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Nguyen Thu Thuy



Major: Cultural Management

Code: 62 31 06 42


Hanoi – 2016

The study has been completed at



Scientific supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Luong Hong Quang

External Examiner 1: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dang Van Bai

National Council for Cultural Heritage

External Examiner 2: Dr. Do Cam Tho

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

External Examiner 3: Dr. Nguyen Van Tinh

Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism

The dissertation will be defended before the Institute-level



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1. Rationale

According to the classification of the Department of Grassroots

Culture, Vietnam has 7.966 festivals of all kinds such as folklore

festivals, religious ceremonies, history festivals, and foreign-

originated festivals. After 1986, besides restoring traditional

festivals, new cultural phenomena have emerged such as tourism

festivals, street festivals. These festivals are organized differently in

comparison with the traditional ones.

With many advantages of natural resources as well as

transportation, Halong Bay (Quang Ninh Province) is the tourism

urban that plays an important role as the central of Northeast Coast sub

region. Since 1997, annually from April 25th to May 2nd, Halong Sea

Festival also known as Tourism Week has been organized on yearly

basis with different themes, including many activities and attracting

hundreds of thousands tourists to Halong. Since 2007, the People's

Committee of Quang Ninh province has selected carnival (in

English)/carnaval (in Portuguese) - a foreign-originated festival in

which performers wear colorful costume, parade on street with

decorative car models - to be the focus with the aim of attracting

tourists and branding tourism image of Halong. When this event was

introduced to Vietnam and held for the first time in Halong, it was

called "Halong Carnaval", so the author use this name in this research.

According to the statistics of Festival Organizing Committee, the

number of tourists comes to Halong in the Tourism Week reach

500.000 people on average. Halong Carnaval has been organized eight

times, and has made certain impression in the mind of public,

particularly the local residents and domestic tourists, partly become the

highlight in the branding and promoting images and attractive values

of Halong. Quang Ninh chose this event to develop into unique

cultural tourism product, and built the own brand for the province.


The issue is how to organize and manage Halong Carnaval most

effectively in terms of communication as well as tourism

development. In Vietnam, up to present, there has been no scientific

research that gives overall evaluation of this event, especially in

terms of establishing an appropriate management model. The

existing research gap forces the author to select the topic:

Researching on event management model of Halong Carnaval.

2. Aims and Objectives of the study

2.1. Aims of the study

Analyze and evaluate management model of Halong Carnaval in

the framework of Halong - Quang Ninh Tourism Week during the

period 2010–2014 to propose appropriate solutions to make Halong

Carnaval an attractive event to public, increase the familiarity and

favorability of Halong as a tourism destination. Initially build a

recommended model to manage special events, exploit cultural

heritage, integrate internationally, and attract tourists.

2.2. Objectives of the study

1) Study the points of view, arguments about carnival, special

events as well as a number of event management theories having

been commonly applied nowadays. 2) Swap foreign experience in

carnival management. 3) Evaluate and analyze the management

model of Halong Carnaval from 2010 to 2014 in several respects, in

comparison with the management model of some world famous

carnivals and some events in Vietnam. 4) Make suggestions and

adjustments, resolve drawbacks and shortcomings in the

management of Halong Carnaval, build recommendation system to

design and manage events to attract general public, exploit cultural

heritage, and also connect opportunities in the integration process.

3. Scope of the study

The dissertation studies the theoretical basis for event and

festival management, especially the management model of Halong


Carnaval from 2010 to 2014 with contents from the theoretical

perspectives to practical implementation, effectiveness of the event,

the level of success and limitations. The research is conducted in

Halong, focusing on the event venue of Halong Carnaval in

particular, and Tourism Week in general.

4. Research questions

1) How to draw a line of distinction between carnival, festival,

event and special event? Some event management theories and

models in the world? 2) What lessons can be drawn for Halong

Carnaval management from the best famous carnivals in the world?

3) How was Halong Carnaval managed from 2010 to 2014? 4) What

is the proper management model for Halong Carnaval?

5. Methods of the study

The dissertation applies multiple methods, which are inter-

disciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach, statistics, fieldwork,

expert interviews, and integrated analysis. Besides, tables, charts,

maps and diagrams are also used as illustrations and explanations.

6. Significance of the study

- Theoretical significance of the study

+ Make contribution to synthesize and systemize the theoretical

basis of carnivals, contemporary festivals, special events, and event

management model.

+ Raise the issue of changing perception about the new and

contemporary festivals, special events; supplement, consider to

adjust proper documents in order to create a complete legal

framework on government's management of festivals and events.

- Practical significance of the study

+ Evaluate the current situation of Halong Carnaval

management in the period of 2010-2014 according to management

viewpoint of stakeholders and by process, assess the achievements

and limitations of the event.


+ Suggest management model, build appropriate solution

system for efficient event management, and local brand positioning.

7. Design of the study

Besides the Introduction (8 pages), Conclusion (6 pages),

References (13 pages), Annex (89 pages), the dissertation consists of 5

chapters: Chapter 1. Literature review and theoretical framework of

studies (26 pages); Chapter 2. International experience in carnival

management (19 pages); Chapter 3. Halong Carnaval from system view

of stakeholder management (23 pages); Chapter 4. Halong Carnaval

from the perspective of management by process (32 pages); Chapter 5.

Suggestions for management model of Halong Carnaval (22 pages).

Chapter 1



1.1. Literature review

1.1.1. Literature review on carnival

The carnival has been studied since the seventeenth century and

can be classified into the following groups: 1) Research on carnival

in terms of text analysis and interpretation; 2) Holistic research on

carnival; 3) Description and report on carnival in some regions and

countries around the world.

In Vietnam, definitions of "carnaval" or "carnival" have not

been updated in dictionaries. No author has conducted overall

research on carnival; there have been only several small-scale

research on Halong Carnaval such as: 1) Official reports of state

administrative bodies, mostly summarizing the activities, drawing

lessons, as well as making recommendations and suggestions for

future organizations; 2) Some studies mentioning only some aspects

of Halong Carnaval; 3) Articles from the media, mainly synthesizing

advantages, limitations, opportunities and challenges, updating

information, commenting on Halong Carnaval annually.


1.1.2. Literature review on study of carnival management

Research by foreign scholars: 1) Authors who study general

management of special events...; 2) Authors who study an overview

of event management, new, contemporary festivals in tourism.

Research by Vietnamese scholars: This is a new research

direction in Vietnam: 1) Only a few general research on event, art

and culture project management in general; 2) Some authors have

further attention to the management of the contemporary cultural

tourism festivals in terms of state management; 3) Some case studies

about new and contemporary events, festivals in the tourism sector,

notably the Hue Festival.

1.2. Theories about carnival

1.2.1. History and development of carnival

The origin of "carnival/carnaval" has been interpreted by many

researchers in two main directions: 1) Originating from "Carne levare"

with the connotation of "removing the meat". During 40 days of the

Lent season, the faithful Catholics should abstain from meat before the

beginning of the Lent season, people held big party to consume all the

meat. 2) Originating from "Carne vale" with the connotation of

"leaving the flesh", because during the Lent season, believers, not only

abstain from meat but also to leave the habit of having sexual

intercourse to conduct the ceremonies of repentance or ethics.

A less common way to explain is that "carnival" originated from

"Carrus Navalis" - a Roman name of Navigium Isidis (Isis's boat)

festival with image of Isis - a goddess who came to the beach to bless

the start of a sailing season. This interpretation somewhat resembles

the marine culture of Halong.

1.2.2. Characteristics of carnival

Four structural elements of carnival are: 1) Eat/eat fully; 2)

Drink/get drunk; 3) Sing and dance on the street; 4) Wear masks and

dress strangely. Three basic activities: 1) Parade/procession with


large float patterns, participants dress up like legendary characters; 2)

The community competitions; 3) Performing arts: drama, dance,

comedy, puppet...

1.2.3. Carnival is a special event

In many countries, carnival had escaped from religious calendar

and became a secular event. Making its appearance in 60 countries,

carnival is not just ordinary event, but has become a special event.

According to the opinion of foreign scholars, obviously, the uniqueness

and differences are factors that make the appeal of carnival in general,

Halong Carnaval in particular to the public in contemporary life.

1.2.4. Carnival is a new and contemporary format of the festival

According to the classification of the Department of Grassroots

Culture, carnival belongs to foreign-originated festival group, having

been brought into our country approximately a decade ago. The

identification of carnival as the new and contemporary festival is to

distinguish it from the traditional festivals, which requires the

application of the new management patterns, rather than the

traditional management model..

1.2.5. Introduction process of carnival into Vietnam

Carnival was held for the first time in Halong under the influence

of Hainan Carnival in China, not by other worldwide famous carnivals

such as Venice, Notting Hill, Rio de Janeiro... Although there have been

changes from year to year, an official event of Halong Carnaval includes

the following activities: 1) Opening ceremony and art performances on

the fixed stage for 45 minutes, which was broadcast live; 2) Parade on

the streets with decorative car models in conjunction with various types

of arts performances from traditional to modern ones in 45-60 minutes,

which was broadcast live; 3) Carnival, fireworks, and light show for

about 80 minutes, in which the fireworks accounts for 15-20 minutes.

From 2012, when moving to a new venue, the firework section has been


shortened and become unimpressive, moreover, there is no interaction

among the artists and the audience as before.

1.3. Carnival management theory

1.3.1. Some management theories

There are differences between the terms "administration" and

"management", while "administration" is used to indicate the

operation of the work at the macro State level, "management" is

used at the micro organization level. From the foundation of

traditional theories, modern viewpoint has been developed and

completed based on more integrated models such as management

by system, management by process, management by objectives.

1.3.2. Application in the field of carnival management as a

special event

Supplementing to synthesizing and studying viewpoints of event

management, there may include some basic theoretical frameworks:

1) The stakeholder theory in event management of Allen, J., O’

Toole, W., McDonnel, I. & Harris, Robert (2001) in Festival and

special event management. 2) Management by process theory as

presented in shaping event management process, by Goldblatt J.

(2000) in Special Events - Best Practices in Modern Event

Management with the content framework includes 5W1H: Why -

Who/Whom - When - Where - What - How. Later, Goldblatt himself

(2002) in Special Events Twenty-first-century global event

management generalized this content framework into 5 basic steps:

Research and analysis - Objectives defining and event designing -

Planning - Implementation, monitoring and adjustment - Evaluation.

This theory continued to be added 1H (How much) into 5W2H by

Silvers, Julia Rutherford (2004) in Professional Event Coordination.

Summary chapter 1

Research on carnival, event and event management is a very

new topic in Vietnam. Carnival is originally a religious festival, then


it has become a secular event organized with the aim of attracting

tourists, developing local and national economy. Taking carnival as a

focus of research, from the perspective of new and contemporary

events, festival are special results of the culture industry, which need

proper management mechanism, effective application of foreign

events' organization theory, flexible manipulation and adjustments to

fit the practical context of Vietnam...

Chapter 2



2.1. Some famous carnivals over the world

2.1.1. In West Indies

Group of authors mentions carnivals in Carriacou, Dominica,

Grenada, Leeward Is., St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad & Tobago, of

which the most prominent one is carnival in Port of Spain, Trinidad

& Tobago's capital.

2.1.2. In South America

4 representatives are Mardi Grass in New Orleans (Louisiana,

America); Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Barranquilla (Columbia) and

carnival in Québec (Canada).

2.1.3. In Europe

4 representatives are Notting Hill (England), Venice (Italia),

Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary, Spain) and Cologne (German).

2.1.4. In Asia

Besides carnivals held in Indonesia, Philippine, Japan, China,

Vietnam, Goa (India) is the only place where this festival is

organized in such a way the Portuguese brought it there in the

colonial period lasting for more than 500 years.

2.2. Carnival management experience over the world

Focus on 10 most successful carnivals over the world, draw

lessons for Vietnam in carnival management:


2.2.1. In terms of management mechanisms and the role of

the state

Most successful carnivals in the world are organized by a

professional event agency with clear commercial goals, and serving

public needs. The State only assigns tasks, coordinates, supports and

monitors the implementation of the goals that were set out. This is very

different from the contemporary festival management model as well as

the management model of cultural events in Vietnam nowadays.

2.2.2. In terms of content designing and planning

To achieve the set-out objectives, the event managers have to

research the needs of the market, especially the target publics to

accordingly build an organization plan. The carnival is an art and

culture product that the organiser sales to the public. It is necessary to

build an enough new unique, appealing idea. The organiser also needs

to consider creating an interactive environment among the participants

in this event, so that carnival becomes an open space, there is no

barrier among the actors, performers, local residents and visitors.

2.2.3. In terms of marketing, communication, sponsorship and


Studying of the context and the history of events, studying the

competitive events, understanding and developing consistent activities

with the target public to build message, identity tools and extensive

communication to the public will make the event well-known and

favorable, along with the effective sponsorship campaign to connect

partners, provide diverse resources for the implementation of the event.

2.2.4. In terms of modern management technology application

In addition to meeting the needs of the public and guaranteeing

the artistic quality, the success of the event in general, carnival in

particular depends a lot on modern management technology. Modern

management technology is clearly shown on the official website of the

event or the software applications (app) on smartphones, which enable


to directly provide visitors with guidance to make the interaction

between the event and the public on online environment, to attract the

public to participate and break down geographical distance.

Summary chapter 2

Researching and examining carnival successful models in the

world is an important and necessary task of the dissertation, from which

many valuable lessons are drawn for Vietnam. Those key issues are

management structure, coordination among stakeholders, public needs'

certification, designing and creating unique and compelling interactive

environment among participants. Planning and implementation of

marketing campaigns, sponsorship and fundraising, applying modern

technology are also essential. It is not appropriate to hastily apply all

above lessons, but it worths considering these scientific suggestions to

make timely adjustments to the current management model.

Chapter 3



The author uses the system view of stakeholder management to

analyze Halong Carnaval and answer a number of basic questions: 1)

Who is the event manager? 2) What is the event management

structure? 3) Who is the audience that event wants to satisfy? 4) The

mechanism to manage interactive relationships among stakeholders?

3.1. Administrative structure of Halong Carnaval

In Halong Carnaval, the host is the state authorities, including the

Provincial Steering Committee, People's Council and People's

Committee of Quang Ninh province. The Organizing Committee and

the subcommittees under the decision of the Provincial People's

Committee are responsible for organizing events. Before 2013, the

Organizing Committee Halong Carnaval was also the Organizing

Committee of Halong Tourism Festival. Since 2013, the establishment

decision clearly stated "the Organizing Committee of Halong Carnaval"


instead of "the Organizing Committee of Halong Tourism Festival”.

Carnival management structure is similar to the administrative structure

of many cultural events, such as Hue Festival, Nha Trang Sea Festival...

This is completely different from the model of event management in

general and carnival in particular over the world, in which the state is the

institution to orient, assign task, supervise the implementation, sponsor

or coordinate, the institution responsibe for implementing is a

professional event organizer. Organization structure of events in the

world is based on the principle of labor division, individuals take

responsibility, the structure is professional, lightweight, non-overlapping

in terms of tasks. Only the firework competition in Da Nang (DIFC) has

a somewhat different management structure, in which the People's

Committee of Da Nang City is the host institution employing an

international consulting company Global2000 Malaysia as organizer to

create a professional event in many aspects.

3.2. Stakeholder management in Halong Carnaval

3.2.1. Host community

Carnival has distinct characteristics of music, dance and costume.

These characteristics are consistent with the host community who love

music, dressing sexy costumes and dancing on the streets in rumba,

samba, chachacha. In Asian countries such as Vietnam, with discreet

and introverted psychology, it is not easy for the host community to

willingly overcome their barriers to integrate into the bustling

atmosphere of the dance in carnival. How to remove these barriers is a

big challenge for event managers of Halong Carnaval.

3.2.2. Guests, participants and audience

They are very important components to evaluate the success or

failure of the event. At the managerial level, the organizers must pay

attention to the needs of these subjects, including natural needs,

comfort, safety and security, especially with the aspirations and

desire of having and attending the event.


3.2.3. Organiser

- In 2010, 2011 and the previous period, Quang Ninh

Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism hired Son Lam Tourist

Trading Co., Ltd as event organizer. The company had their

representatives participate in the Organizing Committee.

- From 2012 to 2014, the Organizing Committee played the role

as activities connector and coordinator of the whole event. The

Organizing Committee hired an event director and dealt directly with

service suppliers of art, sound, lighting, stage ...

3.2.4. Sponsors

Implementing this activity is sponsor subcommittee in 2013

and previous years, and finance subcommittee and sponsor

subcommittee in 2014. According to statistics, sponsor expense

was 8.059 billion (2010); 6.96 billion (2011); 18.7 billion (2012);

4.269 billion in cash and 2.231 billion in other resources (2013)

and 7.83 billion in 2014.

3.2.5. Communication

Information and communication subcommittee is responsible

for the managing and handling of issues related to the

communication for Halong Carnaval. Halong Carnaval is not an

event for the international media like the Hue Festival or DIFC. The

media sponsors for Halong Carnaval remains largely local media

agencies such as Quang Ninh Broadcasting and Television Station,

Quang Ninh Newspapers. The involvement of the national media and

press is only to coordinate and to perform the media contract, not

play the role as media sponsors.

Stakeholders in Halong Carnaval can be generalized into 4

groups: 1) The financial provider (the host and the sponsors); 2) The

partners; 3) Organizer and creative team 4) The public (participants,

audience and guests):


Financial provider

+ The host

+ The sponsors


+ Media partners

+ Arts and Culture Association

+ Local artists teams (assigned to perform)

+ International artists teams (invited)

+ Service agencies

Creative team

+ Arts council

+ General director


+ VIP guests, sponsor

+ Local residents

+ Domestic & international tourists

Diagram 3.1: Current administrative management model

of Halong Carnaval

The imbalance role among different groups is represented by the

size of the circles in the model, in which the host and the sponsors

involve deeply in many decisions including approval of event ideas and

content. This is difference of many events in Vietnam. The problems

with creative team are minor role, lacking good ideas, inappropriate

content deployment, tight time management, no cooperation with

professionals. Public demand has not been paying adequate attention.

Marketing and sponsorship activities fail to comply with their essence,

the host's instructs must follow the state authorities because of the fact

that the political purpose overwhelms the other purposes of the event.

Communication partners were under vertical management, artistic

partners were not selected based on the criteria of creativity.

Summary chapter 3

Halong Carnaval has the similar administrative management

structure as many other artistic and cultural events in Vietnam. In

which, the State is the host and also plays the role to assign task,

coordinate, implement, supervise and monitor. The advantage is to


mobilize the resource of the political system, however, the State's

assignment of functions and responsibilities is actually overlapping

between management and control. This management structure is not

comparable to major world events when implementing agencies are

professional event organizers with the principle of labor division and

individuals bear responsibility. That's why this event is of the State,

for the State and by the State instead of orienting to mass audience.

Chapter 4



4.1. Research, evidence-based analysis of event organization

This is an important first step of managing an event, but it is

hardly carried out in Halong Carnaval. Halong Carnaval is a

completely new product imported from abroad. Although the event

model is copied from Hainan Carnival (China), but its terms of origin

was a catholic festival with customs and traditions related to the

European residents in Lent season. Carnival activities are still

unfamiliar with the local community. The only two things in common

are marine culture and parade, which are somewhat closer to folklore

procession. Assumptions arise that carnival will be welcomed as an

exotic cuisine, attract the public by novelty, uniqueness, difference, or

cause a negative reaction from the local community due to the cultural

differences, and not attractive enough in a sustainable way.

4.2. Objectives defining and event designing

4.2.1. Objectives defining

The defined objectives include political, economic, cultural,

social, and communication goals.

4.2.2. Event designing

Based on the results of practical analysis, managers design event

in the direction towards the identified goals. It comes to the questions

of time, venue and the activities of the event. Because there has been


no research on public needs, so the event has been implemented

arbitrarily, randomly change each year without any scientific basis.

The author has analyzed the current situation and the change of

Halong Carnaval in the following aspects: time, venue, space, the

activities of official night show as well as sideline activities.

4.3. Planning

Halong Carnaval planning is carried out through the massive

volume of administrative documents from central to local levels.

These are the establishment of the Organizing Committee, assignation

of tasks for the subcommittees, approval of the plan, overall script,

scene details, specification of the direction documents. The

professional departments propose to get approval by the provincial

authorities. Those above workload are incompatible with the

timeframe for this activity to prepare for the event. The event is held in

the end of April or early May, however, the Organizing Committee is

established relatively late. Organization plan, overall script are

approved just a month before the event implementation time.

4.4. Implementation, adjustment, supervision

4.4.1. Performance space

Halong Carnaval has 3 main performing areas: stage, street and

sea. Sice 2013, the event has been held in new venue, has not used

the space on the sea. Therefore, addressing only the analysis stage,

stands and overall decorative space.

4.4.2. Art staging

Focus on content analysis of the opening ceremony, content and

performances on stage in the streets of Halong Carnaval.

4.4.3. Marketing and communications

Under the vertical management mechanism by the Department

of Information & Communication, in collaboration with MV Corp,

besides festivities propaganda activities on the streets of Halong and

the stages, the contract with MV Corp also covers some basic


channels, however, it focused too much on television and ignored the

influence of online media. There is neither website for the event, nor

cooperation with any international television, so that the actual

survey results showed the majority of foreign visitors asked did not

know about Halong Carnaval (accounting for 60.52% on average).

This is a huge drawback. Domestic visitors knew Halong Carnaval

mainly through television, radio, books (accounting for 47.33% on

average), via Internet (32.87%) and acquaintances (26.93%).

4.4.4. Reception, logistics

Delegates and invited international artist teams are two main

subjects of this activity instead of audience and participants.

4.4.5. Security and order, traffic safety, environment sanitation

Police, Border Guard and the Military Command have

coordinated to keep security and order. On a scale from 1 point (very

good) to 5 points (very poor), the "security situation" is one of the

three best-rated criteria, gaining 2.18 points according to domestic

tourists, 2.12 points according to foreign tourists, and 1.90 points

according to local residents. Ensuring traffic safety is the

responsibility of the Department of Transportation in collaboration

with the Public Security and the People's Committee of Halong City.

Due to the overcrowded density of people gathering in an area

without escape route, according to the public survey, "traffic

condition" of Halong Carnaval was under-rated. Specifically, these

criteria achieved 2.74 points (domestic tourists), 2.89 points (foreign

tourists) and 3.11 points (local residents). Environment sanitation is

also under-rated with 3.55 points (domestic tourists), 3.26 points

(foreign tourists), and 3.63 points (local residents).

4.4.6. Finance management

Talking about the event, the financial data are most difficult to

access. Within the scope of the dissertation, the author only has

access to budget information about the event from 2010 to 2012.


Based on data provided by the Organizing Committee, expenditure

of Halong Carnaval was 16 billion (2010), about 22 billion (2011)

and over 21 billion (2012). The budget for organizing Halong

Carnaval is based on two main sources, sponsors from enterprises (in

cash or commercial products) and provincial budget, there were no

other revenue sources such as the reciprocal of event organizer,

tickets, souvenirs, broadcasting rights.

Halong Carnaval is a free event. In the process of organization,

objectives to directly profit from the event have been set out such as

campaign to sale ticket at the price 100,000VND/ticket in 2013 or

charge 100,000VND/household but these campaigns have not

officially launched. Investigating target public of the event on the

ability to sell tickets, only 24 people out of 170 (14.11%) disagreed

to pay to attend the event. The acceptable price of tickets that buyers

are willing to pay is under 50,000VND (37.9%); from 51.000VND to

100,000VND (35.4%). In other words, Halong Carnaval has the

potential to become a profitable event like Hue Festival or DIFC.

4.5. Evaluation of effectiveness

This activity is reflected in the final report of the professional

divisions, mainly done by the Department of Culture, Sports and

Tourism and the Provincial People's Committee. However, this

activity is merely a formality, "shout slogans, reach target",

repetitive, lacking of specific criteria and without comparison and

correlation with its set-out objectives. The statistics in the summary

report of Tourism Week and Halong Carnaval did not ensure the

degree of accuracy; information was contradicting among different

years and did not base on scientific basis. According to independent

survey data of the dissertation's author, the proportion of tourists that

will come back and have the high potential to come back to Halong

Carnaval was only in domestic tourists, on average was 44.6% and


40.7% respectively. For foreign tourists, the response rate that they

will come back was lower, only 13.8%.

Summary chapter 4

Ways to apply the theoretical framework under the management

by process have clearly indicated the dissimilarities between political

objectives with the needs of the public, leading to the absence of

expression form in order to increase interoperability between

performers and audience. Halong Carnaval is changing in the direction

from internationalization (2010-2011) to localization (2012-2014) with

the participation of a large number of semi-professional actors and

amateurs partly contributing to the promotion of cultural signature of

ethnic communities in Quang Ninh. Carnival organization is gradually

moving towards professional, however, practical analysis, planning,

monitoring, and evaluation still have drawbacks and limitations.

Chapter 5



5.1. General assessment of Halong Carnaval

Based on research by Hall, Colin M. (1989) in Hallmark Events

and the Planning and assessment report of Luong Hong Quang

(2009) in Hue Festival, Cultural heritage with integration and

development, the dissertation's author has adjusted and built am

evaluation diagram for Halong Carnaval on both aspects

achievements (+) and limitations (-).

5.1.1. Achievements

The basic achievements include 1) Branding, positioning and

promoting awareness; 2) Preservation of cultural heritage and

regeneration of traditional values; 3) Developing pride and attachment to

the community; 4) Promoting cultural exchanges; 5) Promoting the

development of destination and increasing the number of tourists; 6)

Generating higher income, creating jobs for a part of the population; 7)


Promoting the development of administrative skills and event

management skills; 8) Contributing to infrastructure upgrading,

landscape and environment conservation.

5.1.2. Limitations

The basic limitations are 1) Lack of an effective, responsible

document system and management mechanism; 2) Lack of supervision

and risk management; 3) Loss of control over the community, heritage

was overused; 4) Negative image of the community; 5) Inflation rates;

6) Environmental pollution, wasteful investment.

5.2. Suggestion of interests balance management model

5.2.1. Objectives

The weakness of Halong Carnaval is the passive involvement of

residents and tourists. The management model should be directed to

satisfy the needs of the stakeholders, especially local residents and

tourists. The carnival must become community event instead of serving

political objectives, the aims of the delegates, sponsors or live broadcast.

5.2.2. Principles

These recommendations are the personal perspectives of the author

with the aim of completing management model of Halong Carnaval on

the following basic principles: 1) Changing role of the State and the

balance of interests among stakeholders; 2) To professionalize the

carnival organization as a special event; 3) Ensure participatory

approach, mutual sympathy of the audience and the performers - the

factor is considered as the essence of carnaval; 4) Create a series of

scientific activities and linkable in the event management process to

build a cultural product which is capable of attracting public; 5) Balance

between internationalization and localization.

5.2.3. Framework model

As analyzed above, the management model of Halong Carnaval

stakeholders needs to be changed in the direction of balancing and sharing

interests among stakeholders who are shown in the diagram below.


Financial provider

+ The host

+ The sponsors

+ Marketing, crowdfunding


+ Communication Partners (coordination)

+ Arts and Culture Association (connection)

+ Local and international artists groups


+ Service suppliers

Creative team

+ Art Director

+ Events organiser


+ Local residents

+ Domestic tourists

+ VIP guests, sponsor

+ Foreign tourists

Diagram 5.1. Management model of Halong Carnaval

towards balance of interests

5.2.4. The conditions for implementing the model Adjust and supplement policies

The above model is built on the principle of optimizing the balance

of benefits and responsibilities between involved parties. Appropriate

macroeconomic policies need to be adjusted and supplemented. Change perspective of management

Top-down management model should be adjusted and changed

into the bottom-up model. That means the district/commune

authorities proactively participate in carnival, event organizer

develops strategies to implement event plans to ensure the required

objectives and tasks, then submit to the provincial/city authorities for

approval and implementation's support. Improve the capacity of authorities

It would be helpful and useful to set up a specialized

department, which is responsible for managing the organization of

carnival instead of using municipal agencies and departments as at


present. This department must be clearly stated in terms of form,

organizational structure, jurisdiction, functions and duties to increase

autonomy, avoid the current ask-approval mechanism of Quang Ninh

provincial People's Committee or the Halong city.

5.3. The solutions in the management process

5.3.1. Research, analyze event case-study

It is urgently required to implement large-scale surveys to better

understand the target public of the event. An independent survey of the

author initially introduced an overview of the public's needs. Due to

objective and subjective reasons, these figures may not cover all content.

5.3.2. Objective defining and event designing

Research findings and analysis of public and competitive events

give us the scientific reflections on the need to redefine the

objectives of the event. Ensure profesional standards

It can be considered to organize the event every two years instead

of annually, extend the number of days instead of live broadcasting in

only 120 minutes. Another option is to organize in September to attract

international tourists instead of the peak season on the occasion of 30/4. Ensure the interraction

Event venue should be open instead of closed space with many

entrances, stage, street parade, activities area. It is not necessary to build

wasteful grand stand, just need to spare the location for the audience.

It is necessary to have vision and long-term planning to define

development roadmap, avoid boredom, repetition, especially with

local residents - loyal public of the event.

5.3.3. Planning, implementing and evaluating the effectiveness

The basic contents of this section focus on: 1) In terms of

improving artistic quality; 2) In terms of marketing and

communications; 3) In terms of attracting sponsors and investment,

4) Interm of crisis management and evaluating


Summary chapter 5

Achievements are always in parallel with limitations, especially

in an annual event that has been held 9 times from 2007 to the

present period as Halong Carnaval. Applying stakeholders

management theories and management by process is a carefully

considered choice of the author to develop an optimal model based

on the principle of interests and responsibilities balance among

stakeholders as well as ensure the scientific and unified

implementation of activities.


Originated as the religious festival was held for the first time on a

large scale within the framework of Halong Tourism Week 2007,

Halong Carnaval has become the particularities of Quang Ninh province

with many changes in management as well as implementation.

1. Halong Carnaval is a novel research topic. On the theoretical

basis, the dissertation confirms the need of researching, managing

Halong Carnaval in particular, and some contemporary festivals in

general as a special event. The dissertation also poses urgent

requirements to consider and adjust current documents and/or

develop and promulgate new documents in order to complete the

legal framework for the organization and management of the State

towards festivals in general, contemporary festivals in particular, in

the context that these events are outside the regulatory scope of

issued festival regulations.

2. In the course of the research, the author has approached

many international academic materials, drawn theoretical lessons and

experiences from a number of world-famous carnivals for the

implementation and management of Halong Carnaval. Effective

application of international event management theories with

flexibility and appropriate adjustments in the practical context of

Vietnam is right and necessary direction.


3. The author chose to research on the period of 5 consecutive

years from 2010 to 2014. Throughout observation and practical research

on a whole process will give an overview, as well as reveal how event

management model forms and changes over the event. The dissertation

has obtained the initial assessment of target public's needs, including

local residents, domestic and international tourists. The findings of the

dissertation are an important foundation to build the framework model

and management solution system for Halong Carnaval.

4. The results of the dissertation initially answer the key

question of the topic how the Halong Carnaval has been managed?

Carnival has a similar administrative management structure to other

cultural and artistic events, the State is the host, assigning tasks,

coordinating the implementation, supervising and monitoring.

Halong Carnaval tends to satisfy the objectives of the host and the

sponsors rather than the needs of other stakeholders.

5. Together with the system view of stakeholder management,

the author has applied the management by process theory to

analyze the current situation of the event management in many

aspects as the time, venue, theme, art activities, budget,

communications, sponsorship... Halong Carnaval has not become

an emotion-resonance, interactive, and enjoyable event for the

public, and it is somewhat regrettable the carnival is only regarded

as a live broadcast event.

6. On the basis of analyzing and assessing the current situation,

the dissertation makes recommendations to build a basic, fresher, and

more appropriate management model of Halong Carnaval as a

special event.

7. It is recommended that administrative management structure

changes in the direction of interests and responsibilities balance

among stakeholders. Implementing the optimal model requires basic

conditions such as adjusting, supplementing policies, enhancing


capacity of authorities, changing management perspective to bottom-

up model instead of the top-down model as at present.

8. From the case of Halong Carnaval, many lessons are drawn

for the development of events, cultural tourism festivals with the aim

of attracting tourists, at the same time conserving cultural heritage,

boosting economy and society. Firstly, there must have a clear

definition on "special events" to distinguish them from traditional

festivals. Secondly, the vision for such a special event should be

reflected in both national and international aspects with the a long-

term roadmap for the project right from the idea and reinforcement in

every implementation step of the event. Thirdly, it is necessary to

formulate strategies to develop the appropriate steps in medium-term

and long-term. Fourthly, the central and local authorities should play

an appropriate role in managing special events from policy making,

infrastructure investment to patronage and sponsorship. Last but not

least, it is required to build professionalized human resources for

event operation.

Despite difficulties in the process of the research, the

dissertation's author has approached and handled large volumes of

information during 5 years to be able to evaluate, analyze in the most

general perspective on Halong Carnaval. The author also expects to

dedicate and contribute to roadmap for building a more effective

management model for this event. There may be some questions that

have not been satisfactorily resolved, or not come to the ultimate

conclusion. However, the author believes that these

recommendations, which have been built on a solid theoretical

foundation and closely connected to the practice of this science

project, are the effort to narrow the current gaps, so that Halong

Carnaval will become a more attractive event to the general public.

The author expects this research direction will continue to receive the

attention of researchers and administrators in the future.




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