REVIEW ARTICLE Oral Crohn's disease: Is it a separable disease from orofacial granulomatosis? A review Andrew P. Zbar a , , Shomron Ben-Horin b , Marc Beer-Gabel b , Rami Eliakim b a Department of Surgery and Transplantation, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel b Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel Received 29 April 2011; received in revised form 30 June 2011; accepted 5 July 2011 KEYWORDS Crohn's disease; Oral Crohn's disease; Orofacial granulomatosis Abstract Symptomatic oral Crohn's disease is comparatively rare. The relationship between orofacial granulomatosis, (where there is granulomatous inflammation and ulceration of the mouth in the absence of gastrointestinal disease) and true oral Crohn's disease is discussed along with the plethora of clinical oral disease presentations associated with both disorders and the differential diagnosis of oral ulceration in patients presenting to a gastroenterological clinic. Specific oral syndromes are outlined including the association between oral manifestations in Crohn's disease and the pattern of intestinal disease and their relationship to other recorded extraintestinal manifestations. The histological and immunological features of oral biopsies are considered as well as the principles of management of symptomatic oral disease. At present, it is suggested that both orofacial granulomatosis and oral Crohn's disease appear to be distinct clinical disorders. © 2011 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Contents 1. Introduction ......................................................... 136 1.1. Clinical differentiation of oral Crohn's disease (OCD) and orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) ......... 136 1.2. Histology of oral biopsies in OCD and OFG .................................... 137 1.3. Intestinal patterns of Crohn's disease presenting with oral pathology ..................... 138 1.4. Management principles of OCD and OFG ..................................... 139 1.5. Summary ....................................................... 139 Corresponding author at: Department Surgery B, Department of Surgery and Transplantation, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Aviv 52621, Israel. Tel.: +972 54 980 5414. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.P. Zbar), [email protected] (S. Ben-Horin), [email protected] (M. Beer-Gabel), [email protected] (R. Eliakim). 1873-9946/$ - see front matter © 2011 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.crohns.2011.07.001 available at www.sciencedirect.com Journal of Crohn's and Colitis (2012) 6, 135142

Oral Crohn's disease: Is it a separable disease from orofacial granulomatosis? A review

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Journal of Crohn's and Colitis (2012) 6, 135–142


Oral Crohn's disease: Is it a separable disease fromorofacial granulomatosis? A reviewAndrew P. Zbar a,⁎, Shomron Ben-Horin b, Marc Beer-Gabel b, Rami Eliakim b

a Department of Surgery and Transplantation, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israelb Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Received 29 April 2011; received in revised form 30 June 2011; accepted 5 July 2011

⁎ Corresponding author at: Departme52621, Israel. Tel.: +972 54 980 5414.

E-mail addresses: [email protected]@sheba.health.gov.il

1873-9946/$ - see front matter © 201doi:10.1016/j.crohns.2011.07.001

KEYWORDSCrohn's disease;Oral Crohn's disease;Orofacial granulomatosis


Symptomatic oral Crohn's disease is comparatively rare. The relationship between orofacialgranulomatosis, (where there is granulomatous inflammation and ulceration of themouth in theabsence of gastrointestinal disease) and true oral Crohn's disease is discussed along with the

plethora of clinical oral disease presentations associated with both disorders and thedifferential diagnosis of oral ulceration in patients presenting to a gastroenterological clinic.Specific oral syndromes are outlined including the association between oral manifestations inCrohn's disease and the pattern of intestinal disease and their relationship to other recordedextraintestinal manifestations. The histological and immunological features of oral biopsies areconsidered as well as the principles of management of symptomatic oral disease. At present, it issuggested that both orofacial granulomatosis and oral Crohn's disease appear to be distinctclinical disorders.© 2011 European Crohn's and Colitis Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

nt Surgery ‘B’, Department of

oo.com (A.P. Zbar), sben-horin(R. Eliakim).

1 European Crohn's and Colitis


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1361.1. Clinical differentiation of oral Crohn's disease (OCD) and orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) . . . . . . . . . 1361.2. Histology of oral biopsies in OCD and OFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1371.3. Intestinal patterns of Crohn's disease presenting with oral pathology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1381.4. Management principles of OCD and OFG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1391.5. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Surgery and Transplantation, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Ramat Aviv

@013net.net (S. Ben-Horin), [email protected] (M. Beer-Gabel),

Organisation. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

136 A.P. Zbar et al.

Statement of authorship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140Conflict of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

1. Introduction

Traditional teaching states that Crohn's disease is a disorderaffecting ‘the mouth to the anus,’ however, isolated Crohn'sdisease of the upper gastrointestinal tract and especially oralCrohn's disease (OCD) is a relatively uncommon finding whereunderstanding of its pathogenesis is evolving. In patientswith Crohn's disease who present with oral ulceration, beforea diagnosis of OCD is made, granulomas evident in biopsymaterial need to be differentiated from other granulomatousoral disorders including foreign-body reactions, sarcoidosis,typical and atypical mycobacterial infection and fungalsepsis.1–3 The term orofacial granulomatosis (OFG) wascoined by Wiesenfield et al. in 1995 to define the presenceof granulomatous oral ulceration without intestinal involve-ment,4 although it is recognized that granulomatous mouthulcers may predate intestinal involvement in Crohn'sdisease.5,6 The association between OFG and OCD currentlyremains unclear where the risk factors for the progression ofOFG to ‘full-blown’ Crohn's disease are poorly understood. Insome cases, diagnostic confusion may occur where there isan indeterminate colitis associated with aphthous oralulceration; a generally more common finding in patientswith ulcerative colitis.7 This article outlines the clinicalevaluation of the oral cavity, the pattern of oral lesions inpatients with known Crohn's disease and their knownassociation with other extraintestinal manifestations, dis-cussing its clinical differentiation from patients with OFG.The current views concerning the pathogenesis of bothconditions is discussed along with available data linking oralulceration to the likelihood of the development of intestinalCrohn's disease. The difficulties in interpretation of theincidence of oral lesions in Crohn's disease are analyzed witha discussion of the management of symptomatic oral diseasein OCD and OFG patients.

Table 1 Oral manifestations/pathologies associated withCrohn's disease and orofacial granulomatosis.

Oral Crohn's Disease (OCD) Orofacial granulomatosis (OFG)

Periodontal disease andcaries

Lip swelling a


Facial swelling

Diffuse lip and buccalmucosal swelling

Pyostomatitis vegetans

Oral cobblestoning Melkersson–Rosenthal syndromeBuccal sulcus ulceration Frank ulcers (buccal with raised

edges, aphthae, microabscesses)Mucosal tagsCheilitisLabial and tongue fissuringGlossitisPalatal ulceration (rare)a Disease confined to the lips is referred to as Meischer's

cheilitis granulomatosa.

1.1. Clinical differentiation of oral Crohn's disease(OCD) and orofacial granulomatosis (OFG)

There is a plethora of oral manifestations which have beendescribed in patients with Crohn's disease (Table 1). Manyoral lesions described in Crohn's disease are somewhat non-specific, mimicking various forms of nutritional glossitis.8–10

The range of lesions in Crohn's disease includes diffuse lip andbuccal mucosal swelling, oral cobblestoning, buccal sulcusulceration and mucosal tags.11,12 Cobblestoning is usuallylocated on the posterior buccal mucosa and may beassociated with succulent mucosal folds with an intactepithelium whereas mucosal tags are more commonlyfound in the labial and buccal vestibules as well as in theretromolar region. Many of these lesions may be preceded bypainless gingival enlargement13 and this finding in its earlieststages should be distinguished from other known drug-related, systemic and idiopathic causes of gingival hypertro-

phy.14 These latter non-specific lesions, (unrelated to OCD),show extensive deposition of collagen in the lamina propriawith over-expression on immunohistochemistry within thepro-inflmmatory cellular infiltrates of matrix metalloprotei-nases, most notably MMP-3 and TIMP-2,14 distinguishing themfrom true OCD or OFG, both of which are unassociated withthese immunohistochemical changes. Ancillary oral lesions inOCD include angular cheilitis, scaly perioral erythematousrashes and frank intraoral abscess formation, although thelatter presentation is comparatively rare.15 Studies have alsoshown in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, thatthere is a higher prevalence of periodontal disease and cariesthan noted in the normal population, where as many as 60%of patients with Crohn's disease referred to dental units forassessment show evidence of cheilitis, labial and tonguefissuring, glossitis and aphthous stomatitis.16,17 Dependingon the clinical correlations and dedication towards oraldiagnosis in patients with Crohn's disease, oral lesions may beidentified in up to 60% of patients where in 5–10% of casesthey may be the first manifestation of disease.18

By contrast, OFG may present with discrete ulcersalthough more commonly with lip and facial swelling aswell as distinct conditions including pyostomatitis vegetansand the Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome. The former condi-tion manifests with soft pustular hyperplastic mucosalfolds19 although this has been reported uncommonly inulcerative colitis and very rarely in childhood Crohn'sdisease.20 The histology in this condition is fairly specificwith localized eosinophilic infiltration within microabscessesassociated with pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia andcellular acanthosis. These changes do not show IgA, IgG orcomplement deposition, distinguishing it from pemphigusvulgaris.21 The Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome which is a

137Oral Crohn's disease and orofacial granulomatosis

rare presentation of OFG, comprises the triad of orofacialswelling, facial paralysis and a fissured tongue, (so-calledlingua plicata) with lingual lesions most commonly locatedon the lateral aspect of the dorsum of the tongue.22,23 In thiscondition, facial palsy develops slowly only after otherclinical manifestations of OFG have already appeared.Formes fruste of this disorder may include patients whopresent only with isolated cheilitis (referred to as cheilitisgranulomatosa of Meischer)24 which is usually associatedwith extensive orofacial swelling spreading to the chin, noseand eyelids25,26 and which may be responsive to Infliximabinfusions in the absence of demonstrable gastrointestinaldisease.24,27

Currently, OCD and OFG are separated on clinicalgrounds, where OFG tends to present with more labialpathology and less oral ulceration. Labial enlargementaffects the upper and/or lower lips and is often persistent

Table 2 Differential diagnosis in the clinic of granulomatous and noclinic.

Diagnosis Extraoral findings

Granulomatous disordersOral Crohn's disease (OCD) Abdominal pain, diarrhea, recOrofacial granulomatosis (OFG) NILForeign-body granuloma NIL/feverSarcoidosis Cough, fever, weight loss, eryOral tuberculosis Cough, haemoptysis, fever

Deep mycotic ulcer Candidiasis, HistoplasmosisParacoccidioidomycosis, Crypt

T cell lymphoma Fever, weight loss, lymphaednWegener's granulomatosis Pulmonary, renal involvementOral syphilis Rash, genital ulcerationCat-Scratch Disease Lymphaednopathy

ACE Angiotensin converting enzyme, IL-2 Interleukin-2, FTA FluoreHaemagglutination assay; ANCA Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic ant

Non-granulomatous disordersRecurrent aphthous stomatitisNutritional deficiencyOral malignancyCoeliac disease Nausea, bloating, anemia, der

HerpetiformisBehçet's syndrome Recurrent genital ulceration, uGeographic tongue (benignmigratory glossitis)

HIV AIDS-related infection Weight loss, fever, lymphadenViral infection (Coxsackie, CMV,EBV, HSV 1/2)

Sweet's syndrome a Fever, leukocytosis, skin papuVasculitisLichen planusPemphigus

CMV Cytomegalovirus, EBV Epstein–Barr virus, HSV Herpes simplex viruϕ Anti-transglutaminase and anti-endomysial antibodies.KS Kaposi's sarcoma.ELISA Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.a Fever, neutrophilia, recurrent oral ulceration associated with acut

in nature rather than recurrent where the labial mucosa isgranular and erythematous in appearance but whereassociated periroral midline and angular stomatitis tends tobe more scaly and exfoliative. If ulceration is present inpatients with OFG it takes one of 3 forms, including frankdeep buccal ulcers with raised peri-ulcerative mucosa,aphthous-type ulcers or microabscesses which are usuallylocated on the gingival margin or on the soft palate.

1.2. Histology of oral biopsies in OCD and OFG

The presence of granulomas on biopsy is the histologicalhallmark of both OCD and OFG, where the differentiationfrom other granulomatous oral disease is made on theclinical picture accompanying the oral disease.3 Table 2shows the differential diagnoses, diagnostic criteria and

n-granulomatous oral ulceration detected in the gastrointestinal

Additionaldiagnostic criteria

tal bleeding Gastroscopy, colonoscopy

\thema nodosum Chest X ray, serum ACE,IL-2r

Z-N staining, Manotux, CD4 count,bronchoscopy

ococcosisCulture, CD4 count bronchoscopy

opathy T cell typingANCA antibodies

Treponemal antibody testing (FTA, TPHA)Lymph node biopsy, anti-Bartonellahenselae antibodies

scent Treponemal antibody, TPHA Treponemeibodies

matitis DuodenoscopySerum antibody testing ϕ

veitis, arthritis Pathergy testing

opathy, KS lesions HIV ELISA, viral load assay, CD4 countAnti-viral ELISA

les Associated AML


e myeloid leukemia (AML).

Table 3 Histopathologic and histomorphologic differencesbetween OCD and OFG.

Pathologic features OCD OFG

Non-caseating granulomas + +Loose macrophage clusters + −Granulomatous lymphangitis + −Fibrosis + +/−Th-cell predominance Th1 Th2T cell clonality within lesions − +IgA antibodies to Saccharomyces cerivisiae + −

138 A.P. Zbar et al.

the specific testing required (where appropriate) inpatients presenting with biopsy-proven oral granuloma-tous diseases as well as those presenting to the gastroin-testinal clinic with persistent non-granulomatous oralulceration. The commonest cause of oral granulomas is aforeign-body reaction usually as a response to a range ofdental materials including retained impressions andamalgams as well as endodontic sealers28 where thistype of reaction more commonly presents as a mass ratherthan frank ulceration and is accompanied by typicalforeign-body type giant cells surrounding foreign materialon biopsy. Specific infectious conditions leading togranulomas include tuberculosis which is more oftenseen as deep ulcerative oral disease particularly inimmunosuppressed patients where Ziehl–Neelsen stainingshows typical acid-fast bacilli and where granulomas arecaseating with an accumulation of Langhans-type giantcells.29 Rarely fungal infections may be detected partic-ularly occurring in Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis andPacoccidiodomycosis.30,31 Oral sarcoidosis is comparative-ly rare, usually being associated with systemic symptoms(fever, arthralgia, generalized lymphadenopathy andweight loss) as well as hilar lymphadenopathy and wherethe oral manifestations are typically multinodular withassociated salivary gland enlargement.32 Differentiationcan be made by labial gland biopsy33 and by serumangiotensin converting enzyme, IL-2receptor and IL-8 levels each of which correlates with disease activity.34

In OCD, there is a high reported rate of granulomata(between 75 and 100%) found in oral biopsies of discretelesions, regardless of their form of presentation,12,18,35–37

although there is a spectrum between the presence ofdiscrete non-caseating granulomas through confluent gran-ulomatous sheets of macrophages and multi-nucleate giantcells to loose granulomatous macrophage clusters. This maybe accompanied by granulomatous lymphangitis and verycommonly by marked fibrosis. In biopsy material, differen-tial lymphocyte accumulation discriminates between OCDand OFG. In OCD, Th1 CD4+ lymphocytes are a hallmark37,38

with an association with NOD2/CARD 15 mutationaldysregulation on chromosome 16, particularly in thosewith associated ileal disease.39,40 Mutations in this genepredispose towards granuloma formation possibly as aresult of alterations in the innate immune response tobacterial flora where CARD 15 encodes for intracellularreceptors for bacterial translocation.39 This genetic findinghas been linked to the detection of serum IgA antibodies toSaccharomyces cerevisiae in patients who have OCD as afurther distinguishing factor separating it from cases ofOFG.41

In OFG there is a postulated overstimulation of the Th2CD4+ leucocyte pathway with evidence of a locally restrictedT-cell receptor gene expression in the infiltrating lympho-cytes derived from biopsies of lesions when compared withthose obtained from normal oral mucosa. This is suggestive ofa specific antigen-driven T cell clonal expansion42,43 al-though the nature of the antigenic challenge in thesepatients has yet to be identified. This is coupled with agreater trend in patients with OFG to have coincident atopicdisorders as part of a Th2 CD4+ overstimulation where arange of food hypersensitivities have been identified(particularly to cinnamaldehyde and benzoate additives).44

Currently, there is no available evidence that standard orurticarial skin patch testing for patients with this type of OFGpresentation is, however, beneficial.45,46 Table 3 shows thehistopathologic differences between OCD and OFG when agranulomatous oral biopsy is obtained.

1.3. Intestinal patterns of Crohn's diseasepresenting with oral pathology

There is no clear or expected pattern of gastrointestinalCrohn's disease presenting with oral manifestations.47

Whereas it would be anticipated that upper gastrointestinaldisease should be more common in such patients, there islittle prospective data to support this view.36,47 In thisrespect, Dupuy et al. have reported a greater malepredominance, a young age of onset and a higher prevalenceof upper gastrointestinal involvement in patients whopresent with oral manifestations in Crohn's disease wherepatients tend to have a more protracted clinical course.48

Equally, Harty and colleagues have noted a higher incidenceof concomitant perianal Crohn's disease in those patients alsopresenting with oral disease although their series numberswere small.36 The natural history of oral disease associatedwith active Crohn's disease is presently somewhat unclear,where up to one-third of patients will continue to harbor oralmanifestations during follow-up.49 There is no significantdifference regarding intestinal location or disease activitybetween patient subgroups which either cease or whichcontinue to harbor OCD, implying a diagnostic advantage inoral examination only at the time of initial presentation.Children who harbor oral disease generally display a moresignificant disease burden, (a more severe Crohn's pheno-type), corroborating the finding of the European Collabora-tive Study on Inflammatory Bowel Disease that the presenceof upper gastrointestinal disease is a predictor of moresevere disease activity overall.50

There is considerable debate concerning whether oraldisease in patients with intestinal Crohn's disease should beconsidered as an extraintestinal manifestation or whether itis a reflection of overall mucosal disease activity. Despite thefact that oral disease may predate intestinal involve-ment,5,6,51 it is often not included as a specific extraintest-inal manifestations of Crohn's disease, where Monsén et al. ina Swedish epidemiology study excluded arthralgia, stomati-tis and episcleritis in their clinical listing of extraintestinalmanifestations.52 Notably, aphthous stomatitis has somedegree of clinical linkage with peripheral arthritis, ankylos-ing spondylitis, uveitis and erythema nodosum.53 The

139Oral Crohn's disease and orofacial granulomatosis

accurate determination of extraintestinal manifestations ininflammatory bowel disease is a complex issue where ifmajor extraintestinal disorders are counted, the prevalenceis as high as 20–25%,54 however, if all potential systemiceffects and complications of therapy are included, almost allpatients will be listed as having some form of an extra-intestinal manifestation. Whereas previously it has beenreported that extraintestinal manifestations are commonerin those patients presenting with colonic Crohn's disease,55

the intestinal location and pattern of Crohn's disease has notbeen found to be a significant factor on logistic regression forany specific extraintestinal presentation.56 Moreover, in thepediatric population, it is suggested that the incidence ofextraintestinal manifestations is significantly under-reported, where aphthous stomatitis (which occurs overallin about 8% of patients with inflammatory bowel disease), isabout 3 times more common in patients with Crohn's diseasethan it is in ulcerative colitis.

The appearance of other non-oral extraintestinal man-ifestations shows a stronger association with diseaseactivity at the time of diagnosis in both Crohn's andulcerative colitis, suggestive of a common pathogeneticpathway between the development of the extraintestinaland the inflammatory intestinal disease57,58 where theappearance of one extraintestinal manifestation increasesthe risk of development of another. Multiple extraintestinalmanifestations are, however, uncommon occurring in only4.5% of cases and are more common in patients with Crohn'sdisease.53 Difficulties with interpretation of this datainclude the under-diagnosis of relevant associated extra-intestinal manifestations in some cases, the variability inthe utilization of the term and the assessment of patientcohorts in cross-sectional studies where only a few patientswill suffer from specific extraintestinal disorders at any onetime. Variability in their reported incidence also reflectsdifferences between prospectively and retrospectivelycollected series,55 geographic variations in their inci-dence59,60 and community variability in the recognition ofgeneral non-inflammatory bowel disease-related aphthousstomatitis, which itself is affected by gender, age andsmoking status.61,62 Registration of a condition as anextraintestinal manifestation may not include disorderswhich are an accompaniment to inflammatory boweldisease and which run a course often independent ofdisease activity or progression or which display an inherentautoimmune element, such as thyroiditis, haemolyticanemia or vitiligo. Further, inclusion of metabolically-associated problems consequent upon enteric disease suchas nephrolithiasis, cholelithiasis and amyloidosis, may alsonot be registered as extraintestinal manifestations in manycases resulting in variable incidence reporting in theliterature.

By contrast, although OFG is defined as granulomatous oralulceration in the absence of clinical intestinal disease, half thepatients will have inflammatory changes on ileo-colonoscopy inthe absence of specific gastrointestinal symptoms, with two-thirds of such cases showing granulomata on gut biopsy.63–65

Subclinical intestinal histological abnormalities are more likelyto be found (if investigated)where there is an early age of onsetof what is labeled initially as OFG or if there is more severe oralinflammation detected either on clinical examination or notedon oral mucosal biopsy.66

1.4. Management principles of OCD and OFG

Oral lesions in Crohn's disease may be asymptomatic andsome may spontaneously resolve over time. The range oftherapeutic options used in clinical decision-making for bothOCD and OFG patients is shown as a management algorithm inFig. 1, where severe labial and facial pathology requiresmore aggressive systemic therapy. Pediatric patients withOFG who also have coincident atrophy may often respond todietary restriction of potential triggering agents includingcinnamaldehyde, benzoate additives, carnosine, monoso-dium glutamate, cocoa and sunset yellow, although there areno available trial data beyond case reports concerning theirdietary exclusion.44,67,68 In symptomatic cases, treatmentcan often be simple and non-specific with analgesia andtopical therapies, Beclomethasone mouth washes and 5-ASAointments or sprays.69 The range of treatments normallyavailable for symptomatic Crohn's disease may also be usedin those with very symptomatic OCD as well as part of aprogressive treatment program in patients with OFG,particularly where there is oral disfigurement by fibrosinggranulomatous disease or where painful recalcitrant ulcer-ation is unresponsive to basic therapies.

Alternatives in the treatment of deep painful ulcersinclude the use of slow-release, highly concentratedintralesional steroid therapy with or without mandibularnerve blockade.70 In unresponsive cases, topical tacrolimusat low concentration (0.5 mg/kg) is recommended where ithas also been reported to be successful in severe lip swelling,resulting in minimal tachyphylaxis and systemic absorption,although there is reported rebound symptomatology after itscessation.71,72 Systemic steroids are of value in resistantcases although when used alone they have been reported asproviding remission in only half the patients with only alimited effect on lip swelling.73 Their long-term use iscontraindicated in children because of the risk of growthretardation and in unresponsive patients where steroidsparing is required, biologic therapies have been used withsuccess, including Infliximab,74,75 and Thalidomide76 with orwithout the addition of methotrexate77 and other steroid-sparing agents with anti-granulomatous properties includingthe anti-leprosy drug clofazimine.78

1.5. Summary

The definition of OFG is conventionally used to describepatients who present with granulomatous inflammation of theoral cavity without overt clinical evidence of intestinalinflammation. Its global incidence is rising partly because ofan increased awareness of the diagnosis particularly in thepediatric population. At the same time, the incidenceofCrohn'sdisease in high prevalence areas such as Northern Europe andthe United states is falling explaining the paradoxical increasein OFG diagnosis.27,79 Granulomatous oral ulceration is aspecific biopsy finding with defined differential diagnoseswhere the clinical separation of OFGandOCD is important sincethe natural history of these conditions varies along with theirpresumed aetiopathogenesis.

Although many patients presenting with oral lesions in suchcircumstances are managed by dermatological and dentalexperts, both gastroenterologists and coloproctologistsworking

Figure 1 Management algorithm for patients with both OFG and OCD presenting with granulomatous oral ulceration.

140 A.P. Zbar et al.

in multidisciplinary inflammatory bowel disease clinics must beclinically familiar with the range of disorders which constitutethe differential diagnosis once granulomatous oral disease hasbeen confirmed.3,80 Frequently oral disease is subclinical andself-resolving, where specific disease patterns appear todistinguish OFG from true OCD and where biopsy is onlydiagnostic if taken into consideration with the overall clinicalpicture. Oral disease in Crohn's is frequently not consideredspecifically as an extraintestinal maninfestation and is ofteninadequately documented so that its association with theprospective development of intestinal disease is relativelypoorly understood. Depending on the dedication towardsdiagnosis and oral examination, the incidence of demonstrableoral pathology in patients with Crohn's disease can be relativelyhigh with the clinical pattern currently providing a relativelyclear separation from patients presenting with OFG.8,64,81,82 Itis recommended that there should be expert evaluation of theoral cavity both in patients with established Crohn's disease andthose where Crohn's disease is suspected by virtue of its oralpresentation or where OFG is diagnosed by exclusion. A greaterliaison is required between medical and dental clinicians inorder to better define the diagnostic separation and multi-disciplinary management of these patients.

Statement of authorship

AZ conceived the manuscript, structured the design of thereview and helped draft the manuscript.

S B-H helped to draft the manuscript and provided advice.M B-G helped to draft the manuscript and assisted in table

construction.RE helped to draft the manuscript and assisted in table


Conflict of interest

No author has any declared conflict of interest in thispublication.


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