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ID UNIT- 22034



Tutor’s name- Martin Elliman

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


CONTENTS PAGEINTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------3

Part 1-

HISTORY & BACKGROUND----------------------------------------4-6



CHANGE AGENTS----------------------------------------------------11-12

CULTURE & USE------------------------------------------------------13-16


PAST USE, CONTEMPORARY USE-------------------------------18-19

Part 2-

Past use, contemporary use -----------------------------------------19-28


Part 3-

FUTURE TRENDS-----------------------------------------------------29


3 KEY FOOD INGREDIENTS-----------------------------------------31-33


SOCIAL INFLUENCES-------------------------------------------------36-37



IN-TEXT REFRENCES---------------------------------------------------41-47

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


INTRODUCTIONSpanish cuisine is being one of the most famous cuisine known around the world. The food is so much liked by different people from different parts of the world.

When I started my project on the topic Andalusia Spain in my regional cuisine project, at beginning I was very confused but, then I realized that Spain is one is one of my most favorite countries in the world and I was happy that I have a chance to know more about the Spanish cuisine, before the project research I knew few things about the Spain like historical place, and so many famous food industry. I also think that that researching on this topic about regional cuisine would really help me in my future as becoming a chef because the region is so much known for its food specialty and I will get so much information for understanding the cuisine.

I think after finishing my report I will get to know more about the regional cuisine of Spain and I am very happy to have this topic.

(cerano, 2012)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1




Spain is always been fascinating country, In relation to the food it also been heard that in 218 b.c. The Roman came to the south western area of the country and they started the new techniques for doing agriculture and found new products, such as olive trees and the grapes etc. In their cook books they include so many things such as quince, there are also the some fruits which are similar to the apple and the pear, which were grown from old times and also can be seen in (Andalusia) now a days.(Tapas co. ltd, 2015)

This above picture shows that how The Romans use to grow Grapes for making the winery.

(Kevin, n.d.)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


711 A.D.

In the 711 A.D. the Moors started their civilization in the southern part of place name (Andalusia). They establish their civilization grows very quickly from southern part to the center of the Spain and conquered the country for many centuries. They brought many advanced agricultural technologies and methods which made their production more effective and efficient and also made new products which we will discuss further in the changing agents.(Spanish food, 2015)

(Spanish food, 2015) This above picture is showing that how the Moors has started their cuisine in history

1492 DISCOVERY OF THE NEW WORLD (Discovery of the new world) became a very famous term around the world as the European explorers voyages through the Atlantic ocean and so brought many exotic foods and so many new products of different vegetables and till now the Europeans being colonized their people and also people came and civilized there from the various parts of the world.(Janet, 2015)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


Civilization of different communities

In the early 1100 b.c. Phoenician came to the southern part of the Spain and started establishing their civilization in the places which is Huelva and Malaga, after that Romans arrived in 218 b.c. on the Uranian peninsula and started concurring over Phoenician over the country and over than that in 711 A.D. The moors came across straight from the Gibraltar through Africa and invaded first into Andalusia. Than in 1492 the Europeans brought a new world revolutionary term. They colonized the spain in very better way and had a great path towards developing the country( Castro. 2009)

In the above picture shows that how the communities

From the different parts of the world came, who invaded

Colonized and discovery of the Spanish cuisine

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1



World map

(Sra. Peggy, n.d.)

The map of the world shows the location of the

Country Spain.

Spain location in world map-

As it shown in the world map that Spain is located to the Liberian peninsula , as we know Liberia is not the part of Europe because it is separated from Pyrenees mountains. Spain is also very near to the continent Africa. Spain also lies in a very close distance to the morocco which is just 8 miles from the southern tip of Spain. Its also connect its boundary its land boundary with Portugal on the west location and with France on its northern part.

(Geology ad co., 2005)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


Map of the country

(Catalan indepe, n.d.)

Andalusia location on Spain map

Andalusia is a historic region of span. As it shown in the map figure that Andalusia is the southern most part of the Spain, it also connected by some autonomous communities like Extremadura.

Andalusia is covered with 50% of the mountneous terrain and a third is the land area which is covered 600 meters above to the sea level.

(World atlas, 2015)

Geographical map

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


(World atlas, 2014)

Involvement of other countriesAs it shown in the above figure that there were so many countries involved in the past for so many different reasons some came their to invade the country. Some went their to place their civilization among the people .like as moors and romans invaded the country and been civilized their for a long time. Europe help the country to be civilized their in a peace way. And America went there to help in making new production for the development of the country

(Janet, 2015)

Topographical map of Spain

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


As you know Spain is a country which is located in the southwest part of the Europe which is on the southern part of France. It is also surrounded by three parts by water

Spain’s geography and climate-Not so many people around the world know about that the most part in Spain is mountainous region in the Europe after the Switzerland. Andalusia is a hot dry region in the south, which gives a green area and consist with humidity zones. The most topography in the Spain consists of the plains which is surrounded by rugged. The climate in Spain are very hot in summers and cold winters throughout the coast. So the most production of the agriculture in late 1980s are tend to be coastal regions. There most common ingredients which are mainly grown in the region are the Mandarins, olives, the wineries and fisheries in the region of the Andalucía. The region is very ideal for these ingredients grown here because it is located on the southern plateau of the Spain, with the medditeran sea which makes the environment quite cooler and the plenty of moisture in there so these are very ideal ingredients to grow in that region and fishes are cached there because its really close to the sea region that makes people to do fishery over there

(Columbus travel media, 2016 )

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


CHANGE AGENTSPhoenicians 1100 b.c.

From the past there was been so many influences happened in the Spanish cuisine. It was all been begin 1100 bc. Where the Phoenicians came and brought a great change by the sauces brought by them in the Spanish cuisine this made a very big change I the food and taste of Spanish people they started using sauces into their most snacks and dishes. For eg. The romesco sauce brought by the Phoenicians first in the country.

(Ethinic spicy food, n.d.)

Romesco sauce is a staple sauce in Spain brought by


(Health recipes, 2014

Roman influence

In 218 bc when the romans came to Spain, they make their way across the peninsula, they bring wines with them and planted olive trees. Which is now a days become a most popular ingredient in Spain. It is true that romans brought wines and olives in Spain but they have changed much more, as they was big on “GARUM” . it’s a fermented fish sauce that they used in plenty of dishes for flavoring the food. They located so many GARUM factories in Spain.

(Ethinic spicy food, n.d.)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


Olives brought by romans

And maid a drastic change in the Spanish cuisine

(Spanish olives, n.d.)

Arab influence

Throughout, in the areas of the Andalucía or al-Andalucía, named after the moors came in, The Moorish influence has affected the development

of their gastronomy very greatly. Throughout in the mainland of Spain moors played a very big role in the development of the food, after their influence continued until 800 years, even now they left their big mark on the Spanish cooking. The ingredients which was originated from Moorish people in Spain are Arroz (rice), Acite(oil),

Albondigas (meatballs), almendras (almonds) and after that the Moorish also planted sugar, mint, spinach and aubergins first in countries so by seeing all these points its shows that Moorish brought a big change in the gastronomy of spain.(Tapas lunch company, 2015)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


Culture and uses

Spain is a multicultural country which consists with many different cultures such as inslam, judaism and hinduism. The majority of catholic is their in comparison of the population.One of the important culture in spanish region are the “Tapas” it’s a culture which is mostly liked by the people in spain. In every region of spain you can find the bars which serves small plates and really good flavours of tapas. There is a small hsitory behind the tapas tradition begins that the king ALFANSO was very ill and during the time of his illness he ate some small dishes which washed in wine and he got his recovery in

very rapid manner, so after that he started this tradition all over the people of the spain

There are also some of the best restaurants in the region of Andalucia like Bodeguita, La azotea and San telmo , they are famous mainly for their traditional food like tapas

(Spanish culture, 2010)


In 2008, the Spain had a total population more than about 4 million, which also represents a 0.5% of the decrease in population from 2007. It was estimated that the average age(working age) of the people in Spain is about 65.8 % in Spain which is about 15-60 years old and the people over than 60 had a 18.5% shares in the population of the countries, so it shows that the country youth have a majority in the average age.

After the romans came to the country the people from middle eastern countries begin to get settled in the Spain because of their famous cuisine and food in the country .

(Eurostat, 2015)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1



In the same way as moving to other religions like Islam, Arab had a great influence in creating their gastronomy, mainly they have their region which was very much known in Andalucía Spain. Its also known as Al-Andalus gastronomy, which can be seen so much in the mediterrean diet. Moorish (Arab), they made different culinary name for ingredients which are mostly started wither letter “A” like meat balls as albondiga, oil(aceite). And aceitunas as olives etc. the meat which is mostly preferred by Arabs where lamb and poultry.

This pie chart shows that the influence of different religion in Spain

(Jesus fish, 2012)


We already knew about various cuisine in spain which in liked by all people around the world . There are also many kinds of the fantastic food festivals which is celebrated thoughout the country.

January- fiesta de la alcachofa benicarlo

In spain the artichoke fest is celebrated in the month of january in place ‘Benicarlo” in the heart of valencia and it also have a very specific reason, like artichokes are grown In this place as a place of its origin it’s a very unique and speacial for its quality and the taste.

Poster. (2012, October 28)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


Poster. (2012, October 28)

August- la tomatina,bunol

This festival is personally one of the favorite festival of mine which takes place in spain in the month of august as I have seen this festival celebration in one of the movie. The celebration always takes place once in a year, where the world’s biggest fight of food takes place and played by tomatoes, where thousand of the people get together in bunol streets and throw thousands of ripen tomato at each other, it is a type of messy fun happened in spain.

Poster. (2012, October 28)

Spanish meal times

In spain there are many different meal times like breakfast takes place at 10:00 am usually with butter and jam or olive oil and tomato.

Lunch main meal during the day takes place between 2pm-3pm in which it consists which heavy meals such as appetizers, main meals , beverage and deserts

Dinner takes place between 8pm-9pm usually people takes very light meal during night meals such as yoghurt and some fruit , salad or bowls of cereals.

( poster,2012)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1



Comparison between old and new versions of the equipments used.

Producing of olive oilThe technology in producing the olive oil has taken a massive change in the industry of spain,as if we look in the history, the extraction of olive oil was started in 3rd centuary b.c. by romans.In old times people the traditional way production was rather done by physical power, first the olives are stored in a type of the vaculo which is called lipo vaculo, for obtaining the oil paste

the olives were crushed between in the two grindstones untill an oil paste get obtains and these two grindstones is made up of the single wheel in which the donkeys or bulls was harnessed to rotate the wheels. After that in th 17th centuary new modern techniques for producing the oil was brought by the new world spanish settlers, they made a grindstones which runs through the motor, it automatically rotates the wheel with no physical energy and produce olive oil in much more big quantity, also in the old days the seperation of the oil and water had been

(Dream stime, 2015)

done as oil flows to the top after a certain period because of its low density of the water but it takes some time to get seperated but nowadays, fractional distillation is been used for more effective and efficient way to separate oil from the water, these are some good innovations which help the people for the production of oil.

(Liberian food, 2005)

Grape harvestingNow a days the modernization has takes it place in the better technology that has opened the ways for doing the efficient, effective farming and producing many products. Lets talk about the grape harvesting, in 3rd centuary bc

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


when romans came to spain they introduced the grapes faming in the country and they used to cultivate their lands by the labours it was a very traditional way of the production of the vine grapes in country. But after in 18 centuary the modernization in farming takes place like the invention of the tractors were used in farming, the wine makers are able to produce and harvest in the large amount of grapes in more effective and efficient way, there were many numerous modern vinwyards were introduced around the country so the people can get good quality of grapes.

In the 1980s there was a term of the “Precision agriculture” was first used. In that the sensors, statistical techniques,agriculture and technology were combined to improve the management of farming techniques. And one of the context when the precision agriculture was implemented widely in the spanish wineyard, is known as “precision viticulture”.

(Moselhy, 2009)

(Brace, 2011)

Old new Mortar and pestle Food processor

( poster,2012)Mortar and pestle is an eqipment which people uses in the ancient centuries. They use it for crushing and grinding the different

(Food in spain,2010)The grinder is a modern equpment used to grind the ingredient in a effective and convinient method it uses the electricity to

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


ingredients to make the powder and paste. Pestle is a stone which was used for crushing different ingredients(gastro, 2011)

use and we can use to grind the ingredient in a more amount in comparison to mortar(gastro, 2011

Farming techniques

(Ics agri, n.d.)

The olives farm in Spain is been done in a very large scale in the country. In olden times farmers ploughed their fields with the use of their hand equipment. People use to seed up the crops by using their hands. Which does also take lots of time and more labor cost.(gastro, 2011)

Farming techniques

(Ics agri, n.d.)But now a days due to the mordenization people are using the organic fertilizers and different crop planing, these farmers are usig now different techniques and machines to grow there crop in spain for eg. Automatic fertilizer machine distribute the fertilizer spray evenly in the field it does also saves the time and the labour cost.( poster,2012)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1



Production methods techniques and resources Spanish paella

Traditional Modern

Spanish paella cooked traditionally on open fire(Spanish food and homewares, 2010) (Cooking light, 2000)

Ingredients: Herb mix-

3 table spoons of olive oil 1 spanish onion 2 garlic cloves 5 chorizo 11 ounch of squid 1 red pepper bell 4 tomatoes 2 cups of the chicken broth 1 cup arborio rice 1 ¼ cup of peas 12 large prawns cooked 1 ponuds of mussels I pound of clams Salt and pepper.

Preperation methods-Heat the olive oil in a big paella pan, add the

Ingredients: Half pound medium size shrimps ½ tsp of black pepper 1tbsp Spanish extra virgin olive oil 2 chicken thighs and boned 2 ounce string beans,cut into ½ inch

lengths. 1 cup of short grained spanish rice ½ cup fresh finely chopped parsley 2 cups of chicken stock ½ tsp saffron threads 1 tsp spanish paprika 12 canned snails 1 large red pepper

Preperation methods-Rinse the shrimp, leave the shell on,sprinkle

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


chopped onion and the garlic on the pan, saute the onions and slice chorizo, add into the pan. Cut the squids Into strips or round shape and put those all in together in the paella.after that Slice and seed the bell pepper, after that season , salt and pepper, spread the rice across the other ingredients on the pan and fill more water in it, bring it to the boil, after 10 mins add peas and praws and just do the heat down by removing some woods and let it cook more for 20 mins, discard the open shells. Serve it(Spanish food and homewares, 2010)

black pepper and salt, let it be rest for half hour. Heat the oil in a large heavy pan of oil on medium heat.season the chicken thigh with the pepper and salt, heat the oil and add the thighs and cook for 2 mins or until golden brown,add chorizo with chicken.add chicken stock with safron and paprika. Bring it to the boil than reduce the heat.take the shrimp and arrange it on the rice and decirate it in a pattern. Cook it and cover for more 10 mins . sprinkle the parsley on the remainig dish. (Corrigan, 2015)

Techniques- chopping, making paste with use of mortar and pestle, frying, boiling

Equipment used.-Herb blend in pestle and mortar, esparto paella pan, stove for the wood fire.etc

when it was eaten- In the moorish spain, it was basically served at all the occasion, espacially at family gathering.(Spanish food and homewares, 2010)

Techniques-chopping and blending with the food blender,boiling

Equipment used-herb blend in a mixer,blender,large suace pan, gas stoves or induction

when it is eaten- paella now a days is often cooked at weekends holidays homes in a place where all family gathers on a large dinning area. (Corrigan, 2015)

Comparison Paella was originated in the ancient times and it was originally called by valencian paella. Before the paella dish was just related to the seafood ingredients as a mojority and was use to be cooked on the open fire, where as now a days people are using thr modern techniques which make it more easier and the safer way to cook is like they are now cooked in the electrical induction plate or gas stoves which makes it more safer to cook the dish evenly as we can control the heat today as compare to ancient days

Cooking light, 2000)

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1



Traditional Modern

(JESSUP, 2012)

Ingredients- 2 ripe tomatoes 1 clove of garlic ½ white onion bell pepper 1 long cucumber 3 tbsp red wine’s vinegar ½ tbsp salt Vegetable oil 2 cubes crustless day old bread

(America pink, n.d.)

 (DEWAN, 2015)

Ingredients- 4 cups of cashews 14 cloves of garlic 8 cups bread crumbs 2 quarts of icywater ½ cup of white wine 1-2 cups of extra virgin olive oil 1 tbsp seasalt

(dewan, 2015)

Preparation methodCover the bread into the cold water, left it soak for 15 mins, put garlic with water on a sauce pan and cook it for 3 mins, drain the water after wards, use mortar and pestle fro making the paste of the garlic, add 2 tsp of salt,tomaotes,cucumber,bell pepper boil it. Mix it with the big spoon until it get emulsified, season it serve it cold.(America pink, n.d.)

Preparation methods-Put the cashews, breadcrums and garlic all into a blender or food processor and blend it until its smooth. Add the water,olive oil and vinegar until its mix up completely,add seasoning with salt and pepper. Keep in the fridge until its reafy to serve. Serve in a bowl(dewan, 2015)

Techniques-chopping and grinding by use of mortar and pestle.

Equipment used- Seving bowl, pot cover, spatula and serving bowl, mortal and pestle,sauce pan, cooked

Techniques- chopping and use of food processor for blending ingredents.

Equipment used-Blender,chopping board , serving bowls,sauce pan, cooked on stoves and hot plates

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


on hearth on the woods(America pink, n.d.)When it was eaten- the dish is traditionally eaten in the summer because it is a cold soup and its very nutritious and full of water. (Ce jessup, 2012)

When it is eaten- the dish is now eaten as same as it was eaten traditionally bacause this dish is served cold and it is usually served in summers.

Comparison-Traditionally the gazpacho made by vegetables with were been pounded by the mortar and the pestle, this was actually more laborious job and time consuming, but now in a modern days due to the use of the new equipments its makes the job more easier and faster to do with the right consistancy of the food served today. In old day it was used within a day because of no refridgeration but now a days because of the refridgeration we can store the food for 4-5 days.

(Ce jessup, 2012) (America pink, n.d.) (dewan, 2015)

Tortilla Espanola



(Tapas tinto, 2016) (Bilal, 2015)Ingredients-

4 rosted capsicum strips1 clove of garlic 1 onionOil 3 eggs ½ fennelTapas tinto, 2016)

Ingredients-100 grams butter1 onion20 gm bell pepper50 g tomato sauce20 g of sugar20 ml of milkPepper and salt 2 pinch ground pepper30 g of cheese

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


(Manolo intriago, n.d.)Preparation methods-Heat the griddle and add the oil, beat some eggs into a bowl, add some onions and the garlic on pan and cook untill softened, add the eggs and cook them on low heat, add the cheese on the top and finish the omemlte by using baker’s stone oven on the dish.

Tapas tinto, 2016)

Preparation methodsMelt the butter into a frying pan and add some onions , green peeper and start sauteAdd the tomato sauce than put the ground pepper, simmer it untill the sauce gets thickened for about 10 mins on medium low heat.In a bowl, beat some eggs, add eggs into a pan, cook it and keep it aside to set, sprinkle the cheese on the top.Put it in the oven to for completing it.

(Manolo intriago, n.d.)Techniques used- cooked in griddle, frying,whisking, and crushig.

Eqipments used-Griddle, mortar and pestle,baker’s stone oven, bowl, cooked in wood fire chimney on pan

Tapas tinto, 2016)

When it was eaten- it was eaten very ocassionaly in a get together of people

Techniques used- blending ingredients with food processor

Equipment used-Frying pan, electric hand mixer, food processor for blending the cheese, cooked in oven and stovesTapas tinto, 2016)When it is eaten- it is eaten in the regular basis by people mainy in breakfast.

Comparison-Tortilla espanola is a famous food and loved by the people. This dish is traditionally made with some ingredients like eggs,capsicum and the onions but now in modern times it can be made with cheese and bacon in whci makes it a lot better and tastier. and now a days it’s a lot easier and more safer ways to make these recipes is because of these modern equipment helps a lot in making the work faster and easier.

Tapas tinto, 2016) (Manolo intriago, n.d.)

Chorizo pilaf



Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


(Yankee, 2006)

(Vicky Kohen, 2016)

Ingredients –¼ lb thin sliced chorizo1 onion diced1 cup long grain rice 2 cup chicken broth1 tsp pepper2 tsp salt

(Yankee, 2006)

Ingredients2 tbps olive oil6 sausages of chorizo2 onions brown 2 cloves of garlic1 red chilli2 tsp of paprika1 tbps of cumin2 cup of basmati rice4 cups of maggi real chicken stock½ cup flat-leaf parsley.( Kohen, 2016)

Preparation methods-Put the vegetable oil on a cooking vessel on a fire, put in the chorizo untill its get golden brown in colour, and put it aside to get cool down a little, saute 2 more onion in the vessel, add pepper and salt and fry for anpther minute, add rice in the spicy onion mix then return to the chorizo sauce pan ad add broth, cook it for 10 minutes, serve it hot.

(Yankee, 2006)

Preparation methods-Heat the oil in a large sauce pan over a medium heat. Cook the chorizo for 2 mins on the each side untill its get golden brown in colour, drain it on the paper towel , add the onions on a frying pan , add garlic,paprika,chilli and cumin, cook for 2 mins untill its gets soft, stir the rice in, add stock and rthe chorizo. Bring it to the boil. Reduce the heat on low cover it and simmer it for 10 mins. Remove the pan from heat, cover it for 5 mins, stir the parsley through, put the salt and paper.( Kohen, 2016)

Techniques- frying and sauteing on a vessel and cooking ingredients on a open fire by using the woods.(Yankee, 2006)

Equpments used-Cooking vessel, hearth,Big bowl, large vessel. etc

Techniques- frying, sauteing, mixing on sotves etc (Vicky Kohen, 2016) Equipments used-big bowl, gas stove or electrical indcution, big bow, frying pan, pot etc

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


When it was eaten- it was eaten as a treat when the friends or relatives come to their home (Vicky Kohen, 2016)

when it is eaten- it is eaten I a main meal time, not on speacial occasion but if they goes out ot eat at home.(Vicky Kohen, 2016)

Comparison-As the chorizo is a traditional dish of the spain in the old days the traditional recipe was followed just by some simple ingredients such as long grain rice and in spices just the pepper and salt was used, the dish was tradtionally cooked on the hearth which is used on a open wood fire but now a day people use to make it with different and add some modern ingredients in chorizo such as basmati rice, olive oil and new branded stocks in dish. In old times the cooking was not very safe because of the open fire cooking method from the woods the ashes falls in the food and may create food risk but now a days there are inductions and gas stove which is much safer as not stuffes falls in food while cooking.

(Yankee, 2006)

Spanish Migas Traditional Modern

(Claud, 2012) (Foodie fact, 2011)

Ingredients¼ cup of canola oil½ onion chopped1 diced tomatoPepper5 corn tortillas6 eggsSalt(Honest cooking, 2012)

Ingredients-1 tbsp of butter and oil1.5 chooped onion2 cloves garlic1 tomato1 japaleno chooped1 tbsp of chillis 4 eggsTortilla choped½ spanish cheese blendSalt and peppertortillas

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


(Thandstyle, 2010)

Preparaion methods-Heat half a oil in a heavy skillet, sweat off the onions and pepper and set it on a side for 10 mins, cut the 5 tortillas into a triangle. Add the oil in skillet and wait it untill its get enough hot to fry the tortillas, remove the tortillas, add tomatoes in mix on the totilla layer , whisk the eggs and cook them in skillet, add pepper and salt, when eggs cooked half a way remove it from the heat, mix it up with other onion and pepper and use bakers stone oven so it cooks evenly all through.(Honest cooking, 2012)

Preperation methods-Suate the onios, garlic in oil or butter untill soft, add the green chillies and tomatoes. Eggs into the bowl and whisk it add salt and pepper, on the pan and stir. Add handfull of the cumbled tortilla chips, mix the chips in eggs, and cook for one minute. Add the blended cheese on top of eff and stir in mix. Finish in the oven Plate and serve the avacado slices , slasa and the warm totillas

(Thandstyle, 2010)

Techniques- sweating, sauteing, frying,mixing

Equipment used- skillet,baker’s stone oven,wood spoon, big bowl,

When it was eaten- In spain migas was eaten on the speacial occasion when people go outside and enjoy it.(Honest cooking, 2012)

Techniques- sweating,whisking,frying, mixing

Equipment used-Frying pan, electric oven, whisk, food processor

When it is eaten- now a days most of the people eat migas on regular basis, mostly in the breakfast time.(Thandstyle, 2010)

Comparison- The traditional way of making migas was, made on a skillet which was very traditional options for the people and got the stone stone oven to finish off the dish ,there were some very basic ingredients in the old times but now it changed a lot people are now using the eelctrical oven for cooking their recipes and the recipes ingredients added a lot of change in the dish like they are now using the blended cheeese in their recipes and totilla chips to make it even more better.

(Honest cooking, 2012)

Spanish lentejas

Traditional Modern

Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


(Pasqual, 2011) (Alexander mychco, n.d.)Ingredients-1 ½ cups of lentils4 garlic cloves1 onion medium, diced2 potatoes largepepperoilSalt( renca, 2014)

Ingredients-250 gms lentils1 chorizo100 gms serrano ham 1 onion large1 small glass, red wine2 garlic cloves1 red pepperOlive oil1 bay leaf2 carrots large3 potatoes small1 pinch of saffronParsley freshSalt and pepper(cookpad.spain , 2015)

Preparation method-Put onions,potatoes and garlic cloves in a clay pot . Bring it to the boil and cook it uncovered on the hearth(cooking on a open fire on a clay based surface by using the woods). Now start, boiling the lentils in a water with the distance of one finger of the lentils boil it until it gets soft, after that add it with the other cooking ingredients and cook in for about 45-50 mins. Than remove the garlic cloves, take the skin off and make a garlic paste than put the paste back in the pot . serve it hot( renca, 2014)

Preparation methodSoak lentils in water for half an hour,drain the lentils and put them in a pan with chorizo,potatoes,ham, bayleaf,pepper,carrots,salt,wine and saffron,add the garlic cloves(optional).place the pan over low heat and cover it.Slice the galic and onion and fry it untill it catches the golden brown colour,add red pepper and put the onions in the lentils and let it cook for at least 40 mins on simmer.(cookpad.spain , 2015)

Techniques-chopping and crushing through mortar and pestle, boiling

Equipments-Mortar and pestle,knife, chopping board, big

Techniques-chopping, gringing from food processor


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clay pot ,wooden spoon,cooked in clay wood put on the hot burning coals.

When it was eaten- people do eat this dish on a regular basis for the health benefit reasons and mainly eaten in winter season. ( renca, 2014)

Blender,Chopping board,pot,frying pan , wooden spoon, lid, gas stoves and hot plates

When it is eaten-Eaten on the regular basis in the breakfast or lunch mainly eaten in winters.(cookpad.spain , 2015)

Comparison-Spanish lentajes is one the staple food in spain, this traditional dish was made with some simple ingredients like lentil, and onions in old times what people use to do is , they just keep everything in a very simple way like boiling all the ingredients together and serve it in a same way but now in modern times they are using non veg products like ham and also trying different methods for cooking like saute the onions and garlic first add some new flavourse like parika and safron. Use with in 1-2 days because of no refrigeration in ancient time but now we can eat it for 3-4 days while the refridgerators are now available.

( renca, 2014) (cookpad.spain , 2015)

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Part 3

Future trends

(D newz, 2016)

Regional issues affected by the resources and chemical pollution

Now a days as the increasing risk of pest and weeds in the fields, the most of the people did start using different, pesticides and herbicides as a use of control, by the impact of using these in-organic products are getting very negative for the environment, and the fertility of the soil is getting low by the use of these chemicals which does effect the quality and nutrients of the products. These pesticides also affects the environment by these chemicals pass in the water bodies and start the water pollution.

(IPTS, 1999) (Yankee publications, 2016) Food and vines, 2009)

Ingredients affecting consumer’s health

Below in the topic we have discussed that how the food is affected if there is uses of pesticides in the crops, let’s take the example of olives if the producers uses do much pesticides for killing pest, it will affect the nutritional value of the ingredients and it could also came in the food risk of unhealthy product. so if we took a dish for e.g. Tortilla esplano we uses olives in there and if the olives will be unhealthy to use, that we can’t able to use the ingredient in our dish and we goanna loose the same taste and satisfaction we use to get from that dish, so we should lessen the use of pest as much as we can.

(IPTS, 1999) (Food and vines, 2009)

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(Fusion cuisine, n.d.)


Regional issues affected by the resources and chemical pollution

For the changes of the problems caused by these chemical pollution, the organic methods of the farming must be applied to improve the farming methods and the better production of the crops, by using organic methods which helps to control the weeds, pests, other disease caused to the crops and to sustain better fertility of soil, some of the organic methods are crop rotation, by using manure and legumes and by conservation of the water resources, although these all techniques help to improve all the issues caused on the environment by these inorganic material, which helps to get even more healthier production and better.

(Yankee publications, 2016) (Food and vines, 2009)

Ingredients affecting consumer’s health

So in the above topic we have already discussed about what problem could happen if people uses fertilizers, most of the people are also unaware that these practices can affect the nutritional value of ingredient and can have a negative impact on their daily living. Many people would go for the cheaper and non-organic products with are very harmful to the health.

For making the awareness and the more understanding among people through the medium of educations. If the people have the proper knowledge about the harmful chemicals which can

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affect the quality of food and can create a bad impact on consumer’s health, I am sure that the people would decrease the uses of these harmful in-organic products in their farming methods.

So the problem we are trying to solve is to aware the people to choose more organic based products at somehow the availability of the inorganic product are more in comparison with other organic products so the producers should take their step forward and make more demand in usage of organic products so the people can get more healthy and good quality food. Which increases more demand of their ingredients in a large scale.

(Yankee publications, 2016) (Food and vines, 2009)

Three key food ingredients

Mandarins-The mandarins (oranges) are the citrus fruits which is known by its sweet flavour, sourness and its segments are very easy to separate. In spain, the production of this citrus fruit has occupied the world’s second largest production (China is the leading exporter).

In the last twenty years spanish grows a hybrid of mandarins called Clementina which had brought the lead from all the other breeds of mandarins. This hybrid is mostly grows in the mediterraean areas, where the soil,climate all the growing conditions are very good for them to grow.

(Food and vines, 2009)

Grapes Spain is one the most famous and the greatest producer of wine grapes in the world after France and Italy, as the wine from Spain is now a days liked by people so much all over the world that it has increased the exportation of wine made from these good quality grapes very

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drastically all over the world a study shows that the vineyard with a constructing there in figures thousands of hectares are in 2010 it was 1,018, 2011- 1,032 ad 2012-1,082. According to the estimations of OIV, the global production of wine in 2012 is about 252 million hectoliters which was produced by France and on second it was (Spain) which produced about 214 million hectoliters. But now a days the production of wines are getting very crucial due to less raisin of the grapes

(Food and wines, 2009)


There are various varieties of olives which are produced by Spain, Spain is a very ideal place for growing olives which contains so many different microclimatic regions throughout the country. The “Andalucía region” is in the southern peninsula which does produces about 75% of olive oil of the country.

( Manuel, 2016)

(Juan Manuel, 2016)

Technologyingredients Health science Labor and

machineryMandarins The workers that are

involved in growing these citrus trees have a different impact on their health, the planting

now a days the mandarins farmers are using some organic methods , which makes the product much more

In the cultivation of the mandarins is not been very difficult, it doesn’t really need any modern equipment’s or

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(Saigon, 2007)

of these mandarin trees are used to be done in full sun exposure time, which can affect the health of labor, while working under the sun exposure the heat of the sun may affect their skin problem, they ca have skin disease and sun burn problem.

But on the other hand while working in these green garden of mandarins the workings get a very ecofriendly green environment. which helps to protect them from other pollutions.

(Yankee publications, 2016)

convenient to consume, like mandarins are now a days fertilized by nuclei from pollen which produces the seedless orange, which makes it very convenient for the people to consume.

But the affect of producing these seedless orange had a bad impact of using this scientific method is resulting the failure in the pollination the proper growth of these plants are not happening properly.

(Scientific American, 2008)

machinery for growing these products, the use of the machinery in the mandarins are making of juices in industries.

Whereas the labor work had a good impact of growing the mandarins in Spain. As there the labor work is been intended to be more, so it does creates the jobs for the labor and they have a good sources of income through.

(Food and vines, 2009)


(SCHUG, 2016)

The grapes in spain are known to be grown in the extreme climatic conditions, like they can be found to be grown in a dry region, so these regions which are very less in rainfall by this the labors working in a fields are facing to work in a very dry region which can cause them dehydration in their body.

In producing grapes, now a days the producers are using some wine additives to improve there product more in a better way for example now a days the common additive such as sulfur is used in wines making process for killing the unwanted bacteria and yeast in the wine.

Production of the wines is a long process so it takes both machinery work and labor force in this production in old times all the procedures were done by labors like- harvesting of wines, picking of the grapes, fermentation etc.

but now these are divided with machinery as well

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Now on the positive side is that there is no uses of harmful pesticides in the crops which does not lead to any harmful disease to the workers working in the grape field.(Food and wines, 2016)

But the negative impact of the use of the sulfur is harmful for those people who are very sensitive to the sulfur, and should not be confused in consuming these products which can harm them in their health conditions. (Wine folly, 2012)

where the machinery came and does the work very cost and time effective so it does decrease in the quantity of jobs for labor but the methods of the machinery is much more effective and efficient than before.

(Anorak, 2011)


(Spanish olives, n.d.)

Olives are the high mechanized plantation need such a big physical strength in growing and harvesting these plants that makes the work for the labor in more effort and hard. Working too much in the olives farm can create the body problem such as back pain, body strain. Etc.

but these farms are managed to be grown in a environment friendly area in which the labor has no harm from the environment.

(Beaufoy, 2010)

Olives are the crops which are used in Spain mainly for producing the olive oil. Now a days industries are using some modern techs to make this even better to convert it in extra virgin. The olive crops can consume a lot of co2 gas content from the atmosphere. So there is a lot better presence of oxygen in the atmosphere, so that many European ad American countries are trying to promote more in the production of these olives crops.And as farmers are using more pesticides for killing the pest for better growth of the crop it does also effect the nutritional

The extraction of the olive oil has been done by machinery. Its been very important to use the equipment in the process, e.g.- grinder from olives in a paste, malaxationAnd additional process these all are done by the machineries. In here the labor work is decreased a lot, but the producers had a lot profit and earning by the uses of the machines

(Olive oil source, 2008)

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value of the crop.

(Hobby farms, 2015)

Social influences on the 3 key ingredients-

Ingredients Social influencesMandarins

(Alamy, n.d.)

As u saw before in my portfolio that Spain is the biggest exporter of the mandarins after china. The production of these mandarins are about 1.8 million tons in a year. Many families earn their money through farming and trading these mandarins throughout the country. As we know that the ideal climate for growing mandarins are summer, in these days mandarins are grown in a good, sweat quality which increases the jobs for people farming their but during winter season the quality of these citrus fruit have a bad impact on a quality so it does have a bad effect on the economy of the people. According to the survey in 2001 due to the extreme winters in Spain there was a drop of 30-40% of the production of the mandarins which is the reason of many loss of the job in Andalusia and farmers started facing the financial issues, that affect in the economy of whole country(Athena hessong, n.d.)

Wines- Spain is one of the biggest grape produces in the world used for producing the wines. In 2013-2014. Spain was in the first place, in the terms of surface planted area it’s a world largest producer of wine. And 2nd largest exporter after France this makes the good economy for the producers and the people of the Spain. The modernization of wine

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(Melchers, 2012)


(Jae, 2006)

production will helps the people to earn more money to improve their economic conditions. The wine yards in Spain are so much liked by the people and became the favorite spot for the tourist in Spain and through their visit the civilians or the local farmers earn the money through the business coming from the tourist. (Food and wines)

In Spain around 9 million acres of the land are covered by agricultural land. In which most of the people produce olives. The main use of the olives in Spain is to make olive oil or extra virgin olive oil are the specialty in Spain. So many industries in Spain use to produce olive oil and many multinational companies had invested in Spain for the production of the oil which increases the jobs for the labors, which increases the economic conditions in Spain. But there are also negative impact too that the production of these products also causes pollution in environment, which results in causing global warming effect causes the drastic drop in the production of the agricultural crops. So to improve these problem the Spanish government are encouraging more farming than the industrialization.

(Nick lloyd, 2007)Resources Ingredients environment sustainabilityMandarins

(Alamy, 2012)

Monoculture of these new citrus plantation have a very high chemical usage, that has raised effect of soil erosion so high, as the (SEDER research group) has demonstrated that

In the last few centuries the Spanish had a good quality production in growing the mandarins. But there are also some issues that are affecting the production of these citrus fruits, which are related to infrastructure, climate, economy and the technology. Since the few years ago there has been a drop of the

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the soil erosion has been measured during the single rainfall event is about (180mm In a day) which results in very high rates of the soil erosion. The gully formation (highly visible form of soil erosion that affects the soil productivity), has damaged the roads and farms and caused very high economic lost.(ANTONIO, 2012)

production because of the shortage in labor, industries and the land for agriculture (farm size). Many farmers are picking up to start work in the industrial area instead of doing agriculture because they are earning more money in industrial. so it Is creating a bad impact on production of the crops. As now the labor cost and cost of the Machineries are going higher, so many farmers there are also stepping back from the farming because in resulting in the lack of capital and production. So the good strategies are being used for the proper sustainability in the mandarins production should be specified on area and economy.

(Jackquline k burns, 2008)Grapes –

(SCHUG, 2016)

Viticulture of the Spain is now a day using most of the sulfur-based chemicals in their grape fields and these pesticides are sprayed on the land, from that they make their way into the water resources such as rivers and ocean, the pesticides from the grape orchids runoff in a nearby stream and goes into the water resources which contaminates the water body with the chemicals, which results in sickness of many fishes and animals which causes

The main objective of the farmers for the rise in income is sustainability. By the increase in the productivity of the wines there would be a great increase in the income as well which encourages the farmers more in practicing the farming more instead of working in the other industrial places. As there is very good growth and economy in production of the wine, so the producers are taking it very seriously the farming fields. To provide a good quality production in the wine there should a good support of mechanism that could help to the good amount of production in the less time. There are some scientific improvements which involves crop planning, organic fertilizers and modern irrigation will helps to decrease the uses of the pesticides and chemical. That could lead in a good

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them harm to the environment. This can harm the ecological balance of the ecosystem.(Beatty, 2011)

productivity of wine

(Food and wines, 2016)


(Casa olea, 2012)

Now a days the use of the pesticides and herbicides are increasing day by day in the growth of the olives grove. Now in demanding these olive flies pesticides are creating such a negative impact affecting directly on the environment. For ex. Its affects the soil fertility, affecting the ecosystem, and resources like wastage or exploitation of water.(Saolive, n.d.)

From the past few decades. The olive oil production and olive oil cultivation is well known in the regions of Spain. All the olive oil industries are offering good opportunities to the famers and the labors working in their industry. The industries in Spain are getting good economic benefits in their production of oil.In the last few years the people in Spanish are the one of the largest producers of olive oil. So the people are getting more encouraged by the production of the olive oil and improves their economy, so by these more industries are building in the different regions to increase the production even more but it also does have a bad impact on the agricultural area in country.So the interest of the farmers, who are moving towars industries instead of farming its impacts the sustainability in a negative way

(Catherine hanses, 2014)

Conclusion-Before starting the research on my portfolio, I was very confused and I knew something very less about the Spanish cuisine. After I started research on I came to know more about this cuisine, I found that how many multicultural societies and different countries has a significant

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influence and the changes in their country. In the history of Spain there is very vast knowledge to learn about the different cultural influence in the country.

In this portfolio the provided information can be used in the food industry and it will give understanding of what Spanish food is to be known today, how things were done in the past regarding to the cuisine and how they used certain ways of techniques and many ways to improve the cuisine to make it stand even more better.

I believe that learning about this cuisine will help me a lot in evolving the food industry here in New Zealand as a chef. Although New Zealand has a diverse amount of different cuisine in the country. But there are not much Spanish cuisine based industry in New Zealand. With these provided information will help them fuse or reinvent this cuisine with other famous cuisines to create a more interesting dishes so the people have something new and they get more interested to know more about the cuisine

At last I want to tell that Spanish cuisine is consist of very healthy and good quality diet that inspires me to set my career in this industry as a chef.


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Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1


Madhur Agarwal, 40522 22034 Andalucía Spanish cuisine DDCPCKYJAN16D1