1 Title: 1 Soil microbiochemical properties as indicators for success of heathland restoration after 2 military disturbance 3 Short title: 4 microbiochemical properties of restored heathland 5 Authors: 6 Felix Heitkamp *1,2 , Stephan Glatzel 1,3 , Beate Michalzik 1 , Elke Fischer 1,4 , Gerhard 7 Gerold 1 8 *Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 5542 98-1629; fax +49 5542 98-1633; e-mail address: 9 [email protected] 10 1 Landscape Ecology Unit, Department of Geography, University of Göttingen, 11 Goldschmidtstr. 5, 37077 Göttingen, Germany 12 2 Now at: Environmental Chemistry Unit, Department of Organic Agriculture, 13 University of Kassel, Nordbahnhofstr. 1a, 37243 Witzenhausen, Germany 14 3 Now at: Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation Unit, Institute for Management of 15 Rural Areas, University of Rostock, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6, 18059 Rostock, 16 Germany 17 4 Now at: Department of Geography, University of Hamburg, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 18 Hamburg, Germany 19 20

Soil microbiochemical properties as indicators for success of heathland restoration after military disturbance

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Title: 1

Soil microbiochemical properties as indicators for success of heathland restoration after 2

military disturbance 3

Short title: 4

microbiochemical properties of restored heathland 5

Authors: 6

Felix Heitkamp*1,2, Stephan Glatzel1,3, Beate Michalzik1, Elke Fischer1,4, Gerhard 7

Gerold1 8

*Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 5542 98-1629; fax +49 5542 98-1633; e-mail address: 9

[email protected] 10

1 Landscape Ecology Unit, Department of Geography, University of Göttingen, 11

Goldschmidtstr. 5, 37077 Göttingen, Germany 12

2 Now at: Environmental Chemistry Unit, Department of Organic Agriculture, 13

University of Kassel, Nordbahnhofstr. 1a, 37243 Witzenhausen, Germany 14

3 Now at: Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation Unit, Institute for Management of 15

Rural Areas, University of Rostock, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6, 18059 Rostock, 16

Germany 17

4 Now at: Department of Geography, University of Hamburg, Bundesstr. 55, 20146 18

Hamburg, Germany 19



Abstract 21

Decline of heathlands in Central Europe raises the question of successful restoration of 22

degraded heathlands. We examined the impact of different restoration techniques on soil 23

microbial biomass carbon carbon (Cmic) and nitrogen (Nmic) and enzyme activity on an 24

abandoned military training site in the Lüneburger Heaths. The aim was to determine, 25

which technique resulted in typical heathland soil conditions. The training site was in 26

use for about 50 years. Vegetation and soils were degraded in large areas. Restoration 27

actions were: (1) spreading of heath plaggen (sods, containing the organic layer and a 28

few cm mineral soil) (2) spreading of heath plaggen and grass seeds (Festuca filiformis 29

Pourr.), (3) spreading of F. filiformis-seeds and (4) succession (episodical tree removal). 30

Ten years after restoration, we measured pH, bulk density, abundance of roots, organic 31

carbon (SOC), nitrogen (Nt), phosphorus (Pt), Cmic, Nmic, and acid phosphatase activity 32

(AcP) in the first 10 cm of the mineral soil. Four restoration treatments were compared 33

with one reference site. The reference site is heathland located near the training site, 34

where no military actions took place. 35

At all disturbed sites, bulk density and pH proved to be higher than on the reference 36

site. Relative to the reference site, SOC storage reached from 37 - 91 %, regeneration of 37

Nt was slightly lower. In contrast to the advanced development of SOC and Nt, the 38

regeneration of Cmic and Nmic was much lower (15 – 44 %). The succession site showed 39

a low pool of SOC, Nt, Cmic and Nmic, but microbial ratios indicated a less disturbed C- 40

and N-cycle. AcP pronounced differences in nutrient demand between disturbed sites 41

and reference. On this base, recommendations for restoration management were given. 42

Keywords: phosphatase activity, Calluna vulgaris, heathland restoration, microbial 43

biomass, military degradation 44


1. Introduction 45

Most heathlands in Central Europe developed because of anthropo-zoogenic utilisation 46

(Ellenberg, 1988). In the late 18th Century, large areas of Northwest Germany were 47

open, mainly heathland, landscapes. This ecosystem type declined markedly with the 48

abandonment of historical utilisation as pasture and source of cot-litter in the course of 49

succession, afforestation and industrial agriculture. Remaining heathland in Germany is 50

predominantly restricted to the “Lüneburger Heide” nature reserve and additionally on 51

some extensively used military training areas (Völksen, 1993). In the last decades, 52

conservation problems occurred with invasive graminaceae-species throughout the 53

semi-natural heathlands because of high atmospheric nitrogen (N) input (Steubing, 54

1993; review by Cunha et al., 2002). Therefore, the management, conservation and 55

restoration of heathland as an historical cultural landscape are important tasks for the 56

future. 57

The Lüneburger Heide encompasses an area of more than 6000 ha of semi-natural 58

heathland dominated by Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull. Until 1994, about 50 % was 59

military training area for tanks and other vehicles (von der Lancken, 1997). In contrast 60

to other military training areas which are very valuable for conservation biology 61

because of their extensive usage (Wallschläger and Wiegleb, 2000), the so-called “Red 62

Area” was used to such an intensive degree that the formerly existing heathland was 63

degraded to bare ground. Concerning the large area of heathland in the Lüneburger 64

Heide, the restoration of the Red Area to the formerly existing Calluna-dominated 65

vegetation is an important contribution to a relatively unfragmentated area of heathland. 66

Recently, studies on heathland recreation from arable land have been published (Clarke 67

1997; Marrs et al., 1998; Owen and Marrs, 2000; Allison and Austin, 2004; Lawson et 68


al., 2004; Tibbett and Diaz 2005). These papers are dealing with problems of soil 69

melioration such as nutrient enrichment through fertilization and increased pH-values, 70

which impede heathland recreation. In the case of the reestablishment from coniferous 71

forest plantations (Pywell et al., 2002; Allison and Austin, 2006) the removal of the 72

humus layer can improve the success of heathland restoration. 73

The problems of heathland restoration on the Red Area are different. Here, we have to 74

deal with loss of topsoil, low cation exchange capacities, soil compaction, altered water 75

regime (Gerold, 1998) and an exhausted seed bank (Täuber, 1994). Ten years after the 76

restoration with multiple techniques (see 2.1 and table I), the vegetation recovered 77

successfully, but is still different from heathland nearby the Red Area (Kaiser and 78

Mertens, 2003) and its composition is influenced by the restoration technique. 79

Therefore, it is difficult to use plants as indicators for success of restoration. Another 80

problem lays in rather heterogeneous soil conditions, which are due to the military 81

usage and the restoration actions. That is why indicators were needed, which are 82

sensitive to environmental conditions, such as the amount and quality of soil organic 83

mater (SOM). Microbial biomass comply these conditions (Swift et al., 1979; Powlson 84

et al., 1987; Sparling, 1997). Additionally it is evident, that microbial biomass is 85

sensitive to gradients of military impact on sandy, acidic soils (Peacock et al., 2001) and 86

is of outstanding importance for nutrient cycling in heathlands (Røsberg et al., 1981). 87

As a parameter for microbial status (Aon et al., 2001) and as well as for physical and 88

chemical status of the soil (Sinsabaugh, 1994) enzyme activity is a striking indicator, 89

and is represented here via the activity of acid phosphatase. 90


The aim of restoration is to obtain conditions typical for the ecosystem which has to be 91

restored. Hence, the typical conditions have to be defined. This is possible, using 92

reference information of nearby, undisturbed areas (White and Walker, 1997). 93

We hypothesize, that the restoration with heather (Calluna vulgaris L.) in combination 94

with a pioneer grass (Festuc filiformis Pourr.) leads to the best approximation of the soil 95

conditions of the reference site. To test the hypothesis, microbial carbon (Cmic), 96

microbial biomass nitrogen (Nmic) and activity of acid phosphatase (AcP) and their 97

relationship with biochemical properties were measured on one reference site and on 98

four different types of restoration management. 99

2. Materials and methods 100

2.1. Site description and history 101

The nature reserve “Lüneburger Heide” is located near Schneverdingen in Northern 102

Germany (52°59’ N, 09°50’ E) and covers 234 km2. About 20 % of this area is still 103

heathland. The British Army has used nearly 3000 ha of the remaining heathland in the 104

nature reserve from 1945 until 1994 as a training area (“Red Area”) (Prüter and 105

Lütkepohl, 2002). About 263 vehicles, predominantly large and heavy tanks, passed 106

through the “Red Area” every day between 1980 and 1989 (Kreie et al., 1993). 107

The soils developed on a Weichselian outwash plain of the Drenthe (II) stadial. The 108

main soil type is a Haplic Podzol (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2006). The climate is 109

temperate humid with cool summers and a mean annual temperature of 8.4 °C and mean 110

annual precipitation is 811 mm (DWD, 2006; period from 1961 to 1990, station Soltau). 111

The potential natural vegetation type is assumed to be an acidic beech-oak-wood 112

(Luzulo-Fagetum) (Leuschner and Rode, 1999). 113

Consequences of military training action 114


The intensive military activities resulted in a large-scale vegetation destruction and soil 115

degradation. More than 50 % of the area was bare ground by the time the training area 116

was abandoned in 1994. Even the seed bank was nearly exhausted (Täuber, 1994). The 117

sandy Podsols were compacted, resulting in bulk densities from formerly 1.3 up to 1.8 g 118

cm-3 and heavily degraded soil horizons. Cation exchange capacity, content of soil 119

organic matter (SOM) and pore volume declined markedly, while pH was raised. Strong 120

aeolian and fluvial erosion occurred (Gerold, 1998). Until today, no organic layer exists. 121

Restoration management 122

The aim of restoration was to obtain a mainly open heathland. The overall concept was 123

to recreate the typical range of wet and dry habitats including a small-scale mosaic of 124

heath and acidic grassland. Material from heath management of surrounding areas was 125

spread onto the ground to replenish the exhausted seed bank (Täuber, 1994). The 126

material mainly used was plaggen material (sods, containing the organic layer and a few 127

cm mineral soil), followed by heather mowing and threshing material. On some 128

locations, the pioneer grass Festuca filiformis Pourret was sown alone or in combination 129

with heather material (Prüter and Lütkepohl, 2002). Kaiser and Mertens (2003) 130

appraised the restoration as successful from a floristic point of view. 131

Site selection 132

All sites had the same geology. Soils before degradation were classified as “Eisen-133

Humus-Podsol”, which equal Haplic Podzols. The greatest distance between sampling 134

points was about 2 km. Investigation plots (2500 m²) were selected using aerial 135

photographs from 1993. Plots had no or minimum vegetation coverage at this time and 136

were classified as heavily disturbed. Five variants were chosen (Table I): (1) restoration 137

with heath plaggen, (2) restoration with heath plaggen and Festuca filiformis, (3) 138


restoration with Festuca filiformis-seeds, (4) succession site with episodical tree 139

removal and, for comparison, (5) one reference site with no direct military impact. 140

The selection of reference site is of special importance because it has to be assured to 141

meet representative conditions. Therefore, it would be desirable to have as much 142

reference sites as possible. Due to our resources, we had to choose one site. We think 143

this site is representative due to the following reasons: The spatial distance to the 144

restored area is very low and the landscape is of the same geomorphology. Therefore, 145

the historical management and soil genesis is likely to be similar. The vegetation of the 146

reference site was in the mature stage, which is the succession stage with the most 147

stable conditions (Gimingham, 1972) and considered in general as “typical heathland”. 148

2.2. Sampling and standard soil characterization 149

Field sampling was done in late October 2004. To exclude seasonal or weather effects, 150

sampling was done within three days. From all variants, 10 soil samples were taken 151

randomly from the upper 10 cm of the mineral A-horizon. Samples were stored in PE-152

bags in a refrigator at 4 °C for a maximum of six weeks. Ross (1991) evaluated storage 153

effects on microbial biomass and found only minor effects even after 14 months. 154

Additionally, the samples were analysed randomly and therefore the comparatative 155

power between the treatments will sustain, even if minor changes in microbial biomass 156

or activity occurred. Samples were sieved < 2 mm. All laboratory work was conducted 157

at the Institute of Geography of the Georg-August-University Göttingen. 158

Bulk density and pH (0.01 M CaCl2) were determined using standard methods 159

(Schlichting et al., 1995). Soil organic carbon (SOC) and total N (Nt) were measured by 160

dry combustion (Leco CN 1000). Total P (Pt) was measured with KNO3/HF digestion 161


with inductive coupled plasma (ICP) (König and Fortmann 1999). Roots were extracted 162

with the soil core method (Böhm 1979). 163

2.3. Microbial properties 164

Cmic and Nmic were estimated by fumigation-extraction (Brookes et al., 1985; Vance et 165

al., 1987). Cmic was calculated according to Brookes et al. (1985) as EC/kEC, where EC 166

= (organic C extracted from fumigated soil) – (organic C extracted from unfumigated 167

soil) and kEC = 0.45. Nmic was calculated according to Wu et al. (1990) as EN/kEN, 168

where EN = (total N extracted from fumigated soil) – (total N extracted from 169

unfumigated soil) and kEN = 0.54. 170

The activity of acid phosphomonoesterase (AcP) was estimated by release of p-171

nitrophenol (Tabatabai and Bremner 1969; Grunda and Rejsek 1990). Latter procedure 172

is given in detail as there are many existing modifications of this method: 5 ml 173

succinate-borate buffer solution (pH 4.7) containing p-nitrophenylphosphate (500 µM) 174

as substrate and 1 g moist soil were incubated in the dark for 1 h at 37 °C. Enzyme 175

activity was stopped by adding 1.5 ml tri-chlor-acetic-acid (TCA, 10 %). As coagulant 1 176

ml CaCl2 (0.5 M) was added. After filtration solution was alkalized (2.5 ml 1 M KOH) 177

followed by second filtration (Schleicher and Schüll 585). The released p-nitrophenol 178

was measured spectrophotometrically at 400 nm (Perkin Elmer Lambda 40). Units are 179

expressed as pkat g-1 (SI-unit) which equals pmol p-nitrophenol g-1 s-1. 180

2.4. Data processing and statistics 181

All results are presented on an oven-dry basis (24 h at 105 °C). To allow valid 182

comparisons between the plots all data were recalculated from gravimetric into 183

volumetric based units (Reganold and Palmer, 1995). Significance of differences 184

between arithmetic means were tested by one-tailed heteroscedastic Student´s t-test after 185


performing the F-test. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test proved the normal distribution for 186

logarithmic transformed datasets. A two-step cluster analysis with Schwarz´s Bayesian 187

Information Criterion (BIS) for optimal cluster numbers was chosen to classify groups 188

among the five variants at a confidence level of 0.95. Statistical analysis was performed 189

using SPSS 12.0 (SPSS Inc.). 190

3. Results 191

3.1. Physical and chemical properties 192

Mean pH-values ranged from 3.0 to 3.8, whereas the disturbed sites showed higher 193

values (figure 1). Bulk densities were significantly higher on the disturbed sites than on 194

the reference, except for the heath-plot. Root storage was highest (351 g m-2) at the 195

reference site, but not significantly differnt to the other plots (290 – 338 g m-2) except 196

for the heath site (107 g m-2). SOC and Nt stocks were highest at the reference site 197

(5480 g C m-2, 174 g N m-2) but not significantly different from the heath plot (4990 g C 198

m-2, 154 g N m-2). Significantly lowest C and N storage (2010 g C m-2, 64 g N m-2) was 199

found for the succession site. Storage of Pt on the succession site (14 g m-2) was 200

significantly lower as compared to all other plots (17 – 20 g m-2). Mean C/N ratios (31 - 201

32) were not significantly different to each other, except for the festuca site, which had 202

the highest ratio (36). In contrast, all C/P ratios differed significantly with the widest 203

ratio reported for the reference (308) and the narrowest value for the succession site 204

(138). 205

3.2. Soil microbiological properties 206

Cmic storage was highest (73.3 g m-2) in the reference soil (Figure 2). Storages in the 207

disturbed soils revealed markedly lower values (16.5 to 32.3 g m-2). The heath site 208

contained 44 %, the heath & festuca site 30 %, the succession site 25 % and the festuca 209


site 23 % Cmic of the value of the reference site (table III). The differences of Nmic 210

between reference (10.0 g m-2) and disturbed sites (1.5 to 2.4 g m-2) were even more 211

pronounced, but differences within the disturbed sites were less significant. The heath 212

site contained 24 %, the heath & festuca site 20 %, the festuca site 17 % and the 213

succession site 15 % Nmic of the amount of the reference. 214

The Cmic/SOC ratio is, as well as Cmic, highest on the reference site (1.4 %). In contrast, 215

the regenerated proportions of the Cmic/SOC ratios (0.4 – 1.0 %) from the disturbed soils 216

are higher than the regenerated proportions of Cmic. From the soils of the Red Area the 217

succession site showed a ratio of 75 % compared with the reference, followed by the 218

sites heath & festuca (54 %), heath (50 %) and festuca (32 %). In general, the same is 219

true for the Nmic/Nt ratios (reference: 5.8 %, Red Area: 1.6 – 2.3 %), but a different 220

ranking order on the disturbed sites occurred: the succession site showed 40 % of the 221

value of the reference ratio, the heath & festuca site 36 %, the heath site 29 % and the 222

festuca site 28 %, respectively. 223

AcP activity was significantly highest on the reference site (365 pkat g-1). An 224

insignificant difference was found for the festuca and the heath site with 39 % and 35 % 225

of the reference activity, respectively. The succession site revealed 21 % and the heath 226

& festuca site only 17 % of the phosphatase activity of the reference. 227

3.3. Relationship of soil properties 228

The cluster analysis (data not shown) divided the whole dataset into two clusters: the 229

reference site and all sites of the Red Area. In both clusters the microbiological 230

properties and pH of the soils were significant for cluster formation. In the reference 231

cluster also C/P ratio and N storage had parts in the cluster formation. Based on the 232

cluster classification the correlation analysis is divided into the two cluster groups. 233


Significant negative correlations existed between pH and Cmic, Nmic and acid 234

phosphatase activity (table II). Only the phosphatase activity was correlated 235

significantly with bulk density. On the reference site, root storage was correlated 236

negatively with Cmic and strongly negatively with Nmic, while on the “Red Area” sites 237

only Nmic/Nt showed a very weak dependence with root storage. SOC, Nt and Pt were 238

significantly correlated with microbial properties, except with the Cmic/Nmic ratio and 239

enzyme activity. In general, the degree of correlation was higher on the reference site 240

and correlations with Pt were less pronounced compared to SOC and Nt. Acid 241

phosphatase activity was positively correlated with SOC and Nt, but only on the 242

disturbed sites. On both sites, the C/N ratio was correlated negatively with Cmic/SOC 243

ratio. On the reference site correlation of the C/N ratio with enzyme activity was 244

negative, while it was positive on the “Red Area” sites. Positive relationships between 245

the C/P ratio and Cmic or Nmic existed on both sites, but were less pronounced on the 246

disturbed sites. On the degraded sites, the C/P ratio was negatively correlated with all 247

microbiological ratios. Phosphatase activity was positively correlated with C/P ratio, 248

while on the reference no relationship appears. 249

4. Discussion 250

4.1. Reference data 251

According to the classification developed by Machulla et al. (2001) our Cmic values are 252

within the classes “moderate” to “high” with a “medium” mean value. Jensen et al. 253

(2003) presented a study at Mol/ Denmark with a vegetation patchwork of Calluna 254

vulgaris and Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Following correction for SOM to SOC 255

(factor 0.5) and for soil depth, the resulting microbial ratios are well within the range 256

measured for this study (1.0 – 1.6 % Cmic/SOC and 2.7 – 6.4 % Nmic/Nt). These 257


similarity suggest some representative value of our refence site. The Cmic storage (145 – 258

235 g m-2) and Nmic storage (20 – 40 g m-2) is higher than our values reported. This 259

might be due to the higher microbial biomass contents of the organic layer (Raubuch 260

and Beese, 2005), which was sampled by Jensen et al. (2003). 261

Jörgensen (1995) emphasises a disturbed resource turnover for microbial quotients 262

below a threshold of 1.2 % for Cmic/SOC. Only 25 % of the measured values were 263

below this treshold. For the Nmic/Nt ratio the treshold is set to 2.3 % and all values were 264

far above. Although in accordance with the study of Jensen et al. (2003), these data does 265

not indicate impeded decomposition, which should be characteristic for acidic heathland 266

soils (Gimingham 1972). 267

4.2. Restored and reference sites 268

The storages of Cmic and Nmic differed highly significantly between the reference and all 269

Red Area sites. Therefore, it is evident that heavy military disturbance leads to a serious 270

reduction of the microbial biomass, as already pointed out by Peacock et al. (2001). 271

Additionally, Garten et al. (2003) detected higher bulk density and less C and N on 272

heavily disturbed sites used by military vehicles. Here, this could not be shown for the 273

heath site. However, soil microbiological properties were still significantly lower 274

relative to the reference. This finding contrasts other results, proving that the response 275

of soil microbial biomass to changing conditions is much faster than responses of SOM 276

(Powlson et al., 1987; Sparling et al., 2003). One explanation might be the high 277

proportion of refractory SOM in heathland soils (Springob and Kirchmann, 2002. This 278

presumption is supported by the weaker correlation (table II and figure 3) of SOC and 279

Cmic on the Red Area sites (r = 0.57) relative to the reference site (r = 0.92). It is 280

additionally, underlined by very low Cmic/SOC ratios, which were significantly 281


negatively correlated with the SOC stocks (table II and figure 3). This signifies that an 282

increase in SOC only allows little growth of the microbial population (Wardle, 1992), 283

and indicate a poor quality of SOC resources. 284

There are some indications that the reference site is an area of high competition for N. 285

The Nt and the Nmic storages (table II and figure 3) were negatively correlated with the 286

root stocks. This seems to be unusual, since the rhizosphere supports high microbial 287

populations (Paterson, 2003). This general fact is supported by the high Nmic storage on 288

the reference site. Nevertheless, the rooting zone appeared as a depletion zone for N, 289

perhaps due to the high coverage of graminoids (table I) with opportunistic nutrient 290

acquisition (Michelsen et al., 1999). In the soils of the Red Area there is any relation to 291

the root stocks. The restored soils could be dominated by a more strategic type of 292

microorganisms which take up N at low rates (Kinzig and Harte, 1998). Plants have a 293

better access to N, which provides more biomass production (Paterson, 2003). In return, 294

plant biomass production provides more energy-rich root exudates promoting the 295

microbial population. These assumptions are supported by the wide Cmic/Nmic ratio on 296

the training area sites. 297

The activity of acid phosphatase is highest on the reference site, indicating the strongest 298

demand for P (McGill and Cole, 1981). This could be expected, since nearly the same 299

amount of P was analyzed for every site but bigger populations of plants and 300

microorganisms occurred at the reference site. Although there was little or no 301

correlation between acid phosphatase activity and total P and N stocks, there are some 302

remarkable relationships between the elements ratios (table II and figure 3). The C/N 303

and C/P ratios are rough indicators for the availability of these elements (Swift et al., 304

1979). On the reference site, there was no relationship between the C/P ratio and 305


phosphatase activity, but a negative correlation with the C/N ratio. This might indicate a 306

suppression of the enzyme synthesis via N limitation, which in turn points to a 307

limitation of P mineralization by N (Olander and Vitousek, 2000). The Red Area sites 308

showed a strong positive correlation with the C/P ratio and a weak positive correlation 309

with the C/N ratio. Therefore, enzyme production does not appear to be limited by N 310

availability and production of acid phosphatase is regulated by biotic P demand (McGill 311

and Cole, 1981). We expect, that the AcP will rise with growing demand of P of the 312

increasing vegetation coverage. If, or when, enzyme synthesis on the Red Areas will get 313

limited by N availability depends on the relationships between microbial fixation, 314

atmospheric input and demand of vegetation of both N and P. 315

4.3. Recultivation techniques 316

Between the restored sites, significant differences in the storage of SOC and Nt exist. 317

The lowest storage on the succession site is most likely due to the absence of 318

recultivation. Vegetation progressed slower than on recultivated sites. The regeneration 319

ratio after ten years (table III, 37 %) is well comparable to values given by Sparling et 320

al. (2003) for eroded and not recultivated sites. In contrast, the storages of SOC and Nt 321

on the heath site did not differ significantly to the reference. Reasons might be a less 322

pronounced degradation and, additionally a faster vegetation progression or unrecorded 323

differences in recultivation patterns. 324

Due to the differing SOC and Nt storages, Cmic/SOC or Nmic/Nt ratios are more striking 325

indicators between different sites (Sparling 1997). Microbial ratios are highest on the 326

succession site and lowest on the festuca site. Differences between the two other sites 327

are not significant. High microbial ratios indicate an input of easy degradable resources 328

(Jörgensen et al., 1995; Wardle, 2002; Dilly, 2004). On the succession site this may be a 329


result of the higher diversity of plant species (Stephan et al., 2000, Berg and 330

McClaugherty, 2003) or easy degradable birch litter (Smolander et al., 2005) which was 331

absent on the other sites. Additionally, the vegetation coverage is more dense (60 %) 332

than on the other sites. Lowest vegetation coverage occurred on the festuca site (20 %) 333

and the fine coarse litter is easily moved by aeolian transport. Consequently, on the 334

festuca site, aboveground litter input should be small. 335

Recultivation accelerated the regeneration of the C and N storage in the soil. Sparling et 336

al. (2003) observed a regeneration ratio of 60 % after 40 years, while in the present 337

study this was approximately the ratio of the festuca and heath & festuca sites. For Cmic 338

no acceleration occurred. While Sparling et al. (2003) reported a regeneration ratio for 339

Cmic of about 42 % after 10 years, this value was only shown for the heath site, which 340

had very high C and N storages. The Cmic/SOC ratio is lower on all sites compared to 341

the reference. This seems to be unusual because this ratio often exceeds the ratio of 342

undisturbed sites during regeneration (Ross et al., 1982, 1984; Sparling et al., 2003). For 343

this specific case, the conclusion of Sparling et al. (2003) that soil chemical properties 344

are as effective as more complicated biochemical measurements to monitor topsoil 345

recovery is not supported. There are important differences in regeneration patterns 346

between chemical and microbiological soil properties. 347

5. Conclusions 348

5.1. Reference data 349

The choice of the reference data is of essential importance in recovery studies (White 350

and Walker, 1997). The lack of comparable data is a general problem for the validation 351

of the study results. For the presented study, only data of Jensen et al. (2003) confirm 352

the range of values of Cmic and Nmic. For the activity of acid phosphatase no evaluation 353


is possible, but the activity of the reference site is relatively low (365 pkat g-1) compared 354

to the reported range (55 – 5800 pkat g-1) among several ecosystems (Olander and 355

Vitousek, 2000). 356

5.2. Restored and reference sites 357

After ten years, there are still big differences in the interplay of parameters, expressed as 358

linear correlation, between soil properties of the investigated sites. The most obvious 359

difference is the much weaker correlation between SOM (SOC and Nt) and microbial 360

biomass (Cmic and Nmic) as well as the less pronunced slope of the regression line for the 361

“Red Area” soils. Therefore, the carrying capacity of one unit SOM for microbial 362

biomass is smaller on the disturbed sites, indicating recalcitrant SOM. Nevertheless, 363

there are some indications for a more pronounced N-deficiency on the reference site. 364

First, the negative correlations between root- and Nt- or Nmic-storage on the reference 365

site, showing competitive interactions between microorganisms and plants. This 366

dependence is absent on the disturbed sites. Second, the synthesis of enzymes is 367

surpressed through N-deficiency on the refence site and stimulated through P-deficiency 368

on the disturbed sites. This might be a P-co-limitation due to the high N-demand on the 369

refence site. 370

5.3. Recultivation techniques 371

The Cmic/SOC or Nmic/Nt-ratios are indicators for the decomposability of SOM. 372

Additionally, the nutrient content of the microbial biomass is normalized to the nutrient 373

content of the soil. Therefore, these are the most striking indicators (Sparling, 1997) for 374

typical conditions of heathland soils. 375

The restoration of heathland only with F. filiformis is not recommendable from a soil 376

ecological point of view. Despite of high stocks of SOC and Nt, Cmic and Nmic stocks are 377


very low. That is why the Cmic/SOC and Nmic/Nt-ratios are far away from typical 378

heathland soil conditions. On the succession site, the stocks of Cmic and Nmic are 379

comparable low to the festuca site. Nevertheless, on the succession site this is also the 380

case for SOC and Nt. Thus, the Cmic/SOC and Nmic/Nt-ratios are closest to the reference 381

site. Concerning the C-cycle (Cmic/SOC-ratio), the sites heath and heath & festuca show 382

similar values. Nevertheless, there is some indication of a better recovery of the N-cycle 383

on the heath & festuca site, because of the slightly higher Nmic/Nt-ratio. However, the 384

differences of the mean values are not significant. 385

From this perspective, no recultivation action (succession) should be favoured, but there 386

are other reasons not to prefer succession. First, all sites had no or only minimum 387

inclination. On slopes, recultivation promoting the developement of vegetation coverage 388

is essential to avoid heavy water erosion on-site damage. Second, the convention of the 389

restoration aim has to be considered: if succession (with the restriction of tree-removal) 390

is allowed, the resulting vegetation is more of an acidic grassland character with A. 391

capillaris (table I). 392

The hypothesis, that the restoration with heath & festuca leads to the best approximation 393

of the soil conditions of the reference site is approved under the condition, that the aim 394

is Calluna-dominated heathland. 395

Acknowledgements 396

We would like to thank Dr. Johannes Prüter and Tobias Keienburg from the Alfred 397

Töpfer Akademie für Naturschutz (NNA), who supported us with enormous knowledge 398

and granted access to the research plots. We are also very thankful to Petra Voigt and 399

Anja Södje, who performed skilful laboratory analysis. 400

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Table I: Land cover and restoration characteristics of disturbed and restored heathlands 575 in Schneverdingen, Germany 576

No. research plot restoration management vegetation coverage (%)

dominant species (% coverage)

1 heath spreading of plaggen-material from 0,1 ha ha-1

45 C. vulgaris (40) A. capillaris (5)

2 heath & festuca combination of 1 and 3 45 C. vulgaris (30) F.filiformis (15)

3 festuca spreading of 30-50 kg seeds ha-1

20 F. filiformis (20)

4 succession episodical tree removal 60 A. capillaris (35) C. vulgaris (20) C. canescens (5)

5 reference - 100 C. vulgaris (60) D. flexuosa (40)



Table II: Pearsson correlation coefficients of chemical or physical with biochemical 578 properties of the Haplic Podzols (10 cm depth) of disturbed and restored heathlands in 579 Schneverdingen, Germany 580 Property Cmic Nmic Cmic/Nmic Cmic/SOC Nmic/Nt Acp

pH -0.65 -0.39

* **

-0.63 -0.43

* **

-0.26 0.06

0.24 0.01



0.38 -0.45


Bulk density

0.37 0.07

0.38 0.07

0.10 0.01

-0.14 0.01

-0.01 0.03

-0.08 -0.33


Root storage

-0.55 -0.21


-0.70 -0.05


0.24 -0.25

0.07 0.10

0.10 0.27


-0.39 -0.22

SOC 0.92 0.57

*** ***

0.93 0.65

*** ***

0.29 -0.12

-0.52 -0.67


-0.69 -0.58

* ***

0.19 0.45


Total N 0.95 0.59

*** ***

0.98 0.66

*** ***

0.22 -0.10

-0.38 -0.63


-0.63 -0.58

* ***

0.35 0.42


Total P 0.71 0.45

* **

0.72 0.41

** **

0.20 0.06

-0.61 -0.59

* ***

-0.77 -0.60

** ***

0.21 0.18

C/N ratio 0.30 0.17

0.21 0.27


0.35 -0.14

-0.68 -0.50

* ***

-0.48 -0.25

-0.59 0.37

* **

C/P ratio 0.80 0.47

** **

0.80 0.65

** ***

0.28 -0.27


-0.20 -0.47


-0.31 -0.30


0.09 0.58


upper number: reference (n = 10); lower number Red Area (n = 40) 581 data log-normal distributed, level of significance: * p ≤ 0.05; ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001 582



Table III: recovery ratios (%) of disturbed sites after 10 years relative to the reference 584 site and comparison with data of eroded sites 585 Site Ld pH SOC Nt Pt C/N C/P Cmic Nmic Cmic/SOC Nmic/Nt AcP

*) 125 103 33 35 nd 94 nd 42 nd 124 nd 38

heath 106 114 91 88 111 103 86 44 24 50 29 34 heath & Festuca

118 124 59 58 98 103 59 29 20 54 36 17

Festuca 109 120 72 64 106 116 71 22 17 32 28 39

succession 112 125 37 37 80 100 45 25 15 75 40 21

*) after Sparling et al. (2003), partly recalculated; nd: not determined 586

Figure 1: Box plots of physical and chemical parameters of the soils (10 cm depth)

different letters indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05); n = 10 per site; solid bars:

interquartile range; dashed line: median; solid line: arithmetic mean

Figure 2: Box plots of biochemical parameters of the soils (10 cm depth)

different letters indicate significant differences (p ≤ 0.05); n = 10 per site; solid bars:

interquartile range; dashed line: median; solid line: arithmetic mean

Figure 3: Scatter plots with regression lines of selected properties. According to the cluster

analysis the data is classified into two groups: reference site (open circle, n = 10) and “Red

Area” group (full circle, n = 40). For correlation coefficients and level of significance see

table 5