Introduction Chronic rejection is the major cause of long-term allo- graft failure. The main features of chronic rejection are arteriosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, and a gradual de- cline of organ function. Although the etiology of chronic rejection is multifactorial, immune responses generated by the foreign histocompatibility antigens play the most critical role [8, 25]. Importantly, traditional immuno- suppressive protocols, while effectively preventing acute rejection, do not prevent chronic rejection [6, 37, 40]. This is at least partly due to a lack of understanding of the type of immunosuppression necessary to prevent the alloreactive responses that precipitate chronic rejection. A better characterization of the immune responses that are involved in chronic rejection may allow the designing of effective therapies that will ameliorate this type of rejection. T-cell response to allografts is dictated by two distinct pathways of recognition of foreign histocompatibility antigens: direct and indirect [3, 13, 37]. The direct pathway involves recognition of intact allogeneic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on the surface of donor antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and initiates vigorous immune responses that precipitate acute allograft rejection [21, 38]. The indirect pathway involves recognition of histocompatibility antigens as peptides presented by syngeneic MHC molecules on the Anna Mhoyan Gordon D. Wu Thanos P. Kakoulidis Xingyi Que Esma S. Yolcu Donald V. Cramer Haval Shirwan Predominant expression of the Th2 response in chronic cardiac allograft rejection Received: 24 April 2002 Revised: 9 September 2002 Accepted: 10 October 2002 Published online: 24 April 2003 Ó Springer-Verlag 2003 Abstract Chronic rejection is the main cause of late allograft failure in patients. CD4+ T cells activated by indirect recognition of alloantigens are implicated in this rejection reac- tion. However, the type of T cell response (Th1 vs Th2) that contrib- utes to chronic rejection has not been fully investigated. The purpose of this study is to examine whether chronic rejection is associated with a polarized T-cell response in a rat cardiac allograft model, where long- term graft survival is achieved by intrathymic immunomodulation with donor class I, RT1.Aa, allo- peptides. All long-surviving allo- grafts showed histological evidence of chronic rejection. Chronic rejec- tion was associated with high levels of intragraft Th2 cytokines and the Th2-regulated alloantibodies. The Th2 response was systemic, since long-surviving allografts with chronic rejection had high levels of serum IL-10. The predominance of the Th2 cytokines demonstrates that the Th2 response was not sufficient for the prevention of chronic rejec- tion in this model. The predominant expression of Th2 cytokines, together with the presence of Th2- regulated alloantibodies, suggests that the Th2 response may play a role in the development of chronic rejection. Keywords Chronic rejection Cardiac allograft Th2 response Intrathymic immunomodulation Indirect recognition Transpl Int (2003) 16: 562–571 DOI 10.1007/s00147-003-0590-6 ORIGINAL ARTICLE A. Mhoyan T.P. Kakoulidis X. Que E.S. Yolcu H. Shirwan (&) The Institute for Cellular Therapeutics and Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Louisville, 570 South Preston Street, Suite 404, Louisville, KY, 40202-1760, USA E-mail: [email protected] Tel.: +1-502-8522066 Fax: +1-502-8522085 G.D. Wu D.V. Cramer Transplantation Biology Research Laboratory, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California, USA

Predominant expression of the Th2 response in chronic cardiac allograft rejection

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Chronic rejection is the major cause of long-term allo-graft failure. The main features of chronic rejection arearteriosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, and a gradual de-cline of organ function. Although the etiology of chronicrejection is multifactorial, immune responses generatedby the foreign histocompatibility antigens play the mostcritical role [8, 25]. Importantly, traditional immuno-suppressive protocols, while effectively preventing acuterejection, do not prevent chronic rejection [6, 37, 40].This is at least partly due to a lack of understanding ofthe type of immunosuppression necessary to prevent thealloreactive responses that precipitate chronic rejection.

A better characterization of the immune responses thatare involved in chronic rejection may allow the designingof effective therapies that will ameliorate this type ofrejection.

T-cell response to allografts is dictated by two distinctpathways of recognition of foreign histocompatibilityantigens: direct and indirect [3, 13, 37]. The directpathway involves recognition of intact allogeneic majorhistocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules on thesurface of donor antigen-presenting cells (APCs) andinitiates vigorous immune responses that precipitateacute allograft rejection [21, 38]. The indirect pathwayinvolves recognition of histocompatibility antigens aspeptides presented by syngeneic MHC molecules on the

Anna Mhoyan

Gordon D. Wu

Thanos P. Kakoulidis

Xingyi Que

Esma S. Yolcu

Donald V. Cramer

Haval Shirwan

Predominant expression of the Th2 responsein chronic cardiac allograft rejection

Received: 24 April 2002Revised: 9 September 2002Accepted: 10 October 2002Published online: 24 April 2003� Springer-Verlag 2003

Abstract Chronic rejection is themain cause of late allograft failure inpatients. CD4+ T cells activated byindirect recognition of alloantigensare implicated in this rejection reac-tion. However, the type of T cellresponse (Th1 vs Th2) that contrib-utes to chronic rejection has notbeen fully investigated. The purposeof this study is to examine whetherchronic rejection is associated with apolarized T-cell response in a ratcardiac allograft model, where long-term graft survival is achieved byintrathymic immunomodulationwith donor class I, RT1.Aa, allo-peptides. All long-surviving allo-grafts showed histological evidenceof chronic rejection. Chronic rejec-tion was associated with high levelsof intragraft Th2 cytokines and the

Th2-regulated alloantibodies. TheTh2 response was systemic, sincelong-surviving allografts withchronic rejection had high levels ofserum IL-10. The predominance ofthe Th2 cytokines demonstrates thatthe Th2 response was not sufficientfor the prevention of chronic rejec-tion in this model. The predominantexpression of Th2 cytokines,together with the presence of Th2-regulated alloantibodies, suggeststhat the Th2 response may play arole in the development of chronicrejection.

Keywords Chronic rejection ÆCardiac allograft Æ Th2 response ÆIntrathymic immunomodulation ÆIndirect recognition

Transpl Int (2003) 16: 562–571DOI 10.1007/s00147-003-0590-6 ORIGINAL ARTICLE

A. Mhoyan Æ T.P. Kakoulidis Æ X. QueE.S. Yolcu Æ H. Shirwan (&)The Institute for Cellular Therapeuticsand Department of Microbiologyand Immunology, School of Medicine,University of Louisville,570 South Preston Street, Suite 404,Louisville, KY, 40202-1760, USAE-mail: [email protected].: +1-502-8522066Fax: +1-502-8522085

G.D. Wu Æ D.V. CramerTransplantation Biology ResearchLaboratory, Department of CardiothoracicSurgery, University of Southern CaliforniaSchool of Medicine, Los Angeles,California, USA

surface of either donor or recipient APCs [3, 13, 37].There are accumulating data in the literature suggestingthat indirect recognition plays a critical role in chronicrejection [6, 23, 42]. For example, Ciubotariu et al. [6]demonstrated a direct correlation between T-cellresponse to allopeptides (corresponding to the hyper-variable regions of 32 HLA-DR alleles) and the devel-opment of coronary artery vasculopathy in a largepopulation of cardiac allograft recipients. Similar datawere reported by Vella et al. [42] in kidney allograftrecipients experiencing chronic rejection. Direct experi-mental data for the role of indirect recognition inchronic allograft rejection were recently provided by Leeet al. [23], who demonstrated that pre-immunization ofpigs with donor class-I allopeptides promoted thedevelopment of chronic cardiac allograft rejection.

Although there are definitive experimental dataimplicating indirect recognition in chronic rejection, thetype of alloreactive responses generated by this pathwaythat produce the lesions of chronic rejection are not wellinvestigated. CD4+ T cells can be divided into at leasttwo distinct subsets, Th1 and Th2, based on their pat-tern of cytokine production and effector function [28].The Th1 response has been associated with acute allo-graft rejection, whereas the Th2 response has beenimplicated in long-term allograft survival in severalexperimental settings [37]. For example, cytokines pro-duced by Th2 cells, such as IL-4 and IL-10, are ex-pressed in long-surviving allografts with minimal levelsof Th1 cytokines, IL-2 and IFN-c [5, 41]. It is unclear,however, if the Th2 response actively contributes tograft acceptance or is only the byproduct of compleximmunological responses that lead to long-term sur-vival. We have recently hypothesized that a Th2 re-sponse may actively promote the development ofchronic rejection by regulating a complex array ofmolecular and cellular interactions [37]. Although directexperimental evidence supporting this contention islacking, the role of Th2 cells in humoral immunity, andthe importance of alloantibodies in the development ofchronic rejection, are consistent with this hypothesis [7,37]. Furthermore, a few recent studies produced exper-imental evidence indicating that immune deviation tothe Th2 response is not sufficient for successfulengraftment of allogeneic organs, and increasedexpression of the Th2 cytokine IL-4 within the graft isresponsible for the development of transplant arterio-sclerosis [2, 11].

The purpose of this study is to characterize the typeof T-cell responses associated with chronic rejection.Cardiac allografts in the PVG.R8-to-PVG.1U rat-straincombination, which were disparate for one class-IMHC, RT1.Aa molecule, were used for this purpose.We previously demonstrated that intrathymic immunemodulation with donor RT1.Aa allopeptides, under the

cover of transient immunosuppression with anti-lym-phocyte serum, induced hypo-responsiveness to donorbut not third party allografts in this model. The majorityof allografts (�75%) survived long term (>100 days),whereas a small portion of the grafts (�25%) underwenteither acute or delayed rejection. Intrathymic immuno-modulation with donor peptides, however, was notsufficient to induce transplantation tolerance, since asignificant number of long-surviving allografts showedevidence of chronic rejection [39]. We here analyze car-diac graft recipients with chronic, delayed, and acuterejection for intragraft and systemic expression ofcytokines and alloantibody isotypes to determine whe-ther these forms of rejection are associated with selectedtypes of T-cell responses. Our results demonstrate thatthere is a hierarchy in the T-cell response associated withdifferent types of allograft rejection: grafts with acuterejection predominantly expressed the Th1 cytokines;those with delayed rejection expressed a mixture of Th1and Th2 cytokines, whereas grafts with chronic rejectionprimarily expressed the Th2 cytokines. Taken together,these data demonstrate that a Th2 response is not suf-ficient for the prevention of chronic rejection in thismodel. The possible role of the Th2 response in thedevelopment of chronic rejection is discussed.

Materials and methods


PVG.1U (RT1.AuBuDuCu) and PVG.R8 (RT1.AaBuDuCu) ratswere purchased from Harlan Sprague–Dawley (Indianapolis, Ill.,USA). All animals brought into the experimental colony werecertified virus-free, and the colony was monitored regularly foraccidental contamination with infectious diseases. Age-matched (8to 16-week-old) male animals were used throughout this study. Allresearch protocols and general animal care were approved by theInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee and conform tothe ‘‘Principles of Laboratory Animal Care’’ (NIH publication No.86-23, revised 1985).

Intrathymic immune modulation

Long-term survival of cardiac allografts was induced by intrathy-mic injection of graft recipients with three donor RT1.Aa peptides(0.3–1.0 mg/peptide), either individually or as a mixture of variouspeptide combinations, as previously described [26]. At the com-pletion of this procedure, each rat was given 1 ml of rabbit anti-ratlymphocyte serum (ALS) (Accurate Chemical, Westbury, N.Y.,USA) intraperitoneally. Rats that were intrathymically given eitherPBS or an unrelated peptide of 18 residues corresponding to the ratTCR Vb1 CDR2 domain served as negative controls.

We performed intra-abdominal heterotopic cardiac grafting,using PVG.1U rats as recipients for PVG.R8 donor hearts 7 daysafter intrathymic injection as described previously [26]. SyngeneicPVG.1U heart grafts were used as controls. Ventricular contrac-tions were assessed daily by palpation. Rejection was defined as theday heartbeat ceased.


Cytokine ELISA

We measured the levels of cytokines (IL-2, IL-4, IL-10 and IFN-c) in the sera of graft recipients, using the Cytoscreen Immuno-assay Kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions (BioSourceInternational, Camarillo, Calif., USA). Serum samples were col-lected from rat recipients at different time points after trans-plantation. Standards of known concentrations, various dilutionsof sera samples, and cytokine-specific biotinylated secondaryantibodies were added to 96-well microtiter plates that had beencoated with primary antibodies directed at individual rat cyto-kines. After the samples had been incubated for 3 h at roomtemperature, the plates were washed thoroughly with washingbuffer four times and the samples were incubated with 100 llHRP-streptavidin/well for 30 min at room temperature. After thesamples had been further washed four times, 100 ll of stabilizedchromogen (tetramethylbenzidine) was added to each well and thesamples were incubated for 30 min in the dark. The reaction wasstopped by addition of a stop solution. The optical density valueswere detected at 450 nm by a multi-label counter (Victor, Wallac,Gaithersburg, Md., USA) and expressed as nanograms per mil-liliter based on values obtained from standards of known con-centration.


Immunohistological changes were studied in allografts harvestedfrom long-term survivors (n=8; >200 days), short-term survi-vors (n=2; 102 and 131 days), mid-term rejecters (n=6; 15–100days), and acute rejecters (n=4; 5–7 days). Syngeneic grafts inna recipients (n=5; 90 days) and those in recipients intrathy-mically manipulated with allogeneic antigens served as controls(n=2; 182–183 days). At harvest, all grafts were washed with0.9% NaCl and divided into three sections (basal, midsection,and apical). The mid-ventricular sections were further dividedinto two portions, one of which was embedded in O.C.T. com-pound (Tissue-Tek, Miles, Elkhart, Ind., USA) and frozen byimmersion in an isopentane solution. The frozen blocks werestored at )70 �C for immunohistological analysis. The remainingportions of the graft were fixed in 10% buffered formalin solu-tion for hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and elastic staining forassessment of general pathological changes. For each graft, threesections (the atria and base of the ventricles, mid ventricles, andventricular apex) were observed under a light microscope, andhistological scores were estimated. We assessed the intimal pro-liferation scores by analyzing eight to ten vessels per graft.Histological changes were evaluated on the following categories:vascular intimal proliferation, perivascular infiltration, myo-cardial infiltration, myocardial fibrosis, vasculitis, myocardialnecrosis, and interstitial hemorrhage. Histological changes werescored blind and graded for individual lesions on a scale con-sisting of 0 (none) 1+ (mild), 2+ (moderate), and 3+ (severe)[9].

We measured the numbers of infiltrates present in the myo-cardium by counting cell nuclei/field for each graft. Ten high-power fields (400·) were randomly counted for each heart graft.The numbers of infiltrates present on the fields were calculatedand expressed as the average numbers of cells per high-powerfield.

Elastic staining was performed on all heart grafts in additionto routine H&E histological examination. An elastic stain kit wasused in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions (SigmaDiagnostics, St. Louis, Mo., USA). Tissue sections were stainedin hematoxylin–iodine–ferric chloride solution and differentiatedby the use of a dilute ferric chloride solution. We used VanGieson solution to stain for internal as well as external elasticmembrane.


The deposition of alloantibodies and selected cytokines wasexamined by the use of standard immuno-peroxidase techniques[9]. Briefly, 5-lm cryostat sections were prepared from heart allo-grafts from different groups. The cryostat sections were incubatedwith primary antibody for 60 min in a humidified chamber at roomtemperature. The primary antibodies used in this study included:mouse anti-rat IgG1 (clone RG-88, Sigma), mouse anti-rat IgG2a(clone R2A-2, Sigma), mouse anti-rat IgG2b (clone R2B-8, Sigma),mouse anti-rat IgG2c (clone MARG2c-3, Sigma), mouse anti-ratIgM (clone RTM-32, Sigma), mouse anti-rat IFN-c (clone DB-1,Serotec, England), mouse anti-rat IL-4 (clone MRC OX-81, Sero-tec), mouse anti-rat IL-10 (clone A5–7, Pharmingen, San Diego,Calif., USA), and rabbit anti-rat TNF-a (Serotec). After threewashes in PBS (pH 7.4), the section slides were stained with sec-ondary antibodies, HRP-conjugated rabbit anti-mouse or HRP-conjugated swine anti-rabbit immunoglobulins (Dako, Carpinteria,Calif., USA), at 1:100 dilution in PBS for 30 min at room tem-perature. After final washes in PBS, tissue sections were incubatedwith DAB substrate for the localization of peroxidase activity(FAST DAB, Sigma). Tissue slides were counterstained with di-luted hematoxylin. Sections of heart tissue from na PVG.R8 rats orsyngeneic grafts served as controls. Immunostaining was assessedvia a semi-quantitative scoring system ranging from negative ()),trace positive (+), to strong positive (+++).


Intrathymic immune modulation with class-Iallopeptides does not prevent chronic rejection

We previously demonstrated that administration of oneto three RT1.Aa allopeptides to the thymus under thecover of immunosuppression with anti-lymphocyte ser-um 7 days before transplantation resulted in indefinitesurvival of more than 75% of PVG.R8 hearts trans-planted into PVG.1U rats [26]. The remainder of thegrafts had either acute (5–10 days) or delayed rejection(15–100 days). One-half of long-surviving allografts thatwere analyzed �100 days post-transplantation revealedincidences of chronic rejection [39]. The lack of chronicrejection in the remaining allografts may be due to theiranalysis too early in the post-transplantation periodrather than transplantation tolerance induced by intra-thymic immune modulation. In this study, we histolog-ically analyzed long-term allografts at later timespost-transplantation for incidence of chronic rejection.

All long-term allografts (n=8) that were analyzed>200 days post-transplantation revealed mild-to-severeevidence of chronic rejection, including a mild degree ofmyocardial infiltration by mononuclear cells, mild myo-cardial fibrosis, and various degrees of vessel wall thick-ening, ranging from focal intimal thickening to totalvascular obliteration (Fig. 1A and Table 1). These find-ings are consistent with our previous studies [39] and arecent study demonstrating that intrathymic immunemodulation with allogeneic cells prevented acute but notchronic rejection [20]. Allografts with delayed rejection(15–82 days; n=6) showed dense mononuclear cell infil-


tration, moderate-to-severe myocardial fibrosis, severevascular proliferative lesions, and lesions related to acuteepisodes of allograft rejection, such as vasculitis, inter-stitial hemorrhage, and myocardial necrosis (Fig. 1B). Inmarked contrast to cardiac allografts with long-termsurvival or delayed rejection, syngeneic allografts lackedany sign of histopathological changes that were pertinentto chronic rejection (Fig. 1C and D), providing evidence

for the importance of alloreactive immunity in themediation of chronic rejection in this model.

Predominant expression of intragraft Th2 cytokinesin chronic rejection

The nature of alloreactive responses that promotechronic allograft rejection has not been fully elucidated.

Fig. 1A–D Tissue sectionsfrom a long-surviving allograft(A), harvested at 300 days; anallograft with delayed rejection(B), harvested at rejection: 44days; a syngeneic graft from ana recipient (C), harvested at 90days; a syngeneic graft from arecipient intrathymicallymanipulated with alloantigen(D), harvested at 183 days.Unlike the allograft with de-layed rejection (B) that showssevere mononuclear cell infil-tration, interstitial edema, andnecrosis, the allograft withchronic rejection (A) exhibitedtransplant vasculopathy causedby excessive hyperplasia in theintima (original magnification:·200). Syngeneic grafts C and Ddid not show any sign ofchronic rejection. Stains: H&E(B) and Elastic/Van Gieson(A, C and D)

Table 1 Histopathological scores. Syngeneicgrafts scored negative for all the indicated histological parameters. PTx post-transplant, MImyocardial infiltration, PVI perivascular infiltration, MF myocardial fibrosis, MN myocardial necrosis, IH interstitial hemorrhage, IPintimal proliferation, Vas vasculitis

Cardiac grafts Harvest day PTxb Histological scorea


Long-term survival 300 368±131c 1.0 2.0 0 0 1.0 0360 380±158 1.0 0.5 0 0 0.5 0300 452±155 0 2.0 0 0 2.0 0300 442±139 0 1.0 0 0 0.5 0385 504±106 1.0 2.0 0 0 2.0 0366 403±147 1.0 1.0 0 0 0.5 0

Delayed rejection 15 724±155 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.023 754±142 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.5 1.544 765±171 1.0 2.0 0 0 2.0 2.063 768±151 2.0 3.0 0 0 2.5 079 576±126 1.0 1.0 0 0 1.5 082 424±140 2.0 3.0 0 1.0 2.5 0

aHistopathological scoring ranged from 0 (none) to 3 (severe)bPost-transplantcValues represent mean number of cells ± SD per high-powerfield


We previously hypothesized that the Th2 response maycontribute to the initiation and/or maintenance ofchronic rejection via its influence on humoral responses[37]. Cytokines elaborated by Th2 cells, such as IL-4, IL-5, and IL-6, serve as growth and differentiation factorsfor B cells [37]. We, therefore, investigated allograftswith acute, delayed, and chronic rejection for intragraftand systemic cytokine expression at the protein level totest whether chronic rejection is associated with prefer-ential activation of the Th2 response. Allografts withchronic rejection had high levels of Th2 cytokines, IL-4and IL-10, and low-to-undetectable levels of Th1 cyto-kines, TNF-a and IFN-c, as determined by immuno-histological staining via antibodies specific for thesecytokines (Fig. 2A). The expression levels of IL-4 andIL-10 in the long-surviving allografts (>200 days) withchronic rejection did not significantly vary from graft tograft and scored as high (++) and moderate (+),respectively. Similar levels of expression were observedfor IL-10 in allografts at 100–140 days post-transplan-tation. In contrast, IL-4 showed reduced levels ofexpression (+) in allografts analyzed 100–140 days post-transplantation when compared with those (++) for

allografts at >200 days post-transplantation. In markedcontrast, allografts undergoing acute rejection (6 days)expressed high levels of TNF-a and IFN-c and unde-tectable levels of IL-4 and IL-10 cytokines (data notshown). Allografts undergoing delayed rejection (15–82days), on the other hand, expressed a mixed pattern ofcytokines with high levels of Th1 and moderate levels ofTh2 cytokines (Fig. 2B). Unlike allografts, syngeneicgrafts had undetectable levels of all the cytokinesexamined.

High levels of systemic IL-10 in chronic rejection

We next investigated sera from recipients of allograftswith chronic, delayed, and acute rejection to test if thecytokine response was systemic. There were high levelsof IL-10 (>10 nmol/l) in sera of graft recipients withchronic rejection (Fig. 3A). IL-10 was first detectable insera of long-term survivors by day 14 post-transplanta-tion, gradually increasing to peak levels on days 50–150,and showed a gradual decline thereafter (Fig. 3B). Thedecline in IL-10 levels in long-term allograft survivors,

Fig. 2A, B Histology sectionsfrom allografts with chronic (A)and delayed (B) rejection. A isrepresentative of grafts at >200days while B is representative ofgrafts at 35–82 days (originalmagnification: ·200). Allograftswith chronic rejection expressedhigh levels of IL-4 and moder-ate to undetectable levels ofIFN-c and TNF-a. This patternof cytokine expression wascompletely reversed in allo-grafts with delayed rejectionthat expressed high levels ofIFN-c and TNF-a and moder-ate levels of IL-4


however, did not reach background levels in more than90% of graft recipients analyzed over 200 days post-transplantation. In marked contrast, sera from recipi-ents with acute graft rejection had undetectable levels ofIL-10. Graft recipients with delayed rejection hadmoderate levels of IL-10. Sera from na rats served ascontrol with no detectable levels of IL-10. We did notdetect systemic expression of IL-2, IL-4, and IFN-c inrecipients of allografts, regardless of the type of rejectionreaction and the time of serum harvest (data not shown).

Alloantibody response in chronic rejection

Th2 cytokines are critical to the B-cell production ofselected immunoglobulin isotypes such as IgG1 andIgG2a in the rat [15]. The predominant expression of

Th2 cytokines in long-surviving allografts undergoingchronic rejection, therefore, led us to examine the in-tragraft deposition of alloantibodies, because the Th2response is important to humoral immunity [29]. Addi-tionally, alloantibodies have been implicated in thepathogenesis of chronic rejection in several experimentalsystems [7, 34, 36]. Long-surviving allografts had mod-erate intragraft deposition of IgG1, IgG2a, traceamounts of IgG2b, and no detectable levels of IgM andIgG2c antibodies (Fig. 4A). Allografts with delayedrejection harvested from intrathymically manipulatedrecipients had considerable deposition of IgM, IgG1,trace amounts of IgG2c, and relatively higher levels ofIgG2a and IgG2b (Fig. 4B). Acutely rejecting allograftsfrom unmanipulated control recipients had abundantlevels of intragraft IgM, trace levels of IgG2a, andundetectable IgG1, IgG2b, and IgG2c isotypes. In con-trast, syngeneic grafts had no detectable levels of any Igsubclasses examined (data not shown).


The development of potent immunosuppressive agentshas markedly reduced the loss of allografts from acuterejection. These immunosuppressive agents, however,are inadequate for averting late graft loss caused bychronic rejection. There is increasing evidence thatindirect allo-recognition plays a critical role in chronicrejection [6, 23, 42]. However, the types of alloreactiveresponses generated by this pathway that precipitatechronic rejection are not well characterized. We haverecently hypothesized that indirect recognition of allo-geneic antigens late in transplantation may preferen-tially generate a Th2 response, and that this responsemay play a critical role in the pathogenesis of chronicrejection [37]. A series of experimental studies impli-cated a Th1 response in acute allograft rejection and aTh2 response in long-term allograft survival [37]. It isunclear, however, if the Th2 response actively con-tributes to graft acceptance or is only the byproduct ofcomplex immunological responses that lead to long-term survival. Inasmuch as the Th2 response isimportant for humoral immunity and alloantibodiesplay a critical role in chronic rejection [7], the Th2response may act to promote the development ofchronic rejection rather than induce/maintain trans-plantation tolerance.

We herein demonstrated that chronic rejection in ourmodel was associated with high levels of Th2 cytokines,IL-4 and IL-10, and moderate-to-undetectable levels ofTh1 cytokines, TNF-a and IFN-c. In marked contrast,allograft recipients with acute rejection had only Th1cytokines. Intrathymically manipulated graft recipientswith delayed rejection had features of both acute andchronic rejection. Moreover, they showed a mixed

Fig. 3A, B Levels of IL-10. A Serum samples from graft recipientswith acute rejection (A.Rej; 6 days post-transplantation), delayedrejection (D.Rej;15–82 days post-transplantation), and long-termsurvival (Longterm; >200 days post-transplantation), and from narats that did not undergo transplantation (Na). B Serum samplesfrom long-term survivors at various times after transplantation.The data are expressed as the mean of triplicate samples for eachanimal tested. The sensitivity of this assay is 39 pg/ml. A# animalnumber


pattern of cytokine expression, predominated by the Th1cytokines, IFN-c and TNF-a. It is, therefore, temptingfor us to speculate that the high levels of expression of

pro-inflammatory IFN-c and TNF-a cytokines, com-pared with the Th2 cytokines in the grafts with delayedrejection, may eventually shift the immune balance

Fig. 4A, B Antibody deposi-tion in cardiac allografts withacute and chronic rejection.Tissue sections were harvestedfrom allografts with chronicrejection (A, representative ofgrafts at >200 days) anddelayed rejection (B, represen-tative of grafts at 35–82 days).Original magnification: ·200.Allografts with delayed rejec-tion revealed the deposition ofall the Ig isotypes examined,whereas allografts with chronicrejection primarily showedmoderate deposition of IgG1and IgG2a with undetectablelevels of IgM, IgG2b and IgG2cisotypes


towards a Th1 response that precipitates delayed acuterejection.

The Th2 response was systemic, as evidenced by ex-tremely high levels of IL-10 (in the nanomoles per literrange) in the sera of chronically rejecting animals. Therewas a direct correlation between the serum levels of IL-10 and long-term allograft survival. All the allograftrecipients that displayed high levels of IL-10 early intransplantation had prolonged graft survival. In markedcontrast, allograft recipients that did not systemicallyexpress IL-10 rejected their grafts acutely, and thosewith moderate systemic expression of IL-10 had delayedrejection. The systemic expression of IL-10 in this modelis of great interest, because this cytokine is synthesizedby the Th2 cells in rodents and has been shown to spe-cifically inhibit inflammatory responses mediated bythe Th1 cells by several molecular mechanisms. IL-10downregulates the expression of MHC, transportersassociated with antigen processing, and B7 molecules onantigen presenting cells [27, 35]. IL-10 inhibits the infil-tration of dendritic cells to the site of inflammation andimpairs their function to stimulate Th1 but not Th2 cells[30]. IL-10 also downregulates metalloproteinases bydirectly inhibiting their synthesis by smooth muscle cellsand macrophages and by stimulating the synthesis oftheir inhibitors by macrophages [22]. The negative reg-ulation of these enzymes results in extracellular matrixaccumulation in the intima, and the development oftransplant arteriosclerosis [19]. IL-10 may, therefore,serve as an immunoregulatory molecule to downregulatethe Th1 response to prevent acute rejection early post-transplantation and regulate alloantibody productionand extracellular matrix production late post-trans-plantation, thereby plausibly promoting chronic rejec-tion. This notion is consistent with a recent studydemonstrating that exogenous IL-10 administration inmice leads to exacerbated allograft arteriosclerosis [14].

IL-10 regulates B cells for differentiation and pro-duction of antibody [33]. Alloantibodies have beenimplicated in the pathogenesis of chronic rejection inexperimental as well as clinical settings [10, 32, 34, 36].In animal experiments, direct evidence for the involve-ment of alloantibodies in chronic rejection was providedby studies in which B cell-deficient mice were used asgraft recipients. Transplant vascular arteriosclerosis wasshown to be significantly reduced in arterial transplantsperformed across various histocompatibility differenceswhen IgM knockout mice that lack functional B cellswere used as allograft recipients [36]. Similarly, theadoptive transfer of alloimmune serum to graft recipi-ents that lacking an alloantibody response results in thedevelopment of the lesions of chronic rejection [10, 17,34]. Alloantibodies may manifest their effect by cross-linking class-I molecules on the surface of endothelialcells and smooth muscle cells in the allograft, and bydoing so, activate these cells for the synthesis of growth

factors and receptors required for smooth muscle cellmigration and proliferation in the intima [17, 18]. Con-sistent with this hypothesis is our demonstration of thedeposition of IgG1 and IgG2a antibody isotypes inchronically rejecting allografts. These isotypes have beenshown to be regulated by Th2 cytokines in the rat [15,31]. Our data are also consistent with a study demon-strating that intrathymic immunomodulation with do-nor splenocytes results in intragraft deposition of IgG1and IgG2a antibodies in a rat allograft model [4].Interestingly, allografts in a similar rat intrathymicimmune modulation model were recently shown toundergo chronic rejection [20].

Our data demonstrate that intrathymic immunemodulation with class-I allopeptides preferentially in-duces intragraft and systemic expression of Th2 cyto-kines associated with long-term allograft survival. A Th2response in this model, however, does not preventchronic rejection, since long-surviving allografts showedextensive evidence of chronic rejection. Our findings,therefore, suggest that the Th2 response may play acritical role in the prevention of acute allograft rejectionby down-regulating the Th1 response, but this responsein itself is not sufficient to prevent chronic allograftrejection. Indeed, the Th2 response may initiate and/orperpetuate the process of chronic rejection by regulatingthe production of specific alloantibodies. This conten-tion is consistent with several recent observations thatlong-term cardiac graft survival in a hamster-to-ratxenogeneic system induced by cyclosporin-A treatmentis associated with the predominant expression of the Th2cytokines and anti-apoptotic genes [1, 24]. These xeno-geneic grafts, like the allografts described in this report,displayed extensive evidence of chronic rejection. Ofdirect relevance to our observations is a recent studydemonstrating that treatment of graft recipients withantibodies to TCR or CD80/86 results in long-term graftsurvival in a murine cardiac allograft model [16]. Graftsin the TCR group developed chronic rejection, with highlevels of expression of the Th2 cytokines. In markedcontrast, allografts in the CD80/86 group did not de-velop chronic rejection and lacked the expression of Th2cytokines. Direct evidence for the involvement of theTh2 response in chronic rejection was recently providedby two different studies performed in murine models.Chronic rejection of aortic allografts was prevented bythe treatment of graft recipients with antibodies againstIL-4 [12]. In another model, the administration of IL-10to the recipients of heart allografts resulted in increasednumbers of Th2 cytokines and accelerated chronicrejection [14].

We have previously demonstrated that the long-termgraft survivors in this model had detectable levels ofdonor microchimerism in several tissues (the heart,kidney, liver, skin, bone marrow, thymus, and lymphnodes), using primers specific for the donor class-I


RT1.Aa gene in PCR [39]. Although there were noclinical signs of graft versus host disease (GvHD), it isquite likely that the long-term graft recipients may havedeveloped chronic GvHD, since the animals were notassessed for histopathological changes related to GvHD.Therefore, the Th2 response observed in this modelmight be a reflection of graft-versus-host, rather thanhost-versus-graft, reactions. Further experimentation isneeded if one is to address this possibility.

In summary, these observations are consistent withour recent hypothesis that a Th2 response may beimportant to the initiation/maintenance of chronicrejection [37]. The Th2 response may work in parallelwith activated endothelial cells and B cells in the graft tofacilitate the synthesis and elaboration of alloantibodies

and a series of growth hormones, cytokines, and theirreceptors on smooth muscle cells to drive the prolifera-tion of these cells in the intima and stimulate thedevelopment of graft vasculopathy. However, our datado not provide direct support for the role of the Th2response in chronic rejection. The Th2 response ob-served in this model may simply be a byproduct ofimmunological mechanisms that precipitate chronicrejection, rather than being the cause of chronic rejec-tion. Further studies in experimental and clinical settingsare needed if the role of the Th2 response in chronicrejection is to be addressed.

Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. S. Koksoy for criticalreview of the manuscript.


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