. aa a>A.

USED CIGARETTE MACHINES otaanA*Ii[O A-1 00040/11011

T 0ox.322. *Nip tTTA : bh ater!_-_i ee _ kaTIOAIAI .;A . _____ N0

_ e-s-. NRTIOM3l e:l^ --- 42_74

IINtC11<RUaeOOltan__ - 17JW

e uy +_ - 1211:4°:592

YC0 oD Ó e ,.. ML -_=M -a-OqqI

ratio 41411reT iAut3 co, Paz - Ube O .e Ss -.en. LAWS, M.



\\ .1 '


Candy Expo ToBein 111 II

Dates arc May 22.25 - expected to be large$? elt01, -' in a decade

CIitCU ors. April @r-Tbo candy ahoy will this year redact the ere de toward ,resater and mooed camprellenstve mer- cho:idtKi-A, it has, been revealo0. Plana and 1134f=rltt-'3tsa for the tails Confec- tionery Indust -2W poólition.-to b4 bald In the PWRN- lieuee. Chia, go. &ley 22 to 2S. inclusive. etrtually asetut the largest trade oho.' staged for the Ir O.ih t17 in the past dt*a4Ae, it was repar:,.ed Dial. witty by Trainsn L Clapp and '17.411

Puldnk. who compiles the New York Weft ethic/ la main- rasnt, is>g Mel candy

urryn eahlbitbom. In keep,' n; With the trend In the eon-

fecti ncry led Whey. show Offich4w ab- er ,'eel, tins it toil exhibit Will COntaóp L^ceela1 ompbafds on machinery toe packaging and á-napptna materials r- :bettislb; the Industry's CenOtntt='..tlon on $tv'tts' imerchaardteing_ in adilltean, the full hinge of rmsnufactudgg equipment,. supplies and services will be on view as reprtr+etrtinive of every plisec' Of the industry's operations.


I7 .



RCIHDE + Ten Best Bulk Items fur Dlarch

C1i1CJtaO. April 8.-Zre 10 n'.ost peputar balk candler used'by hat mee- ehsndieing opc,r non dining the tnoatr of lfarch as rerealCd by the aalos root*- la of the rag} Conlootion P+actcq. were: 1. l ti rd-WieU Bpaiou Baked !leapt po0 wry: 2..Tby Jelly Beare. (temporary name -new nee being chosen In contest): 3. lined allied Boston Baked 11_snaa 4. gird" Shell Asrorteil Licorice Lozenge*: 5. Huff Bumf Poanrtbs 0. Smooth Burnt Pea- alllta: 7. Jelly -Cup Beati; 8. Pee Wee Smooth St8=1t I'oaauts: Or hard -Shell Buick Mod White UJooruco D:'hee SO. Bard - Shell Fruit D:br,

Robbins Trims Price On 2 in Vender

IIROOKLYN, ./1.0-11 8."Hartad a0'd over '15400 of cur 2 Ln 1 Nadescas,, we hove decided to rechico tho operstoli' p51m" declared D. Rebbine t Co -Wo are In- a position to reduce- the operators' price of Otte a in 1 vender his our cost of the dies sad tools has atrr 4!y brea absorbed In the original selling price.' tokee Dave

-Tire O las 1 igaehitr, lends over 20 dif- ferent hulk Ito.r:i.- It Is oculpped *1t% .our patented attachment which Wadi, charms perfectly without tzualli g - cr JarnniLng...

c re ̀e sew's '

associu 0orn fr,iiL

f' r

PURELY Pl PSOTIAL8I Jack Bloom Rent to Asbury Park to recuperate from rTecte of m i. recent 'ppt;adectonay_ Srapp/n,- at the Berkley Csrterot. . . Cam- MtkloafO Yolen fuss bought, a ne-V 3d -foot cruiser in partt-rabtp with"Aeon Leh. 4f t1uprieme Vending. This mitkcae Yoten a -L1 .boat male' since he already owns 00a 0í3r' r trout. IV,. Skipper notch froto how on. In care you farget. All the saw York CitA LDem6cie are invited to his oh, band for the laun.chiteg eret Yolen end aoschra new watt thin coaplr-o week. Wonder if ilte'il christen -It b,' aeriaahing a eig vender across the prow. . . R. Z. Greener expected back Jrom Wert Coest In a tier: -y. Ed Buhleg, hoed of 'ever York City Cigsret Tax , Uuwi_,ti. On vacstIAn to I`rvrida. iii okeb.. Ili. the boys 'hope you enjoy yourself and 00r_.e back looking like an Indian. . .

A recent i-h/te- at the otToea at the New York C]MA Rss,WlpUxit Clam, well- known operator in Poiersotf. N, J. Re and Yori.ts are teppº+rtcd to base had a gong sad ii=tere ting gabfest . . Spring biinge golf and. aithto'the buds Yale trot yet btaaitlog teeth on the cherry tree In thew h y,ar p!!3tl, rilin a has tt that Wllttam Peek aimed+ ham whacked the little xljte pill round his 111101ite OOkir;e raver -11

deferent ?since. Why this early start? v. 1l, our snoopers relit lye the result of a rAnlical" hen hurkd at .Anthony i, ltsrsane, head of CCU Oi Ovttnecttettt_ vew York toys are° bssrk_l g beastly on Peek Co Cora* lhru for tt, aa.

Marl and slack -acs sboula it be three cheers? -Alcor Premier no longer bae the honor of hei tit- he_+'tAa', tn$tt lei the 'Kew York C/-14. Two things -hare been respºrwitiss !Of ills dct ren5meiit: Otter the diet on rAi',,ll he embarked early text IMP two, the CrlttY.Ma Into the his oola~ Of Mix HeH.cber. Of Jtist-Rite Cigarette Besvlx . It won't be long Dow'ttefors Harry Pity -us, of Ct.-;arette huge., -win be pushing off foe CUtilo ttte. . _ Char' -y Ashley q; Cigarette llervioe, is anoth, r g01 rt who's shining tip Tatty ahla:e; el! . OOngrets to Mrs. Jack Levine for psee, tut; her husband. of ~a Ctgsrrate Lice 1Oe. LL11brook, L, L, with * future member of the CMA. . . . Bad wc,.iher I.n New York City put Witrinelnr of Dublin Ci ,er to 8errice,, to bed tot to tow days. ilea by sod at 'Orn now. i.,ACT r.

il+a Oyu -teal retilrocd from his Florida w -ikon hat w cl: end reports hie met quite o fr e.g opt while in the land of sutssblrie and was guest at a ~or party of co Willesta. -of U=Nerd-a-Pork Product& lane. OLt Hen to tell you client "conditlonj low t in Florida, . Wary Solodtt)'. of Le ieko, The. Is rumored to be nailaltble +l.linen).' It slocn. Any -no with ideas as to bow to wee If treat tt_itne the fatal stele better contact him pronto -time's a.wietiA'. . . , The buys are eompltinlsig b eauae they don't see meth of Alan Jacobs these days Reran the re`-xrA: He's atl'cking moor to the flrealda to pZsy erttb hit new won. _ Bob 11s'+t11051 W reported to be readying tits elrplane for Borne :rcit-cue hope. lncia-ti45lty, be's the bent, bnrmmell otrthe aseoclsti0a. . . and tie.-. Bernie Rotlnblstt "returned from illanai. where they report ha -y had the time of their

ltit r.... ikrc-áruttlrg award goes to Cart Elobiobohn, of 1510. /11' Cigarette 8errloe.

Meat meeting or -the CSL1l. o: low York will be held Telutedsy etienhttg. April 13,

Due to the 'leripertfnce o: many matters that are due ISO Come up toe dlactaraton. Matthaei ~het 111 exPeeltrlg a 100 1ás gent turnout. At this meeting tour applies. Herons for metabrtsl will be- voted_ on. L'-r-'Ung will be de,Otcd entirely to burliness.

hl}t-bth' o' sebl:'t will be the report of the board of directors whsjeh will be rengrtoll by the ciiñtrraar* of the board. Cóaaplete coplea of the by -rats of the sr Waut,on--res'-ecl of "urn f --.+wilt be dtwtrrlbuted.

Jri 111a peat few weeks I'e!bee. manager of the C21Á of New York. has been balding ~dog meetings Of opa tit melange -bores of the city. Lorng- Island



CA%ria/ae+ered hrf

VICTOR VENDING COIIP. 4203 itdlerialn AvIe.,Ch fwgo.;i I!.


Gsod Ib. Many Years 4 CAL STt1YART' LUE6UJR! ....$ 11.00 6Cel. STiWART wen let -... 14.00 6 Coi. ROW( ARISTOCRAT ..... 15.00 6 Cot. Wee [TTAS ........ .. a-.00 7 Cat. Coe ItIt7TA5, With Dase.. 21.50 7 CeL ITLWART meddle! ..... 40.00

.NOf1C! - Wo Masº,O Casale&

Tt'ltiai - Oa,s-TRIrd Cash With Order.

ACE C16IRETTIE SERVICE CI We Supr:siM, 11ral. Ct.rwtautd, Ohie.

opor-ato hit met at the tirutpete.d ºf is of t1í0 Cigarette Ber4Er 0i. last w_ k to di..'ur a problctñs cf particular in- tcrcat In teat locality. '- attbew Porbee slated tet them secti-lean rI: ringe have iar'O'ried to be of Imams vat' since they ellrlhtttalr rho ntix- slty of disc zing peollions of Interest 10 Only a ~all section el she memixer-hipal the general meetlt:gk ox the airbeG`mica, 14c eyrigs are strictly Informal ni' i are held only when orce Lary.,

Preparations are now being Made for eel next. interstate CLSare to Iner- erwendi_ere' Assocsstf:nii mer-i.ng in Dol- ton on Saturday. It y 20. Copies of the proposed co-restttlt1O0 end b)Inse already haw been mailed to. members.

At the taut meeting of th- Automatlt+ Clout«. Venders' AaoC.ttiOn ot Best- oiII Porirdyl?at,ta a cotnmttlO) to study the by -lain and recommend cbangre to the m*mt er 'hip Rao chosen. The committee 'method for this lnapartaonf fork eonallstedi Of the ipaerldtn'. Ed. ward J. Ding/.1.1 sioc presGdnát, Waiter t Darideon: ro,,retary and oounrel, Itorssat Ií Pohlman. and P. #Joiiotna

/to special group planned Lo meat regularly end study the hyylewr aO r' r

recommendations fotr r+evlsione cCid' be submitted to the membeflhtp t the next monad, irtesttng. Nerrr+m Pvbr- ra>,rt. attorney for the -assocu iloti.. t'ted. 1tembere were ,eXpeered to ditiCUa. the proposed change* ar}d then Told in twat' of the new mttwureee b that thtop s shill bst+a-ne enforced by the end of the month.

Main i- aoei for the tied -atop to retina the in- we '.`ax guidon tb4-e4 -cla ion was a desire by the members to have the violikOry ~macaw w melt Moro stringestfk The membership oplattOL +'ds tit t since mOit elga:ette machine opts= Star tiv the local terrItorp are now mrtrtatry ft was pot n:do to .fifer is atrorigemt tutee!+ On ter l canon* MAX the tartest/on of tins a- tctat'on.

A lesmr4ralttp .drive was hrbi+rttly cane- pl'e'.ed and nerve... -1 op' ratot7' wNG had net previcawdy colleted their meets!~ cinder' boom:a :ti : pfotecti0n ti -eesno 1t:,bc¢m-


New 1939 Model"En sae Só s SAMPLE ,

. U. Nr 5. o

I C]YS BALL GUM . ' ° ^ ;o"

.9 ;1.1 I !

ata V) ASOVr Yrtaaa 0.110d etAgI GREAT STATES FGa CO. tr-,.. n aaenre I. al1n. M., /C...,.. Orr, M

Pan Contest Gets n Ovation

CHSCAGO_ April 8. -Pun Confection rectory's eo taJt 1u.s reeeivrd a big Uvattor- front balk morel endloirI oParn- tore the country over, ncoording to firm o. 'Clat_11yr qtr?re. axle pouring Yn with conch mall." 11: y decle.ed.

ocant . t will close at 12 Midnight April 5o: ,.hey ootitiiiurd. "end erlY ttaro all operntora to get tnelr entries In ao they :rill bete t 41t:arvc0- of o lantf a prise It la s-ery etipBe-ail ore wont In u rarer: for our new bulk verd*r cañdy. r Zrtch we are et the preornb temp only calling Thy Jelly Beans_

'We are note ready to gfyo bulk vend- ing opera to -a quality product: and eerr.oe 'pleb are f-oOseld to none. We hive rerent1y adapted a nett took -mark ebieh t e ere co all Our ttwttonirry. etc. It la the, /Yard -0ú0L1 emblrrn-tea rearli which rigniAa4 that the product It is aadpntsl to Is of tilt II:twet gtUaalit)r.

"-to o;K utor visitors. C. J. Randall of D:kor:. 1.13:, and C, Fred boyar, Of Champaign., I11.: who vtskcd his h weep. had the opportunity of inspeefirig our plant. our preduob end. Ideas far Our pew trade -nark_ We are sure that they tat -oral? approved. They know that Pan stand' fa- the finest- quality and tMQI

Wisconsin Ops To Get Surprise

iMU.WAVKFE, Wis., April 8 -ashen Lou. den !rend Ot ilk llUwauicee Caul Ma- chine Co.. announced this week Wet a atrs1rriee wan to atore for operrtore in

- very near future. 'We flece an rtnatineere nt to make." said London. $bat wlIT be of leifie.rterico to alt operators. %lye urge all to look for our anao.rnoement., :test %Mk

"Austnera ham been arty good lately IL rep bate been, MA:0cl to It -'p up

with enders.. However. we have meno'r+-d to goo: og-et&I re. J10á and well plened. We have recently been named

overlbtttere foé the Stewart d: Mee °t ore lino Of coin -operated equipment. Runk by oper.sttr to .4euro Btawºreic )McGuire mach loos added to the Olen whleh ham kept our force working -et W efloc " ..We erpeetto to oven boiler after our annetlnor-linnit next week. Watch for i _

Life Savers Nets $966,261. in Year

PORT CEtESTLI . It Y., Aptfi tlr-i f e b g :a Inc. reporta e. net inoamo of W&Dp2. I for 1gu TM* le equal to 112.40

shawl lend 4,..11:ort~ telth a net of 111,015,906. or .02/ a abate In the WO0oi1- Mg year.




Correction in Assn. Notice

To the 1941tos: It lure come to our attentlicas that yea hs:O ?Welshed rYllstate regarding the name of tbe president of Use Ptteatagraplr Operstoea' Association of Stdnryrland. David Davison Is president; Wllltalet IL Cgdrrn, roe - president; L J. P1sLt. aeetsstasy-tse:ususer. Tbq-otsloe force oaaslata of Sylvia Cooper, «es* ntsnager. 'Ct R. Ffoaklrss, business tnannger. Board.e;at gótet3it7aa cytrnalaAa oÍ I

A. L. Ii+ose. C2tnlrmaa; D. Davison, vol. dam H_ Qgdexn, L J: lPiattt. C. Rodman. C. $chfnldt, J. >l+af. E Lynch 'end D. Oanent-ttsg.

Our rniembeQs at present operate p- proxonotlly 7.000 phonograph machines tn Bal: imores The newly Named é,at- ern Shims AseoeitLoai-writeh te nmltated with this aamc:attamt. operate' the majority of the phonograph machinas on the cilterrn a.hcee of Maryland.

We will greatly ipSlecciats It if you would make thin correction in your next p:ablLoatfon.

fl ally Shows Rev Vender in N. Y.

CHICAGO, April $Bally Mfg- Oo.'s Et<torn Dever -me Vender dlvtaigoa brig opened heede_uerters In the General M'tor. DtxlLdine. Died fork City. accord- LnC to ennounecment by ICy Moloney. 8R1 pr dear

terest.in the Pagy Beveasye Vender boa teen so to swendoti," Moloney Btatld. `Wet tentItortal llc:,dquartere have, besomn`ron a positive" nee7sfcdty. The

otll New York ee le th! first tO be e'tab- lubed and will be lit Ch -rite of Art :Tyberg. who needs no Intr aductIon to Sutton celn rtol?ehlon oleo. Our new etreernl ned Beatrsge VenCer with the *nappy OOla-red cabtuet and -'soda :wino balm" style marble /tent 'sin to oil dis- play. together with the Bally ~toil Carbonating Unit. by Which is peodueed the pee -nixed., supercharged bs-serel". Art PO awn, riabordingIY. le row In a position to demortetrate. Ow amazing ^tmplteity, eehno:ny and bee profits In- herent -1n ttue.exc ladle Bally method et beverage ending. .I want to talk ebt, oppoetterityr to thank *cue friends for their patience: We have now hierws ed our production fecllttlea and are able to amilre dell?t17 of or;ir guaranteed mechanic:lily perfect Berverage Vender to plenty at trwt0 to ca.ah in on eirnrnotw eathe- thine"'

NO WW.h0 has the Best

Coníection Vender in the World oeday ?

T>'.e iactbM1 oiro Nu...- blnártIon-3-Way Ocine:alen Verdian

GUARANTEED_ MECHANICALLY RIGHT Head4&eflers Under (tKIu.M Dicerel P a.,d`+l _tar Brand 1114

mole Item new dies I n colors; WI 11.1.1ekry

Ds(k, Lister Ilsrl.ant. Plea the Pup.&new Wes,» and else 5. vess Dt' ar

Why not 'nark Mere money wilt. ibis machine/

WILL SHIP ymprb MMa+hIn naetleA l o$ra .11

dt Q

e'a 4o ll. oa

cot' Ives wtt;A us the x It is Boca.1 re'i i-4 al etas type ever made, return at cur «mews'*. WrP Inn new on the wound eor- Wine. watt+. IPsars.



9 II ILT I! New Sensational 3=Way

Confection Dispenser

Ready for Delivery Mer:l:rev Venda Large Use Ball of

Gem will: Disney Character Bar Each B11. Same M.iChine Will Vend `Any Type of Candy Such sa Bowen Baked Bow of Pea.ula.




0 n NaN1OM Pe 'OM taCJLSa. IWail rice. >t e IM tTTs7^.' - S1B.e5

1 ThiMOPA/rt+oMl 14 ,7r.rl..K ttatnaMaNelarel-raOA ewR^ 1' a 'ra+l

ex.- aid rea enarW r]t,á,t,'arsa e..--eaair arvroe. Llat $9.¡' 5 ..g.s2 º.De. r- "'- . .. r

e so qORTNWliT[atM Ot LtlXs'. aw.rraers Nk3M C-. = or 6.53 Lee Irkae a1/.0. N'ir

14 one coLurM nutlt Vawpieg-la n',.-cettaat .00+a^ 52.101 I, Ltd rem* *11.10,. fur s /

v at+re. n -"^-1c. O. O.

"ACM HE ~MRS SfPrVlCt COI/ POaJIT,iQt1, 1144 Rosh St., Chkege.


Patents and T u, rent aons By KEN C.

Patents, ere towed a.t$40 error week by Vas Patent Office 1n Wee trel nos. D. C. Searcher are made o/ alt eotn-Oparters+d darters a^d parts thereof. also On old - door rides end suck Qa'+4ie el Of AePttfri wog be adapted to cola operaltoa_ The BIUbcerd'Y foie obteet tfa maintelehtq fMi department fv tó peittret to a eta: - ter of noun the patliata ?jest t.ftt, 4 to enable ,esanufeetstr.rrs and ivtreotors to pet ~her on a commercial brete tired

aor lee.

te tst4. Widhfout innersts.iIs knees -Wee Of

tc-lde new bleed no Iwdvatry Cab po forward.

Patent No. 21111,027. 1`-roInir3 to Ooln'Cbtttc, Applies/Min. $sptc:nber 15. tI1Sd: a ueje d March 28. 1931)ti Number et Clat fns. 12. Tnore.jt saa' Narnea-WFsltcC A. 'lY-atach and

WITIIam Politer, 'Chicago. IU. a ¡,rnvtt:rJtype c0'D CAVlt, tneludsng a

term rlialnrtMo totting- nrrcrtt oettadn coin etrntenta. A d..lharge opening- a yCOtrrJa 1to3ltrt/e .1 :' means foe strle[tlicly effecting tb., rate of trove= meet of coin elemental Leers »id chtltc. eye' Gg rn -t, irtcltadlcn a lingar tatounted to_ movement frr.ro a normal unobN-uctlbg pent -Ion Into las coto path in the ch:it, ta dWod;.: eMn ele- m_nts f+eRatrieLl by mid aetaond testing :If

- Patent :40.. 9,151,203 Pt:r.ittr.ing to Ball lil^cta.'. Applicp: en, April 4. 1119$.

ótnre:h 48. 1439. Number of CIRlop. 1- inrentc.rla !:rme-tdaerd P. 8 trs, f3eat-

tL . v.' -Ih,

Sl3YVERS--- A ball ejector eenals!=tng of u abeata'iET

ehoat'patsd b'rrcl. a 1tilll containing el -am- ber tittgtttd tn cros *Ptlonsl to 'II -

paasago of or* tall at a titao, a d- eperge member. sold `4is.ehnrgs mgiobir ttavtt>s a rrttr.loul end r-rtlon, dart t+ap InstaOcd on ella cut -_e rennet -I d Of the elieelearee rttOtnLTY. i4 thttmh-rre: ha^1ni a single teem- tb.rrin 1 In

ar to r.a6d p-±rk,te. ?Lod arranr7d to be altrrnatively bron t into rr-tr.tratlon therewith and with ball otrn4oRr_tnt ohsfnb_r relating the thumbocrew' In revrraoIrectlaT:P.

Patent NO. 1+1r'L#Itiinj to Parkins' Meter. App:lcaifLvu. J1.117 l3s 1906_ I,xtled Afirch 94. 1930. 1'Trumbrtr or aliens. 0- Inventor'L NaxatL3.1e,z M. Weaver. Qada-

be rn City. Okla. A. barking meter

, Dcetgn Patrl'.t 1r-3.. 11áA20. Ptrtatntng to DeLitm for A gq;,et. log

so'ncLtlae Ct.eisiat- Apptiost;5on. DocQrnb r' t, nl-*1 Witter, 31, ter4. A^`trrcrri N mil-trcriri. ]d. Plrz-oata.

Pt Louts County. 3dA. T- értsamrraUL dcattil fOr ' dlrrp'?ºse hag srtschltae cabinet.

. . Dr.=.gn Patent No- 113,961. it,7t3,rlting to E'I^n lGr - teltdln,a 31e -

thine C-ibtnr- Ai:pll.9stl.STi. Jnttttnry 31. 1033 L tied .rot] 311

Deatgracr's Nam - LawrºDo, Maxey. t.i ave. ^ C -

AaaslgTred to hew* WI Co.. Inc.. Sr1Le- c W.c `s. J The ornamental dr+lg'r far a ~ding

machine 1: -t.,

Robbins Elam, e nm VfUlr1 Ong Stale

BRRCrJKLLYIK, Aplt R -The p ubl o

patron, t2ra., a.ut.aú sot. the meats: swtuc " oleSs Dss i itobbinm, of D. ItoD- bens da Co.. Brookins, "`S'a-Ver why our

LtaO -or Mike of gum with ie te>, hr .a '{-1"L a , _e anal Hit

Ths rr:lc ^'iil best ell aohLptrutlªat. °After we pinr.nL thrl fires tow a1oR-.

VR t tu d getting Winn calks fr¿irn looatLona cting ut to Lnvtall oil gum wetting scale. 'dare ix no comet= about brim e practical sratemiadi>s- h..: fd t- The "in a e un !Pr kt:ioOn brOnd. and the rntlal constructed fOr lLfRtlrsm op-rt::lg ro`Zte of these malts Fi`po-=rnts per- manent mAQley=taak1ayS oppQrtutOtlt for the erpersiar Who Co Lbt,nreyred 1n a ter -per lcaitltnate biuta-

; L,?9!,663 Earned 3) A tI toTIzU t in l '3 Ó

HOW YORE. Apn) 8.-Tl:a ~vat tr,- of tits Moen at ~dart 00, of New

York. oparatlE:o a etlmin of selt-ecrvio' rCtit7tti-ye s. Mowed }u ttOA+Y t net in- - 2%1- tar 11?d1S af a1791.67$ after dcrpo0- c t t- n. =taortttatl4n. feQ-ral Laoo=

oho ntf`.rr charge Allowing tor dtlr"dritidl roluftierneatm on

the 5 f:º7 Cent preferred evocb, tbe nCyt lnaamo Is «M~1 to 114.8.1 each eTn 4 b W.Z'.101 F1are» of no oar 1»1n,h ate ^]t. For fIIuT the aoaaPany rºporUd aasnttn -

or 1161.527, or 10 t:otltts Pr. WOO* on the in =sewn Roett.

78 The BilIbderrd AMUSEMENT MACHINES IMERCh1K1wLDrSE SECTION) April 15, 1939

Tr) nA,Y^:a OE37 BUY .

11-IAMh11ERLOID; o;.tr Awaala sa ts.a Iewsurs *nu temor. ;

SILVER KING ' 1 N. Irrwe. In NI" Ty AOOa lam wife

net aa erett F'lIC4Y0ei itM !«Cq11U/4 Ntia1 --s ie.r a..+ -a++ ..i

CHitn e a ea. w GOLD tLY [R tt.-aene eotrere. emcee


SAMPLE ele.ilD yaw. 'Ofer-w Mvla.. Card,. ra enaaw. MblNeat

rergrsa.S WTI* ewe Pe^}0 i ',soeYs /CI' WillR

,#, pñ O. o.bietneed .eu: c ar New


AT D NCE Liberal edge einee ew tech_

Wills Ic, Details.

REBUILT CiiIRETTE MACHINES elaledeas Steel Its ale eaad /sea.

t twlrrwn -- 144 cal.


Yawda ill Sfaaa-ni IWi eii, Wrists/ Baethnut - or Ti.,, tae. 133 Malta

$2.85 each smart owie.~.

T R 2O47A-50.681 PHIL, P A.

it -I-ings Sees Big Use of Bag ende

CIEWAoo. Aly:il 11,--0. D..1 nninge Eb. announced Mat DL. E. lllnalttyl Snilth ti back slain ertth the ienhIntili Oren and !e now on o Weseeen trip for the fins. bmltb wee ,.with the Jennerece darn for many years and 4 widely known In ell sole, eat of. the country, Ho Is Intro- dareete the In -a -sag nut vender and a e r Yonder meal by the Jcf_i_un , firm.

O. D. Jenntw'1. hared of the erm. s1nnad Lest the ío-nbñg p.iue-tp a memo to be meeting a hearty appeened among Opelas ore is they 111íd heed (ULCk2y the

Jolellr_ nearside to the irten_ VA, think w neatly tiaTe -o-±rrthtng bezo that will e, t cn17 Peeve ~lent and auc{re fti)f Ds ending hale. but that its field of u_atuloess can be extenr:-4 _to many annoy types of pceducrts and <e'eº into new welds of ideation and mere -handle-

'' lei features a4 convenience d snitatlon have atrt- 4y *holm 'that It will win approval of maehmieal s=A1ng

nothing *sae haw dorm betoree'

Soft Drink Biz Up 73.7% -l: 2 Yews

t+,rAell(leQ.TOi7, April B,-Acyording to the Burnell of 4anava, L3..8. Depaftaltsnt 6f Ooterawsce, the value of non-a]aoh011e bear awe produced during the Tear es a aT .. adreI.TTl.080. 'Ttifta flaunt. the report toated, did rtpt ínotttaílt battling coned -tee engaged en bottliSg prodtaeta r eebyob

Tit" ~ea of prvátkta ef the sort - drink ~try tes lrtereased 73.7 per cent since 1956. from g60p7,697 t+o tai raprmRntiotrd titturt;

tJgtrrC# Oberlin t7} 1_tte bladedrevealedthin. the Urttird-8:atea total -use" of Got- rand bulk -:coda raoabed tf+ririorzfda.as

hi _tint. Total meet mad. figurt r:, - to Mn OJC, wa 31l4.w7e.88a mesa.

Ttc'2z 1J sppr*akrrately 8i4"97.41z=.196 i butt r9as toi4álld ti,5AtS1.S0 gal-

_ r 7ro1 r :allonage pntidlfeed oppToii- ra. tv -ay 1,4tl0?rr-0L000 Of eaarbo-

d, non-aLeoholSc Aevm-.,ya Calcuiat1ara on the 'arm hiaalahad

ky Drat bureau show that retail sate On -el1i_+le bevisratta f0r teen palob-

.C:y trntercd in the rfet¡bbovs,43ad Of o -ti ,coo

'Oh m IN THE WilbttS..Lf.



pA1M1t>tt.tS ANO SPECIAL -11i:

Lx Can Reprinted by Special Peinileden teem

The Manufsefuring Confect -loner. Chicago. March, 11939.

"% VERY so often tnerio wenes trestleo nd- -aer,e Ln the oreiteettonery letdtutuy the

complaint, that trndlc, machtineIb-th~T woolly. refer to Mate as `riot maah*e a -Fare re-spanaable ter th?. ~line In candy O leo in the mtalleeá whop. Tide In spite of the fe4t that such tends* Rave been used for dtipeuuIng candy. ruin and nul, for he tart 30 yeas and perhaps »van ion e. and niee is spite of the LCt that candy, Reim n=r1 put pprocceatocs whose products ere angtutg. thru me- chanical msrahsttilzeze e- net only eminently aeatitatted with this rr.-tltod of rnerehanalein . but aro ever aetking, now elealte of lb type..

Then are two tit-tioct a ni_.ee of me- chaalc.t .v ndas; the butt ~Incheera and the 1 Bit dspenses. A sharib 4 atine- tlon meat e'aiwr be krjit In mind Jn rn- garda theme teró chi- es. for each repce- eante an enelsty Olf(f.rernt merrfiandlitnyg psycholeTtr end .c:.ctr ti:+ Sri entirely Mee fergnt male p:an. Merely tp Clarify the leave between th - t .ao see general tacte art here related cºpcieenie l candy mer cheeer Ing by madras :assns.

Ifs dleaking'of Unit dtrpetuaktls we take in the bar neochandlsing. gum maclLLlieli and machines vending single pie-- _ of candy Of throe the bar and wire gum a:albinos are -by-far the grr.eter In flume bee and dispense a much trader volume than do the tingle -pieced candy ells- pen-eeu. Air a matter of fact, be; rind gum machines lsore.e a larger volume of rneechandsse than do all the oti:- types ooaebtht4. aoeording bait 05th. mates. Pawl to thº ~once of thaw ands m inufeettrrers wham gfotfa /Ire l,rteq n achiaic InrieeandIt d. the epA- tban:_i not ably give a ,gait eilm account of tbcrn r lece. pia action/ea Mare silos for their candles, being merchandted taro the regular retail channeil- t'ef- fletiori oe the leer vender, says the bead of ant of t the largest vending machine reare tandlaiug enterprtie& has meant a trrrzestdotas addle -anal volume oat buelneta fern bear goods manufacturers.

Its industrial Plants One or the largest nett' fields fee candy tie which hiavo been opened se a Mutt

of tending maehlntmt la the modern in- dvtOtrIal plant. It is a virgin field to which the machine merchandiser has pot only aided thee Grady msnufaCtuter. but Ise been Of Incdiinabic mitre to th0 Qeareagementa teems -industrial re: -- gone land,Cfflcletsey c` endpoints.

Worker* In heavy lndWtelee were not candy eaters peter to the advent Of the 1¡srr._tnt-day eneclu ,deal marciiendiier. 'deny plante bad tb;ir special fruit and candy Peddlers.- but cimnegearatnt often frowned upon them for the rirsln reason that efficiency of as prodeetioo foe? Iran

demon -Deed -Deed deletes the 10 to 1.6

mtnutte that _the pre .111 wail there On bis faunae. Prom the ntundpolne of the workers themselves tills method oe-buy- lug rowdy list inauy drawCac'es--Mandy axe- available only art a definite Ure ('often too pear inee 4tfuee): the Qleri shock u'iee not treah and clean: trio ,r toed was dnloted when he gee to r.. - t_ to room,. eta De ponung tneehtiare hate enabled the workol to pet fresh. clean candy when he needs end wants it_

ire the expedenoe of bar geode 'aaasnu- fsCtur*ra whose aeart-ir . are now being merthsndieed to lndadstriºi and odice workers tern machine. 1Ure u machines heave definitely Created pelf market ter their good, not only In the plants e nd offices tliereaetinn tint in the neldli- boyhood candy etoroe. A n_re i eating a her et work lea the afternoon will often oak lee that 'mess bar when ho ti out with list family at night Or when be, wishes to take home a bar 'for his yuunostera 7ytua the local store has Trot lost bustled . beesuse or the pva- C1Ins , but it tiros 1CtukUy gained new bandy Gt_inip ea e

Making calmly at 1Ciblie to otriee and Ir-divarial warm whrii tbes nord and went it has defütftoly lnrroa .cd eL- fldenO!. The nicety In told 'et a plant In wte rh is ugh pe-nntana of aeeLelents sew occurring leernrdtately after the neon twat li p. n od. Invr_rlifeatl+en showed that the mein. off em bestir for hunch. Were

r , the IL -_I, half of the& Four to can grad to to a ite ghborhood tavern and its aoe0(lnnee with glee -Speed Ameri- can Cir+r aa. treating eerie another. Mary rrtiirnea to their afternetro a reek to a

teeee or ' f`t._.r coil fl leaf. rn h=morn their relic:es v.Lro 11/011 44 down irn-

duo. y pnclably. Inslalletian of iieren l -candy uiaRhines in aleatoric, places where the tarn usually ate trade lunch moon cut down the accident rata noticeably. with the retinit that today sank Machines ors Leeeatrr! G;n..,nlentty all Over the plant - An indielderd who has eaten Candy has no craving lar bear or liquor. Tile two Lasts simply do net mix.

IlnfrcducLng a New Lino A Chicago bar rreinsisaneurer intro:Weed

e new coconut bar one time a(.o, This bar' has never been iellertt+utl or pub. Itched In any way. This bur was Intro- duced talkie labile exel.Wvely *lint Jr ehonlcal metciiandlses and in ordain deslo;nated'localttktte Soon after eta ap- poa,rannu the mnntifeetragew began to -get calls for tats- bar from rotten dealers In the lee-hborLoods where these tl.to were being machine acid_ Investigation by the tmnulacture a Lodes organization re- weyrled Mai calla fotr these bed were ooin- leg train eueme -(and their to:whit,) echo were e'mpkeytd to Lndustreel plenty veer by. Today thee particular bar. still largely merchandised ay machines. ha among the latgoat aching of this manly- f:tciurte'e large areortm:lit of bare. And the retail oileros are getting profitable business ~bile dlrreotly to the Meer - using received by the bars because of the nales, In plants by machine..

Vending of bulk cobdits and nuts; howei-cr. still leaves much to be desired. This branch of the vending nieoldic lr duttry has not reset tee! mach above tb,r racket -stage. Tree. there are reputable vending mac -Sine hulld,rn and operators end_ 'Candy manufacturer* and proa raj branch of merchandising. Plnoement of seethines to one plea,* of this bud -nose which ,stilt needs a -wrest deal of clean- ing up. Many Miles today prohlb_t the peseemcat of Chanical dirlset:sari ors bunting". tittemake. etc. But as in many otbet things. It is still passibis to buy oft the neighborhood wrrd J ee .. alder- man or pointed bows and thus cIveei ns- vent local ordtnsaoie..

This type of candy 1Sdt nut rnerrrhAn- ii !deg. If tt may be tailed m ereheradultd. de. +s net affect the candy retailer to any appreciable extent. hew -ever: Vetsdir. -

machinee set Up in 4CCordante with the $bore-roenLioned pr eekie are easily spot- tod by their unkept look. by the appear - o nce ewe twit, of the merchandise Spld thru them mite often by the i -cry b.:la er in which they stand or hang. Thectlis of ~gale who are respb,ueible for the balk edema of candy sales rue: net now patroulithea tleee reachirea,' efts have they ever eleno j . The class of pent..* who do patronize there sae in +such a Tdt)»el Ly that they «Mid not posibIy

Otte rr. uth of a figure in retell stony mod yr stiles.

Represent Additional Business On the 'other hand. tietre are candy

and put dl pew . an ~we which. lIles the bar and gum aner[.'tnndtaene are not only raaprntng the customer-In-a- hurrry, but are actually dispensing candy w high is far elc.ner and irca Ley then that to be had in 'the retail store. The drtlgue and constrºetlon oS heeo chine; le =bob Sea to enable servicing elate:out necessity of toutleing the con-

nIeh they, are located In epos, where there are picrirty of custome:a yet ~.aces the physical locattsn h such as to make ampowatb.e the opening tie t fu l-fledired conies, alien ("le" platfoenvi. subway termine!, etc.); they are title*:t dye - tarty by pone:t a trained for this -mark are

ha tared eleanlineeu end Aanitation: they are dedi~d to atilt: bettor . protae*.tan neatest '0,Lireatio and atmoephertc zeuolt- lions than -counters of many C dtidy i:tbr5, and they era Showing' a profit for the Mandy and nñ t preee-_ro7 se Well -

as for lb ve,dlteg -machineOpee, to.. Three mnchlner, placed will the alit coneent of property own_ra and in corn- fdrmaib0O with local ordlnau o. a repre- sent re in-rehandlssing opportphtty for candy and wit- which the llroce-dleg én- du.utr7 cannot egiUtpRdy Ignore. They rye net taking realms- tav'ay !Tom candy arc t-. simply %enure. they repro i ad. ditaanal ba itor. r, business which neither the shop nor- the reentitaatur0rs would pet In the ordinary ovum, of ritenez,

In the flr-tek arialystt' any tnnerattort to re-rrehaodtstsig. cs well as In drutrtb i- t -án generally. mutt be measairod to terms of .F vtfes to the public. Any-ays- L,fcn which will Ong goad to the public anS;'r quickly and oanvenrcntly and t7íc, by tncrrtt.cee deeiend for own gr:

es entirely within Ha a - _walk meats prnrideet (keenly Is m aint. land -nd re-

Iptid J 5 of whether this .etrile0 replaces an olds r or less efficient system of Ws - trite '-en. lea mph. terms. 11.1* Li card i rogrees va.rele the dealer le actually fated with a Cv;:npMltive situation Slum illegal coin -operated machine* his awes-ee ratite be tit such Ie.ga1 tvtaporaa as are et hie p rranand and in a more alert. more progrea-tee. mommodern type of mer- chandising.

Rhode bland Fight On 2c Cigaret Tax

PIhOVIDENC7;. dgtlt 11.-Tobacco mass ere e0v Cloned over we introduction of a ele rat tax ball in the State Legislature.

The amouure calls for a tax Of Cole mill per cigar"R. or 2 Cante per pactoZ. of 21. It would become operative Jelly 1

tf passed and signed. by the évre ornor. It le pow in cor-utitltttteesa

Old -Age -Pensions Fa.L'Di'ed by 94%

NEW YORK. April 8. - .m 11Oety. four Í11k.- cent of the United Statics ell nobs favor Doane form of old -ay* p si.cur..

aoeoording to the results reached by a poll Mndueted by * public read.Te-- group. 'The method, used to reach the. Conclusion is to sample a ereso-section of the country's eating public by per- »annilyr tend acted polls.

While 9i per cent Livered aeoarue : set of pereaeen. 87 per ci-Ot, weee.erillIng to pay taxes tq skppert any ~ion measures. In answer to the question of on Iadenurate psnalore the Iraitlftb showed that the 4ibite considers the following figures utliclont: 340 a month for cingle ppez--

coas and 300 a neonth for oorrpter, They favored paying It only to three who needed owe% A istanoc.

Their answers shamed Citirte aesthete title -ape about the rreeelit-Soclel FemiritT set-up and about pension amthimene In Am -Ira at thit ti=na:

. The pseienk üechal Security Act trite 'tort of providing what the pubto eaaera an adequate old -age pension system at thistime. Umlaut. Conveys Brad the various Maids take etere to tamedy the r tuatIon e. growth cutter than a detain° of glittering peaaio schemes probat;.J can be eXJioetee.

Alta o few Arnereauui oceepreeely accept the propunis tee Dr. Townsend and other pears k.edrtt Or would be willing to lay the taxes to :make them effectIve, many tetera my they are mtp- porting lade plans Muse they are Em the raeht direction.

8.11 8uppert for the TY,wztaend Plane the General Wet ere Ace. the California -'bsiiseend.eenzs.tor-every trolly ' plan anal *thee GC i' nets .comer primarily from the bottom Lacunae group --from mien and woneen whose: earning. Rao leas Ibuib eau a week. Tree are the same voters who. have been snore. tenthly pro -Roosevelt and pro -Democratic In the last a¿x yearta -the very foundation of the Neel- Dcane young

CALLA.sa April le-Joe Williams, of :t'elDos Salt* Co.. b t.1 an exhibit o:

Duckley -.ell. boccie at the annual stn. vepthva of the Tekae Itestaurptit Ife;t'n Association he -1 al the Baker iíoel. C. P. Irby and. ' W. W. ltatika) Acientan were in charge o'- th. booth uhteels wife used to d ntanstrale ,the daantagei Of the »uf*ley wall boxes Over DA:0 Leo - taurant men front all section, of the Orate stierijr4 the Dallas Meeting. The restaurant glen -want oti record ad tower- ing the legit ,}data operation of nil hrnusetneat nseolilnree en the Places of business of ail its neembezes.- Their co- operation with eelablisbedd O t3wtOrs ad lottWc and other nmttrenntlnt neachlemi v. -alt pk4ged at 12e convention rowan.

T. A. 23elanzintn. of BeatmicQt, Tex., was vLOtor to the Dena" coin naaelDiate market this week Alen a3topptug rue etint:,aerarnt marcher: :Dee B. 1. ~att, v? i1-knowdz ajutrator of 1,iinrral. Wctlr, 'Men*.

f, D. Mit'ert, an old-time OpernHa' 01 l_earigvtrwt Tee., +iirr talking thintra Over w ftb cite Wye on coin 1Sachlna raw this I. dIC,

April 15, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES The: Billboard 79





NIGK[L ;AY MltflpURtY 1n OM WMrlaó Ma/1M

ora bv11L SuM 0R a aacad . locata a,a a soto Na alrr Pion". al.piu 1140 R Mar55 Rtatltanluw rae this daawward t Oa wJIin14 it' -ac ye Ara:d Vahan la 11:o.41 auLwnrllo- 4111. .

ME1101r10// OIRwv1 11144I i... 55134~ 2+TI Award Titan b1 hi d t.IM.ar. Plant/1r d.poaltt idNn in awl iris wilt atsM had basan r: d.

Cr# M(ROURY sill *pan 7a55.' tgRle.ry fee am. IN lalwlM a.1w 11 a' 55.- aau.xl.




VLEMTIt S'LES 304 1' 1 Nt Ave.. S. Minneapolis

MILLI 11100Y, MIL% e. 1M11 eavy{ 01:1. rr/yrrrr i-_ _M:60

PAGta AOEa MawATNpM.-nnww edbltlllL .3. ~al .1p. .___ i11`

14.4 c,Jth lar{.. ~sinew. ...- 1drotlt nova li +_-_. 1E250 se. aril OODó _. saiar 510 iRl.G[uL. z1.o0 GOTTLlO 0 step C.BNa.-., tOºeO ARLING AKSI..__.----+--- 1000 AIR RAC[s, .50 PI ii. A P1111115--- . 7óÓ WIRwaTi I.PI eS ^M_ n 7ór-

MA;ºrlAtwrr_. `_._ .tralsl, TOMt1 oMwMs__., 27.70 tt LONOIK

ROONK.OItiL A Pt>aM. _= is.Oe ( WAHT613

WurNtaar *4 AM s4 -a Pta..Olapd. Vr,_lllry 4ea1.S. MITI. Alltm, aaeVMa. _Yeas Feuds or 1111 Ir.% for asses - tia dalarltl. O. O. 0



Rally Aneo luces Novelty Spottem

,,CHIOA01 Apr1 fi-Anaour,dng the Grtse tel of li faulty rat:del. $puttrrll. 41111

Itt1Ct ioy, bonti'al Á41es manager of Daily We: Co.. pointed oat that the free -play Model has already had .n .eeon-,.&et run "Arid Its a 111 .gatng strong:. he added. "In lead. wtth retire tetsitory op entTt up the run ºa 8potten has rally just begun.

"Ever since the that tree -pin: ISpotterna begen to show up na such aetraational momay-maktm on locatt'.n the trarle'haa been Clamoring for a novelty model. But we're teen simply too snowed under with free -play orders. Now. htfwlltcr, ~re bt ied,producUam to taker Wee of both styles.

"novelty Spottem has ail this teaturt-a of the free -pie pl;odel, ~ding pro - Sector -type t t.atlzcr and Meters--every- tlllug except Ilse free -play coin. chute. It has the tame Moor5 build-up pins appeal, mystery spaottem feature, out - ball , titl}p nhd other nwneymakfng Ideas Which hero mad* Spottem audit a hit... And It certainly equals_the tree play for eaEOt11a-pottier,'

Arkansas A. G. Interprets Law

LITTLEROCEL. Ark.. £hell 1. ,Attorpo u-- a0iaiI Jack Holt hits ruled that mn- chinºs or devtas watch ply our In cigars*.A, moalev., prope t, a- naythtn; of value are not,,3eitallzed by an act pa -sad at ,tits recent a;1on or the Arkansas Lcgielteiro.

The act at atat was bettered by many interested perooha to have IOg4ta 4 every type or -device except'rlet ~lbw or

that pays off to money. They nought lice ee b11t the retenut department held up &a2011 trrty .Uttar the .riLllig. Saytne that some cob -Operated ma,ehlibtO ray off In Cleareta Oner limeµ of value nor certain conabilitreLons ºbtelned by Iuc or_altIll or chance." the attorney- -genera/ a- o

Iitilt raid: "It L now legal to exhibit -lot n,frchlsrns .en long es the machine dove me pr*y off In t*.oaey or property or anything of ethic ~Se Ismg ea the management dots not pay off for certain acorte and an long as the management does not permit the playera to bet

Pa. Legislators Consider Lottery

PEILADE IYHIA April 8rThe bill introduced In the Mato Le- lllature to hemline leitterlra L trtkea by gin machine operators bare as meaning hope ter an

ud at the olet2.1 peraccutic u of the in

^-ata+tt a Huntley, eked n of ==m--





[sELErs_PC1r , i kIILt-ar 2 01aLLOfqMO ,DOialN0. Cash iit. 4. Lai"' woad. 5106,00 3 K ElNC.T PASTIME. bb 1..trf - : . iti 00 a I<iENst aKILL TIMilI, 6c. . .......... .... ... . . 110.40

M [ CVnru sKléwÑMe~ss ttA .1á i v.á.ia ,.,a t 00A0

er--d ,f bl. ..III frrnW the. aoulaped rf11s REiMOTt 301111401. af s2a.6Ó Ñ Ñ}J. . r -- --.

Olalrt4r4 tn vYk+nlw'45511. Carellwa aa ant Mylaa4 .s ban, . 4.~ al O.a1t 6pe10/ñí, G.I1q/ 43.1n- W'. r Ir . Ywd PCCY*IS Krrry Oa,l./ Mnnr and otMr nay M+nla

that aaf V"-'Ala rA.r .al - w tlMNswy by kmfs+ -t1,1 .nLwrRtri+.ra. Tr ,pr ` M W.._ W -

AC'S F ciC S O LI.:t tars_ Se 30 la 1. Chaco a...

'4--% sen4.Rsas-sisa-eat suit .11 aee.> e Rah.IiM.4 In µal-^ Ulm alma. Oath

Pay, Ys. 33D3-2 3S ..SOSO II L{flb_

4504 .a$i t PO 01 19 Ces Pay,

110.00 1 as at can. 2n le 1 Oath #«/..!11:.

aD.eO 1 Risks C. ao to 1.'Ci h"*s,. We.

4- 4012 ... ...

CONSOLES 2 Rae Ta1.81111. Osik Pay 47.350

1 Liberty . Flat Tao...... . anal-ne

OO.OD 311.131rrly elilt start Tao 37.40

Oltrtcl A Lwl.sr i+wrM Slot, ... ; . , 20.00 1 L lotea 0r.r~0 Ilion 11000 6 alaRa Cart 055Fi.aa.. º55,aí Ó.1y 553.+0 1 saws Tsar 00 1 Sc Curt ras oteea, wa:%toot 176.00 1 26a Mall 0 -se With atan . 8319_0

37.40 1 i6r4nar Charct

' . . . . . . -

g, ruder, Mt7.. fyrr+noli

1 utom-tic Payout . D,.ar owed Sae* a times! .... . . . . 174 11y. pa. , q 7 WWlluaa 412 .. ..s 60.00 1 tgetew t0.60 2 W1Y14No1 P.12 . A7.ap 1 P1aas Paaan. ,. !O 2 Rac.-01A NIOII Oscba ,..

ar5a.Trat..Throa, 011/nM.MaaN . .i Q ern .a. OM . Mab1, V:' N.. lie; 1-.:0

1.v9. 1

.... 6 osas -0a Tfirw.Va. tiJL. /Ws.-

MELTy 1 D. Trac>< 17 w« A/'- Pat . . . 1 naan Sac np . , 1 ~al 443114 ....... 110141 =....__- 1 lrúcdarn uaraYd


I :OP L Pop Oárn ML: tilt. 2.,1111=1 /110 alitta. 1c Vita/


.40 206 aas.eo

tOÚlNiTiER OMB 2.1»rt. Oa-4riaedi ....... 'i 1LA0 : Wa`TraKa .. _ . . . , . 6.00

a MOIL ti.i aai:r, - . ~ i240 2J50 E'TW ltta 300 1

MMWatMecaM fñ.tr. el.. gWÓ

i.Oaj....11pa.nb'- .n., . . : : . _ ... _ 2ss40

3 ieit Leitta. 1tdp.es. 1i:8. . Ii.fO


TtM 11011.01 aaaea9nw an II110111 uad awl wt. near re aM M1.rp1 ~mica pow esta Al ~we nr55t aAess.aP^edi7 1/3 feadarl-In 11.a Gym 01 P. 0. Eapreai tf Tcklp.pb e,.ea/ Older. Wogs .ad ttr> w to put yº an 1../P naThi1 IYl_ THa AÁ.a. AMN Tsa MCocIC.. 0a553 1514.

MOSELEY MEGIOI'C 0 k9ACN3I EX.Qic/, R; Rr>°. pay Prono 3-4511

the legislative iy..w and Order Cow- mlttr0. la expected to detsrandthat the lottery Ilr.eaaure be- t*ltatt out iif b hopper toe ptfnkge upon the boat- E. cited the mUb s which annually go to los and for ,rticpstslie. tickets can Est tse'd to alleviate the dlirtreas among Penney2 ó'1t7 W'd unemployed.

The bill when periled by the L..,101 - 'attire µ7l1 here to be Submitteed to a referendum at the next le,iit .°, eleet,em_. In November. !Provision* for two petrel

M upon the reallite of a nsttorMlly lasuwn sports event such , a Lit_ K n- twcr7 Derby or the Sant. Anita Handi- cap In contained In the meanies. It is OWrpated that Ita_ passage will rr-Ittet tips commonwealth Qi revenue 1tlmoted At 05.000.0O0 over easy btt_cnium. Pro- poatenta of the bill expect opposition_

dtb11YM Phony 5-63211


* BALLY 'RESERVES S1U2.50 7t I $9.50 each 3 for S25.00

ow Dim,. caws Deism rl.atrla '01, Rfalr,.r, "Hwy N -.t. 6140.-9,

Rao.. L.npaarat. Outboard, Raa+n . 131 14.. OcaTA.Yd, atMb. swim. $7.50 tad, 3 for S20.00

i D55yfAr. NM lei0. 1047 94111 Ian. FIN Ta4tlw Mad [/íMi.a


* NOVELTY GAMES * Talat _ it1.B0 IF..yS37A1Q0 PPPO. ¿Lae Odpa-_.. i7 r Deity beam 1440 Sala _ 20.10 Ea `alltl aalP 10.60 * COUNTER-GA/MS *

Ohs i5 Qa.i@4 ilo ~must 0.60 uh,pry".aa._ 10.40 Salty Wally. lb.K

I i+t J. 0.501 rr 17.60 P. Sawn ao.en 11 -1' 0-00 Or . 22_10 ~imp pá. V.

1 ta _ CO t tY, seise NIL .r 'ts_ -E1iD t3-tla- lc*r+to n a. _ Klna _ 1240 tN doer. 744/Da L 1. pa«, O e.t TauTa 14.50 aaes 0 Mr DIMa.. 54135413NIt t.1~1 0.6

Rcti 21-'_ '540- . ael 7.60 CI":- 6 é.t4'J .w w - s Oni~_ 11.5*bbbb

Ohs N 0~14 71171,1111

/s.a0, O.LA .taa. iaa__ te0 i ..atar 12.00

Wall* llaqt II y0


17i/ mar A Aa, 2101.84r 111. I

t i I I IIIII l lli fll'IA I I i1111 ÑI,i 111111Ii I mil Inoue BARGAINS!

16 OraMn Paean, 30+1 rt- $1110.00 oakOver0.0o0 16 Shwa PAeuri 30.1 CAI,Pap 60.01_ 7.4.1n]7

Iti:ia1.ead 11 a4811 60.00, Tena _ _

;y1 Deposit With Order. - ALL apchlnp Pat.ct.

e tLL El:MRS, o1 J Ij. Keetr a co.. t?ktarytD. OM 1. J!. !t'odRstsis a ponla;

at the new }3173 Strper-it'ack Tir .0.

= FRANK SANDERS = 73-2p 71.1 Piers D1cad.M, L. 1.. N. Y:

rdllllt'I I 111111111111 I111111111 LI I11111111111I1111111'

SO The Biilbtxrrd AMUSEMENT MIACHIiINIES April Jk5, 1939




merle toses» . wwat Oka .f *Inn. iili..t.'; nee -711' , . . a ed_'1 a:.,l '1111. sow Ott ca IRgd :vn , . Í 7a N . .............. e-. 'LW II ' e.I.. roe AM1.TNe..'reetY}.

1ir11,na . _

Gi.rsa:l.DDc.ºytr Tn0101 tt. iie ^ ' vi P+ 1 ......

th , .........., ... TitT.nT.. -... , . .

t.° Re'.' e. ... . . . . . t`O!' !Ó.+i_*erl

. . ... . [OFT+e1RR C '.:fat .. c

Le ttta . . . . .

1 w ,oe-=K us --~4 -:omen

AST Twist ue...e.l pp . . . . . .!l o. o0 Aa{ erne.. Ose / . 2.00 trrla. Oaen Ve.aw' (1f, rtli.l 3id.Soo

-,17, Ñial.w 11«N._.., .. 7.tta0,

e .r1lrSLet'1Ói.tA.wj.......

t:1.tLe6 cI.A Ma.e. ........ 440w -l-: ,.. . T_10 rw 1,A -Pr. O. a W.i 1.44 07.e Y. .a.esNe. 1 Autn.

TCG[- irMtl . . . . . . 1120 OT 5101$: . ' ..__ 1fA'0 O IaM 0.5..1, ..... r1.00 il[n`ti e 4515% . . ... 0B0 a e tt,G re . e.00 G+ 515n5ta<«-... hi #ia

TA., Wr,t> - .a0 (Weer at4a..t1r. Ár1. Tse«

: t7. r'Ñ lT mere 0, -....-.. ereo P ane __...... 7.1t0 1,.433 óltr . . _ . . .. . . 10.00 .alasf.tNlla .. ...... ...... 0:00 ql,q aS ir.- 7310 tltr V'ti7!. . . . . . . . . . . . 11,50

_i-f/twr.y k.i! bt. : . ... . . i.óó I_

9'4 Ale {sel . ...,.;..... 00

s. o0 P.3/. I . 5.00 PaYA V.n- 1 e ~nap1' ..., : osoo y'-. e..i.. . . 7.00

D--. - . t ... 4.00 17t,*+a Wire; Y.A.4 r pp

puma.vec.o 1.54~ ,1, .... s.ao 11,00 4.00 s._oo

0 pa

/0_00 oe nO

st:e0 *AO

I oi;iis N000 SLOT

3 1:_ao al li QLaf N OOQ 'Loves: `e iranrian; V/ o. . L o.


- -

SLOrt$T MDICL'OSEOI- 44 tt.OT ears eTi1M6s

laa! (5,-, l Canna Oaa -L N, ..I ,,.

aa WWI SLOT 11 A 471 104 ._ It".

0t T aTAxOo (ti a iifr7 u moot,l,a I Alea e`41/ .rMa prep, 1001







$79.50 u).. 54nd One -Third Deposit

MT. ROYAL NOVE! TY11nc. 306 E. Balti.morm St.,

Baftam.ore. Md.

The Newest - The Best



~ 1Ao0 ,. REMREMatat70 iti.I "lie

$ 1 0?

-Er 1; ,45 Z 4 1 . e.g.: per ¡

, ..i _ 1 iA' r dQ-I ,,,

;'S RrliO I r-

i. l' «. 1-1 s 0.80 gen s ..-_`.r-.r- a,ds

Ia00 Thtama-Pvo,tn teI,sY.....-slls,00 ¡,t400 rea/e.-.re. , r-..-.-.. IW00

we ;a re* ~Ill t)uaetly II'ii;tli.

WERTS NOVELTY CO. r-1-.. i."11,1.



riu.si LS NEW YORK. April 2. -Those htter-

national Tints; Scales always worm to he t,t~,ar_r attention In front of the Woolw.:rip'torea. Eom&+may dispute Its loprenlecy. á,í1t ceTaalnly this scale foredo set -tap !s emerimg the beet In the owning. . 'Mao Peaflmass _b t,aIyn4 ºai eluly s. dntrning. 't. dry Penny used Is, a. forty earned th .' days^

Haar Schlesinger Meorts ovndltiona are ",is t sosa lap in Me Yonkers territory. Charley 1.1~. í040 a tM' more tooth (On his dontlst's t . ,offence) end will goon be "snag one of tboeo Stacy seta, . . At Klinger

entturing from a bid cruse of althea& yPr;rtids -hoiP..,,_ It. oo't hat. :lilt Alberg changed his =lad at the very' Ian minute abo' t 'that trip to bus brlthre's ttalehigan farm. Instead Dill ii. taktng one of those cronies to 'Havana

DILL IldBK1N A'Itl'ORTS . . a 1ocst o:t owner in Montt'e-el became 110

e nthused -over the Photornetio Hen: ho arranged with tri; OP who bs:i° placed the rnschin. to run a giro -thirds page ad In 'rho- ifoAtreal La Petite J'wrrrtsd. itd lases the W 1í° to Caere tO the 3iO4itreal Pharmacto where "M. Chub - Duquette DOW inane rte atirprl p en amp ttno revolution daps lti+rt de la pb0togrnpblc Tigre photo. prise pat ww.mep.0. develtippee et obcs,dree en memo dims tnlnute. to sensation due Í"cle, en taltt. d'inve(tion.. Lii ppseell fell tart le travail. Le P1;Otographe Do Ipleenaln 'Get, lit Further dotalis can,bo hid from BUl EAbki1. prep, -^of Inter- national rtutosoope ReriL


Th_ a 'Et!1Oy Yourself Today" ads placed by the Amusement Board of Taisho cif

$5. Jeri.," are runttulg tegU1ar1yr, AMC* elation hays Toted to. Continue thinning tltfnl. They :um gaining Watch fnvntrb:r_ cer nment train the public 'and afflct,tlp

lly association May Join bands With J aersey

opt In their prograirt of advertising to the public. IRigntt now they are reported to be making a' survey of the possible effector iii. a campaign would halm ín Phtlfry end also chocking th* papers to tl- r city. klZ1K !t MCl/VIZ .

Is now diattib for Clroetcben'n ák111 .ruin, meonine. Ile beilnVCe that thin console modal pure *ID be a natural igas arcedera and all 7.1_ -Se locations. atlkn le el o laoktng for larger mutt -tore to like caw of the large amouñt nit stock be keeps on hand.

P,HrPPLErrE is. the Paine of a new Creation brought out Icy butuatelal Laboratortce Inc.. of linden. N. .3.. euptatned bq J111'tta and DOT. Braun, writ -known cps. Boy's have dennitely Shown their umderatnndimf of the Shufflebosed* by btttldtºa ti gate that ooatblary shuffleboard and regtit-» non bcrviltas. a,huifl ltd U the name they've Oven, their btslllehlld_ fty re- pottt:t tp be scoring big 1!i Jersey.

PAT COWl AND WV ORENt3TEtir . . were last.-t>mentel in stoplgiilg the wave of slugs that began to app ar In tat- ebbisfi or op.. in this territory. Wags were plan le coanpoeii:toaD cone Wing -old In the dime atores to ?least. Iry Caeinl.lctn oomtilted Not Cohn and Mt called. 1'rew York Totcplione Co., tilite.3 4 tie re4 . . LnetdentAllr. Iry wse

Lwet made Admiral hp the American Air tne+i., HID official title is "Admiral of

the Flagship Met." 'This bonier Is given to ell flight parbIagerw who > the 100.0X1 -trite,

Nt . MIX NOTES . Iry :dente, et Qcorge Pewter Newwric office '''+onto he'll featuring sOrae swell buy* oh used pma.. . . Bob Server ehellengrs any op to, a rot uletioo bowl- ing or duck pine mate's. . . flog Rubenstein tl-partm test ne ;Eau* aura, over 26 old garnt* past year to Ifrten-cla: ;nabbed of teadinn their in for

a few dollars. bt i eels, -t Vivo thorn to 7.._ I I c . . Freddie Law. of H.STulr.y. and lgerryf Brown, of Ptillly. plsnto make knight c2 It ~el 'They're Itlgtittline pela. . . Sanford Q01dle,

El lyr1arn an rnccbarilc in tit -r par'l, la now ag ¢tong a w? -Ting of phanas and alIdy b.5 stsr4d to burn the 11.. t.

Utter. _ . Dave rnipet is nO'S 4D We ownroute in 'Bergen County. Drive formerly operated./or kqteet ()tern. .

Harry Pearl bought Milton Ore'eal.'s New Jar . iF operstian.. . ti-woce siul op is H wry )Ladles. who has. shown that ni - most every game can be trade to pay If it is handled peoporll,

JACK PILI.OInnON11 . le taping to town with ilpottorn and is promising the boys Doane other beg arse. prises very soon,, Re also r5Gvrts his Win is making spcW Arrangements to Amore ail ape, In this tenitory t. plentiful supply of good tt.ed game.. Pit: I .n1 Riving out the Outce cope as to how bee paw plan will work but reports K wtti ho see known within a tea' weeks.

THAT OFF 'lilt JUIVORD movie . curving Jasa Blot :dell arad Pat Q'J$ttñ con.*iitadtl, one bag' error which most any espessenc4d ~Tan Mould have caught_ Did you notibe 10. tool TPo refri to th


center hole the

!s lie assaateddch la a

chuutee o slue n a

Otoner .=ante, Thai's one type of slug that Absolutely dota not go In present coin chutes.


fcetot his held case on his morning Lackawanna ride to the orrice. George doesn't mind teeing all t ° e ht Mmeae Patera so much as the elm i trick 'he had In the Case whtdh°he was all set to show to his friends.

Mñf AND MACHINs . J I,ek Mtbi0k"s °Southern ,accent (deed: opod from tong travels thruotlt the BORIth) le *lowly fading ahoy- note hint he has been in flew York for' saner tone.

Chaney Aronaoj of Brooklyn. Amusenm nt. reports, "Can lise a oeupw, of $001 pin aerate. pleeme, . . . Harold Jéoohson and his hew partner ate to town in a lilt way. They obelif' over 20 ittitr iocetroes this past week and chars godit wane: . . Jedinny and Marty. Brooklyn Ante en;ctlt ,'.iaebine truekologita. :nit* out looking for a now truck 'wlt!l, a etneamtlnrd body Just like Carle 1iorcob*Wtt_' J' They're easo being reeasured for now untfertsL _ : . Lau Le Brooklyn op. intends to drive out to The than )roiiisco fair with bit outs. who !iaa won mnny elation) for his maaricanr.nahlp In the National' Guard,

1371) MuDopald, of John F!tagtbil'átss Co.. has given up his game of handbell bctotO lunch. BlU reports he's getting too old_

PROM JOB QALCIITT . . ocerieá word that -him Caleuttona needle hasn't felled yet to get_ a repeat order from photo cam who havoe sampled it,. --islet whet be a ceto' kind of a reteovd,*' he dlatma.

LEO PDX . of Mt, MHO" Matto Sates. Sostoti,. Is e - talnly pleased b'ltt the way ops ore rolog for his Console eland for tn,t Wurlltz r Mode) di. "Otte Of the first rt;.ards we shipped brought us an d orer within 4*a ' hours for 25 :Pand heeeporta.

COt11NQ TO TOWN 1í00:f . ..

is Arthur d: olren. If Fenno Products Corp. °Heil ix hue, in a week. or two:

Al 8. Douglas. of Daval; It also due here soon. He asys h411 be stopping tiff at ever} city on the way to allow the bore something new. . Chstley Fleischman. of Baltimore Sairabook Co., la beacon the Yob now th at tote honey - mean l4' over. Ee, ways he's gat sorno new .Ideas for cope wio need collection

BERT LANE .. of 6abosr'd Sale., says few games in recent etnOlIthi have done the hind -out. job now Cling turned In by OsnooLk flew Rink. 'The galas has _ borne along et the right edentent-juei When a game with re new playing prrItiotpfle to badly needed." tam. atatea. " lbe Ikew kicking Cancers are tl'e tichat. and location testa prove this tatavitIcn adds lasting Interest to the game,`

DAVE 8TP3IN . . . of National Vending Co, Elizabeth. le. J ,

.reports his firm has announced the big- gest erlebea d sale in eta Watery for Pte month of AptA. "WN're giving opt the ~WI factory diteotnta on 'trio Stiles. boards to 1.'e found .° be ~ma. os'P TIM C7PP: .

Maims aft being made that the -true-renter Girl=' ie one of the pret.Uest to the Industry. Premed pastel of bee adorn. the rr rte wall "of the firm . Rockeftdler Cormier oditees. . ., .



Kt:[DrZY e1/T` RAC ro.__a75A9 MEYói:ár iflót ` Ó.0 0 MAOIo ,noLL an liWi. wsa,

! M

_tuna tnm e-9'1t One , 42.50

errandñcr TROP11Y. 16 a.tynll tar.. 45.00

MtLTI1Fte 11ÁR r'.r: . 11 50 M10O1M NAOtL_--_ 1 r0 aOiM Noon___

SALLY KtvL11rc . q nroatTil mwma. ...._-__ 1s RtvlCW -_ ..+- 1

Lie NTIrIRQ 15.00 010 T e n. 11'e» sup, ePMe ÁII

_h+al ca.+.______..-. 60.00 al l wav, MU Wake. 11.. p1/Y, 5.1104I.w.

16. arlNnal - f0.00 TL15 - .. . 1 .e0 411...151- üM,

' orre 7115-5 Mown

rJQ) L,I,. ~terV a

Mr.tNt gat thine 6

1/a' WW1 ONary aslant* 0.0 0.

Oat 7w, nee ,n/fO.e ntall B. FPO r.ta Inser",d{NA en 1/e at 515.5

GEORGE RISER Co. 1145 East Runyon St.

Nttwerk, N. J. Tala 6lpai0w l411L

Nab0la1 Vending Co. RlImbeth. N. J. will Introduce a new phtoinnudic called 'tllatlonni PU:nt" to the trade this week which It Cairns will be one of t - t - e

that have yet eppt arrsl on the phiinn retake.. . Inirrts Hankla.'Cf Attsprica. reports. 'We are 1-.uuYing some of tie fre*teae reoepditianed music ~chin In the histofy of our flan. P'boato Inter 'n 114.10g for bargains bear met In tcueli with tit fain irIe C. Backe, of jtattlonal Notetty Co., 1Jevrltit, L L, tJkd a group of ºttehines M "MM. inii of the Month" and rooeiv'e4 over a&i Orders. Ile wU'a be was ex alt's end t1T- big to till them all tr;_ speed time. gam 'crossbar -I 1- of Drat tee -t Pdatw Co.. elaite.5.to has* the greatest ufad 00'+1 r;'_i-etlon in the Oat. me y get tege her In an attempt to agree on credit, situation. it is reported

JACK: HAY . of Ace Distil/or. states his firm is doing rwerythiltj In its po,.er to make note the oils 'kit the best bargains possible during April

}MHZ 1131.TDIR . .

report* be hen T nether honey of a dase 1n Dave Oottheb's Lot -o -Pun. Th^1 puta Ilyinie 00 top with two straight hl.-: Stoners Ght lelo and this Infant Oastlltb orratlon. No wonder liyrnleb btlr y tttot3 days.

J11t17tCtb vansDatAN . ..

win bead division of the Jersey Lt .1131

Co_ to s 11 butte to`the coin trade. Artie la wen known to Jerre cps for the help he bate been to g their bulb problems.

I. H. ROI'tt i^.AIM . .

of Banner Specialty Co- Philly sorta tsT the m allowed the large.t 'volume In=

erras' 13' ola' Notary during the first three months of the year. -We're ndwiti a

moro ̀ roadm,en and MOM employe., to our general etafl to take are of the greet Increase in business 'ere Ale env joylntt. he reporte.

TWO BROi HIsan .

who look much alike, work alike gad have been 'fUOos'RRt1. in' the *Habig CO

L -ry nn,d E'in Wlc!laasty, Psi lruz U h, N. J, They captain one of the r routes In the State and are cOdltinu 11y

(l,papding their of Batton.

DAVE BOBBINS . . *aril bolt aiash*e - Dr) print) -en the Ever-Lasting.Sahmbosrd to the bore be- p4tur this M one tree he's after volume btuin°s "We've not the -price onn thin number so low that all opt can afford to boy It In gtaalt'ttty toter Dave stetea.

Lott GENE:HMO of Orreeo. making the rolsv.ia with Bert Lane. of aboard Salem. ton Insists Ire tilttn`t corny into Now York to ltruy the World's Pair TrsiOn and, Partfphete.

Apri'! IS, 1939 AM IJ S E'MENT 'M AC H m NES Tr inboard 81


A -t Condition -Lived Fe.w 7rVeehr

AUTOMATICS (14a111 I0-.CRA!tO4iTANDs , . . 289.50 112---TM1fT'ILLDO WINS -... . 89,S0 11--4tAwT11O2.N15 99.50 4POT SNOTS he Cain Psyec°rl., 99,10

14-0E2DY KINCS 1i45 J. P.1... , 710. 13---STtfPfp UPPERs . .. . 69.50 tO-MILLS"HI.s9YS IMtiJielL,tttft 4930

4 --STONER ,,CHAMPS- 05.00 14-0( qaY PIANOS 3L00` t2 -.ZIPPERS .. 39.50 A-MANDICAPí-iRS . . . .. . . .. .. 42.10 7-4L0N0IKIS .. ... 19.50

10. --JA 12CROUNOS 27.50 9-4L Le/WOODS . . . . . 11.00 7.-.81.. RACE . . 15.00 -OOTTl1L'8 MULTIPLE 22.10 3--wINNIDIG TICKITS ...... . .. . º S' i -THREE UP .. 25.00

37°= -MILLS 1-2-3s ) 21.50 1-412LiNCTONS . 17.500

20 -.TURF COIAsePSICpL,0EJ11 WHEELS ..... 9401


CONSOt.lS. I7-4Qt1A.RE SILLS . $ 59.50 43-4 932 SKILL TO t; .. ..... ., '9S.00 10-.1:38 KENTUCKY SKILL

CLUES - ,_ . .62.50 6-1939 EL DORADIi IOuutIn

á-TRISkilIPY a ENTRYS 1'+YItti SiiLa - 145.5.C*04

8-PASTIMES_tWMR Sklllsl is3:00 15-G000 LUCKS Irru{r SrmMh.

Aultn.atk Payt Srug- Proofl Chk.. or Calk) 59.50

1 S -PACTS JtACIi .101k. Cab. 20-11 59,50 6 --PACTS IA CIS 1 B11í. Ct+O. 00.11 04.54

21-PAC:rSMI'aCfS ttlaovñ CN Chk. a Cash' With 'cc Wltseut. Sauhi 99.50

12 -II PPlxti- 11 Sall Cestole) . . 39.59 e. -RAYS TRACKS ICI*. Sc+L.la

:w3 (tp1 --_- - 20,50

lh 'Dip., IIat. C. O. D., f. O. B. W4ahMg tos. 0. C.

Ido Shipr-nh WTII)ovt 'Da petals.



those Wea IQg.. b35 "0" Sr. N. W., Wpkk:xiea. D.C.

Supe 9' -ack Time New Keeney Game

C1Fi'ICItOO. April 8.-A now 1939 /Super Track Tux., 2159 been announeedh9 J. 1I. Kerney f._ Co. /lacy Seeker. Je enaAsger Of the firm, 1n captaining the new fea- tures of thn extneálcl days that It in game. titlntj ) t*1_ctal In coin machine history to 110.1 a I0.nl8 with such a long rtCd and that Ás so rtarTttfrnous that a woe

401 j..t neetomuT 10 start the same 0Th I(* third year.

"The or' In 1 Track 'lime was -7htso= IR1ased two joarn ago." Becker says., d'[aaiO said._ the 1938 TYaAit 't oo and now the 1 _ model. Tie kanst. beta had a wide kale clad has proved pjftab)e 1st ell terrtt0rler where operators can net con. roles. We -believe lb rile add 'record over two years 1.1 Coo o! the great*. t

72.1nato_álWra that operators Can malts to a a- chine.

"The 1938 Super Week Time,-' Botaer ra1plitine.s1: "will 110 n ntne=ooln .game Instead bf the oelginal model r Web had

eeveneoln ?~Md. OlxratOrs greatly p - : to this. rrlgttipto `Incre-a»e, It

iT li_ar a new. 1.1d* sad even' feattse Wapiti yin:aeriatlly inch' * the enrning

v.111 err eve/el-aleLo eálll-dens tied remalte control modetz."

Keeney ofciale were vey optim13th; Lbottb the u4n2 of Irmnodlat4 Improve= archt is the coin nv thins meld ex. pr!i{ing tiro stew that a number Of new fields mould soon be opening op to 0 'rotors.

Qev-e-Chi Salés Open_ un . Branc

CLIC4P3d.:4D, April ü.-C/erelvt d-4hl- Croo Amtit =lent $a/re 01., with ntiL_t in Cleveland, recently xnnouuold the opening sit s 'branch osJloe do titlnnoapaii as D nth atrert~ it E. PanZt3abt+ser. wh- --.. .;rneral mortar'? O: the Cla-vo. tind crltiy will no In charge al thd new

- F otrr: e 1 nuns the in- tr-

ship a' tl.e C'' ;c trel p.rf'+' is -wording Lo JCn.SrlSa:ttt7ae4t Mtn the Licta

¡Pin. Game Op f-1 its At Pic Propagándri 'áb the Ednar: It you us'lot the coin

machine gunmen ^e amen as yeti cJlatal yeti will patat this letter. Tie mOtkkaI Picture Lndvat,y'. bet:W o of dratla and childlike censorship, la Ilatlte4 as to amount of realism it tinny present in tin pittu4res. Because of tittetortry objection 'snit toar el wen - 'armlet reprtyuls It mule confine Ita propaganda films 14 peo - pire that beeauss of their lack od 1111Ly cannot ptotebs egsi34t these "unfair at- tack!, . rids should act be' for ease 151

the cola machine tadustry, which can proleat and wÍ0 protein agslaat such props ,ntla

'"Tho motion plettw Industry, cape - daily Warner Etr.te. Picture Corp., ti continually swing the yep game 1ndmt17' as e. se:prim a to quite a number.ot its crime ~Uwe*. T ñe operation of pin. hall gamic la always linked with gesig- seeri and reekrieCrei La Ehess pictures. The Warner Drw.' pictures Selfees cod Bullet* anti Off the Retard paint a dim totted vision of pia gunge and their Opee'atoc:.. - t7 all know that pin. gamo Operators asp bat Ranl-den, because If they were gangsters. with g+utglts: peothe4., !turf -could not remain In bttsIness tong. It there ever awe a bwaltle s. that taltna I0ThKinótlon. foresight abd 1t1gIa lt! f 15 Litt operator- of pinball !abtea. Why dcecntt the =ogee industry 1av11Hgate the pinball inshartry before showing plc. tines that Ir!I*ttae sdlalnet. our business! = know a -lot of peevish olio evil O he bettor 635 If they threw their quarters into the gutter intieed of being tor- tured by /tame of the taodes that are ma today.

-11''e are footballs to be kicked around b9' she pessee and petlt$clalas and we can- not very .tie)l strike 'bock at these two eT44si a. nut en can +strike book .at the motion picture tn¿Stlatry-Cry o: cry opera- teir end anyone that has anythicg to do with the cola machine h,thltt:y.te-r7aly.

Dross we going to e any moving pie - titre bads by ilertrr.er Bros. Them us thousands and thousands of people whb inak their Brings by edn'seachlnes. therefore I am going to silt them, to write to Werner Bros. and warm them that unless this propaganda Stops Ito will strike at them where It hurts them the neost -at. the bon odies -E .1., New Orlr

Wisconsin Fair Trades Act Dies

k11LWAUI r.. Alit 8. -Pilo* editing broke 04ít among than bestit;y parlor ap- erataea hero oa the beetle! the death of tb,;a State trade prattloe act. A bill to re-enact trade codes is litlll before ,the AE?er:594y. trills Ice. rrepaltd tint4 after Duster.

The pv-leo war in beauty ps,rlor clicks recalled that coin machine oriantsneions here One* OOct ktsrtd the poselbtlity of Stabilizing cc. rdsalens to locatIonai by suing under the trade practices art A brblity parlor thli code lea* bed Callen to the State high court and it was felt that the prtactp s upheld talgbt be used to enforce standard oommlaalona on coin -operated ra-s.hinos.

Spokane Moats Caine Lketula Transfer

sPOZAIM Wash.. April 8. -The city government It added Il hew 1525 Iran. flat-ol-I'.araesl fr to- the tax on ant+_- mcnt grimes, Tnt present lllclr,e la 1150 per lrar and applies to pt_abel g*nw. as 'mill sa all "amusement des'aces."

The extra tole Will br o0' -looted la the linen: an operator transfers the Meanie from an obd mnneblpe'to a now dúvleo.

Corrtxtiurt 11 TM* s ronootrtiy elated In Ina

April 1 tenue that the Atlas Alit - btytic IfiCnc Co. Detroit, was r e-pro- aentiag the Btewart-bicQi ra CO. in Lbs Detroit sesea..

Advloes from Atlas IT re 1 1h31 they ayo not direct represenlativea of J3ter~cOtal--r but are co-operat- ing with O. IL,Valnberg In the Mist - 134n teTrttdry.




I ` Y


V T" 47.1

ILLPITEED LICE NE" We have a few Rebuilt Machines, as shown abort,. in lc. 5c1 10c, and 25c play. with Mystery Payout. Every machine has, boon gone ores kWh top '-Po hoÍtom. inside. outside. repainted. repoCshcd. now reel stripls ~One or parts where necde:f. for operating purposes as goad 51 new.

15 -DAY MONEY -BACK GUARANTEE Writs for prices on our complete lino»of Rebuilt Machines


6t. 15891 -Tetra, Columbus 2770 Cable Addresi. i WATLINGITE", Chicago

IPMONOa tt4PH6. al y7Wtrrac0 .~.540.60 .24 ~Wei


s . . . n1,80

1 s`e1C. m. 05.00 $11 waranni++

24. .... 147.150



SLOT MACHINES MIi1L Pes». N'atalrq 4are1M, t). 4. 1P4.,.sti.n0

e - IeaRs ' _ 2n...0 COI 01 w 2e.50 llataiap 54.50

AO M%1. 1 e oral 25c PUP.

CONSOLES á -et 11.. Mes. .... ..itee-7s

Iaeons O.,¢ 214.711 Traci »no ((/the Ord) $7.54 :urn Time 11035) r. Mó4 Zrper 11Ne.1 1/4.4D Kee^---ty doh 127.£? i7te. 500M 1 RrAvm) 75.150

AUTOMATICS Maori P ..... ..602.00 Radnp Pores .. 20.00 mrote.re - to.so treriarae ...... .. 1tae

( ° TICQ[T PLTOOT Aa hone aaa ... PyTMt N/7A 51402 SO

SPECIAL CLOSEOUTS 4ri/p. ewe rea r.1 ! : .63s.00 a'at

200 Mania "aatlr.. 4.00 la. e YraWaroPea

DD4¢ aw t Rwryi'n.ar.aa. , 17.alla to. 3 nut001.113 -

Mena (Neff) , MOO is. 4

átvoreaitnM) . , a.1t+0 [a.

MEW COUNTER GAMES 14 ep.vl r (Ole-

larle,) ...510.00 eta 12 Plot a (vais

47/4.t isms 1 a 1 - Dieu..

1 Jae? 4II1e .... 12-50 10 044 AM Per:

. 1..00 a a_eet Miclrt`=a. 55 a news Dar, .. . 5.00 54

USED COUNTER GAMES Oecni1. 1.515112.DÁ

5 0 ti Rice. 50.00 2 n.lty 10.00 4 wed 21 . 4600


4.kFnlequ Grawtraani I+O.a'Rwa'Tb;ee1 . : r.1D.40

1 O G' ma I .. 11 b 1a Na Ma 12.34, Talt. _ _ . . 50 00 4a..., a,a

1 o n e p '- ... . 50.00

Sghee; Maellartsl },.".

4 h (MG

1 u *.Áo.5 2 1 0.4 U 1 Ir. 1 Date 0. r 1 Pae14l Peal 1 a D 1 P -A r'<3il'i Provo ppp Y OKC sal 40~ 1 Royal Ilcc_r

.Tr11JPsi 1 tSt:T..T 1 GO C +e M~ ' Tarrson 1_N, Tr -

A11 rMaaML+es ourdrtr.44 h 0444 O51'' t - 'Pt RM9t 55 00~1 With o.e.,, me, 0. OW 0.


- -

V2 Tha H'IflGonrd AMUSEMENT MACHINES 4ril , 15, 19.b9'

HE RE _`_ IS!

I ' _ Pass &niena, rcctian' THE GAME THAT TAKES THE COIN



n ANIMATED TAP DANCER . - . laugh provokleg colored Samba Iron into his dance when peeper buwhpcn era 111*.

SKILL JACKPOT . 'attired whew 4 balls pass through let- ters le uppº Lanes 'and rpe'll Put 'Taps 1

FREE GAME AND FREE, 'BALL HOLE . auteanatíít award of I extra ball and 1 floe Came i# bill lands In this dhcie! NEW V -TYPE BALL TRAP with kicker action . doable* play- er's ten and increalaa acorol

Nee Isle '"atwitter ,Ra.es but a m.irrrplete 05 InfrnsbHY. A o erdonetedcrin sir rtit en wher!V S / 7 inleo0sced:

RM AR 8895Q iI PLAAY X99 50

THE` HARRY HOPPE CORP. h Men hi jore wrvrr

273140 N. Pauli/ea St.. CHICAGO.


Parley Races Pick 'cm Paddock Club

S49-ff0 E. Send One -Third Dep iw t

MT. ROYAL NOVELTY, Inc. 306 E. Baltimore St..

Baltimore. lid.

Chou tr.. isuw.. Nit Moss r. P+d RYi+. n M rp-. awe ow O+. 11 ,++PaY

oro f, - 11, Ir'4s 37. 1145.0D1.p q [at?. so. terms. Nano. oN Clan.

11"1101 ELL , rr --a 06.00 tatr.


WtLil net it ron YOU.

I 1 a, a.laPjs 4 o. o

TEHI6H SPECIALTY COMPANY a-./ ira eret-, Li1. VY.r idMhl r'I


40 -




o s- >>ti :,


n;'.0 t,

RUiaf !

YOUR *Refit

1MMEDl- "LILLY CA e4t?


Spliisric;- Prescribes For Territory Is

?4fl.t .APOL1t8. April 8. - William (Bill) Cohen. "Sphinx" o' the_ Client Sales Co., recently declared 18ti1Mltti `a to 411-. lost/avocet whit taken rack and WA* badly in need of it WOO:

-pia 1-agli revealed gersee.Áliy r un- otyp 1 et:IdlO:ma. so -I tiro it a healthy dome of tonic in PIER tom 0E the Peon Berate -a, hmt.proof tlui - tiÉtl. TIlo Iiriprat _meat wea Immediate and some- whai astonishing.

"Th Month I plan to SU/Meitt the tents wll.lt a diet at Puoo De Lute. Coles Bell. and sir. »whirl r-1 1s expected to keep us plenty ocOUp4.4 when be really atIirle fetlin' spry, a coinditien the en - poet v- y

Eon Cohen further Merited on the op enter,- reception Or Saratoga -and -the De L1Zoc Comet ;eí'1. sayitgg: 1 like the

Cohen Pla 1 is Cig, Camay Vending Biz

MINNEAPOLIS; Apctl green Yri,rd- i tit, alto he d of the $4. Paul olroze at Client !Sales co., reported tart week to chief William - Conan On hi- p'ur'ls iet4ng the tothamttea, where he atudied roach rt J merrekandining. According to Cohen. Madman advises that dcuring bia tutelage under Babe Kaufman, of Nevi York. ~lag pointers on the opera- tion of Mgaret Acid randy merCttsndtecrI. he Pan learned a great deal.

Bt,f rrlsdnian: "Trio bc_t way t4 Ieatti; omething is to go to isesetdsie wlto t3

topes In the field. and Batas Kaufman rates the kl..thsrt respect°toe her known. cif a of mefcbe idlein cxlnlproeast 0g1. orating. Now that Gant Wiles la ga.illr Ili for such Operating oar a large scab. Betels adHoo la gulag CO peeve to ho a h4, help.

Hun Crihen advises that ea goon ail Paled:Dan Ñtur s to the Twin Cities acttyity will begin without delay on the new operating venture_

Western Base In New Models

CHICAGO. Aprt7' 8.- Were all set for tbr' blgges spring .feat-:, tat years.' re - pests Mel chief' Don Anciase t of the Western Product of niLation.

'Anil hers is the reason.' b¢ con- tinued.. 'Ooeratara, ere familiar with, Westorrt'r l ~hell. ball. aibicti has been In prodlac ion to, a full war and has been a real producer rfat then* durios that time. The appenl that la ball! hito the or' .teat ii'ueiaaii game Kano 10 an Idea for oth.e moceid Ott SAsafball. We file antwten,erem Weeterri's 1U3D 1.a -le 511

In three modem to bent all operating Tcgtdl'rfnents in all tesritorica.

"There la a tyrt..tidAA mode], a cash Mom model and a novelty ecru ale modal. ell with net tinprovementa then - out. the new lectures hi et hAuitl color illtuntnettcd flashing ba.ekrack to add flash to the game, Theis there la a thee -gin'- regl_ter on 1Ií0 f~mie model, along Writs 4 free game button. The working mcchefilano of t e has been 13mpfmaed and i3 fully guntalit, vd,'

Simon Appointed By Chicago Coin

CHICAGO, April 8.--0 icen oS the Chicago Conn Idecldt7D ran ce, nQtinced the appointment recently of Dave ólmon. 4zvoy Vending Co.,.sa trlbutCr for Chicago Coln gpanes,

-Simon la located,- to Baltimore, with OI 'Itch Sil VA. Ill gton, cif it bah a huge following Oir.O11T operator& In that ares."' Chi Coln oeodaia said.

Wny toe 1Corthueat opolsh:es approve of those tile:, naebinea. In ad:tliOn to telling us with letters and phone calla. Ill who say it with oMm1i, IB tbo,fici l an]iyrii that's the proof of a Laure'i



?Ng POUR RAU RAF! C31RL.Si pdi*+ 041fir4 crrr-IM f+ ~Meet Fred Afíitt a - ¢ /r01 a" ih/al:/!t1n9. Left to rl,,'lt ara AA'etrti>tlip .tln.ipptr lanut.a T. Srsn:Jan, Owen DCepdP+tdtr, Lou-Pfib4l, ltcaitd íió is cad PJi/jf:tda !Auld.


E r to pldk thole



Ata z --Any K sad' Fro the largest I

oat comp! te stock.

o=o SERIES 13--o L7.ti an e k v

Large' cickees rnacthine folded and st_tt chi with your own label imprint. Writs.: for Sair_r.ple and Picea: Wheeling Novelty Co.

lincorposratd 1".7 14th. St. Wheeling. W.Va.

FASHION M 12 'BE sIPINACI-I.. but .taking pictures Is always .in styi4. And so is PHOITOMAT(C., the auto - tia picture-taker-ttle Coln ens d1Gnc that is based on tors decpett of human motives: VANITY. Think tills-- over iI yqq . -o ready to enter a business that will lest year alter Year!

INVESTIGATE International Mutóscape Reel Co., Inc.

518. West 34th St:. New Teets.

FOR SALE tá rcade MIltc2itnes

1e Milli O4140140 aitr poop Phodsre 111~tl wie. able Bar Carñlrslt Y Fiver, ñ0 raw* aha.N111f eXiP_ Mtt aad s. +re lrn 6[ibltl Mira* #a. na.{ CurdirNNM. 4 a~i' ~or Tabled. All uC Usar mrAloea er. In And -claw S#N.t3ra.

PLwY4AND A.lauicetallT COstn.. 2...r Wart t¢ban Mir" New Ton, Cllr

- - ---- LOOK


for the LATEST NOVELTIES, 9112E5


Rock -Ola Launches $1,00000 Drive

CHICAGO. April R.-Heralding the end o' the -Lenten period and the opening Of tier gprirtg and rummer B lAoli. the Hook -bid Mfg, Corp. armetrncod all in- tensive million-dotlet April &ales drsive foe laditOla dis!9ibuter&

opeu.king of trii nittomal oarnpn:ga. Jn k -Nelson, Hce.pree'4 isnt. hated. "Our entire olganiratIcn ii koyed to a high pitch In order to rneke the msomth of April the b_-ggon month In the history of the Company. We are *hooting for a enllhom-dallar 'ilea i-ol'iirse and I an, stare ere can ;op this figure easily, con+ aldertng the excellent ocpatI styon be- hind our equally eieellfnt product for which the oonatizecr de rleild, knots no umitattona.

"It le Inure ting tO mute that the company completed the first Whirler of 1 1 far shard Of all neatens years in maim volume noel each motrth so tar we have brokrs sell ret`ordet on fist &amorti e

of our LlIacury Llgh'.up rn5elOO. "it goes to stlalr one thing," Nelson

. "Ltd, "When jot Ys .an eXO?11COL product that will make money for the opl'reeire _¿o it hall eurtonne_.&p- oeal. you oast alwsjts sect:re -Ales S'StUmO- ID the cl a ~Luc lndentry.`

April 15, 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES Tha: ITillbnu-rrl P3

II S Bey



To Cover 1

W .real Vla o! Sca1c Toor More Spots with Less Money Your colt' Is less, and your etrn- lr,gs moss . . because the more HAMILTON PERSON- WEI0irNe SCALES you spot. rlh.' bugger your Income, HAM) LTONS arc un- surpatsed for high, steady ineorne. They as Bautioully designed Remarkably aecurato tO w In net eCat Nan-cioynlg t.e g -lived If your dltntr bea¢or can t supply Horttli- tons waste derect to

DEPT. 13

y The KAPM l ,T O 4 SCALE CO. 1910 Vermont


Neat. Mlin S ñrcawnaA Itamllree


WANTED 100 0y0 Yrt si..s+...N/wl -wow. a.xs,a; wect-ole r w 'Maw Vk1r41a4. AIt data evf Iiz1t mNlcr. rt7,rt I.ttrs.

C. a 00MPr'Mtr. lttó Palba. at.. M-+ Or MM. t.as

°fo ld 1,90t Fl>t

Pr, WORTH. Tez. Ale-,Ll té,-Thar [alea pLico keep !pining the Neste QOat 'Round and Art:ou :set Ou the phone Which 1s apottrdl in bis place. Tony saya it brings him good luck. Ha has Worn out airprolttcttately loo platttvs of the tone since It. hit the phonic. Joke rgue2d0 spogheltt and play the phone at

Highway tererns located On highways, leading In end out of Pt. Worths afford the spots tor equipment. The higtre-va aro no dotted with taverns, catea and blZk ahnnda as well as dance spats.

8'de one opv titers of vending iaü- chlncy are óaoomin .nUritilnolfa in this town. Port-c.>ac* Clerks, wises at rttll- naZtl run. o l 'e bcryt and others are dabbling In the sending machine op-

Uc-"y 'bttalnesa. and, some are really enjoying succeed,

parking mated* earned a new high during March. A recent Save the carninlpd, mud the 14rtuim showed that the rooters are ono of the btat Tevcntice the My has. It Is said that the mete !kayo deeeeeerd alit* accidents in the dotvhaot.'n ~lea.

Jack Ocrrdon oolunuIb.a On Tho Ft. Werth First. evening noÑa71.it0T, ZII41 ~Zonal onal p1tr,J, for pthoncirrapht In his column. A. short time back he pointed

.out that the pronts0 bed the rtndt° entailed when It comes to IOtrodp..r_s and cesat,ting A hit out of a new aong.

C. I.. D't nn rd. rondo operator In Toxin was attuned On 3.t).roh 33. cvtl- f to rape t r¢." -!ling th!d e&ty. Den. !'1tXd leis made appLV tIVf for this Wtlr- tltaer IDt-r -.1 tin online Our btlb,clf .anti .lei. Donnrd.

OUSfDttIII HOUSTON. April 8. Due to heavily .....4 .0. Ia. ,...L wee, -this- iflJ

tributing Corp. has made an helmet -,at champe in the distributing personnel ;at South and Souther*, Z1tuAa.

Bill Morris boa Leen assigned the 8Otlthwn it Loretta., proper. whtttrh 1n= .1l Cueles ,6'it Antonio. Austin.. CorpusDO

MaChristi. D and the Rio Grandevalley.

_ len Antonio will be bis bead - ay

quastfra. kL id, Crowe v. -tit remain at Ii,aiatob

and take caro of 80uth Tt_sua, Including ilolu-usn. aelie teat. 13cvtnmont, Port Arthur. Oronge and Others. Crowe ira -

trier tOry. merly oovered the whole tiottth'reil r

-_ i

!';4"--4.e? Gfr i je r, i

ti. W. Willett Is now sole owner and manager of Nai lgetion Obin aMachlrto Co. air. 'WAlett Is well known net only In the Olty but thruout Lilo Amur* nelnli and Feat Texas. Bitabllahed operators from BgBtevllle. Bes.lstnant. Conroe. Longview. Corpus Clusail rind Port Arthur made.spact4 trtps.to IL usle in to wish him luck and buy equipment.

A host of out-oftotrn operators In the arty the peat two weeks,_ buying equipment. Naming a few of them: Writs Liedcaltar. Crew» Christi! Joe 13alno, TtelWf;ont; A. E. Ocb Lyons: O. P Holmes. 11át. Baliten: bfr. Webb. S7$rr, MLT. McCombs anal its. Williams. Woodville: Jack Renfro,, Wont Coturnbiti, and ate ors.

Elatta May. of Barn May dE Co.. On AntoaLo and Baltimore. in the city en btluince .

F. P- Conklin. the trader. one of the moat - Iriety known pain eh to Texas. reports -husherit ma gets! end Olesdtly lfnprondg. ]3t nnnovnoed that In the very Dear future he would ogcn a new o aksto HoWtorn.

O. L. h!ottlelr. of- 91c.l:iey Ddatrttittting Co., want to Or3rattaen-April 1 to trks tixaltnitson for fo?ltrat radio lloeotl8a.

The grievance committee of Iots )iftule c--:rtor i Maociation of Houston re- errnt'y metlo define the term -bona tide loeatlon" I,I tti bide of endite Their flhrdin a were that a bona ride lceetion la one on which there had been no riots istTanco or breakage of good faith Lin the securing of the ¡elation;

"Chanel of ownership of a ]ocatLon fs evn.Idrr'ed to rnan that the IiGGatIO*I is a new one end open to all operators whó troy vie wretb s:se6 other to'soeure It. A bone fide change of 'loo ,ton ownership la C.L. to which there has been no con- blranec by phonograph ev.'nera or opmna- tore or bntwt-ran the puttee Of the sale. Transfer of deeds,, liquor Permit*. etc - are aatalekard evidence o! change of owftgcahlp: Ebould the folmee location owner remain In cab -city of manacer. port perkier or employee of the location Use I -oration shill not be considered bon- tide.

'A new location is open to soliclte- tlñn by any . rr.cmber within eve, ern days at aucn o'anr-atup change."

Defuif Di?1TtOl?, Jlrprll 8.-k7tner Sov,rf , of

iilydtley ),d2cDlne D61Ys.54:07r ~ibittOc of eKttt-controlled vr. thing ta:chinem, 11- on- -. ..1 get:tg along at . Fiends nab) except, fo-r a tcmpotwyt'Tinny dtL- tng the ttu oytdsrnl0.

Automatic Dtetributit¡ Co., which specialized in tl- blight Witt rice said tb steri vending macbinCgy has ~Ted Its t,cadgturters to 17 laat Buena Vista R4tE:itln, A. C. Wainer, berr0 'c1 the company. repetrt they are now ¡xsJcct- lnt a now p *Chine which they LDi to put on -the, market in a few menthe.

Aiken A. ^Wc"dman. Of the Weidman Wetland Sales Co.. _pcelaltzlhnt tu c'4511,1"pt

Qcrfj, reports a slump in lbtvltt- t at the par:wnt tlms bul,r3gttclpat, u con- atdílralato pick=lop after the ]ltsnton c,

1Vllilatu Qt...r_yrtnan,Detrbit reprctnnta- ttvo of Deena p1A-ULbu Y3ng Carp.. spent

c k In Chic ,go.

John Qarmack. dialer to vredln.r chine ti¡Iltlldlr. is t<ptu>ºirg a inont:a or ant week In 14aw York.





Free Platy C1huubble boa bad sop rank r,ec .!nee the day it ram ahreournr ed. The lantaliattaa play sppcnl of the 15 wean bered trn,t IIItsloinnled bumf plus the unique extra ball feature ham been n 1.4 -amnion. if you want iehat b124aat .ud etearlir.t prr.frt pr.xlueer of all tisnr-'tiers see Free Play Chubhie at four distributors today.

're Play Ciab&ler jolly ntrtere I& 50

Regular Chu bide IF jeaflr,tnawre.f


T.)atlas DALLAS. April 8.-With tAt advance

of the sprlttR sea/Lark outdoor IipQta are opening up v.:ll fgr loa.] ape_ Drive -In to t:culanta, and dtnsa and dance piola aro opening E.r ell cr .~on, and there rtre at teas, doa+n rrtw pisoéa on -the Reline -it. Worth LSighw:aF In ~oh opgrato-* are now Inuy COstsllRaT 'new eñulptnloni.

Other otttóo0- ertrttleo of inter, - to 1ve.43 operators L: the 'opening o ' tea lam, bail season April 1+1 pod tit .hed- tiled -opening in late April and early 'fay of the Ditto to l par u. Kidd bnMn: r. Pair Park and Victory Park..

Chancy Snyder, "u -lea rc tontative far Mills Co., rtes. a au tit ritt't:. to the city last week. Wbils in the city Snyder enhlioiniceti the ttpptdelttnsWt o1 artitiir rake Dietrtbut-. lilt Co. as North Texas distilbtttaf for Milts equipment. Odic% of the ?r alre t !np2ny ore -now being reanodelod end additional thailvoith eiVer peais4td to eoasm_mcdaio the new set-up.

A "1».Z -book" cower is the new angle which the I-tidd Si ' Co. has ndopted for ats lInt of tlintr`,booso'Z. All rag tit former tfoareU of thr, wild line are now bring ntedo In rho now-etyle - bº rd. which P.-eh:dent Ch r_!cn O. Kidd lr1n ti ídoin a irelundaua blame`s Ilia the

Ncw Stock with LATEST


AUTOMATIC PAYOUT Afro ;Furrtitbed to Reliable

Operators on Percentage Lbarai tree I" RrT_.. 1MtrN IR ate CAN tee ~WWI ~twee i s to osr.Nal" us; t1.nrlr

Ts Tilden aAig4vtr i,..n MC',am M too W-,4. 0 Ir *IT Ir w sra than IS pens- ~Mkt r.t tN.Y ieF"aR. da.Mm. >rleelerrpl. «ab. H'. KAY SPECIALTY CO., Dept.

I "II Hrt?ralna eve.. ONIc...00. ILL.

Thom' and O,til-lbc-ftri, U*'-rtterLa11, The Kidd :-., Co. Le now the new Twill dsr-trl7btsb4r tlYa 9!iHrtsawlr: -Mg. CO,. Chlaa,tP> LannufaeeranYa of Mtcitosttóa

8s The fi !board AMUSEMENT M,Ae,CMIINES April 15, 1939

. P TALE 1/4E/


EIttivQL 5,


IMIDOC R 560i1iT:S

. St S

rr+ *a -T á LI

i t - P L ;..y_

,_s .-.r..- r.'-', r3...---. '_,.


WRY PAY moat? o or l,rorr $7.85 Ea. ni .r.17

SAMPLE $ 8.75

No Refills -first Cent Only Cost.

Cokes Accurate Chock of Ply -Outs.

Number of "Prise'. BALLY Can Qe Vaticd.

Sheutd Pay for Itself in Oro Week'?

Remt 1¡; With 'Ober. trait tco C. O. D..

I etty:Imitatte 0017, 2_y Cerinitad.


----1 The Sertsatio,iltaÍ Board

H$ó:+ IIN n 0 0R SF ºr S Pea roll OILY 71111L TNi11LL OP PLAYING la -CAL Oli/sti

Theses. rrrkMd Ie dill rater AA ela,lr.7 44011. 414 "Wm 'I wt_=91n1

_ '/«_-s gm .00 Nanda i1Y, .n .er44 12 14'41 w ra.. -a wwtt,r i. 11 RoYaL r!LVaN[5 s4"1.411 5574Msar1, ieca roc 1 Pu* 11-52l lCSLrOT 44ririnl.t 100 1014144. fa/ -'0 10.10.aí-7.1.2_-4.1.2 M4 an. 21.e0 AO% ./aOlcpaT her so efrN,, qMNna a y.nI.001 iVi 110A4. bland TNL L ira 2140 51 . . . . . . . .411.300 ros out tAvrrFM - 77.07

PR Cif" f7 tAPIMA) - 1 b0.43 lRlt:! ilrw41Thkkt

An tooet Camp ef TVA nar4 e13:3s4111 a 1500 141.14. toss tt, e. par st4fa .. . . . . ..... . .. . . ., , ..... . . BO v

Per, 001tA,etua.I _ tr5-E5

'-t,..1 [ 1 . 331.41 PRt[t ISe_J T1,kkI .68

AJ .kX MATIUFACTUWIING CORP., 110.1211 Mplh 410 Scow. P lll LA DlLrM1a. PA

Nrn tr1 tiro winos __e - I Al1TOM1tATIC PAYOUT Arm ARCJtaTt, 7fQ7lIPhtiY.HT VALUES

Coni30Lba. ems G Trbca TLrya,3100+00 1it 1

JZYM(.lbinT U1 c.) -i0.0ó 14 Tesfs n 1 ti-sa lox- ry K s0Sw9 P

1 nr err; [hoti , s_o0 G 444la s, . _ , 3._ O s

L loa / p+: LIZA. As. 1 Lr. e. 171-. (Mal. 4 D. r O.'e,a Want). a ptet Itat.c, ..... 50.40 1 C¡Vrsaga ... 14.3/3 2 aee..e CI a. .... i: A Kos"( , 24 yQ 4 oill ..1 Itslla 15.50 2 l.helt 544s. . . ., da

y C..44.1 Tr:tá air. 1í.óó ! aa r ntrrlaa. .

a « ?.0 ÓY4771-0" 41170 5.10.5, o{ppre 'Dn4 ry1arL OO,!-

sun s:°flrwsur,ea .:. -+º.e0 3a,,

weasels Rcfg CH -.,e K e30.00 e awl C/rt1 rare* lbws. MN gown,.r1P1gown,. sane

pkg.- ehot.aWraQ uses !Weirs Istria . , *ouch

4 a.arA Tnwft Wan P111R+. 4s ,... . r .II, t PIMPS. . 7

sera 1.30

P' --

ó Jwr i. .

a e .. Ar,wA ..-

34. 50 ,54 aD. kiC-0 14.80 J0.'4 1 .00 1t3 00 14 co

CWortaAisO.AO< [?1nvrltSlr.lAO R4A fl ~ruu MA-

L.Oq. ú ia 14-P KpM, lacti .:(fm 150 rr.st 0140541144441.. 70 ?

*sae wariir A `N4Nla. 'a.00 R:..ctOlA wood Mrlar., 11.00

T . lStD .s.a 11 p .4)_ - 00 1 n rr .. 27 ... 0401! 0004112411 013441 CLlvltAlD - MALr oi'Paa1}p _yLiVlL.AN0 COLIC INA11114141411A111bXQIfAN4R. 2n Pr_._ 9r/.. Glr,clan/. 01111

Mills 13__01 os In Previews CLEARANCE SPEGIALS,

1000 Games at Half 'Price CONSOLES



St nil win Trade for N.~Ittes sad

Ph4no}trspht Write-Wire-Pb mo

ter prices .at once Va 'Deposft, 8.1látsee C. O: D.


2011 111.._,1rhn1, 11n41 inl.NC.g at (1

!Dl `I. 41u1r1, !k.al Arnt,r,llu:Tr..

R "f11u .414r00 tk,1..1 _.ssn.o4po Boa. s.IL 3540 so. -a Ñs - 2n

a4 4s' ball, ,asa. 14 .00 . Reb.rl lip. -55,

20. z _ 'rose ass, rTaNe 10.00 rim. i mot-, ` p1) L._ 11.00 rum. 3 rl._ !SD ¡l ,. aer dean.) 1

I an'ir.Lf. _ 10.00 I z -,r _ Orally O.tc__ 10.00 L a t1* /.00 M.rrw .__ 10,00 sit 111 - *.00 .i -/ ,O.0n Tla. _ __ 11109

tLtb T.,N,>ii NMryry -^_ y.,00 IWu."D1 _, 10-04's'- . _- 700 s54e.tr.1 alk00 ewr Ante O..44. .Lse.

m Vs+ n lar. gr. .ili ro a, atoms TL{ R«1 0 NIL A 1 .,, biome Whit., 0a!a'=.1 P. --L ,Flan. It. ...e.7. /U--. 11 µ - P acts".efa..AP 4. a,ast . , . H_-41 Roc... Tawr MI? , 7 I ,. ' ¡`2 C. 0.aN o 11r e10- Pull Cut*, rev 1.~0.41'Coil,iaAoi,lkV' M. Y.

MAX MU1NfVES gia_vNn 107W B. lec. Vera. el. T.



C1i1040O. April 1. -Art Cooley, 44' the Ádille Nol,lttty Co. al.i department, ue1-

W0us1oCct re***ptly that no would men have to he on hand of Is -esters or tor, 13ií0 'lam trono of Music In l:nts) York and 13:11fl_w0re. OccrL* Porter's shotitootne In Nte York nod tom Mayi1 a,tabllsh- tnent In ltsltlmoro will bo the as 11 or the shot I.

lillhs oaiclotn *tined that Cooky 'e'o i d be on band to -explain the nuiereas advantages and t,1Je oporlltir.S ouch- n',rn of the new phonograph. -Its at -3141's feature Lr. its tome. r ~tee

Cooley. "O I Any .s p'h,snc=reptl tone She been ptesticd1 trt the abattoir, with too much erph*ela being laid on opr:- owrx Icsturca and telling ec s cote,

I'1: z ohm* of >b rio, ' he continued. "po " - - the prioabr toad gtaalsttsa which will bring Its rulo brsr a wet new musical empire. At 1 -Ay volume 111

17mt1214 13 mull_ ,la. T n.M0 Or 2411.31e

rr: ,1C never sacrifice* Mg11n o7 1º:*: rich In a wealth of natural leis'''. It. always ttrrintatos any voice nt. ]natural Rite!). Cabana In co!1ttm! MIn fly n4ana a change in the quantity of MS Musa°. peter a change IO Ha- nth 0111.10 .31íe


Gottlieb, Ray Ilese in Dallas

tJliICA(1O. 1 a,A'ate OCltllsb. slee- p?* ,Idrn't, and EttlLgt I3aT. lrurei7aiinl' W ent O! D, C.ottltct3 Jr: Co. n,cc,d4t1 Si

(Wiest rrn "Trews the rl h r::d exalt,rmrnt created by 1.'-0-ytin. AO titter dlr`drG) to rpm d.a'+v3 1a T3a]'_s. Tex-, for o. fez. depa h1L al)oy a bSQatYtlng s.,e1l: ' wáeordlag to lord received from the OoltUr_b tnt:- rs.3try.

'CnleaRo ts nt3 pls.p to grtt Rny rest n t wllris yhut+e building a game Ube

t_atd Nate GiltUieb r.tr:áSO ire t1Rig. "We simply had to Set away to wart of catch our Wreath."

Optimism >dove esprettsl3i.e of optimism sere

tw [red among CL1St, Ro ataautrrctUesra ~mg the te_.t week. than in many a day. The prosspeet at torn new ~- kite 15 praline to be the lO g eatc-d 1on10. It I! understood that operntoi1 till also reeling theCoui ,Eb that comp e.th hope.

Op s.tora hare aleo proved their ability to hold on tot ebanging to new types of math eats when One `typo of tattenlnp Eames Under a ban, The InsrtaLteeturing lindsrítryis rap71d1y in- creasing the vissiet.y of mac rules 0b524Á m : 4C ca Interesting tnn.otmco- mene et now n.Athaaca an in the oaring.

_teports Niarbt Shift tdded

CHfCAC'lO. April 0.-Ottlatatá of Its, 1Aó11 & pp Co, enttatisiaetteaiiy re- portnd that a tttsht shift halt ó4sú added to the fare* In order to meet tteenaelde for games_ Tate'eanith also. .10!101- thet the dere.And for arcade Vital lslee 1 now cllrnbtal s. pidly.

M 11 the llama Cantle! Pinball Qa.fte 1ha t. :11 reeking ~arty.!' a00oeding to Leo J. Rielly, of the W52. ^Optrators way that Ioeatiolas are tram demanding tiro or three of the games In order to accosñtsledate the Crew'da It mss that rely op -attar dtlealrered the appeal of the Contacts at about the 10010 VW- and hence ire are getting a rush .ot orders This- hi reoll, except that vier are having difficulty tn. trying to ship everybody at the same Unto'

The lialittit factory shown every loot cat

ipac0 being put to use and Crowded with, et:apIt»tew busy ere all tnati of retarbines and *uppli a. `Ale picture 10

one to eltrAr thaw who like t0 M4 era. 1210'3 -meat gluon to les ninny people as

It is repotted that the pubLIetty folder' rind circulars reoeitlyr published by the ttrtn have been Used by the Mlinneaprit9 operators t0 help pronto hetlsr opcatltpg conditions. The pam- ptalt err :. tall wrttten WWI"- petit

1*ecorutor to l htbit otffelslk many dlaerthutore are Corning to Chicago ce wtring to an effort to rush biltmear.t3. Among t}t.-rat Izzy Rothstein, of Myna- 1lctphta4 billio Ittunvee and Mermen B ttdtla: el New Yost. iind Data Otitem . 0l +Baltimore. ware In Chicago reontty.

The ftrm aigo pnourtces 11(4,t It has the most e.:nuplete line et 'arcade deekds4. card- and cn;td venders and nrppl.}ra In it. btatnry.

GE,rbere Return From Vacation Land

ONICAGÓ..Aprtl tl4 tr. ~diem; Paul Gerber. w1lster Domed titernbcre ,of the Garber At OfaF_i plaIrIbtttintt Co.. hare rotureed Irvin choir *inter vacation spent -In the tenth .And West.

The Oerbcf'a related Upon their return take of their ~Ms. to tbo 8rus Yvan - 01 co R'OHt 1 P'alr, the revers] 'wrecks :pent to Palm Iipringn. taav'tlslnto the tal-riur et Mexico end to many outer place o' r brat.

Paul Goiter, It la said. spent much time . aortae over note Machine operas Ilona on the Atlantic and Pacific ea- boo'14AL Reparte emanating,from those serticga tell that minay pcdartera given by Qerr72 sided them oor. t1 terribly. Ger- ber !soya that he: 1D turn packed up many intereatirle. facts and help@ Lae oamautlinh with operatO

Censer on hie return ccmtmentri r -Tra. I have paarthln1; up myvL sleeve. 5 am sure that It will be wekonnr.I `try aptrate4m when I divulge what It Ia. ell i can -jay now II to watt and taxi.'

IPI (lying Cards Tux Revenue LEI igh

At the lecti of oolhclloas for retort yenta. the errs on p!_ling cards would practically, have auppeartort the Federal Cf eniyen a nt In tl'e tlrrI taw peers of Wash toltep r tdinlniatra'tion_ This in- tereatiIgiiclrii tCit on federal litttl.wree seas brbuuht brut in the --Bret of the tat*7t monthly artatyala of tedtTa nd l lepottUres fn_adn'byr the *role R$eaeateb Dlvirrion of the Conference Beard.

Collection? on 4í0m2_º1 Of the tae on Pining cords averaged e42100.Ot10 In too




air,.f a124 re4 Trot. 1111'511-

A o1 pr i1>t.n0

.. ar 12_04 OAeni-%lam 10.00 many v1wY:'27_04 »cm Rye- 0.0:1

j ar.14. lip. ... l-90 LlfbV,lls _ 17.50 111.4s, o - ame un-. - ' ,00

I ee+ frrw__ PA Na ! _ 0.00 i ac_. _ - 12.10 al- 00 atatl¡-- 40.00 i f_t - , 4b hMsd-t _ 15.00- We-- z50

¡ Cho1 Was, Of«.s1rr r san..____ 7,30fPr. r15- 1+.00

, Cr. 4 DeS7 Fó0 51.0...y ___ . pe , 04f.rr b' 11.40 a.,.n __ 12.

111141.*woo4l.s *woo 014 acicl__ ano t cb_ s4a,M sin.) PlaO ball 13.50 sl1-kl _ 7!J Ó ' t %If: ites'ar _ _ . /7.rt0 .

a .r 1ra 7 rlol.

Stump _ l'n5 41M 14,00

rise es -74.. O.CO Tt ! slur Gay T- 1a -so I tan P0- 42_50 841ca, oa[- Tu'r CrI.rM. 14..ypp WI --...-- 0.00 Turf at145. 7.015

Turf Ouc,w 1040



1/a DfiPoall o14n. ba:4pls re4»od O. O, 0..

WANTED 500 sun


ItiIELON ntLLS &ONUS CRtIIIRY BELLS I Obk« Trlp49te1s Moo N rents oOX STANDS

Stale maul ,-d prttYtiara. Will *so l*a't afet+4yttí, WIInplrls nominee,

[rr , Rios, Misa Soviet L for Siei1.

LIBERTY VENDING CO, 9231/2 iÑcw YMk Awn, N. W., .

Waft,4tgeo,n D.,C.

SPEC -111 D 07:1 I -I ens 12_ ~MAW 012. ano 6 10.W1130. 7115 'cr_11440.00. -

SOO Turf osorpe. 4/0.00 521x1



No C41/1 OaOetAr_ TR+1 1 l-re!'1Er- LOOM

<t4errfMeft *My S10.40 ea". 115 D4v, bu o.olo, BOX sni. eat* 04143e2rdl 4544 Ileacrrr. N.Y




10 -year period enrtpc dupe *O. IOW, Ex -

p rul4tiure at.&a_gc 1 54.8íO.000 f -Or the three=yeere ended In 1?13. In the p t ycet 1911) rho play-lag-OLrd tax paodu _ a a rerenna of 415.400,000, but for 1038 elle total wan only a Milo mona Ui n Áu.000: 600. -From Th.e ras amaga..-tnc, Az -11.


Illasáachwetts Proposes 7 too -Cent CI.garct Tax

mowrol7. April l2_ -lidearechttliZtVe IetAtlellars now hats a b10 p lnding b c..ru It to Onnel a c.lgaret t-0t1t 0[ 2 ovate Per

Mirk tobacco Push sae. 1Igbt13ip: the bill *inns the fact that. Pi nor' carry a 1º94 or emote to tcdn4al ~top-

April 1S, 1939 The I3i®titl'drtj $ AM USE(M E NT MACH 1'NIES , \\\.`t\``1\\\\..\\.\\..\\\\\_17 w OPERATO sS t PROTECT YOUR RECEIPTS: / SThyYYtat at/G. CO. Cro:.{ty, Mcarnr T144 ¡dew fltcn,sas/l C. Ct.3r.

Ta rcirdt ad 31 ream oil w ll iiinana-.an4 dswioyied Coln Cr micro.

/ 4 Maeu,:lry Thaw new ain't* La*asd oath 7 I 0

«.a. elaaaYd. Drtirltsa) easel asac.nbMd with 2 ~Mar utawe 1'a. fresh the induivey

/ at UI`-,S, npl! perlctf tAv1Y. IKeDYYra En

/ Winds fitatprt t k Sl, psd *nil sob r0i / w r A \ _ .t'` used. t.

}, ' ,. ,irll

The irasl Cooed Stops Chsarlw[. r / Staps Shimming. Stele ticndlnt

IUp s/ Delon. Sraes ttrlrm Stop. The lhtrerrs saDaiatol /

I Rorc I

ps.lNse1T o r k a. / tw¡ ar`Wtrkch aü OK Sloe ., Tlgela.a In maw

Cheeks: Tafia mines ca2Ir- I wreaking pe.leeMh.

/ -- This euhtandin( th.ts elat boeñ testedbr over 44? ópeNtun and pronea.aeccd TMt B[ST. A.d'jwlaASa ro fals or teleal vacan or Llóath ~lute. Mor,.no In rlokc, t/mplkNr and r/ tegttdnKs of ews+tructfaa. iutnilied ¿hr t, Sty 10c an 254 coins. With llront paxd

oe will, elide satppart, oe wMhcwt c.thcr. Also lernlebad with escalator and icparatec.

SHYVERS MFG. COMPANY 's3¿iCÁGÓNST" \\..\\i\``.\\\\i\`\1\\`s\1!`


1 te e_ , n14


Mao laryrars Steil GnMsryZiieek Wolksrlsally.

P4i1LADFü'111A. April B.- Harry IL Brown. coin madlimo -toutº.:. =sweet' to F saunas I proud 1D1. again within ttJe n eels. As ho plirmat Lt; "An old- timer lit the buainrees laerpoctipg a new - tinter in the b'ut ens_ That the child .rill be a newtlm,er in the bosuns. 1e the truth. toe berry entenda to dawn's *Or proceeds from One meehlnle. Olt aside In the chili a aisle. for en education ftae4 for the baby', whether tt to a boy cc a. g!rl

11"erítIckli et the boat C3tcarde Poneo? costal has been so 011..1 under the direc- idea of Joe Asti. manager. that he feels aaeurcd of lila atieW; tit this city rind ilt1tiac3 to tease his ,amid hero. !Matt Trek bars. Ash and 1 -rear -old wry /ash will become Philaddphlaesa end nuke their residence at the Keeon Arma A .*meats.

Kam Lerner. who bas been opernt:ng cote reaohlnee for a good many year; 15 urrr reriii cite Me W'itdscood arriado sad ~lit tes harc'one of the meat Sue-

hll seasons of IDe last dive yearn

A carload of the Stew 8ock.OIa ptione- grapba hare been receive -1 rooenelly. zc-

shs yonº 1 Biala:- ], and tram,l5idOU$ buyta, by rosal operators asa almost depleted the ricas.

:CEt4e tap: fr11 attar risitt» j operst4Ts in the 111p-15t,,te m ectiOtit around Gcsani.Olt, reports conditions there nee pretty good.

Stil]5021 hrzP game a-sl1eQ lRttAt Inning w a U. ea popuL,r sa lts Spoitrm ma - une,. predicta Jock X.avitltaaes, of

Ic_ da 0. tisy!']ty. The new machlno wtil' rat prominently dlivptayad an their


floors, aad ffi r:ffr,eab oxpet:ta plenty of et.rotora to gt'. the inatblallltee on tl,Ctlt loeatlont bettors the Alt and Ph1Lím get homt,w

Harry dsaele. the Wild +o,e t arcade opCrator. Nat in town buying new arcade machine& and pin gnenoe. 1115 **peels to open on Paster 9tuodsy and predicts thxl this slimmer Meth be the biggest aoorney l:raduoer in yews because o: the tre- mendous crow do which will -be stilt^ rtcd to the Faint by the New York Venal Ylilr.

lerhibet Salts Co. has recently in- creased its already latan tine e: novelty 13~, and tualofboaia and in dóeng a thriving !malricae on Viteee pcadtlCttl; BMWs* is quite good. says Sam nickel - berg. and he expect* It to slay that ....II..

John Pord the operator of Latfoaater. P ice, web in town buying a large quantity of new games for his route. ido reeporta that business It.. inrrinundrecently and gives credit for tbn tit rr knigplem now pulling in to the new mess he has already ptse d.

L:a,'cr Drank area the 'hit of the re- eertlon 'VIPs Jonas Kauffman on hi* bar -mitzvah. which was held et the Philadelphian Hotel cal ~day. April 2. Prink won the plttesbug content and helped make the fastient enjoyable.

All operatora attending tttTe ~canon wt. _hag On Wednesday, April 6. were treated to di -WY -9 si the expense, et Jack Kautfeenn. who la celebrating his son's bar-giitzvnh Ina bill way.

The eliiowrlitig of.LUW phonograph asea "hold at the Penn A. C_ on T11wt1ty. April 4. and ¡Mooted more than 110 operator.. Vince eihay. sates manager of the M111* Novelty Co.. and Lawrence

L'p tJ1 s 3 i3YDrz,', u! united dniti_ar^.yitt CQr, ñ4 itid+a Citi!'. No.. aaioppsd CYtv,t &aty'a 'twinYen d::rlrtrq recent dealt.to Sony Leg. Co. pli/f.

`1W[ N A BULI' It'D1e fey esa of white ' I; I eubber. M weed In blaa]c and red. ! _ ' tl .cro-:vL afoROer In hd pNtñlh In- paM. and veal g of air ,Ishln Me __.

a-.sn -.-r:rlr - i 4ny. Taus 6 e.et a baliºa' Stye 14j ( . r.ro. . .. !I 5'` tiwehey hag. ~saw hidie.

iWINS` =Sa.nols. Iot. Dozen, 110e- ..r.. . - -- .

I. - `»


BUI.L_ .p ./a....w ::.:I::: ^ ,:._: i: .3 1::S..C+r S .ii:.:.._. .. ::':::::: .i?... i ...»r._a.T..e . ., Y. .r::s::-eZI:::I . .r .

-Ei:- .:, ¢. .k:1Yr.rr . Mf.. ±

a.i .G:.a.:ri .......=.l i r »......._. e ... .

-111 "2 112Ttñig.121: 's Y.y... s '...' - .i'......ñ. jr .i.á.i...e...s , r... ib :ISS:= i'iJ'ZMZLZ- . -

' .i1: y-;:..:::`i..i '.. ..1... : _ .-. ....L -,....r ....-..Z.,r.aw..t;ada - P :..:. a} ..c.91 :;..,... .

.....:... f- .tl r/iM.i../_ . .-IMIwZ.} .

l i


- _I I D


1¿i3C! Collections - are tremen,- dousl . . Tho game t Ire a r tho storekeeper and player will not give

pI . l . Tom will sing its praises for years to come!




L3. .,u r,



._- - . b' E

,- <1."





o -




FERD1!N'jie -


I Sig foot-t014cis 411*. ~aver. J[.t c-a,h-vr,rrºa. I (Jüincises. Com1eM1 bdkiñE, "Jr,., IDearantead to get the mown whey.

yam noise. ia.ielo. $2.25. ,D:zca, 521,00-

1.050 -Hole 2e itaard-Pas eat 30 Psckagrs eiglirtttca and' en* talcs Plush BOIL

.Bos,Q: alone. Sample., 75e1 Done+. 14.00.

Plush Bud. oat's-uiiad 12 Inches ea i hi awns ai Its Large O.L

samples SI.CQi Dolise,'310,40. Wire or Air',' ii Ye= Oida. Today. 25t:. wire, order. alsocal C. O. D.


Burnham. enwinoer. Who ho designed the w' )&116)&116mechanism, were present a1

the alipwing to acquaint operator* with the features of the phonograph.

»Ix Brown hat, ~bitted hey loca- tions with the openLua of A new re!*a1z- rant at Mk :t. tad

Operators ere extending beet while" to Lou Zayu i. zrho pv5 ,weans a .proud r

-n a at4rksky boy wets the par -ant

Albert C. Stern and wtfo bare hooictd ==age for n ektit tern ra nee which Min =age

to Bermuda and Havana

Jirnlny Ltxncecord nrld Wit recordlnli Oseheitra will battle grektne Hawritltri and hteisorinrane et. a IdtJNIntg. contact Beat lroizttay al Convention Hall.

An excellent record for local .gata with a colored clientele la the, Pitar "fi_1

recording of tefe tuna S' Didn't Lot - You. very popular laallp, Ic dlnIJ manar COLONIAL MFG. d SAL ES CO. of the records gettlh P14 h T..tlblial Dept. N: 1.1W E. 39111 Sd. K -:,es Cuy, ira rating.


TAR ', '

:./ I

Its °' Be

t.,. . . a ,

rae., e .-

. -

. o

., ,





,1 r

r . SamlÍe S

- 1

10 Pwl1a:,.l arm, Pima

86 The FtWWJlhoard -=1~.- AMUSEMENT MACHINES ---_-

sp1 15, 1939




' a

' sk t

I . retk

lab c



it a bail dr.*s inP one of fact ate, ukfekita ~tan' the ;cote inthe-oars weal* the nest fhoviend Is ersarded sd Man the boa b Welted aces tar terftirr atty. A b pauses* thru the top skill tar. re Osten 1000 H

%alias ,a/ an. A ban going thru lower sS lane -Oyes a free, ban It Itplet.ls on. Cal- omel wasting gal on ratieatd betkradc.


'it" s89so



EiICO, 1t1 c.' 2621 Wt Ashland Ave.

Chicago, Illinois - - -

Sea e



15F_+kTIIL. A4rU $ .--= poni Palace on First aPRntie bass +1 numblC of Ae/ atntiemeSt tnaChlnee Alicia ale the 7.ertea ope attng or a different alaetrto fre- quency pracciliin, wttb ball9 :abet to mom Lt: outer elyde when cled?1p ea0n- tact fi with Charged center stane21on..

Quartet' at the "eleventh hour" was the :taw ell monthly tam on skit. pin ball and. stiñ0aa tnaeiblaeg Lu Wethlrljtotr: Legislation rind k a enanted tar the ~latllTe regliir:ip-y this high tax tie be plaoltd shortly laatO *Met. IlowOser. Qorer'nar C:ta'oilre D. Martin kilted 1t..



$27.50 Ea. Se -._.d One -Third Deposit

; MT. ROYA.. NOVEUT, Inc. 3.$ E f3aAriwtorr St..

8,01tsaore. Aid.

RED'-Vf HiTE AND BLUE 41114 f14afT DaIILII

rc r.iats:r Ilk In YAM. I Prtk. 1/1/417




Here's that n.:~ bit that pays for Trull over eight! Built right t+nd priced fi¡cht! Slmpiif:rd mechanic" Is:a'rficct

odefalien. Igo bogs! All rr+etal-no glass slides or strihs to change. Mao. barely. elifst-proof. 5 dlifercr.t ,.-,ward curds wsth each miekime. Quldltty chalked to suit hay territory require. ment. 7,

RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY! 113 Deepen. Balance C. O D.


738-40 N. .Prwtpna SL - - -

77ew G3lelfits



NSW ORi.S hl & April 8.-T,.ouia -n41111

rapidly ski' Wing oil boot tsetse at she back chair of the Crescent City this week with Ibbe bringing in of the Ketallw-ifth fkad only a doeets bailor from Canal street. main etgn of the town. Already the city Lbur:~ with arcitenttttL Of

land less r. and trading to royalties. The now wall Is adjr.oemt to St. Bernard Pariah. and operettas db'arti there look for good remits.

.Passing of Holy Wo k ~Mel be. the algannl for the opeolrtt -of the aucdoar ecoawn In thlla area when summer eitmess very soma and lar'ts a ions dais. Coat; slop, hoi:lr_ra In puke and at besthoe are getting- stook Into, -athtapa Cos the entcrtal anent of patronage.

The nut-of-~r" operators eontinme to flock aubOiltr Poy(I.-M street to ace what

:An gin- and ben ntioufacturres Ilat+a to offer for their tlfnrm-'reathetr needs. Arnow the tellwas who ca=ne and lótt nlae-ordrrs far nc" equipment tbls week we're -C. W. Bmiltrer, Otitpott. S9b- ;

T. T. Teenes. Vidaits. Law: Albert .Oeutt. illrunkle; J. J. iteunl%r. Moil; H. 3..

1homen. bildalk: L. ~zone,. Ilarse,`; V. O. Cuan ta, Say SI. Louts. Mid other% raid of whom etatted the Dale Oath tnalitrlo Co.

Reid King. of the O. de K. Sales Co.. fotiñd a sharp plok-up in sales of coin ntmcisEiges. Moto and phonographs date. seek_ ft ants the beet -turnover its sav- oral weeks ear the C. de `1,, ai: d Kkng le ilk far further Imp ovement after tills week. /among out-of-town buyers this week werfn George Roast, of this Strawberry /Kilt at HammOgdl Luke Cutr0111 and puts Intrsgrona, thorn. Margen City. add ,l?aal- dent Bergouln of the Aflrchenta' Wbcie- aaie Co.


P. p. Muster) cleat. Orient- eo'utnern :iotnelty Co. head. ]tun bock-frotia a tt1O-


?°;r.01fA9 LIfIRíT JR: fe rtoJ) :1- n ~caw of JfalrelltW', lttaaa., or.yl ftt9 re on ho,nd rXrtottd oJ fTOd&-Ohk) rolled A!rto Jfar+rllritl. L.tit ira rfphi r Bob Seºt9có11. men; B Sbtet,e.: IL ltrOtvrt7 trlfrr Beater,?tripor-r: Rci+ /Putter. Enute 1,uflt+ter, and L1SbepY leko U ~- dent of the company.



sled burutnas trip_ to Otsiired Laulates». He Hilda resume °perneSeise Wily good for this time of the year.

elevcgo Bierman :sexy of the Local munle operable -a' group. was host ,this weoe.aend to a party of goose Mends at his lakcctslde camp at Bdaelakt. Doing his use._ Sir -Pr job of barbe4tulñg chickens and beet. Brennan also paned hie preen. with the otarv$ng utenalle. Lam week be- lien Cohen. of the fltsálc Wholesale Co'-. , and wised hacopanellt. of Bell Distributing Co.. ab0..yd t:7 now bow fish it.aulá Des caught. The trio ]Looked trout. aheefauetd end croakers "elite Wettoning In the bayous of L Pootciae Pariah. AU were. ~re on tlsa flafdng party of IZt egos` ehlat deputy of the partals and operator in the bayou wonky.

A. E. North and per.. O. 3iarnh-alt. two 'Of ,the beat . kdot;fa iCt'%lot meet in thie section. ate now c nnecte+d with the d. dt'N $alai Co.

A throwing demand f'r lioe;t-Qla risaooterbphe La _reported shoe nyltldl.e March by Jhelum LII100ey mstsager oQ tr+t Louisiana Amusement CO.. *hate dim. tabula; t.<*.altzey Is just back from a trip In Southeast Louisiana and rind - operators paying- glowing tributes to -the fine lreeultu rooelved from the' 1930 Stock-Olaa.

A - coaitlnuca briar demand sor Balky !uiekaa t' reported b*,' Julius >Pace, head of the DItl4, Cbttl tlnchlne Co, He raro selt.alrtYT a good tuTatitt'or in all. of the new 'tn li 1 bolts and gamer,.

Pete xlloall, popular op. Is a daddy and. while cangra% go out 'train' coda ma- chine' row. radial" ope are pulling hard for S quick recovery for UPS. Lleail, who ban been a !late under the ucrtber since the Thal a tnt.

Straw EAt Day was celebrated In Year Orleami re.otly and alt of the "big e hodaB1 of tun local colony donned bath" Particularly pk:u.Ing tooldecIn trprttig ar> tt7 ah5Ies were Don P .Talcs. razes) Iltoe. -red Ilarowi Cohen.

lfotby Mills. pioneer opelvstor of the Crescent Clty, I/ already making pl Its tot 1í10 annual trip to Micmac Ctty to see his Mother and the ralxttere. Mide reporta a ,n^Uod spring arad bealc : ce

tttfd summer's play will h4 i Yeept]o ally


Atteobeis and bosses of cha Pleeo..ure Amrxern,nt Co. ore. planntata a daubaa tract thin summer. Practically ter - bcdy oatnnro;d with the firm t Y nary are pledged to see both the Prlaoo .std O9tbr n vorld fairs. Daft Cohen mid Il J. McNally, ttrdo of the tlfta; Lillian Bassi" scoretaiy; 84dn:.T ~mob. In h ran o. p h bs; LOu1s Pappas.

in odia-ge of Klgttret vendee*. lata Will Peoeock. head mecharte. way they will use war ews buggies.




April 155 1939 AMUSEMENT M14C I'NES The Billboard' 87

0"`'R'econditioned INAachines`n I READY FOR YOUR SUMMER LOCATIONS Í / wnvfitn. Stk. _41o4.no - DrzlN tty.il,.r..ie12.*0 r Novelty Games

ROe.-04 R. wó..2 1.1.60 ~en« sr P.nr.7 Rat. -04 ten- at 20 00400 , Pl., 7.n0 tt: t, os a-*-. srrrl 1. 10.00

D . ats__ 92.r,O Ga Web / Sar.iNt ne.1Nr,__ei7.1f0 1 . Multi RIM- 41.50 r 5.55 I lal4 Rett.na-____ 17.60 eta eRes_-_»_ 7,b0 /

.4.... ft 11I....,_ P.4.so

l y' 11'71=,,.:::=:- )*º


SLOTS 0 aallt Axa 22 4.0 I /CIA -3K Ilgl..-... 2riA J 04i, E . 27 :O .allal2tl. _* 2Aá0 / / Icl __.__ *ia0 tr......., sora Pa?_- _ at ,se (


rá1.- er'-? Q. T: (Lew. tYkdalt II Tl..{r sla-yo j1p _S27.tt0 oatv:NetÁúuiii p Y. ía : o,cr Ir. M .r. a AO 1a Oe01 ' S0 /

o.rbr C04111711.--__ 4 04 6-ro-zsa vo:>yigi Sao a'.t.t{.._.- 114,50 , rstrlal' over

a..-.q resew w-rs a7.lso o ta+w- tllrso 1^oeo 4ia4 ñ ro ada- 4a.e0 wá 1,M Mullet H--' xtrsrdl ______ .r1.00 r

1 t ) iA.80 0t Jcrntr.ai lisd7 is, Ra __ Counter 'Gams C^ Si T 8p NaqP _ .. 109.00 e! a?M.1r.eY 1..C.M

47.50 / N'a,d {ss. P[Y -_- An.Ao ` Wv114M 12 á o0 = . 10c {YnN O. -r. Z7.a0

/Vl/vutae. 412-._ .60 NMI -* 7.50 5, M.tli a.14 át8o , tl-ruRtáw 41.1 ne.1 21 _ __ _ --- oo , 0o-10. Je / / tie ratm'Ml____ 70.50 Joie Milli__ 1l:i4 Ml.r 41lI.fO /

/i T[RM*I I /3 a.va+ :. aa:i.o. C. 0. a. vNi,U. /se ow" PMa s3it.ta4 truss canatnr u.e oa / M/tr1 Om --Lt. Pkwap.eDNs NCrtIT ola. - f.4Yt./. ean... ire ~OR M.IaMSL


2200 M. tl. %

1/ Aa6etl.Ie 011e+et ATLAS AYTOaIATICI.U]le 00... 3151.0~14 Wine A.t. abut.- [íltch. / C~11~ 1Ktl.n d


FC C (d.119r/ ACI t!Y ItAt 1.Y Ot:fRiBUTtt)Rá act' OUR LOW 1111Ci:e ON NEW O4111511 [ -.y r... soir 6ar. 14e

R 4.34.49i-a awns -- 22.60 KM - t 14 ' Roble I.áod__ 20%00 /r, tesu._ i_ -JIG 1191a,.^ __-._ 2000 w ...... 317_50 s7- orza.. weew T.avoo t ... I. I<_ .i0 2' rt "'atilt'''. 0 Rdll.3

An - 25.50 sta. Re ' 04:r ié 6.-

5.05 ct. F. P. /'.º.'.O

I la. 1º.80



01,614 só óó IIIY lis writ* ie. OowLl.0 /a. 1 !1 óe e IEIF

.1,w Q oi 0. 1 JK.c tTM DIME 'Cg., 115 laded sl.i MI. .

w ,.. vear/da Veit 34.50

2.1,01% Pllrrt 34.*0- rurwr»wst _: ºa.90 OH« 15.00

ylt.w. 17.60 14... el.saZñ 00.e« "elm ~At MITI

s- M 34.50 Ut*+1 ilaer FIt.a

044s14 17.50 time étar='

Report Rin - On L t -o -Fun

CdICACl.O. April 8.'.Ilobbcra tend, op- erators ate stating th r whole -hearted approval of our new lilt. Let -O -Puri. In lima of the blItlen ordeals we -see Iced to good long tame,' acid Dee ...0 Oott- I0kb. gaeak 57%5 of D. OOtUltb de Co.

"Every cloy. In addltle a to t1 err ceders. we , crepes cOtllplimenta Dud oont;rsiula-

I tlaos do boring prodwowd 01 0 of ~welly et1taterdIclg games. a2 all time -a hit 11!11.!

1,0911 be remembsrtd and prelved In veer ICs 00040.

R "zeta coollne, In from all parts of Use country tell ho* Lot -o -Fern 1. soak-

- ti, ' ';idolta profits. for opeeetors and brii ing back those "sod old days QC


11 -a -Ball ><rprises Distrib

C11U0AOO, Apra Ham' It toot. n real 1 t40í;- said Harry IWPpr, prt:telent of the


Harr. rlopyle Corp- °to coer inee thc Best ~city Co. of Cltanlatul. O.. bow good

,I8tir now ontmter hit, Pull -a -110H. re+kiT But now they -11 tell the i.o*ld.

Zltey Were skeptical and ordered anllr a which the ' put to the meet flgntLvesl

trot the., eenild devise_ The o Itcoir t was that they Imo Irately plaOr4 a lax -er 04de7 will% ta11 fO ms.Chltles and new they sre,buraln2 tip the +tees for more and esters.

The camel thing to deapisated, twiny Rimes Geer In other ¡sort* of the country. 1.- . ant on. 'Wherever Pull= -Bah la 'Wed, It mans warm fricad.. because It's

got what the Operated', and loca - Ato looltr.g for."




Majors in leventh Wee

CIISCÁ41O. April a --'With this atatt of the 11th week of prodúºttCt on our

.tru- Ste - ry demand minimum to hold up and parodslctbcO oonttrtuee at a high rate,' ltdvisCd &an3 Wolberip cancer of .l:I! Chlcs.g* Coln -:...thine kfle .Co.

"Until now there has been little tint* to sit down and oanerder the various rosºsts v. by Majefa hlta proved to be the o1W.tl.nding novelty game of the prr_ent yr It and of modern 'novelty gain, hletory. With product:an sit. last geared to tba fro- Of cedars and reorders. ire c1~1 the" reasons for the sucreen of Our lame and va ̀ C-tievt that It la all a matter of presenting 11 et ential Qvnlliea - n operator needs to make money Qonasatcntey over a lOtlil pertod of tlmo in raise operation of a stogie type of Rasa

r*1_Ikc. all Chicago Cola gear" Majors In so mi_d..ris an to ;entire the leant pos- sible rerelee. The appeal le based on what experience has tsulft vs le r.Or.t likely to attract players. and with theels two teethe%', In osmbá£.attfzo we produce a rams that -returns the greatest amount of protlt oft the Operators lntleetrnent.r

States Discuss Trade Barriers

CRICAOO. /Mitt 1,1.. hot: this work to tile Importers,. eonfereoec of the OM+unctl of e..ate 'CiosOrnrnenta which %net to oorwidei- the growth of trade barr`. ore whICh ¡M . e M' the tree now of buttnest between the States..

Repr-iebenelvent froth 36 states were pent. Mleaisltppl. Arl:speat. «`L o1s- sin. rietxralka. Mt. -tours and Wa 1 Ylr- grain were repro .cnted by their gorlanorl.

Th. l.n, et'... to p. -ta lay= or rtralrle. Lions that hinder trade the Mabee it enrSidered one of thn memo serious álgn t at the. tirrta`4_ acecsrettng to many apcakera who addressed this grotty The liquor` tretie. is one that In vitally OC,i isE-feed with the barriers erected by etnte

Ed Co Ih

Helps Bu' d Tar s CHICAGO. April 13. -"Well known- to

the coin machine lnrivatt7 sa one Or lb, forernnst designer, and coalmen, to Color,s iroW otcupte the chair of vice- prresaLtlent of the Harr/ Heppe ,Corp. - builder Of the Mulls -providing hit Thpe:' declared Harry Hoppe. rev year Collin Z limo bD o t rl till I. Wt manufacturers and hen orl-,tnated many Or the greatest rr,.me eon -^7i at ail Lime_

Mong otraltoñi are a nutatr_i of the now Weis to odic. gam that' have put reentry into the p of opera{et+t How 15 bu..Int for hltnastf, ha aayo be b In pilVpn to m.aduca fttc-'itc t a iee.. -es of all. the Met of which to


s'` d



For 1 year hint á half Mills One-Two-i'Ftee has lorded It

over' all pay tables. There just isn't anything better than those spinning reels. Now One -Two- Throe is avaiabie as a Free Play table for novelty 'table territory. Write, wire, or

phone your orders. for 'thii new sensation Icons I


Ir .- WWI


tº b ̀° A °' +.dbolo 0. o ` * o =auj >r

4 q 1 ~ r IIEr! .d ` l C7 71 -


60 tipy °

G re . .4

"A n cá® I=T_ 1

. ®Q A+t?


- ® g m . Ft ®_ y11Yrtj

n u >3w - ss,s:E3


nesie®gl al' W,

le :.I ty^ t tbMl7ite^,i--a,_;:






WE BUY, SELL and EXCHANGE Oorclolsa -. n rids__ 493.00

loaf i` I Y s. -1100 00 PAYOUT Wires 1 oft R.ntue.t c.,Ys %.áe +. 1.- -. .1Mrltl..* 40.00 i 17 AM Ncad Tr/d. r 1.2 , a

1+1. a_AO t= ti ` 52.50 ilOft7 orgy llaíi Tta

,,pp n * _:- It** sssQQo

O.nR .60 apl.ru 110. r.rtrer./i. _ 26.00 raltiprld = _ 36. Jr.lrgt D.rb/ bey_ 211-55F i.+.sMM _.--... 'as: o

1/3 pssawt wets i háv. ttülarss. 0. 0..

Iq/. - e10 ld 4143-'xt. telUsr

n'.-.. 14.00 25.00

NOVELTY GAMES K.. eel I . Ten *40.00 Rowney Hit NvnQe.lLa 2e.00 Sian -44 Mea Ras....., aS.Aa M 1 Fee P .r...- a0.00

Lis-w_pep. 07-1r 0 M.aswr 17.50 II eery nCtar.._____ rs.00

alto ói.-1,«.. Ck eland -Chicago, Ataurse. Sales Co, t1 11 SL. L P i

88 The Rill board AMUSEMENT MACHINES April 15, I939


$795O AA,RS


L'.1 1 3I 11>



_PP MO T I11IPOR_r'ANT ' , o I R I FIT "1 F LL WI U

s " a C- '`an ,;s! CHIC G :1111N1 Machitu; 1 7 2-5 D I v E R S E Y B OU I. E V A"R D CHICAr 0

` 0 T E R .


p._" . ,Y' _ trt, ing value of

: ticket. A 2600 - bole

CRLRI'A. Superior again soaps

t e s..losbo--r world Mel startling Annovatict in

symbol bards_ Trckats in THREE -HORSE PAR- LAY pelnled in brilliant takes and b..r re rodue- r rus o/ three horse% Horses are pi nt d in dif- ferent odors, the hoerbi- tSir7 non of Varleut p01Cfs

-' - based'. THREE - HORSE PARLAY will soon be ayallablo in the papa w

.4d £ '

1 11600 -hole size also.

o We sail opersta orgy. a oy. - - : , Weekly commitments in --

shod. Writs far full tie - 1 -34


T4 N. Pcbria SL Cálcase. Illinois t SPRINI.I CLEAR oMCE

aiia+.r .°tvvt t 55-00 I ° n } $6. SO ea ;

p Wears - pod muds $C T4 .mJ , ,ry e Mn. +, Pt.rr M i1 } 4 r M atn.t D 1 ..Is I .-.

s ?: sL 5 0, _ : ff^ 150 7+N I v f:` ettr/ el-.

Naew Roe ..r L. L1QH : u k$ - rLw

Oaa..r(lvrewM.twv ,

i' bell, awte M,r. Oe IT: Daca+



1,/7 Dnpd.k ~it t^" -r. tlrrr S+ip Damon C. 0. Ds 't : i. al...r,.. N. J.

ACE DISTRIBUTORS, 1125 Broad St., 1+levira'riC, IJ :

I. Your

110 fQlts A C Anywhere! WITH KF.TOt.IOMfT rt.AKT" AliD »ova rev CONtr/RTtRl.

rldr,t.e rtar-,.s i10 AO. fO CYa.,. ta .Mr.rrJw Cal..cawr,t.a .140-.51", 'mesa essiy... we obit-% .lai/t, "-us. pla.OMi pnrw .a. O.stss.a 1sp Watt. +rO aO L+ T1 ... . ....a Useoe.ra

tll0 watt. Ito act, nln t- t,t. ....-, : :.. . iaaos nao yrat Kobe 11a.rr RC.,r- r-dLl.t.. e'.e0

Ilt.ATOLIiGHTO, IVl'anka to; Mlrinesote, U.S. A.

Strbneripdon to The Bil$oord About To Expire?

Ilk Gets a Fine Reception

cRRLCAOO. April 1.-Atak. the htsh- aCOrm game produced by Wino:. Inc.. q*tbera Momentum with eacb_tAoeeed- 1na day. neoordtng to Moyer Oeosbas. c tad of the company: eomieenti g upset the productic`7 of the game.

add ¿Freeberg: "An uatuunl appeal to prminted LD -Aisalt, thsnlot to s brand -r s'w Ides. the- tacking maniac'. It e dd' bell ops Into one or the am .ftkkirld ~deem the ~re tntreaaee ttistil the next tbouaand es recorded. tarn tram

aauoer lück the bell out for furthee p ay, TI ,provides a reactivating. mird-

peosettlt action that keeps the platers those to flit Bans and bang the op-- rutCr'baek to the cash boot fregttently.

-Rink has other apc*etally ~lee fertUrte. on them the flit lanes, one of wtaleb glt tau ,player on extra 1.000 point/. the other whites gives the pljer a free tall. The onbtared book rack fsstur.e it altating girl do action_

' "/ha demand for bath the Tres-*arta0 mode and the novelty game is equally gr-et. and production on both gamin is

h a full.t.ita10 bails."

Western roc liul+cts

Factory Is Busy CHICAGO. April ts.-= JilOtlTltlr at the

~Aorta' Prodr.iCta factory oQcaltntrte at fmtetllt+ gait with Production on a

quartet of gar>fa+, lneitldiqg Mt) -Base- ball In three molds; Horr sihoem. a .saehall automoatic payout rtttt J .ekpota. end tvrzt? cor.uatrr maoltttaoi. Empire held Red Reiter.' according to dale. MnnngtR pon /lnd_prsram.

$ild Ande:eoD; 41?3edQut rcicmas eR

our emigre and Iiot! Poker atarled Ylrttabde flood nf ordars; jTtd every day tc< art tlocrtaac ID production anQ ship - phi; Location afteT lOoatlon da re. gtiesttitg either lOtnpire.,the eti-.-.rat reel, Izaino. or `tATi F'dka, the deuces min` miter reel s,.me. FiCtoQ'b towards the poJrqlarlty of the. germs are atOEy, adrn-

b' I LL N 0 S

plkiiy sand tnexpenrlve operation, .ter clieet- tell ands. The games litre been designed to attract the greatest Dtitxaber of eyed; yet, to fit Into the sm.-41'1a wank1ible counter ny-c - The raecb nisau are snar.els of simplicity, and for that moon operate umdw heavy p -;Y without tro'.itdo and undue Cot"-'"

NZystery Around New Oaval Gaine

CHICAGO. April ga~Datral. ahead) kirot.rs for the hit counter gainers which the firm has prodiOcd la the Cast. la planning the Moue of azsotdtc- Counter 01-"d,o lit ,the very r.Iar,lu:ure." r*Tcaiad L D. Botktzi. riders -Us -Ina won -yes of the penal Attu. Co.

He continued: "Wbcn you bay that Duval le the rflaltr yo:t me rn that the' grime ds .tupendatsl. manual and morsel - 011a. Tbats's a catiplo ofloug sdJectitt1 -but. etetvrttbrla-t.. It la just Tint I evui 1 Fay tat d~blog ths.new call.

to It, will have itaturr0 that: gill astound c rtrrpoae. and it is aitta+s lei can- Itnue the run of aUOCIY of our ctr.uiter t`satty.

"'here Is 5a sir of mT'tery around our plant and that is because, We aria keeping this under our hats until we are ready to mete a splash announorsraen of it. Watch for it.-


Figures eat unemployment fea th twit %miartarret le lla reotet1 I pUbUabed by the Internattoul !Aber OftIcr; et Onesa. -tivitt[:laaltl, dlelomed itu,t uraew. -(armen; had -.'d In 13

out of 21 C %tfitrier- Tu greeters Incrr .0 ta ainempLoj- nrcnt had been In the Untied Suter Othey oouatrta Elbowing an IIntteal ta the number of unerr,l.'.ay'td mera C:it, ode. CUP'. France. O'rri&rty. Britain. Hun, nary. LlUattaals. Kethertanos 12o1:and, titrn`en and 9 ewitx rlan.oi.


r! pril 15,. 1939 AMUSEMENT MACHINES 7'If.r Rillfonrd

_ r. arid

Ln Po ¡cr - T C3corge Aactintiy rrl4j io_Ch4- y D^`Le s111a° 1'4t- »_a- 113; ., pf°ridn Alr1. 1r /T 9a ttae termer: Eve

ñ*Ly ¿Aw p--c.1_---- 1sO

OluslwfY, *ilea minager of the At]aa t vs /s* . :toTelty Co



rah eiarr=- lair/. u Di+Cr, f,rt.n _rlsr aatleI 1 nett. AUTOM1aAT10B 1 OOTTLalrO riRl AL11/1n1'---._1t4..a0

Cash 1 JSiNN1Ne PlOAL PusM1II1s...'27.a:0 I SALLY .tttrt.nLtq________.._tf1at.eo 4 sT'Oh[R YOTA= . . a¡, a -ALLY IAIROROYNDa--_._._ 4.A 4uARAfRCIGO UMW i'LOTs

103 ALLY FL, ITVIOO 1n.30

b *ALLY t1AgqIMO rORep.._'_ 14}e S MILLS 5a TSST P'OORlT a11lLS. s`LLY RLátgOtlflt_ _ _ 4D260 PrvII RrK'rL r= 5a1t0n ]LLY OVA tuna iD.Gt1 4 MILLS Is V EaT--OORIT a Ela..,,

7 RALLY /ORT PAQI _ 55.50 p4 tb RMIa..... ..,..« . 'I.bO I cNtOA410 enlist P'tOOoCeti 17 r0 /0 aILLs tk Otw rim revue, aZllis II 4oTT 11Ir LOMO tMOT______ 7.e0 ar Vnaara__ ---- ___.._.._.m a4.r,0 5 MILLS' Ral-ROAO-_--- 15.3o 12 SILLA v MELON ntLL1 , ao

11 rItILLII 1'! Old IALLN 4id.t.O 12 YahyfuO 1s 6 RRRRY 1rLL e0.50

MILLS Mt- Y TASts/.-r. A*.r+0 {dLlii M oOOAL44TO._ amen MTFLLs OttsR___-_._-_" 1i S4 O. r M POR Yu+6v__ . 27.50

1 rAMc MAruMA_- ____ 12.1H0 0 MILLS soc Frost MntM! 2 WESTERN UIRELLA-_---- 17.60 S. Or' Val -- _- e2'.'a0 1 avis ERN P D 11A0 .. . T.T0 A ra.14`e¢ 104 Ml3rOty_ula'L/___ 77.30 I WRN D1rRi1' itlRo.__._ es a M1 `e los CORO rill' SOLE/ 72.00


ü A. R. T. Red, IN_µ, a - 517.30 MILLS iEiS! li ~t Myter, `a A.. R' T. aI.-_N P T-,-.-1, OY 1.... 17.30 MOM s V eóMr, wIfh « ar(lltwt 4 A. Nb_TY Otubtt wiLD____ 10.00 nal. Awat15.. Si50 ® oINNITT IVORY e'At:R_- 10t00 .l M e -LA MQa1Í-s[tt a...

/O./Q 4 DIIVAL SMOKE dlEEL1 10.00 1 Mi&La tt Ye4+rw ilMl altFj1i1

DAVAL TALLY 1l.RO OsICM o_ 11vA` ,JQKtR rnLD__ o.00 11 MILLS 14-111-4- rlff{ ttRt

1 DAVAL .JOKER VtYOIR-_-_- 1Ja i ! BAI/rIIIT TURD, Tltt_ 7.r.0 *' V9 M T.AºI o I OOTTlIffº MIDGET RAe>zt...c. 12:40 , NNINOa M SIatMO JacIPt iefl PNNOORAt1tS TLtNO f0 IL-ATOd' Mrr4R, r1 MILLS DORE-Mi, 1t 1aae.a.___s11e.3o VenN__ __ ___ ]730 I MILLS Da Lrss. r. I DANOr 1 WATLIINO 10a Twin J.sSPot 0.11 n

MASTERS. 14 R.cs- I. 44-50 a WATLINO 10 Twin .t.cepot WOK 14 .tn... r i4K'S- 5t11t1V ROtt. 1:i lrtls V .+.______ I Dº

stun __ s.s0 1 WATL Nóí ̂ je ae.aeial vrae- I Mod.l 613 WURLITZR 1! Rac- 'd VunMr- _ 47.00

c 75.50 1uc icLc Y Oc OONf4 01001 Mi i LS!dÑ 111-'ÑvliLitTiiia: le r, r. -n. _-._ _-- '07.s0 aia r.__ -_.-__.J...:.._-__ 4/l,30 I sPOT' Gill -Pro -De Prim 170

NOVT{LTY oAI114 I QROc LáN 1140--

OOL1iMtI]Á I lrl.atLLY AR Ow 1011417.....-...-14*.fO ] 1 1FAL'LY RA -11 T_-.- ------ -_ 27.00 acta ward B

'Os l2.1410 I SALLY RQrYLITI..__ -_____r_._ 32.10

1 SALLY PALM /PRiMRS .. 4,50 1ALLY euePtlNe!

s o 01401 óátUiw a It_.__......

CONSOLES .sis 2 oALLY mart Tpkc;lt3, aa,n

r_IALL'r PANagolilt,t___._ 4000 IY .M .- .. 42.60 10 SALLY RIICRVC____ ___ 27.rt0 1 iI.LY eltf'4L IiCLÓ- 42 .00 DAVAL WAR AOMIRAIL..... 10.0pQ s 311.n1N05 DERRY OasY 07.30

II C1tlrlll'IT aOU.nfY ....._-._ ái.lF0 2 PACE ,,.MARAT11NONS _ - 152.50 EAMIDiT PLIGHT 42.00 1 PAWLS macaw, N ri 00eNM 1 aEN00 GRAND SLAM. Pow Play c*Ii ¢' rs MI N.....,_ 00.30 Matl.l --- c 2L 3 PAC S 1ar10aL Brown Oa1:IR.Ñ 1 a1Nt:Ó JaTTs n ova " - 32 50 - ~ate . GAera R.x..Ir.... 102 o 'renew 1/ O[RT1PIfD DEPOSIT WaTN OROIR. 1M1Pi1rNT 0.e.0. rOrt eALAÑOt. (I( .t -s ~NI .1 1L MC. .Ifri ?rr du m : A I e


- s1f.cá Atlas Family fow`¡PtS _ 1.6

Q 4M LA11t_..J.- -_ O -- r

awet/esotl,a..-' it. /neo COentaoñt:a by Atlas Ih,aTelty Co. em - 'p1aFesl aYro that tttln couple were took -

ea /It tus A td

In the udai0...w2lh a dore taq


.0i4 0 1-11217_10_11-1011417 w111,2mod harts, and Atlas 3 s

v101`ó Yetis - 14 otltata1i atad workers Keno gisO to [caro

Arrives, Departs

Ca(O after a three;+stcY h,omeymoan to

of the . LST tsi

-n ,rats (e so ne were í3'1S, Morrie Qtrs122g and t1 stn a ts_ 0.0.9' Children, wits- and ehildren at the Atlas

II103 w,t, - ñ ail -,1,--e, Ball .,. ants* oxlesi ire. They returned tram Viand, 115 , V t r D,4

after aMtMit the entire twilit,

arlfIl Yom` Pttas L r DMaMoc Leaving Chicago e'en Al Stern. /aies- ue --------rte I t. on tX

ELiá ' rr n fog AL!!a3. Ao0ardiog to 8*srb, he

Olil ..ye 441 left Chicago with plenty oS good news vet141 to' to '

1!' for oparatole ahptn be M'U& Tint. 'rtO *41,PiDM-

got plenty of news about both Sew and . _ - used fib ,that, I 1.141p k Opa-ralora 11

like to Mar. Huainan In the past aeT- eral months» has been setting better aí;9, better. I ~eat to do plenty or business. atnoe operators era experl- eDdlh better Iettfrne n0=:r than they have for .oime time: And. meet of them renijlao then ttla Js the time to stock up rate [tames that will return eve greater profile. At IOW rate. Ire got the glsmeie and there really okeh. Ti:s ideal for those summer Iota - time that- operators tire 1100,' getting 7..dy tor.'

xcR - tM that 1 Tingor r'ill continue to work ;act nu~ p9¿ ,st2.4.4 aiPb %wtng CoadyUse retUrn

-to: 111 T.,,i tiEt1



$29.50 Ea. Send OneThlyd Deposit

Í MT. ROYAL NOVELTY, Inc. 306 -.B3.1K1note St.

Baltimore. Md.


1 r -

$43.501 /3

D 'padtl

IZi. *ere_

HEINZ Novttll,.TY CO. with MARSHALS. AVE.. picC19PNtS.T111N,

PAafn 12e10.


Pa. Operators Boost State BEMs

PiCIL.-WI;LPIUYA, April 8. - State Coin Machine Operatofs' Asliottstion ti drvot. hag much tins to the +study of trial pe+ob- leantbro+tgAt micat by the introdu&tlon to the Estate LegIalator* of many ~- tine. d1:ct]y effee1ID` the Interests of Its members; tasted Harry Wexclbiatty ao inee) for the otr AnItratleh. Much of the prow -eel Ieglalatcop la beneficial to the lndurtly at a whole. he declared

Houle, Dill No. 4:113. +stitch calls fee the reduction of the mercantile tax from [lot! high WC at I420 nO Os form to a more equitable tax level of -4. to strenlhoutly a' pye citd ter this State 1soctatlrxn. Wexil!atatL raids. AlJl]ats a,-7ntatlntis

* tt'; the best "buy" of today, In 10-441 mxhins Irr.ng 7 -coin

cam ng capacity. at the low prir.a of asingfe coin machine! Another lEvj tt ur. natchoble Investment: This modern vgrsion of the orlg tr.al may ni.achine Is lightning fast!. Tensely exciting! From I ro 7 color: may be played at once! End4 c&Qr ropr esents Itf own oddl,r H!G.ttEST PAYOUTS of any machine, of Its typé, - up to 50-11 *- Evans' new improved 1939 7. Can Head ab.firtely ,txotects you profits . . ships cheating 0°rall Ends grief from gam, Wing, Steel strip_. etc. Engineered to accept the now Ileffersola nickel. Quirk? Hirer your money to LUCKY STAR! You, too, will litres -tit'[ the best buy you ever





OTHER EVANS' 'Vlf1'NNERSr Lucky Lucre Sang Tails

Gallop' n, Undoes Rallatto Si. 111f.al for Cl1,bs Etc.)

CO. lS,g0.1530 W, ADAMS 0T, CHICAGO





_ - 1 -

I Their Biggest Profit Producer!



:e Illo!"-Er7"" 1,

I= '1".. i

e r

>. nr t1"v If

I1 Pric"e $8.98 Exchr

!ARTY BELL Keeps Ile Old Prof t !tell Ringigg B Merry Tonal All Tickets Are 3 -Color Rapre- duCtions of Slot Symbols. - 241+ WINNERS -- No_ 2431 2400 Noise

Takes he 5120.00. Avcnage Fiyoui $75.65% Average C401.1 Profit $4-.1.35.

Also Available With Avatar* Papout of 567.35. "Order No. 2431-A.

Steed for Folder NC«I3.

HpAR L IiC H NIlFG. CO. 1413 W. laekso/a 9ivdl.,, 1Cbleaso, !U.

Ilan the entire Ilicdts Wirt informed of the (hate SaelltEtatlnnll a alt t of thL7 measure. and rettllett4d to ,aid'fn $.1ntow its pelage.

-Oppoeltlon ea* rfprosAe 1 to tbo intso- thictilop of n measure which wOukd Ueenc i

arOr chaplet along with. caret__ ad Harry Wexnlhlatt declared slaát hi

group woUlsd combat such a pleasure with all its influence.

'1311U game`, have been reOqIL' Iced no legttlmeitt insehtnea by nUlIfettent (I.'z

dlaKma of the courts and hose been reoog_ niSed ass uizieli by authtcrttloi. Mae opera-- dart of bLfatelle lintel Le now an Im- portant Industry In the &SLtte and we wou]d nos. aloft tlrel sehi2ei operated by O:ir gu -raberrt linked In nny manner with oat's ptsaet Witteh p2l2ht not be in brg1L1y re -arded by 'the public or the mat bortWs." Wesel blast stated.

Mt local ru ocl:ntloC1-watch are rsprc- _sQ:lten oat the State board of dttsctd Wive been directly informed of the nctjpn Of the State ~la.- n in revs fl to 1:;,_.d- ing leyíalalian toad their local growtEs has sire. dy idurn tbel3 active support lit the Suite problems.

COUNTER ,GAMES T/t11E caveat UeID Oalc OAr

rem 2 menu r new Klop 417.50 1,,,. l W tla o :_ .... 17.1i0

Gas« Mr?* D.sf* Mia .. . , OLIÓ 51S 0r A...OrI.iU - i'.-

10 ttau, oak, R!i.r.. . ._ I2.b0 1 o (tilas Ind14n Diva .... 11.1'a 3 is V11tr.m DIa1tt4I .. e.00 4 11.1 af ar..op . . . . . . . 11.50

sO 1c cum .+r sülice. .. s.50 11 10 unites 13 C. - 1,011 -*M VSr...41.01- 10.!'s0

/L10liTLY U1ID Is to ea1cI1 aS O.rra.'rsi +M Vs.~.110.00

4 a_t a,C Rtw.s. . 0.10 3 1 r ItMM . - . . . . . 14,i .' 1o. Is. 1Dr. ºacJLllayas . 14,1161

se Sin, Par 14.10 10 Woo_.^Nsld _ . ',l,Fe

St 141 Tremble KC --Ss T! Dag C 'W.a. 4.o 24' o te IT tag 1.4,-,,4) ...-. 1, S O II Tatz P a.rtaal 10"/

ro Oeleher 1/ JRIiM . aw 1 . -or. o ea ' Le. 1 - . . .. t" .. 4.05 IT 2 ^.:I . A-00 IS 1" Z.... -.)Z....-.)º

11. PMII . .. 4 0 .14 stars/clDvtt e .. 4.s

wens, ..r .Priest on lr?I. and URA I4n'sr..c4, at All [tlydr_ TIMSB 't[t O^at9 Oir o.lt 'via"

Io... . o, o. o. :TA 1? SALES 00.104,4r.Inºr`'

fK4t«N*a011 ILs'-TV r-!-.. ST /M3

The 8111bonrd AMUSEMENT M AC H6I N ES Apra .S, 1939


l -mnsr+-I>vNIN6,

$ ',10 Tres Pity: sees

1NEWBa"ly Uri.& ebr 11 Hit






N Already "knocking 'ern over the fence" fur big daily collleetiona. Soot YOUR batting avenge by ordering I?] FTH INNING today

. ---- - -


- PACEMAKER rre1 1LE slum


Fastest Money -,P faker SINCE BALLY R E; S E'R V'E

R*o't a reavnreo b:mc-11131 aalW:slly earning innro rebury eh InC -

Ilion duns 'Bally Reserve ewer ewrsnd± And honking It tip rrce4 aftas h t'_i Taiw..luitln,g StARF. ElütE:p.p1: . . . ir -.1 i--tt

tiUD1I1ER3 Iwklsir* _

tiauoD repent play!' "I'ry tut anti asmpMy let the oarh box '

cymTineu youl y

BI1LL1 ftI F ái. ¶OIP4ii1


13250 1/5 Ds.

a.I1-.tt1a ow...

C :.! sY6 (op; now tAMte,Y _4rr !co i tlYCw On.IiYIº e_i.aaMi e0 A _ rsirm Is ~dal aoioo i tu *warn :Emu tu a ~Wen OSD1.'ü.-=1L,Y.

jiCiI!fL_Inc. ói'yCliiñ ó POIWULAR AS EVER I

DE LED E GRIP SCALE i -WA Y St.e,nrtA F. t.r.11:17 Levi/ I15{-.h. 1.

rKiplteAitaR. aw O..v.t t4r .11,- oa/

. . A I1Mttre.rÍ_ilaári

I Ad Neir-Gl.a

fúteá.lé,tiOú I7 1 Mill t

%t:5á VI .5e On OOTTLtºa A co. a25 -42Z7]52 N. 1940-.E5. a-`-. CAlb.tl..




MT. ROYAI. NOV;t',LTY Lec t, 11aiLrnarc..a6. n44.1tM0Ai. Mb.

tlr/ oa.Tblld DeO.srt.


SA!!OY'S V4 EEK LY SPECIALS J.. 1ee n Ditto ~enea b. 11.w 575.00 ...-, 0.e lK. Ol.ji

O.lon a.11r. 1101__ 00.60 ¿rum 25c SOT. Dlal- eNlc_ ono" 2;:Ms '1 h. ÓS1a 65.00

ba allr, Dhi. -ahn nula 4D6® O Jena. -5c r [erii/_ 44_04

ae llt. COW. 45_00 Jt I. 110 OrsN 4 Pram Cal.IL___-_ 41,40~ft.

Sc O r,. oat: í7.44 K ll +Gcq /aL.-.,, >t _rJ0

Pr r.O.rL iilYwx.T7

Poo. to comet_

wwiiir''q 1410Ñ.ww"_111,ñS yyyIyrl.ww

OItIaALLa anW totár.4

T1ct:a -5psc Th111 liit 10.54 M.orI ;' - 20.50

20.50 37.iJ0

e.7 ÍÍ 1 3d..- 10.60 40 '0ciii.NM.tL.'r.».

N`éÓ RI -00115:0 _N.~- '1 g.Ó



41 I --yy!y


$19" froo 'Ptatl? S891.50


R,FCOT1laITr Oi+tE'. .rid tL'L/... RAIYTEI6;]] !NNW Ponme ----.1112 a0 4D41+c/mrn _ 12_50 r.A - - 10.00 meek ~IT Oil. 10.00

coNDOLCir RR Trlppr. 'may,- _1150.00 Fat. Rat.., ea0.

Mar. 0.000 vs. Clr.. 5450

ÓMA 'rR:prl --~ fºO 14 /0?A y1ITíiI'rrri a740 Nino 5e N. 5111r 4400 t n. Gall. O -n .__ 144115 Rally 10]7 M! Paaad,-

]SOO Jw tr Derby Dyry : ,4.00

1 /3 D.QM illrlD Orttlr.

S"n V 0Y VEND I NC ,C IE 1,Cabtet SAVENCOI Genral Ot Hest .li06:s W. FRANKLIN ST.: BALTIMORE. MO. El0nch O141k«: 2310 RHODE ISL.]NO AY[. N. E. WA6NIIMaTON. O. 0:'

Fmct,ory-CiAS EOUTS- Fa cbo ry 15'Coontr.r Crw.s. BRAND NE4v1-..1 ORIGINAL CItATES 25 Prposn Co.,

Narelhp Gs,._s At= R1!OORIGINALCEO PRICES 15 Catania'

1 SPECIAL 9.100t aiNI-'O '4CyI IB<La


raIjEhWK-o-S 7rS4fc

re- With

Wirral brr7 !or eale+ or u aept IS er:J .iün W t fi sands. 114 TIs Mgk Oes, Tdawit. Spa:rs,-GtnOcrs. andl kilo type Slott met INtrrrllyGn.es

Write ter out eerlMare UtY Pry Tables. Nornitly Gerwct. SIGN, Ceuñl+er Cawres awrl /*enopra0hs at pico' thM' wU Inlrrat you,

230*-Oir.#b . Aorrlih{. Ati., GRAND NATIONAL SALFR CO, N,cWAo, 1lL


1101101,11110 1: 2110 TROT .1-.00 NMNUMBER5-'-.p PARAMOUNT ........ 41.00 RAO TIMI 20_59 OL1O1K , ......... .. 27,110 Te11Pt. i FR[[ P{.AY Doe t4A0

_ D+.. 1. aan altd G. O. D r O N. Y


I r I Ihi.tr.Ud O.NMl Wruta t. ra.eb Cosy redact

E RT Cgmr Orr VPrrl0.01 able AMraisi

lditT reOV CO. lttnick, IS. Y

lPl'rt_ Itta TWO -


'CHUBBIE 1 L+aT-4-FUN Iltelaiwo4 tltrr s,w. Operrron e1 Woo 9 WfIKi and STILL GOING STRONG. Yor1t mod Nw l.rtstr. "

1;1 BIlDINrS SPECIALTIES, Inc.* Ñ::;ti


- -, CLEI,' ' ! PHONOGRAPHS ' 9esURK K Factory tletu1n.91J0.04 zeta unza ROYAL 115.50

' 5.2111URG CEPS ...: 114.00 t1ab212U1tA CROWN , _ . 145.00 ..-CtOV.rÓ REGAL ..... 1500 ROCK -04A 1Z RtDVLIIR:.. . 99.1.D 11100K.41A M10OTrlr uIN0.1º. 55.00 ROCE -OLA moth Dion ... -1 5.00 ROCK -OLA IMPCRIAL,ZO: fLW9{ vvURLIT'!tR 411 55.00

1 Is Gs/ave peanut. EaNnm. 0 0. 0

ffiUWAUKEE COI ' MICHINE CO. 11510'W. North A.e.,, Mtiwaara.., rAR

RINK'S "kick -110 saucers" are certainly, kicking up collections. cvºr:I/ .' 1~r It'a a hlglr-score. h iRh.opor wed vrhtt. 04 - moneymaker. Players demand RINK ! ! 1

eABO I ftD SALLS.IIrC, 619 Tenth Ave.. Near York Phones, WIseo, t n 7-56


April I5, 1'939 A MIIUSEM ENT M AC W IN ES The Billbotud

_ Pr r ¡ w. -

"L 1

t L

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1j-1 . 0u -1

A a


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l I

' S ,` 11sSS Ai cords oe i- arn;ngs :`

0EMANID'IED `IHERE Only Exhibit's 1939 CONTACT can give you Rapid fire scoring .. ball falls in, 500,, 1000, 1500' or 31)00' hole and remains there while score is. .Idded .... with lightning &pecd . . by individual htlndredsil After score is added bail pops out and continues in thrilling play. Only Exhibit's 1939 CONTACT can give yob. such Sensa- tional Action. Don't be Misled . . :accept r10 substitutes _ . . Demand Exhibit's 1939 CONTACT . . . Ti e most trouble -free game you over operated. -





Immediate Delivery. Mercury Token Payout:

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1{. G. PAYNE COMPANY 312-31i Bro-dv.ty



`DEALS" A corurnñ about new sale;bawd

ideas, deals and porSeen?Ilt es In the

Wholessre Merchindisc* Department





BARREL Of ACES (F-5071) Yoe!'II ~vie; nRearet InveiNñe, In,

BARREL OF - ASS (F-5075,1 Taut Ire:ults v. AMAZING. The bearer H ovntloeiresi with hales as; the i.tkr ones thoo,. that ones thee, want. 2á1S Iteles and the Trip 'Pats t is $25.Ó0.

Takes SA. . .... . ., ..I114.75 Pas Avttap 59.29

Area a Penile 1 54_44 Price $3.71 each


C HAS. A. R R'EWE R SOH:5 Lsrgrat David ant Card H..s. In the World,


100 (CH EFS Sc - 1'O< - 25c Play

$,22.00 20 WORLD SERIES

Pori cct Condition $89.50



o - o ..11:,---1..,-.1...,..,:-...4 W 1

-aCo a

CR ^

Tr I4 L ii.s K E ST.


MAN UrI1rL V Kg OtAA. - tYy{ a i.wA1t

OA F ~A.4t kit AL

k124/4124/4hr M Oe u1..u( AAO A.

w+4 t "dap tAla IAR.e 0.10" ~ITNr.

w..l w cDa1111,s (OQ t!



s.-111Mly1R ML':r

''n1tr(Anp 'Mehl Lobe (ye AS Mlwat.

MMb.1111~i 100105 -9,1411 tI .V R As w.Aa.t

,a. 1t5 PLAY 0.00Q. -e111 41/.1S IV 10 i kill arp


-M.S t:A.saa .1'H reAy. u r,0122115 kola o< Nuo1a: (Alaa"wr+.

fliOYe.OVIt K(IArtt 1sAa . ALL (Oe i7th Av MrNrN lw[(i '-A'Ow4pr L1AD

h AI, N

stDiI í Pisa .d.- t..lt A( ( trprL Ia1y «a (a(An at_ aGVK1 rOPOm 100+10 non" nat r» OeM 11.( l,oe_

i / IOW. OVti( WWI Q;rt ..oenwe.O 'nano PLAIae.

l.ies twit -wimp's Saw I.!a.M{s AK 11P

ta.-.e1 WIN At. rOlpu{ /;-..o w00.1.16 - Nil,' lamp Ar/e0.irAMO ti.tQt tZr

..Yk^.ot1 LTA* 1urp.1, pe/1a 1A4CYlc1/111:101rAt.it CO.M sA(MINt-e..ó.eri

l SMatN w.a. tAU. . fy,rt

Pe..out NAP eau. Mangy 1á.11.041.02 tV ao41-cr.ii aNr<(Nr( Of 1/0.1to,

R IL -._11.0 At -5 .1

.a .1 nr-°L.=..:.7cv9 , . r- .° _sll '"G1


v::ti.i { .I ry `t et r

I '


Ñai aa ts ,=>:


.^ ffs i

7, ~ ig+1 mg ,

---.4b...-- .,,,

lepattast jrgirtt n Is a 1: ----es-1.,.:

1.000 ¡PHONOGRAPHS Ready to Operate $19.50 Up

Ii'3 Deposit. 'Balance

31E2BE1 & G

30 MAGIC ROLLS Made, Iby Geweo

$39.50 C. O. D.


SS Rini?. Saiy 914 CH9CAG .

1ltiBbk 'You for Itle!tttionina The UlboaevL



ErtA Y




r a- Q ,-.

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Keystone Novelty & 111g. Co. Mt II Ñ.uRlttle'SIc.. ptchigI a. e

B 1GI1 OARD A K nife Wrlh 'Every ,Pundt

there Are' Na Lorera NenWea» 12141 Os itemC+ra 54 12 0 J,i O t K n Piro'a_ j .1.rroAra.

cod 1.4'c~' _' ' 1c la sifs. R'Ir.Y 1 `-' - - (..raq M.oO.

++ .

WL 2 LD, IPo.4'I ! i ea 1 .M 4UL

:I'.` S2A0', ' ,

o..t., 5

if.ltt 'r?l ̂w le D+Ma. +Tvao

LE YIN BROS. T`i«ot;i


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:LSIC PIELGTimer;<n1 ',Li F CRUISE AND pUr,`/r6 °[V wwCIT?ERrot

1 WILL [ tlg; AU ANalp ER KEAr,


I fluor', ICI [AJOY r TI USLy t+Al

I tOAA I G9,tqp 4. HAVE

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11 I ZER T0 BLRMIiIri 1



Trues.. tetogsania, esathaalawtically acelainarits the WnrUtror Aerirlu'da Diable, are representative of the 'good rot' cangrataLetet= talepbone. Lolesraph and Lust] eonw,ents being received dally by tae Rudolph Worttltsor Company from title Mor'ebants al] over America.

TN) Wortitaer pledge of 'TNo New Models Daring 1039" . . the factory trash In p]s,n irides permit: a liberal.Nlowawca on tño.r'p1aco- neº t -of obsolete equipisent . . . lane* won the hearts andorscmeut of Music Merchants everywhere. They ktovr that the pnrcbaie of Wurlltewrautotaatie Phemearaphtl is an InPeatshatt iq eaund,, prodtablo bnaines, equipment.

Join the hundreds of alert ifude Merchants who are looking- forward to a glorious fun packed retatls:ea 7rith their w vca as the gucsta of the Rudolph WLlrlitsar Cpn:luny on the Bermuda OruiM It'll can" to qualify for ~age, by plaanfny your replacement program with Wiirlttser Automatle Qholiographi nowl 'ttend On your crake" applbea Don. totter:


Canadia Fec ory;-RCA=VICTOR 00. LTD.. Mant cal. Que.. Canada

: . Tel

,,.. 1 a.&' -r"«,-

"..rrJ ~O."l.+ .1 yy,,,,..o

L"vEt.tNtF °E p/It htlt LEp

1ME Av4D1,PN el.etiE« C lttf i'

vE Ptt. VI woo p' p at1E L1h Oil.

.tat.aT1OM1 0K *OUgEMttSs Lt.t.

f1ME t lE. 1HE

I lON. lit

\ aiS tntP O`


MK t tf p1 1011 To CA[T st a1 k 1C pf 't+0 aE 1

oE *wt. ?Lam



ta'4flti 1* gatYt'bMa tDv

sLy 11U51C utC^CN1" lD1M 5.411 . DO(


nod COI M-0' eat IC COY"MY

Lt0DC:1.= OwP i " t 3

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MDRjM TOMt TOP tl5l 1.11

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1 w CELFE CAL / r ' .... `-.. .«-.

TM `-..`, _:_ E 'IPN t«A COY

+ .. L I IIER ^`'-`

YACNI YOU llOr youll'

Psr NOkil rOaa.ANUA

wlTl. ae "NO rot! OV A1` yfACHAtiib LIAFRr

I. t TOp vqosEkTMN t MppFl s oU

iNf VA.' Uf TÑ TRAa f lr Om Ato


rOORfli ,N f7iPfE PQ'T39MPOLICyfIk AEg °vRllrl,fR$


Pal t cE5 palfRs


1T OFF LL [1tS q



MARS Or 11'4 fa FOneARD T f

y fC! AN TO ALL uRtITZEA r tits mu.

ref pF4

1L rg

D l4r4lrr VüDA CAWS(

C aP

ÉC MOQTOLí / AU_ K ALrfR; PqdiM,p