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Sarita Anas foil firefight~rs LB attorney charged:· bribery

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Coast An 18-year-old youth pleaded Innocent Friday to charges he killed the son of a.prominent New­po~ ~each executive./ A2

Universal Life Church Rev. Kenneth Lowe·s·four unlicensed elderly care homes will remain open In Orange County./ A2

-x~x·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:~--:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:· '

California Singer Michael Jackson suffered second-degree burns Friday when his hair caught fire during the taping of a commercial./ A3

State health officials have found a cancer-causing pesticide In Duncan Hines muffin mix./ A3

The state may review the parole of a murderer who said he can' t guarantee he won't kill again./ A3

Nation Reagan says he's serious about a bipartisan attack on the federal budget deficit./ A3

America's trade deficit soared to a record $69.4 billion In 1983./ A3

Walter F. Mondale laid out his plans Friday for tax Increases that would generate up to $60 billion in new revenue./ A3

World To hear them tell it, you'd think the Russians ln­vented.1984' too./ AS

Sandinista leader says election plans are just a cover for an American invasion./ A3

Alling Yuri V. A:dropov was confirmed as a can­didate for the March 4 parliamentary elections./ A3

The National Assembly In Portugal on Friday legal­ized abortion in some extreme cases~ A3

Sports Estancia High takes com­mand of the Sea View League boys basketball race with a convincing win over Newport Harbor. /81

Area products Alan T apie and Ray Carrasco head field for Crosby Southern Clambake Golf Tour­nament Sunday and Monday In lrvlne./81

The Los Angeles Kings hockey team fires coach Don Perry, replacing him with ex-goalie Rogie Vachon./82

Entertainment South Coast Repertory unveils a dark, dis­agreeable comedy In ''Life and Limb'' on the Second Stage./ Al

INDEX Bridge CaJlfornla News Clalllfled comic•

ONWOfd­ONth Notices Horoteope National New• Public Notices Religion Sport a Televlalon Theater• Weather World News Youth

A10 A3

88-8 A10 ee 84 87 A3

03 ... A8-7 81-3

A9 A.7-9

A2 A3 A7

Sarita Anas foil firefight~rs

The Santa Ana wtncla raging acrou the Orange Coa•t thla week fanned flames aotf destroyed property, u everyone know•. But they &180 had another •Ide, kicking up •moke and dust particles that combined with the brlalit •un•hlne

D.., "4lt "'9te bf ...__, Uplfl

to create this spectacular ocean vi•ta off Laguna'• main beach. The sight wu too much for Mary Flemming, who dismounted from her bicycle to more fully enjoy a few fleeting moments of nature'• beauty.

LB attorney charged:· bribery Criminal complaint alleges lawyer tried to influence judges By JEFF ADLER Ofllleo.IJ ..........

The Orange County District At­torney's Office filed cnminal charges Friday agafost a 36-year-old Laguna Beach attorney accused of offering bribes and using threats to extort favorable treatment for a client from two Harbor Municipal Court judges.

Stephen Lawrence Philipson. a partner in the Santa Ani1. law firm of Philipson and Hahn, is charged with four felony counts of bribery, extor­tion and attempted extortion. accord­ing to the complaint fil ed in Central Municipal Court. Philipson has entered a not guilty plea to the charges, said his attorney, Robert Chatterton.

Philipson allegedly offered bribes to both Judge Christopher Strople and Judge Russell Bostrom in No­vem ber. according to the complaint. He also is charged with attempted extortion and extortion stemming from conversations he had with Bostrom.

The charges all relate to a client Philipson was representing on a probation violation in an alcohol­rclated driving offense, said a state­ment released by the District At­torney's office.

Following the alleged incidents, the

District Attorney's otlice began a two­month investigation that culminated with the filing of the criminal com­plaint.

Jn a prepared statement released late Friday afternoon. Chatterton said the allegations stem from a ''misunderstand i ng" between Philipson and the judges. The mis­understanding was that h'is client "was offering something personally to the judge. when in fact he was offering the court system something.··

the defense attorney said. "4he allegatiens of extortion and

attempted extortion involve Judge Bostrum accusing Mr. Philipson of being a liar and Mr. Philipson accusing Judge Bostrom of having been a user and smuggler of narcotics:· P.hilipson's attorney also said.

Neither Philipson. Chatterton nor Deputy District Attorney Wallace Wade. the prosecutor in the case. could be reached for f unher com-

ment. Before enterin~ private practice.

Pft'nipson ~pent si1ne m Qntbs wprking for the Orange County Public De~ fender's Office. Previously, he worked as a deputy district attorney in the San Bernardino County Dis­trict Attorney's Office after 1radu. ating from San Diego's C.al Western Law School in 1972.

A preliminary hearing on the charges has been scheduled in Central Municipal Court on Feb. 8.

Ex-:jJresident details Mideast position in Costa Mesa speech By KAREN E . KLEIN Of the 0.-, Piiot ,..,,

The U.S. Marines should be pulled out of Lebanon if negotiations be­tween warring political factions there do not result in a settlement. former President Gerald Ford said Friday in Costa Mesa.

Ford talked about the situation in Lebanon during a good portion of the brief address he made to about 130 supporters of Republican Assembly candidate Ken Carpenter at a fun­draiser at the Westin South Coast Pina H otel.

" I favor the Mannes being there (in

Lebanon) al the present ume. And I emphasize itpresent time." Ford said. "We have to find a way to get the Lebanese politicians together and form a viable govemement over there."

But Ford added that the safety of the Marines was of foremost concern.

" lf the Lebanese politicians are going to sit around ... we ought to get the Marines out of there tomorrow. We cannot put their lives in jeopardy while the Lebanese politicians bicker and fight ." he said.

Ford's emphasis on Lebanon seemed to contrast with President

Reagan's brief mention of the situ­ation there during his State of the Union speech Wednesday.

Ford went on 10 endorse Re­publican candidateson the local. state md national level. He thanked the Carpenter supporters who turned out at the $250-a-head cocktail party/fundraiser.

" You're well on your way," Ford told Carpenter ... I'll be watching how vou do-end I think the state w11l be well-servec;I when you' re up in Sacra­mento."

Carpenter 1s running for the 70th (Please aee FORD/ A2)

Winds expected to slow. containment predicted today By KAREN.E. EIN OttlMO-~IUlf

Fiesty Santa Ana winds kicked up in Oranie County's canyon areas

· Friday, igniting hot spots in the perimeter of the 1.200.acre Modjeska Canyon blaze and dashing fire­fighters' hopes that the lire would be contained by Friday night.

Joe Kerr. spokesman for the Or­ange County Fire Department. said firet1ghters who had been battling the blaze for two days were encouraged by forecasts predicting the tempestuous winds would die down today.

"We have it 80 petcent contained now." Kerr said late Friday. "We should have it completely contajned by 8~this mo.ming)." .

The I 00 canyon~arca residents evacuated Thursday were allowed back into their homes Friday but the area remained dosed to the public.

Kerr said some firefighters were sent home Friday night. but most remained on patrol on the fire lines, putting out islands of unburned brush ignited by the gusting winds.

Firefighters were e~pected to co.n-tinue monitorin,a the area throughout the day, watching for any new bot spots to crop up. Kerr said.

No homes were damaged in the two-day blaze but two firefighters suffered minor injuries Thursday.

The fire apparently started during what was supposed to have been a conlfolled burn in the canyon Thu~ day morning, authorities have said.

While the 35 to 45 mph winds hampered firefighters' efforts in the canyons. they did less damage Friday along the Orange Coast.

Pacific Bell spokesman Steve Gould said the telephone company received only 10 percent more com­plaints during the day Friday than they get on an average Friday.

.. In Costa Me,.a we have 51 customers ~xperiencing either static.

Q__;_/(Pleue Me WUO>/ A2)

·Man Wanted for robbery chased down

A male robbery suspect who Anaheim police have been searching for since June was arrested Frida}' night after he led police on a h1~h­speed pursuit down the Riverside Freeway into Orange and Anaheim.

Anaheim Police Sgt. Larry Kurtz said Delbert M. Parrish. 31. was arrested on suspicion of robbery and attempted murder after tlc failed to stop for a Califomia Hi'ghway Patrol officer on the freeway at 5:05 p.m .

Warrants for his arrest had been issued by Anaheim after police suspected he was responsible for three robberies al fast-food restaurants in that ci t) which dated back to June. In one of the robberies. Parrish alleged!}' fired two gunshots at restaurant manager Carl Wilson . 34. of .\naheim

Kurtz said Parrish was in.,,olved in two traffic accidents during the chase Fnda}' . He 1s being held on $150.000 bail in the Anaheim C ll) Jail.

After a year of rough surf, Dale is hanging ten again

~ ............ .., ............. Diet Dale atan.d• outalde bla Balboa au.rf ahop.

Dick Dale's endless summer. clouded by a b1 ncr dn orce and a messy sex trial. is in full swing again.

It's winter but Balboa 1s crowded and crawling as the aging surfer suns himself on the wooden porch of his ne.w ocean-blue sudboarrl shop_

"Hi. hun. how's it going'>" he asks the seemingly endless parade of female passersby. He eyes the women. waves to motorists. yaks with the postmnn and admires one pedestrian'<; temperamental parrot.

" I got one hut 1 can't chp the wings because I have a house cat." he explains. " I have to give the bird a fighting chance."

Dale lights a Benson & Hedges and leans back in the afternoon sun

It's been a long. rou~ year for Dale.-thc K1ngofSurfGu1tarnnd self­anno1nted father of surf music who claims he had a hand in launching the Beach Boys and ga\'C llfl'i to the late Jimi Hcndm.

.\t one point this past year. h1'i expansive waterfront home was on the market. his modest surfing cm­pirt was tied up 1n a court battle and promoters we~ pac;'iang him b) "hen scheduling com.-cm

- Hae; prohkms reached a flllch when he went on trial. chnrgcd with molesting"' I 1-\car-old &11 I who wa\ v1st1ng her grandparent<;' Balhoa · home.

Thr girl tcnrfull) te'>tllied that 031c. dunna the c;ummC'rof 1981 . had seduced hC'r s1~ daffc.>rcnt umcs and that he huct sonr along wi1h ht~ l't'qucst" 1n hopt·' he would kaH~ htr alone .....





Dale. also fighting back tears. claimed he was being set up and that has e.x·wife had concocted the scan­dalous story.

The sex tnal ended earlier this month "hen a Supcnor C'ourt JU~ found Dale innocent on 10 of the 1-charges and hung up on two charges of oral copulation with a manor.

The two charges could be re-filed as soon as ne \t week and Dale. whose husincss empire already 1s an tatters. could be in for another lengthy and C'O'ilh court fight

"ffit happens. 1t happens." he says. " Let 'em take their he t !ihot. We' ll go nght ll3c:k at 11 a.g31n .\nd th" ume we'll have mvrc n('~ 1nformn11on and C\ 1dcncc ·•

5ttll. 03lc admit\ hc" d JU'lt a<1 won be . Id\ alone to p1 C'k up the p1t<'c\. ... lhr whok thing h:n httn a terrible financial hnrd hip. I won't ('\CO~ ho" mulh 1t'H·ost me."

fr\lm the ~tart . 0 le has IMCncd the lh1ld moll-..t3t1on c11~· 'AU trUlnJ'l(d UJ' h) tm fbrrncr Wik . \\ hOm he accu~!> of pa) in off \\llfl<'\.~ 10 add lf\'dt:ntc 10 the rnminal d•un1'\

" Herc 1s a woman who said ·1 want 10 walk on Did. Dale's grave.'" he claims.

The dar~-ha1red mus1c1an-tumed­businessman claims his divorce was laced with death threats. hired ruf­fians. midnight phone calls. poison pen lene-r; and It-gal tWttts-and turns that left him dazed

" I don't think the a.,,erage person can even comprehend of this sort of stuff happening." he sa)s. .. It's tra1ght out of-<icarfacc ·

"There were moments "hen m) guts churned and I wanted revenge But that's not me I'\ e learned to tune out the negall H~S and put my cnerp.} into m) shop. into my music. into the beach "

Kai Mach1no. the deput} distnct attomc\ who prosecuted Dale. sa.ys the entertainer's stof) 1s nothmg more than " a bag cloud of smoke" and sees Dale as a person who can sp1 n ... false storv without bhnkin.g an e)'c."

The prosecutor cla1m!I that Oak's portrayal of his wife as "the s101sler enJmeer" was not baded up with C'" 1denct and that 1t was never sho~n what 1t had to do with the molestatto n charscs

Dale' s former "'•fl'. Jeannie G1m· mett - who has now remamcd and owm a nightclub m Huntington Ot-a~ h, ha\ stead fa ll) refused to tell her 1dc of the tory

If D3lc' s rtputauon as a C'f'O'-''d­plcasang performer and Bilboa bu~•· nessman h:t been dmacd and damns­d 1n the fallom of roun at • tic

docc;n't \t"Cm to n'otitt. (PlcaK see 01.CK DAL&/ A.2)

---~~~----~----------------------------------. .... ...-------~----------------------~---------;-----, ... ,r

A.2 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 1984

Plea of not guilty entered in McNaugliton murder case By STEVE MARBLE OllMO..,tttlotlt ...

\n 18->ear-old }outh pleaded innocent·Fm.IJ} to thargc' he lolled the M>n ol a prominent Ne"pon lka<:h corporate execuu"e 10 a \JC1ous lttobb1ng fre-nzy earlier this month

Brent Louis Vangsnes!>. a tran!t1ent whose father h "ed ltcveral apart­ments from the !;tabbing' 1cllm, wa!. ordere-d to return to Harbor Mun1u­pal C uun 1n Ne" port Beach on Feb 17 tor a prehminal! hearing

The dar~-haired} outh "a' arrested Jan 16. 1he da} atier · ult Jame~ McNaugh1on -Aas found fatall> <,tabbed nul\1de h1~ Villa Balhoa

apartment in Newpon lkach M~Naughton, who~ futht'r is

board chairman ~I Ncwport-ba~d Nauonal Educauo Corporation. al­legedly named ang!tnc\!> J\ h1\ as~1lant before he died

Vangsness was found the following da> sleeping in a closet ot an unoccupied unit at thl' hilltop apart­ment complex Pollet• !tu1d he tncd to llt.'e but got no fartht•r than the front gate to the complex

McNaughton. according 10 Deputy D1stnct Attorney Pat Geary, had ll'cd \.\Ith Vangsness for a \.\h1le and "as attemp11ni to help the youth gel a fresh start on life

Geal) said Vangsnclts. who alleged· I) rnn 1n10 trouhlt' '-'llh 1hr IRw O\Cr

1helts and drug•i. reccntl) had been reka~<l from Orange County Juven· 1k Hall 10 Mc.:Naughton'Hustody

"Ml Naughton "as tl)1ng to help," ~aid Gean " He gave him a place 10 l>ta}'. ga'e him mone) - this 1s what happens for his efforts."

McNaughton. according to friends. had been battling his own problems with rnrame and wa!> known for being gent'rous with his money. Friends said hl' was generou'i to a fault .

Tim Se'enn. a public defender reprtsen11ng Vangsness. could not be reached for comments on his client.

A motion to have Vangsness' bail reduced from S250.000 was rejected b) Judge Russell! Bostrom.

Elderly care bomes can't be shut down dqring legal fight From staff aod wire reports

l 'n1H'r'>al Life C~urch Re' . Kt•n­neth Lowt"s four unlicensed elderly care homes will remain open in Orange Count)

An appeals court ruled the m1n1s-1cr\ board-and-care homes rouldn't be ~hut do'' n "'h1le LO\\-C battle'> with state authorities 0' er licensing regu­la11uns

LO\\e·, Jllorm·~· Randall L Hite filed a no11ce of appeal in the Fourth District Court of Appeal in an ta .\na Thur..da). claiming Orange Count) ~upenor Court Judge Theodore E. ~1llard acted improperly when he

ruled \\-ednesda' that the !.late had a nght to license board-and-care homes and that the mall-order church and Lowe, \.\ere opera ting them without .. 1ate appro' al.

" W e arc asl.ing 1n our appeal to 'itop the enforcement of lhe court's 1nJunc11on and nol to take an~ further acuon against Lo"'e:· H 1tc said.

Millard had g1,en the church 4~ hours to ti) 10 get an appellate coun '>la\ before the shut-do"'n order takes effect.

··The church n en applied for a hct.'nse at one 11me. so 11 knew of the requirements." Millard ~aid at the time.

Lo"t' .,.,,d afll·r lhc Wednesda' ruling that no one had moved because of the state's allcgauon!t or action against him and 1hc church. He has maintained thnt he and his church are operat1nR boarding houses.

One ol the homes is tn El Toro. another 1n La~una Niguel and 1wo are 1n M1ss1on V1eJo,

State ~ttorne\ Gen. John Van de Kamp charged iast month that em­plo}'ees in the homes were using medical equipment and adm1ms­tcnng a "a net) of drugs - including Mella~~ ;f'horaz1ne. Haldol and other 1ranquil11crs - w11hou1 being licensed as nurses, as required by la"


wIND FOILS FIREFIGHTERS ... From Al on the line or nu '>en Ke at all. .. he \ail! Frida) afternoun . " We expect the~ "Ill he bad. on line b~ 8 (rnd.n night).. · ·

'\1o<.1 of the telephone trouble "a'> laUst.'d b' tree hram he'> falling on hne' ( 1ould sa1s.J

'v\ ind .aho caused minor blad.out'> around lhc count)< throughtout the <la\ Fnda' and into the e'cn1ng 'poke'.imen said most of the outages

"•l'fl' horned l<J one or two n:s1dc(1ccs nnd pn"er w:-1' restored qu1lkly 1n almu-.1 all laW!t

~ 1\,,1111111<11 'v\ cather ~en 1te lo•l'­lJSt prt:dll ICd \.\ IOd~ \.\OUld fall from 15 mph tn 2'i mph toda~ and <;unda' • "'1th high'> 1n thl' mid-1 0s 10 lo .... ·ISO'> f ra,t•kr'-. Jd' 1sones "ere 10 be 1n dkt 1 todJ' 1n the mountJtn art'a\

FORD ... From Al

District .\<,embh seal vacated h\ Republican Mar-1an Bergeson·s b1l.I tor a <;t·nall' seat

Ford al'>o praised (,o, C1eorge DcukmeJian·s JOb m ( al1forn1a and urged Rl'publicans to begin grass­rnul\ lampa1gn1ng tor President Rl·· .1gan "ho l'>expnted to announce hie, redeltu1n hid ~unda~

" It ''ould hi: catastropllll 1f Fn11 \l nnd .. 1k .... ert• to" in tht· ekc11on:· he .. aid · 'v'.t· ha'e 10 mai...e sure "e rt·turn Pn.'\ldent Reagan to the White II oust• tu gl\ 1: us four more ~car') of lir'>H la\'> lc<ida.,h1p ..

< arrx·nta ga1m·d more than an rndor'1l·mrn1 from Ford Fnda'! .\l $2'111 per pcr.,on. h1'> campaign. ma) h.1 \ l' gottl·n •Ill $150.000 boo\ I lrnm tltl' l'\ l'n I

A weary U.S. Forest Service firefighter puts bis feet up and grabs a few winks between stints battling the blaze in the Modjeska Canyon area.


\nml·pt·opk\J~ I ha\echan<,ma I don t kno" Rut I keep bounung bJl k · hl· e\ pla 1 n'> "It'• l 1 kc someone tn tnt! to \t:Jmp nut a tire but the tlaml'' kt·l'P pulling up betwt•en their IOl'\

· II I h,t\l' 111go10 Jail. I'll take m' gut1Jr form a band and pla> Jallhuu\r Rrn:k ·And \.\hen I get out I'll Ju<.1 p1lk up "here I left ofT The' can·11akc m' talent a"a' from me ..

I J\I H'ar 1n th<' m1dsi of hie; legal prohkm' Dale relca'\t'd a ne'-' album titled· f he f1gcr·., I oo\e .. The toh'r <.ho""' .1 bare lhe-.1cd Dale hugging a t1gl'rluh fhet1gcrlonlshapp) Dale doec,n ·1

fh t' al hum ha'> not 'old part it ularl) well and Dale has a feeling that some radio <,tationo, and relord .,tores wcrc \l·ared a .... a, Imm the · recording bc~:au~ of1he '>C\ !>Candal He clami~ rnncert booking .. al\o fl'll thmugh

.. \t llr\t I "a' mad ht·rau'>l' 1 lo\I <.,omc goo<l booking-." he sa~' " But no" I can under\land \omt' people: thought I "a.,n·t right for famil~-l"Jll' plate'> ..

•• •

l>.tlc ~•111 1alk tor huur!> at>out almmt an' thangJ

Tlwrc'c; f{ 1rhan.l's Im Ral~oa hair !tf.lloon ~hcrt• lU\IOmt'r'I " are trcntcd ltkc ktn~\ · and "II \OU don'1 ltkc the ha1r~u1 \OU don t h::Hc.- to p,l\ tor 11 ·

fhcrc <; hi\ 'urfboard \Imp that soon n to feawrc the ~trat Hoard a \urfboard with a piciur~· of (),1le play1n1 h1\ lcfth;indc<l au1tar .ind I ~hin with a drawing of a h1kin1 clad woman watching Dale \urf

nd tht<rt-'11 the kid\ ()ak \t~ms to lo\ L' k1d'i ··~ olpalk) lw l ,11 .. the


'11ung,1a~ "ho hang around hie, shop c:\c:halling 1he board'>

" II.ids are great" he C\da1ms. "Thr) ~lick b) \OU Thc) don't get talt·n in b~ all tht· (bleep) "ntten m lhC' newspapers

"l he\ \3\ ' Dick. WC tx:llt'Vl'd \OU

\.\ c kne"' tha1 \.\a<,n't \OU the\ "-ere tk'>lnhing · You can't i'ool 1he -)...1d'> ..

• • • Rithard Mon\our "a' born 1n

Boston He grl'"- up in "the rough part .. He mo,cd \.\.e\I Y.llh hi\ father in the mid· I 950c. and thangcd his ntlml· Did Dale\ lirst performance <:arne in 1960 "'hen he appeared on the lelc' 1,urn show " R0t·ket to ~tardom" and then landed a Job al Ralhua\ Rt·ndc1vou:, Ballroom

r or sc-.eral )'ears D1c._ Dale & The r>chone!t rode on the crest of the surf mu\lc fad rntting songs about the tx·.tt h 'iurfing and girls He parla~ed himself into 1he crar of 1he !lurfing 'iound. but It wa!> group\ ltkc the Reach Bo.,., and Jan Jnd Dean who u1t1mateh· ach1c\.Cd the national fame he had sought

When the tide went hack out on \urfmu'itl'. Dale refu~d tog1ve 1n und wn11nucd plnying his familiar 'lound'i al n1ghtcluh-; Rut thing., c.-hanaed

1 hrre '-'tlS <.mllCr. u movr to tlawa11 m"rnagt•. a mo'c to R1vcr­'>1dc. \Ill night\ a \\-eek at the Pla)&&rl c luh 1n C1.tfdc.-n ( rro"c ~·,cn ~1.'ar\ 1n 13" Vega' and linall~ back to BalboJ

In I '177 he p.11<1 \ .. 7 ~.000 lor a I 7 • room hou'iC on the rod•) 11p of the Ralhoa ren1n ula u hou~ known a!> the King C.11lkttr Mon\lun hccau-.c 1t had hccn built tor tlw rn1or hlndc kin~

Thl' th1l'l'·\ll11' hou~e sits on the l'ntrann• to \Jl·"'·J>llrl Harbor and is 1uc,t step<, from the Wedge - bod}' '>urfing·s promised land . Dale's cla1mc, ac, a ~oungster he would stare up at the towering structure and 1mag1ne how fine 11 -Aould be 10 lt vc thrn:

r on ear' Dakha'idreamedofhow he " oulJ rc<,lor<' the 60.year-old man-;1on to the <,plcndor 11 must have had" hl'n 11 "a' built for G1llc1te But lack ot mone\ and constan t 1urmo1I ha' c \talll'd hio; plan<; and the hou~ is 1n \ad repair

\.\- ht•n 11 "a" on the market last vear Realtors billed It has a fixer­upper - n S3 million fixer-upper. Dale ca ll ~ 11 h1i. "ltttle Hearst Castle."

He claim., when he goes home at night. he pull<; a c;c3t up to his piano and pla) ~ the theme sons " Or Zh1a\ago." 1mag1ning he·s a concen pianist

"Or I'll play .. omc country-western 'itufl Merle Haggard. He'i. my fa,011tc I IO\l' th3t Cf)lni·ln·)Our­bt•tr mu~1c bel·au~ of 1hc romantic 1n me I'm not a'ihamed to cry.''

f-or n moment 11 appt'an. that Dale 1 ~ about tu cry. Rut he tmghtcns up as a youn1r~ter skid\ to a stop on his -b1n(jk in front ol lhl· \urhhop.

·~t» t1ow\oudo"." D:.llccall\<rut " DOHlU want l' to \.\Jlch 'rOUr hike tor ~ou - 1>1 JU'>t kl "omc.onl' ~teal 11""

Dak 1 .. ugh'a' thl' l°w.'l~ dan .. 1nto the ,hop.

"(ir~·:i1 kid · \UV~ Dale. " He.-\ a Iv.a~~ tn here lool1na 1 never chao;c the kid' uway ~omr~ay when I'm in the 'utt t•r wi th u thorn in my foot 1hr~ II be th~· om•<; 10 pull 11 l)ut ..


Less wind, wartn weather ahead

Coastal Te-mperaturea Santi AM Wind• Clee•....ng bec:o1n HU ..

"'9 I 610 10 25 """' tMllow ltl4I CAnront AID.tny 41 20 mainly t>et- Venwr• and Bwllt AlllUQ<*QW 53 22 .,._ MCM!ly 14MlnY and w9'met willl Am1111Ko 541 24 "4ght 7 4 10 14 lOWI 39 10 41 SvnOay Ancflotmge 14 oe Motlly tunny wllll - ioe-1 guety Aahevllle 51 32 wind• 04.lrtng mor~ Nol qu11e 911 Allllllll SA 46 Wiim al bMCl!M flWIQl:;,t lfom Allenuc City 62 40 ,..., 70 II t>eac'- to low 90• lllld Auton 87 43

Cou111 Wlllert Point conc.ouon to lalllmO<• &7 2(-tile M••leen border In'* weltra Blltlog• s9 37 Sme» c•afl e<IV"°'Y eollte llH 0.. 81tmlnghem 68 45 CteulflG WlOdl today beCOmlng llQht Bllmarel< 4! 0"4 Ind ¥1111ble tonight OIJt ........ llolM 41 23 Point ~lion to Sen Clement• lloeton 5! 32 1t1enO anc1 out eo ,...... Sn1111 0te1t Brownevti. 70 47 IOYl9ory 91\Url ., .. Hor1h 10 no<11>Mal lluflllO st 25 wtnd• ll«OmOnll nc>n'-terlV 5 to 16 Burington 40 19 -not• wtth 3 to 5 IOOt - 1'"9 Cete1« 38 23 .nernoon and Ng/It CIMr -"* Cl\ltlee1on,S C 55 52

Cl111r1Mton.W v 53 26 C"-tlOlte,NO 63 4 1

IU"""""' Wa"""'' !>c'f..-, NOAA. U ~ Oec>t <ii C(Jmll•t • •

Fronts. C<>'d .., Wdlm 99 Oc 1 1. td••O .,..


::'<~ Extended Cllago Clncionall 33 c11..ian<1 35 32

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d1y1 tllre>ugh We<lneadey Gu11y S a nl• OetlU-Ft Worth 61 38 Ana wtnd at>Out Mondey Some Hrly Oeyton 33 27 motntng coaat log and • bll cooler by Oerl•et 47 22 "'Id-" High 73 10 63 LOWS 38 !O SO ON "1otnM 28 12

Oetr0tl 35 21 ~Ill ot ·14

uo 82 29

Tides F•ber>llt .34 -4$ F111go 10 · 10 Flagtlen 46 24

TODAY GrMt F1111 so 39

5 1 Hartlord 45 23

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o~ ~=.., 49 38 Flfll IO'* I 23pm 82 71 Second lllQn 1103pm 3 5 H0vtton 83 49

SU..OAY 2 4 lndlentl)Oll• 3o4 211 F1ral IOW 12 21 am S II J1JCkt0n,Mtaa 63 27 Flrtl h~h 1136em

0 8 ~ ... ":"¥Kie 73 54 Secon tow 202p m 43 35 Second h!Qh 11A1pm 3 7 Kan•• • City 39 27

L.&1 Vegas 113 42

Mtt.9'111 .. 24 ,, RIChmond 62 31 M~St PIUI 12 ·05 StLOU19 37 30 Hullvllle 44 23 St Pete-Tempe 78 63 NewOrletona 13 41 S alll#• 37 25 New von. 57 35 San Ant~o 119 .. Norf Olk 82 37 San Otego 63 65 Ne><lll Ptelle 4' 21 8 111 FrlnCleCO 70 49 Olllahorna Ctty 44 31 St S te Mar,. 15 05 Omllll 32 20 S..111• 51 47 OrlandQ 81 es Sh•:= 64 32 PhttlOelphte 57 25 Sioux altt 31 ot Plloenia 77 47 Spo1<1ne 48 311

Ptlt~ 42 30 sv-ec.- 37 23 Port Ma 35 17 Topeka 40 28 Port1e no Orll se 45 Tuc:eon 71 39 p,OV!denOe !>2 29 fulN 43 )o4

=::rc•ty r.4 32 Wut>•nQton ~·

31 !>4 29 WICMI 34 29

o-~ ~· ,,

Surf report Sun rtse1 1o<11y al II 53 • m Mii II Llllll Rock 4 1

5 19 p m end ·- eg11n Sundey •I LOtl"'r 63 35 ~ LOCATION

Zume •m:

1-3 ! -3 1-3 2·3


Moonrt-lodeyat337em Mttll LubbOCll 1 40 p m !Ind ·-eoein a1 4 35 • m ~· Sunday Ml-

Mesans graduate Four Costa Mesa .Les1denls were

among the 600 graduate and under­graduate students who were granted degrees dunng ceremonies Jan. 15 at National University's Vista Campus.

A master's degree in business adm1n1s1rat1on was awarded to Pamela Keller. a bachelor's degree 1n business administration to John Maghan . and bachelor's degrees in science were prese nted Lo David Dayton and Kevin Casey.

The ceremon 1es were preceded by a gourmet brunch prepared for the famih~s and friends of the graduates.

Just Call 642-6086

Delly Piiot O.flv.ry

le OuerentMd ._,.onOa)' fr1day 11 yOU ~o

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36 25 81 31 38 21 115 74

Santa Monic:. Newpot1 8ucll San Oleoo County

SW w w w

Change in attorney prompts delay in murder sentencing

An Orange Count} Supenor Court iudge Frida) agreed to postpone !>Cntencing for convicted murderer Thomas Manin Thompson until his new attorneys can fam1lranze them­selves with the case

A Jury recommended 1n November that Thompson be executed for the 1981 rape and slaying of Grnger Lorraine Fle1schlt in Laguna Beach.

However. s10ce the tnal's con­clusion. Thompson's a11orne). Ron

Brower. accepted a position as a prosecutor 1n another county and no longer 1s available to continue with the case

Judge Robert Fitzgerald rescheduled the sentencing hearing for March 30

Thompson's co-defendant in the ~laying. 24-~ear-old David Wilham Leitch . 1s scheduled to be tned on similar murder charges begtnntng tn m1d-Februaf) .

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Professor shot after argument over a grade Expe r t says $69.4 billion 8} Tbe Auod&iltd Pren Sh Ortf a ll COStS ffiilliOil jObS

" h I\ dt"finttcl} gu111a lo be i. d1S<Jstrous year for ll s trade b«uui,e the dlllla1 t\ \O '>trong ... Yt1d David C.rn \t. an l'Cononllst with the con.,ulung firm lo.van!> &:onon11u

Reagan "aid f r1da\ ho\\t:\(.'r. "that rm ~riouubout nl·gotiattn& 11 clo"n pl.I) mc:nt on the ddk1t . This i' not polaural po4ituri"s· a'> !.Umc c.ugg,\h.-0."

.H·\MMONO. Ind. - A UnlVCr'>ltj' mathematics profe~sor wns shot and wountkd at has otl1cc Friday in an argumen t over a grade, and police were questioning a 26-\t'ar.·old student. Purdue Un1ver~t1y Calumet associate profes~or Ronald J . Wug1.·nblast. 5 I. was hsted in serious mn<.11t1on with a chest wound n1 St. Margaret Hospilal in ~~amrnond. hospatal ~pokcsman Martin A. Kremer \iid. \ 1ar> police app1l"hcntkd Joel Pm man al about I :30 p.m. four hour' after Wagenblast was shot once with a handgu n.

Senatejolns veto battle WASH INGTON - The. Senate joined 33 House

D<.'moctats Friday 1n asking the: federal court 10 overturn Pn:s1dent Reagan\ pocket vc:to of a congressional requirement that he <.wll l> human rights progress in El Salvador. Thl' Hou\t' members ftkd their suit in U.S. D1~trtct \uurt on Jan . 4 In intc:rvcning in the suit. the Senatt• made ckar. hu\1,c\cr, that 1t 1~ corwcrnc:d sole!} "''th thl· rnnst1tu11unal issues of the case and will not be making argument!. to the U.S. Oistnt't Court on the merits of the human right!> ccr11ticat1Dn issue.

Record balloon rlde set P·\GE . ..\r11 - .\d\ancc teams cht•cked equipment

and \tanned lht' \kit's for good \\Cather Friday as two Bri11 sh pilot'> prepared for a $I .~111100 assau lt on the world's hot-air balloon altitude record. Pilots Mike Kl'ndrn:k and Pn L1nds1rand. scheduled to arrive here th1!i weekend. hope to soar more than I 5 mi les above the Earth somt.'t1mc during the two weeks beginning Feb. 4. The m1ss1un . dubbed Operation Sk> Quest. was to have taken place last i\ugust in England before bad weather intervened

School prayer ammendment \V .\SH INGTON -Senate Majori ty Leader Howard

Baker. R-Tcnn .. Friday introduced a consti tutional amendment to allow prayer in public schools and other public buildings. " I bd1eve that being able to pray in schools as a fundamental nght that should be enjoyed by all children . I do not wish to force anyone 10 hold m} rehg1ous beliefs. I onl} seek to allow those children to pray who wish to." Baker said. President Reagan called for such an amendment in his Stale of the Union message Wednesday night.

Slnger Mlchael Jackson burned LOS ANGELES - Pop singer Michael Jackson was

hospitalized 1n good condition with sec-0nd-degree bums on has scalp Frida) after his haar caughl fire when a smokc­bomb canister e'<plodcd whtle he was filming a com­mercial. a spokesman said. The cannister was part of special.effects equipment being used during the 6:30 p.m. filming of a concert sene for a Pepsi-Cola commercial. Pomade used m Jackson's hairdo appeared to catch fire. said Angela Bennett . an extra who was backstage when the accident occurred. Jackson 's brothers rushed to help smother the flames. he said. Jackson. 25. arrived at Cedars­Sinai Medical Center about 7:25 p.m., where he was in good cond1t1on. said hospital 'ice president Larry Baum.

Bomb convlction dropped SAN FRANCISCO-Thec:onvictiC>n ofa woman for

alleged!) partic1pat1ng an the 1980 bombing and al· tempted $J million extortion of Haney's Casino at Stateline. !'Jc, . "'a" O\Trturned Friday b} the 9th U.S. Circuit ( ·ourt of .\pPl·al. It ruled Sl·n1or U.S. D1strit' t Judge Walter Craig of .\nzona. -;111111g on assignment in Las Vegas. cm·d h) adrn1111ng into evidence at the trial of Ella Joan W1ll1am!>. 49. of Clov is. a w1tncss· earlier statement and rcfu<11ng10 let the man be questioned about JI.

40 years for kllllng parapleglc S.\N DIEGO - The only adult convicted along with

four teen-age grrls in the 1onure murder of a paraplegic veteran was sen tenced lo 40 years to life in prison Friday b} a judge who said the criminals apparently got a '"pene rse satisfaction" from their deed. Harry Richard Sherwood, 38. of Yuma. died last March of exposure after being robbed. beaten. burned. stripped and thrown . helpless. on a sno'') hillside in the eastern San Diego Count> mountains.

Wlld chase ln the fog TURLOCK - The highway patrol chased a truck

dnver in the fog from Atwater to Fresno Friday. then bark north to Turlock and arrested the man when he went ho• c. officers said. Officers arrested Edward Ragsdale. 23.ior investigation of driving under the influence and evading arrest. ,

By Tbe A111ociatd Pren '

. . .\mcnca'!> trade detic11 soared 10 a r1:cord $69.4 btlltO~ In 1983, the ('~m~erCC' Department said rnday, a shortfall onr~conom1sl ~1~ cost the nation I million jobs.

~t'anw~ale. the 3 malhon workers who$e wages were ne~ot1atcd by unions last year accepted contracts ltmttsn& their pay raises to an average 2.8 percent over the next 2-3 years - the lowest settlements on record.

Thl' trade d1:fkit i!> blamed on two main fat'ton. l ht" high valut> of the dollar makcs U.~. cxpor tr. c>.Pl'n.,1v~ and 1m~n\ relauvcl> ch<.."lp. And lhc U S. economy " srow1~g fa!>tcr than th<il of other nation ... m.ulung an bmk American purchase\ but a lag an foreign buy' ot U .~. good~.

Ern!>t $;lid the weak lrade p1t'ture hampered ovcra ll U.S. econom1'· growth. and the comb1nat1on of weak c:xpo~s an~ the flood of imporb cost at least 1.2 m1Jhon Amencan jOb!>.

The trade deficit wa~ 62 percent above the previous rt'cord $42. 7 b1U1on set tn 1982. and would have been w<:>rsc had oil prices not fallen. the Commerce Department said.

Many economists blame the dollar·~ high \aluc on thl· large U.S. budgct ddic1ts. which keep ll S. interest rate\ high. That 1n turn has attracted foreign rnonev into tht' U.S. financial markets and therefore ra1'>cd demand for dollars. .

The a.nnual re,·ord also came despite the deficit narrowing an December to $6.3 billion from $7.4 billion in Nove-mber. but ~nalysts attributed the improvement to two temporary fac1ors-ad1p in oil 1mr::irts and" surge in aircraft sales.

Pres1d1:n1 Reagan has proposed b1panlsan talk~ to find ways to mt SI 00 billion from the budget ddic1t. about half the cum·nt shonfall.

'innw econ0··,,; ... hf.Ii.-,"''"' deftn1 rou ld rlimh to $I 00 b1Jl1on an 1984.

But the Democrats are said to fear being dra"n 11Ho talks Reagan l'Ould use to detlect an\ blaml· lor deficm in th1select1on ~t·arwhile accusing the Democrats of refusing to comprom1!>e.

Reagan says he's not trying to trap Democrats on deficit

WAS HI NGTON (AP) - Prcs1-dl'nt Rt·agan declared Fnda) that he was serious about bipanasan talk!i to find ways 10 tram $ 100 billion from federal budget deficits. and was not engaged in "political posturing" to trap Democrats in an election year.

be)ond the bounds of legi11mat0 said the president must be \.\tlling tu debate." the president said. " But I do discuss ta>. 1ncrea~es and cuts 1n think that we should try to concen- military spending. wh1('h Reagan has trate on the less contentious issues. If adamantly oppo..ed.

House Minonty Leader Roben Michel, R-111. . questioned whether the Democrats reall y want to nego­tiate a reduction in deficits. The Democrats insisted. in response. that the) want 10 sec some specifics before makini an) commi tments.

During a White House breakfast meeti ng with House Republicans. the president said. ··1 want you and your Democratic colleagues to know that I' m serious about negotiating a down payment on the deficit. This 1s not a political posturing. as some sug­gested.··

Reagan also insisted he would not hm1t the areas of discussion .

''I'm not ruling anything out as

we all focus on what's ·do-able.' we tan get something done fer the American people."

While House spokesman Larry Speakes said administration otlic1als ,.,,ill "go into these discussions w11hou1 any preconceived notions .... We'r<.' looking for agreement. We're not playing politics. we're looking for agreement."

However. House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. and Senate Minority Leader Roben C. Byrd. D-W. Va .. have declared they will not enter discussions until they have seen the new fiscal 1985 budget proposals that Reagan will send to Congress next Wedne-sday. arid hear specific sugges­tions for budget savings from admin· 1stration officials.

In add1t1on. the Democrats have

Asked whether Reagan i!. ruling out any kind of tax increase. Speakes replied ... The president is talking about (e~clud1ng) tax increases that would do harm to the recovery ...

Administration officials have in­dicated they env1~1on a final defic1t­cutting plan would include an in­

itiative to close tax " loopholes," reduce domestic spending and eli minate waste in government to reduce deficits approaching $200 bill ion a year.

Democrats rear they might be drawn into talks that Reagan could use to.deflect an} blame for deficits while accusing the Democrats of refusing to com promise on proposals he knows they cannot accept.

State may reconsider parole for murderer

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The state <\ ttorney Gro~a l's office said Friday it may ask corrections officiali; lo review the imminent parole of a convicted murderer who said he can't guarantee he won't kill again.

"We arc looking into the matter ... trying to determine if evidence exists that would support a judicial effort to keep hi m tn prison:· said Assistant Attorney General ~teve Whtte said of Th<.'odore Strelesk1.

Earlier. a spokesman for the state Corrcct1om Depanmcnt in Sacramento said Strclcsk1 will be freed on schedule.

"No matter what he savs or feels. there's no way the prison system can keep him in ... said spokesman Phil Guthrie. "Once he has served that tsme. he gets out and automatically becomes a parolee."

Strekski's hammer murder in August 1978 of a Stanford professor. partly because the teacher had laughed at his wmg-tipped shoes. caused considerable outrage. Now. he is renewing the furor with a series of interviews in which he says he 1s "noncommittal on whether I will go back to Stanford and kill again."

Jose Mercury News while in Soledad Prison. " 1 .~n·t reassure you I won•t kill Reagan ....

"You kill one time to make a ~int. You don't make twice the po ant by killi ng twice. It's an 85 percent- I 5 percent thing. You get ·most oftheefTecl on the firs t shot.'' he said.

Streleski. who had tried for 19 yea rs to get hrs doctorate at Stanford. walked into the campus office of Professor Karel dcleeuw. who had his back to the door. and slammed a 2-pound hammer into his head three times.

Streleski said he planned for eight years to kill deLeeuw as a "statement" agai nst the way Stanford treats its graduate students and. in pan. because he fell slighted becauser of a joke the professor had made years earlier about his wing-tip shoes.

fhe I ;1bor ()(partment. mcan"htk. r;a1d tn the flnl \\:ar ol th~· new 1.:ont1 ;Kh \1gnt:"d by unions nd manait'mt'nt. th~: n' t•rage pa) OOo)t was 2.6 percent -1'11.·lo" the 3.8 Ill'• te11t 111fhtt1on r<!t~ l<t\t }ear and the most au'>lt:rc an the I '1 )'1.«.11., the dt'partmcnt ha) kept t1'0St" , 1nurds. .

Hut about t"c>-1h1rd'I of the 3 million union members ad11t·v('d -.c11h:mcn1' improvini their pa.ychedc.s 1n the final onc or t"o ~eJr!I of the contracts. the rePort said.

111 l\Jlt~ . h) cumpariwn. a\Cfa8C fi(Jt -ycar waat )ettlt•tm•nt'> in wlklti't> ha1i<tin111g ag1ecmcnts totaled '~ perc..t:nt

''B<.'taU')t' thc 1.·rnn11my ·~better. the prtt\urcs "'ill be there to rcrnuµ !>omc of the givebacks. and that's undcrstandul>k." ..aid l·h1ef Commerce l)cp rtmenl n:onom1st l{olll.'11 Onru:r ··A) long as thc:y (wages) rtmain rnodcrate l th1nl.1ht t·cunom} C4ln hvc with it."

John l.alU',k\ hl·ad of th<· .'\Ft .r1n·c: <'nlfl"("1iv,. bargaining departrnl'Ot. .. aid. " I think there will be bcttef 1csults this year as protit'> 1mprovc. There·~ le legitimacy .... 10 asking for cuts ...

. • I

Mondale explalas~·-tax hike pro~ .:.

\\ '!)HI NOTO!\. ~ ·\P) - aarraicd ~··" ~ha•fe'"" .:~c~ ~l\e prom1~es nnd l'Untinurns vague~ former Viet Prc51d~nt Waller f . MondalC" la t<l ou1 h•~ plans Frittiy for ta>. inrn.·a~l'$ that 11>ould ~ncrate up co S60 biJtion lit O('~ rC\~'tlUl' within founi:ars,

The Dcmoc1u11c preudcnuat ilopefUt't plans y,Ot&Jd • h;t the: wealth) the h:irJcst. chopp1n3 1he third Yett of. Preside nt Reagan\ un: cut and sl.appl.na ~ W ~ttenl~ \urchargc- on tht• incomes ahovc SI 00.000.

With three wetk\ lo g,o befort th~ Iowa aocu~. Se-n. J~hn Glenn ":i~ m Boston tn1nJ to r'«:'JUVC.oalt h1$ campaign, say1nt? hl" 1 the l"Ondida1~ of the ··s.:nwblc center'' between \1ondalc a nd President Rcop.n.

And th.ere t ofth\.·.c1ghHnan Dtmocnlic field v.-uon lheroad as wdl frl,)m Jowa ta the t •n1ta.i Nationu nd New Hampshtrl'. •

Mondafc has promised for months tMt he-\WOWd cua Reagan's s:wo b1th<>n federal defit'its in ulf ifel«•.

On Fttda). Mondak's campaign oflice UsUed a faCt sheet putting some numbers "-ith thc ~oromisn. ~i"'U-larly the tait proposals ' T · '· .

The larges\ portion ohhe incrc~sn ..-ould romc ffom baltiog rndtxat100 of income lUCl. adjuttl"I l~ IP brackets \O' a"'x·ounl for inflarion. Thar provis.on of l Reagan's tax packa&c 1s ~hedukd to luck in " 'ith tM tltcal 1985 year. Mundale') campaagn \.ltd he woutd add ~reform~ to protect low and moderate mtome Amtri· cans" as w~ll.

"You can hypothesize any number of situations in which any human being could kill another," Streleslci. 47, told the San

A{ter serving 51/J years in prison for second-degrte murder. he is due to be released in March to San Francisco. But District Attorney Ario Sm11h said Friday he will ask the state Board of Prison Terms to release Streleski somewhe-re else because Stanford is only 40 miles south of San Francisco. He will be barred from the campus as as condition of his parole.

Theodore Strelesld, 48, who killed bis Stanford University

math professor in scheduled for parole.

1978. l.s

Andro:RQv Will run in puliiineat;~t,lte

MO~COW {AP) ·..:.,. SQviJ1 J>rdidetlt" Yuri V. Andropov. repotted allina rt-centJy1qd out oti>.UbUc view

--------- for more than fiv~ months, - coamrm~ f:°rldJy ., a candidate for Marth 4 parlfarntntt\t'Y ett,c$~$. ·

Cancer-causing pesticide discovered in muffin mix

SA( R.\MENTO (.\P) - State health offinals said Fnday the~ have found tl.inge rous levels of the canccr­c;ius1ng pesticide EDB an at.other type of Duncan Hines muffin ma>..

nut 1u rt•rnll thl' rrodul't' l hur\u;J\ tr om Prot ll'r &. C iambic fur ,1 '11lun1.1r~ rt'l'all. but apnarentl) 1t \\t.15 \CllJt'd h~ higher mJnagemcnt." <>.11d <,pol..t·\rnan Peter V. Cl'.>~cr.

Submarlne report dlsmlssed WASHI NGTON - Pentagon officials dismissed as

p~) chological warfare the reported movement of at least two modern So' 1et missile-tiring submartncs into · the Atlantic nean:r the llnited States. While acknowledging that posi tioning Delta II submarines tn the Atlan tic would reduce warning 11me in the event of a Soviet missile attack on l 1.S . . air bases. these o fficials said there still would be enough tune 10 get most U.S. akrt bombers ofTthe ground and out of harm ·s wa} .

Tbt 69-year-old Cott1mt1mtt P:.ny -clttef$~ipped a party meeting, however. Qlat ~ mi~t '))•ve ~c e~pccted to attend. · . •. •

The official Soviet flews agOficY T •ss taid Andtol><>v was nominated to stand for the Moscow dittrlci of Ptot~my. lfhe follows the precedcnte1lablished by the late leoni<t l. B~xhncv and. other t~ SO.Vi~J leaders, he \\ QUld be e~ncck'd to cast his OWJl vo1c March~

Peter Rank. director of state health scrvic:e~ '>aid officials found I. 904 parts per billion of EDB in a batch uf Duncan Hines' spic) apple mutlin mix \\Ith the code number 32BW4. He· said the batch was discovered 111 the Sacramento area.

Rank '>Jld ht'> lkpartmc:nt fl .. que'ited the rnmp.1n~ . again, tu "\ol­untanh ellt'rl a remo' al (of the produt:t.,) 1n tht· c;tatl' ufCahforn1a."

.\ Pro1.·1cr & Gamble 'P""C~\\.Om.rn. ,\.larJOfll' Brad ford . "aid 1n ( 11hrn1ut1 "'-ltd that thl· rompam didn't "3t th1c. pomt ~cc an) rl·n .. nn to tl'lJll the muffins sinn· the' 'rt• totall) 'alt' But "e arc in the pron'"' ol ""orl.ing \'llh the ~late to re,nht' 1h1' ··

( ham her' Bn 1.on. t h1ct ol the 1kp:ir1 ml·n l's tood and drug dn 1s1on, \;ml Thur .. d;I\ !ht· products \.\t'rt.' lx:ing rt'1 alkd tx·l·au't' the) te')tcd too l11gh in t·tll\ ll·n,· d1hrorn1de (E D Bl. \\ lrn h 1.Ju\t'c..I l;Jnlcr in laboratol) r.11<> and min·

Kohl wlll stlJl sell a]"ms

"\ndropov ha~ not been sett) in pubhc since last Aug, l8, "'hen he mll't ~:ilh nm~ tJ .S, senators. tn Ottobcr. <\ndropo\' said a cold' kept t\&01 fJ:oinmcttinf @h)'$itiins ,.isitms M<*ow. Th.at \t~ion ..,as repeiltld bY Solict ufficia1$ after he skipped the Red Stluart peflde aod t<retnHn ~~hrallOf\S ln honor of ·~~ f Qt :7 Ottober

- ~evohrtion-; KIBBUTZ G lNOSSAR. Israel - Chancellor Pnnda t.-ditor in chief Viktor Afana~~,·\ told CBS'

Earhl'r this week. state officials said thl'Y found high levels of EDB in batches of Duncan Hines' bl ue-bem muflin ml\ and bran muffin mix. ·

l\hl' .,a11.l \hl' didn't I.no'' how mut'h <;p1c~ apple muffin nm. was m.inulal'· turt·rcd \\1th thl' '~~ l\\ 4 Cod\:.

Pt•t<.'f \\\·1<.'icr. a 'pol.csman for 1h1.· \ l:llc Dcpartmt•nt of Health \en 11.e•,, said the depart ml nt thought Thur\­da' thJt Prm h 1 ,\. (iamhk had agrl'Cd tn rc1:all 1hr 1111.\l'<. .. \pp.1rl'lll· I) 1t "'a<, 'elot•d In h 1ghcr m.rn.igc· men1 ... h1.· ""d

Ht• 1tkn1tlit·d the produrt!> as Duntan I lllll'" V. ild Alud>ern Muf· lin ~Ii\ . ltltk \~~ ~ v. ~.and Duncan ll11w'I Hrnn \foOin l\11x codes 31 l<O\\ J :rn<l ~I h I\\ 4. He said thcrl' "'a' 1H11mmcd1a1t• danger from t•atsn~ the product-;. but rt•t·ommendcd that ,ll\\ont' \\ho ht1d bought them return thrill 111 ,tntt'' lor a rdund

Hel mut Kohl of West Germa ny left h11lc doubt Friday Mike Wallace 1n ~ Moscow interview taM Wee~ that that his government would go ahead with planned arms ;\nJropov is ~ufTerinafronu kidney ailm~nt\·omplicattd sales to Saudi .\rabaa. despite .pre!.sure from Israel. by ftu.

Rank met for 90 minutes Fnda) w11h two officials from Procter & Gamble. maker of the mix. and said he would lkc1dc Monday whether to hall sab of the muffin mixes an Cahforn1a

"German policy is made tn Bonn and not in Israel," Kohl Stattmcnts issued in Andropov•$ name have ap­said when asked b) West German reporters whether he 1)(''1.1\'d rcgularl)', in the third W«k o( e«h mooth. 1i~ would <>ell arms to the Saudis. " fh1~ is well understood by Auau~t.. Israel." Andropov W<ll one of r.w: Poli1bm0 mtmbcrl wtfo

did not anend a Communist ~ 'Nll•N'.·w m Few voters ln Phlllpplnes Moteowon Friday to coaf\nn nomit1111iOM tbt,Qtc Mttth

The PnKter & Gamble officials. Peter llland and Wall Myer. refused lo talk w rcponers after the meeting. But Rani.. i.a1d the> told him the compan' would review its dcc1~ion

Bradford ... 11d tlw1e Ilk! lx'Cn " misumk1\1.rnd111g" b\•t"ccn \Intl' oflicial !i and 1lw l'ompan~

\.1mpl1.•\ 11f tht· pn1du1. t\ lal..en from \llllt'' 111 tht• Palo \ho· Mountatn \It'"'·< .1111 . :m·3 'ho1,1;ed EDB rcs1-dul•c. nl I X6' p:11tc. pn bilhon in the hlul"h\'rr\ muffin OW( and 569 and '7 ~ p.11 '' per btlhon in the bran mullin ml\ Brv-.011 ~1d .

MAN ILi.\. Philippine!> - The turnout wos low Friday for a national referendum OO)Cottcd by opponents to President Ferdinand E. Marcos' government. Scattered violence at polling p lace<> ,·humcd 3t lcast I 0 hves. Partial re ults broadcast by government television and other media showed most of those who voted favored the four constitutional amendments on the ballot. including thr restorat ion of a \ice presidc-ncy, aholi~hcd by Marcos in 1972. ElcctJon officials claimed 80 percent of 30 million registered vot<'rs cn~ t ballots. but none of the votina ccntc~ randomly checked by The Associated Press 1n Manila and in -;omt• pr1)\ inccc. had turnouts of more than 50 percent

Portugal legallus abortion l ISflON. PortugAl - The National A\scmbly on

Fradny l~l11cd ahon1on an some ,•>.trcmt' cases. but the dcc1swn bitterl y d1\ 1dcd lhc: govcrnina coalition in lhis ovcrwhclminal>.Ronrnn C'otholtc nauon. The law would pcrtnaubonioru ~ hen the unborn ch aid wali a pmduc1 of rape or wnou'>h <ll'formcd. or when till' mother's hfe wn~ thrcatcnC'd by i·h1ltlbuth The J!'l\tmblv's I ' 2- 102 vote followed u 2.f· hour 1khutt' in lhc us •mhl\. .



4 electioo. · " W(.• thUUtLh I \\ l' hJd an 31f.rl'CITlt' llt

Saildinistas: U.S. invasion imminent Election plans called

- -cover for U.S. action threat 'any mtnute'

MANACilJA Nicaragua CAP) - and· 1n1sta leader Danid Ortega. 1n a rndio address to the nation. said cleC't1on plan~ titre were bc1na u ed by the United States a a covC'r for " massive invn~1on" that could come• at an} minute.'

"The 1hemc of the upcom1na elect mo~ is hcllll uwd by lhe United State~ to tfotract the .mention of the pcoplt. with the

objective of launching an 1nvas1on 3ga1ns1 Nicaraaua and El ahador at any mo­ment:' Ortcp said.

Ortcp. head of the- ruhni three-man 1unta, made the comments Thursday night on the "faC"C the Pwplc." rad to program.

He said Nicaragua·~ main probkm 1!\

"not the e lection~ ... but mtlttory inter· vrntton

The nd1ni,ta ao"crnmcnt ha!> da1mt.·d ~~atedl)' ' hat the llnucd State\ and tt' C'enlral Amcnurn al11c" pla1l to .att3t'k Nicarngua..and Lhos.c a.'i5Crtton~ have lx"Cn mo~ Slr1den1 saner lJ .. troops 1nvath'1 Grenada Oct 2S and ou\tcd a lcll1'1 mthtal) ao"c:mmtnt

Ortega and other. ha' t' n1ent1t1ncd thl' 1oant c-cerc1sc~ being condul ted in m·1"h bonn& Honduras tw LJ c; m1htan um\' and lhe Honduran· n1 mrcl torn·\ ,,, .1

po~-.1ble 'tmnaboard tor an 111' a\lon of th" country.

U .. officials haH ikn1t•d that alleg.1 11on. and '3) the e'crc1\<'' arc J" \lifW\I onh to 1mprme the Honduran amit•d forecs" Jtfcns1 Vl' ca pa h11t1 •<''

Rut the otJici:il!l ad.no"'le-<lttc th:u 'o' crt m1l1tary aui 1~ bt·tnl ~tH'n to llonJur,,. ha~ N1camgunn rehcl' b.11tltn1 ~.in<l · m1 u troop!i in no11h1:rn N11:.a1 uauJ

The Junta ha~ rlf1lm1ro It> hllld eke tmn'> for a p~1dent \ire prn1lknt • .rnd lqw.tat-1\l' n">t·mhh 1n l~h 1 .ind \JIJ 11 '"11ld

.---- - :s;:

JUO\ 1Jt• lkt.11h aoout the rlccuo ns Feb ~I " I h,· nm none. .and plan~ of the l n1t(l(J

'i1att' .lfl' pt>tntcd al N1l·aragua and El S.ih ud111 .ind ,., l'l'Y da\ . Nu::\raguans dar nn thl· t~11 dn ·'' a \·On\t-qucnct' of the m1lltnn., uf d1)llar-. the l <; government pro\ tdt:\ ll• lht• \UPl1J'<>W<ll\ l O\.Cn action\ 111 the: t I \ .. < htc..·ia '31d

\ 11 t''t1mJtl"(I S.tX>O retx·I .. launc~""(I a maim olknc.1H l,\'>t month 1n the north n ·ntl'r.11 f)Hn ll)ll''

Thr) h~nt• farll<l tu g .. un an, maJOr uhtCl 11\'\''- but ttw i•l\trnmcnt ha' bttn un. hll: llJ i,11\hl\l l' them.

l lw tkaf.011\ ;.i,tmin1.,tra1mn I\ pro\;1d1ng at ll.'01,1 .:!.., m1lh1,n 11r. rm\ nJ •ra1n1naa1tJ tn lh1• n·Oi·I,.

. ;


A4 Orang Coast DAILY PILOT /Saturday, January 28, 198•

Economics made simple Newport Foundation helps - -translate fina ncia l data By CHRISTINE DECKER Of .... 0.., "94 ''-"

Econom1t·s fht• 'er~ "ord 1!> enough to mal.e most people crtnge.

It suri; memone'i about that aw tul accounttng etas!> you had to tal.e. Or pt.•rhaps thoughts of those checl.s

' bouncing through your check book pop up when that word, "economics" 1s mentioned. Or. maybe you've been ambitious and tned to understand thl' mind boggling difference between intlat1on. deflation and deprt'ssion

There's a group out thl·re tr} 1ng 10 take the fear and loath mg out of economics fhe group. called the Ne"' port Foundation. consists of about -lO men and "'omcn from Southern C'a)llorn1a ~ho scrutinize. d1;,cuss and propose soluttons to the world's c,>conom1c woes. At their first annual meeting Thu111da} at Fluor Corporauon the executive director Dr Delmar Bunn. a Ne"' port Beach famtl> prac11t1oner. announll'd thl' lorma 11on of a ne"'

_. q uarterl) economic Journal - in simple enough language for ('ven the mo'>t uneconom1lall)-mindl'd la~ person to

• understand. " We plan to re,\n technical economic paper~ so the

• general public can understand \.h• belte\e 1n an 1nf.ormed and educated public. l"d liil.C tO '>CC the JOUrna(• sold In

every drug store '>O all\ one could go pie!. one up," said f' editor and notl'd ewnom1'>t J)r. l\;a!l.e 'Vt . Kam ran). a •• professor at l ' n1\crs1t) of Southern ( aliforn1a - It ~•II be thl' nation's first Journal to publi sh art1l'les k by the profe'>s1onal el·onom1st. alongside the bustne~'>

~· 1eneralis1. he said. \ .. . f: .


~ [ • , ~ . "· r. '· '·

1: •

Time is running out! If you miss Plummer's January Clearance event, you will

be missing the opportunity to save hundreds of dollars on a fabulous assortment of high-Quality Scandinavian furniture. As this clearance comes to an end, you can

save as never before on designer Quality dining room sets, bedroom

ensembles, bookcases, ·

jl.amran\ ha.,\\ rt Hen numeruu-. art1dc., anti book\ on l'COOOmtl'S BS ~ell as helping WTllt' l'l'OnomlC poltq for Lebanon. his nattH~ .\lgan1 tan anti other emerging rnuntncs throughout 1hc world

The quarter)) . 10 be called ... fhl· Journal for the Stud\ ol MaJOr Economic lssut·~ ... will cost about S lt!.000 to get startt"d and ts e\pected to be out b} ne'\t }ear A\t fir'>t 1t will be sold through subst·npt1ons at ahout $.'! per 1;,sue. \a1d Kam ran}

The non-proti1 foundation opcratl's solel} on donations and mcmbcr-;h1p fees . Contributors 10 the Journal will include man} of the nation's and the world 's cconomll' scholars and informed business leaders and la' people. ·

Kam ran~ discussed '>Oml' of the topics that ma~ be 1ndudt•d in the Journal ·

• Ho" thl' pnu: ofo1I alkrts its demand • Health costs and ~h} thl'} arc so high and. • What happens to the rnnsumer \\hl·n the go,ern­

ment 1mpo-,es taxes and res1nc11ons on imports. The Journal. according to the founJers. "'"reflect the

foundation's belief in educating 1hc public concerning this count!) ·s economic poltq ~1 the~ can 1nlluence go,ern­ment poliq 10 the bencfi1 ol l'H'I") om·

"\.\ e started as a non-poltt1l'al group that" anted 10 bl· furn'. We wanted 10 haH· a Sa} 1n l'Conomic poltq ," said member Annemana na111n. \Ill' president of a Ka}".lcr­Petersen management sen ICl'

The Newport Foundation began more than three Hars ago Junng the oil and ga'> '>honagcs.

"I couldn '1 understand "'h~ this countr~ was earning la1hng marks in energ) managl·mcnt I \\Cnt to Washing­ton and was told b) go' l'111nll'nt leaders that the inadequac} o f our cm·rg~ pol1c~ "as attnbutcd 10 the public's lac!. of intl·rcst. 1 hl·~ ,31d no con\'1 nc1ng caucus haJ e'er prcsl'nted II'> \\di to c ongrc~'>.

.... --

Outli~ing the campaign Irvine Co. President Tom Neilsen make• a point with J . Robert Fluor D, president of Fluor Drilling Services: Frank Scott of the R . C. Baker Foundation: Theodore J . Fuller of Johnson and Higgins of California; Robert C. Terry, Terry Buick, and Keith W. Renken of Deloitte, Haskin• and Sella.


These are ·ust a few of the savings in store for you! Now vou t~n \1W .,s ~tr ~re on mis Nn<lwm<'tv CrJfte'<l OlntnQ taolt' Ft'3t\lr~ ~turov construetion ano contemooral'\I Unt"S Measur~ '7'. •29 SDPCta!llV oncf'd at Plum~r s SI~~


SAHTA ANA. 1540 E wamer. <7141557-0611 11kt'WttnG""10•HtWOOn"WV exrt onOVrr ltO MISSION YllJO • Marguerite Plaza • <7141495·3252 ,~crown 11.iu,..., A~,.., l'liwv1


OPIN 10 to 6 - SUNDAY NOON to 5

. I ;


. ' . \

Renken replaces Fuller as chairman of the YMCA Foundation board on which the other men are new trustees. The f ederatton i1 assisting four YMCAs in raising $ 15 million for new and expanded facilities in Laguna Niguel. West Orange County, Santa Ana and Newport Beach.

A world of hope for a little boy By JAIME SEELE Y 01 Ille OeltJ l"llot li.H

~n 11-)ear-old bu~ la~ er) 1ng for his mother as he "'a11ed for his leg 10 be amputated Bui bureaucratic red tape pre' ented her from crossing the border from Me\1Co to com<' 10 her son's side.

But there , .. as hope. )hia Macklls. president ofthc Newport Harbor ChaptcrofthcCll} ofHopc. ~ssureshe could help JoSl' Paez.

" l knev. I had to do someth 1 n~." Macklis said. "l Just got o.~ the phone and said I'm going to tr} and help }Ou Jose. •

Pen·1 hr1s hl'l'O undergoi ng treatment for Leukemia for the pa:.1 year at the m.ed1cal cc~tcr of the The C'!l) of Hope in Duarte. Bui the 1mm1gra1ion department would only allow one fam1I> member to transport the boy back and forth from Mex ico to the L1.S. His father. Manuel . decided II hlSJOb.

Ho~c' er." hen doctors found a malignant tumor on the bo> 's leg last week and told him the> needed to remove his leg. the child desperate!~ needed his mother.

" I didn't l.nov. what to do:· Macklis sa1d."The operation v.asschcdulcd to take place in t~oda~s so 1 had to get the mother here as soon as possible .

" I called the border patrol and Mr. MacCubb1n. supcn 1sor of 1mm1gra11on. said he dtd not think he could help. but he would 1r. ... she said.

MacC'ubb1n ad' lscd 'Vtacklts to obtain all the details - names. ages. place of birth - pertaining to the father's permit The t~o "°'l're in l'Onstant phone contact for an entire da' .

F1na.lh Ma<( ubh1n said Jose's mother. Martina. could come into the countn for a weeil..

The\ had a difficult 11mc reaching the mother 1n the rural area of Me>.1cali But messa~es left ~Ith friends and churches throughout thl' UI) linall) caught up ~1th her She cro'lscd the border late Sunda) night to JO>n her son

fhe child v.as so ha pp) to see his mother and the sight of his mother's face \\as so beneficial tbat doc101 'i po~tponed amputa11ng the entire leg and ha'e JUSt re mo' ed the tumor

Macklls ha~ JUSI arranged to extend Martina Peret' sta) in America for another JO da)s.

Jud~es selected for Festival of the Arts

Seven d1s1ingu1shed arttsts ha\e been selected to Judge the 1.000 pieces of an e\pected to be submitted b) 300 local artists in the upcoming 1984 Fes11' al oft he Arts

The e\htbn is set March 31 at the ll'\1ne Bov.-1. oSO Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach.

This year'sJudges. selected b) 1983 exh1b11or!> and the Fest1 vars Board of Directors. are:

• Momca Dunham of Laguna Beach. Dunham. who ~orks in a ceramics. has studied at the Laguna B&ch Museum of Art and Saddleback College.

• Miriam Smith of Emerald Bay. Smith is an art teacher and " noted fo r her drawmgs a nd acf}·llcs.

• Patnrk Kell) of Laguna Beach. Kelly recei ved h1-; training at London's Hammersmith School of An. H" v. ork has been d1'iplayed at Festival exftibits for man~ vcars. · • Watercolorist Roger Folk of Laguna Beach. Folk was educated at the Unl\enl\ of Nebraska ~nd Art Center School. His ~ork has been.exhibited during many Festival shows.

• Maret L)stcr of Laguna Beach. Lyster's large $lass etchings have attracted a11en11on during Festival c"<h1b1ts for two years. She learned glass work skills at Saddleback College and has been refining them on her own e'er smce.

• Ruth al)er of Laguna Beach. The 20-)ear member of the Laguna Beach School of Art Board of Directors 1i. a "atcrcolonst and "000 sculptor. She also has sencd as president the Laguna Beach Museum of Art.

•Jon 'eeman of Laguna Bc.aciL_ Seeman ·~ a local furni ture de<11gncr and photographer.

•Je...,clcr Dan Miller of Laguna Beach is an alternate

Events planned to mark Cathollc Schools Week

To Celi ne Cate. an eighth grade s1udcn1 at Our Lad} Queen of An~cls School. a Catholic education mean~ learning "not Just everyday subjects. but how to relate 10 other ~ople. You learn how to be your own special person. stie ~\s.

And. today (ate and her classmates from the Newport Beach school will speak on thnt subject at all masses :is one of the events planned during Nauonal Catholic ' hool!. Weck. no" 1n tts I l 1h year.

C'atholtc Schools Week. Jan. 29 through Feb. 4. 1s an annual cclebrauon of the role C'athohc schools across thl' count!) pla) 1n pro ... 1d1ng a well-rounded cducauon for \ menca\ }Oun people. accord1na 10 a spakesman for 1he C'a1holtc sc:hool.

' 1 hl· purf)l>~· of 1he cdcbratton as to build eommuntt) Cl\\;arcnc\c, and 10 pro' 1dc ~me unit) an (. atholll' school' acrm~ the countn :· S1~1er Linda. principal of Our 1 ad' Qu<.'tn of Angel ·School. u1d · Other C' cnts Our l :id\ QuCC'n of ·\ nacl ha\ plann,·<1

for the ~l·clo. 1ndude. rrc\Cnt:H1on of .,tole' made b~ ~tudcn" to all llfll''t' the dc-d11:at1on ot n n\'" k1ndcrgilrtcn C'ir01ndparr:nt'\ Da) and Budd) Da}

.\l~o Mr Man.•e Grtllith. \ tl'C principal and 1h1rd r d\" u.•ut her ftt thl" 11ehool \\ho h.1\ tx•cn tho~n a'

··Ol\t1ngu1'llw,t Tcachl•r of t hr Year" b tht' Nattonnl < +l thol1c lJu1:at1l>n \\\ot·1:i11on \\1(\I e1H' a ~pt.·u.11 a"u1J <luran th,• \\ l'l'"' . -


This playroom waa furnished with Texaa Film CommiHion funds.

Texas governor's children 'playing'. with public funds

AUSTIN . Te\as (AP) - The head lof the Texas him Comm1ss1on. which gave up funds ~ Go' . Mark Wh11c could build a $25.000 play­house for h1~ children. said Friday 11 was "beyond m) businc !."where the money \\-Cnl.

"The go' ernor's m' boss." said comm1ss1on director Joel Sm11h.

Wh11e ackno"'ledged Thu rsda) that almost $43,000 was transferred from the comm1ss1on budget. w11h $25.000 of 1t used to con' ert a carnage house at the governor's m.ansion's into a pla) area complete with bumper pool table, bathroom and small kitchen.

"They were doing :.uch a good JOb over al the Film Comm1!.s1on. they didn' t seem to need that $43,000 and my children had to pla) in 1hc terrible weather cond111ons outside. and we

tried to gel some indoor lac11t11cs for them." White said. The cit). alo ng with much of the na11on . has had record cold this ..., mtcr.

Smith said he "asn't part1cularl~ interested in \\hat happened to his agenc} ·s money after 11 \\a\ taken awa) b} his boss.

··That's be}ond my business I JU!.t t~ to tend to the Film C omm1ss1on business." he said.

State comptroller's records shol.\ that last Jul)' . White took $42.221 from the Film Comm1ss1on and $75.000 from other depanrnen1s 1n his office to renovate the carnage house.

The m :ords sa\ $25.000 went to " mansion expense" and the rcsl was used for admin1strati vc expenses.

White said soml· costs of the renovation came out of his polt11cal

olliceholders account. adding he was .. somewhat shocil.ed b} the cost of construc11on but "'e tned 10 do it at the lo"'cst possible cost.''

The go' ernor has two sons. An: dre"' . 11. and Wells. 13. and a daughter. Elizabeth. 9.

Wh11e said his sons sleep an the Pease Bedroom 1n the downtown mansion and don' t like "the old pict ures of people looking at them off the wall ..

"We tried to make some arrange­ments where the:r could have some indoor playroom accommodations 1hat wouldn't inJure the really very valuable furnishings in the rest of the mansion." White said.

The first Ooor of the carriage house had formerly been used for storage.

RED HANDED BUT INNOCENT? Judge throws out videota ped evidence as 'unreasonable.

CHI<. .\GO (A P) - Tiny cameras concealed by 1he FBI in two apart­mcnu, used by four reputed members of the shado"'> Puerto Rican na­tionalist group F ..\LN rolled for more than 130 hours over ~L\ months.

What the lensescaptu re<l -1nclud­ing bomb-making and wc:apons­stockp11tng, according to the FBI -provided what prosecutors con­sidered the onl> means of convicun_g the four.

But on Jan . 10. the eve of their tnal on bomb plot charges. U.S. District Judge George N. Leighton banned the videotapes on grounds that the} amounted 10 ·· unreasonable search and se1iure ...

"The home 1s a <;acred place 1n th is count!")." he !Hiid.

H15 dec1s1on. wh1l·h the go' crn­ment has no\\ taken to the appeals coun lc,el. ha'i legal authonues questioning whether soc1ct) can be

protected from ~rrc.mst., ">l>.1lkd at ou1w1111ng more con' en11onal tech­nolog} hkl'..., 1retaps

The FBI won coun perm1ss1on for the surveillance b} demonstrating .. probable cause" to believe that cnmes w"re being planned. The~ based their argument on " hundreds of hours of debriefing" l>> a com 1c1cd FAL "J member-turned-informer and on 1he defendants' use of disguises. false names and 11g1ag rou tes to throw off po~s1hk pursuers.

FBI aflida\lt!> sa' 1hc fALN suspects used code language - p1tk­cd up b> phone taps and hidden microphones 1n the apartments -that made it seem as 1f a party "'as taking place.

E'amples: "fiesta" was bombing or. literal!). part) : " festi val ccon­om1ca·· was armed robbel") or. llter­all). economic part} : " nencs" meant guns or. literal!). babies.

"' radio in thc apartment also " as turned up loud.

But the rolling cameras foiled those subterfuges. federal prosecutors sa). and recorded the assembling of detonating caps. handguns. d1sgu1 sc materials. fal se I Os and bulletproof

'est!.. " If the communll) expects the FBI

1c be cffcct1 ve in (terrorist mves1iga-11ons). then the) have to make sur~ we have cena1n tools a'a1lablc." said Edward D. Hegan). head of the FBl's Chicago office.

Camtras portray the crime "as n·s taking place." he said -That's the bea ut> of television. It's a fa r more efTccll' e tool than audio ...

Defense attorney David Thomas \a1d FBI agents who had rented an adjacen t apartment apparently ac­t1 vated the cameras whenever the} heard someone going into the apart­ment . He said the agents watched what was going on as the cameras rolled . ·

The operation was a " Big Brother" dcstruc11on of pri vacy. he said.

.\ss1stant U.S. Attorney Joseph Hamler argued before Leighton: "There was no other way we could obtain that kmd of corroborating evidence ...

The fo ur were arrested June 29. charged w11h a plot to bomb milttal") 1 nstallat1ons over the 1983 Fourth of Jul) weekend. and ordered held on mul11m1ll1on-<iollar bonds.

Recycling industry automated BOSTON (AP) - An 1nvcnlor hopes to make the

sta te's bottle la" hi s big break when he un veils his fully automaJcd . drive-in recycling center. which he sa~s can accept. count and sort empt)' bo11lcs and cans and pay for their return - all within seconds.

The portable rcc)cltng unit - "about the size of a Fotomat hut" - can be installed at any grocel") store or shopping center. Dennis Beausoleil says.

Since the state law requiring deposits on all carbonated beverages and beer took effect one year ago todav . grocers have clamored for Sl•me wa} to be rid of the hassie of taking back empties. th,' J'J-year old former auto salesman and liquor store operator Sdid.

··That's a serious problem:· he added. Beausoleil. who lt ves 1n Sm11hficld. R.I.. already

operates nme Bay State Rcdempuon Centers in southeastern Ma!tsachusc11s

In a recent telephone inter" 1CI.\ from Bclltngham. where three of the centers are located . Beausoleil said traffic backs up each Saturda) outside hts redemption centers. \\h1ch arc run by human beings. many of them handicapped and mentally retarded youngsters.

For his expansion into ponable redemption centers. Bea usoleil said he found fi ve investors who chipped in $100.000 each. He holds 75 percent of the company.

Each unit will be able to accept bottles and ca ns directly from a car windo .... . The empties will be mechanically sorted and counted. Bottles will be separated and placed 1n canons: cans will be blown direct I } mto a wa111ng truck trailer.

One part of the machine. engineered with help from Burroughs Corp .. will write a check on the spot for the \alue oft he returns. Each unit can handle up to 8.000cases a da} , and the trailers will be picked up ntghtly 10 return the empties to their original d1stribu1ors.

ln•ex•pen•alve• ' (In lk spen' slv) not high on price . reasonable . classified ...,-.. advertising ~

Classlfled Advertising 6:42-567A

RUFFELL' UPHOLSTllY, INC. ...................

1922 HARBOR 8l VD COSTA MESA - 5'8· 1156

Heads are turnin' ••• _ $_

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472-0200 ., l

LA' HABRA 1230 W. lmpeflll Hwy

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GWl>ORA 451 W. fooltltlls Blvd.

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Orange Coat DAILY P.ILOT /St11.trday~ January 28, 1884

Sovi~ts using ' I 984' on us . .

America painted as 'Big Brother ' in book still bann .. ed in Russia

MO~COW C .\P) - The Soviet Union. which for 35 years ha) banned George 0Nell's classic saure of totalitarianism. 1s usma the novel " 1984" in an effort to portray America as Orwtll's nightmare world of Big Brother and thouaht control.

The 1949 novel. hkt Orwelrs "'Animal Farm." st1ll 1s taboo here and is reaularly ~onfiscated from tourists and Western !.lalls at the Moscow Book Fair. Last month. a Latvian dissident accused of having a copy of the novel and another banned work was sentenced to seven years' hard labor

There is no hint that " I 984" might be approved for general Soviet consum ption.

But the official press has run at lea)t four anicles in the past two weeks that focus on the book, including two weekend pieces 1n the iovemm~ I nev.spaper Izvestia. One e"en contamed praise for Orw rs artistry. ahhouJh It auacked him on ideolog.ical gro nds as a "soc1ahst renegade."

In ca h CAlt. the book was mentioned onl 10 ~a \ IOJle araumcnl' that O~t1l•1 vj ion of a SQVemmt"nl which ~ks to tal control of thouaht .and Ct ion · anal > 1n 1hc Uni1cd tat~ .

.\II four articles ackno~~sed 0,.._.cll'i book t alwa)'s t?c~n con<t1dered an\i-communJSt satitt, althou the 8nt1 h author said n war. not aimed solely It t c harshly represmc Stalinist era

Smee '" 19984" wa) published. )Orne crit1 of 11te oviet Union have 1aken suppre')sion of the book as tacll

acknowledaement of parallels to So"ict life. But all Sovu:t writer$ who have dealt with the book

reject links betl.\een " Ntnetcen Eighty-Four .. and ~c Soviet .state in 1984. They insist the real parallel arc to t>t found in America b

The first known mention of " 1984" in an official Soviet publication was on Jan. 26. 1983. wbellih~L:.itcraf)' Gazette charged ONcll's nightmare was becoming realil> 1n the Un ited States

This month. the foreign affairs JOUmal New Tunn ran a s1m1lar anicle claimljlg Orwell's ncwspcak. doublcth1ni... thought poh~ and' other sinister inventioa~ have their counterparts in America.

"''"' FllW. ••• ,,

Slll EllDS , •••• , ..... 31st


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A.6 Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Satutday, January 28, 18M

Azusa Pacific choir concert slated Su·nday Soutb Coast Commu111ly Cbureb. Bonita C<in)1.>n

Road. lr v1m'. will present the •\tusa Pat•1fk lln1 .. l't\ll) Choir in t·on1.cn ~unda) at 7 pm.

Under tht• J1re1. tlon of Dr Grt•gor) Bonner. tkan of the S<:houl ol Mu')1<.\ the <..'hoir will prc\cnt a program of music des1gnc<l tu kad the aud1cnu· in an c\ccpt1onal worship t.•xpcncnn-. according 10 the Rev Tim T1mmon~. · pash>r.

1 he group pc1 lornn ca1. h H'ar 1n $pcl 1al lOnu11H ~m

Stress shatters idealistic clergy By GEORGE W. CORNELL ,.........,. .......

The b1ggN tht• e'ptx·tatton!>. the wor~ the letdown That's how C\pcrl'> set• the cflh ts on de~}' ""ho are shanered b) hu1lt-up •.trt')'> The most 1deahs11c an: hit the hardest.

Whatt·H·r tht· c.rnst•. '-'hcther it's 1ncrea~d modern challenges to church lllf' or the tcmper of the times. the bru1s1ng toll of pressures un man~ ckrg:-. has become a widely c1tl'd problem

the \tu~ Pat 111c Lampur,a~ wt.•11 as m churrties throughout the We'1l''" tln1tt•d State~

I h1.· t hoir I\ JU\t one of 12 diver~ music cnS(mblcs· .. pon'>orcd h) th1.• <>rhool. a four-)-ear Christian liberal ans univel\11) . located m mile~ 1.•ast of the Lo'i Angele~ C'IVI( < ·cntt.•1

for mon; information. call Or JosC'ph Hcmph11l . 8' \-9800

••• Orana~ Coast Unitarian Unlnr•aust Church, t 259

V11:tona St . C O\la Mcf>a. w1ll l·xplore new wa)s ofloolong .1t the Bible at m Io· 30 a Ol !>erv1ce Sunday

Entllkd "It'' IOO'do<:k - Oo Vou Know Where Yuur Prodigal C hild 1s'>.'' the ~rmon will be delivered b> \u1anne S~ncl'r !>tudcnt at Han ·ard D1v1ntty School and m1n1stenal tnll'I n at F-1r-1t l ln1tanan ('hurch of Los \ngelcs

'ipt·nt·t·r author and former laW) er. has "'orked "'1th a 'hcltt•r for battered and homeless women in Boston. and helped found the Umtanan Unl\ersahst Legal Ministry sn that Cit)

Follo.,.,,1ng the service. then: will be a West Afncan dinner for the benefit of the Unnanan Universahst Service Comn'l1ttee's Bensn. West Afnca. health proJecl. lncluded "'111 be a slide show and talk b) Fiona Knox. UUSC fanlilator for .. oluntcers of Southern California.

f1ckeh for lhc afT::11r arc S5 for adults and S2 50 for l hlldren .

For further tnformatton call Dorothy Whi te.

Sornct1mc) 1t\ called '"burnout." a kind of d1s-11lus1oned point ol <.k-.pair rt·sult1ng It um accumulatoo _E 1 tensions that olkn hi ts those with tht• highest aims. ""ho ('Jf'e most and ti) hardest. Toro youth

to become Bar Mitzvah

The Rev. Roy Oswald t)f the .\lban lnst1tutc. a COllgregatior'ifil research center 111 Washington. 0 .( .. calls the problem a .. disease of the helping professions .. to which clergy are pan1cularl) 'ulncrable

It 1s charartcr111:d b) ph\ sical and emotional exhaustion. C\ n1n)m. 1ncffecm eness and a loss of a sense of wonh. he ·sa~). resulting c .. cntuall~ from the stead\ drain on pastors of shanng other people's troubles.

''You're constantly translallng meaning into m1111st11 to others:· he told a group of Lutheran chaplaim ··s1m1larly . you are constantl> pra~ing for other<> at mecttngs and mealtimes and 1n cns1s."'

He says clerg}' should develop habits for replen1.,hing their own sp1mual resources. such as candid fnendsh1ps. ~treats and taking regular penods for relaxtng

A Ga llup survey 1nd1cates 29 percent of derg) 1n the country have "often.. or "occas1onallv" considered qwtt1n$ the m1111slry bel·ause offrustrations or d1sappo10t­mtnt!> m 11.

Aho. 68 percent of Americans sa}' there·., a high degree ol 'itrcss on ch:rg~ .

A 5tud\ committee for till' l '. ~ Roman Catholll" bishops concluded 1n 1981 that stress has bccoml' a irow1ng problem for priests bccau<>c of 'a nous tac tors. indud1ng:

(Pleaae ace STRESS/ A 7 )

C.1regp11 ~tC\en Block. son of Aaron and Rhoda Bloc"­ol El Toro. w111 be called to lhe Torah J\ a Bar M itzvah on Feb 4

Rabbi Bernard King, spiritual leader of Shir Ha­Ma'alot · Harbor Reform Temple 2100-A Mar Vista l'<t'"'pon Beach. will be offic1a11ng al the ceremony.

.\ 7th grade student at Serrano Intermediate School. Greg "'Ill speak to the congregation on the meaning of .. Bar M1tnah ..

Much of Greg's spare ume has been spent recently raising monl'y by redeeming newspaper<; and aluminum <."an!> so that he could purchase "Sharr of Life" for the Hada~c;ah Hospital 111 Israel

Jo1n1ng Greg's parents 1n celebra ting 1his M1tzvah will IX' his brothers and mters. Alan. Debbie, Lesheand David. Joining the fam1I) from New York will be his grand­parents. Rose and Jack Simon.

M6-46S1 or M2-2 I 42 • • • I

•\wort... shop on " Handling the ttai.sles of Strei.~" ..... 111 be tiffered I cb 4 at La1a.na Presbyterian Church, 41 S I orc~t Ave. •

l he program will run from 9 a.m to 4 p.m., w11h one: hour lunch break.

Dr. William J. Diehm, Ph.D .. nnd clinical ps)chol­og1M. will t·onduct the class which will be a lcam1ng expcncncl' designed to reveal an undc1 s1anding of stress. tts causes and how to handle 1l.

Dr Diehm is director of Affiliated Counseling ';erv1cts 1n Costa Mesa and 1s on the staff of the Fountain Valley Hosp11al

All 10tcres1cd persons arc 1nv1ted to attend the workshop The ~e ofS 10 includes material!> and lunch II credit 1s desired for C ontinumg Education. there will be an extra SS required The work~bop has been appro' ed for s" hours of c:redl\ b) the California State Board of Registered Nursing

For more information. rnll 494-7555. • • •

Calvary Chapel of Lagu.ua Buch. 21542 Wcsle}' Dn \ t'. outh Laguna. will host a ( ru!Wtdc Outreach. present~d by Homon lnternatwnal. ~unda} at 7.30 p.m.

The Crusade. entitled '"M1kt.· MaclNtosh and t- nend!>."' features Maclnto~h. preacher. author and director of Honzon I nterna11onal. a San Diego-based c' angelical outreach organ11a11on

Special music will be presented by recording an1st!> C 'huck Butler of Parable and soloist Terry Clark.

The event will be held at Laguna Beach High School .\udnonum. 625 Park A vc .. and all are welcome to attend free of cha rge. .

For more information. call 499·2 I Ill . • • •

N~gbborbood Congregational Church. St. i\nn'!. and Glenncyre trects. Laguna Beach. Will hear the Rev Wilham J. Eilers preach at 10 a.m. Sunda y.

The church choir will sing. under the direction of John fhompson Michael Sanders will be at the organ console.

Acquaintance time follows in Bndgc Hall w11h Ethel Williams and Nell> Allan as hostesses.

The Bible Stud) Fellowship meets at 9 a.m. 111 the church library and unday School clas)Cs meet at 10 am . \\Ith a nurse~ available for babies and toddlers.

Classy Autos ~dvertised

in the Daily Pilat

New member... Uoband Joan< ossclman. Donald and u.,1e Undgc. John lkthel. f>etc:r mith. Lisa Gallagher. C hm l1ler.., and 8111 and Uurbaru Eilers,jo1ned the church on Jan 1:? Neighborhood mc:cungs will be held for the nc:>.t kw month'> 1n member.,· home& for informal gct­ac:qui11nteJ t11lll' for lhl' nwmbcrs and the minister and his w&

r lll lllOll' 111fo1 ma1ion. \:'a ll 494-8061. •••

Temple lllalab of Newport 8~acb (Coo1ervalive) . 2401 In inc A"c will h,ild 11<> regularly )l"hc=duled Sabbath <;ef\lleS on fl'b 3

The Torah r1.•Jd1n" will come from Exodus. Chapter 25. m honor of the nc" month of Adar l.

There will bl' ~~c1al prayers for the sick 1n hospitals sened by Rabbi Sol Tc1telbaum's chaplainq

( 1ue'>t .,~akcr for the l'' emng will be Manus LcRoux. consul at the ~oulh '\tncan ( onsula1c General in Los Angell'~ I k rcpre~cnt~ thl' Rcpubht' of South Afnca in 12 western \late\

1 hl' 11tlt' ol l cRoux ·, talk 1~ ··south Afnca: Prospects and Progrc'i'i ..

1 he puhllc 1s 1nv11cd and refreshments for the Oneg Shabbat will follow for more 1nformat1on:call 548-6900.

• • • New Thought Christian Cburcb. 610 W. 18th St .. Costa

~c\a. will hold 11~ :rnnual membership meeting 1mmed1-(Pleue tee RELIGIOU8/A7)


Pulplt At Large - CONTINUED

The modernist. the moderates. the obstinate. are exclud1n1 themselves from heaven • .ind including themsl'lves w1lh the curses ol the gospel and the c1ti1en~ ol hell

God"s covendnt 1s very plain A tool need not err therein All true believer~ are guided by one rule. one spmt. one la1th. one

baptism (ph 4 3 6 The same baptism and la1th as lhe hrst church Nothing t an be added subtracted. or twisted We are sale only 1n one true la1th What will become ol those who pemrt and misinterpret God's

Wordl Gal I 8 9 The apostate clergy give the people. p1eces of THUR minds. in the name of God' P1e<.es of depravity. dementia lunacy' [ph 4 14 7 Tim 3 7 8 They have dtcapttated Christ. the Head of lht Church and subsllluled thtu uwn heads A true leader is a watchman over men·s souls

But these worldly p1ea<.hers are vampires. hookers of mens souls • for l11thy luc.re and advantage tor full houses Some compromise lhetr ministerial Out1es. under lhe plea ol love and tolerance But the people are equally guilty tor they blindly follow these blind leaders. They both lleep up with the st yle~ and trends ot this ·apostate era The cost of d1sCtplesh1p. is 10 lay down the world style of hie. and to protect the cheapening ol th~ gospel l he gospel 1r.· not cheap It cost Christ everylh1ng1 A v1rbranl personal. know so reldt1onsh1p with Christ. which permeates every dspecl ol hie will kPep you safe in these days of apostasy

10' ~ con t111ued


CHRISTlll CHURCH Rev. Dr. E ... nor C. Jeckeon


Bible Study Class 9: 15 Sunday Morning Message & Healing

Service held at JO 30 am

11ow.11 .. 11., o..ta• ... . . tfftet (114) Ml-10U 118' A ...... , (114) .........

le• Judy OoM


Membtf ~di Un4ted Chufth of Rettc>ous Science C.,•br•tlon of LI,. ~ ~15-m & 11:aa.m wndoy Scheel- Child Cote



" Oial·An-ln'spiration" - 760-0504 1011 Com«-lbodc, N•wpot1 S.ach

(.ff Jamber.e 1-d)

S.\I~T .L\)I ES

WELCOMES YOU SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 7 30 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite I 9 00 AM • Holy Eucharist Arte 11

10 45 AM - Holy Eucharist Rite II Church School and Adult Education

900& 1045AM 1Mus1c sermon. and child care at 3 services1

" PAA YEA AND PRAISE" 7 00 PM • First Sunday ol each month

MIO-WEEK WORSHIP Monday Friday - 8 30 AM Morning Prayer

Tuesday - 10 oo AM Euchanst & Heating Service Wednesday - 6 30 AM Holy Euchanst

Rector, Fr. John Aahey • A8eoc .. Fr. Bnan Cox Auflllng

The Rev Todd Sorensen • Mr Samuet Shafe< The Rev Thomas Henry • Mr Ronald Doiron

"'·\I\ I . I.\' 11. ~ I.I 'I~< I >I '.\ I.< 111" I« II 3209 Via Lido • Newport Beach • 714~75-0210

CHURCH OF CHRIST 91 w . ....... Coeta ..... ......,,., w.·,.. A GOlng - Glowtng - Orowtng Church

IUNDAY IUvtCU .... ITUOY I A.II. WOR .... 10 A.II. I I , .II.

i 10 A.M. - 11RAOS TO RICHES'' 1 Matt,_ 5 1-1?

t,.M. - "THE HEALING OF A LAME BEOOER" hut ThofMe, ...,.._ - 1*19 c.te, Yodt lllllnlaw


1:00 AM Clltblttll f;J 5 Ml &dJ#tll, Cltrdl Sdiotll ' ,.,,.,

421 Ptfl Ave. LI 8t1ch 494-3542



Sunday, January 29th, 1984

"LOVE" Co1ta MHa - Flrat Church of Chrl1t, Sclent11t

2llO M ... Yetde Dr., Coe .. M .... Church a lunday lchool - 10:00 A.M. RMdlng Room, 2llO M ... Verde Dr. I A.M.-4::30 ,.M. Mon. thru lat. WM. 7-7:80 P.M. - .. t:JO , ,M.

lrvlne - Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat Rancho a.n JMqutn lnt•rMdlat• lc:Mof 4111 MlchMleon (NMr Yea.) Church a luncU• lc:Mof - 10:00 A.M. Reedlft9 Room, 4UO Barranca Pkwy., lutte 145

lt0n9Cr"k Plaza 10 A.M. - 4 P.M. Mon. thru Sat. 10 A.M. - 7 P.M. Thureday Cll•IO Ca•• Sunday 4 w.o....aay

Huntington Beach - Flrat Church of Chrl1t, Sclentlat

Ith a Oltve, Huntington lleech Church a lunday lchoof - 10:00 A.M. Reeding Room - 221 Mein It.

Newport Beach - Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclentlat

3303 Via lido, ,..wport Beach Church & Sunday School - 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 3315 Vla Lido Mon. lhru Sal. - 9 A.M.-5 P.M. Tues. - 7-9 P.M.

C11110 C:••• Prov10ltd f119s<1ay1 9 30·1130 "M IC>< Sluci. ! 1me

Newport Beach - Second Church of Chrl1t, Sclentlat

3100 Pac:lftc va.w Dr., Corona ct.i Mer Church I lundaf lchool - 10:00 A.M. A .. dlng Room - 3IOO ..... E. Cont Hwy., CdM


All ate cord111Jy 1nvlled to 111end tl'le cl'lurcl'I services and en1oy tne pr1v11eges ol the ReadtnO Rooms CMd Care Provided AT ALL SERVICES

Chlld Care Pro•tded AT All. l!RYICH

(? IERMOM TOPIC: Jan. 29111


Memw o l the Unlt9d Church ot Rel10lou1 S<:lenoe 2205 MAIN STREET . SUITE 23

HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA G2648 Adult• & Jr. Church For Information

10 ' 10;30 969-1331 ---

fDPORT HARBOR l.UTIDAN CtulCH I J"M Doftf Dr . ... ~WJIOffT MACH .....,,, ........... ..,

WORSHIP SERVIC~.~.~· .. 700 AM WRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A:M·

ORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M: ~ _,CAMA•M.MU



Corone del Mer &44-7400

Donald W. Kuta. Mlntatet 10 A.M. - luncUy Wonltlp

Choitcn School MCI ~ Cele


(Dteclptee of Chtlat) 2401 lmM et a.n .. IMI*

l46-m1 Momilc

Y Worship 10 AM

Sooday School 9 AM

0909 Swanaon, Mlnlal.,

Church of St. Matthew by the Sea 1Trao111ona1 Ep1scopa1)


1 800~ or Common Prayer 19281

MERTZ HALL ol Communtly Congrega11onal Churcn

611 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar Tilt Rn bmu ltoH!elcl - !132-2201- The An Samuel Scheibltr

ST. MAAK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH latbhlff Dr • • Jambor ...... wport a.ch

Rev. Wllllam McOuokt Rew. TonJ Wolfe P•tor AModate P•lor Rodg•r Whitt•n. Music Direct°'

Adult Education a Child Cete l:OO a.m. WOfahlp a Church Bchool 10:00 a.m.

NurNry Cere at Both Houra - For Into: Cell 844-1341




19th St. & Harbof' BIVd. Chutcft 1cMoC .. _.

WOnhlp 10M Cha'* 0 . Cfaft(, Mlnlater



Worehlp a Church School 1:30 - 10:00 a.m.

-ur. wrrnam E. Steel Newport Beach


t40<Yw Balboa Blvd 173-3'08

Or Aobefl B. Shepard. Jt Worahlp a Church lchool

t:IO A.M. WMlrdaJ Pr .. Bchoof

and Day c.,. 7:30 A.M ... :00 , .M.


CHURCH 2721 17th St. 536-3537

Wonltlp l«Ylce 1~15 a.m. ..._,c:.. ......... Church lcttooc- t:OO a."'.


6862 ~I Ave. 842-44e 1 Worehlp ~loe

t:tO I 10:00 -­l:tCI lundey ldtOol 10:CIO

Fountain VaJtey FIRST UNIT!D

METHODIST CHURCH 18225 Bu.hard St. ··-Jamee A. Hedley, Putor

WorrtNp a Churah lchoof t:IO A.M.

NEWPORT CENTIA UNlnD MITHOOl8T ,., ... ,..,,.... ...... c.... ... ..., Mt..o741

WOflhlp a Chu~ School .... A.M.

T1111o-.a ............

R•v. Ken McMHlan

You Win .. Welcomed - Aftd Helped


....... Ml8MI. ............. " ~ aUMDAYi

Mll<a '•na. Oa Mu:o111 Min..tttt & M .. ge toen, Oirktor of Cnrtttlan [dui:&tlon

This Sunday Worship In -

ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 600 St. Andrews Road • N.wpor1 Beech• 831-2880

Dr . ................ ,,~~

WORSHIP SERVICES 7:30, 8:45 & 10: 15 A.M

"facing Up To RtalitJ Or What Is A Man Of Cod Doing In A Place like Tiiis?"

Or. John A. Huffman, Preaching Programs 7 30 am - Child Care

8 45 am. Infants thru Adult Classes 10 15 am lnlanls lhru 6th Grade & Adult Classes

A8C tt.lplne-Ml-2212 .....q..~..q..~.q.~ .. ~~~.-.-...i

§ Laguna Presbyterian Church )\,_ The "'Church of the Chimes··

lt!> l' orc· 'lt Avcm1t" Phone 494 7555

A lnt'ndly • hurc 11 lnr lht' Sout h ( •1Unlv ...,11111ul.111111t "«"ffiMm .. llc'autilut musn

Sunday Worship JO: J5am Ch ild car~ prouid~d

Church School Cla.ssa 9 :00am

Wtt4I l!Jy prOQfams lol- dultlren youlll ¥111 adults Dr ~ J Tnintty S... ,_

A#, Cl1tQW1tl.,.,un11Dr IO•u•OCMwtll Al.I I l'lllsl OlAL A PHAYEH - 494 PRAY

PRESBYTERIAN CtUCH OF THE COVENANT 211!10 '•lrYlew Rd., Coe ....... - 117-IMO

8f'uoe A. Kurrt.. 'utor

Terry McCanne. Director ol Youth Ministries Cyndi McCanne, Director ol Children's Ministries

lundey Wonltlp - l:JO 6 10:00 A.II. Church 8chool - Chlldren thru Adutt. 10:00 A.II.

NurNrJ cere awellabte - l:ao a 10:00 A.II. v...-. - 1:00 , ....

ALL SAINTS A RICAN EPISCOPAL CtUCH Acc ..... to,.._ I UI 1.- flf c- "wyw

1 ~2 Bushard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 llV. STVHI .. W. ,...,_, HC:Te>e

HOl Y COMMUNION . . . .. . . .. . .... ... .. . . . ....... 1·00 A.M : MOININO P'IA YH-CHUICH SCHOOl .... .. ... ...... 9 · 15 A.M. MOININO P'IAYH & SfllMON ...... ... ............. 11 ·00 A.M.

._.,Cr It ,,.... &-"*"11 .... ., l LUiL

* .... '~ t:llA.M.



'ddeJI~ lrtl P.11.


0 a a · o et

........ .., lemoe '9ret ,,.., of ..__ ,...... 7:IOP&

Rabbi Bematd P: King Muttc: Alie Shlkttr Educ:etor: Nll(le)' Lftln

IJ==-r1;,.•~m: on w....._

Jambot .. & EMtbtuff Dr. ·~ a.en. Celtf. ,., ..................... ,.

(Cooetrvatlw) Pr...&:hool - H9br9'# & Sunday School

Ber/ Mlttveh Tralnfng Youth Group - S&st•hood

a.vice.. Frt 8:15 pm Sat 0:15 am Sun. 9'30 am 817 WMt Hemllton) Coet• Mee. 1314212

B~m ~i m~ -=~w.19 nr MITI "'··•~tt.ll &A

fl ... , .. (lllnl)

Famtty Sentoee • 1tt FrldlY of Montn - 7:30 Aellgloue Schoof, AdUlt Ed , \'outh Gtoupe, 81ndll

1011 C.m1....-, Newpot1 811ctt tew .......,c:w} ..... , . . C A*?, Welftef • Nil II rlMt V

' ··---

_"'-___ _ '

C~ur~h leaders attack food assistance re.port By THE ASSOClATED PRESS

NEW YORK - Sevtral Protestant leaders have rn11c1ied the rcpon of President Reagan's Task Force on Food A!'.slSlante. So)1ng 11 erroneously implies that church soup k11thcns can help solve the hunger problem ~rmanl'ntly

''Thl' 'oup k1tches arc an emergency measure. not the ~lut1on." !laid Claire Randall. general secretaf)' of the Nauonal Council of Churches. Noting that increasing numbers of people arc com mg to churc h feed mg programs. 'he added.

"Chur<:hcs won't be able to continue to meet that increasin& problem mdcfin11cl) The church can handle ~ome emerg~nc1cs. but 1l 1s not a permanent answer to the problem"

She and other council ofliciuls commended some a~pccts of thl' La'>k fon:l''s recommendations. such as ra1s1ng asset limit} for food stamp'ellg1b1llty.

The Re\ Oa\ 1d Crean. head of the council's crnmen1cal review board that screens financial requests for dcnommauonal hunger funds from community groups. !>aid "The churches are being stretched to the limn 10 pro1.idc food a'>S1s1ancc."

He sa} \ that "for the government to tum over the feeding of the hungr) to the religious community constitutes. 1n cfTect. double taxation" of church members who pay for the programs. . . ...

GENEVA - The number of Lutherans in the world incrcac;ed slightly last )Car - by about 50,000- to a total of68.9 million . reports the Lutheran World Federation.

In the Un11cd States. there also was a slight increase to 8.8 million

• • • WILMETTE. Ill - U .S. Baha'i leaders say that more

than 250 Iranian Baha'1s, including many of the faith's elected leaders. have been imprisoned in the last 10 weeks. bnngm~ the total number 1nJa1l 1n Iran to more than 550.

C'lllng the increasing persecution. Firuz Kazemzadeh. leader of American Baha'1s, says. "There can no longer be

Food cam pai~n, in fifth montfi, deemed success

The success of the Shir Ha-Ma 'alot - Harbor Reform Temple "Food Campaign" continues to soar, now in its fifth month .

The campaign has been so successful that the Board of Trustees of the Temple has announced that they will now collect the non-penshable food items at every Shabbat Service. as welt as every temple function . Previously food Items werc only acctpted at family night services. the fint Friday of every month.

The UCI Free Chn1c has been the sole benefactor in the past It 1s the hope of Irv Burg, the chairman of the dnve. 10 include as many agencies as possible. as vehicles for count)-wide d1stribul1on

Students of the Sh1r-Ha-Ma'lo1 - Harbor Reform Temple School arc encouraged to bnng 1he1r donal1ons to lhe temple dunng school hours by Nancy Levin, director of educauon.

The community Is encouraged to participate and may bnng their donations to Shabbat Services or 10 the temple office. Monday through Fnday 9 a .m. to 5 p.m .

The temple is located near the intersection of EastblufTand Jamboree in the c1 1y of Newport Beach . For fut her 1nforma1ion, call the temple office at 644-7203.

RELIGIOUS NOTES ... FromA6 ately following the 10:30 a .m . service Sunday.

Special brunch refreshments will be served. The morning message entitled "One Day in Seven ."

based on the Fourth Commandment. will be presented by the Rev. Dr. Don Sharer. associate minister.

The RC\ Dr. Eleanor C'. Jackson wall conduct the heallns service.

Richard K1nsc) will be featured soloist. accompanied bv Betl) Wooldridge. organist.

. For fun her information. call 646-1 on. •••

La{uoa Beach United Methodist Church. 21632 Wesley Dnve. South Laguna. plans to begin a Fellowship Group for persons 1n the 18 10 25 year age bracket

The goal of the group 1s to provide an alternative for smslcs and to provide relauonship-strengtheningas well as support and fellowship.

There will be a mix of sinsles and young marrieds and the group will meet monthly for social activities such as gourmet meals. camping, n ver-raf11ng, and sailing.

There will be a prchm1nary mecllng held to discuss format and to e\tabllsh date~ and umcs most convenient 10 member~

Member\ and non-members of the church are welcome I() par11c1pate.

For more 1nformat1on, please contact the c hurch. office at 499-1088.-

an) doubt that this is genocide." More than 140 Iranian Baha's have been reported

1 t"xecutcd or assassinated under the Khomeini re11mc. It has officially declared that organiled Baha'i religious activity 1s a crime. and Iran's Baha'i leaders have responded 10 the ban by disbanding all Baha'i assemblies.

• • • PRINGFIELD, Mo. - Roman Catholic Bishop

Bernard F. Law, the new archbishop-designate of Boston, sa>s the "value of human hfe" 1s the consistent basis of various church stands - aga1ns1 aboruon. capital punishme nt. and the nuclear arms racl' .

He says "hfc is the real issue" 1n all 1host cases. Wnting in the ""eekly newspaper of the Spnngfield-Cape Girardeau Mo., diocese ~hich he has ll~aded since 1973. he sa>s the church should not be ~en as simply "against" certain lhtn~s . but as upholding hfe

" We witness for hie and we need to approach the weighty moral issues of our 11mc m the positive sense of what the Gospel ofTers the world." he ~)S.

Noting a recent talk by Chicago's Cardinal Joseph Bernardin linking the vanous church stands as a .. consis1en1 et hic of ltfo." he ..a)s .. our Catholic witness is pos111ve action" to rl·platc ··ncgall ve factors which destroy society."

• • • NEW YORK - W11h U.S. and the Vatican restoring

diplomatic relauons af1er a I 16-year break, a Jewish leader says Jews "have a nghl now to expect another breakthrough" - Vatican diplomatic rccogni11on of Israel.

Rabbi Mark Tancnhaum. intema11onal afTairs direc­tor of the American Jewish Comm11te~says Jews sec benefits in the new U .S.-Vat1can links. since Pope John Paul II has become a " maJor moral force" against the spread of communism.

However. the Southern Bap11Sts' president. the Rev. James T . Ora~r Jr. says the> arc •.irtually united in opposing President Reagan's restoring of ties with the Vatican. Draper says the action " has endangered the support of m11l1ons of e"vangellcal C'hnst1ans" for him.


A heavier workload, multiple role expectations that priests find hard to fill , polarized views and changes in the church, and difficulties priests have 1n finding time to nurture thei r own emotional and sp)ritual health.

To a confere nct of Catholic deacons some tim e ago, psychologist David Balk of Tucson, Ariz., gave this defi n ition of burnout:

"A state of physical, emotional and mental exhaus­tion, marked by physical depletion and chronic fatigue, feelings of helplessncs, unhappiness and by development of a negative self-concept and a1t11udes toward work, life and other people."

He says the condition hi ls those who have been "very dedicated" to their work over a long period and when their high commitment fails 10 produce the expected results, leaving them "frustrated. overwhelmed. trapped" and blaming themselves.

The likely victims. he says. are the 1deahsllc who set ngJd standards for themselves, trying 10 please everyone, and also the high achievers who care greatly and are determined to help others and make the world a better place.

The Rev Jame<; Landes, a professor of religion at Baylor University, sa}'s the stress IC'Vel is higher among outhern Baptists than an most denominations.

"Our completely autonomous church government structure means :ill the we1gh1 falls on the preacher to keep the churches runnani>."

He says studies 1nd1cate ··nearly all our ministers have sufTcred some kind of stress or personal c risis by age 40."

Citing the idealism young ministers bring 10 their first pastorates, he says they need to be prepared for a "lifeti m e of stress. They need to know how to function when the water hits the wheel. "

Minnesota Bishop Herbert W. Chilstrdm of the Lutheran Church in America told a theological conference he has noted a series of crises 1ha1 occur frequently for clergymen. includ1n~:

Eenly uncenainl) about their call 10 the ministry, marital and fami ly stress. problems caused by more c lerg) wives working. 'itnfc among staff personnel, 1nab1llt}' to deal with the strife and poor adminis1ra11on.

Charles V. Gerkin of the Candler School ofTheology 1n Atlanta, says "burnout" is an increasing occupational hazard for ministers, many of whom don't find results achieved mcasunng up 10 expectations.

"Initial enthusiasm. even when accompanied by deep personal commitment to serve God and his people ... can carry one only so far," he say~dding that clergy must come 10 terms with the intractable stubborn nature of human problems and resistance to change.

Frustration 1s almost inev11able, he says. when such factors are "rubbed against the week-to-week vulnerability involved in making one's living by seeking lo help persons m need and to preac h the Gospel."

Fountain Valley teen

~~~~!~~~~~.!~[!b~itzvah l~i~ call<d to the Torah at Congregation B'nao Tzcdck as she I~ !RI. becomes a Bat M1uvah.

At 10:30 a .m . Rebecca will join her father. who is the sp1r1tual leader of the fountain Valley synagogue on the B1ma 10 conduct the Sharchant str .. 1cc for Shabba1 Terumah. Afler chanting a poi 11on of the Parash~ and the Haflarah she will 1ive a short O'var Torah sharing some 1rad1tona'1 commentaries on the significance of the Sanctunrv and the Ar~.

Becky is an honor student an the GA TE program at Masuda Middle School. where she is a student volunteer. She serve on the school newspaper stafT. and sings in both her ~hool chorus and the Fountain Valley District Chorus. A music lover, Becky also sings an the temple's newly-formed Reltaiou' hoot C'ho1r and plays the piano.

Rccky's main hobby 15 rcad1na. and on ~vcral occn aon durana the la t year he hu been cited as Reader of 1he Month at her ~hoot. She i pa t ptUident of her temple youth aroup, and for the last two years has bttn a volunteer worker for UJWr ~upcr Sunday.

Al her Bat Mi11vah, Becky will don a spcc11l Talat. de iancd and ClCCutcd for 1he Ol'Ca$10n by her mother and her a~ 1 ounl, Z~lda La sofT . Tha\ Taht combines tmd11ional tlcm~nl\ (4 comer fnnm ~d stnpcs) with clement' which SOth 1Fm1ni1e ana perM>nalilc 1fi garment. Of the many un1Quc fcatu~ ofth1s Taitt , one of the mo t intcrt~tana 1\ 1hc u~ of (icmatna. Hebrew numcrolo y. on the four cornc~ On two of the comcrurc Rtb«ta·~ fif\t 11nd middle Hcbn·w name (Rivkah and Ya I) ndonthcolhcrtwo~orncrsan:tbcwords ''Ticd~ •• (JU'lt1cc) and ... Torah" ln Ot>matrin the numcnc1l cqu1vnlcnt of Rivkah (307). Ynrl (I 10) and T lt'<kk ( 194) add up to the numcm"ll c4u1valcnt of Torah (611)

I '


2905 E. Coast Hwy . Corona del M ar

Rebecca &lnateln

Pianists vy:in8 in competitionn

Youn& pianists from Huntinaton Beach are compe1in1 in the l11lh annual Joanna Hoda.cs Piano Con· ference and Compctili.Dn, nolV soma on in the College of the DCsen in Palm Desert throuaJi Tuesday.

HB brothers .. earn Eagle Scout ranks ..

Among the conte tam are Thomas Ledesma. 14; Ann Spencer. 12. her

·sister Elizabeth. 11 . their brothers Jim and Andrew. and Delia Park. 11 .

All have trained under concert pianist Adnenne lagj1an and have extensive performance experience.

Brothers Thomas Eu,ene Lud and Jon Richmond Ludwick ha~ received the rank of Eagle Seoul awa special ceremony held recently It ~­First Christian Church ofHununau~a • Beach.

Mir""" ..... ......

She's friendly Billy Jean la two yean old, apayed and ha• all ber abota. She'd Uke a change of acenery from the Irvine Animal Shelter In Laguna Beach.

The compe1111on. one of the lal'f,CSt in the world, offer national acclaim as well as valuable recital expenence with the Los Angel~ Chamber .Or­chestra, the _i\cademy of Lon<ion Orchestra. appearances at th~ Am­bassador Auditorium, Steinway Hall recital and other local appearances and scholarships totaling SS.000.

The bo)'s. the sons of Mr. and M Lann~ E. Ludwick. also we~ hono by being awarded the GOd and Country Award by Dr. :rboroai -, Overton. pastor of Fil'$t C hrisu.A Church.

world scope po polnl1 for uch quHhon 11n1wered correclly)

1 Airer months of s.tudy, the KisstnRer Commis­sion presenied 11s repon on Cen1ral America to Pres1den1 Rellglln The repor1 (CHOOSE ONE supported, opposed) 1ymg m1lttary ilid 10 progres\ m humlln rights tn El Salvador

l The eight Oemoc riltJC presiden11al contender\ recently lrllveled 10 the Slille of l . to squllre off tn a 1elevised deb<11e Thai s1a1e 1s the site of the first presidential primary

l An American helicopter p1lo1 , participating in a 1oin1 lrilining exercise w11h Honduras . was sho1 down and killed. Soldiers from .?.. were blamed for 1he a11ack

a-El Salvador b-Com Rica c·Nicaragua

4 The U.S. resumed full diplomatic ties with the Vatican after a break of 117 years. TR UE OR FALSE: Vatlc;in' Ciay 1s 1he world 's smallest • country. •

S Wedding bells rang for 2.5 million Amerians during 1982 (CHOOSE ONE : More. Fewer) Americans are geumg married now than at any time in the nation's history, ;iccording to ii recent repon.

newsname (10 polnl1 If you an Identity thia Pt,..on in lhe newt)

matchwords (4 pol nla tor t1ch correcl milch)

1-disable a-deny

2-disband b-uncover

J-d1scard c-c ripple

4-d1scla1m d-1hrow aside

S-d1sclose e-break up

• news picture_ (10 poin ts II you 1n1wer Ihle que1tlon correclly)

President Rellgiln s1ruck ll lone of modera1ron toward 1he Soviet Umon ma recent speech. He ap~;iled for "a working rela1100-ship" with the Sov1e1 Union, pledging thllt 1984 would bell ye.u -of "opportuni11es for peilce." The President hoped his speech would set a positive lone 'or tillks Secretilry of State l was holding w11h the Sov1e1 foreign M1n1ster 1n S1ockholm

people\'IGtch/sportlight (2 potnla lor tech queahon 1n1wered correctly)

1 A. 1ury recently ru led (CHOOSE ONE : ag<11n~t. m favor of) llnchorwoman Christine Cnfl in he\' bwsuu ~gait'l5t Metro­media Ms. Cr ah claimed Metromedia 'liad defrltuded her 1n • contract nego11at1ons

2 Ray Kroc . founder of the McOon.ild s hamburgef chain died , recen tly at the age of 81 l<tO( was also the owner of rtie :. (CHOOSE ONE Oakland A. ~ San Diego Pi1drt>\ ) baseb.i ll • •

.~ 1eam •:

• J Michael J.idaon g.11ht>red a rec o rd 1 Gramm~ nomindllom on the streng1h of his album 'ThrrllPr · , one of lhe vear \ 1op wllPrs.

a- 10 b·12 c-15

4 He1sm<1nn Trophy winner M1kt' Rozier has signed w11h 1ht> J (CHOOSE ONE · hmpa Bay. P1mburgh) Maulers of the USH Ro11er 1s the second He1smann winner in 1wo vears 10 sign w11h 1he new league

S Hanil Mandhkova recen1ly handed Mar11na Navri1t1lo11a her firs I loss m s-4 comeru11ve 1ennis m.uches Ms Navr a11lova was "' o nly awo ma1ches away from 1he record of S6 hf'ld bv • (C HOOSE ONE 81ll1e Jean 1<1ng, Chm Even-Llovdl

roundtable F11m1ly d•scu.alon (no score)

Do you think debates belwttn pres1den11al contenders ht>ip people to become belier informed \'Olers? ln whill v.avsl

YOUR SCORE 91 to 100 polnl1 - TOP SCORE• 81 10 90 po1nl1 - Elcell.nl 71 lo 10 pOlnla - Good 61 to 70 points - F•ir Knowledge lndu11rlt1, Inc. 123-84

q-~ · ~-t- 'P-f ';\•i: '.)- 1 :smlOMH3J.VW (Lhl ' UJJ\01).11"11 .1'i!JOJ!) :3wvNSM3N

'JJOW ·<; ' JOJl

·i- '.1 f 'JJ!4SdW\?H MJN i: ' f);\IJOddn~ ·1 :3d03SG1l:IOM

edwerds WESTBROOK CINEMA ~=:~: .. " ~: •.: • l'•iw• ll .. .,r t l 530-4401

"STAYK ALM" (PG) fn 100. 10:35

Sat tSun 3 15, 7 00. 10 35

edwarda MllA CINEMA Newport I 191h

646 5025 t1 MeH •

p.\011-u:>.q S!J4.) '<; ·4&.JnqSltld t ·q f ·s~P\?d o'i!JIO '""\ ues ·c: 'JO JO/\CJ UJ I :.LHOl1J.l:IOdS/ H3.LVM31d03d j z 1 I n 4 S J ~ o J J !) : 3 \I 11 J. J I d S M. 3 N

Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 1884


'Life and Limb' blaCk humor at SCR O'er the past

~car and a half. South C'o:sst Rept>r-tory's Second Stage T has introduced the 01 latest works of a number of play- J wrighb on a wide ITU$ range of themes, and •••••••••••••• in most cases they were intriguing - easily approachable by an audience eager to involve 1tselfwith the characters.

Latel> . however, the Second Stage has taken a tum for the b11arre, opung for plays which place the manipulative wnters' style m the forefront and creating characters whose bcha' 1or appears intended more to elicit discom­fon than empath} First there was Harry Kondolepn's "Christmas on Mars." and now Keith Reddm's "Life and Limb."

the ultimitte degradat,on as the onl> path to prosJ')\;nl) and populates his pl•y with characters who are both "'urthless tu thcm~h~~ und d1ssNv1t:cs to humanll} .

Tht' bland, humorres!. veteran and his mousy, mov1e­devounng wife are stran•c characters around which lO build a pla). but everything about " Life and Limb'' 1!. strange - mcludin$ 11s frequent dl'tou r!I mto surrealism and stomach-churning scquencc!I of abJect cruelty.

Yet, "Life and Limb" - a'> directed in it!I world premiere by Jules Aaron - 1s peppered with ironic humor. most of 11 supplied by KnMen Lowman whose marvelous mterprctauon of the vapid wife (a younger version of Edith Bunker) as brilliant m 11s s1mphci1y. As the veteran amputee. Arl1ss Howard has a tougher row to hoe. working on a singularly one-d1mens1onal character but somehow pulling 11 off

Geoffrey Donne neat I> personifies soc1et) 's potential for evil as Hov.ard's amoral employer. while Patti John~ enacts Lowman 's mo.,, 1cgoing budd} wllh keen satirical realism. John-David Keller as Donne's doddering grandfather and Art Kousu k as the slick supen 1sor m the netherv.orld mJect splcnd1~ character pcrformance"i rnto the mixture.


COSTA MESA llMNE OiWiGE SAHTA~A Eowllreb Cnwm.t Eowowds~~ Or~DrtYf In EdW¥d5 Bnstot Centtf 1179 4 1 • l 551 0655 634 9361 540744-4

C't?RESS l.AGU NA 8£.ACli OAAHG£ wtsTMINSTEll u(l(Oln Dnw In Eoward ' Soutti Coast C1Mdome Eawar05 Ctnefm 821 4070 494 1514 ~30546 west 891 3935

Reddin 1s a d1sc1ple of John Guare. whose " House of Blue Leaves" and ··Bosoms and Neglect" have been displayed at SC'R m the past, and his work cenaml) reflects Guare's <farkly comic St} le. His characters mistreat one another seemingly for the pure hell of1t, and their li ves are so meaningless that the afterlife. wherever 11 occurs, comes as somewhat of a rehef.

"L 1fe and l 1mb" v.111 likel} appeal more to students of play construcuon than to general aud1Cf\ces. though _WHE,.1Nsour~-.CALIPOIMAV'lil' r-"'..!" •·1 ~TQla9-Lov.man·s performance 1s in 1tselfwonh the H'nture. The show conunucs n1ghtl> C\t·ep1 Monda>s at 8:30 (Sunda~s at 8) and weekend afternoons at I through Feb. 12 on the Second Stage of South Coast Rcix·rtol), 655 Town Center Drive Costa Me\a. Call 95 7-40 3,:\ for ticket information.

Kristen Lowman (left) and Patti Johna drool over a picture of Montgomery Clift ln .. Llf e and Limb•• on the Second Stage of South Coat Repertory.

AO'/Al\Jll I l l'ffS 11Jnw.


T/CK(iif, o4.5'71r;:t. ' • ( ' c l .. ' l • s ..... ,~~,c.it.~tll'OA' ..... ,

O•• lllG • JIJ1 ... 1JU


1st 2 "1at1nee Showings 0 nly $2. 75 U nle~ Noted

S •3t.t@fI•Ii1il6lt>~ 2551 /~~y ) FOR FUnt EXCITememt V1s1tOur ... ARCADE of GAMES• 'rJ.'MW

YENTL ShOllVI at 11 : 30 2 :00 4 :40

7 : 20 .. 10 : 00

T1EB m LJ)\'EI\' (',['V R :aJ*MT &I GIT Bl Y .LI I Sho11V1a112 :004 · 00&. 1 : 00 12 : 1021104-: 106: 10

S2.75 tstSh011VOn1y 1 : 10&. 10 : 10

12:304: 107:50 / Hot Dog 12 : 00 2 : 30 5 : 00 7 : 40 10: 00 (R) 2:206i00&.9:40

ijjmJ1113si2) 6~ 2553 /~~) SCARFACE l!l I TH~n~!9~@

12: 15 3 : 30 7 .oo .. 10: 1 s )IOU need )'OUf friends S2. 7S lltSho11VOnly 1 ·003105: 207 : 309: 40

'' 1;1 » tlj1•I.!'·'§61639 8770/~~) SUPEi!CINHI Sound OlrN I To Your (or llO<lioOr llr lnQ !Iott.... y Portable

(Adul ts Only)

Phu Dawn Of The Dud (Adults Only)


SCARFACE !!l N 19htm1rn tR)

rt!riJ ~1" k.~ The Man Wh9 1,.oved

Women (R)

.,_bud6'\~ ~GEL R

m Mr M om I PGl Plu s Vice Squad ( R )

Orive·lns Open 6 30 Weekends / 6 :45 Weeknights Children Under 12 free Unless Noted

" Life and Limb" is set m the 1950s. covering nearl> the entire decade and focustng on a one-armed Korean War veteran's attempt at economic rehab1hta11on. Redd in makes much ofth1s character's m1serv. a1 one point posing

IR£A Minn Bru Pl.i.•1


COSTAMUA EOwitdi r own Ceoter 751 • 1114

•BREA A ~•l'·I'

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OAllOUQll(M EOwitO\ Wtslb<ool. SJO.U01

IRVIN( fO,.,a•O~ WrxJ!lnr.c)Qt

U TOIO lo ward~

~· S81 ~880

C·fitm• • WESTMINSTER 551 065~ EOwarO\ C.flf'm.o W•· t

891 393!>

MISSION'VilJo I ORANGE [ " "' ' "" M1HO(>fl C"·<>e<lomt-\'.t'lO M Ail 495 622( 634 255 ~

• ·l£Iljjl$j ~S&.t.o.r .. OfWIGE Paofoe s lh"9f O< v• 1

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WUTMIMSIDI Pac16c s Hi Way 39 llrM In 891 3693

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fOllll TMin U •OJIO£Ml"""'



~ l.tll.n •nd Pinalln ~ l~t'r.I b\ 1'2nansion"

•OW PUYIMG IM (J]l IDJl\'STU8> I AT SWCTtD TMUTMS llllA V COSIA lllSA V lA'UU MILLS V WlS l llllSHI ti.1..-t1 ' "" ,,,.,,, U w,•d\ S."''' C..u lf*f'O' S..t"h l•t••• (,_, ,,, C,.....-1 Wn1

HI ~l39 "' I I ~ • '-lo• '~ 6b 1 191 JU~ v .......-m .. ._ II l..,._I

ACADEMY MEMBERS: Your A cademy C.drd ,,,. 11 <11.l"'"' yo ... and a quest to any perfo•mance Monday tnrougri Ttiu•~da~




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COlll l<l!A ISi ti ..



WhO ()b . what IS dOlng ... Shirley L'> beautifully played b) 8onrue Bedeba.

Vincent Canby, NEW YORK TIMES

- Of M YW'S Ill •ST " ... a spectacularly satisfyvig movie ... ferociously px1 enterta.aunent. .. a personal tnumph for lt.s star, Boruue Bedeba .. terse and playful, exhilantting and dangerous." Sheila Benaon, LOS ANGELES TIMES

1 ORANGE C1nedomf' 893 0546 WESTMINSTER Edwards anema West 891 ·3935

-~ave money and shopping~~r;Jd the DailJ Pilaf J

, I I !




llUAN II lllitA

NOWPLAVING COIU llW t.AllMM OMlll( WUTMmSTU f ........... ~Ct-·'• 1111(. ,...,_ Soulrt ~D"""' E°"'--~WHI ·~· .. .. • • Q5XI dl710 • •U ll fOllO f0.1'11~ 'ill•~

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®~©~@W£~ ®&ww~ ~@i~~

Woody Allen Mia farrow

Nick Apollo Forte

. ~ck Rollins .. Charles [Joffe ~

Su~n E. Morse M~ Bourlie Gonion W1ihs ~ Charles It Jotre Rooort Greenhut Woody ~iefl

PG M•HM uwa .-uu <0 ............ .,, . ...._ .......... , .... ~

j •

PGl.~z. I.: '.J •

A PARAKXJ~! ~~~~ : ..... ·-· ·· .. _ ........ ~ NOW PLAYING ........ - - -

MISSIOll VIUO • MEWPOllT lu.ctl fow~ l/ie,o ' "'"' EOWilldS Ntwpol1 830-6990 Cine~ 644-0760

HUlfTlllOTOfl IEAQt OfWIG( Ectioitdi Hu<lllllQIOll ~ 848 0388 Clnedomt 634 2563

OIWIGE' SUOtum Onve In 639-8770

"°-OCCUt•• •oot , .. _ ,

• .\ ( 1\l>I \1'1 ' ti 'IHI H.., \ .. 11r • .1rc! _.,IJ ,11ln11r '"" .rnrt " ' I""'' I• • .1111. 1wrf11rm.111e •· 'l••nd.1\ I l11ar,d<1\


Ht .,... youna. rrrt. and t lltlblt . ltHJ tllaJblt .

..,,en hl;sln Mtnd left him, ht trite! hit bnc

lo mtn all lllncb of "'Omtn : lawyt-.. •eadurn. tttetttarln ... any wo-n

llu1 he IWH W11an'1 lll<'<"ttdln ..

Ht - otlll lof!d)'. 'kl lo ntly ht Wf'OCt a book

•bou1 II. and then thin .. 1H'9An to cban1e .

Ht bC'omt aucctuful and famou•. Larry _,

an cwtrnlthl aenutlon. llut hr ...., 11111 a lontly ll"Y·

And fu11 ,..htn ht thouaht he'CI noer nnd Che 1lrl of hit dro111a ... llbt found him.

A,.11 INl'll H .,,. ••• t..011•lt• rroft, .torf,111


~iYGUY· ..

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IXIC'IUIQA ,,...... f-Glilllt 1~1 4 1 .. ~ 1~ 6)4 ?iU '&fC'...,fct ,..,. '"" r"4Aot .. "1'

Orange Coast DAILY PILOTIS1turo1y. Janu11y 28, 1884


--• ''AT THE MOYIE " ---'J'RE BIGa---i-· s-911-·v-~ .. ~ .. =:t .... , -------·------· ~® CXJ(ocu•......, I rn * .... ~., .......... .

EE! '70 ... .__,.m--J ....... .. .. ,. ..... -···"

One day 11 year old Timmy decided his mother needed

a playmate.

l'\H\nfOlll· \11 RHU\ ,_ , \I \J\\'11\\1\IA:-. .,. .. .-" .. .1,1~\\JU<I"\ 10 RK'll \Kl> llRFT Fl~ ~. " S.\lt\\lll~ '' ~ ' .\I LE\ rm m mi :-.\ !'>it.\1 . n " !\i\PU1'1"

r\l1un"'' 11 u ' \I!- . , • \l\K\ v ;w~;inn.m ~ .. ,, ' ' "" <'llA \1\1 '~ , c.1 ~".nm~' f


- 10:46-0 SATVAOAV ~'ADI

-11lOG-IJ08 8TA» eMOYIE

a tt•.; ' ledWMd" (1MI) PM Cook. Dldey Moot• Cl>MOVE * *'°' ' 'Tilt Unl0<0'vtn" ltHO) Alidfey HlpOUm, BtH't ~-

. HOTKAT ( :eOflaAMIQ "Oulrtlf" ( 191 t) Alln 8at ... tubtllt Adilnl

- 11:30-9 IAANAIY JOHO Q '8 IATUN>AV NIGHT LM 9WOV!f "Btuoe U In NIW Gurnee" ( 1980} BNceU.


t "DIMft Trad ' ( 1935) John Wayne, Mtty KorMl*I t1J KOi A00<8 10 '1JMOYIE * * ~F«biddln Worid' (1982) .i.. V1111. Junt Chadwick @MOYIE ttt "The '1tOCM Tube" (1974) Ken ~o. Aic:Nfd 8elnr

-11:46-D MOYIE ••• "NorUi To Aiub" 11M01 John Weyne, SllWlrt Granger tff i MOYIE u •,; "Biiiy JICll" (19711 Tom Ltughlln, Oelor• ltyto.-(0J MOVIE "Cate Flesh" (No Date)

-12:00-GMOYIE * ** • "Zlegfeld Fofflel" (1946) Fred Altllrt, Judy Glt11nd. &l DAYIO 8U88KK> m Al..FAED HfTCHCOa< PfE8ENT8

-12:20-(t') MOYIE •• " 19-41" (1979) John Belushi, T OlhlfO M1fune

- 12:30-IJMOVIE t * " The C<ldtle OI Oetlh" ( 1974) Dlrren McG1m. Simon OMiand CI> INDEPEHOEHT NETWOAK HEWS lit AOO< PAJ.N:if

-1:00-CI AOCK PALACE Cf) FAOM ™£ mTOR'S DafC G)MOVIE * * * Wiiie On Tl)e Wiid Skit" (1962) Laurence HlfVeY. CipUClnt. Cl) IHOEP£HDeHT NETWOAK NEWS Cl) MOVIE • ·~ "Fronlltf Horizon" (1938) John Wayne, Jennifer Jone. Q!MOVIE •• ~ ''Ron\enoll On The High Seas" ( 19'8) Doris Day. Jack Cnon. mGEHEscon

MOVIE * * "Beastmastlf" (1982) Marc Sr.ger. T anye Roberts OMOYIE * t " La<ly Ch1t1"1ey'1 lovtt" (1981) Sylvla Knstel, N!Chotal City i.L MOYIE **'" I low You (Eu Tt Amol'

For O..Uied Ad ACTION

Call A DAn. T l'U.OT

U..YlSOl MJ.1611

~* PACIFIC WALK- IN THEATRES*~ :eoigain Matinee>' ar;1~~1li1•14J~ *

MONDAY Thru SATURDAY FACUlTYotCANO\.£WOOO All rtrlt1ma11cn ltf0tt S OD l'M lh S,.C. EllflttmtllU & Hol•I


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"SCAll>AlOUS1' (PG) 2'0 6C~ IO SO

"TO BE <JI NOT TO Ill" (PG) 12 JO c JS U O

"TERMS Of Dl>£ARWNT" (PG) 11 J() I~ S IQ l 10 I •s

"HOT bOG. fit iiOVt" <R> ,oo OOl1"0S.1:>-.1 1'> 6 10

"UNCCMOI VAl<Jt" (R) I I. ~ • 90.. SllO=J ,_ 4 "'" ~00

"YOOYl" (PG) " • llJO M>\Clll l (. Sil II{ ld.i l )0 HC •~ •

"SCARfACr (I ) 1111 I~ lllAGl'l '.: Sl£llf:<I

• 10 l • ' 1 r)I! .o 2"

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" YENTYL" (PG) 1100 H O s rs aoo I0 4j)

"Silf I" (ltl 11 0 u s ••s'

"SCAJl>AlOOS" (P'G) H~ ' 15 10 4S

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1. l;J • ~ I , 6.~ IL I ()!)


"ft( l"OWD" (It) l'I IS

··o C CAB" (a)

'Sll>OOI •ACT' (R) lllU~

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•UJOOc •ACT" (a ) l\US

• lJICOliMJN v A4 Cit" (It)

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by Gus Arriola

by Jim Davis

TM1s .-<111EN GARflELn YOO'RE SE.NPINu V TO A00 D~A81

T HE •·A'llL \ ' Cl RC LS

BIG GJ:ORfit: by Virg il Partcti (VIP)

by 8 11 Keane

~..,...,;; , · i •

" When will the carpet tleoners be f in1shed?" " Golly, I haven't sttn a horst·drlven mllk wagon since I was a toddler."

'I \R" \Dl Kt:

e "= • l. •

by Brad Anderson

" C'mon .. a detour around the block is well worth 1t!' '

DE,,IS THt: '9•:' \l't: Hank Ketcham <~



Q.1- 11.' South vulnn.1hlt., you h'1ld. •AKS / "3 v K!Nl •AKJ7• Thi· hidtJinK h," prot1•1•dNI. t:ut s ... tlt We.t North I ·;, l>blt Pa1J11 2 • PHii 7 Whal ,11, y11u hid now''

~ Q.2 - llolh vulnl'riihll" "' South you hold· • A6 :tK~ 1.1 KQH • QJIO The h1ddtnl( h1t \ prOC'ct·d1•d. North •; .. , Soulh Wot 1 • v... 1 1'1111

2 N'f t'Hll 1 Whi.l l do you hid now»

Q.3- A' Soulh , vuln..r;chlc·, YOU hufd·

, +KQ!l'l7 KJ !i'l 1KI07 • H Tht· lwldcnJC h.t' p rocn ·rfrd


Seutla Wt•t Nwt• •:.•t I• tta1111 2 0 ftau t ..... 3 . .. ... 7 Wh.cl do you hid now''

Q.• - llolh vulnnahh•, !1 )1

South. Wllh no on ~('llrt'. you hole I • A~fl :tKQ? 0 AQ98 •JS3 'f h1· h1dd1nl( hu pr0tN•d1•d t:11t Soulia Wut Nortla I • Dlt~ I NT ftan t'aM Obie Paff 2 ..J

t'an t'1t1 2 • Pat1 t'u1 ? Wh.1l .1<' l1un do you l<lkt•''

U.S- ' '11-11 hn q1lrwrahl1'. J'

:--outh vou hold • AJSZ MS AQ •KQJ3 I h1 hulchr.,: h.1• 11r .. , • 1·1 l1 •cf

1 KNOW. 1 KNOW H~Rf.'? t\ COJPL.E. ~IJNO~E.0


'fE.At'I GuESS Ya.rn BE. ff ~R Er-OOY Tt11S

w ..vt'l l .. E y'OUCA~.MONEV 1 .

,,,..,...,._ t ".: : 1 CHARLES

GORE• • l Om ~i­~-.. . ··{1


S..Cli W"t Nertla •:.Ut I + l'UI I • Pa• ? What 110

1 you bid now''

Q.G- A:. Soulh vulnt•r,chll'. you holrl: • A!IHSt OJI07 +AKICY16 Tht• hulrl•nl( h;c ~ 1ircK·1•1•d1•d. South Wut Nerta. t;ut 1 • ft••• I 0 ,_.., I • l'an 2 NT t'UI

? Wh.ct cln \ICIU h 11f nm~ ··

Han you tM-n ruaa1b1 into doublt' troublt? l,tt fltarlH Gortn htlp yau fiad your "'Y through tli• mu.t of UCHIBU:s for pualtie1

UNA for t.ak...t. t'er • tet'1 .t Illa DOllBl,t:.~ ~IH. wM t l.M c. "Gw.e-OMMn ... t•tt of lW• MW ........ P.O. Boa 259, Norw_,, N.J. 076'14. Mab ellttk• ,.yabk> te N"w•pa!lllP,.._•·

S"ll4 ••1 qtH.0-. &er ~le t9ful• t« t ' i.artn c; ..... -O•er Sltarlf. un el tlllt lf'W.,.,.f, •:atll WHll I priu ef • ffl'J .. tilf' ~· "'G ...... . lrlcl1• (' .. ,lf'u," • 19.95 ... t .. . wlll k 1wu44'4 I• , .... .... judf.-4 t,k !»It tHtfwfd,

f llerlu Gtru 1114 Oaar SMrll ,.,.....,., <....C __.,.

tab &I IUWf'f alJ 41HMMI .....


1UE o~~Erz CQX.D lJ5t. ~E ~~uP~a~m«.rco.


by Kevin Fagan

f~~i WA4 NOf i:lEAU •• ~ Pf:{f.iN 1~AI IJA~

bf.~E.~ou? "'°"~ Of -tou , OW~ MONf't' ~

by Lynn Johnston



t 'l \K , . "l'Kt:RHEA '\


IHE<.> J~T GO -rnROUGH ~E. fft0110MS AMD FAKE TT !

by Tom Bat1uk

ACTUAU...<.> I IT'S A L..01 WKE. ffi.; iRO'V'lBONE SECOON !


'900' 'll l,IJ'\S by Ferd & Tom Johnson DR,__ .... • _S.,..Jl;...O;...C.;;...;;..;K;,,._ _________ _ by George Lemont

HYPE TYPE ... --- we NeeP soMe A-e e~oo" .1 ,.-,----


-.. ~- -~· ... \\~' "' '~ \ 1 ~t=>~ t.. -, ~ t-H~

- -- )

Tl "e1,t :1' t :t :os

, , ... T 11-10t'c-~.ff ~·C'l

"c-1-1T L E ro BE ri:.:Er..\(Er

- '

'~IS MON1H111E COVEIEO ~LACK r------------1 l:A1 Ht-F< OOl 5 10-rne l~l ~E: 'S WHtl T IHRILLS M051 A~Ul Attfl~UE PJ:AU:f\! "THA1601HIC iHr Al\J1 IOUf ~17., PRIS? •.,ALJCE: ll IJOSS OF MJ'lHY FROl H 'RIS"flNE f'lfi'E'ON, I NM1f ¥00 JNt'IAN OF-rliE MONTH! ·

r .,_ _________ _, .. ~· ··


by Charles M Schulz

by Tom K Ryan

I - -- -----


JI IH;t; P;\R"t;R


NO, NO.' ee.s I PE:. s YOU , MRS. FERN.'

by Wiley

,i ~ I , /j()IJL~ ~t..Jt SWORN' .f.'4) '\' THt.~t. WA? NO

• , \ '-' -4. 5u(..., nrnJ6 AS /-.. ,' "--' I~ -~ ~. ?IC/LIAN CALICO ...

' ' I 'V' .)

\~( /~''? .1 ()"J. tr • ---~ -f~ °"")~( l ~ 'j 'ft ~ / ir l ; ~ . ..J'\ ~

~ \''-~ .b ., ~ ;.~

____ ....._..;,;;_......,.;;.._j ~ by Harold Le Ooux

' . j

r r



---- -Flying high

Daily Pilat Scoring 1enaetlon Tom Lewi• 1et1 achool record In victory. 82.

. Sth·renked UCLA hand1 UC lrvlne flr1t setback

~ilm~. of 1eeaon. 82.

800111, boo1n, Eagle$ do it ..

63-49 wfn at NH provides Estancia 2-g~me advantage


Estancia H1gh·s Eagles showedJUSt why they·ve been the Sea View League basketball favorites since the start Friday night. taking command 1n the first quarter and shaking off a Newport Harbor rally at the outset of the !>Ccond half en route to a 63-49 rout of the host Sailors before I . I 00 fans.

··They're just too tough. " stated Newport Harbor Coach Jerry De­Busk, who saw his team rally from an I I-point dcfict. panng the margin to 33-30 at halftime.

" (Jim) Cunis ISJUSt a great player," continued DcBusk about the Eagles' senior guard who led the way wath 22 po ants.

·· .\nd (Jon) Johnston. has constant poise. We came back to 33-30 and I felt good about that. but then boom. boom. boom. at' s 10. 12 points again:·

That pretty well summed up the show Fnday as the Eagles moved two games ahead ofNewpon Harbor wtth an 8-1 record.

··This was a big wan fo r us," said Estancia Coach Larry Sunderman. " It was like two wans. We lose and we·re tied with Newport. We win and we·re two games up." Adding 10 the victory's luster was El Toro's tnumph over Saddleback, leaving Newport Harbor. El Toro and Saddleback knotted at 6-3.

" It was a great week." continued Sunderman. alluding to has team's back-to-back squashers over Corona del Mar and Harbor.

guard dropped tn J.2 point ), but Cums and Johnston reaJly did 1 job,.. And. I thought Adam LockwoOd put on a good noor show."

The Sailors hit their first silt buckets of the night to take a 12-9 lead. but then went the ne~t 6:39 of play scoreless as the Eagles took command with a 23-12 lcad. ,

Harbor made the one run. behind the play of Bushman & Co., then Estancia pulled away in the third quarter with Curtis the constant thorn. Left alone he was deadly from the penmeler. Pushed, he would dri ve to the lane and then dish off to a wade open Scott Clements.

Clements scored I 7 in all. and Johnston added 14 counters.

The Eagles showed their game 1mmed1ately. takingjust nine seconds to first penetrate the baseline and end up at the fou l line.

Estancia hu 55.6 percent of its shots from the field (25 of 45) and was, healthy at the hne. connecting on 13 of 18. as opposed to Harbor's 21 of39 from the field ( 53 percent) and 7of17 at the hne

Cunas !>Cored 12 1n the first period to get the Eagles in the right direction, and when Estancta re-established its supenont)' an the third quarter it was a combinauon of all hands - Jeff Graham. Johnston. Cunis. Lock­wood. then Johnston again and a pair of buckets from Clements. the second one coming with a wide open gimme after.Curtis passed off under pressure.

As they did in the first round before succumbing to Estancia, the Sailors opened with a burst and appeared to be equal to the task. but as the game wore · on it ~came evident that Estancia's quick hands and ability to at least match the Sailors on the boards was going to be too much to handle.

Irvine ~h's Mike Henigan (left) and Ken Caldwell (right) leave tbeir feet to launch ahota Friday. Mesa's Matt Judd

(43), Darrin Rysan (12) and Dave Greene (34) defend. Irvine won Sea View League battle, 69-6 1.

··we really did pass the ball well. (Todd) Bushman is one of the best guards an the league (the Sailors·

Despite the 14-pomt loss, DcBusk wasn' t terribly upset with his team's performance - rather he appeared to feel prett~ good about at. The Sailors were guilty of )USt 16 turnovers against the Eagles· quickness.

Alan Taple

Crosby Southern tees off Sunday Ta pie, Carrasco leading con tenders f orfwo-day event at Irvine Coast CC

By HOWARD L. HANDY &peel .. lo the Dally Piiot

<\Ian Tapie of Laguna Niguel and Ray Carrasco oflrvine, will be among the leading contenders in the I 0th annual Crosby Southern Clambak-e golf tournament at Irvine Coast Country Club Sunday and Monday.

The professional golfers competi­tion sponsored by the 552 Club, a support group for Hoag Memonal Hospital, is a two-day, 36-holc com­petition with 72 amateur partners paired with 72 professionals for both rounds.

Ta pie. a veteran of seven years on the pro tour with over $300.000 an

earnings. wall be returning to the Irvine Coast e\en t

Carrasco. also a tour 'eteran. has had consaderabk success on the Golden State pro tour and was the leading monC} wanner last season with that group. He 1s currcntl} serving as head pro at the Laguna Halls Golf Range.

Whale a number of }Oung touring pros .,.,ho fall 10 make the cut at the an Diego Open arc expected 10 fill

out the field . there arc also a number of other past to ur pla}ers in the fold according to pla}er procurement chairman Gene Baum

Bob Lunn of acramcnto. ..... 11 return along wath Bob \.\ } nn from the

'\iorthern ~ectaon o l the PC1A ( Jub professionals Lunn was a 'i1x-t1mc \\ inner on the PG~ tour 1nclud1ng a '1ctof) an the Lo\ Angeles Open 1n 1971

\.\- )nn "a~ thl· leading mane) v.1nncr 1n thl' Northnn PGA section an 1983.

Dean Land. one of the outstanding senior players 1n the Northern Sec-11on. will also be on hand along with Southwest area champion Lari)' Webb of Antona. Webb ca ptured the Nat1onal PGA Club Pro Cham­p1onsh1p an Palm Springs last season and has won numerous c;tate cham­p1onsh1ps including those 1n i\nzona. Utah. Kansas. Colorado and Ne­braska

Rafe Botts. a 15-\car \Cteran of the pro circu11 no.,., la' ing an Los >\ngeles. ''Ill also be an the field .

~ four-man team compe1111on be-

tween the Nauonal Golf Assoc1auo n. Southern California. Northern Cali­fornia and Southwest (Anzona-Ne­vada ) sections of the PGA Cl ub Pros will take place during the Crosb) Southern.

Club pros from this area 1nclud{' An Schilling of Mesa Verde CC an Costa Mesa: Doug Booth of Hunt­ington ScaclitT an Huntington Beach; Arne Dokka of Dana Point and a former National Public Links cham­pion as well as section player of the year an 1981 and 1982: Bob Prange of Big Canyon Count!)' Club in New­port Beach; and Da vad Barber of Bakersfield who has been section player of the ) ear on fou r occasions.

Also an the field is Make Reasor. a I 0-year tour professional wuh vac­tones at the Southern Open and the Manitoba Open a:ong .,.,1th playing an

(Please see CROSBY / 82) Ray Carrasco

Stewart makes move at San Diego Open

Same old story in Sunset~ League's Big Three continues to pick on tai I-enders

Baro ns an second place. bu t needed a toun h-quarter outbur'it to pull out the " 'n

SAN DIF<iO I \Pl - Payne Stn'lll I. wearing the knackers that have hccomc hac; trademark. <:hargcd past Ra} Flo)d with a 7-under-par 65 and took the second round lead Frida) 1n the San Diego Open Golf Tournament

tcwan. a tournament-winner an each ofh1s past two scasonc;. made has move wath a back-nine of 31 on the difficult South cou rse at Torre) Panes and finished 36 ho les "•th a 133 total. 11 shots under par

.. , feel verv confident ""h the wa\ I'm hmang ·the ball," tc.,.,art said. " I've made only one bogc)' an 36 holes and h11 32 greens an two rounds I fe{'I


AZUSA - The Southern Cali­fornia College basketball team bounced back from Tucsday's loss 10 Point Loma with a tough 65-61 victory OV{'r host Azusa­Pacific Fnday mght

The victory boosted the Van­guards' NA IA Dastnct Ill mark to 4-2 while dropping zusa-Pac1fic to 2-3.

C. down '5-31 at halftime. tied the contest about four minutes into the s«ond half. and aJthough the hosts did manage to take one more lead (57-55) with eight minutes left, the Vanauards quickly rcaa1ned the lead and held on.

'iherw1n Durham had a per· onal high 20 point,, notching 10

in each half CT wa al o ~parked by Larry Hirst, who had 10 ofh1) 14 point~ 10 the ~cond half

like I have an awful lot of con trol o f my game right now."

Two of the tournament's leading attrac11ons. were not on ly o ut of control but out of action. Johnny Millt:r withdrew wtth a foot injury. >\nd Tom Watson. a winner his last tame out. stru~led to a 74 atthe South course and missed the cut for the final two rounds with a 142 total.

Floyd. who held the first round lead w11h a 64 on the shorter. easier North course. left one in a bunker on the th a rd hole of the South course. made a dou~le bogey and had to rall y to salvage a 70.

" I feel I s hould have gotten a little more out of the round:· the veteran FlO}d said ... I feel hke I wasted a lot of shots out there. But, after making a double bogey right off the bat, I guess at wasn't a bad round ."

< >nn: again 11 .,.,a., a \.aSl' of the ha' es beating the ha ,e­nots F-nda} night 1n Sunset League action as uppea d1' 1s1on leader'> rountaan Valle' . Eda son and Ocean Vie" all posted "1ctoncc; ·

Herc·\ what tool>. place

Fountain Valley ~8. Westminster 39 The Barons ampro,cd their first-place record to 7-0

and overall mark to 15-6 as thr~ pla)'ers. led by 6-7 Junior Brent Martin, tallied in double figures .

The El?lrons. who lcd 14-8 after one quarter. e"plodcd on the Lions ( 1-6. 4-14) an the sccond to take a commandtng 31- 16 advantage at halftime

The Barons. who shot onl)' 43 percent in the first hal f and JI an the !>CCOnd. were aided by 23 Westminster turnovers

Mart an had I!< points. 12 an t~t: fir;t half. to lead the Barons. while Rolf Jacobs added 13 points and I 0 rebounds and Make Newton l h1pped an 10 points.

The Lions were paced by 1 om Do"'ns ( 16 po111ts) and Jeff Ea!>tin ( 10)

Edison 53, HunClngton Beach 37

Trailing by a 31-29 rnunt cntenng the final eight minutes. the Chargcrs outscored the Oilers. 22-8. paced b} John Thomas' 8 of 12 tree th ro.,.,s dunng the period .

Beh ind b) SI\ with 1 21.J 10 pla} . the Oilers. forced to abandon their 1onc and go an to a man . were blitzed 8-0 by the Charger; ao; the) put the game a""a ~ an the closing scconds.

Hu ntington Bt>ach <l-o. 4-15) hampered b) a 30 percent !>Ccond halt: .... as led b\ Dann' Thompson. who had 11 points and I 11 rebound'>

For the Charger;. "-.en \.\ ale!. had 16 points. whale Brad Hach ten had 9 points and se,en rebounds. Johnson added 6 points and seven rebounds ~nd Tim \.\ertner 8 points and sa' assists ·

Ocean View ~ l . Marina 31 Thl' third-place Scaha"'J...!> l '-l I'-7 I c;ta~cd one game

b.:hand the Chargers and l'M' behind the Barons as the Vikings ( 1-6. 3-16) .,.,ere able w conm·ct on onl> 14 of 45 ~ho t attempts.

" l\i1anna pla~ ed real hard. Ba!>ll.'alh our team defense made the difference:· said Scaha"'i.. ( oach Jam Hams.

Da ve Drcsnack .,.,ac; thl' onh pla,cr to tinash m double figures for the Seaha"'kc; "'Ith I I points. Steve Moser. the team's leading scorer v.a<, hl.'ld to onl} th ree shots and five points but he gathered 11 rt.'hound"' on{'-th1rd ofh1s team·s total '

He was tied at 134. 10 under par. with Don Pooley. Brad Bryant and Chap Beck at the tournament's half­way point. Pooley. who said he's " playangabout as well as I ever have ... and Beck each had a 68 on the South. Payne Stewart rhe Chargers (6- 1. 17-3) sta)'cd one game behind the Bill Belanger lcd the \ 11>. ang<, "'1th t l pomh

There's a logjam for second in Sea View race There 1s a l<>gJam for second place 1 n thc ~a

View League stand•nJS today after El Toro edged Saddlcback Fnda> night to highlight prep ac1ion.

ln otherleaaue contests. v1s1una Un1\Crs1t\ stunned staggcnng Corona del M:tr. wh1k lrvine dropped C\lsta Mesa.

Hl'rc's what happened: El Toro H, S.ddleback H

El Toro's v ictory. coupl~ with Estanc11 \ win over Newport Harbor. puts the ( hal'Jcr . '\:ulors and Roadrunnc"' 1n a three-way uc for 5ee<>nd plaC(. ot 6-3. two pme, behind the front-runnmg.EAaJc~. •

El Toro (9-7 ov~rall) wn in command of 11s


game "-Ith the Roadrunners unttl 6- 10 center JctT •\rnold packed up h1~ third and fourth foul with four minute left an the 1h1rd quarter.

Thl· Roadrunnc'"' (1 4-4) tra1l1ng ti} I I .11 the time, sc11ed the opportunat \ and l·amc ll:sck to I.not\ the game at 44

With the score tied El Toro < oach lam Tnt\c~ ~inserted mold and the \Cnior

· rromrtly ronnrctcd on a th1N~-po1n t pl&) to put the C"haricl'$ bai..._ m tront. 47-44, 1 lc.td the\ \\ouldn't lose a1n

Arnold fina,heJ \\1\h a g.ame·h1gh 28 point . but 11 "a\ b-! \Clltor ,_u;irJ Boh ummcr' thut 1 r3\:l'" trnlttcd with turning 1n a c;tron11

pcrformance · ummrr<> pla\ ed a great game:· l"'lffercd

TraH·~ " He "'as the one pnmanh rc<,pon­'i1blc for lt"<.'ding '\mold ·· ')ommc~ who ~ored onh tour pomt~

d1\hcd out "' l' ac;•nst~ . .\mold ~ll~o grabl:>C'd I~ rcoound '>

Junmr \far !>. \\ alton paced thr Road· runne"' \\ 1th 20 poant'i while teammate<. ( hann: Pctcr>on iilnd 81\Jnt \\. lton Marl>.·, brother, .1ddcd I \and 11 re\P'-"~:taH'l )

Unl\lt lty 4?. Corona cltl Mar O 1 hC' ScJ fl.ma!>' c If pla)ofT hone\ "crt

~\crel\ dnmat cd ac; th<' l ro1an<. handed

<. oach fad, tmon c; ~uad ats lounh stra1aht ~t~tl>. t.,.,o pmc' hchand that l<>gJ:im.

" TC'\ hnu.all\ .,.,c d1dn 't pla> a areal PITK. but .,., e pla'C'd hard .. noted Emon. v.ho \aW hn inm ·~ T"C'rof'd ~ I<• +c. 1R k guc.. 11-7 (ht.rail

l ~ad1nJ 42-41 ~1th I :40 10 pl:h , the t\m@'> tned 10 run 'omeume off the duck only to ha\(' uni·c; (Jraham EH~rell !>Ital th(' ball and hit a I 'i~foot Jumper to put th<' Tro,ans l l-fl. c..1 ~) up 4 3-4~ "11h I 14 rem11n1n1

(JM then mas~-J a \hot loultd the Tro1ao\ Carl Fkmar~ on the ' rebound. and

' - (Pleaae tee LOGJAll/ 82)



·chris Evert Lloyd and husband John announce split From AP dispatcbH \

Nl \\ '\ORI-. - Tennis s1ar~ ( h11) ~ E\ert Llo\'d and her husband John Lloyd. said Fnda\ thl'' ha\e begun a tnal separation

"Thl'rl'\ '>1111 "en much a chance that wl' '-'111 gt:\ back together .. (. hm ~1d .. At the prc:>enl ttme we nt-cd 11me to~ b} ourscl\cs"

The Llmd' "ere maml·d \pril I., I Y79 1n f- urt Lauckrdak Fla ht•r homcttw. n ~here a mt•mbt.·r of 1he c:n>wd held up a sign sa~ ing. " Lu' l' Match. (hm f,ert and John I lo\d ~ Perfect Sl·t "

· .\ \poll·sman for I nicr· nauonal \1anagt•men t Ci roup ( IM Ci ). "hit h manage" both plJ\ · e" ~td Frida' that thl..' ··purpo~ o l 1h1-. anm1unl·cml·n1 in going public ''"h 1hl..' tact'> is to dispel

EVERT LLOYD an) 1nnurndon t1nd rumors that ma~ !turt::iu· regarding. the '>late ol their ma;nage "1c11hc:r 1ndl\ 1Jual l·huo~l''\ Ill ma ke an~ further comment un tht• '>1tua11on ··

LI..' '>'> than a month alter hl·r man 1age Chn'> helpt•d kad thl' l ntll'd "'itatc<. to 11 ' lt>unh tUll'>l'l ull\l' Federation< up tllk Thl·n. l\\O month ... later \ht· \\On thl' Frl..'mh Opc.•n ""omen·s 'ling.ko, tllk tor thl' third time

But'' hill· hl'f g:.ime reachl•J nl'"' height!> - she '~on her third Wimbledon singk-. no"' n 111 I Y~ I and her s1\lh L . ~ Opc..·n ... ngks lltk in IY~.::' - John\ 1cnn1'> fonunes tumbled

.\ ml'mlx'r of Bnta1n ... Da' I'> < up team John Llo'd \\as ranked 1n thl· top JO 1n thl· \\orld 1n 1977 "hen he "'as runner-up to \ 1t.i\ C1l·rula11" 1n tht' .\ustralian Open men·., single~ Hut ht• kll to 356th on th1: .\ssonatwn of Tenn1<. Prnti.·,,1onal' l·ompul(•1 b\ the end of 1980

Quote of the day Sieve Shapiro. sporu reporter for Cincinnati TV

station WLWT, on Xavier Univcrstt) playing tlS last basketball ga.me at Schmidt Fieldhouse on the Xavier camp~: .. . .. and tonittht's game will finally enable the Muskies to get out of the Schmidt hou~ ...

Lewis bests long jump mark :-.:E\l. ) ORI-. ~ftrl Ll'\\I\ ;,haltered m

his ~orld 1nduor lx'st in the men., long Jump b;. 9 1 ~ inches and equaled his personal best outdoors b} !loan ng 28-1 (J1,~ Frida ) night 1n th1: M1llrosl.' Game., Jt ~1ad1!>on ~4uan· Garden.

Le~t!>' remarl-.ablc1ump. on h1!> linal auempt. \\a) a shocker 1n 'IC\\ o f the fact that ht' had performed subpar o n ht !> first fi,e attempt' and tratlcd Lari) M~ncks g01ng into the final round

H 1s pre\ l()U) indoor be'>t "all 28· I on Jan . 16. I %2 at the 01~ mp1c In\ 1tat1onal in f- :i'>t Rutherford. N.J

Soviet boxers outscore U.S. \10SC O~ - Soviet m1ddle .... e1ght m

.\s) lbek K1hmo' stopped Ameman Michael Grogan 1n the third round and seven other SO\ 1ct bol'.crs. including fo ur European champions. outpointed l' S. Fighter!> to t::ikl· an 8-4 '>-ICtOf) Frida) O\Cr the United States 1n amateur boxing.

The .\ml'rll an\. fight mg"' 1th prullTt1' c head gl.'ar for the tirst t1ml' aga1mt the 5u' 11:t!>. \\un in the th rel' lightest \\. l'1gh t classe'> But thl' ~o\ •Cl team \\ h1., h included some ton 01\mptc pruSPl.'t·t,. dominated thl' rest of the comp(.·t1t1on "hich lOnt1nul'' 1w\I "l'd in Kie' and l>onet\k

Miami, Auburn to open season EAST Rl 'THERFO RD. "'II J - The [il

na11onal champion 'V11am1 Humcam."'> and c II t third-rank.cd .\uhurn ~111 open thl' 1484 college football season "'hen the~ meet in the ~cond K1ckoff Class1c .\ug. 27 at (11ants ~tad1um


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Brownab~rger ou ted in tqurney I \ Ql l"Jl .\ - ~OU aro~nsht-racr ~

lvrona dd Ma r H1a}l product. v.a> c:hm1naled b\ 1 om Mct\'trofTC U Fnda) . t> 0 3·6 b-4 :11 an " ' ' 1l.at1onal rnlletualc 1c:11111> tournam~nt F11d;iy

In doubk<(" l otano and W1t')ktn t'hnunatc:d K .. :n Nagl"I und Rill Ba>.tt:r . both of Pepp<rdanc. 6-3, 7 6 L• ( · ~ Anton~ 1 men.on. anoihtr CdM graduate: and R11:k &ng1~rn "-1.'tl' 6· I, 6-~ '1c.·lo~ o'er the TC l duo ol \krcC"r and 1 llll Baler.

lJSC~s Rick l tach. from ~unu Bt'ach High and Tim Pav.~1won6-2. 6-3 overTroJan 1enn1sroach Dick Leach. R11:k'~ fathl"r. and Jim l'tArper.

In othc:r 'llinaik!> matchc~. Jorac Lo1~no ofSouthc:m (.al defeated 1c:ammat<' Rick Bengt!>on. 6-2. 6-2.

Dann) Leal of Pl'ppcrd1nc ousted Craig Boynton ofTCU. 7-5. 6-0. and Todd W1bken of USC beat John Ll' m of '>wnlorJ 7-6. 6- lat the: L.1 Quinta Hotel

Landry nearl7 coached Oilers IHLL.\S - Tom Landn d1!>do..cd

~ nda~ that h1: almost became head coach l>f the Hou'>ton Oilers tn the late 1950s. [i]

Land r.. "ho has been coaching the Dallas C Cl"' bo'' 25 ~cars. spoke bnell~ during a kid.oil o l thl· 'at1tlnJI Football League team·., ··~1hcr Season ..

tk '>illd ·· fh1<, 1-, a special da' It's hard to ht'l1t''<' 11 has been .:!~ H:ar;,

··1 can n:mernlx'r (Houston o"ncr) Uud \Jam~ "'anltng to bnni ml· to the Hou~ton Oiler!t I th1ni.. I made the tx-111 l"ho1n.• I "-Ould ha' 1: been om· ot ~II (l·Oal he'll thl·rt· ··

Landn ..aid hl' "'"a~ determinl'd to gl't thl' ( °'' h\I\., bad. to the ~upa 80\~I tor the ')l\th tlnll'

" .\lot ol peopk· ')3) "l' aa• through.'" Ljndr) !.<t1J "\.\ t"ll find out \\.ho our pla)l'r~ arl' nt>\\ We'll tind out "ho ha!> charaucc ..

Ebony Bronze 'Anita winner .\RC .\DI.\ - Ebon' Bro n11: mo'ed ~

up from the middle or ,·he field of t'lght horses and rallied '>trongl) tn the home-'itretch to"' in the: feature b~ a hl·ad at Santa .\n11a Fnday before 20.456 racing fan'I .

Ebon) Bron1e. ca!T) ing I 15 pou nds and ridden b~ Frank Oh\are~. finished th~ 61 · lu rlong turf C\ent 1n I: 15 4-5toreturnS18.20. $7 and $3 80.

Fast Passage. 114 pounds and \\Ith Chns Mc(. ar­ron aboard. held the lead bneO, 1n the '>tretch but had 10 '>ettle for second." h1ch paid $.4 oo and $3.20.

Cloona"' 1llin. h1gh-\\e1ghtcd at 11? pounds and ridden b) Latlit P1nca} . poured 11 on in the stretch and finished another head back in thin.I. C loonawillin paid $2.60.

Thcfkld o f 4-\ear-old) and up '~as rounded out b\ .\nl'l'!>tral .\n')truiher. S1heradc. '\o Flak and Shent'r r-.tu1r

Televlslon, radio TELE VISION

H>t30 am. (56) - COLLEGE BASKETBALL -Aorida State at South Carolina

J I a.m. (2) - COLLEGE BASKETBALL - St. Joh11's at S}'racuse.

Noon (•) - COLLEGE BASKETBALL -Oklahoma at Memphta State. (S) - COLLEGE BASlETBALL - Washington State at Stanferd. ( 11) - COLLEGE BASK.El'BALL - Nevada.Las Vega at Cal State Fullerton.


2 p.m. (-i) - GOLF - Third round action in the J\ndy . W1lhams Open from San Diego. lS6> -COLLEGE BASKETBALL - Hawaii at San Diego State. (7) - GOLF - Coverage of th" PGA Stnior!> Championship from Palm Beach (Jardens. Fla. ttaped).

3 p.m. ( 4 )- COLLEGE BASKETBALL- Oreson State at C'alUom1a .

3:30 p.m. (7) - BOWLING - Co,crage ot thC' S t.25.000 Quaker State- Open from G rand PramC". Texas (ta~).

4:50 p.m. (Q) - HOCKE Y - Kings at Edmonton S p.m. (:?) - SPORTS DATELINE: 19SS - A

month-by-month rl'' 1~·" of the greatest moments m sports for I 98 ~ 171 - WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -.. Superbikl·r'>·· . the International Invitational all· around mt,tor~·ycle ch.ampiooship from Carlsbad. Ca {ta~).

RADIO Co11qc Basketball - Nevada us Vegas at (al

State Fullcnon. noon. KNWZ ( 1190); DePaul al UCLA. I p.m .• KMPC (710). NHL - Kings at Edmonton. 4:50 p.m .. KFOX (c)J.5-FM).

Basketball scores t.Ol"9 WEST

S0Clt t:ot1e11e 65. A1 u \a Pacific 61 C11rf,1 College 11rv1nel 71 Lie

BIDie 6S ( OI )


Unover\olv 47 . Corona del Ma r 44 E \tancle 63 Newoorr Harbor 49 El Toro S9 5addleOat k SS .. Ir vone 69 Costa Meu 61 ~ CP>epman 69 Ca l Po1v·'.iLO ~

B10la 74 LA Bool• \I 60 Cal Lulher a 'I SS Fruno Pac ,11c SUNSET LEAGUE

.i Ocean V ew SI Ma rona )I Ca Polv · Porr ona 67 Ca SI ~Lo\ EO•son S3 HJnhno 1on Bea cn 37

Anoelu 62 Founla u• Va•1e.,. S8 wu1m1n\ter Ca i St ·Oommouei Holl\ 41 Ca t l9

51 · Bal\ertl•elO •2 SOUTH COAST LEAGUE Da n e Holl\ 70 Laouna Beac h 65 C 11P1\lra no Va lle v 57, W oodbr•Ollt


UC R1vert10f SO. Ca t Sl a te North· riooe 49

P o·nl Loma 10 ( 4 1.1 811 011s1 6A

SaC'" '"""" S• 69 Havwa ra S•

Sor'>" a '>• 52 H 1rr1>o101 '>' 41 C fl•CO St 87 U( 0 o'I • ' })

SOUTHWEST R•Ct 1>5 Ar~anus 67

SOUTH Auourn 80 l !.U 18

EAST Ho1v Cron 77 Co111e1e S4 Villa nova 6Q Conni'< ••Cul SI )9

""•\\•0' V•r oo S7 L 1111un11 Hills 57

ANGELUS LEAGUE Ma•f• O r · '11 Serra 6~ yr~ •e 14 P •u \ )( SJ '>• P 1u S8 B1'1\oo Amat ~

ACADEMY LEAGUE Avalon 48, L•Derlv Chr1, 11a n 47 Newpor• ("~""'a n 50 , Ltlfln11we11

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on 65-foot Luxury Yachts • Drawings for FREE Yacht Charters

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Kings get 2-2 tie, new coach •

C .\I GARY Alberta (AP) -Calgaf) 's J•11nie Macoun skated hall the lenath of the tee before flipping the puck O\er the outstrrtchcd glove of Los Angeles goahtnder Marco Baron at 8:05 of the third period to give the Flames a '2-2 National Hockey League tie with the Los Angeles KJngs Fnday niihl.

Earlier an the day. the KJngs announced the firmJ of Coac:h Don Pen; and replaced him on an intenm bam with t'>.·goalt(' RC?ftC Vachon

Perry. who became Kings' coach on Jan . I I, 1982. was in his second full season at the club's helm. The team was :?7 -41 -12 in the 1982-83 season. Perry's only full season as coach. He guided the team to the Stanley Cup pla)offs 1n 1982. but the team did not reach the playoffs last season.

·· 1 do this w11h great regret." said tcnm o~ncr Jerr) Buss. " While DQn 1s a '>-Cf) fine . hard-working man , 111s our \:>pinion that a change is nc<.·ess· al) ."

Perl) departed with a 42-85-30 record .

H1~ firing raml' after a day of !.peculauon that both the coach and general manager George Maguire would both soon be ousted.

Maguire remained Friday, but spokesman Bob Steiner said replace· ments for Perry and Maguire would be named at a press conference earl) m·xt ~eek

Among contcnd~rs to replace Perry could be Roger Nttlson, 49. who was fired as head coach of the Vancouver Can uck!> las\ week .

It was Neilson who led Vancou ver to the Stanley Cup finals in 1981-82 and ehm1nated the Kings in the quarterfinals.

Jerry Tard le

Monarchs' Lewis sets season scoring mark

GARDENA-Tom Lewi!. broke a Mater Oe1 High single-season scoring record - a mark "hich had stood smce 1960 - with 37 points Frida) night. leading the Monarchs to an easy 97-65 '1ctory over host Serra 1n Angelus League basketball ac11011

Lewis has now scored 693 po1nl!I, breaking the mar~ formerly owned by Jeri) Tardie.

Le~1s. a 6.-7 14 JUnl-Of.ame into the game with a 31 .0 ave~ge. Friday night. he hit 15 of 27 shots from the floor. hauled down 17 rebounds (he was a' eragang 13) and had five assists as the Monarchs upped their Angelus League record to 6-0 and their overall numbers to 20.1.

The Monarchs showed no ill ~ffect from a bye on Wednesday. nor did

the\ seem to be alkt.'led by the fact th1\ 1s final!> week .

"'The kids still came out and played rt'::lf \\ 1•fl " <.•>1/i 1\-in n ., r r h '!CCU(l'lOt

coach J<.1ck Shaaf " It was a f.ood g:1m1• - up and do" n the court. •

Mike M1tchcll added 19 points for the Monarchs while teammate Mau Bceuwsaert finished the c.vening with 18.

The Monarchs picked a good night 10 turn 1n a fine performance. con· s1denng OePaul Coach Ra) Meyer and his a!>s1stan1s wen.~ among the sellout crowd.

The Monarchs maintained 43-27 lead at intermission but outscored Serra 30-19 in the third quarter to put thtngs out of reach.Jim D:-"}e(s e1$flt points keyed Mater De1 s big third quaner.

Capo, MVlvin; Artists lose Couga rs, Diablos set up s howdown in South Coast

Capistrano Valle} and M1ss1on \'1eJO "armed up for their South Coast League howdown Monday. \\htle Laguna Beach fell v1ct1m to Dana Hills Friday night.

Herc's how 11 went:

Dana Hills 70. Lagona Beach 65 I he Dolphins raised their record to

4-4 to knot Woodbridge up for third place folio"' ing their ti' e· porn t spread 0 ' er the Anis ts.

Bl)an McSwceney, a 6-6 Junior. pumped in 34 points to lead the way. h111mg 15 of 21 from the field . He also had 17 rebounds. while teammate Will Jeffers contributed 12 assists

Laguna Beach l'Ut a defirn to 59.5 7 \lo Ith two minutes left. and later 11 \\as tied at 63. but the Artists were unable to take the lead.

\.ian~ of McS\\eenl') 's baskets

Logjam at top of LPGA event

DEERFIELD BEACH. Fla. CAP) - F1\C plavers - JoAnnc (arntr. <\ally L1ttk. 'Jo Ann Washam. Silvia Bcnolaccin1 and Jenl)n Bntz -shared thc lead" 1th 4-under-par I 40s after Friday's second round of th~ LPG.\ tournament here.

Tied one stroke back al 141 \\ere defending champion Pat Bradle} and Patti Rizzo. who held the lead after first-round pla). Bradle) and Rizzo '>cored 74s over the 6.079-)ard course

Bcrtolacnn1. an Argen11nian whose last LPG.\ tour win was 1n 1979. had the bc~t round Fnday with a 67. including eagles on the second and I Jth holr-.

' he reached the second green 1n '"o and 'lank a 15-foot putt But Benolacc101 hit a trap on her second !>hot at the I 3th and holed out.

Carner. playi ng with a sore back. came up '"ith bogeys at the fifth and <.cventh hole' and posted 70 for the round.

l 1ttle haJ a 7- under lead "'Ith two holes left on her 7 ~ round She doublc-bogc)cd the par-4 17th when ncr tee ~hot fell among trees. her pitch reached a bunker and her shot out went o'er the green.

Your t1ulhor1Jed BMW t1Mlflr

""ere trom long range against Lagunl\'S big front and the Dolphtns responded at the hne wtth 8-for-8 1n the last two minutes.

I he An1sts got sterling per· formances from Nick Tepper ( 18 points) and Scou Fonune ( 12 points). and Curt Blanton added I 0 points. but the work of McS"'eene} was JUSt 100 much to overcome.

"The guy was JUSl fantastic." said Laguna Beach Coach Craig Falconer.

Mission Viejo 57, Laguna Hills 52 Mission V1e1o's D1ablos main·

tamed their one-game edge O\er Capistrano Valley in the South C<:>ast League wnh their seventh straight lea~uc conquest and 11th v1ctol) in their last 12 starts.

Laguna Hills. with Just eight play­ers suited up, simpl) wilted in the final anal) sis as the D1ablos were able to rotate their pla)ers in and oul "-Ith full court man-to-man pressure

Point guard Tom Des1ano. who entered with an average of 6.2 assists through the season. came up with I 0 assists. and teammalC\S David Hill ( 11) and Rick Muench (7) com baned for 18 rebounds.

Laguna Hills. which dropped lo 2-6 tn league play. had three pla)ers scoring in double figures. and were but \wo points off the pace through three quarters.

M1ss1on VieJo's leading scorers were Joe Bnck ( 12). Muench ( 11 ) and Des1ano ( I 0). while the Hawks

countered "1th lodd Litfin (11). Robert Carter (I 0) and Reed Ringler ( 10).

Capistrano Valley 67. Woodbridge 47 Woodbridge High·s Marco Baldi

scored 23 points. outscoring Capo's Mark Otta. who scored 21 points for the wmners. but the Cougars had too much firepower at guard for the Wamors to handle with the Call brother!> - Bun and Nathan. paving the way for Capo's 18th win in 20 starts.

Capo 1s now 7-1 . one game ofT M1ss1on VieJo's pace with Monda> 's date at Mission next.

Woodbndge fell 10 4-4, 12-8.

Newport Cbrlt11an 50, Leffingwell 39 Senior guard Scott Kilpatrick

pumped in 24 points and leammak Chris Howard added 18 as the Conquerors improved their record to 6-1 in Academ) League play.

Newport Chnst1an survl\ ed some poor free thro"' shoot mg. missing the front ends of several one plus one s1tuat1ons tn the final minutes. and held on for the "1n.

Avalon 48, Liberty Cbris tlau 47 Avalon's Mark Phelps hit both

ends of a one plus one with seven seconds rematning to give the' 1s1ting Lancers a three-pomt lead.

Avalon then allo"'cd Liberty Chns­tian's Richard Mever an uncontested uasktt at the buzzer.

Meyer led Liberty Christian _with 19 point while Brandon Whitney added 12

CROSBYSOUTHERN. • • From Bl two L .S. Opens and the Masters.

fapectcd topla) from San D1e~o(1I the> fail to make the cut in San Du~go) are Paul Wisc. Jim Petralia. Rod Curl. Denis Watson . Lvnn Loll. Oa' 1d Ognn. Enc Batten. Tom Lehman and Mike Gove among others. Gove 1s dctcnding champion of the C rosb) Southern

The Crosb) outhem has been a stepping stone for a number of top tour professionals in past years. Four of the top eight money wi nners from 1983 have played at Irvine Coast CC 1n the past including runner-up Fuzz) Zoeller (second. $417.597): Gil Morgan Cfifth. $306.133). Rex Cald"ell (m.th. $284.434). and Mark Mccumber (eighth. $~68.294).

A number ol players have al!>o gone on to win maJor tournaments after playing in the Crosby outhcm

~tan1ng 11mes will begin at 7:30 both mornings with the professionals V}lll8 for a purse of S33.000 with $4.000 going to the winner. In addition. each profess1cmal who com· pletcs the 36 holes will rece1'>-e $200 including those who share 1n the pn1c monc\ d1c,tnbu11on Second place 1s " onh· $1000. third. $2.000. and founh. S 1.500 The top I 5 finisht'rs will share 1n the purse d1stnbul1on .

In the pro-am team competition. the wtnnang pro will receive an addittonal $800 with lo~ round on Monda) wonh $250 for fir~t : $I SO for second. and SI 00 for third.

There are also ca'>h awards for a hole-in-one on No. 17 (SI 000) and on four 3-par holes on Mond.i)' ($250 each) tor closest to the pan .

The public 1s 1nv1ted lo watch the tqurnamcnt wi th a $2 admission charge ~·n<'h dil)

HUGE SELEC110N 1984BMW's No. 5 UCLA hands

UCI first tennis loss OCC,GWC in big tests

318 ,Tlr l(


528,533 633,7-33


s1•u111 ·-

Wl-'1.iTWOOO - The fifth -ranked UC LA men's 1cnn1 team. ltd by !>en1or Jeff Klaparda. d1~po~cd of I 6th-rated UC Irvine by a 'iC'Of'f of 8- I Frida) aOer· noon.

The \\>Ill upS)tJ tht Bruin • record 10 4-0 and dropped tht Antcattr to ~ - I

" '\t lcut the) didn' t Ix-at u' Q..O ... not~ in C ch ti~g Patton. whost teom had lo t oo thrtt pr1 r occa ion b)' that maf)in " But lao.t )CU ~c lo\l 9-0 and had a areal year."

UCl's only wm ~• : po t· cd b)' sophomore Bruce Men Son Hing. pJay1ng in tht No 2 ~inglcs slot. "' he

Al M h1\ 7. S. 6-1 t\lup.i1da hov. •

cHr. dropped tcpht'n An1s1on. 6-J. 6·4 ··No~ I kno\\> what' 11\

hkc to be so mebo<l) "• piacon." Patto n a~ed. "You know. I'm 31 year' old. he <UCLA Coach Glenn Ba\~tt) 1s 1n his SO's. One day I'm ao1n1 to beat UCLA before I die and I hope I do 11 ~fo~ ht' J1es ..

UCLAt, UC l,..,lrlii l ~

klaPi9fda t UClA> Ml Alll,IOtl 6•J, 6· • . ~11 ~ H lflil IUCI ) dff •••Nim. 1· S • • • , Kurn t VCLA I "I a.tr. 6· 1, 7•6 Wllten0or1 IUCLAI clef Amor, 6 1. 6 0 Vf"ltH IUCLA I def eam1m ' 1, • · •. V• in4J"011 !UCL.A l .. Oo-tw11, , 6 • •·l

Dtlallet l•\llem K"'t• !UCL.Al Cltl

A11141o4\ Man kll Hmt 6 ', 7 • . • 0 Vt11•ttr••ll 111r0t tVCl.AI "'9f o.tr • ~I• t , ••

Q\l;>f\ {UCLA ) ct11I t•,._.ln Amot 4 , ' • -

-- l ~___)· ___ ...._ __ _

J-ullcrton C olkgt finds itself in the dnvcr·s seat as the first round of the South coa~t C'onfercncc basket· hall race come'> t(l a close 1on1ah1. And the the 6..() llornets are dragging. omong others. both Ornnge < ·oast and and Golde" \I e t behind

So. 3 \'ICtOI"\ sctms IM· pcratl\C for both the 2..C P1nue and I ·S Ru~tlm &oinB into 1on1'-~t\ play. OC( entertains nta Ana (~·4) while GoldC'n We1t ta~c~ the unenv1ahk task of mccllnJ defcnd1n• state champion C~t(ls 1n Nor· " lk ,

In the Pa ' 1fic ( oaM Con· ft·renl'\· ~ddh:hact.. hmt s San Ore \ fr \II m~ l larl•:Jt 7• 'U \

Labo POft1ano $tatrle Goldell State Pllotnt~ Sa11 0 1100

Mlfwau•tt 0.troit Atlant a Cll•UOO tno.a na CltYt•ano

COLLEGE sec 6S, A111ui -P1clflc 61

s 9' , " , IS l

', ..,. 6 I

II 11 ,

( NAIA Dlstrk1 1111 SOUTHERN CAL COLLEGE - Smllll

9, Anatr,on 2. Hi"I 14, Corsi 4, Ourllam 20. Wero 14, A-.11" 2 Totals ?9 7· 12 6S

AZUSA·PACl,.IC - Stuck 2, Ltlourneeu 9, Pink 4, Btrklty 21 , FooG 13, k~vtlle 6, Jackson 2, Wells 4. Totals 27 7·13

Helftlmt AIUH· Paclllc, 3S·31 Total louts Soullltf'n Cel College IS,

AIUH· Paclllc lJ Fouled O\JI Co"' (SCCI.

Christ Coll199 71, Life Blth 65 LIFE llBLE - APPltlon 6, RHlevOkl 2

UOdikt II, Eowero 19, Hensen 14, wuvutl~ 6 Total' 26 13· 20 6S

CHRIST COLLEGE - Lofink 11, G BrenOon 10, Hartman 4, Eknen:>ero.r 11, Han .. n 4. Puts 2, J Bran<IOrl 10, Kelso l2 Tota1' ?9 13·?1 1 t

He1lllmt Lift 8 1bte, 3S· 30 Rl9utahon 63· 63 Total louts Lilt Bl~ 20 Cnmt Collot

19 Foultd out Harman (CC) J Brandon ((()

HIGH SCHOOL Est1ncl1 6J, HtWPOf1 H1rbor 49

(Sae View LMIUt I ESTANCIA - Curtis 12. Jotlnllon 14.

CJements 17 L.ock wood S, Gr al\am 3 OeutK11 0. MooMv 0, Furon 2. Hullnos o: Hulick 0, Bartow o. Rlcl'tards O Tote1' 2S 13· ll 63

NEWPORT HARBOR - Bushmen 22, McGevran 6, Sorensen 2, Mue 6, Freser I , Hotoen 2 J ames 3 Totals 21 7· 17 49

Score bv OUanen Estancia NewPOrl HerbOr

Total fouls HarbOr 14

19 u 12 18

Estanc ia 12.

16 14-63 9 10-~9 NtWllOrl

lrvlne 69, Cost1 Meui 6 I (Sae View t.eevu.)

IRVIHE - Ountep IS, Caldwell :>J, B1t1men I . RllOdes 11, Neat a . Petersen • To111' 26 17·22 69

COSTA MESA - Ton 4 , Cook ? , PtllCllOWSf\1 • • Judd 16. Kimme 14. Gr-14, Rnan 3 Totals 26 , . 23 61

Score by OU111en Irvine 16 II 17 11-69 Coste Mew 11 I? It 19-61

Total louts Irvine 19, Colle Mese 16

Unlv..-sltv 47, CdM 44 (Saa View LM9Ut I

UNIVERSITY - Evt<tll 9. Flemerk 2 , Stotzofl 15, Arnold S Peutson 7, Gtntl'4t e. Ven11ates11 6 Totals 17 IJ·n 47

CORONA DEL MAR - Green 13. Prvor 1, Pettis 6, Zenreon11\ 12. Hatllekl 2. Kendall 4 Totels ?O 4· 6 44

Sc.ore bv Ou1n.r1 Univtrs ltv 10 11 9 l~7 Coron1 dtl Mar 10 19 11 4-44

Tola l touts Un1vers1ty 13 Corona de t Mer 17 Ttcnmcats Ktndell (Corona dtl MarJ

El Toro S9, Sadchback SS ( S.1 View Ltteut I

SADOl.EBACK - Jones 0, Welklns 6, 8 Welton 11, M Wallon 20, Lulan 3, Peterson l), OHi 2 Totals 20 IS·ll SS

EL TottO - Slone 4, McL•ln S, C11Jllen ?, SllOcktv 10, Arnold ?I Summers 4, Mlr " •no 6 TotelS 11 17· 3() S9

Score bv OU1n.rs Saddteoac1>. 17 l2 12 19-SS Et Toro la IS • 11-St

Totet louts S.Cldltbeck 20. El Toro IS Fouled out Pt1er1on (S) Arno4<1 IETI

Fountliln Vait.v SI, Westminster 3' (Sllllwt LNIUI)

WESTMINSTER - Downs 16. E111lln 10 Hammond ~ OtL•vall•O• 4 Davis 2. Akita ? TotalS IJ 13· 17 39

FOUNTAIN VALLl!Y - Merlin 11, J acoos 1l Newton 10. T lnnev 4, Brown 6, Mornerneeo 2. Hanson 7 Harvin 2. Power I Tot11s 23 12· IS SI

Sctrt bv OUar"ltn Westmln\ter I I 11 12-39 Fountain Vallev 14 17 10 17-SI

Total fouls We"m1n1ttr 15, Founltln Vettev 20 Fouled out Hammond IWI

Edison SJ, Huntl119ton Bffctl 37 !Sunset l.H-1

EDISON - HeCl'lltn 9, Tllomu I. Jonnson 6. Wtrtner 8 Witt\ 16. Amman.. 7 , Slnclelr 6 Total' 21 I 1-11 SJ

HUNTINGTON BEACH - Thom11\on 11 . Hanavan 6. Jtlfer' 4, Fries I. Cusack I , M1lltr o. Bolan 0 Tolell 16 S· 10 37

Sew• bV Quan.,., Ed1SOrt 10 10 11 22- SJ Hunlin11ton Beecri 9 11 9 1-37

·~ Tot1t louts EdllOn 11, Huntington Beacn

Oc11n vi.w SI, ~rlna 31 ISvnstt LNVU. l

MARINA - RowniwtlG • · Betenger 17, Ore11e1m 7 Wl'tteltr 2. Cnurel'tvlllt 2. Grailtr 2 TOlllS 14 3· • 31

oc;E AN VIEW - Orunlck 11 Moser s. S1ra111111 I P•n11c1 1 Wll• on 4, Bulftr S. Adnem' 9 Sm•ll't 2 To111s 22 1· 16 Sl

Sclf't bV 0Uar1tn Merine I 6 I 9-31 Oceen llotw II 17 I IS.-Sl

Total touls Merine 1• OC..11 v,... 11

Dani Hlls JO, Laoun1 BMdl 65 1$ollttl Ceatl Leaeut)

LAGUNA BEACH - NHn 9. T111111r 11. Fortune 1', 81•nton 10, Elhlen t . Joroan 2, McGr1111 ?. W•lford ? . .Arndt 4 To111s 27 11· 16 6S

DANA HILLS Anllnuccl • • McSwMnev 34. Jeffers 4. Melhleu 1 Sl>elman I , M1111m•w 7, C1m1>bell 6 Tot1I\ 79 12· 19 70

S<1rt b'Y Quar"lwn L•ll\lne Beecn u 11 11 n~ Dana HUI\ 14 11 IS 2.,_70

Total louts L1oun1 flncl't IS. Oen• Hlff1 IS. Fouftd out Fortune ILBI

Mlulotl vi.ro S7, UVUNI Hiia S2 l *tfl CN\f L..wt)

MISSION VII.JO - Muencll 11, Mer~ 3, O.stano 10, Brk k 12, Evins I , HUI s. Hollman 4. Holland 1 K.ArPI,..,. 2 TOl&I\ '° 11 15 57

L.ACllHA HILLS -- Certer 10, L.ltnn 11, $e1l1rio 1 PletMI • . 01vl• • Rll\otet 10, HOlldav 1 Totals 1• 4·6 ~2

ktf'I bV OU.rten MIUlOl'I Vltt0 12 IS IS 16-S7 La~ HIU\ 13 IS 11 lt--S7

Toltl louts Mil\~ Vltlo 10, LeOur'la Hiii\ 70, Ttel'tn1cals LUltn ILHI.

~tw Def '7, S«Ta 6S (Afltl!IUI LHtutl

MAT&R oa• - '"UWMtr' It. L .... •S )7. JaaSOl'I 0, M1lcnttl " Flelcler ' · O#V« lD , K1h 1 Tot•I• ll•U fl

H•RA - MltY 6, Fonto 11, C~ 4 TttomH 6 S\itl\tfltno 11, l.omberd 1, Gambit l , JOllmotl 6 Totlls U 16 U 6S Jc_..,_,_.. Met« 011 2) 20 JO 2...-.1 Hrn 1J 14 19 11-.\

T•••I IOu" Maltt Ot1 U, Setra ti. f'Oo;ltd 01;1 rtfdlllr IMOI. Mav (S), Canecl\t 1\1

fWwMrt Cl'lrfstlan SO, L"""'9w .. 3t (A~v LM..,_)

Llllf'UfGWILL - MCK~tlt 2. Ptar\Oft 4. CarMV 4, W...., 10 HU!rnall 17, llrcl't 2 foJats i• > 16 lf

NIWll'OttT CHRllTIAN - Kll~tr°'k 14 W_,., $ Howaro It .M,O(ean 2. JOMM>!I I. ToJal\ 17 I' )6 '°

ktr•M~ L.tfll11tw"" • 10 10 1)-~ NtwPOft Cl'tmllan IJ I I 10 I~

Total tOUI' l tHIMwtlf ?I, Ntw_.I Cllrlsll•n 14 Foultd O\JI McKe111le IL), Carnty (LI eirch (L), Hittman (I.)

Avalon 41, LIWtv Otrla"-n 47 CAcadtmv LHtiUel

AVALON - P11101 14, MArtln ) , Pott• 7, fllt1e111s 11, Hwrlnolon • . Hot/ 2 Totals. 19 10· 16 ...

UBIRTY CHltlmAN - M•vtr 1'. PtmPtr 6, Wllltnev 12. Jamn 4, l.udwt" t Totels: 21 S· 14 "1

k••bV ,,_..~ AYlloll ,, • ,0 12 2 4-4 1.IOtflv Cllrlattet1 IS 4 14 9 1 3'--41

Tolel touts Av•IOI\ 13, l.lbartv Cl'trlsllen ,. f'!outetl OUI ,..m.,.r !I.Cl Te<h~t Herrlnoton l AI

SH vi.lit Lneu•

Est•nc•e NtWllOrl H1rt>or El Toro SeCIOlet>tClr. CD<'onl Ciel Mir Irvine Un1ven1rv Co"a MtH

LNtut WL • l • 3 • J 6 3 4 s ) 6 3 6

0 ' fndav's Sc-

Owrel WL 11 3 11 1

' 7 14 4 11 1 10 10 s 12 1 IS

ES!anc,. 63. NewllOft Harl>Or 49 Un1ven11v 47, Corona Ciel Mer 44 E I T OfO s'. S.ddltl>ack SS lrvlne 69, Coste Mew 61

"11-*v's Games (7:l01 CorOll• Otl Mar al trvlne UrtlvenltY el Coste ~· El Toro a l Estancle NewPOrl Heroor •' Sedd'4tbeck

Sunset L11eut

Fountain Vallev Edison OC:ffn View Marina Hunlln111on 8tacll Weitmlnsttr

LMwue WL 7 0 6 1 s 2

' 6 I 6 I 6

Frtdev' s Scorn Ocean Vt•W Sl , Mlflna 31

0¥« .. wt. IS 6 17 3 13 6 3 16 4 IS • 14

Edi'°°' SJ, Huntington 8eeeh 37 Fou11ta ln Vellev SI. Westminster l9

Wldnftd&V's Garnes ( 7:l0 I Oct1n View al Huntlnoton Beacri Westminster at Marl"' Edison et Founte ln Vallev

Soutfl Coast LHeu• Lff9UI

WL M1u1on Vtet0 7 O Caolllrano v a ll""' 7 1 Woodbrld9e 4 4 Dana Hiiis 4 4 Laouna Beacl'I 2 6 Laouna Hlrts 2 6 San Clemente 1 6

Frlda'Y's Sceres

OWrel wt. 14 s 11 ? 12 7 9 9 I 10

11 10 6 l1

Dene Hills 70, Leoune Btecll 6S Capistrano Valley '7. WOOOt>rldot S7 Mlulon Vlei<> 57, L111una Hills S2

M9ndav's Games ( 7:l0) Capistrano Valley •• M in ion Vltlo L•ouna Hills a t Sen Clemente WOOObrldOt at Dena Hltl1

An91tus LH9UI t.eaeue

WL Meter Oei 6 o servlte 4 2 Plus )( 3 3 Serre 3 3 SI. Peuf'""I 2 4 8 l1hoo Amat 0 6

FrldeV"s Scores M•ter Otl 97, Serre 65 Servile 74, Piu.s X SJ St Peut SI. Blsholl Amil S4

Tundn's G- (7:l0)

Ovtral wt.

20 I 13 7 7 10 1 t 9 ' 4 IS

B1s11<>11 Amat v1 Mater Oel 11 Cl'la11man Cotteoe-

WtGwMtav's Gemes (7:l01 Servolt e t Serre St Peut 11 P ius X


SmvtM Division W L T P"ts GF GA

Edmontori 31 8 S 81 299 201 Cafoarv 19 19 l l •9 II I 200 W1nnl11e11 19 23 8 46 226 1SO Va ncouver ll 21 6 42 201 213 Kin.s 14 27 10 38 211 244

Norris OMllon M lnntsoJe 27 19 4 SI 239 221 SI. Louis 21 26 S 41 193 210 Chlceoo 19 27 s 43 173 Its Toronto 16 21 6 31 19S 243 Oalrolt 16 ?9 S 37 17S 211


NY lstenoe" 31 ll 7 64 22s 171 NY R.anvers ?9 17 S 63 211 l9l Plllledel!IPll1 27 IS 1 61 213 174 Wallllno1on 26 21 S6 11S 167 Plltsburgll 10 lJ 2S I.. 21 4 Ntw Jersev 10 JS S 2S 13t 212

Adams DMsleft Buffato 31 13 6 70 203 162 Boston 32 14 3 67 2 IS 148 ~ 27 11 S St 236 179 Montreat 23 24 J 4t 119 111 He rtford l S 17 6 36 162 104

FrlCSav's Sc:wes Klnvs 2. Catoarv 2 Oetroll 2, Buffeto 2 wesnlno1on 6, Toronto I Mlnllflole 10, St . Louis I New Jt"*"' 3. Edmonton 3 Vencouvtf' 4, Ptlll.tdelPhl• O

Tonlttlt's Games Kin9S et Edmortlon Wlnnl11t11 el Boston Dtlroll 111 NY Islanders Heriford et Quet>tc Plttsburoll el Montreal WeslllnGlon ot Toronto Chicago at Minnesota

Kines 2, Flames 2 Sctrt b't p~

LOS Anotlet 0 2 0 0 - 2 cakNirv 1 0 I 0-2

• F Int Period 1 Celgery. hmbttllnl 6 ILoob ), 6 47

P-tties-T•Ylor. L.A, 4 42, Beron, L.A, 9.20, Eaves, Cal, 11Jt, Herdv. LA. 19 03

Sectnd Ptr1M ? LOI A~s. Herov S (Nlcllolls), 10 10

( 1111), J. Los Anotles, NICllOlls 21 IF011, Wens>. 11.21. "'-nattlts--ltlsebrough, Cel l :S6. Ounn, Ce l, I 44, Simmer, L.A, I S7. Macoun. Ci t, I .SJ, Etorarita , Cit. IQ.'03

TIIW4 Pwtecl 4 C1toerY , .Mecoun ' · t-OS Pen·

ellv-Hakensson, LA. 1111 Ovwl~None Ptnanles~None Sllols on Goat-Los Anotlts

7· 11· 4·1-13 Catoarv 11· 13· 9 ·6-3' Goalies-Le» Anotlts, Baron Celoarv,

Lemelin A-16,764

U.S. _.,. Indoor ,.,,....~,

0Ual1erflnal "'-s Wolltk Flt>tl< CPOler'ld) Off Jlmnw ArlH

(U S.l. 6·2. 1· t : Jotln McEnroe def tomu Smid IC1echostoY1kla l, •·O. 6· l , Y1Mlck Noall IFrenct l Cltf E liot Tt4lt<11tr IU S 1. 6· l . 1·6, 6· 2c... '!~" Landi ICi~vaklal Cltf Brad Gliven <US). >·•· • -2, •·I

c ...... tit toumamom (a t LAt Oulllta)

Oue""1NI ~ Jor9t Loz•no l USCI Cltf ltlck &tnohOt!

IUSCI, t 2, 6· 2, Tom MMCM ( TCU> def Scoll flrownsbef..., INewwt kachl 6·0. 3 ·6. ,.4 OaMy LHI (~dine) Off Crato loynton (TCU!. 1 S, 6 O fodd Wlllllt'l'I ~I o.t .JOM Lttt\ 1Slfftf00'4),

7 ' · 6•' OtNl1wf•• ~ LOltllO Wltslltn IUSCl Clef Ken NtOll

"'M 8axltr IP'tPMrcMtl ' J 1 • · ~ntan'Y El'l'tnOll·~\IOll (USCI °" Mercer Tlm lell.lf rr CU l , , . t . 6 ·4, K""' "°"" • WOf'lle _J_, C~flfttl dlf Ired fllurc:e (ltt'0•4)•Ktfl Dlflet l~ludiO City). 1•6, 1 6 tll!Ck l.ffcfl· T tm P•wMt (U$C ) def Olcll t.Mc.tl· Jlm Herott ILtouM &uel't l. • J, •·l


5amlt Anita ,.IOAY'S atWLTJ

llttfl .. fl ·MY ...,.....,... ._...,, fNUT •ACI. • 1 l1KIOn9l

Hard Hll IMcCarron t 100 ) 90 t to Cosl#'MI IGutrr• I s .o > 00 Ovna"11eld (MIJI ) 1.IO

Also rKtd S.nv Stnottr, ltouwalll, Tv111cat Pro. 04oert A111 , S611<1v Knoll, tteu Twl•lfl"

Time. 11' 4/S SICOND RACE. 6 futl0n9•

Trolan HO\JM (Ft lll 41 ,40 1..00 10.00 <itl <ioln Gotor0t ISlbllltl 17 00 t .20 WHI Oovoi.u (\/alefl&uela) 10.00

Also raced. Wln9fd, Prlnct, Our Olen. <ia lectoll St•r, ACl<lreu, HIPOV 0-· atlon, L.eoo• Crowo, Mr MiQhtv, Klno ot ll'tt Grffn, hHt Power.

Time. l 11 l / S. U DAILY DOUILE 11·12> IHllCI 1172.10 THIRD RACE. 6'/'a lurlOf!Gs

Pvramld Zoll• IPlncevl 00 UO UO SObrtf\omOft (Snotmakerl J 00 210 llic:t°'v Lea (Of'teoal 1.40

Also raced Snak•'.. ' • Nled1c1,,., Trust tl'tt Man. Dunker Bill, NOftll Lint, Jlf'TI Bur kt

Time 117 1 ~ ,.OURTH RACE. 6 furl0n91

Mliltr Gtnnero !Sllmkr l 17 00 9.20 00 Nuc:'4tar Attack l~eoa l UO l 60 Monte M !OtlallOvu•Ytl 7.60

Also raceo ~n tne Connon, OoctO( Jim Tfd, Rtt1ra11def' . Loro Elt9en1, Old Wllldv, Wln<KOr ' ' R'° TurOultnl Rultf . Bklrr. Soefdy Sl>IMlh

Time. I 10 41 S. ,.lfTH RACE. One mile.

A11Uatfd Miu (Garcia ) s 00 3.00 2 to Tamura IOtlallOvnavel 3 to 2 <IQ Pronto Miu IMtzaJ l 90

Also r aceo Bladt of Luck. Cl'lelter, Jan Rufflne, Rlliv Ledv, Nude~er

Tlmt. 1:37 3/ S. U IXACTA ll -61 11110 S49 SO. SIXTH RACE. 6 lurlonG$.

Oav1 ol Gtorv !Pierce) 20.•0 6.20 4,60 Brllllant Ascent (Ceu111tn) 3.20 2.IO lnolen F1blH (Mt11 t S.80

AIM> ra ced: Sister S11v, Top Achiever. Spell Victory, Bell's Ridge, Cherished C•n· dlt. Miu Btrrv

Time. 1.10 4/S SIVENTH RACE. 1 1116 mllH.

Gu1t1rreen1e (C111aneC1-.J 2S.OO 9.IO 4.20 UPllfllno ( TOfo) S.60 l 60 Oolter Oerllng IValeruutla l 2 IO

Also raced. Froitv T09, Grev ~s.n, Funnv Tum'*<. Rost Ou Solr

Time 144 l/S SS EXACTA (3·6) i>a•O SJS600. EIGHTH RACE. 6'11 lurtono, on turf

El>Ol'IY Bronre (Oflvarei) 11 20 7 00 3.IO Feil Pess.oe IMcCerron) 4.60 3 20 Cloonaw11tln (P1ncavl 7 60

Also raced Ancestral, An1trultter . Sll· verede, No Flek S11tr1ff M.Jir

Time l IS 4/S '2 PICK SIX (4·S-l-7· 3·SI 11atd M ,544 IO

willl 23 winning lkkt11 (live llelnft) C.rryover POOi. s 104,532.31

NINTH RACE. 1 1116 miles N1tural SllttnOor (Orxtr> 14.40 7.to 6.20 Pt!ln (Veleniuti. I UO 3.00 Lt Notre (McGurn) 12.IO

Al1<1 raced to.~ Hiek, Pia's Prince Al, Cuetroelt, Rob'1 Mv Che"l);Ct, Bravt Cllltf· ton, LtonoHs, Beller Not Piiss, Exlrtm•lv, ~rcwin

Time : I.« US. SS EXACTA (l·l) Palo S13• so. Attendance· 20,4S6.

HolVWood P1rk f RIDA Y'S RESUt. TS

(fttt ff U · nltillf llal'Tlfts l'IMetlntl flRST RACE. Ont mite o.ace.

Malltw MUflfer (8eirerl UO 3.60 7.60 S1111rts Pat.\ce (McCarlv) 7 40 3.IO Cracked Ice ! Pierce I l.60

Also r eced Acuff, Cl'lris To11 Her, Anon Herman, Gv111y Pa triarch, Amys Pelt, Wlnoou1, Rtval Monterey

Time. 2:05 • SJ EXACTA 14· 71 i>ald 14660 SECOND RACE. One mite i>ace

Lord Alb• (LaCl<tY) 3 40 :> 60 2.60 Selected ICrovlle nl 3.~o 2.eo Tait Letona (Anderson ) S.IO

Also r e ced Loveet>tt Rov~. Caellt , HuQllle , Placlo James. Monllenl Elle , Soutn Tnree Oek1. Out to SurPflw .

Time 2:02 2/S. Sl EXACTA (1·10) o.alo SH.70. TH•D RAC£. One molt 1H1Ct

Hamson Minor (Ptlling) S.20 3.00 2.60 Just • Ftlle (LaektY) 3 40 UO Boniface ILonoo> 3.00

.AIM> reced Vatentirto, TtmPO Blue Clll11, Flt eno Rttdv . Knlglll Cracker, Tv11ke l, Wild Prince

Time· 2111 1/S SJ EXACTA <S·ll 111110 s20. IO. FOURTH RACE. Ont mitt 11ece

Oanlts En0t1vor !Osmrl 9 80 4.80 3.60 Windemere !McCarty) S •C 3 20 Rlloele Lobell !Ackerman) 4.60

Atso•receo; Traci Miu, While VefVet , Miu Warm BrHH, Ladv Polno.-ter.

Time: 2:02 FIFTH ltACE. One mile pace.

No Sellstecllon ('Sllrn) 19.40 7.10 4 ?O Tr11sures Edoe ILe cktvl 4.60 3.60 Skl11C>tralrl1 (Kuebler) 4 00

Also r1ced Queen Otlla. BotsllOi, Rlcn N Splcev. Ja nlft Best, H•r>e>v Hunllno, Rovet Rllvtl'tm, Rowdv Hunltr

>flme. 2:.02 '115. U EXACTA (6· 4) 11110 JU.SO, SIXTH RACE. One mile 11ect

Beronns Crirls (Rosen> 2100 7 60 4 40 La S11•dH IPerktrl S IO l .40 APOiio MAOO•t (Valland1not'leml 4.IO

Also raced Grana Siem, K.lnolv LIQhl. Blossom Time, Senoe Rosa, Rl10on Lea

Time 2-01 l1S U EXACTA 12·11 11a10 $122 10 SEVENTH RACE. One mlle l>Kt

Spruce Goose (Crognan> S.IO 3.40 3.IO Roval ltam11eo. IBeflta rgeon) 17.IO I 00 Dorothy Brei (Lackey) UO

Also raced Prlncen Leei, WNla Scl'te lzle, KenludlY Go Go, Double Birdie, BrHitwav Belle, Vanetta Hanover

Time: I.St 2/S SJ EXACTA 12·7) 11e ld Sl34.70. EIGHTH RACE. One mlle 11ece

Annols Brauder IKblrl t .20 4.00 2.40 Bruntttt Bromec (Andtrion) 3.40 2.40 Stoten Momenta IVa llendlriol'tam> 2.40

.Also raced. Laov Lvnn J, F inal Cell, Felr Ste rt, Cruit On Bv, Wnistle Bell

Time: 2-00 41S U EXACTA (2·5) 11a1d SS6 10 NINTH RACE. Ont mitt i>aet

Corino• Leov I Btorn > JI 40 12 20 5.40 Orto Bvrd (\/eltandlnonem) 4.40 3.00 SltadY Ledy (Ptlll"9) 3.00

Also raced Thtore Henovtr, Canbtf're o.i. Summer Snede

Time· 2 00 3 /S U EXACTA !S-41 11a1d l lS0.00 u PICK SIX 15 ... 2·2+SI Pelo if.634 40

w1t11 two w1nnl119 tlcktts (live llOl'sesl Cerrvover POOi s lt,62'.tl

TENTH aACI. One mite IHICt Hu$lllnv O•t. ITOdd) 9 IO s 20 3.tO Orne Cnerie' (Baina rQtOfl) 11.00 7 60 POPts Pelel't IL• CktVI )00

Also raceo ltell>ll C Aolos, l(~lla 8oy ~ of On. Bert Gltl\v11t, MacMe Game, Eesv OV, Rouxelon.

Time 2 03 2/ S SJ IXACTA 11· 21 !Hi id llt960. Alltn<ler>ct 7.756.


H1111-.- ... di t. 119Mll t Hun1lno1on BMCh aeor11111· Ouu 1.

Ho"111o 1. Lawton 1,

w .. ~ •. """""' v-. l Westmlnsltr SCOflll9 Xlone I, Mac.l't l ,

Verlll I. MIM l. Fountalr'I Valttv sc°'•no Peftellor I,

S...clltt 2

O<Mn VltW J. M9t11\1 1 oc .. n Vie• scerlnt Sm1111 2, Mart111 1 M¥tne tcOl'tno J011ar'l1M11 1

0.... tM 1"""9 OANA WHAAft - l3 1nellrll I NH, •

rock ~. n INIClltrel, 42 '~ lt te'lllltlll ff bfoJll Nftfl


7 30-VI( T0tt0tlc l. Gltn Atmouist (Senta Allt CCI. Du\t o.icner. WOOdv Sll\jlll Ctrv1ne CoaSI CCI

7 u-Gerv H1mw10111. ltOlttld OMood 1119 C1nv011 CC), "lck Cr-. M1cNiel Or\ICl<tr 1810 C:envon CCt

746-Tom Armour , 100 Cr1ttw (l,...lne • Cont CC>. K,eith Ctea,...attt , TllOmas G

Deemer IS.nta Ane CCI 7.$4-Tom Grev , 8ob Cun1rd (La Qlllnte

CC), Niel Soll, Herbert Elldf (811 Air CCI •-<>2-6ob Wvnn, OOtdon .. ., CUI&

Al\ffltS CCI, Mike Cunnlno, Rotllrt C LevluH (Sa nft Ant).

I lo-Rev Siewe rt, W Ci Mllcrtttl (Sante Ane CCI. Steve j()llf\, 0 J tlnlltv (Senta Ane CC)

I 11--RIV CerraKO, ~y11ero Fr• nklln ltlo Cenvon CC), Pela trowr'I. JetNs J Shelton !Los Anotlts CC>

1"26-Tlm Graf\em, ll09tf HUGhes (8 111 Canvon CCI. Jim Clark, Jim Gla nullH t8 IO Canvon CCI

I 41-t.arrv weco, Devld I Bruns !Mission Vleto CCI. Jonn Slark. llotlert Gonoener <Palo\ Vwde\ CCI

I 50-Mlkt Gove, Witt L.avM•n !Bio CenvOll CC) Art Scttlt11n9 , Dean Paulson IWCAGI

t St-Jonn Jee.obs, G-ot ClltCIUi (8•G Canv011 CC >. Don Bleke. George F l(Hmein <Y°'ba Linda CCI

9 C»--B1" 'Garre n . Tom Casev !Irvine Coast CCI, Gene SaUtf, OICk NMtlson tB1g Cenvon CCI

9 »-Gar v Tinn•. Het Cenrltf !Anne n· 011e CCI. Rife Boll,, Buu Smith 1v1c1or1• CCI

9 46--Jttt T~m1en. CarrOll WilkM (Irvine Coa" CCI. Alen T•11le, Jolln Elnriorn (Irvine Coast CC)

1002-Tonv Farmer, Ce tvln G Berne, IOl<I R11nc11 CCI. Jim RulleOOt, Mtkt Rombold (Lomes Senta Ft).

10:?6-Tom Pernice, John Lomme (lrvlne Coa" CC), Oouo Bootll, ~Mml Ooala IBtrmude Dunes CC>.

10:5(>-Bod E aks. Gtoroe Rv1n (Bio Ca nyon CCI, Bill Rooers, D1vld <: Gr1nt IS.Ille Ana CCI

I 1:06-8 T wlGOl, George W. Smlll'I (Sell}• An• CCI. Bob Pranoe. F t rrtfl G Hlllklt IMtu Verde CCI

H NTH Tll 7.JC>-Rav Birr. Biii CvtnQl'os (E l Nlouel

CC>; Oave Berbtf , Biii Turpin (llo Cenvon CC)

N•--B•ba HISktY. James Htwlll !Irvine Coest CCI. Bill Brtlltn, ~re &errv (~sa Vt relt CCI

7· ..... Sketttr HHlll, John L Wllhs IRanctto Sen Jot<1Uln CC), 01ve Runett. Rlcl\ard Jonens111 (Huntington Seeclltf CCI

7.S.S-Ron J1nnav. Pel• Stlt• !Los Angtlts CCI, B P!ot, Jotln L Wiiii (Irvine Coesl CCI

1-<>2-Ranctv a lktM, DOii F Srnilll (S.nll AN CC), ~rk Broolu . G-Gt H Bren"'" IBlo Canvon CCI

1.10-0ean Lino, JOhn O Lusk (Big Ca nvon CCI, Tonv Grimes. Sl1ntev BrOCkllOff <Bio C1 nvon CC)

I . 11-0evld Lundstrom, Rlcl'ltrd McO•ni.t (BIG C.nvon CCI. Bria n Moqo , David Methvin (Bio Cenvon CCI

1:26-Bob Lunn, Jonn McNeuo111on !Big Cenvon CC>. Rick Oa 11111s. J erry W Cerllon (BIG Ca nyon CCI

1:42-Vlc Merlin, Gerv Slnotr !Big Canvon CC); .Ar11e. Ooklle , Cnarttt Cannon (Bio Ca nvon CC).

1:5<>-Blalne McCelllsltr, Rotlerl PO/Ill ., !Santi An• CC>. Ken Ktllev . Oougtu Clarke (Oakmont CC).

I St-Dave McKeallno. J1mes Medved (SCJGA), Tom Ltl'lm.11, Maury Oe Wtld (Bio C1nvon CCI

906-ltod Mettler, Jamtt Glabma n (Hiiicrest CCI. Miii• MelHke, lt•IPPI Gordon (~ Veroe CC I

9·30--Llndv Mllltf' , Lou Senik (lronwooo CCI , Curlis Slttord, Jotln Tl">Omes !Bio Ca nvon CCI

946--Ttrrv Miiie<. Revmono HHS !Big Ce nvon CCI, 8obbv Waite!, NICI< Zanlnovkll !Baktf'dittd CC)

10112-Jon CllaftM, B•rrv H11tamore <Sanle Ana CC>. Rkk Sl>rouse, rlcnard B Smllll (Bio C•nvon CCI

10:26-ttod NuckOllS, Art NIOCltf (lrvlnt Coast CCI. Boe>bY Ptlilllll\ , Jemn L.aurllien (Irvine Coast CCI

lO:so-f>a" Purtz«, Keith NOt1>v (Big C1nvon CC); Mike RHM>r •matt\lf to be nam.a

11116-Paut WiM. Cra ig Oden !Saddle· back Ve!Mv), Oeve Ooron WllH•m A POiiaro (Rene~ Se n Joaquin CCI

First otever nameo in tacll 1wo1ome is a profeu lonal Mondev slerllno tlme1 w111 verv eccorolno to Sunoev Kores

San DlffO Open Payne Stewert Oon Poolev RIV Ftovd Cl'tiP Beclo. Brao Brvant Andv Bean Fred CouOles RonStrtcl<. Garv McCord ~rkO'Mt•r• Ed F lori Gil Morgen Dan Pont Jim TPIOfpe Mike McCulfouoh Oevlo Eowaros Booov We<11<ln1 Loren Roberh Tom Ktle Curl Bvrum G• rv Kocl't Jav Hees Jim COlt>erl Bobbv Nichols Gerv H1t1wo Pll McGowan Tom Jenkins Ruu Coellren Sam Torrence Joev Slndtlar Mark Haves Denny Eowerds Jav Cudd Bred Faxon Joev Rusttt Wittie Wood Howoro Twllly Ronnie Bliek Mike Sullivan Morr is Halalskv Fuuy Zoeller Tom Purl1tr Jett Mlltllell Scott W111dns Mike Holland Eric Ballen pri11 H1ncock Griff Modv tseo Aoki Lenny Wadkln\ Cralo Stedi.r O•n Htlklor1on Jolln Adams Clarenct Rose Git>OY Gilbert Larrv Mitt BPI Rogers Victor ReoetlHJo COftv Pavln John Hamartk ~rk wi.oe Oou11 TeweM D1vt B•rr Peter Jecoin.n Garv Krueoer Jacl!RtMtf Bill Krelierl Leonerd Tnom11son Cnl Clll ltodriOWI Boo Bovd Jack S11r adlln JamH Blatr George CeOlt Nick Faldo Ptt« Ootemuts Tommy N•"•llm• ,I ..... ~ Barry J aKktl vanceHte•• TC Cllen Tom W 11\0ll JoMCOOll Jim G.tlleQtltr ~O'Gr6dv Bi" Sandfr FrankConntf Merl< flt! ThOmas~

01•t SIOCll tllfl Lon Hll\lllf Keil II F tl"f\ll Tllomtt Or1V Clydt!Reeo Mfkt$1'111111 JoMJac~ Cner Sanude 9't!IUIN« Gr.tPowto Sttvt l.llCl6tf lucklv G1tdntr tt •et O• IOOt Cktv Mettow•

Jtm ""'°'

68· 65'-llJ 66·61-134 64· 70-134 66·61-134 65·69-134 67· 61-13S 67-61-13S 61· 67-13S 6S· 70-llS 61· 61-136 69·67-136 67· 69-136 61· 61-136 67·69-136 61· 61-136 6t· 67-136 71 · 65'-136 66·71-137 61· 69-137 61·71>-131 61 · 70-131 61·70-131 6'·70-131 67·71-131 72·66-131 71 · 67-131 69-69-131 70-61-131 61-71-131 70· 6t-131 69· 69-131 6t· 69-l31 67·71-131 69· 70-139 72· 67--139 72· 67- 139 70· 69-139 71 ·61-139 73·66-139 6' · 71--139 61 · 72- 139 69· 70-139 61-72- 13t 70-69-139 69· 70-139 70-69-139 68· 72-140 72· 61-140 ••·71-140 73· 67-140 61· 72-140 10· 70-140 61-n-140 73·67-140 ... 7-140 70· 71>-140 69· 71-140 61-n--140 72·61-140 71-69-1.0 11·71>-141 70-71-141 12·69-141 70·71-141 72·69-141 11· 71>-141 70- 71-141 61·7>-141 70-7l-141 70-7l--141 69· 7?-141 70-71-141 71·69-141 70-71-141 ,, 6t-141 70· 71-141

n 11>-'41 '9·7>-14' .. · 7)-142 6'· 7 .... 141 71 ,.,_,., 71 11-141 70-71-141 " 7)-142 Tf.11-142 Tl ~14J nn-1'3 10-7)--1'3

71• ,,.._ "' n 11-14.J n 11- 1-> 10 '3-1'3 74 6,_14J .. 7~1.., H · n-1'3 .. 14" 14l n 11--143 '6· 71- 14.) 69·7rlU 7J ·1l- 144 JS 6t-1u U · 7l-IU

LJllGA tOUl'Mft*lt Ult ~ ._. ""·»

Jo .A.rMI WHP!fft\ 11•.,..-140 ...,,. .,..., , •• .._ 14' SllYia klOlllt.clll< 73 '1-1.0 $tttv Lllfll 6'•12->• JoA1t• C:••ner 10•70-140 Patil Rluo t7 ·74-l•1 Pat treO.V t7 74"- 1'1 c.111v MorM .. n -- 10 "~" .1ont1 n .,_,., Jen SttOMllaon ., 7>-1«2 l<t111y ito.llew•tl 13 10-l«J Joan Jo'Yca 14 69- 1'3 Yul'I ltlnll.~ n 11-14l Jul! lntkl« n -11--1.u Lot1 Ca11Mc1 n -11- 1.u Allee lllllt'f'an 70 7>--14> C1ln'I' Mani 70 1>-14) Chrl\ JOM.on n 71-14) Lallfl "etw~ 70 73-14 Jene Crafter 70 ·n-14l ~ Ptlrlnl 13· 71-144 Muffin ~·O.vun 69· 7S-lu Dile Eooetlno 69·1S-144 Mis.sit MGGeof.. 71· 71-144 Stt1r011 Berrttt 61· 76--144 Brenoe GOkltMltil 61·76--IU Sandri Pa lmer 1t·6t-l•S ae11v ~1119 n -n-10 Llnot Hunt 13· 72- 145 N•ncv L.OP11 14· 7l-14S sri.fle'I' Hamlln 11· 74-141 Kall't'I' Beker 71· 74-145 Marl McOouo•ll 72 · 7>--14S Salldre Sc>uzlc11 7S· 71- l4' Janoi L.ock 7S•11-l4'

1"4 Wlntitr 0tYl'Nlk$ I It Saralt'Ye, Yll9Ml9¥11 l SCHEDULE Of' •VINTS

TVMdl!V, f'eb. 7 let Hockey - AU$frfe vs Finland.

Urtlted Slatts vs Canada, llalv vi Sw.a.n, CztclloslOvakia 111. Norwev. West Gtrmanv llS. Yugostavla; USSR 11s, POiand

W...,_y, feb. e OPenino ceremonies at Zetra

Tllu"ctn, FtO. f Women's lOK Cron Countrv a l lomari

Vetlko Polle Womtn' I 1,500-Mtltr SPMO skellno al

Zttra Men's OowMlll e l Blt+lsnlc.e Men' s Ind women's slnole klOt et

Trtbevlc let Hocov - Potana v1 West Ger ·

many; U~R vs llalv , Swtdtn vs YUllOlllvla, Cenaese vs Au1trla, Flnlano v1 Norway, United Stilts v~ CttellOstovalue

Frtclev, Feb. IO Men' s 30K crou country at lgmar'I

v tlllto Polle Men's eno women' ' clOul>le luvt at

TrtOevtc Women' s SOO·mttet' SllltO Sklllnt ,,

Zetn Men'' SOO-mettl" sllftd Skallno el latra tee Clenclno lcomoutsorvl a l za1r1 Slnolt 1no ooubte bolnled at Trtbevlc Pelrs figure skellno <snort llf'OOr•ml e l

Zetra satuntav, feb. 11

?OK l>lat?Uon II IDman Vtllllo Polit Men's eno women's lrlolt tuoe •I

Trtbevk Women's Oownnltt at Jallorln• 70M Nordic comolned Skllno e t lem•n

MlllO & Vellko POiit Triple 111<1 Quadruple bObsltd et

Trtt>evlc fee Hockev - llalv vs Poland, Austrle

"'- Citchoslov•kla, Caned• vs Flnle"4; United SIMts vs Norwav, U~R v\ YUUOttaYr.; h<Hu vs. Wnt G«manv.

541Me¥r ... ·~ • I I

Women's SK cron country at IGma n Vellko Poire

Men's S.OOO· meter sl>Md skating al Ze1r1

1SK Nordic comt>lneo skiing a t lvmart Malo &. Vtlllt.o Polit

70-meter ski 1'>mll e l loman Mak> Pot11 ~n's 1no women' s Q!Jadrupte IUOf er

Treoevlc lc.e dancino (orlQln•I 111 oettern oanct l

al Z.ttra Pelrs h'ee P1e11no a t Zetre

MMdeY, fa u Men's flourt Ske111·>11 (~vi at

Sktne»rlla Men' s lSK. cross countrv at IQman

v "1!r.o Polit Women's 1,000-meter s~ lllatlng 11

Zetra Women's g1en1 sletom a l Janor1n1 Ice Hoekev - Sweden vs Po11nd

Ce nada vs. Norw1v, Yugostav1e v' ll11v Wtil Ger"'llnv YI USSR; U11lled States vs Austria; F lntand v1 Czech0slo11e1tla

Tundly, F.O. 14 IOK bletnton it lgman Vetlko Polit Men 's l ,OOO·rntttr s~ 1keling et

Zetta Women' s olenl slelom el Jenorlna Men 's flgure 11teHng (snort PrOQr aml at

Zttra let danc ing (free danctl a l Ztlra

Wadntsd&V, Flt>. IS Wom-11's figure 1ka lln11 (Com11u1,orv1 11

Slc.enclerlie Women'' cross counlrv (4 X S retav l at

IGmen Vetlko POiit women's J.OOO·mettr slletd sll.1flno ti

Ztlre Oout>te luoe at Tret>tv1c Men's g iant stetom a l 8tttun1ce Ice Hockev - Norwo el Austria

Unlled St11es vs F1nleno, Vuoostav1e v' POlend, USSR vs Sweden West Germanv vs ll• IY, Cztch01lovakl• vs Canada

TllurMlllV, Fttl. 16 Metl's cron country U X 10 r tleY ) a t

loman Vtliko Polit Men's 1 SOO·meter SllffO sket1no 11

Zttre Men's g ia nt st•lom e t Blt'ieM\tCI Women' ' hGurt '"at1no hnort orovrem1

a t Zttre Men's figure 1kat1no lfrH skellno l 11

Zetr1 Fridlv, Fa 11

Ble lllton 14 X 7 S rtlev l a t tgme n Vtliko Pot it

Women's sletom 11 Je~rina Sinote and ooul>lt l>Obsled et Trtbt11lc Ice HOC1<ev - Se11ent11 Piece Game at

Slltnotrli•. Medel Rouno Game el Zttra Flflll Place Gemt al Sktnotrhe Mede l Round Game et Zttre

Seturoav. FeC>. ia Women·s 10K cross counlrv at tomen

lletlr..o Polle Mtn'1 10.000·meter u>etO \r..a11n11 11

Zttre 90-meter \k1 1umo el toman Malo Polit Trie>tt ono 01.1edru11te l>Obsltd • I

Trt0ev1c Women' s llGure slo.a11ng ifrff s1<e11119) II

Z.t•re Sun4I v, F ttl. "

Meft' s SOK crou counlrv 11 l11m1n Vtl~o POl!t

let llocktv MtCa Rouno Game at Zt1ra Men's sletom et B·eles,, •t• tee "Ockey Med• Rouno Game et Ztlra Fl(llKt sk1t1n11 txll·btt·on et Zetra Ctos•no ctrtmon•t\

Frldev' ' tnnuctlons BASEBALL

Natitftll Lt1~ PITTSBURGH Piil A TES--SiOnf'O JOM

nv ~tY secOl\d basemen to a l •ve vHr contracl

,.OOT9ALL Un1t1c1 Stat.s FNtUI LM9UI

MEMPHIS SHOWBOATS-Cut Lao B'4t<ltf'm411M defensive teOtt Erne' ' Hiii runnl"9 bee:k 1"4 Mike Joltv . Ou.trttf'06C't.

H()Cl(IY HalleNI HKlll't LNwe

HAJ( tF0"0 WHALERS Rtc a 11t1 Norm Ouoont '4111 w1119 trom l •nohem10 O' .,,. "~ ._._ 1..- Se*! -~t Y ate\ cente< to 11 •11111\&ITllO'\

LO$ ANGELES ICtNGS-l"lfl(I DOii Ptrrv cOA('l'I. eno "•l'l'td Roe-. Vteno" •o •tole<• ~ ort a n "'""" C>as•\

NEW YORK 11t,i.NGE ltS- Rtt .... ,.f"d C>a'ft ._,., r lllf\I ""'""' 10 Tw\A ft t~ C.,.,,,., Hoc\h L .. 9Ut'

$0CCU Meter Wiier ~ L••-

1/VICHIT A WINC,S loC'ou-•.O O\<a• 0t111 m Ol•"'4ttl' C>" IOt" ttom t­~• ot Af'98!\lll'6

COt.L&GI G. ANNON--A'l"CIUIKH •ri.t C\l( t r O•

l'ttff oe~i.ttlMl!t c II ra\oOMO &"Cl "'rf'f" Stt•• H .... ""' l1tltr''"1 COtc'-

1( t N<;S POIN T-Ne meo 0 •~" ' ' O Donne~ ~!\ IO'f'l\tl!Oft d r .c•cx

WICHtT• UAlE- Announuo Ill&! WP! e Jttfr~ l'lfecl •oo•ba~ co.ac ll • es-.•eo i. ~- flfiW CC'Kll at ....... ,.,


Slmssays he signed;! USFLpact

'• ... DETROIT C .\P) - Blll Simi saf.t

he \l&ntd a cuntran wnb the Otir l.1onnr1tr d«id1n he Ii\' 1 mjsltd his formtr a nt. J~rf')' Arsovi~ about nq.otiauon~ with lht Natior9S Foo1b<lll lr.l&ue team. =-

1ms ah.o testified fnday dunng• U S. D1stnc1 Court tnaJ that be sii'l"' with Ottro11 bccau~ he bclic,·cd •1!11:! contract he signed in July w11h t~ United lites Footb311 Lcuuc;' Houston Gamblen - of what'fl ..\rgov1tz 1sco-ownerand pres1dtn1-was no longer valid. ·:·

"fhe tnal of Sim~· la\liWlt api'* Argov1u. which seeks lo votd t&e Gamblers contract. 1s ~heduled lif continue at 9 a.m Monda> bef<>* U.S. District Judgt Roben E. °'• Mascio

.. At the time I signed (w11h Hota. ton) I was under the 1mpress1on thal the Lions didn't want me," S1r{l.S tcsufied "The negotiations had come to a halt ."

Rut he did not learn until mid· November that the Lions had made another offer. Sims said. adding thJat the NFL team's offer would have provided him wuh greater financial secunt}'

"The mo!>t 1mponant aspect was giving me lifetime sccunt)' after football ," he said.

.The star running back said be signed with tht Lions in late Decem­ber after Argovitz sold his Houston contract to another agent and because " I fch ·I was misled about the proposals that the Lions made when I signed (wt th Houston)." Sim~ also said he would not ~ (

aJlowed Argov1u ~<> negotiate con­tracts for him had he known Argovitz had golten a $3,800 finder's fee for in vesting Sims' money.

1ms testified t.hat Argov1tz rt· ceivcd the fee 1n exchange for invest­ing ncarl) SS0.000 of his money m two real estate prOJectS. The Ht1smao Trophy winner said he would have fired the agent. had he known of that ellchange when it happened, "because of kickbacks and distrust ...

But Sims told DcMascio th.at he allowed Argovitz to handJe his money and signed contracts without reading them because " I felt his word was good:·

Sims testified he wasn't concerned about Argoviu's dual role as agent and team owner because "he was Rll' advice and coun~l - we had bec.G 1ogcther for so many years, wbv should I drop him now?'· •

Sims testified he did not reahz.e thar when he paid Argovitz S 17 5.000 lol­negot1aung the Gamblers contra&. the agent "as sclhng his business a~ would no longer be his manages..,


LOGJAM ::. • • •

From B l

the 6-6 senior calm!\ c;ank both hts free throws to gn e his team a three-point cushion.

CdM's Ray Zahradnik. "ho scored 12 pomts, then hit a bucket 10 cut tbc deficit back to one. 45-44. But. following another foul. l.}n1·s Norm StolzofT1ced 1he game by h1111ng both of his free 1hrow opponu0111es.

Stolz.off led the TroJans with IS points. Scott Green paced CdM with 13

Irvine 69, Costa Mesa 51 Pressure free throw shooung b}' 5-8

senior guard Bobb} Rhodes and b-3 senior forward Greg Dunlap presen e<l the '1Cto~ for 1he \fa­queros ( 3-6 10-10)

Dunlap. "ho finished with i5 points. was 2-for-2 down the stretch, while Rhodes. who totakd 11 poi~ was 5of6.

Ken Caldwell also scored a carter high 23 points to aid lrvme'scauSC:

"We cut 1t to four at 62-58 with about .3' 30 to go. but 1hen we footed and Rhodes and Dunlap hit their fret throw!'>." ..aid Costa Mesa Coach Tup Parse I. whose \1 us tangs fell to 0-9 and 2-15

··1 tell v.t• hurt them on the boards and got all lo..tnd'i of shots 1m1de "'e 1ust m1sst: d lht·in ·

The dtffl·n·m·r hov.c,·cr came at the free thm" h nl." "hl·rc the usuall) profic11:nt \tustangs missed 14 of !3 opponun1t1es. induding 8of13 1n the tinal penod Both c;1des fin1'ihcd 1he game with ~tr fiC'ld goals

" \\ t• real I\ pla~ed abou1 the tx>-.1 we h:\\C' tn kagul.". "e JUSt couldn·l drop them:· Parse! added

The \ aqucros Jumped out to an carh 12-4 ad,antage and led b) much a" 1-\ earl\ in the third Quart.el' hcton.' the "1 u\langs staged thw comehaci...

Mau Judd had I tr points 10 pace the \1u'iang\ '' h11c' Karl K1mmt• and r>:I\ 1d C tfC'l'Ot' add<"<l 14 each

OVkickers claim win

On·an \ ll'" I hgh maintained fl!.•

lead in thi: ~un<iet l ca~Ul' c;o~:rcr ra('t' fnda\ "Ith a ' I \lrtor\ over \farina

\kan" h1k 1n other un!>Ct Mt1on. Hun11n1uon &a~ h toppled b.h<o0n. 4-~. :tnd \\ ""'tmtn .. tcr nudgtd Foun­tain Valle\ . .a '

R 1r hard m1th note hed t"'o ,oah 1n the ~ond half lo Prt'ak a I· I llt' anJ hfl tht' ~aha" l ... no" + O·:! '" lt':igue pht\ \tanna drol}PC'd to T ·' · ~

Pt'lc Joh:aM-.tn talht'd for Manna. "h1lc \hlc Manin had tht' 'K'aha"l'' •llh~r goal

Hunt1nston Buch hekl ntTEd1~n. although the Chtfl(I"!> did man t tu dow tht' pfl to a \Ingle 9001 t\\IC'f \'m Oulc h:W a pair or Jllll\ and GJrn:111fu\h1JOanJ Enc Lav.ton 11~ \COft'd for tht Oiler\. "°" 2..()..4.

fountiun Vall!) dro~ to 1·l I :af1~1 ~1ng bi"1nen m C' 1m1n\1Cr •

L he

- - - . - - .... ____ ___._..~--...-----~--_..,.._ __ .......................................................................................... 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111~

Oran~ Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday:. January 28. 1984


When you don't Know what to do,

MUc Hance rJCTITIOUB euu... AellTIOUI ....... NCffTtOUa ...... ORANa. COUWTY ncnnoue .,... ..

NAiii ITATIMIJf'f NAiii ITA'nMUIT NAIM ITATllMM'T ~COURT ..,._ 9TAftMIHT Tiie lolowlng pet'IOfll .. OOtnQ n .. IOllow!f19 per90nl .,. domQ Tile lollowlng l*toM lllt OOlf'O 7'00 Chte C.w Dr . ... , The fOllQlll!lfng l*'ION -'• OOlng

n>u11n- • buttne11 ea ~ N .__ AM. CA. 11101 bullneta N Hit.L'S CAA l GAii.i., t62t White IMPERIAi. C(NTRf. llENTUA!. ARROWHEAD PRECISION ll!C. ~n11f1· JAMES 8 SUTHERLJN HIGHLANO·Pll AOSA PART

Ilk St • eo.1a ..._., CA 91Ut <11186 MecArthur Coun. SI.Ille 100C. TRON IC PRODUCTS. 219 t S~th Ill, WAL Tl!A A081!At RAWLINGS, NEASHIP, 14~~~.e0,.St~,;.,. Ste Hiiiery All~ LerMn. 1829 White Newpor1 Beech CA 92MO Orat\d Avenue S.nte Ana, CA enct CORA AAWLINOS .. TruetMe 4~, HewpOft -'" '" u_,

' • St • eo.11 M .... CA 921~ hl'lpe<lal ~I Co 4M~ 92706 ot the RAW'-INOS FAMIL y TRUST 9yfon M. T.,nuu. Tru.t .. Of U'9 VICtOf Geiger LllfMI\ tm Wh11• MecArthul Court. Sult• 100C, New TIMI Zltt. 3509 SOUth Rau SI .. Oefenden1· IARA SYMONS T~Mia.t Ft.tnlty Trutt de1*t t..~d

SI eo.11 ~.CA 92021 pon Beech CA 920CIO Santi ~na. CA 92707 BETTS. IAEN! S TREVORROW. V'J 31. 1974, 900 VII U60 ""' • Thie bue~ 11 conoucte<I t>y In 8ullertlel<t llenMe CO<Por•llon, Mai. Zatr, S60e Soulh Ro.a SI., l(ATHERIN! S. DAWSON. WIUIAM Newport e..cti, CA t2ee.3

lvlcluala 583 E .. 1 Lamb«! Ao1d, er ... CA Sante An1, CA. t2707 ROBERT DAWSON, A LOUISE Robert H. 8rown1l>erG4'f, !~ 1 Victor G '-atetn 1 92021 Thia l>ullneal Is conducted by a SIMON. IOA SIMON, RICHARO Sandcutle Drive, Corona del ,...,, Thl1 1tat~1 w .. IOed with tnel Thll bullr*• 11 con<Weted by a ~·I ptrtMrlhlt> CHARLES SIMON, HENRY &. CA 92825

nty Clerk of Of~ COUnty on ven-rat pMlnettnlp TIMI Zarr SIMON, RAYMOND Q TREVOR· Tiiie bualMU lt con®cted by I Jll\ 10. 1984 Pe1er L Orlnd, o.Mrat PanMr Mala Zan ROW, RAYMOND G TREVOAAOW. QeMrll ~

don't buy I< Thll 11a1arnent WU tll•d With the Thie 1t1temenl WN hied wllh Ille .. Truat ... VIRGINIA TREVORROW. Roti.rt H 8'C)'fWt~

Publlthed Orange Coal! o.Jty Coonty Ct«ll of Orange COUnty on COUnty Ci.rte ol Orange County on ANN L. DAHL, PHILLIP GARONER Thia 11e1ement WU filed with the Pilot Jan 78, Fet> • . 11 , 18, 19$4 Dec 15, 1983 Dec 14, 1983 SIMON, ANNB. LOUIS.£ TREVOR· County Clerk of Or_,. County on

592·8'4 l'ZUlll nuTl1 ROW , BERTHA H. SHAFER . Dec. 15. 1885 Published Ofange Coetl Dally PutHl9.hed Of•• Coeat Oelly BERTHA H SHA~R INTERVIVOS ntalt1

P1to1 Jan 7, 14 21 28 1H-4 Pilot Jen 7, 14, 21 28 198-4 TRUST. and ell ~.oN unknown • ....._,~ a.,.,.. • t42 8• 1~ ti.tmlng eny leg .. "' equlta~ r10111. 4MO C...... om.

'1CmtOUa 9U8INll8 title, "tate, ll•n. "' tnte<•t tn the , ,0 . Bo• t1D'1 _ N ME .T .......... HT property d.ecrtbed In the Seoond Newport a..oh, CA. -

A "''.. PtJBl.IC MnTICE Amended ()()tl'lplalnt advllf'H to Put>lllhed Orange Cout Dally The fOltowtng l*tonl are dOlng 'C' flt&.JC NOTIC[ Plelntltt1· tltte lher'elo, named u Pttot Jen. 7, 14, 2t, 28, 198"4

a bigger PllUIC fl>TICl

l t>valneta u FICTrTIOUI •• ,......... ............... h 00 l44-... RIOONER & COMPANY 358 LI _.....,. PICTrTIOUI ISU ... 88 ..,.,.. 1 1 rough 1 · lnclual~ Perle Ptec., eo.11 Mesa. c 'A 92121 NAMI ITATlllllNT NAMt ITATl•NT c ... No. .. 11 ••

Don Alddte 358 Le Ptlfle Pl The lol!OWlng l*IOt'tl If• dOlng T .... t ti...._. d ..... 8UMMON8 ' t>ualneu u ,,.. o vw•ng peraone ate .... ng llCOM> AmNDG> COWL.ArNT Coeta M .... CA. 92627 CAMSUE JNVEST~ENTS 111 ualneu H TO OUleT T1T\.l TO MAL

Tnls t>uelneaa ta condue1e<1 t>y. a LTD CAMSUE INVESTMENTS (Al " SPUOLEY'S HOT SPUDS" flC'Tm04JI .u ..... venerll pannerentp HE ORIGINAL OllEN 8.AKEO "°"lllTY NAMa ITATlllllNT

Laura Turner /1 II LT D . R &J MANAGEMENT. OTA TO, (Bl SPUOLEY'S HOT THIS ACTION AFFECTS REAL The following pwton 11 d~ Thll 111temen1 WU IUed wUh the 5200 Warne< Ave . Su11e 108, Hunt- PUOS 228 Main SI Huntlng1on PROPERTY. THE LEGAL OESCRIP· t>uslneu ...

County Clerk of Orenge Counly on 1n~on Beacn. CA 92605 h, CA 926-48 TtON OF WHICH IS SET FORTH AS GUMMI ENTERPRISES. 182 1 shoe!

Pta.IC fl>TICE

Call classified.

Daily Pilat

Jlf\ 8. 1984 .._,._ Fro~l~~~w~1~ .. ~~.6c.r" 92~ Aon Lingenfelter, 210 7th St., FOLLOWS DESCRIPTION Newpon Blvd .. Costa M .. a. CA ..-- Huntington Beech, CA 928"48 • 92827

Published Oranr Coast Delly! Jaf;k Snyder . <1455 s 700 Eu1 P11 ltotn, 19()36 Sundown Ln All that c:«1atn altueted tn t Mon11 Carlton TaVltn, 19 Wind• Pilot Jan 28 Feb 11 18 1984 Salt Lalre Crty Ulah 8<1107 Oft>a Linde, CA 92888 • 81119 of CellfOfnla, County of Of· wood. lrvlne. CA 9271<1

• • · 593-8-4 Tn11 business ts conduc;ted t>y a Thi• bull,_. 11 eondueled by ._ ange, dualbed u follOwt • .. Thlt butlneM 11 ~ucted by an >------------ llm1ted partnership 11 Pl11ne<lhlp Patcel 1 A ponlon of Lot X tndMdv.I PllUIC fl>TIC£ H C Fote Gfllnerll partner R Llngenleller lhown on a map of Tr.ct No 670, MOfrla Carllon TaVlln

This statement was filed with the Tnle lletement waa flled wtth the recorded In t>ook 20, •I pegn 40 Thia ateterMnl wu ftled With the FICTITIOUS 8UllNEl8 Co1.mty Clerk of Orange County on ounty Clerk of Orange Couniy on end 41 Of Mlaoellaneou1 Mapa, re~ County Clerk of Ofange County on

NAME ITATl•HT Jan 10, 1984 15 1983 cord1 Qi Orange County. California, Dec 15 1913 The fottowtng person 11 doing F2SSS17 ' f'nail1 detc<lbad u loltowa · 'U21M

bualnest as Pubhslled Orange Cout Dally Publlshed Orl{IOe CoHI 08'1y S.Vlnnlng 11 the moet Sou Publtthed Ofange Coast Deity RELIABLE MOTORS 2085 P1to1 Ja11 28 Feb 4 11. 18 1984 1101 Jan 7, 14, 21, 28 1984 cor ... of Paret B .. snown on . Pilol Jan 7, 14, 21, 28. 198"4

Placenlla Ave , Unit 3 . C0tt1 Mesa 599-8<1 140 • .,.. tiled In bOOk 1, page 24 of Pai 178-64 CA 92826 Mapa. record• of Nld Ofange Cou

Cornell llleacu. 272<1 Mendoza Or . ty, said corne< l*ng Ille Soulh Costa Mesa. CA 92626 PUBLIC NOTICE weslerly twmtou1 of thal e«t

This t>ullness 11 condue1ad by en Mt.IC NOTIC[ eourM lhOWn as Soulh 81• 4 1' 28" l'K:TITIOUI .,,.. ..


1ndlvodu1I FICTITIOUS 9U9'Nell West 39 71 IMl In Ille SouthMlt NAMe ITATIMIHT CO<nelt lllescu NAME STATEMENT FICTTTIOU9 8USlNI.. bounda.ry of Mid Parcel B. I The following persona are doing This 1111tement WU ltled' wtth the The lollowing pefSOns .,. doing NAME ITATE•NT North 80" 44' 02" Wm 69.68 '"' t bu11neu ...

nty Clerk of Orange County on business as. TM lotlowing pereone are doln9 a point on the e.n1erllne ol Nld Lo HASSON;S FLOWER SHOP, 501 an 10 1984 VA BUSINESS BROKERS 743 bualneN u · X, 1tao being a point oo lhet e«t E Commoo-1111 Ave Fullerton

F231611 we11 Baker Street. Suite E. Co.ta IMPERIAL DEVELOPMENT CO .• eourM lhown u North 50• 33' 18' CA " • Put>lllM<I Orange Coaat Dally Meu ca 92626 4665 MecArthur Court. Sult• 100C, W•t 233.27 feet on Hid par Selll Okutsu, 17502 So. Catallni

1101 Jan 26, Feb 4. 11 . 18, 1984 Jonn Kenneth Legleu. 743 W•t Newport Beech, CA. 920CIO map, then<:e along the centent Avenue Oatdena CA 90248 598·8'4 BakerS1reet Su11eE. CoataMesa, Pele< L Of'lnd.227Emerald8ay, North31 " 23' 00" West77 .9'4feel1 Bart>#a A. Okutau. 17502 SO

Ca 92626 L.aouna Beech, CA 92651 the tn1erteellon of the Southweat C1tallna Ave., Gardena. CA. 90248 MLIC NOTICE


The lo41owlng person II doing t>ualn9$S .,

COMPUTER EASE. 275'h Broad­ay. Coall Mesa; CA 92627 Clinton Louis t,atng, 275''> Broad­ay Cotta Mesa. CA 92027 Thia bus1ne11 IS conducted by an tvlduat

CUriton Louis Laing Thia statement wat Iii.cl with the

ounty Clerk of Orange County on an 6. 1984

F2'5Z24 Published Orange Coast Deity

1101 Jan 28. Feb 4, I 1 1(1. 1984 59t-84



The IOllowlng person ts d0tng t>uslneu aa

OCOTILLO DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, 2577 18th SI Newport Beach. CA 92663

Weller E Bes1ven I, 2517 16th St N-pon Beach, CA 92663

This bullness la conducted by an lndlv1dual

Walter E Bestven This statement wu flted wllh the

County Clerk of Ora1199 C<>Ynty on Jan 9. 198-4

Oona L Levleu, 743 W•t B•k• Alcttard J . Johna. 4885 MacArthur Pf'Olongatlon ol the Northweet This t>ullneu 11 conducted by' in. Street Suite E, Costa M .... Ce COUrt. Ste 100C. Newport e..c11. boundary of Nld Parcel B; t dlv!Ouala (husband & wife) 92626 CA 92MO along . Hid prolongatton North 75" s.llf Okutsu

Thia buSlneu 11 conducted by on- Thie t>u11ness 11 condueled by a 5 7' 10" Eatt I 5 71 feet to the Mort Blfblll A. Okulau d1111du11s (Husband & Wife) g-rat pertnerlhtp -•arty comer of llld Peroet B· Thlt 111temeot wu ttted with the

John Kenneth Legleu Peter L Orlnd thence along th• Southweate< County Clerk of Orange County on This.statement was rtted with the Thia atalement wu llled with the boundary ol Nld Peroel B the follow De<. 15 t983

County Clerk ot Orange Coon!)' on County Cterit ol Orange C<>Ynly on Ing courMt S<>Yth 31" 23' 00" Eatt ' fmM1 Dee 15 . 1983 Dec 16. 1983 25 0<4 feet and 5°"1h 50" 33' 16" Pubtllhed Orange Cout Delly

F~ F2J:2MI Ealt 170 98 leet to the point of Pl1ol Jan 7. 14, 21, 28, 198"4 Pubhsned Orange Cout Deity Publtlhed Ofange Coast Dally ginning. l78-84

Pilot Jan 7 14 21 28 198-4 Pilot Jen 7 14. 21, 28. 198-4 Percel 2· A portion of LOI "X" 1111------------• ' • 1311...e.4 1'43·S. Shown on 1 map of Tract No 670 l'tB.IC NOTICE

recorded In t>oot< 20. at Pao- wt---~~------------------- 1------------- end 41 of Mlloeli.neous Mei>e. r K-Gl402 Ml.JC NOTICE P\lll.IC NOTICE cord• 01 °'~ County. CafftorNa. '"""'°" coutJT ------------1------------- deecnbed as follows· OF CAl.WORM4.

FICTmou• BUSINllS flCTITIOUI 8UllNE91 Beglnnl "9 II the S<>YtlleUlerly COUNTY Of ~( NAME ITATIMEHT NAME ITATEM£NT corner ol Parcel 8 H enown on In the M111# of the

Tne 1onow1nv persons 111 doing The roltowlng person ta doing map flied In book 1, page 24 o Appoc.atton ot business es business u · Parcel t.teps. records or Mid Or FOUAO ISKANOAR KARAM

NEW Begonn1ng1 Unllmlted 2330 A- ROBIN TY PINO SERVICE County, llld corner altO being IOf Change of Neme Susan Santa Ana. c 1 9270<! · PLUS. 2083 President Pl1Ce. Cosll pOlnl on• line parlllel wtth end dis- No. A 12 t 422

Lyndel H Brennan 1521 S Lyon Mesa. CA 92627 tan1 Wetterty 15.00 IM1 lrom the ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Santa Ana Ca 9270i ' Barbara Ann Heppeny, 2083 centerline of Foothill Bqule\latd N FOR CHANGE OF NAME

Thia butlneu 11 conducted by 1 Prelldent Ptaoe.. Coate Meu, CA ehown on N ld parcel map, t (Sec. 60641 · llmlled partnership 2627 aloog the SOYtheute<ly t><>Yndary of FOUAO ISKANDAR KARAM hU

L YNOEL H BRENNAN This business Is conducted by .,., said Plfcel B S<>Yth 8 ,. 4 1' 28" fRed • petition In lhlt court lor an This statern.nt wu tiled wtth Ille nd1vldua1 Wut 39 71 IMI to the mo1 order a11ow1ng petitioner to d'lanoe

County Clerk ol oranoe County on Bar1>ar1 Ann Happeny S<>Ytllerly corner or Hid Peroel B; hll/her name lrom FOVAD ISKAN· Dee 22. 1983 This statement wu llled with the lhene:e North eo• « ' 02" W•l 59.68 OAR KARAM to FRED ALEXANDER

f21312'7 <>Ynty Clerk of Or1nge County on leet 10 a point on the oenterllne KARAM Pubhslled Orange Coast O•tty . 30. 1983 11td Lot X, alt<> being• point on lhal IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that all

Piiot Jan 7 14 21 28, 1984 F2M517 certain course shOwn u Nor1h 50" peraons tnler•te<I In Ille malle< 161-84 Publllhed <Xang• Cout Detty 33· 16" West 233.27 feet on aald eforeaald eopear before 1hls eoun II\

!lot Jan 7 14, 21. 28. 198<1 parcel map. lhenee 11~ Mid Oepar1ment No 3 at 700 Civic: 182-8-4 Qenlerlitll North 50• 33· 1 8 . w .. t Center Of'lve WMt. Sant• Anl. Call·

P\RIC NOTICE 78 77 tee1 to an angle point therein; toml1, on Feb 17, 198"4. a t 9 15

P bl ~ed O Co Fln53540 ti ---F-IC-TIT-IOU_9_8_U_8_1 .... -1-l-- 1----D-11n-l-IC_un_T-IC_E ____ thence continuing atonv H id o 'clock AM .. and then and there

u •Sn r1nge •• • Y ""' i----'-uu--""'------ centerline Soulh 50• 33' 16" Eut show c:ause, If eny they hllle . why Piiot Jan 28, Feb 4 11, t8, 1984 NAME 8TATIMENT 133.29 feet to Mid llne d~lt>ect sa.ld petlllon lor etlange ol name

59S.~ The tollOWlng pe<aona are dotng FtCTrTIOUI auatNEU ibove u pai-allel wt1h and dlltant ahould not t>e grented bUSlnfll es NAME ITATtMENT Weate r1y 15.00 reel lrom th IT IS FURTHER Ofdered lhel •

GLAOO AIR CONDITIONING ' The IOllo'Wlng person ,. dOlng centerline of Foothill Bouleverd; copy of lhll order to .now c:auM ~ Mt.IC NOTICf HEATING 5192 Bolla 116, Hunt· busonns •s ~along 11ld parallel tine North publlthed tn the Ofange Coaat Dally FICTITIOUS 8UltNl8S ingtor Beach, CA 92647 DOS osos INVESTMENT COM- 05' 3t' 00" West 94.34 , .. t lo the Piiot , a newapepar of 9enera1

NAME STATEMENT Raymond E Morehouse& Jun M PANY. 505 Norlh Tu111n Avenue, Potnt of Beginning elrculatlon ~bllthed In Ill.la c:ounty The tollowong person Is doing Morenouse. 1688 l Lark Lane Hunt· ulle 150 Santa Ane. CA 92705 P11c., 3 A portion of Btodl F<>Yr· at least oncl a week tor tour con·

business 15 1ng1on Beach. CA 92649 G L Ar gyros 505 Nortn Tustin IY· Two of tn1ine't SudtvlllOn u aecutove wt*• prior 10 the day of aeld Er< ENTERPRISES . 59 Sea Pone R E Morehouse AYeflUI Sulle 150 Santa Ana CA anown on a map recorded In bOOk 1, nearing



LOUIS W HOYLE passed away January 26. 1984 H e is s urvived by his wife Nancy. sons Arthur and Lmdlc>y. daughter Celia Anne and thr~ grandsons. Aif.x. Nt<.ky and Patnck V1~1tat1on will be held Sun­da\· Januarv 29 I !184 from :\ 111 !l PM St·rvK<~ will ~ ht·ld M onday January 30 1984 at 12 noon at St M1ch.it·I Ep1S<:opal Church . 3l3:1 Pac1f1c View Drive, Newport Beach Interment is private Family requests.

HM80R LAWM· MT. Ol.IVI MOf1uary • Cemetery

Crem1tory 162S Gisler Ave.

Cosl1M ... s.40. 5554


MORTUARY 110 Bro•d••Y Coste MeSI

8-'2·9 150



Coste Mn• 646-9371

people reao cla55of1ed

• '

Ln . Newport Beach, CA 92660 This Slllemenl WIS filed With Ille 2705 page 88 of Mltcell•neou• Mai>•. re- Dated Jan. 17, 198-4 Eslher Fmtda Krauth , 59 Sea Ptne ounty Clerk or Oranoe County on Thi• t>ullness 11 conducled by an cordt of Or1nge County. California, FRANK OOMENtCHINt

Ln. Newport Beach CA 92660 De<: 9 . l983 lndlvldual mOfe parllwtarty descrlbd u fol· Judge of the This t>ualness 1s conducted by en f232:UI G L Ar9yros lows Superior Court

indllllduel Published Oran9e Cout Deity Thia llatement was Iii.cl with Ille Beginning at Ille S<>Ytheuterly TIMOTHY J. llUID, llQ. Ett,,., F Krauth Pilot Jan 7 1-4 21 28 198'4 nly ci.ri.. of Or1n99 Coonty °" termlnue ol that ce11atn courM In 2717 Bttatol It.. Butte tOO This stetement was tiled W11h the 183·8'4 i n 5· 198-4 c:enter11ne of sa.ld Lot X Shown u 50" Coeta ...... CA..._

OYnty Clerk ol Orange County on f2Hl2' 33' 16" w .. 1 233 27 f"t on • Ma.p (71-t) .._ICllO 0ee 15. t983 Mt.IC NOTICE ACKION. KIDDE" a IUCKLtNG n1e<1 1n book 1, par 24 of Pa1ce1 Pubttahed orange eo..1 Dally Pttot

F222155 ------------ ne Civic Plau, lulte2IO Mapa, Record• o Hid Orange Jen 21. 28, Feb ' · 1t. 198'4 Published Or1nge Coas1 Dally FICTmOUI 8USINl88 port 8-c:I\, CA. t2'IO County . .. Id 5°"\heuledy termlnu1 35S.84

P1101 Jan 1 14 21 28 198<1 Pubhthed <Xenge Cout Delly alto being the most Euterty corner 178_8" NAME ITATIMINT Pilot Jin 28 Feb 4 11, 18. 1984 ol 11181 certain parcel of tano de- ------------

i------------ oo:l'r:'.s~ol:W'ng person 11

dOlng 584-8" scribed tn deed recorded In book PlBLIC NOTICE PWLIC NOTICE ISL.AND GREENERY. 271 L• Brea, 2400 page 304 of Official Records of SUN"'°" COURT

1------------ L1gun1 Beech. CA 92651 n11n1 IC NOTICE .. Id <Xang• County; lhenoe along Of TMe ITATt Oft FICTITIOUS 8UllNlll Andr- Olton, 271 LI Brea, rUIH. .. Id centerline, Ille<> bel!'Q the North- CAUfOMefA f.Ofll

NAME STATEMENT L9funa Beach CA 92651 flCTTTIOUI BUIMll =~'!";3?f1~::~oo~~ THE COUNTY OF The toll0W1n9 person 11 doing his business 11 conducted by an NAME ITATIMfNT 10 the moll Northerly corner of .. Id IAN Dtl!QO

bu~=o•JR VILLAGE. HARBOUR ln~~'~::!o1aon The follOwlng pereon ta doing Peroel of land. thence along the EataleofGRACE M. KROPF.Con· bualneu as: Northweater1y bound•ry of sa.ld tend MNllM

VILLAGE APARTMENTS, 4581 ~ell This stalemeot Wit IHed With Ille REYNOLDS CONSUL TING, 777 South 39• 28' 44" Wesl 15.00 feet to No. 112 --------------------- Ave , Hunlln91on Beach, CA 92649 County Clerk of Orange County on Graytlng Bay. Costa Mesa. CA lhe Southwestwly lloe of M.ld Lot ~ NOTICE OF

Joseph Patrick Evana. 46e1 Heil Dee 15, 1983 97628 thence along Nld S<>Ythweaterty tine INTENT'°" TO HLL A~ . • 1. Hu11tln6fon Beech. CA F'2l2l5I David Deen Reynold• 777 Gray· South 50• :J3· tO" Eul l70.te fMt RIAL "°"'"TY AT

I d 92&49 Publlshed Orange Coast Dilly ting B•y Colla Meaa CA 92626 - .. Tl 1••"' an 1eu ot I lowers. onauons Harbor area from 1939 to This builneas 11 conducted by in p1101 Jen. 7, 14 21 . 28. 198"4 t · · 10 the S<>Ytheatterty boundary o l ... "'.... ,._ may be sent lo Albert S itton 1966 He was a member or 1ndlvtdual 172·84 Ilia bualness la conducted by: an said parcel ol land; thane. along Notice 1' hereby 9lven lhat , eut>-

•ndovtduet said Southeatterty boundary North )ect to confirmation by the above-Home, P 0 Box 1957, Santa the Newport Harbor Elks Joaeph P Ev1n1 David D ReynOlds 39• 33. 03 .. E.Ht 15.00 fMt more"' entllled Superior Court. on February Ana. Caltr 92702 Pacific Lodge a member or the La Th!S 11atement was Iii.cl wllh the MLIC NOTICE Thi• •1•1ement was llted with the lell to the Point of Beginning Code· 1, 1984, • t 9:00 AM . Of lherMtter View M o rtuar)• h.mdehng M d . p k /Cann 1 ta M County Ci.rk or Orange County on County Clerk of Orange County on 89-05" within .tlowed byt-. HarryJ. l<ro¢.

an a ar e 1 a - Dec 15 1983 flCTmoua BUllNEll Dec: 15. 1983 Plfcel 502•201-05 u conserv11or of the •late of arrangemenLc;, 644 -2700 SOntC' Lodge an Pasadena. F232M8 NAME ITATIMl!NT f2'2llO NOTICE! You haH bMn lued. G RACE M. KROPF, conMl'Yat ... wlh

BRA y and a member of the Al Publtahed Orange Coall Dally The following pereon le doing Pubt11he<1 Orange Coast Dally The court may decide 11galnat ,ou Mii et prtv1fe Nie to the hlgheet and Melaikah Shrine Temple or Piiot Jen 7, 14, 21 28. 1984 busmeu as Piiot Jan 7 14, 21, 28. 198-4 wttflovt '°"' being helfd "" .... best net t>ldder on the termt and

BEA TR ICE ELIZABETH , ... An 1 H . 179·84 (Al A & N RECORDS . (Bl OR· 177-8"4 ,_ ,..ponct wltMn JO cMJa. Re.ct condition• herelnatter mentioned Ill BRAY 83 a resldt'nt of J...AJ:> ge es e was active ANGE COUNTY REMODELING the lnformetton below. righl , tllle and lntereel of the con· Huntington Beach passed tn CA- M olay and received MLIC NOTICE • CONTRACTOR · (Cl POCKETFUL. Pl6LIC NOTICE 11 youWith 10 Mell lheadvlce 01 .,, ~t .. 1n the real property toeeted

their Legion or Honor FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 414 W State College Blvd i;u1te attor~ In thie matter. you ahould on the County of Or~. Stele ol .1way Thur'-<!.I\ . January Award Funeral services NAME STATEMENT C· 123. Anaheim. CA 92805 ORANGE COUNTY do 10 promftlY ao that your wrttten Celltornta. d..c;rlbed H fottowe: :lf1. I 984 at ht·r ho1tll' follo w · The totlowlng per eon 11 doing Joseph C Sargeant. 1919 E IUPIRIOR COU"T reaponae, 1 eny, may ~ fli.d on Lot 11 In Block '43 of COl'ona del mg a ll·n~thlv illrn~ Mrs will be held Monday. Janu· t>uSlneu 11 Sycamore St • 128. Ananetm. CA 700 CIYk Center Dr. W•I llme Mar. In the City or Newport Beactl. Bray w as thf owner .md O•>- ary 30. 1984 at 2 PM at Pa· VICTOR AIRCRAFT MAINTEN- 92805 Senta AN, CA. l2701 AYiaOtUated hUldo <*nan<lade. auhown on. mlC) thereof recorded

r c 1f1<.· View M emonal Park . ANCE. 8172 Cornell Ot . Huntlnglon This busineu 11 uinductad by an Plaintiff TURTLE ROCI< lltSTA El trlt>uma. ... deddff contr• Ud. In B<><* 3. Pegea 41 and 42, Mla-t.•rator of EWa's Hosiery Shop Ca Beach CA 926-47 lnd1111dual HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ltn eudlencta a '"4lftM .._ Ud. ,._ oettaneouaMIP•· records of Mid Of. o n Main Str~t tn Hunt · Newport Beach, Ji{orrua At~ L Weir 6172 Cornell Or Joteph C Sarg .. nt Oefendent JERRY WRIGHT. end eponde dentro de ao dlM. LN .. ange County. St11e ol Calttomta. tngton Beath for l2 years [n heu or flowers, memorial Huntington S.ecn. CA 926,.. 7 Thoe ttatement w11 flled wrrh the DOES t THROUGH XII, INCLUSIVE lnfo'nneeton ~ algue. NOTE· Said tend, wllh o ther lend, She was m('mber o f The contribullons may be made Thia buitne .. 11 conducted by an County C191'1o of Orenge County on Cate No <1 10111 ",...WWI to MM the edYlcle of ta deec:ttbed on the County Tu

to the Ma.some H ome. 1650 lndlvtduet Ofot. 1" 1984 IUMMONI M ettomey In tMe matter, JOU Aueeament ROii for the llteel Y.-, Fu'St Christian Chun ·h o f At.eel Weir F2S2110 NOTICl!I Y041 ha" IMef\ euec&. aftoulddoMP""'~MlMt,_ 1956-s&u AP No 51-291·14 Hunungton & ·ach Shi.' was E Badillo. Covina . CA This e111ement wu llled W1th Ille Publlshed Or1nr Coast Dally TM court,,,., decide....,_,... •f'ttteft ~ ... If MJ, INIJ lie The Pf'operty la commonly re-the belowd moth('r uf H.ay· 9172 4 Pa c 1f1c View County Clerk or Orange COYnty on PllOIJan 14 21 2. Feb 4 1984 without 'ou' being heerd ""'-- ftledonttnM. ferr*' to u '4t3 and 413-'h Poppy

Mortuary , Directors . Dec 15 1983 301-84 JOU r.-pond within IO deya. "-ed llu.teddMff"'lcttJll'elconee- Av~. COl'one del Mer, C .. tfornta. m o nd F Bray o f Huntington · ,2Utla the lnf0tmatloft Mtow. jo de un •ba .. do en .... eeunto, The 1ai. 11 eubfeo1 to curren1 Beach Also '\Urv1ving are PublisMd orange Cout oa11y Pl6LIC NOTICE lfyOYwtlhtoMek the~oten ....,._ a.eo.n. .,.._...........,., 1uet. covenanit. condlllone. re-s1x gr.indch1ldrf'n , s ix great Pilot Jan 7 14 21. 28 198<1 - •llOfney tn thl• matter, yoo ahould de .... ,...,..., eu ....,_...,. ttrletlont. rMeNatton1, rlghta, rlghtt grandc htldn•n . a brolhE'r. P\llLIC fl>TlCE 173-84 flCTmOUI aullNHI do'° Pf'omplly so th•1 your wntten ..orlta, al ~ pWocte.., of w1y. euemente and encvm·

NAME STATEMENT rnc>onM, ti any, mey be filed on ,, .. ,,...... br• nces of re<lOfd F.dward S llcndrtckson and FICnTIOUI 8USINIH PUBl.IC NOTICE The followtng peraons .,. dotng ttme · TO .,,.. M NOANT: A cWM Bid• or ofter• a rt Invited lor 11111 2 sisters, Esther A . Ro usseau NA• I TAHMl'NT buainess 15 AVllOtUsled h1 aldo demlndlde COfnPWnt hae IMef\ ttled bJ the property •nd mu1t ~In writing and and Ltlltan R Hanssc.•n all Tht lollowing P9fl00 11 doing 'teTmoul SUIMll APPLIED AIR CONDITIONING El lrll'lume, lede dectdlt contra Ud. pelnltft ...,_, ,ou. If ,ou wt.fl to wlQ! .. ~y c'~Y~M~SlheFoftlceAY• of

• . 1>u11ne11 u NA.Ml ITATl:MINT ANO REFRIGERATION "OMPANY eln evdtencla 11 ~ ctue Ud. ,.._ ~ iW ... eult, rGU mwt, "" • ,..." · " '" & ~ et• 0.r Winnt•peg. Manttoha . RAINTREE ENTERPRISES, 2500 The followtng pereon It doln9 957 1 Olympic Or Huntlnnton epondl dentro de IO csta.. t..N le wftf*\JOdeysattw thl11Ummon1te tp~tor8Mldcon1eNatOf.. •t 1200 ( anada Fm nds OMV l .jll .it MacArthur Blvd Santa Ana. CA t>ullnes111 e.ac11 c a 921-48 • lftfotmac*' que...,.. W-..cl on you, file wtth thl• toUn • roapeet trMt La .ion.. CalltOfnle, Pter<P B rot hers . Srtll\h 92704 ARCHER SHOBBY WORLD, 8821 Bruce L.eeJonoaon..i.5110!.ymplc "JOU Wleh to .... tM edvll9 .. wrtntn ~to the com?l•lnl °'may~ filed With lheeleftl Of Mid Mortuary (rum NOON Lo 9 ~l'I. 7500' "QR~iffiur aliT{lin CTrcle. Voroa Linda. CA Or . Huntington Beach, ca 92046 art~ In Ihle tMn., rou un .... you do. your dtf•ult ,will ~ Superior Court at any lime •ft• tint

• · Blvd . Sen11 Ana, CA 92704 2686 Th1t t>ustne.a 11 conducted t>y • n ~ cM .. sw-p«r ao that,__ entered on ~1ton o4 the p1.in.. publlc:atlon of tht1 no1toe and befon. PM Sunday, January Thttbuslneultconducte<lt>y an John E Thurber 8821 Tlhlt11n lndlvlduel wrttlen '"POft .. , " "''· 1fteJ M t1tt. en<ltNtOOUttrneyenterajudge- mlllT .. ~~ ...... 2!1, 1984 Funeral M'rVtcetl lndllliclull de. Yorbt Lif'lda. CA t2&U 8r\1Ce Jotmton ftt.d on time. ment tQefntt you for tti. relief o.- ,,. pr.....,•• '"" ~ ao4CI on tM will be Nmduck'd on Mon Geoffrey Delon Thia bulloeN "conducted by· an Tt111 statem.nt wu filed with tti. II UtlM._.10eMltta,.•~ mandtd Jn the ~t . ~ ~ ••mt e.afl Of P«1 Ceth day, JanLUtry :•o.1984 Al 11 ;.·!~•tyaCt~~t~•.!.!_lladc-"'!"'nty'onhe ~e" T ..... ,.._.. County Clerk of Ofange County on to de un 11111,.ao ....... _.., ooutcl r•lf tn gerntehment of ~ft ~It, the ~9!"" of M:fl 1

""""'' "'"" v•"" .,.- "" ....,.,., ,.,. .,... Jlf'I 10 1984 deilef1e flecerte ~ Wllgf$. taking Of~ 0( p(OpWty Cfwv 10 .,. ecotpta.,,.. to tM con. AM at Ttw Firlit Chnrnian Jan e. 1984 T1111 11a1emen1 wa1 fli.d with the · ~ de "'• ft\l!Mta, .., ....,_...,. or other re+tef requ91ted tn the com• M rvatOf an<S to the Superior ~. Churt·h o ( H unlington 'm227 nly Cterll of Orange County on PoblllM<I Ofange eo.ar Dally eecrlta. el hay.,.-. pWocte.., ptaint. ten ~cem(tO"-)ofthe emount bid ~·<1.<:h With Thomas w n,1P\101blJ~28 ~_!"9'1,coul8. '1t~''Y 1& 1H3 PllOI Jan , , '}1 21 Feb 4 191-4 t90i*ede. tfempo. Oat.CS. JIJty 21. 1882 L~ the of'- by wtlfteCI

,. -· ,....,., '" ,.... n2*2 H7-M i ·TO Titl omrntDANTi A llflttl LI.! A B~H. C1ett1 ... .....,., .,.., rnwbal811C9tobepeldOll Uvt'rlon. pastor o f th~ ~8<1 Put>llahed Or•• c~11 oeuy _,...,., Nie Ileen ..,. .., IM 1y c ~ Deputy con11m1etlon Of .... by the 84IC*10r churc-h , uffwtellnJ( lnttt· llOtJan 7 ,,.. , ,, 2t 191-4 pelftllft...._t,_.1,_,.._.. OrwM.,o.tt.tttciftt Cour10tuponthedoeitohneec:row nwnl will tx• madt• al Wcat· .,._ 'C Mt\flM Hs.1.4 Ml.IC NOTICE ~ tM• tMnuft, ,_ ,...., I ...,.,... uot it..tt C•tef Or, ~'•* to tne •11eCUIOf. T•11-.

• n~u ""' ~ wtttlM IO da)9 alter tht1 iiummona It ._.. 1IOO renta. oe>ef•tll\O end malntenenoe rt11n11ter ((>nwu.•ry Pierce flCTITIOU8 eu9MU P\8.JC IC>TIC( flCTmOUI 9UIM81 ~on YoU· rtte W'ltl't lhl9 cout1 • c.eu.....,. ea.- U'*1Nt, end pr91nlu1M on tn-Brothet".'1 Smith Monuary, NAM9 ITAftMENT NAMlaTAT'IMl.NT wr1t11t1 reepontt to the ~I ~~C'..-tl>eb,... tcJrmoucoepteblelolhe~ l>trrt"to" ~!«> 6~3~ · The fOltow ng pwaon ._ dolno ACTITIOUI 8UtfNIH Tne followtng l*'IOnl are dotng UnlOI YoU dO. yGUf oetu wOt tie .-,. 1~ 11.-. f& '- w.-... _,,,. be onnt.O a ot tti. .S.te ol

t>u.mee. u NAMl ITA~ t>u~nn• as tered on epp41call0rl Of t=pl ~ conftrmatton Of IM or dOM of HALL THE SEAGULL SOFTWA~I The I01tow1ng P9f"on 11 00tno GOLDEN STAT! MOATG/.OE. tlft, andthi.courtmayentet a eec:row l°MMliel'wlflf\ltnllhatltle

R DONAi ,p HALL a N'lll · COMPANY 1a23 w Balboa Ave t>ullneal ••· 1700 Hart>or &lvd Suite 202, eo.11 ment aog.elntt you ffH tllt lflllUf~nw policy, end si-y the 111Ulll , rlt • M .; .... --A • 2 ~ Oeactl CA 97983 TOP-SPIN AT JOHN WAYN! M.., Ce 9282t rnatlded in tt. COfTIC)lalnt. wNcft A , .. , .... • tri .. and ..aow.,,.,....

ttr of Cott.I et{&, ..,._..... Aicardo IJlt.00 Areuto 1123 w TCNNIS CLUB. I 171 Jemt>Of .. Rd Rob9ft AalNll, 150 s ~ oulcl raeun '" ;ernltN'nent Of For Ad ctiOn The upeneee Of prepwaUon end,. away JanWlry 26, 198.4 H~ Balboe 4... • 2 Newport 8Mch N4lwPOft 8Hc:h CA 92eeo •?1$ Anaheim. Cl 02804 WaQM ta Ing QI tnOMy 01 PfOC*'t' ~Ing of IM deed" •hall be bome was bc1rn Novt'm~r 28. J 90~ CA t '&e3 · · Ll2abeth Sctlreit>tf Steier 2530 Mon•mmad N.,~ 73'0 or other r•tef req'UMl9d 111 IN COin• C I by lh_e ~ Ill ltlell the u.aa1 lfl Puadr.no CaJafomlA J h• Thll tiusinen 11 conductlld t>~ llr\ SMvi.w, Corona del Mtt CA 92625 K11e Or Anan .. m Hiiia, Cal11 f2I07 t a I buvw I tl\le end ..aow ~

_ ... · b h lndh'lduat Th11 1>u1Mne•• 11 c.onduc:ted by en Thtt bu1inea1 I• conduct.O by a oa111d Aug 2t. tee,, The conMNator ~the t!GhC 1!1 AUrvtv~.... V UI Wlft>. Atcardo Areu lf'ldlvlclual ~.-11 Partl'*lhlP Ll£ A BAA,..CH. C1w DMv Plot to tefK,t eny end d "Ida CWQ to Juantt.a. """"' j Gttry Hall Thi• atll~ w ni.ci tll!tl't the UUt>eth lctirelw s111er Roo.1 Rated .J.Y Hy!!!, Dlpwfy HJ :zofenOtCMtoanllnnlngh .. u( S&nc. Ana and Robf-rt J Coul\ty ci.11 °' ~ County ori Tl'tla •l•temen1 .,., flt.d _.,h tne Tllia ltatemtt\t ••filed n the .....,.\' 0 -. I.IQ. II\ WnD *' ~ 17, , ...

Hall "'f ('ow""' H•i~hlaand Jan lO ltlA County Clllfl> of Ofange County on County Ci.tic nf Orano- Co!Mlly on lAfiC>OlllDI MfO ML.I "'1•1kJUn ,...AALY~~!·H'! ~ 'AYI · ., ..,, ~~ ~ Jen I 1N4 Dee 20 IN) t1111.,...... le•n•• .. , .,..,,.,.. • ,.Nm.on

fo urgrandchtldrt'n rHaJJ Publlllled Or c...i DeilY FZlll9 nJll8 - ni..Gelll'. .... -----"' - 642 c.&79- '°'~••IOI w w 1·0 known f(<'nf"f'lll Piiot Jan 2a h~ 11 11 1.,, f'llt>ll"*I Orange Coa11 Dao v Puo111"9d Orenoe CoMi Dtllr Publtah«i Orenge Cout Dally Ptlot ·~ bfi' 23e>;~ eo- 09ilV "9i n•"lr tnr In tht· Nt•Wpnrl SM 1-4 P110I Jan 2f Feb i . 11 11 1tl4 Pll~t J tn '" ~1. al. '-Cl 4 tHJ an n .1. Feb 4, 11 118'4 an 1, , a tl4

'" ~90·14 l!SI 1-4 •7114 ,,, ...

I· ...



NAMI STAnlCNT The •'*°"-•no '* aon •• C)otno

b<.lllnlll u f HOMAS SAFETY CENTfR, tQ 18

Plac.AI ... CO.ta ~ CA 92027 Aooert 0 l<lleeltlor11. 2073 Con

1en111J , Coste M..._ CA 929.2'1 Thlt busineet It ~tlO by 11\

1no1vld11et R 0 l(IMllhof 11 Tnll lllternent w .. fllecs With the

Coooty a.ti ot Ottnge County on Jan e. t984

f2:laa Pu blltMd Orange Cout Dally

PtlOI Jen 28, ,.., ~. 11 , 18, 1984 607· 84


P\11.IC NOTICl "8JC NOJICE ffCTrnou. auaa.IH ftCTmOUl IU&INlll ...,.'1rYTVM•1--••

NAMa IT"'...._... .... .._ .,_.,.. .. _,,,..,.. ---- OOWMIY 1t.-.a. .. ,._,.,, .._ ITA·~• NA• IYATDIRWT •ie.c.A&. C04Mf IUfilNOttCowrf

b Tl• following l*'90tl• are OOorlG fl• lollOlflnO Pllfaont .,. 0oing nw 1o11oo.~ ....,,. .,. "°"'II .. L ~........... °' caa - .. l.lli•lffa U Dull,_. U t>..llMel.. _,,_ .._._ ,_... ..... .. . ~ESl WINO BUii.OE~ 2119 PCH ENTl!RPAISES INC . Obt UJM8ER YARD YIU.AOC MOO "9intlfl~N~~1 ... ._ COUNTYOl'CMWMll • · ....,.°'. Al PACl"C COAS T HO NOA S.0-t"Of'll A SM ' • 'V"._ '""" ... . 1 n the"""- at ttw PAOOt.AC flleltAUMHT t4GM GAADEH GAOYE AllOCtAT'O

1 Senta Ana C. 92704 8UZUl(I dtMi 1 1 HOHOA WCST 1 t2l04 ~ l.e Ana. netlOl\al ~Ing llUOClauon PPliCatllon °' ~ 8'. W~ C.... • UclPlr' ~ ..... QrM. .... 8'1enS19YlnTl'1gg 21111AUl'Ofl 1245tW•tll'llnll.,Aft 8enta.t.na' WO AS•o Oeteno1nt . "OBERT JAY SAMAPftHATOfl&SIC.'91A\lon9t, orn1enta • pcn1Mdi: C..t2ee0 t. S..nte Ana C. 92704 Caltf0tn~ fUtORAT ~ C I AT ES I N · VIZCAAAOHOO IU A JAY Ot ~of Na1N Hoe TN ~ IOIO Hu1fO • •

Tl'u• btnineea la conducted by en p C H ENTERPRISES, INC onw1, 3000 w~ll'I· the~~· .. ~ Vl!~_.!'~7112 Ho A t2150f ._.,•A. M~ oiy Celilf m&5 ~afCAR! OlcV!lOPMIHT lnd1•1dual 12451 W•tmlnlt• A.,. . Sance AM. Int• A .... ,.. 02 "'" .. ....__, -- ...., ~ OAOER TO SHOW CAU8I Km Oenti CNftr\ ' IOIO Henrd °"" """· • Upeier Newport ,...

8RIAN f AIGO C rf0tnla tCllllotnla ClOtPOtallOll ) nvi ~ II ...-iOMI FOR CHANGE Of! NAMe '4. •A. Mictlnr Ot)., Clllf t2tS$ ~-=-~ ':, f~': l111111etement WN lllecl •1th the Thlt butlneet m ~by:. pofatlof'I conduded by a NOTICal YCMI ...... .... ..... (CPP 1271) ~,..LA eoeo Heisd Aw •4. CQrp«lbonj

Co~inty Ciefk of Orange County on COfPO'ltlon W 0 ASSOCIAUS. IHC ::-' fNr..:::*._:..' :9' c WH!REAS KHMM" Vlctcwle ;:;;..°i'N~ c.t t2tlS CHAM~LIN O!Vl!!lOPMENT

Dee 2 t 1984 PC H Enterpt.... Aicherd G WaNef, ,,,_ ,_...:: ........ IO .... ,.._ om:h =·=~la~~ •t'°' Mldw9y == ~A.._ COl.tPAHY. '9711 ~ 8t11'C1, P bU " Aprtl H Satttbvry. s.cr.twy O.non O.~ ._..., ....... ....., r•c:tiflnlllnG ,,.c11~Nmee l'MMLoan • IOIOHaard ~ 130, INlrlc,C.,. tzn• , ,.,..

p v llleO Oteng41 Coett Delly TNIMatementwullledWltht9- Tt1111t1tem.ntwMfllecfwlttltl1ie "youwlllltollllkt~llOV!Oaoten rom KATii(f!H VICTORIA 11119, #.\,M~ .'Cellttit61 ~~,..leo::::::l"'""a llot J an

21 20. Feb

4· 1 t =.. rou"!' C= ol Or'lf19e County on nty Clerk of Ottnge Counly on lttomey In Ullt m•«•. ~ tflOIJ!d OMSIC to K SAMNITkA TOM IC; fflll bullnell It COftduClld by a --~ "' .

111 '

1 natm 0. ""· do IO pt~tly eo "'at )'OUf wrltten IT IS H!AUY OADCAEO ~ell al pflrtnllflhlp -wEitCARE l)Ul.ELOfl'MfHT

'1CTITIOUllNI..... ----------.....1 Publillhed Oranga Coeat o.ny Published Or Cou ~ f91PC>nM •. eny. m-v be m.o on 90t!elntar•t9d4"theabowmer· Hosl'hl~ COMPANY NAtlll STA,._,.., Pla.IC N()lfC£ Pllo1 Jan. 27, '..S 3, \0, \1, t"4 llot Jan 2t, 21.'r: 4. 1f \oa. ~V190JU~edhalldoctemanda0e ., ~In ~ta Of Ihle Thie ~IMIWll- M9d wtdl k HwwyL ~~I

Tiie followlng P«'IOfl '• Ootng -----.;;;;..;..;.;.;;,.;.;,;~---I 67M4 ) 507-84 El trlbutna, IMe dact6 CMtf• Ud. ~ tea at 7 vlQ C..I• ty Of °'WO' County on nii. ea..im.m- .... Wiii! tl'le bualMll N flCTITIOUI IW&ndll aln 14denole • ,.._..::. Ud. ,... ~~-:;· =• ~ ~omia, 30

• t:!.. Counly Cletlt ot Orqe County an NEWPORT PACIFIC ,URNITUR£ NAMI ITATlll~HT P\8.JC NQTIC[ --... • ......_._o • - • -- .. --.. •- at

1 °' a..., ....... 0.C 13 1* The I""'~ I d .......--- -· - ..- .,_ .. ,_ N Ule matt• ,..._ 17• Ir• t Dr. ' -CO . 111& H~nd Of .• N"P<>f' bualnett "'~-""' l*'IOfl 1 fltllJC NOTICE ~-.- ...... heWO. Md llhow '*""· Ir ;;j. e.... ....._ c..- ~ ,..._ ... _,_ a.ecn, CA. 9 HOLIDAY INN-FULi.EATON. 222 NOY.cl Of PUlltJC HI.~ I,_....._ t. ..... the..,._ ef Ille petition IOt en.,. of (f~,_, W111&1 .. 0.... A ......

GreQOtY GMry ScnmlOt, t 11~ W•I Houlton, Fullerton CA 92632 T'Ru.TD'I IA.LI N011CI ::.::-..., M tMI .......,.: rw IT ,. ~UbeRT9'HE~l~:..__., ...... ... ........ ~. A. "-~~ 4041 MacAtthur 8hd 8ud,e 210 Highland Or · Newpon 8Mc:n, CA Archie Bennett, Jt . ITOO WMt LAerl .... 1.-n./ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tn.t • ao ,.,......,.,, eo ltwil ,._ '"' ,. " _ _._, u- 1 ......,__, ..,.11nge ~• ,,_., ~ lwtl, CA. t2tlO 92t60 1.ooe> South, Suite 800 Houiton llllL~Olll'I 1'41 City Council ol tf'le City of,..._ •tttt.n ,. ... _, ff My, ll'eJ M Of Ulit 0tCS. to lltOW cea.e JM 14, :11. 2', 11b 4 , 1"'4 PubllltleO ~ C.. Dilly

lhll bullnNa ia conducted Oy 111'1 ltaa1 77027 , T.I. .._ ., - 8Mct'I wlll l'IOld • public heetlng Ned•......_ II*' In IN Orange Co..c ~ 295--14 PllOt Jen t4 21 "'-"" 4 1-~ 1nd1Y1duel Thi bu -. •- APPEAL OF HOWAAO-c.4AC! ltu.t.d .... Mldtef .. ~ llOI, I new.cia~ ol gen«81 · ' ' ,.._, ' ..,...

G Schmidt todt~ull "nest 11

conducted by en 9URUNOTOM NIANCtAl NO VICTOA ORDAZ FOA VARI- le • • ....... Ml .,... ......., eula11on, .pr1nted In Or9ngl Coun- "8JC NOTIC( l'tB.JC M)l1C[ Thll tllc.inent, _•I.\ 111.0 with tl'll Arcl\le Bennet!, Jr llJtvlCll, INC. MCE NO 1108, on l)fop«ty ..... Moefto M l......._... , C.lomie. once e _.. for lour

Coun:t C*1I ot Of1riOI County on T1111 a111emen1 ••• flled with the .. d11ty appoint.a TrustM uno. the led et 130·39tn Stteet, con- de ..ta _., .., ,........ tiv. ...-a prlOf to thl d• AC"noue .._... lllCwnout .,...,. Jen t ' 11184 County C'-11 ol Or1oge Coumy on fOllOWinQ dwcffbed dMO of tr"'1 ltlonally epc>roved by the PleMing ~al E ' ,..- .., llld hewing ~ STAl"lmWT ..,._ 8TATW

fm520 J• n 8 t984 Wll.I. S~LL AT PUBLIC AUCTION on Jancwy 5, 1984. ,. ~--. 0.ted Januwy 18, ttl' Tne lolowlng penone .,. ~ The fOlowing petlON .,.. Clolng PublltMcl Orange Cout Diii)' ... Fmm TO THE HIGHEST BIOOE.R FOA Vll\10petmllan.1tlonttoan111. f·TO THI ANT: A cMI Frena~ ~- ~--

Piiot J en 28. Feb 4. 11, t8, 1984 OIH<>t4. OU• • CRUTCHlft ASH le>aYable II u~ of ..,. In ting eecono ow.Ming unft IOceled _,...... - .......... ..., ... JlldQe of ttie DOU.AA Clf.AM£AS, t 1 t W. ~ c & J ELEcTfUC, l!O 1 E. 8albol 597-84 IOO Newport Cenw om. lewtvl moneyot the United St•t•J Ill en R-2 lot.,wNctl II nonconform-~ ....,_, JM. ",.. ..W- to Superior Coufl Ad. •0. ~ Anl. C. t2701 8albo&. Celt 92tel

----.. -.. ,-1-C-Ml\_T_fCE ____ Newport Beach. CA. • ._, rlgllt . title and lnl«•t c:onYl)'td to r .. atll<e to reqc.itred otfltrMI - ._ ......_ rou ..... C D DALY LAW CORPORATION Klunland. Inc Cdfcorp . 111 W #• ~ ~ t60t e

I"~ nu Plolblllh«! Or~ Cout Diiiy now lllld by II under uid 0..0 lfklng. The propoeea altWltlOfU wttNft. Oiy9 .,,., lhll ~•It c 0 DAL)'~ "° •0. Santa Ant, c. 92707 Balboa. Balboe. c.. 02ei 1 Pilot Jan 28, Feb 4 , 1 t 18. , 984 Truit on the PfOC>l'IY herelnattw de tile converlion ol 1 e.ubstan- Mf\led on YoU. fll• wl1h lhlt court a 17 CorJ>Otat• Pllza OrMt Thie ~ Is c:ono~ by • Thia bullnell 11 conduCHlcl IFr: en

YOU Alli IN DDAUl T UNOtft A lbed d llngle ear garage Into written rM90nM to '"" compllint Newport Beech, C.111. 92MO l)Ofltlon lndMOull Hueband ' Wife OHO OF TMl.IT DAT!D Decenl· 589·8' 111onll llvlng arN and en·~ Unfelt you Oo, yoor oe!IUlt wlll be (714)$44-9083 Plolbhll'led Otange KLEAHLAMO INC Jer• Eugene Hylancl bef 22. ,-. UNLlll YOU TAKI! TR US T 0 R J E A R Y L llllroom Th.It project hat beel'I re · «1tared on apc>llcatlon of Ille plaln· Ht Deily PllOt Jan 21 28. Feb 4 , JOMPh Frenaeco, Pr• Thia atltement waa flied with tl'le ACTION YO PftOTICY YOUft MUC NOTICE MIL TENBEROER . REBECCA , and 11 hat beon detenntnecJ t1ff. at>dtlll1courtm1yant1te)u0ge- tl , 1914 352-M Thtt tta temant wu nlecl wttn the County C*1c of~ County on PROPIJrrY. rf MAY H 101.D AT A MELSON MILTENBERGER hit 11 11 cat9QO'leelly exeincit undet man1 1oQaln1t you tor the relief d• ty Cler1I Of Orange County on Dec .,8 t9M PU8UC I~. II YOU NllD AN FICTmOUt BUSINEH BENEFICIARY MIDWEST PACIFIC Ile requtrtmen1s ot the C.llf0tnle mended In tlle compleln1. wnlch ,_...-----------10.C 20, 1983 . ~ ' n:M.r EXPl.AHATION Of THl NATIMI HAMI STATOIENT FINANCIAL. INC. Vironmantal OUallt ... Acl. could rnult In garn1tnment o f PlllllC NOTICE naaaN p ililllh«! Of Cout Dally OF THI "'OCl.IDtMQ AQAINIT The following e>ertons are doing Recorded Mey 27, t98t , u lnatr NOTICE IS HEREBY FUATHE waget. llitlng ol money°' ptopeny Pubtllhed Ofll\09 CO..t Deify Pllo~ Jen 2 1 28;:: 4 11 ltl' YOU, YOU IHOU\.D CONTACT A business a1. No. 34334 In book 14073 e>age 895 IVEN tl\at MIO e>ublic heating wtll or other relief requested In the com- NOTICE CW f'U9UC HEARIMO Pilot J1n. 14, 21 , 2&, Feb 4, t9M . ' • ' ' _..2•84 I.A WYI"- (A) RICHARD GUNST SUPER f Olllclal Aec:orde In the office of the held on the 13111 day of Febtuaty pl1ln1. BE.FON! TM! PLAMmlG 2ea-a4 1------------

NOTICI CW TRUITll'I IALI WAU GRAPHICS. {B) THE MOON Record., Of Orenge County; talo 1984, 11 the hour ol 7:30 p.m., Int ' 01tll0: J11n. t8, 1982 Co.MHION Of TMI .. .,. ar W\Tll't "8.JC MJTICE T .a. No. •1A2 STORE, 17925-C Skyperk Clrele, eed ol truat deecrlbet 1he following ty Hiii Council etiamben, 3300 ROBERT 0 . HUNT, Cleft! CITY CW FOUNT A• YAU.IV ~ nunw.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Irvine, CA 927 14 ooerty Boutev.,d, ~ Beecn, By C. L. GENAEVELO, Deputy NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet FIC11TIOUS 1U191n1 on Frld1y, FebrUllY 17, 198', 11 Rlcha.rO G11rt1, 112 Ruby Ave , PARCEL 1. Unit No 9 of thet cer· . 92e&3. et wtilctl time and JAMii P . Dt!l QWfltCIO Wedneed1y, February 8, ttM, 1 ll'ICTITIOU9 ...... NAm STAW 10.00 1.m of 1110 d1y. In the room Balboa Island. CA 9271• l• ln Condominium Project d•· nteteateo l*llOnt may IOP"r end IAMAllA FAYIE ITllM 1'30 p .m In the City Councl Tl'ie loA~ STA,...., dol The foAlowtng ~ 11• dOlnQ set •aid• '°' Conducting TtUllM'• Pemet1 Neldhert . 112 Ruby Ave . torlbeO In th•I certain amendecl heard thereon t701 ...... MYd., .... "'°°' hllTlbefl, 10200 Slater AYetllll. -n"' l)er90tll .,. ng builnea• u: Sa1et, wt.1NntheofflceeolRl?ALES- B1lbol111anO, CA 92714 CondomlnlUm Plan recorded In ANDA E ANDERSEN, CITY -...,.,....,CA.to:r12 Fount11nV1tley, thePlannlngCom-~:'AM OEVEl,.OPMENT CARE FA£E IHTERHATIOHAL. TATE SECURITIES SERVICE . Thlt business 11 conduct.a by 1 book 1079 t C>llQe 1 of Of1leial ,_. LERI< (21J).,_ lllonwl1111olc:tle>ubllchelrtngonGROUP

4 ,,..,._ ...__.... Plaa. 1"33AmiMllO, FountlllnV~. C.

locatllO 11 2020 Nortll BroaO"'•Y. gener•I J)lrtnersllle> corda In the tnoe' of the ~ty lty of Newport Be.cf1 Pl.lbllthed OtlnQe Cout Detty PllOt 1he foNowinQ 1tem1: • -......- • ....,..... • 92708 Suite 208. '" the Cl1y ol S1n11 An1. Pame11 N9'clhlrt Reeor,der 01 ~anoe County (kid! ubltlhed Otenoe eou1 Diiiy Pilot Jen 1•. 2t. 28. Feb 4 , t984 CONOt'TlOHAL UU N-.r NO. ~~alll0tnle ~-- RonalO S. Rllle, t040 Unden Pt., County of Ofll\09, 11111 of Cali- Tr-ts ~!~!eme.,t wu flied w.th lhO C>len being hetelnatter releped to u en 28. t984 284-84 Newt>or1. Pica ·~1e..a,-c;_ Coeta ......_Ce.. 92827 tomla, GEORGE MAYER. u duly"'" County Clerk ol Orange County on • lhe Condominium Plan~ end u 68&-M Petition 1ubmltted by Kuut 9~ • • This bu*'- II COf'ldueted by an Pointed Tn.istM under and purauent Jen 9 . 19S. defined In thlt cer1aln Decllretlon of "8.IC NOTICE lked• to USCJme operation of en Thia bullnlla 11 conduc1eo ...... lndMOual. 10 the~ ol .... conlwred II\ tnll f~ Co\l'lflenll. Condl11ons and Reatr1c· DI- 'C MnJIC[ "°9ttng mantel et 18940 Bfookllurst el nerstll v7 a RONALD S . RILL.£ certlln 0..0 of TNl1 HIQ.rled by PubllSW Orange Coaat Delly Ilona tor Newpol1 Crllt ~ n~u nu . l'UaJC HEANNO treel 11\Cluctlng the Nie of elcOhoAc: gercO.wm oevl1.0PMENT This tllllnW'lt WM llled With the D"'NA PERISI, an unm1ui.o women. Pilot Jen 28. Feb 4 11 18, 1984 ownera Aatoc:lallon rlC()fded In PUtJUC NO-nc. NOTICE beverage& Callf • County Clerk of Orange County on rtlCOfded December 28, 1980. In 59~ book 10334 P.,.. et:i ol Offlc:iel R9- --•·• ,...,..., ... , NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhel CONOfT'IONAl. USE PIERMIT NO. c• J .,...;. ~al.JoertnerlhlO Jen 18, 19&4 8ooll t38811 of Offlclll Record• of -..- · rE;-.~ _.._..,_ .. - Cl ,._, .....,,r_ r. ~ sa10 CouMy II ciege t283 ,.. .... , •c Mnfll't coroa ano Amenomen1 to Oedar· ~ aHAJIMO ,,,. ty ...... nci1 of the City of New- Petition SYbmltted by Edwin cc 111· a.n.11 Partner PvblllheO Orange Cout o.ttv cor<*'• ln11~1.1ment No 39730. by r\IUU nu ""' etlon of Restriction• reeoroecs Oc:1o- The City of Fountain Vf/ltey Ooea :':~will hold• e>ul>Uc hearing Weng ano S'11'1ey Y Weng to ~ Tiils 1t1tement WM llled wltn tl'le P110t Jan 2 t , 28, Feb 4 11, ttl' reuon of• b<eacn of det111111n e>•Y· K-oem :; ~9~2 ~~ .!!!,384~ ~~tnate ~ 1he b~ un~ ol~LLI" Ohl.LOP· sume oper1tion of Paiseno'1 Dell In-~~ ~~ange County on 351-M ment ot performance ol the obll· In rt the Coneervetcnhlp of the merit rec0tded July 10 1973 In book acceea to ~'!.ue ,,.,. .Omt mNT COWANY from exc.,,tlon •no the on-sit• sale and ooneum- ' naaz:. ------------gatlol\1 MCUred thefeby, lnCIUOlng Perton and Est•te of· MABEL 10793 e>age 518. otticillRecor0.0t tlnltipr ,.:;:::,;:i~· lmpoeeO by the Planning Corn· tionofl>Mraodwtne1ta890W.,.,.. ic.lllMft........, PUllJCfl)TIC( lllal brMCt\ °' del1un. Notice ol MARTIN, Conserv•IM. Orange County, (" the Declaratlon"~ The Per'lofl~ M ol the Cl mllllon tegarOlng TRAFFIC PH.AS- Avenue w..,., a... . ...... ------------Wllk:h wN rlCOt'c;'ed October 24, CAii NO. A·110 JOI Founteln VAl'-9:~200 S111Z ING ORDINANCE ANO GENERAL CONDITKHfAl. UU PEJtMfT NO. 4M1 ~-..... ..... 111 NOTIC& Of! TRUS1'D"8 Ma.. 1983 u Recorder. IMtrutnenl No NOTICI °' IALE PARCEL 2 An undivided 1/ 140tM -· Pl.AN AMENDMENT NO a3-2A ~ - Lo.t .... ~ 83-488283, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Of' ftEAL "'<>PEATY lntw .. t In and to the Common ArM venue, Fountlln Valley, Calllomla. AND ASSOCIATED APPL I· Petition e.ubmlttecl by Roman Leytco ~ C..-.- T..a AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BID- AT,..IVATEIAl.£ as defined In lhe Oec:lar1tl0t1 and 2708, hut>eendaigl'latedtoc:oor- CATIONS on r located on to 01*1 I deficltllSMn It t8027 Publ Or~eo.,,, Delly .-.~ DER FOR CASH. la.wlul ~of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thll , Amendment thefeto 1nO In the Dec· 1:;:ie =ptleT with the non-di. the aout~st.!:y C::yof Cerna llon Broold~rat StrMI, Su1111. Piiot Jan. t4, 2 t , 2 ' · • . i~ -~ c.c:r~ United St1111. °' •cashier 1 oheck subject to conflrmetlon by tne lerlllon of Armex111on, being Lo1 1 " S:uon ~~55~:!. ~tr.ea A\l'lflue and the n0tthweaterly lkl• CONOfTIONAl. UU PENlfT NO. llOfl'TGAo. CON'ORATION drawn on. 11111 Of' natlon11 bank, • 1bovo-entltled Super!Of' Court the of Tract No. 7862. In the c11y of . - ol 0111111 AVlf'IUe between Second PlllllC NOTICE .. duty apc)Otn~ TN9C. under the st1te Of' fedlf'al er.Oii union, Of' a underalgned, et ConaervllOf' of the Newport Beech, County of Or1nge, "ft!ngp ~··~ will bl Street end Fourth' S1'Mt. commonly Petition e.ubmltted by Wal Cllung followlng delcltbed deed of tnlM 51111 Of fldetel Mvlnge. and loln Per1on Ind Eatate of the ·e~ tel1 of Callf0tnla, IS e>er mep,.. lleblellffr~ bo an-:: be- known u Ille Corone Oii Mar Sue for I reataurant lndudlng the ll..... WILL S~U. AT PUBLIC AUCTION &QOcia1~ OorTllcifed rn 1hl1 lllla, l\lmed Con..vat ... wtll accept bid• deO '" boolo. 302 C>ligM 7 througn VI • • ve ,_ Elemenllry School tit• A requeet to on-lite .... Ind conaume>tlon of ... ~ COUNTY TO THE HIGHE.$T BIOOEA FOf\ ell e>ayable..., the time of tale. all end Mii et e>rlveta aaie on Januery • lnclullV• of Mlt<*laneoua Mep1, ween ..!:~oun of 9:oo • .m. to 5:00 amend tile Land u .... Relldentlal cohollc b1ver1gH et 16545 MftNCM COU9rf CASH ANDJOR THE CA.SHIERS OR rlgnt. title ltld lft&the1 tleld by It. • 31, 11183, at 9 :00 a .m .. °' t11«111t• Int~ office of the County Recorder '1';'y OF FO,~TAIN VALLEY Growth. end AecrNtlon11 Ocien Broolchllfll Street. .,. CMc C.... Dr. Wee1 C£RTIAED CHECKS SPECIAED IN T rutt#, In- that rlll P"OC*1Y sltu11e wttllln the ttme -*"Hid by taw, to t~ f 111d CouMy Spece Elemet'lt ol the Etementa COHDnlOMAl. UU .._., HO. ._.. AM, CA. tn01 CIVIL CQQE. SE<)TION 2124J'I (Pl'r tn 111d County Ind State, deectlbed higheet 8nd belt bidder, on the EXCEPTING THEREFROM thll ~~d C. Stet>Mnl School Ille from 'Government!r. •1 Plelntltt: JAMES J WEGENER~ ebfe • Ute - of ..- In lawful as lollowl; Th11 portion of l.ot 15 In twmt and condition• hereloa11« portion of land lncN<l1ng within ATED"'= 1 24 19a. Educatlonll and lnatl tutlonal" to Petltl0t1 submtn~ by P. June Minor by end tl\f'ClllQh tv. ~of the UNted Stat.II) 111 rtgtl\. Blocic 7 of Tract No 27, Boulevll'O men1~. ell r~1 . title, lnter991 P11oet 1 N shown on a map ,.. u ry · " Multlple-Femlly Realdentlll" u .... Bactln IOf Woman• FUhlon Con- ad Utem, t<ATHE.llUNI CUMAH tlUe eno im..t c:om'91ied 10 Ind Addition 10 ~ Heiglltl, .. and Eltll• of Uld ConMrVllM II dad In book 45 C>llQe 28 of Pwcet ~·1~9~ange Coell 0.:llY Piiot AMO llgnment and Gift Bou11que It t8842 Defend Mt: TERlrf ANDREW now Mid by " \#Ider =:IC; 0..0 of shown on• m"' recorded tn Book 9 the time or lauanc:e of Lett.,. of MllPI In tile otflce ol the Coun1y 1 •

698-84 City Coundl ,....._elf\ Btookllurst Slreet. &RO~· R£fTj11 S MrTH. I.AURA TRIM In 1,,. prOC*fY '*eit'!aft• a.

Page 2e of MllCellaneous Mlpt, r• Conaerv1tcnhlp, and Ill right, 11111 Recorder oC Otenoe County, Celi· LOCAL COAIT AL .... OGR411 C~'IONAL.111&~ MO. M'A'Rll: HESTILOW; Ind DOES 1 ICtlbect-cord• of Otenge County, Clllfoml1, and lnternt that llere Con· l0tnla. 111_..,. N0Til'c ~NT NO. 4, reQlllllt td a1 (~Clfttlnwd "- ...._, 11, tnrough 20. lnclullw. TRUSTOR. JOSEPH M FOSSEN detletlbed .. follows Mn1al0tal\lp Ett•t• m1y have AC• PARCEi. 3 • Exclullve • ....,,.,.,,.. ...~ f"4 amend Ille Land u.. Plan of Ille 1tl4) c ... No 343839 CYNTHIA M. FOSSEN

Beginning .. the IOVlheNI corner quired by oper1tlon of ••• • °' other· IPC>Urllflllll lo Mid unit No 9, Ill.. TtCE Of' HOM-MPONSlel.JTY Newport Beech Local Coeatal Pro- Petition IUbfnltted by Joy Christian "~'*' BEHEFIClARY: SECURITY SAV· ol Lot t3 In Blocil 7 of tald Tr.ct No wiM, llnce the Len .. of Con· mo<e lj)etlflcaUy deflr.ed "',,.,.Con· Notice II ll«•by 9lven lhll Ule grem '°as to reclaulfy the Corona Feilow9hlp requesting permlaeion to NOTIC«t You ...... ~ IUed. IHGS AMO LOAN ASSOCIATION 27. running thence Sou111 79 degr ... fffV•lorlhl(> were INued. 1n Ind to domlnlum Plan and tile Oec.larlllon nd«..,.ned wllt no1 be ~•ble del Mar Elementery School Ill• ffOf'll 11M a portion of the Arthur O TI'9 _. _, ~....,.. ,_ RECORDED June 2a. 1912 • 07' Wm llong the North llne ol lot Ille lollowlng deacrlbed real ciropeny PARCEL 4. A non .. xctualve ...... or en ~bll °' llabllitta·;~ed " Governmantll, E.Oucallol\ .. end In- Nlebfaa Elementety Sctloo4. 9300 wttt.uc ,_ ..... .._.. ..._ Instr. No 82·221759 of Oft1c:1a1 Ro.o 15. 85 79 feet to • point . thence located In the County of Ofenge, ment to uM the Common Ar11 end Y M!rgwet Hart dt>a Al YOUR 11itutlonel" to " M11ltlple-Famlly G1tdoni• AYetllll, '°' chut'ch ... ,.. ,.......... ..... IO .,... ...._. C«da in 11'1 office of the ~der of Soutll 13 degrwt 57· Eatt 81 t9 feet Stell ol C1llf0f'nia, and legally de- lacillllet ot the projecl wtllch hive ERVICE on or •ft~ tNt dale Retk.tentlel" u .. : ~ ..._ 1Mol.......,. ....... OrWlge County; to the South llne of Lot t 5, ttieno. ICflbeO aa I~: beer\ or wffl be deYeloped on Ille . 1 . AMI~ NO. M. request to THESE MATTERS llt being Pf<>- 11 you w1at1 to ... tN ectvice of en -'d daeO of trwt ~ the North 55 degr- 37' Eut llong the Lot Twwoty-One (2 t) ol Tract No. IOllowlng O.Sflbed rMI property Dated 81h dl'Y ~~a.!..~ •llb!WI Plenr.ed Community 0.. ceaMd punuan1 to the Plltmlng attorney Ir! this matt•. you lfloJld ~ Pf°'*"Y: soutll line of Mid Loi 15. '1 42 ,... t839, IS ll'lown on • ~·ci recoroeo Lot• 1 and .. lnciullve of Tract No 8599 Boalbffl Clrde ~merit Stand If di and adOJ>l • L•ws of Iha Stitt of Calltomta. Gov· do '° ptome>tly IO tnat 'fOUI wntten Lot SS Of Tract No 8886, '" tN to• j)Olnt In the IOUtherly extenllon 1n Book 53, Pages 3' •nd 35 of 78t7. as per maci recorded In boo« Founteln Vlltey Cl 92708 Planned Community Development emment Code. 6.000 et MQ • and retponte. 11 eny, may be rn.o on County of Oftnoe State of Call-of lhe Nlterly llne of Lot 13, 1tietw:. Mtacell~t M•e>•. Records of Or· 308 PIOll 33 ano 34 ol Mii- Publllhed Ora nge Colll 'Diiiy Piiot Pt1n '°'the d..,eiopment of the Cor· i~ .:~ntaln Valley Munlcle>ll Code. t ime tom1a. .. per trao recorded wi t>ooa Nortll t3 deogrMI 57' W"t •long ange County, Callloml• celllneou• M1ps. rlCOf'OI of Orange In 21 22 28 1"4 on• del Mii Elementery Scflool 1111. I AVtlOIVlted 11• lldo demand~ .00. pegea •8 to 48 lnciulfw of ..... said extended llne. •• 88 f"t 10 lht Commonly known as: t<I 16 t Brtlfl· County, C1llfornl1 · ' 481 84 The l)fOJ>0$111lto 1nckrdll 1 requeat THOSE DESIRJNG TO taatlfy In Et lr1bum1; lede dectdlr comra Ud. cellaneoua Mapa. In ll'le offloe of the pOlnt ol beginning nan Wey, Santi Ane. CA 92705 EXCEPTING THEREFROM, how· • lo em.no J)or11onl of Olst rietlng Map levor Of' In OC>C>Otlllon 10 th• "" ~ • - ... Ud. ,... County Recoroer of Mid Oranoe

Tiie "'"' 1ddr111 or other A P •401-082-11 ever. 1ny 11\d all exelull~ ...... No. t6, '°It 10 rectualfy llld P'OC>- e>ropo1&ls will be given an Oj)pof1unl-~ dantn> de JO d&ae. LM &a County comon dfflgn1t1on of the reel ciroci- BIO• or otter• ere tnvlted for aald mtlflll IPC>1Jr1tnanl to •II Con· MUC NOTICE erty from the Unclutlfled Oltlrlc:t to ty to Oo 90 81 the e>ubllc hearing II lnfomladofl .,e Me•· EXCEPTING THEREFROM all Oil er1y hereln1bo111 Oncrlbtd le percet of re11 prol)e(ly All tucl\ bid• Oomlnlum Units 1x;>ectlng tald Unit the Pljnned Community Oltttrlct; further lnfOf'metlon 11 Oeslrecl, you N you wfell to ...ei Ula --of oO r1ghl1, mlnerlla, mineral rights purported to be. 467 Waatmlnatw mull bl In writing, end will be r• No 9 now or hef'Mlter referred to In NOTICE OF AEllDENTIAL COAITAL DE· may con



2 Pl~nlngf Oep1rt- 111 enomey '" et.le matw, you n11ure1 g11 rlgll11 end other

Ave , Newport Beech, CA. . celwd by the Conaervator Fl.OVD "The Deelerellon" or " the Dec:ler· TAUIT!e'S SAU! VUOP•NT PERMrf NO. S, r• merit 11 • t ••"' re er to the thould cto M pt~ M tl\.t ,ow hydroc&rtioo..- Oy what_.,., name Tile under1tgned ner1by 011c.111m1 OAEEN at the office of the Attorney Ilion" u amended "On Febru1ry 17, 19S. II tO:OO queat to conalder 1 , .. lden tlal •bove Item•. wrtttan ,..._, ... " MJ, """ be knbwn, loge«her with 111 geothermal

111 Hablllly IOI' any lncorrectneu In OARRiTT & ,.:'tSHER, INC.. 1805 t · Al~o lltcepllng therefrom one a.m. Foreclotl.ir1 Consultant•. Inc. a Coutel Oevel<>e>ment e>ermlt fOf' the CLINT<>t4 IHIERftOO, lecf'9tary Med Ol'I "'-· •teem Ind 1teem pow. that mey be tald 11reet addreu Of' othet cOM- lrvlne ftlvd . Tualln, CA. 92880, or hunOredciercent(100%)of •llrlghl1C1lllornl1oorporatlonuTr"'tM, Of' purpoeeolesl1blllhtnge>rojectcom- ~~T~~omm= Oei Pl IHletectdMM~•- within°' under the e>arc:el of land mon dealgn•tlon. m1y be flied with the Clerk ol the to Oii, g11 and other hydrocarbon Succesaor Trustee, of that certeln ci111nce tor the resldenlill develop-

28 9,.."'98 I ly lot Jo de Yft aboeedo en .... -'O. lleralnabove duerlbed t•ther

Seid NM will bl made wtthOut above-named Sue>ertot Court. °' substencea lying undw, Of' 1h11 mey Deed ol Trul1 elleculed by ROBERT ment ol the C0ton1 c1e1 Mer Scflool 1" • 1 "'" debef'ta hacetlo it;.m1~ ...... wltll the l*'P9\l.lll right of drlllng, w1tranty, Ue>r ... 0tlmplled, r1911d· m1y be delivefecl to Mid Con- be e>roduced from the lbove CS.. J BUCHBINDER. • alngte women site e>ufluent to the admlnltlrellve 899-84 de Hte lftaftllre, Ml ,.._.ta mining. txplOnl\g and QPlf'lllng 1ng tl11e. l)OUeMlon. °' ancum- servitor ciersoneJty 11 any lime 1Cr1be0 land, together with OM hun· and DAVID MARTIN, a tingle man, guidelines for ttie 1mplement1tlon ot aecrtta. el NJ ....,... ~ .., theref0t and 1tonng In end removing brancee, to Mlllfy lh• cinnclpal bel- AFTER flrt1 publlclltlon ol this No- dred I* cen1 ( 100%) ot Ill rtohl• lo 11 Joint ltlfllnl• and recoroeo the Stitt Law relellve to low·lnd· PlB.IC NOTICE 1'91letrede • .......,.. 1he 11me from takf lar\d °'any other ance ol lhe Note or other obllg•tlon ta and BEFORE the making of alld the prOOM<l• tllet1from end OM Augull 20, t982 es lnatrument No. moder11•1ncome housing without 1· YO THE C.RNOA.NT: A cMI land, Including tr.. right to whlpitOCll MCUred by llld o.eo of Tn.111. with Mle. hundred per cent I t00%) ot Ill rerit1, 82-292395, of Official Recofd• of Or· the cou111 zone. "-corded .1111. 5, 1tM In the County oompWnt hM .,._ ..._. .., the or Olf'ectionllly drill end mine lrorn lnlerett end other aum1 N ptovlded TERMS OF SALE: Cash, l1wful bonuMI Ind c>rollla accurtng lher• ange County, Calllornl1, and TIIAFTIC ITUDY, reque11 to con· of Orange pMlttff ~ JCMI. " JCN wWI to lands othtf than th<>M htfeff\above thefeln; plus edvanoea, If eny, under money of the United Stites. Tlf'I lrom. c>rovlded, however, that Grenl· e>urauant to 111et certain Notice of elder 1 trelflc 1tudy In conjuoetlon llwtrument No. M-41M110 .,_.. ""- lew..tt. JOii Mwt. described. oil°' 1JU welll, 1unnei. Ille 1wm1 lllefeof ano lntereet on POfcenl ( 10%) of the amount olfer.d o< w1Jftl end relingulsnet lhe rlgllt Oelauh thereunder recorded Oct. with the constl'\lcilOn of • t reslden- NO~ Of' wttNn JO CS.ya 1fler thll ~ta and lhlllts Into. lhrougfl °' acron Mid\ 10v1ncea, 11\d ci1u1 1 .... muat accome>any the wrltttlr'I blO or to use or oc:cupy °'to enret ue>on 26, 1983 u lnat,umenl Mo 1111 c:twett1ng units on the Corona Oel DEFAULT Mrved on you, hie with 1hl• CCkKt •tile e.ubaurl.oe of the land hetein-charges, end 1x1>9nN1 ot th• ottw Ind the bllanoe muet bl paid any f)Orllon of the 1Urfece end 500 83-472985, or Official Recofds ot Mar School stt1 Forectoeure No. -111en reaponM to the complajnt •t>c>ve descnbed. ano to bottom TNalM and°' 1ne tn.1111 cr•led by 11pon the confirmation of..,. by llid l•t below IN aurf-. menured llld County, will under and J)Urauant An Envlronmentll lmpaci Report 70910 Un.._ you 00, )'OUf 0.1.ull wflt be IUCh ~ociced or d4rec1ionalt)t said 0..0 ol Tn.ill The total amount Sui>e'lof Court OR other p•ymenls vertleally from the turl- of tald to Mid 0..0 of Tn.ist Mii a1 e>ublic hu beer'I cirepared 1n connection C,,......,. entered on eopllcatlon ol the plain- drllled W9111. tunnei. and an11ta.. • of .. Id obllg1tlon, Including reuon- eccepteble 10 the a~tltled Su- land, l0t Ille purl)OIM ol Orilllng fOf', auction fOf cash. lawful money ol the with the l.Pl)ttcallol\t noted abof1 IWOftT AHT NOTICE tin. and 11111 court may..,,.,• JuOoe- under and '*-th °' beyond lhe •bty •tlrnated 1 .... cnargea Ind e11- perlof Court Said Ille will be made capturing productlng, tr11tlng or Uni tao StalH of America, • (tile City encourega rnembert of IN If YOUR PftOf'UfTY 11 IN FON!· ment ege1n11 you l0t the retlef cl. exterior llmll1, thereof. and lo t.artll l*!Mt ol the TruttM, 11111111me of upon the u11.111 naow terma otherwise handllno or utlltzlno c:ashlef't cheok ci1yable to Mid generli Pllbllc to r~tcomment Cl.OIURf HCAUM YOU AM•· mended '" the ~t. wnicfl retunnet, equip, meinta.n. repalf. lnltlel publk:atlon ol this Notice. 11 DATED J11t1uery 18, t9S. oil , gu Of' other llydrocarbonOf' min· TrullM drawn on• 11111 °' n111on11 on this oocumenlltlon· -c:c>e>lll of HIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS. rr MAY could rMUll In gerntlhl'Mllt of OMpetl and <>C*'•t• eny IUCt1..., $32.399 84 FLOYD GREEN 11'11 1Ub1t1ncea. fOf Ille purpoee of blnll . 1 atlte or lederll credit union, which ere evalleble l0t public: review aE IOLD WJTH0UT ANY CCMMT wagee. tllelng of money°' propeny or m1na. without. however the right

DetllO. January 28, 1oa• ConMrvllOf' of the eJtetcillng Or1ntor1 rigtltl ttlefeto, or• 1tat1 °'federal tavlngs and loan at the Planning Dep1rtment. City of ACTIOM.. and you~ have 11'41 legel °'other relief raques1ao In the com- to Onll. mine. ttore, explore and op. GEORGE MAYER . .. Tn.ittM Etllll ol MABEL MARTIN, .. t•MNed "'dMO• rec:otoed Mey INOCl•tlon domlciled In Ihle 11111. Newport Beach, 3300 w Nawport rlghl to bring your account II\ good plllnl ., ... thf'ough the turl.oe or the By REAL ESTATE SECURITIES ConM<VllM t7. 1972 In book 10t29 page 651, at The Courtyard area between the Blvd , (71416<'0·2t97)) 1t1ndlft9 by C>lylng Ill ol your put 0.t.O Je n t9, t984 uwer 500 ... , of the IUbeurfeot of

SERVICE, I.AW OFFICES OF Offlclll Aecofda and rlC()fded 0.. two 1talrw1ya 11 the Allen Bulldlng, NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER due 1>11yment1 plus e>ermltted cotlt LEE A. BRANCH, Clerk tM l11t10 , a ~ In lnltrumenll • Cllllornl• CO<porlllon, Ill 19ent GARRETT & FISHER. INC cember 27, tile t In boo!< 5957 page !Icing Yorb• StrMl, II 14081 Y0tbl GIVEN lhll l&ld e>ubllc hearing will and IXpeflMI within lllrM montM By: J . OOBRA, Deputy of record I

(Seel) 0 J . Morger, Ill Preel09"1 18051 lrvlne Blvd 565, Official RICOfdl. Street, City of Tustin, County of Or· be held 01\ the 27111 dly ol Febr\lary, from the dlle tnls notice of default fftHMAN. HEIUtANO. llLrlANI a YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 2020 North Broaow1y, Suite 2oe, Tustin , CA 92880 "You 1r1 In default und« • 0.-CS ange. Calll0tnle, 11t th1t rlgllt, lllle 1984, al the hour of 7·30 pm . In the wu recordllO. Thi• 1mo11nt 11 ~NaEftQ DEED OF TRUST DATED June 15

Senta An1, C• 92708 Tela (7 t4) 544-8110 of Tru11 01ted Mey 7, 1981, unlell and lntern1 conveyecl , to Ind now City 14all Council Ch1mber1, 3300 $3,717 tO U of December 30. 1983. SIOO .,...._ atYd., llllte DOO 1982 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIO"' Publlslled Or•nr Co1a1 Delly Publiahecl Orange Coaal Dally Piiot you tek1 ectlon to protect your prop- held by It under tald Deed ol Tru111n N-port Boule111rd, Newpon Beacll. ano will lncre ... untll yO\.lr IQOOUnt Loe ..,...._,CA. tooll TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT

Piiot Jan 28, Feb , 11. 198-C Jan 21 , 22, 28, 1984 erty, 11 mey be IOIO at a e>ubllc Nie. If 1he prol)e(ly 1ltu1ted In 11ld County CA 92663. at wttlch tome end place. becomes current You may not hew Publlahed Orange Coast Dell'( Piiot M1'Y BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE 708· 84 354-64 you need en exe>l1natlon of the eno Stitt deterlbed u : lnterelled pertona m1y eppeer end to P•Y the entire unpaid j)Ortlon ot Jan 21, 28. Feb 4, 11 1984 IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF

nllure ol the proceeding 19aln1I PARCEL 1 Unit 2•. as 1hown and be heerd thereon your 1c:count , even though lull PIY· 490·84 THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEO.. you. you should oonllCI a lawyer .. defined 01\ that certain Con- WANDA E ANDERSEN, CITY men• WH demanded, but you m1Jst ING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD

9 Robon Court . Newport Beac:ll, domlnlum Plan recorded October CLERK pay the amount 1t1tecl above. P\8.IC NOTICE CONTACT A 1.AWYER CA 92663 29. t980. In Bo<* 13811. of Offlcl•I City ol Newporl Beech Aller lhr .. month• from the Oat• 2 1943 SAGEBRUSH CIRCLE. EL

CONSOLIDATID '(If a tlrMt 1dOret1 or common Records ol Orenge County, Call· Pub11thed Orange Cout Delly Piiot ol record1tlon of thtl document ~COUNTY TORO CA AIPOAT OF CONDITION clftlgnellon It lhown 1b0ve. no w1r· lqrn11 Jen 28, t984 (wttict1 d1te ol recordation eppear1 ~Al. COURT "(If 1 w .. 1 adOreM or commof\

OF THE BANK OF ranty 11given11 to ltt oomc>leteneee PARCEL 2 An unOMded 2.04 887·6' hereon), unleU the OOllg•tlon being °' °"-'NGI COUNTY dff19n•tlon ol property is tl'IOwn ORANGE COUNTY Ot correctnea) " hctlonll lntenist u tenant• In com- IOHdoMd upon "8fmlll 1 ~ ......, .,...... CMltrtct above. no warr8nty It given u to tta


Tl'll beneficiery ul\Cler Mid o.eo mon In eno to the Common ArN, Ml.IC NOTICE e>erlOd, you hew onfy the legal right _,1 ,........_ 9IM.. ao 2110 coml)let-.s or oonectness) " Th* ConlOlld11ted Report of Condition ol " THE BANK OF OR· ol Trull, by rl&IOn of 1 breech Of' being 1.ot 2 ol Tr.ct Mo 10815, u 10 11op tlle l0teciosw1 by e>lylng the 11

1 t>enellclary under Nod Deed of ANGE COUNTY of Fountain va11oy Orange County, and dellUft In 1111 obllg1tlona MC\Hed Shown on 1 map recorded ln Book PUel.IC HEAltlNO entire emount Oemandecl by your ~ =;.8£' =-~- Trust by reaaon of • breactl or o.. Domeatlc Subsidiaries at the close ol bu!llness on December 31. lhefeby. ~tolor• executed and 452. Pagee t4 arld 15 of Mis· NOTICI Cfedll<>t tomla Corporetlon fault on ll'le obl1ga1ton1 eecur.o 1983. delivered 10 the und«algned a -It· 011leneou1 M"'•· rlC()fdt of Orenge NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11111 To find out the emount you mutt Delendenl W SHELDON PUA· llleteby heretol0te 111ec:ut.O and

Stet• lenll No 1275 ten Decler1tlon of OeflUlt and 0.. County. Cellfomla, tc>Oet'* with Ill the Clly Council wlll llOld 1 publlc C>ly, or to arrange l0t payment to INGTON MARY PURINGTON and Otltverao to lhe unOe<llgneO • writ · · Dell• Amounts ~tor Sele. end Wflllen notice of lmprove-ment• tllefeon. -.icoeptlng lleertng 1no review on RESIDEN· •lop the l0teclo~r•. or II 'fOUI C>fop- Dote 1 To 10 ' tan Dec:1er11ion of Oefautt and 0.-

I Tl..-· nd brMCll Ind of elec:llon 10 cau.. the 1""'9from Condominium Unlt1 t lo TIAL COAST AL DEVELOPMENT It In l0tedo1Ut1 fOf 11nY other c ....... _.., n'le"4 for Sale. Ind Wf•1ten notace ot n 'nvuH • underalQned to NII 111d l)foperty to 58 lnclulJYe loceted thereon. PERMIT NO ' · APPLICATION Of reaon. contact· TAANAMERICA - l><'MCI\ Ind ot e4ec:lion to CauM tri.

::;; ASSETS tall&ly Mid obllOlllonl, lfW ther• EXCEPT THEREFROM all oll, gu, RUMNEY ENTERPRISES fat TEN· FINANCIAL SERVICES, 17782 E MO-nc.l ~:-..:· i..n -o.. \IMersigneO to Mii MIO Pf~ to Cash and due lrom bank• . 12.210 •lier the undersigned ce4ied tald miner••• and othet hydrocarbon TATIVE M1'P OF TRACT t2079 ANO t71hSI. Ste 208. Attn Oll Y, Tuatln. TI'9 ..... ..., ~ ........ ,... setrtfy s.aod ObllgltlOnS end ,,. .. Federal rundt told end securities purcnased under notice ot br..eh end of llectlon 10 111b11ance1 tytng beloW • dec>t?I of USE PERMIT NO 3075, on propeny CA 112680, 1714) 832-9314 ""'"** ,..., Mini lltMr4I .._ •11et the ~ned ceuMd taod

agreem9fltt to resell In domestic otflcea . 6 360 be Recorded Oc:1obet 4, tN3 11 600 feet wtlnout any rigtlt to Wltw IOcahld at 4'87 Morning Canyon It you h- ..,,., ~a. you ,_ ,....,.,.... _..,. 11 ..,._ ....,.. rYOtic:e of t>reach Incl of eleCTIOn to Loans. Total (excludlng unearned income) 48.283 · lnttr. Mo 83_.38293, ol 01t1e1a1 upon the eurtac. °' 1ne aubaurlacP Road cona1t1on111y ~OYeCS by the lftOuld con11iet • 11wyer or the oov· the....,__...,......_ be recoroeo Octobef 2 1. 1983 ..

aalbl · · IAecofOs of tald land above • ~tll ol 500 Planning CommlNlon Requeel to wnrnent agency wllicl'I m1y hlft In- 11 _.lh 1 _. 1~ adlllOI OI lnstt No 83-485602 of 0 111c111 Re--Less. Allowance lor po e • 1

5 Said Mii will bl made. but wtthOul feet. u circwlded INtn.il'Mlltl of ,. e.ubdlvlde an ulltlng llngle lot oon- e.ured )'OUf IOan 111~ In 1n':. matter ""'" ~ COtO• •n tlle olfioe o t the Recorder ol

loart loasee..... · .. ·.. covenan10tw11r1n1y. 1xpr ... or Im· cord talnlng 48 acrea ofland er11Into1 Remernb«, YOU MAY LOSE I)' • ,~ Orange County, Loan•. net ...... "' ... . . . .. .. "7 ,868 plied. r1oQ1rding t1111, l)OIMlllOn °' AllO exc•e>• 111 e11noergr~nd alngll 101 tor reaidentlel eon· LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 MOT =:e°":rtan:°::::; ~ ,.:,'":: Saio Nie #Ill be made but IO!rlthout Bank premlMt, F F & E etc. . . ........ . .• . .• .. 1,850 enoumbranc.e, to pay lhe ,.,.,..elnlng w1tlfl lylng below tald !Md but domlnlum purl)Oeee, on property TAKE PROMPT ACTION time ' ' covenant or warranty. lllPl'9U °'Im Real u tat• owntd otn•r than pt~ eum ot the notl(t) aecured without Ille right of wrtece entry loceted In the R""3· 8 Dlttrlct; • r• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY AVllOtUated he ..ao demanesacle piled, r19aro1ng Utll po1-1on, or

bank premlsee 377 by Nld 0.-CS of TNat. with lntlf•I thereon queat to e>ermll the COl\ltructlon ot e TRANSAMERICA f1NANCIAL SER· El trtbllm tede ...., 1 Ud. anc:umbranoft to pay tne remetning . . .. .. ........... . . . 863 u In Mid not• ptOVlded, •d'-tenoee. 11 The 1trMC •Odr- °' other com- 14 unit rllldentlll condominium de- VICES THE OWNEA(S) ANO HOLD- ....... ~ • ,,..... CIOfl J:. ,.... prll\Clpll aum ol the notl(i) MCUrecl

O ther UNtl ..... · · · ... .... :. · · · · ... ....... .. ... .. ........ any. unclel' the termfOfiU~Oeed ol mon deatonallon of Ula property: I• vetopment loeal.O In IN R-3-1 011- EA(S)ol the beneflclll lnt•Mt under __..... .,. ... by 1..0 0..0 Of Truet. with int_, TOTAL ASSETS · · · ..... ... · ·· ... · 69,528 T"'-t, fMe, cti11gee1nd111pen111ot purl)or1ed' to be: 0 MOf'nlno Ster trlct, end 1 mod•llcatlon to tN ZOft. thlt certain Deed or Tr111t executed ...-- '"de• .... lM la at !fl 111dno1eproVl4MO . .OVancas.11

LIA811.ITllS the TnlltM ·~of the tn1tt• or .. ted '24, IMM, CA. 11271& Ing Codi to .. 10 ellOw l)Of11ona Of by WALTER s I.A PIERRE & MARIE ~ ~ ....... !lny. undlt the llr'l'l\I Of Mid 0.-CS of TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES. . . . 63.335 by UIO Deed ol tru11 Seid .... wMI Slid ..,. w111 bl m.- wt~ the propoled building Ind ._ T I.A PIEAAE TAUSTOA(S), TO "" ::....., lift-=~,.! 1ru1t ,._,~. IN! UC>ef'MI ot

T01e1 demand d•Po•ll• . ...... '" .... '' ........ 29 ... 06 bt held on Tueectay, Februllry 7, covenentor w1tt•nty. •~0tlm ., ... to ancroteh 10 •t. Ind • CALIFORNIA LANO llTLE IN· .......... ,. • ..., ...... ,.. lheTnittM lndolthe truataCrMteo T01•11fme and aavl~I ~ltl . .. ....... 33,929 1"3 at 2:00 p .m .. al the Chapman piled, u lo title, 1)(11 ... alOn «en-- ontmney toencroach t2teet. lnlothe SUAAMCE, TAUSTEE(S}. FOR..,._ llliPI,.., If_, INfJ .._ by l8ld Deed Of TNtt

TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC ANO Avenue entrance to the Civic Center cumbfancM to Mttsfy the unpaid requlr9d 20 loot lnlnt ywd Mt-- TAANSAMERICA FINANCIAL SER>- ._. .._ ...._ • Said Ille w44t be Mid on F'rldliy FOREIGN OFFICES . . . ..... .... .. .. .• 63 33! Bl.llldlng, 300 Eu1 Chaj)man A~ . bl!•~ due on the note or noM • ~orrung Cenyon Aoad A VICES. BSNEFICtARY. and re- etu..M ............. _. ftebn.Nlty t 7, tt84 at 2 00 pm 11

Federal fUnde purch...cl end eecurltl" IOfd u~ ' °"~ c~t the time o1..,. bfd• :"'$~ g'{8':' ~11= l~ ao 1:::!..,.:,0t~~:::. ~~la :'~1~'':' :0 ~)I••.....-• .... ...._ :: ~C:,:V::::~ ~~

agreetnenll t.o repurchaM In dorMatlc olfloet ..... · .... 350 m~ t>t mede In cui llWJ/ tx the ftllmat.d ooeti. • ...,.,_. end ao- tlfk:atlon •IOn wtlltl the c:or.,_ .ln tne' omce of tne County :-.:. .....,.. lr1"' • flltu ante. cnapn-.an A~ . ~'CA 01her llablllt*-... ... ..... • .. ............ • ..... ........... 1,087 Cdllerl 0t Cll1111ed Chee*• 1P1Cf-- vanoeuthtimeof thMWtlalpubll- ~·a 6141 " e1Qn 11'1 Recorder Of Or111ge¢ouftty, ,.,.Of ....... 11 ~ ;:"ta At the ~ of In. ""'* pull*-TOTAL LIABILITIES........ • ............... ..... . ....... &4.772 tied In CMI Code S.Ctlon m4fl cation of tnla ~ or Sale: ·3-8 Oiltriet A N9gllti¥1 Decler· c:.rtfomla. t1'11t a bfteeh ol tne ooii... ,,....,. ... 1 .., cation of 11'1111 l'OtlCe. Vie tote!

IHAMHOU>eltl IQUfTY At lhe time Of the lnlt1al publl- St. tt239 toon hM beef\ P'~ by the City gallon l0t ""'4C:h IM tr..,.._ In trvtt l• TO THI AMT· A CtMI amount cl the llnC*O ~ of the Common tad( cation ot tll notice. the 10111 MOTIC9 TO ~ hecti In ~Ion with II eecur1ty, hel oc:cwrecs fO.Wlt =IBt Ml ..._ aeii 11111 OO(tgratlon eecur.cl OT tN ~ ct.-

a 1.- 2 000 000 emoun1 ot the unoeld ~ Cif tne ""°""'" OWNIJl ~ f~ Of tM gen. ,.uur. to INk• the September 25, ....._. :t,; eoribeO deed or m..t ~ •11mltea No tharu .uthof HU • • Obfioatlon MiOUred try 111e at>oW ~ YOU AM .. DDA&A.T UMDP A 11 publle .,. encouraged to ,. tt83 peyment o1 ~ ll'tdt 0t ._ • ,_, •,.. • oos.t• • ....,_, eno .0""'°91 • No. thatM out1t111dlng t,598,379 · ·•·· ··· .... 3 . 1 H ecrlfled deed of trwt end-1fmete0 DUD Oil' TMllT DATU....... l c:Omment on tlllt doeumenta 1nt .... 1 Ind 11 IUbMQuent pey ~ ....... rw l'lleat. $3t 037 00

TOT AL CONTR.IBUTED CAPITAL. • ........... ·•· ...... 3, 117 coet• ~ and actvanoM la 11, tm. UNL.Da' YQU y AK• AC· Ion CoPlll ere ·~ et t~ mentt t<>oether Wltn lite chat~ ..... It oays ~ lfttl """""°"' 11 The total lr'°'9b~ being 81' Relll* eemtnga. . . .. . .... ·· • . · ....... - ........ 1,839 Ml.317 37 n0N YO ....oTICY YOUI' ~ '*"1ment 3300 w ...._. lmpoundl ~-. tu-. If wry ' Mr*I on you, With ttwa OOl.lf1 a eltlrnate or1wNc:tlOleCtf*ll"Qbod11

MTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY . .. .. ..... .. . 4,758 TodetertNMtheopentr.g bid, you IRTv.fTllAY• IOU>AT A,_.. 91Vd 1?1•1 l4()..21t1)) MOW THEA!,OAt. 1'lt under•:' ~to IM c:om1*1nt oomciutad 1N1Y be OOleolned by QI ~OT AL L1A81LITIES ANO SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY . 69.528 Ny call (t1t) 6M....US. - UC IAL.I • • YOU NllD AM D · MOTICC i.s H€AHY ~UATH(A Mgned. by rwon of the tN'wtl ~ fttlc.t.d": ~tlan~-:-.. ":..: ll'O C4 ,., '4J..&t , ..... ., Nfor9

TM und«flOnecl Ex.cutlw Vloe Preeldenl and ~ 0.1• Jenuwy I . 1M4 ..ulltAno. CW THI NATUM M IV!H tt\at Mid put>1o r....,1n9 _. oetMllt 1n the perlonMnee ot tl'le tiff lll'd ,,_. ,eourt ~ ..,.., 1 ~ IN .- '-Vloe Prealdenl/Caaht« ot the &t>ove-na!Md .,.nk. MCf'I ~ BUALINOTON ,.INANCIAL SI!... Titl ~·l'OIMQ AOA.M~ YOU, N6d on,,,. 271h day of FebN#y. Obligation l9CW'ed by ta.Id 0..0 Of rMnl llOa.nlt you '°" ,,. ,..., .. Dated .l*"'*Y l4 ..... 1-- f hl-......,f lo"""" and no1 '°' ,_ OtNr I ha--,_, ....... -• I/ICU, INC vou IHOUlJ) COWTACT A LAW· 19M, II\ ,,,. City Hell Counctl Truet , ,,..,...,., del:lllrl(I) .,,. entire f'I\~ In ,,,. ~· ....,. SECURITY SAVi1 AHO MORT· c--· Of "- I ,... ,,.. .... ....,..._.,.., uMld TNlt• Yltt. 11emb•11 . SSOO Newport une>aidt>atanOeoueal'd~and ' GAGE COfll~TION knowtedQe of the matter• ooot11nec1 In thlt ret:)Of1 and I belltMt ay To suwiC1 COMPANY, egen1 0.1.0 J~ 23, ttl' Doul9¥1td, ~ a.Id! CA Meq11 to ... or ceuee to be .old u. COllld """'1 1" oam...,._.,,, ct Miid Trua.., thlt eech ltltemlf't In .. Id repor1 ,. true Each ot tile undet· lty LOf\All WOMACK, ~SSISTAHT FORECL08UA£ CONSUL TAMTI. oaa . • , wt\IUI time encl Pleoe 11\111 prQPerty to lltitfy Mid obll> ~':.:Y =: :::::.' 9y T 0 l(ftV!Cf co PAN•, 809"1 llOf*' for hlmMlf 9toM and not '°' the other, c:ertlfla under StCMTAAY ' INC tnlerened peraone ma be IPC)Mr glltOn. f'Ollil\t • C•"'V lodtNtt, I«· '*"". of pettury thlt the foregotng le lr\.I and ooneet ms ~ Diii ,. .. loutn. 8wtl 140t t Yorba Strwt. hit• 210 and be tlMril tiw.on TAAKIAM ·AICA FIMANCtAl lfR· Oiied a.Aly 3 1M3 My

.euted on Jtnu.ary 2e 1~ at Fountain v 1114r1 C.11· T11•t1n, CA HMO WM~DA 1 ANOIASON. c 1n \llCU J PETERSON Clltk '"° N CA t!NO . w~, ~. f0tn.1a ' ' ' en DtreQo CA t21~ {714) 13 t-3M2 CU.RIC Lola Uddel-A .... t1t1t Sectewy 91aaan.M.oi., r.--. A ~Ml-371._7~~---

l~J o m•w .. ~ cny 01 NIWPOh tJIOiffl · 30'. ,_, • ~-• 11,.... ocn1-IDWAN> H. DOWNER SHERRY l FINDLAY

Publlahed OranQt Cout 0111y Piiot Jan 28, 1984

t111lhld 0r•"f9 CoMf Otlll)< Piiot PUblllh«! 6X~ .eo.a· Delly Piiot Pub l4Md Of•l'lge t Diil) PllO\ Publttllld ~ c~ Delly Piol ~~n Ot~. ~~ ... ; PllOI Putltllhed Otaf'08 eo-1 cw, 691

IS" an 14 I\, 71, tM• tlt· I• Jan 71. 4' 11 . 198• OIO M ~ H t O~-e.t an t4 J 1, JI et> • ••• 278 14

• • SOJ--.. • Fe 4 1' M4 ,_.4

I _, __ _ _

-- .~


642-5678 I -

i•• ·lir••larl ,Mwrt11ia1 btn Atrltall Carrtatry Ctatr1ct1r1 _G1_,_._ .. _1_a.1 ____ ,_R .. •_•..,•ra..._a_,1...., ___ Boast Cltaal a1 -;~;;;;-:;;;;;;;iiiii l"fii-~;;':':R;;p;~i;;:rl, ..... .....,.._G_______ Geatr~ ·- -• All lypes. Repair, ANYrl, REMODELIN All phases --------- Cl .. n Upa• TrM Trlmmlng Rosldtcommt 30 yrs eicp JEAN'S HSECLEANINO

MtYla1 IMHa1_ Painting by Wayne Lettter liiRiiOOii.OiiF!PiL"'l'R"E- X'l'll!!"'1 "'lt-ysi-~~of 10 yra of quality & craft•· roofing New. Recover• $2.17 per day Seel coat (SLURRY MIX) Alto custom cabinet• 18 PATIO WORK.Custom de- Yard MaJnt • Hauling Remodel, repalra &. g«i Honest & dependable

Comm • Reaid • Reas yrs In area Uc. bOnded, atgn all lazes Very res- MIKE 650-3263 servtces Paul 730-0882 Reis 536-5008 ewe

re . I . epa r., Cement Low prices, lie/

bOnded Steve 831·1161 rnanlhlp In Hart>or area Repairs Lie/bonded That'• ALL you pay I C)f

3 llnea. 30 dayt

~tea Free .. umatM Ins cl i68-3564 •nY11me onable Ref's provided -645-4269 or 845-0032 REMODEL ottlce, kit~ r Lie & Insured 963-0022 Ct•~:; t~~· !:nt"'!'o~~: HHlia~ Reliable, Fett & ~lelent Mtri,

(IXOYE) 751-9103 #"441-488 859-4102

In the



Aatt Dttailla! add • bay wndw, French REMODELING? Our satls- lree est. (714) 548-9448 b MP JOBS & Reference• available =A C MOVING • dr. patio cov/decks Lte lied clients are our best - Kim 646-8589 Qulcktcarelut Low rates

Profeulonal Mo lie Oetall H"~85 Steve 547-8076 Commerctal/Realdentlat SMALL MOVING JOBS -- -- Lie T 138046 552-0410 .... _ salesment Call us lodey RO S C E ING SER

Ouallty Painting. we do the Secret1ri1l )ob others only promlset Str...:Ctl Reas Steve 5-47-8076 1-.;.;;.;,"',;..jiij1 aPftiM'P.P!' __ _ - - --- •WPtNd; 1utos-Rvs-plane.-1t your - - - for references 499_2255 Landscape Ma1nten1nc;e MIKE 648-1391 N' L AN V

l\ome or bust 855-5975 Repatr-Remodel-Rooftng Quality Service, reaa, lie. HAUL: M-OVE-REMOVE For a brlQhter l'IOme •1· 1 IOYlll* QUALITY PAINTING, FAIR •WORD PROCESSING• PRICES Free est Call Edltlng-846-43.42

Doors-Windows-Cabinets Sequoia - Conatrucllon bond--' 20 ' Call 7~4 6798 I " ' tt' """· yra 1n area Furniture. Traah, Trees • a.~11 1a9 Panel-Patioa-Fences 35 Quality CU 6 10m r0 model- ••cw---· Landscan. - -

Beat quality 25 yr up Lie. T -116,428 730-1353

John anytime. 631-2050 - ~ "' .... _,,..,.y · ,,_ 963-5.415 NORM Shelly ' s Houaecteanlng

Mot er wlli babysit In my yrs 8KP Jerry 546-44 13 Ing & carpentry Uc 645-5124 5 la I STARVING COLLEGE

STUDENTS MOVING CO Lte T 124-436 Insured

641-8427 WATCH US GROW•

P - LEili I PHUUL •rri•t ProJects 648-9414 - • 30617 B ... 966-2•23 GEORO-E'SCLE .. -N- UPS over yrsexper,rel be.

CM home RatlaOte and Repair /Small jobs fences. 11'" re., .,. EXP Q•ROENER "" REF's 642-9208 Fartnlng tnterlO< oeslgn --

responsible Reasonable shelves. partitions Low C t4 ' t "" & HAULING No job too rates Mrs Ll tt feton rates Steve 731 -8311 r I Tree Trim Clean Ups small 895.-6006 Student Cleaning. RE· HANG1MG1sTRtPP1NG ''" Stmct

VISA-MC Scott 673-1512 mergency ree plus the IRVINE MIRROR and the HUNTl~TON BEACHCOMBER every

-650-6016 .• . b1vtal1' 11ti on Malnt Pete 641 - 109& - LIABLE NEAT Keith C $ - - PAUL'S HAULING

Want to babysit In my ar~t erYICt TRW BAD CREDIT? larlt1l11 W11t1I Gar/yd cltup, 12· staJce w/ 1 546-9156 or 548" 1°44 *HANGING/REMOVAL * Clean-ups Bryant ' •

Wednesday at no utra charge• CALL TODAY"

Christian hOme ror any CMHfET & UNOLEUM tn- Call Private 1nves11gator. Mowing, EdgTng Twice a llft/ 8 ' p u 646-0792 24hr Wiii clean your house ex-age REF s 979-4569 stellallon &. repems 30 832-3232 (24 hrs) mo $20-$25 650-60 t6 , pertly Have references

lar1ia1 Stm ct1 Practkal nurse available.

12 hour duty. e•cellent REFS 543-6735

11 • y11 e>eperlence Landscaping 536--0914 '611KE 851- 1800 •

Experl W111co\ertng In· T la StrYICt

All FOii LOiS • yrs e11p Andy 645-9031 Tree Trtm Cleanups Btaltla Stn1ce Pie~ call me 536-4~98

l t H ty Stnact Ceaeat Ce ncrtte - Dotbo~aRf~•JLORE1t Yard Main & Haullng lH•rt1t11rt/ lau1.11 Ho11elaol• StrYict1 stallallon Raes Consult· yplng/ or r

Your Dally PllOI Service Directory Representative

Lose weight. feel greatt0

Concrete. Masonry, Flat- Repair or Replace Leo 847-2457. 557-4508 493 ~ Newport Blvd. N:B PROF HOME MGMT Cellulite vanishes tOO v, work, lounda11on1 Block . CALL BOB 64s-2923 Haa•;r• 101•· 10•• 110·4011 I care tor your house. you

ant Anlgnmt 581-8590 All buafoeas, achoot & S*'---- --- sonal projects. 851· 1041

Pai ntin1 Proleutonal wallpaper guar Renee 545-9I18 brick Uc'd 675-2826 _

D * * OME REPAIR H f can be carefree Bkkpg, -~Fl!'!!'l~E"""P"""AJ.,.m~l,..I-- hanging at reasonable Wi .. tw CltHUI

BY RICHARD SINOR pnees Lynn 549"9677 W HITE w 1ZXR6 ltokket~'a! Or111eways. patios palhs. 'f1t111 ti 1•1 cleaning laundry, er-etc No 1ob too small • 151\YWALL TAPING • S~~:-:~u~:;;:~~j2 H ~r El• Ul-7121 rends 's your special

PROF Br< P computer / 964-0366 or 536-0553 All Textures & Acoustic · --- Furnaces • Pool Heatera needs uperlatlve refs

H2-U21 1rt. 301 License 280644 t4 yrs of " WE GALS SHOULD WINDOW WASHING happy local customers HANG TOGETHER" " The only magic la

•- • manual Moderate lees - F K 673 1503 ONE CALL DOES IT ALLI VINEETA 497-7 192 IKCtalhDI Free counsel 642-7047 Driveways, sidewalks. ree est evm •

Thank you, 675-0363 839-0730 anytime QUALITY" 831-2028 _ we ux 11. break 11 . buy •t or Boast Clt1aiifa I - ,

Aocountlng & lb services. Sml bus computer bkkpg patios Llc'd Call Ron Electrical haul II 548-5009 _ ncoat I X reuonable rates by 556-0034/ 0on 970.g828 P ---- ROBIN'S CL NINO tndiv dual business CPA's Jerry 432.8670 Honest work . le1r rales. _ - ELECTRICIAN riced Handyman ol CdM Mr SERVICE 8 thoroughly tues CPA Free



FESSIONALS 636-71 49 * REIOY&L * State law requires that all 1oc1I pkupl det 675-0305 Cltil• Care rtght tree estimate on Fl >e · lt Odd Jobs, Painting clean house 540-0857 mat- 631_6483 KEN

BUSINESS CONSUL TING • • large or small jobs Lie & Wallpaper 640 8259 "'~ Accountant wtcomputer Calunel M1lnn1 Loving Childcare my home 39662 t 673-0359 • Claas Actton Cle-an- ers L • •

t2 VAS EXP I'm small. Call us llretl 760-0328 contrac to11 who perlorm

work over $200 Including

to organize books. •New cabinets. cabinet ~Jst~!1kT~~s;~~t86C~1~ I LL BEAT ANY PRICE' NEED HELP? CALL JEFFI Local home/apt clnng, aa ICa Ill prepare hnenc1al racing bars & torm1ca - - Qualtty E.lectricat Work Jack ol all trad!S carpen- exper 642-9264 Dayna awn Malnt e ree 8'Vlce

My pr1ce1 are smallt RON 650-6477

CRYSTAL PAINTING CO A complete painting se<· viee Sen11ng 0 C tor 16 years. Prompt, reliable Relerencea 850-3292

Pliiitr/ Rtpir labor and materlata muat p(ASfeR lSATCHING be licensed. UntleenMd

Restuocos fnl/eict 30 yrs contrect0<1 ehould ao statements or install a co t tops 642-0881 Loving childcare M y try. painting, gardening. -- --- - - lrr1ga11on Comml/ resld

buStness system & train un er home Want lull time ch11- ITellman Electric 365-176• clean upa, ate No l<>b too EXP'O HOUSECLEANING Free est Den 546-5119 N p 1 5 5 2977 state In their advertising

exp eat au 4 • Contrac tors and con-statt Ask tor btll CABINETS-CARPENTRY dren 9 mo up 650-7 t69 Gar•enint large or smalll 556-2264 RELIABLE OWN TRANS - •

966-9011. 675- 1878 Sm Jobs-Repairs welcome - - AMERICAN HANDYMAN __?elta 646-65~ - al StrYICtl Plaaltin1 sumert. contact Mary

Grondle at 558-4086 with any questions Contrac­t or ' s S tate Llcenee Board. !8 Civic Center Plaza. Room 690, Santa Ana, CA 92701

eves Free Est 645-2003 TEDDY BEAR DAY CARE TREES Carpentry, W indows , FORTUNE COOKIE

C Caring. Professional T I Cl Paint. e1C 847-2387 CLEAN HOUSE PRIVATE Cuatom House Palnttng at reduced winter rates

Free est Dave 640-51449

H tar 11 • u1-1121 Faucets • Water Heat era

CPA high quahty income arratry Nr SC Plaza 241 - 1854 opped removed eaT'I · OR BUSINESS 751-3160 Louis Horowitz 955-1392 tax work at reas rates .. E""11 ... pen- .. C""a .. rpe_ n_try- s;- rv-1ee- C - up new lawns 751-3476 QUALITY WORK. Honest - -- --- • Drains clear from S 15

Repair faucets. dlsp, etc Anytime M&M 642-9033

John Brown 631-6483 Repa1r-Remod-Addll1ons Ollrlclon ABRAHAM'S Gen malnt . Quotes, Flat Fees Gen Housecleaning: Reis, PERSONAL INJURY, Con-Doors-etc 548-4980 __ Gt_1_e_r_1_l_____ clean-ups. free est MARK ROWAN 631 -4877 trans, rellabte Lorraine. trac1s. Real ~tale. Pat- 111 Salyer Pal1tl11

A1rla1lt Driveway • Parking Lots Repairs - Sealcoatmg

$4$ Asphalt 631-4 199 Lie

- IEllITT·lllCE COIST. 548-8519 or 546-2145 ---- 962-0510 alt 3pm ncl< Hanway 640-0700 HIRE ME HANDYMAN Furnish your new apart- -- - I -

Fencas decks. add ns 10 Remodel/Repa11s comm I CLEAN-UPS * TREE TRIM ment with furniture found Houses;lea.nlng & boat e•p Find some deals on wheels

Ltc 42592~ 964-2(J'"17 Discover a buyer for those II you 're not shopping

ctasslhed. you may be paying too much 642-5678

yrsup W11e&3k1dsto andrestd Llc 'd, bonded lndus / BtgRe11dent1al through ctasstfled women Xlntrelstrm$25 m c.1ass1t1eds transpor-feed LARRY 548-8060 ms For est 552-9142 CALL CHUCK 642-2873 642-5678 wkly or bl-wkly 642· 1203 talion llStlngs 642-5678

lnt / E.111 SPECIAL Avg sgl sty eict stucco S 119 50 • materials 642-0442

long-lorgotten arttcles above the garage Use class11ted 642-5678

REAL ESTATE FACTS By Harry H. Winters, Ill - Prealdent of

th• Newport Harbor - Coate M••• Board of REAL TORS~

Many pet owners can be desirable tenants, accord­ing to the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of RE­AL TORS~. However, many landlords bar pets or have fuzzy policies In which the rules are broken for long-term tenants.

Roughly half of all American housenolds have a dog or cat. Considering that three-fourths of our population live In metropolitan areas. it's clear that a large per­centage of prospect ive tenants are pet owners. Land­lords may be willing to change policies that automatically reject pets If both parties are prepared to discuss the following points:

- A letter of reference from a previous landlord.

- A visit with the pet to gain an Indication of its temperament

- Is the pet spayed or neutered? An al tered cat or dog Is more docile and less likely to create a nuisance.

- Are the pet's innoculations up to date?

- If the pet is a dog. is it licensed?

- If there is a regular veterinarian for the pet, may the landlord contact the vet for reference?

- A cat should be lttter trained and a dog should be housebroken Owners should have a htter clean­up device.

- How old is the pet? An older pet sleeps more and needs less exercise.

- Is there more than one pet? Two cats or a dog and a cat will keep each other company while the owner Is away.

- Is the prospective tenant willing to pay a refun­dable pet deposit equal to a half-month's rent?

The presence of a dog reduces the risk of break-ins. The bark of any dog frequently frightens away an in­t ruder.

Pamplets with tips for both pet owners and land· lords are available from the Pets Are Wonderful Council . 500 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 600611 . One. called the " Landlord's Gulde to Urban Pets," lnyludes a screening checklist and a model pel policy that can be adjusted for rental buildings, cooperatives or

A!!rl•1at1, Oat. A!!rl•tatt, Oaf. loo•• 2900 lentala t o leatal1 It .,.,.,, leaclt 2769 Newrr• ltacla 2-76-9 1Mt F. Newpor1 REF's req ,_s_._._,, _____ 29_0_1 Slaut

Office lutala 2914 Lost I F11a• 2901 IEWPlllT IL YI.

Pool. tennis. Jae. gar. F/M snare 3 Br nouse In Rmmte wanted. M/F, non-OCEAN VIEW CONDO~ Penin. 1 Br· steps 10 near beach $350. Call Easts1de C M $245 + •,-, smkr to shr 3 Br home

Furn ·Unlurn $972-S 1500 t1each. $.440/mo Avail alter 6pm 650-5458

NEW 600 to 3000 11 Gen­erous tenant Improve­ments 70c per ft 2488 Newport Bl . CM_

Agenl 531•4960 21 l 673-2677 S48-4 l22 utlls 646-5508 Mstr Br. Ba. gar, lndry. Aoom for rent nr beach-& F n/ smkr shr model-ltke H B 846-1244. 840-8188

SPIOlllS APT Fwy $250/ mo 963-4954 C M condo (3br 2''t ba) Rmmt mature. sllr H B ~U,!:lt,JiiL\t 1 m1/~h 642-235~ Rm In C M hm Pvt ent , ba wt 2 mal\lre ladles $300 house nr beach All prtv


~].~g!:.!J~ VERSAILLES spac 1 br. & kitchenette 1 mt bch 645-7480 $250 Incl uttt 968-4708 EWPORT BEACH m11rored closets. relrtg No pets. quiet Utll Pd F- rmmte over 25. sunny Ammt shr lg 4bd house in

O.C. lJllPOllT AIU Ole space 225-1000 1q 11 Lots ol prkg. Janitorial & all utlla incl Mo-to-mo OK. from S 1/h 557·7010


Call: IN N

2 B ... $650 Sandy 667 • 7252 $325/mo 631 -9259 hse Npt Hgta. 2 Br W I D C.M Female only Gall

Singles t & drm ,.par1- Cathy 631 7195 I men ts & TownhOuses Yrly lease pn the canal 3 Room share bath s•225 . 650-1673 Heidi 650-26 t 7

lrom $660 (Ask about Br 2 Ba S 1300/mo New Woman 30 & older New- f: rmmte wanted shr lrg, Rmtewanted Beach Rd furnished apts complete crpta, 2 lrplc's . no pets. port Beach 645-2590 lovely Univ Pk home on sand S425+ 'i't uttl

Protesslooal office space $400/monthly. lncludff cont rm. phone ans 1en1. cottee. & photo copier

with TV. linens & utensils. enclsd gar 675-6606 SEA & SUN LODGE w/same Pvt bath, all Capistrano Beach. Resp may be rented tor short " S tOO wk up Color TV amenities S375 Refs neat 831-940 1 dys.

142·1111 term or tonger No leaM Saa Cleaeat t «.776 3026 w Coast Hwy Npt 786-6984 eves 496-4538 ev Ron raq d) On Jamboree Rd Lease 1 Br apt, 2nd Irr, ocn F to shr beach house. $425 Rmte wanted F pref, neat.

Secretary avail M•1--------• Wright 476- 1060 ------- ---

at San Joaquin Hills Rd views cent toe $550/mo Single parent has room to incl u11ts Nt smkr pref 20_30 yrs. n·smkr. 3 Br &CC-1900 1st last & sec 493-6756 rent to working non smkr Call Rosemary 631-8380 apt , steps lo bch

----- - Found big S1ameee Cit. • llECmYE HITH * couar no 10 nr Botaa

' $200 mo 962-3278 H 0 4222 675 6556 Two lrg 3 bdrm . 2 bl apts ext · eves • $230/mo. no ulll Brad alt

1MOFREE RENT Chica & Hell , HB W/ short term lease, full 846-31 t3

~pc1ciou ~ \ tngle onf & rwo bfdroom e!pl~

3 blks to ocean Remod SUUlll MOTEL Furn Bdrm pool & 1ac 7pm 673-0390 Deck or yard $600 & 115 50/wk & up Color TV C CC area Nn- smkr Sgl Mom has 4 Br hse 1n

serv suites 88 1 Dover Dr Suite 14 NB 631-3651 Found Btk/ wht mate

Malamute Huntington $625 Open Set / Sun Phones in room I $300 incl u111 tst & last c M 10 ahr wt same 10-4 147 W Canada 2274 Newporl Blvd CM 641 ·8474 all 6PM $400/mo • 12 utll Kathy WESTCLIFF BLDG.

Bch Blue collar 963-0009



looaa 2900 646- 7445 Help! Need Fem to shr Dys 6 4 O - 2 4 0 4 . -~-----"!"'""'!"I :;0 Coast plaza area great ocean vu 3 Br eves/ wknda 662-2338 CdM lower Pvl room, ba & condo. s28otmo met utll. house tn Lag Sch Avail WE L OOK FOR - YOU' ,

NEWPORT BEACH (o'"'• • *'"'"'•" 0. •• •"'d '' ' '"'*A ir• Found small gray Poodle

type dog. Magnolia & In­dianapolis 963-5336 entry Patio N-smkr. no off st prll kit pnv • pool, now $350/mo 497 -584 t House/Roommates

kite $225 mo 673-66l7 1ac M n·on - smkr Laguna -Beach IQI F ahr Unllmiled 832-4134

./ •- CWW"­./c_.. ,_, .....


./ t ... -


CdM room w/ full bath Un- 730-3599 Ask for Biii oceanview home. Arch Westctllf s300 MatUre furn No kitchen Prlv So Las:. nr berll. new furn Beach Hgts Avail now rem shr w/same lovely

/ ,~ ...... ......,.... .. ./ .. ,0. Wt..C-4 ./ .._ ........

Found: sml yg M btk Lab. Back Bay area. 2 wks ago 650-724..7. 673-5056

entry No pets Utll Pd with or w1thov. kit. TV s400 499-4 l55 ~-21 2Br 2ba. pool 63 l-5489 1300 ... sec 675-4863 pool shr ba. empt Non- Mature working F to shr 2 -

Ca ll Mr Howard 645 6101 Found tan/ gray fem,Jle

Shellie. vie 23rd & Redlands, NB. 845-2262 Costa Mesa. furnished. smkr $275 or $295 br house E/ S1de C.M . leat1l1 W1atH 2909

pr1vll1dges Included 493-3490 w/s~ $250 646-6793 Want rm to rent, approx 1 CLUBS TENNIS SWIMMING plu'

much mort- ' ~orry. no peh Modeh

open daily q to 6

S200/mo 432-0289 Upper back bay. n -smkr M/F over 30 to shr 2Br 2ba day/week . pvt home In Coa•11ci1l Found white Cockatell Reat1l1 2911 near Orange & 15th

Oakwood Apartments

N'wport Buch So 1700 16th Street

(al Dover) 642-5'13

Newport Beach No. 880 lrvtnt' Avenue

(di lbth) 645-1104



DIRECTORY For H1·-.ult

'-.l'r\ I(' (' {'Jll

642· 56 78 ht. 122

STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? " ccordlng to C•llfornta Bu• lnen

and Prol•111on1 Code (Sec 17900 to I 7930) all persons doing bu1lneu under a fict itious name rnuat flle a statement with the County Clerk and have II publ11hed four times In a newspaper 1ervlng the area In which the bualneu 11 located.

The statement 11 required by law •nd la necenary In protecting your bu••ne11 name. Moat bankl require proof or llllng to open commercial accounts

The DAILY PILOT provldH both filing and publlcatlon service• . We have all the nece11er~ forms and maintain a dally Hrvlce to the Orange County Courthou1e Either atop by one of our convenient office• or phone th• LEGAL OEPAATMf!NT f42~321 , ht 332 for more Information end form•


0 :~ ·: :..::~·~ ~' : .... ··-'"'- .. ~,, ,.,.. .


J ' ,. .... ....

turn Shr lam rm. k•I &. NB Condo nr Hoag Hosp CM/NB (213)450-6526 yard $250/mo 662-2112 $300 incl utlls 646-7332

Vegetarians. into medt M/F resp- mat n-smk Lrg GUlfH for 1a11on,k1tch prlv $260 furn hse E·1lde CM leat 2912 494-064 7, wrk 497 -6807 $290 • utll 548-8369 Obi garage. S 100/mo. Npt

' West C M tolerant $250 M/F rmmt to shr W Newpt Beach Storage only • ut tl pref night worker Oceanfront duplex avail 962-4762

16040 HarbOf F V Street, CM ~2-6162 1240 SQ fl Found yellow Lab. yng

Agent 541 -5032 male. vie 19th & Ptacen-

llLIOl ISUll ti~ CM 631-6338 Prtme retell locat lon Found yg Blk Lab, vie

$ t 6 o o / mo Le a s e Main & Adema. H B .. on Mickey 650-5711 aft 5PM Jan 16 536-1986

548-8009 after 6pm _ now $325 yrly _:48-9457 ifWPOllT IEAOll loo• I Bou• 2902 M/Fanr2brC M apt.avail Garage 101120 $95 LtlOllY, IPTICll Found· Yorkshire T.,-rler

A b I I d'

80 1 Feb tst $200 mo + u111 645-4800 or 645-3323 Prime retall/comm ' I M wtblue collar, Sanla

m u atory a Y •• pv 548- 1467 Vickie space 580-2370 sq II. Ana Hgt• 97s-7595

'm w I home Y a I • - gross lse Contact Tom or Lost 1121 ma Keestiound, mosphere Nice area M/ F shr lrg 2 story house Olf' I I 2914 Mike Jackson. .-.1hwlll 8 mo. vie Elden & Del 979-9656 wtspa 1n Newport Shores ICt tata I

nr beach pool tennis 16H WestcllH Or N 0 Schneider Mar. CM 842~587 Hoteb)!oteb 2904 w/d $400/mo • •11 ullls s 1 30 sq 11 •


Lost 4 yr old gray cit. HAWAII Kauai. Po1pu 631 - t655 or631-0051 Agent 541 -5032 IEWPORTCEITH male Vic Corona del

Beach oceanfront dis I MtF to shr Costa Mesa 250 1 $2001 3300 sq rt tor lease Mar nr Bayside Or. count 2 Br $69/ noghtly 1 Twnhse Non- smoker sq 1 suite. mo Oelull.e 1mprovement1 incl 759-0 122 673-4013 779 W 19th St. sutte D Br $49 nightly 499- 1526 $225'' u111 548-4484 CM Tom 851-8928 Enclosed reception area Lost M/Cockerpoo, white.

V t• Lg Ille room & secretariat vie Raletgh & Hamilton

let ltll M prof non smkr shr 3 Br 2 ,.. $260/up crpts /drps area. 9 separate o ffice's 548-6209 alter 4. ' Ren tall 2907 Ba C M condo furn $275 al e, rstm 17301 Beach Cont rm. elev & lnalda _ - --

• ''> ut11 548-4301 Blvd H B 842-2834 gar 1dul for Law Firm Los t puppy Blk / ten SOLYAIC, CA M shr F v sml 3 • 2 • C- dM dlx au .. es- AC ampl Anacapa Assoc Limited dachshund fem. Leath

Bed & Bktst 605 688 1261 " 759-9462 collar Harbor View • • twnhse. W/ O pools. grt prkng from $400 2855 Homes 760-1790 Reward

Rentala It lam area. pref F . kid /pet E Coast Hwy 675-6900 ladaatrial --

Sia 290• OK $300 • 12. Iv msg - - le t I

2920 Lost Siberian Hulky. ma,

lrt 964-5303 Attrac:tlve Alrpor1 area. a a I Hamilton &. Polynesian ' BR PV1 ba (2 story house. I NEWPORT BCH CONDO new pro

5fnslonal office 1200 aq fi. 3013 S Orange HB REWARD 968-8293.

MesaSVerde are9e9)90prerer TO SHARE ~~"'1~t 10: ~N~, &~~ Av . So Sant• Ana $550 REWARD Shellie type.

male 350 <'4 t- 645-4224 Visible frm frwy 751-5989 mo Tom 851"89" 8 brn/tan female dog, ;1 BR Apt to shr $322 50 Nu Nwpl Condo t blk l o B yf ont Ofllce;--pltlos ~000 & 2600 aq It " M lahka " 1/ 26, vie Poolside. prof mate. all 1 1 1 Id 8 r · · SO 50 aq 11 Magnolia & Garfield,

It 432 8338 ocn, m cro. rp • w • grg parking, Janitorial Agent 641-6032 HBIFV 2 13-590-8011 amen tes • $275 1st/tut 631-6543 8?3-1003 71 4-983-7201

4br 2be w/ d kitchen etc, 0 n. Pt 1 - * • 1200 aq It 1 smt ol -$250 mo $30 dep 911 oean vu "T"na ux Beautiful prlvete office lice. storage. smt bu11-V1ctor1a c M 646-8386 condo 2 Br 3 Ba pool. w/ batcony. bay view. ness etc C M on New· Ptrataab 3012

spa. 2 lrplc 496-2861 eub-leaN or rent Call port Bl 553-1115 , _______ ...,......, Airline pilot will ahart new PARK NEWPORT APT 7 t41720- 1 t05 CIRCUS Of NewP<>fl Beach Condo Bachelor will shr 2 br. 2 ba 1111oltft'VR IFF*"fl C M 6001/1 incl otfa wtth female Security apt w/same 640_8287 r; •u•r; "' too amps 12 It door MASSAGE gate prtvate beth pool GrHt tocallon. recep- $300/mo call 759-8008 1acuul 6.45- 1037 Pen Pt 2 Br 1 Ba. M /F tlonlst , telephone. NC· 7 19 NO HARBOR BLVD

S275+ Nn-aml<r tor 21 1 retery , bookJ<eeptng AaataHt•tatl 3002 FULLERTON CdM beautful m11r bdrm. or 311 873 80 13 Merll available FREE-AL[ XdEsi 170·1112 ~~.,?::,,~n~;g~~i° Pool/ tac 4br home. wHn/ - Tom~ 842• 1803 TV COMMERCIAL SEM· 1 IAY A WEii

- - dry, f<plC SC Plue M FOR RENT Furn oltice INAR SEE SUNDAY AO ATTRACTIVE Fem gor~• 2Br 2t>I 21 35, 1traJgh1, n/amkr 200 sq It, S200tmo 11lnt 213 46S-4491 MASSEUSSES Condo, -. nt loc Poot, jec:. $275 494-27421751·9840 loc Avall 2- 1 556-3900 SPIRITUAL RE•OtNGS TO SERVE YOU etc 662 2247 alt 5/ wknds -- - ,.. OPEN 24 HRS

Promontory Point female Lido VIiiage bayfront view Advice In all mattera love, Fem Of Mnlor ctttzen t~ ahr 10 ttiare 2bdrm. 2ba 400 a f . SHOtmo AvaH martlaOa & bualneaa IOlllTl/ IHELI

4 Br. 2 be lamlly nome. $42$ mo 873-8601 311 875-8744 Also counMltng 1815 Out,. .. 11 ONLY ..... "l""

condominiums. A " Tenant's Gulde" Includes addition I "j1-~"-o_c~s~T _o._..i t ips on urban pets _ I I I' I' I

HB S275 • 14 ulll s100 So El Camino Real, San - ..,. ...... "' ~ 964-I005 RESP F Mld-30'• Mak• H..ct 100 9Q tt Offlee to Cl•m Llc'd. 492· 7296 I

Fem shr adorable COM mature. qu~ F n/1ml\r share, NB, CM or Irvine tntal anr 1rg 2 alry garden apt, arN 870-14&3, ext Gt9 Found gray/ beige m•te Semen

~EFw:y~:',~tci,7'~ W'cllff/C M ffvt btth/br llWNRT IUOI Cock-a-poo, vie Tlittln, 1!7'm""''T.!~~~o~~ MC dep 842-8037 ~S:~4 ~;7~Jra.-s:.J56,~ 1000 tt . 2nd floor. quiet nr 23rd St. NB 648-3074 Hoel... a Lotton• •n•

The Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa Board of RE­AL TOR' Se encourages pet owners and landlords to be prepared to discuss these matters In an objective man­ner. After all, a good 1enant who happens to have a pet ts better than a negllgent tenant who doesn't.

I SA C [f I nk* t nd • .....,.. F d o Pit 8 11 I L8"e exotic: llno«le '*1Y

Fem to ll'lt w/ same 4 Bt RmmteflnterNted tn ahar- •tr .. t, Y 1 K......,... oun rovwn u • lor FRl!E mdl8 847-5M 1 D41Ach hO\Jte Npl Ben •no an" In Coto 00 Cata bldg. ort.~11r .. 14


• brown cottar & bl~ har· 1225mo • utll 8~-3•64 Pref aget 28.,.8. M/F ~kle ;:5-3323 d~yso neas, OC Anlmar Sheller ~~~~Af h

F'I M non Nnlu 21-35 atu 675- 1823 wn. 770-2~ -. __ Found femai. pert OrM1 NW1>t S.ach 758-9024 2br 2ba apt trpl pool, Rmmte. n / amkr. to shr 4 llWNIT HAO• Dene on Oavenpot1 '-'· :---~--llC terin1• 1tc ~mo br 2•1 ba twnl'IM B&ek Beeuttful OffiUll 1v11t1ble Hunt HarbOur 848-7053 laU~=· Ott. ffH '+urn C.M S-48 l2•Ll rrWy- mstmo e•&-nn ""' Cou Hwy 0t--OO w11a1 a wond'Muf Wond Por l'eie. =ry ..,....lta5!

-- Alrpon. 120·2&0 sq It I.... t I "' I r .. '. .,.. rm Amt• oYlr ,$, ttiare Rmmta lo ahr 2 bf apt, HCl'I Carpled, mini o qnOPP ng, r On at concr-. loon M,Q CO Sunny hM. Nwpt Hghta c M N/tmlu Pool, JK blinds, apaclou• win- youl f~lpa ev9t)'dey1 Xln1 tetme Wr1t• Box S300mo Cethy 831-1105 1275tmo M e 931-2737 dowt, ly"'tnn recep · D•llr 1101 Ctaaalll•d • 801. CIO Delly PtlOt,

.. • Ad• To placie your ~. P O. Bo• 1MO Cotta RIMI!• wanled, Ir~ • Br tlonlst, cont rOOtll etc C'MI M2-6611 ~ ._. • M .. • CA 02121 ' Ouyen a11d aetttrs ,,,..,

ev.,-y d-V '" cl1u11..o

snaa:tm •nm• .......... ~11• 64-M61&

hN e•clu11v. NB eru Thi £irKullve Conn.ctton CllMI~ A~'lllof MIA _·...._,,_ ____ -= U!bl mo lUlll J.4nl!H 7C!O· - you e..iinecs ade oo II ..., . .



... , ...... .. .. l•l• ...... "" ••• ...... ...

OIOIT&ll IDYOI Maintenance M.111 for In· lllOIPTilltlT ...... ... d.uatrla' pwll, ••I*'~ WHh kt• btclll)'Q I ·~

CttEERS R!ST AUAAH T In electr~ &. plumb!ng lkll~ E•cell compatl) requlftWI, *n hand toot• ... lit. 0 1r~en

Entartatnment and danc.- • ptui hard wo111• CS.· .,..ne • an Ing We M4ld CC>Qk1a11 ~•b'- 1 i>e<rnNI doua growth pottntlat ..,.,.,, Wt train Stu· 831 7818 Sa•ary comm wlt•P Call ct.nt1 OK 'ull. pit e.ach Mr1 Ptn0n1 at 83 1 8280 & Watrw Call t.t noon 1111111 R"taurant

our famous DIMES-A-LINE

Swulay, Jaaur) U · 762·8955 847-Mee pm Ok* c~, e11per'O 1n all A11t l'INd.a tor c1ttt.,ia. ARJES (March 2 1-April 19). Focui. on carc:cr responsibility C01o1 conaultant Train f()( main! eve toot•. 1tlary, l*m pit No wtirid• 2 MAN wooo toboOgan.IBABY dlJnga. nwDotn to KOOAK lrwlAIM•UC to 11 TWIN~ as sw.o .,..

scnous di~u~sion with loved one~ concerm na directton and ultimat~ ~ • ..,•xclungt.•n!_iuc11

.!.ap1,1vTe apt. beMf~• 14s.. 1°"8 873-4403 •fl•r 3pm _ uh< nw '50 ~ gallon ·~• 1· 3 . 107•11g1r1'e KOdak COl«Wret q ~115. Htgnt tebllell a.o Js. You 11 be commcnde~ forcommunlly activities, for helping one F ln•!!_P._! ;4.)"...,.. llAltOlltlT R!STAURANT ahoW tank aquanum S30 tlrand 1'11"'41 d01htte f • lnattnt. wtfh f1uh II MOI. 0. 110. ltn fortun11e Cancer, Capr1com pcrsoni. fi~1ure m scenario Of -·- .. _ .. _- _ • .,,_ tor • Pf .. tlOlout hlon In PotillOM evaltaO!e torr• 5-t8-e234 A~be. 11.0d, uw. Me. Bed-ohail, or .. n 150. tatltl 114. ~ '*'

TAURlJ (April 20.May 20)· y , h be d. CIHlllGATtl Laouna 9ci'h PleaM call apontlble perton1 to 4 PORSCHE Chrome 1..c. ~tit Bat.Mu, Oah Arml ... ctlalr, 91>rlc0t lu•lnett• tto. 8• I f

· ou reac yon current for an appt 497 •• 888 take tOOd or<*• & make nt1 Mtllat vw wtth t).'. K09tl. Thoma1, llrytt1, 125 Gre.1 vtnyt vlbfatlnQ 'dll(• e1. WrdtM ex~uons, tnC$O commun11:ationwillopcn , lon&-dist.ancccallwill Do you en/°! talking to __ ._ __._ ••II ,, .... ndwl<h• ,.,,..,,_,, ,. .... ,. , ... ...., ll<oo , ~ ....,.. .............. ...,. 11s. eo.- t bri&htenda).' Sp1ntuahaluescomcintofocus,you·11pcrceivcpotcnt1al =i:1 1 '°you m.a~ llllO&LWllT. PIT Mon-Fri 830-230 Tex, cartMae1--S1 Play l.#'\P&10.0IW~. and S26 ~r• ind lov~ WLll cease lO be a i.tranaer. Libra plays key role. ~d ~~t:.-V: OU FRONT OFFICE Bu1y Meyerhot. 17121 Sky· '75 CHRYSLEA Cotdoba. tabla. hlgtl Chair, tlmond S20. Unlit 4.00 L.lmpt 11 .. 10.

GEMINI (May 21-Juoe 20): Emotio ns run deep nothing occurs QUALIFICATIONS' OB1GYN office Ex- parll Cir, Ste A, trv •3K mti. All body and too S30. Catrlaoa/a1 offer only 54a.et71 50c·l15. tauo I I, .. , 0 'II h h • • perl•nc• required 281-e11e mecnanlcal part• r .. 1 eombo, nloet3l. HJ .,, , •""""'E bo, ... - f'·-·-- tabta &15 Couc:tt I 1a ... ay,y u avec ancetomakr~ewsW't. Mcmbcrofoppositesex CMeffUIAperlOnAble 845•51185 OOdeondlt and ..oy s .it ..,..,_ -- ,........, t53- 3 e ~

helps JCt to hcan of matters- tmpnnt your own style, realize there i pnon.votce, PIT No - fo go Cuti~ and ~ry s!tur~"'f:;j.= ~.~~ M 7eo.om ee1-11~.°' no reuon to play second fiddle Leo figures pro minently c°'8 call• Peopteeall u• MINA&. AllllT. Atetaurant Aadlat0t UC. doora, ten Santa A"' AV9flue, Coeta t..£ATHER purM9 12. Tin TWIN bed matt,...

CA1'."CE~(June21 -July22): 1n1ti1tlimprcssionupttobeontarget. 6~~~;;~ro,~~1 Exper. tront&back Non· "tA1lt• Oftfta. der•. talllghtwbti.t. Mna &31-7281 eansso.. 01wt1ow1a11. Twin bO• aprln1..,.::

Rcahzc 1111 umc to he low. to rccupcrute. to plan " future camp~ian:" -- ;:,r-~~m ' tlour• ~ ~· :!,~.anr:.utt~:OC,d~;:. co NT EM Po RA Av ~ ~ C:, 5:; metal frame NO. Focus also o n . pubhc presentatio ns. JOinl cffons. e"change of ideas. otllllTlltU , A UMmbl14'1. MA•'*'tion black .whit• chalr-ot· 7•8•20 1a..11 ZJi>pera. turntablie MO. BSA tum-Scllle 1uues wuh one clo!IC to you. including panner or mate Prfft~toua drug •l0<• 1• 11111110 w . gett N.w Lool(I par11. dUl\boaro and en- toman "° Two Quatrti bUttON, .... uc, belll. ~ 125. POl9Clhe 111

LEOpuly 23-Aug. 22). D1 vcri.1 fy, c hange routine. "'"'rce1ver,icturc eeek1a1e1ngran•o~P·~utt btlee own car Salary + mii. •re •ng • lit• llMr•ng gn~ bo•. woven rope Ohaire 12 material 1t-60c. Tennie '*co... MO 64~. 15 ts enurel F d · - pe • age Mon -Fri M ·30 Tl'I J I"' R 1 L k snatt• and whMI'. very ucn. Tl/'*'' 110 Graen dr..,.. 50t Fr.,,_ 50c TWO Et-u dwotM

in ' Y· oc~s on appearance, cs1gn, wearing apparc . body lamlllar w/Hlllng all Cell Suu~ne 955".o&50 • 0 '' o08f' n • ' ci..n noor 'UO original, efohl drawet cn.1 S45. SatUfd.., only t<>-4. 220 and wOO<J~ and 9._, 1m1ge. Popular!t> 1ncrea\C~ . health improves. your o utlook will be rranchlM Hnes. E11cen _ R_ ~C::,:t ~11';!.,_00 :,;h••; ma1ter cylinder and Ping-pong table S36 cimetii~ Lane, Cotta llQhttWI. e ,_.high, 4 fMl more constructive. o pt1m1st1c. Gemini . Sagmariu11 nauves play key ttanlng aalary • c:omm ettaurant let ode! w power booster all wiring Latge gl ... punchbowl, Meea wlde 3,-: lfltl~ In rol... call for l!'terv\eW ~t Mtyefhof'1 Restaurant In comp • rem e h 3.,.11 8 plate cup• ladle ~5 & Foldl

... ... TIE lllLI .... So Coaa1 VIiiane need• •re Matching lor attract· am...... "" • an- . • • o' ' .. ch -.Ch OG VIRGO (Aug. 23-Scpt. 221. Define terms. impnnt style, deal with 213 37'" '"''"1 rallabte P•~:on for ive , eoerge11c peoplewitll glne part1, llead1. Mopaf Reel lawn moww 1 MOTORCYCl..E boot• 20. workeut ~ 0, 911 up

young persons, make neets$Clry rev isio ns. Be ready for exciting ____ • _ ....,_ .... _ counter help and fOOd an appetite for ~ fc:~b~=~ 1=: = ~ur:t~ t '~5t ~":*~ ~;:.,~ = ~ bench $10, &45-"42 changes, SOmC conflicts. cha llenges which prove ~ttmulating. R,omancc Count9f l*p, PIT Mon- prep , 11 :30AM 1hllt Applications wlll be 8C· b~k From I lO each to 1tereoY1pHkera 12Q tablel S10 NCI\. o-1 VERY go~ tlf.. and is pan of scenario , )Ou' ll receive '1ncere accolades and self-esteem will Fri, Super Sandwich. wkdyt/wt1nd1 Ideal fix ~t4110~-5pm. Mon . S50 each Have been re- Ta-pe rtcord•r 120. Ml i.tnp $20. SUnday mags: Matdllng Mt of 4-war Costa M ... 545-4867 11udent1, Cell Karen >r rt, an -Feb 3, 101 moV9d by retired mecti- Cameo Hlghtanda, Cor- 8· 4 531 El Modena, HR(226)78x15 on G.M

. • Erl c a II 1 . 3 0 p M e>Cperienced del M 7 ...... ,.... M.....vvo ·-··.. ,........ I .... th a:-.f whit• LIB~A (Sept. 23-0ct 22): Be ready for change, travel. variety. 540-80.44 ani. 831-370 1 __ °''' ar . ....,... -.. $7,;'1'sth._.., . ..,..,.. ~ ~~ S30

communtrnt1on from loved one tn trans it. Focus also on long-range lllLY PILOT Now hiring Rentil & Sal< .. :~g~:,~OSTESSES ALUMINUM adtu1tabl• DRESSER, 4 wtde drawera Mt:fl 2_..R7b15 on Riv· policies. sccumy. professional appraisal o f propeny. Gain indicated Now accepting •PPll· People. Balboa l1land • OISH/BUSSERS cn.JtChff S5 pair Gu s20 Hand lawn mower, OLDER Sears gu dfY9I late ...,..., l30 Met\ through written word - read, wrne. get ideas o n paptr. cation• tor District Man- Really 673-8700 • WAITER/WAITRESSES 1tove, 4 burne< 120. 913 Ilk• new t t5. Exterior 550 Eikotot paper 2~y &.OOx 14 for amall

SCO,RPIO <.Oct. 23-Nov. 2 1 ): Focus o n family issues, v 1s1ts. trips. ager to iuperv11e ntrNa- • e ART EN o ER s' JoAnn. Costa Meu. wood •hutten1, new 110 copief t25. Fatt>erwar• (>lckupa 125 p9Jr. 2· h r., , paper carrlera. Should Nursing COCKTAILS 545-5855 pair Mooed bUmper rack electric frypan , MVet Ftox15 125 Singlet

c~lls wh1~ vet., views. H1i,hlight versat1 hty, humor. willingness to nave good P«tonallty, llllll .. l.1111 ART a.nd office IUPPllM 18. 7~ - = S2~5 ~~~ = LR78x16 e10 and l20 c angc .P ans o r purpose o(achieving basic goals. Mcssaie received neat apP91rance & •nfoy Cerltned or expel1eneed In addition to complete 2oc-S30. Vacuum cleaner FISHER Pra toya $1-$5 515 Bab)>bUOt cwrler Heh. EA71x16 118 approximately three da}'S ago Will now be c lanfied. W'lll provide working v.nn youngste<I. FT/ PT, d1ya/evenlngt. training, WI provide... $15. Picture trames SOc· Franclac:an dlahM $25. $7 . AecelYI btanket• 8 .75x11.5 • ply &16 laughter. Must have Van, Wagon or ConvafHcent ho1pltal. ceflent compeny t>efl•flte $5 Toote 50c-S 15 Jack· Handmade quilt 125 50C uch ?.by lteme 1211158plyoff·roedS15.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): What appears a loss could e1ck·Up. No compact Newport Beach exc.i- & advancement oppor- et ·p1ast1c rain poneho $2 Quality lad14'1. men'• and 25' $1 wOm.n. ala 5-7 2 matc:tlfng 878x13 on actually be a mere delay. Be. confident, perfiect techn1'ques, o"t n'd o' cart. Good Hlary, mite- lent benefit• &42-8044 tunlty Mc:n Ol•h•• gtaa... c:hlldren·1 clOtMI 5()c.. dOtMI. 10$ 11 E*trlc o.rt, 11...,..t modeta nma

O" I age 9JIOWance, company 25¢ $') 8 k ' $15. Couch $35. Baby • • $35 pair. 4·81'1efb) superfluous maten~I. Review budget, locate necessary papers, realize benefit• and bonu1 op- OFFICE: Bright person tor Come by & talk with u1 - ~\~ B~ok·w ~~ .;~• lloht S7. Deak '49. Trall« typewrlttr, ac:tlpt lpe, diamond maga, like ,_. that income potential 1s greater than originally anticipated. Ponunlty. Apply In per- d iversified work GOOd please no phone call1, 252 Walnut c,,.ta ~ ... · hftc:h S25 Pot• 11 . 2020 ~i..':"S work~ tor Ford ~ prod~

.C.APR. JCORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Lunar cycle hjnh , J'udgment and '°"at Dally Pll01 Clrcula· with number• Wiii , train ... 1

•OLLY llHO • Santa Alla. Sa1urci.y •• 1 ttMt. UC1t wtlldae 2 tot MS. i

I k I be 6'' tlon Office 330 w Bay MacGreg0t Vachl• 1" • ASSORTED btMK11. many Ms-&939 ,....._ 1 blodc north of w•atern rlbb4MS mag• m\Uttlon 1 e yto on target.Events fa vor your effons. you arc at ni,ht St. c M Mon thru Frl 1631 Placentia, C.M 22873 Lake Fornt Drive colort S 1·S3 Old rock., l9th on Santa Ana Av- with 3--GAeOx 15 tlr• $25 pface, you can make this your power-play day. You'll get credit lor lpm 10 5pm. No pllone - El Toro CA wllh muahrcom finial• FOURAr•toneS/Sradlal enue Saturday and Sun- MCh wtl9ef with tire. 3-re<:ent efforts, superiors will disc uss promo tion. you' ll be emotionally calls. Mr. Holland llFIOE CUii $25. Garden 0011 S1·$3. tires, railed outlined let· day EA701114 tlr• fot ap.,. fulfilled . E.O.E. Fall paced Santa Ana of- ROOFERS Small 4 dra11 er detk tor te<t, only 25% weer. Sile OLD oek d-.k chalrt, $8 eac:tl . 831-3701

AQUARIUS(.Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Lookbeht'ndsc"nest'.oranswers,get flee Mele• en«getlc "-· child s12 S:ulpture fOf 233x7ox1• SSO ••ch. f b rd

.. " tailed peta0n for typing Need • top quallty patlO s7 SI iger sewing Rabbit cage e11cellent 1wlvef and 1111 round WEIGHT Mt l30 Picnic nd o u · en which was not nghtly your own tn first place. Discard Oen111 An' 1, ex per and genl. office dutlel repairmen, knowledg1ble machine w ;, cabinet, lhape S15. 850-35e7 back Call Steve tat>te S30. Rowing ma-rumors. go after fac tual data. Cycle will be completed, you'll know AO.A .. must like to work. WPM 55. 979.1000 In-cold process, 111ake, work• 535 1.arge trunk FULL me plc;tlup truck ~8-9179 . 8-12. '45 and chlM lt2. Lill• new grid-where you stand m o re people will become aware of your effons llke to have time off Call ffl ,_.. comp. At least 8 yr• exp S6 Vlnyt tofa 8 foot. c•,..,_. • .._., sso. Call 150· Ole ' 15· am... ~ 11.

' ' 6'48-4801 o cec........ lnrooflng&repalr• _,.,....., .,,.. Llgttt ftXtur• SS & -talents. Type 45.50 wpm, traln on 642-7654 ~ 125 Towets, ~ &42-5512 REFRIGERATOR 120. tension c;ofd 12. Eieetrtc

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Be ready for new stan stress Dental RDA ChalrllO• ex- computer. 540-5850 fpl~n.: ~~rlelcS!.._,~ 9onend GAS dsYc: 135. Wither Thr• otd chal11 $25. train S10. New oil flttwa depe d -ncc l' t f p' I perlence In e•panded Slllllllll ........... .,._,, '"""'' • ...., N'·· wood b'- *"'" A $2 ............. d •• .......... . 1n ~ ... • ongina 1 y, courage o conv1ct1ons. e_rsona duties. Soto NB practice Opertlor aniwetlng ..,.. A rentlce wanted A 1 circuit breaker boll $15. $50. f1 double bed ..... ta ... .....,, n- · ,_,,.,,,,.. - · """"""

magncllsm soars, people are drawn t<? you. many seek Y,OUr guidance requires addition 01 dedl· vice 11PM-7AM. Mature fj1 w l&th. Cos1a J.'1.! Lavatory bowl wtth IUP- t25. GOOd doubte bed tlq~ Columbla Springer t1. Halle 50c. DWI...,._ and others profess love. M oon pos1tton highlights fnends. hopes, cated and skilled pro- per1on. Exp preferred porting lega H 543 Vic- S50. Metal bed" frame $5. gtn 8 bUt• $50. Traah ., S20: S(Mlt) boOlla S50 aspirations. fesslonal to our 1taff. 540-1777 Salea· torla. Cost• M .... M Maple bed frame 12.6. 3- :~o. r c!~~· ~ Lumber 12 Iron rel! 18

752- 1320 Ive m"" p rt/ ti J H I I Lingerie home preaen· Saturday. Park lnllOe. drawer file cabinet $40. ...~:--31-n·' ~12 Saturday only. '"° ' ..., I •t II tr I tatlons, PIT, S380· S480 673-5686 '".,.. Pon CardlH, Newport

_1_1l.,1_W .. u__,t-.N..__5..,l ... OO-. 8111 WutN SIM 8111 WutN 5100 ttlPITOIH No experience neceuary. monthly Call Enchanted AUTOMmc .;J;:r brga~ GIRL'S 16 .. stingray 120. REFRIGERATOR , left _Beac:tl __ . -----Rettaurant w/ Oisco , AllT/lm. 111111 Bootckeeper. PIT. tte11lble tor rapldly growing water 20-30 tloura/WMI< Mon- Lady 250-0340 range a Ladle'• 3 lpeed Ralelgh handed d R.u rEH tpMd man'• bike ocean vi.w. liquor lie FleK. hra. Wiii train hr• Complex bank rec1. COt\dltlonlng co. located ~tyn1~~~:,;::• af1. 5Pm satea/ rngmt ~~~· ~~~.9 :::· s

9r PS•~~ bike $40 Humanlc 11ie .. Is S50. ~7805nning, 135. Bec:tric hOt water 1nc:tu. Lri:llch. long IN. Call 6'4&--4825 Htoh pay. Hunt Beach. In Orng Cty. Fut paced. • . W1llEll umbrella , 20. Redwood 9'n man't 1kl boot&, lllte heater, 10gallonS50. Ro-Laguna ach 1175,000. A 848-8390 tdeltr10rlnflac. Nwoo•~~.n~.coPITn· PAIT /TllE Too Bu*" earning a living table chaise benches s 15 new $25 Two 25 lb1. bar SEALY twin po9tu=lc t*Y mow.r '45. Avon Ownr/Bkr 494- 1114 SMmbly BOOKwEEPER/TYPIS:a ..,. ,._ vi t La $5 belle $3 Md\ ~s-3338 mat1raaa box cofl9Ctlon $35 8dNlnt 111.d..lff " ' 6-10PM Mon-Fri. Allday WIEIEllS to .make real SSS? Am- .. ., ..., wn mower . - frame ' uo . Caah ' c:ruiMf $50. W pt't

5-klng 2 profesalonal1 .. , .. , E11p'd . Lt office work Sat Call Mr1. Parton• bit!O\le? Our 6 .yr old 67-93 OFFICE cs..tc wtttl writing ~1032 bike S10. Electric moww deflrlng dl~tlfleatlon & lltrHltotrHIOI Non1mkr. Full / time, In 831-8280 for appt s~:;vi.:ly~nr'ng :~ f1nanclal MMc9s co l'I .. 8MX track oa<tlfled bike pad $45 '49, ·50 Chev· $10. All run good. 2090 tax benefit• to help •11- • Ole Attach Laguna Beach. 499-3437 _ 10,m Sat & Sun. Muit produced 48 mllllonalres. $50 BMX' bike frame, rolet tende< (left) $50. THREE foot round con· Slate Avenue. Coate' pand a 1uc:ceuful In· • Wire Bon~-- o••NlllHI ····a-... I have van. slatlon wanon Ba your own boll fork and l\andlebar Mt FJrepi.ce_ loot Mt $5. er•• lleppll'g •tone• ..__ fblow OM 8.,... , ternatlnal marketing • Hermetic .,_1 - Nr ''"' -.. 963·7457 SlO 556-8000 &45-8577 11.o eac:h. 14G-421. 7 ..o.n. after 12 noon. butlneae. Serloui In· • lnipectlon Admittance office. Im- •-EITte ... -aYIOH or amall pickup. Hourly qu'r1e9 only. 87S-5&30 • Test m•dlate opening all -• , ... _ - wage & mileage Apply In Sain :----:-------- • Package Plating shlf11. N.B. $475 hr. to Or=. Coaat Dally Piiot perSOf'I we4"tday1: 330 W. ot• Ill lttlt lto{lt latl•HI Pleate apply In P«eon. •tart. 846-38~ Jim/Toni ~cr.!n~:11ur:;:1dp~~~I~~~ Bay St., Costa Mesa. Spare time. Earn $10/hror ltll Wu... 1111 •I Waat.j 1111 lalt ...... Siii Ptta · . IS3S ...

Wutt4 4011 ll"lrtl•tltll ,. •• 1111 Orange CoEuOtEOalty Pilot more For appt: 645-3500 -.. - tor picking up and de- naanuy , ............ ,..., 1111 llll

Ouallfl.d buyer 1eek1 Ct••HIOltlll llO. PIT Specialty dn.Jg Slore llvetlng ad1 and ad-re- l1U lr .. r halen Full /lime departmental Full/tint:° pot1~ l :30 to PART -TIME, Varied ~ Two Oouble-yeMow Mada. bu 1 1ne11 n e 11 1 n g 73150 Pullman St. 11 1eeklng a mature lated matetlal . Wiii be PltaralOJ Oltrt 9 Hrs Spare time. M to $8 role. GOOd typing & tei. 12 midnight thlf1. Apply to lnclud• "r1Y A.M. Tame, talking. '400 .. , S200,000 plus. Owner C01ta Mesa. c:a1hler/aalea clerk to trained In &hop lo tra!flc Lo~s Oruot .. • leader In Thousand yearly com· phone lkllll Enthualutlc In perlOl'I, M· Th e:30-l2 weeltenda. Muat have de- w/cage. AllO, larga financing. S.Od Info 10 &fl•_... ILll wo~ on a permanerit PIT ad&, ICtMn layo<it1, etc: lhe rftall drug Industry m11slon. Operate In your attitude; Nit motlvattWI. noon. The Newporter, pend' abt9 vehicle (8'Mll macaw mge. $300 obo D. V., P. 0 . Bo11 5827. -11• • pui1 30 hr• wt( . · Rechellf M2-4321 bet. 3 hal an opening tor a full own community. Limited. plHtanl pertonallty 1107 Jambor• Rd N 8 t uck, van , atatlon IU-1-

N__.._. Beach, 92682 Alrpor1 ., ... Froot deSk TIE HU 1111 & 5pm. time pharm•"" cl•rk . Betty ••s,.3500 ' · · w---) to __.t ,..,._ \iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii v- ,,.... · p _, - IOUght. Apply In P«a<>n ._1 _au - ,,.-::;:;· ........... ._ In 1-....~ .. Iii P«a<>n. IT. 752-0585 1810SanMlguelOr, NB Prevloua e11per helpf\.11. --------- with let 15..u-~--.• ,.__. ..,_ ,.,,.,.

'-- ,_.., to•• Auto Driver, 11111 driving record, Typing skllls 8 muit ULEIPEllOll appl~~ ~~ cr.;'.~1.: The PennyNver 11 looking er... Must be depen- TWI Pu.Tl

• I ._ CUllEll CtllllOl 1111111 pickup & delivery. 40 Salary commensurate Be atlOClaled with the Robert Bein Wiiiiam ror· a p/ llme telephoiie dabl• Contact Greg WITH CAGES, $ 115 EA

I.I Umo , ••fl llllll Low pay Great future h<xir1 per week. Basin w/exper Xlnt benefit winning team at Century Froat & Associates. 1401 salespfl'ton Hr1 Tues Hyde M~ thru ~~•Y 897- 187S or 840-8709 ... Learn while you earn To Marine, Inc: 673--0360 peckage Apply In person 21 Surf Hunl Beacll '• Quall St Nwpt Bc:h tllru Friday 9am to 2pm. between 9.30 and 10 30 l•--------

ltrttlll 01. e.o. Full & pan/time polltlons llnd out more aboutlt call Monday Jan 30th, 1:30 only Century 21 on lhe " Apply In person,· 1860 a.m. onl . 642-4321 .,,--~------,...,....,"""

S~~~~ W4~ 2nd :::~~~~n~o~e0~~ ~::;~~~~ BTu:~~~in Cs c1.!~.'~t~1~ ~.~~~~ry tt~3~ ~~ ~r PT~es~/~~;g1~ ~:J1~g ~' ~:Hn~~o:= neeoedSEl~~lJ~~!any 1n Placenua Ave. C.M Waretl<>YM ~'irF0<d Town LJ~~ Robl Sattler NH/CM tail e>Cperlence dellred, 220-1520 Small fee Drugs 175 E I 7th, C M Inf for self motivating Fount1ln Valley Pleale TILEPIOIE IAUI Seve<al position• E11per'd $6500 Rntored P P RE Br~er Bd Realtor1 but not necessary Wiii lerlcal p 11010 Prlntet for Kodak sucoeufull llc'd or unllcd. call M-F. ~2-0937 * Qualified Lud1 and Trainee• Up to 675-8181 642-217 1 545-0811 train the right per90n ari.trMHIOIJ1I0.1rt Driven wanted, 18orover C S I people who wa nt a •E•C41ilent wages $850/ tir ---------

1 81 openings for men & pref, must furnl1h own M 15 · EKp. or w 11 train dynamic oHloe with ex- SIClnAllY ...-eu11neu SublCl'IP · 5'4" Franlelln 1922 Amp!CO Private Party hH well se- Apply n P«ton at: women, If you type 40 vehicle & prool of Ins. for lop salary. permanent pen training & fUll time Par11ttme. Typing, phone1 *Full or Pan Time 220· 1520 Small F.. player baby grano cured 3rd tru1I deed on Jlll llTO & I t-.. I Commlulon. 751--0453 position & benefits. Cell maft"gement Call Biii B 1 ~ f * Ple•••ftt atm--• WMI ,._.._ $ 12,000 4 carved Chl-~rt .. ~. t 2300 H1rbor Blvd CM wpm are ,,,.,.,""" n tor lntetVHtW 831-3330 ,,.. oat ng eit nee Pf• · -· ......,_ -- kl bl ,.,.._ ..., '"""" 0 use u ' Hcelieflt t>enefttl with a Rude at 7141538-7542 erred Npt h &45-2700 * ExP« required for Huntington Beech law neae •tac ng ta H down for N.wport condo EOE M/F 1tanlng salary OI $6.35 WI mu ••n PRE-NATAUPOlt Panun * 631-8100 Frank ftrm. Excellent grammar, Clrc. ,900, 1500 Small or houM $80.000 at 18% Babyaltter/H1kpr, live In or hour, .ito hours/week, call Guyt, gala, nomemakersl Fitneu ln•tructor . SALES IECln&IY -spelling !ape tranecrlp- carved cedar chHt due 6·85 equity $38,000. out. must apeall En~. & 833_0411 ext. 350 tor In- SELL 1e KODAK FILM p/ llme Academic back- Preclou1 metals High Reception. phones. Ille TOP SSS tlon 1 'recent Calltomla $ 125. Writ• Ad #&2. Dall) Funhet detail• 548-8825 7""l ~s coupons Church benelll ground & ewn..1. ln re- comm & draw. No up. Femalet Pref. Model•& P lol Box 15&0 Costa : have own car '"" ... tervlew. 4801 Jamboree 240-0427 ,.,._, bkkpg. Type 50 + wpm Escon• 12131866-1984 law experience required ' · ·

WIDOW HAS$$$ tor T0'1 Baby11lter need•d tor Blvd. Newport Beach lated tieldareq 831 -8740 ~~~op 250- 1900 Mr Word pro11ce111ng e11p ' Pref9f axpertenc»on IBM Mesa 92&28 S 10,000 up No credit weekend nlghls & oc- EOE FILL/ TIIE PAY plus Irvine 5•<>-8894 Tow truck driver , mu1t Ol1playwrlter. but not 57" md oak table w/3 Ives check, no penelty. Cell caalonal wkdayevet. Cau 'c--1 .... - .. -aJ------ PlllT/ TIIEWlll p•OIOTIOI Sales - havegddrlvlngrec. Mln. neceuary . A1k for aJtson5pedestat1.per1 Oenlton ANOC. 673-7311 aft 7PM 548-0905 '"'"" OPEllllS n TR•VEL Secretary, e•p · full time 1 yr e11p. Top pay & ben· Christa. &47-8041. cond. $575 887-7252

Opportunltl.. available can you... • Farmers ln1uranGe office ehts. Apply G&W Towing Btl WutN SI Banlllng RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST with the Los Angetesspare3hrs nlghtly? Oulaldeules Top com- Callbtwn9-t2631-7740 l321nduitrlatWay, CM JtMWut .. SI 5 AntlquePennsyvanlapine

...... IT .. "' llllTIHTll Typing skill• 0155 wpm Times Circulation De- Are you. . mission, fringe benefits SHOE SALES FfT. upr Efliih&ti nanny. exp'd. IOOi(. hutch. Sacrlfa. $600

..,.,.. -· IAYllll I LIU SERVICE OISPATCHER panment In our door-to- Well groomed, CdM agency. 759-8200 nee Hrly + lncentlvff + WllTEI Ing tor llve-<>ut poeltlon 548-4058 ----lllrTll Xlnt communication 1111111 door newapaper tales depelldabte s-Y/ UI-. beneflll No Sunday• JUllOll lllLTS 49•-2330 af1 8.30pm ntry 1tyle 180 year old

Colla Mau Chrlatlan A localty owned Saving• & 1 mediate o--nlnn1 In program Guaranteed end self motivated? ••" "'" w tcilffSh "'~8 s••~ pine & •"''e ...- $""" •-'"I Loen currently nu poa- m .. - • h ty I com Typing, 1horthand and n oes""' • ...,.. c-..IT ....... 91 , ~ fut m_. .,.,.. '""'

CPA flrm I• - ng 8 1uon1 eva1l1ble for both frlendty office In Hunt- our wage Pua • Do you · bkk"" skllls req Some Mr Marowltz Oil OF ICIOOL ,_..pe7rao~ble lttract lv• ~58 peraon for the audit staff t

11 1 & ... tlm lngton Beach for carMr mla1lon Houri 9AM Entoyworklng with kids? .... 1---------

1-2 y .. rt public acc0Uf1I· u 1 me p... e oriented paopl• with -2PM, or 4PM • 9PM. 11 YOU.c;tln anlWet' VES knowledge ol auto - TUCIEll/P E GIT OF WOii versatile 20yr1 exper National Cutt Regi.ter I • dlt e ~- r• Teller• Experlenee pref· 11 1 Training Is provided. ·• p-n• ,, ,.,. 7021 mobfln helpful Pd va- • • What hawr you 640- 1897 wood tram• crank $600 ng u x.,...~...... · 1 1 pleasant peraona I••· "" _..... cation 5 •• 6611 Part time Appllcallon1 Position available for __ obo Tr· .... · r.,,...,: blk• quired. Salary open. Call erred , cuh er ng ex- C II between 9& 12 M-F Potenllal to earn $300 2.30-8pm Mon. thru Fri .. .,.. pie 18 J ..., W t .. / ...,.. _....., ~ •• T 75• 10~0 pertenee nec:eatary Par1 a 505 . • plus,_ week. F0< an In- ·-------- SEC RE-TA RY/ BOOK - now being taken tor young~ over yra In aa {Schwinn) orln wOOC1 .... r. racy, ... " . ti- ls appro"imatel. Y 21 al 89S-1 . ,...... Chn1tlan 8cnool Apply w()(l(tng lnthenewtP•P« ft... ti 5107 . • ·· ..... .. tervlew, call · KEEPER .. otlvated . .... 1• 1 1,.... S -•n c rims S700 969-27&0 week Pi -MFIWEI "" '"" 16835 Brookhurst, FV, promot on .... d. alel e11- _. _ ------

•• .. 111,....111 =oupp~y• 1~ n.rson · 81 :::; ISIPl/ OllLI OAIE (7l4)957•2361 · Ext 1204· "'" starter 1 person sales of· 962-3312 perlenee helplul but not AIDE- Confident, conduct A lia Ctl HU --m,.:;:. warner;.:; Huntington Mature. loving peraon IEIEllLlfflCE PIT proofreader. Thurs & f1ce 261- 1911 MOeS&ary Wllltratn of alt1ir1. charge 01 1 _.r~r--•-lllJll"!"!fll'!!_..,.__ ......... '• needed to Utlll prof Sat . experlenoed. Appl', THUil 011m1 menage, sec' I, corres- 2 Aelr10'• m & s1so

The Orange Coast Dally Beach ~ couple with child care I GOOd typ109, apelllng Im- Pennyaaver 1680 Placen SEOlln&llY Help needed. Apply Set & Commissions plus bonus pondent. travel. arrange- I' trostfr•) 6'48-3888 Piiot na1 an e11C4lllent op- Banking nou1ekeeplng. Ref1 raq por1ant. Pleasant phone 11a Ava. CM Part Tl•t Sun 10·30.noon at The Must be amb1tlou1 and ment Refs Ca ll 1n1wer 10 -- ---ponunlty ror a career IEOllnHY (0E0) Evet 850-9182 m~~7'·~ 1~r~.:~ --P-/T- EXPE .... R-IE.,,.N_C,,,..E ... 0- Here·s your chance 10 101n Plpehne 2010 W. Oc4Nln self mot1v11or$ ,11'31 t _64_2_-4300. 24_h_r• K:~":tse1~:a & ~T.64~•8" oriented Major Account E11perlenced ~JCecu(lve JAOl IF u 1 TIUll ' S ALES ASSISTANT the ·good llands" leam1 Front, at Newport Pier Call Earl Rountree be- LVN avail Mon-Fri dy1 E11ecu1lve with a proven Secretiry for savlngs & ..., GENERAL OFFICE S1ock brokerage firm we 11ave 1mmed open· TELEPHONE Appt Setter tween 10 3 o AM and 1 •te r 9 n c • s c a 11 Maytag rebuilt wHher track record Grell loan Challenging poa- Male/female, to work In L11e pegboard, Bkkp'g , near Airport • hrs dilly •ngs on our NEIGH -I PIT am or pm Salary • 3 OOPM lor 81'1 ln ter.i1ew 645-5000 x220 Ka1hryn $ 175 546-0521 potential. guaranteed ltlon requires 1trong Newport home & office, lyplng 45wpm, (lnvoleeS M· TH Ruponalble, w.I BORHOOD SALES OF- Bonus Orange County or apply rn perlOn 11 330 ~I -- SSlO REF RIG ERA TOR REPAIR draw agaln11 com - communication & org- 10· 20 hr1/wk/flulble & computerized printing organtred. meture per I FICES In the Huntington alrpon aree Call Terry West Bey St Costa Local ~ .. t1ma1e $27 mlplon. Oetlre tomove anlutlon1l ablllty Strong Must be knowledCble machine), some t•le- i on, non-amkr, lite ty~ Beacll & Costa Mffa Anderecll 851-0103 Mesa 548-7058 blonde & 2 brunettff. Larry's Reing 76<>-7275 Into management • plu1 typing & shonhand a In •lectronlca. •:,ary phone work (no 181ea). 5 r • q Sa I ar y com areas This po11t1on re- cute & cuddley we .,., __ _ Send re9Utne to muit Salary com· negotiable Refa r-i, « · dyt. FIT, or PIT Salary merMrate with e11per quires customer rel•· . million 1 puppies but you REFRIG GE 17 2 cu ft

P. 0 . Box 1680 men1urste with U· manent Position. Keel· open-or PfT '5 50 min. 95S-7500, Marlorle I hons. phona work. andfll- I , 1•11 P1•1 11'"' ... . .... .... .. can llave ue for $10 ea frC1at lree warr 1nty Coata M ... , 9282& perlence , Call Lee, lent oPportunlty f0< r• C111 9AM · 12P M or ing Typing sklll1 of 64 1_8685 ,f1 8PM S550 759-81 39

EOE 754-1801 EOE tlrtWI peraon. Send re- 2PM-5PM 648-9741 PIT. name badge aa I 40wpm i nd previous --G - S75 ORANGE COAST S&L 1Ume Incl. hlllory, qualtn- Nmbly work (•tamping exper dealing with the ·.· PUT T11£ AKC. Hungarian V1szla 10 REFRI good cond

Accounting 1700 Adam• Av C M cation & hourly wage •11- IDD&L lfflll pinning & packing). De~ public II required Work- mo old, exit heelth Only Holly 63 1-564 ~days

Ill _ _ • cpecttWI to Boxholder, Front offloe appearance terlty a must. Hrs flex days are mon thru Fn , Deliver Daily Pilot by auto in 10 a good nme Alk tor l1=1• . •attriala 6014

lOO'T1 PIYUU OLE Bar pe<IOn. tem prel, to Bo11 7250, Newport Ty~ 40-50 •wpm, gOOd Call 9AM - 12PM O • 1 approx 25 llrs per week Jennifer. 833-8309 I"!•-~-._,'!'!-~~~,. The Jolly Roger, Inc. hH mill ' serve cocktells. Beach, CA 92658·7250 •pelllng Telex exper. 2PM-5PM 648-9741 I Please contact Tim Laguna Beach area (2 hours ausTa SHEP ,_..--bl..; .. 1-1poso1fs7~f15.c.!'~'~· 111qt.. an ...,....Ing for an A/P Oayt night• & PIT Per· - C preferred HOU<• 8- 1. Call B~-'- Kl w b ,... M " " -.. - - ~ .. ......,..., ~ ..... k ...... A .. CC"""nll""' & 10 1one


bl• d•P•ndable Janitor nMded. Otta u ar· .. ·979·1711 IULEITATllll ......... or m .-.ors r_.. per day) Weekdays p - lfl pupl, guar heaf1hy .,..... ""' . ._ • M .. MM 12AM 8 ,.. .,.. at 714/ 558-6287 • • ' S""" & $l""' 752-71""' BRICK (ovei- 20001 UACI key experlenol required. E1111 wagiaa. t1pt 1 wortt· d ... ~ ... '91• .: .. 1 312· 7 -------- ExP«tenc*' llQ«'t cte.1r &LLITITI weekends A.M. ~-- about .,. ~ <JV .... . rn, texture. S850 ve1ue Affteurant accounllng i..... cond. Apply In per-- YI pr'"" ........, - lllllAL lfflOI Ing etlarmlng CdM lo .c.cu u ""

"'• M I LI Ennln.-lnn nrm 11' N"""t cation with well Htab fqual Opport. Employer •AOO pe,., mo. Call Mr. Barrow Oalmallan pupl, AKC. 11 SAC S500 495-3909 dealrable. exoellenl ben· aon. 9-111' daty, me .uJllTllS • ··• ~.. ~ .a wk•. al!Shota& worming __ eftt• & WOf'klng cond· JoM'• Inn. 20072 Santa Full time. 7AM-3.30PM, Bch need• vetMtlle F>«· tithed CdM firm. Hlgl Have tomethlng to NII? 642-4321. ~E Guaranteed healt hy Caa1111 A "•~·tJ:ty 1 ....,..,, at A A SA H~• SE son to do ......- mi..... cornm1111on lncent1v1 £AJ ..,._ n ___.. na ve, · Npt 8ctl area M/F. Mu•I . , ..... ..., . ..,.. CIUllfl«I ed1 dO It wall ••• , .• , • , • , . S 100 up 638-8522 ~911. •tat 6016

, T'he ry Roger, tnc , corner of Re hlll & be US citizen, 18 yrt Of phon.. & gen office plut private Qffloe an< _ _ _ 17042 Giiiett• Av .. lrvlM. BrlitOI 754·9&48 oldOI' & hive own tran• work Word proc.ull'IQ NCretary. &75-2311 Oayi Golden Retr iever tem Bt darll rm eQulp. 1250 CA. (T t 4)250-0331 ... _,, l'"'UIT Apply at 123 N Olive, Or- Hp. helpful 975-0040 & Ev/Wknd1875-3311 Newspaper pup AKC IOv• 111d1 all for all See Rob et 1000 E

..uwn " llhot1 $300. 786-3223 Oc:eenfront 117 Bal P9f\ a HIE Tl IURE Rent Of' top % Funlon aflg9 an tOAM 1111 MllllOI lllOIP/ lt1 ltftet KIDS-EARN GREAT TRIPS AND PRIZESI Old (letlttema.n need• helf> i11and ., ... 144--0tlel Ltcal lffrltlfJ L .... 'fW' own apecia g;!:oh1.:1!~~\' ~f Jr,:M<I~ T;~'621~ C•r•Ur! Ill

prepettng 3 ltNll meal• l•llllf9UI 1rv1ne Law firm It 8"klng a OcMn View. Jerry Pilar• 2000 word PfOC d•' k 51'5" I S I Hair, DHlgn Dftl n a....-1 ....... , t LAB MIX F PUPPY Sb 4•1( __,,,... Ind _,,,,

..,1y, No l\tavy wor F/C thru T / 8 tor di· lltlgat on ecr• ary Plaza. N 8 7&0 809 ........,, """' .. ..~·~ , ......, ~ lady 01< Salary vertlfled compani.. In Minimum 3 yra r9Cent Ca Prtitlgiou• non-tm<*ln( to good home M0-0276 8u4C tangutge Pfograt'I" M0.()331 Of' 14S..2187 .... __,.... S..Ch AUISI ••P« . good benefit•. ....,. Newporl Beach lllW flm MMIY 0o9-Ts 10 al'IY Ill• a S•iv.t Aeed letter Q\181

Animal --.itat In C.M ;;;,;~~ Recent a local 1alary comenturate wtth Slatlon for..... needs a tull time recep (GROOMING SCHOOL! pr1nte1/typewr1t1r w/ ,__. f 0 ex~ ..... "•22 Hall o..IOMf 11on1a• wno ha1 •Int die T---.._, 21 _... e,,.. Dai•Y whit & r1bbont

l'ld• tun time kenMI p«· el<perlence pre . eta _. ............. ..,.....,,., Mal'lcun•t tlof'I a'typM 80Wpm, leQa --·~e-214a .,. $3000 (40)6t.'• SSIDO ton Mo"·'rl Call entry helpful Contact Patliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CMnl• nee exper d9eired room Joo ~- cJ".-1 as11..., Aetd Olfv· 9AM4PM 6-48~794 K.lmtntl et 752·1388 ........... ltlftr St\ldio FIVE adv•ne9'Ml't . Ce.II lo. Pit 8uJf pupa. UKC/408A etll Nbbonl, 4 Deasy wt11a ........... - lllllllPll Depend&*. full ttma. Re. Mk'°' Judy ..o eua eppt. 7,..,759.14n n.g. M&F. wormed • ,..., S3 .. 64&-5n1 ...... - .... qui • bMIC knowted~ I AGES 11 14 Old 1200 & up 031·3190

Vwled ahlftt avtllabfe, full A maJor So. Calllornla of ~mbfng, cafJ*llry & •ITlllLTWI - llOIPTlllllT • PUREiRED BLACK LAB Fne tt Jn & part/time, No .,,,per. home builder requlf• an eltotrlcal ttchnlquH tntertot plant c... O,..t for .... ,~... ...._. I EARN lJt TO $75.00 PO WEEK · teric. ~ 36 wptt\ lndut1ry e11p1rd full .-1 beneftU ..,_A 1 ,.. ..,~ ....,......,..... • PUP, S50 ~ 1 • typlno requlr•d call charge bo<Mt.k_.,., Ap. Some prtor~ ,..,.., .._ eat C.nler omce Typing We no. i.. lS .,.,.._tor P" - ~. male ~1-0140 !0£ pllclml tlMCI to bedMall htlf)f\11 eured nee. FIT. 540~5440 tklllt & ptau.ant attitude btnlR loatmtrNdtn lot n. an. c.m SH!l TIE., PUPPY I mot 545-.3315

.. orltl'lttWI ~ abta tor• Yef\lel9 UM th9 Job •---1. I ... a mwt All empioy" Diii{ Not 0.r crewt st11l at l 30 pm arid old 1150 173-7816 ~ ••u llP .. ,.,.,,,_ •--.. -· •-t- mandat""" Entry level ---~ I ...___..... "'O•~ ca11 ...... ....... I JO P"' __. .... , °" S.tllfdl,, .. Fr• to Oood home wfl1 - ........ - ,, __ ,.. ,. _,, _, F0t 1 Pt"80f\ 5 d..,. .- '"",.,... ... - ,,..,. -· Yoitt. 1•, r.• •'~1 Swnoyea tnllt 5 Yfl Local ~· flefp Part £~ orter• frttndlV pee.non wCtl'I ellcetlent Min.. _, . Aon~ 64 .... 242 .. • """~Yoe .. ..,llN'Y trca "° obo 9 Mt04 536-1080 time matu,. loCal perton ortlclt at~•. com- benetlt. Ou.t fl«! appll- no In. wor• .....,, - - and prim. -. ur-. '°" "" _., . --------Neded to help IC1Mfl patltNe atan1no MllfY Cltlta IOPIY MOft Jan 30, ..,bol llland 175-1531 II~ /1TPtlt '*• 1$ ,. ~ " colltciiotl _.,. YOftl,. M. t •• AKC, •lb f:",.. to 900d home ttNfl hO•I tamlll.. and to and '*1efit• Sand ,. 'o.m al NlOu41' arw .. HOUMllM!*' a c1n tot Interior cMelOn !Im ,.. " yov .,. Ill ated, pltm cal Ml Earl tatt. l.)50 IWS.U50 rouno ma _btactl L•tl.==;,_--MioeM.. 1nttr1tatlonal tumt Jncludln~ Htary CotnmYnilY ~atoel•UOn. ~IV OCNPf& 1 ,dp Qulrtf n ~thutla•tlc - 'f7'3.'l!IUll7 :'12•7 ~g'h achoo a~ • · hlatory to Box et . Datly 331$4 ~Shoi• l>f • ...... ~ haY9 fttF'• Mlf llattef to handle ch~ •tudenll n loc.i Pt10t, Ba• 1HO Costa LIQuna 644-6421 - ri_r:~•I' typtotu""'c•' Owt • (714) 548-7058 llChoolt ~I.ct Arntirl· M ... Ca e~e ... can 1n1etculhlrt1I l!x· • • Houat11aaper/Molhar·1 ,.._call. '40-HIO die- 8042 JIM9n Cir· K-.p ti. home flfn burn- ttllper, ~ dy Mon.fr!

'.,,- C·•.. Th Wrint ,..., - ... own lt'O u. Winter RI )'O'lt Own t · L.aQ Mlg AM TllouMn4 ot tatae at• y Pal"'•· ..... I equ~' ~·Md ~ flt..ood by IOOll· Ad SN, .. ~ 2• "'9 '* ~Jd•Y In

...... v _,. ehntit •n,.- fn otettl d W.nc 1 fltd Ml n ~~_,,..,. In cl If 642·5018 t 642·5171 6At·5611 t42·5671




88 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday , January 28, 1984


ACROSS 1 Meat dishes 6 Grape Juice

10 Absorbed t4 Helmet 15 Aviation.

pret. 18 Fragrance t7 Corded •Uk t8 Dlstres• J9 Accept 20 Spreads 22 Body rubs 24 Remain 26 Some owls 27 Various 31 Spanish

shout 32 Upbraid 33 Tendency 35 Hol spnnQ .38 Brealh 39 D1v1ng birds 40 Tar's shou l 51 Wee. to

Scots 42 Orale 4J Outburst

f 44 Container 45 Penalizes 47 - Folly


2 3

" 17








5 1 Hebrides ISie 52 0tt8f 54 - ol honor 58 Bau 59 Oep1&v11y 61 Vin" 62 Wine bucket 63 - Scotia


64 Trencherman IT,j~~t 65 Ftaos t. 66 Pulled ::.i::ci:.i:.:i.~ 67 Bergen


DOWN 1 Ack -ack

missiles 2 Translation 3 Arab noble 4 Loup-garou 5 Ma1or domo 6 Fool 7 Squad B Bathsheba·s

husband 9 Asian winds

10 Revolve 11 Saying 12 - lace 13 Lock 21 Convene 23 Hawked


25 Dakota dialect

2 7 Sefpen1S 26 Refuse 29 Senee 30 LOii 34 Boredom 35 Arab king 36 Study ·37 Yeses 39 UK cape 40 Large dog 42 Carel game

7 ' 9

43 Conclusions 44 Frisks 46 - de plume 4 7 St11p s spar 46 Heath genus 49 Norse gocl 50 Relish 53 Not on tape 55 Chide 56 Sunday

punch 57 Salve 60 Act


,, 13


• , ,

'74 Eldo. Vefy clean c.t . Loaded , all options S13SOlobo 850·5278

'76 Cad. Eldo Converl Mint Collector's Car, lo mt s12.ooo. 842·9582

'77 Caprice Ctaulc, lull pwr. J1:t1a clean, A 1 cond. $31001090 848·8123


.'K'>' ll.1rt~.1 II . I ' ' "l\\1~" '

~41>- I 200

Cotleclors Serles Mar1o: V '79 every J1: tra. mini cond 36,000 ml. Grffl bvy a l 110,750. 644-29411

11 .... ., 932s ·7 I Cougar xA7 , nu llres/bt1tke111 r an1 Ieng S 1500:- Dave atl S °' wknds 848-6097

'72 COUGAR Conver11bte Xlnt! $3900. 533·4242

Ol••• ••ll• t327 111 Olda Cui aua bl'm a 3, v &. 2 l /grn a1e, NH pwr, e1ulM COfll. tiiUI ... ,, a/ c:aas . Wl'W M IN T CONO. S6400. "4·2129

~···~ 72 a1.iN1a I, ax/1 cona. 11000. 844 .... 700

'75 OUSTER 3 IPd, gooO­body 6 anglM 1975

1504494 ·a 1 Champ, mint. lo m•. •l•to. 13$00. 711().()9()f ... ,.. ' • ·82 f tana Xm wuma pymnla Of 1211.41. No dwn pymnl OAC. C.il Crtuc:k 979.3553 "9\-

t;i Oratldm•ls O'*Mf\ltlle. axe. cond., W911 main! Sil& obo. 531-004&

' -·

• • • ~2 tu I W i

- 1- -... .. .,.., ....

2 £&!SS

. I

I , I I I I

• I

- - -. -- -- - - ------------~----..._ ________ _ :? - ~County Real Estate/An AdvertJslng eupp4ement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 1934

NEWPORT BEACH 1fWNii •DT s112,­Low t P.,ced. best value condo 1.n .Newport. 2 BR. each Wlth own bath. huge llvin8 room, on lovely pravatt- greenbelt. enclmed sun porch off master BR True value 1.n every way

lfWPtlT CIEST S11l,MO Great opporturuty w live near beauufuJ Newport waterfront Play tenrus, relax by community pool & t'nJOY ocean breez.es m thlS spaaous '4 BR rondo. v~ry favorable f1nancmg poss . at a great pn~'e

111 cmo• - •w• 1111,000 Mt.>x1can pavers lead you mto unmaculate and allracuve 2 BR rondo m the heart of Newport St-ach CJOS(> to pool and tenrus. Perfect for bal·helor or couple . Sunny pal.lo

'"., .. Tl ..... ( 1111,000 First Lime buyer? Execullve? Single? Investor? You'll lovt> this 2 BR. 2 bath rondo in gated area. Very pnvate with ruce pauo. wet bar. shutters and nurrored wardrobe Don't rruss 1t1

ILUFFS 1221,111 Lovely and bnght 3 BR. :l 11 bath home with many upgrades It overlooks a beauuf ul and ser(..ne greenbelt with pond. Loan LS assumable . . Near shopping. schools. tenms & pools

EASTILIFF 1211,111 S pacious 1mma('ulate Lusk bwlt 3 BR Wlth den and famuy room. Very private back yard features pool. hrep1t & 1s dramatically bgh~ for rught­llml' ~ntertammg"

NAHIR YIEW HIES '321,000 You say you want your own private pool plus a play-yard for your ch1lrlren We have just that m this pnced-to-seU 4 BR Palermo plan - perfect family home m a perfect location!!

II& C&IYll SHl,IOO Reducuon of $20.000 makes this 2 BR p)us paneled den the best buy m Big Canyon. New <.:arpcts. immaculate cond Outstanding fixed financing' Dover Model

lASTILIFf .::, Pll,000 RE'dut"e<i $20.000" Huge come·~ot landscaped by Rogers S<-parat.e master su1~.J-tCtrepl.ace. luxur­aoul. bath w/spa . plus 3 B~s & farruly room. F'anktStiC' fixed f1na0C1ng

IAYCREST SH0,000 <.;or geous 4 BH single.• lcvt'l home lends 1tselC to l'ntt•rtammg Spanou." rooms overlook a stunning IJ11dS<.a~ pauo-vard Quality & exqu1s1te taste :.bound!!

llG CHYO. SHl,MO 'Th<' Canyon". Nt•wport's prest1g1ous security

community 3 BR 3 BA. la rgc side yard Lovely l'ourtyard pntr) End urut P m"e<i a t yesterday's priu• for today's Sc:1]P'

SPYGL.&SS IJtt,IOO Wonderful :t BR hum<' w magrufa't'nt dayttme v1<,t.1!> & nighttime hghts. lmmacu. thru-out. Use 11f nt•u tral colors Concrete/ bnck patio & drive




wvasm ... 3BR _ _. 3 + loh ....... 4 BR UlllUff 3&Dm _ ...... 4 BR

UITILlfJ 4 BR. Fam Rm

" IU 3 B. Dock

.... 1111111 4 BR. S!Jp & Dodt

.. ~ 3 BB _,.._.. 3 BR. Fam. Rm ~ 3&~n

~ 2 BR& Den UY.aT 4 BR. Fam Rm _,.._.. 4BR ..... ·-4 BR. 2 RA. V~"" -.. ~ 4 B.R. FR. Pool UITM.lff 4 BR. Fam Rm UYIMJT 4 BR. Fam Rm ---2-2 ._,..11.U 3 BR. Fam. Rm ~ .. 3 BR. Fam R

Utm:IT 6 BR. Pool ...,.._, 6 BR Fam. Rm

~-.. 3-2

•IAITll 3 BR. Den IP'fll.&ll mi 3 BR. Fam. Rm. Vu __ .. 3 BR. FR. Den. Spe ----4 BR. Pool

l.91 &IUll 5 BR. Fam Rm UY.-r 4 BR ~ 5 BB. Dock

;MY AllOS()R

a.A aAU*OSll 8ll. on MMCtA ors IDl-T<ll lnAlll Cl£ND BOWi(

Oii CAWE.l (VMCC*nt

llTl•Y IRVI?a; 108 :!:;liuoia Tree SlS8,900 GIN'HY DERSON JRvtNI! 16 Butternut L&nt $199.SOO CORA BALDlKOSKJ

2442 V1Sta Noblua $215.00 r:v AN COB.KETT

S26S.OOO 906= £1.AlNE

$304.000 2012 Port Ramlp~

LARAINE SHAW 2108 Arbuu.

$3'75,000 CAROLE McMAHAN 8AYFRONT 1126 !'.alt lWboe

$998.000 BILL BENTS

Sl ,177,000 320~t&r TEDP N

SllllY 2"2 Viau Onve


1733 Pon Bannouth $255.000 SUZIE EXLEY

•~.000 906 Aleppo

ELAINE EHRl.i" lRVlNE 20 S&arllght 1275.000 LISA WHITE

1834 T~wtnda S279,000 DEBI BIBB

*304.000 2012 Port Ramlpt.e


4501 Swny Dr $289,SOO RITA QUIGGLE

J ~8 Port A1t.ns '325.000 CORA BALDIKOSKJ

2108 AIWtl.&I $375,000 KAY RANGER

'380.000 1907 Sanu..eo


DUPLEX 321-321...., Ina $385.000 NANCY S IMMO NS

1301 Kttl $408.000 VALERIE MARSHALL




DUPLEX $479.000




OCEAN VlEW $675.000


BAYFRONT Sl ,250,000

BAYFRONT S2. t00.000



1736 Marlm Way LlNDA MARSTON

807 Aldebaran FRANK SENNES

2600 Bay.de KAY PARKER

36 R~ Fontainblftlu TOM BOLAND


4 14 Hel.iolTOJJ" SARA MARVlN

4601 Camden Dr JOKN CAMPBELL

200 Vi.a Orvwto EDlEOLSON


2021~ MARCIA


BEACH COMMUNITIES Pl...U""' 11111,111 Fabulous location on comer across from Newport Yacht Club plus potential full bny, mount.am & night light view, complete with authentic Balboa cottage!!

ULIUIWU SUl,111 If you ha"fe been lookins for a spc.'Cl&l property on Balboa We, this is it!! Fint time offered. Prid~ of ownership. 3 BR for owner's plus Ji BR apt.

Ull 111.1 lll0,000 Privacy and warm ambiance of tha 4 BR resi­dence will impress the parurular buyer! Mstr suite adjoining library/den featuring 19th cen­tury fireplace mantel, supt>rior patio & land.8cape.

U111SU11 tt•o• Outstanding family home situated on 2 fuU lots at tip of Lido!! You enter into a world of luxury, privacy & convenience. Huge living room, separ­ate family room, maids quarters.

1M1 SlllES 11,211,111 Exciting waterfront 4 BR home with expansive bay view & total privacy. French brick flooring, richly painted cabinets, French doors, imported tiles & beautif uJ details.

CORONA DEL MAR 111111& Ill 1A1 1211,000 Ocean view - wide lot - near beach & shopping & only $265,000!! What more can you ask for? Well you name it, we've got 1t!! Seclusion, 2 bedroom, detached studio. exotic trees.

'Wit• mR HU,111 Pnvacy & tranquility unequaled! Well pnce Plan 6. Lush patio, OCEAN VIEW, security system. AJC, community tennis & pool. 3 BR's, 2 'h Ba's, 2 fireplaces for cozy warmth

CAii& 111 IWI UllMI Six years ago a coey two bedroom home was built by owners for their reti~ement . Naturally its strictly custom, close to beach and has a sunny rental urut. It's idea]!!

Ullll YIEW llW • 140l,OOO Private courtyard greets you as you e nter this 3 BR home in established family neighborhood. Open beam vaulted ceilings, pleasant open view of trees a nd residential lights.

SHIWI 1410,llO Lowest pnoed 4 BR in Spyglass. Executive home built around courtyard with view of hills. Buy it and receive one year spa & landscape mamt.en­ance free! Two assumable loans, call now.

ClllU Ill IU lll0,000 New, custom con temporary w/ lots of wood, tile and glass. Expansive, open destgn w/vif"WS to the ocean & Catalina Island . Comer location just steps to the ocean!

UYIMID llA Tl: IAl.lSTIJt .. , IOD'f MMIANllIDY cmt1a 1t11Sm.D rRNll SOllS 1JWt1 SHAW l l.AAK SHAW NAllCY SIMJNS

HllMYnwD USA llltlTt MMCIA..._ - f(ltl([ OOnl YIUIG •IU.lO. {lnldlnt ....... ) MMYIM l~ (S..Mwc•)

AMERICA'S LARGEST FULL SERVICE REAL ESTATE COMPANY ~--:::--- ....-.-~ · ... ··-·-------·-·······....-----------·-- ... -----~~- - -· -·--·-·· ... ... ... _

• ~ " I

i I 0 J


.,.. -

IPEI MISll llTIUIY 111 a--. Corona del Mar ... 2 bdrm, 2 b81h condo. Complete buftt .. fns tn kitchen Including microwave & washer/dry« hook-up. 2 ear garage. Exoeltent location to beach & Fuhlon Island. Great buy et S189,500. (12-'>·

1H N Lm ... Udo Isle .. . Spanish Haclende on 85' lot. 6 bedrooms, family room, ehormoua llvlng room, center courtyard. 1798,000. (1-4:30).

llTllllY I SMAY 1-4&10 H11 Uf .., Newport Beach ... Spectacular bay and ocean vtew. ' bedrooma., 3 batha, dining and family room. sec - over-1-.-..1 gar­$515,000. . - 1

- ·· ~ --·

11M UUIY, Dover Shores ... Unmatehed elegance & spaciousness wtth a atyte and sophlatlcatlon that 11 rare. Tht1 4 bedroom home has a fabuloul Indoor pool wtlh a retractable roof and view that makes Newpot1 yout1 to aurvey and enjoy. $985,000 .

at I! II 11Lm mYL Ri•T lliii ta1 N l.91 .., Udo Ille ... Beautlful 3 story bayfront home. ' bdrmt + maid, formal dining 'O<>f't'· den, wine c:ettar. Pier & lffp. Exquisite decor. A must to aee, prtced at $1,695,000. A lovely contemparary bayfront home with a 45' dock & side tie on a

quiet lagoon. Features 4 bedrooms. 3 baths formal dining and 3 car garage. Priced at $950,000. ' All&Y 1·4111

"""" -- ... N Lm -. Lido late ... 4 bdrms, 4 baths, formal dining room. View of bay from master suite. 3 car garage and super patio. Corner 1oca11on. $595,000.

111 Liii PAii •M IMI ... Most unusual unit In this bayfront hi-rise. Totally reconstructed and beautifully decorated for the final touch. 1 bedroom, den 1 'h baths Boat

Mii f&i- Huntington Harbour ... Twice the house, ~ the price, all the benefit• that waterftont living offers. ( 1-5 ).

allp available. Security building. ' · 121 .... ,. ~ ........

111 YI& ....,.. Lido Isle . . . Completely refurblahed & decorated. 3 bedrooms, 2. bathe, stereo equipment. security, TV gate. South patluo & deck.I $550,000.

Located on the first floor with a relaxing "sit down" view of the bay. Beeutlfulfy decorated with a light bright feeling. Large master suite + convertible den, 2 full baths. Slip available.

11 IWT llllT, Newport Beach ... With no exaggeration. a panoramic view of oeean, nlte lights & Catalina. 3 bdrm, 3 bath condo In Newport Crest. A must ~~see, priced at $198,000.

IM "I PllmlKA .... IHl,111 310 FernandP.···Super location, boat slip available, 2 bdrm, 2 baths, 2 car su!J parking. Owner will consider ALL trades, including Industrial.

IAYFllllT ... Ill II 11,1.._ Vety dramatic bayfront home with dock for large boat. Features 5 bedrooms, den + game room, atelned glaa. Large patio on bayfront for enter­taining.

Yll Ull .... 11,111,000 Beauttfully remodeled bayfront. English Tudor etyte. Fantaattc master suite with Jacuzzi & steam shower. Dock for large boat.

YU Liii •i 11,IOO,OOO This bayfront has absolutely everything. Decor­ated in the finest of taste. 5 bdnns, 4 baths, 2 fireplaces, spa, dock for 2 boats. By appointment only.

IESllEmAL llCOIE ATIENTION INVESTORS ... Exceptional tax benefits with these Newport Beach units. invest early to get full benefit in 1984 ... Two duplexes near beach, 1979 construction .. . $339,000 each.

UMISU NYIW HH,000 2 story custom home on large lot. 3 bedroom~. 2¥4 baths, family room which opens onto patio and pool area. Step-down living room with exposed beams & wood paneled walls. 3 car garage.

Y1A U1U SHl,IOO Corner of Via Lido Nord. 40' lot , 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, 3 car garage. Close to bay and beach. Owner will consider trade.

UM llLI YUJIUI Qll,111

. This spacioUI 3 bedroom, 2 bath i..s an excellent buy on an extra wide lot. Assume financing.

VI& TllEm 1111 .... Lido Isle, 6 bdrms. 5 baths, great family home. Swimming pool with chttdrens play area. Owner will carry with cash to loan for 3 years.

Vil EULi IHl,000 Cute and cozy 3 bedroom, 2¥4 bath, private community, beaches & tennis.

YIA HYlm IHl ,IOI 3 bedroom older beach home. Street to street location. Close to bay beach. MAKE OFFER.

YIAl•M IHI ... 2 bedroom older beach home Is In a perfect location with a beach at both ends of the block.

Vil FlHEICE 1121,000 Bright and beautiful Lido Isle home designed by famous architect. Features 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 3 fireplaces - one In master suite. Gazebo on roof-top deck.

VIA ITMAOA LOT FOil SILE 1211,000 Lot presently has structure on It but owner will clear by close of escrow. Catt for more Infor­mation.

... llTIU• RWPllTTDUll 1111,llO BANK REP0 ... 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo. Family room, fireplace, enclosed garage. Low down, to new loan (Qi below fixed market rate.

nN1r•m 11...­Largest 4 bedroom, Plan 5. Formal dining room. family room In kitchen. Owner wlll consider small 2nd T.D

Iii CAIY• ,. 12.200,HO Lovely spacious trl-levet home overlooking golf course at 6th fairway. Tastefully decorated and ready for the discriminating buyer.

WUT RWNIT WCI 1111,00I Custom oceanfront home. Fantastic view & quite beach location. 3 bedrooms, den. Large master suite with fireplace and redwood spa.

tcWFHIT llH,111 Excellent corner location for duplex on A2 lot. so· by 58' . Gorgeous sunsets, 3 bdrms .. 2 baths, front patio.

llWPtlT TlllACE 1121,llO A good buy! 3 bedroom, 2 '.h bath condo with community pool area. Recently refurbished, ready to move In.


11m1sm PAii TlllUCE l1H,llO Lovely Cardiff model townhome. 2 bedrooms. 2 baths, close to sctioots and shopping center. Located South of freeway .




l I


4 - Orange County Real Estate/ An AdvertlSlng supplemen1 to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 1984

Specializing in properl'I on tfu waler . .. near tfu waler · · ·and with View of waler

LARGE LOT - ST ARTER HOME - $114,009 In CCMt. ...... ,,.., ecttoot.. Low c..tl down a low fNIYnMnh wUI let JOU own thl• S bedtoom wHtt ... .,.m..,,. loen •t 1.9%. Cell a .... 131-1400. Owner wlll conald9r HC"-9•· An eiu:effent Nntal propettr for .... tnveetor.

COSTA MESA POOL HOME - NEW EX! Fulty upgreded kitchen with microwave Md comptet .. J lneulated famlty home. Four total bedroom•, 2 beth. and aotar heated pool. An opportunl'1 to own your own home and lnvHt In your future. $1S2,000. 831-1400.

•• PAR~ LIDO TOWNHOUSE - $135,000 Own your own condo with • .._wport Beach addrffa, neer Hoag Hospll•I and Jogglf19 dl•t•nc• to beach. Well located 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 2-atory home near community pool and g,..nbell. 831-1400.

VILLA BALBOA - VIEW - $147,5001 Owner muat Mii thl• 1 bedroom condo In a security compte11 near th• beach. A truly aHumebl• loan with Crocker Bank and owner may help finance - or wlll conalder l .. M/ opllon. Call to .... 831-1400.

COST A MESA - WITH MODEL DECOR Beautlful upgraded 4 bedroom famlly home In a quiet cul de uc. Wonderful location In a "pride of ownerahlp" area. An aHordable home for the famlly on the way upl $179.000. 831-1400.

VILLA BALBOA PENTHOUSE Orlglnal owner. have malntaln9d thla condo In m<KMI condition. Skylights, 2 bedroom•. 2 ba. In a aecurlty bulldlf19. S125,000 flret TD loan at 10.5% lnterHt. S189,000. 631-1400.

EASTBLUFF HOME - LARGE LOT lmmacul•I• and lntereatlng country decor on cul de aac lot. For the family who wants to be near ahopplf19, school• and recreation at a raaeonabfe price, thJ• 3 bedroom, one levet home I• Ideal. Ownera have bought another and wlll negotiate. $189.SOO. 631-1400.

WESTCLIFF HOME + POOL - $195,000 .... paint, carpet, new appllancH and reedy for move-In. Eaey to •how thla 3 bedroom home with large pool. Convenient location In Newport and • reaeonabfe prtc.. Thi• won't 1 .. 1111531· 1400.

NEWPORT " A" FRAME DUPLEX - $199,000 CloM to bay and beach .. , thla aharp property ha• a 3 bed. + den home, 3 bathe and a cute bachelor unit. Private P11tlo for each unit. Owner will trade for Arrowheed property or other unite. SM & aubmll 831-1400.

NEWPORT DECORATOR'S SHOWCASE Outalandlng 3 bedroom home on a lot end 'It In '"•port Shor ... OH-whit• carpet•, lovely draperies and mirror• enhance thla home with dignity In every amenity. Two patloe & formal dining room. Welk to beach, pool and tennis. Cuatom furnlahlnge •re negotleble. Ownere wlll conalder exchange - le .. e/optlon or ? $1118,500.

COUNTRY FRENCH BLUFFS - BEAUTIFUL! Extenalvely remodeled with French doore, wood celllnga, antique buln• & flreplac. mantle. New kitchen ap­ptlancea, llghtlng & plumblf19. Stained glaaa detalllf19 Included with generoue decorator featurff to pr ... nt an nwttlft9IY warm 2 bed. 2 bath home. You MUST SEE to ap~late. 17W900. $230,000.

BIG CANYON CONDO - $235,000 Price etaehedlll Spilt level 2 bedroom, 2 ba. for the dl9crimlnatlf19 buyer. VIEW of Big Cenyon + community pool, tennl• end apa. 173-UOO. Oallc'"t model with tntwfftlft9IY artlatlc decor. City Ughta VIEW TOOi

PENINSULA BY BAY - $299,000 Char.rtlf19IY remod919d with wood ftoore, beamed ceU­tng•, cue tom epa and flreplaca. On R-2 tot, thl• 3 bed. 2 be. ha• addition•! potential. 831-1400.

BLUFFS BEAUTIFUL - NOW S:U0,000 Totatty cMo«ator c:oordtnated With ..,..,.. P«feotton. LI,_. lnOd9t with pitched beem ceWnge, cuatom kitchen • with .,, gounMt fMturee Nd ..,,,ounded br luett plent­lnge. Two bedroom• - lncludee meet..- eulte with prhate encloMd patio a large epe. You muat ... to appreciate thl• warmth and charm. m-eeoo. BAYCREST FAMILY HOME Lowety and tarv• In • popular .,.. of wetl-:9'°°"'*9 hofn ... 8pac:loua and open IMJ19 and entert.anlng.,... In thl• 4 bedroom with o-neroua famUy room end a prtvet• yard . 13.24,000 Fee land. &31·1400.

WATERFRONT CO-OP UNOBSTRUCTED VU Immaculate and aecurlty coneclou• buyer• wlll appreciate thla 2 bed. 2 be. with VIEW of bay, ocean and night llghta. An excltlf19 panorama In a calmlf19 private Mtttng. Lovely 2 bed. 2 ba. for year •round llvlng - or weekend vacattone. Boat allp avellable. S325,000. 831-1400. IUBMIT LEASE/ OPTION.

CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX - ' 1SUPER" South of Coaat Highway location and appeallf19 .. tertor with " Pflde of ownerehlp" malntenanc. on Ihle nn. Income property. Long-term tenant• In thl• 4 bedroom, 1 bed.+ gueet rm. property. Call about the nexlbJe lwm• on thla property. *321,000. 631-1400.

PENINSULA PT. COTTAGE - $339,000 Immaculate and warm decor In thla epec:lal home between Bay & Beach. Redecorated 2 bed. + den hofn• with lnatant "curb appeal." Priced well end owner le ,.nonebfe. 831-1400.


You'll marvel •I Iha architecture ... and the lnterntlf19 epac:lel Interior with angle• and lev• to enjoy quiet contemplation ... or for graclou• entertalnlnt of rn.nda. A quiet location with •pec:tacular view•. Completely remodeled 2 yNre ago ... all new plumblf19, electrical and plaeter wall• ... with complete lneulatlon. Lavlah UM of llght oak, teak a Texa1 •hell atone. The maater ault• I• ispac:loue end romantic. Thie home I• the ultlmate In idfflgn with • lotal of 4 bedroom•. If you want to tlve on the beach In aplendor ... you muat '"· S895,000. 831· 1400.

PENINSULA DUPLEX Great k>catton ... 3 doore from oceanfront. 4 bedroom/2 ba. upper and 2 bedroom/2 ba. low., unit. Maximum renta on aummw/ wlnter be•I•. All wood with enctOMd garao-. Prime rental ., ... Aeaumable 1155,000 end OWM< may help. Juat reduced to $349,000. Walk by 114 4eth and call for detalle. 831-1400.

ENGLISH TUDOR EXCLUSIVE HUNTINGTON Beautlful 5 bedroom homa with c uetom pool and epa. Famlly rm. 3 frplca ., aecurlty and many ptu .... Walk to beach from thla EXCLUSIVE neighborhood. Owner• wlll exchange for .._wport home. AHumable financing. Re­duc9d to S371,000. 831-1400.

OCEANFRONT DUPLEX - NEW LISTING Outetandlng beachfront property with large 2 bed. 2 bath upper unit + 2 bedroom 1 bath lower. S.aaoned aum­mer/ wlnter rentel property convenient to all the rec:­r .. tlon and ahopp4ng. For the tru. lover of the Newpot'I llffftyle. $451,400. 131-1400.

CLIFFHAVEN, VU, BAY, OCEAN, LIGHTSI Only $421,000 . . . In Ml area of larger and remodeled hofnff. Large 70X100 flat lot with clOM up wtew of bayfronl ectlvtty. Plana Included for dramatic remodel of thta ext.ting dupex Into 2-etOf'J 3 IMdroom home. Room for poof • aUll have • yard. c.a1 for details on tht• unueual VM&M. 831-1400.

BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX - CORNER Only one door to So. 8aytront on an unuaual "pa..eha.,.ct" lol Unlqu. 4 bedroom unit with roof garden + one bed. apt. A perfect home with Income near beachM. 1435,000. 873-aoo.

OCEANFRONT COTTAGE - ONLY 1448,000t A tentftc ec.c.tton on the eancl Yow own MCOnd boftM bNch ,..,.., °' pertac:t - ... lncofM propwty - ... .,. rented and In dem8nd. Ihle I bedt~ hon-. Ne IM*ntW. 831-1400.

BALBOA ISLAND TRIPLEX - RAREI Total chalm thtoUghout tht• bf1ctl. been\e a warmth .•• a.g.a b1plextn Imp ae1• to find ... or ,..,...., on the ......... today. lnteree..,.. fOOfM with c:t\arectet. w~ OWMN home + 8ftOtMr Nf'IUI llftlt A .....,... t-899 .,..rtrMnt. 2 n~. 2 decka •• • many buNt Int. A muat .... Reduc:.d to $480,CIOO. l73-900 .

LIDO ISLE - BRING THE FAMIL YI Thia le t perf9c:t home tor the large faml!lo; and •ltuat9d on a 45' lot wtth kw.ty patio for out IMng. v.,., eomfon.ble floor pt_. In thee epeclOua 4 IMdroom, s bath home. lncludM • den. dlnlnt and "gourmet cook' •" kitchen. All thta and the Pfloe ••• only S411,000. 831-1400.

LIDO ISLE - POOL & SPA 50 toot lot with c· pool a,.. + • 3 bedroom home with country kttC: Many poealblllt ... and tu•t reduced to 1525,000. 831-1400.

BAYFRONT - ONLY 2 YRS. OLDI Cuatom a lov.ty wlttl plerlfkMal tor JO' boet.+ •Id• tie. Oaa aplral etalre, ateam bath, febuloua kitchen, NCUrtty eye­t.m & IMMld oak c:loon throughout thlt 3 bedroom, 21h bath home. EnloJ tha good Ute on the water ... In • hofn• of dlatlnctton ... at a reeMnable price. •10,000 .... 831-1400.

OCEANFRONT NEWPORT Quiet beacttfront toc.tlon In Wfft ... wport. A pertec:t property for the owner Who Wanta to lhe at the beech In a epedoua 4 IMdroom home and have • 2 bedf oom r.ntat bMldM. Beamed c:efllnge, ftteplaon, f~a of autf and Catallna. Owner wlll ... lat with financing. Catt to ... this H~tlonat property. ~uc:.d to 1721,000. 131· 1400.

DOVER SHORES BAVFAONT EXCELLENCE! European'"''"' throughout thla wondef'twty remodated home on the wa'-'. Pler/ affp for IS' yecht ...aty K­ceMtbte from targe deck and patio. Poof and epe lndudect with this 5 bedroom home at • r.lr pftc:e • .-0.000 LH. CALL for an appolntmen1 to .... U1-1400.

VIEW - GLAMOUR - HARBOR RIDGE Guarded-gate eecurtty to thl• exception.. O.vonahlre model with unobatructect view of ocean, bayfronta end night light•. Surrounded bJ luah landKaplng, thla 2-•IOf'J reekMnce ha outdoor patloe to enjoy ent.utntng. loph­lattcat9d end formal cu.tom Interior ~ tor the per­tec:tlontat. apedoue entry, Interior atrium, gourmet kitchen, luirury maat., aulte + 3 ot"9r bedroome. C .. for • private ahowlft9 of thl• bMuttfue home. IM0,000. 1531-1400.

LINDA ISLE BA YFRO~T - $'995,000 Bright and cMertut 4 l*troom, den and famllJ room rffldence In protec:ted Unda I•. S.Clllded atrtum patio with clreular atelrcaM to 2nd floor gellery. Parquet floon, French door• and 3 ftr~ add to the charm of Ihle wonderful executive hofM. 811p and aide tie - wlll tab a large yacht Owner wlll conatd« an exchenge. 131·1400.

BAYFRONT - DUPLEX - VIEW - PIER Spec:tac&llar mountain and water view• from thla welt~ maintained BA YAK>NT DUPLEX. Sandy beech + pter for 2 large yachta. GrNt family .,.. In a quiet toc:etton. Cal for detalla on thla terrtfk: property. OWNER W1U CARRY THE NOTE ANO F1RST T.D. ON THIS FEE LANO property. 1919,000. 831-1400.

BALBOA IS. BAYFRONT RED. TO 11.215,000 On quiet end of Island with "turning baeln" VIEW of •II. Older 2-•IOf'J home With grMt charm • flulblllty. Cain be •Ingle femlly 5 bedroom or 4 bed. + 1 bad.. apt. Eeay to show and ownen wtn negotiate. PW/ellp with ..., acceea to main bay ovt to the OCMn.

LINDA ISLE VILLA - 12,300,000 One of the ftneet hom.e on Newport a.y. OW« 7'000 eq. ft. with I bedrooms, 5'1\ bathe + at&ldlo, mualc room, .a.velor, •una end I rm. m .. t., eutte. Cent«ect around • luahly planted etrtum With large prtvate pool. Cuatom, u~donal and grand In every way. Pter/ allp for large yacht. 131-1400.


2436 W ( Od'>I J lwv Nl'\.\CJ)Orl Bc><i C"h

o:J 1- 1 100 ----===-===:=.......:;..;=:::....=...=.::~__:;;._.:-:--- -

·~ 15 M<Hine Aw• Bcllh<M 1 .. 1"11d (> 7 :J-6900

0 a a


corr- nrnnr @ mvrsrnrn1 conrnnr


llHl ISLE .,. lllDl ISLE-FEE! 115 CllYOl-WlfW

3 bedroom, 3 bath water­front w ith sauna $700,000 of assumable l1nanc1ng at 12• .•1. Priced to sell Move-in today Price reduced 10 $799.500.

Completely remodeled 3 bedroom. 3 bath home w/private spa & ready to move-in 10· on the water Con&1der lease. lurn1Shed $1 750.000

Great 4 bedroom home w/specatcular views Pri­vate pool. spa & cabana• New gourmet ki tchen Move -I n condi t ion s 1.295.000.

lllll ISU Simply the best home on the Island avallable. 5 bedrooms/5'~ baths and the best Main Chan­nel view! $1 .5 million dollars

(110-1100) -COTE ~t .. REALTY

Ill CllYll TOWlllOME

Dehghtful 2 bedroom 2 bath + Den Room fOf pool Vacant. Prtced re­duced to $379.500 lor quick sale Call now11

(ll0-1100) -COTE tt .. REALTY


2 to choose trom" Both waterfront with docks tor your own bOats One furnished The other re­modeled• Both vacant SS. 750 or $4,750tmonth




(ll0-1100) (110-1100) (ll0-1100) - - -COTE ,t .. COTE tt-. COTE ,t., REALTY REALTY REALTY

LIDO WlTEllFllOlT Bes1 waterlror1t location on Mam Channel jNord> 4 bedrooms. 3 baths & ready to move "' White sandy beach Lowes! price at $1 ,095.000

(JI0-1100) -COTE ~t .. REALTY

HllllOll lllDCE CUSIOI

5 bedrooms. 7 baths & 8.000 $Quare feet ol luxury Price reduced by $850 000• Fabulous views + pool spa & motor court $1 .995.000 Open Sun 1-5 16 Gen-eve

(ll0-1100) -COTE ,t, REALTY


Goll course custom w/5 bedroom. private pool & spa Vacant & move-in condition S 1. 195,000 Owner very anxious Make offer!

(110-1100) -COTE ,t, REALTY


Simply the best at 60 l Lido Spectacular view of the bay and ocean 24 hour security + doorman Move-In at $950,000




COllOU IEL IUll Excell,'nt 3 ~'droom.

single ro~"' Jsmme Creek S .. 1pool, spa, tennis ~vurts & guard gate. $349 .. 500




Delightful 3 bdr /3 • ba home wtpr111ate pool and spa Used brick patios Frecnh doors & windows Model perfect. $550.000






Temhc custom with huge ptel' & shp South baytront 1d 1on. Pnvate spa 4 bedrooms & lots of wOOd. Best buy It $1 ,750,000

(110-1900) -COTE ,t .. REALTY

I01 LIH COllO 9th story with fabulous views & wonderful decor Ready to move 1n Great assumable lrnancong Owner wants to sell• $675,000




New llstlng 3 bedrooms private pool All new gourmet kitchen VERY private yard Single story Great location $599.000

Newport · s landmark home in China Cove Waterfront home w/private beach & ul­timate privacy. Owner will tinance. $2.850,000

Temf1c 4 bedroom home on oversized lot. P<O­lessionally decorated & owner will carry 2nd $494,500

super 4 bdrm on the golf course Private pool & spa Remodeled 198 I Mo11e-1n condition, Will trade. $1.095.000.

(ll0-1100) {ll0-1IOO) (ll!-1100) (ll0-1100) -COTE tt-. REALTY




760-1900 190 Newport Center Drive. Newpo~t Beach. Cali fornia

a \

t .

6 - Orange County Real Estate/~nAdvertlslng auppfem4?nt to the OAJLY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 19S..


E. Huntington Beach 19131 Brookhurst Ave.


COSTA MESA EXECITIYf COllO llt,000 lmmpeccable 1 BR. Professionally decorated. Near pool. Private & desireable loactlon. Close to shopping, frwys, beaches, theatres. 645-0303.

SIPH STlRTH 111,IOO 3 BR, 1 Y2 BA. Covered patio. Large yard, fruit trees. Quiet tree lined street. Priced below market for fast sale. 645-0303.

Tllf FlflCI OIUTHS 1110,000 Finest 4 BR. 3 BA condo. Community pool, park and play areas. Near schools, markets and transportation. 645-0303

USTstH ClllO 1111,000 Very private 3 BR. 21/t BA. Custom kitchen cabinets. solar water heater. 2-car attached garage. One of today's best buys! 645-0303.

If SA YElllf NOL llllf 1121,100 3 bedroom plus family room. Mexican paver entry. Fireplace. Hurry! 645-0303.

IHI YfHf I U 1,100 Ideal loocation near park & schools. Spacious 3 bedroom plus family room. Fireplace. Like new carpets & paint. New roof. Large assumable loan. 645-0303.

HRTI CISTl lfU l l H,000 Immaculate 4 BA, family home on quiet cul-de­sac. 645-0303.

WALi TO SO. CIU T PW& 1111,000 Contemporary 4 BA, 2 BA. family room. Beauti­ful decor. New carpet and window coverings. Light and spacious. See today. 645-0303.

FOUNTAIN VALLEY j PHFECT STllTH 1111,000 Spacious 3 Bdrm. Covered patio. Fireplace. Big backyard. Great fir st time investment. 962-5585.


Costa Mesa 2299 Harbor Blvd.


4 lllD + SP& I 1H,IOO Manicured yard. Tiled roof. Family room. Giant kitchen. Brick fireplace. Rich wood decking & bubbling spa. 962-5585.

ClllTIY IUll 4222,IOO Giant 3 Bdrm. Formal dine. Country kitchen with French doors. paned windows. viewing pool. fun. 962-5585.

WCITIYE llOT 1217 ,IOO 5 Bdrm, 4 bath. Two master suites. 34 'x23' game room. Family room, library, wet bar Formal dining room. Spa! 962-5585.

HUNTINGTON BEACH 3 II lllSI llU IH,tOOt Help! Put on your work clothes and steal this one. Great neighborhood. VA terms! 962-5585.

SNTUSS 111 l ,IOO It's like a doll house - upgrades everywhere & clean as a whistle. Hurry on this one. 894-7521 .

1-2 LIT · 11.IJ 1124,tOO Cottage charmer situated on large R-2 lot, great investment , develop multi-units. VA terms. 962-5585.

I llNI lllUJI 1121,IOO Giant 2 story. Reunion dine. Fireplace. Patio. Big backyard. 962-5585.

SPUD · SPWI 118,llO 4 Bdrm, 1 story. 17' family rm. Game room. Close to schools. shopping. &ocean. Pool. 962-5585.

lllHI &I l Oii I 111,111 Reduced S 19, 1001 4 Bedrm., 3 Ba. + formal dine. Family rm w/wet bar. Pool! Needs paint & paper. 962-5585.

OCW YlfW LIT S!H,000 One of the very few beautiful lots avail. today. Seller wlll Include Coastal Commissslon ap­proved plans for 5,000 square foot home. 894-7521 .

W. Huntington Beach 6491 Edinger Ave.


NY m SU IHl,111 Large double lot w/bonus cottage, value In the land. Reduced to $249,900. 894-7521.

SPlClllS 1210,000 4 Bedrooms, 2~ Baths, 3 fireplaces, huge mas.­ter suite w/Aoman tub. 894-7521 .

momn UNI si21,ooo Spacious master suite w/4 Bedrooms. Enter­tainers delight . Has It all. 894-7521.

WESTMINSTER llYE 11 CllllTlll 111,IM 3 Bedrooms, l3f4 Baths with huge lot and loads of extras. 894-7521.

• UUI NWEI 1111,111 Hot showers from the sun. 3 Bedroom, 1~ Bath plus tamlly. Skylight bright throughout. 894-7521.

1111um Nil 1111,IOI 3 Bedrooms. upgrades, freshly painted In & out. E-Z care yards. 894-7521.

• • PLO 1211,000 5 years new on quiet cul-de-sac in great rental area. First is assumable. 894-7521 .

llEWPORT BUCH llUIYllWt 1111,111 2 BR, 2 BA condo. Convenient location. Security gated. Tasteffully decorated. 645-0303.

CAl&L FIHT UH,HI Lender owned 4 BR. 3 BA, deck, boat slip. New paint & carpets. Community pool & tennis. Incredible value. 645-0303.

llbl I UY YllWI tlH,000 Near new penthouse. 1 BR plus den. Lender owned. Take advantage now. 645-0303.

llWPlll ISUll ........ 4 BR on waterfront. Family room, den plus bonus room. Dock, private beach. 7-car park­ing. Million dollar location. Best buy In Newport Beach! Must see. 645-0303.

Call or Drop by Your Nearest Coldwell Banker Office .Today!

' ,,

. Orange CountY RMI Eltate/An Advertl9'ng aupplem9nt to the DAtl Y PILOT/JlatUrday. ~ 28.

Lingo R£AlfsTATl

.. , .. llWPllr 11.111 Tl m 11.111m"

IPll AlllY 1-1 P.I. #1 lrest • ., ... '•llLY 111110 TIWIMIE II OlllU IEL 11111"11 Quiet guarded community with lovely landscaping, pool, spa and tennis court. Immaculate 3 BR, 21rt BA, famlly room charmer wtth flreptace and wet bar In llvlng room, plus second fireplace In master bedroom suite. Partial view of mountains and night llghts. All this for only $220,000 with land. Ask for Belle Chase Lee.

111111 IEL IUIU 1271,00011 3 BR, 2 BA home. eight blocks from Corona del Mar State Beach. Private spa. Unique floor plan with detached quarters with private bath.

UIGHO WI .1010111 - I 140,000U • Exceptionally priced offering. "Carm~ p~. newly decorated, great location. Must sell and ottered at a sensational price. Ask for Marilyn Bulkley.

llYllE - 1143,000U Highly upgraded 3 BR - 21/7 BA " Broad moor" plan. newly decorated. great location. Must sell and offered at a sensational price. Ask for Marilyn Bulkley.

PEITlllUSE UllT!! - 1205,000!! Golf course. mountain and city lights views from all rooms. 2 BR and den situated in Irvine. Many upgr~des. Ask for Marilyn Bulkley.

PElllllLA VILIE - 1217,100!! Now the lowest priced residential income property on FEE land In the area. Cozy duplex steps to bay and ocean beaches on a prime corner lot. Motivated seller may trade - submit! Ask for Hallie Strock.

Wllll VIEW HOIESU Owner may exchange 3 BR. 2 BA. family room for units In Orange County. Great family area to live in or lease. Assumable loan of $195,000 a 10 ARM. $265,000. Ask for Bettina Laughlin.

"lfFlllULE IEWPOllT IUCH HOIE"ll One of the best buys in Eastblutf. 4 BR's plus den. large kitchen and breakfast room. Lovely patios and total privacy. $325,000. Ask for Mary Dentls.

llST SELL 3100 IOlllE FEml Owner has bought another and wants offers on this lovel9 Tudor style custom home. 4 BR, 31h BA. den. huge family room, spa and sauna, solid oak woodwork throughout. Nice coastal views and easy access to schools and beach. Owner will assist in arranging financing . Only $375,000. Ask for Hallie Strock.

WILi TO IUCHU 1171,000 Enjoy the Pacific sunsets steps away from this duplex near the sand. 1wo 2 BR units In great rental area of West Newport. Owne! says ''sell" - will help finance. $178,000. Ask for Hallie Strock.

OCUI VIEW - llEHCEI Tl IHl,00011 Emerald Bay 4 BR, 2112 BA ocean view home . .Reduced for immediate sale .. Open beams, warm wood accents. Access to private beach, tenms and community pool and parks. Superb value. Ask for Rod Daley.

TllllU TIWIHlllE mE 11n1 - 14",00011 two blocks from the beach In Corona del Mar. Two 2 BR 2 BA. one 3 BR, 3 BA. Fireplace In all units. Gross Income. $27,000. Ask for Mary Dent ls. "1

EIEULI llY - llEllCTIOIU Seller says sell prestigious 4 BR. 21/2 bath home with pool and spa. Private beach and tennis courts. Now $575.000. Ask for David Hir3Chter.

IRYllE TEllUCE - FIOIT llOW CllTOll! Newly listed. rare, one of a kind custom home built by Don Ayres with great ocean & night lights view, Immaculately maintained 4 BR, 3 BA. family home with all the amenities of a well built beautifully designed top quality home. Tiie roof, expansive viewing terrace. high open beam ceilings & charming entry patio. Call Belle Chase Lee to view this fabulous property. $695,000. ·

l lYFROIT - 1141,120 FEEU For the investor who has always wanted to be on the water. Pier and dock for 2 boats - 50 ft . and 35 ft . 4 BR plus 4 1h BA custom 1 story home has best of financing. 1st of $425,000 assumable -a, 12.5%. Land may be purchased for $398,000 ~ 10% no down. Ask for Bettina Laughlin.

llYFIOIT - LllO llLEU Own one of the largest docks and slips on the bayfront plus a charming comfortable family home. 6 BR's, family room, wine cettar and lovely turning basin views. Motivated seller will finance or trade. Asking $4,000,000. Call Hallie Strock for information.

llLIOl PElllSIWI (

r """BUiltin 1980, this Is a must-see charmer that has all the style plus all the modern luxury features that the discriminating home buyer demands. 2 BR's, 2o/• BA's. Den could be used as 3rd BR. Designed by Jack Hester. Owner may exchange for Harbor Ridge custom. $398,000. Ask for Reny H. Katz.


- -----~-----~-------------------------------------------------.............. 8 - Orange County Real Eltate/An Adver1Jalng auppfflment to the DAILY PltOT/Seturdmy, Januery 28, 198'



KER& Real F.state

A Great Western C.Ompany



t..._ ___ ~ AFFORDABLE HOUSlllli

EISTSllE 1uun With hard to find hardwood floors. Close to s hopping & ·transportallon Large 140 ft. deep lot with fruit trees & room to expand. Only $137,500 759- 150 1

IRITTUY WIOIS - 1111,000 Over 1700 sq. ft . of comfort m this spacious 3 bdnn, 2 'h bath "St. George" model Big dble car garage. huge master suite. Ideal Badt Bay location 759-1501

WALi TO IUCH - $124,000 Outstanding buy for older or younger couple. Beautifully mamtamed. Private, guard gated community. 2 huge bdnns & 2 queensized baths. 759-1501.

1111,000 - OCUI VIEW From balcony of this "best priced" 3 bdrm, 2 'h bath Towne Home m w~llUng distance to beach! Over 2.100 sq . ft. Pool. spa & tennis! 759-1501.

TUE OYER 1~% LOU Best value m Harbor Ridge. As.9umable $165.000 loan! Almost 2,000 sq. ft of comfort & luxury in this ideal Newport Beach location. Seller will provide buyer with one year Home Warranty! 759-1501.

1211,100 - PRIVATE WCll Access comes with this custom bullt hillside home m Corona Del Mar that provides a "countryside" feeling with views of hllls & "open space." Owner will help with low interest financing 759-1501.

HYER SNORES - 1211,000 Spacious 5 bdrm executJve residence with lovely Spanish influence in decor. Large separate family room for en tertaining. Owner may carry lst trust deed! 759-1501.

twllOR RIISE WITH VIEW lmmaculate Dynasty model L IKE NEW' Owner has used only as an occass1onal weekend retreat May lease option at $1.850 per month. Just put on the market 759-1501.

JASlllE CREEi Ocean & greenbelt view - extra large pnvate spa, recreauonaJ area , several tennis c.'Ourts. 3 large pools , saunas & jacuzzi. Guard gate for security Only $428.000 - better see this one! 759-J 50 J.

SPYILASS - 1411,000 Newly redecorated featuring ocean view , beautiful pool and large lot. Lots of used. brick gives warm, family feeling, ideal for entertaining. 759- 150 l

IOVER SHORES WITERFROIT - 1141,000 Spac10us executive home with every amenity, view. dock and slip for large boat. Best Jocati?n and value. 759-1501.

1111,000 - llllllFICEIT VIEW From this 5 bdrm rnansaon high atop S pyglass HlU. One of the best panoramic ocean and bay views we have ever seen! And the sparkhng lights of aU Newport Beach a t night is breathtaking! Pool, spa, security system You OWN the land Over 3.300 sq. ft of executive luxury. 759-1501

' SUPER BUYS UllDER $125,000 SllOl •llTI Total payment with $6,500 down. Super Huntington Beach 3 bdrm, 2 bath home with oozy fireplace. Sl()g,900. 963-5671

llll•E 10'- YI LIU $20,000 down and our owner will carry the balance for 10 years at 12%. Total payment& $1,050/month. Lovely home with new carpets, new tile, remodeled kitchen. Priced below market at $99,500. 556-7035

SICLllEI llCllLll PAI Perfect bachelor pad with good assumable loan. Beaulifully decorated throughout. Huge backyard with detached garage. Great price for a single family residence: $78,900. For more information, call 963-5671.

14,IOO llWI Cute 3 bdnn cottage on large comer lot with RV access. New carpets and Cloo~ Asking $91,000. For more infonnation call 556-7035

IESPEllTI IEWI Lowest price in the complex. Past sales at $95,000: Our seller saya "dump it" for $89,900! Chanrung 3 bdrm, Bradford Pl.ace townhome. Takeover existing loan ~yable $650/month. 556-7035

llllLE FlllL Y M•E - Pl,000 3 bdrm, 2 bath home located near The Crystal Cathedral and The City S hopping Center. Almost new brown carpet. two car detached garage. For details call 963- 5671

10-x.11n-•••wm• Large 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath townhouse with vaulted ceilings in master bed.room. Central air, greenhouse wmdow in kitchen. Tennis. pool, spa. Security gated. $106,500. 963-5671

YA Tll•S Large family home in good neighborhood cloee to schools and Mile Square Park. Three bd.rrm, 2 baths with double attachrd garage for only $1 17 ,000. Call 556-7035.

11,GOl llWI- lft-AT 12.1-X. Beautiful Pepperwood Townhome near Disneyland. Tillis is an up­graded end unit with lots of light plus a two car encla&ed garage. Sacrifice price at $99,900. 963-5671

PU IPlllll IOIUT - PllGE IUllEI Single family home on 4+ acres. New kitchen with cozy wood burning stove, 3 spacious bdrms and 2 baths. Sacrifice for $69,900. For financing mfonnauon , call 963-5671.

II ••wm•• - lmY IEllOIUTll Takeover existing loans at an overall rate of 11.8%. Cute 3 bdrm home completely renovated in 1982. A.akmg $112,500. 963-5671

1011 YEUI llW 3 ~· 2 bath single family home with 2 car attached garage and huge pauo. $10,000 down and $900/month . Call 963-5671

SIPEI IUT Ill OLEll Family home on quiet tree-lined street. Sunken liVlng room with any fireplace. Park-like front and rear yarda. $115.000 556-7035.

111111 - 11111 YUU .. Two bd.nns, 1 ~ baths. &lcloeed garages and central air conclitioning. $6,500 down and $699/ month. Asking $77.900. 963-5671

IEWI WllTI llT Only $5,000 down buys th.is 3 bdrm, 2 bath horoe wath stone fireplace and fabulous family room. $109,000 963-5671

CH. llfWf llT IUll .,, ..

2670 San Miguel Dnve Newport Beach, CA. 92660

(714) 759-1501

AMERICAN HOME SHIELD "We Protect & Service Things That Service You."

•BTmllll llMI .,,. 9032 Adami Ave.

Huntinctcn 8-ch, CA 92648 (714) 963-5671

Orange County ReaJ &tate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, JanulfY 28, 1984 - 9

The Harbor Area's Ol<Jest Real Estate Firm

• UllE llPUI - Designed for the Corona del Mar lifestyle. 2 Spacious units each with 3 bdrms. Upstairs unit has been completely redone - beam ceilings. f I replace, private sun deck and new carpets. Owner may exchange for up to 50 units. $395,000.

WllTOLIFF S12,lH NWI - Bright and cheerful 2 bdrm .• 2 bath condo conveniently located near Mariners Park; Westcllff Plaza and transportation. Fireplace, bar and deluxe kitchen. Full price Is 1ust $127,500. Owner may exchange for Balboa Island.

WAIT Tl lllLI II CHiii IEL IWl1 - Small older home In great location just one block from Begonia Park and walking distance to the beach. Ask to see the preliminary plans for a new view home. In this location you can't go wrong with $198,500 asking price.

Ull FlllT - - On picturesque Cherry Lake In Newport Beach. Rambling 4 bdrm. ranch style home. Grass rolling down to the water's edge. Largest lot on the lake with plenty of room to add on. Priced at just $350,000. Owner says " bring me an offer."

ml .. ! llU 011111 11•1 - Overlooking the 5th Fair­way of exclusive Big Canyon Country Club. Exquisitely redone. 2 bdrms. and den. Tasteful u~ of wood, glass and mirrors. Large view sun deck Ideal for entertaining or just watch the golfers. Now just $335,000.

111,IOO llWI 1121 PEI M. - Near new 2 bdrm., 2% bath condo nicely appointed. Fireplace, attached 2 car garage, small yard and deluxe bit-in kitchen. A great place to live with tremendous appreciation potential. Full price is just $108,000. •

•IDT PllOE IDIGTllll Conveniently located Mesa Verde condo reduced to just $87, 750 by anxlolls owner. 2 bdrms., nice style enclosed patio & upgraded kitchen. Can be purchased with just 10% down.

~ t • .,. l&Y, ~nn I HUI YIEWI - One of Corona def Mar's most dlstlnctJve homes Just steps from bay and ocean beaches. Designed by renowned architect Paul Thoryk. Featured In Home and Gardens magazine. Finest quality construction with lavish use of expensive woods, brass and stained glass. $850,000.

IAYFlllT lllE Slll,GOI - Private pier and float. 60 feet on the bay. Family size 4 bdrm. home. Formal bayside dining room, den, large used brick patio plus hobby shop. Choice Dover Shores location near private beach. Price Includes the land.

Ill OAIYll IUIYIW lllEL - Ideal home for an active growing family. Secluded at end of cul-de-sac on a huge lot. 4 bdrms. and award winning family room - kitchen. Fabulous outdoor entertainment area with bar, spa, B.B.Q. and 40 foot pool. Reduced to $749,500.

IPECTICIW HUIFIHT LICITlll - In exclusive Cameo Shores. Rugged white water view overlooking secluded cove and beach. Lots of glass to capture the dramatic vistas and beaufltul tropical garden. 3 bdrm. plus maid's room. Formal oceanfront dining room, and den w/blt-ln B.B.Q. $2,350,000. Try a lease option.

--F•ILY! - See this lovely 3 bdrm. home near the park In popular Irvine Terrace. Large lot gives your home room to grow as your family does. Circular driveway, formal dining room and even a green house. $34 7 ,300 Includes the land.

OllTI ·•IA llm - Prime East side location well main­tained with an excellent rental history. 3,2 and 1 bdrm units with pool and spa. Priced below appraisal at $250,000. Motivated owner says " Money will talk!"

UITI W TUI MWI - Full size R-2 lot with old house. Located near Our Lady del Pilar Church and School. $49,500 owner will finance.


(714) 873 4400

(213) 828-2828

REALTY 2845 E. Coast Highway- Corona del Mar ...


- - - ---~--~~-------------------------------------------..-----...................... .... 10 - Orange County Real Eatate/An AdvertlsJng aupptement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, Janu81}' 28, 1984

EICITlll VIEW rrs a WJ1111 - ~"'Ous 2 Bdrm. den , .. , the CdM ' o ~ ~1ew. 1 '"'S. .. 10 a clean, so . ., on a 45 ' lot. $4t ~,\JOO

WHAT A WEEI THEY HAD - (Left to Right) Artie Johnson sold a home on Spyglass to a family being transferred from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; Loretta Curci had a sale in Seaview to a couple from Northern California; Pat Merry

I 111,HO tt 1211,000 I COllOU DEL IAR COHOllllll - 2 Bdrm. 2 ba. immac.. view deck. Walk to everything incl. Community pool/ spa. $185.000.

FLOOR PUl IS A WIHH - Condo. 2 master suites, dining area. skylights, den w/ fireplace, pride of ownership development $145,000

POPIUR J IHI HI LllS Rn - Great location, serene courtyard & view of the mountains in R.S.J. $205,000.

THllFIC TIWllOIE - Brand new! 3 Bdrm, 3 bath. fireplace in master suite and living room, French doors, patio and sundeck. $213,900.

FHI Pt.fl - 2 buildings. Large, bright units all w/ flreplaces. 3 have yards. Great financing. $299,000.

UP&IMI ( PUJI - 3 Bdrm. family room, country feel thru-out . Bluffs greenbelt location. $260,000 (LH). Oll CIWllH - Used brick fplc/ wood floors. new kitchen and roof. So. of the hwy with 1 Bdrm guest house. $250,000.

.. , .-,-10-,000--t.-.-,-.1-,ooo-1 Tl lllW IS Tl SIU - Jasmine Creek's most elegant 3 Bdrm + den, spa, custom decor & great financing. $389.000.

(seated) sold her best friends a home in old Corona del Mar and Marilyn Rousselot marketed a view home along the bluffs overlooking the jetty. Total value of all this happiness was $2,000,000 - and a world of good will.

4 IHIHI CUSSIC - Fireplace in living room and famlly room. spa In serene setting, some ocean view in HVH. $360,000.

Jll111E Clffl - This will be sold! 3 Bdrm. sharp, clean, 2 fireplaces. assume ·1oan. near pool . tennis, etc. $315.000

TllTI.UIOl ILU - Inverness model, 4 Bdrm, 2 fireplaces, perfect condition. community tennis. pool. spa. $349,000.

SPIOlllS OM llPlD - 1900 sq. ft ., bright w/ warm ceilings, 3 large Brms, rental Is 1500 sq. ft ., 2 Bdrms, nr. footbridge. $385,000.

OMPLU .. E - Very private, 2 Bdrm, 3 bath in Beacon Bay, patio, spa and community tennis. Special at $385,000 (LH).

"TIE TIWDI" - Spectacular Newport Coop Apt. , rare ocean. harbor and city views. 2 Bdrm. 2 bath at $325.000.

UUT IEll .... 111 - HVH Broadmoor, 5 Bdrm, slngle story backs to nature-like open space, skytfghts. apa, near community poot. $379,500 (leasehold).

llPll LIT II IUYIEW - Great city lights view! Ocean tool 3 Bdrm. 3 bath home, located near community pool . spa and tennis. Priced to sell at only $385,000.

ILOCI TO IEIOH ..-i ..... ···o·or-ner lot ··o· \.. 1e, on s , "ood loa -· ··~Die. Only

$27 -·""°·


ORD W&mnllT ... - Looks pertect, nice appointments. central Newport location, 3 Bdrms. 2 fireplaces, dock. Only $375,000.

lllHCUIFS II C• - Prime area, 4 Bdrm with corner lot, patios. French doors and fireplaces in living, family rooms. Only $397 ,000 fee.

CUSSIC 041 llPLEI - Dark woods, lush green­ery. leaded glass. 2 fireplaces and a spa. 2 Bdrms each unit. $340.000.

PHL llPLH - 2 adorable 2 Bdrm, 1 be cottages with a pool and spa between them. located on a 40' lot near the footbrldgeln old CdM. $349,500.

@uMOO •• sn1¥0J Ill II llllll YIEW llLLS - Spacious Burlingame~ 4 Bdrm plus large rec. room, canyon views. owner wants out! $439,000.

OlnAIEI H TIE UY - 2 in Beacon Bay! Steps tc beach and dock, view potential . financing al $425.000 ..

Ill UIYH YIEW - 2 Bdrm. den, 2 bath con­dominium, behind guarded gate, with upgrades. view and fee ownership. Asking $425,000.

UYnllT IUOI -E - 3 Bdrms with 1 Bdrm rental unit. In excellent condition. Fantastic buy on sandy beach. $650,000.

OPH SATURDAY 2 Ctttaces, tlecl. cbr., &rut Illas $425.000 ... . ............. . .......... . . . 64 Beacon Bay, NB

OPEi SATURDAY I SUIDAY OW C4I 5 II, HW, SJICiol• t1dti11 $495.000 ....... ..... . 422 Begonia. Old CdM

U,.14e4 E '"'· 3 II, fl, Cltry kltCHI S260.000 523 Avemda Campo, Bits. NB

2 11. 2 la c11•1•i•'-. ~ ptes, wlew $425.000 ............................ 21 Rue Cannes, Big Cyn, NB

Ttnfflc T ...... MW, 3 II, 3 U, 2 9'1c'1 Ws $213,900 .. . .. . . 2463 Irvine, Bk Bay, CM

OPEi SUNDAY c..try £qMa .... ntltt •/CJI ... 3 ... fl $465,000.......... ........... . .. 528 Seaward. Corona Hinds, CdM

C41 CoMt, i..c., 2 II, 2 la, W. c... ,_.,,.,_ $185,000..... ......... . 755 Avocado. CdM

IHw WI I,.,, 4 II, IJI, amte, '9t & Wt tf "'9 $360,000 (l) ...... . .. ........ 2500 lighthouse. CdM

EJtplt 3 U + .... cast• '""· 1J1. pt._ $389,000......... .. .. ......... 5 Jetty. Jasnune Ck. CdM


a.dlt Sii ,...._ l II, pt *'11111 n ff 11t1a $205,000......... ..... .. .. . . ................ .. ...... 6 Palos, RSJ, Irv

lalf Mid te kl, 2 II, 2 la, .... *'8, ya~ $380.000 232 lrts, Old CdM

U~IVU~ ti()M~§. l?ULT()l?§, f31ti·f3()()() PAClflC COAST HlGHWAY AT MacARllfUR BOULEVARD IN CORONA DEL MAR

......................... ------------------------------~~~- - ~


114,000 PlllCE llEllCTIOI Spyglua. view home. Pleasantly upgraded 4 bdnn home Wlth. a Mediterranean flavor. Courtyard Wlth bubbling fount.am. Marble master bath spa steM? room. But.It-an bar. plus other c~to~ appomtments. Assumable loan. Call MARIA BEROOVITZ.

ILIFFS - FRiil ROW IAY VIEW Attractive 3 bedroom umt situated on quiet cul­de-~ WJth .unobstru<.•ted view Of bay, sunsets. 3 patios. Camaly room. $340 000. Call BINNIE DIXON '

UEGITIYE CISTOI HllE On 7th green in Big Canyon, Newport Beach .. Perfect for executive laving & ent.ertauung. Large one story with ~-e floor. large bar o'loolting golf course. A " must see''. Call OOROTHY HARDCASTLE.

ILIFFS - SlllLE LEYEL Lovely 3 bdrm end urut "Bonita" plan. Enclosed private yard with grass & frwt trees. Located on a lovely greenbelt near communmity pool & shopping cent.er. Only $208,000. Call SALLY SHIPLEY or JOYCE DABOL T.

1 111,100 Wall move you into this delightful 2 bdrm rondo. Wann wood panehng above the fireplace and a t>alcony patio are a few extras you will enjoy C.Ommunity pool, spa and tennis. Call DONNA WEBSTER.


Custom built 4 bdnn & F.R home. Five years new Two fireplaces. expansive view. and two boat &lips plus side tie. Assumable financing Call LINDA TAGLlANE'TTI.


Exu tmg ou·an vtew home Must be sold now. pn<.'ed ac.·c:ordmgly Three bdnns + <.'Onvert1ble den . Immaculate cond1t1on. Call JOYCE DABOL T ur SALLY SHIPLEY

I LIFFS - IEWPlllT IUCH Ran.- 4 bdrm end unit "Canneltta," Upgraded f1xture8 & applta.nces, stained g~ entry door. Large attracuve pauo with fount.am. $238,900. Call SALLY SHIPLEY or JOYCE DA.BOLT

A STOL - WHllllHE COIH 2 bdrm, 2 bath rondo, fireplace, attached 2-car garage, cul-de-sac. Large back yard in lovely area. Make offer. Only $125,900. CalJ SUSAN TRIVISION.

PERFECT STUTEll lllE 2 or 3 bdrm home with large covered patio and pool. Great poolside entertaining area with fire­pit. Reuonably priced. Call DOROTHY HARD­CASTLE for financing details.

llSTIEll ULI - SUVIEW Guard~gated community. 3 bdrms on one of the largest lots. End of cul-de-sac. View .. Off ~t parking. c.ommunity pool. spa & t.enrus. Submit offer . MARILYN TWITCHELL.

IEW • TIE uam Onginal owner says "eell my 3 bdrm. 2 bath Carmel model home." Mint condition. New paint, new carpet, quality landlcaplng, quiet street. Short e9Cl"OW possible. Rea.liatically priced at $249,500, including land. Call TODDY SMITH or DON DeTHOMAS.

LIFFI - FlllT llW IAY YIEW he beauty of back bay from tbis popular 3 'Trina" model. Aasurne a large First Trust

low interest rate. Owner will consider f PtiOn. $232.000. lmmediate occupancy. Call


PllYACY II WTSllE OISTA IEll Enter a private courtyard with spa for access to tha.s charming three bdrm home with open, flow­ing floor plan. Ideal for entertaining. Fireplaces & wood paneling in both living & family room make this a cozy retreat. $185,000. Call BINNIE DTXON.

WIE IPTlll-1111• YIEW 111111, IEWPllT 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths, pool. OWNER SAYS HE WANTS ACTION!! Call TODDY SMITH.

I ACRE EOIESTlllU ESTATE 4.000 sq . ft. 5 Bdrm home. separate 2 Bdrm guest houst', large pool, lighted tennis court. horse fac1ltt1es. View o'look.ing city of Riverside. $549,000 SALLY SHIPLEY.

lllTIWHIUlll 1 Bdrm + loft, plan B near a babbling brook. Owner may trade for Rl lot. $110.000. Call MARIA BEROOVIT'L for financing.

IEWPllT IDOi lllU 1200,000 Enpy thu lovely single family home in beautif uJ F.astbluff. Convenient location on quiet cul-de-sac near Newport Beach Tennis Club, F.astbluff Shopping Center and C.orona del Mar High School. Only $199,000. Call SALLY SHIPLEY or JOYCE DABOLT.

---~- --- - ~

ILIFFI - uon111 UY VllW Spacious "DELOR~" plan with beauuful view of Newport's back bay. One of the Bluf('g best buys. Three bedrooms, wet bar, and extra large pauo. $225,000. CalJ JOYCE DA.BOLT or SALLY SHIPLEY

OIE I LICI Tl ICW Charming Peninsula Point home. GREATLY REDUCED to lot value. Anxious owner, ready to move. Call OOROTHY HARDCASTLE.

llWNIT IUCI lllEI 1200,000 Enjoy this lovely single family home in beauuful Eastbluff. Convenient location on quiet cul-de-sac near Newport Beach Tennis Club, Eastblu{f Shopping Center and Corona del Mar ffigh School. Only $199,000. Call SALLY SHIPLEY or JOYCE DABOLT.

lWI IPTlll 11 .IUllllE OIHI


OGUIFIOIT llPW Owner occupied upper unit. Open beam ceilings. pine paneling. Fireplaceff in both units. Lower unit always lea3ed. Great seasonal rental area Owners will carry new t.rwit deed. Call MARIA BER COVITZ.


Owner says 10% down wall buy thlS 3 bdrm homt.• with partial cx.-ean view. Freshly pamted ,md remodeled Ready to move mto. Only $1 :$9 .>oo Call S ALLY SHIPLEY or JOYCE DABOL T

PIOIOITllY UY Beautiful 5 bdrm. 5 1"2 bath bayfron t cu~tum home Elegant t'ntry. formal dining room. dt n. gourmet kitchen, breakfast room Ma<ilt.'r ... u1tt· offers fireplace, wet bar. twin baths, hts/ her walk -m cl05:ets. Pier/slip will accommodate large boat. Call CATHRYN TENNILLE.

PAllUlllC IAY VIEW Splendid traditional Lido Isle home. Random planked oak flooring & hand pairi'ted I tahan tile Pier/float for 65' yacht. Fantastic buy at $1,250.000. Call JOYCE DABOLT or SALLY SHIPLEY.


Have butJt another home. Extremely anXJous to move. Spacious 4 bdrm home. 3-car garage, de­sirable Newport Beach location. Extra lrg kitchen, muter bdrm w / htS & her baths. Family room w / fireplace & wet bar RV access, pool-sized yard. Elwellent owner fmancing. All offers given careful consideration. Call BINNIE DIXON

The firm with the Beverly Hiiis /Palm Desert connection

759-9100 # 2 Corporate Plaza

~ . ---- ---Newport Center

7 12 - Orange County Reel Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. January 28, 1984

DC.lebout Bay Br Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949

COME WITH US TO • •. --... .............. .._.......__........._.. ....... ...,* * * * * DOVER SHORES * * * * *~ ............. ~--...-....-.-...-..~

This is vour opportunity tu purchase a "dream hom~"' a t a surpnsmgly reasonable pnce. Owners have spared no expense in completely upgrad.l.ng a beautifully located four bedroom, three bath home .. 1( a detail has been overlooked, you 'll never mm it! The street is only.one block long and the ~ew is virtuallv unlimited. T he entire exterior is artlStJcally done in used bnck and rough textured stucco. Notewort~y features include . · new ~plllg, automatic. spnnklers. fabulous VleW deck All new carpeting and wall coverings. Verucal blinds throughout. Kitchen completely new. Secunt~ system. Nutone music and message center New assumable $300.000 fu-st trust deed a t 11% ARM. WILL CONSIDER LEASFJOPTION. Land lJlCluded.

O ... ~· Sun. 1 ~4'.3.0 . .' .... '.'.'.'.'. . .'. ·::::::.·::: . .' .... .' ............. ... .'.'.'.'.' . .'.'.'.' ............. .'.'.'.'.~'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.: '..' . .' .......... '.'.'. . .' . .' . .".'.'.'.' .. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. . .'.'.'.'.'.' .. .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':.'.'.'.'.'. ....................................... .'.'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.·.·.·::.· .. i o7o ·p~!;~~

COLLINS ISLAND . . . Magnificent view! One hundred seventeen feet of unspoiled waterfront with docking facilities for three seventy foot boats. Five bedrooms. Cozy living room. lovely dining room. Huge family room with sit-down wet bar. complete with full mirror. Convenient staircases plus elevator to sun roof. Owner will help with financing .......................... $3,200,000

HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE ... Picturesque water-front home Pier and float tor two large boats. Five bedrooms. Huge living room. Formal dining room Gourmet k itchen with breakfast area over~lcing pool. Large entertainment room with wet bar and parquet dance floor. Owner will consider exchange or carry first trust deed. ................. ············· ............. ······ .. $2.200,000

DOVER SHORES . . Spectacular view . .. Luxurious four bedroom home. Etched glass double door entry. Oak fireplace mantel and step-down oak bar. Large master bedroom and dressing area. Jacuzzi with retractab~e roof. Three additional bedrooms, one with its own entrance and bathroom. Circular dining room. Large patio complete with pool and spa. .............. ............. .............................. $995.000

NEWPORT HEIGHTS .. Country French. FOR­EVER VIEW! Approximately 5500 square feet of living space. Four bedrooms. Four baths. Nine foot ceilings throughout downstairs. Formal din­ing room. Spacious family room with antique flreplace. Complete gourmet kitchen with built­in refrigerator. sub-zero freezer and barbeque. Marble fireplace in living room and master bedroom. Air conditioning and complete stereo system ..... ...... .................................. $895,000

DOVER SHORES . .. Delightful. Seventy feet on the water. Large luxuriant yard with patio over­looking dock for large boat. Spacious four bedrooms. Formal dining room. Den/study. New carpet throughout. Freshly ' painted. Security system....... . ..................... Leasehold $895,000

CORONA DEL MAR ... Fabulous view from this bright and cheerful three bedroom home. Only one block from beaches. Large yard. ALSO INCLUDED is a spotless two bedroom rental unit and three car garage. Existing loan assumable. Owner will assist with additional financing. Will consider lease/option ......................... $725,000

NEWPORT HEIGHTS ... New, top quality seven unit office building . fronting on North New­port Boulevard ... PLUS two attractive residen­tial units facing Holmwof>d Drive. Office space consists of seven private offices, conference room and two secretarial areas. Modern elevator from parking area, plus two stairways. The residential units are identical two bedrooms, two baths, each. Also two car gar­ages plus large decks with ocean view

. $698,000


DOVER SHORES . . . Elegant. Lovely view of Back Bay and Fashion Island. Five bedrooms. Large family room. Formal dining room. Custom pool and spa in courtyard. A bonus room with bath AND AN OLD-FASHIONED SODA FOUN­TAIN ! JUST REDUCED $40 ,000 . .................................................. NOW $575,000

BA YCREST . . . Custom built. Beautlfu!_!y up­graded two story home. Four spacious bedrooms upstairs . . . one ideally located for guests or maid. Richly appointed master suite downstairs. French doors and windows. Planta­tions shutters. Crown mouldings. Luxuriantly planted yard with pool. Fee land ........ $550,000

' LIDO ISLE ... Great opportunity. Single story. Four bedrooms. Three baths. Extra large fifty five foot wide lot . .. street to strada. Exchange for largest model in Leisure World ..... $550,000

SPYGLASS HILL ... Beautifully developed resi­dential area. Popular Newporter model ... four bedroom home in Immaculate condition. Spacious well-landscaped corner lot assures complete privacy. Restful view of city lights and mountains. Pool and spa. Available subject to cancellation of existing escrow ........... $495,000 Open Sun. 1-4:30 ....................... 60 Drakes Bay

SEAVIEW . . . Tastefully decorated. Four bedrooms. Expanded " Port Royal" model. Cus­tom doors with leaded glass. Shuttered win­dows. Courtyard spa In attractive tlle. Oellghttul view of city lights........................ Now $495,000

IRVINE TERRACE ... Choice location. Lovely traditional family home. Four bedrooms. Step­down living room. Formal dining room. Open kitchen with skylight . Separate breakfast area. Extra large family room with fireplace. Used brick patio. Low maintenance planting. Excel-lent curb appeal. .......................... $475,000 Fee Open Sun. 1-4:30 ............ 1108 Dolphin Terrace

. DOVER SHORES . . . Delightful three bedroom home. Formal dining room. Oen. Upgraded kitchen with chambers. self-cleaning ovens, compactor. Covered patio with heaters and gas barbeque. Huge lot, 80x153. Spa. Ample room for pool. Automatic sprinklers. Security system. ...................................... ................ $470,000 Fee

NEWPORT ISLAND ... Corner location. 116 feet of waterfront on the channel. Three boat ties. Three bedrooms plus bonus room. Lovely patio. Great potential. JUST REDUCED $60,000. New low price of ................. : $465,000

BAYCREST ... Imposing used brick exterior. Courtyard entry luxuriantly planted. Three bedrooms. Family room with wet bar and fire­place. Spacious dining room. Luxurious master suite with ten foot ceilings. Immense rear patios. Adequate space for pool... ................. $455,000 Open Sat - Sun . and DAILY 1-4 ·30 . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . ... . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 1215 Mart ners Drive



BA YCAEST ... Lovely contemporary home on one of the better streets In Baycrest . .. only two blocks long. Four bedrooms. High cefllngs. Two fireplaces. Wet bar In family room. Large lot, 90x112, with pool. Three car garage. Reallstlcal-ly priced at ......... ................ .. .............. $435,000 Open Sun. 1-4:30 ................. 1500 Lincoln lane

EASTBLUFF ... Completely refurbished three bedroom home. Custom tiles. Jenn-alre range with microwave. French doors and windows. Fascinating view ocean, back bay and night lights. Private courtyard with pool . covered patio and built -In brick barbeque . ..................................................... $415,000 Fee. Open Sat.-Sun. 1-4:30 ............ 2531 Blackthorn

SPYGLASS HILL . . . The much sought-after Newporter model. Four bedrooms. Formal din­ing room with atrium. Family room with fireplace and wet bar. Efficient kitchen with eating area. Step-down living room with fireplace and French doors opening to deck. Lovely pastoral moun-tain view .............................................. $398,000

NEWPORT BEACH . . . Beautifully maintained three bedroom. two and one-half bath home. Custom carpets, drapes and wall coverings. Artistic use of mirrors appears to enlarge the home. Lovely yard with sparkling pool . ................ ............................................. $350,000

BAYCREST ... Spacious four bedroom. three bath home. Located In a tree-lined family neigh­borhood. Formal dining room. Large family room. Solar heating system. Two furnaces. Bricked back yard area with spa. ....... $299, 700

BAYCREST ... Quality. Design. Location. Three bedrooms. Huge f amlly room. Formal dining room. Property situated on spacious corner lot, 100x 110, wlth private circular driveway. Three car garage with built-Ins and work shop. PRICE JUST REDUCED $30,000 .......... NOW $295,000

CORONA DEL MAR ... Attractive two story, two bedroom home on well landscaoed R-2 lot. PLUS neat one bedroom rental unit. Conven­iently located south of Highway. Excellent financing ................................ .............. $279,900

WESTCLIFF . . ·Conveniently located for shops, banks and library. Contemporary three bedrooms or two and den. Yard and exterior well maintained. Copper plumbing. New ovens and counter tops. Built-in microwave. ............................................................. $250,000

CANYON CREST ... Sunny and cheerful. Three bedroom condo. Two fireplaces. Large sundeck over two car garage. Inviting patios. Private locatlon. Convenient to community pool and tennis courts....................................... $255,000

UNIVERSITY PARK Four spacious bedrooms. The " Kensington" model. Features include atrium, patio, firepit and fenced yard . Backs to greenbelt. Community pool, spa and tennis court nearby ............................. $225,000


• ------Orange County Real Esta1e/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturo~y. January 28, 1984 - 13






In charming old Corona del Mar. Beautiful remodeled 2 bedroom and family room home. All new applianoes and decorating. 2 fireplaces, swimming pool, patio, 3 car garage, large corner lot. Will consider trade for Harbor View Hills. $595,000. Rosemary Sietz.

• This gorgeous traditional 6 bedroom has been reduced $100,000 for Immediate sale. Now only $595,000. Includes gourmet kitchen. wooden stairways, French doors, stained and leaded glass windows. pool, spa and wading pool. Please take the time to see this beautiful bargain. Lynne Valentine.,

LIH WATEIFllOIT Delightful 2 story on sandy beach on exclusive Lido Isle. 4 bedroom, 4 bath home with large 2 bedroom rental unit. Beautiful large master ~room suite and deck overlooking bay. 2 fireplaces. OWC financing . Priced at

,475,000. Mary Sivaslian.

LOYEL Y UliUll Ocean view condo In great beach location. Walk to beach and shopping. 2 bedroom. 2 baths. Enjoy all year round living for only $225,000. Don Sheridan and Sally Anne Miller.

OCUI VIEW DUPLEX Perfect rental location close to everything. 2 bedroom and 1 bedroom. Excellent leverage for inves1or. $30.000 dowm to existing $295,000 fixed rate, 12112% loan. Full price $325,000. Lynne Valentine.

IEST OF l ll WOllLI S On the golf course with ocean and harbor views. High security guarded community, this extrava­gantly decorated condo leaves nothing to be desired In quality and taste. If you want to see , this ultimate In luxury, please take the time to see this outstendlng property offered at $535,000 unfurnished or $640.000 furnished. Rosemary Sietz.

CIWllllli CAPE COi One house from the beach on prestigious Penin­sula Point with mini ocean view. 3 bedroom. den, formal dining. master bedroom suite. c<?m-

__pletely remodeled. 2 fireplaces. used brick. l=cench doors A real bargain at only $395.000 or consider trade. Mary Sivaslian. Open Sat. & Sun. 1-5.

lillWlll FDILY Try this for slze. 4 bedrooms, Including master suite, separate family room, 2112 baths. extra large lot, new carpet, patio, sprinklers, quiet residential area. Perfect for the young executive and only $169,000. Marie Fargo.

OCUIFllOIT CllTUI Breelhtaklng white water view overlooking beautiful Laguna Beech. An 18th century lie-De­France style chateau. 4 bedrooms, 5% baths, formal dining, paneled library, country gourmet kitchen, master suite with fireplace and tiled Roman spa. the fullflllment of a lifetime for $2,490,000. Adjacent view lot also available. Lynne Valentine.

Ill CUYOI LOT 15,000 square foot building site next to park In exclusive Big Canyon. Reduced to $625,000 for immediate sale, or owner will build to suit or trade for equity in Big Canyon home. Lynne Valentine.

A SPllllllli CUIEO See this delightful home In popular Cameo Highlands on a large corner lot with ocean view. 4 bedroom, formal dining, master bedroom suite, shake roof, walk to private beach. Fee land. Attractively priced at $342,000. Helen Wood.

llSllPISSEI VIEW We mean It! No other view In Harbor Ridge can equal this panorama of ocean, night tights with a Catalina background. Owner has spared no expense In decorating this elegant 5 bedroom estate. Assumable loam. Also consider trade. Priced realistically at $895.000. Lynne Valen­tine.


Just like a new home. Outstanding Cambria Model In Turtlerock Highlands. 2 bedrooms and den, large bright kltchen with eating area. Elegant marble entry, new carpet, fireplace. atrium, covered patio. Large lot. A great buy at $219,000. Lynne Valentine.

TIRTLEllOCI VIEW HOIE Immaculate Laurel Model. Upper unit with fan­tastic view of Turtlerock Hills. 2 bedrooms, dining room, 2 baths. air conditioned. pro­fessionally decorated. Patio. community pool. Priced right at $177 ,500. Don Sheridan and Sally Anne Miller.

ESPECllLL Y lllE Is how you will feel about this charming 4 bedroom in Turtlerock Hills. Superior location on extra large cul-de-sac lot. Shake roof. hot tub, covered patio. Viewing deck, mature land­scaping, excellent condition. Good financing. Realistically priced at $299,000. Ellen Marchesano.

IFFOllULE Ll lllY In this 2 bedroom Ash Model In Woodbridge Glen close to North Lake. Upgraded with fire­place, central air, mirrored wardrobes. redwood deck, patio. Only 15% down. Price just reduced to $113,900. Don Sheridan and Sally Anne Miiier.

/ I

UllYERSITY PlRI Delightful Darmouth Model with many upgrades 3 bedroom. 2 baths. spa. tile entry, select wall coverings. new carpets. added storage. Fee land. Asking $178,900. Ellen Marchesano.


I I I I I I I B I I I D I I I )f I D I I I I

- - - - ----


NEWPORT HEIGHTS 5 UNITS - 3-2's AND 2-1 's. 3 GAR­AGES & 3 CARPORTS. ONLY $315, 000. SllEllYL lllEWEI II 1-1211.






You own the land plus a beautiful 5 bdr, 4 bath residence which in- r eludes formal dining room, maids quar1ers and much more. Un­surpassed view from Harbor to Ocean and Laguna Beach sets the mood to entertainment in style or just plain relax by fishing from your new dock. Owner will seriously entertain offers by carrying financ­ing and may consider trade down. Treat yourself to viewing this unique property . CURT HERBERTS 631-1266.



Just ltsted rare Heights 3 bdr .. 2 baths ranch style home with fireplace on cul-de-sac. This home is in very good condition and an excellent value in Newport Beach for just $198,000. CURT HERBERTS 631-1266.

SHARP NEWPORT DUPLEX Walk to Bay and Beach within seconds. Less than 10 years in age, this property features excellent design with 3 bdr. and 2 bdr. units both with fireplace. Ideal for owner to live in with supplemental income. Excellent financing and owner will consider trade for Newport, Costa Mesa or Irvine condo's. CURT HERBERTS 631-1266.

COSTA MESA INCOME R-2 Spanish style 2 bdr, home with 3 unit traller court. Present income is $975/mo. and market Is $1 .00. 'Name your terms, asking $129,500. CURT HERBERTS 631-1266.


IPT. HEIGHTS - POOL HOME Charming • 3 bedroom with open contemporary feeling. Warm brick fireplace. Split-level floor plan. This home has been very weU cared for - It's immaculate with a very · low , . -maintenance yard . Asking

$215,000. RAE RODGERS.

BIG CANYON $650,000 Spacious pool home with 4 bedrooms and super location. Owner will carry financing to well qualified buyer. Shown by appoint-



NEWPORT HEIGHTS - LIKE NEW! Completely REMODELED 3 BOA. with GUEST UNIT. Private court yard. French doors, river rock fireplace and much more. Asking $192,000. RAE RODGERS.

CHINA COVE - BAY VIEW Completely remodeled 3 bedroom classic with one of Newport's best locations. Assumable financing. Recently

reduced to $595.000. RAE RODGERS.

FRONT ROW VIEW Super 3 bedroom trl-level home with SWEEPING VIEW OF BAY and OCEAN. Newer construction. Shown exclusively

by appt. Asking $900,000. RAE RODGERS.

JUST REDUCED!! 3400' 5 Bed .. unbelievably beautiful den with sit down wet bar. 3 fireplaces, R.V. storage. Now only $339,000. Call LOIS MILLER 631-1266.

ONE OF LIFE'S REWARDS Woodbridge Estates townhome in turnkey condition. This 3 and fam. rm. looks like a model. Lush gardens and spa. For financing or appt. call LOIS MILLER 631-1266.






I 234 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA • 631-1266 ~- .,.. uii't:I !!"t- '4¥1'1 au. it'llll.~ Mill.-.. g5,....+1+ .-. 11w.,....,-11""1·1·:a·,_,~~ llNti~ l#llM .~

.. Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertlalng eupplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, JJn~ 28, 1984 - 15 •

~ I • . w...-1f1S lll''fi•"'""'•t1*113f11111141•'••"••111-IWll••~~"•i,Mllill11•t•••lftfi5 ..- n'M 111111'1$1QMW •#*i!:I IMiiMIJ!fi -wm l


Ll>O ISLE PR•ST LOCATION Compl~te turning basin views from this 4 Br, 4 BaJh remodeled home with new kitchen, baths. Beau. tlle work, plus dock for 50 ft . yacht. $1,950,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP~


Boll I Dovie loop 831-1268

THREE ARCH BAY 011 OCEAN CUFFS The most fabulous Ocean & Beach view In Southern CA. One of the largest ocean front lots anywhere. Private stairway to beach with exclusive man made swimming pool In high tide water line. All In the private three Arch Bay community. $1,900,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.


WOODS COVE LAGlltA BEACH House of diamonds, 5 BR, 4 BA, pool, spa .• Ocean & city -vus. decks to entertain over 300 guests, exter\sive use of brick & waterfalls, 8 Kol ponds that hold over 1100 Kol

. fish, 3000 lites show this beautiful botanical garden. $1,900;000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.


Fabulous cstm. bayfront home, entire upstairs ts Mstr. suite w/slttlng rm. & mirrored canopy bed o'looklng bay. Pvt. Jae. tub, sauna rm. Finest handpalnted tiles & marble thruout. $1,690,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.

MOTIVATED Llfl>A ISLE SELLER . UllDA ISLE LEASE 4 BR, 5 BA, Fam. Rm., formal dining, large kitchen, pri'late pool & spa, turning basin view, dock for 65' boat. Very

sharp. $5,500 per month. BOB or DOVIE KOOP.

1-5 Bedrooms, 5 Baths. Fam. Rm. Din. Rm. Beautlful Master Suite with lrg sitting rm., maids qtrs. Room for 2 large boats up to 60 ft. Lowest price on Linda. Very motivated seller at $895,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.

TRADE BAYFRONT FOR BAYFROIT W/DOCK 3 BR, 21h BA, Fam. Rm. Huge master suite w/ jacuzzi rm., 5 yr. old home w/all new decor, 2 lrg decks, 30 ft. boat dock. Asking $535,000 w/ $270,000 1st T.D. assumable at 12.5%. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.

LIDO BAYFRONT Vlew of ocean, bay Fashion Is. from this top fl. 2 or 3 BR, 3 BA, den, lg. mstr. suite, sec. bldg. Underground parking, boat dock. With short notice, seller wlU fin. Great price $495,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.

"HARBOR Rl>GE FORECLO~E" Lautremont 4 BR, 3 BA, F.R., formal D.R. Highly upgraded, the most beautiful decorating you can imagine. Fabulous ocean, bay, city light vus. Make offer. Asking $698,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.

~I SO. SANTA ANA · . 4 BR, 3 BA, family room, dining room, wet bar. beautiful decor throughout. Seller will finance best price at $142,000. Low Down. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.

DOVER SHORES 4 BDRM., 4 BA., 2 master bedrooms, all new decorating and painting, ocean & Back Bay view, plus very large yard, Dovers best buy at $325,000 L. H. Wiii trade for Villa Balboa or Versaflles, 2 or 3 BR condo. Great terms available. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.

HARBOR RIDGE LAUTREMONT LEASE 4 bedroom, 3 bath, beautiful decor and upgrades thru out, oak floors, marble in baths, FAB. Views of ocean and nite lites. $2,700 mo. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.

STEAL-WILL TRADE EQUITY-STEAL 3 BR, 2 BA. Beau. remodel & redecor. Hot tub & jacuzzi,

\. oak floors, ceramic Ute firs, $248,000 assumable, asking $309,000. Trade for boat, car, sml. condo. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.



4 BR, 3 BA, bar & spaclou.s sundeck, oak floors & marble in baths. Beautiful city llght, ocean & mountain view. Room addition upstairs. $625,000. BOB OR DOVIE KOOP.


234 E. 17th ST., COSTA MESA • 631-1288 I ~M'""··•·w--.1·~•'¥ill .. 'iii .. ~•@1 .-.. "''*.,..•;;•-.es* ........ *MM~ ...


. - - . ~~-c.:;::;~1:::::.:~~~_;:;;a~~;;:;;;::==""""""~..,....,...~-----~--~~----

1 · 16 - Orange County Real i;atatef An A"-llllng supplement to the .DAILY• Pl: T /Saturday, January 28, 19lM

' .

r I


.. '


APPRAISED AT $1,900,000 - ASKING $1,595,000

/' . . ' . ,

One of the premier. homes offered in Newport Beach .. . a truly gorgeous residence of sheer elegance and quality. This is one of the most superbly t the Harbor, the ocean and Catalina Island. Uncompromising era 1vish use of solid oak cabinetry and trim, meticulously stained at n oustanding floor plan, emphasizes the huge famil y room with la e pool and spa take advantage of the fabulous view, as does a grea Special features everywhere include extensive use of exquisite lea id oak bar, electronically controlled iron gates, and cobblestone motor courtyard. Great financing is available . See, Lease, Lease/Option.



This superbly designed and constructed estate, built by a renowned beach area contractor T . Duncan Stewart offers over 6 ,000 square feet of custom-crafted quality. It is a gracious home with an elegant uniqueness blended with contemporary excitement, a quality often sought, but seldon found. It's warm and rich appointments are greatly enhanced. by the abundant use of richly finished exotic woods. A mammoth poolside family room with full kitchen and movie projection room promises many memorable family get-togethers. A long 300' private driveway provides for future electric gates for additional seclusion. Great financing available. Trades considered.




• '" .. • I "' '

Success Can Only Be Measured By Results!

During . the preceding sixteen months, during one of the most depressed eras in history, I have represented buyers and/or sellers ·of 10 properties, from Newport Beach & Nellie Gail Ranch to the Orange· - North Tustin hills, result-

. ing in almost $8;000,000 in completed sales. I sincerely solicit the opportunity to assist YO\J ~ n ~ marketing your home or purchasing an exciting new .. ·one. Let's be successful together!

' - .


- - - - - - - - -- - -



I j


CHlllltlll• WUICE 1111,000 A door man opens the door to a foyer of custom furnishings. Take the elevator ~. your con ­dominium, large living room & dining room, 2 spacious BR all with bay and city view. 2 'h baths, utility room. ~una. Barbara Aune

t • 1 t • .£ Ji• t 1 1 ~ t I I t

to the OAJL Y PILOT /Saturday, January 28, 1984


llTllllY HARBOR RIDGE 12,All,llO 4 BR, View, pool 1-5

121unt Ed Escano

BIG CANYON ........ 21 ... lr.U ..... Plfm lS l PICTllE 1111,IOI 4 BR 1-5 Lucy Rose Totally remodeled Plan 2 in Big Canyon w /4 BR, 2'h BA, French doors & windows. Completely LIDO ISLE new kitchen. pool & spa. Sandie Fix. 6 BR. waterfront

11,JOl,lll Ill '1a I.We IH4 1-4 Joan Lewis

LIVE ELIUlnY II TIE UY 1111,000 Spacious 3 BR, 3 BA condominium. Large private patio and bayfront terrace, large sun filled rooms. attached two car garage, all on one level Barbara Aune

llC CAJIYOI TOWINOIE Sl25,000 The ultunate in glamour & soph1st1cat1on in this large 4 BR ''Oeauvlllc" Model in one of Newport's finest gated communities Utmost privacy among tall trees yet somt: vt('W of the ocean. Gorgeous' Lu<.·y Rose.

H' OF llYSIDRH WlTHFROlll Sl ,211;000 Gracious on e> storv home! Custom remodel w/gounnet lot<. hen ·fur ease m entertaining. 2 BR. family room. :3 bath~ 2 private beaches, 24 hr. ~urity gate. Dona Chichester

IWI YllR IWI HITIOUSE 1112,500 2 BR. 2 BA condo. occ•an and bay views. Loads of amenities Furnished Sandie Fix.

11CW IWCl" NUIOR RIHE CIEST S.CI0,000 Beautifully upgraded 3 BR. 3 BA home m One of Newport's most prestigious security-gated com­munities Assumable lst T .D. Anita Schandel.

CllmY CUI lTllOVlllE 1121,000 5 BR. 3 BA Plan I m Big Canyon. Beaut.ifully expanded. warm family home with pool. Highly amerutized. Sandie Ftx .

PllY&TI £ST&TI 1111,llO Private cul-de-sac estate, lush tropical setting with lagoon, spa. ko1 ponds, waterfall. Wood & glass house with commercial gounnet kitchen, lanai. custonuzed entertainment room. Unique! Paula Balley.

111 IF Ill CllYOl'S FllEST 1121,000 Deane built Deauv11le overlooking fairways, country club & rught lights of Harbor Ridge. This bright & cheery 3 BR, den home has a large entertainment area with private pool & spa. Barbara Aune.

111,000 PllCE RHICTllll 1211,000 3 BR, 2 story Newport Beach condo. Security gated area. 35' boat slip! Includes land. Martha Macnab.

OLDCDM 2-2 BR 2-3 BR



1211,000 1211,000

SllllY 1121,IOO


112 ,, ......... (4 condos)

Micki Cooper

a••• st.DIM• Lucy Rose

IHl,IOO 2HO Pert hrHta 1-4 Donna God.shall

HARBOR RIIX:;E 11,Hl,OOO 11 IM S.bsflu 4 BR. Spa 1-5 &t F.scano




OLDCDM 2-2 BR 2-3 BR

Slll,000 11 ... l'WM4 UH 1-5 Dan Bibb

1211,000 1222 ln111 1-5 Martha Macnab

IHl,000 2112 Ylat1 lrttt 1-5 Dona Chkhester

S211t000 1211,000

112 PellttMttta (4 condos)

Holly Markas

UTllllY I SlllAY CAMFX) SHORES 11,171,000 101 •Ner4

Donna Godshall Beverly Morphy

6 Watefront. Pool 1-4

HARBOR RIIX:;E 11,HO,OOO I IM ......... 4 BR 1-5 Maralou Ingold


ltl0,000 11 .......,. 1-5 Maureen White

Anita Schandel

Lm•••am• 1111,111 Select the 3 BR front house or the 2 BR rear. Either one would be a great owners unit. You can get top rent for this well lcx:ated CdM duplex and enjoy lHe! Coby Ward.

Odll WU •TE•PIUIY .. H,000 Panoramic ocean view. Beautiful single story 3 BR, 2~ BA, fonnal rdining tootD· family room. situated on large comer Jot. Spark.ling pool. High ceilings, skylighta, and extensive U1e of walnut. 3 private beaches. Price reduced · includes land. Donna God.shall.

LWI lmH 1111,000 Highly desirable end umt m Jasmine Creek with great ocean view! 3 BR, 2 BA single story unit. Cul-de-sac location. Martha Macnab.

644-6200 .

YMI Pllll 11 UWY lllYE 1111,111 Light & airy - high ceilings. A great feeling home, paneled with large fireplace. formal d.uung room, breakfast area. large living room. 3 BR, 3 BA. Includes land. Barbara Aune

11Y11 u.11 umllT 1111.­Dramatic and comfortable. Ths large 4 BR home is a marvelous investment in Newport style living. Large formal living room, garden room and den -very private master suite. Large terrace on bay and dock for 50 ft. yacht. Fee'. Call Barbara Aune.

U1U llLI IED IF UIMI 11,111,IOI 5 BR, Valentine Built waterfront with large aUp & side ties for 3 boats, straight view full length of lagoon. Pnced to sell immediately Fee land. Tom A 11:---

4 l"Ulll lMJn .

"SUWlll" VIEW! IEW II IAHfT 1141,IOO Fantastic panoramic ocean & rught ltght view from this single story "Cannel" Model. 3 BR, 2 BA. family room. dinmg room professionally decorated & landscaped. Shows hke a model. Community pool and tenrus courts. Very privaie. & secluded Including land . Donna God.shall.


Ult LIYHS 11,011,000 Exciting waterfront honw on --andy beach. 4 BR, fonnal dining. wet bar. 4 ' . BA. handsome brick fireplace & large gou11111·l kitchen + apt. A fantastlc fam1ly home Marv Lou Manon

CATWU YIEWS 11 llYllE TERRACE 1421,00I Large lot with pnvak ~·duded pool & hot tub area. Excellent owner f man<'mg available. 3 BR, 2 'h BA with huge Vtf'W livmg room George Grupe.

wru TO um com Pun 11to,ooo Super corner condo ~j BR. 21"z BA Large redwood decked patJO overlooking greenbelt. Fireplace, skylit.es. Greal kitchen with all amenities including garden window. Double gar­age with 2 openers. Close to pool & spa. Donna Godshall.

ICUIFlllT LIT S2~­P0SS1bly the most exciting wtute water view lot available on the California Coast! Located in the private oceanfront communjty of Irvine Cove, this spectacular buildable lot offers privacy, security, and access to private beach Fee simple. Martha Macnab/Barbera Callihan

O&llll UllU r&lllUllO IOUI YllW sen.­Beautiful 3 or 4 BR. family room. formal dining room home. This single story resJdence has been remodeled and professionally decorated. Shut­ters, skylights, plus many upgrade&. PooJ and spa located in private courtyard. Donna Godshall

Ill IWIYM TIWI .. E 11"1000 One. of ~e best buys in Big C.anyon 4 BR, large fanuly kitchen, all rooms light and bright. Lovely patios and yet almost total privacy. May consider lease option. Lucy Rose


Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 19M - 19

A sPectacular choice of homes and estate sites behind arded gates in

Newport each. From magnificl'nt townhomcs on the ,

grclndest of c;cales, to esta te-sized lots large enough for J substantial custom horn<.> ot your own <lesign with swi m­ming pool p/11s ll'nnic; court, to highly-t ra<litinntll ~inglt'-fdmily <letdche<l homes, Belcourt offers Jll the finl'st of the special w,1y of lifl' that is Nt·w­port Beach.

MANOR ONE PLAN 21 Rockingham Drivt•- 3,304 square teet, single-story, 3 be<lmoms plus den, 21 :! baths, entry courty,ud, 3 fireplace.,, 3-car garage. $730,000

MANOR THREE PLAN 31 Rockingham Drive - 4,263 square feet, t~o-story, 4 bcdroomc;, 31 :! baths, bonus room, vast mclster suite, 3 tire­plJces. $790,000

TOWNE PLAN B 56 Belcourt Drive North - 3,320 square ~eet , two-story, 2 bedrooms, 2V2 baths, fami ly room, privall' entry courtyard 2-car garage. $585,000

TOWNE PLAN C 11 Chatham Court - 3,471 squa re feet, two-story, 2 bedrooms, 2 '12 ba ths, family room, two-story living room, vast master suite, 2-car garage. $625,000

TOWNE PLAN D 8 Chatham Court - 4,432 square feet , 3 bedrooms, 31/2 baths, elegant formal C'ntry with circular staircase and over­hL·ad skylight, and an exceptionally impressive master su ite with sepa rate rl't reat. $690,000

GALLERY ONE PLAN f> Chadbourne Court -3,565 square feet, single-sto ry, 4 bedrooms, 31/i baths with family room, fully landscaped with pool a nd spa, 3-car garage. $995,000 ·

GALLERY TWO PLAN 57 Belcourt Drive North - 4,657 sq uare feet , two-s tory, 4 bedrooms, 31/2 ~aths wi th family room, bonus room and spacious master suite with sa una. Pro­fessionally landscaped front yard, 3-ca r ga rage. $1,040,000

GALLERY THREE PLAN 53 Belcourt Drive North - 4,299 square feet, two-story, 4 bedrooms, 31/i baths, master sui te with ret rea t, grand enter­ta inment room, fully landscaped with pool and spa, 4-car garage. $1,250,000

GALLERY FIVE PLAN NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 8 Leesbury Court-4,544 square feet, two-story, 5 bedrooms, 4112 baths, spacious master suite with retreat, great room, wi ll be fully landscaped with tennis court , pool and spa - nearly 'Ii acre of grounds with fab ulous night ­light views. 4-car garage. $1,575,000

GALLERY SIX PLAN NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION 4q Belcourt Drive North - 5,223 squan· fol•t. two -story, 5 bedroom., - each with privc1te bath - gn.>Jt room, library, wi ll be ful ly landscapc•d with tennis court , pool and ~PJ - over 111 Jcrt' ot grounds and a spectaculJr v1l'W !:>it<.•. 4 -c ar garage. $1.700,000

CUSTOM LOTS Belcourt makes it ea~y to buy your own lo t and build a dream home of your own design. C hoose from ocean-view lots and estate-sized lots from 8,000 square feet to 28,000 square feet priced from $375,000 to $695,000. A special financing program is avail­able for custom lot purchases. Please see sales representative for details.


See salesperson for details daily from EXCELLENT FINANCING. I I Model homes are open

(714) 720-1016 l'!. =============.i 10:00 ~.111 . to 5:00 p . m .


.. I


• . I





Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 19M

This Weekend!

•u, ,..., ~ dir.dory wlttl yoti IM• • ...._..., •• y• .. llo.M ..._ ... Al Mlt t.ceffeltt latM ...... •n •KnhM"' .,...ttt •t.il .. , ..t.trli .. ..... e.n i.. ... , ., DAIU P'tlOT WAtlT ADS. ,...,., '"•""- Of'9'I ho.ow• fer tet. or ,..... er'9 111NfH to llat -11 .... _,_.._ "" ""'' c.a..- Hct. S...,..y ..... s....,


1 BEDROOM 161 Lexington, Costa Mesa

546-2313 $87 ,500 Saturday 1-4

1722 Westcllff 11 11, Newport Beach 546-2313 $99.500 Saturday 1-4

1722 Westcliff # 11 , Newport Beach 546-2313 $99,500 Saturday 1-4

2BEDAOOM :t 3 Cherry North l:lnlversity Park . Irvine

759-150 1 Sun 1-5

* 4500 Orrington, Cameo Shores . 644-9060 $795,000 Sunday 1-5

1405 Buena Vista, San Clemente 492-4663 $175,000 Sat/Sun 11-5

2 1 Aue Cannes (Big Canyon) Nwpt Bch 675-6000 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

2711 Seaview, Corona def Mar 760-8600 $189.500 Sat/Sun 1-5

**6410 W. Oceanfront, Npt Bch 759-9100 $645,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

2 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 6 Coventry (Hrbr Rdg) Npt Bch

760-8333 $625,000 Sun 1-5

232 Ins. Olde Corona del Mar 675-6000 $380.000 Sunday 1-5

21 1 Marguerite, Olde Corona del Mar 675-4760 $595,000 Sunday 12-4

43 Montpellier (Hrbr Rdg) Npt Bch 760-8333 $399.500 Sat t -5

218 Wellesely (College Park) Costa Mesa 646-7 171 $128,000 Sundy 12-4

3 BEDROOM ** 1315 Bayside Or, Npt Sch

644-6200 $867 ,000 Sat/Sun 2-5

2240 Port Ourness (Hrbr Vu Hms) Npt B<:h 644-6200 $349,500 Sun 1-4

2592 Vtsta Or (Byshrs) Npt Sch 644-6200 $369,000 Sun 1-5

2723 5th Ave 675-55 11 $385,000 Sat/Sun 1-4

* 683 Governor. Costa Mesa 631-1400 $119,900 Sat 1-4

20172 Bayview, Santa Ana Heights 646-7171 $120.000 Sunday 1-4

2912 Broad. Npt Bch 645- 1446 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1:30/ 5:30

3268 Colorado Lane. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $134,900 Saturday 1-4

1201 Dorset Ln (Hlerst) C.M. 645-0303 $124,500

1747 Irvine, Npt Bch 645-0303 $195,000

3233 Iowa. Costa Mesa

Sun 1-5

Sun 2-5

546-2313 $124,900 Sat 1-4, Sun 12-4

1206 Key West. Corona del Mar 644-7211 $399.000 Sunday 1-5

20122 Orchid St., Santa Ana Hgts· . 556-8152 $128,500 Sat/Sun 1~

1951 Port Albans (Hrbr Vu Hms) Npt Ben 552-2000 $239,500 Sun 1-4

1954 Port Cardigan. Npt Sch 786-5200 $232,000

· 2956 Redwood, Costa Mesa 645:0303 $128,500

Sat 12-4

Sat 1-4

•4645 Roxbury (Cameo Shrs) Npt Sch 644-6200 $499,000 Sun 1-4

531 San Bernardino (Newport Helgts) NB 642-5200 $179,500 Saturday 1-5

108 Sequoia Tree. Univ. Prk. Irv. 6«-9060 $139.000 Saturday 12-5

501 Tustin Ave. Npt Hts 644-7211 $205,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

100 Via Cordova (lido) Npt Bch 673-7771 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1· 5

** 124 Via Lido Nord. Lido Isle, N.B. (213)947-2329 Sunday 1-5

3 BA plue FAM RM or DEN * • 2007 Holiday, Baycrest, NB

631-7300 $299,900 Sun 1-4:30

* 2531 Blackthorn. Eastblutt, NB 631-7300 $415,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30

**• 3432 Venture, Huntington Harbour 673-7300 $1,300,000 Sun 1-5

• 35 Skysall Jasmine Creek CdM 759- 1501 $428,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

• 3 Aue St Cloud (Bg Cyn) Npt bch 644-6200 $525.000 Sun 1-5

• 5596 Oakley Terr (Trtlrk) Irv 644-6200 $359,500 Sat/Sun 1·4

* • 933 Junipero, C.M 759-9100 $138,900 Sun 1-4

2104 Miramar, Balboa 759-9100 $295,000 Sun 1-4:30

16 Butternut Lane. Irvine 644-f)060 $199,500 Sat 1· 4

25281 Calle Baccerra, Laguna Niguel 497- 1744 $139,800 Saturday 12-4

217 Canal, Newport Shores 631- 1400 $360.000

35 Chicory Irvine 759- 1501 $159.900

1621 Cornwall Lane, Weatcllff, NB

Sat 1-4

Sun 1-5

631-7300 $219,900 Sat/Sun 1-4:30

1618 Corsica. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $131,900aaaaaaa Sat/Sun 1-4

1618 Corsica, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $131,900 Sat/Sun 1-4

1531 E. Ocean Bl (Penn) Npt Bch 760-8333 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

630 Cameo Highlands (Cameo Hinda) CdM 760-8333 $342,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

2302 Falrhlll Drive, Back Bay, NB 631-7300 $188,000 Sun 1-4:30

2237 Golden Circle. Back Bay, NB 631-7300 $159,900 Sat 1-4:30

5 Jetty (Jasmine Creek) COM 675-6000 $389,000 Sunday 1-5

1230 Londonderry St, Costa Mesa 549-2644 $124,900 Sunday 1-5

1215 Mariners Drive. Baycrest. NB 631 - 7300 $455 , 000

Sat/Sun & Dally 1-4:30

2923 Peppertree. Costa Mesa 546-2313 S 128,900 Saturday 1--t

1721 Port Barmouth (Hrbr Vu Hms) Npt Bch 759-9100 $249,500 Sat/ Sun 1-5

528 Seaward. Corona def Mar 760-0807 $465,000

209 Via Cordova, Lido lsJe. NB

Sun 1-5

673-7300 $550,000 Sun 1~:30

* * 106 Via Udo Nord. Newport Beach .•. 675-6161 $1 .250,000 Sunday 1-5

18782 Via Palatlno (Tr11rk) Irv 644-7020 $269.SOOfee

7 Crest Cir. Corona del Mar 644-7020 $220,000fee

874 W. Wiison, Costa Mesa

Sun 1-5

Sun 1-5

631-7370 $116,900 Sat/Sun 1-5

~4 Yacht Marta (Seavu) Npt Bch 759-9100 $349.500 Sun 1-4

4 BEDROOM • 11 Hiiisborough (Hrbr HI) Npt Bch

644-6200 $950,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* 1336 Galaxy, Dover Shores, NB 673-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30

• 15 San Sebastian (Hrbr Rdg) Npt Bch 644-6200 $1,395,000 Sun 1-5

• 3061 Capri Ln (Mesa Vetde C.M.) 979-3616 $499,000 Sun 1·5

2872 Ballow Line, Costa M6sa 673-6900 $1321000 Sat/Sun 1·5

• 2737 Cardinal (Costa Mesa) 557 -8320 Sun 1~

17 Deerwood Ln (Bg Cyn) Npt Bch 644-6200 $675,000 Sun 1-5

1222 Sussex (W .ch ff) Npt bch 644-6200 $219.000 Sun 1-5

8 Sen Sebutlan (Hrbr Rdg) Npt Bch 644-6200 $1,290,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* * 11oe e. 8afboa, 8att>oa Pen. 833-3644 $800,000 Sat/Sun 11-3

3500 6 . Towne<, Santa Ana 645-0003 $122.000 Sun 1-4

666 Via Lido Soud, Udo Ille, NB 673--7300 $595,000 Sun 1""4:30

24~2 Vista Nobleza, The Bluffs, N.B 644-9060 $215,000 Saturday 1-4

4 BR plua FAM RM or DEN • • 1206 Santiago Drive, Dover Shores, NB

631-7300 $570,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:;w

• 1500 Lincoln Lane, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $435,000 Sun 1-4:30

• 1600 E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa Penn 631- 1400 $525,000 Sat/ Sun 12-4

* 1925 Windward, Baycrest. N.B 673-1181 $349,000 Saturday 1-5

# 19 Toulon Harbor Ridge Estates CdM 759-1501 Sat/Sun 12-7

* • 2104 Yacht Mischief 631 - 1266 $380,000 Sun 1-5

* • 2107 Santiago Drive, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $329,000 Sun 1-4:30 .

* 2500 Lighthouse, HV Hiiis, CdM 675-6000 $360,000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

* * 2658 Bayshore Dr (Byshrs) N.B. 759-9100 $1,650,000 Sun 1-4

* • 3 Point Sur, Spyglass Hiil, NB 631-7300 $540,000 Sun 1-4:30

* 4500 Orrington. Cameo Shores 644-9060 $795,000 Sunday 1-5

•• 60 Drakes Bay, Spyglass Hiii, NB 631· 7300 $495,000 Sun 1""4:30

* * 831 Via Udo Soud, Udo Isle, NB 673--7300 $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30

2137 Alba East (N.wood) Irvine 632-2137 $178,900 Sat 1-5

2704 Albatrou, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1-4

2830 Carob. Newport 8ch 644-7020 $325,000 Sun 1-5

* * 415 Bayside Or, Npt Bch 644-7020 $550,000 Sat/ Sun 1-5

c 40 Drakes Bay (Spygls) CdM

759-9100 $425,000 Sat/Sun 12-4

• ** 1617 Bayside Or, CdM 759-9100 $995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

2928 Cliff Or (guest) Npt Bch 644-6200 S595,000 Sun 12-5

2412 Cliff Or., Newport Beach 873-7300 $515,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30

* #37 Cootbrook (Turtle Rock) Irvine 642-5200 $248,'400 Sat/Sun 2-5

977 Dahlia. Corona del Mar 645--0303 s 165,000 Sun 1·4

1981 Kornat Or (Mesa Verde) C.M. 645-0303 $215,000 Sun 1-4

1108 Dolphin Terrace, Irvine Terrace, CdM 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-4:30

509 Evening Star, Newport Beach 857-2121 $795,000 Sat/Sun 12-5

1441 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores, Npt Bch 548-5647 $375,000 S/Sun 12:30-4:30

2774 Mallard (Mesa Verde) Costa Mesa 979-2390 $230,000 Saturday 1-4

'40'4 Morning S"'· Dover Shrs/Baycrest N.B. 759- 1501 $645,000 Sun 1-4

* • 415 No Star Lane, Dover Shrs, N.B. 673-4400 $995,000 Sunday 1-5

I • I • , .I I

1070 Pescador Drive, Dover Shores. NB 631-7300 $590,000 Fee Sun 1 ...... 30

• 1948 Port Albani, N.B. 644-9060 $325,000 Sun 1-4

1844 Pon Charles (Hrbr Vu Hms) Npt 8ch 760-8333 $339,000 Sat 1-5

1400 Santaneua, Irvine Terr. COM 759- 1877 $280,000 FEE Sunday 1-5

1326 Santiago Or, Dover Shores. Npt 8ch 644-7424 $595.000 Sat/Sunday

1251 Surlllne, Corona del Mar 640-4868 $320,000 LH Sat/Sun 1·5

4501 Surrey Or (Cameo Hinds) CdM 552-2000 $289,SOOLH Sun 1-4

2015 Windward Ln (Bycrst) Npt 8ch 552-2000 $319,000 Sun 1-4

1834 Tradewlnds, Baycrest. N.B. 644-9060 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-4

1826 Traoewlnds, Newport Bch 786-5200 $360,000fee Sat/Sun 1-<4 ,_

104 Via Havre, Lido Isle 644-9060$550,000SSSSSSSSS unday 1-5

435 Vista Trucha, Npt Bch 760-8702 $249,500 Sat/Sun 12-6

2015 Windward Ln (Bycrst) Npt Bch 552-2000 $319.000 Sun-1·4

1909 Yacht Puritan, Seavlew, N.B 644-9060 $429,000 Sunday 1-5

5BEDROOM . 442 Begonia, Corona del Mar

675-6000 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

* • 1808 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-7171 $595,000 • Sunday 1-5

5 BR plua FAM RM or DEN

•• 1362 Galaxy Drive, Oovef Shores, NB 631-7300 $610,000 LH Sat/Sun 1-4:30

• 1600 Anita Lane, Westcllff Area, NB 631-7300 $335,000 Sun 1-4:30

* 1606 Sea Bell Cir, Npt Bch 631- 1266 $579,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

. . ...... 6 Trafalgar. Harbor Ridge, N.B • 644-4910 $1,950i00o · Sat /Sun 1-5 ,

1857 Braemar Way, Newport Beach 631-7300 $295,000 Sun 1-4:30

•• 16 Geneve, Harbor Ridge, N.B. 760- 1900 $1 ,995,000 Sunday 1-5 1

••#51 Goleta Point Spyglass. CdM 759- 1501 Sun 1-5

3050 Hayes (Mesa North) Costa Mesa 979-2390 $133,500 Saturday 1-4

•• 101'4 Mariners Or. Dover Shores, N.B". 751-5989 $975,000fee Sat/Sun 1-5

21371 Pine Tree Lane. Huntington Beach 968-2297 $163,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30

1948 Port Dunletgh, Npt Bch 786-7500 $339,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30

* 708 St. James Place. Nwpt Bch 979-8280 $385,000 SatSun 1-4

200 Via Orvleto, Lido Isle 644-9060 692,500 Sunday 1-5

1032 Whltesalls, H.V.H. Npt Bch 644-9060 $399.000 Saturday 1-5

I BEDROOM * * 333 Via Lido Soud Lido Isle

644-8200 S 1,300,000 Sat 1-4

I BR plua FAM RM or DEN • • 807 Aldebaran, Dvr Shrs

644-9060 469.000fee Sun 1 :30-4:30

· .

1422 Keel Or (Hrbr Vu Hla) CdM 845-0303 $424,900 Sun 1-<4

* • • 101 Mitford (Cameo Sttra) CdM 644-8200 $1,975,000• Sat/Sun 1-4

**710 South Bayfront, Balboa Island 640-5078 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 .

835 Via Udo Nord. Lido Isle, NB 673-7300 $798,000 Sat 1-<4:30


1 BEDROOM •• 412 Brighton Springs, C.M.

645-0303 $89,900 Sun 11-4

2BEDROOM 755 Avocado, Corona del Mar

675-6000 $185,000 Saturday 1-5

9 Ocean Vista (Seavu) Npt Bch 760-8333 $535,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

512 PolnMttla. Old CdM 644-6200 $239,000 S&t/Sun 1-5'

18706 Racquet Lane, VIiiage Crt, Hunt Bch 963-8377 $127 ,900 Sat/Sun 1-5

78 Sea Island. Big Canyon, Npt Bch 673.-«00 $335,000 Sunday 1-5

* #23 Westcfltf VIiia (Westcllff/Oover) NB 642-5200 S 140,000 Sat/Sun 1-5

2 BR plua FAM RM or DEN * 773 Avocado, Corona del Mar

673-7300 $189,500 Sat 12-4

2711 Vista Umbrosa, Bluffs, 673-6900 $310,000 Fee Sat/Sun 2-5

38EDROOM * 11 Swift Court. Newport Crest, NB

673-7300 $198,000 Sun 1-4:30

• 551 Vltta Grande (Bluffs) Npt 8ch 759-9100 $208,000 Sat 1-4:30

512 Poinsettia, Otd CdM 644-6200 $259,000 Sat/Sun 1-5




2 BR plua 2 BR 64 Beacon Bay. Newport Beach

675-6000 $425,000 Sat/Sun 10-2

4800 Neptune, Npt Bch 631- 1266 $275,000 Sat 12:30-4:30

2 Br plua 3 Br 420 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar

675-6000 $385,000 Sat/Sun 1-5


4 BA plua 2 BR plua 2 BR 436 Carnation Corona del Mar

759- 1501 $449,000


Sun 1-5

4 BR HOUSES 298 Bowling Green, Costa Mesa

557-2732 $875/mo. Sat/ Sunday 1-5

• Spa *Poot


* • Waterfront * * * Waterfront & Pool ,.... Give addreu et QU*d



- I

\ - - -~~~---------------------------------------------------....-..... --------,.

22 - Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertla!ng supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 1984



Expansive size - Approx. 5,000 sq . ft. custom home on 1/3 acre lot.

Unparalled view - Back Bay, City Lights, Mountains, Fashion Island. Nearly every room has a view.

Refurbished - Near new condition, new pool, spa, wrought iron . fence, custom drapes, all new brick work throughout.

Quality - Leaded glass doors, brass fixtures, tile flo~s, double dressing room for master bedroom.

$975,000 fee (land in process of purchase) Financing - $250,000 assumable 1st., w/Gibraltor S&L.

New first of $560,000 available. Owner will carry. Pool & Spa - 5 Bedroom + fam. room, each with

walk-in closets & bath.


.__1 investments, co. 714 - 751-5989


LIDO Bl YFROllT 5 Bdrms, 4V2 Ba situated at a super location. Built in 1976 this home includes elevator, gourmet kitchen, indoor sprinkler system for plants, a dock for at least a 70' yacht. $1 ,990,000.

DUPLEX 011 THE WATER With pier and float. 3 Bdrm + 1 Bdrm. A tremen­dous buy at $475,000.

TWO 011 l LOT Steps to the beach. Two separate homes on oversized lot w/ fireplaces, garages, assumable loan. $269,000.

BEACH HOME Large 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba w/ built-ins, fireplace and only steps to the b,each. Way under priced at only $159,000.

BlYFROllT Beautiful 4 & den, dining room and 3 car garage. Room for 50-60' boat plus side ties. 11 314°/c, . financing. Now only $1 ,250,000.

TRIPLEX One charming home plus 2 newer apartments in back. Fireplace, built-ins, clean and well main­tained. Private patios and a huge 8 x 12 jacuzzi. Nice residential area. Only $245,000.

LUSE OR LUSE OPTIOI Beautiful brand new condos in a gate guarded community w/ocean and Catalina views. 2 Bdrms, den, 2V2 Ba, 2 marble fireplaces & all the bullt-tns including A/C and central vacuum system + security system etc. From 2000 sq. ft . to over 2500 sq. ft . As low as $2500 rent, and if purchased the terms are fantastic! 113/ 4 fixed for 30 years. From $488, 750. Only 3 left. (Owner/Broker) .

JACOBS REAL TY, INC. 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard

Newport Beach, CA 92663

-- ~-- ·- "'-- ~

~~~~--~~~-----------------------~----------.................................. ... Orange County Real Estate/An AdvertlSlng suppl"1lent to the DAILY PILOT/Saturd , Janua,y 28, 1984 - 23

THE DAILY PILOT ..... 111 lalt ..._ lklalt ..... 111 Wt ..._ 111 .... LASSIFIED OFFICE HOUR ... lnaal 1111 liwaJ c ten .._al 1111 ltwal

lephon.e Service: onday-Friday :00 A.M.-5:30 P.M. usiness Counter: onday-Friday :00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.


onday esday ednesday ursday iday lurdav nda v

Sat. Mon. Tut-s. Wed. Thurs. Fri . f r1.

DEADLINE 11 :30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. :1 ·00 p.111 .


ncellations and c.:>rrections may made on same deadlines as

ove. Please ask for a cancellation mber when cancelling your ad.

RRORS: eek your ad daily and report

rors immediately. The DAILY LOT assumes liability for the fir~t

correct ir.sertion cnly.

LASSIFIED 642-5678

you're not ahoPplngl Fumlah your new apart· lasslhed, you may be ment .,1th furniture found ayln g too much. through cla11ll leC1 . 2-5678. I &42-5678

IUIH 11111 SMt,000 Elegant Lowest price ."Jodelle" w/Pe11thouse views! Beautifully maintained thruout. 3 BR. game nn., fam. rm. & expansive deck. Financing to suit buyer! Jerry Thompson. 752- 1414.

WIE Cl CHH 1111,IOO 4 BR, 2 ~ BA, dining nn, inside laundry room, lowest priced "Riv­iera" Model in C.OSta Mesa. Fresh­ly painted & new carpets through­out. Corporatton owned, priced to sell. Lorraine Reyes. 551-8700.

TIWlllll W / llATSUP 1221,000 Three BR end unit w /patio on greenbelt. Security gate & slip for 35 ft. boat. Fabulous loan avail. w/ lender who took back prop. thru foreclosure. FEE. Julie Van Wieren. 752-1414.

USTlllFF wm 1211,000 Enjoy the Newport Beach life entert.aming around your beauti­ful pool! This 3 BR. 2 'n BA + family nn . ho~e offers great ocean & city light views! Beverly Nelson . 551-8700.

Daily Pilat .. .3he

Realtor~ oline


That's what Regional Vice President Ralph Freeto of Walker & Lee/Great Western Real Estate says about the accomplish­ments of ERIC LOCKEI Eric entered the real estate profession In a difficult year In 1982 and sold in excess of $2,000,000 worth of property. As a result , Eric was admitted to a prestigious "PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL" - Walker & Lee's most setect group of top producing real estate professionals. Eric improved his expertise In 1983 and sold in excess of $3,000,000 which garnered him the honors of Sales Agent of the Year in the Newport Beach Office for 1983. Eric has a long list of satisfied clients who feel that the next best thing to being an Irish Sweepstakes Winner is to have a hard working Irishman like ERIC LOCKE assisting them in buying or selling real estatel


Ull ISLE Beautiful Country French, peg and groove floors, huge fireplace, European wallpapers. Security gates. 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths. Step into a wonderf u1 life style. Affordable financing. Pnced to sell.

., •• ,...,..,, .... , 1-1 SHl,800

.aTDllH.fll ''"'...,....

OIS:: )J 975.5511 ·&

111-1711 llMlH

ELEllllNLn OllM II Ill CRiii HL 1111

Stately charm, beautiful trees, se­cluded spa, hidden by lush foliage. Tennis courts a serve away. As­sumable 1st T .D. Min. cash down r~q~ired . IWllll WILL LUll/ IPT1M. Asking $385,000. Open Sat/Sun 1-4. 2723 5th Ave.

COLI OF NEWPORT REALTORS 21111. c...a ...,., c... .. ..,




MONACO - Huge, manicured yard. Move~1n Condition - $235,000 Fee

CARMEL - Lowest pnce in HV Homes! Assum. financing $229.500 Fee

:~~~: s Q_LJ) .. ~~1!ecor -PALERMO - 10% Down. Buy Fee land or lsehld. Lg assum. loan

PORTOFINO - Pride of ownership -$329,000 tee'. 4 bd/ bonus rm

ALSO SHORECLIFFS - Canyon/Ocean views 4 BR, 4 BA, lots of upgrading

BA YSHORES - Two Story remod~ w/priv bch access. Gated community

DEL TACO RESTAURANT $335,000 10-/o return - you own land & bldg

BIG CANYON VIEW CONDO $275,000. Prlv 2 car garage

TURTLE ROCK CONDO $249,000 fee 3 bd, 3 ba, view


760-1397 673-7761

..... Two ..-. .. ONGS THE STWES


--------- --- -------- -- . --

DPWI PALO• IHt• MODEL PERFEX::T. This 4 BR, 2 ~ BA Sea wind Palenno Model has been beautifully customized. Includes a family sized yard Wlth a spacious wood deck . Excellent financing. Danny Bibb or Step­hanie Jones.

llllUYM IUIMI PRESTIGE LOCATION This c:ozy, warm, 4 BR, 3 BA home offers a pool siz.ed lot <>\l one of the finest streets in this country club conununity. Danny Bibb.

.. OUYM lllt,OOI This very secluded 4 BDRM. 2 'h BA plan Il Broadmoor has all the quality & custom features you e pect from a prestigious Big Ca­nyon locaoon. Danny Bibb.

• ua• 11111 llH,llO VIEW. Jodelle Model. This home offers luxury and comfort. 3·8&;--21h BA, fonnal dining rm. & a panoramic view of all Newport & the Blue Pacific. Low interest rate financing. Danny Bibb.

lllC&IYll $111,111 GOLF COURSE VIEW. Elegantly remodeled Deauville Model. 3 BR, 3 BA, with the very finest of amenities. Everything just like new! Danny Bibb.

WIUl llHE 11,2H,IOI NEW TRADmONAL CUSTOM. The finest of quality 4 BR, 4 ~ BA, library. paneled family rm, fonnal dining nn home.~ on a spacious pool sized lot. Owner will ex­change, excellent financing avail­able. Newly listed. Danny Bibb .

Ill C&IYll $111,000 FAIRWAY LOCATION. Thas 3 BR. 2 112 BA customized home has all the quality you would expect from this prestigious location. Fea­tures an incredible kitchen . Awail­ing your gourmet thoughts. Danny Bibb. '

lllYHSln PUI 1111,000 Popular 3 BR, Cambridge Model in University Park. IRVINE. Cor­ner lot. Walk to schools. shopping and transportation. Excellent con­dition. Perfect starter home. In­cludes land. Stephanie Jones or Danny Bibb.

WIUI YIEW ... ES 1211,000 Outstanding HB H Montego Model with family room . .Beauti­fully landscaped, move-in con­dition , quiet location. Available financing. Danny Bibb & Step­hanie Jones

Ill C&IHI 1111,000 This elegant remodeled 4 BR. 2 112 BA P lan IV Broadmoor on a cul­de-sac location offers the very finest of appointmen ts. A large view lot only steps from a park . Well pncc'Cl. Danny Bibb


24 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlstng supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, January 28. 19M ........ w. ..... ... .... ..... ... laJ• ....... 1&11 , ....... lalt 1;; ..... _____ .. __ .. _Jt ___ , __ ;:;;;;;; ___________ ..........

twal I ...,al IMZ lwral l ltwaJ 1

11121 ..... al 1111 ltural I ,...... 1112


BEST IN: BLUFFS llYUllFlllSUOITS 106 Vw Lido Nord Open I Tr ditional 3 Br, 3 1/> Ba. &yfront. pier , • ...._

FIOIT ""' YllW Suix•r E Plan Highly upgraded. Large cndosc..-d pall<>& 3 bd. 2 1h ba, huge family rm, form dme $279,000.

Cloat Cor 65' boat Pnced to &elJ $1 ,250.000 Neat new 6 8'. 5 be. con­tempory on • 5 tt lot

lllVl•E TEllUOE s1.•


UUAISUTUll UNOBSTRUCTED 180° VIEW Ope1 S111tlar 1-1 320 Oftrt (ttf Or11tla)

FllllfT ROW Ray Wdtl·r Vluw. Lg :l bd. 2 1"2 ba, f am rm $429.500. llOLDllll Ull. Owner has boat shp avail f1ir nt>w buy{ 1 .

25 · -50'. Best loca t1on

Panoramic bay & ocean vww from 4 Br, 4 Ba. pm10. pool homt!. Prim«> l0<·:H1on $775,000

Large euatom hotM on eictfi large tot WUI con­sider trade down lor usable property S1,3i5,000


VISTA DEL LIDO IAYFROIT F<Jbuluus bay & mountain view l Br. & , l'Ondo m op Low1-sl pnt<t>d at Lawson I SUPERBLY CRlnED MASTERPIECE Opt1 Sat/ S111 1-1 2423 Vl1ta ltlll111

HI HIT :i bd, 2 1n ba, highly upgraded $:l95,000 lle•lt y Comp•n)

• 5 Bedrooms * 7 Baths Good location $213.500. . BAYSIDE PUOE IAYFROIT 714-675- 4562 • Family Room • Library

•• 4 Fireplaces • 2 Wet Bars o,n S11•11 1-1 HI Vista lt•it• Sixx·tacular ooytront dplx 2 Br. 2 & up.

2 Br. 2 Ba dn. 2 boat spaces Redut't.>d $1 ,500.000

IUUllHPLU • 40-Foot Pool-Spa • Security System

' FllOllT ROW Bay Watt•r View. :i bd, 2 1n ba , end umt Shows hh a modl'l I.CUI· IH Ull. $=l49.50U Appointment . 553-9202.

Corona del Mar charm Cost e Meaa price S 150,000 2Br a 1 Br Gar­ages On alley Joan Howe Bkr 675-7696 $1,950,000 PE•11suu HOIE OCU•FROll'

A JOINT VENTURE DEVELOPMENT OF: FHIT ROW Swt't'pmg WJt.er bay view. 2 lg ma'\tt•r su1lt'S, Cam rm. eating area m kit . $395,000 l•CUDIH WI.

Ol't'an & Jelly views Mam1l' room, 4 Bt . :~ Ba. :noo Ml ft 4 c:ar park ing $1.285,000 4HHIHI


6 TRAFALGAR•OPEN SAT & SUN 1-& o, .. 1111111 1·1 221 lata (off lelllt11) COROIADO CAYS IAYFRO•T Costa Mesa location close Corona Island cust bayfront lot 85' hoat 10 Sh~ping and achools

644-4910 HELEN B. DOWD > • The OWr\ef 11 an11lous to

dt'<'k f Jans avail Now $370.000 w trJdt: I Mii and wants rast ectlon Submit yoor PfOP<>U11

ARROWHEAP NOMI on lhlS property '°' a


OPEN SAT / SUN 'ustornan>d 2-sty al top o( Spyglass \.\.Jth aral<tSll< ()(' l'Ctn, l>ay & c·aly Vll·w Vt•r> H'IV<.tlt· Jut $695,000 Call for appt.



NllllOll VIEW NOIH Lov1·lv & vc·ry popular MonCJl'(J w/:J Br g .. mlc·n katt-hen. looks onto out­door p.illu pl~1ntall11n l>hUttl'rs, and 111 ·ut1.il dl'(<ll $1HJ 000 uf ~-;umablc 111.111 ... Pru r·d <Jt S:!:S!:l,500 Opc·n 1.4 Su11rl.n 1~51 Porl Alb<rns 552-:!000

CAMEO Nl&NLHIS E1111v 1x:Nin & Catalina vwws from tht.., lovely light & airy 4 Bdr home w vJultc."Cl t·e1hngs, Frenc·h doors. and pl.1nl.dt1on shutters Qutl•tly located wnh use of private beaches. Pnc.'C'd to ~·II ut $289.500 .L H Open Sunday 1-4 .J ~»OJ Surrey Dr 552-2000

ltllllOll VIEW HILLS (:nr~ec>us 5 Br. 3 & w/ ICJVl•ly canyon vww Perfect famiJv homt" Showl> like a model wtC:!egant country dt'(.'()r Lu~h landscaping wllh lots of bric·k Only $37~.ooo 552 2000

PRESTIGIOUS HYCllEST Luw•ly 4 Br C"ontemporary Ivan Wt·ll.., homl• lrnmaculalt• w /oak flrs & <.'a banN.s, rooms OP'·n onto l'entral courtyd rd & 'St fanam 111g on market Pr ac·t'd to S<.•11 at $:11 !1.000 552-2000 Mpc.•n Sunday I 4 2015 Windward Ln


I Find what you want Ir, Dally Piiot Cluettiec:11

644-0134 180-8121 N B o.. k , - home or Income ear nt.'w 4 r . 4 o<t , 1<1 e vtew .boo sq. 151.3191

Traditional Realty 631-7370

IS09 ttalioday SA

I llR + IOll

1 llff den

.l BR

7?S6 H,r·I~~, CM

1619 Way l n. tdM

351 Allor ::A SA l BR tondo

?063 Pr~Sldtml Pl CM j 8R

2196 Mm~t CM 7 8R

l/31 Northwood SA J 8R cotldO

7089 Sidle CM I BR

11111 fR

S llR f II

168 W 20th 1111 LM

JSJ I .. rP.enbridt. CM

10~1 W W11\0n CM

168 w lOth ::C CM

?118 San Juan. Oil

7Sl6 Duke P1 . CM

7160 Mendo1a Dr CM

7377 Marg,ret. ~B

J BR condo

J Bii pool

I RH R 7

J BR condo


l BR

j BR


1 BR

1814 fulltrton U noB l 8fl cOfldo

1814 Fullerton U 11C 4 BR tllndo

n04 1 uslln. CM l BR fR

71 l~ San ludn CM ~BR



sm.'" Sl45, ...







sm.ooo Sl24,SH

ms.ooo S125,000


sm .... SUl.SM




SJ ......

Slit ....


SIU ....

•BR sue .... ~08 ',411 ~rnard1n<> NB 1 BR pool

600 [ Oc",antront II I C NB

108 ! Gr <I< r I n Riv 4 BR 3 iert1

;>037 Kornat CM 4 BR fl!

7~1~ Cmtw1,,. NB - l BR rR





TDP,l&LllY hts 11 a perfect example ol how to ovef improve a property lncludH the best of window cover­ings wallpapers and carpeting 91\d paneling that betongs 1n the otfiOe ol the chairman of the board. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba With pool. recrea11on and greenbelts. Prrced way below cos1 at S 139.500 751·3191

BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ft. $440,000 Will trade for a local prop- C:. SElECT


341 Buy\•d·· D• ·v·· P\I B 67~ 6161 WllLHll I provide qualilied P90Ple

HISE UYH 2-'-'·I I to rent your property Over ·~ acre in Newport BYy units and watch them TRW report • appllca11on Baek Bay area w/dble appreciate Two side b'.JI form + prol ... lonally wide drive for horH Side duplexes in NewpOft

1 dratted leue lorm ofler­

traller. RV, etc. Two nice Hgts Buy one or ~t 2 Ing YOU maximum prote.c-2 bdrm, I bath homes. 1 and ask for quantity dis- lion Call Pete Johnson block to trails 759-1501 count If you're really am- 63~1!'1- 1!1!1211!!66!W~~~-

~~~~ ~~~~::~~~ t:l4!ti=t!4 C:::. SELECT ' -f"iPPROPERTIES

Final Phase SALE Of

~Vendome I Condominiums L--~~~~~~~-

o,,n S•llln•1 1 S11n•1 10 •m 'ti/ d111k

A Toi•/ ol 11Units011 ,.11 Acr11 llODEL #OW FOi SALE AT:

1845 Anaheim Ave. (off 19th) across from Costa Mesa Park. Costa Mesa

A desu;ble localton spat1ous 1n1errors . open space w1lh greenery and a reasonable selling prate present an unusual O't>portunity to own your own home This unbeatable combmalion could not be duphcaled 1n today s economtt enrnonment

• Two ~tory . townhouse units • Appro~1malely I 270 square feel • Ground floor enlr ance • 3 bedroom 2 bathrooms • l1v111g room w1lh b11d. wOOd burnine fireplace • Built in k1tthe11 with new apphances • Ad1oin1ng d1n111g area • One car garaee. laundry lacrltl1es. private p<thOS • Community pool & recreation area

SELLll& PRICE: $97,500

fllralllte4 Mt4et Prlc11 11 1l ,IOO

WA TtllfRONT ttOME!t, IN( llfAlTORS I 1r/1m1,,. A~h 2'-16 W (. ..-1 I li~w.ay

beltevable S 162 000 l•-;-~-~-~~-~-:-:-:-:-751-3191 , . To pteo. yow ~

befOfe the rMdlng public,



I ~re vou-...lust - oo no'"> We flke browsers In I cfass•lled 642-5678


CIUal'= ~*78

******* OPEi HOUSE SUIDAY 12 to 4 211 l1r111ertt1, Oltlt Ctrt11 .. , •er


Walk to Coast H1way shoptlt· short dnv« to Newport Cc·nter I I IEWJI YEllY CISTOM 2000 141. ft. "CllmY

I FRHCll", 2 I~ bdrms w / pnvate patios, Family Hm. c;ourmet K.n.c·hen, Custom Oak Cabinets. Sub-Zero Refrig. & ThNmatronat· Ovens w / Microwave Quahly carpeting thruout, t:M!aut.Hul 2 11 m<:h Shuttc!'l>. FranclSCan Tiles, Custom Hardware ms1d<• & out, pre-wired for music system, sound-proof double win ­dows. sound-proof belween walls & floors . This is the e-nt1re grou nd floor o f a one s tory condo The entire second floor IS

213 Marguer1tt• oc'Cup1ed by O WN ER and IS NOT FOR SALE Designed to look lJke one residence, ll lS actually TWO Condos. Security System and Fire Al.ann System, Fire-Proof Roof. Redwood Siding -stained white, Custom Gutters & Special L ighting. All Doors Brass innerlock weatherstripping & Brass Thr esholds. Lg Mir rored Oak trimmed wardrobes w /Cedar floors Mstr Bdrm has Whirl ­pool Jet Tub, Lg Shower, Bidet a nd dressing room. Lots of storage space and t:upboards thruout Asking $595,000. w / $95,000 dn and private 11 ~% finan<' mg available. See OWNER/ BUILDER ON PROPERTY or call 675-4 760 for private daytime l'how1ng.

~port ~At-fl. CA ~~"I

631-1400 111-4110 -·---·---P* ....... *~*a.;..:.*~*~•~*e:=~·


Orange County Real Es1ate/An Advertising supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 28, 19M - 25

=-~=:-..-1 !!!l!!l!..!!!.!!!!~-t-----.. ....... ;,,;;;;;,;;. __ = ...... =::..::••:..::::kl=ll;......_.i; ...... =;.;;.;...;--...;:lal~ll----- ..... •• .... ..... ... ldt ........... !!~~iiiiiiiiiil~ln~&tusriialimiiiiiilltn Ctnu ..... , llU C.ta llna llZ4 c..ta.... 1124 Dau PtUil IOZI

MAI-KAI BA YFRONT Totally remQdeted 2 Bd, 2 Ba to suit the most discriminate. Bay lites & activity from llv. rm. w/mlrrored f-place - dining area & kitchen. Mas1er suite w/garden lanai. Owner wlll be creative. Of­fered igi $689,500. Arllss. 1217 l1plff Ir. ,,., IH. 1·4al0

HARBOR VIEW Impressive 4 Bd & fam. rm. Broadmoor w/great views. Form. VU-dining, 2 f-plcs. Am for pool. walk to Newport Center. Vacant. ready for your offer. $320,000. L.H. Jeri. 1251 Surfll1t, 04111 o, .. 111. 1·1

BIG CANYON Fabulous pool and lush gardens is the "Icing" on this spacious 4 Bd & den slnble level. Lg. master suite. Pvt. security and 24 hrs guarded gate. Owner will assist -reduced to sell -g. $599,500. Jeri.

14 llr1lq TrH I•. .,. ..... 1-4118

BAYFRONT Great location w/pler & slip for 2 lg boats. Spacious 3 Bd & den. library & bay VIEW, form. din. Open - airy floor plan - perfect for the entertaining exec. Offered g. $1 ,695,000. Harriet . 121 M1rlter Isl. 1•. 1,.1 111. 1-WO

CONDO N.R. SO. COAST Listen up - singles, this Is perfect for you! 2 Bd, 2 Ba Cape Cod In feeling w/ brooks, trees and comm. pool. Assume hi-loan. Must sell - $119,000. Jeri.

RENTALS Laguna -Summer, May thru Aug. Across from park & 180 degree ocean view. Furn. $1600 per mo. Barbara.

Newport - Sec. Bldg. Lovely thru out. turnkey living 2 Bd, adults, furn. $1600 per mo. Barbara.

840--4888 2125 San Joaquin Hiiia Rd.

Newport Center

Pele Barrell Rea/Jg prejen/5

CUFFIAYEI - IEW UITill SpacioUJ, lovely to see and beautJ · fully decorated. 4 B<irrns. formal dining room. See this home wtth exciting floor plan. $269,500

WHTCUff YIW - IEW LllTIH Park-like grounds, popl , spa, BBQ includro with this lovely ground floor unit with 2 car attached gar­age. Shops, bank, medical facilities and bu.c;lint> nearby. $140,000. #21 Wtstcftff ¥1111 l1t/IH 1·1

C.r .. r Wtstollff I hYlr, 11.

TREH - UlE - UWI These are your 103 feet border on the sa·nta Ana Country Club. Thili :i Bdrm, uniqul' home at the end of a quiet cul·dP ·Sa<: is exciting t.o see. $250,000 . 111 l11ters Circle o,9" 1111,111-5

HYH SMllU - VIEW Owner must sell. 4 Bdnns, 3 baths with· large entry pauo and pool Grea t view of back bay and Fashion Island Asking $375,000 · Brmg us your off <'rs. 1'12411IHJ, II

UHlllL HYOIHT - IEW LllTill The serach for your dream home will end with this super clean, beautifully decorated, well built residence. 3 .Bdnns and den (or 4th Bdrm)° and 3 baths. $324,500. 1100 c. • ..,.,. .... , ....... , 1·1

SllSHS Ill UJLS - VlfW Loveliest Cliffh aven - overlooks harbor and ocean . Ready for im­mediate ocrupancy - 3 Bdrms.' tude: away den, dining, breakfast nook - all with THAT view A.qk . ing $495.000 includes land

141111111 "· •• o, ..... ,11 1·1

OU _

All!_.. Ma• Bflltany Woodt twnh.9e 2 BR 1'/• ba condO by SC IOIUYllW Ollll - .... 95" - Super C:IMn end unit 2 8f PtGI ~ l4000 to .} BR + den 1750 eq fl.

J lterr I.;. Oe41 28a. lrpl, 2 ear gar '83,500 l I pey 12000 of low down payment Take Ownerwlttlr*'8IOI'? Sub- $149,900. Devtn R.E YOU( eotttl Low down ovet $121 ,000 In ••· m11 any and all otftt1. &-42~&8 5&&-1e2e1na..2sao tumable loan• a 150.500 Priced to Hll at By Owner, 4 Bdr 1•4 Ba. •Br. 2 baw/atuic:nga1on O.J HarkeyReat&tata S539,000. Cell for attow. w/w cpt. i'•" too. 60 x 120 corner lot at 911 •H·lllG 1ng

1 .••

1211 1122,soo ea · 1744 v1etorl1for•towpr1ceot ftntila

- IY OWIEI l93.500 Call &-c&-t3M l 034 Contemporary charm Ullt.mlTUL _V_all!z_.._ ___ .__ ·mm • • •

48R /2'-"· over1lzed LIQUIOATtO~ll Gorgeoua LmlF LIYIM Mosaic tile pool/jecum 2 & 3 Bf condOI w/eay 1 • ar. 3 ba. llv "'"· fem rm 2 •tory . upgraded. M... to~ 10.50'\ftnanc. S140.000 839-&eoa Vlfde ., .. 2065 Ft~ 1ng Prae trom 171.000 But lt1ek IMO

.. Ly I« llW'I 1ngo Under $250.000 Ptl TheM ar• BAQ.AINS tot ·-·· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Je Cell 54&-6092 lrivatmerrt or to ....,. In I 3 Br. 2 b• and 2 Br, I ba , auure you they w111 be ....... I 1325,000 Ownr 642·5290 By ownr. 3 Bt, 21' ba IOld this w..ic For d• T tneloted

009 f

•.2 La. Condo. Skytlles, deck, tett1 c•ll P.ATRICK wo •- 1--... J'.'_, . • n v 1 patio 2 c:ar ger w/opnr TENORE 760· •102 t • liMPra .,.., ,.... cotnet

Bulldttl apeelel + 2 BR, Poot ·a jac. S124K, wlli -v • ag I lot. Xlnt buy at 1110.000 Iba. hou ... Plana don. tl4IQ down, etc. 540-4083 llSllm ITUL CaN Century 21 SURF for two, 2 ti()()' eot10C. at _.;;____ (HM l ~tat Unit) 538-7542 7 1 1 M 8 r g u e r 11 e •l,lfll llllllll Cozy 2 Bf hN & Bad'I unll 1--------S 198.000 20% dn. Like NEW 3 bdr w/epa lrt (R/2 lg tot) Npt Ht1. Act --Ulf llW Ownr/agt 720--1101 mag BEAUTIFUL aree Only now Call John Zatvos

5139,900 w/ tef'mt To 780-9669 or ~-5583 2 sty 4 Bdr 2 Ba. eompl IPYIWS llLL 'ee c: •II PAT A IC K R S I refutblstMld. nr &Itson H1 Open Sunday 1·5 TENORE 760-8702, agt VIKING EAL E TAT:_ Ownr / Att wilt help

•7 Polrtt Sur, lt\Mp 3 bdr SllllllULI flntnee ood valve 81 .. Po r I• mo u I h ,' LllHI IEPI 3 Bdr 2 Ba * /pool + 9.5•1. S135,000 66M221 -wtmagnlllcent vtew of E.llde $150,000 condo, Euytoas.aumeflnanolog Open House 1- 4 ·30 Catellna & city light• tend8' will aacrmce for for only S 119.900 EX· Thurs. Fr1, Sat, Sun 5 Pnc.d at $549,000 UBR coat S129,900 EJ«lelt. CELLENT nelghborl:lood Bdrm O.n. 3 Bathe 673-n71 end unit Joyce Weitze Oon·t ml11 thlt one! $183,000 Sl'lowcue

631 · t266 Won'llut. Cati PATRICK home 21371 Pine Tr ..

ftHIPWEI YIEWI TENORE 790-3702. llQ1 ~':t ~~2~ner R ! Three un1t1· 2 for Income, IEW CHIOI - .- •

1 k>r o~ta(?) on pie· Avallabte now, mlnut" to lmat 1044

I turetQue OCean 81Yd. LOOk af tl'lls great buy! Lrg beach 2 Bdrm. 2 be hilt C1r•lff T ... •

Watch the boat• glide by houM on cul-~sac 5 From $105,950, low Univ ~ Tttrace 2br/ 2ba from your 3 bedroom Bdr 3 Ba. pool, patio. down, exit financing $132 500 PIP 551·1&82 penthouse. 2 bedroom lldeyard S182 .000 PresoenVlttas831-7799 . apt °' from the studio! Devin R E 642~ CHARlllllG Reduced to $960,000

(Catt fOf •ddrn1.) · ~ OWUT PllCll IPEI IHI( I Upper Unit 2 bdrm, 1 ba In IPEI .... 1-4,. 1um SUN 1-4, 1088 SALINAS Woodbridge • Vlllege

'LI J _ / ,1,1 MESA vcROE • ,-124 900 RV acc:et1. pool, 3 Bdrm, 2 Green Nloety decorated. f')(JWtll C((J,t Vfftn b - h I 3 B t>a Meaa Woods home. -fneludff boOlccata and

• uy1 you 1 11 mmac r Pr t c e d to s e ti at shelves. Exc.llenl Quiet ~ ,,l,i,e~ nome Open House 5156 900 10"'"' '"" ·~ ~ 'Wlf' Set '$un 1·4. 3233 Iowa · · £W.c

673-8191 llPLD IWYEIHILEIAICE tlsor I IM1 E Coeet - ca • Ir. 21.L 11 ...... _ Jual ll1tedl Adult oe· I

• ...._, .. ~ 'n -· CUpled, 3 Bdrm, 2'h ba ea ty I

Hit, 1Ir.111 • .,t. with pool & IPL One of / 0ntrt•ttffftt4, M-:2~~~aflnest. Ask· 786- 1172 ~\ h•ltnlNfftr. ~LL 0AN54<h1 15

llO-IUI l.Y. llLFCHllE 3880Mlchetsonorrve

lrYlne 14 FlJIWlY... LARGE YAAO S260,000

Prea~'g1g';:.:~~uc IWIEI HIPIUTI Woodbridge, JM Pete<s Ownerfle1tlble on price Mult NII Pay closing Ownert"9t 1'86-5687

S 5 co.ta. Assume all loans. 2 OPE~~~:rl ~· 1• br. 2 '1t ba, 2 sty almost IOITHWOOD ·

TH Ill •II Agt Emy Burck le C/21 new condo In developing I Park Paseo 4 Br 2'i Be 2· A rare combination 1n 979·36 16or962·8891 area Owner, 64>9689 sty detactied, lam rm Newport Buch of a b19 Owner Says "'SELL .. 3BR w/ wet b~ lrplc. A /C house on a big tot with a Fixer Owner/ Help beaut CPll & drapes b19 pool and a ltttle price IEll YElll Ill LfYEL AnanGe GI t..o Down Priced 1000 5 below tas1 4BR 1-story c:uS1om on a 4bd 3ba, huge 80tar spa. $98.000 Agt 720· 1060 selea S 1~2 .000 in ~m lovety street In Bayc:rest 2737 Cardinal 0'*1 Sun LET'S GO TO HAWAII ltn Has to be one of Loads of off-street parlt· 1-4 C/21 Agt 557-8320 O'LEI CALL DAVE TODAY' ~~~~~ b~~n ~u~s s:: Ing for Clmper9 ltld/or DAVE WHITE 546-2313 1-5PllA 20 Alba East boat~PENSAT . 1-5 -- - THEREALESTATERS Ownr 832·2137 Prtn

1926WINOWARD S111,IOO llyoullnowwhatyouwiini l only

I IEWPllT llTS I to adverllM but don"t OPEN HOUSE BY OWNR

l.-11E-l-•n 2 Bd. leaM expenaive 1n know how 10 lay It. let us Tu~tlerock 3 Br. lrg corner v• ...-n ...-an area Assume l10 t000 help Well-wrlllen c:lasst- lot Fee land $178.500

Betty Kerr Realty

Very special CdM duple• 111 To 1-iurryl Delle fled ads will pu1 you tn 5442 Kenosha ~I IC.tt!l .tl Mar 1022 Remodeled '" the very Delgado 631· 1266 ag1 touch with the rlgh1 Sunday 1-5 833-2110 , ... 'ai-'a 1007 - bell of taste. 3BR. family _ ' people 842·5878 .....;:;.;,;;;;= .. =-.....;;.--.- .EIOLlllYECllUCIYE rm nome + a 10R de-

TllLY Ill IF a 11111 1sa1e.1eue or leaM option latched apt Walk IO .... c"iiii'•;•;;•u;;iiiii;;;• •;Z4~C..;;•;1;•;";';;:;;;';'Z4~1 UICIO WI ........ L<><*lno tor a bayfront I 3 8 d r 3 '-" h o me tlOl'es and beaches Price just reduced on view home? Thia hocne hu It w/atevator + ~an view, A one of a ktnd cu•tom townhome OWNER IS altl so·x90· tot 4500 IQ tt j Slaps to b .. eh Only property Home ~ In· YES - IT'S TllE ANXIOUS! WILL STANO

1a• 1 1' Including lull ' maid'• ~ $595,000 w/~reat tttm1. come. 3BR owner• unit ' ' IELIEYE Ill ON HEAD to sell OI' ex· 1007


guest qtrs room for eo· · To see cal PATRICK 2BR, 2 car encloMd gar· change. 710 s Bayfront ;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiii;;;; boat 60' undy beach & TENORE. agt 760·8702 age. pe unit. Fabuk>Y1 You CAN buy a lovely large 3 .Bdrm J.DoranBkr 759·0169 ebaotutety perfec1 for flnancl~. --------

80 Deg' VIEW l&LllA PIMISIU family & entertaining. l••t+IHst+lttH•• Ill· 1111 & Oen (or 4 Bdrm) home with 2 ltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Near bay and ocHn Opn Hae Sat/Sun 1-S. *IElllll M1,000* I•------- Baths, Fire place, double Garage - TWI .......

rm. 5 ba + 1 B<guest ~aiT':i:.:',C:::. 928 E Balboa Bl Clint Spotteu36301fduplax all for under $125,000 ALSO fea- il41.MWI. 2 1011 & ~ dock. One and half batha. R-2 Motet 831- 12645 owe lst-1~/rlong te<m Ctlta •na JOH lures hard ward floors . R-9 energy 4~i~nM1"!°'1 Open lot Ottered at vtrtually lot 50931>rtlba+5t>rt,~bat ·!.:!: .. iiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiii;;;;1 saving insulated rei langs, a burglar Sll,IOO FILL PllCE

v a 1 u e own 1 r Aeac1a-wa .. o.......... 1101 OOO In Walnut Square . e neat 1Ytrwte4 IO.. motlveted .Wiii consider 399K 2<19'. dn·Appralled , alarm system . front & r ear yard auto- & dean c unit 1n an exc:et

CILL 140-1111 r e a 1 0 n 1 b 1 e 440K own/ t>+<r 645- 7048 New paint, roof. bath, cop. matic wate r sprinklers, covered patio 1en1 1n11de location Va-Off8' .$210,000 "-··· ...... , 1022 1•"tlE n•••o1 pet plumbing ~ 3BR with AND the h ome backs lo a t:onvenaent cant and available Call umE IW * llOOAlllT ~• ,.. nw nna room 10 expand us tor deta11•

Large unlls In IYpef 111· IUOI conllE '210,000 FEE Fa .. orable f1nanc1no l' lty park with childre n play areas, IU· 1211 ale Owner wllt carry Darting 2br. tba. walk to Talk about a great buy, By owner bbq st.a nds. picnic tng, and a winding ... e 111 TD with 15•1. lll-UY·IUOI beac:h ONLY S 189,500 this is Ill Comfortable 175-1130 '1dewalk £or moonlight strolls What n Trade for Income Cindy. broker 760-8600 4 Br & family room hOme in <• ntt'4.' homf' for a low r1•asonablt· t J':

periy, or?? 1390.000. COTIAGE Open House Sal/Sun 1·5 wonder1ul Corona dal ha::--.----- I 'W ecques 645-9922 Agt. 2711 Seevlew Mar loc:atton Family pnc<•'

___ 2000 IQ It. 4 br, 3 ba. Ip. _ neighborhood. biking Oitl 01., ... 1

Jth••t•, •ealttr s ..... Jo fl 11 wno nMd ~ 1106 E. 8alboa. Open 11· distance to bay & beach 1 • n o your .,... II PY na Y That'• whit the I 3 Sat/Sun Bkr 833-3544 C.11try Frtaolt 11,IH Open Sunday 1.5 ~-=~ Wiil ltt 1,11 Sul 1·15. ~~k:C:O:to~~~ ~: DAILY ptLOT ,..-,, _,., _,- I~ J yra new •BR & 2 BR l400 Santanella 1210 lH ... t•&.•rry It "'-st I a denandable c:ar In


ERVICEDIRECTORV "ctatri.ct~~MllaU $419,0007090rchld Cheshir e Ru ltors 8 8 . , -

1 Ill -11 G1a111... • 1 0· 1 lOI ~ 75i -187'!_7 __ J_ ____ ~---=1..J••mmm!!!!!ll .. """11!!!!111~---.:.l~-..=~~·'-'~'-~·~W:!..•:.:·:.:·..:·.:;,.:~:.!:.

- - - -- - --- -___ ....;..-___ -- - -



--IHMt t.1 We l1un ler lalt ...... f• lalt lnMI I• Sale ...... ltr tale AlrHJI l 115 llnatalA, Dnm H lfYi•t IA4 I L lOll M I Ill 1 It t tilt 11 X~ES. XD u1lllU; Inert 14 !!fld lt1c. l!!J!!t ltac• 1 .I ..,... ltu• I l!fl!" IC• .,. vi.w ot CANYON LAKE. PD tennl1 CiU6 3 Br f L

111msm PAii *I llW 111111* "•TALIU YllW LIW Hn 135.ooo. 879~ 1.e15 condo. Mtn vu. e.c Gata. , tngl• story townl\om•. - · C s 109 000 furn Own I

2br, 2ba, 2 car gat • many llHlll PO.oeo VHI• Bo!~ 1 Br Condo, Lrg 4 8d 3 e. In P'tl'-1 1aatrti 8191340.9595 340-03 upgrades, p<lmelOcauon C11m t>Yllt 3 & 'Bdr C'P9 loon« model. Complete- tfgloue arH A••um• ~ Prtttrtt llSI $ 129.000. Auum f!Nnc Cod hOl"Mt In Npt Hgl• ty dec~ator furnlah«I $180.000 1•t.T D at 11¥· • CREATM ti ll &u•aatt 1600 Sale/ lea.M option Print" w/3 C¥ garlgM Prof wHI\ many upgradH Hurry, u won t last OLIO 2500 IQ ll'l\All offQ ;a Bi 31% 6i iUo 000 only pleue 786-0719 decorated. landteaP9d _Sl5l.OOQ_ 83l·7~ UYlllllE . PROPfRfl"C: INC: ~~i·CX:-:~~~1~9~8 equity e2e ' Malab•f

1 _ •---L 1a.a• Incl pvt M1tr IUll" For .... Ol lrade by owrv; IDT 1'11 ITlll I "-'> ' 8'~7219. S.. ed under -1•u ~• '"9 wllrpt, eauna & Jae tub 3800 aq f1 4 Br, 3'~ ba, •+ 3 Bdr 2 Ba owner'• w/on. 1 Hou ... for Sale Npl Bcti

lllll Y• Hiii I There ta 80 muctt more'° C# gMege on Vt aer.. Bdr renlal 1 blJc lo OCHn. llWPllT II.YI. LIT -- 4ri'D on a •P«190Ulat OCEAN come by Sat/Sun to genuin. bay vlft, appro11 7 yre new. Sacrtflclng at PlllllTI 80 ,t In a highly trattlc Gtat1al •&H FRONT LOT. WhllewalM \:.~•!.~b'=•C Bl I• 50 , 000 eq u "I· 1289,975. GrHt flnanc. area Gr .. t expc>eure & f.(PiJViiiiieiiiiiabOY.,...e_a""lhMJt!""'"~lhl"'lliiap~a,~1 view 3 Arch Bay So p t icic T &:J 1 1286 Of $550.000 lull price. 8 e avail Call for more Info. trMlltlom , -t~s~IJ!. perfect for multl-etory hr ftom oc In an elegant· Laguna Guarded gate ar . • Malabar . 84' - 7289 . IUYD V4I bl~. Own«wlHconelcNf ty rurn mobile. bUy Of

area w/pvt bdi, tennta courtety to bkra fllllUllU ~,; ~~'!t~':r~: ex angea. 1350.000 ..... w/ opt $&5,000 Ot crts, ctubhM Owner Fri Cute Remodeled 2~1 , Bdr 3 Ba Cl'•t OCMn YU w/ rOOM Mdltlona, spa, rent at SA50 877· 7911 thru Mon 7 1'1•99~70. hoUM to bey, on a duplex Aaaum• I 1H,OOO ai ~ ftooring. library loft ftmllU,.. e73-29tl T~ Thur 213n19-115i •••-fl llUt* lot. New Plumbing, g•· 12%. Aaklng $359.000 and cua1om detalllng. Hear ferry Md beectl wtth -. ----... --,-..... --_.--

Fii SALE -• llD8 + RV Panctno. c.11 to Submit yow oftet. Complete financ ing opponuntty for good 11gn ... ,;;;;;;; ..... ;.;;;,::;;;;..,.;;...._1 .., Private Party h .. well .... • • • . I 1 8 9 , 0 0 0 . IBM llLUll peck• .vellabte. raciognltlon. Now I\• e•· I~ lelcla Jiff

., IWIEI J cured 3rd lruet deed on 714-873-3771 Ag1 111·1111 OPEN SUNDAY 1· 5 l•Ong t>Yslnw. Owner 31f.fia conao oo::n High above Laguna 8 .e' ·" =:, =. ~ •. ...ull 1903Y9dltAeaotut•. wltl carry ht TO. vu.'wl d, aiae. Av~ 2115

.. ,.op of tl\e Wof1d" with I °' l'IOuM Sll0.000 at 11~ You wtff be fatelt1eted •• ,... S38S,OOO. I $1750 Yrty 850..()504 spec tacular mountain due 8-15 equity S36 000 wtlef'I you ... thle ~ P11ce Reduetlonll Now tl\e

1 --

viewt r"t1 thll 4BR 3ba Further detalte 6'8..8e25: ltghtful 1<9netngton model • 90w9et priced 2 llot'f ,_ WARRl"'RONT LJll llU EuroPNn Slyte Chalet -- In HetbOr Rldg9 '8dnn LIWllT,_ home In Harbof View. HOMt .__ 3 B r 2 Be . Furn Sp.c: mllr 1ulte In- 3 .. 8.:.,. Ctm\e-ma unit Al ~~Id~,.~ wt added bonuS rm, apec. - -- Prime location and con- REAL ESTATE S 1760/mo ltwu 8-8'. eludes l r plc & Jacuw """' ..... ""' '-~ ~ bar, decofator r.a r-9'111• dltlon. 8ood terma; Seier 111·,_ BIM ONndy 87s-.8181 $249,500 doe Xlnt flncng Ownr- wtndOw CX>Yet1ng•. cstm tmmec. 3 Bdr Hllfbor Vlft win ceny

Open llouM SUN. 1~ Agt Must Mill 8'2·9Me C41bl~ and •t~.. fenwty home wtthln .... J~AHN DORAN, BKR. .............. . 3 180 Mountain View ·--al ~ 9-\dtcaplng & ter- Ing ·dletanc:e to echoolsl lff.1111 , ___ • ~illl laaal 2212

C9"'· 2220 173-3750 111 + _.,, 1

rlflc view. $&25,000. 0pn N9w cpt, tlte, le\lelore, & ..-. n HORSE LAND IN LAGUNA sg:;:ar:=.·1:n:: Sunday 1-5. 8 Cowntry. ~hr=t 'r:"~,~~~~~iiiiiiiii 11n II I ., • ....., CANYON Graze and ride bar + . more.' ~nly Lynn Valentln• Prop 123 000 Opn H 8.i Ii tnvwtment ,... estate Of· 1111• at home 3 ' . •er••· 53-49,999 W/lefml To 7to-e333 12 ~. . . 19 5' ": 0 r I .... n .- nee looking f()t •ioc•• MllH IULn I $ 195 000 °' v. 9CTes. ,.. call PATRICK WU Card1g11n. Agt 78&-5200 ' bf. 2'A be, cu•tom full Sll11P91.ot1e or Bro- ,_,,,, ... , $9 0 ,0 00 Agt H l lll• TENORE 78CM702 agl 14'1 n..i-~ Or •Briden thNoul Penoramlo view keta. Aleo offw ~ 1 4/11M11• I

7 14-494~67"' 2...._m STULi


2 ,,~,ba two 2 w ........... , .... ,., Opn Sun 1-4. 2015 Yacht m • n t · a y n d 1cat1 on 1 • LltHI litatl 1052 ,..,..,,.,,;,, ........, '• a lot In 2br, 2ba, panoramic M lechtef . 1429,000. ' QCIOrtunH.... 38R 2ba. 2 c. gel'. Aval

- - UY I om V1EWI ---· ,......,.. OClMfl/bay vu. S.CUrtty. MG-523& Tom Lee &42- 1803. 1/30/8'. ~ of IHI UTllNY 12-4 APP<o• S35K belOw mktl =.. 06..~1~5 g:•r f.3.49,000 PIP 85CMM9 11 ~ - ttwy, Cell 714/l50-3801 21211 C ...... .,. Approx 15*1.dn. 38 R 2ba· OPEN HSE SAT/SuN. .. II L.91 anaJllWI al ACAOSS FROM BEACH °' 8"-1534

-Owner motlvaledll Up- ~2lO: & R~~R e & a~ 1;30to•:30PM Smashing Cape Cod r• UT/-1-1 Super ftnendng, SS0.000 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii graoed 3BR 2ba. !amity ar or g Robinson Rttr 64&-15M7 ... ~on ..... lo1 ' bd 3 •·-t H ....... tron• r- ___,, per untt. Fe. land. NEW & 1 .--. decor, 2 rm hOme Great t>uy and S255K Must ect nowi ....,_ ..., . , ........ ..., ,, _ ._, I• ..... ~ ... , terms Aaking s 139.800 John Zatvos Vllttng R.E. ba. terrific d«:of. Only vu. 5 Bdr + me6d'a q1", 11.1111111 , atry twnhM, pvt an-Wiil lease/opl 780-9869 or S40-5583 SA40.000 Nancy Napier. pool, apa & muchm«e. 1 UU .... 11 trence, 3 bedrom, 2ba,

I CANNERY VILLAGE RE· 1808 Saa Bell Cir pvt ~ patio, bultt·ln

Ti1rr1 .. llel ACllSITITMITlll! A LTY 873- 3777 or 831·1288 Rua ty 4 unit condo bldO, ltlnt. IOtal'len.dlnlngarM, gat, Lac1tH lo• 411· 1144 Stunning Baycreet 4 Bdr 3 Pool/ '""a. 3 cat "•· 3 •99-.4802 _ _ Guinther Ooeanalde ar-. l265K. leundry tlttup, flteplac1t.

I - It L -


9, Ba w/retrectable roof .... ,. Ownr. 87:MI038 Comm. pool. Acrou from

..... rt IC• .,. 1 th frplcs $595,000 ,_ land. IPT llT1 _,.... peril $850/mo , I opening ovet a u gar· Open weekends. Vecanl. 38' 2Ba, uaume I 1$3,000 ' unit, C.M .• l249K. Con- CORONA 0£l MAR View

10-X..... den atrium. O.algner Bkr 844-7•2• 8112%. owe 2nd. L- aidet take your auto., of Aau & "-'ht• acrou 3 B ,....i,. amenities incl. wet bat. 2 _...,., prop. °' etc tor pet1 o4 f .,_, k"""·~-

Exqu1s1te r ....._ner lrplcs, 9eJ> Matr aulte. .__......... t>Y1t11n cablneta, llke new DP 751


. .... rom par . .,_.,rator hOrn9 11HarborVlew Ex· mirrors & 3 C« gaf'eg9 c ;::7c;water ~ r--1 Complet e with reel ...... . • · ~· ahatp s a.d. French cell 90"/o f in avall Great 'assumable loan ' · ' barn/wtit pic:htt fence. Pllll MWI ; doora. e1rium end dining. $269.000 Rita 631- 1266 t now fixed at 11¥•1 ()pt'! tauranta OWC all nnanc- 1227,000. 2912 Broad. Pride Of owner9hlp , .. , Good lnveatrMnt 1$4,000 $1800/mo.

Sat t Sun 1· 5 112 6 Ing. S1:;~~e R.E. 845- 1448 ~ duJ*tx steps to Now Rented. 3bf. Iba Wlhrtnllt ..... Trad• w I nd 1 Ag t Ocean front cott• on the aand on f .. land. Waa houM, lenc.d y.,.d In .... 111· 14M 786-7500 Pen In• u I a Po Int 132.5,000 now 1215,000. Sunnymeed. 551· 1705 '

UYnllT- IAllllWi 1'85, 000 hrma . AV perking & spa. Each 120:000 HWI 2 Br, elegant decor 873-3777 agt. unlt hat a frpt .Aaum. ~o;.;;;1;:;;--;;;;;;;;;;TD;;-;•~•;-- 1~ Wid Bii

Take<>vef payments On sand, w/boal allp. Fixer superb comer loc:atlon loenl Of S 18',000. Diane -- • 3· 00.,., t1 home • Bdrm. Uppet PNCeful etmoa.- $3 5 9 5 00 H r-~ 83t- 1288 To·-m· 4 8', 3be. d9n, dlnrm. oer.

·3 .. bet Poot spa .. Owner phef'e. ptenty 01 Pfkg &40.97 ; 4, writ 566-~~ ICUlflllT .._ TRa..PLEX F~ SALE BY Ho pets Yrty I 1100/mo must sell' Prin only New kitchen. 2 bf, 2 ba • W•t Newport By Owner I OWNER. COSTA MESA 213-395--3511

7 14-548-1732 11 tra rooms. $325,000 AREA PRIDE OF OWN _ Mra Long. 65()..1190 tllf ll l MIT· 11~ h. 28drm 2 Bath · - BALBOA ISL.ANO

res/ 645-5430 « 76()..3820 ERSHIP 2br trpl large petlo 2H UllH lPPUaUl ··- .. , - Prest Galed Community Double Lot. Ownera unit se5o mo 875-9585 Npl Hgts 3 Br 2 Ba. lam Ill -ill •"-" FantastlC View • llghls & --- - UI Ill Lii ....U hu 3 b<lrma. 2 ba. walj(- =-.,,.,.. ____ _ rm 2 lrplcs. 1 yr old 11"1• fllied rate, 30 ~· harbor 3 Bdrma famlli. IOIAI fll Walt! to .nope, bMOl'I, Bel In ctoaet, frpl, pantry and S207 K 2345 16th St Monaco with belt C rm, formel dl'""e rm, In- Newport Creat aeller Pief. ferry, , .. , . 38'/ 2ba kitchen w/blt·lna thruOl.ll Ptalaaw 220'1 645·4670 view 14 Rue Vlllara hm spa, 3 ba, 3 car gar aniclous Plan 11 Mov.in ea. 218 Bal Bl 873-2943 • 2·2b<lrm1. Must ... lo

Open wknds 640- 1538 age Po ol/ 1enn11 cond i tion Aak i ng appreciate Only 3 yeara 2 8', 2 ba newer duptex, * • OOU• YIEW * * ... UIYll $750,000 Att &pm cal s 169,000 Call Pele ... c1...... 1076 old Wiii contlder trede yrty. Mature non-emkra • acre 5 BR, 2500 sq tt 7 14t 760-95360nr/ agt J-"n..,... 63 1 • 12.,.~ -·-tr lor cornjO °' ??? Call Nope11S650 (213)aTM Executive 5 Br wf xtra ex- "" _,, , vu .,..~ _._ HOUSE WJTH POOL d-"' 3B "~t W ... .,,_..._111 1 .. 05 BUEN'"VIST'" 831·4•02, tam . 6 pm, 799--4195°'257·9792 Oa.rl s•T/ Sll 1·.a pan """ room. a . .,.. _., r_,.,. .. " "' alt I J k Gerl

n • ,. I model. pool, tac ., good That's rlght-5 Br 31.-'I Ba Sat/Sun 11-5 Ocean bluff a Of ac Of' · Oelltef\.11 2bf 2be mod dee 708 St James Pia~ I financing. Owner/ teller fOf'mal dining, tam rm, In condo w / day & night ORANGE COUNTY lel1ure patio 1800' • OWIHtlt-1210 Nego t i able terms eludes eeparale gue1t'1 apectacular vi.w. 100· 48& 72or t ZOunll• 53$-t1900..1RltyFEE

- S799,000 834-9255 qtra, S339 ,000 Opr IHI UT/Ill from atalre to beach undef 8 x grou, ptlme La Custom l\ome on Pan •FHEOLOSHI * I ILIFFI Sal / Sun 1~:30 194E' 1201 Berlcthlre. W•1cl1ff Priced right, must ... 1 lnYettment Cati Agent Pofnt. 3bf. 2be, den. 2 Oc.ea , " tew 4 Bdr 3 Be • POf1 Ounleigh Ctr lrviM from 1-'·30 3 Br 2 Ba. 2 Kent Realty & lnV91t• 71~558-1817 CM gar boat llorege

w lp<Jol spa & tennis 3 bdrm. 2 ba $149,5001 Coast Rttra }86-7500 frplcs, 2 patio. Thia at· menta 492-4863 Pllll If......... ll800 mo yrty 873-9'97 Was $435 000 win SAC-1 Over $ 100K uaum Prln tracllve home hu b6et'I • --- IOO

• RIFICE 10< $359.000 To only 760- 1995/640·9050 LE.ml WAITI llTt tastef ully upgraded l~Ut l1at1 l BEACH • -PLEX Pentntuta P1 Exec hOme, see c a ll P AT RIC K - PllOEllWIUI w / plantatlon ahullera 26r/26a Your PflV•te 71 Two 3 Bdrme & two 2 2500 aq tt , dill 3 Br. 2'A lENORE 760-8702. agt CAPE Cll Mull sacrifice at big loU lhruout Beaut Oak ape & encl. porc:tl. Small bdrma Auume lte&K. Ba, lrg matter bdrm

Charming 2 Br 2'h Ba on this eicqulalle 4 Br. " kitchen w/lerre c01ta fir , peta, adulta. 645-6458 30 yr ll11ed Priced et 1Ulte, den, fem rm. 3 •TlllSISIT* co ndo i n secluded ba - 3carger - onqulet, Jenn-Alra atove, truh S219K . 6 yrs new frplc 'e, slept to bey, nr

Owner leaving area anCI Harbor V iew Knolls aeclude<S PVI beach Fan- compactor. new 08t'arnlc 123,000 depreciallon bMctt. alarm, No peta IPav1n9 cash behind Mountain & ntghl light tastlc V18WI 1r1• !Inane- Ille, walk-In pantry, etc llUILW PAii write otta Call f°' appt Yrty IN . 500 K St By Spacious 4 Bdr 2'" Ba vieW F0<mal cllnlng, split 1n g 1 o pe n h 0 u 1 e , Front courtyard entry TrlpM wtde 30'x80' large IM0-2•89 Abercrombie App t S 1 9 0 O I mo pool home w/ vleW Only Mlvel natural WOOd trim Sat/Sun l2-SPM adorned w/wrought Iron llv lng dining -kitchen •-• t..!-J ~ "TS 6'8-2575 S239000 wl 1erms To T i p - lop cond i t i o n 509 Evening Star Ont) fence and Iota of brlCk. area, 3 bedrooma & .. 8111e • ~-- -- -see c a ll PATR ICK S285,000 Lynn vatentlne $795.0001 A.- for Art a Th11 home i. a M UST 3Baths-bothllghUdark- 3200ft.nrBr I Baker Catbtrau TENORE 760-a702. agl Prop 760-8333 Jane, C-21 , Bualnen SfE A eking only 91' lnlerlora. ~•1 10 rec 3 pf\ue wt~ atorege t.1e~ Ull

llHt. ltac• 1040 Baat. ltac• 10401 857 -212~ ! 30· 5880 ~:~·~ w:~~,e~:'k ;~J9C°' atea. AQt !'.:~Lie~ fl 6'6-16&3 .. .,&11111

COINUn LltllUTIOI WIMI l.ll-X. Lill


.Jo~ 111 beach from lh1!> b«•a ut1ful 2 BR. 2ba ·!'Ondo In a full se<·ur1ty <·ompl~x. Only 4

vr!'. 11ld Tf•nru:.: pocJI atu..l ~pa fal'tllCi~

1111,IOO THY IULn 141-llll

Liii UYHllT 631- 1288 t.t1 111 lllt HM 3 8' 2~ Ba In-home apa. Quiet locatlon. 5 Bdr ' '-' LOOKING FOR REAS Canyon Gi(e Wat;tfon1 mod. upgrad4td klteh4tn. Ba. dock for 60-70' yectlt RENT? Try a moblle IOt 195,000; °' &ltdlng frpl. 2 ctt gts W/Of*'*, e I e v a I o r . g o u rm e 1 home Beaut. 5 Star lot S 18,000, 679-1875 I ~ ~~ 1 ~~ ~·~1"~~::i'.hef'eo:mr'~~. ADULT PK. 2BR 2ba. DANA POINT • 2 .,.,.ete m 0,. .'ea:'i fo' 0 I m 0

R ea lt y 6 75 - 1670 SantaAneHe'ghla3Br 1 enc:f porc11 • .,.= ;in Iota priced to Mii Each 881-3801, M9·3•21 640-6926 evea Ba lar99 yard. newly re- catry loan . ..., • all tot approJClmatety 50 11 80 ~

- modeled 556-8 152 M Graham Agt 551-2380 w l lh o cun v i ew a C1naa ••I lbr MA' LllO ISU/ IWH FLO. SEASHORE DR corner • VAC ATJONReTREAT , $130,000 tor both 2 bdrm. 1 ba, gar, watM Sell -$4 75K

1Renl · S1900 duple•. atepa 10 oc::ean. '74 Terry tr•ller . 30 tt. Cell Linde 8'2·5200 dry, refrlg 2 bllet from

mo Trade Large 4br. w 1th v iew Ask 1 n g loaded, Ml up In park nr beech Newty dee S 1200 beaut cond 675 9103 s175.000 Owner mlgl\1 all year stream at Lake Need • patnte<? Nee<! e mo Call Answet Ad 780,

LllO .lm, •• IT finance. Agl 840•9839 Arrowhead . 2 minute houHkoet>ef? Need a 8"'2-4300 (24 fin) walk to lake Free atand- baby11111r? Need a

3 bdrm Sell/trade/ le... SEAVIEW BAR HARBOR tng anow root Great f~ bfNk? Fiii l tloM needl M ove a mountai n o f Opn Sat/Son1-5 12•VI• 3BR, 3Ba, OceanVlew kid• AllealatS12,500 t hroug h , CIUllfled metchaM IMwtlh(;IHal· Lido Nord 213-947· 2329 $379.900 Cell 644 5821 8"'4-2196 ell 5PM 642·5678 lied 6"'1 ·5878

* ~

• I 4 00 • ~ Q)

~ •

>< Q) • ~

• I 4

-~--~--~~-----------------------------------------~, .. . Orange County ReaJ Eatate/An Advet'ttslng 1upplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Januaty 28, 198"4 - 27 .................... ~ .................... ,.......... .............. ...... .......

~~°' 2 ''f9~r18 W4 lsua llptl USJ llln Ult Saa Cltwtt 1171 C..ta llN 1124 C.. lut. 1tac• 2740 $1750/mo N4'W twnt\N 88R(2+0en) OCW'I, • eonao 31t. 2L. ;;;;, Exe*. dWMtrt 1 br, end. 1 Br. p.ilo. • OU Pd. 4 Bdr 3 Ba 2 car gar, 2 tty

Grundy · 975-8191 ! FOR RENT 2ba, wa1h/dry, re1r10. be, bltln kit, trpfc, yrty Country ~eeor . pool. gar. No Pttta.. R9frla. etec. avail 311. 00/mo Reta twnh~. In hllltop WOO<I· · l..llQVna HKll 3 & 2 Bdrma. ~t. view. Ree facll., $175. 552"9038 Quiet, no Pt'- StOO. ranoe. $410 642·6"4 1eq'd No 1)911 1'1 ed MUll'IQ Quiet· & pvt

t 2bt, btt-ln1, gar., t175-h50. Fenced Y•d• g.,.8(18, 1950, 85~ 28' 2be w/• .. ·•Aated kit frOl 1 4~58 8 ............ _

2 8 2 ... Ftowet. 64 Hl1 Sloped ctlllng1 Pv1

ry lac, S625 mo. 708"' a GW-0- Kid.I l .,.._ _.. r..: ~ ...... ..- ' · ... w/ pvt -- patio Pool/Jae IHO cl•IU& Al/'8. 5sa..N 1t welcome. MJ3.0756 ....... '• ' dbl gar kid pet MOO I ~ .... ... patio Ci.an ' thatp Newer 3tllf 2ba M. V•de 1•1. 1811 ' MC "2..0178 10< AflP 0t &40-87159 ----- - 5311-8180 8-t FEE so cc; Plaa § iidtm 2 &a NO'W 1111eant $495/ mo. home, atrium, open ~-----"lil..Q:"l' Vacant prest1~ 2b.: M~MEV"""""' 3~- 2nd ~ condO 2 • 2 ba. ~ hnw o• N50 cell Clll ~ Wknd• & •ft beM'ta. S 10$0 mo . no ..,.. """

1.... dOM to --~ .....,., -rv _,.m, 1 ' • !'."""" 5PM 857-802t ... , pet1 gatdrw watttfurn .. . klda ok 1175 Keith 1715 oarao.. and 1175 and 1round fir S3M180 Beat Alty FEE • • ""V ~is.3827 ._ePml wttndJ Ovle1 2 ... 1 ea . .,.., 982-447l, "8-M53 hlncediard1 Kld16pet1 =!!,8rPootb:e!:: C.a•• aiaat - PflllLIFfYllW N'i0i"°2Bt

2 Ba Avall ap- be8Ctl !5tS~865e

1al. lac 2248 ~:.01511. No ,.. (Or Furn)S50-0504 U1l1raillal4 MIO ~y112~2::.· ~.,J:· prox Feb 1at: "4115/mo. C:::;:0·l ~ig1 'h~~0~· 'BR BEACH AoUSI I rl .. ~ Ult 3 BR, 2~ BA HARBOR 3 Br 2 L. garage, POOi. lrplc s7so. Nopeti 21si No pet• 180•1418 Ot 10104 A.ciot <:Hele

298 Cedl Verd. Avall. Feb. t No ..,. IC RIOOE-OUAROEOOATe lac .• 2902 Camino Pacific . 931 · 8107, 94'2·7528!'4'orwkndl Open Sat/Sun 1·4 142•1111 Pttt•· '600. 836-ff2:11 1~10 oc.en. 3 Br, 2 enn11. pool•. 12500 caotltrano, San Clem. 865-0eeS ouyl! TREE APT8 6484108 0t 53e-1oe2

-..,;;...---":'.::-::-::'.'"'::"' 4bt 2\4be 2 tt 3 ,.., ba, bttln kit, lrptc, yrty 720-9899 "65/mo. Eves 4ff.e070 2 8t 1 ,.. 8a twnN 1tyte Studio ant tor

1 perton

b / d hltup. 'Y..1. C4ll' - • $975 652·903& THE SEVILLE 2 8r t Ba aptl crptt dfpt dthwthrl ..... • • 1 a. gar, w ~ 2 m1 to bctl •1200 mo. · bd, 4 ba, yrly. Udo 11'9 StuOlo Condo H.e . on


wtoar ~ crpta dr1Pt9 pd · ltd kltdl Cat ·olt lnc:t 1tow & retrto .. ;a & Plec:9nllaAY'I. M5-e747Alte4'6-7171 2Br2baw/ updatecUcltfrpl St800/mo. Atto Hwbof tend, vu, pool, .auna, bttfna fncd yd ~attr pd. u •

5 •

7 · w.ter p1ld 1305 mo

• 1595. 54S.7913 CLOSE TO BEACH dbl gw kid Pttt $800'1 View end e>c.t\ Front txero rm, tec:utlty $700 2919 " J" Santa Ana Ave From MO 546-739 I (714) H0·1170 . Quaint 18R. re 2 BDRM 1 BA YARD 53M180 O.t FEE from 11800 • $3700/mo, mo , day1 75 t ·UH $585. Cill 1. 51S3&.4120 II TH lllffl llhed ...-•1• hm AVAIL NOW. 8.4°2-6415 · 2nd fir condo, 2 Br, 2 ba. e7&.9797 eve/wknd te7-0391 Quiet 28r 2ba, Clote to

Cheery kltehen nr 1975 and ground llr Br. 2 Ba. bftt off Qlff, Npl ......... Wll11lll beach w/pellO. Clllh· & ahoC>t 646-5282 Oeetr•~ 2 Bdrm bfln• g81' condo 2 Br. 2 be, seso. Hghtl, 2 lrpk:'• crpt, lrg V-'--l-11.....1 2 8', 1 ba. new palnl & WefMr, dining rm, frptc,

c II• • Pk 1

HOO 1 kid P• t fine Clltnlaven, pool & .xtru. brlctit patio, auto g1r - .. ---. drapee. 1525 Avalt now. encl gar & eat 1ta11. no

~,,, Bf~ Ul • ~ l_,IN(1

2ba on~...; 53M1900.tRltyFEE (OrFum)8$0-0504 door fruit tre.. . 982·1700 pett16251moCoralTr• t"f ~'df.ifa2 HOM£8 FOR RENT 3 BR. 2~ BA HARBOR S 1300imo. No pet1. Avllt WHIUll YILUll I Apt•. 2163 Pacitle, C.M

. . • Steu11ty Clit11

--,,--,....-"':":""-...... ~1Hunllngton BHch 3 RIOGE...QUAROEO GATE F9b t . 8051926-21118 1 & 2 Br epla evaJI PoOI 548·4530 Mor Jett 2 Ba. MeM Vetw., ldrma '750·$800 · ' --Jmo No peta gtdnr Fenced ' d & · tennl1, poolt. $2500. VAILABLE IMMEDIATE spa, l/r, petlo/b91. Ne Pvt 1 Br, frl)lc, pool , petlO,

• Pf10I • Att Room • 1 • 2 IA l'11t0 A0t1

1 i patio· 324.f Id & yar • gartigee. 120·1899 2br '850·11000. 3br pet.a. 1 & 2 Br $$05--1610 garage. No pet1. 399 W. ho Ui.'S..s.24i8. ~755~!_.=- 4 bd, 4 ba, .-.. Lido Isle. S97S..l2000. f9fguaon & TSL _Mgmt 764-<>081 or Bay. 1515. 950,.9357 •

• 1\11 den UnO•Cll>fllO • D1111•11ntrl 6 880 ' • .JOO to 9tWI ' ShO~

• ,._., 111100/mo. 'Asao H8'1>0r Hahn R.E. M 2·1fl3 042 1800 Sharp MeM VetlM 2Br ...,_ ~lllH Mod«~: n 3 :rmsk~ View Ind Oceetl Front pttt. Mature 2 Br t'h be. 323 E. 18t'1 28• $595/mo. 5-46-5882.

1 , Apte& IMFr~ ~M190 C:.1 Alty FEE I from S1800 . 13700/mo. 1&1111 f8JllJllU Quiet eecure. St. 'rwnnM, trl)lc, patio, aft e 979-~ Pam ·1

•• :or~etket• 875--9797 N .. , b~ and ocMn 1991 ~. 64&-8373 • gw seso. Ila 27 Latau ~ ·ZHI

· ·.. . .... · .

a.41""290 I lllTIU 11111 UIT 4 Br. 2 Ba bile off emf, Npt ~ f'1WQ bedroom OW. Rt Sierra Mgmt Mt- 1324 Du.a P t s::;;ptng OC*I\ ;;c;;; 2 If yOUMed 10 rent. home Hohta. 2 frplc'• ctpt, ll'g '*'' amell cNld'• room • A p ID 2BR 1'Aba 910 Joenn st = '' au;;;x condo.I bd 1 ba, •r walk/beh

I . 3bf 2'.tbe TwnhM. ()( IP' or condo call Pet• bflck patio, auto gar One and NIH batha. t900 u ~LS A I Adult• pret. Smalt Pttt ok: pool, epa, MC; .. wWi( to se5o. utlt1 Ynci. 494-3044 mstr, redwd ClecU. Johneon 631· 12M door fruit 1reu per month.· Veeant. Im· e ore you ren · C n 045-a.45

3 beeehl550mo. 981"°223 --------

. Jae.. tennlt. Ealde S 1300i mo. No l)ttt1. Avaff mediate ooc:upancy. Cuttom detlg~ IMtur... • Ba view Unique oc:eanfront 1 br + 00 Y" IM. 94'&.7050 F«> 1. 8051928-2918 111-lMlllllT P<>Ol..:..~~COYwt.'dhgetaget • .: 2 tJr, 1 ba, hou .... llke, P1--~.2 ~: 2 d.etc.a' Oen In old Spanish vflla

aurr ...... ....., I Pu .. , E/ llde C.M. 2 aduftl + 1 ...... ,,.. ' ' S ' Frptc, leaded window&, atlve 6 reepon· AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE laneltcaplng. No l)tttt. Child max 1525, $700 poof, ~. tenrna 725· pV1 beacf1 Sttalght 191

tennant only; 4 Br, 2 2br H50· S t000. 3br BAYFRONT 3 Br + den Bach Furn. $515 dep. 942- 1371 (mgr) 498-7808 pereon pr9f. No peta S750/mo.ir.~'!'t.~!"· STEPS TO SANDI $975--12000 Fetguaon & d()Ct{ avall 11800/mo' 3!5 W Wu.c>n. 142·1971 851-8928 mag 1J Tert t13Z $950/mo 49<W807 . aft 7PM ,,_..__ Otgan~ 2 Br pteaaufe pet- Hahn R.E. 042· 1183 . • - -,---..,..,-.

d t Bdrm w/tippla & ace gourmet kitchen Agent 851-1851 ,Latua lffcli 2BR 1 ba New carpet•. ;;;: 2-sty 2 Br co;;ao, al~t lt.acla 27 I 9 1325 nat !>* pd brMkfast bit*"*'*"" . ont Condo, Ytty. eu ...


m N. laQ. S::Ut. ~ Mature edit• pref S525. se tO. home 790.9951 f 1t'.DO au6'i nr t3th -6t908ettRttyFEE d900f very tow moV9 In IAUIAPllllllU tom tlle and Oak, 2 bd. vlew, 2b6ktobotl. allutll, AQl54S·17211 w()(I( 851·2000. A9k tor St =.Mu.t~lmmac

1550 + t50 tec:urlty 1 ... Niu bay and oc .. n 2'h ba, 2 ear gar. prtvate TV cable. 'tlfJl(y nlOe for 1 2 bf Twnhae. 1'.i be. frplc:, Mr. Ammerman t P., oniy. 875--4878 e brand new lull! 537·5027 I l>Mehet. Two bedroom gunlte •P•. Steam non-sml<r, no pet1, $525, an Q&r• wither/dryer I It L 2740 ----

do; 3Br 3ba, tam rm, 1_. plu. emalt chlld'a· room. s~, Large room1, In· 1 ..... tet/IUC s 100 dep. no0lc uPt Poot J11e Very ul. IC• 2Br 18• h75 Aval! now . many extr... LTg DTIAt


One and half t>ethl S900 tercom. 12000 tutnllhed 9U4307 or 497 ~2 qui.t Av~I Feb 3 ·1695 2 er 2 L'.XPt ,,..,.


... Sat 10· t2 onty d S1050/mo 851..S228 2&aeniiatlOHOm:pooj per month Veeant. Im· 0< 11100 unfumlahed. le la 631:.1194 · ·1 Talbert & 8eadt, lrpfc. 3093ethSt, trpl&DIW

MeM VerlM, 3Br & I IP8 tennla. $760 mediate~. 973-37n agt. ~_I IC dlwlhr, belcony, tingle 2 BA 2ba. ealt\. celllnga, • VK Shortly Kld•.1 Vogel Paclfk: 940.e

181 • 111-llllAIUT BAYSHORES· 3BA 2be, 1 ltbdCh. co;tO. MC 1 ·~·1~w:0~!~1o2 ~~5 gat899, t chi. Id ok~ ~ ot oceen. newly

I petl OK. 2 trpta, 210 5 Bdrme--, Meutlty ., .. w/bMCtl, guard, Jae., billlWCI rm, S4&-e0a. • 640


pete pleaM 575 + remod Flrtplaoe, w/dry 10. Iota of tr... . Call for detalta no pelt. s 1650/ mo. wgt rm, aeune. garelerl vu ___ dep. Agent . no fee h

0 0 k up s 1 2 o o,

Ownr/ Agt 540.1398 .-n BAYFRONT 3 Br + den, Own/agt 975-3568 $700/mo 042-9057 3 bd, 1'.i ba, W.Slde. 883..0755 645-8324 -- - -- • w.t 1 Clock avail. $1800/mo. - Brand new crpt1 drPt &

2 B 1

2Br2bacondo,fp, dbl lfilsor Agent 851· 1851 -BEACONBAY. 38r/38• LUX~RIOUSJ1:0R:41~' bl1-tn1 En~lpatiO chod'n 2 Br kll ··~o&~~~; 2 bf. 2 be, Clbl gar. 4f5 • PoOt. spa. $695/mo, , ,.., 1 0t ·2 yr i. ... no Pttt• · con o In • • • OK N. p.-.1 .:.751mo •P•r ng • Balboa Blvd $790/mo & tut. 642·5290 ealty ' Bayfront Condo, Ytty . ..,.,,.. S1900/~ 87s'..ee 17 $800/mo. IMS-7893 ,,.. · .... ~ •• .., Hunt. Ctr , no ~ta. yrty lease 557~1185 I tom tlle and Oak, 2 bd. · - .,..5 • .,_a $575/mo 11e2..e1111. _ VerlM 4 8t. 2 be, lam I 2'11 be, 2 car gar. Pflv•t• EattbluN 3 8' 2 Ba. comm OcMnlront 4 Br 3 Ba Clplx JBr 1'.iba nu paint drf)t I ---- 3 8t, 2 ba. 1tepe to beectl (Pert furn?) $1200 1 786-11 72 gun l1e tpe , StHm pco1 .• tenni1$1100/mo1 ToJuneith. $1000/mo. trplc, 2 carger N~l)ttta: j S560·S760213Br-=~ No petl Garage Vrty

.7507 evee & wknd• I Shower. Lttgeroomt. In· MC Bkr 78e-7500 850-7398 Avall2 / 1 MS55 046-t220 enclad g111egee, w $1000/ mo 950-8Q39. letcom 12000 fumllhed d r y e r h k • u P I • 045-1421 llU Yll• or $ 1 JOO unturnllhed. EAST BLUFF CONDO. 3 Br t a.f TOii i'74501mo. 2 Br 1 Ba tower yards/patloe

2 Ba. pool, on cut-de- 873 3777 agt lrl-level Clbl g•. PoOI Furn. 'l & 3 Bdrm Apia apt cloll to •torea 2323 Delaware 3 Br • loll. $900 and 2 Br ictnt area. S 1000/mo. 3880 Mlctlefaon Drive __ - _ S 1100/mo '150.1341 Agt 1150~ up Im~ oocvpaney ' 2420 Whlt ... ne11 $100, scrou from beach

avail. 875-4912 or lrvlne 8AYSHORES· 3BR 2b1, !Ult Blult lo 3 Br 2 ba Agent 975-8170 2268 Mapi. St Newport B.ech Reelty 645-8747 All 646-7171

• !792 Sll90: Fentullc Turtlerock ="~~1,ar•; ,:~=· one la;et vi112s'1mo Studio 1375. 1 btk t.o Tll lls•t M2· 1IOI ~•Y• ~:1r,~ Hut. ltack 2740 IEIEWllPt.D

2 ba. crpte, drp1, tuna No P•U tmo

., llo0ar41e IJtr la.7121

twnhome. 3

t>r, 2

'-" be, Own/agt 975-3588 . tmmed oc:oop. 4114


beach & •tor" UtUe pd S590/mo 2 Br 2 Be frptc, 11-~v;"~;;~i;.-~;;~;;;;~:;;;m;-1740 IQ n. t ·974-21« I --- ...... ·-R Rel'• required 54()..115811 P•llo. nar:r· lndry lac, -- - -- BEACON BAY 38'/3Ba - ·- - - .. -- .. K b k t?

Cilie conao. r e; -. 10f1 . 1 or 2 yr ...... no pet• 4 Bdrm IState, formef A,.r1.nt1, U . no pets. 54 63311 enney UO por . refrlQ. no pe11. tennis, s1eoo1. mo 875-8617 model. anq highly up- -- S625/mo -2 Br 1•;, Ba. Didn't he-win the

I $565" 768-29119 uk for --- -- - I graded Beaut. ocean I _,,, ........ , lndry rm nlee -TomHooreve.581-3186 Eattblun


2Ba. comm city Ille view Comm P..Wala %707 P~'"'."'im 'rhurln • Monaco Grand Pnx in '73?

poof, tennl1 $1100/mo t poof, ac>a & 1ennl1. 13500. TIL ...... 1•2·1101 IDTIU IUll UIY MC. 8kr 786·1500 844-0927, 780~333. Agt ~ ILHI Tl IUU -. f\t ) ,... /< _

H you need lo rent a home EASTBLUFF CONDO 3 Br. L'do tl&e. 3 & den or c&r 3 Br, 2 be. 4 ur prklng. Ellde dlx 2br t'W'nhM. t°i _, I !\..... 2 8'. 1 be w/gar, w/d Ot apt O< condo call Peta trl·level dbl gar, pool 3be newly reeleC lnelde & bflln1, frplc. 1950/mo, ba. laundry, patio 1635. 11 YOll re not wre who (or ~II Kennetbunkpor1 p nr Victoria & Ca- Johnaon 631 - 1298 $1100/mo 750.134 1 AQt out · 973-3435 83 1 ..0287 yNrly 754·8930 2548 Orange, 642-2520 wu 6c>n t lttl ~-you re not alone

~~~~~ 18:gl Eu1Bluff, toYaty3 Br. 2 be Lrg waterfront, 4 8'. 3 be. V. block to""bMch 2BR. Frpl pool prvt patio Kenneybunkpo1t tS one ol 14 dtstu1et1wrly one level $ 1125/mo dbl gar. 30 foot Clock. 2 yr nlee & clean $800/mo dshwahr X· tg 2 Br on Oitlerent 1111r1rnent Hoot pqns 1t Suw1nd Vtll .. t lmmed occup 494--0522 IM, $2500/mo. 950-2730 winter, call 536-9524 ev Eutllde Ml 1 557-2841 1n HunllftC1on Beach Smnnd V11tacr " 1 resun

- Ul .. 11111 jN__,. ShOres ~br, 3ba. 2 er;-1 ba, '-" block to LAROE 1 & 2 Br crpta. ot 101atty personwed Pflllm.onal plann111& pt or condo calf Peta ~----:.-::,...,.---:-~ 4 Bdrm eattte. former I i1rn.' Ca~ltront 4 br, beach Q ar . w I d drapes, lndry rm. park· The ktnd ot attention you dturve

Rent to own 3 B~rm 2 b•1 model, and hlghty up- 11400. Canalfront 5 t>r. SllOO/mo. 873--8947 Ing, water paid, garage & AHuJ :~,~~!~"!~I ~a~~:.,·~~:~~nd Qutft

I poof hme $100 1 IMtalle graded e.aut ooean & S 1495 Agt 840..e208 13751 81 d ,.

111 pd refrtge evslf Xlnl foe No . .,.

53M1 8"t Alty FEE city 111'• vi.w Comm !Park L· .... _ "--""-. ft-, .17.E. BayupA..!.· ~-·~--·. pet1. 631-8.427 pond' cooled by 111tural ocean bltttts Add to ....., vunuu • ...... .. •• ............ tllal ten111s courh. swunminc pools a IA(uUI •lld ~~~!!~~ I TURTLEROCK: 3 br. 2 ~. I poof , spa & tennl1 $3500.1 Hoag 2 8t 2 Ba new Aefrlg No pell 547-1 155 LAROE 2 BR , 1 BA a conwtflienl toutton ~r shOJ>C>tnt ind

~ vtew. t8745 Via Verona I 644..()927, 780-a333 A;t I crpt1 ' 2 ear oarage No "· • 1 .. 2712 w/1unny kitchen New tmpfo,mtnt and you ve IOI a place anyone would e this 2 Br mod S 1500/ rno 980-2035 I Lido Ille 3 & Cieri or 48' I pet• 's750/mo ~8251 -ma t r paint & carpet 1550/mo P<Oudty ca• home (ht11 Ktnneyblln, port'l

-~ 1~1 ~ ':~5 TUf'llefock 3 8dr 2 ea, lam- 31>8. nftty radec lntlde & 12 Br t\:C Ba. frPiC. pool , 933--0 192 eve One and two bed1oom. one 1nd two bllh ____ >'~~ lty rm, A/C, ape. highly ou1. 973-3435 631·0287 •Elf Tl IWI $800 mo. Call M Hiii, agt Lg 2bf. 2b11. patio. wl 'lt adult aparlmenti trOlli ~1~

ty aupr..-ne 4 rm 2 Ba upgraded Appl only - -- I " I 769-9100. ev" 673-2858 carpet trpl encl gar s t level pool home $1:250/mo 851·tS42 . Lrg waterfront, 4 Br. 3 be, 3 Br. 2 be, 1',~ blooJI to kit h S575m°o 11tllHt & MC eow1nd

kitchen eleO• t · dbl gar. 30 1001 dock. 2 yr ocean s 1450/mo $450 Bachelor ai>I. no c en 642


• I w ~ I Very ac>eclal 2 Br-:2 ba, '"· S2500tmo. 95()..2730 toward• purchaM prlOe cloM to bell!Ctl. Lndry tac no pets

;'~'?~me:. Univ Pk Condo, newly Newport$hores4t>r, 3ba Of S174,000 . $2500 1350utlflncl 838..0325 ME.SAPINES2850Harla ''-1110' 'g'J''e;'r" . J;>-LY S800 • S50 remod S995 786-81UI s 1175 Canallronl 4 bf, down PPa.47-4788 Cnta lltsa 2724 BACHBEAUTY $4t 5 I l'J r11y I• 537 ·50V au leacla 2141 $1400 Canertront 5 t>r. Upper Back Bay 2 br, 2 t &irm. pvt upper. S:bs r6:~:'.~~~~;:,, 1 Ptiat 222' $1495 Agt 840·8208 be. dbte gar, trplc $750 71(1 Ja.l'MI #O (nr 17th & 5411•20 7 l~'J~'J Uunl1rJCtu11 Vtllatf Lant Hllnflrrton Bl-.icll LA

2 ryBcottd, agelmm' aoc Pa'k Udo Condo, near mo No pe11 546-3047 Pomona) 955-0809 n.-' lfl4l 891!d'l%1 1~ o- h I 11merlng 2 rm ppt1 gar & more $550 ·6190 Best Rlty FEE

ta la all

' MESA Yflll( frnm thf ~An .~,o rf'f'w,y 11v, nnr" nn ,,..a( o 8111-963·8845 t1090, 2 Br 2 Ba new c1au1fl1t<fa having a eat MOve . 1 mounta in otl Mdaclden. lh~n 111,.\I on McfJddl'n to "'d• •nd V1ll;ia'

"2 2 CIPI•. 2 car garage No on something you need mefchand1se with ChlUt· 2br. Iba. gar new potnti rurnl\titn"' avA1lable • Open daily 10 AM Ill du\l ~ S , pets. $750/mo 548-8251 642.5678 lled 642 5678 carpet S52Smo 546·•083 •• ..,.._...•1•new...,p-~~2~b-.-den~.I

For additional rentals, please see Section B.


28 - Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlalng supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, January 2B, 19S..

llYll SRlll-NIL-YIEW - Prized location, city lights & back bay views. The perfect home for gracious entertaining. Spacious master suite plus 4 lge bdrms & 4 baths. Remodeled kitchen. Very open floor plan on one level. Only $595,000 feel Call 646-7171.

11-UW "UTlll - 600 square feet with private entry, private bath with spa. Fireplace· and much more. This plus 4 more bedrooms and 3 baths. Huge family room. Sunny kitchen with all the goodies. Price only $179,500. A must see. Call 546-2313.

CIWH PUI Wm - This lovely home features · 3 bdrms, den. formal dining & is beautifully

landscaped. Only 10% down and balance can be financed at a very low interest rate! Only $128,0001 Call for complete details. 646-7171 .

ISSDE $41,000 ·~ t'h% tmlEST - Payment of $420.00 per month or try $12,000 down. 4 bdrms, gourmet kitchen. park-like yard. $119,500. Hurry! 963-6767.

Sll,100 •• , 11,100 llRI - Single story garden home . . . decorator appeal . . . lush sunshine patio! Assume $67, 100 loan. Call: 963-6767

IPl&WLlll UICI lnE - It's a custom Newport home on a quiet cul-de-sac. Secluded living room separate from family room by stone & brick fireplace. Rustic wood beam ceilings, country kitch. Separate utility rm. Oversized mst ste, atrium garden, 3 other lge Bdrms. Rear yard has custom landscaping + used brick spa. A bargain at $279,000. 546-2313.

IUL ESTITI WITI STYLE - A super sharp " newer" 3 Bdrm, 121. bath home built around an atrium. Spectacular family room. country kitchen area. Master bdrm has sexy brick patio for privacy. Price only $134,900. 546-2313.

Tll lllFFS, IEWPHT IEAOI - Open & spacious 3 bdrm home, only 4 years old. NestJed on a quiet cul de sac In a beautifully scenic greenbelt area. High beamed ceilings and wood burning fire­place. $299,500, fee land! 646-7171 .

...uatm.-F OllUll" - Double door entry to vaulted celling llvlng room. Huge kitchen overlooks family room. Brick fireplace, formal dining room, 4 king-size bedrooms, 3 baths. Sparkling pool and spa. 3 car garage. All this and wtthln mlles of two golf cou~s. $259,950. Call 546-2313.

llAll llltlm - 3 blocks to Pacific! Distinctive 4 years newt 3 queen size bdrmsl 2 ftreplacesl Owner took back In foreclosure & reduces price to $17i.SOOI Call 963-6767. '

1111111- - Only $16,5001 Very nice 1 bdrm custom coach 10' x 45'. New carpets, drapes & ·no wax kitchen floor. Adults over 50 preferred. Eastslde Costa Mesa. Extremely well priced. Call: 646-7171

NIL ... - MLY S11t,tlll - Beautifully ma1n­tained 3 bdrm, 2 bath hO!f'P 19Cated on a quiet, peaceful neighborhood ~f 'Costa Mesa. Assume 8¥•% VA loan of $66,000. Just fell out of escrow! Hurry on this onel Call: 646-7171

4 HfTS, ULllA PlmllU - Steps from beach & ocean. One of a kind! Now only $295,000, or 4 homes on a lot, single story with attached· garages & Individual enclosed yards. A super vaJue at $275,0001 Both great Investment op­portunities. 646-7171 .

Stl,100, 4 IOl ... I - Needs a little TLC but great potential. 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, corner lot. Owner may carry 1st TO. CaJI to see, 546-2313.

"WILi Tl IUCI" - A beautiful Villa within walking distance of beach. 2 master suites 21h baths, dining area, kitchen with eating area­large living area. Pool, spa, and tennis just reduced to $112,000. Call now 546-2313

lllWPllT IUOI MPUI - Steps to ocean. As­sume $175,000 loan. Try $40,000 down. Fee land. CaJI: 963-6767

Sll,111 H TR UIE - Two master suites. Excellent for co-ownership. Overlooking a beautiful lake. Pool, spa, tennis courts. Low down. Call 546-2313.

1700 Newport Blvd., CM. 2790 Harbor Blvd., C.M. 21030 Brookhurst, H.B.

646-7 171 546-2313 963-6767

. _, -

lllWI W I ~ - Beautiful Mesa Verde trl­level that backs up to proposed regional park. It's Ilka living In the country. Step-up tlvlng room and dining room, country kitchen which over­looks sparkling pool. Step-down famlty room with brick fireplace. 4 giant bdrms. 3 baths. A must see for only $225,000. Call now, M&-2313.

..... NIL .. - It's a bargain nowl $134,900. A beautiful North Costa Mesa home with large living area, country styte kitchen. 3 giant Bdrms, 1~ bath. Beautiful sparkling pool. A must see. Call now, 546-2313. WTSlll 11111, 1111,111 - Sparkling 2 bdrm with decorator touches thru-out. Includes a 2 car garage, pool & spa A charming starter for the young couple. Near new and It's priced to sell nowt Call today, 646-7171. OUlllH IUOl llTT&ll - Just steps from surf & sand. The enchanting 1 bdrm home may be enjoyed as it is or the R-2 lot offers fantastic potential for added Improvement or redevelop­ment. Lowest price on Peninsula, $165,000. 646-7171. IWIU WIU CUIY - With $15,000 downl Btfl Seabreeze garden home! Cozy fireplace, sparkl­ing pool! Only $112,900. Owner will carry @ 12% for 10 years ... no balloon payments! Call 963-6767 It IOIEU, nu 1EL 1W1 - Low down, low monthly payments at a low interest rate! Add to this a nicely upgraded 3 Bdrm, 2 bath home on a corner location and you have a reaJ bargain at a low $128,000. Call for details, 646-7171.

I &oaESJ UUT llYllTlllT - 4-5 bdrms. 2440 sq. ft ., 2 flreplacesl Huge lot with pool & hot tubl Owner will help finance! Onty $151,500. 963-6767.

IH,llO, 2 IUS1D MITES - VIiia Pacifica. 2 separate master suites with private baths. Large living area. Cozy kitchen. Pool, spa & tennis. A must see, call 546-2313. OILL1IE Piii AIU - $119,950 total price and owner will carry 1st TO. Magnificent livlng room. Country kitchen and 24x24 added famlty room. Stone fireplace. 3 Bdrms, 1¥• baths. A must see, 546-2313.

Ul•lll ••• E-Z 'llUll 111--No new loans - no qualtfyingl Save thousands! This Is a beautiful Huntington Landmark near the beachl Call: 963-6767 CLUHI IPP!ll 112,000 - 2 story + pool + Costs Mesa! Safier wlll allow $2,000 for your creative decorating Ideas! Hurry, this won't last, 963-6767.